
Sample records for alejados del implante

  1. Resultados alejados del implante miocárdico de células madre en la miocardiopatía chagásica

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    Rubén Carrizo Páez


    Full Text Available ObjetivoLa presente investigación clínica persigue evaluar la seguridad y la factibilidad del cardioimplante de células mononucleares de médula ósea, así como analizar los cambios clínicos y de la función ventricular, en pacientes portadores de insuficiencia cardíaca secundaria a miocardiopatía dilatada de origen chagásico sometidos a este procedimiento.Material y métodosLa muestra comprende 5 pacientes consecutivos (3 masculinos con una edad promedio de 55,8 ± 8,1 años, que presentaban insuficiencia cardíaca secundaria a miocardiopatía chagásica. Los datos preoperatorios promedio de estos pacientes indicaban una clase funcional (NYHA de 2,6 ± 0,5, mientras que la fracción del ventrículo izquierdo correspondía al 27,6% ± 5,9%, el diámetro diastólico ventricular izquierdo era de 62,9 ± 6,2 mm y el diámetro sistólico del ventrículo izquierdo era de 49,7 ± 7,6 mm. La suspensión celular obtenida de células mononucleares de la médula ósea contenía 10,6 ± 7 ml con un conteo de 1,43 ± 0,6 (E+08 células con una viabilidad mayor del 95%. Correspondían a la fracción CD34+, 5,07 ± 9,51 (E+06 y a la CD133+, 5,11 ± 4,3 (E+06. La suspensión se inyectó por pulsos en cuatro pacientes por vía intracoronaria y en el quinto por vía transepicárdica en el transcurso de una cirugía (reemplazo valvular mitral, revascularización y colocación de matriz bioartificial degradable.ResultadosA los 17,2 ± 8,8 meses de seguimiento promedio, 4 enfermos se hallaban vivos y en clase funcional I (p < 0,005. Un paciente falleció de muerte súbita a los 17 meses de seguimiento.En este tiempo de evolución no se observaron efectos adversos en ninguno de los pacientes referidos al implante celular. En relación con la fracción de eyección, se notó un incremento a 36,6% ± 2,3% (p < 0,05. Los datos obtenidos en la medición de los diámetros sistólico y diastólico del ventrículo izquierdo no mostraron cambios estad

  2. Alternativas a la elevación de seno maxilar: rehabilitación del sector posterior del maxilar atrófico mediante implantes pterigoideos Alternatives to maxillary sinus lift: posterior area of the atrophic maxilla rehabilitation by means pterigoideal implants

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    X. Rodríguez-Ciurana


    Full Text Available El primer y segundo molar son los dientes que se pierden más a menudo debido a la enfermedad periodontal y al exceso de fuerzas oclusales. A pesar de la frecuencia del edentulismo parcial del sector posterior raramente se ubican los implantes más allá de los premolares debido al aumento del índice de fallos. El escaso volumen óseo y la pobre mineralización del sector posterior del maxilar comprometen la viabilidad de las rehabilitaciones con implantes a largo plazo. Además, la cresta ósea a nivel del seno maxilar, en el maxilar atrófico, no suele permitir el anclaje de implantes de 10 mm. Se han propuesto varias técnicas para rehabilitar el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico: implantes cortos, extensiones protésicas, injerto sinusal, implante cigomático. El implante pterigoideo es otro de los posibles tratamientos para rehabilitar el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico. Anclado en el hueso cortical de la apófisis del esfenoides el implante pterigoideo evita la necesidad de injertar o utilizar extensiones protésicas. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las indicaciones, la técnica, complicaciones y supervivencia del implante pterigoideo en el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico.The first and second molar are the teeth most commonly lost in the maxilla, mainly due to periodontal disease and excessive occlusal force. 1 Although partial edentulism of the posterior maxilla is common, implants are seldom placed distal to the premolars because failure rates in the posterior maxilla have historically been high. Poor volume and low density of bone are the worst conditions for long-term anchorage in the maxilla. 7 Moreover, bone under the maxillary sinus, in the atrophic maxilla, is usually insufficient to enable placement of 10 mm implants. Several techniques have been proposed to restore the atrophic posterior maxilla: short implants, prosthetic cantilevers, sinus bone graft, zigomatic fixtures. Pterygoid implants are


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    José Ángel Hernández Luis


    Full Text Available El transporte aéreo, más aún en un territorio fragmentado y alejado como es el caso del Archipiélago canario, ha jugado un papel trascendental para el desarrollo del turismo de masas en los años sesenta y setenta. En efecto, sin la llegada del motor a reacción a Canarias, no se podría comprender el espectacular desarrollo turístico que las Islas experimentaron en este periodo, siendo el principal objetivo de este trabajo, abordar -aunque de forma sucinta-, este proceso absolutamente decisivo para las Islas.

  4. Caracterización del uso del implante subdérmico norplant

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    Zaadia Pérez Parra


    Full Text Available Resumen Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para identificar los factores de riesgo reproductivo preconcepcional que llevaron a la utilización del implante, las causas de su remoción y evaluación de la técnica de retiro empleada en el Servicio de Planificación de la Familia del Policlínico "Plaza de la Revolución". Además se realizó un estudio analítico de cohortes para determinar el tiempo de permanencia del método en el período estudiado. Para la obtención de los datos se utilizó la información procedente de las historias clínicas que se encontraban en una base de datos creada previamente. El implante subdérmico norplant, es un método anticonceptivo hormonal de segunda generación, clasificado como sistema de liberación de larga acción (5 años y elevada eficacia. En nuestro país existe poca experiencia en su uso, por lo que nos proponemos caracterizarla en mujeres a las que se le insertó por un período de 5 años, en el Policlínico Docente "Plaza de la Revolución". Los riesgos reproductivos preconcepcionales más frecuentes fueron: 3 abortos o más (49,1 %, bajo peso para la talla (46 % y asma bronquial (15,6 %. En relación con la causa más frecuente de remoción antes de la fecha de vencimiento fueron los cambios en el patrón menstrual, sobre todo en las adolescentes. En cuanto al tiempo empleado para la extracción de los implantes en la mayoría de los casos (89,6 % fue menos de 10 min, y en el primer intento. El tiempo de mantenimiento fue como promedio 42,49 meses. Concluimos a partir de nuestra experiencia, que el norplant es un método anticonceptivo utilizado generalmente en mujeres con riesgo reproductivo, y tal como informan otros estudios las alteraciones del patrón de sangrado menstrual es la causa más frecuente de su retiro y la técnica de retiro estándar no ofrece mayores complicaciones.Summary A descriptive study was carried out to identify the reproductive preconceptional risk factors that lead

  5. Importancia del tratamiento ortodóncico en la efectividad de los implantes dentales

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    Isabel Cristina Díaz Acosta

    Full Text Available Los implantes osteointegrados permite recuperar de forma fija y cómoda todas las funciones del diente perdido. El objetivo de esta presentación es demostrar los beneficios de realizar tratamientos ortodóncico previos a la colocación de implantes dentales en pacientes edentes. Un paciente de 21 años acudió a consulta de implantología en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente “Dr. Ismael Clark y Mascaró” de Camagüey, por ausencia de incisivos central y lateral superior derecho (11 y 12. Se valoró por el equipo multidisciplinario, el cual planteó cerrar el espacio de la brecha edente con aparatología ortodóncica fija y después realizar cirugía de avanzada y la colocación de un implante Leader Nano. La rehabilitación protésica se realizó a los ocho meses. Se demostró la eficacia de la realización de tratamiento ortodóncico previo a la colocación de implantes dentales así como el restablecimiento del estado estético y psicológico del paciente.

  6. Angioplastia del seno coronario en el implante de electrodo del ventrículo izquierdo Angioplasty of coronary sinus in left ventricle electrode implant

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    Alejandro Orjuela


    Full Text Available Con el incremento de implantes de dispositivos de estimulación cardíaca en pacientes con miocardiopatía dilatada, el diseno día a día más sofisticado de los mismos para satisfacer los requerimientos de los pacientes con cambios anatómicos que surgen como consecuencia de la misma dilatación cardíaca, tales como modificaciones en el calibre, curso, longitud y número de venas coronarias, cada vez se encuentran mayores dificultades para lograr los objetivos anatómicos, en particular el sitio ideal de posicionamiento del electrodo de estimulación ventricular izquierda en el seno coronario. Esta situación limita, en algunos casos, el beneficio terapéutico de esta técnica, viéndose, en ocasiones, en la necesidad de someter al paciente a toracotomía para posicionar el electrodo en el epicardio posterolateral del ventrículo izquierdo. Es así como, con el objetivo de abreviar los tiempos y la morbimortalidad e incrementar el éxito del implante, se disenó una estrategia basada en la técnica de hemodinámica para vencer las obstrucciones de las arterias coronarias y lograr, mediante angioplastia de las estrecheces del seno coronario, un abordaje más preciso a un determinado vaso epicárdico preseleccionado. Se describe la técnica usada en la angioplastia del seno coronario para este propósito.The design of devices of cardiac stimulation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy has become more sophisticated due to the increment of its implantation, devices that must satisfy the requirements for patients with anatomical changes that appear as a consequence of the cardiac dilation such as caliber modifications, course, length and number of coronary veins. Every time is more difficult to achieve the anatomical objectives, particularly the ideal place for the left ventricular stimulation electrode position in the coronary sinus. This situation limits in some cases the therapeutical benefit of this technique, occasionally facing to the

  7. Resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales osteointegrados en la fase quirúrgica

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    Oviedo Pérez Pérez

    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar los resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales osteointegrados en la fase quirúrgica. Métodos: se realizó un estudio longitudinal y prospectivo en 802 pacientes en quienes se colocaron 2 165 implantes, en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente de Santiago de Cuba y la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana en el decenio 20002009. Se evaluaron las variables: técnica quirúrgica, longitud y diámetro de los implantes, complicaciones intraoperatorias y complicaciones postoperatorias, los resultados del tratamiento se evaluaron en supervivencia y fracaso. Resultados: se logró la supervivencia de los implantes en 705 pacientes para el 87,9 % y se produjo el fracaso en 97 pacientes para el 12,1 %. Se colocaron 2 165 implantes, se logró efectividad de 2 055 para el 94,9 % y fracasaron 110 que representan el 5,08 %. No existen diferencias significativas de los resultados de acuerdo a la técnica quirúrgica empleada. Los implantes que más fracasaron fueron los de 10 mm, para el 34,9 % y 8 mm con el 13,1 %. La efectividad se incrementa a medida que aumenta el diámetro. En las complicaciones intraoperatorias el fracaso fue mayor en relación con la perforación de la tabla ósea con el 92,9 %, inestabilidad con el 86 % y la dehiscencia ósea con el 57,4 %. En el postoperatorio fue notable que en el 100 % de los casos con dolor existió fracaso de los implantes. Conclusiones: en la etapa quirúrgica existe una fuerte asociación de los resultados con la longitud, diámetro de los implantes y la presencia de complicaciones intraoperatorias y postoperatorias.

  8. Estudio de medidas de control de la colonización microbiana de la cámara interna del implante y del sistema implante-pilar por medio de un estudio in vitro

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    Pablo Julio Pebé

    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar mediante un ensayo in vitro, medidas de control del biofilm en la cámara interna del implante. Método: Se seleccionaron diferentes agentes antimicrobianos que se colocaron en las cámaras de 3 grupos de implantes. Luego de 7 días de inmersos en una suspensión microbiana e incubados, realizamos la toma, cultivo e incubación de las muestras de las cámaras de cada grupo de estudio. Resultados: Se constató una filtración de microorganismos hacia la cámara interna en todos los grupos de implantes estudiados, obteniéndose un mayor recuento de Unidades Formadoras de Colonias (UFC en el grupo control, mientras que en los grupos experimentales se identificó una reducción significativa en el recuento de UFC. Conclusiones: Se observó una disminución significativa en la cantidad de UFC en los grupos experimentales respecto al grupo control, lo que determina la ventaja de utilizar este tipo de antimicrobianos

  9. Beneficios económicos del implante coclear para la hipoacusia sensorineural profunda Economic benefits of the cochlear implant for treating profound sensorineural hearing loss

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    Augusto Peñaranda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar el costo-beneficio (CB, costo-utilidad (CU y costo-efectividad (CE de la implantación coclear, comparándola con el uso de audífonos en niños con hipoacusia sensorineural profunda bilateral. MÉTODOS: Se empleó la técnica no paramétrica Propensity Score Matching (PSM para realizar la evaluación de impacto económico del implante y así llevar a cabo los análisis CB, CU y CE. Se utilizó información primaria, tomada aleatoriamente a 100 pacientes: 62 intervenidos quirúrgicamente con el implante coclear (grupo de tratamiento y 38 pertenecientes al grupo de control o usuarios de audífono para tratar la hipoacusia sensorineural profunda. RESULTADOS: Se halló un diferencial de costos económicos -en beneficio del implante coclear- cercano a US$ 204 000 entre el implante y el uso de audífonos durante la esperanza de vida de los pacientes analizados. Dicha cifra indica los mayores gastos que deben cubrir los pacientes con audífono. Con este valor descontado, el indicador costo-beneficio señala que por cada dólar invertido en el implante coclear, para tratar al paciente, el retorno de la inversión es US$ 2,07. CONCLUSIONES: El implante coclear genera beneficios económicos para el paciente. También produce utilidades en salud dado que se encontró una relación positiva de CU (ganancia en decibeles y CE (ganancia en discriminación del lenguaje.OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the cost-benefit, cost-utility, and cost-effectiveness of cochlear implantation, comparing it to the use of hearing aids in children with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. METHODS: The nonparametric propensity score matching method was used to carry out an economic and impact assessment of the cochlear implant and then perform cost-benefit, cost-utility, and cost-effectiveness analyses. Primary information was used, taken randomly from 100 patients: 62 who received cochlear implants (treatment group and 38 belonging to the control group who used

  10. Mecanobiología de la interfase hueso-implante dental Mechanobiology of bone-dental implant interphase

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    Juan Carlos Vanegas Acosta


    Full Text Available La osteointegración es la conexión estructural y funcional entre el hueso y un implante. Cuando un implante se inserta en el hueso, se crea la denominada interfase hueso-implante, una zona de unión entre la superficie del biomaterial del implante y el hueso circundante. La cicatrización de esta interfase depende de las condiciones biológicas del hueso, las características de diseño del implante y la distribución de cargas entre hueso e implante. En este artículo se hace una revisión del proceso de cicatrización de la interfase hueso-implante para el caso de un implante dental. El objetivo es describir la secuencia de eventos biológicos iniciados con la lesión causada por la inserción del implante y que concluyen con la formación de nuevo hueso en la interfase. Esta descripción incluye una novedosa clasificación de los fenómenos mecánicos que intervienen durante el proceso de cicatrización de los tejidos lesionados. Esta descripción mecanobiológica de la interfase hueso-implante dental se utiliza para determinar las características más relevantes a tener en cuenta en la formulación de un modelo matemático de la osteointegración de implantes dentales.The osteointegration is the structural and functional connection between bone and implant. When an implant is inserted in bone, it creates the so-called bone-implant interphase, a joint zone between implant biomaterial surface and the surrounding bone. The healing of this interphase depends on bone biological conditions, characteristic of implant design and the distribution of loads between bone and implant. The aim of present article is to review of healing process of bone-implant interphase for a dental implant and also to describe the sequence of biological events beginning with lesion caused by implant insertion and leading to the formation of a new bone in the interphase. This description includes a novel classification of mechanical phenomena present in the healing

  11. Implantes mamarios en el plano subfascial en reemplazo del bolsillo subglandular: un cambio lógico Breast implants in the subfascial plane in replacement of the subglandular pocket: a logical change

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    O.D. Ventura


    Full Text Available Desde 1999 hemos cambiado el plano subglandular del bolsillo de los implantes mamarios por el plano subfascial (subaponeurótico. Este plano se halla por debajo de la fascia aponeurótica del músculo pectoral mayor, serrato, oblicuo lateral y recto anterior. Este artículo considera 150 casos implantados en este plano (subfascial. Se utilizaron prótesis de superficie texturada. El abordaje fue por una incisión periareolar inferior. En todos los pacientes se consiguió una excelente cobertura del implante, al igual que una forma y movilidad natural. En ningún caso se observó el desagradable ondulado de cuadrantes superiores, conocido como rippling. Cuatro de ellos presentaron procesos capsulares contráctiles grado II de Baker (2,6%. En el postoperatorio inmediato se registró menor edema y una recuperación más rápida de lo habitual, de acuerdo a nuestra experiencia con los otros procedimientos (submuscular y subglandular. Cuando la elección del bolsillo es subglandular, el plano subfascial parecería ser el lugar lógico de la colocación de los implantes mamarios.Since 1999, the subglandular plane of the pocket has been substituted in our practise for the subfascial (subaponeurotic plane in breast implants. This plane lies underneath the aponeurotic fascia of the pectoralis major , the serratus, the lateral oblique and the rectus anterior muscles. This article describes 150 patients with implants in the subaponeurotic plane and textured surface. Patients were approached through an inferior periareolar incision. Excellent coverage of the implant, as well as natural shape and mobility were achieved in all patients. No ondulation (rippling in the upper half of the breast has been observed. Four patients (2,6% had Baker grade II capsular contracture. In the immediate post-op, less edema and faster-than-usual recovery could be seen versus our experience with other (submuscular and subglandular procedures. When a subglandular pocket is the

  12. Lipoestructura y relleno del polo superior de la mama frente a implantes Structural fat graft and lipofilling of mammary upper pole versus mammary implants

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    J.M. Cervilla Lozano


    Full Text Available La lipoestructura mamaria ofrece nuevas alternativas de tratamiento en la cirugía estética de aumento mamario, cumpliendo en algunos casos las expectativas esperadas y en otros no. Analizamos este hecho en 4 tipos de aplicación de lipoestructura mamaria que hemos venido realizando en los últimos años, centrándonos en un aspecto importante de esta cirugía que es el relleno del polo superior de la mama. Los tipos de aplicación empleados son: aumento mamario simple mediante lipoestructura en comparación con implantes; pexia más lipoestructura frente a pexia más implantes mamarios; reconstrucción de mama tuberosa mediante lipoestructura o implantes y finalmente, relleno periprotésico mediante lipoestructura en mamas sometidas a cirugía de aumento mamario con implantes. En definitiva, podríamos resumir este trabajo en una frase diciendo que la lipoestructura mamaria, a nuestro juicio, no sirve si lo que prima es conseguir el relleno del polo superior de la mama, siendo en este caso de elección la colocación de implantes mamarios. No obstante, en alguno de los casos señalados no solo es una alternativa, sino que obtiene resultados superiores a los logrados sólamente con implantes.The mammary structural fat graft offers news treatment options in breast augmentation cosmetic surgery, but it sometimes meets expectations and sometimes doesn´t. We analyze 4 different types of lipostructure mammary applications that we have been using in the last years, focused in an important aspect of this surgery as it´s the filling of the upper mammary pole. These applications are: mammary augmentation by simple structural fat compared with the use of mammary implants; structural fat graft and mastopexy versus implants and mastopexy; tuberous breast reconstruction using structural fat graft or implants and finally, periprosthetic filling in breast augmentation with mammary implants using structural fat graft. In short, we could summarize this paper

  13. El patrimonio y el estado en la formación de la identidad cultural de Chile: desarrollo del concepto de patrimonio y su apropiación por la sociedad chilena en los siglos XIX y XX


    Cabeza Monteira, Ángel Emilio


    El patrimonio natural y cultural de América tiene una particular significación a nivel mundial. Es el último continente en ser poblado por la Humanidad. Por miles de años estuvo alejado de las influencias del resto del mundo hasta que la conquista y colonización europea, iniciada hace cinco siglos, alteró radicalmente su entorno natural y cultural.El patrimonio americano comienza a ser valorado como factor de desarrollo, no solo en el campo de las identidades, de la cultura y del turismo, si...

  14. Miragel implant, apropos of 3 cases


    Rodríguez Rodríguez, Beatriz; García Ferrer, Laine; Cheong Quiala, Mayelin; Gallar Gutiérrez, Yolescy; Pozo Correa, Susel


    Se exponen las consecuencias a largo plazo del uso del implante de miragel como tratamiento del desprendimiento de retina. Se presentan las características durante la cirugía y el postoperatorio de la explantación de este tipo de implante en 3 pacientes que acudieron a la consulta de Retina del Hospital Oftalmológico «Amistad Argelia Cuba» en Djelfa, Republica Popular y Democrática de Argelia, con el diagnóstico de cirugía convencional de retina con implante de miragel realizado en Francia en...

  15. El fracaso del neoliberalismo en el mundo y en la Unión Europea

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    Vicenç Navarro


    Full Text Available El modelo económico seguido desde los años ochenta en el mundo ha dado frutos, los cuales se pueden caracterizar de desastrosos. No solo por la crisis que ha provocado estragos desde el 2007, sino justamente, porque el proceso que llevo a la crisis en curso, configuro una fuerte polarización en varios ámbitos. Expresión de una cada vez mayor inequidad en la distribución de la riqueza y el ingreso. Mientras que por el otro lado se fue gestando un estado cada vez mas alejado de las necesidades sociales, y termino por reducir su gasto social hasta atentar contra la institución del Estado del Bienestar resultado de largas luchas de los trabajadores.

  16. La descentralización a la luz del caso Bella Flor en Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá

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    Pening G Jean Philippe


    Full Text Available En Colombia, las políticas de descentralización se profundizaron con la Constitución Política de 1991 y los desarrollos legislativos posteriores. A los municipios se les devolvió la responsabilidad en inversiones en sectores como educación, salud y agua potable y saneamiento básico. Bogotá presenta los mejores indicadores colombianos, sin embargo en la ciudad conviven hogares que presentan indicadores bastante alejados del promedio de la localidad, de la ciudad y del país. Para demostrarlo, se realizó un censo en el barrio Bella Flor de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar en Bogotá, el cual arroja unos resultados que comparamos con un censo realizado en 2000 y con resultados de encuestas del DANE.

  17. El discurso político del Cómic sobre el pasado nacional. Tres lecturas del Siglo de Oro.

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    Isabelle Touton


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone mostrar cómo la representación del pasado en el cómic, por medio de opciones estéticas y de recursos específicos a este arte, conlleva como cualquier relectura una dimensión política no siempre explícita. Para ello, nos hemos centrado en la reelaboración de tres “lugares de memoria” del Siglo de Oro (la España y la figura de Felipe II; los tercios de Flandes en tiempos de Felipe IV; Santa Teresa de Jesús en tres obras con objetivos, tonos, modalidades formales y dimensiones plásticas bastante alejados unos de otros: Felipe II (1999 de Antonio Hernández Palacios; El capitán Alatriste (2005, adaptación de la primera novela del ciclo de Pérez-Reverte, con guión Carlos Giménez y dibujos de Joan Mundet, y La vie passionnée de Thérèse d’Avila (1980 de la historietista francesa Claire Brétécher.

  18. Mecanobiología de la interfase hueso-implante dental

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    Juan Carlos Vanegas Acosta


    Full Text Available La osteointegración es la conexión estructural y funcional entre el hueso y un implante. Cuando un implante se inserta en el hueso, se crea la denominada interfase hueso-implante, una zona de unión entre la superficie del biomaterial del implante y el hueso circundante. La cicatrización de esta interfase depende de las condiciones biológicas del hueso, las características de diseño del implante y la distribución de cargas entre hueso e implante. En este artículo se hace una revisión del proceso de cicatrización de la interfase hueso-implante para el caso de un implante dental. El objetivo es describir la secuencia de eventos biológicos iniciados con la lesión causada por la inserción del implante y que concluyen con la formación de nuevo hueso en la interfase. Esta descripción incluye una novedosa clasificación de los fenómenos mecánicos que intervienen durante el proceso de cicatrización de los tejidos lesionados. Esta descripción mecanobiológica de la interfase hueso-implante dental se utiliza para determinar las características más relevantes a tener en cuenta en la formulación de un modelo matemático de la osteointegración de implantes dentales.

  19. ¡Alucinados por paisajes! Indicadores para una relectura del paisaje regional

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    Fabio Aldemar Gómez Sierra


    Full Text Available Otra forma de administrar las localidades en la globalización, es la vinculación del paisaje con las expresiones culturales. Ese, depende de las miradas naturales o fotografiadas, sometidas ambas a la subjetividad. La acepción aplicada al entorno, se expresa como espectáculo rural, dotado de patrimonios, cuyas concepciones poéticas, románticas y turísticas, obstaculizan más posibilidades. Aunque al departamento de Boyacá se le identifique parcialmente como territorio de paisajes, dicho concepto, alejado de las categorías científicas es pasivo y contemplativo. Enriquecerlo con miradas y procedimientos fundamentados, desde la experiencia de los paisajes vitícolas y hablar de la ciencia del paisaje, articulada con disciplinas científicas y aplicadas, permitiría la movilidad de conocimientos y por ende, una transformación social.

  20. Alternativas a la elevación de seno maxilar: implantes cortos Alternatives to maxillary sinus elevation: short implants

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    J. González Lagunas


    Full Text Available La mala calidad del hueso, reabsorciones extremas y la presencia de la cavidad del seno maxilar constituían obstáculos insalvables para la rehabilitación implanto-soportada en el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico. La elevación de seno es probablemente la primera opción de tratamiento en el paciente tributario de rehabilitación con implantes en ese sector. El uso de implantes cortos (menos de 10 mm se ha asociado tradicionalmente con unas tasas de supervivencia menores que la de los implantes largos. No obstante la aparición de nuevas superficies y diseños indican que este tipo de implantes puede soportar de forma fiable restauraciones dentales. Presentamos la técnica de instalación de implantes de superficie porosa sinterizada, asi como una revisión actualizada sobre el comportamiento de los implantes cortos.Poor bone quality, extreme bony resorption and a pneumatized mqxillary sinus are a severe Challenger for reconstruction of the atrophic edentuous posterior maxilla. Sinus lift is probably the gold standard for Management of that area. Short implants (<10mm have traditionally been associated with lower survival rates. The introduction of new surfaces and designs indicate that this type of implants can adequately support dental restorations. We present the technique of installation of sinterised porous dental implants together with an update on the behaviour of short implants.

  1. Primer implante de electrodo de estimulación selectiva del haz de His en Colombia: Reporte de dos casos First implantation of selective his bundle pacing in Colombia: Report of two cases

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    Jorge E Velásquez


    Full Text Available Se conoce que la estimulación en el ápex del ventrículo derecho produce disincronía ventricular y muchas veces los pacientes desarrollan miocardiopatía dilatada, lo que ha llevado a realizar una estimulación más fisiológica. Con el reciente desarrollo tecnológico de los electrodos para la estimulación selectiva del haz de His (fisiológica, se quiere mostrar la experiencia en el implante de este tipo de electrodos en los dos primeros casos del servicio de electrofisiología de la Clínica Medellín.Pacing in the right ventricular apex is known to produce ventricular dysynchrony and patients often develop dilated cardiomiopathy. For this reason, a more physiological stimulation has been performed. With the recent technological development of electrodes for selective stimulation of the His bundle, we want to show the experience of this type of implantation in the first two cases made in the electrophysiology laboratory in Medellin.

  2. Los implantes MG-OSSEOUS: Estudio multicéntrico retrospectivo MG-OSSEOUS implants: A multicentric retrospective study

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    E. Serrano Caturla


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Aportar unos datos estadísticamente fiables sobre la supervivencia e incidencias asociadas a los implantes y prótesis del modelo MG-OSSEOUS (Mozo-Grau, S.L., Valladolid, España y demostrar que su eficacia es comparable a todas las marcas comerciales. Material y método. Estudio multicéntrico retrospectivo coordinado por la empresa Scientific Management in O&SS (Barcelona, España. Se colocaron 1001 implantes en 247 pacientes y se diseñaron 328 prótesis, entre los años 2004 y 2005, con un seguimiento de 2 años. Todos los implantes cargados. Se analizan y pormenorizan todos los implantes, por diámetros, longitudes, posiciones, fases quirúrgicas, cargas, tipos y modelos de prótesis y técnicas complementarias aplicadas, tanto sincrónica como anacrónicamente. Resultados. Tras la homogeneización de las muestras, se objetiva una supervivencia del 97,8% a los 2 años, detallando los fracasos según las características de cada caso clínico. No se reporta ningún fracaso de la prótesis. Discusión. Protocolizamos una serie de criterios e indicaciones a la hora de colocar los implantes MG-OSSEOUS según los casos clínicos. Comparamos nuestros resultados con la bibliografía, tanto pretérita como actual, coincidiendo con la manera de actuar a lo largo de la historia de la implantología. Finalmente, extrapolamos los resultados que consideramos comparables a los publicados por el grupo Branemark. Conclusión. La calidad del implante MG-OSSEOUS combinada con protocolos implantológicos científicamente contrastados, muestra un 2,2% de fracaso a los 2 años de seguimiento, con un porcentaje de éxito del 100% tanto en la recolocación del implante como en la fase protésica.Objective. We present some statistically contrasted results regarding the survival and incidences of MG-OSSEOUS implants and prosthetic components (Mozo-Grau, S.L., Valladolid, Spain, and we prove that they have the same efficacy when compared with other

  3. Identificación radiográfica de implantes dentales


    Insua Brandariz, Ángel


    La identificación de implantes dentales en pacientes sin registros clínicos representa un problema importante y creciente debido a la movilidad de la población, al incremento del número de implantes colocados, así como al aumento del número de diseños y sistemas de implantes. Objetivos 1. Crear la primera base de datos donde se describan las características morfo-radiográficas de todos los tipos de implantes dentales. 2. Identificar morfológica y radiográficamente los implan...

  4. Efter cochlear implant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højen, Anders

    Dit barn har netop fået et cochlear implant. Hvad nu? Skal barnet fokusere udelukkende på at lære talt sprog, eller skal det også lære/fortsætte med tegnsprog eller støttetegn? Det er et vanskeligt spørgsmål, og før valget foretages, er det vigtigt at vurdere hvilke konsekvenser valget har, dels...... for den sproglige udvikling isoleret set, og dels for barnets udvikling ud fra en helhedsbetragtning. Dette indlæg fokuserer på, hvilke forventninger man kan have til cochlear implant-brugeres sproglige udvikling med talt sprog alene, hhv. med to sprog (tale og tegn). Disse forventninger er baseret på...

  5. Evaluación del osteocoral como material de implante en bolsas infraóseas de dientes multirradiculares

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    Tania Sotomayor Marín


    Full Text Available Se evalúa la eficacia del osteocoral como material de implante en el tratamiento de bolsas infraóseas en dientes multirradiculares. Se analizaron 14 pacientes que se dividieron en 2 grupos: el primero incluyó a 6 pacientes con un total de 12 defectos, los cuales se evaluaron hasta los 6 meses. El segundo, con 8 pacientes y 16 defectos, que se reevaluaron a los 12 y 24 meses. En los 2 grupos se incluyeron pacientes de ambos sexos, que fueron implantados con osteocoral (grupo estudio y con hidroxiapatita (grupo control. Se realizó reparación inicial que incluyó remoción de cálculo y pulido de la superficie dentaria, educación y motivación y evaluación del cepillado, que debía mostrar valores iguales o mayores del 80 % en la remoción de placa dentobacteriana. Posteriormente se realizó el implante mediante operación a colgajo. Se realizaron radiografías de control a los 14 días, 6 meses (para el primer grupo y 12 y 24 meses (para el segundo grupo. Se controló sistemáticamente la higiene bucal en ambos grupos. Se controlaron nuevamente los indicadores clínicos a los 6 meses para el primer grupo, y a los 12 y 24 meses para el segundo. Se observó una disminución estadísticamente significativa en el índice gingival, profundidad de la bolsa y movilidad dentaria para ambos materiales implantológicos, sin que se reportaran grandes diferencias entre éstos. Radiográficamente se observó la presencia de relleno en el defecto original, y no hubo reacciones locales adversas, por lo que se consideró efectivo el tratamiento.Effectiveness of osteocoral was assessed as material for implants at infraosseous pockets of multirooted teeth. 14 analised patients were divided into 2 groups: first, included 6 cases and 16 defects, which were evaluated ultil 6 months. Second, included 8 cases and 16 defects, evaluated at 12 and 24 months. In both groups, males and women, were included underwent to implants with osteocoral (study group and

  6. Efectos secundarios del implante etonogestrel en mujeres en edad fértil atendidas en el Subcentro de San Antonio, 2014

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    Maritza Marisol Álvarez Moreno


    Full Text Available Introducción. El Implante de Etonogestrel es un método anticonceptivo, que ofrece a las usuarias alta eficacia anticonceptiva del 99%, en un periodo de tres años; es seguro, cómodo y accesible. Los efectos secundarios que se describen son: irregularidades del ciclo menstrual, cefalea, náuseas, aumento de peso; siendo estos la razón para no continuar utilizando este método anticonceptivo. Objetivo. Identificar los efectos secundarios del Implante de Etonogestrel, usado como método anticonceptivo seleccionado en mujeres en edad fértil. Material y Método. Este es un estudio de; revisión documentada, de campo, cualicuantitativo, retrospectivo y transversal. La muestra es de 112 usuarias. A 60 usuarias se les aplico una encuesta validada, así como a los profesionales que laboran en la unidad, con la finalidad de identificar como se brinda la consejería respecto a este dispositivo. Conclusión. Las características de las usuarias que fueron incluidas en nuestro estudio, no influyen significativamente en la percepción de efectos secundarios, no se puede identificar que la aparición de los efectos como son: irregularidades en el ciclo menstrual, cefalea, aumento de peso, irritabilidad, náuseas y disminución del libido, además se plantea la importancia de la atención a controles subsecuentes en donde la misma no se está aplicando.



    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  8. Implantes personalizados de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) para aplicaciones en craneoplastia


    Arango Ospina, Marcela


    Los implantes a la medida para aplicaciones en craneoplastias tienen el objetivo de restaurar la protección del cerebro que el cráneo proporcionaba y mejorar el aspecto de la superficie después de sufrir un traumatismo o para corregir una malformación. Los principales inconvenientes del procedimiento de craneoplastia incluyen la individualización de la geometría y las propiedades mecánicas del implante para que sea funcional. El objetivo de nuestra investigación fue proponer un...

  9. Repercusión del implante coclear en el aprendizaje de la lectura de los alumnos sordos: resultados preliminares

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar unos primeros resultados que permitan comprobar la repercusión que están teniendo los implantes cocleares (ayudas técnicas que transforman las señales acústicas en señales eléctricas que estimulan el nervio auditivo en el aprendizaje de la lectura de los alumnos sordos. Para ello, se analizan los mecanismos de lectura desarrollados por dos grupos de alumnos sordos, con y sin implante coclear, a lo largo de la escolaridad obligatoria; tomando como referencia un grupo de alumnos oyentes de la misma edad. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias en los mecanismos de lectura en función del uso de los implantes cocleares. Los alumnos sordos con implante coclear usan mecanismos semánticos y sintácticos en la lectura de oraciones y emplean códigos ortográficos y fonológicos; mientras que los alumnos sordos sin implante coclear usan preferentemente mecanismos semánticos y códigos ortográficos en lectura. En consecuencia, se analizan las implicaciones de estos resultados para la práctica educativa.ABSTRACT: The first aim of the present paper is to show a preliminary findings about the repercussion of cochlear implant in reading acquisition in deaf children. For this, reading strategies were analyzed in two groups of deaf children, with and without cochlear implants, during compulsory schooling. Their performance was compared with that hearing children of the same chronological age. The findings suggest that there are differences in reading strategies in funtion of the use of cochlear implants. The children who had received a cochlear implantation can use semantic and sintactic strategies in reading sentences, and they can use orthografical and phonological codes; whereas deaf children without cochlear implant use more semantic strategies in reading sentences and orthografical codes. Implications of these results for educational practice are being discussed.

  10. Del gobierno electrónico al big data: la digitalización de la gestión pública en Colombia frente al control territorial

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    Miguel Gomis-Balestreri


    Full Text Available A pesar de sus problemas internos, Colombia es uno de los países latinoamericanos más entusiastas en relación con el gobierno electrónico. Las reformas inducidas por la implementación de políticas alineadas con los odm-ods, así como de la pacificación, han inducido una mejora en la capacidad colombiana de intervención en el territorio, donde la digitalización permitió llegar a ciudadanos tradicionalmente alejados de las administraciones. Sin embargo, surgen dudas sobre la coherencia de dicha estrategia. Los avances realizados suponen un desafío: ¿cómo afecta y es afectada la digitalización del sector público colombiano por la necesidad del Estado de fortalecer su control físico del territorio? Teniendo en cuenta dicho contexto, esta reflexión busca entender qué avances y problemas subyacen en la reconstrucción de la relación Estadociudadano, especialmente a partir del análisis de la digitalización en Bogotá.

  11. Utilización del acrílico dental (metil metacrilato) como barra estabilizadora-conectora para reducciones cerradas en fracturas de tibia/peroné o radio/cúbito en caninos


    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  12. Dentocronología: Relaciones temporales de una muestra del noroeste argentino

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    Bollini, Gabriel A.


    Full Text Available La morfología dentaria ha sido utilizada por Turner (1986 para establecer distancias biológicas comparando distintos rasgos extraídos de la corona y la raíz. Con estos datos sugirió que el promedio mundial de tasa de microevolución es de 0,01003 con un error de 0,004 del valor de la Medida Media de la Divergencia cada 1000 años. Utilizando este método se ha calculado la distancia de separación temporal entre una serie de cráneos de aborígenes del noroeste argentino y poblaciones mundiales de distintos continentes considerando caracteres dentales discontinuos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las poblaciones asiáticas del noreste de China son las de separación más reciente (0,1441, seguidas por las poblaciones de los japonenses modernos (0,1603 y los urga-mongoles un poco más alejados (0,2070 Mayor separación muestran las poblaciones ancestrales japonesas como los Jomon (0,4627 y Ainu (0,5643. Las mayores distancias y, por lo tanto, separaciones temporales presentan las poblaciones del Sudeste asiático (0,9821 y australianas (1,1936. Cuando se comparan con poblaciones americanas los menores valores se encuentran con los Dakotas del sur (0,0881 con valores aún inferiores a las halladas para los Chinos del NE. En concordancia con estudios de otros autores, las poblaciones africanas y europeas son las que presentan los mayores tiempos de separación con la serie argentina estudiada. Los valores obtenidos apoyan la hipótesis de poblamiento enunciada por Turner.

  13. El ordenamiento territorial en la cuenca hidrográfica del Bío-Bío, Quilleco

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    Hans Fox Timmling


    Full Text Available Conocer y estudiar las ciudades y pueblos que configuran nuestra red regional de asentamientos urbanos nos ayuda a entender la región como un sistema totalizador e interactuante de flujos y de procesos productivos, sociales y culturales que afectan menor o mayormente la vida ciudadana o rural en cualquier punto del espacio regional. La noción de considerar la región como un espacio territorial integrado, por tanto unitario y diverso, significa que los procesos y fenómenos que estén ocurriendo, aunque sea en el rincón más alejado de los grandes centros metropolitanos y vías principales, afectará de todas maneras de una forma u otra la calidad de vida ambiental de la sociedad regional.

  14. Carlos III y la escultura cortesana


    Tárraga Baldó, María Luisa


    Entre los diferentes focos de escultura en la España del siglo XVIII es indudable la importancia del núcleo cortesano, tanto por su actividad como por ser ciertamente el centro introductor y difusor de las corrientes estéticas de mayor auge en Europa. Este arte cortesano superará los límites geográficos del foco donde se asienta, para irradiar hacia puntos alejados de él.


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    Juan A. Márquez Domínguez


    Full Text Available La plena integración de España en la Unión Europea, ha expandido y afianzado patrones de consumo interesados por fresas, frambuesas, arándanos y naranjas que constituyen, en una era de la dieta saludable, “la compra impulsiva de todo consumidor” (Kemp, D., 1995... y también el gran negocio de la agricultura de vanguardia, alrededor del cual se agrupan multitud de agentes comerciales con estrategias y visiones de mercado diferentes. Desde hace dos décadas, la Tierra Llana de Huelva, el sector más meridional de la provincia, se está convirtiendo en el espacio indiscutible de la fresa española y europea, siendo la segunda zona productora del mundo, tras California, por obvias ventajas comparativas de índole natural y humana. Sin embargo, el reducido potencial de consumo, por volumen demográfico de los centros de producción de fresas, hace imprescindible contar con mercados externos, alejados cientos y miles de kilómetros. En este contexto, la logística y organización comercial adquiere un papel relevante en la viabilidad de las explotaciones agrarias, ya que de ellas dependen, en gran medida, la rentabilidad económica.

  16. Ecotest mamario: una nueva herramienta para la elección del plano de ubicación de los implantes

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    Guillermo Siemienczuk


    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivos. Para obtener los mejores resultados en mastoplastia de aumento con implantes, independientemente del volumen y la forma de los mismos, es necesaria la correcta elección del bolsillo de colocación. Para definir el plano apropiado, hasta ahora, nosotros usábamos el clásico test del pellizco (pinch test siguiendo la corriente bibliográfica mundial. Material y Método. El hecho de que esta medición puede resultar subjetiva y variable debido a las diferentes presiones ejercidas al ser realizado por distintos cirujanos, sumado a que no permite ver lo que realmente estamos pinzando, nos ha llevado a desarrollar la idea de medirlo fiel y objetivamente por medio de un estudio ecográfico preoperatorio al que denominamos ecotest del polo superior. Resultados. Con ésta nueva herramienta diagnóstica hemos evaluado a 95 pacientes, con un seguimiento mínimo de 6 meses de postoperatorio. Conclusiones. De este modo comprobamos la mejoría en nuestros resultados estéticos.

  17. Gestión pública socialmente responsable del turismo en Cataluña

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    Anna Soliguer Guix


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar qué motivos dificultan la puesta en práctica de los principios de turismo responsable en el modelo turístico catalán. Como principal resultado, se pone de manifiesto que la gestión socialmente responsable del turismo (en adelante, GSRT no forma parte de las prioridades de la estrategia turística catalana, a pesar de que ya ha entrado en la agenda política, a raíz de los conflictos en Barcelona. El enfoque de la GSRT desde la Ciencia Política y concretamente, desde el marco del análisis de las políticas públicas, permite trascender los aspectos macroeconómicos que impulsan las estrategias políticas, para adentrarnos en los actores y las decisiones que superan las acciones de fomento y promoción. Las razones que motivan esta ausencia se deben principalmente a que la política turística se halla enmarcada en un programa económico, ideológicamente alejado de otros modelos considerados más cercanos al desarrollo sostenible.

  18. Aspectos causales del precio de departamentos nuevos en la Comuna de Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile

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    Carlos Aguirre N.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo busca establecer de forma preliminar relaciones de causalidad entre atributos de barrio o microbarrio y los precios de los departamentos nuevos en un mercado en expansión. En ese sentido, se estableció un análisis mediante un modelo de producto y se sometió la base de datos resultante a un análisis geográfico y espacial. Posteriormente se aplicó un análisis multivariado, con miras a estimar coeficientes significativos de causalidad. La conclusión confirma el atributo inmobiliario más valorado es la distancia al centro de la microzona y que las áreas verdes se sitúan como un sustituto para proyectos que están más alejados del centro.

  19. Algunos conceptos matemáticos asociados al infinito

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    Iván Darío Buitrago C.


    Full Text Available En éste artículo se aborda el concepto de infinito en su forma general y se hace un análisis del infinito actual y del infinito potencial. Se realizan algunas demostraciones, con el objetivo de enfatizar en la trascendencia que dejó la idea del infinito desde los griegos hasta nuestros días y lo alejado que está el concepto del sentido común. Se trabaja la idea del infinito actual, desde la teoría de conjuntos, tratada por los gran Bernhard Bolzano y Georg Cantor.

  20. Colgajo dermoglandular de apoyo en mastopexia con implantes: técnica de la hamaca

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    A. Alí


    Full Text Available La ptosis mamaria es consulta frecuente en la práctica del cirujano plástico, y las opciones quirúrgicas para su corrección son múltiples. A pesar de los avances en el tratamiento de esta alteración, los resultados impredecibles y las posibles complicaciones siguen siendo frecuentes, sobre todo cuando se asocia la colocación de implantes mamarios. La dehiscencia de la herida, la exposición del implante y la modificación de la forma de la mama, en especial del polo inferior, pueden estar presentes a corto o largo plazo en las pacientes sometidas a cirugía de pexia mamaria con implantes. Presentamos una nueva técnica quirúrgica para suspensión y protección del polo inferior de la mama a partir de un colgajo dermoglandular de pedículo interno inferior que llamaremos "hamaca". Este colgajo, nos permite mantener más estable la forma de la mama a lo largo del tiempo y brindar así una mayor protección al implante en caso de dehiscencia de la herida.

  1. Fracaso en los implantes dentales: Fibrointegración. Reporte de caso clínico

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    Iris Luz Santís Chamorro


    Full Text Available  ResumenLa rehabilitación con implantes dentales en los pacientes con edentulismo parcial o total posee amplias indicaciones que se ven limitadas por factores anatómicos y biológicos. La oseointegración surge como un hecho descubierto entre la adaptación biológica del hueso a la superficie del titanio del implante (interfase hueso-implante por lo que se afirma que el motivo de fracaso de la mayoría de los sistemas de implantes es que éstos se encapsulen en un tejido de cicatrización fibroso (fibrointegración mal diferenciado lo que crea movilidad, que lleva a reacciones en la mucosa y finalmente a la pérdida. El objetivo del presente artículo es promover la presentación de casos clínicos de pacientes con fracaso de implantes dentales, con el ánimo de esclarecer las posibles causas y los factores coadyuvantes de dicho fracaso, y así mejorar los resultados en implantología. (Duazary 2008; 115-120AbstractThe rehabilitation with dental implants in the patients with partial absence or total of teeth possesses extensive indications that are seen limited by biological and anatomical factors. The oseointegration arises like a discovered fact among the biological adaptation of the bone to the surface of the titanic of the implant (interface bone-implant for which it is affirmed that the motive of failure of the majority of the systems of implants is that these it self envelop in a scar formation of fibrous tissue (Fibrointegration badly differentiated what creates mobility, that carries to reactions in the mucous membrane and finally to the loss. The objective of the present article is to promote the presentation of patients' clinical cases with failure of dental implants, with the intention of clarifying the possible reasons and the helping factors of the above mentioned failure, and this way to improve the results in implantology.Key Words: Fibrointegration; oseointegration; dentals implants; interface; implants failure.

  2. Aranguren y el papel del intelectual

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    Sotelo, Ignacio


    Full Text Available Not available

    En muy diferentes escritos -al fin y al cabo, se piensa en las coordenadas del tiempo en que nos ha tocado vivir- José Luis L. Aranguren se ha ocupado de la relación del intelectual con la política, cuestión a la que ha aportado atisbos y enfoques tan originales como esclarecedores, de modo que ya vale la pena resumir lo que ha pensado sobre el tema. Además, su propia obra y sus múltiples actividades, como profesor, publicista y conferenciante incansable, son de tal calibre y enjundia que en base a ellas cabe estudiar de modo paradigmático la influencia del intelectual sobre una España que me permitirá el lector que califique, con la mayor moderación y prudencia, pese a las enormes diferencias, por lo demás obvias, entre el franquismo y el régimen actual, de hosca y bastante difícil en todo momento. Este artículo consta de tres partes: 1. Una breve exposición de los aportes de Aranguren al tema. 2. Una segunda que. trata de desentrañar el tipo de relación que uno de los intelectuales más destacados ha tenido con la sociedad española en estos últimos cincuenta años, caminando en un doble sentido, desde la obra, para esclarecer su impacto real sobre la sociedad española; y desde ésta hacia al intelectual, interesados en mostrar los condicionamientos sociales -se piensa siempre en un contexto social y como reacción a él que configuran su pensamiento. 3. En fin, y a manera de conclusión provisional, algunas observaciones críticas a la tesis de Aranguren de que el intelectual debe permanecer alejado de la órbita del poder y, consecuentemente, de la política concreta.

  3. Evaluación de la respuesta hística del beta fosfato tricálcico (Biograft-G como implante óseo Histological evaluation of tricalcium beta phosphate (Biograft-G as bone implant

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    Rafael Delgado Fernández


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la histocompatibilidad y las propiedades de osteoconducción y biodegradación del Biograft-G (beta fosfato tricálcico sintético obtenido por el Centro de Biomateriales de la Universidad de La Habana, se usaron para esta experiencia, 10 perros Beagle, a los cuales se les realizaron implantes de Biograft-G en fémur y mandíbula, con sus correspondientes controles. Estos animales fueron sacrificados en los siguientes periodos: a los tres y seis meses; y al año y dos años de implantados. Se obtuvo muestras de tejido en bloque del hueso implantado las cuales se fijaron en formol neutro y posteriormente procesadas, previa descalcificación, por el método de inclusión en parafina y coloreadas con Hematoxilina y Eosina. El estudio se realizó con microscopio óptico. Los resultados permitieron determinar que el Biograft-G resultó ser un material histocompatible, osteoconductor y biodegradable.With the aim to determine the histocompatibility, osteoconduction properties and biodegradation of synthetic tricalcium beta phosphate (Biograft-G obtained in the Biomaterials Centre of Havana University we developed an experimental study using 10 Beagle dogs in which were placed Biograft-G implants in femur and jaw bones with their corresponding controls. The animals were sacrificed in three different periods: 3, 6 months, one and two years time of implantation. Block bone samples were obtained, fixed in 10 % neutral formalin, decalcified and processed with the paraffin inclusion method and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin. The study was carried out with optical microscope. We conclude that, according to the results obtained, Biograft-G is a histocompatible, osteoconductor and biodegradable material.

  4. Colgajo dermoglandular de apoyo en mastopexia con implantes: técnica de la hamaca


    A. Alí; C. Zuleta-Bechara; V. Vassaro


    La ptosis mamaria es consulta frecuente en la práctica del cirujano plástico, y las opciones quirúrgicas para su corrección son múltiples. A pesar de los avances en el tratamiento de esta alteración, los resultados impredecibles y las posibles complicaciones siguen siendo frecuentes, sobre todo cuando se asocia la colocación de implantes mamarios. La dehiscencia de la herida, la exposición del implante y la modificación de la forma de la mama, en especial del polo inferior, pueden estar prese...

  5. Resultados de implante de lente intraocular en niños Results of intraocular lens implantation in children

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    Nashelly I. Mejía Cruz


    Full Text Available En este estudio se describen los resultados obtenidos del implante de lente intraocular en niños, quienes acudieron al servicio de Oftalmología Pediátrica de Instituto Cubano de oftalmología “Ramón Pando Ferrer” con el diagnóstico de catarata de diversas etiologías, en período comprendido entre abril del 2002 al 2005 cuyo seguimiento fue durante un año. En nuestro universo de estudio se determinan algunos parámetros como la edad del paciente, etiología de las cataratas, agudeza visual, defecto refractivo preoperatorio y posoperatorio. Se identificó el poder dióptrico del lente intraocular más frecuente, la presencia de complicaciones durante la cirugía y después de esta. Se evaluaron finalmente, los pacientes que requerían de tratamiento adicional como la capsulotomía con láser o membranectomía quirúrgica. El implante del lente intraocular a temprana edad se relacionó con buenos resultados quirúrgicos: mejoría de la agudeza visual corregida, presentándose el astigmatismo como el error refractivo más frecuente. La complicación transoperatorio y postoperatoria más frecuente fue la membrana inflamatoria, mientras que la complicación posoperatoria más frecuente fue la opacidad de la cápsula posterior.This paper described the results of the intraocular lens implantation performed in children, who had been seen at the Pediatric Ophthalmologic Service of " Ramon Pando Ferrer " Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology and had been diagnosed as having cataract of various etiologies, from April 2002 to April 2005. They were all followed-up for a year. Some parameters like the patient’s age, the etiology of cataract, visual acuity, pre-operative and post-operative refractive defect were considered in our study. The dioptric power of the most common intraocular lens and the most frequent complications during and after surgery were identified. The patients requiring additional treatment such as laser capsulotomy and surgical

  6. Criterio y posibilidades del implante celular

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    Beatriz Pelacho


    Full Text Available Cada año mueren en Europa y EE.UU. como consecuencia de las enfermedades cardíacas más de medio millón de personas. Este alto índice de mortalidad se debe principalmente a la isquemia, responsable del daño cardíaco y de la consecuente pérdida de cardiomiocitos. Aunque algunos grupos investigadores han indicado la existencia de células progenitoras cardíacas en el corazón, el miocardio adulto no es capaz de regenerarse de modo efectivo, siendo su pérdida prácticamente irreversible. Hasta el momento, la única terapia disponible ha estado basada en el empleo de fármacos, los cuales han tenido un efecto paliativo más que curativo, siendo necesario en los casos más graves el trasplante de corazón. Debido a que las opciones de tratamiento son muy limitadas, la última meta sería prevenir estas complicaciones mediante la regeneración de la zona dañada, cuando el daño se produce. El trasplante de células madre o progenitoras es la aproximación del siglo XXI que ofrece una opción terapéutica para la regeneración y recuperación del corazón.

  7. Cruzando la línea


    Herrera Zárate, Álvaro Ricardo


    Arte, deporte y performance son tres conceptos que se cruzan en un mundo alejado del Olimpo glorioso, el cual creyó recuperar el Barón de Coubertin. Lance, Ben Johnson y Maradona son algunos ejemplos del asenso y caída de los ídolos deportivos que tanto acapararon los encabezados de los medios de comunicación. Nike, Puma, Reebok y Adidas, son las principales multinacionales del deporte, que se pelean medalla a medalla, el triunfo en los Olímpicos, importando cada vez menos, las...

  8. Bases moleculares de la depleción de glutatión y de la necrosis celular en la pancreatitis aguda. Papel de las proteín quinasas activadas por mitógenos.


    Pereda Cervera, Javier


    RESUMEN La pancreatitis aguda es el proceso inflamatorio agudo del páncreas con afectación variable de otros tejidos regionales y sistemas orgánicos alejados. Es una enfermedad con una incidencia relativamente elevada en España y en el resto del mundo y con una mortalidad entre el 10 y el 45% de los casos graves de la enfermedad. Los mecanismos moleculares por los que una pancreatitis aguda se desarrolla, así como aquellos que conducen a una pancreatitis grave, aún no están del todo esclar...

  9. Efecto de la localización del electrodo ventricular derecho (tracto de salida vs. ápex sobre la sincronía ventricular mecánica, en pacientes sometidos a terapia de implante de marcapaso cardiaco Effect of right ventricular electrode location (outflow tract vs. apex on mechanical ventricular synchrony in patients that underwent pacemaker implant therapy

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    Oscar S Rincón


    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar a profundidad el efecto de la estimulación ventricular desde el tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho y el ápex, sobre la sincronía ventricular mecánica. Materiales y métodos: estudio analítico de cohorte, en el que se realizó ecocardiograma transtorácico pre y post implante de marcapaso a 20 pacientes (diez por cada grupo con indicación de marcapaso definitivo, con implante del electrodo en el tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho y el ápex, sin cardiopatía estructural, fracción de eyección > 50%; QRS y conducción aurículo-ventricular normal, con el fin de evaluar la asincronía ventricular mecánica (modo M y Doppler tisular y los parámetros de implante y programación del dispositivo. Análisis estadístico: los resultados se presentan como promedios, desviación estándar o porcentajes. Las variables continuas se compararon utilizando prueba Chi cuadrado y ANOVA. Se consideró como estadísticamente significativa una p Objective: to assess in depth the effect of ventricular stimulation from the right ventricular outflow tract and the apex on mechanical ventricular synchrony. Materials and Methods: cohort analytical study. 20 patients with indication of definitive pacemaker indication underwent transthoracic echocardiogram before and after pacemaker implant with electrode implantation in the right ventricular outflow tract and in the apex (10 patients in each group. There was no structural cardiopathy, ejection fraction was > 50%, QRS and AV conduction were normal. Mechanical ventricular asynchrony (M mode and tissue doppler and implant and device parameters were evaluated. Statistical Analysis: results are given as mean values, standard deviation or percentages. Continuous variables were compared using Chi-square test and ANOVA. A p <0.05 value was considered statistically significant. Results: in five patients (25% a pre-implant ventricular asynchrony was found; in seven (70% ventricular asynchrony

  10. Redes de consejo y apoyo social de las embarcaciones autorizadas a pescar en la reserva de la desembocadura del Guadalquivir: tres estrategias de pesca desde el puerto de Chipiona

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    Isidro Maya Jariego


    Full Text Available Examinamos las redes de conocidos, apoyo social e información ecológica local de los patrones de embarcaciones del puerto de Chipiona autorizadas a pescar en la Reserva de Pesca de la Desembocadura del Guadalquivir (n= 40, en el suroeste de España. El tiempo invertido en cada zona de la reserva mostró una relación inversa con la distancia al fondeadero. Se identificaron tres tipos de barcos en función de que su actividad de pesca la desarrollen de forma preferente, respectivamente, en la desembocadura, el frente costero entre Matalascañas y Mazagón, y los caladeros alejados de la reserva de pesca. Los pescadores mostraron una tendencia significativa al intercambio de apoyo e información con aquellos colegas que no comparten su misma zona de pesca (heterofilia. Los resultados de la encuesta y el análisis de redes entre embarcaciones fueron presentados en un foro cualitativo (n= 21, en el que los pescadores informaron de la práctica del secreto en la actividad pesquera. Discutimos las implicaciones de la estructura de relaciones en la conservación de los recursos pesqueros y en el desarrollo de una visión integrada del ecosistema.

  11. Conocimientos sobre implantes dentales en estomatólogos de los municipios de Centro Habana, Habana del Este y Habana Vieja Knowledge level on dental implants in stomatologists from Centro Habana, Habana del Este and Habana Vieja municipalities

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    Eneida García López


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal, con el objetivo de evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre implantes dentales de los estomatólogos generales básico e integrales de los municipios, Habana del Este, Centro Habana y Habana Vieja. El Ministerio de Salud Pública tiene especial interés en la implementación y generalización de las técnicas de implantología dental a nivel de los municipios por lo que esta temática se convierte en tema de necesario dominio para los estomatólogos, pues necesitan orientar, tratar y remitir a sus pacientes. Para medir los conocimientos fue aplicada una encuesta que constaba de diez preguntas, y se utilizó los criterios de conocen y desconocen, para evaluar las respuestas según su calidad. El nivel de conocimientos se clasificó en adecuado cuando la encuesta tuvo un 70 % o más de respuestas con el criterio de conocen. El nivel de conocimientos fue no adecuado para los grupos de estudios y para los municipios.A cross-sectional and descriptive research was carried out to assess the knowledge level on dental implants of Basic and Integral General Stomatologists from Habana del Este, Centro Habana and Habana Vieja municipalities and due to its spreading in the different media and the interest of our Public Health Ministry in application of this technique at municipality level it becomes necessary domain of stomatologists because of they need to guide, to treat and to refer the patients. To knowledge measurement we applied a survey including ten questions using to know and not to know criteria to assess the answers according to its quality. The knowledge level was classified as suitable when there was a 70 % or more of answers with the criterion of to know, but this knowledge level was not suitable for study groups and for the municipalities.

  12. Aplicación del shot peening en implantes dentales de titanio para la mejora de la osteointegración

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    Aparicio, C.


    Full Text Available In order to optimize the implant-bone fixation, different shot peening treatments with different shot particles (TiO2, Al2O3 y SiC. La rugosidad, SiC have been made. The influence that each type of shot particle has in the bone colonization on the different treatment surfaces has been determined by means of osteoblast-like cells culture. Commercially pure titanium discs have been shot peened. Their qualitative and quantitative surface roughness have been characterized; as well as their surface contamination caused by the shot particles. Particle size has also been determined, before and after the treatment, in order to evaluate their breaking averages. Finally, a TiO2 shot particles manufacture process by sintering has been developed. The manufacture has been necessary since this type of shot particles are not available in the market with the adequate size.

    Con el propósito de optimizar la fijación entre el implante y el hueso, se han realizado tratamientos de shot peening con distintos tipos de partículas de proyección: TiO2, Al2O3 y SiC. La rugosidad superficial obtenida será colonizada por hueso neoformado que producirá un anclaje implante-hueso. Para valorar la influencia que cada tipo de material abrasivo tiene en la colonización del hueso sobre las superficies tratadas, se han realizado ensayos in vitro de cultivos osteoblásticos. El shot peening se ha llevado a cabo en discos de titanio comercialmente puro, sobre los que se ha caracterizado cuantitativa y cualitativamente la rugosidad después del tratamiento; así como la contaminación de la superficie por las partículas. También se ha determinado el tamaño de las partículas, antes y después del tratamiento, para valorar sus porcentajes de rotura. Finalmente, se ha propuesto un proceso de fabricación de partículas de TiO2 por sinterización en el laboratorio

  13. La metrología en nuestras vidas


    Jaramillo, Zaira


    A primera vista, la palabra "Metrología" nos trae a la mente la idea de condiciones meteorológicas. Nada más alejado de la realidad, porque la Meteorología es la disciplina que se encarga de estudiar las condiciones del tiempo y la Metrología se encarga de estudiar las mediciones.

  14. Rehabilitación sobre implantes oseointegrados A case with rehabilitation on boneintegrated implants

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    Leticia María Lemus Cruz


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de un paciente rehabilitado en la consulta de Implantología de la Facultad de Estomatología de Ciudad de La Habana. La historia de la implantología moderna se remonta a principios de los años 60, cuando Per-Ingvar Branemark sienta las bases de la osteointegración y describe los primeros implantes de titanio con forma de tornillo. Aunque antigua, es la prótesis más moderna. Si la meticulosidad es obligada en la elaboración de todo tipo de prótesis, en los trabajos de implantes no se admite el más mínimo fallo, desde la planificación del caso hasta la implantación de la prótesis en boca. Para obtener buenos resultados, las técnicas y los procesos han de observarse escrupulosamente. En nuestra Facultad se ha creado el Grupo de Implantología, que es el encargado de la colocación de implantes y la rehabilitación prótesica de estos. Para ello han sido utilizado diferentes tipos de implantes comercializados y patentizados al nivel mundial. Se reafirma que la rehabilitación sobre implantes mejora la calidad estética y funcional de los pacientes.A case of rehabilitation patient is presented seen in Implantation Science consulting room of Stomatology Faculty of Havana City. History of implantation science dates back to at the beginning of 60s, when Per-Ingvar Branemark creates the bases of bone-integration and to describe the firsts titanium implants in a screw form. Although ancient, it is the more modern prosthesis. If meticulousness if mandatory in elaboration of all type of prosthesis, in implants works it inadmissible the minimum of failure, from the case planning until prosthesis implantation in mouth. To achieve good results, techniques and processes has to be scrupulously observed. In our Faculty it has been created a group of Implantation Science, which is in charge of implants placement, and of the prosthetic rehabilitation of these. Thus, we used different types of marketed and showed at world level. It

  15. Evaluación de la respuesta hística del beta fosfato tricálcico (Biograft-G como implante óseo

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    Rafael Delgado Fernández


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la histocompatibilidad y las propiedades de osteoconducción y biodegradación del Biograft-G (beta fosfato tricálcico sintético obtenido por el Centro de Biomateriales de la Universidad de La Habana, se usaron para esta experiencia, 10 perros Beagle, a los cuales se les realizaron implantes de Biograft-G en fémur y mandíbula, con sus correspondientes controles. Estos animales fueron sacrificados en los siguientes periodos: a los tres y seis meses; y al año y dos años de implantados. Se obtuvo muestras de tejido en bloque del hueso implantado las cuales se fijaron en formol neutro y posteriormente procesadas, previa descalcificación, por el método de inclusión en parafina y coloreadas con Hematoxilina y Eosina. El estudio se realizó con microscopio óptico. Los resultados permitieron determinar que el Biograft-G resultó ser un material histocompatible, osteoconductor y biodegradable.


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    Ana María Córdoba Barahona


    Full Text Available Cuando se creó la facultad de economía de la Universidad de Nariño hace treinta años la región nariñense presentaba las características de un desarrollo regional típico de varias zonas del país, tradicionalmente alejado del interés del gobierno central, es decir, con unas potencialidades subvaloradas, unos recursos de presupuesto restringidos, mínima inversión, una burocracia con preparación académica superficial, entre otras. Eran los años de la década de los setentas. No obstante, el Departamento no había sido lo suficientemente estudiado, ni se contaba con documentos que permitieran un mejor análisis de la realidad social, económica y financiera, lo cual no indica necesariamente que no existieran archivos con algunas cifras significativas de la evolución de la vida regional. Simplemente, no se había llegado a la cultura del análisis crítico y permanente frente al acontecer social por parte de los diferentes estamentos sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales, incluido el sector académico, que por esos años estaba limitado a la Universidad de Nariño y a la Universidad Mariana. El departamento de Nariño estaba muy lejos de la dinámica que la educación superior ha alcanzado en la actualidad.

  17. Significado construido por los cuidadores familiares acerca del personal de enfermería

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    Carmen Liliana Escobar-Ciro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir el significado que construye el cuidador familiar de personas en situación de enfermedad crónica acerca del personal de enfermería en el ámbito hospitalario. Materiales y métodos: estudio cualitativo con enfoque etnográfico. Se realizaron catorce entrevistas y cincuenta horas de observación participante. Los participantes fueron los cuidadores familiares de los pacientes hospitalizados en el servicio de medicina interna en dos instituciones de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia. El análisis se hizo a partir de la lectura de los relatos, las observaciones y las notas de campo; se realizó análisis línea a línea, que permitió la codificación de la información; los relatos se agruparon en categorías y subcategorías. Resultados: el significado que construye el cuidador familiar de personas con enfermedad crónica acerca del personal de enfermería en el hospital parte de considerar la enfermería como un oficio duro y de vocación, donde se identifica como actores a la jefe (enfermera y a la enfermera (auxiliar de enfermería, cada una con características propias de su hacer, saber y ser por las cuales las diferencian, y con quienes establecen relaciones cercanas o lejanas. Conclusiones: los cuidadores familiares identifican al personal de enfermería de acuerdo con ciertas características, asumiendo que el profesional de enfermería posee conocimientos, estatus y poder, alejado del cuidador y del paciente. Por su parte, el auxiliar de enfermería es percibido como alguien cercano, con quien se puede interactuar y resolver situaciones. Independientemente del rol desempeñado, los enfermeros(as señalan una sobrecarga laboral que les hace difícil interactuar con el cuidador familiar.

  18. Rehabilitación mediante implantes de carga inmediata con regeneración ósea

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    René Abel Salso Morell


    Full Text Available La disponibilidad ósea es uno de los principales elementos a tener en cuenta en la planificación del tratamiento implantológico. La posibilidad de optar por este se encuentra limitada en pacientes con déficit óseo, tanto en cantidad, como en calidad. La regeneración ósea guiada es una técnica quirúrgica, que permite estimular la formación de hueso en zonas específicas, permitiendo una disponibilidad adecuada del mismo, facilitando así esta terapéutica. Pueden realizarse previamente a la colocación de los implantes o durante la colocación de los mismos. Se presenta un caso de rehabilitación protésica por medio de implantes de carga inmediata utilizando una técnica de regeneración ósea, guiada  en el momento de la implantación. Se realizó seguimiento por seis meses, constatándose la integración del implante, así como la adecuada adaptación de la rehabilitación protésica.

  19. Oseointegración en implantes Bicon® cargados a los tres meses después de haber sido colocados mediante la técnica de elevación interna del seno maxilar en pacientes atendidos en la facultad de odontología de la universidad de Cartagena

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    Lorena Meñaca


    Full Text Available ResumenObjetivo: El objetivo general de este estudio fue evaluar la oseointegración en implantes tipo Bicon® cargados a los tres meses de colocados, mediante la técnica de elevación interna de seno maxilar. Materiales y Métodos: Este estudio se establece como una investigación de tipo descriptivo, basado en una serie de casos clínicos tratados. En la recolección de la información se utilizó un instrumento en donde se registraron los datos personales de los pacientes, se realizó la toma de radiografías panorámicas iniciales y radiografías periapicales utilizadas para observar la neoformación ósea y medir el aumento del piso del seno maxilar. La información fue consignada y tabulada en tablas y gráficos de frecuencia. Resultados: De los implantes colocados ninguno presentó movilidad ni patologías perimplantares, el piso del seno maxilar se aumentó en promedio 2.6 mm y se presentó neoformación ósea adecuada a los tres meses, lo que permitió la carga de los implantes. Conclusiones: Se determinó que a los tres meses se logra una suficiente oseointegración con los implantes, que en conjunto con la elevación interna del piso del seno maxilar y el grado de neoformación ósea alcanzado dieron a los implantes las condiciones necesarias para poder cargar los mismos. Además, la ausencia total de lesiones perimplantarias señalan el cumplimiento estricto de las normas tecnoquirurgicas, evaluación e instrucción a los pacientes que se han estado manejando dentro del proceso de la colocación de los implantes Bicon®. (Duazary 2007; 2: 93 - 99AbstractObjective: The general objective of this investigation was to evaluate the oseointegration of Bicon® dental implants that have been charge after three month of put it with internal sinus lift in maxillary sinus Material and Methods: This investigation has been stablished as a descriptive study, support in clinic cases. In order to recollect the information, a format was used to

  20. Estudio multicéntrico prospectivo con implantes MG-OSSEOUS a los 2 años de seguimiento Multicentric prospective study of MG-OSSEOUS implants at 2 year follow-up

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    E. Serrano


    Full Text Available Introducción. La implantología es uno de los procedimientos terapéuticos más realizados en nuestros días. El objetivo del presente estudio es presentar los resultados de los los implantes MG-OSSEOUS (Mozo-Grau, S.L., Valladolid, España a los 2 años de seguimiento. Material y método. La empresa Scientific Management in O&SS (Barcelona, España, diseñó unos cuestionarios exhaustivos que rellenaron, por cada caso, cada uno de los profesionales del estudio. La compilación y el tratamiento estadístico de los datos obtenidos fue extremadamente pormenorizada. Se aplicaron estudios de subpoblaciones desde la población N de implantes totales colocados y, mediante la aplicación de ANOVA, se valoraron parámetros concretos en dichas subpoblaciones para determinar y concluir la influencia de los mismos sobre el fracaso de los implantes. Resultados. Se colocaron 1475 implantes en 480 pacientes entre Junio de 2005 y Mayo de 2006, con una supervivencia del 98,2% con un seguimiento de 2 años de promedio con las prótesis cargadas. Se detallan los implantes por posiciones, diámetros y longitudes y se analizan los resultados en las subpoblaciones de implantes postexodoncia, implantes de carga inmediata e implantes asociados a injertos. Discusión. Se focaliza, realizando un amplio repaso de la bibliografía actual, en el alto fracaso obtenido en nuestro estudio de los implantes de diámetro ancho (4,25 mm postexodoncia y en la versatilidad del empleo de los implantes de diámetro estrecho (3,4 mm en cualquier posición oral para cualquier tipo de carga. Conclusiones. Este estudio es la completa antítesis de la filosofía, en el que se interpreta de una sola manera, científica y reproducible, una serie de resultados en el campo de la implantología oral, nuestra realidad. Seguiremos este estudio para alargar el tiempo observacional, como mínimo, a 5 años.Introduction. Implantology is the most common therapeutic procedure nowadays. Professor P

  1. Transporte y consumo de otras durante la romanización en el norte de la Península Ibérica

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    Castaños, P.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudia la presencia de ostras en yacimientos alejados de la costa durante la Romanización en el Norte de la Península Ibérica. Se establece una metodología para la estimación del número mínimo de individuos y la osteometría de esta especie. Se comprueba la importancia cuantitativa del consumo de este molusco en la dieta. Se aborda experimentalmente el problema del transporte de las ostras desde la costa hasta asentamientos de interior. Se establecen las ventajas de las distintas formas de colocación y del grado supervivencia de los animales durante el tiempo de transporte.

  2. Colocación transpectoral superior de implantes mamarios: Relevancia técnica y anatómica Superior transpectoral insertion of breast implants: Anatomical and technical relevance

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    G. Peña Cabús


    Full Text Available Los tres planos de colocación de implantes para aumento mamario tienen particularidades claramente identificables. Cada modificación anatómica y los elementos tisulares acompañantes establecen beneficios y efectos adversos que influyen sobre el resultado final. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo la comunicación temprana de los hallazgos clínicos obtenidos con la creación de una cavidad de implantación en diferentes condiciones, utilizando una combinación de planos y haciendo énfasis en un fundamento anatómico y funcional de gran relevancia. El mejor manejo de los implantes mamarios y de otros biomateriales es el mantenimiento de su integridad y el control de su comportamiento a largo plazo. De manera prospectiva valoramos la colocación de implantes mamarios en una cavidad que es subfascial en la porción caudal de la mama y retropectoral en la porción cefálica. El aislamiento de las rutas linfáticas suprafasciales proporciona un menor riesgo de contaminación del implante. La facilidad técnica se produce al no tener que desinsertar inferior y medialmente el músculo pectoral. En los 15 casos estudiados, no se produjo ningún desplazamiento cefálico de los implantes con la contracción pectoral. Hacemos también una revisión de la sustentación anatómica y funcional del nuevo plano de implantación utilizado. El resultado es una suma de beneficios y la prevención de un frecuente efecto adverso, con lo que cumplimos el objetivo final de reducir la morbilidad e incrementar la seguridad del procedimiento.The particular benefits and adverse effects of the three different planes for breast implant placement are widely known. The search for a safer implantation cavity led to a combination of two dissection planes with different anatomical components placed in continuity. Instead of supporting its value with statistics of good outcomes, emphasis is stressed in the functional and anatomical consequences of the proposed plane of

  3. Metodología para la manufactura de implantes craneales a partir de imágenes DICOM y tecnologías CAD/CAM/CNC Metodología para la manufactura de implantes craneales a partir de imágenes DICOM y tecnologías CAD/CAM/CNC

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    Iván López


    Full Text Available El presente artículo propone una metodología para el diseño y la fabricación de implantes craneales a partir de imágenes DICOM y tecnologías CAD/CAM/CNC. Esta metodología parte de las Tomografías Axiales Computarizadas (TAC de la cabeza del paciente, con las cuales se lleva a cabo la reconstrucción tridimensional del cráneo. Luego, en el sistema CAD se reconstruye el implante variando la técnica empleada dependiendo de la región del cráneo con defecto o trauma. Una vez obtenido el modelo, se diseña el montaje y se fabrica el implante con soporte en tecnología CAM/CNC.It’s proposed a methodology in order to design and manufacture cranial implants using DICOM and CAD/CAM/CNC technologies. This methodology begins when the designer makes a three-dimensional cranial reconstruction using the Axial Computer Tomographies (ACT of the patient’s cranium. Next, using a CAD system, the designer rebuilds the implant varying the used technique depending on the affected region. Finally, the designer builds the assembling and manufactures the implant.

  4. Cine virtual y “presencialidad” teatral: El cine electrónico de Coppola y sus imbricaciones en la consolidación del género( Peter Jackson.

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    Antonio Cantos Ceballos


    Full Text Available El fenómeno del cine virtual busca colmar una vieja aspiración por aprehender la condición esencial del teatro: la vivencia de un acontecimiento único e irrepetible por parte del espectador que contempla a unos actores enfrentados a situaciones en ese preciso instante. Ya en los años cincuenta se abordan experimentos con el cine en relieve(primer sistema 3D o, también, se emprenden búsquedas con el sentido del olfato(el smell-vision. La llegada de la revolución informática y su motion control system implica una nueva conquista en las sensaciones visuales del espectador y preludia la irrupción de un auténtico visionario en este sentido: Francis Ford Coppola. Su “cine electrónico” es un vehículo experimental para rodar con telecámaras y soporte magnético y, además, prepara el terreno para la aparición de los infogramas y la ruptura definitiva de la secuencia imagen-ojo-objeto, verdadero salto cualitativo hacia la pluridimensionalidad de la imagen. La creación con infogramas de realidades imaginarias y la revitalización del cine de género (Ciencia Ficción y Fantasy Films tiene un momento clave en el año 1999 con dos productos emblemáticos: Matrix y La amenaza fantasma. La definitiva conquista de la emoción “teatral” del espectador “envuelto” por seres inexistentes(monstruos, robots o animales mitológicos, que habitan en lugares alejados en el tiempo o en el espacio es una realidad con Peter Jackson y la primera película de su trilogía tolkeniana: La Comunidad del Anillo.


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    Irene María Villalba Urbaneja,


    Full Text Available Las personas con necesidades educativas especiales, particularmente con Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA, se han sentido alejados de las actividades físicas y lúdicas, a pesar de que la legislación vigente exige tenerlos en cuenta (Ley Orgánica 2/2006.El autismo es “una de las alteraciones más graves del desarrollo durante la primera infancia que constituye uno de los problemas más serios desde el punto de vista personal, familiar y social” (Crespo, 2001. Según señala el DSM-IV-TR (2000, los TEA son una serie de Trastornos Neuropsiquiátricos catalogados como Trastornos Generalizados del Desarrollo. Por todo ello, “todos los sujetos que presentan rasgos autistas tienen una enorme necesidad de practicar y desarrollar sus capacidades motoras de manera regular y el deterioro de las mismas es consecuencia de su discapacidad en establecer mecanismos propios para desarrollarlas por medio de juegos, educación psicomotriz o actividad física” (Molina, 2006.“Coopedalenado” fue una propuesta físico-educativa llevada a cabo con los niños y niñas de la Asociación Autismo Palencia durante el año 2014 en las instalaciones deportivas del Complejo Universitario de La Yutera, Palencia.Objetivos: Desarrollar las Habilidades Motrices Básicas y las Habilidades Perceptivas de los participantes, Mejorar las Habilidades Sociales a partir de actividades físicas específicamente diseñadas; Adquirir una mayor autonomía en el área psíquico y sensorial a partir de su estimulación.

  6. Aerogeneradores de baja potencia para electrificar pueblos alejados (Provincia de Huarochirí - Lima)


    Llacza Robles, Hugo Florencio


    La presente tesis busca desarrollar una propuesta estratégica para ser implementada en el campo de la energía eólica en el Perú. Para producir energía eléctrica a partir de| viento se requiere un aerogenerador, cuya energía es proporcional a la velocidad del viento. Existen diversos aparatos con diseños y tamaños adecuados para las diferentes necesidades. Algunos son de eje vertical; la mayor parte de los generadores de eje vertical se han empleado para bombear agua y otro tipo de traba...

  7. Implante coclear en enfermedad de Ménière bilateral. Descripción de un caso

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    Full Text Available Introducción: La enfermedad de Ménière se caracteriza por síntomas cocleares y vestibulares. Puede ser unilateral o bilateral. Cuando la pérdida de audición asociada es severa-profunda de forma bilateral o unilateral pero con problemas de audición en el otro oído, dicha audición puede beneficiarse de un implante coclear. Si además, presenta crisis de vértigo y Tumarkin refractarias al tratamiento médico, se puede plantear la realización simultánea de una laberintectomía quirúrgica y colocación de un implante coclear. Descripción: Se describe el caso de un paciente con enfermedad de Ménière bilateral con hipoacusia neurosensorial profunda de oído derecho con fluctuaciones auditivas izquierdas que asocia crisis vertiginosas y de Tumarkin sin respuesta a corticoides orales e intratimpánicos ni a gentamicina intratimpánica. Se le realizó una laberintectomía quirúrgica con implante coclear en el mismo acto quirúrgico anticipándonos al probable deterioro auditivo contralateral. Posteriormente presenta buen rendimiento del implante y desaparición de las crisis del oído intervenido. Discusión: El objetivo del tratamiento es controlar las crisis preservando la función, pero en pacientes en los que las medidas conservadoras fallan, se han de considerar otras más destructivas como es la laberintectomía química, que consigue altas tasas de control de las crisis, y el implante coclear, indicado para restaurar la audición en el oído afectado por enfermedad de Ménière. Si ambas se realizan en un mismo tiempo quirúrgico, se consigue reducir riesgos asociados con otros procedimientos quirúrgicos y anestésicos y evitar las modificaciones histológicas tras una laberintectomía química que dificultarían la posterior colocación del implante colear.

  8. Terapia de resincronización con implante de electrodo ventricular izquierdo por vía epicárdica Resynchronization therapy with left ventricular electrode implant via epicardium

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    Francisco Gómez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la terapia de resincronización cardiaca es segura y efectiva para mejorar la clase funcional y la calidad de vida, y reducir la mortalidad en pacientes con falla cardiaca en estado funcional III y IV con terapia médica óptima. Métodos: este es el reporte del procedimiento realizado a un grupo de pacientes a quienes se les implantó un marcapasos tricameral para resincronización cardiaca, con inserción del electrodo ventricular izquierdo por vía epicárdica, realizado en la Unidad Cardiovascular y de Trasplantes del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl y la Universidad de Antioquia, en noviembre de 2004 a febrero de 2006. Los pacientes elegidos para la inserción cumplían con los criterios de falla cardiaca estadio C o D, según la clasificación de la NYHA III ó IV, corroborado con prueba funcional menor de 5 MET, fracción de eyección menor del 35%, QRS mayor de 120 milisegundos y criterios ecocardiográficos de disincronía intraventricular, interventricular o aurículo-ventricular. Resultados: se incluyeron nueve pacientes: cinco hombres y cuatro mujeres, con edad promedio de 57 años; ocho pacientes tenían bloqueo de rama izquierda del haz de His. El procedimiento de implante se realizó en dos tiempos, el primero en la sala de hemodinámica donde se ubicó el electrodo de aurícula derecha y ventrículo derecho, y el segundo en el quirófano, donde se puso un electrodo del ventrículo izquierdo por vía epicárdica por minitoracotomía anterior izquierda. El tiempo total del procedimiento osciló entre 35 a 210 minutos con un promedio de 105 minutos, menor en los últimos pacientes. Las medidas intraoperatorias demuestran un umbral de estimulación promedio de 0,9 mv; la duración del QRS fue menor a 130 milisegundos luego de la estimulación biventricular en el 100% de los casos y el tiempo de detección al estimular con el electrodo ventricular izquierdo, fue mayor de 100 milisegundos en el 100% de los

  9. Estudio mediante elementos finitos del comportamiento biomecánico de diferentes interfases implante-pilar e influencia de la pérdida de hueso periimplantario


    Bouazza Juanes, Kheira


    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas. Programa de Doctorado en Odontología Avanzada El proceso de la osteointegración ha permitido que hoy en día los tratamientos implantológicos sean altamente predecibles. Sin embargo, los estudios en los últimos años se centran, entre otros, en averiguar las causas por las cuáles, una vez integrado el implante en el hueso, se llevan a cabo una serie de procesos que conllevan la pérdida del hueso pe...

  10. Un ejemplo de evolución literaria: Romance de El prisionero.

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    Francisco Javier Grande Quejigo


    Full Text Available La riqueza del saber popular modifica las versiones literarias de aquellas manifestaciones que se transmiten de forma oral. En este sentido, la recreación en el siglo XX del tradicional romance de El Prisionero es un claro ejemplo de actualización del texto, acomodándolo a su tiempo y lugar, una vez alejado de su génesis. El presente artículo es una muestra de las oscilaciones de significado en la obra que, manteniendo ciertos motivos originarios, incorpora otros nuevos que lo amplifican y alteran su valor, al tiempo que nos demuestra la vigencia de la literatura de romances como ejemplo de literatura viva y en constante transformación.

  11. Sobredentadura total superior implantosoportada Superior total overdenture on implants

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    Luis Orlando Rodríguez García


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de un paciente desdentado total superior, rehabilitado en la consulta de implantología de la Clínica "Pedro Ortiz" del municipio Habana del Este en Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, en el año 2009, mediante prótesis sobre implantes osteointegrados, técnica que se ha incorporado a la práctica estomatológica en Cuba como alternativa al tratamiento convencional en los pacientes desdentados totales. Se siguió un protocolo que comprendió una fase quirúrgica, procedimiento con o sin realización de colgajo y carga precoz o inmediata. Se presenta un paciente masculino de 56 años de edad, que acudió a la consulta multidisciplinaria, preocupado, porque se le habían elaborado tres prótesis en los últimos dos años y ninguna reunía los requisitos de retención que él necesitaba para sentirse seguro y cómodo con las mismas. El resultado final fue la satisfacción total del paciente, con el mejoramiento de la calidad estética y funcional.This is the case of a total maxilla edentulous patient seen in consultation of the "Pedro Ortíz" Clinic Implant of Habana del Este municipality in 2009 and con rehabilitation by prosthesis over osteointegration implants added to stomatology practice in Cuba as an alternative to conventional treatment in patients totally edentulous. We follow a protocol including a surgery or surgical phase, technique without or with flap creation and early or immediate load. This is a male patient aged 56 came to our multidisciplinary consultation worried because he had three prostheses in last two years and any fulfilled the requirements of retention to feel safe and comfortable with prostheses. The final result was the total satisfaction of rehabilitated patient improving its aesthetic and functional quality.

  12. Prácticas pedagógicas y competencias ciudadanas: El caso del docente de historia en Chile

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    Muñoz Labraña, Carlos


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo exponemos los resultados obtenidos sobre las prácticas pedagógicas y las competencias ciudadanas en una investigación financiada por el Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación (CIAE. En él analizamos algunas de las estructuras comunicativas presentes en la intervención didáctica del docente de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales de quinto a octavo año de Educación Básica en la ciudad de Concepción (Chile, desde donde se atiende la forma como estas interfieren en el desarrollo de determinadas competencias ciudadanas. Para ello, se utilizó una metodología cualitativa por medio de observaciones y registros de aula en 12 escuelas, tomando en consideración su dependencia administrativa. Los resultados demuestran cómo algunas de las dinámicas de comunicación y participación más comunes en las aulas dificultan y hasta contradicen el desarrollo de las competencias ciudadanas, que exigen el desarrollo autónomo y la participación activa de los estudiantes. Consecuentemente, el mundo de vivencias que conforman la realidad del aula resulta estar muy alejado de las experiencias propias de la vida social y democrática, donde idealmente los jóvenes debieran ser protagonistas para el desarrollo de una ciudadanía activa.

  13. Potencial evocados corticales y evaluación lingüística de pacientes con implante coclear

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    Liudis Reina


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue examinar la utilidad del Potencial Evocado Auditivo Cortical (PEAC como herramienta objetiva que nos permita cuantificar el proceso de rehabilitación en pacientes con implante coclear. Se conformó una muestra de 20 pacientes, 12 del sexo masculino y con edades entre 7 y 16 años. Todos portadores de un Implante Coclear (IC modelo Clarion HiRes 90K. Todas las variables mostraron una correlación estadísticamente significativa con la etapa del proceso de rehabilitación en que se encontraba cada paciente. Los PEAC registrados en pacientes con IC muestran una morfología muy similar a la que se obtiene en sujetos normoyentes, registrándose los componentes que caracterizan esta respuesta (P1, N1, P2 y N2. Se evidenció una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre las etapas de rehabilitación y la latencia de los componentes P1 y N1. También hubo correlación estadísticamente significativa entre el por ciento de fonemas erróneos calculados tras la aplicación de la prueba del Registro Fonológico Inducido y la latencia del componente P1. Contar con herramientas objetivas como el PEAC nos garantizaría un mayor y mejor aprovechamiento de la rehabilitación lingüística, así como podría ayudar a perfeccionar las técnicas de rehabilitación de los pacientes con implante coclear.

  14. Carga inmediata de implantes monofásicos postextracción utilizando los expansores roscados atraumáticos: estudio retrospectivo 2001-2011

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    Riham Mostafa Eldibany


    Conclusiones: Tras haber analizado toda la secuencia referida a la carga inmediata, podemos concluir que los implantes monofásicos insertados con la aplicación de esta técnica son un procedimiento predecible: su éxito en el maxilar inferior en nuestro estudio de 10 años fue del 98%. Sin embargo, es necesario determinar los casos candidatos para dicho procedimiento, así como las características del implante que favorecen la implantación inmediata.

  15. Síndrome urémico hemolítico asociado a diarrea sin trombocitopenia

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    Alejandro Balestracci


    Conclusiones: La prevalencia de SUH D+ sin trombocitopenia fue del 5,6% y la mayoría de los casos fueron leves; sin embargo, el requerimiento de diálisis en uno de ellos señala que la normalización del recuento de plaquetas no siempre es un marcador preciso de resolución de la enfermedad. Nuestros resultados también confirman que el momento de presentación de los pacientes con SUH D+ sin trombocitopenia está usualmente alejado de los primeros síntomas intestinales, por lo que es necesario un alto índice de sospecha diagnóstica.

  16. Bioremediación de arsénico mediante la formación de minerales de sulfuro de arsénico


    Regodón Trujillo, Diego Álvaro


    La bioremediación de aguas contaminadas con arsénico mediante la formación de minerals de sulfuro de arsénico ha sido probada con éxito usando la reducción microbiana simultanea de arsenato y sulfato, pero solo bajo estrictas condiciones de pH < 7 y un ratio estequiométrico de S/As. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la eficacia de este método usando ratios S/As alejados del valor estequiométrico y con un pH < 7. Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio...

  17. Procesamiento, caracterización y ensayos biológicos de titanio modificado electroquímicamente para implantes dentales

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    Sandra Liliana Arias Suarez


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones biomédicas del titanio y sus aleaciones son posibles debido a que éste material posee características deseables para el reemplazo de huesos, incluyendo buenas propiedades mecánicas, excelente resistencia a la corrosión y alta biocompatibilidad. Sin embargo, una de sus principales limitaciones radica en el encapsulamiento del material por un delgado tejido fibroso, el cual puede estar relacionado con el aflojamiento del implante. Como una alternativa para dar solución a esta limitación, en el presente trabajo se realizaron modificaciones químicas y electroquímicas a la superficie del titanio para evaluar su influencia en la oseointegración de los implantes, para lo cual se realizaron ensayos in vitro del material en contacto con osteoblastos. Los resultados de caracterización por microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM, de medición de parámetros de rugosidad y de morfología de los osteoblastos, indicaron que existe una relación entre la rugosidad superficial y la adhesión de las células óseas. Las superficies con los mayores parámetros verticales de rugosidad, para las condiciones evaluadas, permitieron una mejor adhesión celular. Estos resultados sugieren que la combinación de técnicas químicas y electroquímicas puede permitir el control de la rugosidad de los implantes dentales de titanio y, por tanto, la optimización de su oseointegración.

  18. Efecto de un tratamiento agudo con norgestomet en la dinámica folicular de vacas Cebú x Holstein sincronizadas con implantes de norgestomet y eCG

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    R. Páez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de una inyección de norgestomet en la dinámica folicular de vacas Cebú x Holstein sincronizadas con implantes de norgestomet. Se utilizaron 50 vacas en lactación con más de 60 días posparto, las cuales recibieron un implante de 3 mg de norgestomet y una dosis luteolítica de PGF2a (día cero. El día cinco, a 25 vacas (grupo Norg, se les administraron 1.8 mg de norgestomet intramuscular (IM y 25 vacas (grupo testigo, recibieron 3 ml de solución salina. El noveno día se retiró el implante, se realizó un destete temporal por 72 h y los animales fueron divididos al azar dentro de sus tratamientos para recibir (n = 23 o no (n = 27 500 UI de eCG. Posteriormente, las vacas fueron observadas durante cinco días en forma continua para la detección de signos de estro. Se realizaron diariamente ecografías de los ovarios desde el día de la inserción del implante hasta la presentación de estro. El tratamiento agudo con norgestomet provocó recambio del folículo dominante (FD en 40% (10/25 de las vacas, contra 16% (4/25 del grupo testigo (P 0.05 el porcentaje de vacas que presentaron estro ni el tiempo de presentación del mismo. Se concluye que el tratamiento agudo con norgestomet, durante la sincronización del estro con progestágenos, provoca atresia y recambio folicular. Sin embargo, este efecto depende de la etapa de desarrollo del folículo dominante al momento del tratamiento.

  19. Uso de osteocoral como material de implante en bolsas infraóseas de dientes Monorradiculares

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    . Yamilé Hernández Alemán,


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la eficacia del osteocoral como material de implante en el tratamiento de bolsas infraóseas de dientes monorradiculares. Se realizaron 18 injertos en 17 dientes con defectos angulares, en 6 pacientes de ambos sexos; 9 implantes correspondieron al grupo control con hidroxiapatita y 9 al grupo de estudio que fue implantado con osteocoral. Se realizó preparación inicial que incluyó: remoción de cálculos y pulido de las superficies dentarias, educación y motivación sobre el tratamiento recibido, corrección del cepillado igual o mayor al 80 % en la remoción de placa dentobacteriana. Se realizó el implante mediante operación a colgajo, con sutura y colocación de apósito periodontal. Se realizaron radiografías de control a los 14 días, a los 3 y 6 meses. Se controló sistemáticamente la higiene bucal. A los 6 meses se registraron nuevamente los indicadores clínicos. El análisis final de los resultados mostró una disminución estadísticamente significativa en el índice gingival, profundidad de la bolsa al sondeo y movilidad dentaria para ambos materiales implantológicos. No se reportaron grandes diferencias entre éstos para este tamaño de muestra, no hubo reacciones adversas y se logró la permanencia del implante de osteocoral, por lo que se consideró efectivo el tratamiento.Effectivenes of osteocoral as implant material was assessed to treat infraosseous pockets of multirooted teeth. 18 grafts were inserted in 17 teeth with angular defects in 6 patients of both sexes; 9 implants corresponded to control group (hydroxiapatite and 9 corresponded to study group (osteocoral. Initial preparation included: removal of calculus and polishing of dental surface, education and motivation about treatment applied, correction of tooth-brushing equal or greater 80 % in removal of dentobacterial plaque. Implant was inserted by flap surgery using suture and placement of periodontal dresssing. Control X-rays were made within 14 days

  20. Sobredentadura sobre implantes en paciente con múltiples caries. Reporte de caso.


    Rengifo Alarcón, Carlos Alberto; Vicente Zamudio, Eduardo Gregorio; Balarezo Razzeto, José Antonio; Matta Morales, Carlos


    Hasta hace poco tiempo el tratamiento de pacientes desdentados totales era mediante la instalación de prótesis que iban a ser soportadas por las estructuras remanentes de los maxilares sobrela mucosa y la retención, estabilidad y soporte dependían de la cantidad de hueso remanente, forma de los maxilares, calidad de saliva presente, todos éstos influenciados por la capacidadpsicomotriz del paciente. Con la introducción de los implantes dentales y más aun los implantes endo-óseos se ha revoluc...

  1. Superficies de titanio en implantes dentales de carga inmediata


    Aparicio, C.; Padrós, A.; Planell Estany, Josep Anton; Gil, F.J.


    Se ha obtenido una capa de fosfato de calcio del mismo contenido mineral que el hueso en la superficie del implante dental de titanio, que tiene como consecuencia una muy rápida y eficaz osteointegración. Esta capa se ha obtenido mediante un método biomimético por vía termoquímica. La capa se une al substrato por enlace químico. Este hecho evita todos los inconvenientes de los métodos de recubrimiento convencionales (plasma spray, ablación láser...) cuya unión es por interacción mecánica, lo ...

  2. Facoemulsificación e implante de lente intraocular en cataratas causadas por uveitis Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in patients with cataract caused by uveitis

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    Dayamí Pérez Gómez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar los resultados de la facoemulsificación y el implante de lente intraocular en cataratas causadas por uveítis. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 37 ojos con 6 meses de inactividad inflamatoria, agudeza visual menor de 0,6 y edad media de 47 años. Se excluyeron otras enfermedades que disminuyeran la visión. En el preoperatorio se prescribió antiinflamatorios. Se realizó la facoemulsificación con implante de lente intarocular (PMMA, óptica 6 mm; durante el seguimiento desde 24 h/6 meses se indicó antiinflamatorios esteroideos, no esteroideos e inmunosupresores hasta 6 semanas. RESULTADOS: Se observaron numerosas alteraciones del segmento anterior secundarias a las uveítis padecidas (posquirúrgicas, inespecíficas, ciclítis heterocrómica de Fuchs, postraumáticas, síndrome de Reiter, por toxoplasmosis y otras coroiditis infecciosas y por artritis reumatoide juvenil. No hubo recurrencia posquirúrgica de la uveítis en 9 ojos (24,3 %. Las complicaciones estuvieron relacionadas con la uveítis, la cirugía, la actividad inflamatoria, y la reacción del epitelio capsular. La opacidad capsular posterior apareció en 11 pacientes (29,7 % asociada a edad joven. La evolución individual se consideró satisfactoria en 30 (81,1 % pacientes con mejoría de la visión hasta 0,8-1,0 en 28 (75,6 % y 0,5-0,6 en 2 (5,4 %. CONCLUSIONES: La facoemulsificación con implante de lente intarocular es de gran utilidad en las cataratas posuveítis al condicionar poca agresión quirúrgica, ser controlable la inflamación y proporcionar buenos resultados visuales además del reordenamiento anatomofisiológico del segmento anterior.OBJECTIVE: To assess the results of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in cataracts caused by uveitis. METHODS: Thirty seven eyes with no inflammation for 6 months, visual acuity below 0.6 and average age of 47 years were studied. Other diseases affecting the vision were excluded. The preoperative

  3. “Artemisa” de Pía Barros o la construcción literaria de una maternidad compleja

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    Monica Moreno Ramos


    Full Text Available “Artemisa” supone una oportunidad excelente para acercarse al tema de la maternidad desde un punto de vista problemático, alejado de la idealización que, frecuentemente, observamos en tantos textos literarios. En este artículo, trataremos de ver cómo y por qué se fragua en el cuento una visión insoportable del hecho de ser madre, así como una imagen monstruosa del hijo cuya pulsión de vida termina desgastando y debilitando el cuerpo de la mujer a través del amamantamiento forzoso. Por otro lado, reflexionaremos en torno al papel subordinado de Luisa y su interiorización tanto del poder patriarcal como del rol de objeto y no sujeto de deseo. Las principales herramientas metodológicas de nuestro trabajo se desarrollarán desde una perspectiva de género.

  4. Gestión con base en las ciencias de la complejidad: las organizaciones como estructuras disipativas.


    Manuel Enrique Villalba Puerta


    Este texto explora el sentido y la posibilidad de introducir la teoría de Ilya Prigogine “estructuras disipativas” en el contexto de las organizaciones. La tesis aquí propuesta afirma que las organizaciones son sistemas abiertos, alejados del equilibrio y tiene que ver con posibilidades creativas, antes que con realidades fácticas. Por lo tanto, las organizaciones de no-equilibrio están constituidas por fenómenos de comportamientos espontáneos o coherentes que reclaman para sobrevivir cierta ...

  5. "En la boca de las nubes" (A la boca dels núvols y con los pies en el suelo. Ramon Vinyes: contra la literatura, la vida

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    Jordi Marrugat i Doménech


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone una lectura unitaria del volumen de narraciones de Ramon Vinyes En la boca de las nubes (1946. Además, va a las fuentes de las cuales surge la estética del libro —la narrativa catalana y europea de los años 20-30 y el pensamiento teórico de Vinyes— para explicar como el autor decadentista de La ardiente cabalgata (1909 acaba por escribir un libro tan alejado de los posicionamientos que había mantenido durante el Modernismo. Y es que si en 1909 Vinyes decantaba la balanza de la dicotomía artevida hacia el primero de estos términos, en 1946, después de haber vivido una guerra civil y dos guerras mundiales, la decanta radicamente hacia el segundo. Así, el lector podrá encontrar sugestivas comparaciones entre Vinyes y escritores como T. Gautier, Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Gabriele d’Annunzio o Gabriel Alomar por lo que se refiere a su época modernista; entre Vinyes y Malraux, Saint-Exupéry, V. Woolf, Joan Oliver o Salvador Espriu, por lo que se refiere a los años 30; y entre Vinyes i Pere Calders o Lluís Ferran de Pol, por lo que se refiere al exilio

  6. Cochlear Implantation in Siblings With Refsum's Disease. (United States)

    Stähr, Kerstin; Kuechler, Alma; Gencik, Martin; Arnolds, Judith; Dendy, Meaghan; Lang, Stephan; Arweiler-Harbeck, Diana


    Whether the origin of severe hearing loss in Refsum's syndrome is caused by cochlear impairment or retrocochlear degeneration remains unclear. This case report aims to investigate hearing performance before and after cochlear implantation to shed light on this question. Also, identification of new mutations causing Refsum's syndrome would be helpful in generating additional means of diagnosis. A family of 4 individuals was subjected to genetic testing. Two siblings (56 and 61 years old) suffered from severe hearing and vision loss and received bilateral cochlear implants. Genetic analysis, audiological outcome, and clinical examinations were performed. One new mutation in the PHYH gene (c.768del63bp) causing Refsum's disease was found. Preoperative distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPAOEs) were absent. Postoperative speech perception in Freiburger speech test was 100% for bisyllabic words and 85% (patient No. 1) and 65% (patient No. 2), respectively, for monosyllabic words. Five years after implantation, speech perception remained stable for bisyllabic words but showed decreasing capabilities for monosyllabic words. A new mutation causing Refsum's disease is presented. Cochlear implantation in case of severe hearing loss leads to an improvement in speech perception and should be recommended for patients with Refsum's disease, especially when the hearing loss is combined with a severe loss of vision. Decrease of speech perception in the long-term follow-up could indicate an additional retrocochlear degeneration.

  7. Los estilos afectivos en la población española: un cuestionario de evaluación del apego adulto

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    Remedios Melero


    Full Text Available Este artículo detalla el proceso de elaboración y baremación del "Cuestionario de Apego Adulto". Un total de 445 sujetos, 159 hombres y 286 mujeres con una media de 30,5 años cumplimentaron el cuestionario original. Los análisis factoriales mostraron la solución de 4 factores como la más idónea, con un total de 40 ítems. Estos factores fueron: Baja autoestima, necesidad de aprobación y miedo al rechazo, Resolución hostil de conflictos, rencor y posesividad, Expresión de sentimientos y comodidad con las relaciones y Autosuficiencia emocional e incomodidad con la intimidad. Para establecer tipologías se realizaron análisis de conglomerados. La solución de dos clusters clasificó a los sujetos en seguros e inseguros, y la solución de cuatro en seguros, preocupados, alejados y temerosos hostiles. Nuestros resultados identifican un estilo temeroso algo diferente al de Bartholomew y Horowitz (1991. Se discuten las particularidades de los estilos afectivos y sus propiedades psicométricas.

  8. Short Implants: New Horizon in Implant Dentistry. (United States)

    Jain, Neha; Gulati, Manisha; Garg, Meenu; Pathak, Chetan


    The choice of implant length is an essential factor in deciding the survival rates of these implants and the overall success of the prosthesis. Placing an implant in the posterior part of the maxilla and mandible has always been very critical due to poor bone quality and quantity. Long implants can be placed in association with complex surgical procedures such as sinus lift and bone augmentation. These techniques are associated with higher cost, increased treatment time and greater morbidity. Hence, there is need for a less invasive treatment option in areas of poor bone quantity and quality. Data related to survival rates of short implants, their design and prosthetic considerations has been compiled and structured in this manuscript with emphasis on the indications, advantages of short implants and critical biomechanical factors to be taken into consideration when choosing to place them. Studies have shown that comparable success rates can be achieved with short implants as those with long implants by decreasing the lateral forces to the prosthesis, eliminating cantilevers, increasing implant surface area and improving implant to abutment connection. Short implants can be considered as an effective treatment alternative in resorbed ridges. Short implants can be considered as a viable treatment option in atrophic ridge cases in order to avoid complex surgical procedures required to place long implants. With improvement in the implant surface geometry and surface texture, there is an increase in the bone implant contact area which provides a good primary stability during osseo-integration.

  9. Influence of Palatal Coverage and Implant Distribution on Implant Strain in Maxillary Implant Overdentures. (United States)

    Takahashi, Toshihito; Gonda, Tomoya; Mizuno, Yoko; Fujinami, Yozo; Maeda, Yoshinobu


    Maxillary implant overdentures are often used in clinical practice. However, there is no agreement or established guidelines regarding prosthetic design or optimal implant placement configuration. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of palatal coverage and implant number and distribution in relation to impact strain under maxillary implant overdentures. A maxillary edentulous model with implants and experimental overdentures with and without palatal coverage was fabricated. Four strain gauges were attached to each implant, and they were positioned in the anterior, premolar, and molar areas. A vertical occlusal load of 98 N was applied through a mandibular complete denture, and the implant strains were compared using one-way analysis of variance (P = .05). The palatolabial strain was much higher on anterior implants than on other implants in both denture types. Although there was no significant difference between the strain under dentures with and without palatal coverage, palateless dentures tended to result in higher implant strain than dentures with palatal coverage. Dentures supported by only two implants registered higher strain than those supported by four or six implants. Implants under palateless dentures registered higher strain than those under dentures with palatal coverage. Anterior implants exhibited higher palatolabial strain than other implants regardless of palatal coverage and implant configuration; it is therefore recommended that maxillary implant overdentures should be supported by six implants with support extending to the distal end of the arch.

  10. William Ospina y la búsqueda de la franja amarilla

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    Víctor Valero Bernal


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es el de analizar el ensayo «Lo que le falta a Colombia» del escritor William Ospina. En este ensayo Ospina profundiza en los principales problemas sociales y políticos que Colombia atravesaba a finales del s. XX así como en las posibles soluciones que podrían adoptarse. Los planteamientos que emplea el escritor colombiano pueden relacionarse con una gran variedad de conceptos propios del ámbito de la política y la sociología. A lo largo de este trabajo mostraremos las analogías existentes entre el análisis de William Ospina y las ideas de pensadores tan alejados en el tiempo como Thomas Hobbes, Rousseau, John Rawls o Charles Tilly.

  11. Bifosfonatos e implantes dentales, ¿son incompatibles? Revisión de la literatura

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    Manuel Moreno-Sánchez


    Conclusiones: El tratamiento con bifosfonatos no disminuye la osteointegración del implante dental, aunque estos resultados se han obtenido en base a estudios retrospectivos en humanos. Se han descrito casos de osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada con bifosfonatos en estos pacientes, sobre todo tras tratamiento prolongado.

  12. Dientes estabilizados con implantes endodónticos intraóseos como pilares de prótesis

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    Soraya Emilia Almagro Urrutia


    Full Text Available Se muestran 2 casos clínicos de pacientes que presentaban dientes con movilidad grado III, a los cuales se les realizó la técnica del implante endodóntico intraóseo, que consiste en la colocación de un perno o implante de cromo cobalto molibdeno a través del conducto radicular hasta pleno tejido óseo, con el objetivo de prolongar su longitud radicular. Los casos se evaluaron a los 15 y 45 días posimplantación y evolucionaron satisfactoriamente, por lo que se decidió comenzar el tratamiento protésico utilizando precisamente como pilares los dientes implantados. Ambos casos fueron evaluados a los 45 días después de la rehabilitación y cada 90 días hasta la fecha. Su evolución fue satisfactoria y no presentaron ninguna patología clínica y radiográfica.2 clinical cases of patients that presented tooth with degree III mobility, in which the technique of intraosteal endodontic implant, consisting in the placement of a dowel or implant of chrome-cobalt molybdenum through the radicular duct to full bone tissue, was applied aimed at prolonging their radicular length. The cases were evaluated 15 and 45 days after the implantation. As their evolution was satisfactory it was decided to begin the prosthetic treatment by using precisely the implanted tooth as abutements. Both cases were evaluated 45 days after the rehabilitation and every 90 days up to date. Their evolution was good and there were no clinical or radiographic pathologies.

  13. El trabajo y el cuidado: cuestiones teóricometodológicas desde la perspectiva de género

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    Full Text Available El texto plantea una serie de reflexiones, amparadas desde la perspectiva de género, sobre la relación entre el trabajo y las mujeres. El objetivo es revisar brevemente el trayecto iniciado por la ruptura conceptual sufrida por el trabajo hace ya tres décadas y que la utilización de la dimensión temporal ha consolidado. El interés primordial de tales reflexiones es fijar la atención sobre el estudio del trabajo doméstico, del que aquí se destaca el hecho de ser una actividad femenina aportadora de bienestar cotidiano. Asimismo se plantean algunos argumentoorientados a conocer por qué la emergencia del cuidado aparece en buena medida alejado del ámbito del trabajo. Se concluye con una apelación a la organización social del cuidado como apuesta necesaria para revisar las políticas del Estado del Bienestar, en particular de las orientadas a alcanzar la equidad entre hombres y mujeres.

  14. Do textured breast implants decrease the rate of capsular contracture compared to smooth implants?

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    Ignacio Cifuentes


    Full Text Available Resumen El uso de implantes mamarios con propósitos estéticos y reconstructivos se ha convertido en uno de los procedimientos más comunes realizados por los cirujanos plásticos. Existen diversos modelos de implantes mamarios, los cuales difieren en su tamaño, relleno, forma y característica de la envoltura, pudiendo ser lisa o texturizada. La contractura capsular es una de las principales complicaciones del uso de implantes mamarios y se ha planteado que las prótesis texturizadas podrían disminuir la incidencia de contractura capsular. Para responder esta pregunta utilizamos Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud a nivel mundial, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Identificamos cinco revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 15 estudios primarios, 13 de ellos correspondientes a ensayos aleatorizados pertinentes a la pregunta de interés. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, reanalizamos los datos de los estudios primarios, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que el uso de prótesis mamaria texturizada probablemente disminuye el riesgo de contractura capsular, sin embargo, podría asociarse a un aumento en el riesgo de linfoma anaplásico de células grandes.

  15. Borja Gómez, Jaime y Rodríguez Jiménez, Pablo. Historia de la vida privada en Colombia. Tomo I: Las fronteras difusas del siglo XVI a 1880. Bogotá: Taurus, 2011, 396 págs.

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    Didier Francisco Ríos García


    Full Text Available Desde mediados de los ochenta cuando Philippe Ariès y George Duby, sacaron a la luz un trabajo sobre la vida privada, se ha generado un nuevo movimiento historiográfico que ha recorrido el mundo, el cual no trata lo que siempre la historia había trabajado, sino que se concentraba en la vida de las vidas secretas de las personas, ya fueran personajes públicos o desconocidas, también se hablo de las situaciones que vivían los sectores marginales de la población, todos visto desde el punto de vista de su vida en los ambientes alejados del escrutinio público, desde su forma de vestir, sus amores, sus aventuras, su alimentación y de las mismos espacios que frecuentaban.

  16. Análisis descriptivo sobre deficiencias y discapacidades del desarrollo psicomotor en pacientes atendidos en el Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación 2006 - 2008

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    Herminio Teófilo Camacho-Conchucos


    Full Text Available Introducción: La deficiencia constituye la exteriorización directa de las consecuencias de la enfermedad, y la discapacidad es la restricción o ausencia de realizar una actividad debido a una deficiencia. Objetivos: Determinar las deficiencias y discapacidades del desarrollo psicomotor y características de pacientes atendidos en el Departamento de Investigación Docencia y Rehabilitación Integral de las Discapacidades del Desarrollo. Diseño: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal. Lugar: Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación ‘Dra. Adriana Rebaza Flores’, Callao, Perú. Participantes: Pacientes atendidos de 0 a 7 años con diagnóstico definitivo, sin retardo mental evidente. Intervenciones: De 5 795 pacientes atendidos en el periodo 2006-2008, se obtuvo una muestra de 400, de los cuales se revisó sus historias clínicas. Se describe las deficiencias y discapacidades y sus características. Principales medidas de resultados: Deficiencias y discapacidades del desarrollo psicomotor. Resultados: En el rango de 0 a 7 años, 76,6% fueron de 0 a 2 años; 51% niñas; 54,3% procedía del departamento de Lima, 42,8% de la provincia del Callao. A nivel de distritos de Lima Metropolitana acudieron mayormente del Callao (23,8% y San Martín de Porres (10,6%. Los principales diagnósticos fueron trastorno especifico del desarrollo de la función motriz (17,5%, trastornos específicos mixtos del desarrollo (15%, parálisis cerebral infantil (12%; 91,3% presentó alguna deficiencia, de las cuales las más importantes fueron músculo esqueléticas 66,6%, del órgano de la audición 14,5%, del lenguaje 7,9%, psicológicas 6,8%. Registró discapacidad el 78%; las principales fueron de locomoción 35,9%, de disposición corporal 22,8%, de la comunicación 17,6%. En gravedad de la discapacidad, 11,9% fue severa, 59,3% moderada, 21,1% leve y no aplicable en 7,7%. Conclusiones: Las principales deficiencias y discapacidades fueron m

  17. Modificaciones en la estructura superficial y la composición química de los implantes dentales de zirconio


    Lazo, Sergio Daniel; Lazo, Gabriel Eduardo; Escudero Giachella, Ezequiel; Bentivenga, N.; Basal, Roxana Lía; Friso, Nélida Ester; Alfaro, Gabriel Enrique; Pazos, Fernando Ezequiel; Cuchetti, Diana; Amaro, Emilio Gustavo; Ivanov, Marcela; Butler, Teresa Adela


    El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar las modificaciones estructurales de superficie y químicas en el diseño de los implantes de zirconio, para mejorar sus propiedades biodontológicas. Para el desarrollo del mismo se utilizaron 20 implantes de zirconio con el agregado de itrio, de 5 mm de diámetro y aproximadamente 9 mm de largo. Los implantes fueron elaborados por el método de CAD CAM, con doble coc ción durante el sinterizado. Posteriormente se observó la estructura superficial con la medi...

  18. Grupo escolar de Alfarnate (Málaga: colegio y casas para maestros de José María Santos Rein

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    Sergio Romero Bueno


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia y destaca el valor arquitectónico del grupo escolar de Alfarnate (un colegio y once viviendas para maestros, por su singularidad constructiva de claro tinte racionalista y por desarrollar un funcionalismo propio del Movimiento Moderno. Su atrevida modernidad, para un lugar alejado del núcleo urbano de Málaga, trascendió la arquitectura popular y tradicional para establecer su prevalencia como solución a los problemas de escolarización y de habitabilidad en la zona rural en los años sesenta del siglo XX. Documentamos y analizamos las vicisitudes que el arquitecto José María Santos Rein consiguió superar para realizar la obra y aportamos un estudio formal para dejar constancia de su existencia tras la inevitable demolición de las once casas en el año 2011.

  19. Cibercultura, ciberciudad, cibersociedad. Hacia la construcción de mundos posibles en nuevas metáforas conceptuales

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    Jesús Galindo Cáceres


    Full Text Available En este artículo se reflexiona sobre las nuevas formas de sociabilidad, las modificaciones en la percepción espacio-temporal, las reconfiguraciones territoriales que la nueva estructuración de la información impone. Se trata del pasaje de sociedades informáticas y de las de comunicación hacia las cibersociedades, caracterizadas por un tipo de organización de la información horizontal, que supone un aprovechamiento múltiple del espacio virtual, y de las posibilidades de interacción y de interconexión entre los sujetos. Estas cibersociedades y ciberculturas introducen una mudanza en las formas de actuar y de percibir lo social: horizontal, multinteractiva, y expansiva. Alejado del esquema vertical, las nuevas ecologías y sociabilidades invitan a transformar e l mundo real a través del mundo virtual.

  20. Bioingeniería tisular. Punto de vista del cirujano

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    Jesús Herreros


    La regeneración cardíaca no debe quedar reducida al implante de células y es necesaria también la regeneración de la matriz extracelular. Este abordaje matriz-células probablemente se convierta en la apuesta del futuro. La ingeniería tisular cardíaca se encuentra ante el desafío de reconstruir o regenerar las pérdidas anatómicas, evitar o retrasar la progresión del remodelado ventricular y revertir la reducción funcional.

  1. Cardioimplante con células madre. Evolución a 43 meses

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    Jorge C. Trainini


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónLa insuficiencia cardíaca como consecuencia del infarto de miocardio es uno de los problemasmayores que afronta la cardiología. La disminución de cardiomiocitos y la formación deescaras fibróticas no funcionales producida por el infarto ocasionan un daño irreversiblepara la función cardíaca. Estudios recientes han demostrado que el trasplante de célulasmadre de la médula ósea en el miocardio no viable ofrece una nueva posibilidad de restauración de la disfunción cardíaca en los corazones infartados. Estos datos preliminares indicanla factibilidad del implante de células madre de la médula ósea en miocardiopatíasisquémico-necróticas.ObjetivosEsta investigación tiene por objetivo comprobar la factibilidad y la seguridad delcardioimplante de células madre de la médula ósea en pacientes con disfunción ventricularsecundaria a secuelas necróticas y evaluar los cambios clínicos y en la motilidad segmentariade las áreas no viables durante el seguimiento alejado.Material y métodosNuestra experiencia incluye trece pacientes (sexo masculino, edad 53,6 ± 10,3 años con unpromedio de seguimiento de 43 meses. Los segmentos fibróticos comprometidos fueron entotal 88 (6,77 por paciente. Se realizó cirugía coronaria concomitante en áreas remotas,viables e isquémicas. Los pacientes fueron estudiados con ecocardiografía con dobutamina,color cinesis y ventriculografía radioisotópica.ResultadosLa suspensión celular inyectada contenía 0,7% ± 0,4% de células CD34+ con una viabilidadmayor del 95%. Se implantaron mediante 33,07 ± 8,2 inyecciones durante cirugíacoronaria, por vía epicárdica con un promedio de 5,93 ± 2,2 ml de solución en áreas acinéticasy metabólicamente no viables. No hubo complicaciones hospitalarias. La clase funcional(NYHA pasó de 2,4 ± 0,5 a 1,1 ± 0,3 (p < 0,0003, la fracción de eyección se incrementódesde el 26,4% ± 8,6% al 34,6% ± 13% (p < 0,001. El diámetro diast

  2. Carga inmediata con implantes en maxilar superior Immediate loading of implants in the maxilla

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    F. Monje Gil


    Full Text Available La carga inmediata en la mandíbula se ha incorporado a la práctica clínica en primer lugar y, por las características del hueso, se realiza de forma protocolizada. Sin embargo, en el maxilar superior no hay evidencia científica para realizarlo de forma cotidiana. Las razones son debidas a que el maxilar superior, en general, alberga una masa ósea de menor densidad. Por otro lado, en el maxilar superior pueden coexistir diferentes densidades óseas (según la clasificación de Misch en el mismo individuo. Además, por las características anatómicas del maxilar superior (reabsorción labiopalatina el alineamiento axial es asumible pero, sin embargo, el paralelismo de los implantes es difícil.16,17 El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la información científica de la que disponemos para confirmar si es posible la carga inmediata sobre el maxilar superior. Para ello estudiaremos varios aspectos de la carga inmediata en el maxilar superior: • Sobredentaduras • Prótesis fija completa • Prótesis parcial fija • Prótesis unitaria fija • Requerimientos protésicos • ContraindicacionesImmediate loading in the mandible has been introduced into clinical practice taking first place and, and because of the characteristics of the bone, this is carried out following a protocol. However, in the maxilla there is no scientific evidence for routinely carrying this out. This is because the maxilla, in general, has a lower bone mass density. Moreover, in the maxilla various densities may coexist (according to Misch’s classification in the same individual. In addition, given the anatomic characteristics of the maxilla (lip and palate resorption, axial alignment can be carried out, but implant parallelism is difficult.16,17 The aim of this paper is to analyze the scientific information that we have at our disposal in order to confirm whether immediate loading in the maxilla is possible. For this we will study various aspects of

  3. Da-Cruz Triple Tool: cómo hacer simple y precisa la cirugía de implante glúteo intramuscular

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    Luis Da-Cruz

    Full Text Available El Da-Cruz Triple Tool es un instrumento multifuncional diseñado para la colocación de implantes glúteos intramusculares. Tiene 3 funciones; a saber: disector, separador y medidor. Consiste en 2 piezas para su uso articulado o por separado. Como disector logra la profundidad y el grosor deseables del músculo glúteo mayor a través de maniobras precisas que provocan menos trauma; por consiguiente, ayuda a obtener una mejor recuperación y resultados. Al mismo tiempo faculta para elevar los espacios abiertos y controlar adherencias o sangrados. La función de medidor permite calcular la dimensión cefalocaudal y la anchura del espacio para escoger el implante adecuado. Con el entrenamiento adecuado en el uso de esta herramienta y la implementación de medidas pre, trans y postoperatorias bien definidas, cualquier cirujano plástico puede obtener resultados consistentemente exitosos en la colocación de implantes glúteos intramusculares.

  4. Ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dearnaley, Geoffrey


    First, ion implantation in semiconductors is discussed: ion penetration, annealing of damage, gettering, ion implanted semiconductor devices, equipement requirements for ion implantation. The importance of channeling for ion implantation is studied. Then, some applications of ion implantation in metals are presented: study of the corrosion of metals and alloys; influence or ion implantation on the surface-friction and wear properties of metals; hyperfine interactions in implanted metals

  5. Descargas inapropiadas por ruido eléctrico como manifestación de pérdida del aislante interno en un paciente con electrodo RIATA

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    Yuly A. Remolina


    Se expone el caso de un paciente de 64 años, quien cuatro años después del implante de un cardiodesfibrilador, presentó ocho descargas inapropiadas secundarias a extrusión de los alambres del electrodo por pérdida del aislante interno.

  6. Manejo anestésico e complicações no implante percutâneo de válvula aórtica Manejo anestésico y complicaciones en el implante percutáneo de válvula aórtica Anesthetic management and complications of percutaneous aortic valve implantation

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    Tailur Alberto Grando


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A estenose aórtica (EA grave é uma doença prevalente e de grande mortalidade. Nos pacientes idosos com outras comorbidades o implante valvar percutâneo é uma opção. OBJETIVOS: Descrever o manejo anestésico e as complicações com anestesia geral. MÉTODO: Série de casos com seguimento de 30 dias e 24 meses após o implante do dispositivo CoreValve feito no Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia entre dezembro de 2008 e janeiro de 2012. Os pacientes foram submetidos à anestesia geral monitorada com pressão arterial média (PAM, eletrocardiograma (ECG, oximetria, capnografia, ecocardiograma transesofágico, termometria e marcapasso transvenoso. RESULTADOS: Foram submetidos com sucesso ao implante valvular 28 pacientes, com idade média de 82,46 anos, EuroScore médio de 20,98%, classe funcional III/IV. Nove pacientes necessitaram de implante de marcapasso definitivo. No seguimento dos pacientes houve dois óbitos, um no transoperatório por perfuração do VE e um no terceiro dia por causa desconhecida. Em 24 meses um paciente faleceu com diagnóstico de mieloma múltiplo. A técnica anestésica mostrou-se segura. CONCLUSÃO: A experiência inicial com implante valvular aórtico percutâneo sob anestesia geral tem se mostrado segura e eficaz sem complicações anestésicas importantes para esse procedimento.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La estenosis aórtica (EA grave es una enfermedad prevalente y de gran mortalidad. En los pacientes ancianos con otras comorbilidades, el implante valvular percutáneo es una opción. OBJETIVOS: Describir el manejo anestésico y las complicaciones con la anestesia general. MÉTODO: Serie de casos con seguimiento de 30 días y 24 meses después del implante del dispositivo CoreValve hecho en el Instituto de Cardiología/Fundación Universitaria de Cardiología entre diciembre de 2008 y enero de 2012. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a la anestesia general

  7. De la pervivencia (o no de algunas innovaciones morfosintácticas del judeoespañol castizo About the survival (or not of some morphosyntactical innovations in the castizo Judeo-Spanish

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    Full Text Available Textos como los del llamado Me‘am lo‘e? clásico, aparecidos en Constantinopla en el siglo XVIII (Génesis 1730, Éxodo 1733-1746, Levítico 1753, Números 1764 y Deuteronomio 1773-1777, exhiben ya una madura prosa judeoespañola que, aunque bebe en el hebreo de las fuentes literarias que maneja, muestra procesos propios de raíz hispánica en la evolución morfosintáctica, que prueban el alejamiento de la variedad sefardí respecto del español estándar del momento. En este trabajo analizaremos hasta qué punto dichas transformaciones, a veces solo apuntadas en la literatura sefardí del s. XVIII, el «Siglo del Oro» del judeoespañol, han triunfado o no en el judeoespañol de los siglos XIX y XX, con especial atención a los géneros literarios de adopción moderna (novela, prensa, etc. alejados de la tradición de la prosa rabínica.Texts like the so-called classical Me‘am lo‘e?, published in Constantinople in the 18th century (Genesis 1720, Exodus 1733-1746, Leviticus 1753, Numbers 1764 and Deutoronomy 1773-1777, already exhibit a mature Judeo-Spanish prose which, though influenced by Hebrew literary sources, shows processes of morphosyntactical evolution of its own which are rooted in Spanish and at the same time are proof of the drift away from the standard Spanish of the time that the Sephardic variety underwent . In this work we analyse how such transformations, sometimes only just starting in the Sephardic literature of the 18th century, the «Golden Age» of Judeo-Spanish, have developed or not in the Judeo-Spanish of the 19th and 20th centuries, paying special attention to those literary genres of modern adoption (novel, press, etc., which have grown apart from the rabbinical prose tradition.

  8. Exodoncia atraumática e implante post exodoncia sin colgajo combinado con injerto gingival libre


    García Linares, Sixto; Yon Guerrero, Helen


    Presentamos un caso donde se describe la técnica de exodoncia atraumática, colocación de un implante post exodoncia y cierre por primera intención mediante un injerto gingival libre. El uso de implantes post exodoncia necesita varias condiciones para poder realizarse, entre ellas: paredes óseas conservadas, hueso alveolar más allá del ápice mayor a 4 mm. , margen gingival conservado, ausencia de fístula, etc. El injerto gingival libre permite una cicatrización por primera intención n...

  9. El TLC como centro de un proceso de integración: las cuestiones no comerciales


    Robert A. Pastor


    En la primavera de 1990 el presidente de México, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, propuso una zona de libre comercio con Estados Unidos. Desde la perspectiva de México, que durante la mayor parte del siglo XX había tratado de mantenerse alejado de Estados Unidos por temor a que se minara la soberanía mexicana, la idea de Salinas era genuinamente revolucionaria. Su meta era garantizar el acceso de los productos mexicanos a los mercados estadunidenses, promoviendo así la inversión extranjera para gen...

  10. Violencia urbana y criminalidad urbana en la ciudad de San José. Un estudio exploratorio.


    Guillermo Carvajal Alvarado; David Rivera


    La tendencia ascendente de la violencia urbana, estimada en un 4% alrededor del mundo en los decenios de 1980 y 1990, está provocando cambios importantes en el paisaje y en la vida diaria de la zonas urbanas. En muchas ciudades, el miedo a la violencia ha alejado a la población de los transportes, las calles y los espacios públicos. Las calles donde solían jugar los niños y congregarse los vecinos, y por las que paseaba la gente, se utilizan ahora mucho menos.

  11. Conocimientos sobre implantes dentales en estomatólogos de los municipios de Centro Habana, Habana del Este y Habana Vieja

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    Eneida García López


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal, con el objetivo de evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre implantes dentales de los estomatólogos generales básico e integrales de los municipios, Habana del Este, Centro Habana y Habana Vieja. El Ministerio de Salud Pública tiene especial interés en la implementación y generalización de las técnicas de implantología dental a nivel de los municipios por lo que esta temática se convierte en tema de necesario dominio para los estomatólogos, pues necesitan orientar, tratar y remitir a sus pacientes. Para medir los conocimientos fue aplicada una encuesta que constaba de diez preguntas, y se utilizó los criterios de conocen y desconocen, para evaluar las respuestas según su calidad. El nivel de conocimientos se clasificó en adecuado cuando la encuesta tuvo un 70 % o más de respuestas con el criterio de conocen. El nivel de conocimientos fue no adecuado para los grupos de estudios y para los municipios.

  12. Consideraciones para la toma de impresión de prótesis sobre implantes


    Pérez Pellin, Siulbel


    El diseño protésico depende de ciertas condiciones orales y hoy en día el tratamiento con implantes es un recurso terapéutico habitual en el reemplazo de dientes. Existen circunstancias que modifican el desarrollo del tratamiento implantológico y que deben ser evaluadas como son: el espacio entre las arcadas dentales, plano oclusal existente, relación y forma de las arcadas dentales, número y posición de los dientes, entre otras, que determinan la intervención interdisciplinaria del área prot...

  13. Implante ExPRESS-P en el glaucoma traumático

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    Francisco Fumero González

    Full Text Available Se presenta un paciente masculino, blanco, de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de trauma contuso en el ojo izquierdo a los 8 años de edad. El examen oftalmológico del ojo izquierdo reveló agudeza visual mejor corregida 60 VAR; presión intraocular 42 mmHg con terapia hipotensora máxima; catarata corticonuclear traumática y daño glaucomatoso avanzado. Como opción de tratamiento se realizó la cirugía combinada (facoemulsificación e implante de dispositivo ExPRESS, modelo P-50, asociado al uso de mitomicina C 0,2 %. Se obtuvo agudeza visual mejor corregida 97 VAR y presión intraocular 17 mmHg a los 3 meses posoperatorio. Este caso evidencia la necesidad del seguimiento de por vida luego de un trauma ocular, y fundamentalmente cuando existe un receso angular traumático, con la finalidad de diagnosticar precozmente la hipertensión ocular y prevenir la pérdida visual irreversible por glaucoma. La facoemulsificación combinada con el implante ExPRESS resulta una opción favorable para el tratamiento de casos complejos que presentan glaucoma y catarata.

  14. Short dental implants: an emerging concept in implant treatment. (United States)

    Al-Hashedi, Ashwaq Ali; Taiyeb Ali, Tara Bai; Yunus, Norsiah


    Short implants have been advocated as a treatment option in many clinical situations where the use of conventional implants is limited. This review outlines the effectiveness and clinical outcomes of using short implants as a valid treatment option in the rehabilitation of edentulous atrophic alveolar ridges. Initially, an electronic search was performed on the following databases: Medline, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and DARE using key words from January 1990 until May 2012. An additional hand search was included for the relevant articles in the following journals: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, International Journal of Periodontics, Journal of Periodontology, and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. Any relevant papers from the journals' references were hand searched. Articles were included if they provided detailed data on implant length, reported survival rates, mentioned measures for implant failure, were in the English language, involved human subjects, and researched implants inserted in healed atrophic ridges with a follow-up period of at least 1 year after implant-prosthesis loading. Short implants demonstrated a high rate of success in the replacement of missing teeth in especially atrophic alveolar ridges. The advanced technology and improvement of the implant surfaces have encouraged the success of short implants to a comparable level to that of standard implants. However, further randomized controlled clinical trials and prospective studies with longer follow-up periods are needed.

  15. Procesamiento cerámico de β-TCP para la fabricación de piezas implantables

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    Franco, J.


    Full Text Available This work describes a method for obtaining large-scale productions of β-TCP by mass-precipitation from calcium and phosphate solutions. The setting of the synthesis conditions was made by studying operational parameters like the concentrations of the reagents, the speed of the mixing of the reagents, pH of precipitation and ageing of the precipitate. This synthesis procedure allows obtaining high purity β-TCP under ASTM F1088-87. Starting from synthesized β-TCP were made rods for implantation by die pressing, slip casting, gel casting and low pressure injection moulding. These rods were well characterized and implanted in Beagle dogs. Thin film histological results for 2, 7, and 14 months of implantation period, shown a good biocompatibility for the material and its resorbable behaviour.

    El trabajo describe la puesta a punto de un método de obtención de grandes cantidades de fosfato tricálcico (β-TCP, por precipitación a partir de disoluciones de sales de calcio y de fosfatos. Para ello se estudia la influencia de los parámetros de operación tales como concentración de reactivos, velocidad de adición, pH de precipitación y tiempo de envejecimiento del precipitado. El procedimiento, que es escalable a nivel industrial, permite obtener β-TCP de elevada pureza, que cumple ASTM F1088-87. Con el material obtenido se procesan barras implantables por prensado, colado, gel-casting e inyección, que se caracterizan detalladamente, y posteriormente se implantan en la tibia de perros Beagle. El estudio histológico en lámina delgada de los implantes, tras períodos de implantación de 2, 7 y 14 meses, permite evaluar la excelente biocompatibilidad del material y su carácter reabsorbible.

  16. Number of implants for mandibular implant overdentures: a systematic review (United States)

    Lee, Jeong-Yol; Kim, Ha-Young; Bryant, S. Ross


    PURPOSE The aim of this systematic review is to address treatment outcomes of Mandibular implant overdentures relative to implant survival rate, maintenance and complications, and patient satisfaction. MATERIALS AND METHODS A systematic literature search was conducted by a PubMed search strategy and hand-searching of relevant journals from included studies. Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT) and comparative clinical trial studies on mandibular implant overdentures until August, 2010 were selected. Eleven studies from 1098 studies were finally selected and data were analyzed relative to number of implants. RESULTS Six studies presented the data of the implant survival rate which ranged from 95% to 100% for 2 and 4 implant group and from 81.8% to 96.1% for 1 and 2 implant group. One study, which statistically compared implant survival rate showed no significant differences relative to the number of implants. The most common type of prosthetic maintenance and complications were replacement or reattaching of loose clips for 2 and 4 implant group, and denture repair due to the fracture around an implant for 1 and 2 implant groups. Most studies showed no significant differences in the rate of prosthetic maintenance and complication, and patient satisfaction regardless the number of implants. CONCLUSION The implant survival rate of mandibular overdentures is high regardless of the number of implants. Denture maintenance is likely not inflenced substantially by the number of implants and patient satisfaction is typically high again regardless os the number of implants. PMID:23236572

  17. Assessing an Internet health information site by using log analysis: the experience of the National Cancer Institute of Brazil Evaluación mediante análisis de registros de un sitio de información de salud en Internet: la experiencia del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, de Brasil

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    Paulo R. Vasconcellos-Silva


    Full Text Available La informática se ha convertido en parte integrante del concepto moderno de salud pública y de las políticas sanitarias nacionales. Al propio tiempo, sin embargo, el torrente de información que se recibe a través de Internet y de otros medios de comunicación ha alejado en ocasiones la atención del público de elementos importantes que pueden ayudar a prevenir enfermedades. En este trabajo se muestra cómo mediante la tecnología de "análisis de registros" de Internet es posible evaluar y seguir las tendencias del interés del público en temas de salud. Los programas para el análisis de registros pueden ofrecer estadísticas del "tráfico" en Internet, incluyendo el número de visitas que recibe un sitio, cuáles páginas específicas de un sitio son vistas con mayor frecuencia y cuánto tiempo pasan los visitantes en el sitio. Esta tecnología puede ayudar a las instituciones sanitarias a planear sus estrategias de promoción de salud y a comunicar mensajes clave relacionados con la salud pública. Como ejemplo de cómo la tecnología de análisis de registros puede ser aplicada, se analizó la actividad del sitio en Internet del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, de Brasil, entre septiembre de 1999 y agosto de 2001. Se observó un apreciable crecimiento del número de visitas a las páginas relacionadas con tabaco y salud y con las formas de abandonar el tabaquismo durante las campañas de lucha contra este hábito, realizadas en el marco de jornadas como el Día Mundial Sin Tabaco, el Día Nacional de Lucha Contra el Tabaquismo y el Día Nacional Contra el Cáncer. Un crecimiento considerable de las visitas a otras páginas del sitio en Internet de ese Instituto parece estar vinculado con sucesos externos, incluyendo la enfermedad y muerte de un famoso político brasileño por cáncer de próstata y una telenovela brasileña en la que un personaje padecía de leucemia. Según la experiencia del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, de Brasil

  18. Primary prevention of peri-implantitis: managing peri-implant mucositis. (United States)

    Jepsen, Søren; Berglundh, Tord; Genco, Robert; Aass, Anne Merete; Demirel, Korkud; Derks, Jan; Figuero, Elena; Giovannoli, Jean Louis; Goldstein, Moshe; Lambert, France; Ortiz-Vigon, Alberto; Polyzois, Ioannis; Salvi, Giovanni E; Schwarz, Frank; Serino, Giovanni; Tomasi, Cristiano; Zitzmann, Nicola U


    Over the past decades, the placement of dental implants has become a routine procedure in the oral rehabilitation of fully and partially edentulous patients. However, the number of patients/implants affected by peri-implant diseases is increasing. As there are--in contrast to periodontitis--at present no established and predictable concepts for the treatment of peri-implantitis, primary prevention is of key importance. The management of peri-implant mucositis is considered as a preventive measure for the onset of peri-implantitis. Therefore, the remit of this working group was to assess the prevalence of peri-implant diseases, as well as risks for peri-implant mucositis and to evaluate measures for the management of peri-implant mucositis. Discussions were informed by four systematic reviews on the current epidemiology of peri-implant diseases, on potential risks contributing to the development of peri-implant mucositis, and on the effect of patient and of professionally administered measures to manage peri-implant mucositis. This consensus report is based on the outcomes of these systematic reviews and on the expert opinion of the participants. Key findings included: (i) meta-analysis estimated a weighted mean prevalence for peri-implant mucositis of 43% (CI: 32-54%) and for peri-implantitis of 22% (CI: 14-30%); (ii) bleeding on probing is considered as key clinical measure to distinguish between peri-implant health and disease; (iii) lack of regular supportive therapy in patients with peri-implant mucositis was associated with increased risk for onset of peri-implantitis; (iv) whereas plaque accumulation has been established as aetiological factor, smoking was identified as modifiable patient-related and excess cement as local risk indicator for the development of peri-implant mucositis; (v) patient-administered mechanical plaque control (with manual or powered toothbrushes) has been shown to be an effective preventive measure; (vi) professional intervention

  19. Scalloped Implant-Abutment Connection Compared to Conventional Flat Implant-Abutment Connection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Starch-Jensen, Thomas; Christensen, Ann-Eva; Lorenzen, Henning


    OBJECTIVES: The objective was to test the hypothesis of no difference in implant treatment outcome after installation of implants with a scalloped implant-abutment connection compared to a flat implant-abutment connection. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase and Cochrane library search...... of suprastructures has never been compared within the same study. High implant survival rate was reported in all the included studies. Significantly more peri-implant marginal bone loss, higher probing depth score, bleeding score and gingival score was observed around implants with a scalloped implant-abutment...... loss around implants with a scalloped implant-abutment connection. CONCLUSIONS: A scalloped implant-abutment connection seems to be associated with higher peri-implant marginal bone loss compared to a flat implant-abutment connection. Therefore, the hypothesis of the present systematic review must...

  20. Why are mini-implants lost: the value of the implantation technique! (United States)

    Romano, Fabio Lourenço; Consolaro, Alberto


    The use of mini-implants have made a major contribution to orthodontic treatment. Demand has aroused scientific curiosity about implant placement procedures and techniques. However, the reasons for instability have not yet been made totally clear. The aim of this article is to establish a relationship between implant placement technique and mini-implant success rates by means of examining the following hypotheses: 1) Sites of poor alveolar bone and little space between roots lead to inadequate implant placement; 2) Different sites require mini-implants of different sizes! Implant size should respect alveolar bone diameter; 3) Properly determining mini-implant placement site provides ease for implant placement and contributes to stability; 4) The more precise the lancing procedures, the better the implant placement technique; 5) Self-drilling does not mean higher pressures; 6) Knowing where implant placement should end decreases the risk of complications and mini-implant loss.

  1. Why are mini-implants lost: The value of the implantation technique!

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    Fabio Lourenço Romano


    Full Text Available The use of mini-implants have made a major contribution to orthodontic treatment. Demand has aroused scientific curiosity about implant placement procedures and techniques. However, the reasons for instability have not yet been made totally clear. The aim of this article is to establish a relationship between implant placement technique and mini-implant success rates by means of examining the following hypotheses: 1 Sites of poor alveolar bone and little space between roots lead to inadequate implant placement; 2 Different sites require mini-implants of different sizes! Implant size should respect alveolar bone diameter; 3 Properly determining mini-implant placement site provides ease for implant placement and contributes to stability; 4 The more precise the lancing procedures, the better the implant placement technique; 5 Self-drilling does not mean higher pressures; 6 Knowing where implant placement should end decreases the risk of complications and mini-implant loss.

  2. Primary prevention of peri-implantitis: Managing peri-implant mucositis


    Jepsen, Søren; Berglundh, Tord; Genco, Robert; Aass, Anne Merete; Demirel, Korkud; Derks, Jan; Figuero, Elena; Giovannoli, Jean Louis; Goldstein, Moshe; LAMBERT, France; Ortiz-Vigon, Alberto; Polyzois, Ioannis; Salvi, Giovanni; Schwarz, Frank; Serino, Giovanni


    Abstract AIMS: Over the past decades, the placement of dental implants has become a routine procedure in the oral rehabilitation of fully and partially edentulous patients. However, the number of patients/implants affected by peri-implant diseases is increasing. As there are--in contrast to periodontitis--at present no established and predictable concepts for the treatment of peri-implantitis, primary prevention is of key importance. The management of peri-implant mucositis is considere...

  3. Nuevos registros de squamata (reptilia para el pleistoceno superior del norte de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Federico Agnolin


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo son reportados ejemplares de diversos taxones de reptiles escamados fósiles procedentes de la base de la Formación Luján (Pleistoceno Superior, en la localidad fosilífera de Merlo, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Entre los ejemplares registrados se reconoce el primer registro fósil para el género y especie Anops kingii (Amphisbaenidae; asimismo se reporta la presencia de especies indeterminadas de los géneros Homonota (Gekkonidae y Liolaemus (Liolaemidae. La asociación conjunta de estos tres taxones hoy en día no se encuentra representada en el norte de la provincia de Buenos Aires, siendo la región geográficamente más cercana en donde encuentran una superposición en su distribución el Partido de Balcarce, ubicado en el extremo Sureste de la provincia y alejado unos 600 kilómetros al sur de la localidad fosilífera de Merlo. La presencia conjunta de estos tres reptiles se encuentra de acuerdo con la posible existencia de un pulso árido y frío, tal como ha sido propuesto con anterioridad para porción más inferior del Pleistoceno Superior en la provincia de Buenos Aires.

  4. Osteogenesis and Morphology of the Peri-Implant Bone Facing Dental Implants

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    Marco Franchi


    Full Text Available This study investigated the influence of different implant surfaces on peri-implant osteogenesis and implant face morphology of peri-implant tissues during the early (2 weeks and complete healing period (3 months. Thirty endosseous titanium implants (conic screws with differently treated surfaces (smooth titanium = SS, titanium plasma sprayed = TPS, sand-blasted zirconium oxide = Zr-SLA were implanted in femur and tibiae diaphyses of two mongrel sheep. Histological sections of the implants and surrounding tissues obtained by sawing and grinding techniques were observed under light microscopy (LM. The peri-implant tissues of other samples were mechanically detached from the corresponding implants to be processed for SEM observation. Two weeks after implantation, we observed osteogenesis (new bone trabeculae around all implant surfaces only where a gap was present at the host bone-metal interface. No evident bone deposition was detectable where threads of the screws were in direct contact with the compact host bone. Distance osteogenesis predominated in SS implants, while around rough surfaces (TPS and Zr-SLA, both distance and contact osteogenesis were present. At SEM analysis 2 weeks after implantation, the implant face of SS peri-implant tissue showed few, thin, newly formed, bone trabeculae immersed in large, loose, marrow tissue with blood vessels. Around the TPS screws, the implant face of the peri-implant tissue was rather irregular because of the rougher metal surface. Zr-SLA screws showed more numerous, newly formed bone trabeculae crossing marrow spaces and also needle-like crystals in bone nodules indicating an active mineralising process. After 3 months, all the screws appeared osseointegrated, being almost completely covered by a compact, mature, newly formed bone. However, some marrow spaces rich in blood vessels and undifferentiated cells were in contact with the metal surface. By SEM analysis, the implant face of the peri-implant

  5. Survival of dental implants placed in sites of previously failed implants. (United States)

    Chrcanovic, Bruno R; Kisch, Jenö; Albrektsson, Tomas; Wennerberg, Ann


    To assess the survival of dental implants placed in sites of previously failed implants and to explore the possible factors that might affect the outcome of this reimplantation procedure. Patients that had failed dental implants, which were replaced with the same implant type at the same site, were included. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the patients and implants; survival analysis was also performed. The effect of systemic, environmental, and local factors on the survival of the reoperated implants was evaluated. 175 of 10,096 implants in 98 patients were replaced by another implant at the same location (159, 14, and 2 implants at second, third, and fourth surgeries, respectively). Newly replaced implants were generally of similar diameter but of shorter length compared to the previously placed fixtures. A statistically significant greater percentage of lost implants were placed in sites with low bone quantity. There was a statistically significant difference (P = 0.032) in the survival rates between implants that were inserted for the first time (94%) and implants that replaced the ones lost (73%). There was a statistically higher failure rate of the reoperated implants for patients taking antidepressants and antithrombotic agents. Dental implants replacing failed implants had lower survival rates than the rates reported for the previous attempts of implant placement. It is suggested that a site-specific negative effect may possibly be associated with this phenomenon, as well as the intake of antidepressants and antithrombotic agents. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Sub-meninges implantation reduces immune response to neural implants. (United States)

    Markwardt, Neil T; Stokol, Jodi; Rennaker, Robert L


    Glial scar formation around neural interfaces inhibits their ability to acquire usable signals from the surrounding neurons. To improve neural recording performance, the inflammatory response and glial scarring must be minimized. Previous work has indicated that meningeally derived cells participate in the immune response, and it is possible that the meninges may grow down around the shank of a neural implant, contributing to the formation of the glial scar. This study examines whether the glial scar can be reduced by placing a neural probe completely below the meninges. Rats were implanted with sets of loose microwire implants placed either completely below the meninges or implanted conventionally with the upper end penetrating the meninges, but not attached to the skull. Histological analysis was performed 4 weeks following surgical implantation to evaluate the glial scar. Our results found that sub-meninges implants showed an average reduction in reactive astrocyte activity of 63% compared to trans-meninges implants. Microglial activity was also reduced for sub-meninges implants. These results suggest that techniques that isolate implants from the meninges offer the potential to reduce the encapsulation response which should improve chronic recording quality and stability. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  7. Scalloped Implant-Abutment Connection Compared to Conventional Flat Implant-Abutment Connection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Starch-Jensen, Thomas; Christensen, Ann-Eva; Lorenzen, Henning


    OBJECTIVES: The objective was to test the hypothesis of no difference in implant treatment outcome after installation of implants with a scalloped implant-abutment connection compared to a flat implant-abutment connection. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase and Cochrane library search......-abutment connection. There were no significant differences between the two treatment modalities regarding professional or patient-reported outcome measures. Meta-analysis disclosed a mean difference of peri-implant marginal bone loss of 1.56 mm (confidence interval: 0.87 to 2.25), indicating significant more bone...... loss around implants with a scalloped implant-abutment connection. CONCLUSIONS: A scalloped implant-abutment connection seems to be associated with higher peri-implant marginal bone loss compared to a flat implant-abutment connection. Therefore, the hypothesis of the present systematic review must...

  8. Imaging of common breast implants and implant-related complications: A pictorial essay. (United States)

    Shah, Amisha T; Jankharia, Bijal B


    The number of women undergoing breast implant procedures is increasing exponentially. It is, therefore, imperative for a radiologist to be familiar with the normal and abnormal imaging appearances of common breast implants. Diagnostic imaging studies such as mammography, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging are used to evaluate implant integrity, detect abnormalities of the implant and its surrounding capsule, and detect breast conditions unrelated to implants. Magnetic resonance imaging of silicone breast implants, with its high sensitivity and specificity for detecting implant rupture, is the most reliable modality to asses implant integrity. Whichever imaging modality is used, the overall aim of imaging breast implants is to provide the pertinent information about implant integrity, detect implant failures, and to detect breast conditions unrelated to the implants, such as cancer.

  9. Immediate Direct-To-Implant Breast Reconstruction Using Anatomical Implants

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    Sung-Eun Kim


    Full Text Available BackgroundIn 2012, a new anatomic breast implant of form-stable silicone gel was introduced onto the Korean market. The intended use of this implant is in the area of aesthetic breast surgery, and many reports are promising. Thus far, however, there have been no reports on the use of this implant for breast reconstruction in Korea. We used this breast implant in breast reconstruction surgery and report our early experience.MethodsFrom November 2012 to April 2013, the Natrelle Style 410 form-stable anatomically shaped cohesive silicone gel-filled breast implant was used in 31 breasts of 30 patients for implant breast reconstruction with an acellular dermal matrix. Patients were treated with skin-sparing mastectomies followed by immediate breast reconstruction.ResultsThe mean breast resection volume was 240 mL (range, 83-540 mL. The mean size of the breast implants was 217 mL (range, 125-395 mL. Breast shape outcomes were considered acceptable. Infection and skin thinning occurred in one patient each, and hematoma and seroma did not occur. Three cases of wound dehiscence occurred, one requiring surgical intervention, while the others healed with conservative treatment in one month. Rippling did not occur. So far, complications such as capsular contracture and malrotation of breast implant have not yet arisen.ConclusionsBy using anatomic breast implants in breast reconstruction, we achieved satisfactory results with aesthetics better than those obtained with round breast implants. Therefore, we concluded that the anatomical implant is suitable for breast reconstruction.

  10. Implants in free fibula flap supporting dental rehabilitation - Implant and peri-implant related outcomes of a randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    Kumar, Vinay V; Ebenezer, Supriya; Kämmerer, Peer W; Jacob, P C; Kuriakose, Moni A; Hedne, Naveen; Wagner, Wilfried; Al-Nawas, Bilal


    The objective of this study was to assess the difference in success rates of implants when using two or four implant-supported-overdentures following segmental mandibular reconstruction with fibula free flap. This prospective, parallel designed, randomized clinical study was conducted with 1:1 ratio. At baseline, all participants already had segmental reconstruction of mandible with free fibula flap. The participants were randomized into two groups: Group-I received implant-supported-overdentures on two tissue-level implants and Group-II received implant-supported-overdentures on four tissue-level implants. Success rates of the implants were evaluated at 3 months, 6 months and 12 months following implant loading using marginal bone level changes as well as peri-implant indices (Buser et al., 1990). 52 patients were randomized into two treatment groups (26 each), out of which 18 patients (36 implants) of Group-I and 17 patients (68 implants) of Group-II were evaluated. One implant in Group-I was lost due to infective complications and one patient in the same group had superior barrel necrosis. There was a statistically significant increase at both time points (p = 0.03, p = 0.04 at 6 months, 12 months) in the amount of marginal bone loss in Group-I (0.4 mm, 0.5 mm at 6 months, 12 months) as compared to Group-II (0.1 mm, 0.2 mm at 6 months, 12 months). There were no clinically significant changes peri-implant parameters between both groups. Peri-implant soft tissue hyperplasia was seen in both groups, 32% of implants at 3-months, 26% at 6-months and 3% at 12-months follow-up. The results of this study show that patients with 2-implant-supported-overdentures had higher marginal bone loss as compared to patients with 4-implant-supported-overdentures. There were no clinically significant differences in peri-implant soft tissue factors in patients with 2- or 4-implant-supported-overdentures. Hyperplastic peri-implant tissues are common in the early implant

  11. Imaging of common breast implants and implant-related complications: A pictorial essay

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    Amisha T Shah


    Full Text Available The number of women undergoing breast implant procedures is increasing exponentially. It is, therefore, imperative for a radiologist to be familiar with the normal and abnormal imaging appearances of common breast implants. Diagnostic imaging studies such as mammography, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging are used to evaluate implant integrity, detect abnormalities of the implant and its surrounding capsule, and detect breast conditions unrelated to implants. Magnetic resonance imaging of silicone breast implants, with its high sensitivity and specificity for detecting implant rupture, is the most reliable modality to asses implant integrity. Whichever imaging modality is used, the overall aim of imaging breast implants is to provide the pertinent information about implant integrity, detect implant failures, and to detect breast conditions unrelated to the implants, such as cancer.

  12. Retrograde peri-implantitis

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    Mohamed Jumshad


    Full Text Available Retrograde peri-implantitis constitutes an important cause for implant failure. Retrograde peri-implantitis may sometimes prove difficult to identify and hence institution of early treatment may not be possible. This paper presents a report of four cases of (the implant placed developing to retrograde peri-implantitis. Three of these implants were successfully restored to their fully functional state while one was lost due to extensive damage. The paper highlights the importance of recognizing the etiopathogenic mechanisms, preoperative assessment, and a strong postoperative maintenance protocol to avoid retrograde peri-implant inflammation.

  13. La hiponatremia como marcador de riesgo en pacientes sometidos a implante de desfibrilador en prevención primaria

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    Ana Andrés Lahuerta


    Conclusiones: La hiponatremia ligera en el momento del implante de un desfibrilador se asocia a una mayor incidencia de ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca en el seguimiento, mientras que en el caso de una hiponatremia moderada-severa, se asocia a un riesgo de muerte 4 veces mayor.

  14. Anatomía comparada del leño de Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Myrtaceae de dos orígenes, ensayados en Santiago del Estero Comparative wood anatomy of two select origins of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Myrtaceae, implanted in Santiago del Estero, Argentine Chaco Region

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    Juana Graciela Moglia


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la variabilidad radial en el leño de ejemplares de Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. provenientes de dos orígenes selectos implantados en un ensayo en Santiago del Estero. Se compararon materiales provenientes del Huerto Semillero de Zimbabwe y de Emu Creek Queensland. Se estudiaron las secciones transversales de fuste a 1,30 m de altura de 7 ejemplares de 5 años de edad, de cada uno de los orígenes. Se extrajeron dos probetas sobre el radio Norte, tomadas una a 25% y otra al 80% de distancia con respecto a la médula. Se analizaron: frecuencia y diámetro de vasos, longitud de vasos y fibras, porcentaje de tejidos, tipos de vasos y radios. El análisis de la varianza se ajustó al diseño de muestreo de efectos anidados para «orígenes» y «árboles», utilizando las «distancias radiales a la médula» como medidas repetidas y se evaluó con un modelo mixto. Los dos orígenes estudiados presentan porosidad difusa, vasos solitarios y radios homogéneos. Ninguna de las variables estudiadas mostró diferencias significativas entre orígenes. Las longitudes de vasos y fibras mostraron diferencias significativas entre distancias. La frecuencia y longitud de vasos, frecuencia de radios y los porcentajes de tejidos mostraron diferencias significativas entre árboles.The aim of the present research was to study radial wood variation of two different origins in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. proceeding from a seed allotment in Zimbabwe and Emu Creek Queensland. For this study seven trees of 5 years old, of each origin, were selected from an implanted trial in Santiago del Estero. Two samples were taken from transverse sections at 1.30 m height on the North radius, one located at 25% and the other at 80% of distance to the pith. Frequency, diameter, and length of vessels, fiber length, tissues percentages and ray types were analyzed. Univariate analysis was performed using a nested design, for

  15. Rehabilitación de paciente fumador con prótesis hibrida sobre seis implantes: Reporte de caso


    López López, Carmen Eliana; Quintana del Solar, Martin


    La prótesis sobre implantes es una buena alternativa de tratamiento frente a los tratamientos convencionales de prótesis total en pacientes con edentulismo total. Este tratamiento se ha venido realizando con éxito en losúltimos años y constituye una realidad clínica de alto valor. El presente artículo reporta el caso clínico de un paciente de sexo masculino fumador donde se realizó la rehabilitación del maxilar superior con una prótesis tipohibrida sobre 6 implantes. A continuación se describ...

  16. Cochlear implants in children implanted in Jordan: A parental overview. (United States)

    Alkhamra, Rana A


    Exploring the perspective of parents on the cochlear implant process in Jordan. Sixty parents of deaf children were surveyed on the information gathering process prior to cochlear implant surgery, and their implant outcome expectations post-surgery. Whether child or parent characteristics may impact parents' post-surgical expectations was explored. Although parents used a variety of information sources when considering a cochlear implant, the ear, nose and throat doctor comprised their major source of information (60%). Parents received a range of information prior to cochlear implant but agreed (93.3%) on the need for a multidisciplinary team approach. Post-surgically, parents' expected major developments in the areas of spoken language (97%), and auditory skills (100%). Receiving education in mainstream schools (92%) was expected too. Parents perceived the cochlear implant decision as the best decision they can make for their child (98.3%). A significant correlation was found between parents contentment with the cochlear implant decision and expecting developments in the area of reading and writing (r=0.7). Child's age at implantation and age at hearing loss diagnosis significantly affected parents' post-implant outcome expectations (pparents agree on the need for a comprehensive multidisciplinary team approach during the different stages of the cochlear implant process. Parents' education about cochlear implants prior to the surgery can affect their post-surgical outcome expectations. The parental perspective presented in this study can help professionals develop better understanding of parents' needs and expectations and henceforth improve their services and support during the different stages of the cochlear implant process. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  17. Long time follow up of implant therapy and treatment of peri-implantitis. (United States)

    Roos-Jansåker, Ann-Marie


    Dental implants have become an often used alternative to replace missing teeth, resulting in an increasing percentage of the adult population with implant supported prosthesis. Although favourable long-term results of implant therapy have been reported, infections occur. Until recently few reports included data on peri-implant infections, possibly underestimating this complication of implant treatment. It is possible that some infections around implants develop slowly and that with time peri-implantitis will be a common complication to implant therapy as an increasing number of patients have had their implants for a long time (>10 years). Data on treatment of peri-implant lesions are scarce leaving the clinician with limited guidance regarding choice of treatment. The aim of this thesis was to study the frequency of implant loss and presence of peri-implant lesions in a group of patients supplied with Brånemark implants 9-14 years ago, and to relate these events to patient and site specific characteristics. Moreover three surgical treatment modalities for peri-implantitis were evaluated. The thesis is based on six studies; Studies I-III included 218 patients and 1057 implants followed for 9-14 years evaluating prevalence of, and factors related to implant loss (Paper I) and prevalence of peri-implant infections and related factors (Paper I-III). Study IV is a review describing different treatment modalities of peri-implant infections. Study V is a prospective cohort study involving 36 patients and 65 implants, evaluating the use of a bone substitute with or without the use of a resorbable membrane. Study VI is a case series with 12 patients and 16 implants, evaluating a bone substitute in combination with a resorbable membrane and submerged healing. This thesis demonstrated that: After 9-14 years the survival rates of dental implants are high (95.7%). Implant loss seems to cluster within patients and are related to periodontitis evidenced as bone loss on

  18. Hip Implant Systems (United States)

    ... Implants and Prosthetics Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants Hip Implants Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More sharing options Linkedin Pin it Email Print Hip implants are medical devices intended to restore mobility ...

  19. Uso del método de Ilizarov en pie bot pediátrico. [Use of the Ilizarov method in pediatric clubfoot

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    Silvana Fiscina


    Full Text Available Introducción El objetivo de tratamiento del pie Bot está enfocado en lograr un pie plantígrado, indoloro y  que permita el uso del calzado habitual. El objetivo del trabajo fue medir la incidencia de recidiva luego de obtenida la corrección de la deformidad en pacientes con pie bot tratados con tutor de Ilizarov, y  analizar los factores pronósticos asociados. Material y Método Cohorte retrospectiva de factores pronóstico. Se trató con este método a 48 pacientes (70 pies desde 1988. Se excluyeron los pacientes con falta de corrección de la deformidad en el momento de retirar el tutor (deformidad residual o corrección incompleta. La variable de estudio fue la recidiva. Resultados El 77% de los 70 pies eran idiopáticos. Solo 18 pies no habían sido tratados. Todos eran pacien- tes pediátricos. El promedio de edad en el momento de la cirugía era de 7,9 años. Se incluyeron tres grupos de pacientes: tratados con Ilizarov solo (40,2%, en combi- nación con cirugía de partes blandas (38,5% y asociado con osteotomías (21,3%. El seguimiento promedio posoperatorio fue de 10,6 años (de 5,5 a 22. En el 71% de los pies, los resultados fueron pobres, la deformidad recidivó en un promedio de 38 meses, y fueron necesarias cirugías complementarias para lograr un pie plantígrado. Conclusión Presentamos una importante casuística con seguimiento alejado de pie bot recidivado o inveterado, con una alta recidiva de la deformidad (71%. No encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los subgrupos estudiados (edad, diagnóstico, trata- mientos previos y procedimientos asociados. Actualmente no consideramos a esta técnica de primera elección, pues nuestros resultados fueron poco alentadores.

  20. Deseo y transgresión: el erotismo de Georges Bataille

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    Maider Tornos Urzainki


    Full Text Available En la sociedad actual, el ser humano ha perdido su dimensión sagrada. Poco a poco, según explica Bataille, se ha alejado de la intimidad que lo define como ser humano, para refugiarse en un mundo sin vida (el mundo del trabajo en oposición al mundo de la fiesta y el deseo. Pero Bataille no se conforma con esta realidad vulgar y busca el éxtasis, la violencia de un goce desmesurado, para transgredir los límites de una realidad mediocre. A través de la teoría sobre el erotismo, una pregunta ontológica por el ser del sujeto que estructura todo su pensamiento, Bataille intenta destruir los cimientos de la sociedad, cuyo poder emana de la represión del deseo. A través de una relación violenta con el ser del “otro”, el sujeto erótico accede a la interioridad de su propio cuerpo, en donde se revela el vacío del ser; el “no-ser” del sujeto erótico, la muerte.

  1. Age at implantation and auditory memory in cochlear implanted children. (United States)

    Mikic, B; Miric, D; Nikolic-Mikic, M; Ostojic, S; Asanovic, M


    Early cochlear implantation, before the age of 3 years, provides the best outcome regarding listening, speech, cognition an memory due to maximal central nervous system plasticity. Intensive postoperative training improves not only auditory performance and language, but affects auditory memory as well. The aim of this study was to discover if the age at implantation affects auditory memory function in cochlear implanted children. A total of 50 cochlear implanted children aged 4 to 8 years were enrolled in this study: early implanted (1-3y) n = 27 and late implanted (4-6y) n = 23. Two types of memory tests were used: Immediate Verbal Memory Test and Forward and Backward Digit Span Test. Early implanted children performed better on both verbal and numeric tasks of auditory memory. The difference was statistically significant, especially on the complex tasks. Early cochlear implantation, before the age of 3 years, significantly improve auditory memory and contribute to better cognitive and education outcomes.



    Martí Pagès, Carles


    Se realiza un estudio clínico en el lnstituto de Cirugía Maxilofacial e Implantologia tras pasar el comité ético del Centro Medica Teknon. Es un estudio randomizado, controlado utilizando un diseño tipo "split mouth" en el cual cada paciente sirve de propio control. SE realiza a 5 pacientes, con atrofia posterior del maxilar superior sin posibilidad de instalar implantes fueron tratados con reconstrucción mediante la técnica de elevación sinusal bilateral, rellenando un sena con Bio-as...

  3. Residuos sólidos en América Latina: gestión, políticas públicas y conflictos socioambientales

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    Nicolás Cuvi


    Full Text Available Basura. Así la llamamos la mayoría de las veces. Porque en ocasiones, tecnicismos como residuos sólidos suenan más bien a eufemismos. ¿Acaso no estamos hablando de la basura de toda la vida? Y sin embargo, la transformación del lenguaje en torno a las excrecencias sólidas del metabolismo social tiene un sentido: convertir a la basura en algo menos alejado, menos oloroso, menos desagradable, menos peyorativo, menos asociado con lo que no queremos ver. Convertirla en un algo sobre el cual tenemos una responsabilidad, y que si lo llamásemos basura, nos remitiría hacia algo que no nos compete más allá del deshacernos de ella. Tiene sentido el cambio, entonces, porque esa basura (ahora residuo sólido que queremos alejar de nuestras casas, instituciones, industrias, requiere de nuestra atención para que genere menos problemas y quizás algunas oportunidades.

  4. Grupo residencial en Valencia, Valencia, España

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    García Ordóñez, Fernando M.


    Full Text Available These are two fine blocks, containing eight floors devoted to living apartments, a free ground level and an underground car park. The building is away from the city centre. The apartments occupy about 250 m2 each and have been designed on the basis of two initial premisses: maximum use of living space in daytime, and the provision of large terraces to extend the living spaces, protect from the sun and provide a relaxed, out of door and healthy environment.Se trata de dos hermosos bloques —con ocho plantas de viviendas, baja libre y sótano destinado a garaje— alejados del centro ciudadano. Las viviendas tienen unos 250 m2 de superficie construida y han sido concebidas partiendo de dos premisas fundamentales: máximo aprovechamiento del espacio vividero durante la jomada y creación de terrazas que amplían las zonas de estancia, protejan del soleamiento y prestan aire campestre, reposado y saludable.

  5. Breast reconstruction - implants (United States)

    Breast implants surgery; Mastectomy - breast reconstruction with implants; Breast cancer - breast reconstruction with implants ... harder to find a tumor if your breast cancer comes back. Getting breast implants does not take as long as breast reconstruction ...

  6. Precision of fit between implant impression coping and implant replica pairs for three implant systems. (United States)

    Nicoll, Roxanna J; Sun, Albert; Haney, Stephan; Turkyilmaz, Ilser


    The fabrication of an accurately fitting implant-supported fixed prosthesis requires multiple steps, the first of which is assembling the impression coping on the implant. An imprecise fit of the impression coping on the implant will cause errors that will be magnified in subsequent steps of prosthesis fabrication. The purpose of this study was to characterize the 3-dimensional (3D) precision of fit between impression coping and implant replica pairs for 3 implant systems. The selected implant systems represent the 3 main joint types used in implant dentistry: external hexagonal, internal trilobe, and internal conical. Ten impression copings and 10 implant replicas from each of the 3 systems, B (Brånemark System), R (NobelReplace Select), and A (NobelActive) were paired. A standardized aluminum test body was luted to each impression coping, and the corresponding implant replica was embedded in a stone base. A coordinate measuring machine was used to quantify the maximum range of displacement in a vertical direction as a function of the tightening force applied to the guide pin. Maximum angular displacement in a horizontal plane was measured as a function of manual clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Vertical and rotational positioning was analyzed by using 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The Fisher protected least significant difference (PLSD) multiple comparisons test of the means was applied when the F-test in the ANOVA was significant (α=.05). The mean and standard deviation for change in the vertical positioning of impression copings was 4.3 ±2.1 μm for implant system B, 2.8 ±4.2 μm for implant system R, and 20.6 ±8.8 μm for implant system A. The mean and standard deviation for rotational positioning was 3.21 ±0.98 degrees for system B, 2.58 ±1.03 degrees for system R, and 5.30 ±0.79 degrees for system A. The P-value for vertical positioning between groups A and B and between groups A and R was <.001. No significant differences were found for

  7. Ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, E.


    It is the purpose of the present paper to give a review of surface alloy processing by ion implantation. However, rather than covering this vast subject as a whole, the survey is confined to a presentation of the microstructures that can be found in metal surfaces after ion implantation. The presentation is limited to alloys processed by ion implantation proper, that is to processes in which the alloy compositions are altered significantly by direct injection of the implanted ions. The review is introduced by a presentation of the processes taking place during development of the fundamental event in ion implantation - the collision cascade, followed by a summary of the various microstructures which can be formed after ion implantation into metals. This is compared with the variability of microstructures that can be achieved by rapid solidification processing. The microstructures are subsequently discussed in the light of the processes which, as the implantations proceed, take place during and immediately after formation of the individual collision cascades. These collision cascades define the volumes inside which individual ions are slowed down in the implanted targets. They are not only centres for vigorous agitation but also the sources for formation of excess concentrations of point defects, which will influence development of particular microstructures. A final section presents a selection of specific structures which have been observed in different alloy systems. (orig./GSCH)

  8. Cirugía en la disección aórtica aguda tipo A: resultados hospitalarios y seguimiento alejado

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    Javier Celada


    Full Text Available IntroducciónLa disección aguda de la aorta tipo A (DAA-A es una emergencia que requiere cirugía inmediata, debido al mal pronóstico de su evolución natural. A pesar del avance en las técnicas quirúrgicas, el procedimiento aún tiene una morbimortalidad elevada.ObjetivosAnalizar la morbimortalidad hospitalaria y la sobrevida alejada de una serie consecutiva de pacientes operados por DAA-A.Material y métodosSe incluyeron 63 pacientes consecutivos (el 71,4% eran hombres en cuatro centros asistenciales de Buenos Aires desde julio de 1994 a mayo de 2007. El seguimiento se realizó en el 89% de los pacientes. La edad promedio fue de 63 ± 11,3 años. En 15 pacientes, el reemplazo se extendió hasta el hemiarco y en 5 se reemplazó el arco completo. La válvula aórtica se reemplazó en 12 pacientes.ResultadosDurante la estadía hospitalaria fallecieron 19 pacientes (30,1%: un caso durante la cirugía, 7 por complicaciones isquémicas o falla multiorgánica, 3 por complicaciones neurológicas, 5 por complicaciones cardíacas, 1 por hemorragia digestiva y 2 pacientes a consecuencia de múltiples complicaciones. Durante el seguimiento fallecieron 12 pacientes (32,4%: 8 casos de causa cardiovascular y 4 de causa no cardíaca. El análisis multivariado detectó que las variables asociadas con mayor mortalidad hospitalaria fueron el bajo volumen minuto y el tiempo de circulación extracorpórea (CEC prolongado, en tanto que las asociadas con mayor mortalidad alejada fueron la edad > 70 años y un tiempo menor de CEC. La sobrevida a 1, 3, 5 y 10 años fue del 89%, 79,5%, 73% y 58%, respectivamente.ConclusionesLos resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de la DAA-A en nuestro medio pueden asimilarse a los obtenidos en series internacionales, lo que a su vez confirma la elevada morbimortalidad hospitalaria y alejada de esta entidad.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2009;77:108-115.

  9. Volume study pre and post-implant brachytherapy prostate for establishment of PTV margins; Estudio de volumenes pre y post-implante en braquiterapia de prostata para establecimiento de margenes del PTV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jimenez Dominguez, M.; Carrasco Herrera, M.; Baeza Trujillo, M.; Herrador Cordoba, M.


    Treatment of prostate cancer by permanent implantation of radioactive seeds is now a good alternative to radical surgery or radiotherapy, as it provides a good tumor control while the risk is reduced by a lower complication irradiation of adjacent healthy organs. The large volume change during seed implantation occurs in the prostate of the patient, makes it important to consider margins around the organs of interest both to ensure optimal coverage and minimal tumor irradiation of healthy tissue. Analyze how the volume varies during and after implantation and establish a margin around the prostate to the practice of our hospital are the two objectives of this work.

  10. Does the number of implants have any relation with peri-implant disease?

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    Bernardo Born PASSONI


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the number of pillar implants of implant-supported fixed prostheses and the prevalence of periimplant disease. Material and Methods: Clinical and radiographic data were obtained for the evaluation. The sample consisted of 32 patients with implant-supported fixed prostheses in function for at least one year. A total of 161 implants were evaluated. Two groups were formed according to the number of implants: G1 ≤5 implants and G2 >5 implants. Data collection included modified plaque index (MPi, bleeding on probing (BOP, probing depth (PD, width of keratinized mucosa (KM and radiographic bone loss (BL. Clinical and radiographic data were grouped for each implant in order to conduct the diagnosis of mucositis or peri-implantitis. Results: Clinical parameters were compared between groups using Student’s t test for numeric variables (KM, PD and BL and Mann-Whitney test for categorical variables (MPi and BOP. KM and BL showed statistically significant differences between both groups (p<0.001. Implants from G1 – 19 (20.43% – compared with G2 – 26 (38.24% – showed statistically significant differences regarding the prevalence of peri-implantitis (p=0.0210. Conclusion: It seems that more than 5 implants in total fixed rehabilitations increase bone loss and consequently the prevalence of implants with periimplantitis. Notwithstanding, the number of implants does not have any influence on the prevalence of mucositis.

  11. Comparación de carga inmediata frente a carga convencional de implantes inmediatos con prótesis fijas de arco completo


    Peñarrocha Oltra, David


    Comparación de carga inmediata frente a carga convencional de implantes inmediatos con prótesis fijas de arco completo. OBJETIVOS El propósito del estudio fue evaluar las diferencias entre los protocolos de carga inmediata y carga convencional para rehabilitar a pacientes con el maxilar o la mandíbula parcialmente desdentados en los que esté indicada la extracción de todos los dientes remanentes, con prótesis fijas de arco completo sobre implantes dentales inmediatos y no inmediatos, e...

  12. Tribological properties of nitrogen implanted and boron implanted steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kern, K.T.


    Samples of a steel with high chrome content was implanted separately with 75 keV nitrogen ions and with 75 keV boron ions. Implanted doses of each ion species were 2-, 4-, and 8 x 10 17 /cm 2 . Retained doses were measured using resonant non-Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry. Tribological properties were determined using a pin-on-disk test with a 6-mm diameter ruby pin with a velocity of 0.94 m/min. Testing was done at 10% humidity with a load of 377 g. Wear rate and coefficient of friction were determined from these tests. While reduction in the wear rate for nitrogen implanted materials was observed, greater reduction (more than an order of magnitude) was observed for boron implanted materials. In addition, reduction in the coefficient of friction for high-dose boron implanted materials was observed. Nano-indentation revealed a hardened layer near the surface of the material. Results from grazing incidence x-ray diffraction suggest the formation of Fe 2 N and Fe 3 N in the nitrogen implanted materials and Fe 3 B in the boron implanted materials. Results from transmission electron microscopy will be presented

  13. Cochlear implantation in late-implanted adults with prelingual deafness. (United States)

    Most, Tova; Shrem, Hadas; Duvdevani, Ilana


    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cochlear implantation (CI) on prelingually deafened participants who were implanted as adults. The effect of the CI was examined with regard to the following variables: communication, family, social skills, education, and work satisfaction with one's life, loneliness, and self-esteem. Thirty-eight adults participated. Four self-report questionnaires were used at 2 points in time: before and after CI. The research findings show significant differences in the reports of most variables before and after implantation. The participants felt better with regard to communication, social skills, education, and work and satisfaction with one's life after implantation in comparison to their feelings before implantation. Furthermore, they felt less lonely after implantation. However, there were no significant differences before and after implantation regarding their feelings within the family and regarding their self-esteem. The results demonstrated the need to evaluate the benefits resulting from the CI not only with traditional clinical measures but with additional measures as well. Furthermore, they demonstrated the benefit of the CI on the positive psychosociological implications of prelingually deafened adults. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Histology of a dental implant with a platform switched implant-abutment connection

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    Vittoria Perrotti


    Full Text Available Background: Peri-implant crestal bone must be stable for aesthetic reasons. Aim of this study was a histologic analysis of an implant with a platform switched implant-abutment connection. Materials and methods: A 32-year-old male patient participated in this study. The patient needed a bilateral mandibular restoration. Four implants were used, and were immediately restored and loaded the same day of insertion. After a 6 weeks healing period, one implant with platform-switched abutment was retrieved with trephine. Before retrieval the implant was osseointegrated and not mobile. On one side of the implant, a 1 mm resorption of the crestal bone was present. On the contrary, on the other side no bone resorption had occurred and about 1 mm of bone was present over the implant shoulder. Results: The bone-implant contact percentage was 65.1 ± 6.3 %. Platform- switching could help in maintaining the height of the peri-implant crestal bone.

  15. Effectiveness of Implant Therapy Analyzed in a Swedish Population: Prevalence of Peri-implantitis. (United States)

    Derks, J; Schaller, D; Håkansson, J; Wennström, J L; Tomasi, C; Berglundh, T


    Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory disease affecting soft and hard tissues surrounding dental implants. As the global number of individuals that undergo restorative therapy through dental implants increases, peri-implantitis is considered as a major and growing problem in dentistry. A randomly selected sample of 588 patients who all had received implant-supported therapy 9 y earlier was clinically and radiographically examined. Prevalence of peri-implantitis was assessed and risk indicators were identified by multilevel regression analysis. Forty-five percent of all patients presented with peri-implantitis (bleeding on probing/suppuration and bone loss >0.5 mm). Moderate/severe peri-implantitis (bleeding on probing/suppuration and bone loss >2 mm) was diagnosed in 14.5%. Patients with periodontitis and with ≥4 implants, as well as implants of certain brands and prosthetic therapy delivered by general practitioners, exhibited higher odds ratios for moderate/severe peri-implantitis. Similarly, higher odds ratios were identified for implants installed in the mandible and with crown restoration margins positioned ≤1.5 mm from the crestal bone at baseline. It is suggested that peri-implantitis is a common condition and that several patient- and implant-related factors influence the risk for moderate/severe peri-implantitis ( NCT01825772). © International & American Associations for Dental Research 2015.

  16. Bilateral Poly Implant Prothèse Implant Rupture: An Uncommon Presentation

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    Peter Mallon


    Full Text Available Summary: A woman in her 50s underwent delayed bilateral Poly Implant Prothèse implant reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer. Symptoms of implant rupture developed 43 months after surgery with an erythematous rash on her trunk. The rash then spread to her reconstructed breast mounds. Initial ultrasound scan and magnetic resonance imaging were normal; however, subsequent magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated left implant rupture only. In theater, following removal of both implants, both were found to be ruptured. The rash on her trunk resolved within 3 weeks in the postoperative period. Chemical analyses of silicone in both implants confirmed a nonauthorized silicone source; in addition, the chemical structure was significantly different between the left and right implant, perhaps explaining the variation in presentation.

  17. Complications after cardiac implantable electronic device implantations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkfeldt, Rikke Esberg; Johansen, Jens Brock; Nohr, Ellen Aagaard


    Complications after cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) treatment, including permanent pacemakers (PMs), cardiac resynchronization therapy devices with defibrillators (CRT-Ds) or without (CRT-Ps), and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs), are associated with increased patient...

  18. Management of peri-implantitis

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    Jayachandran Prathapachandran


    Full Text Available Peri-implantitis is a site-specific infectious disease that causes an inflammatory process in soft tissues, and bone loss around an osseointegrated implant in function. The etiology of the implant infection is conditioned by the status of the tissue surrounding the implant, implant design, degree of roughness, external morphology, and excessive mechanical load. The microorganisms most commonly associated with implant failure are spirochetes and mobile forms of Gram-negative anaerobes, unless the origin is the result of simple mechanical overload. Diagnosis is based on changes of color in the gingiva, bleeding and probing depth of peri-implant pockets, suppuration, X-ray, and gradual loss of bone height around the tooth. Treatment will differ depending upon whether it is a case of peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis. The management of implant infection should be focused on the control of infection, the detoxification of the implant surface, and regeneration of the alveolar bone. This review article deals with the various treatment options in the management of peri-implantitis. The article also gives a brief description of the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis of peri-implantitis.

  19. Experimental study on bone tissue reaction around HA implants radiated after implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudo, Masato; Matsui, Yoshiro; Tamura, Sayaka; Chen, Xuan; Uchida, Haruo; Mori, Kimie; Ohno, Kohsuke; Michi, Ken-ichi


    This study was conducted to investigate histologically and histomorphometrically the tissue reaction around hydroxylapatite (HA) implants that underwent irradiation in 3 different periods in the course of bone healing after implantation. The cylindrical high-density HA implants were implanted in 48 Japanese white rabbit mandibles. A single 15 Gy dose was applied to the mandible 5, 14, or 28 days after implantation. The rabbits were sacrificed 7, 14, 28, and 90 days after irradiation. Nonirradiated rabbits were used as controls. CMR, labeling with tetracycline and calcein, and non-decalcified specimens stained with toluidine blue were used for histological analyses and histomorphometric measurements. The results were as follows: In the rabbits irradiated 5 days after implantation, the HA-bone contact was observed later than that in the controls and the bone-implant contact surface ratio was lower than that in the controls at examination because necrosis of the newly-formed bone occurred just after irradiation. HA-bone contact of the rabbits irradiated 14 and 28 days after implantation was similar to that of the controls. And, bone remodeling was suppressed in rabbits of each group sacrificed at 90 days after irradiation. The results suggested that a short interval between implantation and irradiation causes direct contact between HA implant and bone and a long lapse of time before irradiation hardly affects the bone-implant contact, but delays bone remodeling. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent overloading the HA implants irradiated after implantation and pay utmost attention to conditions around the bone-implant contact. (author)

  20. One-stage explant-implant procedure of exposed porous orbital implants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Peter B; Rasmussen, Marie L Roed; Prause, Jan Ulrik


    Purpose:  To investigate the risks of implant exposure after a combined explant-implant procedure in patients with an exposed porous orbital implant. Methods:  Twenty-four consecutive patients who had a combined explant-implant procedure of an exposed hydroxyapatite (21) or porous polyethylene (3...... at the same procedure in sockets without profound signs of infection. The procedure carries a possible risk of poor motility....

  1. Two-stage implant systems. (United States)

    Fritz, M E


    Since the advent of osseointegration approximately 20 years ago, there has been a great deal of scientific data developed on two-stage integrated implant systems. Although these implants were originally designed primarily for fixed prostheses in the mandibular arch, they have been used in partially dentate patients, in patients needing overdentures, and in single-tooth restorations. In addition, this implant system has been placed in extraction sites, in bone-grafted areas, and in maxillary sinus elevations. Often, the documentation of these procedures has lagged. In addition, most of the reports use survival criteria to describe results, often providing overly optimistic data. It can be said that the literature describes a true adhesion of the epithelium to the implant similar to adhesion to teeth, that two-stage implants appear to have direct contact somewhere between 50% and 70% of the implant surface, that the microbial flora of the two-stage implant system closely resembles that of the natural tooth, and that the microbiology of periodontitis appears to be closely related to peri-implantitis. In evaluations of the data from implant placement in all of the above-noted situations by means of meta-analysis, it appears that there is a strong case that two-stage dental implants are successful, usually showing a confidence interval of over 90%. It also appears that the mandibular implants are more successful than maxillary implants. Studies also show that overdenture therapy is valid, and that single-tooth implants and implants placed in partially dentate mouths have a success rate that is quite good, although not quite as high as in the fully edentulous dentition. It would also appear that the potential causes of failure in the two-stage dental implant systems are peri-implantitis, placement of implants in poor-quality bone, and improper loading of implants. There are now data addressing modifications of the implant surface to alter the percentage of

  2. Pobreza cero: la metodología de las promesas rotas

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    Guido Zack


    Full Text Available En 2016 el INDEC volvió a difundir los datos de pobreza e indigencia de la Argentina; luego de haberlos interrumpido en 2013 por resultar estos muy alejados de la realidad. El instituto de estadística implementó también una actualización metodológica que hace a las nuevas series no comparables en relación a las anteriores. En este artículo se detallan todas las modificaciones realizadas y se muestra su impacto marginal y total en las tasas y en las brechas de pobreza e indigencia. Asimismo, a partir de los datos del segundo trimestre de 2016, se evalúan las combinaciones de crecimiento y mejora en la distribución del ingreso necesarias para la eliminación de la pobreza y/o la indigencia para finales de 2019 y 2023.

  3. Impact of implant design on primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants. (United States)

    Wilmes, Benedict; Ottenstreuer, Stephanie; Su, Yu-Yu; Drescher, Dieter


    Skeletal anchorage with mini-implants has greatly broadened the treatment possibilities in orthodontics over the last few years. To reduce implant failure rates, it is advisable to obtain adequate primary stability. The aim of this study was to quantitatively analyze the impact of implant design and dimension on primary stability. Forty-two porcine iliac bone segments were prepared and embedded in resin. To evaluate the primary stability, we documented insertion torques of the following mini-implants: Aarhus Screw, AbsoAnchor, LOMAS, Micro-Anchorage-System, ORLUS and Spider Screw. In each bone, five Dual Top Screws were inserted for reference purposes to achieve comparability among the specimens. We observed wide variation in insertion torques and hence primary stability, depending on mini-implant design and dimension; the great impact that mini-implant diameter has on insertion torques was particularly conspicuous. Conical mini-implants achieved higher primary stabilities than cylindrical designs. The diameter and design of the mini-implant thread have a distinctive impact on primary stability. Depending on the region of insertion and local bone quality, the choice of the mini-implant design and size is crucial to establish sufficient primary stability.

  4. Effect of implant position, angulation, and attachment height on peri-implant bone stress associated with mandibular two-implant overdentures: a finite element analysis. (United States)

    Hong, Hae Ryong; Pae, Ahran; Kim, Yooseok; Paek, Janghyun; Kim, Hyeong-Seob; Kwon, Kung-Rock


    The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the level and distribution of peri-implant bone stresses associated with mandibular two-implant overdentures with different implant positions. Mathematical models of mandibles and overdentures were designed using finite element analysis software. Two intraosseous implants and ball attachment systems were placed in the interforaminal region. The overdenture, which was supported by the two implants, was designed to withstand bilateral and unilateral vertical masticatory loads (total 100 N). In all, eight types of models, which differed according to assigned implant positions, height of attachments, and angulation, were tested: MI (model with implants positioned in the lateral incisor sites), MC (implants in canine sites), MP (implants in premolar sites), MI-Hi (greater height of attachments), MC-M (canine implants placed with mesial inclination), MC-D (canine implants placed with distal inclination), MC-B (canine implants placed with buccal inclination), and MC-L (canine implants placed with lingual inclination). Peri-implant bone stress levels associated with overdentures retained by lateral incisor implants resulted in the lowest stress levels and the highest efficiency in distributing peri-implant stress. MI-Hi showed increased stress levels and decreased efficiency in stress distribution. As the implants were inclined, stress levels increased and the efficiency of stress distribution decreased. Among the inclined models, MC-B showed the lowest stress level and best efficiency in stress distribution. The lowest stress and the best stability of implants in mandibular two-implant overdentures were obtained when implants were inserted in lateral incisor areas with shorter attachments and were placed parallel to the long axes of the teeth.

  5. Estudio de los factores relacionados con el grado de satisfacción post-reconstrucción mamaria con implantes


    Brea García, Beatriz


    Material y métodos Se diseño un estudio retrospectivo de las reconstrucciones mamarias realizadas con implantes a 111 mujeres entre los años 1999 y 2011 en el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reparadora del Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela. Se estudiaron las posibles variables que podrían estar relacionadas con el grado de satisfacción post-reconstrucción expresado por las pacientes. Al mismo tiempo, se realizó una valoración del resultad...

  6. Galactorrea grave tras aumento mamario con implantes Severe galactorrhea after mammary augmentation with implants

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    F.T. Fidalgo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La galactorrea es una complicación poco frecuente después de la cirugía plástica mamaria. Su causa aun es desconocida, aunque lo más probable es que su aparición tenga un origen multifactorial. En el caso que presentamos la paciente desarrolló incremento simétrico del volumen de ambas mamas después de un cirugía de aumento mamario. No se detectaron cambios en los valores de prolactina. El proceso no respondió al tratamiento con bromocriptina. La galactorrea postquirúrgica con frecuencia sigue un curso benigno y autolimitado, culminando con resolución espontánea. Dependiendo de la severidad de los síntomas, su tratamiento puede ser médico y/o quirúrgico, con drenaje o incluso retirada de los implantes mamarios.Galactorrhea is a complication rarely observed after mammary plastic surgery. The cause remains unknown although it's likely to be multifactorial. In the reported case, the patient described symmetric massive engorgement of both breasts after augmentation mammoplasty. No significant change was detected in the postoperative prolactin values. The condition was unresponsive to treatment with bromocriptine. Postsurgical galactorrhea often follows a benign course culminating in spontaneous resolution Depending on symptom severity, treatment may be medical with the prescription of dopaminergic agonists, and/or surgical with drainage or even removal of the mammary implants.

  7. Implantation of β-emitters on biomedical implants: 32 P isotropic ion implantation using a coaxial plasma reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fortin, M.A.; Paynter, R.W.; Sarkissian, A.; Stansfield, B.L.; Terreault, B.; Dufresne, V.


    The development of endovascular brachytherapy and the treatment of certain types of cancers (liver, lung, prostate) often require the use of beta-emitters, sometimes in the form of radioisotope-implanted devices. Among the most commonly used isotopes figures 32 P, a pure beta-emitter (maximum energy: 1.7 MeV), of which the path in biological tissues is of a few cm, restricting the impact of electron bombardment to the immediate environment of the implant. Several techniques and processes have been tried to elaborate surfaces and devices showing strongly bonded, or implanted 32 P. Anodizing, vapor phase deposition, grafting of oligonucleotides, as well as ion implantation processes have been investigated by several research groups as methods to implant beta-radioisotopes into surfaces. A coaxial plasma reactor was developed at INRS to implant radioisotopes into cylindrical metallic objects, such as coronary stents commonly used in angioplasty procedures. The dispersion of 32 P atoms on the interior surfaces of the chamber can be investigated using radiographs, contributing to image the plasma ion transport mechanisms that guide the efficiency of the implantation procedure. The amount of radioactivity on the wall liner, on the internal components, and on the biomedical implants are quantified using a surface barrier detector. A comparative study establishes a relationship between the gray scale of the radiographs, and dose measurements. A program was developed to convert the digitized images into maps showing surface dose density in mCi/cm 2 . An integration process allows the quantification of the doses on the walls and components of the reactor. Finally, the resulting integral of the 32 P dose is correlated to the initial amount of radioactivity inserted inside the implanter before the dismantling procedure. This method could be introduced as a fast and reliable way to test, qualify and assess the amount of radioactivity present on the as-produced implants

  8. El artículo en la enseñanza de ELE, estudiantes de origen chino

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    Jie Shen


    Full Text Available Desde el punto de vista de la tipología lingüística, el chino-mandarín es uno de los idiomas más alejados del castellano, dado que en cualquier nivel de descripción gramatical presenta su peculiaridad en comparación con el español: escritura, fonética y fonología, morfología, léxico, sintaxis o semántica. En este estudio, nos concentramos en una de las diferencias que más singularizan a ambas lenguas: el artículo, una partícula totalmente desconocida para la lengua asiática.

  9. Early implant-associated osteomyelitis results in a peri-implanted bacterial reservoir

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Louise Kruse; Koch, Janne; Aalbæk, Bent


    weight of Staphylococcus aureus or saline was inserted into the right tibial bone of 12 pigs. The animals were consecutively killed on day 2, 4 and 6 following implantation. Bone tissue around the implant was histologically evaluated. Identification of S. aureus was performed immunohistochemically...... on tissue section and with scanning electron microscopy and peptide nucleic acid in situ hybridization on implants. The distance of the peri-implanted pathological bone area (PIBA), measured perpendicular to the implant, was significantly larger in infected animals compared to controls (p = 0...

  10. Influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants


    Chin-Yun Pan; Szu-Ting Chou; Yu-Chuan Tseng; Yi-Hsin Yang; Chao-Yi Wu; Ting-Hsun Lan; Pao-Hsin Liu; Hong-Po Chang


    This study evaluates the influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants by measuring the resonance frequency. Twenty-five orthodontic mini-implants with a diameter of 2 mm were used. The first group contained stainless steel mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm). The second group included titanium alloy mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm) and stainless steel mini-implants 10 mm in length. The mini-implants w...

  11. 64. Implante de marcapasos tras cirugía concomitante de la fibrilación auricular: nuevos factores de riesgo y seguimiento a medio plazo

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    E. Martín


    Conclusión: El implante del MP tras ablación concomitante de FA es un fenómeno multifactorial. La cirugía concomitante, grados de remodelado auricular avanzados y el propio procedimiento de ablación han sido hallados factores de riesgo independientes en el postoperatorio inmediato. Esta complicación fue reversible en más del 90% de casos de nuestra serie de forma temprana y sostenida a medio plazo.

  12. Influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants. (United States)

    Pan, Chin-Yun; Chou, Szu-Ting; Tseng, Yu-Chuan; Yang, Yi-Hsin; Wu, Chao-Yi; Lan, Ting-Hsun; Liu, Pao-Hsin; Chang, Hong-Po


    This study evaluates the influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants by measuring the resonance frequency. Twenty-five orthodontic mini-implants with a diameter of 2 mm were used. The first group contained stainless steel mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm). The second group included titanium alloy mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm) and stainless steel mini-implants 10 mm in length. The mini-implants were inserted into artificial bones with a 2-mm-thick cortical layer and 40 or 20 lb/ft(3) trabecular bone density at insertion depths of 2, 4, and 6 mm. The resonance frequency of the mini-implants in the artificial bone was detected with the Implomates(®) device. Data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance followed by the Tukey honestly significant difference test (α = 0.05). Greater insertion depth resulted in higher resonance frequency, whereas longer mini-implants showed lower resonance frequency values. However, resonance frequency was not influenced by the implant materials titanium alloy or stainless steel. Therefore, the primary stability of a mini-implant is influenced by insertion depth and not by implant material. Insertion depth is extremely important for primary implant stability and is critical for treatment success. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  13. Influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chin-Yun Pan


    Full Text Available This study evaluates the influence of different implant materials on the primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants by measuring the resonance frequency. Twenty-five orthodontic mini-implants with a diameter of 2 mm were used. The first group contained stainless steel mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm. The second group included titanium alloy mini-implants with two different lengths (10 and 12 mm and stainless steel mini-implants 10 mm in length. The mini-implants were inserted into artificial bones with a 2-mm-thick cortical layer and 40 or 20 lb/ft3 trabecular bone density at insertion depths of 2, 4, and 6 mm. The resonance frequency of the mini-implants in the artificial bone was detected with the Implomates® device. Data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance followed by the Tukey honestly significant difference test (α = 0.05. Greater insertion depth resulted in higher resonance frequency, whereas longer mini-implants showed lower resonance frequency values. However, resonance frequency was not influenced by the implant materials titanium alloy or stainless steel. Therefore, the primary stability of a mini-implant is influenced by insertion depth and not by implant material. Insertion depth is extremely important for primary implant stability and is critical for treatment success.

  14. Imaging of common breast implants and implant-related complications: A pictorial essay


    Shah, Amisha T; Jankharia, Bijal B


    The number of women undergoing breast implant procedures is increasing exponentially. It is, therefore, imperative for a radiologist to be familiar with the normal and abnormal imaging appearances of common breast implants. Diagnostic imaging studies such as mammography, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging are used to evaluate implant integrity, detect abnormalities of the implant and its surrounding capsule, and detect breast conditions unrelated to implants. Magnetic resonance i...

  15. Dental Implant Surgery (United States)

    ... here to find out more. Dental Implant Surgery Dental Implant Surgery Dental implant surgery is, of course, ... to find out more. Wisdom Teeth Management Wisdom Teeth Management An impacted wisdom tooth can damage neighboring ...

  16. [Clinical application of individualized three-dimensional printing implant template in multi-tooth dental implantation]. (United States)

    Wang, Lie; Chen, Zhi-Yuan; Liu, Rong; Zeng, Hao


    To study the value and satisfaction of three-dimensional printing implant template and conventional implant template in multi-tooth dental implantation. Thirty cases (83 teeth) with missing teeth needing to be implanted were randomly divided into conventional implant template group (CIT group, 15 cases, 42 teeth) and 3D printing implant template group (TDPIT group, 15 cases, 41 teeth). Patients in CIT group were operated by using conventional implant template, while patients in TDPIT group were operated by using three-dimensional printing implant template. The differences of implant neck and tip deviation, implant angle deviation and angle satisfaction between the two groups were compared. The difference of probing depth and bone resorption of implant were compared 1 year after operation between the two groups. The difference of success rate and satisfaction of dental implantation were compared 1 year after operation between the two groups. SPSS19.0 software package was used for statistical analysis. The deviation direction of the neck and the tip in disto-mesial, bucco-palatal, vertical direction and angle of implants in disto-mesial and bucco-palatal direction in TDPIT group were significantly lower than in CIT group (P0.05). The difference of the cumulative success rate in dental implantation at 3 months and 6 months between the two groups were not significant (P>0.05), but the cumulative success rate of TDPIT group was significantly higher than CIT group at 9 months and 1 year (90.48% vs 100%,P=0.043). The patients' satisfaction rate of dental implantation in TDPIT group was significantly higher than in CIT group (86.67% vs 53.33%, P=0.046). Using three-dimensional printing implant template can obtain better accuracy of implant, higher implant success rate and better patients' satisfaction than using conventional implant template. It is suitable for clinical application.

  17. Osseointegration of zirconia implants: an SEM observation of the bone-implant interface. (United States)

    Depprich, Rita; Zipprich, Holger; Ommerborn, Michelle; Mahn, Eduardo; Lammers, Lydia; Handschel, Jörg; Naujoks, Christian; Wiesmann, Hans-Peter; Kübler, Norbert R; Meyer, Ulrich


    The successful use of zirconia ceramics in orthopedic surgery led to a demand for dental zirconium-based implant systems. Because of its excellent biomechanical characteristics, biocompatibility, and bright tooth-like color, zirconia (zirconium dioxide, ZrO2) has the potential to become a substitute for titanium as dental implant material. The present study aimed at investigating the osseointegration of zirconia implants with modified ablative surface at an ultrastructural level. A total of 24 zirconia implants with modified ablative surfaces and 24 titanium implants all of similar shape and surface structure were inserted into the tibia of 12 Göttinger minipigs. Block biopsies were harvested 1 week, 4 weeks or 12 weeks (four animals each) after surgery. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was performed at the bone implant interface. Remarkable bone attachment was already seen after 1 week which increased further to intimate bone contact after 4 weeks, observed on both zirconia and titanium implant surfaces. After 12 weeks, osseointegration without interposition of an interfacial layer was detected. At the ultrastructural level, there was no obvious difference between the osseointegration of zirconia implants with modified ablative surfaces and titanium implants with a similar surface topography. The results of this study indicate similar osseointegration of zirconia and titanium implants at the ultrastructural level.

  18. [Cochlear implantation in a child with congenital sensorineural deafness due to 35 DELG mutation in GJB2 (connexin 26) gene]. (United States)

    Teriutin, F M; Barashkov, N A; Dzhemileva, L U; Posukh, O L; Fedotova, E E; Gurinova, E E; Fedorova, S A; Tavartkiladze, G A; Khusnutdinova, E K


    This paper reports the first case of cochlear implantation performed in this country in a child with congenital non-syndromic sensorineural loss of hearing having hereditary etiology and attributable to autosomal-recessive 35 delG mutation in locus DFNB1 (13q.11-q12) of GJB2 (connexin 26) gene.

  19. Influence of controlled immediate loading and implant design on peri-implant bone formation. (United States)

    Vandamme, Katleen; Naert, Ignace; Geris, Liesbet; Vander Sloten, Jozef; Puers, Robert; Duyck, Joke


    Tissue formation at the implant interface is known to be sensitive to mechanical stimuli. The aim of the study was to compare the bone formation around immediately loaded versus unloaded implants in two different implant macro-designs. A repeated sampling bone chamber with a central implant was installed in the tibia of 10 rabbits. Highly controlled loading experiments were designed for a cylindrical (CL) and screw-shaped (SL) implant, while the unloaded screw-shaped (SU) implant served as a control. An F-statistic model with alpha=5% determined statistical significance. A significantly higher bone area fraction was observed for SL compared with SU (pimplant contact occurred was the highest for SL and significantly different from SU (pimplant contact was observed, a loading (SL versus SU: p=0.0049) as well as an implant geometry effect (SL versus CL: p=0.01) was found, in favour of the SL condition. Well-controlled immediate implant loading accelerates tissue mineralization at the interface. Adequate bone stimulation via mechanical coupling may account for the larger bone response around the screw-type implant compared with the cylindrical implant.

  20. Influence of Implant Positions and Occlusal Forces on Peri-Implant Bone Stress in Mandibular Two-Implant Overdentures: A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis. (United States)

    Alvarez-Arenal, Angel; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Ignacio; deLlanos-Lanchares, Hector; Brizuela-Velasco, Aritza; Dds, Elena Martin-Fernandez; Ellacuria-Echebarria, Joseba


    The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the bone stress around implants in mandibular 2-implant overdentures depending on the implant location and different loading conditions. Four 3-dimensional finite element models simulating a mandibular 2-implant overdenture and a Locator attachment system were designed. The implants were located at the lateral incisor, canine, second premolar, and crossed-implant levels. A 150 N unilateral and bilateral vertical load of different location was applied, as was 40 N when combined with midline load. Data for von Mises stress were produced numerically, color coded, and compared between the models for peri-implant bone and loading conditions. With unilateral loading, in all 4 models much higher peri-implant bone stress values were recorded on the load side compared with the no-load side, while with bilateral occlusal loading, the stress distribution was similar on both sides. In all models, the posterior unilateral load showed the highest stress, which decreased as the load was applied more mesially. In general, the best biomechanical environment in the peri-implant bone was found in the model with implants at premolar level. In the crossed-implant model, the load side greatly altered the biomechanical environment. Overall, the overdenture with implants at second premolar level should be the chosen design, regardless of where the load is applied. The occlusal loading application site influences the bone stress around the implant. Bilateral occlusal loading distributes the peri-implant bone stress symmetrically, while unilateral loading increases it greatly on the load side, no matter where the implants are located.


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    Carolina Damayanti Marpaung


    Full Text Available Immediate loading of dental implant has been researched intensively in the development of Branemark’s early concept of 2 stages implant placement. This was embarked from both patients and practiitioner’s convenience towards a simpler protocol and shorter time frame. Many recent researchers later found that micromotions derived from occlusal loading for a certain degree, instead of resulting a fibrous tissue encapsulation, can enhance the osseointegration process. Dental Implant system enhancement towards maximizing the primary stability held a key factor in Branemark’s concept development. Surgical protocol and implant design was found to give a significant contribution to the prognosis of immediate-loading implants.

  2. A percepção do paciente referente a ser portador de um cateter de longa permanência La percepción del paciente respecto a ser portador de un catéter de permanencia prolongada Patients' perception regarding the use of a long-term catheter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Titareli Merizio Martins


    Full Text Available Este trabalho buscou avaliar a percepção do paciente portador de Cateter Totalmente Implantado (CTI. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, que utiliza a Técnica dos Incidentes Críticos (IC para análise dos dados. Foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Escola do interior paulista do qual participaram 15 portadores de CTI. Os dados foram agrupados em quatro categorias: Desempenho de Atividades (40% dos IC demonstraram maior independência do paciente e 60% evidenciaram restrição de algum tipo de atividade devido ao CTI; Alteração da Imagem Corporal (57% evidenciaram insatisfação do paciente pós-implante do CTI, 14% dos IC mostraram problemas pré-implante do CTI e 28% dos IC mostraram que o CTI favoreceu a estética corporal; Implantação do Cateter (75% dos IC mostraram a implantação do cateter como um procedimento traumatizante e 25% dos IC permaneceram tranqüilos e seguros durante o procedimento; Infusão de Quimioterapia (100% dos IC apontaram o cateter como um facilitador do tratamento quimioterápico.La finalidad del trabajo fue evaluar la percepción del paciente portador de un Catéter Totalmente Implantado (CTI. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, que utiliza para el análisis de los datos la Técnica de los Incidentes Críticos (IC. Fue desarrollado en un Hospital Escuela del interior de Sao Paulo-Brasil, del cual participaron 15 portadores de CTI. Los datos fueron agrupados en 4 categorías: Desempeño de Actividades (el 40% de los IC demostraron mayor independencia del paciente, mientras que el 60% evidenció restricción de algún tipo de actividad debido al CTI; Alteración de la Imagen Corporal (el 57% evidenciaron insatisfacción post implante del CTI, el 14% mostró problemas pre-implante del CTI y el 28% de los IC mostró que el CTI favoreció la estética corporal; Implantación del Catéter (el 75% de los IC mostraron que la implantación del catéter es un procedimiento traumatizante, mientras que el 25% de los IC mostr

  3. Psychological intervention following implantation of an implantable defibrillator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Susanne S.; van den Broek, Krista C; Sears, Samuel F


    The medical benefits of the implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) are unequivocal, but a subgroup of patients experiences emotional difficulties following implantation. For this subgroup, some form of psychological intervention may be warranted. This review provides an overview of current ...

  4. Prevalence of Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis in Patients Treated with a Combination of Axial and Tilted Implants Supporting a Complete Fixed Denture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolò Cavalli


    Full Text Available Objectives. The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the incidence and prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis in patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis supported by two axial and two tilted implants. Materials and Methods. Sixty-nine patients were included in the study. Each patient received a fixed full-arch prosthesis supported by two mesial axial and two distal tilted implants to rehabilitate the upper arch, the lower arch, or both. Three hundred thirty-six implants for 84 restorations were delivered. Patients were scheduled for follow-up visits every 6 months in the first 2 years and yearly after. At each follow-up visit peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis were diagnosed if present. Results. The overall follow-up range was from 12 to 130 months (mean 63,2 months. Three patients presented peri-implantitis. The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis ranged between 0 and 7,14% of patients (5,06% of implants while the prevalence of peri-implantitis varied from 0 to 4,55% of patients (3,81% of implants. Conclusions. The prevalence and incidence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are lower than most of the studies in literature. Therefore this kind of rehabilitation could be considered a feasible option, on the condition of adopting a systematic hygienic protocol.

  5. A new system of implant abutment connection: how to improve a two piece implant system sealing. (United States)

    Grecchi, F; DI Girolamo, M; Cura, F; Candotto, V; Carinci, F


    Implant dentistry has become one of the most successful dentistry techniques for replacing missing teeth. The success rate of implant dentistry is above 80%. However, peri-implantitis is a later complication of implant dentistry that if untreated, can lead to implant loss. One of the hypotized causes of peri-implantis is the bacterial leakage at the level of implant-abutment connection. Bacterial leakage is favored to the presence of a micro gap at the implant-abutment interface, allowing microorganisms to penetrate and colonize the inner part of the implant leading to biofilm accumulation and consequently to peri-implantitis development. To identify the capability of the implant to protect the internal space from the external environment, the passage of genetically modified Escherichia coli across implant-abutment interface was evaluated. Implants were immerged in a bacterial culture for twenty-four hours and then bacteria amount was measured inside implant-abutment interface with Real-time PCR. Bacteria were detected inside all studied implants, with a median percentage of 9%. The reported results are better to those of previous studies carried out on different implant systems. Until now, none implant-abutment system has been proven to seal the gap between implant and abutment.

  6. Poly Implants Prosthèse Breast Implants: A Case Series and Review of the Literature. (United States)

    Klein, Doron; Hadad, Eran; Wiser, Itay; Wolf, Omer; Itzhaki Shapira, Ortal; Fucks, Shir; Heller, Lior


    Silicone breast implants from the French manufacturer Poly Implants Prosthèse (PIP) were recalled from the European market after the French regulator has revealed the implants contain non-medical-grade silicone filler. In December 2011, following a large increase in reported rupture rate and a possible cancer risk, the French Ministry of Health recommended consideration of the PIP explantation, regardless of their condition. In 2012, the Israel Ministry of Health recommended to replace the implants only upon suspected implant rupture. The aims of this study were to characterize breast-augmented Israeli patients with PIP implants, compare their outcomes with those of breast-augmented patients with different implant types, and review the current PIP literature. Breast-augmented patients who underwent an elective breast implant exchange in Israel between January 2011 and January 2017 were included in the study. Data were collected from electronic and physical medical files. There were 73 breast-augmented female patients with 146 PIP breast implants included in this study. Average implant age was 6.7 ± 2.79 years. Mean implant size was 342.8 ± 52.9 mL. Fourteen women (19 implants [16%]) had a high-grade capsular contracture (Baker grade 3-4). During exchange, 28 implants were found to be ruptured (19.2%). Less than 10 years following breast augmentation, PIP implants demonstrated higher rupture rate compared with other implants. Our data are comparable to overall available rupture rate. Among patients with definitive rupture diagnosis, an elective implant removal should be recommended. In cases of undamaged implants, plastic surgeons should also seriously consider PIP implant explantation. When the patient does not desire to remove the implant, an annual physical examination and breast ultrasound are recommended, beginning a year after augmentation.

  7. Ion implantation into diamond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Susumu


    The graphitization and the change to amorphous state of diamond surface layer by ion implantation and its characteristics are reported. In the diamond surface, into which more than 10 16 ions/cm 2 was implanted, the diamond crystals are broken, and the structure changes to other carbon structure such as amorphous state or graphite. Accompanying this change of structure, the electric conductivity of the implanted layer shows two discontinuous values due to high resistance and low resistance. This control of structure can be done by the temperature of the base during the ion implantation into diamond. Also it is referred to that by the base temperature during implantation, the mutual change of the structure between amorphous state and graphite can be controlled. The change of the electric resistance and the optical characteristics by the ion implantation into diamond surface, the structural analysis by Raman spectroscopy, and the control of the structure of the implanted layer by the base temperature during implantation are reported. (K.I.)

  8. Sacroiliac joint stability: Finite element analysis of implant number, orientation, and superior implant length. (United States)

    Lindsey, Derek P; Kiapour, Ali; Yerby, Scott A; Goel, Vijay K


    To analyze how various implants placement variables affect sacroiliac (SI) joint range of motion. An experimentally validated finite element model of the lumbar spine and pelvis was used to simulate a fusion of the SI joint using various placement configurations of triangular implants (iFuse Implant System ® ). Placement configurations were varied by changing implant orientation, superior implant length, and number of implants. The range of motion of the SI joint was calculated using a constant moment of 10 N-m with a follower load of 400 N. The changes in motion were compared between the treatment groups to assess how the different variables affected the overall motion of the SI joint. Transarticular placement of 3 implants with superior implants that end in the middle of the sacrum resulted in the greatest reduction in range of motion (flexion/extension = 73%, lateral bending = 42%, axial rotation = 72%). The range of motions of the SI joints were reduced with use of transarticular orientation (9%-18%) when compared with an inline orientation. The use of a superior implant that ended mid-sacrum resulted in median reductions of (8%-14%) when compared with a superior implant that ended in the middle of the ala. Reducing the number of implants, resulted in increased SI joint range of motions for the 1 and 2 implant models of 29%-133% and 2%-39%, respectively, when compared with the 3 implant model. Using a validated finite element model we demonstrated that placement of 3 implants across the SI joint using a transarticular orientation with superior implant reaching the sacral midline resulted in the most stable construct. Additional clinical studies may be required to confirm these results.

  9. Impact of cone-beam computed tomography on implant planning and on prediction of implant size

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedroso, Ludmila Assuncao de Mello; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG), Goiania, GO (Brazil). Fac. de Odontologia; Garcia, Robson Rodrigues [Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG), Goiania, GO (Brazil). Fac. de Odontologia. Dept. de Medicina Oral; Leles, Jose Luiz Rodrigues [Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Goiania, GO (Brazil). Fac. de Odontologia. Dept. de Cirurgia; Leles, Claudio Rodrigues [Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG), Goiania, GO (Brazil). Fac. de Odontologia. Dept. de Prevencao e Reabilitacao Oral


    The aim was to investigate the impact of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) on implant planning and on prediction of final implant size. Consecutive patients referred for implant treatment were submitted to clinical examination, panoramic (PAN) radiography and a CBCT exam. Initial planning of implant length and width was assessed based on clinical and PAN exams, and final planning, on CBCT exam to complement diagnosis. The actual dimensions of the implants placed during surgery were compared with those obtained during initial and final planning, using the McNemmar test (p < 0.05). The final sample comprised 95 implants in 27 patients, distributed over the maxilla and mandible. Agreement in implant length was 50.5% between initial and final planning, and correct prediction of the actual implant length was 40.0% and 69.5%, using PAN and CBCT exams, respectively. Agreement in implant width assessment ranged from 69.5% to 73.7%. A paired comparison of the frequency of changes between initial or final planning and implant placement (McNemmar test) showed greater frequency of changes in initial planning for implant length (p < 0.001), but not for implant width (p = 0.850). The frequency of changes was not influenced by implant location at any stage of implant planning (chi-square test, p > 0.05). It was concluded that CBCT improves the ability of predicting the actual implant length and reduces inaccuracy in surgical dental implant planning. (author)

  10. Metals for bone implants. Part 1. Powder metallurgy and implant rendering. (United States)

    Andani, Mohsen Taheri; Shayesteh Moghaddam, Narges; Haberland, Christoph; Dean, David; Miller, Michael J; Elahinia, Mohammad


    New metal alloys and metal fabrication strategies are likely to benefit future skeletal implant strategies. These metals and fabrication strategies were looked at from the point of view of standard-of-care implants for the mandible. These implants are used as part of the treatment for segmental resection due to oropharyngeal cancer, injury or correction of deformity due to pathology or congenital defect. The focus of this two-part review is the issues associated with the failure of existing mandibular implants that are due to mismatched material properties. Potential directions for future research are also studied. To mitigate these issues, the use of low-stiffness metallic alloys has been highlighted. To this end, the development, processing and biocompatibility of superelastic NiTi as well as resorbable magnesium-based alloys are discussed. Additionally, engineered porosity is reviewed as it can be an effective way of matching the stiffness of an implant with the surrounding tissue. These porosities and the overall geometry of the implant can be optimized for strain transduction and with a tailored stiffness profile. Rendering patient-specific, site-specific, morphology-specific and function-specific implants can now be achieved using these and other metals with bone-like material properties by additive manufacturing. The biocompatibility of implants prepared from superelastic and resorbable alloys is also reviewed. Copyright © 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Novel implant design improves implant survival in multirooted extraction sites: a preclinical pilot study. (United States)

    Sivan-Gildor, Adi; Machtei, Eli E; Gabay, Eran; Frankenthal, Shai; Levin, Liran; Suzuki, Marcelo; Coelho, Paulo G; Zigdon-Giladi, Hadar


    The primary aim is to evaluate clinical, radiographic, and histologic parameters of novel implants with "three roots" design that were inserted into fresh multirooted extraction sockets. A secondary aim is to compare this new implant to standard root-form dental implants. Immediate implantation of novel or standard design 6 × 6-mm implants was performed bilaterally into multirooted sockets in mandibles of mini-pigs. Twelve weeks later, clinical, radiographic, stability, histomorphometric, and microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) analyses were performed. Survival rates were significantly higher in the test implants compared with control (92.8% versus 33.3%, respectively; P micro-CT analyses demonstrated bone fill in the inner part of the test implants. Moreover, bone-to-implant contact was higher in the test implants (55.50% ± 3.68% versus 42.47% ± 9.89%). Contrary to the clinical, radiographic, and histomorphometric results, resonance frequency analysis measurements were greater in the control group (77.74 ± 3.21 implant stability quotient [ISQ]) compared with the test group (31.09 ± 0.28 ISQ), P = 0.008. The novel design implants resulted in significantly greater survival rate in multirooted extraction sites. Further studies will be required to validate these findings.

  12. Group D. Initiator paper. Implants--peri-implant (hard and soft tissue) interactions in health and disease: the impact of explosion of implant manufacturers. (United States)

    Ivanovski, Saso


    1. The best-documented implants have a threaded solid screw-type design and are manufactured from commercially pure (grade IV) titanium. There is good evidence to support implants ≥ 6 mm in length, and ≥ 3 mm in diameter. 2. Integrity of the seal between the abutment and the implant is important for several reasons, including minimization of mechanical and biological complications and maintaining marginal bone levels. Although the ideal design features of the implant-abutment connection have not been determined, an internal connection, micro-grooves at the implant collar, and horizontal offset of the implant-abutment junction (platform switch) appear to impart favorable properties. 3. Implants with moderately rough implant surfaces provide advantages over machined surfaces in terms of the speed and extent of osseointegration. While the favorable performances of both minimally and moderately rough surfaces are supported by long-term data, moderately rough surfaces provide superior outcomes in compromised sites, such as the posterior maxilla. 4. Although plaque is critical in the progression of peri-implantitis, the disease has a multi-factorial aetiology, and may be influenced by poor integrity of the abutment/implant connection. Iatrogenic factors, such as the introduction of a foreign body. (e.g., cement) below the mucosal margin, can be important contributors. 5. Clinicians should exercise caution when using a particular implant system, ensuring that the implant design is appropriate and supported by scientific evidence. Central to this is access to and participation in quality education on the impact that implant characteristics can have on clinical outcomes. Caution should be exercised in utilizing non-genuine restorative componentry that may lead to a poor implant-abutment fit and subsequent technical and biological complications.

  13. Structure of ion-implanted ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naramoto, Hiroshi


    The variation of structure of LiF, MgO, Al 2 O 3 and TiO 2 accompanying annealing after ion implantation is explained. The analysis of structure is usually made by the perturbed gamma ray angular correlation, the internal electron Moessbauer method, or the ion scattering method. The results of analyses are discussed for alkali ion implantation, Fe-ion implantation, In-ion implantation, Au-ion implantation, Pt-ion implantation, Pb-ion implantation and transition metal ion implantation. The coupling of the implanted elements with lattice defects and matrix elements, and the compatibility between deposited elements and matrix crystal lattice were studied. The variation of physical properties due to ion implantation such as phase transition, volume change, the control of single crystal region, and the variation of hardness near surface were investigated, and the examples are presented. (Kato, T.)

  14. New orthopaedic implant management tool for computer-assisted planning, navigation, and simulation: from implant CAD files to a standardized XML-based implant database. (United States)

    Sagbo, S; Blochaou, F; Langlotz, F; Vangenot, C; Nolte, L-P; Zheng, G


    Computer-Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) has made much progress over the last 10 years. Navigation systems have been recognized as important tools that help surgeons, and various such systems have been developed. A disadvantage of these systems is that they use non-standard formalisms and techniques. As a result, there are no standard concepts for implant and tool management or data formats to store information for use in 3D planning and navigation. We addressed these limitations and developed a practical and generic solution that offers benefits for surgeons, implant manufacturers, and CAS application developers. We developed a virtual implant database containing geometrical as well as calibration information for orthopedic implants and instruments, with a focus on trauma. This database has been successfully tested for various applications in the client/server mode. The implant information is not static, however, because manufacturers periodically revise their implants, resulting in the deletion of some implants and the introduction of new ones. Tracking these continuous changes and keeping CAS systems up to date is a tedious task if done manually. This leads to additional costs for system development, and some errors are inevitably generated due to the huge amount of information that has to be processed. To ease management with respect to implant life cycle, we developed a tool to assist end-users (surgeons, hospitals, CAS system providers, and implant manufacturers) in managing their implants. Our system can be used for pre-operative planning and intra-operative navigation, and also for any surgical simulation involving orthopedic implants. Currently, this tool allows addition of new implants, modification of existing ones, deletion of obsolete implants, export of a given implant, and also creation of backups. Our implant management system has been successfully tested in the laboratory with very promising results. It makes it possible to fill the current gap

  15. Aplicación de modelos de remodelación ósea interna al estudio del comportamiento de implantes dentales


    Martínez Reina, Francisco Javier


    Que la esperanza de vida aumenta cada día es un hecho evidente, al menos en el mundo desarrollado. En los Estados Unidos, claro exponente de esta porción del mundo, el número de personas mayores de 65 años representaban un 4% de la población total en 1900; a mediados del siglo pasado ese porcentaje era del 8.1 %; actualmente es aproximadamente del 13% y a mediados de este siglo se prevé que alca nce el 21.8% [238]. En España, según datos del INE, el 5.2% de la población tenía más de 65 años e...

  16. Ion implantation technology

    CERN Document Server

    Downey, DF; Jones, KS; Ryding, G


    Ion implantation technology has made a major contribution to the dramatic advances in integrated circuit technology since the early 1970's. The ever-present need for accurate models in ion implanted species will become absolutely vital in the future due to shrinking feature sizes. Successful wide application of ion implantation, as well as exploitation of newly identified opportunities, will require the development of comprehensive implant models. The 141 papers (including 24 invited papers) in this volume address the most recent developments in this field. New structures and possible approach

  17. Individual titanium zygomatic implant (United States)

    Nekhoroshev, M. V.; Ryabov, K. N.; Avdeev, E. V.


    Custom individual implants for the reconstruction of craniofacial defects have gained importance due to better qualitative characteristics over their generic counterparts – plates, which should be bent according to patient needs. The Additive Manufacturing of individual implants allows reducing cost and improving quality of implants. In this paper, the authors describe design of zygomatic implant models based on computed tomography (CT) data. The fabrication of the implants will be carried out with 3D printing by selective laser melting machine SLM 280HL.

  18. Prevención y tratamiento actual del glaucoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    DR. P. José Manuel Díaz


    Full Text Available El glaucoma es la principal causa de ceguera no reversible en el mundo, afectando al 2% de la población. Actualmente se considera una neuropatía óptica, donde la presión intraocular juega un rol fundamental en la patogenia y las características del daño óptico producido. Con el tratamiento actual, se busca prevenir el daño en la estructura del nervio óptico, para preservar el campo visual, persiguiendo mantener la calidad de vida del paciente. Existen nuevos métodos imaginológicos que junto al examen clínico y campo visual, predicen daño y avance de enfermedad. Se incluyen en la comprensión de la patología la apoptosis y el concepto de neuroprotección. Nuevos fármacos buscan mantener una adecuada reducción en la presión intraocular sin fluctuaciones, evitando efectos adversos y mejorando la adherencia al tratamiento. Nuevas herramientas terapéuticas como la trabeculoplastía selectiva láser y nuevas cirugías como el implante de tubos de drenaje, aumentan las posibilidades de evitar la ceguera por glaucoma.

  19. A 5-year randomized trial to compare 1 or 2 implants for implant overdentures. (United States)

    Bryant, S R; Walton, J N; MacEntee, M I


    The hypothesis of this 5-y randomized clinical trial was that there would be no significant difference in the satisfaction of edentulous participants with removable complete overdentures attached to 1 or 2 mandibular implants. Secondary aims were to test changes in satisfaction between and within the groups from baseline to 5 y and differences between the groups in implant survival and prosthodontic maintenance over 5 y. Each of the 86 participants (mean age, 67 y) was randomly allocated to receive either 1 implant in the midline (group 1) or 2 implants in the canine areas (group 2) attached to a mandibular overdenture opposing a maxillary complete denture. Satisfaction was self-assessed by participants on a visual analog scale at baseline prior to implants, as well as at 2 mo and 1, 3, and 5 y with implant overdentures, whereas implant survival and prosthodontic maintenance were assessed by clinical examination. After 5 y, 29 participants in group 1 and 33 in group 2 were available, with most dropouts due to death. Satisfaction with the implant denture after 5 y was significantly (P overdentures retained by 1 implant or 2 implants. Additional research is required to confirm long-term treatment effectiveness of single-implant dentures and the implications of prosthetic maintenance with implant overdentures ( NCT02117856). © International & American Associations for Dental Research 2014.

  20. Recent advances in dental implants. (United States)

    Hong, Do Gia Khang; Oh, Ji-Hyeon


    Dental implants are a common treatment for the loss of teeth. This paper summarizes current knowledge on implant surfaces, immediate loading versus conventional loading, short implants, sinus lifting, and custom implants using three-dimensional printing. Most of the implant surface modifications showed good osseointegration results. Regarding biomolecular coatings, which have been recently developed and studied, good results were observed in animal experiments. Immediate loading had similar clinical outcomes compared to conventional loading and can be used as a successful treatment because it has the advantage of reducing treatment times and providing early function and aesthetics. Short implants showed similar clinical outcomes compared to standard implants. A variety of sinus augmentation techniques, grafting materials, and alternative techniques, such as tilted implants, zygomatic implants, and short implants, can be used. With the development of new technologies in three-dimension and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) customized implants can be used as an alternative to conventional implant designs. However, there are limitations due to the lack of long-term studies or clinical studies. A long-term clinical trial and a more predictive study are needed.

  1. Comparison of Reconstructive Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients With Preexisting Subpectoral Implants: Implant-Sparing Mastectomy With Delayed Implant Exchange Versus Immediate Tissue Expander Reconstruction. (United States)

    Parabkaharan, Sangeetha; Melody, Megan; Trotta, Rose; Lleshi, Amina; Sun, Weihong; Smith, Paul D; Khakpour, Nazanin; Dayicioglu, Deniz


    Women who have undergone prior augmentation mammoplasty represent a unique subset of breast cancer patients with several options available for breast reconstruction. We performed a single institution review of surgical outcomes of breast reconstruction performed in patients with breast cancer with prior history of subpectoral breast augmentation. Institutional review board-approved retrospective review was conducted among patients with previously mentioned criteria treated at our institution between 2000 and 2014. Reconstructions were grouped into 2 categories as follows: (1) removal of preexisting subpectoral implant during mastectomy with immediate tissue expander placement and (2) implant-sparing mastectomy followed by delayed exchange to a larger implant. We reviewed demographics, tumor features, and reconstruction outcomes of these groups. Fifty-three patients had preexisting subpectoral implants. Of the 63 breast reconstructions performed, 18 (28.6%) had immediate tissue expander placed and 45 (71.4%) had implant-sparing mastectomy followed by delayed implant exchange. The groups were comparable based on age, body mass index, cancer type, tumor grade, TNM stage at presentation, and hormonal receptor status. No significant difference was noted between tumor margins or subsequent recurrence, mastectomy specimen weight, removed implant volume, volume of implant placed during reconstruction, or time from mastectomy to final implant placement. Rates of complications were significantly higher in the tissue expander group compared to the implant-sparing mastectomy group 7 (38.9%) versus 4 (8.9%) (P = 0.005). Implant-sparing mastectomy with delayed implant exchange in patients with preexisting subpectoral implants is safe and has fewer complications compared to tissue expander placement. There was no difference noted in the final volume of implant placed, time interval for final implant placement, or tumor margins.

  2. Effect of implant design and bioactive glass coating on biomechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composite implants. (United States)

    Ballo, Ahmed M; Akca, Eralp; Ozen, Tuncer; Moritz, Niko; Lassila, Lippo; Vallittu, Pekka; Närhi, Timo


    This study aimed to evaluate the influence of implant design and bioactive glass (BAG) coating on the response of bone to fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) implants. Three different FRC implant types were manufactured for the study: non-threaded implants with a BAG coating; threaded implants with a BAG coating; and threaded implants with a grit-blasted surface. Thirty-six implants (six implants for each group per time point) were installed in the tibiae of six pigs. After an implantation period of 4 and 12 wk, the implants were retrieved and prepared for micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), push-out testing, and scanning electron microscopy analysis. Micro-CT demonstrated that the screw-threads and implant structure remained undamaged during the installation. The threaded FRC/BAG implants had the highest bone volume after 12 wk of implantation. The push-out strengths of the threaded FRC/BAG implants after 4 and 12 wk (463°N and 676°N, respectively) were significantly higher than those of the threaded FRC implants (416°N and 549°N, respectively) and the nonthreaded FRC/BAG implants (219°N and 430°N, respectively). Statistically significant correlation was found between bone volume and push-out strength values. This study showed that osseointegrated FRC implants can withstand the static loading up to failure without fracture, and that the addition of BAG significantly improves the push-out strength of FRC implants. © 2014 Eur J Oral Sci.

  3. Cochlear Implants (United States)

    ... implant, including: • How long a person has been deaf, •The number of surviving auditory nerve fibers, and • ... Implant, Severe Sensoryneurial Hearing Loss Get Involved Professional Development Practice Management ENT Careers Marketplace Privacy Policy Terms ...

  4. The clinical implications of poly implant prothèse breast implants: an overview. (United States)

    Wazir, Umar; Kasem, Abdul; Mokbel, Kefah


    Mammary implants marketed by Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) were found to contain industrial grade silicone and this caused heightened anxiety and extensive publicity regarding their safety in humans. These implants were used in a large number of patients worldwide for augmentation or breast reconstruction. We reviewed articles identified by searches of Medline, PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar databases up to May 2014 using the terms: "PIP", "Poly Implant Prothèse", "breast implants" and "augmentation mammoplasty" "siloxanes" or "silicone". In addition the websites of regulating bodies in Europe, USA, and Australia were searched for reports related to PIP mammary implants. PIP mammary implants are more likely to rupture than other implants and can cause adverse effects in the short to the medium term related to the symptoms of rupture such as pain, lumps in the breast and axilla and anxiety. Based on peer-reviewed published studies we have calculated an overall rupture rate of 14.5% (383/2,635) for PIP implants. However, there is no evidence that PIP implant rupture causes long-term adverse health effects in humans so far. Silicone lymphadenopathy represents a foreign body reaction and should be treated conservatively. The long-term adverse effects usually arise from inappropriate extensive surgery, such as axillary lymph node dissection or extensive resection of breast tissue due to silicone leakage.

  5. The Clinical Implications of Poly Implant Prothèse Breast Implants: An Overview

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Umar Wazir


    Full Text Available Mammary implants marketed by Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP were found to contain industrial grade silicone and this caused heightened anxiety and extensive publicity regarding their safety in humans. These implants were used in a large number of patients worldwide for augmentation or breast reconstruction. We reviewed articles identified by searches of Medline, PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar databases up to May 2014 using the terms: "PIP", "Poly Implant Prothèse", "breast implants" and "augmentation mammoplasty" "siloxanes" or "silicone". In addition the websites of regulating bodies in Europe, USA, and Australia were searched for reports related to PIP mammary implants. PIP mammary implants are more likely to rupture than other implants and can cause adverse effects in the short to the medium term related to the symptoms of rupture such as pain, lumps in the breast and axilla and anxiety. Based on peer-reviewed published studies we have calculated an overall rupture rate of 14.5% (383/2,635 for PIP implants. However, there is no evidence that PIP implant rupture causes long-term adverse health effects in humans so far. Silicone lymphadenopathy represents a foreign body reaction and should be treated conservatively. The long-term adverse effects usually arise from inappropriate extensive surgery, such as axillary lymph node dissection or extensive resection of breast tissue due to silicone leakage.

  6. Maximización de la función de Verosimilitud de Distribuciones de Probabilidad usando Algoritmos Genéticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Arturo Fuentes Mariles


    Full Text Available Tradicionalmente, para obtener los parámetros de una función de distribución con el método de máxima verosimilitud se acostumbra igualar a cero la derivada del logaritmo de la función de verosimilitud y resolver el sistema de ecuaciones no lineales que resulta. La popularidad del procedimiento se debe a su sencillez; sin embargo, cuando la función de verosimilitud no es suficientemente regular, puede llevar a obtener un valor muy alejado del máximo Por ese motivo, en este documento se presenta el uso de un algoritmo genético que permite encontrar los parámetros de la función de distribución (con los que se maximiza directamente la función de verosimilitud, o su logaritmo, sin recurrir a la derivada de los logaritmos de dicha función. Se halló buena concordancia de los resultados respecto a los obtenidos usando un software de uso frecuente en México, para el caso las funciones Gumbel y Gumbel de dos poblaciones. 

  7. Estudio de predicción de vida a fatiga de implantes dentales de titanio y de sus principales tipos de conexiones implantoprotésicas


    Ivorra Server, Carlos


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2017. Directores de la Tesis: Juan Carlos Prados Frutos y Carlos Navarro Vila Se denomina implante dental al elemento aloplástico que se aloja en el tejido óseo o debajo del periostio con la finalidad de reemplazar los dientes ausentes (Schou et al. 2000). La Academia Americana de Implantología (AAID, por sus siglas en inglés) define el implante dental como un elemento cilíndrico, fabricado generalmente de tita...

  8. Management of peri-implant infections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K L Vandana


    Full Text Available The ever-increasing popularity of dental implants in recent years has been associated with the reported incidence of short-term and long-term complications such as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. Therapies proposed for treating peri-implantitis are based on the evidence available for the treatment of periodontitis, and are aimed at reducing the bacterial load within peri-implant pockets and decontaminating implant surfaces, and, in some cases, attempting afterward to bring about bone regeneration. The treatment of peri-implant infections comprises conservative (nonsurgical and surgical approaches. This paper reviews various treatment strategies used for the treatment of peri-implant diseases. There are many approaches suggested by various authors for the treatment of peri-implant diseases, but there is no “ideal peri-implant therapy” that has been described in the literature. There is no consensus regarding the treatment protocol as the studies conducted so far have had varying study designs, small sample sizes, and short follow-up periods.

  9. An in vivo assessment of the effects of using different implant abutment occluding materials on implant microleakage and the peri-implant microbiome (United States)

    Rubino, Caroline

    Microleakage may be a factor in the progression of peri-implant pathology. Microleakage in implant dentistry refers to the passage of bacteria, fluids, molecules or ions between the abutment-implant interface to and from the surrounding periodontal tissues. This creates a zone of inflammation and reservoir of bacteria at the implant-abutment interface. Bone loss typically occurs within the first year of abutment connection and then stabilizes. It has not yet been definitively proven that the occurrence of microleakage cannot contribute to future bone loss or impede the treatment of peri-implant disease. Therefore, strategies to reduce or eliminate microleakage are sought out. Recent evidence demonstrates that the type of implant abutment channel occluding material can affect the amount of microleakage in an in vitro study environment. Thus, we hypothesize that different abutment screw channel occluding materials will affect the amount of observed microleakage, vis-a-vis the correlation between the microflora found on the abutment screw channel occluding material those found in the peri-implant sulcus. Additional objectives include confirming the presence of microleakage in vivo and assessing any impact that different abutment screw channel occluding materials may have on the peri-implant microbiome. Finally, the present study provides an opportunity to further characterize the peri-implant microbiome. Eight fully edentulous patients restored with at dental implants supporting screw-retained fixed hybrid prostheses were included in the study. At the initial appointment (T1), the prostheses were removed and the implants and prostheses were cleaned. The prostheses were then inserted with polytetrafluoroethylene tape (PTFE, TeflonRTM), cotton, polyvinyl siloxane (PVS), or synthetic foam as the implant abutment channel occluding material and sealed over with composite resin. About six months later (T2), the prostheses were removed and the materials collected. Paper

  10. Biodegradable radioactive implants for glaucoma filtering surgery produced by ion implantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Assmann, W. [Department fuer Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany)]. E-mail:; Schubert, M. [Department fuer Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Held, A. [Augenklinik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 81675 Munich (Germany); Pichler, A. [Augenklinik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 81675 Muenchen (Germany); Chill, A. [Zentralinstitut fuer Medizintechnik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Kiermaier, S. [Zentralinstitut fuer Medizintechnik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Schloesser, K. [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 76021 Karlsruhe (Germany); Busch, H. [NTTF GmbH, 53619 Rheinbreitbach (Germany); Schenk, K. [NTTF GmbH, 53619 Rheinbreitbach (Germany); Streufert, D. [Acri.Tec GmbH, 16761 Hennigsdorf (Germany); Lanzl, I. [Augenklinik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 81675 Munich (Germany)


    A biodegradable, {beta}-emitting implant has been developed and successfully tested which prevents fresh intraocular pressure increase after glaucoma filtering surgery. Ion implantation has been used to load the polymeric implants with the {beta}-emitter {sup 32}P. The influence of ion implantation and gamma sterilisation on degradation and {sup 32}P-fixation behavior has been studied by ion beam and chemical analysis. Irradiation effects due to the applied ion fluence (10{sup 15} ions/cm{sup 2}) and gamma dose (25 kGy) are found to be tolerable.

  11. Trends in cochlear implants. (United States)

    Zeng, Fan-Gang


    More than 60,000 people worldwide use cochlear implants as a means to restore functional hearing. Although individual performance variability is still high, an average implant user can talk on the phone in a quiet environment. Cochlear-implant research has also matured as a field, as evidenced by the exponential growth in both the patient population and scientific publication. The present report examines current issues related to audiologic, clinical, engineering, anatomic, and physiologic aspects of cochlear implants, focusing on their psychophysical, speech, music, and cognitive performance. This report also forecasts clinical and research trends related to presurgical evaluation, fitting protocols, signal processing, and postsurgical rehabilitation in cochlear implants. Finally, a future landscape in amplification is presented that requires a unique, yet complementary, contribution from hearing aids, middle ear implants, and cochlear implants to achieve a total solution to the entire spectrum of hearing loss treatment and management.

  12. Micro-cutting of silicon implanted with hydrogen and post-implantation thermal treatment (United States)

    Jelenković, Emil V.; To, Suet; Sundaravel, B.; Xiao, Gaobo; Huang, Hu


    It was reported that non-amorphizing implantation by hydrogen has a potential in improving silicon machining. Post-implantation high-temperature treatment will affect implantation-induced damage, which can have impact on silicon machining. In this article, a relation of a thermal annealing of hydrogen implanted in silicon to micro-cutting experiment is investigated. Hydrogen ions were implanted into 4″ silicon wafers with 175 keV, 150 keV, 125 keV and doses of 2 × 1016 cm-2, 2 × 1016 cm-2 and 3 × 1016 cm-2, respectively. In this way, low hydrogen atom-low defect concentration was created in the region less than ~0.8 μm deep and high hydrogen atom-high defect concentration was obtained at silicon depth of ~0.8-1.5 μm. The post-implantation annealing was carried out at 300 and 400 °C in nitrogen for 1 h. Physical and electrical properties of implanted and annealed samples were characterized by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rutherford backscattering (RBS) and nanoindentation. Plunge cutting experiment was carried out in and silicon crystal direction. The critical depth of cut and cutting force were monitored and found to be influenced by the annealing. The limits of hydrogen implantation annealing contribution to the cutting characteristics of silicon are discussed in light of implantation process and redistribution of hydrogen and defects generation during annealing process.

  13. Chimeric Peptides as Implant Functionalization Agents for Titanium Alloy Implants with Antimicrobial Properties (United States)

    Yucesoy, Deniz T.; Hnilova, Marketa; Boone, Kyle; Arnold, Paul M.; Snead, Malcolm L.; Tamerler, Candan


    Implant-associated infections can have severe effects on the longevity of implant devices and they also represent a major cause of implant failures. Treating these infections associated with implants by antibiotics is not always an effective strategy due to poor penetration rates of antibiotics into biofilms. Additionally, emerging antibiotic resistance poses serious concerns. There is an urge to develop effective antibacterial surfaces that prevent bacterial adhesion and proliferation. A novel class of bacterial therapeutic agents, known as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), are receiving increasing attention as an unconventional option to treat septic infection, partly due to their capacity to stimulate innate immune responses and for the difficulty of microorganisms to develop resistance towards them. While host and bacterial cells compete in determining the ultimate fate of the implant, functionalization of implant surfaces with AMPs can shift the balance and prevent implant infections. In the present study, we developed a novel chimeric peptide to functionalize the implant material surface. The chimeric peptide simultaneously presents two functionalities, with one domain binding to a titanium alloy implant surface through a titanium-binding domain while the other domain displays an antimicrobial property. This approach gains strength through control over the bio-material interfaces, a property built upon molecular recognition and self-assembly through a titanium alloy binding domain in the chimeric peptide. The efficiency of chimeric peptide both in-solution and absorbed onto titanium alloy surface was evaluated in vitro against three common human host infectious bacteria, Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Escherichia coli. In biological interactions such as occur on implants, it is the surface and the interface that dictate the ultimate outcome. Controlling the implant surface by creating an interface composed chimeric peptides may therefore

  14. Immediately loaded mini dental implants as overdenture retainers: 1-Year cohort study of implant stability and peri-implant marginal bone level. (United States)

    Šćepanović, Miodrag; Todorović, Aleksandar; Marković, Aleksa; Patrnogić, Vesna; Miličić, Biljana; Moufti, Adel M; Mišić, Tijana


    This 1-year cohort study investigated stability and peri-implant marginal bone level of immediately loaded mini dental implants used to retain overdentures. Each of 30 edentulous patients received 4 mini dental implants (1.8 mm × 13 mm) in the interforaminal mandibular region. The implants were immediately loaded with pre-made overdentures. Outcome measures included implant stability and bone resorption. Implant stability was measured using the Periotest Classic(®) device immediately after placement and on the 3rd and 6th weeks and the 4th, 6th and 12th months postoperatively. The peri-implant marginal bone level (PIBL) was evaluated at the implant's mesial and distal sides from the polished platform to the marginal crest. Radiographs were taken using a tailored film holder to reproducibly position the X-ray tube at the 6th week, 4th and 12th months postoperatively. The primary stability (Periotest value, PTV) measured -0.27 ± 3.41 on a scale of -8 to + 50 (lower PTV reflects higher stability). The secondary stability decreased significantly until week 6 (mean PTV = 7.61 ± 7.05) then increased significantly reaching (PTV = 6.17 ± 6.15) at 12 months. The mean PIBL measured -0.40 mm after 1 year of functional loading, with no statistically significant differences at the various follow-ups (p = 0.218). Mini dental implants placed into the interforaminal region could achieve a favorable primary stability for immediate loading. The follow-up Periotest values fluctuated, apparently reflecting the dynamics of bone remodeling, with the implants remaining clinically stable (98.3%) after 1 year of function. The 1-year bone resorption around immediately loaded MDIs is within the clinically acceptable range for standard implants. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  15. Comparative silicone breast implant evaluation using mammography, sonography, and magnetic resonance imaging: experience with 59 implants. (United States)

    Ahn, C Y; DeBruhl, N D; Gorczyca, D P; Shaw, W W; Bassett, L W


    With the current controversy regarding the safety of silicone implants, the detection and evaluation of implant rupture are causing concern for both plastic surgeons and patients. Our study obtained comparative value analysis of mammography, sonography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the detection of silicone implant rupture. Twenty-nine symptomatic patients (total of 59 silicone implants) were entered into the study. Intraoperative findings revealed 21 ruptured implants (36 percent). During physical examination, a positive "squeeze test" was highly suggestive of implant rupture. Mammograms were obtained of 51 implants (sensitivity 11 percent, specificity 89 percent). Sonography was performed on 57 implants (sensitivity 70 percent, specificity 92 percent). MRI was performed on 55 implants (sensitivity 81 percent, specificity 92 percent). Sonographically, implant rupture is demonstrated by the "stepladder sign." Double-lumen implants may appear as false-positive results for rupture on sonography. On MRI, the "linguine sign" represents disrupted fragments of a ruptured implant. The most reliable imaging modality for implant rupture detection is MRI, followed by sonogram. Mammogram is the least reliable. Our study supports the clinical indication and diagnostic value of sonogram and MRI in the evaluation of symptomatic breast implant patients.

  16. Reconstrucción mamaria con expansor tisular e implante: Indicaciones y experiencia en 24 casos Breast reconstruction with tissue expander: Indications and experience in 24 cases

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    C. Gutiérrez Gómez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, la reconstrucción mamaria forma parte integral del tratamiento del cáncer de mama; la selección de la paciente es crítica para obtener resultados satisfactorios. El presente trabajo recoge nuestra experiencia en reconstrucción mamaria con expansión tisular e implantes, haciendo hincapié en la selección de las pacientes candidatas a este método reconstructivo. Revisamos las reconstrucciones mamarias realizadas en un período comprendido entre los años 1998 y 2008 por la misma cirujana, analizando factores como tipo de mastectomía, edad, tiempo de la reconstrucción (inmediata o diferida, causa de la mastectomía, tipo de expansor y prótesis utilizados, complicaciones y satisfacción de las pacientes. En todas excepto en una, la reconstrucción se realizó en dos tiempos operatorios; durante el primero se hizo la colocación del expansor tisular y en el segundo, el cambio por la prótesis mamaria definitiva. Se realizaron un total de 24 reconstrucciones mamarias en 19 pacientes en el período de 10 años revisado, 14 unilaterales y 5 bilaterales. Las complicaciones presentadas en este grupo de pacientes fueron del 16,6 %. El seguimiento de las pacientes fue de 2 a 10 años. Solamente en 1 caso de cuadrantectomía, se realizó la reconstrucción de forma diferida por antecedente de radioterapia (4,1 %. En nuestra opinión, la reconstrucción mamaria con expansor tisular e implante es un procedimiento seguro, reproducible y con bajo índice de complicaciones, sin el inconveniente añadido de ocasionar morbilidad en el a área donante.Nowadays, breast reconstruction is part of breast carcinoma treatment; patient's selection plays an important role in satisfactory results. The present paper reports our experience in breast reconstruction with tissue expander/implant and emphasizes the importance of choosing the candidates for this method of reconstruction. We review the breast reconstructions realized in a 10 year period

  17. The Efficacy of Supportive Peri-Implant Therapies in Preventing Peri-Implantitis and Implant Loss: a Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Ausra Ramanauskaite


    Full Text Available Objectives: To study the efficacy of supportive peri-implant therapies in preventing clinical and radiological signs of peri-implantitis and implant loss. Material and Methods: Longitudinal human studies, published between January 1, 2006, and February 1, 2016, were included based on an electronic search using MEDLINE and EMBASE databases and complemented by a manual search. Articles were included only if 1 they comprised a group of patients involved in/adhering to regular supportive peri-implant therapies (SPTs and a control group without such therapies or with poor adherence to them, 2 the protocol of the SPTs was clearly described and 3 the outcome was indicated by means of clinical/radiological changes or implant loss. Results: After initially identifying a total of 710 titles and abstracts, 12 full text articles were selected for eligibility assessment. Seven studies, three prospective and four retrospective, fulfilled the inclusion criteria for this review. The frequency of recall visits varied between the studies from a minimum of one visit every three months to an individually tailored regimen. In all the studies a lack of SPTs or poor adherence to them resulted in significantly higher frequencies of sites with mucosal bleeding, deepened peri-implant pockets or alveolar bone loss. In line with the above, a lack of/poor adherence to SPTs was associated with higher implant loss. Conclusions: To prevent peri-implantitis, an individually tailored supportive programme based on patient motivation and re-instruction in oral hygiene measures combined with professional implant cleaning seem to be crucial.

  18. Benefits and Risks of Cochlear Implants (United States)

    ... and Medical Procedures Implants and Prosthetics Cochlear Implants Benefits and Risks of Cochlear Implants Share Tweet Linkedin ... the Use of Cochlear Implants What are the Benefits of Cochlear Implants? For people with implants: Hearing ...

  19. An economic evaluation of maxillary implant overdentures based on six vs. four implants. (United States)

    Listl, Stefan; Fischer, Leonhard; Giannakopoulos, Nikolaos Nikitas


    The purpose of the present study was to assess the value for money achieved by bar-retained implant overdentures based on six implants compared with four implants as treatment alternatives for the edentulous maxilla. A Markov decision tree model was constructed and populated with parameter estimates for implant and denture failure as well as patient-centred health outcomes as available from recent literature. The decision scenario was modelled within a ten year time horizon and relied on cost reimbursement regulations of the German health care system. The cost-effectiveness threshold was identified above which the six-implant solution is preferable over the four-implant solution. Uncertainties regarding input parameters were incorporated via one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analysis based on Monte-Carlo simulation. Within a base case scenario of average treatment complexity, the cost-effectiveness threshold was identified to be 17,564 € per year of denture satisfaction gained above of which the alternative with six implants is preferable over treatment including four implants. Sensitivity analysis yielded that, depending on the specification of model input parameters such as patients' denture satisfaction, the respective cost-effectiveness threshold varies substantially. The results of the present study suggest that bar-retained maxillary overdentures based on six implants provide better patient satisfaction than bar-retained overdentures based on four implants but are considerably more expensive. Final judgements about value for money require more comprehensive clinical evidence including patient-centred health outcomes.

  20. [Researches on biomechanics of micro-implant-bone interface and optimum design of micro implant's neck]. (United States)

    Deng, Feng; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Yi; Song, Jin-lin; Fan, Yuboa


    To compare and analyze the stress distribution at the micro-implant-bone interface based on the different micro-implant-bone conditioned under orthodontic load, and to optimize the design of micro implant's neck. An adult skull with all tooth was scanned by spiral CT, and the data were imported into computer for three-dimensional reconstruction with software Mimics 9.0. The three dimensional finite element models of three micro-implant-bone interfaces(initial stability, full osseointegration and fibrous integration) were analyzed by finite element analysis software ABAQUS6.5. The primary stress distributions of different micro-implant-bone conditions were evaluated when 2N force was loaded. Then the diameter less than 1.5 mm of the micro implant's neck was added with 0.2 mm, to compare the stress distribution of the modified micro-implant-bone interface with traditional type. The stress mostly concentrated on the neck of micro implant and the full osseointegration interface in all models showed the lowest strain level. Compared with the traditional type, the increasing diameter neck of the micro implant obviously decreased the stress level in all the three conditions. The micro-implant-bone interface and the diameter of micro implant's neck both are the important influence factors to the stress distribution of micro implant.

  1. Implant Mandibular Overdentures Retained by Immediately Loaded Implants: A 1-Year Randomized Trial Comparing the Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Between Mini Dental Implants and Standard-Sized Implants. (United States)

    Zygogiannis, Kostas; Aartman, Irene Ha; Parsa, Azin; Tahmaseb, Ali; Wismeijer, Daniel

    The aim of this 1-year randomized trial was to evaluate and compare the clinical and radiographic performance of four immediately loaded mini dental implants (MDIs) and two immediately loaded standard-sized tissue-level (STL) implants, placed in the interforaminal region of the mandible and used to retain mandibular overdentures (IODs) in completely edentulous patients. A total of 50 completely edentulous patients wearing conventional maxillary dentures and complaining about insufficient retention of their mandibular dentures were divided into two groups; 25 patients received four MDIs and 25 patients received two STL implants. The marginal bone loss (MBL) at the mesial and distal sides of each implant was assessed by means of standardized intraoral radiographs after a period of 1 year. Implant success and survival rates were also calculated. Immediate loading was possible for all patients in the first group. In the second group, an immediate loading protocol could not be applied for 10 patients. These patients were treated with a delayed loading protocol. A mean MBL of 0.42 ± 0.56 mm for the MDIs and 0.54 ± 0.49 mm for the immediately loaded STL implants was recorded at the end of the evaluation period. There was no statistically significant difference between the MDIs and the immediately loaded STL implants. Two MDIs failed, resulting in a survival rate of 98%. The success rate was 91%. For the immediately loaded conventional implants, the survival rate was 100% and the success rate 96.7% after 1 year of function. However, in 10 patients, the immediate loading protocol could not be followed. Considering the limitations of this short-term clinical study, immediate loading of four unsplinted MDIs or two splinted STL implants to retain mandibular overdentures seems to be a feasible treatment option. The marginal bone level changes around the MDIs were well within the clinically acceptable range.

  2. Implant decontamination with phosphoric acid during surgical peri-implantitis treatment : a RCT

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hentenaar, Diederik F M; De Waal, Yvonne C M; Strooker, Hans; Meijer, Henny J A; Van Winkelhoff, Arie-Jan; Raghoebar, Gerry M


    BACKGROUND: Peri-implantitis is known as an infectious disease that affects the peri-implant soft and hard tissue. Today, scientific literature provides very little evidence for an effective intervention protocol for treatment of peri-implantitis. The aim of the present randomized controlled trial

  3. Randomized study on the effect of single-implant versus two-implant retained overdentures on implant loss and muscle activity: a 12-month follow-up report. (United States)

    Alqutaibi, A Y; Kaddah, A F; Farouk, M


    The objective was to evaluate and compare single- and two-implant retained overdentures for the rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible. Fifty-six edentulous subjects were eligible for inclusion. Using a random sampling system, a single implant or two implants were placed in the mandible. After 3 months, locator attachments were connected to the implants and the denture delivered with the retentive components incorporated in the denture base. Implant failure and muscle activity were evaluated at the 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up examinations. The study sample comprised 56 patients (32 male, 24 female), with a mean age of 58.2 years. A total of 84 implants were placed (28 in the single-implant group and 56 in the two-implant group). All patients completed the 12 months of follow-up. No significant differences were found between subjects in the two groups with respect to implant failure. With regard to improvements in muscle activity, the two-implant group showed statistically significant but perhaps not clinically important differences. Single-implant mandibular overdentures may be suggested as an alternative treatment modality for the rehabilitation of edentulous patients who cannot afford the cost of a two-implant overdenture. Copyright © 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Plasma-implantation-based surface modification of metals with single-implantation mode (United States)

    Tian, X. B.; Cui, J. T.; Yang, S. Q.; Fu, Ricky K. Y.; Chu, Paul K.


    Plasma ion implantation has proven to be an effective surface modification technique. Its biggest advantage is the capability to treat the objects with irregular shapes without complex manipulation of target holder. Many metal materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, tool steel, titanium, magnesium etc, has been treated using this technique to improve their wear-resistance, corrosion-resistance, fatigue-resistance, oxidation-resistance, bio-compatiblity etc. However in order to achieve thicker modified layers, hybrid processes combining plasma ion implantation with other techniques have been frequently employed. In this paper plasma implantation based surface modification of metals using single-implantation mode is reviewed.

  5. Resolución endovascular de lesiones por arma de fuego en la región cervical

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    Sebastián Rizzone


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las heridas producidas por armas de fuego que comprometen la región cervical son materia de controversia en cuanto a cuál es el mejor método para tratarlas. La resolución endovascular de este tipo de patología ha cobrado gran relevancia en los últimos años debido al desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos y, consecuentemente, a la menor incidencia de complicaciones inherentes al procedimiento. Objetivo: Determinar el rol del tratamiento endovascular en la resolución de las lesiones cervicales por arma de fuego. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron 76 pacientes que sufrieron lesiones cervicales por arma de fuego, a los cuales se les realizó angiografía de los vasos supraaórticos para decidir la conducta a seguir. Resultados: Del total de 76 pacientes, 47 (61,8% presentaron una angiografía patológica; de estos, en 26 se decidió la resolución endovascular de la lesión, implantándose 1,1 stents por paciente. La estadía intrahospitalaria fue en promedio de 10,4 días. A los 30 días de seguimiento, 2 pacientes presentaron secuela neurológica y uno evolucionó con sepsis. En el seguimiento alejado con un promedio de 4 años se registró una muerte a los 117 días de realizado el procedimiento. Conclusiones: La intervención endovascular ha ganado mayor protagonismo con el desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos que permiten el tratamiento de patologías cada vez más complejas y reducir el tiempo de internación intrahospitalaria, como también las complicaciones relacionadas con el procedimiento.

  6. Clinical Application of Screening for GJB2 Mutations before Cochlear Implantation in a Heterogeneous Population with High Rate of Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

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    Masoud Motasaddi Zarandy


    Full Text Available Clinical application of mutation screening and its effect on the outcome of cochlear implantation is widely debated. We investigated the effect of mutations in GJB2 gene on the outcome of cochlear implantation in a population with a high rate of consanguineous marriage and autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss. Two hundred and one children with profound prelingual sensorineural hearing loss were included. Forty-six patients had 35delG in GJB2. Speech awareness thresholds (SATs and speech recognition thresholds (SRTs improved following implantation, but there was no difference in performance between patients with GJB2-related deafness versus control (all >0.10. Both groups had produced their first comprehensible words within the same period of time following implantation (2.27 months in GJB2-related deaf versus 2.62 months in controls, =0.22. Although our findings demonstrate the need to uncover unidentified genetic causes of hereditary deafness, they do not support the current policy for genetic screening before cochlear implantation, nor prove a prognostic value.

  7. Influence of prosthesis design and implantation technique on implant stresses after cementless revision THR

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    Duda Georg N


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Femoral offset influences the forces at the hip and the implant stresses after revision THR. For extended bone defects, these forces may cause considerable bending moments within the implant, possibly leading to implant failure. This study investigates the influences of femoral anteversion and offset on stresses in the Wagner SL revision stem implant under varying extents of bone defect conditions. Methods Wagner SL revision stems with standard (34 mm and increased offset (44 mm were virtually implanted in a model femur with bone defects of variable extent (Paprosky I to IIIb. Variations in surgical technique were simulated by implanting the stems each at 4° or 14° of anteversion. Muscle and joint contact forces were applied to the reconstruction and implant stresses were determined using finite element analyses. Results Whilst increasing the implant's offset by 10 mm led to increased implant stresses (16.7% in peak tensile stresses, altering anteversion played a lesser role (5%. Generally, larger stresses were observed with reduced bone support: implant stresses increased by as much as 59% for a type IIIb defect. With increased offset, the maximum tensile stress was 225 MPa. Conclusion Although increased stresses were observed within the stem with larger offset and increased anteversion, these findings indicate that restoration of offset, key to restoring joint function, is unlikely to result in excessive implant stresses under routine activities if appropriate fixation can be achieved.

  8. Anestesia para implante de marca-passo em paciente adulto com ventrículo único não-operado: relato de caso Anestesia para implante de marcapaso en paciente adulto con ventrículo único no operado: relato de caso Anesthesia for pacemaker implant in an adult patient with unoperated univentricular heart: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriano Bechara de Souza Hobaika


    pacientes con cardiopatía congénita. Solamente 11 casos de pacientes con ventrículo único no operado y edad por encima de los 50 años, fueron relatados en la literatura. Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de describir la conducta anestésica en paciente con ventrículo único para implante de marcapaso. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo femenino, 47 años, con doble vía de entrada del ventrículo izquierdo, L-transposición de grandes arterias y estenosis subpulmonar, sin corrección quirúrgica previa, se marcó consulta para implante de marcapaso cardíaco definitivo secuencial de dos cámaras. En el MAPA presentaba bloqueo atrioventricular de segundo grado y una frecuencia cardiaca promedio de 45bpm. Los exámenes preoperatorios mostraban hematócrito de 57%, coagulograma normal, función ventricular preservada. La monitorización constó de oxímetro de pulso, ECG en las derivaciones D II y V5, PIA, capnógrafo y analizador de gases. Un marcapaso temporal transcutáneo quedó a disposición para el caso de bradicardia intensa. La anestesia se indujo con fentanil (0.25 mg, etomidato (20 mg y atracurio (35 mg. Cuatro minutos después de la inducción, la frecuencia cardiaca disminuyó para 30bpm siendo administrado 1 mg de atropina, con reversión de la bradicardia. La anestesia se mantuvo con sevoflurano a 2.5%, aire 60% y oxígeno 40%. El estado hemodinámico y la saturación de oxígeno permanecieron estables. La paciente fue llevada a la unidad de terapia intensiva estable y extubada al final del procedimiento. CONCLUSIONES: La conducta anestésica para implante de marcapaso en paciente de 47 años con doble vía de entrada del ventrículo izquierdo y estenosis subpulmonar no operada, fue adecuada, ya que permitió la realización del procedimiento indicado.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Single ventricle is a rare abnormality, affecting 1% of the patients with congenital cardiopathy. Only 11 cases of patients with unoperated univentricular heart older than 50 years

  9. Expressive Language Development in 45 Cochlear Implanted Children Following 2 Years of Implantation

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    Seyed Basir Hashemi


    Full Text Available Objectives: Profound hearing loss encounters children with delay in speech and language. As it is known language acquisition in young deaf children is a lengthy process, but cochlear implanted children have better spoken language skills than if they had not received the device. According to the importance of cochlear implant in deaf child's language development, this study evaluates the effect of different variables on child's language performance. Methods: 45 cochlear implanted children were tested, all of whom had used the device for at least 2 years. In order to evaluate the children, the NEWSHA test which is fitted for Persian speaking children was performed and language development of the children was compared through stepwise discriminant analysis. Results: After evaluation of the effect of different variables like child's age of implantation, participating in rehabilitation classes, parent's cooperation and their level of education, we came to a conclusion that the child's age of implantation and rehabilitation program significantly develop the child's language performance. Discussion: The value of cochlear implant in improvement of deaf children in speech, language perception, production and comprehension is confirmed by different studies which have been done on cochlear implanted children. Also, the present study indicates that language development in cochlear implanted children is highly related to their age of implantation and rehabilitation program.

  10. Optical effects of ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Townsend, P.D.


    The review concerns the effects of ion implantation that specifically relate to the optical properties of insulators. Topics which are reviewed include: ion implantation, ion range and damage distributions, colour centre production by ion implantation, high dose ion implantation, and applications for integrated optics. Numerous examples are presented of both diagnostic and industrial examples of ion implantation effects in insulators. (U.K.)

  11. Effect of healing time on bone-implant contact of orthodontic micro-implants: a histologic study. (United States)

    Ramazanzadeh, Barat Ali; Fatemi, Kazem; Dehghani, Mahboobe; Mohtasham, Nooshin; Jahanbin, Arezoo; Sadeghian, Hamed


    Objectives. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of immediate and delayed loading of orthodontic micro-implants on bone-implant contact. Materials and Methods. Sixty four micro-implants were implanted in dog's jaw bone. The micro-implants were divided into loaded and unloaded (control) groups. The control group had two subgroups: four and eight weeks being implanted. The loaded group had two subgroups of immediate loading and delayed (after four weeks healing) loading. Loaded samples were subjected to 200g load for four weeks. After sacrificing the animals micro-implants and surrounding tissues were observed histologically. Bone-implant contact ratios (BIC) were calculated and different groups' results were compared by three-way ANOVA. Results. Mean survival rate was 96.7% in general. Survival rates were 96.7%, 94.4% and 100% for control, immediate and delayed loaded groups, respectively. BIC values were not significantly different in loaded and control groups, immediate and delayed loading groups, and pressure and tension sides. Mandibular micro-implants had significantly higher BIC than maxillary ones in immediate loading, 4-weeks control, and 8-weeks control groups (P = 0.021, P = 0.009, P = 0.003, resp.). Conclusion Immediate or delayed loading of micro-implants in dog did not cause significant difference in Bone-implant contact which could be concluded that healing time had not significant effect on micro-implant stability.

  12. LA PALABRA DIBUJADA. ANTONIO FERNÁNDEZ-ALBA, PRIMER Y ÚLTIMO MAESTRO / The drawn word. Antonio Fernández-Alba, first and last master

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Luis Trillo de Leyva


    Full Text Available Távora y Fernández-Alba son figuras de referencia ineludible para quienes quieran hoy investigar el origen contemporáneo de la arquitectura peninsular y, sobre todo, de sus escuelas. Alba fue siempre una guía para los que abordamos una enseñanza alejados del aura que acompañaba a los grandes arquitectos madrileños y barceloneses. Su experimentación didáctica alteró la trayectoria de las escuelas de arquitectura españolas. Introdujo la cultura contemporánea en la universidad como si se tratara de una segunda naturaleza, de un nuevo estrato territorial de los proyectos, manteniendo al hombre como objeto central y destinatario de todo proceso proyectual. En época de virtualidad y representación automatizada, nada más adecuado que la revisión de los dibujos del maestro Fernández-Alba. Dibujos que requieren ser proyectados, pensados, antes que ejecutados, “proyectos de proyectos”, una especie de tautología que rige la mente del poeta en su continua reducción, compresión o destilación, gota a gota, del mundo real, del universo y la palabra.

  13. Implant-supported mandibular removable partial dentures; patient-based outcome measures in relation to implant position. (United States)

    Jensen, Charlotte; Raghoebar, Gerry M; Kerdijk, Wouter; Meijer, Henny J A; Cune, Marco S


    To assess the benefits of implant support to Removable Partial Dentures (RPD) in patients with a bilateral free-ending situation in the mandible and to determine the most favorable implant position: the premolar (PM) or the molar (M) region. Thirty subjects with a bilateral unbounded posterior saddle received 2 PM and 2M implants. A new RPD was placed. Implant support was provided 3 months later. Two PM implants supported the RPD. After 3 months the 2M implants were used or vice versa. Outcome measures included oral health related quality of life (OHIP-NL49), general health status (SF-36), contentment assessed on a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the number of hours that the RPD was worn. Data were collected prior to treatment, 3 months after having functioned with a new RPD and after 3 and 6 months with implant support. Finally, patients expressed their preferred implant position. The general health status (SF-36) was not influenced. OHIP-NL49 values and mean wearing-time were statistical significantly more favorable for ISRPD's, regardless of the implant position. Per day, the ISRPD's were worn 2-3h more than the unsupported new RPD. Patients' expectations were met as the VAS-scores of anticipated and realized contentment did not reach a statistical significant level (p>0.05). VAS scores for ISRPD's with M implant support were higher than for PM implant support. Finally, 56.7% of subjects preferred the M implant support, 13.3% expressed no preference and 30% opted for PM implant support. Mandibular implant support favorably influences oral health related patient-based outcome measures in patients with a bilateral free-ending situation. The majority of patients prefer the implant support to be in the molar region. Patients with a bilateral free-ending situation in the mandible opposed by a maxillary denture benefit from implant support to their mandibular removable partial denture. Most patients prefer this support to be in the molar region. Copyright © 2016

  14. Implant-supported mandibular removable partial dentures: Functional, clinical and radiographical parameters in relation to implant position. (United States)

    Jensen, Charlotte; Speksnijder, Caroline M; Raghoebar, Gerry M; Kerdijk, Wouter; Meijer, Henny J A; Cune, Marco S


    Patients with a Kennedy class I situation often encounter problems with their removable partial denture (RPD). To assess the functional benefits of implant support to RPDs, the clinical performance of the implants and teeth and to determine the most favorable implant position: the premolar (PM) or molar (M) region. Thirty subjects received 2 PM and 2 M implants. A new RPD was made. Implant support was provided 3 months later. In a cross-over model, randomly, 2 implants (PM or M) supported the RPD during 3 months. Masticatory performance was assessed using the mixing ability index (MAI). Clinical and radiographic parameters were assessed. Non-parametric statistical analysis for related samples and post hoc comparisons were performed. Masticatory performance differed significantly between the stages of treatment (P < .001). MAI-scores improved with implant support although the implant position had no significant effect. No complications to the implants or RPD were observed and clinical and radiographical parameters for both implants and teeth were favorable. Higher scores for bleeding on probing were seen for molar implants. Implant support to a Kennedy class I RPD significantly improves masticatory function, regardless of implant position. No major clinical problems were observed. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Scalloped Implant-Abutment Connection Compared to Conventional Flat Implant-Abutment Connection: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Starch-Jensen, Thomas; Christensen, Ann-Eva; Lorenzen, Henning


    The objective was to test the hypothesis of no difference in implant treatment outcome after installation of implants with a scalloped implant-abutment connection compared to a flat implant-abutment connection. A MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase and Cochrane library search in combination with a hand-search of relevant journals was conducted. No language or year of publication restriction was applied. The search provided 298 titles. Three studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The included studies were characterized by low or moderate risk of bias. Survival of suprastructures has never been compared within the same study. High implant survival rate was reported in all the included studies. Significantly more peri-implant marginal bone loss, higher probing depth score, bleeding score and gingival score was observed around implants with a scalloped implant-abutment connection. There were no significant differences between the two treatment modalities regarding professional or patient-reported outcome measures. Meta-analysis disclosed a mean difference of peri-implant marginal bone loss of 1.56 mm (confidence interval: 0.87 to 2.25), indicating significant more bone loss around implants with a scalloped implant-abutment connection. A scalloped implant-abutment connection seems to be associated with higher peri-implant marginal bone loss compared to a flat implant-abutment connection. Therefore, the hypothesis of the present systematic review must be rejected. However, further long-term randomized controlled trials assessing implant treatment outcome with the two treatment modalities are needed before definite conclusions can be provided about the beneficial use of implants with a scalloped implant-abutment connection on preservation of the peri-implant marginal bone level.

  16. A prospective, split-mouth study comparing tilted implants with angulated connection versus conventional implants with angulated abutment. (United States)

    Van Weehaeghe, Manú; De Bruyn, Hugo; Vandeweghe, Stefan


    An angulation of the implant connection could overcome the problems related to angulated abutments. This study compares conventional implants with angulated abutment to tilted implants with an angulated connection. Twenty patients were treated in the edentulous mandible. In the posterior jaw locations, one conventional tilted implant with angulated abutment and one angulated implant without abutment were placed. In the anterior jaw, two conventional implants were placed, one with and one without abutment. Implants were immediately loaded and 3 months later, the final bridge (PFM or monolithic zirconia) was placed. After a follow-up of 48 months, 17 patients were available for clinical examination. The mean overall marginal bone loss (MBL) was 1.26 mm. No significant differences in implant survival, MBL, periodontal indices, patients' satisfaction, or complications was found between implants restored on abutment or implant level, between the posteriorly located angulated implant nor angulated abutment, and between both anterior implants with or without abutment. The posterior implants demonstrated less MBL compared to the anterior implants (P abutment were replaced and four loose bridge screws connected to the angulated abutments had to be tightened. Patients were overall satisfied (4.74/5). An implant with angulated connection may results in a stronger connection but does not affect the marginal bone loss. No difference in MBL was seen between implants restored on abutment or implant level. Zirconia seems to reduce the amount of plaque. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Quantitative ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gries, W.H.


    This is a report of the study of the implantation of heavy ions at medium keV-energies into electrically conducting mono-elemental solids, at ion doses too small to cause significant loss of the implanted ions by resputtering. The study has been undertaken to investigate the possibility of accurate portioning of matter in submicrogram quantities, with some specific applications in mind. The problem is extensively investigated both on a theoretical level and in practice. A mathematical model is developed for calculating the loss of implanted ions by resputtering as a function of the implanted ion dose and the sputtering yield. Numerical data are produced therefrom which permit a good order-of-magnitude estimate of the loss for any ion/solid combination in which the ions are heavier than the solid atoms, and for any ion energy from 10 to 300 keV. The implanted ion dose is measured by integration of the ion beam current, and equipment and techniques are described which make possible the accurate integration of an ion current in an electromagnetic isotope separator. The methods are applied to two sample cases, one being a stable isotope, the other a radioisotope. In both cases independent methods are used to show that the implantation is indeed quantitative, as predicted. At the same time the sample cases are used to demonstrate two possible applications for quantitative ion implantation, viz. firstly for the manufacture of calibration standards for instrumental micromethods of elemental trace analysis in metals, and secondly for the determination of the half-lives of long-lived radioisotopes by a specific activity method. It is concluded that the present study has advanced quantitative ion implantation to the state where it can be successfully applied to the solution of problems in other fields

  18. Impact of cone-beam computed tomography on implant planning and on prediction of implant size

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedroso, Ludmila Assuncao de Mello; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos; Garcia, Robson Rodrigues; Leles, Jose Luiz Rodrigues; Leles, Claudio Rodrigues


    The aim was to investigate the impact of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) on implant planning and on prediction of final implant size. Consecutive patients referred for implant treatment were submitted to clinical examination, panoramic (PAN) radiography and a CBCT exam. Initial planning of implant length and width was assessed based on clinical and PAN exams, and final planning, on CBCT exam to complement diagnosis. The actual dimensions of the implants placed during surgery were compared with those obtained during initial and final planning, using the McNemmar test (p 0.05). It was concluded that CBCT improves the ability of predicting the actual implant length and reduces inaccuracy in surgical dental implant planning. (author)

  19. In Vivo Response of Laser Processed Porous Titanium Implants for Load-Bearing Implants. (United States)

    Bandyopadhyay, Amit; Shivaram, Anish; Tarafder, Solaiman; Sahasrabudhe, Himanshu; Banerjee, Dishary; Bose, Susmita


    Applications of porous metallic implants to enhance osseointegration of load-bearing implants are increasing. In this work, porous titanium implants, with 25 vol.% porosity, were manufactured using Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS™) to measure the influence of porosity towards bone tissue integration in vivo. Surfaces of the LENS™ processed porous Ti implants were further modified with TiO 2 nanotubes to improve cytocompatibility of these implants. We hypothesized that interconnected porosity created via additive manufacturing will enhance bone tissue integration in vivo. To test our hypothesis, in vivo experiments using a distal femur model of male Sprague-Dawley rats were performed for a period of 4 and 10 weeks. In vivo samples were characterized via micro-computed tomography (CT), histological imaging, scanning electron microscopy, and mechanical push-out tests. Our results indicate that porosity played an important role to establish early stage osseointegration forming strong interfacial bonding between the porous implants and the surrounding tissue, with or without surface modification, compared to dense Ti implants used as a control.

  20. In vivo response of laser processed porous titanium implants for load-bearing implants (United States)

    Bandyopadhyay, Amit; Shivaram, Anish; Tarafder, Solaiman; Sahasrabudhe, Himanshu; Banerjee, Dishary; Bose, Susmita


    Applications of porous metallic implants to enhance osseointegration of load-bearing implants are increasing. In this work, porous titanium implants, with 25 volume% porosity, were manufactured using Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS™) to measure the influence of porosity towards bone tissue integration in vivo. Surfaces of the LENS™ processed porous Ti implants were further modified with TiO2 nanotubes to improve cytocompatibility of these implants. We hypothesized that interconnected porosity created via additive manufacturing will enhance bone tissue integration in vivo. To test our hypothesis, in vivo experiments using a distal femur model of male Sprague-Dawley rats were performed for a period of 4 and 10 weeks. In vivo samples were characterized via micro-computed tomography (CT), histological imaging, scanning electron microscopy, and mechanical push-out tests. Our results indicate that porosity played an important role to establish early stage osseointegration forming strong interfacial bonding between the porous implants and the surrounding tissue, with or without surface modification, compared to dense Ti implants used as a control. PMID:27307009

  1. Ion implantation and bio-compatibility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, Yoshiaki; Kusakabe, Masahiro [Sony Corp., Tokyo (Japan). Corporate Research Labs.; Iwaki, Masaya


    Surface modification of polymers by ion implantation has been carried out to control surface properties such as conductivity, wettability, blood and tissue compatibility. Ion implantation into silicone rubber, polystyrene and segmented polyurethane was performed at 150 keV with doses ranging from 1 x 10[sup 15] to 3 x 10[sup 17] ions/cm[sup 2] to improve bio-compatibility. The platelet accumulation on ion implanted silicone rubber decreased and non-thrombogenicity of ion implanted specimens were improved. The ion implanted polystyrene and segmented polyurethane have been found to exhibit remarkably higher adhesion and spreading of endothelial cells compared to the non-implanted case. It is concluded that ion implantation into polymers is effective in controlling their bio-compatibility. (author).

  2. Ion Implantation of Calcium and Zinc in Magnesium for Biodegradable Implant Applications

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    Sahadev Somasundaram


    Full Text Available In this study, magnesium was implanted with calcium-ion and zinc-ion at fluences of 1015, 1016, and 1017 ion·cm−2, and its in vitro degradation behaviour was evaluated using electrochemical techniques in simulated body fluid (SBF. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS revealed that the implanted ions formed layers within the passive magnesium-oxide/hydroxide layers. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS results demonstrated that calcium-ion implantation at a fluence of 1015 ions·cm−2 increased the polarisation resistance by 24%, but higher fluences showed no appreciable improvement. In the case of zinc-ion implantation, increase in the fluence decreased the polarisation resistance. A fluence of 1017 ion·cm−2 decreased the polarisation resistance by 65%, and fluences of 1015 and 1016 showed only marginal effect. Similarly, potentiodynamic polarisation results also suggested that low fluence of calcium-ion decreased the degradation rate by 38% and high fluence of zinc-ion increased the degradation rate by 61%. All the post-polarized ion-implanted samples and the bare metal revealed phosphate and carbonate formation. However, the improved degradative behaviour in calcium-ion implanted samples can be due to a relatively better passivation, whereas the reduction in degradation resistance in zinc-ion implanted samples can be attributed to the micro-galvanic effect.

  3. Biofilm Analysis of Retrieved Dental Implants after Different Peri-Implantitis Treatments

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    Thaise C. Geremias


    Full Text Available The aim of the current study was to analyse the planktonic growth of Streptococcus mutans on the surfaces of three implants retrieved after three different peri-implantitis treatments. Three implants from a male patient with high levels of bone loss were treated by mechanical debridement, chemical decontamination, and implantoplasty. After 4 months of follow-up, the implants were removed. The growth and biofilm formation were measured by spectrophotometry (OD630 nm and scanning electron microscopy (SEM, after 48 hours of incubation. Results showed an average of Streptococcus mutans planktonic growth over the implants of 0.21 nm (mechanical debridement, 0.16 nm (chemical decontamination, and 0.15 nm (implantoplasty. Data were analysed by ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p<0.05 for chemical decontamination and implantoplasty. Implantoplasty and chemical decontamination showed the lowest levels of planktonic growth, indicating a possible influence of the modification procedures on the titanium surface on the initial biofilm attachment.

  4. Electromagnetic Interference in Patients with Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Implantable Loop Recorders

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    Marcos de Sousa


    Full Text Available Modern life exposes us all to an ever-increasing number of potential sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI and patients with Implantable rhythm devices (IRD like pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defibrillators or implantable loop recorders often ask about the use of microwave ovens, walking through airport metal detectors and the use of cellular phones. Electromagnetic interference occurs when electromagnetic waves emitted by one device impede the normal function of another electronic device. The potential for interaction between implanted pacing systems and cardioverter-defibrillators (electromagnetic interference, EMI has been recognized for years.1,2,3,4. It has been shown that EMI can produce clinically significant effects on patients with implanted pacemakers and ICDs. For these reasons the following text discusses the influence of several EMI generating devices on IRD .

  5. Nanotechnology for dental implants. (United States)

    Tomsia, Antoni P; Lee, Janice S; Wegst, Ulrike G K; Saiz, Eduardo


    With the advent of nanotechnology, an opportunity exists for the engineering of new dental implant materials. Metallic dental implants have been successfully used for decades, but they have shortcomings related to osseointegration and mechanical properties that do not match those of bone. Absent the development of an entirely new class of materials, faster osseointegration of currently available dental implants can be accomplished by various surface modifications. To date, there is no consensus regarding the preferred method(s) of implant surface modification, and further development will be required before the ideal implant surface can be created, let alone become available for clinical use. Current approaches can generally be categorized into three areas: ceramic coatings, surface functionalization, and patterning on the micro- to nanoscale. The distinctions among these are imprecise, as some or all of these approaches can be combined to improve in vivo implant performance. These surface improvements have resulted in durable implants with a high percentage of success and long-term function. Nanotechnology has provided another set of opportunities for the manipulation of implant surfaces in its capacity to mimic the surface topography formed by extracellular matrix components of natural tissue. The possibilities introduced by nanotechnology now permit the tailoring of implant chemistry and structure with an unprecedented degree of control. For the first time, tools are available that can be used to manipulate the physicochemical environment and monitor key cellular events at the molecular level. These new tools and capabilities will result in faster bone formation, reduced healing time, and rapid recovery to function.

  6. Dental-Implantate und ihre Werkstoffe (United States)

    Newesely, Heinrich


    Some new trends in materials for dental implants, which also effect in the operative techniques and implant design, are described. Advantages and shortcomings of the different material types are exemplified and correlated with their bioinert resp. bioactive functions. The practical interest in metallic implants focussed in titanium resp. oxide ceramics in the ceramic field, whereas the special goal of implant research follows from the improvement of the bioactive principle with loaded calcium phosphate implants.

  7. Precipitation processes in implanted materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borders, J.A.


    Ion implantation is a nonequilibrium process. It is possible to implant materials with impurities to concentration levels which exceed the solid solubilities. The return of the system to thermodynamic equilibrium is often accomplished by precipitation of the implanted species or a compound involving atoms of both the host and the implanted species. This may involve long time scales when taking place at room temperature or it may take place during the implantation

  8. Tratamiento de la compresión del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar

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    María L. Talavera


    Full Text Available La angina de pecho es un síntoma frecuente en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar (HP de cualquier etiología. Aunque su fisiopatología no está aclarada, las causas propuestas son: la isquemia subendocárdica por aumento del estrés parietal del ventrículo derecho, la dilatación de la arteria pulmonar por incrementos transitorios de la presión pulmonar y la compresión extrínseca del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda (TCI por la arteria pulmonar (AP dilatada. Se presentan tres casos que muestran la relación entre la angina de pecho y la compresión del TCI en pacientes con HP asociada a cardiopatías congénitas, tratados mediante implante de stent coronario.

  9. Implantable electronic medical devices

    CERN Document Server

    Fitzpatrick, Dennis


    Implantable Electronic Medical Devices provides a thorough review of the application of implantable devices, illustrating the techniques currently being used together with overviews of the latest commercially available medical devices. This book provides an overview of the design of medical devices and is a reference on existing medical devices. The book groups devices with similar functionality into distinct chapters, looking at the latest design ideas and techniques in each area, including retinal implants, glucose biosensors, cochlear implants, pacemakers, electrical stimulation t

  10. Implant retention systems for implant-retained overdentures. (United States)

    Laverty, D P; Green, D; Marrison, D; Addy, L; Thomas, M B M


    Implant retained overdentures are being increasingly utilised in both general and specialist practice to rehabilitate patients with missing teeth, particularly those that are edentate. This article aims to inform the reader of a variety of retention systems that are available to retain an implant overdenture and to understand how these systems work, their advantages and disadvantages and to outline some of the clinical and treatment planning considerations involved in selecting the most appropriate retention system for patients.

  11. Pacemaker implantation in a patient with brugada and sick sinus syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Risgaard, Bjarke; Bundgaard, Henning; Jabbari, Reza


    Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a rare and inherited primary arrhythmic syndrome characterized by ST-segment elevations in the right precordial leads (V1-V3) with an increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD). Arrhythmias in BrS are often nocturne, and brady-arrhythmias are often seen in patients...... (ICD) after aborted SCD. A mutation screening revealed a SCN5A [S231CfsX251 (c.692-693delCA)] loss-of-function mutation not previously reported, and as a part of the cascade screening in relatives she was therefore referred to our clinic. In the 7 year period after PM implantation she had experienced...

  12. Falha prematura em implantes orais = Early oral implant failures

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    Fadanelli, Alexandro Bianchi


    Full Text Available Atualmente, ainda há uma percentagem significativa de fracassos de implantes na prática clínica, causando transtorno para o profissional e para o paciente. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a bibliografia disponível sobre o assunto, apresentar um caso clínico e discutir os aspectos relacionados aos insucessos na terapia com implantes ocorridos durante o período de osteointegração. A avaliação da literatura mostrou haverem múltiplos fatores possivelmente envolvidos nas falhas de implantes, sendo que através do estudo das falhas pode-se minimizar sua ocorrência

  13. Pre-implantation implantable cardioverter defibrillator concerns and Type D personality increase the risk of mortality in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Susanne S.; van den Broek, Krista C; Erdman, Ruud A M


    Little is known about the influence of psychological factors on prognosis in implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) patients. We examined the influence of the distressed personality (Type D) and pre-implantation device concerns on short-term mortality in ICD patients.......Little is known about the influence of psychological factors on prognosis in implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) patients. We examined the influence of the distressed personality (Type D) and pre-implantation device concerns on short-term mortality in ICD patients....

  14. Comparison of surface modified zirconia implants with commercially available zirconium and titanium implants: a histological study in pigs. (United States)

    Gredes, Tomasz; Kubasiewicz-Ross, Pawel; Gedrange, Tomasz; Dominiak, Marzena; Kunert-Keil, Christiane


    New biomaterials and their various surface modifications should undergo in vitro and in vivo evaluation before clinical trials. The objective of our in vivo study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of newly created zirconium implant surfaces after implantation in the lower jaw of pigs and compare the osseointegration of these dental implants with commercially available zirconium and titanium implants. After a healing period of 12 weeks, a histological analysis of the soft and hard tissues and a histomorphometric analysis of the bone-implant contact (BIC) were performed. The implant surfaces showed an intimate connection to the adjacent bone for all tested implants. The 3 newly created zirconium implant surfaces achieved a BIC of 45% on average in comparison with a BIC of 56% from the reference zirconium implants and 35% from titanium implants. Furthermore, the new zirconium implants had a better attachment to gingival and bone tissues in the range of implant necks as compared with the reference implants. The results suggest that the new implants comparably osseointegrate within the healing period, and they have a good in vivo biocompatibility.

  15. Evaluation of contiguous implants with cement-retained implant-abutment connections. A minipig study

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    Raquel Rezende Martins de Barros


    Full Text Available Aim: The presence of a microgap at the implant-abutment interface may permit bacterial contamination and lead to bone resorption, interfering with papillae formation. The present study evaluated adjacent implants with cement-retained abutments as an option to control such deleterious effects. Materials and methods Seven minipigs had their bilateral mandibular premolars previously extracted. After 8 weeks, four implants were installed in each hemi-mandible of each animal. The adjacent implants were randomly inserted on one side at the crestal bone level and on the other, 1.5 mm subcrestally. Immediately, a non-submerged healing and functional loading were provided with the abutments cementation and prostheses installation. Clinical examination and histomorphometry served to analyze the implant success. Results A total of 52 implants were evaluated at the end of the study. The subcrestal group achieved statistical better results when compared to the crestal group, clinically in papillae formation (1.97 x 1.57 mm and histomorphometrically in crestal bone remodeling (1.17 x 1.63 mm, bone density (52.39 x 45.22% and bone-implant contact (54.13 x 42.46%. Conclusion The subcrestal placement of cement-retained abutment implants showed better indexes of osseointegration and also improved papillae formation and crestal bone remodeling at the interimplant area after immediate loading, making them a promising option for the treatment of esthetic regions.

  16. The effect of varying implant position in immediately loaded implant-supported mandibular overdentures. (United States)

    Shaarawy, Mohammed A; Aboelross, Ehab M


    This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of varying implant position in immediately loaded implant-supported mandibular overdentures on peri-implant bone density, muscle activity, and patient satisfaction. Fourteen completely edentulous patients were selected for the study. After complete denture construction, patients were divided into 2 equal groups. Four dental implants were installed bilaterally in the interforaminal region in the first group, while in the second group, 4 dental implants were inserted bilaterally: 2 in the interforaminal region and 2 in the first molar area. Immediately after suturing, telescopic abutments were screwed to the implants, and the retaining caps were picked up into the fitting surface of the lower denture, which was delivered to the patient. Patients were recalled for radiographic bone density evaluation just after denture delivery and then at 3, 6, and 12 months thereafter. Muscle activities of masseter and temporalis muscles as well as patient satisfaction were also evaluated. The results of the study showed a high success rate approximating 98.2% of the immediately loaded implants. The electromyographic (EMG) records of both muscles in group 1 were significantly higher during chewing hard food after 3 months compared with group 2 (P overdentures through posterior placement beyond the interforaminal area results in a favorable response in terms of increased peri-implant bone density as well as decreased EMG activity of masseter and temporalis muscles.

  17. Diagnostic Principles of Peri-Implantitis: a Systematic Review and Guidelines for Peri-Implantitis Diagnosis Proposal

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    Ausra Ramanauskaite


    Full Text Available Objectives: To review and summarize the literature concerning peri-implantitis diagnostic parameters and to propose guidelines for peri-implantitis diagnosis. Material and Methods: An electronic literature search was conducted of the MEDLINE (Ovid and EMBASE databases for articles published between 2011 and 2016. Sequential screening at the title/abstract and full-text levels was performed. Systematic reviews/guidelines of consensus conferences proposing classification or suggesting diagnostic parameters for peri-implantitis in the English language were included. The review was recorded on PROSPERO system with the code CRD42016033287. Results: The search resulted in 10 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Four were papers from consensus conferences, two recommended diagnostic guidelines, three proposed classification of peri-implantitis, and one suggested an index for implant success. The following parameters were suggested to be used for peri-implantitis diagnosis: pain, mobility, bleeding on probing, probing depth, suppuration/exudate, and radiographic bone loss. In all of the papers, different definitions of peri-implantitis or implant success, as well as different thresholds for the above mentioned clinical and radiographical parameters, were used. Current evidence rationale for the diagnosis of peri-implantitis and classification based on consecutive evaluation of soft-tissue conditions and the amount of bone loss were suggested. Conclusions: Currently there is no single uniform definition of peri-implantitis or the parameters that should be used. Rationale for diagnosis and prognosis of peri-implantitis as well as classification of the disease is proposed.

  18. Surface characterization of titanium based dental implants; Caracterizacao de implantes odontologicos a base de titanio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castilho, Guilherme Augusto Alcaraz


    Dental implantology uses metallic devices made of commercially pure titanium in order to replace lost teeth. Titanium presents favorable characteristics as bio material and modern implants are capable of integrate, witch is the union between bone and implant without fibrous tissue development. Three of the major Brazilian implant manufacturers were chosen to join the study. A foreign manufacturer participated as standard. The manufacturers had three specimens of each implant with two different surface finishing, as machined and porous, submitted to analysis. Surface chemical composition and implant morphology were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XP S), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microprobe. Implant surface is mainly composed of titanium, oxygen and carbon. Few contaminants commonly present on implant surface were found on samples. Superficial oxide layer is basically composed of titanium dioxide (TiO{sub 2}), another oxides as Ti O and Ti{sub 2}O{sub 3} were also found in small amount. Carbon on implant surface was attributed to manufacturing process. Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Silicon appeared in smaller concentration on surface. There was no surface discrepancy among foreign and Brazilian made implants. SEM images were made on different magnification, 35 X to 3500 X, and showed similarity among as machined implants. Porous surface finishing implants presented distinct morphology. This result was attributed to differences on manufacturing process. Implant bioactivity was accessed through immersion on simulated body solution (SBF) in order to verify formation of an hydroxyapatite (HA) layer on surface. Samples were divided on three groups according to immersion time: G1 (7 days), G2 (14 days), G3 (21 days), and deep in SBF solution at 37 deg C. After being removed from solution, XPS analyses were made and then implants have been submitted to microprobe analysis. XPS showed some components of SBF solution on sample surface but microprobe

  19. Influence of Palatal Coverage and Implant Distribution on Denture Strain in Maxillary Implant Overdentures. (United States)

    Takahashi, Toshihito; Gonda, Tomoya; Tomita, Akiko; Mizuno, Yoko; Maeda, Yoshinobu


    As maxillary implant overdentures are being increasingly used in clinical practice, prosthodontic complications related to these dentures are also reported more often. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of palatal coverage and implant distribution on the shear strain of maxillary implant overdentures. A maxillary edentulous model with implants inserted in the anterior, premolar, and molar areas was fabricated. Two kinds of experimental overdentures, with and without palatal coverage, were also fabricated, and two strain gauges were attached at the midline of the labial and palatal sides. A vertical occlusal load of 98 N was applied through a mandibular complete denture, and the shear strain in each denture was compared by analysis of variance (P = .05). In all situations, the shear strain in palateless dentures was significantly higher than in dentures with palate on both sides (P overdentures exhibited much higher strain than overdentures with palate regardless of the implant distribution; this may cause more prosthodontic and implant complications. The most favorable configuration to prevent complications in maxillary implant overdentures was palatal coverage that was supported by more than four widely distributed implants.

  20. Implantation, recoil implantation, and sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, R.


    Underlying ion-beam modification of surfaces is the more basic subject of particle-surface interaction. The ideas can be grouped into forward and backward features, i.e. those affecting the interior of the target and those leading to particle expulsion. Forward effects include the stopping of the incident particles and the deposition of energy, both governed by integral equations which are easily set up but difficult to solve. Closely related is recoil implantation where emphasis is placed not on the stopping of the incident particles but on their interaction with target atoms with resulting implantation of these atoms. Backward effects, all of which are denoted as sputtering, are in general either of collisional, thermal, electronic, or exfoliational origin. (Auth.)

  1. Impact of dental implant insertion method on the peri-implant bone tissue: Experimental study

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    Stamatović Novak


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. The function of dental implants depends on their stability in bone tissue over extended period of time, i.e. on osseointegration. The process through which osseointegration is achieved depends on several factors, surgical insertion method being one of them. The aim of this study was to histopathologically compare the impact of the surgical method of implant insertion on the peri-implant bone tissue. Methods. The experiment was performed on 9 dogs. Eight weeks following the extraction of lower premolars implants were inserted using the one-stage method on the right mandibular side and two-stage method on the left side. Three months after implantation the animals were sacrificed. Three distinct regions of bone tissue were histopathologically analyzed, the results were scored and compared. Results. In the specimens of one-stage implants increased amount of collagen fibers was found in 5 specimens where tissue necrosis was also observed. Only moderate osteoblastic activity was found in 3 sections. The analysis of bone-to-implant contact region revealed statistically significantly better results regarding the amount of collagen tissue fibers for the implants inserted in the two-stage method (Wa = 59 105, α = 0.05. No necrosis and osteoblastic activity were observed. Conclusion. Better results were achieved by the two-stage method in bone-to-implant contact region regarding the amount of collagen tissue, while the results were identical regarding the osteoblastic activity and bone tissue necrosis. There was no difference between the methods in the bone-implant interface region. In the bone tissue adjacent to the implant the results were identical regarding the amount of collagen tissue, osteoblastic reaction and bone tissue necrosis, while better results were achieved by the two-stage method regarding the number of osteocytes.

  2. Bone-Implant Contact around Crestal and Subcrestal Dental Implants Submitted to Immediate and Conventional Loading

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    Ana Emília Farias Pontes


    Full Text Available The present study aims to evaluate the influence of apicocoronal position and immediate and conventional loading in the percentage of bone-implant contact (BIC. Thus, 36 implants were inserted in the edentulous mandible from six dogs. Three implants were installed in each hemimandible, in different positions in relation to the ridge: Bone Level (at crestal bone level, Minus 1 (one millimeter apical to crestal bone, and Minus 2 (two millimeters apical to crestal bone. In addition, each hemimandible was submitted to a loading protocol: immediate (prosthesis installed 24 hours after implantation or conventional (prosthesis installed 120 days after implantation. Ninety days after, animals were killed, and implant and adjacent tissues were prepared for histometric analysis. BIC values from immediate loaded implants were 58.7%, 57.7%, and 51.1%, respectively, while conventional loaded implants were 61.8%, 53.8%, and 68.4%. Differences statistically significant were not observed among groups (P=0.10, ANOVA test. These findings suggest that different apicocoronal positioning and loading protocols evaluated did not interfere in the percentage of bone-implant contact, suggesting that these procedures did not jeopardize osseointegration.

  3. Successful Rehabilitation of Partial Edentulous Maxilla and Mandible with New Type of Implants: Molecular Precision Implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matteo Danza


    Full Text Available The extraction of teeth results in rapid bone resorption both vertically and horizontally in the first month. The loss of alveolar ridge reduces the chance of implant rehabilitation. Atraumatic extraction, implant placement in extraction socket, and an immediate prosthesis have been proposed as alternative therapies to maintain the volume and contours tissue and reduce time and cost of treatment. The immediate load of implants is a universally practiced procedure; nevertheless a successful procedure requires expertise in both the clinical and the reconstructive stages using a solid implant system. Excellent primary stability and high bone-implant contact are only minimal requirements for any type of implant procedure. In this paper we present a case report using a new type of implants. The new type of implants, due to its sophisticated control system of production, provides to the implantologist a safe and reliable implant, with a macromorphology designed to ensure a close contact with the surrounding bone.

  4. Radioactive implants for medical applications; Radioaktive Implantate fuer medizinische Anwendungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schubert, M.


    The long-term success of surgery is often diminished by excessive wound healing, which makes another intervention necessary. Locally applied radionuclides with short range radiation can prevent such benign hyperproliferation. As pure electron emitter with a half-life of 14.3 days and a mean energy of 694.9 keV (E{sub max}=1710.48 keV) {sup 32}P is a suitable radionuclide which can be produced from the stable {sup 31}P by the capture of thermal neutrons (1 x 10{sup 14} /s/cm{sup 2}) in a nuclear reactor. After a typical irradiation time (14 days) the ratio of {sup 32}P to {sup 31}P is 1.4 x 10{sup -5} to 1. Implants made of polymer and/or bioabsorbable material functioning as a carrier of the radioactive emitter allow - as opposed to metallic implants - for new applications for this type of radiotherapy. In this thesis a manufacturing method for previously not available organic, radioactive implants has been developed and a corresponding dosimetry system has been established. By means of ion implantation, {sup 32}P ions with up to 180 keV can be shot some 100 nm deep into organic implant materials. For a typical dose (15 Gy over 7 days, 1 mm distance from the implant) an activity of 75 kBq is needed corresponding to 1.3 x 10{sup 11} {sup 32}P ions. The sputter ion gun, which has been optimized for this application, creates an ion beam with high beam current (> 14 {mu}A P{sup -}) and low emittance (< 4 {pi} mm mrad {radical}(MeV)). Because of the good beam quality also small implants (<1 mm{sup 2}) can be manufactured with high efficiency. The unintentionally co-implanted portion of molecules and nuclides of the same mass (e.g. {sup 31}PH, {sup 16}O{sub 2} and {sup 32}S) could be reduced from approximately 500 to 50 by an improvement of the isotope selection at {sup 32}P beam creation. Hence, in comparison with the best hitherto existing implantation methods, the radiation dose of the implant could be reduced by an order of magnitude. With regard to the beta

  5. Reliability of implant placement with stereolithographic surgical guides generated from computed tomography: clinical data from 94 implants. (United States)

    Ersoy, Ahmet Ersan; Turkyilmaz, Ilser; Ozan, Oguz; McGlumphy, Edwin A


    Dental implant placement requires precise planning with regard to anatomic limitations and restorative goals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the match between the positions and axes of the planned and placed implants using stereolithographic (SLA) surgical guides. Ninety-four implants were placed using SLA surgical guides generated from computed tomography (CT) between 2005 and 2006. Radiographic templates were used for all subjects during CT imaging. After obtaining three-dimensional CT images, each implant was virtually placed on the CT images. SLA surgical guides, fabricated using an SLA machine with a laser beam to polymerize the liquid photo-polymerized resin, were used during implant placement. A new CT scan was taken for each subject following implant placement. Special software was used to fuse the images of the planned and placed implants, and the locations and axes were compared. Compared to the planned implants, the placed implants showed angular deviation of 4.9 degrees+/-2.36 degrees, whereas the mean linear deviation was 1.22+/-0.85 mm at the implant neck and 1.51+/-1 mm at the implant apex. Compared to the implant planning, the angular deviation and linear deviation at the neck and apex of the placed maxillary implants were 5.31 degrees+/-0.36 degrees, 1.04+/-0.56 mm, and 1.57+/-0.97 mm, respectively, whereas corresponding figures for placed mandibular implants were 4.44 degrees+/-0.31 degrees, 1.42+/-1.05 mm, and 1.44+/-1.03 mm, respectively. SLA surgical guides using CT data may be reliable in implant placement and make flapless implant placement possible.

  6. Miniscrew implant applications in contemporary orthodontics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong-Po Chang


    Full Text Available The need for orthodontic treatment modalities that provide maximal anchorage control but with minimal patient compliance requirements has led to the development of implant-assisted orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. Skeletal anchorage with miniscrew implants has no patient compliance requirements and has been widely incorporated in orthodontic practice. Miniscrew implants are now routinely used as anchorage devices in orthodontic treatment. This review summarizes recent data regarding the interpretation of bone data (i.e., bone quantity and quality obtained by preoperative diagnostic computed tomography (CT or by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT prior to miniscrew implant placement. Such data are essential when selecting appropriate sites for miniscrew implant placement. Bone characteristics that are indications and contraindications for treatment with miniscrew implants are discussed. Additionally, bicortical orthodontic skeletal anchorage, risks associated with miniscrew implant failure, and miniscrew implants for nonsurgical correction of occlusal cant or vertical excess are reviewed. Finally, implant stability is compared between titanium alloy and stainless steel miniscrew implants.

  7. Ion implantation for semiconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grey-Morgan, T.


    Full text: Over the past two decades, thousands of particle accelerators have been used to implant foreign atoms like boron, phosphorus and arsenic into silicon crystal wafers to produce special embedded layers for manufacturing semiconductor devices. Depending on the device required, the atomic species, the depth of implant and doping levels are the main parameters for the implantation process; the selection and parameter control is totally automated. The depth of the implant, usually less than 1 micron, is determined by the ion energy, which can be varied between 2 and 600 keV. The ion beam is extracted from a Freeman or Bernas type ion source and accelerated to 60 keV before mass analysis. For higher beam energies postacceleration is applied up to 200 keV and even higher energies can be achieved by mass selecting multiplycharged ions, but with a corresponding reduction in beam output. Depending on the device to be manufactured, doping levels can range from 10 10 to 10 15 atoms/cm 2 and are controlled by implanter beam currents in the range up to 30mA; continuous process monitoring ensures uniformity across the wafer of better than 1 % . As semiconductor devices get smaller, additional sophistication is required in the design of the implanter. The silicon wafers charge electrically during implantation and this charge must be dissipated continuously to reduce the electrical stress in the device and avoid destructive electrical breakdown. Electron flood guns produce low energy electrons (below 10 electronvolts) to neutralize positive charge buildup and implanter design must ensure minimum contamination by other isotopic species and ensure low internal sputter rates. The pace of technology in the semiconductor industry is such that implanters are being built now for 256 Megabit circuits but which are only likely to be widely available five years from now. Several specialist companies manufacture implanter systems, each costing around US$5 million, depending on the

  8. Operation of low-energy ion implanters for Si, N, C ion implantation into silicon and glassy carbon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carder, D.A.; Markwitz, A.


    This report details the operation of the low-energy ion implanters at GNS Science for C, N and Si implantations. Two implanters are presented, from a description of the components through to instructions for operation. Historically the implanters have been identified with the labels 'industrial' and 'experimental'. However, the machines only differ significantly in the species of ions available for implantation and sample temperature during implantation. Both machines have been custom designed for research purposes, with a wide range of ion species available for ion implantation and the ability to implant two ions into the same sample at the same time from two different ion sources. A fast sample transfer capability and homogenous scanning profiles are featured in both cases. Samples up to 13 mm 2 can be implanted, with the ability to implant at temperatures down to liquid nitrogen temperatures. The implanters have been used to implant 28 Si + , 14 N + and 12 C + into silicon and glassy carbon substrates. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy has been used to analyse the implanted material. From the data a Si 30 C 61 N 9 layer was measured extending from the surface to a depth of about 77 ± 2 nm for (100) silicon implanted with 12 C + and 14 N + at multiple energies. Silicon and nitrogen ion implantation into glassy carbon produced a Si (40.5 %), C (38 %), N (19.5 %) and O (2%) layer centred around a depth of 50 ± 2 nm from the surface. (author). 8 refs., 20 figs

  9. High energy ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ziegler, J.F.


    High energy ion implantation offers the oppertunity for unique structures in semiconductor processing. The unusual physical properties of such implantations are discussed as well as the special problems in masking and damage annealing. A review is made of proposed circuit structures which involve deep implantation. Examples are: deep buried bipolar collectors fabricated without epitaxy, barrier layers to reduce FET memory sensitivity to soft-fails, CMOS isolation well structures, MeV implantation for customization and correction of completed circuits, and graded reach-throughs to deep active device components. (orig.)

  10. Cochlear implant magnet retrofit. (United States)

    Cohen, N L; Breda, S D; Hoffman, R A


    An implantable magnet is now available for patients who have received the standard Nucleus 22-channel cochlear implant and who are not able to wear the headband satisfactorily. This magnet is attached in piggy-back fashion to the previously implanted receiver/stimulator by means of a brief operation under local anesthesia. Two patients have received this magnet retrofit, and are now wearing the headset with greater comfort and satisfaction. It is felt that the availability of this magnet will increase patient compliance in regard to hours of implant usage.

  11. Implant-retained maxillary overdentures. (United States)

    Eckert, Steven E; Carr, Alan B


    Overdentures supported by osseointegrated implants overcome many of the complications observed with overdentures supported by natural teeth. Dental implants are free of biologic consequences associated with natural teeth, such as dental caries and periodontal disease. Bone undercuts adjacent to implants do not mimic those found adjacent to natural tooth roots. Implants are used to provide predictable retention, support, and stability for overdenture prostheses. When lip or facial support is required, the overdenture is the treatment of choice. Likewise the overdenture may improve phonetic deficiencies associated with alveolar bone loss.

  12. La construcción social del socioconstruccionismo: retrospectiva y perspectivas La construcción social del socioconstruccionismo: retrospectiva y perspectivas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomás Ibáñez


    y de contornos bien delimitados, así como su sintonía con las corrientes más innovadoras del pensamiento contemporáneo, y su conexión can los cambios social es más recientes. En tercer lugar, se recogen los principales efectos positivos que esta orientación ha producido en el seno de una psicología social que se ha visto obligada, por ejemplo, a ensanchar considerablemente sus márgenes de tolerancia respecto de ciertos planteamientos investigadores alejados de la ortodoxia disciplinar. En cuarto lugar, se apuntan distintas críticas que se pueden dirigir al socio construccionismo, en términos de un excesivo laxismo y de una posible pérdida de sensibilidad crítica. Por fin, se mencionan dos cuestiones que requieren ser afrontadas can cierta urgencia, se trata por una parte de los efectos que ha producido sobre el propio canstruccianismo social su centración sobre la discursividad, y, por otra parte, su descuido de la dimensión política de sus propias teorizaciones y de sus propias prácticas.

  13. Cone-morse implant connection system significantly reduces bacterial leakage between implant and abutment: an in vitro study. (United States)

    Baj, A; Bolzoni, A; Russillo, A; Lauritano, D; Palmieri, A; Cura, F; Silvestre, F J; Giannì, A B


    Osseointegrated implants are very popular dental treatments today in the world. In osseointegrated implants, the occlusal forces are transmitted from prosthesis through an abutment to a dental implant. The abutment is connected to the implant by mean of a screw. A screw is the most used mean for connecting an implant to an abutment. Frequently the screws break and are lost. There is an alternative to screw retained abutment systems: the cone-morse connection (CMC). The CMC, thanks to the absence of the abutment screw, guarantees no micro-gaps, no micro-movements, and a reduction of bacterial leakage between implant and abutment. As P. gingivalis and T. forsythia penetration might have clinical relevance, it was the purpose of this investigation to evaluate molecular leakage of these two bacteria in a new CMC implants systems (Leone Spa®, Florence, Italy). To identify the capability of the implant to protect the internal space from the external environment, the passage of genetically modified Escherichia coli across implant-abutment interface was evaluated. Four cone-morse Leone implants (Leone® Spa, Florence, Italy) were immerged in a bacterial culture for 24 h and bacteria amount was then measured inside implant-abutment interface with Real-time PCR. Bacteria were detected inside all studied implants, with a median percentage of 3% for P. gingivalis and 4% for T. forsythia. Cone-morse connection implant system has very low bacterial leakage percentage and is similar to one-piece implants.

  14. One-year results of maxillary overdentures supported by 2 titanium-zirconium implants - implant survival rates and radiographic outcomes. (United States)

    Zembic, Anja; Tahmaseb, Ali; Jung, Ronald E; Wismeijer, Daniel


    To assess implant survival rates and peri-implant bone loss of 2 titanium-zirconium implants supporting maxillary overdentures at 1 year of loading. Twenty maxillary edentulous patients (5 women and 15 men) being dissatisfied with their complete dentures were included. In total, 40 diameter-reduced titanium-zirconium implants were placed in the anterior maxilla. Local guided bone regeneration (GBR) was allowed if the treatment did not compromise implant stability. Following 3 to 5 months of healing, implant-supported overdentures were inserted on two ball anchors. Implants and overdentures were assessed at 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after implant insertion and 2, 4, and 12 months after insertion of overdentures (baseline). Standardized radiographs were taken at implant loading and 1 year. Implant survival rates and bone loss were the primary outcomes. Nineteen patients (1 dropout) with 38 implants were evaluated at a mean follow-up of 1.1 years (range 1.0-1.7 years). One implant failed resulting in an implant survival rate of 97.3%. There was a significant peri-implant bone loss of the implants at 1 year of function (mean, 0.7 mm, SD = 1.1 mm; median: 0.48 mm, IQR = 0.56 mm). There was a high 1-year implant survival rate for edentulous patients receiving 2 maxillary implants and ball anchors as overdenture support. However, several implants exhibited an increased amount of bone loss of more than 2 mm. Overdentures supported by 2 maxillary implants should thus be used with caution as minimally invasive treatment for specific patients encountering problems with their upper dentures until more long-term data is available. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Implantable Medical Devices (United States)

    ... Artery Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Implantable Medical Devices Updated:Sep 16,2016 For Rhythm Control ... a Heart Attack Introduction Medications Surgical Procedures Implantable Medical Devices • Life After a Heart Attack • Heart Attack ...

  16. Editorial. La naturaleza y comprensión del territorio a través del hecho y memoria social

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Inzulza Contardo


    su relación con el río. Laura Gallardo, nos invita a “la reflexión cotidiana en el proyecto arquitectónico”, relevando el actuar del ser humano en el centro de la discusión y en la actividad arquitectónica-proyectual. Dentro de un recorrido en espacios urbanos de alta significancia de Santiago y Valparaíso, se retratan las vivencias en la calle, el bar y la casa, como tres espacios esenciales en la vida cotidiana, los cuales debería ser recuperados en todo análisis que concierna a la ciudad y sus sistemas básicos. Un tercer grupo de trabajos, lo constituyen dos investigaciones sobre la valoración del imaginario urbano, como herramienta veraz de captura del espacio vivido. Luis Campos y Romina Álvarez nos invitan a descubrir la retórica de dos publicaciones en Santiago, Chile: “Santiago en 100 palabras” y la Revista “Vivienda y Decoración”, del diario El Mercurio, las cuales en conjunto, permiten apoyar la reflexión principal de los autores, respecto a que estos imaginarios apodados como la “ciudad abreviada” y el “barrio alto”, son en definitiva, los “esquemas de percepción y organización de la ciudad que surgen de nuestro almacenamiento de representaciones y contenidos intencionales, y que quedan disponibles para nuestro desempeño práctico posterior”. Esta visión de lo vivido es discutido también desde las formas arquitectónicas del urbanismo fluvial en Valdivia, que Gerardo Saelzer y Simón Urbina nos presentan. Aportando con un relato cartográfico y historiográfico, los autores van detrás de “rescate cultural” de éste espacio fluvial y dentro de un periodo registrado de dos décadas (1973-1960, reparan en que dicho recurso fluvial, ha sido cercenado en su estructura original y alejado de un urbanismo que relacione a Valdivia con su territorio habitado. “Es decir, desde la funcionalidad del río a la sensibilidad estética, de regreso a la funcionalidad social de la ciudad”. Hemos querido culminar este n

  17. Finite Element Analysis of Bone Stress for Miniscrew Implant Proximal to Root Under Occlusal Force and Implant Loading. (United States)

    Shan, Li-Hua; Guo, Na; Zhou, Guan-jun; Qie, Hui; Li, Chen-Xi; Lu, Lin


    Because of the narrow interradicular spaces and varying oral anatomies of individual patients, there is a very high risk of root proximity during the mini implants inserting. The authors hypothesized that normal occlusal loading and implant loading affected the stability of miniscrew implants placed in proximity or contact with the adjacent root. The authors implemented finite element analysis (FEA) to examine the effectiveness of root proximity and root contact. Stress distribution in the bone was assessed at different degrees of root proximity by generating 4 finite element models: the implant touches the root surface, the implant was embedded in the periodontal membrane, the implant touches the periodontal surface, and the implant touches nothing. Finite element analysis was then carried out with simulations of 2 loading conditions for each model: condition A, involving only tooth loading and condition B, involving both tooth and implant loading. Under loading condition A, the maximum stress on the bone for the implant touching the root was the distinctly higher than that for the other models. For loading condition B, peak stress areas for the implant touching the root were the area around the neck of the mini implant and the point of the mini implant touches the root. The results of this study suggest that normal occlusal loading and implant loading contribute to the instability of the mini implant when the mini implant touches the root.

  18. Influences of microgap and micromotion of implant-abutment interface on marginal bone loss around implant neck. (United States)

    Liu, Yang; Wang, Jiawei


    To review the influences and clinical implications of micro-gap and micro-motion of implant-abutment interface on marginal bone loss around the neck of implant. Literatures were searched based on the following Keywords: implant-abutment interface/implant-abutment connection/implant-abutment conjunction, microgap, micromotion/micromovement, microleakage, and current control methods available. The papers were then screened through titles, abstracts, and full texts. A total of 83 studies were included in the literature review. Two-piece implant systems are widely used in clinics. However, the production error and masticatory load result in the presence of microgap and micromotion between the implant and the abutment, which directly or indirectly causes microleakage and mechanical damage. Consequently, the degrees of microgap and micromotion further increase, and marginal bone absorption finally occurs. We summarize the influences of microgap and micromotion at the implant-abutment interface on marginal bone loss around the neck of the implant. We also recommend some feasible methods to reduce their effect. Clinicians and patients should pay more attention to the mechanisms as well as the control methods of microgap and micromotion. To reduce the corresponding detriment to the implant marginal bone, suitable Morse taper or hybrid connection implants and platform switching abutments should be selected, as well as other potential methods. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. A Retrospective Analysis of Ruptured Breast Implants

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    Woo Yeol Baek


    Full Text Available BackgroundRupture is an important complication of breast implants. Before cohesive gel silicone implants, rupture rates of both saline and silicone breast implants were over 10%. Through an analysis of ruptured implants, we can determine the various factors related to ruptured implants.MethodsWe performed a retrospective review of 72 implants that were removed for implant rupture between 2005 and 2014 at a single institution. The following data were collected: type of implants (saline or silicone, duration of implantation, type of implant shell, degree of capsular contracture, associated symptoms, cause of rupture, diagnostic tools, and management.ResultsForty-five Saline implants and 27 silicone implants were used. Rupture was diagnosed at a mean of 5.6 and 12 years after insertion of saline and silicone implants, respectively. There was no association between shell type and risk of rupture. Spontaneous was the most common reason for the rupture. Rupture management was implant change (39 case, microfat graft (2 case, removal only (14 case, and follow-up loss (17 case.ConclusionsSaline implants have a shorter average duration of rupture, but diagnosis is easier and safer, leading to fewer complications. Previous-generation silicone implants required frequent follow-up observation, and it is recommended that they be changed to a cohesive gel implant before hidden rupture occurs.

  20. Bone reactions at implants subjected to experimental peri-implantitis and static load. A study in the dog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gotfredsen, K; Berglundh, T; Lindhe, J


    during a 12-week interval, the screws were reactivated. Thus, the model included 3 different experimental sites of each surface group: group M+L (mucositis+load); group P (peri-implantitis); group P+L (peri-implantitis+load). Fluorochrome labels were injected and standardized radiographs obtained....... The animals were sacrificed and block biopsies of all implant sites dissected and prepared for histological analysis. RESULTS: It was demonstrated that the lateral static load failed to induce peri-implant bone loss at implants with mucositis and failed to enhance the bone loss at implants with experimental...... peri-implantitis. The proportion of bone labels and the bone density in the interface zone were significantly higher in group P+L than in group P. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that a lateral static load with controlled forces may not be detrimental to implants exhibiting mucositis or peri-implantitis....

  1. R&D on dental implants breakage (United States)

    Croitoru, Sorin Mihai; Popovici, Ion Alexandru


    Most used dental implants for human dental prostheses are of two steps type: first step means implantation and, after several months healing and osseointegration, second step is prosthesis fixture. For sure, dental implants and prostheses are meant to last for a lifetime. Still, there are unfortunate cases when dental implants break. This paper studies two steps dental implants breakage and proposes a set of instruments for replacement and restoration of the broken implant. First part of the paper sets the input data of the study: structure of the studied two steps dental implants based on two Romanian patents and values of the loading forces found in practice and specialty papers. In the second part of the paper, using DEFORM 2D™ FEM simulation software, worst case scenarios of loading dental implants are studied in order to determine which zones and components of the dental implant set are affected (broken). Last part of the paper is dedicated to design and presentation of a set for extracting and cutting tools used to restore the broken implant set.

  2. Implantation, recoil implantation, and sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, R.


    The implantation and sputtering mechanisms which are relevant to ion bombardment of surfaces are described. These are: collision, thermal, electronic and photon-induced sputtering. 135 refs.; 36 figs.; 9 tabs

  3. Medical implants and methods of making medical implants (United States)

    Shaw, Wendy J; Yonker, Clement R; Fulton, John L; Tarasevich, Barbara J; McClain, James B; Taylor, Doug


    A medical implant device having a substrate with an oxidized surface and a silane derivative coating covalently bonded to the oxidized surface. A bioactive agent is covalently bonded to the silane derivative coating. An implantable stent device including a stent core having an oxidized surface with a layer of silane derivative covalently bonded thereto. A spacer layer comprising polyethylene glycol (PEG) is covalently bonded to the layer of silane derivative and a protein is covalently bonded to the PEG. A method of making a medical implant device including providing a substrate having a surface, oxidizing the surface and reacting with derivitized silane to form a silane coating covalently bonded to the surface. A bioactive agent is then covalently bonded to the silane coating. In particular instances, an additional coating of bio-absorbable polymer and/or pharmaceutical agent is deposited over the bioactive agent.

  4. Implantation doping of GaN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zolper, J.C.


    Ion implantation has played an enabling role in the realization of many high performance photonic and electronic devices in mature semiconductor materials systems such as Si and GaAs. This can also be expected to be the case in III-Nitride based devices as the material quality continues to improve. This paper reviews the progress in ion implantation processing of the III-Nitride materials, namely, GaN, AlN, InN and their alloys. Details are presented of the successful demonstrations of implant isolation as well as n- and p-type implantation doping of GaN. Implant doping has required activation annealing at temperatures in excess of 1,000 C. The nature of the implantation induced damage and its response to annealing is addressed using Rutherford Backscattering. Finally, results are given for the first demonstration of a GaN device fabricated using ion implantation doping, a GaN junction field effect transistor (JFET)

  5. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  6. Short dental implants versus standard dental implants placed in the posterior jaws: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Lemos, Cleidiel Aparecido Araujo; Ferro-Alves, Marcio Luiz; Okamoto, Roberta; Mendonça, Marcos Rogério; Pellizzer, Eduardo Piza


    The purpose of the present systematic review and meta-analysis was to compare short implants (equal or less than 8mm) versus standard implants (larger than 8mm) placed in posterior regions of maxilla and mandible, evaluating survival rates of implants, marginal bone loss, complications and prosthesis failures. This review has been registered at PROSPERO under the number CRD42015016588. Main search terms were used in combination: dental implant, short implant, short dental implants, short dental implants posterior, short dental implants maxilla, and short dental implants mandible. An electronic search for data published up until September/2015 was undertaken using the PubMed/Medline, Embase and The Cochrane Library databases. Eligibility criteria included clinical human studies, randomized controlled trials and/or prospective studies, which evaluated short implants in comparison to standard implants in the same study. The search identified 1460 references, after inclusion criteria 13 studies were assessed for eligibility. A total of 1269 patients, who had received a total of 2631 dental implants. The results showed that there was no significant difference of implants survival (P=.24; RR:1.35; CI: 0.82-2.22), marginal bone loss (P=.06; MD: -0.20; CI: -0.41 to 0.00), complications (P=.08; RR:0.54; CI: 0.27-1.09) and prosthesis failures (P=.92; RR:0.96; CI: 0.44-2.09). Short implants are considered a predictable treatment for posterior jaws. However, short implants with length less than 8 mm (4-7 mm) should be used with caution because they present greater risks to failures compared to standard implants. Short implants are frequently placed in the posterior area in order to avoid complementary surgical procedures. However, clinicians need to be aware that short implants with length less than 8mm present greater risk of failures. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. Implant-Abutment Contact Surfaces and Microgap Measurements of Different Implant Connections Under 3-Dimensional X-Ray Microtomography. (United States)

    Scarano, Antonio; Valbonetti, Luca; Degidi, Marco; Pecci, Raffaella; Piattelli, Adriano; de Oliveira, P S; Perrotti, Vittoria


    The presence of a microgap between implant and abutment could produce a bacterial reservoir which could interfere with the long-term health of the periimplant tissues. The aim of this article was to evaluate, by x-ray 3-dimensional microtomography, implant-abutment contact surfaces and microgaps at the implant-abutment interface in different types of implant-abutment connections. A total of 40 implants were used in this in vitro study. Ten implants presented a screw-retained internal hexagon abutment (group I), 10 had a Morse Cone taper internal connection (group II), 10 another type of Morse Cone taper internal connection (group III), and 10 had a screwed trilobed connection (group IV). In both types of Morse Cone internal connections, there was no detectable separation at the implant-abutment in the area of the conical connection, and there was an absolute congruity without any microgaps between abutment and implant. No line was visible separating the implant and the abutment. On the contrary, in the screwed abutment implants, numerous gaps and voids were present. The results of this study support the hypothesis that different types of implant-abutment joints are responsible for the observed differences in bacterial penetration.

  8. [Bilateral cochlear implants]. (United States)

    Müller, J


    Cochlear implants (CI) are standard for the hearing rehabilitation of severe to profound deafness. Nowadays, if bilaterally indicated, bilateral implantation is usually recommended (in accordance with German guidelines). Bilateral implantation enables better speech discrimination in quiet and in noise, and restores directional and spatial hearing. Children with bilateral CI are able to undergo hearing-based hearing and speech development. Within the scope of their individual possibilities, bilaterally implanted children develop faster than children with unilateral CI and attain, e.g., a larger vocabulary within a certain time interval. Only bilateral implantation allows "binaural hearing," with all the benefits that people with normal hearing profit from, namely: better speech discrimination in quiet and in noise, as well as directional and spatial hearing. Naturally, the developments take time. Binaural CI users benefit from the same effects as normal hearing persons: head shadow effect, squelch effect, and summation and redundancy effects. Sequential CI fitting is not necessarily disadvantageous-both simultaneously and sequentially fitted patients benefit in a similar way. For children, earliest possible fitting and shortest possible interval between the two surgeries seems to positively influence the outcome if bilateral CI are indicated.

  9. Comparison of Persian Simple Vowels Production in Cochlear Implanted Children Based on Implantation Age

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peiman Zamani


    Full Text Available Objective: Age at implantation is one of the most important factors in improving speech and language skills in children with cochlear implants. Moreover, good vowel articulation is very important in the speech. So, the purpose of this research was to determine whether age at cochlear implantation influences the production of Persian simple vowels when cochlear implantation is undertaken below the age of 2 years as compared with cochlear implantation later in life. Materials & Methods: This research was a comparative and cross-sectional study. Based on inclusive and exclusive criteria (i.e., have physical and mental health, monolingual or bilingual, have 9±1 months post-surgery rehabilitation, no hearing handicapped parents and no medical problems history, 140 children who cochlear implanted in Amir-Alam and Hazrate Rasool hospital of Tehran city were selected by convenient sampling and assigned to two groups, children implanted under the age of 2 years and those implanted above the age of 2 years Also 238 normally hearing children were selected for control group by randomized sampling. The first and second formant frequency (F1 & F2 of the Persian simple vowels /i, e, æ, a, o, u/ were evaluated by the version of 1.2 of SFSwin software. Data were analyzed by Independent T test. Results: The findings indicated that there were significant differences between two groups in the mean of F2/i/ (P=0.046, F1/e/ (P=0.011, F2/e/ (P=0.005, F2/æ/ (P=0.039, F2/a/ (P=0.012, F2/o/ (P=0.012 and F2/u/ (P=0.006, but there was no significant difference between then in the mean of F1/i/, F1/æ/, F2/a/, F1/o/, F1/u/ (P>0.05. According to these results, no significant difference was seen between normal group and children who received their cochlear implants under the age of 2 years in the mean of variables (P>0.05. Conclusion: Observing significant differences in the quality of the production of Persian simple vowels between children implanted under the age of 2

  10. Azygos Vein Lead Implantation For High Defibrillation Thresholds In Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Placement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naga VA Kommuri


    Full Text Available Evaluation of defibrillation threshold is a standard of care during implantation of implantable cardioverter defibrillator. High defibrillation thresholds are often encountered and pose a challenge to electrophysiologists to improve the defibrillation threshold. We describe a case series where defibrillation thresholds were improved after implanting a defibrillation lead in the azygos vein.

  11. An Unusual Bone Loss Around Implants

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    Amirreza Rokn


    Full Text Available AbstractPre-implant disease is an inflammatory process, which can affect the surrounding tissues of a functional Osseointegrated implant that is usually as a result of a disequilibrium between the micro-flora and the body defense system.This case reports a 57 years old male with unusual bone loss around dental implants.This was an unusual case of peri-implantitis which occurred only in the implants on one side of the mouth although they all were unloaded implants.

  12. Determining factors for implant referral rates. (United States)

    Levin, Roger P


    The research findings indicate that the field of implant dentistry will only grow at a moderately low level unless certain changes are made. Findings indicated that the effort by the implant companies has been nothing short of dramatic, and yet almost 60% of restorative doctors do not participate annually in any implant case. There was no clear indication that younger restorative doctors will significantly increase the number of implant referrals, as their overall implant education has not dramatically differed from those dentists who graduated in earlier years. Once the research was completed, it became obvious to Levin Group that the driving force behind implant referral growth will be implant surgeons, because of their one-to-one relationship with restorative doctors. The Levin Group Implant Management and Marketing Consulting Program is based on approaching restorative doctors in several different levels, starting with awareness all the way through to case facilitation and long-term tracking and communication. Finally, a continuing marketing/education effort needs to be consistently in place with effective materials, not only to create a high level of awareness, but also to motivate restorative doctors to refer cases and then work through the case with the implant surgeon to a satisfactory completion for the restorative doctor, implant surgeon, and patient. While the surgical insertion of implants may seem to carry a high-profit margin relative to the restoration of implants, the truth is that the restoration of implants usually provides a 40% higher profit margin for the restorative doctor than traditional dental services. One of the key issues is that referring doctors have not necessarily learned how to set fees and present cases with regard to implant dentistry. The key factor here is to ensure that the patient understands that implant services involve higher fees than traditional services, because of the necessarily higher levels of experience, education

  13. Silicone implant incompatibility syndrome (SIIS) in a 57-year-old woman with unilateral silicone breast implant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schierbeck, Juliane; Davidsen, Jesper Rømhild; Grindsted Nielsen, Sanne


    implants can lead to different interstitial lung manifestations predominantly with granuloma evolvement, leading to the so-called silicone implant incompatibility syndrome (SIIS). This case describes a 57-year-old woman with multiple lung infiltrations and a left-sided breast implant. The implant had been...

  14. Implant Materials Generate Different Peri-implant Inflammatory Factors


    Olivares-Navarrete, Rene; Hyzy, Sharon L.; Slosar, Paul J.; Schneider, Jennifer M.; Schwartz, Zvi; Boyan, Barbara D.


    Study Design. An in vitro study examining factors produced by human mesenchymal stem cells on spine implant materials. Objective. The aim of this study was to examine whether the inflammatory microenvironment generated by cells on titanium-aluminum-vanadium (Ti-alloy, TiAlV) surfaces is affected by surface microtexture and whether it differs from that generated on poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK). Summary of Background Data. Histologically, implants fabricated from PEEK have a fibrous connectiv...

  15. Implants for orthodontic anchorage (United States)

    Zheng, Xiaowen; Sun, Yannan; Zhang, Yimei; Cai, Ting; Sun, Feng; Lin, Jiuxiang


    Abstract Implantanchorage continues to receive much attention as an important orthodontic anchorage. Since the development of orthodontic implants, the scope of applications has continued to increase. Although multiple reviews detailing implants have been published, no comprehensive evaluations have been performed. Thus, the purpose of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the effects of implants based on data published in review articles. An electronic search of the Cochrane Library, Medline, Embase, Ebsco and Sicencedirect for reviews with “orthodontic” and “systematic review or meta analysis” in the title, abstract, keywords, or full text was performed. A subsequent manual search was then performed to identify reviews concerning orthodontic implants. A manual search of the orthodontic journals American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJODO), European Journal of Orthodontics (EJO), and Angle Othodontist was also performed. Such systematic reviews that evaluated the efficacy and safety of orthodontic implants were used to indicate success rates and molar movements. A total of 23 reviews were included in the analysis. The quality of each review was assessed using a measurement tool for Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR), and the review chosen to summarize outcomes had a quality score of >6. Most reviews were less than moderate quality. Success rates of implants ranged in a broad scope, and movement of the maxillary first molar was superior with implants compared with traditional anchorage. PMID:29595673

  16. Maintenance in dental implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giselle Póvoa Gomes


    Full Text Available In implants, maintenance is a decisive factor for obtaining success when implant supported overdentures and dentures are used. The present stud presents, a clinical case of a patient, a 70 year-old white man, with a completely edentulous mandibular alveolar ridge, severe bone resorption with presence of basal bone only, and absence of vestibule. Initially, treatment consisted of the placement of a mandibular overdenture, supported on three implants in the anterior inter-foramen region, as the left implant was transfixed in the basal bone of 2 to 3 millimeters. Eleven years later, another two implants were placed in the anterior area and an immediate load was performed up to the first molars, for the placement of an implant supported fixed. Throughout the entire treatment, meticulous maintenance was carried out, with follow-up for fourteen years, interrupted by the patient’s death. From the third month after the opening the three implants initially placed, the presence of keratinized mucosa, definition of the vestibule, maturation of the alveolar ridge and bone formation in the mento region were observed. It was concluded that good planning, allied to mastery of the technique and adequate maintenance were the prerequisites necessary for obtaining favorable results, success of the present case, and for the patient to have a better quality of life.

  17. Customizable cap implants for neurophysiological experimentation. (United States)

    Blonde, Jackson D; Roussy, Megan; Luna, Rogelio; Mahmoudian, Borna; Gulli, Roberto A; Barker, Kevin C; Lau, Jonathan C; Martinez-Trujillo, Julio C


    Several primate neurophysiology laboratories have adopted acrylic-free, custom-fit cranial implants. These implants are often comprised of titanium or plastic polymers, such as polyether ether ketone (PEEK). Titanium is favored for its mechanical strength and osseointegrative properties whereas PEEK is notable for its lightweight, machinability, and MRI compatibility. Recent titanium/PEEK implants have proven to be effective in minimizing infection and implant failure, thereby prolonging experiments and optimizing the scientific contribution of a single primate. We created novel, customizable PEEK 'cap' implants that contour to the primate's skull. The implants were created using MRI and/or CT data, SolidWorks software and CNC-machining. Three rhesus macaques were implanted with a PEEK cap implant. Head fixation and chronic recordings were successfully performed. Improvements in design and surgical technique solved issues of granulation tissue formation and headpost screw breakage. Primate cranial implants have traditionally been fastened to the skull using acrylic and anchor screws. This technique is prone to skin recession, infection, and implant failure. More recent methods have used imaging data to create custom-fit titanium/PEEK implants with radially extending feet or vertical columns. Compared to our design, these implants are more surgically invasive over time, have less force distribution, and/or do not optimize the utilizable surface area of the skull. Our PEEK cap implants served as an effective and affordable means to perform electrophysiological experimentation while reducing surgical invasiveness, providing increased strength, and optimizing useful surface area. Crown Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Role of clinician's experience and implant design on implant stability. An ex vivo study in artificial soft bones. (United States)

    Romanos, Georgios E; Basha-Hijazi, Abdulaziz; Gupta, Bhumija; Ren, Yan-Fang; Malmstrom, Hans


    Clinical experience in implant placement is important in order to prevent implant failures. However, the implant design affects the primary implant stability (PS) especially in poor quality bones. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the effect of clinician surgical experience on PS, when placing different type of implant designs. A total of 180 implants (90 parallel walled-P and 90 tapered-T) were placed in freshly slaughtered cow ribs. Bone quality was evaluated by two examiners during surgery and considered as 'type IV' bone. Implants (ø 5 mm, length: 15 mm, Osseotite, BIOMET 3i, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA) were placed by three different clinicians (master/I, good/II, non-experienced/III, under direct supervision of a manufacturer representative; 30 implants/group). An independent observer assessed the accuracy of placement by resonance frequency analysis (RFA) with implant stability quotient (ISQ) values. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's post hoc test were used to detect the surgical experience of the clinicians and their interaction and effects of implant design on the PS. All implants were mechanically stable. The mean ISQ values were: 49.57(± 18.49) for the P-implants and 67.07(± 8.79) for the T-implants. The two-way ANOVA showed significant effects of implant design (p bone. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Current status of grafts and implants in rhinoplasty: Part II. Homologous grafts and allogenic implants. (United States)

    Sajjadian, Ali; Naghshineh, Nima; Rubinstein, Roee


    After reading this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Understand the challenges in restoring volume and structural integrity in rhinoplasty. 2. Identify the appropriate uses of various homologous grafts and allogenic implants in reconstruction, including: (a) freeze-dried acellular allogenic cadaveric dermis grafts, (b) irradiated cartilage grafts, (c) hydroxyapatite mineral matrix, (d) silicone implants, (e) high-density polyethylene implants, (f) polytetrafluoroethylene implants, and (g) injectable filler materials. 3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each of these biomaterials. 4. Understand the specific techniques that may aid in the use these grafts or implants. This review specifically addresses the use of homologous grafts and allogenic implants in rhinoplasty. It is important to stress that autologous materials remain the preferred graft material for use in rhinoplasty, owing to their high biocompatibility and low risk of infection and extrusion. However, concerns of donor-site morbidity, graft availability, and graft resorption have motivated the development and use of homologous and allogenic implants.

  20. Implantation temperature and thermal annealing behavior in H{sub 2}{sup +}-implanted 6H-SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, B.S., E-mail:; Wang, Z.G.; Jin, J.F.


    The effects of hydrogen implantation temperature and annealing temperature in 6H-SiC are studied by the combination of Rutherford backscattering in channeling geometry (RBS/C), high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). 6H-SiC wafers were implanted with 100 keV H{sub 2}{sup +} ions to a fluence of 2.5 × 10{sup 16} H{sub 2}{sup +} cm{sup −2} at room temperature (RT), 573 K and 773 K. Post-implantation, the samples were annealing under argon gas flow at different temperatures from 973 K to 1373 K for isochronal annealing (15 min). The relative Si disorder at the damage peak for the sample implanted at RT decreases gradually with increasing annealing temperature. However, the reverse annealing effect is found for the samples implanted at 573 K and 773 K. As-implantation, the intensity of in-plane compressive stress is the maximum as the sample was implanted at RT, and is the minimum as the sample was implanted at 573 K. The intensity of in-plane compressive stress for the sample implanted at RT decreases gradually with increasing annealing temperature, while the intensities of in-plane compressive stress for the sample implanted at 573 K and 773 K show oscillatory changes with increasing annealing temperature. After annealing at 1373 K, blisters and craters occur on the sample surface and their average sizes increase with increasing implantation temperature.

  1. Rendimiento académico y opinión sobre la docencia del alumnado participante en experiencias piloto de implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior . [Academic performance and students' teaching assessment in pilot experiments of European Higher Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Molero López Barajas, David


    Full Text Available In this work we show a study based on an analysis of academic marks as well as on a teaching valuation of a students sample participating in a pilot experience for the European Credit System Implantation in the Music Teachers Instruction Course. We also detail the way of evaluating the students and the resources used to valuate the teaching. We analyse the differences between the student’s marks and their opinion about the teaching in two students groups, one of them using a traditional teaching system and the other one using such experience for the European Credit implantation. En este trabajo presentamos un estudio basado en el análisis de las calificaciones académicas y la valoración de la docencia en una muestra de estudiantes participantes en la experiencia piloto de implantación del crédito europeo en la titulación de Maestro Educación Musical. Detallamos las vías empleadas para evaluar al alumnado y los recursos utilizados para valorar la docencia, analizamos la existencia de diferencias entre las calificaciones del alumnado y la opinión sobre la docencia en dos grupos de estudiantes, unos pertenecientes a un sistema tradicional de enseñanza y otros participantes en la citada experiencia de implantación del crédito europeo.

  2. Semblanza de un maestro: Alfredo Carrea Henao

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiberio Alvarez Echeverri


    Full Text Available

    Fue maestro a pesar de su timidez y retraimiento. Prefería los silencios y el ejemplo a la palabra vana. Se mantuvo alejado de los vaivenes sociales y de las conveniencias publicitarias. Sin buscarlos recibió placas y reconocimientos: por el retrato de la Pola, cum laude por su tesis, año sabático por su investigación en fiebre amarilla, Cruz de Boyacá y Premio Nacional de Medicina por su trabajo, Profesor Distinguido de la Universidad por su labor formativa, Orden del Arriero por sus conocimientos de mulas y enjalmas.

  3. Implant experience with an implantable hemodynamic monitor for the management of symptomatic heart failure. (United States)

    Steinhaus, David; Reynolds, Dwight W; Gadler, Fredrik; Kay, G Neal; Hess, Mike F; Bennett, Tom


    Management of congestive heart failure is a serious public health problem. The use of implantable hemodynamic monitors (IHMs) may assist in this management by providing continuous ambulatory filling pressure status for optimal volume management. The Chronicle system includes an implanted monitor, a pressure sensor lead with passive fixation, an external pressure reference (EPR), and data retrieval and viewing components. The tip of the lead is placed near the right ventricular outflow tract to minimize risk of sensor tissue encapsulation. Implant technique and lead placement is similar to that of a permanent pacemaker. After the system had been successfully implanted in 148 patients, the type and frequency of implant-related adverse events were similar to a single-chamber pacemaker implant. R-wave amplitude was 15.2 +/- 6.7 mV and the pressure waveform signal was acceptable in all but two patients in whom presence of artifacts required lead repositioning. Implant procedure time was not influenced by experience, remaining constant throughout the study. Based on this evaluation, permanent placement of an IHM in symptomatic heart failure patients is technically feasible. Further investigation is warranted to evaluate the use of the continuous hemodynamic data in management of heart failure patients.

  4. Comparative evaluation of peri-implant tissues in patients wearing mandibular overdenture with different implant platforms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laércio Almeida de Melo


    Full Text Available Background: The poor hygiene of peri-implant tissues causes inflammation at tissue-implant interface, which may impair the rehabilitation success. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of external hexagon and Morse taper implants on peri-implant health in patients wearing mandibular overdentures for 1 year. Materials and Methods: A total of 46 implants were evaluated, 28 external hexagon and 18 Morse taper. Plaque index in the mini-abutment, bleeding index, peri-implant inflammation, keratinized mucosa zone, probing depth, and marginal mucosa level were evaluated after 3 months and 1 year of prostheses insertion. Results: Deeper probing was found in the external hexagon group compared with Morse taper (P = 0.024 after 1 year of rehabilitation. Although the Morse taper group exhibited worse scenario of peri-implant inflammation than the external hexagon group (P = 0.001, both groups showed reduced inflammation after 1 year. A larger keratinized mucosa zone was observed with external hexagon implants (P = 0.020. No significant difference was found between the groups for plaque index in the mini-abutment, bleeding index, and marginal mucosa level. Conclusion: In a follow-up period of 1 year, it was concluded that the external hexagon group had a larger probing depth than the Morse taper group. However, better periodontal conditions about inflammation and keratinized mucosa zone were found in external hexagon implants. It was found no influence of implant platform on plaque index in the mini-abutment, bleeding index, and marginal mucosa level.

  5. Preservation of keratinized mucosa around implants using a prefabricated implant-retained stent: a case-control study


    Kim, Chang-Soon; Duong, Hieu Pham; Park, Jung-Chul; Shin, Hyun-Seung


    Purpose The aim of this study was to clinically assess the impact of a prefabricated implant-retained stent clipped over healing abutments on the preservation of keratinized mucosa around implants after implant surgery, and to compare it with horizontal external mattress sutures. Methods A total of 50 patients were enrolled in this study. In the test group, a prefabricated implant-retained stent was clipped on the healing abutment after implant surgery to replace the keratinized tissue bucco-...

  6. Comportamiento de los tejidos óseo y mucoso perimplantarios con la utilización de un sistema de implantes dentales de plataforma estrecha. Un año de seguimiento


    Fernández Formoso, Noelia


    Se asignaron un total de 43 pacientes en dos grupos: grupo control con implantes convencionales y grupo test con implantes de plataforma estrecha. Se procedió a medir los siguientes parámetros: medición del nivel óseo y medición de los tejidos blandos. Se utilizaron dos métodos radiográficos: método convencional y la técnica modificada. Resultados: 1)nivel óseo: la pérdida de tejido óseo con plataforma estrecha mejora los resultados obtenidos con plataforma convencional, 2)tejidos blandos: me...

  7. Comparative Clinical Study of Conventional Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implants for Mandibular Overdentures: A Randomized Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Aunmeungtong, Weerapan; Kumchai, Thongnard; Strietzel, Frank P; Reichart, Peter A; Khongkhunthian, Pathawee


    Dental implant-retained overdentures have been chosen as the treatment of choice for complete mandibular removable dentures. Dental implants, such as mini dental implants, and components for retaining overdentures, are commercially available. However, comparative clinical studies comparing mini dental implants and conventional dental implants using different attachment for implant-retained overdentures have not been well documented. To compare the clinical outcomes of using two mini dental implants with Equator ® attachments, four mini dental implants with Equator attachments, or two conventional dental implants with ball attachments, by means of a randomized clinical trial. Sixty patients received implant-retained mandibular overdentures in the interforaminal region. The patients were divided into three groups. In Groups 1 and 2, two and four mini dental implants, respectively, were placed and immediately loaded by overdentures, using Equator ® attachments. In Group 3, conventional implants were placed. After osseointegration, the implants were loaded by overdentures, using ball attachments. The study distribution was randomized and double-blinded. Outcome measures included changes in radiological peri-implant bone level from surgery to 12 months postinsertion, prosthodontic complications and patient satisfaction. The cumulative survival rate in the three clinical groups after one year was 100%. There was no significant difference (p < 0.05) in clinical results regarding the number (two or four) of mini dental implants with Equator attachments. However, there was a significant difference in marginal bone loss and patient satisfaction between those receiving mini dental implants with Equator attachments and conventional dental implants with ball attachments. The marginal bone resorption in Group 3 was significantly higher than in Groups 1 and 2 (p < 0.05); there were no significant differences between Groups 1 and 2. There was no significant difference in

  8. Mandibular implant-supported overdentures: attachment systems, and number and locations of implants--Part I. (United States)

    Warreth, Abdulhadi; Alkadhimi, Aslam Fadel; Sultan, Ahmed; Byrne, Caroline; Woods, Edel


    The use of dental implants in replacing missing teeth is an integral part of restorative dental treatment. Use of conventional complete dentures is associated with several problems such as lack of denture stability, support and retention. However, when mandibular complete dentures were used with two or more implants, an improvement in the patients' psychological and social well-being could be seen. There is general consensus that removable implant-supported overdentures (RISOs) with two implants should be considered as the first-choice standard of care for an edentulous mandible. This treatment option necessitates the use of attachment systems that connect the complete denture to the implant. Nevertheless, each attachment system has its inherent advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered when choosing a system. The first part of this article provides an overview on options available to restore the mandibular edentulous arch with dental implants. Different types of attachment systems, their features and drawbacks are also reviewed.

  9. A touch probe method of operating an implantable RFID tag for orthopedic implant identification. (United States)

    Liu, Xiaoyu; Berger, J Lee; Ogirala, Ajay; Mickle, Marlin H


    The major problem in operating an implantable radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag embedded on an orthopedic implant is low efficiency because of metallic interference. To improve the efficiency, this paper proposes a method of operating an implantable passive RFID tag using a touch probe at 13.56 MHz. This technology relies on the electric field interaction between two pairs of electrodes, one being a part of the touch probe placed on the surface of tissue and the other being a part of the tag installed under the tissue. Compared with using a conventional RFID antenna such as a loop antenna, this method has a better performance in the near field operation range to reduce interference with the orthopedic implant. Properly matching the touch probe and the tag to the tissue and the implant reduces signal attenuation and increases the overall system efficiency. The experiments have shown that this method has a great performance in the near field transcutaneous operation and can be used for orthopedic implant identification.

  10. [Silastic implant and synovitis]. (United States)

    Sennwald, G


    The silastic implant based on siloxane polymere induces granulomatous synovitis in certain predisposed individuals, a reaction which may continue even after removal of the implant. This is also true of a prosthesis of the trapezium in two of our patients, though to a lesser degree. This is probably the reason why the problem has not yet been widely recognized. The hypothesis is put forward that an enzymatic predisposition may allow chemical degradation of the fragmented silastic implant into a toxic component responsible for the pathologic condition. The slow progression of the lesions is a challenge for the future and puts in question the further use of silastic implants.

  11. Printing of Titanium implant prototype

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiria, Florencia Edith; Shyan, John Yong Ming; Lim, Poon Nian; Wen, Francis Goh Chung; Yeo, Jin Fei; Cao, Tong


    Dental implant plays an important role as a conduit of force and stress to flow from the tooth to the related bone. In the load sharing between an implant and its related bone, the amount of stress carried by each of them directly related to their stiffness or modulus. Hence, it is a crucial issue for the implant to have matching mechanical properties, in particular modulus, between the implant and its related bone. Titanium is a metallic material that has good biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. Whilst the modulus of the bulk material is still higher than that of bone, it is the lowest among all other commonly used metallic implant materials, such as stainless steel or cobalt alloy. Hence it is potential to further reduce the modulus of pure Titanium by engineering its processing method to obtain porous structure. In this project, porous Titanium implant prototype is fabricated using 3-dimensional printing. This technique allows the flexibility of design customization, which is beneficial for implant fabrication as tailoring of implant size and shape helps to ensure the implant would fit nicely to the patient. The fabricated Titanium prototype had a modulus of 4.8-13.2 GPa, which is in the range of natural bone modulus. The compressive strength achieved was between 167 to 455 MPa. Subsequent cell culture study indicated that the porous Titanium prototype had good biocompatibility and is suitable for bone cell attachment and proliferation.

  12. Cochlear implants in Waardenburg syndrome. (United States)

    Cullen, Robert D; Zdanski, Carlton; Roush, Patricia; Brown, Carolyn; Teagle, Holly; Pillsbury, Harold C; Buchman, Craig


    Waardenburg syndrome is an autosomal-dominant syndrome characterized by dystopia canthorum, hyperplasia of the eyebrows, heterochromia irides, a white forelock, and sensorineural hearing loss in 20% to 55% of patients. This patient population accounts for approximately 2% of congenitally deaf children. The purpose of this retrospective case review was to describe the outcomes for those children with Waardenburg syndrome who have undergone cochlear implantation. Pediatric cochlear implant recipients with documented evidence of Waardenburg syndrome underwent retrospective case review. All patients received their cochlear implants at the study institution followed by outpatient auditory habilitation. Charts were reviewed for etiology and duration of deafness, age at time of cochlear implantation, perioperative complications, duration of use, and performance outcomes. Results of standard tests batteries for speech perception and production administered as a part of the patients' auditory habilitation were reviewed. Seven patients with Waardenburg syndrome and cochlear implants were identified. The average age at implantation was 37 months (range, 18-64 months) and the average duration of use was 69 months (range, 12-143 months). All of these patients are active users of their devices and perform very well after implantation. There were no major complications in this small group of patients. Children with congenital sensorineural hearing loss without other comorbidities (e.g., developmental delay, inner ear malformations) perform well when they receive cochlear implantation and auditory habilitation. Patients with Waardenburg syndrome can be expected to have above-average performance after cochlear implantation.

  13. Macro design morphology of endosseous dental implants. (United States)

    Sahiwal, Indira G; Woody, Ronald D; Benson, Byron W; Guillen, Guillermo E


    The identification of dental implant bodies in patients without available records is a considerable problem due to increased patient mobility and to the large number of implant systems with different designs. The purpose of this study was to document the designs of selected implants to help clinicians identify these implants from their radiographic images. More than 50 implant manufacturers were contacted and asked to provide implants with dimensions as close as possible to 3.75 mm (diameter) x 10 mm (length). Forty-four implants were donated, separated into threaded and non-threaded categories, and further sorted into tapered and non-tapered categories. The implants were examined visually, and features on the entire circumference and length of each implant were recorded and categorized as coronal, midbody, or apical. A series of tables describe the 44 implants according to coronal, midbody, and apical features. The results of this project offer dentists basic knowledge of the design of selected dental implants. Such knowledge can aid the radiographic identification of these implants.

  14. Biodegradable Implants in Orthopaedics and Traumatology


    YETKIN, Haluk


    Biodegradable implants are an alternative to metallic implants and have the advantage of not being necessary to remove once the fracture has healed. Twenty-two patients with fractures were treated with biodegradable implants. There were osteolysis in eleven patients; however, no serious complication was encountered. Although biodegradable implants are expensive, a second surgical procedure to remove the implants is not necessary, relieving the patient of the related costs and risks.

  15. The effects of implant surface roughness and surgical technique on implant fixation in an in vitro model.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Shalabi, M.M.; Wolke, J.G.C.; Jansen, J.A.


    OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between implant surface parameters, surgical approach and initial implant fixation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty tapered, conical, screw-shaped implants with machined or etched surface topography were implanted into the

  16. Finite element analysis of the stress distributions in peri-implant bone in modified and standard-threaded dental implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serkan Dundar


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to examine the stress distributions with three different loads in two different geometric and threaded types of dental implants by finite element analysis. For this purpose, two different implant models, Nobel Replace and Nobel Active (Nobel Biocare, Zurich, Switzerland, which are currently used in clinical cases, were constructed by using ANSYS Workbench 12.1. The stress distributions on components of the implant system under three different static loadings were analysed for the two models. The maximum stress values that occurred in all components were observed in FIII (300 N. The maximum stress values occurred in FIII (300 N when the Nobel Replace implant is used, whereas the lowest ones, in the case of FI (150 N loading in the Nobel Active implant. In all models, the maximum tensions were observed to be in the neck region of the implants. Increasing the connection between the implant and the bone surface may allow more uniform distribution of the forces of the dental implant and may protect the bone around the implant. Thus, the implant could remain in the mouth for longer periods. Variable-thread tapered implants can increase the implant and bone contact.

  17. The team approach to managing dental implant complications: strategies for treating peri-implantitis. (United States)

    Rosen, Paul S


    Practitioners who are knowledgeable about the risk factors identified by the Consensus Report of the Sixth European Workshop on Periodontology and who are trained in techniques to eliminate or reduce them may be able to significantly improve long-term implant outcomes. A careful review of the literature suggests that this will include treatment planning, restoring a patient to periodontal heath before initiating care, appropriate implant selection, complete cement removal, and diligent recordkeeping that will track changes and enable early intervention should complications arise. In the case of the biologic complication of peri-implantitis, recent reports suggest that regenerative care may restore implants back to health.

  18. Effects of ion-implanted C on the microstructure and surface mechanical properties of Fe alloys implanted with Ti

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Follstaedt, D.M.; Knapp, J.A.; Pope, L.E.; Yost, F.G.; Picraux, S.T.


    The microstructural and tribological effects of ion implanting C into Ti-implanted, Fe-based alloys are examined and compared to the influence of C introduced by vacuum carburization during Ti implantation alone. The amorphous surface alloy formed by Ti implantation of pure Fe increases in thickness when additional C is implanted at depths containing Ti but beyond the range of carburization. Pin-on-disc tests of 15-5 PH stainless steel show that implantation of both Ti and C reduces friction significantly under conditions where no reduction is obtained by Ti implantation alone; wear depths are also less when C is implanted. All available experimental results can be accounted for by consideration of the thickness and Ti concentration of the amorphous Fe-Ti-C alloy. The thicker amorphous layer on samples implanted with additional C extends tribological benefits to more severe wear regimes

  19. Ion implantation into iron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwaki, Masaya


    The distribution of implanted ions in iron, the friction characteristics and the corrosion of iron were studied. The distribution of Ni or Cr ions implanted into mild steel was measured. The accelerated voltage was 150 keV, and the beam current density was about 2 microampere/cm 2 . The measurement was made with an ion microanalyzer. The measured distribution was compared with that of LSS theory. Deep invasion of Ni was seen in the measured distribution. The distribution of Cr ions was different from the distribution calculated by the LSS theory. The relative friction coefficient of mild steel varied according to the dose of implanted Cu or N ions, and to the accelerating voltage. Formation of compound metals on the surfaces of metals by ion-implantation was investigated for the purpose to prevent the corrosion of metals. The resistance of mild steel in which Ni ions were implanted was larger than that of mild steel without any treatment. (Kato, T.)

  20. Una síntesis poética entre nacionalismo y tercer mundo: a propósito de Sur de Fernando E. Solanas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Casimiro TORREIRO


    Full Text Available La inclusión de un filme como Sur, segunda parte del discutido, aunque provechoso díptico que, junto con Tangos, el exilio de Gardel, realizara el argentino Fernando Ezequiel Solanas para hablar del exilio, dentro de un texto más general que aborde la cuestión de “cine y nacionalismo” necesita de alguna precisión previa. Película militantemente peronista, como peronista era,hasta aquella fecha, su director, y eslabón en una cadena de productos políticamente comprometidos con la causa de la liberación nacional y el antiimperialismo, que arranca en la fundacional, y fundamental, La hora de los hornos, Sur se eleva, no obstante, por encima de las contingencias de lo inmediato para intentar trazar un retrato subjetivo, a la vez político y poético de una realidad de la que el autor, después del trauma colectivo y personal que supuso la dictadura militar impuesta en la Argentina en 1976, estuvo física,aunque no sentimentalmente, alejado durante casi veinte años.

  1. Incidence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis in edentulous patients with an implant-retained mandibular overdenture during a 10-year follow-up period

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, Henny J. A.; Raghoebar, Gerry M.; de Waal, Yvonne C. M.; Vissink, Arjan


    Objectives: The aim of this sub-analysis of two prospective studies was to assess the incidence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis in fully edentulous patients with an implant-retained mandibular overdenture during a 10-year follow-up period. Material and Methods: One hundred and fifty

  2. Bloqueio extraconal para facectomia com implante de lente intra-ocular: influência do fentanil associado ao anestésico local na qualidade do bloqueio e na analgesia pós-operatória Bloqueo extraconal para facectomia con implantación de lente intra-ocular: influencia del fentanil asociado al anestésico local en la calidad del bloqueo y en la analgesia pos-operatoria Extraconal block for cataract extraction surgery with implantation of intraocular lens: contribution of fentanyl associated to local anesthetics for quality of block and postoperative analgesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Espada Lahoz


    de analgésicos con fentanil - 20,7%, en el uso de analgésicos con fentanil - 41,5%. CONCLUSIONES: En las condiciones de este estudio el fentanil mejoró la calidad del bloqueo cuanto a la motilidad del músculo recto medial y diminuyó la necesidad de analgésicos en el pos-operatorio.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Loco-regional anesthesia for cataract extraction surgery offers as advantages minimum physiological changes, complete anesthesia, eye reflexes blockade, lower incidence of nausea and vomiting and shorter recovery time, in addition to postoperative analgesia. Continuous concern with blockade quality as well as with postoperative analgesia is responsibility of the anesthesiologist. This study aimed at evaluating whether fentanyl has contributed to blockade quality and postoperative analgesia in cataract extraction surgery with implantation of intraocular lens. METHODS: The association of fentanyl and 0.75% bupivacaine for eye blockade and postoperative analgesia was evaluated in 164 patients undergoing cataract extraction with implantation of intraocular lens (extracapsular technique. Patients were homogeneous in gender, demographics, operated eye, ASA physical status and Goldman’s cardiac risk index. Patients were randomly allocated in two groups (82 patients each: with or without fentanyl. Blockade quality was evaluated according to the following parameters: intraoperative pain; eyelid and/or eyeball movement; Bell’s reflex persistence; number of blocks needed to produce akinesia and surgeons evaluation of blockade. Postoperative analgesia was evaluated by patients’ request for additional postoperative analgesia. RESULTS: Results have shown that fentanyl has significantly improved medial rectus muscle blockade quality (with fentanyl - 17.1%; without fentanyl - 32.9% and has decreased postoperative analgesics consumption (analgesics with fentanyl - 20.7%; no analgesics with fentanyl - 41.5%. CONCLUSIONS: In the conditions of this study, fentanyl has

  3. Using individual two-posterior short implants with two-anterior standard implants in mandibular implant-supported-overdenture to enhance the patient satisfaction: A clinical report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehran Bahrami


    Full Text Available Introduction: Many clinical cases and the literature review have revealed implant-supported-overdentures’ (ISOs treatment success and predictability in elderly patients. According to the previous studies, all the mandibular ISOs used 2–4 implants anterior to mental foramen to retain the denture. Case Report: In this clinical report, two individual anterior standard implants and two individual posterior short implants were used to support the mandibular ISO, as well as to prevent further posterior bone resorption. This treatment option permits the patient to insert more implants in the future, and could be upgraded to implant-supported-fixed prosthesis. Discussion: The patient was completely satisfied about the final result, especially for upgrading the mastication efficiency. The patient was followed-up for more than 2 years without complication. The panoramic X-ray showed the preserved bone in the posterior region. This technique could be considered to be innovative, and more clinical cases are required to be documented as a predictable modality.

  4. Neutrophil Responses to Sterile Implant Materials.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siddharth Jhunjhunwala

    Full Text Available In vivo implantation of sterile materials and devices results in a foreign body immune response leading to fibrosis of implanted material. Neutrophils, one of the first immune cells to be recruited to implantation sites, have been suggested to contribute to the establishment of the inflammatory microenvironment that initiates the fibrotic response. However, the precise numbers and roles of neutrophils in response to implanted devices remains unclear. Using a mouse model of peritoneal microcapsule implantation, we show 30-500 fold increased neutrophil presence in the peritoneal exudates in response to implants. We demonstrate that these neutrophils secrete increased amounts of a variety of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Further, we observe that they participate in the foreign body response through the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs on implant surfaces. Our results provide new insight into neutrophil function during a foreign body response to peritoneal implants which has implications for the development of biologically compatible medical devices.

  5. Behavior of PET implanted by Ti, Ag, Si and C ion using MEVVA implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Yuguang; Zhang Tonghe; Zhang Yanwen; Zhang Huixing; Zhang Xiaoji; Zhou Gu


    Polyethylene terephthalane (PET) has been modified with Ti, Ag, Si and C ions from a metal vapor arc source (MEVVA). Ti, Ag, Si and C ions were implanted with acceleration voltage 40 kV to fluences ranging from 1x10 16 to 2x10 17 cm -2 . The surface of implanted PET darkened with increasing ion dose, when the metal ion dose was greater than 1x10 17 cm -2 the color changed to metallic bright. The surface resistance decreases by 5-6 orders of magnitude with increasing dose. The resistivity is stable after long-term storage. The depth of Ti- and Ag-implanted layer is approximately 150 and 80 nm measured by Rutherford backscattering (RBS), respectively. TEM photos revealed the presence of Ti and Ag nano-meter particles on the surface resulting from the high-dose implantation. Ti and Ag ion implantations improved conductivity and wear resistance significantly. The phase and structural changes were obtained by X-ray diffraction (XRD). It can be seen that nano-meter particles of Ti precipitation, TiO 2 and Ti-carbides have been formed in implanted layer. Nano-hardness of implanted PET has been measured by a nano-indenter. The results show that the surface hardness, modulus and wear resistance could be increased

  6. Basic research on maxillofacial implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsui, Yoshiro


    Osseointegrated implants have begun to be used not only in general practice in dentistry but also in various clinical situations in the maxillofacial region. The process has yielded three problems: the spread of application, new materials and diagnostic methods, and management for difficult situations. This paper presents basic data and clinical guidelines for new applications, it investigates the characteristics of the materials and the usefulness of a new diagnostic method, and it studies effective techniques for difficult cases. The results obtained are as follows: Investigations into the spreading application. The lateral and superior orbital rim have sufficient bone thickness and width for the implant body to be placed. Osseointegrated implants, especially by the fixed bridge technique, are not recommended in the craniofacial bone and jaws of young children. Implant placement into bone after/before irradiation must be performed in consideration of impaired osteogenesis, the decrease of trabecular bone, and the time interval between implantation and irradiation. Investigations into materials and diagnostic methods. Hydroxyapatite-coated and titanium implants should be selected according to the characteristics of the materials. A dental simulating soft may also be applicable in the craniofacial region. Investigations into the management of difficult cases. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), and tissue engineering should be useful for improving the quality and increasing the quantity of bone where implants are placed. Soft tissue around implants placed in the reconstructed area should be replaced with mucosal tissue. The data obtained here should be useful for increasing the efficiency of osseointegrated implants, but further basic research is required in the future. (author)

  7. Basic research on maxillofacial implants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsui, Yoshiro [Showa Univ., Tokyo (Japan). School of Dentistry


    Osseointegrated implants have begun to be used not only in general practice in dentistry but also in various clinical situations in the maxillofacial region. The process has yielded three problems: the spread of application, new materials and diagnostic methods, and management for difficult situations. This paper presents basic data and clinical guidelines for new applications, it investigates the characteristics of the materials and the usefulness of a new diagnostic method, and it studies effective techniques for difficult cases. The results obtained are as follows: Investigations into the spreading application. The lateral and superior orbital rim have sufficient bone thickness and width for the implant body to be placed. Osseointegrated implants, especially by the fixed bridge technique, are not recommended in the craniofacial bone and jaws of young children. Implant placement into bone after/before irradiation must be performed in consideration of impaired osteogenesis, the decrease of trabecular bone, and the time interval between implantation and irradiation. Investigations into materials and diagnostic methods. Hydroxyapatite-coated and titanium implants should be selected according to the characteristics of the materials. A dental simulating soft may also be applicable in the craniofacial region. Investigations into the management of difficult cases. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), and tissue engineering should be useful for improving the quality and increasing the quantity of bone where implants are placed. Soft tissue around implants placed in the reconstructed area should be replaced with mucosal tissue. The data obtained here should be useful for increasing the efficiency of osseointegrated implants, but further basic research is required in the future. (author)

  8. Congenitally Deafblind Children and Cochlear Implants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dammeyer, Jesper Herup


    There has been much research conducted demonstrating the positive benefits of cochlear implantation (CI) in children who are deaf. Research on cochlear implantation in children who are both deaf and blind, however, is lacking. The purpose of this article is to present a study of 5 congenitally...... deafblind children who received cochlear implants between 2.2 and 4.2 years of age.  Ratings of video observations were used to measure the children's early communication development with and without the use of their cochlear implants. In addition, parental interviews were used to assess the benefits...... parents perceived regarding their children's cochlear implants. Two examples are included in this article to illustrate the parents' perspectives about cochlear implantation in their deafblind children. Benefits of cochlear implantation in this cohort of children included improved attention and emotional...

  9. Effects of pore size, implantation time, and nano-surface properties on rat skin ingrowth into percutaneous porous titanium implants. (United States)

    Farrell, Brad J; Prilutsky, Boris I; Ritter, Jana M; Kelley, Sean; Popat, Ketul; Pitkin, Mark


    The main problem of percutaneous osseointegrated implants is poor skin-implant integration, which may cause infection. This study investigated the effects of pore size (Small, 40-100 μm and Large, 100-160 μm), nanotubular surface treatment (Nano), and duration of implantation (3 and 6 weeks) on skin ingrowth into porous titanium. Each implant type was percutaneously inserted in the back of 35 rats randomly assigned to seven groups. Implant extrusion rate was measured weekly and skin ingrowth into implants was determined histologically after harvesting implants. It was found that all three types of implants demonstrated skin tissue ingrowth of over 30% (at week 3) and 50% (at weeks 4-6) of total implant porous area under the skin; longer implantation resulted in greater skin ingrowth (p skin integration with the potential for a safe seal. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Anodized dental implant surface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sunil Kumar Mishra


    Full Text Available Purpose: Anodized implants with moderately rough surface were introduced around 2000. Whether these implants enhanced biologic effect to improve the environment for better osseointegration was unclear. The purpose of this article was to review the literature available on anodized surface in terms of their clinical success rate and bone response in patients till now. Materials and Methods: A broad electronic search of MEDLINE and PubMed databases was performed. A focus was made on peer-reviewed dental journals. Only articles related to anodized implants were included. Both animal and human studies were included. Results: The initial search of articles resulted in 581 articles on anodized implants. The initial screening of titles and abstracts resulted in 112 full-text papers; 40 animal studies, 16 studies on cell adhesion and bacterial adhesion onto anodized surfaced implants, and 47 human studies were included. Nine studies, which do not fulfill the inclusion criteria, were excluded. Conclusions: The long-term studies on anodized surface implants do favor the surface, but in most of the studies, anodized surface is compared with that of machined surface, but not with other surfaces commercially available. Anodized surface in terms of clinical success rate in cases of compromised bone and immediately extracted sockets has shown favorable success.

  11. Strain driven fast osseointegration of implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wiesmann Hans-Peter


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although the bone's capability of dental implant osseointegration has clinically been utilised as early as in the Gallo-Roman population, the specific mechanisms for the emergence and maintenance of peri-implant bone under functional load have not been identified. Here we show that under immediate loading of specially designed dental implants with masticatory loads, osseointegration is rapidly achieved. Methods We examined the bone reaction around non- and immediately loaded dental implants inserted in the mandible of mature minipigs during the presently assumed time for osseointegration. We used threaded conical titanium implants containing a titanium2+ oxide surface, allowing direct bone contact after insertion. The external geometry was designed according to finite element analysis: the calculation showed that physiological amplitudes of strain (500–3,000 ustrain generated through mastication were homogenously distributed in peri-implant bone. The strain-energy density (SED rate under assessment of a 1 Hz loading cycle was 150 Jm-3 s-1, peak dislocations were lower then nm. Results Bone was in direct contact to the implant surface (bone/implant contact rate 90% from day one of implant insertion, as quantified by undecalcified histological sections. This effect was substantiated by ultrastructural analysis of intimate osteoblast attachment and mature collagen mineralisation at the titanium surface. We detected no loss in the intimate bone/implant bond during the experimental period of either control or experimental animals, indicating that immediate load had no adverse effect on bone structure in peri-implant bone. Conclusion In terms of clinical relevance, the load related bone reaction at the implant interface may in combination with substrate effects be responsible for an immediate osseointegration state.

  12. Current Concepts in Restorative Implant Dentistry

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Patients today are incteasingly aware of dental implants.and their expectations are for esthetically and functionally pleasingimplant restorations that mimic natural teeth.This presentation will give both the experienced and novice practitioner a better understand-ing of how restorative implant dentistry has evolved.Treatment planning and restorative options for single implants.multiple implants andfully edentulons arches will be discussed,and the use of modern materials and CADCAM technology in fabricating the most contemporaryfixed implant supported prostheses will be demonstrated.

  13. A maximum power point tracker for photovoltaic system using a PIC microcontroller; Controlador de potencia maxima para sistemas fotovoltaicos (SFVs) utilizando un microcontrolador PIC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guzman, Eusebio; Mendoza, Victor X; Carrillo, Jose J . A; Galarza, Cristian [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    A maximum power point tracker MPPT for photovoltaic systems is presented. The equipment can output up to 600 W and its control signals are generated by a PIC microcontroller. The principle of control is based on current and voltage sampling at the output terminals of the photovoltaic generator. From power comparison of two consecutive samples, it is possible to know how far from the optimal point the system is working. Output voltage control is used to force the system to work within the optimal area of operation. The microcontroller program sequence, the DC/DC converter structure and the most relevant results are shown. [Spanish] En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un controlador de potencia maxima para su aplicacion en sistemas fotovoltaicos (SFVs). El diseno alcanza una potencia de 600 W y sus senales de control son generadas con un controlador PIC. El principio de control se basa en el muestreo de la corriente y la tension en las terminadas del generador fotovoltaico GFV. De dos muestreos consecutivos, y por comparacion de las potencias, se determina que tan alejado del punto optimo opera el sistema. La operacion del sistema dentro de la zona de funcionamiento optimo se asegura mediante un control por tension. Se muestra la secuencia de programacion del microcontrolador, la estructura del convertidor CD/CD empleado y algunos resultados relevantes.

  14. Estimating the benefit of a second bone anchored hearing implant in unilaterally implanted users with a testband.


    Kompis, Martin; Kurz, Anja; Flynn, Mark; Caversaccio, Marco


    Conclusion Using a second bone anchored hearing implant (BAHI) mounted on a testband in unilaterally implanted BAHI users to test its potential advantage pre-operatively under-estimates the advantage of two BAHIs placed on two implants. Objectives To investigate how well speech understanding with a second BAHI mounted on a testband approaches the benefit of bilaterally implanted BAHIs. Method Prospective study with 16 BAHI users. Eight were implanted unilaterally (group A) and eight were impl...

  15. Implant materials modified by colloids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zboromirska-Wnukiewicz Beata


    Full Text Available Recent advances in general medicine led to the development of biomaterials. Implant material should be characterized by a high biocompatibility to the tissue and appropriate functionality, i.e. to have high mechanical and electrical strength and be stable in an electrolyte environment – these are the most important properties of bioceramic materials. Considerations of biomaterials design embrace also electrical properties occurring on the implant-body fluid interface and consequently the electrokinetic potential, which can be altered by modifying the surface of the implant. In this work, the surface of the implants was modified to decrease the risk of infection by using metal colloids. Nanocolloids were obtained using different chemical and electrical methods. It was found that the colloids obtained by physical and electrical methods are more stable than colloids obtained by chemical route. In this work the surface of modified corundum implants was investigated. The implant modified by nanosilver, obtained by electrical method was selected. The in vivo research on animals was carried out. Clinical observations showed that the implants with modified surface could be applied to wounds caused by atherosclerotic skeleton, for curing the chronic and bacterial inflammations as well as for skeletal reconstruction surgery.

  16. Occlusal considerations for dental implant restorations. (United States)

    Bergmann, Ranier H


    When placed, dental implants are put into an ever-changing oral environment in which teeth can continue to migrate. Yet, the implants themselves are ankylosed. This can lead to occlusal instability. Teeth may continue to erupt, leaving the implants in infraocclusion. Teeth may move mesially away from an implant, requiring modification to close an open contact point. Friction in the connection between teeth and implants can lead to intrusion of teeth and damage to the periodontal attachment apparatus. Implant occlusion with shallow incisal guidance minimizes lateral and tipping forces. Cross-arch stabilization allows the best distribution of occlusal forces. The choice of restorative materials influences long-term occlusal stability.

  17. Systemic alendronate treatment improves fixation of press-fit implants: a canine study using nonloaded implants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thomas B; Bechtold, Joan E; Chen, Xinqian


    of alendronate treatment. Bone ongrowth (bone in contact with implant surface) was estimated using the linear intercept technique and shear strength was calculated as the slope on a load-displacement curve. For the press fit implants, alendronate treatment significantly increased bone ongrowth from 24% to 29...... early implant stability is an important predictor of longevity, systemic alendronate treatment could be an important clinical tool to positively influence the early stages of implant incorporation. Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Jun...

  18. Location of unaccessible implant surface areas during debridement in simulated peri-implantitis therapy


    Steiger-Ronay, Valerie; Merlini, Andrea; Wiedemeier, Daniel B.; Schmidlin, Patrick R.; Attin, Thomas; Sahrmann, Philipp


    Background An in vitro model for peri-implantitis treatment was used to identify areas that are clinically difficult to clean by analyzing the pattern of residual stain after debridement with commonly employed instruments. Methods Original data from two previous publications, which simulated surgical (SA) and non-surgical (NSA) implant debridement on two different implant systems respectively, were reanalyzed regarding the localization pattern of residual stains after instrumentation. Two bli...

  19. Trends in Cochlear Implants


    Zeng, Fan-Gang


    More than 60,000 people worldwide use cochlear implants as a means to restore functional hearing. Although individual performance variability is still high, an average implant user can talk on the phone in a quiet environment. Cochlear-implant research has also matured as a field, as evidenced by the exponential growth in both the patient population and scientific publication. The present report examines current issues related to audiologic, clinical, engineering, anatomic, and physiologic as...

  20. Untreated silicone breast implant rupture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hölmich, Lisbet R; Vejborg, Ilse M; Conrad, Carsten


    Implant rupture is a well-known complication of breast implant surgery that can pass unnoticed by both patient and physician. To date, no prospective study has addressed the possible health implications of silicone breast implant rupture. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether untre...

  1. Improving osseointegration of dental implants. (United States)

    Elias, Carlos Nelson; Meirelles, Luiz


    In the beginning of implantology, the procedures adopted for treating patients were performed in two surgical phases with an interval of 3-6 months. Nowadays, it is possible to insert and load a dental implant in the same surgical procedure. This change is due to several factors, such as improvement of surgical technique, modifications of the implant design, increased quality of implant manufacturing, development of the surgical instruments' quality, careful patient screening and adequate treatment of the implant surface. The clinical results show that adequate treatment of surfaces is crucial for reducing healing time and treating at-risk patients. The surface properties of dental implants can be significantly improved at the manufacturing stage, affecting cells' activity during the healing phase that will ultimately determine the host tissue response, a fundamental requirement for clinical success. This review focuses on different types of dental implant surfaces and the influence of surface characteristics on osseointegration.

  2. 150. ¿Tres en uno? Implante de tres dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria a un mismo paciente como terapia pre y postrasplante cardíaco. A propósito de un caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.A. Fernández-Divar


    Conclusiones: El implante ECMO es rápido y seguro, y permite mantener con vida a pacientes en shock cardiogénico grave. La reconversión a asistencias de media duración nos ayuda a mejorar el estado del paciente y que éste llegue al trasplante cardíaco en mejores condiciones. La incorporación de asistencias en pacientes con fallo primario del injerto (FPI tras el trasplante supone un avance en el tratamiento de esta patología.

  3. Peri-implant esthetics assessment and management (United States)

    Balasubramaniam, Aarthi S.; Raja, Sunitha V.; Thomas, Libby John


    Providing an esthetic restoration in the anterior region of the mouth has been the basis of peri-implant esthetics. To achieve optimal esthetics, in implant supported restorations, various patient and tooth related factors have to be taken into consideration. Peri-implant plastic surgery has been adopted to improve the soft tissue and hard tissue profiles, during and after implant placement. The various factors and the procedures related to enhancement of peri-implant esthetics have been discussed in this review article. PMID:23878557

  4. Five-Year Safety Data for More than 55,000 Subjects following Breast Implantation: Comparison of Rare Adverse Event Rates with Silicone Implants versus National Norms and Saline Implants. (United States)

    Singh, Navin; Picha, George J; Hardas, Bhushan; Schumacher, Andrew; Murphy, Diane K


    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has required postapproval studies of silicone breast implants to evaluate the incidence of rare adverse events over 10 years after implantation. The Breast Implant Follow-Up Study is a large 10-year study (>1000 U.S. sites) evaluating long-term safety following primary augmentation, revision-augmentation, primary reconstruction, or revision-reconstruction with Natrelle round silicone breast implants compared with national norms and outcomes with saline implants. Targeted adverse events in subjects followed for 5 to 8 years included connective tissue diseases, neurologic diseases, cancer, and suicide. The safety population comprised 55,279 women (primary augmentation, n = 42,873; revision-augmentation, n = 6837; primary reconstruction, n = 4828; and revision-reconstruction, n = 741). No targeted adverse events occurred at significantly greater rates in silicone implant groups versus national norms across all indications. The standardized incidence rate (observed/national norm) for all indications combined was 1.4 for cervical/vulvar cancer, 0.8 for brain cancer, 0.3 for multiple sclerosis, and 0.1 for lupus/lupus-like syndrome. Silicone implants did not significantly increase the risk for any targeted adverse events compared with saline implants. The risk of death was similar with silicone versus saline implants across all indications. The suicide rate (10.6 events per 100,000 person-years) was not significantly higher than the national norm. No implant-related deaths occurred. Results from 5 to 8 years of follow-up for a large number of subjects confirmed the safety of Natrelle round silicone implants, with no increased risk of systemic disease or suicide versus national norms or saline implants. Therapeutic, II.

  5. Cochlear implantation in Mondini dysplasia. (United States)

    Daneshi, Ahmad; Hassanzadeh, Saeid; Abasalipour, Parvaneh; Emamdjomeh, Hessamaddin; Farhadi, Mohammad


    The use of cochlear implantation to treat patients with inner ear malformations such as Mondini dysplasia has been increasingly successful. Until now, conventional hearing aids in these patients have not performed well. Consequently, the hearing problem for patients with this condition has been somewhat improved with the use of cochlear implants. Various results of cochlear implantation have been reported in these patients so far. This is a report of 5 patients with Mondini malformation who have undergone cochlear implant surgery. Copyright 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

  6. Ion implantation and amorphous metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hohmuth, K.; Rauschenbach, B.


    This review deals with ion implantation of metals in the high concentration range for preparing amorphous layers (>= 10 at%, implantation doses > 10 16 ions/cm 2 ). Different models are described concerning formation of amorphous phases of metals by ion implantation and experimental results are given. The study of amorphous phases has been carried out by the aid of Rutherford backscattering combined with the channeling technique and using transmission electron microscopy. The structure of amorphous metals prepared by ion implantation has been discussed. It was concluded that amorphous metal-metalloid compounds can be described by a dense-random-packing structure with a great portion of metal atoms. Ion implantation has been compared with other techniques for preparing amorphous metals and the adventages have been outlined

  7. Terapia celular en la necrosis aséptica de la cabeza del fémur en pacientes con drepanocitosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aymara Maria Baganet-Cobas


    Full Text Available Introducción: La necrosis aséptica de la cabeza femoral (NACF es una causa importante de morbilidad en pacientes jóvenes con drepanocitosis. En su tratamiento ningún método es completamente satisfactorio. Investigaciones recientes sugieren que la terapia celular puede contribuir a la reparación de tejidos como el óseo resultando útiles en el proceso de osteogénesis y angiogénesis. Objetivo: evaluar la utilidad del implante de concentrado de células mononucleares autólogas de médula ósea (CMN-MO en el tratamiento de la NACF en pacientes con drepanocitosis. Método: se incluyeron 18 pacientes, con una edad promedio de 32,8 años (rango entre 21 y 46 años, con un seguimiento mínimo de dos años. A todos se les realizó descompresión de la cabeza femoral por perforación e implante de CMN-MO. A estas células se les cuantificó por citometría de flujo expresión de moléculas CD34, CD45, CD117, HLADR, CD29 y CD14. Resultados: el promedio de viabilidad del concentrado implantado fue del 97%. Fenotípicamente las CMN-MO mostraron un patrón de expresión asociado a poblaciones de células madre adherentes del estroma medular CD34-/CD45-/DR-/CD29+/CD14-/CD117-. Los mejores resultados clínicos y radiográficos se observaron en pacientes en estadios iniciales (I o II de la enfermedad. En 12 caderas (72,9 % tratadas, los pacientes no refirieron ningún dolor a los dos años posteriores al tratamiento. Se obtuvieron buenos resultados radiológicos en siete pacientes (41,2 %. Tres pacientes (17,6 % requirieron el remplazo total de cadera. Conclusiones:el implante de CMN-MO para los primeros estadios de la NACF, es un tratamiento útil en los pacientes con drepanocitosis. El método empleado es relativamente simple y poco costoso.

  8. Cochlear implant revision surgeries in children. (United States)

    Amaral, Maria Stella Arantes do; Reis, Ana Cláudia Mirândola B; Massuda, Eduardo T; Hyppolito, Miguel Angelo


    The surgery during which the cochlear implant internal device is implanted is not entirely free of risks and may produce problems that will require revision surgeries. To verify the indications for cochlear implantation revision surgery for the cochlear implant internal device, its effectiveness and its correlation with certain variables related to language and hearing. A retrospective study of patients under 18 years submitted to cochlear implant Surgery from 2004 to 2015 in a public hospital in Brazil. Data collected were: age at the time of implantation, gender, etiology of the hearing loss, audiological and oral language characteristics of each patient before and after Cochlear Implant surgery and any need for surgical revision and the reason for it. Two hundred and sixty-five surgeries were performed in 236 patients. Eight patients received a bilateral cochlear implant and 10 patients required revision surgery. Thirty-two surgeries were necessary for these 10 children (1 bilateral cochlear implant), of which 21 were revision surgeries. In 2 children, cochlear implant removal was necessary, without reimplantation, one with cochlear malformation due to incomplete partition type I and another due to trauma. With respect to the cause for revision surgery, of the 8 children who were successfully reimplanted, four had cochlear calcification following meningitis, one followed trauma, one exhibited a facial nerve malformation, one experienced a failure of the cochlear implant internal device and one revision surgery was necessary because the electrode was twisted. The incidence of the cochlear implant revision surgery was 4.23%. The period following the revision surgeries revealed an improvement in the subject's hearing and language performance, indicating that these surgeries are valid in most cases. Copyright © 2018 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  9. [Maintenance care for dental implant]. (United States)

    Kamoi, K


    Dental implant has tried at the early stage in 19th century recovering an oral function and esthetics. Technological revolutions in biochemical and new materials have developed on the remarkable change in the dental implants, nowadays we call the three generation therapy for dental implantology. There are many kinds of methods and techniques in dental implants, however a lot of troublesome complication on the process of surgical phase, construction of prothodontics and prognosis of maintenance care. In the proceedings of this symposium, I would like to propose you how to manage the maintenance care for various kind of dental implants through the methodology and case presentations. Tendenay and future for dental implants The current outlook of dental implant has increasing supply and demand not only dentists but also patients. According to Japanese Welfare Ministry's report in 1987, average missing teeth over sixty years old generations are approximately 42% in accordance with NIDR (U.S.A.) research. They are missed on ten over teeth in full 28th teeth dentitions owing to dental caries and periodontal diseases. Generally speaking, latent implant patients are occupied on the same possibility of needs for dental implants both Japan and U.S.A. Management of maintenance care The patients hardly recognized the importance of plaque control for the maintenance care in the intraoral condition after implantation. Dentists and dental staffs must be instruct patients for importance of plaque removal and control, because they already had forgotten the habit of teeth cleaning, especially in the edenturous conditions. 1) Concept of establishment in oral hygiene. Motivation and instruction for patients include very important factors in dental implants as well as in periodontal diseases. Patients who could not achieve on good oral hygiene levels obtained no good results in the long term observations. To establish good oral hygiene are how to control supra plaque surrounding tissues

  10. Implanted-tritium permeation experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Longhurst, G.R.; Holland, D.F.; Casper, L.A.; Hsu, P.Y.; Miller, L.G.; Schmunk, R.E.; Watts, K.D.; Wilson, C.J.; Kershner, C.J.; Rogers, M.L.


    In fusion reactors, charge exchange neutral atoms of tritium coming from the plasma will be implanted into the first wall and other interior structures. EG and G Idaho is conducting two experiments to determine the magnitude of permeation into the coolant streams and the retention of tritium in those structures. One experiment uses an ion gun to implant deuterium. The ion gun will permit measurements to be made for a variety of implantation energies and fluxes. The second experiment utilizes a fission reactor to generate a tritium implantation flux by the 3 He(n,p) 3 H reaction. This experiment will simulate the fusion reactor radiation environment. We also plan to verify a supporting analytical code development program, in progress, by these experiments

  11. Current use of implantable electrical devices in Sweden: data from the Swedish pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator registry. (United States)

    Gadler, Fredrik; Valzania, Cinzia; Linde, Cecilia


    The National Swedish Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) Registry collects prospective data on all pacemaker and ICD implants in Sweden. We aimed to report the 2012 findings of the Registry concerning electrical devices implantation rates and changes over time, 1 year complications, long-term device longevity and patient survival. Forty-four Swedish implanting centres continuously contribute implantation of pacemakers and ICDs to the Registry by direct data entry on a specific website. Clinical and technical information on 2012 first implants and postoperative complications were analysed and compared with previous years. Patient survival data were obtained from the Swedish population register database. In 2012, the mean pacemaker and ICD first implantation rates were 697 and 136 per million inhabitants, respectively. The number of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) first implantations/million capita was 41 (CRT pacemakers) and 55 (CRT defibrillators), with only a slight increase in CRT-ICD rate compared with 2011. Most device implantations were performed in men. Complication rates for pacemaker and ICD procedures were 5.3 and 10.1% at 1 year, respectively. Device and lead longevity differed among manufacturers. Pacemaker patients were older at the time of first implant and had generally worse survival rate than ICD patients (63 vs. 82% after 5 years). Pacemaker and ICD implantation rates seem to have reached a level phase in Sweden. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and CRT implantation rates are very low and do not reflect guideline indications. Gender differences in CRT and ICD implantations are pronounced. Device and patient survival rates are variable, and should be considered when deciding device type. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2014. For permissions please email:

  12. Implant stability and marginal bone level of microgrooved zirconia dental implants: A 3-month experimental study on dogs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delgado-Ruíz Rafael Arcesio


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. The modification of implant surfaces could affect mechanical implant stability as well as dynamics and quality of peri-implant bone healing. The aim of this 3-month experimental study in dogs was to investigate implant stability, marginal bone levels and bone tissue response to zirconia dental implants with two laser-micro-grooved intraosseous surfaces in comparison with nongrooved sandblasted zirconia and sandblasted, high-temperature etched titanium implants. Methods. Implant surface characterization was performed using optical interferometric profilometry and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. A total of 96 implants (4 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length were inserted randomly in both sides of the lower jaw of 12 Fox Hound dogs divided into groups of 24 each: the control (titanium, the group A (sandblasted zirconia, the group B (sandblasted zirconia plus microgrooved neck and the group C (sandblasted zirconia plus all microgrooved. All the implants were immediately loaded. Insertion torque, periotest values, radiographic crestal bone level and removal torque were recorded during the 3-month follow-up. Qualitative scanning electon micro-scope (SEM analysis of the bone-implant interfaces of each group was performed. Results. Insertion torque values were higher in the group C and control implants (p the control > the group B > the group A (p the control > the group B > the group A (p < 0.05. SEM showed that implant surfaces of the groups B and C had an extra bone growth inside the microgrooves that corresponded to the shape and direction of the microgrooves. Conclusion. The addition of micro-grooves to the entire intraosseous surface of zirconia dental implants enhances primary and secondary implant stability, promotes bone tissue ingrowth and preserves crestal bone levels.

  13. Ion implantation in semiconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gusev, V.; Gusevova, M.


    The historical development is described of the method of ion implantation, the physical research of the method, its technological solution and practical uses. The method is universally applicable, allows the implantation of arbitrary atoms to an arbitrary material, ensures high purity of the doping element. It is linked with sample processing at low temperatures. In implantation it is possible to independently change the dose and energy of the ions thereby affecting the spatial distribution of the ions. (M.S.)

  14. Ion implantation in semiconductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gusev, V; Gusevova, M


    The historical development of the method of ion implantation, the physical research of the method, its technological solution and practical uses is described. The method is universally applicable, allows the implantation of arbitrary atoms to an arbitrary material and ensures high purity of the doping element. It is linked with sample processing at low temperatures. In implantation it is possible to independently change the dose and energy of the ions thereby affecting the spatial distribution of the ions.

  15. Stress and strain distribution in three different mini dental implant designs using in implant retained overdenture: a finite element analysis study (United States)



    SUMMARY Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been used for prediction of stress and strain between dental implant components and bone in the implant design process. Purpose Purpose of this study was to characterize and analyze stress and strain distribution occurring in bone and implants and to compare stress and strain of three different implant designs. Materials and methods Three different mini dental implant designs were included in this study: 1. a mini dental implant with an internal implant-abutment connection (MDIi); 2. a mini dental implant with an external implant-abutment connection (MDIe); 3. a single piece mini dental implant (MDIs). All implant designs were scanned using micro-CT scans. The imaging details of the implants were used to simulate models for FEA. An artificial bone volume of 9×9 mm in size was constructed and each implant was placed separately at the center of each bone model. All bone-implant models were simulatively loaded under an axial compressive force of 100 N and a 45-degree force of 100 N loading at the top of the implants using computer software to evaluate stress and strain distribution. Results There was no difference in stress or strain between the three implant designs. The stress and strain occurring in all three mini dental implant designs were mainly localized at the cortical bone around the bone-implant interface. Oblique 45° loading caused increased deformation, magnitude and distribution of stress and strain in all implant models. Conclusions Within the limits of this study, the average stress and strain in bone and implant models with MDIi were similar to those with MDIe and MDIs. The oblique 45° load played an important role in dramatically increased average stress and strain in all bone-implant models. Clinical implications Mini dental implants with external or internal connections have similar stress distribution to single piece mini dental implants. In clinical situations, the three types of mini dental implant

  16. Stress and strain distribution in three different mini dental implant designs using in implant retained overdenture: a finite element analysis study. (United States)

    Aunmeungtong, W; Khongkhunthian, P; Rungsiyakull, P


    Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been used for prediction of stress and strain between dental implant components and bone in the implant design process. Purpose of this study was to characterize and analyze stress and strain distribution occurring in bone and implants and to compare stress and strain of three different implant designs. Three different mini dental implant designs were included in this study: 1. a mini dental implant with an internal implant-abutment connection (MDIi); 2. a mini dental implant with an external implant-abutment connection (MDIe); 3. a single piece mini dental implant (MDIs). All implant designs were scanned using micro-CT scans. The imaging details of the implants were used to simulate models for FEA. An artificial bone volume of 9×9 mm in size was constructed and each implant was placed separately at the center of each bone model. All bone-implant models were simulatively loaded under an axial compressive force of 100 N and a 45-degree force of 100 N loading at the top of the implants using computer software to evaluate stress and strain distribution. There was no difference in stress or strain between the three implant designs. The stress and strain occurring in all three mini dental implant designs were mainly localized at the cortical bone around the bone-implant interface. Oblique 45° loading caused increased deformation, magnitude and distribution of stress and strain in all implant models. Within the limits of this study, the average stress and strain in bone and implant models with MDIi were similar to those with MDIe and MDIs. The oblique 45° load played an important role in dramatically increased average stress and strain in all bone-implant models. Mini dental implants with external or internal connections have similar stress distribution to single piece mini dental implants. In clinical situations, the three types of mini dental implant should exhibit the same behavior to chewing force.

  17. SIMS analysis of isotopic impurities in ion implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sykes, D.E.; Blunt, R.T.


    The n-type dopant species Si and Se used for ion implantation in GaAs are multi-isotopic with the most abundant isotope not chosen because of potential interferences with residual gases. SIMS analysis of a range of 29 Si implants produced by several designs of ion implanter all showed significant 28 Si impurity with a different depth distribution from that of the deliberately implanted 29 Si isotope. This effect was observed to varying degrees with all fifteen implanters examined and in every 29 Si implant analysed to date 29 Si + , 29 Si ++ and 30 Si implants all show the same effect. In the case of Se implantation, poor mass resolution results in the implantation of all isotopes with the same implant distribution (i.e. energy), whilst implants carried out with good mass resolution show the implantation of all isotopes with the characteristic lower depth distribution of the impurity isotopes as found in the Si implants. This effect has also been observed in p-type implants into GaAs (Mg) and for Ga implanted in Si. A tentative explanation of the effect is proposed. (author)

  18. Sequential provisional implant prosthodontics therapy. (United States)

    Zinner, Ira D; Markovits, Stanley; Jansen, Curtis E; Reid, Patrick E; Schnader, Yale E; Shapiro, Herbert J


    The fabrication and long-term use of first- and second-stage provisional implant prostheses is critical to create a favorable prognosis for function and esthetics of a fixed-implant supported prosthesis. The fixed metal and acrylic resin cemented first-stage prosthesis, as reviewed in Part I, is needed for prevention of adjacent and opposing tooth movement, pressure on the implant site as well as protection to avoid micromovement of the freshly placed implant body. The second-stage prosthesis, reviewed in Part II, should be used following implant uncovering and abutment installation. The patient wears this provisional prosthesis until maturation of the bone and healing of soft tissues. The second-stage provisional prosthesis is also a fail-safe mechanism for possible early implant failures and also can be used with late failures and/or for the necessity to repair the definitive prosthesis. In addition, the screw-retained provisional prosthesis is used if and when an implant requires removal or other implants are to be placed as in a sequential approach. The creation and use of both first- and second-stage provisional prostheses involve a restorative dentist, dental technician, surgeon, and patient to work as a team. If the dentist alone cannot do diagnosis and treatment planning, surgery, and laboratory techniques, he or she needs help by employing the expertise of a surgeon and a laboratory technician. This team approach is essential for optimum results.

  19. Amorphous clusters in Co implanted ZnO induced by boron pre-implantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Potzger, K.; Shalimov, A.; Zhou, S.; Schmidt, H.; Mucklich, A.; Helm, M.; Fassbender, J.; Liberati, M.; Arenholz, E.


    We demonstrate the formation of superparamagnetic/ferromagnetic regions within ZnO(0001) single crystals sequently implanted with B and Co. While the pre-implantation with B plays a minor role for the electrical transport properties, its presence leads to the formation of amorphous phases. Moreover, B acts strongly reducing on the implanted Co. Thus, the origin of the ferromagnetic ordering in local clusters with large Co concentration is itinerant d-electrons as in the case of metallic Co. The metallic amorphous phases are non-detectable by common X-ray diffraction.

  20. Infective endocarditis and risk of death after cardiac implantable electronic device implantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Özcan, Cengiz; Raunsø, Jakob; Lamberts, Morten


    AIMS: To determine the incidence, risk factors, and mortality of infective endocarditis (IE) following implantation of a first-time, permanent, cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED). METHODS AND RESULTS: From Danish nationwide administrative registers (beginning in 1996), we identified all...

  1. Uso rutinario del balón de contra-pulsación aórtica preoperatorio en pacientes con enfermedad del tronco común izquierdo sometidos a cirugía de revascularización coronaria Routine use of preoperative intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation (IABP implantation in patients with left main coronary artery disease undergoing coronary revascularization surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Fernández


    Full Text Available Generalidades: la enfermedad del tronco común izquierdo como único criterio para la colocación de balón de contra-pulsación aórtica, es una indicación cuya evidencia se limita a la recomendación de expertos y, por lo tanto, se requieren estudios que puedan aportar mayor nivel de evidencia al respecto. Por este motivo, en nuestra institución se desarrolló un estudio que evaluó la experiencia del uso de balón de contra-pulsación aórtica preoperatorio, en pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización cardiaca electiva, con enfermedad del tronco común izquierdo. Objetivo: describir la letalidad, el tiempo de estancia y el porcentaje de infecciones y sepsis en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, así como el tiempo de ventilación mecánica, en los pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización coronaria electiva con y sin el uso preoperatorio de balón de contra pulsación aórtica. Métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, que se llevó a cabo en la Clínica Cardiovascular Santa María, con los pacientes que se sometieron a revascularización coronaria quirúrgica electiva acompañados o no de balón de contra-pulsación aórtica preoperatorio entre 1999 y 2003, y en el que se observó el comportamiento post-operatorio de los pacientes con enfermedad severa del tronco común izquierdo (entendida como estenosis mayor de 50% sometidos a dicha intervención. Resultados: se analizaron en total 79 pacientes sometidos a revascularización quirúrgica electiva, a 46 de los cuales se les implantó balón preoperatorio y a 33 se les practicó intervención quirúrgica sin balón. El promedio de edad fue de 62 años. El 67,4% de los pacientes tenía 60 años o más. Las principales patologías previas a la cirugía fueron hipertensión arterial (67% e infarto agudo del miocardio antiguo, (59%. 87% de los pacientes con balón y 45,5% de aquellos sin éste, tenían angina severa (clase III antes de la cirugía. En la unidad de

  2. Estudio comparativo en pacientes con implante de stent liberador de droga y stent convencional. Resultados clínicos e indicaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariano Albertal


    Full Text Available Antecedentes Estudios aleatorizados demostraron la superioridad del uso de stents liberadores de droga (SL sobre el stent convencional (SC. La información en nuestro medio sobre el implante de SL es escasa. Objetivo Comparar los resultados clínicos obtenidos en pacientes sometidos a implante de SL versus SC en un centro terciario de la Argentina. Material y métodos Se incluyeron todos los pacientes sometidos a angioplastia electiva desde abril de 2003 hasta junio de 2005 y se dividieron en dos grupos: los pacientes sometidos a implante de uno o más SL (grupo SL, n = 373 y los sometidos solamente a implante de SC (grupo SC, n = 857. Resultados Las características basales fueron similares entre los dos grupos. En el grupo SL se observó un porcentaje mayor de lesiones en la arteria descendente anterior (50,6 versus 40,6%; p 0,001, gracias a una reducción de la tasa de cirugía coronaria (1,4% versus 5,8%; p = 0,045. Conclusión El uso de SL en un centro terciario de la Argentina demostró que es seguro y, en comparación con el implante de sólo SC, dio por resultado una tasa menor de reintervención, primariamente por haber reducido la tasa de cirugía de revascularización miocárdica

  3. Magnetic resonance imaging of breast implants. (United States)

    Shah, Mala; Tanna, Neil; Margolies, Laurie


    Silicone breast implants have significantly evolved since their introduction half a century ago, yet implant rupture remains a common and expected complication, especially in patients with earlier-generation implants. Magnetic resonance imaging is the primary modality for assessing the integrity of silicone implants and has excellent sensitivity and specificity, and the Food and Drug Administration currently recommends periodic magnetic resonance imaging screening for silent silicone breast implant rupture. Familiarity with the types of silicone implants and potential complications is essential for the radiologist. Signs of intracapsular rupture include the noose, droplet, subcapsular line, and linguine signs. Signs of extracapsular rupture include herniation of silicone with a capsular defect and extruded silicone material. Specific sequences including water and silicone suppression are essential for distinguishing rupture from other pathologies and artifacts. Magnetic resonance imaging provides valuable information about the integrity of silicone implants and associated complications.

  4. Plasma source ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conrad, J.R.; Forest, C.


    The authors' technique allows the ion implantation to be performed directly within the ion source at higher currents without ion beam extraction and transport. The potential benefits include greatly increased production rates (factors of 10-1000) and the ability to implant non-planar targets without rastering or shadowing. The technique eliminates the ion extractor grid set, beam raster equipment, drift space and target manipulator equipment. The target to be implanted is placed directly within the plasma source and is biased to a large negative potential so that plasma ions gain energy as they accelerate through the potential drop across the sheath that forms at the plasma boundary. Because the sheath surrounds the target on all sides, all surfaces of the target are implanted without the necessity to raster the beam or to rotate the target. The authors have succeeded in implanting nitrogen ions in a silicon target to the depths and concentrations required for surface treatment of materials like stainless steel and titanium alloys. They have performed ESCA measurements of the penetration depth profile of a silicon target that was biased to 30 kV in a nitrogen discharge plasma. Nitrogen ions were implanted to a depth of 700A at a peak concentration of 30% atomic. The measured profile is quite similar to a previously obtained profile in titanium targets with conventional techniques

  5. Treatment of prostate adenocarcinoma permanent implants with I 125: first experience in Uruguay; Tratamiento del adenocarcinoma de prostata con implantes permanentes de I125: primera experiencia en el Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quarneti, A.; Clark, O.; Glaussius, A.; Kaitasoff, P.; Cosia, G.


    Full text: Objective: To report on the treatment done, toxicity and development of a group of adenocarcinoma patients with localized prostate brachytherapy implants permanent I125. Material and Methods. 37 patients were treated in the period 2001 to 2004 at the Military Hospital Central by this treatment modality. All of them were performed before implantation planning, which consisted of the volumetric calculation and calculation prostate dosimetry that included transrectal prostate ultrasound 3-5 weeks before the procedure. all patients had pathological confirmation of the lesion showed PSA values less than 11 ng / ml and Gleason score less than 7. 70% of patients received neo-adjuvant hormone therapy. In 5 patients an interactive planning system was performed computerized dosimetry, using sequential ultrasound imaging planes, allowed the dosimetric analysis before terminate the procedure and make necessary adjustments if the dose distribution did not conform. This additional dosimetric study we have not been described by other authors. Prescribed in the first 10 patients was dose 144 Gy and 160 Gy in subsequent. All patients underwent post implant CT waffle grid after 15 days of the procedure. analyzed the dose volume histogram (HDV) and D90 values??. Clinical follow-up was performed and PSA biochemical .. Preliminary Results: 33 patients were in local control without biochemical failure. Currently 4 patients presented biochemical recurrence with PSA values ??between 4 and 6 ng / ml. In neither disease was found at a distance and then raises confirmation tumor biopsy active presence will undergo surgical treatment protocols localized prostate cancer. HDV values ??D90 and are consistent with the informed by the international literature will be presented. No patient required hospitalization prolonged (greater than 24 hours) or use of higher analgesics. 2 patients had acute urinary retention (G II complication) between the tenth and twentieth day, the rest of the

  6. BIREME y el Sistema Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud Hacia la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud

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    Abel Laerte Packer


    Full Text Available

    El Sistema Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (Sistema Regional y BIREME, a lo largo de 30 años, han desarrollado exitosamente la capacidad de los países de la Región de crear y operar sistemas nacionales de información científico-técnica, en sintonía con el surgimiento de nuevos paradigmas organizacionales y de tratamiento de la información. En los últimos años, la demanda de cooperación técnica en torno a productos y servicios basados en la Internet viene exigiendo un nuevo cambio en BIREME y en el Sistema Regional.

    El agotamiento del modelo actual ha coincidido con el establecimiento por el Director de OPS de la Comisión Externa de Evaluación de BIREME, en Julio y Agosto de 1997, la cual expresó en su informe que BIREME se “ha alejado de su misión de Centro Coordinador del Sistema Regional”. Sin embargo, reconoció el papel fundamental que ha desempeñado BIREME y recomendó el fortalecimiento de su liderazgo en la promoción de la cooperación técnica.

    La propuesta de creación y desarrollo de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS, bajo el liderazgo de BIREME, significa la adopción de un nuevo paradigma organizacional y de tratamiento de información que responde coherentemente a las recomendaciones de la Comisión Externa de Evaluación y a la nueva demanda de cooperación técnica.

    La BVS representa una expansión del modelo actual de cooperación técnica al promover la producción y operación descentralizadas de fuentes de información multimediales, conectadas en red con acceso directo y universal, sin limitaciones geográficas y de horario.

    BIREME ha definido un plan de acción para la puesta en marcha de la BVS, basado en 5 líneas: promoción y marketing; realineamiento de productos y servicios tradicionales; producción de publicaciones electrónicas; desarrollo de herramientas de integración y localización de información; y desarrollo de otros

  7. Estimulación temprana y desarrollo lingüístico en niños sordos con Implante coclear: el primer año de experiencia auditiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ignacio Moreno-Torres


    Full Text Available Este estudio analiza el desarrollo de un grupo de 10 niños sordos a los que se ha colocado un implante coclear (IC antes de los dos años. El objetivo es comprobar en qué medida el desarrollo post-IC se ve afectado por el grado de estimulación temprana recibida. Se obtienen datos de percepción (cuestionario parental, y producción lingüística y prelingüística (vídeos de producción espontánea y cuestionarios. Además, se realizó una valoración del grado de estimulación recibido pre y post-implante. Los resultados muestran grandes diferencias intra-grupo: 1 en el ritmo de desarrollo lingüístico (léxico productivo a los 12 meses de experiencia auditiva; y 2 en el grado de estimulación. El análisis estadístico mostró que el grado de estimulación a los 12 meses es el único factor de los estudiados que correlaciona con el desarrollo lingüístico tras 12 meses. No correlacionan: edad al implantarse, percepción a los tres meses, ni balbuceo canónico. Tales resultados confirman la gran importancia del entorno, y en particular de la familia, en la rehabilitación del niño implantado.

  8. Structural-chemical characteristics of implanted metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozejkin, B.V.; Pavlov, P.V.; Pitirimova, E.A.; Frolov, A.I.


    Corrosion and structural characteristics of metallic layers implanted by ions of chemically active impurities and noble gases are studied. Dependence of experimental results on parameters of initial materials and technological conditions of implantation is established. In studying corrosion characteristics of implanted metals a strong dependence of chemical passivation effect on technological conditions of ion-implantation and structure of initial material is stated. On the basis of developed mathematical model of chemical passivation effect it is shown that increase of corrosion characteristics of implanted metals is defined by superposition of surface and volumetric mechanisms

  9. Mini-implants in the palatal slope – a retrospective analysis of implant survival and tissue reaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ziebura Thomas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background To identify insertion procedure and force application related complications in Jet Screw (JS type mini-implants when inserted in the palatal slope. Methods Setting and Sample Population: The Department of Orthodontics, the University Hospital Münster. Forty-one consecutively started patients treated using mini-implants in the palatal slope. In this retrospective study, 66 JS were evaluated. Patient records were used to obtain data on the mode of utilization and complications. Standardized photographs overlayed with a virtual grid served to test the hypothesis that deviations from the recommended insertion site or the type of mechanics applied might be related to complications regarding bleeding, gingival overgrowth or implant failure. Results Two implants (3% were lost, and two implants (3%, both loaded with a laterally directed force, exhibited loosening while still serving for anchorage. Complications that required treatment did not occur, the most severe problem observed being gingival proliferation which was attributable neither to patients’ age nor to applied mechanics or deviations from the ideal implant position. Conclusions The JS mini-implant is reliable for sagittal and vertical movements or anchorage purposes. Laterally directed forces might be unfavorable. The selection of implant length as well as the insertion procedure should account for the possibility of gingival overgrowth.

  10. Regeneración ósea guiada utilizando membrana de óxido de aluminio en combinación con implantes oseointegrados Guided bone regeneration using aluminum oxide membrane in combination with osseointegrated implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Isa Majluf


    Full Text Available La reabsorción ósea de los maxilares ha sido una de las mayores complicaciones al momento de rehabilitar a pacientes con implantes oseointegrados. El siguiente estudio evaluó la efectividad de la membrana de óxido de aluminio (alúmina, en la regeneración ósea de rebordes colapsados y alvéolos en los que se colocaron implantes. De un total de cinco pacientes seleccionados, se estudiaron siete sitios de los cuales tres correspondieron a un solo paciente. En cada sitio (alvéolo o reborde colapsado se colocó un implante de titanio del sistema HIS y una membrana no biodegradable de óxido de aluminio (Allumina®, la cual fue retirada a las 14 semanas. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos al mismo procedimiento quirúrgico. La ganancia promedio en mm obtenidos en orden decreciente fue la siguiente: ANM: 1.7mm, ANME: 1.6mm, AND: 1.1mm, AV: 1.0mm, AP: 0.5mm. Los resultados radiográficos ratificaron los resultados clínicos en cuanto a neoformación ósea, observándose además una favorable densidad ósea periimplantaria. El análisis estadístico (basado en los resultados clínicos t-student fue significativo para todos los parámetros evaluados con excepción de AP.Alveolar bone loss has been a very important cause of complications in osseointegrated implant rehabilitation of edentulous patients. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of aluminum oxide membrane (Allumina in the collapsed alveolar ridge where implants were used. Seven sites were studied in 5 patients. In each of these sites a HIS implant plus a non-biodegradable oxide aluminum membrane (Allumina®, was placed for 14 weeks. All patients were treated with the same surgical protocol. The average gain (in mm obtained in decreasing order was as follows: ANM: 1.7 mm, ANME: 1.6 mm, AND: 1.1mm, AV: 1.0mm, AP: 0.5mm. The clinical results were radiographically verified and these showed bone neoformation, in addition to favorable peri-implant bone density. The t-Student statistical

  11. Ion implantation: an annotated bibliography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ting, R.N.; Subramanyam, K.


    Ion implantation is a technique for introducing controlled amounts of dopants into target substrates, and has been successfully used for the manufacture of silicon semiconductor devices. Ion implantation is superior to other methods of doping such as thermal diffusion and epitaxy, in view of its advantages such as high degree of control, flexibility, and amenability to automation. This annotated bibliography of 416 references consists of journal articles, books, and conference papers in English and foreign languages published during 1973-74, on all aspects of ion implantation including range distribution and concentration profile, channeling, radiation damage and annealing, compound semiconductors, structural and electrical characterization, applications, equipment and ion sources. Earlier bibliographies on ion implantation, and national and international conferences in which papers on ion implantation were presented have also been listed separately

  12. Correlation between radiographic analysis of alveolar bone density around dental implant and resonance frequency of dental implant (United States)

    Prawoko, S. S.; Nelwan, L. C.; Odang, R. W.; Kusdhany, L. S.


    The histomorphometric test is the gold standard for dental implant stability quantification; however, it is invasive, and therefore, it is inapplicable to clinical patients. Consequently, accurate and objective alternative methods are required. Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) and digital radiographic analysis are noninvasive methods with excellent objectivity and reproducibility. To analyze the correlation between the radiographic analysis of alveolar bone density around a dental implant and the resonance frequency of the dental implant. Digital radiographic images for 35 samples were obtained, and the resonance frequency of the dental implant was acquired using Osstell ISQ immediately after dental implant placement and on third-month follow-up. The alveolar bone density around the dental implant was subsequently analyzed using SIDEXIS-XG software. No significant correlation was reported between the alveolar bone density around the dental implant and the resonance frequency of the dental implant (r = -0.102 at baseline, r = 0.146 at follow-up, p > 0.05). However, the alveolar bone density and resonance frequency showed a significant difference throughout the healing period (p = 0.005 and p = 0.000, respectively). Conclusion: Digital dental radiographs and Osstell ISQ showed excellent objectivity and reproducibility in quantifying dental implant stability. Nonetheless, no significant correlation was observed between the results obtained using these two methods.

  13. An introduction to single implant abutments.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Warreth, Abdulhadi


    This article is an introduction to single implant abutments and aims to provide basic information about abutments which are essential for all dental personnel who are involved in dental implantology. Clinical Relevance: This article provides a basic knowledge of implants and implant abutments which are of paramount importance, as replacement of missing teeth with oral implants has become a well-established clinical procedure.

  14. Implant supported overdentures--the Copenhagen experience

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gotfredsen, K


    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the functional and biological effect of implant-supported overdenture treatment in the lower jaw. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Thirty-two patients were consecutively treated with Astra Tech implants in the lower jaw for retaining overdentures. All implants had a diameter of 3.5 mm...... and all but two of the implants were longer than 10 mm. For the implant supported overdentures two methods of attachment were used, a bar or a ball. RESULTS: One of 69 fixtures was lost during the 4-5 year observation period. The mean bone loss for all fixtures was less than 0.2 mm per year. Complications...... quality and quantity is sufficient, two implants can support an overdenture in the lower jaw, providing prosthesis which functions well....

  15. Dental Implants in an Aged Population: Evaluation of Periodontal Health, Bone Loss, Implant Survival, and Quality of Life. (United States)

    Becker, William; Hujoel, Philippe; Becker, Burton E; Wohrle, Peter


    To evaluate aged partially and fully edentulous patients who received dental implants and were maintained over time. Further, to determine how the partially and edentulous ageing populations (65 and above) with dental implants maintain bone levels, proper oral hygiene, and perceive benefits of dental implants. Since 1995, patients receiving dental implants have been prospectively entered into an Access-based computerized program (Triton Tacking System). Patient demographics (age, sex), bone quality, quantity, implant location, and type of surgery have been continuously entered into the database. The database was queried for patients receiving implants (first stage) between 66 and 93 years of age. Thirty-one patients were within this age group. Twenty-five patients returned to the clinic for periodontal and dental implant evaluation. The Periodontal Index was used to evaluate selected teeth in terms of probing depth, bleeding on probing, plaque accumulation, and mobility. Using NIH Image J, radiographs taken at second stage and last examination were measured for changes in interproximal bone levels. Once identified, each patient anomalously filled out an abbreviated quality of health life form. Due to small sample size, descriptive statistics were used to compare clinical findings. Fifteen males ranging from 78 to 84 (mean age 84 years) years and 16 females from 66 to 93 (mean age 83 years) (age range 66-93) were contacted by phone or mail and asked to return to our office for a re-examination. For this group, the first dental implants were placed in 1996 (n = initial two implants) and continuously recorded through 2013 (n = last seven implants). Thirty-one patients received a total of 84 implants. Two patients were edentulous, and the remaining were partially edentulous. Four implants were lost. Between implant placement and 6- to 7-year interval, 13 patients with 40 implants had a cumulative survival rate of 94.6%. Of the original group (n = 33), three

  16. Surface modifications of dental implants. (United States)

    Stanford, C M


    Dental implant surface technologies have been evolving rapidly to enhance a more rapid bone formation on their surface and hold a potential to increase the predictability of expedited implant therapy. While implant outcomes have become highly predictable, there are sites and conditions that result in elevated implant loss. This paper reviews the impact of macro-retentive features which includes approaches to surface oxide modification, thread design, press-fit and sintered-bead technologies to increase predictability of outcomes. Implant designs that lead to controlled lateral compression of the bone can improve primary stability as long as the stress does not exceed the localized yield strength of the cortical bone. Some implant designs have reduced crestal bone loss by use of multiple cutting threads that are closely spaced, smoothed on the tip but designed to create a hoop-stress stability of the implant as it is completely seated in the osteotomy. Following the placement of the implant, there is a predictable sequence of bone turnover and replacement at the interface that allows the newly formed bone to adapt to microscopic roughness on the implant surface, and on some surfaces, a nanotopography (<10(-9) m scale) that has been shown to preferably influence the formation of bone. Newly emerging studies show that bone cells are exquisitely sensitive to these topographical features and will upregulate the expression of bone related genes for new bone formation when grown on these surfaces. We live in an exciting time of rapid changes in the modalities we can offer patients for tooth replacement therapy. Given this, it is our responsibility to be critical when claims are made, incorporate into our practice what is proven and worthwhile, and to continue to support and provide the best patient care possible.


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    A. V. Starokha


    Full Text Available Current paper describes an experience of cochlear implantation in elderly. Cochlear implantation has become a widely accepted intervention in the treatment of individuals with severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss. Cochlear implants are now accepted as a standard of care to optimize hearing and subsequent speech development in children and adults with deafness. But cochlear implantation affects not only hearing abilities, speech perception and speech production; it also has an outstanding impact on the social life, activities and self-esteem of each patient. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cochlear implantation efficacy in elderly with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. There were 5 patients under our observation. Surgery was performed according to traditional posterior tympanotomy and cochleostomy for cochlear implant electrode insertion for all observed patients. The study was conducted in two stages: before speech processor’s activation and 3 months later. Pure tone free field audiometry was performed to each patient to assess the efficiency of cochlear implantation in dynamics. The aim of the study was also to evaluate quality of life in elderly with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss after unilateral cochlear implantation. Each patient underwent questioning with 36 Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36. SF-36 is a set of generic, coherent, and easily administered quality-of-life measures. The SF-36 consists of eight scaled scores, which are the weighted sums of the questions in their section. Each scale is directly transformed into a 0-100 scale on the assumption that each question carries equal weight. The eight sections are: physical functioning; physical role functioning; emotional role functioning; vitality; emotional well-being; social role functioning; bodily pain; general health perceptions. Our results demonstrate that cochlear implantation in elderly consistently improved quality of life

  18. The Austrian breast implant register: recent trends in implant-based breast surgery. (United States)

    Wurzer, Paul; Rappl, Thomas; Friedl, Herwig; Kamolz, Lars-Peter; Spendel, Stephan; Hoflehner, Helmut; Parvizi, Daryousch


    Due to the fact that the number of breast implant surgeries for cosmetic and medical purposes is rising yearly, a discussion about the quality of service for both patients and physicians is more important than ever. To this end, we reviewed the Austrian Breast Implant Register with one specific question in mind: What are the trends? In the statistical analysis of the Austrian Breast Implant Register, we were able to identify 13,112 registered breast implants between 2004 and 2012. The whole dataset was then divided into medical and cosmetic groups. We focused on device size, surface characteristics, filling material, device placement and incision site. All factors were considered for all examined years. In summary, the most used device had a textured surface (97 %) and silicone gel as the filling material (93 %). The mean size of implants for the cosmetic group was 240 cc, placement was submuscular (58 %) and the incision site was inframammary (67 %). In the medical group, the mean size was 250 cc. Yearly registrations had their peak in 2008 (1,898 registered devices); from this year on, registrations decreased annually. A slight trend away from subglandular placement in the cosmetic group was noted. Also, the usage of implants with polyurethane surface characteristics has increased since 2008. The smooth surface implants had a peak usage in 2006 and their usage decreased steadily from then on whereas the textured surface was steady over the years. Keeping the problems related to the quality of breast implants in mind, we could recommend an obligatory national register. Organisations of surgeons and governments should develop and establish these registers. Furthermore, an all-encompassing international register should be established by the European Union and the American FDA (Food and Drug Administration); this might be useful in comparing the individual country registers and also would help in delivering "evidence based" medicine in cosmetic and medical procedures

  19. Peri-implant evaluation of osseointegrated implants subjected to orthodontic forces: results after three years of functional loading

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruna de Rezende Marins


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this study was to clinically and radiographically assess the peri-implant conditions of implants used as orthodontic anchorage. Methods: Two groups were studied: 1 a test group in which osseointegrated implants were used as orthodontic anchorage, with the application of 200-cN force; and 2 a control group in which implants were not subjected to orthodontic force, but supported a screw-retained prosthesis. Clinical evaluations were performed three, six and nine months after prosthesis installation and 1- and 3-year follow-up examinations. Intraoral periapical radiographs were obtained 30 days after surgical implant placement, at the time of prosthesis installation, and one, two and three years thereafter. The results were compared by Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in clinical probing depth (p = 0.1078 or mesial and distal crestal bone resorption (p = 0.1832 during the study period. After three years of follow-up, the mean probing depth was 2.21 mm for the control group and 2.39 mm for the test group. The implants of the control group showed a mean distance between the bone crest and implant shoulder of 2.39 mm, whereas the implants used as orthodontic anchorage showed a mean distance of 2.58 mm at the distal site. Conclusion: Results suggest that the use of stable intraoral orthodontic anchorage did not compromise the health of peri-implant tissues or the longevity of the implant.

  20. Ion Implantation of Polymers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Popok, Vladimir


    The current paper presents a state-of-the-art review in the field of ion implantation of polymers. Numerous published studies of polymers modified by ion beams are analysed. General aspects of ion stopping, latent track formation and changes of structure and composition of organic materials...... are discussed. Related to that, the effects of radiothermolysis, degassing and carbonisation are considered. Specificity of depth distributions of implanted into polymers impurities is analysed and the case of high-fluence implantation is emphasised. Within rather broad topic of ion bombardment, the focus...... is put on the low-energy implantation of metal ions causing the nucleation and growth of nanoparticles in the shallow polymer layers. Electrical, optical and magnetic properties of metal/polymer composites are under the discussion and the approaches towards practical applications are overviewed....

  1. Sistema de fabrico rápido de implantes ortopédicos Rapid manufacturing system of orthopedics implants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Relvas


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objectivo o desenvolvimento uma metodologia de fabrico rápido de implantes ortopédicos, em simultaneidade com a intervenção cirúrgica, considerando duas potenciais aplicações na área ortopédica: o fabrico de implantes anatomicamente adaptados e o fabrico de implantes para substituição de perdas ósseas. A inovação do trabalho desenvolvido consiste na obtenção in situ da geometria do implante, através da impressão directa de um material elastomérico (polivinilsiloxano que permite obter com grande exactidão a geometria pretendida. Após digitalização do modelo obtido em material elastomérico, o implante final é fabricado por maquinagem recorrendo a um sistema de CAD/CAM dedicado. O implante após esterilização, pode ser colocado no paciente. O conceito foi desenvolvido com recurso a tecnologias disponíveis comercialmente e de baixo custo. O mesmo foi testado sob a forma de uma artroplastia da anca realizada in vivo numa ovelha. O acréscimo de tempo de cirurgia foi de 80 minutos sendo 40 directamente resultantes do processo de fabrico do implante. O sistema desenvolvido revelou-se eficiente no alcance dos objectivos propostos, possibilitando o fabrico de um implante durante um período de tempo perfeitamente compatível com o tempo de cirurgia.This study, aimed the development of a methodology for rapid manufacture of orthopedic implants simultaneously with the surgical intervention, considering two potential applications in the fields of orthopedics: the manufacture of anatomically adapted implants and implants for bone loss replacement. This work innovation consists on the capitation of the in situ geometry of the implant by direct capture of the shape using an elastomeric material (polyvinylsiloxane which allows fine detail and great accuracy of the geometry. After scanning the elastomeric specimen, the implant is obtained by machining using a CNC milling machine programmed with a dedicated CAD

  2. Cochlear implant users' spectral ripple resolution. (United States)

    Jeon, Eun Kyung; Turner, Christopher W; Karsten, Sue A; Henry, Belinda A; Gantz, Bruce J


    This study revisits the issue of the spectral ripple resolution abilities of cochlear implant (CI) users. The spectral ripple resolution of recently implanted CI recipients (implanted during the last 10 years) were compared to those of CI recipients implanted 15 to 20 years ago, as well as those of normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners from previously published data from Henry, Turner, and Behrens [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118, 1111-1121 (2005)]. More recently, implanted CI recipients showed significantly better spectral ripple resolution. There is no significant difference in spectral ripple resolution for these recently implanted subjects compared to hearing-impaired (acoustic) listeners. The more recently implanted CI users had significantly better pre-operative speech perception than previously reported CI users. These better pre-operative speech perception scores in CI users from the current study may be related to better performance on the spectral ripple discrimination task; however, other possible factors such as improvements in internal and external devices cannot be excluded.

  3. Degradable Implantate: Entwicklungsbeispiele (United States)

    Ruffieux, Kurt; Wintermantel, Erich

    Resorbierbare Implantate werden seit mehreren Jahrzehnten in der Implantologie eingesetzt. Bekannt wurden diese Biomaterialien mit dem Aufkommen von sich selbst auflösenden Nahtfäden auf der Basis von synthetisch hergestellten Polylactiden und Polyglycoliden in den 70er Jahren. In einem nächsten Schritt wurden Implantate wie Platten und Schrauben zur Gewebefixation aus den gleichen Biomaterialien hergestellt.

  4. Potential Bone to Implant Contact Area of Short Versus Standard Implants: An In Vitro Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis. (United States)

    Quaranta, Alessandro; DʼIsidoro, Orlando; Bambini, Fabrizio; Putignano, Angelo


    To compare the available potential bone-implant contact (PBIC) area of standard and short dental implants by micro-computed tomography (μCT) assessment. Three short implants with different diameters (4.5 × 6 mm, 4.1 × 7 mm, and 4.1 × 6 mm) and 2 standard implants (3.5 × 10 mm and 3.3 × 9 mm) with diverse design and surface features were scanned with μCT. Cross-sectional images were obtained. Image data were manually processed to find the plane that corresponds to the most coronal contact point between the crestal bone and implant. The available PBIC was calculated for each sample. Later on, the cross-sectional slices were processed by a 3-dimensional (3D) software, and 3D images of each sample were used for descriptive analysis and display the microtopography and macrotopography. The wide-diameter short implant (4.5 × 6 mm) showed the higher PBIC (210.89 mm) value followed by the standard (178.07 mm and 185.37 mm) and short implants (130.70 mm and 110.70 mm). Wide-diameter short implants show a surface area comparable with standard implants. Micro-CT analysis is a promising technique to evaluate surface area in dental implants with different macrodesign, microdesign, and surface features.

  5. Manejo do cateter venoso central totalmente implantado em pacientes oncológicos: revisão integrative Manejo del catéter venoso central totalmente implantado en pacientes oncológicos: revisión integrativa Management of totally implanted catheter in patients with cancer: an integrative review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christiane Inocêncio Vasques


    Full Text Available O cateter totalmente implantado é amplamente utilizado durante o tratamento de pacientes com câncer e é capaz de minimizar complicações decorrentes da terapia intravenosa periférica. Assim, buscou-se identificar os cuidados de enfermagem relacionados ao manuseio de cateter totalmente implantado nesses pacientes. Para tanto, realizou-se revisão integrativa da literatura que resultou na análise de 15 artigos. O conhecimento produzido está direcionado para o tempo de permanência do cateter, complicações inerentes ao uso, manuseio do dispositivo, percepção do paciente em relação ao cateter e informações ao paciente. Além de demonstrar a complexidade da assistência de enfermagem no manuseio desses dispositivos, os achados podem auxiliar, igualmente, os profissionais que não atuam em oncologia, na aplicação de conhecimentos na prática clínica.El catéter totalmente implantado es ampliamente utilizado durante el tratamiento de pacientes con cáncer y es capaz de minimizar las complicaciones consecuentes de la terapia intravenosa periférica. Así, en este trabajo, se buscó identificar los cuidados de enfermería relacionados a la manipulación del catéter totalmente implantado en esos pacientes. Para tal efecto, se realizó una revisión integrativa de la literatura dando como resultado el análisis de 15 artículos. El conocimiento producido está orientado hacia el tiempo de permanencia del catetér, complicaciones inherentes al uso, manipulación del dispositivo, informaciones y percepción del paciente en relación al catéter. Aparte de demostrar la complejidad de la asistencia de enfermería en la manipulación de esos dispositivos, los hallazgos pueden auxiliar, igualmente, a los profesionales que no actúan en oncología, en la aplicación de conocimientos en la práctica clínica.Totally implanted catheter, which is effective in deceasing complications related to peripheral intravenous therapy, is widely used in

  6. Augmentation Mammaplasty Using Implants: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susumu Takayanagi


    Full Text Available One of the techniques for augmentation mammaplasty is the procedure using implants. Eventhough this technique has been used for many years, there are still several controversial issuesto be discussed and overcome for patient safety. In this review article, capsular contracture,leak or rupture of the implants, possible systemic disease, relation with breast cancer, andrecent problems with Poly Implant Prothese implants are described and discussed.

  7. Influence of implant number on the biomechanical behaviour of mandibular implant-retained/supported overdentures: a three-dimensional finite element analysis. (United States)

    Liu, Jingyin; Pan, Shaoxia; Dong, Jing; Mo, Zhongjun; Fan, Yubo; Feng, Hailan


    The aim of this study was to evaluate strain distribution in peri-implant bone, stress in the abutments and denture stability of mandibular overdentures anchored by different numbers of implants under different loading conditions, through three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA). Four 3D finite element models of mandibular overdentures were established, using between one and four Straumann implants with Locator attachments. Three types of load were applied to the overdenture in each model: 100N vertical and inclined loads on the left first molar and a 100N vertical load on the lower incisors. The biomechanical behaviours of peri-implant bone, implants, abutments and overdentures were recorded. Under vertical load on the lower incisors, the single-implant overdenture rotated over the implant from side to side, and no obvious increase of strain was found in peri-implant bone. Under the same loading conditions, the two-implant-retained overdenture showed more apparent rotation around the fulcrum line passing through the two implants, and the maximum equivalent stress in the abutments was higher than in the other models. In the three-implant-supported overdenture, no strain concentration was found in cortical bone around the middle implant under three loading conditions. Single-implant-retained mandibular overdentures do not show damaging strain concentration in the bone around the only implant and may be a cost-effective treatment option for edentulous patients. A third implant can be placed between the original two when patients rehabilitated by two-implant overdentures report constant and obvious denture rotation around the fulcrum line. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Ion implantation for microelectronics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dearnaley, G.


    Ion implantation has proved to be a versatile and efficient means of producing microelectronic devices. This review summarizes the relevant physics and technology and assesses the advantages of the method. Examples are then given of widely different device structures which have been made by ion implantation. While most of the industrial application has been in silicon, good progress continues to be made in the more difficult field of compound semiconductors. Equipment designed for the industrial ion implantation of microelectronic devices is discussed briefly. (Auth.)

  9. Optimization of dental implantation (United States)

    Dol, Aleksandr V.; Ivanov, Dmitriy V.


    Modern dentistry can not exist without dental implantation. This work is devoted to study of the "bone-implant" system and to optimization of dental prostheses installation. Modern non-invasive methods such as MRI an 3D-scanning as well as numerical calculations and 3D-prototyping allow to optimize all of stages of dental prosthetics. An integrated approach to the planning of implant surgery can significantly reduce the risk of complications in the first few days after treatment, and throughout the period of operation of the prosthesis.

  10. Technical devices for hearing-impaired individuals: cochlear implants and brain stem implants - developments of the last decade. (United States)

    Müller, Joachim


    Over the past two decades, the fascinating possibilities of cochlear implants for congenitally deaf or deafened children and adults developed tremendously and created a rapidly developing interdisciplinary research field.The main advancements of cochlear implantation in the past decade are marked by significant improvement of hearing and speech understanding in CI users. These improvements are attributed to the enhancement of speech coding strategies.The Implantation of more (and increasingly younger) children as well as the possibilities of the restoration of binaural hearing abilities with cochlear implants reflect the high standards reached by this development. Despite this progress, modern cochlear implants do not yet enable normal speech understanding, not even for the best patients. In particular speech understanding in noise remains problematic [1]. Until the mid 1990ies research concentrated on unilateral implantation. Remarkable and effective improvements have been made with bilateral implantation since 1996. Nowadays an increasing numbers of patients enjoy these benefits.

  11. Patient satisfaction with maxillary 3-implant overdentures using different attachment systems opposing mandibular 2-implant overdentures. (United States)

    Al-Zubeidi, Mohammed I; Alsabeeha, Nabeel H M; Thomson, W Murray; Payne, Alan G T


    Patient-based outcomes with maxillary overdentures on a minimum number of implants, opposing mandibular 2-implant overdentures are not evident in the literature. To evaluate patient's satisfaction with maxillary 3-implant overdentures, opposing mandibular 2-implant overdentures, using two different attachment systems over the first 2 years of service. Forty participants wearing mandibular 2-implant overdentures for 3 years were randomly allocated to one of two similar implant system groups to receive maxillary 3-implant overdentures. Twenty participants were allocated to splinted and unsplinted attachment system treatment groups for each system. Patient satisfaction with pre-treatment complete maxillary dentures, with maxillary 3-implant overdentures at baseline and annually for 2 years, was measured using visual analogue scale questionnaires and the oral health impact profiles. Palatal coverage of the maxillary overdentures was reduced at the first annual recall. Data showed significant improvement in pain reduction, comfort, stability, and function variables of the visual analogue scale after treatment. Analysis by prosthodontic design using visual analogue scale showed no significant difference. The total oral health impact profile-14 scores after treatment for all participants, regardless of prosthodontic design, were significantly lower (more satisfied). The overall oral health impact profile-20E score at baseline was significantly higher (more satisfied) compared with pre-treatment conventional maxillary dentures. No significant changes were observed in the first or second years compared with baseline results. Twenty-two participants (84.6%) preferred reduced palatal coverage, regardless of prosthodontic design, after 1 year. Twenty participants (76.9%) still preferred reduced palatal coverage at the end of the second year. The provision of maxillary 3-implant overdentures to oppose mandibular 2-implant overdentures significantly improve levels of patient

  12. Intercavitary implants dosage calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehder, B.P.

    The use of spacial geometry peculiar to each treatment for the attainment of intercavitary and intersticial implants dosage calculation is presented. The study is made in patients with intercavitary implants by applying a modified Manchester technique [pt

  13. Reliability of implant placement after virtual planning of implant positions using cone beam CT data and surgical (guide) templates. (United States)

    Nickenig, Hans-Joachim; Eitner, Stephan


    We assessed the reliability of implant placement after virtual planning of implant positions using cone-beam CT data and surgical guide templates. A total of 102 patients (250 implants, 55.4% mandibular; mean patient age, 40.4 years) who had undergone implant treatment therapy in an armed forces dental clinic (Cologne, Germany) between July 1, 2005 and December 1, 2005. They were treated with a system that allows transfer of virtual planning to surgical guide templates. Only in eight cases the surgical guides were not used because a delayed implant placement was necessary. In four posterior mandibular cases, handling was limited because of reduced interocclusal distance, requiring 50% shortening of the drill guides. The predictability of implant size was high: only one implant was changed to a smaller diameter (because of insufficient bone). In all cases, critical anatomical structures were protected and no complications were detected in postoperative panoramic radiographs. In 58.1% (147) of the 250 implants, a flapless surgery plan was realized. Implant placement after virtual planning of implant positions using cone beam CT data and surgical templates can be reliable for preoperative assessment of implant size, position, and anatomical complications. It is also indicative of cases amenable to flapless surgery.

  14. Electrochemical properties of ion implanted silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pham minh Tan.


    The electrochemical behaviour of ion implanted silicon in contact with hydrofluoric acid solution was investigated. It was shown that the implanted layer on silicon changes profoundly its electrochemical properties (photopotential, interface impedance, rest potential, corrosion, current-potential behaviour, anodic dissolution of silicon, redox reaction). These changes depend strongly on the implantation parameters such as ion dose, ion energy, thermal treatment and ion mass and are weakly dependent on the chemical nature of the implantation ion. The experimental results were evaluated and interpreted in terms of the semiconductor electrochemical concepts taking into account the interaction of energetic ions with the solid surface. The observed effects are thus attributed to the implantation induced damage of silicon lattice and can be used for profiling of the implanted layer and the electrochemical treatment of the silicon surface. (author)

  15. Comparison of external and internal implant-abutment connections for implant supported prostheses. A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Lemos, Cleidiel Aparecido Araujo; Verri, Fellippo Ramos; Bonfante, Estevam Augusto; Santiago Júnior, Joel Ferreira; Pellizzer, Eduardo Piza


    The systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to answer the PICO question: "Do patients that received external connection implants show similar marginal bone loss, implant survival and complication rates as internal connection implants?". Meta-analyses of marginal bone loss, survival rates of implants and complications rates were performed for the included studies. Study eligibility criteria included (1) randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and/or prospective, (2) studies with at least 10 patients, (3) direct comparison between connection types and (4) publications in English language. The Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to assess the quality and risk of bias in RCTs, while Newcastle-Ottawa scale was used for non-RCTs. A comprehensive search strategy was designed to identify published studies on PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and The Cochrane Library databases up to October 2017. The search identified 661 references. Eleven studies (seven RCTs and four prospective studies) were included, with a total of 530 patients (mean age, 53.93 years), who had received a total of 1089 implants (461 external-connection and 628 internal-connection implants). The internal-connection implants exhibited lower marginal bone loss than external-connection implants (PInternal connections had lower marginal bone loss when compared to external connections. However, the implant-abutment connection had no influence on the implant's survival and complication rates. Based on the GRADE approach the evidence was classified as very low to moderate due to the study design, inconsistency, and publication bias. Thus, future research is highly encouraged. Internal connection implants should be preferred over external connection implants, especially when different risk factors that may contribute to increased marginal bone loss are present. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Maxillary Three-Implant Overdentures Opposing Mandibular Two-Implant Overdentures: 10-Year Surgical Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Ma, Sunyoung; Tawse-Smith, Andrew; De Silva, Rohana K; Atieh, Momen A; Alsabeeha, Nabeel H M; Payne, Alan G T


    The surgical placement of four maxillary implants for overdentures may not be obligatory when opposing mandibular two-implant overdentures. To determine 10-year surgical outcomes and implant success of three narrow diameter implants in edentulous maxillae with conventional loading. Forty participants with mandibular two-implant overdentures were randomly allocated for surgery for maxillary overdentures. Using osteotomes, three implants of similar systems were placed with a one-stage procedure and 12-week loading with splinted and unsplinted prosthodontic designs. Marginal bone and stability measurements were done at surgery, 12 weeks, 1-, 2-, 5-, 7-, 10 years. One hundred seventeen implants were placed in 39 participants, with 35 being seen at 1 year; 29 at 2 years; 28 at 5 years; 26 at 7 years; and 23 (59%) at 10 years. Marginal bone loss was 1.35 mm between surgery and 12 weeks; 0.36 mm between 12 weeks and 1 year; 0.48 mm between 1 and 5 years; and 0.22 mm between 5 and 10 years. Implant stability quotients were 56.05, 57.54, 60.88, 58.80, 61.17 at surgery, 12 weeks, 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Four-field tables by implant showed success rates of 82% at 1 year; 69.2% at 2 years; 66.7% at 5 years; 61.5% at 7 years; 51.3% at 10 years. Data showed no differences between surgical technique, systems, or prosthodontic designs. Surgical placement with osteotomes of three narrow diameter implants for maxillary overdentures, opposing mandibular two-implant overdentures, is an acceptable approach, subject to strict patient selection. Implant success is independent of prosthodontic design. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Effect of crown-to-implant ratio on peri-implant stress: a finite element analysis. (United States)

    Verri, Fellippo Ramos; Batista, Victor Eduardo de Souza; Santiago, Joel Ferreira; Almeida, Daniel Augusto de Faria; Pellizzer, Eduardo Piza


    The aim of this study was to evaluate stress distribution in the fixation screws and bone tissue around implants in single-implant supported prostheses with crowns of different heights (10, 12.5, 15 mm - crown-to-implant ratio 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively). It was designed using three 3-D models. Each model was developed with a mandibular segment of bone block including an internal hexagon implant supporting a screw-retained, single metal-ceramic crown. The crown height was set at 10, 12.5, and 15 mm with crown-to-implant ratio of 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively. The applied forces were 200N (axial) and 100 N (oblique). The increase of crown height showed differences with the oblique load in some situations. By von Mises' criterion, a high stress area was concentrated at the implant/fixation screw and abutment/implant interfaces at crown-to-implant ratio of 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively. Using the maximum principal criteria, the buccal regions showed higher traction stress intensity, whereas the distal regions showed the largest compressive stress in all models. The increase of C/I ratio must be carefully evaluated by the dentist since the increase of this C/I ratio is proportional to the increase of average stress for both screw fixation (C/I 1:1 to 1:1.25 ratio=30.1% and C/I 1:1 to 1:1.5 ratio=46.3%) and bone tissue (C/I 1:1 to 1:1.25 ratio=30% and C/I 1:1 to 1:1.5 ratio=51.5%). Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Simulation of peri-implant bone healing due to immediate loading in dental implant treatments. (United States)

    Chou, Hsuan-Yu; Müftü, Sinan


    The goal of this work was to investigate the role of immediate loading on the peri-implant bone healing in dental implant treatments. A mechano-regulatory tissue differentiation model that takes into account the stimuli through the solid and the fluid components of the healing tissue, and the diffusion of pluripotent stem cells into the healing callus was used. A two-dimensional axisymmetric model consisting of a dental implant, the healing callus tissue and the host bone tissue was constructed for the finite element analysis. Poroelastic material properties were assigned to the healing callus and the bone tissue. The effects of micro-motion, healing callus size, and implant thread design on the length of the bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and the bone volume (BV) formed in the healing callus were investigated. In general, the analysis predicted formation of a continuous layer of soft tissue along the faces of the implant which are parallel to the loading direction. This was predicted to be correlated with the high levels of distortional strain transferred through the solid component of the stimulus. It was also predicted that the external threads on the implant, redistribute the interfacial load, thus help reduce the high distortional stimulus and also help the cells to differentiate to bone tissue. In addition, the region underneath the implant apex was predicted to experience high fluid stimulus that results in the development of soft tissue. The relationship between the variables considered in this study and the outcome measures, BV and BIC, was found to be highly nonlinear. A three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the results was conducted and it showed that micro-motion presents the largest hindrance to bone formation during healing. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Pasado, presente y futuro cercano de los materiales para uso en implantes óseos biodegradables


    Plazas Bonilla, Clara Eugenia; Perilla, Jairo Ernesto


    El manejo de fracturas y defectos óseos procura la regeneración del tejido óseo respetando su anatomía y buscando recuperar su funcionalidad. El logro de este objetivo se inició en el siglo XVII con el uso de injertos de origen animal o humano, y ha llegado en la actualidad al uso de implantes, dispositivos elaborados en materiales naturales o sintéticos que comportan una gran variedad de propiedades químicas, físicas y biológicas. Las investigaciones en el área continúan encaminándose a la s...

  20. Influence of implant number on the movement of mandibular implant overdentures. (United States)

    Oda, Ken; Kanazawa, Manabu; Takeshita, Shin; Minakuchi, Shunsuke


    The rotational movement of an implant overdenture (IOD) has a negative effect on the perceived masticatory ability of the denture wearer. However, the influence of implant number on the movement of IODs has not been investigated. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the denture movement of mandibular IODs anchored by different numbers of implants. An edentulous mandibular test model with artificial mucosa and 5 experimental overdentures (N=5) was fabricated. The locator attachment system with blue nylon inserts was chosen for this study. Three implant positions were prepared: anterior midline (1-IOD), bilateral lateral incisor regions (2-IOD), and anterior midline and bilateral canine regions (3-IOD). Vertical loads of 50 N were applied to the mid-anterior region, the left canine region, the left premolar region, and the left first molar region. The vertical and horizontal displacements at the right distal edge and the vertical displacements at the loading point were measured. The displacement values were statistically analyzed using a 1-way analysis of variance and the post hoc Tukey honest significant difference test with the implant number as a factor. In addition, the values of the vertical and horizontal displacements at the distal edge of the overdenture were statistically compared using a paired t test, and the values of the vertical displacement at the distal edge of the overdenture were statistically analyzed by a repeated measures analysis of variance and the post hoc Tukey honest significance difference test with the loading point as a factor (a=.05). Upon anterior loading, the 2-IOD showed significantly larger vertical displacements at the right distal edge than the 1-IOD or 3-IOD (P.05). Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the following conclusions were drawn: During mastication with the anterior teeth, the use of 2 implants for anchoring an IOD increased the rotation of the denture base more than the use of 1 or 3 implants

  1. Effects of high-dose hydrogen implantation on defect formation and dopant diffusion in silver implanted ZnO crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yaqoob, Faisal [Department of Physics, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York 12222 (United States); Huang, Mengbing, E-mail: [College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, State University of New York Polytechnic Institute, Albany, New York 12203 (United States)


    This work reports on the effects of a deep high-dose hydrogen ion implant on damage accumulation, defect retention, and silver diffusion in silver implanted ZnO crystals. Single-crystal ZnO samples were implanted with Ag ions in a region ∼150 nm within the surface, and some of these samples were additionally implanted with hydrogen ions to a dose of 2 × 10{sup 16 }cm{sup −2}, close to the depth ∼250 nm. Rutherford backscattering/ion channeling measurements show that crystal damage caused by Ag ion implantation and the amount of defects retained in the near surface region following post-implantation annealing were found to diminish in the case with the H implantation. On the other hand, the additional H ion implantation resulted in a reduction of substitutional Ag atoms upon post-implantation annealing. Furthermore, the presence of H also modified the diffusion properties of Ag atoms in ZnO. We discuss these findings in the context of the effects of nano-cavities on formation and annihilation of point defects as well as on impurity diffusion and trapping in ZnO crystals.

  2. Contraceptive implants: current perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rowlands S


    Full Text Available Sam Rowlands,1,2 Stephen Searle3 1Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research and Education, School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, United Kingdom; 2Dorset HealthCare, Bournemouth, United Kingdom; 3Sexual Health Services, Chesterfield, United KingdomAbstract: Progestin-only contraceptive implants are a highly cost-effective form of long-acting reversible contraception. They are the most effective reversible contraceptives and are of a similar effectiveness to sterilization. Pregnancies are rare in women using this method of contraception, and those that do occur must be fully investigated, with an ultrasound scan of the arm and serum etonogestrel level if the implant cannot be located. There are very few contraindications to use of implants, and they have an excellent safety profile. Both acceptability and continuation with the method are high. Noncontraceptive benefits include improvements in dysmenorrhea, ovulatory pain, and endometriosis. Problematic bleeding is a relatively common adverse effect that must be covered in preinsertion information-giving and supported adequately if it occurs. Recognized training for both insertion and removal should be undertaken. Care needs to be taken at both insertion and removal to avoid neurovascular injury. Implants should always be palpable; if they are not, noninsertion should be assumed until disproven. Etonogestrel implants are now radiopaque, which aids localization. Anticipated difficult removals should be performed by specially trained experts. Keywords: contraceptive, subdermal implant, etonogestrel, levonorgestrel, progestin-only, long-acting reversible contraception

  3. Failure analysis of fractured dental zirconia implants. (United States)

    Gahlert, M; Burtscher, D; Grunert, I; Kniha, H; Steinhauser, E


    The purpose of the present study was the macroscopic and microscopic failure analysis of fractured zirconia dental implants. Thirteen fractured one-piece zirconia implants (Z-Look3) out of 170 inserted implants with an average in situ period of 36.75±5.34 months (range from 20 to 56 months, median 38 months) were prepared for macroscopic and microscopic (scanning electron microscopy [SEM]) failure analysis. These 170 implants were inserted in 79 patients. The patient histories were compared with fracture incidences to identify the reasons for the failure of the implants. Twelve of these fractured implants had a diameter of 3.25 mm and one implant had a diameter of 4 mm. All fractured implants were located in the anterior side of the maxilla and mandibula. The patient with the fracture of the 4 mm diameter implant was adversely affected by strong bruxism. By failure analysis (SEM), it could be demonstrated that in all cases, mechanical overloading caused the fracture of the implants. Inhomogeneities and internal defects of the ceramic material could be excluded, but notches and scratches due to sandblasting of the surface led to local stress concentrations that led to the mentioned mechanical overloading by bending loads. The present study identified a fracture rate of nearly 10% within a follow-up period of 36.75 months after prosthetic loading. Ninety-two per cent of the fractured implants were so-called diameter reduced implants (diameter 3.25 mm). These diameter reduced implants cannot be recommended for further clinical use. Improvement of the ceramic material and modification of the implant geometry has to be carried out to reduce the failure rate of small-sized ceramic implants. Nevertheless, due to the lack of appropriate laboratory testing, only clinical studies will demonstrate clearly whether and how far the failure rate can be reduced. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  4. Implant-supported mandibular removable partial dentures : Functional, clinical and radiographical parameters in relation to implant position

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jensen, Charlotte; Speksnijder, Caroline M.; Raghoebar, Gerry M.; Kerdijk, Wouter; Meijer, Henny J A; Cune, Marco S.

    Background: Patients with a Kennedy class I situation often encounter problems with their removable partial denture (RPD). Purpose: To assess the functional benefits of implant support to RPDs, the clinical performance of the implants and teeth and to determine the most favorable implant position:

  5. Evaluation of stress patterns produced by implant-retained overdentures and implant-retained fixed partial denture. (United States)

    Mazaro, José Vitor Quinelli; Filho, Humberto Gennari; Vedovatto, Eduardo; Pellizzer, Eduardo Piza; Rezende, Maria Cristina Rosifini Alves; Zavanelli, Adriana Cristina


    The purposes of this study were to photoelastically measure the biomechanical behavior of 4 implants retaining different cantilevered bar mandibular overdenture designs and to compare a fixed partial denture (FPD). A photoelastic model of a human edentulous mandible was fabricated, which contained 4 screw-type implants (3.75 × 10 mm) embedded in the parasymphyseal area. An FPD and 3 overdenture designs with the following attachments were evaluated: 3 plastic Hader clips, 1 Hader clip with 2 posterior resilient cap attachments, and 3 ball/O-ring attachments. Vertical occlusal forces of 100 N were applied between the central incisor and unilaterally to the right and left second premolars and second molars. Stresses that developed in the supporting structure were monitored photoelastically and recorded photographically. The results showed that the anterior loading, the overdenture with 3 plastic Hader clips, displayed the largest stress concentration at the medium implant. With premolar loading, the FPD and overdenture with 3 plastic Hader clips displayed the highest stresses to the ipsilateral terminal implant. With molar loading, the overdenture with 3 ball/O-ring attachments displayed the most uniform stress distribution in the posterior edentulous ridge, with less overloading in the terminal implant. It was concluded that vertical forces applied to the bar-clip overdenture and FPD created immediate stress patterns of greater magnitude and concentration on the ipsilateral implants, whereas the ball/O-ring attachments transferred minimal stress to the implants. The increased cantilever in the FPD caused the highest stresses to the terminal implant.

  6. Augmentation Mammaplasty Using Implants: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susumu Takayanagi


    Full Text Available One of the techniques for augmentation mammaplasty is the procedure using implants. Even though this technique has been used for many years, there are still several controversial issues to be discussed and overcome for patient safety. In this review article, capsular contracture, leak or rupture of the implants, possible systemic disease, relation with breast cancer, and recent problems with Poly Implant Prothese implants are described and discussed.

  7. Implant Supported Fixed Restorations versus Implant Supported Removable Overdentures: A Systematic Review (United States)

    Selim, Khaled; Ali, Sherif; Reda, Ahmed


    AIM: The aim of this study is to systematically evaluate and compare implant retained fixed restoration versus implant retained over denture. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Search was made in 2 databases including PubMed and PubMed Central. Title and abstract were screened to select studies comparing implant retained fixed restorations versus implant retained removable overdentures. Articles which did not follow the inclusion criteria were excluded. Included papers were then read carefully for a second stage filter, this was followed by manual searching of bibliography of selected articles. RESULTS: The search resulted in 5 included papers. One study evaluated the masticatory function, while the other 4 evaluated the patient satisfaction. Two of them used Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) as a measurement tool, while the other two used VAS and Categorical Scales (CAT). Stability, ability to chew, ability to clean, ability to speak and esthetics were the main outcomes of the 4 included papers. CONCLUSION: Conflicting results was observed between the fixed and removable restorations. PMID:28028423

  8. Reconstrucción del maxilar superior mediante transporte del proceso alveolar: Presentación de un caso Reconstruction of the maxilla by means of transport of the alveolar process: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Bilbao


    Full Text Available La osteogénesis mediante distracción aplicada a la reconstrucción del proceso alveolar es una técnica sobradamente contrastada en la literatura, al igual que la utilización del transporte óseo en la reconstrucción de defectos segmentarios mandibulares. Presentamos en este artículo un caso de reconstrucción de un defecto segmentario del maxilar superior mediante transporte de proceso alveolar y su posterior rehabilitación protésica implantosoportada. Mostramos tanto la técnica quirúrgica como el manejo de del vector de distracción utilizando elásticos de ortodoncia y tornillos de bloqueo intermaxilar.Osteogenesis by means of distraction applied to the reconstruction of the alveolar process is a well-documented technique in the literature, as is the use of bone transport in the reconstruction of mandibular segment defects. In the present article we report on a case of reconstruction of a segment defect in the maxilla using the alveolar transport process, and on the subsequent rehabilitation by means of an implant-supported prosthesis. Both the surgical technique and the handling of the distraction vector using orthodontic bands and inter-maxillary fixation screws are shown.

  9. High energy P implants in silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raineri, V.; Cacciato, A.; Benyaich, F.; Priolo, F.; Rimini, E.; Galvagno, G.; Capizzi, S.


    Phosphorus ions in the energy range 0.25-1 MeV and in the dose range 2x10 13 -1x10 15 P/cm 2 were implanted into (100) Si single crystal at different tilt angles. In particular channeling and random conditions were investigated. For comparison some implants were performed on samples with a 2 μm thick surface amorphous layer. Chemical concentration P profiles were obtained by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Carrier concentration and mobility profile measurements were carried out by sheet resistance and Hall measurements on implanted van der Pauw patterns. Carrier concentration profiles were also obtained by spreading resistance (SR) measurements. The damage in the as-implanted samples was determined by backscattering and channeling spectrometry (RBS) as a function of the dose and implantation energy. Comparison of random implants in crystal with implants in amorphous layers shows that in the first case it is impossible to completely avoid the channeling tail. In the implants performed under channeling conditions at low doses the P profiles are flat over more than 2 μm thick layers. Furthermore, by increasing the implanted dose, the shape of the profiles dramatically changes due to the dechanneling caused by the crystal disorder. The data are discussed and compared with Monte Carlo simulations using the MARLOWE code. A simple description of the electronic energy loss provides an excellent agreement between the calculated and experimental profiles. (orig.)

  10. Ion implantation of boron in germanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, K.S.


    Ion implantation of 11 B + into room temperature Ge samples leads to a p-type layer prior to any post implant annealing steps. Variable temperature Hall measurements and deep level transient spectroscopy experiments indicate that room temperature implantation of 11 B + into Ge results in 100% of the boron ions being electrically active as shallow acceptor, over the entire dose range (5 x 10 11 /cm 2 to 1 x 10 14 /cm 2 ) and energy range (25 keV to 100 keV) investigated, without any post implant annealing. The concentration of damage related acceptor centers is only 10% of the boron related, shallow acceptor center concentration for low energy implants (25 keV), but becomes dominant at high energies (100 keV) and low doses ( 12 /cm 2 ). Three damage related hole traps are produced by ion implantation of 11 B + . Two of these hole traps have also been observed in γ-irradiated Ge and may be oxygen-vacancy related defects, while the third trap may be divacancy related. All three traps anneal out at low temperatures ( 0 C). Boron, from room temperature implantation of BF 2 + into Ge, is not substitutionally active prior to a post implant annealing step of 250 0 C for 30 minutes. After annealing additional shallow acceptors are observed in BF 2 + implanted samples which may be due to fluorine or flourine related complexes which are electrically active

  11. Increased crown-to-implant ratio may not be a risk factor for dental implant failure under appropriate plaque control. (United States)

    Okada, Shinsuke; Koretake, Katsunori; Miyamoto, Yasunari; Oue, Hiroshi; Akagawa, Yasumasa


    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether increased crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio influences implant stability or not under proper healthy control of peri-implant mucosa. The hypothesis of this study is that implant stability can be maintained despite High C/I, under appropriate plaque control. Five male Beagle-Labrador hybrid dogs (2 years old) were used. Their bilateral mandibular premolar extraction was performed. After allowing 12 weeks for bone healing, 3 types of vertical marginal bone loss were simultaneously prepared randomly. Then, 30 titanium implants were placed in the edentulous areas and defined as High C/I, Mid C/I and Low C/I groups. This time point was designated as the baseline (0 Week). Twelve weeks after implant placement, metal superstructures were cemented to the implants and an occlusal plate was set at the opposite side. At the same time, Calcein green was injected for remodeling evaluation. Implants were loaded by feeding the dogs a hard pellet diet. Tooth brushing was performed 5 days per week during the study to maintain healthy peri-implant mucosa. Twenty-four weeks following implant placement, the interface structure was evaluated clinically, radiologically, and histologically. Implant stability quotient (ISQ) increased with time in all 3 groups, without any significant correlation with the C/I value (p >0.05). Moreover, mean marginal bone loss adjacent around implants in all 3 groups ranged between 0.11 and 0.19 mm, with no significant difference (p >0.05). Many fluorescence-labeled bones are shown in the High C/I group. It is considered that high remodeling activity prevent marginal bone loss in the High C/I group and this may provide favorable implant stability under proper plaque control. These findings suggest that increased C/I may not be a risk factor for implant failure if the peri-implant mucosa is kept healthy, as was the case in this animal model.

  12. Increased crown-to-implant ratio may not be a risk factor for dental implant failure under appropriate plaque control.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shinsuke Okada

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether increased crown-to-implant (C/I ratio influences implant stability or not under proper healthy control of peri-implant mucosa. The hypothesis of this study is that implant stability can be maintained despite High C/I, under appropriate plaque control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five male Beagle-Labrador hybrid dogs (2 years old were used. Their bilateral mandibular premolar extraction was performed. After allowing 12 weeks for bone healing, 3 types of vertical marginal bone loss were simultaneously prepared randomly. Then, 30 titanium implants were placed in the edentulous areas and defined as High C/I, Mid C/I and Low C/I groups. This time point was designated as the baseline (0 Week. Twelve weeks after implant placement, metal superstructures were cemented to the implants and an occlusal plate was set at the opposite side. At the same time, Calcein green was injected for remodeling evaluation. Implants were loaded by feeding the dogs a hard pellet diet. Tooth brushing was performed 5 days per week during the study to maintain healthy peri-implant mucosa. Twenty-four weeks following implant placement, the interface structure was evaluated clinically, radiologically, and histologically. RESULT: Implant stability quotient (ISQ increased with time in all 3 groups, without any significant correlation with the C/I value (p >0.05. Moreover, mean marginal bone loss adjacent around implants in all 3 groups ranged between 0.11 and 0.19 mm, with no significant difference (p >0.05. Many fluorescence-labeled bones are shown in the High C/I group. It is considered that high remodeling activity prevent marginal bone loss in the High C/I group and this may provide favorable implant stability under proper plaque control. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that increased C/I may not be a risk factor for implant failure if the peri-implant mucosa is kept healthy, as was the case in this animal model.

  13. Risks of Breast Implants (United States)

    ... have a risk of developing a type of cancer called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) in the breast tissue surrounding the implant. BIA-ALCL is not breast cancer. Women diagnosed with BIA-ALCL may need to ...

  14. Surface modification of implants in long bone. (United States)

    Förster, Yvonne; Rentsch, Claudia; Schneiders, Wolfgang; Bernhardt, Ricardo; Simon, Jan C; Worch, Hartmut; Rammelt, Stefan


    Coatings of orthopedic implants are investigated to improve the osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties of the implant surfaces and thus to enhance periimplant bone formation. By applying coatings that mimic the extracellular matrix a favorable environment for osteoblasts, osteoclasts and their progenitor cells is provided to promote early and strong fixation of implants. It is known that the early bone ongrowth increases primary implant fixation and reduces the risk of implant failure. This review presents an overview of coating titanium and hydroxyapatite implants with components of the extracellular matrix like collagen type I, chondroitin sulfate and RGD peptide in different small and large animal models. The influence of these components on cells, the inflammation process, new bone formation and bone/implant contact is summarized.

  15. Comparing Short Dental Implants to Standard Dental Implants: Protocol for a Systematic Review. (United States)

    Rokn, Amir Reza; Keshtkar, Abbasali; Monzavi, Abbas; Hashemi, Kazem; Bitaraf, Tahereh


    Short dental implants have been proposed as a simpler, cheaper, and faster alternative for the rehabilitation of atrophic edentulous areas to avoid the disadvantages of surgical techniques for increasing bone volume. This review will compare short implants (4 to 8 mm) to standard implants (larger than 8 mm) in edentulous jaws, evaluating on the basis of marginal bone loss (MBL), survival rate, complications, and prosthesis failure. We will electronically search for randomized controlled trials comparing short dental implants to standard dental implants in the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, Scopus, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and with English language restrictions. We will manually search the reference lists of relevant reviews and the included articles in this review. The following journals will also be searched: European Journal of Oral Implantology, Clinical Oral Implants Research, and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. Two reviewers will independently perform the study selection, data extraction and quality assessment (using the Cochrane Collaboration tool) of included studies. All meta-analysis procedures including appropriate effect size combination, sub-group analysis, meta-regression, assessing publication or reporting bias will be performed using Stata (Statacorp, TEXAS) version 12.1. Short implant effectiveness will be assessed using the mean difference of MBL in terms of weighted mean difference (WMD) and standardized mean difference (SMD) using Cohen's method. The combined effect size measures in addition to the related 95% confidence intervals will be estimated by a fixed effect model. The heterogeneity of the related effect size will be assessed using a Q Cochrane test and I2 measure. The MBL will be presented by a standardized mean difference with a 95% confidence interval. The survival rate of implants, prostheses failures, and complications will be reported using a risk

  16. Location of unaccessible implant surface areas during debridement in simulated peri-implantitis therapy. (United States)

    Steiger-Ronay, Valerie; Merlini, Andrea; Wiedemeier, Daniel B; Schmidlin, Patrick R; Attin, Thomas; Sahrmann, Philipp


    An in vitro model for peri-implantitis treatment was used to identify areas that are clinically difficult to clean by analyzing the pattern of residual stain after debridement with commonly employed instruments. Original data from two previous publications, which simulated surgical (SA) and non-surgical (NSA) implant debridement on two different implant systems respectively, were reanalyzed regarding the localization pattern of residual stains after instrumentation. Two blinded examiners evaluated standardized photographs of 360 initially ink-stained dental implants, which were cleaned at variable defect angulations (30, 60, or 90°), using different instrument types (Gracey curette, ultrasonic scaler or air powder abrasive device) and treatment approaches (SA or NSA). Predefined implant surface areas were graded for residual stain using scores ranging from one (stain-covered) to six (clean). Score differences between respective implant areas were tested for significance by pairwise comparisons using Wilcoxon-rank-sum-tests with a significance level α = 5%. Best scores were found at the machined surface areas (SA: 5.58 ± 0.43, NSA: 4.76 ± 1.09), followed by the tips of the threads (SA: 4.29 ± 0.44, NSA: 4.43 ± 0.61), and areas between threads (SA: 3.79 ± 0.89, NSA: 2.42 ± 1.11). Apically facing threads were most difficult to clean (SA: 1.70 ± 0.92, NSA: 2.42 ± 1.11). Here, air powder abrasives provided the best results. Machined surfaces at the implant shoulder were well accessible and showed least amounts of residual stain. Apically facing thread surfaces constituted the area with most residual stain regardless of treatment approach.

  17. Implantation damage in silicon devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nicholas, K.H.


    Ion implantation, is an attractive technique for producing doped layers in silicon devices but the implantation process involves disruption of the lattice and defects are formed, which can degrade device properties. Methods of minimizing such damage are discussed and direct comparisons made between implantation and diffusion techniques in terms of defects in the final devices and the electrical performance of the devices. Defects are produced in the silicon lattice during implantation but they are annealed to form secondary defects even at room temperature. The annealing can be at a low temperature ( 0 C) when migration of defects in silicon in generally small, or at high temperature when they can grow well beyond the implanted region. The defect structures can be complicated by impurity atoms knocked into the silicon from surface layers by the implantation. Defects can also be produced within layers on top of the silicon and these can be very important in device fabrication. In addition to affecting the electrical properties of the final device, defects produced during fabrication may influence the chemical properties of the materials. The use of these properties to improve devices are discussed as well as the degradation they can cause. (author)

  18. El Implante discal cervical como alternativa a la artrodesis en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la cervicoartrosis


    Lafuente Baraza, Jesús


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Objetivo: Evaluación de la prótesis de Bryan como alternativa a la artrodesis en el tratamiento de la espondilosis cervical. Materiales y métodos: 54 pacientes consecutivos con radiculopatía o mielopatía fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente de discectomía cervical con implantación de la prótesis discal cervical. Dichos implantes presentan medidas variables que van de 14 a 18 mm. El seguimiento se realizo a las seis semana...

  19. Stresses generated by two zygomatic implant placement techniques associated with conventional inclined anterior implants

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    Paulo H.T. Almeida


    Full Text Available Purpose: To make a comparative evaluation, by means of the finite element method, of the stress generated on supporting tissues and prosthetic system components, using zygomatic implants with the exteriorized and extramaxillary techniques, and different placement positions, associated either with inclined anterior implants, or those without inclination. Materials and methods: Eight (8 tridimensional models were created to represent the clinical situations being researched, using the dataset of scanned images of an edentulous model. The implants and prosthetic components were photographed on millimeter paper and inserted into Rhinoceros 3D modeling computer software. From the measurements made on the image, the virtual models were made. The application force was distributed on the occlusal surface of the working side of the left maxillary first molar, first and second premolars, and incisal regions of the central incisor, simulating the occlusal load during mastication, in a total of 150 N. Results: The extramaxillary technique presented considerable variation in increased tension on the prosthesis screws and bone tissue. In the exteriorized technique, the highest tension values occurred in the region of the ridge, and the lowest, on the zygomatic process; the absence of cantilever reduced the stress on bone tissue in almost all regions. Conclusion: The exteriorized technique was shown to be more favorable to the distribution of stresses on the micro-unit screws and bone tissue, with the model with zygomatic implant placed in the region of the first molar and inclined anterior implant presenting the best results. Keywords: Zygomatic implants, Atrophic maxilla, Finite element analysis, Cantilever, Inclined implant

  20. Influence of simulated bone-implant contact and implant diameter on secondary stability: a resonance frequency in vitro study. (United States)

    Veltri, Mario; González-Martín, Oscar; Belser, Urs C


    This study tested the hypothesis of no differences in resonance frequency for standardized amounts of simulated bone-implant contact around implants with different diameters. In addition, it was evaluated if resonance frequency is able to detect a difference between stable and rotation mobile ("spinning") implants. Implants with diameters of 3.3, 4.1 and 4.8 mm were placed in a purposely designed metal mould where liquid polyurethane resin was then poured to obtain a simulated bone-implant specimen. By regulating the mould, it was possible to create the following simulated bone-implant contact groups: 3.3 mm (198.6 mm(2)); 4.1 mm (198.8 mm(2)); 4.8 mm (200.2 mm(2)); 4.8 mm (231.7 mm(2)); 4.8 mm (294.7 mm(2)). Each group included 10 specimens. After resin setting, resonance frequency was measured. On the last group, measurements were repeated after establishing implant rotational mobility. One-way ANOVA tests with post hoc comparisons, a Pearson's correlation coefficient and a t-test for repeated measurements were used to evaluate statistically significant differences. Implants with different diameters but with the same amount of simulated osseointegration revealed no differences in resonance frequency. On the contrary, an increase of simulated bone-implant contact resulted in significantly higher resonance frequency. A clear direct linear correlation resulted between resonance frequency and simulated bone-implant contact. Furthermore, a significant difference resulted between resonance frequency measured before and after creation of rotational mobility. Within the conditions of this study, the secondary stability was correlated with the simulated bone-implant contact. In addition, resonance frequency was able to discern between stable and rotation mobile implants. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Middle ear implants

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    K S Gangadhara Somayaji


    Full Text Available Hearing loss is becoming more common in the society living in cities with lot of background noise around, and frequent use of gadgets like mobile phones, MP3s, and IPods are adding to the problem. The loss may involve the conductive or perceptive pathway. Majority of the patients with conductive hearing loss will revert back to normal hearing levels with medical and/or surgical treatment. However, in sensorineural hearing loss, many factors are involved in the management. Though traditionally hearing aids in various forms are the most commonly used modality in managing these patients, there are some drawbacks associated with them. Implantable middle ear amplifiers represent the most recent breakthrough in the management of hearing loss. Middle ear implants are surgically implanted electronic devices that aim to correct hearing loss by stimulating the ossicular chain or middle ear. Of late, they are also being used in the management of congenital conductive hearing loss and certain cases of chronic otitis media with residual hearing loss. The article aims to provide general information about the technology, indications and contraindications, selection of candidates, available systems, and advantages of middle ear implants. (MEI

  2. Dental implants in growing children

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    S K Mishra


    Full Text Available The replacement of teeth by implants is usually restricted to patients with completed craniofacial growth. The aim of this literature review is to discuss the use of dental implants in normal growing patients and in patients with ectodermal dysplasia and the influence of maxillary and mandibular skeletal and dental growth on the stability of those implants. It is recommended that while deciding the optimal individual time point of implant insertion, the status of skeletal growth, the degree of hypodontia, and extension of related psychological stress should be taken into account, in addition to the status of existing dentition and dental compliance of a pediatric patient.

  3. Implantation activation annealing of Si-implanted gallium nitride at temperatures > 1,100 C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zolper, J.C.; Han, J.; Biefeld, R.M.


    The activation annealing of Si-implanted GaN is reported for temperatures from 1,100 to 1,400 C. Although previous work has shown that Si-implanted GaN can be activated by a rapid thermal annealing at ∼1,100 C, it was also shown that significant damage remained in the crystal. Therefore, both AlN-encapsulated and uncapped Si-implanted GaN samples were annealed in a metal organic chemical vapor deposition system in a N 2 /NH 3 ambient to further assess the annealing process. Electrical Hall characterization shows increases in carrier density and mobility for annealing up to 1,300 C before degrading at 1,400 C due to decomposition of the GaN epilayer. Rutherford backscattering spectra show that the high annealing temperatures reduce the implantation induced damage profile but do not completely restore the as-grown crystallinity

  4. Implant damage and redistribution of indium in indium-implanted thin silicon-on-insulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Peng; An Zhenghua; Zhu Ming; Fu, Ricky K.Y.; Chu, Paul K.; Montgomery, Neil; Biswas, Sukanta


    The indium implant damage and diffusion behavior in thin silicon-on-insulator (SOI) with a 200 nm top silicon layer were studied for different implantation energies and doses. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry in the channeling mode (RBS/C) was used to characterize the implant damage before and after annealing. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used to study the indium transient enhanced diffusion (TED) behavior in the top Si layer of the SOI structure. An anomalous redistribution of indium after relatively high energy (200 keV) and dose (1 x 10 14 cm -2 ) implantation was observed in both bulk Si and SOI substrates. However, there exist differences in these two substrates that are attributable to the more predominant out-diffusion of indium as well as the influence of the buried oxide layer in the SOI structure

  5. The clinical and diagnostic consequences of Poly Implant Prothèse silicone breast implants, recalled from the European market in 2010. (United States)

    Maijers, Maria C; Niessen, Francisus B


    Recently, Poly Implant Prothèse silicone breast implants were recalled from the European market. The authors studied 112 women and previously published data on rupture prevalence. Women are presenting with symptoms they feel may be a result of ruptured implants. The authors' aim was to study the clinical consequences of Poly Implant Prothèse implants. One hundred twelve women with 224 proven Poly Implant Prothèse implants after 10 years of implantation were enrolled in this study. All women underwent physical examination and magnetic resonance imaging and were interviewed regarding symptoms. Details of the explantations of 35 women with at least one ruptured implant were documented. Tissue from 10 women was sent for pathologic investigation. Of 112 women, 34 (30.4 percent) had symptoms attributable to their implants. Physical examination showed that 12 of the 121 women (10.7 percent) had findings suggestive of rupture, most commonly pain. Three had lymphadenopathy that seemed to correlate with implant rupture or excessive "gel bleed." Pathologic findings showed no malignancies. Eight women who underwent explantation had no implant rupture. Excessive gel bleed was documented in half of them. Clinical consequences of women with Poly Implant Prothèse implants are comparable to those reported in the literature of other manufacturers. Neither complaints nor findings at physical examination had a significant correlation with implant rupture at explantation. Magnetic resonance imaging is still the preferred method compared with physical examination for diagnosing rupture. The low specificity was probably caused by the difficulty in differentiating between rupture and excessive gel bleed in these implants.

  6. The role of implantation damage in the production of silicon-on-insulator films by co-implantation of He+ and H+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venezia, V.C.; Agarwal, A.; Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ; Haynes, T.E.; Holland, O.W.; Eaglesham, D.J.; Weldon, M.K.; Chabal, Y.J.


    Recent work has demonstrated that the process of silicon thin film separation by hydrogen implantation, as well as the more basic phenomenon of surface blistering, can occur at a much lower total dose when H and He are co-implanted than when H is implanted alone. Building on that work, this paper investigates the role of implantation damage in this process by separating the contributions of gas pressure from those of damage. Three different experiments using co-implantation were designed. In the first of these experiments, H and He implants were spatially separated thereby separating the damage from each implant. The second experiment involved co-implantation of H and He at a temperature of 77 K to retain a larger amount of damage for the same gas dose. In the third experiment, Li was co-implanted with H, to create additional damage without introducing additional gas. These experiments together show that increasing the implantation damage itself hampers the formation of surface blisters, and that the increased efficiency observed for He co-implantation with H is due to the supplementary source of gas provided by the He

  7. Structure and micro-mechanical properties of helium-implanted layer on Ti by plasma-based ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Xinxin; Li Jinlong; Sun Mingren


    The present paper concentrates on structure and micro-mechanical properties of the helium-implanted layer on titanium treated by plasma-based ion implantation with a pulsed voltage of -30 kV and doses of 3, 6, 9 and 12 x 10 17 ions/cm 2 , respectively. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy are employed to characterize the structure of the implanted layer. The hardnesses at different depths of the layer were measured by nano-indentation. We found that helium ion implantation into titanium leads to the formation of bubbles with a diameter from a few to more than 10 nm and the bubble size increases with the increase of dose. The primary existing form of Ti is amorphous in the implanted layer. Helium implantation also enhances the ingress of O, C and N and stimulates the formations of TiO 2 , Ti 2 O 3 , TiO, TiC and TiN in the near surface layer. And the amount of the ingressed oxygen is obviously higher than those of nitrogen and carbon due to its higher activity. At the near surface layer, the hardnesses of all implanted samples increases remarkably comparing with untreated one and the maximum hardness has an increase by a factor of up to 3.7. For the samples implanted with higher doses of 6, 9 and 12 x 10 17 He/cm 2 , the local displacement bursts are clearly found in the load-displacement curves. For the samples implanted with a lower dose of 3 x 10 17 He/cm 2 , there is no obvious displacement burst found. Furthermore, the burst width increases with the increase of the dose

  8. Impact of Different Surgeons on Dental Implant Failure. (United States)

    Chrcanovic, Bruno Ramos; Kisch, Jenö; Albrektsson, Tomas; Wennerberg, Ann

    To assess the influence of several factors on the prevalence of dental implant failure, with special consideration of the placement of implants by different dental surgeons. This retrospective study is based on 2,670 patients who received 10,096 implants at one specialist clinic. Only the data of patients and implants treated by surgeons who had inserted a minimum of 200 implants at the clinic were included. Kaplan-Meier curves were stratified with respect to the individual surgeon. A generalized estimating equation (GEE) method was used to account for the fact that repeated observations (several implants) were placed in a single patient. The factors bone quantity, bone quality, implant location, implant surface, and implant system were analyzed with descriptive statistics separately for each individual surgeon. A total of 10 surgeons were eligible. The differences between the survival curves of each individual were statistically significant. The multivariate GEE model showed the following variables to be statistically significant: surgeon, bruxism, intake of antidepressants, location, implant length, and implant system. The surgeon with the highest absolute number of failures was also the one who inserted the most implants in sites of poor bone and used turned implants in most cases, whereas the surgeon with the lowest absolute number of failures used mainly modern implants. Separate survival analyses of turned and modern implants stratified for the individual surgeon showed statistically significant differences in cumulative survival. Different levels of failure incidence could be observed between the surgeons, occasionally reaching significant levels. Although a direct causal relationship could not be ascertained, the results of the present study suggest that the surgeons' technique, skills, and/or judgment may negatively influence implant survival rates.

  9. O jardín o erial: contradicciones entre políticas educativas y prácticas escolares en educación musical.

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    Sarah Hennessy


    Full Text Available Haciendo uso de mi conocimiento y de mi experiencia en Inglaterra, así como de mi implicación en proyectos europeos, hago aquí una reflexión sobre la relación existente entre la política de educación general para con las escuelas, el currículo musical y la formación de los docentes de música; y trato de lo que me parece alejado del principio de «música para todos» y de la importancia fundamental de la creatividad en la educación musical. Pese a que los gobiernos reivindican dar cabida a la educación artística y cultural y hacen declaraciones sobre la importancia de la creatividad, la realidad, tanto para los docentes como para los estudiantes, carece de consistencia. La inquietud por apoyarlos puede distraernos del trabajo más importante que queda por hacer para desarrollar la calidad de la investigación y de la práctica en este campo.

  10. Naturbanization and Urban – Rural Dynamics in Spain: Case Study of New Rural Landscapes in Andalusia and Catalonia

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    Pallarès-Blanch Marta


    Full Text Available : Se ha desarrollado un proceso de urbanización del espacio rural desde principios del siglo XX (Berry, 1976a; 1976b descrito como la “counterurbanización” (Champion, 1989. La creación de los espacios naturales protegidos (ENP ha delimitado unos espacios rurales, relativamente alejados de las grandes conurbaciones urbanas, donde la valoración ecológica y paisajística genera, en algunos casos, una atracción urbanizadora (Prados, 2005. De este modo, los ENP hacen más atractivo al espacio rural y promueven la naturbanización (Prados, 2009. En esta presentación trataremos el tema en seis apartados: (i Introducción (ii El marco conceptual de la naturbanización; (iii La metodología para analizar la naturbanización; (iv Los procesos de naturbanización en Andalucía y en Cataluña; (v El análisis comparativo de los dos casos estudiados y, finalmente, (vi presentamos conclusiones y propuestas de implementación.

  11. Fernando vallejo: y la clausura ciudadanía estética de la literatura mundial

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    Brantley Nicholson


    Full Text Available Este artículo encara deliberaciones actuales sobre la literatura global, desde la perspectiva de la novela urbana colombiana del siglo XX. Explorando la tensión entre las historias de las narrativas globales y locales, el autor examina hasta qué punto se puede defender que la literatura global y sus apéndices socioculturales se prestan a proyectos emancipatorios, y hasta qué punto esos apéndices simplifican en exceso los espacios de producción literaria densa. Ubicando la Weltliteratur de Goethe en el contexto de una Colombia estéticamente globalizada, e invocando la relación particularmente espinosa entre Fernando Vallejo y Gabriel García Márquez como caso de estudio, este artículo avanza que las casas editoriales internacionales y las culturas de la crítica crean una ciudadanía estética limitante que sigue siendo dominada por las decisiones de mercadeo de las grandes casas editoriales y el gusto de los públicos lectores, muy alejados del contexto de los bestsellers “periféricos”.

  12. Peri-implant and Paracrestal Inflammatory Biomarkers at Failing Versus Surviving Implant Sites in a Beagle Dog Study. (United States)

    Montero, Javier; Aragón, Fernando; Blanco, Leticia A; Guadilla, Yasmina; García-Cenador, Begona; López-Valverde, Antonio

    This study sought to quantify three biochemical mediators of inflammation (tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-α], superoxide anion [SOA], and myeloperoxidase [MPO]) by analyzing crestal (peri-implants) and paracrestal gingival biopsy samples obtained from an experimental study on beagle dogs treated with implants inserted immediately into fresh sockets with circumferential defects. In 10 beagle dogs, 4 roughened titanium implants (3.8 mm wide × 8 mm high) were placed in the distal sockets of the third and fourth premolars, where a circumferential defect (5 mm wide and 5 mm deep) had been previously created by trephination. After varying follow-up periods, ranging from 80 to 190 days, the dogs were explored clinically to assess implant survival, peri-implant pocket depth, and implant stability. The levels of three biochemical mediators of inflammation (MPO, TNF-α, and SOA) were investigated using the crestal and paracrestal gingival biopsy samples with ELISA tests. It was found that 37.5% of the implants were either absent or mobile. Higher levels of the inflammatory mediators were found in the crestal samples than in the paracrestal samples. The final implant stability values were significantly correlated with the final probing depth (r = -0.83, P < .01), but neither of the clinical measures were significantly correlated with any biochemical marker. The risk of implant failure was significantly proportional to the level of MPO (odds ratio: 1.1) and TNF-α (odds ratio: 1.1) in both the crestal and paracrestal regions. All the inflammatory mediators studied were higher in the crestal areas than in the paracrestal regions, but only the values of MPO and TNF-α were significant predictors of implant failure.

  13. Changes in surface properties caused by ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwaki, Masaya


    This report outlines various aspects of ion implantation. Major features of ion implantation are described first, focusing on the structure of ion implantation equipment and some experimental results of ion implantation into semiconductors. Distribution of components in ion-implantated layers is then discussed. The two major features of ion implantation in relation to the distribution of implanted ions are: (1) high controllability of addition of ions to a surface layer and (2) formation of a large number of lattice defects in a short period of time. Application of ion implantation to metallic materials is expected to permit the following: (1) formation of a semi-stable alloy surface layer by metallic ion implantation, (2) formation of a semi-stable ceramic surface layer or buried layer by non-metallic ion implantation, and (3) formation of a buried layer by combined implementation of a different metallic ion and non-metallic ion. Ion implantation in carbon materials, polymers and ceramics is discussed next. The last part of the report is dedicated to macroscopic properties of an ion-implanted layer, centering on surface modification, formation of a conductive surface layer, and tribology. (Nogami, K.) 60 refs

  14. In Vitro Laser Treatment Platform Construction with Dental Implant Thread Surface on Bacterial Adhesion for Peri-Implantitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hsien-Nan Kuo


    Full Text Available This study constructs a standard in vitro laser treatment platform with dental implant thread surface on bacterial adhesion for peri-implantitis at different tooth positions. The standard clinical adult tooth jaw model was scanned to construct the digital model with 6 mm bone loss depth on behalf of serious peri-implantitis at the incisor, first premolar, and first molar. A cylindrical suite connected to the implant and each tooth root in the jaw model was designed as one experimental unit set to allow the suite to be replaced for individual bacterial adhesion. The digital peri-implantitis and suite models were exported to fulfill the physical model using ABS material in a 3D printer. A 3 mm diameter specimen implant on bacterial adhesion against Escherichia coli was performed for gram-negative bacteria. An Er:YAG laser, working with a chisel type glass tip, was moved from the buccal across the implant thread to the lingual for about 30 seconds per sample to verify the in vitro laser treatment platform. The result showed that the sterilization rate can reach 99.3% and the jaw model was not damaged after laser irradiation testing. This study concluded that using integrated image processing, reverse engineering, CAD system, and a 3D printer to construct a peri-implantitis model replacing the implant on bacterial adhesion and acceptable sterilization rate proved the feasibility of the proposed laser treatment platform.

  15. Attitudes of general dental practitioners towards implant dentistry in an environment with widespread provision of implant therapy. (United States)

    Lang-Hua, Bich Hue; Lang, Niklaus P; Lo, Edward C M; McGrath, Colman P J


    To determine attitudes of general dental practitioners in a community where provision dental implants is a well-known treatment modality; and to identify variations in the attitudes with respect to dentists' factors, training factors and implant provision factors. A questionnaire survey to a random sample of registered dentists In Hong Kong was performed. Attitudes towards implant dentistry with respect to (i) perceived superiority of implant therapy, (ii) perceived outcomes of dental implant therapy, (iii) perceived complications & maintenance issues and (iv) placement issues were ascertained. In addition, information was collected on dentists' factors, training factors and implant provision factors. Variations in attitudes towards implant dentistry were explored in bivariate and regression analyses. Among eligible practitioners (n = 246), the response rate was 46.3%. Dentists perceived implants to be superior to conventional prostheses for the replacement of a single missing posterior tooth (80%, 67) and likewise, for the replacement of a single missing anterior tooth (67%, 67), P attitudes with respect to attitudes exists with respect to dentists' factors (years in practice [P attitudes are not wholly in line with evidence-based knowledge. Variations in their attitudes existed with respect to dentist factors, training and experience issues. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  16. Long range implantation by MEVVA metal ion source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Tonghe; Wu Yuguang; Ma Furong; Liang Hong


    Metal vapor vacuum arc (MEVVA) source ion implantation is a new technology used for achieving long range ion implantation. It is very important for research and application of the ion beam modification of materials. The results show that the implanted atom diffusion coefficient increases in Mo implanted Al with high ion flux and high dose. The implanted depth is 311.6 times greater than that of the corresponding ion range. The ion species, doses and ion fluxes play an important part in the long-range implantation. Especially, thermal atom chemistry have specific effect on the long-range implantation during high ion flux implantation at transient high target temperature

  17. Implante con el sistema de reparación herniaria inguinal de prolene (Prolene hernia system

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    José Goderich Lalán


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio clinicodescriptivo y prospectivo del seguimiento de 21 pacientes a los que se les realizó implante sistema de reparación herniaria inguinal de prolene en hernias inguinales, reproducidas entre el 15 de octubre de 1998 y el 31 de marzo de 1999, con el objetivo de evaluar sus resultados. En todos los casos se utilizó el método de cirugía de corta estadía, anestesia local y sedación o espinal y antibioticoterapia profiláctica. En el seguimiento a muy corto plazo no se reportan recidivas y ninguna complicación posoperatoria. Más de la mitad de los pacientes había recibido más de 2 operaciones. La media de edad fue 49 años y el sexo predominante el masculino. La técnica que se utilizó para implante fue la recomendada por los fabricantesA clinical descriptive and prospective study of the follow-up of 21 patients who received implant of the Prolene inguinal hernia repair system in inguinal hernias reproduced between October l5th, 1998, and March 31st, 1999, was conducted aimed at evaluating the results. The short-stay surgery method, local anesthesia and sedation, or spinal anesthesia and prophylactic antibiotic therapy were used in all cases. No relapses or postoperative complications were reported in a very short-term follow-up. More than half of the patients had undergone more than 2 operations. Average age was 49 and there was a predominance of males. The technique used for the implant was the one recommended by the manufacturers

  18. La acústica de la Sala de Asambleas del Palacio de las Naciones de Ginebra, de Le Corbusier

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    Daumal i Domènech, Francesc


    Full Text Available Le Corbusier was right in his approach to the acoustics of the Assembly Hall. Nevertheless, his objectives would not have been entirely attained; the audience in the farthest parts of the Hall would not have been able to hear the speakers. This topic has been debated on various occasions and the author of this article offers another opinion.

    Le Corbusier tenía razón en sus planteamientos de la acústica de la Sala de Asambleas, pero, aun así, no se hubiesen conseguido óptimamente sus objetivos. El público más alejado no habría podido entender a los oradores. Este tema ha sido objeto de diferentes debates, y ahora el autor quiere aprovechar para hacer una reflexión.

  19. Time Course of Peri-Implant Bone Regeneration around Loaded and Unloaded Implants in a Rat Model (United States)

    Jariwala, Shailly H.; Wee, Hwabok; Roush, Evan P.; Whitcomb, Tiffany L.; Murter, Christopher; Kozlansky, Gery; Lakhtakia, Akhlesh; Kunselman, Allen R.; Donahue, Henry J.; Armstrong, April D.; Lewis, Gregory S.


    The time-course of cancellous bone regeneration surrounding mechanically loaded implants affects implant fixation, and is relevant to determining optimal rehabilitation protocols following orthopaedic surgeries. We investigated the influence of controlled mechanical loading of titanium-coated polyether-ether ketone (PEEK) implants on osseointegration using time-lapsed, non-invasive, in vivo micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scans. Implants were inserted into proximal tibial metaphyses of both limbs of eight female Sprague-Dawley rats. External cyclic loading (60 μm or 100 μm displacement, 1 Hz, 60 seconds) was applied every other day for 14 days to one implant in each rat, while implants in contralateral limbs served as the unloaded controls. Hind limbs were imaged with high-resolution micro-CT (12.5 μm voxel size) at 2, 5, 9, and 12 days post-surgery. Trabecular changes over time were detected by 3D image registration allowing for measurements of bone-formation rate (BFR) and bone-resorption rate (BRR). At day 9, mean %BV/TV for loaded and unloaded limbs were 35.5 ± 10.0 % and 37.2 ± 10.0 %, respectively, and demonstrated significant increases in bone volume compared to day 2. BRR increased significantly after day 9. No significant differences between bone volumes, BFR, and BRR were detected due to implant loading. Although not reaching significance (p = 0.16), an average 119 % increase in pull-out strength was measured in the loaded implants. PMID:27381807

  20. Comparison of marginal bone loss between internal- and external-connection dental implants in posterior areas without periodontal or peri-implant disease. (United States)

    Kim, Dae-Hyun; Kim, Hyun Ju; Kim, Sungtae; Koo, Ki-Tae; Kim, Tae-Il; Seol, Yang-Jo; Lee, Yong-Moo; Ku, Young; Rhyu, In-Chul


    The purpose of this retrospective study with 4-12 years of follow-up was to compare the marginal bone loss (MBL) between external-connection (EC) and internal-connection (IC) dental implants in posterior areas without periodontal or peri-implant disease on the adjacent teeth or implants. Additional factors influencing MBL were also evaluated. This retrospective study was performed using dental records and radiographic data obtained from patients who had undergone dental implant treatment in the posterior area from March 2006 to March 2007. All the implants that were included had follow-up periods of more than 4 years after loading and satisfied the implant success criteria, without any peri-implant or periodontal disease on the adjacent implants or teeth. They were divided into 2 groups: EC and IC. Subgroup comparisons were conducted according to splinting and the use of cement in the restorations. A statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for comparisons between 2 groups and the Kruskal-Wallis test for comparisons among more than 2 groups. A total of 355 implants in 170 patients (206 EC and 149 IC) fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were analyzed in this study. The mean MBL was 0.47 mm and 0.15 mm in the EC and IC implants, respectively, which was a statistically significant difference ( P <0.001). Comparisons according to splinting (MBL of single implants: 0.34 mm, MBL of splinted implants: 0.31 mm, P =0.676) and cement use (MBL of cemented implants: 0.27 mm, MBL of non-cemented implants: 0.35 mm, P =0.178) showed no statistically significant differences in MBL, regardless of the implant connection type. IC implants showed a more favorable bone response regarding MBL in posterior areas without peri-implantitis or periodontal disease.


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    Luz Mary Rincón


    Full Text Available Una constante preocupación de los estudiosos de la lengua es el desarrollo de técnicas confiables en la investigación del habla en contextos urbanos con el fin de ofrecer una teoría de la lengua como se observa en su uso social. Para esto hay que tener en cuenta el aporte de la sociolingüística en el estudio de la lengua en su contexto social y toda aquella gama de contribuciones que se han alejado de las tradicionales técnicas usadas en dialectología. En el presente artículo se da cuenta de la metodología utilizada en cada una de las etapas en el estudio del español de Bucaramanga con el fin de mostrar un modelo metodológico que pueda servir como punto de partida en la exploración de otras hablas urbanas en Colombia. La propuesta expuesta se presenta únicamente como una alternativa de trabajo aceptando que llegar a la técnica ideal para el estudio de fenómenos sociolingüísticos urbanos constituye un ideal que esta aún por resolverse. Este modelo metodológico se ha valido de ensayos anteriores y de propuestas con respecto a la recolección, la selección y el análisis de datos con el fin de llegar de mejor forma, no al sistema lingüístico ideal, sino al habla vernácula que se desea describir.The methodological model described here is based on developments in sociolinguistic research which have resulted from a constant concern for the design and implementation of techniques that reflect the language in its social context, departing from the dialectological tradition to the analysis of language. The present monograph is a description of the methodology used in the study of the main phonological, morph-syntactic, lexical and discourse features of the Spanish of Bucaramanga ( Colombia . The methodological approach presented here is based on the experience of previous studies in the collection, selection, and analysis of data and methodological improvement from these experiences to better converge on the linguistic system that

  2. Trends in prosthetic biomaterials in implant dentistry

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    Saranjit Singh Bhasin


    Full Text Available The most important criterion for the success of dental implants is the selection of a suitable implant biomaterial. To improve the biologic performance of an implant, it is necessary to select a material that does not elicit any negative biological response and at the same time maintains adequate function. It is mandatory for a dentist to have a comprehensive knowledge of various biomaterials used for dental implants. The material of choice for fabrication of the dental implant till date is titanium. With the advancements in the field of implants, zirconia seems to be propitious in the future. However, more advanced in vitro and in vivo studies are required before reaching any such conclusion. To increase the success of zirconia implants, care should be taken to reduce the incidence of mechanical failures. Such failures can be taken care of by having a thorough technical knowledge of implant designing and manufacturing defects. This article attempts to compare the advantages and disadvantages of various dental implant biomaterials. Focus is placed on the recent advances in this field with the recently introduced zirconia and its comparison to conventional titanium.

  3. Basics of clinical diagnosis in implant dentistry

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    Manu Rathee


    Full Text Available Implant-based prosthetic rehabilitation requires an understanding of associated anatomical structures. The ultimate predictability of an implant site is determined by the existing anatomy as related to dentition and the associated hard and soft tissues. Meticulous clinical assessment helps in determining the suitability of the potential site for implant placement. The purpose of this article is to present the clinical assessment for dental implants' placement to modulate peri-implant tissue characteristics in individual clinical need.

  4. Do textured breast implants decrease the rate of capsular contracture compared to smooth implants? (United States)

    Cifuentes, Ignacio; Dagnino, Bruno; Rada, Gabriel


    The use of breast implants for aesthetic and reconstructive purposes has become one of the most common procedures performed by plastic surgeons. Several breast implants models exist. They differ in their size, filling, shape and characteristic of the shell, which can be smooth or textured. Capsular contracture is one of the main complications of breast implants. It has been suggested that the use of textured implants could reduce the incidence of capsular contracture. To answer this question, we used Epistemonikos, the largest database of systematic reviews in health, which is maintained by screening multiple information sources, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. We identified 15 studies overall, of which 13 were randomized trials relevant for the question of interest. We extracted data from the systematic reviews, reanalyzed data of primary studies, conducted a meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table using the GRADE approach. We concluded the use of textured breast implants probably decreases the risk of capsular contracture, however, they might be associated to an increased risk of anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

  5. Do "premium" joint implants add value?: analysis of high cost joint implants in a community registry. (United States)

    Gioe, Terence J; Sharma, Amit; Tatman, Penny; Mehle, Susan


    Numerous joint implant options of varying cost are available to the surgeon, but it is unclear whether more costly implants add value in terms of function or longevity. We evaluated registry survival of higher-cost "premium" knee and hip components compared to lower-priced standard components. Premium TKA components were defined as mobile-bearing designs, high-flexion designs, oxidized-zirconium designs, those including moderately crosslinked polyethylene inserts, or some combination. Premium THAs included ceramic-on-ceramic, metal-on-metal, and ceramic-on-highly crosslinked polyethylene designs. We compared 3462 standard TKAs to 2806 premium TKAs and 868 standard THAs to 1311 premium THAs using standard statistical methods. The cost of the premium implants was on average approximately $1000 higher than the standard implants. There was no difference in the cumulative revision rate at 7-8 years between premium and standard TKAs or THAs. In this time frame, premium implants did not demonstrate better survival than standard implants. Revision indications for TKA did not differ, and infection and instability remained contributors. Longer followup is necessary to demonstrate whether premium implants add value in younger patient groups. Level III, therapeutic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.

  6. Peri-implant stress correlates with bone and cement morphology: Micro-FE modeling of implanted cadaveric glenoids. (United States)

    Wee, Hwabok; Armstrong, April D; Flint, Wesley W; Kunselman, Allen R; Lewis, Gregory S


    Aseptic loosening of cemented joint replacements is a complex biological and mechanical process, and remains a clinical concern especially in patients with poor bone quality. Utilizing high resolution finite element analysis of a series of implanted cadaver glenoids, the objective of this study was to quantify relationships between construct morphology and resulting mechanical stresses in cement and trabeculae. Eight glenoid cadavers were implanted with a cemented central peg implant. Specimens were imaged by micro-CT, and subject-specific finite element models were developed. Bone volume fraction, glenoid width, implant-cortex distance, cement volume, cement-cortex contact, and cement-bone interface area were measured. Axial loading was applied to the implant of each model and stress distributions were characterized. Correlation analysis was completed across all specimens for pairs of morphological and mechanical variables. The amount of trabecular bone with high stress was strongly negatively correlated with both cement volume and contact between the cement and cortex (r = -0.85 and -0.84, p implant-cortex distance. Contact between the cement and underlying cortex may dramatically reduce trabecular bone stresses surrounding the cement, and this contact depends on bone shape, cement amount, and implant positioning. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Cranioplasty with individual titanium implants (United States)

    Mishinov, S.; Stupak, V.; Sadovoy, M.; Mamonova, E.; Koporushko, N.; Larkin, V.; Novokshonov, A.; Dolzhenko, D.; Panchenko, A.; Desyatykh, I.; Krasovsky, I.


    Cranioplasty is the second procedure in the history of neurosurgery after trepanation, and it is still relevant despite the development of civilization and progress in medicine. Each cranioplasty operation is unique because there are no two patients with identical defects of the skull bones. The development of Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technique opened up the possibility of direct implant printing of titanium, a biocompatible metal used in medicine. This eliminates the need for producing any intermediate products to create the desired implant. We have produced 8 patient-specific titanium implants using this technique for patients who underwent different decompressive cranioectomies associated with bone tumors. Follow-up duration ranged from 6 to 12 months. We observed no implant-related reactions or complications. In all cases of reconstructive neurosurgery we achieved good clinical and aesthetic results. The analysis of the literature and our own experience in three-dimensional modeling, prototyping, and printing suggests that direct laser sintering of titanium is the optimal method to produce biocompatible surgical implants.

  8. Aqueous shunt implantation in glaucoma

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    Jing Wang


    Full Text Available Aqueous shunts or glaucoma drainage devices are increasingly utilized in the management of refractory glaucoma. The general design of the most commonly-used shunts is based on the principles of the Molteno implant: ie. a permanent sclerostomy (tube, a predetermined bleb area (plate and diversion of aqueous humour to the equatorial region and away from the limbal subconjunctival space. These three factors make aqueous shunts more resistant to scarring as compared to trabeculectomy. The two most commonly used shunts are the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve, which contains a flow-restrictor, and the non-valved Baervedlt Glaucoma Implant. While the valved implants have a lower tendency to hypotony and related complications, the non-valved implants with larger, more-biocompatible end plate design, achieve lower intraocular pressures with less encapsulation. Non-valved implants require additional suturing techniques to prevent early hypotony and a number of these methods will be described. Although serious shunt-related infection is rare, corneal decompensation and diplopia are small but significant risks.

  9. High-energy ion implantation of materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, J.M.


    High-energy ion implantation is an extremely flexible type of surface treatment technique, in that it offers the possibility of treating almost any type of target material or product with ions of almost any chemical species, or combinations of chemical species. In addition, ion implantations can be combined with variations in temperature during or after ion implantation. As a result, the possibility of approaching a wide variety of surface-related materials science problems exists with ion implantation. This paper will outline factors pertinent to application of high-energy ion implantation to surface engineering problems. This factors include fundamental advantages and limitations, economic considerations, present and future equipment, and aspects of materials science

  10. The effect of thread pattern upon implant osseointegration. (United States)

    Abuhussein, Heba; Pagni, Giorgio; Rebaudi, Alberto; Wang, Hom-Lay


    Implant design features such as macro- and micro-design may influence overall implant success. Limited information is currently available. Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to examine these factors such as thread pitch, thread geometry, helix angle, thread depth and width as well as implant crestal module may affect implant stability. A literature search was conducted using MEDLINE to identify studies, from simulated laboratory models, animal, to human, related to this topic using the keywords of implant thread, implant macrodesign, thread pitch, thread geometry, helix angle, thread depth, thread width and implant crestal module. The results showed how thread geometry affects the distribution of stress forces around the implant. A decreased thread pitch may positively influence implant stability. Excess helix angles in spite of a faster insertion may jeopardize the ability of implants to sustain axial load. Deeper threads seem to have an important effect on the stabilization in poorer bone quality situations. The addition of threads or microthreads up to the crestal module of an implant might provide a potential positive contribution on bone-to to-implant contact as well as on the preservation of marginal bone; nonetheless this remains to be determined. Appraising the current literature on this subject and combining existing data to verify the presence of any association between the selected characteristics may be critical in the achievement of overall implant success.

  11. A study on the resistance at bone-implant interface during implant insertion in a cadaver goat jaw model

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    Goutam Das


    Full Text Available Background: The aim of the study is to determine the resistance at bone-implant interface during insertion of dental implant. Materials and Methods: Freshly procured cadaver goat mandibles were collected from slaughterhouses. Four dental implants of two different diameters were inserted into osteotomized sites of the goat mandibles. The gradual changes in resonance frequency (RF were recorded in RF analyzer for the five consecutive turns of implant insertion. Results and Observations: RF was found to be positively correlated with diameter of dental implants. Conclusion: RF analysis can be used to determine the type of resistance the implant faces during insertion and the kind of bone density through which it passes. It gives a forecast of expected initial stability.

  12. Beam Profile Disturbances from Implantable Pacemakers or Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Interactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gossman, Michael S., E-mail: [Tri-State Regional Cancer Center, Medical Physics Section, Ashland, KY (United States); Comprehensive Heart and Vascular Associates, Heart and Vascular Center, Ashland, KY (United States); Medtronic, Inc., External Research Program, Mounds View, MN (United States); Nagra, Bipinpreet; Graves-Calhoun, Alison; Wilkinson, Jeffrey [Tri-State Regional Cancer Center, Medical Physics Section, Ashland, KY (United States); Comprehensive Heart and Vascular Associates, Heart and Vascular Center, Ashland, KY (United States); Medtronic, Inc., External Research Program, Mounds View, MN (United States)


    The medical community is advocating for progressive improvement in the design of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and implantable pacemakers to accommodate elevations in dose limitation criteria. With advancement already made for magnetic resonance imaging compatibility in some, a greater need is present to inform the radiation oncologist and medical physicist regarding treatment planning beam profile changes when such devices are in the field of a therapeutic radiation beam. Treatment plan modeling was conducted to simulate effects induced by Medtronic, Inc.-manufactured devices on therapeutic radiation beams. As a continuation of grant-supported research, we show that radial and transverse open beam profiles of a medical accelerator were altered when compared with profiles resulting when implantable pacemakers and cardioverter-defibrillators are placed directly in the beam. Results are markedly different between the 2 devices in the axial plane and the sagittal planes. Vast differences are also presented for the therapeutic beams at 6-MV and 18-MV x-ray energies. Maximum changes in percentage depth dose are observed for the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator as 9.3% at 6 MV and 10.1% at 18 MV, with worst distance to agreement of isodose lines at 2.3 cm and 1.3 cm, respectively. For the implantable pacemaker, the maximum changes in percentage depth dose were observed as 10.7% at 6 MV and 6.9% at 18 MV, with worst distance to agreement of isodose lines at 2.5 cm and 1.9 cm, respectively. No differences were discernible for the defibrillation leads and the pacing lead.

  13. Implantation of a biodegradable rectum balloon implant: Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls

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    Ben G. L. Vanneste

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Introduction: A rectum balloon implant (RBI is a new device to spare rectal structures during prostate cancer radiotherapy. The theoretical advantages of a RBI are to reduce the high radiation dose to the anterior rectum wall, the possibility of a post-implant correction, and their predetermined shape with consequent predictable position. Objective: To describe, step-by-step, our mini-invasive technique for hands-free transperineal implantation of a RBI before start of radiotherapy treatment. Materials and Methods: We provide step-by-step instructions for optimization of the transperineal implantation procedure performed by urologists and/or radiation oncologists experienced with prostate brachytherapy and the use of the real-time bi-plane transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS probe. A RBI was performed in 15 patients with localised prostate cancer. Perioperative side-effects were reported. Results: We provide ‘tips and tricks’ for optimizing the procedure and proper positioning of the RBI. Please watch the animation, see video in The side-effects included mild discomfort to slight pain at the perineal region in 8 out of 15 patients. Seven patients (47% had no complaints at all. Two patients developed redness of the skin, where prompt antibiotic regimen was started with no further sequelae. One patient revealed a temporary urine retention, which resolved in a few hours following conservative treatment. Further no perioperative complications occurred. Conclusion: This paper describes in detail the implantation procedure for an RBI. It is a feasible, safe and very well-tolerated procedure.

  14. Depth of valve implantation, conduction disturbances and pacemaker implantation with CoreValve and CoreValve Accutrak system for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation, a multi-center study. (United States)

    Lenders, Guy D; Collas, Valérie; Hernandez, José Maria; Legrand, Victor; Danenberg, Haim D; den Heijer, Peter; Rodrigus, Inez E; Paelinck, Bernard P; Vrints, Christiaan J; Bosmans, Johan M


    Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) is now considered an indispensable treatment strategy in high operative risk patients with severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis. However, conduction disturbances and the need for Permanent Pacemaker (PPM) implantation after TAVI with the CoreValve prosthesis still remain frequent. We aimed to evaluate the implantation depth, the incidence and predictors of new conduction disturbances, and the need for PPM implantation within the first month after TAVI, using the new Accutrak CoreValve delivery system (ACV), compared to the previous generation CoreValve (non-ACV). In 5 experienced TAVI-centers, a total of 120 consecutive non-ACV and 112 consecutive ACV patients were included (n=232). The mean depth of valve implantation (DVI) was 8.4±4.0 mm in the non-ACV group and 7.1±4.0 mm in the ACV group (p=0.034). The combined incidence of new PPM implantation and new LBBB was 71.2% in the non-ACV group compared to 50.5% in the ACV group (p=0.014). DVI (p=0.002), first degree AV block (p=0.018) and RBBB (p<0.001) were independent predictors of PPM implantation. DVI (p<0.001) and pre-existing first degree AV-block (p=0.021) were identified as significant predictors of new LBBB. DVI is an independent predictor of TAVI-related conduction disturbances and can be reduced by using the newer CoreValve Accutrak delivery system, resulting in a significantly lower incidence of new LBBB and new PPM implantation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Romana Melba Rincón-Delgado


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la influencia de un macho cabrío sexualmente activo sobre el inicio de la actividad reproductiva (actividad hipotalámica y ovárica y la sucesión de los ciclos estrales en cabras criollas expuestas a fotoperiodo artificiales alternados (decreciente/creciente en un rango de 13.4 a 10.6 horas de luz por día hasta completar 6 ciclos fotoperiódicos de 90 d por cada ciclo: fotoperiodo creciente (n=3; fotoperiodo decreciente (n=3. Las cabras criollas procedentes del semidesierto zacatecano (n=30 fueron asignadas de manera aleatoria a dos grupos: 1 cabras expuestas a un macho cabrío sexualmente activo (n=15; 2 cabras no expuestas al macho cabrío (ausencia de macho cabrío; n=15. Dentro de cada grupo experimental existían cabras ovariectomizadas (OVX, n=5, cabras ovariectomizadas e implantadas con estradiol (OVX + E2, n=5, y cabras ovariointactas (testigo, n=5. Se recolectaron muestras de suero sanguíneo de las cabras OVX y OVX + E2, cada cuatro semanas, durante 6 h en intervalos de 15 min (es decir, 24 muestras/día, para determinar la frecuencia (FREQ, la amplitud (AMP y la concentración (CONC de la hormona luteinizante (HL. En las cabras testigo (no tratadas, se obtuvieron 2 muestras de sangre a la semana para cuantificar los niveles de progesterona en suero sanguíneo mediante un radioinmunoanálisis (RIA. Las cabras con implantes de E2 (cabras OVX + E2 mostraron un incremento en la frecuencia de los pulsos de la hormona luteinizante en comparación con las cabras OVX sin implante de E2 (2.0±0.5 vs.0.7 ± 0.1 HL pulsos/6 h. La presencia de un macho sexualmente activo aumenta la frecuencia, la amplitud y la concentración de la hormona luteinizante en cabras OVX en comparación con cabras no expuestas a machos (Frecuencia: 3.2 ± 0.4 vs. 0.7 ± 0.1 pulsos/6 h; Amplitud: 1.6 ± 0.1 vs. 0.8 ± 0.3 ng·mL-1; Concentración 5.3 ± 0.6 vs. 2.0 ± 0.9 ng·mL-1 (P0.05. En conclusión, la presencia de un macho cabrío sexualmente activo

  16. A comparison of 500 prefilled textured saline breast implants versus 500 standard textured saline breast implants: is there a difference in deflation rates? (United States)

    Stevens, W Grant; Hirsch, Elliot M; Stoker, David A; Cohen, Robert


    This study provides the first large-volume (1000 implant) comparison of the deflation rates of Poly Implant Prosthesis prefilled textured saline breast implants versus a control group of Mentor Siltex textured saline implants. A consecutive series of 500 Poly Implant Prosthesis prefilled textured saline breast implants was compared with a consecutive series of 500 Mentor Siltex breast implants. Each breast implant was evaluated for a 4-year period, and the annual deflation rate (number of deflations during a given year divided by the total number of implants) and cumulative deflation rate (cumulative total of deflations through a given year divided by the total number of implants) were recorded. Statistical significance was calculated using the Fisher's exact test at year 1 and the chi-square analysis at years 2 through 4. The cumulative deflation rates of the Poly Implant Prosthesis implants was as follows: year 1, 1.2 percent; year 2, 5.6 percent; year 3, 11.4 percent; and year 4, 15.4 percent. The cumulative deflation rates of the Mentor implants was: year 1, 0.2 percent; year 2, 0.6 percent; year 3, 1.6 percent; and year 4, 4.4 percent. At year 1, the difference between deflation rates was not statistically significant (Fisher's exact test, p > 0.05). However, at year 2 (chi-square, 13.29; p deflation rates of Poly Implant Prosthesis prefilled textured saline breast implants and Mentor Siltex breast implants at year 2, year 3, and year 4. After 4 years, the 15.56 percent cumulative deflation rate of Poly Implant Prosthesis implants was over 3.5 times higher than the 4.31 percent deflation rate of the Mentor Siltex implants. There may be several factors contributing to the higher deflation rate seen in Poly Implant Prosthesis implants, including possible in vitro deflation before implantation and silicone shell curing technique. Nevertheless, this statistically significant deflation difference must be taken into account when balancing the risks and benefits of

  17. [A totally implantable venous access device. Implantation in general or local anaesthesia? A retrospective cost analysis]. (United States)

    Schuld, J; Richter, S; Moussavian, M R; Kollmar, O; Schilling, M K


    Implantation of venous access port systems can be performed in local or general anesthesia. In spite of the increasing rate of interventionally implanted systems, the surgical cut-down represents a safe alternative. Thus, the question arises whether--in context to the increasing health-economic pressure--open implantation in general anesthesia is still a feasible alternative to implantation in local anesthesia regarding OR efficiency and costs. In a retrospective analysis, 993 patients receiving a totally implantable venous access device between 2001 and 2007 were evaluated regarding OR utilization, turnover times, intraoperative data and costs. Implantations in local (LA) and general anesthesia (GA) were compared. GA was performed in 762 cases (76.6 %), LA was performed in 231 patients (23.3 %). Mean operation time was similar in both groups (LA 47.27 +/- 1.40 min vs. GA 45.41 +/- 0.75 min, p = 0.244). Patients receiving local anesthesia had a significantly shorter stay in the OR unit (LA 95.9 +/- 1.78 min vs. GA 105.92 +/- 0.92 min; p cut (LA 39.57 +/- 0.69 min vs. GA 50.46 +/- 0.52 min; p material costs were significantly lower in the LA group compared with the GA group (LA: 400.72 +/- 8.25 euro vs. GA: 482.86 +/- 6.23 euro; p systems in local anesthesia is superior in comparison to the implantation under general anesthesia regarding procedural times in the OR unit and costs. With the same operation duration, but less personnel and material expenditure, implantation in local anesthesia offers a potential economic advantage by permitting faster changing times. Implantation in GA only should be performed at a special request by the patient or in difficult venous conditions. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart.New York.

  18. Effects of pore size, implantation time and nano-surface properties on rat skin ingrowth into percutaneous porous titanium implants


    Farrell, Brad J.; Prilutsky, Boris I.; Ritter, Jana M.; Kelley, Sean; Popat, Ketul; Pitkin, Mark


    The main problem of percutaneous osseointegrated implants is poor skin-implant integration, which may cause infection. This study investigated the effects of pore size (Small, 40–100 microns and Large, 100–160 microns), nanotubular surface treatment (Nano), and duration of implantation (3 and 6 weeks) on skin ingrowth into porous titanium. Each implant type was percutaneously inserted in the back of 35 rats randomly assigned to 7 groups. Implant extrusion rate was measured w...

  19. The biocompatibility of SLA-treated titanium implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyeongil; Choi, Seong-Ho; Ryu, Jae-Jun; Koh, Seung-Yong; Park, Ju-Han; Lee, In-Seop


    The titanium implant surface was sandblasted with large grits and acid etched (SLA) to increase the implant surface for osseointegration. The topography of the titanium surface was investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and a profilometer. The SLA implant demonstrated uniform small micro pits (1-2 μm in diameter). The values of average roughness (R a ) and maximum height (R t ) were 1.19 μm and 10.53 μm respectively after sandblasting and the acid-etching treatment. In the cell-surface interaction study, the human osteoblast cells grew well in vitro. The in vivo evaluation of the SLA implant placed in rabbit tibia showed good bone-to-implant contact (BIC) with a mean value of 29% in total length of the implant. In the short-term clinical study, SLA implants demonstrated good clinical performance, maintaining good crestal bone height

  20. Dynamics of bone graft healing around implants

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    Narayan Venkataraman


    A few questions arise pertaining to the use of bone grafts along with implants are whether these are successful in approximation with implant. Do they accelerate bone regeneration? Are all defects ultimately regenerated with new viable bone? Is the bone graft completely resorbed or integrated in new bone? Does the implant surface characteristic positively affect osseointegration when used with a bone graft? What type of graft and implant surface can be used that will have a positive effect on the healing type and time? Finally, what are the dynamics of bone graft healing around an implant? This review discusses the cellular and molecular mechanisms of bone graft healing in general and in vicinity of another foreign, avascular body, namely the implant surface, and further, the role of bone grafts in osseointegration and/or clinical success of the implants.

  1. Body Implanted Medical Device Communications (United States)

    Yazdandoost, Kamya Yekeh; Kohno, Ryuji

    The medical care day by day and more and more is associated with and reliant upon concepts and advances of electronics and electromagnetics. Numerous medical devices are implanted in the body for medical use. Tissue implanted devices are of great interest for wireless medical applications due to the promising of different clinical usage to promote a patient independence. It can be used in hospitals, health care facilities and home to transmit patient measurement data, such as pulse and respiration rates to a nearby receiver, permitting greater patient mobility and increased comfort. As this service permits remote monitoring of several patients simultaneously it could also potentially decrease health care costs. Advancement in radio frequency communications and miniaturization of bioelectronics are supporting medical implant applications. A central component of wireless implanted device is an antenna and there are several issues to consider when designing an in-body antenna, including power consumption, size, frequency, biocompatibility and the unique RF transmission challenges posed by the human body. The radiation characteristics of such devices are important in terms of both safety and performance. The implanted antenna and human body as a medium for wireless communication are discussed over Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS) band in the frequency range of 402-405MHz.

  2. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  3. Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers – 50 Years from the First Implantation

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    Ratko Magjarević


    Overview: Development of implantable cardiac pacemaker was enabled by another important invention, the silicon transistor. h ough the invention of suitable lithium cells as appropriate power supply was essential for prolongation of battery life cycle and for increased reliability of pacemakers, main milestones in the development were associated with technological breakthroughs in electronics: from transistors, which introduced such features as small size and low power consumption, to hybrid and integrated circuits, which enabled programmability, microprocessors, which added more options in programming (multiprogrammability, diagnostics and telemetry, and the ICT (information communication technology that enabled physicians remote access to patients and interrogation of their implantable devices. Conclusions: Implantable pacemakers are reliable devices indicated for a wide range of dif erent therapies of cardiac rhythm disorders and heart failure. h ere is still a lot to learn about the physiology of a normal heart and even more about the failing heart. Modern pacemakers provide physicians valuable information from pacemakers’ memory via the built-in telemetry system. h ese information help physicians to better understand pathologic processes within the heart, thus contributing to the development of new ideas for treatment of diseases and for precise tailoring of the therapy to the patient’s needs. Although implantable pacemakers have reached the level of mature technology, they will continue to develop with therapies and diagnostics to facilitate a higher quality of life.

  4. Managing peri-implant bone loss: current understanding. (United States)

    Aljateeli, Manar; Fu, Jia-Hui; Wang, Hom-Lay


    With the improved macro- and micro-designs, dental implants enjoy a high survival rate. However, peri-implant bone loss has recently emerged to be the focus of implant therapy. As such, researchers and clinicians are in need of finding predictable techniques to treat peri-implant bone loss and stop its progression. Literature search on the currently available treatment modalities was performed and a brief description of each modality was provided. Numerous techniques have been proposed and none has been shown to be superior and effective in managing peri-implant bone loss. This may be because of the complex of etiological factors acting on the implant-supported prosthesis hence the treatment approach has to be individually tailored. Due to the lack of high-level clinical evidence on the management of peri-implant bone loss, the authors, through a literature review, attempt to suggest a decision tree or guideline, based on sound periodontal surgical principles, to aid clinicians in managing peri-implantitis associated bone loss. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Percutaneous and skeletal biocarbon implants (United States)

    Mooney, V.


    Review of carbon implants developed by NASA discussed four different types of implants and subsequent improvements. Improvements could be of specific interest to rehabilitation centers and similar organizations.

  6. Peri-implant soft tissue and marginal bone adaptation on implant with non-matching healing abutments: micro-CT analysis. (United States)

    Finelle, Gary; Papadimitriou, Dimitrios E V; Souza, André B; Katebi, Negin; Gallucci, German O; Araújo, Mauricio G


    To assess (i) the outcome of changing the horizontal-offset dimension on the peri-implant soft tissues and the crestal bone and (ii) the effect of different healing abutments (flared vs. straight) on the marginal peri-implant soft tissues and crestal bone. Two-piece dental implants diameters of 3.5 and 4.5 mm were placed at least 1 mm subcrestal in five beagle dogs. Three different investigational groups: (i) 3.5-mm-diameter implant with narrow healing abutment (3.5N), (ii) 4.5-mm-diameter implant with narrow healing abutment (4.5N), and (iii) 3.5-mm-diameter implant with wide healing abutment (3.5W), were assessed. After 4 months of healing, the vertical distance from the marginal crestal bone (MB) to the implant shoulder (IS); the vertical distance from the IS to the first bone-to-implant contact; and the horizontal distance of bone ingrowth on the implant platform were measured with a high-resolution micro-CT (Xradia MicroXCT-200 system). Implants with a narrow healing caps showed an interproximal MB located between 0 and 1 mm above the implant shoulder, while the 3.5W group exhibits a mean value -0.50 mm. As all implants in group 3.5N presented a fBIC located at the level of the IS. For the 4.5N group, the mean fBIC-IS distance was -0.52 mm apically to the IS. For the 3.5WC group, the mean fBIC-IS distance was -1.42 mm. Horizontal bone apposition was only observed for the 3.5N group and the 4.5N group. The dimension of the horizontal offset would play a minimal role in reducing bone remodeling, whereas the configuration of the transmucosal component would directly influence marginal bone remodeling. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Short Dental Implants Retaining Two-Implant Mandibular Overdentures in Very Old, Dependent Patients: Radiologic and Clinical Observation Up to 5 Years. (United States)

    Maniewicz, Sabrina; Buser, Ramona; Duvernay, Elena; Vazquez, Lydia; Loup, Angelica; Perneger, Thomas V; Schimmel, Martin; Müller, Frauke

    To describe the survival rate and peri-implant bone loss in very old patients dependent for their activities of daily living (ADL), treated with mandibular two-implant overdentures (IODs) in the context of a previously reported randomized controlled trial. A total of 19 patients received two interforaminal Straumann implants (Regular Neck, 4.1 mm diameter, 8 mm length) that were subsequently loaded with Locator attachments, transforming their preexisting inferior conventional denture into an IOD. The primary outcome measures were implant survival rate and radiographically assessed peri-implant bone loss. Secondary outcome measures included peri-implant probing depth and Plaque Index scores, as well as implant mobility. Nutritional state (body mass index and blood markers) and cognitive state (Mini-Mental State Examination) were also analyzed. The patient cohort comprised eight men and 11 women with a mean age of 85.7 ± 6.6 years. The implant survival rate up to 5 years was 94.7%, with one early and one late implant failure. The mean loss of peri-implant bone height was 0.17 mm per year (95% confidence interval: 0.09 to 0.24; P implant probing depth and Plaque Index scores were low and stable during the first 2 years, and thereafter increased continuously. Correlation analysis suggests that a reduced cognitive function and nutritional state are not a particular risk factor for accelerated peri-implant bone loss. The high implant survival and acceptable peri-implant health suggest that neither age nor dependency for the ADLs is a contraindication for the placement of implants. Nevertheless, close monitoring of the patients concerning a potential further functional decline precluding denture management and performing oral hygiene measures is advised.

  8. Effect of Attachment Type on Implant Strain in Maxillary Implant Overdentures: Comparison of Ball, Locator, and Magnet Attachments. Part 1. Overdenture with Palate. (United States)

    Takahashi, Toshihito; Gonda, Tomoya; Maeda, Yoshinobu

    Implant overdentures with attachments have been used in clinical practice and the effect of attachments on implant strain has been frequently reported. However, most studies have focused on mandibular overdentures; there are few reports on maxillary overdentures. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of attachment type on implant strain in maxillary overdentures under various implant configurations. A maxillary edentulous model with implants and experimental overdentures were fabricated. Four strain gauges were attached to each implant, positioned in anterior, premolar, and molar areas. Three types of unsplinted attachments-ball, locator, and magnet-were set on the implants under various implant configurations. A vertical occlusal load of 98 N was applied through the mandibular complete denture, and implant strain was compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Ball attachments caused the greatest amount of strain, while magnet attachments caused the least amount under all conditions. For all attachments, two anterior implants caused significantly more strain than four implants (P magnet attachments are recommended to reduce implant stress. Using only two implants, especially two anterior implants, is not recommended regardless of attachment type.

  9. Spontaneous progression of ligature induced peri-implantitis at implants with different surface roughness: an experimental study in dogs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berglundh, T; Gotfredsen, K; Zitzmann, N U


    : The aim of the current experiment was to study the progression of peri-implantitis around implants with different surface roughness. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In five beagle dogs, three implants with either a sandblasted acid-etched surface (SLA) or a polished surface (P) were installed bilaterally......BACKGROUND: Peri-implantitis is associated with the presence of submarginal plaque, soft-tissue inflammation and advanced breakdown of the supporting bone. The progression of peri-implantitis following varying periods of continuing plaque accumulation has been studied in animal models. OBJECTIVE...... in the edentulous premolar regions. After 3 months on a plaque control regimen, experimental peri-implantitis was induced by ligature placement and plaque accumulation was allowed to progress until about 40% of the height of the supporting bone had been lost. After this 4-month period, ligatures were removed...

  10. Periodontal ligament formation around different types of dental titanium implants. I. The self-tapping screw type implant system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Warrer, K; Karring, T; Gotfredsen, K


    The aim of this study was to determine if a periodontal ligament can form around self-tapping, screw type titanium dental implants. Implants were inserted in contact with the periodontal ligament of root tips retained in the mandibular jaws of 7 monkeys. In each side of the mandible, 1 premolar......, a periodontal ligament can form on self-tapping, screw type titanium dental implants in areas where a void is present between the surrounding bone and the implant at the time of insertion....... and 2 molars were removed in such a manner that in approximately half the cases, the root tips were retained. Following healing, the experimental areas were examined on radiographs, and sites were selected for the insertion of the implants, so that every second implant would have a close contact...

  11. Multifunctions of dual Zn/Mg ion co-implanted titanium on osteogenesis, angiogenesis and bacteria inhibition for dental implants. (United States)

    Yu, Yiqiang; Jin, Guodong; Xue, Yang; Wang, Donghui; Liu, Xuanyong; Sun, Jiao


    In order to improve the osseointegration and long-term survival of dental implants, it is urgent to develop a multifunctional titanium surface which would simultaneously have osteogeneic, angiogeneic and antibacterial properties. In this study, a potential dental implant material-dual Zn/Mg ion co-implanted titanium (Zn/Mg-PIII) was developed via plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII). The Zn/Mg-PIII surfaces were found to promote initial adhesion and spreading of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (rBMSCs) via the upregulation of the gene expression of integrin α1 and integrin β1. More importantly, it was revealed that Zn/Mg-PIII could increase Zn 2+ and Mg 2+ concentrations in rBMSCs by promoting the influx of Zn 2+ and Mg 2+ and inhibiting the outflow of Zn 2+ , and then could enhance the transcription of Runx2 and the expression of ALP and OCN. Meanwhile, Mg 2+ ions from Zn/Mg-PIII increased Mg 2+ influx by upregulating the expression of MagT1 transporter in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), and then stimulated the transcription of VEGF and KDR via activation of hypoxia inducing factor (HIF)-1α, thus inducing angiogenesis. In addition to this, it was discovered that zinc in Zn/Mg-PIII had certain inhibitory effects on oral anaerobic bacteria (Pg, Fn and Sm). Finally, the Zn/Mg-PIII implants were implanted in rabbit femurs for 4 and 12weeks with Zn-PIII, Mg-PIII and pure titanium as controls. Micro-CT evaluation, sequential fluorescent labeling, histological analysis and push-out test consistently demonstrated that Zn/Mg-PIII implants exhibit superior capacities for enhancing bone formation, angiogenesis and osseointegration, while consequently increasing the bonding strength at bone-implant interfaces. All these results suggest that due to the multiple functions co-produced by zinc and magnesium, rapid osseointegration and sustained biomechanical stability are enhanced by the novel Zn/Mg-PIII implants, which have the potential

  12. Diagnostic Imaging for Dental Implant Therapy

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    Aishwarya Nagarajan


    Full Text Available Dental implant is a device made of alloplastic (foreign material implanted into the jaw bone beneath the mucosal layer to support a fixed or removable dental prosthesis. Dental implants are gaining immense popularity and wide acceptance because they not only replace lost teeth but also provide permanent restorations that do not interfere with oral function or speech or compromise the self-esteem of a patient. Appropriate treatment planning for replacement of lost teeth is required and imaging plays a pivotal role to ensure a satisfactory outcome. The development of pre-surgical imaging techniques and surgical templates helps the dentist place the implants with relative ease. This article focuses on various types of imaging modalities that have a pivotal role in implant therapy.

  13. A comparison in cosmetic outcome between per-operative interstitial breast implants and delayed interstitial breast implants after external beam radiotherapy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pieters, Bradley R.; Hart, Augustinus A. M.; Russell, Nicola S.; Jansen, Edwin P. M.; Peterse, Johannes L.; Borger, Jacques; Rutgers, Emiel J. Th


    Background and purpose: Interstitial implants for brachytherapy boost in the breast conserving therapy of breast cancer can be performed in two ways; implants during the tumor excision (per-operative implants) or after the external beam therapy (delayed interstitial implants). Differences in

  14. Effects of H-implantation energy on the optical stability of implanted usher films under photo-irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Awazu, K.; Yasui, H.; Kasamori, M.; Ichikawa, T.; Funada, Y.; Iwaki, M.


    A study has been made on the improvement of the optical stability of urushi films under optical irradiation using ion implantation. Ion implantation of hydrogen ions in urushi films was performed with a dose of 10 15 ions/cm 2 at ion energies ranging from 0.2 to 150 keV at room temperature. The photo-irradiation onto the urushi films was carried out at irradiation energies ranging from 40 to 400 MJ/m 2 . H-implantation onto urushi films is useful for improving the optical stability under photo-irradiation when the implantation energy is larger than 60 keV

  15. MR images of rupture and leakage of breast implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Ling; Liu Pengcheng; Huang Rong; Hu Huaxin; Chen Zaizhong; Du Duanming; Liu Hanqiao; Feng Fei


    Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging in detecting rupture and leakage of breast implants. Methods: Seventeen cases with breast implants were imaged by MR scanner. 1 normal silicone breast implant outside the body was scanned by MR as an consultative standard. MR images of silicone implants and polypropylene acyl amine implants were classified and analyzed. Results: In 7 cases, 12 single lumen silicone implants were intact, among them 8 were silicone gel-filled implants, 4 were physiological saline-filled implants. 2 physiological saline-filled implants ruptured, among them 1 belonged to intracapsular silicone implant rupture with subsided silicone gel capsule which presented as long T 1 signal and short T 2 signal on MR images; The other belonged to extracapsular silicone implant rapture with physiological saline granule outside breast on MR images. 20 breast implants in 10 cases were injected by polypropylene acyl amine, among them 2 breast implants were intact, 16 breast implants ruptured completely with pieces and nodes of long T 1 signal and long T 2 signal on MR images, 14 of 16 also presented polypropylene acyl amine granule outside breast; 2 breast implants splited inside with linguine sign. Conclusion: The magnetic resonance imaging can make clear the type and the seat of breast implants, the type of rupture of breast implants, and the distribution of leakage material. Therefore magnetic resonance imaging can be an effective guidance for clinical operation and can be an consultative standard for follow-up

  16. The influence of micro and macro-geometry in term of bone-implant interface in two implant systems: an histomorphometrical study. (United States)

    Rocci, A; Calcaterra, R; DI Girolamo, M; Rocci, M; Rocci, C; Baggi, L


    Many factors could affect the osseous healing of implants such as surface topography of biomaterial, the status of the bone/implant site, implant loading conditions, surgical technique and implant design. The aim of this study was to analyze the BIC of 2 different implants systems characterized by different micro and macrogeometry, that were placed in the posterior maxillary and mandibular jaws of humans, clinically unloaded and retrieved for histomorphometric analyses after 12 weeks. The patients were divided in two groups (Group I and II); group I was composed by 4 patients that each received in the posterior areas of mandible one type A implant [GTB-Plan1Health Amaro (UD) Italy] one type B implant (OsseoSpeed Astra Tech, Dentsply Molndal, Sweden). Group II was composed by 3 patients that each received in the posterior areas of jawsbone one type A implant [GTB-Plan1Health Amaro (UD) Italy] one type B implant (OsseoSpeed Astra Tech, Dentsply Molndal, Sweden). After 12 weeks of healing all the implants of both groups were harvested with the peri-implant bone tissues. Osseointegration process was evaluated throughout measurements of BIC. No statistical significance differences were found among the mean percentage of BIC of Group I - type A were 66,51% versus 49,96% in Group I - type B, as well as among the mean percentage of BIC of Group II - type A were 43.7% versus 60.02% in Group II - type B. Our results highlight that the mean percentage of BIC after 12 weeks from the implants placement without functional loading is not influenced by the composition of the implant surface.

  17. Evaluation of peri-implant bone using fractal analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Yun Hoa


    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the fractal dimension of successive panoramic radiographs of bone after implant placement is useful in the characterization of structural change in alveolar bone. Twelve subjects with thirty-five implants were retrospectively followed-up from one week to six months after implantation. Thirty-six panoramic radiographs from twelve patients were classified into 1 week. 1-2 months and 3-6 months after implantation and digitized. The windows of bone apical and mesial or distal to the implant were defined as peri apical region of interest (ROI) and inter dental ROI; the fractal dimension of the image was calculated. There was not a statistically significant difference in fractal dimensions during the period up to 6 months after implantation. The fractal dimensions were higher in 13 and 15 mm than 10 and 11.5 mm implant length at inter dental ROIs in 3-6 months after implantation (p<0.01). Longer fixtures showed the higher fractal dimension of bone around implant. This investigation needs further exploration with large numbers of implants for longer follow-up periods.

  18. Epistemología neoidealista y fracaso fundacional del saber educativo

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se revisa la aportación de la escuela neokantiana de Badén (principalmente la obra de Windelband y Rickert así como la de Dilthey, culpabilizándoles de integrar a la Pedagogía en el seno de las ciencias de la cultura y de la historia, en ámbitos axiológicos y espiritualistas, lejanos a las concepciones organicistas que por aquel momento eran ya las propias de las otras ciencias humanas. Este discurso alejado de la realidad fáctica del educar no permitió una adecuada recepción de la obra de J. Dewey y a la larga supuso la desaparición de la Pedagogía en manos de la visión positivista de las ciencias de la educación. Se concluye evidenciando que el problema conceptual del saber educativo es más de carácter histórico que no epistemológico.ABSTRACT: In this article the contribution of Baden's neokantian school is revised, mainly Windelband and Rickert's work as well as that of Dilthey, who are blamed for integrating Pedagogy into the milieu of the sciences of culture and history, and in axiologic and spiritualist spheres, far from the organicistic conceptions which at that time already characterised the other humanistic sciences. This reasoning, far from the factual reality of educating, did not permit a suitable reception of J. Dewey's work and in the end meant the disappearance of Pedagogy in the hands of the positivistic vision of education sciences. The article concludes by showing that the conceptual problem of educative knowledge is rather of a historical nature than an epistemological one.SOMMAIRE: Dans cette article on revise Importation neokantienne de l'école de Baden (principalement de l'ouvrage de Windelband et Rickert et aussi celle de Dilthey, afin de démontrer qu'ils sont qui integreron d'une manière indubitable à la Pédagogie dans les sciences de la culture et de la histoire, compris dans les limitations axiologiques et spiritualistes, loin des conceptions organiques, propres des

  19. Follow-up of cochlear implant use in patients who developed bacterial meningitis following cochlear implantation. (United States)

    Mancini, Patrizia; D'Elia, Chiara; Bosco, Ersilia; De Seta, Elio; Panebianco, Valeria; Vergari, Valeria; Filipo, Roberto


    The present study is a long-term follow-up of speech perception outcomes and cochlear implant use in three cases of meningitis that occurred after cochlear implantation. Case series study. Study was performed on three children implanted with different models of Clarion devices, two of them with positioner. Recognition and comprehension were assessed via the Italian adaptation of GASP (TAP) test, and phonetically balanced bi-syllabic words in open-set. High resolution computed tomography scan acquisition was performed to obtain axial coronal and oblique multiplanar reconstructions of the cochlea. Two patients were affected by enlarged cochlear acqueduct and Mondini malformation the first carrying positioner. One patient had a normal cochlea, and the positioner could have been the main cause of bacterial spread. As a consequence of meningitis the child with normal cochlea and the other with enlarged vestibular acqueduct developed cochlear ossification, increased M-level and worsening of hearing outcomes. The child with Mondini malformation developed facial nerve stimulation. Contralateral implantation was performed in the first two patients. Bacterial meningitis occurring after cochlear implantation may induce cochlear ossification, facial nerve stimulation, and permanent or temporary loss of implant use. Planned follow-up with high resolution computed tomography and evaluation of M-levels could be useful prognostic tools in the management of these patients.

  20. Changes in resonance frequency analysis assessed by Osstell mentor during osseointegration: comparison between immediately loaded implants and control implants without load

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    M. González-Jaranay


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the changes in resonance frequency analysis (RFA, assessed by Osstell Mentor, obtaining information on the implant stability quotient (ISQ during implants tissue integration for immediately loaded and non-loaded control implants. Materials and methods: A total of 40 implants, 20 implants with no immediate loading (control and 20 immediately loaded implants (test, were placed in 15 patients. ISQ implants was evaluated at baseline and at 6 and 8 weeks. Provisional crowns were removed at 8 weeks, when the definitive restoration was placed. Data of control and test implants and maxillary and mandibular areas were statistically compared. Results: At 8 weeks, all implants were integrated and there were no major postoperative complications. A statistically significant difference was found only at baseline between test and control maxillary implants (p=0.009 but not at 6 or 8 weeks (p>0.05. Conclusion: Immediate loading procedures may be applied with primary stability ISQ values >60 and inserted with a force of ≥30 N. The Osstell Mentor RFA may offer an objective method to determine when implant stability is adequate for immediate loading.

  1. Clinical Management of Implant Prostheses in Patients with Bruxism (United States)

    Komiyama, Osamu; Lobbezoo, Frank; De Laat, Antoon; Iida, Takashi; Kitagawa, Tsuyoshi; Murakami, Hiroshi; Kato, Takao; Kawara, Misao


    There is general agreement that excessive stress to the bone-implant interface may result in implant overload and failure. Early failure of the implant due to excessive loading occurs shortly after uncovering the implant. Excess load on a final restoration after successful implant integration can result in physical failure of the implant structure. Many clinicians believe that overload of dental implants is a risk factor for vertical peri-implant bone loss and/or may be detrimental for the suprastructure in implant prostheses. It has been documented that occlusal parafunction, such as, bruxism (tooth grinding and clenching) affects the outcome of implant prostheses, but there is no evidence for a causal relation between the failures and overload of dental implants. In spite of this lack of evidence, often metal restorations are preferred instead of porcelain for patients in whom bruxism is presumed on the basis of tooth wear. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of the occlusal scheme used in implant restorations for implant longevity and to suggest a clinical approach and occlusal materials for implant prostheses in order to prevent complications related to bruxism. PMID:22701484

  2. Tooth Retained Implant: No More an Oxymoron

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    Divya Bhat


    Full Text Available Introduction: Periodontally af-fected teeth are treated in one of the two ways. (1 Tooth retention after periodontal surgery, in which the degree of regeneration achieved is unpredictable. (2 Tooth extrac-tion and implant placement. Implants have an osseointegrated surface which does not provide adequate shock absorption. Regeneration can be achieved by resecting the crown of the affected tooth and submerging the root. This technique has not had a clinical application so far as the tooth becomes difficult to restore. Placing an implant within the root can make the retained root restorable. At the same time, as the implant is placed within the root surface it achieves a periodontal integration which dampens occlusal forces better than osseointegration. Therefore, such a “tooth retained implant” may serve as an additional treatment option with significant benefits over tooth retention and implant placement alone. The hypothesis: Implants placed within retained roots have shown cementum deposition and attachment of periodontal ligament fibers over their surface. This periodontal attachment may be able to dam-pen forces better than in an osseointegrated implant. Moreover, since an implant is being placed, the crown of the tooth can be resected and submerged. This prevents epithelial migration, allows for the periodontal ligament cells to populate the wound and favors regeneration.Evaluation of the hypothesis: The technique of placing implants within cavities prepared in the root and then submerging them are simple for any practitioner placing implants routinely.

  3. In vitro deflation of prefilled saline breast implants. (United States)

    Stevens, W Grant; Hirsch, Elliot M; Stoker, David A; Cohen, Robert


    The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not prefilled breast implants retain their volume in packaging. This study examined 32 Poly Implant Prosthesis prefilled textured saline breast implants. All of these implants were within the manufacturer's expiration date at the time of weighing. No holes were visible on any of the implants. All were weighed on an electronic scale. The measured weight was compared with the expected weight (based on the implant size as specified by the manufacturer) and the percentage deflation was calculated. The manufacturer declined to provide specific information about the manufacture dates of the implants; thus, relative age (rather than absolute age) was examined with respect to percentage deflation. Of the 32 implants examined, all showed some degree of deflation (range, 8.84 to 57.14 percent; 95 percent confidence interval of the mean, 22.01 +/- 4.17 percent). There was a moderate correlation (r = 0.41) between relative age of the implant and percentage deflation. From these results, it is clear that this type of prefilled saline breast implant does not maintain its volume in vitro. If these implants are used, the underfilling could contribute to a higher deflation rate and cosmetic deformity. This risk should be taken into account by plastic surgeons who use this type of implant in breast augmentation procedures.

  4. Imunohistological aspects of the tissue around dental implants (United States)

    Nimigean, Victor; Nimigean, Vanda R.; Sǎlǎvǎstru, Dan I.; Moraru, Simona; BuÅ£incu, Lavinia; Ivaşcu, Roxana V.; Poll, Alexandru


    Objectives: study of soft and hard tissues around implants. Material and methods: For the immunohistochemical and histological study of the implant/soft tissue interface, we examined pieces of peri-implant mucosa harvested from 35 patients. The implant/bone interface was assessed using histologic and histomorphometric examination of hard tissues around unloaded, early loaded or delayed loaded dental implants with pre-established design, with a sandblasted and acid-etched surface, placed both in extraction sockets, or after bone healing following tooth removal. This study was performed on 9 common race dogs. Results: The histological study of the implant/soft tissue interface showed regenerative modifications and moderate chronic subepithelial inflammatory reactions. Immunohistochemical evaluation of the soft tissue biopsies revealed the presence of specific immunocompetent cells and proteins of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. Bone-implants contacts were more obvious in the apical half of the implants and at the edges of the threads, than between them. A mature, lamelliform bone containing lacunae with osteocytes and lack of connective tissue were noticed around implants that were late placed and loaded. The new-formed bone was also abundant in the crestal zone, not only in the apical part of the implants. Conclusions: A thorough understanding of the microstructure of dental implant/soft and hard tissue interface will improve the longevity of osseointegrated implants.

  5. Influence of implant position on clinical crown length and peri-implant soft tissue dimensions at implant-supported single crowns replacing maxillary central incisors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peng, Min; Fei, Wei; Hosseini, Mandana


    The aims of the present study were to evaluate the influence of implant position on clinical crown length and marginal soft tissue dimensions at implant-supported single crowns of maxillary central incisors, and to validate the papilla index score (PIS). Twenty-five patients, who had lost one of ...... abutments and did not necessarily result in an increased crown length. The distal implant papilla heightwas obviously shorter, althoughthe mesial papilla height was similar to thatof the healthy dentition.The papilla index score was tested to be a valid index for papilla fill....

  6. Correlation between Insertion Torque and Implant Stability Quotient in Tapered Implants with Knife-Edge Thread Design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Domenico Baldi


    Full Text Available Aim. To evaluate the correlation between insertion torque (IT and implant stability quotient (ISQ in tapered implants with knife-edge threads. Methods. Seventy-five identical implants (Anyridge, Megagen were inserted by using a surgical drilling unit with torque control and an integrated resonance frequency analysis module (Implantmed, W&H. IT (N/cm and ISQ were recorded and implants were divided into three groups (n=25 according to the IT: low (50. ISQ difference among groups was assessed by Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by Bonferroni-corrected Mann–Whitney U-test for pairwise comparisons. The strength of the association between IT and ISQ was assessed by Spearman Rho correlation coefficient (α=0.05. Results. At the pairwise comparisons, a significant difference of ISQ values was demonstrated only between low torque and high torque groups. The strength of the association between IT and ISQ value was significant for both the entire sample and the medium torque group, while it was not significant in low and high torque groups. Conclusions. For the investigated implant, ISQ and IT showed a positive correlation up to values around 50 N/cm: higher torques subject the bone-implant system to unnecessary biological and mechanical stress without additional benefits in terms of implant stability. This trial is registered with NCT03222219.

  7. Preservation of keratinized mucosa around implants using a prefabricated implant-retained stent: a case-control study (United States)


    Purpose The aim of this study was to clinically assess the impact of a prefabricated implant-retained stent clipped over healing abutments on the preservation of keratinized mucosa around implants after implant surgery, and to compare it with horizontal external mattress sutures. Methods A total of 50 patients were enrolled in this study. In the test group, a prefabricated implant-retained stent was clipped on the healing abutment after implant surgery to replace the keratinized tissue bucco-apically. In the control group, horizontal external mattress sutures were applied instead of using a stent. After the surgical procedure, the width of the buccal keratinized mucosa was measured at the mesial, middle, and distal aspects of the healing abutment. The change in the width of the buccal keratinized mucosa was assessed at 1 and 3 months. Results Healing was uneventful in both groups. The difference of width between baseline and 1 month was −0.26±0.85 mm in the test group, without any statistical significance (P=0.137). Meanwhile, the corresponding difference in the control group was −0.74±0.73 mm and it showed statistical significance (Pprefabricated implant-retained stent was shown to be effective in the preservation of the keratinized mucosa around implants and it was simple and straightforward in comparison to the horizontal external mattress suture technique. PMID:27800215

  8. Rehabilitación implantosoportada en el colgajo libre de peroné Implant-supported rehabilitation using the fibula free flap

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    C. Navarro Cuéllar


    Full Text Available El colgajo de peroné ha demostrado ser el más versatil para la reconstrucción oromandibular, gracias a la gran longitud ósea que podemos utilizar y a la posibilidad de incorporar una amplia paleta cutánea para cobertura de tejidos blandos intraorales. El uso de implantes dentales osteointegrados proporciona un importante método terapéutico para la rehabilitación oral de estos pacientes. Los implantes osteointegrados proporcionan la forma más rígida de estabilización protésica para soportar las fuerzas masticatorias. Estos implantes pueden ser insertados de forma inmediata o diferida. A la hora de utilizar el colgajo libre de peroné realizamos la implantología de forma diferida a los 6-12 meses debido a la gran cantidad de material de osteosíntesis necesaria para la fijación del colgajo. Cuatro o seis meses después, cuando el proceso de osteointegración ha ocurrido, los implantes son cargados con una rehabilitación dental. Analizamos 12 casos de reconstrucción mandibular con colgajo libre de peroné y su rehabilitación estética y funcional con implantes osteointegrados y un seguimiento mínimo de 2 años. Se han colocado un total de 56 implantes, presentando todos ellos excepto uno, una correcta osteointegración. Todos estos pacientes han recuperado la función masticatoria, y mejorado de forma considerable la competencia labial, la continencia salival, la pronunciación y la armonía facial.Free fibula flap has proved to be one of the most versatile for oromandibular reconstruction due to the available length of bone and the possibility of incorporating a long skin paddle to cover intraoral soft tissues. The use of osseointegrated dental implants is an important technique for the oral rehabilitation of these patients. Osseointegrated implants provide the most rigid prosthetic stabilization available to withstand masticatory forces.These implants can be placed immediately or in a second time procedure.In our case

  9. Surface microhardening by ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Amarjit


    The paper discusses the process and the underlying mechanism of surface microhardening by implanting suitable energetic ions in materials like 4145 steel, 304 stainless steel, aluminium and its 2024-T351 alloy. It has been observed that boron and nitrogen implantation in materials like 4145 steel and 304 stainless steel can produce a significant increase in surface hardness. Moreover the increase can be further enhanced with suitable overlay coatings such as aluminium (Al), Titanium (Ti) and carbon (C). The surface hardening due to implantation is attributed to precipitation hardening or the formation of stable/metastable phase or both. The effect of lithium implantation in aluminium and its alloy on microhardness with increasing ion dose and ion beam energy is also discussed. (author)

  10. Implantation damage in heavy gas implanted 4H-SiC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang, C. [Institut Pprime, CNRS, Université de Poitiers, ENSMA, UPR 3346, Département Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, Bd Marie et Pierre Curie, BP 30179, 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex (France); Nicolaï, J., E-mail: [Institut Pprime, CNRS, Université de Poitiers, ENSMA, UPR 3346, Département Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, Bd Marie et Pierre Curie, BP 30179, 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex (France); Declémy, A. [Institut Pprime, CNRS, Université de Poitiers, ENSMA, UPR 3346, Département Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, Bd Marie et Pierre Curie, BP 30179, 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex (France); Gilabert, E. [Centre d’Etude Nucléaire de Bordeaux-Gradignan, 33175 Gradignan Cedex (France); Beaufort, M.-F.; Barbot, J.-F. [Institut Pprime, CNRS, Université de Poitiers, ENSMA, UPR 3346, Département Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, Bd Marie et Pierre Curie, BP 30179, 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex (France)


    Single crystals of SiC were implanted with heavy inert gases (Xe, Ar) at elevated temperatures (300–800 °C) and for a large range of fluence (1 × 10{sup 12}–1 × 10{sup 15} ions cm{sup −2}). Thermodesorption measurements suggest that gas is trapped by implantation-induced vacancy-type defects impeding any gas diffusion. The damage accumulation versus dose was studied through the tensile elastic strain determined by using X-ray diffraction. Results show that at low dose the strain is predictable via a thermally activated direct impact model. The low thermal activation energy at saturation suggests a dynamic recovery process dominated by the migration of interstitial-type defects as its relaxation during post thermal annealing. As compared with light-gas implantation the heavy-gas to defect ratio is low enhancing the formation of strongly perturbed zones rather than the formation of bubble precursors.

  11. Implant surface preparation in the surgical treatment of experimental peri-implantitis with autogenous bone graft and ePTFE membrane in cynomolgus monkeys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schou, Søren; Holmstrup, Palle; Jørgensen, Torben


    peri-implantitis; treatment; implant surface preparation; nonhuman primates; histology; stereology......peri-implantitis; treatment; implant surface preparation; nonhuman primates; histology; stereology...

  12. Mandibular implant-supported overdentures: Prosthetic overview

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fahad A Al-Harbi


    Full Text Available Implant-supported overdentures are becoming the treatment of choice for the completely edentulous mandible. They significantly improve the quality of life in edentulous patients. For this review article, the literature was searched to identify pertinent studies. No meta-analysis was conducted because of high heterogeneity within the literature. Accordingly, in this review article, the author provides an update on implant-supported mandible overdentures with regard to the number of implants, type of loading, stress–strain distribution, mode of implant-to-denture attachment, occlusal considerations and complications.

  13. Immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets versus delayed implants into healed sockets: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Mello, C C; Lemos, C A A; Verri, F R; Dos Santos, D M; Goiato, M C; Pellizzer, E P


    The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to compare the survival rate of the implants and the peri-implant tissue changes associated with implants inserted in fresh extraction sockets and those inserted in healed sockets. This review has been registered at PROSPERO under the number CRD42016043309. A systematic search was conducted by two reviewers independently in the databases PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, and the Cochrane Library using different search terms; articles published until November 2016 were searched for. The searches identified 30 eligible studies. A total of 3,049 implants were installed in a total of 1,435 patients with a mean age of 46.68 years and a minimum of 6 months of follow-up. The survival rate of delayed implants (98.38%) was significantly greater than immediate implants (95.21%) (p=.001). For the marginal bone loss (p=.32), implant stability quotients values (p=.44), and pocket probing depth (p=.94) there was no significant difference between the analysed groups. The immediate implants placed in fresh sockets should be performed with caution because of the significantly lower survival rates than delayed implants inserted in healed sockets. Copyright © 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Probing around implants and teeth with healthy or inflamed peri-implant mucosa/gingival. A histologic comparison in cynomolgus monkeys. (Macaca fascicularis)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schou, Søren; Holmstrup, Palle; Stoltze, K.


    Osseointegrated oral implants; teeth; phathology; peri-implant mucositis; gingivitis; peri-implantitis; periodontitis; diagnosis; probing depth; non-human primates; cynomolgus monkeys: Macaca fascicularis......Osseointegrated oral implants; teeth; phathology; peri-implant mucositis; gingivitis; peri-implantitis; periodontitis; diagnosis; probing depth; non-human primates; cynomolgus monkeys: Macaca fascicularis...

  15. [Total cervical disk replacement--implant-specific approaches: keel implant (Prodisc-C intervertebral disk prosthesis)]. (United States)

    Korge, Andreas; Siepe, Christoph J; Heider, Franziska; Mayer, H Michael


    Dynamic intervertebral support of the cervical spine via an anterolateral approach using a modular artificial disk prosthesis with end-plate fixation by central keel fixation. Cervical median or mediolateral disk herniations, symptomatic cervical disk disease (SCDD) with anterior osseous, ligamentous and/or discogenic narrowing of the spinal canal. Cervical fractures, tumors, osteoporosis, arthrogenic neck pain, severe facet degeneration, increased segmental instability, ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL), severe osteopenia, acute and chronic systemic, spinal or local infections, systemic and metabolic diseases, known implant allergy, pregnancy, severe adiposity (body mass index > 36 kg/m2), reduced patient compliance, alcohol abuse, drug abuse and dependency. Exposure of the anterior cervical spine using the minimally invasive anterolateral approach. Intervertebral fixation of retainer screws. Intervertebral diskectomy. Segmental distraction with vertebral body retainer and vertebral distractor. Removal of end-plate cartilage. Microscopically assisted decompression of spinal canal. Insertion of trial implant to determine appropriate implant size, height and position. After biplanar image intensifier control, drilling for keel preparation using drill guide and drill bit, keel-cut cleaner to remove bone material from the keel cut, radiologic control of depth of the keel cut using the corresponding position gauge. Implantation of original implant under lateral image intensifier control. Removal of implant inserter. Functional postoperative care and mobilization without external support, brace not used routinely, soft brace possible for 14 days due to postoperative pain syndromes. Implantation of 100 cervical Prodisc-C disk prostheses in 78 patients (average age 48 years) at a single center. Clinical and radiologic follow-up 24 months postoperatively. Significant improvement based on visual analog scale and Neck Disability Index. Radiologic

  16. Low permanent pacemaker rates following Lotus device implantation for transcatheter aortic valve replacement due to modified implantation protocol. (United States)

    Krackhardt, Florian; Kherad, Behrouz; Krisper, Maximilian; Pieske, Burkert; Laule, Michael; Tschöpe, Carsten


    Conduction disturbances requiring permanent pacemaker implantation following transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) are a common problem. Pacemaker implantation rates after TAVR appear to be higher compared to conventional aortic valve replacement. The aim of this study was to analyze whether a high annulus implantation conveys the benefit of a decreased rate of permanent pacemaker implantation while being safe and successful according to Valve Academic Research Consortium 2 (VARC2)-criteria. A total of 23 patients with symptomatic severe aortic valve stenosis, an aortic annulus of 19-27 mm and at high risk for surgery were treated with the Lotus valve. In all patients the valve was implanted in a high annulus position via femoral access. The primary device performance endpoint was VARC2-defined device success after 30 days and the primary safety endpoint was the need for permanent pacemaker implantation. The mean age was 73.23 ± 7.65 years, 46% were female, 38% were New York Heart Association class III/IV at baseline. Thirty-day follow-up data were available for all patients. The VARC2-defined device success rate after 30 days was 22/23 (96%). 2/21 (10%) patients required a newly implanted pacemaker due to 3rd degree atrioventricular block. 25% of the patients developed a new left bundle branch block after valvuloplasty or device implantation. 21 of the 23 patients (96%) had no other signs of conduction disturbances after 30 days. The approach of the modified implantation technique of Lotus TAVR device was safe and effective. The incidence of need for a permanent pacemaker following TAVR could be significantly reduced due to adopted implantation protocol.

  17. Cochlear implantation in a bilateral Mondini dysplasia. (United States)

    Turrini, M; Orzan, E; Gabana, M; Genovese, E; Arslan, E; Fisch, U


    We report the speech perception progress and programming procedures of a case of congenital profound deafness and bilateral Mondini dysplasia implanted with a Nucleus 20 + 2 cochlear implant at the age of six. Unclear relations between electrodes array and cochlear partition made implant programming difficult and non-standard procedures were set. Cochlear implantation may give excellent rehabilitative results also in cochleae with malformation.

  18. Algunas consideraciones respecto del fallo del tribunal constitucional chileno relativo a la distribución de la “píldora del día después”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Pablo Beca Frei


    Full Text Available En este artículo damos los fundamentos jurídicos de por qué resulta plenamente legítimo que el Tribunal Constitucional chileno se pronuncie sobre algunos aspectos de las Normas Chilenas sobre Fertilidad, en lo que concierne a la entrega de anticonceptivos de emergencia. En este fallo, el Tribunal Constitucional determinó que las normas contenidas en el Decreto Supremo Nº 48, de 26 de enero de 2007, del Ministerio de Salud son –desde el punto de vista jurídico– incompatibles con nuestras normas constitucionales. El segundo aspecto que analizamos desde el punto de vista jurídico es a quién corresponde el peso de la prueba. A nuestro parecer, lo que se prueba en cualquier juicio son hechos positivos, no hechos negativos, y quien debe probar es quien alega la ocurrencia de estos hechos. En consecuencia, consideramos que el Tribunal Constitucional debió haber exigido que los recurrentes probaran que el levonorgestrel impide el implante o anidación de un óvulo fecundado y no exigir al recurrido probar un hecho negativo, cual es que el mencionado producto no impide esta anidación. Reflexionamos además sobre ciertas imprecisiones del fallo, como aquellas relacionadas con el comienzo de la vida humana y la constitucionalidad de la consejería a menores.

  19. Implant decontamination during surgical peri-implantitis treatment : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Waal, Yvonne C. M.; Raghoebar, Gerry M.; Huddleston Slater, James J. R.; Meijer, Henny J. A.; Winkel, Edwin G.; van Winkelhoff, Arie Jan

    Aim The objective of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was to study the effect of implant surface decontamination with chlorhexidine (CHX)/cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) on microbiological and clinical parameters. Material & Methods Thirty patients (79 implants) with

  20. Implant decontamination during surgical peri-implantitis treatment : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Waal, Yvonne C.M.; Raghoebar, Gerry M; Huddleston Slater, James J R; Meijer, Hendrikus; Winkel, Edwin G; van Winkelhoff, Arie Jan

    AIM: The objective of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was to study the effect of implant surface decontamination with chlorhexidine (CHX)/cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) on microbiological and clinical parameters. MATERIAL & METHODS: Thirty patients (79 implants) with