
Sample records for aluviales distales evidencias

  1. Sedimentología y petrología de los abanicos aluviales y facies adyacentes en el Neogeno de Paracuellos de Jarama (Madrid

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    Alonso, M.


    Full Text Available Lateral and vertical variations of middle Miocene lithofacies (Lower and Intermediate Units of the Miocene of the Madrid Basin have been analyzed in the Paracuellos de Jarama area, near Madrid. A complete transition from medial to distal alluvial fan facies and palustrinelshaltow 1acustrine deposits can be observed. This sedimentary evolution is inferred from the detailed sedimentological. analysis carried out in each of the previously defined lithostratigraphic units: a1 Green shale and dolomite Unit, a2 Brown clays, arkosic and carbonate Unit; these two units are linked together into a Lower Group. b Coarse Arkosic Unit (Upper Group. Facies relationsbips within the Lower Group show a lateral change pattern between alluvial fan deposits, and palustrine deposits. Also the former ones gradually prograde over the palustrine deposits, as deduced from vertical evolution in the southernmost parts of the area. Upper Group represents a sudden progradation of the alluvial fan systems, that extensively overlie the distal facies observed in the Lower Group.
    Wide development of calcretes, sepiolite deposits, and nodular chert is an outstanding feature in the most distal parts of the alluvial fan bodies. They are studied in some detail provided the scarcity of well described examples of facies relationships in the kinds of deposits.

    Se estudia en este trabajo la variación lateral y vertical de las litofacies del Mioceno medio (Unidades Inferior e Intermedia en el área de Paracuellos de Jarama, próxima a Madrid, quedando representada en este área una transición completa entre depósitos de facies medias de abenícos aluviales y depósitos de ámbitos palustres. Estas conclusiones se extraen a partir del análisis sedimentológico realizado en cada una de las unidades previamente definidas: a Unidad de arcillas verdes y carbonatos y Unidad de arcillas pardas, arcillas y carbonatos en el Conjunto Inferior; b Unidad de

  2. Caracterización de dos sistemas de abanicos aluviales húmedos en el Terciario de la Depresión Intermedia (Cuenca-Guadalajara)


    de TORRES, T.; ZAPATA, J. L.


    En este trabajo se comparan las características de dos abanicos aluviales del Primer Ciclo Neógeno (Ageniense superior-Aragoniense inferior) de la Depresion Intermedia. Estos abanicos tienen una serie de características comunes como: área fuente en la Cordillera Ibérica, períodos alternantes de funcinamiento de canales de baja y alta sinuosidad e interdigitación distal con depósitos lacustres de yesos bioturbados. Se diferencian en la orientación de paleocorrientes y presencia en uno de ellos...

  3. Transformaciones edaficas y diageneticas de los depositos aluviales distales del mioceno de la cuenca de Madrid, area de Paracuellos de Jarama

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    Alonso-Zarza, A. Mª


    Full Text Available The distal aluvial fan and the palustrine deposits of the Paracuellos de Jarama area display a variety of specific pedogenic and diagenetic features. The processes affecting these sediments were controlled by: the sedimentary environment, the lithology and initia1 texture of the sediments and by the pedogenic-diagenetic environment in which the transformations occurred. Thus, in the distal alluvial areas (PEL profile the first processes were the formation of thin carbonate laminae and sepiolite, further, these deposits were silicified and later, a spheroidal dolomite is formed on the opaline chert. In lacustnne environments (UPC profile, drying and root activity led to the formation of palustrine carbonates that were silicified, and the initial texture and structure were preserved. The silicification consisted on a pseudomorphic replacement that produced mainly opal whereas quartz was formed mostly by cementation and ageing of previous opal. In both environments, when the silicification occurs on sepiolite, or micrite with sepiolite, atypical microfibrous opal is produced. This replacement can lead to the release of Mg, favounng a later formation of dolomite on the opaline chert, with evidence of bacteria1 activity. Al1 these processes occurred in a shallow phreatic or even vadose environment.Los depósitos distales de los abanicos aluviales arcósicos y también los carbonatos palustres del área de Paracuellos de Jarama presentan rasgos muy específicos debidos a los procesos edáficos y diagenéticos que han sufrido. Los procesos que han afectado a estos sedimentos, y su intensidad, estuvieron controlados por: el ambiente sedimentario, la litología y textura/estructura inicial del material y también por el ambiente pedogénico- diagenético superficial en el que se han desarrollado las transformaciones. Así, en las lutitas de las zonas distales de los abanicos (perfil PEL se forman inicialmente láminas de carbonato edáfico y sepiolita

  4. Estudio comparativo del sistema aluvial del borde suroccidental de los Catalanides, en la transversal del Prat de Compte (Tarragona) y los abanicos aluviales de Pobla de Segur (Prepirineo de Lérida)




    Se estudian dos sistemas aluviales paleógenos situados en un contexto geológico regional parcialmente diferente. El sistema aluvial de los Catalánides meridionales se iocaliza en el borde activo de una amplia depresión marginal, donde se desarroiian tres sistemas sedimentanos principales: aluvial, fluvial y lacustre. Este conjunto de sistemas presenta una sucesión vertical cíclica, con el núcleo de la secuencia formado por los abanicos aluviales de Prat de Compte. Los abanicos de Pobla de Seg...

  5. Los sistemas aluviales miocenos del borde noreste de la Cuenca de Madrid: sector Cifuentes - Las Inviernas (Guadalajara)


    Alonso-Zarza, Ana María; Calvo Sorando, José Pedro; García del Cura, M. Ángeles; Hoyos,, M.


    El relleno mioceno en el borde noreste de la Cuenca de Madrid aparece constituido por varios complejos detríticos que se desarrollan a partir de los relieves mesozoicos de la Cordillera Ibérica, que constituye en este área el borde de la cuenca terciaria. Se definen esencialmente dos tipos de sistemas deposicionales dentro de las áreas marginales de la cuenca: abanicos aluviales y depósitos de ladera. Dentro de los primeros, que constituyen los elementos de mayor envergadura y los contribu...

  6. Caracterización de dos sistemas de abanicos aluviales húmedos en el Terciario de la Depresión Intermedia (Cuenca-Guadalajara)


    Torres Pérez-Hidalgo, Trinidad José


    En este trabajo se comparan las características de dos abanicos aluviales del Primer Ciclo Neógeno (Ageniense superior-Aragoniense inferior) de la Depresion Intermedia. Estos abanicos tienen una serie de características comunes como: área fuente en la Cordillera Ibérica, períodos alternantes de funcinamiento de canales de baja y alta sinuosidad e interdigitación dista1 con depósitos lacustres de yesos bioturbados. Se diferencian en la orientación de paleocorrientes y presenc...

  7. Medicina basada en la evidencia (MBE: Ventajas

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    L.M. Junquera


    Full Text Available La Medicina basada en la Evidencia (MBE se define como un proceso cuyo objetivo es la selección de los mejores argumentos científicos para la resolución de los problemas que la práctica médica cotidiana plantea. Filosóficamente es un nuevo paradigma (verificacionista, que se ha extendido a todas las profesiones sanitarias (Cirugía Basada en la Evidencia, Odontología Basada en la Evidencia, etc., soportado por los avances tecnológicos. Aunque sus ventajas son evidentes, también se han reconocido limitaciones, especialmente en lo concerniente a la práctica quirúrgica. En el presente trabajo se revisan los fundamentos y principales ventajas de la MBE.Evidence Based Medicine (EBM is defined as a process whose objective is the selection of the best scientific arguments for the resolution of problems in the medical practice. Phylosophically, it is a new paradigm that has been extended to all the sanitary professions (Evidence Based Surgery, Evidence Based Dentistry, etc., sustained by the technological advances. Although their advantages are evident, also there have been recognized limitations, specially concerning the surgical practice. At the present work the bases and the main advantages of the EBM are checked.

  8. Medicina basada en la evidencia.

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    José Félix Patiño Restrepo


    Full Text Available

    El concepto de Medicina Basada en la Evidencia fue descrito en la Universidad de McMaster en el Canadá, como una nueva manera de enseñar y de practicar medicina. Pero fue en la Universidad de Oxford donde se hicieron los primeros planteamientos por el epidemiólogo Archie Cochrane, quien afirmó la necesidad de disponer de revisiones sistemáticas de los estudios prospectivos y randomizados en el campo de la atención medica. La Cochrane Collaboration, la Cochrane Network y la Cochrane Library constituyen una formidable organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro destinada a proveer información sistematizada sobre resultados de estudios prospectivos y controlados como fundamento para una atención de la salud de alta calidad.

    La medicina basada en la evidencia integra la mejor evidencia científica disponible con la experiencia y la habilidad clínica, con el conocimiento de la fisiopatología y con las preferencias de los pacientes, para una toma de decisiones fundamentada en datos e información cuya veracidad y exactitud estén rigurosamente comprobados, o sea una práctica médica basada en los resultados de investigación científica de la mejor calidad. La mejor evidencia científica surge de ensayos prospectivos y rigurosamente controlados, los estudios clínicos randomizados* (ECR, que también se conocen como estudios clínicos controlados (ECC.

    El concepto de medicina basada en la evidencia ha llevado al desarrollo de guías de práctica clínica, cuyo objetivo es objetivo es la estandarización de conductas a fin de minimizar variaciones en los patrones de la práctica médica, reducir la mala calidad de la atención, controlar diferencias geográficas en los patrones del ejercicio profesional y racionalizar costos. La Asociación Médica Americana prefiere la denominación “parámetros de práctica clínica”.

    El concepto de medicina basada en la evidencia fue descrito en forma clásica en la

  9. Evidencia de la gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva en incontinencia urinaria


    Coscarón Molano, Alazne


    Objetivo: Mostrar la evidencia del uso de la GAH en la reeducación perineal del empleo del entrenamiento muscular del suelo pélvico cuya evidencia científica se ha demostrado con estudios a lo largo de los años. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada desde el año 2007 hasta el momento sobre la gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva en las disfunciones pélvicas. Se buscó en la base de datos Pubmed, Sciencedirect y en revistas y libros electrónicos mediante la universidad, también ...

  10. Los depósitos aluviales del paleógeno basal en el sector suroriental de la Cuenca del Duero (provincia de Segovia: evolución y minerales de la arcilla característicos

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    Garzón, M. G.


    Sequence», dominated by arid or semiarid alluvial fans. For this reason, this episode presents an important development of duricrusts and palygorskite is the characteristic clay mineral, probably related with the edafic processes found in the frequent calcrete profiles appearing in these units.En este trabajo se estudian las facies detríticas que constituyen el ciclo prearcósico y la base del ciclo arcósico (de edad paleógena del borde suroriental de la cuenca del Duero. La cartografía geológica y la correlación litológica realizadas han permitido diferenciar cuatro unidades litoestratigráficas que, asimismo, presentan distintas asociaciones de minerales de la arcilla: unidad T.1.1., compuesta por arcillas y arenas cuarzosas, en la que la asociación de minerales de la arcilla es illita + caolinita; unidad T.1.2., de arenas cuarzosas con paleosuelos ferruginosos y esmectita corno mineral de la arcilla característico; unidad T.2.1., de conglomerados polimícticos, arenas arcósicas y arcillas, con frecuentes niveles de calcreta y palygorskita como mineral de la arcilla característico; unidad T.2.2., compuesta por arenas arcósicas, con niveles de encostramiento similares a los de la unidad anterior y esmectita e illita como minerales de la arcilla principales. Las dos primeras unidades son transicionales y presentan una relación genética, correspondiendo a una «Primera Secuencia Deposicional», que es granocreciente y representa una evolución progradante desde un sistema braided distal (T.1.1. a un sistema braided proximal (T.1.2., correspondientes a abanicos aluviales húmedos. Las unidades T.2.1. y T.2.2. forman una «Segunda Secuencia Deposicional», granodecreciente a gran escala, y refleja la transición desde partes proximales (T.2.l. a medias (T.2.2. de abanicos aluviales áridos a semiáridos. A partir del estudio mineralógico y sedimentológico puede concluirse que durante la sedimentación de estos materiales tuvo lugar un importante

  11. DISTAL MYOPATHIES (United States)

    Dimachkie, Mazen M.; Barohn, Richard J.


    Over a century ago, Gowers described two young patients in whom distal muscles weakness involved the hand, foot, sternocleidomastoid, and facial muscles in the other case the shoulder and distal leg musculature. Soon after, , similar distal myopathy cases were reported whereby the absence of sensory symptoms and of pathologic changes in the peripheral nerves and spinal cord at postmortem examination allowed differentiation from Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. In 1951, Welander described autosomal dominant (AD) distal arm myopathy in a large Scandanavian cohort. Since then the number of well-characterized distal myopathies has continued to grow such that the distal myopathies have formed a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders. Affected kindred commonly manifest weakness that is limited to foot and toe muscles even in advanced stages of the disease, with variable mild proximal leg, distal arm, neck and laryngeal muscle involvement in selected individuals. An interesting consequence of the molecular characterization of the distal myopathies has been the recognition that mutation in a single gene can lead to more than one clinical disorder. For example, Myoshi myopathy (MM) and limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) type 2B are allelic disorders due to defects in the gene that encodes dysferlin. The six well described distal myopathy syndromes are shown in Table 1. Table 2 lists advances in our understanding of the myofibrillar myopathy group and Table 3 includes more recently delineated and less common distal myopathies. In the same manner, the first section of this review pertains to the more traditional six distal myopathies followed by discussion of the myofibrillar myopathies. In the third section, we review other clinically and genetically distinctive distal myopathy syndromes usually based upon single or smaller family cohorts. The fourth section considers other neuromuscular disorders that are important to recognize as they display prominent

  12. Evidencia clínica en la lumbalgia crónica


    Cuesta Vargas, Antonio Ignacio; Montes Fuentes, Antonio Jesús


    Introducción: Existen pocas guías de práctica clínica basadas en la evidencia en todo el mundo para el manejo de la lumbalgia crónica. Objetivo: realizar una síntesis de la evidencia clínica existente en las intervenciones terapéuticas sobre la lumbalgia crónica y estratificar los resultados hallados. Método: Se ha llevado a cabo una estrategia de búsqueda electrónica sobre las principales bases de datos en lo referente a: Guías de Práctica Clínica, Revisiones Sistemáticas y Ar...

  13. Medicina basada en la evidencia: revisión del concepto

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    Juan Miguel Maestre Uhía


    Full Text Available Title: Evidence-based medicine: review of the concept.Resumen:En el presente artículo se revisa el concepto de medicina basada en evidencias (MBE; la MBE es una forma de engranar la mejor evidencia disponible con la pericia y las habilidades individuales del médico; es también una manera de nutrir la práctica médica con datos científicos. Inicialmente se realiza un recorrido por la historia del concepto, seguidamente se hace una revisión de lo que son niveles de evidencia y grados de recomendación, finalmente se describe de manera concisa la forma de hacer MBE. (DUAZARY 2012 No. 2, 159 - 166AbstractThis article reviews the concept of evidence-based medicine (EBM, EBM is a way to engage the best available evidence with the expertise and individual skills of the doctor is also a way to nurture the practice of medicine with scientific data. The thesis begins with a journey through the history of the concept, then we review what levels of evidence are and grades of recommendation, finally concisely describes how to make MBE.Keywords: Evidence-based medicine; patients; research (MeSH

  14. Secuencias ópalo-arcillosas en zonas de borde de lago (Vicálvaro, cuenca del Tajo).


    Bustillo, Mª Ángeles; Capitán, Javier


    El estudio petrológico y sedimentológico de las rocas opalinas de la Unidad Intermedia (Aragoniense Medio-Superior) en los alrededores de Vicálvaro ha determinado la existencia de dos tipos diferentes de manifestaciones silíceas: niveles opalinos a techo de secuencias de somerización (silcretas de playa-Iake) y formaciones nodulares en facies distales de abanicos aluviales. Las secuencias de somerización son definidas por dos términos generales (A y B), con sus pasos intermedios o de trans...

  15. El Portafolio de evidencias como una modalidad de titulación en las escuelas normales

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    Laura Irene Dino-Morales


    Full Text Available El propósito de la presente investigación documental fue reflexionar sobre la importancia y uso del portafolio de evidencias como una modalidad de titulación en las escuelas normales; esto implica que el futuro docente reflexione y analice su formación y desarrollo de competencias profesionales, vinculándolas con su práctica docente. La metodología empleada consistió en un análisis documental, así como el empleo de la cartografía conceptual para guiar el trabajo a realizar. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar la noción del portafolio de evidencias desde el enfoque socioformativo como un proceso que articula la didáctica con la evaluación y se enfoca en el desarrollo del talento a partir del mejoramiento continuo de las evidencias. Se pudieron determinar los siguientes ejes en la metodología del portafolio: selección de las competencias, determinación de las evidencias, sistematización de las evidencias, evaluación, reflexión y análisis, socialización y titulación. Se sugiere validar la metodología propuesta desde la socioformación y desarrollar una rúbrica analítica que posibilite valorar los portafolios de los estudiantes como modalidad de titulación en las escuelas normales.

  16. Distal corporoplasty for distal cylinders extrusion after penile prosthesis implantation. (United States)

    Carrino, Maurizio; Chiancone, Francesco; Battaglia, Gaetano; Pucci, Luigi; Fedelini, Paolo


    Distal extrusion of cylinders is a potential complication of the penile prosthesis implantation. Several methods have been proposed for repairing a distal penile erosion. We present our preliminary experience in "Distal corporoplasty" technique. We enrolled 18 consecutive patients whose underwent a distal corporoplasty with simultaneous reimplantation of an "AMS 700 inflatable penile prosthesis (LGX)" from January 2013 to November 2015 at our hospital. All procedures were performed by a single surgical team. Intraoperative and postoperative complications have been classified and reported according to Satava6 and Clavien-Dindo (CD) system.7 Mean values with standard deviations (±SD) were computed and reported for all items. Mean age of the patients was 53.61 (±11.90) years. Mean body max index (BMI) was 24.22 (±2.51). Mean operative time was 85.2 (±13.1) minutes. Blood losses were minimal. No intraoperative complications are reported according to Satava classification. Four out of 18 patients (22.22%) experienced postoperative complications according to CD system. All patients had sexual intercourse for the first time postsurgery after a mean of 59.11 ± 2.08 days. Mean follow-up was 22.11 (±9.95). Distal extrusion of cylinders is a potential complication of the penile prosthesis implantation. Distal corporoplasty was first described by Mulcahy. He reported a series of 14 patients with a follow-up of about 2 years with optimal functional outcomes. Moreover, distal corporoplasty resulted in shorter operative time, better function, less pain, and fewer recurrences than Gortex windsock repair.10 In our experience, distal corporoplasty is a simple and safe procedure in the treatment of distal cylinders extrusion when the prosthetic material is not exposed to the exterior.

  17. Mineralogia y sedimentologia del yacimiento de saponita de Yuncos (Toledo

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    Casas Sainz de Aja, J.


    environment.Se estudia la mineralogía y textura de materiales bentoníticos de composición saponítica y sus facies asociadas, en canteras ubicadas al sur de Yuncos (Toledo, en la cuenca neógena de Madrid. Los resultados obtenidos permiten diferenciar tres episodios relacionados con la evolución de los medios sedimentarios, localizándose los depósitos bentoníticos (episodio medio en el contacto entre facies lacustres (episodio inferior y aluviales de orla distal (episodio superior. Episodio inferior: Depósitos de «mud flat» con evidencias de somerización (rasgos paleoedáficos, constituidos por facies de lutitas verdes con terrígenos en proporción variable y moteado hidromórfico a techo. La asociación de minerales de la arcilla es: Esmectita (tridioctaédrica- illita-(caolinita. Episodio medio: Episodio transicional de encharcamiento somero con desarrollo variable de rasgos paleoedáficos. Se caracteriza por facies de lutitas marrones saponíticas con diversas texturas (masivas, laminares-Iajeadas, brechoides y presencia puntual de carbonatos como ooides calcíticos o nódulos dolomíticos. La asociación de minerales de la arcilla es: Esmectita (trioctaédrica-illita-sepiolita-(caolinita. Episodio superior: Progradación de depósitos distales de abanico aluvial. Su asociación de facies está constituida por «mudstones» rojizos a marrones con frecuente bioturbación y moteado hidromórfico, con esporádicas intercalaciones samíticas. La asociación de minerales de la arcilla es: Esmectita (tri-dioctaédrica-illita-sepiolita-(caolinita-clorita. Entre los minerales de la arcilla, se interpretan como heredados illita, esmectita dioctaédrica, caolinita y clorita y autigénicos saponita y sepiolita. La saponita se origina en la diagénesis temprana tanto por procesos de transformación de esmectitas alumínicas heredadas como por neoformación. Este proceso de «saponitización» no es homogéneo, localizándose la saponita más pura en las zonas m

  18. Distal digital replantation. (United States)

    Jazayeri, Leila; Klausner, Jill Q; Chang, James


    Hand surgeons have been hesitant to perform distal digital replantation because of the technical challenges and the perception of a high cost-to-benefit ratio. Recent studies, however, have shown high survival rates and excellent functional and aesthetic results, providing renewed enthusiasm for distal replantation. The authors reviewed the literature and summarize key points regarding the surgical treatment, perioperative care, and outcomes of distal digital replantation. They describe specific techniques and considerations for surgical repair in each of four distal zones as described by Sebastin and Chung. Zone 1A replantation involves an artery-only anastomosis of a longitudinal pulp artery. Venous anastomosis first becomes possible in zone 1B. Zone 1C involves periarticular amputations where arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint is usually indicated. Repair of the artery, vein, and nerve is technically optimal in zone 1D, where venous anastomosis should be performed. Overall, survival rates for distal digital replantation are similar to those reported for more proximal replantation. The literature reports good outcomes regarding nail salvage, fingertip sensibility, and range of motion, with restoration of length and aesthetic appearance. Distal replantation performed at institutions that specialize in microsurgery and specifically tailored to the level of injury is associated with good survival, function, and patient satisfaction and superior aesthetic outcome. More prospective data are needed to evaluate the cost of treatment, psychological outcomes, and functional outcomes of distal replantation compared with revision amputation.

  19. Maxillary molar distalization with the dual-force distalizer supported by mini-implants: a clinical study. (United States)

    Oberti, Giovanni; Villegas, Carlos; Ealo, Martha; Palacio, John Camilo; Baccetti, Tiziano


    The objective of this prospective study was to describe the clinical effects of a bone-supported molar distalizing appliance, the dual-force distalizer. The study group included 16 patients (mean age, 14.3 years) with Class II molar relationships. Study models and lateral cephalograms were taken before and after the distalizing movement to record significant dental and skeletal changes (Wilcoxon test). The average distalization time was 5 months, with a movement rate of 1.2 mm per month; the distalization amounts were 5.9 +/- 1.72 mm at the crown level and 4.4 +/- 1.41 mm at the furcation level. The average molar inclination was 5.6 degrees +/- 3.7 degrees ; this was less than the amount of inclination generated by bone-supported appliances that use single distalizing forces. The correlation between inclination and distalization was not significant, indicating predominantly bodily movement. The teeth anterior to the first molar moved distally also; the second premolars distalized an average of 4.26 mm, and the incisors retruded by 0.53 mm. The dual-force distalizer is a valid alternative distalizing appliance that generates controlled molar distalization with a good rate of movement and no loss of anchorage.





    RESUMEN Aunque existen algunos esfuerzos por integrar las perspectivas de capacidades y la economía de los costos de transacción, los avances en esa dirección son escasos. La integración de esas dos perspectivas es una emergente área de estudio llamada capacidad transaccional. Este artículo tiene por objetivo examinar la capacidad transaccional de firmas que operan en el sistema financiero peruano. El método escogido para la búsqueda de evidencias en ese sector es el estudio de casos múltiple...

  1. Reverse Distal Transverse Palmar Arch in Distal Digital Replantation. (United States)

    Wei, Ching-Yueh; Orozco, Oscar; Vinagre, Gustavo; Shafarenko, Mark


    Refinements in microsurgery have made distal finger replantation an established technique with high success rates and good functional and aesthetic outcomes. However, it still represents a technically demanding procedure due to the small vessel caliber and frequent lack of vessel length, requiring the use of interpositional venous grafts in some instances. We describe a new technique for anastomosis in fingertip replantation, whereby the need for venous grafts is eliminated. Applying the reverse distal transverse palmar arch technique, 11 cases of distal digital replantation were performed between January 2011 and July 2016. The described procedure was used for arterial anastomosis in 10 cases and arteriovenous shunting for venous drainage in 1 case. A retrospective case review was conducted. The technical description and clinical outcome evaluations are presented. Ten of the 11 replanted digits survived, corresponding to an overall success rate of 91%. One replant failed due to venous insufficiency. Blood transfusions were not required for any of the patients. Follow-up (range, 1.5-5 months) revealed near-normal range of motion and good aesthetic results. All of the replanted digits developed protective sensation. The average length of hospital admission was 5 days. All patients were satisfied with the results and were able to return to their previous work. The use of the reverse distal transverse palmar arch is a novel and reliable technique in distal digital replantation when an increase in vessel length is required, allowing for a tension-free arterial repair without the need for vein grafts.

  2. Innovaciones, investigación y evidencias en educación médica: La colaboración EMBE (Educación Médica Basada en la mejor Evidencia

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    Ángel M. Centeno

    Full Text Available Aunque la educación ha constituido siempre un componente esencial de la profesión médica, su desarrollo explícito y específico sólo se ha iniciado en las últimas décadas. La investigación en educación médica está todavía en una etapa muy inicial de su desarrollo. Las intervenciones educativas son habitualmente complejas y de carácter cualitativo; resulta, por ello, difícil, aunque indispensable, obtener evidencias científicas que avalen tanto los diversos métodos educativos utilizados como los instrumentos de evaluación que se emplean en los diferentes niveles de la formación médica. A partir de la perspectiva y de las estrategias generadas por las metodologías de la medicina basada en la evidencia, ha surgido recientemente la Colaboración EMBE como una red internacional que tiene como objetivo prioritario recoger y promover el despliegue de la mejor evidencia de la cual se pueda disponer sobre el rigor y la calidad de los actuales y de los nuevos métodos educativos y evaluativos en el ámbito de la profesión médica, a fin de optimizar el uso de la extraordinaria inversión que realiza la sociedad en la formación de los profesionales en atención médica.

  3. Evidencia científica en sandblasting y neumopatías

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    Katlhyn Vanessa Camargo García

    Full Text Available Un importante número de estudios publicados recientemente ponen de manifiesto la asociación entre el sandblasting y el desarrollo de silicosis en formas graves. La silicosis es una enfermedad intersticial difusa producida por inhalación mantenida de sílice cristalina. No tiene tratamiento efectivo y su presentación y curso clínico son variables; haciendo la prevención y el diagnostico precoz, dos aspectos fundamentales en su control. Las fuentes de exposición a sílice son muy numerosas y se producen de forma casi exclusiva en el ámbito laboral. El sandblasting consiste en proyectar un chorro de arena contra una superficie con aire comprimido o vapor para limpiar, pulir y mejorar, etc. superficies duras. Los objetivos son: identificar la evidencia científica existente entre sandblasting y el desarrollo de silicosis, si existe relación dosis-respuesta, establecer los factores de riesgos del sandblasting, las condiciones de vulnerabilidad, el papel de los EPI en la prevención de silicosis en estos trabajadores e identificar la comorbilidad. Se ha realizado la búsqueda bibliográfica de artículos publicados entre 2006 y diciembre de 2015 en la siguientes bases de datos: Medline, Scopus, Lilacs, Ibecs y OSH. Se seleccionaron por nivel de evidencia y criterios de inclusión-exclusión un total de 20 artículos. La revisión sistemática de estos artículos parece sugerir una asociación concluyente entre el uso de la técnica de sandblasting y el desarrollo de silicosis en formas agresivas. No obstante el diseño descriptivo y transversal de la mayoría de los artículos seleccionados, invitan a realizar estudios con mejores diseños, para conseguir mayor nivel de evidencia.

  4. Su excelencia: la medicina basada en evidencias


    Boucourt Rivera, Larissa


    La última etapa del siglo XX produjo nuevos retos y tendencias en la práctica de la medicina; la llamada medicina moderna se robustece con un nuevo modelo de práctica clínica: la medicina basada en evidencias. Se establece el origen, filosofía, evolución y lineamientos de este nuevo enfoque y se ofrece una panorámica sobre sus perspectivas de desarrollo en la sociedad actual. Se tratan los retos que plantea al profesional de la información como gestor de la información, del aprendizaje y del ...

  5. Evidenciação de Subvenção e Assistência Governamentais das Empresas na BM&FBovespa

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    Kelen Benetti, Karen Benetti


    Full Text Available A convergência da contabilidade aos padrões internacionais por meio das International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS trouxe significativas alterações na legislação brasileira. Dentre elas, ocorreram modificações no que tange às subvenções e assistências governamentais (SAGs, com a publicação do Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 07 (2010. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo é verificar o nível de evidenciação das SAGs das empresas que integram os setores da BM&FBovespa em conformidade com o Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 07 (2010. A pesquisa classifica-se como descritiva e documental, com abordagem predominantemente quantitativa com análise de dados por meio de estatística descritiva e entropia informacional. A amostra utilizada é não probabilística e intencional, sendo constituída por 144 empresas listadas em 9 setores. O nível de evidenciação foi obtido por meio da coleta de dados no Balanço Patrimonial e nas Notas Explicativas de cada empresa, referente ao ano de 2010 e, posteriormente, analisado com base nos itens que compõe as variáveis da pesquisa elaborado em consonância com o CPC 07 (2010. Os resultados apontam que, dos itens analisados, os que apresentaram maior evidenciação tratam da evidenciação da política contábil adotada pela entidade para as subvenções governamentais, incluindo os métodos de apresentação e da evidenciação da natureza e dos montantes de SAGs que foram reconhecidos nas demonstrações contábeis da entidade. Verificou-se que ocorreu a evidenciação de subvenções e assistências governamentais, com predomínio nos setores de Consumo Cíclico, Materiais Básicos e Utilidade Pública, porém, as empresas efetuaram a evidenciação de forma satisfatória, e atendendo de forma parcial o Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 07 (2010.

  6. [Distal clavicle fracture]. (United States)

    Seppel, G; Lenich, A; Imhoff, A B


    Reposition and fixation of unstable distal clavicle fractures with a low profile locking plate (Acumed, Hempshire, UK) in conjunction with a button/suture augmentation cerclage (DogBone/FibreTape, Arthrex, Naples, FL, USA). Unstable fractures of the distal clavicle (Jäger and Breitner IIA) in adults. Unstable fractures of the distal clavicle (Jäger and Breitner IV) in children. Distal clavicle fractures (Jäger and Breitner I, IIB or III) with marked dislocation, injury of nerves and vessels, or high functional demand. Patients in poor general condition. Fractures of the distal clavicle (Jäger and Breitner I, IIB or III) without marked dislocation or vertical instability. Local soft-tissue infection. Combination procedure: Initially the lateral part of the clavicle is exposed by a 4 cm skin incision. After reduction of the fracture, stabilization is performed with a low profile locking distal clavicle plate. Using a special guiding device, a transclavicular-transcoracoidal hole is drilled under arthroscopic view. Additional vertical stabilization is arthroscopically achieved by shuttling the DogBone/FibreTape cerclage from the lateral portal cranially through the clavicular plate. The two ends of the FibreTape cerclage are brought cranially via adjacent holes of the locking plate while the DogBone button is placed under the coracoid process. Thus, plate bridging is achieved. Finally reduction is performed and the cerclage is secured by surgical knotting. Use of an arm sling for 6 weeks. Due to the fact that the described technique is a relatively new procedure, long-term results are lacking. In the short term, patients postoperatively report high subjective satisfaction without persistent pain.

  7. Spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy in trauma. (United States)

    Schellenberg, Morgan; Inaba, Kenji; Cheng, Vincent; Bardes, James M; Lam, Lydia; Benjamin, Elizabeth; Matsushima, Kazuhide; Demetriades, Demetrios


    Traumatic injuries to the distal pancreas are infrequent. Universally accepted recommendations about the need for routine splenectomy with distal pancreatectomy do not exist. The aims of this study were to compare outcomes after distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy versus spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy, and to define the appropriate patient population for splenic preservation. All patients who underwent distal pancreatectomy (January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2014) were identified from the National Trauma Data Bank. Patients with concomitant splenic injury and those who underwent partial splenectomy were excluded. Demographics, clinical data, procedures, and outcomes were collected. Study groups were defined by surgical procedure: distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy versus spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy. Baseline characteristics between groups were compared with univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis was performed with logistic and linear regression to examine differences in outcomes. Over the 8-year study period, 2,223 patients underwent distal pancreatectomy. After excluding 1,381 patients with concomitant splenic injury (62%) and 8 (pancreatectomy and splenectomy, those who underwent spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy were younger (p pancreatectomy (p = 0.017). Complications, mortality, and intensive care unit LOS were not significantly different. In young patients after blunt trauma who are not severely injured, a spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy should be considered to allow for conservation of splenic function and a shorter hospital LOS. In all other patients, the surgeon should not hesitate to remove the spleen with the distal pancreas. Therapy, level IV.

  8. Probióticos, Prebióticos y Salud: Evidencia Científica


    Delgado, Susana; Salazar, Nuria; Sánchez García, Borja; Villar-Tajadura, M. Antonia; Nácher-Vázquez, Montserrat; Olivares, Marta


    24 páginas.-- Resúmenes de las ponencias presentadas al II Workshop Científico: Probióticos, prebióticos y salud: evidencia científica, celebrado en Madrid del 16 al 17 de Diciembre de 2010.-- et al.

  9. Comparison of standard laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy with minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy using the da Vinci S system. (United States)

    Ito, Masahiro; Asano, Yukio; Shimizu, Tomohiro; Uyama, Ichiro; Horiguchi, Akihiko


    Minimally invasive procedures for pancreatic pathologies are increasingly being used, including distal pancreatectomy. This study aimed to assess the indications for and outcomes of the da Vinci distal pancreatectomy procedure. We reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent pancreatic head resection from April 2009 to September 2013. Four patients (mean age, 52.7 years) underwent da Vinci distal pancreatectomy and 10 (mean age, 68.0 +/- 12.1 years) underwent laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. The mean surgical duration was 292 +/- 153 min and 306 +/- 29 min, the mean blood loss was 153 +/- 71 mL and 61.7 +/- 72 mL, and the mean postoperative length of stay was 24 +/- 11 days and 14 +/- 3 days in the da Vinci distal pancreatectomy and laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy groups, respectively. One patient who underwent da Vinci distal pancreatectomy developed a pancreatic fistula, while 2 patients in the laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy group developed splenic ischemia and gastric torsion, respectively. Laparoscopic and robotic pancreatic resection were both safe and feasible in selected patients with distal pancreatic pathologies. Further studies are necessary to clarify the role of robotic surgery in the advanced laparoscopic era.

  10. An innovative technique to distalize maxillary molar using microimplant supported rapid molar distalizer

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    Meenu Goel


    Full Text Available Introduction: In recent years, enhancements in implants have made their use possible as a mode of absolute anchorage in orthodontic patients. In this paper, the authors have introduced an innovative technique to unilaterally distalize the upper left 1 st molar to obtain an ideal Class I molar relationship from a Class II existing molar relationship with an indigenous designed distalizer. Clinical Innovation: For effective unilateral diatalization of molar, a novel cantilever sliding jig assembly was utilized with coil spring supported by a buccally placed single micro implant. The results showed 3 mm of bodily distalization with 1 mm of intrusion and 2° of distal tipping of upper left 1 st molar in 1.5 months. Discussion: This appliance is relatively easy to insert, well-tolerated, and requires minimal patient cooperation compared to other present techniques of molar distalization. Moreover, it is particularly useful in cases that are Class II on one side and Class I on the other, with a minor midline discrepancy and nominal overjet. Patient acceptance level was reported to be within patients physiological and comfort limits.

  11. Distal renal tubular acidosis (United States)

    ... this disorder. Alternative Names Renal tubular acidosis - distal; Renal tubular acidosis type I; Type I RTA; RTA - distal; Classical RTA Images Kidney anatomy Kidney - blood and urine flow References Bose A, Monk RD, Bushinsky DA. Kidney ...

  12. Síncope y escalas de riesgo ¿Qué evidencia se tiene?

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    Guillermo Mora, MD


    Conclusiones: aunque existen varias escalas para la definición de riesgo con el paciente que ingresa por síncope a urgencias, no hay evidencia de que alguna sea superior a otra, tienen poca validez externa y no se han aplicado en nuestro medio.

  13. Distal protection in cardiovascular medicine: current status. (United States)

    Ali, Onn Akbar; Bhindi, Ravinay; McMahon, Aisling C; Brieger, David; Kritharides, Leonard; Lowe, Harry C


    Iatrogenic and spontaneous downstream microembolization of atheromatous material is increasingly recognized as a source of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Devising ways of reducing this distal embolization using a variety of mechanical means--distal protection--is currently under intense and diverse investigation. This review therefore summarizes the present status of distal protection. It examines the problem of distal embolization, describes the available distal protection devices, reviews those areas of cardiovascular medicine where distal protection devices are being investigated, and discusses potential future developments.

  14. [New anterolateral approach of distal femur for treatment of distal femoral fractures]. (United States)

    Zhang, Bin; Dai, Min; Zou, Fan; Luo, Song; Li, Binhua; Qiu, Ping; Nie, Tao


    To assess the effectiveness of the new anterolateral approach of the distal femur for the treatment of distal femoral fractures. Between July 2007 and December 2009, 58 patients with distal femoral fractures were treated by new anterolateral approach of the distal femur in 28 patients (new approach group) and by conventional approach in 30 patients (conventional approach group). There was no significant difference in gender, age, cause of injury, affected side, type of fracture, disease duration, complication, or preoperative intervention (P > 0.05). The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, intraoperative fluoroscopy frequency, hospitalization days, and Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) score of knee were recorded. Operation was successfully completed in all patients of 2 groups, and healing of incision by first intention was obtained; no vascular and nerves injuries occurred. The operation time and intraoperative fluoroscopy frequency of new approach group were significantly less than those of conventional approach group (P 0.05). All patients were followed up 12-36 months (mean, 19.8 months). Bone union was shown on X-ray films; the fracture healing time was (12.62 +/- 2.34) weeks in the new approach group and was (13.78 +/- 1.94) weeks in the conventional approach group, showing no significant difference (t=2.78, P=0.10). The knee HSS score at last follow-up was 94.4 +/- 4.2 in the new approach group, and was 89.2 +/- 6.0 in the conventional approach group, showing significant difference between 2 groups (t=3.85, P=0.00). New anterolateral approach of the distal femur for distal femoral fractures has the advantages of exposure plenitude, minimal tissue trauma, and early function rehabilitation training so as to enhance the function recovery of knee joint.

  15. Análisis y generación de evidencias en reproducción médicamente asistida


    Gutarra Vilchez, Rosa Bertha


    Antecedentes: El acceso a la mejor evidencia científica de reproducción medicamente asistida (RMA) en la práctica clínica es fundamental, ya que la RMA es responsable del 0,2 al 4,3% de nacimientos por año en el mundo, y existe un uso de terminologías y elección de procedimientos controvertidos en este campo. Objetivo: Analizar y generar evidencias sobre diversos aspectos fundamentales de la reproducción medicamente asistida. Métodos: Se realizaron tres trabajos de investigación: 1) un estudi...

  16. Estudio de la evidencia del concepto de grupo en el modelo de adaptación de Roy


    Cavalcante Guedes, María Vilaní; Lopes, Marcos Venícios de Oliveira; Araujo, Thelma Leite de


    El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar el concepto de grupo en el Modelo de Adaptación de Roy tomando por parámetro el criterio interno de evidencia del modelo de análisis de teoría propuesto por Barnum (1998). Discutimos el concepto de grupo con base en diferentes autores, y también según descrito por Roy en sus diversos modos de adaptación. Encontramos que la evidencia del concepto grupo, en los modos de adaptación, se quedó perjudicada y que el Modelo Teórico ...

  17. Liderando cuidados de Enfermería basados en evidencia a través de procesos sistematizados

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    Doris Grinspun


    Full Text Available Los gobiernos de todo el mundo apuntan a mejorar los cuidados de salud, y a optimizar sus resultados a través de iniciativas destinadas a acelerar la integración sistematizada de atención clínica basada en la evidencia. No es sorprendente entonces, que este sea el segundo número de la revista MedUNAB, dedicado a visualizar la transformación sistematizada de la profesión de enfermería a través del uso continuo de evidencia científica en la práctica clínica del día a día.

  18. Evidenciação das Informações Ambientais das Empresas do Setor de Energia Elétrica do Brasil

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    Francineide Eleotério Pereira


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, a questão ambiental ganhou espaço no meio empresarial e tem proporcionado uma maior divulgação das externalidades ecológicas. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetiva identificar o nível de evidenciação ambiental nas demonstrações contábeis das empresas do setor de energia elétrica do Brasil, no ano de 2012. Para tanto, foram selecionadas as empresas brasileiras do setor de energia elétrica classificadas como 100 maiores empresas do Brasil de acordo com a Revista Exame. Desse contingente foram encontradas um total de 13 organizações, destas apenas 8 tiveram suas demonstrações divulgadas no site da BM&FBovespa. Assim, foi realizada uma análise das Notas Explicativas e Relatórios da Administração, levando em consideração a NBC-T 15, para identificar o nível de evidenciação ambiental destas empresas, por meio de um critério de classificação que variou entre ótimo, bom, regular e ruim. O software check list Word foi utilizado para realizar a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciam que as divulgações das informações de natureza ambiental não são identificadas nesses relatórios. As empresas com o nível mais satisfatório (regular, com 36,36% de evidenciação, foram Petrobrás, AES Eletropaulo, Cemig Distribuição e Copel, e as empresas com nível de evidenciação ruim, com 0% de evidenciação, foram Eletrobrás e Ligth Distribuição, denotando que neste segmento empresarial o nível de evidenciação ambiental ainda é frágil e necessita de regulamentação para maior transparência.

  19. Arthroplasty of the distal ulna distal in managing patients with post-traumatic disorders of the distal radioulnar joint: measurement of quality of life

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    Marcio Aurélio Aita


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To measure the quality of life and clinical-functional results from patients diagnosed with osteoarthrosis of the distal radioulnar joint who underwent surgical treatment using the technique of total arthroplasty of the ulna, with a total or partial Ascension(r prosthesis of the distal ulna. METHODS: Ten patients were evaluated after 12 months of follow-up subsequent to total or partial arthroplasty of the distal ulna. All of them presented post-traumatic osteoarthrosis and/or chronic symptomatic instability of the distal radioulnar joint. The study was prospective. Seven patients had previously undergone wrist procedures (two cases with Darrach, three with Sauvé-Kapandji and two with ligament reconstruction of the fibrocartilage complex and three presented fractures of the distal ulna that evolved with pain, instability and osteoarthrosis of the distal radioulnar joint. The following were assessed: quality of life (DASH scale; percentage degree of palm grip strength (kgf and pronosupination range of motion in relation to the unaffected side; pain (VAS; return to work; subjective evaluation of radiography; and complications. RESULTS: The patients presented a mean range of motion of 174.5° (normal side: 180°. Quality of life was analyzed by applying the DASH questionnaire and the mean value found was 5.9. The mean pain score using the VAS was 2.3. The mean degree of palm grip strength (kgf was 50.7, which represented 90.7% of the strength on the unaffected side. The complication rate was 10%: this patient presented slight dorsal instability of the ulna and persistent pain, and did not return to work. This patient is still being followed up in the outpatient clinic and occupational therapy sector, with little improvement. He does not wish to undergo a new procedure. The mean length of follow-up was 16.8 months, with a minimum of 10 and maximum of 36 months. CONCLUSION: This concept is subject to the test of time

  20. Robotic distal pancreatectomy versus conventional laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: a comparative study for short-term outcomes. (United States)

    Lai, Eric C H; Tang, Chung Ngai


    Robotic system has been increasingly used in pancreatectomy. However, the effectiveness of this method remains uncertain. This study compared the surgical outcomes between robot-assisted laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy and conventional laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. During a 15-year period, 35 patients underwent minimally invasive approach of distal pancreatectomy in our center. Seventeen of these patients had robot-assisted laparoscopic approach, and the remaining 18 had conventional laparoscopic approach. Their operative parameters and perioperative outcomes were analyzed retrospectively in a prospective database. The mean operating time in the robotic group (221.4 min) was significantly longer than that in the laparoscopic group (173.6 min) (P = 0.026). Both robotic and conventional laparoscopic groups presented no significant difference in spleen-preservation rate (52.9% vs. 38.9%) (P = 0.505), operative blood loss (100.3 ml vs. 268.3 ml) (P = 0.29), overall morbidity rate (47.1% vs. 38.9%) (P = 0.73), and post-operative hospital stay (11.4 days vs. 14.2 days) (P = 0.46). Both groups also showed no perioperative mortality. Similar outcomes were observed in robotic distal pancreatectomy and conventional laparoscopic approach. However, robotic approach tended to have the advantages of less blood loss and shorter hospital stay. Further studies are necessary to determine the clinical position of robotic distal pancreatectomy.

  1. Cuidados basados en narrativas: redefiniendo la jerarquía de la evidencia

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    Lorenzo Mariano Juárez


    Full Text Available Desde finales de los noventa proliferan trabajos que, aglutinados como Narrative Based Medicine (NBM, persiguen redefinir la práctica clínica orientándola hacia el paciente y su narrativa. Emergidos como un discurso eminentemente crítico y contestatario sobre la ortodoxia de la Evidence Based Medicine (EBM, actualmente persiguen perspectivas integracionistas que pretenden incluir sendos movimientos en un modelo de atención que reconstruya las nociones y jerarquía de la "evidencia". Ideológicamente, la NBM propone una redefinición de la ethos de la práctica médica resituando la experiencia del paciente como evidencia de primer orden. Sin embargo, el impacto de este movimiento en los cuidados enfermeros ha sido prácticamente nulo. Este artículo, primero de una serie, explora las bases teóricas y principios de la NBM sugiriendo un marco de trabajo que cimiente unos cuidados de Enfermería Basados en Narrativas, incluyendo una revisión de los estudios enmarcados en esta orientación y una reflexión sobre su carácter "vanguardista".

  2. La Medicina Basada en la Evidencia: ¿mejoró la medicina que practicamos y enseñamos?

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    Luis Huicho


    Full Text Available En los últimos años la práctica y la enseñanza médica han incorporado en forma progresiva y creciente el concepto de medicina basada en la evidencia (MBE. La misma se define como la utilización de la mejor evidencia proveniente de la investigación clínica para la toma de decisiones en el manejo del paciente individual. Esta propuesta de cambio en la manera de practicar y enseñar la medicina clínica es, en parte, consecuencia del vertiginoso avance de la investigación científica, particularmente en las últimas décadas, aunque el costo creciente involucrado en la atención de los pacientes ha jugado también un rol importante en su desarrollo y consolidación. La MBE implica la integración de la preparación y experiencia del médico con la mejor evidencia clínica externa accesible, proveniente de la investigación sistemática, proporcionando una visión más crítica en la toma de decisiones clínicas, para ofrecer atención de calidad óptima al paciente, evitando errores en cada una de las diferentes etapas del proceso de diagnóstico y tratamiento. En ausencia de información recolectada sistemáticamente, no es fácil llegar a una conclusión sobre los efectos de la MBE en la práctica y la enseñanza de la medicina en nuestro medio. Sin duda contamos hoy con mayor evidencia científica, incluyendo aquella relacionada a los problemas de salud infantil, y también se ha producido un avance vertiginoso en la tecnología que nos permite acceder a dicha información en tiempo real, a la cabecera del paciente. Sin embargo, si deseamos de veras lograr una mejor medicina, basada en la ciencia y en el respeto a la salud como un derecho que nos asiste a todos, hay necesidad de romper definitivamente con el paradigma predominante de una medicina jerárquica, poco dada a la discusión y a la justificación de las decisiones clínicas, de aprovechar la mejora sustancial ocurrida en el acceso a la evidencia disponible, y de mostrar mayor

  3. La evidencia cualitativa y el cuidado del paciente en diálisis peritoneal

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    Ana Julia Carrillo Algarra

    Full Text Available Introducción: La atención de enfermería como relación entre un sujeto de cuidado y un profesional con capacidad para hacerlo requiere que éste último comprenda las vivencias que la enfermedad y los tratamientos generan en la persona. Objetivo: Establecer interrelación entre las evidencias cualitativas disponibles en la literatura científica cualitativa publicada entre 1997-2014 respecto al cuidado de enfermería a pacientes en Diálisis Peritoneal con las taxonomías enfermeras. Material y Métodos: Estudio cualitativo en el cuál, previa autorización del comité de ética e investigación, se realizó revisión sistemática de estudios cualitativos en tres etapas: 1. Búsqueda en las bases de datos: PubMed, Embase, CUIDEN, CINAHL, Dialnet, Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y Web of Science. 2. Evaluación de calidad metodológica por pares independientes utilizando el Critical Appraisal Skills Programme, en español; 3. Síntesis de evidencias cualitativas, que se interrelacionaron con las taxonomías Nursing Diagnoses: definitions and classification, y Nursing Intervention Classification. Resultados: Se incluyeron 19 estudios que permitieron, desde la voz de los sujetos de investigación reportadas por los autores y homologadas con las características definitorias, formular diagnósticos y determinar intervenciones de enfermería enmarcadas en los 13 dominios establecidos por la Nursing Diagnoses: definitions and classification. Algunos resultados y conclusiones en sí mismos son evidencias cualitativas del cuidado que requieren las personas en diálisis peritoneal. Discusión y conclusiones: La diálisis peritoneal interfiere en todos los dominios, afectando al sujeto, su familia y su entorno. En general requiere de educación y apoyo permanente para lograr adherencia.

  4. Potassium secretion in mammalian distal colon

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Mads Vaarby


    Epithelial organs adjust the „inner milieu“ of the body and are crucial for all homeostatic processes. Epithelial transport of different solutes and water is regulated phenomena. The regulation processes include both long term hormonal regulation and short term local agonist mediated regulation....... This research project is the summary of 3 original papers addressing the functional role of different regulating factors on ion transport in mouse distal colon. The first paper addresses the effect of luminal nucleotides on electrogenic Na+ absorption. The distal colon, like the distal nephron is an aldosterone......-sensitive tissue and participates in the regulation of Na+ excretion. In the distal nephron it was found that luminal nucleotides inhibit ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption. Here it was addressed whether luminal nucleotides regulate Na+ absorption and if so, which of the known luminal P2 receptors are involved. Using...

  5. Instrumentos para determinação do índice de evidenciação de informações contábeis

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    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available Este estudo descreve as características de instrumentos citados na literatura para apuração do índice de evidenciação de informações contábeis. Pesquisa descritiva foi realizada por meio de análise documental, com abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados focalizam cinco temáticas que exprimem os cuidados necessários ao elaborar uma métrica de mensuração de evidenciação de informações contábeis: público-alvo e definição de informação coercitiva e voluntária; escolha da base de dados; extensão do instrumento de coleta de dados; fatores que interferem na métrica; e testes de confiabilidade. O estudo pode contribuir na identificação de métricas para mensurar a extensão da evidenciação de informações contábeis pelas empresas.

  6. Combined open proximal and stent-graft distal repair for distal arch aneurysms: an alternative to total debranching. (United States)

    Zierer, Andreas; Sanchez, Luis A; Moon, Marc R


    We present herein a novel, combined, simultaneous open proximal and stent-graft distal repair for complex distal aortic arch aneurysms involving the descending aorta. In the first surgical step, the transverse arch is opened during selective antegrade cerebral perfusion, and a Dacron graft (DuPont, Wilmington, DE) is positioned down the descending aorta in an elephant trunk-like fashion with its proximal free margin sutured circumferentially to the aorta just distal to the left subclavian or left common carotid artery. With the graft serving as the new proximal landing zone, subsequent endovascular repair is performed antegrade during rewarming through the ascending aorta.

  7. Distal clavicular osteolysis: MR evidence for subchondral fracture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kassarjian, Ara; Palmer, William E. [Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Radiology, Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Yawkey Center, Boston, MA (United States); Llopis, Eva [Hospital de la Ribera, Department of Radiology, Valencia (Spain)


    To investigate the association between distal clavicular osteolysis and subchondral fractures of the distal clavicle at MRI. This study was approved by the hospital human research committee, which waived the need for informed consent. Three radiologists retrospectively analyzed 36 shoulder MR examinations in 36 patients with imaging findings of distal clavicular osteolysis. The presence of a subchondral fracture of the distal clavicle, abnormalities of the acromioclavicular joint, rotator cuff tears and labral tears were assessed by MRI. These cases were then compared with 36 age-matched controls. At MRI, 31 of 36 patients (86%) had a subchondral line within the distal clavicular edema, consistent with a subchondral fracture. Of the 36 patients, 32 (89%) had fluid in the acromioclavicular joint, while 27 of 36 patients (75%) had cysts or erosions in the distal clavicle. There were 13 patients (36%) with associated labral tears, while eight patients (22%) had partial-thickness rotator cuff tears. In the control group one of 36 (3%) had a subchondral line (P<0.05), while ten of 36 (28%) had rotator cuff tears and 13 of 36 (36%) had labral tears. These latter two were not statistically significant between the groups. A distal clavicular subchondral fracture is a common finding in patients with imaging evidence of distal clavicular osteolysis. These subchondral fractures may be responsible for the propensity of findings occurring on the clavicular side of the acromioclavicular joint. (orig.)

  8. Distal clavicular osteolysis: MR evidence for subchondral fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kassarjian, Ara; Palmer, William E.; Llopis, Eva


    To investigate the association between distal clavicular osteolysis and subchondral fractures of the distal clavicle at MRI. This study was approved by the hospital human research committee, which waived the need for informed consent. Three radiologists retrospectively analyzed 36 shoulder MR examinations in 36 patients with imaging findings of distal clavicular osteolysis. The presence of a subchondral fracture of the distal clavicle, abnormalities of the acromioclavicular joint, rotator cuff tears and labral tears were assessed by MRI. These cases were then compared with 36 age-matched controls. At MRI, 31 of 36 patients (86%) had a subchondral line within the distal clavicular edema, consistent with a subchondral fracture. Of the 36 patients, 32 (89%) had fluid in the acromioclavicular joint, while 27 of 36 patients (75%) had cysts or erosions in the distal clavicle. There were 13 patients (36%) with associated labral tears, while eight patients (22%) had partial-thickness rotator cuff tears. In the control group one of 36 (3%) had a subchondral line (P<0.05), while ten of 36 (28%) had rotator cuff tears and 13 of 36 (36%) had labral tears. These latter two were not statistically significant between the groups. A distal clavicular subchondral fracture is a common finding in patients with imaging evidence of distal clavicular osteolysis. These subchondral fractures may be responsible for the propensity of findings occurring on the clavicular side of the acromioclavicular joint. (orig.)

  9. Perfiles de proactividad medioambiental: evidencia en empresas industriales españolas


    Javier González Benito; Oscar González Benito


    En este artículo se aborda el carácter multidimensional de la implantación de prácticas medioambientales en el ámbito empresarial. Tras una revisión de las distintas medidas adoptadas en la transformación medioambiental de las empresas, se aporta evidencia empírica sobre su implantación en tres sectores industriales españoles. En concreto, se identifican cuatro dimensiones de actuación: planificación y organización, diseño de productos, procesos productivos internos, y proce...


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    Fulvio Arias


    Full Text Available Se realizó la caracterización morfológica, química y la clasificación taxonómica de algunos suelos cultivados con banano en las 11 cuencas hidrográficas que confluyen en las llanuras aluviales de la Vertiente Caribe de Costa Rica. Se identificaron 2 sectores con suelos que tienen propiedades morfológicas, químicas, y taxonómicas diferentes. En una zona, se encontraron principalmente Inceptisoles formados a partir de materiales fluvio-volcánicos con propiedades ándicas (Andic Eutrudepts, Aquandic Endoaquepts, Inceptisoles dístricos (Fluventic Dystrudepts y Andisoles (Typic Hapludands; caracterizados por presentar la mayoría buen drenaje, texturas medias (franco arenosa, franca, franca limosa, una suma de bases entre 10 y 19 cmol.l–1, una CIC entre 13 y 28 cmol.l–1 y carga permanente en la arcillas. En la otra zona, se encontraron principalmente Inceptisoles formados a partir de aluviones de origen sedimentario depositados por inundaciones frecuentes (Fluventic Endoaquepts, Dystric Fluventic Eutrudepts, Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts, Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts, con una suma de bases entre 18 y 46 cmol.l–1, una CIC entre 19 y 46 cmol.l–1, sin propiedades ándicas, texturas finas y moderadamente finas (franco arcillosa, franco arcillosa limosa, arcillosa, arcillosa limosa y con problemas de drenajes en algunos casos (Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts, Fluvaquentic. Geográficamente, estas zonas fueron separadas por la subcuenca formada por los ríos Vueltas-Silencio-Parismina, de forma que hacia el noroeste se encuentran suelos con influencia volcánica y fertilidad media, y hacia el sureste suelos sin influencia volcánica y de fertilidad alta.

  11. Mineralogía de la fracción arcilla de algunos suelos cultivados con banano en las llanuras aluviales del Caribe de Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fulvio Arias


    Full Text Available La composición mineralógica de la fracción arcilla en suelos cultivados con banano en las 11 cuencas hidrográficas de las llanuras aluviales del Caribe de Costa Rica, se caracterizó mediante difractometría de rayos X y métodos de disolución. Los resultados corroboran la presencia abundante de montmorrillonita, metahaloisita, vermiculita y plagioclasas; y con menor frecuencia otros minerales como alófana, gibbsita y óxidos como hematita, maghemita y magnetita. No se detectaron cloritas, aunque si algunos indicios de illita. Por métodos químicos y estequiométricos se logró identificar la existencia de materiales amorfos, probablemente tipo alófanas, en un suelo de la cuenca del Tortuguero (RE-16. En los suelos ubicados al noroeste de la subcuenca conformada por los ríos Vueltas, Silencio y Parismina, clasificados como Inceptisoles con propiedades ándicas (Andic Eutrudepts, Aquandic Endoaquepts, Inceptisoles Dístricos (Fluventic Dystrudepts y Andisoles (Typic Hapludands, se encontraron predominantemente metahaloisitas y montmorrillonitas. En los suelos del sureste de esta subcuenca, en donde predominan Inceptisoles éutricos de origen aluvial (Fluventic Eutrudepts, Dystric Fluventic Eutrudepts, Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts, Fluventic Endoaquepts e Inceptisoles con problemas de drenaje (Fluventic Endoaquepts, Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts, se identificaron montmorrillonitas, vermiculitas y metahaloisitas. Las montmorillonitas, vermiculitas y alófanas tienen su origen por herencia a partir de material parental y se presentan en la zona por arrastre desde las cordilleras Central y de Talamanca; las metahaloisitas tienen su origen por herencia y trasformación a partir de haloisitas y la gibbsita por transformación a partir de materiales alofánicos.

  12. Unilateral maxillary molar distalization with zygoma-gear appliance. (United States)

    Kilkis, Dogan; Bayram, Mehmet; Celikoglu, Mevlut; Nur, Metin


    The aim of this study was to present the orthodontic treatment of a 15-year-old boy with a unilateral maxillary molar distalization system, called the zygoma-gear appliance. It consisted of a zygomatic anchorage miniplate, an inner bow, and a Sentalloy closed coil spring (GAC International, Bohemia, NY). A distalizing force of 350 g was used during the distalization period. The unilateral Class II malocclusion was corrected in 5 months with the zygoma-gear appliance. The maxillary left first molar showed distalization of 4 mm with an inclination of 3°. The maxillary premolars moved distally with the help of the transseptal fibers. In addition, there were slight decreases in overjet (-0.5 mm) and maxillary incisor inclination (-1°), indicating no anchorage loss from the zygoma-gear appliance. Preadjusted fixed appliances (0.022 × 0.028-in, MBT system; 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) were placed in both arches to achieve leveling and alignment. After 14 months of unilateral distalization with the zygoma-gear appliance and fixed appliances, Class I molar and canine relationships were established with satisfactory interdigitation of the posterior teeth. Acceptable overjet and overbite were also achieved. This article shows that this new system, the zygoma-gear appliance, can be used for unilateral maxillary molar distalization without anchorage loss. Copyright © 2012 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Intra-Articular Osteotomy for Distal Humerus Malunion

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    René K. Marti


    Full Text Available Intra-articular osteotomy is considered in the rare case of malunion after a fracture of the distal humerus to restore humeral alignment and gain a functional arc of elbow motion. Traumatic and iatrogenic disruption of the limited blood flow to the distal end of the humerus resulting in avascular necrosis of capitellum or trochlea is a major pitfall of the this technically challenging procedure. Two cases are presented which illustrate the potential problems of intra-articular osteotomy for malunion of the distal humerus.

  14. Volar plating for distal radius fractures--do not trust the image intensifier when judging distal subchondral screw length. (United States)

    Park, Derek H; Goldie, Boyd S


    The use of the volar plate to treat distal radius fractures is increasing but despite the theoretical advantages of a volar approach there have been reports of extensor tendon ruptures due to prominent screw tips protruding past the dorsal cortex. The valley in the intermediate column between Lister tubercle and the sigmoid notch of the distal radius makes it difficult to rely on fluoroscopy to judge screw length. Our aim was to quantify the dimensions of this valley and to demonstrate the danger of relying on intraoperative image intensification fluoroscopy to determine lengths of distal screws. We measured the depth of this valley in the intermediate column of the distal radius in 33 patients with computed tomographic (9 patients) or magnetic resonance image (24 patients) scans of the wrist. There was a consistent valley in all images examined [average 1.8 mm (95% confidence interval, 1.6-2.0 mm)]. Thirty-nine percent of wrists had a valley depth of at least 2 mm. Standard lateral views or rotation of the forearm to obtain oblique views does not identify prominent screw tips; and whatever the rotation of the forearm, screw tips protruding beyond dorsal cortex may look as if it is within the bone when in fact it is out. When drilling we suggest noting the depth at which the drill bit just penetrates dorsal cortex and routinely downsize the distal screw length by 2 mm. We caution against relying on flourosocopy when judging the length of the distal subchondral screws.

  15. Conceptualizing distal drivers in land use competition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Niewhöner, Jörg; Nielsen, Jonas Ø; Gasparri, Gasparri


    This introductory chapter explores the notion of ‘distal drivers’ in land use competition. Research has moved beyond proximate causes of land cover and land use change to focus on the underlying drivers of these dynamics. We discuss the framework of telecoupling within human–environment systems...... as a first step to come to terms with the increasingly distal nature of driving forces behind land use practices. We then expand the notion of distal as mainly a measure of Euclidian space to include temporal, social, and institutional dimensions. This understanding of distal widens our analytical scope...... for the analysis of land use competition as a distributed process to consider the role of knowledge and power, technology, and different temporalities within a relational or systemic analysis of practices of land use competition. We conclude by pointing toward the historical and social contingency of land use...

  16. Geohydrologic conditions of the shallow aquifer in the Cerro Prieto geothermal field zone; Condiciones geohidrologicas del acuifero somero en la zona del campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez Gonzalez, Rogelio [CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico)


    Based on geohydrologic information reported by Comision Nacional del Agua, Comision Federal de Electricidad and several academic institutions, we have performed an analysis to establish in general terms, the past and present behavior of the shallow aquifer in the Cerro Prieto geothermal zone (CPGZ). The main features of the aquifer, derived from the interpretation of the results obtained with several disciplines, are as follows: The shallow aquifer in CPGZ is part of the regional hydrologic system of the Mexicali valley basin. The basin is filled with unconsolidated delta deposits interbedded with alluvial sediments from the Sierra Cucapa, which forms an impervious boundary. Because the lack of information about the hydraulic properties of the sediments, just possible ranges of values were obtained for the hydraulic conductivity and storativity corresponding to three deposit environments: a) delta flood plain facies, b) estuarine or lagoon environment facies, c) distal alluvial fan facies. [Spanish] Con base en la informacion geohidrologica de la Comision Nacional del Agua, la Comision Federal de Electricidad e instituciones academicas, se realizo un analisis para establecer las condiciones geohidrologicas y el panorama general del comportamiento historico y actual del acuifero somero en la zona del campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto (CGCP). De la interpretacion e integracion de los resultados obtenidos de las diferentes disciplinas utilizadas en el desarrollo del estudio, se derivan las siguientes conclusiones: El acuifero somero en la zona del CGCP forma parte del acuifero regional del valle de Mexicali. La secuencia litologica en el area de estudio esta constituida por sedimentos no consolidados de origen deltaico interdigitados con sedimentos aluviales provenientes de la Sierra Cucapa, que sirve como frontera impermeable. La informacion sobre las propiedades hidraulicas de los materiales en el area de interes es limitada, por lo cual solo se determinan los

  17. Fractures of the distal phalanx in the horse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yovich, J.V.


    Fractures of the distal phalanx are an important cause of lameness referable to the foot. Depending on the fracture configuration and articular involvement, conservative or surgical treatment may be required. Fractures of the distal phalanx have been divided into six categories based on fracture configuration. Discussion of clinical features, management, and prognosis for horses with distal phalangeal fractures is presented for each fracture type

  18. Coordinación de Evidencias, Explicaciones y Objetivos Pragmáticos en la Argumentación

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    Full Text Available Este estudio explora los efectos del entrenamiento previo en argumentación y de los objetivos pragmáticos de un diálogo argumentativo en la forma en que las personas evalúan las evidencias y las explicaciones presentadas en él. En este estudio participaron 122 estudiantes universitarios divididos en dos grupos: uno con alto nivel de entrenamiento (n=43, compuesto por estudiantes de quinto semestre en adelante que habían tomado cursos en lógica y ciencia, y otro con bajo entrenamiento (n=79, compuesto por estudiantes de primer año. Los participantes leyeron tres diálogos argumentativos y calificaron la calidad del último argumento presentado en cada uno de ellos. Los resultados mostraron que los participantes en el grupo con alto entrenamiento evaluaban los argumentos de acuerdo con las características pragmáticas del diálogo. En particular, estos participantes evaluaron mejor las evidencias que las explicaciones en las situaciones de desacuerdo.

  19. Posttraumatic osteolysis of the distal clavicula end

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hermanns, P.H.; Beeger, R.; Koetter, D.; Hamburg Univ.


    Posttraumatic osteolysis of bone is rare. Its etiology is unknown. A case of posttraumatic osteolysis of the distal clavicle end is reported. Differentialdiagnostical and ethiological relations are discussed. The literature of posttraumatic osteolysis especially of distal clavicle osteolysis is reported. (orig.) [de


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    Dema Rajaiah


    Full Text Available AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To study the fractures of distal end of femur and the mechanism of injury in distal end femur fractures, the advantages and disadvantages of open reduction and internal fixation of distal end femur fractures by distal femoral locking compression plate osteosynthesis and to analyse the outcome in terms of range of Knee motion, time to union, and limb shortening. RESULTS The mean age of patient is 44 years, 85% are males, road traffic accidents account for majority (80%, right side involved in 70%, Muller’s type C fracture is common, good range of movements is seen 90% of cases and union occurred in 95% in 5 months. The results were assessed using Neer’s score, seven (35% patients had excellent results, eight (40% patients had good results, four (20% patients had fair results and one (5% patient had poor result. CONCLUSION From our study, we conclude that DF-LCP is a safe and reliable implant and has shown excellent to satisfactory results in majority of intra-articular fractures (AO type C. Fixation with locking compression plate showed more effectiveness in severely osteoporotic bones, shorter operative stay, faster recovery, faster union rates and excellent functional outcome.

  1. Distal radioulnar joint injuries

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    Binu P Thomas


    Full Text Available Distal radioulnar joint is a trochoid joint relatively new in evolution. Along with proximal radioulnar joint , forearm bones and interosseous membrane, it allows pronosupination and load transmission across the wrist. Injuries around distal radioulnar joint are not uncommon, and are usually associated with distal radius fractures,fractures of the ulnar styloid and with the eponymous Galeazzi or Essex_Lopresti fractures. The injury can be purely involving the soft tissue especially the triangular fibrocartilage or the radioulnar ligaments.The patients usually present with ulnar sided wrist pain, features of instability, or restriction of rotation. Difficulty in carrying loads in the hand is a major constraint for these patients. Thorough clinical examination to localize point of tenderness and appropriate provocative tests help in diagnosis. Radiology and MRI are extremely useful, while arthroscopy is the gold standard for evaluation. The treatment protocols are continuously evolving and range from conservative, arthroscopic to open surgical methods. Isolated dislocation are uncommon. Basal fractures of the ulnar styloid tend to make the joint unstable and may require operative intervention. Chronic instability requires reconstruction of the stabilizing ligaments to avoid onset of arthritis. Prosthetic replacement in arthritis is gaining acceptance in the management of arthritis.

  2. Contemporary Management of Primary Distal Urethral Cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Traboulsi, S.L.; Witjes, J.A.; Kassouf, W.


    Primary urethral cancer is one of the rare urologic tumors. Distal urethral tumors are usually less advanced at diagnosis compared with proximal tumors and have a good prognosis if treated appropriately. Low-stage distal tumors can be managed successfully with a surgical approach in men or radiation

  3. Distal technologies and type 1 diabetes management. (United States)

    Duke, Danny C; Barry, Samantha; Wagner, David V; Speight, Jane; Choudhary, Pratik; Harris, Michael A


    Type 1 diabetes requires intensive self-management to avoid acute and long-term health complications. In the past two decades, substantial advances in technology have enabled more effective and convenient self-management of type 1 diabetes. Although proximal technologies (eg, insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors, closed-loop and artificial pancreas systems) have been the subject of frequent systematic and narrative reviews, distal technologies have received scant attention. Distal technologies refer to electronic systems designed to provide a service remotely and include heterogeneous systems such as telehealth, mobile health applications, game-based support, social platforms, and patient portals. In this Review, we summarise the empirical literature to provide current information about the effectiveness of available distal technologies to improve type 1 diabetes management. We also discuss privacy, ethics, and regulatory considerations, issues of global adoption, knowledge gaps in distal technology, and recommendations for future directions. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Prácticas psicológicas basadas en la evidencia: beneficios y retos para Latinoamérica

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    Alfonso Martínez-Taboas


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta las características medulares de las prácticas psicológicas basadas en la evidencia (PPBE. Enfatiza en que las PPBE son un movimiento internacional, que se ha integrado al abordaje de la salud por gobiernos y una amplia plétora de organizaciones profesionales. La investigación actualizada apunta al hecho que las PPBE usualmente maximizan resultados positivos en muchas poblaciones. Las PPBE plantean la integración de tres variables al momento de realizar una intervención psicológica: (a la utilización de la mejor evidencia disponible, que provee la Psicología para la toma de decisiones, (b considerar las preferencias y características culturales de la población a la cual se dirige la intervención y (c integrar el peritaje y la experiencia profesional del psicólogo. El artículo evalúa las adaptaciones culturales de diferentes PPBE y presenta evidencia que estas intervenciones producen mejores resultados comparados con intervenciones no adaptados. Revisa asuntos fundamentales como la internacionalización del fenómeno de las PPBE, su aplicabilidad y la efectividad en diferentes escenarios y su adaptabilidad con diferentes etnias y razas. Finalmente, se discuten posibles beneficios y barreras de transportar las PPBE a países latinoamericanos. Se utiliza el ejemplo de Puerto Rico para documentar cómo la Psicología puertorriqueña paulatinamente se ha movido por esta línea.

  5. Intra-articular osteotomy for distal humerus malunion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marti, René K.; Doornberg, Job


    Intra-articular osteotomy is considered in the rare case of malunion after a fracture of the distal humerus to restore humeral alignment and gain a functional arc of elbow motion. Traumatic and iatrogenic disruption of the limited blood flow to the distal end of the humerus resulting in avascular

  6. Distal Communication by Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Evidence for Common Ground? (United States)

    Leavens, David A; Reamer, Lisa A; Mareno, Mary Catherine; Russell, Jamie L; Wilson, Daniel; Schapiro, Steven J; Hopkins, William D


    van der Goot et al. (2014) proposed that distal, deictic communication indexed the appreciation of the psychological state of a common ground between a signaler and a receiver. In their study, great apes did not signal distally, which they construed as evidence for the human uniqueness of a sense of common ground. This study exposed 166 chimpanzees to food and an experimenter, at an angular displacement, to ask, "Do chimpanzees display distal communication?" Apes were categorized as (a) proximal or (b) distal signalers on each of four trials. The number of chimpanzees who communicated proximally did not statistically differ from the number who signaled distally. Therefore, contrary to the claim by van der Goot et al., apes do communicate distally. © 2015 The Authors. Child Development © 2015 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.

  7. Distal displacement of the maxilla and the upper first molar. (United States)

    Baumrind, S; Molthen, R; West, E E; Miller, D M


    Data from a sample of 198 Class II cases treated with various appliances which deliver distally directed forces to the maxilla were examined to determine the frequency of absolute distal displacement of the upper first molar and of the maxilla. Analysis revealed that such distal displacement is possible and that it is, in fact, a frequent finding following treatment. Long-range stability of distal displacement was not assessed.

  8. Distal splenorenal shunt with partial spleen resection

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    Gajin Predrag


    Full Text Available Introduction: Hypersplenism is a common complication of portal hypertension. Cytopenia in hypersplenism is predominantly caused by splenomegaly. Distal splenorenal shunt (Warren with partial spleen resection is an original surgical technique that regulates cytopenia by reduction of the enlarged spleen. Objective. The aim of our study was to present the advantages of distal splenorenal shunt (Warren with partial spleen resection comparing morbidity and mortality in a group of patients treated by distal splenorenal shunt with partial spleen resection with a group of patients treated only by a distal splenorenal shunt. Method. From 1995 to 2003, 41 patients with portal hypertension were surgically treated due to hypersplenism and oesophageal varices. The first group consisted of 20 patients (11 male, mean age 42.3 years who were treated by distal splenorenal shunt with partial spleen resection. The second group consisted of 21 patients (13 male, mean age 49.4 years that were treated by distal splenorenal shunt only. All patients underwent endoscopy and assessment of oesophageal varices. The size of the spleen was evaluated by ultrasound, CT or by scintigraphy. Angiography was performed in all patients. The platelet and white blood cell count and haemoglobin level were registered. Postoperatively, we noted blood transfusion, complications and total hospital stay. Follow-up period was 12 months, with first checkup after one month. Results In the first group, only one patient had splenomegaly postoperatively (5%, while in the second group there were 13 patients with splenomegaly (68%. Before surgery, the mean platelet count in the first group was 51.6±18.3x109/l, to 118.6±25.4x109/l postoperatively. The mean platelet count in the second group was 67.6±22.8x109/l, to 87.8±32.1x109/l postoperatively. Concerning postoperative splenomegaly, statistically significant difference was noted between the first and the second group (p<0.05. Comparing the

  9. Enfermeria basada en la evidencia

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    Ediltrudis Ramos De La Cruz


    Full Text Available El profesional de enfermeria en el siglo xxi enfrenta el reto de mantenerse actualizado acorde con los avances de la ciencia y la tecnologia, produciendo impacto en su cuidado como integrante fundamental del equipo interdisciplinario de salud. Para realizar un buen desempeño el profesional de enfermeria requiere de una formacion especial que lo prepare para asumir el establecimiento de programas de mejoramiento de la calidad de la atencion de salud, la integracion del equipo interdisciplinario de salud, los cambios en la seguridad social, las necesida des del mercado laboral y la sistematizacion entre otros. De la misma forma que desempañarse en este siglo exige de una formación agil y dinamica que le permita adaptarse a los cambios que se generan en el mundo, y proporcionar un cuidado respaldado no solo por las vivencias y experiencias, sino por la evidencia cientifica facilmente obtenida, generalizada y comparada gracias a la globalización de la informacion. Es un deber del profesional de enfermeria estar a la vanguardia de los conocimientos y avances cientificos, obtenidos de la informatica biomedica, adquiriendo informacion y planeando estrategias que fortalezcan el cuerpo de conocimientos del cuidado y eviten que la enfermeria sea considerada solo como un oficio. El profesional de enfermeria en todas sus areas de desempeño debe estar en capacidad de identificar problemas reales y potenciales que afecten a la persona, familia y comunidad respaldados por resultados de estudios válidos y confiables.

  10. A comparison between robotic-assisted laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy versus laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. (United States)

    Goh, Brian K P; Chan, Chung Yip; Soh, Hui-Ling; Lee, Ser Yee; Cheow, Peng-Chung; Chow, Pierce K H; Ooi, London L P J; Chung, Alexander Y F


    This study aims to compare the early perioperative outcomes of robotic-assisted laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (RDP) versus laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP). The clinicopathologic features of 45 consecutive patients who underwent minimally-invasive distal pancreatectomy from 2006 to 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. Thirty-nine patients who met our study criteria were included. Eight patients underwent RDP and 31 had LDP. There were 10 (25.6%) open conversions. Six (15.4%) patients had major (> grade 2) morbidities and there was no in-hospital mortality. There were 14 (35.9%) grade A and 9 (23.1%) grade B pancreatic fistulas. Comparison between RDP and LDP demonstrated no significant difference between the patients' baseline characteristics except there was increased frequency of spleen-preserving pancreatectomies (3 (37.5%) vs 25 (80.6%), P=0.016) and splenic-vessel preservation (5 (62.5%) vs 4 (12.9%), P=0.003) in RDP. Comparison between outcomes demonstrated that RDP was associated with a longer median operation time (452.5 (range, 300-685) vs 245 min (range, 85-430), P=0.001) and increased frequency of the procedure completed purely laparoscopically (8 (100%) vs 18 (58.1%), P=0.025). RDP can be safely adopted and is equivalent to LDP in most perioperative outcomes. It is also associated with a decreased frequency of the need for hand-assistance laparoscopic surgery or open conversion but needed a longer operation time. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  11. A New Orthodontic Appliance with a Mini Screw for Upper Molar Distalization. (United States)

    Ozkalayci, Nurhat; Yetmez, Mehmet


    The aim of this study is to present a new upper molar distalization appliance called Cise distalizer designed as intraoral device supported with orthodontic mini screw for upper permanent molar distalization. The new appliance consists of eight main components. In order to understand the optimum force level, the appliance under static loading is tested by using strain gage measurement techniques. Results show that one of the open coils produces approximately 300 gr distalization force. Cise distalizer can provide totally 600 gr distalization force. This range of force level is enough for distalization of upper first and second molar teeth.

  12. Laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer. (United States)

    Riviere, Deniece; Gurusamy, Kurinchi Selvan; Kooby, David A; Vollmer, Charles M; Besselink, Marc G H; Davidson, Brian R; van Laarhoven, Cornelis J H M


    Surgical resection is currently the only treatment with the potential for long-term survival and cure of pancreatic cancer. Surgical resection is provided as distal pancreatectomy for cancers of the body and tail of the pancreas. It can be performed by laparoscopic or open surgery. In operations on other organs, laparoscopic surgery has been shown to reduce complications and length of hospital stay as compared with open surgery. However, concerns remain about the safety of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy compared with open distal pancreatectomy in terms of postoperative complications and oncological clearance. To assess the benefits and harms of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy versus open distal pancreatectomy for people undergoing distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma of the body or tail of the pancreas, or both. We used search strategies to search the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, Science Citation Index Expanded and trials registers until June 2015 to identify randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and non-randomised studies. We also searched the reference lists of included trials to identify additional studies. We considered for inclusion in the review RCTs and non-randomised studies comparing laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer, irrespective of language, blinding or publication status.. Two review authors independently identified trials and independently extracted data. We calculated odds ratios (ORs), mean differences (MDs) or hazard ratios (HRs) along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using both fixed-effect and random-effects models with RevMan 5 on the basis of intention-to-treat analysis when possible. We found no RCTs on this topic. We included in this review 12 non-randomised studies that compared laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy (1576 participants: 394 underwent laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy and 1182

  13. A New Orthodontic Appliance with a Mini Screw for Upper Molar Distalization

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    Nurhat Ozkalayci


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to present a new upper molar distalization appliance called Cise distalizer designed as intraoral device supported with orthodontic mini screw for upper permanent molar distalization. The new appliance consists of eight main components. In order to understand the optimum force level, the appliance under static loading is tested by using strain gage measurement techniques. Results show that one of the open coils produces approximately 300 gr distalization force. Cise distalizer can provide totally 600 gr distalization force. This range of force level is enough for distalization of upper first and second molar teeth.


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    Manikumar C. J


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Fractures of the distal femur present considerable challenges in management. Older patients especially women sustain fractures due to osteoporosis. Supracondylar fractures of femur have a bimodal distribution. They account for 6% of all femur fractures and 31% if hip fractures were excluded. Nearly, 50% of distal femur intra-articular fractures are open fractures. Before 1970, most supracondylar fractures were treated nonoperatively; however, difficulties were often encountered including persistent angulatory deformity, knee joint incongruity, loss of knee motion and delayed mobilisation. The trend of open reduction and internal fixation has become evident in recent years with good results being obtained with AO blade plate, dynamic condylar screw, intramedullary supracondylar nail and locking compression plate. Elderly patients and osteoporosis pose difficulty in treating intra-articular fractures of the lower end of femur. Loss of stable fixation is of great concern in these cases. Hence, locking compression plate use has an advantage in these patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, 20 patients with closed fracture of distal femur were studied. All the cases were treated at the Department of Orthopaedics, Rangaraya Medical College/Government General Hospital, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, between November 2013 and November 2015. The method used for fracture fixation was open reduction and internal fixation with distal femoral locking plate. The duration of follow up ranged from 3 months to 24 months. All the fractures in this series were posttraumatic. The patients were functionally evaluated with Neer’s scoring system. 1 RESULTS Twenty distal femoral fractures were treated with distal femoral locking plates. 15 patients were males and 5 patients were females. The median age was 47 years ranging from 28-70 years. 16 of the fractures were caused by road traffic accidents and 2 were due to fall, 2 were due to assault. 12 patients

  15. Cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer. (United States)

    Gurusamy, Kurinchi Selvan; Riviere, Deniece; van Laarhoven, C J H; Besselink, Marc; Abu-Hilal, Mohammed; Davidson, Brian R; Morris, Steve


    A recent Cochrane review compared laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for people with for cancers of the body and tail of the pancreas and found that laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy may reduce the length of hospital stay. We compared the cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer. Model based cost-utility analysis estimating mean costs and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) per patient from the perspective of the UK National Health Service. A decision tree model was constructed using probabilities, outcomes and cost data from published sources. A time horizon of 5 years was used. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were undertaken. The probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed that the incremental net monetary benefit was positive (£3,708.58 (95% confidence intervals (CI) -£9,473.62 to £16,115.69) but the 95% CI includes zero, indicating that there is significant uncertainty about the cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy versus open distal pancreatectomy. The probability laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy was cost-effective compared to open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer was between 70% and 80% at the willingness-to-pay thresholds generally used in England (£20,000 to £30,000 per QALY gained). Results were sensitive to the survival proportions and the operating time. There is considerable uncertainty about whether laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is cost-effective compared to open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer in the NHS setting.

  16. Traumatic Distal Ulnar Artery Thrombosis

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    Ahmet A. Karaarslan


    Full Text Available This paper is about a posttraumatic distal ulnar artery thrombosis case that has occurred after a single blunt trauma. The ulnar artery thrombosis because of chronic trauma is a frequent condition (hypothenar hammer syndrome but an ulnar artery thrombosis because of a single direct blunt trauma is rare. Our patient who has been affected by a single blunt trauma to his hand and developed ulnar artery thrombosis has been treated by resection of the thrombosed ulnar artery segment. This report shows that a single blunt trauma can cause distal ulnar artery thrombosis in the hand and it can be treated merely by thrombosed segment resection in suitable cases.

  17. Distinct subclassification of DRG neurons innervating the distal colon and glans penis/distal urethra based on the electrophysiological current signature. (United States)

    Rau, Kristofer K; Petruska, Jeffrey C; Cooper, Brian Y; Johnson, Richard D


    Spinal sensory neurons innervating visceral and mucocutaneous tissues have unique microanatomic distribution, peripheral modality, and physiological, pharmacological, and biophysical characteristics compared with those neurons that innervate muscle and cutaneous tissues. In previous patch-clamp electrophysiological studies, we have demonstrated that small- and medium-diameter dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons can be subclassified on the basis of their patterns of voltage-activated currents (VAC). These VAC-based subclasses were highly consistent in their action potential characteristics, responses to algesic compounds, immunocytochemical expression patterns, and responses to thermal stimuli. For this study, we examined the VAC of neurons retrogradely traced from the distal colon and the glans penis/distal urethra in the adult male rat. The afferent population from the distal colon contained at least two previously characterized cell types observed in somatic tissues (types 5 and 8), as well as four novel cell types (types 15, 16, 17, and 18). In the glans penis/distal urethra, two previously described cell types (types 6 and 8) and three novel cell types (types 7, 14, and 15) were identified. Other characteristics, including action potential profiles, responses to algesic compounds (acetylcholine, capsaicin, ATP, and pH 5.0 solution), and neurochemistry (expression of substance P, CGRP, neurofilament, TRPV1, TRPV2, and isolectin B4 binding) were consistent for each VAC-defined subgroup. With identification of distinct DRG cell types that innervate the distal colon and glans penis/distal urethra, future in vitro studies related to the gastrointestinal and urogenital sensory function in normal as well as abnormal/pathological conditions may be benefitted. Copyright © 2014 the American Physiological Society.

  18. Nonunions of the distal tibia treated by reamed intramedullary nailing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Richmond, Jeffrey; Colleran, Kevin; Borens, Olivier; Kloen, Peter; Helfet, David L.


    The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of reamed intramedullary nailing in the treatment of nonunions of the distal one-fourth of the tibia. Nonunions of the distal tibia are particularly difficult to treat given the short distal segment, the proximity to the ankle joint, and the


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    Citlali Vázquez-Echeverría


    Full Text Available Aunque la estructura celular de Entamoeba histolytica se conoce con detalle, no se ha descrito la presencia de material nucleolar con el microscopio electrónico. En este trabajo utilizamos técnicas citoquímicas para microscopía de luz y electrónica para evidenciar la presencia del nucléolo en trofozoitos de esta amiba. Con la técnica de azul de toluidina para RNA y la técnica de impregnación argéntica para organizador nucleolar, se observa contraste de material intranuclear periférico. Con el microscopio electrónico, un material similar de naturaleza fibro-granular se contrasta también con las técnicas para ribonucleoproteínas y para organizador nucleolar. Una zona similar es negativa cuando se aplican técnicas para DNA. Estos resultados muestran evidencia ultraestructural de la presencia de un nucléolo periférico y anular en el núcleo de E. histolytica. Se sugiere que este organelo intranuclear es un caracter general de los eucariontes.

  20. The role of imaging in diagnosing diseases of the distal radioulnar joint, triangular fibrocartilage complex, and distal ulna. (United States)

    Squires, Judy H; England, Eric; Mehta, Kaushal; Wissman, Robert D


    The purpose of this article is to review the anatomy, biomechanics, and multimodality imaging findings of common and uncommon distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ), triangular fibrocartilage complex, and distal ulna abnormalities. The DRUJ is a common site for acute and chronic injuries and is frequently imaged to evaluate chronic wrist pain, forearm dysfunction, and traumatic forearm injury. Given the complex anatomy of the wrist, the radiologist plays a vital role in the diagnosis of wrist pain and dysfunction.

  1. Minimally invasive percutaneous plate fixation of distal tibia fractures.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Bahari, Syah


    We report a series of 42 patients reviewed at a mean of 19.6 months after treatment of distal tibial and pilon fractures using the AO distal tibia locking plate with a minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis (MIPPO) technique. Mean time to union was 22.4 weeks. All fractures united with acceptable alignment and angulation. Two cases of superficial infection were noted, with one case of deep infection. Mean SF36 score was 85 and mean AOFAS score was 90 at a mean of 19 months follow-up. We report satisfactory outcomes with the use of the AO distal tibia locking plate in treatment of unstable distal tibial fractures. Eighty-nine percent of the patients felt that they were back to their pre injury status and 95% back to their previous employment.

  2. Cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gurusamy, Kurinchi Selvan; Riviere, Deniece; van Laarhoven, C. J. H.; Besselink, Marc; Abu-Hilal, Mohammed; Davidson, Brian R.; Morris, Steve


    A recent Cochrane review compared laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for people with for cancers of the body and tail of the pancreas and found that laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy may reduce the length of hospital stay. We compared the cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic distal

  3. [Comparison of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy and open distal pancreatectomy in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma]. (United States)

    Xu, K; Su, J J; Su, M; Yan, L; Feng, J; Xin, X L; Chen, Y L


    Objective: To compare and evaluate the curative effect of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy(LDP) and traditional open distal pancreatectomy(ODP) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Methods: The clinical data of 15 patients treated by LDP and 87 contemporaneous cases treated by ODP from January 2010 to November 2015 was collected, and the curative effect and prognosis of these patients were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The operation time of LDP group was (286.5±48.1) min, significantly longer than that of OPD group(226.6±56.8) min ( P 0.05). In both LDP group and ODP group, none occurred percutaneous drainage, re-admissions, second operation or perioperative death. Conclusions: Compared to ODP, LDP is much safer and more steady in perioperative periodand operation. Patients of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma received LDP can acquire more benefit and recovery sooner, and LDP is a safe and effective operative method.

  4. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for adenocarcinoma: safe and reasonable? (United States)

    Postlewait, Lauren M.


    As a result of technological advances during the past two decades, surgeons now use minimally invasive surgery (MIS) approaches to pancreatic resection more frequently, yet the role of these approaches for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma resections remains uncertain, given the aggressive nature of this malignancy. Although there are no controlled trials comparing MIS technique to open surgical technique, laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma is performed with increasing frequency. Data from retrospective studies suggest that perioperative complication profiles between open and laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy are similar, with perhaps lower blood loss and fewer wound infections in the MIS group. Concerning oncologic outcomes, there appear to be no differences in the rate of achieving negative margins or in the number of lymph nodes (LNs) resected when compared to open surgery. There are limited recurrence and survival data on laparoscopic compared to open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma, but in the few studies that assess long term outcomes, recurrence rates and survival outcomes appear similar. Recent studies show that though laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy entails a greater operative cost, the associated shorter length of hospital stay leads to decreased overall cost compared to open procedures. Multiple new technologies are emerging to improve resection of pancreatic cancer. Robotic pancreatectomy is feasible, but there are limited data on robotic resection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and outcomes appear similar to laparoscopic approaches. Additionally fluorescence-guided surgery represents a new technology on the horizon that could improve oncologic outcomes after resection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, though published data thus far are limited to animal models. Overall, MIS distal pancreatectomy appears to be a safe and reasonable approach to treating selected patients with pancreatic ductal

  5. Distal finger replantation. (United States)

    Scheker, Luis R; Becker, Giles W


    Reconstruction of the fingertip distal to the flexor tendon insertion by replantation remains controversial and technically challenging, but the anatomy of the fingertip has been well described and provides help in surgical planning. The open-book surgical technique is described with potential complications and is illustrated with clinical cases. Copyright © 2011 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. El sistema de neuronas espejo: evidencias fisiológicas e hipótesis funcionales


    Yorio, Alberto A.


    En este trabajo se comentan algunas evidencias anatómicas y fisiológicas que presenta una red de neuronas con propiedades de integración sensoriomotoras, denominadas "neuronas espejo". Estas neuronas se caracterizan por codificar las acciones tanto realizadas por el propio individuo, como observadas; constituirían el sustrato neural de la comprensión del significado de las acciones de otros individuos. Se plantean además otras hipótesis que vinculan el sistema de neuronas espejo con la codifi...

  7. Marcos GRADE de la evidencia a la decisión (EtD: un enfoque sistemático y transparente para tomar decisiones sanitarias bien informadas. 1: Introducción

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    Pablo Alonso-Coello


    Full Text Available Los médicos y quienes elaboran guías y políticas a veces pasan por alto criterios importantes, les dan un peso indebido o no usan la mejor evidencia disponible para informar sus juicios. Los sistemas explícitos y transparentes para la toma de decisiones pueden ayudar a garantizar que se consideren todos los criterios importantes, y que las decisiones estén basadas en la mejor evidencia disponible. El grupo de trabajo GRADE ha desarrollado marcos «de la evidencia a la decisión» (EtD para los diferentes tipos de recomendaciones o decisiones. El objetivo de los marcos EtD es ayudar a los paneles a usar la evidencia de una manera estructurada y transparente para informar las decisiones respecto de las recomendaciones clínicas, decisiones de cobertura sanitaria y recomendaciones o decisiones sobre el sistema sanitario o sobre salud pública. Los marcos EtD tienen una estructura común: formulación de una pregunta, evaluación de la evidencia y conclusiones. No obstante, existen diferencias entre los marcos para cada tipo de decisión. Los marcos EtD informan a los usuarios sobre los juicios que se han hecho y la evidencia que los apoya dotando de transparencia la base para las decisiones de los que tienen que tomarlas. Los marcos EtD también facilitan la diseminación de las recomendaciones y permiten a los decisores de otros ámbitos adoptar recomendaciones o decisiones, o adaptarlas a su contexto. El siguiente artículo es una traducción del artículo original publicado en British Medical Journal. Los marcos EtD se utilizan actualmente en el marco del Programa de Guías de Práctica Clínica en el Sistema Nacional de Salud, coordinado por GuíaSalud.

  8. Evidenciaçao contábil de instituições bancárias no Brasil

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    Silvia Marques de Brito e Silva


    Full Text Available A contabilidade constitui um sistema integrado de dados com o objetivo maior de oferecer informações sobre a entidade, objeto de contabilização, aos mais diversos interessados, entre os quais se destacam os investidores, os credores e os administradores. Essas informações podem ser de natureza econômica, financeira, física e de produtividade, e devem possibilitar uma adequada avaliação da situação atual do empreendimento, assim como oferecer subsídios para progn6sticos. O instrumental utilizado e composto basicamente por demonstrações contábeis tradicionais e por algumas informações suplementares, geralmente divulgadas em notas explicativas, relatório da administração e parecer dos auditores independentes. Alguns autores entendem que evidenciação é um principio contábil, outros entendem que e um objetivo, mas, nos diversos pronunciamentos, torna-se claro que evidenciação e mais do que um principio, a uma espécie de ligação entre os postulados, os princípios contábeis e os objetivos da contabilidade. E um meio para se atingir os objetivos da contabilidade. Nesse contexto, identificamos uma forte ligação entre disclosure - ou evidenciação - e o objetivo principal da contabilidade: as informações divulgadas devem ser transparentes e úteis ao processo de tomada de decisões. Para se definir o que e útil, faz-se necessário uma constante interação com o usuário da informação contábil, de modo a poder oferecer um produto que atenda as suas necessidades, constantemente alteradas face à dinâmica do próprio mercado e em decorrência do processo de globalização. Com isso, a demanda por demonstrações contábeis, assim como sua grande importância, cresce a uma taxa acelerada, requerendo um dinamismo semelhante na evolução da qualidade da informação fornecida.

  9. Distal renal tubular acidosis and hepatic lipidosis in a cat. (United States)

    Brown, S A; Spyridakis, L K; Crowell, W A


    Clinical and laboratory evidence of hepatic failure was found in a chronically anorectic cat. Simultaneous blood and urine pH determinations established a diagnosis of distal renal tubular acidosis. The cat did not respond to treatment. Necropsy revealed distal tubular nephrosis and hepatic lipidosis. The finding of distal renal tubular acidosis in a cat with hepatic lipidosis emphasizes the importance of complete evaluation of acid-base disorders in patients.

  10. Multicenter comparative study of laparoscopic and open distal pancreatectomy using propensity score-matching. (United States)

    Nakamura, Masafumi; Wakabayashi, Go; Miyasaka, Yoshihiro; Tanaka, Masao; Morikawa, Takanori; Unno, Michiaki; Tajima, Hiroshi; Kumamoto, Yusuke; Satoi, Sohei; Kwon, Masanori; Toyama, Hirochika; Ku, Yonson; Yoshitomi, Hideyuki; Nara, Satoshi; Shimada, Kazuaki; Yokoyama, Takahide; Miyagawa, Shinichi; Toyama, Yoichi; Yanaga, Katsuhiko; Fujii, Tsutomu; Kodera, Yasuhiro; Tomiyama, Yasuyuki; Miyata, Hiroaki; Takahara, Takeshi; Beppu, Toru; Yamaue, Hiroki; Miyazaki, Masaru; Takada, Tadahiro


    Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy has been shown to be associated with favorable postoperative outcomes using meta-analysis. However, there have been no randomized controlled studies yet. This study aimed to compare laparoscopic and open distal pancreatectomy using propensity score-matching. We retrospectively collected perioperative data of 2,266 patients who underwent distal pancreatectomy in 69 institutes from 2006-2013 in Japan. Among them, 2,010 patients were enrolled in this study and divided into two groups, laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy and open distal pancreatectomy. Perioperative outcomes were compared between the groups using unmatched and propensity matched analysis. After propensity score-matching, laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy was associated with favorable perioperative outcomes compared with open distal pancreatectomy, including higher rate of preservation of spleen and splenic vessels (P pancreatectomy was associated with more favorable perioperative outcomes than open distal pancreatectomy. © 2015 Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery.

  11. Fractures of the bilateral distal radius and scaphoid: a case report

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    Ozkan Korhan


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Bilateral fractures of the distal radius and scaphoid are extremely rare injuries. Case presentation A patient with bilateral comminuted, displaced distal fractures of the radius and bilateral fractures of the scaphoid was treated via internal fixation of the scaphoid fractures with Herbert screws and internal fixation of the distal radius fractures with locked volar plating. Conclusion Rigid internal fixation of distal radius and scaphoid fractures is mandatory to start early active rehabilitation of the wrist without the need for wrist immobilization with a plaster or external skeletal fixation.

  12. La evidencia en la pedagogía y en las políticas públicas de educación

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    Pablo Fernando Páramo Bernal


    Full Text Available Al igual que la medicina incursionó en la evidencia como soporte  para las teorías que comprenden la salud y la enfermedad, otras disciplinas como la pedagogía han venido adoptando esta aproximación para abordar los problemas que les interesa. El artículo discute la importancia que tiene la evidencia como fuente importante en la construcción del conocimiento en pedagogía y en la acción educativa, desde la construcción de teorías, el diseño de las políticas públicas, hasta la acción en el salón de clase con las didácticas. Se destaca la investigación científica para poner a prueba o dar lugar a teorías pedagógicas y a la de definición de indicadores que permitan evaluar las políticas en educación.

  13. Análise do grau de evidenciação das operações com instrumentos financeiros derivativos pelas companhias brasileiras listadas no Ibovespa

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    Marcelo Augusto Ambrozini


    Full Text Available La eviden cia de las operaciones con derivados se ha hecho cada vez más compleja, debido a las particularidades de esos tipos de instrumentos financieros y al ambiente altamente volátil de los mercados financieros. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el grado de observancia de las orientaciones de evidencia de instrumentos financieros derivados emanadas por el CPC 40 (R1 por parte de las compañías abiertas brasileñas con acciones negociadas en la Bolsa de Valores de San Pablo. Por medio de un estudio documental d e análisis de contenido, fueron enumerados puntos para verificación en los informes contables finalizados el 31/12/2013 ,de 45 empresas brasileñas de capital abierto que operaron con derivados. En relación a los estudios recientes que se referían a esta pr oblemática, las evidencias presentadas por este estudio indican que el grado de evidencia de los instrumentos financieros derivados en las demostraciones contables de las empresas brasileñas mostró una mejora considerable después de la introducción de las normas IFRS.

  14. Distally based superficial sural artery flap for soft tissue coverage in the distal 2/3 of leg and foot

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    Kamath B


    Full Text Available Background: Skin coverage for defects in the lower 2/3 of leg, ankle region and posterior heel has always been a difficult challenge for reconstructive surgeon. Methods: We describe our experience with the distally based superficial sural artery flap coverage in 48 patients with moderate sized defects in these difficult areas. Results: One out of 48 flaps (in 48 patients was lost totally and 3 suffered marginal necrosis which did not require any secondary procedure. These complications could have been avoided by proper selection of cases and refining technical skills. Conclusion: This simple procedure could be an important and versatile tool for any reconstructive surgeon in providing skin coverage in the distal leg and proximal foot. Preservation of major arteries of the lower limb, minimal donor defect, relatively uninjured donor area in compound fracture or poly trauma involving distal leg are some of the advantages of the flap.

  15. The impact of splenectomy on outcomes after distal and total pancreatectomy

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    Bramhall Simon


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Several authors advocate spleen preserving distal pancreatectomy, because of the increased complication rate after splenectomy. Methods Postoperative complications and survival after distal and total pancreatectomy, were recorded and retrospectively analyzed according to spleen preservation. Patients, who underwent distal and total pancreatectomy without histologically proven adenocarcinoma, or extrapancreatic disease, were included in the cohort which was divided into splenectomy and no splenectomy groups. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's test. Results The study group consisted of 62 patients who underwent distal and total pancreatectomy between 26/11/1987 to 6/1/2006. Splenectomy was performed in 35 out of 62 patients (56.5%, distal pancreatectomy was performed in 49 out of 62 patients (79%. Morbidity rate was 28.6% in splenectomy group and 14.8% in the no splenectomy group (p = 0.235, while 30 days mortality rate was 2.9%; one patient died in the splenectomy group (p = 1. Conclusion Spleen-preservation did not influence the outcomes after distal and total pancreatectomy in our series.

  16. Two-wave propagation in in vitro swine distal ulna (United States)

    Mano, Isao; Horii, Kaoru; Matsukawa, Mami; Otani, Takahiko


    Ultrasonic transmitted waves were obtained in an in vitro swine distal ulna specimen, which mimics a human distal radius, that consists of interconnected cortical bone and cancellous bone. The transmitted waveforms appeared similar to the fast waves, slow waves, and overlapping fast and slow waves measured in the specimen after removing the surface cortical bone (only cancellous bone). In addition, the circumferential waves in the cortical bone and water did not affect the fast and slow waves. This suggests that the fast-and-slow-wave phenomenon can be observed in an in vivo human distal radius.

  17. MRI of fractures of the distal radius: comparison with conventional radiographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spence, L.D.; Eustace, S.


    Objective. To compare the evaluation of fractures of the distal radius with MRI and conventional radiographs. To demonstrate the ability of MRI to detect unsuspected soft tissue derangement accompanying this common injury. Design and patients. Twenty-one consecutive inpatients admitted following fracture of the distal radius underwent preoperative evaluation with both conventional radiographs and MRI. In each case, analysis was made of both the osseous and soft tissue injury. MRI findings were compared with those identified on conventional radiographs and at subsequent surgical fixation. Results. Of 21 patients with fractures of the distal radius, 20 had extension to the radiocarpal articulation, 14 had distal radio-ulnar joint extension and 5 had avulsion of the ulnar styloid.Occult carpal bone fractures accompanying fracture of the distal radius were identified in two patients: one of the capitate and the other of the second metacarpal base. Ten patients (48%) had associated soft tissue injury: six patients had scapholunate ligament rupture, two patients had disruption of the triangular fibrocartilage, one patient had extensor carpi ulnaris tenosynovitis and one patient had a tear of a dorsal radiocarpal ligament. Of five patients with ulnar styloid avulsions, none had evidence of triangular fibrocartilage tears. Conclusion. MRI affords better evaluation of osseous injury accompanying distal radial fractures than conventional radiographs. Intra-articular soft tissue injury accompanies distal radial fractures in almost 50% of cases. Scapholunate ligament disruption commonly accompanies intra-articular fracture through the lunate facet of the distal radius. Fracture of the ulnar styloid is infrequently associated with tear of the triangular fibrocartilage. (orig.)

  18. MRI of fractures of the distal radius: comparison with conventional radiographs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spence, L.D.; Eustace, S. [Medical Center, Boston, MA (United States). Dept. of Radiol.; Savenor, A.; Nwachuku, I.; Tilsley, J. [Department of Orthopedics, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA 02118 (United States)


    Objective. To compare the evaluation of fractures of the distal radius with MRI and conventional radiographs. To demonstrate the ability of MRI to detect unsuspected soft tissue derangement accompanying this common injury. Design and patients. Twenty-one consecutive inpatients admitted following fracture of the distal radius underwent preoperative evaluation with both conventional radiographs and MRI. In each case, analysis was made of both the osseous and soft tissue injury. MRI findings were compared with those identified on conventional radiographs and at subsequent surgical fixation. Results. Of 21 patients with fractures of the distal radius, 20 had extension to the radiocarpal articulation, 14 had distal radio-ulnar joint extension and 5 had avulsion of the ulnar styloid.Occult carpal bone fractures accompanying fracture of the distal radius were identified in two patients: one of the capitate and the other of the second metacarpal base. Ten patients (48%) had associated soft tissue injury: six patients had scapholunate ligament rupture, two patients had disruption of the triangular fibrocartilage, one patient had extensor carpi ulnaris tenosynovitis and one patient had a tear of a dorsal radiocarpal ligament. Of five patients with ulnar styloid avulsions, none had evidence of triangular fibrocartilage tears. Conclusion. MRI affords better evaluation of osseous injury accompanying distal radial fractures than conventional radiographs. Intra-articular soft tissue injury accompanies distal radial fractures in almost 50% of cases. Scapholunate ligament disruption commonly accompanies intra-articular fracture through the lunate facet of the distal radius. Fracture of the ulnar styloid is infrequently associated with tear of the triangular fibrocartilage. (orig.) With 5 figs., 16 refs.

  19. Young Children's Sibling Relationship Quality: Distal and Proximal Correlates (United States)

    Kretschmer, Tina; Pike, Alison


    Background: Relationships within families are interdependent and related to distal environmental factors. Low socioeconomic status (SES) and high household chaos (distal factors) have been linked to less positive marital and parent-child relationships, but have not yet been examined with regard to young children's sibling relationships. The…

  20. Clinical relevance of distal biceps insertional and footprint anatomy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Bekerom, Michel P J; Kodde, Izaäk F.; Aster, Asir; Bleys, Ronald L A W; Eygendaal, Denise


    Purpose: The aim of this review was to present an overview, based on a literature search, of surgical anatomy for distal biceps tendon repairs, based on the current literature. Methods: A narrative review was performed using Pubmed/Medline using key words: Search terms were distal biceps,

  1. Concave distal end of ulna metaphysis alone is not a sign of rickets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oestreich, Alan E. [Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Radiology, 5031, Cincinnati, OH (United States)


    Statements have been made in the literature and in legal testimony that misrepresent the radiographic finding of concave distal end of the ulnar metaphysis. To demonstrate that a concave distal end of the ossified ulna in infancy can be normal. Eighty distal wrists of randomly selected infants in the first year of life with radiographic evidence that ruled out rickets were reviewed. In 16 of the cases (20%), mild or moderate concavity of the distal end of the ulna was seen. An intact metaphyseal collar of distal radius or ulna confirmed the absence of radiographic rickets. The finding of 20% of concave distal ulnas in the first year of life confirms the widely acknowledged statements that concave distal end of the ulna alone is not indicative of rickets. Statements to the contrary are not justified. (orig.)

  2. Concave distal end of ulna metaphysis alone is not a sign of rickets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oestreich, Alan E.


    Statements have been made in the literature and in legal testimony that misrepresent the radiographic finding of concave distal end of the ulnar metaphysis. To demonstrate that a concave distal end of the ossified ulna in infancy can be normal. Eighty distal wrists of randomly selected infants in the first year of life with radiographic evidence that ruled out rickets were reviewed. In 16 of the cases (20%), mild or moderate concavity of the distal end of the ulna was seen. An intact metaphyseal collar of distal radius or ulna confirmed the absence of radiographic rickets. The finding of 20% of concave distal ulnas in the first year of life confirms the widely acknowledged statements that concave distal end of the ulna alone is not indicative of rickets. Statements to the contrary are not justified. (orig.)

  3. A novel model of distal colon cancer in athymic mice Novo modelo de câncer de cólon distal em camundongos atímicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Gonçalves Priolli


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: The present a novel adenocarcinoma model in athymic mice. METHODS: Seven athymic mice were used. Colon diversion and distal fistula were made. Adenocarcinoma cells were inoculated in the submucosa of fistula. Tumor growth was monitored daily. Scintigraphy with 99mTc-MIBI was performed to identify the tumor. RESULTS: The model of distal colon cancer is feasible. Tumor detection was possible by both, macroscopically and molecular imaging. All resections demonstrated poorly differentiated tumors. Colon obstruction occurred in one case, similarly to evolution in human tumors of distal colon. CONCLUSION: The proposed model of distal colon cancer is feasible, allows for easy monitoring of tumoral growth by both, macroscopically and molecular imaging, and is suitable for studying the evolution of tumor with implementation of cytotoxic therapy in vivo.OBJETIVO: Apresentar novo modelo de adenocarcinoma distal em camundongos atímicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados sete camundongos atímicos. Desvio do cólon distal e fístula foram feitas. Células de adenocarcinoma foram inoculadas na submucosa da fístula. O crescimento do tumor foi monitorado diariamente. Cintilografia com 99mTc-MIBI foi realizada para identificar o tumor. RESULTADOS: O modelo de câncer de cólon distal é viável. Detecção do tumor foi possível macroscopicamente e por imagem molecular. Todas as ressecções demonstraram tumores pouco diferenciados. Obstrução do cólon ocorreu em um caso, de forma semelhante à evolução em tumores humanos do cólon distal. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo de câncer do cólon distal proposto é viável, permite a monitorização fácil do crescimento tumoral macroscopicamente e por imagem molecular, sendo adequado para o estudo da evolução de tumor com aplicação de terapia citotóxica in vivo.

  4. Fishtail deformity - a delayed complication of distal humeral fractures in children

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Narayanan, Srikala [Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Imaging, Boston, MA (United States); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Pittsburgh, PA (United States); Shailam, Randheer; Nimkin, Katherine [Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Imaging, Boston, MA (United States); Grottkau, Brian E. [Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics, Pediatric Orthopaedics, Boston, MA (United States)


    Concavity in the central portion of the distal humerus is referred to as fishtail deformity. This entity is a rare complication of distal humeral fractures in children. The purpose of this study is to describe imaging features of post-traumatic fishtail deformity and discuss the pathophysiology. We conducted a retrospective analysis of seven cases of fishtail deformity after distal humeral fractures. Seven children ages 7-14 years (five boys, two girls) presented with elbow pain and history of distal humeral fracture. Four of the seven children had limited range of motion. Five children had prior grade 3 supracondylar fracture treated with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning. One child had a medial condylar fracture and another had a lateral condylar fracture; both had been treated with conservative casting. All children had radiographs, five had CT and three had MRI. All children had a concave central defect in the distal humerus. Other imaging features included joint space narrowing with osteophytes and subchondral cystic changes in four children, synovitis in one, hypertrophy or subluxation of the radial head in three and proximal migration of the ulna in two. Fishtail deformity of the distal humerus is a rare complication of distal humeral fractures in children. This entity is infrequently reported in the radiology literature. Awareness of the classic imaging features can result in earlier diagnosis and appropriate treatment. (orig.)

  5. Fishtail deformity - a delayed complication of distal humeral fractures in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narayanan, Srikala; Shailam, Randheer; Nimkin, Katherine; Grottkau, Brian E.


    Concavity in the central portion of the distal humerus is referred to as fishtail deformity. This entity is a rare complication of distal humeral fractures in children. The purpose of this study is to describe imaging features of post-traumatic fishtail deformity and discuss the pathophysiology. We conducted a retrospective analysis of seven cases of fishtail deformity after distal humeral fractures. Seven children ages 7-14 years (five boys, two girls) presented with elbow pain and history of distal humeral fracture. Four of the seven children had limited range of motion. Five children had prior grade 3 supracondylar fracture treated with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning. One child had a medial condylar fracture and another had a lateral condylar fracture; both had been treated with conservative casting. All children had radiographs, five had CT and three had MRI. All children had a concave central defect in the distal humerus. Other imaging features included joint space narrowing with osteophytes and subchondral cystic changes in four children, synovitis in one, hypertrophy or subluxation of the radial head in three and proximal migration of the ulna in two. Fishtail deformity of the distal humerus is a rare complication of distal humeral fractures in children. This entity is infrequently reported in the radiology literature. Awareness of the classic imaging features can result in earlier diagnosis and appropriate treatment. (orig.)

  6. Spontaneous distal rupture of the plantar fascia. (United States)

    Gitto, Salvatore; Draghi, Ferdinando


    Spontaneous ruptures of the plantar fascia are uncommon injuries. They typically occur at its calcaneal insertion and usually represent a complication of plantar fasciitis and local treatment with steroid injections. In contrast, distal ruptures commonly result from traumatic injuries. We describe the case of a spontaneous distal rupture of the plantar fascia in a 48-year-old woman with a low level of physical activity and no history of direct injury to the foot, plantar fasciitis, or steroid injections. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Minimally Invasive Distal Pancreatectomy: Review of the English Literature. (United States)

    Wang, Kai; Fan, Ying


    Recently, the superiority of the minimally invasive approach, which results in a better cosmetic result, faster recovery, and shorter length of hospital stay, is a technique that has been progressively recognized as it has developed. And the minimally invasive approach has been applied to distal pancreatectomy (DP), which is a standard method for the treatment of benign, borderline, and part of malignant lesions of the pancreatic body and tail. This article aims to analyze the types, postoperative recovery, and outcomes of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP). A systematic search of the scientific literature was performed using PubMed, EMBASE, online journals, and the Internet for all publications on LDP. Articles were selected if the abstract contained patients who underwent LDP for pancreatic diseases. All selected articles were reviewed and analyzed. If there were no contraindications for LDP, this operation is suitable for benign, borderline, or malignant tumors of the pancreatic body and tail, which should try to be performed with preservation of the spleen. LDP is safe and feasible under some conditions to experienced surgeon. Single-incision laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (S-LDP) and robotic laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (R-LDP) perioperative outcomes are similar with conventional multi-incision laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (C-LDP). And the advantages of S-LDP and R-LDP require further exploration. With the application of enhanced recovery program (ERP), length of hospital stay and costs are reduced. LDP is safe and feasible under some conditions. Compared with open distal pancreatectomy, LDP has a lot of advantages; a trend was observed for LDP to replace traditional open surgery. LDP combined with ERP is expected to become standard in the treatment of pancreatic body and tail lesions.

  8. Impact of a Nationwide Training Program in Minimally Invasive Distal Pancreatectomy (LAELAPS)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Rooij, Thijs; van Hilst, Jony; Boerma, Djamila; Bonsing, Bert A.; Daams, Freek; van Dam, Ronald M.; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G.; van Eijck, Casper H.; Festen, Sebastiaan; Gerhards, Michael F.; Koerkamp, Bas Groot; van der Harst, Erwin; de Hingh, Ignace H.; Kazemier, Geert; Klaase, Joost; de Kleine, Ruben H.; van Laarhoven, Cornelis J.; Lips, Daan J.; Luyer, Misha D.; Molenaar, I. Quintus; Patijn, Gijs A.; Roos, Daphne; Scheepers, Joris J.; van der Schelling, George P.; Steenvoorde, Pascal; Vriens, Menno R.; Wijsman, Jan H.; Gouma, Dirk J.; Busch, Olivier R.; Hilal, Mohammed Abu; Besselink, Marc G.; de Boer, Marieke T.


    Objective:To study the feasibility and impact of a nationwide training program in minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy (MIDP).Summary of Background Data:Superior outcomes of MIDP compared with open distal pancreatectomy have been reported. In the Netherlands (2005 to 2013) only 10% of distal

  9. Sistema hidrogeológico del altiplano de Rionegro y del Valle de la Unión en la zona central de Antioquia.


    Hoyos Patiño, Fabián; Vélez Otálvaro, María Victoria; Múnera Estrada, Juan Camilo; Arias, Daniel Eduardo


    La investigación hidrogeológica en el altiplano oriental de Antioquia, en sus pisos de Rionegro y de la Unión muestra la existencia de abundantes recursos de agua subterránea tanto en los depósitos aluviales como en las colinas saprolíticas de ambos pisos. En ellos pueden distinguirse los acuíferos libres en los aluviones, en los suelos residuales, y en las rocas fracturadas, y acuiferos confinados en el basamento rocoso. Tanto en los depósitos aluviales como en el basamento rocoso son co...

  10. La Hipótesis de la Profecia Autocumplida en la Evaluación de la Evidencia en el Contexto de la Gestión Continuada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Guiral Contreras


    Full Text Available Este estudio analiza si el valor otorgado a la evidencia a favor y en contra de la hipótesis de gestión continuada, se ve afectada por las percepciones que los auditores tienen sobre la validez de la hipótesis de la profecía autocumplida. Hemos realizado un experimento en el que una muestra de auditores debe someter a estudio la continuidad de una hipotética empresa, basándose tanto en información financiera como en determinada evidencia tanto a favor como en contra de la continuidad de ésta. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que los auditores que muestran una fuerte creencia en la validez de la hipótesis de la profecía autocumplida otorgan mayor valor probatorio a la evidencia a favor de la hipótesis de continuidad. Por el contrario, los auditores que no muestran una fuerte creencia en la hipótesis de la profecía autocumplida otorgan un mayor valor probatorio a la evidencia en contra de la continuidad.This paper analyzes whether auditors are affected by the so called “self-fulfilling prophecy effect” (in terms of perceptions when evaluating clients’ going concern status. We designed a laboratory experiment to examine auditors’ attitude to both negative and positive evidence in the case of a fictitious financially distressed client. Our results show that those auditors more sensitive to the self-fulfilling prophecy effect offered a higher tendency to rely on the negative factors. On the other hand, those auditors less worried about the self-fulfilling prophecy effect showed a higher tendency to rely on the positive factors.

  11. Torsion of wandering spleen and distal pancreas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheflin, J.R.; Lee, C.M.; Kretchmar, K.A.


    Wandering spleen is the term applied to the condition in which a long pedicle allows the spleen to lie in an abnormal location. Torsion of a wandering spleen is an unusual cause of an acute abdomen and is rarely diagnosed preoperatively. Associated torsion of the distal pancreas is even more uncommon. The authors describe a patient with torsion of a wandering spleen and distal pancreas, who was correctly diagnosed, and define the merits of the imaging methods used. The initial examination should be 99 /sup m/Tc-sulfur colloid liner-spleen scanning

  12. Osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma of the distal tibia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abramovici, Luigia; Steiner, German C. [Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, NY (United States); Kenan, Samuel [Department of Orthopaedic Oncology Surgery, Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, NY (United States); Hytiroglou, Prodromos [Aristotle University, Thessaloniki (Greece); Rafii, Mahvash [Department of Radiology, Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, NY (United States)


    We report a case of a 14-year-old boy with an intracompartmental lytic lesion with poorly defined margins in the right distal tibia that was originally treated with curettage and bone grafting. Histologic examination showed an osteoblastic tumor with unusual features, which was found on consultation to be an osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma, a rare, low-grade variant of osteosarcoma. Subsequently, the patient underwent en bloc resection of the distal tibia, which was replaced with vascularized bone graft and followed by chemotherapy. Two years later, he is alive with lung metastases. (orig.)

  13. Osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma of the distal tibia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abramovici, Luigia; Steiner, German C.; Kenan, Samuel; Hytiroglou, Prodromos; Rafii, Mahvash


    We report a case of a 14-year-old boy with an intracompartmental lytic lesion with poorly defined margins in the right distal tibia that was originally treated with curettage and bone grafting. Histologic examination showed an osteoblastic tumor with unusual features, which was found on consultation to be an osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma, a rare, low-grade variant of osteosarcoma. Subsequently, the patient underwent en bloc resection of the distal tibia, which was replaced with vascularized bone graft and followed by chemotherapy. Two years later, he is alive with lung metastases. (orig.)

  14. Use of palatally inserted mini-screw for upper molar distalization: A case series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valliollah Arash


    Full Text Available  Abstract Reports have shown that molars can be distalized successfully with virtually no orthodontic anchorage loss with an intraosseous anchorage, even with fully erupted second molars. The purpose of this study was evaluating the effects of mini-screws as skeletal anchorage for upper molar distalization. In this case series, three patients needing maxillary first molar distalization, were selected. mini-screw was inserted in the anterior part of the palate. The screws were anchored to the first premolars by transpalatal arch and immediately loaded (150-160 g by 0.018-inch arch-wire and steel open-coil spring to distalize maxillary molars. The skeletal and dental changes were measured on cephalograms obtained before and after distalization. The amount of first molar distalization in the patients was 4 mm with 2°of tipping, 4 mm with 5°of tipping, and 3.5 mm with 2°of tipping respectively. Upper incisors and first premolars were stable during distalization.       

  15. La distribución del ingreso en la Argentina : Evidencia, determinantes y políticas


    Gasparini, Leonardo; Marchionni, Mariana; Sosa Escudero, Walter


    Este trabajo presenta un análisis abarcativo -aunque no exhaustivo- del problema de la distribución del ingreso en la Argentina. El estudio aporta evidencia empírica novedosa y sistematiza la literatura existente sobre el tema. El carácter abarcativo del trabajo y la necesidad de mantener la extensión del mismo en un nivel razonable, hacen inevitable sacrificar profundidad en el análisis de cada tema. Consecuentemente, el desarrollo del trabajo es documentado con una extensa lista de referenc...

  16. Laparoscopic radical nephroureterectomy: dilemma of the distal ureter. (United States)

    Steinberg, Jordan R; Matin, Surena F


    Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy has recently emerged as a safe, minimally invasive approach to upper tract urothelial cancers. The most controversial and challenging feature of laparoscopic nephroureterectomy is the management of the distal ureter. We review the most common methods of managing the distal ureter, with emphasis on contemporary oncologic outcomes, indications, advantages, and disadvantages. There are currently in excess of five different approaches to the lower ureter. These techniques often combine features of endoscopic, laparoscopic, or open management. They include open excision, a transvesical laparoscopic detachment and ligation technique, laparoscopic stapling of the distal ureter and bladder cuff, the "pluck" technique, and ureteral intussusception. Each technique has distinct advantages and disadvantages, differing not only in technical approach, but oncological principles as well. While the existing published data do not overwhelmingly support one approach over the others, the open approach remains one of the most reliable and oncologically sound procedures. The principles of surgical oncology dictate that a complete, en-bloc resection, with avoidance of tumor seeding, remains the preferred treatment of all urothelial cancers. The classical open technique of securing the distal ureter and bladder cuff achieves this principle and has withstood the test of time. Transvesical laparoscopic detachment and ligation is an oncologically valid approach in patients without bladder tumors, but is limited by technical considerations. The laparoscopic stapling technique maintains a closed system but risks leaving behind ureteral and bladder cuff segments. Both transurethral resection of the ureteral orifice (pluck) and intussusception techniques should be approached with caution, as the potential for tumor seeding exists. Additional long-term comparative outcomes are needed to solve the dilemma of the distal ureter.

  17. Simultaneous bilateral distal biceps tendon repair: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiago Medeiros Storti

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Simultaneous bilateral rupture of the distal biceps tendon is a rare clinical entity, seldom reported in the literature and with unclear therapeutic setting. The authors report the case of a 39-year-old white man who suffered a simultaneous bilateral rupture while working out. When weightlifting with elbows at 90° of flexion, he suddenly felt pain on the anterior aspect of the arms, coming for evaluation after two days. He presented bulging contour of the biceps muscle belly and ecchymosis in the antecubital fossa, extending distally to the medial aspect of the forearm, as well as a marked decrease of supination strength and pain in active elbow flexion. MRI confirmed the rupture with retraction of the distal biceps bilaterally. The authors opted for performing the tendon repairs simultaneously through the double incision technique and fixation to the bicipital tuberosity with anchors. The patient progressed quite well, with full return to labor and sports activities, being satisfied with the result after two years of surgery. In the literature search, few reports of simultaneous bilateral rupture of the distal biceps were retrieved, with only one treated in the acute phase of injury. Therefore, the authors consider this procedure to be a good option to solve this complex condition.

  18. Simultaneous bilateral distal biceps tendon repair: case report. (United States)

    Storti, Thiago Medeiros; Paniago, Alexandre Firmino; Faria, Rafael Salomon Silva


    Simultaneous bilateral rupture of the distal biceps tendon is a rare clinical entity, seldom reported in the literature and with unclear therapeutic setting. The authors report the case of a 39-year-old white man who suffered a simultaneous bilateral rupture while working out. When weightlifting with elbows at 90° of flexion, he suddenly felt pain on the anterior aspect of the arms, coming for evaluation after two days. He presented bulging contour of the biceps muscle belly and ecchymosis in the antecubital fossa, extending distally to the medial aspect of the forearm, as well as a marked decrease of supination strength and pain in active elbow flexion. MRI confirmed the rupture with retraction of the distal biceps bilaterally. The authors opted for performing the tendon repairs simultaneously through the double incision technique and fixation to the bicipital tuberosity with anchors. The patient progressed quite well, with full return to labor and sports activities, being satisfied with the result after two years of surgery. In the literature search, few reports of simultaneous bilateral rupture of the distal biceps were retrieved, with only one treated in the acute phase of injury. Therefore, the authors consider this procedure to be a good option to solve this complex condition.

  19. Limited distal organelles and synaptic function in extensive monoaminergic innervation. (United States)

    Tao, Juan; Bulgari, Dinara; Deitcher, David L; Levitan, Edwin S


    Organelles such as neuropeptide-containing dense-core vesicles (DCVs) and mitochondria travel down axons to supply synaptic boutons. DCV distribution among en passant boutons in small axonal arbors is mediated by circulation with bidirectional capture. However, it is not known how organelles are distributed in extensive arbors associated with mammalian dopamine neuron vulnerability, and with volume transmission and neuromodulation by monoamines and neuropeptides. Therefore, we studied presynaptic organelle distribution in Drosophila octopamine neurons that innervate ∼20 muscles with ∼1500 boutons. Unlike in smaller arbors, distal boutons in these arbors contain fewer DCVs and mitochondria, although active zones are present. Absence of vesicle circulation is evident by proximal nascent DCV delivery, limited impact of retrograde transport and older distal DCVs. Traffic studies show that DCV axonal transport and synaptic capture are not scaled for extensive innervation, thus limiting distal delivery. Activity-induced synaptic endocytosis and synaptic neuropeptide release are also reduced distally. We propose that limits in organelle transport and synaptic capture compromise distal synapse maintenance and function in extensive axonal arbors, thereby affecting development, plasticity and vulnerability to neurodegenerative disease. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  20. Fractures of the distal radius in children: A retrospective evaluation

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    Selma Yazıcı


    Full Text Available Objectives: This study designed to evaluate the resultsof treatment, closed reduction and percutaneous wires, ofthe distal radius fractures in children.Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis wascarried out in children aged between 5-15 years who presentedwith a displaced fracture of the distal radius to ourhospital. They were initially treated with closed reductionand cast immobilization. If the fractures redisplaced treatedby percutaneous Kirschner (K- wire with scope undera general anaesthesia.Results: Totally 104 patients, who have distal radius fractureswere treated by closed reduction and immobilizationin a plaster cast. 13 patient who have distal radiusfractures were treated by closed reduction under generalanaesthesia and fixed by percutaneous Kirschner (K-wire. Patients with impaired the alignment of the fracturein late period were usually completely displaced fractures.(n=5, 4,3%, in early period, completely displaced fractures(n=5, 4,3% are superior to partial displaced fractures(n=2, 1,7%.Conclusion: In our study, when children with distal radiusfracture first come, they were treated by closed reductionand immobilization in a plaster cast. We thought that inredisplaced fractures patients were suitable for the closedreduction with percutaneous wire treatment.

  1. El Cuestionario de Dificultades Interpersonales para adolescentes: evidencia de fiabilidad y validez en una muestra colombiana


    Delgado, Beatriz; Department of Developmental Psychology and Didactics, University of Alicante; Inglés, Cándido José; Department of Health Psychology, Miguel Hernandez University of Elche; Hidalgo, María Dolores; Department of Basic Psychology and Methodology, University of Murcia; García-Fernández, José Manuel; Department of Developmental Psychology and Didactics, University of Alicante.; Martínez-Monteagudo, María Carmen; Department of Health Psychology, Miguel Hernandez University of Elche.


    Este objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la evidencia de fiabilidad y validez de las puntuaciones de la versión colombiana del Cuestionario de Dificultades Interpersonales para Adolescentes (QIDA) en una muestra de 1.628 adolescentes (65.7% chicos) de 12 a 18 años. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios replicaron la estructura factorial de cinco factores relacionados: Asertividad, Relaciones Heterosexuales, Hablar en Público, Relaciones Familiares y Amigos Íntimos. La consistencia interna...

  2. Intersphincteric Resection and Coloanal Anastomosis in Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer


    Cipe, Gokhan; Muslumanoglu, Mahmut; Yardimci, Erkan; Memmi, Naim; Aysan, Erhan


    In the treatment of distal rectal cancer, abdominoperineal resection is traditionally performed. However, the recognition of shorter safe distal resection line, intersphincteric resection technique has given a chance of sphincter-saving surgery for patients with distal rectal cancer during last two decades and still is being performed as an alternative choice of abdominoperineal resection. The first aim of this study is to assess the morbidity, mortality, oncological, and functional outcomes ...

  3. Distal antebrachial fractures in toy-breed dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muir, P.


    Antebrachial fractures account for approximately 17% of all canine fractures, with motor vehicle trauma cited as one of the primary causes. However, antebrachial fractures in toy-breed dogs are often sustained after apparently minimal trauma, such as jumping or falling, and are usually distal. The cause of antebrachial fractures in toy breeds is not well understood. Complications after treatment of distal antebrachial fractures in toy-breed dogs, including delayed union, nonunion, and malunion, are common and are potentially serious because they may necessitate limb amputation. This article reports on distal antebrachial fractures in 26 toy-breed dogs that wee presented to the University of California, Davis, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from April 1987 to March 1996. The author found that (1) these fractures typically occur in growing or adolescent dogs; (2) the presence of complications of union is typically associated with prior treatment using intramedullary pinning or external coaptation; and (3) successful healing of this type of fracture is obtained via rigid stabilization with bone plating in combination with cancellous bone autograft

  4. Ultrasound demonstration of distal biceps tendon bifurcation: normal and abnormal findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tagliafico, Alberto; Capaccio, Enrico; Derchi, Lorenzo E.; Martinoli, Carlo; Michaud, Johan


    We demonstrate the US appearance of the distal biceps tendon bifurcation in normal cadavers and volunteers and in those affected by various disease processes. Three cadaveric specimens, 30 normal volunteers, and 75 patients were evaluated by means of US. Correlative MR imaging was obtained in normal volunteers and patients. In all cases US demonstrated the distal biceps tendon shaped by two separate tendons belonging to the short and long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Four patients had a complete rupture of the distal insertion of the biceps with retraction of the muscle belly. Four patients had partial tear of the distal biceps tendon with different US appearance. In two patients the partial tear involved the short head of the biceps brachii tendon, while in the other two patients, the long head was involved. Correlative MR imaging is also presented both in normal volunteers and patients. US changed the therapeutic management in the patients with partial tears involving the LH of the biceps. This is the first report in which ultrasound considers the distal biceps tendon bifurcation in detail. Isolated tears of one of these components can be identified by US. Knowledge of the distal biceps tendon bifurcation ultrasonographic anatomy and pathology has important diagnostic and therapeutic implications. (orig.)

  5. Locking plates in distal humerus fractures: study of 43 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gupta Rakesh Kumar


    Full Text Available 【Abstract】Objective: The treatment of multi-fragmentary, intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus is difficult, even in young patients with bone of good quality. Small distal fragment, diminished bone mineral quality and increased trauma-associated joint destruction make stable joint reconstruction more problematic. The anatomically preshaped locking plates allow angular stable fixation for these complex fractures. We evaluated functional results of patients treated with open reduction and internal fixation with distal humerus locking plates for complex distal hu-merus fractures. Methods: Forty-three consecutive patients with ar-ticular fractures of the distal humerus were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with AO distal humerus plate system and locking reconstruction plates. Forty patients were available for the final outcome analysis. According to AO/ASIF classification, there were 2 cases of type A2, 4 cases of type A3, 1 case of type B1, 1 case of type B2, 14 cases of type C1, 7 cases of type C2 and 11 cases of type C3. Open reduction with triceps splitting technique was used in all patients. The clinical and radiographic follow-up was performed and outcome measures included pain assessment, range of motion, and Mayo elbow performance score. Results: Forty patients were available for the final outcome analysis. There were 29 males and 11 females with an average age of 38.4 years (18-73 years. Clinical and ra-diological consolidation of the fracture was observed in all cases at an average of 11.6 weeks (9-14 weeks. The average follow-up was 12 months (10-18 months. Using the Mayo elbow performance score the results obtained were graded as excellent or good results in 33 patients (82.5%. One pa-tient had superficial infection, and 4 had myositis ossificans. There were no cases of primary malposition or secondary displacement, implant failure or ulnar neuropathy. Conclusion: Anatomically preshaped distal humerus locking

  6. Perfil de competencias del profesional que cumple funciones de monitoreo, evaluación y gestión de evidencias de programas y proyectos de desarrollo: un aporte para las decisiones basadas en evidencias

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    Eva Miranda


    Full Text Available Los programas y proyectos de desarrollo que forman parte de las políticas públicas necesitan ser eficientes en la inversión y eficaces en el logro de sus objetivos y resultados. El monitoreo y la evaluación (ME son funciones estratégicas y sistemáticas que buscan generar información confiable y rigurosa acerca del alcance y logros de metas y resultados previamente establecidos en los programas y proyectos de desarrollo. Existen consensos internacionales sobre la necesidad de desarrollar capacidades y profesionalizar el ME, adoptar estándares comunes, y reforzar las estrategias de desarrollo nacional, mejorando el uso de las evaluaciones para retroalimentar las políticas públicas y lograr evidencias que sustenten un desarrollo sostenible con inclusión y equidad. En nuestro país, los programas sociales y diversos programas presupuestales que desarrolla el Estado peruano, así como los programas y proyectos que apoya la cooperación internacional, hacen evidente la demanda de sistemas nacionales de ME capaces de obtener evidencias rigurosas sobre los resultados y que estos se reflejen tanto en la asignación presupuestal, como en la mejora de procesos y estrategias. El perfil de competencias del profesional que cumple funciones de ME es el conjunto de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que debe poseer la persona para desempeñar adecuadamente sus funciones. En el presente artículo se identifican las funciones de los profesionales en el área de ME y se propone el perfil de competencias que deben adquirir así como los contenidos de las competencias específicas de ME. Se presenta el perfil de competencias validado como un aporte a la gestión por resultados y decisiones basadas en evidencias para su implementación en procesos de gestión de recursos humanos y sistemas de ME; es una herramienta para ser aplicada prioritariamente en la planificación y dotación, organización del trabajo, el desarrollo de capacidades y la

  7. Clinical and non-clinical aspects of distal radioulnar joint instability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijffels, M.; Brink, P.R.G.; Schipper, I.


    Untreated distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) injuries can give rise to long lasting complaints. Although common, diagnosis and treatment of DRUJ injuries remains a challenge. The articulating anatomy of the distal radius and ulna, among others, enables an extensive range of forearm pronosupination

  8. Surgical treatment of distal biceps tendon rupture: a case report

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    Cristina N. Cozma


    Full Text Available Objectives. Distal biceps tendon rupture affects the functional upperextremity movement, impairing supination and flexion strength. According to age, profession and additional risks treatment might be nonoperative or surgical. Methods. We describe the case of a 43 years old male patient who sustained an injury to his right distal biceps and was diagnosed with acute right distal biceps rupture. Surgical treatment was decided and biceps tendon was reinserted to the radius tuberosity using a combination of a cortical button fixation associated with an interference screw. Results. Postoperative functional result was favorable with no complications and with no movement limitation after one month. Conclusions. When possible, distal biceps tendon repair should be realized surgically because this permits restoring of the muscle strength to near normal levels with no loss of motion. Nerve complications are common; therefore the surgery should be realized by experienced upper extremity surgeons.

  9. Práctica basada en evidencia en estudiantes de enfermería colombianos

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    María del Pilar Ureña-Molina


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar el nivel de competencias sobre Práctica Basada en Evidencia en estudiantes de un programa de Enfermería de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Mediante un diseño cuantitativo, descriptivo y correlacional, el estudio se desarrolló en 2 fases. La primera fase consistió en la adaptación cultural y validación de contenido del cuestionario de Competencias en Práctica Basada en la Evidencia (CACH-PBE al contexto Colombiano; este instrumento valora tres factores: Actitudes, Habilidades y Conocimientos. En la segunda fase se aplicó el cuestionario a una muestra de 291 estudiantes del Programa de Enfermería de una Universidad de Cúcuta, Colombia, durante el primer semestre del 2016. Resultados. Se encontró un promedio de edad de 20 años, de género femenino en su mayoría, el 57,4 % de ellos no tenía ninguna formación previa sobre PBE y el 57.1 % la había recibido en metodología de investigación. La puntuación global de competencia en PBE fue de 3,58 sobre un máximo de 5, destacando la dimensión Actitudes hacia la PBE con mayor puntuación y la dimensión Conocimientos con menor; encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas a mayor medida en que los estudiantes se encontraban en un semestre superior. Conclusiones. Los estudiantes obtuvieron un nivel medio en competencias para la PBE, asociándose un impacto positivo de la formación académica recibida, ya que en los últimos semestres se evidenció mayor puntuación con respecto a los primeros.

  10. Distal protection filter device efficacy with carotid artery stenting: comparison between a distal protection filter and a distal protection balloon. (United States)

    Iko, Minoru; Tsutsumi, Masanori; Aikawa, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Yoshihisa; Go, Yoshinori; Nii, Kouhei; Abe, Gorou; Ye, Iwae; Nomoto, Yasuyuki; Kazekawa, Kiyoshi


    This retrospective study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the embolization prevention mechanism of two types of embolic protection device (EPD)-a distal protection balloon (DPB) and a distal protection filter (DPF). Subjects were 164 patients scheduled to undergo carotid artery stenting: a DPB was used in 82 cases (DPB group) from April 2007 until June 2010, and a DPF was used in 82 cases (DPF group) from July 2010 to July 2011. Rates of positive findings on postoperative diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and stroke incidence were compared. Positive postoperative DWI results were found in 34 cases in the DPB group (41.4 %), but in only 22 cases in the DPF group (26.8 %), and there was only a small significant difference within the DPF group. In the DPB group, there was one case of transient ischemic attack (TIA) (1.2 %) and four cases of brain infarction (2 minor strokes, 2 major strokes; 4.9 %), compared to the DFP group with one case of TIA (1.2 %) and no cases of minor or major strokes. In this study, significantly lower rates of occurrence of DWI ischemic lesions and intraoperative embolization were associated with use of the DPF compared to the DPB.

  11. La contribución de la Evidencia Cualitativa al campo del cuidado y la salud comunitaria The contribution of qualitative evidence to care and community health

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    Carmen de la Cuesta Benjumea


    Full Text Available Para mostrar la contribución de la evidencia cualitativa a la práctica de la enfermería y la salud comunitaria, se hace necesario primero examinar lo que es evidencia y cual es la relación que hay entre la investigación y la práctica. En este artículo argumento que la evidencia es necesariamente plural, que no se produce en un vacío social o histórico y que para valorar su uso se deben examinar los presupuestos y las expectativas que hay sobre la contribución de la investigación a la práctica. Al valorar su impacto éste se debe contextualizar. La investigación cualitativa está encaminada hacia la producción de un conocimiento válido y relevante y no a la solución de problemas prácticos; produce evidencia cuya relevancia es más bien general y no específica, por tanto su impacto es indirecto. Los criterios de evaluación del movimiento de la práctica basada en la evidencia se han de ampliar y se han de cuestionar los intentos de jerarquizar las evidencias con parámetros exclusivamente positivistas; el trabajo cualitativo es interpretativo y subjetivo y por ello se resiste a una jerarquización en niveles. Respecto a su uso las responsabilidades son compartidas. Mientras que la responsabilidad de los investigadores es hacer que la evidencia sea accesible, potente y evocativa, la de los lectores es valorar su ajuste y relevancia a las situaciones específicas. Uno de los mayores retos a los que nos enfrentamos los profesionales de la salud es al de la validación e incorporación de los hallazgos a la práctica.In order to show the contribution of qualitative evidence to nursing practice and community health, there is a need to examine first what is meant by evidence and the relationship between research and practice. This paper argues that evidence is necessarily plural and that is not produced in a social or historical vacuum. The assumptions and expectations about the contribution of research to practice need also to be

  12. Radiographic study of distal radial physeal closure in thoroughbred horses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vulcano, L.C.; Mamprim, M.J.; Muniz, L.M.R.; Moreira, A.F.; Luna, S.P.L.


    Monthly radiography was performed to study distal radial physeal closure in ten male and ten female Throughbred horses. The height, thoracic circumference and metacarpus circumference were also measured, Distal radial physeal closure time was sooner in females than males, and took 701 +/- 37 and 748 +/- 55 days respectively

  13. Distal Embolic Protection for Renal Arterial Interventions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubel, Gregory J.; Murphy, Timothy P.


    Distal or embolic protection has intuitive appeal for its potential to prevent embolization of materials generated during interventional procedures. Distal protection devices (DPDs) have been most widely used in the coronary and carotid vascular beds, where they have demonstrated the ability to trap embolic materials and, in some cases, to reduce complications. Given the frequency of chronic kidney disease in patients with renal artery stenosis undergoing stent placement, it is reasonable to propose that these devices may play an important role in limiting distal embolization in the renal vasculature. Careful review of the literature reveals that atheroembolization does occur during renal arterial interventions, although it often goes undetected. Early experience with DPDs in the renal arteries in patients with suitable anatomy suggests retrieval of embolic materials in approximately 71% of cases and renal functional improvement/stabilization in 98% of cases. The combination of platelet inhibition and a DPD may provide even greater benefit. Given the critical importance of renal functional preservation, it follows that everything that can be done to prevent atheroembolism should be undertaken including the use of DPDs when anatomically feasible. The data available at this time support a beneficial role for these devices

  14. Contemporary Management of Primary Distal Urethral Cancer. (United States)

    Traboulsi, Samer L; Witjes, Johannes Alfred; Kassouf, Wassim


    Primary urethral cancer is one of the rare urologic tumors. Distal urethral tumors are usually less advanced at diagnosis compared with proximal tumors and have a good prognosis if treated appropriately. Low-stage distal tumors can be managed successfully with a surgical approach in men or radiation therapy in women. There are no clear-cut indications for the choice of the most appropriate treatment modality. Organ-preserving modalities have shown effective and should be used whenever they do not compromise the oncological safety to decrease the physical and psychological trauma of dismemberment or loss of sexual/urinary function. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Medicina basada en la evidencia: Aportes a la práctica médica actual y dificultades para su implementación

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    Germán Málaga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Medicina basada en la evidencia (MBE es actualmente sinónimo de práctica médica moderna e innovadora. Sin embargo, poco se sabe de su real dimensión y principios. Su relación con la investigación y la "evidencia" es entendida como la interpretación de la literatura medica, la realización de mega ensayos clínicos o meta-análisis. MBE implica el uso juicioso de la mejor evidencia disponible, gracias a la evaluación rigurosa de la calidad metodológica de la información científica, así como de su aplicabilidad. La MBE rescata la experiencia y pericia clínica del médico. Adicionalmente, incorpora como tercer elemento fundamental las preferencias y valores de los pacientes acerca del cuidado de su salud. La intersección de estos tres aspectos constituye la esencia de la MBE. La práctica así entendida de la MBE ubica al paciente y sus circunstancias en el centro mismo del acto médico y lo revaloriza como "ciencia y arte". En esta revisión buscamos destacar como la práctica de la MBE guía hacia una toma de decisiones correcta y democrática. Así mismo, se revisa los diversos aportes en la práctica medica actual, las distorsiones creadas alrededor de ella y las limitaciones para su aplicación en nuestra realidad.(Rev Med Hered 2009;20:191-197.

  16. Nueva evidencia sobre la Statistical Anxiety Scale (SAS

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    Amparo Oliver


    Full Text Available Las asignaturas relacionadas con la estadística suelen tener problemas de rendimiento académico. La ansiedad se relaciona de forma negativa con el rendimiento y en particular, la ansiedad estadística puede ser un constructo clave en la mejora de la enseñanza de esta materia y afines. La Statistical Anxiety Scale (Vigil-Colet, Lorenzo-Seva y Condon, 2008 se creó con la pretensión de ser útil para predecir el rendimiento académico en estadística. Se fundamenta en tres dimensiones de ansiedad referidas a tres aspectos específicos: respecto al examen, cuando se pide ayuda en la comprensión de estadística y en el proceso de interpretación de resultados. Esta estructura de tres factores fue hallada en un primer momento por los autores de la escala y en una primera validación corroborada en estudiantes italianos y españoles. El presente estudio pretende añadir nueva evidencia sobre la fiabilidad y validez de la escala, empleando en el estudio de fiabilidad técnicas estadísticas robustas, y ampliando el estudio de la validez respecto a su principal criterio, el rendimiento académico, ya que no puede ser considerado sinónimo de autoeficacia.

  17. One-stage lingual augmented urethroplasty in repair of distal penile ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    E. Elsayed

    Abstract. Objectives: To evaluate the outcome of augmentation of shallow urethral plate by lingual graft in repair of distal penile hypospadias. Patients and methods: Between June 2008 and May 2011, the procedure was performed on 23 patients with mean age 2.3 years (range 1–3). All patients had distal penile ...

  18. Evidencias sobre la prevención del cáncer

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    D. Salas


    Full Text Available El cáncer es uno de los principales problemas de salud. Engloba a un conjunto de enfermedades que tienen un origen multicausal. Los tumores con mayor impacto en la salud son pulmón, próstata y colorrectal en los hombres y mama y colorrectal en las mujeres. Las mejores estrategias para evitar el cáncer son las basadas en la prevención primaria y en el diagnóstico precoz. Se estima que entre el 80-90% de los canceres son prevenibles. Respecto a la prevención primaria hay fuerte evidencia que no fumar, realizar ejercicio físico regular, y una dieta rica en frutas y verduras junto con el control de algunos factores de riesgo ambientales y laborales, puede disminuir la incidencia del cáncer. Está recomendado el diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de mama, cuello de útero y de cáncer colorrectal en algunos grupos de población en el contexto de programas organizados con la adecuada garantía de calidad.

  19. Locking plate fixation in distal metaphyseal tibial fractures: series of 79 patients


    Gupta, Rakesh K.; Rohilla, Rajesh Kumar; Sangwan, Kapil; Singh, Vijendra; Walia, Saurav


    Open reduction and internal fixation in distal tibial fractures jeopardises fracture fragment vascularity and often results in soft tissue complications. Minimally invasive osteosynthesis, if possible, offers the best possible option as it permits adequate fixation in a biological manner. Seventy-nine consecutive adult patients with distal tibial fractures, including one patient with a bilateral fracture of the distal tibia, treated with locking plates, were retrospectively reviewed. The 4.5-...

  20. Estudios de Evidencias de Validez de La Batería Informatizada del Lenguaje Oral- BILO


    Abreu Lima, Gerusa Marcondes Pimentel de; Joly, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo


    El objetivo del presente estudio fue buscar evidencias de validez para un test de lenguaje oral a través de la correlación con una escala de evaluación del Trastorno de Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) y del análisis de la influencia de las variables: edades, escolaridad y género, sobre el desempeño. Fueron evaluados 125 niños entre los cinco y diez años, estudiantes del último nivel de preescolar y estudiantes de primaria (1° y 2° grado). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Bate...

  1. Distal vertebral artery reconstruction when managing vertebrobasilar insufficiency

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    D. M. Galaktionov


    Full Text Available This article presents a literature review devoted to the reconstruction of the distal vertebral artery and a clinical case of successful surgical treatment of a patient suffering from vertebrobasilar insufficiency caused by occlusion of the vertebral artery in a proximal segment. The external carotid artery-distal vertebral artery bypass was performed by using the radial artery.Received 27 February 2017. Revised 25 July 2017. Accepted 3 August 2017.Funding: The study did not have sponsorship.Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 

  2. Neglected Distal Humeral Epiphyseal Injury - Two Case Reports

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    Dr. Pankaj Kumar


    Full Text Available Distal humeral epiphyseal separation is an uncommon injury in children, which can be missed or misdiagnosed at initial presentation. Awareness of this injury and appropriate radiological assessment helps in proper management. Neglected cases because of inappropriate diagnosis can result in cubitus varus deformity. Full range of movements of elbow can be achieved if properly diagnosed and managed. We present two cases of neglected distal humeral epiphyseal injury in children that resulted in cubitus varus deformity in one case. Full range of movements was achieved in both cases after proper management.

  3. Distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy: a robotic or LESS approach. (United States)

    Ryan, Carrie E; Ross, Sharona B; Sukharamwala, Prashant B; Sadowitz, Benjamin D; Wood, Thomas W; Rosemurgy, Alexander S


    The role and application of robotic surgery are debated, particularly given the expansion of laparoscopy, especially laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) surgery. This cohort study was undertaken to delineate differences in outcomes between LESS and robotic distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy. With Institutional Review Board approval, patients undergoing LESS or robotic distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy from September 1, 2012, through December 31, 2014, were prospectively observed, and data were collected. The results are expressed as the median, with the mean ± SD. Thirty-four patients underwent a minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy: 18 with robotic and 16 with LESS surgery. The patients were similar in sex, age, and body mass index. Conversions to open surgery and estimated blood loss were similar. There were two intraoperative complications in the group that underwent the robotic approach. Time spent in the operating room was significantly longer with the robot (297 vs 254 minutes, P = .03), although operative duration (i.e., incision to closure) was not longer (225 vs 190 minutes; P = .15). Of the operations studied, 79% were undertaken for neoplastic processes. Tumor size was 3.5 cm for both approaches; R0 resections were achieved in all patients. Length of stay was similar in the two study groups (5 vs 4 days). There was one 30-day readmission after robotic surgery. Patient outcomes are similar with LESS or robotic distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy. Robotic operations require more time in the operating room. Both are safe and efficacious minimally invasive operations that follow similar oncologic principles for similar tumors, and both should be in the surgeon's armamentarium for distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy.

  4. Distal tibiofibular synostosis in a Nigerian: A case report | Owoeye ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    X-ray of the bones showed an oblique fracture in the distal end of the shaft of fibula which is suggestive of post traumatic tibiofibular synostosis (TFS). Knowledge of distal TFS is important in resolving the puzzle of chronic shin pain of unknown origin and in accurate diagnosis of causes of ankle deformity and malformations.

  5. Dental and skeletal changes after intraoral molar distalization with sectional jig assembly. (United States)

    Gulati, S; Kharbanda, O P; Parkash, H


    The present study was conducted on 10 subjects to evaluate dental and skeletal changes after intraoral molar distalization. The maxillary molars were distalized with a sectional jig assembly. Sentalloy open coil springs were used to exert 150 gm of force for a period of 12 weeks. A modified Nance appliance was the main source of anchorage. The pre- and postdistalization records included dental study casts, clinical photographs, and cephalograms. A total of 665 readings recorded from lateral cephalograms and dental casts were subjected to statistical analysis. The mean distal movement of the first molar was 2.78 mm, which was highly significant (o < 0.001). It moved distally at the rate of 0.86 mm/month. There was clinically some distal tipping (3.50 degrees) and distopalatal rotation (2.40 degrees). These changes were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The second molars accompanied the first molars and moved distally by nearly the same amount. There was 1.00 mm increase in the overjet and 2.60 degrees mesial tip of second premolar. The changes in the facial skeleton and dentition bases were minimal and statistically not significant. However, there was clockwise rotation of the mandible of 1.30 degrees that was statistically significant. This was the result of molar extrusion (1.60 mm).

  6. Social Support Contributes to Outcomes following Distal Radius Fractures

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    Caitlin J. Symonette


    Full Text Available Background. Distal radius fractures are the most common fracture of the upper extremity and cause variable disability. This study examined the role of social support in patient-reported pain and disability at one year following distal radius fracture. Methods. The Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey was administered to a prospective cohort of 291 subjects with distal radius fractures at their baseline visit. Pearson correlations and stepwise linear regression models (F-to-remove 0.10 were used to identify whether social support contributes to wrist fracture outcomes. The primary outcome of pain and disability at one year was measured using the Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation. Results. Most injuries were low energy (67.5% and were treated nonoperatively (71.9%. Pearson correlation analysis revealed that higher reported social support correlated with improved Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation scores at 1 year, r(n=181=-0.22, P<0.05. Of the subscales within the Social Support Survey, emotional/informational support explained a significant proportion of the variance in 1-year Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation scores, R2=4.7%, F (1, 181 = 9.98, P<0.05. Conclusion. Lower emotional/informational social support at the time of distal radius fracture contributes a small but significant percentage to patient-reported pain and disability outcomes.

  7. Proximal and distal alignment of normal canine femurs: A morphometric analysis. (United States)

    Kara, Mehmet Erkut; Sevil-Kilimci, Figen; Dilek, Ömer Gürkan; Onar, Vedat


    Many researchers are interested in femoral conformation because most orthopaedic problems of the long bones occur in the femur and its joints. The neck-shaft (NSA) and the anteversion (AVA) angles are good predictors for understanding the orientation of the proximal end of the femur. The varus (aLDFA) and procurvatum (CDFA) angles have also been used to understand the orientation of the distal end of the femur. The purposes of this study were to investigate the relationship between the proximal and distal angles of the femur and to compare the distal femoral angles in male and female dogs in order to investigate the sexual dimorphism. The measurements of normal CDFAs, which have not been previously reported, may also provide a database of canine distal femoral morphology. A total of 75 cleaned healthy femora from different breeds or mixed breed of dogs were used. The three-dimensional images were reconstructed from computed tomographic images. The AVA, NSA, aLDFA and CDFA were measured on the 3D images. The correlation coefficients were calculated among the measured angles. The distal femoral angles were also compared between male and female femora. The 95% confidence intervals of the AVA and the NSA were calculated to be 24.22°-29.50° and 144.97°-147.50°, respectively. The 95% confidence intervals of the aLDFA and the CDFA for all studied dogs were 92.62°-94.08° and 89.09°-91.94°, respectively. The NSA showed no correlation with either the aLDFA or CDFA. There was a weak inverse correlation between the AVA and CDFA and a weak positive correlation between the AVA and aLDFA. The differences in the aLDFA and CDFA measurements between male and female dog were not significant. In conclusion, femoral version, regardless of the plane, might have little influence on distal femoral morphology in normal dogs. Besides this, there is no evidence of a sexual dimorphism in the varus and procurvatum angles of the dog distal femur. The data from this study may be used in

  8. Aplicación de la enfermería basada en la evidencia en los currículos de pregrado de enfermería en Santander, Colombia

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    Raquel Céspedes Pinto


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia (EBE, es un movimiento que motiva la investigación y el estudio constante, para incluir la evidencia científica en las decisiones clínicas y de salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las competencias y componentes disciplinares de la EBE  utilizada en la enseñanza del cuidado en los currículos de los programas de pregrado en enfermería de Santander. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio exploratorio cuantitativo en 69 docentes del área de cuidado y 37 currículos de enfermería de cuatro universidades de Santander. Se diseñaron dos formularios para la recolección de datos, uno para los docentes con 21 ítems para identificar los componentes y competencias utilizadas para la enseñanza del cuidado  y otro para las asignaturas con 12 ítems derivados de dichas dimensiones. Resultados: En la implementación de la EBE en la práctica con los estudiantes para orientar el cuidado, existe diversidad en el empleo que de ésta se hace en las competencias, componentes disciplinares y su desarrollo en las instituciones. Discusión: El estudio mostró que la capacidad de analizar críticamente sobresale como una de las competencias que se fomenta en el estudiante cuando se utiliza la enfermería basada en la evidencia y que las bases de datos de apoyo a la EBE son mínimamente relacionadas en los currículos de las asignaturas de los programas, Conclusiones: Las competencias y conocimientos que requieren los estudiantes de enfermería, para enfrentar el ejercicio de su profesión, aún no se ven sustentadas en las ventajas que puede desarrollar el uso de la enfermería basada en la evidencia, como estrategia para tomar las mejores decisiones en el cuidado de los pacientes.Cómo citar este artículo: Céspedes R. Aplicación de la enfermería basada en la evidencia en los currículos de pregrado de enfermería en Santander, Colombia. Rev Cuid. 2015; 6(1: 900-5.

  9. Evidencia y recomendación. ¿Harmonic Ultracision ofrece ventajas en tiroidectomía?

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    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo: En un paciente con patología de tiroides [paciente] sometido a tiroidectomía [intervención] la técnica realizada con Harmonic Ultracision® (HU comparada con las técnicas convencionales (ligadura, electrocoagulación mono o bipolar y Ligasure® [comparación] ¿es más segura [resultado]? Material y método: Búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, Cochrane Library y Scopus con la estrategia de búsqueda «(((((ultrasonic scalpel OR harmonic AND thyroidectomy AND meta-analysis. Resultados: Nivel de evidencia: La evidencia de la ventaja del uso de HU en tiroidectomía frente a otras técnicas es alta respecto a la eliminación de las suturas, a la facilitación del acceso a espacios más reducidos, la reducción del tiempo quirúrgico, la reducción del sangrado intraoperatorio y postoperatorio, la reducción del hipoparatiroidismo transitorio, la reducción del dolor postoperatorio, la reducción de la estancia hospitalaria y reducción del coste. Conclusiones: Recomendación: La recomendación del uso de HU en tiroidectomía frenta a otras alternativas (cirugía convencional / Ligasure® es débil a favor porque reduce la incidencia de parálisis laríngea y es fuerte a favor debido a que reduce el tiempo operatorio, reduce el sangrado intraoperatorio y postoperatorio, reduce el volumen drenado, reduce la incidencia de hipocalcemia, reduce la estancia hospitalaria y el coste. La recomendación del uso de HU en tiroidectomía es fuerte a favor.

  10. Clinical study for pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy with mesh reinforcement

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    Akira Hayashibe


    Full Text Available Summary: Background: The purpose of this cohort study was to determine whether distal pancreatectomy with mesh reinforcement can reduce postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF rates compared with bare stapler. Methods: In total, 51 patients underwent stapled distal pancreatectomy. Out of these, 22 patients (no mesh group underwent distal pancreatectomy with bare stapler and 29 patients (mesh group underwent distal pancreatectomy with mesh reinforced stapler. The risk factor for clinically relevant POPF (grades B and C after distal pancreatectomy was also evaluated. Results: Clinical characteristics were almost similar in both the groups. The days of the mean hospital stay and drainage tube insertion in the mesh group were significantly fewer than those in the no mesh group. The mean level of amylase in the discharge fluid in the mesh group was also significantly lower than that the in no mesh group. The rate of clinically relevant POPF (grades B and C in the mesh group was significantly lower than that in the no mesh group (p=0.016. Univariate analyses of risk factors for POPF (grades B and C revealed that only mesh reinforcement was associated with POPF (grades B and C. Moreover, on multivariate analyses of POPF risk factors with p value<0.2 in univariate analyses by logistic regression, mesh reinforcement was regarded as a significant factor for POPF(grades B and C. Conclusions: The distal pancreatectomy with mesh reinforced stapler was thought to be favorable for the prevention of clinically relevant POPF (grades B and C. Keywords: mesh reinforcement, pancreatic fistula, pancreatic surgery

  11. Cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gurusamy, K.S.; Riviere, D.M.; Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van; Besselink, M.; Abu-Hilal, M.; Davidson, B.R.; Morris, S.


    BACKGROUND: A recent Cochrane review compared laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for people with for cancers of the body and tail of the pancreas and found that laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy may reduce the length of hospital stay. We compared the cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic

  12. Intersphincteric Resection and Coloanal Anastomosis in Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer

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    Gokhan Cipe


    Full Text Available In the treatment of distal rectal cancer, abdominoperineal resection is traditionally performed. However, the recognition of shorter safe distal resection line, intersphincteric resection technique has given a chance of sphincter-saving surgery for patients with distal rectal cancer during last two decades and still is being performed as an alternative choice of abdominoperineal resection. The first aim of this study is to assess the morbidity, mortality, oncological, and functional outcomes of intersphincteric resection. The second aim is to compare outcomes of patients who underwent intersphincteric resection with the outcomes of patients who underwent abdominoperineal resection.

  13. Valgusdeformitet i anklen som følge af distal fibula-epifysefraktur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Al-Aubaidi, Zaid


    Ankle fracture with involvement of the growth plate is the second most common paediatric fracture after the distal radius. The most common fracture type according to Salter Harris (SH) is type II of the distal tibia combined with green stick of the fibula. Isolated fracture of the distal fibular...... growth plate is not common and as a rule it does not give any growth arrest. We describe a case of isolated fibular fracture SH type II in a ten year-old girl which ended with symptomatic valgus deformity of the ankle. The patient was operated with good results....

  14. Epidemiology of distal forearm fractures in Oslo, Norway. (United States)

    Lofthus, C M; Frihagen, F; Meyer, H E; Nordsletten, L; Melhuus, K; Falch, J A


    The population of Oslo has the highest incidence of hip fracture reported. The present study shows that the overall incidence of distal forearm fractures in Oslo is higher than in other countries and has not changed significantly when comparing the incidence of 1998/99 with 1979. The population of Oslo has the highest incidence of hip fracture reported. The present study reports the incidence of distal forearm fracture in Oslo and the fracture rates of immigrants. Patients aged > or = 20 years resident in Oslo sustaining a distal forearm fracture in a one-year period in 1998/99 were identified using electronic diagnosis registers, patient protocols, and/or X-ray registers of the clinics in Oslo. Medical records were obtained and the diagnosis verified. The age- and sex-specific incidence rates were calculated and compared with those for 1979. Data on immigrant category and country of origin of the patients were obtained. The age-adjusted fracture rates per 10,000 for the age group > or = 50 years were 109.8 and 25.4 in 1998/99 compared with 108.3 and 23.5 in 1979 for women and men, respectively (n.s.). The relative risk of fracture in Asians was 0.72 (95% CI 0.53-1.00) compared with ethnic Norwegians. The overall incidence of distal forearm fractures in Oslo is higher than in other countries and has not changed significantly when comparing the incidence of 1998/99 with 1979. Furthermore, the present data suggest that Asian immigrants in Oslo have a slightly lower fracture risk than ethnic Norwegians.

  15. Autosomal dominant distal myopathy: Linkage to chromosome 14

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laing, N.G.; Laing, B.A.; Wilton, S.D.; Dorosz, S.; Mastaglia, F.L.; Kakulas, B.A. [Australian Neuromuscular Research Institute, Perth (Australia); Robbins, P.; Meredith, C.; Honeyman, K.; Kozman, H.


    We have studied a family segregating a form of autosomal dominant distal myopathy (MIM 160500) and containing nine living affected individuals. The myopathy in this family is closest in clinical phenotype to that first described by Gowers in 1902. A search for linkage was conducted using microsatellite, VNTR, and RFLP markers. In total, 92 markers on all 22 autosomes were run. Positive linkage was obtained with 14 of 15 markers tested on chromosome 14, with little indication of linkage elsewhere in the genome. Maximum two-point LOD scores of 2.60 at recombination fraction .00 were obtained for the markers MYH7 and D14S64 - the family structure precludes a two-point LOD score {ge} 3. Recombinations with D14S72 and D14S49 indicate that this distal myopathy locus, MPD1, should lie between these markers. A multipoint analysis assuming 100% penetrance and using the markers D14S72, D14S50, MYH7, D14S64, D14S54, and D14S49 gave a LOD score of exactly 3 at MYH7. Analysis at a penetrance of 80% gave a LOD score of 2.8 at this marker. This probable localization of a gene for distal myopathy, MPD1, on chromosome 14 should allow other investigators studying distal myopathy families to test this region for linkage in other types of the disease, to confirm linkage or to demonstrate the likely genetic heterogeneity. 24 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab.

  16. Distal Oblique Bundle Reinforcement for Treatment of DRUJ Instability. (United States)

    Brink, Peter R G; Hannemann, Pascal F W


    Background Chronic, dynamic bidirectional instability in the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is diagnosed clinically, based on the patient's complaints and the finding of abnormal laxity in the vicinity of the distal ulna. In cases where malunion is ruled out or treated and there are no signs of osteoarthritis, stabilization of the DRUJ may offer relief. To this end, several different techniques have been investigated over the past 90 years. Materials and Methods In this article we outline the procedure for a new technique using a tendon graft to reinforce the distal edge of the interosseous membrane. Description of Technique A percutaneous technique is used to harvest the palmaris longus tendon and to create a tunnel, just proximal to the sigmoid notch, through the ulna and radius in an oblique direction. By overdrilling the radial cortex, the knotted tendon can be pulled through the radius and ulna and the knot blocked at the second radial cortex, creating a strong connection between the radius and ulna at the site of the distal oblique bundle (DOB). The tendon is fixed in the ulna with a small interference screw in full supination, preventing subluxation of the ulna out of the sigmoid notch during rotation. Results Fourteen patients were treated with this novel technique between 2011 and October 2013. The QuickDASH score at 25 months postoperatively (range 16-38 months) showed an improvement of 32 points. Similarly, an improvement of 33 points (67-34 months) was found on the PRWHE. Only one recurrence of chronic, dynamic bidirectional instability in the DRUJ was observed. Conclusion This simple percutaneous tenodesis technique between radius and ulna at the position of the distal edge of the interosseous membrane shows promise in terms of both restoring stability and relieving complaints related to chronic subluxation in the DRUJ.

  17. Traumatisk distal humerus-epifysiolyse hos nyfødt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Al-Aubaidi, Zaid; Nielsen, Keld Daubjerg


    Traumatic distal humerus epiphysiolysis (TDHE) is a rare injury in infants with an incidence of about 1:35,000 births. It is primarily a birth injury, but it is also seen in cases of battered child syndrome. Because of its rare occurrence and the diagnostic difficulties, the lesion may be overloo......Traumatic distal humerus epiphysiolysis (TDHE) is a rare injury in infants with an incidence of about 1:35,000 births. It is primarily a birth injury, but it is also seen in cases of battered child syndrome. Because of its rare occurrence and the diagnostic difficulties, the lesion may...

  18. Miyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy. Clinical spectrum in 24 Dutch patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Linssen, W. H.; Notermans, N. C.; van der Graaf, Y.; Wokke, J. H.; van Doorn, P. A.; Höweler, C. J.; Busch, H. F.; de Jager, A. E.; de Visser, M.


    Miyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy has now been found to be more frequent outside Japan than was previously thought. We studied 24 Dutch patients with Miyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy and focused on its clinical expression and natural history, muscle CT-scans and muscle biopsy findings.

  19. Miyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy. Clinical spectrum in 24 Dutch patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    W.H.J.P. Linssen (Wim); N.C. Notermans (Nicolette); Y. van der Graaf (Yolanda); J.H.J. Wokke (John); P.A. van Doorn (Pieter); C.J. Höweler (Chris); H.F.M. Busch (Herman); A.E.J. de Jager (Aeiko); M. de Visser (Marianne)


    textabstractMiyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy has now been found to be more frequent outside Japan than was previously thought. We studied 24 Dutch patients with Miyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy and focused on its clinical expression and natural history muscle CT-scans and muscle biopsy

  20. Miyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy - Clinical spectrum in 24 Dutch patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Linssen, WHJP; Notermans, NC; VanderGraaf, Y; Wokke, JHJ; VanDoorn, PA; Howeler, CJ; Busch, HFM; DeJager, AEJ; DeVisser, M


    Miyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy has now been found to be more frequent outside Japan than was previously thought. We studied 24 Dutch patients with Miyoshi-type distal muscular dystrophy and focused on its clinical expression and natural history, muscle CT-scans and muscle biopsy findings.

  1. HIV Distal Neuropathic Pain Is Associated with Smaller Ventral Posterior Cingulate Cortex. (United States)

    Keltner, John R; Connolly, Colm G; Vaida, Florin; Jenkinson, Mark; Fennema-Notestine, Christine; Archibald, Sarah; Akkari, Cherine; Schlein, Alexandra; Lee, Jisu; Wang, Dongzhe; Kim, Sung; Li, Han; Rennels, Austin; Miller, David J; Kesidis, George; Franklin, Donald R; Sanders, Chelsea; Corkran, Stephanie; Grant, Igor; Brown, Gregory G; Atkinson, J Hampton; Ellis, Ronald J


    . Despite modern antiretroviral therapy, HIV-associated neuropathy is one of the most prevalent, disabling and treatment-resistant complications of HIV disease. The presence and intensity of distal neuropathic pain is not fully explained by the degree of peripheral nerve damage. A better understanding of brain structure in HIV distal neuropathic pain may help explain why some patients with HIV neuropathy report pain while the majority does not. Previously, we reported that more intense distal neuropathic pain was associated with smaller total cerebral cortical gray matter volumes. The objective of this study was to determine which parts of the cortex are smaller. . HIV positive individuals with and without distal neuropathic pain enrolled in the multisite (N = 233) CNS HIV Antiretroviral Treatment Effects (CHARTER) study underwent structural brain magnetic resonance imaging. Voxel-based morphometry was used to investigate regional brain volumes in these structural brain images. . Left ventral posterior cingulate cortex was smaller for HIV positive individuals with versus without distal neuropathic pain (peak P  = 0.017; peak t = 5.15; MNI coordinates x = -6, y = -54, z = 20). Regional brain volumes within cortical gray matter structures typically associated with pain processing were also smaller for HIV positive individuals having higher intensity ratings of distal neuropathic pain. . The posterior cingulate is thought to be involved in inhibiting the perception of painful stimuli. Mechanistically a smaller posterior cingulate cortex structure may be related to reduced anti-nociception contributing to increased distal neuropathic pain. © 2016 American Academy of Pain Medicine. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  2. Classification of Distal Fingertip Amputation Based on the Arterial System for Replantation


    Park, Hyun Chul; Bahar-Moni, Ahmed Suparno; Cho, Sang Hyun; Kim, Sang Soo; Park, Hyun Sik; Ahn, Sang Cheon


    During replantation of distal fingertip amputation, identification of the artery is the most important but time consuming procedure. Depending on the damaged arterial structure, we classified distal fingertip amputations into 4 zones, on the basis of three dimensional concept. Zone 1 injury was defined as damage to the proximal central pulp artery; zone 2 injury, damage to the branch of the central pulp artery; zone 3 injury, damage to the distal central pulp artery; and zone 4 injury, no inj...

  3. Distal radioulnar joint: functional anatomy, including pathomechanics. (United States)

    Haugstvedt, J R; Langer, M F; Berger, R A


    The distal radioulnar joint allows the human to rotate the forearm to place the hand in a desired position to perform different tasks, without interfering with the grasping function of the hand. The ulna is the stable part of the forearm around which the radius rotates; the stability of the distal radioulnar joint is provided by the interaction between ligaments, muscles and bones. The stabilizing structures are the triangular fibrocartilage complex, the ulnocarpal ligament complex, the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon and tendon sheath, the pronator quadratus, the interosseous membrane and ligament, the bone itself and the joint capsule. The purpose of this review article is to present and illustrate the current understanding of the functional anatomy and pathomechanics of this joint.

  4. Complete mucosal healing of distal lesions induced by twice-daily budesonide 2-mg foam promoted clinical remission of mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis with distal active inflammation: double-blind, randomized study. (United States)

    Naganuma, Makoto; Aoyama, Nobuo; Tada, Tomohiro; Kobayashi, Kiyonori; Hirai, Fumihito; Watanabe, Kenji; Watanabe, Mamoru; Hibi, Toshifumi


    Budesonide foam is used for the topical treatment of distal ulcerative colitis. This phase III study was performed to confirm mucosal healing and other therapeutic effects of twice-daily budesonide 2-mg foam in patients with mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis including left-sided colitis and pancolitis. This was a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. A total of 126 patients with mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis with active inflammation in the distal colon were randomized to two groups receiving twice-daily budesonide 2 mg/25 ml foam or placebo foam. The primary endpoint was the percentage of complete mucosal healing of distal lesions (endoscopic subscore of 0) at week 6. Some patients continued the treatment through week 12. Drug efficacy and safety were evaluated. The percentages of both complete mucosal healing of distal lesions and clinical remission were significantly improved in the budesonide as compared with the placebo group (p = 0.0003 and p = 0.0035). Subgroup analysis showed similar efficacy of budesonide foam for complete mucosal healing of distal lesions and clinical remission regardless of disease type. The clinical remission percentage tended to be higher in patients achieving complete mucosal healing of distal lesions than in other patients. There were no safety concerns with budesonide foam. This study confirmed for the first time complete mucosal healing with twice-daily budesonide 2-mg foam in mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis with distal active inflammation. The results also indicated that complete mucosal healing of distal lesions by budesonide foam promotes clinical remission of ulcerative colitis. Clinical trial registration no.: Japic CTI-142704.

  5. Efficiency and safety of percuSurge distal protection device in acute ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 25, 2011 ... myocardial infarction. The long-term effects of the distal protection device are still in controversy. The enhanced myocardial efficacy and recovery by aspiration of liberated debris (EMERALD) trial failed to show the effectiveness of the distal protection device in patients with AMI (Yamada and Topol, 2000).

  6. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la falange distal bífida por traumatismo de mano en la infancia Tratamento cirurgico de falange distal bifida pós traumatismo de mão na infância Surgical treatment of distal bifid phalanx post of hand trauma in childhood

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Passos da Rocha


    Full Text Available La extremidad distal de los dedos es la parte de la mano que más frecuentemente se lesiona. Las principales complicaciones que pueden derivar de ese tipo de lesiones traumáticas incluyen: infecciones, retracciones de la piel, deformidades óseas y amputaciones. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar el tratamiento quirúrgico seguido en un pacientes de 16 años que sufrió traumatismo sobre la falange distal del segundo dedo de la mano derecha a los 2 años de edad, a consecuencia del cual se produjo deformidad ósea y falange bífida asociada a retracción de la piel en el punto de la lesión.A extremidade distal dos dedos é a parte da mão mais freqüentemente lesionada. As principais complicações que podem ocorrer como conseqüências dessas lesões traumáticas incluem: as infecções, as retrações da pele, as deformidades ósseas e as amputações. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o tratamento cirúrgico de um paciente de 16 anos que sofreu um trauma na falange distal do segundo dedo da mão direita aos dois anos de idade, resultando em deformidade óssea e falange distal bífida associada a retração de pele no local onde ocorreu a lesão.The distal extremity of the fingers of the hand is the most frequently injured. The main complications that can occur as a result of these traumatic injuries include: infections, retraction of the skin, bone deformities and amputations. This article aims to report the surgical treatment of a 16 years old patient who suffered a trauma in the distal phalanx of the second finger of right hand when he was 2 years old, resulting in bone deformity and distal phalanx bifid associated with retraction of the skin at the site where the injury occurred.

  7. Evidencia Empírica sobre la Paridad del Poder Adquisitivo en México Evidencia Empírica sobre la Paridad del Poder Adquisitivo en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorena Medina


    Full Text Available This article describes the application of methods recently developed for testing stationarity in the Mexico/US real exchange rate, while allowing for an unknown number of structural breaks in the long-run level of the series. In our empirical implementation, inference relies on bootstraped critical values. As a result, we present unambiguous empirical evidence on the stationarity of the real exchange rate, thus favoring long-run purchasing power parity. En este artículo se describe la aplicación de métodos recientes para probar la estacionariedad del tipo de cambio real peso/dólar, tomando en cuenta la presencia de un número desconocido de cambios estructurales en el nivel de largo plazo de la serie. En nuestra implementación empírica, la inferencia se basa en valores críticos fundamentados en técnicas de remuestreo. Se presenta evidencia contundente sobre la estacionariedad del tipo de cambio real, apoyando así la hipótesis de la paridad del poder adquisitivo.

  8. Distal vein patch as a form of autologus modification for infragenicular prosthetic bypass. (United States)

    Totic, Dragan; Rustempasic, Nedzad; Djedovic, Muhamed; Solakovic, Sid; Vukas, Haris; Aslani, Ilijas; Krvavac, Alma; Rudalija, Dzejra; Ahmetasevic, Alen


    Preferred graft for infragenicular bypass is autologus vein. The problem is when there is not available autologus vein. Literature suggest that in these situations, prosthetic graft with some form of modification of distal anastomosis with autogenic tissue is valuable adjunctive. Frequently used modifications are Miller's cuff, Taylor's patch and St. Mary's boot. Recently, there are reports on "Distal vein patch" as a form of autologus modification which, due to its simplicity and patency rate, attracted attention. The aim of this study was to evaluate benefits of this novel modification by comparing its patencies with other autologus modification of distal anastomosis. Study was performed on 60 patients, diabetics, with critical limb ischemia (CLI). Patients were divided in two groups: Group with distal vein patch modification; and group with some other form modification - control group. Patients were followed at least 22 months. We examined patency of grafts by physical examination or using Color Doppler. For statistical purposes we used KIaplan Meier analysis and curve. Significance was determined by Mann-Whitney, Fisher's exact, Pearsons chi square or Student T test as appropriate. P value less than 0,05 was considered significant. Groups were fairly matched relative to demographics, risk factors, operative intervention and distal anastomosis site. There was not statistical difference in two year primary patency between distal vein patch and control group--50% vs 53% respectivly (X2 = 0,08; p = 0,773). Also, there was not statistically significant difference in extremity survival (77% vs 77%) and patient survival between groups (89% vs 93%; X2 = 2,458; p = 0,117). This study proved equivalent patencies of infragenicular prosthetic bypasses performed using distal vein patch technique as with any other modification of distal anastomosis.

  9. Management and treatment of distal ulcerative colitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Calafiore


    Full Text Available Ulcerative colitis (UC is a chronic inflammatory condition that is confined to the colonic mucosa. Its main symptoms include diarrhea, rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. Approximately two-thirds of UC patients have disease confined distal to the splenic flexure, which can be treated effectively with topical therapy. This means the active drug can be delivered directly to the site of inflammation, limiting the systemic absorption and potential side effects. Topical treatment with aminosalicylates is the most effective approach in the treatment of these forms, provided that the formulation reaches the upper margin of the disease. Given this, the suppository formulation is the treatment of choice for proctitis and distal sigmoiditis. Thanks to their proximal spread, enemas, foams and gels represent the treatment of choice for proctosigmoiditis and for distal ulcerative colitis. Oral aminosalicylates are less effective than topical therapies in patients with active disease, while the combination of topical and oral treatment is more effective in patients refractory to topical or oral mono-therapy. Topically administered aminosalicylates play an important role in the maintenance of remission, but the long-term adhesion to therapy is poor. For this reason, the oral formulation is the first-line therapy in the maintenance of remission. Refractory patients can be treated with topical steroids or systemic steroids and TNF-alpha inhibitors in severe forms.

  10. Left ventricular contractile function after distal protection in primary percutaneous coronary intervention Results from the Drug Elution and Distal Protection in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofoed, K F; Kelbæk, H; Thuesen, L


    Coronary intervention (PCI) may result in an increased infarct size. We evaluated the effect of distal protection during PCI for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) on myocardial function.......Coronary intervention (PCI) may result in an increased infarct size. We evaluated the effect of distal protection during PCI for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) on myocardial function....

  11. Fractures of the distal tibia treated with polyaxial locking plating. (United States)

    Gao, Hong; Zhang, Chang-Qing; Luo, Cong-Feng; Zhou, Zu-Bin; Zeng, Bing-Fang


    We evaluated the healing rate, complications, and functional outcomes in 32 adult patients with very short metaphyseal fragments in fractures of the distal tibia treated with a polyaxial locking system. The average distance from the distal extent of the fracture to the tibial plafond was 11 mm. All fractures healed and the average time to union was 14 weeks. Six patients (19%) reported occasional local disturbance over the medial malleolus. There were two cases of postoperative superficial infections and evidence of delayed wound healing. Using the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society ankle score, the average functional score was 87.3 points (of 100 total possible points). Our results show the polyaxial locking plates, which offer more fixation versatility, may be a reasonable treatment option for distal tibia fractures with very short metaphyseal segments.

  12. Vertebral artery origin stent placement with distal protection: technical and clinical results. (United States)

    Qureshi, A I; Kirmani, J F; Harris-Lane, P; Divani, A A; Ahmed, S; Ebrihimi, A; Al Kawi, A; Janjua, N


    To report the feasibility, safety, and 1-month results of performing stent placement for vertebral origin stenosis with the use of a distal protection device. Distal protection devices have been shown to reduce the number of cerebral emboli and subsequent ischemic events when used as adjuncts to percutaneous carotid intervention; however, one case of the use of a distal protection device for vertebral artery has been reported in the literature. We retrospectively determined rates of technical success and 1-month stroke or death associated with stent placement by using distal protection (Filter EX; Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass) in patients with symptomatic vertebral artery origin stenosis. Technical success was defined as successful deployment of distal protection device and stent at target lesion followed by successful retrieval of the device and a final residual stenosis of less than 30%. Other outcomes ascertained included any stroke, death, and semiquantitative assessment of particulate material retained by the filter device. The mean age of the 12 treated patients was 68 years (range, 52-88 years) and the group included 9 men and 3 women. The mean percentage of vertebral artery origin stenosis was 71 +/- 6%. Femoral and radial approaches were used in 9 and 3 cases, respectively. Technical success was achieved in 11 of the 12 patients in whom distal protection device placement was attempted. Postprocedure residual stenosis was 5 +/- 4%. Eight devices held macroscopically visible embolic debris (large and small amounts in 3 and 5 devices, respectively). No stroke or death was observed in the 1-month follow-up. The present study demonstrates the feasibility of performing stent placement for vertebral artery origin stenosis by using a distal protection device. Further studies are required to determine the effectiveness of this approach for vertebral artery origin atherosclerosis.

  13. Classification of distal fingertip amputation based on the arterial system for replantation. (United States)

    Park, Hyun Chul; Bahar-Moni, Ahmed Suparno; Cho, Sang Hyun; Kim, Sang Soo; Park, Hyun Sik; Ahn, Sang Cheon


    During replantation of distal fingertip amputation, identification of the artery is the most important but time consuming procedure. Depending on the damaged arterial structure, we classified distal fingertip amputations into 4 zones, on the basis of three dimensional concept. Zone 1 injury was defined as damage to the proximal central pulp artery; zone 2 injury, damage to the branch of the central pulp artery; zone 3 injury, damage to the distal central pulp artery; and zone 4 injury, no injury to the central pulp artery, injury only to the lateral pulp artery. From April 2010 to June 2011, 27 patients were evaluated. Successful replantation was observed in 21 patients. Skin necrosis occurred in six patients. For distal fingertip amputation classification based on the damaged arterial system is an easy method to find out the appropriate artery which should be anastomosed during replantation.


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    Oscar Jorge Molina Tejerina


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo presenta un resumen de lo hecho en materia de entender, poner a prueba y modelar la existencia de comportamiento estratégico en las firmas, cuando enfrentan a otras que pueden arrebatarle mercado en un contexto en el cual se tiene información limitada sobre las características de los participantes en este juego. Fundamentalmente, en la parte teórica se analizan dos modelos que llegan a conclusiones distintas. Asimismo, se analiza lo que se hizo empíricamente en el tema, se discute brevemente un trabajo experimental a fin de ver si la teoría se cumple en un ambiente “controlado” y, finalmente, se discute el procedimiento y los resultados obtenidos en dos experimentos económicos sobre precios predatorios llevados a cabo para este trabajo, uno en la Universidad de Chile y otro en la Universidad Privada Boliviana. El trabajo discute principalmente el tema de los precios límite y los precios predatorios, encontrando que existe evidencia de comportamiento predatorio, así como prácticas colusivas y de acomodación.

  15. Robotic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy. A case report. (United States)

    Vasilescu, C; Sgarbura, O; Tudor, S; Herlea, V; Popescu, I


    Distal pancreatectomy (DP) is the removal of the pancreatic tissue at the left side of the superior mesenteric vein and it is traditionally approached by an open or laparoscopic exposure. Preservation of the spleen is optional but appears to have a better immunological outcome. We present the case of a 53-year old patient with a 2.4/2.2 tumor located in the tail of the pancreas, with high tumour marker values for whom we decided to perform a robotic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy (RSPDP). The postoperative outcome was satisfactory. In conclusion, we recommend this type of approach for small pancreatic tail lesions.

  16. Modified distal shoe appliance--fabrication and clinical performance. (United States)

    Gujjar, Kumar Raghav; Indushekar, K R; Amith, H V; Sharma, Shefali Li


    When the primary second molar is prematurely lost, mesial movement and migration of the permanent first molar often occurs. This is one of the most difficult problems of the developing dentition confronted by pediatric dentists. Use of a space maintainer that will guide the permanent first molar into its normal position is indicated. In cases with bilateral premature loss of primary molars, the conventional design of distal shoe poses a variety of problems and, therefore, necessitates a customized design for the eruption guidance of permanent first molars. The purpose of this case report is to discuss an innovative design of a distal shoe appliance, which was used with good clinical results.

  17. A Pitfall in Fixation of Distal Humeral Fractures with Pre-Contoured Locking Compression Plate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prakash Jayakumar


    Full Text Available Anatomically precontoured locking plates are intended to facilitate the fixation of articular fractures and particularly those associated with osteoporosis. Fractures of the distal humerus are relatively uncommon injuries where operative intervention can be exceptionally challenging. The distal humeral trochlea provides a very narrow anatomical window through which to pass a fixed-angle locking screw, which must also avoid the olecranon, coronoid, and radial fossae. We describe 3 patients (ages 27, 49, and 73 years with a bicolumnar fracture of the distal humerus where very short distal locking screws were used. Intra-articular screw placement was avoided but loss of fixation occurred in two patients and a third was treated with a prolonged period of immobilization. We postulate that fixed-angle screw trajectories may make it difficult for the surgeon to place screws of adequate length in this anatomically confined region, and may lead to insufficient distal fixation. Surgical tactics should include placement of as many screws as possible into the distal fragment, as long as possible, and that each screw pass through a plate without necessarily locking in.

  18. Genetics Home Reference: distal arthrogryposis type 1 (United States)

    ... 1 is a disorder characterized by joint deformities (contractures) that restrict movement in the hands and feet. ... distal arthrogryposis type 1 . However, researchers speculate that contractures may be related to problems with muscle contraction ...

  19. Palladium catalyzed selective distal C-H olefination of biaryl systems. (United States)

    Maity, Soham; Hoque, Ehtasimul; Dhawa, Uttam; Maiti, Debabrata


    Palladium catalyzed selective distal C-H activation with nitrile based templates has been of significant research interest in recent times. In this report, we disclose the distal C-H olefination of biphenyl systems with high regio- and stereo-selectivity and useful synthetic yields. The utility of this method has been demonstrated through its wide olefin scope, its operation at the gram scale and the easy removal/recovery of the directing group.

  20. Increased T2 signal intensity in the distal clavicle: incidence and clinical implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiorella, D.; Helms, C.A.; Speer, K.P.


    Objective. The objectives of the current study were (1) to quantify the incidence of increased T2 signal in the distal clavicle and (2) to assess the clinical significance of this finding in patients with chronic acromioclavicular (AC) joint pain.Design and patients. Eight patients (five male and three female, 15-41 years of age) with disabling shoulder pain localized to the AC joint and marked increased T2 signal in the distal clavicle are presented. These eight patients underwent MR examination over a 25 month period (August 1996 to September 1998). The dictated reports of all shoulder MR examinations conducted over this same time period were reviewed retrospectively for the presence of signal abnormality in the distal cla-vicle. Clinical data and, in five patients, findings at shoulder arthroscopy or open surgery, were correlated with the results of MR imaging. One patient underwent arthroscopy on both shoulders.Results. The selected eight patients each presented clinically with disabling shoulder pain localized to the AC joint. One patient is presented twice, as both shoulders were symptomatic (n=9). Plain film examination (9/9) failed to indicate a structural cause of shoulder pain in any of the patients. MR examination demonstrated abnormally increased T2 signal in the distal clavicle in all nine cases and no other cause for AC joint pain. Three patients responded to a course of conservative therapy. Six experienced refractory pain despite conservative therapy. Resection of the distal clavicle was performed in five of the six cases. All patients who underwent resection of the distal clavicle experienced complete resolution of AC joint pain. A retrospective review of the dictated reports for all shoulder MR imaging examinations performed at out institution over a 25 month period (August 1996 to September 1998; n=761) demonstrated a 12.5% incidence of abnormally increased T2 signal in the distal clav-icle.Conclusions. Increased T2 signal in the distal clavicle

  1. Increased T2 signal intensity in the distal clavicle: incidence and clinical implications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fiorella, D.; Helms, C.A. [Dept. of Radiology, Duke Univ., Durham, NC (United States); Speer, K.P. [Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Duke Univ., Durham, NC (United States)


    Objective. The objectives of the current study were (1) to quantify the incidence of increased T2 signal in the distal clavicle and (2) to assess the clinical significance of this finding in patients with chronic acromioclavicular (AC) joint pain.Design and patients. Eight patients (five male and three female, 15-41 years of age) with disabling shoulder pain localized to the AC joint and marked increased T2 signal in the distal clavicle are presented. These eight patients underwent MR examination over a 25 month period (August 1996 to September 1998). The dictated reports of all shoulder MR examinations conducted over this same time period were reviewed retrospectively for the presence of signal abnormality in the distal cla-vicle. Clinical data and, in five patients, findings at shoulder arthroscopy or open surgery, were correlated with the results of MR imaging. One patient underwent arthroscopy on both shoulders.Results. The selected eight patients each presented clinically with disabling shoulder pain localized to the AC joint. One patient is presented twice, as both shoulders were symptomatic (n=9). Plain film examination (9/9) failed to indicate a structural cause of shoulder pain in any of the patients. MR examination demonstrated abnormally increased T2 signal in the distal clavicle in all nine cases and no other cause for AC joint pain. Three patients responded to a course of conservative therapy. Six experienced refractory pain despite conservative therapy. Resection of the distal clavicle was performed in five of the six cases. All patients who underwent resection of the distal clavicle experienced complete resolution of AC joint pain. A retrospective review of the dictated reports for all shoulder MR imaging examinations performed at out institution over a 25 month period (August 1996 to September 1998; n=761) demonstrated a 12.5% incidence of abnormally increased T2 signal in the distal clav-icle.Conclusions. Increased T2 signal in the distal clavicle

  2. Entorno virtual de aprendizaje y resultados académicos: evidencia empírica para la enseñanza de la Contabilidad de Gestión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Dolores Montagud Mascarell


    La evidencia aportada pone de manifiesto que el EVA desarrollado, en combinación con la docencia presencial, además de facilitar el aprendizaje del estudiante aumenta su rendimiento académico y su motivación.

  3. Distal triceps injuries (including snapping triceps): A systematic review of the literature. (United States)

    Shuttlewood, Kimberley; Beazley, James; Smith, Christopher D


    To review current literature on types of distal triceps injury and determine diagnosis and appropriate management. We performed a systematic review in PubMed, Cochrane and EMBASE using the terms distal triceps tears and snapping triceps on the 10 th January 2017. We excluded all animal, review, foreign language and repeat papers. We reviewed all papers for relevance and of the papers left we were able to establish the types of distal triceps injury, how these injuries are diagnosed and investigated and the types of management of these injuries including surgical. The results are then presented in a review paper format. Three hundred and seventy-nine papers were identified of which 65 were relevant to distal triceps injuries. After exclusion we had 47 appropriate papers. The papers highlighted 2 main distal triceps injuries: Distal triceps tears and snapping triceps. Triceps tear are more common in males than females occurring in the 4 th -5 th decade of life and often due to a direct trauma but are also strongly associated with weightlifting and American football. The tears are diagnosed by history and clinically with a palpable gap. Diagnosis can be confirmed with the use of ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment depends on type of tear. Partial tears can be treated conservatively with bracing and physio whereas acute tears need repair either open or arthroscopic using suture anchor or bone tunnel techniques with similar success. Chronic tears often need augmenting with tendon allograft or autograft. Snapping triceps are also seen more in men than women but at a mean age of 32 years. They are characterized by a snapping sensation mostly medially and can be associated with ulna nerve subluxation and ulna nerve symptoms. US is the diagnostic modality of choice due to its dynamic nature and to differentiate between snapping triceps tendon or ulna nerve. Treatment is conservative initially with activity avoidance and if that fails surgical

  4. Nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the distal pole of the scaphoid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhavuk Garg


    Full Text Available Post traumatic osteonecrosis of distal pole of scaphoid is very rare. We present a case of 34 years old male, drill operator by occupation with nontraumatic osteonecrosis of distal pole of the scaphoid. The patient was managed conservatively and was kept under regular follow-up every three months. The patient was also asked to change his profession. Two years later, the patient had no pain and had mild restriction of wrist movements (less than 15 degrees in either direction. The radiographs revealed normal density of the scaphoid suggesting revascularization.

  5. CT virtual reality in the preoperative workup of malunited distal radius fractures: preliminary results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rieger, Michael; Gruber, Hannes; Jaschke, Werner R.; Gabl, Markus; Mallouhi, Ammar


    Our objective was to evaluate the usefulness of CT virtual preoperative planning in the surgical repositioning of malunited distal radius fracture. Eleven patients with malunited distal radius fracture underwent multislice CT of both wrists. A preoperative workup was performed in a virtual reality environment created from the CT data sets. Virtual planning comprised three main procedures, carrying out the virtual osteotomy of the radius, prediction of the final position of the distal radius after osteotomy and computer-assisted manufacturing of a repositioning device, which was later placed at the surgical osteotomy site to reposition objectively the distal radius fragment before fixation with the osteosynthesis. All patients tolerated the surgical procedure well. During surgery, the orthopedic surgeons were not required in any of the cases to alter the position of the distal radius that was determined by the repositioning device. At postoperative follow-up, the anatomic relationship of the distal radius was restored (radial inclination, 21.4 ; volar tilt, 10.3 ; ulnar variance, 0.5 mm). Clinically, a significant improvement of pronation (P=0.012), supination (P=0.01), flexion (P=0.001) and extension (P=0.006) was achieved. Pain decreased from 54 to 7 points. CT virtual reality is a valuable adjunct for the preoperative workup and surgical reposition of malunited distal radius fractures. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramkumar Reddy


    Full Text Available Distal fibular fractures are usually communitted and most of the times osteoporotic especially if they are occurring in females and in geriatric age group. These fractures are usu ally associated with other fractures, which necessitates them to be fixed accurately. Owing to the fact that distal fragment is subcutaneous with scanty soft tissue over bone, which pose these fracture fixations become difficult by open methods in view of wound healing. A prospective study of 26 patients with distal fibular fractures were treated with MIPPO with hook plate were healed with less complications and better outcome. With this background we suggest a minimally invasive incision over proximal frag ment where sufficient soft tissue cover is present. From there pushing the special hook plate subperiosteally to distal fragment, hooking the tip of fibula and fixing the proximal fragment after reduction gives a simple and effective stable fixation

  7. Distal insertions of the semimembranosus tendon: MR imaging with anatomic correlation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maeseneer, Michel de [Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Department of Radiology, Jette, Brussels (Belgium); Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Experimental Anatomy, Brussels (Belgium); Shahabpour, Maryam; Milants, Annemieke; Ridder, Filip de; Mey, Johan de [Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Department of Radiology, Jette, Brussels (Belgium); Lenchik, Leon [Wake Forest University, Department of Radiology, Winston-Salem, NC (United States); Cattrysse, Erik [Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Experimental Anatomy, Brussels (Belgium)


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the distal insertions of the semimembranosus tendon with MR imaging, correlated with findings in cadavers. Four fresh cadaveric specimens were studied with 3-T MR imaging. Sequences included proton density (PD) sequences (TE, 13; TR, 4957; FOV, 170 x 170; matrix, 424 x 413; NA, 2; slice thickness, 2.5 mm) in the axial, coronal, and sagittal planes and 3D fast field echo (FFE) sequences (TR 9.4; TE 6.9; FOV, 159 x 105; matrix, 200 x 211; NA, 2; slice thickness, 0.57 mm). One specimen was dissected and three specimens were sectioned with a bandsaw in the axial, coronal, and sagittal plane. The sections were photographed and correlated with MR images. To standardize the analysis, the semimembranosus muscle and tendon were assessed at seven levels for the axial sections, and at three levels for the coronal and sagittal sections. Anatomic dissection revealed six insertions of the distal semimembranosus tendon: direct arm, anterior arm, posterior oblique ligament extension, oblique popliteal ligament extension, distal tibial expansion (popliteus aponeurosis), and meniscal arm. Axial MR images showed five of six insertions: direct arm, anterior arm, oblique popliteal ligament extension, posterior oblique ligament extension, and distal tibial expansion. Sagittal MR images showed four of six insertions: direct arm, anterior arm, oblique popliteal ligament arm, and distal tibial expansion. Sagittal MR images were ideal for showing the direct arm insertion, but were less optimal than the axial images for showing the other insertions. The anterior arm was seen but volume averaging was present with the gracilis tendon. Coronal MR images optimally revealed the anterior arm, although magic angle artifact was present at its posterior aspect. The common semimembranosus tendon and meniscal arm were also well depicted. The division in anterior arm, direct arm, and oblique popliteal ligament arm was poorly seen on coronal images due to

  8. Enclavado endomedular en fracturas del tercio distal de la tibia


    Arroquy, Damian; Chahla, Jorge; Gomez Rodriguez, Gustavo; Cid Casteulani, Alberto; Svarzchtein, Santiago; Gomez, Diego; Pesciallo, Cesar


    Objetivo: Describir los resultados obtenidos con el enclavado endomedular acerrojado en pacientes con fractura del tercio distal de la tibia. Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes con fracturas desplazadas del tercio distal de la tibia, tratadas con clavo endomedular. La muestra incluyo 35 pacientes. El tiempo de seguimiento posoperatorio fue de 29.2 meses. Se evaluaron el tiempo de consolidacion, la consolidacion viciosa y las complicaciones. Los resultados funcionales se determinaro...

  9. Robotic versus Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy: A Meta-Analysis of Short-Term Outcomes. (United States)

    Zhou, Jia-Yu; Xin, Chang; Mou, Yi-Ping; Xu, Xiao-Wu; Zhang, Miao-Zun; Zhou, Yu-Cheng; Lu, Chao; Chen, Rong-Gao


    To compare the safety and efficacy of robotic-assisted distal pancreatectomy (RADP) and laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP). A literature search of PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library database up to June 30, 2015 was performed. The following key words were used: pancreas, distal pancreatectomy, pancreatic, laparoscopic, laparoscopy, robotic, and robotic-assisted. Fixed and random effects models were applied. Study quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Seven non-randomized controlled trials involving 568 patients met the inclusion criteria. Compared with LDP, RADP was associated with longer operating time, lower estimated blood loss, a higher spleen-preservation rate, and shorter hospital stay. There was no significant difference in transfusion, conversion to open surgery, R0 resection rate, lymph nodes harvested, overall complications, severe complications, pancreatic fistula, severe pancreatic fistula, ICU stay, total cost, and 30-day mortality between the two groups. RADP is a safe and feasible alternative to LDP with regard to short-term outcomes. Further studies on the long-term outcomes of these surgical techniques are required. To date, there is no consensus on whether laparoscopic or robotic-assisted distal pancreatectomy is more beneficial to the patient. This is the first meta-analysis to compare laparoscopic and robotic-assisted distal pancreatectomy. We found that robotic-assisted distal pancreatectomy was associated with longer operating time, lower estimated blood loss, a higher spleen-preservation rate, and shorter hospital stay. There was no significant difference in transfusion, conversion to open surgery, overall complications, severe complications, pancreatic fistula, severe pancreatic fistula, ICU stay, total cost, and 30-day mortality between the two groups.

  10. Blowhole colostomy for the urgent management of distal large bowel obstruction. (United States)

    Kasten, Kevin R; Midura, Emily F; Davis, Bradley R; Rafferty, Janice F; Paquette, Ian M


    Complete obstruction of the distal colon or rectum often presents as a surgical emergency. This study evaluated the efficacy of blowhole colostomy versus transverse loop colostomy for the emergent management of distal large intestinal obstruction. Retrospective chart review of all colostomy procedures (CPT 44320) performed for complete distal large bowel obstruction during the past 6 y in a university hospital practice was undertaken. Blowhole was compared with loop colostomy with a primary endpoint of successful colonic decompression. One hundred forty-one patients underwent colostomy creation during the study period. Of these, 61 were completed for acute obstruction of the distal colon or rectum (19 blowhole versus 42 loop colostomy). No differences between study groups were seen in age, gender, body mass index, malnutrition, American Society of Anesthesiology class, time to liquid or regular diet, 30-d or inhospital mortality, or rates of complications. Patients undergoing blowhole colostomy had significantly higher cecal diameters at diagnosis (9.14 versus 7.31 cm, P = 0.0035). Operative time was shorter in blowhole procedures (43 versus 51 min, P = 0.017). Postoperative length of stay was significantly shorter for blowhole colostomy (6 versus 8 d, P = 0.014). The primary endpoint of successful colonic decompression was met in all colostomy patients. Diverting blowhole colostomy is a safe, quick, and effective procedure for the urgent management of distal colonic obstruction associated with obstipation and massive distention. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Three-stage treatment protocol for recalcitrant distal femoral nonunion. (United States)

    Ma, Ching-Hou; Chiu, Yen-Chun; Tu, Yuan-Kun; Yen, Cheng-Yo; Wu, Chin-Hsien


    In this study, we proposed a three-stage treatment protocol for recalcitrant distal femoral nonunion and aimed to analyze the clinical results. We retrospective reviewed 12 consecutive patients with recalcitrant distal femoral nonunion undergoing our three-stage treatment protocol from January 2010 to December 2014 in our institute. The three-stage treatment protocol comprised debridement of the nonunion site, lengthening to eliminate leg length discrepancy, deformity correction, stabilization with a locked plate, filling of the defect with cement spacer for inducing membrane formation, and bone reconstruction using a cancellous bone autograft (Masquelet technique) or free vascularized fibular bone graft. The bone union time, wound complication, lower limbs alignment, amount of lengthening, knee range of motion, and functional outcomes were evaluated. Osseous union with angular deformity lengthening was 5.88 cm (range 3.5-12 cm). Excellent or good outcomes were obtained in 9 patients. Although the current study involved only a small number of patients and the intervention comprised three stages, we believe that such a protocol may be a valuable alternative for the treatment of recalcitrant distal femoral nonunion.

  12. Youngswick-Austin versus distal oblique osteotomy for the treatment of Hallux Rigidus. (United States)

    Viladot, Antonio; Sodano, Luca; Marcellini, Lorenzo; Zamperetti, Marco; Hernandez, Elsa Sanchez; Perice, Ramon Viladot


    Hallux Rigidus is the most common degenerative joint pathology of the foot. Several procedures are described for the management of this deformity. In this prospective study we compared Youngswick-Austin and distal oblique osteotomy in the treatment of grade II Hallux Rigidus, in terms of clinical outcomes, efficacy and complications. Forty-six patients (50 feet) with moderate Hallux Rigidus (Regnauld grade II) were recruited and operated between March 2009 and December 2012. Surgical technique was Youngswick-Austin osteotomy (Group A) or distal oblique osteotomy (Group B). Mean follow-up was 42.7 ±12.2 (range, 24-70) months. Both groups achieved significant improvement of AOFAS score and first metatarsophalangeal joint range of motion (p value Austin and distal oblique osteotomies provides subjective patient improvement and increases the first metatarsophalangeal joint range of motion. The results of grade II Hallux Rigidus treatment were comparable when using a Youngswick-Austin or distal oblique osteotomy. Level II, prospective comparative study. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. TRPV3, a thermosensitive channel is expressed in mouse distal colon epithelium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, Takashi; Yamada, Takahiro; Ugawa, Shinya; Ishida, Yusuke; Shimada, Shoichi


    The thermo-transient receptor potential (thermoTRP) subfamily is composed of channels that are important in nociception and thermo-sensing. Here, we show a selective expression of TRPV3 channel in the distal colon throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Expression analyses clearly revealed that TRPV3 mRNA and proteins were expressed in the superficial epithelial cells of the distal colon, but not in those of the stomach, duodenum or proximal colon. In a subset of primary epithelial cells cultured from the distal colon, carvacrol, an agonist for TRPV3, elevated cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration in a concentration-dependent manner. This response was inhibited by ruthenium red, a TRPV channel antagonist. Organotypic culture supported that the carvacrol-responsive cells were present in superficial epithelial cells. Moreover, application of carvacrol evoked ATP release in primary colonic epithelial cells. We conclude that TRPV3 is present in absorptive cells in the distal colon and may be involved in a variety of cellular functions.

  14. Fractures of the Distal Tibia Treated with Polyaxial Locking Plating


    Gao, Hong; Zhang, Chang-Qing; Luo, Cong-Feng; Zhou, Zu-Bin; Zeng, Bing-Fang


    We evaluated the healing rate, complications, and functional outcomes in 32 adult patients with very short metaphyseal fragments in fractures of the distal tibia treated with a polyaxial locking system. The average distance from the distal extent of the fracture to the tibial plafond was 11 mm. All fractures healed and the average time to union was 14 weeks. Six patients (19%) reported occasional local disturbance over the medial malleolus. There were two cases of postoperative superficial in...

  15. Evidencia de validez factorial del Maslach Burnout Inventory y estudio de los niveles de burnout en profesionales sanitarios


    Guillermo A. Cañadas-de la Fuente; Concepción San Luis; Luis Manuel Lozano; Cristina Vargas; Inmaculada García; Emilia I. de la Fuente


    En el presente trabajo se quieren conocer los niveles de burnout y variables relacionadas con el síndrome en un grupo de profesionales sanitarios. Los objetivos de la investigación fueron la obtención de evidencias de validez factorial del Maslach Burnout Inventory, la estimación de la prevalencia y la identificación de factores de riesgo de burnout en un grupo de profesionales sanitarios. Se realizó un estudio transversal, cuantitativo y exploratorio. Los datos corresponden a una muestra de ...

  16. Segmental reversal of distal small intestine in short bowel syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grave, Pernille Kock; Thomsen, Sabrina Valentin; Clark, Pia Susanne


    were the influence on cell proliferation and mucosal architecture shown by histological analysis. Methods: Sixteen piglets underwent a 60% resection of the distal small intestine and were randomized into two groups. Group 1 short bowel syndrome alone (SBS) (n = 8) and group 2 with reversal of a distal...... small intestinal segment (SBS-RS) (n = 8). Body weight was measured daily and the pigs were euthanized after 1 month. Crypt depths, villus heights and muscle layers thicknesses were measured. For the evaluation of microvilli of the brush border of the epithelium and cell proliferation...... was found in the SBS group and increase in the thickness of the circular and longitudinal muscle layers in the SBS-RS group. In the distal ileal segment the longitudinal muscle layer thicknesses were increased in the SBS group. Otherwise, no significant changes were found. Conclusion: Reversal of a 20-cm...

  17. Imaging of the Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmosis: Anatomy in Relation to Radiological Diagnosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.J. Hermans (John)


    textabstractInjury to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis can occur after an ankle sprain or after an acute ankle fracture. In an estimated 1-11% of all ankle sprains, injury of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis occurs which is known as a high ankle sprain. However, depending on the type and

  18. Robotic versus Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy: A Meta-Analysis of Short-Term Outcomes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jia-Yu Zhou

    Full Text Available To compare the safety and efficacy of robotic-assisted distal pancreatectomy (RADP and laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP.A literature search of PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library database up to June 30, 2015 was performed. The following key words were used: pancreas, distal pancreatectomy, pancreatic, laparoscopic, laparoscopy, robotic, and robotic-assisted. Fixed and random effects models were applied. Study quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.Seven non-randomized controlled trials involving 568 patients met the inclusion criteria. Compared with LDP, RADP was associated with longer operating time, lower estimated blood loss, a higher spleen-preservation rate, and shorter hospital stay. There was no significant difference in transfusion, conversion to open surgery, R0 resection rate, lymph nodes harvested, overall complications, severe complications, pancreatic fistula, severe pancreatic fistula, ICU stay, total cost, and 30-day mortality between the two groups.RADP is a safe and feasible alternative to LDP with regard to short-term outcomes. Further studies on the long-term outcomes of these surgical techniques are required.To date, there is no consensus on whether laparoscopic or robotic-assisted distal pancreatectomy is more beneficial to the patient. This is the first meta-analysis to compare laparoscopic and robotic-assisted distal pancreatectomy. We found that robotic-assisted distal pancreatectomy was associated with longer operating time, lower estimated blood loss, a higher spleen-preservation rate, and shorter hospital stay. There was no significant difference in transfusion, conversion to open surgery, overall complications, severe complications, pancreatic fistula, severe pancreatic fistula, ICU stay, total cost, and 30-day mortality between the two groups.

  19. Pseudotumor of the distal common bile duct at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (United States)

    Tan, Justin H.; Coakley, Fergus V; Wang, Zhen J.; Poder, Liina; Webb, Emily; Yeh, Benjamin M.


    Background Prior studies have described a pseudocalculus appearance in the distal common bile duct as a normal variant at cholangiography. The objective of this study is to describe the occurrence of pseudotumor in the distal common bile duct at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Methods Nine patients who underwent ERCP between May 2004 and July 2008 were identified as having a transient eccentric mural-based filling defect in the distal common bile duct. A single reader systematically reviewed all studies and recorded the imaging findings. Results The mean diameter of the filling defect was 9 mm (range, 5 to 11). Eight patients had resolution of the filling defect during the same ERCP or on a subsequent ERCP, and in 2 of these patients the inferior border of the filling defect was not well visualized. The other patient underwent surgical resection of a presumed tumor with no evidence of malignancy on surgical pathology. Conclusion An eccentric mural-based filling defect in the distal common bile duct can be artifactual in nature and may reflect transient contraction of the sphincter of Oddi. Recognition of this pseudotumor may help avoid unnecessary surgery. PMID:21724120

  20. Screening renal stone formers for distal renal tubular acidosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osther, P J; Hansen, A B; Røhl, H F


    A group of 110 consecutive renal stone formers were screened for distal renal tubular acidosis (RTA) using morning fasting urinary pH (mfUpH) levels followed by a short ammonium chloride loading test in patients with levels above 6.0. In 14 patients (12.7%) a renal acidification defect was noted...... RTA in renal stone formers. Regardless of whether the acidification defect is primary or secondary to stone formation, however, all renal stone formers with distal RTA can expect to benefit from prophylactic alkaline therapy and it is recommended that the screening procedure, which is easy to use...

  1. Ofd1, a human disease gene, regulates the length and distal structure of centrioles. (United States)

    Singla, Veena; Romaguera-Ros, Miriam; Garcia-Verdugo, Jose Manuel; Reiter, Jeremy F


    Centrosomes and their component centrioles represent the principal microtubule organizing centers of animal cells. Here, we show that the gene underlying orofaciodigital syndrome 1, Ofd1, is a component of the distal centriole that controls centriole length. In the absence of Ofd1, distal regions of centrioles, but not procentrioles, elongate abnormally. These long centrioles are structurally similar to normal centrioles but contain destabilized microtubules with abnormal posttranslational modifications. Ofd1 is also important for centriole distal appendage formation and centriolar recruitment of the intraflagellar transport protein Ift88. To model OFD1 syndrome in embryonic stem cells, we replaced the Ofd1 gene with missense alleles from human OFD1 patients. Distinct disease-associated mutations cause different degrees of excessive or decreased centriole elongation, all of which are associated with diminished ciliogenesis. Our results indicate that Ofd1 acts at the distal centriole to build distal appendages, recruit Ift88, and stabilize centriolar microtubules at a defined length. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Biotin absorption by distal rat intestine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowman, B.B.; Rosenberg, I.H.


    We used the in vivo intestinal loop approach, with short (10-min) and long (3-h) incubations, to examine biotin absorption in proximal jejunum, distal ileum, cecum and proximal colon. In short-term studies, luminal biotin disappearance from rat ileum was about half that observed in the jejunum, whereas absorption by proximal colon was about 12% of that in the jejunum. In 3-h closed-loop studies, the absorption of 1.0 microM biotin varied regionally. Biotin absorption was nearly complete in the small intestine after 3 h; however, only about 15% of the dose had been absorbed in the cecum and 27% in the proximal colon after 3 h. Independent of site of administration, the major fraction of absorbed biotin was recovered in the liver; measurable amounts of radioactive biotin were also present in kidney and plasma. The results support the potential nutritional significance for the rat of biotin synthesized by bacteria in the distal intestine, by demonstrating directly an absorptive capability of mammalian large bowel for this vitamin

  3. Osteoid osteoma of the distal clavicle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Barcellos Terra

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The osteoid osteoma is a bone tumor that accounts for 10% of benign tumors. It was described in 1935 by Jaffe, as a tumor that affects the young adult population, with a predominance of males. This study aims to present a case of late diagnosis of a patient with osteoid osteoma of the distal clavicle region. Female patient, 44 years old, non-professional volleyball player, reported pain in the anterior and superior region of the shoulder girdle, specifically in the acromioclavicular joint, which worsened at night and had been treated for nine months as tendinitis of the rotator cuff and acromioclavicular joint arthritis. After confirming the diagnosis, the patient underwent open surgery with resection of the distal clavicle. At two years of follow-up, the patient presents without local pain. In the radiographic evaluation, coracoclavicular distance is preserved and there are no signs of recurrence. Tumors of the shoulder girdle are rare and are often diagnosed late. A high degree of suspicion for the diagnosis of tumors of the shoulder girdle is needed in order to avoid late diagnosis.

  4. Is distal motor and/or sensory demyelination a distinctive feature of anti-MAG neuropathy? (United States)

    Lozeron, Pierre; Ribrag, Vincent; Adams, David; Brisset, Marion; Vignon, Marguerite; Baron, Marine; Malphettes, Marion; Theaudin, Marie; Arnulf, Bertrand; Kubis, Nathalie


    To report the frequency of the different patterns of sensory and motor electrophysiological demyelination distribution in patients with anti-MAG neuropathy in comparison with patients with IgM neuropathy without MAG reactivity (IgM-NP). Thirty-five anti-MAG patients at early disease stage (20.1 months) were compared to 23 patients with IgM-NP; 21 CIDP patients and 13 patients with CMT1a neuropathy were used as gold standard neuropathies with multifocal and homogeneous demyelination, respectively. In all groups, standard motor and sensory electrophysiological parameters, terminal latency index and modified F ratio were investigated. Motor electrophysiological demyelination was divided in four profiles: distal, homogeneous, proximal, and proximo-distal. Distal sensory and sensorimotor demyelination were evaluated. Anti-MAG neuropathy is a demyelinating neuropathy in 91 % of cases. In the upper limbs, reduced TLI is more frequent in anti-MAG neuropathy, compared to IgM-NP. But, predominant distal demyelination of the median nerve is encountered in only 43 % of anti-MAG neuropathy and is also common in IgM-NP (35 %). Homogeneous demyelination was the second most frequent pattern (31 %). Concordance of electrophysiological profiles across motor nerves trunks is low and median nerve is the main site of distal motor conduction slowing. Reduced sensory conduction velocities occurs in 14 % of patients without evidence of predominant distal slowing. Simultaneous sensory and motor distal slowing was more common in the median nerve of anti-MAG neuropathy than IgM-NP. Electrophysiological distal motor demyelination and sensory demyelination are not a distinctive feature of anti-MAG reactivity. In anti-MAG neuropathy it is mainly found in the median nerve suggesting a frequent nerve compression at wrist.

  5. Distal humeral physeal injuries in child abuse: MR imaging and ultrasonography findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nimkin, K.; Kleinman, P.K.; Teeger, S.; Spevak, M.R.


    Distal humeral physeal injuries, in particular, fracture-separation of the distal humeral epiphysis, can be seen in abused infants. Detection of physeal injury in an infant of toddler may indicate the possibility of unsuspected abuse, particularly when an appropriate history explaining the circumstance of the fracture is lacking. In addition, the extent of injury can be difficult to characterize on plain radiographs. Ultrasonography (US) and MR imaging (MRI) may be of value in diagnosis and may obviate the need for intraoperative arthrography. We present MRI findings in three abused children with distal humeral physeal injuries. Sonographic correlation is also presented in one case. (orig.)

  6. Distal humeral physeal injuries in child abuse: MR imaging and ultrasonography findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nimkin, K. [Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Massachusetts, Medical Center, Worcester, MA (United States); Kleinman, P.K. [Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Massachusetts, Medical Center, Worcester, MA (United States); Teeger, S. [Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Massachusetts, Medical Center, Worcester, MA (United States); Spevak, M.R. [Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Massachusetts, Medical Center, Worcester, MA (United States)


    Distal humeral physeal injuries, in particular, fracture-separation of the distal humeral epiphysis, can be seen in abused infants. Detection of physeal injury in an infant of toddler may indicate the possibility of unsuspected abuse, particularly when an appropriate history explaining the circumstance of the fracture is lacking. In addition, the extent of injury can be difficult to characterize on plain radiographs. Ultrasonography (US) and MR imaging (MRI) may be of value in diagnosis and may obviate the need for intraoperative arthrography. We present MRI findings in three abused children with distal humeral physeal injuries. Sonographic correlation is also presented in one case. (orig.)

  7. Situación de riesgo por la presencia de COP: evidencias del problema y escenarios de solución

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    Berenice Ochoa Nogales


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan resultados preliminares del proyecto de investigación titulado “Desarrollo de una metodología que permita llevar a cabo el inventario, caracterización y verificación de sitios potencialmente contaminados con Compuestos Orgánicos Persistentes (COP en las principales zonas agrícolas del estado de Sonora”. Primero, se destacan algunos planteamientos que emergen de la sociedad del riesgo respecto a la problemática ambiental en general y a la de los COP en particular. Después, se realiza una aproximación a la problemática por COP que dio pie al Convenio de Estocolmo, las evidencias de tal problema en México, en Sonora y las obligaciones que se asumen al suscribirse a tal convenio. A nivel nacional, el énfasis se coloca en el análisis de la normativa ambiental vinculada a tóxicos; y, a nivel estatal, en mostrar evidencias de la presencia de COP y su impacto en el ambiente y la salud humana. Para terminar, se reflexiona en torno a los retos y áreas de oportunidad que para México significa el atender la problemática por COP de seguirse los lineamientos internacionales, la normativa oficial y lo que sugiere el análisis desde la perspectiva del riesgo.

  8. Transformando la Enfermería a través de la evidencia / Transforming Nursing Practice through Evidence / Transformando a Enfermagem através de evidências

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    Doris Grinspun, RN, MSN, PhD, LLD (hon, O.ONT.


    Full Text Available Este editorial junto con algunos de los artículos de la edición 17(3 de la revista MedUNAB está dedicado a visualizar la transformación sistematizada de la profesión de Enfermería a través del uso continuo de evidencia científica en la práctica clínica del día a día. Un reto que puede parecer inalcanzable pero que ya se está dando en 450 organizaciones de servicios de salud y entidades académicas en diversos países del mundo incluyendo algunos de habla hispana. El eje organizador de este esfuerzo es la Asociación Profesional de Enfermeras y Enfermeros de Ontario (Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, RNAO, la cual con financiación del Gobierno Provincial de Ontario, lanzó en el año 1998 el Programa de Guías Clínicas (Best Practice Guidelines basadas en la evidencia. Este programa fue ampliado en el año 2003, por solicitud del mismo gobierno, para incluir también guías de entorno laboral. Las metas trazadas por RNAO se dirigen a apoyar a los organismos de salud y educación junto con sus enfermeras (os y estudiantes, además de optimizar los servicios de atención basándose en evidencia actualizada. Metas que no solo se han alcanzado sino sobrepasado ampliamente. Actualmente estas guías son utilizadas por equipos interdisciplinarios tanto en áreas preventivas (por ejemplo en atención primaria, como también en el ámbito comunitario y hospitalario en todos sus niveles de complejidad. El programa permite a las organizaciones y a los sistemas de salud centrarse en la atención al paciente y la excelencia clínica, utilizando en forma sistematizada las últimas investigaciones para informar la práctica y optimizar los resultados a pacientes, organizaciones de salud y sistemas locales y nacionales. Los artículos aquí incluidos ayudarán al lector a obtener una primera impresión del abordaje y profundidad del programa de guías clínicas de la RNAO. Dentro de las autoras de los artículos que se presentan en esta

  9. Imaging appearance of entrapped periosteum within a distal femoral Salter-Harris II fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Johnathan; Abel, Mark F.; Fox, Michael G.


    Salter Harris II fractures of the distal femur are associated with a high incidence of complications, especially premature physeal closure. Many risk factors for this high rate of premature physeal closure have been proposed. More recently, entrapment of periosteum within the physis has been suggested as an additional predisposing factor for premature physeal closure. The radiographic diagnosis of entrapped soft tissues, including periosteum, can be suggested in the setting of a Salter-Harris II fracture when the fracture does not reduce and physeal widening >3 mm remains. We report a patient who sustained a distal femoral Salter-Harris II fracture following a valgus injury. The patient had persistent distal medial physeal widening >5 mm following attempted reduction. A subsequent MRI revealed a torn periosteum entrapped within the distal femoral physis. Following removal of the periosteum, the patient developed a leg length discrepancy which required physiodesis of the contralateral distal femur. We present this case to raise awareness of the importance of having a high index of suspicion of periosteal entrapment in the setting of Salter-Harris II fractures since most consider entrapped periosteum an indication for surgery. (orig.)

  10. Alignment After Intramedullary Nailing of Distal Tibia Fractures Without Fibula Fixation. (United States)

    De Giacomo, Anthony F; Tornetta, Paul


    To evaluate the efficacy of intramedullary nailing of distal tibia fractures using modern techniques, without fibula fixation, in obtaining and maintaining alignment. Retrospective case review. Level-I academic trauma center. One hundred thirty-two consecutive patients with distal tibia fractures. Intramedullary nail of distal tibia fracture, without fibula fixation, was performed in consecutive patients using modern reduction techniques. Malalignment and malunion were defined as >5 degrees of varus/valgus angulation or anterior/posterior angulation on the initial postoperative or final anteroposterior and lateral x-rays. There were 122 consecutive patients (86 men and 36 women) 16-93 years of age (average, 43 years) with 36 (30%) open and 85 (70%) closed fractures with complete follow-up. Mechanism of injury did not predict the presence or level of fibula fracture. Upon presentation, varus/valgus and procurvatum/recurvatum angulation was greatest when the fibula was fractured at the level of the tibia fracture (P = 0.001 and 0.028). The most common intraoperative reduction aids were nailing in relative extension, transfixion external fixation, and clamps at the fracture site. The OTA fracture type or level/presence of fibula fracture did not influence malalignment (P = 0.86 and 0.66), malunion (P = 0.81 and 0.79), or the change in alignment during union, which averaged 0.9 degrees. We found an overall low rate of both malalignment (2%) and malunion (3%) after intramedullary nailing of distal tibial shaft fracture without fibula fixation. We conclude that when modern nailing techniques are used, which allow for confirmation of reduction by visualization in fluoroscopy, from nail placement to distal interlocking, fibula fixation is not necessary to obtain or maintain alignment. Furthermore, standard 2 medial to lateral screws distally afford adequate stability to hold the reduction during union with a 0.9-degree difference in the initial postoperative and final

  11. Hyperammonemia associated with distal renal tubular acidosis or urinary tract infection: a systematic review. (United States)

    Clericetti, Caterina M; Milani, Gregorio P; Lava, Sebastiano A G; Bianchetti, Mario G; Simonetti, Giacomo D; Giannini, Olivier


    Hyperammonemia usually results from an inborn error of metabolism or from an advanced liver disease. Individual case reports suggest that both distal renal tubular acidosis and urinary tract infection may also result in hyperammonemia. A systematic review of the literature on hyperammonemia secondary to distal renal tubular acidosis and urinary tract infection was conducted. We identified 39 reports on distal renal tubular acidosis or urinary tract infections in association with hyperammonemia published between 1980 and 2017. Hyperammonemia was detected in 13 children with distal renal tubular acidosis and in one adult patient with distal renal tubular acidosis secondary to primary hyperparathyroidism. In these patients a negative relationship was observed between circulating ammonia and bicarbonate levels (P urinary tract infection was complicated by acute hyperammonemia and symptoms and signs of acute neuronal dysfunction, such as an altered level of consciousness, convulsions and asterixis, often associated with signs of brain edema, such as anorexia and vomiting. Urea-splitting bacteria were isolated in 28 of the 31 cases. The urinary tract was anatomically or functionally abnormal in 30 of these patients. This study reveals that both altered distal renal tubular acidification and urinary tract infection may be associated with relevant hyperammonemia in both children and adults.

  12. Heart defects and other features of the 22q11 distal deletion syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fagerberg, Christina Ringmann; Graakjaer, Jesper; Heinl, Ulrike D


    patients with 22q11 distal deletions, of whom two have complex congenital heart malformation, thus broadening the phenotypic spectrum. We compare cardiac malformations reported in 22q11 distal deletion to those reported in the common 22q11 deletion syndrome. We also review the literature for patients...... with 22q11 distal deletions, and discuss the possible roles of haploinsufficiency of the MAPK1 gene. We find the most frequent features in 22q11 distal deletion to be developmental delay or learning disability, short stature, microcephalus, premature birth with low birth weight, and congenital heart...... malformation ranging from minor anomalies to complex malformations. Behavioral problems are also seen in a substantial portion of patients. The following dysmorphic features are relatively common: smooth philtrum, abnormally structured ears, cleft palate/bifid uvula, micro-/retrognathia, upslanting palpebral...

  13. Teorías e hipótesis de régimen aplicadas al estudio de ajuste dinámico de los cauces aluviales

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    Conesa García, Carmelo


    Full Text Available Geomorphic approaches to describe and explain the equilibrium alluvial river channel form, and another approache porpuses to stable «regime» channel design, have relied on simple equations relating channel dimensions to sediment grain-size, gradient and discharge. These equations are either empirical «hydraulic geometry» equations, obtained from regression analysis of the main variables sampled in natural rivers, or «rational» regime equations derived from physical theory of hydraulics and sediment transport. In this work several theories and hypothesis on the river regime are shown in order to explain the dynamic adjustments of channels in connection with environmental changes: i theory of unit stream power, ii minimum energy dissipation rate , iii dispersive-force model, iv concepts of boundary shear stress and critical bank shear, v other regime relationships. Finally, the last part is devoted to the application of the regime theories in arid and semi-arid environments, by considering it a complex aspect, of great interest in the hydro-morphologic context and until the moment little studied.

    Las aproximaciones geomórficas para describir y explicar la forma de equilibrio de un cauce fluvial y los métodos propuestos para el diseño de cauces de «régimen » estable han contado siempre con ecuaciones simples que relacionan las dimensiones del cauce con el tipo de sedimento, pendiente y caudal. Estas ecuaciones son ecuaciones empíricas de «geometría hidráulica», obtenidas a partir del análisis de regresión de variables relevantes muestreadas en cursos de agua naturales o ecuaciones «racionales » de régimen derivadas a partir de la teoría física sobre hidráulica y transporte de sedimentos. En este trabajo se muestran diferentes teorías e hipótesis de régimen para explicar el ajuste dinámico de los cauces aluviales en relación con los cambios ambientales: i teoría de energía por unidad de corriente, ii tasa m

  14. New Clasp Assembly for Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures: The Reverse RPA Clasp. (United States)

    Hakkoum, Mohammad Ayham


    Several clasp types are used in distal extension removable partial dentures. In some cases the terminal abutments have only distal retentive undercuts that can be occupied by bar clasps; however, bar clasps may be contraindicated with no suitable alternative. This article presents a reasonable solution by introducing a new clasp design as a modification to the well-known RPA clasp. The design includes a mesial rest, proximal plate, and buccal retentive arm arising from the rest and extending to reach the distal retentive undercut. © 2015 by the American College of Prosthodontists.

  15. Characterization of the distal promoter of the human pyruvate carboxylase gene in pancreatic beta cells.

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    Ansaya Thonpho

    Full Text Available Pyruvate carboxylase (PC is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in many biosynthetic pathways in various tissues including glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In the present study, we identify promoter usage of the human PC gene in pancreatic beta cells. The data show that in the human, two alternative promoters, proximal and distal, are responsible for the production of multiple mRNA isoforms as in the rat and mouse. RT-PCR analysis performed with cDNA prepared from human liver and islets showed that the distal promoter, but not the proximal promoter, of the human PC gene is active in pancreatic beta cells. A 1108 bp fragment of the human PC distal promoter was cloned and analyzed. It contains no TATA box but possesses two CCAAT boxes, and other putative transcription factor binding sites, similar to those of the distal promoter of rat PC gene. To localize the positive regulatory region in the human PC distal promoter, 5'-truncated and the 25-bp and 15-bp internal deletion mutants of the human PC distal promoter were generated and used in transient transfections in INS-1 832/13 insulinoma and HEK293T (kidney cell lines. The results indicated that positions -340 to -315 of the human PC distal promoter serve as (an activator element(s for cell-specific transcription factor, while the CCAAT box at -71/-67, a binding site for nuclear factor Y (NF-Y, as well as a GC box at -54/-39 of the human PC distal promoter act as activator sequences for basal transcription.

  16. Giant Cell Tumour of the Distal Ulna: A Rare Presentation

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    Ruben Jaya Kumar


    Full Text Available Giant-cell tumour (GCT of bone, a primary yet locally aggressive benign tumour, commonly affects patients between the ages of 20 and 40 years, with the peak incidence occurring in the third decade. Women are affected slightly more than men. The distal end of the ulna is an extremely uncommon site for primary bone tumours in general and giant cell tumours in particular. Wide resection of the distal ulna is the recommended treatment for GCT in such locations. Radio-ulna convergence and dorsal displacement of the ulna stump are known complications following ulna resection proximal to the insertion of the pronator quadratus. This leads to reduction in grip power and forearm rotatory motion. Stabilization of the ulna stump with extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU tendon after wide resection of the tumour has been described in the literature. We report a case of GCT of distal end of ulna treated with wide resection and stabilization with ECU tendon.

  17. Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach to Distal Fibula Fractures: A Technique Tip

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    Tyler A. Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Wound complications following ankle fracture surgery are a major concern. Through the use of minimally invasive surgical techniques some of these complications can be mitigated. Recent investigations have reported on percutaneous fixation of distal fibula fractures demonstrating similar radiographic and functional outcomes to traditional open approaches. The purpose of this manuscript is to describe in detail the minimally invasive surgical approach for distal fibula fractures.

  18. Urethral mobilization and advancement for distal hypospadias ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background/purpose Despite the existence of numerous techniques for the repair of distal penile hypospadias, none of them is completely satisfactory. Advancing the urethra without mobilization for repair of glanular hypospadias has the advantage of avoiding a common problem occurring with other techniques: ...

  19. Renal denervation beyond the bifurcation: The effect of distal ablation placement on safety and blood pressure. (United States)

    Beeftink, Martine M A; Spiering, Wilko; De Jong, Mark R; Doevendans, Pieter A; Blankestijn, Peter J; Elvan, Arif; Heeg, Jan-Evert; Bots, Michiel L; Voskuil, Michiel


    Renal denervation may be more effective if performed distal in the renal artery because of smaller distances between the lumen and perivascular nerves. The authors reviewed the angiographic results of 97 patients and compared blood pressure reduction in relation to the location of the denervation. No significant differences in blood pressure reduction or complications were found between patient groups divided according to their spatial distribution of the ablations (proximal to the bifurcation in both arteries, distal to the bifurcation in one artery and distal in the other artery, or distal to the bifurcation in both arteries), but systolic ambulatory blood pressure reduction was significantly related to the number of distal ablations. No differences in adverse events were observed. In conclusion, we found no reason to believe that renal denervation distal to the bifurcation poses additional risks over the currently advised approach of proximal denervation, but improved efficacy remains to be conclusively established. ©2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas (United States)

    Björnsson, Bergthor; Sandström, Per


    Since the first report on laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP) appeared in the 1990s, the procedure has been performed increasingly frequently to treat both benign and malignant lesions of the pancreas. Many earlier publications have shown LDP to be a good alternative to open distal pancreatectomy for benign lesions, although this has never been studied in a prospective, randomized manner. The evidence for the use of LDP to treat adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is not as well established. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the current evidence for LDP in cases of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We conducted a review of English language publications reporting LDP results between 1990 and 2013. All studies reporting results in patients with histologically proven pancreatic adenocarcinoma were included. Thirty-nine publications were found and included in the results for a total of 309 cases of pancreatic adenocarcinoma (potential double publications were not eliminated). Most LDP procedures are performed in selected cases and generally involve smaller tumors than open distal pancreatectomy (ODP) procedures. Some of the papers report unselected cases and include procedures on larger tumors. The number of lymph nodes harvested using LDP is comparable to the number obtained with ODP, as is the frequency of R0 resections. Current data suggest that similar short term oncological results can be obtained using LDP as those obtained using ODP. PMID:25309072

  1. A radiographic study of the distal interphalangeal joint and navicular bursa of the horse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gibson, K.T.; McIlwraith, C.W.; Park, R.D.


    Radiographic contrast studies were used in 50 forelimbs from 13 live horses and 12 fresh adult cadavers to determine the frequency of communication between the navicular bursa and the distal interphalangeal joint. Injections of contrast medium were made into the dorsal aspect of the distal interphalangeal joint of one limb and into the navicular bursa of the other forelimb of each horse. In 25 limbs in which contrast medium was injected into the distal interphalangeal joint, no communication was demonstrated between the joint and the navicular bursa. In 20 of the 25 limbs in which injection was made into the navicular bursa, no communication between joint and bursa was seen. In five horses, contrast medium was visible in both the distal interphalangeal joint and the navicular bursa. However, in four of five horses the communication was clearly iatrogenic. In both limbs of one horse, contrast medium was seen to enter the digital flexor tendon sheath after injection into the navicular bursa.There is probably no naturally occurring communication between the navicular bursa and distal interphalangeal joint in the horse

  2. Study on Oneself Developed to Apparatus Position of Measurement of BMD in the Distal Radius

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Man Seok; Song, Jae Yong; Lee, Hyun Kuk; Yu, Se Jong; Kim, Yong Kyun


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the difference of bone mineral density according to distal radius rotation and to develop the supporting tool to measure rotation angles. CT scanning and the measurement of BMD by DXA of the appropriate position of the forearm were performed on 20 males. Twenty healthy volunteers without any history of operations, anomalies, or trauma were enrolled. The CT scan was used to evaluate the cross sectional structure and the rotation angle on the horizontal plane of the distal radius. The rotational angle was measured by the m-view program on the PACS monitor. The DXA was used in 20 dried radii of cadaveric specimens in pronation and supination with five and ten degrees, respectively, including a neutral position (zero degrees) to evaluate the changes of BMD according to the rotation. The mean rotation angle of the distal radius on CT was 7.4 degrees of supination in 16 cases (80%), 3.3 degrees of pronation in three cases (15%), and zero degree of neutral in one case (9%), respectively. The total average rotation angle in 20 people was 5.4 degrees of supination. In the cadaveric study, the BMD of the distal radius was different according to the rotational angles. The lowest BMD was obtained at 3.3 degrees of supination. In the case of the measurement of BMD in the distal radius with a neutral position, the rotational angle of the distal radius is close to supination. Pronation is needed for the constant measurement of BMD in the distal radius with the rotation angle measuring at the lowest BMD and about five degrees of pronation of the distal radius is recommended.

  3. Innovaciones, investigación y evidencias en educación médica: La colaboración EMBE (Educación Médica Basada en la mejor Evidencia Innovations, research and evidences in medical education: The BEME Collaboration (Best Evidence Medical Education

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    Ángel M. Centeno


    Full Text Available Aunque la educación ha constituido siempre un componente esencial de la profesión médica, su desarrollo explícito y específico sólo se ha iniciado en las últimas décadas. La investigación en educación médica está todavía en una etapa muy inicial de su desarrollo. Las intervenciones educativas son habitualmente complejas y de carácter cualitativo; resulta, por ello, difícil, aunque indispensable, obtener evidencias científicas que avalen tanto los diversos métodos educativos utilizados como los instrumentos de evaluación que se emplean en los diferentes niveles de la formación médica. A partir de la perspectiva y de las estrategias generadas por las metodologías de la medicina basada en la evidencia, ha surgido recientemente la Colaboración EMBE como una red internacional que tiene como objetivo prioritario recoger y promover el despliegue de la mejor evidencia de la cual se pueda disponer sobre el rigor y la calidad de los actuales y de los nuevos métodos educativos y evaluativos en el ámbito de la profesión médica, a fin de optimizar el uso de la extraordinaria inversión que realiza la sociedad en la formación de los profesionales en atención médica.Although education has ever constituted an essential component of medical profession, its explicit and specific development has only recently started in the last few decades. Research on medical education is still in a very initial stage of development. Educational interventions usually are complex and of a qualitative nature; that’s why it is hard, even though essential, to obtain scientific evidences that underpin the various educational methods as well as the assessment tools which are used at different medical education levels. From the perspective and strategies generated by evidence based medicine methodologies, The BEME Collaboration has recently emerged as an international network whose priority objective is to collect and to promote the best evidence that may

  4. Bilateral en-masse distalization of maxillary posterior teeth with skeletal anchorage: a case report

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    Saeed Noorollahian

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to introduce a new method for bilateral distal movement of the entire maxillary posterior segment. Case report: A 17-year-old girl with Class I skeletal malocclusion (end-to-end molar relationships, deviated midline and space deficiency for left maxillary canine was referred for orthodontic treatment. She did not accept maxillary first premolars extraction. A modified Hyrax appliance (Dentaurum Ispringen, Germany was used for bilateral distalization of maxillary posterior teeth simultaneously. Expansion vector was set anteroposteriorly. Posterior legs of Hyrax were welded to first maxillary molar bands. All posterior teeth on each side consolidated with a segment of 0.017 × 0.025-in stainless steel wire from the buccal side. Anterior legs of Hyrax were bent into eyelet form and attached to the anterior palate with two mini-screws (2 × 10 mm (Jeil Medical Corporation Seoul, South Korea. Hyrax opening rate was 0.8 mm per month. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were used to evaluate the extent of distal movement. 3.5-mm distalization of posterior maxillary teeth was achieved in five months. Results: A nearly bodily distal movement without anchorage loss was obtained. Conclusion: The mini-screw-supported modified Hyrax appliance was found to be helpful for achieving en-masse distal movement of maxillary posterior teeth.

  5. Synchronous Multicentric Giant Cell Tumour of Distal Radius and Sacrum with Pulmonary Metastases

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    Varun Sharma Tandra


    Full Text Available Giant cell tumour (GCT is an uncommon primary bone tumour, and its multicentric presentation is exceedingly rare. We report a case of a 45-year-old female who presented to us with GCT of left distal radius. On the skeletal survey, osteolytic lesion was noted in her right sacral ala. Biopsy confirmed both lesions as GCT. Pulmonary metastasis was also present. Resection-reconstruction arthroplasty for distal radius and thorough curettage and bone grafting of the sacral lesion were done. Multicentric GCT involving distal radius and sacrum with primary sacral involvement is not reported so far to our knowledge.

  6. Primary bone lymphoma of the distal tibia mimicking brodie's abscess

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jina; Lee, Seung Hun; Joo, Kyung Bin; Park, Chan Kum


    The 'penumbra sign' on an unenhanced T1-weighted image is a well-known characteristic of Brodie's abscess, and this sign is extremely helpful for discriminating subacute osteomyelitis from other bone lesions. We present a case of primary bone lymphoma of the distal tibia mimicking subacute osteomyelitis with Brodie's abscess in a 50-year-old woman. Initial radiographs and MRI showed a lesion in the distal tibia consistent with Brodie's abscess with the penumbra sign. Histopathological examination of the surgical biopsy specimen confirmed the presence of a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involving the bone.

  7. Avaliação do grau de evidenciação dos impactos ambientais em relatórios de sustentabilidade e relatórios anuais de empresas brasileiras / Disclosure level assessment of environmental impacts on reports of sustainability and annual reports of brazilian

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    Larissa Degenhart


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou avaliar o grau de evidenciação dos impactos ambientais nos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade e Relatórios Anuais das empresas brasileiras listadas no IBrX-100 da BM&FBovespa. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa a partir de análise documental com uma amostra de 97 empresas pertencentes ao índice IBrX-100 da BM&FBovespa para os anos de 2010 a 2013. Nos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade (RS e Relatórios Anuais (RA foram coletadas informações sobre cinco aspectos ambientais: emissões, efluentes líquidos, resíduos, produtos/serviço e transportes, utilizados para mensurar o grau de evidenciação dos impactos ambientais, por meio do método da entropia e TOPSIS. Os resultados revelaram por meio da entropia, que a maioria das empresas divulgaram informações descritivas, quantitativas e monetárias sobre os aspectos analisados. Além disso, o aspecto sobre emissões apresentou a maior influência na evidenciação dos impactos ambientais, seguido dos resíduos, produtos/serviços, efluentes e transporte. A elaboração dos rankings por meio do TOPSIS permitiu verificar que a empresa que se destacou no ranking foi a Ecorodovias, seguida da empresa Duratex, visto que apresentaram ótimas posições no que tange a evidenciação ambiental. Conclui-se com o ranking que houve uma evolução da evidenciação ambiental no período analisado, pois no ano de 2010 (45% das empresas possuíam grau de evidenciação bom (20% em 2012 e no ano de 2013 passaram para posições melhores (25%. Assim, é importante que as empresas divulguem informações ambientais nos RS e RA, visto que obterão benefícios (Financeiros, como também a sociedade (Qualidade de vida e meio ambiente (Preservação ambiental.  Palavras-chave: Evidenciação ambiental; Teoria da divulgação; Empresas brasileiras.

  8. Pendulum and modified pendulum appliances for maxillary molar distalization in Class II malocclusion - a systematic review. (United States)

    Al-Thomali, Yousef; Basha, Sakeenabi; Mohamed, Roshan Noor


    The main purpose of the present systematic review was to evaluate the quantitative effects of the pendulum appliance and modified pendulum appliances for maxillary molar distalization in Class II malocclusion. Our systematic search included MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, Scopus and key journals and review articles; the date of the last search was 30 January 2017. We graded the methodological quality of the studies by means of the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies, developed for the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP). In total, 203 studies were identified for screening, and 25 studies were eligible. The quality assessment rated four (16%) of the study as being of strong quality and 21 (84%) of these studies as being of moderate quality. The pendulum appliances showed mean molar distalization of 2-6.4 mm, distal tipping of molars from 6.67° to 14.50° and anchorage loss with mean premolar and incisor mesial movement of 1.63-3.6 mm and 0.9-6.5 mm, respectively. The bone anchored pendulum appliances (BAPAs) showed mean molar distalization of 4.8-6.4 mm, distal tipping of molars from 9° to 11.3° and mean premolar distalization of 2.7-5.4 mm. Pendulum and modified pendulum appliances are effective in molar distalization. Pendulum appliance with K-loop modification, implant supported pendulum appliance and BAPA significantly reduced anchorage loss of the anterior teeth and distal tipping of the molar teeth.

  9. A Comprehensive Reanalysis of the Distal Iliotibial Band: Quantitative Anatomy, Radiographic Markers, and Biomechanical Properties. (United States)

    Godin, Jonathan A; Chahla, Jorge; Moatshe, Gilbert; Kruckeberg, Bradley M; Muckenhirn, Kyle J; Vap, Alexander R; Geeslin, Andrew G; LaPrade, Robert F


    The qualitative anatomy of the distal iliotibial band (ITB) has previously been described. However, a comprehensive characterization of the quantitative anatomic, radiographic, and biomechanical properties of the Kaplan fibers of the deep distal ITB has not yet been established. It is paramount to delineate these characteristics to fully understand the distal ITB's contribution to rotational knee stability. Purpose/Hypothesis: There were 2 distinct purposes for this study: (1) to perform a quantitative anatomic and radiographic evaluation of the distal ITB's attachment sites and their relationships to pertinent osseous and soft tissue landmarks, and (2) to quantify the biomechanical properties of the deep (Kaplan) fibers of the distal ITB. It was hypothesized that the distal ITB has definable parameters concerning its anatomic attachments and consistent relationships to surgically pertinent landmarks with correlating plain radiographic findings. In addition, it was hypothesized that the biomechanical properties of the Kaplan fibers would support their role as important restraints against internal rotation. Descriptive laboratory study. Ten nonpaired, fresh-frozen human cadaveric knees (mean age, 61.1 years; range, 54-65 years) were dissected for anatomic and radiographic purposes. A coordinate measuring device quantified the attachment areas of the distal ITB to the distal femur, patella, and proximal tibia and their relationships to pertinent bony landmarks. A radiographic analysis was performed by inserting pins into the attachment sites of relevant anatomic structures to assess their location relative to pertinent bony landmarks with fluoroscopic guidance. A further biomechanical assessment of 10 cadaveric knees quantified the load to failure and stiffness of the Kaplan fibers' insertion on the distal femur after a preconditioning protocol. Two separate deep (Kaplan) fiber bundles were identified with attachments to 2 newly identified femoral bony prominences

  10. Agrin mutations lead to a congenital myasthenic syndrome with distal muscle weakness and atrophy. (United States)

    Nicole, Sophie; Chaouch, Amina; Torbergsen, Torberg; Bauché, Stéphanie; de Bruyckere, Elodie; Fontenille, Marie-Joséphine; Horn, Morten A; van Ghelue, Marijke; Løseth, Sissel; Issop, Yasmin; Cox, Daniel; Müller, Juliane S; Evangelista, Teresinha; Stålberg, Erik; Ioos, Christine; Barois, Annie; Brochier, Guy; Sternberg, Damien; Fournier, Emmanuel; Hantaï, Daniel; Abicht, Angela; Dusl, Marina; Laval, Steven H; Griffin, Helen; Eymard, Bruno; Lochmüller, Hanns


    Congenital myasthenic syndromes are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of rare diseases resulting from impaired neuromuscular transmission. Their clinical hallmark is fatigable muscle weakness associated with a decremental muscle response to repetitive nerve stimulation and frequently related to postsynaptic defects. Distal myopathies form another clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of primary muscle disorders where weakness and atrophy are restricted to distal muscles, at least initially. In both congenital myasthenic syndromes and distal myopathies, a significant number of patients remain genetically undiagnosed. Here, we report five patients from three unrelated families with a strikingly homogenous clinical entity combining congenital myasthenia with distal muscle weakness and atrophy reminiscent of a distal myopathy. MRI and neurophysiological studies were compatible with mild myopathy restricted to distal limb muscles, but decrement (up to 72%) in response to 3 Hz repetitive nerve stimulation pointed towards a neuromuscular transmission defect. Post-exercise increment (up to 285%) was observed in the distal limb muscles in all cases suggesting presynaptic congenital myasthenic syndrome. Immunofluorescence and ultrastructural analyses of muscle end-plate regions showed synaptic remodelling with denervation-reinnervation events. We performed whole-exome sequencing in two kinships and Sanger sequencing in one isolated case and identified five new recessive mutations in the gene encoding agrin. This synaptic proteoglycan with critical function at the neuromuscular junction was previously found mutated in more typical forms of congenital myasthenic syndrome. In our patients, we found two missense mutations residing in the N-terminal agrin domain, which reduced acetylcholine receptors clustering activity of agrin in vitro. Our findings expand the spectrum of congenital myasthenic syndromes due to agrin mutations and show an unexpected

  11. Factors associated with infection following open distal radius fractures. (United States)

    Glueck, Dane A; Charoglu, Constantine P; Lawton, Jeffrey N


    Open fractures are often classified according to a system described by Gustilo and Anderson. However, this system was applied to open long bone fractures, which may not predict the incidence of infection in open metaphyseal fractures of the upper extremity. Other studies have found that wound contamination and systemic illness were the best predictors of infections in open hand fractures. Our study assessed infection in open distal radius fractures and identifies factors that are associated with these infections. We hypothesize that contamination, rather than absolute wound size, is the best predictor of infection associated with open distal radius fractures. A review by CPT code yielded 42 patients with open distal radius fractures between 1997 and 2002 treated at a level one trauma center. Medical records and radiographic follow-up were reviewed to assess the time to irrigation and debridement, the number of debridements in initial treatment period, the method of operative stabilization, the Gustilo and Anderson type of fracture, the Swanson type of fracture, and description of wound contamination. Forty-two patients were followed up for an average of 15 months (range 4 to 68 months). Twenty-four fractures were classified as Gustilo and Anderson type I, ten were type II, and eight were type III, 30 were Swanson type I, and 12 were Swanson type II. Five of the 42 fractures were considered contaminated. Two were exposed to fecal contamination. The others were contaminated with tar, dirt/grass, and gravel, respectively. Three of 42 (7%) fractures developed infections. All three infected cases received a single irrigation and debridement. Two of five contaminated fractures (40%) developed a polymicrobial infection. Both were exposed to fecal contamination and, therefore, considered Swanson type II fractures. They were classified as Gustilo and Anderson type II and IIIB based solely upon the size of the wound. Both required multiple debridements and eventually wrist

  12. Tratamientos basados en la evidencia para adolescentes con trastornos por consumo de cannabis en el Sistema Público de Salud


    Sergio Fernández Artamendi; José Ramón Fernández Hermida; Mark D. Godley; Roberto Secades Villa


    El objetivo de este estudio era describir la implementación de dos programas basados en la evidencia (PBE) para adolescentes con trastornos por consumo de cannabis en el Sistema Público de Salud, y sus principales resultados. La Aproximación de Reforzamiento Comunitario para Adolescentes (A-CRA) y el Control de Contingencias (MC) fueron elegidos como los programas de intervención más eficaces para esta población. Un total de 26 adolescentes participaron en el estudio (91,7% chicos; edad media...

  13. Stress fracture as a complication of autogenous bone graft harvest from the distal tibia. (United States)

    Chou, Loretta B; Mann, Roger A; Coughlin, Michael J; McPeake, William T; Mizel, Mark S


    Autogenous bone graft from the distal tibia provides cancellous bone graft for foot and ankle operations, and it has osteogenic and osteoconductive properties. The site is in close proximity to the foot and ankle, and published retrospective studies show low morbidity from the procedure. One-hundred autografts were obtained from the distal tibia between 2000 and 2003. In four cases the distal tibial bone graft harvest resulted in a stress fracture. There were three women and one man. The average time of diagnosis of the stress fracture from the operation was 1.8 months. All stress fractures healed with a short course (average 2.4 months) of cast immobilization. This study demonstrated that a stress fracture from the donor site of autogenous bone graft of the distal tibia occurs and can be successfully treated nonoperatively.

  14. Relationship between plate removal and Soong grading following surgery for fractured distal radius

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Selles, Caroline A.; Reerds, Sam T. H.; Roukema, Gert; van der Vlies, Kees H.; Cleffken, Berry I.; Schep, Niels W. L.


    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between volar plate removal and the Soong classification following fixation for fractured distal radius. In this retrospective cohort study, all consecutive patients who had volar plate fixation for a distal radius fracture in 2011-2015 were

  15. Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy: Oncologic Outcomes and Management of Distal Ureter; Review of the Literature

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    Andre Berger


    Full Text Available Introduction. Laparoscopic radical nephroureterectomy (LNU is being increasingly performed at several centers across the world. We review oncologic outcomes after LNU procedure and the techniques for the management of distal ureter. Materials and Methods. A comprehensive review of the literature was performed on the oncological outcomes and management of distal ureter associated with LNU for upper tract transitional cell carcinoma (TCC. Results and Discussion. LNU for upper tract TCC is performed pure laparoscopically (LNU or hand-assisted (HALNU. The management of the distal ureter is still debated. LNU appears to have superior perioperative outcomes when compared to open surgery. Intermediate term oncologic outcomes after LNU are comparable to open nephroureterectomy (ONU. Conclusions. Excision of the distal ureter and bladder cuff during nephroureterectomy remains controversial. Intermediate term oncologic outcomes for LNU compare well with ONU. Initial long-term oncologic outcomes are encouraging. Prospective randomized comparison between LNU and open surgery is needed to define the role of these modalities in the current context.

  16. Distal ureteral calculi: the usefulness of transrectal ultrasound and comparison with intravenous urography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Moon Hae; Yoon, Dae Young; Shim, Joo Eun; Kim, Ho Chul; Yi, Jeong Geun; Choi, Chul Sun; Bae, Sang Hoon; Kim, Ha Young


    To determine the usefulness of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and to compare TRUS with intravenous urography (IVU) in the evaluation of distal ureteral calculi. TRUS and IVU were performed in 24 patients with distal ureteral calculi. Using TRUS, we evaluated the presence and size of calculus, type of ureteral jet at the affected site and diameter of ureter proximal to calculus, and using IVU evaluated the presence and size of calculus, degree of ureteral obstruction, and degree of hydroureter. TRUS and IVU findings, were compared. In each patient, TRUS detected calculus of the distal ureter;in only 18 cases (75%), were the calculi demonstrated with IVU. In 18 cases where calculi were detected by both modalities, average calculus size was 4.5x3.0mm (longest and shortest dimensions) by IVU, and 6.1x3.7mm by TRUS. Between TRUS and IVU(p 0.05). TRUS appears to be a useful adjunctive method for the evaluation of distal ureteral calculus

  17. ¿Inversionistas o especuladores? evidencia de burbuja especulativa en el mercado accionario Colombia, 2004-2006 ¿Inversionistas o especuladores? evidencia de burbuja especulativa en el mercado accionario Colombia, 2004-2006

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    Diego Alonso Agudelo Rueda


    Full Text Available ¿Experimentó el mercado accionario colombiano una burbuja especulativa deprecios en los últimos años? Los resultados del presente estudio así lo señalan, enparticular para el período desde inicios de 2004 hasta el momento de conclusión deeste trabajo, Julio de 2006. Durante dicho lapso, un portafolio que replique el índiceaccionario colombiano tendría un rendimiento proyectado a largo plazo similar alde los TES en pesos a 10 años, sin compensación por el riesgo adicional asumido.Este análisis se basa en una estimación del rendimiento proyectado en el largo plazopara un inversionista colombiano, mediante el modelo de Gordon, y es respaldadopor dos pruebas econométricas. De otro lado, aunque los resultados indican que nohubo sobrevaloración para los inversionistas extranjeros, la evidencia también señalaque la actividad de estos agentes no es suficiente explicación para la formación de laburbuja. Se examinan a continuación argumentos alternativos que se han ofrecidopara explicar racionalmente los dramáticos incrementos en los precios pero queaparecen inconsistentes con la evidencia. En general, los resultados de este estudioconfirman la conclusión de Vélez-Pareja (2000 de que la especulación, y no lainversión a largo plazo, ha predominado en el mercado accionario colombiano.This study provides evidence that part of the spectacular price increase of the Colombian Stock Market in the last five years corresponds to a speculative bubble. Since early 2004, the estimated return for the Colombian stock index in the long term is just 0% to 2% annually over the return of the 10 year-TES (Colombian government bond. This analysis is based on the Gordon model and tolerates reasonable adjustments in the assumptions. Additionally, we examined alternative explanations to the dramatic rise in prices over the last five years, but found them inconsistent with the evidence. On the contrary, we found evidence of speculative

  18. La evidencia acerca de la controversia de las vacunas que contienen timerosal y su asociación con el autismo

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    Lisset García-Fernández


    Full Text Available La vacunación es una de las medidas de mayor impacto en la salud pública para la reducción de la morbimortalidad infantil. El timerosal es un compuesto orgánico del mercurio utilizado como preservante de los frascos multidosis. Eventualmente, en el Perú, surgen olas de controversia acerca de la seguridad de estas vacunas, asociándolas especialmente con el autismo. Como resultado de estas controversias, se han propuesto, incluso, leyes que prohíben este tipo de vacunas, lo que tendría un importante impacto en los costos y en los aspectos logísticos de la estrategia nacional de vacunación. En este artículo se revisa la literatura sobre las principales controversias acerca de las vacunas que contienen timerosal y su supuesta asociación con el autismo. Se realiza una aproximación histórica sobre estas controversias, se hace una actualización de la evidencia científica disponible al momento, y se revisa la posición de los organismos internacionales más importantes con respecto a este tema. Se concluye que la evidencia científica no apoya la noción que exista una asociación entre el uso del timerosal en las vacunas con los trastornos del espectro autista en niños.

  19. Reevaluando la evidencia acerca de la cacería del hipopótamo en Egipto predinástico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián Francisco Maydana


    Full Text Available El motivo de la cacería del hipopótamo aparece muy a menudo en la iconografía predinástica. Sin embargo, debido a ciertas particularidades que posee dicha representación algunos autores (Mond y Myers, 1937; Behrmann, 1996: 134-136 han sugerido que el objetivo de la expedición no era la muerte del animal sino su captura y posterior traslado a la aldea. Veinte años después, poseemos suficiente evidencia arqueológica y arqueozoológica como para volver a revisar las teorías de estos autores de forma de refutarlas o confirmarlas. Particularmente relevante para ello fue el hallazgo en Hierakonpolis de los restos de un joven hipopótamo que presenta signos de haber sido cautivo por algún tiempo en la aldea. Más allá de eso, resulta útil examinar además evidencia que no fue tenida en cuenta en el pasado, como aquella que otorgan los etnógrafos modernos y arqueozoólogos. El resultado de esta compulsa parece sugerir que la muerte del hipopótamo efectivamente sucedía en el momento de la cacería, y esto debido al peligro que conllevaría el traslado del animal vivo. Más aún, es preciso cuestionar la idea misma que las fuentes iconográficas son narraciones de hechos verdaderos. En cambio, la propuesta de este artículo será su examen en clave simbólica.

  20. Multicentre prospective evaluation of implant-assisted mandibular bilateral distal extension removable partial dentures: patient satisfaction. (United States)

    Wismeijer, Daniel; Tawse-Smith, Andrew; Payne, Alan G T


    To compare the levels of patient satisfaction with either conventional mandibular bilateral distal extension partial dentures or those assisted by bilateral distal implants. Forty-eight participants who were dissatisfied with their existing conventional mandibular distal extension dentures opposing complete maxillary dentures were selected for a multicentre prospective study in New Zealand, Colombia and the Netherlands. A control group of 12 participants in New Zealand received conventional mandibular partial dentures. Three test groups involving 36 participants in New Zealand (12), Colombia (12) and the Netherlands (12) received bilateral distal implants in the second molar regions. After conventional loading, the test group participants initially had healing caps placed on the distal implants providing support only, followed after approximately 6 months by ball abutments (retentive anchors) for support and retention. Patient outcomes were determined with questionnaires completed at specific stages of the study for up to 3 years. Visual analogue scale, Likert and oral health impact questionnaires before and after treatment indicated improved results. There were significantly improved parameters of overall satisfaction, stability, chewing and appearance after 3 years (P removable partial dentures are a preferable treatment option for patients with complaints about their conventional distal extension partial dentures. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  1. Las organizaciones ¿favorecen o dificultan una práctica enfermera basada en la evidencia?

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    Joan Ernest de Pedro Gómez

    Full Text Available El Artículo pretende desde una mirada crítica reflexionar sobre la posición e influencia de las organizaciones, respecto al desarrollo en la práctica clínica de los cuidados enfermeros. Es mucha la evidencia y son muchas las razones para demandar de las organizaciones, un posicionamiento que favorezca el cambio en los Modelos de Práctica Enfermera (MPE. Dada la influencia que tienen los cuidados en los resultados del proceso clínico (morbi-moratlidad y entendiendo éste como el objetivo de las organizaciones sanitarias, parece lógico intentar que las estructuras organizativas abandonen procesos asistenciales totalmente desfasados, para ofrecer los mejores servicios de salud. Para ello es necesario aplicar los resultados de investigación, tanto en la dotación de enfermeras como en la definición de servicios y cuidados enfermeros. Son las organizaciones las que deben establecer las condiciones para que las Enfermeras actúen en un plano de colaboración con otros profesionales y no de sumisión, posición desde la cual no pueden desarrollar su potencial profesional, el cual resulta necesario para un cambio de la prestación de servicios, adaptando éste a las demandas existentes. Sin la adecuada gestión, encaminada a la utilización del conocimiento enfermero como valor organizacional, será imposible adaptar las necesidades de cuidados a las demandas de servicios. Las organizaciones deben optar por un servicio en el que el MPE permita la inclusión de aquellos resultados de investigación con notables efectos en la calidad de sus procesos, las organizaciones deben asumir la responsabilidad de actuar bajo un modelo, que a todas luces no puede ser otro que el de aplicar en la práctica clínica las evidencias producidas por la investigación.

  2. Correction of Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus With an Osteotomy of the Distal End of the Proximal Phalanx (Distal Akin Osteotomy). (United States)

    Vander Griend, Robert


    Operative correction of a symptomatic hallux valgus interphalangeus (HVI) deformity is often achieved with an osteotomy at the proximal end of the proximal phalanx (Akin osteotomy). However, the apex of the typical HVI deformity (center of rotation angle) is at the interphalangeal joint of the hallux. This study was done to evaluate the results of performing a medial closing wedge osteotomy at the distal end of the proximal phalanx. Thirty-three patients (33 feet) underwent an osteotomy at the distal end of the proximal phalanx for correction of HVI. All of the patients had other forefoot deformities which were corrected at the same time. Eight of these were revision procedures of prior forefoot operations. The length of follow-up was determined by the associated procedures with a minimum follow-up of 4 months. The preoperative hallux valgus interphalangeus angle averaged 16 degrees of valgus (range 7-32 degrees) and was corrected to an average of 2 degrees of valgus (range 5 degrees valgus to 5 degrees varus). All of the patients were satisfied with the postoperative appearance and function of the first toe. Because of simultaneous correction of numerous other forefoot problems, it was not possible to specifically isolate or evaluate the effects and benefits of this osteotomy using outcomes measures. There was one intraoperative complication resulting in a fracture extending into the adjacent IP joint. Correction of an HVI deformity can be achieved with an osteotomy at the distal end of the proximal phalanx. This was a safe technique with few complications and with good results in terms of both correction and patient satisfaction. Level IV, retrospective case series.

  3. Tratamento da pseudo-artrose do terço distal do rádio Treatment of nounion in the third distal of the radio

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    Marco Aurélio Sertório Grecco


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentaram um estudo prospectivo de quatro pacientes portadores de pseudo-artrose no terço distal do rádio. Dois eram do sexo feminino e dois do masculino, com idade média de 42,5 anos. O diagnóstico de pseudo-artrose foi realizado em média com 5,3 meses após o trauma. Um paciente apresentava, como antecedente mórbido pessoal, epilepsia e osteoporose, outros dois relataram tabagismo e obesidade e o quarto, fratura exposta. O tratamento consistiu de osteossíntese interna e enxertia com osso autógeno. Todos foram submetidos à avaliação clínica pré e pós-operatória quanto à força de preensão palmar e arco de movimentos do punho. Houve 100% de consolidação das fraturas do terço distal do rádio em pseudo-artrose e retorno dos pacientes às atividades profissionais.The authors presented a prospective study of four patients presenting pseudarthrosis at the distal third of the radius. Two patients were females and two were males, aged between 29 and 51 years with a mean age of 42.5 year old. The diagnosis of pseudarthrosis was provided within an average of 5.3 months after trauma. One patient presented as personal morbid history, epilepsy and osteoporosis, two patients were smokers and obese, and the fourth had an open fracture. The treatment consisted of internal osteosynthesis and autogenous bone graft. All patients were submitted to pre- and post operative clinical evaluation for palmar holding force and movement arch of the wrist. 100% of the radius distal-third fractures in pseudarthrosis have been united, with all patients returning to their respective professional activities.

  4. Intra-Operative Amylase Concentration in Peri-Pancreatic Fluid Predicts Pancreatic Fistula After Distal Pancreatectomy. (United States)

    Nahm, Christopher B; de Reuver, Philip R; Hugh, Thomas J; Pearson, Andrew; Gill, Anthony J; Samra, Jaswinder S; Mittal, Anubhav


    Post-operative pancreatic fistula (POPF) is a potentially severe complication following distal pancreatectomy. The aim of this study was to assess the predictive value of intra-operative amylase concentration (IOAC) in peri-pancreatic fluid after distal pancreatectomy for the diagnosis of POPF. Consecutive patients who underwent a distal pancreatectomy between November 2014 and September 2016 were included in the analysis. IOAC was measured, followed by drain fluid analysis for amylase on post-operative days (PODs) 1, 3, and 5. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed to evaluate the discriminative capacity of IOAC as a predictor of POPF. IOAC was measured after distal pancreatectomy in 26 patients. The IOAC correlated significantly with (i) PODs 1, 3, and 5 drain amylase (p  1000 experienced a post-operative complication (OR 18.3, 95% CI 2.51-103, p pancreatectomy.





    Las recomendaciones sobre consumo de alimentos basadas en sus propiedades saludables son un elemento clave en su comercialización, pero deben basarse en evidencias científicas para evitar abusos con los consumidores. Dichas recomendaciones pueden constituir un valor agregado significativo para muchos productos alimentarios chilenos. Este proyecto surge de la experiencia e información obtenidas en seis años de operación del Proyecto Ciencia, Vino y Salud de la Universidad Católica de Chile, qu...

  6. Deep pain thresholds in the distal limbs of healthy human subjects. (United States)

    Rolke, R; Andrews Campbell, K; Magerl, W; Treede, R-D


    Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) in distal limbs have been under-investigated despite their potential clinical importance. Therefore, we compared PPTs over nail bed, bony prominences, and muscle in distal parts of upper and lower limbs. We investigated 12 healthy subjects using three handheld devices: a spring-loaded, analogue pressure threshold meter (PTM) with two operating ranges, and an electronic Algometer. PPTs were determined with three series of ascending stimulus intensities with a ramp of about 50 kPa/s. PPTs were normally distributed in logarithmic space. PPTs over different tissues varied significantly (ANOVA, pAlgometer than with PTMs (ANOVA, ptesting over muscle. There was no significant right-left difference (ANOVA, p=0.33). In spite of considerable variability across subjects, reproducibility within subjects was high (correlation coefficients>0.90). For within-subject comparisons, threshold elevations beyond 33-43% would be abnormal (95% confidence intervals), whereas only deviations from the group mean by at least a factor of two would be abnormal with respect to absolute normative values. PPTs over distal muscles were comparable to published values on proximal limb and trunk muscles. These findings suggest that pressure pain testing over distal muscles may be a sensitive test for deep pain sensitivity and that the simple and less expensive devices are sufficient for testing this tissue type. Intra-individual site-to-site comparisons will be more sensitive than absolute normative values.

  7. Minimally invasive versus open distal pancreatectomy (LEOPARD) : Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Rooij, Thijs; van Hilst, Jony; Vogel, Jantien A.; van Santvoort, Hjalmar C.; de Boer, Marieke T.; Boerma, Djamila; van den Boezem, Peter B.; Bonsing, Bert A.; Bosscha, Koop; Coene, Peter-Paul; Daams, Freek; van Dam, Ronald M.; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G.; van Eijck, Casper H.; Festen, Sebastiaan; Gerhards, Michael F.; Koerkamp, Bas Groot; Hagendoorn, Jeroen; van der Harst, Erwin; de Hingh, Ignace H.; Dejong, Cees H.; Kazemier, Geert; Klaase, Joost; de Kleine, Ruben H.; van Laarhoven, Cornelis J.; Lips, Daan J.; Luyer, Misha D.; Molenaar, I. Quintus; Nieuwenhuijs, Vincent B.; Patijn, Gijs A.; Roos, Daphne; Scheepers, Joris J.; van der Schelling, George P.; Steenvoorde, Pascal; Swijnenburg, Rutger-Jan; Wijsman, Jan H.; Abu Hilal, Moh'd; Busch, Olivier R.; Besselink, Marc G.


    Background: Observational cohort studies have suggested that minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy (MIDP) is associated with better short-term outcomes compared with open distal pancreatectomy (ODP), such as less intraoperative blood loss, lower morbidity, shorter length of hospital stay, and

  8. Pendulum Therapy of Molar Distalization in Mixed Dentition. (United States)

    Patil, Raju Umaji; Prakash, Amit; Agarwal, Anshu


    Early and timely pedo-orthodontic treatment is aimed at eliminating the disturbances of skeletal or dentoalveolar development, to harmonize the stomatognathic system before the full eruption of all permanent teeth. The advantages of pendulum appliance are its minimal dependence on patient's compliance (child cooperation), ease of fabrication, onetime activation and adjustment of the springs if necessary to correct minor transverse and vertical molar positions. This article reports a successful treatment method of class II malocclusion with pendulum appliance in mixed dentition phase. Distalization of maxillary molar was done, followed by guidance of canine impaction orthodontically and other dental correction using 0.022 MBT appliances. Posttreatment results were stable and remarkable. How to cite this article: Patil RU, Prakash A, Agarwal A. Pendulum Therapy of Molar Distalization in Mixed Dentition. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2016;9(1):67-73.

  9. Symptom scoring systems to diagnose distal polyneuropathy in diabetes : the Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom score

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, J.W.G.; Smit, A.J.; van Sonderen, E.; Groothoff, J.W.; Eisma, W.H.; Links, T.P.


    AIMS: To provide one of the diagnostic categories for distal diabetic polyneuro-pathy,several symptom scoring systems are available, which are often extensive andlack in validation. We validated a new four-item Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom (DNS) scorefor diagnosing distal diabetic polyneuropathy.


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    Chandra Sekharam Naidu


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: D istal tibial fractures represent a significant challenge to most of the surgeons even today. They constitute 1 - 10% of all lower extremity fractures . 1 The difficulty in treating the fractures of distal tibial end is exemplif ied by orthopedists, who in the first half of twentieth century, believed these injuries were so severe and fraught with so many complications, that these fractures were deemed not amenable for surgical reconstruction . 2 Conservative treatment by POP cast l ead to prolonged immobilization, leading to ankle and knee stiffness affecting quality of life of the patient . 3 Operative treatment is indicated for most tibial fractures caused by high energy trauma. Operative treatment allows early motion, and avoids sho rtening and other complications associated with prolonged immobilization . 4 The fundamental goal of treatment of distal tibial fractures is restoration of normal or near normal alignment and articular congruity and finally to obtain a well healed fracture; pain free weight bearing ; and functional ROM of ankle joint. For the past decade, plating has been successful in treating complex fractures of the lower extremity especially distal tibia . 5 Conventional ORIF have been associated with complications like infe ction and delayed or non - union due to devitalisation of bony fragments and additional damage to the soft tissues . 6 To improve fracture healing, more “biological” methods have been developed in the last decade to lessen the surgical dissection, preserving b lood supply to bony fragments and containing at least partially the fracture haematoma . 7 Recently, the trend is towards use of a Locking compression plate for treatment of fractures of the distal part of the tibia 8 . Compared with a conventional plate, a Lo cking compression plate imparts a higher degree of stability and provides better protection against primary and secondary losses of reduction and minimization of bone

  11. Endovascular treatment of ruptured distal posterior inferior ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 1, 2014 ... there are lots of reports regarding the interventional therapy of the artery aneurysms (including proximal and distal), all of which are considered to be safe and effective. All the incidences of interventional-related complications are below 10% and there is no report of injury of lower cranial nerves [11, 12].

  12. Distal Regeneration Involves the Age Dependent Activity of Branchial Sac Stem Cells in the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis. (United States)

    Jeffery, William R


    Tunicates have high capacities for regeneration but the underlying mechanisms and their relationship to life cycle progression are not well understood. Here we investigate the regeneration of distal structures in the ascidian tunicate Ciona intestinalis . Analysis of regenerative potential along the proximal-distal body axis indicated that distal organs, such as the siphons, their pigmented sensory organs, and the neural complex, could only be replaced from body fragments containing the branchial sac. Distal regeneration involves the formation of a blastema composed of cells that undergo cell proliferation prior to differentiation and cells that differentiate without cell proliferation. Both cell types originate in the branchial sac and appear in the blastema at different times after distal injury. Whereas the branchial sac stem cells are present in young animals, they are depleted in old animals that have lost their regeneration capacity. Thus Ciona adults contain a population of age-related stem cells located in the branchial sac that are a source of precursors for distal body regeneration.

  13. Toward an integrated genetic model for vent-distal SEDEX deposits (United States)

    Sangster, D. F.


    Although genetic models have been proposed for vent-proximal SEDEX deposits, an equivalent model for vent-distal deposits has not yet appeared. In view of this, it is the object of this paper to present a preliminary integrated vent-distal genetic model through exploration of four major components: (i) nature of the ore-forming fluid, (ii) role of density of the unconsolidated host sediments, (iii) dynamics of sulfate reduction and (iv) depositional environment. Two sub-groups of SEDEX Pb-Zn deposits, vent-proximal and vent-distal, are widely recognized today. Of the two, the latter is by far the largest in terms of metal content with each of the 13 largest containing in excess of 7.5 M (Zn+Pb) metal. In contrast, only one vent-proximal deposit (Sullivan) falls within this size range. Vent-proximal deposits are characteristically underlain by local networks of sulfide-filled veins (commonly regarded as feeder veins) surrounded by a discordant complex of host rock alteration. These attributes are missing in vent-distal deposits, which has led to the widespread view that vent-distal ore-forming fluids have migrated unknown distances away from their vent sites. Because of the characteristic fine grain size of ore minerals, critical fluid inclusion data are lacking for vent-distal ore-stage sulfides. Consequently, hypothetical fluids such as those which formed MVT deposits (120 °C, 20% NaCl equiv.) are considered to represent vent-distal fluids as well. Such high-salinity fluids are capable of carrying significant concentrations of Pb and Zn as chloride complexes while the relatively low temperatures preclude high Cu contents. Densities of such metalliferous brines result in bottom-hugging fluids that collect in shallow saucer-shaped depressions (collector basins). Lateral metal zoning in several deposits reveals the direction from which the brines came. Relative densities of the ore-forming fluid and sediment determine whether the ore-forming fluid stabilizes on top

  14. Association between distal ulnar morphology and extensor carpi ulnaris tendon pathology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, Connie Y.; Huang, Ambrose J.; Bredella, Miriam A.; Kattapuram, Susan V.; Torriani, Martin


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between distal ulnar morphology and extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendon pathology. We retrospectively reviewed 71 adult wrist MRI studies with ECU tendon pathology (tenosynovitis, tendinopathy, or tear), and/or ECU subluxation. Subjects did not have a history of trauma, surgery, infection, or inflammatory arthritis. MRI studies from 46 subjects without ECU tendon pathology or subluxation were used as controls. The following morphological parameters of the distal ulna were measured independently by two readers: ulnar variance relative to radius, ulnar styloid process length, ECU groove depth and length. Subjects and controls were compared using Student's t test. Inter-observer agreement (ICC) was calculated. There was a significant correlation between negative ulnar variance and ECU tendon pathology (reader 1 [R1], P = 0.01; reader 2 [R2], P 0.64 for all parameters. Distal ulnar morphology may be associated with ECU tendon abnormalities. (orig.)

  15. The correlation of initial radiographic characteristics of distal radius fractures and injuries of the triangular fibrocartilage complex. (United States)

    Kasapinova, K; Kamiloski, V


    Our purpose was to determine the correlation of initial radiographic parameters of a distal radius fracture with an injury of the triangular fibrocartilage complex. In a prospective study, 85 patients with surgically treated distal radius fractures were included. Wrist arthroscopy was used to identify and classify triangular fibrocartilage complex lesions. The initial radial length and angulation, dorsal angulation, ulnar variance and distal radioulnar distance were measured. Wrist arthroscopy identified a triangular fibrocartilage complex lesion in 45 patients. Statistical analysis did not identify a correlation with any single radiographic parameter of the distal radius fractures with the associated triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries. The initial radiograph of a distal radius fracture does not predict a triangular fibrocartilage complex injury. III. © The Author(s) 2016.

  16. Absorção de anticorpos do colostro em bezerros: II. Estudo no intestino delgado distal Colostral antibodies absorption in calves: II. Distal small intestine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana Bessi


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estudar a morfologia e determinar a localização da enzima fosfatase ácida na região distal do intestino delgado de bezerros, do nascimento ao fechamento intestinal, foram coletadas amostras de 15 animais machos em três idades: ao nascer sem que houvesse a ingestão de colostro; três horas após a ingestão da primeira refeição de colostro e aos três dias de idade. Observou-se, ao nascimento, a presença de um grande vacúolo, que dominava todo o citoplasma das células epiteliais do jejuno distal e íleo. Após a ingestão de colostro, verificou-se o acúmulo de material absorvido nesses vacúolos. Foi detectada a reação de fosfatase ácida nas células absortivas de bezerros recém-nascidos, antes e após a ingestão de colostro. Aos três dias de idade, uma nova população de células geralmente não vacuoladas, com sistema endocítico apical reduzido, foi observada recobrindo as vilosidades intestinais. Portanto, em bezerros a maturação do epitélio absortivo do intestino delgado distal pode iniciar-se com o aumento da atividade enzimática nos vacúolos absortivos, culminando com a rápida substituição das células fetais por células diferenciadas não pinocíticas, o que determinaria o término da transferência de anticorpos maternos.The localization of acid phosphatase at distal small intestine and its morphology were studied f0rom birth to intestinal closure from fifteen male dairy calves aged: unsuckled neonatal, three hours after colostrum ingestion and three days old. At birth, the presence of a large vacuole was found and it expanded all over the epithelial cells cytoplasm at distal jejunum and ileum. For colostrum fed calves, ingested material could be observed in the vacuole. The phosphatase acid reaction was detected in the absorptive cells of suckled and unsuckled newborn calves. Calves aged three days old, a new population of non-vacuolated cells and reduced apical endocytic system were found

  17. Accuracy of specimen-specific nonlinear finite element analysis for evaluation of distal radius strength in cadaver material. (United States)

    Matsuura, Yusuke; Kuniyoshi, Kazuki; Suzuki, Takane; Ogawa, Yasufumi; Sukegawa, Koji; Rokkaku, Tomoyuki; Takahashi, Kazuhisa


    Distal radius fracture, which often occurs in the setting of osteoporosis, can lead to permanent deformity and disability. Great effort has been directed toward developing noninvasive methods for evaluating the distal radius strength, with the goal of assessing fracture risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate distal radius strength using a finite element model and to gauge the accuracy of finite element model measurement using cadaver material. Ten wrists were obtained from cadavers with a mean age of 89.5 years at death. CT images of each wrist in an extended position were obtained. CT-based finite element models were prepared with Mechanical Finder software. Fracture on the models was simulated by applying a mechanical load to the palm in a direction parallel to the forearm axis, after which the fracture load and the site at which the fracture began were identified. For comparison, the wrists were fractured using a universal testing machine and the fracture load and the site of fracture were identified. The fracture load was 970.9 N in the finite element model group and 990.0 N in the actual measurement group. The site of the initial fracture was extra-articular to the distal radius in both groups. The finite element model was predictive for distal radius fracture when compared to the actual measurement. In this study, a finite element model for evaluation of distal radius strength was validated and can be used to predict fracture risk. We conclude that a finite element model is useful for the evaluation of distal radius strength. Knowing distal radius strength might avoid distal radius fracture because appropriate antiosteoporotic treatment can be initiated.

  18. Intra-Operative Amylase Concentration in Peri-Pancreatic Fluid Predicts Pancreatic Fistula After Distal Pancreatectomy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nahm, C.B.; Reuver, P.R.; Hugh, T.J.; Pearson, A.; Gill, A.J.; Samra, J.S.; Mittal, A.


    Post-operative pancreatic fistula (POPF) is a potentially severe complication following distal pancreatectomy. The aim of this study was to assess the predictive value of intra-operative amylase concentration (IOAC) in peri-pancreatic fluid after distal pancreatectomy for the diagnosis of POPF.

  19. Determination of bone mineral density at distal radius measured by single photon absorptiometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomomitsu, Tatsushi; Yanagimoto, Shinichi; Hitomi, Go; Murakami, Akihiko; Suemori, Shinji; Yokobayashi, Tsuneo; Ishii, Koshi; Hiji, Hiroo


    We have discussed the index of the bone mineral density (BMD) at the distal radius measured by single photon absorptiometry. Initially, the shape at the distal radius was evaluated using an X-ray photogram of the forearm and a calculation formula of the cross-sectional area at the distal radius was performed using an X-CT photogram of the forearm. A new index for the bone mineral density (modified BMD, mBMD), bone mineral content/cross-sectional area, at the distal radius was obtained for 154 young normal subjects (20 ∼ 44 yrs.). No significant differences in the mBMD values between young normal males and females, except for the group 20 ∼ 24 year-old group, were observed. Furthermore, a significantly decreased in the mBMD values with aging was observed in females between the ages of 20 ∼ 24 and 40 ∼ 44. However, no significant changes in the mBMD values were recognized in the men. Thus, it was shown that the new BMD index, mBMD, was useful for evaluating the changes of the bone mass. (author)

  20. A simplified technique for a totally diverting transverse loop colostomy and distal irrigation. (United States)

    Rose, D; Koniges, F; Frazier, T G


    This technique of totally diverting loop colostomy may be performed as an independent procedure or with exploratory laparotomy and surgical treatment on the distal part of the colon. Either a transverse or sigmoid loop colostomy can be used for diversion without the risk of fecal contamination of the peritoneal cavity, particularly when working with unprepared intestine. When distal irrigation is desired to purge the intestine of fecal material, either intraoperatively or as part of a subsequent intestinal preparation, it can easily be accomplished by placing an irrigating catheter distal to the staple line. In addition, the use of a small rubber suspension bar facilitates application of standard colostomy appliances for the stoma.

  1. Three distal root canals in mandibular first molar with different canal configurations: Report of two cases and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Parul Bansal


    Full Text Available With the increasing number of reports of aberrant root canal morphology, the clinician needs to be aware of the variable anatomy. Various case reports have been published with the finding of middle mesial canal in mandibular first molar, however finding of three distal canals in distal roots of mandibular first molar is rare. This article reports endodontic management of two mandibular first molars presented with three distal canals present in a single distal root (Sert and Bayirli type XVIII and distal and distolingual root.

  2. Maxillary molar distalization with first class appliance. (United States)

    Ramesh, Namitha; Palukunnu, Biswas; Ravindran, Nidhi; Nair, Preeti P


    Non-extraction treatment has gained popularity for corrections of mild-to-moderate class II malocclusion over the past few decades. The distalization of maxillary molars is of significant value for treatment of cases with minimal arch discrepancy and mild class II molar relation associated with a normal mandibular arch and acceptable profile. This paper describes our experience with a 16-year-old female patient who reported with irregularly placed upper front teeth and unpleasant smile. The patient was diagnosed to have angles class II malocclusion with moderate maxillary anterior crowding, deep bite of 4 mm on a skeletal class II base with an orthognathic maxilla and retrognathic mandible and normal growth pattern. She presented an ideal profile and so molar distalization was planned with the first-class appliance. Molars were distalised by 8 mm on the right and left quadrants and class I molar relation achieved within 4 months. The space gained was utilised effectively to align the arch and establish a class I molar and canine relation.

  3. Osteomyelitis Caused by Candida glabrata in the Distal Phalanx

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shunichi Toki


    Full Text Available Osteomyelitis caused by Candida glabrata is rare and its optimal treatment is unknown. Here we report a case of osteomyelitis caused by C. glabrata in the distal phalanx in a 54-year-old woman. Despite partial resection of the nail and administering a 1-month course of antibiotics for paronychia, the local swelling remained and an osteolytic lesion was found. C. glabrata osteomyelitis of the distal phalanx was later diagnosed after curettage. Thereafter, the patient was treated with antifungal agents for 3 months. The infection eventually resolved, and radiological healing of the osteolytic lesion was achieved. Antifungal susceptibility testing should be performed in the case of osteomyelitis caused by nonalbicans Candida species, due to their resistance to fluconazole.

  4. Optimal fit of chairside-fabricated distal shoe space maintainer. (United States)

    Nouri, M R; Kennedy, D B


    Premature loss of a primary second molar may lead to space loss in the dental arch. This space loss tends to be more severe in unfavourable malocclusions. The distal shoe space maintainer (DSSM) may be beneficial in controlling the path of eruption of an unerupted permanent first molar from the primary into the early mixed dentition. This article describes the technique for achieving optimal fit of a chairside-fabricated band and DSSM in a single visit by contouring the distal shoe blade, and by extending it to the mesial surface of the permanent first molar. Upon the eruption of the permanent first molar DSSM may be modified to a reverse band-and-loop, or replaced by a lingual holding arch.

  5. A Technique of Distal Clavicle Fracture Fixation Using The Tightrope Procedure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CJ Soh


    Full Text Available We present here a technique of fracture stabilization using the Tightrope procedure in a patient with a widely displaced Neer type IIB distal clavicle fracture. The Tightrope system, typically used for stabilization of acromioclavicular joint dislocation, has not been widely described for distal clavicle fractures. The patient achieved satisfactory results after surgery; we feel that this technique is appealing as it is simple, reproducible and avoids the complications associated with extensive metalwork. This technique may also appeal to the arthroscopic surgeon.

  6. RNA sequencing of kidney distal tubule cells reveals multiple mediators of chronic aldosterone action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Søren Brandt; Limbutara, Kavee; Fenton, Robert Andrew


    The renal aldosterone-sensitive distal tubule (ASDT) is crucial for sodium reabsorption and blood pressure regulation. The ASDT consists of the late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2), connecting tubule (CNT) and collecting duct. Due to difficulties in isolating epithelial cells from the ASDT in lar...

  7. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: results of a prospective non-randomized study from a tertiary center. (United States)

    Palanivelu, C; Shetty, R; Jani, K; Sendhilkumar, K; Rajan, P S; Maheshkumar, G S


    Though laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for benign conditions was first described in the early 1990s, it has not become as popular as other laparoscopic surgeries. Published literature on this topic consists of several case reports and a handful of small series. We present our experience, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the largest series reported to date. Since 1998, 22 patients have undergone distal pancreatectomy at our institute. The technique of distal pancreatosplenectomy, as well as spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy, is described. Four males and 18 females in the age range of 12-69 years underwent operation. Splenic preservation was possible in 7 patients. The tumor diameter ranged from 2.1 cm to 7.4 cm. The mean operating time was 215 min. The mean length of incision required for specimen retrieval was 3.4 cm. All patients were started on a liquid diet on the first postoperative day. The median hospital stay was 4 days. One patient developed a pancreatic fistula that was managed conservatively. At the end of an average follow-up of 4.6 years, no recurrence has been reported. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is a safe procedure, with minimal morbidity, rapid recovery, and short hospital stay. In appropriate cases, splenic preservation is feasible.

  8. [Results After Distal Digital Replantation - Is It Worth The Effort? (United States)

    Braig, David; Thiele, Jan R; Penna, Vincenzo; Stark, G Björn; Eisenhardt, Steffen U


    There are only relative indications for distal digital replantation in zones 1 and 2 according to Tamai. In contrast to primary closure for fingertip amputations, replantation is a complex procedure that requires skills in supermicrosurgical techniques, as vessels with diameters between 0.3-0.8 mm are connected. In addition the time spent in hospital and the time off from work are longer. Distal digital replantation is thus only indicated, if the expected functional and aesthetic benefits surmount those of primary closure. We retrospectively analysed all fingertip amputations in zone 1 and 2 according to Tamai between 9/2009 and 7/2014 where we attempted distal digital replantation. The success of replantation, wound healing and functional results were evaluated according to Yamano. We performed 11 distal digital replantations in the study period. There were 6 total amputations, 4 subtotal amputations and 1 avulsion of the digital pulp. Revascularisation with long-term reattachment of the amputated tissues was possible in 8 cases (73%). In 3 cases (27%) secondary amputation closure was necessary. The mean operating time was 3 h 56 min. 6 patients, which had a successful replantation, were available for follow-up examinations after a mean period of 19 months. 5 patients were satisfied with the result and would again prefer replantation over primary amputation closure. 4 patients reported a good function of the replanted digits and did not complain about any limitations in their use. 2 patients complained about restricted function. All patients could return to their previous places of employment and were free of pain. Of the 12 affected digital nerves 11 nerves had a 2-point discrimination (2-PD) of ≤15 mm, 3 of them had a 2-PD between 7 and 10 mm and 4 of them of replanted digits and nail deformities in 2 patients. Distal digital replantation is complex and technically challenging. It leads to high patient satisfaction with only minimal functional

  9. Locking plate fixation in distal metaphyseal tibial fractures: series of 79 patients. (United States)

    Gupta, Rakesh K; Rohilla, Rajesh Kumar; Sangwan, Kapil; Singh, Vijendra; Walia, Saurav


    Open reduction and internal fixation in distal tibial fractures jeopardises fracture fragment vascularity and often results in soft tissue complications. Minimally invasive osteosynthesis, if possible, offers the best possible option as it permits adequate fixation in a biological manner. Seventy-nine consecutive adult patients with distal tibial fractures, including one patient with a bilateral fracture of the distal tibia, treated with locking plates, were retrospectively reviewed. The 4.5-mm limited-contact locking compression plate (LC-LCP) was used in 33 fractures, the metaphyseal LCP in 27 fractures and the distal medial tibial LCP in the remaining 20 fractures. Fibula fixation was performed in the majority of comminuted fractures (n = 41) to maintain the second column of the ankle so as to achieve indirect reduction and to prevent collapse of the fracture. There were two cases of delayed wound breakdown in fractures fixed with the 4.5-mm LC-LCP. Five patients required primary bone grafting and three patients required secondary bone grafting. All cases of delayed union (n = 7) and nonunion (n = 3) were observed in cases where plates were used in bridge mode. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) with LCP was observed to be a reliable method of stabilisation for these fractures. Peri-operative docking of fracture ends may be a good option in severely impacted fractures with gap. The precontoured distal medial tibial LCP was observed to be a better tolerated implant in comparison to the 4.5-mm LC-LCP or metaphyseal LCP with respect to complications of soft tissues, bone healing and functional outcome, though its contour needs to be modified.

  10. Characterisation of osseous bodies of the distal phalanx of foals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaneps, A.J.; O'Brien, T.R.; Redden, R.F.; Stover, S.M.; Pool, R.R.


    The distal phalanx and metacarpal physis of both forelimbs of 32 Thoroughbred foals 3-32 weeks of age were radiographed to identify those limbs with osseous bodies at a palmar process (PP) of the distal phalanx. Osseous bodies (ossicles) were identified radiographically in 19% of the foals. Sixteen of the 32 foals were selected for microradiographic and histological evaluation: 6 foals with radiographic evidence of ossicles and 10 foals without. Fourteen ossicles of the PP were observed radiographically. Ossicles were either a triangular bone fragment at the palmar aspect of the distal angle of the PP, or an oblong bone fragment separated from P3 by a radiolucent line extending 1-3 cm from the incisure of the PP to the solar margin. One foal had radiographic evidence of bilateral distal metacarpal physitis. Seventeen of 35 PPs examined microradiographically were considered normal, in that the dorsal and solar cortices were thin with trabecular bone orientated parallel to the cortical surfaces, and there was a depression in the dorsal cortical surface (i.e. parietal sulcus). Abnormal microradiographic findings in the other 18 PPs included a fracture line extending from the dorsal cortical surfaces and trabecular bridging of the fracture gap. The fracture line was often continuous with the parietal sulcus. Microradiographic evidence of a fracture was found in 75% of foals evaluated. Normal histological findings in 16 PPs included thin dorsal and solar cortices with trabeculae orientated parallel to the cortical surfaces, parallel-fibred dense connective tissue attachments of the deep digital flexor tendon to the solar cortical surfaces, and a neurovascular bundle associated with the parietal sulcus

  11. Changes of nutritional status after distal gastrectomy in patients with gastric cancer. (United States)

    Katsube, Takao; Konnno, Soichi; Murayama, Minoru; Kuhara, Kotaro; Sagawa, Masano; Yoshimatsu, Kazuhiko; Shiozawa, Shunnichi; Shimakawa, Takeshi; Naritaka, Yoshihiko; Ogawa, Kenji


    In Japan, distal gastrectomy is the most common operation performed to treat gastric cancer. However, this procedure often leads to postoperative problems such as weight loss. We assessed the changes of nutritional status early after operation and the associations of the postoperative body weight (as a percentage of the preoperative weight) and background factors in patients who underwent distal gastrectomy. We measured the changes of nutritional indices (mean body weight, TSF, AMC and Alb) and nutrition intake on the day before operation (before operation), before postoperative resumption of oral intake (before oral intake), and on the fifth day of a soft rice porridge diet (after soft rice). Background factors included gender, age, preoperative BMI and preoperative exercise. Mean body weight, TSF, and AMC significantly decreased from before operation, to the day before oral intake and to the day after soft rice. The postoperative body weight was not associated with the gender, age, or preoperative BMI. The frequency of regular preoperative exercise was associated with the postoperative body weight. The total daily calorie intake was 1,664 kcal (before operation), 398 kcal (before oral intake), and 949 kcal (after soft rice). To conclude, nutritional status changes significantly after distal gastrectomy. Early nutrition intervention may be needed in patients who undergo distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer.

  12. The anatomy and physiology of the suspensory apparatus of the distal phalanx. (United States)

    Pollitt, Christopher C


    The equine hoof capsule protects the softer, more sensitive, structures within. Failure of the connection between hoof and bone (suspensory apparatus of the distal phalanx or SADP) results in the crippling lameness of laminitis. Active basal cell proliferation occurs principally in tubular hoof and proximal and distal lamellae. The remaining lamellae are virtually non-proliferative and the hoof wall moves past the stationary distal phalanx, by controlled activation and inhibition of constituent proteases. The lamellar corium derives most of its blood supply from the branches of the terminal arch which perforate the distal phalanx. Valveless veins within the foot can be exploited clinically for retrograde venous therapy or contrast radiography (venography). The basement membrane (BM) forms the interface between the lamellar epidermis and the adjacent dermis and the plasma membrane of each lamellar basal cell is attached to the BM by numerous electron dense adhesion plaques or hemidesmosomes the ultimate attachment unit of the SADP. Laminitis destroys and dislocates the BM and its components and without an intact, functional BM, the structure and function of the lamellar epidermis is pathologically compromised. Transcription and activation of constituent proteases occurs in normal hoof lamellae but in increased amounts during laminitis. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Limb saving surgery for Ewing's sarcoma of the distal tibia: a case report. (United States)

    Mizoshiri, Naoki; Shirai, Toshiharu; Terauchi, Ryu; Tsuchida, Shinji; Mori, Yuki; Katsuyama, Yusei; Hayashi, Daichi; Oka, Yoshinobu; Kubo, Toshikazu


    Ewing's sarcoma is a primary malignant tumor of bone occurring mostly in childhood. Few effective reconstruction techniques are available after wide resection of Ewing's sarcoma at the distal end of the tibia. Reconstruction after wide resection is especially difficult in children, as it is necessary to consider the growth and activity of the lower limbs. A 12-year-old Japanese boy had presented with right lower leg pain at age 8 years. Imaging examination showed a bone tumor accompanied by a large extra-skeletal mass in the distal part of his tibia. The tumor was histologically diagnosed as Ewing's sarcoma. The patient received chemotherapy, followed by wide resection. Reconstruction consisted of a bone transport method involving external fixation of Taylor Spatial Frame. To prevent infection after surgery, the external fixation pin was coated with iodine. One year after surgery, the patient showed poor consolidation of bone, so iliac bone transplantation was performed on the extended bones and docking site of the distal tibia. After 20 months, tibia formation was good. Three years after surgery, there was no evidence of tumor recurrence or metastases; bone fusion was good, and he was able to run. The bone transport method is an effective surgical method of reconstruction after wide resection of a bone tumor at the distal end of the tibia, if a pin can be inserted into the distal bone fragment. Coating external fixation pins with iodine may prevent postoperative infection.

  14. Minimally-invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal tibial fractures: Results and complications. (United States)

    Vidović, Dinko; Matejčić, Aljoša; Ivica, Mihovil; Jurišić, Darko; Elabjer, Esmat; Bakota, Bore


    Distal tibial or pilon fractures are usually the result of combined compressive and shear forces, and may result in instability of the metaphysis, with or without articular depression, and injury to the soft tissue. The complexity of injury, lack of muscle cover and poor vascularity make these fractures difficult to treat. Surgical treatment of distal tibial fractures includes several options: external fixation, IM nailing, ORIF and minimally-invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO). Management of distal tibial fractures with MIPO enables preservation of soft tissue and remaining blood supply. This is a report of a series of prospectively studied closed distal tibial and pilon fractures treated with MIPO. A total of 21 patients with closed distal tibial or pilon fractures were enrolled in the study between March 2008 and November 2013 and completed follow-up. Demographic characteristics, mechanism of injury, time required for union, ankle range of motion and complications were recorded. Fractures were classified according to the AO/OTA classification. Nineteen patients were initially managed with an ankle-spanning external fixator. When the status of the soft tissue had improved and swelling had subsided enough, a definitive internal fixation with MIPO was performed. Patients were invited for follow-up examinations at 3 and 6 weeks and then at intervals of 6 to 8 weeks until 12 months. Mean age of the patients was 40.1 years (range 19-67 years). Eighteen cases were the result of high-energy trauma and three were the result of low-energy trauma. According to the AO/OTA classification there were extraarticular and intraarticular fractures, but only simple articular patterns without depression or comminution. The average time for fracture union was 19.7 weeks (range 12-38 weeks). Mean range of motion was 10° of dorsiflexion (range 5-15°) and 28.3° of plantar flexion (range 20-35°). Three cases were metalwork-related complications. Two patients underwent plate removal

  15. Median nerve fascicular anatomy as a basis for distal neural prostheses. (United States)

    Planitzer, Uwe; Steinke, Hanno; Meixensberger, Jürgen; Bechmann, Ingo; Hammer, Niels; Winkler, Dirk


    Functional electrical stimulation (FES) serves as a possible therapy to restore missing motor functions of peripheral nerves by means of cuff electrodes. FES is established for improving lower limb function. Transferring this method to the upper extremity is complex, due to a lack of anatomical data on the physiological configuration of nerve fascicles. Our study's aim was to provide an anatomical basis for FES of the median nerve in the distal forearm and hand. We investigated 21 distal median nerves from 12 body donors. The peripheral fascicles were traced back by removing the external and interfascicular epineurium and then assigned to 4 quadrants. A distinct motor and sensory distribution was observed. The fascicles innervating the thenar eminence and the first lumbrical muscle originated from the nerves' radial parts in 82%. The fascicle supplying the second lumbrical muscle originated from the ulnar side in 78%. No macroscopically visible plexus formation was observed for the distal median nerve in the forearm. The findings on the distribution of the motor branches of the median nerve and the missing plexus formation may likely serve as an anatomical basis for FES of the distal forearm. However, due to the considerable variability of the motor branches, cuff electrodes will need to be adapted individually in FES. Taking into account the sensory distribution of the median nerve, FES may also possibly be applied in the treatment of regional pain syndromes. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  16. Fractal analysis of bone architecture at distal radius

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomomitsu, Tatsushi; Mimura, Hiroaki; Murase, Kenya; Sone, Teruki; Fukunaga, Masao


    Bone strength depends on bone quality (architecture, turnover, damage accumulation, and mineralization) as well as bone mass. In this study, human bone architecture was analyzed using fractal image analysis, and the clinical relevance of this method was evaluated. The subjects were 12 healthy female controls and 16 female patients suspected of having osteoporosis (age range, 22-70 years; mean age, 49.1 years). High-resolution CT images of the distal radius were acquired and analyzed using a peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) system. On the same day, bone mineral densities of the lumbar spine (L-BMD), proximal femur (F-BMD), and distal radius (R-BMD) were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). We examined the correlation between the fractal dimension and six bone mass indices. Subjects diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis were divided into two groups (with and without vertebral fracture), and we compared measured values between these two groups. The fractal dimension correlated most closely with L-BMD (r=0.744). The coefficient of correlation between the fractal dimension and L-BMD was very similar to the coefficient of correlation between L-BMD and F-BMD (r=0.783) and the coefficient of correlation between L-BMD and R-BMD (r=0.742). The fractal dimension was the only measured value that differed significantly between both the osteopenic and the osteoporotic subjects with and without vertebral fracture. The present results suggest that the fractal dimension of the distal radius can be reliably used as a bone strength index that reflects bone architecture as well as bone mass. (author)

  17. early functional outcome of distal femoral fractures at kenyatta

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The leading cause was RTA, followed by falls from a height. ... Distal femoral fractures cause considerable morbidity .... as means and standard deviations. .... Anaesthesia. Spinal. 37 (80). General Anaesthesia (GA). 9 (20). Transfusion.

  18. Distal renal tubular acidosis and amelogenesis imperfecta: A rare association

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P Ravi


    Full Text Available Renal tubular acidosis (RTA is characterized by a normal anion gap with hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. Primary distal RTA (type I is the most common RTA in children. Childhood presentation of distal RTA includes vomiting, failure to thrive, metabolic acidosis, and hypokalemia. Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI represents a condition where the dental enamel and oral tissues are affected in an equal manner resulting in the hypoplastic or hypopigmented teeth. We report a 10-year-old girl, previously asymptomatic presented with the hypokalemic paralysis and on work-up found out to have type I RTA. The discoloration of teeth and enamel was diagnosed as AI.

  19. One-stage lengthening using a locked nailing technique for distal femoral shaft nonunions associated with shortening. (United States)

    Wu, Chi-Chuan; Lee, Zhon-Liau


    To assess the effectiveness of a one-stage lengthening using a locked nail technique for the treatment of distal femoral shaft nonunions associated with shortening. Retrospective. University hospital. During a 6-year period, 36 distal femoral shaft nonunions associated with shortening (>1.5 cm) were treated by the one-stage lengthening technique. Indications for this technique were distal femoral shaft aseptic or quiescent infected nonunions, 1.5-5 cm shortening, and a fracture level suitable for the insertion of two distal locked screws. The surgical technique involved skeletal traction using the femoral condyle, local débridement, lengthening by lengthening was 2.5 cm (range 1.5-3.5 cm). One-stage lengthening using the locked nailing technique to treat distal femoral shaft nonunions associated with shortening can achieve a high success rate and low complication rate. The key to successful treatment is the patient's complete cooperation with strictly protected weight bearing until the fracture has healed.

  20. Distal regeneration involves the age dependent activity of branchial sac stem cells in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis (United States)


    Abstract Tunicates have high capacities for regeneration but the underlying mechanisms and their relationship to life cycle progression are not well understood. Here we investigate the regeneration of distal structures in the ascidian tunicate Ciona intestinalis. Analysis of regenerative potential along the proximal−distal body axis indicated that distal organs, such as the siphons, their pigmented sensory organs, and the neural complex, could only be replaced from body fragments containing the branchial sac. Distal regeneration involves the formation of a blastema composed of cells that undergo cell proliferation prior to differentiation and cells that differentiate without cell proliferation. Both cell types originate in the branchial sac and appear in the blastema at different times after distal injury. Whereas the branchial sac stem cells are present in young animals, they are depleted in old animals that have lost their regeneration capacity. Thus Ciona adults contain a population of age‐related stem cells located in the branchial sac that are a source of precursors for distal body regeneration. PMID:25893097

  1. Más allá del valle del Rift: la evidencia arqueológica del Plio-Pleistoceno fuera de África Oriental

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    Ignacio de la TORRE SÁINZ


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La mayor parte de los trabajos sobre la arqueología del Plio-Pleistoceno en Africa se centran en la evidencia del valle del Rift. Allí existen extensas columnas crono-estratigráficas que permiten contextualizar de forma fiable los conjuntos arqueo-paleontológicos y reconstruir así la secuencia evolutiva de nuestro género. Se suele obviar de esa forma la evidencia del resto de África, donde existen grandes áreas sedimentarias muy poco conocidas desde un punto de vista arqueológico. En este trabajo se reflexionará sobre el registro arqueológico plio-pleistocénico en las zonas alejadas del valle del Rift, y se tratará de reconstruir cómo fue la primera colonización del continente africano.ABSTRACT: Most of the works about the African Plio-Pleistocene are focused on the Rift Valley evidence. In this area there are long chrono-stratigraphical columns that build reliable contexts for the archaeo-paleontological sites, providing the reconstruction of the evolutionary sequence of our Genus. Evidence on the rest of Africa, where there are poor-known sedimentary areas from an archaeological point of view, is usually dismissed. In this work we will reflect on the Plio-Pleistocene record beyond the Rift Valley, trying to reconstruct the first settlement of the African continent.

  2. Genetics Home Reference: CAV3-related distal myopathy (United States)

    ... gene causes a peculiar form of distal myopathy. Neurology. 2002 Jan 22;58(2):323-5. Erratum in: Neurology 2002 Mar 12;58(5):839. Itoyoma Y [ ... 3 cause four distinct autosomal dominant muscle diseases. Neurology. 2004 Feb 24;62(4):538-43. Review. ...

  3. Mini replants: fingertip replant distal to the IP or DIP joint. (United States)

    Dautel, G; Barbary, S


    Amputations through the distal interphalangeal joint or distal to this joint are frequent and they represent probably one of the best indications for replantation. Details on the vascular anatomy of the fingertip have to be perfectly known by the surgeon who will have to deal with these replantations. Factors such as age, mechanism of amputation and type of anastomosis will influence the overall success rate of the procedure. Return of a true static two points discrimination can be observed in children even in the absence of any neural repair.

  4. Política de Modernización de la Gestión Pública en Chile 1990-2006: evidencias a partir de un modelo de análisis

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    Verónica Figueroa-Huencho


    Full Text Available A partir del debate teórico y de las evidencias empíricas surgidas en el ámbito de los procesos de reforma del Estado y de modernización de la gestión pública, este paper propone un modelo de síntesis y análisis que permite caracterizar dichos procesos. Mediante el estudio de caso, se demuestra la aplicabilidad de este modelo al caso chileno para el periodo 1990-2006. La evidencia muestra que existen rasgos propios que han definido un proceso con características particulares. Esta información se recoge a partir de la aplicación y análisis de entrevistas a 37 actores claves de estos procesos así como del análisis de documentos oficiales. El artículo identifica, describe y explica las variables que definen la política de modernización para el caso chileno.

  5. Rotation of intramedullary alignment rods affects distal femoral cutting plane in total knee arthroplasty. (United States)

    Maderbacher, Günther; Matussek, Jan; Keshmiri, Armin; Greimel, Felix; Baier, Clemens; Grifka, Joachim; Maderbacher, Hermann


    Intramedullary rods are widely used to align the distal femoral cut in total knee arthroplasty. We hypothesised that both coronal (varus/valgus) and sagittal (extension/flexion) cutting plane are affected by rotational changes of intramedullary femoral alignment guides. Distal femoral cuts using intramedullary alignment rods were simulated by means of a computer-aided engineering software in 4°, 6°, 8°, 10°, and 12° of valgus in relation to the femoral anatomical axis and 4° extension, neutral, as well as 4°, 8°, and 12° of flexion in relation to the femoral mechanical axis. This reflects the different angles between anatomical and mechanical axis in coronal and sagittal planes. To assess the influence of rotation of the alignment guide on the effective distal femoral cutting plane, all combinations were simulated with the rod gradually aligned from 40° of external to 40° of internal rotation. Rotational changes of the distal femoral alignment guides affect both the coronal and sagittal cutting planes. When alignment rods are intruded neutrally with regards to sagittal alignment, external rotation causes flexion, while internal rotation causes extension of the sagittal cutting plane. Simultaneously the coronal effect (valgus) decreases resulting in an increased varus of the cutting plane. However, when alignment rods are intruded in extension or flexion partly contradictory effects are observed. Generally the effect increases with the degree of valgus preset, rotation and flexion. As incorrect rotation of intramedullary alignment guides for distal femoral cuts causes significant cutting errors, exact rotational alignment is crucial. Coronal cutting errors in the distal femoral plane might result in overall leg malalignment, asymmetric extension gaps and subsequent sagittal cutting errors.

  6. Determinantes do grau de evidenciação de risco de crédito pelos bancos brasileiros Determinants of the credit risk disclosure level by Brazilian banks

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    José Alves Dantas


    Full Text Available Estudos que avaliam o nível de evidenciação praticado pelas organizações têm adquirido relevância na literatura contábil, na medida em que a evidenciação assume papel cada vez mais importante para a redução da assimetria de informação entre os diversos agentes econômicos. No caso do sistema financeiro, considerando suas peculiaridades, a transparência é essencial para garantir a confiabilidade e a estabilidade do sistema. O presente estudo teve por objetivo central avaliar o grau de transparência do risco de crédito praticado pelas instituições financeiras brasileiras, tendo por referência as divulgações qualitativas e quantitativas requeridas pelo Acordo de Basiléia II. Com base nas Informações Financeiras Trimestrais dos 50 maiores bancos, os resultados das análises revelaram, inicialmente, que o grau de evidenciação apresentou crescimento paulatino e constante no período, mas ainda atende a menos de 40% dos itens requeridos. Por meio de regressão, com o uso de dados em painel, foi constatado que o grau de evidenciação do risco de crédito de um período é explicado, inicialmente, pela divulgação do período anterior. Também foi constatado que o nível de evidenciação é explicado pela vigência de Basiléia II, pelo porte das instituições, pelo nível de rentabilidade, pelo índice de imobilização e pela listagem das ações na Bovespa.Studies assessing organizations level of disclosure have gained relevance in Accounting literature, as disclosure progressively assumes a more important role in the reduction of information asymmetry amongst various economic agents. As for the peculiarities of the Financial System, transparency is essential to achieve reliability and stability. The central aim of this study is to assess the degree of credit risk disclosure implemented by Brazilian financial institutions, benchmarked against the qualitative and quantitative disclosures required by the Basel II Accord

  7. Autonomía Profesional: factor clave para el ejercicio de la Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia

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    Carolina Luengo Martínez

    Full Text Available El artículo presenta la importancia de la autonomía del profesional de Enferme-ría como factor clave para la implementación de la Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia (EBE. Se analiza el papel fundamental que cumple la EBE como herramienta que permite elevar la calidad y seguridad del cuidado, mejorar los resultados y reducir costos. La autonomía profesional es la que posibilita la aplicación de conocimientos generados a través de la investigación, pero ha sido identificada como una de las principales barreras para la implementación de la EBE.

  8. Multicentre prospective evaluation of implant-assisted mandibular bilateral distal extension removable partial dentures: patient satisfaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wismeijer, D.; Tawse-Smith, A.; Payne, A.G.T.


    Objective To compare the levels of patient satisfaction with either conventional mandibular bilateral distal extension partial dentures or those assisted by bilateral distal implants. Materials and methods Forty-eight participants who were dissatisfied with their existing conventional mandibular

  9. Technical Aspects of Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for Benign and Malignant Disease: Review of the Literature (United States)

    de Rooij, T.; Sitarz, R.; Busch, O. R.; Besselink, M. G.; Abu Hilal, M.


    Distal pancreatectomy is the standard curative treatment for symptomatic benign, premalignant, and malignant disease of the pancreatic body and tail. The most obvious benefits of a laparoscopic approach to distal pancreatectomy include earlier recovery and shorter hospital stay. Spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy should be attempted in case of benign disease. Spleen preservation can be achieved preferably by preserving the splenic vessels (Kimura technique), but also by resecting the splenic vessels and maintaining vascularity through the short gastric vessels and left gastroepiploic artery (Warshaw technique). Several studies have suggested a higher rate of spleen preservation with laparoscopy. The radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy has become mainstay for treating pancreatic cancer and can be performed laparoscopically as well. Evidence on the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for cancer is scarce. Despite the obvious advantages of laparoscopic surgery, postoperative morbidity remains relatively high, mainly because of the high incidence of pancreatic fistula. For decades, surgeons have tried to prevent these fistulas but to date no strategy has been confirmed to be effective in 2 consecutive randomized studies. Pragmatic multicenter studies focusing on technical aspects of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy are lacking and should be encouraged. PMID:26240565

  10. Technical Aspects of Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for Benign and Malignant Disease: Review of the Literature

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    T. de Rooij


    Full Text Available Distal pancreatectomy is the standard curative treatment for symptomatic benign, premalignant, and malignant disease of the pancreatic body and tail. The most obvious benefits of a laparoscopic approach to distal pancreatectomy include earlier recovery and shorter hospital stay. Spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy should be attempted in case of benign disease. Spleen preservation can be achieved preferably by preserving the splenic vessels (Kimura technique, but also by resecting the splenic vessels and maintaining vascularity through the short gastric vessels and left gastroepiploic artery (Warshaw technique. Several studies have suggested a higher rate of spleen preservation with laparoscopy. The radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy has become mainstay for treating pancreatic cancer and can be performed laparoscopically as well. Evidence on the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for cancer is scarce. Despite the obvious advantages of laparoscopic surgery, postoperative morbidity remains relatively high, mainly because of the high incidence of pancreatic fistula. For decades, surgeons have tried to prevent these fistulas but to date no strategy has been confirmed to be effective in 2 consecutive randomized studies. Pragmatic multicenter studies focusing on technical aspects of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy are lacking and should be encouraged.

  11. Model-based aviation advice on distal volcanic ash clouds by assimilating aircraft in situ measurements

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    G. Fu


    Full Text Available The forecast accuracy of distal volcanic ash clouds is important for providing valid aviation advice during volcanic ash eruption. However, because the distal part of volcanic ash plume is far from the volcano, the influence of eruption information on this part becomes rather indirect and uncertain, resulting in inaccurate volcanic ash forecasts in these distal areas. In our approach, we use real-life aircraft in situ observations, measured in the northwestern part of Germany during the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, in an ensemble-based data assimilation system combined with a volcanic ash transport model to investigate the potential improvement on the forecast accuracy with regard to the distal volcanic ash plume. We show that the error of the analyzed volcanic ash state can be significantly reduced through assimilating real-life in situ measurements. After a continuous assimilation, it is shown that the aviation advice for Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg can be significantly improved. We suggest that with suitable aircrafts measuring once per day across the distal volcanic ash plume, the description and prediction of volcanic ash clouds in these areas can be greatly improved.

  12. Comparison of distal soft-tissue procedures combined with a distal chevron osteotomy for moderate to severe hallux valgus: first web-space versus transarticular approach. (United States)

    Park, Yu-Bok; Lee, Keun-Bae; Kim, Sung-Kyu; Seon, Jong-Keun; Lee, Jun-Young


    There are two surgical approaches for distal soft-tissue procedures for the correction of hallux valgus-the dorsal first web-space approach, and the medial transarticular approach. The purpose of this study was to compare the outcomes achieved after use of either of these approaches combined with a distal chevron osteotomy in patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus. One hundred and twenty-two female patients (122 feet) who underwent a distal chevron osteotomy as part of a distal soft-tissue procedure for the treatment of symptomatic unilateral moderate to severe hallux valgus constituted the study cohort. The 122 feet were randomly divided into two groups: namely, a dorsal first web-space approach (group D; sixty feet) and a medial transarticular approach (group M; sixty-two feet). The clinical and radiographic results of the two groups were compared at a mean follow-up time of thirty-eight months. The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) hindfoot scale hallux metatarsophalangeal-interphalangeal scores improved from a mean and standard deviation of 55.5 ± 12.8 points preoperatively to 93.5 ± 6.3 points at the final follow-up in group D and from 54.9 ± 12.6 points preoperatively to 93.6 ± 6.2 points at the final follow-up in group M. The mean hallux valgus angle in groups D and M was reduced from 32.2° ± 6.3° and 33.1° ± 8.4° preoperatively to 10.5° ± 5.5° and 9.9° ± 5.5°, respectively, at the time of final follow-up. The mean first intermetatarsal angle in groups D and M was reduced from 15.0° ± 2.8° and 15.3° ± 2.7° preoperatively to 6.5° ± 2.2° and 6.3° ± 2.4°, respectively, at the final follow-up. The clinical and radiographic outcomes were not significantly different between the two groups. The final clinical and radiographic outcomes between the two approaches for distal soft-tissue procedures were comparable and equally successful. Accordingly, the results of this study suggest that the medial transarticular

  13. Acute distal biceps rupture in an adolescent weightlifter on chronic steroid suppression: a case report. (United States)

    Ding, David Y; LaMartina, Joey A; Zhang, Alan L; Pandya, Nirav K


    Distal biceps tendon ruptures are uncommon events in the adult population and exceedingly rare in the adolescent population. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first and only report of a distal biceps tendon rupture in an adolescent with a history of chronic corticosteroid suppression. We present a case of a 17-year-old male on chronic corticosteroid suppression who underwent a successful distal biceps tendon repair after an acute rupture following weightlifting. At the 1-year follow-up, the patient reports full range of motion and strength, and is able to return to his preinjury activity level with sports and weightlifting. Acute distal biceps ruptures are uncommon injuries in the pediatric population, but may occur in conjunction with chronic corticosteroid use. Anatomic repair, when possible, can restore function and strength. level IV, case report.

  14. Neglected distal humeral epiphyseal injury - Two Case Reports ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We present two cases of neglected distal humeral epiphyseal injury in children that resulted in cubitus varus deformity in one case. Full range of movements was achieved in both cases after proper management. Keywords: Neglected epiphyseal injury; Cubitus varus; Diagnosis; Treatment Internet Journal of Medical Update ...

  15. Laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Riviere, D.M.; Gurusamy, K.S.; Kooby, D.A.; Vollmer, C.M.; Besselink, M.G.; Davidson, B.R.; Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van


    BACKGROUND: Surgical resection is currently the only treatment with the potential for long-term survival and cure of pancreatic cancer. Surgical resection is provided as distal pancreatectomy for cancers of the body and tail of the pancreas. It can be performed by laparoscopic or open surgery. In

  16. Spontaneous resolution of splenic infarcts after distal splenorenal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: In cases of portal hypertension with splenic infarcts, splenectomy with proximal splenorenal shunt has been recommended. We are sharing our experience with distal splenorenal shunt in these cases contrary to the popular belief. Materials and Methods: Splenic infarcts were graded as mild, moderate and ...

  17. Intramedullary Venous Drainage System for Distal Fingertip Replantations. (United States)

    Purisa, Husrev; Ozturk, Muhammed Besir; Kabakas, Fatih; Mersa, Berkan; Ozcelik, Ismail Bulent; Sezer, Ilker


    The number of venous anastomoses performed during fingertip replantation is one of the most important factors affecting the success of replantation. However, because vessel diameters decrease in the zone 1 level, vessel anastomoses, especially vein anastomoses, are technically difficult and, thus, cannot be performed in most cases. Alternative venous drainage methods are crucial when any reliable vein repair is not possible. In the literature, so many artery-only replantation techniques have been defined, such as arteriovenous anastomoses, forming an arteriovenous or venocutaneous fistula, manual milking and massage, puncturing, and external bleeding via a fishmouth incision and using a medical leech. It has been shown that, in distal fingertip replantations, the medullary cavity may also be a good way for venous return. In this study, we introduce an alternative intramedullary venous drainage system we developed to facilitate venous drainage in artery-only fingertip replantations. The results of 24 fingertip replantations distal to the nail fold by using this system are presented with a literature review.

  18. Maxillary molar distalization with aligners in adult patients: a multicenter retrospective study

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    Serena Ravera


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that bodily maxillary molar distalization was not achievable in aligner orthodontics. Methods Forty lateral cephalograms obtained from 20 non-growing subjects (9 male, 11 female; average age 29.73 years (group S, who underwent bilateral distalization of their maxillary dentition with Invisalign aligners (Align Technology, Inc., San José, CA, USA, were considered for the study. Skeletal class I or class II malocclusion and a bilateral end-to-end class II molar relationship were the main inclusion criteria. Cephalograms were taken at two time points: (T0 pretreatment and (T2 post-treatment. Treatment changes were evaluated between the time points using 39 variables by means of paired t test. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Reproducibility of measurements was assessed by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC. Results The mean treatment time was 24.3 ± 4.2 months. At the post-treatment point, the first molar moved distally 2.25 mm without significant tipping (P = 0.27 and vertical movements (P = 0.43. The second molar distalization was 2.52 mm without significant tipping (P = 0.056 and vertical movements (P = 0.25. No significant movements were detected on the lower arch. SN^GoGn and SPP^GoGn angles showed no significant differences between pre- and post-treatment cephalograms (P = 0.22 and P = 0.85, respectively. Conclusions Aligner therapy in association with composite attachments and class II elastics can distalize maxillary first molars by 2.25 mm without significant tipping and vertical movements of the crown. No changes to the facial height were revealed.

  19. Arthroscopic resection of the distal clavicle in osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint

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    Tae-Soo Park


    Full Text Available Background: Symptomatic acromioclavicular joint (ACJ lesions are a common cause of shoulder complaints that can be treated successfully with both conservative and surgical methods. There are several operative techniques, including both open and arthroscopic surgery, for excising the distal end of the clavicle. Here, we present a new modified arthroscopic technique for painful osteoarthritis of the ACJ and evaluate its clinical outcomes. Our hypothesis was that 4- to 7-mm resection of the distal clavicle in an en bloc fashion would have several advantages, including no bony remnants, maintenance of stability of the ACJ, and reduced prevalence of heterotopic ossification, in addition to elimination of the pathologic portion of the distal clavicle. Materials and Methods: 20 shoulders of 20 consecutive patients with painful and isolated osteoarthritis of the ACJ who were treated by arthroscopic en bloc resection of the distal clavicle were included in the study. There were 10 males and 10 females with an average age of 56 years (range 42-70 years. The mean duration of followup was 6 years and 2 months (range 4-8 years 10 months. The results were evaluated using the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA shoulder rating score. Results: The overall UCLA score was 13.7 preoperatively, which improved to 33.4 postoperatively. All subscores were improved significantly ( P < 0.001. There were no specific complications at the latest followup. Conclusion: It is critical in this procedure to resect the distal clavicle evenly from superior to inferior in an en bloc fashion without any small bony remnants and to preserve the capsule and acromioclavicular ligament superoposteriorly. This arthroscopic procedure is a reliable and reproducible technique for painful osteoarthritis of the ACJ lesions in active patients engaged in overhead throwing sports and heavy labor.

  20. Autosomal dominant distal myopathy due to a novel ACTA1 mutation. (United States)

    Liewluck, Teerin; Sorenson, Eric J; Walkiewicz, Magdalena A; Rumilla, Kandelaria M; Milone, Margherita


    Mutations in skeletal muscle α-actin 1-encoding gene (ACTA1) cause autosomal dominant or recessive myopathies with marked clinical and pathological heterogeneity. Patients typically develop generalized or limb-girdle pattern of weakness, but recently a family with scapuloperoneal myopathy was reported. We describe a father and 2 children with childhood-to-juvenile onset distal myopathy, carrying a novel dominant ACTA1 variant, c.757G>C (p.Gly253Arg). Father had delayed motor development and developed significant proximal weakness later in life; he was initially misdiagnosed as having spinal muscular atrophy based on electromyographic findings. His children had predominant anterior distal leg and finger extensor involvement. Nemaline rods were abundant on the daughter's biopsy, absent on the father's initial biopsy, and extremely rare on the father's subsequent biopsy a decade later. The father's second biopsy also showed myofibrillar pathology and rare fibers with actin filament aggregates. The present family expands the spectrum of actinopathy to include a distal myopathy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Evidencias Psicométricas de una Medida Breve de Resiliencia en Adultos Mayores Peruanos no Institucionalizados

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    Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La resiliencia es comprendida como el dominio de recursos personales y factores contextuales que permiten un afrontamiento exitoso y el logro de una adaptación positiva ante los diferentes estresores que aparecen a lo largo de la vida, siendo así importante dentro del proceso de envejecimiento saludable y exitoso. En la actualidad se han desarrollado instrumentos breves para la medición de la resiliencia como la escala breve de resiliencia (BRCS - Brief Resilient Coping Scale que evalúa la capacidad de los individuos para hacer frente al estrés de manera adaptativa. En este sentido, el estudio ofrece evidencia de validez y fiabilidad de la BRCS en adultos mayores no institucionalizados peruanos. Se contó con la participación de 236 adultos mayores con una edad promedio de 72.8 años (DT = 6.90 de los cuales el 78.4% eran mujeres y el 21.6% hombres, quienes respondieron la versión en español del BRCS y otras escalas para medir la satisfacción con la vida, humor como afrontamiento y depresión. Mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio se corrobora la estructura unidimensional de la BRCS. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna alfa de Cronbach y omega indicaron una adecuada fiabilidad de la BRCS. Tanto los índices de ajuste del modelo como los valores de los coeficientes de fiabilidad fueron mejores en comparación con los reportados en la literatura. La BRCS mostró una correlación positiva significativa con la satisfacción con la vida y el humor como afrontamiento (p < .01. Asimismo, se observó una correlación negativa significativa con depresión (p < .01. Los resultados muestran que la BRCS cuenta con evidencias de validez y fiabilidad que avala su empleo como medida breve de la resiliencia en adultos mayores peruanos.

  2. Technical Aspects of Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy for Benign and Malignant Disease: Review of the Literature

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Rooij, T.; Sitarz, R.; Busch, O. R.; Besselink, M. G.; Abu Hilal, M.


    Distal pancreatectomy is the standard curative treatment for symptomatic benign, premalignant, and malignant disease of the pancreatic body and tail. The most obvious benefits of a laparoscopic approach to distal pancreatectomy include earlier recovery and shorter hospital stay. Spleen-preserving

  3. Classification and treatment of distal radius fractures: a survey among orthopaedic trauma surgeons and residents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.A.M. Mulders (Marjolein A. M.); D. Rikli; J.C. Goslings (Carel); N.W.L. Schep (Niels)


    textabstractPurpose: Classification, the definition of an acceptable reduction and indications for surgery in distal radius fracturemanagement are still subject of debate. The purpose of this study was to characterise current distal radius fracture management in Europe. Methods: During the European

  4. Is nonoperative management of partial distal biceps tears really successful? (United States)

    Bauer, Tyler M; Wong, Justin C; Lazarus, Mark D


    The current treatment of partial distal biceps tears is a period of nonoperative management, followed by surgery, if symptoms persist. Little is known about the success rate and outcomes of nonoperative management of this illness. We identified 132 patients with partial distal biceps tears through an International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code query of our institution's database. Patient records were reviewed to abstract demographic information and confirm partial tears of the distal biceps tendon based on clinical examination findings and confirmatory magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Seventy-four patients completed an outcome survey. In our study, 55.7% of the contacted patients who tried a nonoperative course (34 of 61 patients) ultimately underwent surgery, and 13 patients underwent immediate surgery. High-need patients, as defined by occupation, were more likely to report that they recovered ideally if they underwent surgery, as compared with those who did not undergo surgery (odds ratio, 11.58; P = .0138). For low-need patients, the same analysis was not statistically significant (P = .139). There was no difference in satisfaction scores between patients who tried a nonoperative course before surgery and those who underwent immediate surgery (P = .854). An MRI-diagnosed tear of greater than 50% was a predictor of needing surgery (odds ratio, 3.0; P = .006). This study has identified clinically relevant information for the treatment of partial distal biceps tears, including the following: the failure rate of nonoperative treatment, the establishment of MRI percent tear as a predictor of failing nonoperative management, the benefit of surgery for the high-need occupational group, and the finding that nonoperative management does not negatively affect outcome if subsequent surgery is necessary. Copyright © 2018 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. La urgencia de la evidencia en psicoterapia

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    Alvaro Paredes-Rivera


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Actualmente, y tras una larga historia de desarrollo y evolución, la psicoterapia es un campo en el que se presentan diferentes modelos de intervención, donde cada uno busca obtener un reconocimiento propio y su respectiva promoción. Ante esto, se plantea inicialmente la cuestión acerca de la utilidad de los modelos y que estos ofrezcan realmente resultados, haciéndose urgente contar con indicadores de eficacia respecto a los tratamientos empleados. En ese sentido, un paso importante ha sido la consolidación de los Tratamientos Psicológicos Eficaces (Chambless & Hollon, 1998, y más importante aún la meta de instaurar una Psicología Clínica Basada en la Evidencia (Spring, 2007. El presente artículo hace un análisis y revisión de esta propuesta, destacando la necesidad de adoptarla a favor de la coherencia con la idea de la psicología como ciencia; por otro lado también se describen las críticas o limitaciones planteadas, así como respuestas documentadas ante las mismas, considerando los retos futuros a los que conllevan para el avance de la psicología clínica y de la psicoterapia. ABSTRACT: Currently, and after a long history of development and evolution, psychotherapy is a field where different models of intervention meet together, and everyone wants to obtain its own recognition and promotion. Considering this, it is contemplated the problem with the usefulness of the models and if them really present results, making the urgency of have an efficacy indicator of the treatments in use. In that sense, an important advance was the consolidation of the Efficacy of Psychological Treatments (Chambless & Hollon, 1998, and even more important the target of establish an Evidence-based Clinical Psychology (Spring, 2007. In this paper, it is made an analysis and review of this proposal, emphasizing the need of adopt it supporting the coherence with the idea of psychology as a science. What is more, it is described the criticism

  6. Insight into the pathomorphology of the distal border of the equine navicular bone

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    Martyna Frątczak


    Full Text Available Pathological changes of the equine navicular bone are found in a variety of forms in numerous old and also relatively young horses. Therefore, investigations on this small bone are of major practical significance. The current article presents a view of the alterations observed on the distal aspect of the bone and analyzes their origin and importance. As a result of pressure subjected by the deep digital flexor tendon and adaptive remodelling of the bone tissue, distal border of the navicular bone extends and becomes sharpened. Osseous distal border fragments may be a consequence of this phenomenon. However, the origin of fragments is also associated with the development of entheseophytes on the margins, which can result from stress induced by the distal impar sesamoid ligament. The authors are not unanimous about the clinical importance of fragments, but it seems that the most dangerous are large-sized ones, especially when occurring together with other lesions. An important issue is also the alterations of the nutrient foramina located on the distal border, due to the main role of this surface in blood supply. Changes in the size and shape of pathological synovial invaginations can be a sign of circulatory disturbances and abnormal turnover of the bone tissue. Some researchers link synovial invaginations to cases of lameness, but their importance is still enigmatic. Majority of studies focus on warmblood horses, and a lower interest in coldblood horses can be seen. Nonetheless, certain data are a strong argument that the breed and morphotype can affect the frequency of adverse changes.

  7. Mini-implant-supported Molar Distalization

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    Amit Goyal


    Full Text Available Temporary anchorage devices popularly called mini-implants or miniscrews are the latest addition to an orthodontist′s armamentarium. The following case report describes the treatment of a 16-year-old girl with a pleasant profile, moderate crowding and Angle′s Class II molar relationship. Maxillary molar distalization was planned and mini-implants were used to preserve the anterior anchorage. After 13 months of treatment, Class I molar and canine relation was achieved bilaterally and there was no anterior proclination. Thus, mini-implants provide a viable option to the clinician to carry out difficult tooth movements without any side effects.

  8. Treatment of unstable distal radius fractures with Ilizarov circular, nonbridging external fixator. (United States)

    Tyllianakis, Minos; Mylonas, Spyros; Saridis, Alkis; Kallivokas, Alkiviadis; Kouzelis, Antonis; Megas, Panagiotis


    Unstable distal radius fractures remain a challenge for the treating orthopaedic surgeon. We present a retrospective follow-up study (mean follow-up 12.5 months) of 20 patients with 21 unstable distal radius fractures that were reduced in a closed manner and stabilized with a nonbridging Ilizarov external fixator. Subsequent insertion of olive wires for interfragmentary compression was performed in cases with intra-articular fractures. According to the overall evaluation proposed by Gartland and Werley scoring system 12 wrists were classified as excellent, 6 as good, 2 as fair and 1 as poor. Grade II pin-tract infection in distal fracture fragment was detected in 3 wires from a total of 78 (3.8%) and in 4 half pins out of a total of 9 (44.4%). Pronation was the most frequently impaired movement. This was restricted in 4 patients (19%) in whom a radioulnar transfixing wire was applied. Symptoms of irritation of superficial sensory branch of the radial nerve occurred in 3 patients with an olive wire applied in a closed manner in the distal fragment. Ilizarov method yields functional results comparable to that of other methods whilst it avoids wrist immobilization, open reduction and reoperation for implant removal. The method is associated with a low rate of major complication and satisfactory functional outcome. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Riviere, Deniece; Gurusamy, Kurinchi Selvan; Kooby, David A.; Vollmer, Charles M.; Besselink, Marc G. H.; Davidson, Brian R.; van Laarhoven, Cornelis J. H. M.


    Surgical resection is currently the only treatment with the potential for long-term survival and cure of pancreatic cancer. Surgical resection is provided as distal pancreatectomy for cancers of the body and tail of the pancreas. It can be performed by laparoscopic or open surgery. In operations on

  10. Intramedullary nailing of proximal and distal one-third tibial shaft fractures with intraoperative two-pin external fixation. (United States)

    Wysocki, Robert W; Kapotas, James S; Virkus, Walter W


    Fractures of the proximal and distal one thirds of the tibial shaft have historically higher malunion rates than those of the midshaft. This retrospective case series evaluates the postoperative radiographic outcome of intramedullary nailing of proximal and distal one-third tibial shaft fractures using intraoperative two-pin external fixation, often referred to as traveling traction. Between 2000 and 2005, 15 consecutive patients with proximal third and 27 consecutive patients with distal third displaced extra-articular fractures of the tibia were treated with statically locked intramedullary nailing and supplementary intraoperative two-pin rectangular frame external fixation. The external fixation was removed once the proximal and distal locking screws were in place. The alignment of the fractures was determined using standard postoperative anteroposterior and lateral radiographs. Postoperatively, 14 of 15 patients with proximal fractures and 25 of 27 patients with distal fractures had less than 5 degrees of angular deformity in both the coronal and sagittal planes and less than 1 cm shortening. Statically locked intramedullary nailing with simultaneous intraoperative traveling traction external fixation as treatment for proximal and distal one-third extra-articular tibial shaft fractures is successful in achieving a high rate of acceptable postoperative alignment.

  11. Single absorbable polydioxanone pin fixation for distal chevron bunion osteotomies. (United States)

    Deorio, J K; Ware, A W


    The distal chevron osteotomy is a well-established technique for correction of symptomatic mild to moderate metatarsus primus varus with hallux valgus deformity. Fixation of the osteotomy ranges from none to bone pegs, Kirschner wires, screws, or absorbable pins. We evaluated one surgeon's (J.K.D.) results of distal chevron osteotomy fixation with a single, nonpredrilled, 1.3-mm poly-p-dioxanone pin and analyzed any differences in patients with unilateral or bilateral symptomatic metatarsus primus varus with hallux valgus deformities. All osteotomies healed without evidence of infection, osteolysis, nonunion, or necrosis. Equal correction was achieved in unilateral and bilateral procedures. The technique is quick and easy, and adequate fixation is achieved.

  12. Evidenciação social e ambiental nos relatórios da administração de empresas do setor de construção civil

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    Paulo Roberto da Cunha


    Full Text Available Impulsionadas a melhorar o desempenho social e ambiental de seus processos e produtos, as organizações buscam meios para a divulgação de tais fatos, podendo valer-se do relatório da administração para esse fim. Este estudo objetiva identificar o nível de evidenciação social e ambiental no relatório da administração das empresas do setor de construção civil listadas na Governança Corporativa da Bovespa. A pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa dos dados foi realizada através de análise documental nos relatórios da administração das empresas, por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que as informações de cunho social das empresas que aderiram em 2006 a um nível de governança corporativa da Bovespa apresentaram uma pequena evolução na evidenciação destas informações nos relatórios da administração de 2007. Fato este também apresentado para as informações ambientais. As empresas que aderiram a um nível de governança corporativa da Bovespa em 2007 também apresentaram uma evolução nas informações sociais em 2007, mas com redução nas informações ambientais. Conclui-se que de modo geral o nível de evidenciação social e ambiental no relatório da administração das empresas pesquisadas melhorou com a adesão das empresas a um nível de governança corporativa da Bovespa.

  13. A Misdiagnosis of Traumatic Hypersupination of the Distal Radioulnar Joint: A Case Report

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    Vipin Asopa


    Full Text Available Traumatic hypersupination injury of the distal radioulnar joint is a rare injury, and occurs when sufficient supination force is applied to the joint so as to tear the volar radioulnar ligament, resulting in separation of the triangular fibrocartilage complex, and subluxation of the tendon of extensor carpi ulnaris. This allows the distal ulna to rotate such that the ulnar styloid comes to lie adjacent to the ulna notch of the radius. Treatment of this injury requires manipulation of the joint, under anaesthesia or sedation. We describe a case where posttraumatic radiological investigation of a patient with an anatomical variation of the wrist when in supination resembled a traumatic hypersupination injury of the distal radioulnar joint. A review of the literature has revealed this to be the first reported case of this type.

  14. Dermal pocketing following distal finger replantation. (United States)

    Puhaindran, Mark E; Paavilainen, Pasi; Tan, David M K; Peng, Yeong Pin; Lim, Aymeric Y T


    Replantation is an ideal technique for reconstruction following fingertip amputation as it provides 'like for like' total reconstruction of the nail complex, bone pulp tissue and skin with no donor-site morbidity. However, fingertips are often not replanted because veins cannot be found or are thought to be too small to repair. Attempts at 'cap-plasty' or pocketing of replanted tips with and without microvascular anastomosis have been done in the past with varying degrees of success. We prospectively followed up a group of patients who underwent digital replantation and dermal pocketing in the palm to evaluate the outcome of this procedure. There were 10 patients with 14 amputated digits (two thumbs, five index, four middle, two ring and one little) who underwent dermal pocketing of the amputated digit following replantation. Among the 14 digits that were treated with dermal pocketing, 11 survived completely, one had partial atrophy and two were completely lost. Complications encountered included finger stiffness (two patients) and infection of the replanted fingertip with osteomyelitis of the distal phalanx (one patient). We believe that this technique can help increase the chance of survival for distal replantation with an acceptable salvage rate of 85% in our series. Copyright 2009 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. [Distal ureteral lithiasis. ESWL versus ambulatory URS]. (United States)

    Miján Ortiz, J L; Gutiérrez Tejero, F; López Carmona, F; Nogueras Ocaña, M; Arrabal Martín, M; Zuluaga Gómez, A


    To present the results achieved in the treatment of 1802 distal ureteral stones treated at the Lithotripsy Unit of the San Cecilio University Hospital over the last 10 years (1990-2000). Stones were treated by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) or ureteroscopy (URS). ESWL was the initial treatment in 81% of the cases (1460 calculi) and URS in the remaining 19% (342 stones). URS was performed for complication or failed ESWL (102 stones) and ESWL was performed for failed URS, basically due to stone migration (24 stones). Ureterolithotomy was required on 7 occasions. Sedation-analgesia with fentanyl and midazolam was routinely used in URS. Sedation was required in only 55% of the ESWL procedures. Elective ESWL resolved 93% of the cases, a percentage which is similar to that achieved with URS as first treatment. The ESWL retreatment rate was 1.3. URS was successful in 98% of the cases of failed ESWL. There are two treatment modalities for stones in the distal ureter: ESWL and URS. We advocate the use of outpatient URS with sedation preferably in the female patient, impacted stones, obstructive uropathy, stones larger than 2 cm and radiotransparent stones.

  16. La Biblioteca Médica Nacional de Cuba tiene la primicia: curso Cochrane Library, aprendizaje con estrategias para obtener las mejores evidencias en salud

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    Sonia Santana Arroyo


    Full Text Available La Biblioteca Médica Nacional de Cuba ha puesto en marcha un programa de alfabetización informacional para adiestrar a sus usuarios y fomentar en ellos las habilidades necesarias para el uso de bases de datos, así como para fomentar el uso de estrategias de búsquedas bien diseñadas y validadas por los bibliotecarios especialistas en información. En el presente trabajo se describen contenidos y habilidades que se fomentan en el curso “Cochrane Library: La Medicina Basada en Evidencias”, cuyo objetivo es que el usuario domine esta base de datos y el concepto de medicina basada en evidencias para la toma de mejores decisiones en la atención médica. Durante el curso se introduce además el Modelo Big 6, como guía del pensamiento para resolver problemas de información que facilite la búsqueda y la organización de la información médica basada en evidencias. Igualmente, se capacita al estudiante para que diseñe productos informativos, como boletines electrónicos, que le permitan tanto presentar los resultados de búsquedas de información como promover información para el cuidado de la salud en el futuro

  17. Ionotropic GABA Receptors and Distal Retinal ON and OFF Responses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Popova


    Full Text Available In the vertebrate retina, visual signals are segregated into parallel ON and OFF pathways, which provide information for light increments and decrements. The segregation is first evident at the level of the ON and OFF bipolar cells in distal retina. The activity of large populations of ON and OFF bipolar cells is reflected in the b- and d-waves of the diffuse electroretinogram (ERG. The role of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA, acting through ionotropic GABA receptors in shaping the ON and OFF responses in distal retina, is a matter of debate. This review summarized current knowledge about the types of the GABAergic neurons and ionotropic GABA receptors in the retina as well as the effects of GABA and specific GABAA and GABAC receptor antagonists on the activity of the ON and OFF bipolar cells in both nonmammalian and mammalian retina. Special emphasis is put on the effects on b- and d-waves of the ERG as a useful tool for assessment of the overall function of distal retinal ON and OFF channels. The role of GABAergic system in establishing the ON-OFF asymmetry concerning the time course and absolute and relative sensitivity of the ERG responses under different conditions of light adaptation in amphibian retina is also discussed.

  18. Computer tomographic assessment of postoperative peripancreatic collections after distal pancreatectomy. (United States)

    Uchida, Yuichiro; Masui, Toshihiko; Sato, Asahi; Nagai, Kazuyuki; Anazawa, Takayuki; Takaori, Kyoichi; Uemoto, Shinji


    Peripancreatic collections occur frequently after distal pancreatectomy. However, the sequelae of peripancreatic collections vary from case to case, and their clinical impact is uncertain. In this study, the correlations between CT findings of peripancreatic collections and complications after distal pancreatectomy were investigated. Ninety-six consecutive patients who had undergone distal pancreatectomy between 2010 and 2015 were retrospectively investigated. The extent and heterogeneity of peripancreatic collections and background clinicopathological characteristics were analyzed. The extent of peripancreatic collections was calculated based on three-dimensional computed tomography images, and the degree of heterogeneity of peripancreatic collections was assessed based on the standard deviation of their density on computed tomography. Of 85 patients who underwent postoperative computed tomography imaging, a peripancreatic collection was detected in 77 (91%). Patients with either a large extent or a high degree of heterogeneity of peripancreatic collection had a significantly higher rate of clinically relevant pancreatic fistula than those without (odds ratio 5.95, 95% confidence interval 2.12-19.72, p = 0.001; odds ratio 8.0, 95% confidence interval 2.87-24.19, p = 0.0001, respectively). A large and heterogeneous peripancreatic collection was significantly associated with postoperative complications, especially clinically relevant postoperative pancreatic fistula. A small and homogenous peripancreatic collection could be safely observed.

  19. Suture anchor tenodesis in repair of distal Achilles tendon injuries. (United States)

    Kiliçoğlu, Onder; Türker, Mehmet; Yildız, Fatih; Akalan, Ekin; Temelli, Yener


    Distal Achilles tendon avulsions are in the form of either bony and nonbony avulsion of Achilles tendon from its calcaneal insertion. Four patients with distal Achilles tendon avulsions or ruptures which were treated with tendon to bone repair using suture anchors are presented here. Operated leg was immobilized in above-knee cast for 4 weeks while the patient walked non-weight-bearing. Then, cast was changed to below knee, and full weight-bearing was allowed. Patients underwent gait analysis minimum at first postoperative year. Mean American Orthopedics Foot Ankle Society ankle/hindfoot score of patients at last visit was 88.75 (range 85-100), and Achilles tendon total rupture score was 77.75 (range 58-87). Mean passive dorsiflexion of injured ankles (14° ± 5°) was lower than uninjured ankles (23° ± 9°). All the kinematic parameters of gait analysis were comparable to the uninjured side. Maximum plantar flexion power of injured ankle was 1.40 W/kg, and this was significantly lower than the contralateral side value 2.38 W/kg; (P = 0.0143). There were no visually altered gait or problems in daily life. Suture anchor tenodesis technique of distal Achilles tendon avulsions was successful in achieving durable osteotendinous repairs.

  20. Distal radius fractures result in alterations in scapular kinematics: a three-dimensional motion analysis. (United States)

    Ayhan, Cigdem; Turgut, Elif; Baltaci, Gul


    Scapular motion is closely integrated with arm motion. Injury to a distal segment requires compensatory changes in the proximal segments leading to alterations in scapular motion. Since the effects of distal injuries on scapular kinematics remain unknown, in the present study we investigated the influences on scapular motion in patients with distal injuries. Sixteen subjects with a history of distal radius fracture and 20 asymptomatic healthy subjects (controls) participated in the study. Three-dimensional scapular and humeral kinematic data were collected on all 3 planes of shoulder elevation: frontal, sagittal, and scapular. All testing was performed in a single session; therefore, the sensors remained attached to the participants for all testing. The position and orientation data of the scapula at 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° humerothoracic elevation and 120°, 90°, 60°, and 30° lowering were used for statistical comparisons. Independent samples t-test was used to compare the scapular internal/external rotation, upward/downward rotation, and anterior/posterior tilt between the affected side of subjects with a distal radius fracture and the dominant side of asymptomatic subjects at the same stage of humerothoracic elevation. Scapular internal rotation was significantly increased at 30° elevation (P=0.01), 90° elevation (P=0.03), and 30° lowering (P=0.03), and upward rotation was increased at 30° and 60° elevation (Pplane elevation. Scapular upward rotation and anterior tilt were significantly increased during 30° lowering on both the scapular (P=0.002 and 0.02, respectively) and sagittal planes (P=0.01 and 0.02. respectively). Patients with distal radius fractures exhibit altered scapular kinematics, which may further contribute to the development of secondary musculoskeletal pathologies. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Increased Variability and Asymmetric Expansion of the Hippocampal Spatial Representation in a Distal Cue-Dependent Memory Task. (United States)

    Park, Seong-Beom; Lee, Inah


    Place cells in the hippocampus fire at specific positions in space, and distal cues in the environment play critical roles in determining the spatial firing patterns of place cells. Many studies have shown that place fields are influenced by distal cues in foraging animals. However, it is largely unknown whether distal-cue-dependent changes in place fields appear in different ways in a memory task if distal cues bear direct significance to achieving goals. We investigated this possibility in this study. Rats were trained to choose different spatial positions in a radial arm in association with distal cue configurations formed by visual cue sets attached to movable curtains around the apparatus. The animals were initially trained to associate readily discernible distal cue configurations (0° vs. 80° angular separation between distal cue sets) with different food-well positions and then later experienced ambiguous cue configurations (14° and 66°) intermixed with the original cue configurations. Rats showed no difficulty in transferring the associated memory formed for the original cue configurations when similar cue configurations were presented. Place field positions remained at the same locations across different cue configurations, whereas stability and coherence of spatial firing patterns were significantly disrupted when ambiguous cue configurations were introduced. Furthermore, the spatial representation was extended backward and skewed more negatively at the population level when processing ambiguous cue configurations, compared with when processing the original cue configurations only. This effect was more salient for large cue-separation conditions than for small cue-separation conditions. No significant rate remapping was observed across distal cue configurations. These findings suggest that place cells in the hippocampus dynamically change their detailed firing characteristics in response to a modified cue environment and that some of the firing

  2. Modified distal shoe appliance for premature loss of multiple deciduous molars: a case report. (United States)

    Bhat, Prasanna Kumar; K, Navin H; Idris, Mohammed; Christopher, Pradeep; Rai, Niharika


    Preservation of the primary dentition until the normal time of exfoliation is one of the most important factor involved in preventive and interceptive dentistry. The premature loss of second primary molar before the eruption of permanent first molar can create a significant arch space/tooth size discrepancy. Distal shoe space maintainer is a valuable part of the Paediatric Dentist's armamentarium in those cases where the second primary molar is prematurely lost and it helps to guide the first permanent molar into place. Conventional design poses various limitations in cases of premature loss of multiple deciduous molars. Thus, it is required to modify the conventional designs according to the needs of the patient. This case report describes an innovative modification of distal shoe appliance in cases of premature loss of multiple deciduous molars. In the present case, modification of distal shoe space maintainer was advocated because of inadequate abutments caused due to multiple loss of deciduous molars. Bilateral design of distal shoe was planned for unilateral loss of deciduous molars.

  3. Subtrochanteric and Distal Femur Fractures in a Patient with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study reports the surgical management for this rare case and the treatment ... car accident and presented closed femoral shaft fracture associated with a ... to fix the distal femur fracture, enhancing the construction stability [Figures 4 and 5].

  4. Spontaneous rupture of the distal iliopsoas tendon: clinical and imaging findings, with anatomic correlations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lecouvet, Frederic E.; Vande Berg, Bruno C.; Malghem, Jacques [Universite Catholique de Louvain, Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, Saint Luc University Hospital, Brussels (Belgium); Demondion, Xavier [Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, Department of Bone Radiology and Laboratory of Anatomy, Lille (France); Leemrijse, Thibaut [Universite Catholique de Louvain, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Saint Luc University Hospital, Brussels (Belgium); Devogelaer, Jean-Pierre [Universite Catholique de Louvain, Department of Rheumatology, Saint Luc University Hospital, Brussels (Belgium)


    We report the clinical and imaging findings in two elderly female patients with spontaneous rupture of the distal iliopsoas tendon from the lesser trochanter of the femur. We emphasize the key contribution of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to this diagnosis and provide an anatomic correlation. Spontaneous rupture of the distal iliopsoas tendon should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of acute groin pain in the elderly. MR imaging enables positive diagnosis, by showing mass effect on the anterior aspect of the hip joint, proximal muscle thickening, and abnormal signal intensity, and by demonstrating interruption of the psoas tendon, whereas the distal insertion of the lateral portion of the iliacus muscle remains muscular and is preserved. (orig.)

  5. A unique physeal injury of the distal phalanx. (United States)

    Berber, Onur; Singh, Bijayendra


    An unusual Salter-Harris Type 1 fracture variant of the distal phalanx of the index finger is described. The epiphysis was dislocated, sitting dorsally over the middle phalanx head with the articular surface facing dorsal. Reduction could only be achieved through an open procedure. The reduction was stable without supplemental fixation.

  6. Outcome of management of distal radius fractures in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background and Purpose: Distal radial fractures are common fractures of postmenopausal age group patients. They are often called fractures of osteoporosis. These fractures are considered to be one of the commonest minor injuries to cause major morbidity in the community. A lot of patient who need surgery, fail to afford ...

  7. Retrograde nailing for distal femur fractures in the elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giddie Jasdeep


    Full Text Available Introduction: We report the results of treating a series of 56 fractures in 54 elderly patients with a distal femur fracture with a retrograde femoral nail. Methods: Fifty-four of the nails were inserted percutaneously with a closed reduction. After surgery all patients were allowed to weight bear as tolerated. Four fractures were supported in a temporary external splint. Results: The mean age of patients was 80.6 years (range 51–103 years, 52/54 (96% were females. There were no cases of nail related complications and no re-operations were required. One patient was lost to follow up. The 30-day mortality was 5/54 (9.3% and the one year mortality was 17/54 (31.5%. Conclusions: Distal femoral nail fixation provides a good method of fixation allowing immediate mobilisation for this group of patients.

  8. Percutaneous Screw Fixation of Distal Tibia Fractures – Functional Results in Sixteen Patients


    Kaftandziev, Igor; Trpeski, Simon; Arsovski, Oliver; Spasov, Marko


    INTRODUCTION: An important feature of distal tibia fractures is the relevance of the soft tissue coverage. In order to maintain good functional outcome, several operative techniques have been established. Among them, percutaneous screw fixation has the advantage of causing less biological damage of the soft tissues with lower rates of complications. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We reviewed 16 patients with distal tibia fracture. Operative treatment consisted of indirect reduction and percutaneou...

  9. Tibial rotational osteotomy for idiopathic torsion. A comparison of the proximal and distal osteotomy levels. (United States)

    Krengel, W F; Staheli, L T


    A retrospective analysis was done of 52 rotational tibial osteotomies (RTOs) performed on 35 patients with severe idiopathic tibial torsion. Thirty-nine osteotomies were performed at the proximal or midtibial level. Thirteen were performed at the distal tibial level with a technique previously described by one of the authors. Serious complications occurred in five (13%) of the proximal and in none of the distal RTOs. For severe and persisting idiopathic tibial torsion, the authors recommend correction by RTO at the distal level. Proximal level osteotomy is indicated only when a varus or valgus deformity required concurrent correction.

  10. Furosemide/Fludrocortisone Test and Clinical Parameters to Diagnose Incomplete Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis in Kidney Stone Formers. (United States)

    Dhayat, Nasser A; Gradwell, Michael W; Pathare, Ganesh; Anderegg, Manuel; Schneider, Lisa; Luethi, David; Mattmann, Cedric; Moe, Orson W; Vogt, Bruno; Fuster, Daniel G


    Incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis is a well known cause of calcareous nephrolithiasis but the prevalence is unknown, mostly due to lack of accepted diagnostic tests and criteria. The ammonium chloride test is considered as gold standard for the diagnosis of incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis, but the furosemide/fludrocortisone test was recently proposed as an alternative. Because of the lack of rigorous comparative studies, the validity of the furosemide/fludrocortisone test in stone formers remains unknown. In addition, the performance of conventional, nonprovocative parameters in predicting incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis has not been studied. We conducted a prospective study in an unselected cohort of 170 stone formers that underwent sequential ammonium chloride and furosemide/fludrocortisone testing. Using the ammonium chloride test as gold standard, the prevalence of incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis was 8%. Sensitivity and specificity of the furosemide/fludrocortisone test were 77% and 85%, respectively, yielding a positive predictive value of 30% and a negative predictive value of 98%. Testing of several nonprovocative clinical parameters in the prediction of incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis revealed fasting morning urinary pH and plasma potassium as the most discriminative parameters. The combination of a fasting morning urinary threshold pH 3.8 mEq/L yielded a negative predictive value of 98% with a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 77% for the diagnosis of incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis. The furosemide/fludrocortisone test can be used for incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis screening in stone formers, but an abnormal furosemide/fludrocortisone test result needs confirmation by ammonium chloride testing. Our data furthermore indicate that incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis can reliably be excluded in stone formers by use of nonprovocative clinical parameters. Copyright © 2017 by the American

  11. Comparison of blood loss between using non central part cutting knee prosthesis and distal central part cutting. (United States)

    Malairungsakul, Anan


    Patients who undergo knee replacement surgery may need to receive a blood transfusion due to blood loss during the operation. Therefore it was important to improve the design of knee implant operative procedures in an attempt to reduce the rate of blood loss. The present study aimed to compare the blood loss between two types of knee replacement surgery. This is a retrospective study in which 78 patients received cemented knee replacements in Phayao Hospital between October 2010 and March 2012. There were two types of surgical procedure: 1) using an implant position covering the end of the femoral bone without cutting into the central part of the distal femoral, 2) using an implant position covering the end of the femoral bone cutting the central part of the distal femoral. Blood loss, blood transfusion, hemoglobin and hematocrit were recorded preoperatively, immediately postsurgery and 48 hours after surgery. Findings revealed that the knee replacement surgery using the implant position covering the end of the femoral bone without cutting the central part of the distal femoral significantly lowered the rate of blood loss when compared to using the implant position covering the end of the femoral bone with central cutting of the distal femor. The average blood loss during the operation without cutting at the central part of distal femoral was 49.50 ± 11.11 mL; whereas the operation cutting the central part of the distal femoral was 58.50 ± 11.69 mL. As regards blood loss, the knee replacement surgery using the implant position covering the end ofthefemoral bone without cutting the central part of distal femor was better than using the implant position covering the end of the femoral bone cutting at the central part of the distal femor.

  12. Model-based aviation advice on distal volcanic ash clouds by assimilating aircraft in situ measurements

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fu, G.; Heemink, A.; Lu, S.; Segers, A.; Weber, K.; Lin, H.X.


    The forecast accuracy of distal volcanic ash clouds is important for providing valid aviation advice during volcanic ash eruption. However, because the distal part of volcanic ash plume is far from the volcano, the influence of eruption information on this part becomes rather indirect and uncertain,

  13. Differences in Ureteroscopic Stone Treatment and Outcomes for Distal, Mid-, Proximal, or Multiple Ureteral Locations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perez Castro, Enrique; Osther, Palle J S; Jinga, Viorel


    Ureteroscopy has traditionally been the preferred approach for treatment of distal and midureteral stones, with shock wave lithotripsy used for proximal ureteral stones.......Ureteroscopy has traditionally been the preferred approach for treatment of distal and midureteral stones, with shock wave lithotripsy used for proximal ureteral stones....

  14. Radiographic diagnosis of scapholunate dissociation among intra-articular fractures of the distal radius: interobserver reliability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gradl, Gertraud; Neuhaus, Valentin; Fuchsberger, Thomas; Guitton, Thierry G.; Prommersberger, Karl-Josef; Ring, David; Wahegaonkar, Abhijeet L.; Shafritz, Adam B.; Garcia, Aida E.; Caputo, Andrew E.; Terrono, Andrew L.; Spoor, Andy B.; Eschler, Anica; Vochteloo, Anne J. H.; Beumer, Annechien; Barquet, Antonio; Kristan, Anze; van der Zwan, Arnard L.; Berner, Arne; Ilyas, Asif; Jubel, Axel; Sutker, Ben; Nolan, Betsy M.; Petrisor, Brad; Cross, Brian J.; Wills, Brian P. D.; Barreto, Camilo J. R.; Fernandes, Carlos H.; Swigart, Carrie; Zalavras, Charalampos; Goldfarb, Charles A.; Cassidy, Charles; Eaton, Charles; Wilson, Chris; Cheng, Christine J.; Wall, Christopher J.; Walsh, Christopher J.; Jones, Christopher M.; Garnavos, Christos; Klostermann, Cyrus; Kirkpatrick, D. Kay; Eygendaal, Denise; Verbeek, Diederik O. F.; Beeres, Frank J. P.; Thomas, George; Ponsen, Kornelis J.; van den Bekerom, Michel P. J.; Schep, Niels; Kloen, Peter; Haverlag, Robert


    To evaluate the reliability and accuracy of diagnosis of scapholunate dissociation (SLD) among AO type C (compression articular) fractures of the distal radius. A total of 217 surgeons evaluated 21 sets of radiographs with type C fractures of the distal radius for which the status of the

  15. Congenital Deficiency of Distal Ulna and Dislocation of the Radial Head Treated by Single Bone Forearm Procedure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paragjyoti Gogoi


    Full Text Available Congenital deficiency of part of distal ulna affecting the distal radio-ulnar joint is a rare disorder. It is even rarer to find the association of proximal radio-ulnar joint dislocation along with distal ulnar deficiency. This type of congenital forearm anomaly is difficult to treat. Conversion to a single bone forearm in the expense of pronation-supination movement is a viable option. By doing so the elbow and wrist can be stabilized; however movement is possible in only one plane. We are describing here a girl of 8 years having proximal radio-ulnar joint dislocation along with deficiency of distal ulna treated by converting into a single bone forearm.

  16. The boomerang flap in managing injuries of the dorsum of the distal phalanx. (United States)

    Chen, S L; Chou, T D; Chen, S G; Cheng, T Y; Chen, T M; Wang, H J


    Finding an appropriate soft-tissue grafting material to close a wound located over the dorsum of a finger, especially the distal phalanx, can be a difficult task. The boomerang flap mobilized from the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of an adjacent digit can be useful when applied as an island pedicle skin flap. The vascular supply to the skin flap is derived from the retrograde perfusion of the dorsal digital artery. Mobilization and lengthening of the vascular pedicle are achieved by dividing the distal end of the dorsal metacarpal artery at the bifurcation and incorporating two adjacent dorsal digital arteries into one. The boomerang flap was used in seven individuals with injuries involving the dorsal aspect of the distal phalanx over the past year. Skin defects in all patients were combined with bone,joint, or tendon exposure. The authors found that the flap was reliable and technically simple to design and execute. This one-step procedure preserves the proper palmar digital artery to the fingertip and has proven valuable for the coverage of wide and distal defects because it has the advantages of an extended skin paddle and a lengthened vascular pedicle. When conventional local flaps are inadequate, the boomerang flap should be considered for its reliability and low associated morbidity.

  17. Cuidados del cordón umbilical en el recién nacido: revisión de la evidencia científica

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    M.ª José Díaz Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Objetivos: En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de la evidencia científica sobre las pautas de cuidado de la herida umbilical del recién nacido recomendadas en la actualidad con el objetivo de determinar cuál es el mejor cuidado posible. Metodología: En mayo de 2015 se realizó una revisión, siguiendo los criterios PRISMA, de la literatura científica que se completó con una revisión manual. La herramienta utilizada para la evaluación de los trabajos seleccionados fueron las "Fichas de Lectura Crítica" de OSTEBA del Servicio de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias del Gobierno Vasco. Resultados: Incluimos en la revisión 9 artículos, de los cuales 5 son revisiones previas y 4 ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y controlados. La mayoría de los trabajos comparan la utilización de un antiséptico para la cura del ombligo (generalmente clorhexidina frente al cuidado seco de la herida. Conclusiones: De acuerdo a la evidencia científica resumida en esta revisión sobre las recomendaciones para la cura del ombligo del recién nacido el método a recomendar será diferente según el país en el que nos encontremos ya sea desarrollado o en vías de desarrollo.

  18. Preoperative risk factors for conversion and learning curve of minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy. (United States)

    Hua, Yongfei; Javed, Ammar A; Burkhart, Richard A; Makary, Martin A; Weiss, Matthew J; Wolfgang, Christopher L; He, Jin


    Although laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is considered a standard approach, 10% to 40% of these are converted. The preoperative risk factors for conversion are not well described. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors associated with conversion. Clinicopathological variables of 211 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy between January 2007 and December 2015 at Johns Hopkins were analyzed to identify factors associated with conversion. Furthermore, the learning curve for laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy was studied. On univariate analysis of diabetes mellitus, preoperative diagnosis of malignant disease, multiorgan resection, surgeons' years and case experience were significantly associated with conversion (all P pancreatectomy with a preoperative diagnosis of malignant disease or possible multiorgan resection are at a higher risk of conversion. Surgeon experience of performing >15 procedures significantly reduces the risk of conversion. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. The fibrocartilaginous sesamoid: a cause of size and signal variation in the normal distal posterior tibial tendon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delfaut, E.M.; Bieganski, A.; Cotten, A. [Department of Skeletal Radiology, Roger Salengro Hospital, CHRU of Lille, Bd du Professeur Jules Leclercq, 59037, Lille Cedex (France); Demondion, X. [Department of Skeletal Radiology, Roger Salengro Hospital, CHRU of Lille, Bd du Professeur Jules Leclercq, 59037, Lille Cedex (France); Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Place de Verdun, 59037, Lille Cedex (France); Cotten, H. [Pathology Laboratory, 128 Bd de la Liberte, 59000, Lille Cedex (France); Mestdagh, H. [Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Roger Salengro Hospital, CHRU of Lille, Bd du Professeur Jules Leclercq, 59037, Lille Cedex (France)


    The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of fibrocartilage within the distal posterior tibial tendon (PTT) before its division correlating with size and signal variation on MR images through a radio-anatomic and pathologic study. Eight fresh cadaveric feet underwent MR imaging were cut into 4-mm slices in the axial plane. The PTT specimens were harvested at the tendon distal portion before its division and sent to pathology. Thirty-three asymptomatic subjects underwent axial double-echo turbo-spin-echo MR imaging. Proximal and distal PTT signal and diameter were evaluated. In cadavers, every PTT flared distally. Intratendinous fibrocartilage and ossified sesamoid were found in, respectively, 87.5 and 12.5% of the cases. Distal PTT flaring was demonstrated in 100% of the asymptomatic subjects (mean diameter 8 mm). An intratendinous high signal intensity on proton-density-weighted images and sesamoid bone were evidenced in, respectively, 36 and 33% of the cases. Proximally, PTT presented a 4-mm mean diameter and was hypointense in 100% of the cases. Only one accessory navicular bone was detected. Laterally off-centered increased intratendinous signal intensity as well as PTT distal widening with otherwise normal MR imaging features are related to an intratendinous fibrocartilage. (orig.)

  20. Is Bone Grafting Necessary in the Treatment of Malunited Distal Radius Fractures? (United States)

    Disseldorp, Dominique J. G.; Poeze, Martijn; Hannemann, Pascal F. W.; Brink, Peter R. G.


    Background Open wedge osteotomy with bone grafting and plate fixation is the standard procedure for the correction of malunited distal radius fractures. Bone grafts are used to increase structural stability and to enhance new bone formation. However, bone grafts are also associated with donor site morbidity, delayed union at bone–graft interfaces, size mismatch between graft and osteotomy defect, and additional operation time. Purpose The goal of this study was to assess bone healing and secondary fracture displacement in the treatment of malunited distal radius fractures without the use of bone grafting. Methods Between January 1993 and December 2013, 132 corrective osteotomies and plate fixations without bone grafting were performed for malunited distal radius fractures. The minimum follow-up time was 12 months. Primary study outcomes were time to complete bone healing and secondary fracture displacement. Preoperative and postoperative radiographs during follow-up were compared with each other, as well as with radiographs of the uninjured side. Results All 132 osteotomies healed. In two cases (1.5%), healing took more than 4 months, but reinterventions were not necessary. No cases of secondary fracture displacement or hardware failure were observed. Significant improvements in all radiographic parameters were shown after corrective osteotomy and plate fixation. Conclusion This study shows that bone grafts are not required for bone healing and prevention of secondary fracture displacement after corrective osteotomy and plate fixation of malunited distal radius fractures. Level of evidence Therapeutic, level IV, case series with no comparison group PMID:26261748

  1. Postoperative Course and Complications after Pull-through Vaginoplasty for Distal Vaginal Atresia. (United States)

    Mansouri, Roshanak; Dietrich, Jennifer E


    To report the usual postoperative course and complications after pull-through vaginoplasty for isolated distal vaginal atresia. Retrospective chart review at Texas Children's Hospital of all patients who were diagnosed with isolated distal vaginal atresia and underwent pull-through vaginoplasty during the study time frame. None. Postoperative complications such as vaginal stenosis or infection and postoperative vaginal diameter. Sixteen patients were identified and charts were reviewed. Patients were initially evaluated by pelvic magnetic resonance imaging and found to have distended hematometrocolpos with distal vaginal atresia. All patients underwent pull-through vaginoplasty with similar operative techniques. The average distance from the perineum to the level of the obstruction was 1.84 ± 1.2 cm. Two patients, both with obstructions at greater than 3 cm, experienced stricture formation postoperatively. Four patients (25%) experienced postoperative vaginitis. One patient (6.25%) experienced a postoperative urinary tract infection. Two groups (3 cm or less versus greater than 3 cm) were compared, and the presence of stricture was statistically different based on mean centimeters from perineum prior to pull-through vaginoplasty (P = .038). Distal vaginal atresia is managed with pull-through vaginoplasty. Atresias that extend greater than 3 cm from the perineum are at increased risk for vaginal stricture formation and should be followed to monitor for their formation. Other complications are infrequent and minor. Copyright © 2015 North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Utility of 64-row MDCT in assessment of neonates with congenital EA and distal TEF

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    Hosam El-Deen Galal Mohamed El-Malah


    Conclusion: Preoperative MDCT scan with MPVR, 3D TL-VR of 64-row MDCT which is a noninvasive technique could provide more accurate information about the assessment of the origin of the fistula, the distal esophageal pouches and inter-pouch distance in neonates with EA and distal TEF.


    Costa, Laurence Bedin da; Toneto, Marcelo Garcia; Moreira, Luis Fernando


    Although the incidence of gastric (adenocarcinoma) cancer has been decreasing over time, it is still one of the most common malignancies worldwide, and proximal tumours tend to have a worse prognosis. To compare surgical outcomes and prognosis between proximal - excluding tumours of the cardia - and distal gastric cancer. Out of 293 cases reviewed - 209 with distal and 69 with proximal gastric cancer - were compared for clinical and pathological features, stage, surgical outcome, mortality and survival. Statistically, there was no significant difference between patients in both groups regarding mortality (p=0.661), adjuvant chemotherapy (p 0.661), and radiation (p=1.000). However, there was significant difference in the degree of lymph node dissection employed (p=0.002) and the number of positive lymph nodes resected (p=0.038) between the two groups. The odds of death at five years for patients who had a D0 dissection was three times greater (odds ratio 2.78; (95%CI 1.33-5.82) than that for patients who had a D2 dissection, while for patients who had a D1 dissection the odds ratio was only 1.41 (95%CI 0.71-2.83) compared to D2-dissected patients. Although no significant differences were found between proximal and distal gastric cancer, the increased risk of death in D0- and D1-dissected patients clearly suggests an important role of radical D2 lymph node dissection in survival. Embora a incidência do câncer gástrico esteja diminuindo nas últimas décadas, ele ainda aparece como uma das neoplasias malignas mais comuns, e tumores proximais tendem a ter pior prognóstico. Comparar os resultados cirúrgicos e o prognóstico entre o câncer gástrico proximal, excluindo os tumores da cárdia e junção esofagogástrica, e o distal. De 293 casos revistos - 209 distais e 69 proximais - foram comparados quanto aos achados clínicos e patológicos, estágio, resultados cirúrgicos, mortalidade e sobrevida. Estatisticamente não houve diferença entre pacientes em ambos

  4. Clinical outcomes for 14 consecutive patients with solid pseudopapillary neoplasms who underwent laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. (United States)

    Nakamura, Yoshiharu; Matsushita, Akira; Katsuno, Akira; Yamahatsu, Kazuya; Sumiyoshi, Hiroki; Mizuguchi, Yoshiaki; Uchida, Eiji


    The postoperative results of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas (SPN), including the effects of spleen-preserving resection, are still to be elucidated. Of the 139 patients who underwent laparoscopic pancreatectomy for non-cancerous tumors, 14 consecutive patients (average age, 29.6 years; 1 man, 13 women) with solitary SPN who underwent laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy between March 2004 and June 2015 were enrolled. The tumors had a mean diameter of 4.8 cm. Laparoscopic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy was performed in eight patients (spleen-preserving group), including two cases involving pancreatic tail preservation, and laparoscopic spleno-distal pancreatectomy was performed in six patients (standard resection group). The median operating time was 317 min, and the median blood loss was 50 mL. Postoperatively, grade B pancreatic fistulas appeared in two patients (14.3%) but resolved with conservative treatment. No patients had postoperative complications, other than pancreatic fistulas, or required reoperation. The median postoperative hospital stay was 11 days, and the postoperative mortality was zero.None of the patients had positive surgical margins or lymph nodes with metastasis. The median follow-up period did not significantly differ between the two groups (20 vs 39 months, P = 0.1368). All of the patients are alive and free from recurrent tumors without major late-phase complications. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy might be a suitable treatment for patients with SPN. A spleen-preserving operation is preferable for younger patients with SPN, and this study demonstrated the non-inferiority of the procedure compared to spleno-distal pancreatectomy. © 2015 Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Asia Endosurgery Task Force and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  5. Nonoperative treatment of distal biceps brachii musculotendinous partial rupture: a report of two cases. (United States)

    López-Zabala, I; Fernández-Valencia, J A


    Musculotendinous ruptures of the distal biceps brachii are extremely rare injuries whose clinical presentation is similar to distal biceps avulsion. We describe two cases of patients who suffered a distal biceps brachii musculotendinous partial rupture. The first patient was playing soccer as goalkeeper and experienced sudden pain while throwing the ball overhead with his left arm. The second patient experienced sudden pain while weightlifting with his right arm. The mechanism of injury was the same in the two cases, as both involved glenohumeral elevation with elbow extension and forearm supination. Neither of these two patients underwent surgical repair or rehabilitation, and both had perfect scores of 100 on the Mayo Clinic Performance Index for the Elbow at one-year followup.

  6. [Lithiasis of the distal ureter: ESWL or URS]. (United States)

    González Enguita, C; Sánchez Gómez, J; Rodríguez-Miñon Cifuentes, J L; Cabrera Pérez, J; Calahorra Fernández, F J; García Cardoso, J; García de la Peña, E; Vela Navarrete, R


    A nephritic colic is the clinical picture that evidences the presence of ureteral stones, the natural evolution being their spontaneous passing. Stones in the distal ureter are self-eliminated in about 71-80% cases. The adoption of a "watchful wait" involves an uncertain occupational and medical evolution since, although in some cases the stones will pass with no problems, in other instances they can result in severe, life threatening situations for the patient's health (intractable pain, anuria or sepsis). When a decision is made to treat the condition, there are two choices available: "in situ" SWEL (extracorporeal lithotrity), or URS (ureterorenoscopy), long-standing conflicting techniques each with its own advantages and disadvantages, which should now be considered complementary. SWEL's major disadvantage is the number of repetitions required and the long wait, sometimes even months, until the last fragment is passed. The greater strength of URS is that it can be resolutive in just one episode (95% cases), thus avoiding the obstruction problems that can arise after SWEL. In the Lithiasis-Lithotrity Unit of FJD, SWEL is the first therapeutical option for the treatment of stones in the distal ureter. SWEL and URS are equally likely to be performed although SWEL is the initial choice for efficiency reasons that are explained. We achieve 93.6% positive results with a 1.82% re-SWEL rate (retreatment), 0.60 coefficient of efficiency (EQ) and 0.69 modified coefficient of efficiency (EQM) (Chart). No serious complications were recorded. Morbidity is variable with little clinical significance. Distal ureter lithiasis can be treated with either URS and SWEL, both considered "different and complementary". The choice in each particular case and within each hospital will depend on availability of means to perform one or the other, equipment's efficiency, skill of the urologist, patient's preference and cost of each treatment.

  7. Distal Stressors and Depression among Homeless Men


    Coohey, Carol; Easton, Scott D.


    Depression is a common problem among homeless men that may interfere with functional tasks, such as securing stable housing, obtaining employment, and accessing health services. Previous research on depression among homeless men has largely focused on current psychosocial resources, substance abuse, and past victimization. Guided by Ensel and Lin’s life course stress process model, the authors examined whether distal stressors, including victimization and exposure to parent problems in childh...

  8. Functional anatomy of the distal radioulnar joint in health and disease. (United States)

    Lees, V C


    The distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is critical to the function of the forearm as a mechanical unit. This paper is concerned with the concepts and observations that have changed understanding of the function of the DRUJ, notably with respect to the biomechanics of this joint. The DRUJ has been shown to be important in acting to distribute load and removal of the ulna head leads to the biomechanical equivalent of a one-bone forearm. The soft tissues with topographical relations to the distal forearm and DRUJ have also been investigated in our experimental series with findings including the description of a clinical disorder termed subluxation-related ulna neuropathy syndrome.

  9. Anomalous pancreatic ductal system allowing distal bowel gas with duodenal atresia

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    Shruti Sevak


    Bypass of the atretic duodenal segment through an anomalous pancreatic ductal system is a rare anomaly described in the literature in only a handful of cases. This case report highlights the importance of considering duodenal atresia and pancreaticobiliary enteric bypass in the differential diagnosis of neonates presenting with partial duodenal obstruction. On ultrasound, the presence of gas in the biliary tree or pancreatic duct should alert the physician to the possibility of duodenal atresia with congenital pancreaticobiliary duct anomalies that allow for bypass of enteric contents, including air, into more distal bowel, thereby creating a gas pattern aptly described as double bubble with distal gas.

  10. Evaluation of Various Filling Techniques in Distal Canals of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 6, 2017 ... How to cite this article: Dumani A, Yilmaz S, Yoldas O, Kuden C. Evaluation ... Niger J. Clin Pract 2017;20:307-12. This is an open access article distributed ... in oval-shaped distal canals of mandibular molars was inadequate.

  11. Detection of Lateglacial distal tephra layers in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Davies, S.M.; Hoek, W.Z.; Bohncke, S.J.P.; Lowe, J.; Pyne O'Donnle, S.; Turney, C.S.M.


    Three distal tephra layers or cryptotephras have been detected within a sedimentary sequence from the Netherlands that spans the last glacial-interglacial transition. Geochemical analyses identify one as the Vedde Ash, which represents the southernmost discovery of this mid-Younger Dryas tephra so


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    A. V. Skoroglyadov


    Full Text Available We present the experience of treatment of 169 patients with distal radioulnar joint injuries, operated in specialized hand surgery department of the Clinic of traumatology and orthopedics of Russian State Medical University on the base of Moscow city clinical hospital № 4. We have carried out the following operations: closed osteoclasia of the distal epimetaphys fractures, osteotomy of the radius with the external fixator application in 97 (57,4% patients, percutaneous 2 Kirschner wires fixation of the ulna head to the radius after reposition of dislocation - 38 (22,5% patients, lavsanoplasty of DRUJ ligaments - 12 (7,1%, fixation of the ulna head to the radius by pin - 7 (4,1%, open reposition of dislocation of the ulna head and K-wire fixation - 8 (4,8%, osteotomy of synostosis of forearm bones, W. Darrach and Sauve-Kapandji operations - 7 (4,1%. Complications were observed in 13 (7,7% cases. Postponed results (1 year after operation were studied in 110 patients. We got good results in 95 (86,4% cases, satisfactory - in 12 (10,9% cases, unsatisfactory - in 3 (2,7% cases.

  13. Parto natural ¿Qué nos dice la evidencia?

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    Jorge Andrés Carvajal Cabrera


    Full Text Available Introducción: Es deseable que el proceso del parto concluya con una madre y un recién nacido sano, y sea un momento especial e íntimo. El Parto Natural, ha sido propuesto como una opción para mejorar la satisfacción de las mujeres con el proceso del parto. Sin embargo, no existen definiciones serias respecto a qué es el Parto Natural, introduciendo dificultades en la atención de mujeres que solicitan un Parto Natural. Métodos: El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la mejor evidencia disponible para entender cómo debe definirse un Parto Natural y analizar si se asocia a riesgos mayores que los de la atención médica habitual del parto. Resultados: Hemos comprobado que no existen definiciones científicas consensuadas para precisar qué es el Parto Natural, dejando espacio para discusión sobre su verdadero significado. No existen estudios de diseño aleatorizado y controlado que comparen el resultado materno/perinatal del parto natural comparado con la atención habitual del parto. Las intervenciones médicas, usadas en la atención médica del parto, y que podrían ser evitadas en el Parto Natural, producen algunos cambios favorables y otros deletéreos respecto de la salud materna y perinatal. Conclusiones: La decisión de optar por el Parto Natural debe ser discutida con las mujeres que lo solicitan, precisando con ella y su pareja cuál es su concepto de parto natural o qué es lo que desean incluir o evitar, los riesgos y beneficios asociados a cada una de las intervenciones deben ser expuestos por el equipo médico, para adoptar un plan de manejo individualizado.

  14. An In Vitro Study of the Number of Distal Roots and Canals in mandibular First Molars in Iranian Population. (United States)

    Razmi, Hasan; Shokouhinejad, Noushin; Hooshyar, Mohsen


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the number of distal roots and canals in mandibular first molars and their internal anatomy radiographically within Iranian population. A total of 310 distal roots of mandibular first molars were incorporated in this study and evaluated in terms of number of roots and number and types of canals. Root canal systems were studied in vitro by means of radiography and based on Vertucci's classifications. It was shown that 4.5% of the teeth in this study had two distal roots, of which, 100% indicated type I for both distobuccal and distolingual roots. Among all the teeth, 43.2% had two canals, 24.2% two apical foramina, and 38.7% two orifices in their distal roots. According to Vertucci's classification 54.9% of the teeth were type I, 19% type II, 1.9% type III, 14.2% type IV, 4.2% type V, 1% type VI, 0.3% type VII and 0% type VIII. In as many as 43.2% of all teeth assessed in this study, bicanaled distal roots were observed, dentists are always recommended to search for the second canal in distal roots of mandibular first molars. In case the second canal in the distal root is missed, failure of endodontic treatment will be anticipated. A rectangular type access cavity design allows better visualization and negotiation of the probable second canals within the distal roots of mandibular first molars.

  15. Síncope y escalas de riesgo: ¿Qué evidencia se tiene?

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    Guillermo Mora

    Full Text Available Objetivo: hacer una revisión de las escalas de riesgo existentes para predecir eventos adversos relacionados con síncope. Metodología: se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en MEDLINE, EMBASE y Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews con el uso de las palabras clave relacionadas con reglas de predicción clínica (algoritmos, análisis multivariado, guías de predicción clínica, escalas, modelos logísticos, valoración de riesgo y síncope. Adicionalmente, se buscó literatura con el uso de la estrategia de bola de nieve. Resultados: se encontraron nueve escalas que relacionaron el síncope con predicción de eventos adversos. Se hallaron diferencias en los criterios para definir riesgo, las variables de desenlace, la población estudiada, el uso de una estrategia prospectiva o retrospectiva y el tiempo de seguimiento. Conclusiones: aunque existen varias escalas para la definición de riesgo con el paciente que ingresa por síncope a urgencias, no hay evidencia de que alguna sea superior a otra, tienen poca validez externa y no se han aplicado en nuestro medio.

  16. Subclinical ischemic events in patients undergoing carotid artery stent placement: comparison of proximal and distal protection techniques. (United States)

    Aytac, Emrah; Gürkaş, Erdem; Akpinar, Cetin Kursad; Saleem, Muhammad A; Qureshi, Adnan I


    To determine the relative effectiveness of proximal and distal protection in prevention of cerebral ischemic events during carotid artery stent (CAS) placement using diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI). We analyzed data from patients who had undergone DW-MRI before and within 24 hours of CAS for symptomatic internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis (with last ischemic events within 3 months). The study was performed prospectively; patients were not randomized, and were treated either with a proximal balloon occlusion system (Mo.Ma; Invatec, Roncadelle, Italy) or filter-type distal protection device (Spider device; ev3, Plymouth, Minnesota, USA). Of the 45 patients (mean age±SD: 66.9±9.8 years; 73.3% were men) who underwent CAS, 19 had proximal protection and 26 distal protection. New ischemic lesions were detected in 26/45 patients on DW-MRI scans obtained within 24 hours after CAS. The proportion of patients with new lesions on DW-MRI at 24 hours was not different between the two groups (47.4% vs 65.4% for proximal and distal protection, respectively). The mean number of new ischemic lesions on post-CAS DW-MRI was non-significantly higher in patients who underwent CAS with distal protection (2.80±3.54 for proximal protection vs 4.96±5.11 for distal protection; p=0.12). The proportion of patients with new lesions >1 cm did not differ between the two groups (5.3% for proximal protection vs 11.5% for distal protection; p=0.62). There was no difference in the rates of ischemic stroke between patients who underwent CAS treatment using proximal and distal protection (5.3% vs 7.7%; p=1.000). We found a relatively high rate of new ischemic lesions in patients undergoing CAS with cerebral protection. There was no difference in the proportion of patients with new lesions between patients treated using distal protection and those treated using proximal protection. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a

  17. The feasibility and advantages of billroth-I reconstruction in distal gastric cancers following resection. (United States)

    Ganesh, M S; Reddy, K G; Venkata Subbareddy, D S


    Gastric carcinomas are common malignancies in southern India and distal stomach remains the commonest site in low socio economic groups. Surgery still remains an important modality of treatment to achieve local control and also relieve obstructive symptoms. In this study we investigated the feasibility of performing a gastrectomy and billroth-1 type of anastomosis in a rural cancer center setting, with parameters like adequacy of margins, ease of anastomosis and its functional results were analysed. Eight patients presenting to a rurally based cancer center underwent a distal gastrectomy and billroth-1 type of anastomosis for continuity restoration. All the patients had adequate proximal and distal marg. The surgical time varied between-hrs. The anastomosis was constructed without any tension on bowel ends in all patients. The average time to start oral feeds varied between- None of the patients showed symptoms of bile reflux nor dumping. The average hospital stay varied between. Billroth-1 anastomosis is a physiologically more natural way of restoring continuity following a gastrectomy and it is a procedure which would be technically more simpler and decrease per and post operative complications and allow speedier post operative recovery following surgery on distal gastric cancers.

  18. Esophagojejunal Anastomosis Fistula, Distal Esophageal Stenosis, and Metalic Stent Migration after Total Gastrectomy

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    Nadim Al Hajjar


    Full Text Available Esophagojejunal anastomosis fistula is the main complication after a total gastrectomy. To avoid a complex procedure on friable inflamed perianastomotic tissues, a coated self-expandable stent is mounted at the site of the anastomotic leak. A complication of stenting procedure is that it might lead to distal esophageal stenosis. However, another frequently encountered complication of stenting is stent migration, which is treated nonsurgically. When the migrated stent creates life threatening complications, surgical removal is indicated. We present a case of a 67-year-old male patient who was treated at our facility for a gastric adenocarcinoma which developed, postoperatively, an esophagojejunostomy fistula, a distal esophageal stenosis, and a metallic coated self-expandable stent migration. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an esophagojejunostomy fistula combined with a distal esophageal stenosis as well as with a metallic coated self-expandable stent migration.

  19. Fracture heuristics: surgical decision for approaches to distal radius fractures. A surgeon's perspective. (United States)

    Wichlas, Florian; Tsitsilonis, Serafim; Kopf, Sebastian; Krapohl, Björn Dirk; Manegold, Sebastian


    Introduction: The aim of the present study is to develop a heuristic that could replace the surgeon's analysis for the decision on the operative approach of distal radius fractures based on simple fracture characteristics. Patients and methods: Five hundred distal radius fractures operated between 2011 and 2014 were analyzed for the surgeon's decision on the approach used. The 500 distal radius fractures were treated with open reduction and internal fixation through palmar, dorsal, and dorsopalmar approaches with 2.4 mm locking plates or underwent percutaneous fixation. The parameters that should replace the surgeon's analysis were the fractured palmar cortex, and the frontal and the sagittal split of the articular surface of the distal radius. Results: The palmar approach was used for 422 (84.4%) fractures, the dorsal approach for 39 (7.8%), and the combined dorsopalmar approach for 30 (6.0%). Nine (1.8%) fractures were treated percutaneously. The correlation between the fractured palmar cortex and the used palmar approach was moderate (r=0.464; p<0.0001). The correlation between the frontal split and the dorsal approach, including the dorsopalmar approach, was strong (r=0.715; p<0.0001). The sagittal split had only a weak correlation for the dorsal and dorsopalmar approach (r=0.300; p<0.0001). Discussion: The study shows that the surgical decision on the preferred approach is dictated through two simple factors, even in the case of complex fractures. Conclusion: When the palmar cortex is displaced in distal radius fractures, a palmar approach should be used. When there is a displaced frontal split of the articular surface, a dorsal approach should be used. When both are present, a dorsopalmar approach should be used. These two simple parameters could replace the surgeon's analysis for the surgical approach.

  20. Partial tears of the distal biceps tendon: MR appearance and associated clinical findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Williams, B.D.; Schweitzer, M.E.; Weishaupt, D.; Miller, L.S. [Thomas Jefferson Univ., Philadelphia, PA (United States). Dept. of Radiology; Lerman, J. [Lerman Imaging, Brooklyn, NY (United States); Rubenstein, D.L. [Orthopaedic Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (United States); Rosenberg, Z.S. [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, New York Univ. Medical Center, NY (United States)


    Purpose: To describe the magnetic resonance (MR) appearance and associated clinical findings of partial distal biceps tendon tears. Design: Twenty elbow MR images at 1.5 T, performed over a 7 year period, were reviewed for an appearance of partial tears in the distal biceps. These images were assessed by two musculoskeletal radiologists for the extent of: (a) abnormal signal intensity within the tendon, and the presence of (b) bicipitoradial bursitis, and (c) bony microavulsive injury of the radial tuberosity. Medical records for nine of the 20 cases were reviewed for the clinical findings of ecchymosis, trauma, sensation of a ''pop'', loss of function, and acuity of onset. Results: Twenty partial distal biceps tendon tears were seen. All displayed an abnormally increased signal in the distal biceps tendon. Three of 20 (15%) showed a 25% to 50% tear, ten of 20 (50%) showed a 50% tear, and seven of 20 (35%) showed a 75% to 90% tear. Bicipitoradial bursitis was seen in 11 of 20 (55%) cases. Bony microavulsive injury of the radial tuberosity was observed in 10 of 20 (50%). Of the nine cases reviewed for associated clinical findings, surprisingly, only three (33%) experienced an acute traumatic episode with an abrupt onset of pain. An insidious onset was reported in four of nine (44%). Sensation of a ''pop'' was recorded in only two of nine (22%) cases. Ecchymosis and loss of function were not seen in any of the cases. Finally, surgical conformation was obtained for three cases. Conclusion: Partial distal biceps tendon tears have a characteristic MR appearance, demonstrate little functional deficit, and may be attritional in their etiology due to the observation of a low number of patients reporting trauma or an acute onset. (orig.)

  1. Partial tears of the distal biceps tendon: MR appearance and associated clinical findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, B.D.; Schweitzer, M.E.; Weishaupt, D.; Miller, L.S.; Rubenstein, D.L.; Rosenberg, Z.S.


    Purpose: To describe the magnetic resonance (MR) appearance and associated clinical findings of partial distal biceps tendon tears. Design: Twenty elbow MR images at 1.5 T, performed over a 7 year period, were reviewed for an appearance of partial tears in the distal biceps. These images were assessed by two musculoskeletal radiologists for the extent of: (a) abnormal signal intensity within the tendon, and the presence of (b) bicipitoradial bursitis, and (c) bony microavulsive injury of the radial tuberosity. Medical records for nine of the 20 cases were reviewed for the clinical findings of ecchymosis, trauma, sensation of a ''pop'', loss of function, and acuity of onset. Results: Twenty partial distal biceps tendon tears were seen. All displayed an abnormally increased signal in the distal biceps tendon. Three of 20 (15%) showed a 25% to 50% tear, ten of 20 (50%) showed a 50% tear, and seven of 20 (35%) showed a 75% to 90% tear. Bicipitoradial bursitis was seen in 11 of 20 (55%) cases. Bony microavulsive injury of the radial tuberosity was observed in 10 of 20 (50%). Of the nine cases reviewed for associated clinical findings, surprisingly, only three (33%) experienced an acute traumatic episode with an abrupt onset of pain. An insidious onset was reported in four of nine (44%). Sensation of a ''pop'' was recorded in only two of nine (22%) cases. Ecchymosis and loss of function were not seen in any of the cases. Finally, surgical conformation was obtained for three cases. Conclusion: Partial distal biceps tendon tears have a characteristic MR appearance, demonstrate little functional deficit, and may be attritional in their etiology due to the observation of a low number of patients reporting trauma or an acute onset. (orig.)

  2. Radiographic anatomy of the distal dural SAC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larsen, J.L.; Olsen, K.O.


    A radio-anatomical study was performed of the distal dural sac (DS) in 121 patients subjected to myelography. In 83.4% the termination of the DS was located from the upper half of the S1-segment to the lower half of the S2-segment. In the remaining patients the dural terminations were more distally located. The average location of the DS-termination was higher than that found in a previous anatomic study. The inference is that in patients with low-back pain and sciatica, the DS tends to terminate at a higher spinal level than in a non-selected anatomic material. The caudal reduction in sagittal diameter of the DS was less than that of the frontal diameter of the sac. The linear diminution in cross-sectional area of the DS from the level of L3 towards the lumbosacral junction was not correlated with the degree of caudal extension of the DS into the sacrum. Thus the length of the DS and its transverse diameters are independent of each other. These results supported the view that the location of the termination of the DS (and hence that of the spinal cord) is not related to stenosis of the central spinal canal. (orig.)

  3. Skeletal developmental patterns in the acromial process and distal clavicle as observed by MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kothary, Pratik [Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA (United States); Rosenberg, Zehava Sadka [NYU Hospital for Joint Disease, Radiology Department, New York, NY (United States)


    To provide an MRI timeline of normal skeletal developmental patterns in the acromial process and distal clavicle in children up to 18 years of age. Retrospective review of all shoulder MRIs obtained at our institution between January 2003 and March 2012, in children up to age 18, was performed. When available, radiographs and CT scans for these children were also reviewed. The following variables of the distal acromion and clavicle, with attention to morphology and MRI signal, were assessed: (1) Chondro-osseous junction and (2) Development and fusion of the secondary ossification centers. Ninety-eight children with 116 MR studies were identified from the data search. Of these, 13 patients were excluded and the final cohort included 85 children with 102 MRI studies. Forty-one of these patients also had shoulder radiographs. The cartilaginous precursors of the distal clavicle and acromion conformed to the final shape of these structures. The chondro-osseous interphases became progressively more lobulated and notched in the distal acromion and clavicle respectively. Appearance and fusion of the secondary ossification centers was significantly earlier in our study than previously reported. Acromial secondary ossification centers began forming at age 10 and clavicular ones, while uncommon, began forming at age 11. Fusion of acromial primary and secondary ossification centers began at age 14 and was generally complete after age 16. Based on MR imaging the development and fusion of the acromion and distal clavicle in children occur earlier than previously reported. They follow a sequential pattern and can serve as a blueprint for evaluating imaging studies of pediatric shoulders. (orig.)

  4. Evidencia y neurociencias cognitivas: El caso de la resonancia magnética funcional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Nicolás Venturelli


    Full Text Available La resonancia magnética funcional es una de las técnicas de neuroimagen más difundidas en las neurociencias cognitivas. Su influencia tuvo un rol importante en la configuración del costado experimental de este campo. Frente a esto, consideramos que su estatus como evidencia no sido suficientemente discutido en la literatura filosófica. Aquí nos centramos sobre este punto desde la óptica de la tensión clásica sobre el alcance de los enfoques localizacionistas en neurociencias. Atendemos al modo en que esta tensión se manifiesta hoy. Tomamos en cuenta un número de limitaciones que presenta la resonancia magnética funcional y analizamos el modo en que los investigadores les hacen frente. En función de esto, sostenemos que existe una medida importante en que la técnica puede ser orientada sobre la base de supuestos y consideraciones teóricas generales. Para sustentar nuestras ideas, tomamos algunos ejemplos recientes de abordajes neurocientíficos caracterizados por abordar de manera directa el carácer dinámico de la actividad a gran escala en el cerebro.

  5. Evidencias paleoclimáticas en asentamientos del Alto Piura durante del período Intermedio Temprano

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    Full Text Available EVIDENCES PALEOCLIMATIQUES SUR DES SITES DU HAUT PIURA AU COURS DE LA PREMIERE PERIODE INTERMEDIAIRE. Ce travail présente les évidences géomorphologiques observées dans les fouilles archéologiques de Vicús, Haut Piura (1987-1990. Il s’agit, en général, d’altérations causées probablement par des pluies d’intensités diverses qui font penser que l’humidité était plus importante qu’aujourd’hui. Trois événements d’importance sont à détacher : le plus ancien, probablement du 4ème siècle ap. J.C., provoque des dommages importants dans l’architecture et anticipe des changements culturels significatifs qui débouchent sur l’introduction de l’architecture en briques et les éléments de style mochica 2 le suivant a des effets similaires, et même plus percutants et précède une diminution notable des évidences dans l’occupation de la zone. Ensuite, il n’y a pas d’évidences claires de présence mochica. Certains indices permettent de le situer au 6ème siècle ap. J.C. 3 Le troisième est plus récent et précède une occupation Chimú-Inca. Se presenta las evidencias geomorfológicas observadas en las excavaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en Vicús, Alto Piura (1987-1990. En su mayoría se trata de alteraciones probablemente causadas por precipitaciones de diferentes intensidades que hacen pensar en una humedad probablemente algo mayor que en la actualidad. Destacan tres eventos de mayor impacto: 1 El más temprano, probablemente del cuarto siglo d.C., causa daños importantes en la arquitectura y antecede a cambios culturales significativos que llevan a la introducción de la arquitectura de adobes y elementos del estilo Mochica 2 el siguiente tiene efectos similares o aún más impactantes y antecede a una disminución notable de evidencias de ocupación de la zona después de este evento ya no hay evidencias claras de presencia mochica hay algunos indicios que permiten ubicarlo en el sexto siglo d.C. 3 El

  6. Sphincter preservation in distal CT2N0 rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wasserberg, Nir; Kundel, Yulia; Purim, Ofer; Keidar, Andrei; Kashtan, Hanoch; Sadot, Eran; Fenig, Eyal; Brenner, Baruch


    Preoperative chemoradiotherapy is usually not indicated for cT2N0 rectal cancer. Abdominoperineal resection is the standard treatment for distal rectal tumors. The aim of the study was to evaluate the actual sphincter-preservation rate in patients with distal cT2N0 rectal cancer given neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Data were retrospectively collected for all patients who were diagnosed with distal cT2N0 rectal cancer at a tertiary medical center in 2000–2008 and received chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery (5–7 weeks later). Thirty-three patients (22 male) of median age 65 years (range, 32–88) were identified. Tumor distance from the anal verge ranged from 0 to 5 cm. R0 resection with sphincter preservation was accomplished in 22 patients (66%), with a 22% pathological complete response rate. Median follow-up time was 62 months (range 7–120). There were no local failures. Crude disease-free and overall survival were 82% and 86%, respectively. Factors associated with sphincter preservation were tumor location (OR = 0.58, p = 0.02, 95% CI = 0.37-0.91) and pathological downstaging (OR = 7.8, p = 0.02, 95% CI = 1.35-45.85). Chemoradiotherapy was well tolerated. High rates of sphincter preservation can be achieved after preoperative chemoradiotherapy for distal cT2N0 rectal cancer, with tolerable toxicity, without compromising oncological outcome

  7. Contabilidade pública: a evidenciação em notas explicativas das informações contábeis provenientes do reconhecimento dos bens de uso comum nos municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo


    Seraphim, Paulo Rogerio


    A Contabilidade Pública Brasileira está a caminho da convergência as Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade. Este trabalho abordou o estudo da evidenciação das informações contábeis oriundas do reconhecimento dos bens de uso comum como pontes, ruas, estradas, viadutos e praças pela Administração Pública através das notas explicativas. O objetivo geral foi validar uma proposta de estrutura de nota explicativa que promova a evidenciação das informações contábeis a seus usuários, em apoio ao pro...

  8. Recomendación basada en la evidencia para el manejo inicial del recién nacido con sospecha de sepsis neonatal temprana Utilidad del cuadro hemático en la estimación del riesgo de sepsis neonatal temprana


    Villegas Rosales, Julieta


    Objetivo: Estimar las características operativas del recuento total de células blancas, recuento absoluto de neutrófilos y la razón de formas inmaduras a neutrófilos totales por medio de una revisión sistemática de la literatura, con el fin de asistir la formulación de una recomendación basada en evidencia, que utilice el modelo de umbral para el manejo del recién nacido con sospecha de sepsis neonatal temprana. Diseño: Recomendación basada en evidencia para asistir la toma de decisiones en l...

  9. Evidencia morfológica de hibridación entre las subespecies de Ramphocelus flammigerus (Passeriformes: Thraupidae en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Juliana Bedoya


    Full Text Available Las modificaciones de los hábitats naturales, tales como la deforestación y el incremento de las actividades agrícolas, han conducido a interacciones faunísticas inusuales. En Colombia, esta situación ha generado el contacto secundario entre las poblaciones de las subespecies de Ramphocelus flammigerus del Valle del Cauca y de la costa Pacífica; y se han encontrado individuos con rabadillas de colores intermedios entre las subespecies que se han catalogado como híbridos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar si existe evidencia morfológica que sugiera hibridación y que pueda explicar el origen de los individuos de coloración intermedia. Con este fin, se obtuvieron muestras de 15 localidades; 10 zonas alopátricas (cinco por cada subespecie y cinco zonas simpátricas. Para la captura de individuos se utilizaron redes de niebla y fueron tomados siete caracteres morfológicos. Asimismo, se predijo que si las subespecies están hibridando, las mismas, podrían ser morfológicamente más similares cuando coexisten que cuando se encuentran separadas. Alternativamente, cuando las subespecies coexisten, éstas pueden divergir en simpatría debido a presiones selectivas para reducir la competencia por recursos (desplazamiento de caracteres. Para identificar los patrones de variación morfológica, se comparó la morfología de las subespecies, de poblaciones simpátricas y alopátricas de ambas subespecies y de los individuos de cloración intermedia. Consecuentemente, se realizó un análisis discriminante y se evaluaron las diferencias entre los grupos con la utilización de intervalos de confianza del 95% para las relaciones logarítmicas. Y se capturaron un total de 112 individuos (46 de coloraciones intermedias, 20 R. f. flammigerus y 46 R. f. icteronotus. Los análisis discriminantes mostraron que las subespecies se diferencian entre ellas y que los individuos de coloraciones intermedias se traslapan con estas. Las relaciones logar

  10. Radial nerve palsy in mid/distal humeral fractures: is early exploration effective? (United States)

    Keighley, Geffrey; Hermans, Deborah; Lawton, Vidya; Duckworth, David


    Radial nerve palsies are a common complication with displaced distal humeral fractures. This case series examines the outcomes of early operative exploration and decompression of the nerve with fracture fixation with the view that this provides a solid construct for optimisation of nerve recovery. A total of 10 consecutive patients with a displaced distal humeral fracture and an acute radial nerve palsy were treated by the senior author by open reduction and internal fixation of the distal humerus and exploration and decompression of the radial nerve. Motor function and sensation of the radial nerve was assessed in the post-operative period every 2 months or until full recovery of the radial nerve function had occurred. All patients (100%) had recovery of motor and sensation function of their upper limb in the radial nerve distribution over a 12-month period. Recovery times ranged between 4 and 32 weeks, with the median time to recovery occurring at 26 weeks and the average time to full recovery being 22.9 weeks. Wrist extension recovered by an average of 3 months (range 2-26 weeks) and then finger extension started to recover 2-6 weeks after this. Disability of the arm, shoulder and hand scores ranged from 0 to 11.8 at greater than 1 year post-operatively. Our study demonstrated that early operative exploration of the radial nerve when performing an open stabilization of displaced distal humeral fractures resulted in a 100% recovery of the radial nerve. © 2017 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

  11. Minimally invasive locked plating of distal tibia fractures is safe and effective. (United States)

    Ronga, Mario; Longo, Umile Giuseppe; Maffulli, Nicola


    Distal tibial fractures are difficult to manage. Limited soft tissue and poor vascularity impose limitations for traditional plating techniques that require large exposures. The nature of the limitations for traditional plating techniques is intrinsic to the large exposure required to approach distal tibia, a bone characterized by limited soft tissue coverage and poor vascularity. The locking plate (LP) is a new device for treatment of fractures. We assessed the bone union rate, deformity, leg-length discrepancy, ankle range of motion, return to preinjury activities, infection, and complication rate in 21 selected patients who underwent minimally invasive osteosynthesis of closed distal tibia fractures with an LP. According to the AO classification, there were 12 Type A, 5 Type B, and 4 Type C fractures. The minimum followup was 2 years (average, 2.8 years; range, 2-4 years). Two patients were lost to followup. Union was achieved in all but one patient by the 24th postoperative week. Four patients had angular deformity less than 7 degrees . No patient had a leg-length discrepancy more than 1.1 cm. Five patients had ankle range of motion less than 20 degrees compared with the contralateral side. Sixteen patients had not returned to their preinjury sporting or leisure activities. Three patients developed a delayed infection. We judge the LP a reasonable device for treating distal tibia fractures. The level of physical activities appears permanently reduced in most patients. Level IV, therapeutic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.

  12. Urethral advancement procedure in the treatment of primary distal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    advancement in the repair of primary distal penile hypospadias with regard to feasibility, complication rates .... stones and growth, and any associated congenital anomaly. Meticulous local examination was performed ... with a tourniquet placed on the root of the penis. A submeatal crescent-like incision was performed a few.

  13. MRI diagnosis of trapped periosteum following incomplete closed reduction of distal tibial Salter-Harris II fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raman, Subha; Wallace, E.C.


    Irreducible fracture of the distal tibial physis due to interposed soft tissue including periosteum is well documented in the orthopedic literature but is uncommon. This condition has been associated with subsequent growth disturbance and requires open reduction. There are very few prior reports of MRI depiction of soft tissue interposition and none of periosteal interposition in the distal tibial physis. This is a relatively common location of physeal injury and related growth disturbance. We present a case of periosteum trapped in the distal tibial physis, diagnosed on MRI, in a Salter-Harris II fracture and its management implications. (orig.)

  14. A case of distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with two positive resection margins. (United States)

    Warner, Wayne A; Ramcharan, Wesley; Harnanan, Dave; Umakanthan, Srikanth; Maharaj, Ravi


    Cholangiocarcinoma is an uncommon primary malignancy of the biliary tract that is challenging to diagnose and treat effectively due to its relatively silent and late clinical presentation. The present study reports a case of a 60-year-old male with distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with a 3-week history of painless obstructive jaundice symptoms and subjective weight loss. Imaging revealed an obstructing lesion in the common bile duct, just distal to the entrance of the cystic duct. Pathology revealed moderately differentiated cholangiocarcinoma with two positive proximal resection margins. The two positive resection margins presented a challenge during surgery and points to an urgent need for further studies to better illuminate diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients with similar clinicopathological presentation.

  15. Scoping the proximal and distal dimensions of climate change on health and wellbeing. (United States)

    Morris, George Paterson; Reis, Stefan; Beck, Sheila Anne; Fleming, Lora Elderkin; Adger, William Neil; Benton, Timothy Guy; Depledge, Michael Harold


    The impacts of climate on health and wellbeing occur in time and space and through a range of indirect, complicated mechanisms. This diversity of pathways has major implications for national public health planning and influence on interventions that might help to mitigate and adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions, nationally and internationally. This paper draws upon evidence from public health and adverse impact studies across climate science, hydrology, agriculture, public health, and the social sciences. It presents a conceptual model to support decision-making by recognizing both the proximal and distal pathways from climate-induced environmental change to national health and wellbeing. The proximal and distal pathways associated with food security, migration and mobility illustrate the diverse climate change influences in different geographic locations over different timescales. We argue that greater realization and articulation of proximal and distal pathways should radically alter how climate change is addressed as a national and international public health challenge.

  16. Análisis de ítems y evidencias de fiabilidad de la Escala sobre Representación Cognitiva de la Enfermedad (ERCE

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    Macarena De los Santos-Roig


    Full Text Available La Escala sobre Representación Cognitiva de la Enfermedad, ERCE (De los Santos-Roig, 2009 ha sido elaborada para evaluar las creencias de los pacientes sobre su enfermedad. El modelo de Sentido Común, donde se inserta el constructo, ha sido puesto a prueba en numerosas ocasiones, encontrándose evidencia sobre la importancia de la Representación Cognitiva en los procesos de adaptación a la enfermedad (Hagger y Orbell, 2003; Leventhal et al., 1997. Su medida en nuestro ámbito cultural es necesaria, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico, como desde una perspectiva aplicada. Lo que aquí se muestra es la continuación a un trabajo previo (De los Santos-Roig, 2009; De los Santos-Roig y Pérez-Meléndez, 2013 donde se concretó la definición semántica del constructo RCE y las Tablas de Especificaciones del Test y de los Ítems, que finalmente culminó con la presentación de los primeros ítems construidos. Siguiendo con lo establecido en los estándares (AERA, APA y NCME, 1999, se muestran ahora los resultados del análisis estadístico de los ítems correspondientes a las cinco escalas que componen la ERCE, así como los obtenidos sobre sus evidencias de fiabilidad. Al final, se concluye sobre la idoneidad de los ítems que conforman la escala.

  17. Proximal Versus Distal Splenic Artery Embolisation for Blunt Splenic Trauma: What is the Impact on Splenic Immune Function?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foley, P. T.; Kavnoudias, H.; Cameron, P. U.; Czarnecki, C.; Paul, E.; Lyon, S. M.


    PurposeTo compare the impact of proximal or distal splenic artery embolisation versus that of splenectomy on splenic immune function as measured by IgM memory B cell levels.Materials and MethodsPatients with splenic trauma who were treated by splenic artery embolisation (SAE) were enrolled. After 6 months splenic volume was assessed by CT, and IgM memory B cells in peripheral blood were measured and compared to a local normal reference population and to a post-splenectomy population.ResultsOf the 71 patients who underwent embolisation, 38 underwent proximal embolisation, 11 underwent distal embolisation, 22 patients were excluded, 1 had both proximal and distal embolisation, 5 did not survive and 16 did not return for evaluation. There was a significant difference between splenectomy and proximal or distal embolisation and a trend towards greater preservation of IgM memory B cell number in those with distal embolisation—a difference that could not be attributed to differences in age, grade of injury or residual splenic volume.ConclusionIgM memory B cell levels are significantly higher in those treated with SAE compared to splenectomy. Our data provide evidence that splenic embolisation should reduce immunological complications of spleen trauma and suggest that distal embolisation may maintain better function

  18. Proximal Versus Distal Splenic Artery Embolisation for Blunt Splenic Trauma: What is the Impact on Splenic Immune Function?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foley, P. T., E-mail: [The Canberra Hospital, Department of Medical Imaging (Australia); Kavnoudias, H., E-mail: [The Alfred Hospital, Radiology Research Unit, Radiology Department (Australia); Cameron, P. U., E-mail: [The Alfred Hospital, Infectious Diseases Unit (Australia); Czarnecki, C., E-mail: [Royal Melbourne Hospital, Radiology Department (Australia); Paul, E., E-mail: [Monash University, Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Alfred Hospital (Australia); Lyon, S. M., E-mail: [Melbourne Endovascular (Australia)


    PurposeTo compare the impact of proximal or distal splenic artery embolisation versus that of splenectomy on splenic immune function as measured by IgM memory B cell levels.Materials and MethodsPatients with splenic trauma who were treated by splenic artery embolisation (SAE) were enrolled. After 6 months splenic volume was assessed by CT, and IgM memory B cells in peripheral blood were measured and compared to a local normal reference population and to a post-splenectomy population.ResultsOf the 71 patients who underwent embolisation, 38 underwent proximal embolisation, 11 underwent distal embolisation, 22 patients were excluded, 1 had both proximal and distal embolisation, 5 did not survive and 16 did not return for evaluation. There was a significant difference between splenectomy and proximal or distal embolisation and a trend towards greater preservation of IgM memory B cell number in those with distal embolisation—a difference that could not be attributed to differences in age, grade of injury or residual splenic volume.ConclusionIgM memory B cell levels are significantly higher in those treated with SAE compared to splenectomy. Our data provide evidence that splenic embolisation should reduce immunological complications of spleen trauma and suggest that distal embolisation may maintain better function.

  19. Proximal Versus Distal Splenic Artery Embolisation for Blunt Splenic Trauma: What is the Impact on Splenic Immune Function? (United States)

    Foley, P T; Kavnoudias, H; Cameron, P U; Czarnecki, C; Paul, E; Lyon, S M


    To compare the impact of proximal or distal splenic artery embolisation versus that of splenectomy on splenic immune function as measured by IgM memory B cell levels. Patients with splenic trauma who were treated by splenic artery embolisation (SAE) were enrolled. After 6 months splenic volume was assessed by CT, and IgM memory B cells in peripheral blood were measured and compared to a local normal reference population and to a post-splenectomy population. Of the 71 patients who underwent embolisation, 38 underwent proximal embolisation, 11 underwent distal embolisation, 22 patients were excluded, 1 had both proximal and distal embolisation, 5 did not survive and 16 did not return for evaluation. There was a significant difference between splenectomy and proximal or distal embolisation and a trend towards greater preservation of IgM memory B cell number in those with distal embolisation-a difference that could not be attributed to differences in age, grade of injury or residual splenic volume. IgM memory B cell levels are significantly higher in those treated with SAE compared to splenectomy. Our data provide evidence that splenic embolisation should reduce immunological complications of spleen trauma and suggest that distal embolisation may maintain better function.

  20. Distribution of skeletal muscle involvement in autosomal recessive distal muscular dystrophy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizusawa, Hidehiro; Nakanishi, Takao; Kobayashi, Fumie.


    Distribution of skeletal muscle involvement in 5 cases with autosomal recessive distal muscular dystrophy was studied clinically and by computed tomography (CT). Manual muscle test showed muscle involvement with a predilection for flexors in the lower leg and adductors in the thigh. Flexion and extension of the thigh and the lower leg was impaired to similar degree. In progressed cases, neck flexors and trunk muscles were also affected mildly. CT disclosed more clearly the preferential involvement of flexors in the lower leg, and involvement of both hamstrings · adductors group and extensors group of the thigh to similar degree. However, m. popliteus was curiously well preserved. In addition, there was a stage showing high density and hypertrophy of m. sartorius, m. gracilis, m. adductor, m. biceps femoris, m. semimenbranosus, m. semitendinosus or m. rectus femoris, which in thought to be compensatory hypertrophy. M. gluteus minimus in the pelvic girdle and m. dorsi proprii in the trunk were also liable to be affected. The CT findings are regarded as characteristic features noted clearly before muscle weakness and atrophy become apparent clinically. CT is very useful for distinguishing distal muscular dystrophy from rimmed vacuolar distal myopathy in which m. quadriceps femoris and flexors of the lower leg are usually well preserved without compensatory hypertrophy on CT. (author)

  1. The distally-based island ulnar artery perforator flap for wrist defects

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    Karki Durga


    Full Text Available Background: Reconstruction of soft tissue defects around the wrist with exposed tendons, joints, nerves and bone represents a challenge to plastic surgeons, and such defects necessitate flap coverage to preserve hand functions and to protect its vital structures. We evaluated the use of a distally-based island ulnar artery perforator flap in patients with volar soft tissue defects around the wrist. Materials and Methods: Between June 2004 and June 2006, seven patients of soft tissue defects on the volar aspect of the wrist underwent distally-based island ulnar artery perforator flap. Out of seven patients, five were male and two patients were female. This flap was used in the reconstruction of the post road traffic accident defects in four patients and post electric burn defects in three patients. Flap was raised on one or two perforators and was rotated to 180°. Results: All flaps survived completely. Donor sites were closed primarily without donor site morbidity. Conclusion: The distally-based island Ulnar artery perforator flap is convenient, reliable, easy to manage and is a single-stage technique for reconstructing soft tissue defects of the volar aspect of the wrist. Early use of this flap allows preservation of vital structures, decreases morbidity and allows for early rehabilitation.

  2. Pancreatectomia distal videolaparoscópica em pacientes com cistadenoma de pâncreas Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cystadenomas

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    Marcel Autran C. Machado


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O diagnóstico de tumores císticos do pâncreas vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Estes tumores acometem geralmente pacientes do sexo feminino e apresentam poucos sintomas. Sua remoção por videolaparoscopia está indicada em pacientes selecionadas, principalmente quando localizados na região distal do pâncreas. OBJETIVOS: É apresentada a experiência inicial de um grupo de cirurgiões na realização de pancreatectomia distal por videolaparoscopia em pacientes com cistadenoma pancreático. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Três pacientes do sexo feminino (idade média, 55 anos foram submetidas a ressecção pancreática por videolaparoscopia entre setembro de 2001 e dezembro de 2003. RESULTADOS: A ressecção pancreática por videolaparoscopia foi realizada com sucesso nas três doentes. O tempo cirúrgico variou de 4 a 6 horas. O sangramento operatório foi mínimo em todos os casos. A aplicação do grampeador endoscópico foi difícil em uma paciente devido à espessura do pâncreas. As três pacientes evoluíram bem, recebendo alta entre o 2º e o 5º dia pós-operatório. Duas apresentaram fístula pancreática com resolução após tratamento conservador. CONCLUSÃO: A pancreatectomia laparoscópica é factível, pode trazer benefícios aos pacientes portadores de neoplasia cística da porção distal do pâncreas, com pouca dor pós-operatória, curto tempo de permanência hospitalar, baixo índice de complicações e melhor resultado estético.BACKGROUND: Cystic neoplasms are an uncommon group among pancreatic tumors. These lesions are seen more frequently in recent surgical practice, probably because of advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques. Total tumor resection provides the best chance of cure and may remove the risk of malignant transformation of the cystadenomas, particularly of the mucinous type. Minimally invasive techniques have been revolutionary and provide clinical evidence of decreased morbidity and comparable

  3. Prevention of distal extension cantilever fracture in mandibular overdentures. (United States)

    Quirynen, Thomas; Quirynen, Marc; Duyck, Joke


    Fractures of distal bar extensions, supporting a mandibular overdenture, do occur with significant functional and economic consequences for the patient. This study therefore aims to evaluate the effect of different bar cross-sectional shapes and surfaces, bar extension lengths and the placement of a support rib under the distal bar extension on fracture resistance. The 2nd moment area and static strength were calculated for 11 frequently used bar designs using finite element analysis (FEA). For two specific designs (Ackermann round Ø 1.8mm and Dolder-Y macro, the former with and without a support rib) additional physical static and fatigue strength tests were included. The FEA static strength data corresponded well to the 2nd moment area (a similar ranking when maximum allowed force was considered). The application of a rib support (Ackermann Ø 1.8mm) and limitations of the bar extension length (6mm for the Ackermann Ø 1.8mm, 8mm for the Dolder-Y macro) allowed the bars to exceed 5 × 10(6) cycles of 120 and 250N, respectively, before fracture. The region of highest stresses in FEA corresponded well with the locations of the fractures observed in static- and fatigue-testing. With some simple guidelines/modifications, the number of bar extension fractures can be reduced significantly. This study focusses on distal bar extensions which improve the positioning of an implant supported overdenture. By combining laboratory testing and finite element simulations we aim to: (1) explain why fractures occur (dependent on physical characteristics of the bar), and (2) give clinical guidelines on how to prevent such fractures. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Miniscrew-assisted mandibular molar distalization in a patient with skeletal class-III malocclusion: A clinical case report

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    Seyed Mohammadreza Safavi


    Full Text Available In nongrowing patients with mild skeletal Class-III malocclusion, premolar extraction or molar distalization in the lower arch can be done as a part of camouflage treatment. Temporary anchorage devices are widely used for this purpose because they do not produce undesirable reciprocal effects and do not depend on the patient′s cooperation. However, most reported cases in this regard have used interradicular miniscrews in the mandibular arch and these have a risk of failure as they can loosen due to collision with adjacent roots. This article showcases mandibular molar distalization utilizing miniscrews, inserted at the retromolar area to correct a Class-III problem. A 24-year-old girl with a mild skeletal Class-III malocclusion and dental Class-III molar and canine relationship bilaterally was referred for orthodontic treatment. The treatment plan included distalization of the lower molars bilaterally followed by full fixed appliance therapy, after third molar extractions. For the lower molar distalization, the miniscrews were inserted at the retromolar pad. At the end of 21 months, a Class-I molar and canine relationship, normal overjet and overbite were obtained. The average amount of distalization of mandibular first molar was 3.2 mm at the crown level. In conclusion, placing miniscrews at the retromolar pad area for lower molar distalization was found to be a simple and effective method for correcting anterior cross bite and mandibular anterior crowding or protrusion, without the need for patient compliance.

  5. Modified distal revascularization with interval ligation procedure for steal syndrome after arteriovenous fistula creation for hemodialysis access

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Meer, Saskia; Zeebregts, Clark; Tielliu, Ignacc; Verhoeven, Eric; van den Dungen, Jan


    Patients diagnosed with steal syndrome after hemodialysis access surgery have a few options for symptom relief while maintaining vascular access. These include fistula lengthening, banding, distal revascularization with interval ligation (DRIL), revision using distal inflow (RUDI) or proximalization

  6. Robotic versus laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: A propensity score-matched study. (United States)

    Liu, Rong; Liu, Qu; Zhao, Zhi-Ming; Tan, Xiang-Long; Gao, Yuan-Xing; Zhao, Guo-Dong


    Robotic distal pancreatectomy (RDP) is considered a safe and feasible alternative to laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP). However, previous studies have some limitations including small sample size and selection bias. This study aimed to evaluate whether the robotic approach has advantages over laparoscopic surgery in distal pancreatectomy. Demographics and perioperative outcomes among patients undergoing RDP (n = 102) and LDP (n = 102) between January 2011 and December 2015 were reviewed. A 1:1 propensity score matched analysis was performed between both groups. Both groups displayed no significant differences in perioperative outcomes including operative time, blood loss, transfusion rate, and rates of overall morbidities and pancreatic fistula. Robotic approach reduced the rate of conversion to laparotomy (2.9% vs 9.8%, P = 0.045), especially in patients with large tumors (0% vs 22.2%, P = 0.042). RDP improved spleen (SP) and splenic vessels preservation (SVP) rates in patients with moderate tumors (60.0% vs 35.5%, P = 0.047; 37.1% vs 12.9%, P = 0.025), especially in patients without malignancy (95.5% vs 52.4%, P = 0.001; 59.1% vs 19.0%, P = 0.007). RDP also reduced postoperative hospital stay (PHS) significantly (7.67% vs 8.58, P = 0.032). RDP is associated with less rate of conversion to laparotomy, shorter PHS, and improved SP and SVP rates in selected patients than LDP. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Total elbow arthroplasty for the treatment of distal humeral fractures. (United States)

    Gallucci, G L; Larrondo Calderón, W; Boretto, J G; Castellaro Lantermo, J A; Terán, J; de Carli, P


    To report the clinical-functional outcomes of the treatment of humeral distal fractures with a total elbow prosthesis. This retrospective study was performed in two surgical centres. A total of 23patients were included, with a mean age of 79years, and of which 21 were women. The inclusion criteria were: patients with humeral distal fractures, operated on using a Coonrad-Morrey prosthesis, and with a follow-up of more than one year. According to AO classification, 15fractures were type C3, 7 C2 and 1 A2. All patients were operated on without de-insertion of the extensor mechanism. The mean follow-up was 40 months. Flexor-extension was 123-17°, with a total mobility arc of 106° (80% of the contralateral side). Pain, according to a visual analogue scale was 1. The Mayo Elbow Performance Index (MEPI) was 83 points. Excellent results were obtained in 8 patients, good in 13, medium in 1, and poor in 1. The mean DASH (disability) score was 24 points. Treatment of humeral distal fractures with total elbow arthroplasty could be a good treatment option, but indications must be limited to patients with complex fractures, poor bone quality, with osteoporosis and low functional demands. In younger patients, the use is limited to serious cases where there is no other treatment option. Level of Evidence IV. Copyright © 2016 SECOT. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  8. Importance of early audiologic assessment in distal renal tubular acidosis

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    Elizabeth Norgett


    Full Text Available Anand P Swayamprakasam1, Elizabeth Stover1, Elizabeth Norgett1, Katherine G Blake-Palmer1, Michael J Cunningham2, Fiona E Karet11Department of Medical Genetics, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, Cambridge, UK; 2Department of Otolaryngology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA, USAAbstract: Autosomal recessive distal renal tubular acidosis is usually a severe disease of childhood, often presenting as failure to thrive in infancy. It is often, but not always, accompanied by sensorineural hearing loss, the clinical severity and age of onset of which may be different from the other clinical features. Mutations in either ATP6V1B1 or ATP6V0A4 are the chief causes of primary distal renal tubular acidosis with or without hearing loss, although the loss is often milder in the latter. We describe a kindred with compound heterozygous alterations in ATP6V0A4, where hearing loss was formally diagnosed late in both siblings such that they missed early opportunities for hearing support. This kindred highlights the importance of routine audiologic assessments of all children with distal renal tubular acidosis, irrespective either of age at diagnosis or of which gene is mutated. In addition, when diagnostic genetic testing is undertaken, both genes should be screened irrespective of current hearing status. A strategy for this is outlined.Keywords: sensorineural hearing loss, renal tubular acidosis, recessive, genetics, mutation

  9. Spatial information is preferentially processed by the distal part of CA3: implication for memory retrieval. (United States)

    Flasbeck, Vera; Atucha, Erika; Nakamura, Nozomu H; Yoshida, Motoharu; Sauvage, Magdalena M


    For the past decades, CA3 was considered as a single functional entity. However, strong differences between the proximal (close to the dentate gyrus) and the distal (close to CA2) parts of CA3 in terms of connectivity patterns, gene expression and electrophysiological properties suggest that it is not the case. We recently showed that proximal CA3 (together with distal CA1) preferentially deals with non-spatial information [1]. In contrast to proximal CA3, distal CA3 mainly receives and predominantly projects to spatially tuned areas. Here, we tested if distal CA3 preferentially processes spatial information, which would suggest a segregation of the spatial information along the proximodistal axis of CA3. We used a high-resolution imaging technique based on the detection of the expression of the immediate-early gene Arc, commonly used to map activity in the medial temporal lobe. We showed that distal CA3 is strongly recruited in a newly designed delayed nonmatching-to-location task with high memory demands in rats, while proximal CA3 is not. These results indicate a functional segregation of CA3 that mirrors the one reported in CA1, and suggest the existence of a distal CA3- proximal CA1 spatial subnetwork. These findings bring further evidence for the existence of 'specialized' spatial and non-spatial subnetworks segregated along the proximodistal axis of the hippocampus and put forward the 'segregated' view of information processing in the hippocampus as a reasonable alternative to the well-accepted 'integrated' view, according to which spatial and non-spatial information are systematically integrated in the hippocampus to form episodic memory. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. Governança corporativa: nível de evidenciação das informações e sua relação com a volatilidade das ações do Ibovespa Corporate governance: information disclosure level and its relation with the stock price volatility on Ibovespa

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    Mara Jane Contrera Malacrida


    Full Text Available Este estudo busca analisar se o nível de evidenciação de informações contábeis, apresentadas pelas empresas componentes do Ibovespa, influencia a volatilidade do retorno de suas ações quando negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, pois se espera que empresas com maior nível de evidenciação apresentem menor volatilidade dos retornos de suas ações. Para efetuar a análise entre o nível de evidenciação e a volatilidade do retorno das ações, fez-se necessária a coleta das informações publicadas por 42 empresas pertencentes ao Ibovespa, através dos relatórios anuais referentes ao exercício de 2002. Após segregar essas companhias em 3 grupos distintos, de acordo com seus níveis específicos de evidenciação, foram aplicados testes estatísticos com o propósito de se verificar a existência de diferenças significativas entre o nível de evidenciação das empresas e a volatilidade do retorno das suas ações. Este estudo caracteriza-se como empírico-analítico, e as análises possibilitaram a constatação de que as empresas com maior nível médio de evidenciação das informações contábeis apresentam menor volatilidade média dos retornos das ações; as empresas com menor nível médio de evidenciação das informações contábeis apresentam maior volatilidade média dos retornos das ações. Com isso, verifica-se que maior nível médio de evidenciação resulta em menor volatilidade média dos retornos das ações.This empirical-analytical study investigates the role of accounting as a source of information to the Brazilian capital market. It aims to verify whether the accounting disclosure level provided by Brazilian entities is related to the volatility of their share prices on Bovespa (Brazilian Stock Exchange. Entities with greater accounting disclosure level are expected to present lower volatility of their stock returns. To analyze the relation between disclosure level and stock price volatility, we

  11. Toward endoscopes with no distal optics: video-rate scanning microscopy through a fiber bundle. (United States)

    Andresen, Esben Ravn; Bouwmans, Géraud; Monneret, Serge; Rigneault, Hervé


    We report a step toward scanning endomicroscopy without distal optics. The focusing of the beam at the distal end of a fiber bundle is achieved by imposing a parabolic phase profile across the exit face with the aid of a spatial light modulator. We achieve video-rate images by galvanometric scanning of the phase tilt at the proximal end. The approach is made possible by the bundle, designed to have very low coupling between cores.

  12. The prevalence of an excessive prepuce and the effects of distal circumcision on premature ejaculation

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    Luigi Gallo


    Conclusions: An excessive prepuce is very common in patients affected by PE. Although accepted by only 13% of our patients, distal circumcision was shown to be a very effective surgical treatment for definitive treatment of PE. We therefore recommend assessing patients complaining of lifelong PE for an excessive prepuce and if they have an excessive prepuce to suggest that they undergo distal circumcision.

  13. Proximal versus distal control of two-joint planar reaching movements in the presence of neuromuscular noise. (United States)

    Nguyen, Hung P; Dingwell, Jonathan B


    Determining how the human nervous system contends with neuro-motor noise is vital to understanding how humans achieve accurate goal-directed movements. Experimentally, people learning skilled tasks tend to reduce variability in distal joint movements more than in proximal joint movements. This suggests that they might be imposing greater control over distal joints than proximal joints. However, the reasons for this remain unclear, largely because it is not experimentally possible to directly manipulate either the noise or the control at each joint independently. Therefore, this study used a 2 degree-of-freedom torque driven arm model to determine how different combinations of noise and/or control independently applied at each joint affected the reaching accuracy and the total work required to make the movement. Signal-dependent noise was simultaneously and independently added to the shoulder and elbow torques to induce endpoint errors during planar reaching. Feedback control was then applied, independently and jointly, at each joint to reduce endpoint error due to the added neuromuscular noise. Movement direction and the inertia distribution along the arm were varied to quantify how these biomechanical variations affected the system performance. Endpoint error and total net work were computed as dependent measures. When each joint was independently subjected to noise in the absence of control, endpoint errors were more sensitive to distal (elbow) noise than to proximal (shoulder) noise for nearly all combinations of reaching direction and inertia ratio. The effects of distal noise on endpoint errors were more pronounced when inertia was distributed more toward the forearm. In contrast, the total net work decreased as mass was shifted to the upper arm for reaching movements in all directions. When noise was present at both joints and joint control was implemented, controlling the distal joint alone reduced endpoint errors more than controlling the proximal joint

  14. Minimally Invasive versus Open Distal Pancreatectomy for Ductal Adenocarcinoma (DIPLOMA): A Pan-European Propensity Score Matched Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Hilst, Jony; de Rooij, Thijs; Klompmaker, Sjors; Rawashdeh, Majd; Aleotti, Francesca; Al-Sarireh, Bilal; Alseidi, Adnan; Ateeb, Zeeshan; Balzano, Gianpaolo; Berrevoet, Frederik; Björnsson, Bergthor; Boggi, Ugo; Busch, Olivier R.; Butturini, Giovanni; Casadei, Riccardo; del Chiaro, Marco; Chikhladze, Sophia; Cipriani, Federica; van Dam, Ronald; Damoli, Isacco; van Dieren, Susan; Dokmak, Safi; Edwin, Bjørn; van Eijck, Casper; Fabre, Jean-Marie; Falconi, Massimo; Farges, Olivier; Fernández-Cruz, Laureano; Forgione, Antonello; Frigerio, Isabella; Fuks, David; Gavazzi, Francesca; Gayet, Brice; Giardino, Alessandro; Bas Groot, Koerkamp; Hackert, Thilo; Hassenpflug, Matthias; Kabir, Irfan; Keck, Tobias; Khatkov, Igor; Kusar, Masa; Lombardo, Carlo; Marchegiani, Giovanni; Marshall, Ryne; Menon, Krish V.; Montorsi, Marco; Orville, Marion; de Pastena, Matteo; Pietrabissa, Andrea; Poves, Ignaci; Primrose, John; Pugliese, Raffaele; Ricci, Claudio; Roberts, Keith; Røsok, Bård; Sahakyan, Mushegh A.; Sánchez-Cabús, Santiago; Sandström, Per; Scovel, Lauren; Solaini, Leonardo; Soonawalla, Zahir; Souche, F. Régis; Sutcliffe, Robert P.; Tiberio, Guido A.; Tomazic, Aleš; Troisi, Roberto; Wellner, Ulrich; White, Steven; Wittel, Uwe A.; Zerbi, Alessandro; Bassi, Claudio; Besselink, Marc G.; Abu Hilal, Mohammed


    The aim of this study was to compare oncological outcomes after minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy (MIDP) with open distal pancreatectomy (ODP) in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Cohort studies have suggested superior short-term outcomes of MIDP vs. ODP. Recent

  15. Periosteal osteoblastoma of the distal femur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakatani, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Tetsuji; Akisue, Toshihiro; Marui, Takashi; Hitora, Toshiaki; Kawamoto, Teruya; Nagira, Keiko; Yoshiya, Shinichi; Kurosaka, Masahiro [Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe (Japan); Fujita, Ikuo; Matsumoto, Keiji [Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hyogo Medical Center for Adults, Akashi, Hyogo (Japan)


    Osteoblastomas located on the surface of the cortical bone, so-called periosteal osteoblastomas, are extremely rare. We report on a case of periosteal osteoblastoma arising from the posterior surface of the right distal femur in a 17-year-old man. Roentgenographic, computed tomographic, magnetic resonance imaging, and histologic features of the case are presented. Periosteal osteoblastoma should be radiologically and histologically differentiated from myositis ossificans, avulsive cortical irregularity syndrome, osteoid osteoma, parosteal osteosarcoma, periosteal osteosarcoma, and high-grade surface osteosarcoma. Although periosteal osteoblastoma is rare, this tumor should be included in the differential diagnosis of surface-type bone tumors. (orig.)

  16. Mid-term functional outcome after the internal fixation of distal radius fractures

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    Phadnis Joideep


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Distal radius fracture is a common injury with a variety of operative and non-operative management options. There remains debate as to the optimal treatment for a given patient and fracture. Despite the popularity of volar locking plate fixation, there are few large cohort or long term follow up studies to justify this modality. Our aim was to report the functional outcome of a large number of patients at a significant follow up time after fixation of their distal radius with a volar locking plate. Methods 180 patients with 183 fractures and a mean age of 62.4 years were followed up retrospectively at a mean of 30 months (Standard deviation = 10.4. Functional assessment was performed using the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH and modified MAYO wrist scores. Statistical analysis was performed to identify possible variables affecting outcome and radiographs were assessed to determine time to fracture union. Results The median DASH score was 2.3 and median MAYO score was 90 for the whole group. Overall, 133 patients (74% had a good or excellent DASH and MAYO score. Statistical analysis showed that no specific variable including gender, age, fracture type, post-operative immobilisation or surgeon grade significantly affected outcome. Complications occurred in 27 patients (15% and in 11 patients were major (6%. Conclusion This single centre large population series demonstrates good to excellent results in the majority of patients after volar locking plate fixation of the distal radius, with complication rates comparable to other non-operative and operative treatment modalities. On this basis we recommend this mode of fixation for distal radius fractures requiting operative intervention.

  17. Radiologic examination and measurement of the wrist and distal radio-ulnar joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toernvall, A.H.; Ekenstam, F. af; Hagert, C.G.; Irstam, L.; Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset, Goeteborg; Uppsala Univ.


    Following fractures of the distal radius, a relatively high incidence of complications is caused by malalignment in the distal radio-ulnar (DRU) joint; recent anatomic and clinical investigations have shown a congruity of that joint to be of significant importance for restoring the function of the wrist. The radius forms a moderately arched bone, which moves around the ulna in pronation and supination. Biomechanically, the ulna may be regarded as the pillar around which the radius moves. In an anatomic investigation of 5 arm specimens, we have shown that the maximum cartilage contact in the DRU joint between the ulna head and the distal radius occurs in the neutral rotation position. A proposed routine examination method of the wrist and forearm includes a true antero-posterior and a lateral projection of the radius and the ulna, performed with the forearm and wrist in a neutral rotation, a neutral wrist deviation and with the elbow angled 90 degrees. Such an examination implies a standardized and reproducible method. In a radioanatomic investigation, a series of 50 healthy wrists and forearms were examined. A simple measuring technique is presented, applicable to the DRU joint and wrist favouring the ulna as the bone through which a reproducible long axis of the forearm/wrist may be drawn. It is suggested that the length of the radius should be judged relative to the ulna. Ulnar head inclination and radio-ulnar angle are new concepts, being major characteristics of the DRU joint. These angles of the right and left wrist were equal and no difference was found between the sexes. Minor alterations of the distal radius may be revealed when estimating these angles. (orig.)

  18. Post-traumatic and stress-induced osteolysis of the distal clavicle: MR imaging findings in 17 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puente, R. de la; Boutin, R.D.; Theodorou, D.J.; Hooper, A.; Resnick, D.; Schweitzer, M.


    Objective. To describe the MR imaging findings in patients with osteolysis of the distal clavicle and to compare the MR imaging appearance of clavicular osteolysis following acute injury with that related to chronic stress. Design and patients. MR imaging examinations were reviewed in 17 patients (14 men, 3 women; ages 16-55 years) with the diagnosis of post-traumatic or stress-induced osteolysis of the clavicle. A history of a single direct injury was present in seven patients and a history of weight-lifting, participation in sports, or repetitive microtrauma was present in 10 patients. Results. MR imaging showed edema in the distal clavicle in 17 patients and, of these, eight also had edema in the acromion. The edema was most evident in STIR and fat-suppressed T2-weighted pulse sequences. Other findings about the acromioclavicular (AC) joint were prominence of the joint capsule in 14, joint fluid in eight, cortical irregularity in 12, and bone fragmentation in six patients. No differences in the MR imaging features of post-traumatic and stress-induced osteolysis of the distal clavicle were observed. Conclusion. Post-traumatic and stress-induced osteolysis of the distal clavicle have similar appearances on MR imaging, the most common and conspicuous MR imaging feature being increased T2 signal intensity in the distal clavicle. (orig.)

  19. Post-traumatic and stress-induced osteolysis of the distal clavicle: MR imaging findings in 17 patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Puente, R. de la [Department of Radiology, University of California San Diego and Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Diego, CA (United States)]|[Servicio de Radioloxia, CXH Cristal Pinor, Ourense (Spain); Boutin, R.D. [Department of Radiology, University of California San Diego and Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Diego, CA (United States)]|[Department of Radiology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Diego, CA (United States); Theodorou, D.J.; Hooper, A.; Resnick, D. [Department of Radiology, University of California San Diego and Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Diego, CA (United States); Schweitzer, M. [Department of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    Objective. To describe the MR imaging findings in patients with osteolysis of the distal clavicle and to compare the MR imaging appearance of clavicular osteolysis following acute injury with that related to chronic stress. Design and patients. MR imaging examinations were reviewed in 17 patients (14 men, 3 women; ages 16-55 years) with the diagnosis of post-traumatic or stress-induced osteolysis of the clavicle. A history of a single direct injury was present in seven patients and a history of weight-lifting, participation in sports, or repetitive microtrauma was present in 10 patients. Results. MR imaging showed edema in the distal clavicle in 17 patients and, of these, eight also had edema in the acromion. The edema was most evident in STIR and fat-suppressed T2-weighted pulse sequences. Other findings about the acromioclavicular (AC) joint were prominence of the joint capsule in 14, joint fluid in eight, cortical irregularity in 12, and bone fragmentation in six patients. No differences in the MR imaging features of post-traumatic and stress-induced osteolysis of the distal clavicle were observed. Conclusion. Post-traumatic and stress-induced osteolysis of the distal clavicle have similar appearances on MR imaging, the most common and conspicuous MR imaging feature being increased T2 signal intensity in the distal clavicle. (orig.) With 5 figs., 1 tab., 19 refs.

  20. Distal posterior cerebral artery aneurysms: Retrospective review of characteristics and endovascular treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baek, Jin Wook; Jeong, Bae Woong; Seung, Won Bae


    The objective of this study was to review the clinical outcome after treatment of distal posterior cerebral artery (PCA) aneurysms via endovascular approach. Eleven patients with 11 distal PCA aneurysms who were treated via endovascular approach in Inje University Busan Paik Hospital and Kosin University Gospel Hospital from December 2002 to December 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Among the 11 patients, there were 3 males (27.3%) and 8 females (72.7%). The mean age was 56.6 years (range 44 -72 years) and the mean aneurysm size was 8.45 mm (3 - 30 mm). Four (36.4%) aneurysms were located in the P2 segment, 6 (54.5%) in the P3 segment and 1 (9.1%) in the P1/2 junction. Seven (63.6%) aneurysms were treated with preservation of the parent artery; and the remaining 4 (36.4%) aneurysms were treated with parent artery occlusion. After treatment, the overall complication rate was 27% with the morbidity rate of 9.1% and the mortality rate of 18%. Endovascular treatment of distal PCA aneurysm might be used to minimize neurologic deficit, considering the diverse and rich collaterals of posterior cerebral artery

  1. Distal posterior cerebral artery aneurysms: Retrospective review of characteristics and endovascular treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baek, Jin Wook [Dept. of Radiology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Jeong, Bae Woong [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Inje University College of Medicine, Busan Paik Hospital, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Seung, Won Bae [Dept. of Neurosurgery, Kosin University College of Medicine, Gospel Hospital, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    The objective of this study was to review the clinical outcome after treatment of distal posterior cerebral artery (PCA) aneurysms via endovascular approach. Eleven patients with 11 distal PCA aneurysms who were treated via endovascular approach in Inje University Busan Paik Hospital and Kosin University Gospel Hospital from December 2002 to December 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Among the 11 patients, there were 3 males (27.3%) and 8 females (72.7%). The mean age was 56.6 years (range 44 -72 years) and the mean aneurysm size was 8.45 mm (3 - 30 mm). Four (36.4%) aneurysms were located in the P2 segment, 6 (54.5%) in the P3 segment and 1 (9.1%) in the P1/2 junction. Seven (63.6%) aneurysms were treated with preservation of the parent artery; and the remaining 4 (36.4%) aneurysms were treated with parent artery occlusion. After treatment, the overall complication rate was 27% with the morbidity rate of 9.1% and the mortality rate of 18%. Endovascular treatment of distal PCA aneurysm might be used to minimize neurologic deficit, considering the diverse and rich collaterals of posterior cerebral artery.

  2. The reliability of AO classification for distal radius fracture, using CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakanishi, Yasuaki; Ono, Hiroshi; Furuta, Kazuhiko; Fujitani, Ryoutarou; Ota, Hiroyoshi


    The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability of the AO (Association for the Study of Internal Fixation) classification of distal radius fracture, using plain radiographs and 2 cross-sectional computed tomographic (CT) surface images. Five observers independently classified 32 distal radius fractures into 9 groups under AO classification. We established 4 methods for observation. First, using only two-directional radiographs; second, four-directional radiographs; third, CT (axial view) with four-directional radiographs; and fourth, CT (axial and sagittal views) with four-directional radiographs. Kappa statistics were used to establish the relative level of agreement between the observers. Interobserver reliability was poor in both first and second methods in which only plain radiographs were used (κ=0.30 and 0.23, respectively). Furthermore, reliability did not increase in the third method with the addition of 1 CT surface image (κ=0.29). In the fourth method, with the addition of 2 cross-sectional CT surface images, the reliability increased to a moderate level (κ=0.44). Interobserver reliability of the AO system of the classification of distal radius fractures was observed on using 2 cross-sectional CT surface images with four-directional radiographs. (author)

  3. The distal semimembranosus complex: normal MR anatomy, variants, biomechanics and pathology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beltran, Javier; Jbara, Marlena; Maimon, Ron; Matityahu, Amir; Hwang, Ki; Padron, Mario; Mota, Javier; Beltran, Luis; Sundaram, Murali


    To describe the normal MR anatomy and variations of the distal semimembranosus tendinous arms and the posterior oblique ligament as seen in the three orthogonal planes, to review the biomechanics of this complex and to illustrate pathologic examples. The distal semimembranosus tendon divides into five tendinous arms named the anterior, direct, capsular, inferior and the oblique popliteal ligament. These arms intertwine with the branches of the posterior oblique ligament in the posterior medial aspect of the knee, providing stability. This tendon-ligamentous complex also acts synergistically with the popliteus muscle and actively pulls the posterior horn of the medial meniscus during knee flexion. Pathologic conditions involving this complex include complete and partial tears, insertional tendinosis, avulsion fractures and bursitis. (orig.)

  4. The distal semimembranosus complex: normal MR anatomy, variants, biomechanics and pathology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beltran, Javier; Jbara, Marlena; Maimon, Ron [Department of Radiology, Maimonides Medical Center, 4802 Tenth Avenue, NY 11219, Brooklyn (United States); Matityahu, Amir; Hwang, Ki [Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY (United States); Padron, Mario [Department of Radiology, Clinica CEMTRO, Madrid (Spain); Mota, Javier [Department of Radiology, Instituto Clinica Corachan, Barcelona (Spain); Beltran, Luis [New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY (United States); Sundaram, Murali [Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States)


    To describe the normal MR anatomy and variations of the distal semimembranosus tendinous arms and the posterior oblique ligament as seen in the three orthogonal planes, to review the biomechanics of this complex and to illustrate pathologic examples. The distal semimembranosus tendon divides into five tendinous arms named the anterior, direct, capsular, inferior and the oblique popliteal ligament. These arms intertwine with the branches of the posterior oblique ligament in the posterior medial aspect of the knee, providing stability. This tendon-ligamentous complex also acts synergistically with the popliteus muscle and actively pulls the posterior horn of the medial meniscus during knee flexion. Pathologic conditions involving this complex include complete and partial tears, insertional tendinosis, avulsion fractures and bursitis. (orig.)

  5. Surgical Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome through a Minimal Incision on the Distal Wrist Crease: An Anatomical and Clinical Study

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    Hye Mi Yoo


    Full Text Available BackgroundAn anatomical analysis of the transverse carpal ligament (TCL and the surrounding structures might help in identifying effective measures to minimize complications. Here, we present a surgical technique based on an anatomical study that was successfully applied in clinical settings.MethodsUsing 13 hands from 8 formalin-fixed cadavers, we measured the TCL length and thickness, correlation between the distal wrist crease and the proximal end of the TCL, and distance between the distal end of the TCL and the palmar arch; the TCL cross sections and the thickest parts were also examined. Clinically, fasciotomy was performed on the relevant parts of 15 hands from 13 patients by making a minimally invasive incision on the distal wrist crease. Postoperatively, a two-point discrimination check was conducted in which the sensations of the first, second, and third fingertips and the palmar cutaneous branch injuries were monitored (average duration, 7 months.ResultsIn the 13 cadaveric hands, the distal wrist crease and the proximal end of the TCL were placed in the same location. The average length of the TCL and the distance from the distal TCL to the superficial palmar arch were 35.30±2.59 mm and 9.50±2.13 mm, respectively. The thickest part of the TCL was a region 25 mm distal to the distal wrist crease (average thickness, 4.00±0.57 mm. The 13 surgeries performed in the clinical settings yielded satisfactory results.ConclusionsThis peri-TCL anatomical study confirmed the safety of fasciotomy with a minimally invasive incision of the distal wrist crease. The clinical application of the technique indicated that the minimally invasive incision of the distal wrist crease was efficacious in the treatment of the carpal tunnel syndrome.

  6. Evidencia de exposición a Leptospira en perros callejeros de Cali.

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    Ana Lucía Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En Cali, y en Colombia en general, se desconoce la epidemiología de la leptospirosis en ambientes urbanos. Además, el papel del perro en el ciclo de transmisión en dichos ambientes no es claro. Para explorar esta situación, realizamos un estudio serológico en Cali a 197 sueros de perros callejeros durante el 2001 y el 2003, utilizando la prueba de microaglutinación (MAT. En la prueba se incluyeron 7 serovares: Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, Gryppotyphosa, Hardjo cepa Hardjobovis, Pomona, Hardjo cepa Hardjoprajitno y Bratislava aportados por el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA de Tuluá. La prueba se interpretó como positiva por la presencia de una aglutinación ³50% de las leptospiras, con uno o más serovares, en una dilución del suero ³1:100. Encontramos evidencia de infección en el 41,1% de los perros con, al menos, uno de los serovares. La mayor reactividad fue a Icterohaemorrhagiae con 55,6% del total de los seropositivos. Se presentaron 48,1% de coaglutinaciones. No se registraron reacciones contra los serovares Pomona, Hardjo cepa Hardjoprajitno y Bratislava. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el perro callejero es un posible reservorio de leptospira en Cali y resaltan la necesidad de estudiar la epidemiología de la enfermedad en esta ciudad.

  7. Unusual migration of ventriculo peritoneal distal catheter into vagina

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    Sghavamedin Tavallaee


    Full Text Available VP shunt is one of the most popular methods for ICP reduction and treatment of hydrocephalus. Various complications of this method are not uncommon such as shunt malfunction, infection and unusual migration of distal catheter. I present a case of migration of the peritoneal catheter out of the vagina.

  8. Age-related vessel calcification at distal extremities is a risk factor of osteoporosis

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    Ling Qin


    Full Text Available We conducted a cohort study to investigate if the vessel calcifications (VCs found in the distal extremities are an index of low bone mass at multiskeletal sites. A total of 332 healthy women aged 41–80 years were recruited for bone mineral content (BMC and bone mineral density measurement using peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA. Seven percent of the women showed VC at both upper and lower distal extremities based on pQCT images. Women who had VC were then compared with their age-matched non-VC counterparts. Results showed that peripheral VC was mainly formed at distal lower extremities, and the prevalence of VC increased with advancing age, with 0%, 5.6%, 9.3%, and up to 34.5% in the age groups of 41–50 years, 51–60 years, 61–70 years, and 71–80 years, respectively. Compared with the control group, the VC group showed a significantly higher body mass index (25.2 vs. 23.2, p < 0.01, lower BMC at the spine (27.4 g vs. 31.3 g, p < 0.05, and lower BMC (1.8 g vs. 2.0 g, p < 0.05 and bone mineral density (0.57 g/cm2 vs. 0.66 g/cm2, p < 0.05 at the hip as measured by DXA. The diagnosis of VC in the distal extremities by pQCT increased the diagnosis sensitivity of osteoporosis by 50%. The significance of our findings imply that in clinical settings using pQCT for bone assessment and identification of patients with VC in the distal extremities, patients should also be referred for central DXA measurement at the femoral neck for diagnosis of osteoporosis as well as further assessment of vascular disorders.

  9. Sphincter of Oddi botulinum toxin injection to prevent pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy. (United States)

    Hackert, Thilo; Klaiber, Ulla; Hinz, Ulf; Kehayova, Tzveta; Probst, Pascal; Knebel, Phillip; Diener, Markus K; Schneider, Lutz; Strobel, Oliver; Michalski, Christoph W; Ulrich, Alexis; Sauer, Peter; Büchler, Markus W


    Postoperative pancreatic fistula represents the most important complication after distal pancreatectomy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a preoperative endoscopic injection of botulinum toxin into the sphincter of Oddi to prevent postoperative pancreatic fistula (German Clinical Trials Register number: DRKS00007885). This was an investigator-initiated, prospective clinical phase I/II trial with an exploratory study design. We included patients who underwent preoperative endoscopic sphincter botulinum toxin injection (100 units of Botox). End points were the feasibility, safety, and postoperative outcomes, including postoperative pancreatic fistula within 30 days after distal pancreatectomy. Botulinum toxin patients were compared with a control collective of patients undergoing distal pancreatectomy without botulinum toxin injection by case-control matching in a 1:1 ratio. Between February 2015 and February 2016, 29 patients were included. All patients underwent successful sphincter of Oddi botulinum toxin injection within a median of 6 (range 0-10) days before operation. One patient had an asymptomatic, self-limiting (48 hours) increase in serum amylase and lipase after injection. Distal pancreatectomy was performed in 24/29 patients; 5 patients were not resectable. Of the patients receiving botulinum toxin, 7 (29%) had increased amylase levels in drainage fluid on postoperative day 3 (the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery definition of postoperative pancreatic fistula grade A) without symptoms or need for reintervention. Importantly, no clinically relevant fistulas (International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery grades B/C) were observed in botulinum toxin patients compared to 33% postoperative pancreatic fistula grade B/C in case-control patients (P botulinum toxin injection is a novel and safe approach to decrease the incidence of clinically relevant postoperative pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy. The results of

  10. La entrevista como herramienta para la evaluación de las competencias genéricas: formación y construcción de un consenso sobre evidencias

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    Full Text Available La actual realidad educativa en la Educación Superior está caracterizada por la implementación del proceso de convergencia europeo. Un factor clave es el protagonismo del estudiante en el modelo de aprendizaje basado en competencias, donde el proceso de evaluación es un factor importante a desarrollar. En el presente estudio, cinco profesores de la Universidad de Deusto diseñaron una entrevista como herramienta de evaluación de cuatro competencias genéricas. La entrevista se aplicó a 21 estudiantes de un curso de emprendizaje social. Para la evaluación, se definieron lo que se considerarían evidencias de desempeño en las respuestas. Por último, se validaron los resultados aplicando el coeficiente de similitud de Gower. Los resultados sugieren una alta similitud en la evaluación de evidencias entre los cinco docentes, lo cual aporta fiabilidad a la medición. Se puede concluir que, existiendo un consenso en los criterios de evaluación entre docentes, se puede mejorar la fiabilidad de las evaluaciones a los estudiantes, así como se aporta una herramienta para su evaluación.


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    Sanjeev Kumar Kare


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Fracture of the distal radius (‘broken wrist’ is a common clinical problem. It can be treated conservatively usually involving wrist immobilisation in a plaster cast or surgically. A key method of surgical fixation is external fixation. MATERIALS AND METHODS A prospective study was carried out on 66 patients admitted between June 2014 to May 2016 for evaluation of conservative and surgical management of distal radius fractures. RESULTS Excellent, fair or good result was noticed in around 85% of cases managed conservatively and in above 90% of cases managed by external fixator. CONCLUSION There is some evidence to support the use of external fixation for dorsally displaced fractures of the distal radius in adults. Though, there is insufficient evidence to confirm a better functional outcome, external fixation reduces redisplacement gives improved anatomical results and most of the excess surgically-related complications are minor.

  12. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Long-term oncologic outcomes after standard resection. (United States)

    Sahakyan, Mushegh A; Kim, Song Cheol; Kleive, Dyre; Kazaryan, Airazat M; Song, Ki Byung; Ignjatovic, Dejan; Buanes, Trond; Røsok, Bård I; Labori, Knut Jørgen; Edwin, Bjørn


    Surgical resection is the only curative option in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Little is known about the oncologic outcomes of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. This bi-institutional study aimed to examine the long-term oncologic results of standard laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy in a large cohort of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. From January 2002 to March 2016, 207 patients underwent standard laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma at Oslo University Hospital-Rikshospitalet (Oslo, Norway) and Asan Medical Centre (Seoul, Republic of Korea). After the exclusion criteria were applied (distant metastases at operation, conversion to an open operation, loss to follow-up), 186 patients were eligible for the analysis. Perioperative and oncologic variables were analyzed for association with recurrence and survival. Median overall and recurrence-free survivals were 32 and 16 months, while 5-year overall and recurrence-free survival rates were estimated to be 38.2% and 35.9%, respectively. Ninety-six (52%) patients developed recurrence: 56 (30%) extrapancreatic, 27 (15%) locoregional, and 13 (7%) combined locoregional and extrapancreatic. Thirty-seven (19.9%) patients had early recurrence (within 6 months of operation). In the multivariable analysis, tumor size >3 cm and no adjuvant chemotherapy were associated with early recurrence (P = .017 and P = .015, respectively). The Cox regression model showed that tumor size >3 cm and lymphovascular invasion were independent predictors of decreased recurrence-free and overall survival. Standard laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is associated with satisfactory long-term oncologic outcomes in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Several risk factors, such as tumor size >3 cm, no adjuvant chemotherapy, and lymphovascular invasion, are linked to poor prognosis after standard laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc

  13. Reabilitação das fraturas do rádio distal Rehabilitation of distal radius fractures

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    Patrícia Silva Hampe Barbosa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a evidência do efeito e eleição da conduta terapêutica nas fraturas do rádio distal. A revisão sistemática utilizou as bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs, Pedro, Cochrane, Scielo, OTseeker, sem restrições de período de publicação, com as seguintes palavras chaves: fraturas do rádio, reabilitação, terapia ocupacional, fisioterapia, incluindo línguas inglesa, espanhola, francesa e portuguesa. Os estudos encontrados foram avaliados independentemente pelos dois autores utilizando critérios da escala PEDro. Estudos não experimentais foram incluídos em busca de esclarecimentos sobre a reabilitação. Foram encontrados 22 estudos, sendo 14 ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados (ECRs. Dentre eles, quatro compararam mobilização precoce com tratamento convencional apresentando evidência moderada a favor da primeira; sete confrontaram tratamento baseado em exercícios domiciliares com tratamento em consultório apontando evidência conflitiva (um deles também comprovou eficácia de mobilização acessória passiva; e três analisaram eficácia de procedimentos terapêuticos: campo eletromagnético pulsado, drenagem linfática, ultra-som, indicando evidências limitadas. Os nove estudos não experimentais encontrados não apresentaram informações suficientes sobre os questionamentos desta pesquisa. Observou-se uma tendência dos autores em utilizar os princípios gerais da reabilitação ao elaborar condutas terapêuticas, mas os procedimentos utilizados não estão bem atestados pela literatura.The aim of this study was to assess the evidence regarding the adoption and effectiveness of therapeutic procedures employed for rehabilitation of distal radius fractures. This systematic review used the following databases: PubMed, Lilacs, PEDro, Cochrane, Scielo and OTseeker, without time restrictions. The following keywords were searched for: distal radius fracture, rehabilitation, occupational therapy

  14. Medical expulsive treatment of distal ureteral stone using tamsulosin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, H.; Azim, W.; Akmal, M.; Murtaza, B.


    Many minimally invasive interventional techniques as well as expectant treatments exist for the management of lower ureteric calculi. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of tamsulosin as an expulsive pharmacologic therapy for the treatment of distal ureteral stone. Methods: This randomized control trial included 100 patients over 18 years of age with stone Size = 8mm in distal 1/3 of ureter. Patients were randomly assigned into two groups (A and B). Group A Patients were given Capsule Tamsulosin 0.4 mg, 1 daily up to 4 weeks while group B patients were given placebo, 1 Capsule daily up to 4 weeks. The primary endpoint was expulsion rate. A written informed consent was taken from all the patients. Expulsion time, need for analgesics, need for hospitalization and drug side effects were secondary endpoints. Results: A total of 49 patients in group A and 48 patients in group B reported back, therefore 97 out of 100 patients were evaluated. Mean age of the patients was 36.34 years (range 18-57 years). Mean stone size was 5.78 mm (range 4-8 mm) in greatest dimension. A stone expulsion rate of 85.71% (42 patients) was noted in group A and 54.20% (26 patients) in group B. Group A revealed a statistically significant advantage in term of stone expulsion rate (p=0.032). Considering expulsion time in days group A showed statistically significant advantage (p=0.015). Regarding age, sex, stone size and stone lateralization (right/left), there was no significant difference between the group A and B. No drug side effects were noted in both the groups. Conclusion: By using tamsulosin a higher stone expulsion rates can be achieved in a shorter time. More randomized control trials are required to establish tamsulosin as a standard medical expulsive treatment for small distal ureteric calculus. (author)

  15. Laparoscopic Transvesical Resection of an En Bloc Bladder Cuff and Distal Ureter during Nephroureterectomy

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    Stilianos Giannakopoulos


    Full Text Available Objective. The most appropriate technique for excising the distal ureter and bladder cuff during laparoscopic nephroureterectomy is still debated. We report our experience with a pure laparoscopic transvesical method that duplicates the long-standing open transvesical approach. Materials and Methods. Seven men and three women diagnosed with upper tract transitional cell carcinoma were treated with this procedure. Three intravesical ports were inserted, and pneumovesicum was established at 12 mmHg. Transvesical laparoscopic circumferential detachment of the bladder cuff and en bloc mobilization of the last centimeters of the distal ureter were performed, followed by the closure of the bladder defect. Subsequently, a nephrectomy was performed either laparoscopically or using an open flank approach. Results. The median age was 68.5 years. The procedure was completed uneventfully in all cases. The median operating time for distal ureter excision was 82.5 minutes (range 55–120. No complications directly related to the pneumovesicum method were recorded. The median follow-up period was 31 months (range 12–55. During the follow-up period, two patients (20% died from the disease, and a bladder tumor developed in three cases (30%. Conclusion. The laparoscopic transvesical resection of the en bloc bladder cuff and distal ureter is a reliable, effective, and oncologically safe technique, at least in the midterm.

  16. The influence of distal-end heat treatment on deflection of nickel-titanium archwire. (United States)

    Silva, Marcelo Faria da; Pinzan-Vercelino, Célia Regina Maia; Gurgel, Júlio de Araújo


    The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the deflection-force behavior of nickel-titanium (NiTi) orthodontic wires adjacent to the portion submitted to heat treatment. A total of 106 segments of NiTi wires (0.019 x 0.025-in) and heat-activated NiTi wires (0.016 x 0.022-in) from four commercial brands were tested. The segments were obtained from 80 archwires. For the experimental group, the distal portion of each segmented archwire was subjected to heat treatment (n = 40), while the other distal portion of the same archwire was used as a heating-free control group (n = 40). Deflection tests were performed in a temperature-controlled universal testing machine. Unpaired Student's t-tests were applied to determine if there were differences between the experimental and control groups for each commercial brand and size of wire. Statistical significance was set at p wire. Heat treatment applied to the distal ends of rectangular NiTi archwires does not permanently change the elastic properties of the adjacent portions.

  17. The Relationship Between Distal and Proximal Colonic Neoplasia : A Meta-Analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dodou, D.; De Winter, J.C.F.


    To investigate the association between proximal colonic neoplasia and distal lesions as a function of the lesion type. The extent to which health, demographic, and study characteristics moderate this association was also examined.

  18. [Intramedullary nailing of the distal tibia illustrated with the Expert(TM) tibia nail]. (United States)

    El Attal, R; Hansen, M; Rosenberger, R; Smekal, V; Rommens, P M; Blauth, M


    Restoration of axis, length, and rotation of the lower leg. Sufficient primary stability of the osteosynthesis for functional aftercare and to maintain joint mobility. Good bony healing in closed and open fractures. Closed and open fractures of the tibia and complete lower leg fractures distal to the isthmus (AO 42), extraarticular fractures of the distal tibia (AO 43 A1/A2/A3), segmental fractures of the tibia with a fracture in the distal tibia, and certain intraarticular fractures of the distal tibia without impression of the joint line with the use of additional implants (AO 43 C1) Patient in reduced general condition (e.g., bed ridden), flexion of the knee of less than 90°, patients with knee arthroplasty of the affected leg, infection in the area of the nail's insertion, infection of the tibial cavity, complex articular fractures of the proximal or distal tibia with joint depression. Closed reduction of the fracture preferably on a fracture table or using a distractor or an external fixation frame. If necessary, use pointed reduction clamps or sterile drapery. In some cases, additional implants like percutaneous small fragment screws, poller screws or k-wires are helpful. Open reduction is rarely necessary and must be avoided. Opening of the proximal tibia in line with the medullary canal. Canulated insertion of the Expert(TM) tibia nail (ETN; Synthes GmbH, Oberdorf, Switzerland) with reaming of the medullary canal. Control of axis, length, and rotation. Distal interlocking with the radiolucent drill and proximal interlocking with the targeting device. Immediate mobilization of ankle and knee joint. Mobilization with 20 kg weight-bearing with crutches. X-ray control 6 weeks postoperatively and increased weight-bearing depending on the fracture status. In cases with simple fractures, good bony contact, or transverse fracture pattern, full weight-bearing at the end of week 6 is targeted. Between July 2004 and May 2005, 180 patients were included in a

  19. La demanda de trabajo: teoría y evidencia empírica para el caso colombiano

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    Jairo Guillermo Isaza Castro


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta algunos de los aspectos teóricos más importantes para el análisis de la demanda de trabajo, así como la evidencia empírica disponible para el caso colombiano. En cuanto a los aspectos teóricos, la exposición se centra en la discusión microeonómica concerniente a las propiedades de la demanda de trabajo del empresario maximizador debeneficios que enfrenta un proceso productivo con dos factores: capital y trabajo. Luego se discuten las implicaciones de los procesos de liberalización y reformas estructurales en la demanda de trabajo. La revisión de literatura efectuada para el caso colombiano muestra cómo, en general, los estimativos de elasticidades de la demanda por trabajadores frente al producto y el salario real difieren sustancialmente debido a la diversidad de especificaciones econométricas, la temporalidad de los datos y las fuentes de los mismos.

  20. Closed treatment of overriding distal radial fractures without reduction in children. (United States)

    Crawford, Scott N; Lee, Lorrin S K; Izuka, Byron H


    Traditionally, distal radial fractures with marked displacement and angulation have been treated with closed or open reduction techniques. Reduction maneuvers generally require analgesia and sedation, which increase hospital time, cost, patient risk, and the surgeon's time. In our study, a treatment protocol for pediatric distal radial fractures was used in which the fracture was left shortened in an overriding position and a cast was applied without an attempt at anatomic fracture reduction. Consecutive patients three to ten years of age presenting between 2004 and 2009 with a closed overriding fracture of the distal radial metaphysis were followed prospectively. Our protocol consisted of no analgesia, no sedation, and a short arm fiberglass cast gently molded to correct only angulation. Patients were followed for at least one year. All parents or guardians were given a questionnaire assessing their satisfaction with the treatment. Financial analysis was performed with use of Current Procedural Terminology codes and the average total cost of care. Fifty-one children with an average age of 6.9 years were included in the study. Initial radial shortening averaged 5.0 mm. Initial sagittal and coronal angulation averaged 4.0° and 3.2°, respectively. The average duration of casting was forty-two days. Residual sagittal and coronal angulation at the time of final follow-up averaged 2.2° and 0.8°, respectively. All fifty-one patients achieved clinical and radiographic union with a full range of wrist motion. All parents and guardians answered the questionnaire and were satisfied with the treatment. Cost analysis demonstrated that closed reduction with the patient under conscious sedation or general anesthesia is nearly five to six times more expensive than the treatment used in this study. Adding percutaneous pin fixation increases costs nearly ninefold. This treatment protocol presents an alternative approach to overriding distal radial fractures in children and

  1. [Distal radius fractures--retrospective quality control after conservative and operative therapy]. (United States)

    Sommer, C; Brendebach, L; Meier, R; Leutenegger, A


    The distal radius fracture is the most frequent fracture in the adult patient. The wide spectrum of different types of fracture and the coexisting factors make the choice for the optimal treatment difficult. As an interne quality control we retrospectively evaluated all patients with distal radius fractures treated in 1995 at our institution. The study included 69 adult patients with 71 distal radius fractures. After on average 26 months 58 patients with 59 fractures were clinically and radiologically evaluated. The patients were asked to give supplementary information about their follow-up treatment as well as any remaining physical difficulties and limitations in the daily life. All x-rays of the broken radius were carefully analysed and compared with the opposite side. The final results were evaluated according to the "Demerit Point System". Patients were treated with five different therapeutical methods. 76.3% of the patients showed a very good/good final result. In 56.7% of the cases secondary fracture dislocation occurred; the dislocation-rate of fractures treated with percutaneous k-wires was 93.3%! A clear correlation between secondary displacement and final results was found. A main factor for an optimal outcome is the anatomic restoration of length and axis of the distal radius as well as of joint congruency, also moderate angular deformities are well tolerated. Our collective showed an unexpected high rate of secondary displacement, especially in the k-wire group. The reasons for this unsatisfactory event are manifold: too optimistic indication, insufficient follow-up examination in the first four to six weeks, inconsequent change to a more stable fixation method in case of a secondary dislocation. The results of this retrospective evaluation had a major impact on our concept of treatment. The dorso-radial double-plate technique combined with bone graft will be more used in the future especially in younger patients. The new standardised concept is the

  2. "Osteoporosis and orthopods" incidences of osteoporosis in distal radius fracture from low energy trauma.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Bahari, Syah


    Fracture of the distal radius from low energy trauma is a common presentation to orthopaedic trauma services. This fragility type fracture is associated with underlying osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a \\'silent disease\\' where fragility fracture is a common presentation. Orthopaedic surgeons may be the only physician that these patients encounter. We found a high percentage of female patients who sustained a fragility fracture of the distal radius have an underlying osteoporosis. Further management of osteoporosis is important to prevent future fragility fractures.

  3. Palmar reconstruction of the triangular fibrocartilage complex for instability of the distal radioulnar joint: a biomechanical study. (United States)

    Kataoka, T; Moritomo, H; Omokawa, S; Iida, A; Wada, T; Aoki, M


    We developed a new triangular fibrocartilage complex reconstruction technique for distal radioulnar joint instability in which the palmar portion of the triangular fibrocartilage complex was predominantly reconstructed, and evaluated whether such reconstruction can restore stability of the distal radioulnar joint in seven fresh cadaver upper extremities. Distal radioulnar joint instability was induced by cutting all soft-tissue stabilizers around the distal ulna. Using a palmar approach, a palmaris longus tendon graft was sutured to the remnant of the palmar radioulnar and ulnocarpal ligaments. The graft was then passed through a bone tunnel created at the fovea and was sutured. Loads were applied to the radius, and dorsopalmar displacements of the radius relative to the ulna were measured using an electromagnetic tracking device in neutral rotation, 60° supination and 60° pronation. We compared the dorsopalmar displacements before sectioning, before reconstruction and after reconstruction. Dorsopalmar instability produced by sectioning significantly improved in all forearm positions after reconstruction.

  4. Computer-assisted surgery for screw insertion into the distal sesamoid bone in horses: an in vitro study. (United States)

    Gygax, Diego; Lischer, Christoph; Auer, Joerg A


    To compare the precision of computer-assisted surgery with a conventional technique (CV) using a special guiding device for screw insertion into the distal sesamoid bone in horses. In vitro experimental study. Cadaveric forelimb specimens. Insertion of a 3.5 mm cortex screw in lag fashion along the longitudinal axis of intact (non-fractured) distal sesamoid bones was evaluated in 2 groups (8 limbs each): CV and computer-assisted surgery (CAS). For CV, the screw was inserted using a special guiding device and fluoroscopy, whereas for CAS, the screw was inserted using computer-assisted navigation. The accuracy of screw placement was verified by radiography, computed tomography, and specimen dissection. Surgical precision was better in CAS compared with CV. CAS improves the accuracy of lateromedial screw insertion, in lag fashion, into the distal sesamoid bone. The CAS technique should be considered for improved accuracy of screw insertion in fractures of the distal sesamoid bone.

  5. Do the terms 'proximal' and 'distal' cause confusion amongst radiologists and other clinicians?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skillicorn, C.J.


    Aim: To investigate the use of the terms 'proximal' and 'distal', and what respondents think the terms mean, when applied to certain structures within the trunk, notably the veins and the biliary tract. Materials and Methods: Fifty-three respondents were interviewed using simplified anatomical diagrams. Respondents were asked what terms they would use to describe sites at opposite ends of the superior vena cava (SVC), internal jugular vein (IJV), common bile duct (CBD), and pancreatic duct. They were also asked which end of each of these structures they would think was being referred to if they read a radiological report that used these terms. Results: The terms 'proximal' and 'distal' were used by at least 50% of all respondents, and, specifically, at least 60% of radiologists at all four anatomical sites. Eighty-five percent (n = 45) of all respondents and 100% (n = 24) of radiologists agreed that the term 'proximal' CBD referred to its superior end. However, at the other sites there was marked disagreement, 67% (n = 16) of radiologists thought the superior SVC and superior IJV were 'proximal', 33% (n = 8) thought they were 'distal'. There was a 54% (n = 13) to 46% (n = 11) split amongst radiologists as to which end of the pancreatic duct was 'proximal'. Conclusion: The terms 'proximal' and 'distal' are the most frequently used terms to describe positions in veins and the biliary system, but there is widespread confusion about their meaning, which could lead to medical error and ultimately patient harm. The use of alternative terms is advised

  6. Do the terms "proximal" and "distal" cause confusion amongst radiologists and other clinicians? (United States)

    Skillicorn, C J


    To investigate the use of the terms "proximal" and "distal", and what respondents think the terms mean, when applied to certain structures within the trunk, notably the veins and the biliary tract. Fifty-three respondents were interviewed using simplified anatomical diagrams. Respondents were asked what terms they would use to describe sites at opposite ends of the superior vena cava (SVC), internal jugular vein (IJV), common bile duct (CBD), and pancreatic duct. They were also asked which end of each of these structures they would think was being referred to if they read a radiological report that used these terms. The terms "proximal" and "distal" were used by at least 50% of all respondents, and, specifically, at least 60% of radiologists at all four anatomical sites. Eighty-five percent (n=45) of all respondents and 100% (n=24) of radiologists agreed that the term "proximal" CBD referred to its superior end. However, at the other sites there was marked disagreement, 67% (n=16) of radiologists thought the superior SVC and superior IJV were "proximal", 33% (n=8) thought they were "distal". There was a 54% (n=13) to 46% (n=11) split amongst radiologists as to which end of the pancreatic duct was "proximal". The terms "proximal" and "distal" are the most frequently used terms to describe positions in veins and the biliary system, but there is widespread confusion about their meaning, which could lead to medical error and ultimately patient harm. The use of alternative terms is advised.

  7. Simultaneous acute rotator cuff tear and distal biceps rupture in a strongman competitor. (United States)

    George, Michael S


    Acute rotator cuff tear is commonly associated with tearing of the proximal biceps tendon, but has never been reported to occur simultaneously with a distal biceps tendon rupture. A 38-year-old right-hand-dominant strongman competitor attempted a 300-pound overhead axle press and experienced immediate pain in the right shoulder and elbow. He had no known systemic risk factors for tendon ruptures including hyperparathyroidism, hemodialysis, alcoholism, rheumatoid arthritis, statin medications, fluoroquinolones, and steroid use.Right shoulder magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a full-thickness supraspinatus tear with 3 cm of retraction. There was minimal fatty infiltration of the supraspinatus on the sagittal cuts consistent with acute rupture. The subscapularis was intact. The long head of the biceps tendon had mild medial subluxation but was completely within the bicipital groove. Right elbow MRI showed a complete distal biceps tendon rupture. Thirteen days after his injury, the patient underwent arthroscopic supraspinatus repair and proximal biceps tenodesis. Distal biceps tendon repair was performed using the modified 2-incision muscle-splitting technique. At 24-month follow-up, the patient was pain free and had returned to full activity including weightlifting but had not returned to strongman competition.This is the first report of simultaneous acute full thickness ruptures of the rotator cuff and distal biceps tendon. This case report underscores the importance of a complete physical examination and a high index of suspicion for additional concomitant injuries, particularly in athletes with unusually high stresses to the body. Copyright 2010, SLACK Incorporated.

  8. MRI of Residual Red Bone Marrow in the Distal Femur of Healthy Subjects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arslan, Gozde; Ozmen, Evrim; Soyturk, Mehmet


    The purpose of our study is to examine the correlation of the residual red bone marrow areas of distal femoral metaphysis with the age, gender, weight and hemoglobin (hgb) values; evaluate the results, and comprehend the importance of these residual areas in the light of the results. 140 nonsmoking patients between the ages of 26 and 72 (92 women, 48 men) who had knee MR examinations were included in the study. The residual red bone marrow areas in the distal femoral metaphysis in MR images were examined by a radiologist. The areas were separated into grades according to their sizes. The hemoglobin values of the cases were measured. The size of the residual red bone marrow area and the age, gender, weight and hemoglobin values of the cases were compared by using the Tukey and Chi-Square Tests. Although no significant differences were observed between the mean ages, weights and hemoglobin values of the grades, a significant difference was detected between the gender distribution The male group had less residual red bone marrow in the distal femoral metaphysis than the female group (p=0.003). We observed that the hypointensities due to residual red bone marrow observed in the T1WS of the distal femoral metaphysis are not related with the age, weight and hemoglobin values. No grade 2 and grade 3 patient was detected in male group. We observed that these hypointense areas showed difference according to the gender variable; however, were not affected by the hemoglobin values over certain levels

  9. Fractura de radio distal: abordaje mininvasivo con preservación del pronador cuadrado. [Distal radius fracture: minimally invasive approach with pronator quadrates preservation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Clembosky


    Full Text Available Objetivo Describir y analizar una técnica de osteosíntesis palmar de radio distal con preservación del pronador cuadrado. Material y Métodos Se revisaron, en forma retrospectiva, 24 pacientes operados con esta técnica (16 mujeres y 8 hombres; edad promedio 65 años. Doce fracturas eran de tipo A; 7, de tipo B y 5, de tipo C. La técnica quirúrgica consiste en practicar una incisión cutánea de 25 mm y profundizar hasta observar el pronador cuadrado. Sin seccionarlo, se realiza una disección de su borde distal, a fin de introducir la placa bloqueada volar por debajo del músculo. Se colocan los tornillos distales bajo visión directa y los tornillos proximales, en forma percutánea. La evaluación posoperatoria se llevó a cabo mediante análisis clínico-funcional y radiográfico. Resultados En el último control, todos los pacientes presentaban signos clínicos y radiográficos de consolidación ósea. El puntaje en la escala DASH fue, en promedio, de 4,8. Se observó una inclinación palmar posoperatoria de la superficie articular del radio de 14,3º promedio y una inclinación radial de 26,3º promedio. No se detectaron complicaciones relacionadas con la fractura, el implante o la herida quirúrgica en ninguno de los controles posoperatorios. Conclusiones Sin bien no existe bibliografía que demuestre que la técnica mininvasiva sea superior, sostenemos que el hecho de obtener resultados similares con ambos abordajes (mininvasivo y convencional justifica llevar a cabo esta técnica con preservación del pronador cuadrado, sobre todo en los pacientes preocupados por el aspecto cosmético de la cicatriz.

  10. Recomendaciones para la fotoprotección en la edad pediátrica, una propuesta basada en evidencias científicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pilar María Acuña Aguilarte

    Full Text Available Introducción: el incremento mundial del cáncer de piel y otras afecciones relacionadas con las radiaciones ultravioletas ha sido reconocido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, que ha llamado a trazar estrategias de prevención. En el mundo existen diferentes posturas relacionadas con la fotoprotección, y la Organización Mundial de la Salud, entre sus recomendaciones, enfatiza en no exponer a las radiaciones ultravioletas de forma directa a los niños menores de 1 año, pero las recomendaciones varían entre países y organismos internacionales. Objetivo: elaborar recomendaciones basadas en evidencias científicas para la fotoprotección de niños y adolescentes cubanos. Desarrollo: se empleó un diseño cualitativo, con un acercamiento de investigación documental. Se emplearon motores de búsqueda y bases de datos disponibles en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, y se buscaron descriptores relacionados con el tema de fotoprotección, publicados en inglés y español entre 2002 y el 2012. Se obtuvieron evidencias científicas sobre el incremento de las radiaciones ultravioletas y su influencia en el ser humano. Se realizaron recomendaciones que fueron evaluadas por un grupo de expertos en el tema. Conclusiones: los puericultores pueden disponer de recomendaciones actualizadas para la fotoprotección de niños y adolescentes sanos cubanos, entre las cuales se incluyen, evitar la exposición directa del recién nacido a las radiaciones solares hasta los 6 meses de vida, clasificar el fototipo cutáneo de cada niño o adolescente y ofrecer indicaciones diferenciadas, así como dirigir la educación en las medidas de fotoprotección a toda la familia y la comunidad.

  11. Prácticas basadas en la evidencia: pasado, presente y futuro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alba Elisabeth Mustaca


    Full Text Available Las prácticas basadas en la evidencia (PBE y la subclase de ellas, los tratamientos con apoyo empírico (TAE, si bien su nomenclatura es reciente, tienen antecedentes remotos. Se presentan algunos hitos históricos sobre las PBE (pasado y sus antecedentes más próximos, los resultados de las primeras listas que aparecieron de prácticas psicoterapéuticas con apoyo empírico y su comparación con las últimas, como una manera sencilla de evaluar su desarrollo en la psicología clínica (presente. Finalmente, se presentarán algunas de las limitaciones que se deben superar (futuro. Respecto de las primeras listas de PBE, aumentaron las de fuerte apoyo empírico, se agregaron las subcategorías controvertidas y nocivas, presentan TAE para comorbilidades y algunas recomendaciones específicas para cada TAE en particular. Continúa el predominio de las terapias cognitivas-conductuales como las más válidas. Estos resultados muestran un avance considerable en el estudio sistemático de las PBE. En el futuro deberán incrementarse las PBE para comorbilidades, las investigaciones en otros países, las relaciones entre ciencia básica y tecnológica y disminuir la importante disociación que existe entre la investigación, tanto clínica como básica y la práctica profesional, como la cantidad de programas de psicología basados en escuelas psicológicas y bibliografías obsoletas.

  12. The Effect of Tamsulosin in the Medical Treatment of Distal Ureteral Stones (United States)

    Alizadeh, M.; Magsudi, M.


    Introduction: Renal stones are common disorders that affect approximately 5% to 10% of the population and the incidence of renal stones is rising. Treatment of ureteral stones is an important part of urologists and minimally invasive procedures such as ESWL and ureteroscopy effectiveness has been proven in various studies. However, these methods are not completely safe and are expensive and can be complicated. Purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of tamsulosin in the medical treatment of distal ureteral stones. Patients and methods: A total of 96 patients with distal ureteral stones or UVj are randomly divided into two study group (50 patients) and control group (46 patients). Patients in the control group allowed to freely consuming fluids (hydration) and indomethacin 100 mg PRN. Study group in addition to indomethacin and daily analgesic 0.4 mg tamsulosin was administered. All subjects in terms of analgesic dose, duration of expulsion and expulsion were studied. Results: Spontaneous expulsion of stone was occurred in 62.5% (30 patients out of 46) of control group patients and 82% (41 patients out of 50) that there was no significant difference (P>0.05). Average time to fix the stone in control group 4.7±8.03 days (range 2 to 28 days) and in the study group, 3.7±5.70 days (range 1 to 23 days) is significantly different (P>0.05). The average amount of analgesic consumption in the control group was 2.3±4.31and in the study group was 1.48±2.15 that showed significant differences (Ptamsulosin to conservative treatment of distal ureteral stones in the distal ureteral stone expulsion showed no significant difference between the two groups, but the reduction in the duration of expulsion, reduce pain and reduce the need for analgesic has been beneficial. PMID:25363178

  13. Tratamiento del dolor en la artritis reumatoide fundamentado en medicina basada en la evidencia Pain treatment in rheumatoid arthritis and evidence-based medicine


    F. Neira; J. L. Ortega


    El objetivo ha sido la elaboración de un documento eminentemente práctico, basado en la evidencia científica disponible de mayor relevancia, que permita a los clínicos adoptar técnicas diagnósticas y medidas terapéuticas eficaces, en la Artritis Reumatoide (AR), adecuadamente fundamentadas. Se ha realizado una búsqueda sistemática en Internet, utilizando el término "rheumatoid arthritis" y "artritis reumatoide", en los diferentes grupos de elaboración y almacenamiento de guías de práctica clí...

  14. Resiliencia en Enfermería: definición, evidencia empírica e intervenciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Óscar Arrogante


    Full Text Available La resiliencia (adaptación positiva a la adversidad se encuentra dentro de las competencias enfermeras al relacionarse con tres diagnósticos de la taxonomía NANDA y, además, la investigación enfermera señala que es una característica propia de la Enfermería. Sin embargo, la resiliencia es un concepto novedoso para la mayoría de las enfermeras. El artículo tiene como objetivos definir el concepto de resiliencia, exponer la evidencia empírica encontrada en la investigación enfermera y describir los principales programas e intervenciones para su desarrollo. La resiliencia tiene importantes implicaciones clínicas tanto para el cuidado de pacientes, como para el propio autocuidado de la Enfermería. La resiliencia se puede considerar como una característica esencial e inherente a la Enfermería debido a la exposición continua al sufrimiento humano y a unas condiciones laborales estresantes. Por lo tanto, su entrenamiento debería promoverse desde las universidades hasta los centros sanitarios para mejorar la práctica clínica enfermera.

  15. Anthropometric Measurements of the Human Distal Femur: A Study of the Adult Malay Population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fitdriyah Hussain


    Full Text Available The distal femurs of 100 subjects (50 men, 50 women from the Malay population aged between 19 and 38 years were scanned to measure the anterior-posterior (AP and medial-lateral (ML width. The mean AP values were 64.02 ± 3.38 mm and 57.33 ± 3.26 mm for men and women, respectively, and the mean ML values were 74.91 ± 3.52 mm and 64.53 ± 3.07 mm. We compared our data to that published previously for the Chinese and Indian populations. It was found that the Malay population had smaller distal femur than that of the Chinese but was larger than that of the Indian population (P < 0.05. In conclusion, although it is well established that Asians have a smaller distal femur size than that of the Western population, the variations in different Asian ethnicities may need to be considered when designing the appropriate knee implant.

  16. Anthropometric measurements of the human distal femur: a study of the adult Malay population. (United States)

    Hussain, Fitdriyah; Abdul Kadir, Mohammed Rafiq; Zulkifly, Ahmad Hafiz; Sa'at, Azlin; Aziz, Azian Abd; Hossain, Golam; Kamarul, T; Syahrom, Ardiyansyah


    The distal femurs of 100 subjects (50 men, 50 women) from the Malay population aged between 19 and 38 years were scanned to measure the anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) width. The mean AP values were 64.02 ± 3.38 mm and 57.33 ± 3.26 mm for men and women, respectively, and the mean ML values were 74.91 ± 3.52 mm and 64.53 ± 3.07 mm. We compared our data to that published previously for the Chinese and Indian populations. It was found that the Malay population had smaller distal femur than that of the Chinese but was larger than that of the Indian population (P < 0.05). In conclusion, although it is well established that Asians have a smaller distal femur size than that of the Western population, the variations in different Asian ethnicities may need to be considered when designing the appropriate knee implant.

  17. The truly distal lateral arm flap: rationale and risk factors of a microsurgical workhorse in 30 patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hage, J. Joris; Woerdeman, Leonie A. E.; Smeulders, Mark J. C.


    The forearm part of the extended lateral arm flap may be separately raised on the most distal septocutaneous perforator of the posterior collateral radial artery. This truly distal lateral arm flap shares most of the advantages of the radial forearm flap and is associated with less donor site

  18. Locking internal fixator with minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis for the proximal and distal tibial fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    TONG Da-ke


    Full Text Available 【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the efficacy of the locking internal fixator (LIF, which includes the locking compression plate (LCP and the less invasive stable system (LISS, in the proximal and distal tibial fractures. Methods: We did a retrospective study on a total of 98 patients with either proximal or distal tibial fractures from January 2003 to January 2007, who had received the opera- tion with LIF by the minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO technique. The data consisted of 43 proximal tibial fractures (type AO41C3 and 55 distal tibial fractures (type AO43C3. Results: No complications were observed in all patients after operation. The mean healing time was 8.4 months (range 5-14 months. Only two cases of delayed union occurred at postoperative 10 months. No infections were reported after the definitive surgery even in the cases of open fractures. All patients reached a full range of motion at postoperative 6 to 9 months and regained the normal functions of knee and ankle joints. Conclusion: Using LIF in MIPO technique is a reliable approach towards the proximal and distal tibial fractures that are not suitable for intramedullary nailing. Key words: Internal fixator; Tibial fractures; Fracture fixation, intramedullary; Bone plates

  19. Evaluation of time lapse for establishing distal tubal occlusion diagnosis during hysterosalpingography procedure performed by using water soluble contrast media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serkan Kahyaoglu


    Conclusion: Although a trend exists towards shorter time period intervals between the first uterine visualization and distal tubal filling graphy among patients with tubal patency, rather than patients with distal tubal occlusion confirmed by diagnostic laparoscopy, clinically reliable objective time period intervals for finalizing the HSG procedure and proceeding with diagnostic laparoscopy due to distal tubal occlusion diagnosis on HSG could not be detected.

  20. La calidad de los sistemas de gestión de recursos humanos en función de la tenencia o no de la certificación ISO 9001:2000. algunas evidencias/ indicadores asociados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josué Bonilla García


    Full Text Available Esta investigación compara la calidad de los sistemas de gestión de recursos humanos entre las empresas que cuentan o no con la certificación ISO 9001:2000. Una herramienta basada en los ocho principios de los sistemas de gestión de la calidad, permitió que las organizaciones los evaluaran y describieran las evidencias/indicadores asociados, determinando su impacto. Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias entre los grupos de empresas con respecto a la presencia e impacto de las evidencias/indicadores. Se identifica la necesidad de concebir programas de certificación específicos para RR.HH. así como de planes y estrategias orientados a la mejora continua y relaciones con el proveedor, así como de desarrollar prácticas asociadas a indicadores para el seguimiento y control de la gestión organizacional.

  1. Retinal artery occlusion during carotid artery stenting with distal embolic protection device. (United States)

    Kohara, Kotaro; Ishikawa, Tatsuya; Kobayashi, Tomonori; Kawamata, Takakazu


    Retinal artery occlusion associated with carotid artery stenosis is well known. Although it can also occur at the time of carotid artery stenting, retinal artery occlusion via the collateral circulation of the external carotid artery is rare. We encountered two cases of retinal artery occlusion that were thought to be caused by an embolus from the external carotid artery during carotid artery stenting with a distal embolic protection device for the internal carotid artery. A 71-year-old man presented with central retinal artery occlusion after carotid artery stenting using the Carotid Guardwire PS and a 77-year-old man presented with branch retinal artery occlusion after carotid artery stenting using the FilterWire EZ. Because additional new cerebral ischaemic lesions were not detected in either case by postoperative diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, it was highly likely that the debris that caused retinal artery occlusion passed through not the internal carotid artery but collaterals to retinal arteries from the external carotid artery, which was not protected by a distal embolic protection device. It is suggested that a distal protection device for the internal carotid artery alone cannot prevent retinal artery embolisation during carotid artery stenting and protection of the external carotid artery is important to avoid retinal artery occlusion.

  2. Unravelling intention: distal intentions increase the subjective sense of agency. (United States)

    Vinding, Mikkel C; Pedersen, Michael N; Overgaard, Morten


    Experimental studies investigating the contribution of conscious intention to the generation of a sense of agency for one's own actions tend to rely upon a narrow definition of intention. Often it is operationalized as the conscious sensation of wanting to move right before movement. Existing results and discussion are therefore missing crucial aspects of intentions, namely intention as the conscious sensation of wanting to move in advance of the movement. In the present experiment we used an intentional binding paradigm, in which we distinguished between immediate (proximal) intention, as usually investigated, and longer standing (distal) intention. The results showed that the binding effect was significantly enhanced for distal intentions compared to proximal intentions, indicating that the former leads to stronger sense of agency. Our finding provides empirical support for a crucial distinction between at least two types of intention when addressing the efficacy of conscious intentions. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Evaluation of the Stryker S2 IM Nail Distal Targeting Device for reduction of radiation exposure: a case series study. (United States)

    Anastopoulos, George; Ntagiopoulos, Panagiotis G; Chissas, Dionisios; Loupasis, George; Asimakopoulos, Antonios; Athanaselis, Eustratios; Megas, Panagiotis


    Distal locking is one challenging step during intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures that can lead to an increase of radiation exposure. In the present study, the authors describe a technique for the distal locking of femoral nails, implementing a new targeting device in an attempt to reduce radiation exposure and operational time. Over a 2-year period, 127 consecutive cases of femoral shaft fractures were included in the study. All cases were treated with nailing of femoral shaft fractures with an unslotted reamed antegrade femoral nail and distal locking was performed with the use of a proximally mounted aiming device. Mean duration of the procedure was 63.5 18.1 min while the duration for distal locking was 6.6 +/- 2.6 min. In all successful cases, exposure from intraoperative fluoroscopy was 17.2 +/- 7.4 s for the whole operative procedure, and for distal locking was 2 shots, 1.35 s (range, 0.9-2.2 s) and 1.9 mGy (range, 1.1-2.9 mGy). Five cases (3.9%) were unsuccessful, but overall no intraoperative complications were encountered from the application of this technique. The ability of the device to correspond to the level of nail deformation and to properly identify the distal holes, reduced exposure to radiation compared to other published reports, and should be considered as a valuable tool for distal locking of femoral fractures.

  4. Implementation of enhanced recovery programme for laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: feasibility, safety and cost analysis. (United States)

    Richardson, John; Di Fabio, Francesco; Clarke, Hannah; Bajalan, Mohammed; Davids, Joe; Abu Hilal, Mohammed


    The adoption of laparoscopy for distal pancreatectomy has proven to substantially improve short-term outcomes. Stress response after major surgery can be further minimized within an enhanced recovery programme (ERP). However, data on the potential benefit of an ERP for laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy are still lacking. The aim was to assess the feasibility, safety and cost of ERP for patients undergoing laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. This is a case-control study from a Tertiary University Hospital. Sixty-six consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy were analyzed. Twenty-two patients were enrolled for the ERP and compared with previous consecutive 44 patients managed traditionally (1:2 ratio). Operative details, post-operative outcome and cost analysis were compared in the two groups. Patients enrolled in the ERP had similar intraoperative blood loss (median 165 ml vs. 200 ml; p = 0.176), operation time (225 min vs. 210 min; p = 0.633), time to remove naso-gastric tube (1 vs. 1 day; p = 0.081) but significantly shorter time to mobilization (median 1 vs. 2 days; p = 0.0001), start solid diet (2 vs. 3 days; p = 0004), and pass stools (3 vs. 5 days; p = 0.002) compared to the control group. Median length of stay was significantly shorter in the ERP group (3 vs. 6 days; p pancreatectomy with significant earlier return to normal gut function, reduced length of stay and cost saving. Copyright © 2015 IAP and EPC. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. CT evaluation of extensor tendon entrapment as a complication of a distal radial fracture in a child

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frawley, Kieran J.; Anton, Christopher G.; Zbojniewicz, Andrew M.; Cornwall, Roger


    Extensor indicis proprius (EIP) entrapment is a rare complication of a distal radial fracture. We report an 11-year-old with limited flexion of her index finger 1 year after a distal radial fracture. The utility of cross-sectional imaging in the diagnosis and preoperative planning of this complication is presented. (orig.)

  6. Evaluation of various filling techniques in distal canals of mandibular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation of various filling techniques in distal canals of mandibular molars instrumented with different single-file nickel-titanium systems. ... Comparisons between groups were applied using Student's t-test or one-way ANOVA for normally distributed data. The Mann-Whitney U-test or Kruskal-Wallis test was used when ...

  7. Arthroscopic knotless anchor repair of triangular fibrocartilage in distal radius fracture. (United States)

    García-Ruano, Á A; Najarro-Cid, F; Jiménez-Martín, A; Gómez de los Infantes-Troncoso, J G; Sicre-González, M


    Lesions of triangular fibrocartilage (TFC) are associated with distal radioulnar joint instability. Arthroscopic treatment of these lesions improves functional outcome of affected patients. The aim of the present work is to evaluate functional and occupational outcome of TCF repair using an arthroscopic knotless anchor device in patients with associated distal radius fracture. An observational, descriptive study was carried out between November 2011 and January 2014 including 21 patients with distal radius fracture and Palmer 1B lesions of TCF (Atzei class 2 and 3) that were treated by arthroscopic knotless anchor (PopLok® 2,8mm, ConMed, USA). Mean follow-up was 18 months. Functional (Mayo Wrist Score) and occupational outcome results were analyzed. Mean age of the group was 43.0±8.8 years, with 19% of the patients being female. There was an associated scapholunate lesion in 5 cases. Functional results reached a mean of 83.4±16.1 points onMayo Wrist Score. Mean sick-leave time was 153.16±48.5 days. Complete occupational reintegration was reached in 89.5% of cases. There were no postoperative complications. Arthroscopic knotless anchor repair of 1B TFC tears is a minimally invasive method of treatment that improves tension of fixation, avoiding subsequent loosen, in our experience, with few complications and good functional and occupational results. Copyright © 2014 SECOT. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  8. Pathologic fracture of the distal radius in a 25-year-old patient with a large unicameral bone cyst. (United States)

    Massen, Felix; Baumbach, Sebastian; Volkmer, Elias; Mutschler, Wolf; Grote, Stefan


    Distal radius fractures (DRF) are often referred to as osteoporosis indicator fractures as their incidence increases from age 45. In the group of young adults, distal radius fractures normally result from high-energy trauma. Wrist fractures in young patients without adequate trauma thus raise suspicion of a pathologic fracture. In this report we present the case of a fractured unicameral bone cyst (UBC) at the distal radius in a young adult.To the author's best knowledge, this is the first detailed report in an UBC at the distal radius causing a pathologic DRF in an adult patient. A 25-year-old otherwise healthy male presented to our Emergency Department after a simple fall on his right outstretched hand. Extended diagnostics revealed a pathologic, dorsally displaced, intra-articular distal radius fracture secondary to a unicameral bone cyst occupying almost the whole metaphysis of the distal radius. To stabilize the fracture, a combined dorsal and volar approach was used for open reduction and internal fixation. A tissue specimen for histopathological examination was gathered and the lesion was filled with an autologous bone graft harvested from the ipsilateral femur using a reamer-irrigator-aspirator (RIA) system. Following one revision surgery due to an intra-articular step-off, the patient recovered without further complications. Pathologic fractures in young patients caused by unicameral bone cysts require extended diagnostics and adequate treatment. A single step surgical treatment is reasonable if fracture and bone cyst are treated appropriately. Arthroscopically assisted fracture repair may be considered in intra-articular fractures or whenever co-pathologies of the carpus are suspected.

  9. Clinical and functional outcome of open primary repair of triangular fibrocartilage complex tears associated with distal radius fractures. (United States)

    Johandi, Faisal; Sechachalam, Sreedharan


    We evaluate the clinical and functional outcome of open primary repair of acute TFCC tears in distal radius fracture, when there is gross intraoperative distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability after fixation of the distal radius, in the absence of an ulnar styloid fracture or when the ulnar fracture fragment is too small to be fixed. A retrospective review of our institution's distal radius fracture database over a 4-year period (January 2010 to December 2013). A total of 12 (1.38%) out of 3379 patients had an open TFCC repair in the same setting as fixation of distal radius. Assessment of outcome involved the analysis of objective and subjective clinical and functional outcomes. All patient regained Activities of Daily Living (ADL) independence; eleven out of 12 patients (91.7%) returned to pre-injury function and 8 out of 11 patients (72.7%) returned to their jobs. DRUJ stability was preserved in 10 patients (83.3%) with 10 patients (83.3%) having grip strength of at least 50%, compared to the uninjured hand, and 7 (58.3%) with grip strength of more than or equal to 75%. Complications of surgery identified can be classified into 4 broad categories: infection, neurological complications, persistent DRUJ instability and prolonged pain. The authors believe a primary open repair of the TFCC should be considered when patients present with instability during intra-operative DRUJ ballottement test after distal radius fixation, in the absence of an ulnar styloid fracture or when the ulnar fracture fragment is too small to be fixed.

  10. Randomized comparison of distal protection versus conventional treatment in primary percutaneous coronary intervention: the drug elution and distal protection in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (DEDICATION) trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kelbaek, Henning; Terkelsen, Christian J; Helqvist, Steffen


    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of distal protection during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in native coronary vessels. BACKGROUND: Embolization of material from the infarct-related lesion during PCI may...

  11. Restoration of regenerative ability of x-rayed newt limbs after grafting of proximal or distal skin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, B.J.


    Studies were conducted in order to determine the role of skin in restoring regenerative ability of x-rayed newt limbs. Non-x-rayed skin from the hindlimb was grafted in four ways to x-rayed (2680R) forelimbs, stripped of their own skin: proximal hindlimb skin to the proximal forelimb, proximal hindlimb skin to the distal forelimb, distal hindlimb skin to the distal forelimb, and distal hindlimb skin to the proximal forelimb. The forelimbs were immediately amputated at the distal extent of the skin graft. Thirty-two of thirty-five (92%) x-rayed forelimbs that had received hindlimb skin regenerated. Of those that regenerated, 28.1% were hindlimbs as shown by the presence of five digits; 34.4% had four digits or less; 31.2% had an outgrowth, but no morphogenesis of digits and 6.3% had two hands. The level of the regenerate from x-rayed limbs was determined by the stump, not the hindlimb skin graft. Only proximal hindlimb skin grafts were able to promote the formation of single 5 digit regenerates. X-rayed forelimb skin was grafted onto x-rayed (2680R) hindlimbs after the hindlimb muscle and skin was removed. X-rayed hindlimbs that had received grafts of forelimb skin produced 5-digit regenerates in 6 of 11 cases (55%). Only 2 (18%) had four digits. The remaining animals (27%) exhibited bud-like regenerates. It is concluded that skin is capable of restoring regenerative ability of x-rayed limbs and that these limbs are able to participate in the production of the regenerate

  12. Safety and efficacy of distal perfusion catheterization to prevent limb ischemia after common femoral artery cannulation for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeon, Chang Ho; Seong, Nak Jong; Yoon, Chang Jin [Dept. of Radiology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam (Korea, Republic of)


    The extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) cannula has the potential for obstructing flow to the lower limb, thus causing severe ischemia and possible limb loss. We evaluated the safety and clinical efficacy of percutaneous distal perfusion catheterization in preventing limb ischemia. Between March 2013 and February 2015, 28 patients with distal perfusion catheterization after ECMO were included in this retrospective study. The technical success was evaluated by Doppler ultrasound at the popliteal level after saline injection via distal perfusion catheter. Clinical success was assessed when at least one of the following conditions was met: restoration of continuous peripheral limb oximetry value or presence of distal arterial pulse on Doppler ultrasound evaluation or resolution of early ischemic sign after connecting the catheter with ECMO. Twenty-six patients with early ischemia were successfully cannulated with a distal perfusion catheter (92.8%). Clinical success was achieved in 12/28 (42.8%) patients; 8/10 (80.0%) patients with survival duration exceeding 7 days and 4/18 (22.2%) patients with survival duration less than 7 days, respectively. A percutaneous distal perfusion catheter placement was a feasible tool with safety and efficacy in preventing lower limb ischemia for patients with prolonged common femoral arterial cannulation for ECMO.

  13. Safety and efficacy of distal perfusion catheterization to prevent limb ischemia after common femoral artery cannulation for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeon, Chang Ho; Seong, Nak Jong; Yoon, Chang Jin


    The extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) cannula has the potential for obstructing flow to the lower limb, thus causing severe ischemia and possible limb loss. We evaluated the safety and clinical efficacy of percutaneous distal perfusion catheterization in preventing limb ischemia. Between March 2013 and February 2015, 28 patients with distal perfusion catheterization after ECMO were included in this retrospective study. The technical success was evaluated by Doppler ultrasound at the popliteal level after saline injection via distal perfusion catheter. Clinical success was assessed when at least one of the following conditions was met: restoration of continuous peripheral limb oximetry value or presence of distal arterial pulse on Doppler ultrasound evaluation or resolution of early ischemic sign after connecting the catheter with ECMO. Twenty-six patients with early ischemia were successfully cannulated with a distal perfusion catheter (92.8%). Clinical success was achieved in 12/28 (42.8%) patients; 8/10 (80.0%) patients with survival duration exceeding 7 days and 4/18 (22.2%) patients with survival duration less than 7 days, respectively. A percutaneous distal perfusion catheter placement was a feasible tool with safety and efficacy in preventing lower limb ischemia for patients with prolonged common femoral arterial cannulation for ECMO

  14. Distal hindlimb kinematics of galloping Thoroughbred racehorses on dirt and synthetic racetrack surfaces. (United States)

    Symons, J E; Garcia, T C; Stover, S M


    The effect of racetrack surface (dirt or synthetic) on distal hindlimb kinematics of racehorses running at competition speeds is not known. To compare distal hindlimb and hoof kinematics during stance of breezing (unrestrained gallop) racehorses between dirt and synthetic surfaces. Two-dimensional kinematic video analysis of 5 Thoroughbred racehorses galloping at high speeds (12-17 m/s) on a dirt racetrack and a synthetic racetrack. The positions of kinematic markers applied to the left hindlimb were recorded at 500 Hz. Position, velocity and acceleration of joint angles and hoof translation during stance were calculated in the sagittal plane. Peak translational and angular kinematic values were compared between the dirt and synthetic race surfaces using mixed model analyses of covariance. Maximum and heel-strike metatarsophalangeal (fetlock) angles were greater (Pdirt surface than on the synthetic surface. Maximum fetlock angle occurred earlier during stance on the dirt surface (Pdirt surface (Pdirt surface than on a synthetic surface. Synthetic race surfaces may mitigate risk of injury to hindlimb fetlock structures by reducing fetlock hyperextension and associated strains in fetlock support structures. Differences in hoof slide may contribute to different distal hindlimb kinematics between surfaces. © 2013 EVJ Ltd.

  15. Separate Vertical Wirings for the Extra-articular Fractures of the Distal Pole of the Patella


    Kim, Young Mo; Yang, Jun Young; Kim, Kyung Cheon; Kang, Chan; Joo, Yong Bum; Lee, Woo Yong; Hwang, Jung Mo


    Purpose To evaluate the usefulness of separate vertical wirings for extra-articular fracture of distal pole of patella. Materials and Methods We have analyzed the clinical results of 18 cases that underwent separate vertical wirings for extra-articular fracture of distal pole of the patella from March 2005 to March 2010, by using the range of motion and Bostman score. Occurrence of complication was also evaluated. Additionally, by taking simple radiographs, the correlation between the postope...

  16. Economía política y finanzas públicas: teoría, evidencia y resultados de laboratorio

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    Gutiérrez , Javier A.


    Full Text Available Este trabajo revisa los modelos teóricos y la evidencia empírica relacionados con la economía política de las finanzas públicas. Destaca los factores político institucionales que influyen en los niveles de deuda pública y de déficit fiscal en países y entidades subnacionales con economías similares y describe las relaciones definidas en el contrato fiscal entre gobernantes y electores recurriendo a la teoría del principalagente. Luego usa métodos de economía experimental y teoría de juegos para evaluar la influencia de estas relaciones sobre la deuda y el déficit fiscal, mediante un experimento de laboratorio en el que los participantes actúan primero como agentes (gobernantes y luego como principales (votantes.

  17. A patient specific finite element simulation of intramedullary nailing to predict the displacement of the distal locking hole. (United States)

    Mortazavi, Javad; Farahmand, Farzam; Behzadipour, Saeed; Yeganeh, Ali; Aghighi, Mohammad


    Distal locking is a challenging subtask of intramedullary nailing fracture fixation due to the nail deformation that makes the proximally mounted targeting systems ineffective. A patient specific finite element model was developed, based on the QCT data of a cadaveric femur, to predict the position of the distal hole of the nail postoperatively. The mechanical interactions of femur and nail (of two sizes) during nail insertion was simulated using ABAQUS in two steps of dynamic pushing and static equilibrium, for the intact and distally fractured bone. Experiments were also performed on the same specimen to validate the simulation results. A good agreement was found between the model predictions and the experimental observations. There was a three-point contact pattern between the nail and medullary canal, only on the proximal fragment of the fractured bone. The nail deflection was much larger in the sagittal plane and increased for the larger diameter nail, as well as for more distally fractured or intact femur. The altered position of the distal hole was predicted by the model with an acceptable error (mean: 0.95; max: 1.5 mm, in different tests) to be used as the compensatory information for fine tuning of proximally mounted targeting systems. Copyright © 2018 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Prabhati Rani Mishra


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Most common fracture in elderly patients is distal radius fracture. The most common method of management is closed reduction and immobilisation. The aim of the study is to compare the analgesic effects of haematoma block and general anaesthesia for closed reduction of distal fracture of radius. MATERIALS AND METHODS A prospective randomised controlled study was carried out among 100 patients of age group between 15-70 years of either sex who had fracture distal radius between 2015-2016. The patients having multiple fractures, pathological fractures or suffering from any organic diseases were excluded from the study. After taking informed written consent, the patients were randomised into two equal groups. In group A, reduction of fracture was done following administration of IV propofol and in group B after infiltration with 2% lignocaine into fracture haematoma site. Pain score was compared by VAS before, during and after manipulation in both the groups. Time taken from presentation at emergency department to reduction and discharge from hospital was also compared. Statistical analysis was done by applying SPSS software. RESULTS 100 patients of mean age 42.5 years, male: female 43:57 with fracture distal radius were studied. Mean time from admission to fracture reduction in group A was 2.64±0.93 hours and in group B 0.90±0.45 hours (P=0.0001. Discharge time from hospital after reduction of fracture in group A was 4.24±0.94 hours and in group B 0.75±0.2 hours (P=0.0001. VAS during reduction in group A was 0 and in group B 0.98±0.8 (P=0.0001. 10 minutes after reduction VAS in group A was 2.28±0.24 and group B 0.72±0.45 (P=0.0001. CONCLUSION For closed reduction of distal radius fracture, haematoma block with lignocaine is safe and effective alternative to intravenous general anaesthesia with propofol.

  19. Trends in the United States in the treatment of distal radial fractures in the elderly. (United States)

    Chung, Kevin C; Shauver, Melissa J; Birkmeyer, John D


    Traditionally, distal radial fractures in the elderly have been treated nonoperatively with casting. However, since the introduction of the volar locking plating system in 2000, there has been an interest in the use of more aggressive treatment methods. The purpose of the present study was to assess changing trends in the treatment of distal radial fractures in elderly patients in the United States. We evaluated a 5% sample of Medicare data from 1996 to 1997 and a 20% sample from 1998 to 2005. Information on four treatment methods (closed treatment, percutaneous pin fixation, internal fixation, and external fixation) was extracted from the dataset. Other available data were diagnosis, physician specialty, and patient age, sex, and race. We calculated frequencies and rates to compare the utilization of different treatments over time. Over the ten-year time period examined, the rate of internal fixation of distal radial fractures in the elderly increased fivefold, from 3% in 1996 to 16% in 2005. Closed treatment, however, remained the predominant method (used for 82% of the fractures in 1996 and 70% in 2005). Fractures in patients with an age of eighty-five years or more were significantly more likely to be treated in a closed fashion (p < 0.0001). There was a large variation among physician specialties with regard to the fixation methods that were used. Orthopaedic surgeons were significantly more likely to use closed treatment than hand surgeons were, whereas hand surgeons were significantly more likely to use internal fixation than orthopaedic surgeons were. Since 2000, although the majority of distal radial fractures are still treated nonoperatively, there has been an increase in the use of internal fixation and a concurrent decrease in the rate of closed treatment of distal radial fractures in the elderly in the United States.

  20. Impact of obesity on surgical outcomes of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: A Norwegian single-center study. (United States)

    Sahakyan, Mushegh A; Røsok, Bård Ingvald; Kazaryan, Airazat M; Barkhatov, Leonid; Lai, Xiaoran; Kleive, Dyre; Ignjatovic, Dejan; Labori, Knut Jørgen; Edwin, Bjørn


    Obesity is known as a risk factor for intra- and postoperative complications in pancreatic operation. However, the operative outcomes in obese patients undergoing laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy remain unclear. A total number of 423 patients underwent laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy at Oslo University Hospital-Rikshospitalet from April 1997 to December 2015. Patients were categorized into 3 groups based on the body mass index: normal weight (18.5-24.9 kg/m 2 ), overweight (25-29.9 kg/m 2 ), and obese (≥30 kg/m 2 ). After excluding underweight patients, 402 patients were enrolled in this study. Obese patients had significantly longer operative time and increased blood loss compared with overweight and normal weight patients (190 [61-480] minutes vs 158 [56-520] minutes vs 153 [29-374] minutes, P = .009 and 200 [0-2,800] mL vs 50 [0-6250] mL vs 90 [0-2,000] mL, P = .01, respectively). A multiple linear regression analysis identified obesity as predictive of prolonged operative time and increased blood loss during laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. The rates of clinically relevant pancreatic fistula and severe complications (≥grade III by Accordion classification) were comparable in the 3 groups (P = .23 and P = .37, respectively). A multivariate logistic regression model did not demonstrate an association between obesity and postoperative morbidity (P = .09). The duration of hospital stay was comparable in the 3 groups (P = .13). In spite of longer operative time and greater blood loss, laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy in obese patients is associated with satisfactory postoperative outcomes, similar to those in normal weight and overweight patients. Hence, laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy should be equally considered both in obese and nonobese patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. [Comparative study on the strength of different mechanisms of operation of multidirectionally angle-stable distal radius plates]. (United States)

    Rausch, S; Hoffmeier, K; Gueorguiev, B G; Klos, K; Gras, F; Hofmann, G O; Mückley, T


    Polyaxial angle-stable plating is thought to be particularly beneficial in the management of complex intra-articular fractures of the distal radius. The present study was performed to investigate the strength of polyaxial locking interfaces of distal radius plates. We tested the polyaxial interfaces of 3 different distal radius plates (2.4 mm Variable Angle LCP Two-Column Volar Distal Radius Plate, Synthes, Palmar Classic, Königsee Implantate and VariAx Plate Stryker). The strength of 0° and 10° screw locking angle was obtained during static loading. The strength of Palmar Classic with a 0° locking angle is significantly the best of all tested systems. With a 10° locking angle there is no significant difference between Palmar Classic, Two column Plate and VariAx Plate. The strength of polyaxial interfaces differs between the tested systems. A reduction of ultimate strength is due to increases of screw locking angle. The design of polyaxial locking interfaces should be investigated in human bone models. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  2. Arthroscopic Resection of The Distal Clavicle With Concomitant Subacromial Decompression: A Case Series

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    HZ Chan


    Full Text Available Shoulder impingement syndrome and acromioclavicular joint osteoarthritis often occur simultaneously and easily missed. Kay et al. reported excellent results with combined arthroscopic subacromial decompression and resection of the distal end of the clavicle in patients with both disorders. Arthroscopic treatment of these disorders produces more favourable results than open procedures. We report two patients who were not responding to conservative management and were treated with direct arthroscopic distal clavicle excision and subacromial decompression in single setting. Both patients gained good postoperative outcome in terms of pain score, function and strength improvement assessed objectively with visual analogue score (VAS and University of California Los Angeles Score (UCLA.

  3. Asymmetrical distalization of maxillary molars with zygomatic anchorage, improved superelastic nickel-titanium alloy wires, and open-coil springs. (United States)

    Ishida, Takayoshi; Yoon, Hyung Sik; Ono, Takashi


    In nongrowing patients with skeletal Class II malocclusion, premolar extraction or maxillary distalization can be used as camouflage treatment. Zygomatic anchorage enables distalization in uncooperative or noncompliant patients. We describe 1 such procedure in a 24-year-old woman. We used novel improved superelastic nickel-titanium archwires combined with nickel-titanium open-coil springs to provide a constant and continuous low force to the dentition. We were able to successfully eliminate the protrusive profile and correct the Class II molar relationship using this system of zygomatic anchorage. The posterior occlusal relationships were improved to achieve Class I canine and molar relationships on both sides, and ideal overbite and overjet relationships were established. Facial esthetics was improved with decreased protrusion of the upper and lower lips. The method used here is a promising alternative to traditional distalization techniques and might offer an effective and simple means of distalizing maxillary molars in uncooperative patients. Copyright © 2013 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Does a distal forearm fracture lead to evaluation for osteoporosis? A retrospective cohort study in 147 Danish women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rud, Bo; Greibe, Rasmus; Hyldstrup, Lars


    In postmenopausal women, a low-trauma distal forearm fracture is a risk factor for osteoporosis and future fracture, which indicates osteoporosis follow-up according to prevailing guidelines. We decided to determine how often women over 45 yr presenting with a low-trauma distal forearm fracture t......, and it emphasizes the need to decide on a local level how to provide osteoporosis follow-up for women with fragility fractures. Udgivelsesdato: 2005 Spring......In postmenopausal women, a low-trauma distal forearm fracture is a risk factor for osteoporosis and future fracture, which indicates osteoporosis follow-up according to prevailing guidelines. We decided to determine how often women over 45 yr presenting with a low-trauma distal forearm fracture...... to a Danish emergency department during a 1-yr period were followed up for osteoporosis. We performed a retrospective review of hospital records and we sent the women and their general practitioners (GPs) questionnaires regarding the follow-up undertaken in primary care. Finally, we invited the women...

  5. Giant-Cell Tumor of the Distal Ulna Treated by Wide Resection and Ulnar Support Reconstruction: A Case Report

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    Akio Minami


    Full Text Available Giant-cell tumor of bone occurred in the distal end of the ulna is extremely uncommon. A 23-year-old male had a giant-cell tumor occurred in the distal end of the ulna. After wide resection of the distal segment of the ulna including giant-cell tumor, ulnar components of the wrist joint were reconstructed with modified Sauvé-Kapandji procedure using the iliac bone graft, preserving the triangular fibrocartilage complex and ulnar collateral ligament in order to maintain ulnar support of the wrist, and the proximal stump of the resected ulna was stabilized by tenodesis using the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon. One year after operation, the patient's wrist was pain-free and had a full range of motion. Postoperative X-rays showed no abnormal findings including recurrence of the giant-cell tumor and ulnar translation of the entire carpus. The stability of the proximal stump of the distal ulna was also maintained.

  6. Nuevas evidencias de restos de mamíferos marinos en el Magdaleniense: los datos de la Cueva de Las Caldas (Asturias, España).


    Corchón-Rodríguez, María Soledad; Álvarez-Fernández, Esteban


    En este artículo se estudian, desde el punto de vista tecnológico, los objetos de adorno-colgantes realizados en dientes de mamíferos marinos (foca, cachalote, calderón) procedentes de los niveles del Magdaleniense medio de la Cueva de Las Caldas. También se hace una revisión de otras evidencias arqueológicas de estos animales en contextos arqueológicos y se discuten las relaciones costa-interior de los grupos de cazadores recolectores en el territorio europeo en el Paleolítico.

  7. Nuevas evidencias de restos de mamíferos marinos en el Magdaleniense: los datos de la Cueva de Las Caldas (Asturias, España.

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    Corchón-Rodríguez, María Soledad


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudian, desde el punto de vista tecnológico, los objetos de adorno-colgantes realizados en dientes de mamíferos marinos (foca, cachalote, calderón procedentes de los niveles del Magdaleniense medio de la Cueva de Las Caldas. También se hace una revisión de otras evidencias arqueológicas de estos animales en contextos arqueológicos y se discuten las relaciones costa-interior de los grupos de cazadores recolectores en el territorio europeo en el Paleolítico.

  8. Effect of Cortical Screw Diameter on Reduction and Stabilization of Type III Distal Phalanx Fractures: An Equine Cadaveric Study. (United States)

    Kay, Alastair T; Durgam, Sushmitha; Stewart, Matthew; Joslyn, Stephen; Schaeffer, David J; Horn, Gavin; Kesler, Richard; Chew, Peter


    To compare reduction of type III distal phalangeal fractures using 4.5 and 5.5 mm cortical screws placed in lag fashion and an intact hoof capsule model. Cadaveric experimental study. Hooves from 12 adult horses (n=24). Sagittal fractures were created in pairs of distal phalanges after distal interphalangeal joint disarticulation and were reduced with either 4.5 or 5.5 mm cortical screws placed in lag fashion. Contralateral phalanges served as non-reduced controls. Fracture reduction following screw placement was assessed by comparing pre-reduction and post-reduction fracture gap measurements from radiographs using paired t-tests. Effects of incremental loading (0, 135, 270, 540, 800, 1070, and 1335 kg) on fracture gaps in 6 phalanges reduced with 4.5 mm screws and 5 phalanges reduced with 5.5 mm screws were measured from fluoroscopic images and assessed by 2-way ANOVA. Significance was set at Pfractures were reliably created. Only 5.5 mm cortical screws, not 4.5 mm screws, significantly reduced fracture gaps and constrained fracture gap expansion 3 cm distal to the articular surface. Compressive loading closed the fracture gaps at the articular surface in both non-reduced control groups and those reduced with either 5.5 or 4.5 mm screws. The 5.5 mm cortical screws were more effective than 4.5 mm screws in reducing type III distal phalanx fractures and restricting distal fracture gap expansion under load. © Copyright 2016 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.

  9. The effect of bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation on distal coronary endothelial function in dyslipidemic swine with and without diabetes. (United States)

    van den Heuvel, Mieke; Sorop, Oana; van Ditzhuijzen, Nienke S; de Vries, René; van Duin, Richard W B; Peters, Ilona; van Loon, Janine E; de Maat, Moniek P; van Beusekom, Heleen M; van der Giessen, Wim J; Jan Danser, A H; Duncker, Dirk J


    We studied the effect of bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) implantation on distal coronary endothelial function, in swine on a high fat diet without (HFD) or with diabetes (DM+HFD). Five DM+HFD and five HFD swine underwent BVS implantation on top of coronary plaques, and were studied six months later. Conduit artery segments >5mm proximal and distal to the scaffold and corresponding segments of non-scaffolded coronary arteries, and segments of small arteries within the flow-territory of scaffolded and non-scaffolded arteries were harvested for in vitro vasoreactivity studies. Conduit segments proximal and distal of the BVS edges showed reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilation as compared to control vessels (p≤0.01), with distal segments being most prominently affected(p≤0.01). Endothelial dysfunction was only observed in DM±HFD swine and was principally due to a loss of NO. Endothelium-independent vasodilation and vasoconstriction were unaffected. Surprisingly, segments from the microcirculation distal to the BVS showed enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilation (pswine, and did not appear to be either NO- or EDHF-mediated. Six months of BVS implantation in DM+HFD swine causes NO-mediated endothelial dysfunction in nearby coronary segments, which is accompanied by a, possibly compensatory, increase in endothelial function of the distal microcirculation. Endothelial dysfunction extending into coronary conduit segments beyond the implantation-site, is in agreement with recent reports expressing concern for late scaffold thrombosis and of early BVS failure in diabetic patients. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. Post-transplant distal limb syndrome

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    María Florencia Borghi Torzillo


    Full Text Available The post-transplant distal limb syndrome is a not well known entity, with a prevalence of 5% in patients with renal transplant. Its diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, bone scintigraphy and MRI, it has a benign course and the patient recovers without sequel. We present the case of a 37-year-old male, with medical history of hypertension, Berger's disease in 1999 that required dialysis three times a week for four years (2009-2013 and renal transplant in 2013. The patient consults on January 2014 referring severe pain in both feet, with sudden onset; he remembers the exact date of the beginning of the pain and denies trauma, pain prevents ambulation. The bone scintigraphy shows pathological uptake in both feet with no difference between the two. Although there is no treatment for this disease, it has a benign course

  11. Rupture of the Distal Biceps Tendon Combined with a Supinator Muscle Tear in a 51-Year-Old Woman: A Case Report

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    Samir Nayyar


    Full Text Available Distal biceps tendon rupture is a relatively uncommon occurrence in the general female population, and to our knowledge, has not been reported in association with a supinator muscle tear. We report a case of 51-year-old woman who experienced sharp pain in her forearm and elbow after lifting a heavy object. History and physical examination raised suspicion for a distal biceps tendon rupture. MRI imaging determined a combined distal biceps tendon tear with a supinator muscle tear with subsequent confirmation at surgery. Surgical repair was performed for the distal biceps tendon only through a single incision approach using the Endobutton technique.

  12. Effect of implant support on mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures: relationship between denture supporting area and stress distribution. (United States)

    Sato, Maki; Suzuki, Yasunori; Kurihara, Daisuke; Shimpo, Hidemasa; Ohkubo, Chikahiro


    This study explored the relationship between implant support and the denture-supporting area by comparing the stability of an implant-supported distal extension removable partial denture and a conventional distal extension removable partial denture. A model simulating a mandibular bilateral distal extension missing (#34-37 and #44-47) was fabricated using silicone impression material as soft tissue (2 mm thick) on an epoxy resin bone model. The denture base was reduced by 5 mm cutting part of both the retromolar pad and the lingual border. Loads of up to 5 kg were applied, and the pressure and displacement of the RPDs were simultaneously measured and analyzed using the Wilcoxon test (αremovable partial denture (ISRPD) was significantly less than on the conventional RPD (CRPD). As the supporting area of the denture base decreased, the pressure and the denture displacement of the CRPD were greater than for the ISRPD. This study indicated that implant placement at the distal edentulous ridge can prevent denture displacement of the distal extension bases, regardless of the supporting area of the denture base. Copyright © 2013 Japan Prosthodontic Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Hernioplastia laparoscópica y reparación anterior sin tensión: ¿qué dicen las evidencias?

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    Felipe Jorge Aragón Palmero

    Full Text Available El tratamiento quirúrgico de la hernia inguinal permanece controversial a pesar de los avances experimentados en los últimos 20 años en materia de biomateriales e instrumentación. Las técnicas de reparación laparoscópica forman parte del arsenal quirúrgico, pero su lugar en este tipo de cirugía aún no está bien definido. Con el objetivo de determinar el papel de la reparación abierta por vía anterior a base de prótesis y del abordaje laparoscópico de la hernia inguinal, se revisaron las publicaciones con alto nivel de evidencias, de los últimos 10 años, usando diferentes estrategias de búsqueda en bases de datos disponibles en Infomed.

  14. Pre-bent elastic stable intramedullary nail fixation for distal radial shaft fractures in children. (United States)

    Ge, Yi-hua; Wang, Zhi-gang; Cai, Hai-qing; Yang, Jie; Xu, Yun-lan; Li, Yu-chan; Zhang, Yu-chen; Chen, Bo-chang


    To investigate the functional and radiographic outcomes of pre-bent elastic stable intramedullary nail in treatment of distal radial shaft fractures in children. From January 2006 to December 2008, 18 children with distal radial shaft fracture were treated by close reduction and internal fixation with a pre-bent elastic stable intramedullary nail. The age range was from 5 years to 15 years, with an average of 9 years and 8 months. The minimum follow-up was 12 months. All fractures maintained good alignment postoperatively, and 94.4% (17/18) of the patients regained a full range of rotation of the forearm. One patient has limitation of rotation to less than 10°, this had improved by final follow-up. Complications included soft tissue irritation at the site of nail insertion in one patient and transient scar hypersensitivity in another. Fixation with a pre-bent elastic stable intramedullary nail is an effective, safe and convenient method for treating distal radial shaft fractures in children. © 2010 Tianjin Hospital and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  15. Evidenciação da remuneração variável dos executivos nas maiores empresas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBovespa

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    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetiva verificar a evolução da evidenciação da remuneração variável dos executivos nas demonstrações financeiras das maiores empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa foi realizado por meio de análise de conteúdo para identificar a evidenciação da remuneração variável dos executivos nos relatórios da administração, notas explicativas, informações anuais e formulário de referência dos anos de 2008 até 2010. Consideraram-se como referência cinco categorias de análise, que foram elaboradas com base no Código das Melhores Práticas de Governança Corporativa do IBGC e na sessão 13 do anexo 24 (Formulário de Referência da Instrução CVM nº 480/09. Os resultados demonstram que as empresas pesquisadas divulgaram em 2008 aspectos superficiais dos planos de remuneração variável, ou seja, evidenciaram informações relativas aos valores da remuneração variável dos executivos pelo seu montante total, sem detalhes. Após a obrigatoriedade da divulgação do formulário de referência, observou-se um aumento no nível de informações divulgadas pelas empresas pesquisadas. Conclui-se que expostas a mais regras, as empresas tiveram em 2009 e 2010 aumento das informações evidenciadas sobre a remuneração variável dos executivos, primordialmente nos formulários de referência.

  16. Distal tibial fracture treated by minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis after external fixation Retrospective clinical and radiographic assessment

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    Al. Șerban


    Full Text Available Fractures of the horizontal surface of the distal tibia are known commonly as pylon or plafond fractures, and represent 1-5% of lower extremity fractures, 7-10% of all tibial fractures. The protocol consisted of immediate (within eight to 24 hours open reduction and internal fixation of the fibula, using a fibular plate or one third tubular plate and application of an external fixator spanning the ankle joint. In the second stage, the treatment of proximal and distal tibial fractures with close reduction and MIPPO technique can preserve soft tissue, simplify operative procedure and decrease wound, obtain rigid internal fixation and guarantee early function exercises of ankle joint. In this study we evaluated 22 patients treated in Clinical Emergency Hospital Constanta between April 2012 - July 2013 diagnosed with multifragmentary fractures of the distal tibia. This study evaluates the treatment of complex fractures of distal tibia with locked plate after external fixation. There were 17 males and 5 females of mean age 51,7 years (31-68. The mean follow-up period was 14 weeks. (Ranging from 9-16 weeks. All patients were fully weight bearing at 16 weeks (ranging 9-16 weeks showing radiological union. There were no cases of failures of fixation, or rotational misalignment. No significant complication was observed in our patients. MIPO is an effective method of treatment for distal tibial fractures, reduce surgical trauma and maintain a more biologically favorable environment for fracture healing, reducing risks of infection and nonunion.

  17. Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Distal Abutment Stresses of Removable Partial Dentures with Different Retainer Designs. (United States)

    Zarrati, Simindokht; Bahrami, Mehran; Heidari, Fatemeh; Kashani, Jamal


    This finite element method study aimed to compare the amount of stress on an isolated mandibular second premolar in two conventional reciprocal parallel interface designs of removable partial dentures (RPDs) and the same RPD abutment tooth (not isolated). A Kennedy Class 1, modification 1 RPD framework was simulated on a 3D model of mandible with three different designs: an isolated tooth with a mesial rest, an isolated tooth with mesial and distal rests and an abutment with a mesial rest (which was not isolated); 26 N occlusal forces were exerted bilaterally on the first molar sites. Stress on the abutment teeth was analyzed using Cosmos Works 2009 Software. In all designs, the abutment tooth stress concentration was located in the buccal alveolar crest. In the first model, the von Mises stress distribution in the contact area of I-bar clasp and cervical portion of the tooth was 19 MPa and the maximum stress was 30 MPa. In the second model, the maximum von Mises stress distribution was 15 MPa in the cervical of the tooth. In the third model, the maximum von Mises stress was located in the cervical of the tooth and the distal proximal plate. We recommend using both mesial and distal rests on the distal abutment teeth of distal extension RPDs. The abutment of an extension base RPD, which is not isolated in presence of its neighboring more anterior tooth, may have a better biomechanical prognosis.

  18. Clinico-radiographic Studies on The Prevalent Distal Limb Affections in Working Equine at Luxor City


    A. A.A. Abdel-Hady; M.A. Sadan; Asmaa A. Metwally; A.S. Soliman


    To illustrate the clinical and radiographic findings of some distal limbs affections in Ninety two animals (24 horses and 68 donkeys) which were admitted to Animal Care Hospital in Luxor. Each animal was subjected to thorough clinical and radiographic examination; the grade of lameness was recorded and the best radiographic views were taken.  Fifteen types of distal limb affections were evident. The most prevalent affections in donkeys were high and low ring bone (29.35%) and hoof abscess ( 9...

  19. Distal renal tubular acidosis in recurrent renal stone formers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osther, P J; Hansen, A B; Røhl, H F


    Renal acidification ability was examined in 90 recurrent renal stone formers, using fasting morning urinary pH levels followed by a short ammonium chloride loading test in subjects with pH levels above 6.0. Fifteen patients (16.6%) revealed a distal renal tubular acidification defect: one patient......, this has important therapeutic implications. The pathological sequence in renal stone formers with dRTA is discussed....

  20. Class II correction prior to orthodontics with the carriere distalizer. (United States)

    McFarlane, Bruce


    Class II correction is a challenge in orthodontics with many existing devices being complex, too compliance-driven, or too prone to breakage. The Carriere Distalizer allows for straightforward Class II correction prior to orthodontics (fixed or clear aligners) at a time when no other mechanics interfere, and compliance is at its best.

  1. Pleiotropic effects of statins in distal human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Butrous Ghazwan S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recent clinical data suggest statins have transient but significant effects in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. In this study we explored the molecular effects of statins on distal human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs and their relevance to proliferation and apoptosis in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Methods Primary distal human PASMCs from patients and controls were treated with lipophilic (simvastatin, atorvastatin, mevastatin and fluvastatin, lipophobic (pravastatin and nitric-oxide releasing statins and studied in terms of their DNA synthesis, proliferation, apoptosis, matrix metalloproteinase-9 and endothelin-1 release. Results Treatment of human PASMCs with selected statins inhibited DNA synthesis, proliferation and matrix metalloproteinase-9 production in a concentration-dependent manner. Statins differed in their effectiveness, the rank order of anti-mitogenic potency being simvastatin > atorvastatin > > pravastatin. Nevertheless, a novel nitric oxide-releasing derivative of pravastatin (NCX 6550 was effective. Lipophilic statins, such as simvastatin, also enhanced the anti-proliferative effects of iloprost and sildenafil, promoted apoptosis and inhibited the release of the mitogen and survival factor endothelin-1. These effects were reversed by mevalonate and the isoprenoid intermediate geranylgeranylpyrophosphate and were mimicked by inhibitors of the Rho and Rho-kinase. Conclusions Lipophilic statins exert direct effects on distal human PASMCs and are likely to involve inhibition of Rho GTPase signalling. These findings compliment some of the recently documented effects in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.

  2. Distal femoral osteotomy in genovalgum: internal fixation with blade plate versus casting. (United States)

    Makhmalbaf, Hadi; Moradi, Ali; Ganji, Saeid


    To compare the results of two different ways of distal femoral osteotomy stabilization in patients suffering from genuvalgum: internal fixation with plate, and casting. In a non-randomized prospective study, after distal femoral osteotomy with the zigzag method, patients were divided into two groups: long leg casting, and internal fixation with blade plate. For all patients, questionnaires were filled to obtain data. Information such as range of motion, tibiofemoral anatomical angle and complications were recorded. 38 knees with valgus deformity underwent distal femoral supracondylar osteotomy. (8 with plaster cast and 30 with internal fixation using a blade plate). Preoperative range of motion was 129±6° and six months later it was 120±14°. The preoperative tibiofemoral angle was 32±6°; postoperative tibiofemoral angles were 3±3°, 6±2°, and 7±3° just after operation, six months, and two years later, respectively. Although this angle was greater among the group stabilized with a cast, this difference was not statistically significant. In postoperative complications, over-correction was found in five, recorvatom deformity in one, knee stiffness in three and superficial wound infection was recorded in three knees. There is no prominent difference in final range of motion and alignment whether fixation is done with casting or internal fixation. However, the complication rate seems higher in the casting method.

  3. Minimally Invasive Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy for Mild-to-Moderate Hallux Valgus Deformity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Chuan Lin


    Full Text Available Minimally invasive surgery has recently been introduced for foot and ankle surgery, and hallux valgus surgery is no exception. The purpose of our study was to analyze the early results and to present our experience of minimally invasive distal metatarsal osteotomy in correcting mild-to-moderate hallux valgus deformities. Between September 2005 and December 2006, 31 consecutive patients (47 feet with mild-to-moderate hallux valgus deformities underwent minimally invasive distal metatarsal osteotomies. The clinical and radiographic outcomes were assessed. The satisfaction rate was 90.32%. The mean total American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society halluxmetatarsophalangeal-interphalangeal scale was 92.7 points. Complications included two (4.26% episodes of stiffness, six (12.77% episodes of pin tract infection, and one (2.13% deep infection. There were no cases with nonunion, malunion, overcorrection, transfer metatarsalgia or osteonecrosis. On weight-bearing anteroposterior foot radiographs, the mean hallux valgus angle and first intermetatarsal angle corrections were 11.8° and 6.3°, respectively, which is a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001 between the preoperative and postoperative status. Here, minimally invasive distal metatarsal osteotomy was associated with good satisfaction, functional improvement and low complication rates. This technique offers an effective, safe and simple way to treat hallux valgus with a first intermetatarsal angle less than 15°.

  4. Resultados adversos en la procreación en mujeres trabajadoras en la floricultura colombiana: un resumen de la evidencia mediante metanálisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro Javier Idrovo


    Conclusiones. Los análisis sugieren que el trabajo en la floricultura se asocia con una mayor aparición de abortos espontáneos y malformaciones congénitas. Sin embargo, no hay indicios de que estos efectos estén asociados con la exposición a plaguicidas. Otros factores de riesgo que requieren posterior estudio son la actividad física y el calor dentro de los invernaderos, ambos presentes en las empresas floricultoras. La evidencia de los países que han entrado recientemente a la industria, ayudará a dilucidar esta relación.

  5. Reliability of radiographic measurements for acute distal radius fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watson, Narelle J.; Asadollahi, Saeed; Parrish, Frank; Ridgway, Jacqueline; Tran, Phong; Keating, Jennifer L.


    The management of distal radial fractures is guided by the interpretation of radiographic findings. The aim of this investigation was to determine the intra- and inter-observer reliability of eight traditionally reported anatomic radiographic parameters in adults with an acute distal radius fracture. Five observers participated. All were routinely involved in making treatment decisions based on distal radius fracture radiographs. Observers performed independent repeated measurements on 30 radiographs for eight anatomical parameters: dorsal shift (mm), intra-articular gap (mm), intra-articular step (mm), palmar tilt (degrees), radial angle (degrees), radial height (mm), radial shift (mm), ulnar variance (mm). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and the magnitude of retest errors were calculated. Measurement reliability was summarised as high (ICC > 0.80), moderate (0.60–0.80) or low (<0.60). Intra-observer reliability was high for dorsal shift and palmar tilt; moderate for radial angle, radial height, ulnar variance and radial shift; and low for intra-articular gap and step. Inter-observer reliability was high for palmar tilt; moderate for dorsal shift, ulnar variance, radial angle and radial height; and low for radial shift, intra-articular gap and step. Error magnitude (95 % confidence interval) was within 1–2 mm for intra-articular gap and step, 2–4 mm for ulnar variance, 4–6 mm for radial shift, dorsal shift and radial height, and 6–8° for radial angle and palmar tilt. Based on previous reports of critical values for palmar tilt, ulnar variance and radial angle, error margins appear small enough for measurements to be useful in guiding treatment decisions. Our findings indicate that clinicians cannot reliably measure values ≤1 mm for intra-articular gap and step when interpreting radiographic parameters using the standardised methods investigated in this study. As a guide for treatment selection, palmar tilt, ulnar variance and radial angle

  6. Dominant inherited distal spinal muscular atrophy with atrophic and hypertrophic calves

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groen, R J; Sie, O G; van Weerden, T W

    The clinical, electrophysiological, radiological and morphological data of 3 members of a family with autosomal dominant distal spinal muscular atrophy (DSMA) are reported. One patient has the clinical picture of peroneal muscular atrophy with atrophic calves. His father and sister suffer from

  7. Two peg spade plate for distal radius fractures A novel technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sharad M Hardikar


    Conclusions: The two peg volar spade plate provides a stable subchondral support in comminuted intraarticular fractures and maintains reduction in osteoporotic fractures of the distal radius. Early mobilization with this implant helps in restoring wrist motion and to prevent development of wrist stiffness.

  8. Proximo-distal organization and fibre type regionalization in rat hindlimb muscles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, LC; Kernell, D

    Five muscles of the rat's lower hindlimb were compared with regard to their histochemical fibre type distribution at seven different proximo-distal levels. The muscles were: extensor digitorum longus (ED), flexor digitorum and hallucis longus (FD), gastrocnemius medialis (GM), peroneus longus (PE)

  9. Radiographic Outcomes of Dorsal Distraction Distal Radius Plating for Fractures With Dorsal Marginal Impaction. (United States)

    Huish, Eric G; Coury, John G; Ibrahim, Mohamed A; Trzeciak, Marc A


    The purpose of this study is to compare radiographic outcomes of patients treated with dorsal spanning plates with previously reported normal values of radiographic distal radius anatomy and compare the results with prior publications for both external fixation and internal fixation with volar locked plates. Patients with complex distal radius fractures including dorsal marginal impaction pattern necessitating dorsal distraction plating at the discretion of the senior authors (M.A.T. and M.A.I.) from May 30, 2013, to December 29, 2015, were identified and included in the study. Retrospective chart and radiograph review was performed on 19 patients, 11 male and 8 female, with mean age of 47.83 years (22-82). No patients were excluded from the study. All fractures united prior to plate removal. The average time the plate was in place was 80.5 days (49-129). Follow-up radiographs showed average radial inclination of 20.5° (13.2°-25.5°), radial height of 10.7 mm (7.5-14 mm), ulnar variance of -0.3 mm (-2.1 to 3.1 mm), and volar tilt of 7.9° (-3° to 15°). One patient had intra-articular step-off greater than 2 mm. Dorsal distraction plating of complex distal radius fractures yields good radiographic results with minimal complications. In cases of complex distal radius fractures including dorsal marginal impaction where volar plating is not considered adequate, a dorsal distraction plate should be considered as an alternative to external fixation due to reduced risk for infection and better control of volar tilt.

  10. Place of the reposition flap in the treatment of distal amputations of the fingers. (United States)

    Sbai, Mohamed Ali; M'chirgui, Mayssa El; Maalla, Riadh; Khorbi, Adel


    Distal finger amputations pose a therapeutic problem with the distal fragment quality. Reimplantation remains the reference treatment for functional and aesthetic recovery of the hand. The interest of this study is to propose the reposition flap as an alternative to different hedging techniques in the proximal stump, in many situations where revascularization is impossible. It consists in osteosynthesis of the bone fragment and its coverage by a pedicled local flap. The technique of reposition flap was evaluated retrospectively between 2003 and 2016 through a study of 13 patients compiled in Nabeul orthopedic department. For each patient, the sensitivity, the pulp trophicity, the interphalangeal mobility, the digital length, the appearance of the nail and radiological consolidation were evaluated. The reposition flap keeps more than 80% of the length of p3. This procedure improves nail aesthetics in comparison with the regularizations. There is no significant difference in sensitivity of the pulp or of the mobility of the distal inter-phalangeal (DIP) joint as a function of the technique studied. However there is a significant difference in average test of the Quick Dash (350 against 500 for regularizations). The reposition flap seems to be a good alternative to regularization in the context of trans-p3 fingers amputations, in which the distal fragment is not revascularizable. It allows better aesthetic and functional results. Copyright © 2017 Daping Hospital and the Research Institute of Surgery of the Third Military Medical University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Proximal, but not distal, pre-exposure reduces serial overshadowing in one-trial taste aversion learning. (United States)

    Kwok, Dorothy W S; Boakes, Robert A


    This experiment tested whether pre-exposing a taste would reduce its ability to overshadow conditioning to a target taste and whether this effect would depend on the delay between pre-exposure and conditioning. Two groups of rats were pre-exposed to an interfering taste (HCl) either a week before conditioning (Group Distal) or the day preceding conditioning (Group Proximal). In the single conditioning trial, rats were given the target taste (sucrose) and 65min later were injected with lithium. The groups differed as to what they were given to drink 50min after sucrose: The Distal, Proximal and Novel groups were given HCl, while the Control group was given water. Pre-exposure to HCl reduced overshadowing of the sucrose aversion by HCl in Group Proximal but not in Group Distal. Possible explanations for the latter result include extinction of the context-HCl association and loss of context control over an HCl-no outcome association. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Distal anastomotic vein adjunct usage in infrainguinal prosthetic bypasses. (United States)

    McPhee, James T; Goodney, Philip P; Schanzer, Andres; Shaykevich, Shimon; Belkin, Michael; Menard, Matthew T


    Single-segment saphenous vein remains the optimal conduit for infrainguinal revascularization. In its absence, prosthetic conduit may be used. Existing data regarding the significance of anastomotic distal vein adjunct (DVA) usage with prosthetic grafts are based on small series. This is a retrospective cohort analysis derived from the regional Vascular Study Group of New England as well as the Brigham and Women's hospital database. A total of 1018 infrainguinal prosthetic bypass grafts were captured in the dataset from 73 surgeons at 15 participating institutions. Propensity scoring and 3:1 matching was performed to create similar exposure groups for analysis. Outcome measures of interest included: primary patency, freedom from major adverse limb events (MALEs), and amputation free survival at 1 year as a function of vein patch utilization. Time to event data were compared with the log-rank test; multivariable Cox proportional hazard models were used to evaluate the adjusted association between vein cuff usage and the primary end points. DVA was defined as a vein patch, cuff, or boot in any configuration. Of the 1018 bypass operations, 94 (9.2%) had a DVA whereas 924 (90.8%) did not (no DVA). After propensity score matching, 88 DVAs (25%) and 264 no DVAs (75%) were analyzed. On univariate analysis of the matched cohort, the DVA and no DVA groups were similar in terms of mean age (70.0 vs 69.0; P = .55), male sex (58.0% vs 58.3%; P > .99), and preoperative characteristics such as living at home (93.2% vs 94.3%; P = .79) and independent ambulatory status (72.7% vs 75.7%; P = .64). The DVA and no DVA groups had similar rates of major comorbidities such as hypertension chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, and dialysis dependence (P > .05 for all). Likewise, they had similar rates of distal origin grafts (13.6% vs 12.5%; P = .85), critical limb ischemia indications (P = .53), and prior arterial bypass (58% vs 47%; P = .08

  13. Minimally Invasive and Open Distal Chevron Osteotomy for Mild to Moderate Hallux Valgus. (United States)

    Brogan, Kit; Lindisfarne, Edward; Akehurst, Harold; Farook, Usama; Shrier, Will; Palmer, Simon


    Minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques are increasingly being used in foot and ankle surgery but it is important that they are adopted only once they have been shown to be equivalent or superior to open techniques. We believe that the main advantages of MIS are found in the early postoperative period, but in order to adopt it as a technique longer-term studies are required. The aim of this study was to compare the 2-year outcomes of a third-generation MIS distal chevron osteotomy with a comparable traditional open distal chevron osteotomy for mild-moderate hallux valgus. Our null hypothesis was that the 2 techniques would yield equivalent clinical and radiographic results at 2 years. This was a retrospective cohort study. Eighty-one consecutive feet (49 MIS and 32 open distal chevron osteotomies) were followed up for a minimum 24 months (range 24-58). All patients were clinically assessed using the Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire. Radiographic measures included hallux valgus angle, the intermetatarsal angle, hallux interphalangeal angle, metatarsal phalangeal joint angle, distal metatarsal articular angle, tibial sesamoid position, shape of the first metatarsal head, and plantar offset. Statistical analysis was done using Student t test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous data and Pearson chi-square test for categorical data. Clinical and radiologic postoperative scores in all domains were substantially improved in both groups (P .05). There were no significant differences in complications between the 2 groups ( > .5). The midterm results of this third-generation technique show that it was a safe procedure with good clinical outcomes and comparable to traditional open techniques for symptomatic mild-moderate hallux valgus. Level III, retrospective comparative study. © The Author(s) 2016.

  14. [Sciatic nerve block "out-of-plane" distal to the bifurcation: effective and safe]. (United States)

    Geiser, T; Apel, J; Vicent, O; Büttner, J


    Ultrasound guided distal sciatic nerve block (DSB) at bifurcation level shows fast onset and provides excellent success rates. However, its safe performance might be difficult for the unexperienced physician. Just slightly distal to the bifurcation, the tibial nerve (TN) and common fibular nerve (CFN) can be shown clearly separated from each other. Therefore, we investigated if a block done here would provide similar quality results compared to the DSB proximally to the division, with a potentially lower risk of nerve damage. In this randomized, prospective trial, 56 patients per group received either a DSB distal to the bifurcation "out-of-plane" (dist.) or proximally "in-plane" (prox.) with 30 ml of Mepivacaine 1% each. Success was tested by a blinded examiner after 15 and 30 min respectively (sensory and motor block of TN and CFN: 0 = none, 2 = complete, change of skin temperature). Videos of the blocks were inspected by an independent expert retrospectively with regard to the spread of the local anesthetic (LA) and accidental intraneural injection. Cumulative single nerve measurements and temperature changes revealed significant shorter onset and better efficacy (dist/prox: 15 min: 3.13 ± 1.86/1.82 ± 1.62; 30 min: 5.73 ± 1.92/3.21 ± 1.88; T 15 min : 30.3 ± 3.48/28.0 ± 3.67, T 30 min . 33.0 ± 2.46/30.6 ± 3.86; MV/SD; ANOVA; p safe application of the LA, so an effective block can be done with just one injection. DSB slightly distal to the bifurcation, in an out-of-plane technique between the TN and CFN, can be done fast, effectively and safe.

  15. Outcomes of the distal intraarticular humeral fractures treated by olecranon osteotomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erhan Yılmaz


    Full Text Available Objectives: To evaluate the management and outcome of intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus treated by open reduction and internal fixation using the olecranon osteotomy technique. Materials and methods: Twenty-one patients with in-traarticular fractures of the distal humerus were treated by open reduction and internal fixation. The mean age of the patients was 41.6 years and the mean follow-up pe-riod was 25.3 months. All fractures were type C accord-ing to the AO/ASIF fracture classification system. Chev-ron type olecranon osteotomy was performed within 12-24 h after the injury in all cases but 4 of them. Physical and radiological examination of patients with the appro-priate range checks were made.Results: All fractures united within average duration of 3.2 months. Excellent or good results were found in pa-tients less than 50 years-old, in women, when passing time from injury to surgery was within 12 hours and when early mobilization was achieved. The complica-tions were seen as 2 (9.6% transient neuropraxia of the ulnar nerve, 2 (9.6% failure of fixation, 1 (4.8% het-erotopic ossification and 1 (4.8% olecranon non-union. Fracture type (C1 and time from occurrence of injury to surgery (<12 hours are the main prognostic factors for achieving the excellent/ good functional results.Conclusions: The critical factors for a successful out-come of intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus in-cluded meticulous surgical technique, stable internal fix-ation, surgical experimentation and early controlled postoperative mobilization.

  16. Osteochondral fragmentation of the distal aspect of the patella in horses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McIlwraith, C.W.


    A condition characterised by osteochondral fragmentation of the distal aspect of the patella in 15 horses is described. The problem was unilateral in six horses and bilateral in nine. There were eight Quarterhorses, three Thoroughbreds, two American Saddlebreds, one American Paint and one Warmblood-Thoroughbred cross. A previous medial patellar desmotomy had been performed on 12 of the 15 horses. The condition manifested as hindlimb lameness and stiffness ranging from mild to severe. There was fibrous thickening in the stifle area in the 12 cases with a previous medial patellar desmotomy, and synovial effusion in seven of 12 cases. Synovial effusion was present in two of the three cases in which a previous medial patellar desmotomy was not performed. The radiographic changes included bony fragmentation, spurring (with or without an associated subchondral defect), subchondral roughening and subchondral lysis of the distal aspect of the patella. All horses were treated with arthroscopic surgery. The lesions at arthroscopy varied from flaking, fissuring, undermining or fragmentation of the articular cartilage to fragmentation or lysis of the bone at the distal aspect of the patella. The subchondral bone was involved in all cases that had a previous medial patellar desmotomy. Of the 12 horses that had a previous medial patellar desmotomy, eight became sound at their intended use, one was sold in training without problems, one is in early training without problems, one never improved and one is in convalescence. Of the three that did not have a patellar desmotomy, two performed their intended use well but one was unsatisfactory

  17. Outcomes of Distal Femur Fracture Treated with Dynamic Condylar Screw

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Razaq, M. N. U.; Muhammad, T.; Ahmed, A.; Adeel, M.; Ahmad, S.; Ahmad, S.; Sultan, S.


    Background: Implants for open reduction and internal fixation of distal femoral fracture includes angle blade plate, rush nails, enders nail and interlocking nails. But all these devices are technically demanding and less effective in providing inter-fragmentary compression in osteoporotic bones. These problems can be solved with dynamic condylar screw (DCS).The objective of the study was to determine the frequency of different outcomes of distal femoral fracture treated with dynamic condylar screw Methods: This case series study was carried out in the Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad from 1st October 2014 to August 2015, after approval of the ethical committee of the institution. Data of all patients with distal femoral fractures aged 20-70 years, recruited through emergency, OPD or consultant clinic collected on a proforma. Standard treatment of trauma was given to the patients. Detailed history was taken including the past medical and surgical history. Detailed examination including air-way, breathing and circulation, general physical examination and abdomino-pelvic examination was done in each patient. Investigations including urinalysis, haemoglobin percent, full blood count, X-ray (both AP and lateral view) of the involved femur (including hip and knee) was done. Results: Mean age of the patients was 43.18±14.647 ranging from 20 to 70 years. Mean duration of hospital stay in days was 2.21±1.111 ranging from 1 to 6 days. Patients follow-up assessment after 4 months of surgery for union of femoral fracture treated with dynamic condylar screw was found in 96 (94.1 percent), wound infection was found in 7 (6.9 percent), knee stiffness was found in 21 (20.6 percent) and limb shortening was found in 7 (6.9 percent). Conclusion: Dynamic condylar screw is an easy, scientifically less difficult and satisfying method of treatment for fractures of femur. (author)

  18. Clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis of proximal and distal gastric cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu X


    Full Text Available Xuefeng Yu,1,* Fulan Hu,2,* Chunfeng Li,1 Qiang Yao,1 Hongfeng Zhang,1 Yingwei Xue1 1Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China; 2Department of Epidemiology, Public Health College, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China *These authors contributed equally to this work Background and objectives: The dismal prognosis of gastric cancer patients is a global problem. We aim to evaluate the clinicopathologic features and prognostic factors of proximal and distal gastric cancer.Materials and methods: Gastric cancer cases diagnosed and treated at the same surgical unit between 2007 and 2010 were reviewed. Follow-up data from all patients were collected for at least 5 years until 2015. A total of 964 patients were studied (distal gastric cancer [DG], n=777 and proximal gastric cancer [PG], n=187.Results: DG patients had a relatively higher percentage of females, more thorough therapy (R0 [D0/D1/D2], fewer combined organ resections, younger age, smaller tumors (<5 cm, shorter surgery durations, less blood loss during surgery, and a relatively lower percentage of nodal metastases and a TNM stage of 4 (p<0.05. A significantly higher 5-year survival rate was observed in DG patients compared to PG patients (DG: 51%, PG: 28%; p<0.001. A multivariate analysis demonstrated that tumor size, blood loss during surgery, surgery approach of lymph node dissection, treatment with palliative surgery, histopathologic type, TNM stage, and tumor location were independent predictors of poor outcome.Conclusion: The different characteristics and prognosis of DG and PG cases have implications for the development of guiding strategies for a surgical program and assessment of prognosis of gastric cancer patients based on tumor location. Keywords: gastric cancer, tumor location, clinicopathologic features, prognosis, distal gastric cancer, proximal gastric cancer 

  19. Analysis of emboli during carotid stenting with distal protection device. (United States)

    Chen, Chin-I; Iguchi, Yasuyuki; Garami, Zsolt; Malkoff, Marc D; Smalling, Richard W; Campbell, Morgan S; Alexandrov, Andrei V


    The newly developed multi-frequency transcranial Doppler (TCD) is able to differentiate gaseous from solid emboli. Our goal was to apply this technology to initially characterize emboli detected during carotid stenting with distal protection. Patients undergoing carotid angiography and stenting were monitored with 2-2.5 MHz TCD (Embo-Dop, DWL) over the middle cerebral artery unilateral to stent deployment. Sonographers insured optimal signal recordings during the procedures. Automated emboli detection and classification software (MultiXLab version 2.0) was applied for offline count and analysis. Monitoring using the Filter Wire EX (Boston Scientific) and ACCUNET system (Guidant Corporation) was performed. A total of 9,649 embolic signals were detected during 11 angiographic and 10 stenting procedures. An observer confirmed the signals using the International Consensus definition. Automated software classified these events into 5,900 gaseous and 3,749 solid emboli. During contrast injections without the protection device, 1,013 emboli were detected with 28% of these being solid. With deployment of the distal protection device, 8,636 emboli were found with 40% being solid (p protection device, 7,395 emboli with 42% solids were detected (p protection device still deployed, yielded 1,241 emboli with 31% solids (NS). Only 1 patient developed transient hemiparesthesia during ballooning that reduced the flow velocity to zero for 14 s. Neither gaseous nor solid emboli resulted in a mean flow velocity decrease or clinical symptoms. Microembolization frequently occurs during stenting even with deployment of the distal protection device. More solid emboli are seen during manipulations associated with lesion crossing. Although novel TCD methods yield a high frequency of embolic signals, further validation of this technique to determine the true nature, size, and number of emboli is needed.

  20. Outcome Assessment after Aptis Distal Radioulnar Joint (DRUJ Implant Arthroplasty

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    Amir Reza Kachooei


    Full Text Available Background:  Conventional treatments after complicated injuries of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ such as Darrach and Kapandji-Sauvé procedures have many drawbacks, which may eventually lead to a painful unstable distal ulna.  The development of DRUJ prosthesis has significantly evolved over the past years. In this study, we assessed the outcome results of patients after DRUJ implant arthroplasty using the Aptis (Scheker prosthesis. Methods: We identified 13 patients with 14 prosthesis during the past 10 years. Patients underwent DRUJ arthroplasty due to persistent symptoms of instability, chronic pain, and stiffness. Records and follow-up visits were reviewed to find the final post-operative symptoms, pain, range of motion, and grip strength with a mean follow-up of 12 months (range: 2-25 months. Also, patients were contacted prospectively by phone in order to  minister the disabilities of the armshoulder and hand (DASH, patient rated wrist evaluation (PRWE, and visual analogue scale (VAS, and to interview regarding satisfaction and progress in daily activities. Eleven patients out of 13 could be reached with a median followup time of 60 months (range: 2 to 102 months.  Results: No patient required removal of the prosthesis. Only two patients underwent secondary surgeries in which both required debridement of the screw tip over the radius. The median DASH score, PRWE score, VAS, and satisfaction were 1.3, 2.5, 0, and 10, respectively. The mean range of flexion, extension, supination, and pronation was 62, 54, 51, and 64, respectively. Conclusions: Distal radioulnar joint injuries are disabling and patients usually undergo one or more salvage surgeries prior to receiving an arthroplasty. The Scheker prosthesis has shown satisfactory results with 100% survival rate in all reports. The constrained design of this prosthesis gives enough stability to prevent painful subluxation.