
Sample records for alberto arvelo torrealba

  1. Los espantos de La sabana: leyendas y religiosidad de los Llanos venezolanos (The ghosts of Savannah: Legends and religion of the Venezuelan Ilanos - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n30p572

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    Jenny González Muñoz


    Full Text Available Los procesos culturales de los pueblos rurales de América Latina en cuanto a su parte inmaterial, están íntimamente relacionados con la memoria colectiva y/o social, la cual puede fungir, entre otras cosas, para afianzar la transmisión de leyendas creadas por la sabiduría popular por medio de la tradición oral. En los llanos centro-occidentales venezolanos a lo largo de más dos siglos se ha diseminado cantidad de leyendas que cuentan la aparición de espíritus que vagan por las sabanas solitarias, sobre todo en las noches de mayor oscuridad; los llamados “espantos de la sabana” son las almas de antiguos pobladores, ya conocidos, que deambulan pidiendo oraciones para su descanso eterno, o por no poder encontrar la paz que procuran. Dichas narraciones, al pasar de generación en generación forman parte de la identidad llanera y son incluidas en la literatura nacional; en el presente artículo se destaca esta característica colocando como ejemplo la novela de Rómulo Gallegos, Cantaclaro, así como coplas populares o aquellas recopiladas por Alberto Arvelo Torrealba para establecer el enlace existente entre la creación y transmisión de las leyendas y la religiosidad de dicha cultura. Palabras clave: Espantos de la sabana. Leyendas populares. Llanos centro-occidentales venezolanos. Religiosidad. Abstract Cultural processes of rural populations in Latin America while its immaterial dimension, are closely related to social and collective memory, which can serve, among other thins, to strengthen the transmission of legends created by wisdom through oral tradition. In the plains of the Midwest Venezuelan, during more than two centuries, were heard many legends that tell the apparition of spirits which roam the savannas lonely, especially on the darkest nights. These "ghosts of Savannah" are the souls of old settlers who roam (roam because they can not find peace or because they are asking for prayers for his eternal rest. These stories

  2. Kummardus Alberto Sordile

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    5.-7. maini on Tallinna Õpetajate Majas Roomat tutvustavate ürituste sarjas filmiprogramm "Tänan, Alberto!", mis tutvustab itaalia näitleja Alberto Sordi (1919-2003) loomingut. Filme tutvustab näitleja Alfiero Toppetti. Lisatud filmide kava

  3. Alberto Pasqualini and the trabalhism in Brazil


    Laura Vianna Vasconcellos


    Este trabalho é uma análise do pensamento político de Alberto Pasqualini e de seu papel na elaboração e feitura do trabalhismo no Brasil. Além de suas principais ideias, foram analisadas também o papel de Pasqualini no PTB, as relações políticas com Getúlio Vargas e com o getulismo. É um estudo sobre Alberto Pasqualini e sua inserção no trabalhismo, compreendido aqui como fenômeno complexo e de longa duração. The basic intent of this work was to analyse the political concept of Alberto Pas...

  4. disegnare con ... Alberto Pratelli

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    Roberto Mingucci


    Full Text Available Con questa breve intervista ad Alberto Pratelli, (non a caso scelto per aprire questa nuova rubrica intendia-mo inaugurare un dialogo con personalità significati-ve del Disegno di Architettura, che consenta riflessioni dedicate alle sue varie dimensioni, oggi più che mai da approfondire. La suggestione a farlo, viene da un’idea di Pablo Rodri-guez Navarro ed abbiamo quindi pensato di avviarla proprio in questo numero, che Pablo ha accettato di curare su un tema a lui particolarmente caro.

  5. Pintura de Alberto Gutiérrez

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    Carlos Delgado Nieto


    Full Text Available La exposición de óleos y témperas del joven pintor colombiano Alberto Gutiérrez, presentada en los salones de la Biblioteca "Luis-Ángel Arango", nos puso en contacto con una orientación pictórica que predomina actualmente en los países del norte de Europa, de donde el artista acaba de llegar.

  6. Un primer retablo de Alberto de Churriguera

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    Rupérez Almajano, Mª Nieves


    Full Text Available Es conocida en lo esencial la actividad desarrollada por Alberto de Churriguera en Salamanca durante su etapa de madurez, como maestro de la Catedral y de la Plaza Mayor y al frente de las obras de los Colegios de Cuenca, de San Bartolomé o del Rey entre otros, así como diversos trabajos en Valladolid, Madrid, Orgaz y otros lugares. Sin embargo, son muy escasas las noticias que tenemos de obras o encargos al comienzo de su carrera profesional, lo que proporciona interés a cualquier dato que pueda ofrecer más luz sobre su dedicación en esos primeros años. Como se sabe Alberto de Churriguera había nacido en Madrid el 7 de agosto de 1676. A la muerte de sus padres quedó al cuidado de su hermano José, que se ocupó de formarlo y transmitirle su misma profesión «con toda eficacia». Se supone que en 1692 acompañó a su hermano a Salamanca para ejecutar el retablo de San Esteban...

  7. 'Los desengaños místicos' (1757) de fray José Alberto Gay


    Mata-Induráin, C. (Carlos)


    Fray José Alberto Gay, tudelano, escribió varias obras literarias, de las que destaca su obra 'Los desengaños místicos', obra en verso publicada en 1757. Fray José Alberto Gay wrote several literary works; the most notably of them is his book 'Los desengaños místicos', book of verse published in 1757.

  8. O sertão amazônico: o inferno de Alberto Rangel The amazonian sertão: the hell of Alberto Rangel

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    Marco Aurélio Coelho de Paiva


    Full Text Available A partir da análise do livro de estreia de Alberto Rangel, Inferno verde, publicado em 1908, o artigo busca identificar as motivações e os constrangimentos presentes no processo criativo do autor quanto à formulação de uma representação da Amazônia como sertão. A sua filiação ao estilo de Euclides da Cunha e a sua vinculação ao aparato administrativo estatal quando da sua presença na região confluíram para uma ideia de região então assentada em seu aspecto infernista. O entendimento da realidade nacional a partir dos sertões fez com que a Amazônia fosse tomada pelo autor como um mundo relegado ao esquecimento. Uma interpretação dos diferentes contos do livro e a identificação de uma representação infernista da Amazônia só poderão ser logradas caso leve-se em consideração os aspectos vinculados aos anseios e angústias de Alberto Rangel em tornar-se um escritor e ser reconhecido como tal.Based on the book debut of Alberto Rangel, Inferno Verde (Green Hell, published in 1908, this article investigates the motivations and constraints present in the author's creative process, regarding the representation of the Amazon as sertão (backlands. His adherence to the style of Euclides da Cunha, and his relationship with the state administrative apparatus when he was in the region, contributed to the idea of what seemed to be a hellish aspect of the Amazon. In his understanding of the national reality, in relation to the backlands, the author saw the Amazon as a forgotten world. For a different interpretation of the stories in the book, and the recognition of this hellish representation of the Amazon, it is necessary to take into consideration the aspects related to the aspirations and anxieties of Alberto Rangel on becoming a writer and to be recognized as such.

  9. Dr. Alberto Albornoz Plata

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    Zoilo Cuellar Montoya


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    A pesar de la diferencia de edades que nos separaba generacionalmente existió, entre Alberto y quien esto escribe, una estrecha amistad, que sobrepasa, en el momento de su dolorosa desaparición, los cuarenta y siete años, pues se originó, al impulso de vínculos familiares con su primera esposa, Doña Cecilia Ucrós de Albornoz, en la época en que yo culminaba mi carrera de medicina, cuando se inició la gran amistad que nos ha unido, desde entonces, con su hija Margarita y algo después, cuando él ocupaba el cargo de Director Científico de PFIZER de Colombia.

    En el año de 1963, en virtud de mi interés por realizar, como trabajo de tesis, un estudio de investigación sobre hepatitis experimental en perros, estudio respaldado por dicho laboratorio, debí ponerme en contacto con Alberto, en varias oportunidades, con el fin de planear el proyecto, de común acuerdo.

    Desafortunadamente, el trabajo se frustró y pasaron varios años antes de que nos volviéramos a ver. Fue con ocasión de la muerte de Cecilia que nos vimos de nuevo y, algo más tarde, en la Academia Nacional de Medicina, a partir de 1980, cuando volvimos a compartir intereses y a reafianzar nuestra amistad. Siempre admiré la distinción de Alberto, su impecable pulcritud, tanto en el vestir como, fundamentalmente, en su actuar, en sus maneras y en su trato, clásico de un caballero a carta cabal, como lo era él, porte que se mantenía constante, en su ejercicio profesional igual que en su relación con los colegas, con los pacientes, con sus discípulos, con los amigos y con los íntimos. Cómo admiré su ciencia, su alto profesionalismo, que le imprimían carácter a todas sus actuaciones en el ejercicio médico y que habían modelado, durante los años de generosa dedicación a sus pacientes, esa personalidad de quien no debió hacer el menor esfuerzo para inspirar confianza, en todos los que nos acercamos a él, bien se tratara de disc

  10. Recordando al doctor Alberto Pradilla Ferreira


    Mercedes de Onís; Beatriz Gracia


    Brillante, sencillo, reservado, amigo solidario, colega entusiasta, trabajador incansable, maestro. Adjetivos que abrigan el recuerdo de quien dejó un legado importante para la salud pública, la pediatría y la docencia en salud pública, centrado principalmente en la nutrición.Médico y Cirujano de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1956), el doctor Alberto Pradilla fue uno de los pocos médicos colombianos que además de su especialidad médica como pediatra, se formó en el área de nutrición.Se...

  11. Plan de mejoramiento para la gestión administrativa del Colegio Alberto Einstein


    Núñez Zambrano, Eliana Leticia


    En el primer capítulo de esta investigación se expone un diagnóstico del Colegio Alberto Einstein abarcando temas como la misión, visión, una breve biografía de Albert Einstein, el científico judío alemán más brillante del siglo XX que fue homenajeado con el Premio Novel de Física, un hombre pacífico, muy creativo, inteligente y humanitario. Se expondrá la historia de cómo fue creado el Colegio Alberto Einstein, conoceremos el organigrama estructural, la cultura organizacion...

  12. Kepentingan Pemerintah Uruguay Melegalisasi Ganja Pada Masa Pemerintahan Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano Tahun 2010-2015


    Nainggolan, Pebrianto; Yelta, Den


    This study explain about Uruguay government interests to legalization marijuana in the reign of Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano in 2013. Uruguay is a first country who legalize cultivation, distribution, and consumtion of marijuana in the world. Marijuana is plant which producing a fiber, but better known as narcotic substance in the seeds that can make the user feeling pleasure without cause. This regulation was first proposed by Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano and approved by parlament and senate. ...

  13. Licensing for the construction of 'Almirante Alvaro Alberto' nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The BRAZILIAN NUCLEAR ENERGIA COMMISSION (Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear - CNEN) presents in Report n 0 51 of its Reactors Department all the requirements for the construction permit of 'Almirante Alvaro Alberto' Nuclear Power Plant [pt

  14. Alberto Fujimori : le populisme de l’efficacité

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    Diana Burgos-Vigna


    Full Text Available À la tête du Pérou de 1990 à 2000, Alberto Fujimori a su rester populaire en combinant les recettes traditionnelles et nouvelles du populisme. Le discrédit des partis politiques et des syndicats a constitué un contexte favorable à l’arrivée et au maintien au pouvoir de ce non-professionnel de la politique, auquel des valeurs d’honnêteté et de compétence ont été spontanément prêtées. Le chef d’Etat péruvien a construit en outre, tout au long de ses mandats successifs, une stratégie politique destinée à asseoir sa légitimité. Cette stratégie s’est fondée sur des actions telles que : la mise en place d’une relation directe et quasi affective avec les couches les plus défavorisées de la population par le biais de pratiques clientélistes ; la déstructuration du tissu social dans l’objectif d’éviter toute opposition et de renforcer le pouvoir du chef de l’Etat ; l’instrumentalisation de certains groupes d’acteurs, notamment par l’intermédiaire des programmes sociaux ; enfin, le contrôle permanent, et sans cesse renforcé, de l’information, via la surveillance des médias et des opposants. Fondée sur une image d’efficacité, la gestion politique d’Alberto Fujimori est demeurée populaire jusqu’à la fin des années 1990, lorsque la révélation d’affaires de corruption a accéléré la chute de son régime.Presidente de Perú de 1990 a 2000, Alberto Fujimori supo conservar su popularidad mezclando viejas y nuevas recetas del populismo. El descrédito de los partidos políticos y de los sindicatos dibujó el contexto idóneo a la llegada y al mantenimiento al poder de este outsider de la política, al cual muy pronto fueron asociados valores de honestidad y de competencia. El jefe del Estado peruano supo además, a lo largo de sus mandatos sucesivos, construir una estrategia política cuyo objetivo era el asentamiento de su legitimidad. Esta estrategia se fundó principalmente en las

  15. Bit keskus. (Uuendusliku Tehnoloogia Keskus) Inca, Mallorca, Hispaania / Alberto Campo Baeza

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Campo Baeza, Alberto


    High-tech büroo kolmnurksel krundil industriaalpargis. Krundi sisemuses suletud alal "salaaed" apelsinipuudega. Seintel ronivad aromaatse lõhnaga taimed: jasmiinid, vistaaria, viinapuud. Konkurss 1995, ehitus 1997-1998. Arhitekt Alberto Campo Baeza (koos: L. Ignacio Aguirre Lopez, Anton Garcia Abril, Antonio Perez Villegas)


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    Ana Cristina Joaquim


    Full Text Available This is an essay whose motto focuses on the junction between criticism and poetry, between ethics and aesthetics, in the long poem named Indul­gência plenária of Alberto Pimenta. For present purposes it is important to consider criticism in a double sense: first of all, a way of explanation of some of the procedure language, so that poetic writing is presented as a procedure that folds over their own means, which allows reflection and valorization on the writing evidence; and, in another possible approach, criticism towards a detailed examination followed by evaluation about the motivating fact on which this long poem was wrote (violence - followed by death - suffered by the transsexual Gisberta Salce in Porto/Portugal –, at this moment of the analyses, the conjunction of ethics and aesthetics will be relevant. Alberto Pimenta also wrote critical essays, which matter consider this third meaning of criticism: a characteristic literary genre that will be the basis of some of the reflections raised by the poem. We intend to think how the criticism and the poetry are confluents achievements in Alberto Pimenta activity.

  17. Identidad y colonialidad en los relatos de Alberto Alabí

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    Irene López


    Full Text Available En este artículo proponemos un análisis de algunos relatos del escritor argentino Alberto Alabí desde la noción de colonialidad en sus tres dimensiones —del poder, del saber y del ser— y sus implicaciones en las formaciones identitarias. Consideramos que los conflictos que estos relatos textualizan nos permiten comprender algunas de las problemáticas sociales candentes en el espacio norteño, como la racialización de la diferencia y, consecuentemente, el color de piel, tanto en la subalternización de sujetos y prácticas como en la construcción de representaciones identitarias.In this paper we propose an analysis of short stories of an argentinean writter, Alberto Alabí, from the notion of coloniality of power, of knowledge and being and its implications for identity formations. We believe that the conflicts textualized in these short stories permit us to understand many of social problems in the north of Argentina, such as the role played by the racialization of difference and, consequently, the color of skin in the subalternization of subjects and practices as well as in construction of identity representations.

  18. Reorganização de saberes tradicionais em Los sorias, de Alberto Laiseca

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    Graciela Ravetti


    Full Text Available Resumo: Neste estudo, propõe-se uma consideração sobre a reformulação de saberes tradicionais em termos não metafísicos na obra do escritor argentino Alberto Laiseca, Los sorias (1998, construída a partir da convergência dos temas das religiões, da magia e da astrologia, lado a lado com outros saberes em face de (deshierarquização. Palavras chave: Literatura hispano-americana; literatura argenti­na; romance contemporâneo; ficção científica. Abstract: In this study, we propose a consideration on the reformulation of traditional knowledge in no metaphysical terms in the work of Argentine writer Alberto Laiseca, Los sorias (1998, constructed from the convergence of the themes of religion, magic and astrology alongside with other knowledge in the face of de-hierarchization. Keywords: Argentine literature; contemporary romance, science fiction, Spanish American literature.

  19. Uma leitura intertextual da poesia de Alberto Caeiro à luz da sabedoria zen-budista

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    Márcia Munir Miguel Feitosa


    Full Text Available Análise da poesia de Alberto Caeiro, heterônimo de Fernando Pessoa, à luz da filosofia zen-budista, tanto no que concerne ao culto da natureza, como no que diz respeito à questão do eu, inerente ao poeta português e à filosofia Zen. O estudo ainda inclui o levantamento das possíveis afinidades formais e estilísticas entre a poesia japonesa, representada pelos hai-kais, e a poesia sensacionalista de Caeiro.Análisis de la poesia de Alberto Caeiro, heterónimo de Fernando Pessoa a la luz de la filosofía zen-budista, tanto que concierne al culto de la naturaleza, como que dice respecto a la cuestión del yo, inherente al poeta portugués y a la filosofía zen. El estúdio aún incluye las posibles afinidades formales y estilísticas entre la poesia japonesa, representada por los hai-kais, y la poesia sensacionista de Caeiro.

  20. Juizados Especiais e Ativismo Judicial à Luz de Luis Alberto Warat

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    Zenildo Bodnar


    Full Text Available This article addresses, in a punctual way, some reflections on the judicial activism in the Special Courts camp. It seeks to evaluate the existence of a place for the conciliator in the stir that permeates the procedural and substantial models of legal proceedings. For this, as theoretical references, the postulates of Luis Alberto Warat are used, in order to overcome such dyad in favor of an effective judicial protection, without following the ways of the Free Movement of Law and Instrumentality of Process. For the development of this research, it has been used the inductive method, operated by the operational concepts and techniques of literature.Resumo: O presente artigo aborda de forma pontual algumas reflexões sobre o ativismo judicial na seara dos Juizados Especiais. Procura-se avaliar a existência de um lugar para o conciliador na celeuma que permeia os modelos procedimentalistas e substancialistas de processo jurisdicional. Para tanto, como referencial teórico utiliza-se os postulados de Luis Alberto Warat no intuito de superar a referida díade em favor de uma tutela judicial efetiva, sem que se trilhe os caminhos do Movimento do Direito Livre e da Instrumentalidade do Processo. Utilizou-se, para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, o método indutivo, operacionalizado pelas técnicas de conceitos operacionais e da pesquisa bibliográfica.

  1. Alberto Ginastera y el dodecafonismo: El Concierto para violín (1963

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    Edgardo J. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available This paper aims at approaching Alberto Ginastera’s serial period (or Neo- expressionist as it has been traditionally labeled through the analysis of his 1963 Violin concerto. The analysis describes the many different procedures and materials used in the composition of the piece. This apparent diversity also characterizes Ginastera’s aesthetics views and allows us to appreciate his greatest achievement: the organic integration of all them in the work.

  2. Alberto Lista’s El Espectador sevillano (1809: an example of revolutionary discourse? | El Espectador sevillano de Alberto Lista (1809: ¿un discurso revolucionario?

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    Claude Morange


    Full Text Available El Espectador sevillano is a journal that was edited by Alberto Lista between 1809 (2 October and 1810 (29 January. It happened to be published in Seville for the town had just become the capital city of unoccupied Spain. El Espectador sevillano provides us with a systematic account of the fundaments of political liberalism as a doctrine that led to the writing of the Constitution of Cadiz a few months after the termination of the journal. However little attention has been paid to El Espectador sevillano despite it is being one of the most political influential journals at that time. In this paper, we fill in this research gap by locating El Espectador sevillano within the complexity of the vibrant political debate that took place in Seville during this period, in order to assess to what extend Lista’s thinking in 1809 can be labelled as revolutionary. | El Espectador sevillano, redactado por Alberto Lista, se publicó en Sevilla del 2 de octubre de 1809 al 29 de enero de 1810. Aunque se trata de uno de los periódicos más importantes del momento, se le ha estudiado poco. Redactado en la ciudad que, por las circunstancias bélicas, había pasado a ser capital de la España libre, ofrece una exposición sistemática de los fundamentos de la doctrina política liberal, que se plasmarían algunos meses después en la Constitución de Cádiz. En estas breves reflexiones, se trata de situar la publicación en el complejo e intenso debate de ideas de que fue entonces teatro Sevilla, para tratar de determinar hasta qué punto puede calificarse de revolucionario el pensamiento del Lista de 1809.


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    Gianmarco Catacchio


    Full Text Available This article aims to provide a comparison between the poetic voices of Pessoa's heteronym, Alberto Caeiro, and the poet of Mato Grosso, Manoel de Barros, through the analysis of their approach to the act of poetic creation. The investigative attention of this essay will focus on language, as the expressive vehicle of poetry, and its opposite, silence, understood as the pre-language of things, in the longing for loving union with nature through the poetic word.

  4. Measurement of the meteorological parameters in Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant using captive balloon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva Lobo, M.A. da; Lima e Silva Filho, P.P. de; Eschebach, B.M.


    A methodology to obtain the meteorological parameters in the vicinity of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant is presented. The study of the atmospheric dispersion is done by the analysis of the results and it is a complement of the meteorological operation of Angra-1 and pre-operation of Angra-2 and 3 program. (M.C.K.) [pt

  5. Alberto Mussa e a tradução

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    Pere Comellas


    Full Text Available La traducción - auténtica o falsa - desempeña un papel importante en la obra de Alberto Mussa. Las supuestas fuentes de sus novelas incluyen lenguas como el árabe, el tupí, el francés o el alemán, y el propio autor ensaya también la traducción, en un ejercicio que revela una idea muy borgiana de ésta: en literatura no existe origen, solamente rescrituras. Mussa usa en su obra la traducción como pretexto, como recurso estético y narrativo, y también como evidencia de una concepción del lenguaje humano como juego y como fin en sí mismo. Para Mussa, como para Borges, traducir no es repetir, sino recrear, y el traductor, tanto si quiere como si no, está condenado a ser poeta, ya que “las palabras no son ni siquiera sinónimas de sí mismas”.

  6. Rappresentazioni e (intraducibilità del delirio: Informe sobre ciegos di Alberto Breccia

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    Susanna Nanni


    Full Text Available The essay proposes an analysis of the relationship between text and images in Informe sobre ciegos (1991 by Alberto Breccia. In his obstinate renunciation to unnecessary words, or surplus signs, and by employing graphic devices that convey a "telluric and formless" world, Breccia interprets and illustrates – without making it comprehensible – the self-destructive delirious state of Fernando Vidal, one of the most controversial and fascinating characters in Argentinian literature. In particular, the essay focuses on the conspiracy – at the level of both form and content – and on the graphic (untranslatability of his delirium.

  7. Bernardo Alberto Houssay (1887-1971) : sa contribution à la physiologie hypophysaire


    VALDES SOCIN, Hernan Gonzalo


    Il y a bientôt 70 ans, en 1947, Bernardo Alberto Houssay recevait un télégramme en provenance de Stockholm à son domicile, à Buenos Aires. Il lui était annoncé sa nomination au Prix Nobel de Médecine ou Physiologie, pour ses découvertes sur le rôle de l’antéhypophyse sur la régulation du métabolisme glucidique. Ce prix Nobel sera partagé le 10 décembre de cette année avec Gerty et Carl Cori (pour leurs découvertes sur les voies métaboliques du glycogène). Sa vie et son œuvre, que nous remémor...

  8. Experiencia clínica de la fundación villa de ancianos padre alberto hurtado

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    M. Paola Tudela, Dra.


    Full Text Available La Fundación Villa de Ancianos Padre Alberto Hurtado es una residencia de larga estadía con orientación gerontológica, favoreciendo el envejecimiento saludable, la mayoría de sus residentes habita en un sistema de viviendas individuales protegidas, lo que les posibilita mantener su autonomía. Cuenta con un sector clínico que permite el tratamiento y hospitalización de los que lo requieren.

  9. Proyecto de organización y automatización de la Biblioteca Ingeniero Alberto Codina


    de la Puente, Marcelo


    The main subject of this paper is the development of the OPAC´s (On Line Public Access Catalogue) Alberto Codina Library, which is specialized in Cosmetic Chemisty area. This library is unique in our country (Argentina),therefore it is very important to divulge the library´s holdings on the web. In our case, we believe that the best way to achieve that goal is using the Genisis software. This software will be analyzed in detail in our project

  10. Mortality pattern of the surrounding population of the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto / 1986 to 2007; Padrao da mortalidade da populacao circunvizinha a Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto / 1986 a 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leite, Teresa Cristina Sampaio de Barros; Silva, Ilson Peixoto Medeiros da; Jannuzzi, Denise Maria Souza; Higino, Thiago Nunes; Santos, Tatiana Rodrigues dos [Fundacao Eletronuclear de Assistencia Medica (CIRA/FEAM), Angra dos Reis, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Informacoes sobre Radioepidemiologia; Xavier, Diego Ricardo [Fundacao Inst. Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). lnst. de Comunicacao e Informacao Cientifica e Tecnologica; Silva, Roseli Monteiro da [Fundacao Inst. Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This paper aims to update two earlier epidemiological studies on the mortality profile of the resident population in the influence area of the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto. The main objective is analyze and compare the profile of mortality among the population classified in areas with the distance from source of exposure in three strata. Municipalities contained within a radius of 30 km of the nuclear power, neighboring municipalities, contained within a radius of 30 to 50 km, municipalities contained within 50 to 100 km, beyond Cabo Frio, which presents similar characteristics to the municipality of Angra dos Reis


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    Cristian Opazo


    Full Text Available La tesis de este ensayo postula que la narrativa de Alberto Fuguet puede ser leída como un proyecto escriturario que propone una (nueva estrategia retórica por la cual representar los desvíos del género sexual. Según este modus operandi, en las narraciones de Fuguet, tanto el acto de reprimir como el de explicitar los desvíos de la masculinidad, se ejecutan a través de un juego de citas a la tradición literaria chilena. En los textos de José Donoso, Jorge Edwards y Alfredo Gómez Morel, entre otros, los narradores personajes de Fuguet encuentran un conjunto de figuras retóricas que les permite decir su desvío, pero de manera oblicua; es decir, cifrando la voluptuosidad de sus deseos en la lengua culturalmente prestigiosa del Canon de las Letras de Chile. Dentro de este contexto, este ensayo pesquisa las citas que los primeros trabajos de Fuguet (Sobredosis y Mala onda hacen de Casa de campo y El jardín de al lado, de José Donoso, y El río, de Alfredo Gómez Morel.This essay proposes that Alberto Fuguet s narrative may be read as a writing project with a (new rhetorical strategy by which various sexual deviances may be represented By this modus operandi, in Fuguet's stories, both manifestation and repression of male deviance are made explicit by way of a 'quotation game' in the field of Chilean literary tradition. The narrators in his texts find in the narrative of José Donoso, Jorge Edwards and Alfredo Gómez Morel, among others, a corpus of rhetorical figures which allow them to make their deviance explicit in an oblique way; that is, to condense their voluptous desire in the prestigious language of the Chilean Literary Canon. Within this context, this essay explores the quotations of Donoso 's Casa de Campo and El Jardin de al lado, and those quotations of Alfredo Garcia Morel's El río present in Alberto Fuguet's first works (Sobredosis y Mala Onda.

  12. Complicaciones por rotura de aneurismas cerebrales en pacientes operados Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren 2006 - 2014


    Coasaca Torres, Juan Amilcar


    Determinar las complicaciones que se presentan en el periodo preoperatorio, intraoperatorio y postoperatorio de los pacientes operados de aneurisma cerebral roto en el Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren de 2006 a 2014. Para lo que se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo. Se revisaron las Historias Clínicas de los pacientes operados (clipaje) de aneurisma cerebral roto, que reunían los criterios de inclusión. La data obtenida fue eva...

  13. Académico Alberto Amarís Mora

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    Fernando Sánchez-Torres


    Full Text Available Fragmento Con gran pesadumbre cumplo el encargo de escribir esta nota necrológica, pues el personaje de quien debo ocuparme, Alberto Amarís Mora, dejó indeleble su impronta en mi recuerdo. Por eso, además de registrar su desaparición en estas páginas, quiero rendirle un homenaje póstumo de admiración y de afectuosa gratitud. Conocí al académico Amarís Mora hace sesenta años, cuando él era médico interno titular de la Clínica Obstétrica en el Instituto Materno Infantil y yo estudiante interno rotatorio de dicha asignatura en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Ni él ni yo imaginábamos que con el paso del tiempo iríamos a compartir juntos dificultades y satisfacciones académicas y administrativas. En efecto, más adelante nos encontraríamos desempeñando ambos funciones profesorales, él como catedrático de Pediatría y yo de Obstetricia, disciplinas muy afines, que obligaban a trabajar de consuno.

  14. Interromper o instante, interrogar o agora: poesia, política e pensamento em Alberto Pucheu

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    Gustavo Silveira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A partir de la lectura del más reciente libro del poeta Alberto Pucheu, se busca comprender de qué modo el autor propone la construcción de un espacio híbrido para la poesía, en el cual se mezclan, a través de un cuestionamiento extenso acerca de los sentidos de lo contemporáneo y de un trabajo de condensación y mixtura del lenguaje, la actividad poética, la reflexión política y la prospección conceptual.

  15. Brasile 1960: Gli anni della svolta per Alberto Moravia

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    Simone Casini


    Full Text Available Alberto Moravia arrived in Brazil in the summer of 1960 to preside the Congress of the PEN Club. He had recently finished La noia, his eleventh novel, the one that most directly is connected to his first novel, Gli indifferenti (1929, and it marks a decisive turning point in his artistic, intellectual, and human course. The essay reconstructs the life and work of the 50-year-old writer, in which a 10-year research is summarized and concluded, opening a new phase. Rereading the articles written for Il Corriere della Sera and the review of the Quarto de despejo by Carolina de Jesus, we focused on the origin and acute reflection of Moravia about Brazil in those years (Brasilia, Bahia, Rio, between past and future. The experience of Brazil, for the writer, who in those following years will attempt new paths in the intellectual and literary field, and new goals for his travels, always more oriented, in the company of Dacia Maraini and Pier Paolo Pasolini, toward the Third World.


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    Rosa María Hurtado Matthews


    Full Text Available The Mission Sucre needs to perfect the politicians and strategies that respond to the demands of the citizenship conception, personal development and committed professionals' formation with the transformations that Venezuela lives. In this context, the University Villages are inserted as maximum expression in the concretion of such demands for what requires special attention the motivation to assume them on the part of their educators in a committed, responsible way and enthusiast. In this mark, the present investigation the investigation establishes a system of actions to reinforce the labor motivation in the members of the Village University Professor Alberto Lovera, of the State Delta Amacuro and with it to achieve a positive impact in the university community and its environment.

  17. Environmental monitoring program of the uranium enrichment facility Almirante Alvaro Alberto

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiromoto, G.; Jacomino, V.M.F.; Venturini, L.; Moreira, S.R.D.; Gordon, A.M.P.L.; Duarte, C.L.; Pocequilo, B.R.S.; Mazzilli, B.P.


    In this report, the Environmental Monitoring Program of the Uranium Enrichment Facility Almirante Alvaro Alberto is outlined and the results obtained during the preoperational period are presented. Information concerning the population distribution, the use of water and land, the local agricultural production and the local meteorology are also available. In order to evaluate the levels of the background radiation, sample of water, air and biological and terrestrial indicators were analysed. Measurements were performed of natural gamma emitters concentrations levels and of uranium in air, surface water, precipitation, groundwater, river sediment, soil, grass, vegetation and various foodstuffs. For direct measurement of background radiation levels a solid state dosimeter network was used. Results are also presented for the analysis of non radioactive pollutants in the water samples and for the particles and gaseous fluorides concentration in the atmosphere. (author) [pt


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    Ezequiel Ludueña


    Full Text Available El Liber de causis introduce una distinción clave que no es posible hallar en el tratado que constituye su fuente principal, la Elementatio theologica de Proclo. Se trata de la distinción entre dos modos de causar: per modum creationis y per modum formae.  Encontramos este distingo no sólo en el De causis de Alberto Magno sino también en Ulrico de Estrasburgo, Teodorico de Freiberg, Meister Eckhart y Bertoldo de Moosburg. Bertoldo lo aplica para leer la Elementatio theologica. Esta estrategia le permite absorber el pensamiento de Proclo en los marcos de un pensamiento cristiano.

  19. Environmental monitoring (operational period) of the uranium enrichment facility Almirante Alvaro Alberto. Quadrimonthly report of gamma spectroscopy measurements: march to june 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venturini, L.; Pecequilo, B.R.S.


    In this report we present the assessment of the environmental monitoring radiation levels during the operation period of the Uranium Enrichment Facility Almirante Alvaro Alberto from March to July 1988. The purpose was achieved by sampling and analyzing using gamma spectrometry, water and terrestrial and biological indicators. (author) [pt

  20. Thomas Jefferson, I dilemmi della democrazia americana, translated and edited by Alberto Giordano, with a preface by Dino Cofrancesco (Novi Ligure: Città del Silenzio, 2007

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    Pierluigi Chiassoni


    Full Text Available A review of Thomas Jefferson, I dilemmi della democrazia americana, translated and edited by Alberto Giordano, with a preface by Dino Cofrancesco (Novi Ligure: Città del Silenzio, 2007

  1. Mortality pattern of the surrounding population of the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto / 1986 to 2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leite, Teresa Cristina Sampaio de Barros; Silva, Ilson Peixoto Medeiros da; Jannuzzi, Denise Maria Souza; Higino, Thiago Nunes; Santos, Tatiana Rodrigues dos


    This paper aims to update two earlier epidemiological studies on the mortality profile of the resident population in the influence area of the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto. The main objective is analyze and compare the profile of mortality among the population classified in areas with the distance from source of exposure in three strata. Municipalities contained within a radius of 30 km of the nuclear power, neighboring municipalities, contained within a radius of 30 to 50 km, municipalities contained within 50 to 100 km, beyond Cabo Frio, which presents similar characteristics to the municipality of Angra dos Reis

  2. Profile of Alberto Ruz Lhuillier as a Young Man

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    Elaine Day Schele


    Full Text Available The attitudes and beliefs that archaeologists bring to their profession can have important impacts upon the manner in which they approach their work; therefore, studying an archaeologist’s life can shed light on archaeological history. An investigation of the early life of the Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier provides fascinating evidence of just how life experiences can have an impact on attitudes and theoretical approaches. Ruz was the archaeologist who, in 1952, discovered the magnificent tomb of the Classic Maya King of Palenque, Mexico, K’inich Janaab’ Pakal I. Research into Ruz’s early life sheds light on why he had negative opinions about the United States (US, and highlights the experiences that caused them, and explains how they changed. When Ruz moved to Cuba in the 1930s, and learned about the impact of American interference in Cuban affairs, he became deeply involved in the socialist revolution to oust Cuba’s US puppet dictators and to free his country from ‘yanqui’ imperialism. In addition, these early student life experiences exposed him to other students who espoused the theories and ideas of Karl Marx. Later Ruz would use some of these theories to explain the development and fall of ancient Maya civilization.

  3. La perspectiva de los nuevos movimientos sociales en las obras de Sydney Tarrow, Alain Touraine y Alberto Melucci


    Ayder Berrío Puerta


    Este artículo presenta la discusión en torno a los movimientos sociales a partir de autores como Sydney Tarrow, Alain Touraine y Alberto Melucci. Muestra que en la década del setenta emergieron movimientos sociales que no se correspondían ni con las características ni con los marcos interpretativos disponibles en la teoría de los movimientos sociales hasta ese momento (los modelos marxista y estructural-funcionalista). El artículoofrece una descripción de las características principales de tr...

  4. Determination of atmospheric dispersion factors in emergency situations in Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant - unit 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leao, I.L.B.


    The necessity of Knowing the atmospheric dispersion factor, used to obtain the first estimation dose in the public case for accidents with releasing of radioactive material to atmosphere in Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant - unit I, lead to the development of a fast and efficient method to determine the dilution factors, in a pre-determined distance from the source, to be used in the dose estimate. The ACID computer program for pocket calculation allow to obtain the meteorological information to evaluate the dose. In this work the mathemathical models used and the program developed are described. (Author) [pt

  5. Sabiduría y Ciencia Política en la obra de Alberto Magno

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    José Ricardo Pierpauli


    Full Text Available Alberto Magno ha ofrecido elementos de juicio suficientes que permiten reconstruir una Filosofía Política en su obra teológica y filosófica. Dicha Filosofía Política es solo relativamente autónoma respecto de la Metafísica y de la Teología Sobrenatural, pues aun cuando posee principios propios, un objeto formal propio y un fin también propio, que es el Bien Común Político, los principios, el objeto formal y el fin derivan a su modo, del Ser y del Bien Supremo que son las primeras creaciones de Dios. Hay pues una evidente relación de subordinación entre la Ciencia Política y la Sabiduría cuyo objeto es Dios mismo.

  6. Central nuclear almirante Alvaro Alberto: study on the phytoplanktonic variation in the region of unity 1 - Angra dos Reis - RJ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, C.A.F. de; Pessoa, M.A.R.; Utchitel, S.


    By according of ''staff'' which has elaborated the first works in phitoplankton, in initial phasis (before operation) of Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto - CNAAA Unidade 1, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil we carry out a search about physic - chemicals parameters at same area, during the times of 11 months, too. The efluent region presents a phytoplanktonic comunity of reasonable environmental conditions. The evaluation of biological parameters, or in the words, a natural environment in equilibrium. (author) [pt

  7. A McOndo Writer's Take on Literature in the Era of Audiovisual and Digital Communication: The Case of Alberto Fuguet's "Las Peliculas de mi vida" (United States)

    Maier, Linda S.


    Alberto Fuguet, one of the leaders of the McOndo writers who seek cultural direction from the United States and exploit mass-media formulas, is a polarizing figure in contemporary Latin American culture. His most recent full-length novel, the semi-autobiographical "Las peliculas de mi vida" (2003), has led many to conclude that Fuguet is simply a…

  8. El discurso en la estrategia autoritaria de Alberto Fujimori

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    Juan Martín Sánchez


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de mostrar cómo el expresidente peruano Alberto Fujimori pasó del triunfo democrático en las elecciones de 1990, en un ambiente de total publicidad, al progresivo control autoritario de las relaciones políticas caracterizado por el aumento del secreto. Esta "transición autoritaria" ha dejado su registro público, pese a las estrategias de ocultamiento, en los mensajes que el presidente de la república dirigió a la nación cada 28 de julio con motivo de la celebración de la Independencia. En los once mensajes que dirigió Fujimori al país, se encuentran las marcas de su estrategia política general: la consolidación de su imagen de salvador de la nación con la anuencia del pueblo; el fortalecimiento de las instancias ejecutivas del Estado sin necesidad de fiscalización política o judicial, y la polarización de las identidades políticas en una supuesta comunicación directa entre el presidente y las mayorías del Pení. Mediante el análisis sistemático de los mensajes presidenciales, se describe cómo el presidente Fujimori ejerció el discurso político como acción privilegiada durante sus años de gobierno para buscar una legitimidad que prescindiera de la deliberación política

  9. Impacto y consecuencias del viaje a los Estados Unidos de 1945 en el ministerio de san Alberto Hurtado


    Mariana Clavero


    Este artículo presenta el impacto y las consecuencias del viaje de san Alberto Hurtado a los Estados Unidos en el año 1945. El acceso a nuevos documentos ha permitido iluminar de mejor manera los motivos del viaje: luego de su renuncia a la Acción Católica, es becado por Mons. Edwin O'Hara para ir a estudiar por un año a la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Católica de Washington. El viaje le permite, además, tomar contacto con diversas obras sociales de la Iglesia de EE. UU y de Ca...

  10. Conocimientos y aplicación de normas de bioseguridad del servicio de Ginecoobstetricia del Hospital Alberto Leopoldo Barton Thompson, Callao 2016


    Salas Zegarra, Rita Maribel


    El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es determinar la relación que existe entre los conocimientos de normas de bioseguridad y la aplicación de normas de bioseguridad en el servicio de Ginecoobstetricia en el Hospital Alberto Leopoldo Barton Thompson en el Callao, periodo 2016; la población conformada por los técnicos de enfermería, ginecoobstetrasy obstetras del servicio ginecoobstetricia de 75 trabajadores, la muestra consideró toda la población, en los cuales se ...

  11. The routes to be followed into Alberto Caeiros’s poetry: a reception aesthetics approach

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    Fabrício César Aguiar


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to study the 8th poem Num meio dia de fim de primavera written by Alberto Caeiro. The analysis proposed will be based on some of the Reception Aesthetics concepts mainly focusing on enriching the sensory aspects of the text, especially the visual one. For that purpose, the poetic devices used in the construction of the text as well as its reception by the readers will be highlighted. The analysis will be based on the concepts theorized by Wolfgang Iser. Such concepts are: a the interaction between text and reader and the position of the latter at the time of the former reception; b the blank places; c the negation and negativity structures; and d it will also consider the approach to reading as an act in which the reader is responsible for achieving the meaning for the text and for creating an “aesthetic pleasure” through it. This last concept is grounded in Hans Robert Jauss theory.

  12. Alberto José Sampaio: um botânico brasileiro e o seu programa de proteção à natureza Alberto José Sampaio: a Brazilian botanist and his nature protection program

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    José Luiz de Andrade Franco


    Full Text Available O texto discorre sobre a obra científica e as proposições de proteção à natureza do botânico brasileiro Alberto José Sampaio (1881- 1946, um dos maiores conhecedores da flora brasileira e um dos pioneiros do conservacionismo no país. Analisa diversos pontos de sua trajetória de cientista, ativista e professor. A atenção recai especialmente sobre as suas três principais produções literárias, publicadas entre 1926 e 1935, nas quais focaliza a distribuição geográfica dos conjuntos de vegetação do Brasil e propõe diversos programas de aproveitamento racional e de preservação dos recursos naturais brasileiros. Mostra-se que as suas idéias estavam influenciadas pelos ideais de um estado forte capaz de construir uma nova identidade nacional, com base na riqueza da natureza brasileira. A conclusão é que as idéias de Sampaio foram avançadas para a sua época e que elas conservam grande parte de sua atualidade, mesmo depois de décadas de prevalência de uma ideologia desenvolvimentista em que ele e diversos cientistas naturais conservacionistas seus contemporâneos foram quase inteiramente esquecidos.The text discusses the scientific output and the proposals for nature protection by the Brazilian botanist Alberto José Sampaio (1881- 1946, one of Brazil.s leading plant scientists and one of the country.s pioneer conservationists. Several aspects of his trajectory as a scientist, activist and teacher are examined. The emphasis falls on his three major books, published between 1926 and 1935, in which he writes about the geographic distribution of Brazil's vegetational forms and presents many proposals in favor of the rational use and preservation of the country.s natural resources. It is shown that his proposals were influenced by the concept of the need of a strong State that could build a new national identity, based on Brazilian nature. The text concludes that Sampaio.s ideas were quite advanced for his times and that many

  13. Heloisa Alberto Torres and the national inquiry about Natural Sciences and Anthropology, 1946

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    Heloisa Maria Bertol Domingues


    Full Text Available The purpose of the article is to analyze a document elaborated by a former National Museum of Rio de Janeiro Director, Heloisa Alberto Torres (1895-1977, who proposed to make a study of the state of affairs of the Natural Sciences and Anthropology in order to restructure the scientific research as a function of the Brazilian economic, political, and social development. The document was sent to the rector of the Universidade do Brasil, Pedro Calmon (1902-1985, in 1946, at the end of the Brazilian Estado Novo and the Second World War, when the Director was reconducted to the post she was in charge since 1938. According to the document the political role of the Natural Sciences and the Anthropology should be exerted in the theoretical limits of Ecology, which collided with the political demands of inordinate exploitation of the nartural resources. The Director's ideas ended up limited to institutional projects, carried out within the framework of the international scientific cooperation politics. This facilitated the circulation of scientists and benefited from national and foreign financial support.

  14. Mecanomorfia educacional: uma crítica a partir da teoria comportamentalista de Alberto Guerreiro Ramos

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    Everton Marcos Batistela


    Full Text Available A crítica da modernidade se tornou debate comum nas últimas décadas do século XX, empreendida por autores preocupados com a construção de alternativas societárias. Uma das linhas teóricas centrais do debate refere-se ao conceito de racionalidade, tendo sido preocupação central em Weber, Mannheim, Horkheimer, Adorno e outros. Alberto Guerreiro Ramos, expoente sociólogo brasileiro da segunda metade do século XX, propõe uma crítica da modernidade pela perspectiva de sua racionalidade organizacional, condensada em sua Teoria da Síndrome Comportamentalista. Essa teoria tenta compreender os fundamentos e as dimensões básicas da razão moderna: Individualismo, Perspectivismo, Formalismo e Operacionalismo. Em suma, a teoria mostra que vivemos imersos numa razão centrada no mercado, que fomenta comportamentos em detrimento da ação (criativa e que reduz a capacidade racional humana aos seus aspectos instrumentais e mercadológicos. A partir disso, tentaremos compreender em que medida a racionalidade moderna acaba forjando um paradigma educacional funcionalista, reprodutivista e mecanomórfico. The critic of the modernity became common debate in the last decades of the century XX, undertaken by authors worried with the construction of alternative partners. One of the central theoretical lines of the debate refers to the concept of rationality of the modernity, having been central concern in Weber, Mannheim, Horkheimer, Adorno and others. Alberto Guerreiro Ramos, exponent Brazilian sociologist of the second half of the century XX, proposes a critic of the modernity for the perspective of its rationality organizacional, condensed in its Syndrome Theory Behavioral. That theory tries to understand the foundations and the basic dimensions of the modern reason: individualism, perspectivism, formalism and operationalism. In highest, the theory shows that lived immerged in a reason centered in the market, that foments behaviors in detriment of

  15. Seroprevalencia de leptospirosis bovina en relación a los factores de riesgo en el Municipio Alberto Adriani estado Mérida, Venezuela


    Ramírez, Miguel; Rivera Pirela, Sergio E.


    Se recolectaron mediante punción de la vena yugular, muestras de sangre de 384 bovinos en 32 fincas productoras de leche, localizadas en El Vigía, municipio Alberto Adriani, estado Mérida, Venezuela. Se realizó la prueba de aglutinación microscópica (AM). De los 384 sueros, 231 (60,1%) resultaron positivos y 153 negativos (39,9%). El serovar hardjo estaba presente en el 40,78% y el hebdomadis en un 30,74% de los sueros positivos. Sesenta y dos sueros (26,83%) reaccionaron aisladamente al sero...


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    Edgar Becerra


    Full Text Available The organization has dabbled in many forms of human activity, because the mutual dependence of individuals and protection against threats, have fostered an intense organizational activity in humanity through time. From this premise, it becomes clear that the act of organizing will result in an organizational structure that can be considered as the framework that holds together the various functions in accordance with a scheme that suggests order and established relationships within the organization. Alberto Lovera University Village, as part of the system of higher education institutions in the state, requires consolidation of an organizational structure to carry out the improvement of its management. In view of the foregoing, the objective of this research is to design an organizational structure to improve efficiency in management. In accordance with the above, reference is one of the fundamental roles of the lead agency, is to create the organizational structure, and there is nothing more meaningful to the effective functioning of organizations that the design of its structure. The following study discusses the theoretical conclusions that can offer aimed at resolving the issues raised.

  17. Influence of marine sediments in the distribution of the main radionuclides of the effluent from the nuclear power plant Almirante Alvaro Alberto (Unit 1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brugnara, Miriam


    This study aimed to: 1) Characterize bottom sediments of the Angra dos Reis region, in the dispersion area of the effluent of the central Almirante Nuclear Alvaro Alberto, Unit 1. 2) Determining the adsorption capacity of these sediments to the long half-life and mean radionuclides to be released in the reactor effluent in a higher concentration. 3) Estimate the fraction of the different studied radionuclides that will be immobilized in sediments. 4) Identify critical radionuclides available for food chain

  18. Cosa resta degli angeli?: Una rilettura della novella di Fra’ Alberto (Decameron IV, 2, tra le maschere dell’angelo e dell’uom salvatico

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    Patrizio Alberto Andreaux


    Full Text Available What remains of angels?: A re-reading of the novel of Fra’ Alberto (Decameron IV, 2, between the masks of the angel and the uom selvaticoBoccaccio’s novel about brother Alberto is usually considered an amusing divertissement presented by the author himself as a contrast to the preceding tragic novel involving Tancredi and Ghismunda. A much more serious meaning can be found, however, beyond the comic facet, this being a deep and somewhat bitter vision of a man living in the Late Middle Ages, lost between the earthly and heavenly dimension. This article exploits the well known visual aspects of Boccaccio’s novels and focuses on the visual representation of the main character and its iconographical connotations, which in certain cases seems to fill up the silence of the text. Two of Alberto’s masks (the intentional mask of the angel and the punitive mask of ‘uom salvatico’ appear imperfect, provisional and actually overlap one other. This image places both the real and fictional identities of the character at risk and converges them in a sort of final metamorphosis and equation. On a textual level, this concept is supported by the high incidence of the terms ‘agnolo’ and ‘salvatico’, as well as by a pun based on a false etymological affinity between ‘salvatore’ and ‘salvatico’ (the same used by Edmund Spenser in his The Faerie Queene.

  19. 75 FR 74736 - Food Labeling Workshop; Public Workshop (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2010-N-0001..., Lincoln Way and University Avenue, Iowa State Center, Ames, IA. Contact: David Arvelo, Food and Drug... payable to ``Iowa State University.'' Mail to: Dr. Ruth MacDonald, Food Science and Human Nutrition, 2312...

  20. Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu, C. A. J. Coady, Alberto Giubilini, and Sagar Sanyal (eds.), The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate, Oxford University Press, 2016, 269pp., $74.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780198754855.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nyholm, S.R.


    The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate has two chief aims. These aims are to help readers understand the existing debate and to move the debate forward. The book consists of an introductory chapter by Alberto Giubilini and Sagar Sanyal (which lays out some prominent

  1. Impacto y consecuencias del viaje a los Estados Unidos de 1945 en el ministerio de san Alberto Hurtado

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    Mariana Clavero


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el impacto y las consecuencias del viaje de san Alberto Hurtado a los Estados Unidos en el año 1945. El acceso a nuevos documentos ha permitido iluminar de mejor manera los motivos del viaje: luego de su renuncia a la Acción Católica, es becado por Mons. Edwin O'Hara para ir a estudiar por un año a la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Católica de Washington. El viaje le permite, además, tomar contacto con diversas obras sociales de la Iglesia de EE. UU y de Canadá, profundizar su estudio en la doctrina social de la Iglesia y sus aplicaciones prácticas, y proyectar dos de sus obras sociales más conocidas: el Hogar de Cristo y la ASICH. Finalmente, el contacto con uno de los países más desarrollados del mundo, le inspira en su ministerio sacerdotal a predicar que «la materia no basta» y la centralidad de «la visión de fe».This article shows the impact and the consequences of St. Alberto Hurta-do's trip to the United States in 1945. Access to new documents has shed further light on the reasons for the trip: after he renounced the Catholic Action, Mons. Edwin OHara gives him a scholarship to study at the Catholic University School of Social Work in Washington. The trip also allows him to get involved in several social works of the U.S. and Canadian Church, deepen his study of the Church's social doctrine and its practical applications, and plan two of his best-known social works: Hogar de Cristo and ASICH. Finally, contact with one of the world's most developed countries inspires him in his priestly ministry to preach that «what is material is not enough» and the centrality of the «vision of faith».

  2. Informe sobre ciegos:de la narración de Ernesto Sabato a la alucinación gráfica de Alberto Breccia

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    Giulia De Sarlo


    Full Text Available Alberto Breccia has been one of the fathers of twentieth century graphic narrative. Author of key works as El Eternauta (1969, his forays into the world of literature have been frequent since his début. At the end of his life, Breccia turned into comic the Informe sobre ciegos, central and autonomous chapter of Sobre héroes y tumbas (1961 by Ernesto Sabato. This work will analyse the dialogue that the graphic genius of Breccia establishes with the tormented Sabato’s voice, enriching the meaning of one of the most controversial passages of recent Latin American literature.

  3. School Integration Partner Triangle in Educational and Cultural Activities of U.E.E. "Hilarion Alberto Viloria"

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    Wilmer José Pérez Rojas


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to develop an action plan for the integration of the school triangle to educational and socio-cultural activities of the U. E. E. Hilarion Alberto Viloria. diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation: To achieve this objective the methodology proposed by Pérez (2000, in its four phases are discussed. It was concluded that teachers are the key element for social change in the paradigm shifts of education which will provide a number of opportunities to produce changes and transformations not only in organizational strategies, but values embedded in teaching practices. With regard to planning, taking into account the results obtained in the diagnosis, it became necessary to plan action plans grounded in the participation of social actors. Should promote the inclusion of securities ownership and sustainability among members of the school and community, social actors favoring a change in attitude conducive cultures of the good citizen towards sustainable lifestyles.

  4. Alcances y dimensiones del plagio en la narrativa de Alberto Laiseca: alrededor de Por favor ¡plágienme!

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    Carlos Fernández González


    Full Text Available A través de la lectura crítica de Por Favor ¡Plágienme! (1991, texto clave para la comprensión del universo estético y creativo de Alberto Laiseca, este artículo plantea reflexiones sobre el enfoque singular que su obra narrativa aporta al problema del plagio en la literatura contemporánea y postula, al mismo tiempo, la posibilidad de pensar la obra de Laiseca en tensa –y paródica– relación con la tradición literaria argentina y su canon. Esta lectura permitirá operar críticamente sobre el dispositivo central de la literatura laisecana, que consiste en desestabilizar los discursos teóricos disponibles sobre aspectos aplicables a su poética, como el del horizonte conceptual del plagio. Desde aquí se volverá posible pensar en los motivos por los cuales una crítica literaria hegemónica tiene hasta el momento poco diálogo con la obra de quien es, sin embargo, uno de los autores contemporáneos más prolíficos de la literatura argentina. Through the critical reading of Por Favor ¡Plágienme! (1991, a key text for understanding the aesthetic and creative universe of Alberto Laiseca, this article enquires into the unique approach that his narrative opens to the issue of plagiarism in contemporary literature. The article also postulates thinking Laiseca’s work in a tense –and parodic– relationship with the Argentinian literary tradition and its canon. This reading will operate on the central device of “Laisecan” literature, which consists on destabilizing available theoretical discourses over aspects that can be applied to his poetics, as the conceptual horizon of plagiarism. From here it will be possible to consider why a hegemonic literary criticism has had little dialogue with the work of someone who is, however, one of the most prolific contemporary writers of Argentinian literature.

  5. Los Sorias y la escritura como guerra: temporalidad y mundos posibles en la poética de Alberto Laiseca

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    José Agustín Conde De Boeck


    Full Text Available En este trabajo analizaremos los modos a través de los cuales la representación de la guerra atraviesa los diferentes niveles textuales de Los sorias, la novela central deAlberto Laiseca y una de las más relevantes de la literatura argentina contemporánea. Haciéndose eco de la fuerte pregnancia cultural de lo bélico en la literatura argentina, veremos cómo gran parte del efecto de canonización de la obra de Laiseca se sustenta en el modo en que estructura los “mundos posibles” de su poética a través de la guerra ya no sólo como tema, sino como principio escriturario y como estrategia para establecer una particular distribución de la temporalidad narrativa.

  6. Corpos em Dobra: um ensaio gráfico-textual do Homeóstato #04 de José Alberto Marques

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    Luís Cláudio Costa Fajardo


    Full Text Available Este ensaio teórico-visual consiste em uma análise teórica e uma intervenção gráfica sobre o poema Homeóstato #04 da série Homeóstatos criada pelo poeta português José-Alberto Marques. A análise teórica surge de uma aproximação entre o poema e o conceito de Autopoiesis formulado por Humberto Maturana e Francisco Varela na década de 1970. A intervenção gráfica inspira-se na sugestão da forma poética desenhada pelo poeta digital brasileiro, André Vallias em seu poema “Nous n'avons pas compris Descartes” concebido em 1991.

  7. Alberto Urrets-Zavalía Jr (1920-2010): An Argentinian contributor to ophthalmology. (United States)

    Grzybowski, Andrzej; Urrets-Zavalía, Julio A; Ascaso, Francisco J


    Alberto Urrets-Zavalía Jr was born in Córdoba (Argentina) in 1920. Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology of the National University of Córdoba and founder of the Cornea and Glaucoma Surgical Center in the same city, in 1956 he created the first residency programme in Ophthalmology in his country. He founded the first Eye Bank and introduced one of the first argon laser photocoagulators in South America. He authored around 200 scientific presentations and publications, describing new findings and clinical entities. Thus, his individualisation of the cyclovertical component in strabismus contributed to important evolution of ideas concerning pathogenesis and therapy in oculomotor disorders of infancy. He was the first to propose the dehydration of the vitreous body in glaucoma patients before ocular surgery and developed a fixation pick and scleral depressor for retinal detachment surgery. He also described a new technique, the V-Z procedures for the correction of senile ectropion. In 1968, he published his Décollement de la rétine, considered a masterpiece in retinal detachment literature for many years. Urrets-Zavalía died in his native city at the age of 89. His prolific scientific and educational contributions make him one of the most brilliant and influential ophthalmologists of the 20th-century. © The Author(s) 2014.

  8. Dr. Alberto Germán Mora Docampo: ejemplo de integridad y dedicación al servicio de la medicina cubana

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    Natacha Mora Pacheco


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se reseñan los aspectos más significativos de la vida y obra del Dr. Alberto Germán Mora Docampo y se resaltan los elementos más importantes de su etapa estudiantil, especialmente de la universitaria, donde se destacó por su disciplina, constante estudio, modestia y humanismo, a la vez que descubrió su pasión por la cirugía y decidió luchar desde entonces por la justicia social y la Revolución. Sus cualidades humanas y la destacada participación en las organizaciones políticas y de masas, así como los numerosos reconocimientos, premios, distinciones y condecoraciones que le fueron otorgados, lo conceptúan como paradigma de la medicina cubana

  9. Estrés Laboral en Médicos Residentes del Hospital Nacional Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo y del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinosa. Arequipa, 2015


    Mazeyra Guillén, Alvaro Augusto


    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos determinar el estrés laboral en los médicos residentes del Hospital “Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo” de EsSalud (HNCASE). y del Hospital Regional “Honorio Delgado Espinosa” (HRHDE) y establecer las semejanzas y diferencias del estrés laboral de los médicos residentes de ambos hospitales. La población estuvo conformada por 220 médicos residentes de primero, segundo y tercer año de residencia. Se aplicó el muestreo al azar estratifica...

  10. Historia del Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas Alberto C. Taquini en su 60° aniversario History of Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas Alberto C. Taquini in its 60th anniversary

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    José Milei


    Full Text Available El Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas (ININCA está unido a la figura de quien fuera, desde su fundación, director por más de 50 años: Alberto C. Taquini. Allí se desarrolló (y se desarrolla investigación y docencia. Se estudiaron, desde el inicio, la hipertensión arterial, la hipoxia y las adaptaciones hemodinámicas, la fisiología del riñón y los electrolitos, la pared arterial, el metabolismo cardíaco, la farmacología del miocardio y el papel regulador del sistema nervioso central en la circulación. Se relatan aquí, a través de notas autobiográficas de A.C. Taquini, los experimentos y las discusiones que culminaron con el descubrimiento de la hipertensina, las demostraciones experimentales sobre la renina, que constituyeron objeciones básicas a hipótesis entonces prevalentes, y también algunos juicios y pensamientos expresados por A.C.Taquini sobre el papel y el futuro de la ciencia, en nuestros países y en el primer mundo. Desde 1972 la labor del Instituto se centró casi exclusivamente en la investigación básica y pasó a asociarse al CONICET. Decía Taquini que la investigación científica es algo más que proyectar y producir. Es algo más que una factoría de conocimientos: es crear. El mejor ejemplo de ello son sus contribuciones a la ciencia, las de su grupo y de sus discípulos, y la continuidad del Instituto que sigue hoy en ese camino.The Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas (ININCA was founded by Alberto C. Taquini in 1944 and directed by him during more than 50 years, until his death in 1998. The Institute was (and still is dedicated to research in connection with CONICET (National Research Council and to teaching within the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires. From the very beginning research was centered on hypertension, hypoxia and hemodynamic adaptations, renal physiology and electrolytes, arterial wall, cardiac metabolism, myocardial pharmacology and regulation of the

  11. Macroinvertebrados bentónicos como indicadores de la calidad de agua en la microcuenca San Alberto, Oxapampa, Perú

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    Stefany Salcedo Gustavson


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar la biodiversidad de macroinvertebrados y la calidad ecológica de la microcuenca San Alberto (provincia de Oxapampa, Pasco de abril a julio de 2013. Métodos: El muestreo fue realizado en tres zonas de la microcuenca San Alberto (cuenca alta, media y baja. En los tres sitios fueron colectados macroinvertebrados bentónicos en piedra y arena. Luego se estimaron: el índice biótico andino (IBA, de hábitat fluvial (IHF, de calidad de vegetación de ribera andina (QBRAnd y de estado ecológico (ECOSTRIAND. Se evaluaron parámetros fisicoquímicos, nutrientes y metales en el agua. Resultados: Se registraron un total de 123 taxones de 47 familias (101 taxones en la cuenca alta, 77 en la cuenca media y 55 en la cuenca baja. La mayor abundancia de macroinvertebrados se presentó en la cuenca media. El IBA resultó ser de “muy buena” calidad para la cuenca alta, media y baja, pero al combinarse este índice con el QBR-And, para elaborar el Índice ECOSTRIAND, se observó el estado ecológico de las cuencas alta y media fueron de “muy buena” calidad y de la cuenca baja fue “regular”. El método de muestreo de limpieza de piedras fue el que permitió colectar la mayor cantidad de taxones. Las mejores condiciones de hábitat fluvial, de vegetación ribereña y de estado ecológico, tras la aplicación de los índices IHF, QBR-And y ECOSTRIAND, se encuentran en la cuenca alta. Conclusiones: Los resultados indican que la diferencia de calidad de hábitat ribereño y fluvial así como de conductividad, sólidos disueltos y nitratos influyen negativamente sobre la calidad del agua, y ésta, sobre la comunidad de macroinvertebrados. Las familias reportadas como sensibles a la contaminación (Leptophlebiidae, Oligoneuriidae, Perlidae, Anomalopsychidae, Calamoceratidae, Helicopsychidae, Odontoceridae, Blephariceridae mostraron ser bioindicadores de calidad de agua para la microcuenca.

  12. Environmental monitoring program for radiological emergencies at the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Ferreira, Lilia M.J. Belem; Ramos Junior, Anthenor C.; Gomes, Carlos A.; Carvalho, Zenildo L.; Gouveia, Vandir; Estrada, Julio; Ney, Cezar [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    In order to respond to a major radiological emergency at the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant, located in Angra do Reis, Rio de Janeiro, the Emergency Response Team of the Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (IRD/CNEN) established a program of environmental monitoring. A monitoring trend to assess the off-site radiological conditions and give support to decision making for implementing protective measure in case of a radiological accident is presented. For the selection of the monitoring points, the program takes into account atmospheric diffusion, population conglomerates and their habits, water and land use; it includes the entire Emergency Planning Zone of 15 km radius. The program has been organized in the form of a handbook to facilitate handling by field teams 2 refs., 1 fig.; e-mail: lilia at

  13. Condena judicial contra el ex Presidente Alberto Fujimori: mensaje contra la impunidad y nuevo capítulo en la historia del Perú contemporáneo


    David Lovatón Palacios


    El artículo analiza desde la perspectiva del derecho de los derechos humanos y desde la posición singular de un abogado que pertenece a una de las organizaciones de derechos humanos que participó representando a "la parte civil" (las víctimas), el proceso judicial seguido en contra de Alberto Fujimori. La mirada de este trabajo es, por sobre todo, la de un testigo de un proceso judicial ejemplar que duró 16 meses que da cuenta de la perseverancia de los familiares de las víctimas, del desempe...

  14. Género(s y sadomasoquismo: la novela Los esclavos de Alberto Chimal

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    Christian Grünnagel


    Full Text Available The present article offers an interpretation of Alberto Chimal’s first novel, The Slaves, published by this Mexican author in 2009, a novel proposing an analysis of sadomasochistic sexual relations. In the center of the narration, we encounter two couples, both homosexual, acting out various sadomasochistic practices ‒ some of them of an extreme nature: On the one hand, two women, one of them already older (Marlene and (supposedly the director of pornographic movies, and the other, almost still a girl (Yuyis live a relation of dominance and submission with the noteworthy complication that Marlene could even be the mother of her "slave girl". The second couple is formed by two men: Golo, a decadent millionaire, and his "slave" nicknamed "Mundo" ('World' who is frequently reduced to something like a dog or even an unanimated object. The whole novel consists of various sequences narrating what the two couples experience in their sex life until a final turning point is reached with the forced separation in both cases. Due to a narrative structure that makes as understand that we as readers depend completely on an unreliable narrator, even the most brutal atrocities tend to dissipate in the fog of probably fictitious games showing us the trompe-l'oeil of a monstrous storyline of serial sex crimes. With this peculiar narrative structure in mind, I emphasize the 'ludic' character of sadomasochistic 'plays' narrated all through the novel, trying to understand what 'sadomasochism' means as a sexual practice or identity and what consequences could be drawn from these practices with regard to the construction of different genders (in the case of this novel: masculine and feminine.

  15. Sentir o sentido: a experiência do código nos “homeóstatos” de José-Alberto Marques

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    Manuel Portela


    Full Text Available Este breve ensaio analisa a série de poemas Homeóstatos de José-Alberto Marques como motores textuais. Ao tornar o código numa componente do texto, os Homeóstatos tipificam o poema experimental como uma investigação sobre a linguagem, a escrita e a leitura. A espacialização do texto na página é ativada de modo a produzir efeitos gerativos, combinatórios e ideogramáticos. Simultaneamente textos e instruções para gerar textos, os Homeóstatos constituem um exemplo de uma poética informacional que tira partido da dinâmica entre poema e sistema da língua para explorar os atos de escrita e leitura como processamento de sinais.

  16. [History of Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas Alberto C. Taquini in its 60th anniversary]. (United States)

    Milei, Jose; Trujillo, Jose Maria


    The Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas (ININCA) was founded by Alberto C. Taquini in 1944 and directed by him during more than 50 years, until his death in 1998. The Institute was (and still is) dedicated to research in connection with CONICET (National Research Council) and to teaching within the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires. From the very beginning research was centered on hypertension, hypoxia and hemodynamic adaptations, renal physiology and electrolytes, arterial wall, cardiac metabolism, myocardial pharmacology and regulation of the circulation by the central nervous system. On the basis of Taquini's autobiographical notes, the experiments are reported which eventually led to the discovery of hypertensin, angiotensin and their relation with renin, together with the discussions promoted by the diverse hypotheses proposed by both national and international groups of investigators as the mechanism of hypertension. Taquini also played an important role in promoting science at national levels including his role as the first Secretary of Science and Technology from 1968 to 1971. He believed that scientific research is something more than planning and producing, that it also involves creating knowledge. As such he made many contributions to science, formed many disciples, and directed an Institute which is demonstrating its continuity.

  17. The monitoring of the terrestrial environment around Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavares, P.G.; Souza, R.F.; Cardoso, S.N.M.


    The goal of this paper is to evaluate the environmental monitoring around Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station after the beginning the operation of Unit II, in July 2000. The Environmental Monitoring Laboratory (EML) has, for purpose, to monitor the environment around the station to verify if there is a potential impact caused by the operation of the units. The EML collects several environmental samples and analyses radiometrically to determine the presence of artificial radionuclides. The types of the samples are marine samples (sea water, fish, algae, beach sand and sediments), terrestrial (milk, banana, soil, grass, superficial and underground water and river water and sediment) and aerial samples (rain water, airborne for iodine and particulate). This paper only describes the monitoring of terrestrial samples. At the EML, the samples are prepared and analysed following international procedures. The samples of milk, banana, soil, grass, surface and underground water, river water and river sediment are analysed by gamma spectrometry in a multi-channel analyser GENIE-2000 System with High-purity Germanium (HpGe) detectors to determine the activities of the detectable radionuclides. The EML also analyses tritium in surface water by liquid scintillation counting. In addition, analysis of 89 Sr/ 9 0 Sr, by beta counting and 131 I by gamma spectrometry are performed in the processed milk. The results are, then, compared with those obtained in pre-operational time of Angra 1 (1978 - 1982) and those obtained in operational time of the units until 2010. The results show us that, from 1982 until now, there is no impact in terrestrial environment caused by the operation neither of Angra 1 nor both Angra 1 and Angra 2. (author)

  18. The monitoring of the terrestrial environment around Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power station

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    Tavares, P.G.; Souza, R.F.; Cardoso, S.N.M., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [ELETROBRAS Eletronuclear S.A., Paraty, RJ (Brazil). Lab. de Monitoracao Ambiental


    The goal of this paper is to evaluate the environmental monitoring around Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station after the beginning the operation of Unit II, in July 2000. The Environmental Monitoring Laboratory (EML) has, for purpose, to monitor the environment around the station to verify if there is a potential impact caused by the operation of the units. The EML collects several environmental samples and analyses radiometrically to determine the presence of artificial radionuclides. The types of the samples are marine samples (sea water, fish, algae, beach sand and sediments), terrestrial (milk, banana, soil, grass, superficial and underground water and river water and sediment) and aerial samples (rain water, airborne for iodine and particulate). This paper only describes the monitoring of terrestrial samples. At the EML, the samples are prepared and analysed following international procedures. The samples of milk, banana, soil, grass, surface and underground water, river water and river sediment are analysed by gamma spectrometry in a multi-channel analyser GENIE-2000 System with High-purity Germanium (HpGe) detectors to determine the activities of the detectable radionuclides. The EML also analyses tritium in surface water by liquid scintillation counting. In addition, analysis of {sup 89}Sr/{sup 90}Sr, by beta counting and {sup 131}I by gamma spectrometry are performed in the processed milk. The results are, then, compared with those obtained in pre-operational time of Angra 1 (1978 - 1982) and those obtained in operational time of the units until 2010. The results show us that, from 1982 until now, there is no impact in terrestrial environment caused by the operation neither of Angra 1 nor both Angra 1 and Angra 2. (author)

  19. Oração da abertura do quarto curso da aula do comércio proferida pelo professor Alberto Jaquéri de Sales, em 15 de fevereiro de 1771

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    Thiago Alves Dias


    Full Text Available O acervo da Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa guarda um relevantedocumento impresso, em 1771, de autoria de Alberto Jaquéri de Sales, lenteda Aula do Comércio na cidade de Lisboa entre 1762 a 1784. Em oração deabertura do quarto curso da Aula do Comércio, da turma cujo início se deu em15 de fevereiro de 1771, o professor Alberto Jaquéri de Sales registra muitodos princípios valorativos em voga nos meados dos setecentos na Europa,notadamente em Portugal e suas possessões. A premente relação ‘comércio eensino’, preconizada e defendida pelo Ministro de Dom José I, Sebastião Joséde Carvalho e Melo, Marquês de Pombal, encontra na oração de Jaquéri deSales uma singular defesa, demonstrando o comércio e as práticas mercantis.Portanto, o preparo de negociantes hábeis e providos de saberes específicosfoi relevante para as reformas pombalinas quando Portugal ainda detinha oexclusivo comercial da mais rentável colônia das Américas. Para uma melhorcompreensão aos leitores, a oração foi transcrita para o português atual, noentanto mantivemos alguns elementos da escrita do texto original, como asvírgulas e iniciais maiúsculas, acreditando que se trata de regras de produçãotextual que enfatizam aspectos relevantes do autor da oração.

  20. Análisis de vacíos de conservación en Costa Rica: propuesta de reordenamiento territorial en la periferia de la Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes

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    Marvin Quesada


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se propone el establecimiento de un área protegida en los linderos de la Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes con el objetivo de proteger la biodiversidad y la riqueza hídrica de la zona. Para fundamentar la propuesta se analizaron los vacíos de conservación presentados en la Propuesta de Ordenamiento Territorial para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad (GRUAS II, la tenencia de la tierra, la conectividad con otras áreas silvestres protegidas, corredores biológicos ligados al área propuesta, las zonas de vida, las zonas de infiltración, la importancia hídrica y su aprovechamiento. Así mostrados los argumentos, se sugiere la creación de una zona protectora, ya que es compatible con los objetivos de conservación y con el desarrollo de actividades productivas sostenibles. ABSTRACT It is proposes to establish a protected area on the boundaries of the Alberto Manuel Brenes Biological Reserve with the aim of protect the area’s biodiversity and the water resources. In order to substantiate the proposal, it is analyzed the conservation gaps presented in the Territorial Planning Proposal for the Biodiversity Conservation (GRUAS II, land tenure, connectivity with other protected wilderness areas, biological corridors linked to the proposed area, life zones, infiltration areas, water value and its use. The creation of a protection zone is suggested, as it is compatible with the conservation objectives and the development of sustainable productive activities.

  1. Claudia Demattè and Alberto del Río, Parodia de la materia caballeresca y teatro áureo. Edición de Las aventuras de Grecia y su modelo serio, el «Don Florisel de Niquea» de Montalbán

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    Javier Guijarro Ceballos


    Full Text Available Review of Claudia Demattè and Alberto del Río, Parodia de la materia caballeresca y teatro áureo. Edición de Las aventuras de Grecia y su modelo serio, el «Don Florisel de Niquea» de Montalbán, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra (Publicaciones digitales del GRISO, Pamplona, 2012, 247 pp. ISBN: 9788480813365.

  2. A review of the probabilistic safety assessment of the Radiation Monitor Calibration Laboratory of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Power Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomes, Erica Cupertino


    The main purpose of this work is to update the PSA study of the Radiation Monitor Calibration Laboratory of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Power Station taking into account new information. It is considered in this study an evaluation of the human reliability analysis in the calibration procedure of the radiation monitors, and for such the THERP modeling is used, as well as the use of the Bayesian approach for the calculation of the equipment failure probabilities used by the operators. Some accident scenarios of external origin were incorporated for evaluating their importance for an accident that might expose a worker to gamma radiation. A catastrophic failure is analyzed in the diesel generators 3 and 4, whose building is nearby the laboratory, as well as the route of change and the transportation of the steam generator of the nuclear power plant since the laboratory is located in the plant controlled area. Although more accidents scenarios are considered in this work, a conservative approach was not used and thus a smaller radiological risk was obtained. (author)

  3. Chivalry, Materialism, and the Grotesque in Don Quijote and Alberto Blest Gana’s El ideal de un calavera

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    Vilches Patricia


    Full Text Available This study analyses chivalry, materialism, and the grotesque in Alberto Blest Gana’s El ideal de un calavera [The Ideal of a Rogue] (1863 under the light of Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quijote’s part II (1615. It underscores the legacy of Cervantes on the Chilean author especially in his reflections on nation building. Unlike its author, Don Quijote eluded restriction and successfully reached the colonies; once there, author and text became a massive influence on intellectuals in the burgeoning Americas. Blest Gana, for example, created protagonists who were multi-dimensional and imbued with quixotic overtones. Praised by his counterparts, he created work that was finely detailed, with a goal of portraying the nation’s cultural practices at specifics points in history. Deploying techniques inspired by Honore de Balzac (also a reader of Don Quijote, Blest Gana illustrated the colourful aspects of his society. His sharp eye depicted and interpreted nationhood and society through the course of dramatic historical events in El ideal de un calavera by shining a bright light on the political and social enemies who emerged in the historical unravelling of the nation in the 1830s. The resulting kaleidoscope of astute, idealistic and cowardly individuals conveyed subtle yet definite Cervantesque tones.

  4. Music and Mind: In Memoriam Professor Carlo Alberto Pagni, MD, PhD: February 13, 1931 -March 1, 2009. (United States)

    von Wild, Klaus R H


    Carlo Alberto Pagni, born in La Spezia, Italy, on February 13, 1931, was an eminent and respected professor of neurosurgery and chairman of the neurosurgical clinic of the University of Turin from 1980 to 2003. He died on March 1, 2009. As a professor of neurology and neurological surgery he was renowned as an expert on vascular, tumor, and functional neurosurgery. Beyond the Italian Neurosurgical Society, he was the doyen of functional neurosurgery, specializing in motor cortex stimulation for the treatment of focal dystonia, Parkinson's disease, and postictal spasticity and pain. His home was his castle, and his family was fundamental to his life. He shared with his wife, Sandra, his passion for piano playing and for their remarkable library, and together with friends, he and his wife enjoyed dinners with fine food and Barolo wines. Listening to this Grand Seigneur talking about and explaining the music of, above all, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Richard Wagner, one felt he was emotionally just "music and mind". You can imagine this from his books on music, chess, and neuroscience. Indeed, he adored playing correspondence chess worldwide. A sportsman too, he loved hiking, mountaineering, skiing, swimming, and fishing. Nature was his source for slowing down, for regenerating, and for collecting his strength for new projects and new challenges. Friends will remember Dr. Pagni as a Grand Seigneur.

  5. Free Choice or Poverty Alleviation? Population Politics in Peru under Alberto Fujimori

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    Jelke Boesten


    Full Text Available In the second half of the 1990s, the Fujimori  government in Peru implemented a population  policy to sterilize poor, rural and indigenous  women according to quotas. How such a neoMalthusian policy was possible in a post-Cairo,  post-Beijing era of increasing attention for  women’s rights has, however, been relatively  understudied. This article argues that the government could impose such policies because 1 it  presented its plans with a deceiving rhetoric in  which emancipatory and developmental arguments were mixed to cover-up its interests in costeffective poverty-reduction through population  policies, and 2 because it could rely upon the  long-existing inequalities based on racism and  sexism that conditions the lives of poor Peruvians.  Unique auto-ethnographical material about Andean women’s reproductive lives, drawn up by a  feminist NGO, is used to underpin these arguments.  Resumen: ¿Opción libre o paliación de la pobreza? Políticas demográficas en Perú  durante el gobierno de Alberto FujimoriEn la segunda mitad de los años noventa, el gobierno de Fujimori en Perú implementó una polí- tica demográfica que consistió en esterilizar a las  mujeres pobres, del campo e indígenas, de acuerdo a un sistema de cuotas. Cómo fue posible  formular e implementar semejante política neomalthusiana después del Cairo y de Pekín, período  en el que se presta creciente atención a los derechos de las mujeres, ha sido, sin embargo, relativamente poco estudiado. Este artículo sostiene  que el gobierno pudo imponer esas medidas debido a que 1 presentó sus planes con un retórica  engañosa en la que se utilizaron argumentos  emancipatorios y de desarrollo para encubrir sus  intereses en la aplicación de políticas demográficas rentables de reducción de la pobreza, y 2  porque pudo descansar en las persistentes desigualdades derivadas del racismo y del sexismo,  que condicionan la vida de los peruanos

  6. Determination of concentration factors for Chromium cesium, iron and cobalt in corvine and shrimp in the vicinities of Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamel, L.N.


    In order to verify if the concentration factors for dose calculations in critical population recommended by the International Atomic Energy (IAEA), on the Safety Series 57, are in agreement with local factors, studies were carried out at Piraquara de Dentro bay, a region in the vicinities of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant (CNAAA). Chromium, caesium, iron and cobalt concentration factors for corvine and shrimp were determined using the activation analysis method by neutrons, taking into account the same behaviour between radioactive and stable from the same physicochemical form. This study has evidenced that: The local values of cesium, iron and cobalt concentration factors for corvine (fish) are in the same order of magnitude of the IAEA recommended values; The chromium, caesium and cobalt concentration factor values determined for shrimp for Piraquara de Dentro bay are in the same order of magnitude or smaller than those proposed by IAEA, while the concentration factor value for ion is one order of magnitude higher than the IAEA recommended value. (author) [pt

  7. Implementación modelo de acompañamiento a estudiantes de primer año que ingresan vía cupo pace a la Universidad Alberto Hurtado para disminuir el abandono: tutores de acompañamiento integral


    Fernández, Natalia; Alvarado, Carol; Barría, Gonzalo; Macho, Natalia


    En el presente trabajo se comparte la experiencia de un modelo de acompañamiento a estudiantes de primer año a través de tutores de acompañamiento integral (TAI). Esta propuesta se enmarca en el Programa de Acompañamiento y Acceso Efectivo a la Educación Superior PACE del Ministerio de Educación de Chile, específicamente en la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH) y en su componente Acompañamiento en la Educación Superior (AES). Se realiza un acompañamiento académico y psicoeducativo a este grupo...

  8. 25 years of monitoring the Waste Management Center of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, O.C; Barboza, E.; Cardoso, S.N.M.


    The goal of this paper is to present an assessment of 25 years of monitoring of the environment around the Waste Management Center (WMC) of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station (AAANPS) since 1986 until 2011. The Environmental Monitoring Laboratory (EML) has, for purposes, to monitor the environment around the station to verify if there's a potential impact caused by the operation of the two units and to verify the dose rate levels around the waste deposits. The WMC is located in an area belonging to the AAANPS and receive solid waste of low and medium activities from Angra 1 NPP. The waste generated from Angra 2 NPP is stored inside the unit. The EML monitors the environment around the WMC to determine the environmental dose rate. The monitoring is made by direct measurement of the radiation using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). Nowadays, the TLD are installed, at this time, in 6 points at the boundaries of WMC and are changed monthly. The locations of these points were already changed several times to allow the construction of new buildings. The constitution of the TLD are 4 crystals, being 3 crystals of Calcium Sulphate doped with Thulium (CaSO 4 :Tm) with 3 shields and 1 crystal of Lithium Borate doped with Copper (Li 2 B 4 O 7 :Cu) without shield. The results of the TLD measurements are normalized to a period of 30 days to compensate accidental statistical variations of the dose rates. The results, in these 25 years, show that the external area of the WMC is a supervised area, following the Norm CNEN-NN-3.01 - 'Diretrizes Basicas de Protecao Radiologica' - with access permitted only for authorized people. (author)

  9. 25 years of monitoring the Waste Management Center of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, O.C; Barboza, E.; Cardoso, S.N.M., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Eletrobras Eletronuclear S.A (ELETONUCLEAR), Paraty, RJ (Brazil). Lab. de Monitoracao Ambiental


    The goal of this paper is to present an assessment of 25 years of monitoring of the environment around the Waste Management Center (WMC) of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station (AAANPS) since 1986 until 2011. The Environmental Monitoring Laboratory (EML) has, for purposes, to monitor the environment around the station to verify if there's a potential impact caused by the operation of the two units and to verify the dose rate levels around the waste deposits. The WMC is located in an area belonging to the AAANPS and receive solid waste of low and medium activities from Angra 1 NPP. The waste generated from Angra 2 NPP is stored inside the unit. The EML monitors the environment around the WMC to determine the environmental dose rate. The monitoring is made by direct measurement of the radiation using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). Nowadays, the TLD are installed, at this time, in 6 points at the boundaries of WMC and are changed monthly. The locations of these points were already changed several times to allow the construction of new buildings. The constitution of the TLD are 4 crystals, being 3 crystals of Calcium Sulphate doped with Thulium (CaSO{sub 4}:Tm) with 3 shields and 1 crystal of Lithium Borate doped with Copper (Li{sub 2}B{sub 4}O{sub 7}:Cu) without shield. The results of the TLD measurements are normalized to a period of 30 days to compensate accidental statistical variations of the dose rates. The results, in these 25 years, show that the external area of the WMC is a supervised area, following the Norm CNEN-NN-3.01 - 'Diretrizes Basicas de Protecao Radiologica' - with access permitted only for authorized people. (author)


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    José Javier Franco


    Full Text Available Experiencia y memoria dicen de una vida en común; ambas son, esencialmente, colectivas. Vivir y recordar nos comprometen con el otro, porque incluso la experiencia más íntima está mediada por su presencia; o por su ausencia, que es otra forma de estar juntos. La muerte augura no sólo el fin de la experiencia, sino también su carácter irrecuperable, irreversible. La enfermedad es el aviso, la antesala de la muerte. Enfermedad y muerte convocan el pasado, lo instan a hacerse (en el presente, aunque toda restitución sea imposible. Pero la muerte, al menos la propia, es inenarrable. No hay un discurso pos mortem que no provenga del otro, de los otros. La enfermedad y la muerte del prójimo, del otro próximo, activan la memoria y el discurso funerarios. Los vivos recuerdan al muerto y hablan en su nombre. La enfermedad, de Alberto Barrera Tyszka, ficciona ese doble proceso de recordación y pérdida: la muerte del padre signa no sólo el pasado, sino el futuro del hijo, que ve en el presente tanto la repetición traumática del pasado, como el proceso de duelo que inaugura. Estas líneas proponen una lectura de esa puesta en escena.

  11. Mario Alberto Cajas Sarria (2015. La historia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia, 1886-1991. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes & Universidad ICESI

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    Michael Cruz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El libro del profesor Mario Alberto Cajas Sarria, que es resultado de su tesis doctoral en derecho en la Universidad de los Andes, realiza una narración de la historia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia desde su creación en 1886 hasta su validación a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de 1991. Para ello toma como elemento central decisiones judiciales que efectuaron control constitucional en cuatro temas que sirven de hilos conductores: los estados de excepción, las leyes por vicios de trámite, los tratados internacionales y las reformas a la constitución. Así, el trabajo no sólo se detiene en las categorías jurídicas que orbitan alrededor de estos tópicos sino que, a partir de las decisiones judiciales, de la prensa y de fuentes secundarias, ilumina el contexto político y los ambientes institucionales en los que la Corte Suprema ejerció el control de constitucionalidad en algunas coyunturas en la trayectoria del régimen político colombiano.


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    Lorena del Rosario Piñero


    Full Text Available The intention was to study the educational competitions of the teacher of her "Rafael María Baralt" joins from the liberating pedagogy in the Program Education, municipality Elevated place, condition Zulia. The investigation was descriptive, with not experimental design, which sensual population was shaped by 34 teachers. The instrument was a comprising questionnaire of 21 questions (type Likert, validated by 8 experts with alpha cronbach 0,851. With contributions of Paiva (2004, Comellas (2000, Mulberry trees and Torrealba (2001. Conclusions: the educational competitions of the teacher of the UNERMB are orientated towards a pedagogy of liberating education, contributors reveal interactions with democratic values to forming suitable profiles.

  13. Reevaluation of environmental monitoring program for radiological emergency at Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, Lilia M.J. Belem; Ramos Junior, Anthenor C.; Gomes, Carlos A.; Carvalho, Zenildo L.; Gouveia, Vandir; Estrada, Julio; Ney, Cezar


    In order to respond to a major radiological emergency at the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant, located in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, the Emergency Response Team of the Institute for Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (IRD/CNEN) established a program of environmental monitoring. The purpose of this program is to define a monitoring trend to assess the off-site radiological conditions and give support to decision making for implementing protective measures in case of a radiological accident, taking into account atmospheric diffusion, population conglomerates and their habits, water and land use, contemplating the entire Emergency Planning Zone of 15 km radius. This program has been reevaluated recently, aiming to optimize it and keep it up to date to assure adequacy of environmental surveillance data in support to a prompt response in case of an emergency situation in the nuclear power plant. It has been organized in the form of a handbook to facilitate handling by field teams. Future revisions will be necessary to incorporate additional pertinent information and keep the handbook up to date, since Angra dos Reis is a summer resort region, subject to constant changes. This paper discusses the structure of the environmental monitoring program and describes the content and preparation of this handbook. (author)

  14. Rute e Alberto resolveram ser turistas a leitura literária para crianças no período Vargas

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    Full Text Available Tratando del estudio de la lectura de obras literarias para niños en el período de Vargas, este artículo examina el trabajo de la Comisión Nacional de Literatura Infantil (CNLI y su comprensión de este tipo de lectura. El análisis muestra cómo la perspectiva de aquelllos intelectuales fue determinada por la tensión entre lo lúdico y lo pedagógico. A continuación, el artículo discute la renovación pedagógica propuesta por la Escuela Nueva y sus conexiones con el concepto de la lectura de obras literarias propuestas por la CNLI. Por fin, el texto analiza la obra didáctica de Cecilia Meireles Rute e Alberto resolveram ser turistas (1938. Se há verificado que em esa obra de carácter eminentemente didáctico, la autora dejó clara su relación con los valores consagrados por la Escuela Nueva. Cecilia, en essa obra, intento utilizar recursos literarios, tales como la creación de personajes, espacios de ficción, el uso de diálogos y narraciones, sin obtener el equilibrio en la compleja dinámica entre la enseñanza y lo lúdico. El resultado es una obra que, en comparación con otras de la misma autora, no está a la altura de sus logros literarios.


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    Romário Rosa de Sousa


    Este estudio estaba destinado a examinar la cuestión del ruido ambiental en Ministro Avenida João Alberto, en la población de Barra do Garças - MT, y la recogida de datos para la evaluación acústica celebrada el 3 de febrero de 2015, de 07:00 a 19h00min, por un total de unos diarios de medición doce horas seguidas dentro de los límites de la ciudad. Los datos fueron obtenidos de forma simultánea y sin interrupción, para diagnosticar grandiosidades acústicas. Como resultado, se ha dado cuenta de que el vehículo de motor camión de remolque tenía el nivel de ruido más alto, registrando aproximadamente 98,0 decibelios, seguida, por este orden, los siguientes vehículos de motor: camiones de remolques, autobuses, motocicletas, automóviles de pasajeros y camiones, este último se presenta como la fuente de emisión más baja de ruido, con un registro aproximado de 89,0 decibelios. Se encontró que las cifras confirman los niveles acústicos registrados en la observación diaria superaron el nivel permitido por la ley. Por lo tanto, los niveles de presión sonora identificados en los puntos de recogida de datos, ya que son todos por encima de los valores tolerables, generan riesgo de pérdida de audición de trabajadores que operan y permanecen en esos lugares. Palabras-clave: Ruido Ambiental; Decibeles dB(A; El Diagnóstico; La Contaminación Acústica.

  16. Estudio hidrogeológico para el establecimiento de un campo de pozos a explotar por aguas de Mérida c.a., en la zona comprendida entre los sectores de Aroa II y Prado Hermoso de El Vigía, municipio Alberto Adriani del Estado Mérida


    Pérez Moreno, Nohelia del Rocío; Sánchez Caro, Carlos Paúl


    Tutor Indutrial Ing. Leonardo Trejo. La zona estudiada se ubica en la ciudad de El Vigía, entre los sectores de Aroa II y la Urb. Prado Hermoso del municipio Alberto Adriani; abarca un área aproximada de tres (3) kilómetros cuadrados, ubicada dentro de un abanico aluvial, donde se hicieron tres (3) calicatas, alcanzando una profundidad máxima de 138 centímetros, y en las que se apreció una granocrecencia de tope a base. De igual manera, se recolectaron ci...

  17. Alberto Gil Novales, Diccionario biográfico de España (1808‑1833). De los orígenes del liberalismo a la reacción absolutista


    Roura, Lluís


    Depuis la publi­­ca­­tion de ses pre­­mières études, ainsi qu’au fil de toute sa tra­­jec­­toire intel­­lec­­tuelle, Alberto Gil Novales a tou­­jours mon­­tré un inté­­rêt par­­ti­­cu­­lier pour la récu­­pé­­ra­­tion de l’iden­­tité des pro­­ta­­go­­nistes de l’his­­toire poli­­tique espa­­gnole des xviiie et xixe siècles. Le manque d’outils essen­­tiels pour l’his­­to­­rien, comme un dic­­tion­­naire bio­­gra­­phique d’Espagne, le mena dès le début à ras­­sem­­bler des figures impor­­tantes ...

  18. Carlos Alberto Seguín: paradigma docente de la Facultad de Medicina de San Fernando, a 100 años de su nacimiento

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    Alberto Perales


    Full Text Available A propósito del primer centenario del nacimiento (1907-2007, de Carlos Alberto Seguín, describimos tres facetas de su ejemplar trayectoria: sus años formativos, su presencia en la Facultad de Medicina de San Fernando, en el difícil periodo de los 60, y su digna actitud ante la muerte. Las avanzadas ideas sobre la nueva formación médica que Seguín postulaba, insistiendo en la necesidad de estudiar, diagnosticar y tratar tanto el área psicológica cuanto física del ser humano y no solo ‘su enfermedad’. Además, su propuesta metodológica de los ‘grupos formativos’, para que los estudiantes tuvieran la oportunidad de elaborar sus vivencias de contacto con el enfermo, no fueron bien comprendidas en la época que las formulara, creándose conflictos que el profesor prefirió evitar por el bien de la institución y porque comprendió que el estudiante de esa época no estaba dispuesto a realizar el esfuerzo necesario para tal logro. Su digna actitud ante la muerte se grafica en un verso que escribiera poco antes de morir. Seguín falleció el sábado 26 de agosto de 1995. Debe ser recordado como un paradigma docente sanmarquino.

  19. O eu nacional: a constituição do ser brasileiro na visão de Alberto Torres e Monteiro Lobato = The national being: the constitution of the brazilian being in the vision of Alberto Torres and Monteiro Lobato

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    Margis, Simone Maciel


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho vincula-se ao projeto “História das Ideias, Historicidade e Identidades Culturais” do departamento de História da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, coordenado pelo Prof. Dr. Carlos H. Armani, e, sob coorientação da mestranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em História – UFSM Jóice Anne A. Carvalho. Busca-se traçar uma linha teórica referente à constituição da Nação e o papel do indivíduo mergulhado na coletividade, ou seja, quem compõe e quem não compõe a estrutura social do Brasil na construção do eu nacional. Ao longo do século XIX e início do século XX, pensadores de várias áreas das ciências começaram a se questionar sobre as diferenças dos seres humanos e que, mais tarde, desembocariam num discurso hierárquico de raças. Essas menções à suposta inferioridade da raça brasileira fez com que Alberto Torres, assumisse uma posição contrária a esse discurso, expondo-a no livro “O Problema Nacional Brasileiro” (1914. Sua teoria sobre as raças afirmava que a única questão que podia vir a contribuir para certa diferenciação racial seriam os fatores mesológicos de uma Nação, mais precisamente, o clima. Nesta mesma linha de pensamento, o autor Monteiro Lobato também analisa a composição da população brasileira e a discussão acerca da hierarquização racial tão em voga no período. Em seu livro “Problema Vital” (1918, nega a afirmação de inferioridade da raça brasileira e aponta as medidas que o Estado deveria tomar para que a população conseguisse atingir o progresso. Lobato também acaba resgatando a figura do caboclo, numa clara tendência de traçar um perfil para o brasileiro

  20. Origin, Physical, and Mineralogical Nature of Red Clays: The Pacific Ocean Basin as a Model. (Geo-Marine Letters, An International Journal of Marine Geology. Volume 8, Number 4, 1988) (United States)


    California, USA Alberto G. de Flgueiredo Lab. Geologia Marinha. Universidude Federal Fluminense. Niteroi. Brazil Larry J. Doyle University of South...USA Alberto G. de Flguelredo Lab. Geologia Marinha, Universidude Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, Brazil Larry J. Doyle University of South Florida

  1. OAS :: Speeches (United States)

    the Human Resources of the OAS, including its organizational structure, each organizational unit's contract and travel control measure reports, the applicable procurement rules and regulations, and the Strategy and Organizational Development Luis Alberto Porto Rizzo » Luis Alberto Porto Rizzo Senior Advisor

  2. The entrapment of trap design: Materiality, political economy, and the shifting worlds of fixed gear fishing equipment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Swanson, Heather Anne


    Special issue “Traps: Concrete Technologies and Theoretical Interfaces.” Edited by Alberto Corsin Jimenez, Chloe Nahum-Claudel, and Rane Willerslev.......Special issue “Traps: Concrete Technologies and Theoretical Interfaces.” Edited by Alberto Corsin Jimenez, Chloe Nahum-Claudel, and Rane Willerslev....

  3. Report: After birth abortion: why should the baby live? Alcune note su un seminario di riflessione sulle questioni della procreazione a partire dall’articolo di Alberto Giubilini e Francesca Minerva. Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Bioetica di Napoli Università l’Orientale, Palazzo Giusso, Napoli 17 gennaio 2013

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    Speranza Maria Teresa


    Full Text Available After the publication of the paper by Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva, two Italian researchers currently active in Australia, entitled After birth abortion: Why Should the baby live?, published in 2012, there was a great debate among scholars and journalists that induced many people to rethink the current conditions of life and death. The mass media have reported a strong controversy on this topic. Fitting into this heated exchange of views, the University Orientale of Naples, in the presence of the authors of the paper, hosted a seminar organized by CIRB (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Bioetica of Naples to reflect on post‐birth abortion, which was attended by doctors, lawyers and philosophers. The meeting generated an interesting discussion on the main topics of bioethics, but left many unanswered questions.

  4. Alberto Cambrosio intervjuu David Tomas'ga / David Tomas ; intervjueerinud Alberto Cambrosio

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tomas, David


    Kanada antropoloogia professor ja kunstnik oma tegevusest kunsti ja teaduse vahelisel alal, uurides pildistamisprotsessi antropoloogiliste teooriatega visuaalsete mudelite näol ja kummutades lääne vaatamisharjumustega seotud dogmasid

  5. Bibliografía



    Acosta, Alberto et al.; 1986, Ecuador: petróleo y crisis económica, Quito, IL-DIS, 210 p. Acosta, Alberto et al.; 1991, Ecuador: el reto de la economía mundial, Quito, Abya-Yala, ILDIS, El Duende, 376 p. Acosta, Alberto; 1997, “El petróleo en el Ecuador: una evaluación crítica del último cuarto de siglo”, en Petroecuador, “25 años de exportación del crudo oriente. Pasado y futuro del petróleo en el Ecuador”, Quito, Unidad de Relaciones Institucionales (URIP), pp. 59-90. Adams, Richard et al.;...

  6. Anthology of Venezuelan psychiatry. (United States)

    Rojas-Malpica, Carlos; Portilla-Geada, Néstor de la; Téllez Pacheco, Pedro


    Reception of Psychiatry in Venezuela since the 19th Century to the late 20th Century merits a historical approach. The following work proposes to research some of the very origins of Venezuelan psychiatry and its possible influence on contemporary mental health practice. Through documental research, the early works of local authors from the 19th Century through 20th Century finals: Carlos Arvelo, Lisandro Alvarado, Francisco Herrera Luque, Jose Luis Vethencourt and Jose Solanes, are subjected to study. This journey illustrates a descriptive panoramic view which allows to better comprenhend the current state of our psychiatry. In a brief introduction the most important events are described, since the arrival of Pinel's ideas, followed by the early research paperworks published and the beginnings of the academic teachings of this specialty in Venezuela and displaying the main contemporary research groups thorough the country.

  7. The Regional Response to the Crisis in Colombia (United States)


    and Tupac Amaru.38 Additionally, a well documented arms trafficking scandal was serious enough to contribute to the downfall of President Alberto ...enforcement presence along the Colombian border is further bolstered 74 Joao Filho and Daniel Zirker...incursion. Under President Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), the stance of Peru was very much hard-line. Fujimori made clear his willingness to utilize

  8. Translations on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Number 282. (United States)


    Judicial Police agents Francisco Fernandez Marin and Jesus Godoy Garcia. The arrest of Humberto de los Angeles Gutierrez and dentist Mario Alberto ...National Defense. He replaces Lt Col Alberto Alonso Rodriguez who has been named deputy commander of the 52nd Infantry Battalion in Chihuahua sell in that city. Gaico Veremo Jacama (grower) 42 years of age, rural worker, living in Chibabava. Joao Mahala (smoker) bachelor, 34 years old

  9. Translations on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Number 313 (United States)


    Santa Luzia, more accurately, in the district of Centro de Joao Paulo. Five plantations were burned and 247 kilos of marihuana were seized in Aldeia...States. The prisoners are: Olegario Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jose Alberto Ruiz, Pablo Astorga Lozano, Oscar Angulo Picos, Rodolfo Chavez Picos, Miguel...federal agents had also arrested the brothers Mario and Jorge Alberto Sandoval with 250 kilos of marihuana in their possession which they had planned

  10. Continent at a Crossroads: Prosperity, Justice, and Security in South America (United States)


    of Democracy 17.3 (July 2006): 13-27. 11 Martins Filbo, Joao R., and Daniel Zirker. "The Brazilian Military under Cardoso: Overcoming the...1996. (HC 125 .N483 1996) Chong, Alberto , and Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, eds. Privatization in Latin America: Myths and Reality. Palo Alto: Stanford...Rhoads, Robert A., and Carlos Alberto Torres, eds. The University, State, and Market: The Political Economy of Globalization in the Americas. Stanford

  11. Relevance of Riverine Capability for Today’s Portuguese Navy (United States)


    Crespo, 537-550. 21 Cann, Brown Waters ofAfrica, 46. 22 Jose Alberto Lopes Carvalheira, "Acyao da Marinha em Aguas Interiores (1961-1971)" [Naval...Lopes Carvalheira, Jose Alberto. "Acyao da Marinha em Aguas Interiores (1961-1971)." [Naval Operations in Inland Waters (1961-1971)]. In the...Americas Country Antigua and Barbados Argentina Aruba Barbados Bermuda Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Equator Grenada

  12. Submicron Structures and Various Technology (United States)


    Submitted by Professor Jonathan Allen Professor Daniel Kleppner !1! Research Laboratory of Electronics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA...Alberto Moel, Joyce E. Palmer, Samuel L. Park, Hui Meng Quek , John H.F. Scott-Thomas, Ghavam Shahidi, Siang-Chun The, Anthony Yen Undergraduate...substrates; and Kathleen Early, Reza A. Ghanbari, Yao-Ching Ku, periodic structures for x-ray optics, spectros- Alberto Moel, Hui Meng Quek , Dr. Mark L

  13. Area Handbook Series: Uruguay, A Country Study. (United States)


    de la Banda Oriental, 1982. Faroppa, Luis, Marisa Buchelli, Alberto Couriel, and Alberto Ben- si6n. Cuatro tesis sobre la situacidn econdmica nacional...mercado de carnes. Montevideo: Fun- daci6n de Cultura Universitaria, 1979. -___ Modelo Batllista: ý Variacidn sobre un viejo tema ? Montevideo: Editorial...Uruguay.: Desde sus origenes hasta 1930. ( Temas del Siglo XX series.) Montevideo: Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 1984. Elizaincin, Adolfo. "The Emergence

  14. Translations on North Korea No. 559 (United States)


    September met and had a friendly talk with Alberto Tauro, professor of the Major National University of San Marcos-Lima, Peru, who had attended the...the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola Joao Eva-Ngelista Hailonda, secretary of the Revolutionary Council of the People’s Republic of...of the People’s Revolution of Benin; Alberto Tauro, professor of the Major National University of San Marcos- Lima, Peru; Quedraogo Mamadou Zongbe

  15. Potential for Conflict in South America (United States)


    34Anglo-Argentine War." 2 Dov S. Zakheim, "The South Atlantic Conflict: Strategic, Military, and Technological Lessons", in Alberto Coll and Anthony Arendt...For example, Brazil’s period of greatest military growth after the war was during the civilian qovernment or Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-61); Joao ...W. Goodman and Juan Riel, eds., Civil Military Relations in Latin America: The Military ana Fower, c. August 1987. Coll, Alberto , and Anthony Arendt

  16. Interviews held with engineers who have graduated from the Faculty of Engineering


    Antonio Mejía; Marcelo Riveros; Alberto Mayor


    This section presents interviews held with two eminent engineers who have graduated from the Faculty of Engineering. Marcelo Riveros and Alberto Mayor interviewed the distinguished engineer Guillermina Uribe who was the first woman to graduate from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia’s Faculty of Engineering whilst Antonio Mejía and Alberto Mayor interviewed José Fernando Isaza Delgado, mathematician, businessman, columnist, teacher and rector of Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, who graduated...

  17. Verification using Satisfiability Checking, Predicate Abstraction, and Craig Interpolation (United States)


    297, 2007. 4.10.1 196 [48] Roberto Bruttomesso, Alessandro Cimatti, Anders Franzen, Alberto Grig- gio, Ziyad Hanna, Alexander Nadel, Amit Palti, and...using SAT based conflict analysis. In Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, pages 33–51, 2002. 1.1, 7 [54] Alessandro Cimatti, Alberto Griggio, and...and D. Vroon. Automatic memory reductions for RTL-level verification. In ICCAD, 2006. 1.2.4, 6.2, 7 [108] Joao P. Marques-Silva and Karem A. Sakallah

  18. Exhibition

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


      Parallels vision Astronomical subjects which evoke extrasensory kinetic visions Alberto Di Fabio From 8 to 10 October, CERN Meyrin, Main Building In the framework of Italy@cern, the Staff Association presents Alberto Di Fabio. Di Fabio’s work is inspired by the fundamental laws of the physical world, as well as organic elements and their interrelation. His paintings and works on paper merge the worlds of art and science, depicting natural forms and biological structures in vivid colour and imaginative detail. For all additional information: | Tel: 022 767 28 19

  19. El Estado regulador en el Perú


    Parodi Trece, Carlos


    Durante el gobierno de Alberto Fujimori se han dado cambios significativos en las instituciones del Estado. ¿Cuál es el sentido de todos estos cambios? ¿Reflejan fundamentalmente una estrategia de consolidación en el poder por parte de Alberto Fujimori? ¿Son más bien el resultado de la estrategia de las clases económicas dominantes para explotar mejor los recursos nacionales? o ¿son instituciones que reflejan un proceso de democratización del Estado? La contribución a la exploració...

  20. Appendix to Power Dissipation in Division

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Wei; Nannarelli, Alberto

    This document is an appendix to the paper: Wei Liu and Alberto Nannarelli, ”Power Dissipation in Division”, Proc. of 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, October 2008. The purpose of the document is to provide the necessary information for the implementation of the archite......This document is an appendix to the paper: Wei Liu and Alberto Nannarelli, ”Power Dissipation in Division”, Proc. of 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, October 2008. The purpose of the document is to provide the necessary information for the implementation...

  1. La lectura digital en las bibliotecas públicas: promoción y gestión del cambio [Ressenya


    Planelles Riera, Enriqueta


    Book Review: La lectura digital en las bibliotecas públicas: promoción y gestión del cambio. María Pinto, Francisco Javier García Marco, Ramón Alberto Manso Rodríguez. Buenos Aires: Alfagrama, 2014. ISBN 978-987-1305-79-7 Reseña del libro: La lectura digital en las bibliotecas públicas: promoción y gestión del cambio. María Pinto, Francisco Javier García Marco, Ramón Alberto Manso Rodríguez. Buenos Aires: Alfagrama, 2014. ISBN 978-987-1305-79-7

  2. Académico Alberto Albornoz Plata

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Albornoz Plata


    Full Text Available

    La aparición del No. 21 de la Revista “MEDICINA”, órgano de la Academia Nacional de Medicina de Colombia, marca una fecha memorable para nuestra Institución, ya que un buen amigo, buen colombiano, admirador de la obra desarrollada por la Academia, en forma gentil y generosa, se ha encargado de la financiación total de nuestra publicación, en forma trimestral y en la que se editarán 7000 ejemplares para cada número los cuales se distribuirán también por cuenta de ITALMEX a los médicos colombianos. De esta forma, es un aporte indirecto a la medicina de Colombia, pues tendremos un buen número de lectores los cuales por sus comentarios a “MEDICINA”, nos suministrarán muchas ideas útiles. También este No. 21 tendrá un aspecto distinto en la carátula: su color pasará del negro, posiblemente algo triste, a recordar los colores del escudo de la Academia, dorado y verde, que han sido los tradicionales.

    Se trata del Dr. Joaquín Ordoñez S., ampliamente conocido no sólo en el cuerpo médico, sino también en el mundo de las finanzas. Director General de un importante laboratorio farmacéutico, de mucha antiguedad, gran prestigio y que goza de la confianza de todos los médicos: ITALMEX.

    Debo recordar que hace varios años, también el Dr. Ordóñez financió en su totalidad la publicación del libro “TEMAS MEDICaS”, órgano oficial de la Academia, de los tomos VII al XI, libro que ha obtenido mucha acogida científica, y hace parte de las bibliotecas de muchos colegas. Nuevamente hoy se vincula a la Academia con nuestra Revista, el Dr. Ordóñez sea bienvenido!

    Es importante conocer algunos datos sobre la vida y actividad de nuestro patrocinador: su gran personalidad es su tarjeta de presentación. Una marcada disciplina que en todas sus labores transmite a su grupo de trabajo; todo debe ser perfecto y en las fechas acordadas; muy buen madrugador, con amabilidad, educación y dinámica permanentes, sus colabordadores encuentran siempre al jefe y al amigo. Además, las situaciones difíciles, las arregla con un particular sentido de equilibrio y sabiduría. Cualquier punto de vista de su equipo de trabajo lo oye, lo estudia y acepta si es razonable y siempre previendo el futuro. Es un verdadero guía de Alta Gerencia y así lo reconoció la UNIVERSIDAD DE NEW YORK, al otorgarle el doctorado Honoris Causa de Alta Gerencia el 31 de septiembre de 1978, en ceremonia especial; es sencillamente el reconocimiento a su actividad laboral, iniciada el 14 de agosto de 1943, en la industria farmacéutica colombiana, la cual lo llevó a la Presidencia de AFlDRO no hace muchos años, yen donde desarrolló gran labor en pro de la Farmacología y Economía, otra de las predilecciones de su estudio permanente, junto con las Ciencias de la Administración, y por eso ha podido actuar con gran éxito como consejero de muchos personajes colombianos. Además de esas cualidades, es un ferviente creyente católico, sin querer nunca imponer sus puntos de vista, pues conoce también la humildad para hacer el bien de muchos necesitados, siguiendo el ejemplo de Cristo. Por esa gran cualidad humana obtuvo del VATICANO y de manos de su Santidad Juan Pablo II, el título de Caballero Comendador de la Orden de San Gregario Magno, en Roma el 29 de mayo de 1979. Finalmente, tiene un especial don para la Publicidad que parece nació con él. Ejemplo de ésto, es la Colección de Médicos Célebres colombianos 1 Etapa, entregada el Día Panamericano del Médico, en una fiesta memorable, ofrecida al cuerpo médico el pasado 10 de diciembre de 1989, en el Salón Rojo del Hotel Tequendama.

    Sólo podemos decirle a nuestro siempre elegante y pulcro promotor de “MEDlCIN A”: j Muchas gracias!

  3. Alessi : unistuste vabrik : 8 / Alberto Alessi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alessi, Alberto


    Itaalia firma Alessi juures töötavate firmade Battista Piazza ja Tendentse toodangust. Alessandro Mendini projektist: 1992. a. anti standardne vaas kujundada sajale kunstnikule (nende hulgas Kalev Mark Kostabi). 30 illustratsiooni

  4. Sevilla suhtekomöödia vs Sevilla kiredraama / Kristina Kõrver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõrver, Kristina, 1979-


    Kahest ooperist Soome Rahvusooperis - Gioacchino Rossini "Sevilla habemeajaja", lavastaja Giancarlo del Monaco, dirigent Miguel Gomez-Martinez ja Georges Bizet "Carmen", lavastaja Arnaud Bernard, dirigent Alberto Hold-Garrido

  5. Emission of {sup 14}C by the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant 1 and 2 and their local effects on the environmental levels; Emissao de {sup 14}C pelas unidades 1 e 2 da Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto (CNAAA) e seu efeito local nos niveis ambientais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dias, Cintia Melazo


    {sup 14}C is a is a long-lived beta-emitting nuclide (T{sub 1/2} = 5730 years) produced naturally in the upper atmosphere as a result of reactions between neutrons and stable {sup 14}N({sup 14}N(n,p){sup 14}C). Although in a lesser extent, nuclear power plants produce {sup 14}C as well during their routine operation. Since it is converted in {sup 14}CO{sub 2} and mixed throughout the atmosphere, it is incorporated into plant tissues, via photosynthesis process, and hence in food chain. Because of the biological importance of {sup 14}C and long half-life, it is of interest to quantify the amounts released by nuclear industry. The Brazilian nuclear central named Nuclear Central Admiral Alvaro Alberto (CNAAA) has two nuclear reactors of PWR type in operation, Angra I (657 MWe) and Angra II (1350 MWe), and one under construction, Angra III (1309 MWe PWR). The aim of this study was to determine the strength of the sources and the {sup 14}C content in the environment through analyses of air, vegetation and soils taken within 5 km (the influenced area) of CNAAA. The thesis consists of an extensive review about the subject (part one) and of four papers (part two). The first paper is about the determination of {sup 14}C concentrations released by reactors (source strength). For Angra I, a device was developed in order to sample the gaseous effluents and for Angra II, a commercial monitoring system had already been implemented since its initial operation (2001). The {sup 14}C can be emitted as hydrocarbons, CO or CO{sub 2}, depending on the type of reactor. For PWRs, the main chemical form released is hydrocarbons (80 %). The monitoring system of Angra I was planned to determine both CO{sub 2} and hydrocarbon fractions but in Angra II, all hydrocarbons are converted to CO{sub 2} by using a Pd/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} catalyst at 450 deg C. The liquid scintillation was the method employed to measure the samples. The second one concerns the atmospheric dispersion of the released

  6. Eesti urbanismi disko Veneetsias / Annika Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Annika


    Kunstiajaloolase Anders Härmi ja arhitekt Tarmo Maiste eneseirooniline projekt "Simulacrum City" Veneetsia arhitektuuribiennaalil - 1990. aastate linnakeskkonna areng Eestis. Peapreemia hispaania arhitekt Alberto Campo Baezale. Kommenteerib Anders Härm

  7. Emission of 14C by the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant 1 and 2 and their local effects on the environmental levels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dias, Cintia Melazo


    14 C is a is a long-lived beta-emitting nuclide (T 1/2 = 5730 years) produced naturally in the upper atmosphere as a result of reactions between neutrons and stable 14 N( 14 N(n,p) 14 C). Although in a lesser extent, nuclear power plants produce 14 C as well during their routine operation. Since it is converted in 14 CO 2 and mixed throughout the atmosphere, it is incorporated into plant tissues, via photosynthesis process, and hence in food chain. Because of the biological importance of 14 C and long half-life, it is of interest to quantify the amounts released by nuclear industry. The Brazilian nuclear central named Nuclear Central Admiral Alvaro Alberto (CNAAA) has two nuclear reactors of PWR type in operation, Angra I (657 MWe) and Angra II (1350 MWe), and one under construction, Angra III (1309 MWe PWR). The aim of this study was to determine the strength of the sources and the 14 C content in the environment through analyses of air, vegetation and soils taken within 5 km (the influenced area) of CNAAA. The thesis consists of an extensive review about the subject (part one) and of four papers (part two). The first paper is about the determination of 14 C concentrations released by reactors (source strength). For Angra I, a device was developed in order to sample the gaseous effluents and for Angra II, a commercial monitoring system had already been implemented since its initial operation (2001). The 14 C can be emitted as hydrocarbons, CO or CO 2 , depending on the type of reactor. For PWRs, the main chemical form released is hydrocarbons (80 %). The monitoring system of Angra I was planned to determine both CO 2 and hydrocarbon fractions but in Angra II, all hydrocarbons are converted to CO 2 by using a Pd/Al 2 O 3 catalyst at 450 deg C. The liquid scintillation was the method employed to measure the samples. The second one concerns the atmospheric dispersion of the released radiocarbon through measurements of air samples taken with 3 km from power plants, in

  8. Võimust ilma jäänud presidente ähvardab vangla / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Aafrika ja Ladina-Ameerika ekspresidentide hirmust uue võimu sanktsioonide ees. Sambia ekspresidendi Frederick Chiluba, Peruu ekspresidendi Alberto Fujimori, Haiti kukutatud presidendi Jean-Bertrand Aristide'i süüdistamisest

  9. Sisustusgiidi uudised / Mari Masso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Masso, Mari


    Standardi uuest kapiseeriast (disainer Katrin Soans) ja koostööst Jaapani toolitootja Okamuraga; helisummutavatest seinapaneelidest; Verner Pantoni toolist lastele; Alberto Meda pöörlevast töötoolist

  10. Rethinking technologies

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Conley, Verena Andermatt


    .... Katherine Hayles 11. The Leap and the Lapse: Hacking a Private Site in Cyberspace Alberto Moreiras 12. Telefigures and Cyberspace Patrick Clancy 173 191 207 Works Cited 233 Contributors 241 Index 24...

  11. Overview of Movement Disorders (United States)

    ... of Delirium Additional Content Medical News Overview of Movement Disorders By Hector A. Gonzalez-Usigli, MD, Professor ... Neurology, HE UMAE Centro Médico Nacional de Occidente; Movement Disorders Clinic, Neurology at IMSS Alberto Espay, MD, ...

  12. Narkoboss langes verises lahingus / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Mehhiko mereväe eriüksuse rünnakus hukkusid narkojõugu juhid, vanimad kurikuulsatest Beltran Leyva vendadest Marcos Arturo ja Mario Alberto. Mehhiko president Felipe Calderon kuulutas 2006. a. narkokartellide vastu sõja

  13. Põgenikust ekspresident tahab Peruus võimu võtta / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Peruu ekspresident Alberto Fujimori soovib naasta Jaapanist kodumaale, et osaleda 2006. aasta aprillis toimuvatel presidendivalimistel. Peruu valitsus on esitanud Fujimorile ühtekokku 22 kriminaalsüüdistust ja nõudnud Jaapanilt ekspresidendi väljaandmist

  14. At WA7

    CERN Multimedia


    The CERN-Genoa-Annecy(LAPP)- Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen-Oslo-University College,London Collaboration set-up the experiment WA7 to study two-body reactions at large transverse momentum. Here, Michel Yvert, Alberto Santronico, Per Carlson

  15. Uhked ökotornid võivad teostamatuse pärast jäädagi jooniseks paberile / Kaire Talviste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talviste, Kaire, 1979-


    Ameeriklase Michael Jantzeni kavandatud ökotornist tuuleturbiinide ja päikesepaneelidega, Alberto Fernandezi ja Susana Ortega Tšiili põhjarannikule kavandatud udutornist, mis kogub õhus tekkivaid veemolekule ning Tom Teatumi Ida-Londonisse kavandatavast miilikõrgusest pilvelõhkujast

  16. Perennial soybean seeds coated with high doses of boron and zinc

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 14, 2016 ... ... Av. Alberto Lamego, 2000 - Parque Califórnia, Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, CEP: ..... Ohse S, Marodim V, Santos OS, Lopes SJ, Manfron PA (2001). ... Tavares LC, Rufino CDA, Brunes AP, Friedrich FF, Barros ACSA,.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    but not least a restaurant which offers select local and international cuisine2. 1 ... Recent international scholarship on the very concept of “sociability”, .... Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries…, ed. by Alberto Siliotti, translated by.

  18. Interpolating Polynomial Macro-Elements with Tension Properties (United States)


    Univ. Calgary, 1978. Paolo Costantini Dipartimento di Matematica " Roberto Magari" Via del Capitano 15 53100 Siena, Italy costantini~unisi. it Carla...Manni Dipartimento di Matematica Via Carlo Alberto 10 10123 Torino, Italy manniDdm .unito. it

  19. Teoría y ladrillos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Caballero


    Full Text Available Cien años de arquitectura en Colombia. XVll Bienal de Arquitectura 2000. Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos (SCA, Jorge Alberto Gutiérrez Galindo (compilador Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos, Panamericana Formas e Impresos, Bogotá , 2000.

  20. Fault Tolerant Real-Time Networks (United States)


    Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, editors Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Fourth International Workshop (HSCC󈧅, Rome, Italy, March 2001...average dwell time by solving optimization problems. In Ashish Tiwari and Joao P. Hespanha, editors, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 06

  1. Renessanslik vetemäng / Tiina Tammet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammet, Tiina, 1971-


    Rooma lähedal Tivoli linnakeses asuvast Itaalia 16. sajandi renessansiaegse palee ja aiakunsti pärlist Villa d'Este, mis on UNESCO maailmapärandi nimekirjas. Pargi ja palee arhitektid Pirro Ligorio ja Alberto Galvani, purskkaevude autoriks skulptor Gianlorenzo Bernini

  2. Fundamental and Applied Bioorganometallic Chemistry of Technetium and Rhenium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alberto, R.; Braband, H.; Benz, M.; Can, D.; Imstepf, S.; Felber, M.; Spingler, B.


    Site directed accumulation is the base for therapy and imaging with inorganic medicinal compounds. To match selectively the structural properties of receptors, the topology of targeting complexes must be flexible and easily adaptable. For in vivo application, kinetic stability is desirable and in an advanced design, the complex itself can become part of the structure to be recognized by the receptor (3D structural space occupation concept).1 To match these requirements, we introduced the fac-{99mTcI(CO)3}+ building block many years ago. Many different complexes with this core were subjected to targeting studies and the organometallic chemistry of Tc developed rapidly beyond designs for molecular imaging. Some prominent examples will give insight into their structures and activities for molecular imaging. For complementing the fac-{99mTcI(CO)3}+ tag, we switched from low- to high-valent complexes. The isolobal fac-{99mTcVII(O)3}+ building block was introduced.2 Preparation of TcVII complexes is an example about how research is translated to routinely applicable conditions. For proceeding towards theranostics, homologous complexes with Re for therapy and with 99mTc complexes for imaging are mandatory. A new synthetic approach enabled the preparation of cyclopentadienyl complexes of both elements and based on pharmaceutically active lead structures.3 Newly introduced bis-arene complexes scopes at using these structures in analogy to ferrocene.4 The presentation exemplifies how questions from, ultimately practical, application lead to basic developments. Unexpected results in turn influence the discovery of new imaging and therapeutic agents.5 (1) Meggers, E. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 2007, 11, 287. (2) Braband, H.; Tooyama, Y.; Fox, T.; Alberto, R. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 633. (3) Can, D.; Spingler, B.; Schmutz, P.; Mendes, F.; Raposinho, P.; Fernandes, C.; Carta, F.; Innocenti, A.; Santos, I.; Supuran, C. T.; Alberto, R. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 2012, 51, 3354. (4) Benz

  3. JPRS Report, Arms Control (United States)


    the current crisis." [passage omitted] In related developments, Presidential Chief-of-Staff Alberto Kohan disclosed yesterday that the Soviet gov...1989 The ABIMDE leaders, with four-star General Diogo Figueiredo, the youngest brother of former president Joao Figueiredo, in attendance, decided

  4. Understanding Democracy and Violence in Africa: An Analysis of the Data (United States)


    effectively. According to Cox, Falconer, and Stackhouse, “Both macroeconomic deprivation and deprivation between classes seem to correlate well with...and Terror. Green Forest, AR: Balfour Books. Snowdon, Brian, and Howard R. Vane. 1999. “The New Political Macroeconomics : An Interview with Alberto

  5. 75 FR 14160 - Ocean Transportation Intermediary License Applicants (United States)


    ..., NJ 07042. Officers: Paul M. Pilmanis, Vice President, (Qualifying Individual), Egils Abolins..., (Qualifying Individual), Paul Reardon, Director. Link Lines Logistics Inc, 234 Main Street, Unit 1, Lincoln...., 74 NW. 25th Avenue, Miami, FL 33125. Officer: Alberto Diaz Rodriguez, President/Sec./Treasurer...

  6. Mari Koger : avatud magamistoaga korter pööningukorrusel / Gitte Hint

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hint, Gitte


    Korter Nõmmel renoveeritud puumajas (arhitekt Hannes Niineväli). Sisearhitekt Mari Koger, tema kommentaarid. Söögilaua alumiiniumist valatud jalgade autor on Taavi Aunre. Söögilauda valgustab Alberto Meda ja Paolo Rizzatto disainitud lamp Titania. Ill.: plaan, 8 värv. vaadet

  7. A demonstration of mobile phone deployment to support the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A demonstration of mobile phone deployment to support the treatment of acutely ill children under five in Bushenyi district, Uganda. Jerome Kabakyenga, Celestine Barigye, Jennifer Brenner, Samuel Maling, Denise Buchner, Alberto Nettle-Aquirre, Nalini Singhal, Teddy Kyomuhangi, David Tumusiime, Janet Finch, Stuart ...

  8. Hetk enne plahvatust : arhitektuuri tulevik / Alberto Campo Baeza

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Campo Baeza, Alberto


    Teemad: Arhitektuuri tulevik on ideedes. Valgus ja gravitatsioon : küsimuse olemus. Inimene ja tabatud ilu. Aeg ja arhitektuur. Projektiliialdused ja tehnoloogia ebaadekvaatne rakendamine. Ühiskond ja kunstnik.

  9. Avempace en el De anima de Alberto Magno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Xavier López-Farjeat


    Full Text Available The proposal about human being's supreme objective offered by Avempace –philosopher and Aristotelian commentator–, consists on the absolute union of both: the subject's intellect-soul and the agent intellect, the latter characterized by being one, separated, eternal, in addition that in itself contains the universal spiritual forms of all things. For this reason the soul's immateriality as well as its immortality are guaranteed, due to the intellect's absolute spirituality. Because of the corruption given in societies and political practices, this final objective is reached through the best way of life, which consists on solitude and reflection; only this way the highest perfection is acquired. After understanding the relevance Avempace granted to the agent intellect, Albert the Great denied the possibility of union with the mentioned intellect, due to the abolition of all plurality as well as the dissolution of all individuality.

  10. JPRS Report Nuclear Developments (United States)


    cracks in Atucha I were detected during the administration of Eng Alberto Constantini. Last year Constantini resigned as CNEA president due to...days, Finance Minister Mailson da Nobrega, Mines and Energy Minis- ter Aureliano Chaves, and Planning Minister Joao Batista de Abreu should be

  11. Peidetud köögid / Ketlin Priilinn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priilinn, Ketlin, 1982-


    Kabinetti suletud köök Tivali (Dante Bonuccelli), köök K11 (Norbert Wangen), köögimööbel Modus (Paola Nava, Fabio Casiraghi), köök Pantos Chef (Antonia Astor), köök Single (AlbertoColonello)

  12. Ingeniero, político, economista, inventor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jimena Montaña Cuéllar


    Full Text Available Técnica y utopía. Biografía intelectual y política de Alejandro López, 1876-1940. Alberto Mayor Mora. Fondo Editorial Universidad Eafit, colección Cielos de Arena, Medellín, 2001, 621 págs., il.

  13. Poeesia köögis / Villem Loigom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loigom, Villem


    Itaalia disainerite, perekond Alessi ettevõtte ajaloost, tänapäevast ja disainiteoreetikuks tituleeritud kolmanda põlvkonna esindaja Alberto Alessi osast ettevõtte juhtimisel ning tippdisainerite Philippe Starck'i, Alessandro Mendini jt. loomingu kaasamisest, et masstootmisse tuua huvitavaid ja pilkupüüdvaid lahendusi

  14. En qué hemos vivido


    Néstor Tobón Botero


    La arquitectura de la vivienda rural en Colombia, volumen 11: Minifundio cafetero en Antioquia, Caldas, Quindío y Risaralda. Lorenzo Fonseca Martínez y Alberto Saldarriaga Roa. Litocencoa Ltda., Cali, 1984, 204 págs., mapas, planos arquitectónicos, fotografías.

  15. Malvinas 1982. Symmetrical Misunderstandings and Overreactions Lead the Way to War (United States)


    Planeta , 1983. Coil, Alberto R. and Arend, Anthony C. The Falklands War. Lessons for Strategy, Diplomacy and International Law. Boston-London-Sidney...Horacio. No vencidos. Relato de las operaciones navales en el conflicto del Atlantico Sur. Buenos Aires: Planeta , 1998. Middlebrook, Martin. The fight

  16. Counterinsurgency Lessons from Colombia: An Assessment of the Colombian Army Transformation from 1998 to 2010 (United States)


    had initiated the process of 209 Marks, “Colombian Military Support for ‘Democratic Security,’” 204. 210 Carlos Ospina, La Estrategia en Colombia...Francisco Leal Buitrago. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Norma, 2006. Ospina Ovalle, Carlos Alberto. La Estrategia en Colombia: Variaciones del Centro de

  17. Resettlement, Regroupment, Reconcentration: Deliberate Government- Directed Population Relocation in Support of Counter-Insurgency Operations (United States)


    administered poorly, with arbitrary, unconsidered decisions -- such as Angolan commander-in-chief Air Force General Joao de Almeida Viana’s mandate to...Volumes 1 and 2. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Co., Inc., 1975. Bayo, Alberto . One Hundred Fifty Questions for a Guerrilla. Boulder, Colorado

  18. Considerações sobre a aprendizagem da performance musical Considerations about music performance learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Lemos Cerqueira


    Full Text Available Este artigo oferece uma proposta para fundamentação da prática musical de instrumentos e canto, enfatizando procedimentos de estudo, baseando-se principalmente na Teoria da Aprendizagem Pianística de José Alberto Kaplan. Paralelamente, foi realizada uma breve releitura crítica da história do ensino de instrumentos musicais e métodos para educação musical, em diálogo com áreas afins à Performance Musical, entre elas Psicologia Cognitiva, Neurociência e Educação Física.The present work offers a systematized proposal for the practice of musical instruments and singing, emphasizing study procedures. The main basis for this work is the Pianistic Learning Theory (Teoria da Aprendizagem Pianística by Brazilian pedagogue José Alberto Kaplan. There is also a brief critical overview of the history of musical instrument learning and music education methods, dialoguing with areas such as Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience and Physical Education.

  19. Regional Economic Integration in the Developing World: Historical Trends at the Future Viability (United States)


    difficulties developed as a than 20% today. That reduction has led to result of the coup by Alberto Fujimori in a huge increase in exports from the...the four countries. Brazil’s development. minister of infrastructure, Joao Santana, Although it is significant that proposed that a Brazilian satellite

  20. Between techinical reproduction and art objects: photography as an aesthetic experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Fontanari


    Full Text Available Review of: SIGNORINI, Roberto. A arte do fotográfico: os limites da fotografia e a reflexão teórica nas dÈcadas de 1980 e 1990. Tradução de Carlos Alberto Dastoli. São: WMF Martins Fontes, 2014.

  1. En qué hemos vivido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Néstor Tobón Botero


    Full Text Available La arquitectura de la vivienda rural en Colombia, volumen 11: Minifundio cafetero en Antioquia, Caldas, Quindío y Risaralda. Lorenzo Fonseca Martínez y Alberto Saldarriaga Roa. Litocencoa Ltda., Cali, 1984, 204 págs., mapas, planos arquitectónicos, fotografías.

  2. USA on Iraagis ülbe ja rumal? / Tõnis Erilaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erilaid, Tõnis, 1943-


    USA välisministeeriumi ühe büroo avaliku diplomaatia direktor Alberto Fernandez tunnistas väidetavalt Al-Jazeera telekanalis esinedes, et ameeriklased olid Iraagis ülbed ja rumalad ning nüüd on vaja kõigi sealsete esindajatega läbirääkimisi pidada

  3. Use and Testing of the Motorcycle by the US Army April 1917 to February 1977 (United States)


    the-road capability for most of its other vehicles by converting them to four-wheel drive. According to Major General George A. Lynch, the overweight ...No Norway MAJ Ola Aabakken Yes Yes No Pakistan MAJ Najeeb Ahmed Yes Yes No Peru * MAJ Alberto Arciniega Philippines COL Mariano P. Adalem No

  4. Valik laste- ja noortefilme festivalilt "Just Film"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    10. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali laste- ja noortefilmi festivali Just Film filme : Prantsuse-Saksa "Zaina, Atlase mägede ratsanik " (režii Bourlem Guerdjou), Ungari "Noored, rumalad ja armastust täis" (Gergely Fonyo), Hispaania "Seitse neitsit" (Alberto Rodriguez), Lõuna-Korea "Taifuun ja päike" (Jeong Jae-eun)

  5. Multiperspectivism in the Novels of the Spanish Civil War

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Hans Lauge


    stereotyp-opfattelsen af borgerkrigen som en konfrontation mellem det Gode og det Onde. De fire romaner er Javier Cercas' Soldados de Salamina (2001), Alberto Méndez' Los girasoles ciegos (2004), Antonio Muñoz Molina's La noche de los tiempos (2009) og Isaac Rosas Otra maldita novela sobre la guerra civil...

  6. Parallel responses of species and genetic diversities of Indonesian butterflies to disturbance in tropical rainforests

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fauvelot, C.Y.; Cleary, D.F.R.; Menken, S.B.J.


    Cécile Fauvelot1,2, Daniel F.R Cleary2,3, and Steph B.J Menken2. Parallel responses of species and genetic diversities of Indonesian butterflies to disturbance in tropical rainforests. 1Environmental Science, University of Bologna at Ravenna, Via S. Alberto 163, I-48100 Ravenna, Italia; 2Institute

  7. "Tango Feroz": Teaching a History of Politics and Economics of Argentina through Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll (United States)

    Romero, Eva Karene


    This article directly resulted from the teacher/researcher experience, describing new analyses resulting from subtitling a film for curriculum incorporation: "Tango feroz, la leyenda de Tanguito" (1993). Set in Argentina in the sixties and loosely based on the life of José Alberto Iglesias Correa, also known as Tanguito, this film…

  8. CTD and Bottle Data from Leg 1: 20 December 1986 - 18 January 1987. Leg 2: 17 July - 15 August 1987 (United States)


    tabular data includes pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen in ml/l and in micro -moles per kilogram, oxygen percent saturation, potential...I f T I T 7 1 1- - -1[ 1 1 1 1 I I IO- -r- Distribution List ARGENTINA FRANCE Alberto Piola Dr. Michele Fieux Armada Argentina, Servicio de

  9. Tras los Murmullos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen bringer i 6 kapitler nye og anderledes analyser af den mexicanske forfatter Juan Rulfos roman Perdo Páramo. Alberto Vital kortlægger forandringerne i de forskellige tidlige udgaver af manuskriptet, Víctor Jimenez analyserer den indianske symbolik, der ligger i brugen af natten og døden, Mar...

  10. 75 FR 54957 - Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision (United States)


    ... highway operating conditions: Rick A. Ervin, Stephen P. Goodall, John R. Kelly, Osvaldo R. Maldonado, Frank G. Merrill, Alberto Mireles, Jr., Montie Price, Daniel R. Rosas, David M. Sims, Stephen W... pounds for all or part of the 3-year period: Adam O. Carson, Joe H. Saine, Joseph W. Schmit. One...

  11. O controle litoestrutural na organizaçăo espacial da bacia do rio Tagaçaba (Paraná): uma análise morfométrica da rede de drenagem /


    Garbossa, Renata Adriana


    Orientador: Naldy Emerson Canali Co-orientador: Alberto Pio Fiori Dissertaçăo (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Cięncias da Terra, Programa de Pós-Graduaçăo em Geologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 2003 Inclui bibliografia Área de concentraçăo: Geologia ambiental

  12. Study of the influencies of Angra-1 nuclear power plant construction in Angra dos Reis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira Netto, L.


    The report presents a comprehensive evaluation of the influence caused by Angra-1 Nuclear Power Plants (Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto) construction on the Angra dos Reis City - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. The analysis performed adopts a multi-dimensional methodology with four analysis dimensions: political-institutional, physical-territorial, social-economic and temporal. (author)

  13. Southeast Asia Report (United States)


    Pfc. Alberto Entrera and Pfc. Dixon Nolasco. Those who died later in the hospital were S/ Sgt. Fructu8o Esteban, Pfc. Talib Mohamud and a...English 0750 GMT 24 Sep 84 [Text] Hanoi, 23 Sep (VNA)—President of the State Council Truong Chinh today sent his warm greetings to Joao Bernardo

  14. Journal of Biosciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Biosciences; Volume 37; Issue 4. Changes in membrane lipids and carotenoids during light acclimation in a marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. Olimpio Montero Alberto Sánchez-Guijo Luis M Lubián Gonzalo Martínez-Rodríguez. Articles Volume 37 Issue 4 September 2012 pp 635-645 ...

  15. Safier, Neil. La medición del nuevo mundo. La ciencia de la Ilustración y América del Sur.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Mario Aponte Motta


    Full Text Available Reseña del libro: Safier, Neil. La medición del nuevo mundo. La ciencia de la Ilustración y América del Sur. Traducido por Alberto Castillo. Madrid: Fundación Jorge Juan-Marcial Ponds ediciones de historia, 2016. ISBN 978-84-15963-75-2

  16. Credits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    - -


    Full Text Available Diretora Geral Cibele Daher Botelho Monteiro Vice-Diretora Geral Jefferson Manhães de Azevedo Coordenadora de Pós-Graduação Vera Raimunda Amério Asseff Coordenador de Pesquisa Rogério Atem de Carvalho Editora-Chefe Maria Amelia Ayd Correa Coordenação Editorial do Boletim Maria Inês Paes Ferreira Conselho Editorial Dalila Silva MelloMarcos Antonio Cruz MoreiraRoberta de Sousa RamalhoVicente de Paulo Santos de Oliveira Organizadores deste número Maria Inês Paes FerreiraMariana Rodrigues de Carvalhaes PinheiroTathiana Chaves de Souza Apoio Técnico Gisele Carvalho da Silva Costa NogueiraCarlos David Pasco Bolsistas de Iniciação Científica Felipe Eliakim SilvaSamara Melo Rodrigues Revisão de Texto Edinalda Maria Almeida da Silva Projeto Gráfico André da Silva CruzDaniel Marques Sardinha Diagramação Daniel Marques Sardinha Capa Daniel Marques Sardinha Revisão Técnica Flávia Gomes de Abreu SiqueiraVanessa Vasconcelos Lopes Assistente de Editoração Cláudia de Souza Caetano Catalogação Antonio Soares das Chagas Filho Dados de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. - Vol. 2, n. 1 (jan./jun. 2008. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológicade Campos. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego.Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ: Essentia Editora, 2008 - v. : il. 14 cm. SemestralISSN 1981-6197 1. Engenharia ambiental. I. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológicade Campos. II. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. CDD - 628 Tiragem: 1000 exemplaresImpressão: Gráfica e Editora GSA | Tel.: (27 3232-1266

  17. Credits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    - -


    Full Text Available Diretora Geral Cibele Daher Botelho Monteiro Vice-Diretora Geral Jefferson Manhães de Azevedo Coordenadora de Pós-Graduação Vera Raimunda Amério Asseff Coordenador de Pesquisa Rogério Atem de Carvalho Editora-Chefe Maria Amelia Ayd Correa Coordenação Editorial do Boletim Maria Inês Paes Ferreira Conselho Editorial Dalila Silva MelloMarcos Antonio Cruz MoreiraRoberta de Sousa RamalhoVicente de Paulo Santos de Oliveira Organizadores deste número Maria Inês Paes FerreiraMariana Rodrigues de Carvalhaes PinheiroTathiana Chaves de Souza Apoio Técnico Gisele Carvalho da Silva Costa NogueiraCarlos David Pasco Bolsistas de Iniciação Científica Felipe Eliakim SilvaSamara Melo Rodrigues Revisão de Texto Edinalda Maria Almeida da Silva Projeto Gráfico André da Silva CruzDaniel Marques Sardinha Diagramação Daniel Marques Sardinha Capa Daniel Marques SardinhaDiego Tavares Ventapane Lopes Revisão Técnica Flávia Gomes de Abreu SiqueiraVanessa Vasconcelos Lopes Assistente de Editoração Cláudia de Souza Caetano Catalogação Antonio Soares das Chagas Filho Dados de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. - Vol. 1, n. 2 (jul./dez. 2007. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológicade Campos. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego.Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ: Essentia Editora, 2007 - v. : il. 14 cm. SemestralISSN 1981-6197 1. Engenharia ambiental. I. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológicade Campos. II. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. CDD - 628 Tiragem: 1000 exemplaresImpressão: GSA Gráfica e Editora | Tel.: (27 3232-1266

  18. Ficha Técnica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

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    Full Text Available Diretor Geral Luiz Augusto Caldas Pereira Diretor de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação Jefferson Manhães de Azevedo Coordenadora de Pós-Graduação Vera Raimunda Amério Asseff Coordenador de Pesquisa Rogério Atem de Carvalho Editora-Chefe Maria Amelia Ayd Correa Coordenação Editorial do Boletim Maria Inês Paes Ferreira Conselho Editorial Dalila Silva MelloMarcos Antonio Cruz MoreiraRoberta de Sousa RamalhoVicente de Paulo Santos de Oliveira Organizadores deste número Élida Quitete DomingosRosana Conceição da SilvaTathiana Chaves de Souza Apoio Técnico Gisele Carvalho da Silva Costa NogueiraCarlos David Pasco Bolsistas de Iniciação Científica Pedro Henrique Oliveira RochaSaulo Cristiano Barbosa Revisão de Texto Edinalda Maria Almeida da Silva Projeto Gráfico André da Silva Cruz Diagramação André da Silva Cruz Capa André da Silva Cruz Revisão Técnica Vanessa Vasconcelos Lopes Assistente de Editoração Wilze da Costa Carvalho Catalogação Antonio Soares das Chagas Filho Dados de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. Vol. 1, n. 1 (jun 2007 - . / Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica deCampos. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. - Camposdos Goytacazes, RJ: Essentia Editora, 2007 - v. : il. 14 cm. SemestralISSN 1981-6197 1. Engenharia ambiental. I. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológicade Campos. II. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. CDD - 628 Tiragem: 1000 exemplaresImpressão: Prograf Soluções Gráficas Ltda. | Tel.: (27 3222-5643

  19. Korean Affairs Report, Number 279 (United States)


    genius of thought but also a true leader of the people. Alberto Beltran, chairman of the editorial council of the Mexican paper "El Dia," said...Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde and minister of rural develop- ment, who had been on a visit to our country as a special envoy of Comrade Joao Bernardo

  20. Anti-viral effects of medicinal plants in the management of dengue: a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Anti-viral effects of medicinal plants in the management of dengue: a systematic review. Éric Heleno Freira Ferreira Frederico, André Luiz Bandeira Dionísio Cardoso, Eloá Moreira-Marconi, Danúbia da Cunha de Sá-Caputo, Carlos Alberto Sampaio Guimarães, Carla da Fontoura Dionello, Danielle Soares Morel, Laisa ...

  1. Las memorias del Conde de Robres : la nueva planta y la narrativa de la guerra civil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José María Iñurritegui Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Mediante un completo análisis de la narrativa de la guerra civil, este trabajo propone una revisión de la obra de Alberto López de Mendoza, III Conde de Robres. Ante todo, en las ÍVIemorias para la historia de las guerras de España se descubre un observatorio privilegiado que no sólo permite examinar las diferentes variantes de la narrativa de la guerra civil, sino también esbozar la difícil coexistencia entre la política y la historia en el momento inaugural del Setecientos hispano.Trough a complete analysis of the narrative of the civil war, this article postúlales a revisión of the work of Alberto López de Mendoza, III Conde de Robres. First of all, the Memorias para la historia de las guerras civiles de España is a phviledge scene to examine the various faces of the narrative of the civil war and the difficult coexistence between politic and history in the spanish early eighteenth century.

  2. Guerreiro Ramos: o personalismo negro Guerreiro Ramos: black personalism

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    Muryatan Santana Barbosa


    Full Text Available Baseando-se em pesquisa recém-finalizada sobre a trajetória intelectual do sociólogo Alberto Guerreiro Ramos (1915-1982 (cf. Barbosa, 2004, este ensaio apresenta a filosofia política do personalismo negro, cerne do pensamento de Guerreiro Ramos acerca do negro brasileiro e mundial. Ademais, tratar-se-á de estabelecer, sucintamente, a proximidade de tal visão humanista do negro com recentes perspectivas multiculturalistas e pós-coloniais, a fim de mostrar a contemporaneidade desta contribuição de Guerreiro Ramos à teoria social e à práxis dos movimentos negros.As a result of nearly a finished research about the intellectual performance of the sociologist Alberto Guerreiro Ramos (1915-1982, this paper envisages the political philosophy of black personalism. This was the kern of Guerreiro Ramos thought about Brazilian and World-dimensioned Black. An attempt is made to connect this humanistic vision of Blackmen with recent multiculturalist and postcolonial visions, in order to point out the present day contribution of Guerreiro Ramos to social theory and praxis of Black movements.

  3. Presentación. Alberto Elena y las miradas a los cines periféricos / Presentation. Alberto Elena and the Views on Peripheral Cinemas

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    Minerva Campos


    Full Text Available «Llegará un día en que el cine habrá cambiado el mundo más que la invención de la pólvora, la electricidad o el descubrimiento de nuevos continentes. El cine permitirá a la gente repartida por los más remotos confines de la Tierra conocerse y apreciarse mejor. El cine reconciliará las diferencias de opinión y contribuirá de forma decisiva a la realización de los ideales de la Humanidad. Es fundamental que concedamos al cine la importancia que merece». Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1937

  4. CERN openlab Summer Students Lightning Talks

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    15:35 - Rules and logistics (Alberto Di Meglio) 15:45 - Presentations (Session 1) 15:45 - Regressive network system testing (Adam Krajewski) 15:51 - The ViSION Health Monitor (Andrei Radu Patrascoiu) 15:57 - Improved metrics collection and visualization for the CERN cloud storage test framework (Carolina Lindqvist) 16:03 - Vectorization with Haswell and Cilk+ (Juan Jo...

  5. Sarah Zappulla Muscarà-Enzo Zappulla, Gabriele d'Annunzio ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    E fu D'Annunzio a curare il libretto della Figlia di Iorio per la musica di. Alberto Franchetti (Scala di Milano, 29 marzo 1906). Il volume offre dunque un panorama fitto di informazioni, commentate con rigore critico, storico e filologico, nel quale figurano sia il testo originale della tragedia sia le tre versioni dialettali: con un.

  6. Transborder Library Forum Proceedings = Memorias del Foro Binacional de Bibliotecas (1st, Nogales, Arizona, February 1-2, 1991). (United States)

    Baldwin, Charlene M., Comp.

    At the first Transborder Library Forum in 1991, 132 librarians from the United States and Mexico gathered to get to know one another, discuss issues of common interest, and begin to build an international network. Conference materials are provided in both English and Spanish. Keynote addresses were delivered by Alberto Alvaro Rios and Jesus Lau.…

  7. Single Molecule Effects of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Mutations in Tropocollagen Protein Domains (United States)


    Single molecule effects of osteogenesis imperfecta mutations in tropocollagen protein domains Alfonso Gautieri,1,2 Simone Vesentini,2 Alberto...2008 Abstract: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disease characterized by fragile bones, skeletal deformities and, in severe...diagnosis and treatment, an effort referred to as materiomics. Keywords: steered molecular dynamics; osteogenesis imperfecta ; Young’s modulus; collagen

  8. Experience acquired by Furnas for licensing nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, A.J.C. da; Xavier, E.E.


    The system for licensing of Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant-Unit 1 is presented. The process phases for reactor construction and operation are described: preliminary site approval; bases for safety review; partial construction permits; final construction permits; emission of final report of safety analysis; initial operation license and permanent operation license. (M.C.K.) [pt

  9. Alternative tube caps on in vitro growth of Orbignya oleifera Burret ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tuoyo Aghomotsegin


    Oct 19, 2016 ... oleifera Burret.: An Arecaceae native cerrado domain. Mariluza Silva LEITE, Paula Sperotto Alberto FARIA, Flávia Dionísio PEREIRA, Fabiano. Guimarães SILVA*, Aurélio Rúbio NETO and João das Graças SANTANA. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano, Campus Rio Verde. Rod.

  10. Una demostración geométrica del teorema de Perron-Frobenius


    Baena Marzo, Gema María


    En este documento se pretende desarrollar con el máximo detalle y el máximo rigor matemático la demostración geométrica del Teorema de Perron-Frobenius publicada por los matemáticos D.Alberto Borobia y D. Ujué R. Trías, en el año 1992, en la Re

  11. Un nouveau centre de recherche soutient les efforts d'adaptation ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 juil. 2014 ... Image satellite du delta du Nil. José Alberto Gonçalves Pereira. Entretien avec. Mohamed Abdrabo est le directeur général de l'Alexandria Research Centre for Adaptation to Climate Change (ARCA), un nouveau centre de recherche qui soutient les politiques d'adaptation adoptées par le gouvernement ...

  12. Revista de tesis de la Facultad de Medicina de Bogotá

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Transfusión de líquido ascítico. Numa Pompolio C. / Tratamiento de la pleuresia purulenta por el drenaje cerrado. Alberto Gómez A. / Operación de Fothergill para el tratamiento del prolapso genital. Francisco Jarava Hollman / Prueba de la concentración renal con al hormona antidiurética. José Joaquin Sarmiento G.

  13. Electronuclear Medical Assistance Foundation: medical preparedness and response in Angra dos Reis / Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leite, Teresa C.S.B.; Maurmo, Alexandre M.


    This paper relates the health's experience in training and response to accidents involving ionizing radiation at Almirante Alvaro Alberto's Nuclear Power Plant in Angra dos Reis. The response system is organized in the same way of others health's system with pre-hospital attendance, local hospital and referential hospital .We also discussing how we training health workers about this kid of special response. (author)

  14. El espacio cultural transnacional en la post-Transición. El caso de las series televisivas Amores difíciles y La reina del Sur / The Transnational Cultural Space in the Post-Transition. The Case of the TV series Amores difíciles and La Reina del Sur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Palacio


    Full Text Available Tomando como punto de partida el trabajo de Alberto Elena, Cruces de destinos. Intercambios cinematográficos entre España y América Latina, los autores analizan cómo ha evolucionado el panorama audiovisual latinoamericano al mismo tiempo que cambiaba la política cultural española con respecto a América, ejemplarizado en sendas coproducciones y adaptaciones literarias como son Amores difíciles y La reina del sur.Palabras clave: Post-Transición, televisión transnacional, coproducción, Pérez Reverte, García Márquez, adaptación literaria.Abstract:Taking as a starting point Alberto Elena’s work, Cruces de destinos. Intercambios cinematográficos entre España y América Latina, the authors analyse how the Latin American audio-visual scene has evolved at the same time that the Spanish cultural politics was changing with respect to Latin America. This will be exemplified in both co-productions and literary adaptations: Amores difíciles and La reina del sur.Keywords: Post-Transition, transnational television, co-production, Pérez Reverte, García-Márquez, literary adaptation.

  15. Pensamento social, ciência e imagens do Brasil: tradições revisitadas pelos educadores brasileiros

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    Marcos Freitas Cezar de


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa dois momentos decisivos no âmbito da história das idéias no Brasil. Imagens e sínteses do Brasil tornaram-se referências fundamentais na história da cultura brasileira, especialmente aquelas produzidas por uma “tradição realista”, que vem desde o século XIX, por intermédio dos escritos do Visconde do Uruguai, e prossegue com Silvio Romero, com Alberto Torres, com Oliveira Vianna e com Alberto Guerreiro Ramos. Tais autores deram vida à imagem do Brasil cindido em dois brasis: o país legal e o país real. A partir de 1902, o marco fundamental dessa tradição passará a ser Euclides da Cunha, autor que projetou o sertão como “metáfora para a nação”. Nos anos cinqüentas, ao redor de Anísio Teixeira, intelectuais como Antonio Candido, Florestan Fernandes, Luiz Pereira, Fernando de Azevedo e muitos antropólogos mergulharam novamente nas metáforas euclidianas e compuseram novas imagens sobre a cultura regional no Brasil que se modernizava

  16. Getting the oil to the shore

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menin, J.A.; Meuter, P.


    Conveying highly corrosive fluids - hot water dissolved in salt and sulfide - is just one aspect of getting oil from the field to the shore. Brazilian oil company Petrobras had a requirement for high pressure pumps that could handle high viscosity fluids at its Campos off-shore oil field and be easily maintained. Joao Alberto Menin, Paul Meuter explains how Sulzer Pumps rose to the challenge. (author)

  17. Inferring Species Richness and Turnover by Statistical Multiresolution Texture Analysis of Satellite Imagery (United States)


    anonymous reviewer, and Dr. J. Alberto Gallardo-Cruz (Departamento de Ecologia y Recursos Naturales , Facultad de Ciencias , Universidad Nacional Autonoma...Copyright: 2012 Convertino et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which... de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico) for their useful comments to the first version of the manuscript. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are

  18. JPRS Report, Science & Technology, Europe (United States)


    what extent can the skills of some sectors of Italian industry, for example as regards fermentation processes, promote the development of activities...linked to advanced biotechnologies? Alberto Valvassori: Fermentation is an inevitable step when using advanced biotechnologies in industrial pro...Parkin- son’s disease, mapping the genome of the vinegar fly, and interpreting ERS satellite data. The Committee also debated proposals to create a

  19. Operational reliability management; Gestao da confiabilidade operacional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bressan, Edemir [Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (REFAP), Canoas, RS (Brazil). Setor de Tecnologia de Equipamentos


    It is described the PETROBRAS Alberto Pasqualini Refinery process plant reliability management, strategies, maintenance organizational structure, management processes, predictive and preventive maintenance, condition monitoring techniques, reliability metrics, pointing out a need for close work relationship between production, maintenance and project engineering functions with highly qualified and committed proper teams, in order to reach one of the highest mechanical availability among Latin America refineries. (author)

  20. Alberto Magno sobre imaginación y fantasía

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    Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp


    Full Text Available The present article presents a Spanish translation of Albert the Great's theory of imagination (imagination and fantasy (phantasia. The corresponding text is derived from his commentary on De Anima book III treatise 1 chapters 1-3. According to Albert, the imagination accomplishes the second of four phases of abstraction by abstracting from the presence of the object perceived, whereas the fantasy's proper function consists in grasping the sensible object under its intentional aspects.

  1. Informe científico de investigador: Balatti, Pedro Alberto (2012)


    Balatti, Pedro Alberto


    Se analizó la diversidad genética existente en los rizobios de crecimiento rápido que nodulan la soja. Por medio de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y con diversos primers se generaron marcadores ERIC, REP y RAPD. Además, se amplificó el RNA de 16S el que restringión con endonucleasas. Por medio de estos marcadores se estableció, entre los representantes de Sinorhizobium fredii aislados de la China y Vietnam y Rhizobium sp. NGR234, la diversidad genética existente entre ellos. Además se...


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    Ana Paula de Toledo Soares


    Full Text Available This paper aims to elaborate a reflection that follows the displacement of the human view of nature, in the 19th century to the 20th century. Our focus of observation is Gerd Bornheim’s reflections, as well as Deleuze and Schelling’s texts. We selected as object of analysis one Caspar David Friedrich’s screen and Walt Whitman and Alberto Caeiro’s poems, to elaborate the questions.

  3. Microfabricating 3D Structures by Laser Origami (United States)


    10.1117/2.1201111.003952 Microfabricating 3D structures by laser origami Alberto Piqué, Scott Mathews, Andrew Birnbaum, and Nicholas Charipar A new...folding known as origami allows the transformation of flat patterns into 3D shapes. A similar approach can be used to generate 3D structures com... geometries . The overarching challenge is to move away from traditional planar semiconductor photolitho- graphic techniques, which severely limit the type of

  4. Effects of Minthostachys mollis essential oil and volatiles on seedlings of lettuce, tomato, cucumbre and Bidens pilosa.


    Alonso Amelot, Miguel; Usubillaga, Alfredo; Avila Nuñez, Jorge Luis; Oliveros Bastidas, Alberto; Avendaño Meza, Marisabel


    Effects of Minthostachys mollis essential oil and volatiles on seedlings of lettuce, tomato, cucumbre and Bidens pilosa. (Alonso Amelot, Miguel; Usubillaga, Alfredo; Avila Nuñez, Jorge Luis; Oliveros Bastidas, Alberto y Avendaño Meza, Mairsabel) Abstract The extraction and chemical composition of essential oil of Minthostachys mollis (Kunth) Griseb (Lamiaceae) and its inhibitory effects on germation and shoot/root elongation of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and Bidens pilosa (L...

  5. Military Review. Volume 80, Number 4, July-August 2000 (United States)


    Montenegrin voting patterns reinforce the north- east-southwest split in the attitudes of the republi- can electorate . Voting results from the last and songs turned into si- Montenegrin voting patterns reinforce the northeast-southwest split in the attitudes of the republican electorate ...via Internet, for more on the 35-man Grupo Beta Sur and its activities. Jorge Alberto Cornejo, �Aplica México plan para proteger derechos de

  6. Homenaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos A. Rodríguez F.


    Full Text Available Texto del discurso del ingeniero Carlos Alberto Ródríguez Flórez en el homenaje que la Asociación de Ingenieros Civiles de la Universidad Nacional rindió a los ingenieros Alejandro Sandino y Alejandro Sandoval con motivo de la exaltación que el Gobierno Nacional les hizo por su brillante ejercicio profesional y por la ejemplar labor docente que adelantan.

  7. Estudo para o Mapeamento Sistemático do RGS na Escala de 1:100.000

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    José Alberto Moreno


    Full Text Available Aborda o projeto para o mapeamento em escala 1:100.000 no RS. Dividido em: Análise da situação cartográfica atual; Metas para a política cartográfica do Estado; Características do projeto. Trabalho desenvolvido pela Unidade de Geografia e Cartografia (UGC sob a coordenação do geógrafo José Alberto Moreno.

  8. Electronuclear Medical Assistance Foundation: medical preparedness and response in Angra dos Reis / Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leite, Teresa C.S.B.; Maurmo, Alexandre M. [Fundacao Eletronuclear de Assistencia Medica, Angra dos Reis, RJ (Brazil)], e-mail:, e-mail:


    This paper relates the health's experience in training and response to accidents involving ionizing radiation at Almirante Alvaro Alberto's Nuclear Power Plant in Angra dos Reis. The response system is organized in the same way of others health's system with pre-hospital attendance, local hospital and referential hospital .We also discussing how we training health workers about this kid of special response. (author)

  9. Use of Unicellular Algae for Evaluation of Potential Aquatic Contaminants (United States)


    well as long term effects on specific water bodies such as lakes and groundwater basins. Both the hydrazine propellants and the alternative jet fuels... freshwater bioassays was S. capricornutum. Initial investigations of marine waters used Dunaliella tertiolecta as the test organism but the differences in...AFAMRL-TR-80-85 USE OF UNICELLUAR ALGAE FOR EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL AQUATIC CONTAMINANTS JAN SCHERFIG PETER S. DIXON CAROL A. JUSTICE ALBERTO ACEVEDO

  10. Hormonal contraception in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: choices, challenges, and noncontraceptive benefits


    Melo,Anderson; Reis,Rosana; Ferriani,Rui; Vieira,Carol


    Anderson Sanches de Melo, Rosana Maria dos Reis, Rui Alberto Ferriani, Carolina Sales Vieira Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil Abstract: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age characterized by chronic anovulation and polycystic ovary morphology and/or hyperandrogenism. Mana...

  11. Kommunisme i London

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Brian Benjamin; Nielsen, Kasper Porsgaard


    Begrebet ”kommunisme” var på dagsordenen, da over 800 mennesker mødtes i Birkbeck University College i London, den 13.-15. marts, 2009. En perlerække af talere var inviteret: Alain Badiou, Michael Hardt, Bruno Bosteels, Peter Hallward, Allesandro Russo, Alberto Toscano, Toni Negri, Terry Eagleton......, Jacques Rancière, Slavoj Žižek, Gianni Vattimo og Judith Balso. Her følger en rapport fra begivenheden....

  12. Ecologia política: Guerreiro Ramos e Fritjof Capra Political ecology: Guerreiro Ramos and Fritjof Capra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sérgio Luís Boeira


    Full Text Available Este ensaio tem por objetivo contribuir com a articulação de um campo de pesquisa trans-disciplinar, a ecologia política, por meio da síntese comparativa de duas obras: A Nova Ciência das Organizações, de Alberto Guerreiro Ramos (1981, e O Ponto de Mutação, de Fritjof Capra (1982. A hipótese central deste trabalho é que os autores, apesar de suas formações acadêmicas muito diferentes, chegaram a resultados muito semelhantes nestas obras, a partir de um mesmo paradigma emergente. Dado o contexto ainda difuso do pensamento ambientalista, estes livros podem ser considerados clássicos da ecologia política.The aim of this essay is to contribute with the articulation of a trans-disciplinary research field, political ecology, by means of the comparative synthesis of two works: "The New Science of Organizations" by Alberto Guerreiro Ramos (1981, and "The Mutation Point", by Fritjof Capra (1982. The central hypothesis of this article is that both authors, although with very different academic background, get to very similar conclusions in these two works, under the same emergent paradigm. Given the still diffuse context of environmentalist thought these books may be considered classics of political ecology.

  13. Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in young adults


    Wollina, Uwe; Goldman, Alberto


    Uwe Wollina1, Alberto Goldman21Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Academic Teaching Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden, Germany; 2Clinica Goldman, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande du Sul, BrazilAbstract: Age is a significant factor in modifying specific needs when it comes to medical aesthetic procedures. In this review we will focus on young adults in their third decade of life and review minimally invasive aesthetic procedures other than cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. Correction of asy...

  14. NATO’s Out-of-Area Disputes: Prospects for Common Western Strategies in the Middle East (United States)


    behalf for inclusion in the alliance. In a telegram to Secretary of State Acheson, Italian Ambassador Alberto Tarchiani candidly requested Italy’s...West European Defence Identity," p. 335. lu’For an excellent essay on establishing institutional links between the WEU and NATO see, Joao de Deus...Returns to the Middle East." American-Arab Affairs No. 24 (Fall 1990): 46-52. Pmheiro, Joao de Deus . "The European Security Architecture Translantic

  15. Latin America Report, No. 2717. (United States)


    and transporta- tion development. The composition of the delegation was the Hon. Fred Hunter, Mr. Alberto Espat, Mr. Telford Vernon, representing...committee when Deputy Joao Herman Neto (PMDB, Sao Paulo) expressed his amazement that General Venturini "is not telling us the truth." He suggested...success for several months and now a reality. What Gen Joao Figueiredo and his political aides sought to no avail through a thousand ruses has just

  16. The Catholic Propaganda abroad two Spains during the Civil War

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    Full Text Available This research analyzes the propaganda abroad developed the priests Leocadio Lobo and Alberto Bonet during the Spanish Civil War, both the service of republican government and the insurgent coalition, respectively. This has been resorted to important documentary sources and texts of the time, which gives us a fairly detailed picture of the dialectic that generated intense fighting in various European countries the performance of the Spanish Church between 1936 and 1939.

  17. A critic revision of the social marketing concept

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    Jorge Marcelo Nomura


    Full Text Available In this article we propose a reflection on the Social Marketing concept, by means of its definition and application in Brazilian reality. Thus, we present the main defi­nitions of marketing, social issues and Social Marketing, quoting some authors of the area. All analysis is done under a critic view of some authors that contributed very much for the marketing evolution: Philip Kotler, Marcos Cobra e Francisco Alberto Madia.

  18. Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Bolivarian Socialism, and Asymmetric Warfare (United States)


    Francisco Rojas Aravena, “Nuevo contexto de seguridad internacional: nuevos desafios, nuevas oportunidades?” in La seguridad en America Latina pos 11...Institute, 2005; and Andres Benavente Urbina and Julio Alberto Cirino, “El populismo Chavista en Venezuela,” in La democracia defraudada, Buenos Aires... seguridad en Las Américas: Una mirada a la Conferencia Especial de Seguridad ,” Foro, Noviembre 2003, pp. 10–15. 20. Alvaro Vargas Llosa, “The

  19. Lawfare: A Current Threat or Much Ado About Nothing? (United States)


    lawyers in the George W. Bush administration such as Jay Bybee , John Yoo and Alberto Gonzales, who viewed the use of legal process as an unlawful tactic...sections 2340, 2340A. 59 Goldsmith, The Terror Presidency, 142. 60 Memorandum from Jay S. Bybee , Assistant Attorney General, to White House...Terror Presidency, 142. 63 Bybee memorandum, 174. 64 Id., 207. 65 Michael J. Lebowitz The Value Of Claiming Torture: An Analysis Of Al Qaeda’s Tactical

  20. Sorption of 60Co and 137Cs in sediments at Piraquara de Fora, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, Franciane M.; Martins, Nadia S.F.; Lauria, Dejanira D.; Ferreira, Ingryd M.; Azevedo, Izabella M.A.P.


    In this study, sediment of Piraquara de Fora, located near the launch area of the effluents of the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto - CNAAA Nuclear Power Plants, were collected. It were determined the parameters particle size and cationic exchange capacity (CTC). From the sorption curves of 60 Co and 137 Cs, obtained experimentally in the laboratory, were estimated preliminary values of Kd at equilibrium, for these radionuclides in order of magnitude of 10 2

  1. Euroliit peab võitlema Prantsusmaa ülbusega / Alberto Alesina, Francesco Giavazzi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alesina, Alberto


    Autorid kritiseerivad Euroopa Komisjoni suutmatust takistada Prantsusmaad, kes on ühepoolselt otsustanud ignoreerida stabiilsuspakti ning rikub ühtse põllumajanduspoliitika ja erafirmade riikliku abistamise põhireegleid. Prantsusmaa kujundab endale konkurentsipoliitikas erireegleid, pakkudes erafirmale riiklikku abi, samas kui kõikides teistes EL-i liikmesriikides on see keelatud

  2. S. Alberto Magno y la Epistola Alexandri de Principio Universi Esse

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    Enrique Alarcón


    Full Text Available The "universal reduction to being", as a method of metaphysics, was discovered by St. Albert the Great in a pantheistic treatise, which he erroneously considered of Aristotelian origin.

  3. Informe científico de investigador: Tognetti, Jorge Alberto (2015-2016)


    Tognetti, Jorge Alberto


    Se investigan efectos directos de la disponibilidad de fotoasimilados, especialmente sacarosa, sobre el desarrollo, morfo-fisiología, y producción y calidad de biomasa en varias especies de importancia agronómica en el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, entre ellas girasol, trigo, arándano y otras especies fruti-hortícolas. Los trabajos actuales incluyen: a) ensayos con perfusión de sacarosa; b) cultivos en hidroponia o in vitro, con suministro exógeno de sacarosa; c) manipulación de de...

  4. Pure Theory of Hans Kelsen and Criticism of Luis Alberto Warat

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    Thaisa Haber Faleiros


    building a new model for learning practices based on a remaking of old premises according to a critical and reflexive law, Warat aims at preventing law knowledge from being mummified and completely adapted to renewable and ceaseless situations and conflicts because of lack of critical reasoning. To contextualize this authors approach, this study presents previously the positivist theory of law, whose exponent is Hans Kelsen. After all, studying Warat means verifying the ways he followed to reach his approach. Besides, delaing with law teaching requires tracing back its legislation since its creation in 1827 to the present. For that, Kelsen laws pure theory, its influence on law teaching and Warat ideas on law and his pedagogical approach are unfolded in the context of law teaching history.

  5. Informe científico de investigador: Balatti, Pedro Alberto (2013-2014)


    Balatti, Pedro Alberto


    En lo que hace a los estudios de Bradyrhizobium japonicum se finalizaron los estudios de mapeo de SSR asociados a QTLs de nodulación en cultivares de soja. Se están analizando los resultados y el becario Darío Salvucci ha finalizado su manuscrito final lo ha entregado a los evaluadores y esta esperando le den fecha de defensa. . En este sentido se identificaron en una población de soja proveniente de un cruzamiento entre un cultivar de alta y otro de baja capacidad...

  6. Praeceptum | Año 1, Nº 1


    Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual, INDECOPI; Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual, INDECOPI


    Reflexiones y propuestas que, sobre bases doctrinarias, aportan insumos para el debate y contribuyen al mayor conocimiento de diversas temáticas de la agenda de trabajo del INDECOPI. Presentación - Compatibilidad de las instituciones del proceso civil en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador de protección al consumidor a cargo del INDECOPI, Luis Alberto Liñán Arana. - El rol del denunciante en el marco de los procedimientos administrativos sancionadores, Richard James Martin Tirado...

  7. Latin America Report, No. 2712 (United States)


    President Joao Figueiredo to the United Nations for the establishment of a new world economic order. For our part, we will do everything to maintain...of the plane incident? [Answer] In the first place, I would like to thank President Joao Figueiredo. And in the second place, the ministers charged...his position, but like his friends, Alberto Lopez and Hector Herrera, he is not willing to do so. On the contrary, he is sticking to his arguments

  8. Ondas gravitacionales y teoría de cuerdas


    Fernández-Alonso, M. Carmen; Platón, María


    Cartel anunciador de la charla; Presentación del ciclo de charlas “Jam Science-Divulgación Científica” celebradas en el Moe Club (Alberto Alcocer, 32, Madrid) el penúltimo martes de cada mes de 20.00 a 22.00h, desde enero de 2015.Ponente: Dr.Fernando Marchesano. Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT-UAM-CSIC). Grabación y edición de los vídeos: Agora Mundi.

  9. Report on Follow-up Visit to Ecuador, Part 1 (United States)


    Educacion Dr. Harold G. Conger, Director of the Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Pdblica Mr, Milton Lobell, Director of the Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Agricultura Mr. David Luscombe, Chief of the Misicn Andina0 ...for Health; 3) Minister of Defense and his staff; 4) Planning Board (Junta de Planification y Coordination); 5) Director, National Institute of...Dr. Germanico Salgado, Technical Director of the Junta Nacional de Planificacidn y Coordinacidn Econolnica Dr. Luis Alberto Palacios, Dean of the

  10. A Marte a través del cine. Ficción y realidad


    Fernández-Alonso, M. Carmen; Platón, María


    Cartel anunciador de la charla; Presentación del ciclo de charlas “Jam Science-Divulgación Científica” celebradas en el Moe Club (Alberto Alcocer, 32, Madrid) el penúltimo martes de cada mes de 20.00 a 22.00h, desde enero de 2015. Ponente:Dr. Jesús Martínez Frías-Instituto de Geociencias IGEO (CSIC-UCM).Grabación y edición de los vídeos: DC SciComm

  11. The ’Torture Memos’: A Failure of Strategic Leadership (United States)


    were issued in August 2002, both signed by Yoo’s superior, Assistant Attorney General (and OLC chief) Jay Bybee . 16 The first memo, addressed to...investigation into the professional responsibility of Yoo, Bybee , and another OLC attorney, underway for nearly 5 years, was completed in 2008 but has...Office of Legal Counsel, Jay S. Bybee , “Re: Standards of Conduct for Interrogation under 18 U.S.C. §§2340-2340A," memorandum for Alberto R. 23 Gonzales

  12. Revista de tesis


    Revista, Facultad de Medicina


    Sindromes abdominales agudos y bloqueo anestésico esplácnico semi-lunar. Tesis de grado "Meritoria". 1945. - Presentada por Guillermo Moreno Díaz / Estudio de algunas funciones hepáticas de la anemia tropical. Tesis de grado. 1945. - Presentada por Primitivo Rey Rey / Endoscopia, laringe, traquea, bronquios y esófago. Tesis de grado declarada "Meritoria". 1945. - Presentada por Carlos Alberto /  Cleves. el neumoperitoneo en el tratamiento de la tuberculosis intestinal y peritoneal y como medi...

  13. Sorption of {sup 60}Co and {sup 137}Cs in sediments at Piraquara de Fora, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil; Sorcao de {sup 60}Co e {sup 137}Cs em sedimentos do Saco de Piraquara de Fora - Angra dos Reis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvalho, Franciane M.; Martins, Nadia S.F.; Lauria, Dejanira D., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Ferreira, Ingryd M., E-mail: [Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), RJ (Brazil); Azevedo, Izabella M.A.P., E-mail: [Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niteroi, RJ (Brazil)


    In this study, sediment of Piraquara de Fora, located near the launch area of the effluents of the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto - CNAAA Nuclear Power Plants, were collected. It were determined the parameters particle size and cationic exchange capacity (CTC). From the sorption curves of {sup 60}Co and {sup 137}Cs, obtained experimentally in the laboratory, were estimated preliminary values of Kd at equilibrium, for these radionuclides in order of magnitude of 10{sup 2}.

  14. Elections to the Senior Staff Advisory Committee 
("The Nine") 2007

    CERN Multimedia


    The electronic voting process for the Senior Staff Advisory Committee ("The Nine") was closed on Friday 1st June. Of the 449 Senior Staff members called to vote, 281 cast a vote, of which 279 were valid. The results are as follows: Electoral Group 1 Name\tDepartment\tVotes Patrick Janot\tPH\t50 Rolf Landua\tDSU\t86 Marcello Mannelli\tPH\t22 Thomas Ruf\tPH\t30 Electoral Group 2Name\tDepartment\tVotes Olivier Brunner\tAB\t47 Doris Burckhart\tPH\t44 Helmut Burkhardt\tAB\t31 Marco Cattaneo\tPH\t48 Paul Collier\tAB\t66 Hubert Gerwig\tPH\t19 Eugenia Hatziangeli\tAB\t34 Miguel Angel Marquina\tIT\t36 Malika Meddahi\tAB\t51 Alberto Pace\tIT\t123 Stephan Russenschuck\tAT\t35 Alan Silverman\tIT\t47 Detlef Swoboda\tTS\t25 Elena Wildner\tAT\t52 Rolf Landua is therefore elected in Group 1, and Alberto Pace, Paul Collier and Elena Wildner are elected in Group 2. Their mandate is from July 2007 to June 2010. The Committee now consists of these newly-elected members together with Monica Pepe-Altarelli, Rudiger Schmidt, R. Martens, A. Unnervik and E. Tsesmelis...

  15. Democracia y ciudadanía en América Latina: Dos Procesos, dos conceptos claves en permanente construcción

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blas Zubiría Mutis


    Full Text Available El artículo plantea una reflexión acerca de la democracia y la ciudadanía en América Latina a partir de la tesis de Evelina Dagnino, Alberto Olvera y Aldo Panfichi de una disputa entre dos proyectos políticos: el neoliberal y el participativo democrático. Señala la lógica de cada uno de los dos proyectos desde una perspectiva actual, y precisa ciertas características claves necesarias para que las instituciones democráticas prevalezcan:transparencia y rendición de cuentas en la gestión, así como ciudadanías fuertes (emancipadas y organizadas.Palabras Clave: Democracia; ciudadanía; accountability; proyecto neoliberal; proyecto participativo democrático. Democracy and citizenship in latin america: two processes, two key concepts in permanent constructionAbstractThis article proposes a reflection on democracy and citizenship in Latin America from the thesis of Evelina Dagnino, Aldo Alberto Olvera and Panfichi of a dispute between two political projects: the neoliberal and participatory democratic. Points out the logic of each of the two projects from a current perspective and specifies certain key characteristics necessary for democratic institutions prevail: transparency and accountability in management and strong citizenship (emancipated and organized.Keywords: Democracy; citizenship; accountability; neoliberal; democratic participation Project.

  16. Fs = μs Fn

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    Bruno Ministro


    Full Text Available Fs = μs Fn é uma releitura a três vozes dos Homeóstatos de José-Alberto Marques. Partindo do desmembramento e recomposição digital do material sonoro, testam-se, com base nas possibilidades oferecidas pelo cruzamento entre a plasticidade vocal e as ferramentas digitais de manipulação, as potencialidades combinatórias que uma obra desta natureza encerra.

  17. Korean Affairs Report. (United States)


    DPRK’s proposal for the co-staging of the 24th Olympics by the North and the South. Mozambican delegate Joao Tomas Navesse expressed the hope .that this...Olympic Committee; a delegation of the People’s Republic of Angola headed by Rui Alberto Vieira Dias Mingas, state secretary in charge of sports; a...Department of the Ministry of Education; a delegation of the People’s Republic of Mozambique headed by Joao Tomas Navesse; delegate of the Kingdom of

  18. JPRS Report, West Europe (United States)


    with Jaime Gama by Mario Joao Avillez; time and date not given] [Text] Those who may have waited for Jaime Gama, after 8 months of a discreet...the Parliamentary Group has been highly stimulating and;he is Undeniably an outstanding personality m the new generation. EXPRESSO: And Joao Soares...c’e speranza" [As Long As There’s War There’s Hope], even though Alberto Sordi, before directing that film, spent hours with me trying to pry into

  19. Rome, October 13th, 1965: Shklovsky interviewed by Arbasino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Arbasino


    Full Text Available In an issue that connects artistic creation with desire in many ways, we propose here the notoriously eccentric point of view of Šklovskij, through the re-reading a long conversation he had with Alberto Arbasino, published by “Il Giorno”, 13th October 1965. This is the original version of the interview: an extensively revised edition is included in the profile dedicated by Arbasino to Šklovskij in Sessanta posizioni, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1971, pp. 410-28.

  20. Minimally Adhesive, Advanced Non-toxic Coatings of Dendrimeric Catalysts in Sol-Gel Matrices (United States)


    Catalysts in Sol -Gel Matrices 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER N00014-09-1-0217 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Detty, Michael R. 5d...Technical Report for ONR N00014-09-1-0217 Minimally Adhesive, Advanced Non-toxic Coatings of Dendrimeric Catalysts in Sol -Gel Matrices Michael R. Detty, PI...Environmentally benign sol -gel antifouling and foul-releasing coatings. Ace. Chem. Res. 2014, 47, 678-687. 11) Alberto, E. E.; Müller, L. M

  1. Political Psychopathy : Fujimori case


    Nizama Valladolid, Martin


    Seven years after his political fall, Alberto Fujimori Fujimori was extradited from Chile on September 22 of 2007, in order to judge him by two cases of human rights violations and five corruption cases. The mega-trial begun on december 10 of 2007. According to the mediate authorship theory, having led the command in charge of the counterterrorist actions involves him in crimes related to human rights. The Supreme court special penal division judges him by six cases related to human rights, c...

  2. The impact of moderate wine consumption on the risk of developing prostate cancer


    Vartolomei,Mihai; Kimura,Shoji; Ferro,Matteo; Foerster,Beat; Abufaraj,Mohammad; Briganti,Alberto; Karakiewicz,Pierre; Shariat,Shahrokh


    Mihai Dorin Vartolomei,1,2,* Shoji Kimura,2,3,* Matteo Ferro,4 Beat Foerster,2,5 Mohammad Abufaraj,2,6 Alberto Briganti,7 Pierre I Karakiewicz,8 Shahrokh F Shariat2,9,10,11 1Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tirgu Mures, Romania; 2Department of Urology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 3Department of Urology, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; 4Division of Urology, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy;...

  3. On the use of marked syntax in four short stories written by Hispanic American writers: a functional perspective


    Martínez Lirola, María


    We are going to analyse the main syntactical processes of thematization and postponement in English in four short stories written by four different Hispanic American writers who wrote around the seventies: Rudolfo Anaya's The Force of Luck, Denise Chávez's Evening in Paris, Alberto Álvaro Ríos' My Father and the Snow and Ana Castillo's My Mother's Mexico. The main purpose of this article is to show that presenting certain important facts in the short stories using several marked syntactical s...

  4. Pudrición basal del ají dulce por haematonectria haematococca en el estado mérida, venezuela


    Cedeño, Luis; Carrero, Chrystian; Jaimez, Ramón


    Se determinó Haematonectria haematococca (anamorfo Fusarium solani) como el agente causal de la enfermedad que en mayo 2002 pudrió el cuello y las raíces de aproximadamente 20000 plantas de ají dulce (Capsicum chinense), cultivadas bajo sombra de plantas de parchita (Passiflora edulis f. sp. flavicarpa) en el Municipio Alberto Adriani, estado Mérida, Venezuela. Posteriormente la enfermedad fue detectada en La Mucuy, Municipio Santos Marquina de Mérida. En el cuello de las plantas muertas, el ...

  5. ¿Es Chile un país católico? Polémica en torno a un libro del padre Hurtado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Pedro Espinosa Santander


    Full Text Available Cuando a fines de 1941 el Padre Alberto Hurtado publicó su libro "¿Es Chile un País Católico?", invitaba especialmente a los jóvenes de la Acción Católica a conocer el país real: ¿cómo era de verdad Chile y su Iglesia? Alberto Hurtado con su mirada de apóstol miró a Chile desde la mirada de Jesús y remeció conciencias e incomodó a muchos con su denuncia de los males que corroían el alma nacional: miseria, injusticias, vicios, salarios miserables, falta de educación del pueblo, viviendas indignas, y junto con esto, la lejanía de los pobres de la Iglesia y la escasez de sacerdotes. Para él había una tarea pendiente que muchos esquivaban: conquistar Chile para Cristo. El libro y la invitación fueron acogidos con gran entusiasmo, por los jóvenes especialmente; pero las cr��ticas arreciaron de parte del clero y laicado conservadores. Para ellos, la visión de Hurtado era peligrosamente amarga y desconocía la labor que la Iglesia, desde la Colonia, hacía en el país formando el "alma de Chile". La polémica de fondo era una sorda crítica a Hurtado, asesor nacional de los jóvenes de la Acción Católica. El artículo muestra la polémica en torno al libro y a su autor, los diferentes actores que intervinieron y la significación eclesial de todo el proceso: ¿Era Chile un país católico?When at the end of 1941 Father Alberto Hurtado Publisher his book, "¿Es Chile un País Católico?" ("Is Chile a Catholic Country?", he especially invited the youth of Catholic Action (Acción Católica to become acquainted with the real country: What was Chile and its Church really like? Alberto Hurtado, with his characteristic view of an apostle, looked upon Chile with the gaze of Jesus and shook consciences, making many people uncomfortable with his condemnation of the evils corroding the national soul: the misery, injustices, vices, paltry salaries, lack of education, undignified living conditions and, together with all this, the

  6. El porvenir del pasado penitenciario. Sobre la construcción de una agenda de trabajo para la historia de la prisión en la Argentina (1860-1950)


    González Alvo, Luis Gabriel; Nuñez, Jorge Alberto


    Este artículo propone una agenda de trabajo interdisciplinaria para el estudio de la historia de la prisión en la Argentina de los siglos XIX y XX. This article proposes an agenda of interdisciplinary work for the study of the history of the prison in Argentina in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Fil: González Alvo, Luis Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; Argentina Fil: Nuñez, Jorge Alberto. Consejo ...

  7. Ketorolaco versus Metamizol en el tratamiento del dolor posoperatorio en niños


    Palo Núñez, Gloria Pamella; Hospital II Cañete Essalud; Jiménez Castro, Jesús Orlando; Hospital San José Callao MINSA


    Objetivo:Evaluar la efectividad de Ketorolaco y Metamizol en el tratamiento del dolor agudo posoperatorio de adenoamigdalectomías en niños de tres a seis años atendidos en el Servicio de Anestesiología en el Hospital Alberto Sabogal Sologuren durante el periodo 2012-2013.MaterialyMétodos:Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. La investigación incluyó 115 niños que fueron sometidos de forma electiva a adenoamigdalectomías cuyas edades estuvieron comprendidas entre los...

  8. Handbook of video databases design and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Furht, Borko


    INTRODUCTIONIntroduction to Video DatabasesOge Marques and Borko FurhtVIDEO MODELING AND REPRESENTATIONModeling Video Using Input/Output Markov Models with Application to Multi-Modal Event DetectionAshutosh Garg, Milind R. Naphade, and Thomas S. HuangStatistical Models of Video Structure and SemanticsNuno VasconcelosFlavor: A Language for Media RepresentationAlexandros Eleftheriadis and Danny HongIntegrating Domain Knowledge and Visual Evidence to Support Highlight Detection in Sports VideosJuergen Assfalg, Marco Bertini, Carlo Colombo, and Alberto Del BimboA Generic Event Model and Sports Vid

  9. Bozepinib, a novel small antitumor agent, induces PKR-mediated apoptosis and synergizes with IFN? triggering apoptosis, autophagy and senescence


    Marchal, Juan Antonio; Carrasco, Esther; Ramirez, Alberto; Jim?nez, Gema; Olmedo, Carmen; Peran, Macarena; Agil, Ahmad; Conejo-Garc?a, Ana; Cruz-L?pez, Olga; Campos, Joaquin Mar?a; Garc?a, Mar?a ?ngel


    Juan Antonio Marchal,1,2 Esther Carrasco,1 Alberto Ramirez,1,3 Gema Jiménez,1,2 Carmen Olmedo,4 Macarena Peran,1,3 Ahmad Agil,5 Ana Conejo-García,6 Olga Cruz-López,6 Joaquin María Campos,6 María Ángel García4,7 1Biopathology and Regenerative Medicine Institute, Centre for Biomedical Research, 2Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Granada, Granada, 3Department of Health Scienc...

  10. Avaliação da eficiência de modelos de remediação aplicados em sedimentos de manguezal impactados por atividades petrolíferas


    Moreira, Ícaro Thiago Andrade


    Jorge Alberto Triguis - Co-orientador Neste estudo foi desenvolvido um experimento em escala piloto, durante 03 meses com intuito de avaliar a eficiência de 03 modelos diferentes de remediação (Biorremediação Intrínseca – microorganismos autóctones, Fitorremediação com Avicennia schaueriana – mangue preto e Fitorremediação com Rizophora mangle – mangue vermelho) para aplicação em sedimentos de manguezal contaminados por hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (HTP's) e metai...

  11. Actividad contra Leishmania sp. (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) de plantas en una Reserva Biológica de Costa Rica


    Misael Chinchilla-Carmona; Idalia Valerio-Campos; Ronald Sánchez-Porras; Vanessa Bagnarello-Madrigal; Laura Martínez-Esquivel; Antonieta González-Paniagua; Javier Alpizar-Cordero; Maribel Cordero-Villalobos; Daniela Rodríguez-Chaves


    La leishmaniosis es una enfermedad muy importante para el ser humano pero su tratamiento es bastante difícil. Por esta razón muchos investigadores han venido buscando plantas que contengan componentes químicos activos contra esta parasitosis. En Costa Rica no se tienen estudios al respecto y por eso el objetivo de este estudio fue la búsqueda de componentes activos contra Leishmania sp. en plantas de Costa Rica; 67 especies de la Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes (REBAMB) fueron selecci...

  12. Informe de personal de apoyo: Alvarez Martini, Carlos Alberto (2014-2015) 


    Alvarez Martini, Carlos Alberto


    Proyectos de investigación en los cuales colabora: 1) Proyecto 11 G 133 UNLP- Metrología bi y tridimensional en el diseño,desarrollo y aplicación de concentradores ópticos solares para altas temperaturas. 1/1/2014 al 31/12/2017. Director Lic. Luis Martorelli

  13. Informe de personal de apoyo: Álvarez Martini, Carlos Alberto (2016-2017)


    Álvarez Martini, Carlos Alberto


    Proyectos de investigación en los cuales colabora: - Proyecto 11 G 133 UNLP- Metrología bi y tridimensional en el diseño, desarrollo y aplicación de concentradores ópticos solares para altas temperaturas. - Metrología en Salud Visual, “Análisis y Evaluación de Errores presentes en la utilización de Instrumentos Oftálmicos”. - Proyecto red CYTED de intercambio iberoamericano Integrado por España, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia y México, tiene como objetivo pri...

  14. Informe de personal de apoyo: Álvarez Martini, Carlos Alberto (2013-2014)


    Alvarez Martini, Carlos Alberto


    Proyectos de investigación en los cuales colabora: - Metrología bi y tridimensional en el diseño, desarrollo y aplicación de concentradores ópticos solares para altas temperaturas. - Metrología en Salud Visual. “Análisis y Evaluación de Errores presentes en la utilización de Instrumentos Oftálmicos”. - Proyecto Red CYTED de intercambio iberoamericano: "Fomentar el uso de los si...

  15. Safety probabilistic study of Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant-Unit I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lederman, L.; Arrieta, L.A.I.; Fernandes Filho, T.L.; Gibelli, S.M.O.; Berthoud, J.S.; Ambros, P.C.; Soares, H.V.; Camargo, C.T.M.


    The phase A of probabilistic safety study of Angra I nuclear power plant is presented, to be used by CNEN and FURNAS Centrais Eletricas S.A. as standard model in operational and safety analysis. The methodology applied is a modernization of WASH 1400/2.11/ study. Angra I safety systems are described. The selection and qualification of initiating sequence accident events which can damage the reactor core are done. The accident scenes are developed using the method of event trees. The reactor in subcritical condition (pressure, fuel temperature within limits and controlled level of reactor vessel) is studied during 24 hours. The uncertainness in failure probabilities of systems and in the determination of sequence frequencies for core danification are evaluated. Total frequency of sequences which cause the fusion of reactor core are presented. (M.C.K.) [pt

  16. Mercados e racionalidades: a perspectiva de Alberto Guerreiro Ramos e Cornelius Castoriadis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoel Fernandes Nery

    Full Text Available Mercados e racionalidades são duas categorias das Ciências Sociais bastante discutidas na academia. Considera-se Max Weber um dos pioneiros no estudo da categoria racionalidades, da qual teria se originado grande parte das interpretações dominantes nas Ciências Sociais, em particular da Sociologia. Os autores que descrevem o mercado enfatizam diferentes aspectos, e os relatos sobre seu aparecimento histórico são também divergentes. Não existe, portanto, nas Ciências Sociais, uma interpretação única sobre as funções e a historicidade do mercado, bem como não há unanimidade em relação às formas de racionalidades dominantes. Este ensaio teórico traz a perspectiva de dois autores sobre mercados e racionalidades, sem a intenção de absolutizar seu pensamento ou limitar suas contribuições aos temas. Ramos (1981 concebe a razão como uma força inerente ao indivíduo, a qual denomina razão substantiva, assinalando que, com Thomas Hobbes, a razão configura um cálculo utilitário de consequências. Adicionalmente, Ramos (1981 vê o mercado como uma ameaça à liberdade e autonomia dos indivíduos. Para Castoriadis (1992b, 1996, 1999b, a razão está presente em um coletivo social anônimo, sendo homem e sociedade inseparáveis do contexto sócio-histórico. Já o mercado, bem ou mal, funciona, apesar da manipulação dos consumidores e da violência contra os trabalhadores. Em comum, os autores defendem a liberdade e a autonomia dos indivíduos. Conclui-se o ensaio corroborando a visão de Alves (2007, pois as elucidações apresentadas ao longo do texto indicam que as divergências não estão nas teorias e nos métodos, mas na natureza do objeto estudado.

  17. Por la Ruta del Discurso Eurocéntrico en el Cine de Exploradores On the Path of Eurocentric Discourse in the Cinema of Explorers

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    Mónica Villarroel


    Full Text Available El cine de exploradores en la época silente constituye un discurso sobre Latinoamérica construido desde una lógica eurocéntrica, reproduciendo relaciones de poder donde pueden identificarse rasgos de una colonialidad que, por una parte, enfatiza la modernidad y el progreso y, por otra, resalta las características de exotismo, minusvalía y precariedad de las culturas indígenas locales. Este artículo revisa un conjunto de producciones cinematográficas de exploradores europeos sobre América, a inicios del siglo XX, que evidencian esta perspectiva. Se detiene en un análisis exhaustivo del filme Tierras Magallánicas, del salesiano Alberto de Agostini, dialogando con otras producciones de similar periodo.The films made by European explorers, in the silent film era, are built on a Eurocentric logic when it comes to Latin America. They reproduce the relationships of power identifying, on the one hand, certain features of colonialism that emphasize modernity and progress, and, on the other hand, highlighting the characteristic exoticism, disability and the precariousness of the local indigenous cultures. The following article will review a number of films by European explorers on America from the early twentieth century, as a support to this perspective. It will conclude with a comprehensive analysis of the film Tierras Magallánicas, from the Salesian Alberto de Agostini, interwoven with other film productions from a similar period of time.

  18. Modificación de conocimientos sobre el embarazo en la adolescencia Modification to knowledge on pregnancy in the adolescence

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    Elyen Vital Riquenes


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención comunitaria en 30 adolescentes de 15 a 19 años, pertenecientes al consultorio médico nr 15 del área de salud del Policlínico "Carlos Alberto Ortega Ortega" de Palma Soriano, provincia de Santiago de Cuba, desde octubre de 2009 hasta mayo de 2010, a fin de modificar o ampliar sus conocimientos sobre el embarazo precoz y caracterizar a la población objeto de estudio según variables de interés, para lo cual se impartió un programa de actividades distribuido en 9 sesiones de trabajo. Los resultados de la acción educativa, evaluados mediante la prueba de McNemar y con un nivel de significación de 0,05, fueron satisfactorios luego de impartidas las clases.A community intervention was carried out in 30 adolescents between 15 and 19 years, belonging to the physician's office number 15 from the health area of "Carlos Alberto Ortega Ortega" Polyclinic in Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba province, from October, 2009 to May, 2010, in order to modify or to increase their knowledge on the early pregnancy and to characterize the population under study according to variables of interest, for which a program of activities was delivered and distributed in 9 working sessions. The results of the educational action, evaluated by means of Mc Nemar test and with a significance level of 0,05, were satisfactory after classes were delivered.

  19. An integrated spectroscopic approach for the non-invasive study of modern art materials and techniques (United States)

    Rosi, F.; Miliani, C.; Clementi, C.; Kahrim, K.; Presciutti, F.; Vagnini, M.; Manuali, V.; Daveri, A.; Cartechini, L.; Brunetti, B. G.; Sgamellotti, A.


    A non-invasive study has been carried out on 18 paintings by Alberto Burri (1915-1995), one of Italy’s most important contemporary painters. The study aims to demonstrate the appropriate and suitable use of portable non-invasive instrumentation for the characterization of materials and techniques found in works dating from 1948 to 1975 belonging to the Albizzini Collection. Sampling of any kind has been forbidden, in order to maintain the integrity of the paintings. Furthermore, the material heterogeneity of each single artwork could potentially result in a poorly representative sampling campaign. Therefore, a non-invasive and in situ analytical approach has been deemed mandatory, notwithstanding the complexity of modern materials and challenging data interpretation. It is the non-invasive nature of the study that has allowed for the acquisition of vast spectral data (a total of about 650 spectra including XRF, mid and near FTIR, micro-Raman and UV-vis absorption and emission spectroscopies). In order to better handle and to extrapolate the most meaningful information from these data, a statistical multivariate analysis, namely principal component analysis (PCA), has been applied to the spectral results. In particular, the possibility of combining elemental and molecular information has been explored by uniting XRF and infrared spectra in one PCA dataset. The combination of complementary spectroscopic techniques has allowed for the characterization of both inorganic and organic pigments, extenders, fillers, and binders employed by Alberto Burri.

  20. Formation of catalyst deposits in flue gas slide valves at an FCC unit: an experimental solution; Formacao de depositos de catalisador em valvula corredica dos gases de combustao de unidade de FCC: uma experiencia de solucao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Luiz Eduardo Magalhaes Correa da; Rodrigues, Jayme Thadeu [PETROBRAS (Brazil). Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini


    We describe flue gas slide valve sticking at the FCC (fluid catalytic cracking) Unit Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (REFAP/PETROBRAS). Findings show that this sticking was due to the formation of catalyst deposits below the slide valve guides. A retrospective survey has suggested that what caused troubleshooting was dragging by medium steam in the cat cracker. We present a theoretical formulation to account for catalyst deposit formation, as well as some points that should be observed in order to minimize the problem. (author) 13 refs., 8 figs., 2 tabs.

  1. No. 40 - Julio/Septiembre 1991 / PUBLICACIONES ICESI


    González Zamora, José Hipólito; Gómez Mejía, Alberto; Lopera Ospina, Mario Humberto; Londoño Sanchez, Jorge Octavio; Múnera Salazar, Luis Eduardo; Andrade Franco, Diego Fernando; Valencia de Abadia, Maria Eugenia; Idrobo Figueroa, James E.; Correa R., Miralba; Bermeo Chaparro, Nelson


    Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente la investigación al público, lo cual fomenta un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global. Contiene: Calidad total. Trabajo en la periferia versus trabajo en el producto y el proceso: dos enfoques que se complementan, González Zamora, José Hipólito -- La corrección de un error en el análisis financiero con devaluación e inflación, Gómez Mejía, Alberto -- Ajustes integrales, Lop...

  2. Acknowledgments to Brazilian Journal of Family and Community Medicine (RBMFC) Reviewers


    Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade RBMFC


    A Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (RBMFC) agradece aos membros de seu Corpo Editorial abaixo listados, pelas horas dedicadas voluntariamente para avaliação dos trabalhos submetidos à publicação e pelas demais contribuições para a melhoria da qualidade científica de nosso periódico.Adilson Domingos dos Reis Filho - UNIC Adriana Valéria Assunção Ramos - UNIFOR Airton Tetelbom Stein - UFCSPA Alberto Novaes Ramos Jr - UFC Aldaísa Cassanho Forster - UNIVALI Alessandro da Sil...

  3. Relaciones peligrosas. Un epistolario


    Luis Branda


    El título y parte del contenido de este intercambio entre dos universitarios se inspiran en la novela epistolar Les liaisons dangereuses de Pierre Choderlos de Lachlos, que puede considerarse una exploración de las ironías de la condición humana. El intercambio de epístolas es entre el Dr. Alberto Golding y la Dra. Manman Touchstone, nombres inspirados en la alquimia. Golding es bueno como el oro pero potencialmente maleable; Touchstone, se utilizaba para probar la pureza del oro o la plata, ...

  4. Viabilidad financiera de una estación de combustibles carretera a Cartago


    Gatica Duarte, Mario Alberto


    Tesis de maestría -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Posgrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Maestría Profesional en Administración y Dirección de Empresas con énfasis en Finanzas, 2013 Gatica Duarte, Mario Alberto VIABILIDAD FINANCIERA DE UNA ESTACIÓN DE COMBUSTIBLES CARRETERA A CARTAGO Programa de Posgrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas.-San José, CR.: M. A. Gatica D., 2013. 158 h.- 33 il.- 46 refs. El objetivo general del trabajo es determinar si e...

  5. Temas de bioquímica básica (DIAPOSITIVAS)


    Correa Quiroz, Jorge Alberto


    A continuación se da a conocer el trabajo preparado y organizado por el docente Jorge Alberto Correa Quiroz durante el periodo de su año sabático, los temas a exponer son: Metabolismo y bioenergética, Metabolismo de carbohidratos, Ciclo del acido cítrico y del glioxilato, Transporte de electrones y fosforilación oxidativa, Metabolismo de lípidos y ácidos grasos, metabolismos del amoniaco y compuestos nitrogenados, Fotosíntesis. / Abstract. Then we explain the work planned and organized by...

  6. Lecture 8: Data Reliability at CERN and Ideas on How to Improve it

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The talk will give an overview of data management activities at CERN focusing on the ongoing research activities aiming to improve data and service reliability. Alberto Pace is a member if the IT department at CERN where he leads the Data and Storage services group ensuring a coherent development process for Physics Data management activities, strongly driven by operational and user needs. He has more than 25 years experience in computing services, infrastructure, software engineering, accelerator control and accelerator operation. He graduated in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy).

  7. O fenomeno Fujimori : a conjuntura que construiu um presidente : a experiencia eleitoral peruana de 1990


    Wilfredo Jose Cesare Doria


    Resumo: Este trabalho trata da conjuntura política peruana de 1987 a 1990, que possibilitou a aparição política do Engenheiro Alberto Fujimori Fujimori e seu posterior triunfo eleitoral que o levou a ser eleito Presidente da República. Em base a testemunhos de outros personagens envolvidos nessa conjuntura, textos de alguns autores sobre o tema, pesquisas de opinião pública, dados encontrados em jornais peruanos da época e a observação direta do autor sobre os acontecimentos; os principais mo...

  8. Considerações sobre a aprendizagem da performance musical


    Cerqueira,Daniel Lemos; Zorzal,Ricieri Carlini; Ávila,Guilherme Augusto de


    Este artigo oferece uma proposta para fundamentação da prática musical de instrumentos e canto, enfatizando procedimentos de estudo, baseando-se principalmente na Teoria da Aprendizagem Pianística de José Alberto Kaplan. Paralelamente, foi realizada uma breve releitura crítica da história do ensino de instrumentos musicais e métodos para educação musical, em diálogo com áreas afins à Performance Musical, entre elas Psicologia Cognitiva, Neurociência e Educação Física.

  9. "What if No One Had Spoken out Against this Policy?" The Rise of Asylum Seeker and Refugeee Advocacy in Australia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diane Gosden


    Full Text Available This paper examines the rise of an asylum seeker and refugee advocacy movement in Australia in recent years. It situates this phenomenon within Alberto Melucci's understanding of social movements as variable and diffuse forms of social action involved in challenging the logic of a system. Following this theoretical framework, it explores the empirical features of this particular collective action, as well as the struggle to redefine the nature of the relationship between citizens of a sovereign state and 'the other' in the personage of asylum seekers and refugees.

  10. Investigación perfil en competencias y habilidades del empresario bogotano: trabajo de campo


    Granada Forero, José Andrés; Lara Salinas, Karen Eliana


    Este documento corresponde al trabajo de campo para la investigación doctoral de Luis Alberto Estrada titulado “Perfil en competencias del empresario bogotano”. El objetivo que el equipo de investigación definió fue concretar las habilidades y competencias que acompañan a los emprendedores y fundadores de empresa en la primera década del siglo XXI. Para ello, se tomó una base de datos de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, la cual contiene la información comercial de las empresas de la ciudad...

  11. The politics of spectatorship in the Tree of Wooden Clogs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ian Dwayne Pettigrew


    Full Text Available This article reassesses the politics of Ermanno Olmi’s 1978 Palme d’Or winner, The Tree of Wooden Clogs. It specifically addresses charges made against the film by the novelist and critic, Alberto Moravia. The Marxist writer asserted that the film promotes the life and ideology of the farmers featured in the work. By looking closely at the film, I demonstrate how the formal strategies utilized by Olmi negate Moravia’s assessment and controvertibly position spectators to re-evaluate their political relationships to those in their range of influence.

  12. Dober tek!


    Malmi, Niina-Elina


    Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee Slovenian Istrian ruokakulttuurin pääpiirteitä ja niihin vaikuttaneita tekijöitä. Työssä tuodaan esille Slovenian Istrian alueelle tyypillisimmät raaka-aineet, perinneruuat ja ruuan valmistustavat. Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää tämän pienen alueen ruokaerikoisuuksia ja niiden tarjoamia makuelämyksiä. Opinnäytetyö pohjautuu kirjallisiin ja sähköisiin lähteisiin, omiin kokemuksiin ja havainnointiin opiskelijavaihdon aikana sekä kirjailija Alberto Pucerin haastatt...

  13. Investigación del conglomerado colapsable de la Cano-Vitor Arequipa


    Fernández Sixto, Erasmo Alejandro; Fernández Sixto, Erasmo Alejandro


    El conocimiento de la existencia de suelos compuestos por un conglomerado de partículas gruesas (gravas, guijarros y botones) embebidos dentro de una matriz de partículas menores (arenas, limos y arcillas), que posee un comportamiento colapsable; no tiene precedentes en el Perú a excepción de la advertencia señalada por el profesor Alberto Martínez Vargas (1980). Justamente el mencionado investigador atribuyó al suelo de la formación Sotillo localizado en la escarpa del Pie de la Cuesta en el...

  14. Didarco’Al: un proyecto de didáctica del arte contemporáneo


    Font-Sendón, S. (Sandra)


    En un proyecto de Didáctica del Arte Contemporáneo es fundamental que el alumno se involucre y que se dé un contexto de apoyo entre el colegio y el museo. Así, podemos conseguir que los adolescentes se inicien en el aprendizaje de los diversos lenguajes de las artes y se sientan implicados como creadores. Didarco’Al se inició en torno al escultor toledano Alberto Sánchez, continuó con Eduardo Chillida y recientemente se ha llevado cabo en torno a Joan Miró. Se fomenta la ...

  15. Eugenia 'negativa', psiquiatria e catolicismo: embates em torno da esterilização eugênica no Brasil 'Negative' eugenics, psychiatry, and Catholicism: clashes over eugenic sterilization in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Wegner


    Full Text Available Analisa o diálogo do eugenista Renato Kehl com um grupo de psiquiatras brasileiros que, no início da década de 1930, aproximaram-se da chamada eugenia negativa. Entusiasmados com as pesquisas e a aplicação de medidas eugênicas em países como os EUA e a Alemanha, autores como Ernani Lopes, Ignácio da Cunha Lopes, Alberto Farani e Antonio Carlos Pacheco e Silva elegeram a religião católica como empecilho para que o Brasil pudesse seguir caminho semelhante, especialmente quanto à resistência à implantação da esterilização dos ditos 'degenerados' que passara a vigorar na Alemanha em 1934. O artigo mapeia as diferentes estratégias propostas pelos autores para dialogar com a Igreja católica.The article analyzes the dialogue between eugenicist Renato Kehl and a group of Brazilian psychiatrists who turned their interest to so-called negative eugenics in the early 1930s. Enthused about research into eugenics and the application of eugenic methods in countries such as the United States and Germany, authors like Ernani Lopes, Ignácio da Cunha Lopes, Alberto Farani, and Antonio Carlos Pacheco e Silva blamed Catholicism for impeding Brazil from moving in a similar direction, especially the church's resistance to the sterilization of 'degenerates', which entered into effect in Germany in 1934. The article charts the various strategies these authors proposed for engaging in dialogue with the Catholic Church.

  16. Optimización MULTI-GPU de un algoritmo de detección de colisiones. Caso de estudio CUDA


    Maltese Girón, Mar


    Proyecto Fin de Carrera leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2011/2012. Tutores del Proyecto: Alberto Sánchez Campos y Marcos Novalbos Mendiguchía La evolución en la computación gráfica ha sido notoria en los últimos años. Sin embargo a pesar de todos los avances, uno de los principales problemas que nos encontramos hoy en día para lograr simulaciones realistas es la necesidad de incluir en las mismas el funcionamiento de las leyes básicas de la física, co...

  17. Reseña de “Memorias del caso peruano de esterilización forzada” de Alejandra Ballón, comp.

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    Ainhoa Molina Serra


    Full Text Available Esta es una reseña crítica sobre el libro “Memorias del caso peruano de esterilización forzada” (2014, en el que la artista e investigadora social Alejandra Ballón compila cuatro ensayos que abordan el caso de las esterilizaciones forzadas ocurridas en Perú durante el Programa Nacional de Salud Reproductiva y Planificación Familiar (1996-2000 del gobierno del ex presidente Alberto Fujimori, ofreciéndonos diferentes perspectivas sobre un tema que, hasta hoy genera debate y es controvertido en la esfera política pública peruana.

  18. Pessoa em Bethânia: os versos do desassossego na voz do encantamento


    Barros, Andre Luiz Calsone


    Pessoa em Bethânia tem por tema a recriação dos versos de Caeiro no espetáculo Rosa dos Ventos O Show Encantado, tendo por intérprete Maria Bethânia. O corpus é o Poema VIII de Alberto Caeiro, heterônimo de Fernando Pessoa, da obra O Guardador de Rebanhos (1911 1912), transformado em roteiro dramáticomusical e tornado performance no espetáculo Rosa dos Ventos. Reinterpretado por meio da voz, do corpo, da música e dos mais variados recursos cênicos, o poema de Fernando ...

  19. Kõigis meis on tegelikult olemas igavene teismeline / Elen Lotman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lotman, Elen


    25. novembrist - 2. detsembrini 2006 toimunud PÖFFi laste- ja noortefilmide festivali "Just Film" filmidest: "Wholetrain" (rezh. Florian Gaag, Saksamaa 2006), "Wassup Rockers" (rezh. Larry Clark, 2005), "Kaunitar ja kodutu" (rezh. Dome Karukoski, Soome 2005), "Karm värk" (rezh. Detlev Buck, Saksamaa 2006), kassett-film "Kõik nähtamatud lapsed" (erinevad režissöörid,. Itaalia 2005), "Seitse neitsit" (rezh. Alberto Rodrigueze, Hispaania 2007), "Pobby ja Dingani" (rezh. Peter Cattaneo, Austraalia 2006), "Me saame sellest üle" (rezh. Niels Arden Oplev, Taani 2006), "Tommy põrgu" (rezh. Ove Raymond Gyldenas, Norra), "Pilv" (rezh. Gregor Schnitzler, Saksamaa 2006)

  20. 25 years of service at CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    The 28 staff members having achieved 25 years of service at CERN in 2014 were invited by the Director-General to a reception in their honour on 25 November 2014.       Alberto AIMAR IT   Patrick BERLINGHI  GS   Horst  BREUKER  PH   Paolo  CHIGGIATO  TE   Jorgen  CHRISTIANSEN PH   Ivan  DELOOSE  IT   Martine   DESNYDER-IVESDAL  PH   Laurent  DUCIMETIERE   TE   Bruno  DUPUY  BE   Alan James  FINDLAY  BE   Jean-Jacques   GRAS BE   Michael  HAUSCHILD PH   Erk  JENSEN  BE   Michael  LAMONT&...

  1. Arder de mão


    Jacinto, João, 1966-


    Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Desenho), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2013 Num século abstracto, como o séc.XX o foi, persistiram alguns intensos «olhar o rosto». Em quatro estúdios excessivos de pó, de tinta e de desordem, Antonin Artaud, Alberto Giacometi, Frank Auerbach e Leon Kossoff continuaram dia a dia a escavar o rosto, o mesmo rosto reclamando uma habilidade total e não condicionada da mão. Como que a verificar se o rosto ainda lá estava, se era possível o...

  2. Trabalhismo, reforma agrária, legislação para as populações rurais: uma abordagem do projeto político de Fernando Ferrari

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    Ricardo Oliveira da Silva


    Full Text Available No presente texto, apresentamos uma abordagem introdutória do projeto político de Fernando Ferrari para a questão agrária. Ao longo da década de 1950 e começo dos anos de 1960, esse autor participou das discussões em torno dos problemas rurais brasileiros com base na doutrina trabalhista, desenvolvida por Alberto Pasqualini. Nesse sentido, destacamos o projeto trabalhista defendido por Fernando Ferrari para o campo mediante dois temas constantes em seus escritos: a reforma agrária e a legislação para a população rural.

  3. Las Técnicas Grafo-Plásticas para el desarrollo de la Psicomtricidad Fina en los estudiantes de Educación General Básica


    Tello Báez, Angela del Pilar


    1. El Problema. ---2. Marco Teórico. --3. Metodología. --4. Análisis e Interpretación de los Resultados. --5. Propuesta. --6. Conclusiones y Recomendaciones El presente trabajo investigativo se planteó como objetivo elaborar una guía de técnicas grafo-plásticas, en las instituciones Indoamérica,Ing. Alberto EnríquezJarrin y Saquisilí; el propósito es desarrollar la psicomotricidad fina en los niños. Es importante poner en práctica la metodología investigación acción, esto nos sirve para or...

  4. Espaços da violência na narrativa brasileira contemporânea

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    Valdemar Valente Junior


    Full Text Available This article emphasizes aspects of the violence as a relevant theme in the literary Brazilian production of the last decade. The examples situate the discourse narrative as a consequence of the disordered growth of the urban centers affected by economic models that generate unfairness and social inequality. The needy communities controlled by the drug trafficking effective themselves as the stage where still dominates the crime and the prostitution. The works of Paulo Lins, Ferréz, Luiz Alberto Mendes e Alessandro Buzo approximate the reader to the social reality that was lived by them.

  5. Teatro y traducción (inglés-español). Análisis comparativo de traducciones comerciales. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?


    Andaluz Pinedo, Olaia


    El presente trabajo se centra en un análisis comparativo en varios niveles de las traducciones producidas a partir de la obra teatral Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee 1962): las de Marcelo De Ridder, José Méndez y Alberto Mira, realizadas con distintos fines y en momentos histórico culturales diferenciados. Asimismo hemos integrado en la comparación la adaptación cinematográfica y los correspondientes textos audiovisuales en inglés y en español, con el fin de ofrecer una visión más incl...

  6. Vida académica de la facultad

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Premio Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud "Alberto Lleras Camargo / Novedades Docentes / Año sabático / Promociones / Ingresos a Carrera Docente / En período de prueba / Cambio de dedicación / Conformación del Grupo De Asesoría y Desarrollo Pedagógico / Grupo De Gestión y Desarrollo Académico / Estado actual de los postgrados en la Facultad de Medicina / Desarrollo del componente / Comité de Ética de la Facultad de Medicina / Lanzamiento del libro «Cirugía Básica» del Profesor Rubén Caicedo / Cursos electivos.

  7. Violencia contra la mujer en la familia


    Arizabaleta de García, María Teresa


    Antes de comenzar a hablar sobre violencia es indispensable presentar brevemente la institución en la cual trabajamos. La Unión de Ciudadanas de Colombia es uno de los grupos de mujeres más antiguos que hay en el país: cuando el Doctor Alberto Lleras Camargo, se proponía crear el Frente Nacional y conocía un buen número de mujeres que habían luchado por el voto y que ahora estaban preocupadas por la violencia política les propuso crear un grupo de mujeres semejantes a “La liga de Mujeres Vota...

  8. De Martí a Fidel: a revolução cubana e a América Latina

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    Luiz Bernardo Pericás


    Full Text Available Livro que já se tornou referência nos meios diplomático e acadêmico, De Martí a Fidel: a revolução cubana e a América Latina, do historiador e cientista político Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, ganha agora uma nova edição, revisada e ampliada.

  9. Vida académica de la facultad


    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Premio Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud "Alberto Lleras Camargo / Novedades Docentes / Año sabático / Promociones / Ingresos a Carrera Docente / En período de prueba / Cambio de dedicación / Conformación del Grupo De Asesoría y Desarrollo Pedagógico / Grupo De Gestión y Desarrollo Académico / Estado actual de los postgrados en la Facultad de Medicina / Desarrollo del componente / Comité de Ética de la Facultad de Medicina / Lanzamiento del libro «Cirugía Básica» del Profesor Rubén Caicedo / C...

  10. Vida académica de la facultad


    Revista, Facultad de Medicina


    Premio Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud "Alberto Lleras Camargo / Novedades Docentes / Año sabático / Promociones / Ingresos a Carrera Docente / En período de prueba / Cambio de dedicación / Conformación del Grupo De Asesoría y Desarrollo Pedagógico / Grupo De Gestión y Desarrollo Académico / Estado actual de los postgrados en la Facultad de Medicina / Desarrollo del componente / Comité de Ética de la Facultad de Medicina / Lanzamiento del libro «Cirugía Básica» del Profesor Rubén Caicedo / C...

  11. Caracterização do lenho e variação radial de Pittosporum undulatum Vent. (pau-incenso)


    Longui, Eduardo Luiz; Romeiro, Diego; Silva, Morgana Tramontini da; Ribeiro, Ariane; Gouveia, Tatiana Cestini; Lima, Israel Luiz de; Florsheim, Sandra Monteiro Borges


    Estudou-se o lenho de Pittosporum undulatum do Parque Estadual Alberto Löfgren, objetivando-se sua caracterização, investigar a variação radial da anatomia e densidade básica, suas correlações e discutir os resultados em um contexto ecológico. Empregaram-se as metodologias usuais para anatomia e densidade da madeira. As características anatômicas corroboram com o descrito para o gênero, ressalta-se a presença de camadas de crescimento, não mencionada na literatura. O diâmetro das fibras não a...

  12. Control de la cocaína: ¿represión o legalización?


    Cartay, Rafael


    Artículos Control de la cocaína: ¿represión o legalización? Cartay, Rafael El presupuesto nacional y la política económica. Contreras C., Hugo de Jesús Viejos y nuevos modelos de Venezuela. Domingo, Carlos; Fargier, María; Mora, C., Jesús Alberto; Rojas Salazar, Andrés y Tonella, Giorgio Una aplicación del análisis de componentes principales en el área educativa. González Martín, Pilar; Díaz de Pascual, Amelia; Torres Lezama, Enrique y Garnica Olmos, Elsy El proces...

  13. El presupuesto nacional y la política económica.


    Contreras C., Hugo de Jesús


    Artículos Control de la cocaína: ¿represión o legalización? Cartay, Rafael El presupuesto nacional y la política económica. Contreras C., Hugo de Jesús Viejos y nuevos modelos de Venezuela. Domingo, Carlos; Fargier, María; Mora, C., Jesús Alberto; Rojas Salazar, Andrés y Tonella, Giorgio Una aplicación del análisis de componentes principales en el área educativa. González Martín, Pilar; Díaz de Pascual, Amelia; Torres Lezama, Enrique y Garnica Olmos, Elsy El proces...

  14. Triple función del petróleo en la sociedad e interrogantes petroleras para Venezuela.


    Mora C., Jesús Alberto


    Artículos Control de la cocaína: ¿represión o legalización? Cartay, Rafael El presupuesto nacional y la política económica. Contreras C., Hugo de Jesús Viejos y nuevos modelos de Venezuela. Domingo, Carlos; Fargier, María; Mora, C., Jesús Alberto; Rojas Salazar, Andrés y Tonella, Giorgio Una aplicación del análisis de componentes principales en el área educativa. González Martín, Pilar; Díaz de Pascual, Amelia; Torres Lezama, Enrique y Garnica Olmos, Elsy El proces...

  15. Los trabajadores agrícolas asalariados en una zona de elevado desarrollo urbano, industrial y agrícola (Parte I).


    Mora Contreras, Julio


    Artículos Control de la cocaína: ¿represión o legalización? Cartay, Rafael El presupuesto nacional y la política económica. Contreras C., Hugo de Jesús Viejos y nuevos modelos de Venezuela. Domingo, Carlos; Fargier, María; Mora, C., Jesús Alberto; Rojas Salazar, Andrés y Tonella, Giorgio Una aplicación del análisis de componentes principales en el área educativa. González Martín, Pilar; Díaz de Pascual, Amelia; Torres Lezama, Enrique y Garnica Olmos, Elsy El proces...

  16. El proceso de trabajo: condiciones y medio ambiente en el sector informal urbano en el área metropolitana de Mérida.


    Mattié, Mailer


    Artículos Control de la cocaína: ¿represión o legalización? Cartay, Rafael El presupuesto nacional y la política económica. Contreras C., Hugo de Jesús Viejos y nuevos modelos de Venezuela. Domingo, Carlos; Fargier, María; Mora, C., Jesús Alberto; Rojas Salazar, Andrés y Tonella, Giorgio Una aplicación del análisis de componentes principales en el área educativa. González Martín, Pilar; Díaz de Pascual, Amelia; Torres Lezama, Enrique y Garnica Olmos, Elsy El proces...

  17. La política financiera y bancaria aplicada al proceso de apertura y su incidencia en la producción nacional

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    Alberto Ortíz Gómez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Este artículo se basa a partir de un debate realizado el 11 de octubre por el Dr Alberto Ortiz  Gómez en el VIII Encuentro  Nacional  de  Administradores de Empresas y II  Binacional  Colombo- Venezolano, celebrado en Cúcuta, la ponencia titulada  “La Política Financiera y Bancaria aplicada al proceso de Apertura  en la producción Nacional¨. No obstante  por considerar este trabajo un valioso aporte se publicó en esta edición la primera parte de esta.

  18. Un sistema de información para la ciencia argentina: biografía de Ricardo Alberto Gietz (1932-1998 = An information System for Argentine Science: Ricardo Alberto Gietz Biography (1932-1998

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    Tomás Solari


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda el trabajo profesional del bibliotecario Ricardo Gietz, entre los años del Estado Benefactor desarrollado por el peronismo hasta el desmantelamiento del mismo por el neoliberalismo en la década de 1990. El interés en la figura de Gietz, se debe a que fue el único latinoamericano que tuvo a su cargo la presidencia de la FID, fue director del CAICYT y del Servicio Iberoamericano de Información sobre la Traducción de la UNESCO en la Argentina, entre otros cargos que ocupó en organismos nacionales e internacionales. Ha sido uno de los documentalistas más importantes que tuvo el país, no obstante, es desconocido para las nuevas generaciones de trabajadores de la información. Junto a su padre, que también había sido bibliotecario, tuvieron un papel clave en la implementación de políticas documentales y bibliotecológicas que, en algunos casos, siguen dando frutos dentro y fuera del CONICET = This article deals with the professional work of the librarian Richard Gietz, between the Welfare State developed by Peronism to the dismantling of the same by neoliberalism in the 1990s. The interest in the figure of Gietz is in that he was the only Latin American who was in charge of the presidency of FID, was the director of CAICYT, and of Latin American Service on Translation Information of UNESCO in Argentina, among other charges in national and international organizations. He was one of the most important documentalists in the country, however, he is unknown to the new generations of information workers. Along with his father, who was also a librarian, they played a key role in the implementation of documental and library policies and, in some cases, continue to bear fruit inside and outside CONICET.


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    Thiago H. Fernandes Pereira


    Full Text Available RESUMO:Este trabalho apresenta uma discussão que se desprende da prática cênica contemporânea no intuito de verificar o quanto vicioso pode estar o texto teatral advindo de um processo colaborativo, no que de pressuposto e subentendido guarda a dramaturgia da cena. O presente texto procura através da obra O livro de Jó, de Luís Alberto de Abreu, e do que mais relevante pode-se considerar sobre a intervenção do Teatro da Vertigem, verificar no texto, posto que publicado, traços de uma completude semântica que significaria a literariedade plena. Por fim, busca-se refletir sobre a importância do gênero dramático quando ainda possível à publicação.  PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Teatro, processo colaborativo, dramaturgia, literariedade. ABSTRACT:This essay presents a discussion that stemmed from the contemporary scenic environment, aiming at to verify how vicious the theatrical text from a collaborative process, taking into consideration all the assumption concerning the ‘dramaturgy’ of te scene. From the play O livro de Jó by Luís Alberto de Abreu and also from what's most relevant about the Teatro da Vertigem intervention, it tries to verify in the text, since it is published, traces of a semantic completeness that'll mean full literacy. Finally, reflect on the importance of the dramatic genre while still possible publication.   KEYWORDS: Theathre, collaborative process, ‘dramaturgy’, literacy.Recebido: 24/02/2011         Aceito: 07/04/2011

  20. Severe neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus successfully treated with rituximab: an alternative to standard of care

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    Chessa E


    Full Text Available Elisabetta Chessa, Matteo Piga, Alberto Floris, Alessandro Mathieu, Alberto Cauli Rheumatology Unit, University Clinic AOU of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy Abstract: Demyelinating syndrome secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus (DS-SLE is a rare encephalomyelitis burden with a high risk of disability and death. We report on a 49-year-old Caucasian woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE complicated by severe cognitive dysfunction, brainstem disease, cranial nerve palsies, weakness and numbness in limbs and multiple discrete magnetic resonance imaging (MRI areas of damage within the white matter of semioval centers, temporal lobe, external capsule, claustrum, subinsular regions and midbrain. She also had multiple mononeuritis diagnosed through sensory and motor nerve conduction study. She was diagnosed with severe DS-SLE prominently involving the brain and was treated with 500 mg methylprednisolone (PRE pulses for 3 consecutive days, followed by one single pulse of 500 mg cyclophosphamide, and 1 g rituximab, which was then repeated 14 days later. PRE 25 mg/day, rapidly tapered to 7.5 mg/day in 6 months, and mycophenolate mofetil 1 g/day were prescribed as maintenance therapy. She had progressive and sustained improvement in neurological symptoms with almost complete resolution of brain MRI lesions after 1 year. B-cell depleting therapy could be considered as a possible alternative to standard of care in the management of severe inflammatory neuropsychiatric SLE but it should be associated with a conventional immunosuppressant as maintenance treatment to reduce the risk of flare and reduce corticosteroids dose. Keywords: systemic lupus erythematosus, neuropsychiatric lupus, rituximab, demyelinating syndrome, brain MRI

  1. Informe de Actividades de la Academia Segundo Semestre 2005.


    Alfredo Jácome Roca


    • Los días 30 de septiembre y 1º de octubre se llevó a cabo el Simposio sobre Historia de la Terapéutica en Colombia, organizado por la Sociedad Colombiana de Historia de la Medicina, que preside el Académico Efraim Otero Ruiz. Los ponentes fueron los Académicos Otero Ruiz, Alberto Gómez Gutiérrez, Fernando Sánchez Torres, Ricardo Rueda González, Alfredo Jácome Roca, Germán Peña Quiñones, Hugo A. Sotomayor, Diego Andrés Rosselli Cock y además los doctores Liliana Támara, Rudolph Martínez, Est...

  2. Présentation Presentación

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    Jacques Maurice


    Full Text Available Ya hace cierto tiempo que se elaboró este dossier sobre biografías políticas, antes de que viera la luz el polémico Diccionario Biográfico Español de la Real Academia de la Historia, precedido y seguido del Diccionario biográfico de España (1808-1833 de Alberto Gil Novales y del Diccionario biográfico de parlamentarios de Andalucía, 1810-1869, dirigido por Diego Caro Cancela, obras de ámbito más limitado en el tiempo y el espacio que son, a buen seguro, herramientas de trabajo más útiles par...

  3. From Wakeful Nights to the Occupation of Schools: State of Exception, Subjectivity and Social Rights in Postmodernity

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    Mirta Lerena Misailidis


    Full Text Available New social movements are occupying the public space. They are watching the preservation of human rights and are reinventing politics. The article is a contribution for the discussion of the state of exception and the subjectivity of the exercise of citizenship as a praxis to defend social human rights. Inspired by Luís Alberto Warat, the text treats the problem within a critical view of law based on the psychoanalytical theory of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. So, the state of anomia present in globalization is treated within a dialectical perspective: bears totalitarian violence and the chance for reinvention of rights.

  4. Os intelectuais e a defesa da preservação do patrimônio em Porto Alegre (1970)


    Maria Angélica Zubaran


    Este estudo analisa as narrativas em defesa da preservação e salvaguarda do patrimônio histórico da cidade de Porto Alegre na imprensa local, na década de 1970. Investiga-se o discurso dos "intelectuais do patrimônio" e os novos valores, significados e usos que atribuíram ao patrimônio histórico da cidade, na luta pela sua preservação e salvaguarda. O foco deste artigo é as narrativas do jornalista Alberto André e do historiador Sérgio da Costa Franco e suas múltiplas representações de memóri...

  5. Reviews of recent publications

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    Full Text Available Aizenberg, Edna. Parricide on the Pampa? A New Study and Translation of Alberto Gerchunoffs "Los gauchos judíos" by Jan Mennell Emerson, Caryl, ed. Critical Essays on Mikhail Bakhtin by Michael Barry Finney, Gail. Christa Wolf by Stephen Brockmann Hoeg, Jerry. Science, Technology, and Latin American Narrative in the Twentieth Century and Beyond by Paul Fallon Mendez-Ramirez, Hugo. Neruda's Ekphrastic Experience: Mural Art and Canto general by Agustin Boyer Perriam, Chris, Michael Thompson, Susan Frenk, and Vanessa Knights. A New History of Spanish Writing: 1939 to the 1990s by William Sherzer Soto, Francisco. Reinaldo Arenas by Marina Llorente

  6. Venice Film Festival before, during and after Pontecorvo

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    Roberto Donati


    Full Text Available A brief historical introduction to Venice Film Festival. The reasons that led Gillo Pontecorvo to become Director in 1992. Pontecorvo’s programmatic standpoint, successes and first false steps: the Unforgiven case. The five Pontecorvo editions in detail: titles, directors, discoveries, reassessments. His initiatives aimed to repopulate the Lido of common moviegoers, specifically young spectators, after years when the Mostra had become an insiders’ exclusive destination. Gillo’s comeback as a former Director, again as a filmmaker, with the short movie Nostalgia di protezione. Pontecorvo’ aftermath: from Felice Laudadio to Alberto Barbera, from Moritz de Hadeln to Marco Müller, until Barbera’s comeback.

  7. La méthode des « Histoires » : une approche mixte de la collecte et de l’analyse de données sur les valeurs


    Addeo, Felice; Diana, Paolo


    Notre article illustre les potentialités ainsi que les limites méthodologiques des « Histoires », considérées comme une approche alternative au recueil d’informations sur les valeurs en sciences sociales. La méthode des « Histoires » a été développée de manière originale et indépendante par Alberto Marradi (2005). Nous présentons ici deux recherches empiriques différentes qui utilisent la méthode des « Histoires ». La première est extraite d’une recherche internationale sur la citoyenneté act...

  8. Transformative Mediation and Human Rights: the Possibility of Insertion of Alterity in the Conflict

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    Romulo Rhemo Palitot Braga


    Full Text Available This paper intends to present the transformative mediation, from the theoretical perspective of Luis Alberto Warat, as a proposal for promoting a culture of human rights, seen articular in your exercise the individuals's autonomy and the inclusion of alterity in the conflict. It is from this last element that will be further articulated discussion between human rights and mediation through the debate on the recognition of equality and difference, currently so expensive for human rights. The transformative mediation aims through a dialogic relationship building with the other, a participatory approach and shared the problems and dilemmas common to human and social life.

  9. List of Participants (United States)


    Abigail Alvarez OlarteCINVESTAV Alba Leticia Carrillo MonteverdeDCI-UG Alberto CarramiñanaINAOE Aldo MorselliFERMI Alejandro CastillaDCI-UG Alejandro IbarraTechnical University of Munich Alma D Rojas PachecoFCFM-BUAP Alma Xochitl Gonzalez MoralesInstituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM Andrew Walcott BeckwithAmerican Institute of Beam Energy Physics Ariadna Montiel ArenasDepartamento de Física, CINVESTAV Arnulfo ZepedaCinvestav Arturo Alvarez CruzInstituto de Fisica, UNAM Axel de la MacorraUNAM, IAC Azar MustafayevUniversity of Minnesota Benjamin JaramilloDCI-UG Vincent BertinCPPM-Marseille Carlos Alberto Vaquera-AraujoDCI-UG Carlos MuñozMadrid Autonoma U. & Madrid, IFT Carmine PagliaroneINFN, FNAL Carolina Lujan PeschardDCI-UG Christiane Frigerio MartinsUniversidade Federal do ABC-São Paulo Csaba BalazsMonash University David DelepineDCI-UG David G CerdenoUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid & Instituto de Fisica Teorica Debasish MajumdarSaha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India Dibyendu PanigrahiKandi Raj College, Kandi, Murshidabad, INDIA-742137 Dupret Alberto Santana BejaranoUniversidad de Sonora Departamento de Investigacion en Fisica Ernest MaRiverside U.C. Esteban Alejandro Reyes Pírez MontañezInstituto de Física, UNAM Federico Ortiz TrejoINSTITUTO DE ASTRONOMÍA - UNAM Francisco José de Anda NavarroUniversidad de Guadalajara González Alvarez Francisco JavierCINVESTAV-Depto. Física Gustavo Medina TancoICN-UNAM Hernando Efrain Caicedo OrtizInstituto Politecnico Nacional - IPN J D VergadosCERN & Ioannina U. James R BoyceJefferson Lab Jason SteffenFERMILAB Javier Montaño DomínguezDCI-UG Jeevan SolankiMandsaur Institue of Technology MP India Joe SatoSaitama University Jorge Luis Navarro EstradaUNAM-ICN and Universidad del Atlantico (B/quilla-Col.) Jose A R CembranosUniversity of Minnesota José DíazIFIC Jose Didino Garcia AguilarDepto. de Fisica. Cinvestav Keith OliveUniversity of Minnesota Konstantia BalasiUniversity of Ioannina, Greece Lilian Prado

  10. Disturbance attenuation for uncertain control systems with contributions by Alberto Isidori and Dietrich Flockerzi

    CERN Document Server

    Knobloch, Hans Wilhelm


      This book presents a survey on recent attempts to treat classical regulator design problems in case of an uncertain dynamics. It is shown that source of the uncertainty can be twofold: (i) The system is under the influence of an exogenous disturbance about which one has only incomplete - or none - information. (ii) A portion of the dynamical law is unspecified - due to imperfect modeling. Both cases are described by the state space model in a unified way “Disturbance Attenuation for Uncertain Control Systems” presents a variety of approaches to the design problem in the presence of a (partly) unknown disturbance signal. There is a clear philosophy underlying each approach which can be characterized by either one of the following terms: Adaptive Control, Worst Case Design, Dissipation Inequalities.  .

  11. Occupational exposure analysis at the unit 1 of Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moraes, A.


    In order to obtain a complete knowledge of occupational conditions in a PWR nuclear power station, the individual and collective dose distributions are being analysed during the Angra I (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) station activities. Work conditions with identification of critical areas and groups as well as classification of tasks related to reactor maintenance and startup periods are also studied. This paper analyses radiological data measured at different power levels of the reactor and during maintenance and repair services as well as the refueling operation. (author)

  12. Historia del Instituto Nacional de Salud Ocupacional del Perú History of Instituto Nacional de Salud Ocupacional del Peru

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    Juan M. Cossio-Brazzan


    Full Text Available En el Perú, el desarrollo de la industria ha generado mejoras económicas pero, a la vez, ha tenido un gran impacto en la salud de sus trabajadores por lo que era necesario implementar mecanismos de control. Por ello, en 1940 se crea el Departamento de Higiene Industrial, que en 1956 cambia a Instituto de Salud Ocupacional, que fue desactivado en 1994. Sin embargo, el 2001 reaparece en la estructura organizacional del Ministerio de Salud como Instituto de Salud Ocupacional "Alberto Hurtado Abadía". En la actualidad, es el Centro Nacional de Salud Ocupacional y Protección del Ambiente para la Salud (CENSOPAS, órgano del Instituto Nacional de Salud que continúa trabajando en sinergia con otras instituciones y sectores, generando evidencias para proteger la salud de las personas expuestas (trabajadores y comunidad a la contaminación y riesgos asociados con las actividades económicas.In Peru, the industry´s development has made economic improvements but at the same time, it has had a major impact on the health of the workers; for that reason, it was necessary to generate control mechanisms. So, in 1940 it was created the Departmento de Higiene Industrial, which in 1956 was changed to Instituto de Salud Ocupacional, but it was deactivated in 1994. However, in 2001 it reappeared into the Ministerio de Salud organizational structure with the name of Instituto de Salud Ocupacional "Alberto Hurtado Abadía". Actually, it is the Centro Nacional de Salud Ocupacional y Protección del Ambiente para la Salud (CENSOPAS, organ of the Instituto Nacional de Salud which continues working in synergy with other institutions and sectors, making research to protect the health of exposed persons (workers and community to contamination and risks associated with economic activities.

  13. Elecciones presidenciales peruanas 2016: La fuerza del antifujimorismo

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    Andrés Ernesto Ferrari Haines


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza el proceso electoral presidencial peruano del año 2016. La segunda vuelta electoral fue disputada entre Pedro Pablo Kuczynski y Keiko Fujimori Higuchi. Fujimori Higuchi es hija del ex-presidente Alberto Fujimori quien cumple una condena de 25 años en prisión por violación a los derechos humanos y corrupción. En este análisis se destaca el papel que ejerció la izquierda peruana en el triunfo de Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. Diversas fuerzas políticas junto con una gran movilización ciudadana se manifestaron a favor de la candidatura de Kuczynski como una muestra del voto antifujimorista.

  14. The poetry of the modern city: a reading of “Rien que les Heures” (1926

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    Danielle Crepaldi Carvalho


    Full Text Available Alberto Cavalcanti was one of the most influential “avant-garde” artists in the Paris of the 1920s. After four years working as a set designer and an assistant director in French cinematographic fiction, he directed what is considered by many movie theorists his masterpiece: “Rien que les heures” (1926. The “fictional documentary”, as the director classifies it, is strictly related to his theory about the “medium” written from 1920 to 1950 and latter published in the book “Filme e Realidade” (1953. In this article, I intent to discuss this connection, as well as to think about the place this motion picture occupies in the “avant-garde” cinema.

  15. Simulation of a Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) of a PWR nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reis Martins Junior, L.L. dos.


    The following work intends to perform the digital simulation, of the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) of a PWR nuclear power plant for control systems design and analysis purposes. There are mathematical models for the reactor, the steam generator, the pressurizer and for transport lags of the coolant in the primary circuit. Nevertheless no one control system has been considered to permit any user the inclusion in the more convenient way of the desired control systems' models. The characteristics of the system in consideration are fundamentally equal to the ones of Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant, Unit I (Angra I) obtained in the Final Safety Analysis Report at Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear. (author)

  16. Simulation of a Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) of a PWR nuclear power plant. Simulacao do sistema nuclear de geracao de vapor de uma central PWR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reis Martins Junior, L.L. dos.


    The following work intends to perform the digital simulation, of the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) of a PWR nuclear power plant for control systems design and analysis purposes. There are mathematical models for the reactor, the steam generator, the pressurizer and for transport lags of the coolant in the primary circuit. Nevertheless no one control system has been considered to permit any user the inclusion in the more convenient way of the desired control systems' models. The characteristics of the system in consideration are fundamentally equal to the ones of Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant, Unit I (Angra I) obtained in the Final Safety Analysis Report at Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear. (author).

  17. Note e recensioni

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    Autori Vari


    Full Text Available Volumi Diego Giordano e Alberto Fragio (a cura di, Hans Blumenberg. Nuovi paradigmi di analisi, [Emanuela Mazzi] • Emilio Garroni, Creatività [Benedetta De Pieri] • María Zambrano, Luoghi della poesia [Mariagrazia Portera] • Giorgio Colli, Apollineo e dionisiaco [Alice Barale] • Marie-José Mondzain, Il commercio degli sguardi [Michele Gardini] • Gabriele Tomasi, Un bicchiere con Hume e Kant: divertissement estetico-metafisico [Filippo Focosi] • Egidio Tinaburri, Husserl e Aristotele. Coscienza Immaginazione Mondo [Elena Pagni] Convegni Annual Lectures di Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza e Marcus Feldman, Milano 6 maggio 2011 [Mariagrazia Portera] • “Sentire e Pensare. Kantismo e Fenomenologia a confronto”, Napoli, 10-11 novembre 2011 [Agostino Cera]  

  18. Nuclear energy over the last 20 years and current developments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The round-table debate was chaired by Jose Maria Fernandez-Rua, who began with a presentation of the current situation in the nuclear sector, namely the permanent shutdown of Lemoniz, Valdecaballeros and Trillo nuclear power plants, and continued with the introduction of the participants: Javier de Pinedo, Director of Generation for Iberdrola; Alberto Lopez, General Manager of Enresa; Guillermo Velarde, Director of the Institute of Nuclear Fusion of the ETSIIM; Adolfo Garcia Rodriguez, General Manager of Empresarios Agrupados; Enrique Garcia Alvarez, technical Director of the Endesa Group; Rafael Caro, Member of the Nuclear Safety Council; Juan Velarde Fuentes; Professor of Economics at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and Agustin Alonso, Professor of Nuclear Technology at ETSIIM (Author)

  19. Factores protectores sobre el consumo de alcohol que promueven las maestras de pre-escolares Fatores protetores contra o consumo de álcool promovidos por professores de pré-escolares Protection factors against alcohol consumption promoted by pre-school teachers

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    Genoveva Elizabeth Avila


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue describir que factores protectores sobre el consumo de alcohol promueven las maestras de pre-escolares del departamento San Alberto, Córdoba, Argentina. El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y se aplicó un instrumento auto-administrado a 43 maestras. Las variables estudiadas fueron sometidas a análisis estadístico descriptivo. Se logró conocer que el accionar de las maestras esta focalizado a los factores protectores de indole institucional y sociocultural de manera general e indirecta, ya que en un alto porcentaje las actividades desarrolladas se refieren a: fomento de habitos saludables, clima escolar, recreación, fortalecimiento e integración grupal, interacción y participación en las instituciones y sociedad entre las principales. Denotan la necesidad de replantearse acciones directas y concretas que implementen las maestras en relación a la problemática de alcohol en las escuelas de pre-escolares, para procurar un mayor impacto social.Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever os fatores de proteção contra o consumo de álcool que são promovidos por professores de pré-escolares do departamento San Alberto, Córdoba, Argentina. O estudo é do tipo quantitativo, descritivo. Foi aplicado um questionário auto-administrado a 43 professores. As variáveis estudadas foram submetidas à análise estatística descritiva. Observamos que as ações dos professores geral e indiretamente enfocam os fatores protetores do tipo institucional e sociocultural, já que uma grande porcentagem das atividades se referem principalmente a: Estímulo de hábitos saudáveis, clima escolar, recreação, fortalecimento e integração grupal, interação e participação nas instituições e na sociedade. Apontam a necessidade de reformular ações diretas e concretas implementadas pelos professores com relação ao problema do álcool nas escolas pré-escolares com vistas a um maior impacto social.This study aimed to

  20. Élections présidentielles 2011 au Pérou : le retour inattendu du débat politique

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    Alexis Sierra


    Full Text Available L’élection à la Présidence de la République du Pérou du candidat nationaliste « de gauche » Ollanta Humala, en juin 2011, a constitué une surprise pour les observateurs. Dans un contexte de forte croissance économique et de diminution de la pauvreté, les électeurs semblaient devoir privilégier la continuité. La cartographie des votes à deux échelles (celle des régions et celle des districts de la capitale, Lima aide à comprendre comment les stratégies menées par les différents partis et alliances ont abouti à porter au second tour les deux candidats qui provoquaient initialement le plus fort rejet dans la plus grande partie de l’électorat, Ollanta Humala, et Keiko Fujimori. Ollanta Humala a alors réussi à rassembler, au second tour, tant le vote des intellectuels et artistes qui s’étaient opposées à la dictature de Alberto Fujimori, que celui des laissés pour compte du développement néolibéral.The election to the Presidency of Peru of the nationalist and “leftist” candidate Ollanta Humala, in June, 2011, surprised most observers. In a context of strong economic growth and poverty decrease, voters seemed to have to opt for continuity. The mapping of the votes at the regional scale, and at the district scale in the capital Lima, helps to understand how the strategies followed by the various parties and coalitions took to the second round the two candidates that elicited the strongest rejection from the electorate, Ollanta Humala and Keiko Fujimori. Ollanta Humala obtained in the second round the support of both intellectuals and artists that had opposed the dictatorship of Alberto Fujimori, as well as the votes of those who have been left behind by the neoliberal path to development.La elección a la Presidencia del Perú del candidato nacionalista “de izquierda” Ollanta Humala, en junio del 2011, ha constituido una sorpresa para los observadores. En un contexto de fuerte crecimiento económico y de

  1. Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in young adults

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    Wollina U


    Full Text Available Uwe Wollina1, Alberto Goldman21Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Academic Teaching Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden, Germany; 2Clinica Goldman, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande du Sul, BrazilAbstract: Age is a significant factor in modifying specific needs when it comes to medical aesthetic procedures. In this review we will focus on young adults in their third decade of life and review minimally invasive aesthetic procedures other than cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. Correction of asymmetries, correction after body modifying procedures, and facial sculpturing are important issues for young adults. The implication of aesthetic medicine as part of preventive medicine is a major ethical challenge that differentiates aesthetic medicine from fashion.Keywords: acne scars, ice pick scars, boxcar scars, fillers 

  2. Peru action simmering despite privatization delays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    After months of delays, the sale of Petroleos del Peru SA (Petroperu) was postponed earlier this year until after the elections, which saw Peru`s incumbent President Alberto Fujimori reelected. In June, Fujimori appointed Amado Yataco Minister of Energy and Mines. Yataco, also serving as president of the privatization commission Copri, said a decision on the sale of Petroperu would be made quickly, perhaps by July 28, ahead of this report`s presstime. The uncertain status of Petroperu has not, however, slowed activity in Peru`s petroleum sector. The paper first discusses privatization plans and Petroperu`s budget, then describes exploration and development activities in the supergiant Camisea gas/condensate fields in the central southern jungle. Activities in several smaller fields are briefly described.

  3. Autotranscendence and Creative Organization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Anders Ib


    This article discusses the issue of social and cultural ‘autotran- scendence’ – self-production, creativity – in the debates on self-organization. The point of departure is Cornelius Castoriadis’s idea of ‘self-creation’. First, a schismabetween mechanical and ontological modeling is indicated...... and used to introduce the idea of a ‘creative organization’. This is further discussed in relation to Jean-Pierre Dupuy’s concept of social ‘autotranscendence’ by ‘complex methodological individualism’, with particular respect to the incom- prehensionof the social. Following Johann P. Arnason’s treatment......, Alberto-László Barabási and Bernardo Huberman’s sketch of a network sociology. KEYWORDS autotrancendence • constraints • magma • network sociology • self-creation • self-organization...

  4. Foreign oil companies weathering Peru's political crisis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that foreign oil companies are weathering Peru's political crisis, and the outlook for increased foreign participation in Peru's petroleum sector remains promising. There has been improvement in the political turmoil and soured international relations that followed President Alberto Fujimori's Apr. 5 suspension of Peru's Congress, charging political corruption and attempts to block his fiscal reforms. But there are fresh concerns over an increase in terrorism aimed at oil industry facilities by antigovernment guerrilla groups in Peru. Meanwhile, state-owned oil company Petroleos del Peru (Petroperu) continues efforts to sell assets as part of Fujimori's mandated privatization program. And foreign companies continue to grapple with uncertainty and bureaucratic red tape in chasing investment opportunities in Peru's beleaguered but opening petroleum sector

  5. Revista de tesis de la Facultad de Medicina de Bogotá

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Lepra en el segmento anterior del globo ocular. Tesis de grado, declarada meritoria. Por Francisco Caserta Castañeda / Adenopatias, estudio clínico y anatomo-patológico. Tesis de grado, declarada meritoria. - Por Guillermo Landínez Mendoza / Algunos usos del tubo de Miller-Abbott. Tesis de grado. Por Alberto Albornoz Plata / Contribución al estudio y tratamiento de las leucemias crónicas. Tesis de grado. - Por Carlos Molano Niño / La moderna toracoplastia paravertebral. Tesis de grado. - Por Luis E. Granada Aguirre / Analgesia raquidea generalizada. Tesis de grado. - Por Alfonso Gutiérrez Reyes / Anestesia endotraqueal. Tesis de grado. - Por Eduardo Victoria Rebolledo. Tesis de grado Tesis de grado, declarada meritoria

  6. Talk shows, fascinación o rechazo

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    Jorge Acevedo Rojas


    Full Text Available Infidelidades, odio, violencia, alcoholismo, mentira y traiciones, entre otras debilidades humanas, han pasado a formar parte de las programaciones de televisión en América Latina, durante la década de los 90 a través de los programas de Talk Shows. Cristina, El Padre Alberto, Laura en América, Mary Tere, entre los más vistos. Da cuenta de lo que hay detrás de estos programas; por qué se muestra la vida íntima; por qué se los dirige a sectores socioeconómicos bajos; por qué los excesos y degradación humana. Será que esta televisión basura está al servicio del poder.

  7. Peru action simmering despite privatization delays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    After months of delays, the sale of Petroleos del Peru SA (Petroperu) was postponed earlier this year until after the elections, which saw Peru's incumbent President Alberto Fujimori reelected. In June, Fujimori appointed Amado Yataco Minister of Energy and Mines. Yataco, also serving as president of the privatization commission Copri, said a decision on the sale of Petroperu would be made quickly, perhaps by July 28, ahead of this report's presstime. The uncertain status of Petroperu has not, however, slowed activity in Peru's petroleum sector. The paper first discusses privatization plans and Petroperu's budget, then describes exploration and development activities in the supergiant Camisea gas/condensate fields in the central southern jungle. Activities in several smaller fields are briefly described

  8. Peru seeking buyer for productive offshore tract

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that Petroleos del Peru (Petroperu) is seeking a buyer for its Petromar offshore exploration and production unit. Peru's national oil company wants to sell Petromar acreage, production, and production installations on Block Z-2b for $200 million, payable at $10 million/year for 20 years, plus a share of future production. Petroperu is offering a full interest petroleum exploration and exploitation contract for 30 years for oil and as long as 40 years in the case of gas exploitation. The company seeking the smallest share of current and incremental future production to operate Block Z-2b will be awarded the acreage. Petromar's sale is the latest announced under Peru's privatization program ordered by President Alberto Jujimori

  9. Distraction: heroic attitude before the metropolis

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    Rafael Zacca Fernandes


    Full Text Available Considering distraction as the heroic ethos of  modernity, I intend to analyze the perceptive changes brought about by the advance of the productive forces under capitalism; and the subsequent apprehension  of this change by four contemporary poets, namely Liv Lagerblad, Heyk Pimenta, Alberto Pucheu and Eucanaã Ferraz. Each of these poets brings distraction as what Walter Benjamin classified as inner form. In all cases, distraction appears as a poetic force before the danger of annihilation in big cities. This reflection is the basis for another, another, yet concerning the relations between poetry and politics, thinking with Jacques Rancière its position on the "distribution of the sensible". Finally, a resumption of Baudelaire, a master of distraction, seems to be inevitable.

  10. Reactor building seismic analysis of a PWR type - NPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kakubo, Masao


    Earthquake engineering studies raised up in Brazil during design licensing and construction phases of Almirante Alvaro Alberto NPP, units 1 and 2. State of art of soil - structure interaction analysis with particular reference to the impedance function calculation analysis with particular reference to the impedance function calculation of a group of pile is presented in this M.Sc. Dissertation, as an example the reactor building dynamic response of a 1325 MWe NPP PWR type is calculated. The reactor building is supported by a pile foundation with 2002 end bearing piles. Upper and lower bound soil parameters are considered in order to observe their influence on dynamic response of structure. Dynamic response distribution on pile heads show pile-soil-pile interaction effects. (author)

  11. Violence, Oppression, and Double Standards in Three Colombian Films

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    Melissa R. Meade


    Full Text Available This article compares three Colombian films that tell distinct stories of violence, personal and political oppression, and double standards. The films Confesión a Laura (Confessing to Laura, Jaime Osorio, 1991, La Primera Noche (The First Night, Luis Alberto Restrepo, 2003 and El Rey (The King, José Antonio Dorado, 2004 each highlight the characters’ struggles in the Colombian socio-political landscape. Each  film’s content and themes do not merely offer representations of national culture, but also provide a way in which to discuss the political and social struggles of Colombia. The directors explore these stories of violence and socio-political struggle through the use of mis-en-scène, cinematography, sound, and editing.

  12. Turismo y Caos

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    Carolina Gómez Gómez


    Full Text Available “Turismo y caos” es una producción literaria que brinda una reflexión acerca del pensamiento turístico posmoderno, enfocándose principalmente en las teorías de Alberto Sessa, Claude Kaspar, José Miguel Fernán dez Güell y finalmente, la Organización Mundial del Turismo, OMT. Es así como este texto pretende integrar, a través de una visión sistémica, los diferentes elementos que conforman y definen el turismo, dando lugar a un nuevo concepto que fusiona las teorías propuestas a través del tiempo y además la opinión personal de los autores de esta obra.

  13. ¿Juicio político o golpe legislativo? Sobre las crisis constitucionales en los años noventa

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    Aníbal PÉREZ-LIÑAN


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza las crisis políticas que terminaron con los gobiernos de Fernando Collor en Brasil (1992, Carlos Andrés Pérez en Venezuela (1993, Abdalá Bucaram en Ecuador (1997 y Raúl Cubas Grau en Paraguay (1999 desde una perspectiva comparada. Los casos son utilizados como ejemplos similares, y las experiencias de Carlos Menem, Alberto Fujimori y Ernesto Samper son invocadas como fuentes de contraste. La evidencia sugiere que todo presidente corre el riesgo de ser depuesto por el Congreso cuando tres factores se conjugan en su contra: a el escándalo político erosiona su autoridad; b la opinión pública se moviliza en su contra —usualmente como resultado de una economía en crisis— y c el Ejecutivo carece de recursos para controlar al Congreso. Tras estas condiciones normalmente se esconde un marcado aislamiento político del presidente y una fuerte oposición de las elites a su estilo de gobierno.ABSTRACT: This paper compares the political crises leading tu the demise of the administrations of Fernando Collor in Brazil (1992, Carlos Andrés Pérez in Venezuela (1993, Abdalá Bucaram in Ecuador (1997 and Raul Cubas Grau in Paraguay (1999. Those cases are compared in terms of their similarities, and the administrations of Carlos Menem, Alberto Fujimori and Ernesto Samper are invoked as a source of differences. The evidence suggests that presidents are likely to be impeached whenever three factors act in conjunction: a political scandal erodes presidential authority; b public opinion is mobilized against the president —typically as the result of an economy in crisis; and c the chief executive lacks resources to control congress. Underlying these forces, there is usually a marked isolation of the president and strong elite opposition to his or her style of government.

  14. Charles et ses images

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    Anne-Marie Baron


    Full Text Available Charles Bovary est probablement le personnage qui a été le plus transformé par les cinéastes qui ont adapté le roman de Flaubert. Si les premiers adaptateurs l’ont traité en victime, peu à peu, le cinéma a commencé à souligner la dimension néfaste sous-jacente du personnage et à lui faire porter une large part de responsabilité dans la descente aux enfers d’Emma. Depuis Pierre Renoir, touchant et authentique, jusqu’à Gregg Edelman, le mari de Little children qui fantasme sur les photos d’une pin-up virtuelle, en passant par les images plus ou moins pathétiques ou ridicules de Van Heflin, Aribert Wäscher, Alberto Bello, Jean-François Balmer, Farooq Shaikh ou Luis-Miguel Cintra, Charles, plus que tout autre personnage du roman, a subi une incroyable métamorphose en s’ancrant dans la civilisation de chacun des pays et de chacune des décennies successives qui l’ont porté à l’écran.From the 1930s to the present, Charles Bovary is probably the most altered character in the adaptations of Flaubert’s novel. The first directors made a victim of him, but gradually, the cinema began to emphasize his deleterious dimension and attributed to him a large part of the responsibility for Emma’s grief. From Pierre Renoir, touching and authentic, to Gregg Edelman, who fantasizes on a pornographic website in Todd Field’s Little Children, the more or less pathetic or ridiculous portrayals given by Van Heflin, Aribert Wäscher,Alberto Bello, Jean-François Balmer, Farooq Shaikh or Luis-Miguel Cintra, show that more than any other character in the novel, Charles has been submitted to a serious metamorphosis by being interpreted on screen according to each country’s civilization and the successive decades of filming.

  15. La decáda de Fujimori: ascenso, mantenimiento y caída de un líder antipolítico

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este trabajo se exploran cuáles fueron las principales variables que influyeron en el ascenso, mantenimiento y caída de Alberto Fujimori, el líder antipolítico más exitoso de América Latina y cuyos designios marcaron la década de 1990 en Perú. Se mantiene que la crisis de los partidos políticos así como la crisis de otras instituciones relevantes del Estado, el sistema presidencialista y las leyes electorales, unido a la crisis económica por la que atravesaba el país influyeron directamente en el ascenso. Su mantenimiento en el poder fue favorecido por los éxitos relativos que el Gobierno consiguió en el campo de la economía y la lucha contra el terrorismo. Sin embargo, el ansia de Fujimori por perpetuarse en el poder, la aparición a la luz pública de casos de corrupción a gran escala y el empeoramiento de la situación económica llevó al régimen a su fin.ABSTRACT: This work seeks to identify the main variables which affected the rise, the maintenance and the fall of Alberto Fujimori, the most successful antipolitical leader in Latin America, whose aims delineated the course of the decade of the 1990s in Peru. The paper argues that his rise to power was directly influenced by the crisis of the party system and the crisis of other relevant institutions of the State, the presidential regime and electoral laws, joined with the economic crisis that the country was experiencing. Hís ability to remain in power was facilitated by the relative success of his government in the economic realm and in the fight against terrorism. However, his own desire to perpetuate himself in power, the unraveling of high-level corruption scandals and the worsening of economic conditions finally lead the regime to its end.

  16. A propósito de la noción de movimiento: virtualización de los movimientos sociales

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    Juan Carlos Aceros Gualdrón


    Full Text Available Este trabajo intenta problematizar el concepto de ?nuevos movimientos sociales?. Hasta el presente, dicho esfuerzo se ha orientado especialmente a cuestionar el calificativo de ?nuevo?. Sin desconocer dicho debate, nosotros tomamos otro camino: revisamos la palabra ?movimiento? tratando de determinar aquello que se mueve en los movimientos sociales. Empleando a Nodo50 como caso y los postulados de Pierre Levy sobre la ?virtualización? reflexionamos en torno a la posible transformación de los movimientos sociales contemporáneos, a partir del uso que éstos hacen de las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información (TICs. De esta manera, esperamos determinar si el concepto propuesto por Alberto Melucci deviene otro, se desterritorializa o problematiza en la llamada ?Sociedad de la Información?.

  17. Photocatalysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bignozzi, Carlo Alberto (ed.) [Ferrara Univ. (Italy). Dipt. di Chimica


    This book contains the following six chapters: 1. Metal Oxide Photoanodes for Water Splitting, by J. Augustynski, B. D. Alexander and R. Solarska; 2. Hydrogen Production with Nanostructured and Sensitized Metal Oxides, by Stefano Caramori, Vito Cristino, Laura Meda, Roberto Argazzi and Carlo Alberto Bignozzi; 3. Surface Nanostructures in Photocatalysts for Visible-Light-Driven Water Splitting, by Kazuhiko Maeda and Kazunari Domen; 4. Artificial Photosynthesis Challenges: Water Oxidation at Nanostructured Interfaces, by Mauro Carraro, Andrea Sartorel, Francesca Maria Toma, Fausto Puntoriero, Franco Scandola, Sebastiano Campagna, Maurizio Prato and Marcella Bonchio; 5. Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2: From Molecules to Semiconductors, by Tatsuto Yui, Yusuke Tamaki, Keita Sekizawa and Osamu Ishitani; 6. Design of Heterogeneous Photocatalysts Based on Metal Oxides to Control the Selectivity of Chemical Reactions, by Andrea Maldotti and Alessandra Molinari.

  18. ¿Es el escribir un diario un fármacon?

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    Luis Branda


    Full Text Available Resumen Tras un prolongado intercambio epistolar entre dos docentes universitarios (Branda, 2015; 2016, la relación afectuosa ha sido terminada por una de los correspondientes. En este escrito se presentan las entradas en el diario de Alberto, el otro correspondiente, donde se incluyen reflexiones relacionadas a Henri–Frédéric Amiel y referencias a los comentarios sobre su psicología que la lectura de su Journal intime ha generado en varios escritores, incluyendo Gregorio Marañón. También se menciona un aspecto de la vida de Amiel que parece haber recibido menos atención, que es su rol como docente. El diario finaliza con comentarios sobre las aspiraciones del diarista con reflexiones sobre el pasado y la incertidumbre del futuro.

  19. La consolidación del antihéroe como fenómeno en la ficción serial

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    Sara González Fernández


    Full Text Available Asesinos en serie(s es una obra colectiva en la que se aborda el fenómeno del serial killer desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar. En ella, Alberto Hermida y Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla coordinan el trabajo de veinte investigadores y profesores de diversos ámbitos del conocimiento, los cuales ofrecen todas las claves necesarias para comprender los aspectos que se ocultan y que, a su vez, posibilitan la representación del asesino en la ficción televisiva. Dexter, Hannibal, Bates Motel, True Detective o The Following, son algunas de las exitosas series de referencia en las que se adentra este volumen para analizar exhaustivamente aspectos como la representación, las relaciones y el perfil psicopático de este personaje en la ficción serial.

  20. Peru steps up push to attract oil investment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that Peru's government is stepping up efforts to attract more foreign investment in its oil and gas sector. Since taking over in July 1990, the government of President Alberto Fujimori has taken a number of steps to privatize the oil sector, improve the fiscal regime for oil investment, and streamline regulations on oil and gas investment. In the most dramatic step, the Fujimori administration ended state oil company Petroleos del Peru's monopoly on downstream operations as well as imports and exports of oil and gas as part of sweeping new oil and gas legislation. In addition, officials of the Fujimori administration have been traveling to key oil centers around the world with a presentation on Peru's hydrocarbon potential, trying to spark interest in E and D investment there

  1. Comportamiento de una Mezcla Densa en Caliente Elaborada con Asfaltos Modificados con Asfaltita

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    Hugo A. Rondón-Quintana


    Full Text Available Laboratory tests were used to evaluate the effect on the mechanical properties of a hot asphalt mix (MDC-2 as per INVIAS, 2007 specifications due to the addition by wet way of a natural asphaltite from the San Alberto Mine (Santander, Colombia. The strength under monotonic load, resilient modulus and rutting were evaluated. Two asphalt cements (CA were used, CA 80-100 from the Barrancabermeja refinery (Colombia and CA 60-70 from Apiay (Colombia. The results show that the mechanical properties evaluated were higher for the MDC2 mixes modified with asphaltite compared with mixtures with asphalts without additives. Additionally penetration tests at different temperatures and softening points were conducted on asphalt cementswith and without additive. The asphaltite produces higher penetration resistance and lower thermal flow susceptibility.

  2. Rojas Zorrilla ante la crítica romántica

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    Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B


    Full Text Available To Romantic Criticism, Rojas Zorrilla’s fame becomed obscure by the figure of his contemporary, friend and collaborator, Pedro Calderón de la Barca. This logical situation is clearly evident in the great german critics: Rojas Zorrilla is scarcely mentioned by the Schlegel brothers. To other historians he occupied a secondary place and the only exception was Johann Ludwig Tieck, who exalted his works even above Calderón masterpieces. It can be affirmed that Rojas Zorrilla reception was irregular. If we examine Musso Valiente’s library, Agustín Durán’s Discurso, and the romantic period editions, we will find some interest in his figure and that it was situated in a secondary place in relation to our great theater. It seems clear that Martínez de la Rosa and Alberto Lista were the critics who pay more attention to him. Martínez de la Rosa established an approach based in the neoclassic topics about our writer, meanwhile Alberto Lista developed a closer and original reading, specially centered in the poet’s tragic dimension and elements that, from his point of view, anticipated romantic Aesthetics. Rojas Zorrilla inclusion in romantic Literary Histories, and his edition in the «Biblioteca de Autores Españoles», prepared by Mesonero Romanos, make him enter the canon among the «six great stars» in Spanish Golden Age Theater.Para la crítica romántica, la fama de Rojas Zorrilla quedó oscurecida, de forma perfectamente lógica, por la de su coetáneo, amigo y colaborador don Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Esta situación es muy patente en los grandes críticos alemanes. Los hermanos Schlegel apenas citan a nuestro dramaturgo. Otros historiadores le conceden un lugar secundario, con la excepción de Johann Ludwig Tieck, que lo exaltó incluso por encima del autor de La vida es sueño. La recepción de su obra en España fue irregular. Del análisis de la biblioteca y escritos de Musso Valiente, del discurso de Agustín Durán, de las

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    Diego Melo Gomes CapaAndré da Silva Cruz Revisão Técnica e Catalogação Inez Barcellos de Andrade CopidesqueEdson Carlos NascimentoDados de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP B688      Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego / InstitutoFederal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense.Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. - Vol. 1, no. 1(jan./jun. 2011 - .- Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ: Essentia Editora,2011- SemestralCentro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Campos - CEFET Camposaté 2008. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia - IF Fluminense apartir de 2009. ISSN versão impressa 1981-6197ISSN versão eletrônica 2177-4560 1. Engenharia ambiental. I. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência eTecnologia Fluminense. II. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. CDD - 628 Tiragem: 1000 exemplaresImpressão: Meneghitti's Gráfica e Editora Ltda. | Tel.: (21 2136-6999

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    Carvalho Diagramação Cláudia Marcia Alves FerreiraFernando Prado de Matos BettencourtMariana de Almeida Reis CapaAndré da Silva Cruz Revisão Técnica e Catalogação Inez Barcellos de Andrade Dados de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP B688      Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego / InstitutoFederal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense.Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. - Vol. 1, no. 1(jan./jun. 2011 - .- Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ: Essentia Editora,2011- SemestralCentro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Campos - CEFET Camposaté 2008. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia - IF Fluminense apartir de 2009. ISSN versão impressa 1981-6197ISSN versão eletrônica 2177-4560 1. Engenharia ambiental. I. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência eTecnologia Fluminense. II. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. CDD - 628 Tiragem: 1000 exemplares Impressão: Meneghitti's Gráfica e Editora Ltda. | Tel.: (21 2136-6999

  5. Aquatic macro algae of a region under Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant influence. I. Taxonomic composition; Macroalgas marinhas da regiao sob influencia da Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brasil. I. Composicao taxonomica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedrini, A.G. [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)]|[Universidade Santa Ursula, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Ciencias Biologicas; Cassano, V.; Coelho, L.G.; Labronici, G.J. [Universidade do Estado, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Biologia


    A total of 134 taxa were found: 32 Chlorophyta, 29 Phaeophyta and 74 Rhodophyta. The Caulerpales (Chlorophyta) had the highest number of taxa (37,5%) followed by the Dictyotales (Phaeophyta - 43%) and Ceramiales (Rhodophyta - 53%). The benthic flora shows some affinity to that of Ilha Grande (part), Sepetiba Bay and Paraty (Sorensen`s Index - 0,62, 0,61 and 0,58 respectively. (author). 22 refs, 1 fig, 1 tab.

  6. Staff members with 25 years' service at CERN in 2012

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    The 27 staff members who have spent 25 years within CERN in 2012 were invited by the Director-General to a reception in their honour on 2 November.   BARRIN Laurence  -  PH BILLEN Ronald  -  BE BOUCHÉ Jean-Marc  -  HR BURKHARDT Helmut  -  BE CARLIER Etienne  -  TE CASS Antony  -  IT CHAN KWOK CHEON Anne Belinda  -  IT CHARRUE Pierre  -  BE COLLIER Paul  -  BE CUENCA PEREZ Antonio  -  GS DE JONGHE Jurgen  -  GS DEFERT Philippe  -  IT ELSENER Konrad  -  PH FROIDEVAUX Daniel  -  PH GRIGGS Christopher  -  PH MATHEYS Jean-Pol  -  HR MEIJERS Franciscus  -  PH MERTENS Volker  -  TE METRAL Gabriel  -  BE NECCA Rene  -  EN PACE Alberto&...

  7. A dubious defense of 'after-birth abortion': A reply to Räsänen. (United States)

    Kaczor, Christopher


    Scholars have offered various critiques of Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva's controversial article, 'After-birth abortion: Why should the baby live?' My book The Ethics of Abortion: Women's Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice presents four such critiques. First, Giubilini and Minerva argue from the deeply controversial to the even more controversial. Second, they presuppose a false view of personal identity called body-self dualism. Third, their view cannot secure human equality. And fourth, their account of harm cannot account for harm found in some cases of murder. In the article, 'Pro-life arguments against infanticide and why they are not convincing', J. Räsänen examines and finds wanting these four critiques. This essay responds to Räsänen's defense of infanticide and argues that his responses to the four objections fail. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Los frescos góticos lineales de la iglesia de Sant Valentí de les Cabanyes (Barcelona

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    María Gracia Salvà Picó


    Full Text Available La pequeña iglesia de Sant Valenti se halla en el término municipal de Les Cabanyes, muy cerca de Vilafranca del Penedes (Barcelona. El mal estado en que se encontraba el edificio requería una inmediata restauración, de la que se hizo cargo el Servicio de Patrimonio Arquitectónico de la Diputación de Barcelona. Siguiendo la norma de dicho Servicio, antes de la intervención arquitectónica se llevó a cabo una exhaustiva investigación histórica (dirigida por el doctor Alberto López Mullor que comprendió una excavación arqueológica, un estudio documental y un análisis artístico. A nosotros nos correspondió el estudio de las pinturas murales que cubrían buena parte del templo.

  9. El mundo del libro: noviembre de 1965

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: De sobremesa-Por José Asunción Silva- Bogotá- Colombia. Los dominicos en Panamá- Por Fr. Alberto E. Ariza S., O.P.- Bogotá-Colombia. Río y tarde viajando-Por Carlos E. Mesa C., m. i.-Medellín - Colombia. Casa de caracol-Por Helcías Martán Góngora- Poesía - Editorial Guadalupe - Bogotá - Colombia. Del plagio y de las influencias literarias y otras tentativas de ensayo- Lucio Pabón Núñez- Imprenta Nacional- Bogotá. Poemas de la muerte- Jorge Gaitán Durán y Eduardo Cote Lamus - Selección y prólogo de Andrés Holguín - Ediciones "Tercer Mundo" - Bogotá-Colombia.

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    Álvaro Kaempfer


    Full Text Available José de Alencar' s O Guarani (1857, Alberto Blest Gana's Mariluán (1864 and Manuel deJesús Galván's Enriquillo (1882 give form to a narrative of extermination that laid down a cultural consensus over Indian genocide in XIX century Latin America. Beyond readings that have underlined the fictional rescue of a native figure, these novels delimitate, organize and naturalize a disappearance. The emptiness left by a native character lost in their final pages, installs the zero degree of a writing that articulates against them the genealogy of a political community. The erasure of native agents opens the entrance to a historical fiction where they can be accepted only as a spectral and subaltern figure, as the mourning for their remote and heroic failure, over a narrative that consecrated its extirpation from a national future.

  11. Reputações à brasileira: o caso de Guerreiro Ramos

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    João Marcelo E. Maia


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as diferentes fases na recepção da obra do sociólogo Alberto Guerreiro Ramos com o objetivo de entender as mudanças na sua reputação intelectual. A hipótese principal do texto diz respeito à necessidade de relacionar o discurso sociológico de Guerreiro Ramos ao ambiente global da sociologia entre os anos de 1950 e 1980. Para tanto, o autor relê a produção intelectual de Guerreiro Ramos para evidenciar seus interlocutores intelectuais e suas fontes teóricas. Esse método me permite comprovar a atualização do autor em relação às principais tendências sociológicas do período, desfazendo sua clássica representação como um intelectual outsider.

  12. Problemas psicologicos en la comunicacion lingüistica en el Perú

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    Raúl Gonzales Moreyra


    Full Text Available Sustentándose en una hipótesis socio-lingüística de Alberto Escobar sobre la existencia de siete formas dialectales del español en el Perú, sehan explorado siete grupos representativos de dichos dialectos en áreas psicolingüísticas relacionadas con la percepción y producción delhabla, la memoria, las asociaciones verbales, la lectura de la redundancia. El autor halló que a las formas dialectales corresponden procesos psicológicos estadísticamente diferenciados que muestran pérdidas en el tratamiento de la información proveniente de una fuente que se expresa en la norma culta limeña. Se discute, además de los aspectos comunicacionales y psicológicos,algunas implicancias sociales y pedagógicas de estos hechos.

  13. LORRIO, Alberto J. (dir.), La necrópolis orientalizante de Boliche (Cuevas del Almanzora, Almería)


    Graells i Fabregat, Raimon


    La colección Siret del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Bibliotheca ArchaeologicaHispana 43, Studia Hispano-Phoenicia 7, Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid 2014,277 p., 144 figs., 35 tablas, ISBN: 978-84-15069-70-6.

  14. Aquatic macro algae of a region under Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant influence. I. Taxonomic composition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedrini, A.G.; Universidade Santa Ursula, Rio de Janeiro, RJ; Cassano, V.; Coelho, L.G.; Labronici, G.J.


    A total of 134 taxa were found: 32 Chlorophyta, 29 Phaeophyta and 74 Rhodophyta. The Caulerpales (Chlorophyta) had the highest number of taxa (37,5%) followed by the Dictyotales (Phaeophyta - 43%) and Ceramiales (Rhodophyta - 53%). The benthic flora shows some affinity to that of Ilha Grande (part), Sepetiba Bay and Paraty (Sorensen's Index - 0,62, 0,61 and 0,58 respectively. (author). 22 refs, 1 fig, 1 tab

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    Edinalda Maria Almeida da SilvaVania Cristina Alexandrino Bernardo Projeto Gráfico André da Silva CruzEric Moreira Carvalho Diagramação Diego Melo Gomes CapaAndré da Silva Cruz Revisão Técnica Inez Barcellos de Andrade CopidesqueCláudia de Souza CaetanoCatalogação Inez Barcellos de Andrade Dados de Catalogação na Publicação (CIPB688 Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego / InstitutoFederal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense.Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. - Vol. 1, no. 1(jan./jun. 2007 - .- Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ: Essentia Editora,2007- SemestralCentro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Campos - CEFET Camposaté 2008. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia - IF Fluminense apartir de 2009. ISSN versão impressa 1981-6197ISSN versão eletrônica 2177-4560 1. Engenharia ambiental. I. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência eTecnologia Fluminense. II. Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego. CDD - 628 Tiragem: 1000 exemplaresImpressão: Borzan Indústria Gráfica | Tel.: (22 3211-9274

  16. 25 años. Temas Médicos

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    Fernando Serpa Florez


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    La publicación del Volumen XV de Temas Médicos, celebrada por la Academia Nacional de Medicina con el natural beneplácito que este esfuerzo por la ciencia significa, coincide con un cuarto de siglo de labor constante y plausible del Académico Alberto Albornoz Plata, para hacer realidad tan señalado logro.

    La revista Medicina en la presente edición publica –con justa satisfacción las palabras que con este motivo pronunciaron durante la Sesión Solemne que en tal ocasión realizó nuestra corporación, el doctor Joaquín Ordóñez, Director de los Laboratorios Farmacéuticos ITALMEX, que en forma altruista ha patrocinado esta eminente obra, sino -así mismo- la revista Medicina, órgano de la Academia Nacional de Medicina, renuevo de la centenaria “Revista Médica de Bogotá” fundada el siglo pasado.

    La afirmación que al respecto hizo el Presidente de la Academia, cuando manifestó que “el doctor Joaquín Ordóñez al frente de los Laboratorios ITALMEX nos da cada día que pasa muestras de su grandeza de espíritu y de su generosidad sin límites” ,expresa el sentimiento de reconocimiento que abrigamos por su colaboración y ayuda a nuestro Instituto.

    También ilustran hoy nuestras páginas las disertas palabras del Académico Alberto Albornoz, en que se consignan las diversas vicisitudes que hubo de superarse para llegar a la culminación del admirable aporte que para la medicina colombiana constituyen los importantes libros cuyos veinticinco años de insomne dedicación conmemoramos.

    Podemos afirmar que en los quince volúmenes de Temas Médicos queda escrita para la consulta y el estudio de las futuras generaciones parte importante de la medicina patria.

    Con razón el doctor Gilberto Rueda Pérez, Presidente de nuestra entidad dijo que: “Esta publicación de la Academia Nacional de Medicina, que tuvo su origen precisamente hace 25 años por feliz iniciativa de su Editor permanente desde su

  17. Borders of the Self in Alfredo Véa's The Silver Cloud Café

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    Roberto Cantú


    Full Text Available I am proposing an analysis of a novel by Alfredo Véra, Jr., The Silver Cloud Café (1996. As the author of a narrative trilogy that includes La Maravilla (1993, and Gods Go Begging (1999, Véa has produced, in The Silver Cloud Café , a novel that is central to the trilogy's interpretation. In my analysis, I discuss how Véa's novels question borders of the self—understood as ethnic or racial—through notions of a personal education (in La Maravilla , Alberto's; in The Silver Cloud Café , Zeferino's in which characters count on the pedagogical guidance of Yaqui shamans, manongs from the Philippine Islands, Mexican braceros , and, in Alberto's case, a Spanish grandmother. In terms of the challenges that Véa's novels make on the reader, I argue that such difficulties derive from fundamental notions that Véa embraces regarding the writer, the literary text, and the reader. Moreover, Véa questions minimalist tendencies in the United States that reduce persons to one racial or ethnic identity. As a historical novel, Silver Cloud turns into an archaeological site where the imperial histories of Spain and the United States are read as the narrative's intertextual memory. My analysis will be centered on the novel's rhetoric of memory and forgetfulness, and on its visionary impulse that—taken mostly from the Gnostics, American Transcendentalists, and modern Latin American novelists—one could read as a critique of America as well as the reclaiming of literary traditions that redefine the conventional limits of Chicano literature. These traditions extend to prophetic biblical texts, Augustine, Dante, and—among other literary figures—to modern Latin American writers, thus illuminating Véa's continued reflection on a world in decay and on the corresponding visions or revelations of its regeneration. Although present in Chicano literature in novels by Rudolfo, Anaya, Montserrat Fontes, Arturo Islas, and José Antonio Villarreal, this

  18. Il vaso e i cocci. Note in margine a La llegenda del llibreter assassí de Barcelona

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    Francesco de Cristofaro


    Full Text Available Il contributo discute alcune questioni legate, in modo più o meno tangenziale, a La llegenda del llibreter assassí de Barcelona: dopo aver sottoposto il libro di Ramon Miquel i Planas alle domande, di metodo e di merito, presenti in un affine e più recente “giallo filologico” (il saggio di Alberto Varvaro sulla vicenda della baronessa di Carini, e dopo essersi interrogato circa il filone paraletterario delle cosiddette “Cause celebri” e circa una declinazione naturalista e straniante della letteratura processuale (il dittico di Galdós Realidad-Incógnita, il discorso si sposta su di un aspetto più prettamente storico-culturale e tematico quale l’intreccio fra bibliomania e cleptomania (soprattutto in Flaubert. L’articolo si conclude con una rapida ricognizione dei plagi letterari realizzati da Nodier, il presunto colpevole del falso da cui si diparte tutta la genealogia indagata da Miquel i Planas: un colpevole che, proprio mentre si macchia di molteplici crimini letterari, dedica loro un sofisticato trattato giurisprudenziale, in cui sistematizza e stigmatizza quegli stessi crimini This essay seeks to investigate tangentially some questions regarding La llegenda del llibreter assassí de Barcelona: after having analyzed the approaches, methods and strategies –that Alberto Varvaro has thoroughly examined in the essay on Baroness di Carini’s story–, and the literary quality achieved by Ramon Miquel i Planas in his work; and after having probed the paraliterary line of the so-called “famous trials” –mostly focusing on the naturalistic estrangement effect produced by literature works related to legal cases (e.g. the conventional diptych in Galdós’s Realidad-Incógnita–, the centre of attention shifts on the cultural, historical aspects of the bizarre relationship between kleptomania and bibliomania (especially in Flaubert. The article concludes with a swift overview of literary plagiarisms committed by Nodier, the

  19. Discurso de Orden en la Presentación del Libro: “Medicina Científica Mutisiana”

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    Efraím Otero Ruiz


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    Cuando nos ocupamos por primera vez del prólogo para el libro “Medicina científica mutisiana” preparado por Alberto Gómez Gutiérrez junto con su colega y amigo Jaime Eduardo Bernal, pensamos que este sería el trabajo ideal para su ascenso a Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Nacional de Medicina. No sólo por los méritos que Alberto ha acumulado en esta Academia por casi dos décadas, por los trabajos que ha publicado y leído en nuestras sesiones, sino por su asiduidad en concurrir a las mismas, por su desempeño en las diversas comisiones y el entusiasmo con que ha acometido las colecciones y exposiciones temporales del museo.

    Por ello nadie más indicado para recibir esta noche el título de Miembro Correspondiente, como justa retribución a sus desvelos; y nada más obligante y honroso para mí que cumplir con la misión que me otorga la Junta Directiva de hacer la presentación de nuestro nuevo Miembro, con quien me ligan vínculos personales y casi familiares ligados a nuestra mutua santandereanidad.

    Como dije en el prólogo, puede decirse que, a doscientos años de su desaparición, la vida del sabio Mutis nos sigue llenando de sorpresas. A los sesudos trabajos sobre la obra del sabio y la Expedición Botánica producidos en la segunda mitad del Siglo XX se han seguido otros descubrimientos o detalles que sirven para iluminar o enaltecer más las realizaciones del prodigioso gaditano y su influencia en el desarrollo de nuestra nacionalidad. Tal ha sido este sorprendente documento inédito escrito por el sabio en 1759 y existente en el Archivo Histórico Javeriano de Bogotá, que ha motivado el presente libro, publicado por Javergraf bajo el apropiado título de “Medicina científica mutisiana” y cuyas maravillas acabamos de disfrutar.

  20. Sonidos del Silencio

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    Luz Rodríguez Carranza


    Full Text Available La novela ha muerto, afirmaba Alberto Moravia, popularizada, anexada y banalizada por el cine, la televisión, la prensa, la sicología y la sociología. Para Carlos Fuentes en cambio - quien cita a Moravia en 1969 – « lo que ha muerto es sólo la forma burguesa de la novela, el realismo » (17. Basta un viaje rápido por la red para verificar, sin embargo, que la víctima goza de buena salud y que no está confinada en la cultura de masas o en las ciencias sociales : el modelo realista del siglo XIX – y particularmente la creación de tipos representativos de una época, sean éstos promediales o excepcionales - constituye aún la principal preocupación de los escritores y críticos literarios del siglo XXI.

  1. Los Nuevos: entre la tradición y la vanguardia

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    Ricardo Rodríguez Morales


    Full Text Available EL 6 de junio de 1925 comenzó a circular en Bogotá una revista sin mayores pretensiones formales que, bajo el nombre de Los Nuevos, presentaba a un grupo de escritores cuyos temas de interés eran la política, la crítica, el arte, la literatura y los asuntos sociales, escritores que con el tiempo se destacarían en distintos frentes de la cultura nacional. Los hermanos Felipe y Alberto Lleras Camargo desempeñaban los cargos de director y secretario de redacción, respectivamente, respaldados por una "directiva'' integrada por Rafael Maya, Germán Arciniegas, Elíseo Arango , José Enrique Gaviria, Abel Botero, Jorge Zalamea, León de Greiff, Francisco Umaña Bernal, José Mar, Manuel García Herreros, Luis Vidales y C. A . Tapia y Sánchez.

  2. Synthesis of a new technetium radiotracer containing para-toluidine by tridentate chelation (N,N,O)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makhloufi, Amel


    Neuro degenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson, Creutzfeld-Jacob. and others) have an increasingly important impact as well on the economic plan as social. The diagnosis procedure and current therapies remain expensive and the assumption of responsibility of the patient is seldom assured. These last years, the development of new radiopharmaceuticals with aiming diagnosis procedure started again the interest for the search for new molecules. The asset of the synthesis of our technetium radiotracer, a tridentate chelate complex (N, N, O) resides in the facility of its obtaining; marking with the kit Alberto is done at a temperature about 90 degree approximately and this could consequently facilitate its implementation in the units of radiodiagnosis. Of lipophilic nature, neutral and of suitable molecular weight, the main challenge for this molecule would be to check its capacity to cross the blood-brain barrier by studying its cerebral extraction.

  3. Raúl Porras, escritor

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    Carlos Eduardo Zavaleta


    Full Text Available No creo que sea una novedad el juzgar a un importante historiador ycrítico literario, además de insigne diplomático y viajero ilustrado, queinclusive estudió a fondo a los cronistas del siglo XVI y a otros viajeros(especialmente franceses e italianos que vinieron al país; no es ningunanovedad, digo, juzgarlo como escritor, puesto que en esencia lo fuedesde su juventud, desde antes de los veinte años, cuando se iniciófundando una revista satírica, Alma Latina, dirigida por el mismo, juntocon su amigo Guillermo Luna Cartland.Además, su situación no es única dentro de la llamada “generacióndel Centenario”, pues varios de sus miembros, entre ellos Jorge Basadre,Luis Alberto Sánchez, Porras, Luna Cartland y Manuel G. Abastos,velaron sus primeras armas en el vasto campo de la literatura.

  4. Francesc Eiximenis y su época: finales del siglo XIV y principios del siglo XV

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    Pedro SANTONJA


    Full Text Available Durante el siglo XIV se producen algunos de los episodios más controvertidos de la historiografía: el tránsito de la economía feudal a la economía precapitalista, el cambio de una sociedad eminentemente rural a una sociedad urbana y mercantil, el nacimiento de una burguesía poderosa y culta, y la evolución de la cultura monástica, escriturística y contemplativa, a la cultura conventual, especulativa y escolástica. La edad de oro de la filosofía y de la teología llamadas «escolásticas», que florecieron, efectivamente, en las escuelas, coincide más bien con el período que se extiende aproximadamente entre 1228, comienzo de la enseñanza de Alberto Magno en Colonia, hasta 1350, fecha de la muerte de Guillermo de Ockam.

  5. Calle Blanco

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    Gonzalo Cerda Brintrup


    Full Text Available Importante arteria, que comunica el sector del puerto con la plaza. Las más imponentes construcciones se sucedían de un modo continuo, encaramándose a ambos lados de la empinada calle. Antes del gran incendio de 1936 grandes casonas de madera destacaban en calle Irarrázabal y en la esquina de ésta con calle Blanco, la más hermosa construcción pertenecía a don Alberto Oyarzún y la casa vecina hacia Blanco era de don Mateo Miserda, limitada por arriba con la casa de don Augusto Van Der Steldt y ésta era seguida de la casa de don David Barrientos provista de cuatro cúpulas en las esquinas y de un amplio corredor en el frontis. Todas estas construcciones de madera fueron destruidas en el gran incendio de 1936.

  6. Training strategic community agents in health effects of ionizing radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leite, Teresa C.S.B.; Silva, IIson P.M. da; Jannuzzi, Denise M.S.; Maurmo, Alexandre M.


    The main motivation for the development of training was the need to train agents (opinion makers) with proximity and credibility among the population, to clarify the most frequently asked questions in relation to ionizing radiation, the operation of nuclear power plants, emergency plans and about the possibility of there effects of radiation on the health of inhabitants in regions close to the central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto - CNAAA. The project has a target audience of 420 agents, 60 of them have already been trained in a pilot project . The results indicate that the topics of training were adequate and the agents have expanded their knowledge. On the other hand, the information passed on to communities by agents, recognized by this population as ' the most reliable people', is of greater credibility and likelihood of success in communicating important issues for the population living in the vicinity of the CNAAA. (author)

  7. Italy at CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    Nineteen companies will present their latest technology at the industrial exhibition “Italy at CERN”. Italian industries will exhibit products and technologies related to the field of particle physics. The full event programme is available here.   Individual interviews will take place at either the companies’ exhibition stands or in the Main Building’s conference rooms. The firms will be in contact with relevant users and technicians, but anyone wishing to speak with a particular firm is welcome to visit the exhibition or to get in touch with organiser Karin Robert. Italian Industries will also be sponsoring a free concert in the Main Auditorium on Tuesday 11 October at 8:00 pm. The "Trio Poem" concert will feature music by Beethoven and A. Dvořák, with Alberto Torin on the piano, Enrico Carraro on the violin, and Davide Bernardi on the cello.

  8. Desigualdad social. Un viaje por Latinoamérica: Diarios de Motocicleta (2004

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura María Moratal Ibáñez


    Full Text Available Dos jóvenes, Ernesto Guevara de 23 años, estudiante avanzado de Medicina y Alberto Granado de 29 años, bioquímico, comienzan un viaje por Latinoamérica a través de 5 países. Este recorrido por más de 12.000 kilómetros se inicia en Argentina en diciembre de 1951 y finaliza en Venezuela 8 meses más tarde. La película relata esta historia real, con un guión basado principalmente en los diarios de viaje publicados por los protagonistas. Nos muestra las experiencias de estos jóvenes en su viaje de descubrimiento por la rica y compleja topografía humana y social del continente sudamericano, deteniéndose especialmente en el tiempo que ambos pasan en una leprosería de la Amazonia.

  9. Training strategic community agents in health effects of ionizing radiation; Capacitacao de agentes comunitarios de saude em efeitos das radiacoes ionizantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leite, Teresa C.S.B.; Silva, IIson P.M. da; Jannuzzi, Denise M.S. [Fundacao Eletronuclear de Assistencia Medica (CIRA/FEAM), Angra dos Reis, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Informacoes em Radioepidemiologia; Maurmo, Alexandre M., E-mail: [Fundacao Eletronuclear de Assistencia Medica (CMRl/CTNV/FEAM), Angra dos Reis, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Treinamento Prof. Nelson Valverde. Centro de Medicina das Radiacoes Ionizantes


    The main motivation for the development of training was the need to train agents (opinion makers) with proximity and credibility among the population, to clarify the most frequently asked questions in relation to ionizing radiation, the operation of nuclear power plants, emergency plans and about the possibility of there effects of radiation on the health of inhabitants in regions close to the central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto - CNAAA. The project has a target audience of 420 agents, 60 of them have already been trained in a pilot project . The results indicate that the topics of training were adequate and the agents have expanded their knowledge. On the other hand, the information passed on to communities by agents, recognized by this population as ' the most reliable people', is of greater credibility and likelihood of success in communicating important issues for the population living in the vicinity of the CNAAA. (author)

  10. Off-site emergency response plans in case of technological catastrophes: the case Angra dos Reis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza Junior, M.D. de.


    In the first part of the thesis a discussion of the technical, operational and methodological features of the current practices for emergency planning in case of a nuclear fallout. Based on this general reference is possible to evaluate the features in the natural and social environment of Angra dos Reis that probably will obstruct the application of the protective countermeasures to the public. These critical points are enhanced to permit the discussion of a methodological approach that is supposed to be suitable to the reality of Angra dos Reis. The approach was developed specifically to this region and was introduced as a part of the general emergency off-site plan to the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto (CNAAA). Starting from this experience will be possible to enlarge this approach in a further research, in order to study this potential hazards of other industrial plants. (author)

  11. La perception Spirituelle: perspectives de recherche pour L'histoire desparva naturalia dans la tradition arabo-latine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martino, Carla Di


    Full Text Available A grande obra de Aristóteles sobre psicologia foi o De anima. Entretanto, nem por isso a obra Parva naturalia, também conhecida como De sensu et sensato, deixou de exercer um papel importante, entre os árabes e os pensadores ocidentais. No presente ensaio, procura-se mostrar como a tradução árabe desta última obra foi utilizada por Avicena, Ibn Bâjjia e, sob a influência deste último, por Averróis. No epítome De sensu de Averróis, percebe-se, por exemplo, que os principios teóricos são aristotélicos, mas estão contaminados pelo termo "espiritual", que não é utilizado pelo filósofo grego. No ocidente latino, essa leitura averroísta terá influência sobre Alberto Magno e Tomás de Aquino

  12. A digital simulation of a pressurizer in a PWR nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, E.F.


    A model for pressurizer digital simulation of a PWR nuclear power plant during transients, considering all pressurizer control features, is presented. The pressurizer is divided into two regions separated by a water-vapor interface and non-equilibrium conditions are considered. The particular thermodynamic process followed during insurge and outsurges is determined at each instant of analysis without any previous assumption. The pressure behavior is defined by an explicit equation in any of four possible pressurizer thermodynamic conditions. Thermodynamic properties of steam and water are computed by ASME subroutines and the mathematical formulation presented in this study was programed in FORTRAN IV for a Burroughs-6700 digital computer system. This program was employed to simulate the Shippingport Atomic Power Station and Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant - Unit 1 pressurizers. The test results compared with experimental or vendor data show the validity of this analysis method. (Author) [pt

  13. [History of Instituto Nacional de Salud Ocupacional del Peru]. (United States)

    Cossio-Brazzan, Juan M


    In Peru, the industry's development has made economic improvements but at the same time, it has had a major impact on the health of the workers; for that reason, it was necessary to generate control mechanisms. So, in 1940 it was created the Departmento de Higiene Industrial, which in 1956 was changed to Instituto de Salud Ocupacional, but it was deactivated in 1994. However, in 2001 it reappeared into the Ministerio de Salud organizational structure with the name of Instituto de Salud Ocupacional "Alberto Hurtado Abadía". Actually, it is the Centro Nacional de Salud Ocupacional y Protección del Ambiente para la Salud (CENSOPAS), organ of the Instituto Nacional de Salud which continues working in synergy with other institutions and sectors, making research to protect the health of exposed persons (workers and community) to contamination and risks associated with economic activities.

  14. 12th WINFOCUS world congress on ultrasound in emergency and critical care. (United States)

    Acar, Yahya; Tezel, Onur; Salman, Necati; Cevik, Erdem; Algaba-Montes, Margarita; Oviedo-García, Alberto; Patricio-Bordomás, Mayra; Mahmoud, Mustafa Z; Sulieman, Abdelmoneim; Ali, Abbas; Mustafa, Alrayah; Abdelrahman, Ihab; Bahar, Mustafa; Ali, Osama; Lester Kirchner, H; Prosen, Gregor; Anzic, Ajda; Leeson, Paul; Bahreini, Maryam; Rasooli, Fatemeh; Hosseinnejad, Houman; Blecher, Gabriel; Meek, Robert; Egerton-Warburton, Diana; Ćuti, Edina Ćatić; Belina, Stanko; Vančina, Tihomir; Kovačević, Idriz; Rustemović, Nadan; Chang, Ikwan; Lee, Jin Hee; Kwak, Young Ho; Kim, Do Kyun; Cheng, Chi-Yung; Pan, Hsiu-Yung; Kung, Chia-Te; Ćurčić, Ela; Pritišanac, Ena; Planinc, Ivo; Medić, Marijana Grgić; Radonić, Radovan; Fasina, Abiola; Dean, Anthony J; Panebianco, Nova L; Henwood, Patricia S; Fochi, Oliviero; Favarato, Moreno; Bonanomi, Ezio; Tomić, Ivan; Ha, Youngrock; Toh, Hongchuen; Harmon, Elizabeth; Chan, Wilma; Baston, Cameron; Morrison, Gail; Shofer, Frances; Hua, Angela; Kim, Sharon; Tsung, James; Gunaydin, Isa; Kekec, Zeynep; Ay, Mehmet Oguzhan; Kim, Jinjoo; Kim, Jinhyun; Choi, Gyoosung; Shim, Dowon; Lee, Ji-Han; Ambrozic, Jana; Prokselj, Katja; Lucovnik, Miha; Simenc, Gabrijela Brzan; Mačiulienė, Asta; Maleckas, Almantas; Kriščiukaitis, Algimantas; Mačiulis, Vytautas; Macas, Andrius; Mohite, Sharad; Narancsik, Zoltan; Možina, Hugon; Nikolić, Sara; Hansel, Jan; Petrovčič, Rok; Mršić, Una; Orlob, Simon; Lerchbaumer, Markus; Schönegger, Niklas; Kaufmann, Reinhard; Pan, Chun-I; Wu, Chien-Hung; Pasquale, Sarah; Doniger, Stephanie J; Yellin, Sharon; Chiricolo, Gerardo; Potisek, Maja; Drnovšek, Borut; Leskovar, Boštjan; Robinson, Kristine; Kraft, Clara; Moser, Benjamin; Davis, Stephen; Layman, Shelley; Sayeed, Yusef; Minardi, Joseph; Pasic, Irmina Sefic; Dzananovic, Amra; Pasic, Anes; Zubovic, Sandra Vegar; Hauptman, Ana Godan; Brajkovic, Ana Vujaklija; Babel, Jaksa; Peklic, Marina; Radonic, Vedran; Bielen, Luka; Ming, Peh Wee; Yezid, Nur Hafiza; Mohammed, Fatahul Laham; Huda, Zainal Abidin; Ismail, Wan Nasarudin Wan; Isa, W Yus Haniff W; Fauzi, Hashairi; Seeva, Praveena; Mazlan, Mohd Zulfakar


    A1 Point-of-care ultrasound examination of cervical spine in emergency departmentYahya Acar, Onur Tezel, Necati SalmanA2 A new technique in verifying the placement of a nasogastric tube: obtaining the longitudinal view of nasogastric tube in addition to transverse view with ultrasoundYahya Acar, Necati Salman, Onur Tezel, Erdem CevikA3 Pseudoaneurysm of the femoral artery after cannulation of a central venous line. Should we always use ultrasound in these procedures?Margarita Algaba-Montes, Alberto Oviedo-García, Mayra Patricio-BordomásA4 Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular subclavian vein catheterization. A novel approach in emergency departmentMargarita Algaba-Montes, Alberto Oviedo-García, Mayra Patricio-BordomásA5 Clinical ultrasound in a septic and jaundice patient in the emergency departmentMargarita Algaba-Montes, Alberto Oviedo-García, Mayra Patricio-BordomásA6 Characterization of the eyes in preoperative cataract Saudi patients by using medical diagnostic ultrasoundMustafa Z. Mahmoud, Abdelmoneim SuliemanA7 High-frequency ultrasound in determining the causes of acute shoulder joint painMustafa Z. MahmoudA8 Teaching WINFOCUS Ultrasound Life Support Basic Level 1 for Providers in resource-limited countriesAbbas Ali, Alrayah Mustafa, Ihab Abdelrahman, Mustafa Bahar, Osama Ali, H. Lester Kirchner, Gregor ProsenA9 Changes of arterial stiffness and endothelial function during uncomplicated pregnancyAjda Anzic, Paul LeesonA10 Cardiovascular haemodynamic properties before, during and after pregnancyAjda Anzic, Paul LeesonA11 An old man with generalized weaknessMaryam Bahreini, Fatemeh RasooliA12 Ultrasonography for non-specific presentations of abdominal painMaryam Bahreini, Houman HosseinnejadA13 Introduction of a new imaging guideline for suspected renal colic in the emergency department: effect on CT Urogram utilisationGabriel Blecher, Robert Meek, Diana Egerton-WarburtonA14 Transabdominal ultrasound screening for pancreatic cancer in Croatian military

  15. Aquatic macro algae of a region under Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant influence. I. Spatial seasonal evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedrini, A.G.; Universidade Santa Ursula, Rio de Janeiro, RJ; Cassano, V.; Coelho, L.G.; Labronici, G.J.


    Marine macro algae from the area which is under in fluence of the heated and chlorate liquid effluent to the CNAAA were observed (1981-1983) at 3 collection points: Pingo Dagua, Velho Beach, discharge point. A total of 121 taxa were found: 29 Chlorophyta, 26 Phaeophyta and 66 Rhodophyta. The spring season was the richest in taxa (78) while autumn was the poorest (85). Overall, the data suggest that the point A (Pingo Dagua) macro algae community (which is similar to the discharge point (0,80) is adequate for the control of the CNAAA effluent impact ad Piraquara de Fora. (author). 11 refs, 5 figs, 1 tab

  16. Naised peaksid maksma makse vähem ja mehed rohkem / Alberto Alesina, Andrea Ichino ; tõlk. Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alesina, Alberto


    Ettepanek on, et langetada naiste ja tõsta meeste tulumaksu, kuid vähem kui naiste oma alaneb. Naiste maksude alandamine on lihtsaim viis naiste tööhõive suurendamiseks. Autorid leiavad, et soopõhine maksustamine võiks pikema aja jooksul aidata muuta ka peresisest tööjaotust

  17. Hyper-Parodic Machineries from Narrative to Cinema: Dürrenmatt's A Dangerous Game between Ettore Scola and Alberto Sordi

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    Antonio Rosario Daniele


    Dürrenmatt’s A Dangerous Game finds in Lizzani’s episode a precursor of some distortions of "judgment" and "condemns ", which will culminate in Comencini's film where a whole path of the highway will be shut off.

  18. Art and aesthetics in the Minutogramas of Jorge Oteiza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Javier Azanza López


    Full Text Available During his stay in Buenos Aires in 1939, Jorge Oteiza promoted the artistic information service The art walk, a consequence of which are his Minutogramas. They are close to the comic aesthetic, show a remarkable interest in graphic design, and display a discourse that echoes Surrealism and the “ramonismo” of Ramón Gómez de la Serna. In this way, the sculptor provides some keys to understanding his aesthetic thinking: his belief in the universal values of Geometry following in the footsteps of Leonardo; Nature as the foundation for sculptural creation which he discovers in Maillol, Zadkine, Alberto and Erzia; his admiration for El Greco, Velázquez and Goya as Hispanic models; the recognition of Cézanne as the father of Contemporary Art and the teachings of Hans Arp, constitute some of the themes found in his Minutogramas, in which he also manifests his humanistic dimension in several areas of knowledge.

  19. Persistency of atmospheric diffusion conditions in Angra dos Reis - Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nicolli, D.


    Based on a 2 year observation period, the diffusion conditions at the Almirante Alvaro Alberto N.P.P. site, in Angra dos Reis, are analized with respect to persistency as a function of the wind direction, the Pasquill stability class and the time of the day. The Pasquill stability class relates to the bulk vertical temperature gradient measured between 2m and 50m in the atmosphere; the wind direction is measured at 50m height. The persistency is defined in this report as the probability that the wind direction will remain longer than a given time in a sector without change in the diffusion category by more than a certain stage. During the day the persistency is mostly affected by the sea breeze with predominance of the unstable and neutral categories. At night the stable categories dominate. The alternating sea and land breezes disturb daily the trade wind field resulting in low persistency of the diffusion conditions. (Author) [pt

  20. La dimensión estremecida

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    Edgar O'Hara


    Full Text Available Llanto de la espada. Eduardo García Aguilar. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 1992. 16 textos / Falso diario. Santiago Mutis Durán. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca", Cali, 1993, 72 págs. En alabanza del tiempo. Álvaro Rodríguez Torres. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca", Cali, 1993, 51 págs. El rey de los espantos. Víctor Manuel Gaviria. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca", Cali, 1993, 69 págs. La luna del dragón. William Ospina. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca" , Cali, 1993, 107 págs. En la posada del mundo. Fernando Herrera Gómez. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca", Cali, 1993, 81 págs. Piezas para la mano izquierda. Jaime Alberto Vélez. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, 1992.

  1. The marine environment monitoring in Saco Piraquara de Fora after the beginning of the Angra 2 nuclear power plant operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavares, P.G.; Souza, R.F.; Cardoso, S.N.M.


    The goal of this paper is to evaluate the environmental monitoring around the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station after the beginning the operation of Unit II, in July 2000. The Environmental Monitoring Laboratory collects several environmental samples and analyses them radiometrically to determine the presence of artificial radionuclides. In the Environmental Monitoring Laboratory, the samples are prepared and analysed following international procedures and the activities of the detectable radionuclides are obtained by gamma spectrometry. The Environmental Monitoring Laboratory analyses tritium in sea water as well. This paper will describe only the monitoring of the marine samples and the results of the measurements are compared with those obtained in pre-operational time of Angra 1 (1978 - 1982), Angra 2 (1996 - 2000) and those obtained in operational time of the units until 2008. The results show that, since 1982 until now, there is no impact on marine environment caused by the operation of Angra 1 and Angra 2. (author)

  2. McArdle disease: a case report and review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leite A


    Full Text Available Alberto Leite, Narciso Oliveira, Manuela RochaInternal Medicine Department, Hospital de Braga, PortugalAbstract: McArdle disease (glycogen storage disease type V is a pure myopathy caused by an inherited deficit of myophosphorylase. The disease exhibits clinical heterogeneity, but patients typically experience exercise intolerance, acute crises of early fatigue, and contractures, sometimes with rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria, triggered by static muscle contractions or dynamic exercise. We present the case of a 54-year-old man with a lifelong history of fatigability, worsening on exertion. Laboratory evaluation revealed significant elevations in levels of creatine kinase (7924 U/L, lactate dehydrogenase (624 U/L, and myoglobulin (671 ng/mL. A muscle biopsy confirmed the presence of McArdle disease. This case report illustrates how, due to embarrassment, the patient hid his symptoms for many years and was eventually extremely relieved and “liberated” once McArdle disease was diagnosed 40 years later.Keywords: McArdle disease, glycogen storage disease, myophosphorylase

  3. Quechua reivindication in Roncalla, Gonzales and Ninawaman poetry

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    Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the literary works of transnational Peruvian Quechua poets Fredy Roncalla (Apurímac 1953, Odi Gonzales (Cuzco 1962, and Chaska Anka Ninawaman (Cuzco 1972. It addresses ethnic Quechua reinvindication, identity politics, and denounces the exclusions Quechua people suffer in various cultural and social contexts, focusing, moreover, on each poet’s transnational perspective. Roncalla underlines Quechua people’s flexibility to adapt and overcome problems from New York City. Anka Ninawaman manifests her confidence in the Quechua community and family from Paris. Also from New York City, Gonzales suggests the dismissal of Incan mythic realms. All three poets have thus incorporated new topics and registers into the written Quechua literary tradition. Roncalla, Gonzalez and Anka Ninawaman distance themselves from the two versions of utopic horizon typical of the 1980s, in the then ongoing debate on the future of Peru, namely, Alberto Flores Galindo’s “Andean Utopian” and Mario Vargas Llosa’s “neoliberal utopia”.

  4. Research joins forces with industry in the fight against cancer

    CERN Multimedia

    Francesco Poppi


    The Geneva-based Application of Detectors and Accelerators to Medicine (A.D.A.M. SA) has recently completed the first unit of an innovative linear accelerator for hadron therapy applications. The design of the new unit is based on pioneering studies carried out by the TERA Foundation a few years ago. Assembled at CERN in the framework of a partnership agreement with the company, this first module is now ready to leave Switzerland for Rome, where it will undergo some important performance tests.   The first unit of LIGHT was unveiled on 20 November. The ceremony was attended by Sergio Bertolucci, CERN Director for Research, Rolf Heuer, CERN Director-General, Alberto Colussi, Director of ADAM SA, President Carlo Lamprecht and Domenico Campi, ADAM SA Board Members, and Ugo Amaldi, President of the TERA Foundation. The Linac for Image-Guided Hadron Therapy (LIGHT) is the innovative linear accelerator designed by A.D.A.M. SA to revolutionise hadron therapy facilities by simplifying the infrastructure...

  5. The Tragedy of Work: Working Class Heroes in the Italian 21st-century Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudio Panella


    Full Text Available The paper aims at exploring how the literary representation of the worker has changed between the end of 20th-century and the beginning of the 21st-century. With the fall of the 20th-century ideologies and raising the fragmentation of labour, texts have emerged in Italian literature which illustrated the tragic social and existential condition of the working class. Among these texts we can find some récits de filiation written by sons and daughters of workers whose health and ideals have been undermined even down to death. These typology of texts let emerged two equally tragic characters: fathers, ill and defeated but still working class heroes and sons, tragically conscious of their roles witnesses-superstites of those ‘denied heroes’. Among the texts being tackled in the paper Il nemico (2009 by Emanuele Tonon, Amianto (2012 by Alberto Prunetti, Il fuoco a mare (2015 by Andrea Bottalico, Ilva Football Club (2016 by Fulvio Colucci and Lorenzo d’Alò

  6. A boost to visits

    CERN Multimedia


    Several guides were rewarded by CERN's Director-General and Secretary-General for their contributions in 2004. Left to right: Géraldine Chuste, the Director-General Robert Aymar, Klaus Batzner, Philippe Moret, Joanna Weng, Alberto Ribon, Head of the Visits Service, Emma Sanders, and the Secretary-General, Maximilian Metzger. Three other guides not in the photograph, Antonio Francano, Christoph Ilgner and Tzanko Spassoff, were also rewarded for their contributions. As every year, the CERN Visits Service has paid tribute to its guides, all of whom are volunteers and devote some of their time to showing people around their Laboratory. The guides were invited to a get-together in Microcosm during which the Director-General, Robert Aymar, expressed his special gratitude for their efforts and presented awards to the most dedicated among them. He encouraged members of the Laboratory to become guides and underlined that 2004 had been an exceptional year for visits, which had risen by 15% to almost 22,000. Including ...

  7. Pesquisa de clima organizacional em empresas de desenvolvimento de software de Blumenau – SC

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    Simone Cristina Aléssio


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a influência das variáveis que compõem o Clima Organizacional em ambientes de desenvolvimento de software do município de Blumenau, SC, com o propósito de analisar as relações existentes nestes ambientes de trabalho. Parte-se do pressuposto de que as pessoas são as figuras mais importantes em uma organização, e o modo como se sente é fundamental para o equilíbrio de todos. Por isso, enfoca-se bastante a questão da cultura organizacional, que influencia diretamente o comportamento individual e coletivo dos colaboradores, sendo determinante no Clima Organizacional. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa, levando-se em consideração fatores internos e externos que podem ter influência sobre o Clima Organizacional. Utilizou-se um questionário com 55 perguntas, retiradas do modelo de Carlos Alberto Ferreira Bispo (2006, aplicado em 12 empresas, das 20 selecionadas.

  8. CERN Academic Training Programme 2008/2009

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    LECTURE SERIES 20, 21, 22 April 2009 11:00-12:00 - TH Auditorium, Bldg. 4-3-006 The Use of Radiation Detectors in Medecine: The Future of Molecular Imaging and Multimodality Imaging Prof. Alberto Del Guerra / Dep. of Physics "E. Fermi", Univ. of Pise and INFN, Italy The development of radiation detectors in the field of nuclear and particle physics has had a terrific impact in medical imaging since this latter discipline took off in the late 70s with the invention of the CT scanners. The massive use in high energy physics of position-sensitive gas detectors, of high Z and high density scintillators coupled to Photomultiplier (PMT) and Position Sensitive Photomultipliers (PSPMT), and of solid state detectors has triggered during the last 30 years a series of novel applications in Medical Imaging with ionizing radiation. The accelerated scientific progression in genetics and molecular biology has finally generated what is now called Molecular Imaging. This field of research p...

  9. CERN Academic Training Programme 2008/2009

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    LECTURE SERIES 20, 21, 22 April 2009 11:00-12:00 - TH Auditorium, Bldg. 4-3-006 The Use of Radiation Detectors in Medecine: The Future of Molecular Imaging and Multimodality Imaging Prof. Alberto Del Guerra / Dep. of Physics "E. Fermi", Univ. of Pise and INFN, Italy The development of radiation detectors in the field of nuclear and particle physics has had a terrific impact in medical imaging since this latter discipline took off in the late 70s with the invention of the CT scanners. The massive use in high energy physics of position-sensitive gas detectors, of high Z and high density scintillators coupled to Photomultiplier (PMT) and Position Sensitive Photomultipliers (PSPMT), and of solid state detectors has triggered during the last 30 years a series of novel applications in Medical Imaging with ionizing radiation. The accelerated scientific progression in genetics and molecular biology has finally generated what is now called Molecular Imaging. This field of research presents addition...

  10. Analysis of reactivity insertion accidents in PWR reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camargo, C.T.M.


    A calculation model to analyze reactivity insertion accidents in a PWR reactor was developed. To analyze the nuclear power transient, the AIREK-III code was used, which simulates the conventional point-kinetic equations with six groups of delayed neutron precursors. Some modifications were made to generalize and to adapt the program to solve the proposed problems. A transient thermal analysis model was developed which simulates the heat transfer process in a cross section of a UO 2 fuel rod with Zircalloy clad, a gap fullfilled with Helium gas and the correspondent coolant channel, using as input the nulcear power transient calculated by AIREK-III. The behavior of ANGRA-i reactor was analized during two types of accidents: - uncontrolled rod withdrawal from subcritical condition; - uncontrolled rod withdrawal at power. The results and conclusions obtained will be used in the license process of the Unit 1 of the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto. (Author) [pt

  11. Aos passos com b-boys: individuações e reflexividades de uma prática

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    Full Text Available Fijándose en los debates sobre procesos de individuación vividos en las relaciones sociales contemporáneas, este ensayo resulta de interlocuciones con activistas del hip-hop . Problematiza cómo la práctica de breakdance ha contribuido a la individuación identitaria de bailarines del Restinga Crew , grupo de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Proposiciones de Alberto Melucci y de Danilo Martuccelli son los principales referentes, y la investigación fue realizada en 2013 y 2014, mediante observación in loco y realización de entrevistas narrativas. El texto señala las dinámicas reflexivas producidas por el grupo y considera relaciones entre estas y las posibilidades de singularización individual concretadas en articulación al reconocimiento de los pares y a la pertenencia colectiva. Argumenta que los desafíos vividos en este sentido ambientaron producción de capitales culturales y aportaron inserciones en otros espacios sociales.


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    Roger Ribeiro da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consiste na comparação de fragmentos de textos encontrados na obra de Platão e na Epístola aos Romanos atribuída à Paulo. Retirados de inúmeros textos atribuídos a Platão, estes fragmentos tiveram confirmados indícios da teologia órfica pelo professor Alberto Bernabé Pajares. E ao aplicar a Metodologia de Analise do Discurso Teológico, desenvolvido especificamente para este trabalho, e comparado os resultados individuais, encontramos pontos de encontro entre as duas teologias, a Órfica e a Paulina, acentuando o que tange a crença no Dualismo do Ser. A problemática levantada neste trabalho se refere a como a representação1 da alma unida ao corpo, encontrada em escritos paulinistas, apresenta indícios de contatos com fundamentos órficos no berço do cristianismo.

  13. Os Simpsons no dia das bruxas

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    Chantal Herskovic


      Este artigo tem como objetivo resgatar paródias da série de TV Os Simpsons a partir de histórias inspiradas em obras da literatura gótica, visando verificar de que forma dialogam com os textos de partda e com o tema de Halloween ou o Dia das Bruxas. Serão utilizadas para análise reflexões teóricas propostas por Umberto Eco (2001 em que o autor discute o papel da cultura de massa na atualidade; por David Punter, (1996 em que analisa as características da literatura gótica; por Alberto Manguel (2005 em que distingue os conceitos de terror e horror; por Julio Plaza (2001 em que propõe estudos sobre transcriação sígnica e o conceito de intertextualidade; e, finalmente, por Linda Hutcheon (1986 em que analisa a questão da adaptação e o conceito de paródia.


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    Omar Gutiérrez Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Our Earth Planet confronts the global crisis including the environmental area and its common cause, the unconscious acting of the human being and the convergent effect to the extermination of the world and the human sort. At present environmental insufficiencies are persisted related to the environmental knowledge of the Construction technician in Oscar Alberto Ortega Lara Polytechnic Institute as well as in the development of a favourable environmental attitudes establishing a contradiction in the social practice between a model wanted in the Technical and Professional Education (TPE - to graduate technicians of the Construction Family with good environmental behaviour. That’s why in this paper it is argued that the environmental attitudes of the TPE students constitute a social problem of the Science and the Technology, getting as a result that the application of the epistemology bases given, emits positive changes in their cognitive, affective and participative attitudes to the environmental situations.

  15. NEOEVOLUCIONISMO Y ECOLOGÍA CULTURAL. LA OBRA DE JULIAN STEWARD Y LA RENOVACIÓN DE LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA ANTROPOLOGÍA EN LA ARGENTINA / Neo-evolutionism and cultural ecology. The Argentine Renovation of Anthropology Teaching under the influence of J. Steward

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    Gastón Julián Gil


    Full Text Available La introducción de la obra del antropólogo norteamericano Julian Haynes Steward (1902-1972 produjo una parcial renovación de la enseñanza de la antropología en la Argentina desde mediados de la década del cincuenta. Principalmente en arqueología (y más tarde en lo que comenzaría a llamarse antropología social, el enfoque materialista, neoevolucionista y ecológico entró en tensión con la corriente histórico-cultural alemana que había hegemonizado el campo antropológico nacional liderado por el italiano José Imbelloni desde la Universidad de Buenos Aires. La circulación de estas nuevas ideas -que también provocaron fuertes polémicas en su ámbito de gestación original- es abordada principalmente a partir de la labor transformadora y revitalizadora de Alberto Rex González, posgraduado en la Universidad de Columbia y alumno de Steward a fines de los años cuarenta. De este modo, se propone un análisis de las maneras en que nuevos postulados conceptuales provenientes de una tradición metropolitana se difundieron en un contexto periférico.Palabras Clave: Antropología argentina; Neoevolucionismo; Ecología cultural; UniversidadAbstractThe introduction of the U.S. anthropologist Julian Haynes Steward (1902-1972 to the Argentine courses of Anthropology in the mid-50´s, launched a process of partial renovation in Argentine anthropology.  His materialistic, neoevolutionist, and ecological scope applied to Archeology and, later, to what would become Social Anthropology, differed from more established views such as German historical-cultural theory led by Italian anthropologist José Imbelloni and Austrian archaeologist Oswald Menghin. This paper describes and analyzes the arrival of Steward’s ideas to some Argentine schools of Anthropology (Córdoba, Litoral/Rosario and La Plata in the late 40s, by means of archaeologist Alberto Rex González, a Columbia Ph.D. and one of Steward’s students. In fact, studying Steward


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    Alfredo del Valle


    Full Text Available Experiencias en un país en desarrollo: tres empresas proveedoras de la minería construyen capacidades de innovar Alfredo del Valle, Eduardo Abarzúa, Fernando Contreras Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado VER VERSIÓN ON LINE Santiago de Chile Este libro da a conocer una experiencia singular sobre el desarrollo de capacidades de innovación empresarial en un país en desarrollo. Se titula 'Innovar contra la Corriente' porque la experiencia se ha producido en el medio adverso a la innovación que caracteriza a estos países. Nuestra cultura dificulta y entorpece la innovación. La del mundo desarrollado, en cambio, la favorece y la estimula a todos los niveles. Solo podremos desarrollarnos si emprendemos la tarea clave de construir una nueva cultura, que promueva y apoye la innovación en cada empresa, en cada política pública y en la sociedad entera. Es una tarea ardua, porque exige enfrentar las culturas actuales y las prácticas asociadas a ellas, que nos rigen y nos condicionan en todos los planos sin que seamos conscientes de aquello. La experiencia se realizó en tres empresas chilenas -ARA WorleyParsons (ingeniería, Drillco Tools (herramientas de perforación y Enaex Servicios (servicios de explosión controlada- en conjunto con la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, que aportó la metodología: el Modelo de Innovación Participativa. Las culturas y sus prácticas son fruto de procesos de aprendizaje en la acción. Ellas no se transforman con simples tareas de capacitación o comunicación ni con eventos de impacto emocional, como suele proponerse, sino que requieren de procesos más profundos de movilización de personas y conocimientos, para la creación de valor y la creación organizacional. Esta experiencia ha tenido como rasgos distintivos su atención al carácter propio del mundo no desarrollado, su metodología sistémica y participativa, y un dispositivo de observación crítica del modelo utilizado, así como del proceso en las

  17. Incidence and costs of hip fractures vs strokes and acute myocardial infarction in Italy: comparative analysis based on national hospitalization records

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    Piscitelli P


    Full Text Available Prisco Piscitelli,1,2 Giovanni Iolascon,3 Alberto Argentiero,2 Giovanna Chitano,2 Cosimo Neglia,2 Gemma Marcucci,1 Manuela Pulimeno,2 Marco Benvenuto,2 Santa Mundi,2 Valentina Marzo,2 Daniela Donato,4 Angelo Baggiani,4 Alberto Migliore,5 Mauro Granata,6 Francesca Gimigliano,3 Raffaele Di Blasio,7 Alessandra Gimigliano,3 Lorenzo Renzulli,7 Maria Luisa Brandi,1 Alessandro Distante,2,4 Raffaele Gimigliano3,71University of Florence, Florence Italy; 2ISBEM Research Centre, Brindisi, Italy; 3Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy; 4University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 5Fatebenefratelli St Peter’s Hospital, Rome, Italy; 6St Filippo Neri Hospital, Rome, Italy; 7Casa di Cura Santa Maria del Pozzo, Somma Vesuviana, ItalyObjectives: As osteoporotic fractures are becoming a major health care problem in countries characterized by an increasing number of older adults, in this study we aimed to compare the incidence and costs of hip fragility fractures in Italian elderly people versus those of major cardiovascular diseases (strokes and acute myocardial infarctions [AMI] occurring in the whole adult population.Methods: We analyzed hospitalization records maintained at the national level by the Italian Ministry of Health for the diagnosis of hip fractures (ICD-9-CM codes 820–821, AMI (code 410, hemorrhagic (codes 430, 431, 432 and ischemic strokes (codes 433–434, and TIA (code 435 between 2001–2005. Cost analyses were based on diagnosis-related groups.Results: The incidence of hip fractures in elderly people has increased (+12.9% between 2001 and 2005, as well as that of AMI (+20.2% and strokes (hemorrhagic: +9.6%; ischemic: +14.7 occurring in the whole adult population; conversely, hospitalization due to TIA decreased by a rate of 13.6% between 2001 and 2005. In 2005, the hospital costs across the national health care system that were associated with hip fragility fractures in the elderly were comparable to those of strokes (both hemorrhagic and

  18. Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu, Tony Coady, Alberto Giubilini, and Sagar Sanyal: the ethics of human enhancement: understanding the debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frank, L.E.


    A decade of research on the ethics of human enhancement has produced a vast literature. This collection is an excellent contribution to the field; it fulfills and exceeds the promises of its two subsections: understanding and advancing the debate. Section 1, Understanding the Debate includes eight

  19. Study on the marine fouling communities near Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto (CNAAA), Angra dos Reis, R.J. (Brazil)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nunes, A.J.B.


    The effects of chemical and thermal effluents from CNAAA (Angra 1 Reactor) on local biota are studied. The seasonal variations and the ecologic aspects are presented and the biota is used as pollution indicator. The biota taxonomic study is desctibed. (M.A.C.) [pt

  20. Aquatic macro algae of a region under Almirante Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant influence. I. Spatial seasonal evaluation; Macroalgas marinhas da regiao sob influencia da Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto (CNAAA), Saco de Piraquara de Fora, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brasil. I. Avaliacao espaco-temporal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedrini, A.G. [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)]|[Universidade Santa Ursula, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Ciencias Biologicas; Cassano, V.; Coelho, L.G.; Labronici, G.J. [Universidade do Estado, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Biologia


    Marine macro algae from the area which is under in fluence of the heated and chlorate liquid effluent to the CNAAA were observed (1981-1983) at 3 collection points: Pingo Dagua, Velho Beach, discharge point. A total of 121 taxa were found: 29 Chlorophyta, 26 Phaeophyta and 66 Rhodophyta. The spring season was the richest in taxa (78) while autumn was the poorest (85). Overall, the data suggest that the point A (Pingo Dagua) macro algae community (which is similar to the discharge point (0,80) is adequate for the control of the CNAAA effluent impact ad Piraquara de Fora. (author). 11 refs, 5 figs, 1 tab.

  1. Analysis of the loss of coolant accident due to the faiture in the open position of two pressurizer relief valves, for Angra-1 nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freire, C.F.


    A study of the modeling techniques adequate for simulating the loss of coolant accident caused by stuck open pressurizer relief valves, using the RELAP4-MOD5 code, is performed and the model developed is applied to the analysis of this kind of accident for the Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto Unit (Angra 1). The thermal hydraulic behavior of the reactor cooling system, when subjected to a loss of main feedwater followed by the failure in the open position of two pressurizer relief valves, is determined. The relief valves are assumed to fail in the totally open position, delivering the maximum massflow through the discharge line. The RELAP4-MOD5 code is shown to be adequate for this kind of analysis, and the detailed prediction of the thermal hydraulic behavior of the Reactor Coolant System is thus possible. The eficiency of the emergency core cooling system of Angra 1 is demonstrated, the fuel elements remaining covered by the coolant during all the accident, and the peak clad temperatures are kept within design limites, ensuring the integrity of the core. (Author) [pt

  2. Taking the plunge

    CERN Multimedia


    On 8 and 15 October, 58 people took the plunge and headed to the Varembé swimming pool in Geneva for their first taste of scuba diving at one of the CERN scuba club’s free trial dives. Club president Alberto Pace, left, taking a new recruit on his first dive. The CERN scuba club was making waves down at the Varembe swimming pool on Wednesday 15 October. Thirty-six people turned up to the club’s second free trial dive. "It was fantastic," said Jörg, one of the new recruits, after his first ever dive. "I’ve always wanted to try diving and this was a free lesson, so I thought I would come and have a go." Fourteen of the club’s fully qualified instructors were there to give one-on-one tuition. After a first dive in the normal pool the new divers moved into the deep pool. Some took to the water like fish, and at one point an impromptu game of aqua-Frisbee broke out, five metres below the surface. Richard Catherall, who organi...

  3. Pasolini et la poétique du déplacement :

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    Anne-Violaine Houcke


    Full Text Available En 1968-1969, Pasolini tourne en Afrique un Carnet de notes pour une Orestie africaine, dans cette « forme nouvelle » que sont les Appunti pasoliniens. Work in progress à forte dimension méta-cinématographique, le Carnet de notes fait travailler ensemble la fiction et le documentaire : le mythe raconté par Eschyle s’ouvre à une démarche archéologique et ethnologique, que motive une urgente quête des survivances. Pasolini met ainsi en œuvre une véritable poétique du déplacement, qui, à partir du déplacement géographique et, par la pratique de l’analogie, conduit à la réalisation d’une œuvre « déplacée », intempestive, qui vise à déplacer le spectateur. « Poète civil », comme le définissait Alberto Moravia, Pasolini fait du poétique le lieu du politique.


    CERN Multimedia


    A demonstration of the new supported Windows environment for all the CERN personal computers (PC) will be given which is based on Windows 2000. This presentation will assume little or no familiarity with the PC, or NICE, and will concentrate on the services being offered to the users of PCs at CERN. How NICE 2000 can facilitate the work of all users, eventually becoming the key access point to all activities in the laboratory will be demonstrated. Information: Date Title Language Location Speaker Fri 1/6 10:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F IT Auditorium (31/3-004) Alberto Pace Tue 5/6 10:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F LHC Auditorium (30/7th floor) Frederic Hemmer Tue 5/6 14:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F SL Auditorium (864/1s floor) Michel Bornand Tue 5/6 14:00 An introduction to Windows 2000 at CERN E IT Auditorium (31/3-004) Andreas Wagner ...


    CERN Document Server


    A demonstration of the new supported Windows environment for all the CERN personal computers (PC) will be given which is based on Windows 2000. This presentation will assume little or no familiarity with the PC, or NICE, and will concentrate on the services being offered to the users of PCs at CERN. How NICE 2000 can facilitate the work of all users, eventually becoming the key access point to all activities in the laboratory will be demonstrated. Date Title Language Location Speaker Fri 1/6 10:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F IT Auditorium (31/3-004) Alberto Pace Tue 5/6 10:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F LHC Auditorium (30/7th floor) Frederic Hemmer Tue 5/6 14:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F SL Auditorium (864/1s floor) Michel Bornand Tue 5/6 14:00 An introduction to Windows 2000 at CERN E IT Auditorium (31/3-004) Andreas Wagner Wed 6/6 14:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F SL ...

  6. The Press of Northern Argentina at the Crossroads of Cultural Communication.The Literary Page of the Newspaper La Gaceta (1949-1951

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    Dda. Ana María Risco


    Full Text Available In this article, we investigate the strategies used by the director of a newspaper to constitute a transcendental cultural project in the journalism of Northern Argentina. The case studied is that of the literary section of the newspaper La Gaceta, from Tucumán, which is considered of primary importance for the development of the written press of the region during the 20th century. Our research does theoretically and methodologically form part of the sociology of culture. We follow, on the one hand, Pierre Bourdieu’s postulates on the intellectual field and the creator project for the description of the literary page of the above mentioned newspaper as a two-dimensional project: individual and collective at the same time. On the other hand, we coincide with Raymond Williams’ conceptualizations on the organization of culture. We also consider the case we study as part of cultural journalism, focusing on some theoretical matters and analyzing the configuration of such section from the perspective of its director, Daniel Alberto Dessein.

  7. Relaciones peligrosas. Un epistolario

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    Luis Branda


    Full Text Available El título y parte del contenido de este intercambio entre dos universitarios se inspiran en la novela epistolar Les liaisons dangereuses de Pierre Choderlos de Lachlos, que puede considerarse una exploración de las ironías de la condición humana. El intercambio de epístolas es entre el Dr. Alberto Golding y la Dra. Manman Touchstone, nombres inspirados en la alquimia. Golding es bueno como el oro pero potencialmente maleable; Touchstone, se utilizaba para probar la pureza del oro o la plata, y, en forma figurativa, para comprobar si algo o alguien es genuino. Aparte de alguna crítica al sistema académico, el tema fundamental de estas epístolas es el antifeminismo de la Edad Media haciendo referencia a algunas situaciones de la época contemporánea. Además de los escritos que revelan misoginia se hace referencia y analizan los poemas del siglo XIV sobre Melusina, una bella mujer que se metamorfoseaba en una serpiente

  8. El soldado/poeta, el miedo, la derrota: una lectura de Segunda Derrota: 1940, de Los Girasoles Ciegos

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    Magnólia Brasil Barbosa do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Se propone en este artículo una reflexión sobre los duros años de la inmediata posguerra civil española, privilegiando la “Segunda Derrota: 1940 o Manuscrito encontrado en el olvido”, uno de los cuentos de Los girasoles ciegos (2004, de Alberto Méndez (1941-2004, quien escribe para grabar la memoria del miedo vigente en aquel momento histórico. Por la importancia de la apropiación del pasado (Benjamin, se optó por acompañar las vicisitudes de un joven soldado/poeta que busca escapar hacia Francia con la novia embarazada y es sorprendido por la muerte de la joven durante el parto. En la obra, es fuerte el poder de la palabra (Agamben, 2008. El escritor tematiza la crueldad que interrumpió, de manera violenta, muchas vidas. En “Segunda Derrota”, se evidencia la importancia de la manutención de la memoria para que esas infames sombras no se pierdan en los silencios, y luego no caigan en el olvido.

  9. Las tesis de los filósofos del siglo XIII que afirmaron la existencia del intelecto agente

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    Sellés, Juan Fernando


    Full Text Available In this article we review the statements of relevant philosophers of the XIIIeme century supporting the existence of the human agent intellect. Three groups can be distinguished: I The universal hylemorphism (Alexander of Hales, John de la Rochelle, Mathew of Acquasparta; II The synthesis between the augustinianism and the aristhotelism (Peter Hispanus, Saint Bonaventura, John Peckham; III The purified and advanced aristotelism (Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Ramon Llull.

    En este trabajo se revisan las tesis de relevantes filósofos del s. XIII que defendieron la existencia del intelecto agente en el hombre. En el trabajo se dividen en tres grupos a los pensadores: I Los que se suelen encuadrar dentro del llamado hilemorfismo universal (Alejandro de Hales, Juan de la Rochela y Mateo de Acquasparta. II La síntesis entre el agustinismo y el aristotelismo (Pedro Hispano, San Buenaventura, Juan Peckham. III El aristotelismo depurado y proseguido (San Alberto Magno, Sto. Tomás de Aquino, Ramón Llull.

  10. The XX century architectural heritage in the Marche region. The Masters’ drawings and designs.

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    Ramona Quattrini


    Full Text Available In the history of architecture, Marche is often considered as a region that did not take part in the big developments of national architecture. Hence it’s meaningful to examine the architectonic events of the Region in the XX century and how much the Marche region has been the object of work by the great masters of the past century. A list of architects - called ‘masters’ – has been selected: Franco Albini, Gae Aulenti, Carlo Aymonino, Ernesto Basile, BBPRGuido Canella, Giancarlo De Carlo, Luigi Figini, Massimiliano Fuksas, Roberto Gabetti, Ignazio Gardella, Giorgio Grassi, Vittorio Gregotti, Adalberto Libera, Giovanni Michelucci, Gaetano Minnucci, Carlo Mollino, Luigi Moretti, Pier Luigi Nervi, Giuseppe Pagano, Edoardo Persico, Marcello Piacentini, Renzo Piano, Gio Ponti, Paolo Portoghesi, Franco Purini, Ludovico Quaroni, Mario Ridolfi, Aldo Rossi, Giuseppe Samonà, Antonio Sant’Elia; Alberto Sartoris, Carlo Scarpa, Giuseppe Terragni, Gino Valle, Vittoriano Viganò, Marco Zanuso, The research is a meaningful census of the works of the 20th century, whether they have been realized or not (projects, competitions, studies etc. and assigned to the masters listed above.

  11. Book Review: Book review (United States)

    Velasco, Josefa Ros


    Alberto Fragio is currently one of the major experts on Hans Blumenberg's work and thought. In recent years he has become a great interpreter of Blumenberg's posthumous publications and his Nachlaβ at the Deutsche Literatur-Archiv Marbach (DLA Marbach). Since he acquired his doctoral degree in 2007, Fragio has devoted much of his efforts to clarifying Blumenberg's convoluted philosophical corpus, whose understanding - as is known - is really demanding for anyone who ventures into its disclosure, and it requires a monumental exercise of patience. Fragio has published far more than a dozen academic articles and three monographs, all of them generally pointing to the existence of a holistic nature in the philosophical work to which Blumenberg devoted a lifetime. Although his research project was on Blumenberg's History and Philosophy of Science, his joint publication with Giordano Bruno, Hans Blumenberg, Nuovi paradigmi d'analisi(2010), and the publication of what is the first enquiry into Blumenberg's History of Astronomy, Destrucción, cosmos, metáfora. Ensayos sobre HansBlumenberg (2010),

  12. Presentación del Libro “Anestesia Intravenosa”.

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    Alberto Vanegas Saavedra


    En los principios generales, consigna un minucioso y ordenado desarrollo histórico, enfocado al dolor desde el papel de los egipcios y los babilonios, pasando por los conceptos de Buda; hace incursión por las teorías de los hindúes, los chinos, los griegos y en particular cita a Teofrasto; llega a Galeno, pasa a Hipócrates e irrumpe con recomendaciones sobre el uso de la amapola, la mandrágora, el cáñamo y el veleño. Transita por Galeno, por las enseñanzas de Aristóteles y Platón, recorre la Edad Media con Avicena, Alberto Magno y Mondino; ingresa al Renacimiento con Eustaquio, Da Vinci, Vesalio, Paracelso; se introduce en la Edad Moderna con Erasmo Darwin, el descubridor del óxido nitroso y Joseph Presley con David, Müller, Simpson, hasta nuestros días con nuestros grandes neurofi siólogos bioingenieros y prohombres de las farmacologías y quirúrgicas que hoy enriquecen la literatura contemporánea en estos campos...

  13. Signal frequency distribution and natural-time analyses from acoustic emission monitoring of an arched structure in the Castle of Racconigi

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    G. Niccolini


    Full Text Available The stability of an arch as a structural element in the thermal bath of King Charles Albert (Carlo Alberto in the Royal Castle of Racconigi (on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997 was assessed by the acoustic emission (AE monitoring technique with application of classical inversion methods to recorded AE data. First, damage source location by means of triangulation techniques and signal frequency analysis were carried out. Then, the recently introduced method of natural-time analysis was preliminarily applied to the AE time series in order to reveal a possible entrance point to a critical state of the monitored structural element. Finally, possible influence of the local seismic and microseismic activity on the stability of the monitored structure was investigated. The criterion for selecting relevant earthquakes was based on the estimation of the size of earthquake preparation zones. The presented results suggest the use of the AE technique as a tool for detecting both ongoing structural damage processes and microseismic activity during preparation stages of seismic events.

  14. Signal frequency distribution and natural-time analyses from acoustic emission monitoring of an arched structure in the Castle of Racconigi (United States)

    Niccolini, Gianni; Manuello, Amedeo; Marchis, Elena; Carpinteri, Alberto


    The stability of an arch as a structural element in the thermal bath of King Charles Albert (Carlo Alberto) in the Royal Castle of Racconigi (on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997) was assessed by the acoustic emission (AE) monitoring technique with application of classical inversion methods to recorded AE data. First, damage source location by means of triangulation techniques and signal frequency analysis were carried out. Then, the recently introduced method of natural-time analysis was preliminarily applied to the AE time series in order to reveal a possible entrance point to a critical state of the monitored structural element. Finally, possible influence of the local seismic and microseismic activity on the stability of the monitored structure was investigated. The criterion for selecting relevant earthquakes was based on the estimation of the size of earthquake preparation zones. The presented results suggest the use of the AE technique as a tool for detecting both ongoing structural damage processes and microseismic activity during preparation stages of seismic events.

  15. Homosexuals, dykes and queers: political positions in the lesbian and gay movement

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    Coll-Planas, Gerard


    Full Text Available (English In this article I aim to explore conflicts among the variety of political projects in the lesbian and gay movement.I base the article on Alberto Mira’s (2004 proposed models for the expression of homosexuality: decadentist, homophile and camp. I discuss the main theoretical and political debates that arise from these models. Firstly, I ask whether life on the margins of mainstream social rules allows gays and lesbians to live a freer existence or merely means internalised homophobia (using Jean Genet’s and Michel Foucault’s approaches as examples. Secondly, I question whether the demand for “normality” entails the creation of new exclusions (following Judith Butler’s approach to normality: Finally, I consider whether camp culture reproduces and/or subverts gender rules (introducing a discussion between Sheila Jeffreys and Judith Butler’s positions. On the basis of this exploration of Mira's three cultural models, I develop a typology of political positions ('normalization of homosexuality', 'transformation' and 'queer', which I apply to the case study of the Catalan lesbian and gay movement.

  16. Homosexuals, dykes and queers: political positions in the lesbian and gay movement

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    Gerard Coll-Planas


    Full Text Available In this article I aim to explore conflicts among the variety of political projects in the lesbian and gay movement.I base the article on Alberto Mira’s (2004 proposed models for the expression of homosexuality: decadentist, homophile and camp. I discuss the main theoretical and political debates that arise from these models. Firstly, I ask whether life on the margins of mainstream social rules allows gays and lesbians to live a freer existence or merely means internalised homophobia (using Jean Genet’s and Michel Foucault’s approaches as examples. Secondly, I question whether the demand for “normality” entails the creation of new exclusions (following Judith Butler’s approach to normality: Finally, I consider whether camp culture reproduces and/or subverts gender rules (introducing a discussion between Sheila Jeffreys and Judith Butler’s positions. On the basis of this exploration of Mira's three cultural models, I develop a typology of political positions ('normalization of homosexuality', 'transformation' and 'queer', which I apply to the case study of the Catalan lesbian and gay movement.

  17. CERN honours its guides

    CERN Multimedia


    At the end of January, CERN's guides were rewarded for their devotion to the Laboratory. They have a passion for their work, know CERN inside-out and for 40 years have shown people of all ages and nationalities, from all walks of life, around the Laboratory. Who are they? Why, the CERN guides, of course. On 27 January, ten of CERN's 180 guides received special honours for their impressive number of guided tours in 2003. Presenting the awards in the Microcosm hall, CERN's Director-General Robert Aymar congratulated the winners on the key role they play with respect to the general public. "CERN would be nothing without you who show them its activities," he stressed. CERN's Director-General Robert Aymar congratulates Alberto Ribon for his tally of over 40 visits in the course of 2003.One of the prizes was the book «The Particle Odyssey». Here the book's co-author Christine Sutton dedicates it for Sijin Qian. Tzanko Spassoff (PH) and retired staff members Klaus Batzner and Antonio Francano wo...

  18. "Semillas en tierras estériles": La recepción del APRA en la Argentina de mediados de la década de los treinta

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    Leandro Sessa


    Full Text Available Si bien los orígenes de la Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana [APRA] están relacionados con las repercusiones continentales del movimiento reformista universitario, en la década de los veinte, la presencia del aprismo en la Argentina tuvo ecos más allá de esos antecedentes. Durante la década de los treinta, militantes interesados en las ideas antiimperialistas procuraron aclimatar el aprismo a la realidad Argentina. A través del análisis de los artículos escritos en la revista Claridad por Alberto Faleroni, principal referente del "aprismo argentino", y de la reconstrucción de la experiencia del Partido Aprista Argentino [PAA], procuramos dar cuenta de las posibilidades y dificultades en torno de los intentos de construir una propuesta inspirada en el APRA. Este análisis nos permite indagar en el recorrido de ciertas ideas vinculadas al antiimperialismo, el nacionalismo y la perspectiva continental, que circulaban en redes políticas e intelectuales cercanas al socialismo

  19. Automatic program development a tribute to Robert Paige

    CERN Document Server

    Danvy, Olivier; Mairson, Harry; Pettorossi, Alberto


    This work, a tribute to renowned researcher Robert Paige, is a collection of revised papers published in his honor in the Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Journal in 2003 and 2005.Among them there are two key papers: a retrospective view of his research lines, and a proposal for future studies in the area of the automatic program derivation.The book also includes some papers by members of the IFIP Working Group 2.1 of which Bob was an active member.All of the papers are related to the research interests of Dr Paige, who died in 1999, and, in particular, to the transformational development of programs and their algorithmic derivation from formal specifications.His colleagues, who include Olivier Danvy of the University of Aarhus in Denmark, and Alberto Pettorossi of the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata' in Italy, believe the book provides a renewed stimulus for continuing and deepening Dr Paige's research vision.Prof. Olivier Danvy is editor in chief of the Higher Order for Symbolic Computation journal.

  20. Escrituras anárquicas: prácticas textuales del anarquismo literario en el Río de la Plata

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    Leandro Delgado Rey


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la escritura anárquica en cuatro autores rioplatenses vinculados de manera distinta con el anarquismo. Primero, se señala la intervención anárquica en los registros del argentino Alberto Ghiraldo, escritos en su reclusión a bordo de un barco esperando su deportación. Segundo, se observa la “incorrección” sintáctica y gramatical en un texto de su compatriota Alejandro Sux, escrito a consecuencia de su reclusión en una cárcel de Mendoza. Tercero, se analiza el carácter de “deriva” en la escritura de los borradores del uruguayo Julio Herrera y Reissig. Por último, se presenta al dandi Roberto de las Carreras como ejemplo extremo de acción anárquica por la forma en que puso en la escena pública de Montevideo los detalles de su vida privada y por la práctica de una escritura donde logró alterar los límites entre ficción y realidad.

  1. Bridas al Corazón Salvaje - Epistolario

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    Luis Branda


    Full Text Available El epistolario que se presenta es una continuación del que mantuvieron dos académicos, el Dr. Alberto Golding (bueno como el oro, pero potencialmente maleable y la Dra. Manman Touchstone (comprueba si algo o alguien es genuino (Branda, 2015. El título se inspira en la primera novela de Clarice Lispector, Perto do coração selvagem donde las relaciones humanas se examinan a través de los sentimientos de una mujer y donde la protagonista dice “No entanto como seria bom construir alguma coisa pura, liberta do falso amor sublimizado, liberta do medo de não amar... Medo de não amar, pior do que o medo de não ser amado...” (Lispector, 1995: 108. Los correspondientes en este epistolario intercalan sus sentimientos y reflexiones siendo el tema dominante el análisis de la naturaleza de las relaciones amorosas, incluyendo la de los padres a su progenie y la separación o el escoger un nuevo camino; “Não fugir, mas ir” (Lispector, 1995: 208

  2. GOssTo: a stand-alone application and a web tool for calculating semantic similarities on the Gene Ontology. (United States)

    Caniza, Horacio; Romero, Alfonso E; Heron, Samuel; Yang, Haixuan; Devoto, Alessandra; Frasca, Marco; Mesiti, Marco; Valentini, Giorgio; Paccanaro, Alberto


    We present GOssTo, the Gene Ontology semantic similarity Tool, a user-friendly software system for calculating semantic similarities between gene products according to the Gene Ontology. GOssTo is bundled with six semantic similarity measures, including both term- and graph-based measures, and has extension capabilities to allow the user to add new similarities. Importantly, for any measure, GOssTo can also calculate the Random Walk Contribution that has been shown to greatly improve the accuracy of similarity measures. GOssTo is very fast, easy to use, and it allows the calculation of similarities on a genomic scale in a few minutes on a regular desktop machine. GOssTo is available both as a stand-alone application running on GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOS from and as a web application from The stand-alone application features a simple and concise command line interface for easy integration into high-throughput data processing pipelines. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press.


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    Cirilo H. García Cadena


    Full Text Available Se describen algunos aspectos de la vida personal, familiar y académica de uno de los más importantes psicólogos de la historia de la psicología con el doble propósito tanto de humanizar su perfil así como desmitificar su figura para estar en mejor posición para entender el carácter original y contestatario de sus aportes. Se reseñan además las características más importantes de sus contribuciones para la evolución científica de la psicología (Kantor, 2005. Finalmente, se retoma la crítica del objeto de estudio propuesto por Watson, a la luz de la metateoría de Kantor (1959, Kantor (2005, Kantor y Smith (1975 y Kantor (1971a, 1971b, proporcionando dos ejemplos reconceptualizados con la teoría de campo: el experimento de Watson y Rayner (1920b sobre el pequeño Alberto y uno del posmoderno mundo de la comunicación electrónica.

  4. Il mestiere di tradurre 4: César Palma

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    César Palma


    Full Text Available Si toda entrevista a un traductor es una invitación directa a la lectura, no cabe duda de que recordar algunas de las traducciones que han salido de las manos de César Palma justifica aún más si cabe esta intención. De hecho, con una trayectoria que abarca casi ya las tres décadas, se deben a César Palma la traducción de títulos tan interesantes de la narrativa italiana del siglo pasado y principios del presente como, por poner unos ejemplos, El tablero ante el espejo de Massimo Bontempelli, La infancia de Nivasio Dolcemare de Alberto Savinio, La cofradía de los celestinos de Stefano Benni o tres de los mejores títulos de Mario Rigoni Stern, una “especie de envés de Jünger” según nos declaraba, El sergente en la nieve, Estaciones e Historia di Tönle. Entrevista de Juan Carlos Postigo Ríos y Juan Pérez Andrés.


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    Gloria Pamella Palo Núñez


    Full Text Available Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of Ketorolac and Metamizol in the treatment of acute postoperative pain of adenotonsillectomy in children three to six years old receiving medical care in the Department of Anesthesiology at the Hospital Alberto Sabogal Sologuren during the period 2012-2013. Material and Methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study. The study involved 115 children who underwent elective adenotonsillectomy whose ages were between three to six years old. They are according to two groups that received analgesic therapy in the operating room, 58 children received Metamizol and 57 children received Ketorolac. Results: In the group receiving Ketorolac, 56.1% had no pain in the postanesthesic recovery unit according to the scale of Oucher and 43.9% had mild to moderate pain (1-6. The group that received Metamizol, 19% of children reported pain and 74.1% rated their pain from mild to moderate. The degree of pain relief measured Oucher scale was higher in patients receiving Ketorolac (p <0.05. Conclusions: Reducing postoperative pain in adenotonsillectomy in children with Ketorolaco is higher than Metamizol.

  6. A Piriápolis

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    Luis Alberto Quijano Alpuin


    Full Text Available Es Piriápolis una estrella prodigiosa que del cielo una noche se escapó, y escondiendo su estela luminosa entre el mar y la sierra se ocultó.   Forjador de ilusiones y de sueños, solo Piria soñando lo encontró, mas no es suyo a pesar de ser su dueño a nosotros su sueño nos legó.   Como él quisiera contemplarlo y mirarlo igual que él lo miró, a su espíritu quisiera yo pasearlo y a su sueño llevarlo entre los dos.   Recoger las horas de los desalientos y en una mochila poderlo llevar, y sobre las rocas ir dejando al viento las desiluciones que puedan quedar.   Llenarme los ojos de color y espuma gozar en la playa con él al pasar, el gris de la sierra tras la blanca bruma el azul del cielo y el verde del mar.   Luis Alberto Quijano Alpuin (1937- Poeta y folklorista uruguayo

  7. In searching for the rots of minimalism in architecture: Formal silence of Adolf Loos

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    Vasilski Dragana


    Full Text Available Architectural examples of minimalism, combined with strict forms of modern movements, and the possibilities offered by new materials and technologies, contributing to the triumph of aesthetics that has become a symbol of our times. Minimalism in architecture, as the most original contribution to the idea of simplicity in architecture today has its roots in different areas as well as creation of prominent individuals - copyright strong individualities that do not tolerate any kind of categorization. One such author is certainly Adolf Loos. His theoretical ideas regarding decorations were sensational, because while the modernists had a dilemma about where and how to place ornaments, Los was adamant: his drastic solution predicted the complete elimination of ornament. In our time, minimalist architecture brings the ease of Adolf Loosa, whose design is rejected historicism and its parasites, decoration, to the pronounced rationalism. It is possible to follow the guiding principle of his 'formal silence' by Carl Andre to Herzog i de Meuron, as well as over the Mediterranean vernacular architecture to Alberto Campo Baeza and Alvaro Siza.

  8. Revista de tesis

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Sindromes abdominales agudos y bloqueo anestésico esplácnico semi-lunar. Tesis de grado "Meritoria". 1945. - Presentada por Guillermo Moreno Díaz / Estudio de algunas funciones hepáticas de la anemia tropical. Tesis de grado. 1945. - Presentada por Primitivo Rey Rey / Endoscopia, laringe, traquea, bronquios y esófago. Tesis de grado declarada "Meritoria". 1945. - Presentada por Carlos Alberto /  Cleves. el neumoperitoneo en el tratamiento de la tuberculosis intestinal y peritoneal y como medio colapsoterapico de la tuberculosis pulmonar. Tesis de grado. 1945. - Presentada por Marco Hernández / La procaina oral en el tratamiento de la úlcera péptica. Tesis de grado. 1945. - Presentada por L. Enrique Plata Esguerra / Estudio estadístico y tratamiento de la enfermedad Legg-Perthes-Calve y la coxalgia en nuestromedio. Tesis de grado declarada "Meritoria". 1945. - Presentada por Rafael Barberí Zamorano / La bilirrubina-eter-extraible en el diagnóstico las ictericias. Tesis de grado. 1945. - Presentada por Rafael Uribe García.

  9. Dynamic simulation of industrial Fluidized-bed Catalytic Cracking - FCC unit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Secchi, Argimiro R.; Neumann, Gustavo A.; Trierweiler, Jorge O. [Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Quimica]. E-mail:;;; Santos, Marlova G. [PETROBRAS S.A., Canoas, RS (Brazil). Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini]. E-mail:


    In this work a mathematical model for the dynamic simulation of the Fluidized-bed Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Reactor, to be used in the analysis, control, and optimization of this system is developed. Based on the full range of published data in FCC performance and kinetic rates, and adapted to the industrial unit of the PETROBRAS' Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (REFAP), an integrated dynamic model is build up. The model is sufficiently complex to capture the major dynamics effects that occur in this system. The regenerator is modeled as emulsion and bubble phases that exchange mass and heat. The riser is modeled as an adiabatic plug flow reactor. The fluid dynamic is taking into account for the catalyst circulation, and the dynamics of the gas phase and the riser are also considered into the model. The model, represented by a non-linear system of differential-algebraic equations, was written in language C and implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The results are compared with the data obtained from the industrial plant of REFAP. (author)

  10. Methodology for determination of the operational limits in a atmospheric oven as a function of the load characteristics; Metodologia para determinacao dos limites operacionais de um forno atmosferico em funcao das caracteristicas da carga

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mundstock, Rene [Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (REFAP), Canoas, RS (Brazil); Correa, Eduardo Coelho [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The necessity of increasing the crude processing with operation periods even greater, are resulting in Atmospheric Distillation Units in severe conditions, requiring even more rigorous operational procedures. The crude fired heaters are the critical equipment in this context, because they are the most susceptible to failures, if some determined limits are exceeded. This work was originated from the tube failure analysis of the fired heater F-101 of Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (REFAP), occurred in july/98, due to internal cocking, with unit emergency shut-down. During this analysis, it was verified that the operational limit of a fired heater cannot be determined only by its design thermal duty, it must be also taken into account the influence of the crude composition. This will determine, due to its film coefficient, the region of the radiation zone of the fired heater where it will begin the crude vaporization and will occur the greater temperatures. The work conclusions resulted on the revision of the Unit operational procedures and definition of new crude processing limits. The fired heater operates with no problems since then. (author)

  11. Surgical versus nonsurgical treatment in first traumatic anterior dislocation of the shoulder in athletes

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    Gustavo Gonçalves Arliani


    Full Text Available Gustavo Gonçalves Arliani, Diego da Costa Astur, Carina Cohen, Benno Ejnisman, Carlos Vicente Andreoli, Alberto Castro Pochini, Moises CohenCentro de Traumatologia do Esporte (CETE, Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilAbstract: Anterior traumatic dislocation is a common problem faced by orthopedic surgeons. After the first episode of shoulder dislocation, a combination of lesions can lead to chronic instability. The management in treatment of young athletes after the first acute anterior shoulder dislocation is controversial. The available literature supports early surgical treatment for young male athletes engaged in highly demanding physical activities after the first episode of traumatic dislocation of the shoulder. This is because of the best functional results and lower recurrence rates obtained with this treatment in this population. However, further clinical trials of good quality comparing surgical versus nonsurgical treatment for well-defined lesions are needed, especially for categories of patients who have a lower risk of recurrence.Keywords: athlete, conservative treatment, surgical treatment, immobilization, stabilization, primary treatment, shoulder dislocation


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    Abdelhak RAZKY


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine the treatment of linguistic variation in Brazilian Portuguese textbooks for High School and prompts a debate about concepts like right and wrong, language variation, language change and language prejudice. In this sense, it considers whether the textbook discusses the linguistic variation, understanding it as a result of a variety of sociocultural factors of a linguistic community. Our corpus consists of a collection of Portuguese Language for High School, prepared by Carlos Alberto Faraco, approved by the National Textbook Program (PNLD 2015. The research is part of the dialogue between Sociolinguistics and mother tongue teaching, more specifically, in theoretical and methodological studies of Bortoni-Ricardo (2004, Faraco (2004, Alkmim (2005, Labov (2008, among others, in addition to the National Curriculum Parameters of High School Portuguese Language – PCN (BRASIL, 2000. The methodology is based on descriptive, bibliographical and documentary research and a qualitative approach. The results show, that the current development, in that collection highlights a concern to incorporate linguistic studies in the heterogeneity and linguistic diversity from sociolinguistic perspective.

  13. La metáfora vacía: globalización y cultura en el filme Se arrienda de Alberto Fuguet

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    Rosana Díaz Zambrana


    Full Text Available This essay discusses the film “Se arrienda” as a paradigmatic example of the social and cultural transformations of the contemporary Chilean reality. We examine to what extent the characters synthesize the dichotomies of a globalized and postdictatorial society: the tensions between individualism and social consciousness, tradition and modernity, progress and neocapitalism. Este ensayo discute el filme “Se arrienda” (Chile, 2005 como una muestra paradigmática de las transformaciones sociales y culturales que se suscitan en el contexto del Chile contemporáneo. Como parte de la transición generacional e histórica, los personajes de filme exhiben las dicotomías de la posdictadura y de una sociedad globalizada: las tensiones entre individualismo y alienación, tradición y modernidad, progreso y neocapitalismo.

  14. Caracterização química e físico-química do óleo das sementes de Platymiscium floribundum Vog. (sacambu colhidas na fase de desenvolvimento e na época de maturação fisiológica. Chemical and chemical-physics characterization of seeds’ oil of Platymiscium floribundum Vog. (sacambu collected evolution state and stage of fruit’s maturation.

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    Maria Isabel VALLILO


    Full Text Available Frutos de Platymiscium floribundum Vog. -Fabaceae (sacambu foram colhidos no ParqueEstadual Alberto Löfgren, na cidade de São Paulo,em agosto e novembro de 2004, correspondendo adiferentes condições climáticas e de amadurecimento.As sementes foram analisadas com o objetivo de seavaliar os teores de lipídios, ácidos graxos e tocoferóis,em duas épocas de colheita. Os lipídios foramextraídos com éter etílico por soxhlet. A identificaçãoe quantificação dos ácidos graxos e tocoferóis foramfeitas por cromatografia a gás (CG, com detetorde ionização de chama e cromatografia líquida dealta eficiência (CLAE, com detetor de fluorescência,respectivamente. Obteve-se maior teor de lipídios(23,6 g 100 g-1 no estádio de maturação fisiológicadas sementes. Não se observou diferenças relevantesno perfil de ácidos graxos nas duas épocas de colheita;no entanto, os teores de alfa e gama tocoferóis,expressos mg 100 g-1, apresentaram mudançasconsideráveis com o amadurecimento das sementes,havendo um aumento na concentração de 27,7 para42,8 alfa ( tocoferóis e de 68,9 para 88,1 gama( tocoferóis, o mesmo não ocorrendo com beta( e delta ( tocoferóis, que permanecerampraticamente inalterados com o amadurecimentodas sementes.Platymiscium floribundum Vog. - Fabaceae(sacambu fruits have been collected in the ParqueEstadual Alberto Löfgren in São Paulo city, in Augustand November 2004, corresponding both to differentclimatic conditions and of matureness. The seedshave been analyzed in order to determine lipids,fatty acids and tocopherols rates, in the twoseasonal maturation phases. The lipids have beenextracted with ethyl ether for soxhlet. Fatty acidsand tocopherol identification and quantificationhave been made by gas chromatograph (GC,with flame ionization detector and high performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC with fluorescencedetector, respectively. The results showed high levelof lipid (23.6 g 100 g-1 in the phase of

  15. Composição das comunidades de aves em duas florestas secundárias contíguas no Sudeste do Brasil. Birds communities composition of two secondary forests in the Southeast Brazil.

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    Alexsander Zamorano ANTUNES


    Full Text Available Muitas décadas são necessárias até queuma floresta secundária apresente uma estruturasemelhante à de uma área em estádio avançado.Há espécies de aves florestais que dependem deflorestas avançadas, enquanto outras utilizamflorestas secundárias. Neste trabalho se comparaa riqueza de espécies de aves, a estrutura tróficada comunidade e a presença de espécies dedistribuição restrita em duas florestas secundáriascontíguas, mas com estruturas de vegetação distintas:os parques estaduais Alberto Löfgren - PEALe Cantareira - PEC. As aves foram amostradas emtrajetos efetuados entre agosto de 2005 e dezembrode 2008, e a vegetação foi avaliada a partir de 100pontos quadrantes por parque. A riqueza e onúmero de espécies de aves com distribuiçãorestrita foram significativamente maiores no PEC.As guildas insetívoros do sub-bosque, insetívorosterrestres e frugívoros terrestres apresentaramriqueza menor de espécies no PEAL em relação aoPEC. Concluiu-se que a avifauna florestal doPEAL é um subconjunto da avifauna do PEC,que a vegetação menos desenvolvida do primeiroe dificuldades de estabelecimento de populaçõessão as possíveis causas das diferenças observadasentre os parques e que ações de manejo podemaumentar a riqueza no PEAL, o que seriaimportante regionalmente.Many decades are required to asecondary forest shows a structure similar to anarea in advanced stage. Some forest bird speciesdepend on forest in advanced stage, while othersuse secondary forests. This work compares therichness of bird species, the trophic structure of thecommunity and the presence of species ofrestricted distribution in two adjacent secondaryforests, but with different structures of vegetation:the State Parks Alberto Löfgren - PEAL andCantareira - PEC. Birds were sampled on pathsmade between August 2005 and December 2008and vegetation was evaluated from 100 points perpark. The richness and number of bird specieswith restricted

  16. Desfasajes: entre la historieta y la política.

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    Palacios, Cristian


    Full Text Available [es] El concepto de desfase acuñado por la Teoría de los discursos sociales de Eliseo Verón en los años setenta quiere dar cuenta de un aspecto esencial de dicha teoría, es decir, la diferencia que se produce en la circulación del sentido entre la producción y el reconocimiento; viene aquí a ilustrar un caso particular de indeterminación constitutiva de un discurso conflictivo: la segunda versión de la historieta El Eternauta de Hector Germán Oesterheld, con dibujos de Alberto Breccia. Publicado en el semanario Gente en 1969, este experimento de historieta política en un medio que le era naturalmente adverso, inserta en el argumento de la primera versión una serie de lecciones de política aleccionadora, extrañas no sólo a la revista sino también al arte de Breccia que llegará a ser cuestionado por el mismo editor y que derivará en la suspensión de la publicación. Nos proponemos analizar este episodio de “fracaso” en la búsqueda de hacer conducir un mensaje político determinado en un medio de comunicación de masas – reconocido además por su frivolidad - y extraer algunas conclusiones sobre las formas de circulación del sentido en los discursos políticos de los años 60 y 70. [en] The notion of gap coined by the Social Discourses Theory of Eliseo Veron in the seventies wants to show an essential aspect of this theory: the difference between production and recognition in the spread of meaning; illustrated here a particular case of constitutive indeterminacy of a controversial discourse: the second version of El Eternauta by Hector German Oesterheld and Alberto Breccia. This comic published in the weekly popular magazine Gente in 1969 is a rare experiment of political graphic novel in a media that was hostile to its convictions. It inserts in the plot of the original version a series of politics instructive lessons, stranges not only to the magazine but to the art of Breccia, who will be questioned by the editor

  17. Novos meios de memória: livros e leitura na época dos weblogsNew memory media: books and reading in the age of weblogs

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    Vera Dodebe


    Full Text Available A memória é construída a partir do presente por uma tensão entre duas ações: lembrar e esquecer, e está sempre dialogando com os objetos que recortamos para analisar a condição do conhecimento na contemporaneidade. O texto deste artigo está organizado em três partes. Na primeira parte, enfrentamos o objeto “livro”, seu surgimento na sociedade, sua importância para a transmissão dos saberes, o poder de controle de atitudes, como os homens–memórias criados por Bradbury em Fahrenheit 451 e seu possível ocaso face às tecnologias de suporte da informação. A segunda parte desatrela a ação de ler de seu suporte mais tradicional e trata a “leitura” como objeto independente, sugerindo-se, a partir das reflexões de Regina Zilberman, Alberto Manguel e Paulo Freire que somos constituídos para ler o mundo, não importam os mecanismos que nos valemos para alcançar esse objetivo. Na terceira e última parte, apresentamos alguns indicadores de modos possíveis de existência de meios de memória no ambiente virtual, com comentários sobre o papel dos blogs e websites em relação à escrita firmada em papel.Memory is built with the present time as a starting point, through the tension between two actions: remembering and forgetting, and engages in a permanent dialogue with the objects we choose in order to analyze the condition of knowledge at a given point in time. This paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, we deal with the object "book", its appearance in society, its importance for the transmission of knowledge, its power to control people's attitudes, such as the memory-men created by Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451, and its possible decline in view of information medium technologies. The second part dissociates the act of reading from its most traditional support and deals with "reading" as an independent object, with the suggestion, based on Regina Zilberman's, Alberto Manguel's and Paulo Freire's proposals

  18. Ruling Against the Executive in Amparo Cases: Evidence from the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal Fallando en Contra del Ejecutivo en los Casos de Amparo: Evidencia del Tribunal Constitucional Peruano

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    Lydia Brashear Tiede


    Full Text Available In this paper, we systematically analyze decisions made by the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal from 1996 to 2006 in amparo cases, which significantly impact individual rights. We ask the following question: in these types of cases, what conditions led the Tribunal to assert itself against the executive? Through an analysis of Tribunal decisions during the presidencies of Alberto Fujimori and Alejandro Toledo, we find that the Tribunal is more likely to rule against the executive, as the public’s confidence in the executive decreases and as the share of congressional seats of the president’s party declines. Further, the Tribunal is more willing to decide cases against the executive in areas that most pervade its docket, specifically in the areas of pensions and employment. These findings add to the comparative and American judicial politics literature by showing that high courts, even relatively weak ones, follow politics, but that case subject area and prevalence may temper this tendency.En este artículo presentamos un análisis sistemático de las decisiones del Tribunal Constitucional del Perú, específicamente las decisiones tomadas respecto a los casos de amparo entre 1996 y 2006. Estos casos son los de mayor relevancia para proteger los derechos individuales. Para este tipo de casos, buscamos contestar la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué determinantes políticos llevan al Tribunal Constitucional a fallar en contra del ejecutivo en este tipo de casos? Del análisis de todas las decisiones de amparo adoptadas por el Tribunal durante las presidencias de Alberto Fujimori y Alejandro Toledo, encontramos más probable que el Tribunal falle en contra del gobierno cuando la confianza del público en el ejecutivo declina y el número de legisladores del partido de gobierno en el congreso disminuye. Sin embargo, es más probable que el Tribunal decida en contra del ejecutivo en áreas o tipo de casos en los que más favorezcan sus intereses, espec

  19. Una «tragedia in forma di romanzo»? Teatralità e intertestualità pirandelliana ne Gli indifferenti di Alberto Moravia / A «tragedia in forma di romanzo» (tragedy in the form of a novel? Theatricality and Pirandello’s inrtextuality in “Gli Indifferenti” by Alberto Moravia.

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    Agnese Marasca


    Gli indifferenti by Moravia is a theatrical novel both in the form for the use of techniques and procedures typical of drama, and in the content for the presence of subjects and figures which refer to the theater. The dimension of theatrics in the novel is also closely related to the intertextuality with Pirandello, from whom philosophical imaginary the romance takes a lot of suggestions, as first the mask and the staging social. But what deeply connects Gli indifferenti with the work of Pirandello is the theme of the impossibility of the tragedy, that is the first cause of Michele’s ineptitude in life. The loss of the tragic sense prevents the realization of the oedipal drama, because the tragic of the novel remains a purely external fact. The absence of any tragical assumption is clarified thanks to the comparison of the plot and the characters with the ones of Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore, with which Moravia’s novel has dense and hidden relations of intertextuality.






  1. Alberto: um professor do ensino regular e seu ‘algo mais’ para atender alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação

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    Susana Graciela Pérez Barrera Pérez


    Full Text Available A discussão que apresentaremos neste artigo partiu dos dados da pesquisa de Pérez (2004 realizada com alunos com altas habilidades/Superdotação (AH/SD, nas sétimas séries e nas turmas C-20 (equivalentes à faixa etária correspondente à sétima série em duas escolas públicas (uma estadual e uma municipal de um bairro da cidade de Porto Alegre (RS no qual se concentra uma população de classes populares. Analisa as características apontadas pelos alunos nos questionários, entrevistas, observações e conversas informais da própria pesquisa e identificadas no professor, na entrevista realizada com ele, em conversas informais e observações diretas em sua sala de aula. Faz as correspondentes interlocuções com teóricos e pesquisadores da área de AH/SD, evidenciando que, além da capacitação específica, necessária para identificar e enriquecer o atendimento a estes alunos, são fundamentais alguns atributos que deveriam estar presentes em qualquer Educador e que são o diferencial que permite imaginar que o respeito e atendimento à diversidade – a inclusão – são possíveis.Palavras-chave: Altas Habilidades. Superdotação. Inclusão.

  2. Muusikamaailm : Kümme aastat Rheinsbergi festivali. Birminghami Symphony Hall 10. "Tampereen Sävel". Vytautas Barkauskas 70. Alberto Erede lahkunud / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Rheinsbergi muusikafestivalist Saksamaal. Birminghami kontserdisaalist, juubelikontserdist. Koorifestivalist "Tampereen Sävel" Soomes. V. Barkauskase juubelikontserdist Vilniuses. Lühidalt A. Eredest

  3. Psychiatric comorbidity and suicide risk in patients with chronic migraine

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    Maurizio Pompili


    Full Text Available Maurizio Pompili1,2, Gianluca Serafini1, Daniela Di Cosimo1, Giovanni Dominici1, Marco Innamorati1, David Lester3, Alberto Forte1, Nicoletta Girardi1, Sergio De Filippis4, Roberto Tatarelli1, Paolo Martelletti41Department of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Sensory Functions, Suicide Prevention Center, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy; 2McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,  Massachusetts, USA; 3The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, USA; 4Department of Medical Sciences, Second School of Medicine, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, ItalyAbstract: The aim of this study was to explore the impact of mental illness among patients with migraine. We performed MedLine and PsycINFO searches from 1980 to 2008. Research has systematically documented a strong bidirectional association between migraine and psychiatric disorders. The relationship between migraine and psychopathology has often been clinically discussed rather than systematically studied. Future research should include sound methodologically-based studies focusing on the interplay of factors behind the relationship between migraine, suicide risk, and mental illness.Keywords: headache, migraine, suicide*, psychiatric disorders

  4. Brazilian nuclear power plants decommissioning plan for a multiple reactor site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monteiro, Deiglys B.; Moreira, Joao M.L.; Maiorino, Jose R., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do ABC (CECS/UFABC), Santo Andre, SP (Brazil). Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciencias Aplicadas. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Energia e Engenharia da Energia


    Actually, Brazil has two operating Nuclear Power Plants and a third one under construction, all at Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto - CNAAA. To comply with regulatory aspects the power plants operator, Eletronuclear, must present to Brazilian Nuclear Regulatory Agency, CNEN, a decommissioning plan. Brazilian experience with decommissioning is limited because none of any nuclear reactor at the country was decommissioned. In literature, decommissioning process is well described despite few nuclear power reactors have been decommissioned around the world. Some different approach is desirable for multiple reactors sites, case of CNAAA site. During the decommissioning, a great amount of wastes will be produced and have to be properly managed. Particularly, the construction of Auxiliary Services on the site could be a good choice due to the possibility of reducing costs. The present work intends to present to the Eletronuclear some aspects of the decommissioning concept and decommissioning management, storage and disposal de wastes, based on the available literature, regulatory standards of CNEN and international experience as well as to suggest some solutions to be implemented at CNAAA site before starts the decommissioning project in order to maximize the benefits. (author)

  5. Brazilian nuclear power plants decommissioning plan for a multiple reactor site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monteiro, Deiglys B.; Moreira, Joao M.L.; Maiorino, Jose R.


    Actually, Brazil has two operating Nuclear Power Plants and a third one under construction, all at Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto - CNAAA. To comply with regulatory aspects the power plants operator, Eletronuclear, must present to Brazilian Nuclear Regulatory Agency, CNEN, a decommissioning plan. Brazilian experience with decommissioning is limited because none of any nuclear reactor at the country was decommissioned. In literature, decommissioning process is well described despite few nuclear power reactors have been decommissioned around the world. Some different approach is desirable for multiple reactors sites, case of CNAAA site. During the decommissioning, a great amount of wastes will be produced and have to be properly managed. Particularly, the construction of Auxiliary Services on the site could be a good choice due to the possibility of reducing costs. The present work intends to present to the Eletronuclear some aspects of the decommissioning concept and decommissioning management, storage and disposal de wastes, based on the available literature, regulatory standards of CNEN and international experience as well as to suggest some solutions to be implemented at CNAAA site before starts the decommissioning project in order to maximize the benefits. (author)

  6. Evaluation of protection measurements for rural environments; Avaliacao de medidas de protecao para ambientes rurais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Diogo N.G.; Silva, Fernanda L.; Conti, Luiz F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Wasserman, Maria Angelica V., E-mail: maria.wasserman@pq.cnpq.b [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Rochedo, Elaine R.R., E-mail: [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CODIN/CNEN), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Coord. de Instalacoes Nucleares


    Among the planning activities of actuation in nuclear/radiological emergences, it is included the efficiency evaluation of protection and remediation measurements. From the development of a data base on such measurements for the agricultural areas, the program SIEM was used for effectuation the simulations involving the {sup 137}Cs, {sup 131}I and {sup 90}Sr radionuclides, in scenery previously established for simulation those areas of a 50 km surrounding the Admiral Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant. The obtained results indicate that the scenery is determinant of efficiency measurements involving various specific factors of each place, such as: agricultural and cattle breeding products, consumption habits of population and the grade of subsistence by the diet items, making not practical the elaboration of predefined generic sceneries. The great dependence on seasoning related to the moment of accident makes inadequate any previous evaluation what soever for evaluation of efficiency of protection and remediation measurements. Therefore, previous decisions are not recommended about the relevance of protection measurements for rural areas. Two classification criteria were defined: (i) the efficiency in reduction the doses in the firs year; and, (i i) efficiency in reduction the dose at long term

  7. Evaluation of protection measurements for rural environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Diogo N.G.; Silva, Fernanda L.; Conti, Luiz F.; Wasserman, Maria Angelica V.; Rochedo, Elaine R.R.


    Among the planning activities of actuation in nuclear/radiological emergences, it is included the efficiency evaluation of protection and remediation measurements. From the development of a data base on such measurements for the agricultural areas, the program SIEM was used for effectuation the simulations involving the 137 Cs, 131 I and 90 Sr radionuclides, in scenery previously established for simulation those areas of a 50 km surrounding the Admiral Alvaro Alberto nuclear power plant. The obtained results indicate that the scenery is determinant of efficiency measurements involving various specific factors of each place, such as: agricultural and cattle breeding products, consumption habits of population and the grade of subsistence by the diet items, making not practical the elaboration of predefined generic sceneries. The great dependence on seasoning related to the moment of accident makes inadequate any previous evaluation what soever for evaluation of efficiency of protection and remediation measurements. Therefore, previous decisions are not recommended about the relevance of protection measurements for rural areas. Two classification criteria were defined: (i) the efficiency in reduction the doses in the firs year; and, (i i) efficiency in reduction the dose at long term

  8. Utopía como imaginación organizacional en el pensamiento crítico de Guerreiro-Ramos

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    Francisco Salgado

    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la esencia de la obra de Alberto Guerreiro-Ramos en el marco del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano en los estudios de la administración. Se analizan sus propuestas básicas desde la perspectiva de la utopía, comprendida como una investigación sistemática de principios alternativos de organización distintos a la forma empresarial funcionalista. Se exploran conceptos como de la reducción sociológica, el hombre parentético y la teoría de la delimitación de los sistemas sociales desde un enfoque de las perspectivas utópicas; esto es, la reformulación de las estructuras y dinámicas sociales propuestas por Guerreiro-Ramos como alternativas al ethos del mercado. Asimismo se explica cómo la dinámica y acción recíproca entre la sociedad y los ámbitos organizacionales permiten imaginar alternativas para la emancipación, la búsqueda de la razón sustantiva y la realización plena del ser humano.

  9. Processos de formação e produção de conhecimento: cinco olhares sobre a Educação Popular e Saúde

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    Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal David


    Full Text Available Neste suplemento da Interface, trazemos cinco entrevistados com histórias de origem e trajetos diferentes, mas cuja práxis se construiu e se constrói em torno dos princípios da Educação Popular e Saúde. São eles: Selvino Heck, atual assessor especial da Secretaria Geral da Presidência da República, diretor do Departamento de Educação Popular e Mobilização da Secretaria Nacional de Articulação Social da Secretaria Geral e secretário executivo da Comissão Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica; Regina Helena Simões Barbosa, professora e pesquisadora do Instituto de Estudos de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Ivanilde Batista, servidora da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de Goiás, fundadora e militante da Aneps-GO; Paulette Cavalcanti, professora e pesquisadora da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz em Pernambuco; e Julio Alberto Wong Un, professor e pesquisador do Instituto de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal Fluminense.

  10. Science education as a pathway to teaching language literacy: a critical book review (United States)

    Tolbert, Sara


    In this paper, I present a critical review of the recent book, Science Education as a Pathway to Teaching Language Literacy, edited by Alberto J. Rodriguez. This volume is a timely collection of essays in which the authors bring to attention both the successes and challenges of integrating science instruction with literacy instruction (and vice versa). Although several themes in the book merit further attention, a central unifying issue throughout all of the chapters is the task of designing instruction which (1) gives students access to the dominant Discourses in science and literacy, (2) builds on students' lived experiences, and (3) connects new material to socially and culturally relevant contexts in both science and literacy instruction— all within the high stakes testing realities of teachers and students in public schools. In this review, I illustrate how the authors of these essays effectively address this formidable challenge through research that `ascends to the concrete'. I also discuss where we could build on the work of the authors to integrate literacy and science instruction with the purpose of `humanizing and democratizing' science education in K-12 classrooms.

  11. Challenges and opportunities in the world of tourism from the point of view of ecotourism

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    Fredy González Fonseca


    Full Text Available This article emerges from the analysis of the data corresponding to the tourism activity in the world and in Mexico, considering: the arrival of tourists and international visitors, and the arrival of tourists in the North American region. Subsequently, it is intended to place ecotourism as an option for sustainable development, which helps generate additional income for local communities and contributes to the protection and conservation of natural resources. The analysis of global tourism in the above categories, in addition to the discussion about the criteria and characteristics of ecotourism versus sustainable development, allows us to visualize the potential that this activity poses to emerging economies such as Mexico. The discussion about Ecotourism and sustainability shows that there is a mutually beneficial relationship when the community is incorporated in the development of ecotourism projects, as demonstrated in EcoAlberto Park. Nonetheless, an activity that has no government support or equitable tourism legislation, in addition to the absence of quality research, can overshadow any potential natural resource to practice ecotourism activities in global markets representing tourism. DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v2i4.82

  12. Characterization of genetic diversity of bird-of-paradise accessions

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    Alessandro Aparecido Brito dos Santos


    Full Text Available This study aimed to characterize genetic diversity in the bird-of-paradise (Strelitzia reginae collection at the Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso Carlos Alberto Reyes Maldonado (UNEMAT by estimating genetic divergence among genotypes based on agronomic characteristics. Seven agronomic characters were evaluated with average Euclidean distance. The UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean hierarchical clustering method was used between groups, as well as Tocher’s optimization clustering method and principal component analysis (PCA, in order to classify the genotypes with maximum similarity between groups. Measures of genetic dissimilarity with average Euclidean distance verified the existence of genetic variability among accessions since the amplitude of dissimilarity values ranged from 1.09 to 36.97. Tocher’s clustering method verified the formation of two distinct groups. UPGMA hierarchical clustering, based on the dissimilarity matrix, verified the formation of three groups with 30% cutoff point. Based on the main components analysis, we verified genetic divergence between the bird-of-paradise accessions in the UNEMAT Collection. The most promising combinations for future crosses in breeding programs comprise accessions 1, 11, and 23 and accession 1 as the most divergent among the accessions evaluated.

  13. Accident diagnosis of the Angra-2 nuclear power plant based on intelligent real-time acquisition agents and a logical tree model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paiva, Gustavo V.; Schirru, Roberto, E-mail:, E-mail: [Coordenacao de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa de Engenharia (COPPE/UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Departamento de Engenharia Nuclear


    This work aims to create a model and a prototype, using the Python language, which with the application of an Expert System uses production rules to analyze the data obtained in real time from the plant and help the operator to identify the occurrence of transients / accidents. In the event of a transient, the program alerts the operator and indicates which section of the Operation Manual should be consulted to bring the plant back to its normal state. The generic structure used to represent the knowledge of the Expert System was a Fault Tree and the data obtained from the plant was done through intelligent acquisition agents that transform the data obtained from the plant into Boolean values used in the Fault Tree, including the use of Fuzzy Logic. In order to test the program, a simplified model of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto 2 Nuclear Power Plant (Angra-2) manuals was used and with this model, simulations were performed to analyze the program's operation and if it leads to the expected results. The results of the tests presented a quick identification of the events and great accuracy, demonstrating the applicability of the model to the problem. (author)

  14. Penelope simulation of electron beams 6 MeV from a linear accelerator for studies in different materials equivalent to human body

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Apaza V, D.; Cardena R, R.; Cayllahua Q, F.; Vega R, J.; Urquizo B, R.


    In systems of radiotherapy treatment for cancer, always looking to maximize the radiation dose on the target (tumor) and minimize to the organs at risk or healthy, so they resort to using electron beams that have properties and characteristics of higher dose deposition at fixed depths, directing and focusing the higher dose in the tumor, without harming healthy tissues to which seeks to radiate in the least possible. Simulating the interaction of electron beams with different equivalent tissues to the human body leads to a better dosimetric evaluation, improving the quality of treatment planning. The aim of this study is the comparison from the characterization of several equivalent tissues to the human body such as soft tissue, bone and lung. Based on the simulation of a calibration beam in water phantom with Penelope code and compared with the results of the calibration curves of beams in water vat by a linear accelerator Elekta Synergy of Hospital Nacional Carlos Alberto Seguin Escobedo EsSalud of Arequipa (Peru). From this to evaluate the behavior of electron beams in a homogeneous medium and then further evaluation in the human body homogeneities, for better evaluation and specific treatment planning. (Author)

  15. Accident diagnosis of the Angra-2 nuclear power plant based on intelligent real-time acquisition agents and a logical tree model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paiva, Gustavo V.; Schirru, Roberto


    This work aims to create a model and a prototype, using the Python language, which with the application of an Expert System uses production rules to analyze the data obtained in real time from the plant and help the operator to identify the occurrence of transients / accidents. In the event of a transient, the program alerts the operator and indicates which section of the Operation Manual should be consulted to bring the plant back to its normal state. The generic structure used to represent the knowledge of the Expert System was a Fault Tree and the data obtained from the plant was done through intelligent acquisition agents that transform the data obtained from the plant into Boolean values used in the Fault Tree, including the use of Fuzzy Logic. In order to test the program, a simplified model of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto 2 Nuclear Power Plant (Angra-2) manuals was used and with this model, simulations were performed to analyze the program's operation and if it leads to the expected results. The results of the tests presented a quick identification of the events and great accuracy, demonstrating the applicability of the model to the problem. (author)

  16. Penelope simulation of electron beams 6 MeV from a linear accelerator for studies in different materials equivalent to human body; Simulacion Penelope de haces de electrones de 6 MeV de un acelerador lineal para estudios en diferentes materiales equivalentes al cuerpo humano

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Apaza V, D.; Cardena R, R.; Cayllahua Q, F.; Vega R, J. [Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa, Av. Independencia s/n, Hexagonos de Fisica, Arequipa (Peru); Urquizo B, R., E-mail: [Hospital Nacional Carlos Alberto Seguin Escobedo, Esquina de Peral y Filtro s/n, Arequipa (Peru)


    In systems of radiotherapy treatment for cancer, always looking to maximize the radiation dose on the target (tumor) and minimize to the organs at risk or healthy, so they resort to using electron beams that have properties and characteristics of higher dose deposition at fixed depths, directing and focusing the higher dose in the tumor, without harming healthy tissues to which seeks to radiate in the least possible. Simulating the interaction of electron beams with different equivalent tissues to the human body leads to a better dosimetric evaluation, improving the quality of treatment planning. The aim of this study is the comparison from the characterization of several equivalent tissues to the human body such as soft tissue, bone and lung. Based on the simulation of a calibration beam in water phantom with Penelope code and compared with the results of the calibration curves of beams in water vat by a linear accelerator Elekta Synergy of Hospital Nacional Carlos Alberto Seguin Escobedo EsSalud of Arequipa (Peru). From this to evaluate the behavior of electron beams in a homogeneous medium and then further evaluation in the human body homogeneities, for better evaluation and specific treatment planning. (Author)

  17. New memory media: books and reading in the age of weblogs

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    Vera Dodebei


    Full Text Available Memory is built with the present time as a starting point, through the tension between two actions: remembering and forgetting, and engages in a permanent dialogue with the objects we choose in order to analyze the condition of knowledge at a given point in time. This paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, we deal with the object "book", its appearance in society, its importance for the transmission of knowledge, its power to control people's attitudes, such as the memory-men created by Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451, and its possible decline in view of information medium technologies. The second part dissociates the act of reading from its most traditional support and deals with "reading" as an independent object, with the suggestion, based on Regina Zilberman's, Alberto Manguel's and Paulo Freire's proposals, that we are meant to read the world, irrespective of the mechanisms used in order to achieve this ultimate aim. In the third and last part, we present some signs of possible ways in which memory may exist in the cyber world, with comments on the role of blogs and websites in relation to the written word on paper.

  18. Experience report: a training center for health response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maurmo, Alexandre M.; Leite, Teresa C.S.B.


    The Professor Nelson Valverde Training Center was created within FEAM (The ELETRONUCLEAR Medical Assistance Foundation) with the objective of capacitating Radio Nuclear Accident Responders for the Health Area in the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Central (Angra dos Reis - RJ - Brazil). The first step was structuring the contents for this training using IAEA's Manuals as base (EPR Medical - 2005, EPR First Responders - 2006 and TMT - Handbook - 2009) and data from REAC/TS. The second step was to capacitate instructors. The third step was the integration with the Company's Radiological Protection Division, giving radiological assessment. Finally, the development of training applications, ending with Drills, Tests and Assessment, gathering data and suggestions, objectifying the constant improvement. Training Programs with pre and post evaluations have been started. Since 2004 training internal courses were ministered for 125 professionals with annual re-training and were ministered to 130 professionals from several external institutions. During the same period training courses were ministered to 140 trainees from the Radiological Protection Division of The Nuclear Power Plant of Angra dos Reis, as First Lay Responders, objectifying the improvement of the quality of the emergency response. (author)

  19. Il Vangelo di Ivan Aleksandăr nella tradizione testuale dei vangeli slavi

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    Alberto Alberti


    Full Text Available Alberto Alberti, Marcello Garzaniti The Ivan Alexander Gospel in the Textual Tradition of the Slavic Gospels In this article, the Authors analyse the Slavic text of the Gospels in the light of the most recent developments in Greek New Testament studies. Particularly useful is the work carried out at the Institut für neutestamentliche Forschung (Münster. On the basis of the identifi cation of a series of ‘Test Passages’ (Teststellen, the Münster volumes offer all the readings of the Greek tradition (except for lectionaries. In this paper, the fi rst 10 chapters of the Gospel of John and the entire text of the synoptic Gospels are analysed from this point of view, comparing the Greek text with a corpus of 12 Slavic manuscripts. The text of the Ivan Alexander Gospel in some instances refl ects the process of harmonization to the Greek ‘Byzantine text’, but in general terms preserves many archaic features, which is quite unusual for a 14th century Gospel. The revision on the basis of Greek manuscripts is also illustrated by readings which are clearly in harmony with particular forms of the Greek text.

  20. Appropriation and rationality in hip hop groups organization practices in Porto Alegre: an analysis on the perspective of Guerreiro Ramos

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    Guilherme Dornelas Camara

    Full Text Available This paper discusses the organizational practices of hip hop groups from Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, as they appropriate foreign experience and rationally guide their social action. The aim of this work is to investigate these practices, based on the formulations of Brazilian sociologist Alberto Guerreiro Ramos, as they are enunciated in the works The Sociological Reduction and The New Science of Organizations. This approach offers fruitful material to broaden the theory and may be subsidiary to this kind of socio-cultural study, explaining why it is pertinent in this field. In this sense, the hip hop movement can be viewed as valuable when it comes to understanding phenomena which, due to (and in spite of being originally transnational, or even "foreign", act or interact worldwide. Examining the organization practices and social action of these groups also helped identify a concern with the production of cultural artifacts that represent and form a symbolism that is historically and culturally located. Another issue that was broached concerns the market since for those groups it is not a category absent from their struggles and actions, but the economic criteria are incidental in relation to their members' motivation.

  1. Treating acid reflux disease in patients with Down syndrome: pharmacological and physiological approaches

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    Francesco Macchini


    Full Text Available Francesco Macchini, Ernesto Leva, Maurizio Torricelli, Alberto ValadèPediatric Surgery Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, ItalyAbstract: Down syndrome (DS is often accompanied by gastrointestinal disease, occurring mainly in early infancy and frequently requiring therapy. Among motility disorders, the most frequent is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, which may often be misdiagnosed because of its atypical manifestations. Early diagnosis of esophageal functional disorders is essential to prevent respiratory problems, growth retardation in children, weight loss in adults, and to establish the correct type of surgery if needed. Furthermore, the involvement of the enteric nervous system in the pathophysiology of GERD in DS is not yet completely understood but seems supported by much evidence. In fact DS is often associated with motor disorders and this evidence must be considered in the choice of therapy: in particular all options available to improve motility seem to be effective in these patients. The effectiveness of therapy is strictly related to the rate of mental impairment, so that modulating therapy is essential, especially in view of the severity of the neurological status.Keywords: gastro-esophageal reflux disease, chromosome 21, Down syndrome

  2. Il materialismo digitale. Approcci e prospettive mediologiche

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    Full Text Available Digital Materialism: Approaches and Perspectives in Media Studies This paper explores theoretical and methodological frameworks into the complex interdisciplinary field of Digital Materialism as media theory. From a starting point of the notion of “digital materiality”, as a core concept to develop an epistemological shift towards “material turn”, we aim to illustrate different approaches as new materialist paradigms, German media theory, Media Archaeology, Media ecologies, Software Studies and Marxist media theory. The so-called Digital Materialist Studies include a wide range of theories, which are sometimes in mutual opposition. However, overall these approaches help to re-evaluate the centrality of the material dimension of digital media in contemporary society. Finally, we indicate some possible theoretical evolutions of digital materialism. On the one hand, there are theories focused on highlighting the complexization and diversification of power relations through the study of some “lens” of digital materialities (Pötzsch 2017. On the other hand, we suggest the possibility of combining in a coherent theoretical framework the media archaeology studies of the Italian theorist Alberto Abruzzese in order to investigate the transition from old media to digital media by analyzing the material and symbolic conflicts that the media themselves incorporate.

  3. La teoría d el caos... Esa nube turbulenta que da qué pensar

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    Ruben Antonio Sánchez G.


    Full Text Available "Ver las cosas hasta el fondo...¿Y si las cosas no tuvieran fondo?iAh, que bella la superficie!Quizá la superficie sea la esenciaY lo que excede la superficie sea lo que excede a todoY lo que excede a todo no es nada./Oh rostro del mundo, sólo tu, de todos los rostros,Eres la propia alma que reflejas/”PESSOA, Fernando, Poemas inconjuntos 65.(En: Poesías completas de Alberto Caeiro. Valencia: Pre-textos, 1997, p.3 19.Este texto plantea algunos de los problemas suscitados por la teoría del caos.Es decir, pretende mostrar algunas de las cuestiones que han surgido a partir de la formulación de un modo de obtención de conocimiento que parece tener ventajas sobre otros y según algunos de sus difusores, constituye una revolución en la práctica y el saber científicos. En consecuencia, presentaremos a continuación un panorama de estos problemas 01 tanto que, por una parte, nos muestran las posibilidades y los límites de dicha teoría y , por otra, nos indican en qué sentido la teoría del caos puede dar qué pensar.

  4. Il valore del territorio, non il prezzo

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    Daniela Cavallo


    Full Text Available The value of the territory, not the price, as a place to live, including tools urban planning and landscape protection. A proposal, the guide / head-up plan, for the exploitation of a territory, about de-centering sew up. It should be noted that it is not used sata a disciplinary perspective “management” rather of Architecture and Regional Planning, these contaminated by a vision that seeks for some years now to borrow the thought of doing business within the design of the area in a contamination that is good, that can bring ideas to solve the problems of exploitation of territories that too often seek theoretical solutions for acting watertight compartments. The heritage of which we are heirs have all those variables that are the definition of Territory architect Alberto Magnaghi, definition often used by those who do Local Marketing, as a starting point. Find the streets active and operative where contamination between different disciplines and has the parallel exercise obiettio of this paper, whereas managementi urban architecture, planning economy, restoration, tend all have a common goal to preserve value and to promote the area to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants, who are permanent or occasional.

  5. High Sensitivity Gravity Measurements in the Adverse Environment of Oil Wells (United States)

    Pfutzner, Harold


    Bulk density is a primary measurement within oil and gas reservoirs and is the basis of most reserves calculations by oil companies. The measurement is performed with a gamma-ray source and two scintillation gamma-ray detectors from within newly drilled exploration and production wells. This nuclear density measurement, while very precise is also very shallow and is therefore susceptible to errors due to any alteration of the formation and fluids in the vicinity of the borehole caused by the drilling process. Measuring acceleration due to gravity along a well provides a direct measure of bulk density with a very large depth of investigation that makes it practically immune to errors from near-borehole effects. Advances in gravity sensors and associated mechanics and electronics provide an opportunity for routine borehole gravity measurements with comparable density precision to the nuclear density measurement and with sufficient ruggedness to survive the rough handling and high temperatures experienced in oil well logging. We will describe a borehole gravity meter and its use under very realistic conditions in an oil well in Saudi Arabia. The density measurements will be presented. Alberto Marsala (2), Paul Wanjau (1), Olivier Moyal (1), and Justin Mlcak (1); (1) Schlumberger, (2) Saudi Aramco.

  6. From "flowery hell" to the hope of sanitation: Science, Nature, and Health in the State of Amazonas during Brazilian First Republic (1890-1930

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    Nísia Trindade Lima


    Full Text Available In the first two decades of the 20th century, publications of Euclides da Cunha, Alberto Rangel and Carlos Chagas about the Amazon presented from different perspectives a critique of what they considered unrealistic visions originated in the travel accounts of naturalists of 18th and 19th centuries. Alternatively, they proposed the analysis of the region from the perspective of new scientific knowledge, which included several areas - from geology to tropical medicine. Recent studies have indicated the need for more research on the institutions and local scientific practices, both in the development of ideas about the region and the definition of public policies. This article is proposed on this perspective, to reflect on the different ideas that were built by the medical-scientific thought about Nature and Society in the state of Amazonas during the Brazilian First Republic, when the rise and decline of the Amazonian rubber was experienced. It is understood that local physicians actively participated in scientific discussions related to tropical medicine, and put into practice the main theses about control and prevention of endemic diseases like malaria and yellow fever. This set of ideas and practices contributed to the definition of sanitation of the city of Manaus and the hinterland of state of Amazonas.

  7. HTML5 e as possibilidades narrativas jornalísticas na infografia multimídia

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    Walter Teixeira Lima Junior


    Full Text Available O artigo propõe o estudo comparativo dos infográficos multimídia produzidos pelos sites Clarí, da Argentina e, do Brasil. A pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar e analisar como esses dois importantes veículos de comunicação online da América Latina têm utilizado a tecnologia HTML5 e suas possibilidades interativas na narrativa jornalística. Para tanto, a análise vai se ater à infografia multimídia, que tem passado por profundas mudanças tecnológicas, alterando o formato e o conteúdo da notícia. Para abordar as possibilidades narrativas das tecnologias Flash e HTLM5 na produção de infográficos interativos, o trabalho compara as seções Infográficos, veiculada pela, e Especiales Multimedia, do Clarí O estudo, quantitativo e qualitativo, verificou quais recursos narrativos e informativos, ferramentas e tecnologias de linguagem de programação para Internet foram utilizados pelos dois meios de comunicação, com base no modelo de análise proposto por Alberto Cairo no livro Infografia 2.0.

  8. El mundo del libro: junio de 1979

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: -REALIDAD Y QUIMERA DEL ORO DE INDIAS-Por Alberto Miramón-Banco de la República-Editores Carlos Valencia-92 páginas de texto-Y textos de fuentes. -EL PODER PRESIDENCIAL EN COLOMBIA-Por Alfredo Vázquez Carrizosa-Enrique Dobry, Editor-Talleres Italgraf. Febrero de 1979 -Tema: La lengua española y Don Miguel Antonio Caro -LA CONSAGRACIÓN DE LA PRIMAVERA -Por Alejo Carpentier-Novela-Siglo XXI editores -BOLÍVAR. GENIO. CONSTITUCIÓN. CARÁCTER- Por Mauro Torres Ediciones Tercet· Mundo-Bogotá, Colombia. Marzo 1979. -LA OBRERIADA-Por Luis Vidales Casa de las Américas-Colección de Literatura Latinoamericana. -FERNANDO LORENZANA. Recuerdos de su vida. Diario de un viaje a Bogotá en 1832 y su correspondencia con el primer representante de Colombia en Roma-Instituto Caro y Cuervo- Las publica por primera vez Germán Arciniegas. -METODOLOGÍA DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA-Por Laureano Ladrón de Guevara-Universidad de Santo Tomás. Bogotá. Colombia. -GAITÁN, BIOGRAFÍA DE UNA SOMBRA-Por Agustín Rodríguez Garavito -Ediciones Tercer Mundo. Abril 1979.

  9. Giuseppe Samonà historian of architecture: his relationship with Gustavo Giovannoni

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    Fabrizio Di Marco


    Full Text Available The essay is intended to highlight the links between Samonà and the "Roman School", in part already analyzed in previous studies. In particular, we contextualize the six letters addressed to Gustavo Giovannoni between late 1929 and mid-1930, preserved in the Giovannoni Archive (Rome, Centro di Studi per la Storia dell’Architettura and listed in full in the appendix. The letters are mainly related to the studies of Samonà on late Renaissance architecture in Sicily, conducted in 1927 at the suggestion of Ernesto Calandra, which would then be gathered into four essays published between 1932 and 1935, profoundly influenced by the historical-critical ‘giovannoniano’ method. The epistolary contacts with Giovannoni, as well as promoting cultural growth and the rise of the career of teaching, not well structured at the time, show his attempt to get closer to Rome. This is evidenced by repeated references in the letters to Alberto Calza Bini, who was to assist him in obtaining a position at the University of Naples and who, together with Giovannoni and Piacentini, ruled in favor of Samonà in design competitions in the thirties, especially for the Post Office building in the Appio neighborhood in Rome.

  10. Editorial 2: La Nueva Teoría Estratégica y sus desarrollos en los ámbitos comunicacionales / The New Strategic Theory and its developments in the communication area

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    María Isabel de Salas Nestares


    Full Text Available Cuando en el año 2008, con ocasión del Congreso Internacional Brand Trends, organizado por la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera en Valencia, me comentó el profesor Rafael Alberto Pérez cómo había visto la aplicación de la Nueva Teoría Estratégica en las diferentes conferencias de los profesionales de comunicación comercial y corporativa allí reunidos, tomé conciencia de que efectivamente la NTE se estaba ya aplicando en el campo de la Publicidad y el Marketing, validando así el modelo o paradigma. Y por otro lado me reafirmé en mi consideración de que el proceso tecnológico de digitalización de la comunicación ha sido el magma sobre el cual la NTE ha podido avanzar en su postulado relacional. A partir de entonces seguí su consejo sobre la necesidad de realizar un cambio en “la mirada” de cómo contemplar el mundo y hacerlo rompiendo con la mirada heredada de un mundo fragmentado, con causalidad lineal y estático y pasar a una visión compleja, fluida y caótica (Pérez y Massoini, 2009: 137-142.

  11. El mundo del libro: mayo de 1979

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available En el documento se presentan las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: -Cayetano Betancur. Manual del ciudadano. Brevarios Colombianos. Ediciones del Banco de la República. -Alberto Duarte French. Guía practica del derecho de familia. Editorial Temis. Librería. 1978. -Abel Naranjo Villegas. Generaciones colombianas. Brevarios Colombianos. Ediciones Banco de la República. Artes Gráficas Centro Don Bosco. -Flor Alba Uribe Marin. Historia de la pequeña Nubia y su Mercenaria virginidad. Ediciones Tercer mundo. Bogotá, Colombia. -Abelardo Forero Benavides. El siglo XIX. Galería de sombras. Nariño, Bolívar, Santander, Obando, Mosquera, Nuñez. Fundación Centenario del Banco de Colombia. 1978. Impreso por Litoformas de Colombia. -Luis Duque Gómez. Introducción al pasado aborigen. Brevarios Colombianos. Banco de la República. Talleres Editorial Retina. Bogotá. Colombia. -Dibujos de Sergio Trujillo Magnenat. Texto de Germán Rubiano Caballero. Biblioteca Fundación Centenario del Banco de Colombia. -Mauro Torres. Tensión en la Unidad familiar. Padres e hijos. Edición Tercer Mundo. Bogotá, Colombia. -Ciro Medina. Antología. Editado por el Banco de América Latina. Impreso por Publicaciones Cultural Ltda. Bogotá, Colombia.

  12. Role of a proprietary propolis-based product on the wait-and-see approach in acute otitis media and in preventing evolution to tracheitis, bronchitis, or rhinosinusitis from nonstreptococcal pharyngitis

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    Di Pierro F


    Full Text Available Francesco Di Pierro,1 Alberto Zanvit,2 Maria Colombo3 1Scientific Department, Velleja Research, 2Biological Dentistry Department, Italian Stomatology Institute, 3ATS, District 5, Milan, Italy Abstract: Antipyretics and/or anti-inflammatory drugs along with a wait-and-see approach are the only treatments recommended in early acute otitis media (AOM or viral pharyngitis. Propolis has been widely investigated for its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties and could perhaps be administered as an add-on therapy during watchful waiting in AOM or for better control of symptoms in nonstreptococcal pharyngitis. However, propolis has well-known problems of poor solubility and low oral bioavailability. We therefore analyzed a proprietary propolis-based product (Propolisina® developed to overcome these limitations, in a retrospective, open-label, controlled study of Streptococcus pyogenes-negative children with a diagnosis of AOM or pharyngitis. Our results show that the use of propolis supplement for 72 hours lessens the severity of AOM and viral pharyngitis, reduces the use of antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and decreases the rate of evolution to tracheitis, bronchitis, and rhinosinusitis. Our study shows that propolis could be used as a safe add-on therapy in case of AOM and/or viral pharyngitis. Keywords: pediatric infections, cogrinding, bioavailability, propolis

  13. Caracterización de estudiantes exitosos. Una aproximación al aprendizaje de las Ciencias Naturales

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    José Luis Olivo Franco


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen los hallazgos de la investigación titulada “Caracterización de estudiantes exitosos: Una aproximación al aprendizaje de las Ciencias Naturales”, resumidos en tres componentes imbricados entre sí: componentes motivacionales intrínsecos, motivacionales extrínsecos, y características y estrategias de aprendizaje. La investigación se desarrolló desde un paradigma interpretativo, bajo el método fenomenológico; empleando técnicas como observación, entrevista a profundidad y grupo focal. Como muestra teórico estructural no estadística se seleccionaron intencionalmente diez estudiantes con rendimientos académicos sobresalientes de la Institución Educativa Técnica Alberto Pumarejo de Malambo, Colombia. Los procesos de categorización y microanálisis permitieron que emergieran no sólo estos tres componentes, sino también comprender la autorregulación como un fenómeno multidimensional y contextualizado, empleado por los estudiantes para tener éxito. Finalmente se prioriza sobre las actuaciones de los docentes en el uso de estrategias creativas y diversas que fomenten y desarrollen actitudes metacognitivas y autorregulatorias en los estudiantes.

  14. Honrar al padre y salvar a la patria en No hay causa perdida de Álvaro Uribe Vélez

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    Wilson Orozco

    Full Text Available Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2012 en sus memorias No hay causa perdida da cuenta de sus ocho años de presidencia pero también de ciertos elementos de su vida privada. Uno de los eventos que realza es el intento de secuestro y asesinato de su padre Alberto Uribe Sierra en 1983. Este evento, junto con el secuestro y muerte de otras reconocidas personalidades le sirven al narrador para recrear una atmósfera de zozobra y tensión para justificar toda su política de seguridad militar. Dado que las memorias están narradas de una manera maniquea y en la forma del thriller de suspenso, se utilizaron las herramientas de la narratología para desentrañar su alto contenido patriarcal. Básicamente, se encontró que el narrador entronca hábilmente eventos personales y de conocimiento público para justificar su lucha y la salvación de la patria. La presentación que hace el narrador de sí mismo es la de un héroe que está constantemente abocado a restituir un orden conservador y un pasado de felicidad bucólica.

  15. Atraer el pueblo a las urnas: la campaña electoral de Enrique Olaya Herrera

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    Oscar Javier Zapata Hincapie


    Full Text Available El artículo estudia la campaña electoral del liberal Enrique Olaya Herrera por la presidencia que tuvo lugar en 1930, en la que se disputó el triunfo con los candidatos conservadores Guillermo Valencia, Alfredo Vázquez Cobo y Alberto Castrillón. El enfoque desarrolla una perspectiva particular a la historia cultural aplicada a fenómenos de la política. Analiza los procedimientos empleados por el candidato liberal y sus organizaciones para acercarse al elector y ganar su respaldo en una disputa abierta, la evolución de esa nueva relación y de qué manera se incrementó la participación ciudadana en este evento electoral. Los espacios de sociabilidad como la calle y la plaza pública son utilizados y re-significados para el despliegue de esa relación emocional que se da entre Olaya Herrera y la multitud a través de concentraciones y marchas que fueron fotografiadas y comentadas en diferentes diarios de la épocadurante la campaña electoral, todo un acto que se puebla de imágenes, símbolos, emblemas, eslóganes, de banderas, de frases distintivas y consignas.

  16. Melucci e Tarrow: revisão teórica sobre movimentos sociais

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    Nayra Veras de Araújo


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    O campo empírico que envolve os movimentos sociais é amplo e diversificado, o que resulta na existência de uma multiplicidade de modelos teóricos e abordagens diferentes para interpretá-los. Este fato deriva do esforço de alguns teóricos em tentar esclarecer o que são os movimentos sociais, quais seus fundamentos, como se formam, quais suas características, seus componentes entre outros traços que os definem e os compõem. O objetivo do artigo é discutir a contribuição teórica de Sidney Tarrow e Alberto Melucci para o estudo dos movimentos sociais. Tal intento deve ser compreendido como interesse em partilhar as contribuições dos autores supracitados para o estudo analítico dos movimentos sociais e evidenciar que, apesar de situados em paradigmas distintos, seus pressupostos teóricos não estão completamente desligados. O diálogo será traçado com vistas a oferecer o panorama teórico
    de análise de cada um dos autores: conceitos, categorias e abordagens 






  18. Noticias de la Academia 1990

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    Victoria Rodriguez


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    La Academia Nacional de Medicina en la actualidad Nacional

    Recomendación ante la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, para ser incorporada en el contexto de la Constitución Nacional (Título III. “Toda persona tendrá derecho a la protección de la Salud”. Se presentó por iniciativa del Académico Alberto Hernández Sáenz. Aprobada por los señores miembros de la Academia. Fué sustentada ante la Mesa de Trabajo de AEXMUN en varias sesiones y finalmente aprobada por la Comisión de Expertos convocados por la Presidencia de la República, logrando ser incorporada en el Temario Oficial para la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente.

    Liderazgo en salud: motor del cambio

    Es uno de los medios para lograr el cambio, insistió el Académico Hernández Sáenz. En él es fundamental el papel de la Academia Nacional de Medicina.

    Dinámica actividad Academia en 1990

    Sesiones: Se realizaron 15 sesiones ordinarias, 13 sesiones solemnes.

    Homenajes: a la memoria de los académicos Gonzalo Esguerra Gómez, Carlos Trujillo Gutiérrez y Bernardo Samper Sordo. La Academia lamenta la desaparición de los inolvidables académicos Fernando Shoonewolf Laurentino Muñoz y Camilo Uribe González

    Condecoración: el Gobierno Nacional impuso la Medalla al Mérito Asistencial “Jorge Bcjarano” al Académico Mario Camacho Pinto.

    Distinción: El Hospital Universitario de “La Samaritana” nombró Profesor Emérito ad-honorem de Medicina Interna y Gastroenterología al Académico Alberto Albornoz Plata.

    Los Premios Salvat y RhonePoulenc: se adjudicaron en sesiones solemnes.

    Temas: de Patología Social y Nutrición, fueron tratados por los Académicos Laurentino Muñoz (q.e.p.d., José Francisco Socarrás, Jorge Camacho Gamba y por invitación, los doctores

  19. EDITORIAL: The 18th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics The 18th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (United States)

    Sánchez-Soto, Luis L.; Man'ko, Margarita A.


    to the proceedings of the 15th CEWQO (Physica Scripta 2009 T135 011005). The 18th edition of CEWQO (CEWQO11) was held in Madrid in 2011. There were about 250 participants, from practically every European country. Many colleagues from other continents also joined the event, including well-established researchers in the field. This is a clear demonstration that these meetings provide an excellent chance to hear about the latest results and new directions of research. The organization of CEWQO11 was carried out by a committee consisting of members active in this topic in Madrid. From Universidad Complutense, Alberto Galindo and Luis L Sánchez-Soto from Universidad Autónoma, Jose Calleja and Carlos Tejedor; from Universidad Politécnica, Enrique Calleja; from Universidad Carlos III, Alberto Ibort; and from the National Research Council (CSIC), Juan León and Juan J García-Ripoll. Special thanks go to the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, Universidad Complutense and the Quitemad Consortium for financial support. The proceedings of the 16th CEWQO held at the University of Turku, Finland and the 17th CEWQO held at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK are also available (Physica Scripta 2010 T140 and Physica Scripta 2011 T143). The present Topical Issue is a collection of papers presented in Madrid; they represent an illustrative sample of the major achievements and trends in this area. In turn, they reflect the wide range of interests in this rapidly evolving field. Some collaborators from different scientific centres who could not, due to different reasons, come to Madrid, but participated in previous CEWQOs and plan to participate in future CEWQOs, also contributed to this issue. The papers are arranged alphabetically by the name of the first author. Special thanks goes to Roger Wäppling, the Managing Editor of Physica Scripta, and Graeme Watt, the Publisher, for the opportunity to publish CEWQO11. From a Physica Scripta Editorial Board meeting it was

  20. Noticias de la Academia

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    Alberto Hernández Saenz


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    El primer trimestre de 1.991, fué de particular interés para la Academia, por la presentación de originales e interesantes contribuciones al acervo médico nacional.

    Temas: sobre Farmacología en Barranquilla, tratado por los Académicos Antonio Reales Orozco y José Francisco Socarrás; el Académico Enrique Núñez Olarte en sesión conjunta con la Sociedad Colombiana de Historia de la Medicina expuso la ponencia sobre El Dolor en la Historia de la Medicina la cual fue comentada por el doctor Enrique Osorio Fonseca; en foro abierto el Académico Guillermo Sánchez Medina, el doctor Egón Lichtemberger y el periodista Gustavo Castro Caicedo expusieron sobre los Aspectos Médico-Legales de la Violencia en Colombia; el Académico Alberto Albornoz-Plata disertó sobre Geofagia Masiva Imperiosa con comentarios del Académico Gonzalo López Escobar; en Simposio sobre Climaterio la Academia escuchó a los Académicos Alfredo Jácome Roca, Roberto Jaramillo Uricoechea, Fernando Sánchez Torres y por invitación al doctor William Onatra ; en sesión cultural se presentó el doctor Gustavo Vargas Martínez con su trabajo sobre Cartografía Hispánica Precolombina; el Académico Alfonso Latiff Conde para su ingreso a la Academia como Miembro Correspondiente presentó su estudio sobre Factores de Pronóstico en los Tumores del Riñón con comentarios del Académico Jorge Cavelier Gaviria.

    Libros: “Derechos del Enfermo Mental” y “Educación Integral- el mejor comportamiento para la salud -“, del Académico Gustavo Cristo Saldivia. Llevaron la palabra los Académicos Ernesto Plata Rueda y Fernando Sánchez Torres.

    Homenajes: a la memoria del Profesor Carlos Esguerra.

    Congresos: El doctor Juan Bernal, Presidente del VIII Congreso Latinoam ericano de Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual y Sida, anuncia su realización en Santiago de Chile del 1 – 4 de

  1. Identidades e diferenças: um desafio às relações psicossociais na sala de aula / Identidades y diferencias: un desafío a las relaciones psicosociales en la sala de clase

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    Olga Solange Herval Souza


    Full Text Available Este artigo é um recorte da minha Tese de doutorado, defendida em Porto Alegre, na UFRGS, em 2002, que se constituiu em uma análise de práticas pedagógicas de um grupo de professores que atuavam no ensino fundamental e médio, e tinham em suas salas de aula, alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. Realizei um estudo de campo, fundamentada nos pressupostos da pesquisa-ação, onde os sujeitos implicados tiveram algo “a dizer e a fazer”, desempenhando um papel ativo dentro da realidade em que os fatos foram observados. O escopo deste escrito, compõe-se de uma breveabordagem acerca da trama psicossocial que é construída no universo da sala de aula entre os diferentes sujeitos que ali convivem e interagem. Segundo o entendimento dos participantes do estudo, este tecido relacional é um fator que intervém na prática docente, e no processo de ensino/aprendizagem de forma a comprometer ou favorecer odesempenho escolar dos alunos, em particular daqueles que se destacam por suas diferenças e evocam uma atenção especial. Como aporte teórico, tomei por empréstimo algumas concepções de autores, entre eles: Paulo Freire, Philippe Perrenoud, Ramón Vallejo, Carlos Alberto Marques, Marisa Eizirik, Maria Cristina Mantovanini entre outros.Abstract Este artículo es un recorte de mi tesis de doctorado, defendida en Porto Alegre, en la UFRGS, en 2002, que se constituyó en una análisis de prácticas pedagógicas de un grupo de profesores que actuaban en la enseñanza fundamental y mediana, y tenían en sus salas de clase alumnos con necesidades educacionales especiales. Realicé un estudio de campo, fundamentada en los presupuestos de la pesquisa-acción, donde los sujetos implicados tuvieron algo “a decir y a hacer”, desempeñando un papel activo dentro de la realidad en que los hechos fueron observados. El propósito de este escrito se compone de una breve abordaje sobre la trama psicosocial que es construida en el universo de la

  2. Clinical efficacy, safety, and tolerability of fingolimod for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

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    Gajofatto A


    Full Text Available Alberto Gajofatto,1,2 Marco Turatti,2 Salvatore Monaco,1,2 Maria Donata Benedetti2 1Department of Neurological, Biomedical and Movement Sciences, University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 2Division of Neurology B, Verona University Hospital, Verona, Italy Abstract: Fingolimod is a selective immunosuppressive agent approved worldwide for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS, a chronic and potentially disabling neurological condition. Randomized double-blind clinical trials have shown that fingolimod significantly reduces relapse rate and ameliorates a number of brain MRI measures, including cerebral atrophy, compared to both placebo and intramuscular interferon-1a. The effect on disability progression remains controversial, since one Phase III trial showed a significant benefit of treatment while two others did not. Although fingolimod has a very convenient daily oral dosing, the possibility of serious cardiac, ocular, infectious, and other rare adverse events justified the decision of the European Medicines Agency to approve the drug as a second-line treatment for MS patients not responsive to first-line therapy, or those with rapidly evolving course. In the United States, fingolimod is instead authorized as a first-line treatment. The aim of this review is to describe and discuss the characteristics of fingolimod concerning its efficacy, safety, and tolerability in the clinical context of multiple sclerosis management. Keywords: multiple sclerosis, fingolimod, safety, tolerability, efficacy

  3. Implementation of ISO 17025 in the Eletronuclear Environmental Monitoring Laboratory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baliza, Ana Rosa; Caetano, Carla de Brito, E-mail: [Eletrobrás Termonuclear S.A. (ELETRONUCLEAR), Angra dos Reis, RJ (Brazil)


    In order to grant Angra 3 power plant operation license, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), in the IBAMA Installation License 591/2009 condition 2.24, required that Eletronuclear has to obtain the Environmental Monitoring Laboratory accreditation, in accordance with the requirements of NBR ISO / IEC 17025 standard. The accreditation is the formal recognition that a laboratory has a quality assurance system and technical competence to perform specific tests, evaluated according to the criteria based on NBR ISO/IEC 17025 (General requirements for testing and calibration laboratories competence) standard. In Brazil, the General Accreditation Coordination (CGCRE), according to the guidelines already explained by the Brazilian System of Conformity Assessment (INMETRO), does accreditation. The INMETRO is the only official accrediting body in Brazil and internationally recognized by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). The Environmental Monitoring Laboratory at Eletronuclear is an analytical laboratory of chemical, radiochemical and biological tests, which analyzes several matrices, such as seawater, river water, marine sediment, beach sand, soil, pasture, banana, milk, besides marine sea life, around the Central Almirante Álvaro Alberto power plant station. It is licensed by CNEN, INEA, IBAMA and it follows national and international standards in the performance of the tests as well as in the collection and preparation of samples. This article describes the main steps that the Eletronuclear Environmental Monitoring Laboratory followed to implement ISO 17025. (author)

  4. Implementation of ISO 17025 in the Eletronuclear Environmental Monitoring Laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baliza, Ana Rosa; Caetano, Carla de Brito


    In order to grant Angra 3 power plant operation license, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), in the IBAMA Installation License 591/2009 condition 2.24, required that Eletronuclear has to obtain the Environmental Monitoring Laboratory accreditation, in accordance with the requirements of NBR ISO / IEC 17025 standard. The accreditation is the formal recognition that a laboratory has a quality assurance system and technical competence to perform specific tests, evaluated according to the criteria based on NBR ISO/IEC 17025 (General requirements for testing and calibration laboratories competence) standard. In Brazil, the General Accreditation Coordination (CGCRE), according to the guidelines already explained by the Brazilian System of Conformity Assessment (INMETRO), does accreditation. The INMETRO is the only official accrediting body in Brazil and internationally recognized by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). The Environmental Monitoring Laboratory at Eletronuclear is an analytical laboratory of chemical, radiochemical and biological tests, which analyzes several matrices, such as seawater, river water, marine sediment, beach sand, soil, pasture, banana, milk, besides marine sea life, around the Central Almirante Álvaro Alberto power plant station. It is licensed by CNEN, INEA, IBAMA and it follows national and international standards in the performance of the tests as well as in the collection and preparation of samples. This article describes the main steps that the Eletronuclear Environmental Monitoring Laboratory followed to implement ISO 17025. (author)

  5. Breve antología poética: I Viali (2003 y Sul vuoto (2011

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    Gabriel del Sarto


    Full Text Available  Gabriel del Sarto (1972 publica sus primeros poemas en 1998 en el Sesto quaderno di poesia contemporanea a manos de Franco Buffoni. Poco después su nombre empieza a ser frecuente en antologías dedicadas a los nuevos poetas emergentes italianos, como L’opera comune (Atelier, 1999, Poeti di Vent’anni (ed. Mario Santagostini, La Stampa, 2000 y Nuovissima poesia italiana (Mondadori, 2004, editada por Maurizio Cucchi y Antonio Ricciardi, en la que comparte espacio con algunos de los poetas más sobresalientes de su generación, como Silvia Caratti, Francesca Moccia o Alberto Pellegatta. En 2003 publica su primera colección de poemas con el título de I viali (Ed. Atelier, a la que sigue en 2011 el libro Sul vuoto (Transeuropa. Aparte de su faceta como poeta, Gabriel del Sarto es autor de diferentes ensayos sogre el uso y el sentido de la narración en la práctica formativa, como Raccontare storie (con F. Batini, Carocci, 2007 o el manual de escritura creativa Narrazione e invenzione (con S. Giusti y F. Batini, Erickson, 2007La sigiente traducción es una selección de poemas de Gabriel del Sarto (1972, extraídos de los volúmenes I viali (2003 y Sul vuoto (2011.


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    D. Goveia


    Full Text Available Sistemas aquáticos que apresentam águas calmas e com região delimitada, por exemplo, lagoas, lagos e pântanos, são denominados ambientes lênticos. O Parque Carlos Alberto de Souza, localizado em Sorocaba-SP, é um dos parques existentes na cidade contendo lago artificial, onde habitam peixes, tartarugas e garças. É frequentado por crianças e adultos para lazer ou prática de exercícios. Sendo assim, uma boa qualidade de água é fundamental para a vida no lago. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a qualidade da água, usando índices de qualidade adotados pela CETESB (Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental. Os resultados apresentaram valor elevado de coliformes termotolerantes e baixa concentração de oxigênio. Considerando a ponderação dos parâmetros a água foi classificada como boa, porém o índice referente à presença de nutrientes classificou o corpo hídrico como hipertrófico, o que pode causar aflorações de algas e mortandades de peixes. Os resultados representam um alerta quanto à necessidade de monitoramento da qualidade dos ambientes lênticos e a necessitade de alertas à população que frequentam o ambiente.


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    Sônia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados 200 adolescentes de ambos os sexos com idade entre 11 e 14 anos do Colégio Estadual “Alberto Byington Junior”, de Maringá, com o objetivo de verificar a incidência de cifose postural. Para este estudo, valemo-nos de avaliação postural, avaliação biométrica e ainda foram registrados o peso dos materiais escolares. Cifose postural ocorreu em 76 casos (38%. No sexo feminino, a cifose esteve presente em 44 casos (58% e no sexo masculino, em 32 casos (42%, não havendo diferenças significativas em relação ao sexo. Foi observado predomínio de cifose em adolescentes com sinais de puberdade (75%. A sintomatologia dolorosa esteve presente em 28 casos (37%. Foram verificados também os desvios posturais mais freqüentes, associados à cifose. Dos 200 casos avaliados, 22 (11% transportavam material escolar com peso igual ou superior a 10% do seu peso corporal, sendo que, destes 22 casos, 9 (40% apresentavam cifose. Os resultados indicam que estes adolescentes poderão ter suas posturas cifóticas agravadas pelo excesso de peso. Constatamos, ainda, que os adolescentes que participaram desta pesquisa tinham atividades cotidianas que favoreciam a instalação de cifose postural.

  8. El peronismo mendocino de cara a las elecciones de 1973

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    Patricia E. Olguín


    Full Text Available El retorno a las urnas y el triunfo electoral del peronismo en 1973 clausuraron una etapa marcada por una profunda crisis de legitimidad que había sido abierta por el derrocamiento de Perón en 1955. La reorganización política del “movimiento” en la proscripción, en la provincia de Mendoza, exhibió una intermitente tensión entre quienes adherían al peronismo “verticalista” y un grupo de dirigentes que creó partidos llamados “neoperonistas”, cuyo ascenso encontró un límite en las elecciones a gobernador y vicegobernador de 1966. La rehabilitación de la actividad política en 1971 reavivó las rencillas internas entre las distintas fracciones peronistas para obtener un lugar en las candidaturas en vistas del proceso electoral de 1973. La unificación de algunos sectores no terminó con los conflictos intrapartidarios luego de la victoria en las urnas, los cuales salieron a la superficie apenas iniciado el gobierno de Alberto Martínez Baca. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso de des - composición que sufrió el peronismo mendocino luego del derrocamiento de Perón en 1955, su posterior reorganización de cara a las elecciones generales de 1973 y el resultado de los comicios.

  9. Intitucional Repositories and Virtualk Learning Objects

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    Rosângela Schwarz Rodrigues


    O evento “Repositórios Institucionais e Objetos Virtuais de Aprendizagem”, ocorrido nos dias 4, 5 e 6 de novembro de 2009 foi um marco em relação às discussões sobre o referido tema na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC. Organizado pela Biblioteca Central, com o apoio da coordenação da Universidade Aberta do Brasil, da Pró-Reitoria de Graduação e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da UFSC, a abertura do evento contou com a presença do professor Carlos Alberto Justos da Silva, vice-reitor da UFSC (representando o reitor; da professora Maria Lúcia de Camargo, pró-reitora de Pós-Graduação; do diretor de ensino da Pró-reitoria de Assuntos Estudantis, professor Carlos Pinto; da coordenadora da Universidade Aberta do Brasil na UFSC, professora Eleonora Milano Falcão Vieira e da diretora da Biblioteca Central, Narcisa Amboni. O encontro reuniu dezesseis especialistas que apresentaram trabalhos e participaram de discussões com professores, servidores técnico-administrativos e estudantes. Os palestrantes concordaram gentilmente em disponibilizar suas apresentações, que organizamos nesta edição da Encontros Bibli para garantir a visibilidade e segurança.

  10. The reception of Machiavelli and the neo-machiavellian in Political Science, with special reference to the Uruguayan case (1957-1985

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    José Miguel Busquets


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to analyze the reception of Machiavelli and the neo machiavellian (Pareto, Mosca, Michels, in the main Political Science paradigms, as well as in the teaching of this discipline at the University of the Republic, from 1957, when the first Political Science chair was created at the Law School, till 1985, when Uruguay returned to democracy, after a twelve-year period of civil-military dictatorship. For this purpose, first, this article will review the itinerary of international Political Science, presenting the different stages that this discipline has gone through. Then, it will make an approach to the reception of Machiavelli and the neo-machiavellian in three political scientists of great significance: Harold Laswell, Robert Dahl and Giovanni Sartori. Second, the paper will examine the reception of the works of the Florentine author and the elitist theorists in three Political Science chairs that were conducted during the indicated period by Alberto Ramón Real, Carlos Real de Azúa and Jacques Ginesta. Finally, there will be a reflection on the different emphases that were made in the teaching of Political Science at that time, particularly following the intervention of the University after the 1973 coup d’État.

  11. Interior-exterior connection in architectural design based on the incorporation of spatial in between layers. Study of four architectural projects

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    Krstić Hristina


    Full Text Available Different spatial layers in the architectural structure of a building can create particular spatial relations and an architectural space that cannot be defined as an inner space or as an outer space, but one which has the characteristics of both. This space, which can be called “in between space”, appears as the result of a specific design concept in which the architectural composition is created by gradual insertion of volumes one inside another, like a box that is placed inside a box, inside of which is placed another smaller box and so on. The incorporation of various layers in the spatial arrangement of volumes in certain architectural compositions can be conceived as a possible approach in connecting the interior and exterior. This kind of conceptual design distinguishes itself from the common approach by its specific architecture that offers richness, variety, complexity and unique perception of space, thereby increasing its value. The paper investigates this particular concept through the analysis of four residential houses (Villa Le Lac by Le Corbusier, Solar House by Oswald Mathias Ungers, House N by Sou Fujimoto and Guerrero House by Alberto Campo Baeza, and it strives to find out the concept’s use and advantages, all with the aim of opening up new possibilities in the design of buildings and enriching the design process.

  12. Spotlight on Peru. (United States)


    Lima's population grew from 1 million to 7 million during 1969-89, almost entirely due to rural-urban immigration. Other urban areas such as Iquitos experienced similar growth over the period. National, regional, and municipal governments have been working to restore civil order in the country and to bring basic health, sanitation, and education programs to the population. However, language, attitudinal, and cultural differences impede progress in this diverse and changing country. Peru's young population of median age 21 years presents a challenge to the development and implementation of effective reproductive health care programs for the country. Pathfinder's work in Peru is helped by current President Alberto Fujimori's strong and active support for family planning. In the face of strong opposition from the Roman Catholic Church, President Fujimori has held onto his conviction and commitment to reduce levels of maternal morbidity and mortality in Peru by increasing the accessibility of family planning programs. Pathfinder's work in Peru with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) includes the 5-year program Project 2000 designed to improve maternal and child health in 12 priority regions of the country. Pathfinder is also working with USAID to link family planning to postpartum services in 30 public hospitals throughout the country. New programs will be launched with contributions from individuals and foundations.

  13. Responsabilidad de los contadores públicos ante ilícitos tributarios en empresas comerciales del sector ferretero del Municipio Alberto Adriani del estado Mérida


    Almeida, Jhoner; Cote, Marilys; Briceño, María Eugenia; Rojas, Ma. Elizabeth


    La actuación del contador público está cubierta de responsabilidad y compromiso y ante esto debe actuar con rectitud y buena fe, mantener el honor, dignidad y capacidad profesional. No obstante, hay situaciones en la que los contadores incurren en actos contrarios a la norma legal, lo cual puede provocar daños a terceros o al Estado. Tal es el caso de los ilícitos tributarios que constituyen toda acción u omisión violatoria de las normas tributarias previstas en el Código Orgánico...

  14. Technique applied in the evaluation of the UFCC reactor at Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (REFAP), PETROBRAS; Tecnicas utilizadas na avaliacao do reator da UFCC da REFAP

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    Cascaes, Ronesio da Silva [PETROBRAS (Brazil) Refinaria Alberto Pasqualini


    Main problems found in the maintenance of the Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unity, searches of metal alteration properties, metallographic evaluations, failures and micro-structures alterations are presented. Micrographic analysis of the structural samples, the methodology to detect the failures and physical and chemical essays utilized in the inspection are also reported 13 refs., 64 figs., 1 tab.






  16. Constipation prevalence in diabetic patients

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    Manoel Álvaro de Freitas Lins Neto


    Full Text Available Objective: the aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of constipation in diabetic patients treated at the endocrinology outpatient clinic at Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes and PAM Salgadinho, from April to August 2013. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried out through a questionnaire using the Rome III criteria in 372 patients treated at the outpatient endocrinology clinic. Results: of 372 patients evaluated, the frequency of constipation found was 31.2% among diabetic patients. Females predominated in the sample (72.8% as well as for the frequency of constipation (80.2%. The incidence of type II diabetes was 97.3% and it was observed that 80.2% of the sample was older than 50 years. One hundred and twelve patients with inadequate glycemic control (HgA1c ≥ 7 had an association with constipation. Conclusion: there was an increased frequency of constipation in patients with diabetes mellitus according to the Rome III criteria, in relation to the general population. The inadequate glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus increases the frequency of constipation and it is necessary to perform studies that allow the confirmation of this association to demonstrate this hypothesis. Resumo: Objetivo: analisar a prevalência da constipação intestinal em pacientes diabéticos atendidos no ambulatório de endocrinologia do Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes e no PAM Salgadinho (HUPAA, de abril de 2013 a agosto 2013. Método: estudo descritivo e transversal, realizado através da aplicação de um questionário com os critérios de Roma III no ambulatório de endocrinologia do HUPAA. Resultado: em 372 pacientes, 271 feminino, 101 masculino, 162 de etnia branca, 55 negros e 155 pardos, 297 pacientes estavam acima de 50 anos, houve uma frequência de constipação de 31,2% nos pacientes diabéticos. O gênero feminino prevaleceu na amostra (73% assim como no índice de frequ

  17. Urban movements and disempowerment in Perú and Venezuela Movimientos urbanos y desempoderamiento en Perú y Venezuela

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    Daniel H. LEVINE


    Full Text Available This paper addresses a core puzzle: why is continued citizen mobilization accompanied by growing disempowerment of those same citizens? Why do movements fail, leaders burn out and members disperse, and what are the implications of this organizational failure for demo¬cratic representation? Our consideration of the issues is rooted in a close examination of urban movements, mobilization, empowerment and disempowerment in the recent experience of Venezuela and Perú. The puzzle that concerns us is of course not limited to these two countries: it is common to all the Andean republics, and in different ways, to much recent experience of urban mobilization in Latin America and beyond. After a brief account of urban citizen move¬ments and politics in our two cases, we outline general reflections on the nature of empowerment and disempowerment, on the peculiar combination of strengths and weaknesses that mark many contemporary movements. A close examination of types of movements and their links with poli¬tical parties and protest follows. The character of city life is important here. We close with analysis of recent waves of urban mobilization in Perú (that sparked the ouster of president Alberto Fujimori and in Venezuela (both for and against president Hugo Chávez Frías, and with reflections on the likely future of empowerment and disempowerment for urban citizens and the implications of this perspective for democratic representationEste artículo plantea un puzzle principal: ¿por qué la movilización ciudadana continuada viene acompañada de un crecimiento del desempoderamiento de estos mismos ciudadanos? ¿Por qué los movimientos fracasan, los líderes se desgastan y los miembros se dispersan, y cuáles son las implicaciones del fracaso organizativo para la representación democrática? Nuestra consideración del asunto encuentra sus raíces en un profundo análisis de los movimientos urbanos, de la movilización, del empoderamiento y del

  18. O papel das aves na dispersão e germinação de sementes do pau-incenso (Pittoporum undulatum Vent. em um remanescente de Mata Atlântica. Bird role in seed dispersion and germination of Pittosporum undulatum Vent., seeds in an Atlantic Forest remnant.

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    Mariana Lopes CAMPAGNOLI


    Full Text Available A invasão biológica pela espécie Pittosporum undulatum Vent. pode ocasionar degradação de ecossistemas nativos, perda de espécies e de serviços ecossistêmicos. Além das características biológicas que favorecem seu estabelecimento, seus frutos são fontes alimentares para algumas espécies de aves, que acabam por dispersar suas sementes. O presente estudo foi realizado no Parque Estadual Alberto Löfgren, e visou verificar as espécies de aves potencialmente dispersoras do pau-incenso, comparar os registros de alimentação obtidos para esta árvore e para outras seis espécies arbóreas locais e avaliar a influência da ingestão das sementes pelas aves na sua taxa de germinação. A coleta de dados consistiu em observações focais das aves em atividade de forrageio no pau-incenso e a captura de indivíduos com redes de neblina para coleta de sementes nas fezes. Testes de germinação foram realizados com as sementes coletadas das fezes e diretamente dos frutos maduros. No total, foram encontradas 107 sementes nas fezes de oito sabiás, pertencentes a três espécies: Turdus rufiventris, Turdus amaurochalinus e Turdus albicollis. Não encontramos diferenças significativas nas taxas de germinação entre os tratamentos. Apesar da passagem das sementes pelo trato digestório das aves não ter alterado significativamente as taxas de germinação, os sabiás podem ser importantes dispersores do pau-incenso, permitindo a colonização de novas áreas por esta espécie exótica e intensificando seu processo de invasão biológica na Mata Atlântica.Biological invasion by the species Pittosporum undulatum Vent. could bring degradation to native ecosystems and loss of biodiversity and ecological services. Besides the biological features favoring the establishment of the species in natural environments, some bird species use its fruits as food sources, being responsible for its seed dispersion. The present study was held at Alberto L


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    Virginia Raquel Azcuy


    ABSTRACT: This article seeks to facilitate some results of a theological research that was proposed to address the witness of laywomen belonging to the first Adult Christian Life Community in Chile and other women linked with them through Spiritual Exercises. This research was carried out through qualitative method and case study approach. It has been undertaken as part of the program Theology of the signs of the times, within the framework of Manuel Larraín Theological Center-Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and Alberto Hurtado University. This text looks for a deepening between the relationship of certain elements of truth proposed by the Second Vatican Council –Church, the renewal of religious life, laity and the service to the poor– and the life of the Church, particularly the local Church. The reading includes a gender perspective because women can be considered as an emerging ecclesiological subject in the post-Vatican II and it helps to explore the reception of this council from this point of view. It is proposed a theological reflection, based on life histories in relation to the experience and the transmission of the spirituality of the Exercises, within the framework of the growing collaboration between Jesuits and laity in the Society of Jesus in the last decades. The chosen narratives show the interrelation between the spiritual accompaniment offered by Jesuits and laity in the Spiritual Exercises, the Christian Life Communi­ties (CLC, the Center of Ignatian Spirituality (CEI and various apostolic works.

  20. Patrick Geddes and the Italian Territorialist School: conceptual and methodological approaches. Reflections on the participation of children in the representation of heritage values at Santa Leopoldina City - Espirito Santo State - Brazil

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    Bruno Amaral de Andrade


    Full Text Available El estudio de Patrick Geddes sobre el niño en la ciudad, que se remonta a las Exhibiciones del Bienestar del Niño, así como el interés por los estudios de los orígenes históricos y geográficos de las ciudades desde fábulas vinculadas a las condiciones simples y naturales de la relación del hombre con el medio ambiente; por ejemplo, historias de cazador, minero, leñador, pastor, agricultor y pescador. La Escuela Territorialista Italiana, de Alberto Magnaghi, revisita de manera crítica y reflexiva el abordaje participativo precursor del pensamiento geddesiano, y desarrolla el método, la técnica y herramienta para la participación de los niños como actores-protagonistas en la representación y en el proyecto del territorio. De hecho, este artículo aborda la representación de los valores por los niños en sitio histórico, originalmente ocupado por inmigrantes de origen germánico, la ciudad de Santa Leopoldina, Espirito Santo, Brasil. Esto es hecho con diseños de referencia desarrollados por estudiantes de edades comprendidas entre 11 y 15 años, desarrollados individual y colectivamente. Los dibujos producidos por diferentes estrategias recreativas y educativas, revelan una mayor relación emocional con el ambiente paisajístico que con el ambiente urbano.