
Sample records for algas problemas emergentes

  1. A obesidade infantil: um problema emergente


    Sousa, Joana; Loureiro, Isabel; Carmo, Isabel do


    A obesidade é um dos problemas de saúde mais graves que afecta crianças e adolescentes a nível mundial. As evidências sugerem que o problema está a agravar-se rapidamente. O aumento da prevalência de obesidade infantil pode fazer com que a próxima geração apresente indicadores de obesidade no adulto superiores aos indicadores actuais. Pelo facto de a obesidade estar intimamente associada a diferentes patologias crónicas faz com que estejamos perante um enorme desafio para o sistema de cuidado...

  2. La experiencia de los virus emergentes en el Caribe colombiano

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    Salim Máttar V


    Full Text Available Existe una interrelación muy estrecha entre el hombre, su ecología y el mundo microbiano, tanto el ser humano como los agentes infecciosos han coevolucionado durante milenios (1. La historia demuestra que ha existido una confluencia de diferentes enfermedades infecciosas y las principales civilizaciones. En los últimos años las enfermedades zoonoticas emergentes han ido cobrando una importancia creciente en el terreno de la salud humana y animal, surgiendo nuevas enfermedades procedentes siempre de lugares insospechados y causantes de graves problemas para el hombre o los animales (2. La mayoría de patógenos involucrados en las enfermedades infecciosas emergentes (EIE son de origen bacteriano o rickettsial (54.3%. En este grupo están incluidos los patógenos bacterianos resistentes a los antibióticos. Los patógenos de origen viral y los priones, constituyen el 25.4% de eventos de las EIE, los protozoarios representan el 10.7%, seguido de los hongos 6.3% y los helmintos en un 3.3%. El 60.3% de las enfermedades infecciosas emergentes son causadas por patógenos zoonoticos (2. El 71.8% de estas zoonosis son causados por patógenos que se originan de la fauna silvestre, como la emergencia del virus de Nipah en Malasia y el síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS en China (3.

  3. Formas duradouras e formas emergentes de trabalho precário entre os jornalistas brasileiros

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    Jeferson Bertolini


    Full Text Available Este artigo busca dimensionar o conceito de trabalho precário entre os jornalistas brasileiros. O texto indica que a categoria sempre esteve exposta a formas precárias de trabalho, mas que o problema se agravou nos últimos 10 anos, com as tecnologias digitais: elas redefiniram o perfil do profissional e reordenaram o modelo de negócio das empresas do setor. O manuscrito, baseado em levantamento bibliográfico e experiência de campo, lista oito formas duradouras e oito formas emergentes de trabalho precário no jornalismo.

  4. Problemas bioéticos emergentes de la inteligencia artificial

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    Jairo Andrés Villalba Gómez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo de revisión, relaciona de forma analítica los conceptos entre bioética e inteligencia artificial, identificando los elementos técnicofilosóficos tales como: transhumanismo, inteligencia artificial y bioética de la tecnología; cuyo orden transdisciplinar, evoluciona en cuestionamientos científicos basados en la evolución de la tecnociencia del siglo XXI. Se identificarán los referentes conceptuales de la relación entre transhumanismo (H+ e inteligencia artificial (IA, su génesis, enfoques, fundamentos disciplinares, así como los elementos básicos que hacen posible la arquitectura en un sistema de inteligencia artificial, precisando así el ambiente prospectivo en el que se consolida una “era” basada en la “singularidad tecnológica”, para finalmente concluir en una descripción de algunos problemas ético-filosóficos que emergen en la evolución de la inteligencia artificial.

  5. Eliminación de contaminantes emergentes presentes en aguas por aplicación de proceso foto-Fenton. Estudio de acoplamiento por depuración biológica




    [ES] La escasez del agua de calidad es un problema a nivel mundial que va aumentando a causa de la contaminación que experimenta. Por ello, la depuración y la reutilización de las aguas contaminadas son cada vez más necesarias. La emisión de los denominados contaminantes emergentes (CEs), presenta una gran importancia y son muchas las organizaciones que intentan aportar soluciones al problema. Los CEs son microcontaminantes generalmente de tipo orgánico, que en su mayor parte no ...

  6. The humanist emergentism of Javier Monserrat

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    Carlos Beorlegui


    Full Text Available J. Monserrat is the most significant and consistent representative of the emergentist paradigm in our cultural context. He defends a humanist emergentism, which he has deepened from the level of neuronal engrams to later agree with the postulates on quantum neurology by Penrose and Hameroff. This article will present the main arguments supported by J. Monserrat, within the context of the ample paradigm of systemic emergentism. It will show how this paradigm allows him to defend a humanist and believing anthropological model in a more adequate way.

  7. Un concepto emergente de planeación


    Jorge Sánchez Buitrago


    El propósito de este artículo es sustentar un concepto emergente de planeación derivado del desarrollo de la investigación titulada: “Hacia un paradigma emergente de la planeación: Resignificación desde las instituciones universitarias”. El principal objetivo es el de aportar en el sostenimiento de una racionalidad alternativa de la planeación, a partir de la lectura de algunos de los principales conceptos que están  determinando el salto paradigmático de la ciencia contemporánea. En este sen...

  8. The Differences between Emergentism & Skill Acquisition Theory

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    Naeemeh Kharaghani


    Full Text Available Although both emergentism and skill acquisition theory developed in the same field (cognitive theories and as an attempt to replace Universal grammar-based approaches, there are some differences between these two theories. The differences lie under their different models of knowledge representation and their diverse degree of emphasis on the role of input. In addition, skill acquisition considers the process of learning while emergentism considers input and output, and what goes on in between has not been considered. Finally it should be mentioned that these two theories take different views towards the learning process. 

  9. Tecnologías emergentes, ¿pedagogías emergentes?


    Adell, Jordi; Castañeda Quintero, Linda Johanna


    En el presente capítulo intentamos hacer una primera aproximación al actual concepto de pedagogías emergentes y hacer explícitas algunas de sus características –algunas análogas a las de las tecnologías emergentes–, así como delimitar algunos de los principios que actualmente las de!nen en el entorno educativo. Abstract: In the following paper we try to do a !rst approach to the current concept of emergent pedagogies, we try to make explicit some of their characteristics –some of them are ...

  10. Geoeconomia dos emergentes


    Pinto, Pedro


    Mercados decisivos para a recuperação da economia global, até porque muito mais imunes às consequências da crise fi nanceira, os países emergentes apresentam taxas de crescimento mais altas face aos principais países desenvolvidos e têm desempenhado um papel fundamental na consolidação dos volumes de comércio internacional e de crescimento da economia mundial ao longo desta última década.


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    Liane Keitel

    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo estimular o debate sobre novos modos de se compreender/ tratar o mundo com os recursos científico-epistêmicos. Para tal, o es tudo levanta e analisa novas formas de relacionamento científico com o mundo, com fundamento em paradigmas emergentes em ciências, tais como a teoria dos sistemas de Bertalanfy, a teoria de auto-organização de von Foerster, Ilya Prigogine, Henri Atlan e Edgar Morin, do acaso e necessidade de Monod, de autopoiese de Humberto Maturana e Francisco Varela, com suas emergentes possibilidades epistemológicas e também educacionais. Utiliza-se o método reconstrutivo, ou seja, colocam-se em diálogo teóricos e teorias diferentes que possam fornecer sustentação argumentativa para a tese central defendida.

  12. Aislamiento de algas del embalse del Neusa por medio de cultivos In Vitro

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    A. Maldonado


    Full Text Available EI cultivo de algas a nivel mundial es un oficio de vieja data, pero en Colombia se encuentra en sus primeras etapas de desarrollo. El presente trabajo desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Bioensayos, Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia está encaminado a aportar técnicas en el desarrollo del cultivo de algas. En la parte practica del trabajo se utilizaron muestras de agua del embalse del Neusa las cuales se cultivaron en medios líquido y solido. Se observo un mejor crecimiento de cianofíceas filamentosas en medio solido y algas verdes en medio líquido. Las clamidomonas se ven favorecidas en ambos medios, hecho que permitió aislar una sepa pura de este tipo de algas. Las diatorneas por el hecho de crecer en relación con algas verdes generan un problema metodológico para su aislamiento, que aun se encuentra sin resolver.

  13. Habilidades de leitura de pré-escolares deficientes auditivos: letramento emergente

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    Heloísa Helena Motta Bandini


    Full Text Available O letramento emergente é um conjunto de comportamentos e conhecimentos sobre leitura e escrita que acontecem no período entre o nascimento e a fase onde a criança torna-se capaz de escrever e ler de maneira convencional. O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar o desenvolvimento do letramento emergente por meio da escala de letramento emergente em crianças portadoras de deficiência auditiva de grau severo a profundo ou profundo usuárias de LIBRAS (Língua Brasileira de Sinais. O estudo foi dividido em duas avaliações com a aplicação da Escala de Letramento Emergente em momentos diferentes, ao longo de um ano. Fizeram parte desse estudo crianças entre 6.5 anos e 7.3 anos, deficientes auditivas com perda bilateral de grau severo a profundo ou profundo, usuárias de LIBRAS. Os resultados do estudo indicam que o desenvolvimento de habilidades dessa população é semelhante ao de crianças ouvintes.



    Yolanda Patiño; Eva Díaz; Salvador Ordóñez


    En el presente artículo se revisan las distintas clases de contaminantes emergentes, su origen y uso, y su presencia en las cuencas españolas, tanto en aguas superficiales como subterráneas. Los microcontaminantes emergentes son compuestos de distinto origen y naturaleza que hasta ahora habían pasado inadvertidos debido a su baja concentración (en el orden de las ppb) y sobre los que no hay regulación específica. Están divididos en seis grandes grupos y muchos de ellos se comportan como disru...

  15. Síndrome de Sensibilidad Múltiple a sustancias químicas: un problema ambiental emergente

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    E. Ordaz Castillo


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Sensibilidad Múltiple (SSM es un conjunto de múltiples síntomas asociados producidos tras la exposición a agentes químicos a muy bajas concentraciones.Se han propuesto diferentes teorías para explicar sus causas, incluyendo alergia, efectos tóxicos y sensibilización neurobiológica. La evidencia científica es insuficiente para confirmar la relación entre las posibles causas y los síntomas. Los pacientes con SSM presentan depresión, ansiedad y trastornos somatoformes, pero no está clara la relación existente entre este síndrome y los problemas psiquiátricos.El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar de forma resumida el estado actual del conocimiento del tema.

  16. Emergentism

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    Carlos Beorlegui


    Full Text Available We may wonder if the emergentist model owes too much to the two traditional alternative approaches (first or third person, although it is aware of its weaknesses it fails to complete its interesting contribution with an anthropological approach that may consider mind and mental phenomena as a reality that emerges, matures, develops and expresses itself in its unavoidable interpersonal and social contexts, as is shown by the psychological and anthropological research into the study of the development of human personality. We consider that three complementary elements or dimensions should be taken into account: the evolutionary aspect (the biological maturing process of the brain, which represents the jump from prehuman to human existence; the systemic aspect (the systemic way to understand the mind as the total structure of the brain; and the social aspect (the interpersonal and social dimension as the field where the mind and the person originate. It is only within the context of human society that each personal reality can be shaped as such. Thus, this proposal could be referred to as psycho-social-systemic emergentism.


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    Wallace Carvalho Ribeiro

    Full Text Available É intrínseco ao Homem conhecer os objetos e os fenômenos da realidade que o cerca, por meio de um ponto de vista que, por sinal, se refere a um paradigma que traz consigo uma epistemologia. Nesse con texto, o presente artigo objetiva levantar alguns princípios e pressupostos do Paradigma Tradicional e do Paradigma Emergente, como também visa apresentar algumas implicações desses dois paradigmas na Educação. Esse trabalho foi desenvolvido por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e faz parte da dissertação de Mestrado, defendida no 1° semestre de 2009, pelo seu primeiro autor no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da PUC Minas. Ao final, constatou-se que se vive hoje um período de mudanças paradigmáticas, embora todos nós ainda temos muito do paradigma cartesiano-newtoniano, mas o surgimento de novos problemas oriundos da dinâmica da realidade nos impõe o desafio da transformação no nosso ser e agir, no intento de (reconstruir um conhecimento mais humano e diversificado.

  18. O Constitucionalismo entre a Fragmentação e a Privatização: Problemas Evolutivos do Direito e da Política na Era da Governança Global

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    Holmes Pablo


    Full Text Available O presente artigo trata do debate em curso na teoria política e teoria constitucional, acerca de problemas de constitucionalização de regimes regulatórios transnacionais e supranacionais desde a perspectiva de uma teoria dos sistemas. Ele se volta aos conhecidos problemas de fragmentação do direito e emergência de novas formas de colisão entre regimes, que alteram os mecanismos de funcionamento e exercício do poder. Nas formas emergentes de administração do direito e do poder regulatório em nível transnacional e supranacional, osmecanismosmodernos de democracia política parecem perder seu poder de vinculação. Isso parece ter consequências drásticas para os imperativos modernos de inclusão social.

  19. Justicia Restaurativa: Un paradigma emergente


    García Gumbau, Erica


    RESUMEN DE LA TESIS DOCTORAL JUSTICIA RESTAURATIVA: UN PARADIGMA EMERGENTE La tesis profundiza y reflexiona en torno a una nueva concepción de la justicia y su aplicación en la praxis. Actualmente nos encontramos ante una crisis del paradigma retributivo o crisis del modelo de justicia tradicional, dominante hasta ahora en la administración de justicia. Paralelamente, se está empezando a hablar de una nueva filosofía de la administración de justicia. El presente trabajo de i...

  20. Contaminantes emergentes en aguas subterráneas: origen, presencia y aspectos normativos


    Candela Lledó, Lucila


    Una de las amenazas a la calidad de los RRHH es la presencia de múltiples estresores, entre ellos que cabe destacar a los denominados contaminantes emergentes. Con el nombre de contaminantes o compuestos emergentes se define a una serie de compuestos químicos de origen diverso (fármacos, productos de diagnóstico, plaguicidas, detergentes, productos de uso personal, etc.) caracterizados por su continua y creciente producción y consumo. La información existente sobre su presencia en las aguas s...

  1. El riesgo asegurable y los riesgos emergentes de las nuevas tecnologías

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    Hilda Esperanza Zornosa Prieto


    Full Text Available Este documento analiza los retos que imponen al sector asegurador tradicional los riesgos emergentes de la era tecnológica, con especial referencia a los daños causados al medio ambiente y los daños ecológicos en general, sobre los que no existe aún, por tratarse de conceptos relativamente nuevos, información estadística que permita la medición de su frecuencia y severidad y, en consecuencia, la determinación del monto de una prima ajustada al riesgo; lo cual se constituye, de hecho, en el factor diferencial entre el concepto general de riesgo asegurable y el concepto que sobre éste se tiene en el seguro de contaminación, pues si bien estos conceptos no difieren en general, es innegable que el último versa sobre un riesgo extraordinario o catastrófico, que conduce a aquella imposibilidad de aplicar técnicas actuariales y mediciones estadísticas; todo lo cual lleva a sostener que el seguro y la responsabilidad civil no pueden, por sí solos, solucionar los problemas que plantean los riesgos de la era tecnológica, lo que hace necesaria la intervención activa del Estado.

  2. Infraclases rurales: procesos emergentes de exclusión social en España

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    Full Text Available Desde comienzos de los ochenta el discurso sociológico sobre la pobreza ha sufrido un proceso de desruralización, quedando dominado por el concepto de "infraclase". Éste se ha constituido en el término explicativo de un tipo particular de pobreza enraizada en un problema dual de marginalidad económica y aislamiento social en áreas urbanas espacialmente concentradas. En las áreas rurales, este tipo de dislocaciones sociales han permanecido veladas, haciendo que la noción de pobreza rural haya quedado relegada a un segundo plano. Sin embargo, los trazos más destacados de los "infraclase" (desempleo de larga duración, trabajo no cualificado en empleos erráticos, asilamiento social y dependencia de prestaciones sociales son especialmente relevantes para el análisis de los procesos de exclusión social en el medio rural español. Este artículo examina la emergencia de un colectivo "infraclase" en la España rural. Los nuevos procesos emergentes de exclusión social en el medio rural español estarían relacionados con el desempleo agrario en la España meridional y el uso de mano de obra inmigrante ilegal en la agricultura del litoral mediterráneo.

  3. Un concepto emergente de planeación

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    Jorge Sánchez Buitrago


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es sustentar un concepto emergente de planeación derivado del desarrollo de la investigación titulada: “Hacia un paradigma emergente de la planeación: Resignificación desde las instituciones universitarias”. El principal objetivo es el de aportar en el sostenimiento de una racionalidad alternativa de la planeación, a partir de la lectura de algunos de los principales conceptos que están  determinando el salto paradigmático de la ciencia contemporánea. En este sentido se hace una valoración crítica de las actuales tensiones y agotamientos teóricos y prácticos de la planeación, como sustento para el establecimiento de bases conceptuales de nuevos procesos planeación.Generalmente las nuevas propuestas de planeación, en particular las del ámbito educativo y de los escenarios universitarios, se han gestado desde intencionalidades instrumentalistas y materializado en metodologías operativas que poco o nada se ocupan de hacer evidente su fundamentación conceptual; lo que conduce al planificador a un aprisionamiento epistemológico, por cuanto en ausencia de reflexiones teóricas sólidas es difícil superar los modelos de planeación cuando éstos se tornan obsoletos. Se espera que a partir de esta reflexión sobre la naturaleza de la planeación se generen procesos de transformación de prácticas de planeación en las organizaciones educativas, en especial en las universidades.Palabras Clave: Concepto de planeación; problemas de planeación; tipos de planeación; paradigma alternativo de planeación. An emerging concept of planningAbstractThis article briefly describes the discussion of an emerging concept for planning, which is derived from the research entitled “Towards an emerging paradigm in planning: re-conceptualization for higher education institutions. ” The main purpose is to supply the grounds for an alternative rationality in planning, taking into account some of the significant

  4. Caracterización genotípica y fenotípica de cepas emergentes de Escherichia coli aisladas de niños con diarrea en Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana, Colombia

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    Monica Yurley Arias Guerrero


    Full Text Available Introducción: La enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA sigue siendo uno de los principales problemas en salud pública en países en desarrollo. Dentro de los agentes infecciosos que causan esta enfermedad se encuentran bacterias, virus y parásitos. Los agentes bacterianos ocupan un segundo lugar destacándose Escherichia coli enteropatógenas entre las más importantes. Actualmente, seis cepas con diferentes mecanismos de patogenicidad están asociados a diarrea  E. coli enteropatógena (ECEP, productora de toxina-shiga (ECTS, enterotoxigénica (ECET, enteroinvasiva (ECEI, enteroagregativa (ECEA y adherente difusa (ECAD, cada una con un set específico de genes de virulencia. No obstante, se han reportado brotes de EDA ocasionados por cepas de E. coli diferentes a los patotipos conocidos, denominadas cepas emergentes. Estos brotes han sido reportados en Alemania, Europa y recientemente en Cartagena Colombia, lo que sugiere que en nuestro medio circulan estas cepas. Por lo cual, es necesario caracterizar estas cepas emergentes. Objetivo: Caracterizar genotípicamente y fenotípicamente dos cepas emergentes de E. coli aisladas de muestras diarreicas en niños menores de cinco años en Bucaramanga, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: De un estudio de casos y controles realizado entre Julio del 2013 y diciembre del 2014 en Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana, Colombia a 860 niños menores de 5 años con diarrea (casos y sin diarrea (controles. Se aislaron a partir de coprocultivos cepas de E. coli mediante pruebas bioquímicas. A estas cepas previamente almacenadas a -80°C se les determino mediante PCR multiplex los patotipos de E. coli, los cuales posteriormente fueron confirmados mediante PCR simple. Muestras positivas para dos patotipos u otra característica fueron clasificadas como cepas emergentes. Finalmente, estas cepas se caracterizaron fenotípica y genotípicamente. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo pruebas como secuenciación de genes de

  5. Iniciativa europea del radar para riesgos emergentes - ¿una posibilidad a futuro para América Latina?

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    Aleksandar Jovanovic


    Full Text Available El proyecto de la Unión Europea (UE: Reconocimiento temprano, monitoreo y gestión integral de riesgos emergentes relacionados con las nuevas tecnologías -iNTeg-Risk ha desarrollado un pragmático e inusual enfoque para un marco integral en la gestión de riesgos emergentes. El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar una serie de soluciones específicas e innovadoras aplicando buenos principios de gestión de riesgos y elaborar soluciones más genéricas e integradas, que todas juntas, nos permitan “entender mejor cómo gestionar los riesgos emergentes en un mundo incierto y complejo”El presente artículo presenta una visión general de los diferentes resultados y herramientas desarrolladas a través del proyecto iNTeg-Risk, resaltando algunos logros muy importantes en relación con riesgos emergentes en el área de seguridad de los procesos tales como la regasificación de LNG, operaciones remotas, eventos NaTech, entre otros. Con el fin de asegurar sostenibilidad de los resultados de iNTeg-Risk, el radar europeo de riesgos emergente (E2R2 es una iniciativa prevista como uno de los caminos potenciales para el reconocimiento temprano, monitoreo y gestión de riesgos emergentes.En su fase inicial, los principales componentes de la iniciativa E2R2 son las aplicaciones/herramientas desarrolladas a lo largo del proyecto iNTeg-Risk, tales como RiskAtlas, RiskEars, RiskRadar, RiskClock, RiskTweet, etc. Las entradas multicanales para la iniciativa E2R2 han sido planeadas ser de diferentes fuentes: expertos, proyectos de investigación, publicaciones científicas, aplicaciones web, redes sociales/profesionales y el público en general, por lo tanto, una colaboración posible con interesados latinoamericanos en el futuro seria beneficiosa especialmente para aquellos riesgos emergentes con un carácter más globalizado.

  6. Banco de sementes e flora emergente de plantas daninhas Seed bank and abovegroud weed

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    R.A. Isaac


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo estudar a relação existente entre o banco de sementes e o posterior estabelecimento da flora emergente de plantas daninhas, sob sistema de semeadura direta e convencional, realizou-se uma pesquisa no município de Pedra Preta-MT. O banco de sementes e a flora emergente foram avaliados, em cada sistema de cultivo, em 50 células contíguas de 1 m². O banco de sementes foi determinado a partir de amostras de 2,4% da área de cada célula na profundidade de 0-5 cm, em setembro de 2003, por meio da técnica de flotação. A flora emergente foi avaliada por meio de seis levantamentos sucessivos, até novembro de 2004, realizados na área total de cada célula, com retirada dos indivíduos após cada avaliação. Esses dados foram utilizados para calcular os parâmetros fitossociológicos e também a correlação entre o banco de sementes e a flora emergente. A similaridade entre o banco de sementes e a flora emergente foi baixa tanto no sistema de semeadura direta quanto no convencional. Houve correlação significativa apenas para Amaranthus deflexus e Eleusine indica entre o banco de sementes e a flora emergente. Para A. deflexus a correlação foi significativa nos dois sistemas de semeadura e, para E. indica, somente para semeadura direta.A study was carried out in Pedra Petra-MT aiming to study the relation between seed bank and posterior aboveground weed in annual crop fields under no-till and tillage systems. The seed bank and weed flora were assessed in fifty contiguous 1 m² cells, under both cultivation systems. The seed bank was determined from soil samples from 4% of the area of each cell at 0-5 cm depth using the flotation technique. The aboveground weed vegetation was evaluated by six successive surveys until November 2004, carried out in the total area of each cell, with removal of the individuals from the area after each evaluation. These data were used to calculate the phyto-sociological parameters and the

  7. Emprender en economías emergentes: el entorno institucional y su desarrollo

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    Antonia Mercedes García-Cabrera


    Full Text Available Dos motivaciones justifican el presente trabajo: (1 el interés por impulsar la actividad emprendedora como mecanismo de crecimiento en las economías emergentes y (2 la necesidad de desarrollar investigaciones sobre la influencia que las instituciones del entorno ejercen sobre la actividad emprendedora y que se sustenten, más que en un planteamiento de resultados, en el análisis de los procesos, dinámicas e interacciones entre tales elementos para favorecer el emprendimiento. Sobre la base de ellas, se formulan las dos cuestiones de investigación siguientes: ¿cómo interactúan los factores institucionales del entorno para influir en la decisión emprendedora del individuo en una economía emergente?, y ¿qué planteamientos subyacen a los distintos enfoques de actuación que coexisten en la economía institucional para lograr el desarrollo institucional y económico buscado? Las respuestas que ofrecemos a estos interrogantes nos permiten establecer proposiciones de investigación novedosas sobre la particular incidencia que las instituciones ejercen sobre el emprendimiento en las economías emergentes, proporcionando nuevas relaciones que deben ser exploradas empíricamente para mejorar nuestra comprensión del emprendimiento y su promoción efectiva en tales contextos económicos.

  8. Resistencia emergente a los antibióticos: una amenaza global y un problema crítico en el cuidado de la salud

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    Claudio Rocha

    Full Text Available Después del desarrollo y la comercialización en masa de los antibióticos, las bacterias patógenas y ambientales han desa- rrollado resistencia a los antibióticos desde el siglo pasado, de modo que la infección causada por organismos resistentes a los antibióticos (ORAs podría ser considerada como una infección emergente. Debido a ello, su control debe ser priorizado ya que constituye una amenaza para todas las naciones, sin reparar en su territorio y situación económica. El incremento de la vigilancia en Estados Unidos de América, Europa y Asia Oriental ha ilustrado lo rápido que pueden diseminarse, trayendo como consecuencia un incremento en la carga de infecciones causadas por los ORAs, sin embargo, la información disponible en los países de continuo desarrollo en América Latina es limitada. Esta revisión describe información reciente de estudios de vigilancia de ORAs en América Latina, así como también fuentes comunes de ORAs y posibles estrategias para su control.

  9. Efectos de los estrógenos como contaminantes emergentes en la salud y el ambiente


    Ramírez-Sánchez, Irwing M.; Martínez-Austria, Polioptro; Quiroz-Alfaro, Marco A.; Bandala, Erick R.


    Los contaminantes emergentes son sustancias que tienen el potencial de dañar al ser humano, flora y fauna, y no están regulados por la legislación. Los estrógenos son parte de esta definición, es decir, contaminantes emergentes, que cuando incrementan su concentración en el ser humano o el ambiente causan daño. Los seres humanos están expuestos a concentraciones altas de estrógenos debido a su uso como parte de terapias de reemplazo hormonal o métodos anticonceptivos. Flora y fauna están expu...

  10. Canabinoides sintéticos: drogas de abuso emergentes

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    Audrei de Oliveira Alves


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A Cannabis sativa (cannabis, maconha, marijuana é uma droga de abuso com efeitos psicoativos e potencial terapêutico bastante conhecidos. Um grande número de canabinoides foi sintetizado na tentativa de excluir ou minimizar os efeitos psicotrópicos e mantendo as aplicações terapêuticas. Os canabinoides sintéticos representam o mais recente avanço das designer drugs. OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho busca trazer informações sobre a utilização de canabinoides sintéticos como drogas de abuso emergentes, principalmente sob a forma de spice ou herbal blends. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica na base de dados PubMed utilizando os descritores de assunto "synthetic cannabinoids", "spice", "legal highs", "herbal blends", "psychosis cannabis" e suas combinações. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados canabinoides sintéticos nos produtos Spice, confirmando que os incensos herbais realmente surgiram como drogas de abuso emergentes. CONCLUSÃO: Não está claro se a utilização de canabinoides sintéticos e de Spice é uma moda passageira ou se irá se estabelecer em nossa sociedade. No entanto, o fenômeno das designer drugs, especialmente canabinoides sintéticos, representa um desafio presente para o sistemas de saúde no mundo globalizado, tornando-se necessária a pesquisa clínica e forense desses produtos.

  11. Mosquitos Culicidae como vetores emergentes de infecções Culicidae mosquitoes as emerging vectors of diseases

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    Oswaldo Paulo Forattini


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se sucinta revisão do relacionamento entre as chamadas infecções emergentes e o conceito de vetores emergentes. Estes são entendidos não apenas no que concerne aos que são descritos como tais, de forma nova, mas também aqueles com acentuadas mudanças de comportamento. Os fatores específicos que propiciam esse fenômeno identificam-se à poderosa influência humana sobre o ambiente. Assim, aquele construído pelo homem e conhecido como antrópico representa a função de pressão seletiva que induz as populações vetoras a se adaptarem às novas circunstâncias. Nelas inclui-se fatores ecológicos ambientais, ou demográficos, que incrementam o contato com os novos comportamentos vetoriais. Relata-se o encontro de criadouros anômalos de mosquitos Culicidae nas Américas. A interpretação desses encontros é feita visando à vigilância epidemiológica. O significado dessa emergência ou reemergência pode se traduzir no aparecimento de problemas epidemiológicos. Sugere-se que, em sendo assim, a vigilância epidemiológica deva ser feita em grau global.A review is presented of the relationships between the so-called emerging infectious diseases and what may be defined as emerging vectors. These include not only those that have recently appeared but also those that present remarkable behavioral changes. Specific factors leading to that emergence can be associated with the powerful human influence on the environment. So the man-made, i.e. anthropic environment, exercises a selective pressure inducing vector populations to adapt to new circumstances. These may arise from ecological, environmental, or demographic factors that increase contact with the new vector. With this in mind, data on anomalous Culicidae breeding places in the Americas are reported. An interpretation of these findings is offered in the light of epidemiological surveillance. The question is whether vector emergence or re-emergence may constitute an

  12. The Study of Algae (United States)

    Rushforth, Samuel R.


    Included in this introduction to the study of algae are drawings of commonly encountered freshwater algae, a summary of the importance of algae, descriptions of the seven major groups of algae, and techniques for collection and study of algae. (CS)

  13. Candida glabrata um patogénio emergente?


    Matilde, Filipa Alexandra Veiga


    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz Nas últimas décadas as infecções fúngicas têm aumentado exponencialmente. Apesar de Candida albicans (C. albicans) continuar a ser a espécie isolada com maior frequência, as espécies não albicans tem vindo a proliferar rapidamente. Candida glabrata (C. glabrata) é uma das espécies emergentes como patogénio oportunista humano, sendo responsável maioritariamente por candidoses invasivas em pacie...


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    Yolanda Patiño


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se revisan las distintas clases de contaminantes emergentes, su origen y uso, y su presencia en las cuencas españolas, tanto en aguas superficiales como subterráneas. Los microcontaminantes emergentes son compuestos de distinto origen y naturaleza que hasta ahora habían pasado inadvertidos debido a su baja concentración (en el orden de las ppb y sobre los que no hay regulación específica. Están divididos en seis grandes grupos y muchos de ellos se comportan como disruptores endocrinos, provocando efectos negativos sobre la salud humana y el medio ambiente. Se encuentran presentes en las aguas ya que las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales no están diseñadas para su eliminación, por lo que están siendo vertidos. Se discuten las distintas alternativas para su eliminación – tratamiento físico-químicos, biológicos y tecnologías híbridas - , destacando dentro de los procesos físico-químicos el empleo de procesos avanzados de oxidación (AOPs que están resultando muy prometedores.

  15. Problemas de matemáticas


    Usunáriz Balanzategui, Ubaldo; Usunáriz Sala, Ignacio


    Este libro, Problemas de Matemáticas, junto con otros dos, Problemas de Geometría y Problemas de Geometría Analítica y Diferencial, están dedicados a la presentación y resolución de problemas que se planteaban hace unas décadas, en la preparación para ingreso en las carreras de ingeniería técnica superior. Incluye 1578 problemas, de los que 848 se refieren al Álgebra (operaciones algebraicas, divisibilidad, combinatoria, determinantes, ecuaciones e inecuaciones, fracciones continuas, números ...

  16. Contaminación por nitrógeno inorgánico en los ecosistemas acuáticos: problemas medioambientales, criterios de calidad del agua, e implicaciones del cambio climático


    J. A. Camargo; A. Alonso


    Los principales problemas medioambientales asociados a la contaminación por nitrógeno inorgánico en los ecosistemas acuáticos son: (1) acidificación de ríos y lagos con baja o reducida alcalinidad; (2) eutrofización de las aguas dulces y marinas (con el problema adicional de las algas tóxicas); y (3) toxicidad directa de los compuestos nitrogenadospara los animales acuáticos. Además, la contaminación por nitrógeno inorgánico podría inducir efectos perjudiciales sobre la salud humana. En b...


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    Eleonora Badilla Saxe


    Full Text Available Se aborda en este ensayo la necesidad de comprender y evaluar el aprendizaje como un fenómeno emergente, más allá del aprendizaje previsto en los planes de estudio y diseño curricular. Se ejemplifica con la reflexión del propio aprendizaje emergente de la autora en su proceso de dirección de un proyecto de investigación-acción en la Universidad de Costa Rica. En dicha investigación-acción participaron once estudiantes de licenciatura en educación preescolar y veinticinco niños y niñas de 5 y 6 años que contaron con materiales digitales en su ambiente y proceso de aprendizaje.

  18. Las Enfermedades Infecciosas emergentes y la Salud Pública

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    Fabio Aurelio Rivas Muñoz


    Full Text Available

    El optimismo de hace unos años con respecto al control definitivo de las enfermedades infecciosas ha venido diluyéndose poco a poco. Hoy en día, estas entidades nos atacan por múltiples frentes y, en conjunto, representan la principal causa de muerte a escala mundial. En 1995 17 millones de personas, incluidos 9 millones de niños, murieron por infecciones prevenibles como diarreas y neumonías. Los antibióticos, considerados hasta hace poco tiempo la solución al problema de las infecciones, son cada vez menos eficaces en la medida en que se incrementa el número de cepas resistentes y la velocidad con que éstas desarrollan dicha resistencia.

    Si a este hecho agregamos el evidente deterioro de las condiciones de vida de la población y el que ha sufrido la salud pública en particular, a consecuencia del desigual impulso a la más rentable atención de la enfermedad individual, la facilidad y rapidez con que se viaja de uno a otro continente o de una a otra región dentro de un país, la urbanización desordenada e incontrolada de las ciudades, la crisis económica mundial, los daños al ambiente, etc., todas condiciones que, en general, favorecen la aparición de “”nuevas” infecciones, puede entonces comprenderse la magnitud del desafío.

    Algunas de las enfermedades infecciosas emergentes, esto es, aquellas cuya incidencia en el Ser Humano ha aumentado durante los dos últimos decenios o amenaza con aumentar en el futuro próximo, han surgido a consecuencia de la evolución de microorganismos ya existentes como la tuberculosis o el cólera. Otras, quizás las menos, son ocasionadas por agentes hasta hace poco desconocidos (nuevos, varios de gran patogenecidad, como el virus de Ebola o Hantavirus que llevan a severas neumonías con letalidad del 50%.

    En las Américas, entre 1991 y 1995 se notificaron más de 1 millón de casos de cólera y 9 mil muertes. La OPS estima en 10 años y en más de 200.000 millones de

  19. Revitalization of Emergentism in SLA: A Panacea!

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    Nima Shakouri Masouleh


    Full Text Available Emergentists claim learning takes place by extracting regularities from the input. By the same token, Ellis (1998 disputed the view held by generative linguistics that such a complex phenomenon as language can only be learnt if it is assumed that humans are endowed genetically with a language specific learning device. Emergentists, as O’Grady (2003 reports, claim simple learning mechanisms are sufficient to bring about the emergence of complex language representations. Nevertheless, this perspective toward learning has so far failed to take into account how language competence could emerge (O’Grady, 2003. The following paper is an attempt to elucidate the theoretical assumptions behind emergentism.

  20. La Gestión de Tecnologías Emergentes en el Ámbito Universitario

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    Claudia N. Jiménez-Hernández


    Full Text Available El carácter emergente de algunas tecnologías hace que tengan un alto grado de incertidumbre, lo que a su vez conlleva particularidades en su manejo respecto a las tecnologías maduras. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la gestión de tecnologías emergentes en el contexto internacional, con énfasis en el ámbito universitario; para ello, se aplican técnicas cienciométricas a información obtenida de bases de datos de artículos científicos y técnicos. Así mismo, se examina el papel de las universidades, para lo cual se hace un análisis comparativo de algunos casos de reconocido impacto en el nivel mundial. Entre los resultados obtenidos está la identificación de áreas relevantes como la nanotecnología y la telefonía móvil, y la caracterización del manejo de las tecnologías emergentes en las universidades seleccionadas. Esto da la base para plantear algunas conclusiones y consideraciones, como la necesidad de que las universidades colombianas lideren el desarrollo tecnológico en el país promoviendo su impacto en el sector productivo, para lo cual requieren consolidar estructuras y políticas claras en el tema, así como una cultura en propiedad intelectual.

  1. Algae Derived Biofuel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jahan, Kauser [Rowan Univ., Glassboro, NJ (United States)


    One of the most promising fuel alternatives is algae biodiesel. Algae reproduce quickly, produce oils more efficiently than crop plants, and require relatively few nutrients for growth. These nutrients can potentially be derived from inexpensive waste sources such as flue gas and wastewater, providing a mutual benefit of helping to mitigate carbon dioxide waste. Algae can also be grown on land unsuitable for agricultural purposes, eliminating competition with food sources. This project focused on cultivating select algae species under various environmental conditions to optimize oil yield. Membrane studies were also conducted to transfer carbon di-oxide more efficiently. An LCA study was also conducted to investigate the energy intensive steps in algae cultivation.

  2. Hyperspectral imaging of snow algae and green algae from aeroterrestrial habitats. (United States)

    Holzinger, Andreas; Allen, Michael C; Deheyn, Dimitri D


    Snow algae and green algae living in aeroterrestrial habitats are ideal objects to study adaptation to high light irradiation. Here, we used a detailed description of the spectral properties as a proxy for photo-acclimation/protection in snow algae (Chlamydomonas nivalis, Chlainomonas sp. and Chloromonas sp.) and charophyte green algae (Zygnema sp., Zygogonium ericetorum and Klebsormidium crenulatum). The hyperspectral microscopic mapping and imaging technique allowed us to acquire total absorption spectra of these microalgae in the waveband of 400-900nm. Particularly in Chlamydomonas nivalis and Chlainomonas sp., a high absorbance between 400-550nm was observed, due to naturally occurring secondary carotenoids; in Chloromonas sp. and in the charopyhte algae this high absorbance was missing, the latter being close relatives to land plants. To investigate if cellular water loss has an influence on the spectral properties, the cells were plasmolysed in sorbitol or desiccated at ambient air. While in snow algae, these treatments did hardly change the spectral properties, in the charopyhte algae the condensation of the cytoplasm and plastids increased the absorbance in the lower waveband of 400-500nm. These changes might be ecologically relevant and photoprotective, as aeroterrestrial algae are naturally exposed to occasional water limitation, leading to desiccation, which are conditions usually occurring together with higher irradiation. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Algoritmos para problemas de empacotamento


    Eduardo Candido Xavier


    Resumo: Neste trabalho estudamos diversos problemas de empacotamento considerados NP-difíceis. Assumindo a hipótese de que P ? NP, sabemos que não existem algoritmos eficientes (complexidade de tempo polinomial) exatos para resolver tais problemas. Uma das abordagens consideradas para tratar tais problemas é a de algoritmos de aproximação, que são algoritmos eficientes e que geram soluções com garantia de qualidade. Neste trabalho apresentamos alguns algoritmos aproximados para problemas de e...


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    Ivan da Costa Ilhéu Fontan


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a fitotoxicidade de herbicidas pré emergentes sobre mudas de Eucalyptus urophylla, de modo a subsidiar recomendações de uso em condições de campo. O trabalho foi conduzido em viveiro de eucalipto localizado em Curvelo/MG, utilizando-se os herbicidas pré emergentes isoxaflutole, flumioxazin, sulfentrazone e clomazone + carfentrazone-ethyl, simulando uma taxa de 200 l/ha de calda. O experimento foi estabelecido em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 15 repetições. A sensibilidade dos clones foi avaliada por meio da incidência e da severidade dos sintomas de intoxicação foliar nas mudas, verificadas um, cinco e dez dias após a aplicação. Os herbicidas isoxaflutole e flumioxazin não provocaram reações adversas às mudas, permitindo sua utilização sobre as plantas. Já a pulverização de sulfentrazone e clomazone + carfentrazone-ethyl provocou a manifestação de sintomas de fitotoxicidade (manchas foliares e murcha apical, e desta forma, sua aplicação não é recomendada sobre as mudas, e seu uso deve ser limitado entre as atividades de preparo de solo e plantio.

  5. Juego emergente: ¿Nuevas formas de contar historias en videojuegos?

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    Federico Peinado


    Full Text Available Tras treinta años de desarrollo caracterizados por la escalada en rendimiento del hardware, el mercado de los videojuegos está sufriendo una lenta transformación. Los últimos avances tecnológicos en gráficos están empezando a no ser tan decisivos como las mejoras en inteligencia artificial o las nuevas ideas de diseño. Una vez asumido el boom del mercado de los videojuegos y el crecimiento en el espectro social de jugadores, la industria y la comunidad investigadora de reciente creación se están interesando en un nuevo concepto de juego que pone la potencia actual del hardware al servicio del diseño de experiencias interactivas donde el jugador se sienta aún más involucrado. Con este nuevo concepto de juego emergente da comienzo una etapa importante en cuanto a las propiedades narrativas del videojuego: el devenir de los acontecimientos secundarios puede adaptarse al jugador, aunque la historia principal sigue necesitando del autor humano y no puede ser alterada en sus acontecimientos principales. Aún así, el juego emergente representa un esperanzador avance frente a la rígida estructura narrativa con que contaban hasta hace muy poco los videojuegos.


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    José G. Vargas-Hernández


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza las nuevas empresas emergentes multinacionales mexicanas (MexEMNEs en el mercado global. Se analizan sus estrategias y desempeño para determinar perfiles y futuros escenarios de desarrollo. Se concluye que la innovación es clave para buscar ventajas y oportunidades en el cambio.

  7. Biofuels and algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Bio-fuels based on micro-algae are promising, their licensing for being used in plane fuels in a mix containing 50% of fossil kerosene is expected in the coming months. In United-States research on bio-fuels has been made more important since 2006 when 2 policies were launched: 'Advanced energy initiative' and 'Twenty-in-ten', the latter aiming to develop alternative fuels. In Europe less investment has been made concerning micro-algae fuels but research programs were launched in Spain, United-Kingdom and France. In France 3 important projects were launched: SHAMASH (2006-2010) whose aim is to produce lipidic fuels from micro-algae, ALGOHUB (2008-2013) whose aim is to use micro-algae as a raw material for humane and animal food, medicine and cosmetics, SYMBIOSE (2009-2011) whose aim is the optimization of the production of methane through the anaerobic digestion of micro-algae, SALINALGUE (2010-2016) whose aim is to grow micro-algae for the production of bio-energies and bio-products. (A.C.)


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    Carlos Arturo Álvarez Moreno


    ó y continúa siendo una causa frecuente de epidemias. En Suramérica, incluyendo Colombia, el último brote fue introducido en 1991.

    Más cerca, en 1918, la pandemia de la influenza (gripa española produjo solo en Estados Unidos 500.000 muertes y mucho más cerca, la pandemia de influenza por la A(H1N1 causó solo en el 2009 cerca de 500.000 muertes y aún sigue circulando, generando muertes adicionales (1. Si a esto le sumamos los casos de otras enfermedades emergentes como síndrome respiratorio agudo severo causados por coronavirus (SARS en el 2003 o MERS actualmente o el brote de fiebre amarilla (enfermedad reemergente ocurrido en el 2003-2004 en nuestro país, se puede decir que las enfermedades infecciosas, tanto las emergentes como las reemergentes, lejos de estar controladas, cada vez son un problema creciente de salud pública.

    1 Miembro Correspondiente. Academia Nacional de Medicina. Profesor Titular, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Nacional de
    Colombia. Director General, Clínica Universitaria Colombia, Clínicas COLSANITAS S.A...



    Maestre Valero, J.F; Pedrero Salcedo, F.; Soto García, M.; Alarcón, J.J


    [ES] En las regiones áridas y semiáridas las balsas de riego son infraestructuras que garantizan el suministro de agua a los cultivos. Sin embargo, favorecen la proliferación de algas provocando serios problemas en la calidad del agua que afectan negativamente a los sistemas de riego (filtración, emisores, elementos auxiliares,...). Ante esta problemática, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar, a escala real, el efecto de los ultrasonidos sobre parámetros físico-químicos y mi...

  10. Psicologia do esporte: uma área emergente da psicologia


    Vieira, Lenamar Fiorese; Vissoci, João Ricardo Nickenig; Oliveira, Leonardo Pestillo de; Vieira, José Luiz Lopes


    O artigo trata da Psicologia do Esporte, um campo de atuação emergente do psicólogo no Brasil. Faz uma análise sobre o percurso histórico da Psicologia Esportiva apresentando os campos de atuação profissional (pesquisa, ensino e intervenção), o papel do psicólogo esportivo (pesquisador, professor e consultor) e o estado científico atual dessa especialidade psicológica. Mesmo com o vasto campo de trabalho, um elemento interveniente é a diversidade de conhecimentos necessários para esta subdivi...

  11. Poluentes Orgânicos Emergentes: Impactos e Soluções para a Saúde Humana e o Meio Ambiente


    Nascimento, Lucas X; Trindade Araújo, Reginaldo; Giraldez Alvarez, Lisandro D


    Os Poluentes Orgânicos Emergentes (POE) formam um grupo muito heterogêneo de substâncias cuja característica comum é que causam efeitos adversos sobre os organismos aquáticos, e por isso devem ser removidos do ambiente. Esta revisão fornece uma visão geral dos contaminantes emergentes detectados no ambiente aquático, e analisa os trabalhos mais atuais, a fim de refletir sobre as diversas fontes dos contaminantes, os métodos de tratamento e os riscos para a saúde humana e para o meio ambiente,...

  12. Blue-Green Algae (United States)

    ... that taking a specific blue-green algae product (Super Blue-Green Algae, Cell Tech, Klamath Falls, OR) ... system. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Depression. Digestion. Heart disease. Memory. Wound healing. Other conditions. More evidence is needed ...

  13. Enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes: factores causales y vigilancia

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    Carmen Luisa Suárez Larreinaga


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo exponer los conceptos y algunos de los factores causales más importantes en la aparición y diseminación de las enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes, así como presentar brevemente algunas de las actividades de vigilancia epidemiológica y su importancia en la detección y control de estas enfermedadesThe objective of this paper is to expound the concepts and some of the most important causal factors in the appearance and spreading of emergent and reemergent diseases, as well as to make a brief presentation of some of the epidemiological surveillance activities and their importance in the detection and control of these diseases

  14. Formation of algae growth constitutive relations for improved algae modeling.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gharagozloo, Patricia E.; Drewry, Jessica Louise.


    This SAND report summarizes research conducted as a part of a two year Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project to improve our abilities to model algal cultivation. Algae-based biofuels have generated much excitement due to their potentially large oil yield from relatively small land use and without interfering with the food or water supply. Algae mitigate atmospheric CO2 through metabolism. Efficient production of algal biofuels could reduce dependence on foreign oil by providing a domestic renewable energy source. Important factors controlling algal productivity include temperature, nutrient concentrations, salinity, pH, and the light-to-biomass conversion rate. Computational models allow for inexpensive predictions of algae growth kinetics in these non-ideal conditions for various bioreactor sizes and geometries without the need for multiple expensive measurement setups. However, these models need to be calibrated for each algal strain. In this work, we conduct a parametric study of key marine algae strains and apply the findings to a computational model.

  15. Aprendizaje activo basado en problemas


    Álvarez Martínez, Carlos; Fernández Jiménez, Agustín; Llosa Espuny, José Francisco; Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín


    Durante años, los autores del presente trabajo hemos practicado diversos métodos para fomentar el aprendizaje activo de los estudiantes a partir de la resolución de problemas, tanto en clase como fuera de ella. Los últimos cuatro cursos hemos utilizado en clase de problemas de la asignatura una metodología que consiste en encargar a los estudiantes cada semana que resuelvan un pequeño conjunto de problemas que trabajarán en clase la semana siguiente. En clase, los j...

  16. Study of metal bioaccumulation by nuclear microprobe analysis of algae fossils and living algae cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, P.; Wang, J.; Li, X.; Zhu, J.; Reinert, T.; Heitmann, J.; Spemann, D.; Vogt, J.; Flagmeyer, R.-H.; Butz, T.


    Microscopic ion-beam analysis of palaeo-algae fossils and living green algae cells have been performed to study the metal bioaccumulation processes. The algae fossils, both single cellular and multicellular, are from the late Neoproterozonic (570 million years ago) ocean and perfectly preserved within a phosphorite formation. The biosorption of the rare earth element ions Nd 3+ by the green algae species euglena gracilis was investigated with a comparison between the normal cells and immobilized ones. The new Leipzig Nanoprobe, LIPSION, was used to produce a proton beam with 2 μm size and 0.5 nA beam current for this study. PIXE and RBS techniques were used for analysis and imaging. The observation of small metal rich spores (<10 μm) surrounding both of the fossils and the living cells proved the existence of some specific receptor sites which bind metal carrier ligands at the microbic surface. The bioaccumulation efficiency of neodymium by the algae cells was 10 times higher for immobilized algae cells. It confirms the fact that the algae immobilization is an useful technique to improve its metal bioaccumulation

  17. Transgenic algae engineered for higher performance (United States)

    Unkefer, Pat J; Anderson, Penelope S; Knight, Thomas J


    The present disclosure relates to transgenic algae having increased growth characteristics, and methods of increasing growth characteristics of algae. In particular, the disclosure relates to transgenic algae comprising a glutamine phenylpyruvate transaminase transgene and to transgenic algae comprising a glutamine phenylpyruvate transaminase transgene and a glutamine synthetase.

  18. Sorção de poluentes orgânicos emergentes em lodo de esgoto

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    Simone Bittencourt


    Full Text Available RESUMO O uso de lodo de esgoto na agricultura promove a reciclagem de nutrientes e de matéria orgânica, trazendo benefícios ao desenvolvimento vegetal e à conservação do solo e da água. No entanto, é crescente a preocupação com poluentes orgânicos que possam estar no lodo de esgoto. A presença de medicamentos (antibióticos, tranquilizantes, antiepilépticos, hormônios (naturais e sintéticos, perfumes, bactericidas, entre outros poluentes orgânicos, em diferentes compartimentos ambientais é uma questão emergente, devido à escassez de informações sobre o impacto potencial associado à sua ocorrência, seu destino e efeitos ecotoxicológicos. Esses compostos, denominados poluentes orgânicos emergentes, podem ser removidos durante o tratamento de esgoto por degradação, transformação biológica, volatilização e/ou sorção ao lodo. Esses processos são influenciados pelas propriedades físicas e químicas do poluente e pelas condições de tratamento do esgoto. Informações sobre características físico-químicas, como potencial de acidez e hidrofobicidade, são importantes para compreender os mecanismos de remoção e para adoção de medidas que favoreçam a remoção de tais poluentes, como por exemplo a alteração nas condições operacionais e/ou adoção de tecnologias. A presente revisão bibliográfica apresenta as características físico-químicas de poluentes orgânicos emergentes e seu potencial de sorção em lodo de esgoto.

  19. Método de eliminación de trihalometanos y/o contaminantes emergentes mediante plasma


    Erra Serrabasa, Pilar; Jover Comas, Eric; Molina Mansilla, Ricardo; Bertrán Serra, Enric; Bayona Termens, Josep María; Reyes Contreras, Carolina


    Método de eliminación de trihalometanos y/o contaminantes emergentes mediante plasma. Se describe un método de eliminación de trihalometanos y contaminantes refractarios en medios acuosos mediante la aplicación directa de plasma para conseguir la degradación de los compuestos contaminantes presentes en el agua.

  20. Educabilidad y problemas de aprendizaje

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    Jorge Capella Riera


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo voy a intentar responder al pedido de algunos colegas de desarrollar esas ideas a fin de contribuir al estudio de un problema que, por su magnitud y proyección, está causando preocupación entre educadores y psicólogos. Y al hacerlo parto de la idea de que los problemas, no importa de qué índole sean, no pueden resolverse aisladamente. Su interconexión e interdependencia respecto a otros problemas reclaman una visión deconjunto y una gran apertura a la contrastación teórica.

  1. XAMPP: Problemas


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Dos problemas muy comunes, y sus soluciones, que pueden ocurrir con XAMPP, la plataforma de desarrollo para los sistemas operativos Linux, Windows, MacOS X y Solaris que incluye Apache, MySQL, PHP y Perl.

  2. Solución al Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos mediante el Problema del Agente Viajero

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    G.E. Anaya Fuentes


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se estudia el Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos codificado como un Problema de Agente Viajero y resuelto mediante Algoritmos Genéticos. Se propone un Algoritmo Genético en donde se comparan dos tipos de selección: por torneo y por ruleta. Se realizan diferentes pruebas para la solución del Problema del Agente Viajero con los dos tipos de selección bajo diferentes parámetros: número de individuos, número de iteraciones, probabilidad de cruce y probabilidad de mutación; a partir de estos se seleccionan los parámetros y el tipo de selección. Posteriormente se codifica al Problema de Secuenciación como un Problema del Agente Viajero. La propuesta se presenta mediante la aplicación a diferentes ejemplos del Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos y la comparación con los resultados obtenidos en la literatura. Abstract: In this paper we proposed a solution to the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem using the Traveling Salesman Problem solved by Genetic Algorithms. We proposed a genetic algorithm where we compare two types of selection: tournament and roulette. Different tests are performed to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem with the two types of selection under different parameters: number of individuals, number of iterations, crossover probability and mutation probability. Then the best type of selection and the best parameters are used to solve the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with Genetic Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem. The proposal is presented solving different examples of Job Sequencing Problem and compare them with the results obtained in the literature. Palabras clave: algoritmos eficientes, sistemas industriales de producción, problemas de optimización, problema de agente viajero, Keywords: Efficient algorithms, industrial production systems, optimization problem, traveling salesman problem

  3. Informação: metodologias, temas tradicionais e discussões emergentes

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    Andre Luiz Appel


    Full Text Available A AtoZ: novas práticas em informação e conhecimento faz sua estreia no Sistema de Avaliação Qualis-CAPES trazendo novidades em sua interface. Neste novo número a entrevista contempla os principais elementos e desafios da competência informacional, seguida de artigos que abordam a questão da informação no contexto de tecnologias emergentes; ensino de ontologias; enfoques de coleta de dados e legislações voltadas à privacidade de dados pessoais.

  4. Magnetic separation of algae (United States)

    Nath, Pulak; Twary, Scott N.


    Described herein are methods and systems for harvesting, collecting, separating and/or dewatering algae using iron based salts combined with a magnetic field gradient to separate algae from an aqueous solution.

  5. Educación-comunicación-tecnología, un campo emergente: retos y problemas en los escenarios epistemológicos y políticos del mundo actual

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    Álvaro Acevedo Tarazona


    Full Text Available La historia de la educación es también una forma de abordar el gran campo de la educación si se asume éste como el devenir de aquellas acciones que se dirigen a modificar la conducta humana mediante la enseñanza de lenguajes y la puesta en ejecución de actividades, operaciones concretas, prácticas (didácticas, tanto en los espacios formales como no formales (la escuela, la universidad. La presente reflexión tiene como propósito dirigir la discusión sobre algunos temas considerados hoy fundamentales en la docencia, sobre todo ante a los nuevos retos que entraña los cambios epistemológicos y las prácticas en la educación. Estos temas son: la crisis del proyecto educativo de la modernidad; la educación-comunicación-tecnología, un campo emergente; la inquietante pregunta por la muerte del libro, la mutación de los desarrollos disciplinarios y, por último, el docente como un agente del cambio social.

  6. Estrategias de aprendizaje emergentes en la modalidad e-learning

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    Luis Demetrio Meza-López


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue sistematizar las estrategias de aprendizaje que implementa el alumno de la modalidad e-learning. La problemática fue abordada desde una perspectiva cualitativa utilizando el método de la teoría fundamentada y la técnica de entrevista en profundidad. Se diseñó una plataforma tecnológica propia para realizar el trabajo de campo con entrevistas online, procesando los videos con un software de análisis cualitativo. La validez y confiabilidad de las categorías emergentes fue verificada mediante la saturación de los datos y trianguladas con un constructo teórico propio elaborado con referentes de Weinstein y Meyer (1998, Pintrich, García y Mckeachie (1991 y Tsai (2009. Los resultados muestran que hay una dimensión de estrategias de aprendizaje en la modalidad e-learning en donde el factor de gestión tiene gran influencia para regular el proceso sobre todo en el uso del tiempo y la administración de las estrategias. El factor de autorregulación considerando la metacognición y la adaptabilidad juegan un papel esencial, al igual que el factor sicológico de la motivación y la concentración, aunado al factor de usos de la tecnología en la selección y utilización de los medios tecnológicos. El aporte devela la forma con la que se adaptan estrategias emergentes de aprendizaje en la educación virtual en México y la posibilidad de que se conviertan en líneas de investigación para el contexto de América Latina.

  7. Algae Resources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Algae are highly efficient at producing biomass, and they can be found all over the planet. Many use sunlight and nutrients to create biomass, which contain key components—including lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates— that can be converted and upgraded to a variety of biofuels and products. A functional algal biofuels production system requires resources such as suitable land and climate, sustainable management of water resources, a supplemental carbon dioxide (CO2) supply, and other nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus). Algae can be an attractive feedstock for many locations in the United States because their diversity allows for highpotential biomass yields in a variety of climates and environments. Depending on the strain, algae can grow by using fresh, saline, or brackish water from surface water sources, groundwater, or seawater. Additionally, they can grow in water from second-use sources such as treated industrial wastewater; municipal, agricultural, or aquaculture wastewater; or produced water generated from oil and gas drilling operations.

  8. Algae-production in the desert

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hildebrand, H.


    The company Koor Food Ltd. (Israel) developed in co-operation with the Weizmann-Institute (Israel) a production-plant for the industrial cultivation of algae in the desert area of Elat. For almost a year now, they succeed in harvesting large amounts of algae material with the help of the intensive sun and the Red Sea water. The alga Dunaliella with the natural US -carotine, as well as the alga Spirulina with the high content of protein find their market in the food-, cosmetic- and pharma-industry. This article will give a survey of a yet here unusual project.

  9. Algae commensal community in Genlisea traps

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    Konrad Wołowski


    Full Text Available The community of algae occurring in Genlisea traps and on the external traps surface in laboratory conditions were studied. A total of 29 taxa were found inside the traps, with abundant diatoms, green algae (Chlamydophyceae and four morphotypes of chrysophytes stomatocysts. One morphotype is described as new for science. There are two ways of algae getting into Genlisea traps. The majority of those recorded inside the traps, are mobile; swimming freely by flagella or moving exuding mucilage like diatoms being ablate to colonize the traps themselves. Another possibility is transport of algae by invertebrates such as mites and crustaceans. In any case algae in the Genlisea traps come from the surrounding environment. Two dominant groups of algae (Chladymonas div. and diatoms in the trap environment, show ability to hydrolyze phosphomonoseters. We suggest that algae in carnivorous plant traps can compete with plant (host for organic phosphate (phosphomonoseters. From the spectrum and ecological requirements of algal species found in the traps, environment inside the traps seems to be acidic. However, further studies are needed to test the relations between algae and carnivorous plants both in laboratory conditions and in the natural environment. All the reported taxa are described briefly and documented with 74 LM and SEM micrographs.

  10. Algae

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Raven, John A.; Giordano, Mario


    Roč. 24, č. 13 (2014), s. 590-595 ISSN 0960-9822 Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : algae * life cycle * evolution Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology Impact factor: 9.571, year: 2014

  11. Electro-coagulation-flotation process for algae removal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Shanshan; Yang Jixian; Tian Jiayu; Ma Fang; Tu Gang; Du Maoan


    Algae in surface water have been a long-term issue all over the world, due to their adverse influence on drinking water treatment process as well as drinking water quality. The algae removal by electro-coagulation-flotation (ECF) technology was investigated in this paper. The results indicated that aluminum was an excellent electrode material for algae removal as compared with iron. The optimal parameters determined were: current density = 1 mA/cm 2 , pH = 4-7, water temperature = 18-36 deg. C, algae density = 0.55 x 10 9 -1.55 x 10 9 cells/L. Under the optimal conditions, 100% of algae removal was achieved with the energy consumption as low as 0.4 kWh/m 3 . The ECF performed well in acid and neutral conditions. At low initial pH of 4-7, the cell density of algae was effectively removed in the ECF, mainly through the charge neutralization mechanism; while the algae removal worsened when the pH increased (7-10), and the main mechanism shifted to sweeping flocculation and enmeshment. The mechanisms for algae removal at different pH were also confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis. Furthermore, initial cell density and water temperature could also influence the algae removal. Overall, the results indicated that the ECF technology was effective for algae removal, from both the technical and economical points of view.

  12. 21 CFR 73.275 - Dried algae meal. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Dried algae meal. 73.275 Section 73.275 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Foods § 73.275 Dried algae meal. (a) Identity. The color additive dried algae meal is a dried mixture of algae cells (genus Spongiococcum, separated from its culture broth...

  13. Errors When Extracting Oil from Algae (United States)

    Murphy, E.; Treat, R.; Ichiuji, T.


    Oil is in popular demand, but the worldwide amount of oil is decreasing and prices for it are steadily increasing. Leading scientists have been working to find a solution of attaining oil in an economically and environmentally friendly way. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have determined that "a small mixture of algae and water can be turned into crude oil in less than an hour" (Sheehan, Duhahay, Benemann, Poessler). There are various ways of growing the algae, such as closed loop and open loop methods, as well as processes of extracting oil, such as hydrothermal liquefaction and the hexane-solvent method. Our objective was to grow the algae (C. reinhardtii) and extract oil from it using NaOH and HCl, because we had easy access to those specific chemicals. After two trials of attempted algae growth, we discovered that a bacteria was killing off the algae. This led us to further contemplation on how this dead algae and bacteria are affecting our environment, and the organisms within it. Eutrophication occurs when excess nutrients stimulate rapid growth of algae in an aquatic environment. This can clog waterways and create algal blooms in blue-green algae, as well as neurotoxic red tide phytoplankton. These microscopic algae die upon consumption of the nutrients in water and are degraded by bacteria. The bacteria respires and creates an acidic environment with the spontaneous conversion of carbon dioxide to carbonic acid in water. This process of degradation is exactly what occurred in our 250 mL flask. When the phytoplankton attacked our algae, it created a hypoxic environment, which eliminated any remaining amounts of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients in the water, resulting in a miniature dead zone. These dead zones can occur almost anywhere where there are algae and bacteria, such as the ocean, and make it extremely difficult for any organism to survive. This experiment helped us realize the

  14. A Adoção da Inovação Aberta Dentro da Estratégia de Internacionalização de Empresas Multinacionais de Economias Emergentes

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    Franciane Freitas Silveira


    Full Text Available Com o aumento da relevância dos países emergentes na economia global, acelerou-se o processo de internacionalização das empresas oriundas desses países. Isso pode ser constatado pelo aumento do fluxo de IDE (Investimento Direto Estrangeiro provenientes de empresas de mercados emergentes. Apesar das similaridades com as empresas tradicionais, a literatura indica que as multinacionais emergentes lançam mão de estratégias diferenciadas para traçar sua trajetória de atuação além fronteiras. A partir dessa perspectiva, este estudo exploratório analisa o processo de verticalização e desverticalização das empresas enfocando, sobretudo, a mudança atual do paradigma de inovação, conhecida como inovação aberta. Com base nesse panorama, avaliam-se as estratégias das multinacionais emergentes e o papel de suas subsidiárias, com o intuito compreender como se dá o processo de dispersão das atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D ao longo do processo de internacionalização dessas empresas, e mais particularmente as empresas brasileiras. O estudo mostra, por meio de comparação de estudos teóricos, que o paradigma da inovação aberta traz vantagens para as corporações multinacionais emergentes que o adotam em seus processos de internacionalização das atividades de P&D, mas que as empresas brasileiras não parecem estar se aproveitando em toda sua potencialidade.DOI:10.5585/gep.v3i3.126

  15. Red algae and their use in papermaking. (United States)

    Seo, Yung-Bum; Lee, Youn-Woo; Lee, Chun-Han; You, Hack-Chul


    Gelidialian red algae, that contain rhizoidal filaments, except the family Gelidiellaceae were processed to make bleached pulps, which can be used as raw materials for papermaking. Red algae consist of rhizoidal filaments, cortical cells usually reddish in color, and medullary cells filled with mucilaginous carbohydrates. Red algae pulp consists of mostly rhizoidal filaments. Red algae pulp of high brightness can be produced by extracting mucilaginous carbohydrates after heating the algae in an aqueous medium and subsequently treating the extracted with bleaching chemicals. In this study, we prepared paper samples from bleached pulps obtained from two red algae species (Gelidium amansii and Gelidium corneum) and compared their properties to those of bleached wood chemical pulps. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Algae-Based Carbon Sequestration (United States)

    Haoyang, Cai


    Our civilization is facing a series of environmental problems, including global warming and climate change, which are caused by the accumulation of green house gases in the atmosphere. This article will briefly analyze the current global warming problem and propose a method that we apply algae cultivation to absorb carbon and use shellfish to sequestrate it. Despite the importance of decreasing CO2 emissions or developing carbon-free energy sources, carbon sequestration should be a key issue, since the amount of carbon dioxide that already exists in the atmosphere is great enough to cause global warming. Algae cultivation would be a good choice because they have high metabolism rates and provides shellfish with abundant food that contains carbon. Shellfish’s shells, which are difficult to be decomposed, are reliable storage of carbon, compared to dead organisms like trees and algae. The amount of carbon that can be sequestrated by shellfish is considerable. However, the sequestrating rate of algae and shellfish is not high enough to affect the global climate. Research on algae and shellfish cultivation, including gene technology that aims to create “super plants” and “super shellfish”, is decisive to the solution. Perhaps the baton of history will shift to gene technology, from nuclear physics that has lost appropriate international environment after the end of the Cold War. Gene technology is vital to human survival.

  17. Potential biomedical applications of marine algae. (United States)

    Wang, Hui-Min David; Li, Xiao-Chun; Lee, Duu-Jong; Chang, Jo-Shu


    Functional components extracted from algal biomass are widely used as dietary and health supplements with a variety of applications in food science and technology. In contrast, the applications of algae in dermal-related products have received much less attention, despite that algae also possess high potential for the uses in anti-infection, anti-aging, skin-whitening, and skin tumor treatments. This review, therefore, focuses on integrating studies on algae pertinent to human skin care, health and therapy. The active compounds in algae related to human skin treatments are mentioned and the possible mechanisms involved are described. The main purpose of this review is to identify serviceable algae functions in skin treatments to facilitate practical applications in this high-potential area. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Macro algae as substrate for biogas production

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Henrik; Sarker, Shiplu; Gautam, Dhan Prasad

    Algae as a substrate for biogas is superior to other crops since it has a much higher yield of biomass per unit area and since algae grows in the seawater there will be no competition with food production on agricultural lands. So far, the progress in treating different groups of algae as a source...... of energy is promising. In this study 5 different algae types were tested for biogas potential and two algae were subsequent used for co-digestion with manure. Green seaweed, Ulva lactuca and brown seaweed Laminaria digitata was co-digested with cattle manure at mesophilic and thermophilic condition...

  19. Psicologia do esporte: uma área emergente da psicologia Psicología del deporte: un area emergente de la psicología Sport psychology: an emergent field in psychology


    Lenamar Fiorese Vieira; João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci; Leonardo Pestillo de Oliveira; José Luiz Lopes Vieira


    O artigo trata da Psicologia do Esporte, um campo de atuação emergente do psicólogo no Brasil. Faz uma análise sobre o percurso histórico da Psicologia Esportiva apresentando os campos de atuação profissional (pesquisa, ensino e intervenção), o papel do psicólogo esportivo (pesquisador, professor e consultor) e o estado científico atual dessa especialidade psicológica. Mesmo com o vasto campo de trabalho, um elemento interveniente é a diversidade de conhecimentos necessários para esta subdivi...

  20. Mudança organizacional: um estudo em empresas graduadas por uma incubadora de biotecnologia


    Arimar Colen Gontijo


    Este trabalho analisa o processo de mudança organizacional ocorrido em empresas graduadas numa incubadora e discute amplamente, sob várias óticas, a mudança planejada e a mudança emergente, na tentativa de responder ao problema de pesquisa: Como se caracteriza o processo de transição de uma empresa incubada para uma empresa graduada, sob a ótica da mudança organizacional planejada e da mudança organizacional emergente? Foram estudadas empresas incubadas e graduadas de 1999 até 2003 em uma inc...

  1. Aprendizaje colaborativo a través de problemas

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    María José Labrador Piquer


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este taller ha sido acercar a los asistentes al aprendizaje colaborativo a través de problemas en la enseñanza de ELE, para ello, partimos de unas nociones básicas de aprendizaje cooperativo/colaborativo y del análisis de problemas, continuamos con el estudio de problemas y finalizamos con una serie de reflexiones sobre la evaluación. Durante la sesión los asistentes han realizado dos funciones: una, como alumnos analizando y resolviendo los problemas y otra, como profesores reflexionando sobre las destrezas practicadas y sobre la evaluación.

  2. Aprendizaje colaborativo a través de problemas

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    María José Labrador Piquer


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este taller ha sido acercar a los asistentes al aprendizaje colaborativo a través de problemas en la enseñanza de ELE, para ello, partimos de unas nociones básicas de aprendizaje cooperativo/colaborativo y del análisis de problemas, continuamos con el estudio de problemas y finalizamos con una serie de reflexiones sobre la evaluación. Durante la sesión los asistentes han realizado dos funciones: una, como alumnos analizando y resolviendo los problemas y otra, como profesores reflexionando sobre las destrezas practicadas y sobre la evaluación.

  3. Accumulation of polycyclic arenes in Baltic Sea algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veldre, I.A.; Itra, A.R.; Paal' me, L.P.; Kukk, Kh.A.


    The paper presents data on the level of benzo(a)pyrene (BP) and some other polycyclic arenes in alga and phanerogam specimens from different gulfs of the Baltic Sea. Algae were shown to absorb BP from sea water. The mean concentration of BP in sea water was under 0.004 microgram/1, while in algae it ranged 0.1-21.2 micrograms/kg dry weight. Algae accumulate BP to a higher degree than phanerogams. The highest concentrations of BP were found in algae Enteromorpha while the lowest ones in Furcellaria. In annual green algae, BP level was higher in autumn, i. e. at the end of vegetation period, than in spring. Brown algae Fucus vesiculosus is recommended for monitoring polycyclic arene pollution in the area from Vormsi Island to Kaesmu and green algae Cladophora or Enteromorpha in the eastern part of the Finnish Gulf.

  4. Estudo dos problemas do carteiro chines e do caixeiro viajante


    Denise Helena Lombardo


    Resumo: Esta dissertação envolve o estudo de dois problemas de otimização combinatória: O Problema do Caixeiro Viajante (PCV) e o Problema do Carteiro Chinês (PCC). Dada uma rede (ou grafo), primeiro problema consiste em determinar uma rota circular mínima que passa em cada nó e o segundo em determinar uma rota circular mínima que passa em cada linha da rede. Embora ambos problemas sejam da classe NP-"árduo" (NP- hard ), o problema do Carteiro Chinês é apresentado na literatura como um proble...

  5. Seroprevalencia de la hepatitis C en adultos de México: ¿un problema de salud pública emergente? Seroprevalence of hepatitis C among Mexican adults: an emerging public health problem?

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    José Luis Valdespino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: La infección por virus de la hepatitis (VHC evoluciona hacia la cronicidad en 60 a 85% de los sujetos que la sufren y ocasiona cirrosis hepática y cáncer primario de hígado. El objetivo de este estudio fue notificar la seroprevalencia de infección por VHC en una muestra probabilística de la población en el plano nacional. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 21 271 sueros seleccionados de manera aleatoria de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2000, para anti-VHC y RNA de VHC. El estudio se realizó en el Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública en el año 2005. RESULTADOS: La seroprevalencia de los anticuerpos VHC fue de 1.4% (IC95% 1.1-1.6 y 35.7% tenía infección activa. Los factores de riesgo de infección de VHC detectados son el antecedente de consumo de heroína (RM=9.8, IC: 2.1-41.4, estar separado (RM=2.6, IC: 1.1-5.9 o ser viudo (RM=2.2, IC: 1.1-4.3 y residir en la región norte del país (RM=1.9, IC: 1.1-3.2. CONCLUSIONES: Los datos indican que la hepatitis C es un problema de salud pública emergente en México. Los factores de riesgo de infección indican que la transmisión más frecuente de los infectados ocurre en receptores de sangre y hemoderivados (antes de 1996 y, de manera secundaria, por drogadicción intravenosa y de tipo sexual.OBJECTIVE: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV infection is becoming a chronic disease in 60-85% of individuals and is a cause of hepatic cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The objective of this study was to report the seroprevalence of HCV infection in a probabilistic sample of the Mexican population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study is based on information obtained from the National Health Survey conducted in 2000. A total of 21 271 sera randomly selected for anti-HCV and RNA of HCV was studied. It was performed at the National Institute of Public Health in 2005. RESULTS: Seroprevalence of HCV antibodies was 1.4% (IC95% 1.1%-1.6%, of which 35.7% had active infection. Risk factors for infection were

  6. Costo de servir como variable de decisión estratégica en el diseño de estrategias de atención a canales de mercados emergentes

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    Christopher Mejía Argueta


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo documentar diferentes enfoques tradicionales sobre el análisis de costos para mercados emergentes a fin de hallar brechas y áreas de oportunidad relacionadas con la temática del costo de servir. El artículo encuentra que no existe una metodología adaptada para mercados emergentes que permita analizar detalladamente la rentabilidad en canales, clientes y productos para crear estrategias de atención acordes con las necesidades que estos grupos expresan. Al final de la revisión y contraste de metodologías, se explica una tabla con los procedimientos analizados y las áreas de oportunidad más importantes que servirán de base para la creación de una metodología de costo de servir para mercados emergentes.

  7. Composting of waste algae: a review. (United States)

    Han, Wei; Clarke, William; Pratt, Steven


    Although composting has been successfully used at pilot scale to manage waste algae removed from eutrophied water environments and the compost product applied as a fertiliser, clear guidelines are not available for full scale algae composting. The review reports on the application of composting to stabilize waste algae, which to date has mainly been macro-algae, and identifies the peculiarities of algae as a composting feedstock, these being: relatively low carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio, which can result in nitrogen loss as NH3 and even N2O; high moisture content and low porosity, which together make aeration challenging; potentially high salinity, which can have adverse consequence for composting; and potentially have high metals and toxin content, which can affect application of the product as a fertiliser. To overcome the challenges that these peculiarities impose co-compost materials can be employed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Prospects of using algae in biofuel production

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    Y. I. Maltsev


    Full Text Available The development of industry, agriculture and the transport sector is associated with the use of various energy sources. Renewable energy sources, including biofuels, are highly promising in this respect. As shown by a number of scientific studies, a promising source for biofuel production that would meet modern requirements may be algal biomass. After activation of the third generation biodiesel production it was assumed that the algae would become the most advantageous source, because it is not only able to accumulate significant amounts of lipids, but could reduce the of agricultural land involved in biofuel production and improve air quality by sequestering CO2. However, a major problem is presented by the cost of algae biomass cultivation and its processing compared to the production of biodiesel from agricultural crops. In this regard, there are several directions of increasing the efficiency of biodiesel production from algae biomass. The first direction is to increase lipid content in algae cells by means of genetic engineering. The second direction is connected with the stimulation of increased accumulation of lipids by stressing algae. The third direction involves the search for new, promising strains of algae that will be characterized by faster biomass accumulation rate, higher content of TAG and the optimal proportions of accumulated saturated and unsaturated fatty acids compared to the already known strains. Recently, a new approach in the search for biotechnologically valuable strains of algae has been formed on the basis of predictions of capacity for sufficient accumulation of lipids by clarifying the evolutionary relationships within the major taxonomic groups of algae. The outcome of these studies is the rapid cost reduction of biofuel production based on algae biomass. All this emphasizes the priority of any research aimed at both improving the process of production of biofuels from algae, and the search for new sources for

  9. Movimientos sociales emergentes y nuevas maneras de educar

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    Elsie Rockwell


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es argumentar que los movimientos sociales recientes nos obligan a tomar en serio tanto la profunda desigualdad social, como la diversidad cultural y social generada por recientes cambios en la economía y por proyectos alternativos de vida y formación. Sobre el trasfondo de la formación histórica de la clase trabajadora, un tema recurrente ha sido la esperanza de transformar la sociedad mediante la formación del "hombre nuevo". Sin embargo, la economía capitalista global reciente ha generado una clase trabajadora cada vez más fragmentada y desposeída. En respuesta, se forman nuevos sujetos sociales que retoman recursos y prácticas culturales existentes para fortalecer los movimientos sociales emergentes. Concluyo que el reconocimiento de estos movimientos sociales y procesos de formación ha transformado el pensamiento Iluminista, dando lugar a otras maneras de pensar y actuar en los procesos educativos.

  10. Growth acceleration and photosynthesis of the scenedesmus algae and cocconeis algae in deuterium water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Feng; Wang Wenqing


    In order to find new way to treat the radioactive tritium waste water, scenedesmus algae and cocconeis algae are cultured in medium which contains 30% (w) deuterium water. During different time, activities of photosymthesis, absorption spectrum, growth rate and low-temperature fluorescence spectrum are measured. Accelerated growth is found in the deuterium water compared to the normal water. Activities of photosynthesis show the similar result (F v /F m ) to the growth data. It is also concluded from low-temperature fluorescence spectra that algae activities in the deuterium water, which are expressed by PS I/PS II, are more sensitive than those in the normal water

  11. Cars will be fed on algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peltier, G.


    The development of the first and second generations of bio-fuels has led to a rise in food prices and the carbon balance sheet is less good than expected. Great hopes have been put on unicellular algae for they can synthesize oils, sugar and even hydrogen and the competition with food production is far less harsh than with actual bio-fuels. Moreover, when you grow micro-algae, the loss of water through evaporation is less important than in the case of intensive farm cultures. In 2009 10.000 tonnes of micro-algae were produced worldwide, they were mainly used for the production of fish food and of complements for humane food (fat acids and antioxidants). Different research programs concern unicellular algae: they aim at modifying micro-algae genetically in order to give them a higher productivity or to make them produce an oil more adapted for motor fuel or more easily recoverable. (A.C.)

  12. Cellulose powder from Cladophora sp. algae. (United States)

    Ek, R; Gustafsson, C; Nutt, A; Iversen, T; Nyström, C


    The surface are and crystallinity was measured on a cellulose powder made from Cladophora sp. algae. The algae cellulose powder was found to have a very high surface area (63.4 m2/g, N2 gas adsorption) and build up of cellulose with a high crystallinity (approximately 100%, solid state NMR). The high surface area was confirmed by calculations from atomic force microscope imaging of microfibrils from Cladophora sp. algae.

  13. Inventory of North-West European algae initiatives

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spruijt, J.


    In 2012 an inventory of North-West European (NWE) algae initiatives was carried out to get an impression of the market and research activities on algae production and refinery, especially for bioenergy purposes. A questionnaire was developed that would provide the EnAlgae project with information on

  14. Lipid oxidation in base algae oil and water-in-algae oil emulsion: Impact of natural antioxidants and emulsifiers. (United States)

    Chen, Bingcan; Rao, Jiajia; Ding, Yangping; McClements, David Julian; Decker, Eric Andrew


    The impact of natural hydrophilic antioxidants, metal chelators, and hydrophilic antioxidant/metal chelator mixture on the oxidative stability of base algae oil and water-in-algae oil emulsion was investigated. The results showed that green tea extract and ascorbic acid had greatest protective effect against algae oil oxidation and generated four day lag phase, whereas rosmarinic acid, grape seed extract, grape seed extract polymer, deferoxamine (DFO), and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) had no significant protective effect. Besides, there was no synergistic effect observed between natural antioxidants and ascorbic acid. The emulsifiers are critical to the physicochemical stability of water-in-algae oil emulsions. Polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) promoted the oxidation of emulsion. Conversely, the protective effect on algae oil oxidation was appreciated when defatted soybean lecithin (PC 75) or defatted lyso-lecithin (Lyso-PC) was added. The role of hydrophilic antioxidants in emulsion was similar to that in algae oil except EDTA which demonstrated strong antioxidative effect in emulsion. The results could provide information to build up stable food products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Los países emergentes en el G-20 y la política seguida por Argentina

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    Roberto Miranda


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la presencia de los países emergentes en la gobernanza global a través de la participación desplegada por ellos en el G-20, con el fin de identificar la posición de Argentina en este ámbito multilateral, y determinar el uso que hizo de su poder como potencia media. Para cumplir con este objetivo consideramos las cumbres de jefes de Estado y de Gobierno del G-20, desde la primera realizada en Washington, en 2008, hasta la novena llevada a cabo en Brisbane, en 2014. Observamos que más allá de las diferencias y disputa de intereses, países desarrollados y emergentes convergieron en sostener las Viejas instituciones internacionales como el FMI. Argentina, de participación intensa en las cumbres pero sin una estrategia de influencia, quedó fuera de esta coincidencia y perdió poder en las reformas producidas en los medios multilaterales de crédito.

  16. Antioxidant Activity of Hawaiian Marine Algae

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    Anthony D. Wright


    Full Text Available Marine algae are known to contain a wide variety of bioactive compounds, many of which have commercial applications in pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic, nutraceutical, food and agricultural industries. Natural antioxidants, found in many algae, are important bioactive compounds that play an important role against various diseases and ageing processes through protection of cells from oxidative damage. In this respect, relatively little is known about the bioactivity of Hawaiian algae that could be a potential natural source of such antioxidants. The total antioxidant activity of organic extracts of 37 algal samples, comprising of 30 species of Hawaiian algae from 27 different genera was determined. The activity was determined by employing the FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power assays. Of the algae tested, the extract of Turbinaria ornata was found to be the most active. Bioassay-guided fractionation of this extract led to the isolation of a variety of different carotenoids as the active principles. The major bioactive antioxidant compound was identified as the carotenoid fucoxanthin. These results show, for the first time, that numerous Hawaiian algae exhibit significant antioxidant activity, a property that could lead to their application in one of many useful healthcare or related products as well as in chemoprevention of a variety of diseases including cancer.

  17. Algoritmos para problemas de corte e empacotamento


    Thiago Alves de Queiroz


    Resumo: Problemas de Corte e Empacotamento são, em sua maioria, NP-difíceis e não existem algoritmos exatos de tempo polinomial para tais se for considerado P ¿ NP. Aplicações práticas envolvendo estes problemas incluem a alocação de recursos para computadores; o corte de chapas de ferro, de madeira, de vidro, de alumínio, peças em couro, etc.; a estocagem de objetos; e, o carregamento de objetos dentro de contêineres ou caminhões-baú. Nesta tese investigamos problemas de Corte e Empacotament...

  18. Algae production for energy and foddering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bai, Attila; Jobbagy, Peter; Durko, Emilia [University of Debrecen, Faculty of Applied Economics and Rural Development (UD-FAERD), Centre for Agricultural and Applied Economic Sciences, Debrecen (Hungary)


    This study not only presents the results of our own experiments in alga production, but also shows the expected economic results of the various uses of algae (animal feed, direct burning, pelleting, bio-diesel production), the technical characteristics of a new pelleting method based on literature, and also our own recommended alga production technology. In our opinion, the most promising alternative could be the production of alga species with high levels of oil content, which are suitable for utilization as by-products for animal feed and in the production of bio-diesel, as well as for use in waste water management and as a flue gas additive. Based on the data from our laboratory experiments, of the four species we analyzed, Chlorella vulgaris should be considered the most promising species for use in large-scale experiments. Taking expenses into account, our results demonstrate that the use of algae for burning technology purposes results in a significant loss under the current economic conditions; however, the utilization of algae for feeding and bio-diesel purposes - in spite of their innovative nature - is nearing the level needed for competitiveness. By using the alga production technology recommended by us and described in the present study in detail, with an investment of 545 to 727 thousand EUR/ha, this technology should be able to achieve approximately 0-29 thousand EUR/ha net income, depending on size. More favorable values emerge in the case of the 1-ha (larger) size, thanks to the significant savings on fixed costs (depreciation and personnel costs). (orig.)

  19. Elementos para uma abordagem das dimensões esquemática e emergente do discurso

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    Gustavo Ximenes Cunha


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta apontamentos para uma abordagem que situe, em um quadro teórico unificado, as noções de gêneros do discurso, contexto, tipos de discurso e sequências discursivas. Adotando uma perspectiva sócio-interacionista dos estudos da linguagem e buscando contribuições do Modelo de Análise Modular do Discurso, partimos da hipótese de que, ao longo de uma interação, duas ordens de restrições regulam a maneira como os interactantes elaboram suas produções discursivas. A primeira é de ordem esquemática e diz respeito às expectativas de natureza sócio-histórica que nos fazem saber como agir por meio da linguagem. A segunda ordem de restrições é emergente e corresponde aos parâmetros contextuais que exercem papel sobre as ações linguageiras de fato realizadas. Tomando como base empírica de nossa exposição o tipo narrativo do gênero reportagem e a forma como esse tipo se manifesta em uma sequência narrativa específica, buscamos mostrar que, no curso de uma interação, as dimensões esquemática e emergente do discurso são constante e dinamicamente confrontadas pelos interactantes.

  20. World Health Day 1997: emerging infectious diseases Día Mundial de la Salud 1997: enfermedades infecciosas emergentes

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    Full Text Available Para el Día Mundial de la Salud de 1997, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS ha elegido el tema "Enfermedades infecciosas emergentes; alerta mundial, respuesta mundial" con el fin de llamar la atención hacia la amenaza que representan algunas enfermedades infecciosas recientemente reconocidas en seres humanos y otras que han vuelto a aparecer. En la emergencia y reemergencia de enfermedades infecciosas intervienen factores como el deterioro de la infraestructura de salud pública, la creciente resistencia microbiana a los antibióticos y los cambios sociales y ecológicos asociados con el crecimiento de la población humana. La OMS ha hecho hincapié en la necesidad de que se compromentan a entrar juntos en acción tanto países como organizaciones internacionales, organizaciones no gubernamentales e individuos, con objeto de mejorar la vigilancia de las enfermedades y la capacidad de controlarlas para prevenir y refrenar las epidemias. Por su parte, la OMS está reforzando su sistema de vigilancia mundial tripartito, que consta de los centros de colaboración de la OMS en el área de enfermedades infecciosas, las redes de monitoreo de resistencia antimicrobiana y el Reglamento Sanitario Internacional. Para hacer frente adecuadamente al problema de las enfermedades infecciosas durante el siglo próximo, se necesitarán programas de vigilancia y control; redes mundiales de monitoreo y notificación; rápido intercambio de información por vía electrónica (incluida la World Wide Web; y un estado de preparación efectivo con la capacidad para responder rápidamente a las epidemias y contenerlas.

  1. O fluxo de capital para as economias emergentes e o grau de desenvolvimento do sistema financeiro

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    Katia Rocha

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o papel do sistema financeiro doméstico como mitigador de eventos de paradas súbitas e condicionante de fluxos de capital de um grupo de 14 economias emergentes no período de 1999-2013, em especial em face de cenários externos desfavoráveis como aumento dos juros internacionais e aversão ao risco global. Os países analisados - Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Indonésia, Malásia, México, Peru, Filipinas, Rússia, África do Sul, Tailândia, Turquia e Ucrânia representavam, em agosto de 2014, aproximadamente 80% do índice EMBIPLUS e 60% do índice EMBIGLOBAL. Procurou-se distinguir o efeito sobre diversos tipos de fluxos de capital: Fluxo de entrada de Investimento Externo Direto, Fluxo de entrada de Investimento em Carteira e Fluxo Líquido, com análise de robustez para período desde 1990 e aumento do número de países emergentes. O principal resultado suporta evidências que o fortalecimento do sistema financeiro doméstico - medido com a capitalização bursátil em proporção do PIB - propicia aumento dos fluxos de entrada de capital de todos os tipos de fluxos em todos os modelos analisados, reduzindo a probabilidade de ocorrência de parada súbita do fluxo de Investimento Externo Direto e em alguns casos do fluxo de Carteira, o que motiva políticas públicas que incentivem o desenvolvimento e fortalecimento deste setor. Estimativas também destacam o papel dos fundamentos domésticos, tão importantes quanto os fatores globais nos condicionantes de fluxo de capital e na ocorrência paradas súbitas. Este fato motiva políticas públicas que incentivem o fortalecimento e desenvolvimento das instituições nos países emergentes, e ressalta o papel dos governos na captação de recursos externos.

  2. Shewanella algae in acute gastroenteritis

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    S Dey


    Full Text Available Shewanella algae is an emerging bacteria rarely implicated as a human pathogen. Previously reported cases of S. algae have mainly been associated with direct contact with seawater. Here we report the isolation of S. algae as the sole etiological agent from a patient suffering from acute gastroenteritis with bloody diarrhoea. The bacterium was identified by automated identification system and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Our report highlights the importance of looking for the relatively rare aetiological agents in clinical samples that does not yield common pathogens. It also underscores the usefulness of automated systems in identification of rare pathogens.

  3. Micro-algae: French players discuss the matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouveret, T.


    About 75000 species of algae have been reported so far, the domains of application are huge and investment are increasing all around the world. One of the difficulties is to find the most appropriate algae to a specific application. Some development programs have failed scientifically or economically for instance the production of protein for animal food from the chlorella algae or the production of bio-fuel from C14-C18 chains, from zeaxanthine and from phycoerytrine. On the other side some research programs have led to promising industrial applications such as the production of food for fish and farm animals. Some research fields are completely innovative such as the use of micro-algae for the construction of bio-walls for buildings. Micro-algae are diverse and fragile. Photo-bioreactors have been designed to breed fragile algae like some types of chlorophycees used in bio-fuel and in cosmetics, a prototype has been tested for 15 months and its production is about 2 kg of dry matter a day. (A.C.)

  4. Economic evaluation of algae biodiesel based on meta-analyses (United States)

    Zhang, Yongli; Liu, Xiaowei; White, Mark A.; Colosi, Lisa M.


    The objective of this study is to elucidate the economic viability of algae-to-energy systems at a large scale, by developing a meta-analysis of five previously published economic evaluations of systems producing algae biodiesel. Data from original studies were harmonised into a standardised framework using financial and technical assumptions. Results suggest that the selling price of algae biodiesel under the base case would be 5.00-10.31/gal, higher than the selected benchmarks: 3.77/gal for petroleum diesel, and 4.21/gal for commercial biodiesel (B100) from conventional vegetable oil or animal fat. However, the projected selling price of algal biodiesel (2.76-4.92/gal), following anticipated improvements, would be competitive. A scenario-based sensitivity analysis reveals that the price of algae biodiesel is most sensitive to algae biomass productivity, algae oil content, and algae cultivation cost. This indicates that the improvements in the yield, quality, and cost of algae feedstock could be the key factors to make algae-derived biodiesel economically viable.

  5. Mecánica de suelos : problemas resueltos


    Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià


    Esta publicación contiene una colección de problemas resueltos de mecánica de suelos que ha sido preparada para los estudios de ingeniería técnica de obras públicas que se imparten en la UPC. Se trata de una titulación de primer ciclo, por lo que el enfoque que se da a los problemas se centra en aspectos de concepto y no requiere la realización de desarrollos matemáticos. Incluye problemas relativos a propiedades básicas de los suelos, aspectos básicos de la mecánica de medios porosos indefor...

  6. Desarrollo, territorio y autonomía en Colombia y México

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    Silvia Monroy Álvarez


    Full Text Available El desarrollo rural en México y Colombia. Problemas comunes y respuestas emergentes de los actores. Carlos Cortez et al (Coordinadores Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Unidad Xochimilco, México, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, 2011, 311 págs., il.

  7. Sociedad y posibilidades tecnológicas emergentes

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    Chaparro Mendivelso Jeffer


    Full Text Available Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ”NTIC” están generando cambios trascendentales en la sociedad y el territorio. Se están imbricando diferencialmente en todas las actividades de la vida humana, mediando desde los flujos económicos globales hasta las relaciones personales individuales. Paralelamente se están propiciando profundas alteraciones en términos de la concepción del mundo y del lugar, de lo material y lo inmaterial, de lo real y lo virtual, de lo utópico y lo imaginario, de lo orgánico y lo artificial. Emergen nociones y conceptos diversos perocomplementarios que van desde la idea de ciberespacio hasta la de Internet como un "actante" con propiedades emergentes inquietantes, pasando por la inteligencia colectiva en red y los cyborg como nuevo estadio del devenir humano. Las implicaciones derivadas de las NTIC se perfilan como una línea interesante "y poco exploradas" de trabajo e investigación en geografía ya que, evidentemente, losprocesos y las dinámicas socioterritoriales cada vez se median más por lo digital.

  8. La competencia informacional desde una perspectiva psicoeducativa: enseñanza basada en la resolución de problemas prototípicos y emergentes

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    Monereo, Carles


    Full Text Available This article contributes from a psycho-educational perspective to the definition and characterization of the concept of informational competency in teaching and learning in school-based education and in the training of information professionals. The first section defines a competent person as one who is able to adequately solve a set of typical problems stemming from a particular social or community practice. Based on this definition, the authors then identify and characterize informational problems and the most significant incidents faced by students during their school work, which are grouped into three sections: the demand and the conditions through which it is satisfied; the presence and the activation of beliefs, conceptions and relevant knowledge; and the regulation of decisions, emotions and interactions with others. The text then presents some guidelines for training in information skills, based on authentic tasks. The article concludes by reflecting on the implementation of innovative educational experiences for the development of informational competency in the context of formal education.

    Se realiza una aportación desde un punto de vista psicoeducativo a la definición y caracterización de la noción de competencia informacional, a su enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación escolar, y a la formación de los profesionales de la información. En el primer apartado, se define una persona competente como aquella que es capaz de resolver adecuadamente un conjunto de problemas característicos de una determinada práctica social y comunitaria. Seguidamente, tomando como base esta definición, se identifican y caracterizan los problemas e incidentes informacionales más significativos que deben afrontar los estudiantes durante sus tareas escolares, agrupados en tres grandes bloques: relativos a la demanda y a las condiciones de su resolución; relacionados con la presencia y la activación de creencias, concepciones y

  9. Tecnologías emergentes en la educación: una experiencia de formación de docentes que fomenta el diseño de ambientes de aprendizaje


    Boude Figueredo, Oscar Rafael


    Este texto describe los resultados obtenidos en una experiencia de formación de docentes, que son estudiantes de la Maestría en Informática Educativa de la Universidad de La Sabana, dentro de la asignatura electiva Tecnologías Emergentes en la Educación, que cuyo objetivo es: "ofrecer al estudiante un espacio de reflexión y conceptualización sobre las principales tecnologías emergentes (TE) y sus usos en la educación". Entre los principales resultados, se encuentra que los estudiantes analiza...

  10. Custo de capital próprio em mercados emergentes: uma abordagem empírica no Brasil com o downside risk

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    Graziela Xavier Fortunato


    Full Text Available Este artigo visa testar empiricamente a proposta de Estrada (2000 para as empresas que compoem o Ibovespa, avaliando se para mercados emergentes existem outras medidas de risco sistematico diferentes do beta do capital asset pricing model (CAPM. Dessa forma, testou-se o downside risk que capta a parte negativa do retorno. Alem de dados em cross section, utilizaram-se dados em painel, como uma contribuição adicional ao trabalho de Estrada (2000. Os resultados encontrados não confirmam que o downside risk seja uma medida apropriada ao mercado brasileiro. Outras medidas de risco apresentaram melhor correlacao com o retorno, permitindo o calculo do custo de capital com valor diferente daquele obtido pela aplicacao do beta. De acordo com Estrada (2000, os resultados sugerem que os mercados emergentes estao em posicao intermediaria entre os mercados integrados e segmentados, tal como confirmado para o mercado brasileiro.

  11. Causalidade entre os retornos de mercados de capitais emergentes e desenvolvidos Causality between stock return rates: emerging versus developed capital markets

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    Wagner Moura Lamounier


    Full Text Available Utilizando-se de instrumentais estatísticos para a análise de séries temporais, procurou-se verificar as relações entre os retornos dos principais mercados de capitais emergentes e dos principais mercados desenvolvidos. A amostra foi divida em dois períodos: entre 1995-2002 e entre 2003-2005, tendo em vista os momentos distintos dos mercados quanto à vulnerabilidade externa. No primeiro momento, apesar das diversas crises econômicas, verificou-se que apenas o retorno do mercado emergente da Rússia sofreu grandes impactos ante os choques dos retornos dos outros mercados. Entre 2003-2005, no entanto, os retornos de outros mercados emergentes, como o do Brasil e o do México, responderam de forma significativa aos choques nos retornos dos demais mercados analisados.Using statistical instruments for the analysis of time series, - this work aims to verify the relation of returns of stock investments between the main emerging and the developed capital markets. The sample was divided in two periods: 1995-2002 and 2003-2005, in view of their different external vulnerability moments. At the beginning, - in spite of - several economic crises, only Russia’s stock market returns - suffered great impacts, compared with those at other markets’. Between 2003-2005, however, the returns of other emerging markets, as Brazil’s and Mexico’s, answered in a more significant form to the shocks in the returns of other markets.


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    Full Text Available Neste artigo são apresentadas e discutidas sete teorias de internacionalização, a saber: oModelo do Ciclo de Vida do Produto, Uppsala – Escola Nórdica de Negócios Internacionais,Relacionado à Inovação, Escolha Adaptativa, Paradigma Eclético de Internalização (OLI,Modelo de Internacionalização Baseado em Recursos (RBV e o Modelo Diamante. Oobjetivo é analisar criticamente estas teorias, propondo uma união entre alguns de seusconceitos-chave para um melhor entendimento do processo de internacionalização incluindo acontexto dos países emergentes. Ademais, questiona-se a aplicação destes modelos, elaboradosem países desenvolvidos, em países emergentes sem uma análise crítica, buscando-se aconvergência sem a percepção dos diferentes contextos e timing de internacionalização, já queo protecionismo instaurado tornou tardia a entrada destes países no mercado internacional.

  13. Problemas de investigación en contabilidad y problemas de la investigación en contabilidad

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    Henry Antonio Romero León


    Full Text Available En este escrito se plantean dos problemáticas que padece el mundo contable en su concepción de la investigación y en la ejecución de la misma como proceso dinamizador de la disciplina. Se precisan problemas de investigación y problemas de la investigación contable, que derivan en el diagnóstico y descripción de aspectos generadores de trabas en la investigación. A manera de ejemplo se presentan investigaciones en orden de las grandes temáticas de investigación a través de las revistas académicas más representativas con la intención de evidenciar la investigación contable mundial. La problemática que guía la argumentación es la necesidad de distinguir dos ejes problemáticos en la investigación contable que hacen de este ejercicio una actividad que históricamente marcha a pasos lentos, buscando así comprender que con las aclaraciones conceptuales y analíticas en las concepciones que gobiernan el conocimiento contable, se pueda contribuir al desempantanamiento de este asunto. Se logra establecer que no es lo mismo los problemas como motivadores de la investigación, que los problemas que giran alrededor de la investigación como actividad humana.Palabras Clave: problemas de investigación en contabilidad; problemas de la investigación en contabilidad epistemología contable; ontología contable; investigación; problema; giro epistemológico.Research problems in accounting and problems in accounting research.AbstractThere are two questions being raised here regarding the accounting research and foundational research problems in accounting as a dynamizing agent of the discipline progress. Research problems in accounting and problems in accounting research derived therein have been discussed, through a diagnostic process, including a description of the main issues in these problematic research areas. By way of example, research topics published in the main accounting journals will be presented, with the intent to overview the

  14. Bioavailability of mineral-bound iron to a snow algae-bacteria co-culture and implications for albedo-altering snow algae blooms. (United States)

    Harrold, Z R; Hausrath, E M; Garcia, A H; Murray, A E; Tschauner, O; Raymond, J; Huang, S


    Snow algae can form large-scale blooms across the snowpack surface and near-surface environments. These pigmented blooms can decrease snow albedo, increase local melt rates, and may impact the global heat budget and water cycle. Yet, underlying causes for the geospatial occurrence of these blooms remain unconstrained. One possible factor contributing to snow algae blooms is the presence of mineral dust as a micronutrient source. We investigated the bioavailability of iron (Fe) -bearing minerals, including forsterite (Fo 90 , Mg 1.8 Fe 0.2 SiO 4 ), goethite, smectite and pyrite as Fe sources for a Chloromonas brevispina - bacteria co-culture through laboratory-based experimentation. Fo 90 was capable of stimulating snow algal growth and increased the algal growth rate in otherwise Fe-depleted co-cultures. Fo 90 -bearing systems also exhibited a decrease in bacteria:algae ratios compared to Fe-depleted conditions, suggesting a shift in microbial community structure. The C. brevispina co-culture also increased the rate of Fo 90 dissolution relative to an abiotic control. Analysis of 16S rRNA genes in the co-culture identified Gammaproteobacteria , Betaprotoeobacteria and Sphingobacteria , all of which are commonly found in snow and ice environments. Archaea were not detected. Collimonas and Pseudomonas , which are known to enhance mineral weathering rates, comprised two of the top eight (> 1 %) OTUs. These data provide unequivocal evidence that mineral dust can support elevated snow algae growth under otherwise Fe-depleted growth conditions, and that snow algae can enhance mineral dissolution under these conditions. IMPORTANCE Fe, a key micronutrient for photosynthetic growth, is necessary to support the formation of high-density snow algae blooms. The laboratory experiments described herein allow for a systematic investigation of snow algae-bacteria-mineral interactions and their ability to mobilize and uptake mineral-bound Fe. Results provide unequivocal and

  15. O Problema da mochila compartimentada e aplicações

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    Marques Fabiano do Prado


    Full Text Available O Problema da Mochila Compartimentada é uma variação do clássico problema da mochila e pode ser enunciado considerando-se a seguinte situação hipotética: um alpinista deve carregar sua mochila compossíveis itens de seu interesse. A cada item atribui-se o seu peso e um valor de utilidade (até aqui, o problema coincide com o clássico Problema da Mochila. Entretanto, os itens são de agrupamentos distintos (alimentos, medicamentos, utensílios, etc. e devem estar em compartimentos separados na mochila. Os compartimentos da mochila são flexíveis e têm capacidades limitadas. A inclusão de um compartimento tem um custo fixo que depende do agrupamento com que foi preenchido, além de introduzir uma perda da capacidade da mochila. O problema consiste em determinar as capacidades adequadas de cada compartimento e como esses devem ser carregados, maximizando o valor de utilidade total, descontado o custo de incluir compartimentos. Neste trabalho propomos um modelo de otimização não linear inteiro para o problema e algumas heurísticas para sua resolução. Uma aplicação prática de relevância deste problema aparece no corte de bobinas de aço, sujeito à laminação, detalhado em apêndice.

  16. Criptosporidiosis: una zoonosis emergente Cryptosporidiosis: an emerging zoonosis

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    V. F. Del Coco


    Full Text Available El género Cryptosporidium, responsable de la criptosporidiosis, abarca diversas especies. El ganado vacuno y el hombre constituyen las principales fuentes de infección. Los brotes de criptosporidiosis están asociados al agua de consumo, por ser el ooquiste -la forma infectante del parásito- resistente a los tratamientos convencionales de potabilización. En individuos inmunocompetentes es causa de diarrea aguda, normalmente autolimitada. En pacientes inmunocomprometidos la enfermedad puede adquirir formas graves, potencialmente fatales. Las personas afectadas por el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida son particularmente propensas a padecer formas graves de criptosporidiosis. En terneros, las infecciones por Cryptosporidium son consideradas un factor de morbimortalidad y conducen a grandes pérdidas económicas. En los últimos años, el incremento del número de pacientes con distintas causas de inmunosupresión ha aumentado la necesidad de encontrar un tratamiento efectivo para la infección por Cryptosporidium. A pesar de los numerosos intentos de la industria farmacéutica de desarrollar un antiparasitario efectivo, la infección gastrointestinal por Cryptosporidium y sus consecuencias clínicas continúan siendo un importante problema en materia de salud pública. En la presente actualización se analiza la taxonomía, la morfología, la biología y el ciclo evolutivo de Cryptosporidium, así como también los aspectos clínicos, inmunológicos, diagnósticos y epidemiológicos de la criptosporidiosis. Se discute el tratamiento y la profilaxis de esta afección y se sugieren pautas tendientes a lograr un control más adecuado de esta parasitosis emergente.The genus Cryptosporidium, responsible for producing cryptosporidiosis, includes several species. Humans and livestock are the main sources of infection. Waterborne cryptosporidiosis outbreaks are associated with drinking water. The infective parasite stage is the oocyst, which is

  17. Bioética global y pensamiento complejo. Hacia una emergente manera de ser

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    Sergio Néstor Osorio García


    Full Text Available La Bioética global como el pensamiento complejo sólo pueden entenderse en su novedad, si las comprendemos como estrategias emergentes que buscan enfrentar y responder a los desafíos de nuestra era planetaria. Desafíos que retan como nunca nuestra creatividad histórica para habitar la tierra. La consolidación y desarrollo de estas dos importantes estrategias del pensamiento y la acción, nos podrían ayudar en la construcción de un mundo más decente para los humanos y menos destructivo para con los ecosistemas no-humanos.

  18. Algae to Economically Viable Low-Carbon-Footprint Oil. (United States)

    Bhujade, Ramesh; Chidambaram, Mandan; Kumar, Avnish; Sapre, Ajit


    Algal oil as an alternative to fossil fuel has attracted attention since the 1940s, when it was discovered that many microalgae species can produce large amounts of lipids. Economics and energy security were the motivational factors for a spurt in algae research during the 1970s, 1990s, and early 2000s. Whenever crude prices declined, research on algae stopped. The scenario today is different. Even given low and volatile crude prices ($30-$50/barrel), interest in algae continues all over the world. Algae, with their cure-all characteristics, have the potential to provide sustainable solutions to problems in the energy-food-climate nexus. However, after years of effort, there are no signs of algae-to-biofuel technology being commercialized. This article critically reviews past work; summarizes the current status of the technology; and based on the lessons learned, provides a balanced perspective on a potential path toward commercialization of algae-to-oil technology.

  19. Effect of ferrate on green algae removal. (United States)

    Kubiňáková, Emília; Híveš, Ján; Gál, Miroslav; Fašková, Andrea


    Green algae Cladophora aegagropila, present in cooling water of thermal power plants, causes many problems and complications, especially during summer. However, algae and its metabolites are rarely eliminated by common removal methods. In this work, the elimination efficiency of electrochemically prepared potassium ferrate(VI) on algae from cooling water was investigated. The influence of experimental parameters, such as Fe(VI) dosage, application time, pH of the system, temperature and hydrodynamics of the solution on removal efficiency, was optimized. This study demonstrates that algae C. aegagropila can be effectively removed from cooling water by ferrate. Application of ferrate(VI) at the optimized dosage and under the suitable conditions (temperature, pH) leads to 100% removal of green algae Cladophora from the system. Environmentally friendly reduction products (Fe(III)) and coagulation properties favour the application of ferrate for the treatment of water contaminated with studied microorganisms compared to other methods such as chlorination and use of permanganate, where harmful products are produced.

  20. Sustainable Algae Biodiesel Production in Cold Climates

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    Rudras Baliga


    Full Text Available This life cycle assessment aims to determine the most suitable operating conditions for algae biodiesel production in cold climates to minimize energy consumption and environmental impacts. Two hypothetical photobioreactor algae production and biodiesel plants located in Upstate New York (USA are modeled. The photobioreactor is assumed to be housed within a greenhouse that is located adjacent to a fossil fuel or biomass power plant that can supply waste heat and flue gas containing CO2 as a primary source of carbon. Model results show that the biodiesel areal productivity is high (19 to 25 L of BD/m2/yr. The total life cycle energy consumption was between 15 and 23 MJ/L of algae BD and 20 MJ/L of soy BD. Energy consumption and air emissions for algae biodiesel are substantially lower than soy biodiesel when waste heat was utilized. Algae's most substantial contribution is a significant decrease in the petroleum consumed to make the fuel.

  1. Sobre o problema da demarcação

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    Marcos Barbosa de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Desde sua publicação, não têm faltado ataques ao critério da refutabilidade - a solução proposta por Popper para seu problema da demarcação. A crítica do presente artigo é mais fundamental: seu alvo é o próprio problema da demarcação. Como preliminar, mostra-se haver na obra de Popper não apenas um, mas dois problemas da demarcação, distintos e incompatíveis. Uma análise do antiessencialismo de Popper é o ponto de partida para a demonstração da tese central do artigo, a saber, a tese de que o problema da demarcação deve ser abandonado, por ser parte de uma abordagem cientificista da questão do valor das ciências.

  2. Soil algae

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Timothy Ademakinwa

    Also, the importance of algae in soil formation and soil fertility improvement cannot be over ... The presence of nitrogen fixing microalgae (Nostoc azollae) in the top soil of both vegetable ..... dung, fish food and dirty water from fish ponds on.

  3. Photophysiology and cellular composition of sea ice algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lizotte, M.P.


    The productivity of sea ice algae depends on their physiological capabilities and the environmental conditions within various microhabitats. Pack ice is the dominant form of sea ice, but the photosynthetic activity of associated algae has rarely been studied. Biomass and photosynthetic rates of ice algae of the Weddell-Scotia Sea were investigated during autumn and winter, the period when ice cover grows from its minimum to maximum. Biomass-specific photosynthetic rates typically ranged from 0.3 to 3.0 μg C · μg chl -1 · h -1 higher than land-fast ice algae but similar to Antarctic phytoplankton. Primary production in the pack ice during winter may be minor compared to annual phytoplankton production, but could represent a vital seasonal contribution to the Antarctic ecosystem. Nutrient supply may limit the productivity of ice algae. In McMurdo Sound, congelation ice algae appeared to be more nutrient deficient than underlying platelet ice algae based on: lower nitrogen:carbon, chlorophyll:carbon, and protein:carbohydrate; and 14 C-photosynthate distribution to proteins and phospholipids was lower, while distribution to polysaccharides and neutral lipids was higher. Depletion of nitrate led to decreased nitrogen:carbon, chlorophyll:carbon, protein:carbohydrate, and 14 C-photosynthate to proteins. Studied were conducted during the spring bloom; therefore, nutrient limitation may only apply to dense ice algal communities. Growth limiting conditions may be alleviated when algae are released into seawater during the seasonal recession of the ice cover. To continue growth, algae must adapt to the variable light field encountered in a mixed water column. Photoadaptation was studied in surface ice communities and in bottom ice communities

  4. Procesos de ozonación fotocatalítica para eliminar contaminantes emergentes de aguas residuales urbanas


    Espejo Morán, María Azahara


    En este trabajo se ha estudiado la degradación de distintos contaminantes emergentes (CEs) añadidos a un agua residual urbana mediante procesos químicos integrados secuencialmente como etapa previa o etapa terciaria a un tratamiento biológico aerobio convencional por fangos activos. Los compuestos seleccionados son acetaminofeno, antipirina, bisfenol A, cafeína, carbamazepina, diclofenaco, hidroclorotiazida, ketorolaco, metoprolol, sulfametoxazol y testosterona. Estos CEs se eligieron ya que ...

  5. Method and apparatus for lysing and processing algae (United States)

    Chew, Geoffrey; Reich, Alton J.; Dykes, Jr., H. Waite H.; Di Salvo, Roberto


    Methods and apparatus for processing algae are described in which a hydrophilic ionic liquid is used to lyse algae cells at lower temperatures than existing algae processing methods. A salt or salt solution is used as a separation agent and to remove water from the ionic liquid, allowing the ionic liquid to be reused. The used salt may be dried or concentrated and reused. The relatively low lysis temperatures and recycling of the ionic liquid and salt reduce the environmental impact of the algae processing while providing biofuels and other useful products.

  6. Importance of algae oil as a source of biodiesel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demirbas, Ayhan; Fatih Demirbas, M.


    Algae are the fastest-growing plants in the world. Industrial reactors for algal culture are open ponds, photobioreactors and closed systems. Algae are very important as a biomass source. Algae will some day be competitive as a source for biofuel. Different species of algae may be better suited for different types of fuel. Algae can be grown almost anywhere, even on sewage or salt water, and does not require fertile land or food crops, and processing requires less energy than the algae provides. Algae can be a replacement for oil based fuels, one that is more effective and has no disadvantages. Algae are among the fastest-growing plants in the world, and about 50% of their weight is oil. This lipid oil can be used to make biodiesel for cars, trucks, and airplanes. Microalgae have much faster growth-rates than terrestrial crops. the per unit area yield of oil from algae is estimated to be from 20,000 to 80,000 l per acre, per year; this is 7-31 times greater than the next best crop, palm oil. The lipid and fatty acid contents of microalgae vary in accordance with culture conditions. Most current research on oil extraction is focused on microalgae to produce biodiesel from algal oil. Algal-oil processes into biodiesel as easily as oil derived from land-based crops.

  7. Phthalate esters in marine algae


    Gezgin, Tuncay; Güven, Kasim Cemal; Akçin, Göksel


    Abstract o-Phthalate esters as diethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, di-isobutyl phthalate and diethylhexyl phthalate were identified at surface and inner part of algae collected in the Bosphorus, as Ulva lactuca, Enteromorpha linza, Cystoseria barbata, Pterocladia capillaceaeand Ceramium rubrum. The same esters were also detected in seawater samples taken from the same area. Thus parallelism in pollution was noted between the algae and the surrounding seawater,

  8. Uptake of americium-241 by algae and bacteria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Geisy, J P; Paine, D


    Algae and bacteria are important factors in the transport and mobilization of elements in the biosphere. These factors may be involved in trophic biomagnification, resulting in a potential human hazard or environmental degradation. Although americium, one of the most toxic elements known, is not required for plant growth, it may be concentrated by algae and bacteria. Therefore, the availability of americium-241 to algae and bacteria was studied to determine their role in the ultimate fate of this element released into the environment. Both algae and bacteria concentrated americium-241 to a high degree, making them important parts of the biomagnification process. The ability to concentrate americium-241 makes algae and bacteria potentially significant factors in cycling this element in the water column. (4 graphs, numerous references, 3 tables)


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    Full Text Available La propuesta teórica que se presenta, se relaciona con la formación de la estrategia desde una pers - pectiva evolutiva y con conexiones entre estrategias deliberadas y emergentes, gracias al empleo de definiciones básicas o raíces, empleando la metodología de sistemas suaves SSM propuesta por Checkland & Scholes (1994. Para ello se propone la interacción de entes “autónomos” y semió - ticos (agentes, organizaciones y entorno en los sistemas real y representacional de interacciones. Estas nociones permiten la elaboración de los conceptos de decisión, actuación e intencionalidad. Se reelaboran las nociones de estrategia deliberada y emergente y se detalla un ciclo de operación entre tales tipos de estrategia.

  10. Composition of phytoplankton algae in Gubi Reservoir, Bauchi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Studies on the distribution, abundance and taxonomic composition of phytoplankton algae in Gubi reservoir were carried out for 12 months (from January to December 1995). Of the 26 algal taxa identified, 14 taxa belonged to the diatoms, 8 taxa were green algae while 4 taxa belonged to the blue-green algae. Higher cell ...

  11. Algoritmos multirecombinativos aplicados al problema de ruteo de vehículos

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    Renzo Ramon Miño


    Full Text Available El diseño de algoritmos eficientes para resolver problemas complejos ha sido tradicionalmente uno de los aspectos más importantes en la investigación en el campo de la informática. El objetivo perseguido en este campo es fundamentalmente el desarrollo de nuevos métodos capaces de resolver problemas complejos con el menor esfuerzo computacional posible, mejorando así a los algoritmos existentes. En consecuencia, esto no sólo permite afrontar los problemas de forma más eficiente, sino afrontar tareas vedadas en el pasado debido a su alto costo computacional. Las metaheurísticas son métodos que integran procedimientos de mejora local y estrategias de alto nivel para realizar una búsqueda robusta en el espacio-problema. El problema de ruteo de vehículos es un problema de optimización combinatoria de gran importancia en diferentes entornos logísticos debido a su dificultad (NP-duros y a sus múltiples aplicaciones industriales. Se han propuestos varias soluciones a este problema haciendo uso de heurísticas y metaheurísticas. En este trabajo proponemos dos algoritmos para resolver el problema de ruteo de vehículos con capacidad limitada, utilizando como base un Algoritmo Evolutivo conocido como MCMP-SRI (Stud and Random Inmigrants combinados con Hill- Climbing. Detalles de los algoritmos y los resultados de los experimentos muestran un promisorio comportamiento para resolver el problema.

  12. Radiation effects on algae and its application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dwivedi, Rakesh Kumar


    The effects of radiation on algae have been summarized in this article. Today, algae are being considered to have the great potential to fulfill the demand of food, fodder, fuel and various pharmaceutical products. Red algae are particularly rich in the content of polysaccharides present in their cell wall. For isolation of these polysaccharides, separation of cells cemented together by middle lamella is essential. The gamma rays are known to bring about biochemical changes in the cell wall and cause the breakdown of the middle lamella. These rays ate also known to speed up the starch sugar inter-conversion in the cells which is very useful for the tapping the potential of algae to be used as biofuel as well as in pharmaceutical industries. Cyanobacteria, among algae and other plants are more resistant to the radiation. In some cyanobacteria the radiation treatment is known to enhance the resistance against the antibiotics. Radiation treatment is also known to enhance the diameter of cell and size of the nitrogen fixing heterocyst. (author)

  13. Can the primary algae production be measured precisely?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olesen, M.; Lundsgaard, C.


    Algae production in seawater is extremely important as a basic link in marine food chains. Evaluation of the algae quantity is based on 14CO 2 tracer techniques while natural circulation and light absorption in seawater is taken insufficiently into account. Algae production can vary by 500% in similar nourishment conditions, but varying water mixing conditions. (EG)

  14. Microscopic Gardens: A Close Look at Algae. (United States)

    Foote, Mary Ann


    Describes classroom activities using algae, including demonstration of eutrophication, examination of mating strains, and activities with Euglena. Includes on algal morphology/physiology, types of algae, and field sources for collecting these organisms. (JN)

  15. Method and apparatus for processing algae (United States)

    Chew, Geoffrey; Reich, Alton J.; Dykes, Jr., H. Waite; Di Salvo, Roberto


    Methods and apparatus for processing algae are described in which a hydrophilic ionic liquid is used to lyse algae cells. The lysate separates into at least two layers including a lipid-containing hydrophobic layer and an ionic liquid-containing hydrophilic layer. A salt or salt solution may be used to remove water from the ionic liquid-containing layer before the ionic liquid is reused. The used salt may also be dried and/or concentrated and reused. The method can operate at relatively low lysis, processing, and recycling temperatures, which minimizes the environmental impact of algae processing while providing reusable biofuels and other useful products.

  16. Bioremediation of Heavy Metal by Algae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seema Dwivedi


    Full Text Available Instead of using mainly bacteria, it is also possible to use mainly algae to clean wastewater because many of the pollutant sources in wastewater are also food sources for algae. Nitrates and phosphates are common components of plant fertilizers for plants. Like plants, algae need large quantities of nitrates and phosphates to support their fast cell cycles. Certain heavy metals are also important for the normal functioning of algae. These include iron (for photosynthesis, and chromium (for metabolism. Because marine environments are normally scarce in these metals, some marine algae especially have developed efficient mechanisms to gather these heavy metals from the environment and take them up. These natural processes can also be used to remove certain heavy metals from the environment. The use of algae has several advantages over normal bacteria-based bioremediation processes. One major advantage in the removal of pollutants is that this is a process that under light conditions does not need oxygen. Instead, as pollutants are taken up and digested, oxygen is added while carbon dioxide is removed. Hence, phytoremediation could potentially be coupled with carbon sequestration. Additionally, because phytoremediation does not rely on fouling processes, odors are much less a problem. Microalgae, in particular, have been recognized as suitable vectors for detoxification and have emerged as a potential low-cost alternative to physicochemical treatments. Uptake of metals by living microalgae occurs in two steps: one takes place rapidly and is essentially independent of cell metabolism – “adsorption” onto the cell surface. The other one is lengthy and relies on cell metabolism – “absorption” or “intracellular uptake.” Nonviable cells have also been successfully used in metal removal from contaminated sites. Some of the technologies in heavy metal removals, such as High Rate Algal Ponds and Algal Turf Scrubber, have been justified for

  17. Photoreduction of chromium(VI) in the presence of algae, Chlorella vulgaris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng Lin; Wang Hongli; Deng Nansheng


    In this thesis, the photochemical reduction of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) in the presence of algae, Chlorella vulgaris, was investigated under the irradiation of metal halide lamps (λ=365nm, 250W). The affecting factors of photochemical reduction were studied in detail, such as exposure time, initial Cr(VI) concentration, initial algae concentration and pH. The rate of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction increased with algae concentration increasing, exposure time increasing, initial Cr(VI) concentration decreasing and the decrease of pH. When pH increased to 6, the rate of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction nearly vanished. When initial Cr(VI) concentration ranged from 0.4 to 1.0mgL -1 and initial algae concentration ranged from ABS algae (the absorbency of algae)=0.025 to ABS algae =0.180, According to the results of kinetic analyses, the kinetic equation of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction in aqueous solution with algae under 250W metal halide lamps was V 0 =kC 0 0.1718 A algae 0.5235 (C 0 was initial concentration of Cr(VI); A algae was initial concentration of algae) under the condition of pH 4

  18. Modeling and optimization of algae growth

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thornton, Anthony Richard; Weinhart, Thomas; Bokhove, Onno; Zhang, Bowen; van der Sar, Dick M.; Kumar, Kundan; Pisarenco, Maxim; Rudnaya, Maria; Savcenco, Valeriu; Rademacher, Jens; Zijlstra, Julia; Szabelska, Alicja; Zyprych, Joanna; van der Schans, Martin; Timperio, Vincent; Veerman, Frits


    The wastewater from greenhouses has a high amount of mineral contamination and an environmentally-friendly method of removal is to use algae to clean this runoff water. The algae consume the minerals as part of their growth process. In addition to cleaning the water, the created algal bio-mass has a

  19. Ammonium removal using algae-bacteria consortia: the effect of ammonium concentration, algae biomass, and light. (United States)

    Jia, Huijun; Yuan, Qiuyan


    In this study, the effects of ammonium nitrogen concentration, algae biomass concentration, and light conditions (wavelength and intensity) on the ammonium removal efficiency of algae-bacteria consortia from wastewater were investigated. The results indicated that ammonium concentration and light intensity had a significant impact on nitrification. It was found that the highest ammonia concentration (430 mg N/L) in the influent resulted in the highest ammonia removal rate of 108 ± 3.6 mg N/L/days, which was two times higher than the influent with low ammonia concentration (40 mg N/L). At the lowest light intensity of 1000 Lux, algae biomass concentration, light wavelength, and light cycle did not show a significant effect on the performance of algal-bacterial consortium. Furthermore, the ammonia removal rate was approximately 83 ± 1.0 mg N/L/days, which was up to 40% faster than at the light intensity of 2500 Lux. It was concluded that the algae-bacteria consortia can effectively remove nitrogen from wastewater and the removal performance can be stabilized and enhanced using the low light intensity of 1000 Lux that is also a cost-effective strategy.

  20. Accumulation of 210Po by benthic marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gouvea, R.C.; Branco, M.E.C.; Santos, P.L.


    The accumulation of polonium 210 Po by various species of benthic marine seaweeds collected from 4 different points on the coast of Rio de Janeiro, showed variations by species and algal groups. The highest value found was in red alga, Plocamium brasiliensis followed by other organisms of the same group. In the group of the brown alga, the specie Sargassum stenophylum was outstanding. The Chlorophyta presented the lowest content of 210 Po. The algae collected in open sea, revealed greater concentration factors of 210 Po than the same species living in bays. The siliceous residue remaining after mineralization of the algae did not interfere with the detection of polonium. (author)

  1. Photoreduction of chromium(VI) in the presence of algae, Chlorella vulgaris

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deng Lin [School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 (China); Wang Hongli [School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 (China); Deng Nansheng [School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 (China)]. E-mail:


    In this thesis, the photochemical reduction of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) in the presence of algae, Chlorella vulgaris, was investigated under the irradiation of metal halide lamps ({lambda}=365nm, 250W). The affecting factors of photochemical reduction were studied in detail, such as exposure time, initial Cr(VI) concentration, initial algae concentration and pH. The rate of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction increased with algae concentration increasing, exposure time increasing, initial Cr(VI) concentration decreasing and the decrease of pH. When pH increased to 6, the rate of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction nearly vanished. When initial Cr(VI) concentration ranged from 0.4 to 1.0mgL{sup -1} and initial algae concentration ranged from ABS{sub algae} (the absorbency of algae)=0.025 to ABS{sub algae}=0.180, According to the results of kinetic analyses, the kinetic equation of Cr(VI) photochemical reduction in aqueous solution with algae under 250W metal halide lamps was V{sub 0}=kC{sub 0}{sup 0.1718}A{sub algae}{sup 0.5235} (C{sub 0} was initial concentration of Cr(VI); A{sub algae} was initial concentration of algae) under the condition of pH 4.

  2. New methodologies for integrating algae with CO2 capture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hernandez Mireles, I.; Stel, R.W. van der; Goetheer, E.L.V.


    It is generally recognized, that algae could be an interesting option for reducing CO2 emissions. Based on light and CO2, algae can be used for the production various economically interesting products. Current algae cultivation techniques, however, still present a number of limitations. Efficient

  3. Radiation sterilization of harmful algae in water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byung Chull An; Jae-Sung Kim; Seung Sik Lee; Shyamkumar Barampuram; Eun Mi Lee; Byung Yeoup Chung


    Complete text of publication follows. Objective: Drinking water, water used in food production and for irrigation, water for fish farming, waste water, surface water, and recreational water have been recently recognized as a vector for the transmission of harmful micro-organisms. The human and animal harmful algae is a waterborne risk to public health and economy because the algae are ubiquitous and persistent in water and wastewater, not completely removed by physical-chemical treatment processes, and relatively resistant to chemical disinfection. Gamma and electron beam radiation technology is of growing in the water industry since it was demonstrated that gamma and electron beam radiation is very effective against harmful algae. Materials and Methods: Harmful algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda(Turpin) Brebisson 1835 (AG10003), Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck 1896 (AG30007) and Chlamydomonas sp. (AG10061)) were distributed from Korean collection for type cultures (KCTC). Strains were cultured aerobically in Allen's medium at 25□ and 300 umol/m2s for 1 week using bioreactor. We investigated the disinfection efficiency of harmful algae irradiated with gamma (0.05 to 10 kGy for 30 min) and electron beam (1 to 19 kGy for 5 sec) rays. Results and Conclusion: We investigated the disinfection efficiency of harmful algae irradiated with gamma and electron beam rays of 50 to 19000 Gy. We established the optimum sterilization condition which use the gamma and electron beam radiation. Gamma ray disinfected harmful algae at 400 Gy for 30 min. Also, electron beam disinfected at 1000 Gy for 5 sec. This alternative disinfection practice had powerful disinfection efficiency. Hence, the multi-barrier approach for drinking water treatment in which a combination of various disinfectants and filtration technologies are applied for removal and inactivation of different microbial pathogens will guarantee a lower risk of microbial contamination.

  4. Resolución algebraica de problemas estequiométricos


    Reza García, J.


    La resolución de problemas, entendida como la metodología para enfrentar situaciones nuevas que impliquen un reto personal, es una estrategia didáctica eficaz que permite generar, consolidar e integrar conocimientos. La resolución de un problema típico en ciencias parte de la comprensión de su enunciado, constituido por un texto corto escrito en lenguaje natural; la traducción de dicha situación al lenguaje matemático constituye un obstáculo en el proceso de resolución de problemas con estruc...

  5. Indigenous algae: Potential factories for biodiesel production

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Maharajh, Dheepak M


    Full Text Available advantages. Approximately 30% of South African environments favourable for isolating algae have been sampled. Samples were enriched, purified and assessed for lipid content, resulting in a database of indigenous algae. Positive isolates were grown under...

  6. Problemas de teoria dos números


    Pontes, Dúnia Lisandra Serra Lêdo


    Tese de mestrado em Matemática para Professores, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013 A tese em questão, como o título sugere – Problemas de teoria dos números – propõe-se a estudar problemas relativos a uma das áreas mais antigas e mais ricas da matemática, considerada uma forte influência na evolução de grandes matemáticos. Este trabalho conjuga dois temas deveras importantes para o desenvolvimento da criatividade e do conhecimento matemático: reso...

  7. Phospholipids of New Zealand Edible Brown Algae. (United States)

    Vyssotski, Mikhail; Lagutin, Kirill; MacKenzie, Andrew; Mitchell, Kevin; Scott, Dawn


    Edible brown algae have attracted interest as a source of beneficial allenic carotenoid fucoxanthin, and glyco- and phospholipids enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Unlike green algae, brown algae contain no or little phosphatidylserine, possessing an unusual aminophospholipid, phosphatidyl-O-[N-(2-hydroxyethyl) glycine], PHEG, instead. When our routinely used technique of 31 P-NMR analysis of phospholipids was applied to the samples of edible New Zealand brown algae, a number of signals corresponding to unidentified phosphorus-containing compounds were observed in total lipids. NI (negative ion) ESI QToF MS spectra confirmed the presence of more familiar phospholipids, and also suggested the presence of PHEG or its isomers. The structure of PHEG was confirmed by comparison with a synthetic standard. An unusual MS fragmentation pattern that was also observed prompted us to synthesise a number of possible candidates, and was found to follow that of phosphatidylhydroxyethyl methylcarbamate, likely an extraction artefact. An unexpected outcome was the finding of ceramidephosphoinositol that has not been reported previously as occurring in brown algae. An uncommon arsenic-containing phospholipid has also been observed and quantified, and its TLC behaviour studied, along with that of the newly synthesised lipids.

  8. Biological toxicity of lanthanide elements on algae. (United States)

    Tai, Peidong; Zhao, Qing; Su, Dan; Li, Peijun; Stagnitti, Frank


    The biological toxicity of lanthanides on marine monocellular algae was investigated. The specific objective of this research was to establish the relationship between the abundance in the seawater of lanthanides and their biological toxicities on marine monocellular algae. The results showed that all single lanthanides had similar toxic effects on Skeletonema costatum. High concentrations of lanthanides (29.04+/-0.61 micromol L(-1)) resulted in 50% reduction in growth of algae compared to the controls (0 micromol L(-1)) after 96 h (96 h-EC50). The biological toxicity of 13 lanthanides on marine monocellular algae was unrelated with the abundance of different lanthanide elements in nature, and the "Harkins rule" was not appropriate for the lanthanides. A mixed solution that contained equivalent concentrations of each lanthanide element had the same inhibition effect on algae cells as each individual lanthanide element at the same total concentration. This phenomenon is unique compared to the groups of other elements in the periodic table. Hence, we speculate that the monocellular organisms might not be able to sufficiently differentiate between the almost chemically identical lanthanide elements. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Levantamento de problemas comportamentais/emocionais em um ambulatório para adolescentes

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    Benedita Salete Costa Lima Valverde


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar os principais problemas comportamentais e emocionais percebidos por adolescentes que frequentam um ambulatório de saúde. Participaram 320 adolescentes que não estavam em atendimento psicoterápico e que responderam, na sala de espera de um ambulatório, o Youth Self Report. O principal problema relatado foi Ansiedade/Depressão. Os meninos obtiveram escores mais altos em Problemas Sociais e mais baixos em Comportamento Delinquente; as meninas apresentaram-se com menos problemas no agrupamento Problemas Somáticos e com mais problemas em Ansiedade/Depressão. Quanto à faixa etária, observou-se que Problemas Sociais esteve associado ao início da adolescência. Quanto à incidência, menos de um quarto dos adolescentes apresentaram-se com problemas, sugerindo que a adolescência não é um período de turbulência. Observou-se que alguns adolescentes necessitam de uma avaliação mais detalhada, pois relataram comportamentos indicativos de transtornos mentais. Conclui-se a necessidade de profissionais de saúde mental integrarem a equipe de saúde que atende adolescentes.

  10. Scenario studies for algae production


    Slegers, P.M.


    Microalgae are a promising biomass for the biobased economy to produce food, feed, fuel, chemicals and materials. So far, large-scale production of algae is limited and as a result estimates on the performance of such large systems are scarce. There is a need to estimate large-scale biomass productivity and energy consumption, while considering the uncertainty and complexity in such large-scale systems. In this thesis frameworks are developed to assess 1) the productivity during algae culti...

  11. De cómo la realidad puede tomar parte en juegos emergentes

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    Federico Peinado


    Full Text Available Este artículo es un estudio del fenómeno de la utilización de elementos reales en aplicaciones software de entretenimiento. De manera más o menos explícita y significativa, este fenómeno se encuentra en la experiencia de juego de numerosos juguetes y experimentos digitales, así como de algunos videojuegos comerciales de gran popularidad; es interesante conocer, por tanto, sus implicaciones estéticas y funcionales a la hora de diseñar interfaces y sistemas de jugabilidad emergente, así como la posible evolución que este fenómeno de la realidad como componente lúdico puede sufrir en los próximos años.

  12. Algunas relaciones entre algoritmos y resolución de problemas

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    Jaime Fonseca González


    Full Text Available Como parte del estudio realizado en la tesis de maestría “Uso de algoritmos en la resolución de problemas sobre isometrías del plano. Un estudio de caso”, se han identificado diversas formas en que se relacionan los algoritmos con la resolución de problemas, no sólo como procesos mecánicos, sino como fuente de información en el planteamiento de estrategias al resolver un problema, de modo que surgen algunas maneras en que se da esta relación, ejemplificando cada una de ellas con problemas cuyo objeto matemático central son las isometrías del plano.

  13. How to Identify and Control Water Weeds and Algae. (United States)

    Applied Biochemists, Inc., Mequon, WI.

    Included in this guide to water management are general descriptions of algae, toxic algae, weed problems in lakes, ponds, and canals, and general discussions of mechanical, biological and chemical control methods. In addition, pictures, descriptions, and recommended control methods are given for algae, 6 types of floating weeds, 18 types of…

  14. Agricultural importance of algae | Abdel-Raouf | African Journal of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Algae are a large and diverse group of microorganisms that can carry out photosynthesis since they capture energy from sunlight. Algae play an important role in agriculture where they are used as biofertilizer and soil stabilizers. Algae, particularly the seaweeds, are used as fertilizers, resulting in less nitrogen and ...


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    Claudia Julieta Galera


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es parte de un proyecto de investigación denominado “Las Nuevas Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación y sus efectos en el lenguaje escrito de los adolescentes”.Los objetivos que intentaremos develar a través de esta investigación son: analizar el lenguaje escrito derivado del uso del chat como fenómeno cultural emergente; indagar si el lenguaje derivado del uso del chat es la expresión de una nueva forma de percibir, de comunicar y de concebir el mundo; caracterizar al lenguaje escrito emergente por el uso y apropiación de las TICs por parte de los adolescentes.La elección del tema fue motivada por la amplia difusión y discusión que existía sobre los problemas o consecuencias por el uso del chat en el lenguaje escrito de los adolescentes debido a la existencia de prejuicios ampliamente difundidos sobre este problema en el mundo académico y en el ámbito escolar en particular.


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    Almudena García Nieto


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La emergencia y re-emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas revisten una gran preocupación en Salud Pública. Las peculiaridades socio-demográficas de la Comunidad de Madrid hacen que deba prestarse una mayor atención a las zoonosis transmitidas por animales de compañía. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron mejorar el conocimiento de las zoonosis emergentes y re-emergentes transmitidas por animales de compañía y el diseño de un método para la priorización de éstas. Métodos: A partir de las enfermedades recogidas de fuentes oficiales, laboratorios y revisión bibliográfica se aplicó un método de cuantificación y ponderación diseñado por el grupo de trabajo y adaptado a la especificidad del estudio. Resultados: Del análisis de 137 enfermedades, 24 cumplieron los criterios de admisión. El método de ponderación se refleja en una tabla que recoge once criterios de puntuación, sus categorías y los coeficientes adoptados. La Salmonelosis fue la enfermedad que ocupó el primer lugar, seguida de Fiebre Q, Tularemia e Infección por Hantavirus. Conclusiones: Se ha diseñado un método de evaluación específico de enfermedades emergentes y re-emergentes que permite establecer prioridades en el campo de la planificación en Salud Pública. El presente estudio aporta una relación, por orden de importancia, de 24 zoonosis sobre las que se deberán plantear nuevas líneas estratégicas para su investigación y/o control.

  17. Isoprenoid biosynthesis in eukaryotic phototrophs: A spotlight on algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lohr M.; Schwender J.; Polle, J. E. W.


    Isoprenoids are one of the largest groups of natural compounds and have a variety of important functions in the primary metabolism of land plants and algae. In recent years, our understanding of the numerous facets of isoprenoid metabolism in land plants has been rapidly increasing, while knowledge on the metabolic network of isoprenoids in algae still lags behind. Here, current views on the biochemistry and genetics of the core isoprenoid metabolism in land plants and in the major algal phyla are compared and some of the most pressing open questions are highlighted. Based on the different evolutionary histories of the various groups of eukaryotic phototrophs, we discuss the distribution and regulation of the mevalonate (MVA) and the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathways in land plants and algae and the potential consequences of the loss of the MVA pathway in groups such as the green algae. For the prenyltransferases, serving as gatekeepers to the various branches of terpenoid biosynthesis in land plants and algae, we explore the minimal inventory necessary for the formation of primary isoprenoids and present a preliminary analysis of their occurrence and phylogeny in algae with primary and secondary plastids. The review concludes with some perspectives on genetic engineering of the isoprenoid metabolism in algae.

  18. Incursión de tecnologías emergentes en una escuela pública de Negocios de México


    Madrigal Lozano, María Magdalena; Hernández Moreno, Laura Alicia; López Solórzano, Juan Gabriel; Merla González, Alma Elizabeth


    En el presente artículo se describen los resultados obtenidos de un estudio exploratorio, descriptivo de alcance transeccional realizado para conocer la realidad del uso, producción e investigación de las tecnologías emergentes MOOC, Gamificación y Realidad Aumentada en los procesos educativos de los programas relacionados con la profesión de negocios. En particular se aplicó un instrumento de medic...

  19. 21 CFR 73.185 - Haematococcus algae meal. (United States)


    ... stabilized color additive mixture. Color additive mixtures for fish feed use made with haematococcus algae... in color additive mixtures for coloring foods. (b) Specifications. Haematococcus algae meal shall... salmonid fish in accordance with the following prescribed conditions: (1) The color additive is used to...

  20. Anti-Phytopathogenic Activities of Macro-Algae Extracts

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    Ingrid Ramírez


    Full Text Available Aqueous and ethanolic extracts obtained from nine Chilean marine macro-algae collected at different seasons were examined in vitro and in vivo for properties that reduce the growth of plant pathogens or decrease the injury severity of plant foliar tissues following pathogen infection. Particular crude aqueous or organic extracts showed effects on the growth of pathogenic bacteria whereas others displayed important effects against pathogenic fungi or viruses, either by inhibiting fungal mycelia growth or by reducing the disease symptoms in leaves caused by pathogen challenge. Organic extracts obtained from the brown-alga Lessonia trabeculata inhibited bacterial growth and reduced both the number and size of the necrotic lesion in tomato leaves following infection with Botrytis cinerea. Aqueous and ethanolic extracts from the red-alga Gracillaria chilensis prevent the growth of Phytophthora cinnamomi, showing a response which depends on doses and collecting-time. Similarly, aqueous and ethanolic extracts from the brown-alga Durvillaea antarctica were able to diminish the damage caused by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV in tobacco leaves, and the aqueous procedure is, in addition, more effective and seasonally independent. These results suggest that macro-algae contain compounds with different chemical properties which could be considered for controlling specific plant pathogens.

  1. Radionuclides and trace metals in eastern Mediterranean Sea algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Masri, M.S.; Mamish, S.; Budier, Y.


    Three types of sea alga distributed along the Syrian coast have been collected and analyzed for radioactivity and trace elements. Results have shown that 137 Cs concentrations in all the analyzed sample were relatively low (less than 1.2 Bq kg -1 dry weight) while the levels of naturally occurring radionuclides, such as 210 Po and 210 Pb, were found to be high in most samples; the highest observed value (27.43 Bq kg -1 dry weight) for 210 Po being in the red Jania longifurca alga. In addition, most brown alga species were also found to accumulate 210 Po, which indicates their selectivity to this isotope. On the other hand, brown alga (Cystoseira and Sargassum Vulgare) have shown a clear selectivity for some trace metals such as Cr, As, Cu and Co, this selectivity may encourage their use as biomonitor for pollution by trace metals. Moreover, the red alga species were found to contain the highest levels of Mg while the brown alga species were found to concentrate Fe, Mn, Na and K and nonmetals such as Cl, I and Br

  2. Macro-economics of algae products : Output WP2A7.02

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voort, van der M.P.J.; Vulsteke, E.; Visser, de C.L.M.


    This report is part of the EnAlgae Workpackage 2, Action 7, directed at the economics of algae production. The goal of this report is to highlight potential markets for algae. Per type of algae market the market size, product alternatives, constraints and prices are highlighted. Based on these

  3. EnAlgae Decision Support Toolset: model validation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kenny, Philip; Visser, de Chris; Skarka, Johannes; Sternberg, Kirstin; Schipperus, Roelof; Silkina, Alla; Ginnever, Naomi


    One of the drivers behind the EnAlgae project is recognising and addressing the need for increased availability of information about developments in applications of algae biotechnology for energy, particularly in the NW Europe area, where activity has been less intense than in other areas of the

  4. A screening method for cardiovascular active compounds in marine algae. (United States)

    Agatonovic-Kustrin, S; Kustrin, E; Angove, M J; Morton, D W


    The interaction of bioactive compounds from ethanolic extracts of selected marine algae samples, separated on chromatographic plates, with nitric/nitrous acid was investigated. The nature of bioactive compounds in the marine algae extracts was characterised using UV absorption spectra before and after reaction with diluted nitric acid, and from the characteristic colour reaction after derivatization with anisaldehyde. It was found that diterpenes from Dictyota dichotoma, an edible brown algae, and sterols from green algae Caulerpa brachypus, bind nitric oxide and may act as a nitric oxide carrier. Although the carotenoid fucoxanthin, found in all brown marine algae also binds nitric oxide, the bonds between nitrogen and the fucoxanthin molecule are much stronger. Further studies are required to evaluate the effects of diterpenes from Dictyota dichotoma and sterols from green algae Caulerpa brachypus to see if they have beneficial cardiovascular effects. The method reported here should prove useful in screening large numbers of algae species for compounds with cardiovascular activity. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Genome Annotation and Transcriptomics of Oil-Producing Algae (United States)


    AFRL-OSR-VA-TR-2015-0103 GENOME ANNOTATION AND TRANSCRIPTOMICS OF OIL-PRODUCING ALGAE Sabeeha Merchant UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Final...2010 To 12-31-2014 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE GENOME ANNOTATION AND TRANSCRIPTOMICS OF OIL-PRODUCING ALGAE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER FA9550-10-1-0095 5b...NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Most algae accumulate triacylglycerols (TAGs) when they are starved for essential nutrients like N, S, P (or Si in the case of some

  6. Thermal algae in certain radioactive springs in Japan, (3)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mifune, Masaaki; Hirose, Hiroyuki.


    Shikano Hot Springs are located at five km to the south of Hamamura Station on the Sanin Line in Tottori Prefecture. The water temperature and the pH of the springs are 40.2 - 61.2 0 C, and 7.5 - 7.8, respectively. They belong to simple thermals. Hamamura Hot Springs are located in the neighbourhood of Hamamura Station. The highest radon content of the hot springs is 175.1 x 10 -10 Ci/l, and the great part of the springs belong to radioactive ones. From the viewpoint of the major ionic constituents, they are also classified under weak salt springs, sulfated salt springs, and simple thermals. Regarding the habitates of the algal flora, the water temperature and the pH of the springs are 28.0 - 68.0 0 C, and 6.8 - 7.4, respectively. The thermal algae found by Ikoma and Doi at Hamamura Hot Springs were two species of Cyanophyceae. By the authors, nine species and one variety of Cyanophyceae including Ikoma and Doi's two species were newly found at Shikano and Hamamura Hot Springs. Chlorophyceous alga was not found. The dominant thermal algae of these hot springs were Mastigocladus laminosus, and the other algae which mainly consist of Oscillatoriaceous algae. From these points, it seems that the thermal algae of Shikano and Hamamura Hot Springs belong to the normal type of thermal algae, and they are different from the thermal algae of Ikeda Mineral Springs and Masutomi Hot Springs which belong to strongly radioactive springs. (author)

  7. Algae Bioreactor Using Submerged Enclosures with Semi-Permeable Membranes (United States)

    Trent, Jonathan D (Inventor); Gormly, Sherwin J (Inventor); Embaye, Tsegereda N (Inventor); Delzeit, Lance D (Inventor); Flynn, Michael T (Inventor); Liggett, Travis A (Inventor); Buckwalter, Patrick W (Inventor); Baertsch, Robert (Inventor)


    Methods for producing hydrocarbons, including oil, by processing algae and/or other micro-organisms in an aquatic environment. Flexible bags (e.g., plastic) with CO.sub.2/O.sub.2 exchange membranes, suspended at a controllable depth in a first liquid (e.g., seawater), receive a second liquid (e.g., liquid effluent from a "dead zone") containing seeds for algae growth. The algae are cultivated and harvested in the bags, after most of the second liquid is removed by forward osmosis through liquid exchange membranes. The algae are removed and processed, and the bags are cleaned and reused.

  8. Control borroso para la valoración del impacto ambiental generado por contaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales hospitalarias

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    Leadina Sánchez Barboza


    Full Text Available La valoración de impactos ambientales está sujeta a imprecisión, vaguedad y subjetividad. Estas características son extensivas al impacto generado por la presencia de contaminantes emergentes -fármacos- en aguas residuales hospitalarias, por lo que este trabajo propone valorar el impacto de dichos contaminantes mediante un sistema de inferencia borrosa, utilizando el toolbox fuzzy logic de MATLAB®, aplicando el sistema experto Mamdani. Los conjuntos borrosos de entrada se establecieron a partir de las concentraciones de los fármacos mediante variables lingüísticas definidas por medio de funciones de pertenencia trapezoidales, y el conjunto borroso de salida comprende la magnitud del impacto definida a través de una función de pertenencia triangular. Posteriormente, se obtuvo una valoración (en escala de 0 a 100 para concentraciones de fármacos máximas y promedios presentes en el agua residual, y por último, con estos valores se determina la magnitud del impacto ambiental a través del sistema de inferencia borrosa diseñado. El tratamiento borroso es útil para valorar los impactos ambientales en aguas residuales de contaminantes emergentes como los compuestos farmacéuticos.

  9. Behaviour of technetium in marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonotto, S.; Kirchmann, R.; Van Baelen, J.; Hurtger, C.; Cogneau, M.; Van der Ben, D.; Verthe, C.; Bouquegneau, J.M.


    Uptake and distribution of technetium were studied in several green (Acetabularia acetabulum, Boergesenia forbesii, Ulva lactuca) and brown (Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus serratus, Fucus spiralis and Fucus vesiculosus) marine algae. Technetium was supplied to the algae as Tc-95m-pertechnetate. Under laboratory conditions, the algae were capable of accumulating technetium, with the exception, however, of Boergesenia, which showed concentration factors (C.F.) comprised between 0.28 and 0.71. The concentration of technetium-99 in Fucus spiralis, collected along the Belgian coast, was measured by a radiochemical procedure. The intracellular distribution of technetium was studied by differential centrifugation in Acetabularia and by the puncturing technique in Boergesenia. The chemical forms of technetium penetrated into the cells were investigated by selective chemical extractions, molecular sieving and thin layer chromatography

  10. Behaviour of technetium in marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonotto, S.; Kirchmann, R.; Baelen, J. van; Hurtgen, C.; Cogneau, M.; Ben, D. van der; Verthe, C.; Bouquegneau, J.M.


    Uptake and distribution of technetium were studied in several green (Acetabularia acetabulum, Boergesenia forbesii, Ulva lactuca) and brown (Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus serratus, Fucus spiralis and Fucus vesiculosus) marine algae. Technetium was supplied to the algae as Tc-95-pertechnetate. Under laboratory conditions, the algae were capable of accumulating technetium, with the exception, however, of Boergesenia, which showed concentration factors (C.F.) comprised between 0.28 and 0.71. The concentration of technetium-99 in Fucus spiralis, collected along the Belgian coast, was measured by a radiochemical procedure. The intracellular distribution of technetium was studied by differential centrifugation in Acetabularia and by the puncturing technique in Boergesenia. The chemical forms of technetium penetrated into the cells were investigated by selective chemical extractions, molecular sieving and thin layer chromatography. (author)

  11. Los nuevos problemas de la infancia, propuestas de solución

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    María Eugenia Mansilla


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan los problemas que viven los niños de los sectores populares del Perú, haciendo algunos alcances con la realidad de otros países latinoamericanos. El enfoque del análisis es que el origen de tales problemas se encuentra en la forma que hemos organizado la sociedad, de ahí que se plantee que corresponden a una sociedad del horno sapiens y que "la mayoría de los problemas no son nuevos, (sino que lo nuevo es la forma en que se expresan y la manera en la que los vernos". La revisión de los problemas se inicia con el concepto niño discutiendo el enfoque tradicional con una propuesta alternativa que considera al niño un ser humano en desarrollo; se revisan algunos problemas que son productos de la urbanización y del actual modelo económico y la vigencia de algunos problemas viejos corno la discriminación y el trabajo infantil; se analizan brevemente las políticas sociales y se plantean algunas alternativas dirigidas a superarlos y avanzar en la construcción de una sociedad humana.

  12. Interspecific variation in total phenolic content in temperate brown algae

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    Anna Maria Mannino


    Full Text Available Marine algae synthesize secondary metabolites such as polyphenols that function as defense and protection mechanisms. Among brown algae, Fucales and Dictyotales (Phaeophyceae contain the highest levels of phenolic compounds, mainly phlorotannins, that play multiple roles. Four temperate brown algae (Cystoseira amentacea, Cystoseira compressa, Dictyopteris polypodioides and Padina pavonica were studied for total phenolic contents. Total phenolic content was determined colorimetrically with the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Significant differences in total phenolic content were observed between leathery and sheetlike algae and also within each morphological group. Among the four species, the sheet-like alga D. polypodioides, living in the upper infralittoral zone, showed the highest concentration of phenolic compounds. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that total phenolic content in temperate brown algae is influenced by a combination of several factors, such as growth form, depth, and exposition to solar radiation.

  13. Study on the effect of irradiation on algae by proteomics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Jong Il; Yoon, Yo Han; Kim, Jae Hun


    Algae has been utilized as food material from long time ago, and recently newly recognized as functional materials and the source of bio-fuel. But, the study on the algae is just beginning and the study on protein expression and growth by the change of condition was not reported. In this study, the effect of radiation on the protein expression was investigated for the protection mechanisms and new genome source and furthermore, isolation of new mutant strains. To monitor the growth of algae, absorbance and FDA staining methods were developed and the content of lipid of algae species were measured. With these methods, the radiation sensitivity of algae species was determined. To investigate the proteome of algae, 2D-electrophoresis methods was applied. From the comparison of proteomes, the radiation specific expressed protein was identified as thioredoxin-h and its nucleotide sequences was defined. The expression of thioredoxin-h was further defined on the mRNA level. Also, the extract of algae species was analyzed for its antioxidant activity and polyphenolic content. The changes in antioxidant activity of extract by radiation was investigated. From the radiation experiments, mutant Spirogyra species having higher resistant against radical stress was obtained. The mutant strain has higher antioxidant activity. This results can provide the proteome date and mutation technology of algae and further contribute in the activation of fishery industry and national health enhancement

  14. Mg-lattice associations in red coralline algae (United States)

    Kamenos, N. A.; Cusack, M.; Huthwelker, T.; Lagarde, P.; Scheibling, R. E.


    Recent investigations have shown red coralline algae to record ambient temperature in their calcite skeletons. Temperature recorded by variation in Mg concentrations within algal growth bands has sub-annual resolution and high accuracy. The conversion of Mg concentration to temperature is based on the assumption of Ca replacement by Mg within the algal calcite skeleton at higher temperatures. While Mg-temperature relationships in coralline algae have been calibrated for some species, the location of Mg within the calcite lattice remains unknown. Critically, if Mg is not a lattice component but associated with organic components this could lead to erroneous temperature records. Before coralline algae are used in large scale climate reconstructions it is therefore important to determine the location of Mg. Synchrotron Mg-X-ray absorbance near edge structure (XANES) indicates that Mg is associated with the calcite lattice in Lithothamnion glaciale (contemporary free-living, contemporary encrusting and sub-fossil free-living) and Phymatolithon calcareum (contemporary free-living) coralline algae. Mg is deposited within the calcite lattice in all seasons ( L. glaciale & P. calcareum) and thallus areas ( P. calcareum). These results suggest L. glaciale and P. calcareum are robust Mg-palaeotemperature proxies. We suggest that similar confirmation be obtained for Mg associations in other species of red coralline algae aiding our understanding of their role in climate reconstruction at large spatial scales.

  15. Revisión global de los contaminantes emergentes PBDE y el caso particular de México


    Rocha-Gutiérrez, Beatriz Adriana; Peralta-Pérez, María del Rosario; Zavala-Díaz de la Serna, Francisco Javier


    Los éteres de bifenilos polibromados (PBDE, por sus siglas en inglés) son un grupo específico de contaminantes emergentes que se caracterizan por ser lipofílicos, hidrofóbicos, bioacumulables y resistentes a la biodegradación. La familia de PBDE consiste de 209 isómeros o congéneres y su estructura química, persistencia y distribución en el ambiente siguen patrones muy similares a los polibromobifenilos (PBB) y a los policlorobifenilos (PCB). El uso principal de los PBDE es como retardantes d...

  16. Eliminación de contaminantes emergentes mediante adsorción empleando xerogeles de carbón


    Álvarez, Silvia; Ribeiro, Rui; Gomes, Helder; Sotelo, José; Garcia, Juan


    En la actualidad el número de sustancias quimicas potencialmente peligrosas que pueden lIegar a alcanzar el medio ambiente es muy amplio, por lo que la atención en la investigación de la contaminación dei agua se ha extendido recientemente a lo que se denomina contaminación emergente; es decir, la contaminación causada por sustancias químicas de origen y propiedades muy diversas, en concentraciones muy bajas, y que persisten en las aguas residuales tras el tratamiento de éstas ...

  17. Una gramática emergente ¿internet como cultura o artefacto?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mireya Barón Pulido


    Full Text Available Nativos digitales, gramáticas emergentes, internet como cultura y como artefacto son referentes marco que dinamizan tanto la emisión como la interpretación de signos en la población universitaria. El artículo muestra los resultados de las tendencias de usos de los lenguajes y mediaciones TICS en jóvenes universitarios de primer semestre del Politécnico Grancolombiano-COLOMBIA a partir del trabajo con grupos focales y aplicación de instrumento, con el propósito de sistematizar la tendencia de esta semiosis y su relación con el escenario pedagógico en la educación superior. Por demás, la investigación logra hacer un estado de arte de los resultados-casos en América Latina y Europa ante la realidad sígnica TICS y actores universitarios.

  18. Estructura orbital en el Problema Restringido Rectilíneo Isósceles (United States)

    Orellana, R. B.

    Para definir problemas en Mecánica Celeste se utilizan diferentes parámetros. El conocimiento de la dinámica del problema para valores particulares de estos parámetros nos permite entender el comportamiento en casos más generales. El Problema Restringido Rectilíneo Isósceles puede ser considerado como el caso límite del Problema de Sitnikov cuando la excentricidad tiende a uno o como el Problema Isósceles cuando la masa central tiende a cero. Se ha compactificado el espacio de fases y analizado la dinámica en el límite. Esto ha permitido separar el espacio de fases en diferentes regiones dependiendo de las clases de órbitas.

  19. Algoritmos y complejidad para algunos problemas de dominación


    Mizrahi, Michel Jonathan


    Los problemas de dominación forman un área de investigación en crecimiento, debido a la cantidad de aplicaciones que pueden modelar, entre las cuales podemos nombrar redes sociales, sistemas distribuidos, redes biológicas, problemas de localización de instalaciones, etc. En esta tesis estudiamos los siguientes problemas de dominación (i) el conjunto dominante mínimo, (ii) dominación romana, (iii) dominación eficiente por vértices, (iv) dominación eficiente por aristas (también conocida como m...

  20. Green Algae and the Origins of Multicellularity in the Plant Kingdom (United States)

    Umen, James G.


    The green lineage of chlorophyte algae and streptophytes form a large and diverse clade with multiple independent transitions to produce multicellular and/or macroscopically complex organization. In this review, I focus on two of the best-studied multicellular groups of green algae: charophytes and volvocines. Charophyte algae are the closest relatives of land plants and encompass the transition from unicellularity to simple multicellularity. Many of the innovations present in land plants have their roots in the cell and developmental biology of charophyte algae. Volvocine algae evolved an independent route to multicellularity that is captured by a graded series of increasing cell-type specialization and developmental complexity. The study of volvocine algae has provided unprecedented insights into the innovations required to achieve multicellularity. PMID:25324214

  1. Are anti-fouling effects in coralline algae species specific?

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    Alexandre Bigio Villas Bôas


    Full Text Available The crustose coralline algae are susceptible to be covered by other algae, which in turn can be affected by anti-fouling effects. In this study the hypothesis tested was that these algae can inhibit the growth of epiphytes in a species specific way. In the laboratory, propagules of Sargassum furcatum and Ulva fasciata were liberated and cultivated on pieces of coralline algae and slide covers (controls and their survival and growth were compared. Spongites and Hydrolithon significantly inhibited the growth of U. fasciata but not Sargassum. In the field, pieces of three species of live and dead coralline algae and their copies in epoxy putty discs were fixed on the rock. After one month epiphytic algae were identified and their dry mass quantified. Lithophyllum did not affect the epiphyte growth. In contrast Spongites and an unidentified coralline significantly inhibited the growth of Enteromorpha spp., Ulva fasciata and Hincksia mitchelliae. Colpomenia sinuosa was absent on all living crusts, but present on controls. Results show that the epiphyte-host relation depends on the species that are interacting. The sloughing of superficial cells of coralline crusts points to the possible action of physical anti-fouling effect, though a chemical one is not rejected.As algas calcárias crostosas são susceptíveis ao recobrimento por outras algas, entretanto, estas podem ser afetadas por efeitos anti-incrustantes. Neste estudo foi testada a hipótese de que estas algas possam inibir o crescimento somente de algumas espécies de epífitas. No laboratório, propágulos de Sargassum furcatum e Ulva fasciata foram liberados e cultivados sobre pedaços de algas calcárias e lamínulas de microscopia (controle e as suas sobrevivência e crescimento comparadas. Spongites e Hydrolithon inibiram significativamente o crescimento de U. fasciata, mas não de Sargassum. No campo, pedaços de três espécies de algas calcárias vivas, mortas e cópias destas em

  2. Bio diesel production from algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khola, G.; Ghazala, B.


    Algae appear to be an emerging source of biomass for bio diesel that has the potential to completely displace fossil fuel. Two thirds of earth's surface is covered with water, thus alga e would truly be renewable option of great potential for global energy needs. This study discusses specific and comparative bio diesel quantitative potential of Cladophora sp., also highlighting its biomass (after oil extraction), pH and sediments (glycerine, water and pigments) quantitative properties. Comparison of Cladophora sp., with Oedogonium sp., and Spirogyra sp., (Hossain et al., 2008) shows that Cladophora sp., produce higher quantity of bio diesel than Spirogyra sp., whereas biomass and sediments were higher than the both algal specimens in comparison to the results obtained by earlier workers. No prominent difference in pH of bio diesel was found. In Pakistan this is a first step towards bio diesel production from algae. Results indicate that Cladophora sp., provide a reasonable quantity of bio diesel, its greater biomass after oil extraction and sediments make it a better option for bio diesel production than the comparing species. (author)

  3. Accumulation of 95mTc by marine algae and sea urchin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Ryoichi; Nakahara, Motokazu; Matsuba, Mitsue; Suzuki, Yuzuru


    It is necessary to investigate the accumulation of technetium by marine algae popular in Japan and it is also important to examine the contribution of food to the accumulation of the nuclide by sea urchin which grazes algae. In the laboratory tracer experiment, some species of algae and sea urchin were kept separately for 7 days in sea water containing 95m Tc (uptake experiment) and then transferred into non-radioactive sea water to be held for 28 days with the frequent renewal of the sea water (excretion experiment). No food was given during the uptake experiment to prevent the urchins from accumulating 95m Tc through food. Another experiment was done by feeding urchins with 95m Tc labeled algae in the non-radioactive sea water. Five species of brown algae showed CFs in the range of 900 and 35000 but CFs of green and red algae were 1-4. Sea urchin accumulated more 95m Tc through food (brown algae) than directly from sea water, so that the main pathway of technetium accumulation by sea urchin was estimated to be brown algae which were the most favorite food of the organism. (author)

  4. Biogas performance from co-digestion of Taihu algae and kitchen wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Ming-Xing; Ruan, Wen-Quan


    Highlights: • Co-digestion mode improves the biogas yield of Taihu algae and kitchen wastes. • Neutral protease enzyme reached maximum in algae only group. • The activity of dehydrogenase enzyme in mixed substrate groups was higher than that of algae and kitchen wastes only group. - Abstract: Co-digestion of Taihu algae with high carbon content substrate can balance the nutrients in the fermentation process. In this study, optimal mixing ratio for co-digestion of Taihu algae and kitchen wastes were investigated in order to improve biogas production potential. The results indicated that the biogas yield reached 388.6 mL/gTS at C/N15:1 group, which was 1.29 and 1.18 times of algae and kitchen wastes only. The maximum concentration of VFA reached 4239 mg/L on 8th day in kitchen wastes group, which was 1.21 times of algae group. Neutral protease enzyme activity in algae group reached maximum of 904.2 μg/(gTS h), while dehydrogenase enzyme at C/N 15:1 group reached maximum of 3402.2 μgTF/(gTS h). The feasibility of adjusting the C/N with co-digestion of Taihu algae and kitchen wastes to increase biogas production was demonstrated. Remarkably, the C/N of 15:1 was found to be the most appropriate ratio

  5. The effects of ProAlgaZyme novel algae infusion on metabolic syndrome and markers of cardiovascular health

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    Hildreth DeWall J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Metabolic Syndrome, or Syndrome X, is characterized by a set of metabolic and lipid imbalances that greatly increases the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The syndrome is highly prevalent in the United States and worldwide, and treatments are in high demand. ProAlgaZyme, a novel and proprietary freshwater algae infusion in purified water, has been the subject of several animal studies and has demonstrated low toxicity even with chronic administration at elevated doses. The infusion has been used historically for the treatment of several inflammatory and immune disorders in humans and is considered well-tolerated. Here, the infusion is evaluated for its effects on the cardiovascular risk factors present in metabolic syndrome in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study involving 60 overweight and obese persons, ages 25–60. All participants received four daily oral doses (1 fl oz of ProAlgaZyme (N = 22 or water placebo (N = 30 for a total of 10 weeks, and were encouraged to maintain their normal levels of physical activity. Blood sampling and anthropometric measurements were taken at the beginning of the study period and after 4, 8 and 10 weeks of treatment. Eight participants did not complete the study. Results ProAlgaZyme brought about statistically significant (p Conclusion ProAlgaZyme (4 fl oz daily consumption resulted in significant reductions in weight and blood glucose levels, while significantly improving serum lipid profiles and reducing markers of inflammation, thus improving cardiovascular risk factors in overweight and obese subjects over a course of 10 weeks with an absence of adverse side effects. Trial Registration US NCT00489333

  6. Tecnologías y modelos de aprendizaje emergentes en educación superior. Propuestas y difusión de innovaciones

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    Full Text Available El avance de la tecnología, la existencia de nuevos tipos de redes colaborativas y la conectividad global permiten y requieren urgentemente que las instituciones de Educación Superior desarrollen nuevos, innovadores y creativos modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En este trabajo se presentan, primero, algunos de los actuales modelos emergentes de aprendizaje para la Educación Superior, mediados a través del uso de las tecnologías, de acuerdo a diferentes informes internacionales. En la segunda parte se presentan los resultados de un estudio de revisión sistemática que nos permite comprender el grado de difusión de la innovación educativa que subyace a los diferentes modelos de aprendizaje (flipped learning, personal learning environments, mobile learning, massive open online courses. Los resultados indican que el modelo mobile learning es el más productivo con una tendencia en aumento. Finalmente se exponen conclusiones respecto a la importancia de la difusión de innovación y los obstáculos en la traducción de los modelos emergentes a los contextos de aula.

  7. Phycobiliproteins: A Novel Green Tool from Marine Origin Blue-Green Algae and Red Algae. (United States)

    Chandra, Rashmi; Parra, Roberto; Iqbal, Hafiz M N


    Marine species are comprising about a half of the whole global biodiversity; the sea offers an enormous resource for novel bioactive compounds. Several of the marine origin species show multifunctional bioactivities and characteristics that are useful for a discovery and/or reinvention of biologically active compounds. For millennia, marine species that includes cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and red algae have been targeted to explore their enormous potential candidature status along with a wider spectrum of novel applications in bio- and non-bio sectors of the modern world. Among them, cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes, phylogenetically a primitive group of Gramnegative prokaryotes, ranging from Arctic to Antarctic regions, capable of carrying out photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. In the recent decade, a great deal of research attention has been paid on the pronouncement of bio-functional proteins along with novel peptides, vitamins, fine chemicals, renewable fuel and bioactive compounds, e.g., phycobiliproteins from marine species, cyanobacteria and red algae. Interestingly, they are extensively commercialized for natural colorants in food and cosmetics, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective agents and fluorescent neo-glycoproteins as probes for single particle fluorescence imaging fluorescent applications in clinical and immunological analysis. However, a comprehensive knowledge and technological base for augmenting their commercial utilities are lacking. Therefore, this paper will provide an overview of the phycobiliproteins-based research literature from marine cyanobacteria and red algae. This review is also focused towards analyzing global and commercial activities with application oriented-based research. Towards the end, the information is also given on the potential biotechnological and biomedical applications of phycobiliproteins. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please

  8. Freshwater algae of the Nevada Test Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, W.D.; Giles, K.R.


    Fifty-two species of freshwater algae were identified in samples collected from the eight known natural springs of the Nevada Test Site. Although several species were widespread, 29 species were site specific. Diatoms provided the greatest variety of species at each spring. Three-fifths of all algal species encountered were diatoms. Well-developed mats of filamentous green algae (Chlorophyta) were common in many of the water tanks associated with the springs and accounted for most of the algal biomass. Major nutrients were adequate, if not abundant, in most spring waters - growth being limited primarily by light and physical habitat. There was some evidence of cesium-137 bioconcentration by algae at several of the springs

  9. Management of autotrophic mass cultures of micro-algae

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Toerien, DF


    Full Text Available Interest in the mass cultivation of micro-algae as feed and foodstuff has existed since the turn of the century (Robinson and Toerien, 1962). Experiments using algae in photosynthetic research (Warburg, 1919) also led to an appreciation...

  10. A influência das economias emergentes em assuntos internacionais

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    Nubia Nieto


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina o impacto das economias emergentes nos assuntos internacionais. A chegada dos países do Bric (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China modificou o mapa da ordem mundial e as estratégias para projetar poder hegemônico. O Bric eclipsará o poder econômico dos países mais ricos do mundo? Quais são as principais estratégias do Bric para projetar seu poder no mundo? Essas e outras questões são analisadas no texto, que leva em consideração o novo cenário geopolítico do século XXI.This article explores the impact of emerging economies in international affairs. The arrival of the Bric's countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China has changed the map of the global order and the strategies to project hegemonic power. Could the Bric eclipse the economic power of the richest countries of the world? What are the main strategies of Bric to project its power worldwide? These and other questions are analysed in this text taking into account the new geopolitical scenario of the twenty-first century.

  11. Control borroso para la valoración del impacto ambiental generado por contaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales hospitalarias


    Leadina Sánchez Barboza


    La valoración de impactos ambientales está sujeta a imprecisión, vaguedad y subjetividad. Estas características son extensivas al impacto generado por la presencia de contaminantes emergentes -fármacos- en aguas residuales hospitalarias, por lo que este trabajo propone valorar el impacto de dichos contaminantes mediante un sistema de inferencia borrosa, utilizando el toolbox fuzzy logic de MATLAB®, aplicando el sistema experto Mamdani. Los conjuntos borrosos de entrada se establecieron a part...

  12. una sociedad emergente

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    Derlisiret Rincón M.


    Full Text Available Este trabajo busca reflexionar por una parte acerca del papel de la ciencia, la tecnología y la educación, como factores de desarrollo de las naciones e intenta responder la interrogante en torno al cómo estas variables contribuirán a la transformación de la realidad social venezolana. Los planteamientos expuestos en este artículo forman parte de una investigación cualitativa que se sustenta en una revisión teórica cuyos resultados indican que existe la posibilidad cierta de construir y alcanzar una Venezuela virtual en los próximos años; es decir, se vislumbra un país interconectado y funcionando a través de redes cuyos individuos estarían capacitados y entrenados en el uso y usufructo de las nuevas tecnologías. Esta visión de país, se basa en la premisa de que la oportuna implementación de la Planificación de Ciencia y Tecnología resultaría instrumento de vinculación de las variables tecnológicas, educativas y científicas, que permiten obtener conocimientos especializados y orientados a la solución de problemas de creciente dimensión global. Tales conocimientos, pudieran generar los cambios sustanciales necesarios en el contexto nacional, para lograr modificar o disminuir el sentido de crecimiento de la brecha o divisoria digital en este entorno

  13. Influence of Algae Age and Population on the Response to TiO₂ Nanoparticles. (United States)

    Metzler, David M; Erdem, Ayca; Huang, Chin Pao


    This work shows the influence of algae age (at the time of the exposure) and the initial algae population on the response of green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata to titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO₂ NPs). The different algae age was obtained by changes in flow rate of continually stirred tank reactors prior to NP exposure. Increased algae age led to a decreased growth, variations in chlorophyll content, and an increased lipid peroxidation. Increased initial algae population (0.3-4.2 × 10⁶ cells/mL) at a constant NP concentration (100 mg/L) caused a decline in the growth of algae. With increased initial algae population, the lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll both initially decreased and then increased. Lipid peroxidation had 4× the amount of the control at high and low initial population but, at mid-ranged initial population, had approximately half the control value. Chlorophyll a results also showed a similar trend. These results indicate that the physiological state of the algae is important for the toxicological effect of TiO₂ NPs. The condition of algae and exposure regime must be considered in detail when assessing the toxicological response of NPs to algae.

  14. Algae Bloom in a Lake

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    David Sanabria


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to determine the likelihood of an algae bloom in a particular lake located in upstate New York. The growth of algae in this lake is caused by a high concentration of phosphorous that diffuses to the surface of the lake. Our calculations, based on Fick's Law, are used to create a mathematical model of the driving force of diffusion for phosphorous. Empirical observations are also used to predict whether the concentration of phosphorous will diffuse to the surface of this lake within a specified time and under specified conditions.

  15. Combining of radionuclides with constituent materials of marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Ryoichi; Nakahara, Motokazu; Ishii, Toshiaki; Ueda, Taishi; Shimizu, Chiaki.


    The relations between the accumulation-elimination of radionuclides and the constituent materials of marine algae were studied to determine more precisely the mechanism of the radioactive contamination of marine organisms. This will increase the information about the behavior of radionuclides in marine organisms in relation to the environmental conditions (temperature, physico-chemical state of radioisotope, and so on) and the biological conditions (feeding habits, species, and so on). Eisenia contaminated by 137 Cs and 106 Ru- 106 Rh was fractionated by solvent extraction into 6 fractions. The largest portion of 137 Cs was in the boiling water fraction; 106 Ru- 106 Rh was most extracted by 24% KOH solution. Elution patterns by Sephadex G-100 gel-filtration of samples differed largely from each other, both among the 3 kinds of radionuclides and between the 2 species of the algae. Therefore, the accumulation of the radionuclides by the marine algae was proved to be not only due to a physical absorption to the surface of the algae but also to the biological combining of the radionuclides with the constituents of the algae. Furthermore, it was found that radionuclides which combine with a few constituents of alga are not eliminated equally. This is considered to be useful for the physiological analysis of elimination curves. (author)

  16. Biodiesel Production From Algae to Overcome the Energy Crisis

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    Suliman Khan


    Full Text Available The use of energy sources has reached at the level that whole world is relying on it. Being the major source of energy, fuels are considered the most important. The fear of diminishing the available sources thirst towards biofuel production has increased during last decades. Considering the food problems, algae gain the most attention to be used as biofuel producers. The use of crop and food-producing plants will never be a best fit into the priorities for biofuel production as they will disturb the food needs. Different types of algae having the different production abilities. Normally algae have 20%–80% oil contents that could be converted into different types of fuels such as kerosene oil and biodiesel. The diesel production from algae is economical and easy. Different species such as tribonema, ulothrix and euglena have good potential for biodiesel production. Gene technology can be used to enhance the production of oil and biodiesel contents and stability of algae. By increasing the genetic expressions, we can find the ways to achieve the required biofuel amounts easily and continuously to overcome the fuels deficiency. The present review article focusses on the role of algae as a possible substitute for fossil fuel as an ideal biofuel reactant.

  17. Um sistema multiagente de apoio à aprendizagem baseada em problema

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    Laysa Mabel Oliveira Fontes


    Full Text Available A aprendizagem baseada em problema (Problem-Based Learning - PBL é uma teoria de aprendizagem que enfatiza a colaboração e o trabalho em grupo para resolução de um problema. No entanto, um problema que ocorre com freqüência no processo de aplicação da PBL é a presença de conversações fora do contexto, que é uma situação onde os estudantes perdem o foco das discussões do problema e passam a discutir outros assuntos. Outro aspecto importante é com relação ao processo de formação de grupos na PBL. Pode ser difícil para o facilitador alocar estudantes aos grupos a distância, uma vez que a ausência de um contato presencial dificulta o conhecimento de certas características importantes do perfil dos estudantes envolvidos no processo. Outro aspecto a ser considerado é a ausência de padronização dos conceitos relacionados à PBL, pois isto dificulta a compreensão comum e compartilhada sobre este domínio. Desta forma, este trabalho apresenta um sistema multiagente de apoio à PBL, com o objetivo de detectar e corrigir problemas inerentes à implantação desta teoria de aprendizagem. Para solucionar o problema de padronização dos conceitos relacionados à PBL, é proposta uma ontologia que preenche requisitos de abstração e significação dos conceitos relacionados ao domínio.

  18. Investigation about Role of Algae in Kazeroon Sasan Spring Odor

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    A Hamzeian


    Full Text Available Introduction: As odor for potable water is unpleasant for costumers, it needs to do researches for finding the reasons of odorous water. Sasan spring that is located in, near kazeroon city, Fars, Iran, is potable water resource for Kazeroon and Booshehr city and many other villages. Water in Sasan spring has the odor problem. With regards to important   role of algae on ado r problems in this study the role of algae on   odor was investigated. Methods: After regular sampling, the TON (threshold odor number was indicated and algae species was distinguished and the number of total algae and any species  of algae was numbers by microscopic direct numbering method .as the algae mass  is related to nitrogen and phosphor concentration, results of concentration Of nitrogen and phosphor in this spring that was examined regularity by water company was investigated and compared to concentration of these component that are need for algae growing.   Results: results shows that TON was in range  of 4.477 to 6.2 that indicated  oderous limit . Regression and diagram between TON and number of total algae showed the linear relationship. The concentration of nitrogen and phosphor, showed adequate condition for algal grow. Result of determination of algae species showed high population of Oscilatoria and Microcystis species, which are known as essential case of mold odor in water resources. Investigation on geological maps in the region around the Sasan spring, show alluvium source and is effected by surface part of it’s around land. Conclusion: because of the algae was determined as the essential cause of odor   in the spring, and algal growth is related to nutrients, and because of the surface pollution can penetrate in the alluvium lands around the spring, and effect the water in spring, so nutrient control and management is the essential way for odor control in the spring.


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    Maltseva I.A.


    Full Text Available On territory of Donbass for more than 200 years the underground coal mining has produced, accompanied by the formation of the mine dumps. Finding ways to reduce their negative impact on the environment should be based on their comprehensive study. The soil algae are active participants in the syngenetic processes in industrial dumps of different origin. The purpose of this paper is to identify the species composition and dominant algae groups in dump mine SH/U5 “Western” in the western part of Donetsk.The test blade is covered with vegetation to the middle from all sides, and on the north side of 20-25 m to the top. The vegetation cover of the lower and middle tiers of all the exposures range in 70-80%. Projective vegetation cover of upper tiers of the northern, north-eastern and north-western exposures are in the range of 20-40%, other – 5-10%. We revealed some 38 algae species as a result of our research in southern, northern, western, and eastern slopes of the blade “Western”. The highest species diversity has Chlorophyta - 14 species (36.8% of the total number of species, then Cyanophyta - 9 (23,7%, Bacillariophyta - 7 (18,4%, Xantophyta - 5 (13.2%, and Eustigmatophyta - 3 (7.9%. The dominants are represented by Hantzschia amphyoxys (Ehrenberg Grunow in Cleve et Grunow, Bracteacoccus aerius, Klebsormidium flaccidum (Kützing Silva et al., Phormidium autumnale, Pinnularia borealis Ehrenberg, Planothidium lanceolatum (Brebisson in Kützing Bukhtiyarova, Xanthonema exile (Klebs Silva.It should be noted that the species composition of algae groups in different slopes of the blade was significantly different. Jacquard coefficient was calculated for algae communities varied in the range of 15,4-39,1%. The smallest number of algae species was observed on the southern slope of the blade (14 species, maximum was registered in the areas of north and west slopes. Differences in the species composition of algae were also observed in three

  20. Estudio poliedral y algoritmo branch-and-cut para el problema de coloreo equitativo en grafos


    Severin, Daniel E.


    Los problemas de coloreo de grafos constituyen una familia de problemas de una gran relevancia tanto teórica como práctica. Todos ellos son variaciones del problema del coloreo clásico, cuyo estudio se inició en el Siglo XIX. El origen de estas variaciones radica en las restricciones adicionales que imponen las aplicaciones a problemas de la vida real. En esta tesis abordamos en particular el Problema de Coloreo Equitativo en Grafos. Como muchos problemas de Optimización Combinatoria, el Prob...

  1. Production and characterization of algae extract from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Weston Kightlinger


    Conclusions: This study showed that algae extract derived from C. reinhardtii is similar, if not superior, to commercially available yeast extract in nutrient content and effects on the growth and metabolism of E. coli and S. cerevisiae. Bacto™ yeast extract is valued at USD $0.15–0.35 per gram, if algae extract was sold at similar prices, it would serve as a high-value co-product in algae-based fuel processes.

  2. Two-step evolution of endosymbiosis between hydra and algae. (United States)

    Ishikawa, Masakazu; Shimizu, Hiroshi; Nozawa, Masafumi; Ikeo, Kazuho; Gojobori, Takashi


    In the Hydra vulgaris group, only 2 of the 25 strains in the collection of the National Institute of Genetics in Japan currently show endosymbiosis with green algae. However, whether the other non-symbiotic strains also have the potential to harbor algae remains unknown. The endosymbiotic potential of non-symbiotic strains that can harbor algae may have been acquired before or during divergence of the strains. With the aim of understanding the evolutionary process of endosymbiosis in the H. vulgaris group, we examined the endosymbiotic potential of non-symbiotic strains of the H. vulgaris group by artificially introducing endosymbiotic algae. We found that 12 of the 23 non-symbiotic strains were able to harbor the algae until reaching the grand-offspring through the asexual reproduction by budding. Moreover, a phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genome sequences showed that all the strains with endosymbiotic potential grouped into a single cluster (cluster γ). This cluster contained two strains (J7 and J10) that currently harbor algae; however, these strains were not the closest relatives. These results suggest that evolution of endosymbiosis occurred in two steps; first, endosymbiotic potential was gained once in the ancestor of the cluster γ lineage; second, strains J7 and J10 obtained algae independently after the divergence of the strains. By demonstrating the evolution of the endosymbiotic potential in non-symbiotic H. vulgaris group strains, we have clearly distinguished two evolutionary steps. The step-by-step evolutionary process provides significant insight into the evolution of endosymbiosis in cnidarians. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Two-Step Evolution of Endosymbiosis between Hydra and Algae

    KAUST Repository

    Ishikawa, Masakazu


    In the Hydra vulgaris group, only 2 of the 25 strains in the collection of the National Institute of Genetics in Japan currently show endosymbiosis with green algae. However, whether the other non-symbiotic strains also have the potential to harbor algae remains unknown. The endosymbiotic potential of non-symbiotic strains that can harbor algae may have been acquired before or during divergence of the strains. With the aim of understanding the evolutionary process of endosymbiosis in the H. vulgaris group, we examined the endosymbiotic potential of non-symbiotic strains of the H. vulgaris group by artificially introducing endosymbiotic algae. We found that 12 of the 23 non-symbiotic strains were able to harbor the algae until reaching the grand-offspring through the asexual reproduction by budding. Moreover, a phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genome sequences showed that all the strains with endosymbiotic potential grouped into a single cluster (cluster γ). This cluster contained two strains (J7 and J10) that currently harbor algae; however, these strains were not the closest relatives. These results suggest that evolution of endosymbiosis occurred in two steps; first, endosymbiotic potential was gained once in the ancestor of the cluster γ lineage; second, strains J7 and J10 obtained algae independently after the divergence of the strains. By demonstrating the evolution of the endosymbiotic potential in non-symbiotic H. vulgaris group strains, we have clearly distinguished two evolutionary steps. The step-by-step evolutionary process provides significant insight into the evolution of endosymbiosis in cnidarians.

  4. Detection of viability of micro-algae cells by optofluidic hologram pattern. (United States)

    Wang, Junsheng; Yu, Xiaomei; Wang, Yanjuan; Pan, Xinxiang; Li, Dongqing


    A rapid detection of micro-algae activity is critical for analysis of ship ballast water. A new method for detecting micro-algae activity based on lens-free optofluidic holographic imaging is presented in this paper. A compact lens-free optofluidic holographic imaging device was developed. This device is mainly composed of a light source, a small through-hole, a light propagation module, a microfluidic chip, and an image acquisition and processing module. The excited light from the light source passes through a small hole to reach the surface of the micro-algae cells in the microfluidic chip, and a holographic image is formed by the diffraction light of surface of micro-algae cells. The relation between the characteristics in the hologram pattern and the activity of micro-algae cells was investigated by using this device. The characteristics of the hologram pattern were extracted to represent the activity of micro-algae cells. To demonstrate the accuracy of the presented method and device, four species of micro-algae cells were employed as the test samples and the comparison experiments between the alive and dead cells of four species of micro-algae were conducted. The results show that the developed method and device can determine live/dead microalgae cells accurately.

  5. Using the marine unicellular algae in biological monitoring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kapkov V. I.


    Full Text Available The possibility of using marine unicellular algae from natural plankton community in biomonitoring of pollution by heavy metals has been investigated. Algae of different taxa from the Mediterranean Sea have been allocated to culture. In the laboratory the culture conditions – i. e. growth medium, temperature, photoperiod, level of artificial light and initial density – have been selected for every species. The impact of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb in the form of chloride salts on the growth of axenic algae culture has been studied in the modelling experiments. The unicellular marine algae have a very short life cycle, therefore it is possible to use them in the experiments of studying the effect of anthropogenic factors at cellular and population levels on the test-object. With biomonitoring pollution of marine environment by heavy metals and others dangerous toxicants, the major indicators of algae community condition are the cellular cycle and the condition of the photosynthetic apparatus of the cell. The subsequent lysis of cells under the influence of heavy metals leads to the excretion of secondary metabolites which can essentially affect the metal toxicity. The established scales of threshold and lethal concentration of heavy metals for algae of different taxon make it possible to use the ratio of sensitive and resistant species to heavy metals as biological markers when forecasting ecological consequences of pollution of the marine environment by heavy metals. Distinctions in the resistance of different taxon to heavy metals can result in implementing the strategy of selection of test-objects depending on the purposes of the research.

  6. Orden de no reanimar, consideraciones sobre este problema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. G. Luis Cereceda


    Se analizan los principales problemas, comenzando por las dificultades según los diferentes escenarios (servicio de urgencia, pabellón de maternidad, sala de hospitalizados, unidad de intensivo, pabellones quirúrgicos; se analiza la incertidumbre sobre el pronóstico de cada pacientes y sobre quién(es deben tomar las decisiones sobre el fin de la vida. Idealmente debe ser el paciente autónomo quien tome la decisión, pero en otros casos se requieren alternativas, una de ellas es la Orden Unilateral. Otros problemas son la Validez de las órdenes de no-RCP en los diferentes tiempos evolutivos, el problema de la Futilidad y la Validez de las “Directivas Anticipadas”, en este grupo resalta el enfoque POLST (Physician’s Order for Life Sustaining Treatment como más comprehensivo; como complemento ha surgido también el concepto AND (Allow Natural Death, que podría estar destinado a remplazar la orden de no-RCP (DNR.

  7. Genomics of Volvocine Algae (United States)

    Umen, James G.; Olson, Bradley J.S.C.


    Volvocine algae are a group of chlorophytes that together comprise a unique model for evolutionary and developmental biology. The species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Volvox carteri represent extremes in morphological diversity within the Volvocine clade. Chlamydomonas is unicellular and reflects the ancestral state of the group, while Volvox is multicellular and has evolved numerous innovations including germ-soma differentiation, sexual dimorphism, and complex morphogenetic patterning. The Chlamydomonas genome sequence has shed light on several areas of eukaryotic cell biology, metabolism and evolution, while the Volvox genome sequence has enabled a comparison with Chlamydomonas that reveals some of the underlying changes that enabled its transition to multicellularity, but also underscores the subtlety of this transition. Many of the tools and resources are in place to further develop Volvocine algae as a model for evolutionary genomics. PMID:25883411

  8. Eliminación de contaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales mediante oxidación avanzada con ozono y ultrasonidos


    Abellán Soler, Manuel; Lardín Mifsut, Carlos; Morales Cavero, Eduardo; Pastor Alcañiz, Laura; Martínez Muro, Juan Luis; Santos Asensi, José María; Ibáñez Martínez, María; Hernández Hernández, Félix


    Algunos contaminantes emergentes, principalmente fármacos de diferentes clases así como drogas de abuso, pueden estar presentes en las aguas residuales urbanas, no siendo posible su eliminación mediante las técnicas convencionales de depuración. Se ha realizado un estudio en planta piloto en dos estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales (EDAR), Font de la Pedra (Muro de Alcoy) y Molina de Segura (Murcia), con el fin de determinar la eficacia de eliminación de ciertos ...

  9. Algae as a Biofuel: Renewable Source for Liquid Fuel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vijay Kant Pandey


    Full Text Available Biofuels produced by algae may provide a feasible alternative to fossil fuels like petroleum sourced fuels. However, looking to limited fossil fuel associated with problems, intensive efforts have been given to search for alternative biofuels like biodiesel. Algae are ubiquitous on earth, have potential to produce biofuel. However, technology of biofuel from algae facing a number of hurdles before it can compete in the fuel market and be broadly organized. Different challenges include strain identification and improvement of algal biomass, both in terms of biofuel productivity and the production of other products to improve the economics of the entire system. Algal biofuels could be made more cost effective by extracting other valuable products from algae and algal strains. Algal oil can be prepared by culture of algae on municipal and industrial wastewaters. Photobioreactors methods provide a controlled environment that can be tailored to the specific demands of high production of algae to attain a consistently good yield of biofuel. The algal biomass has been reported to yield high oil contents and have good amount of the biodiesel production capacity. In this article, it has been attempted to review to elucidate the approaches for making algal biodiesel economically competitive with respect to petrodiesel. Consequently, R & D work has been carried out for the growth, harvesting, oil extraction and conversion to biodiesel from algal sources.



    Merdekawati, Windu; Karwur, Ferry F.; Susanto, A. B.


    ABSTRAK   Karotenoid terdistribusi pada archaea, bakteri, jamur, tumbuhan, hewan serta algae. Karotenoid dihasilkan dari komponen isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) yang mengalami proses secara bertahap untuk membentuk beragam jenis karotenoid. Terdapat dua kelompok karotenoid yaitu karoten dan xantofil dengan berbagai jenis turunannya. Struktur kimia pada karotenoid algae yaitu allene, acetylene serta acetylated carotenoids. Algae mempunyai karotenoid spesifik yang menarik untuk dipe...

  11. Procesos de tratamiento de aguas residuales para la eliminación de contaminantes orgánicos emergentes


    Clemente,Ainhoa Rubio; Chica Arrieta,Edwin Lenin; Peñuela Mesa,Gustavo Antonio


    Los contaminantes orgánicos emergentes conforman un grupo de sustancias muy heterogéneas, cuya característica en común es que causan efectos negativos sobre los organismos acuáticos, por lo que deben de ser eliminados del ambiente. Lamentablemente, los procesos convencionales con los que operan las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, especialmente los de tipo biológico, son ineficientes en la remoción de estas sustancias. Por este motivo, se hace necesaria la evaluación y optimización...

  12. [Characteristics of heavy metals enrichment in algae ano its application prospects]. (United States)

    Lu, Kaixing; Tang, Jian-jun; Jiang, De'an


    Using algae to bio-remedy heavy metals-contaminated waters has become an available and practical approach for environmental restoration. Because of its special cell wall structure, high capacity of heavy metal-enrichment, and easy to desorption, algae has been considered as an ideal biological adsorbent. This paper briefly introduced the structural and metabolic characteristics adapted for heavy metals enrichment of algae, including functional groups on cell wall, extracellular products, and intracellular heavy metals-chelating proteins, discussed the enrichment capability of living, dead and immobilized algae as well as the simple and convenient ways for desorption, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using algae for bioremediation of polluted water, and its application prospects.

  13. New methodologies for the integration of power plants with algae ponds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schipper, K.; Gijp, S. van der; Stel, R.W van der; Goetheer, E.L.V.


    It is generally recognized that algae could be an interesting option for reducing CO2 emissions. Based on light and CO2, algae can be used for the production various economically interesting products. Current algae cultivation techniques, however, still present a number of limitations. Efficient

  14. Nuestro único problema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor Rojas Herazo


    Full Text Available Toda vida humana por ser, en profundidad y superficie, una batalla contra la muerte, es un fenómeno epopéyico. Más admirable cuanto más secreta y personal sea esa batalla. Pues no nos enfrentamos a este o aquel obstáculo ni somos atraídos por este o aquel señuelo. Nuestra íntima preocupación, nuestro único problema, nuestro máximo terror es sabernos materia de disolución, míseras astillas para alimentar el insaciable fuego de la muerte.

  15. Freshwater algae competition and correlation between their growth and microcystin production. (United States)

    Álvarez, Xana; Valero, Enrique; Cancela, Ángeles; Sánchez, Ángel


    There are some different freshwater algae in Eutrophic reservoirs which bloom with specific environmental conditions, and some of them are cyanobacteria. In this investigation, we have cultivated microalgae present in natural water samples from a eutrophic reservoir. Variations in temperature and light were evaluated, as well as the competition among different green algae and cyanobacteria. There were three different freshwater algae growing together, Scenedesmus sp., Kirchneriella sp. and Microcystis aeruginosa, this cyanobacterium was the algae that reached the highest development and growth during the culture. While the algae grew, the concentration of toxin (microcystin-LR) increased until it reached the highest levels at 570 μg g -1 . Blooms occurred at temperatures of 28 ± 1.5 °C and light cycles of longer hours of light than dark. This took place during the summer months, from June to September (in the study area). At temperatures below 18 °C, algae did not grow. Blooms were reproduced to a laboratory scale in different conditions in order to understand the development of freshwater algae, as well as to help decision-making about water supply from that reservoir.

  16. Inorganic carbon addition stimulates snow algae primary productivity (United States)

    Hamilton, T. L.; Havig, J. R.


    Earth has experienced glacial/interglacial oscillations throughout its history. Today over 15 million square kilometers (5.8 million square miles) of Earth's land surface is covered in ice including glaciers, ice caps, and the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, most of which are retreating as a consequence of increased atmospheric CO2. Glaciers are teeming with life and supraglacial snow and ice surfaces are often red due to blooms of photoautotrophic algae. Recent evidence suggests the red pigmentation, secondary carotenoids produced in part to thrive under high irradiation, lowers albedo and accelerates melt. However, there are relatively few studies that report the productivity of snow algae communities and the parameters that constrain their growth on snow and ice surfaces. Here, we demonstrate that snow algae primary productivity can be stimulated by the addition of inorganic carbon. We found an increase in light-dependent carbon assimilation in snow algae microcosms amended with increasing amounts of inorganic carbon. Our snow algae communities were dominated by typical cosmopolitan snow algae species recovered from Alpine and Arctic environments. The climate feedbacks necessary to enter and exit glacial/interglacial oscillations are poorly understood. Evidence and models agree that global Snowball events are accompanied by changes in atmospheric CO2 with increasing CO2 necessary for entering periods of interglacial time. Our results demonstrate a positive feedback between increased CO2 and snow algal productivity and presumably growth. With the recent call for bio-albedo effects to be considered in climate models, our results underscore the need for robust climate models to include feedbacks between supraglacial primary productivity, albedo, and atmospheric CO2.

  17. Evolutionary origins, molecular cloning and expression of carotenoid hydroxylases in eukaryotic photosynthetic algae (United States)


    Background Xanthophylls, oxygenated derivatives of carotenes, play critical roles in photosynthetic apparatus of cyanobacteria, algae, and higher plants. Although the xanthophylls biosynthetic pathway of algae is largely unknown, it is of particular interest because they have a very complicated evolutionary history. Carotenoid hydroxylase (CHY) is an important protein that plays essential roles in xanthophylls biosynthesis. With the availability of 18 sequenced algal genomes, we performed a comprehensive comparative analysis of chy genes and explored their distribution, structure, evolution, origins, and expression. Results Overall 60 putative chy genes were identified and classified into two major subfamilies (bch and cyp97) according to their domain structures. Genes in the bch subfamily were found in 10 green algae and 1 red alga, but absent in other algae. In the phylogenetic tree, bch genes of green algae and higher plants share a common ancestor and are of non-cyanobacterial origin, whereas that of red algae is of cyanobacteria. The homologs of cyp97a/c genes were widespread only in green algae, while cyp97b paralogs were seen in most of algae. Phylogenetic analysis on cyp97 genes supported the hypothesis that cyp97b is an ancient gene originated before the formation of extant algal groups. The cyp97a gene is more closely related to cyp97c in evolution than to cyp97b. The two cyp97 genes were isolated from the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis, and transcriptional expression profiles of chy genes were observed under high light stress of different wavelength. Conclusions Green algae received a β-xanthophylls biosynthetic pathway from host organisms. Although red algae inherited the pathway from cyanobacteria during primary endosymbiosis, it remains unclear in Chromalveolates. The α-xanthophylls biosynthetic pathway is a common feature in green algae and higher plants. The origination of cyp97a/c is most likely due to gene duplication before divergence of

  18. Evolutionary origins, molecular cloning and expression of carotenoid hydroxylases in eukaryotic photosynthetic algae. (United States)

    Cui, Hongli; Yu, Xiaona; Wang, Yan; Cui, Yulin; Li, Xueqin; Liu, Zhaopu; Qin, Song


    Xanthophylls, oxygenated derivatives of carotenes, play critical roles in photosynthetic apparatus of cyanobacteria, algae, and higher plants. Although the xanthophylls biosynthetic pathway of algae is largely unknown, it is of particular interest because they have a very complicated evolutionary history. Carotenoid hydroxylase (CHY) is an important protein that plays essential roles in xanthophylls biosynthesis. With the availability of 18 sequenced algal genomes, we performed a comprehensive comparative analysis of chy genes and explored their distribution, structure, evolution, origins, and expression. Overall 60 putative chy genes were identified and classified into two major subfamilies (bch and cyp97) according to their domain structures. Genes in the bch subfamily were found in 10 green algae and 1 red alga, but absent in other algae. In the phylogenetic tree, bch genes of green algae and higher plants share a common ancestor and are of non-cyanobacterial origin, whereas that of red algae is of cyanobacteria. The homologs of cyp97a/c genes were widespread only in green algae, while cyp97b paralogs were seen in most of algae. Phylogenetic analysis on cyp97 genes supported the hypothesis that cyp97b is an ancient gene originated before the formation of extant algal groups. The cyp97a gene is more closely related to cyp97c in evolution than to cyp97b. The two cyp97 genes were isolated from the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis, and transcriptional expression profiles of chy genes were observed under high light stress of different wavelength. Green algae received a β-xanthophylls biosynthetic pathway from host organisms. Although red algae inherited the pathway from cyanobacteria during primary endosymbiosis, it remains unclear in Chromalveolates. The α-xanthophylls biosynthetic pathway is a common feature in green algae and higher plants. The origination of cyp97a/c is most likely due to gene duplication before divergence of green algae and higher plants

  19. Contabilidad de Costos I. - Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    ÍNDICE Introducción Problemas sobre terminología básica Problemas básicos sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilidad de Costos Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación Problemas sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilida...

  20. Recent Advances in Marine Algae Polysaccharides: Isolation, Structure, and Activities. (United States)

    Xu, Shu-Ying; Huang, Xuesong; Cheong, Kit-Leong


    Marine algae have attracted a great deal of interest as excellent sources of nutrients. Polysaccharides are the main components in marine algae, hence a great deal of attention has been directed at isolation and characterization of marine algae polysaccharides because of their numerous health benefits. In this review, extraction and purification approaches and chemico-physical properties of marine algae polysaccharides (MAPs) are summarized. The biological activities, which include immunomodulatory, antitumor, antiviral, antioxidant, and hypolipidemic, are also discussed. Additionally, structure-function relationships are analyzed and summarized. MAPs' biological activities are closely correlated with their monosaccharide composition, molecular weights, linkage types, and chain conformation. In order to promote further exploitation and utilization of polysaccharides from marine algae for functional food and pharmaceutical areas, high efficiency, and low-cost polysaccharide extraction and purification methods, quality control, structure-function activity relationships, and specific mechanisms of MAPs activation need to be extensively investigated.

  1. Association of thraustochytrids and fungi with living marine algae

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Raghukumar, C.; Nagarkar, S.; Raghukumar, S.

    only in C. clavulatum, Sargassum cinereum and Padina tetrastromatica whilst mycelial fungi occurred in all. Growth experiments in the laboratory indicated that the growth of thraustochytrids was inhibited on live algae, whereas killed algae supported...

  2. Method and apparatus for iterative lysis and extraction of algae (United States)

    Chew, Geoffrey; Boggs, Tabitha; Dykes, Jr., H. Waite H.; Doherty, Stephen J.


    A method and system for processing algae involves the use of an ionic liquid-containing clarified cell lysate to lyse algae cells. The resulting crude cell lysate may be clarified and subsequently used to lyse algae cells. The process may be repeated a number of times before a clarified lysate is separated into lipid and aqueous phases for further processing and/or purification of desired products.

  3. Principales problemas de traducción en el doblaje italiano-español


    Ortega Paredes, Laura


    La traducción para doblaje resulta especialmente complicada debido a las restricciones causadas por la cohesión entre el texto y la imagen. En el presente trabajo trataremos ciertos problemas generales de traducción cuya dificultad se ve acentuada en el caso del doblaje y también otros problemas propios de este tipo de traducción. Trabajaremos con la combinación italiano-español, por lo que algunos de los problemas a tratar serán problemas específicos de esta lengua La traducció pel doblat...

  4. Biofuels from algae for sustainable development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demirbas, M. Fatih


    Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms that can produce lipids, proteins and carbohydrates in large amounts over short periods of time. These products can be processed into both biofuels and useful chemicals. Two algae samples (Cladophora fracta and Chlorella protothecoid) were studied for biofuel production. Microalgae appear to be the only source of renewable biodiesel that is capable of meeting the global demand for transport fuels. Microalgae can be converted to biodiesel, bioethanol, bio-oil, biohydrogen and biomethane via thermochemical and biochemical methods. Industrial reactors for algal culture are open ponds, photobioreactors and closed systems. Algae can be grown almost anywhere, even on sewage or salt water, and does not require fertile land or food crops, and processing requires less energy than the algae provides. Microalgae have much faster growth-rates than terrestrial crops. the per unit area yield of oil from algae is estimated to be from 20,000 to 80,000 liters per acre, per year; this is 7-31 times greater than the next best crop, palm oil. Algal oil can be used to make biodiesel for cars, trucks, and airplanes. The lipid and fatty acid contents of microalgae vary in accordance with culture conditions. The effect of temperature on the yield of hydrogen from two algae (C. fracta and C. protothecoid) by pyrolysis and steam gasification were investigated in this study. In each run, the main components of the gas phase were CO 2 , CO, H 2 , and CH 4 .The yields of hydrogen by pyrolysis and steam gasification processes of the samples increased with temperature. The yields of gaseous products from the samples of C. fracta and C. protothecoides increased from 8.2% to 39.2% and 9.5% to 40.6% by volume, respectively, while the final pyrolysis temperature was increased from 575 to 925 K. The percent of hydrogen in gaseous products from the samples of C. fracta and C. protothecoides increased from 25.8% to 44.4% and 27.6% to 48.7% by volume

  5. Bio sorption of copper ions with biomass of algae and dehydrated waste of olives; Biosorcion de iones cobre con biomasa de algas y orujos deshidratados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tapia, P.; Santander, M.; Pavez, O.; Valderrama, L.; Guzman, D.; Romero, L.


    They were carried out experiments of biosorption batch and in continuous to remove copper from aqueous solutions using as adsorbents green algae and olive residues under virgins conditions and chemically activated. The results of batch bio sorption indicate that the algae present mayor elimination capacities than the waste of olives, with uptakes of copper of the order of 96 % using activated algae with dissolution of Na{sub 2}SO{sub 4} under the optimum conditions. The results of the columns tests show that the virgin algae permits the removal of more copper ions than the activate algae, with removal efficiency of 98 % during the firth 20 min, a breakthrough time of 240 min and a saturation at time of 600 min. In the second cycle the regenerated biomass showed a best performance indicating that they can be used for another bio sorption cycle. (Author) 42 refs.

  6. A review of the taxonomical and ecological studies on Netherlands’ Algae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koster, Joséphine Th.


    The earliest account of the Netherlands’ Algae appeared in 1781 in D. de Gorter, Flora VII Prov. Belgii foederati indigen. Here, however, in the Algae lichens and liverworts have been incorporated. The true Algae, of which 35 are enumerated, are principally marine, though also aërophytical and

  7. Algae-bacteria interactions: Evolution, ecology and emerging applications. (United States)

    Ramanan, Rishiram; Kim, Byung-Hyuk; Cho, Dae-Hyun; Oh, Hee-Mock; Kim, Hee-Sik


    Algae and bacteria have coexisted ever since the early stages of evolution. This coevolution has revolutionized life on earth in many aspects. Algae and bacteria together influence ecosystems as varied as deep seas to lichens and represent all conceivable modes of interactions - from mutualism to parasitism. Several studies have shown that algae and bacteria synergistically affect each other's physiology and metabolism, a classic case being algae-roseobacter interaction. These interactions are ubiquitous and define the primary productivity in most ecosystems. In recent years, algae have received much attention for industrial exploitation but their interaction with bacteria is often considered a contamination during commercialization. A few recent studies have shown that bacteria not only enhance algal growth but also help in flocculation, both essential processes in algal biotechnology. Hence, there is a need to understand these interactions from an evolutionary and ecological standpoint, and integrate this understanding for industrial use. Here we reflect on the diversity of such relationships and their associated mechanisms, as well as the habitats that they mutually influence. This review also outlines the role of these interactions in key evolutionary events such as endosymbiosis, besides their ecological role in biogeochemical cycles. Finally, we focus on extending such studies on algal-bacterial interactions to various environmental and bio-technological applications. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Selenium accumulation and metabolism in algae. (United States)

    Schiavon, Michela; Ertani, Andrea; Parrasia, Sofia; Vecchia, Francesca Dalla


    Selenium (Se) is an intriguing element because it is metabolically required by a variety of organisms, but it may induce toxicity at high doses. Algae primarily absorb selenium in the form of selenate or selenite using mechanisms similar to those reported in plants. However, while Se is needed by several species of microalgae, the essentiality of this element for plants has not been established yet. The study of Se uptake and accumulation strategies in micro- and macro-algae is of pivotal importance, as they represent potential vectors for Se movement in aquatic environments and Se at high levels may affect their growth causing a reduction in primary production. Some microalgae exhibit the capacity of efficiently converting Se to less harmful volatile compounds as a strategy to cope with Se toxicity. Therefore, they play a crucial role in Se-cycling through the ecosystem. On the other side, micro- or macro-algae enriched in Se may be used in Se biofortification programs aimed to improve Se content in human diet via supplementation of valuable food. Indeed, some organic forms of selenium (selenomethionine and methylselenocysteine) are known to act as anticarcinogenic compounds and exert a broad spectrum of beneficial effects in humans and other mammals. Here, we want to give an overview of the developments in the current understanding of Se uptake, accumulation and metabolism in algae, discussing potential ecotoxicological implications and nutritional aspects. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Washington State University Algae Biofuels Research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    chen, Shulin [Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA (United States). Dept. of Biological Systems Engineering; McCormick, Margaret [Targeted Growth, Inc., Seattle, WA (United States); Sutterlin, Rusty [Inventure Renewables, Inc., Gig Harbor, WA (United States)


    The goal of this project was to advance algal technologies for the production of biofuels and biochemicals by establishing the Washington State Algae Alliance, a collaboration partnership among two private companies (Targeted Growth, Inc. (TGI), Inventure Chemicals (Inventure) Inc (now Inventure Renewables Inc) and Washington State University (WSU). This project included three major components. The first one was strain development at TGI by genetically engineering cyanobacteria to yield high levels of lipid and other specialty chemicals. The second component was developing an algal culture system at WSU to produce algal biomass as biofuel feedstock year-round in the northern states of the United States. This system included two cultivation modes, the first one was a phototrophic process and the second a heterotrophic process. The phototrophic process would be used for algae production in open ponds during warm seasons; the heterotrophic process would be used in cold seasons so that year-round production of algal lipid would be possible. In warm seasons the heterotrophic process would also produce algal seeds to be used in the phototrophic culture process. Selected strains of green algae and cyanobacteria developed by TGI were tested in the system. The third component was downstream algal biomass processing by Inventure that included efficiently harvesting the usable fuel fractions from the algae mass and effectively isolating and separating the usable components into specific fractions, and converting isolated fractions into green chemicals.



    Aranda, Moisés; Departamento de Matemáticas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y Universidad Sergio Arboleda; Molina, Fabio; Departamento de Matemáticas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y Universidad Sergio Arboleda; Moreno, Vladimir; Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cra. 7 No 43-82. Bogotá,


    El problema del cumpleaños, en el contexto clásico, se resuelve asumiendo una distribución de probabilidades uniforme discreta de los nacimientos. El propósito de este artículo es resolver el mismo problema bajo una distribución de probabilidades discreta arbitraria, y demostrar que bajo la distribución uniforme discreta, la probabilidad de que dos o más personas cumplan años en el mismo día es subestimada. Palabras clave: combinatoria, probabilidad, distribuciones discretas, muestra aleator...

  11. Influence of Algae Age and Population on the Response to TiO2 Nanoparticles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David M. Metzler


    Full Text Available This work shows the influence of algae age (at the time of the exposure and the initial algae population on the response of green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata to titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs. The different algae age was obtained by changes in flow rate of continually stirred tank reactors prior to NP exposure. Increased algae age led to a decreased growth, variations in chlorophyll content, and an increased lipid peroxidation. Increased initial algae population (0.3−4.2 × 106 cells/mL at a constant NP concentration (100 mg/L caused a decline in the growth of algae. With increased initial algae population, the lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll both initially decreased and then increased. Lipid peroxidation had 4× the amount of the control at high and low initial population but, at mid-ranged initial population, had approximately half the control value. Chlorophyll a results also showed a similar trend. These results indicate that the physiological state of the algae is important for the toxicological effect of TiO2 NPs. The condition of algae and exposure regime must be considered in detail when assessing the toxicological response of NPs to algae.

  12. Influence of Algae Age and Population on the Response to TiO2 Nanoparticles (United States)

    Metzler, David M.; Erdem, Ayca; Huang, Chin Pao


    This work shows the influence of algae age (at the time of the exposure) and the initial algae population on the response of green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata to titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs). The different algae age was obtained by changes in flow rate of continually stirred tank reactors prior to NP exposure. Increased algae age led to a decreased growth, variations in chlorophyll content, and an increased lipid peroxidation. Increased initial algae population (0.3−4.2 × 106 cells/mL) at a constant NP concentration (100 mg/L) caused a decline in the growth of algae. With increased initial algae population, the lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll both initially decreased and then increased. Lipid peroxidation had 4× the amount of the control at high and low initial population but, at mid-ranged initial population, had approximately half the control value. Chlorophyll a results also showed a similar trend. These results indicate that the physiological state of the algae is important for the toxicological effect of TiO2 NPs. The condition of algae and exposure regime must be considered in detail when assessing the toxicological response of NPs to algae. PMID:29587381


    The standard WASP7 eutrophication module includes nitrogen and phosphorus cycling, dissolved oxygen-organic matter interactions, and phytoplankton kinetics. In many shallow streams and rivers, however, the attached algae (benthic algae, or periphyton, attached to submerged substr...

  14. An Artificial Neural Network Based Short-term Dynamic Prediction of Algae Bloom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yao Junyang


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a method of short-term prediction of algae bloom based on artificial neural network. Firstly, principal component analysis is applied to water environmental factors in algae bloom raceway ponds to get main factors that influence the formation of algae blooms. Then, a model of short-term dynamic prediction based on neural network is built with the current chlorophyll_a values as input and the chlorophyll_a values in the next moment as output to realize short-term dynamic prediction of algae bloom. Simulation results show that the model can realize short-term prediction of algae bloom effectively.

  15. Bacterial community changes in an industrial algae production system. (United States)

    Fulbright, Scott P; Robbins-Pianka, Adam; Berg-Lyons, Donna; Knight, Rob; Reardon, Kenneth F; Chisholm, Stephen T


    While microalgae are a promising feedstock for production of fuels and other chemicals, a challenge for the algal bioproducts industry is obtaining consistent, robust algae growth. Algal cultures include complex bacterial communities and can be difficult to manage because specific bacteria can promote or reduce algae growth. To overcome bacterial contamination, algae growers may use closed photobioreactors designed to reduce the number of contaminant organisms. Even with closed systems, bacteria are known to enter and cohabitate, but little is known about these communities. Therefore, the richness, structure, and composition of bacterial communities were characterized in closed photobioreactor cultivations of Nannochloropsis salina in F/2 medium at different scales, across nine months spanning late summer-early spring, and during a sequence of serially inoculated cultivations. Using 16S rRNA sequence data from 275 samples, bacterial communities in small, medium, and large cultures were shown to be significantly different. Larger systems contained richer bacterial communities compared to smaller systems. Relationships between bacterial communities and algae growth were complex. On one hand, blooms of a specific bacterial type were observed in three abnormal, poorly performing replicate cultivations, while on the other, notable changes in the bacterial community structures were observed in a series of serial large-scale batch cultivations that had similar growth rates. Bacteria common to the majority of samples were identified, including a single OTU within the class Saprospirae that was found in all samples. This study contributes important information for crop protection in algae systems, and demonstrates the complex ecosystems that need to be understood for consistent, successful industrial algae cultivation. This is the first study to profile bacterial communities during the scale-up process of industrial algae systems.

  16. Serpins in plants and green algae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roberts, Thomas Hugh; Hejgaard, Jørn


    . Serpins have been found in diverse species of the plant kingdom and represent a distinct clade among serpins in multicellular organisms. Serpins are also found in green algae, but the evolutionary relationship between these serpins and those of plants remains unknown. Plant serpins are potent inhibitors...... of mammalian serine proteinases of the chymotrypsin family in vitro but, intriguingly, plants and green algae lack endogenous members of this proteinase family, the most common targets for animal serpins. An Arabidopsis serpin with a conserved reactive centre is now known to be capable of inhibiting...

  17. P-32 uptake in lentic algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strange, J.R.; Williamson, G.D.; Fletcher, D.J.


    A study of the Flat Creek Embayment of Lake Sidney Lanier near Gainesville, Georgia revealed three genera of algae, Chlorococcum, Fragillaria and Nostoc, to be prominent in this eutrophic region of the lake. The algae was grown in phosphate-rich media and subsequently labelled with P-32. All species incorporated luxury amounts of phosphorus as determined by the uptake of P-32. The results indicate that the P-32 uptake is proportional to the surface-per-volume ratio. The higher surface-per-volume ratio resulted in greater uptake of P-32

  18. Algas: cosmética y salud


    Arenas, Patricia Marta; Guayta, Silvina L.


    El uso de las algas con fines estéticos y terapéuticos tiene su origen en tiempos muy antiguos. El auge de la utilización de “productos naturales” ha llevado a sobrevalorar las propiedades de los vegetales en general y de las algas en particular. Por tal razón, las mismas gozan de un elevado prestigio, incluso cuando las propiedades reales son en gran medida superadas por las popularmente atribuidas. De allí que surja la necesidad de abordar estudios interdisciplinarios y de naturaleza aplica...

  19. Acute toxicity and associated mechanisms of four strobilurins in algae. (United States)

    Liu, Xiaoxu; Wang, Yu; Chen, Hao; Zhang, Junli; Wang, Chengju; Li, Xuefeng; Pang, Sen


    Strobilurins have been reported highly toxic to non-target aquatic organisms but few illustrated how they cause toxic effects on algae. This study investigated the acute toxicity of Kresoxim-methy (KRE), Pyraclostrobin (PYR), Trifloxystrobin (TRI) and Picoxystrobin (PIC) on two algae and their toxicity mechanisms. Four strobilurins showed lower toxic effects on Chlorella pyrenoidsa but higher on Chlorella vulgaris. bc1 complex activities in C. vulgaris were significantly inhibited by all strobilurins, suggesting bc 1 complex might be the target of strobilurin toxicity in algae. Moreover, SOD, CAT and POD activities were significantly up-regulated by all doses of KRE, PYR and PIC. In contrast, low concentrations of TRI stimulated SOD and POD activities but highest concentration significantly inhibited those activities. Comet assays showed damaged DNA in C. vulgaris by four strobulirins, suggesting their potential genotoxic threats to algae. The results illustrated acute toxicity by strobulirins on algae and their possible toxicity mechanisms. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Algae Production from Wastewater Resources: An Engineering and Cost Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenung, Susan [Longitude 122 West, Inc.; Efroymson, Rebecca Ann [ORNL


    Co-locating algae cultivation ponds near municipal wastewater (MWW) facilities provides the opportunity to make use of the nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the wastewater as nutrient sources for the algae. This use benefits MWW facilities, the algae biomass and biofuel or bioproduct industry, and the users of streams where treated or untreated waste would be discharged. Nutrient compounds can lead to eutrophication, hypoxia, and adverse effects to some organisms if released downstream. This analysis presents an estimate of the cost savings made possible to cultivation facilities by using the nutrients from wastewater for algae growth rather than purchase of the nutrients. The analysis takes into consideration the cost of pipe transport from the wastewater facility to the algae ponds, a cost factor that has not been publicly documented in the past. The results show that the savings in nutrient costs can support a wastewater transport distance up to 10 miles for a 1000-acre-pond facility, with potential adjustments for different operating assumptions.

  1. Influence of Algae Age and Population on the Response to TiO2 Nanoparticles


    David M. Metzler; Ayca Erdem; Chin Pao Huang


    This work shows the influence of algae age (at the time of the exposure) and the initial algae population on the response of green algae Raphidocelis subcapitata to titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs). The different algae age was obtained by changes in flow rate of continually stirred tank reactors prior to NP exposure. Increased algae age led to a decreased growth, variations in chlorophyll content, and an increased lipid peroxidation. Increased initial algae population (0.3−4.2 × 106 ...

  2. Resolvendo o problema de Bernstein

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available O grande problema no controle do movimento diz respeito à redução da redundância do sistema motor, convertendo-o a um sistema controlável. A aprendizagem cerebelar pela realimentação do erro propõe, de forma simples e engenhosa, uma solução biologicamente plausível para este problema, com uma importante característica: é um processo que deve ser aprendido. Importantes aspectos relativos a estas questões são discutidos neste artigo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: controle motor – aprendizagem motora – aprendizagem cerebelar The great problem about controlling the movement is the reduction of the motor system redundance, converting it into a controlable system. The cerebellar feedback errar learning praposes, by simple and ingenius way, one biologic plausible solution to this problem, with an important feature: it is a process that has to be learnt. Some important aspects about these questions are being discussed in this paper. KEY WORDS: Motor contrai – Motor learning – Cerebellar learning

  3. Relative Contributions of Various Cellular Mechanisms to Loss of Algae during Cnidarian Bleaching. (United States)

    Bieri, Tamaki; Onishi, Masayuki; Xiang, Tingting; Grossman, Arthur R; Pringle, John R


    When exposed to stress such as high seawater temperature, corals and other cnidarians can bleach due to loss of symbiotic algae from the host tissue and/or loss of pigments from the algae. Although the environmental conditions that trigger bleaching are reasonably well known, its cellular and molecular mechanisms are not well understood. Previous studies have reported the occurrence of at least four different cellular mechanisms for the loss of symbiotic algae from the host tissue: in situ degradation of algae, exocytic release of algae from the host, detachment of host cells containing algae, and death of host cells containing algae. The relative contributions of these several mechanisms to bleaching remain unclear, and it is also not known whether these relative contributions change in animals subjected to different types and/or durations of stresses. In this study, we used a clonal population of the small sea anemone Aiptasia, exposed individuals to various precisely controlled stress conditions, and quantitatively assessed the several possible bleaching mechanisms in parallel. Under all stress conditions tested, except for acute cold shock at 4°C, expulsion of intact algae from the host cells appeared to be by far the predominant mechanism of bleaching. During acute cold shock, in situ degradation of algae and host-cell detachment also became quantitatively significant, and the algae released under these conditions appeared to be severely damaged.

  4. Relative Contributions of Various Cellular Mechanisms to Loss of Algae during Cnidarian Bleaching (United States)

    Bieri, Tamaki; Onishi, Masayuki; Xiang, Tingting; Grossman, Arthur R.; Pringle, John R


    When exposed to stress such as high seawater temperature, corals and other cnidarians can bleach due to loss of symbiotic algae from the host tissue and/or loss of pigments from the algae. Although the environmental conditions that trigger bleaching are reasonably well known, its cellular and molecular mechanisms are not well understood. Previous studies have reported the occurrence of at least four different cellular mechanisms for the loss of symbiotic algae from the host tissue: in situ degradation of algae, exocytic release of algae from the host, detachment of host cells containing algae, and death of host cells containing algae. The relative contributions of these several mechanisms to bleaching remain unclear, and it is also not known whether these relative contributions change in animals subjected to different types and/or durations of stresses. In this study, we used a clonal population of the small sea anemone Aiptasia, exposed individuals to various precisely controlled stress conditions, and quantitatively assessed the several possible bleaching mechanisms in parallel. Under all stress conditions tested, except for acute cold shock at 4°C, expulsion of intact algae from the host cells appeared to be by far the predominant mechanism of bleaching. During acute cold shock, in situ degradation of algae and host-cell detachment also became quantitatively significant, and the algae released under these conditions appeared to be severely damaged. PMID:27119147

  5. Life cycle assessment of biofuels from an integrated Brazilian algae-sugarcane biorefinery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, Simone P.; Gopal, Anand R.; Seabra, Joaquim E.A.


    Sugarcane ethanol biorefineries in Brazil produce carbon dioxide, electricity and heat as byproducts. These are essential inputs for algae biodiesel production. In this paper, we assessed ethanol's life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy use produced in an integrated sugarcane and algae biorefinery where biodiesel replaces petroleum diesel for all agricultural operations. Carbon dioxide from cane juice fermentation is used as the carbon source for algae cultivation, and sugarcane bagasse is the sole source of energy for the entire facility. Glycerin produced from the biodiesel plant is consumed by algae during the mixotrophic growth phase. We assessed the uncertainties through a detailed Monte-Carlo analysis. We found that this integrated system can improve both the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and the fossil energy use of sugarcane ethanol by around 10% and 50%, respectively, compared to a traditional Brazilian sugarcane ethanol distillery. - Highlights: • A high diesel consumption is associated to the ethanol sugarcane life-cycle. • Sugarcane industry can provide sources of carbon and energy for the algae growing. • The sugarcane-algae integration can improve the ethanol life-cycle performance. • This integration is a promising pathway for the deployment of algae biodiesel. • There are still significant techno-economic barriers associated with algae biodiesel

  6. Conocimientos sobre la lectoescritura emergente y prácticas en las aulas para su promoción: Un estudio con docentes de Educación preescolar en Costa Rica

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    L. Diego Conejo


    Full Text Available Las concepciones y los conocimientos docentes afectan la práctica docente y esta, a su vez, influye en los logros de desarrollo en lectoescritura emergente de los niños preescolares. Esta investigación explora las valoraciones docentes de prácticas efectivas en el aula para la promoción de la lectoescritura emergente y sus conocimientos sobre conciencia fonológica y fonemas. Una muestra conformada por 284 docentes a cargo de salones de educación preescolar contestó un cuestionario en línea. Los resultados indicaron diferencias según tipo de universidad en la cual se tituló la docente. Las docentes graduadas de universidades públicas otorgaron mayor importancia a prácticas efectivas en el aula para la promoción de la lectoescritura emergente que las docentes graduadas de universidades privadas. Si bien la mayoría de participantes consideró la conciencia fonológica como un factor importante para el desarrollo de la lectoescritura, los conocimientos sobre esta fueron deficientes en toda la muestra. Igualmente, los conocimientos docentes sobre los fonemas y su habilidad para identificarlos en palabras concretas también fueron deficientes. Estos y otros hallazgos se discuten a la luz de sus implicaciones para la promoción de la calidad en la educación preescolar costarricense.

  7. Concentration factors for Cs-137 in marine algae from Japanese coastal waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tateda, Yutaka; Koyanagi, Taku.


    Concentration factors (CF: Bq·kg -1 in wet algae/Bq·kg -1 in filtered seawater) for Cs-137 in Japanese coastal algae, were investigated during 1984-1990. Cs-137/Cs (stable) atom ratios were also examined to clarify the distribution equilibrium of Cs-137 in marine algae and sea water. The CFs in marine algae were within the range of 5.4-92, and the geometric mean of CF was 28±2 (standard error) in Japanese coastal species. The CFs in edible species were within the range of 5.4-67, and the geometric means of CF was 26±4 (standard error). The values of Cs-137/Cs atom ratios in marine algae and sea water indicated that Cs-137 reached an equilibrium state in partition between algae and sea water. Therefore, the CF value obtained in the present study can be regarded as an equilibrated value. Our results showed that hte CF for Cs-137 in Japanese coastal algae were consistent with the Japanese guideline CFs, but were smaller than the recommended value by IAEA. (author)

  8. ¿Podemos predecir en algoritmos paralelos no deterministas?


    Fritzsche, Paula Cecilia


    ¿Podemos predecir en algoritmos paralelos no deterministas? Sí, es posible. A lo largo de este documento se demostrará esta afirmación. La evaluación científica de algoritmos para solucionar todo tipo de problemas es uno de los puntos clave en ciencias de la computación. En el terreno de ciencia computacional (una disciplina emergente) continuamente surgen nuevos desafíos.

  9. Onicomicoses por fungos emergentes: análise clínica, diagnóstico laboratorial e revisão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Araújo Adauto José Gonçalves de


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: As dermatomicoses causadas por fungos emergentes são entidades clínicas raras, à exceção das onicomicoses. Como certos fungos e leveduras podem residir na pele, a positividade em culturas de escamas ungueais deve ser interpretada obrigatoriamente em concordância com os respectivos dados clínicos, exames diretos das amostras, quantificação das colônias isoladas em relação aos pontos de inoculação e, principalmente, deve a positividade ser mantida após a repetição dos cultivos. A invasão da unha por fungos não dermatofíticos (nondermatophytic molds, NDM em diferentes estudos varia de 1,45% a 17,6%. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos do trabalho são mostrar a ocorrência e realçar a importância dos fungos emergentes como causadores de onicomicose. MÉTODOS: As unhas dos pacientes atendidos nos consultórios dos dermatologistas foram examinadas, e, caso houvesse suspeita clínica de onicomicose, coletavam-se amostras que eram enviadas para exame micológico no laboratório. RESULTADOS: Neste estudo, foram avaliados 2.271 pacientes e diagnosticada onicomicose em 400 deles, sendo 264 com acometimento das unhas do pé, e 136 das unhas da mão. O agente etiológico foi confirmado pelo exame micológico direto e crescimento em cultura. A onicomicose por fungos emergentes representou 4,5% de todas as infecções de unha. Foram detectadas as leveduras do gênero Candida (49% como agentes etiológicos mais freqüentes de onicomicoses nas unhas das mãos e em mulheres. Em contraste, os dermatófitos foram os mais freqüentes de todas as onicomicoses dos pés, no total de 186 (46,5%. CONCLUSÃO: Ao contrário da rotina diagnóstica hoje utilizada, concluiu-se que o diagnóstico correto do agente etiológico da onicomicose não dermatofítica deve obedecer a determinados critérios, dos quais se destaca o conjunto formado pela positividade no exame direto, na cultura, com comprovação na repetição do exame.

  10. Rare species of fungi parasiting on algae. III.


    Joanna Z. Kadłubowska


    The investigations csrried out on algae revealed the following species of fungi from the order of Chytridialis Hawksworth et al. (1995) parasitizing on algae: Rhizophydium subgulosum, R. ganlosporum, R. planctonicum, Entophlyctis rhizina and Harpochytrium hedinii. These species arc new to Poland. The figure of resting spore of Entophlyctis rhizina is the fint graphic documentation of this species.

  11. Risk factors for infant developmental problems Factores de riesgo para problemas de desarrollo infantil Fatores de risco para problemas de desenvolvimento infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margaret Rose Santa Maria-Mengel


    Full Text Available This descriptive-correlational study aimed to detect risks for child developmental problems in the first four years of age, to identify the protective resources in the familiar environment, and to verify the best predictive variables of the development at risk. The non-clinical sample was composed by 120 children registered in a Family Health Program. The assessment instruments for global development, expressive language and familiar environment were used. The logistic regression analysis indicated that the lower the father's educational level, the higher the risk for developmental problems. Both the history of low nutritional state at six months of age and the psychosocial risk in the family environment increased the chances of having expressive language problems. It is concluded that screening tests of risk for developmental problems and the analysis of the psychosocial factors in the familiar context should be considered as preventive intervention procedure in the Family Health Programs.El estudio descriptivo-correlacional objetiva detectar riesgos para problemas del desarrollo del niño en los cuatro primeros años, identificar recursos protectores en el ambiente familiar, verificar las mejores variables antedichas del desarrollo en riesgo, en una muestra no-clínica de 120 niños registrados en un Programa de Salud de la Familia. Fueron utilizados instrumentos de evaluación del desarrollo global, lenguaje expresivo del niño y ambiente familiar. El análisis de regresión logística indicó que cuanto menor escolaridad del padre, mayor chance de riesgo para problemas de desarrollo. El histórico del estado nutricional debajo de lo normal a los seis meses de edad y el riesgo psicosocial en el ambiente familiar aumentaba la probabilidad de problemas de lenguaje expresivo. Concluyendo, la selección de riesgos para problemas de desarrollo del niño y el análisis de factores psicosociales del contexto familiar deben incluirse como

  12. The role of algae in agriculture: a mathematical study. (United States)

    Tiwari, P K; Misra, A K; Venturino, Ezio


    Synthetic fertilizers and livestock manure are nowadays widely used in agriculture to improve crop yield but nitrogen and phosphorous runoff resulting from their use compromises water quality and contributes to eutrophication phenomena in waterbeds within the countryside and ultimately in the ocean. Alternatively, algae could play an important role in agriculture where they can be used as biofertilizers and soil stabilizers. To examine the possible reuse of the detritus generated by dead algae as fertilizer for crops, we develop three mathematical models building upon each other. A system is proposed in which algae recover waste nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) for reuse in agricultural production. The results of our study show that in so doing, the crop yield may be increased and simultaneously the density of algae in the lake may be reduced. This could be a way to mitigate and possibly solve the environmental and economic issues nowadays facing agriculture.

  13. Algae: America's Pathway to Independence

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Custer, James


    .... Oil dependency is an unacceptable risk to U.S. national strategy. This paper advocates independence from foreign oil by converting the national transportation fleet to biodiesel derived from algae...

  14. Role of algae in water quality regulation in NPP water reservoirs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klenus, V.G.; Kuz'menko, M.I.; Nasvit, O.I.


    Investigations, carried out in Chernobyl NPP water reservoir, show that sewage water inflow, being not sufficiently purified, enriched by mineral and organic substances, is accompanied by a considerable increase of algae productivity. The algae play a determining role in accumulation of radionuclides and their transformation into bottom depositions. Comparative investigation of accumulation intensity in alga cells 12 C and 14 C gives evidence that the rate of radioactive nuclide inclusions is practically adequate to the rate of inclusions of their stable analogues. Bacterial destruction of organic contaminations occurs more intensively under aerobic conditions, which are mainly provided due to photosynthetizing activity of algae

  15. Characteristics of Red Algae Bioplastics/Latex Blends under Tension

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    M. Nizar Machmud


    Full Text Available Cassava, corn, sago and the other food crops have been commonly used as raw materials to produce green plastics. However, plastics produced from such crops cannot be tailored to fit a particular requirement due to their poor water resistance and mechanical properties. Nowadays, researchers are hence looking to get alternative raw materials from the other sustainable resources to produce plastics. Their recent published studies have reported that marine red algae, that has been already widely used as a raw material for producing biofuels, is one of the potential algae crops that can be turned into plastics. In this work, Eucheuma Cottonii, that is one of the red alga crops, was used as raw material to produce plastics by using a filtration technique. Selected latex of Artocarpus altilis and Calostropis gigantea was separately then blended with bioplastics derived from the red algae, to replace use of glycerol as plasticizer. Role of the glycerol and the selected latex on physical and mechanical properties of the red algae bioplastics obtained under a tensile test performed at room temperature are discussed. Tensile strength of some starch-based plastics collected from some recent references is also presented in this paperDoi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.81-88 [How to cite this article: Machmud, M.N., Fahmi, R.,  Abdullah, R., and Kokarkin, C.  (2013. Characteristics of Red Algae Bioplastics/Latex Blends under Tension. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(2,81-88. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.81-88

  16. Incursión de tecnologías emergentes en una escuela pública de negocios de México


    María Magdalena Madrigal Lozano; Laura Alicia Hernández Moreno; Juan Gabriel López Solórzano; Alma Elizabeth Merla González


    En el presente artículo se describen los resultados obtenidos de un estudio exploratorio, descriptivo de alcance transeccional realizado para conocer la realidad del uso, producción e investigación de las tecnologías emergentes MOOC, Gamificación y Realidad Aumentada en los procesos educativos de los programas relacionados con la profesión de negocios. En particular se aplicó un instrumento de medición a los docentes de los programas académicos de la modalidad mixta en la escuela de negocios ...

  17. Chemical and radioactivity study of sea alga distribution along the Syrian coast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Masri, M. S.; Mamish, S.; Budeir, Y.


    Three types of sea alga distributed along the Syrian coast have been studied from the chemical and radioactivity point of view. Results have shown the metals that red alga contains the highest levels of Ca and Mg while brown alga were found to contain relatively high concentrations of other elements and non metals such as Cl, I and Br. In addition, 137 Cs concentrations in all the analyzed sample were low while the levels of naturally occurring radionuclides such as 210 Po, 210 Pb and radium isotopes were found to be high in red alga which indicates their selectivity to these isotopes. On the other hand, brown alga and especially Cysteseira has shown a clear selectivity for some trace elements such as As, Cr, Cd, Cu and Co, this selectivity may encourage the use of brown alga as biological indicator for trace elements pollution. (author)

  18. Pedagogías emergentes en contextos cambiantes: pedagogías en red en la sociedad del conocimiento


    Binod Gurung; Amparo Clavijo Olarte


    La noción de pedagogías es un concepto multidimensional emergente construido a partir de la relación entre los componentes pedagógicos (como la tecnología, la pedagogía y el contenido) y los contextos pedagógicos cambiantes de la sociedad, la economía, la educación y la ciencia y tecnología para mencionar algunos. Desafortunadamente, para los marcos teóricos tradicionales existentes no es importante la relación entre los componentes y los contextos pedagógicos cambiantes. Las pedagogías tradi...

  19. Sustainable Algae Biodiesel Production in Cold Climates


    Baliga, Rudras; Powers, Susan E.


    This life cycle assessment aims to determine the most suitable operating conditions for algae biodiesel production in cold climates to minimize energy consumption and environmental impacts. Two hypothetical photobioreactor algae production and biodiesel plants located in Upstate New York (USA) are modeled. The photobioreactor is assumed to be housed within a greenhouse that is located adjacent to a fossil fuel or biomass power plant that can supply waste heat and flue gas containing CO2 as a ...

  20. Photobiological hydrogen production with switchable photosystem-II designer algae (United States)

    Lee, James Weifu


    A process for enhanced photobiological H.sub.2 production using transgenic alga. The process includes inducing exogenous genes in a transgenic alga by manipulating selected environmental factors. In one embodiment inducing production of an exogenous gene uncouples H.sub.2 production from existing mechanisms that would downregulate H.sub.2 production in the absence of the exogenous gene. In other embodiments inducing an exogenous gene triggers a cascade of metabolic changes that increase H.sub.2 production. In some embodiments the transgenic alga are rendered non-regenerative by inducing exogenous transgenes for proton channel polypeptides that are targeted to specific algal membranes.

  1. Energy Productivity of the High Velocity Algae Raceway Integrated Design (ARID-HV)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Attalah, Said; Waller, Peter M.; Khawam, George; Ryan, Randy D.; Huesemann, Michael H.


    The original Algae Raceway Integrated Design (ARID) raceway was an effective method to increase algae culture temperature in open raceways. However, the energy input was high and flow mixing was poor. Thus, the High Velocity Algae Raceway Integrated Design (ARID-HV) raceway was developed to reduce energy input requirements and improve flow mixing in a serpentine flow path. A prototype ARID-HV system was installed in Tucson, Arizona. Based on algae growth simulation and hydraulic analysis, an optimal ARID-HV raceway was designed, and the electrical energy input requirement (kWh ha-1 d-1) was calculated. An algae growth model was used to compare the productivity of ARIDHV and conventional raceways. The model uses a pond surface energy balance to calculate water temperature as a function of environmental parameters. Algae growth and biomass loss are calculated based on rate constants during day and night, respectively. A 10 year simulation of DOE strain 1412 (Chlorella sorokiniana) showed that the ARID-HV raceway had significantly higher production than a conventional raceway for all months of the year in Tucson, Arizona. It should be noted that this difference is species and climate specific and is not observed in other climates and with other algae species. The algae growth model results and electrical energy input evaluation were used to compare the energy productivity (algae production rate/energy input) of the ARID-HV and conventional raceways for Chlorella sorokiniana in Tucson, Arizona. The energy productivity of the ARID-HV raceway was significantly greater than the energy productivity of a conventional raceway for all months of the year.

  2. El maltrato infantil: un problema mundial

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    Full Text Available Al abordar el maltrato infantil se presentan diversos problemas: desconocimiento de la verdadera proporción de dicha problemática; raíces culturales e históricas profundas; diversidad de opiniones en cuanto a su definición y clasificación; dificultades en la investigación y, finalmente, una diversidad de consideraciones sobre sus repercusiones y su manejo terapéutico. En el presente artículo se estudia el maltrato infantil desde sus antecedentes históricos, así como sus clasificaciones, sus definiciones y su epidemiología. Asimismo, se revisan las repercusiones y se plantean las alternativas de tratamiento que en la bibliografía existente se han manejado como fundamentales para enfrentar este fenómeno cada vez más alarmante. Queda subrayada la necesidad de unificar criterios en cuanto a la definición y clasificación de información científica en torno a datos demográficos que, finalmente, hablarán de la realidad del problema, de los avances relacionados con sus causas, su diagnóstico, sus medidas preventivas y su tratamiento. Es fundamental utilizar medidas tendientes a prevenir el maltrato, pues una gran parte de los problemas en el niño se ven reflejados en la vida adulta. Se comparan las distintas clasificaciones en torno al tema, así como las características tanto del agredido como del agresor en los distintos tipos de maltrato.

  3. Algae biotechnology: products and processes

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Bux, F; Chisti, Yusuf


    This book examines the utilization of algae for the development of useful products and processes with the emphasis towards green technologies and processes, and the requirements to make these viable...

  4. Adsorption Studies of Lead by Enteromorpha Algae and Its Silicates Bonded Material

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    Hassan H. Hammud


    Full Text Available Lead adsorption by green Enteromorpha algae was studied. Adsorption capacity was 83.8 mg/g at pH 3.0 with algae (E and 1433.5 mg/g for silicates modified algae (EM. FTIR and thermal analysis of algae materials were studied. Thomas and Yoon-Nelson column model were best for adsorbent (E and algae after reflux (ER and Yan model for (EM with capacity 76.2, 71.1, and 982.5 mg/g, respectively. (ER and (EM show less swelling and better flow rate control than (E. Nonlinear methods are more appropriate technique. Error function calculations proved valuable for predicting the best adsorption isotherms, kinetics, and column models.

  5. Rare species of fungi parasiting on algae. III.

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    Joanna Z. Kadłubowska


    Full Text Available The investigations csrried out on algae revealed the following species of fungi from the order of Chytridialis Hawksworth et al. (1995 parasitizing on algae: Rhizophydium subgulosum, R. ganlosporum, R. planctonicum, Entophlyctis rhizina and Harpochytrium hedinii. These species arc new to Poland. The figure of resting spore of Entophlyctis rhizina is the fint graphic documentation of this species.

  6. Turf algae-mediated coral damage in coastal reefs of Belize, Central America

    KAUST Repository

    Wild, Christian; Jantzen, Carin; Kremb, Stephan Georg


    Many coral reefs in the Caribbean experienced substantial changes in their benthic community composition during the last decades. This often resulted in phase shifts from scleractinian coral dominance to that by other benthic invertebrate or algae. However, knowledge about how the related role of coral-algae contacts may negatively affect corals is scarce. Therefore, benthic community composition, abundance of algae grazers, and the abundance and character of coral-algae contacts were assessed in situ at 13 Belizean reef sites distributed along a distance gradient to the Belizean mainland (12–70 km): Mesoamerican Barrier Reef (inshore), Turneffe Atoll (inner and outer midshore), and Lighthouse Reef (offshore). In situ surveys revealed significantly higher benthic cover by scleractinian corals at the remote Lighthouse Reef (26–29%) when compared to the other sites (4–19%). The abundance of herbivorous fish and the sea urchin Diadema antillarum significantly increased towards the offshore reef sites, while the occurrence of direct coral-algae contacts consequently increased significantly with decreasing distance to shore. About 60% of these algae contacts were harmful (exhibiting coral tissue damage, pigmentation change, or overgrowth) for corals (mainly genera Orbicella and Agaricia), particularly when filamentous turf algae were involved. These findings provide support to the hypothesis that (turf) algae-mediated coral damage occurs in Belizean coastal, near-shore coral reefs.

  7. Competitive interactions between corals and turf algae depend on coral colony form. (United States)

    Swierts, Thomas; Vermeij, Mark Ja


    Turf algae are becoming more abundant on coral reefs worldwide, but their effects on other benthic organisms remain poorly described. To describe the general characteristics of competitive interactions between corals and turf algae, we determined the occurrence and outcomes of coral-turf algal interactions among different coral growth forms (branching, upright, massive, encrusting, plating, and solitary) on a shallow reef in Vietnam. In total, the amount of turf algal interaction, i.e., the proportion of the coral boundary directly bordering turf algae, was quantified for 1,276 coral colonies belonging to 27 genera and the putative outcome of each interaction was noted. The amount of turf algal interaction and the outcome of these interactions differed predictably among the six growth forms. Encrusting corals interacted most often with turf algae, but also competed most successfully against turf algae. The opposite was observed for branching corals, which rarely interacted with turf algae and rarely won these competitive interactions. Including all other growth forms, a positive relationship was found between the amount of competitive interactions with neighboring turf algae and the percentage of such interaction won by the coral. This growth form dependent ability to outcompete turf algae was not only observed among coral species, but also among different growth forms in morphologically plastic coral genera (Acropora, Favia, Favites, Montastrea, Montipora, Porites) illustrating the general nature of this relationship.

  8. Turf algae-mediated coral damage in coastal reefs of Belize, Central America. (United States)

    Wild, Christian; Jantzen, Carin; Kremb, Stephan Georg


    Many coral reefs in the Caribbean experienced substantial changes in their benthic community composition during the last decades. This often resulted in phase shifts from scleractinian coral dominance to that by other benthic invertebrate or algae. However, knowledge about how the related role of coral-algae contacts may negatively affect corals is scarce. Therefore, benthic community composition, abundance of algae grazers, and the abundance and character of coral-algae contacts were assessed in situ at 13 Belizean reef sites distributed along a distance gradient to the Belizean mainland (12-70 km): Mesoamerican Barrier Reef (inshore), Turneffe Atoll (inner and outer midshore), and Lighthouse Reef (offshore). In situ surveys revealed significantly higher benthic cover by scleractinian corals at the remote Lighthouse Reef (26-29%) when compared to the other sites (4-19%). The abundance of herbivorous fish and the sea urchin Diadema antillarum significantly increased towards the offshore reef sites, while the occurrence of direct coral-algae contacts consequently increased significantly with decreasing distance to shore. About 60% of these algae contacts were harmful (exhibiting coral tissue damage, pigmentation change, or overgrowth) for corals (mainly genera Orbicella and Agaricia), particularly when filamentous turf algae were involved. These findings provide support to the hypothesis that (turf) algae-mediated coral damage occurs in Belizean coastal, near-shore coral reefs.

  9. Turf algae-mediated coral damage in coastal reefs of Belize, Central America

    KAUST Repository

    Wild, Christian


    Many coral reefs in the Caribbean experienced substantial changes in their benthic community composition during the last decades. This often resulted in phase shifts from scleractinian coral dominance to that by other benthic invertebrate or algae. However, knowledge about how the related role of coral-algae contacts may negatively affect corals is scarce. Therefore, benthic community composition, abundance of algae grazers, and the abundance and character of coral-algae contacts were assessed in situ at 13 Belizean reef sites distributed along a distance gradient to the Belizean mainland (12–70 km): Mesoamerican Barrier Reef (inshore), Turneffe Atoll (inner and outer midshore), and Lighthouse Reef (offshore). In situ surveys revealed significantly higher benthic cover by scleractinian corals at the remote Lighthouse Reef (26–29%) when compared to the other sites (4–19%). The abundance of herbivorous fish and the sea urchin Diadema antillarum significantly increased towards the offshore reef sites, while the occurrence of direct coral-algae contacts consequently increased significantly with decreasing distance to shore. About 60% of these algae contacts were harmful (exhibiting coral tissue damage, pigmentation change, or overgrowth) for corals (mainly genera Orbicella and Agaricia), particularly when filamentous turf algae were involved. These findings provide support to the hypothesis that (turf) algae-mediated coral damage occurs in Belizean coastal, near-shore coral reefs.

  10. Problemas en la interpretación de la FFT


    Acocella, Emilio Carlos; Tierra, Carlos J.


    La Transformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT) es una herramienta muy útil para diversas aplicaciones. Sin embargo, algunos aspectos relativos a la Transformada Discreta de Fourier (DFT) son ignorados, pudiendo en muchas ocasiones llevar a interpretaciones erróneas. El presente estudio trata de los problemas que pueden resultar del hecho que al DFT corresponde al muestreo de la Transformada de Fourier. Se presentan casos típicos en los que ocurre este problema y son propuestas soluciones para evitar...

  11. Benthic Algae Communities in the Rivers of Different Water Quality in Lithuania

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    Irma Vitonytė


    Full Text Available Investigation into benthic algae communities was carried out in the Lithuanian rivers of different water quality during the period 2004–2006. The structure of benthic algae communities in the rivers of different water quality slightly differs. The community of Cladophora glomerata–Vaucheria sessilis–Fontinalis antipyretica mainly dominated in the rivers. Algae communities reiterate in unpolluted rivers (II class, according to biogenes such as Akmena, Babrungas, Bražuolė and Siesartis where Cladophora glomerata–Fontinalis antipyretica, Amblystegium riparium–Cladophora glomerata, and Fontinalis antipyretica–Cladophora glomerata communities predominate. In slightly and moderately polluted rivers, algae communities are unreiteratable. Differences in river water quality could be better determined by frequently appearing algae species in algae communities: in unpolluted rivers – Hildenbrandia rivularis, Audouinella chalybea and A. Hermanii, in slightly polluted – Vaucheria sessilis and Fontinalis antipyretica, and in moderately polluted – Stigeoclonium nanum, S. tenue, Aulacoseira islandica and Melosira varians.The variety of the structure of benthic algae communities could be determined by abiotic environmental factors such as the heterogenity of substratum, stream velocity and depth, the intensity of light and biogenes concentration.Article in Lithuanian

  12. Research for Developing Renewable Biofuels from Algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Black, Paul N. [Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE (United States)


    Task A. Expansion of knowledge related to lipid production and secretion in algae A.1 Lipid biosynthesis in target algal species; Systems biology approaches are being used in combination with recent advances in Chlorella and Chlamydomonas genomics to address lipid accumulation in response to defined nutrient regimes. The UNL Algal Group continues screening additional species of Chlorella and other naturally occurring algae for those with optimal triglyceride production; Of the strains examined by the DOE's Aquatic Species Program, green algae, several species of Chlorella represent the largest group from which oleaginous candidates have been identified; A.1.1. Lipid profiling; Neutral lipid accumulation is routinely monitored by Nile red and BODIPY staining using high throughput strategies to screen for naturally occurring algae that accumulate triglyceride. These strategies complement those using spectrofluorometry to quantify lipid accumulation; Neutral lipid accumulation is routinely monitored by high performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of lipid extracts in conjunction with; Carbon portioning experiments have been completed and the data currently are being analyzed and prepared for publication; Methods in the Black lab were developed to identify and quantify triacylglycerol (TAG), major membrane lipids [diacylglycerol trimethylhomoserine, phosphatidylethanolamine and chloroplast glycolipids], biosynthetic intermediates such as diacylglycerol, phosphatidic acid and lysophospholipids and different species of acyl-coenzyme A (acyl CoA).

  13. Studies on allergenic algae of Delhi area: botanical aspects. (United States)

    Mittal, A; Agarwal, M K; Shivpuri, D N


    To study distribution of algae in and around Delhi aerobiological surveys were undertaken for two consecutive years (September, 1972, to August, 1974). The surveys were accomplished by (a) slide exposure method and (b) culture plate exposure method. A total of 850 slides were exposed using Durham's gravity sampling device. Of these, 560 slides were exposed during 1973 (272 slides at two meter and 288 at ten meter height) and the rest (290 slides) were exposed during 1974 at ten meter height. A total of 858 culture plates were exposed (276 for one hour and 282 for two hours) during 1973 and the rest (300 culture plates) were exposed during 1974 at ten meter height for two hours duration only. Air was found to be rich in algae flora during the months of September to November. The dominant forms of algae present were all blue greens. This might be due to the relative greater resistance of blue green algae to unfavorable conditions.

  14. Switchable photosystem-II designer algae for photobiological hydrogen production (United States)

    Lee, James Weifu


    A switchable photosystem-II designer algae for photobiological hydrogen production. The designer transgenic algae includes at least two transgenes for enhanced photobiological H.sub.2 production wherein a first transgene serves as a genetic switch that can controls photosystem II (PSII) oxygen evolution and a second transgene encodes for creation of free proton channels in the algal photosynthetic membrane. In one embodiment, the algae includes a DNA construct having polymerase chain reaction forward primer (302), a inducible promoter (304), a PSII-iRNA sequence (306), a terminator (308), and a PCR reverse primer (310). In other embodiments, the PSII-iRNA sequence (306) is replaced with a CF.sub.1-iRNA sequence (312), a streptomycin-production gene (314), a targeting sequence (316) followed by a proton-channel producing gene (318), or a PSII-producing gene (320). In one embodiment, a photo-bioreactor and gas-product separation and utilization system produce photobiological H.sub.2 from the switchable PSII designer alga.


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    Christina Litaay


    Full Text Available Water conditions affected by natural and anthropogenic parameters such as sedimentation and solid waste disposal can influence the growth and distribution of macro algae. Sustainable management efforts can reduce damage on the Gulf coast of Ambon due to human activities and land clearing. This study was conducted in October 2008 using the transect method with 3 replicates in five locations i.e., Tantui, Air Salobar, Hative Besar, Halong, and Lateri. The interior and exterior waters of Ambon Bay contained different habitat conditions due to  sedimentation processes. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution and diversity of macro algae communities in the Ambon Bay. The results found 21 species of macro- algae consisting of 10 species of Rhodhophyceae, 6 species of Chlorophyceae, and 5 species of Phaeophyceae. The highest density value of seaweed in Tantui was 389.0 g/m² of Chlorophyceae of Halimeda genus. In Air Salobar and Halong, the highest density value was Rhodophyceae of Gracilaria genus of 172.0 g/m² and 155.0 g/m², respectively. For the other genus in the Tantui and Lateri regions were dominated by Ulva at 92.10 gr/m2 and Padina of 20.0 gr/m2, respectively. The highest dominance of macro algae in the Hative Besar was found Chlorophyceae of Halimeda genus of 2.93 %, in the Air Salobar of Phaeophyceae of Turbinaria genus of 1.43 %. The difference values in density and the dominance of macro algae indicated an influence of habitat and environment due to seasons, sediment, and solid waste disposal to the diversity of macro algae. Keywords: Diversity, macro algae, Ambon Bay.


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    I. G. Seregeg


    Full Text Available A study of filamentous algae and its relation to malaria vector control was conducted during the dry season in several lagoons at the north coast of Bali. Floating masses of these algae under the sunshine barricated the spread of solar-triton larvicide, reducing tremendously the effectiveness of the larvicide. Identification of the genera of these algae under the subphyllum of CYANOPHYTA (Blue Algae in the family of Cyanophyceae were Oscillatoria, Spirulina, Phormidium, Rivularia, Nostoc, and Anabaena; under the subphyllum of CHLOROPHYTA (Green Algae in the family of Chlorophyceae were Enteromorpha, Spirogyra, Mougeotia, Zygnema, and Oedogonium. The surface of water in between the floating masses of algae were an exellent breeding place of mosquitoes mainly Anopheles sundaicus. The density of Enteromorpha, the main attractant of An sundaicus compared to other filamantous algae, has no direct relation on the density of An. sundaicus larva. Hence Enteromorpha could only be considered as the indicator of the presence of larvae and not as the indicator of population densities of larvae Lagoons surrounded with mangrove plantations did not harbour filamentous algae and larvae of An. sundaicus were not found.

  17. Modelization of tritium transfer into the organic compartments of algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonotto, S.; Gerber, G.B.; Arapis, G.; Kirchmann, R.


    Uptake of tritium oxide and its conversion into organic tritium was studied in four different types of algae with widely varying size and growth characteristics (Acetabularia acetabulum, Boergesenia forbesii, two strains of Chlamydomonas and Dunaliella bioculata). Water in the cell and the vacuales equilibrates rapidly with external tritium water. Tritium is actively incorporated into organically bound form as the organisms grow. During the stationary phase, incorporation of tritium is slow. There exists a discrimination against the incorporation of tritium into organically bound form. A model has been elaborated taking in account these different factors. It appears that transfer of organic tritium by algae growing near the sites of release would be significant only for actively growing algae. Algae growing slowly may, however, be useful as cumulative indicators of discontinuous tritium release. (author)

  18. Isolation and Characterization of Blue Green Algae from Egyptian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 20, 2014 ... aminotransferase (AMT) domains of the mycE and ndaF genes (Jungblut et al., 2006) allowing detection of microcystin and nodularin-producing cyanobacteria. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Isolation and cultivation of blue green algae. Blue green algae had been isolated from soil of Rice field in river.

  19. Fe(II)-regulated moderate pre-oxidation of Microcystis aeruginosa and formation of size-controlled algae flocs for efficient flotation of algae cell and organic matter. (United States)

    Qi, Jing; Lan, Huachun; Liu, Ruiping; Liu, Huijuan; Qu, Jiuhui


    The coagulation/flocculation/flotation (C/F/F) process is becoming a popular method for algae-laden water treatment. However, the efficiency of flotation is highly dependent on the ability of the preceding coagulation/flocculation process to form flocculated algae flocs. This study aims to improve the Microcystis aeruginosa flotation efficiency from algae cell and organic matter aspects by applying Fe(II)-regulated pretreatment enhanced Al coagulation process. The ability of the C/F/F process to remove cyanobacterial cells can be enhanced from 8% to 99% at a Fe(II) dose of 30 μM. The Al dose needed can be reduced by more than half while achieving successful flotation. The introduced Fe(II) after KMnO 4 can not only realize moderate pre-oxidation of cyanobacterial cells, but also form in-situ Fe(III). The DOC value can also be decreased significantly due to the formation of in-situ Fe(III), which is more efficient in dissolved organic matter (DOM) removal compared with pre-formed Fe(III). In addition, the gradually hydrolyzed in-situ Fe(III) can facilitate the hydrolysis of Al as a dual-coagulant and promote the clustering and cross-linking of Al hydrolyzates, which can enhance the formation of size-controlled algae flocs. Finally, the size-controlled algae flocs can be effectively floated by the bubbles released in the flotation process due to the efficient collision and attachment between flocs and bubbles. Therefore, the efficient flotation of algae cell and organic matter can be realized by the Fe(II) regulated moderate pre-oxidation of M. aeruginosa and formation of size-controlled algae flocs. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Reacciones adversas y problemas relacionados con medicamentos en un servicio de urgencia

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    Güemes Artiles Martín


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Las Reacciones Adversas a Medicamentos y los Problemas Relacionados con Medicamentos (PRM, son una causa frecuente de asistencia en los servicios de urgencias y requieren una mejor evaluación. MÉTODO: Se analizaron 1.097 admisiones consecutivas en el servicio de urgencias de "Nuestra Señora de los Volcanes" (actualmente "Hospital General de Lanzarote" en Arrecife de Lanzarote (Islas Canarias durante un período de tres meses, para determinar la existencia de Reacciones Adversas a Medicamentos o de otros problemas relacionados con fármacos. RESULTADOS: Diecinueve de las 1.097 admisiones se debieron a reacciones adversas a medicamentos (1.73%; 95 % CI: 0.96 % - 2.5%. Entre los otros "Problemas Relacionados con los Medicamentos", destacaron la intoxicación por medicamentos, que se diagnosticó en 5 de los pacientes (0.45%; el agravamiento del cuadro clínico por supresión del medicamento apareció en 8 (0.72% y los tratamientos inadecuados que precisaron atención médica en el servicio de urgencia fueron 11 (1.0%. El número total de problemas relacionados con medicamentos en la muestra fue de 43 (3.9%. Los problemas relacionados con medicamentos causaron hospitalización en el 1.9% de los pacientes atendidos en urgencias y resultó ser la causa de hospitalización en el 9.6% del total de ingresos urgentes en el hospital durante el periodo de estudio. En cuanto a las reacciones adversas a medicamentos causaron 4.1% del total de ingresos en el hospital. CONCLUSIONES: Los problemas relacionados con los medicamentos son un problema frecuente, importante y no bien estudiado en los servicios de urgencias. Además, los servicios de urgencias pueden actuar como el primer sitio de reconocimiento para las reacciones adversas a medicamentos en la población ambulatoria.

  1. Aprendizaje basado en problemas


    Morral, A.; Bou, T.; Cabot, A.; Capitán, A.; Díaz, J.; Fatjó, J.; Macaya, J.L.; Montmany, A.; Romero, D.


    Desde el Área de fundamentos de Fisioterapia y con el objetivo de mejorar nuestra calidad docente, iniciamos durante el curso 1999-2000 un conjunto de actividades alrededor de una metodología docente conocida internacionalmente como "problem-based learning". En este articulo explicaremos brevemente en qué consiste el aprendizaje a partir de problemas y cuáles podrían ser las ventajas, desventajas y las posibilidades de implementar este métodos dentro de la Diplomatura de Fisioterapia. T...

  2. A mathematical model for 137Cs uptake and release by filamentous algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svadlenkova, M.; Dvorak, Z.; Slavik, O.; Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Prague; Jaslovske Bohunice


    A mathematical model of the dynamics of radiocaesium transport in the aquatic phase-algae system is suggested in this work. Allowance is made for algae growth and for both reversible and irreversible absorption of this radionuclide by the algae. The algae biomass is divided hypothetically into two compartments with different exchange kinetics. The parameters of the model are time dependent. The model is quantified using experimental data for the concentrations of 137 Cs in Cladophora glomerata filamentous algae and in water, obtained in situ in the environment of a nuclear power station. The model fits the data resonably well and can be applied, for example, in bioindication of radioactivity in aquatic recipients in the environment of nuclear power stations. (author)

  3. Biodegradation of an oily bilge waste using algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carpenter, M.J.


    A mixed community of microogranisms was collected from the harbor at the North Island Navy Base and was monitored in a test ecosystem containing an oily bilge waste obtained from off-loading ships. Cultures were examined in the presence and absence of the algae. It was thought that the algae might enhance the degradation of the oil waste by providing oxygen and possibly a nutrient source from dying phytoplankton for the bacterial community. The change in community structure was monitored by isolating the various groups of organisms and determining the biomass change over time for the algae, bacteria and yeasts/fungi subjected to the bilge waste. The biomass (i.e., colony forming units) of the yeasts and fungi increased 100 fold in a 6 week test period. The community containing only the bacteria and fungi/yeasts lost the fungal component of the population, although active bacteria biomass increased more than 10 fold during exposure to the waste. The test ecosystem was subjected to a radiolabeled compound (/sup 14/C-phenol) and bilge waste mixture to ascertain the ability of the communities to mineralize the phenol and/or assimilate the labeled hydrocarbon. The community containing the algae started mineralizing the phenol (measure by /sup 14/CO/sub 2/ production) 24 hours after exposure to the waste/phenol mixture. The bacteria/yeast-fungi community had a lag period of 384 hours before extensive catabolism of the labeled compound occurred. Current data indicate algae may enhance the biodegradation rate of oil bilge waste in a mixed microbial community.

  4. Bioethanol Production from Indigenous Algae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Madhuka Roy


    Full Text Available Enhanced rate of fossil fuel extraction is likely to deplete limited natural resources over short period of time. So search for alternative fuel is only the way to overcome this problem of upcoming energy crisis. In this aspect biofuel is a sustainable option. Agricultural lands cannot be compromised for biofuel production due to the requirement of food for the increasing population. Certain species of algae can produce ethanol during anaerobic fermentation and thus serve as a direct source for bioethanol production. The high content of complex carbohydrates entrapped in the cell wall of the microalgae makes it essential to incorporate a pre-treatment stage to release and convert these complex carbohydrates into simple sugars prior to the fermentation process. There have been researches on production of bioethanol from a particular species of algae, but this work was an attempt to produce bioethanol from easily available indigenous algae. Acid hydrolysis was carried out as pre-treatment. Gas Chromatographic analysis showed that 5 days’ fermentation by baker’s yeast had yielded 93% pure bioethanol. The fuel characterization of the bioethanol with respect to gasoline showed comparable and quite satisfactory results for its use as an alternative fuel.DOI: Journal of Environment Volume-4, Issue-1, Dec-Feb 2014/15, page: 112-120  

  5. Antibody Production in Plants and Green Algae. (United States)

    Yusibov, Vidadi; Kushnir, Natasha; Streatfield, Stephen J


    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have a wide range of modern applications, including research, diagnostic, therapeutic, and industrial uses. Market demand for mAbs is high and continues to grow. Although mammalian systems, which currently dominate the biomanufacturing industry, produce effective and safe recombinant mAbs, they have a limited manufacturing capacity and high costs. Bacteria, yeast, and insect cell systems are highly scalable and cost effective but vary in their ability to produce appropriate posttranslationally modified mAbs. Plants and green algae are emerging as promising production platforms because of their time and cost efficiencies, scalability, lack of mammalian pathogens, and eukaryotic posttranslational protein modification machinery. So far, plant- and algae-derived mAbs have been produced predominantly as candidate therapeutics for infectious diseases and cancer. These candidates have been extensively evaluated in animal models, and some have shown efficacy in clinical trials. Here, we review ongoing efforts to advance the production of mAbs in plants and algae.

  6. New records of marine algae in Vietnam (United States)

    Le Hau, Nhu; Ly, Bui Minh; Van Huynh, Tran; Trung, Vo Thanh


    In May, 2013, a scientific expedition was organized by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEBRAS) through the frame of the VAST-FEBRAS International Collaboration Program. The expedition went along the coast of Vietnam from Quang Ninh to Kien Giang. The objective was to collect natural resources to investigate the biological and biochemical diversity of the territorial waters of Vietnam. Among the collected algae, six taxa are new records for the Vietnam algal flora. They are the red algae Titanophora pikeana (Dickie) Feldmann from Cu Lao Xanh Island, Laurencia natalensis Kylin from Tho Chu Island, Coelothrix irregularis (Harvey) Børgesen from Con Dao Island, the green algae Caulerpa oligophylla Montagne, Caulerpa andamanensis (W.R. Taylor) Draisma, Prudhomme et Sauvage from Phu Quy Island, and Caulerpa falcifolia Harvey & Bailey from Ly Son Island. The seaweed flora of Vietnam now counts 833 marine algal taxa, including 415 Rhodophyta, 147 Phaeophyceae, 183 Chlorophyta, and 88 Cyanobacteria.

  7. Dinitrogen fixation by blue-green algae from paddy fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, Joseph


    Recent work using radioactive nitrogen on the blue-green algae of paddy fields has been reviewed. These algae fix dinitrogen and photoassimilate carbon evolving oxygen, thereby augmenting nitrogen and carbon status of the soil and also providing oxygen to the water-logged rice paddies. Further studies using radioactive isotopes 13 N, 24 Na and 22 Na on their nitrogen fixation, nitrogen assimilation pathways; regulation of nitrogenase, heterocysts production and sporulation and sodium transport and metabolism have been carried out and reported. The field application of blue green algae for N 2 fixation was found to increase the status of soil nitrogen and yield of paddy. (M.G.B.)

  8. Method and apparatus using an active ionic liquid for algae biofuel harvest and extraction (United States)

    Salvo, Roberto Di; Reich, Alton; Dykes, Jr., H. Waite H.; Teixeira, Rodrigo


    The invention relates to use of an active ionic liquid to dissolve algae cell walls. The ionic liquid is used to, in an energy efficient manner, dissolve and/or lyse an algae cell walls, which releases algae constituents used in the creation of energy, fuel, and/or cosmetic components. The ionic liquids include ionic salts having multiple charge centers, low, very low, and ultra low melting point ionic liquids, and combinations of ionic liquids. An algae treatment system is described, which processes wet algae in a lysing reactor, separates out algae constituent products, and optionally recovers the ionic liquid in an energy efficient manner.

  9. Conferencia Argentina de Educación Médica: agendas, aportes y temas Emergentes

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    María Eugenia Brissón

    Full Text Available Propósito: En el presente trabajo se pretende identificar en las Conferencias Argentinas de Educación Médica (CAEMs cuáles son los temas que -en relación a la formación de médicos- se han debatido, los que ocupan la agenda actual y los emergentes, así como establecer algunas relaciones con el movimiento internacional en ese campo, en los últimos veinte años. Material y método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo del período 1985 - 2003. Se realizaron análisis de programas y resúmenes presentados (CAEMs 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, búsquedas no sistemáticas en Internet, revisión documental y consultas a informantes claves. Resultados: Temas en debate: admisión; evaluación y acreditación; cambios curriculares; selección, formación y evaluación del cuerpo docente y evaluación de la calidad de los egresados. Temas emergentes: asuntos de la agenda mundial son apenas incipientes en los debates de las CAEMs. Relaciones con el movimiento internacional: conformación de asociaciones sin fines de lucro para el desarrollo de la educación médica, participación en reuniones internacionales, desarrollo de proyectos de investigaciones, fortalecimiento de la formación de postgrado y legislación de aplicación en el campo de la educación médica. Conclusiones: Existencia de contribuciones mutuas entre el pensamiento latinoamericano en educación médica y el global. En Argentina la expansión de la educación médica ha sido apreciable en los últimos veinte años. Las CAEM han servido como ámbito de convocatoria, discusión y difusión de las cuestiones de la agenda general y de temas particulares del país. Ha dado lugar al establecimiento de líneas de actividades y al inicio de investigaciones. En general, si bien prevalece una discusión basada en opiniones, se advierte, en el transcurso de los años, un mejoramiento de la calidad de las comunicaciones y de los trabajos presentados.

  10. Evaluation of the activated carbon prepared from the algae ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation of the activated carbon prepared from the algae Gracilaria for the biosorption of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions. ... African Journal of Biotechnology ... This study shows the benefit of using activated carbon from marine red algae as a low cost sorbent for the removal of copper from aqueous solution wastewater.

  11. Cycloartane triterpenes from marine green alga Cladophora fascicularis (United States)

    Huang, Xinping; Zhu, Xiaobin; Deng, Liping; Deng, Zhiwei; Lin, Wenhan


    Six cycloartanes were isolated from ethanol extract of marine green alga Cladophora fascicularis by column chromatography. Procedure of isolation and description of these compounds are given in this paper. The structures were elucidated as (1). 24-hydroperoxycycloart-25- en-3β-ol; (2). cycloart-25-en-3β 24-diol; (3). 25-hydroperoxycycloart-23-en-3β-ol; (4). cycloart-23-en-3β, 25-diol; (5). cycloart-23, 25-dien-3β-ol; and (6). cycloart-24-en-3β-ol by spectroscopic (MS, ID and 2D NMR) data analysis. Cycloartane derivatives are widely distributed in terrestrial plants, but only few were obtained in the alga. All these compounds that have been isolated from terrestrial plants, were found in the marine alga for the first time.

  12. Algae of economic importance that accumulate cadmium and lead: a review

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    Priscila O. Souza


    Full Text Available Currently, algae and algae products are extensively applied in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Algae are the main organisms that take up and store heavy metals. Therefore, the use of compounds derived from algae by the pharmaceutical industry should be closely monitored for possible contamination. The pollution generated by heavy metals released by industrial and domestic sources causes serious changes in the aquatic ecosystem, resulting in a loss of biological diversity and a magnification and bioaccumulation of toxic agents in the food chain. Since algae are at the bottom of the aquatic food chain, they are the most important vector for transfer of pollution to upper levels of the trophic chain in aquatic environments. Moreover, microalgae are also used for the bioremediation of wastewater, a process that does not produce secondary pollution, that enables efficient recycling of nutrients and that generates biomass useful for the production of bioactive compounds and biofuel.

  13. Algae of economic importance that accumulate cadmium and lead: a review

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    Priscila O. Souza


    Full Text Available Currently, algae and algae products are extensively applied in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Algae are the main organisms that take up and store heavy metals. Therefore, the use of compounds derived from algae by the pharmaceutical industry should be closely monitored for possible contamination. The pollution generated by heavy metals released by industrial and domestic sources causes serious changes in the aquatic ecosystem, resulting in a loss of biological diversity and a magnification and bioaccumulation of toxic agents in the food chain. Since algae are at the bottom of the aquatic food chain, they are the most important vector for transfer of pollution to upper levels of the trophic chain in aquatic environments. Moreover, microalgae are also used for the bioremediation of wastewater, a process that does not produce secondary pollution, that enables efficient recycling of nutrients and that generates biomass useful for the production of bioactive compounds and biofuel.

  14. Development of Green Fuels From Algae - The University of Tulsa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crunkleton, Daniel; Price, Geoffrey; Johannes, Tyler; Cremaschi, Selen


    The general public has become increasingly aware of the pitfalls encountered with the continued reliance on fossil fuels in the industrialized world. In response, the scientific community is in the process of developing non-fossil fuel technologies that can supply adequate energy while also being environmentally friendly. In this project, we concentrate on green fuels which we define as those capable of being produced from renewable and sustainable resources in a way that is compatible with the current transportation fuel infrastructure. One route to green fuels that has received relatively little attention begins with algae as a feedstock. Algae are a diverse group of aquatic, photosynthetic organisms, generally categorized as either macroalgae (i.e. seaweed) or microalgae. Microalgae constitute a spectacularly diverse group of prokaryotic and eukaryotic unicellular organisms and account for approximately 50% of global organic carbon fixation. The PI's have subdivided the proposed research program into three main research areas, all of which are essential to the development of commercially viable algae fuels compatible with current energy infrastructure. In the fuel development focus, catalytic cracking reactions of algae oils is optimized. In the species development project, genetic engineering is used to create microalgae strains that are capable of high-level hydrocarbon production. For the modeling effort, the construction of multi-scaled models of algae production was prioritized, including integrating small-scale hydrodynamic models of algae production and reactor design and large-scale design optimization models.

  15. Cultivation Strategy for Freshwater Macro- and Micro-Algae as Biomass Stock for Lipid Production

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    Marieska Verawaty


    Full Text Available In this research, an algae cultivation strategy was studied. Integrating algae cultivation with wastewater treatment is currently seen as one of the most economical ways of producing algae biomass. A combination of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR and a constructed wetland (CW was applied for treating domestic wastewater with an additional collection tank for improving effluent quality. The effluent produced from the three stages was used as algae cultivation media and suplemented with 10% bold basal medium (BBM. The results showed both micro- and macro-algae growth and their lipid contents were higher when they were grown in effluent-BBM (9:1 v/v media. The lipid content of the micro-algae mixed culture was 16.5% while for macro-algae Oedogonium sp and Cladophora sp it was 6.90% and 6.75% respectively.

  16. Ion and metabolite transport in the chloroplast of algae: lessons from land plants. (United States)

    Marchand, Justine; Heydarizadeh, Parisa; Schoefs, Benoît; Spetea, Cornelia


    Chloroplasts are endosymbiotic organelles and play crucial roles in energy supply and metabolism of eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms (algae and land plants). They harbor channels and transporters in the envelope and thylakoid membranes, mediating the exchange of ions and metabolites with the cytosol and the chloroplast stroma and between the different chloroplast subcompartments. In secondarily evolved algae, three or four envelope membranes surround the chloroplast, making more complex the exchange of ions and metabolites. Despite the importance of transport proteins for the optimal functioning of the chloroplast in algae, and that many land plant homologues have been predicted, experimental evidence and molecular characterization are missing in most cases. Here, we provide an overview of the current knowledge about ion and metabolite transport in the chloroplast from algae. The main aspects reviewed are localization and activity of the transport proteins from algae and/or of homologues from other organisms including land plants. Most chloroplast transporters were identified in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, reside in the envelope and participate in carbon acquisition and metabolism. Only a few identified algal transporters are located in the thylakoid membrane and play role in ion transport. The presence of genes for putative transporters in green algae, red algae, diatoms, glaucophytes and cryptophytes is discussed, and roles in the chloroplast are suggested. A deep knowledge in this field is required because algae represent a potential source of biomass and valuable metabolites for industry, medicine and agriculture.

  17. Extreme Low Light Requirement for Algae Growth Underneath Sea Ice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hancke, Kasper; Lund-Hansen, Lars C.; Lamare, Maxim L.


    Microalgae colonizing the underside of sea ice in spring are a key component of the Arctic foodweb as they drive early primary production and transport of carbon from the atmosphere to the ocean interior. Onset of the spring bloom of ice algae is typically limited by the availability of light......, and the current consensus is that a few tens-of-centimeters of snow is enough to prevent sufficient solar radiation to reach underneath the sea ice. We challenge this consensus, and investigated the onset and the light requirement of an ice algae spring bloom, and the importance of snow optical properties...... for light penetration. Colonization by ice algae began in May under >1 m of first-year sea ice with approximate to 1 m thick snow cover on top, in NE Greenland. The initial growth of ice algae began at extremely low irradiance (...

  18. Wide bandgap engineering of (AlGa)2O3 films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Fabi; Saito, Katsuhiko; Tanaka, Tooru; Nishio, Mitsuhiro; Guo, Qixin; Arita, Makoto


    Bandgap tunable (AlGa) 2 O 3 films were deposited on sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The deposited films are of high transmittance as measured by spectrophotometer. The Al content in films is almost the same as that in targets. The measurement of bandgap energies by examining the onset of inelastic energy loss in core-level atomic spectra using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is proved to be valid for determining the bandgap of (AlGa) 2 O 3 films as it is in good agreement with the bandgap values from transmittance spectra. The measured bandgap of (AlGa) 2 O 3 films increases continuously with the Al content covering the whole Al content range from about 5 to 7 eV, indicating PLD is a promising growth technology for growing bandgap tunable (AlGa) 2 O 3 films.

  19. An Overview of Algae Biofuel Production and Potential Environmental Impact (United States)

    Algae are among the most potentially significant sources of sustainable biofuels in the future of renewable energy. A feedstock with virtually unlimited applicability, algae can metabolize various waste streams (e.g., municipal wastewater, carbon dioxide from industrial flue gas)...

  20. La preeclampsia un problema de salud pública mundial


    Vargas H,Víctor Manuel; Acosta A,Gustavo; Moreno E,Mario Adán


    La preeclampsia es un problema de salud pública y una de las principales causas de muerte materna. La prevalencia oscila entre 1,8-16,7%. La causa sigue desconocida y se asocia a problemas de salud importantes, existiendo muchos retos para la predicción, prevención y tratamiento. Las medidas profilácticas como dosis baja de aspirina y suplementos de calcio, requieren mayor evidencia para uso rutinario. El control prenatal, diagnóstico oportuno, manejo adecuado, y parto son las medidas más efi...

  1. Persistence and proliferation of some unicellular algae in drinking ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Drinking water systems have a complex structure and are characterised by the absence of light, the presence of disinfectants and by low levels of nutrients. Several kinds of bacteria, protozoa, algae and fungi can be found in tap water. Little is known about the ecology of algae in drinking water systems, although their ...

  2. Tecnologías emergentes en la educación: una experiencia de formación de docentes que fomenta el diseño de ambientes de aprendizaje

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    Oscar Rafael Boude Figueredo


    Full Text Available Este texto describe los resultados obtenidos en una experiencia de formación de docentes, que son estudiantes de la Maestría en Informática Educativa de la Universidad de La Sabana, dentro de la asignatura electiva Tecnologías Emergentes en la Educación, que cuyo objetivo es: "ofrecer al estudiante un espacio de reflexión y conceptualización sobre las principales tecnologías emergentes (TE y sus usos en la educación". Entre los principales resultados, se encuentra que los estudiantes analizaron, indagaron y reflexionaron sobre las siguientes TE: Computación en la Nube, Inteligencia Colectiva, Mashups de Datos, Webs en Colaboración y Redes sociales. Asimismo, propusieron definiciones desde el punto de vista académico de cada una de ellas y diseñaron ocho ambientes de aprendizaje que integran de forma pedagógica una o varias TE en diferentes contextos educativos.

  3. The study of LED light source illumination conditions for ideal algae cultivation (United States)

    Tsai, Chun-Chin; Huang, Chien-Fu; Chen, Cin-Fu; Yue, Cheng-Feng


    Utilizing LED light source modules with 3 different RGB colors, the illumination effect of different wavelengths had been investigated on the growth curve of the same kind of micro algae. It was found that the best micro algae culturing status came out with long wavelength light such as red light (650 670 nm). Based on the same condition for a period of 3 weeks , the grown micro algae population density ratio represented by Optical Density (O.D.) ratio is 1?0.4?0.7 corresponding to growth with Red, Green, Blue light sources, respectively. Mixing 3 types and 2 types of LEDs with different parameters, the grown micro algae population densities were compared in terms of O.D. Interestingly enough, different light sources resulted in significant discoloration on micro algae growth, appearing yellow, brown, green, etc. Our experiments results showed such discoloration effect is reversible. Based on the same lighting condition, micro algae growth can be also affected by incubator size, nutrition supply, and temperature variation. In recent years, micro algae related technologies have been international wise a hot topic of energy and environmental protection for research and development institutes, and big energy companies among those developed countries. There will be an economically prosperous future. From this study of LED lighting to ideal algae cultivation, it was found that such built system would be capable of optimizing artificial cultivation system, leading to economic benefits for its continuous development. Since global warming causing weather change, accompanying with reducing energy sources and agriculture growth shortage are all threatening human being survival.

  4. Meteorological effects on variation of airborne algae in Mexico (United States)

    Rosas, Irma; Roy-Ocotla, Guadalupe; Mosiño, Pedro


    Sixteen species of algae were collected from 73.8 m3 of air. Eleven were obtained in Minatitlán and eleven in México City. The data show that similar diversity occurred between the two localities, in spite of the difference in altitude. This suggests that cosmopolitan airborne microorganisms might have been released from different sources. Three major algal divisions (Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Chrysophyta) formed the airborne algal group. Also, a large concentration of 2220 algae m-3 was found near sea-level, while lower amounts were recorded at the high altitude of México City. The genera Scenedesmus, Chlorella and Chlorococcum dominated. Striking relationships were noted between the concentration of airborne green and blue-green algae, and meteorological conditions such as rain, vapour pressure, temperature and winds for different altitudes. In Minatitlán a linear relationship was established between concentration of algae and both vapour pressure (mbar) and temperature (° C), while in México City the wind (m s-1) was associated with variations in the algal count.

  5. Ocorrência de compostos de interesse emergente no aquífero Dunas-Barreiras e nos esgotos de Natal/RN


    Silva, Francisco Francimar da Fonseca


    A detecção de microcontaminantes de interesse emergente em amostras ambientais de águas superficiais, águas subterrâneas, água potável, águas residuárias e efluentes de estações de tratamento de água e esgoto (ETAs e ETEs), em vários países, indica que esses poluentes encontram-se disseminados pelo meio ambiente, principalmente em regiões urbanizadas. Isto é motivo de grande preocupação, pois muitos desses compostos são potencialmente prejudiciais aos seres humanos e a outro...

  6. Potências médias emergentes e reforma da arquitetura financeira mundial?: Uma análise do BRICS no G20

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    Leonardo Ramos


    Full Text Available A partir de 2000, na cúpula de Okinawa, o sistema G7/8 começou um movimento de outreach, ou seja, tanto de "alcançar" aqueles que se encontravam fora quanto de "expandir" o sistema G7/8. Neste sentido, pela primeira vez países não-participantes do G8 foram envolvidos tanto em encontros do G8 quanto em consultas pré-cúpula. Neste processo a cúpula de Gleneagles, em 2005, foi um marco, pois nesta pela primeira vez há um documento conjunto emitido por Brasil, Índia, China, África do Sul e México (BICSAM - Outreach Five ou Grupo dos Cinco (+5. Tal articulação entre tais países tendo como foco o sistema G7/8 vai ocorrer até a cúpula de L’Aquila, em 2009. Não obstante, como desde 2008 o G20 vem lidando com tais questões como um fórum de líderes e a partir de 2009 o BRIC passa a se reunir como coalizão, tal articulação paralela ao G8 perde sua relevância. Neste contexto, uma questão que surge diz respeito à relação entre BRICS e G20. Como se dá a ação de tal bloco emergente neste fórum? Qual seu impacto para as decisões tomadas no âmbito de tal fórum? Qual a importância da China neste processo? Questões deste tipo são relevantes uma vez que muitas abordagens sobre o G20 e sobre as potências médias emergentes falam a respeito da legitimidade e da representatividade do G20 sem, contudo, dar a devida atenção às potências médias emergentes, suas coalizões e formas de engajamento e articulação no âmbito do G20, e é neste contexto que se insere o presente artigo, que busca analisar a inserção e articulação do BRICS no âmbito do G20, suas potencialidades e limites.

  7. Características singulares del comercio exterior de los grandes países emergentes: el caso de Rusia


    Rohr Trushcheleva, Margarita


    El proyecto de tesis plantea el objetivo global de arrojar luz sobre la realidad comercial y demográfica de una de las principales potencias emergentes, la Federación de Rusia. La propia importancia del país y el limitado número de estudios existentes hasta el momento al respecto justifican la elección del objeto de estudio. Un segundo objetivo, aportación esencial en este trabajo, es la construcción de series inéditas para la economía rusa, mediante la combinación de múltiples fuentes disper...

  8. Design and construction of the microalgal pilot facility AlgaePARC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bosma, R.; Vree, de J.H.; Slegers, P.M.; Janssen, M.G.J.; Wijffels, R.H.; Barbosa, M.J.


    Microalgae gained much interest from industry as promising sustainable feedstock for the production of food, feed, bulk chemicals, and biofuels. Pilot scale research on microalgae is needed to bridge the gap between laboratory scale research and commercial applications. The AlgaePARC (Algae

  9. Efficiency of using green algae as biological controllers against toxic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Efficiency of using green algae as biological controllers against toxic algal taxa in cultured ... of two green algal species as biological control of the growth of toxic blue-green algae. ... African Journal of Aquatic Science 2014, 39(4): 443–450 ...

  10. Gain and loss of polyadenylation signals during evolution of green algae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glöckner Gernot


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Viridiplantae (green algae and land plants consist of two monophyletic lineages: the Chlorophyta and the Streptophyta. Most green algae belong to the Chlorophyta, while the Streptophyta include all land plants and a small group of freshwater algae known as Charophyceae. Eukaryotes attach a poly-A tail to the 3' ends of most nuclear-encoded mRNAs. In embryophytes, animals and fungi, the signal for polyadenylation contains an A-rich sequence (often AAUAAA or related sequence 13 to 30 nucleotides upstream from the cleavage site, which is commonly referred to as the near upstream element (NUE. However, it has been reported that the pentanucleotide UGUAA is used as polyadenylation signal for some genes in volvocalean algae. Results We set out to investigate polyadenylation signal differences between streptophytes and chlorophytes that may have emerged shortly after the evolutionary split between Streptophyta and Chlorophyta. We therefore analyzed expressed genes (ESTs from three streptophyte algae, Mesostigma viride, Klebsormidium subtile and Coleochaete scutata, and from two early-branching chlorophytes, Pyramimonas parkeae and Scherffelia dubia. In addition, to extend the database, our analyses included ESTs from six other chlorophytes (Acetabularia acetabulum, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Helicosporidium sp. ex Simulium jonesii, Prototheca wickerhamii, Scenedesmus obliquus and Ulva linza and one streptophyte (Closterium peracerosum. Our results indicate that polyadenylation signals in green algae vary widely. The UGUAA motif is confined to late-branching Chlorophyta. Most streptophyte algae do not have an A-rich sequence motif like that in embryophytes, animals and fungi. We observed polyadenylation signals similar to those of Arabidopsis and other land plants only in Mesostigma. Conclusion Polyadenylation signals in green algae show considerable variation. A new NUE (UGUAA was invented in derived chlorophytes and replaced

  11. Gain and loss of polyadenylation signals during evolution of green algae. (United States)

    Wodniok, Sabina; Simon, Andreas; Glöckner, Gernot; Becker, Burkhard


    The Viridiplantae (green algae and land plants) consist of two monophyletic lineages: the Chlorophyta and the Streptophyta. Most green algae belong to the Chlorophyta, while the Streptophyta include all land plants and a small group of freshwater algae known as Charophyceae. Eukaryotes attach a poly-A tail to the 3' ends of most nuclear-encoded mRNAs. In embryophytes, animals and fungi, the signal for polyadenylation contains an A-rich sequence (often AAUAAA or related sequence) 13 to 30 nucleotides upstream from the cleavage site, which is commonly referred to as the near upstream element (NUE). However, it has been reported that the pentanucleotide UGUAA is used as polyadenylation signal for some genes in volvocalean algae. We set out to investigate polyadenylation signal differences between streptophytes and chlorophytes that may have emerged shortly after the evolutionary split between Streptophyta and Chlorophyta. We therefore analyzed expressed genes (ESTs) from three streptophyte algae, Mesostigma viride, Klebsormidium subtile and Coleochaete scutata, and from two early-branching chlorophytes, Pyramimonas parkeae and Scherffelia dubia. In addition, to extend the database, our analyses included ESTs from six other chlorophytes (Acetabularia acetabulum, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Helicosporidium sp. ex Simulium jonesii, Prototheca wickerhamii, Scenedesmus obliquus and Ulva linza) and one streptophyte (Closterium peracerosum). Our results indicate that polyadenylation signals in green algae vary widely. The UGUAA motif is confined to late-branching Chlorophyta. Most streptophyte algae do not have an A-rich sequence motif like that in embryophytes, animals and fungi. We observed polyadenylation signals similar to those of Arabidopsis and other land plants only in Mesostigma. Polyadenylation signals in green algae show considerable variation. A new NUE (UGUAA) was invented in derived chlorophytes and replaced not only the A-rich NUE but the complete poly


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    Geane Alzamora


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura discutir as possibilidades de aplicação no Jornalismo do conceito de narrativa transmidiática, proposto por Henry Jenkins (2003 no âmbito das narrativas ficcionais. Aborda inicialmente as definições de Transmedia Storytelling, investiga as diferenças conceituais entre convergência e transmídia e propõe uma abordagem própria do conceito de transmídia no universo jornalístico, fundada na perspectiva do conhecimento produzido em dimensão transmidiática e nas especificidades informacionais dos formatos. Conclui com uma exploração inicial de exemplos de narrativas emergentes no contexto do jornalismo transmidiático, como o Jornalismo de Imersão e os newsgames, sugerindo que o experimentalismo seja um aspecto marcante da narrativa transmídia.

  13. Gain and loss of polyadenylation signals during evolution of green algae


    Wodniok, Sabina; Simon, Andreas; Glöckner, Gernot; Becker, Burkhard


    Abstract Background The Viridiplantae (green algae and land plants) consist of two monophyletic lineages: the Chlorophyta and the Streptophyta. Most green algae belong to the Chlorophyta, while the Streptophyta include all land plants and a small group of freshwater algae known as Charophyceae. Eukaryotes attach a poly-A tail to the 3' ends of most nuclear-encoded mRNAs. In embryophytes, animals and fungi, the signal for polyadenylation contains an A-rich sequence (often AAUAAA or related seq...

  14. Radiokinetic study in betony marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azevedo Gouvea, V. de.


    The influx and outflux kinetics of some radionuclides in algae of the Rio de Janeiro coastline, were studied in order to select bioindicators for radioactive contamination in aquatic media, due to the presence of Nuclear Power Stations. Bioassays of the concentration and loss of radionuclides such as 137 Cs, 51 Cr, 60 Co and 131 I were performed in 1000cm 3 aquarium under controlled laboratory conditions, using a single channel gamma counting system, to study the species of algae most frequently found in the region. The concentration and loss parameters for all the species and radionuclides studied were obtained from the normalized results. The loss parameters were computerwise adjusted using Powell's multiparametric method. (author)

  15. Teoría de juegos aplicada a problemas de bancarrota.

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    Hinojosa Ramos, Miguel Ángel


    Full Text Available En una situación de bancarrota adquiere gran relevancia la cuestión de cómo dividir el valor neto de la empresa entre sus acreedores. En este trabajo se da respuesta a este problema económico usando reglas de reparto para problemas de bancarrota. Se usará como instrumento la Teoría de Juegos, en particular nos centraremos en los Juegos Cooperativos, y definiremos el Juego de Bancarrota asociado con los Problemas de Bancarrota a través de la definición de Juego de Bancarrota, indicando conceptos de solución en dicho juego. Se ha realizado una aplicación al Plan de Ayudas a la Investigación en Andalucía para el año 2001, en el que se calcularán el valor de Shapley, el nucleolo y el τ-valor.

  16. Can algae-based technologies be an affordable green process for biofuel production and wastewater remediation? (United States)

    Vo Hoang Nhat, P; Ngo, H H; Guo, W S; Chang, S W; Nguyen, D D; Nguyen, P D; Bui, X T; Zhang, X B; Guo, J B


    Algae is a well-known organism that its characteristic is prominent for biofuel production and wastewater remediation. This critical review aims to present the applicability of algae with in-depth discussion regarding three key aspects: (i) characterization of algae for its applications; (ii) the technical approaches and their strengths and drawbacks; and (iii) future perspectives of algae-based technologies. The process optimization and combinations with other chemical and biological processes have generated efficiency, in which bio-oil yield is up to 41.1%. Through life cycle assessment, algae bio-energy achieves high energy return than fossil fuel. Thus, the algae-based technologies can reasonably be considered as green approaches. Although selling price of algae bio-oil is still high (about $2 L -1 ) compared to fossil fuel's price of $1 L -1 , it is expected that the algae bio-oil's price will become acceptable in the next coming decades and potentially dominate 75% of the market. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Estratégia Educacional Baseada em Problemas para Grandes Grupos: Relato de Experiência

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    Sonia Leite da Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMO Nos últimos anos, o olhar sobre a formação dos profissionais de saúde tem se intensificado, particularmente sobre aquela que possa impactar a resolução dos problemas de saúde da população. Um dos aspectos para o alcance desta demanda refere-se a uma formação que incorpore metodologias ativas no processo ensino-aprendizagem de estudantes da saúde. Neste entendimento, tomando como referência metodologias de aprendizagem baseada em problemas, as quais utilizam certos passos para a resolução de problemas, e diante dos desafios de trabalhar com grandes grupos, desenvolveu-se a estratégia educacional denominada Ciclo de Discussão de Problemas (CDP. Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever o CDP como uma estratégia educacional utilizada em grandes grupos no ensino da graduação em saúde. Esta estratégia ancora-se nos princípios de metodologia ativa, pois utiliza problemas com temáticas comuns aos cursos da área da saúde, para desenvolver nos alunos o aprendizado autodirigido, a habilidade de solucionar problemas, o pensamento crítico e o estudo colaborativo, além da visão integrada das ciências básicas. Esta estratégia envolve dois momentos em sala de aula para cada problema: análise e resolução, englobando 12 passos.

  18. The Selective Use of Hypochlorite to Prevent Pond Crashes for Algae-Biofuel Production. (United States)


    Although algae-biofuels have many advantages including high areal productivity, algae can be preyed upon by amoebas, protozoans, ciliates, and rotifers, particularly in open pond systems. Thus, these higher organisms need to be controlled. In this study, Chlorella kessleri was used as the algal culture and Brachionus calyciflorus as the source of predation. The effect of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) was tested with the goal of totally inhibiting the rotifer while causing minor inhibition to the alga. The 24-hr LC50 for B. calyciflorus in spring water was 0.198 mg Cl/L while the 24-hr LC50 for C. kessleri was 0.321 mg Cl/L. However, chlorine dissipates rapidly as the algae serves as reductant. Results showed a chlorine dosage between 0.45 to 0.6 mg Cl/L and a dosing interval of two hours created the necessary chlorine concentrations to inhibit predation while letting the algae grow; thus giving algae farmers a tool to prevent pond crashes. Water Environ. Res., 87 (2015).

  19. Combining of some trace elements with constituent materials of marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Ryoichi


    Two radionuclides ( 137 Cs and 106 Ru- 106 Rh) were extracted from a brown alg a (Eisenta bicyclis) into 5 solvents (Ethyl ethel, 80% Ethyl alcohol, boiled water, 0.2% NaOH and 24% KOH) in different proportions, suggesting that both radionuclides do not combine with fats and pigments, and that 137 Cs associates maybe with dextrans and monosaccharides, while, 106 Ru- 106 Rh mainly combines with the cell wall polysaccharides such as alginic acid and fucoidan. In order to obtain information from extracts of algae, gel filtration was carried out on 2 species of algae (Ulva pertusa and Eisenia bicyclis) using Sephadex G-100 and G-25. Gel filtration profile gave only one peak for 137 Cs, 2 for 106 Ru- 106 Rh and 125 I, and 3 for 60 Co corresponding to positions where saccharides of the algae appeared. As the result, it was found that different radionuclides combined with different constituent materials of an alga, to some extent. Gel filtration profiles of 125 I were compared with each other among several species of marine algae. They were different from one another among classes of green, brown and red algae, though they were similar in a class. Gel filtration profiles of 125 I were also varied between 2 chemical forms of 125 I (Na 125 I and Na 125 IO 3 ). (J.P.N.)

  20. Codigestion of Taihu blue algae with swine manure for biogas production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miao, Hengfeng; Wang, Shouquan; Zhao, Mingxing; Huang, Zhenxing; Ren, Hongyan; Yan, Qun; Ruan, Wenquan


    Highlights: • Codigestion of blue algae with swine manure has the highest CH 4 yield at ISR 2.0. • pH, TAN, N-NH 3 and VFAs confirmed the appropriate stability of the codigestion. • 35.44% VS reduction was achieved by codigestion of blue algae with swine manure. • Three key enzyme characteristics demonstrated the higher efficiencies of codigestion. - Abstract: Anaerobic digestion (AD) of Taihu blue algae and its codigestion with swine manure was evaluated at different inoculum substrate ratios (ISRs) from 0.5 to 3.0. Results showed that codigestion of blue algae with swine manure led to the highest methane (CH 4 ) production of 212.7 mL g −1 VS at ISR 2.0, while digestion of blue algae inoculated with granular sludge brought out the optimized CH 4 production of 73.5 mL g −1 VS at ISR 3.0. The values of pH, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), free ammonia nitrogen (N-NH 3 ) and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) showed no significant difference between the digestion and codigestion, confirming the appropriate stability of the two batch anaerobic processes. Closer examination of VS removal rates and key enzymes variation proved codigestion had higher efficiencies in biodegradation and methanation, which demonstrated that AD of blue algae with swine manure was a promising technology for both solid wastes treatment and renewable-energy production

  1. Doenças infecciosas emergentes no Uruguai: memórias do século 20

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Hortal


    Full Text Available As doenças emergentes não são novos eventos epidemiológicos: existiram epidemias, mesmo no território uruguaio. A globalização com múltiplos fatores de intervenção acentuou o dinamismo biológico de agentes infecciosos e populações humanas. Considerando que uma doença emergente é causada por um novo agente ou que produz uma série de casos que excedem o número esperado, que invade uma área geográfica diferente ou reaparece após um desaparecimento prolongado, foram feitas tentativas para recuperar memórias de epidemias ocorridas no Uruguai durante o século XX. Também destacou o progresso do conhecimento sobre a biologia dos agentes infecciosos e seu controle. Muitas das doenças epidêmicas endêmicas das primeiras décadas do século, no final deste século foram controladas por vacinas. Há também surtos de outras doenças transmissíveis ou aparecem etiologias desconhecidas. Para obter toda essa informação, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica, mas foram encontradas relativamente poucas publicações de epidemias bacterianas ou virais. No entanto, a informação recuperada nos permitiu seguir o comportamento de doenças prevalentes, apreciar ao longo dos anos, a evolução de seus surtos epidêmicos, os sucessos e falhas de recursos para seu controle, bem como a capacidade de subsistência da maioria dos agentes infecciosos. No mundo e no Uruguai, durante o século 20, foi surpreendente expandir o conhecimento que, a partir de uma microbiologia incipiente, atingiu um alto nível científico / técnico que nos permitiu iniciar um novo século com possibilidades auspiciosas para enfrentar desafios persistentes e imprevisíveis.

  2. Determining surface areas of marine alga cells by acid-base titration method. (United States)

    Wang, X; Ma, Y; Su, Y


    A new method for determining the surface area of living marine alga cells was described. The method uses acid-base titration to measure the surface acid/base amount on the surface of alga cells and uses the BET (Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller) equation to estimate the maximum surface acid/base amount, assuming that hydrous cell walls have carbohydrates or other structural compounds which can behave like surface Brönsted acid-base sites due to coordination of environmental H2O molecules. The method was applied to 18 diverse alga species (including 7 diatoms, 2 flagellates, 8 green algae and 1 red alga) maintained in seawater cultures. For the species examined, the surface areas of individual cells ranged from 2.8 x 10(-8) m2 for Nannochloropsis oculata to 690 x 10(-8) m2 for Dunaliella viridis, specific surface areas from 1,030 m2.g-1 for Dunaliella salina to 28,900 m2.g-1 for Pyramidomonas sp. Measurement accuracy was 15.2%. Preliminary studies show that the method may be more promising and accurate than light/electron microscopic measurements for coarse estimation of the surface area of living algae.

  3. Niveles de verbalización y resolución colaborativa de problemas poco estructurados

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    José D. Chávez


    Full Text Available Se describieron las verbalizaciones de seis estudian - tes universitarios que resolvieron colaborativamen - te un problema poco estructurado. Partiendo de que aportaban información sobre la regulación metacog - nitiva y la solución de problemas, las verbalizacio - nes fueron categorizadas en niveles. Se utilizaron matrices espacio estado para interpretar los niveles de verbalización y los procesos de resolución de problemas poco estructurados. Se evidenció el predo - minio de verbalizaciones no reguladas, la ausencia de verbalizaciones relacionadas a la elaboración de justificaciones y la superficialidad del monitoreo y la evaluación. La evidencia apoya la idea de que la interacción entre pares no mejora por sí misma la solución de problemas. Los resultados invitan al diseño de situaciones de resolución de problemas que efectivamente promuevan la regulación meta - cognitiva entre pares.

  4. Boécio e o problema dos futuros contingentes

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    William de Siqueira Piauí


    Full Text Available Esse artigo representa nossa crença de que é possível introduzir o pensamento de Boécio a partir de um dos problemas mais recorrentes da filosofia, o problema dos futuros contingentes, explicitando, a partir daquela problemática é claro, quais as ligações mais fundamentais entre três de suas obras, seus dois comentários ao De Interpretatione de Aristóteles e sua Consolaçáo da Filosofia, e, de forma bastante resumida evidentemente, como o alcance do pensamento contido nessas obras chega até pelo menos a filosofia kantiana.

  5. Cien números de Cuadernos de Investigación Urbanística

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    José Fariña Tojo


    El presente número ha sido planteado por el Consejo de Redacción como una visión panorámica de la situación actual y los problemas que preocupan hoy a profesionales e investigadores del Urbanismo y la Ordenación del Territorio. Para ello se ha invitado a todos los profesores del Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio de la ETSAM, y este es el resultado: 31 artículos que recorren temas recurrentes, otros emergentes, otros indicativos de lo mucho que se ha hecho mal y de la herencia recibida, y también algunos sobre lo que nos espera y los problemas que vienen.

  6. Using the marine unicellular algae in biological monitoring


    Kapkov V. I.; Shoshina E. V.; Belenikina O. A.


    The possibility of using marine unicellular algae from natural plankton community in biomonitoring of pollution by heavy metals has been investigated. Algae of different taxa from the Mediterranean Sea have been allocated to culture. In the laboratory the culture conditions – i. e. growth medium, temperature, photoperiod, level of artificial light and initial density – have been selected for every species. The impact of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb) in the form of chloride salts on the growth...


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    Paulo Eugênio Pachechenik


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo delimitar a potencialidade do uso do solo para auxiliar no planejamento da exploração dos recursos naturais da bacia do rio das Pedras, situada no município de Guarapuava, Paraná, Brasil. Aplicou-se uma metodologia de análise empírica da fragilidade ambiental, digitalizando a área e rede de drenagem da bacia, e gerando-se, posteriormente, um modelo numérico do terreno, empregando programas especializados. A área da bacia apresenta fragilidade ambiental potencial entre as classes “média” e “alta”, com os usos do solo classificando-a na fragilidade ambiental emergente “muito baixa” e “baixa”. Os limites da potencialidade de uso do solo indicam que a bacia está protegida da erosão e os fatores de forma demonstram, para as atuais condições, que há “pequena” possibilidade de ocorrer enchentes.

  8. Evaluation of filamentous green algae as feedstocks for biofuel production. (United States)

    Zhang, Wei; Zhao, Yonggang; Cui, Binjie; Wang, Hui; Liu, Tianzhong


    Compared with unicellular microalgae, filamentous algae have high resistance to grazer-predation and low-cost recovery in large-scale production. Green algae, as the most diverse group of algae, included numerous filamentous genera and species. In this study, records of filamentous genera and species in green algae were firstly censused and classified. Then, seven filamentous strains subordinated in different genera were cultivated in bubbled-column to investigate their growth rate and energy molecular (lipid and starch) capacity. Four strains including Stigeoclonium sp., Oedogonium nodulosum, Hormidium sp. and Zygnema extenue were screened out due to their robust growth. And they all could accumulate triacylglycerols and starch in their biomass, but with different capacity. After nitrogen starvation, Hormidium sp. and Oedogonium nodulosum respectively exhibited high capacity of lipid (45.38% in dry weight) and starch (46.19% in dry weight) accumulation, which could be of high potential as feedstocks for biodiesel and bioethanol production. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    N. S. Kaysheva


    Full Text Available Morphological and anatomical features of thalluses of brown (Laminaria saccharina, Fucus vesiculosus and red (Ahnfeltia plicata algae, procured at a coastal strip of the Northern basin in gulfs of Ura-Guba and Palkina-Guba at different depths. Compliance of Fucus and Ahnfeltia with pharmacopoeial norms and merchandising indices for Laminaria was established, except for high concentration of sand in Ahnfeltia thalluses. The identity of algae between each other was shown based on the results of qualitative analysis on polysaccharides, alginic acids, reducing sugars, iodine, mannitol, amino acids presence. Quantitative content of polysaccharides, alginic acids, reducing sugars, pentosans, iodine, cellulose, mannitol, proteins, lipids, agar was determined. In comparison with Fucus and Ahnfeltia higher concentration of the following content was noted in Laminaria: alginic acids (1.4 and 5.75 times higher, polysaccharides (1.3 and 1.4 times, iodine (4.5 and 1.8 times, mannatol (1.5 and 2.5 times (data received is statistically reliable. Impropriety of storm algae for processing was shown as law quality raw material. The highest concentration of active substances was revealed in Laminaria thalluses which were procured at the depth of 10 m in a period from September to October. Active accumulation of sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese corresponding to similar sea water composition was established in algae. Mathematical equations of regression between protein and manganese, protein and iron content in algae were deduced. Under proper conditions of drying and storage high quality of the materials can be preserved during 3 years. Based on the findings of photochemical researches, taking into account squares of plantations and possible exploitation stocks, the possibility and prospectivity of industrial processing of Fucus vesiculosus and Ahnfeltia plicata together with Laminaria saccharina as plant sources of polysaccharides (mainly

  10. Iron encrustations on filamentous algae colonized by Gallionella-related bacteria in a metal-polluted freshwater stream (United States)

    Mori, J. F.; Neu, T. R.; Lu, S.; Händel, M.; Totsche, K. U.; Küsel, K.


    Filamentous macroscopic algae were observed in slightly acidic to circumneutral (pH 5.9-6.5), metal-rich stream water that leaked out from a former uranium mining district (Ronneburg, Germany). These algae differed in color and morphology and were encrusted with Fe-deposits. To elucidate their potential interaction with Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB), we collected algal samples at three time points during summer 2013 and studied the algae-bacteria-mineral compositions via confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra, and a 16S and 18S rRNA gene-based bacterial and algae community analysis. Surprisingly, sequencing analysis of 18S rRNA gene regions of green and brown algae revealed high homologies with the freshwater algae Tribonema (99.9-100 %). CLSM imaging indicated a loss of active chloroplasts in the algae cells, which may be responsible for the change in color in oxidation under the putative oxygen-saturated conditions that occur in association with photosynthetic algae. Quantitative PCR (polymerase chain reaction) revealed even higher Gallionella-related 16S rRNA gene copy numbers on the surface of green algae compared to the brown algae. The latter harbored a higher microbial diversity, including some putative predators of algae. A loss of chloroplasts in the brown algae could have led to lower photosynthetic activities and reduced EPS production, which is known to affect predator colonization. Collectively, our results suggest the coexistence of oxygen-generating algae Tribonema sp. and strictly microaerophilic neutrophilic FeOB in a heavy metal-rich environment.

  11. El método de las ponderaciones en el problema fraccional lineal multiobjetivo

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    Hernández Huelin, Mónica.


    Full Text Available Dentro de la programación matemática no lineal, el problema que se ha abordado más en términos teóricos y algorítmicos es el problema convexo. Cuando estamos ante una función fraccional, no tenemos convexidad, pero sí otras buenas propiedades que pueden hacer más o menos fácil la elaboración de algoritmos propios de resolución del problema. En este trabajo nos centramos en adaptar el Método de las Ponderaciones, uno de los métodos clásicos de resolución a priori del problema multiobjetivo convexo, al caso no convexo de objetivos fraccionales lineales. Dado que no tenemos convexidad ni concavidad de las funciones objetivo, y esta condición es básica para la aplicación de dicho método, estudiaremos este inconveniente con profundidad, estableciendo condiciones bajo las cuales resulta válido este método como generador de los conjuntos eficiente y débilmente eficiente de nuestro problema. Para ello se plantea la necesidad de un estudio detallado de los conceptos de pseudoconvexidad, cuasiconvexidad, invexidad, pseudoinvexidad, etc.. Ofreceremos además un contraejemplo que nos muestra que, si no se dan las condiciones que previamente estableceremos, el Método de las Ponderaciones no es válido para generar todo el conjunto débilmente eficiente de nuestro problema

  12. Cálculo : problemas y soluciones


    Estela Carbonell, M. Rosa; Cuello Nebot, Eva; Carmona Mejías, Ángeles


    Los problemas contenidos en el libro que se presenta son el resultado de cuatro años de docencia en la asignatura Cálcul I de la ETSECCPB. En ellos se desarrolla el cálculo diferencial e integral de una y varias variables, así como una introducción a las sucesiones y series funcionales, con lo que se pretende cubrir cualquier programa de un primer curso de cálculo.

  13. Functional significance of genetically different symbiotic algae Symbiodinium in a coral reef symbiosis. (United States)

    Loram, J E; Trapido-Rosenthal, H G; Douglas, A E


    The giant sea anemone Condylactis gigantea associates with members of two clades of the dinoflagellate alga Symbiodinium, either singly or in mixed infection, as revealed by clade-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction of large subunit ribosomal DNA. To explore the functional significance of this molecular variation, the fate of photosynthetically fixed carbon was investigated by (14)C radiotracer experiments. Symbioses with algae of clades A and B released ca. 30-40% of fixed carbon to the animal tissues. Incorporation into the lipid fraction and the low molecular weight fraction dominated by amino acids was significantly higher in symbioses with algae of clade A than of clade B, suggesting that the genetically different algae in C. gigantea are not functionally equivalent. Symbioses with mixed infections yielded intermediate values, such that this functional trait of the symbiosis can be predicted from the traits of the contributing algae. Coral and sea anemone symbioses with Symbiodinium break down at elevated temperature, a process known as 'coral bleaching'. The functional response of the C. gigantea symbiosis to heat stress varied between the algae of clades A and B, with particularly depressed incorporation of photosynthetic carbon into lipid of the clade B algae, which are more susceptible to high temperature than the algae of clade A. This study provides a first exploration of how the core symbiotic function of photosynthate transfer to the host varies with the genotype of Symbiodinium, an algal symbiont which underpins corals and, hence, coral reef ecosystems.

  14. Can stormwater be detected by algae in an urban reef in Hawai‘i?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erin Cox, T.; Smith, Celia M.; Popp, Brian N.; Foster, Michael S.; Abbott, Isabella A.


    Highlights: • Invasive and native algae are a part of a reef assemblage located in an urban area. • Algal nitrogen (N) composition tested if N was enriched from storm-drain outlets. • Elevated N values indicated a mixed, high nutrient environment. • Storm-drains as plausible nitrogenous source was not supported. • Temporal and spatial values indicate algae incorporated terrestrial derived N. -- Abstract: Nitrogen (N) enrichment of tropical reefs can result in the dominance of invasive algae. The invasive alga Acanthophora spicifera and the native alga Laurencia nidifica are part of a diverse reef assemblage in ‘Ewa Beach, O‘ahu. Their N contents and δ 15 N values were investigated to determine if N was enriched and to evaluate potential nitrogenous sources near and removed from storm-drain outlets. δ 15 N values of algae (3.8–17.7‰) were within and above the range for algae around the island (1.9–11.9‰). Elevated algae N isotope values (δ 15 N > +7‰, [N] > 1.6%) and seawater nitrate + nitrite levels (0.59–7.93 μM) indicated a mixed, high nutrient environment. The overlap in δ 15 N values with multiple nitrogenous sources precluded identification. However, spatial and temporal patterns did not support stormwater as the dominant, nitrogenous source. Patterns were congruent with algal incorporation of terrestrial derived N, subjected to a high degree of biogeochemical cycling

  15. How Embryophytic is the Biosynthesis of Phenylpropanoids and their Derivatives in Streptophyte Algae? (United States)

    de Vries, Jan; de Vries, Sophie; Slamovits, Claudio H; Rose, Laura E; Archibald, John M


    The origin of land plants from algae is a long-standing question in evolutionary biology. It is becoming increasingly clear that many characters that were once assumed to be 'embryophyte specific' can in fact be found in their closest algal relatives, the streptophyte algae. One such case is the phenylpropanoid pathway. While biochemical data indicate that streptophyte algae harbor lignin-like components, the phenylpropanoid core pathway, which serves as the backbone of lignin biosynthesis, has been proposed to have arisen at the base of the land plants. Here we revisit this hypothesis using a wealth of new sequence data from streptophyte algae. Tracing the biochemical pathway towards lignin biogenesis, we show that most of the genes required for phenylpropanoid synthesis and the precursors for lignin production were already present in streptophyte algae. Nevertheless, phylogenetic analyses and protein structure predictions of one of the key enzyme classes in lignin production, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD), suggest that CADs of streptophyte algae are more similar to sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenases (SADs). This suggests that the end-products of the pathway leading to lignin biosynthesis in streptophyte algae may facilitate the production of lignin-like compounds and defense molecules. We hypothesize that streptophyte algae already possessed the genetic toolkit from which the capacity to produce lignin later evolved in vascular plants. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:


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    Pollyanna Teresa Cirilo Gomes


    Full Text Available O monitoramento do Horizonte Tecnológico (MHT é uma etapa específica da Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde. Este trabalho teve como objetivo construir um modelo de Alerta de MHT centrado na sociedade, nos gestores e nos profissionais de saúde, a fim de ser utilizado no âmbito do Ministério da Saúde. Para isso, foram pesquisados nos sítios eletrônicos das agências integrantes da EuroScan, informes e alertas de tecnologias em saúde novas e emergentes. A partir dessa busca, levou-se em consideração a relevância da informação, a rapidez na obtenção dos dados e a disponibilidade para a equipe elaboradora. Os Alertas de MHT poderão promover o acesso dos diferentes segmentos da sociedade a informações baseadas na melhor evidência científica disponível, e poderá auxiliar nos processos de tomada decisão em saúde.

  17. Biological synthesis of metallic nanoparticles using algae. (United States)

    Castro, Laura; Blázquez, María Luisa; Muñoz, Jesus Angel; González, Felisa; Ballester, Antonio


    The increasing demand and limited natural resources of noble metals make its recovery from dilute industrial wastes attractive, especially when using environmentally friendly methods. Nowadays, the high impact that nanotechnology is having in both science and society offers new research possibilities. Gold and silver nanoparticles were biosynthesised by a simple method using different algae as reducing agent. The authors explored the application of dead algae in an eco-friendly procedure. The nanoparticle formation was followed by UV-vis absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The functional groups involved in the bioreduction were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.

  18. Enhanced high energy efficient steam drying of algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aziz, Muhammad; Oda, Takuya; Kashiwagi, Takao


    Highlights: • Brown algae drying processes based on heat circulation technology (HC) were proposed. • HC was developed on exergy recovery through exergy elevation and heat pairing. • The energy efficiency of the proposed drying processes was evaluated. • Significant reduction of energy input and CO 2 emission in drying is readily achieved. - Abstract: State-of-the-art brown algae drying processes based on heat circulation technology were proposed, and their performance with respect to energy consumption was evaluated. Heat circulation technology was developed using the principle of exergy recovery performed through exergy elevation and effective heat pairing for both sensible and latent heat. Two steam drying processes based on heat circulation technology for algae drying were proposed, involving heat circulation with or without steam recirculation. The proposed processes were compared with the conventional heat recovery system employing heat cascade technology. Brown algae Laminaria japonica was selected as the test sample. From the results, it is very clear that both proposed drying processes can reduce the required drying energy significantly by up to 90% of that required in conventional heat recovery drying. Furthermore, the temperature–enthalpy diagram for each process shows that in heat circulation technology based drying, the curves of both hot and cold streams are almost parallel, resulting in the minimization of exergy losses

  19. Propiedades nutritivas y saludables de algas marinas y su potencialidad como ingrediente funcional


    Quitral R, Vilma; Morales G, Carla; Sepúlveda L, Marcela; Schwartz M, Marco


    Las algas marinas se han consumido en Asia desde tiempos remotos, mientras que en países occidentales su principal aplicación ha sido como agente gelificante y coloide para la industria de alimentos, farmacéutica y cosmética. Las algas son buena fuente de nutrientes como proteínas, vitaminas, minerales y fibra dietética, al respecto, la fibra dietética de algas es particularmente rica en fracción soluble. Si se comparan las algas con vegetales terrestres, se encuentran más componentes benefic...

  20. Contabilidad de Costos I. - Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    ÍNDICE Introducción Problemas sobre terminología básica Problemas básicos sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilidad de Costos Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación Problemas sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilida...

  1. Mass cultures of marine algae for energy farming in coastal deserts (United States)

    Wagener, K.


    This paper provides a description of construction and subsequent operation of a seawater based system for biomass farming of micro-algae. Seawater was pumped through shallow artificial ponds located in coastal areas of Calabria, Italy. We describe pond construction, mixing procedure for micro algae mass cultures, optimization of the carbon and mineral nutrient budget, potential algal yields, methods for harvesting micro-algae, a source of energy to run the seawater pumps, and environmental variables of the pond system under subtropical conditions of Calabria, Italy.

  2. Recomendations concerning technical research and development with the purpose to industrially exploit marine algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hahn-Haegerdal, B.


    This report formulates a proposal for a program for technical research and development concerning use of Marine algae.The report is based on a retrospective literature search, an inquiry to potential algae users and producers in Sweden, visits to and correspondence with scientists and industries in Sweden and abroad. Technical research and development concerning marine algae is needed within the following fields: -Development of new sorts of algae offering resistance to parasite and disease adoptation to cultivation and har- vesting systems,and high-yielding concerning technically interesting components. -Development of suitable cultivation systems for Swedish conditions. -Co-cultivation of fish, mussels, oysters and crustaceans with algae. -Development of harvesting systems. -Methane rotting. -Fatty acid/hydrocarbon production as an alternative to methane rotting. -Physical-chemical properties of marine polysaccharides in relation to their technical properties. -Marine algae as fodder supplement.

  3. Biosorción de iones cobre con biomasa de algas y orujos deshidratados

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    Romero, L.


    Full Text Available They were carried out experiments of biosorption batch and in continuous to remove copper from aqueous solutions using as adsorbent green algae and olive residues under virgins conditions and chemically activated. The results of batch biosorption indicate that the algae present mayor elimination capacities than the waste of olives, with uptakes of copper of the order of 96 % using activated algae with dissolution of Na2SO4 under the optimum conditions. The results of the columns tests show that the virgin algae permits the removal of more copper ions than the activate algae, with removal efficiency of 98 % during the firth 20 min, a breakthrough time of 240 min and a saturation at time of 600 min. In the second cycle the regenerated biomass showed a best performance indicating that they can be used for another biosorption cycle.

    Se realizaron experimentos de biosorción batch y en continuo para remover cobre desde soluciones acuosas usando como adsorbentes algas verdes y residuos de aceituna en condiciones vírgenes y activadas químicamente. Los resultados de la biosorción a escala batch indican que las algas presentan mayor capacidad de eliminación que los orujos, alcanzándose captaciones de cobre del orden de 96 % con algas activadas con disoluciones de Na2SO4 bajo condiciones óptimas de las variables estudiadas. Los resultados de los ensayos en columna muestran que las algas vírgenes captan más iones cobre que las activadas con Na2SO4, con eficacias de eliminación del 98 % durante los primeros 20 min, con un tiempo de ruptura de 240 min y una saturación a los 600 min. Al ser sometidas a un segundo ciclo de biosorción, las algas regeneradas muestran un mejor rendimiento lo que indica que pueden ser usadas en otro ciclo de eliminación.

  4. Floristic account of the marine benthic algae from Jarvis Island and Kingman Reef, Line Islands, Central Pacific

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    Vroom, P.S.


    Full Text Available The marine benthic algae from Jarvis Island and Kingman Reef were identified from collections obtained from the Whippoorwill Expedition in 1924, the Itasca Expedition in 1935, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Taney in 1938, the Smithsonian Institution’s Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program in 1964 and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (RAMP in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2006. A total of 124 species, representing 8 Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae, 82 Rhodophyta (red algae, 6 Heterokontophyta (brown algae and 28 Chlorophyta (green algae, are reported from both islands. Seventy-nine and 95 species of marine benthic algae are recorded from Jarvis Island and Kingman Reef, respectively. Of the 124 species, 77 species or 62% (4 blue-green algae, 57 red algae, 2 brown algae and 14 green algae have never before been reported from the 11 remote reefs, atolls and low islands comprising the Line Islands in the Central Pacific.

  5. The Biology of blue-green algae

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Carr, Nicholas G; Whitton, B. A


    .... Their important environmental roles, their part in nitrogen fixation and the biochemistry of phototrophic metabolism are some of the attractions of blue-geen algae to an increasing number of biologists...

  6. Efectos sobre la salud de la contaminación de agua y alimentos por virus emergentes humanos

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    Sílvia Bofill-Mas


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de tecnologías moleculares aplicadas a estudios ambientales ha permitido constatar que incluso en países altamente industrializados existe una alta prevalencia de virus en el medio ambiente, lo que causa un importante impacto en la salud pública e importantes pérdidas económicas, principalmente a través de la transmisión de virus por agua y alimentos. Concentraciones significativas de virus son detectadas en las aguas vertidas al ambiente y en los biosólidos generados en plantas de tratamiento de agua residual. En este trabajo se describen las características generales de la contaminaci ón ambiental por virus, principalmente por virus emergentes, analizándose con mayor profundidad los virus de la hepatitis E (VHE y los poliomavirus humanos como los virus contaminantes ambientales de más reciente identificación en países industrializados. Se ha demostrado que existe una elevada prevalencia de los poliomavirus humanos, BK y JC, en agua residual en todos los paí- ses estudiados, lo que implica la potencial transmisión de los virus y de genes potencialmente cancerígenos por vía oral. Estudios recientes demuestran que el patrón epidemiológico de la infección por VHE en países industrializados es complejo y que una gran diversidad de cepas del VHE infecta simultáneamente a la población. El control de la contaminación viral del medio ambiente requiere la estandarización de técnicas moleculares y el desarrollo de un programa de vigilancia que permita valorar parámetros víricos y reducir la diseminación de las enfermedades establecidas y de las infecciones víricas emergentes.

  7. Cultivation Strategy for Freshwater Macro- and Micro-Algae as Biomass Stock for Lipid Production


    Verawaty, Marieska; Melwita, Elda; Apsari, Putri; Mayumi, Mayumi


    In this research, an algae cultivation strategy was studied. Integrating algae cultivation with wastewater treatment is currently seen as one of the most economical ways of producing algae biomass. A combination of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and a constructed wetland (CW) was applied for treating domestic wastewater with an additional collection tank for improving effluent quality. The effluent produced from the three stages was used as algae cultivation media and suplemented with 10%...

  8. Algae Reefs in Shark Bay, Western Australia, Australia (United States)


    Numerous algae reefs are seen in Shark Bay, Western Australia, Australia (26.0S, 113.5E) especially in the southern portions of the bay. The south end is more saline because tidal flow in and out of the bay is restricted by sediment deposited at the north and central end of the bay opposite the mouth of the Wooramel River. This extremely arid region produces little sediment runoff so that the waters are very clear, saline and rich in algae.

  9. QR académico: una propuesta didáctica emergente con apropiación de la cultura juvenil

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    Flora Arteaga Bustos


    Full Text Available Presentar una propuesta didáctica emergente para el uso del celular dentro del aula mediante la utilización de códigos QR (quick response- respuesta rápida- rige el objetivo del artículo. Se basa en la sistematización de teorías previas, identificadas en la búsqueda por difundir las nuevas estrategias educativas tecnológicas que se desarrollan en el ámbito venezolano. Su fundamentación se basa en la promoción de competencias digitales cónsonas a la cultura juvenil, la mejora de la calidad educativa y la optimización del desempeño estudiantil, aspectos fundamentales de las metas educativas de la CEPAL, de la OEI y de la UNESCO. El método utilizado es cuali-cuantitativo, para la técnica se diseñó una entrevista realizada al docente y un cuestionario dirigido a 20 de sus estudiantes. Los resultados indican mayor motivación e interés de los alumnos por la lectura y la investigación, así como un notable desarrollo del trabajo cooperativo-participativo. Se considera el establecer una mayor apropiación de las actividades en el aula consolidando la cultura juvenil, por lo que se demuestra el potencial de los códigos QR como herramienta educativa emergente. Como obstáculo evidenciado con el uso de la aplicación se menciona la deficiente interconectividad a la Internet. Se recomiendan procesos de difusión sobre nuevas experiencias docentes, como propuestas significativas de transposición didáctica tecnológica.

  10. Measuring of the Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Calcium Alginate-Encapsulated Algae

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    Ibeth Paola Delgadillo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Immobilization of algae has many applications, such as water bioremediation and production of metabolites. One of the variables that can be determined in the immobilized algae is chlorophyll a fluorescence, because this parameter is related to the physiological response of these organisms. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore a method for measuring the chlorophyll a fluorescence in calcium alginate-encapsulated algae. To do this, two species of microalgae (Scenedesmus ovalternus LAUN 001 and Parachlorella kessleri LAUN 002 were grown in monocultures in both free culture conditions (10 mL of algae preparation in 250 mL of Basal Bold Medium and encapsulated (250 spheres in 250 mL of Basal Bold Medium. Different measurement protocols of chlorophyll a fluorescence of photosystem II (PSII were performed by varying a the preadaptation time to darkness (10, 15 and 30 min, b the light intensity of the non-modulated fluorometer (between 1000 and 3500 μmoles m-2s-1, and c the time of exposure to actinic light (1, 2 and 5 s. The optimal conditions for the measurement of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm in encapsulated algae were established as follow: a 30 min of preadaptation time; b 3000 μmoles m-2s-1 of the fluorometer light intensity; and c 1 to 2 s of exposure to actinic light. The following values in the photochemical activity of algae in non-stressful conditions were found: 0.760 – 0.764 for S. ovalternus, and 0.732 – 0.748 for P. kessleri. This methodology allows to observe some changes in the photochemical activity related with variations in the factors under which are the immobilized algae.

  11. Origin of land plants: Do conjugating green algae hold the key?

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    Melkonian Michael


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The terrestrial habitat was colonized by the ancestors of modern land plants about 500 to 470 million years ago. Today it is widely accepted that land plants (embryophytes evolved from streptophyte algae, also referred to as charophycean algae. The streptophyte algae are a paraphyletic group of green algae, ranging from unicellular flagellates to morphologically complex forms such as the stoneworts (Charales. For a better understanding of the evolution of land plants, it is of prime importance to identify the streptophyte algae that are the sister-group to the embryophytes. The Charales, the Coleochaetales or more recently the Zygnematales have been considered to be the sister group of the embryophytes However, despite many years of phylogenetic studies, this question has not been resolved and remains controversial. Results Here, we use a large data set of nuclear-encoded genes (129 proteins from 40 green plant taxa (Viridiplantae including 21 embryophytes and six streptophyte algae, representing all major streptophyte algal lineages, to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of streptophyte algae and embryophytes. Our phylogenetic analyses indicate that either the Zygnematales or a clade consisting of the Zygnematales and the Coleochaetales are the sister group to embryophytes. Conclusions Our analyses support the notion that the Charales are not the closest living relatives of embryophytes. Instead, the Zygnematales or a clade consisting of Zygnematales and Coleochaetales are most likely the sister group of embryophytes. Although this result is in agreement with a previously published phylogenetic study of chloroplast genomes, additional data are needed to confirm this conclusion. A Zygnematales/embryophyte sister group relationship has important implications for early land plant evolution. If substantiated, it should allow us to address important questions regarding the primary adaptations of viridiplants during the

  12. Biodegradation of phenanthrene by the green alga scenedesmus obliquus ES-55

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Safonova, E.; Kvitko, K. [Biological Institute of St. Petersburg State University, Oranienbaum Chaussee 2, Old Peterhof, 198504 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Kuschk, P.; Moeder, M. [UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig (Germany); Reisser, W. [Universitaet Leipzig, Botanisches Institut, Johannisallee 21-23, D-04103 Leipzig (Germany)


    While the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by bacteria and fungi has been broadly investigated, less is known about the metabolism of these compounds by algae. The goal of the experiments was to test the degradability of phenanthrene by the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus ES-55 (Chlorophyceae) and to identify the metabolites. It was shown that S. obliquus ES-55 metabolized phenanthrene. Under light conditions, phenanthrene (14 mg/L) inhibits cell division by more than twice. However, the metabolic processes in the cells affected by phenanthrene continued because the content of chlorophyll increased. In the exponential phase under phototrophic conditions the alga degraded phenanthrene. Phenanthrene was removed by algae up to 42 % in BBM medium and up to 24 % in Kuhl medium. Dihydroxy-dihydro-phenanthrene, a degradation metabolite in fungi, bacteria and cyanobacteria, could also be detected as a transformation product of S. obliquus ES-55. Further detected common metabolites foster the assumption that both phototrophic and non-photothrophic organisms metabolize phenanthrene via a similar pathway. The present study is the first evidence of the ability of an axenic culture of the green alga S. obliquus to biotransform phenanthrene into other metabolites. (Abstract Copyright [2005], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  13. Prokaryotic community profiling of local algae wastewaters using advanced 16S rRNA gene sequencing. (United States)

    Limayem, Alya; Micciche, Andrew; Nayak, Bina; Mohapatra, Shyam


    Algae biomass-fed wastewaters are a promising source of lipid and bioenergy manufacture, revealing substantial end-product investment returns. However, wastewaters would contain lytic pathogens carrying drug resistance detrimental to algae yield and environmental safety. This study was conducted to simultaneously decipher through high-throughput advanced Illumina 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing, the cultivable and uncultivable bacterial community profile found in a single sample that was directly recovered from the local wastewater systems. Samples were collected from two previously documented sources including anaerobically digested (AD) municipal wastewater and swine wastewater with algae namely Chlorella spp. in addition to control samples, swine wastewater, and municipal wastewater without algae. Results indicated the presence of a significant level of Bacteria in all samples with an average of approximately 95.49% followed by Archaea 2.34%, in local wastewaters designed for algae cultivation. Taxonomic genus identification indicated the presence of Calothrix, Pseudomonas, and Clostridium as the most prevalent strains in both local municipal and swine wastewater samples containing algae with an average of 17.37, 12.19, and 7.84%, respectively. Interestingly, swine wastewater without algae displayed the lowest level of Pseudomonas strains algae indicates potential coexistence between these strains and algae microenvironment, suggesting further investigations. This finding was particularly relevant for the earlier documented adverse effects of some nosocomial Pseudomonas strains on algae growth and their multidrug resistance potential, requiring the development of targeted bioremediation with regard to the beneficial flora.

  14. Radionuclides in macro algae at Monaco following the Chernobyl accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holm, E.; Ballestra, S.; Lopez, J.J.; Bulos, A.; Whitehead, N.E.; Barci-Funel, G.; Ardisson, G.


    Samples of macro algae, Codmium tomentosum (green), Corallina mediterranea (red), Sphaerococcus coronopifolius (red) and Dictyota dichotoma (brown), were collected off Monaco during 1984 and 1988 and analysed for gamma-emitting radionuclides and transuranium elements. Due to the Chernobyl accident, increased radioactivity in the atmosphere at Monaco was recorded on 30 April 1986 with maximal activity concentrations on 2-3 May. The maximal activity concentrations in sea water occurred on 5-6 May and in the algae on 11 May. The decrease of activity concentrations can be described after May 11 as a single exponential relationship, where elimination rates for different radionuclides and different species specific to the environment can be calculated. The elimination rates thus observed correspond to mean residence times between 70 and 370 days corrected for physical decay. The concentration factors were also estimated and the highest values were found for 131 I, 129 Te m , and 110 Ag m and lowest for radiocesium and 140 Ba. The red algae Sphaerococcus coronopifoius showed generally higher concentration factors than green and brown algae. Regarding transuranium elements, a theoretical contribution from the Chernobyl accident can be made but only 242 Cm was detected in the algae above previous levels before the accident, due to the relatively small fallout of transuranics. (author) 23 refs.; 9 figs.; 4 tabs

  15. Controlling harmful algae blooms using aluminum-modified clay. (United States)

    Liu, Yang; Cao, Xihua; Yu, Zhiming; Song, Xiuxian; Qiu, Lixia


    The performances of aluminum chloride modified clay (AC-MC), aluminum sulfate modified clay (AS-MC) and polyaluminum chloride modified clay (PAC-MC) in the removal of Aureococcus anophagefferens were compared, and the potential mechanisms were analyzed according to the dispersion medium, suspension pH and clay surface charges. The results showed that AC-MC and AS-MC had better efficiencies in removing A.anophagefferens than PAC-MC. The removal mechanisms of the three modified clays varied. At optimal coagulation conditions, the hydrolysates of AC and AS were mainly monomers, and they transformed into Al(OH)3(am) upon their addition to algae culture, with the primary mechanism being sweep flocculation. The PAC mainly hydrolyzed to the polyaluminum compounds, which remained stable when added to the algae culture, and the flocculation mainly occurred through polyaluminum compounds. The suspension pH significantly influenced the aluminum hydrolysate and affected the flocculation between the modified clay and algae cells. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Evidence for a photoprotective function for secondary carotenoids of snow algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bidigare, R.R.; Ondrusek, M.E.; Kennicutt, M.C. II; Iturriaga, R.; Harvey, H.R.; Hoham, R.W.; Macko, S.A.


    Snow algae occupy a unique habitat in high altitude and polar environments. These algae are often subject to extremes in nutrient availability, acidity, solar irradiance, desiccation, and ambient temperature. This report documents the accumulation of secondary carotenoids by snow algae in response to the availability of nitrogenous nutrients. Unusually large accumulations of astaxanthin esters in extra-chloroplastic lipid globules produce the characteristic red pigmentation typical of some snow algae (e.g., Chlamydomonas nivalis (Bauer) Wille). Consequently, these compounds greatly reduce the amount of light available for absorption by the light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes, thus potentially limiting photoinhibition and photodamage caused by intense solar radiation. The esterification of astaxanthin with fatty acids represents a possible mechanism by which this chromophore can be concentrated within cytoplasmic globules to maximize its photoprotective efficiency. 53 refs., 2 figs., 4 tabs

  17. PIXE application for measurement of bioaccumulation of lead by marine micro-algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwata, Y.; Suzuki, M.


    Marine micro-algae (Nannochloropsis sp., and Phaeodactylum sp.,) were obtained from the Pacific Ocean of Iwate Pref., Japan and purely cultured in nutritive seawater as a culture solution. The culture size for algae was 10-250 ml and every apparatus was small and of low cost. Marine micro-algae were given in different culture solutions including Pb 2+ from 0.01 to 1.0 mg/l. The algae in 5 ml of the culture solution were collected on a polycarbonate filter (pore size: 1.0 μm) by suction filtration. The algae on the filter were subjected to PIXE analysis. Concentrations of Na, Mg, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sr and Pb were simultaneously determined. PIXE can do multi-element analysis for a sample of below 1 mg. The quantity of lead in marine micro-algae increases in proportion to the Pb 2+ concentration in the culture solution. The concentration factor (wet weight base) for lead is given as 200±20 ml/g for Nannochloropsis sp. and 1900±400 ml/g for Phaeodactylum sp.. It is shown that PIXE is a powerful tool for the measurement of the bioaccumulation of trace elements. (author)


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    B. Indarsih


    Full Text Available An experiment in a completely randomize design was undertaken to study the use of fresh-watergreen algae as a yolk coloring agent in Mojosari ducks during a laying period on productiveperformance and egg quality from 36 to 44 wk of age. A total of 80 thirty-six wk–old laying ducks weredivided into four dietary treatments and each of four replicates with 5 birds. Diets were formulated witha commercial concentrate, rice bran and yellow corn (2:4:4 according to a commercial standard diet asa control, and three other dietary treatments with 2, 4 or 8% of green algae were included. Fresh watergreen algae had a significant effect on the feed uptake, egg production, and feed conversion ratio (FCR(p<0.05. Egg production and FCR improved at added 2 and 4% green algae. No differences wereobserved in egg yolk index, albumen index, Haugh Unit, and egg shell thickness (P>0.05 except eggyolk color. The yolk color increased within 7 days after feeding with the test diets. The present studyindicated that fresh-water green algae could be used as a natural coloring agent in laying ducks and at8% of green algae showed the highest score of (Roche Yellow Color-15.

  19. Designer proton-channel transgenic algae for photobiological hydrogen production (United States)

    Lee, James Weifu [Knoxville, TN


    A designer proton-channel transgenic alga for photobiological hydrogen production that is specifically designed for production of molecular hydrogen (H.sub.2) through photosynthetic water splitting. The designer transgenic alga includes proton-conductive channels that are expressed to produce such uncoupler proteins in an amount sufficient to increase the algal H.sub.2 productivity. In one embodiment the designer proton-channel transgene is a nucleic acid construct (300) including a PCR forward primer (302), an externally inducible promoter (304), a transit targeting sequence (306), a designer proton-channel encoding sequence (308), a transcription and translation terminator (310), and a PCR reverse primer (312). In various embodiments, the designer proton-channel transgenic algae are used with a gas-separation system (500) and a gas-products-separation and utilization system (600) for photobiological H.sub.2 production.

  20. O efeito da terapia comportamental para enurese sobre outros problemas de comportamento

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    Rodrigo Fernando Pereira

    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o efeito do tratamento para enurese sobre os escores de outros problemas de comportamento. Foram coletadas as informações de 97 prontuários de crianças e adolescentes atendidos no período de 2002 a 2006 em uma clínica-escola de psicologia, em programa específico para enurese com uso do alarme de urina. Os dados sobre problemas de comportamento foram avaliados por meio do Child Behavior Checklist, respondido pelas mães antes e depois do tratamento. Foi encontrada uma redução significativa nos escores de problemas de comportamento, independentemente do sucesso ou não no tratamento para enurese.

  1. Accumulation of uranium by filamentous green algae under natural environmental conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aleissa, K.A.; Shabana, El-Said K.; Al-Masoud, F.L.S.


    The capacity of algae to concentrate uranium under natural environmental conditions is measured by a-spectrometry. Spirogyra, a filamentous green fresh-water alga, has concentrated uranium from a surface concrete ponds with elevated uranium levels (140-1140 ppb). The concentration factors (CFs) ranged from 8.9-67 with an average value of 22. Cladophora spp, a filamentous green marine alga has concentrated uranium from the marine water with a concentration factor ranged from 220-280. The average concentration factor was 250. The factors affecting the sorption process are discussed in detail. (author)

  2. Modelling the effects of pulse exposure of several PSII inhibitors on two algae. (United States)

    Copin, Pierre-Jean; Chèvre, Nathalie


    Subsequent to crop application and during precipitation events, herbicides can reach surface waters in pulses of high concentrations. These pulses can exceed the Annual Average Environmental Quality Standards (AA-EQS), defined in the EU Water Framework Directive, which aims to protect the aquatic environment. A model was developed in a previous study to evaluate the effects of pulse exposure for the herbicide isoproturon on the alga Scenedesmus vacuolatus. In this study, the model was extended to other substances acting as photosystem II inhibitors and to other algae. The measured and predicted effects were equivalent when pulse exposure of atrazine and diuron were tested on S. vacuolatus. The results were consistent for isoproturon on the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. The model is thus suitable for the effect prediction of phenylureas and triazines and for the algae used: S. vacuolatus and P. subcapitata. The toxicity classification obtained from the dose-response curves (diuron>atrazine>isoproturon) was conserved for the pulse exposure scenarios modelled for S. vacuolatus. Toxicity was identical for isoproturon on the two algae when the dose-response curves were compared and also for the pulse exposure scenarios. Modelling the effects of any pulse scenario of photosystem II inhibitors on algae is therefore feasible and only requires the determination of the dose-response curves of the substance and growth rate of unexposed algae. It is crucial to detect the longest pulses when measurements of herbicide concentrations are performed in streams because the model showed that they principally affect the cell density inhibition of algae. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Evolution of the Phosphatidylcholine Biosynthesis Pathways in Green Algae: Combinatorial Diversity of Methyltransferases. (United States)

    Hirashima, Takashi; Toyoshima, Masakazu; Moriyama, Takashi; Sato, Naoki


    Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is one of the most common phospholipids in eukaryotes, although some green algae such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii are known to lack PC. Recently, we detected PC in four species in the genus Chlamydomonas: C. applanata NIES-2202, C. asymmetrica NIES-2207, C. debaryana NIES-2212, and C. sphaeroides NIES-2242. To reveal the PC biosynthesis pathways in green algae and the evolutionary scenario involved in their diversity, we analyzed the PC biosynthesis genes in these four algae using draft genome sequences. Homology searches suggested that PC in these species is synthesized by phosphoethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PEAMT) and/or phosphatidylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PEMT), both of which are absent in C. reinhardtii. Recombinant PEAMTs from these algae showed methyltransferase activity for phosphoethanolamine but not for monomethyl phosphoethanolamine in vitro, in contrast to land plant PEAMT, which catalyzes the three methylations from phosphoethanolamine to phosphocholine. This suggested an involvement of other methyltransferases in PC biosynthesis. Here, we characterized the putative phospholipid-N-methyltransferase (PLMT) genes of these species by genetic and phylogenetic analysis. Complementation assays using a PC biosynthesis-deficient yeast suggested that the PLMTs of these algae can synthesize PC from phosphatidylethanolamine. These results indicated that the PC biosynthesis pathways in green algae differ from those of land plants, although the enzymes involved are homologous. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that the PEAMTs and PLMTs in these algae were inherited from the common ancestor of green algae. The absence of PC biosynthesis in many Chlamydomonas species is likely a result of parallel losses of PEAMT and PLMT in this genus.

  4. Optimal control of algae growth by controlling CO 2 and nutrition flow using Pontryagin Maximum Principle (United States)

    Mardlijah; Jamil, Ahmad; Hanafi, Lukman; Sanjaya, Suharmadi


    There are so many benefit of algae. One of them is using for renewable energy and sustainable in the future. The greater growth of algae will increasing biodiesel production and the increase of algae growth is influenced by glucose, nutrients and photosynthesis process. In this paper, the optimal control problem of the growth of algae is discussed. The objective function is to maximize the concentration of dry algae while the control is the flow of carbon dioxide and the nutrition. The solution is obtained by applying the Pontryagin Maximum Principle. and the result show that the concentration of algae increased more than 15 %.

  5. Isolation of algae of the Neusa reservoir by means of cultivations in vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maldonado A; Moreno, E


    The cultivation of algae at world level is an occupation of old it dates, but in Colombia it is in its first development stages. The present work developed in the Laboratory of Bioassays, Department of Biology, National University of Colombia, is guided to contribute technical in the development of the cultivation of algae. In the practical part of the work; samples of water of the Reservoir of the Neusa were used for cultivation in liquid medium and solid medium. A better growth of filamentous cianoficeas was observed in solid medium and green algae in liquid medium. The clamidomonas is favored in both mediums, fact that allowed isolating a pure stump of this type of algae. The diatomeas for the fact of growing in connection with green algae generates a methodological problem for their isolation that is still without solving


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    Shcherbina V.V.


    Full Text Available Characteristics of daily dynamics of seaweeds abundance and biomass were determined for steppe biogeocoenosis and agrocoenosis of Biosphere reserve “Askaniya-Nova” in spring of 2011. Fluctuation ranges in seaweeds abundance and biomass have been registered.Analyzing the indices of total number and algae biomass in studied biogeocoenoses it should be noted that the maximal values of alga number in virgin soil steppe exceeded minimal in 3,3 times; biomasses - in 2,1. For virgin soil steppe of post-fire-induced development the relation between maximum and minimal value of total number of algae was up to 2,1; biomass - 2,4. For agrocoenosis we noted the largest ranges in variation of number and biomass. In conditions of dry-land arable land the maximum values of total number of alga exceeded minimal in 21,9 times; biomasses - in 8,7; for irrigated arable land - in 12,5 and 5,6 respectively.In soil samples, selected within the limits of virgin soil biogeocoenoses of biosphere reserve “Askania-Nova” and agrocoenosis of dry-land and irrigated arable land in biosphere reserve by direct count, the algae species of Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Xanthophyta and Eustigmatophyta have been found. The largest contribution to number and biomass of algae belonged to Bacillariophyta. The number and biomass of agrocoenosis algae is more dynamic feature, than for algae of virgin soil biogeocoenoses.


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    Santiago Relos Paco


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una aplicación del álgebra lineal al problema de máximos y mínimos de funciones a varias variables. Se considera una función , U abierto y f dos veces diferenciable, se toma un punto tal que , se plantea el problema de determinar si en este punto existe un máximo, mínimo o ninguna de estas situaciones. Se calcula , como se sabe esta segunda derivada es una matriz simétrica en , dependiendo de la signatura de se dará una respuesta al problema planteado.

  8. Diterpenes from the Marine Algae of the Genus Dictyota. (United States)

    Chen, Jiayun; Li, Hong; Zhao, Zishuo; Xia, Xue; Li, Bo; Zhang, Jinrong; Yan, Xiaojun


    Species of the brown algae of the genus Dictyota are rich sources of bioactive secondary metabolites with diverse structural features. Excellent progress has been made in the discovery of diterpenes possessing broad chemical defensive activities from this genus. Most of these diterpenes exhibit significant biological activities, such as antiviral, cytotoxic and chemical defensive activities. In the present review, we summarized diterpenes isolated from the brown algae of the genus.

  9. Problemas médicos habituales relacionados con la paciente embarazada

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    V. Lorena Quiroz, DRA.


    Full Text Available Problemas médicos como enfermedades del tiroides, deficiencia de vitamina D, anemia, infecciones del tracto urinario e insulino resistencia entre otros, pueden complicar el embarazo. Dado las molestias propias de la gestación, muchas de estas patologías no son diagnosticadas ni tratadas, aumentando la morbilidad materna y fetal. Algunas de estas enfermedades tienen diferentes criterios diagnósticos comparados con la mujer no embarazada. Se revisan los criterios diagnósticos y tratamientos de los problemas médicos más frecuentes en el embarazo.

  10. Máquinas hidráulicas: teoría y problemas


    Zamora Parra, Blas; Viedma Robles, Antonio


    Máquinas Hidráulicas (Teoría y Problemas), es un texto orientado a la docencia de las Máquinas Hidráulicas en titulaciones relacionadas con las Ingenierías Industrial y Energética. El enfoque del libro es fundamentalmente académico para un nivel de posgrado, por lo que presenta una colección completa de problemas propuestos, y otros resueltos, que pueden ayudar a conseguir un conocimiento firmemente asentado en sus principios físicos sobre las Máquinas Hidráulicas y sus instalaciones. Se ha p...

  11. [Mechanism of the inhibitory action of allelochemical dibutyl phthalate on algae Gymnodinium breve]. (United States)

    Bie, Cong-Cong; Li, Feng-Min; Wang, Yi-Fei; Wang, Hao-Yun; Zhao, Ya-Han; Zhao, Wei; Wang, Zhen-Yu


    The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of inhibitory action of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) on red tide algae Gymnodinium breve. The effects of DBP on malonaldehyde, subcellular structure and superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoforms were investigated. The results showed that MDA accumulated in the algae cell under DBP exposure, and for the 3 mg x L(-1) DBP treated algae culture a peak value of 0.34 micromol x (10(9) cells) (-1) occurred at 72 h, which was about 2. 3 times than that of the control. TEM pictures showed the disruption of DBP on the subcellular structure of G. breve. A morphological phenomenon appeared that the algae cell was commonly found small tubules or apical parts around the cell membrane, and almost all normal cell organelles were indistinguishable finally. The activity of CuZn-SOD (main cytoplast located isoform with little in cloroplast) under DBP exposure was higher than that of the control, and no significant difference was observed on Fe-SOD (chloroplast located isoform) activity, but for the Mn-SOD (mitochondrial isoform), the activity was significantly inhibited. These results indicated that DBP might inhibit the algae growth from the plasma membrane and the mitochondria, resulting in oxidative damage in algae cell and a final death. This paper will give a theoretical support to the practical usage of the allelochemical on red tide algae.

  12. Un modelo de programación binaria mixta para el problema generalizado de la p-centdiana

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    Marisa Martinez


    Full Text Available Los problemas de localización tratan de averiguar la ubicación de las instalaciones de una empresa de modo que se minimicen los costes o se maximicen los beneficios. Dos de los modelos más utilizados en localización en redes son el problema de la p-mediana y el problema del p-centro. El primero consiste en minimizar la suma total de las distancias ponderadas, mientras que el segundo trata de minimizar la máxima distancia ponderada desde un centro de servicio hasta sus usuarios asignados. El objetivo del problema de la p-mediana hace que sea eficiente pero no equitativo, mientras que la cota implícita en el problema del p-centro lo convierte en equitativo pero no eficiente. Para combinar ambos aspectos, aparece en la década de los 70 un nuevo problema, el de la p-centdiana, cuya función objetivo es una mezcla de las dos anteriores. En este trabajo presentamos un modelo de programación binaria mixta para el problema generalizado de la p-centdiana sobre una red en el que los pesos asociados al p-centro y a la p-mediana no son necesariamente iguales. El primer paso para resolver el problema es identificar su conjunto dominante finito. En consecuencia, previamente a la descripción del modelo, proponemos un algoritmo que nos permitirá calcular este conjunto.

  13. Problemas actuales del automóvil y el futuro del mismo


    Gómez San Martín, María Begoña


    315 p. El automóvil es un elemento indispensable en la sociedad actual a nivel mundial. Pero presenta serios problemas no resueltos al día de hoy, ocasionados principalmente por el combustible universalmente utilizado: el petróleo. Estos problemas plantean serias preocupaciones cara al futuro. En esta Tesis realizamos una investigación y una prospección sobre los posibles elementos energéticos sustitutivos del petróleo.

  14. Algae as reservoirs for coral pathogens.

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    Michael J Sweet

    Full Text Available Benthic algae are associated with coral death in the form of stress and disease. It's been proposed that they release exudates, which facilitate invasion of potentially pathogenic microbes at the coral-algal interface, resulting in coral disease. However, the original source of these pathogens remains unknown. This study examined the ability of benthic algae to act as reservoirs of coral pathogens by characterizing surface associated microbes associated with major Caribbean and Indo-Pacific algal species/types and by comparing them to potential pathogens of two dominant coral diseases: White Syndrome (WS in the Indo-Pacific and Yellow Band Disease (YBD in the Caribbean. Coral and algal sampling was conducted simultaneously at the same sites to avoid spatial effects. Potential pathogens were defined as those absent or rare in healthy corals, increasing in abundance in healthy tissues adjacent to a disease lesion, and dominant in disease lesions. Potentially pathogenic bacteria were detected in both WS and YBD and were also present within the majority of algal species/types (54 and 100% for WS and YBD respectively. Pathogenic ciliates were associated only with WS and not YBD lesions and these were also present in 36% of the Indo-Pacific algal species. Although potential pathogens were associated with many algal species, their presence was inconsistent among replicate algal samples and detection rates were relatively low, suggestive of low density and occurrence. At the community level, coral-associated microbes irrespective of the health of their host differed from algal-associated microbes, supporting that algae and corals have distinctive microbial communities associated with their tissue. We conclude that benthic algae are common reservoirs for a variety of different potential coral pathogens. However, algal-associated microbes alone are unlikely to cause coral death. Initial damage or stress to the coral via other competitive mechanisms is

  15. Resolución estructurada de problemas a través del método Kobetsu Kaizen


    Torre Llera, Francisco


    En este Trabajo Fin de Grado nos centraremos en explicar la importancia de la resolución de problemas dentro de una empresa. Definiremos los métodos seguidos por una empresa para conseguir la resolución de problemas. En este caso, nos centraremos en la resolución estructurada de problemas. Más concretamente, nos centraremos en resolver el problema de control visual de los discos en busca de defectos de fundición. El método a aplicar será el Kobetsu Kaizen, relacionado con la...

  16. Algae viability over time in a ballast water sample (United States)

    Gollasch, Stephan; David, Matej


    The biology of vessels' ballast water needs to be analysed for several reasons, one of these being performance tests of ballast water management systems. This analysis includes a viability assessment of phytoplankton. To overcome logistical problems to get algae sample processing gear on board of a vessel to document algae viability, samples may be transported to land-based laboratories. Concerns were raised how the storage conditions of the sample may impact algae viability over time and what the most appropriate storage conditions were. Here we answer these questions with a long-term algae viability study with daily sample analysis using Pulse-Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry. The sample was analysed over 79 days. We tested different storage conditions: fridge and room temperature with and without light. It seems that during the first two weeks of the experiment the viability remains almost unchanged with a slight downwards trend. In the continuing period, before the sample was split, a slightly stronger downwards viability trend was observed, which occurred at a similar rate towards the end of the experiment. After the sample was split, the strongest viability reduction was measured for the sample stored without light at room temperature. We concluded that the storage conditions, especially regarding temperature and light exposure, have a stronger impact on algae viability compared to the storage duration and that inappropriate storage conditions reduce algal viability. A sample storage time of up to two weeks in a dark and cool environment has little influence on the organism viability. This indicates that a two week time duration between sample taking on board a vessel and the viability measurement in a land-based laboratory may not be very critical.

  17. Algae Cultivation for Carbon Capture and Utilization Workshop Summary Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    The Algae Cultivation for Carbon Capture and Utilization Workshop Summary Report summarizes a workshop hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy's Bioenergy Technologies Office on May 23–24, 2017, in Orlando, Florida. The event gathered stakeholder input through facilitated discussions focused on innovative technologies and business strategies for growing algae on waste carbon dioxide resources.

  18. Contrasting effects of ocean acidification on tropical fleshy and calcareous algae. (United States)

    Johnson, Maggie Dorothy; Price, Nichole N; Smith, Jennifer E


    Despite the heightened awareness of ocean acidification (OA) effects on marine organisms, few studies empirically juxtapose biological responses to CO2 manipulations across functionally distinct primary producers, particularly benthic algae. Algal responses to OA may vary because increasing CO2 has the potential to fertilize photosynthesis but impair biomineralization. Using a series of repeated experiments on Palmyra Atoll, simulated OA effects were tested across a suite of ecologically important coral reef algae, including five fleshy and six calcareous species. Growth, calcification and photophysiology were measured for each species independently and metrics were combined from each experiment using a meta-analysis to examine overall trends across functional groups categorized as fleshy, upright calcareous, and crustose coralline algae (CCA). The magnitude of the effect of OA on algal growth response varied by species, but the direction was consistent within functional groups. Exposure to OA conditions generally enhanced growth in fleshy macroalgae, reduced net calcification in upright calcareous algae, and caused net dissolution in CCA. Additionally, three of the five fleshy seaweeds tested became reproductive upon exposure to OA conditions. There was no consistent effect of OA on algal photophysiology. Our study provides experimental evidence to support the hypothesis that OA will reduce the ability of calcareous algae to biomineralize. Further, we show that CO2 enrichment either will stimulate population or somatic growth in some species of fleshy macroalgae. Thus, our results suggest that projected OA conditions may favor non-calcifying algae and influence the relative dominance of fleshy macroalgae on reefs, perpetuating or exacerbating existing shifts in reef community structure.

  19. Contrasting effects of ocean acidification on tropical fleshy and calcareous algae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maggie Dorothy Johnson


    Full Text Available Despite the heightened awareness of ocean acidification (OA effects on marine organisms, few studies empirically juxtapose biological responses to CO2 manipulations across functionally distinct primary producers, particularly benthic algae. Algal responses to OA may vary because increasing CO2 has the potential to fertilize photosynthesis but impair biomineralization. Using a series of repeated experiments on Palmyra Atoll, simulated OA effects were tested across a suite of ecologically important coral reef algae, including five fleshy and six calcareous species. Growth, calcification and photophysiology were measured for each species independently and metrics were combined from each experiment using a meta-analysis to examine overall trends across functional groups categorized as fleshy, upright calcareous, and crustose coralline algae (CCA. The magnitude of the effect of OA on algal growth response varied by species, but the direction was consistent within functional groups. Exposure to OA conditions generally enhanced growth in fleshy macroalgae, reduced net calcification in upright calcareous algae, and caused net dissolution in CCA. Additionally, three of the five fleshy seaweeds tested became reproductive upon exposure to OA conditions. There was no consistent effect of OA on algal photophysiology. Our study provides experimental evidence to support the hypothesis that OA will reduce the ability of calcareous algae to biomineralize. Further, we show that CO2 enrichment either will stimulate population or somatic growth in some species of fleshy macroalgae. Thus, our results suggest that projected OA conditions may favor non-calcifying algae and influence the relative dominance of fleshy macroalgae on reefs, perpetuating or exacerbating existing shifts in reef community structure.

  20. Algunas consideraciones sobre el problema de la prostitución en colombia


    Piñeros Piñeros, Víctor J.


    El problema de la prostitución es en todas partes y más entre nosotros, un problema muy complejo, que importa desentrañar y estudiar en sus principales aspectos: así, hay que considerar la prostitución en sí, y luégo en sus relaciones con la sociedad y sobre todo en su aspecto sanitario.

  1. Algae façade as green building method: application of algae as a method to meet the green building regulation (United States)

    Poerbo, Heru W.; Martokusumo, Widjaja; Donny Koerniawan, M.; Aulia Ardiani, Nissa; Krisanti, Susan


    The Local Government of Bandung city has stipulated a Green Building regulation through the Peraturan Walikota Number 1023/2016. Signed by the mayor in October 2016, Bandung became the first city in Indonesia that put green building as mandatory requirement in the building permit (IMB) process. Green Building regulation is intended to have more efficient consumption of energy and water, improved indoor air quality, management of liquid and solid waste etc. This objective is attained through various design method in building envelope, ventilation and air conditioning system, lighting, indoor transportation system, and electrical system. To minimize energy consumption of buildings that have large openings, sun shading device is often utilized together with low-E glass panes. For buildings in hot humid tropical climate, this method reduces indoor air temperature and thus requires less energy for air conditioning. Indoor air quality is often done by monitoring the carbon dioxide levels. Application of algae as part of building system façade has recently been introduced as replacement of large glass surface in the building façade. Algae are not yet included in the green building regulation because it is relatively new. The research will investigate, with the help of the modelling process and extensive literature, how effective is the implementation of algae in building façade to reduce energy consumption and improve its indoor air quality. This paper is written based on the design of ITB Innovation Park as an ongoing architectural design-based research how the algae-integrated building façade affects the energy consumption.

  2. Advanced emission control system: CO2 sequestration using algae integrated management system (AIMS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syed Isa Syed Alwi; Mohd Norsham Che Yahya; Ruzanna Abdul Rahman


    One of the companies under Algae tech, Sasaran Bio fuel Sdn. Bhd. provides project management, technology transfer and technical expertise to develop a solution to minimize and mitigate Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions through the diversion of the CO 2 to open algal ponds and enclosed photo-bioreactors as algal propagation technologies to consume CO 2 waste stream. The company is presently consulting a listed company from Indonesia to address the technology know-how and implementation of microalgae development from the flue gas of the Groups power plants. Nowadays, one of the aspects that contribute to the air pollution is the emission of flue gases from the factories. So, we provide a system that can reduce the emission of flue gas to the atmosphere and at the same time, cultivate certain strain of algae. With the technology, Algae Integrated Management System (AIMS), it will be for sure a new beginning for way to reduce air pollution. The utilization of power plant resources for growing selected microalgae at a low energy cost for valuable products and bio-fuels while providing CO 2 sequestering. In the same time, it also a low cost algae agriculture. By doing so, it provides all year algae production which can be an income. This residual energy used CO 2 produced from power stations and industrial plants to feed the process (CO 2 recycling and bio-fixation) in cultivation of algae. This will be a low cost flue gas (CO 2 ) to the developer. In a nutshell, CO 2 Sequestration by algae reactors is a potential to reduce greenhouse gas emission by using the CO 2 in the stack gases to produce algae. (author)

  3. The current potential of algae biofuels in the United Arab Emirates (United States)

    In spite of future uncertainties about industrial algae biofuel production, the UAE is planning to become "a world leader in biofuels from the algae industry by 2020;" thus joining major countries which have already started producing renewable energy and biofuels (biodiesel and bioethanol) from rene...

  4. Marine Algae As A Prospective Source For Antidiabetic Compounds - A Brief Review. (United States)

    Unnikrishnan, Pulikkaparambil Sasidharan; Jayasri, Mangalam Achuthananda


    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia, which is attributed to several life threatening complications including atherosclerosis, nephropathy, and retinopathy. The current therapies available for the management of DM mainly include oral antidiabetic drugs and insulin injections. However, continuous use of synthetic drugs provides lower healing with many side effects. Therefore, there is an urge for safe and efficient antidiabetic drugs for the management of DM. In the continuing search for effective antidiabetic drugs, marine algae (seaweeds) remains as a promising source with potent bioactivity. It is anticipated that the isolation, characterization, and pharmacological study of unexplored marine algae can be useful in the discovery of novel antidiabetic compounds with high biomedical value. Among marine algae, brown and red algae are reported to exhibit antidiabetic activity. Majority of the investigations on algal derived compounds controls the blood glucose levels through the inhbition of carbohydrate hydroloyzing enzymes and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B enzymes, insulin sensitization, glucose uptake effect and other protective effects against diabetic complications. Based on the above perspective this review provides; profiles for various marine algae posessing antidiabetic activity. This study also highlights the therapeutic potential of compounds isolated from marine algae for the effective management of diabetes and its associated complications. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  5. Direct bioconversion of brown algae into ethanol by thermophilic bacterium Defluviitalea phaphyphila. (United States)

    Ji, Shi-Qi; Wang, Bing; Lu, Ming; Li, Fu-Li


    Brown algae are promising feedstocks for biofuel production with inherent advantages of no structural lignin, high growth rate, and no competition for land and fresh water. However, it is difficult for one microorganism to convert all components of brown algae with different oxidoreduction potentials to ethanol. Defluviitalea phaphyphila Alg1 is the first characterized thermophilic bacterium capable of direct utilization of brown algae. Defluviitalea phaphyphila Alg1 can simultaneously utilize mannitol, glucose, and alginate to produce ethanol, and high ethanol yields of 0.47 g/g-mannitol, 0.44 g/g-glucose, and 0.3 g/g-alginate were obtained. A rational redox balance system under obligate anaerobic condition in fermenting brown algae was revealed in D. phaphyphila Alg1 through genome and redox analysis. The excess reducing equivalents produced from mannitol metabolism were equilibrated by oxidizing forces from alginate assimilation. Furthermore, D. phaphyphila Alg1 can directly utilize unpretreated kelp powder, and 10 g/L of ethanol was accumulated within 72 h with an ethanol yield of 0.25 g/g-kelp. Microscopic observation further demonstrated the deconstruction process of brown algae cell by D. phaphyphila Alg1. The integrated biomass deconstruction system of D. phaphyphila Alg1, as well as its high ethanol yield, provided us an excellent alternative for brown algae bioconversion at elevated temperature.

  6. Production of the blood pressure lowing peptides from brown alga ( Undaria pinnatifida) (United States)

    Minoru, Sato; Takashi, Oba; Takao, Hosokawa; Toshiyasu, Yamaguchi; Toshiki, Nakano; Tadao, Saito; Koji, Muramoto; Takashi, Kahara; Katsura, Funayama; Akio, Kobayashi; Takahisa, Nakano


    Brown alga ( Undaria pinnatifida) was treated with alginate lyase and hydrolyzed using 17 kinds of proteases and the inhibitory activity of the hydrolysates for the angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) was measured. Four hydrolysates with potent ACE-inhibitory activity were administered singly and orally to spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). The systolic blood pressure of SHRs decreases significantly after single oral administration of the brown alga hydrolysates by protease S ‘Amano’ (from Bacillus stearothermophilus) at the concentration of 10 (mg protein) (kg body weight)-1. In the 17 weeks of feeding experiment, 7-week-old SHRs were fed standard diet supplemented with the brown alga hydrolysates for 10 weeks. In SHRs fed 1.0 and 0.1% brown alga hydrolysates, elevating of systolic bloodpressure was significantly suppressed for 7 weeks. To elucidate the active components, the brown alga hydrolysates were fractionated by 1-butanol extraction and HPLC on a reverse-phase column. Seven kinds of ACE-inhibitory peptides were isolated and identified by amino acid composition analysis, sequence analysis, and LC-MS with the results Val-Tyr, Ile-Tyr, Ala-Trp, Phe-Tyr, Val-Trp, Ile-Trp, and Leu-Trp. Each peptide was determined to have an antihypertensive effect after a single oral administration in SHRs. The brown alga hydrolysates were also confirmed to decrease the blood pressure in humans.

  7. Time course transcriptome changes in Shewanella algae in response to salt stress.

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    Xiuping Fu

    Full Text Available Shewanella algae, which produces tetrodotoxin and exists in various seafoods, can cause human diseases, such as spondylodiscitis and bloody diarrhea. In the present study, we focused on the temporal, dynamic process in salt-stressed S. algae by monitoring the gene transcript levels at different time points after high salt exposure. Transcript changes in amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, energy metabolism, membrane transport, regulatory functions, and cellular signaling were found to be important for the high salt response in S. algae. The most common strategies used by bacteria to survive and grow in high salt environments, such as Na+ efflux, K+ uptake, glutamate transport and biosynthesis, and the accumulation of compatible solutes, were also observed in S. algae. In particular, genes involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis and DNA repair were highly and steadily up-regulated, accompanied by rapid and instantaneous enhancement of the transcription of large- and small-ribosome subunits, which suggested that the structural changes in the cell wall and some stressful responses occurred in S. algae. Furthermore, the transcription of genes involved in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA cycle and the glycolytic pathway was decreased, whereas the transcription of genes involved in anaerobic respiration was increased. These results, demonstrating the multi-pathway reactions of S. algae in response to salt stress, increase our understanding of the microbial stress response mechanisms.

  8. Pathway of /sup 14/Co/sub 2/ fixation in marine algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joshi, G V; Karekar, M D [Shivaji Univ., Kolhapur (India). Dept. of Botany


    Marine plants have a different metabolic environment which is likely to affect pathways of CO/sub 2/ fixation. It has been observed that in marine alga, Ulva lactuca, during short term light fixation of /sup 14/CO/sub 2/, besides PGA, an appreciable amount of activity was located in aspartate. This curious observation can now be explained on the basis of Hatch, Slack and Kortschak pathway of CO/sub 2/ fixation. In order to trace pathways of /sup 14/CO/sub 2/ in marine algae, a wide variety of algal specimens were exposed to NaH/sup 14/CO/sub 3/ in light and the products were analyzed. The algae selected were Ulva lactuca, Sargassum ilicifolium, Sphacelaria sp., Padina tetrastromatica, Chaetomorpha media and Enteromorpha tubulosa. It has been found that the pathways of CO/sub 2/ in the above marine algae differ from the conventional pattern recorded in Chlorella. The early labelling of aspartate and its subsequent utilization indicates that HSK pathway is operative in the marine algae. Malate synthesis is inhibited due to the effect of saline environment on the activity of malic dehydrogenase. Appreciable label in PGA is suggestive of the fact that Calvin and Bassham pathway as well as the HSK route are simultaneously operating. (auth)

  9. Estrategias funcionales emergentes de promoción por parte de los ejecutivos del negocio bancario: Estudio preliminar a la Banca en Maracaibo


    Emmanuel Borgucci; Roberto Cubillán


    En esta investigación de carácter preliminar, se trata de demostrar la existencia de estrategias funcionales emergentes por parte de los ejecutivos de negocios bancarios. Se diseñó una investigación de tipo descriptivo y se aplicó un cuestionario semiestructurado y validado con el procedimiento del pretest-test a 16 ejecutivos del área petrolera pertenecientes a 10 bancos ubicados en Maracaibo (Venezuela). Se concluye que sobre la base de una serie de habilidades personales y oper...

  10. Herbivorous snails can increase water clarity by stimulating growth of benthic algae. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiufeng; Taylor, William D; Rudstam, Lars G


    Eutrophication in shallow lakes is characterized by a switch from benthic to pelagic dominance of primary productivity that leads to turbid water, while benthification is characterized by a shift in primary production from the pelagic zone to the benthos associated with clear water. A 12-week mesocosm experiment tested the hypothesis that the herbivorous snail Bellamya aeruginosa stimulates the growth of pelagic algae through grazing on benthic algae and through accelerating nutrient release from sediment. A tube-microcosm experiment using 32 P-PO 4 as a tracer tested the effects of the snails on the release of sediment phosphorus (P). The mesocosm experiment recorded greater total nitrogen (TN) concentrations and a higher ratio of TN:TP in the overlying water, and a higher light intensity and biomass of benthic algae as measured by chlorophyll a (Chl a) in the snail treatment than in the control. Concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (TSSs), and inorganic suspended solids (ISSs) in the overlying water were lower in the snail treatment than in the control, though no significant difference in Chl a of pelagic algae between the snail treatment and control was observed. In the microcosm experiment, 32 P activity in the overlying water was higher in the snail treatment than in the control, indicating that snails accelerated P release from the sediment. Our interpretation of these results is that snails enhanced growth of benthic algae and thereby improved water clarity despite grazing on the benthic algae and enhancing P release from the sediment. The rehabilitation of native snail populations may therefore enhance the recovery of eutrophic shallow lakes to a clear water state by stimulating growth of benthic algae.


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    Full Text Available Introduction: Dischange of domestic, agricultural and industrial waste water into the rivers increase chemical substances such as nitrate and phosphate. These chemical changes increase algal population. High density of algae may cause changes in color, odor and taste of water. Some of the algae such as Oscillatoria, Microcystis and Anabeana produce toxins and in high concentrations may kill fishes. While Zayandehrud river is considered as one of the main water supply sources for drinking water and valuable water resources of Isfahan Province, water quality control of this river is important. The study of algae of the river in relation with the concentration of nitrate and phosphate is the purpose of this research project. Methods: To perform this projects, seven sampling stations from "Pole Vahid" to .Pole choom. were selected. Grab methods were used for sampling of the river water. 147 water samples were collected in one year of the study.The samples were analyzed for phosphate, nitrate and genera of the algae. Nitrate and phosphate of the water samples were determined using Phenol Disulfonic Acid and Stanous chloride methods, respectively. The genera of the algae were detennined using the keys. Results and Disccusion:The result of the study showed that the frequency of the algae increased with increasing nitrate and phosphate. Overall.35 genera of algae in the area of the study were observed, which six of them were indicators of water pollution. Minimum frequency of indicators of pollution was observed in the enterance of Isfahan city and maximum frequency was observed after the discharge of municipal water from waste water treatment plant (pole Choom.

  12. Ontem, hoje e amanhã: sobre a web e as ferramentas colaborativas emergentes para o professor de língua estrangeira

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    Alan Ricardo Costa


    Full Text Available Considerando que “[...] só é possível prever o futuro quando se olha para o passado” (LEFFA, 2012, p.404, se faz necessário investigar o passado e o presente da web, das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC e das tecnologias educacionais para o ensino e a aprendizagem de Línguas Estrangeira (LE, para especular sobre o futuro, por mais incerto que este seja. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar e discutir as mudanças nas TIC e ferramentas educacionais, do passado para o presente, para apontar perspectivas emergentes ao alcance do professor de LE. Os resultados - que partem de observações sobre alguns recursos e ferramentas digitais disponíveis no Repositório Acción E/LE (Espanhol como Língua Estrangeira - indicam que: (1 recursos online e TIC em geral não tendem a negar o antigo, mas sim incorporá-lo ao novo, fazendo com que tais recursos estejam em contínua evolução; (2 esta evolução, consequentemente, acontece de forma gradual e complexa: nem todas as TIC e tecnologias educacionais mudam ao mesmo tempo ou na mesma medida; (3 a tendência mais visível e emergente é, possivelmente, a colaboração em massa subjacente às ferramentas e seus usos, o que explica o surgimento dos Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA, por exemplo.

  13. Biosynthesis of 3-Dimethylsulfoniopropionate in Marine Algae

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Rhodes, David


    ...) in marine algae, including identification of intermediates and enzymes of the pathway in the macroalgae Enteromorpha Intestinalis, and three diverse marine phytoplankton species; Tetraselmis sp...

  14. Algae-facilitated chemical phosphorus removal during high-density Chlorella emersonii cultivation in a membrane bioreactor. (United States)

    Xu, Meng; Bernards, Matthew; Hu, Zhiqiang


    An algae-based membrane bioreactor (A-MBR) was evaluated for high-density algae cultivation and phosphorus (P) removal. The A-MBR was seeded with Chlorella emersonii and operated at a hydraulic retention time of 1day with minimal biomass wastage for about 150days. The algae concentration increased from initially 385mg/L (or 315mg biomass COD/L) to a final of 4840mg/L (or 1664mg COD/L), yielding an average solids (algae biomass+minerals) production rate of 32.5gm(-3)d(-1) or 6.2gm(-2)d(-1). The A-MBR was able to remove 66±9% of the total P from the water while the algal biomass had an average of 7.5±0.2% extracellular P and 0.4% of intracellular P. The results suggest that algae-induced phosphate precipitation by algae is key to P removal and high-density algae cultivation produces P-rich algal biomass with excellent settling properties. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Algae in fish feed: performances and fatty acid metabolism in juvenile Atlantic Salmon.

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    Fernando Norambuena

    Full Text Available Algae are at the base of the aquatic food chain, producing the food resources that fish are adapted to consume. Previous studies have proven that the inclusion of small amounts (<10% of the diet of algae in fish feed (aquafeed resulted in positive effects in growth performance and feed utilisation efficiency. Marine algae have also been shown to possess functional activities, helping in the mediation of lipid metabolism, and therefore are increasingly studied in human and animal nutrition. The aim of this study was to assess the potentials of two commercially available algae derived products (dry algae meal, Verdemin (derived from Ulva ohnoi and Rosamin (derived from diatom Entomoneis spp. for their possible inclusion into diet of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar. Fish performances, feed efficiency, lipid metabolism and final product quality were assessed to investigated the potential of the two algae products (in isolation at two inclusion levels, 2.5% and 5%, or in combination, in experimental diets specifically formulated with low fish meal and fish oil content. The results indicate that inclusion of algae product Verdemin and Rosamin at level of 2.5 and 5.0% did not cause any major positive, nor negative, effect in Atlantic Salmon growth and feed efficiency. An increase in the omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LC-PUFA content in whole body of fish fed 5% Rosamin was observed.

  16. Distributions of radionuclides among green alga (Ulva pertusa), sea water and marine sediment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Ryoichi; Suzuki, Yuzuru; Ueda, Taishi


    Distributions of radionuclides ( 60 Co, 137 Cs, 95 Zr- 95 Nb and 106 Ru- 106 Rh) among green alga (Ulva pertusa), sea water and marine sediment were examined by radioisotope tracer experiment in order to estimate the influence of sediment on the accumulation of radionuclides by the alga. By the application of the compartment model to the experimental results, exponential formulas of distributions were obtained. Through comparison of the transfer coefficients of radionuclides calculated from the exponential formulas, the influence of the sediment on the accumulation of the radionuclides by the green alga was determined to be the largest for 60 Co, followed by 95 Zr,- 95 Nb, 106 Ru- 106 Rh and 137 Cs in this order. The activity ratios of 95 Zr- 95 Nb and 106 Ru- 106 Rh calculated from the transfer coefficients are larger for the alga than for the sediment, inversely those of 60 Co and 137 Cs show higher values for the sediment than for the alga. Especially, in the case of 60 Co, the activity ratio for the sediment is approximately 20 times greater than that for the alga. Biological half lives in green alga estimated from the transfer coefficients were 10 days for 60 Co, 7 days for 137 Cs, 26 days for 95 Zr- 95 Nb and 24 days for 95 Zr- 95 Nb and 24 days for 106 Ru- 106 Rh. (auth.)

  17. Um campo emergente: a arqueologia da música e suas interfaces com o patrimônio

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    Fabio Vergara


    Full Text Available A presente entrevista com o arqueólogo Fábio Vergara Cerqueira traz informações sobre um campo emergente nos estudos arqueológicos, a assim chamada Arqueologia da Música, que conta, entre suas ramificações, com a especialidade da Arqueoorganologia, que, na sua variante iconográfica, é uma área de atuação deste arqueólogo. Esta nova disciplina se desenvolve em um domínio epistemológico bastante complexo e interdisciplinar e, mais recentemente, como se observa na articulação de programas internacionais de pesquisa, apresenta intensa integração à temática patrimonial, ligada sobretudo ao patrimônio dito imaterial, com forte valorização de saberes musicais de comunidades tradicionais.

  18. Thicker three-dimensional tissue from a "symbiotic recycling system" combining mammalian cells and algae. (United States)

    Haraguchi, Yuji; Kagawa, Yuki; Sakaguchi, Katsuhisa; Matsuura, Katsuhisa; Shimizu, Tatsuya; Okano, Teruo


    In this paper, we report an in vitro co-culture system that combines mammalian cells and algae, Chlorococcum littorale, to create a three-dimensional (3-D) tissue. While the C2C12 mouse myoblasts and rat cardiac cells consumed oxygen actively, intense oxygen production was accounted for by the algae even in the co-culture system. Although cell metabolism within thicker cardiac cell-layered tissues showed anaerobic respiration, the introduction of innovative co-cultivation partially changed the metabolism to aerobic respiration. Moreover, the amount of glucose consumption and lactate production in the cardiac tissues and the amount of ammonia in the culture media decreased significantly when co-cultivated with algae. In the cardiac tissues devoid of algae, delamination was observed histologically, and the release of creatine kinase (CK) from the tissues showed severe cardiac cell damage. On the other hand, the layered cell tissues with algae were observed to be in a good histological condition, with less than one-fifth decline in CK release. The co-cultivation with algae improved the culture condition of the thicker tissues, resulting in the formation of 160 μm-thick cardiac tissues. Thus, the present study proposes the possibility of creating an in vitro "symbiotic recycling system" composed of mammalian cells and algae.

  19. Algae. LC Science Tracer Bullet. (United States)

    Niskern, Diana, Comp.

    The plants and plantlike organisms informally grouped together as algae show great diversity of form and size and occur in a wide variety of habitats. These extremely important photosynthesizers are also economically significant. For example, some species contaminate water supplies; others provide food for aquatic animals and for man; still others…

  20. Scenario studies for algae production

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slegers, P.M.


    Microalgae are a promising biomass for the biobased economy to produce food, feed, fuel, chemicals and materials. So far, large-scale production of algae is limited and as a result estimates on the performance of such large systems are scarce. There is a need to estimate large-scale biomass

  1. Los problemas de las fronteras humanitarias

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    Ticktin, Miriam


    Full Text Available This text engages a critical analysis of humanitarian discourses and practices regarding our understanding of migration and the public policies developed in relation to the population movementsacross international borders. It is based on the premise that humanitarianism, even if well intentioned, can have pernicious effects if, eventually, it ends up replacing justice and migrants’ rights. To explore this paradox, the paper sequentially analyzes various problems associated with humanitarian aid: the problem of innocence —the understanding of refugees as victims calls for humanitarian compassion—; the problem with emergency —«rapid response» operations inhibit the contextualized and historical understanding of the root causes of the problems—; and, finally, the problem of compassion —humanitarianism privilegessentiments over rights. The study of these three key features of humanitarianism in Europe and the USA fosters a healthy skepticism of the emerging forms of the legitimation of exclusion. The article also explores alternative political and discursive strategies which allow for new imaginaries to confront migratory processes beyond borders and humanitarianism, breaking up their dynamic of reproduction of social inequalities and placing justice in the horizon of action.Este texto plantea un análisis crítico del papel de los discursos y prácticas humanitaristas en nuestra concepción de la migración y en las políticas públicas desarrolladas en relación a la movilidad poblacional a través de las fronteras internacionales. Se parte de la premisa de que el humanitarismo, aunque fuera bien intencionado, puede tener efectos perniciosos sobre la situación que se vive en las fronteras, especialmente si acaba por sustituir a la justicia y a los derechos que tienen los emigrantes. Para estudiar esta paradoja, el texto analiza, sucesivamente, varios problemas asociados a la acción humanitaria: el problema con la inocencia

  2. Los museos: un instrumento para el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP

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    Yosajandi Pérez Campillo


    Full Text Available Diversos estudios han demostrado que el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP es una propuesta educativa innovadora, que se caracteriza porque promueve que el aprendizaje sea significativo y contribuye a desarrollar una serie de habilidades y competencias indispensables para el crecimiento intelectual de cualquier persona. Sin embargo, esta estretegia implica repensar los problemas como problemas para aprender partiendo de preguntas que sean relevantes para los alumnos en el contexto del aprendizaje de ciencias. Y es justamente, el planteamiento de estas preguntas lo que hace complejo al ABP, pues platear "buenas preguntas" no es fácil, se requiere no sólo de habilidad y práctica sino también un conocimiento mínimo del tema y motivación para iniciar una investigación. Por lo anterior, una de las preocupaciones es encontrar los mecanismos que permitan introducir y motivar al estudiante para que sea capaz de plantear preguntas (problemas. En el presente trabajo se describen la propuesta de una serie de actividades que tienen como propósito preparar a un grupo de estudiantes de bachillerato para que planteen "buenas preguntas" de investigación sobre el tema de minerales. Para lograrlo, se considera el uso de varios recursos como: la visita a los museos, la lectura y análisis de textos y la actividad experimental.

  3. Problemas en la investigación procesal-penal del feminicidio en el Perú.


    Tuesta, Diego; Mujica, Jaris


    La tipificación del feminicidio en el Perú conlleva diversos problemas para la investigación preparatoria en el campo judicial. Basado en el registro cualitativo de la experiencia de fiscales especializados y el cuerpo de forense de los cuatro distritos judiciales de Lima, este artículo describe los problemas centrales en el uso del tipo penal. El problema central identificado por los fiscales es la poca traductibilidad de la categoría “discriminación de género” a términos operativos en mater...

  4. Algae from the arid southwestern United States: an annotated bibliography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, W.H.; Gaines, S.R.


    Desert algae are attractive biomass producers for capturing solar energy through photosynthesis of organic matter. They are probably capable of higher yields and efficiencies of light utilization than higher plants, and are already adapted to extremes of sunlight intensity, salinity and temperature such as are found in the desert. This report consists of an annotated bibliography of the literature on algae from the arid southwestern United States. It was prepared in anticipation of efforts to isolate desert algae and study their yields in the laboratory. These steps are necessary prior to setting up outdoor algal culture ponds. Desert areas are attractive for such applications because land, sunlight, and, to some extent, water resources are abundant there. References are sorted by state.

  5. Algunas consideraciones sobre el problema de la prostitución en Colombia

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    Víctor J. Piñeros Piñeros


    Full Text Available El problema de la prostitución es en todas partes y más entre nosotros, un problema muy complejo, que importa desentrañar y estudiar en sus principales aspectos: así, hay que considerar la prostitución en sí, y luégo en sus relaciones con la sociedad y sobre todo en su aspecto sanitario.

  6. Distribution and biomass estimation of shell-boring algae in the intertidal area at Goa India

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Raghukumar, C.; Sharma, S.; Lande, V.

    The distribution and frequency of shell-boring green and blue-green algae in the intertidal at Goa, India were studied. The green alga Gomontia sp. and the blue green algae Hyella caespitosa Bornet et Flahault, H. gigas Lucas et Golubic...

  7. The blue water footprint and land use of biofuels from algae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gerbens-Leenes, Winnie; Xu, L.; de Vries, G.J.; Hoekstra, Arjen Ysbert


    Biofuels from microalgae are potentially important sources of liquid renewable energy. Algae are not yet produced on a large scale, but research shows promising results. This study assesses the blue water footprint (WF) and land use of algae-based biofuels. It combines the WF concept with an energy

  8. Stream Level Stabilization by Algae of the Genus Cladophora

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    Zeman J.


    Full Text Available Investigations in the Pryský brook experimental catchment revealed that the vegetation of the stream channel stabilizes water level depth in the measured profile. The explored brook has been heavily overgrown by algae of the genus Cladophora due to a strong pollution by nitrates. It seems that if the algae average length exceeds the midsize of the stones paving the bed (ca. 30 ± 7 cm in diameter, escribed circle to pentagon or heptagon, the water level stagnates in the flowrate range of 60–180 l s−1. This totally blocks the streamflow daily oscillation (in summer months in a purely stone bed reaching up to 15%, along with tidal phenomena. The article analyzes one of possible explanations of this effect due to the dependence of the algae thickness layer modifying the channel bed cross-section on the speed of flowing water.

  9. Study on the concentration and seasonal variation of inorganic elements in 35 species of marine algae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hou, Xiaolin; Yan, X.J.


    The concentrations of five major and 28 trace elements in 35 marine algae collected along the coast of China were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The concentrations of halogens, rare earth elements and many transition metal elements in marine algae are remarkably higher than...... those in terrestrial plants. The concentration factors for 31 elements in all collected algae were calculated, those for tri- and tetra-valent elements were higher than those of the mono- and di-valent elements in marine algae. The biogeochemical characteristics of inorganic elements in marine algae...

  10. The Significance of Forests and Algae in CO2 Balance: A Hungarian Case Study

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    Attila Bai


    Full Text Available This study presents the sequestration and emissions of forests and algae related to CO2 while providing a comparison to other biomass sources (arable crops, short rotation coppices. The goal of the paper is to analyze the impact of the current CO2 balance of forests and the future prospects for algae. Our calculations are based on data, not only from the literature but, in the case of algae, from our own previous experimental work. It was concluded that the CO2 sequestration and natural gas saving of forests is typically 3.78 times higher than the emissions resulting from the production technology and from the burning process. The economic and environmental protection-related efficiency operate in opposite directions. The CO2 sequestration ability of algae can primarily be utilized when connected to power plants. The optimal solution could be algae production integrated with biogas power plants, since plant sizes are smaller and algae may play a role, not only in the elimination of CO2 emissions and the utilization of heat but also in wastewater purification.

  11. Arsenic uptake, transformation, and release by three freshwater algae under conditions with and without growth stress. (United States)

    Xie, Shaowen; Liu, Jinxin; Yang, Fen; Feng, Hanxiao; Wei, Chaoyang; Wu, Fengchang


    This study was carried out using indoor controlled experiments to study the arsenic (As) uptake, biotransformation, and release behaviors of freshwater algae under growth stress. Three freshwater algae, Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena flosaquae, and Chlorella sp., were chosen. Two types of inhibitors, e.g., Cu 2+ and isothiazolinone, were employed to inhibit the growth of the algae. The algae were cultivated to a logarithmic stage in growth media containing 0.1 mg/L P; then, 0.8 mg/L As in the form of arsenate (iAs V ) was added, while both inhibitors were simultaneously added at dosages of 0.1 and 0.3 mg/L, with no addition of inhibitors in the control. After 2 days of exposure, the average growth rate (μ 2d ) was measured to represent the growth rates of the algae cells; the extra- and intracellular As concentrations in various forms, i.e., arsenate, arsenite (iAs III ), monomethyl arsenic (MMA), and dimethyl arsenic (DMA), were also measured. Without inhibitors, the average growth rate followed the order of M. aeruginosa, Chlorella sp., and A. flosaquae, with the growth rate of M. aeruginosa significantly higher than that of the other two algae. However, when Cu 2+ was added as an external inhibitor, the order of the average growth rate for the three algae became partially reversed, suggesting differentiation of the algae in response to the inhibitor. This differentiation can be seen by the reduction in the average growth rate of M. aeruginosa, which was as high as 1730% at the 0.3-mg/L Cu 2+ dosage when compared with the control, while for the other two algae, much fewer changes were seen. The great reduction in M. aeruginosa growth rate was accompanied by increases in extracellular iAs V and iAs III and intracellular iAs V concentrations in the algae, indicating that As transformation is related to the growth of this algae. Much fewer or neglectable changes in growth were observed that were consistent with the few changes in the extra- and intracellular

  12. Bioremediation of acid mine drainage using algae strains: A review

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    J.K. Bwapwa


    Full Text Available Acid mine drainage (AMD causes massive environmental concerns worldwide. It is highly acidic and contains high levels of heavy metals causing environmental damage. Conventional treatment methods may not be effective for AMD. The need for environmental remediation requires cost effective technologies for efficient removal of heavy metals. In this study, algae based systems were reviewed and analyzed to point out the potentials and gaps for future studies. Algae strains such as Spirulina sp., Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Cladophora, Oscillatoria, Anabaena, Phaeodactylum tricornutum have showed the capacity to remove a considerable volume of heavy metals from AMD. They act as “hyper-accumulators” and “hyper-adsorbents” with a high selectivity for different elements. In addition, they generate high alkalinity which is essential for precipitation of heavy metals during treatment. However, algae based methods of abating AMD are not the ultimate solution to the problem and there is room for more studies. : The bioremediation of acid mine drainage is achievable with the use of microalgae. Keywords: Acid mine drainage, Algae strains, Contamination, Heavy metals, Bioremediation

  13. Carbon Partitioning in Green Algae (Chlorophyta and the Enolase Enzyme

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    Jürgen E. W. Polle


    Full Text Available The exact mechanisms underlying the distribution of fixed carbon within photoautotrophic cells, also referred to as carbon partitioning, and the subcellular localization of many enzymes involved in carbon metabolism are still unknown. In contrast to the majority of investigated green algae, higher plants have multiple isoforms of the glycolytic enolase enzyme, which are differentially regulated in higher plants. Here we report on the number of gene copies coding for the enolase in several genomes of species spanning the major classes of green algae. Our genomic analysis of several green algae revealed the presence of only one gene coding for a glycolytic enolase [EC]. Our predicted cytosolic localization would require export of organic carbon from the plastid to provide substrate for the enolase and subsequent re-import of organic carbon back into the plastids. Further, our comparative sequence study of the enolase and its 3D-structure prediction may suggest that the N-terminal extension found in green algal enolases could be involved in regulation of the enolase activity. In summary, we propose that the enolase represents one of the crucial regulatory bottlenecks in carbon partitioning in green algae.

  14. Algae culture on drainwater from greenhouse horticulture. Towards an algae culture pilot for greenhouse horticulture; Algencultuur op drainwater uit de glastuinbouw. Naar een pilot algenteelt voor de glastuinbouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The agriculture sector is rapidly warming to the idea of algae culture. Arable farmers, livestock farmers and greenhouse growers are all interested. This report contains an elaborated plan for a pilot-scale practical test and three appendices. The two-year pilot is going to cost about EUR 1 million and will yield practical knowledge about using algae to purify drainwater from greenhouse horticulture. A partnership between numerous small algae growers in a sales cooperative should lead to a better market position. Appendix 1 gives a description of various algae systems and the different types of algae that can currently be cultivated. Chlorella and Arthrospira are the most suitable types for cultivation on greenhouse drainwater. The most economically viable choice appears to be a hybrid nursery with a photobioreactor for starter material and covered raceways for mass production. Appendix 2 gives specific options for combining greenhouse horticulture and algae culture, including the surface allocated to, respectively, algae culture and greenhouse horticulture. Appendix 3 gives the detailed findings of research conducted by Imares into algae on drainwater specifically for the oyster growing sector [Dutch] De belangstelling van het agrarisch bedrijfsleven voor de algenteelt groeit snel. Akkerbouwers, veehouders en glastuinders tonen interesse. Dit rapport bevat een uitwerking voor een praktijkproef op pilotschaal, en drie bijlagen. De praktijkproef van twee jaar gaat circa 1 miljoen euro kosten en levert kennis uit de praktijk op om afvalwater uit de glastuinbouw te zuiveren middels algen. Een samenwerkingsverband tussen tal van kleine algentelers in een afzetcoöperatie moet tot een betere marktpositie kunnen leiden. Bijlage 1 geeft een beschrijving van verschillende algensystemen en de verschillende types algen die op dit moment te kweken zijn. Chlorella en Arthrospira zijn de meest in aanmerking komende soorten om op drainwater uit de glastuinbouw te kweken. De

  15. Epilithic algae from caves of the Krakowsko-Częstochowska Upland (Southern Poland

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    Joanna Czerwik-Marcinkowska


    Full Text Available This paper describes the first study of algae assemblages in 20 caves in the Krakowsko-Częstochowska Upland (Southern Poland, in the period between 2005-2006. The investigations showed mostly on epilithic algae and their subaeric habitats (rock faces within caves and walls at cave entrances. The morphological and cytological variability of algae were studied in fresh samples, in cultures grown on agar plates and in SPURR preparations. A total of 43 algae species was identified, mostly epilithic species and tolerant of low light intensities. The largest group was formed by representatives of the division Chlorophyta (24 species, and then the division Chrysophyta (Heterokontophyta - 17 species, with 9 species belonging to the class Bacillariophyceae, 7 species - Xanthophyceae and 1 species representing the class Eustigmatophyceae. Dinophyta (2 species constituted the last and the smallest group. Among the collected algae, the following species deserve special attention: Thelesphaera alpina, Bracteacoccus minor, Trachychloron simplex, Tetracystis intermedia and T. cf. isobilateralis. The last species was not earlier found in Europe. Identification of species was greatly aided by examination of cell ultrastructure, which provided an array of further features, increasing chances of correct species identification. Furthermore, the studies focused that algae, although usually remaining under dominance of cyanobacteria, excellently differentiate this special area and even enrich it.

  16. Biotransformation of mercury in pH-stat cultures of eukaryotic freshwater algae. (United States)

    Kelly, David J A; Budd, Kenneth; Lefebvre, Daniel D


    Eukaryotic algae were studied to determine their ability to biotransform Hg(II) under aerated and pH controlled conditions. All algae converted Hg(II) into beta-HgS and Hg(0) to varying degrees. When Hg(II) was administered as HgCl(2) to the algae, biotransformation by species of Chlorophyceae (Selenastrum minutum and Chlorella fusca var. fusca) was initiated with beta-HgS synthesis (K (1/2) of hours) and concomitant Hg degrees evolution occurred in the first hour. Hg degrees synthesis was impeded by the formation of beta-HgS and this inhibition was released in C. fusca var. fusca when cellular thiols were oxidized by the addition of dimethylfumarate (DMF). The diatom, Navicula pelliculosa (Bacillariophyceae), converted a substantially greater proportion of the applied Hg(II) into Hg(0), whereas the thermophilic alga, Galdieria sulphuraria (Cyanidiophyceae), rapidly biotransformed as much as 90% of applied Hg(II) into beta-HgS (K (1/2) approximately 20 min). This thermophile was also able to generate Hg(0) even after all exogenously applied HgCl(2) had been biotransformed. The results suggest that beta-HgS may be the major dietary mercurial for grazers of contaminated eukaryotic algae.

  17. Psycho-physiologic emergentism; four minds in a body

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    David L. Rowland


    Full Text Available The mind-body problem represents one of the most debated topics in the neurosciences. From a psychological standpoint, abstract/non-material data are an intrinsic part of the mind, intervening to a large extent in reasoning and decision making processes. Imaging studies also show a strong correlation between higher cognitive functions (such as working memory and specific cerebral brain regions (a fronto-parietal network of interacting left and right brain areas. In contrast, the physical/material brain would be unable to interact with abstract-immaterial data, such that the psychological processing of abstract data (processes such as thinking, reasoning, and judgment is attributed to the mind, with the mind representing a distinct entity interposed between the brain and abstract-immaterial data. Recent data suggest that the mind-body problem may simply be an artifact of human experience/ understanding, as the brain actually represents actually an intrinsic part of the mind. Even if the physical brain is not able to interact with abstract mental data, the brain still could process abstract data through a dynamic association between the abstract data and cerebral stimuli/ impulses. This form of processing without interaction defines the mind as a complex neurobiological structure, with the unconscious part of the mind processing abstract-immaterial data in a conscious/ mental format. In this overview, important concepts of psycho-physiologic emergentism, including internal mental reality, internal mental existence, internal mental interaction, and structural and informational dichotomies of the brain, are iterated. Such concepts/properties represent a neuro-informational support system capable of generating four distinct minds within the single brain. Future studies should further develop the dynamic and immaterial-material nature of the mind, as a possible premise for a scientific definition and understanding of mental events like affectivity

  18. Exchange of certain radionuclides between environment and freshwater algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marchyulenene, E. D.P.


    Data on the dynamics and levels of accumulation of strontium, cesium, cerium and ruthenium radionuclides by Charophyta and Cladophora fresh-water algae are presented. An attempt has been made to investigate some processes that accompany the accumulation of radionuclides by plants. Under experimental conditions, the intensity and levels of radionuclide accumulation can be presented in the following order: 144 Ce> 106 Ru> 90 Sr> 137 Cs. The dynamics of radionuclide accumulation varied greatly with the radionuclide and the algae species studied. The 144 Ce accumulation coefficients (AC) in the course of experiment (from 3 hours to 16 days) increased 8-, 9-, 23.4-, 27-, 14.3- and 20.4-fold for Cladophora glomerata, Nitella syncarpa, Nitellopsis obtusa, Chara vulgaris, Ch. rudis, and Ch. aspera, respectively. In the case of 106 Ru, AC for C.glomerata, N. syncarapa, Ch. vulgaris and Ch. rudis increased 34-, 18-,24- and 23-fold, respectively. In all algae species studied the equilibrium of radionuclide accumulation was attained after 2-4 days of experiment. Levels of accumulated 90 Sr and 137 Cs in most species depended on the season while that of 144 Cs and 106 Ru remained constant throughout the vegetation period. The levels of radionuclide elimination, like the accumulation levels, are shown to depend on both isotopes and algae species

  19. Variantes del problema del cartero mixto que se pueden resolver usando programación lineal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Javier Zaragoza Martínez


    Full Text Available Dada una gráfica mixta y conexa con costos en sus aristas y arcos, el problema del cartero mixto consiste en encontrar un circuito cerrado de la gráfica mixta que recorra sus aristas y arcos a costo mínimo. Se sabe que este problema es NP-duro. Sin embargo, bajo ciertas condiciones adicionales, el problema se puede resolver en tiempo polinomial usando programación lineal, en otras palabras, los poliedros correspondientes son enteros. Algunas de estas condiciones son: la gráfica mixta es serie paralelo o la gráfica mixta tiene grado total par en todos sus vértices. Además, mostramos que si agregamos la restricción adicional de que cada arista se recorra exactamente una vez entonces el problema se puede resolver en tiempo polinomial si el conjunto de arcos forma un bosque. Palabras clave: Gráfica mixta, problema de cartero, programación lineal. Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C45, 90C35.

  20. Microbial to reef scale interactions between the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis and benthic algae. (United States)

    Barott, Katie L; Rodriguez-Mueller, Beltran; Youle, Merry; Marhaver, Kristen L; Vermeij, Mark J A; Smith, Jennifer E; Rohwer, Forest L


    Competition between reef-building corals and benthic algae is of key importance for reef dynamics. These interactions occur on many spatial scales, ranging from chemical to regional. Using microprobes, 16S rDNA pyrosequencing and underwater surveys, we examined the interactions between the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis and four types of benthic algae. The macroalgae Dictyota bartayresiana and Halimeda opuntia, as well as a mixed consortium of turf algae, caused hypoxia on the adjacent coral tissue. Turf algae were also associated with major shifts in the bacterial communities at the interaction zones, including more pathogens and virulence genes. In contrast to turf algae, interactions with crustose coralline algae (CCA) and M. annularis did not appear to be antagonistic at any scale. These zones were not hypoxic, the microbes were not pathogen-like and the abundance of coral-CCA interactions was positively correlated with per cent coral cover. We propose a model in which fleshy algae (i.e. some species of turf and fleshy macroalgae) alter benthic competition dynamics by stimulating bacterial respiration and promoting invasion of virulent bacteria on corals. This gives fleshy algae a competitive advantage over corals when human activities, such as overfishing and eutrophication, remove controls on algal abundance. Together, these results demonstrate the intricate connections and mechanisms that structure coral reefs.

  1. Antibacterial and anti-hyperlipidemic activities of the green alga Cladophora koeiei

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neveen Abdel-Raouf


    Full Text Available In the present investigation, an antihyperlipidemic activity of Cladophora koeiei ethanol extract against six pathogenic bacteria was conducted. Also, we evaluate the activity of the alga extract against hyperlipedemia in the administrated albino rates through measuring the blood lipid profiles [triglycerides (TG, total cholesterol (TC, low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, cholesterol] and induced hepatic damage by measuring the contents of creatinine, total proteins, blood urea nitrogen (BUN, albumin and globulin and diagnostic marker enzymes such as aspartate aminotransaminase (AST and alanine aminotransaminase (ALT. Alga extract proved efficient activity against the tested bacteria ranged between medium and high suppression action. Results revealed also, the efficiency of C. koeiei extract in the decreasing the triglycerides (TG, total cholesterol (TC, low-density lipoproteins (LDL-C, blood urea nitrogen (BUN and creatinine caused by alcohol. However, the treatment by alga extract exhibits high-density of lipoproteins (HDL-C (beneficial, total protein, albumin, and globulins. Also, the algal treatments masking the lethal effects caused by harmful alcohol from raising the rate of enzymes ALT, AST, which returned to the normal state in the groups treated with alga extract. Our findings provide the evidence that new natural antioxidant substances can be present in the C. koeiei extract and hence this alga proves to be effective as a source for therapeutic agents.

  2. Synthetic algae and cyanobacteria: Great potential but what is the exposure risk? (United States)

    Green algae and cyanobacteria (hereafter, algae) have the attractive properties of relatively simple genomes, rapid growth rates, and an ability to synthesize useful compounds using solar energy and carbon dioxide. They are attractive targets for applications of synthetic biology...

  3. A programação por restrições aplicada à um problema de corte unidimensional


    Preissler Junior, Sigmundo


    Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre o problema de corte unidimensional. Como resultado deste estudo, é proposta e desenvolvida uma aplicação da programação por restrições na solução do problema em uma aplicação industrial. O problema consiste em encontrar uma solução do factível para o problema de corte unidimensional de bobinas de aço, em uma situação real, considerando o tempo de preparação. O algoritmo gera planos de corte para um determinado período. Além da abordagem PSR (Programa...

  4. Rapid in situ assessment for predicting soil quality using an algae-soaked disc seeding assay. (United States)

    Nam, Sun-Hwa; Moon, Jongmin; Kim, Shin Woong; Kim, Hakyeong; Jeong, Seung-Woo; An, Youn-Joo


    The soil quality of remediated land is altered and this land consequently exerts unexpected biological effects on terrestrial organisms. Therefore, field evaluation of such land should be conducted using biological indicators. Algae are a promising new biological indicator since they are a food source for organisms in higher soil trophic levels and easily sampled from the soil. Field evaluation of soil characteristics is preferred to be testing in laboratory conditions because many biological effects cannot be duplicated during laboratory evaluations. Herein, we describe a convenient and rapid algae-soaked disc seeding assay for assessing soil quality in the field based on soil algae. The collection of algae is easy and rapid and the method predicts the short-term quality of contaminated, remediated, and amended farm and paddy soils. The algae-soaked disc seeding assay is yet to be extensively evaluated, and the method cannot be applied to loamy sand soil in in situ evaluations. The algae-soaked disc seeding assay is recommended for prediction of soil quality in in situ evaluations because it reflects all variations in the environment. The algae-soaked disc seeding assay will help to develop management strategies for in situ evaluation.

  5. Uporaba algoritmov inteligence rojev za rešitev problema dostavnih vozil


    Hlastec, Urban


    V magistrski nalogi smo obravnavali in implementirali algoritem umetne kolonije čebel za reševanje problema dostavnih vozil z več skladišči. Zanimalo nas je, kako so algoritmi s področja inteligence rojev ustrezni in uporabni za reševanje optimizacijskih problemov. V nalogi smo združili algoritem umetne kolonije čebel ter algoritem za reševanje problema dostavnih vozil. Primerjali smo tudi rezultate pred optimizacijo različnih spremenljivk in po in tako ugotovili, kaj najbolj vpliva na hitros...

  6. Effect of CaCO3(S) nucleation modes on algae removal from alkaline water. (United States)

    Choi, Jin Yong; Kinney, Kerry A; Katz, Lynn E


    The role of calcite heterogeneous nucleation was studied in a particle coagulation treatment process for removing microalgae from water. Batch experiments were conducted with Scenedesmus sp. and Chlorella sp. in the presence and absence of carbonate and in the presence and absence of Mg to delineate the role of CaCO 3(S) nucleation on microalgae removal. The results indicate that effective algae coagulation (e.g., up to 81 % algae removal efficiency) can be achieved via heterogeneous nucleation with CaCO 3(S) ; however, supersaturation ratios between 120 and 200 are required to achieve at least 50% algae removal, depending on ion concentrations. Algae removal was attributed to adsorption of Ca 2+ onto the cell surface which provides nucleation sites for CaCO 3(S) precipitation. Bridging of calcite particles between the algal cells led to rapid aggregation and formation of larger flocs. However, at higher supersaturation conditions, algae removal was diminished due to the dominance of homogeneous nucleation of CaCO 3(S) . Removal of algae in the presence of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ required higher supersaturation values; however, the shift from heteronucleation to homonucleation with increasing supersaturation was still evident. The results suggest that water chemistry, pH, ionic strength, alkalinity and Ca 2+ concentration can be optimized for algae removal via coagulation-sedimentation.

  7. Influences of marine sediment on the accumulation of radionuclides by green alga (Ulva pertusa)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Ryoichi; Suzuki, Yuzuru; Ueda, Taiji


    Distribution of radionuclides ( 60 Co, 137 Cs, 95 Zr- 95 Nb and 106 Ru- 106 Rh) among green alga (Ulva pertusa), sea water and marine sediment were examined by radioisotope tracer experiment in order to estimate the influence of sediment on the accumulation of radionuclides by the alga. By the application of the compartment model to the experimental results, exponential formulas of distributions were obtained. Through comparison of the transfer coefficients of radionuclides calculated from the exponential formulas, the influence of the sediment on the accumulation of the radionuclides by the green alga was determined to be the largest for 60 Co, followed by 95 Zr- 95 Nb, 106 Ru- 106 Rh and 137 Cs in this order. The activity ratios of 95 Zr- 95 Nb and 106 Ru- 106 Rh calculated from the transfer coefficients are larger for the alga than for the sediment, inversely those of 60 Co and 137 Cs show higher values for the sediment than for the alga. Especially, in the case of 60 Co, the activity ratio for the sediment is approximately 20 times greater than that for the alga. Biological half lives in green alga estimated from the transfer coefficients were 10 days for 60 Co, 7 days for 137 Cs, 26 days for 95 Zr- 95 Nb and 24 days for 106 Ru- 106 Rh. (auth.)

  8. Problemas de bancarrota multi-escenario.

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    Francisca J. Sánchez


    Full Text Available Los problemas de bancarrota representan situaciones donde un número de individuos o entidades acreedoras realizan reclamaciones sobre un cierto bien (estado y el estado total disponible es insuficiente para satisfacer la demanda de todos los acreedores. En este trabajo consideramos el caso en que las reclamaciones de los acreedores dependen de distintos escenarios o que son diferentes bajo distintos estados de la naturaleza. Para obtener repartos del estado disponible en estas situaciones proponemos distintas reglas de división que pueden considerarse racionales independientemente del escenario considerado.

  9. An Overview of Algae Biofuel Production and Potential Environmental Impact (Journal Article) (United States)

    Algae are one of the most potentially significant sources of biofuels in the future of renewable energy. A feedstock with almost unlimited applicability, algae can metabolize various waste streams (such as municipal wastewater, and carbon dioxide from power generation) and produc...

  10. Hepatotoxicidade da cianotoxina microcistina


    Leal,Andréa de Castro; Soares,Manoel do Carmo Pereira


    Constitui interesse emergente em saúde pública avaliar a possibilidade de intoxicação humana por biotoxinas de algas cianofíceas, principalmente as hepatotoxinas do grupo das microcistinas. A microcistina, um heptapeptídeo monocíclico, é produzida principalmente pela cianobactéria Microcistis aeruginosa. São caracterizadas por alguns aminoácidos variáveis, dois deles com uma estrutura não usual que possuem importante papel na hepatotoxidade da microcistina. Apesar do acometimento humano atrib...

  11. Algoritmos relax-and-cut para problemas de programação inteira 0-1


    Victor Fernandes Cavalcante


    Resumo: Uma das principais motivações para o estudo de Otimização Discreta reside no elevado número de problemas do nosso cotidiano representáveis através de modelos de Otimização Inteira e Combinatória. Em particular, muitos destes problemas podem ser formulados com Programação Inteira 0-1, o que desperta especial interesse em técnicas capazes de resolver tais modelos. Dentre as inúmeras formas de solução atualmente disponíveis para problemas desta natureza, os algoritmos baseados na técnica...

  12. Photodegradation of bisphenol A in simulated lake water containing algae, humic acid and ferric ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Zhang'e; Wu Feng; Deng Nansheng


    The photodegradation of bisphenol A (BPA), a suspected endocrine disruptor (ED), in simulated lake water containing algae, humic acid and Fe 3+ ions was investigated. Algae, humic acid and Fe 3+ ions enhanced the photodegradation of BPA. Photodegradation efficiency of BPA was 36% after 4 h irradiation in the presence of 6.5 x 10 9 cells L -1 raw Chlorella vulgaris, 4 mg L -1 humic acid and 20 μmol L -1 Fe 3+ . The photodegradation efficiency of BPA was higher in the presence of algae treated with ultrasonic than that without ultrasonic. The photodegradation efficiency of BPA in the water only containing algae treated with ultrasonic was 37% after 4 h irradiation. The algae treated with heating can also enhance the photodegradation of BPA. This work helps environmental scientists to understand the photochemical behavior of BPA in lake water. - Algae, humic acid and ferric ions can induce the photodegradation of bisphenol A in an aqueous environment

  13. Photodegradation of bisphenol A in simulated lake water containing algae, humic acid and ferric ions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peng Zhang' e [School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079 (China)]. E-mail:; Wu Feng [School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079 (China)]. E-mail:; Deng Nansheng [School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079 (China)]. E-mail:


    The photodegradation of bisphenol A (BPA), a suspected endocrine disruptor (ED), in simulated lake water containing algae, humic acid and Fe{sup 3+} ions was investigated. Algae, humic acid and Fe{sup 3+} ions enhanced the photodegradation of BPA. Photodegradation efficiency of BPA was 36% after 4 h irradiation in the presence of 6.5 x 10{sup 9} cells L{sup -1} raw Chlorella vulgaris, 4 mg L{sup -1} humic acid and 20 {mu}mol L{sup -1} Fe{sup 3+}. The photodegradation efficiency of BPA was higher in the presence of algae treated with ultrasonic than that without ultrasonic. The photodegradation efficiency of BPA in the water only containing algae treated with ultrasonic was 37% after 4 h irradiation. The algae treated with heating can also enhance the photodegradation of BPA. This work helps environmental scientists to understand the photochemical behavior of BPA in lake water. - Algae, humic acid and ferric ions can induce the photodegradation of bisphenol A in an aqueous environment.

  14. Extraction of alginate biopolymer present in marine alga sargassum filipendula and bioadsorption of metallic ions

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    Sirlei Jaiana Kleinübing


    Full Text Available This paper studies the bioadsorption of Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ ions by marine alga Sargassum filipendula and by the alginate biopolymer extracted from this alga. The objective is to evaluate the importance of this biopolymer in removing different metallic ions by the marine alga S. filipendula. In the equilibrium study, the same affinity order was observed for both bioadsorbents: Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Cd2+. For Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions when the alginate is isolated and acting as bioadsorbents, adsorption capacities greater than those found for the alga were observed, indicating that it is the main component responsible for the removal of metallic ions. For Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions, greater bioadsorption capacities were observed for the alga, indicating that other functional groups of the alga, such as sulfates and amino, are also important in the bioadsorption of these ions.

  15. An updated comprehensive techno-economic analysis of algae biodiesel. (United States)

    Nagarajan, Sanjay; Chou, Siaw Kiang; Cao, Shenyan; Wu, Chen; Zhou, Zhi


    Algae biodiesel is a promising but expensive alternative fuel to petro-diesel. To overcome cost barriers, detailed cost analyses are needed. A decade-old cost analysis by the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory indicated that the costs of algae biodiesel were in the range of $0.53-0.85/L (2012 USD values). However, the cost of land and transesterification were just roughly estimated. In this study, an updated comprehensive techno-economic analysis was conducted with optimized processes and improved cost estimations. Latest process improvement, quotes from vendors, government databases, and other relevant data sources were used to calculate the updated algal biodiesel costs, and the final costs of biodiesel are in the range of $0.42-0.97/L. Additional improvements on cost-effective biodiesel production around the globe to cultivate algae was also recommended. Overall, the calculated costs seem promising, suggesting that a single step biodiesel production process is close to commercial reality. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Extremophilic micro-algae and their potential contribution in biotechnology. (United States)

    Varshney, Prachi; Mikulic, Paulina; Vonshak, Avigad; Beardall, John; Wangikar, Pramod P


    Micro-algae have potential as sustainable sources of energy and products and alternative mode of agriculture. However, their mass cultivation is challenging due to low survival under harsh outdoor conditions and competition from other, undesired, species. Extremophilic micro-algae have a role to play by virtue of their ability to grow under acidic or alkaline pH, high temperature, light, CO2 level and metal concentration. In this review, we provide several examples of potential biotechnological applications of extremophilic micro-algae and the ranges of tolerated extremes. We also discuss the adaptive mechanisms of tolerance to these extremes. Analysis of phylogenetic relationship of the reported extremophiles suggests certain groups of the Kingdom Protista to be more tolerant to extremophilic conditions than other taxa. While extremophilic microalgae are beginning to be explored, much needs to be done in terms of the physiology, molecular biology, metabolic engineering and outdoor cultivation trials before their true potential is realized. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. 2011 Biomass Program Platform Peer Review: Algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Joyce [Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Washington, DC (United States)


    This document summarizes the recommendations and evaluations provided by an independent external panel of experts at the 2011 U.S. Department of Energy Biomass Program’s Algae Platform Review meeting.

  18. Alga-Produced Cholera Toxin-Pfs25 Fusion Proteins as Oral Vaccines (United States)

    Gregory, James A.; Topol, Aaron B.; Doerner, David Z.


    Infectious diseases disproportionately affect indigent regions and are the greatest cause of childhood mortality in developing countries. Practical, low-cost vaccines for use in these countries are paramount to reducing disease burdens and concomitant poverty. Algae are a promising low-cost system for producing vaccines that can be orally delivered, thereby avoiding expensive purification and injectable delivery. We engineered the chloroplast of the eukaryotic alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to produce a chimeric protein consisting of the 25-kDa Plasmodium falciparum surface protein (Pfs25) fused to the β subunit of the cholera toxin (CtxB) to investigate an alga-based whole-cell oral vaccine. Pfs25 is a promising malaria transmission-blocking vaccine candidate that has been difficult to produce in traditional recombinant systems due to its structurally complex tandem repeats of epidermal growth factor-like domains. The noncatalytic CtxB domain of the cholera holotoxin assembles into a pentameric structure and acts as a mucosal adjuvant by binding GM1 ganglioside receptors on gut epithelial cells. We demonstrate that CtxB-Pfs25 accumulates as a soluble, properly folded and functional protein within algal chloroplasts, and it is stable in freeze-dried alga cells at ambient temperatures. In mice, oral vaccination using freeze-dried algae that produce CtxB-Pfs25 elicited CtxB-specific serum IgG antibodies and both CtxB- and Pfs25-specific secretory IgA antibodies. These data suggest that algae are a promising system for production and oral delivery of vaccine antigens, but as an orally delivered adjuvant, CtxB is best suited for eliciting secretory IgA antibodies for vaccine antigens against pathogens that invade mucosal surfaces using this strategy. PMID:23603678

  19. Hyperaccumulation of radioactive isotopes by marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Toshiaki; Hirano, Shigeki; Watabe, Teruhisa


    Hyperaccumlators are effective indicator organisms for monitoring marine pollution by heavy metals and artificial radionuclides. We found a green algae, Bryopsis maxima that hyperaccumulate a stable and radioactive isotopes such as Sr-90, Tc-99, Ba-138, Re-187, and Ra-226. B. maxima showed high concentration factors for heavy alkali earth metals like Ba and Ra, compared with other marine algae in Japan. Furthermore, this species had the highest concentrations for Tc-99 and Re-187. The accumulation and excretion patterns of Sr-85 and Tc-95m were examined by tracer experiments. The chemical states of Sr and Re in living B. maxima were analyzed by HPLC-ICP/MS, LC/MS, and X-ray absorption fine structure analysis using synchrotron radiation. (author)

  20. Niños dependientes de tecnología, un problema emergente de salud

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    Gerardo Rogelio Robaina Castellanos


    Full Text Available Desde hace varias décadas un número creciente de niños requiere de tecnologías para el mantenimiento de sus vidas. Estos niños dependientes de tecnología a menudo deben recibir cuidados de enfermería en sus propios hogares. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión del tema. Se exponen en él algunas definiciones, clasificaciones y principios para la atención en el hogar a niños dependientes de tecnología, así como las habilidades y competencias a desarrollar por el personal de enfermería. Aunque estos niños constituyen un grupo minoritario de pacientes en Cuba, se necesita integrar, en un solo programa, su atención. El cuidado centrado en la familia, la adecuada coordinación entre los diferentes niveles de salud, la continuidad en los cuidados, y la accesibilidad de toda la población, son algunos de los principios básicos para la ejecución de un programa de atención; pero se requiere, además, del apoyo de todos los miembros de la sociedad.


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    Gloria Patricia Marciales Vivas


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta resultados del estudio sobre el análisis de los cambios en las competencias informacionales vinculadas con el tránsito del formato impreso al digital en contextos universitarios. En el estudio fenomenográfico se analizan las trayectorias familiares y escolares y su relación con las prácticas de uso de fuentes de información en los dos formatos. Los resultados dan cuenta de las narraciones construidas por los jóvenes en sus historias familiares y escolares sobre las formas de acceder, evaluar y usar fuentes de información en contextos académicos.

  2. Analisi matematica del problema dello spazio

    CERN Document Server

    Weyl, Hermann


    Al fine di rendere concettualmente evidente il privilegio posseduto dalla metrica pitagorico-riemanniana, e dalle varie metriche riemanniane "indefinite", rispetto alle altre metriche possibili, nel 1921 Weyl, stimolato dagli sviluppi della relatività einsteiniana (sulla quale aveva scritto il mirabile "Raum-Zeit-Materie"), intraprese un profondo studio del problema giovandosi dei metodi della teoria dei gruppi di Lie, studio che egli portò a conclusione con la monografia del 1923 intitolata "Mathematische Analyse des Raumproblems".

  3. Problemas epistemológicos al historiar

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    Alvar Ezquerra, Alfredo


    Full Text Available Not available.Se sintetiza los grandes problemas de la historiografía del XVI y deja al lector la reflexión abierta sobre la situación historiográfica actual. Las similitudes y divergencias entre las angustias y apuestas de aquellos historiadores y los de hoy, esto es, la percepción de la realidad y del pasado por medio de la Historia, ¿son aún iguales?

  4. Optimización multi-objetivo : Aplicaciones a problemas del mundo real


    López, Javier


    Cuando hablamos de optimización en el ámbito de las ciencias de la computación hacemos referencia al mismo concepto coloquial asociado a esa palabra, la concreción de un objetivo utilizando la menor cantidad de recursos disponibles, o en una visión similar, la obtención del mejor objetivo posible utilizando todos los recursos con lo que se cuenta. Los métodos para encontrar la mejor solución (óptima) varían de acuerdo a la complejidad del problema enfrentado. Para problemas triviales, el c...

  5. Los estilos de aprendizaje en la resolución de problemas


    Crespo, Beatriz del Pilar; Lentini, María Cristina; Matulovich, Miriam Isabel; Lentini, Marta Lucía


    p. 187-194 Numerosos estudios realizados en el ámbito de la investigación en educación superior muestran que la repitencia es uno de los problemas a resolver en el ámbito universitario. Desde ese espacio, para superar tal problema, se generan propuestas tales como los cursos de ingreso o de nivelación, entre otros, que todavía no se reflejan en los aprendizajes de los alumnos ingresantes. En la búsqueda de alguna estrategia de enseñanza y aprendizaje superadora, repensamos nuestra investig...

  6. Estudio de interacciones metal-biomolecula en organismos modelos Mus musculus/Mus spretus. Diagnosis de problemas ambientales


    Jara Biedma, Rocío


    La presencia creciente de una gran variedad de contaminantes químicos en el medio ambiente supone un riesgo para la salud de los organismos presentes en ellos y los correspondientes ecosistemas. La monitorización medioambiental convencional de los ecosistemas se lleva a cabo mediante análisis químico de elementos traza tóxicos (por ejemplo, Cd, As, Pb, Hg, etc), contaminantes orgánicos (plaguicidas, PCBs, PAHs), contaminantes emergentes (disruptores endocrinos, productos farmacéuticos, produc...

  7. Algae in fish feed: performances and fatty acid metabolism in juvenile Atlantic Salmon. (United States)

    Norambuena, Fernando; Hermon, Karen; Skrzypczyk, Vanessa; Emery, James A; Sharon, Yoni; Beard, Alastair; Turchini, Giovanni M


    Algae are at the base of the aquatic food chain, producing the food resources that fish are adapted to consume. Previous studies have proven that the inclusion of small amounts (fish feed (aquafeed) resulted in positive effects in growth performance and feed utilisation efficiency. Marine algae have also been shown to possess functional activities, helping in the mediation of lipid metabolism, and therefore are increasingly studied in human and animal nutrition. The aim of this study was to assess the potentials of two commercially available algae derived products (dry algae meal), Verdemin (derived from Ulva ohnoi) and Rosamin (derived from diatom Entomoneis spp.) for their possible inclusion into diet of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). Fish performances, feed efficiency, lipid metabolism and final product quality were assessed to investigated the potential of the two algae products (in isolation at two inclusion levels, 2.5% and 5%, or in combination), in experimental diets specifically formulated with low fish meal and fish oil content. The results indicate that inclusion of algae product Verdemin and Rosamin at level of 2.5 and 5.0% did not cause any major positive, nor negative, effect in Atlantic Salmon growth and feed efficiency. An increase in the omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LC-PUFA) content in whole body of fish fed 5% Rosamin was observed.

  8. Antibacterial activity of extracts of marine algae from the Red Sea of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Antibacterial activity of extracts of marine algae from the Red Sea of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. ... African Journal of Biotechnology ... The antibacterial activities of petroleum ether, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of marine algae belonging to the Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta were studied.

  9. Modelling the effects of PSII inhibitor pulse exposure on two algae in co-culture. (United States)

    Copin, Pierre-Jean; Chèvre, Nathalie


    A weakness of standard testing procedures is that they do not consider interactions between organisms, and they focus only on single species. Furthermore, these procedures do not take into account pulse exposure. However, pulse exposure is of particular importance because in streams, after crop application and during and after precipitation, herbicide concentrations fluctuate widely and can exceed the Annual Average Environmental Quality Standards (AA-EQS), which aim to protect the aquatic environment. The sensitivity of the algae Scenedesmus vacuolatus and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata in a co-culture exposed to pulses is thus analysed in this study. As a first step, the growths of the algae in co-culture are investigated. For initial cell densities fixed, respectively, to 100,000 and 50,000 cells/mL, the growth of each alga is exponential over at least 48 h. S. vacuolatus seems to influence the growth of P. subcapitata negatively. Allelopathy is a possible explanation for this growth inhibition. The toxicity of the herbicide isoproturon is later tested on the algae S. vacuolatus and P. subcapitata cultured alone and in the co-culture. Despite the supplementary stress on the algae in the co-culture competing for nutrients, the toxicity of the herbicide is lower for the two algae when they are in the co-culture than when they are in separated culture. A model is adapted and used to predict the cell-density inhibition on the alga S. vacuolatus in the co-culture with the alga P. subcapitata exposed to a pulse concentration of isoproturon. Four laboratory experiments are performed to validate the model. The comparison between the laboratory and the modelled effects shows good agreement. The differences can be considered minor most of time. For future studies, it is important to ensure that the cell count is precise, as it is used to determine the parameters of the model. The differences can be also induced by the fact that the cell number of the alga P

  10. Costs and benefits of chemical defence in the Red Alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera.

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    Göran M Nylund

    Full Text Available A number of studies have shown that the production of chemical defences is costly in terrestrial vascular plants. However, these studies do not necessarily reflect the costs of defence production in macroalgae, due to structural and functional differences between vascular plants and macroalgae. Using a specific culturing technique, we experimentally manipulated the defence production in the red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera to examine if the defence is costly in terms of growth. Furthermore, we tested if the defence provides fitness benefits by reducing harmful bacterial colonisation of the alga. Costly defences should provide benefits to the producer in order to be maintained in natural populations, but such benefits through protection against harmful bacterial colonisation have rarely been documented in macroalgae. We found that algae with experimentally impaired defence production, but with an externally controlled epibacterial load, grew significantly better than algae with normal defence production. We also found that undefended algae exposed to a natural epibacterial load experienced a substantial reduction in growth and a 6-fold increase in cell bleaching, compared to controls. Thus, this study provides experimental evidence that chemical defence production in macroalgae is costly, but that the cost is outweighed by fitness benefits provided through protection against harmful bacterial colonisation.

  11. Natural Abundance 14C Content of Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP from Three Marine Algae

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    Kazuyo Ukai


    Full Text Available Abstract: Analysis of the natural abundance 14C content of dibutyl phthalate (DBP from two edible brown algae, Undaria pinnatifida and Laminaria japonica, and a green alga, Ulva sp., revealed that the DBP was naturally produced. The natural abundance 14C content of di-(2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP obtained from the same algae was about 50-80% of the standard sample and the 14C content of the petrochemical (industrial products of DBP and DEHP were below the detection limit.

  12. Thicker three-dimensional tissue from a “symbiotic recycling system” combining mammalian cells and algae (United States)

    Haraguchi, Yuji; Kagawa, Yuki; Sakaguchi, Katsuhisa; Matsuura, Katsuhisa; Shimizu, Tatsuya; Okano, Teruo


    In this paper, we report an in vitro co-culture system that combines mammalian cells and algae, Chlorococcum littorale, to create a three-dimensional (3-D) tissue. While the C2C12 mouse myoblasts and rat cardiac cells consumed oxygen actively, intense oxygen production was accounted for by the algae even in the co-culture system. Although cell metabolism within thicker cardiac cell-layered tissues showed anaerobic respiration, the introduction of innovative co-cultivation partially changed the metabolism to aerobic respiration. Moreover, the amount of glucose consumption and lactate production in the cardiac tissues and the amount of ammonia in the culture media decreased significantly when co-cultivated with algae. In the cardiac tissues devoid of algae, delamination was observed histologically, and the release of creatine kinase (CK) from the tissues showed severe cardiac cell damage. On the other hand, the layered cell tissues with algae were observed to be in a good histological condition, with less than one-fifth decline in CK release. The co-cultivation with algae improved the culture condition of the thicker tissues, resulting in the formation of 160 μm-thick cardiac tissues. Thus, the present study proposes the possibility of creating an in vitro “symbiotic recycling system” composed of mammalian cells and algae. PMID:28139713

  13. Possible future effects of large-scale algae cultivation for biofuels on coastal eutrophication in Europe. (United States)

    Blaas, Harry; Kroeze, Carolien


    Biodiesel is increasingly considered as an alternative for fossil diesel. Biodiesel can be produced from rapeseed, palm, sunflower, soybean and algae. In this study, the consequences of large-scale production of biodiesel from micro-algae for eutrophication in four large European seas are analysed. To this end, scenarios for the year 2050 are analysed, assuming that in the 27 countries of the European Union fossil diesel will be replaced by biodiesel from algae. Estimates are made for the required fertiliser inputs to algae parks, and how this may increase concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in coastal waters, potentially leading to eutrophication. The Global NEWS (Nutrient Export from WaterSheds) model has been used to estimate the transport of nitrogen and phosphorus to the European coastal waters. The results indicate that the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in the coastal waters may increase considerably in the future as a result of large-scale production of algae for the production of biodiesel, even in scenarios assuming effective waste water treatment and recycling of waste water in algae production. To ensure sustainable production of biodiesel from micro-algae, it is important to develop cultivation systems with low nutrient losses to the environment. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Turismo literario como tipología emergente del turismo cultural : Caso: la ciudad de La Plata y una novela de Bioy Casares


    Corrado, Melina Denise


    El presente trabajo pretende aportar a la conceptualización teórica del turismo literario como tipología emergente del turismo cultural. A tales fines, se presenta la revisión bibliográfica pertinente sobre el tema, a partir de la cual se sustentan los nuevos aportes. Además, se enumeran en una breve descripción algunas experiencias de turismo literario en el mundo. Seguidamente, se explicita la caracterización del perfil del turista literario – real y potencial - que se suscita sobre las ...

  15. Las TIC en educación: metaanálisis sobre investigación y líneas emergentes en México

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    Karen Michelle Olivares Carmona


    Full Text Available El estudio que aquí presentamos tiene el objetivo de comentar, analizar y categorizar de manera descriptiva las líneas de generación y aplicación del conocimiento (LGAC de diversos productos de investigación científica relacionados con la integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC al proceso educativo en México. Los objetivos específicos consisten en identificar la población a la que se orientan las investigaciones; comparar los tipos de población con mayor y menor número de investigaciones; comparar las LGAC que cuentan con más y menos estudios; y reconocer líneas emergentes de investigación. La metodología consideró criterios de inclusión para seleccionar repositorios y tipos de documentos a analizar (se eligieron 470 documentos; también se precisaron las LGAC sobre las cuales realizamos el análisis. Entre los resultados, encontramos que los niveles educativos con mayor y menor número de investigaciones son la educación superior y el preescolar, respectivamente. Los principales vacíos de conocimiento se localizaron en áreas de gestión y calidad de programas educativos y de políticas educativas en relación con las TIC. Las líneas emergentes de investigación estuvieron vinculadas a la educación de adultos tardíos, población indígena y estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales.

  16. Feeding preferences and the nutritional value of tropical algae for the abalone Haliotis asinina.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex R Angell

    Full Text Available Understanding the feeding preferences of abalone (high-value marine herbivores is integral to new species development in aquaculture because of the expected link between preference and performance. Performance relates directly to the nutritional value of algae--or any feedstock--which in turn is driven by the amino acid content and profile, and specifically the content of the limiting essential amino acids. However, the relationship between feeding preferences, consumption and amino acid content of algae have rarely been simultaneously investigated for abalone, and never for the emerging target species Haliotis asinina. Here we found that the tropical H. asinina had strong and consistent preferences for the red alga Hypnea pannosa and the green alga Ulva flexuosa, but no overarching relationship between protein content (sum of amino acids and preference existed. For example, preferred Hypnea and Ulva had distinctly different protein contents (12.64 vs. 2.99 g 100 g(-1 and the protein-rich Asparagopsis taxiformis (>15 g 100 g(-1 of dry weight was one of the least preferred algae. The limiting amino acid in all algae was methionine, followed by histidine or lysine. Furthermore we demonstrated that preferences can largely be removed using carrageenan as a binder for dried alga, most likely acting as a feeding attractant or stimulant. The apparent decoupling between feeding preference and algal nutritive values may be due to a trade off between nutritive values and grazing deterrence associated with physical and chemical properties.

  17. Feeding Preferences and the Nutritional Value of Tropical Algae for the Abalone Haliotis asinina (United States)

    Angell, Alex R.; Pirozzi, Igor; de Nys, Rocky; Paul, Nicholas A.


    Understanding the feeding preferences of abalone (high-value marine herbivores) is integral to new species development in aquaculture because of the expected link between preference and performance. Performance relates directly to the nutritional value of algae – or any feedstock – which in turn is driven by the amino acid content and profile, and specifically the content of the limiting essential amino acids. However, the relationship between feeding preferences, consumption and amino acid content of algae have rarely been simultaneously investigated for abalone, and never for the emerging target species Haliotis asinina. Here we found that the tropical H. asinina had strong and consistent preferences for the red alga Hypnea pannosa and the green alga Ulva flexuosa, but no overarching relationship between protein content (sum of amino acids) and preference existed. For example, preferred Hypnea and Ulva had distinctly different protein contents (12.64 vs. 2.99 g 100 g−1) and the protein-rich Asparagopsis taxiformis (>15 g 100 g−1 of dry weight) was one of the least preferred algae. The limiting amino acid in all algae was methionine, followed by histidine or lysine. Furthermore we demonstrated that preferences can largely be removed using carrageenan as a binder for dried alga, most likely acting as a feeding attractant or stimulant. The apparent decoupling between feeding preference and algal nutritive values may be due to a trade off between nutritive values and grazing deterrence associated with physical and chemical properties. PMID:22719967

  18. Phytotoxicity, bioaccumulation and degradation of isoproturon in green algae. (United States)

    Bi, Yan Fang; Miao, Shan Shan; Lu, Yi Chen; Qiu, Chong Bin; Zhou, You; Yang, Hong


    Isoproturon (IPU) is a pesticide used for protection of land crops from weed or pathogen attack. Recent survey shows that IPU has been detected as a contaminant in aquatic systems and may have negative impact on aquatic organisms. To understand the phytotoxicity and potential accumulation and degradation of IPU in algae, a comprehensive study was performed with the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Algae exposed to 5-50 μg L(-1) IPU for 3d displayed progressive inhibition of cell growth and reduced chlorophyll fluorescence. Time-course experiments with 25 μg L(-1) IPU for 6d showed similar growth responses. The 72 h EC50 value for IPU was 43.25 μg L(-1), NOEC was 5 μg L(-1) and LOEC was 15 μg L(-1). Treatment with IPU induced oxidative stress. This was validated by a group of antioxidant enzymes, whose activities were promoted by IPU exposure. The up-regulation of several genes coding for the enzymes confirmed the observation. IPU was shown to be readily accumulated by C. reinhardtii. However, the alga showed a weak ability to degrade IPU accumulated in its cells, which was best presented at the lower concentration (5 μg L(-1)) of IPU in the medium. The imbalance of accumulation and degradation of IPU may be the cause that resulted in the detrimental growth and cellular damage. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Uptake of americium-241 by algae and bacteria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giesy, Jr, J P; Paine, D [Savannah River Ecology Lab., Aiken, S.C. (USA)


    The uptake of americium by three algae, Scenedesmus obliguus, Selenastrum capricomutum and Chlorella pyrenosdosa and a bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila was studied. Live and fixed cells of each algal species and live bacterial cells were used. It is shown that algae and bacteria concentrate americium 241 to a high degree which makes them important links in the biomagnification phenomenon which may ultimately lead to a human hazard and be potentially important in recycling Am /sup 241/ in the water column and mobilization from sediments. Chemical fixation of algal cells caused increased uptake which indicated that uptake is by passive diffusion and probably due to chemical alteration of surface binding sites.

  20. The attached algae community near Pickering GS: III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McKinley, S.R.


    The relationship between attached algae and macro-invertebrates in the nearshore zone of Lake Ontario was investigated in the vicinity of the Pickering 'A' NGS. Measures of faunal density, richness, evenness, and biomass were generally higher from areas which supported attached algae. Gammarus fasciatus, Cricotopus bicinctus, Dicrotendipes spp., Orthocladius obumbratus, Cladotanytarsus spp., Orthocladius spp., and Parakiefferiella spp., were significantly correlated with algal standing crop. All of the above dominant invertebrates ingested epiphytes associated with Cladophora glomerata. Attempts to explain the distribution of the zoobenthic assemblages using the physical/biological characteristics of the study area indicated algal cover, substrate size, wind velocity and water temperature were most important

  1. Physical structure and algae community of summer upwelling off eastern Hainan (United States)

    Xu, H.; Liu, S.; Xie, Q.; Hong, B.; Long, T.


    The upwelling system is the most productive ecosystem along the continental shelf of the northern South China Sea Shelf. It brings nutrient from bottom to surface and blooms biotic community driven by summer monsoon. In this study, we present observed results of physical and biotic community structures during August, 2015 in the upwelling system along Hainan eastern coast, which is one the strongest upwelling systems in the northern South China Sea. By using hydrological data collected by CTD, we found a significant cold water tongue with high salinity which extended from offshore to 100 m isobaths. However, dissolved oxygen (DO) showed a sandwich structure in which high core of DO concentration appeared at the layer from 5 m to 30 m. It possibly was caused by the advection transport of high DO from adjacent area. Basically, this upwelling system was constrained at northern area of 18.8ºN in horizontal due to the weakening summer monsoon in August. In addition, we collected water sample at the upwelling area and measured algae categories and concentration by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results show the biotic community was dominated by five types of algae mainly, they were diatoms, dinoflagellates, green algae, prokaryotes and prochlorococcus. And different patterns of different algae were demonstrated. In the upwelling area, diatoms and prokaryotes show opposite structures, and more complex pattern for the rest three algae indicating an active biotic community in the upwelling system.

  2. Antihyperglycemic effect of crude extracts of some Egyptian plants and algae. (United States)

    AbouZid, Sameh Fekry; Ahmed, Osama Mohamed; Ahmed, Rasha Rashad; Mahmoud, Ayman; Abdella, Ehab; Ashour, Mohamed Badr


    Diabetes mellitus is a major global health problem. Various plant extracts have proven antidiabetic activity and are considered as promising substitution for antidiabetic drugs. The antihyperglycemic effect of 16 plants and 4 algae, commonly used in Egypt for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, was investigated. A diabetes model was induced by intraperitoneal injection of nicotinamide (120 mg/kg body weight [b.wt.]), then streptozotocin (200 mg/kg b.wt.) after 15 min. Hydroethanolic extracts (80%) of the plants and algae under investigation were prepared. The extracts were orally administered to nicotinamide-streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice by a gastric tube at doses 10 or 50 mg/kg b.wt. for 1 week. The antidiabetic activity was assessed by detection of serum glucose concentrations at the fasting state and after 2 h of oral glucose loading (4.2 mg/kg b.wt.). Extracts prepared from Cassia acutifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Salix aegyptiaca, Cichorium intybus, and Eucalyptus globulus showed the highest antihyperglycemic activity among the tested plants. Extracts prepared from Sonchus oleraceus, Bougainvillea spectabilis (leaves), Plantago psyllium (seeds), Morus nigra (leaves), and Serena repens (fruits) were found to have antihyperglycemic potentials. Extracts prepared from Caulerpa lentillifera and Spirulina versicolor showed the most potent antihyperglycemic activity among the tested algae. However, some of the tested plants have insulinotropic effects, all assessed algae have not. Identification of lead compounds from these plants and algae for novel antidiabetic drug development is recommended.

  3. El Problema de Investigación: Algunos Aspectos Metodológicos e Históricos

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    Gustavo Jaimes Monroy


    Full Text Available El problema científico, es sin duda el motor de la ciencia, se puede escribir la historia de la ciencia con base en las preguntas resueltas y por resolver. En los programas de postgrado, la formulación del problema suele ser difícil de  delimitar y contextualizar para el estudiante. El presente escrito es una reflexión sobre lo que significa la obtención de un problema científico y como podría este conocimiento ser útil para plantearlo.

  4. Capacitated vehicle routing problem for PSS uses based on ubiquitous computing: An emerging markets approach


    Alberto Ochoa-Ortíz; Francisco Ornelas-Zapata; Lourdes Margain-Fuentes; Miguel Gastón Cedillo-Campos; Jöns Sánchez-Aguilar; Rubén Jaramillo-Vacio; Isabel Ávila


    El problema de ruteo de vehículos bajo las limitaciones de capacidad y basado en computación ubicua desde una perspectiva relacionada con PSS (Producto-Servicio de Sistemas) para desarrollar configuraciones para el transporte urbano de mercancías es abordado. Éste trabajo considera las especificidades de la logística urbana bajo un contexto de mercados emergentes. En este caso, involucra: i) bajas competencias logísticas de los tomadores de decisiones; ii) la limitada disponibilidad de datos;...

  5. Acontecimientos vitales estresantes, estilo de afrontamiento y ajuste adolescente: un análisis longitudinal de los efectos de moderación


    Rosa María Estévez Campos; Alfredo Oliva Delgado; Águeda Parra Jiménez


    El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la vivencia de los acontecimientos vitales estresantes y los problemas de ajuste emocional y comportamental durante la adolescencia, prestando atención al posible efecto moderador del estilo de afrontamiento. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 90 adolescentes que fueron seguidos durante seis años, desde su adolescencia media (15-16 años) hasta la adultez emergente (21-22 años). Completaron cuestionarios sobre su vivencia de aco...

  6. Problemas escolares e o consumo de álcool e outras drogas entre adolescentes

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    Luciana Roberta Donola Cardoso

    Full Text Available A relação entre problemas escolares e o uso de álcool, tabaco e drogas ilícitas em 965 adolescentes dos municípios de Jacareí e Diadema (SP foi avaliada pelo instrumento de autopreenchimento Drug Use Screening Inventory. Este instrumento avalia o consumo de drogas e problemas a ele relacionados. O uso de substâncias foi associado a repetências, falta de concentração, notas baixas, desejo de abandonar a escola, sentir-se entediado no ambiente escolar, não fazer os deveres, faltar/chegar atrasado e prejuízos acadêmicos decorrentes do uso de drogas. A combinação do uso de álcool e tabaco foi associada a mais problemas escolares do que os encontrados em usuários exclusivos de álcool. Os problemas associados a esta combinação foram semelhantes aos observados em usuários de drogas ilícitas. Gostar da escola foi um fator protetor contra o uso de substâncias. Os resultados mostram a importância de se atentar para o relato de consumo das drogas lícitas combinadas.

  7. Photoproduction of hydroxyl radicals in aqueous solution with algae under high-pressure mercury lamp. (United States)

    Liu, Xianli; Wu, Feng; Deng, Nansheng


    Photoproduction of hydroxyl radicals (*OH) could be induced in aqueous solution with algae (Nitzschia hantzschiana, etc.) and (or not) Fe3+ under high-pressure mercury lamp with an exposure time of 4 h. *OH was determined by HPLC using benzene as a probe. The photoproduction of *OH increased with increasing algae concentration. Fe3+ could enhance the photoproduction of *OH in aqueous solution with algae. The results showed that the photoproduction of *OH in algal solution with Fe3+ was greater than that in algal solution without Fe3+. The light intensity and pH affected the photoproduction of *OH in aqueous solution with algae with/without Fe3+. The photoproduction of *OH in aqueous solution with algae and Fe3+ under 250 W was greater than that under 125 W HPML. The photoproduction of *OH in algal solution (pH ranged from 4.0 to 7.0) with (or not) Fe3+ at pH 4 was the greatest.

  8. Natural depuration rate and concentration of cesium-137 radionuclide in black SEA macro algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Topcuoglu, S.; Kuecuekcezzar, R.; Kut, D.; Esen, N.; Gueven, K.C.


    Cesium-137 concentrations in red, brown and green algae have been studied for the calculation of natural depuration rates. The algae species were collected from the same population of the Black Sea stations during the period of 1986-1995. The natural depuration rates are estimated as biological half-lives. The pattern of depuration results represented by a single component for each algae division. The biological half-lives of 137 Cs in red (Phyllophora nervosa), green (Chaetomorpha linum) and brown (cystoceira barbata) algae are estimated to be 18.5, 21.6 and 29.3 months, respectively. 137 Cs and 40 K activity levels and their ratios in algae species in two stations in Black Sea region of Turkey have been determined during the period of 1990-1995. The results showed that the Sinop region was more contaminated than the Sile region on the Black Sea coast of Turkey from the Chernobyl accident. (author). 10 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  9. Treatment Failure Due to Emergence of Resistance to Carbapenem during Therapy for Shewanella algae Bacteremia


    Kim, Dong-Min; Kang, Cheol-In; Lee, Chang Seop; Kim, Hong-Bin; Kim, Eui-Chong; Kim, Nam Joong; Oh, Myoung-don; Choe, Kang-Won


    We describe a case of bacteremia due to imipenem-susceptible Shewanella algae. Despite treatment with imipenem, the patient developed a spinal epidural abscess, from which imipenem-resistant S. algae was isolated. The development of resistance should be monitored when S. algae infection is treated with imipenem, even though the strain is initially susceptible to imipenem.

  10. Chimpanzees routinely fish for algae with tools during the dry season in Bakoun, Guinea. (United States)

    Boesch, Christophe; Kalan, Ammie K; Agbor, Anthony; Arandjelovic, Mimi; Dieguez, Paula; Lapeyre, Vincent; Kühl, Hjalmar S


    Wild chimpanzees regularly use tools, made from sticks, leaves, or stone, to find flexible solutions to the ecological challenges of their environment. Nevertheless, some studies suggest strong limitations in the tool-using capabilities of chimpanzees. In this context, we present the discovery of a newly observed tool-use behavior in a population of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) living in the Bakoun Classified Forest, Guinea, where a temporary research site was established for 15 months. Bakoun chimpanzees of every age-sex class were observed to fish for freshwater green algae, Spirogrya sp., from rivers, streams, and ponds using long sticks and twigs, ranging from 9 cm up to 4.31 m in length. Using remote camera trap footage from 11 different algae fishing sites within an 85-km 2 study area, we found that algae fishing occurred frequently during the dry season and was non-existent during the rainy season. Chimpanzees were observed algae fishing for as little as 1 min to just over an hour, with an average duration of 9.09 min. We estimate that 364 g of Spirogyra algae could be retrieved in this time, based on human trials in the field. Only one other chimpanzee population living in Bossou, Guinea, has been described to customarily scoop algae from the surface of the water using primarily herbaceous tools. Here, we describe the new behavior found at Bakoun and compare it to the algae scooping observed in Bossou chimpanzees and the occasional variant reported in Odzala, Republic of the Congo. As these algae are reported to be high in protein, carbohydrates, and minerals, we hypothesize that chimpanzees are obtaining a nutritional benefit from this seasonally available resource. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Reviews and syntheses: Calculating the global contribution of coralline algae to total carbon burial (United States)

    van der Heijden, L. H.; Kamenos, N. A.


    The ongoing increase in anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is changing the global marine environment and is causing warming and acidification of the oceans. Reduction of CO2 to a sustainable level is required to avoid further marine change. Many studies investigate the potential of marine carbon sinks (e.g. seagrass) to mitigate anthropogenic emissions, however, information on storage by coralline algae and the beds they create is scant. Calcifying photosynthetic organisms, including coralline algae, can act as a CO2 sink via photosynthesis and CaCO3 dissolution and act as a CO2 source during respiration and CaCO3 production on short-term timescales. Long-term carbon storage potential might come from the accumulation of coralline algae deposits over geological timescales. Here, the carbon storage potential of coralline algae is assessed using meta-analysis of their global organic and inorganic carbon production and the processes involved in this metabolism. Net organic and inorganic production were estimated at 330 g C m-2 yr-1 and 900 g CaCO3 m-2 yr-1 respectively giving global organic/inorganic C production of 0.7/1.8 × 109 t C yr-1. Calcium carbonate production by free-living/crustose coralline algae (CCA) corresponded to a sediment accretion of 70/450 mm kyr-1. Using this potential carbon storage for coralline algae, the global production of free-living algae/CCA was 0.4/1.2 × 109 t C yr-1 suggesting a total potential carbon sink of 1.6 × 109 tonnes per year. Coralline algae therefore have production rates similar to mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses representing an as yet unquantified but significant carbon store, however, further empirical investigations are needed to determine the dynamics and stability of that store.

  12. Selenium Uptake and Volatilization by Marine Algae (United States)

    Luxem, Katja E.; Vriens, Bas; Wagner, Bettina; Behra, Renata; Winkel, Lenny H. E.


    Selenium (Se) is an essential trace nutrient for humans. An estimated one half to one billion people worldwide suffer from Se deficiency, which is due to low concentrations and bioavailability of Se in soils where crops are grown. It has been hypothesized that more than half of the atmospheric Se deposition to soils is derived from the marine system, where microorganisms methylate and volatilize Se. Based on model results from the late 1980s, the atmospheric flux of these biogenic volatile Se compounds is around 9 Gt/year, with two thirds coming from the marine biosphere. Algae, fungi, and bacteria are known to methylate Se. Although algal Se uptake, metabolism, and methylation influence the speciation and bioavailability of Se in the oceans, these processes have not been quantified under environmentally relevant conditions and are likely to differ among organisms. Therefore, we are investigating the uptake and methylation of the two main inorganic Se species (selenate and selenite) by three globally relevant microalgae: Phaeocystis globosa, the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi, and the diatom Thalassiosira oceanica. Selenium uptake and methylation were quantified in a batch experiment, where parallel gas-tight microcosms in a climate chamber were coupled to a gas-trapping system. For E. huxleyi, selenite uptake was strongly dependent on aqueous phosphate concentrations, which agrees with prior evidence that selenite uptake by phosphate transporters is a significant Se source for marine algae. Selenate uptake was much lower than selenite uptake. The most important volatile Se compounds produced were dimethyl selenide, dimethyl diselenide, and dimethyl selenyl sulfide. Production rates of volatile Se species were larger with increasing intracellular Se concentration and in the decline phase of the alga. Similar experiments are being carried out with P. globosa and T. oceanica. Our results indicate that marine algae are important for the global cycling of Se

  13. Problemas psicosociales en hostelería


    Pérez Martínez, Alberto


    Las metas consistirán en: 1- Describir los distintos factores psicosociales que pueden dar lugar a generar estrés en función de las condiciones de trabajo en el que se encuentran la plantilla. 2- Determinar los principales responsables de la existencia de riesgo en los problemas psicosociales. 3- Definir los puntos positivos que permiten unas buenas condiciones de trabajo psicosociales. He trabajado las competencias relativas al estudio que pretende el TFG. Competencias de Psicolo...

  14. Tecnologías y pedagogías emergentes instrumentadas en un Mooc en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL)


    Jara Roa, Dunia I.; Ramírez Montoya, María S.; Cabezas González, Marcos


    En esta comunicación se presenta la forma en que se utilizaron  las tecnologías y  las pedagogías emergentes para la educación abierta y masiva,  en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL).  Se inicia con  la definición conceptual de los términos citados  y luego se presenta la forma en que fueron implementados en un Mooc, tratando de despejar la siguiente inquietud ¿en un Mooc es posible ejecutar el trabajo colaborativo teniendo una población participante heterogénea y geográficamen...

  15. Identificación y analisis de los problemas presentes en los textos escolares sobre disoluciones y propiedades coligativas


    Díaz, Edson


    En el presente trabajo se analizaron los problemas que se encuentran en los libros de texto de Química, utilizados por profesores y estudiantes, con la finalidad de poder hacer una clasificación en relación a la tipología de problemas presentes en ellos, sobre disoluciones y propiedades coligativas. Se trabajó con tres libros de secundaria. Se analizaron 142 problemas. A partir del análisis cualitativo- descriptivo se evidencia que hay mayor recurrencia de problemas de tipo artificial, ejerci...

  16. Drinking water: problems related to water supply in Bahía Blanca, Argentina Agua potable: problemas en el abastecimiento de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina

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    Ricardo Echenique


    Full Text Available In April 2000, alterations in drinking water quality, such as turbidity and odors similar to those of organochloride pesticides, were detected at Bahía Blanca (Argentina. This fact was associated to reports of dermic reactions and respiratory problems in the population. Samples drawn from Paso de las Piedras reservoir, two water treatment plants of at inlet and outlet points and at several particular houses were analyzed. Total phytoplankton in the reservoir varied between 49440 and 84832, while dominant species was, Anabaena circinalis. Efficiency to remove microorganisms (ER by the treatment plants considering cell number of total phytoplankton was analyzed. Bacteriological analysis, qualitative and quantitative studies of phytoplankton, pesticides, THM (trihalomethanes and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene analysis were carried out in samples of domestic supply and in the treatment plants. Even though samples were bacteriological potable, Anabaena circinalis and Microcystis aeruginosa algae were found at high concentrations in some cases. No pesticides were detected. THM and BTEX were below guideline values into recommendations for drinking water. Geosmin was responsible for detected odors. Besides, Copaene, another volatile metabolite, which on account in its structure could be considered a Geosmin precursor, was also detected. In Argentina, this was the first report of Cyanobacteria presence in drinking water.En abril de 2000, en Bahía Blanca (Argentina, se detectaron alteraciones en el agua de bebida, turbidez y olor semejante a "Gamexane". Esto coincidió con la aparición de problemas dérmicos y respiratorios en la población. Para determinar el origen del problema, se analizaron muestras, tomadas en el embalse Paso de las Piedras, en las plantas potabilizadoras y en varios domicilios particulares. En el embalse, la densidad celular del fitoplancton, fluctuó entre 49440 y 84832 cél/ml-1, muy por encima de

  17. Comparing the Effects of Symbiotic Algae (Symbiodinium) Clades C1 and D on Early Growth Stages of Acropora tenuis (United States)

    Yuyama, Ikuko; Higuchi, Tomihiko


    Reef-building corals switch endosymbiotic algae of the genus Symbiodinium during their early growth stages and during bleaching events. Clade C Symbiodinium algae are dominant in corals, although other clades — including A and D — have also been commonly detected in juvenile Acroporid corals. Previous studies have been reported that only molecular data of Symbiodinium clade were identified within field corals. In this study, we inoculated aposymbiotic juvenile polyps with cultures of clades C1 and D Symbiodinium algae, and investigated the different effect of these two clades of Symbiodinium on juvenile polyps. Our results showed that clade C1 algae did not grow, while clade D algae grew rapidly during the first 2 months after inoculation. Polyps associated with clade C1 algae exhibited bright green fluorescence across the body and tentacles after inoculation. The growth rate of polyp skeletons was lower in polyps associated with clade C1 algae than those associated with clade D algae. On the other hand, antioxidant activity (catalase) of corals was not significantly different between corals with clade C1 and clade D algae. Our results suggested that clade D Symbiodinium algae easily form symbiotic relationships with corals and that these algae could contribute to coral growth in early symbiosis stages. PMID:24914677

  18. Los problemas de esbeltez en el diseño de columnas de concreto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Guillermo Aycardi


    Full Text Available EI presente es el primero de una serie de artículos en los cuales se pretende estudiar los problemas de segundo orden en el diseño de columnas, la razón de las expresiones que proponen los reglamentos, y  de paso los problemas de inestabilidad estructural de pórticos y estructuras elementales.

  19. Isolation of glycoproteins from brown algae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The present invention relates to a novel process for the isolation of unique anti-oxidative glycoproteins from the pH precipitated fractions of enzymatic extracts of brown algae. Two brown seaweeds viz, Fucus serratus and Fucus vesiculosus were hydrolysed by using 3 enzymes viz, Alcalase, Viscozyme...

  20. Contabilidad de Costos I. - Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    ÍNDICE Introducción Problemas sobre terminología básica Problemas básicos sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilidad de Costos Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación Problemas sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilida...

  1. Personalidade e comportamentos problema: um estudo comparativo com adolescentes em contexto escolar

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    Renato G. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Neste estudo transversal analisámos a relação entre os comportamentos problema ao nível da indisciplina, desrespeito e conflituosidade dos adolescentes, em contexto escolar, e a personalidade e a psicopatologia, operacionalizadas nas dimensões PSY-5 do MMPI-A. Participaram no estudo 351 estudantes do 9º ao 12º ano, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 18 anos, distribuídos em três grupos diferentes, de acordo com o reporte da frequência de comportamentos problema. Os instrumentos foram a versão experimental portuguesa do MMPI-A e um questionário sobre diferentes dimensões do percurso escolar, em que se incluem os comportamentos problema. Através de análise estatística multivariada, verificámos diferenças significativas entre os grupos nas dimensões PSY-5, num padrão em que o grupo de maior frequência de comportamentos problema apresenta resultados superiores no MMPI-A. Os resultados são interpretados numa perspetiva que sublinha a relevância da personalidade na adaptação à vida escolar, bem como a importância da existência de técnicas de avaliação psicológica de forma a detetar, em contexto de normalidade, estudantes em risco de desenvolvimento de trajetórias inadaptativas.

  2. Spatiotemporal associations of reservoir nutrient characteristics and the invasive, harmful alga Prymnesium parvum in West Texas (United States)

    VanLandeghem, Matthew M.; Farooqi, Mukhtar; Southard, Greg M.; Patino, Reynaldo


    Golden alga (Prymnesium parvum) is a harmful alga that has caused ecological and economic harm in freshwater and marine systems worldwide. In inland systems of North America, toxic blooms have nearly eliminated fish populations in some systems. Modifying nutrient profiles through alterations to land or water use may be a viable alternative for golden alga control in reservoirs. The main objective of this study was to improve our understanding of the nutrient dynamics that influence golden alga bloom formation and toxicity in west Texas reservoirs. We examined eight sites in the Upper Colorado River basin, Texas: three impacted reservoirs that have experienced repeated golden alga blooms; two reference reservoirs where golden alga is present but nontoxic; and three confluence sites downstream of the impacted and reference sites. Total, inorganic, and organic nitrogen and phosphorus and their ratios were quantified monthly along with golden alga abundance and ichthyotoxicity between December 2010 and July 2011. Blooms persisted for several months at the impacted sites, which were characterized by high organic nitrogen and low inorganic nitrogen. At impacted sites, abundance was positively associated with inorganic phosphorus and bloom termination coincided with increases in inorganic nitrogen and decreases in inorganic phosphorus in late spring. Management of both inorganic and organic forms of nutrients may create conditions in reservoirs unfavorable to golden alga.

  3. In Silico Analysis of Correlations between Protein Disorder and Post-Translational Modifications in Algae. (United States)

    Kurotani, Atsushi; Sakurai, Tetsuya


    Recent proteome analyses have reported that intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of proteins play important roles in biological processes. In higher plants whose genomes have been sequenced, the correlation between IDRs and post-translational modifications (PTMs) has been reported. The genomes of various eukaryotic algae as common ancestors of plants have also been sequenced. However, no analysis of the relationship to protein properties such as structure and PTMs in algae has been reported. Here, we describe correlations between IDR content and the number of PTM sites for phosphorylation, glycosylation, and ubiquitination, and between IDR content and regions rich in proline, glutamic acid, serine, and threonine (PEST) and transmembrane helices in the sequences of 20 algae proteomes. Phosphorylation, O-glycosylation, ubiquitination, and PEST preferentially occurred in disordered regions. In contrast, transmembrane helices were favored in ordered regions. N-glycosylation tended to occur in ordered regions in most of the studied algae; however, it correlated positively with disordered protein content in diatoms. Additionally, we observed that disordered protein content and the number of PTM sites were significantly increased in the species-specific protein clusters compared to common protein clusters among the algae. Moreover, there were specific relationships between IDRs and PTMs among the algae from different groups.

  4. In Silico Analysis of Correlations between Protein Disorder and Post-Translational Modifications in Algae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atsushi Kurotani


    Full Text Available Recent proteome analyses have reported that intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs of proteins play important roles in biological processes. In higher plants whose genomes have been sequenced, the correlation between IDRs and post-translational modifications (PTMs has been reported. The genomes of various eukaryotic algae as common ancestors of plants have also been sequenced. However, no analysis of the relationship to protein properties such as structure and PTMs in algae has been reported. Here, we describe correlations between IDR content and the number of PTM sites for phosphorylation, glycosylation, and ubiquitination, and between IDR content and regions rich in proline, glutamic acid, serine, and threonine (PEST and transmembrane helices in the sequences of 20 algae proteomes. Phosphorylation, O-glycosylation, ubiquitination, and PEST preferentially occurred in disordered regions. In contrast, transmembrane helices were favored in ordered regions. N-glycosylation tended to occur in ordered regions in most of the studied algae; however, it correlated positively with disordered protein content in diatoms. Additionally, we observed that disordered protein content and the number of PTM sites were significantly increased in the species-specific protein clusters compared to common protein clusters among the algae. Moreover, there were specific relationships between IDRs and PTMs among the algae from different groups.

  5. [Response of Algae to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentration and Quantity of Pumping Water in Pumped Storage Reservoir]. (United States)

    Wan, You-peng; Yin, Kui-hao; Peng, Sheng-hua


    Taking a pumped storage reservoir located in southern China as the research object, the paper established a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and eutrophication model of the reservoir employing EFDC (environmental fluid dynamics code) model, calibrated and verified the model using long-term hydraulic and water quality data. Based on the model results, the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on the algae growth were analyzed, and the response of algae to nitrogen and phosphorus concentration and quantity of pumping water was also calculated. The results showed that the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations had little limit on algae growth rate in the reservoir. In the nutrients reduction scenarios, reducing phosphorus would gain greater algae biomass reduction than reducing nitrogen. When reducing 60 percent of nitrogen, the algae biomass did not decrease, while 12.4 percent of algae biomass reduction could be gained with the same reduction ratio of phosphorus. When the reduction ratio went to 90 percent, the algae biomass decreased by 17.9 percent and 35.1 percent for nitrogen and phosphorus reduction, respectively. In the pumping water quantity regulation scenarios, the algae biomass decreased with the increasing pumping water quantity when the pumping water quantity was greater than 20 percent of the current value; when it was less than 20 percent, the algae biomass increased with the increasing pumping water quantity. The algae biomass decreased by 25.7 percent when the pumping water quantity was doubled, and increased by 38.8 percent when it decreased to 20 percent. The study could play an important role in supporting eutrophication controlling in water source area.

  6. Dipeptides from the red alga Acanthopora spicifera

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Wahidullah, S.; De; Kamat, S.Y.

    An investigation of red alga Acanthophora spicifera afforded the known peptide, aurantiamide acetate and a new diastereoisomer of this dipeptide (dia-aurantiamide acetate). This is a first report of aurantiamide acetate from a marine source...

  7. Ice Algae-Produced Carbon Is Critical for Overwintering of Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Doreen Kohlbach


    Full Text Available Antarctic krill Euphausia superba (“krill” constitute a fundamental food source for Antarctic seabirds and mammals, and a globally important fisheries resource. The future resilience of krill to climate change depends critically on the winter survival of young krill. To survive periods of extremely low production by pelagic algae during winter, krill are assumed to rely partly on carbon produced by ice algae. The true dependency on ice algae-produced carbon, however, is so far unquantified. This confounds predictions on the future resilience of krill stocks to sea ice decline. Fatty acid (FA analysis, bulk stable isotope analysis (BSIA, and compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA of diatom- and dinoflagellate-associated marker FAs were applied to quantify the dependency of overwintering larval, juvenile, and adult krill on ice algae-produced carbon (αIce during winter 2013 in the Weddell-Scotia Confluence Zone. Our results demonstrate that the majority of the carbon uptake of the overwintering larval and juvenile krill originated from ice algae (up to 88% of the carbon budget, and that the dependency on ice algal carbon decreased with ontogeny, reaching <56% of the carbon budget in adults. Spatio-temporal variability in the utilization of ice algal carbon was more pronounced in larvae and juvenile krill than in adults. Differences between αIce estimates derived from short- vs. long-term FA-specific isotopic compositions suggested that ice algae-produced carbon gained importance as the winter progressed, and might become critical at the late winter-spring transition, before the phytoplankton bloom commences. Where the sea ice season shortens, reduced availability of ice algae might possibly not be compensated by surplus phytoplankton production during wintertime. Hence, sea ice decline could seriously endanger the winter survival of recruits, and subsequently overall biomass of krill.

  8. Mycoalgae biofilm: development of a novel platform technology using algae and fungal cultures. (United States)

    Rajendran, Aravindan; Hu, Bo


    Microalgae is considered a promising source for biofuel and bioenergy production, bio-remediation and production of high-value bioactive compounds, but harvesting microalgae is a major bottleneck in the algae based processes. The objective of this research is to mimic the growth of natural lichen and develop a novel biofilm platform technology using filamentous fungi and microalgae to form a lichen type of biofilm "mycoalgae" in a supporting polymer matrix. The possibility of co-existence of Chlorella vulgaris with various fungal cultures was tested to identify the best strain combination for high algae harvest efficiency. The effect of different matrices for cell attachment and biofilm formation, cell surface characterization of mycoalgae biofilm, kinetics of the process with respect to the algae-fungi cell distribution and total biomass production was studied. Mycoalgae biofilm with algae attachment efficiency of 99.0 % and above was achieved in a polymer-cotton composite matrix with glucose concentration of 2 g/L in the growth medium and agitation intensity of 150 rpm at 27 °C. The total biomass in the co-culture with the selected strain combination (Mucor sp. and Chlorella sp.) was higher than the axenic cultures of fungi and algae at the conditions tested. The results show that algae can be grown with complete attachment to a bio-augmenting fungal surface and can be harvested readily as a biofilm for product extraction from biomass. Even though, interaction between heterotrophic fungi and phototrophic algae was investigated in solid media after prolonged contact in a report, this research is the first of its kind in developing an artificial lichen type biofilm called "mycoalgae" biofilm completely attached on a matrix in liquid cultures. The mycoalgae biofilm based processes, propounds the scope for exploring new avenues in the bio-production industry and bioremediation.

  9. Biomass and relative coverage of benthic algae in the fore-reef of Curacao (Netherlands Antilles) in relation to production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    de Ruyter van Stevenick, E.D.; Breeman, A.M.


    Biomass of benthic algae, expressed as chlorophyll a content ( cm/sup -2/) and as dry weight (mg cm/sup -2/) per substrate surface area in the coral reef of Curacao at 12 m and 25 m depth was measured from August 1978 to March 1979. To determine dry weights, substrates containing endolithic and epilithic algae were oxidized by means of wet combustion with hydrogen peroxide. Loss of weight caused by this process was regarded as algal dry weight. The crustose corallines Archaeolithothamnion dimotum Fosl. et Howe (25 m), Hydrolithon boergesenii (Fosl.) Fosl. (12 m and 25 m) and Lithophyllum cf. intermedium Fosl. (12 m), vegetations of endolithic algae dominated by Ostreobium quekettii Born. et Flah. (12 m and 25 m), and mixed turfs of epilithic filamentous algae and sometimes Lithophyllum cf. intermedium on substrates containing endolithic algae (12 m and 25 m) were examined. Chlorophyll a values ranged from 8.7 cm/sup -2/ for H. boergesenii at 12 m to 20.5 cm/sup -2/ for epilithic filamentous algae on substrates containing endolithic algae at 25 m. Dry weights varied from 12.7 mg cm/sup -2/ for L. cf. intermedium at 12 m to 25.7 mg cm/sup -2/ for epilithic filamentous algae on substrates containing endolithic algae at 25 m. Both at 12 m and 25 m, differences in chlorophyll a content and dry weights between substrates containing endolithic algae with and without epilithic filamentous algae were low. Biomass of endolithic algae is quantitatively more important than that of epilithic filamentous algae. It is concluded that, at 12 m, biomass of the algal vegetation as a whole is lowest while production is highest. This is attributed to maximum grazing pressure at this depth ('drop off' community), especially on epilithic filamentous algae.

  10. Development of Singlet Oxygen Luminescence Kinetics during the Photodynamic Inactivation of Green Algae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tobias Bornhütter


    Full Text Available Recent studies show the feasibility of photodynamic inactivation of green algae as a vital step towards an effective photodynamic suppression of biofilms by using functionalized surfaces. The investigation of the intrinsic mechanisms of photodynamic inactivation in green algae represents the next step in order to determine optimization parameters. The observation of singlet oxygen luminescence kinetics proved to be a very effective approach towards understanding mechanisms on a cellular level. In this study, the first two-dimensional measurement of singlet oxygen kinetics in phototrophic microorganisms on surfaces during photodynamic inactivation is presented. We established a system of reproducible algae samples on surfaces, incubated with two different cationic, antimicrobial potent photosensitizers. Fluorescence microscopy images indicate that one photosensitizer localizes inside the green algae while the other accumulates along the outer algae cell wall. A newly developed setup allows for the measurement of singlet oxygen luminescence on the green algae sample surfaces over several days. The kinetics of the singlet oxygen luminescence of both photosensitizers show different developments and a distinct change over time, corresponding with the differences in their localization as well as their photosensitization potential. While the complexity of the signal reveals a challenge for the future, this study incontrovertibly marks a crucial, inevitable step in the investigation of photodynamic inactivation of biofilms: it shows the feasibility of using the singlet oxygen luminescence kinetics to investigate photodynamic effects on surfaces and thus opens a field for numerous investigations.

  11. The Suez Canal as a habitat and pathway for marine algae and seagrasses (United States)

    Aleem, A. A.

    The Suez Canal supports a diversified benthic algal flora; 133 species of benthic algae are now known from the Canal, as compared with only 24 in 1924. The vertical and horizontal distribution of algae is considered in relation to hydrographic factors. The algae display zonation and 3-4 algal belts are distinguished on the Canal banks on buoys and pier supports. Associated fauna include Balanus amphitrite and Brachidontes variabilis, together with various hydroids, sponges, ascidians, asteroids, ophiuroids and crustaceans. Merceriella enigmatica thrives well in brackish water habitats. The algal flora in the Bitter Lakes resembles that in the Red Sea. The number of Red Sea species decreases from Suez to Port Said in the littoral zone. On the other hand, bottom algae predominantly belong to Red Sea flora. Thirty of the species of algae found belong to the Indo-Pacific flora; half of these are new records to the Canal. Several of these Indo-Pacific algae have recently become established in the Eastern Mediterranean, whereas only two of the Mediterranean macro-algal flora (viz. Caulerpa prolifera and Halopteris scoparia) have been found in the Gulf of Suez. Two seagrasses, Halopia ovalis and Thalassia hemprichii, are recorded for the first time in the Canal. Only Halophila stipulacea has found its way into the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal, but none of the Mediterranean seagrasses is found either in the Canal or in the Red Sea.

  12. Interactions between marine facultative epiphyte Chlamydomonas sp. (Chlamydomonadales, Chlorophyta) and ceramiaceaen algae (Rhodophyta). (United States)

    Klochkova, Tatyana A; Cho, Ga Youn; Boo, Sung Min; Chung, Ki Wha; Kim, Song Ja; Kim, Gwang Hoon


    Previously unrecorded marine Chlamydomonas that grew epiphytic on ceramiaceaen algae was collected from the western coast of Korea and isolated into a unialgal culture. The isolate was subjected to 18S rDNA phylogenetic analysis as well as ultrastructure and life cycle studies. It had an affinity with the marine Chlamydomonas species and was less related to freshwater/terrestrial representatives of this genus. It had flagella shorter than the cell body two-layered cell wall with striated outer surface and abundant mucilaginous material beneath the innermost layer and no contractile vacuoles. This alga grew faster in mixed cultures with ceramiaceaen algae rather than in any tested unialgal culture condition; the cells looked healthier and zoosporangia and motile flagellated vegetative cells appeared more often. These results suggested that this Chlamydomonas might be a facultative epiphyte benefiting from its hosts. Several ceramiaceaen algae were tested as host plants. Meanwhile, cell deformation or collapse of the whole thallus was caused to Aglaothamnion byssoides, and preliminary study suggested that a substance released from Chlamydomonas caused the response. This is first report on harmful epiphytic interactions between Chlamydomonas species and red ceramiaceaen algae.

  13. Algoritmos de aproximação para problemas de empacotamento em faixa com restrições de descarregamento


    Jefferson Luiz Moisés da Silveira


    Resumo: Neste trabalho estudamos problemas de empacotamento com restrições de descarregamento considerados NP-difíceis. Estes problemas possuem aplicações nas áreas de logística e roteamento. Assumindo a hipótese de que P ? NP, sabemos que não existem algoritmos eficientes para resolver tais problemas. Uma das abordagens consideradas para tratar tais problemas é a de algoritmos de aproximação, que são algoritmos eficientes (complexidade de tempo polinomial) e que geram soluções com garantia d...

  14. Problemas de adaptación fisiológica en personas con angina


    Nóbrega Fortes, Allyne; Martins da Silva, Viviane; Lopes, Marcos Venícios de Oliveira


    En este artículo fueron identificados los problemas comunes de adaptación fisiológica presentados por pacientes con angina inestable teniendo como base el Modelo de la Adaptación de Callista Roy. Estudio descriptivo desarrollado en un hospital de servicio especializado en enfermedades cardíacas. La muestra para el estudio fue de 20 pacientes. Para caracterización y discusión, utilizamos las definiciones presentadas por Roy para cada problema de adaptación fisiológic...

  15. Estudo transversal sobre problemas bucais em pacientes obesos mórbidos


    Joselene Martinelli Yamashita


    A prevalência da obesidade tem aumentado em proporções alarmantes, tornando-se um problema de saúde pública. Há relatos de uma possível relação da obesidade com a condição bucal e o objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os problemas bucais e seu impacto na qualidade de vida de indivíduos obesos mórbidos. A amostra foi composta por 100 pacientes obesos mórbidos (grupo obeso) e 50 indivíduos eutróficos (grupo controle), atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeir...

  16. Cryptochrome photoreceptors in green algae: Unexpected versatility of mechanisms and functions. (United States)

    Kottke, Tilman; Oldemeyer, Sabine; Wenzel, Sandra; Zou, Yong; Mittag, Maria


    Green algae have a highly complex and diverse set of cryptochrome photoreceptor candidates including members of the following subfamilies: plant, plant-like, animal-like, DASH and cryptochrome photolyase family 1 (CPF1). While some green algae encode most or all of them, others lack certain members. Here we present an overview about functional analyses of so far investigated cryptochrome photoreceptors from the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (plant and animal-like cryptochromes) and Ostreococcus tauri (CPF1) with regard to their biological significance and spectroscopic properties. Cryptochromes of both algae have been demonstrated recently to be involved to various extents in circadian clock regulation and in Chlamydomonas additionally in life cycle control. Moreover, CPF1 even performs light-driven DNA repair. The plant cryptochrome and CPF1 are UVA/blue light receptors, whereas the animal-like cryptochrome responds to almost the whole visible spectrum including red light. Accordingly, plant cryptochrome, animal-like cryptochrome and CPF1 differ fundamentally in their structural response to light as revealed by their visible and infrared spectroscopic signatures, and in the role of the flavin neutral radical acting as dark form or signaling state. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  17. Evaluation of marine algae as a source of biogas in a two-stage anaerobic reactor system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vergara-Fernandez, Alberto; Vargas, Gisela; Alarcon, Nelson; Velasco, Antonio


    The marine algae are considered an important biomass source; however, their utilization as energy source is still low around the world. The technical feasibility of marine algae utilization as a source of renewable energy was studied to laboratory scale. The anaerobic digestion of Macrocystis pyrifera, Durvillea antarctica and their blend 1:1 (w/w) was evaluated in a two-phase anaerobic digestion system, which consisted of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) and an upflow anaerobic filter (UAF). The results show that 70% of the total biogas produced in the system was generated in the UAF, and both algae species have similar biogas productions of 180.4(±1.5) mL g -1 dry algae d -1 , with a methane concentration around 65%. The same methane content was observed in biogas yield of algae blend; however, a lower biogas yield was obtained. In conclusion, either algae species or their blend can be utilized to produce methane gas in a two-phase digestion system

  18. Evaluation of marine algae as a source of biogas in a two-stage anaerobic reactor system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vergara-Fernandez, Alberto; Vargas, Gisela [Escuela de Ingenieria Ambiental, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad Catolica de Temuco, Manuel Montt 56, Casilla 15-D, Temuco (Chile); Alarcon, Nelson [Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Geologicas, Universidad Catolica del Norte (Chile); Velasco, Antonio [Centro Nacional de Investigacion y Capacitacion Ambiental del Instituto Nacional de Ecologia (CENICA-INE), Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186, Col. Vicentina, Del. Iztapalapa, 09340, Mexico, DF (Mexico)


    The marine algae are considered an important biomass source; however, their utilization as energy source is still low around the world. The technical feasibility of marine algae utilization as a source of renewable energy was studied to laboratory scale. The anaerobic digestion of Macrocystis pyrifera, Durvillea antarctica and their blend 1:1 (w/w) was evaluated in a two-phase anaerobic digestion system, which consisted of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) and an upflow anaerobic filter (UAF). The results show that 70% of the total biogas produced in the system was generated in the UAF, and both algae species have similar biogas productions of 180.4({+-}1.5) mL g{sup -1} dry algae d{sup -1}, with a methane concentration around 65%. The same methane content was observed in biogas yield of algae blend; however, a lower biogas yield was obtained. In conclusion, either algae species or their blend can be utilized to produce methane gas in a two-phase digestion system. (author)

  19. Uptake and distribution of technetium in several marine algae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonotto, S.; Gerber, G.B.; Garten, C.T. Jr.; Vandecasteele, C.M.; Myttenaere, C.; Van Baelen, J.; Cogneau, M.; van der Ben, D.


    The uptake or chemical form of technetium in different marine algae (Acetabularia, Cystoseira, Fucus) has been examined and a simple model to explain the uptake of technetium in the unicellular alga, Acetabularia, has been conceptualized. At low concentrations in the external medium, Acetabularia can rapidly concentrate technetium. Concentration factors in excess of 400 can be attained after a time of about 3 weeks. At higher mass concentrations in the medium, uptake of technetium by Acetabularia becomes saturated resulting in a decreased concentration factor (approximately 10 after 4 weeks). Approximately 69% of the total radioactivity present in /sup 95m/Tc labelled Acetabularia is found in the cell cytosol. In Fucus vesiculosus, labelled with /sup 95m/Tc, a high percentage of technetium is present in soluble ionic forms while approximately 40% is bound, in this brown alga, in proteins and polysaccharides associated with cell walls. In the algal cytosol of Fucus vesiculosus, about 45% of the /sup 95m/Tc appears to be present as anionic TcO - 4 and the remainder is bound to small molecules. 8 references, 5 figures, 1 table

  20. Microwave-enhanced pyrolysis of natural algae from water blooms. (United States)

    Zhang, Rui; Li, Linling; Tong, Dongmei; Hu, Changwei


    Microwave-enhanced pyrolysis (MEP) of natural algae under different reaction conditions was carried out. The optimal conditions for bio-oil production were the following: algae particle size of 20-5 mesh, microwave power of 600W, and 10% of activated carbon as microwave absorber and catalyst. The maximum liquid yield obtained under N2, 10% H2/Ar, and CO2 atmosphere was 49.1%, 51.7%, and 54.3% respectively. The energy yield of bio-products was 216.7%, 236.9% and 208.7% respectively. More long chain fatty acids were converted into hydrocarbons by hydrodeoxygenation under 10% H2/Ar atmosphere assisted by microwave over activated carbon containing small amounts of metals. Under CO2 atmosphere, carboxylic acids (66.6%) were the main products in bio-oil because the existence of CO2 vastly inhibited the decarboxylation. The MEP of algae was quick and efficient for bio-oil production, which provided a way to not only ameliorate the environment but also obtain fuel or chemicals at the same time. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.