
Sample records for al retiro laboral


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    Cruz Meléndez Roxana


    Full Text Available Resumen:En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación aplicada cuyo objeto de estudio fue un grupo de hombres exfuncionarios y mujeres exfuncionarias del área administrativa de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR que se encuentran en la etapa de vida denominada “la mediana edad” y que enfrentan el proceso trabajo-retiro laboral. El estudio consistió en identificar los principales factores que inciden en el retiro laboral a una edad más temprana; la viviencia del proceso, el ajuste a la jubilación y sus implicaciones a nivel personal y social. La información recopilada se obtuvo a partir de la técnica “la entrevista fenomenológica” concebida como una exploración profunda que proporciona datos de gran valor conceptual y humana; en ella, tanto la persona que entrevista como la entrevistada mantienen un compromiso para que la búsqueda de la información sea dentro de una relación empática. Partiendo de lo subjetivo por su historia de vida al mandato social por lo roles asignados y asumidos por la población en estudio. Los resultados obtenidos indican que pareciera que la valoración que cada uno de los participantes hace de su rol laboral y el significado del trabajo en sus vidas es determinante en el proceso de retiro laboral y su ajuste al rol de persona jubilada.Abstract: This article presents the results of applied research study that was aimed at a group of men and women, former administrative staff of the University of Costa Rica that are in the stage of life called middle age and facing work-retirement process work. The study consist in identify the main factors affecting the removal from work at a younger age, the experiencing process, adjustment to retirement and its implications for personal and social level. Information collected was obtained from the technique "the phenomenological interview “conceived as a deep exploration that provides valuable data conceptual and human, in her interview both

  2. Relaciones entre factores sociodemográficos, motivación hacia el retiro temprano y satisfacción en la vida postlaboral: análisis exploratorio en una muestra prejubilados españoles

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    Juan José Fernández


    Full Text Available La prejubilación es una experiencia heterogénea en lo referente tanto a la forma en que se produce la salida laboral como a sus posteriores consecuencias personales y psicosociales. Con el objetivo de conocer la relación entre variables sociodemográficas, motivos de la salida organizacional temprana, y ajuste a la vida postlaboral se administró una adaptación del Retirement Satisfaction Inventory (Floyd et al., 1992 a una muestra de 638 prejubilados españoles con una media de edad de 61.28 años. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante ANOVA. Con respecto a la motivación hacia el retiro, las mujeres tienen más intereses en aceptar la oferta de retiro temprano que los hombres, mientras que estos señalan haber experimentado más problemas de salud y presiones organizacionales. Los prejubilados con un mayor nivel formativo presentan un mayor interés en el retiro temprano, y los prejubilados con mayor nivel profesional mantienen una mayor satisfacción con el retiro. Conocer las relaciones entre características sociodemográficas, motivación hacia el retiro temprano y satisfacción en la vida post-laboral es un primer paso necesario para desarrollar análisis más complejos sobre las experiencias de prejubilación.

  3. Retiro y autogestión del usuario en almacenes de cadena con directorio activo

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    Juan F. Hincapié Z.


    Full Text Available Los almacenes de cadena son organizaciones en donde el personal es numeroso, diverso, de alta rotación y alto retiro; además la gran variedad de negocios que tienen tales organizaciones, hacen que posean muchas aplicaciones a las cuales muchos usuarios deben ingresar y en la mayoría de veces éste acceso se vuelve administrativamente costoso. Por tanto se hace necesario el establecimiento de un procedimiento informático (administración de usuarios que permita al propio usuario gestionar sus contraseñas y que además le permita a la organización controlar la desactivación automática de los accesos al momento del retiro (terminación de contrato del usuario. Para lograr esto existen variedad de herramientas en el mercado que satisfacen dicha necesidad, pero su implementación y soporte es demasiado costoso; por eso este artículo pretende mostrar algunos conceptos importantes y la manera en que otras herramientas y metodologías pueden realizar un adecuado proceso de autogestión y retiro del usuario en los almacenes de cadena a un menor costo.

  4. Ahorro para el retiro en Colombia: patrones y determinantes


    Guataquí, Juan; Rodríguez Acosta, Mauricio; Garcia-Suaza, Andres


    La decisión de los individuos acerca del ahorro para el retiro ha sido abordada teóricamente bajo la hipótesis de que el sistema de seguridad social se comporta como un sustituto de otros mecanismos de ahorro. Este documento presenta evidencia de los patrones y determinantes del ahorro para el retiro en Colombia a partir de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares de 2007. Los resultados muestran que el 63% de los ocupados declaran no ahorrar para su vejez. A partir de modelos de selección d...

  5. Cobertura de los sistemas de pensiones y factores asociados al acceso a una pensión de jubilación en México (United States)

    Murillo-López, Sandra; Venegas-Martínez, Francisco


    Resumen Objetivos: obtener estimaciones de indicadores de cobertura de las pensiones por jubilación o retiro para la población mexicana de 65 y más años, y evaluar el impacto que tienen los sistemas de pensiones en las transiciones al retiro de los adultos en edades medias y avanzadas en México. Para ello se utilizan datos microeconómicos provenientes de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento. Mediante análisis econométrico se identifican los factores sociodemográficos, económicos, laborales e institucionales que están asociados al acceso a una pensión de jubilación, o bien, a la dependencia de otras fuentes de ingresos. Se encontró que, en México, las transiciones al retiro del mercado de trabajo en las etapas avanzadas del ciclo de vida son limitadas debido a las características eminentemente contributivas de los esquemas de pensiones, los cuales favorecen a la población con trayectorias laborales formales y más estables asociadas a: características de género, oportunidades educativas y posibilidades de inserción en el mercado laboral. PMID:27524936

  6. La porcelana del Buen Retiro. Investigaciones recientes

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    Mañueco Santurtún, C.


    Full Text Available Recent researchs have led to know new data of the construction of the Royal Porcelain Factory of Buen Retiro (Madrid, Spain. As some documents not known hitherto have revealed, the Factory was integrated by two different buildings. It was known that the building for the workrooms was raised up in 1760 –from January to May-. The economic cost traditionally atributted to this construction has resulted to be the total cost of a second building, raised in a period of five years –until August of 1765- to be occupied by the workers and their families. A second aspect studied in these pages is about the iconographic sources on which may be based some porcelain works made at the Factory.

    En este trabajo se dan a conocer los resultados de investigaciones recientes sobre La Real Fábrica de Porcelana del Buen Retiro (1760-1808 que abordan dos temas. El primero, referido a la construcción de la Fábrica. Datos documentales inéditos han permitido conocer que la Manufactura del Buen Retiro fue un complejo en el que hubo dos edificaciones: de la más antigua, destinada a contener los talleres de la Fábrica, siempre se ha sabido que se construyó en cinco meses (enero, mayo 1760, aunque el costo de esta obra no coincida con el que tradicionalmente se le ha venido atribuyendo. Pero no se tenía noticia de la existencia de una segunda edificación, cuyas obras duraron cinco años y finalizaron en agosto de 1765. Este edificio estuvo destinado a albergar a los operarios de la Fábrica y su costo, muy elevado, corresponde con el que siempre se ha venido asignando a los talleres de la Fábrica. El segundo apartado se ha dedicado a mostrar las fuentes iconográficas de algunas realizaciones de porcelana de la Manufactura madrileña.

  7. Percepciones sobre la Voluntariedad en el Proceso de Salida Organizacional en una Muestra de Prejubilados Españoles

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    Juan José Fernández Muñoz


    Full Text Available El fenómeno de las prejubilaciones se ha implantado dentro del mercado laboral español como la forma de salida organizacional habitual de trabajadores de edad avanzada. Con el objetivo de conocer los factores motivacionales que explican una salida laboral voluntaria y no-voluntaria se administro una adaptación del Retirement Satisfaction Inventory (Floyd et al., 1992 a una muestra de prejubilados con una edad media de prejubilación de 53.89 años. Los datos fueron analizados mediante análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Los trabajadores que aceptan la oferta de retiro de manera voluntaria son aquellos que tienen una motivación más positiva hacia el retiro. Mientras, aquellos que han aceptado de manera no-voluntaria han experimentado presiones organizacionales, problemas de salud y estrés laboral. Conocer los factores motivacionales de salida laboral de personas prejubiladas es un primer paso para relacionar la forma de salida con la posterior satisfacción y adaptación con la vida en el retiro.

  8. Prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en El Retiro, Colombia Metabolic syndrome prevalence in El Retiro, Colombia

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    Mónica María Toro L.


    Full Text Available Objetivos: establecer la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico y sus componentes en la población urbana del municipio de El Retiro, localizado en el departamento de Antioquia, noroccidente de Colombia utilizando los criterios del ATP III. Materiales y Métodos: del total de la población mayor de 20 años mediante un muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados se evaluaron 381 sujetos, a quienes se les realizó una encuesta sistematizada y se les tomó la presión arterial en el brazo derecho sentados, el peso en kilogramos, la talla en centímetros y las circunferencias de cintura y cadera. A 365 sujetos en ayunas se les determinó la glucemia, colesterol total, triglicéridos, colesterol HDL y por fórmula de Friedewald el colesterol LDL. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante EPI-INFO y STATA 6.0 tomando como significativa una p < 0.05. Resultados: la prevalencia ajustada a la edad encontrada para cada uno de los factores fue la siguiente: hiperglucemia (Glucemia > 110 mg/dl o diabetes previa 12.5%, hipertrigliceridemia (TG >150 mg/dl 32.16%, disminución del colesterol HDL (< 40 mg/dl 38.87%, hipertensión (PA > 130/85 mmHg o hipertensión previa 48.58%, circunferencia cintura (H > 102 cm, M > 88 cm 27.6%. La metabólico según los criterios de ATP III por la presencia de 3 ó más de sus componentes fue de 23.64%. Conclusiones Conclusiones: el síndrome metabólico tiene la alta prevalencia de (23% en El Retiro Antioquia. Debido a su impacto en la salud de la población y a que la piedra angular en su tratamiento es disminuir de peso y aumentar la actividad física, se deberían plantear estrategias para lograr estos objetivos. Objetive: to establish the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and its components using ATPIII criteria in the urban population of El Retiro, located in the Antioquia department, in the northwestern region of Colombia. Materials and methods: 381 subjects were evaluated from the total population older than 20, by

  9. Reformas al sistema de seguridad social y el mercado laboral en los Estados Unidos y Canadá

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    José A. Pagán


    Full Text Available Este estudio evalúa el efecto en el mercado laboral de las reformas más recientes que se han propuesto o aplicado a los sistemas de seguridad social delos Estados Unidos y Canadá. Los cambios demográficos experimentados por ambos países en años recientes representan desafíos importantes para la solvencia financiera de los sistemas públicos de pensiones. Es inevitable que en un futuro no muy lejano los beneficios tendrán que disminuir, la edad de jubilación se incrementará o los impuestos de nómina tendrán que aumentar para que los sistemas sean viables financieramente. Los cambios demográfi - cos también indican que los esquemas de privatización serán más populares en el futuro porque no redistribuyen el ingreso entre generaciones sino simple mente son más bien esquemas de ahorro obligatorio para el retiro.

  10. Estimación indirecta de tasas de ingreso y de retiro de la actividad económica para México.

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    Virgilio Partida Bush


    Full Text Available Con base en la información recolectada en la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo de México se han calculado las tasas de ingreso y retiro de la actividad para las 32 entidades federativas durante el periodo 2000-2007. Mediante regresiones lineales ordinarias de mínimos cuadrados se obtienen ecuaciones para predecir las tasas de ingreso y de retiro a partir de las tasas de participación en la actividad por edad, dado que es la información más fácil de conseguir en censos de población o encuestas de hogares por muestreo. Los resultados concuerdan satisfactoriamente con las cifras comparables disponibles. El algoritmo se ejemplifica con la ciudad de Zamora en 2000.

  11. Cáncer de laringe y exposición laboral al amianto

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    A. Borin Mario


    Full Text Available Resumen: Es conocido el riesgo para la salud que supone la exposición laboral a las fibras del amianto. El cáncer de laringe debido a la inhalación de polvo de amianto está incluido en el anexo II del RD 1299/2006. Hasta la fecha los estudios epidemiológicos realizados han obtenido resultados controvertidos con respecto a dicha asociación. Objetivos: Identificar las últimas evidencias científicas de la asociación entre la exposición laboral al amianto y el cáncer de laringe, conocer el riesgo de presentar cáncer de laringe acorde a la frecuencia de exposición al amianto e identificar el tipo de cáncer de laringe más frecuente en relación a dicha exposición laboral. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de artículos de evidencia científica recolectados de distintas bases de datos (Medline, OSH, Scopus, IBECS, ILO realizando una búsqueda bibliográfica por descriptores MeSH (cáncer de laringe, exposición laboral, exposición ocupacional, asbesto de artículos publicados entre 1999 y 2014, en humanos, artículos originales exclusivamente, con un tamaño muestral mayor de 30, en castellano, inglés, francés, italiano y portugués. Se excluyeron estudios duplicados, estudios no originales y estudios de prevalencia sin grupo control. Posterior a esto se realizó una lectura sistemática evaluando el nivel de evidencia de los estudios con los criterios SIGN. Resultados: Se recolectaron 107 artículos a través de la búsqueda bibliográfica, tras aplicar criterios de inclusión/exclusión se seleccionaron un total de 6 artículos (4 estudios caso-control, 1 estudio de cohortes y 1 meta-análisis. De estos, 2 estudios de caso-control y el estudio de cohortes obtuvieron una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la exposición laboral al amianto y el cáncer de laringe. El meta-análisis sugiere asociación, aunque sin obtener significación estadística, mientras que los 2 restantes estudios de caso

  12. El efecto del alfabetismo financiero en el ahorro para el retiro en México.


    F. Alejandro Villagómez; Alayn González


    En este trabajo analizamos si es posible incrementar el ahorro para el retiro por medio de alfabetismo financiero en México. Con información de la Encuesta Nacional de los Niveles de Vida de los Hogares 2005 (ENNVIH-2) construimos un índice de alfabetizo financiero siguiendo la metodología propuesta por Atkinson y Messy (2012) que considera tres factores: conocimiento, actitudes y comportamiento financiero. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el alfabetismo financiero tiene un impacto positivo e...

  13. Servidores públicos del estado con especial protección constitucional. Políticas de prevención del daño antijurídico en relación con su retiro del servicio


    Fajardo Urrea, Claudia Bolena


    El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. A partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política de ...

  14. Servidores públicos del estado con especial protección constitucional. Políticas de prevención del daño antijurídico en relación con su retiro del servicio


    Fajardo Urrea, Claudia Bolena


    El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. El problema jurídico a resolver con el presente trabajo se plantea a partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, estab...


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    Mónica Rincón Roncancio


    Full Text Available La medicina crítica atraviesa sus mejores momentos. Como afirma Gracia, "los cuidados intensivos han alcanzado su mayoría de edad". Nadie cuestiona dichos adelantos para pacientes que eran considerados hace relativamente poco como desahuciados. Sin embargo, también da algo de vértigo el cambio que se ha logrado en el manejo de la muerte de dichos pacientes: el tránsito de una muerte "natural" a una muerte "gobernada por el hombre". En este contexto cobran nuevo sentido conceptos como eutanasia, distanasia, futilidad, calidad de vida, muerte digna y, de manera especial, el concepto de retiro o limitación de tratamiento vital (LET. El presente artículo de reflexión analiza los problemas éticos que se generan al implementar los protocolos de LET en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI. El artículo está dividido en cuatro partes: 1. Distinciones terminológicas; 2. formas de aplicación de la LET; 3. LET en casos especiales: pediatría y personas con discapacidad, y 4. los problemas éticos específicos de la LET.

  16. Regimen de reinserción laboral y empresarial e incentivos por retiro voluntario en la Ley 16.736

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    Juvenal Javier


    Full Text Available El Régimen de Reinserción Laboral y Empresarial puede decirse que es novedoso en nuestro país, pero no en otros países del Continente. En la República Argentina se han adoptado diversas soluciones para obtener la reinserción laboral de los trabajadores del ámbito público, tendientes a eliminar o amortiguar los efectos que podrían provocarse en la economía y en el índice de desempleo, como ser: el otorgamiento de subsidios y de asistencia técnica para los trabajadores cesados que conformen microempresas; o incentivos a aquellas empresas del sector privado que ocupen a los trabajadores cesados en su empleo público y, como última variante, la recolocación o reasignación en el propio sector estatal. (...

  17. La reforma del proceso laboral en Uruguay. El regreso al proceso laboral autónomo

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    Hugo Fernández


    Full Text Available The reform of the labor process in Uruguay. The return to the autonomous labor processThe reform of the Uruguayan labor process and the return to an autonomous legal regime represent a radical and fundamental change in the national legislation. The simplicity of new procedural structures governed by principles and owns norms of labor discipline give the new regime a dogmatic autonomous space lost for many years. The procedural labor reform is built on the adjectival character of its nature prioritizing the substantive law and adjusting the procedural rule to its characteristics. The principles of Labor Law (substantive and procedural are the foundation of the new regime


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    Antonio Lameda


    Full Text Available Este trabajo indaga relación que determinadas característica disposicionales de los empleados tales como: compromiso organizacional, percepción del estrés laboral y disposición al cambio tiene con la sastifación laboral. A tal fin, a una muestra 123 empelados de una organización se aplicaron las escalas: COMTRA, ETRA, FLEXAPER, SATRA. Los datos aportados fueron procesados a través de un modelo de regresion lineal múltiples, cuyo valor F=16.75 p < 0.0001, fue indicador de que el modelo fue valido para explicar la satisfación laboral como una función de las tres variables independientes analizadas, cuyo aporte a la varianza de las sastifaciones con el trabajo fue del 36.2 %.

  19. Flexiseguridad, derecho al trabajo y estabilidad laboral

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    Carlos Blancas


    Full Text Available Flexisecurity, right to work and labor stabilityThis article deals with one of the most recent and innovative proposals of related flexibilization, basically, to the extinction of labor relation and that areknown as «flexisecurity» or «flexicurity». For this, the author comments the model of Denmark – country in which it’s originated «flexisecurity» – emphasizing the configuration of a «golden triangle», composed of: i flexibility in the labor relation, aimed at facilitating the dismissal ii a generous system of unemployment benefits, funded primarily by the State and iii a new policy of «activation» of the labor market, which seeks to keep large sectors of the population permanently trained to meet new labor challenges. The author emphasizes the difference between our country and Denmark, since it is a Welfare State with a high level of social protection funded by a fiscal pressure and high tax rates. Finally, the article notes that for the study of «flexisecurity» it shouldn’t ignore the legal framework derived from workers’ fundamental rights established in the Constitution and international treaties which imply: right to work, dignity and citizenship of the worker and Trade Union Freedom and Collective Rights

  20. Voluntary early retirement: Between desires and necessities Retraits anticipés du marché du travail : entre désir et nécessité Retiros anticipados del mercado laboral : Entre deseo y necesidad

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    Nathalie Burnay


    , intentaremos determinar los perfiles de los trabajadores que se ven tentados por un retiro anticipado : cuales son las lógicas sociales que permiten diferenciar ese deseo de retiro, repartido de un modo desparejo en la población ? En un segundo tiempo, analizaremos las razones principalmente invocadas por los trabajadores para justificar su retiro de la vida activa en forma anticipada : razones relacionadas con su estado de salud, razones profesionales (trabajo físico demasiado pesado, cargas psico-sociales, horarios de trabajo y razones de índole privada.Este artículo se basa en datos recabados en 2005 a partir de una muestra de 812 trabajadores, repartidos en doce sectores de actividad diferentes de Bélgica.

  1. Retraits anticipés du marché du travail : entre désir et nécessité Voluntary early retirement: Between desires and necessities Retiros anticipados del mercado laboral : Entre deseo y necesidad

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    Nathalie Burnay


    , intentaremos determinar los perfiles de los trabajadores que se ven tentados por un retiro anticipado : cuales son las lógicas sociales que permiten diferenciar ese deseo de retiro, repartido de un modo desparejo en la población ? En un segundo tiempo, analizaremos las razones principalmente invocadas por los trabajadores para justificar su retiro de la vida activa en forma anticipada : razones relacionadas con su estado de salud, razones profesionales (trabajo físico demasiado pesado, cargas psico-sociales, horarios de trabajo y razones de índole privada.Este artículo se basa en datos recabados en 2005 a partir de una muestra de 812 trabajadores, repartidos en doce sectores de actividad diferentes de Bélgica.

  2. Factores asociados al absentismo laboral en los empleados de una institución de salud de Medellín. Colombia, 2016

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    Edwin Alexis Cataño Saldarriaga

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Introducción: El absentismo laboral es una situación muy frecuentes en las empresas de salud de Colombia, sin embargo la empresa objeto de estudio no conoce los factores asociados a este. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados al absentismo laboral en los empleados de una institución de salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio empírico-analítico, cuantitativo de corte transversal. La población de estudio fueron los empleados de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud de Medellín, Colombia. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada teniendo en cuenta variables demográficas, laborales, familiares, personales y sociales. Resultados: Se encuestaron 140 de los 898 empleados, con una proporción de absentismo del 8,4%. De los que presentaron absentismo laboral, el 84% fueron mujeres. En cuanto a la edad se identificó una media de 32 años; el nivel educativo técnico o menor tuvo una RP 3,2, el área laboral asistencial de 4,8 y el cargo laboral de apoyo de 2,3, variables que presentaron una asociación estadísticamente significativa con haber tenido absentismo laboral. Conclusiones: Los factores que se asocian al absentismo laboral en los empleados de la institución de salud de estudio, están dados por el bajo nivel educativo, tener un cargo laboral de apoyo y desempeñar funciones de asistencia.

  3. Aproximación cualitativa al estudio de la subjetividad laboral en profesionales colombianos

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    Johnny Javier Orejuela Gómez


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir la comprensión del sentido atribuido al trabajo por parte de profesionales que participan activamente del mercado laboral colombiano, actualmente afectado por un conjunto de significativas transformaciones que permiten caracterizarlo como fragmentado, precario, inestable e inseguro, de manera general. Se aborda la subjetividad en el trabajo desde la perspectiva del sentido atribuido al trabajo como actividad socioeconómica a partir del análisis de las representaciones asociadas al trabajo, la centralidad atribuida a éste como actividad social, las normas sociales asociadas a la práctica laboral, los valores laborales introyectados y asumidos. Método. Estudio cualitativo descriptivo-interpretativo, basado en entrevistas en profundidad a seis trabajadores profesionales con diferentes tipos de contratación, de las ciudades de Cali y Bogotá, Colombia. Resultados. Los datos obtenidos permitieron comprender que los profesionales hacen una valoración positiva del trabajo y lo asumen como una actividad social con sentido de autoexpresión y de desarrollo personal que, en jerarquía social, es sólo superado por la familia, y que es asumida con un sentido profundo del compromiso, la calidad y el mejoramiento; del cual esperan un trato respetuoso y una remuneración equitativa. Conclusiones. El trabajo es una actividad social, con un valor más que instrumental, pues representa posibilidades de realización personal y profesional; se asume como una virtud social: la laboriosidad, en el cual son más preponderantes, en su valoración subjetiva, los aspectos intrínsecos que los extrínsecos.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar varios aspectos del sistema de retiro programado, uno de los tres sistemas que conforman actualmente el RAI ó régimen de ahorro individual. Para este fin se desarrolla un modelo estocástico que describe la evolución de la reserva individual de un pensionado bajo este sistema, el cual permite responder algunos puntos claves acerca del funcionamiento del mismo. El modelo consiste en una ecuación diferencial estocástica  que  se resuelve mediante la aplicación de cálculo estocástico con semimartingalas. Una componente básica de la ecuación diferencial es un modelo para las tasas de interés  con base en una cadena finita de Markov en tiempo continuo. Para  implementar este modelo se estimaron sus parámetros  por máxima verosimilitud a partir de una serie observada de rendimientos de un portafolio de cartera colectivas (fiducias. Se utilizó una modificación del método de Euler para solución aproximada de la ecuación, utilizando  series simuladas de la cadena finita de Markov, con el fin de observar la dinámica de las reservas en el tiempo. Con base en estos resultados de simulación se calculó la distribución de los tiempos de paso a una renta vitalicia por valor de un salario mínimo, tal y como se especifica en la Ley, y se realizó una estimación de la evolución de los pagos en el sistema. Algunos comentarios se hacen con base en los ejemplo y los resultados obtenidos.

  5. Gênero e culturas infantis: os clubinhos da escola e as trocinhas do Bom Retiro Gender and children's culture: school clubinhos and the trocinhas of Bom Retiro

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    Tânia Mara Cruz


    Full Text Available Este estudo trata de gênero e culturas infantis, entrecruzando os clubinhos das séries iniciais, analisados em pesquisa feita em uma escola do bairro de Pinheiros, São Paulo, em 2001, e as trocinhas do Bom Retiro, estudadas por Florestan Fernandes em 1942. Na busca de aspectos microestruturais e do efeito dessas interações na construção de diferentes significados de gênero, emergiram questões como: em que medida tais agrupamentos conseguiam estabelecer espaços de autonomia perante o mundo adulto?; elaboravam relações de gênero próprias de uma cultura infantil?; quais eram os pontos centrais sobre os quais se desenrolava a trama das relações de gênero em cada tempo e lugar? A partir da etnografia, foram produzidos 28 registros de campo do recreio de 1ª a 4ª série. Apenas nas 3as e 4as séries assistiu-se a quarenta aulas de cinquenta minutos (de educação artística e educação física, e foram entrevistados 29 meninos e 26 meninas. Ora segregadores ora agregadores, observou-se que os clubinhos (mistos ou de mesmo sexo eram o modo como as crianças geriam suas relações, fosse para permitir grupos mistos sem conflito, fosse para manter o distanciamento entre os sexos de modo pacífico. Este estudo contribui para trazer à tona um pouco das culturas infantis em seu protagonismo relacionado ao gênero e possibilita a caracterização da escola como espaço contraditório, que pode desenvolver ações de suporte às crianças para ampliação de suas experiências.This study deals with gender and children's cultures, crossing the initial series clubinhos, analyzed in a research done at school in the Borough of Pinheiros in São Paulo in 2001 with the trocinhas of Bom Retiro studied by Florestan Fernandes in 1942. In the search for microstructural aspects and for the effect of these interactions in the construction of different meanings of gender, questions emerged such as: to what extent do these groups manage to establish

  6. Manifestaciones del acoso laboral, mobbing y síntomas asociados al estrés postraumático: estudio de caso

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    María Claudia Peralta Gómez


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe los factores asociados al acoso laboral, entendido como una situación de trabajo en la que una persona se encuentra expuesta a actos en contra de su dignidad. Se presenta un estudio de caso, de carácter exploratorio, a partir de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a personas que han vivenciado acoso laboral. A partir del análisis cualitativo de la información, los resultados señalan que la exposición al acoso laboral genera síntomas asociadas con el estrés postraumático: re experimentación, activación fisiológica y evitación. Se propone el estudio de estas situaciones en mayor profundidad y se concluye que una de las formas de apoyo a las víctimas empieza con la comprensión que puedan lograr a partir de narrar su experiencia y de entenderla como una situación violenta en el lugar de trabajo, asociada a los enfoques de productividad y competencia.

  7. Ecology of non marine Ostracoda from la Fe reservoir (El Retiro, Antioquia) and their potential application in paleoenvironmental studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saldarriaga, Andrea; Torres, Martinez Jose Ignacio.


    Littoral macrophytes from the La Fe reservoir (El Retiro, Antioquia) were sampled for ostracoda during June and September of 2008. This allowed the identification of four genera and six species of ostracoda belonging to the Cyprididae and Candonidae families, where Chlamydotheca and Cypridopsis were found to be the dominant genera. Chlamydotheca unispinosa was the most abundant species in the assemblage. Furthermore, the environmental variables: temperature, electric conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH were also measured, in order to establish their relation to ostracoda taxa, using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Results confirm the cosmopolitan character of Cypridopsis vidua and evidence the importance of plant substrate on the occurrence and distribution of the Cyprididae family. The possible application of the recorded ostracoda assemblage in paleoenvironmental interpretations is discussed.

  8. La muerte en un servicio de terapia intensiva: Influencia de la abstención y retiro del soporte vital Death in an intensive care unit: Influence of life support withholding and withdrawal

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    Carlos Gherardi


    Full Text Available Se estudió la influencia de la abstención y retiro del soporte vital en la muerte ocurrida en un servicio de Terapia Intensiva durante un período de 32 meses. Sobre 2640 pacientes ingresados se registró la conducta terapéutica en 548 muertos, clasificando la misma en cinco categorías: (i tratamiento completo, (ii tratamiento completo con orden de no resucitación (ONR, (iii abstención de soporte vital, (iv retiro de soporte vital y (v muerte cerebral. Hubo limitación terapéutica de soporte vital en el 45.6% (n= 250 con un predominio importante de la abstención (ONR y abstención en el 32.6% respecto del retiro de soporte vital (8.2%. Del estudio comparativo con otras estadísticas surge el hallazgo de un porcentaje global de limitación terapéutica media cercana a comunidades con una cultura similar, aunque con una incidencia de retiro (8.2% manifiestamente inferior a la registrada en todos los países cualesquiera fuera su actitud frente a la necesidad de establecer diversos grados de control sobre el recurso tecnológico en el paciente crítico. Deberá indagarse la influencia que tiene la percepción moral del dejar de actuar, como un proceder inconveniente en nuestra sociedad, en los resultados observados.The influence of life support withholding and withdrawal on the deaths which occurred in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU over a period of 32 months was analysed. Of 2640 patients admitted in ICU, one of the following five mutually exclusive categories was registered on the 548 patients who died: (i complete treatment; (ii complete treatment with non-resuscitation order (NRO; (iii withholding of life-sustaining treatment; (iv withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment; and (v brain death. There was therapeutic limitation of life support in 45.6% of cases (n=250, with an important majority of withholding (NRO and withholding in 32.6% of cases, in comparison to withdrawal of life support (8.2% of cases. The comparative analysis with other

  9. Vulnerabilidad laboral de la mujer rural latinoamericana

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    Jaime de Pablo Valenciano


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el estudio de la situación laboral de las mujeres rurales en los países latinoamericanos. Las mujeres rurales son uno de los grupos sociales más vulnerables en el ámbito laboral latinoamericano, debido a su baja participación laboral, a la categorización ocupacional mayoritaria como trabajadoras por cuenta propia y familiar no remunerado y a índices de feminización positivos. Pero sus posibilidades de mejorar su condición de vulnerabilidad social laboral se centra principalmente en el Empleo Rural No Agrario (ERNA, con gran potencial en el desarrollo rural, y al apoyo legislativo en cuanto al acceso a los bienes de tierra. Frente al proceso de urbanización es necesario implementar políticas públicas que tengan en cuenta la existencia de las mujeres rurales como trabajadoras en el ámbito rural y diseñar medidas de ayuda especialmente dirigidas a este colectivo.

  10. El idioma inglés y su importancia en la incorporación al mercado laboral: El caso de las prácticas en empresas


    Fuentes Ruiz, Pilar de; Muñoz Usabiaga, Arancha; Jiménez Caballero, José Luis (Coordinador); Sacristán Díaz, Macarena (Coordinador)


    Somos conscientes de que para poder acceder al mercado laboral y tener ventaja competitiva es imprescindible un manejo adecuado de al menos dos idiomas, sobre todo en el ámbito Turístico y Empresarial. En este capítulo trataremos de las prácticas de empresas que están reconocidas en los planes de estudios, esto es, la asignatura Practicum de Turismo y las Prácticas de Inserción Laboral (PIL), que son convalidables por créditos de Libre configuración. Con la entrada del Espacio ...

  11. Notas de la Dirección

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    Revista Caldasia


    Full Text Available El 7 de octubre de 1980 fue sellado el exsicado No. 200.000 delHerbario Nacional Colombiano (COL, en el ejemplar No. 3670del Profesor Emérito Lorenzo Uribe Uribe, como un homenaje a sumeritoria labor en el Instituto de Ciencias Naturales - Museo de Historia Natural; en la misma ceremonia el Rector de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, doctor Eduardo Brieva, hizo entrega al Padre Uribe del título de Profesor Honorario de la Universidad Nacional, distinción conferida por el Consejo Superior Universitario mediante Acuerdo numero 102 de 1980, para exaltar la obra docente e investigativa del P. Uribe, quien por quebrantos de salud solicito su retiro en junio de 1980.

  12. LC/MS/MS data analysis of the human uterine smooth muscle S-nitrosoproteome fingerprint in pregnancy, labor, and preterm labor

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    Craig C. Ulrich


    Full Text Available The data described in this article is the subject of an article in the American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, titled “The Human Uterine Smooth Muscle S-nitrosoproteome Fingerprint in Pregnancy, Labor, and Preterm Labor” (doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00198.2013 (Ulrich et al., 2013 [1]. The data described is a large scale mass spectrometry data set that defines the human uterine smooth muscle S-nitrosoproteome differences among laboring, non-laboring, preterm laboring tissue after treatment with S-nitrosoglutathione.

  13. Programa de capacitación para entrenadores deportivos: orientación en fútbol infantil en el club barrial Corazones de El Retiro : Una experiencia como estudiantes y docentes


    Saja, Juan Manuel; López, Andrés; Rodriguez Laxague, Ignacio


    Este escrito narra la experiencia de tres estudiantes avanzados del Profesorado Universitario en Educación Física a cargo del Programa de capacitación para entrenadores deportivos: orientación en fútbol infantil en el club barrial Corazones de El Retiro que participa en la Asociación Platense de Fútbol Infantil. El enfoque que se propone es de transformación conjunta en el horizonte de lo público, en diálogo con una organización barrial que se encuentran trabajando sobre el tema. Se busca ...

  14. Incapacidades laborales: problemas en la reinserción al trabajo Work-related disabilities and workers' difficulties in rejoining the labor market

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    Rosana F. Sampaio


    Full Text Available En este estudio transversal se evalúan los factores asociados con la probabilidad de reincorporación al trabajo de los trabajadores incapacitados permanentes para la profesión habitual por accidente de trabajo. La muestra la forman los casos atendidos por el Centro de Rehabilitación Profesional (CRP de Belo Horizonte, Brasil, en 1995. Se analiza el hecho del trabajador ser aceptado o no en el programa, así como la posterior reinserción laboral mediante modelos logit. Respecto al primer, los factores más influyentes fueron la edad, la presencia de Lesiones por Esfuerzo Repetitivo (LER y el nivel de estudios. Analizado el resultado del programa, se observa que los hombres jóvenes de alta escolarización son los que tienen mayor probabilidad de reinserción laboral (90,9%. Existe una incongruencia respecto a la admisión de los trabajadores y el resultado del programa: para su admisión, el trabajador debe cumplir un perfil exigido por el mercado en lo que se refiere a la edad y al nivel de estudios; los portadores de LER cumplen estos criterios y, sin embargo, son los que con mayor dificultad se reincorporan al trabajo. Se observa, así mismo, una discriminación laboral clara hacia las mujeres, a pesar del hecho que las mismas presentan iguales condiciones de edad o de nivel educativo que los hombres.This cross-sectional study was conducted on permanently disabled workers assisted by the Center for Occupational Rehabilitation (CRP in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to evaluate factors associated with their chances of readmission into the labor market. A logistic model was used to investigate workers' acceptance into the professional rehabilitation program and their return into the market. The most decisive factors for their acceptance were age, presence of repetitive strain injury (RSI, and educational level. The most favorable situation was that of workers with RSI under 40 years of age and with average schooling (75.6%. Results

  15. The Use of Music in Labor: Pain Perception (United States)


    plane, vagina and external genitals during the expulsion phase (Corli et al., 1986). Regardless of the origin of the pain of labor, Stewart (1977...medical intervention or assistance. Once these myths are dispelled, they can be confident enough in their own body’s ability to successfully labor and

  16. Estudio de la influencia comercial sobre los barrios el Nogal, el Espartillal y el Retiro y su efecto en el precio del suelo, en el periodo 1993 – 2010.


    Cárdenas Carvajal, María Claudia


    El interés de esta monografía es describir el proceso de transformación urbana de los barrios El Retiro, El Espartillal y el Nogal de la ciudad de Bogotá, a partir del año 1993, en el cual se inauguró el Centro Comercial Andino. Se analiza y explica el desarrollo impulsado por el centro comercial sobre el territorio, transformando el uso de residencial e institucional a comercial y de servicios lo cual influyó directamente la densificación y valorización de los barrios. Por último se describe...

  17. La porcelana de sepiolita de Bartolomé Sureda (1802-1808. Investigación arqueométrica sobre la Real Fábrica de Buen Retiro

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    Pascual, C.


    Full Text Available This work deals with an original class of porcelain produced under the direction of Bartolomé Sureda in the last years (1803- 1808 of the Royal Porcelain Factory of Buen Retiro. The results of the chemical and mineralogical analysis of a selection of tableware, tiles and sculpture shards, found in the archaeological excavation (1996 of the site where the factory was built, confirm the production of a new hard-paste porcelain where the kaolin was substituted by a magnesium clay, the sepiolite. The characteristics of pastes and glazes and the investigation of the historic and scientific contexts of porcelain and white earthenware in Europe have allowed establishing the reasons and the technical parameters of this production. Replicas of the paste were done in the laboratory to assert the raw materials and the firing conditions of this porcelain.

    Este trabajo considera el estudio arqueométrico de un tipo de porcelana muy poco frecuente que se elaboró en los últimos años de la Real Fábrica de Porcelanas del Buen Retiro (1803-1808 bajo la dirección de Bartolomé Sureda. El análisis químico y mineralógico de una selección de fragmentos de vajillas, azulejos y esculturas, que se encontraron en la excavación arqueológica (1996 del solar de la fábrica, ratifica la producción de un nuevo tipo de porcelana dura, en la que se empleaba una arcilla de magnesio, la sepiolita, en lugar del caolín. Las características de las pastas y los vidriados y la investigación del contexto histórico y científico de la porcelana y la cerámica blanca en Europa han permitido establecer los motivos y los parámetros de su producción. La reproducción de la pasta a escala de laboratorio confirma las materias primas utilizadas y el tratamiento térmico empleado

  18. Psicosis desencadenada por metilfenidato en un adolescente con trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad.


    Masías-Arias, Lubeth; Fiestas-Teque, Luis


    Se presenta el caso de un adolescente de 14 años con diagnóstico de trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad que empezó a presentar síntomas psicóticos al tercer día de tratamiento con metilfenidato, los cuales no remitieron a pesar del retiro de dicho estimulante. Se inició tratamiento antipsicótico, al sexto día del retiro, por la intensidad y persistencia de los síntomas. Los síntomas psicóticos persistieron por más de 8 meses de seguimiento del paciente por lo cual se le hizo dia...

  19. Misguided guidelines for managing labor. (United States)

    Cohen, Wayne R; Friedman, Emanuel A


    In a recent review we expressed concerns about new guidelines for the assessment and management of labor recommended jointly by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM). These guidelines are based heavily on a new concept of how cervical dilatation and fetal descent progress, derived from the work of Zhang et al. In their Viewpoint article they have addressed, but not allayed, the concerns we described in our review. We assert that the dilatation curve promulgated by Zhang et al cannot be reconciled with direct clinical observation. Even if they were correct, however, it still does not follow that the ACOG/SMFM guidelines should recommend replacing the coherent system of identifying and managing labor aberrations described by Friedman. That system is grounded in well-established clinical principles based on decades of use and the objectively documented association of some labor abnormalities with poor fetal and maternal outcomes. Recommendations for new clinical management protocols should require the demonstration of superior outcomes through extensive, preferably prospective, assessment. Using untested guidelines for the management of labor may adversely affect women and children. Even if those guidelines were to reduce the currently excessive cesarean delivery rate, the price of that benefit is likely to be a trade-off in harm to parturients and their offspring. The nature and degree of that harm needs to be documented before considering adoption of the guidelines. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Condiciones de trabajo, fatiga laboral y bajo peso al nacer en vendedoras ambulantes

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    Hernández-Peña Patricia


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Este trabajo tipifica las condiciones demográficas, socioeconómicas, laborales, de fatiga laboral y daño reproductivo en una población femenina en edad fértil que trabaja en la venta ambulante en las calles de la Ciudad de México. Material y métodos. Se entrevistaron 426 vendedoras ambulantes. Se describió a la población entrevistada y se exploró la asociación de los componentes de la fatiga laboral con el bajo peso al nacer (BPN mediante regresión logística, en un subgrupo de mujeres que laboraron en la venta ambulante durante su última gestación. Resultados. De las mujeres entrevistadas, 56% realiza jornadas de trabajo superiores a las 48 horas semanales, 87% carece de seguridad social y 68% tiene estudios no mayores de primaria. El riesgo de presentar BPN se eleva cuando se carece de control sobre la cantidad de mercancía a vender (RM 6.5, IC95% 1.3-31, se venden artículos de ocasión como refacciones y ornamentos (RM 6.3, IC95% 1.5-26, se exhibe la mercancía sobre el piso o se carga para su venta (RM 7.7, IC95% 1.8-32, y cuando los recursos para instalar el puesto por primera vez no proceden de la red social de apoyo de la vendedora (RM 7.4, IC95% 1.2-44. Conclusiones. Estos resultados contribuyen a identificar a las vendedoras con mayor riesgo de presentar un hijo con BPN, y sugerir medidas preventivas.



    Granda Carazas, Segundo Eloy


    El tema "la insatisfacción laboral como factor del bajo rendimiento del trabajador" es importante, ya que se puede constatar que en algunas organizaciones, pese a sus significativos esfuerzos para ampliar y modernizar su infraestructura, afrontan problemas de rendimiento laboral. Este artículo se orienta a determinar en qué medida la insatisfacción laboral se asocia al bajo rendimiento laboral en una organización. Como factores constituyentes de la insatisfacción laboral se considerar...

  2. Análisis del clima laboral y adaptación al cambio organizacional del personal adscrito al Plan Nacional de Vigilancia Comunitaria por Cuadrantes de la Policía Metropolitana de Santiago de Cali


    Torres León, Javier Alexander


    Tesis (Maestría en Gerencia del Talento Humano). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2014 Este proyecto, se enmarco en la implementación del modelo de gestión humana, en la Policía Nacional y tiene como finalidad correlacionar las características entre el clima laboral y la adaptación al cambio, del personal adscrito al Plan Nacional de Vigilancia Comunitaria por Cuadrante de la Policía Metropolitana de Santiago de Cali (MECAL). El proyecto se realizó dent...

  3. Factores determinantes de la rotación de personal en instructores que trabajan en una academia de artes marciales


    Ruíz Quintero, David


    Reconocer las principales razones de deserción de ex instructores de una academia de artes marciales ubicada en Medellín, Colombia, la cual se encuentra actualmente afectada por un alto índice de rotación de personal -- Se busca identificar los factores que incidieron en la decisión de retiro, las estrategias que la institución pudo haber implementado para retener al personal, evaluar las consecuencias de la decisión de retiro en términos de pérdida y ganancia e identificar posibles síntomas ...

  4. Actitudes y significados acerca de la jubilación: un estudio comparativo de acuerdo al género en adultos mayores / Attitudes and meanings regarding retirement: a comparative study according to gender in older adults

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    Paula Daniela Hermida


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio es evaluar si las expectativas sociales de «rol» diferencial de género influyen en la adaptación de los adultos mayores a la jubilación, a través de los significados y actitudes hacia el retiro laboral. Se empleó un diseño ex post facto, de carácter retrospectivo simple. Participaron 300 adultos mayores autoválidos de clase media, 150 varones y 150 mujeres, residentes en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y conurbano bonaerense (República Argentina. Se administró un cuestionario de datos sociodemográfico y perfil jubilatorio, la Escala de Actitudes hacia la jubilación y la adaptación argentina del Cuestionario de Significados acerca de la jubilación. Los resultados denotan que las mujeres, en comparación con los varones, presentan actitudes más favorables hacia la jubilación y la significan más como un «Descanso», «Comienzo» o «Continuidad». Esta diferencia podría deberse al impacto diferencial que generaría la pérdida del «rol» laboral de acuerdo al género. ABSTRACT: The objective of the study is to assess whether the social expectations of «role» – differential of gender – influence in the adaptation of older adults to retirement, through meanings and attitudes toward retirement. An ex post facto design of simple retrospective character was used. It was attended by 300 self-governing middle class older adults; 150 men and 150 women residing in the Autonomous City, Buenos Aires, and influence areas (Argentina. We administered a questionnaire of sociodemographic data and retirement profile, a Scale of Attitudes toward retirement, and the argentine adaptation of the Meaning about retirement Questionnaire. The results show that women in comparison with men have more favorable attitudes toward retirement and they denote it more as «Rest», «Beginning» or «Continuity». This difference could be due to the differential impact that would result in the loss of the labor

  5. Barreras al acceso a la justicia en el acoso laboral

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    Adriana Camacho Ramírez


    Full Text Available En Colombia, la Ley 1010 de 2006 normativiza la corrección, prevención y sanción de las conductas de acoso laboral. A pesar de la ley, en la práctica se hace poco efectivo el acceso a la justicia para las víctimas de conductas de hostigamiento en el trabajo, como se evidencia de las pocas denuncias y pocos fallos sancionatorios. En este artículo de reflexión se analizan las barreras jurídicas y materiales que impiden acceder a la justicia en los casos de mobbing cuyos resultados hacen parte del proyecto “Prácticas de acoso laboral, y su forma de resolución jurídica en Colombia” llevado a cabo por investigadores de sociología y jurisprudencia de la Universidad del Rosario.

  6. Incapacidad laboral total

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    Orlando Díaz Tabares


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal, descriptivo y retrospectivo con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de la incapacidad permanente para el trabajo en el municipio "San Cristóbal" durante el decenio 1982-1991, y se aplicó el método de encuesta por el que se recogieron datos que fueron extraídos del modelo oficial de peritaje médico laboral y de la entrevista con el peritado. Los resultados fueron plasmados en tablas de contingencias donde se relacionan las variables por cada año estudiado, y se aplicó la prueba estadística de chi cuadrado. El número de individuos dictaminados con incapacidad laboral total fue de 693; predominó en reportes el año 1988 con 114 casos y muy discretamente el sexo femenino sobre el masculino, el grupo etáreo de 45 a 54 años con 360 casos y la artrosis como entidad valorada por ortopedia, con análisis estadísticos significativos. No resultó estadísticamente significativo, el predominio de la hipertensión arterial sistémica entre las entidades valoradas por la especialidad de medicina interna como causas de incapacidad laboral. Fue muy significativa la variación del número de dictaminados por la comisión en cada uno de los años estudiados y que el porcentaje de ellos que se encontraban realizando trabajos que demandan esfuerzo físico de moderado a intenso al momento de aplicar la encuesta, ascendió al 64,9.A longitudinal, descriptive and retrospective study was conducted in order to know the behavior of permanent labor disability at the municipality of San Cristóbal during 1982-1991. A survey was done to collect data taken from the official model of medical inspections and from the interview with the disabled worker. The results were shown in contingency tables where the variables are related by every year studied. The chi square statistical test was applied. The number of individuals with labor disability was 693. As for reports, the year 1988 predominated with 114. There was a discreet

  7. Satisfacción laboral de las enfermeras de los Hospitales Públicos de Badajoz

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    M.ª del Mar Pablos-González


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Con este estudio pretendemos conocer el grado de satisfacción laboral de las enfermeras asistenciales, que trabajan en los hospitales públicos de la ciudad de Badajoz; determinar si existen diferencias entre las distintas instituciones hospitalarias e identificar las variables que inciden en dicha satisfacción laboral. Métodos: Se aplicó un cuestionario de elaboración propia, para el que se desarrollaron estudios de validez de contenido y fiabilidad, que fue aplicado al personal de Enfermería, que realizan su actividad laboral en los hospitales públicos pertenecientes al Sistema Extremeño de Salud (SES de la ciudad de Badajoz en el año 2009. Resultados: La tasa de respuesta asciende al 34'7%. El perfil de los profesionales es mayoritariamente femenino (83'3%, con condición laboral fijo (78'9% y una experiencia profesional de más de 10 años (77'5%. No existen diferencias significativas en satisfacción laboral entre los profesionales de enfermería de los tres hospitales estudiados. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos con el empleo de la encuesta, nos han ayudado a identificar qué dimensiones, de la Percepción del ámbito de trabajo, se encuentran más satisfechas las enfermeras. Correspondiendo la mayor puntuación la relativa al desarrollo de sus competencias estando "de acuerdo" (67'2%. A nivel general el grado de satisfacción laboral expresado por el grupo de enfermeras incluidas en el estudio es medio alto lo que concuerda con otros trabajos realizados y de similares características.

  8. Condiciones de trabajo, fatiga laboral y bajo peso al nacer en vendedoras ambulantes Working conditions, labor fatigue and low birth weight among female street vendors

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    Patricia Hernández-Peña


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Este trabajo tipifica las condiciones demográficas, socioeconómicas, laborales, de fatiga laboral y daño reproductivo en una población femenina en edad fértil que trabaja en la venta ambulante en las calles de la Ciudad de México. Material y métodos. Se entrevistaron 426 vendedoras ambulantes. Se describió a la población entrevistada y se exploró la asociación de los componentes de la fatiga laboral con el bajo peso al nacer (BPN mediante regresión logística, en un subgrupo de mujeres que laboraron en la venta ambulante durante su última gestación. Resultados. De las mujeres entrevistadas, 56% realiza jornadas de trabajo superiores a las 48 horas semanales, 87% carece de seguridad social y 68% tiene estudios no mayores de primaria. El riesgo de presentar BPN se eleva cuando se carece de control sobre la cantidad de mercancía a vender (RM 6.5, IC95% 1.3-31, se venden artículos de ocasión como refacciones y ornamentos (RM 6.3, IC95% 1.5-26, se exhibe la mercancía sobre el piso o se carga para su venta (RM 7.7, IC95% 1.8-32, y cuando los recursos para instalar el puesto por primera vez no proceden de la red social de apoyo de la vendedora (RM 7.4, IC95% 1.2-44. Conclusiones. Estos resultados contribuyen a identificar a las vendedoras con mayor riesgo de presentar un hijo con BPN, y sugerir medidas preventivas.Objective. This study presents the demographic, socioeconomic profile, working conditions and labor fatigue among fertile age street vendors in Mexico City. Material and methods. 426 female street vendors were interviewed in Mexico City. This population was described and the association between the components labor fatigue and low birth weight (LBW was analyzed by logistic regression in a subgroup of women who worked as street vendors during their last pregnancy. Results. Of the interviewed group, 56% works more than 48 h per week, 87% had no social security, and 68% only had primary school level. The risk of LBW

  9. Aplicación del modelo de violencia laboral de Chappell y Di Martino adaptado al usuario hospitalizado

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    Sara Barrios-Casas


    Full Text Available La violencia es un fenómeno que involucra a seres humanos en diversas circunstancias y entornos, afectando la salud, el desarrollo social y económico de sectores de la población y a instituciones sanitarias.Investigación cuantitativa descriptiva correlacional transversal, cuyos objetivos fueron: validar los factores del modelo de Chappell y Di Martino en los usuarios hospitalizados, medir la violencia que estos perciben hacia ellos y construir una escala para medir violencia en el contexto hospitalario. La muestra no probabilística estuvo conformada por 510 usuarios hospitalizados durante el 2008, a quienes previo consentimiento informado se les aplicó el instrumento, que fue confeccionado y validado por las autoras. Entre los resultados se encontró que al aplicar la escala de percepción de violencia, el 100 % de los usuarios manifestaron percibir violencia en las diversas dimensiones. Las variables significativas en la percepción de violencia fueron: edad, sexo, previsión, situación laboral, ingreso familiar, calidad de atención, antecedentes de violencia en la adultez, consumo de alcohol, agente agresor, recursos humanos y físicos. Se concluye que el modelo interactivo de violencia laboral de Chappell y Di Martino tiene aplicación en los usuarios en ambientes hospitalarios, ya que las variables que componen los factores también se presentan en estos contextos de salud.

  10. Mercado laboral colombiano: conflicto entre teoría y realidad

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    Adolfo Eslava


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se describen, en primer lugar, generalidades de la teoría económica para explicar el comportamiento del mercado laboral. Luego, se plantean algunos vacíos que manifiestan la insuficiencia teórica frente al análisis empírico; en particular, se muestra que algunas variables como la inactividad y la participación laboral secundaria son piezas fundamentales para explicar las cifras del desempleo. Por último, se demuestra que un aumento general de los salarios reduce la oferta laboral por parte de los miembros secundarios de los hogares.


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    André Ferreira


    Full Text Available O avanço da tecnologia, associado ao sedentarismo, tem limitado os movimentos corporais do ser humano, sendo considerado um dos graves problemas societais da atualidade (Hill et al., 2012. Num âmbito laboral, onde a posição sentada é predominante e mantida por longos períodos de tempo, as repercussões ao nível da saúde por problemas posturais são evidentes. De facto, a adoção de uma postura inadequada acresce a pressão nos discos intervertebrais, acarretando o surgimento de problemas físicos (e.g. lesões músculo-esqueléticas, de fadiga e sintomas de desconforto.No sentido de prevenir os problemas anteriormente descritos e de promover aos funcionários um tempo de descontração, surgem os programas de Atividade Física Laboral: aulas que consistem em exercícios físicos, alongamentos, exercícios de relaxamento e de flexibilidade, no ambiente de trabalho, e durante o horário laboral. Estes programas são sustentados por investigações recentes que têm demostrando inúmeras vantagens na sua adoção (To et al., 2013. De facto, programas que visem a correção da postura corporal e a redução do stress induzido por movimentos repetitivos, têm sustentado a sua aplicação em diferentes empresas. No entanto, a nível nacional ainda existe alguma relutância na sua adoção como prática comum no Mercado Laboral.Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar possíveis benefícios induzidos por um programa de Atividade Física Laboral, em funcionárias de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior, cuja atividade laboral consiste em 40h por semana numa posição sentada.

  12. Adiamento do ingresso no mercado de trabalho sob o enfoque demográfico: uma análise das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras Aplazamiento del ingreso al mercado laboral bajo el enfoque demográfico: un análisis de las regiones metropolitanas brasileñas Demographic perspectives on delayed labor market entry in metropolitan areas in Brazil

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    Maria Carolina Tomás


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa o adiamento do ingresso no mercado de trabalho entre jovens, através de duas técnicas demográficas: o método singulate mean age; e tabelas de sobrevivência. A base de dados utilizada foi a Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego (PME, considerando-se as seis regiões metropolitanas estudadas (São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre e Recife conjuntamente. Os períodos analisados foram 1983 e 2001. Ao final, contatou-se um adiamento maior entre os homens, o que os aproxima do padrão de transição feminino, embora eles continuem entrando mais cedo no mercado de trabalho. Ademais, está ocorrendo uma alteração no padrão etário de inserção, já que houve diminuição no contingente de jovens entrando no mercado de trabalho até os 17 anos.El trabajo analiza el aplazamiento del ingreso al mercado laboral entre jóvenes, a través de dos técnicas demográficas: El método singulate mean age; y tablas de sobrevivencia. La base de datos utilizada fue la Encuesta Mensual de Empleo (PME, considerándose las seis regiones metropolitanas estudiadas (San Pablo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Río de Janeiro, Porto Alegre y Recife conjuntamente. Los períodos analizados fueron 1983 y 2001. Al final, se constató un aplazamiento mayor entre los hombres, lo que los aproxima al padrón de transición femenino, aunque éstos continúen entrando más temprano al mercado laboral. Además, está ocurriendo una modificación en el padrón etario de inserción, ya que hubo una disminución en el contingente de jóvenes entrando al mercado laboral hasta los 17 años.The article analyzes late entry into the labor market among Brazilian youth, using two demographic techniques: the singulate mean age, and survival tables. The data basis used is the Monthly Employment Survey (PME carried out and published by the Brazilian Census Office (IBGE. The analysis considers six metropolitan areas (São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Rio

  13. Validation of models that predict Cesarean section after induction of labor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, C. J. M.; Oudenaarden, A.; Hermus, M. A. A.; Porath, M. M.; Oei, S. G.; Mol, B. W. J.


    Objective Models for the prediction of Cesarean delivery after induction of labor can be used to improve clinical decision-making. The objective of this study was to validate two existing models, published by Peregrine et al. and Rane et al., for the prediction of Cesarean section after induction of

  14. La gestión de recursos humanos y el desempeño laboral


    Latorre Navarro, María Felisa


    Las organizaciones se adaptan al entorno mediante las estrategias y políticas empresariales. La gestión de la fuerza laboral es clave a la hora de adaptarse a las demandas del entorno y esto puede llevar en muchas ocasiones al éxito o el fracaso de la empresa. La gestión de la fuerza laboral se realiza mediante el sistema de gestión de recursos humanos (RRHH). Fisher (1989) subdivide el sistema de gestión de RRHH en macro recursos humanos y micro recursos humanos. Los macro RRH...

  15. La respuesta laboral al neoliberalismo en Colombia: el contexto político

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    Mauricio Cárdenas Piñeros


    Full Text Available Este artículo corresponde a uno de los capítulos de la tesis doctoral de autor titulada Neoliberalism and the Labor Movement in Colombia actualmente en elaboración para la Universidad de Denver. Argumenta que para entender las estrategias desarrolladas por el sindicalismo contemporáneo en Colombia para responder al neoliberalismo es necesario establecer el contexto político de los últimos 30 años. Según el autor, los ciclos de represión e integración del movimiento sindical han generado en los últimos años un espacio político para que el sindicalismo canalice sus respuestas dentro del marco de la nueva Constitución de 1991. El aprovechamiento de este espacio en combinación con acciones de confrontación ha puesto límites a la implantación unilateral de un modelo neoliberal en Colombia, particularmente en cuanto a la privatización de las entidades estatales de mayor peso. Paradójicamente, los promotores del neoliberalismo se han visto obligados a avanzar su proyecto entregando espacios políticos que han sido utilizados por sectores como el sindical para cuestionar dicho proyecto. La debilidad histórica del sindicalismo, agudizada por la profundización del neoliberalismo, ha sido contrarrestada por ciertos sectores del sindicalismo estatal como se reseña en este artículo.

  16. Integración laboral de inmigrantes haitianos, dominicanos y colombianos en Santiago de Chile

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    Patricia Valenzuela Jeldes


    Full Text Available En el actual contexto de la globalización, caracterizado por la reestructuración del sistema de producción capitalista y de las relaciones de trabajo, la migración presenta nuevas y particulares características. A nivel mundial, estamos en presencia de una polarización del mercado laboral, donde conviven empleos estables y bien remunerados con otros informales y ocasionales. Sumado a ello, nos encontramos con trabajadores informales en medios formales, lo cual evidencia las nuevas maneras en que se presenta la informalidad. A nivel nacional, desde la vuelta a la democracia, Chile presenta un aumento considerable de población inmigrante latinoamericana, la cual llega con el objetivo principal de integrarse al mercado laboral. En este marco es que se habla de “inmigrantes laborales”. Chile es un país con una baja tasa de informalidad laboral; con una creciente llegada de inmigrantes laborales y una débil presencia del Estado en cuanto a la integración de la población extranjera. La incorporación de éstos al mercado laboral nacional, considerados mano de obra barata, adquiere características particulares que a través de la presente investigación exploratoria con inmigrantes colombianos, haitianos y dominicanos (la “nueva inmigración” se pretenden develar. Este artículo abordará la creciente inserción de estos inmigrantes al mundo laboral chileno, sus problemáticas para trabajar en Chile y el contradictorio juego de inclusión/exclusión social al que se ven enfrentados.

  17. El Acoso ó “Mobbing” Laboral

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    Alcira Isabel Muñoz Osorio


    Full Text Available Resumen:Este artículo, producto de un proyecto de investigación institucional y un proyecto de aula de la cátedra dederecho laboral individual, realiza un análisis de las situaciones que surgen en el ámbito del ambiente laboral,que de una u otra forma perjudican y desestabilizan al trabajador, sujeto pasivo del acoso. El artículo pretendedar a conocer que todo ultraje y/o maltrato que se presenta en el ambiente laboral de manera repetitiva, públicay que atenta contra la dignidad humana, hoy día es objeto de sanciones. Se revisan además los antecedentes yel marco jurídico de esta conducta.Palabras claves:Acoso laboral, mobbing, agresivo, persistente, demostrable, atropello.Abstract:This article, the product of an institutional research project and a draft class of the class of individual employmentlaw, an analysis of the situations that arise in the context of the workplace, which in one way or another harmand destabilize the worker, taxpayer harassment. The article aims to show that every outrage and / or abuse thatoccurs in the workplace so repetitive, public and undermines human dignity, is now subject to sanctions. It alsolooks into the background and legal framework for this behavior.Keywords:Harassment, bullying, aggressive, persistent, demonstrable killing.

  18. Responsabilidad social en la dimensión laboral: una aproximación desde las organizaciones Advance adheridas al pacto global en Colombia

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    Yenni Viviana Duque Orozco


    Full Text Available El presente documento busca caracterizar las prácticas de responsabilidad social en la dimensión laboral de las organizaciones adheridas al Pacto Global en Colombia clasificadas en Advance. Es un estudio de tipo documental que se desarrolló con base en una revisión de los Comunicados de Progreso (cop de las siete organizaciones objeto de estudio. Se sistematizó la información relacionada con condiciones laborales en una matriz diseñada tomando como marco de referencia los tres principios del Pacto Global relacionados con el tema y asumiendo las variables de aspectos laborales que plantean Porter y Kramer (2006 y los indicadores del Global ReportingInitiative (GRI. Los resultados evidencian avances en aspectos como formación, desarrollo y bienestar. Los aspectos que aún falta por incluir en la agenda corresponden a los temas de diversidad, inclusión y equidad, así como lo relacionado con prácticas que permitan la reinserción laboral de los trabajadores despedidos.

  19. Inmigración e incorporación laboral

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    Yolanda Herranz


    Full Text Available La perspectiva histórico-estructural neomarxista analiza los asentamientos inmigrantes en su variedad y en relación a coyunturas continuamente cambiantes en las sociedades receptores. La adaptación económica de los inmigrantes en la sociedad de acogida presenta una pluralidad de resultados que se muestran en formas de incorporación laboral diferenciadas. Desde esta perspectiva teórica se analizan las variables contextuales y relativas al propio grupo inmigrante que interactúan en la formación de tal diversidad en los modos de inserción laboral.

  20. 78 FR 13897 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Trade and Labor Affairs; Labor Affairs Council... (United States)


    ... Public Session Meeting AGENCY: International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor.... Department of Labor gives notice of the public session of the meeting of the Labor Affairs Council (``Council... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Trade...

  1. A Cross-Sectional Investigation of the Effects of Regional Labor Market Conditions on the Reenlistment Decisions of Air Force Enlistees (United States)


    Baldwin, Robert H. and Thomas V. Daula. "Army Recruit Attrition and Force Manning Costs: Methodology and Analysis," Research in Labor Economics , ed. Ronald...Methodological Issues and a Proposed Specification," Research in Labor Economics , ed. Ronald Ehrenberg, 7:339-363 (1985b). Baldwin, Robert H. et al. "Military...Manpower Research: An Introduction," Research in Labor Economics , ed. Ronald Ehrenberg, L:257-260 (1985). Dalton, Dan R. et al. "Turnover Overstated: The

  2. 78 FR 72714 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the... Child Labor AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor. ACTION..., 2013, regarding child labor and forced labor in foreign countries. Relevant information will be used by...

  3. Labor Induction (United States)

    f AQ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FAQ154 LABOR, DELIVERY, AND POSTPARTUM CARE Labor Induction • What is labor induction? • Why is labor induced? • What is the Bishop score? • What is “ripening ...

  4. Influencia de la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño del personal de los laboratorios Ecua - American


    Valencia González, Edwin Guillermo


    El presente trabajo en su contexto general, detalla un análisis de todos los aspectos relacionados al clima organizacional y al desempeño laboral de los trabajadores, de Ecua – American S.A., con la finalidad de proponer alternativas de mejora, que sirvan de guía a los directivos de la empresa, para fomentar un ambiente laboral agradable y motivador para sus empleados, y de esta manera incrementar su desempeño laboral. La investigación efectuada es de carácter descriptica, la población en ...

  5. El principio de la consonancia en el procedimiento laboral

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    Armando Mario Rojas Chávez


    Full Text Available Con la reforma al procedimiento laboral contenida en la Ley 712 de 2001 se introdujo el principio de la consonancia, que indica que el juez laboral de segunda instancia al resolver el recurso de apelación sólo debe limitarse a las materias objeto del recurso. Este principio restringe la aplicación del contenido del principio constitucional sobre la irrenunciabilidad de los m{nimos de derechos y garant(as consagrados a favor del trabajador. Esta situación plantea un conflicto normativo de una disposición de origen legal y una norma constitucional. En sentencia C- 968 de 2003 -

  6. Fatiga laboral

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    Useche Mora Luz Graciela


    Full Text Available

    La fatiga laboral es un fenómeno complejo y muy común en los ambientes de trabajo especialmente en aquellos que requieren de una alta carga física y en los que son utilizadas complicadas tecnologías que presentan al hombre máximas exigencias, obligándolo a trabajar más allá de sus posibilidades psicofisiológicas y en condiciones muchas veces nocivas. En este sentido, el presente artículo se propone presentar el análisis de aspectos fundamentales de la fatiga que requieren ser conocidos por todo trabajador, con el fin de evitar situaciones de morbilidad y, por qué no decirlo, hasta de muerte.


  7. Grado de satisfacción laboral de los Directores de las Instituciones Educativas de Educación Básica Regular vinculadas al Programa de Educación Rural de Fe y Alegría Nº48 de Malingas –Tambogrande


    Távara Ma-San, Carlos Gabriel


    La investigación tiene como objetivo identificar el grado de satisfacción laboral de los directores de las instituciones educativas de Educación Básica Regular vinculadas al Programa de Educación Rural de Fe y Alegría Nº 48 de Malingas –Tambogrande. Para ello, se aplicó de manera anónima a 25 directores un "Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral" constituido por 35 ítems como instrumento para cuantificar las ocho dimensiones relacionadas con la satisfacción laboral mediante procesamiento estadí...

  8. La motivación laboral, estudio descriptivo de algunas variables


    García Sanz, Virginia


    La motivación laboral es la fuerza que impulsa al trabajador a realizar determinadas acciones o comportamientos para la consecución de los objetivos de la empresa. La retribución económica por sí sola no es suficiente fuente de motivación laboral, el trabajador espera recibir además un salario emocional, que podemos definir como toda retribución que recibe el trabajador distinta del dinero. El reconocimiento por parte de los superiores y compañeros, el fomento del sentimiento de autonomía y r...

  9. Calidad del empleo y productividad laboral en el Perú


    Chacaltana, Juan; Yamada, Gustavo


    La economía peruana actualmente tiene una baja capacidad para la generación de empleos de calidad, asociada a los bajos niveles de productividad laboral. La primera parte del documento analiza datos del período 2000-2006 y encuentra pocos avances en cuanto al crecimiento de la productividad laboral y los niveles de empleo de calidad. La segunda parte de la investigación ausculta las empresas de dos sectores específicos que destacan por su capacidad de generación de empleo. De acuerdo a una en...

  10. Factores asociados al estrés laboral en policías penitenciarios costarricenses

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    Tatiana María Blanco-Álvarez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar si una muestra de policías penitenciarios, en Costa Rica, experimenta estrés laboral y si está relacionado con la presencia de estrés, depresión, ansiedad, burnout y otras características personales y ocupacionales. Además, se determina si hay diferencias entre hombres y mujeres con respecto a la presencia de tales factores. La Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés (DASS, la Escala de Estrés Laboral para Oficiales Correccionales (EELOC, y el Cuestionario Breve de Burnout (CBB fueron administrados a 66 oficiales correccionales de diferentes prisiones en Costa Rica. Conclusiones: El estrés laboral está significativamente relacionado con la presencia de estrés, ansiedad y depresión, pero no relacionado con la presencia de burnout. No se encontraron diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en ninguna variable. Es importante saber cómo el ambiente de trabajo afecta las vidas de los oficiales con el fin de mejorar las condiciones de trabajo que podrían tener efectos negativos sobre el desempeño en el trabajo y la salud, así como proporcionar información para los psicólogos policiales, que están a cargo de proveer servicios clínicos y de consejería a los oficiales correccionales.


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    Beatriz Sora


    Full Text Available La inseguridad laboral se ha convertido en la actualidad en una de las fuentes de estrés más significativas para muchos trabajadores, siendo especialmente grave en España por las elevadas tasas de desempleo en este periodo de crisis económica. Una prolífera investigación se ha desarrollado al respecto en un intento por alcanzar un conocimiento más completo de este fenómeno. El Instituto de Psicología de los Recursos Humanos, Desarrollo Organizacional y Calidad de Vida Laboral (IDOCAL ha contribuido a esta investigación en los últimos años en varias de sus facetas más significativas. En el ámbito de sus factores determinantes se ha identificado un papel significativo de la antigüedad laboral, la empleabilidad en el mercado laboral, el subempleo, y la autoeficacia laboral. Además se han realizado hallazgos de interés en relación con la diversidad de los tipos de contrato, la inseguridad laboral y sus efectos en los trabajadores. Son de especial interés los estudios que analizan el papel interviniente de distintas variables. En este contexto, nuestros estudios han puesto de manifiesto la relevancia de variables como la justicia organizacional, el clima de justicia organizacional, el apoyo organizacional, la empleabilidad, la dependencia laboral y el distanciamiento psicológico a la hora de predecir la variabilidad en la inseguridad laboral. Por último, las aportaciones del IDOCAL han sido especialmente relevantes al plantear el análisis de la inseguridad laboral como fenómeno colectivo y mostrar cómo la experiencia colectiva de la inseguridad tenía repercusiones sobre el bienestar de los trabajadores más allá de las producidas por sus percepciones individuales. En base a esta investigación se han propuesto en el presente artículo una serie de implicaciones para la práctica profesional.


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    Pura de la Caridad Rey Rivas


    , condicionan la lógica formativa de la semipresencialidad desde su especificidad socio-profesional como célula dinamizadora de la praxis profesional en contextos de actuación laboral, lo que le permitirá al estudiante una actuación más eficiente durante su práctica laboral, así como un exitoso desempeño una vez egresado.

  13. Dermatitis actínica crónica en el mundo laboral Chronic actinic dermatitis in laboral world

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    María Teresa López Villaescusa


    Full Text Available Introducción: Del espectro de radiación electromagnética la radiación solar es la principal causante de las respuestas fotobiológicas en la piel, como la dermatitis actínica crónica. Objetivo: Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo de los pacientes diagnosticados de dermatitis actínica crónica desde 1987 hasta la actualidad, en el servicio de Dermatología Laboral del Instituto de Salud Carlos III, de Madrid. Material y métodos: Se valoró edad, sexo, antecedentes personales, actividad laboral como factor predisponente, características de las lesiones y el resultados a las pruebas epicutáneas de alergia. No se realizó estudio fotobiológico. Resultados: Se estudiaron 6 pacientes varones, con edades comprendidas entre los 39 y 56 años, con importante exposición solar laboral. La clínica era similar con afectación ezcematosa de zonas fotoexpuestas. El resultado de las pruebas epicutáneas fue positivo en dos pacientes. Discusión: El 75% de los casos de dermatitis actínica crónica, se asocia con un alérgeno. Las principales limitaciones de los casos son la falta de estudio fotobiológico en los pacientes. El trabajo profesional al aire libre lleva implícito riesgos primarios, de tipo físico, como la exposición a radiación ultravioleta, que es necesario controlar para lograr una mayor seguridad en el trabajo.Introduction: In the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, solar radiation is the main cause of photobiological responses in the skin, such as chronic actinic dermatitis. Objetive: We performed a retrospective study of patients, with chronic actinic dermatitis seen in our department: "Dermatología Laboral del Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid", from 1987 to present. Material and methods: We evaluated age, sex, personal history, work activity as a predisposing factor, characteristic of lesions and the results of allergy patch tests. Photobiological study was not performed. Results: We studied 6 male patients, aged

  14. Preterm Labor (United States)

    Preterm labor is labor that starts before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. It can lead to premature birth. Premature babies may face serious health risks. Symptoms of preterm labor include Contractions every 10 minutes or more often ...

  15. La reinserción social y laboral de la población reclusa


    Miguel Rascón, Marta de


    El interés de este trabajo está centrado en el tema de la reinserción social y laboral la población reclusa, partiendo de bases teóricas y legislativas. Encontramos una serie de aspectos que influyen de manera positiva o negativa en la reinserción social y laboral de este colectivo. Hay que destacar la labor que se hace tanto dentro como fuera de prisión con los programas y las actividades para la reinserción. Las condiciones que rodean al recluso cuando deja la prisión son muy...

  16. Ausentismo laboral: impacto en la productividad y estrategias de control desde los programas de salud empresarial


    Borda, Maria; Rolón, Eric; Javier, González


    El ausentismo laboral es un problema social, económico y laboral que tiene un gran impacto sobre el trabajador que se ausenta, pero además sobre la empresa quien ve afectada su productividad, lo que al final se traduce en una desaceleración del crecimiento económico y social en diferentes sectores de la sociedad. En tal virtud resulta de gran utilidad hacer una revisión de la literatura con el suficiente rigor científico y epistemológico para encontrar los factores asociados al ausentismo a c...

  17. Portfolio implications of cointegration between labor income and dividends

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, F.C.J.M.


    This paper analyzes the implications of cointegration between labor income and dividends for the optimal portfolio weight for stocks. In a recent paper, Benzoni et al. (J Finance 62:2123–2167, 2007) claim that, as a result of cointegration, the optimal weight in stocks may be smaller for young

  18. El proceso de reforma al Código Procesal Laboral: legislación laboral, actores sociales y lenguajes de valoración. Tres elementos clave de la política socio-laboral en Costa Rica, 1998-2016

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    Ronny Viales Hurtado


    Full Text Available En este artículo, concebido como “historia del tiempo presente”, analizamos las relaciones entre política socio-laboral y poder para identificar cuáles son los actores y actoras sociales y cuáles son los grupos de interés que participan en el proceso de formulación del problema y del planteamiento de políticas públicas, desde un enfoque relacional. Planteamos que una arena política en la que se debaten los actores y actoras y las posiciones del desarrollismo y del neoliberalismo en Costa Rica, es la de las reformas de la institucionalidad laboral. Por eso se estudiarán las redes y los lenguajes de valoración presentes en los procesos de construcción de legislación laboral en Costa Rica. Para ello, se utiliza como caso de estudio las etapas clave en la construcción de la Ley de Reforma Procesal Laboral, proyecto de ley aprobado en diciembre de 2015.

  19. Do flexible labor markets indeed reduce unemployment? A robustness check

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vergeer, R.; Kleinknecht, A.


    Nickell et al. (2005) have frequently been cited as empirical evidence that labor market rigidities cause high unemployment. We find that their model is not robust. Leaving their database unchanged and changing three details in their estimation procedure, it turns out that several policy-relevant

  20. Why Should We Care about Child Labor? The Education, Labor Market, and Health Consequences of Child Labor (United States)

    Beegle, Kathleen; Dehejia, Rajeev; Gatti, Roberta


    Despite the extensive literature on the determinants of child labor, the evidence on the consequences of child labor on outcomes such as education, labor, and health is limited. We evaluate the causal effect of child labor participation among children in school on these outcomes using panel data from Vietnam and an instrumental variables strategy.…

  1. Calidad de vida laboral en Colombia: un índice multidimensional difuso


    Gómez Álvarez, Mónica Sofía; Galvis-Aponte, Luis Armando; Royuela Mora, Vicente


    La calidad del trabajo abarca múltiples dimensiones objetivas y subjetivas, que pueden incluir las rentas del trabajo, la estabilidad laboral, la satisfacción laboral y la seguridad social. En este trabajo se sigue el método propuesto por Gómez et al., 2013, que introduce una nueva forma de calcular la calidad del trabajo, consistente en la medición de: 1- el uso del enfoque de funcionamientos y las capacidades de Sen y 2- un método de conjuntos difusos. Usando la Gran Encuesta Integrada de H...

  2. El acoso o «mobbing» laboral

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    Armando Mario Rojas Chávez


    Full Text Available Es inevitable que en el desarrollo de la relación laboral el trabajador se encuentre expuesto a actos provenientes de sus compañeros de trabajo, superiores, inclusive del personal bajo su dirección, que afecten su estado emocional. Con el propósito de evitar la proliferación de esa práctica dentro de las relaciones de trabajo, el legislador ha empeñado sus esfuerzos en proteger al trabajador acosado; igualmente la Corte Constitucional, en defensa de los derechos fundamentales del trabajador, ha desarrollado una línea jurisprudencial al respecto. El objeto de este artículo es conocer los alcances de las disposiciones legales y de los pronunciamientos judiciales sobre la protección del trabajador acosado en el trabajo y las sanciones dirigidas al acosador.

  3. Inclusión laboral de personas catalogadas como discapacitadas. Algunas reflexiones para un debate necesario

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    Mauricio Mareño Sempertegui


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone algunas reflexiones respecto a la inclusión laboral de personas catalogadas social y culturalmente como discapacitadas. Su contenido se estructura a partir de la pregunta: ¿por qué la participación de esta población en el mercado laboral se concibió y aún se concibe como problemática? En primer lugar, se esbozan dos posibles respuestas a este interrogante y se las presenta en forma de tesis. Posteriormente, se examinan los programas nacionales de promoción del empleo, orientados a este sector poblacional, focalizando el análisis en las tesis anteriormente expuestas. Finalmente en las conclusiones se plantea que si bien la pregunta que estructura el artículo puede interpretarse como ingenua, constituye una pregunta fundamental al reflexionar sobre el fenómeno de la discapacidad y su vinculación con el mercado laboral, desde un enfoque de derechos humanos. A su vez se expone que las dos tesis propuestas revelan las principales barreras a la empleabilidad e inserción laboral de esta población. Se alude a las barreras culturales, es decir, al conjunto de representaciones sociales, ideas y concepciones sobre la empleabilidad, la discapacidad, las personas definidas como discapacitadas y sus posibilidades de empleabilidad, arraigadas en el imaginario colectivo. Se afirma que abordar estas barreras es fundamental ya que supone aproximarnos al núcleo profundo de la problemática.

  4. Labor Force (United States)

    Occupational Outlook Quarterly, 2010


    The labor force is the number of people aged 16 or older who are either working or looking for work. It does not include active-duty military personnel or institutionalized people, such as prison inmates. Quantifying this total supply of labor is a way of determining how big the economy can get. Labor force participation rates vary significantly…

  5. Parturients' need of continuous labor support in labor wards

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Continuous labor support is practiced in different parts of the world. In Ethiopia ... Objective: The purpose of the study was to assess the attitude of women in response to labor support based at institutional ... The reasons given for wanting companion were emotional ..... mothers play vital role in labor and delivery while men.





    El propósito de la investigación es evaluar la relación entre la percepción de inseguridad laboral y el desempeño asociado al rol, las conductas de ciudadanía corporativa dirigidas a la organización y las conductas de ciudadanía corporativa dirigidas a los individuos, considerando los efectos moderadores de la atribución de justicia en los procedimientos y la percepción de apoyo del supervisor, y el efecto de la brecha del contrato psicológico como variable mediadora. La muestr...

  7. 77 FR 9267 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ...), established a new eligibility criterion for receipt of trade benefits under the Generalized System of... Child Labor AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor. ACTION... information and/or comment on reports issued by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) October 3...

  8. 76 FR 22921 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ... trade benefits under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), Caribbean Basin Trade and Partnership... Child Labor AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor. ACTION... information and/or comment on reports issued by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) on December...

  9. [Demography and labor shortage. Future challenges of labor market policy]. (United States)

    Fuchs, J


    For demographic reasons, the German labor force will decrease dramatically and it will be much older on average. However, labor demand, especially for qualified workers, is expected to remain high. This paper focuses on the possibilities of expanding the labor force by increasing the participation rates of women and older persons. Herein, the change in the labor force is decomposed with respect to population and labor participation and, moreover, the effects of higher participation rates are simulated. The decomposition and simulation scenarios are based on data published by the Institute for Employment Research. The analysis clearly reveals that the effect of a considerably higher labor participation of women and older workers will disappear over time when the working-age population shrinks more and more. In addition, individuals who are currently unemployed or out of the labor force are not skilled enough. Since it seems difficult to get more qualified workers in the short and even in the medium term, improving the conditions for women and older people to take up jobs should be tackled soon. This includes investments in education and health care.

  10. Labor Force (United States)

    Occupational Outlook Quarterly, 2012


    The labor force is the number of people ages 16 or older who are either working or looking for work. It does not include active-duty military personnel or the institutionalized population, such as prison inmates. Determining the size of the labor force is a way of determining how big the economy can get. The size of the labor force depends on two…

  11. Child labor, agricultural shocks and labor sharing in rural Ethiopia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Z.Y. Debebe (Zelalem)


    textabstractThe author studies the effect of an agricultural shock and a labor sharing arrangement (informal social network) on child labor. Albeit bad parental preference to child labor (as the strand of literature claims), poor households face compelling situations to send their child to work.

  12. Estrés laboral femenino y políticas de igualdad y flexibilidad en España


    León Llorente, Consuelo


    Este artículo recoge el marco legal, sociodemográfico y laboral de una etapa de gran crecimiento económico en España (2003-2007) que, sin embargo, resultó ser una oportunidad perdida en lo que respecta a la implantación efectiva de las políticas de conciliación e igualdad. En este periodo, la mujer española incrementó su tasa de incorporación al mundo laboral de un modo proporcionalmente mayor al resto de la población activa femenina europea. Sin embargo, la cultura hispana de largas jornadas...

  13. «Compendio de Ortopedia y Fracturas»

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    Jaime Quintero Esguerra


    Finalmente, al retirarse del Hospital Militar, organizó un excelente servicio en el Hospital de La Samaritana y se vinculó a la docencia como profesor de la Universidad Javeriana, allí, realizó 13 cursos de posgrado y, con motivo de su reciente retiro, fue homenajeado y el servicio que dirigió lleva actualmente su nombre.

  14. "El ojo del amo engorda al ganado": Estrategias de control y disciplinamiento de la fuerza laboral Strategies of Control and Labor Discipline

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    Nuria Inés Giniger


    Full Text Available Las empresas han debido sofisticar sus estrategias de control y disciplinamiento laboral. Para esto han conformado verdaderos Sistemas Corporativos a partir de los cuales ponen en marcha políticas empresariales tendientes a la gestión de la fuerza de trabajo y a la difusión doctrinaria. Estos Sistemas Corporativos se configuran en una relación conflictiva entre los procesos globales y locales. El proceso desarrollado por la empresa siderúrgica Acindar para la consolidación de su Sistema Corporativo permite ver de qué forma estas tensiones se expresan y el alcance de dicho sistema.The companies have had more sophisticated strategies of control and labor discipline. For this, they have made real Corporate Systems from which they develop business policies in managing the work force and dissemination of doctrine. These Corporate Systems are configured in a conflicting relationship between global and local processes. The process developed by the steel company Acindar to consolidate its Corporate System allows us to see how these tensions are expressed and the range of that system.

  15. Cuestiones sobre el derecho al trabajo derivadas de la reforma laboral de 2012 : perspectiva constitucional = The right to work under the labour reform of 2012: a constitutional approach

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    Rafael Naranjo De La Cruz


    Full Text Available La reforma laboral de 2012 ha suscitado importantes cuestiones acerca del régimen jurídico del derecho al trabajo. Así, en este artículo se sostiene que la introducción de una modalidad contractual que concede al empresario la potestad de resolver libremente el contrato laboral durante el primer año supone, ya sea concebido este plazo como periodo de prueba o como medio para el fomento de un empleo estable, una vulneración del derecho del trabajador a la estabilidad en el empleo, reconocido como manifestación del art. 35 CE por el Tribunal Constitucional. También se analiza desde una perspectiva constitucional el régimen jurídico del despido improcedente, que consideramos incoherente con la condición del derecho al trabajo como derecho fundamental. Finalmente, sostenemos que la configuración legal dada a las causas del despido colectivo no puede llegar a impedir su control judicial desde la perspectiva del principio de proporcionalidad, ya que este se presenta como una exigencia derivada del propio derecho al trabajo y del derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva. The 2012 labour reform has raised important questions regarding regulation of the right to work. This paper proposes that the employer’s right to terminate a contract in support of entrepreneurs during its first year, interpreted either as a probationary period or as a measure for the promotion of stable employment, violates the constitutional right of every worker to stability in employment (Article 35 of the Constitution. Furthermore, regulation of unfair dismissal is analyzed from a constitutional perspective to reach the conclusion that it is incompatible with the constitutional right to work. Finally, it is argued that the regulation of the causes of collective dismissal cannot prevent the Constitutional Court from reviewing whether the principle of proportionality has been observed, since this is a requirement arising from the constitutional rights to work and to an

  16. La Justicia Laboral

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    Montoya Melgar, Alfredo


    Full Text Available Iniciada en el último cuarto del siglo XIX nuestra legislación laboral, pronto se plantea la exigencia de que las reglas sustantivas del nuevo Derecho vayan acompañadas de normas jurisdiccionales y procesales específicas, atentas a las exigencias de la justicia laboral. Tras una etapa de justicia social paritaria, obrero-patronal, la jurisdicción laboral pasa a ser desempeñada por jueces profesionales centrándose en la Magistratura de Trabajo y consolidándose el diseño procesal en sucesivas Leyes de Procedimiento Laboral.
    En la actualidad, y aunque la nueva Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil ha incidido de modo relevante sobre el proceso laboral, es obvia la influencia que el modelo del proceso laboral ha ejercido con carácter previo sobre el nuevo proceso civil.

  17. Microbiological evaluation of a raw mud coming from the treatment of residual waters plant of the Municipality of The Retiro and of the same mud acclimatized to anaerobic conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naranjo P, Fernando; Gonzalez D, Maria Elena; Molina P, Francisco


    The subject of this study is the acclimatization of aerobic sludge (activated sludge) up to anaerobic sludge conditions, the activated sludge from a domestic sewage treatment plant; which is located in El Retiro town east of Antioquia. Load potential of brown sugar was applied in the batch reactor 280-2.000 mg COD/I. In the acclimatization process, both sludge were assessed the groups of bacteria involved in the anaerobic digestion as total MPN count and oxygen sensibility as two methods; furthermore, and also Volatile Suspend Solids (VSS), methanogenic specific activity where acetic and formic as substrates were used. The content of VSS was recognize as a good parameter to assess both activated sludge; besides, as a result of methanogenic, specific activity show an important increase in the acclimated sludge with formic; which is corroborated with an increase inc the group of hydrogenophilic methanogenic bacteria. At the end, the activated sludge from activated treatment plant, was identified as a potential inocula in anaerobic process, because there are some quantities of methanogenic bacteria

  18. Emancipating Labor Internationalism


    Waterman, Peter


    The secular trinity of c19th socialism was Labor-Internationalism-Emancipation. As early-industrial capitalism developed into a national-industrial-colonial capitalism, the internationalism of labor became literally international, and simultaneously lost its emancipatory aspiration and capacity (or vice versa). The dramatic – and labor-devastating – development of a globalised-networked-informatised capitalism is raising the necessity and possibility of a new kind of labor internationalis...

  19. El síndrome de fatiga crónica: del modelo de susceptibilidad a la hipótesis de la cadena de estrés en el área laboral


    Mansilla, Fernando


    El modelo de susceptibilidad tiene en cuenta la combinación de algunos elementos: la susceptibilidad biológica, la susceptibilidad al mobbing, la susceptibilidad al burn-out, la susceptibilidad al estrés laboral, y los factores de protección como: apoyo social, autoconcepto positivo, locus de control interno, alta autoestima y sentimiento de autoeficacia. La hipótesis de la cadena de estrés en el área laboral considera que la persistencia del estrés laboral es acumulativa. El mobbing, el sínd...

  20. Almanaques sí, relojes no. La prolongación de la jornada laboral en la agricultura pampeana, de la última dictadura al “boom” sojero

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    Juan Manuel Villulla


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza los mecanismos económicos y dispositivos discursivos utilizados por las patronales para imponer la prolongación e intensificación de la jornada laboral en la agricultura pampeana, y sus consecuencias sobre las condiciones de trabajo de los obreros rurales luego de la década de 1970. La metodología incluyó la consulta de material bibliográfico especializado; fuentes documentales patronales (archivos de FACMA; sindicales (archivos de la CGT y UATRE; legislación laboral; libros de actas de negociaciones obrero-patronales (CNTA y CAR; material periodístico; y fundamentalmente un acervo testimonial recabado sobre una muestra de 50 obreros rurales y 20 empleadores en una serie de partidos arquetípicos del “boom” sojero de los últimos años en las provincias de Buenos Aires, Santa Fe y Córdoba. El resultado de nuestro análisis invita a incorporar como una de las condiciones de posibilidad para la expansión agrícola reciente al aumento de la explotación del trabajo asalariado

  1. Utilidad del mapa de riesgo laboral en el diagnóstico de salud de las empresas Usefulness of labor risk map in health diagnosis of health condition in companies

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    Guillermo López Espinosa


    Full Text Available En la mina-planta de zeolita de Tasajeras, perteneciente al municipio de Ranchuelo, provincia de Villa Clara, se realizó un estudio observacional de tipo descriptivo en el año 2002, con el objetivo de valorar la utilidad del mapa de riesgo laboral en el diagnóstico de salud de los trabajadores de la empresa. Identificados y clasificados los riesgos presentes en el ámbito laboral y conocido su indicador negativo de control, se procedió a calcular el grado de peligrosidad, y se halló que el ruido industrial y el polvo mineral fueron los de mayor gravedad (1 000 puntos. La temperatura extrema y la exposición al plomo obtuvieron una menor peligrosidad (150 puntos. Se confeccionó un esquema del centro y se localizaron los indicadores de los factores de riesgos, basados en su prioridad; se establecieron los planes de prevención y control. El mapa de riesgo proporcionó una información básica para el análisis de la salud laboral y para la elaboración de planes preventivos, por lo que recomendamos su uso por los Equipos de Salud ubicados en los centros de trabajo.In zeolite production plant and mine located in Tasajeras, Ranchuelo´s municipality in Villa Clara province, an observational descriptive-type study was performed in 2002 to assess the benefits of the labor risk map in the diagnosis of health condition of workers in this company. Once the risks in the labor context were identified and classified and their negative control index was known, the dangerousness level was estimated. It eas found that industrial noise and mineral powder were the most serious risks (1 000 points. Very high temperatures and exposure to lead recorded lower dangerousness rate (150 points. A center drawing was prepared and the risk factors indicators were located on the basis of their priority; also prevention control programs were put into practice. The labor risk map may provide basic information for the analysis of labor health and working-out of

  2. La resistencia a la constitucionalización del Derecho administrativo en Colombia: el Consejo de Estado y el caso de los actos discrecionales que ordenan el retiro

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    Vicente F Benítez-Rojas


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la intensidad de la constitucionalización del Derecho administrativo en Colombia, especialmente de los actos administrativos discrecionales que ordenan el retiro de miembros de las Fuerzas Militares, la Policía Nacional, el Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS y el Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario de Colombia (Inpec. Para lograr lo anterior ¿a través del análisis estático y dinámico de jurisprudencia¿ se comparan las dos lecturas contrapuestas que han sido elaboradas por el Consejo de Estado y la Corte Constitucional, y se sostiene que la postura del Tribunal Constitucional es más conveniente en términos jurídicos y de eficiencia en la administración de los recursos públicos y, por esa razón, debe ser aceptada por el Consejo de Estado. El análisis de la conveniencia toma como puntos de referencia 1 algunos principios constitucionales; 2 el Estado Constitucional; 3 la doctrina administrativista nacional y extranjera; y 4 algunos pronunciamientos de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre el particular.

  3. Trade, Labor, Legitimacy


    Guzman, Andrew


    The relationship between international trade and labor standards is one of several controversial issues facing the WTO. Proponents of a trade-labor link argue that labor is a human rights issue and that trade sanctions represent a critical tool in the effort to improve international working conditions. Opponents argue that a link between trade and labor would open the door to protectionist measures that would target low wage countries and harm the very workers the policy is intended to help. ...

  4. Prepararse para la jubilación: el papel del apoyo social en la gestión de la ansiedad

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    Rita Chiesa


    Full Text Available La jubilación puede ser definida como una transición que implica el abandono de un rol laboral y, por consiguiente, esto requiere la capacidad de reestructurar el sistema de funciones y actividades personales. Este estudio incluyó 250 empleados de dos administraciones públicas italianas de más de 48 años de edad, con el objetivo de entender cómo durante el tiempo previo a la jubilación el apoyo social recibido por fuentes laborales y extra-laborales puede influir en la ansiedad hacia su jubilación y cómo la última modula la edad a la que se desea jubilarse. Los resultados obtenidos mediante análisis de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales LISREL muestran cómo el apoyo social del superior y la implicación con el trabajo aumentarán la ansiedad debida a la pérdida de la identidad social, mientras que el apoyo de los miembros de la familia tiende a reducir el tamaño de la ansiedad anterior al retiro de la vida laboral. El apoyo de los amigos reduce la ansiedad ante la anticipación de exclusión social. Por lo último, la ansiedad parece influir la edad en la que se desea jubilarse.

  5. 77 FR 70473 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ... 106- 200 (2002), established a new eligibility criterion for receipt of trade benefits under the... of benefits under CBTPA and AGOA, respectively. In addition, the Andean Trade Preference Act, as... Child Labor AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor. ACTION...

  6. Psychoprophylaxis during labor: associations with labor-related outcomes and experience of childbirth. (United States)

    Bergström, Malin; Kieler, Helle; Waldenström, Ulla


    To study whether use of psychoprophylaxis during labor affects course of labor and experience of childbirth in nulliparous women. Cohort study. Women were recruited from 15 antenatal clinics in Sweden between October 2005 and January 2007. A total of 857 nulliparous women with a planned vaginal delivery. Using data from a randomized controlled trial of antenatal education where the allocated groups were merged, we compared course of labor and experience of childbirth between women who used psychoprophylaxis during labor and those who did not. Data were collected by questionnaires in mid-pregnancy and three months after birth, and from the Swedish Medical Birth Register. Logistic regression was used to assess associations. Mode of delivery, augmentation of labor, length of labor, Apgar score, pain relief and experience of childbirth as measured by the Wijma Delivery Experience Questionnaire. Use of psychoprophylaxis during labor was associated with a lower risk of emergency cesarean section (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 0.57; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.37-0.88), but an increased risk of augmentation of labor (adjusted OR 1.68; 95% CI 1.23-2.28). No statistical differences were found in length of labor (adjusted OR 1.32; 95% CI 0.95-1.83), Apgar score Psychoprophylaxis may reduce the rate of emergency cesarean section but may not affect the experience of childbirth.

  7. Rasgos de personalidad y autoestima en víctimas de acoso laboral

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    John Alcides Camargo


    Full Text Available La investigación describe las conductas de acoso psicológico laboral, rasgos de personalidad y autoestima de personas que han denunciado acoso laboral ante instancias legales. Participaron cuatro mujeres, entre 45 y 57 años de edad, con tiempo de vinculación mayor a 15 años en organizaciones públicas. Se aplicó el cuestionario Lipt-60, la prueba BFQ, la escala de autoestima de Rosenberg y una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados reflejan la presencia de acoso psicológico laboral vertical descendente, cada caso es diferente al no presentar semejanzas en las acciones hostigadoras percibidas y difieren en la intensidad y frecuencia de las estrategias utilizadas por el acosador hacia la víctima. En los rasgos de personalidad todos los casos presentan puntuaciones bajas en afabilidad y estabilidad emocional

  8. Is automation labor-displacing? : Productivity growth, employment, and the labor share

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Autor, David; Salomons, A.M.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/338041575


    Is automation a labor-displacing force? This possibility is both an age-old concern and at the heart of a new theoretical literature considering how labor immiseration may result from a wave of “brilliant machines,” which is in part motivated by declining labor shares in many developed countries.

  9. Promoción de la salud y un entorno laboral saludable

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    Sara Barrios Casas

    Full Text Available En este estudio se exponen abordajes sobre un entorno laboral saludable, presentándose las principales líneas en esta temática. Es en este sentido que un entorno laboral saludable promueve una buena salud, que es un recurso primordial para el desarrollo social, económico y personal, así como una importante dimensión de los ambientes laborales. Es por esta razón que, para que exista un entorno laboral saludable, se debe promover la participación de todos los actores para controlar, mejorar y mantener la salud y el bienestar de los trabajadores y, así, propender a un ambiente laboral saludable, donde se mejore la calidad de vida de toda la población, ya que este es uno de los bienes más preciados por las personas, comunidades y países. Es en este ámbito que los profesionales de enfermería, a través de la promoción en salud, van a promover entornos laborales saludables, fomentando el desarrollo personal, familiar y social, apoyando de esta manera al cumplimiento de las metas definidas por empleadores y trabajadores.



    Napasintuwong, Orachos; Emerson, Robert D.


    The Morishima elasticity of substitution (MES) is estimated to address factor substitutability in Florida agriculture during 1960-1999. By adopting a profit maximization model of induced innovation theory, the MES's between hired and self-employed labor and the MES's between labor and capital provide implications for future immigration policies.

  11. Korean Emotional Laborers' Job Stressors and Relievers: Focus on Work Conditions and Emotional Labor Properties. (United States)

    Lee, Garam


    The present study aims to investigate job stressors and stress relievers for Korean emotional laborers, specifically focusing on the effects of work conditions and emotional labor properties. Emotional laborers are asked to hide or distort their real emotions in their interaction with clients. They are exposed to high levels of stress in the emotional labor process, which leads to serious mental health risks including burnout, depression, and even suicide impulse. Exploring job stressors and relieving factors would be the first step in seeking alternatives to protect emotional laborers from those mental health risks. Using the third wave data of Korean Working Conditions Survey, logistic regression analysis was conducted for two purposes: to examine the relations of emotional labor and stress, and to find out job stressors and relievers for emotional laborers. The chances of stress arousal are 3.5 times higher for emotional laborers; emotional laborers experience double risk-burden for stress arousal. In addition to general job stressors, emotional laborers need to bear burdens related to emotional labor properties. The effect of social support at the workplace is not significant for stress relief, unlike common assumptions, whereas subjective satisfaction (wage satisfaction and work-life balance) is proven to have relieving effects on emotional laborers' job stress. From the results, the importance of a balanced understanding of emotional labor for establishing effective policies for emotional laborer protection is stressed.

  12. Labor migration in Asia. (United States)

    Martin, P L


    "A recent conference sponsored by the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD) in Nagoya, Japan examined the growing importance of labor migration for four major Asian labor importers (Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore) and five major labor exporters (Bangladesh, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, and Thailand).... The conference concluded that international labor migration would increase within Asia because the tight labor markets and rising wages which have stimulated Japanese investment in other Asian nations, for example, have not been sufficient to eliminate migration push and pull forces...." excerpt


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    D. G. Shchipanova


    Full Text Available The international movement of labor, including temporary impacts on the socio-economic development of the donor and recipient countries the labor force. In this regard, it is relevant and legitimate problems of the evolution of the global labor market, the need to examine the issues of labor mobility, the problems of international labor migration and its impact on the national markets of skilled labor in the context of globalization. Distribution and use of human resources becomes cross-border nature, and so an international study of the labor market.

  14. Acoso laboral y trastornos de la personalidad: un estudio con el MCMI-II


    David González Trijueque; Sabino Delgado Marina


    En este artículo se lleva a cabo un estudio de los trastornos de personalidad asociados al acoso psicológico en el lugar de trabajo (mobbing). Para ello se contó con una muestra de 50 víctimas de acoso laboral, que cumplimentaron el MCMI-II, y de 50 sujetos de la población activa normal con las mismas características demográficas (edad, sexo, nivel socioeconómico). El 36% de la muestra clínica (frente al 14% de la muestra normativa) presentaba, al menos, un trastorno de personalidad. El trast...

  15. Preterm Labor and Birth (United States)

    ... Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print Preterm Labor and Birth In general, a normal human pregnancy lasts about ... is called preterm labor (or premature labor). A birth that occurs before 37 weeks is considered a ...

  16. 76 FR 67104 - Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation; Child Labor Violations-Civil... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Wage and Hour Division 29 CFR Parts 570 and 579 RIN 1235-AA06 Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation; Child Labor Violations--Civil Money Penalties AGENCY... child labor regulations published on September 2, 2011. The Department of Labor (Department or DOL) is...

  17. Relationship Banking in Labor Bank


    三村, 聡


    As Labor bank is seemed as business partner of labor union, it contributes each community activities. For example, Labor bank helps retired employee, laborer and inhabitants. In addition, after the amendment of Money Lending Business Act of 2010, labor bank became clearly community based bank by consulting for heavily-indebted people and their education. This paper analyzes the new role of labor bank such as community contribution and enhancing financing service by collecting of the opinion o...

  18. Complicaciones asociadas al catéter percutáneo en recién nacidos pretérmino y a término. (United States)

    Higareda-Almaraz, Martha Alicia; Gutiérrez-Monraz, Paz Alejandra; Castillo-Sánchez, Ruth Alejandrina; León, Juan Carlos Barrera-de; Zavalza-Gómez, Ana Bertha; Higareda-Almaraz, Enrique


    Identificar las complicaciones asociadas al catéter percutáneo en recién nacidos pretérmino y a término. Estudio transversal comparativo. Se incluyeron recién nacidos que tenían insertado un catéter percutáneo, con resultados de cultivo de sangre y segmento distal del catéter. Se formaron dos grupos: pretérmino y a término. Se calcularon la razón de momios (RM) y el intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC 95%). Se analizaron datos de 50 recién nacidos por grupo. En los pretérmino y a término se encontró un valor de la media de edad gestacional de 30 ± 3 y 40 ± 2, respectivamente (p = 0.01), y unos porcentajes de sepsis por catéter del 36 y el 18% (p = 0.02; RM: 2.56; IC 95%: 1.02-7.17), de catéter infectado del 50 y el 22% (p = 0.01; RM: 5.92; IC 95%: 1.66-23.12), de catéter colonizado del 24 y el 14% (p = 0.01; RM: 3.58; IC 95%: 1.32-9.90), de infección local del 14 y el 8% (p = 0.03; RM: 1.87; IC 95%: 1.45-8.29), de infiltración del 18 y el 4% (p = 0.02; RM: 5.27; IC 95%: 1.17-59), de retiro accidental del 6 y el 22% (p = 0.02; RM: 0.23; IC 95%: 0.05-0.87) y de rotura del catéter del 10 y el 28% (p = 0.02; RM: 0.29; IC 95%: 0.08-0.98). Se encontró mayor asociación de infecciones e infiltraciones por catéter percutáneo en los pretérmino, y de retiro accidental y rotura del catéter en los nacidos a término. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  19. The effect of hyoscine butylbromide in shortening the first stage of labor: A double blind, randomized, controlled, clinical trial

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    Al Qahtani NH


    Full Text Available Nourah H Al Qahtani1 Fatma Al Hajeri21MRCOG, College of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in King Fahad University Hospital, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in King Fahad University Hospital, Saudi ArabiaBackground and objectives: Hyoscine butylbromide (HBB is widely used in labor rooms. There have been many studies on the use of HBB during labor with conflicting results, involving both primiparous and multiparous women. The aim of this trial was to study the efficacy of HBB for shortening the first stage of labor in primiparous women.Methods: The study was a randomized, double blind, controlled trial. Ninety-seven primigravid term pregnant women in spontaneous labor received either hyoscine butylbromide or a placebo intramuscularly once the women entered the active phase of labor. The primary outcome measured was the duration of the first stage of labor. Secondary outcomes were the duration of the second and third stages of labor, blood loss at delivery, rate of cesarean section, and Apgar scores for the neonates.Results: A total of 97 women yielded data for analysis. Of these, 45 women received the placebo and 52 received HBB. The mean duration of the first stage in the control group was 215 minutes, compared with 165 minutes in the study group, representing a decrease of 23.3% (P = 0.001. There were no significant changes in the duration of the second (P = 0.063 or third (P = 0.0418 stages of labor, and no significant differences in blood loss or Apgar scores. There was a slightly higher (but statistically insignificant rate of instrumental delivery in the control group, but no difference in the Cesarean section rate. There was a 60% reduction in opioid analgesic use in the HBB group.Conclusion: HBB is effective in significantly reducing the duration of the first stage of labor, and is not associated with any apparent adverse maternal or neonatal outcomes.Keywords: hyoscine

  20. Acoso laboral - daño psíquico Laboral abuse - psychological damage

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    Osvaldo Varela


    Full Text Available El escrito se enmarca en el proyecto UBACyT P433 El acoso laboral en la administración pública. Aportes de la psicología jurídica, de la Programación Científica 2008-2010, bajo la dirección del Profesor Osvaldo Varela. La temática abordaba en la actualidad constituye un área científica de vacancia a pesar de la importancia que día a día adquiere en el ámbito laboral y judicial. En esta ocasión se trabajará en la relación y articulación entre la noción de acoso laboral y la de daño psíquico, estimando que el acoso laboral provocaría en las personas que lo padecen un daño psíquico.This document is inserted in the UBACyT P433 project: The laboral abuse in the public administration. Juridic - psychology contribution, of 2008-2010 scientific program, under Professor Osvaldo Varela direction. The thematic approached in present days establish a scientific area of vacancy in front of the day by day importance in the laboral and judicial ambit. In this occasion the work will be done in the relation and articulation between the laboral abuse notion and the psychological damage, estimating that the laboral abuse will provoke in people that suffer it a psychological damage.

  1. Productividad laboral del sector terciario en la ciudad de México, (1960-2003

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    Gustavo Garza


    Full Text Available Con el fin de contribuir al avance del conocimiento sobre la productividad laboral de las ciudades mexicanas, en este artículo se analiza la siguiente temática para el periodo de 1960 a 2003: a comparar los cambios en la estructura ocupacional del país con los de la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México (ZMCM; b determinar las magnitudes y tendencias de la productividad media laboral según 17 grupos de actividades terciarias en la ZMCM; c identificar en cuales de ellas se especializa la urbe. La creciente hegemonía del sector servicios en la estructura laboral de México, principalmente en la ZMCM, significa que el país avanza dentro de la denominada Revolución Terciaria, pero se concluye que existen dos procesos negativos que frenan la función del sector terciario como motor del desarrollo económico: el elevado nivel de servicios informales y la significativa caída de la productividad laboral en las actividades terciarias. . Clasificación JEL: L8, J24.

  2. Electrohysterographic Characterization of Labor Contractions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Eva; Fuglsang-Frederiksen, Anders; Petersen, Olav Bjørn


    Background: Better methods are needed for preterm labor diagnostication. We hypothesize 1) that depolarization of the myometrium propagates from fundus to isthmus, 2) that the propagation velocity (PV) is faster in labor than in non-labor, and 3) that PV can be determined by electromyography (EMG......). PV may be the best EMG-predictor of preterm labor. Knowledge on how to determine PV is insufficient though. Objective: To investigate EMG-signals from laboring myometrium and to develop a method for determining PV. Method: We included 10 women in active labor. EMG-signals were obtained via three...... of the vertical electrode order. Conclusion: Depolarization of the laboring myometrium may therefore not occur in the direction from fundus to isthmus. Further investigation is needed for PV determination....

  3. Incapacidad y aptitud laboral. Nuevas sinergias entre medicina evaluadora y medicina laboral. Historia clínica laboral única: la capacidad laboral, un continuo evolutivo

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    Fernando García Benavides


    Full Text Available En España coexisten dos sistemas públicos de salud: el universal, gestionado por las comunidades autónomas y financiado con impuestos, y el laboral, gestionado por las Mutuas y financiado por cuotas a la Seguridad Social, los cuales se reparten la responsabilidad de gestión de la incapacidad laboral. Esta doble dependencia dificulta la gestión de esta importante prestación sanitaria y social. Una gestión que es diferente en función de la etiología (común o profesional y su pronóstico (temporal o permanente. Para poder comprender mejor la naturaleza de la incapacidad laboral, y que su investigación sea útil para mejorar su gestión médica y social, conviene adoptar una perspectiva longitudinal (life course research, analizando trayectorias de incapacidad en los individuos, y no solo episodios aislados. Una trayectoria de incapacidad que debemos analizar junto a la trayectoria laboral de esa misma persona. Para analizar conjuntamente las trayectorias laboral y de incapacidad disponemos de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales de la Seguridad Social desde 2004. Una muestra de 873.008 afiliados (un 4%, aproximadamente en 2009 entre los que se produjeron 163.136 episodios de incapacidad temporal (IT iniciados en 2009, las cuales evolucionaron entre 2009 y 2012 a 4.738 casos de incapacidad permanente (IP. Un 2,9% en total, que fue del 12,6% en caso de tumores malignos (282 IP de 2.234 IT y del 9,2% en el caso de enfermedades cardiovasculares (344 IP de 3.532 IT. En un contexto de incremento de la esperanza de vida y la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas (vivimos más pero con más incapacidad necesitamos analizar longitudinalmente las trayectorias de incapacidad para poder prevenir los años de vida laboral perdidos por IP, los cuales, como sabemos, están relacionados con la trayectoria laboral (1.

  4. 29 CFR 401.9 - Labor organization. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Labor organization. 401.9 Section 401.9 Labor Regulations... MEANING OF TERMS USED IN THIS SUBCHAPTER § 401.9 Labor organization. Labor organization means a labor organization engaged in an industry affecting commerce and includes any organization of any kind, any agency...

  5. Incapacidades laborales: problemas en la reinserción al trabajo

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    Sampaio Rosana F.


    Full Text Available En este estudio transversal se evalúan los factores asociados con la probabilidad de reincorporación al trabajo de los trabajadores incapacitados permanentes para la profesión habitual por accidente de trabajo. La muestra la forman los casos atendidos por el Centro de Rehabilitación Profesional (CRP de Belo Horizonte, Brasil, en 1995. Se analiza el hecho del trabajador ser aceptado o no en el programa, así como la posterior reinserción laboral mediante modelos logit. Respecto al primer, los factores más influyentes fueron la edad, la presencia de Lesiones por Esfuerzo Repetitivo (LER y el nivel de estudios. Analizado el resultado del programa, se observa que los hombres jóvenes de alta escolarización son los que tienen mayor probabilidad de reinserción laboral (90,9%. Existe una incongruencia respecto a la admisión de los trabajadores y el resultado del programa: para su admisión, el trabajador debe cumplir un perfil exigido por el mercado en lo que se refiere a la edad y al nivel de estudios; los portadores de LER cumplen estos criterios y, sin embargo, son los que con mayor dificultad se reincorporan al trabajo. Se observa, así mismo, una discriminación laboral clara hacia las mujeres, a pesar del hecho que las mismas presentan iguales condiciones de edad o de nivel educativo que los hombres.

  6. Incapacidades laborales: problemas en la reinserción al trabajo

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    Rosana F. Sampaio


    Full Text Available En este estudio transversal se evalúan los factores asociados con la probabilidad de reincorporación al trabajo de los trabajadores incapacitados permanentes para la profesión habitual por accidente de trabajo. La muestra la forman los casos atendidos por el Centro de Rehabilitación Profesional (CRP de Belo Horizonte, Brasil, en 1995. Se analiza el hecho del trabajador ser aceptado o no en el programa, así como la posterior reinserción laboral mediante modelos logit. Respecto al primer, los factores más influyentes fueron la edad, la presencia de Lesiones por Esfuerzo Repetitivo (LER y el nivel de estudios. Analizado el resultado del programa, se observa que los hombres jóvenes de alta escolarización son los que tienen mayor probabilidad de reinserción laboral (90,9%. Existe una incongruencia respecto a la admisión de los trabajadores y el resultado del programa: para su admisión, el trabajador debe cumplir un perfil exigido por el mercado en lo que se refiere a la edad y al nivel de estudios; los portadores de LER cumplen estos criterios y, sin embargo, son los que con mayor dificultad se reincorporan al trabajo. Se observa, así mismo, una discriminación laboral clara hacia las mujeres, a pesar del hecho que las mismas presentan iguales condiciones de edad o de nivel educativo que los hombres.

  7. Gestión de los cuidados, desnacionalización y precariedad laboral: una perspectiva comparada


    Martínez Virto, Lucía


    El objetivo de esta comunicación es analizar cómo un Estado de Bienestar de carácter subsidiario con escasa capacidad de desfamiliarización en las tareas de cuidado ha favorecido la creación de un modelo migratorio complementario y el mantenimiento de un nicho laboral femenino, precario y desvalorizado. En las últimas décadas, el envejecimiento de la población, el acceso de las mujeres autóctonas al mercado laboral y la escasez de servicios de proximidad, han favorecido la demanda de trabajo ...

  8. International labor standards and the political economy of child labor regulation


    Doepke, Matthias; Zilibotti, Fabrizio


    Child labor is a persistent phenomenon in many developing countries. In recent years, support has been growing among rich-country governments and consumer groups for the use of trade policies, such as product boycotts and the imposition of international labor standards, to reduce child labor in poor countries. In this paper, we discuss research on the long-run implications of such policies. In particular, we demonstrate that such measures may have the unintended side effect of lowering domest...

  9. 29 CFR 500.41 - Farm labor contractor is responsible for actions of his farm labor contractor employee. (United States)


    ..., prior to such employee's engagement in any activity enumerated in section 3(6) of the Act. A farm labor... farm labor contractor employee. 500.41 Section 500.41 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued... PROTECTION Registration of Farm Labor Contractors and Employees of Farm Labor Contractors Engaged in Farm...

  10. La incidencia del contrato de trabajo en el mercado laboral colombiano.

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    Juan Carlos Guataqui


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la aparición, modalidades e incidencia del contrato de trabajo en el mercado laboral colombiano. Desde el punto de vista histórico se presenta la introducción de dichos contratos y su progresiva evolución a través del tiempo, hasta llegar al marco contractual vigente. Posteriormente se abordan las implicaciones teóricas que el análisis de dicha figura legal conlleva en el estudio de la flexibilidad laboral, y se analiza la importancia del contrato escrito de trabajo en el mercado laboral urbano colombiano y en el contexto latinoamericano. Finalmente se presenta el estado actual de la discusión acerca de los costos laborales implícitos en los contratos de trabajo existentes en Colombia, y se realiza un ejercicio cuantitativo utilizando datos de la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida (ECV de 1997, del cual se extraen algunas conclusiones en cuanto a la incidencia del contrato de trabajo por genero o tamaño de empresa.

  11. Estrés psicosocial laboral en embarazadas del sector de la salud de Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba 2005-2006


    María de Lourdes Marrero; María de los Angeles Aguilera; María Guadalupe Aldrete


    Objetivos. Evaluar el nivel el nivel de estrés psicosocial laboral según los modelos demanda-control de la tensión laboral y desbalance esfuerzo-recompensa; y determinar asociaciones entre el estrés psicosocial laboral y trastornos del embarazo. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo con 78 trabajadoras embarazadas del sector de la salud, en un municipio de la ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, en el periodo 2005-2006. Las encuestadas respondieron una versión al español del Job Content ...

  12. Signs of Labor (United States)

    ... Careers Archives Health Topics Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ... Report Cards Careers Archives Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ...

  13. Stages of Labor (United States)

    ... Careers Archives Health Topics Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ... Report Cards Careers Archives Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ...

  14. Labor Economists Get Their Microscope: Big Data and Labor Market Analysis. (United States)

    Horton, John J; Tambe, Prasanna


    This article describes how the fine-grained data being collected by Internet labor market intermediaries, such as employment websites, online labor markets, and knowledge discussion boards, are providing new research opportunities and directions for the empirical analysis of labor market activity. After discussing these data sources, we examine some of the research opportunities they have created, highlight some examples of existing work that already use these new data sources, and enumerate the challenges associated with the use of these corporate data sources.

  15. ARIZONA FARM LABOR REPORT. (United States)




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    Full Text Available In this paper will be examined some important issues of the labor market policies in Albania. As well, the analysis of labor market institutions such as the Social Insurances or the Syndicates on the efficiency of employing active labor forces. Which are the policies on the protection of the labor forces and the criteria of definition of the minimum salary? Furthermore, it continues with the importance of reforms in the labor market policies, to be examined in the labor market aspect as a production factor and as a regulator of the internal market. Fast globalization is causing continuous risk and movement for the active labor forces. The increase and development of technology puts out of the market many employees, decreasing the number of unqualified employees and increases the demand for the qualified ones. Does the globalization really affect the labor market, efficiency and as a consequence increase production, or the latter are benefits only for the developed economic countries? At the same time, we shall examine the movement of the labor forces from one country to another and the fluctuation of the relevant salaries. In general, the analysis of this paper faces two key issues: the first being raised on discussion of the kinds of programs on the active labor forces, such as programs of direct employment or consideration of employment in public sector, and the second regarding the methodology of evaluating these programs. How effective are them on the domestic market? The paper ends with conclusions and recommendations on the efficiency of policies for the labor market forces.

  17. Implementasi Kurikulum Kulliyatul Mu’alimin Al-Islamiyah (KMI Di Pondok Pesantren Tarbiyatul Mu’allimien Al-Islamiyah (TMI Al-Amien Prenduan Dan Ma’hadul Mu’allimien Al-Islamiyah (MMI Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Sumenep

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    Fajriyah Fajriyah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan memahami: Kurikulum kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; Implementasi kurikulum kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; Faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat kurikulum kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; dan Strategi mengatasi faktor penghambat kurikulum kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan penelitian studi multi situs. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: kurikulum KMI di TMI dan MMI perumusan kurikulum KMI didasarkan filosofi yang tercermin dari visi dan misi yang diturunkan dalam tujuan dan disusun dalam langkah yang opersional. Faktor pendukung: terdapat kedisiplinan yang ditanamkan kepada guru dan santri; SDM yang berkompeten; kepedulian orang tua dan masyarakat; dan  strategi mengatasi faktor penghambat kurikulum KMI di TMI dan MMI, memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi informasi (IT dalam proses pembelajaran, peningkatan kualitas SDM dengan mengikutsertakan guru dalam pelatihan dan pendidikan di pesantren maupun di luar pesantren. guru berperan aktif. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Kurikuilum, KMI.   Abstract:   While the purpose of this research are to describe: The curriculum of  kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; Implementation of  curriculum of kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; Factor of support and factor pursuer of curriculum of kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah; and Strategy to overcome factor of pursuer of curriculum of kulliyatul mu’allimin al-islamiyah. Results of this research are: curriculum KMI in TMI and MMI: the first, curriculum formulating of KMI based philosophy that taken by vision and mission applied the aim and arranged  in step operational, the curriculum implementation KMI and MMI boarding house as formal education institution and non formal to do learning process for 24 hour, support factor and pursuer factor of curriculum KMI in TMI and MMI,pursuer factor are: minimize boarding house facility; limited

  18. [Active management of labor]. (United States)

    Ruiz Ortiz, E; Villalobos Román, M; Flores Murrieta, G; Sotomayor Alvarado, L


    Eighty three primigravidae patients at the end of latency labor, erased cervix, 3 cm dilation, vertex presentation and adequate pelvis, were studied. Two groups were formed: 53 patients in the study group, who received active management of labor, and 30 patients in the control group, treated in the traditional way. In all the patients a graphic recording of labor, was carried out; it included all the events, and as labor advanced, a signoidal curve of cervical dilatation, was registered, as well as the hyperbolic one for presentation descent. The study group received the method in a systematized manner, as follows: 1. Peridular block. 2. Amniotomy. 3. IV oxytocin one hour after amniotomy. 4. FCR monitoring. 5. Detection of dystocia origin. Materno-fetal morbidity was registered in both groups, as well as cesarean section rate, instrumental delivery and its indications, labor duration, and time of stay in labor room. Diminution of above intems and opportune detection of dystocia, were determined. It was concluded that a constructive action plan, starting at hospital admission in most healthy women, allows a normal delivery of brief duration.

  19. Migrants at the Russian labor market: occupations, mobility, intensity of labor and wages

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    V. I. Mukomel


    Full Text Available The aim of the study is to analyze the extent of the presence of migrants and their behavior in the Russian labor market on the basis of largescale sociological surveys of migrants. This is especially important in the absence of reliable statistics on migrants in the labor market. The main attention is paid to the employment profiles of representatives of various socio-demographic and ethnic groups, illegal and informal employment, the intensity and wages of migrants from countries with a visa-free regime with Russia. Particular attention is paid to labor mobility of migrants. The main empirical basis for analysis was the results of sociological polls conducted by the Center for Ethnopolitical and Regional Studies for the Higher School of Economics in 2011. (8,5 thousand respondents and in 2017 (8,6 thousand migrants in 19 regions of Russia. The study showed that education, qualifications, professional knowledge of migrants are not in demand on the Russian market, the typical path of migrants in the labor market is downward labor mobility – occupying a job that is worse than previously occupied in the homeland. At the same time, migrants are adapted to changes in the labor market, which is largely facilitated by the differentiation of migrant employment and the vertical mobility of some of them. Innovations in Russian legislation which came into force in 2015, as well as the integration process within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEA, which greatly facilitated access to jobs in Russia for citizens of the countries of the EEA, had a positive impact on the Russian labor market. The share of illegally employed migrants has significantly decreased in comparison with previous years. At the same time, the problem of informal employment of foreign citizens, excessive exploitation of migrant labor remains. The problems of combating forced labor of migrants and ensuring their decent labor come to the fore. Civilized conditions should

  20. Enfermedad periodontal: ¿es factor de riesgo para parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia? Periodontal disease: is it a risk factor for premature labor, low birth weight or preeclampsia?

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    José Luis Castaldi


    en las mujeres cuya salud bucal era buena (RP = 3,81; IC95%: 1,46 a 10,05; P = 0,001. Se confirmó que la anemia es un factor de riesgo de bajo peso al nacer (RP = 1,74; IC95%: 1,03 a 2,94; P = 0,02. CONCLUSIONES: No se encontró ninguna asociación significativa entre la EP y el parto pretérmino, el bajo peso al nacer o la preeclampsia.OBJECTIVES: To determine if periodontal disease (PD is a risk factor for premature labor, low birth weight, or preeclampsia, and to look for a potential association between the different clinical forms of PD and the obstetric results indicated. METHODS: This is an analytical, cross-sectional and prospective study of all women who gave birth in Dr. José Penna Hospital, in the city of Bahía Blanca, Argentina, between 1 February and 18 July 2003 and between 1 March and 31 May 2004. Women who met the inclusion criteria (being over 18 years old, having at least 18 teeth, not being diabetic, and having had children who survived labor underwent a dental exam to look for hemorrhage when teeth were probed, loose teeth, or inflammation of the gums, and any loss of insertion was measured clinically. Odds ratios (OR and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI were calculated, and the results were adjusted according to smoking status and the presence or absence of anemia. RESULTS: A total of 2 003 births and 1 982 labor episodes were registered. In all, 420 women (21.2% were excluded from the study because they did not meet the inclusion criteria or because no diagnostic exam could be carried out. Of the 1 562 women who were examined, 809 (51.8% had at least one of the problems being sought; of these women, 274 (17.5% had severe periodontal disease, and 535 (34.3% had gingivitis. In all, there were 149 (9.5% cases of premature labor; 161 (10.3% cases of low birth weight, and 157 (10.0% cases of preeclampsia. No association was noted between PD and premature labor (OR = 1.06; 95% CI: 0.74 to 1.50, low birth weight (OR = 1.05; 95% CI: 0.74 to 1.47, or

  1. Transformaciones en viviendas historicas, multicultura y revitalizacion en ZMHM

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    Blanca Paredes Guerrero


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre las transformaciones y cambios realizados en edificaciones de uso habitacional ubicadas en la Zona de Monumentos Históricos de la ciudad de Mérida, a partir de los valores culturales de los nuevos habitantes. Éstos, en su mayoría, son personas que eligieron Mérida para vivir durante su retiro laboral. Con su presencia, la zona se revaloriza; sin embargo, por otro lado se modifican las tipologías arquitectónicas y urbanas. Asimismo, generan impactos sociales, urbanos y de difusión de la ciudad y de la zona a distintas escalas.

  2. Labor analgesia: An update on the effect of epidural analgesia on labor outcome

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    Samina Ismail


    Full Text Available Following the introduction of epidural for labor analgesia, debate has centered on the issue of its effect on outcome of labor; in terms of length of labor and increase in the rate of instrumental vaginal delivery and cesarean section (CS. There is no ideal study on the effect of epidural analgesia (EA on the outcome of labor due to logistic problems in randomization, blinding and getting a control group; as a result these queries are partly answered. Despite these problems, it has been established that labor epidural has minimal effect on progress of established labor and maternal request should be a sufficient indication to start an epidural. Although instrumental vaginal delivery is probably increased with epidural but obstetrician practice, pain free patient and teaching opportunity are likely factors increasing the incidence. Maternal-fetal factors and obstetric management and not the use of EA are the most important determinants of the CS rate. The purpose of this review is to summarize data from controlled trials addressing the question of whether neuraxial labor analgesia causes an increased risk of CS or rate of instrumental delivery. In addition, the review discusses whether the timing of initiation of analgesia infl uences the mode of delivery.

  3. Optimal wage setting for an export oriented firm under labor taxes and labor mobility

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    Raúl Ponce Rodríguez


    Full Text Available In this paper it is developed a theoretical model to study the incentives that a labor tax might induce in terms of the optimal wage setting for an export oriented firm. In particular, we analyze the interaction of a labor tax that tends to reduce the wage due the firm is induced to shift backwards the tax burden to its employees minimizing the possible increase in the payroll costs and a fall of profits. However a lower wage might not be an optimal response to the establishment of a labor tax because it increases the labor turnover and as a result the firm faces both: an output’s opportunity cost and a labors turnover cost. The firm thus optimally decides to respond to the qualification and labor taxes by increasing the after tax wage.

  4. Identification of first-stage labor arrest by electromyography in term nulliparous women after induction of labor. (United States)

    Vasak, Blanka; Graatsma, Elisabeth M; Hekman-Drost, Elske; Eijkemans, Marinus J; Schagen van Leeuwen, Jules H; Visser, Gerard H A; Jacod, Benoit C


    Worldwide induction and cesarean delivery rates have increased rapidly, with consequences for subsequent pregnancies. The majority of intrapartum cesarean deliveries are performed for failure to progress, typically in nulliparous women at term. Current uterine registration techniques fail to identify inefficient contractions leading to first-stage labor arrest. An alternative technique, uterine electromyography has been shown to identify inefficient contractions leading to first-stage arrest of labor in nulliparous women with spontaneous onset of labor at term. The objective of this study was to determine whether this finding can be reproduced in induction of labor. Uterine activity was measured in 141 nulliparous women with singleton term pregnancies and a fetus in cephalic position during induced labor. Electrical activity of the myometrium during contractions was characterized by its power density spectrum. No significant differences were found in contraction characteristics between women with induced labor delivering vaginally with or without oxytocin and women with arrested labor with subsequent cesarean delivery. Uterine electromyography shows no correlation with progression of labor in induced labor, which is in contrast to spontaneous labor. © 2017 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  5. Child Labor in the Global Economy


    Eric V. Edmonds; Nina Pavcnik


    Few issues in developing countries draw as much popular attention as child labor. This paper begins by quantifying the extent and main characteristics of child labor. It then considers the evidence on a range of issues about child labor. Fundamentally, child labor is a symptom of poverty. Low income and poor institutions are driving forces behind the prevalence of child labor worldwide. This study concludes by assessing the policy options to reduce worldwide child labor.

  6. Repercusiones de la variabilidad de la base reguladora en los planes de pensiones integrados

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    García González, Ana


    Full Text Available Uno de los mayores problemas que se presenta a cualquier trabajador al final de su vida laboral es poder disponer de recursos monetarios suficientes que le permitan mantener un nivel de vida semejante al que tenía hasta ese momento. Es un hecho constatable que en España la pensión de jubilación otorgada por el sistema público de la Seguridad Social suele ser menor que el salario alcanzado por el trabajador a su retiro, hecho tanto más acentuado cuanto más elevadas sean las rentas salariales percibidas. Los planes de pensiones que definen las prestaciones de jubilación teniendo en cuenta las concedidas por el anterior sistema, son un instrumento financiero bastante adecuado para actuar de forma eficaz ante este problema. Relacionado con este tema, este trabajo trata de analizar las repercusiones que sobre los Ratios de Sustitución Total y, por tanto, sobre el nivel de discriminación, conlleva considerar los salarios de los últimos 15 o 35 años en el cálculo de la Base Reguladora de la pensión en el marco de un modelo asociado a un plan de pensiones de prestación definida “Final Pay” integrado con el sistema de la Seguridad Social a través del método Offset.

  7. Epidural Analgesia and Fever at Labor

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    Ye. M. Shifman


    Full Text Available Objective: to study the incidence of labor fever under epidural analgesia (EA and to evaluate its impact on the courses of puerperium and early neonatality. Subjects and methods. The paper presents the data of a prospective study of the course of labor, puerperium, and early neonatality in 397 women in whom labors occurred at the Republican Peritoneal Center in 2006. A study group included 324 parturients in whom labor pain was relieved by EA. A comparison group comprised 55 parturients in whom no analgesics were used at labor. Results. There were no significant statistical differences between the groups in the incidence of labor fever and complicated puerperium and in that of neonatal pyoseptic diseases. Key words: labor hyperthermia, epidural analgesia, labor pain relief.

  8. 77 FR 20054 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting Notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: May 14...

  9. 76 FR 31641 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: June 28...

  10. 75 FR 78758 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: January...

  11. The political economy of child labor


    Maffei, Alessandro


    The phenomenon of child labor is widespread in developing countries and emotionally discussed in the media and public. At present there is a well-developed and fast growing economic literature on child labor which covers the various aspects of child labor. In the first part of the thesis we give a survey about the facts, the institutions and the economic literature dealing with child labor. The economic theory of child labor can be roughly subdivided into the economic theory of child labor i...

  12. Outcomes of Nulliparous Women with Spontaneous Labor Onset Admitted to Hospitals in Pre-active versus Active Labor (United States)

    NEAL, Jeremy L.; LAMP, Jane M.; BUCK, Jacalyn S.; LOWE, Nancy K.; GILLESPIE, Shannon L.; RYAN, Sharon L.


    Introduction The timing of when a woman is admitted to the hospital for labor care following spontaneous contraction onset may be among the most important decisions that labor attendants make as it can influence care patterns and birth outcomes. The aims of this study were to estimate the percentage of low-risk, nulliparous women at term who are admitted to labor units prior to active labor and to evaluate the effects of the timing of admission (i.e., pre-active versus active labor) on labor interventions and mode of birth. Methods Obstetrics data from low-risk, nulliparous women with spontaneous labor onset at term gestation (N = 216) were merged from two prospective studies conducted at three large, Midwestern hospitals. Baseline characteristics, labor interventions, and outcomes were compared between groups using Fisher’s exact and Mann-Whitney U tests, as appropriate. Likelihoods for oxytocin augmentation, amniotomy, and cesarean delivery were assessed by logistic regression. Results Of the sample of 216 low-risk nulliparous women, 114 (52.8%) were admitted in pre-active labor and 102 (47.2%) were admitted in active labor. Women admitted in pre-active labor were more likely to undergo oxytocin augmentation (84.2% and 45.1%, respectively; odds ratio (OR) 6.5, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.43–12.27) but not amniotomy (55.3% and 61.8%, respectively; OR 0.8, 95% CI 0.44–1.32) when compared to women admitted in active labor. The likelihood of cesarean delivery was higher for women admitted before active labor onset (15.8% and 6.9%, respectively; OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.02–6.37). Discussion Many low-risk nulliparous women with regular, spontaneous uterine contractions are admitted to labor units before active labor onset, which increases their likelihood of receiving oxytocin and being delivered via cesarean section. An evidence-based, standardized approach for labor admission decision-making is recommended to decrease inadvertent admissions of women in pre

  13. Description and search labor for information retrieval


    Warner, Julian


    Selection power is taken as the fundamental value for information retrieval systems. Selection power is regarded as produced by selection labor, which itself separates historically into description and search labor. As forms of mental labor, description and search labor participate in the conditions for labor and for mental labor. Concepts and distinctions applicable to physical and mental labor are indicated, introducing the necessity of labor for survival, the idea of technology as a human ...

  14. Estrés alimentario y salud laboral vs. estrés laboral y alimentación equilibrada

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    Juan José Díaz Franco


    Full Text Available Si bien el estrés laboral es una realidad experimentada cada jornada por muchos trabajadores, debemos reconocer que algunas profesiones y actividades laborales generan más estrés (distrés que otras: así, los trabajos de dirección, nocturnos, monótonos, de servicios comunitarios, de industria pesada y minería, de construcción, etc. La mayor acumulación de estrés laboral puede alterar los patrones de conducta de quienes lo sufren. De manera muy especial, los hábitos alimentarios y las conductas asociadas a ellos pueden verse seriamente afectados por el estrés laboral (ingestas inadecuadas o extemporáneas, o pueden, "sensu contrario", ser desencadenantes de formas de estrés originadas por alteraciones o desórdenes dietéticos. Por eso no extraña que el aparato digestivo se convierta en órgano diana de patologías asociadas al estrés propio de ambientes y ritmos laborales insanos y vitandos. El estrés laboral puede alterar el apetito y el hambre y, como consecuencia, la correcta conducta alimentaria y la nutrición que, inexorable e involuntariamente, sigue a ésta. En determinadas circunstancias, hay disociación entre el apetito (sensación primariamente psíquica y el hambre (sensación básicamente orgánica. Y es que el apetito, como estado mental, puede verse modificado por diferentes situaciones emocionales (muy frecuentemente, por el estrés laboral, o a través de variaciones químicas y vasculares y de impulsos transmitidos al mesencéfalo desde diversos órganos, donde el estrés podría desempeñar también un papel relevante. La nutrición depende esencialmente de la alimentación; pero, a su vez, una fuente importante de estrés la constituye la forma en que nos alimentamos, porque si lo hacemos erróneamente podemos contraer enfermedades. Si nuestras células no reciben los aportes nutritivos adecuados, se produce una gran carga de estrés debida a esta demanda interna insatisfecha.Although occupational stress is a

  15. ¿Inserción laboral de las mujeres en América Latina: una fuerza de trabajo secundaria? Women's participation in the labor market in Latin America: a secondary work force?

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    Laís Abramo


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este texto es discutir la aplicación de la noción de "fuerza de trabajo secundaria" para caracterizar la fuerza da trabajo femenina en América Latina. Esa caracterización, hecha con frecuencia en forma mecánica por un lado corresponde, cada vez menos a la realidad de los hechos, ya que es creciente la participación femenina en el mercado de trabajo, así como la continuidad de sus trayectorias laborales, el número de horas dedicadas al trabajo remunerado, así como su aporte al ingreso familiar y a la superación de la situación de pobreza de un porcentaje importante de hogares. Por otro lado, el texto argumenta que esa caracterización es uno de los elementos centrales en la estructuración de los patrones de discriminación de género que persisten y se reproducen en el mercado de trabajo latinoamericano.This article aims to discuss the concept of "secondary labor force" to characterize female workforce in Latin America. Such characterization corresponds increasingly less to reality, as women's participation in the labor force and the hours dedicated to their paid work continues to grow, as well as their contribution to household income. The article argues that such characterization is one of the core elements of the gender discriminating patterns that persist in Latin American labor market.


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    J. L. SOSA


    Full Text Available Los dispositivos intravaginales son utilizados para la inducción y sincronización de celos. Los mismos pueden producir adherencia en las paredes de la vagina. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue probar la efi ciencia de la aplicación de antibióticos y corticoide conjuntamente con los dispositivos para evitar adherencias. La experiencia se realizó con 45 ovejas distribuidas en tres grupos: GC dispositivo sin tratamiento, T1 dispositivo más tetraciclina y T2 dispositivo más tetraciclina y corticoide. Siguiendo el protocolo se procedió al retiro de los mismos a los 12 días. Se realizó un test χ2 para evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento. Las ovejas del T2 no presentaron adherencias. En cambio, se observaron distintos grados de adherencias: en el T1 (53 % y en el GC (46 %. Se puede inferir que la utilización de Tetracicilina más hidrocortisona es efi ciente para evitar la vaginitis y por ende la adherencia de los dispositivos y pérdida por disminución de preñeces posteriores al retiro de los dispositivos.

  17. Female Labor Supply

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maassen-van den Brink, te Henriet


    To gain insight on factors that impede economic independence of women, this book concentrates on female labor supply in relation to child care, male-female wage differentials, the division of unpaid labor, and marital conflicts between women and men. It may very well be that restrictions on the

  18. Does labor market history matter?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lesner, Rune Vammen


    This paper finds that labor market history plays an important role in the Danish labor market both by directly affecting the transitions between labor market states and indirectly through the wage. When comparing the relative importance of different types of state dependence, it is found that occ......This paper finds that labor market history plays an important role in the Danish labor market both by directly affecting the transitions between labor market states and indirectly through the wage. When comparing the relative importance of different types of state dependence, it is found...... that occurrence dependence from non-employment states seems to have the strongest effect on the employment rate, while employment history is the main driver of state dependence in the wage. Predictions based on the estimated model reveal potential negative long-term effects from external employment shocks...

  19. 77 FR 31549 - Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation; Child Labor Violations-Civil... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Wage and Hour Division 29 CFR Parts 570 and 579 RIN 1235-AA06 Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation; Child Labor Violations--Civil Money Penalties AGENCY... its [[Page 31550

  20. Not by Labor Alone: Considerations for Value Influence Use of the Labor Rule in Ownership Transfers (United States)

    Kanngiesser, Patricia; Hood, Bruce


    People often assign ownership to the person who has invested labor into making an object (labor rule). However, labor usually improves objects and increases their value, and it has not been investigated whether these considerations underlie people's use of the labor rule. We presented participants with third-party ownership conflicts between…

  1. Challenges in Albania for improving Labor Market Information System and Labor Market Governance

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    Neshat Zeneli


    Full Text Available Labour Market Policy of the Republic of Albania in terms of design (preparation, case identification, formulation, and approval, programming and budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation has a short experience (1995-ongoing. The influence and presence of hierarchy model is very high beside the support of different programs and projects through bilateral and EU programs. Still there are a lot of key issues to be addressed. The most important issues to be addressed in this paper are evidence based related to: • The Availability of Labor Market Information and its structure on national, regional and local level in Albania and how much this information is used for -policy making and –monitoring/evaluation in terms of input, output, outcome and impact. • Mode of the governance of the labor market in Albania and challenges to pass from the hierarchy to market and network governance. The main aim of this paper/article is to do a complete and deep analysis of the actual situation of labor market information system and labor market governance in Albania, and to propose conclusions and recommendations that will improve both labor market information system and the labor market governance from hierarchy to market and network governance, because good and standardized labor information system can help towards right policy decisions and good governance of LM policy means more employment, more stability, more social inclusion in the society.

  2. 29 CFR 552.108 - Child labor provisions. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Child labor provisions. 552.108 Section 552.108 Labor... OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT TO DOMESTIC SERVICE Interpretations § 552.108 Child labor provisions. Congress made no change in section 12 as regards domestic service employees. Accordingly, the child labor...

  3. Morbilidad laboral en el sector agrícola en trabajadores afiliados a una administradora de riesgos laborales (ARL) de Colombia, durante el periodo 2011-2012.


    Velásquez Bueno, Diana Marcela


    Este estudio muestra la prevalencia por enfermedad laboral de un grupo de trabajadores afiliados a una ARL en Colombia. Compara la morbilidad laboral entre dos grupo de trabajadores expuestos y no expuestos al trabajo agrícola y al interior del grupo de trabajadores agrícolas agrupados en las actividades de corte de caña, cultivo de banano y flores. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal durante el periodo 2011-2012, mediante la revisión de una base de datos de morbilidad la...



    Pérez, Yolanda; Romero Fernández, Ariel


    Las actuales transformaciones de la educación superior en el contexto mundial exigen a las universidades modificar sus programas de formación de manera que contribuyan a una mejor preparación de los profesionales para la inserción al mercado laboral. Esta investigación se desarrolla con la finalidad de caracterizar la inserción laboral de los graduados de la carrera de Hotelería y Turismo de la provincia Tungurahua. Se desarrolla el estado del arte y la práctica sobre inserción laboral para d...

  5. Korean Emotional Laborers' Job Stressors and Relievers: Focus on Work Conditions and Emotional Labor Properties


    Garam Lee


    Background: The present study aims to investigate job stressors and stress relievers for Korean emotional laborers, specifically focusing on the effects of work conditions and emotional labor properties. Emotional laborers are asked to hide or distort their real emotions in their interaction with clients. They are exposed to high levels of stress in the emotional labor process, which leads to serious mental health risks including burnout, depression, and even suicide impulse. Exploring job st...

  6. Tax Policy and Labor Market Performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bovenberg, A.L.


    In exploring the impact of tax policy on labor-market performance, the paper first investigates how tax reform impacts labor supply and equilibrium unemployment in representative agent models.The impact of tax policy on labor market performance depends importantly on various other labor-market

  7. Economic implications of labor induction. (United States)

    Garcia-Simon, Raquel; Montañes, Antonio; Clemente, Jesús; Del Pino, María D; Romero, Manuel A; Fabre, Ernesto; Oros, Daniel


    To assess health service costs associated with labor induction according to different clinical situations in a tertiary-level hospital. In a prospective study, individual patient cost data were assessed for women admitted for induction of labor at a tertiary hospital in Spain between November 1, 2012, and August 31, 2013. The costs of labor induction were estimated according to maternal and neonatal outcomes, method of delivery, cervical condition at admission, and obstetric indication. Direct costs including professional fees, epidural, maternal stay, consumables, and drugs were calculated. Overall, 412 women were included in the final cost analysis. The mean total cost of labor induction was €3589.87 (95% confidence interval [CI] 3475.13-3704.61). Cesarean delivery after labor induction (€4830.45, 95% CI 4623.13-5037.58) was significantly more expensive than spontaneous delivery (€3037.45, 95% CI 2966.91-3179.99) and instrumental vaginal delivery (€3344.31, 95%CI 3151.69-3536.93). The total cost for patients with a very unfavorable cervix (Bishop score Labor induction for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was the most expensive obstetric indication for induction of labor (€4347.32, 95% CI 3890.45-4804.18). Following the induction of labor, a number of patient- and treatment-related factors influence costs associated with delivery. Copyright © 2015 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. [Changes in labor market participation of older employees in Germany: the perspective of labor market research]. (United States)

    Brussig, M


    For many years, Germany has been regarded in international comparisons as an example of a generous early retirement culture, resulting in a low labor market participation of older employees. Recently, however, employment rates of older employees have increased remarkably. Reasons are the demographic structure of older persons in Germany, a long-term trend of increasing female labor market participation, and reforms in labor-market policies and pension policies during the last 10 years. Despite an increasing labor market participation of older employees, traditional labor market risks for older persons partly remained, but some new risks evolved as well. Therefore, social differentiation among older employees increased.Although detailed macro descriptions exist, the causes of labor market developments cannot be fully understood with cross-sectional data alone. An important stimulus is to be expected from individual longitudinal data which reflect employment histories and labor market transitions such as employment exit and retirement.

  9. Labor Dystocia: A Common Approach to Diagnosis. (United States)

    Neal, Jeremy L; Lowe, Nancy K; Schorn, Mavis N; Holley, Sharon L; Ryan, Sharon L; Buxton, Margaret; Wilson-Liverman, Angela M


    Contemporary labor and birth population norms should be the basis for evaluating labor progression and determining slow progress that may benefit from intervention. The aim of this article is to present guidelines for a common, evidence-based approach for determination of active labor onset and diagnosis of labor dystocia based on a synthesis of existing professional guidelines and relevant contemporary publications. A 3-point approach for diagnosing active labor onset and classifying labor dystocia-related labor aberrations into well-defined, mutually exclusive categories that can be used clinically and validated by researchers is proposed. The approach comprises identification of 1) an objective point that strictly defines active labor onset (point of active labor determination); 2) an objective point that identifies when labor progress becomes atypical, beyond which interventions aimed at correcting labor dystocia may be justified (point of protraction diagnosis); and 3) an objective point that identifies when interventions aimed at correcting labor dystocia, if used, can first be determined to be unsuccessful, beyond which assisted vaginal or cesarean birth may be justified (earliest point of arrest diagnosis). Widespread adoption of a common approach for diagnosing labor dystocia will facilitate consistent evaluation of labor progress, improve communications between clinicians and laboring women, indicate when intervention aimed at speeding labor progress or facilitating birth may be appropriate, and allow for more efficient translation of safe and effective management strategies into clinical practice. Correct application of the diagnosis of labor dystocia may lead to a decrease in the rate of cesarean birth, decreased health care costs, and improved health of childbearing women and neonates. © 2015 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

  10. Desigualdad laboral desde la perspectiva de género


    Laura de Pablos Escobar


    Se enuncian y se comentan algunas de las situaciones laborales sufridas por las mujeres, que más nos llaman la atención. Por ejemplo: tasas de paro, contratos temporales, trabajo no remunerado, desigualdad de ingresos, etc. Los datos que se ofrecen, siempre que sea posible, incluirán experiencia comparada. Se refiere a las políticas públicas aplicadas en la actualidad en nuestro país al objeto de solventar la desigualdad laboral desde la perspectiva de género. Nos referiremos tanto a las ayud...

  11. Labor Laws and Innovation


    Viral V. Acharya; Ramin P. Baghai; Krishnamurthy V. Subramanian


    Can stringent labor laws be efficient? Possibly, if they provide firms with a commitment device to not punish short-run failures and thereby incentivize the pursuit of value-maximizing innovative activities. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence that strong labor laws indeed appear to have an ex ante positive incentive effect by encouraging the innovative pursuits of firms and their employees. Using patents and citations as proxies for innovation and a time-varying index of labor laws,...

  12. A Theory of Exploitative Child Labor


    Carol Ann Rogers; Kenneth A. Swinnerton


    Child labor laws should aim to protect children who work, instead of trying to remove children from work. In this paper, we identify an instance when the risk of exploitation lowers the expected bene…t of child labor to the child,and therefore suppresses child labor force participation. Targeted legal intervention that lowers or removes the risk of exploitation raises child participation in the labor market, child welfare, and overall societal welfare. Targeting on child labor more broadly ma...

  13. Labor Education in America (United States)

    Carlson, Kenneth D.


    Labor education reflects the pragmaticism of American culture and supports the system. It emphasizes leadership training, loyalty building, and political education. The control of labor education is centralized in union headquarters. (VW)

  14. La movilidad laboral transnacional de los inmigrantes argentinos en España

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    Fernando Osvaldo Esteban


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la movilidad laboral de los inmigrantes argentinos en España, utilizando como fuente principal la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes 2007. Se intenta contrastar la hipótesis de una movilidad ocupacional en forma de "U", con relación al último empleo que tuvieron los migrantes en Argentina y el primero y posteriores empleos en España. Los resultados contribuyen a refutar parcialmente la hipótesis. Hasta el año 2007, cuando se acaba el ciclo expansivo de la economía, la mayoría de los emigrantes experimentaron una movilidad descendente desde una posición más alta en Argentina. Desde 2007 hasta la actualidad, la crisis económica constituyó un contexto desfavorable para la movilidad laboral.

  15. Sobre la flexibilidad laboral en Colombia y la precarización del empleo

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    María Alejandra Gómez Vélez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo hace parte del proceso de revisión documental de la investigación doctoral: Sentidos y significados del trabajo en el escenario laboral flexible. Una aproximación al contexto de Medellín– Colombia. Objetivo: indagar sobre la flexibilidad laboral en Colombia y su contribución a la precarización del empleo. Método: revisión de literatura. Procedimiento: se realizó una revisión de artículos relacionados, se consultaron investigaciones realizadas en Colombia, medios de comunicación masivos y fuentes gubernamentales de información. Se encontró en los resultados que la flexibilidad laboral en Colombia, se ha impuesto como una exigencia de las organizaciones a los Estados en su búsqueda de competitividad y sobrevivencia, pero que ha traído pérdidas significativas a la protección legal que tenían los trabajadores, incrementando cada vez más la precarización del empleo. En Colombia la flexibilidad laboral se presenta a través de los contratos comerciales con empresas temporales, cooperativas de trabajo asociado y contratos de prestación de servicios; además de la utilización de contratos laborales a término fijo. La conclusión, a modo general, es que el incremento de la utilización de estas modalidades de relación laboral se aumenta año a año y se incrementa la pérdida de calidad del trabajo y su estabilidad, con su respectiva disminución de calidad de vida y bienestar de los trabajadores y de sus familias, es así que, la consecución del empleo se constituye en una forma de responder a la necesidad de sobrevivencia. Es de resaltar que los empleadores contratan y desvinculan al personal bajo un criterio básicamente económico, incentivando en esta lógica de relación contractual el exceso de poder del más fuerte, es decir del empleador.

  16. El desarrollo laboral sustentable y su relación con la migración interna en México

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    Jesús Sergio Sánchez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available en este trabajo se estudió la interacción entre la mi - gración interestatal y el desarrollo laboral sustentable en México del año 2000 al 2010, de acuerdo con la visión de Amartya Sen. Este desarrollo se midió con el índice de competitividad social, y la interacción con la migración interna se evaluó con un modelo de ecuaciones simultá - neas. Los resultados confirmaron que a mayor desarrollo laboral sustentable, el grado de inmigración fue más y vi - ceversa. Por otro lado, no se encontró relación alguna entre la emigración interna y el desarrollo laboral sustentable. Al desagregar el índice de competitividad social, se encontró una relación causal mutua entre el índice de la ausencia de pobreza salarial y la inmigración interna, así como una relación causa-efecto positiva entre ausencia de pobreza salarial sobre la emigración interna, la cual no se da en el otro sentido.

  17. Labor and health status in economic evaluation of health care. The Health and Labor Questionnaire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Roijen, L.; Essink-Bot, M. L.; Koopmanschap, M. A.; Bonsel, G.; Rutten, F. F.


    A health care program may influence both costs and health effects. We developed the Health and Labor Questionnaire (HLQ), which consists of four modules, to collect data on absence from work, reduced productivity, unpaid labor production, and labor-related problems. We applied the HLQ in several

  18. 10 CFR 440.19 - Labor. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Labor. 440.19 Section 440.19 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENERGY CONSERVATION WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE FOR LOW-INCOME PERSONS § 440.19 Labor. Payments for labor... supplement wages paid to training participants, public service employment workers, or other Federal or State...

  19. Age-specific labor market dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gielen, A. C.


    One important finding concerns the fact that job separations for older workers constitute mostly a one-way exit out of the labor force, despite the fact that an ageing society calls for an active labor market participation from us all. Also, the allocation of labor for younger workers has shown to

  20. Atención Primaria de Salud: Factores de Desmotivación y Estabilidad Laboral de Médicos Generales


    Ríos Heldt, Fabiola; Schonhaut Berman, Luisa


    Objetivo. Conocer las motivaciones laborales de los médicos chilenos con mayor permanencia en Atención Primaria de Salud (APS). Metodología. Estudio cuanti-culitativo descriptivo. Se reunió información biodemográfica y laboral de médicos chilenos que trabajaban en 10 de 15 establecimientos de APS de un Servicio de Salud urbano (Región Metropolitana). Siete médicos con mayor estabilidad laboral, es decir, permanencia superior al promedio, y 2 directivos fueron entrevistados en profundidad. Los...

  1. Labor Force Participation Rate (United States)

    City and County of Durham, North Carolina — This thematic map presents the labor force participation rate of working-age people in the United States in 2010. The 2010 Labor Force Participation Rate shows the...

  2. 24 CFR 92.354 - Labor. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Labor. 92.354 Section 92.354... INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM Other Federal Requirements § 92.354 Labor. (a) General. (1) Every contract... prevailing in the locality, as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U...

  3. The shape of uterine contractions and labor progress in the spontaneous active labor. (United States)

    Ebrahimzadeh Zagami, Samira; Golmakani, Nahid; Saadatjoo, Seyyed Ali-Reza; Ghomian, Nayyereh; Baghbani, Behjat


    Dystocia is the most common indication of primary cesarean section. The most common cause of dystocia is uterine dysfunction. In prolonged labor, more attention is usually paid to the fetus and pelvis rather than to the role of uterine contractions in a delivery. Therefore, we decided to determine the relationship between the labor progress and uterine contractions shapes. In this cross-sectional study, 200 primiparous women participated having a single pregnancy and cephalic presentation. Uterus contractions were recorded using electronic fetal monitoring at the beginning of the active phase of labor (dilatation 3-5 cm) for 30 min. Fall to rise (F:R) ratio was calculated by determining the duration of returning from a contraction peak to its baseline (fall) and the duration of the rise time from baseline to peak (rise) in two groups. The data were analyzed using t-test and Chi-square test. In this study, 162 women had a normal delivery and 38 women had a cesarean (CS) delivery due to the lack of labor progress. The average F:R ratio was 1.13±0.193 seconds in the vaginal delivery group and 1.64±0.301 seconds in the CS group. This difference was statistically significant (PR ratio was higher in the group that lacked labor progress. Therefore, contraction shapes can be used to predict the labor progress.

  4. Foreign labor and regional labor markets: aggregate and disaggregate impact on growth and wages in Danish regions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Torben Dall; Jensen, Peter Sandholt


    non-negative effects on the job opportunities for Danish workers in regional labor markets, whereas the evidence of a regional wage growth effect is mixed. We also present disaggregated results focusing on regional heterogeneity of business structures, skill levels and backgrounds of foreign labor....... The results are interpreted within a specific Danish labor market context and the associated regional outcomes. This adds to previous findings and emphasizes the importance of labor market institutions for the effect of foreign labor on regional employment growth....

  5. Treatments for Preterm Labor (United States)

    ... Careers Archives Health Topics Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ... Report Cards Careers Archives Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ...

  6. Do international labor standards contribute to the persistence of the child-labor problem?


    Doepke, Matthias; Zilibotti, Fabrizio


    In recent years, a number of governments and consumer groups in rich countries have tried to discourage the use of child labor in poor countries through measures such as product boycotts and the imposition of international labor standards. The purported objective of such measures is to reduce the incidence of child labor in developing countries and thereby improve children�s welfare. In this paper, we examine the effects of such policies from a political-economy perspective. We show that th...

  7. 29 CFR 215.8 - Department of Labor contact. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Department of Labor contact. 215.8 Section 215.8 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GUIDELINES, SECTION 5333(b), FEDERAL TRANSIT LAW § 215.8 Department of Labor contact. Questions concerning the subject...

  8. Structural Change Out of Agriculture: Labor Push versus Labor Pull


    Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado; Markus Poschke


    The process of economic development is characterized by substantial rural-urban migrations and a decreasing share of agriculture in output and employment. The literature highlights two main engines behind this process of structural change: (i) improvements in agricultural technology combined with the effect of Engel's law of demand push resources out of the agricultural sector (the "labor push" hypothesis), and (ii) improvements in industrial technology attract labor into this sector (the "la...

  9. Youth Labor Migration in Nepal


    Bossavie, Laurent; Denisova, Anastasiya


    This descriptive study investigates internal and external labor migration by Nepalese youth. External labor migration is separated into the flow to India, which is unregulated, and the flow to other countries, which typically takes the form of temporary contract migration to countries with bilateral labor agreements with Nepal (referred to in Nepal as foreign employment). The study finds t...

  10. Child Labor, Learning Problems, and Poverty (United States)

    Taylor, Mark


    In Africa, approximately 80 million children are working. Africa's 41% child labor rate is nearly twice as high as that in Asia. This study examined whether child labor is a direct result of poverty or of reading and math problems in school. The study analyzed reading and math scores of 62 child laborers and 62 non-child laborers from a farming…

  11. Clima organizacional, satisfacción laboral y su relación con el desempeño laboral en trabajadores de una PYME de servicios de ingeniería

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    Jenniffer Del Toro Granados


    Full Text Available El clima organizacional y la satisfacción laboral generalmente se asumen como factores que inciden sobre el desempeño laboral de las empresas, una noción con fundamento teórico y empírico desarrollado, pero con pocos estudios destinados a cuantificar la asociación esperada. Esta investigación presenta el diagnóstico del clima organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de una empresa de servicios de Ingeniería de la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia, junto a la determinación de la correlación de ambos factores con el desempeño laboral de sus empleados. El clima organizacional percibido, es calificado como positivo, mientras que la satisfacción laboral es calificada como neutral, ambos factores de manera individual se correlacionan positiva y significativamente con el desempeño laboral, pero el modelo evaluado que mostró una mayor correlación es el que incluye a ambos como predictores del desempeño. Se insta a futuras investigaciones en torno al clima organizacional y la satisfacción laboral, a que incluyan la incidencia de estos sobre el desempeño laboral, ya que es el desempeño, en sus diferentes facetas, lo que se pretende impactar con este tipo de intervenciones.Palabras clave: Clima organizacional; Satisfacción laboral; Desempeño laboral; Análisis correlacional; Pequeña y mediana empresa.Organizational climate, job satisfaction and its relationship to job performance among workers of an engineering services SME AbstractThe organizational climate and job satisfaction are generally assumed as factors incidence on job performance of companies, a notion with developed theoretical and empirical basis, but with few studies aimed at quantifying the expected association. This research presents the diagnosis of organizational climate and job satisfaction of the engineering services company located in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, along with the determination of the correlation of both factors to work with its employees

  12. Alcohol and labor supply: the case of Iceland. (United States)

    Asgeirsdottir, Tinna Laufey; McGeary, Kerry Anne


    At a time when the government of Iceland is considering privatization of alcohol sales and a reduction of its governmental fees, it is timely to estimate the potential effects of this policy change. Given that the privatization of sales coupled with a tax reduction should lead to a decrease in the unit price of alcohol, one would expect the quantity consumed to increase. While it is of interest to project the impact of the proposed bill on the market for alcohol, another important consideration is the impact that increased alcohol consumption and, more specifically, probable alcohol misuse would have on other markets in Iceland. The only available study on this subject using Icelandic data yields surprising results. Tómasson et al. (Scand J Public Health 32:47-52, 2004) unexpectedly found no effect of probable alcohol abuse on sick leave. A logical next step would be to examine the effect of probable alcohol abuse on other important labor-market outcomes. Nationally representative survey data from 2002 allow for an analysis of probable misuse of alcohol and labor-supply choices. Labor-supply choices are considered with reference to possible effects of policies already in force, as well as proposed changes to current policies. Contrary to intuition, but in agreement with the previously mentioned Icelandic study, the adverse effects of probable misuse of alcohol on employment status or hours worked are not confirmed within this sample. The reasons for the results are unclear, although some suggestions are hypothesized. Currently, data to test those theories convincingly are not available.



    Figueroa Aparicio, Hermes


    Las instituciones educativas como las empresas productivas se encuentran formadas por equipos de trabajo y las relaciones interpersonales se dan con el fin de desempeñar acciones direccionadas al logro de los objetivos establecidos en cada una de ellas; comprender el impacto que los individuos, los grupos y la estructura tienen sobre el comportamiento dentro de la institución permite mejorar la eficacia de ésta y el alcance de sus metas, este comportamiento se debe al clima laboral que pre...

  14. A Select Bibliography of Books on Labor Issues. (United States)

    American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, Washington, DC.

    This annotated bibliography of 90 books on labor issues presents selections in the following areas: labor history, biographies, contemporary issues, labor economics and labor relations, labor law, labor unions, women and work, and reference books. (DB)

  15. Violencia intrafamiliar y salud laboral, en trabajadores del hospital “José Agurto Tello” de Chosica, Lima, 2014


    Quispe Ricaldi, Mitka Magali


    El objetivo del estudio es determinar la relación de la violencia intrafamiliar con la salud laboral, en trabajadores del Hospital “José Agurto Tello” de Chosica, Lima, 2014. El estudio presenta el enfoque cuantitativo, con el diseño de tipo descriptivo, transversal y correlacional, en una población de 30 trabajadores. Entre los resultados, sobre la relación de la violencia intrafamiliar con la percepción laboral, se acepta la hipótesis nula, el valor de signo supera al valor de alfa. Es deci...

  16. Transit labor relations guide (United States)


    This report is designed as a guide for those involved in labor relations in the transit industry. It begins with a history of transit labor relations. The economic, political, and legal environment of transit relations is then discussed. A section fo...

  17. 15 años de labores académicas de la carrera de ingeniería sistemas

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    Alberto Jaime Sisa


    Full Text Available Al efectuar un balance de 105 objetivos alcanzados al cumplir quince años de labores académicas en la Carrera de Ingeniería de Sistemas, se encuentro un excelente resultado; esto se debe sin duda a la labor que' han venido desarrollando 105 profesores del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas, gracias a la cual se ha logrado la formación de profesionales de gran calidad, sin desconocer el importante aporte de 105 profesores de otros departamentos que prestan servicios a la carrero, la calidad de 105 estudiantes que ingresan al Programa, la Dirección a nivel de la Universidad y de la Facultad de Ingeniería, y en general la formación que ofrece la Universidad Nacional a todos sus profesionales. Este artículo tiene por objetivo presentar diferentes aspectos de la Carrero de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Incluye una breve reseña histórica, la visión sobre la formación del Ingeniero, un resumen de la estructura académica, aspectos relacionados con 105 campos de acción del Ingeniero de Sistemas y algunos datos estadísticos.

  18. Emotional labor actors: a latent profile analysis of emotional labor strategies. (United States)

    Gabriel, Allison S; Daniels, Michael A; Diefendorff, James M; Greguras, Gary J


    Research on emotional labor focuses on how employees utilize 2 main regulation strategies-surface acting (i.e., faking one's felt emotions) and deep acting (i.e., attempting to feel required emotions)-to adhere to emotional expectations of their jobs. To date, researchers largely have considered how each strategy functions to predict outcomes in isolation. However, this variable-centered perspective ignores the possibility that there are subpopulations of employees who may differ in their combined use of surface and deep acting. To address this issue, we conducted 2 studies that examined surface acting and deep acting from a person-centered perspective. Using latent profile analysis, we identified 5 emotional labor profiles-non-actors, low actors, surface actors, deep actors, and regulators-and found that these actor profiles were distinguished by several emotional labor antecedents (positive affectivity, negative affectivity, display rules, customer orientation, and emotion demands-abilities fit) and differentially predicted employee outcomes (emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and felt inauthenticity). Our results reveal new insights into the nature of emotion regulation in emotional labor contexts and how different employees may characteristically use distinct combinations of emotion regulation strategies to manage their emotional expressions at work. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved.

  19. Satisfacción Laboral en Profesionales de Enfermería

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    Sonia Solano Aguilar


    Full Text Available Introducción: El objetivo principal de la investigación fue describir el grado de satisfacción laboral de las Enfermeras de Clínicas y Hospitales de Bucaramanga y área Metropolitana, para ello se identificaroncaracterísticas sociodemográficas, y características laborales del personal de enfermería. Materiales y Métodos : Se trato de un estudio descriptivo multicéntrico cuya muestra la conformaron 218 enfermeras que laboran en el sector público y privado de las Clínicas y Hospitales de Bucaramanga y su área Metropolitana. Se aplicó el cuestionario de satisfacción laboral S10/12 de J.L Meliá y J.M.Peiro (1998 modificado para incluir algunos aspectos descriptivos y factores intrínsecos de la teoría de Herzberg. Resultados: En cuanto al nivel educativo un gran porcentaje el 47.2% no ha realizado ningún tipo de estudio complementario al de su pregrado, el 25.7% ha realizado alguna especialización y el 24.8% diplomado; además solo el 1.8% ha realizado maestría y el 0.5% tiene doctorado. En el 67.9% la categoría laboral es general y el 27.5% es especialista. En cuanto a la jerarquía el 88.1% laboran como enfermeras de servicio y el 0.9% ejercen labores de supervisión. Los resultados también demuestran que los factores de ambiente y supervisión están dentro de una media del 5.2 y una desviación estándar de 1.3 lo que equivale a decir que las enfermeras están satisfechas; por otro lado el factor que genera mayor inconformidad es el de las prestaciones sociales con una media de 4.7 y una desviación estándar de 1.6. Discusión y Conclusiones: Los resultados del estudio en su mayoría de ítem demuestran que las personas están satisfechas, sin embargo a pesar de esto llama la atención que un porcentaje tan alto desee trabajar fuera del país. (Rev Cuid 2010;1(1:53-62.Palabras clave: satisfacción en el trabajo, personal de enfermería, motivación, condiciones de trabajo

  20. Filtros de vena cava en pacientes con cáncer

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    Fernando A. Díaz Couselo


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con tromboembolismo venoso (TEV y cáncer tienen más complicaciones vinculadas al tratamiento anticoagulante que la población general. Los filtros de vena cava constituyen una herramienta útil para el tratamiento del TEV y su utilización es controvertida en estadios avanzados de la enfermedad. En este trabajo se revisaron las indicaciones, complicaciones y frecuencia de retiro de los filtros de vena cava en una población de pacientes oncológicos con TEV. Se analizaron 27 pacientes a quienes se les había colocado filtros de vena cava. Veinticinco tenían tumores sólidos y dos linfomas no Hodgkin. Veinticinco estaban bajo tratamiento activo (cirugía y/o quimioterapia. Diecinueve se hallaban en estadio IV de su enfermedad. El motivo de su indicación fue profilaxis en el período perioperatorio en 14 casos (51.9%, hemorragia (n = 5, trombocitopenia (n = 4, metástasis en sistema nervioso central (n = 2, accidente cerebrovascular (n = 1 y neurocirugía previa no reciente (n = 1. Se retiraron 8 (29.6% filtros. La mediana del tiempo de permanencia fue 21 días (6-75. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la frecuencia de retiro entre los filtros colocados en el perioperatorio (6/14 y los colocados por otras contraindicaciones para la anticoagulación (2/13; p = 0.2087. No hubo fracasos ni complicaciones en los procedimientos de colocación y retiro.

  1. Preterm labor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Jan Stener; Weile, Louise Katrine Kjær; Lamont, Ronald Francis


    While tocolytic therapy may not be indicated in all cases of spontaneous preterm labor (SPTL), the evidence that they are superior to placebo is robust. The perfect tocolytic that is 100% efficacious and 100% safe does not exist and efforts should continue to develop and introduce safer and more...... and arrange in utero transfer to a center with neonatal intensive care facilities, both of which reduce neonatal mortality and morbidity. Few tocolytics (β₂-agonists and atosiban) are licensed for use as tocolytics and only one was developed specifically to treat preterm labor (atosiban). Accordingly, most...

  2. ESTRÉS EN EL ÁMBITO LABORAL DE LAS INSTITUCIONES DE SALUD. Un acercamiento a narrativas cotidianas


    Norma González González


    El presente documento remite a un tema de cada vez mayor actualidad, tanto si la referenciaes a México como si se aborda el ámbito internacional: el "estrés laboral", entendido como ese proceso de desgaste mental y cognitivo que, invariablemente, hoy en día parece ser un acompañante intrínseco a la jornada laboral (y más allá de ella abarcando las diferentes esferas de la vida cotidiana). Éste debe ser planteado y analizado bajo una óptica diferente al énfasis puesto en torno a la preocupació...

  3. A Comparison of Intrathecal and Epidural Analgesia and Its Effect on Length of Labor (United States)


    differences were found between agents, lidocaine with epinephrine or bupivacaine with epinephrine, in depression of uterine activity (Willdeck-Lund et al...effects. Also, all parturients except for three reported pain relief lasting throughout labor. Local infiltration of lidocaine was performed for...are not reached. In response to the relative ineffectiveness of epidural morphine and the high incidence of side effects with morphine injected

  4. Afastamentos do trabalho na enfermagem: ocorrências com trabalhadores de um hospital de ensino Retiros del trabajo en la enfermaría: ocurrencias en trabajadores en un hospital de enseñanza Nursing absenteeism: occurrences at a university hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Beretta Barboza


    Full Text Available As condições laborais da equipe de enfermagem freqüentemente são marcadas por riscos, os quais repercutem em elevado absenteísmo e licenças-saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os afastamentos entre trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital geral de ensino da cidade de São José do Rio Preto-SP, registrados durante o ano de 1999. Trata-se de uma investigação epidemiológica censitária, cuja coleta de dados foi efetuada por meio de consulta aos registros do Centro de Atendimento ao Trabalhador do hospital estudado. Os resultados indicaram que, no período, 333 trabalhadores envolveram-se em 662 episódios de afastamento. As licenças-saúde ocorreram, principalmente, por problemas geniturinário e doenças mal definidas entre enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem; e doenças dos órgãos dos sentidos, doenças infecta-parasitárias e doenças respiratórias entre os atendentes de enfermagem. Os dados obtidos subsidiam melhor análise dessa situação neste hospital e intervenções para melhoria das condições de trabalho vigentes.Las condiciones laborales del equipo de enfermería son frecuentemente marcadas por riesgos, situación que se refleja en un alto ausentismo e incapacidades médicas. El objetivo de este estudio fué caracterizar los retiros entre los trabajadores del equipo de enfermería de un hospital general de enseñanza de la ciudad de São José do Rio Preto-SP registrados durante el año de 1999. Se trató de una investigación por censo epidemiológico, cuya recolección de datos fue efectuada a través de la consulta a los registros del Centro de Atención al Trabajador del hospital estudiado. Los resultados indicaron que en este período 333 trabajadores estuvieron involucrados en 662 episodios de retiros. Las incapacidades ocurrieron principalmente por problemas génitourinarios y enfermedades mal definidas entre enfermeros, técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería; enfermedades de los

  5. La Incapacidad laboral como indicador de gestión sanitaria

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    José Manuel Vicente Pardo


    Full Text Available La incapacidad laboral es la situación de pérdida de la capacidad laboral consecuencia de las limitaciones funcionales derivadas de enfermedad o lesión sobrevenida, por lo que está relacionada de forma primordial y directa con la pérdida de la salud (limitación funcional con impedimento laboral, ya que sin esta pérdida no cabría la determinación de una situación de incapacidad. Por ello la incapacidad laboral tiene un elemento sanitario que conviene conocer y los datos derivados de la misma son útiles tanto por su valor como indicador de resultado de las acciones sanitarias, como por su referente como indicador de calidad de vida, pues su situación establece una merma de la calidad de vida básica y fundamentalmente la utilización de los datos de incapacidad como indicador para la gestión sanitaria de gran trascendencia y que obliga al tratamiento de la misma más allá de la simple cuantificación economicista que la priva de la trascendencia sanitaria que dimana de sus datos de salud la incapacidad laboral relacionados, incluyendo el elemental de la enfermedad o la lesión que se padece. El uso de los datos de incapacidad con fines de gestión exige el soporte informático adecuado que la facilite y dada su enorme escala y diversidad, ello sólo es posible con el uso de herramientas de tecnología informática como los "big data" que permitan la recogida, el archivo, comunicación, transferencia y análisis de los datos de incapacidad de enorme volumen y complejidad y su interrelación con otros para confeccionar el mapa de la incapacidad y convertirse en herramienta de planificación y estrategia de gestión sanitaria y de protección social. No obstante lo cual, y hasta que ello no esté disponible, es imprescindible y beneficioso, el uso del dato de incapacidad tipo y grado, asociado a diagnóstico y actividad laboral como un indicador de gestión. Conclusiones: La incapacidad es un indicador de resultado sanitario, un


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    Indri Ariyanti


    Full Text Available This research explains the effects of gender, parents’ education, parent’s income, the number of siblings, childbirth order, the presence of parents and patriarchal kinship system on the probability of child labor in Palembang. This study, especially, investigates the probability of children age 7-15 years old to be a worker. It is found that factors that significantly affect child labor are gender, the number of siblings, childbirth order, the presence of parents and patriarchal system. However, parents’ education and income are found to be insignificant in affecting the probability of child labor in Palembang.

  7. 29 CFR 42.9 - Farm Labor Specialist (ESA). (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Farm Labor Specialist (ESA). 42.9 Section 42.9 Labor Office of the Secretary of Labor COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT § 42.9 Farm Labor Specialist (ESA). (a) The Assistant Secretary for ESA shall designate ESA Compliance Officers as Farm Labor Specialists (Specialists...

  8. Analysis of current labor market in Ukraine

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    I.B. Yurchyk


    Full Text Available The study presents current state of the national labor market and highlights its main trends. We have substantiated the necessity for building institutional support to the labor market in order to meet the needs of Ukrainian economy for innovative development in integrated environment. Measures for promotion of labor market in Ukraine should be: systematization of indicators evaluating its effectiveness; involvement in the assessment of both domestic and foreign experts; permanently identify weaknesses in the institutional support labor market; improving the infrastructure of the labor market. Of particular interest in promoting the efficient functioning of the labor market include the adoption of the concept that would provide incentives for innovative development of institutional support for the labor market. Important for rebirth of man's relation to labor should belong to such institutions as education, culture, family and church. Strategy for the development of effective national labor market should be based on the innovation focus of its institutions, to increase the competitiveness of the workforce and increasing the efficiency of its use in the region.

  9. Maritime Policy and the Seafaring Labor Market

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lobrigo, Enrico; Pawlik, Thomas


    The reports highlighting the foreseen lack of merchant marine officers for the expanding world’s fleet calls for a review in evaluating the impact of maritime policy in the seafaring labor market. This paper aims to clarify the particular characteristics of the seafaring labor market and how it can...... be shaped by specific maritime labor policies. The seafaring labor market in the Philippines, Poland, Germany, and Brazil as well as the general maritime labor policies in these countries is discussed. The focus on these countries leads to a comparative observation of maritime labor as a factor...... of production in an exporting market, in an importing market, and in a closed market, respectively, as shaped by various relevant maritime policies. Since a global policy that can regulate the maritime labor market does not exist, the trend on maritime labor supply is dynamic on a per country basis wherein crew...

  10. [Labor rights and the organization of workers in a context of change in labor relations: effects on health workers]. (United States)

    Pessanha, Elina Gonçalves da Fonte; Artur, Karen


    This paper presents the main institutional changes in labor relations in Brazil, highlighting their impact on the organization of workers. A more recent central change is the regulation of outsourcing by the Labor Judiciary. Research into claims in the Superior Labor Court, guidelines from the Labor Prosecution Office, and trade union lawsuits, show that outsourcing and working hours are subjects which have directly affected health workers. By addressing the institutional principles of justice in contracts, it was concluded that labor reform should deal with the inequality of rights that have characterized the Brazilian labor market.

  11. Tax policy and labor market performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.L. Bovenberg (Lans)


    textabstractIn exploring the impact of tax policy on labor-market performance, the paper first investigates how tax reform impacts labor supply and equilibrium unemployment in representative agent models. The impact of tax policy on labor market performance depends importantly on various other


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    Dyah Maya Nihayah


    Full Text Available The wage have impacts on poverty, living standards and the incentive to improve labor productivity (human capital, in particular, for economic growth. Regional decentralization has implications, which, they must be developed regional endowment to get the efficiency in production process. So it is interesting to examine the importance of regional characteristics in the observed variability of regional wage in Indonesia. Based on this idea, the objective of this study is to examine the contribution of regional characteristics to the regional wage differential in Indonesia. Data supplied by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics during 2003 – 2007. In this study used 3 model; Ordinary Least Square (OLS, Co-Varian Model and Generalized Least Squared (GLS. Then, the most effective model based on the smallest standard error was chosen to estimate regional characteristics in the observed variability of regional wage inIndonesia. The result showed that the regional characteristics, particularly skilled or unskilled labor, play an important role in determining the wage differentials in region. The empirical evidence presented that regional economic growth and the existing of high skilled labor in labor market have positive impact toward spatial wage. Then, skilled labor and unskilled will give negative influence in regional wage. The points out is laboring existence with level education or skilled level, despite not works or was working have influence toward the regional wage. Therefore, labor's policy is expected gets focused on given specialization corresponds to that region characteristics.

  13. A global perspective on foreign contract labor. (United States)

    Smart, J E; Casco, R R


    This paper provides a general overview on foreign contract labor. The growth in the use of foreign contract labor is described with reference to other types of international labor movements such as 1) illegal, undocumented, or irregular migration; 2) free migration; and 3) permanent settlement migration. Within this general context, the various national advantages and disadvantages of contract labor are outlined. Particular issues like the role of trade unions and the likely future international labor circulation are noted. The 1984 World Labour Report estimates a global stock of almost 22 million foreign workers. Despite lack of reliable data, the size of irregular labor flows is considerable. More than 4 million undocumented workers, primarily Mexicans, can be found in the US alone. Other major flows of illegal labor go from China to Hong Kong, Malaysia to Singapore, Columbia to Venezuela, and poor Arab countries to oil-exporting countries in the Middle East. Laws are often poorly enforced and contradictory. Employers often actively recruit illegal migrants. While permanent migration was formerly the primary source of foreign workers, the numbers migrating in this manner are decreasing significantly. In absolute terms, host countries gain considerably more through the use of contract labor than sending countries. The pervasive commitment of national governments to economic growth is a prime consideration in the decision to import foreign labor. In general, trade unions have created an environment wherein the use of foreign labor in the formal as opposed to the informal labor market is more difficult. The disadvantages of labor export include the costs of family separation, worker exploitation, and cultural alienation. Remittances constitute the most tangible return of labor export. In many countries they have made a very considerable impact on the balance of payments deficit.

  14. Labor Agreement Information System (LAIRS) (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — The Labor Agreement Information Retrieval System (LAIRS) is a database containing historical information on labor-management relations in the Federal Government. It...

  15. US Investment Treaties and Labor Standards

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    Kwan-Ho Kim


    Full Text Available Korea and the United States declared the start of negotiations for the establishment of a free trade agreement. The FTA will include investment chapter. That means the Korea-US BIT (Bilateral Investment Treaty talk, which has been deadlocked since 1998, resumes as a part of FTA negotiations. The FTA investment chapter will be based on the US model BIT, which has been updated in 2004. The updated BIT version includes labor clause which provides that parties should not weaken labor standards in an effort to attract foreign investment. This clause is grounded on the criticism raised by labor groups which asserts that competition among countries to attract foreign investment leads to bidding wars in labor standards. No solid evidence is found in support of the hypothesis that foreign investors favor countries with lower labor standards. Nonetheless, some countries have offered special incentives to investors that limit labor rights in the belief that doing so would help attract foreign investment, especially in export processing or special economic zones. In this regard, the Korea's Act on free economic zones which provides exceptional labor standards to foreign invested enterprise in those zones may become an issue in reaching the FTA. This article contemplates the "not lowering labor standards" provision in the US BIT model and its implications on the FTA talks with the US.

  16. 48 CFR 52.222-3 - Convict Labor. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Convict Labor. 52.222-3... Labor. As prescribed in 22.202, insert the following clause: Convict Labor (JUN 2003) (a) Except as... union central bodies or similar labor union organizations have been consulted; (iii) Such paid...

  17. Vejamen de Alfonso de Batres para la Academia de 1638 (Manuscrito inédito. Estudio y edición crítica

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    Julio, Teresa


    Full Text Available During February 1638 the Fiestas de Carnestolendas were celebrated at the Buen Retiro Palace, Madrid. Among the programmed activities, a literary gathering was held, open to numerous poets and courtiers. From this gathering three vejamenes have been preserved: those of Alfonso de Batres, Antonio Coello and Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla. In this paper we analyze and annotate the vejamen that Batres read before His Majesties in the Royal Salon of the Retiro Palace on February 11, 1638.Durante el mes de febrero de 1638 se celebraron en el palacio del Buen Retiro las fiestas de Carnestolendas. Entre las actividades programadas, se realizó una academia literaria en la que participaron poetas y cortesanos. De ella se conservan tres vejámenes: el de Alfonso de Batres, el de Antonio Coello y el de Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla. En el presente artículo se analiza y edita críticamente el vejamen que Batres defendió ante sus majestades en el Salón Real del Retiro el 11 de febrero de 1638.

  18. Cómo perciben los mayores la labor asistencial de los jóvenes profesionales sanitarios How the elderly ones perceive the welfare labor of the sanitary professional young ones

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    Guillermo Arturo Cañadas de la Fuente


    Full Text Available La problemática que coexiste hoy en día en cuestiones socioeconómicas en políticas relacionadas con la actividad asistencial del anciano desde distintos puntos de vista, lo afecta claramente a él y al entorno más inmediato, incluido al personal de enfermería que vela por su salud. Para hacer un análisis de la percepción que tiene el anciano sobre el personal de enfermería más joven, se ha hecho uso de los "mapas mentales" descritos por Buzán. El motivo principal se basa en la relación que de ambos se deriva, sobre todo, en centros geriátricos. Los mapas mentales nos ilustran sobre ideas preconcebidas y socialmente aprendidas que tiene el anciano desde la infancia, en torno a la segregación de género a nivel personal, social y profesional. Todo ello dificulta la labor del personal, ya de por sí estresado debido a la inexperiencia y a la dura transición al mercado laboral, traduciéndose, con el paso del tiempo, en conductas no deseables de los residentes y problemas de salud para los trabajadores.The problem that exists today in socio-economic issues in policies related to the activity care of the elderly from different points of view, it affects clearly to him and the immediate surroundings, including the nursing personnel that ensures their health. To make an analysis of the perception of the elderly on the nursing personnel more young has been made use of the "mental maps" described by Buzán. The main reason is based on the relationship of both stems, especially in geriatric centers. The mental maps illustrate us on preconceived ideas and socially learned that has the elder since childhood around gender segregation to personal level, social and professional. All this makes the work of the staff, already stressed due to inexperience and the harsh transition to the labor market, translated with the passage of time in conduct not desirable for residents and health problems for workers.

  19. Collective labor supply and housework with non-participation of women in paid labor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Klaveren, C.; van Praag, B.; Maassen van den Brink, H.


    Back to overview Collective Labor Supply and Housework with Non-Participation of Women in Paid Labor (with B. van Praag and H. Maassen van den Brink) We estimate a collective time allocation model, where two-earner households behave as if the spouses maximize a household utility function, and where

  20. Viaje al palenque Caribe de Ana Mercedes Hoyos

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    Maria Cristina Laverde Toscano


    Full Text Available Transitar por el camino de un artista consagrado despierta en el espectador diversos y entrañables sentimientos. Recorrer la obra de Ana Mercedes Hoyos nos enfrenta al proceso coherente y mesurado de una creadora que se apropió de la luz majestuosa para dar vida a objetos del entorno cotidiano. Objetos que danzan, dueños del movimiento y la sensualidad que los convierte en sagrados. El encuentro con un cuadro de esta artista se transforma así en un acto sublime de contemplación. Esta Maestra vive hoy en función de su trabajo las veinticuatro horas de cada día: sus viajes continuos tienen que ver siempre con sus labores artísticas en Nueva York, con sus exposiciones en los más disímiles puntos del planeta, con su anhelo ferviente de conocer lo que grandes maestros de la plástica universal muestran en famosos museos y galerías del mundo. Así preserva la riqueza de esa relación constante en su obra entre temáticas locales y estilos y lenguajes contemporáneos e internacionales. En Bogotá, la vida de Ana Mercedes Hoyos transcurre alderredor de su taller donde infatigablemente lleva al lienzo sólo algunos de los múltiples proyectos que invaden su creativa imaginación. Los pocos compromisos que acepta giran también en torno al trabajo, al igual que sus amigos con quienes comparte actividades y labores de su quehacer artístico. Al final, como ella afirma ... “todo se me vuelve el mismo cuento”.

  1. Department of Labor Semiannual Regulatory Agenda (United States)


    ... reduce or eliminate the amount of diacetyl in some kinds of flavorings, foods, and beverages. They have.... Hilda L. Solis, Secretary of Labor. Office of Labor-Management Standards--Proposed Rule Stage Regulation... in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. Office of Labor-Management Standards--Completed...

  2. 22 CFR 901.19 - Labor organization. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Labor organization. 901.19 Section 901.19 Foreign Relations FOREIGN SERVICE GRIEVANCE BOARD GENERAL Meanings of Terms As Used in This Chapter § 901.19 Labor organization. Labor organization means any employee organization accorded recognition as the...

  3. Las TIC, la actividad laboral y el proceso educativo en las universidades

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    MsC. Jorge Silva-Cutiño


    Full Text Available En el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la época contemporánea el vínculo de la teoría con la práctica es cada vez más creciente y ha caracterizado la formación de los estudiantes universitarios, como una necesidad de adaptación a las exigencias sociales en cada momento histórico. Este vínculo se ha instrumentado en la educación superior a partir de la llamada actividad laboral de los estudiantes.La actividad laboral y el uso adecuado de las TIC deben estar determinadas en la medida en que el estudiante puede utilizar sus conocimientos, aptitudes, actitudes, valores, asociados a su profesión, para poder desempeñarse en el futuro de maneraeficaz en las diferentes situaciones que corresponden al campo de su práctica profesional.


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    Viria Ureña Salazar


    Full Text Available El presente documento hace referencia al aporte de la Orientación en el contexto laboral, a partir de la experiencia acumulada en el desarrollo de los cursos de la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación con énfasis en Orientación que se imparte en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Ello a pesar de que en Costa Rica la Orientación se ha desarrollado principalmente en el contexto educativo y penitenciario, por ser estos los entes empleadores que contratan con mayor frecuencia a profesionales en Orientación. En este sentido, se presentan aspectos teóricos que sustentan el trabajo de este grupo de profesionales en las organizaciones, las etapas y las tareas del desarrollo vocacional, los objetivos y las funciones de la Orientación en el contexto laboral. Luego se señalan acciones concretas que se pueden realizar desde la Orientación Vocacional. Estas acciones se retoman de las propuestas que hacen principalmente autoras y autores costarricenses, profesionales en Orientación.


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    Darko Majhoshev


    Full Text Available The paper addresses the problem of child labor and ways of protection from child labor abuse. Child labor is a negative social phenomenon that is widespread throughout the world, and also in Republic of Macedonia. International and national institutions and organizations are making serious efforts to eradicate this negative phenomenon, through the adoption of numerous international legal instruments (conventions, recommendations, declarations, etc.. Child labor as a phenomenon refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability of education, and that is socially, mentally, physically, or morally dangerous and harmful. All international organizations define this practice as exploitative and destructive to the development of the whole society. With international legal instruments of the UN, ILO, Council of Europe and the EU child labor is strictly prohibited. There are some important differences which exist between the many kinds of work that is done by children. Some of them are demanding and difficult, others are hazardous and morally reprehensible. Children are doing a very wide range of activities and tasks when they work.

  6. Labor Force Participation of Mexican Elderly: the Importance of Health* (United States)

    van Gameren, Edwin


    Se analizan los factores determinantes de la participación en la fuerza de trabajo de la póblacion mexicana de 50 años o más, con datos de la Encuesta nacional sobre salud y envejecimiento en México, ENASEM. Se estudió en particular la importancia de la salud en la decisión sobre la participación, tomando en cuenta la endogeneidad potencial de la salud. Los resultados indican que una mejor salud causa un mayor apego al mercado laboral. No se encontró evidencia clara de que el empleo afecte la salud, pero no puede descartarse que los efectos de las malas condiciones laborales y la justificación se eliminen mutuamente. Existen indicadores de que la autoevaluación de la salud no captura todos los aspectos relevantes de la salud. En la toma de decisiones para establecer políticas, la importancia directa de las circunstancias financieras podría ser más relevante que el papel de la salud. The determinants of the labor force participation of people in Mexico aged 50 and over are analyzed using data of the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). In particular we study the importance of health in the participation decision, taking into account the potential endogeneity of health. The results indicate that a better health causes a stronger attachment to the labor market. We find no clear evidence that employment affects health, but it cannot be ruled out that the effects of bad labor circumstances and justification eliminate each other. There are indications that self-assessed health does not capture all relevant aspects of health. For policy decisions the direct importance of financial circumstances could be more relevant than the role of health. PMID:29375171

  7. Labor Force Participation of Mexican Elderly: the Importance of Health. (United States)

    van Gameren, Edwin


    Se analizan los factores determinantes de la participación en la fuerza de trabajo de la póblacion mexicana de 50 años o más, con datos de la Encuesta nacional sobre salud y envejecimiento en México, ENASEM. Se estudió en particular la importancia de la salud en la decisión sobre la participación, tomando en cuenta la endogeneidad potencial de la salud. Los resultados indican que una mejor salud causa un mayor apego al mercado laboral. No se encontró evidencia clara de que el empleo afecte la salud, pero no puede descartarse que los efectos de las malas condiciones laborales y la justificación se eliminen mutuamente. Existen indicadores de que la autoevaluación de la salud no captura todos los aspectos relevantes de la salud. En la toma de decisiones para establecer políticas, la importancia directa de las circunstancias financieras podría ser más relevante que el papel de la salud. The determinants of the labor force participation of people in Mexico aged 50 and over are analyzed using data of the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). In particular we study the importance of health in the participation decision, taking into account the potential endogeneity of health. The results indicate that a better health causes a stronger attachment to the labor market. We find no clear evidence that employment affects health, but it cannot be ruled out that the effects of bad labor circumstances and justification eliminate each other. There are indications that self-assessed health does not capture all relevant aspects of health. For policy decisions the direct importance of financial circumstances could be more relevant than the role of health.

  8. Child Labor: Labor Can Strengthen Its Efforts To Protect Children Who Work. Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate. (United States)

    General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.

    Occupational safety and health data and labor statistics were evaluated in order to update a 1991 report on child labor. Data were from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH); the Department of Labor's (DOL's) investigations database and individual…

  9. Gender analysis of the Russian labor market


    Aleksandr Mikhailovich Panov


    The issue of gender inequality in the labor market affects all world countries to some extent. As salary is the basis of population’s sources of income in Russia, unequal pay to men and women for equal work can trigger gender discrimination in the labor market and beyond. The article focusses on the gender analysis of the Russian labor market. It focuses on conjunctural conditions of the labor market in a gender aspect, socio-economic characteristics of men and women as subjects of the labor ...



    Bea Chiang


    Cost accounting typically allocates indirect labor cost to cost object based on direct labor hours. The allocation process implicitly assumes that indirect labor costs vary proportionally with direct labor hours. The assumption of a linear relationship between indirect and direct labor is particularly suspicious at low production volume levels because there tends to be a fixed component in indirect labor. The linearity assumption is also challenged by recent increasing complexity of indirect ...

  11. Factores de riesgo laboral para tenosinovitis del miembro superior

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    Mayra Mevic Garrafa Núñez


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Identificar los factores de riesgo desencadenantes de tenosinovitis en los trabajadores verificando qué casos pueden ser considerados de origen laboral y reconocer las formas de presentación más frecuentes en relación al ámbito laboral. Metodología: Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura científica publicada en Medline-PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, CISDOC-ILO/OSH UPDATE, Scopus, LILACS e IBECS en el período comprendido entre 2007 a 2014. Resultados: Se obtiene un total de 14 artículos entre los cuales 10 eran transversales y 4 son casos y controles. Todos ellos muestran una elevada probabilidad de desarrollar tenosinovitis en el ámbito laboral. La relación con movimientos repetitivos fue el factor de riesgo más importante con OR > 2, seguido de posturas forzadas y el uso de herramientas vibratorias. Respecto a los factores psicosociales la depresión presenta una OR = 3,04 (IC95% 2,43-3,81 y la combinación de movimiento repetitivo y el estrés, OR = 4,94 (IC95% 3,532-6,91. Conclusión: Movimientos repetitivos, posturas forzadas y mantenidas, herramientas vibratorias, edad, ser mujer, raza blanca, estrés fueron los factores de riesgo encontrados sin poder demostrar en ninguno causalidad, siendo los trastornos musculoesqueléticos más prevalentes el síndrome del manguito de los rotadores, la enfermedad de De Quervain, dedo en gatillo y la epicondilitis lateral y medial.

  12. Propuesta para el mejoramiento del clima organizacional del personal policial de la Seccional de Tránsito y Transporte del departamento de Santander, Colombia



    La presente propuesta estudia la situación actual del clima organizacional de la Seccional de Tránsito Transporte del departamento de Policía en Santander, hace un seguimiento especial a los indicadores de deserción, renuncias, retiros por diversas causas. El proyecto busca proponer estrategias asertivas para el mejoramiento del clima organizacional de la unidad, con el fin de ofrecer alternativas, programas y planes que al ser ejecutados permitan mejorar el clima organizacional y por lo tant...

  13. 23 CFR 140.906 - Labor costs. (United States)


    ... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Labor costs. 140.906 Section 140.906 Highways FEDERAL... Railroad Work § 140.906 Labor costs. (a) General. (1) Salaries and wages, at actual or average rates, and... reimbursable when supported by adequate records. This shall include labor costs associated with preliminary...

  14. EI ícono noticioso de Chile. Pinochet frente a los medios


    Juan Jacobo Velasco


    En Chile Pinochet es el ícono noticioso más importante de los 30 años últimos, fue la principal figura mediática durante los 17 años de régimen autoritario y en los 14 años de democracia. Los medios de comunicación sobrevivieron en el régimen militar por su adscripción al gobierno y al tirano, convirtiéndose en voceros no oficiales. Para los medios de comunicación internacionales el "dictador" para la prensa chilena el "general en retiro". Los crímenes de lesa humanidad y los atracos a los di...

  15. The assessment of labor: a brief history. (United States)

    Cohen, Wayne R; Friedman, Emanuel A


    In the 1930s, investigators in the US, Germany and Switzerland made the first attempts to quantify the course of labor in a clinically meaningful way. They emphasized the rupture of membranes as a pivotal event governing labor progress. Attention was also placed on the total number of contractions as a guide to normality. Beginning in the 1950s, Friedman determined that changes in cervical dilatation and fetal station over time were the most useful parameters for the assessment of labor progress. He showed all normal labors had similar patterns of dilatation and descent, differing only in the durations and slopes of their component parts. These observations led to the formulation of criteria that elevated the assessment of labor from a rather arbitrary exercise to one guided by scientific objectivity. Researchers worldwide confirmed the basic nature of labor curves and validated their functionality. This system allows us to quantify the effects of parity, analgesia, maternal obesity, prior cesarean, maternal age, and fetal presentation and position on labor. It permits analysis of outcomes associated with labor aberrations, quantifies the effectiveness of treatments and assesses the need for cesarean delivery. Also, dysfunctional labor patterns serve as indicators of short- and long-term risks to offspring. We still lack the necessary translational research to link the physiologic manifestations of uterine contractility with changes in dilatation and descent. Recent efforts to interpret electrohysterographic patterns hold promise in this regard, as does preliminary exploration into the molecular basis of dysfunctional labor. For now, the clinician is best served by a system of labor assessment proposed more than 60 years ago and embellished upon in considerable detail since.

  16. Child Labor: A Forgotten Focus for Child Welfare. (United States)

    Otis, Jack; Pasztor, Eileen Mayers; McFadden, Emily Jean


    Discusses the worldwide problem of child labor and efforts to advocate for the welfare of these impoverished children. Considers factors that contribute to the continued use of child labor and the resistance of these labor practices to reform. Discusses child labor in the United States, and urges public advocacy for labor reform within child…

  17. La dificultad probatoria en el proceso laboral en el Chaco, Argentina

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    Jorge Gustavo Dahlgren


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene la finalidad de conocer algunas características especiales de la valoración de la prueba de difícil producción e interpretación dentro del proceso laboral, dando especial atención a precedentes judiciales de la Provincia del Chaco y en tal sentido se acudió a pautas, utilizadas tanto por la jurisprudencia como la doctrina, local y nacional, destacables y relevantes para la formación de criterio para la interpretación de normas adjetivas que fueron. En este ámbito imperan principios rectores distintos a otras ramas del derecho, con motivo de dar importancia a protección de supuesto trabajador demandado y la necesidad de dar trascendencia a la realidad subyacente del vínculo laboral, que en variadas ocasiones se encuentra disimulado bajo el disfraz de otras figuras jurídicas. Básicamente la legislación laboral de fondo tiene prevista las presunciones básicas para la determinación del vínculo laboral, sin embargo cuando nos encontramos en presencia de complejidades probatorias, podemos advertir la existencia las presunciones específicas para la demostración de determinados hechos tales como el accidente de trabajo o enfermedades profesionales, algunas comprobaciones de vínculos laborales disimulados, entre otros. No encontrándose expresamente previstas estas presunciones específicas en la ley, resulta necesario echar luz sobre la cuestión, acudiendo al análisis de distintos precedentes jurisprudenciales, de acuerdo a la valoración de los diversos medios probatorios, tal como se expone a continuación.

  18. Ámbito de aplicación del nuevo sistema laboral procesal

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    Rosina Rossi Albert


    Full Text Available Oscar Ermida, mi amigo desde hace veintiocho años; mi maestro desde entonces y en el re-descubrir su pensamiento, para siempre.El nuevo sistema laboral procesal – como le gustaba llamarlo – es, en sí mismo, un homenaje a él. Lo imaginó desde el seno del Derecho del Trabajo, instaló la piedra fundamental, fue artífice principal en su elaboración tramo a tramo, lo defendió antes y después de la aprobación legislativa.Lo siguió soñando hasta sus últimos días, hasta sus últimas fuerzas, como un reducto de esperanza de hacer realidad la dignidad del hombre- trabajador.Un día para recordar: el 12.6.2007 a su instancia , reunió al Ministro de la Suprema Corte de Justicia Dr. Leslie Van Rompaey con el Sub Secretario del Ministerio de Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Dr. Jorge Bruni. En la ocasión, puso la piedra fundamental. Pocos días después, el 20.7.2007 la Suprema Corte de Justicia dictó la Resolución n . 381/2007 instalando la comisión redactora de un anteproyecto de ley de abreviación de los juicios laborales, que finalmente fue la ley 18.572.El nuevo sistema laboral procesal. La labor de interpretación en el nuevo sistema laboral procesal. Conflicto, proceso y jurisdicción. Análisis de la ley 18.572. Brevísimas conclusiones

  19. Corruption and economic growth with non constant labor force growth (United States)

    Brianzoni, Serena; Campisi, Giovanni; Russo, Alberto


    Based on Brianzoni et al. [1] in the present work we propose an economic model regarding the relationship between corruption in public procurement and economic growth. We extend the benchmark model by introducing endogenous labor force growth, described by the logistic equation. The results of previous studies, as Del Monte and Papagni [2] and Mauro [3], show that countries are stuck in one of the two equilibria (high corruption and low economic growth or low corruption and high economic growth). Brianzoni et al. [1] prove the existence of a further steady state characterized by intermediate levels of capital per capita and corruption. Our aim is to investigate the effects of the endogenous growth around such equilibrium. Moreover, due to the high number of parameters of the model, specific attention is given to the numerical simulations which highlight new policy measures that can be adopted by the government to fight corruption.

  20. La incorporación al mercado laboral de la mujer inactiva : su distribución en España a finales del segundo milenio

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    María del Pilar Borderías Uribeondo


    Full Text Available Desde el marco teórico de la Geografía, el artículo establece una inicial diferenciación espacial de la actividad femenina y de sus características laborales, tras una reflexión sobre el cambio de la tradicional situación de «inactividad económica» de la mujer a lo largo de la década de los 90 y del análisis de los condicionantes que repercuten en su incorporación al mercado laboral: la edad, el estado civil, su nivel de instrucción y la discriminación indirecta.From the theoretical framework of Geograptiy, the article establisfies an initial spatial differentiation of thíe feminine activity and its labour ctiaracteristics, after a reflection over the change of woman's traditional role of "economic inactivity" along ttie 90's, and of the analysis of ttie factors that have an effect on her joining ttie labour market: age, social State, level of studies and indirect discrimination.

  1. Implementation of Robert's Coping with Labor Algorithm© in a large tertiary care facility. (United States)

    Fairchild, Esther; Roberts, Leissa; Zelman, Karen; Michelli, Shelley; Hastings-Tolsma, Marie


    to implement use of Roberts' Coping with Labor Algorithm © (CWLA) with laboring women in a large tertiary care facility. this was a quality improvement project to implement an alternate approach to pain assessment during labor. It included system assessment for change readiness, implementation of the algorithm across a 6-week period, evaluation of usefulness by nursing staff, and determination of sustained change at one month. Stakeholder Theory (Friedman and Miles, 2002) and Deming's (1982) Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle, as adapted by Roberts et al (2010), provided the framework for project implementation. the project was undertaken on a labor and delivery (L&D) unit of a large tertiary care facility in a southwestern state in the USA. The unit had 19 suites with close to 6000 laboring patients each year. full, part-time, and per diem Registered Nurse (RN) staff (N=80), including a subset (n=18) who served as the pilot group and champions for implementing the change. a majority of RNs held a positive attitude toward use of the CWLA to assess laboring women's coping with the pain of labor as compared to a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). RNs reported usefulness in using the CWLA with patients from a wide variety of ethnicities. A pre-existing well-developed team which advocated for evidence-based practice on the unit proved to be a significant strength which promoted rapid change in practice. this work provides important knowledge supporting use of the CWLA in a large tertiary care facility and an approach for effectively implementing that change. Strengths identified in this project contributed to rapid implementation and could be emulated in other facilities. Participant reports support usefulness of the CWLA with patients of varied ethnicity. Assessment of change sustainability at 1 and 6 months demonstrated widespread use of the algorithm though long-term determination is yet needed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Corporate Social Responsibility and Labor Agency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund-Thomsen, Peter; Coe, Neil

    This article examines the circumstances under which CSR initiatives facilitate and/or constrain labor agency in GPNs. Using a case study of Nike’s CSR approach in the football manufacturing industry of Pakistan, we explore how the CSR measures advocated in a new, emerging policy paradigm on CSR...... in GPNs affect labor agency at Nike’s main football supplier factory in Pakistan. We argue that international companies may undermine labor agency in GPNs through their sourcing policies, but that their CSR policies could have a potential, albeit limited, positive impact on labor agency in GPNs which...

  3. Immune cells in term and preterm labor (United States)

    Gomez-Lopez, Nardhy; StLouis, Derek; Lehr, Marcus A; Sanchez-Rodriguez, Elly N; Arenas-Hernandez, Marcia


    Labor resembles an inflammatory response that includes secretion of cytokines/chemokines by resident and infiltrating immune cells into reproductive tissues and the maternal/fetal interface. Untimely activation of these inflammatory pathways leads to preterm labor, which can result in preterm birth. Preterm birth is a major determinant of neonatal mortality and morbidity; therefore, the elucidation of the process of labor at a cellular and molecular level is essential for understanding the pathophysiology of preterm labor. Here, we summarize the role of innate and adaptive immune cells in the physiological or pathological activation of labor. We review published literature regarding the role of innate and adaptive immune cells in the cervix, myometrium, fetal membranes, decidua and the fetus in late pregnancy and labor at term and preterm. Accumulating evidence suggests that innate immune cells (neutrophils, macrophages and mast cells) mediate the process of labor by releasing pro-inflammatory factors such as cytokines, chemokines and matrix metalloproteinases. Adaptive immune cells (T-cell subsets and B cells) participate in the maintenance of fetomaternal tolerance during pregnancy, and an alteration in their function or abundance may lead to labor at term or preterm. Also, immune cells that bridge the innate and adaptive immune systems (natural killer T (NKT) cells and dendritic cells (DCs)) seem to participate in the pathophysiology of preterm labor. In conclusion, a balance between innate and adaptive immune cells is required in order to sustain pregnancy; an alteration of this balance will lead to labor at term or preterm. PMID:24954221

  4. EPIDURAL ANALGESIA DURING LABOR Analgesia epidural para el trabajo de parto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Zafra Pedone


    Full Text Available Introduction: The labor pain affect to all pregnant woman and it has biochemical and physiological changes that affect to mother and fetus and interact with your normal evolution. Currently there are analgesic techniques to less effectively labor pain, to provide a high satisfaction level and supply clinical and laboratory beneficial outcomes. In own context these techniques are very low used. Objective: To describe the use of epidural analgesic procedures in a pregnancy woman group during labor at the Universitarian Hospital San Jose – Popayan, Colombia. Materials and methods: Case series design. We recollected information of patients from Obstetric service during two months of 2006. The patient’s information was recollected from medical history with an instrument that content variables related with the analgesic technique and labor. The analyses were performed using descriptive statistics Results: 41 pregnant woman with a mean age of 23,4 were included. 65,9% were nulliparous and 85,4% were term pregnancy. At the moment of dural puncture the dilation and EVA pain scale mode was 6 and 8 respectively. The latency mean was 14,1 minutes. 95,1% were require a booster applied in a mean of 80 minutes and 61% were required a second booster applied in a mean of 49 min after that. The way of termination of pregnancy was vaginal predominantly. Conclusions: The results of this study are congruent to reporting in the world literature. These conclusions support the effectiveness of epidural analgesia and its favorable benefit/risk relation to the control of labor pain. Introducción: El dolor asociado con el trabajo de parto afecta a todas las pacientes e involucra alteraciones que afectan a la madre y al feto e interactúan interfiriendo con su evolución normal. Actualmente disponemos de alternativas analgésicas peridurales que han demostrado controlar en forma efectiva el dolor, proporcionar un alto grado de satisfacción de las pacientes y proveer

  5. Sentido y calidad de vida laboral en empresas del sector hotelero


    Blandón García, Claudia Patricia


    Tesis (Maestría en Gerencia del Talento Humano). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2016 El ser humano trabajador, constantemente está colmado de desafíos, inquietudes, que le conducen al conocimiento de sí mismo, a la realización y búsqueda de la satisfacción, la felicidad y el bienestar laboral, ésta búsqueda intrínseca lleva en sí el anhelo de conquista, de encontrar el sentido a su trabajo, con la cual desarrolla un amplio autoconocimiento que sabiamente...

  6. The effect of aromatherapy with lavender essence on severity of labor pain and duration of labor in primiparous women. (United States)

    Yazdkhasti, Mansoreh; Pirak, Arezoo


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Lavender essence inhalation on severity of labor pain and duration of labor. This single-blind, randomized clinical trial was conducted on 120 pregnant women in two groups. The experimental group received 2 drops of Lavender essence inhaled at three stages (4-5, 6-7, 8-9 cm cervical dilation) and severity of the labor pain and duration of labor was measured before and after intervention. The control group was treated with distilled water as a placebo in the similar ways, too. The results showed that difference in the labor pain before and after intervention in two groups was significant (P = 0/001). But there was no difference in mean duration of the active phase and the second stage of labor between the two groups. Lavender essence aromatherapy may be an effective therapeutic option for pain management for women in labor. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. Labor productivity adjustment factors. A method for estimating labor construction costs associated with physical modifications to nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riordan, B.J.


    This report develops quantitative labor productivity adjustment factors for the performance of regulatory impact analyses (RIAs). These factors will allow analysts to modify ''new construction'' labor costs to account for changes in labor productivity due to differing work environments at operating reactors and at reactors with construction in progress. The technique developed in this paper relies on the Energy Economic Data Base (EEDB) for baseline estimates of the direct labor hours and/or labor costs required to perform specific tasks in a new construction environment. The labor productivity cost factors adjust for constraining conditions such as working in a radiation environment, poor access, congestion and interference, etc., which typically occur on construction tasks at operating reactors and can occur under certain circumstances at reactors under construction. While the results do not portray all aspects of labor productivity, they encompass the major work place conditions generally discernible by the NRC analysts and assign values that appear to be reasonable within the context of industry experience. 18 refs

  8. Child Labor in America's History (United States)

    Goldstein, Harold


    A brief history of child labor and the fight for legislation to control it at both the state and federal level. The current legal status and the continued existence of child labor in modern times are also discussed. (MS)

  9. Telemedicina y su aplicación en Dermatología Laboral

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    M. Victoria Rollón González


    Full Text Available Introducción: La importancia y el impacto de la telemedicina han provocado que se aplique a todas las áreas posibles del conocimiento médico y que los tipos de telemedicina hayan crecido de forma paralela al desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías. La dermatología fue una de las primeras especialidades en la que se aplicaron tecnologías de telemedicina. Las enfermedades de la piel suponen la segunda causa de notificación de enfermedad profesional por lo que aplicar la teledermatología a nivel del ámbito laboral podría ayudar a llevar a cabo un mejor y precoz diagnóstico, al mismo tiempo que podría tener un significativo impacto en ahorro de costes económicos. Objetivo: Conocer el estado actual de la evidencia en Teledermatología y su potencial traslación al campo de la Medicina del Trabajo, así como identificar el conocimiento y evidencia existentes en los siguientes aspectos críticos que marcan el interés de esta potencial traslación: exactitud diagnóstica, coste-beneficio y coste-efectividad, aceptabilidad y satisfacción del paciente, satisfacción del profesional y reducción del tiempo para realizar el diagnóstico Material y Métodos: Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura científica publicada entre 2006-2013. Se consultaron las bases de datos MEDLINE, OSH UPDATE, IBSST,CISDOC, LILACS,WOK, Clinicalkey, Scielo, SCOPUS,OVIDSP, Biblioteca Cochrane e IBECS. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 13 artículos que incluyen 2 revisiones sistemáticas, 6 ensayos clínicos y 5 estudios transversales. La Teledermatología presenta una exactitud diagnóstica comparable a la consulta convencional, siendo ésta entre un 5%-11% más exacta, mostrándose coste-efectiva (1,78 veces más barata si tenemos en cuenta desplazamientos y pérdida de productividad, con disminución en el tiempo de espera. Conclusiones: Existen pocas referencias sobre teledermatologia aplicada al ámbito laboral. Teniendo en cuenta la evidencia recogida

  10. Selbstkritik als wissenschaftliches Projekt? Self-Criticism as Scholarly Project

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    Barbara Scholand


    Full Text Available Wallner kritisiert die aktuelle feministische Darstellung der rund 30jährigen Geschichte der Mädchenarbeit als „Legendenbildung“ (S. 9: Sie verkürze und verschweige im Interesse einer Selbst-Heroisierung und sei daher ideologisch. Als eine derjenigen, die seit zwanzig Jahren feministische Mädchenarbeit und -politik betreibt, arbeitet die Autorin damit auch ihre eigenen (Nicht-Bezugnahmen kritisch auf. Ihr grundlegendes Interesse ist es, eine aus ihrer Sicht erforderliche Neupositionierung der Mädchenarbeit in der Jugendhilfe im Zeitalter von Gender Mainstreaming zu befördern.Wallner criticizes the feminist representation of the history of girls’ labor since the 1960s as a representation that was truncated and silenced in the interest of self-heroism and should therefore be seen as ideological. The author herself has worked in the area of girls’ labor and politics for twenty years and therefore critically takes on her own (lack of engagement. Her main interest in these times of gender mainstreaming is to promote the renewed positioning of girls’ work within aid for youth.

  11. Reflexiones sobre la incapacidad y aptitud laboral. Nuevas sinergias entre medicina evaluadora y medicina laboral. Historia clínica laboral única: la incapacidad laboral, un continuo evolutivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Eloy Díaz Salazar

    Full Text Available Numerosos agentes intervienen en la gestión de la incapacidad laboral, tanto temporal como permanente, y se hace necesario una actuación sinérgica entre todos ellos; del mismo modo, se considera que existen posibles actuaciones o cambios que pueden ayudar a disminuir el gasto y duración de los procesos, y proceder a la reincorporación laboral lo antes posible y de la forma más beneficiosa para el paciente, y, por ende, para la sociedad.

  12. The labor force of the future. (United States)

    Norwood, J L


    In the decades ahead, the US labor force will reflect changes in the industrial structure, with declines in some manufacturing industries and expansion in service industries. The services sector is so diverse that the jobs within it cannot be categorized as either high wage or low wage. The service-producing sector employs 85% of professional specialty workers in the US. In general, information on compensation trends indicates that greater increases in compensation have occurred for workers in service-producing as opposed to goods-producing industries. The increase in service sector jobs has created opportunities for women to enter the labor force and, at present, 5 out of 6 women work in this sector compared to fewer than 2 out of 3 men. Productivity growth rates in the service-producing industries vary substantially and are strongly affected by the business cycle. Central to employment opportunities in the years ahead will be the effect of new technology. To date, the aggregate effect of new technology has been increased employment and higher living standards. Although retraining programs should be in place, the scenario of a huge technology-created labor surplus seems unlikely. In fact, a more likely problem is a shortage of labor resulting from earlier labor force withdrawal and demographic aging of the population. Those in the 25-54-year age group will represent a larger share of the labor force in the years ahead. In addition, blacks are expected to account for 20% of the labor force growth in the next decade. Finally, given increasing labor force participation rates among mothers, employers may have to provide more flexible work schedules, assistance with day care, and more attractive benefits packages.

  13. Labor epidural analgesia: Past, present and future

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    Full Text Available One of the most severe pains experienced by a woman is that of childbirth. Providing analgesia for labor has always been a challenge more so because of the myths and controversies surrounding labor. It is imperative to understand the pain transmission during various stages of labor in order to select a proper technique for providing labor analgesia. The adverse effects of labor pain are numerous and affect both the mother as well as the fetus. Currently lumbar epidural is considered to be the gold standard technique for labor analgesia. Local anaesthetics like bupivacaine and ropivacaine are commonly used and adjuvants like clonidine, fentanyl and neostigmine have been extensively studied. However, despite being so popular, epidural analgesia is not without complications, with hypotension being the most common. Other complications include accidental dural puncture, infection, intravascular placement, high block and epidural hematoma. Other neuraxial techniques include continuous caudal analgesia, and combined spinal epidural analgesia. The numerous studies investigating the various aspects of this method have also served to dispel various myths surrounding epidural analgesia like increased incidence of cesarean section and instrumental delivery, prolongation of labor and future back pain. The future of labor analgesia lies in the incorporation of ultrasound in identifying the epidural space helping in proper catheter placement. The keywords "labor epidural" in the PUBMED revealed a total of 5018 articles with 574 review articles and 969 clinical trials. The relevant articles along with their references were extensively studied.

  14. Globalization and Cross-Border Labor Organizing

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    Ralph Armbruster


    Full Text Available The globalization of the world economy has opened up new possibilities for cross-border labor organizing. In fact, several U.S. unions are working together with unions from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Japan, South Korea, and many European nations. For example, over the last several years, UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees, the AFL-CIO, and the international garment workers trade secretariat have worked directly with maquiladora workers in Honduras and the Dominican Republic. These efforts led to the formation of several labor unions and the first contracts ever negotiated in the maquiladoras in the Dominican Republic. In addition, labor rights and solidarity organizations, like the Campaign for Labor Rights, Witness for Peace, and the US/Guatemala Labor Education Project (US/GLEP, along with many other groups, have also played key roles in the formation of maquiladora unions in Nicaragua and Guatemala.

  15. 78 FR 17721 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; National Advisory Committee for Labor Provisions of U.S... (United States)


    .... Department of Labor, which is the point of contact for the NAALC and the Labor Chapters of U.S. FTAs. The... of the U.S. Department of Labor serves as the U.S. point of contact under the FTAs listed above. The... for travel expenses. Authority: The authority for this notice is granted by the FACA (5 U.S.C. App. 2...

  16. Validity and efficacy of the labor contract

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    Jorge Toyama


    Full Text Available The validity and efficacy of the labor contract as well as cases of nullity and defeasibility import an analysis of scopes of the supplementary application of Civil Code taking into account the peculiarities of Labor Law. Labor contract, while legal business has as regulatory framework to the regulations of Civil Code but it is necessary to determine, in each case, whether to apply fully this normative body, or modulate its supplemental application, or simply conclude that it doesn’t result compatible its regulation due to the special nature of labor relations. Specifically, this issue will be analyzed from cases of nullity and defeasibility of the labor contract.

  17. El impacto de la estructura de las redes sociales sobre el acceso de los individuos al mercado laboral

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    García-Valdecasas, José Ignacio


    Full Text Available This work attempts to analyse the effect of social networks structure on the access to the labour market for individuals through the diffusion of information which takes place in such networks (an aspect of social capital. For that purpose, it combines agent-based modelling and social network analysis in order to carry out virtual experiments with artificial networks. The results show that not only the type of structure (small world, free scale networks, random networks and regular networks, but also certain structural properties such as the density of network, the index of globalization in links or the degree of inequality in the distribution of links affect deeply on the opportunities of agents in order to achieve employment.Este trabajo pretende analizar el efecto de la estructura de las redes sociales sobre el acceso de los individuos al mercado laboral a través de la difusión de la información que tiene lugar en dichas redes (un aspecto del capital social. Para realizar tal análisis, se ha llevado a cabo una serie de experimentos virtuales con redes artificiales, utilizando para ello la simulación basada en agentes y el análisis de redes sociales. Los resultados muestran que no solo el tipo de estructura (mundos pequeños, redes de libre escala, redes aleatorias y redes regulares, sino también ciertas propiedades estructurales como la densidad de red, el índice de globalización de vínculos o el grado de desigualdad en la distribución de vínculos influyen considerablemente sobre las oportunidades de los agentes de conseguir empleo.

  18. Observations on International Labor Standards and Trade


    Alan B. Krueger


    This paper reviews the theoretical arguments for and against linking international labor standards to trade. Based on theory alone it is difficult to generalize about the effect of labor standards on efficiency and equity. Some economists have argued that international labor standards are merely disguised protectionism. An evaluation of determinants of support for legislation that would ban imports to the United States of goods made with child labor provides little support for the prevailing ...

  19. "Arab Labor"'s Alternative Vision: The "Liberal Bargain" in the Welfare State of Israel (United States)

    Gal-Ezer, Miri; Tidhar, Chava


    This study focuses on "Independence Day", an episode of "Arab Labor" (first season, 2008), a pioneer bilingual Hebrew-Arabic satirical Israeli TV series, written by Sayed Kashua, an Arab-Israeli author and journalist. "Arab Labor" was a breakthrough in the Israeli popular TV scape, where, as a rule, Arab-Israeli…

  20. Educación y acceso a empleos de calidad en Cali: una revisión a la discriminación laboral por sexo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Arroyo Mina


    Full Text Available Este documento entrega los resultados de la estimación en el cambio de la probabilidad de estar en un empleo de calidad al interior del mercado laboral de la ciudad de Cali y su área metropolitana, Colombia, para el año 2006, a partir de evaluar el efecto marginal que tienen años adicionales de escolaridad en función de distintos grupos de edad, asi como a determinantes tipo, sexo, estado civil y jefatura de hogar. La intención de tal estimación es establecer posibles grados de desigualdad en dicho mercado, según lo estipulado por la literatura en economia laboral. Se estiman modelos paramétricos tipo Logit, para efectos de contrastar los resultados obtenidos al interior de los mismos con la teoria de discriminación en el mercado laboral. Los resultados reflejan la presencia de discriminación laboral de tipo estadístico, resultando perjudicados aquellos individuos que manifestaron no estar casados y no ser jefes de hogar, para el año 2006, frente a la probabilidad de tener un empleo de calidad. En adición a lo anterior, las estimaciones reflejan un comportamiento de discriminación por sexo en la probabilidad de tener un empleo de calidad frente a no tenerlo, para el caso de las mujeres.

  1. Liderazgo de una empresa familiar que influye en el clima laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa SEDEMI S.C.C


    Rodríguez Valenzuela, Darwin Fausto


    El presente trabajo detalla el estudio del liderazgo y su influencia en el clima organizacional de los trabajadores de la empresa familiar Sedemi S.C.C., con la fin de proponer opciones de mejora, que coadyuven al directorio de la empresa, para fomentar un ambiente laboral agradable y motivador para sus empleados, y de esta manera incrementar su desempeño laboral. La investigación se realizó en la empresa SEDEMI S.C.C. La población objetivo está conformada por los empleados administrativos y ...

  2. 48 CFR 2922.101-3 - Reporting labor disputes. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Reporting labor disputes. 2922.101-3 Section 2922.101-3 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITIONS Basic Labor Policies 2922.101-3 Reporting...

  3. Labor. (United States)

    Martz, Carlton


    This theme issue of the "Bill of Rights in Action" looks at labor issues. The first article examines the unionization efforts of the Wobblies in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. The second article explores the protests of the Luddites during Britain's Industrial Revolution. The final article looks at whether…

  4. Labor market reforms, growth, and unemployment in labor-exporting countries in the Middle East and North Africa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agénor, Pierre-Richard; Nabli, Mustapha K.; Yousef, Tarik


    A general equilibrium model is used to study the impact of labor market policies on growth, employment, urban inequality, and rural welfare in labor-exporting countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Various experiments are conducted, such as a reduction in payroll taxation, cuts in public......-enhancing job creation in the region, labor market reforms must take account of general equilibrium effects, including crowding-in effects on private investment and variations in income remittances and international migration patterns. Finally, we argue that labor market reforms should be viewed as a component...... of a more comprehensive program of structural reforms aimed at spurring growth and employment...

  5. Early Smoking, Education, and Labor Market Performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Palali, Ali


    This study investigates the effects of early smoking on educational attainment and labor market performance. The results show that early smoking adversely affects educational attainment and initial labor market performance, but only for males. The effect of early smoking on initial labor market

  6. Betaalde arbeid als verdringer van vrijwilligerswerk? Overbelasting als mogelijke verklaring

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angela Kok-Van Meer


    Full Text Available Do paid work activities displace volunteering? A potential explanation from role overload theoryRecent changes in Dutch society might lead to a shortage of volunteers. On the one hand, the demand for volunteers is increasing: in the social welfare domain because of governmental austerity policies and in other domains such as sports because of the higher supervision intensity of activities. On the other hand, the supply of volunteers is likely to decrease as more and more women and older workers are active in the labor market, which reduces the time that is available for volunteering. Role overload theory would suggest that the increasing labor participation rate of certain categories of workers goes along with a decline of participation in voluntary work. The secondary data analysis shows that various role loads (work, care for children living at home are associated with differences in participation in voluntary work. However, while a higher number of contractual work hours and hours spent on work-related training are negatively associated with volunteer work, care for children living at home is positively associated with volunteering. These results provide only limited support for role overload theory.Betaalde arbeid als verdringer van vrijwilligerswerk? Overbelasting als mogelijke verklaringDe afgelopen jaren hebben zich enkele maatschappelijke veranderingen voorgedaan, die wellicht tot schaarste op de Nederlandse vrijwilligersmarkt zouden kunnen leiden. Enerzijds neemt de vraag naar vrijwilligers toe doordat subsidieregelingen versoberen (bijvoorbeeld in zorg en welzijn en de begeleidingsintensiteit in bepaalde organisaties stijgt (bijvoorbeeld in sport. Anderzijds neemt het aanbod van vrijwilligers af doordat vrouwen en ouderen meer en langer op de arbeidsmarkt actief zijn, waardoor minder tijd beschikbaar is voor vrijwilligerswerk. In dit artikel wordt aan de hand van de role overload theorie nagegaan of het al dan niet deelnemen aan

  7. The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets : Second Edition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boeri, T.; van Ours, J.C.


    Most labor economics textbooks pay little attention to actual labor markets, taking as reference a perfectly competitive market in which losing a job is not a big deal.The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets is the only textbook to focus on imperfect labor markets and to provide a systematic

  8. La inserción de las mujeres en el mercado laboral

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    Nimia María Macías Zambrano


    Full Text Available La inserción de la mujer al mercado laboral es producto de estas históricas luchas, dinámica que es conocida como feminización del aumento de la fuerza laboral. La metodología utilizada en este artículo fue a través de una evaluación global de la realidad ecuatoriana tomando como amplia referencia el censo realizado en noviembre de 2010, y como referencia la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, institución de educación superior, que más plazas de trabajo oferta en la provincia, en la que se desempeñan un gran número de profesionales de diferentes áreas de trabajo, particularmente la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas tiene el mayor número de mujeres entre sus estudiantes, quienes se desempeñaran en su vida profesional, ocupando plazas laborales, concluye con el análisis de los científicos profesionales en cuanto a este tema quienes afirman; que ha habido cierto nivel de discriminación en contra de la mujer.

  9. Modern Neuraxial Anesthesia for Labor and Delivery. (United States)

    Meng, Marie-Louise; Smiley, Richard


    The availability of safe, effective analgesia during labor has become an expectation for women in most of the developed world over the past two or three decades. More than 60% of women in the United States now receive some kind of neuraxial procedure during labor. This article is a brief review of the advantages and techniques of neuraxial labor analgesia along with the recent advances and controversies in the field of labor analgesia. For the most part, we have aimed the discussion at the non-anesthesiologist to give other practitioners a sense of the state of the art and science of labor analgesia in the second decade of the 21st century.

  10. Intersectoral labor mobility and deforestation in Ghana

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Owusu, V.; Yerfi Fosu, K.; Burger, C.P.J.


    This paper quantifies the effects of the determinants of intersectoral labor mobility and the effect of intersectoral labor mobility on deforestation in Ghana over the period 1970–2008. A cointegration and error correction modeling approach is employed. The empirical results show that labor mobility

  11. The gender division of labor and second births: Labor market institutions and fertility in Japan

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    Nobuko Nagase


    Full Text Available Background: Research has examined how the gendered household division of labor may deter the transition to second birth. However, little research has investigated how workplace norms influence men's household work. Objective: This paper takes into account labor market structure, workplace norms, and the legal environment governing working conditions to contextualize men's contribution to household labor and its effect on transition to second birth. Methods: Using data from the Japanese Longitudinal Survey of Adults in the 21st Century (2002 Cohort, we employ fixed-effects models to estimate the effect of workplace norms on men's contribution to household work and the effect of men's household work hours on transition to second birth. Results: Japanese male university graduates in large firms do a smaller share of household labor than other men. These men are subject to workplace norms prevalent in firm-internal labor markets, which have been supported by Japanese Supreme Court rulings. These norms influence men's allocation of time between the workplace and the home. Moreover, analysis of the transition to second birth indicates that husband's share of household work is an important predictor of second birth, especially for dual-earner couples. Conclusions: Our empirical results suggest that unless changes are made in Japanese employment law and workplace norms, dual-earner couples in particular will continue to face difficulties proceeding to a second birth. Contribution: This paper demonstrates how the economic and cultural context can create disincentives for men to contribute to household labor, which in turn lowers the probability of transition to second birth.

  12. Global Value Chains, Labor Organization and Private Social Standards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riisgaard, Lone


    This article examines the opportunities and challenges that private social standards pose for labor organizations. It explores different labor responses to private social standards in East African cut flower industries. The analysis incorporates the concept of labor agency in global value chain a...... at production sites. However, labor organizations' ability to seriously challenge the prevailing governance structure of the cut flower value chain appears extremely limited.......This article examines the opportunities and challenges that private social standards pose for labor organizations. It explores different labor responses to private social standards in East African cut flower industries. The analysis incorporates the concept of labor agency in global value chain...... analysis and reveals how retailer-driven chains offer more room for labor organizations to exercise their agency than the traditional cut flower value chains. Labor organizations have been able to influence social standard setting and implementation, and to use standards to further labor representation...

  13. El proceso de inclusión laboral de los desmovilizados en la ciudad de Medellín y su Área Metropolitana

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    Jair Eduardo Restrepo Pineda


    Full Text Available Se realiza un análisis sobre los procesos de inclusión laboral de las personas desmovilizadas en la ciudad de Medellín y su Área Metropolitana, la cual concentra el mayor número de desmovilizados del país, con cerca de 5433 que se han reintegrado a la sociedad entre los años 2006 a 2016, según datos de la Agencia Colombiana para la Reintegración (ACR. Se evidenció que existen diversas barreras sociales, culturales y económicas que limitan el acceso al empleo por parte de los desmovilizados, entre ellas la estigmatización social, la baja oferta laboral, el desconocimiento de las habilidades del desmovilizado y las presiones de grupos al margen de la ley que pueden ocasionar el retorno de estas personas a los grupos armados ilegales

  14. Labor Comes into Its Own. (United States)

    Wehrle, Edmund F.


    Presents a concise and interesting overview of the rise and extension of labor activity during the New Deal. Labor took advantage of Roosevelt's pro-union policies to consolidate their power and forever transform the lives of working men and women. Discusses improvements in working conditions, wages, and benefits. (MJP)

  15. Labor Economics and Sociology of Labor: Demarkation Problem

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    S N Lebedev


    Full Text Available The article deals with important economic and sociological problems taking into account their relevance to economics and sociology of labor as two independent sciences. The author suggests some demarcation boundaries of the concepts relevant to contemporary life within these two disciplines.

  16. Evolución del impacto de la cardiopatía isquémica en la reincorporación laboral de trabajadores españoles

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    Ángel García García


    Full Text Available Introducción: La cardiopatía isquémica es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad en los países desarrollados dificultando la vuelta al trabajo de estos pacientes. Pretendemos estudiar la evolución de la incapacidad Temporal y Permanente en trabajadores españoles que causan baja por cardiopatía isquémica, así como analizar las variables que influyen en la reincorporación laboral. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo de cohortes con pacientes menores 65 años que sufrieron un infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM entre Enero de 2000 y mayo de 2011. Se recogieron datos clínicos, demográficos, socioeconómicos y laborales para analizar su relación con la reincorporación laboral. Resultados: Se seleccionaron un total de 5067 pacientes, el 94% varones, y con una edad media de 54,3 años. Un total de 3.679 pacientes (72,6% se reincorporaron a su actividad laboral tras el infarto, mientras que 1261 (24,9% obtuvieron la incapacidad laboral permanente. La mayores tasas de incapacidad laboral se observan en los pacientes > 50 años, en los que han sufrido un mayor daño cardiaco (FEVI 50% y el procedimiento de revascularización empleado (percutáneo/cirugía así como las variables socioeconómicas referentes al tipo de trabajo (autónomo/cuenta ajena, ocupación profesional (carga física/carga intelectual y la edad del trabajador

  17. Gender Bias and Child Labor in LDCs


    Alok Kumar; Emma Underhill


    Empirical evidence suggests that girls work more than boys as child labor. In this paper, we develop a model to analyze the causes and consequences of the gender differentials in child labor. In particular, we analyze the effects of gender bias on child labor. We find that when parents can give strictly positive bequests to both boys and girls, son preference on its own does not lead to gender differential in child labor. Only when parents cannot give bequests, girls work more than boys as ch...

  18. Labor force activity after 60

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Peder J.; Larsen, Mona


    of reference. Main emphasis is given to the development in two distint age groups, i.e. people in the first half of the 60s of which many are eligible for early retirement programs and people older than 65 mostly eligible for social security retirement programs. For these two age groups the actual development...... in labor force participation is described based on register data and on labor force surveys along with indicators of cohort relevant changes in education and health. Focus in the paper includes also the gender aspect to accommodate stronger cohort effects for women than for men. The impact on labor force...

  19. Solidarity Action in Global Labor Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wad, Peter


    Globalization transforms workforces of transnational corporation from predominantly home countrydominated workforces into foreign-dominated, multinational workforces. Thus, the national grounding of trade unions as the key form of labor organizing is challenged by new multinational compositions...... and cross-border relocations of corporate employment affecting working conditions of employees and trade unions in local places. We assume that economic globalization is characterized by expanding global corporate network of vertically and horizontally integrated (equity-based) and disintegrated (nonequity......-based) value chains. We also assume that globalization can both impede and enable labor empowerment. Based on these premises the key question is, how can labor leverage effective power against management in global corporate networks? This question is split into two subquestions: a) How can labor theoretically...

  20. Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation

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    Dr. Adiqa Kausar Kiani


    Full Text Available There are many factors related to female entering the labor market. For example, household income, household expenditure, education and status of the head of the household (male/ female. The degree of correlation between each variable and female labor force participation rate varies throughout the country. This study focused on the factors due to which women enter in labor market. Tobit model is used for this analysis. It is concluded that education and household expenditures have positive but insignificant impact on the female LF, whereas household income and head of the household has negative impact on FLF. It is suggested that in order to improve the working condition of female labor force government should take necessary action, for example women education etc.

  1. 20 CFR 202.15 - Railway labor organizations. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Railway labor organizations. 202.15 Section... EMPLOYERS UNDER THE ACT § 202.15 Railway labor organizations. Railway labor organizations, national in scope... bylaws of such organizations, shall be employers within the meaning of the act. (a) An organization doing...

  2. Gender analysis of the Russian labor market

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    Aleksandr Mikhailovich Panov


    Full Text Available The issue of gender inequality in the labor market affects all world countries to some extent. As salary is the basis of population’s sources of income in Russia, unequal pay to men and women for equal work can trigger gender discrimination in the labor market and beyond. The article focusses on the gender analysis of the Russian labor market. It focuses on conjunctural conditions of the labor market in a gender aspect, socio-economic characteristics of men and women as subjects of the labor market and the institutional features of the Russian labor market. The study reveals that, despite lower wages, women, judging by their socio-economic characteristics, possess competitive advantages over men, having higher level of education and better state of health. In addition to horizontal segregation, traditional partition of industries to “male” and “female”, the main causes of gender wage gaps are discriminatory social attitudes and social role of women. The issue to address gender discrimination in the modern Russian society becomes more critical due to contradiction between normative-legal acts, stipulating the gender equality in all spheres of life, and discriminatory social attitudes. The article gives a brief overview of research and practice publications on the problem of gender disparities in labor remuneration and methods to address them in the developed world. The state statistical monitoring of labor productivity in terms of gender is considered as a tool for in-depth study of discrimination

  3. "A Welcome Debate" over Labor Reform (United States)

    Warren, Cat


    This article presents an interview with Wilma B. Liebman, the new chair of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). In this interview, Liebman talks about labor law, academics, and reversing ossification.

  4. La hora de los operadores jurídicos. A propósito de las últimas reformas legales en materia laboral

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    Hugo Barreto Ghione


    Full Text Available Ya ha sido dicho y escrito casi todo acerca de la impronta fuertemente reformista que en lo laboral tuvo el período 2005 a 2009. Algunos lo han comparado con el proceso desatado por el primer batllismo desde 1915 y que se estiró hasta el comienzo de la crisis económica y social que se desplegó desde finales del decenio de los cincuenta. Barbagelata al estudiar la evolución deI derecho del trabajo periodiza este impulso reformista en dos etapas, que denomina de "fundación" y de "desarrollo" de la legislación laboral, señalando algunas permanencias y rasgos comunes del ciclo tales como la confianza en la ley, la ciudadanía laboral y la previsión y anticipación de los problemas sociales.

  5. Hispanic Labor Friends Initiative: supporting vulnerable women. (United States)

    Hazard, Cambria Jones; Callister, Lynn Clark; Birkhead, Ana; Nichols, Lisa


    To evaluate the qualitative aspects of the Hispanic Labor Friends Initiative. "Hispanic Labor Friends," bilingual Hispanic community women who were themselves mothers, were recruited by clinic and hospital personnel. Women who agreed were educated, received translation certification, and were oriented to the initiative. Pregnant Hispanic immigrant women seen in the health center who met criteria set by the multidisciplinary health care team were assigned a Hispanic Labor Friend by 32 weeks' gestation. Hispanic Labor Friends assisted women with communication with healthcare providers and provided social support. Qualitative evaluation of the program consisted of interviews with several groups: (1) Hispanic immigrant women who had a Hispanic Labor Friend, (2) Hispanic immigrant women who were not in the Hispanic Labor Friends program, (3) Hispanic Labor Friends, (4) healthcare providers for Hispanic women. Data saturation was reached, and data were analyzed by the research team using descriptive qualitative inquiry. The Hispanic immigrant women described positive outcomes from being involved in the Hispanic Labor Friends program, including feeling supported and comforted. "I felt as though my family were at my side." One woman who had standard care said, "It is hard for me to communicate. When I gave birth, the nurses asked me things, and I didn't understand anything. I stayed quiet." One of the nurses who was interviewed said: "I think they [the HLF patients] get better care. Sometimes we think we can communicate with them with their little bit of English and our little bit of Spanish. But you get an HLF and it's a totally different story. We can more adequately tell what's going on with them...They end up getting better care." One Hispanic Labor Friend said, "The women are very appreciative that I was there to help them through a critical time." Women who participated in the study identified the need to have a continuing association with Hispanic Labor Friends in

  6. La contratación laboral en el sector de la construcción en Colombia: ¿ventajas para quién?

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    Diana Carolina González Valencia


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo aportar algunas reflexiones alrededor de la contratación laboral de los empleados de la construcción en Colombia. Se empleó como metodología la revisión del marco normativo actual del régimen de contratación laboral en Colombia, específicamente para el caso de empleados de la construcción; contrastando la información con otras fuentes tales como: la Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción (Camacol, Ministerio de Trabajo y la Intergremial de la Construcción y la Madera (ICM. Se concluye que en el actual sistema de contratación para empleados de la construcción vienen dándose numerosas irregularidades en los procesos inserción laboral en el sector que aumentan la informalidad y la subcontratación; cuyas desventajas recaen tanto en el empleado al ser más frecuente la vulneración de sus derechos laborales, como en las empresas constructoras, al aumentar sus gastos tanto en la subcontratación de personal como en el pago de las posibles sanciones legales ocasionadas por los desaciertos en los procesos de contratación.

  7. 75 FR 34421 - Notice of Funds Availability for Section 514 Farm Labor Housing Loans and Section 516 Farm Labor... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Housing Service Notice of Funds Availability for Section 514 Farm Labor Housing Loans and Section 516 Farm Labor Housing Grants for Off-Farm Housing for Fiscal Year (FY... the timeframe to submit pre-applications for section 514 Farm Labor Housing (FLH) loans and section...

  8. Combating pharmacist shortage through labor certification. (United States)

    Maswoswe, J J; Stewart, K R; Enigbokan, M; Egbunike, I; Jackson, D M


    Several solutions, ranging from increased technician duties to salary raises, automation, and increasing job satisfaction, have been presented in the literature as methods of assuaging the pharmacist shortage. Although a significant portion of pharmacy graduates from American pharmacy colleges are foreign nationals, no marketing strategies have been elucidated in the retention and recruitment of foreign nationals through labor certification. Labor certifications are generally approved by the Secretary of Labor if the following factors have been verified: 1) there are not sufficient United States workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available for employment; and 2) the employment of the foreign national will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers similarly employed. When properly understood, the labor certification process is a test of the job market where foreigners, by virtue of their skills and qualifications, attain certification which subsequently leads to permanent residency (green card). The objective of this report is to elucidate the tedious yet effective method of retaining American-educated foreign nationals through labor certification.

  9. John R. Commons: Pioneer in Labor Economics. (United States)

    Barbash, Jack


    John R. Commons has contributed in one way or another to pratically every piece of social and labor legislation that has been enacted in the twentieth century. He has made his mark on such diverse aspects of American labor as apprenticeship, vocational education, workers' compensation, and the administration of labor law. (Author/JOW)

  10. Conceptual problems of the intellectual labor economics

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    S N Lebedev


    Full Text Available The article is based on the detailed analysis of the intellectual labor and takes into account theoretical and practical aspects of the intellectual labor economics in the transition to the information society. The author describes the nature, specific features, content, structure and the bases for classification of the intellectual labor.

  11. Entre la domesticidad y el espacio laboral: construyendo la imagen de la mujer trabajadora en el cine mexicano de la Época de Oro

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    Valentina Velázquez-Zvierkova


    Full Text Available Se busca articular la problemática que enfrentaron las mujeres de clase media en su entrada al campo laboral en los 40 y 50. Por medio del análisis de la construcción fílmica de la mujer trabajadora en el cine mexicano de la Época de Oro, este trabajo se enfoca en tres filmes producidos en el espacio de una década y se centra en sus estrategias discursivas y propagandísticas mientras que pretende dilucidar las limitaciones en su entrada de lleno en el terreno profesional. Estos filmes coinciden al privilegiar la domesticidad y la moral católica ante las oportunidades profesionales de las mujeres sacrificando su potencial productivo como miembros de la fuerza laboral.

  12. The labor impacts of policy change in health care: how federal policy transformed home health organizations and their labor practices. (United States)

    Szasz, A


    Health care organizations are highly labor-intensive; policies designed to stimulate organizational change are likely to have labor impacts. This paper examines the labor effects of policy change in home health care. Major federal home care policy trends since 1980 have spurred the evolution of the typical home care provider toward greater organizational and market rationality. Greater managerial sophistication has introduced changes in management/labor relations. Survey data from the 1986 DRG Impact Study are used to show how the pressure of cost-containment policies has pushed agencies to cut labor costs by increasing workloads, managerial supervision, and control of the work process. Research on the effects of recent policy change in health care has to date focused primarily on potential client effects. Labor impacts are rarely examined and are poorly understood at the time that policy is made. Findings in this article suggest that these issues deserve greater, more systematic attention, because unanticipated labor impacts may prove to be significant impediments to the realization of intended policy goals.

  13. 29 CFR 452.14 - Newly formed or merged labor organizations. (United States)


    ... 452.14 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS GENERAL STATEMENT CONCERNING THE ELECTION PROVISIONS OF THE LABOR-MANAGEMENT... identity the terms of its officers may not be extended beyond the maximum period specified by the Act for...


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    Esperanza Macarena Sierra Benítez


    Full Text Available La situación económica y de crisis en la zona euro obligó al Gobierno, en el año 2010, a iniciar una era de reformas estructurales de gran calado en ámbitos tan importantes como el financiero, y en particular el de la banca. En el ámbito laboral el periodo 2010-2012 se caracteriza por una producción importante de reformas que debería culminar con la Ley 3/2012, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reforma laboral, objeto de este trabajo. El estudio contempla también el comienzo de la segunda generación de reformas estructurales, el Real Decreto-ley 4/2013, de 22 de febrero, de medidas de apoyo al emprendedor y de estímulo del crecimiento y de la creación de empleo, para finalizar con una mención al Real Decreto-ley 5/2013, de 15 de marzo, de medidas para favorecer la continuidad de la vida laboral de los trabajadores de mayor edad y promover el envejecimiento activo. Se trata de un comentario que ha atendido fundamentalmente al contenido laboral de la reforma del mercado de trabajo, dejando al margen el de la Seguridad Social, pero incluyendo el RD-ley 20/2012, de 13 de julio, de medidas para garantizar la estabilidad presupuestaria y de fomento de la competitividad. In 2010 the economical situation and the eurozone crisis forced the Spanish Government to commence an era of deep structural reforms in important areas such as finance, with special regard to the banking sector. In the labour sphere the period 2010-2012 is marked by a significant production of reforms that should culminate with the Law 3/2012, of July 6th, on urgent measures for labour reform, which is the aim of this essay. The study also includes the start of a second generation of structural reforms, the Royal Decree-Law 4/2013, of February 22nd, on support measures for entrepreneurs and incentives to growth and employment, and it finishes with a mention to the Royal Decree-Law 5/2013, of March 15th, on measures to keep older workers within the labour market

  15. Labor market modeling recognizing latent job attributes and opportunity constraints : an empirical analysis of labor market behavior of Eritrean women


    Arneberg, Marie W.; Dagsvik, John K.; Jia, Zhiyang


    Abstract: This paper analyzes labor market behavior of urban Eritrean women with particular reference to the impact of education, earnings and labor market opportunities. Unlike traditional models of labor supply, which assume that work can be supplied freely in the labor market, we develop a framework that explicitly takes into account the notion of job opportunities and observable sets of feasible jobs. The framework is formulated within a random utility setting in which unob...

  16. Estrés Laboral, consideraciones sobre sus características y formas de afrontamiento

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    Roberto Rodríguez Gonzales


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo al abordar el estrés y en particular su vinculación con la problemática laboral, intenta además de presentar las experiencias y recopilaciones de información de los autores, brindar enfoque novedoso e integral de l mismo atendiendo a la presencia e importancia que gana en la modernidad. Se ofrecen además recomendaciones acerca de su enfrentamiento desde los planos personal y organizacional.

  17. An analysis of mobile whole blood collection labor efficiency. (United States)

    Rose, William N; Dayton, Paula J; Raife, Thomas J


    Labor efficiency is desirable in mobile blood collection. There are few published data on labor efficiency. The variability in the labor efficiency of mobile whole blood collections was analyzed. We determined to improve our labor efficiency using lean manufacturing principles. Workflow changes in mobile collections were implemented with the goal of minimizing labor expenditures. To measure success, data on labor efficiency measured by units/hour/full-time equivalent (FTE) were collected. The labor efficiency in a 6-month period before the implementation of changes, and in months 1 to 6 and 7 to 12 after implementation was analyzed and compared. Labor efficiency in the 6-month period preceding implementation was 1.06 ± 0.4 units collected/hour/FTE. In months 1 to 6, labor efficiency declined slightly to 0.92 ± 0.4 units collected/hour/FTE (p = 0.016 vs. preimplementation). In months 7 to 12, the mean labor efficiency returned to preimplementation levels of 1.09 ±0.4 units collected/hour/FTE. Regression analysis correlating labor efficiency with total units collected per drive revealed a strong correlation (R(2) = 0.48 for the aggregate data from all three periods), indicating that nearly half of labor efficiency was associated with drive size. The lean-based changes in workflow were subjectively favored by employees and donors. The labor efficiency of our mobile whole blood drives is strongly influenced by size. Larger drives are more efficient, with diminishing returns above 40 units collected. Lean-based workflow changes were positively received by employees and donors. © 2011 American Association of Blood Banks.

  18. Child Labor and School Attendance in Kenya (United States)

    Moyi, Peter


    Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest incidence of child labor in the world and estimates show that it continues to grow. This paper examines the causes and magnitude of child labor in Kenya. Unlike previous studies that examined child labor as only an economic activity, this paper includes household chores. Including household chores is important…






  20. Medications for Pain Relief during Labor and Delivery (United States)

    ... FAQ086 LABOR, DELIVERY, AND POSTPARTUM CARE Medications for Pain Relief During Labor and Delivery • What types of medications for pain relief are used during labor and delivery? • What are ...

  1. Observations vs. theory of household labor supply vol. I


    Obi, Keiichiro


    In this paper I shall be using three different units of laborsupply; labor supply in man units, in hourly units, and in man-hour units.The first category, labor supply in man units, indicates the quantity oflabor supplied as measured by the number of persons who are willing to work.Labor supply in hourly units refers to the quantity of percapita labor supplymeasured in hourly units. Finally, labor supply in man-hour units indicatesthe quantity of labor supplied by a group of persons measured ...

  2. The size of the labor wards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Milland, Maria; Christoffersen, Jens; Hedegaard, Morten


    To assess possible associations between the size of labor units and the frequency of approved obstetric claims.......To assess possible associations between the size of labor units and the frequency of approved obstetric claims....

  3. Actividad laboral en una cohorte de pacientes con linfoma non Hodgkin

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    R. Molina Villaverde


    Full Text Available Introducción. La actividad laboral en el cáncer es un aspecto psicosocial que ha recibido poca atención hasta el momento actual, a pesar de considerarse una dimensión de la calidad de vida para estos pacientes. Objetivos. La reinserción y adaptación al entorno laboral fueron investigados en una cohorte de pacientes con linfoma no Hodgkin para describir los factores que influyen en la vuelta al trabajo de estos enfermos. Pacientes y métodos. El estudio incluyó 37 pacientes consecutivos diagnosticados de un linfoma no Hodgkin y empleados en el momento del diagnóstico. El cuestionario incluyó aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y laborales (32 variables en total. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité Ético y de Investigación Cínica del Hospital La Paz. Todos los pacientes dieron su consentimiento para participar en el estudio y para la utilización de los datos de su historia clínica. Resultados. El 86,5% de los pacientes pasaron a inactivos tras comenzar el tratamiento de la enfermedad y un 32,5% lo seguían estando tras éste. No hubo diferencias en la influencia de las distintas variables analizadas con respecto a la actividad laboral tras el diagnóstico. Sin embargo, el realizar un trabajo predominantemente físico y la presencia de secuelas derivadas del tumor o del tratamiento de éste, sí influyeron en la reinserción laboral una vez finalizado el tratamiento específico. La mayoría de los pacientes no creían que el tener la enfermedad les perjudicaría en su puesto de trabajo y, en casi todos los casos, tanto sus compañeros como sus jefes conocían que tenían un tumor. Conclusiones. Éste es el primer estudio exploratorio en nuestro país acerca de la reinserción laboral de los pacientes diagnosticados de un linfoma. Son necesarios más trabajos para establecer las dificultades que tienen este tipo de enfermos en la reinserción laboral y establecer las medidas adecuadas para la mejora de este proceso


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    Constantin CĂRUNTU


    Full Text Available Generally, an activity is considered to be efficient if the production implies low costs or if the revenues from selling the products on the market outweigh the expenditures that were made to achieve them. Labor productivity as an efficiency indicator of a production process represents an expression of the relationship between effect (products, services and effort (work means, labor force, work items. Through the labor productivity conversion in rates of return (economic and commercial is determined an evolution and an influence on these rates, driving the company’s own efforts to innovate, produce and harness goods, works and services with maximum utility, efficiency and competitiveness services. The aim of this paper is to highlight the work efficiency, respectively the labor productivity detached from the factorial context in the trade and economic rates of return. The introduction presents some general aspects referring to labor productivity, then it will be presented and discussed the analytical methods used in the process of reflecting the labor productivity in the rates of return, the results analysis, and at the end of this paper it will be presented some conclusions based on the study case. The expected results consist in identifying the mechanisms by which labor efficiency is converted into the company’s economic and financial performance.

  5. Inversión extranjera directa, movilidad laboral y derrames de conocimiento en Costa Rica Foreign direct investment, labor mobility and knowledge spillovers in Costa Rica

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    Ricardo Monge González


    Full Text Available Este trabajo busca determinar la existencia e importancia de los derrames de conocimiento asociados con la movilidad laboral desde las multinacionales (MNCS que operan bajo el régimen de zonas francas (ZF en Costa Rica; es decir, el impacto de tales derrames de conocimiento sobre el desempeño de las empresas locales que contratan ex empleados de MNCS. Se observó que, de un total de 41 149 empleados de MNCS que dejaron de laborar para estas empresas entre el 2001 y el 2007, un tercio se trasladó a empresas locales (15 139. El impacto de los derrames de conocimiento sobre el desempeño de empresas locales se midió en términos de tres variables: ventas, empleo y productividad media del trabajo; para esto se empleó un panel de empresas locales para el periodo que va del 2007 al 2009. Mediante el empleo de modelos econométricos sugeridos por la literatura en este campo, se encontró evidencia de que las empresas locales que han contratado ex empleados de MNCS obtienen un mejor desempeño en términos de crecimiento de sus ventas y empleo, que aquellas empresas locales que no contratan ex empleados de MNCS. Es decir, se obtuvo una clara evidencia de la externalidad positiva asociada con los derrames de conocimiento para Costa Rica, producto de la movilidad laboral desde las MNCS. No se encontró esta evidencia cuando el desempeño de las empresas locales se mide en términos de la productividad media del trabajador. Finalmente, los resultados señalan la importancia de llevar a cabo nuevas investigaciones sobre la capacidad de absorción de las empresas locales para potenciar más los impactos positivos de los derrames de conocimiento, así como respecto al impacto de tales derrames sobre la productividad total de los factores.This paper aims to determine the existence of knowledge spillovers associated to labor mobility from multinational companies (MNCS operating in Costa Rica. That is, the impact of such knowledge spillovers over the


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    Felipe Contreras-Molotla


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to show the behavior of the working conditions of the rural labor force of Mexico in the context of trade liberalization (1990-2010. Therefore, trends in agricultural and non-agricultural occupations are reviewed; salaried and non-salaried activities; labor income; and the main demographic characteristic of labor as age and schooling. The empirical analysis shows processing micro-data samples from the Census of Population and Housing 1990, 2000 and 2010. Among the major results in low growth of wage employment in rural contexts, both agricultural and non-agricultural activities is found. The female agricultural wage labor grew to early twenty-first century and later had a contraction at the end of the decade two thousand. Males still predominantly in farming, but it has increased its participation in the agricultural wage labor. Non-agricultural occupations increased in rural contexts. However, at the last moment of the study became more precarious, as the increased work on their own, with low levels of remuneration, this situation reflects the limited labor demand of labor. Therefore, in the context of trade liberalization, not salaried occupations increased steadily and continues with low levels of remuneration. The geographic region of residence enabled to distinguish differences in the working conditions of the rural population and occupied in time regional wage gap it is slightly shortened. The Northwest, North region were showing the highest levels of labor remuneration, in contrast, the South and Gulf regions were those that had the lowest wages.

  7. Performance Related Pay and Labor Productivity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gielen, A. C.; Kerkhofs, M.J.M.; van Ours, J.C.


    This paper uses information from a panel of Dutch firms to investigate the labor productivity effects of performance related pay (PRP).We find that PRP increases labor productivity at the firm level with about 9%.

  8. Child labor : a review


    Grootaert, Christiaan; Kanbur, Ravi


    On September 30, 1990, the first World Summit for Children promised to reduce child mortality and malnutrition. It set targets to be reached by the year 2000. Although it established no explicit goals on child labor, the targets included basic education for all children and the completion of primary education by at least 80 percent of children. Meeting these goals will reduce child labor, say the authors. The evidence they review shows that education intervention play a key role in reducing c...

  9. Estereotipo, prejuicio y discriminación hacia las mujeres en el contexto laboral latinoamericano=Stereotype, prejudice and discrimination against women in the Latin American labor context

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    Johana Alejandra Martinez Villegas


    Full Text Available Resumen Con el propósito de identificar las regularidades en los estereotipos, los prejuicios y las formas de discriminación, asociados a la mujer en el contexto laboral latinoamericano, se analizaron treinta estudios empíricos en países de Latinoamérica y publicados en revistas adscritas a las bases Redalyc y Psicodoc correspondientes al período de 2005 a 2015. Para el análisis se diseñó una matriz con las siguientes categorías: título, autores/as, año, país, variables, objetivos, tipo de investigación, instrumentos y resultados. La información se sometió a un análisis descriptivo y se concluyó que, pese a que se ha generado una cultura de inclusión de la mujer en las organizaciones, persisten los prejuicios, estereotipos y conductas discriminatorias.   Abstract To identify symmetries in stereotypes, prejudices and forms of discrimination associated with women labor in the Latin American context, thirty empirical studies were analyzed. Those studies were published from 2005 to 2015 at journals contained in Redalyc and Psicodoc academic data-bases. To identify the symmetries, we elaborated a matrix which contained the following categories: title, author, year, country, variables, objectives, type of research, instruments, and results. The resulting information was described, and we concluded that despite the efforts for including women in the labor force as equals, the prejudices, stereotypes, and discriminatory behavior are still present in this context.

  10. 76 FR 28730 - Notice of Intent To Suspend the Agricultural Labor Survey and Farm Labor Reports (United States)


    ... agricultural productivity; wage rates are used in the administration of the H-2A Program and for setting... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE National Agricultural Statistics Service Notice of Intent To Suspend the Agricultural Labor Survey and Farm Labor Reports AGENCY: National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. ACTION...

  11. 76 FR 38110 - Notice of Intent To Resume the Agricultural Labor Survey and Farm Labor Reports. (United States)


    ... agricultural productivity; wage rates are used in the administration of the H-2A Program and for setting... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE National Agricultural Statistics Service Notice of Intent To Resume the Agricultural Labor Survey and Farm Labor Reports. AGENCY: National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA...

  12. The Vulnerability of the Regional Labor Market

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    Mihail Rarița


    Full Text Available In the past decades, the European and Romanian economies have been strongly affected by major changes which have influenced also the labor market: the alert pace of the international economic integration, the creation of work division in order to protect some economic sectors, the accelerated development and implementation of new technologies, the increase of the demographic aging trends. In the context of the amplified labor force crisis, the present paper will analyze some dysfunctions which have affected especially the regional labor market: the chronic unemployment, the mismatch between the demand and the offer of jobs and the localized consequences of the labor migration. The approach on these aspects was done in a vaster context intended to analyze the regional labor market of Galati and Braila, starting from the existent imbalances on these markets. The present paper starts from the premise that the proposal of some measurements which should lead to a balancing of the regional working market, must take into account the way in which the direct actors involved are defining these obstacles and opportunities for professional (reinsertion. In order to highlight both the opinions and the perceptions of the participants on the labor market, the research had to take place on two levels: among the groups with a difficult position on the labor market and among the employers.

  13. International Labor Organization's 75th Anniversary. (United States)

    Hansenne, Michel; And Others


    This special issue contains eight articles that examine the following: social justice, global employment issues, International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, social security, training, tripartism, the 1994 ILO conference, and labor standards--all from a global perspective. (JOW)

  14. Modelamiento y valoración estocástica de una garantía para los rendimientos de una cuenta pensional


    Osorio Cardenas, Ledwing Gabriel


    El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar dos esquemas pensionales para la fase de desacumulación, introducidos en Blake (2006) y Blake, Cairns & Kevin (2003). El primero se define como “Floored-income programme (FLR)”, Blake (2006, pag. 173); es similar al sistema de retiro programado en la Ley 100/93 en Colombia pero con una garantía de tasa de interés tipo “piso”. Y el segundo es una modificación del anterior, Blake (2006, pag. 172), definido como “Collared-income programme (COL)”, en el cual...

  15. Uso de un dispositivo intravaginal para el control del estro en yeguas


    Wilde, Oscar R; de la Vega, Adolfo C; L. Cruz, María


    Un dispositivo intravaginal de uso bovino (PRID) conteniendo progesterona de lenta liberación, fue evaluado en once yeguas de la raza Peruano de Paso con el fin de sincronizar sus celos. El dispositivo fue instalado tal como es presentado comercialmente para bovinos y se mantuvo in situ por un lapso de doce días, al cabo de los cuales fue retirado sin mayores complicaciones. Manifestaciones de celo fueron observadas a las 24 h después del retiro del PRID, con su más alta incidencia (50%) a la...

  16. Labor allocation in transition: evidence from Chinese rural households

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, X.; Herzfeld, T.; Glauben, T.


    Empirical models are developed in this paper to quantitatively analyze households' participation in decisions on hiring labor and supplying labor off the farm, hired labor demand and off-farm labor supply of rural Chinese households. Econometric estimates use micro-level data from Zhejiang province

  17. El clima laboral en cuestión. Revisión bibliográfico-descriptiva y aproximación a un modelo explicativo multivariable

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    Ángel José Olaz Capitán


    Full Text Available Tras examinar diferentes modelos desarrollados en los últimos cincuenta años, este trabajo propone un modelo explicativo de Clima Laboral en organizaciones complejas. Dicho modelo plantea nuevas conexiones entre escenarios y variables explicativas con objeto de evidenciar los síntomas de deterioro más significativos, posibles vías de análisis, así como el estudio de las repercusiones derivadas en el individuo, grupo y organización, siempre con el objeto de introducir buenas prácticas conducentes al desarrollo de un clima laboral satisfactorio.

  18. Determinantes de la temporalidad en el mercado laboral ecuatoriano || Determinants of Temporality in Ecuadorian Labor Market

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    Chávez, Yannira


    Full Text Available Las diferencias que existen dentro del mercado laboral ecuatoriano, en las diferentes ramas de actividad, evidencian los niveles de formación que los trabajadores deben tener para evitar efectos negativos. Por tal motivo, en este estudio se analiza el papel que las características personales, laborales y geográficas desempeñan en la probabilidad de obtener un contrato temporal frente a uno indefinido. El análisis es realizado por rama de actividad, para determinar qué características posibilitarán la existencia del contrato temporal en cada una de ellas. Para lograr este objetivo, se estiman modelos de regresión logística utilizando los datos de la Encuesta de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo desde el 2º trimestre del año 2007 al 2º trimestre del año 2010, elaborada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC. || The differences that exist inside the labor Ecuadorian market, in the different branches of activity, demonstrate the training levels that the workers must have to avoid negative effects. However, in this study, the role played by individual, jobs and residence characteristics are analyzed on the probability of having a fixed-term employment versus permanent employment. It is analyzed concretely by branch of activity, to check which are the characteristics that would make it possible the existence of the fixed-term employment in each of them. To achieve this aim, there are estimated models of logistic regression using the information of the Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment from 2nd quarter of 2007 to the 2nd quarter of 2010, elaborated by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC.

  19. Active labor market policies and crime

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tranæs, Torben


    Active labor market programs continue to receive high priority in wealthy countries despite the fact that the benefits appear small relative to the costs. This apparent discrepancy suggests that the programs may have a broader purpose than simply increasing employment—for instance, preventing anti......-social behavior such as crime. Indeed, recent evidence shows that participation in active labor market programs reduces crime among unemployed young men. The existence of such effects could explain why it is the income-redistributing countries with greater income equality that spend the most on active labor...... market programs....

  20. E mpowerment y satisfacción laboral

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    Camila Paz Guzmán Delfino


    Full Text Available Resumen: En el presente estudio se ha pretendido comprobar la relación que posee el Empowerment con la Satisfacción Laboral. El motivo de este estudio reside en la importancia del trabajo en la vida de un individuo y por consiguiente la importancia de cómo se siente este con respecto al trabajo que desempeña en su vida personal y social. Es por ello que se ha realizado un investigación basada en comprobar no sólo hasta qué punto se relacionan estados variables sino que también la posible existencia de diferencias entre los puestos de trabajo. Los resultados mostraron una correlación positiva significativa entre el Empowerment y la Satisfacción Laboral, así como diferencias significativas en la media de puntuación entre el trabajo relacionado con la docencia y el trabajo relacionado con la hostelería. Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between employee empowerment and job satisfaction. The reason of this study lies in the importance of work in human life and its influence on other aspects such as private or social life. In order to understand it better, not only the relation between two variables, Empowerment and Job Satisfaction has been studied. We also researched posible differences between various professions. Results indicate that employee Empowerment has positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. The results also confirm a significant difference between waiters’ and profesors’ job satisfaction level.

  1. El clima laboral y la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño docente de instituciones educativas públicas


    Huaita Acha, Delsi Mariela


    La investigación titulada “El clima laboral y la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño docente de instituciones educativas públicas”, tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia del clima laboral y la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño docente de instituciones educativas públicas. El tipo de investigación fue básica, explicativa y descriptiva, el diseño fue no experimental y transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 81 docentes de instituciones educativas del niv...

  2. Access to Justice and Labor Law Reform in Asia

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    Asri Wijayanti


    Full Text Available The existence of national labor law system guarantees fair is one of legal reform to achieve access to justice. This study aims to analyze whether the system of labor law has given capacity to achieve access to justice as the basis for implementing international labor relations in Asia. The method of this study is a normative legal research with statute approach. The findings support that there was an inconsistency on the substance of the legal structures that affect the low legal culture. The substance of the national labor law systems have not adapted the comprehensive International Labor Organization (ILO conventions. Less robust system of national labor laws affect access to justice in the weak field of labor in the region. How To Cite: Wijayanti, A. (2016. Access to Justice and Labor Law Reform in Asia. Rechtsidee, 3(1, 17-26. doi:

  3. Drivers of Labor-Related Indicators across Diverse Mediterranean Fisheries

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    Jennifer Gee


    Full Text Available This regional case study is focused on employment, remuneration and labor productivity, with a particular emphasis on the interplay between labor productivity and other labor-related indicators and macroeconomic conditions in Italy, Egypt, Lebanon and Greece. Its value lies in the high degree of consistency and comparability of the data, owing to a shared data collection methodology. This has allowed for the compilation of both national and regional comparisons. The data is treated in two groups—the first group consists of national data that considers all the active vessels in a country; the second group focuses on the trawl segments of Italy and Egypt. These two countries present an interesting case study because they are so different in terms of labor productivity and remuneration performance. For instance, in Italy labor shortages have caused a shift in fishing strategies towards less labor-intensive operations to maintain the socioeconomic sustainability of the fisheries, while in Egypt macroeconomic conditions have resulted in a larger labor pool and strong incentives to work in the fisheries sector. The regional study demonstrates that labor-related indicators are interconnected and there is an inversely proportional relationship between labor productivity and remuneration and employment levels. This relationship necessitates a combined analysis. The results across and between the countries were compared, with particular attention given to labor productivity and remuneration in the respective countries with a discussion centred around the potential drivers of labor productivity.

  4. Programa de formación y capacitación laboral en salud mental

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    Luis Ernesto Chaura

    Full Text Available Quienes sufren psíquicamente, se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad psicosocial debido no sólo a los obstáculos propios de la enfermedad, sino al estigma respecto a la salud mental. Se presenta una experiencia de participación social en el área de desempeño ocupacional trabajo, mediante la creación de un Programa de Capacitación y Formación Laboral en una Organización No Gubernamental de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Se trata de un estudio de caso realizado durante un lapso de seis meses donde dos personas con sufrimiento psíquico fueron incorporadas al Programa Laboral en ese período, con el objetivo de facilitar el desarrollo de capacidades de desempeño y generar modificaciones en la coti-dianeidad, tanto de los participantes como de los integrantes de la institución. Que dicho contexto de capacitación sea una institución de salud mental y esté articulada con el Sector Público a través del Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social de Argentina, implicó un desafío dentro y fuera del ámbito de trabajo, permitiendo explorar y visualizar cómo los procesos de inclusión pueden ser generados con el compromiso de diferentes actores y sectores de la sociedad.

  5. Caracterización del mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida, Venezuela


    Villasmil R., María A.; Andrade, Henry


    Esta investigación trata sobre modelos que permiten caracterizar Mercados Laborales Locales (MLL), ya que en Venezuela el manejo de los mismos es casi inexistente. En este sentido, se plantea como objetivo caracterizar al mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida-Venezuela en función del conocimiento de las particularidades económicas, institucionales, políticas, sociales, educativas y culturales de la zona así como las condiciones que se tengan en materia de empleo, oferta de for...

  6. Nuevas tendencias de protección laboral y social y sus posibilidades para Colombia

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    Eduardo Lora


    Full Text Available El desempleo y la baja cobertura de seguridad social son dos males que aquejan a los colombianos. Este artículo explora las consecuencias que ha tenido el sistema de protección social en Colombia, donde la mayoría de los beneficios están atados a los empleos en el sector formal de la economía. Para ello, se hace un diagnóstico de las principales características del mercado laboral colombiano, entre las que se destacan el mal uso que se hace en el país de los recursos laborales, las altas condiciones de seguridad que tienen los empleados formales y la estabilidad de los salarios reales. Una reforma integral, que cubra bajo el mismo proceso político al sistema tributario, al sistema pensional y al sistema de protección social, es un camino promisorio para superar los inconvenientes generados por tales características.

  7. 29 CFR 215.4 - Employees not represented by a labor organization. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Employees not represented by a labor organization. 215.4 Section 215.4 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GUIDELINES, SECTION 5333(b), FEDERAL TRANSIT LAW § 215.4 Employees not represented by a labor...

  8. International Trade and Labor Market Discrimination

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Chisik (Richard); J.E. Namini (Julian Emami)


    textabstractWe embed a competitive search model with labor market discrimination, or nepotism, into a two-sector, two-country framework in order to analyze how labor market discrimination impacts the pattern of international trade and also how trade trade affects discrimination. Discrimination, or

  9. 36 CFR 8.4 - Federal and State labor laws. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Federal and State labor laws... State labor laws. A concessioner shall comply with all standards established pursuant to Federal or State labor laws, such as those concerning minimum wages, child labor, hours of work, and safety, that...

  10. Cambios de género y discriminación laboral en el sector financiero colombiano. El caso de Bancolombia

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    Magda Ortega


    Full Text Available La masiva incorporación laboral de las mujeres al sector financiero hace parte de las estrategias adoptadas por las empresas en el marco de la globalización de la economía para adoptar una imagen renovada y competitiva. Aunque se han abierto las posibilidades de su participación laboral, las características de su demanda siguen incorporando las concepciones tradicionales asociadas con el trabajo femenino. En este contexto, el presente artículo describe parte de un estudio realizado dentro de Bancolombia dentro de un plan de mejoramiento de las relaciones laborales entre los empleadores y el movimiento sindical para potenciar la negociación colectiva.

  11. What can be done about child labor ? - An overview of recent research and its implications for designing programs to reduce child labor


    Grimsrud, Bjorne


    This paper examines the research on child labor, and places the phenomenon in a broader development agenda. It explains the demand for, and supply of child labor, linking these factors to others, such as the supply of education. Then it looks into the private, and social costs of, and benefits from child labor. Against this background, strategies fore reducing child labor are debated.

  12. Estereotipo, prejuicio y discriminación hacia la mujer en el contexto laboral


    Camacho Castañeda, Claudia Lizeth; Martínez Villegas, Johana Alejandra


    Con el propósito de identificar las regularidades en los estereotipos, los prejuicios y las formas de discriminación, asociados a la mujer en el contexto laboral latinoamericano, se analizaron treinta estudios empíricos, publicados en revistas adscritas a las bases Redalyc y Psicodoc correspondientes al período de 2005 a 2015. Para el análisis se diseñó una matriz con las siguientes categorías: Título, autores, año, país, variables, objetivos, tipo de investigación, instrumento y resultados....

  13. Pathophysiology of preterm labor with intact membranes. (United States)

    Talati, Asha N; Hackney, David N; Mesiano, Sam


    Preterm labor with intact membranes is a major cause of spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB). To prevent sPTB a clear understanding is needed of the hormonal interactions that initiate labor. The steroid hormone progesterone acting via its nuclear progesterone receptors (PRs) in uterine cells is essential for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy and disruption of PR signaling (i.e., functional progesterone/PR withdrawal) is key trigger for labor. The process of parturition is also associated with inflammation within the uterine tissues and it is now generally accepted that inflammatory stimuli from multiple extrinsic and intrinsic sources induce labor. Recent studies suggest inflammatory stimuli induce labor by affecting PR transcriptional activity in uterine cells to cause functional progesterone/PR withdrawal. Advances in understanding the functional interaction of inflammatory load on the pregnancy uterus and progesterone/PR signaling is opening novel areas of research and may lead to rational therapeutic strategies to effectively prevent sPTB. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Immigrants, Labor Market Performance, and Social Insurance


    Bratsberg, Bernt; Raaum, Oddbjørn; Røed, Knut


    Using longitudinal data from the date of arrival, we study long- term labor market and social insurance outcomes for all major immigrant cohorts to Norway since 1970. Immigrants from highincome countries performed as natives, while labor migrants from low- income source countries had declining employment rates and increasing disability program participation over the lifecycle. Refugees and family migrants assimilated during the initial period upon arrival, but labor market convergence halted ...

  15. Beyond dualism: Multisegmented labor markets in Ghana


    James Heintz; Fabian Slonimczyk


    Using estimates of earnings functions in Ghana, this paper examines patterns of labor market segmentation with regard to formal and informal employment. Persistent earnings differentials are used as indicators of limited mobility across segments of the employed labor force. We find evidence of labor market segmentation between formal and informal employment and between different categories of informal employment which cannot be fully explained by human capital, physical asset, or credit marke...

  16. Labor progress indices and dynamics of the individual uterine contraction during the active stage of labor. (United States)

    Ophir, Ella; Bornstein, Jacob; Odeh, Marwan; Kaminsky, Svetlana; Shnaider, Oleg; Megel, Yuri; Barnea, Ofer


    To obtain and study new data on the dynamics of the labor process and to develop a contraction-based index of labor progress. This study was carried out at the Delivery Room, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya, Israel, using a new device (Birth Track). We continuously monitored cervical dilatation (CD) and head descent (HD) in 30 nulliparaous women during active labor with (augmented group) and without (study group) oxytocin augmentation. This led to the development and validation of progress indices based on features extracted from continuous monitoring. There were no significant differences between the average of each parameter in the study and augmented groups, except for HD velocity. Average HD velocity was faster in the study group. Linear regression analyses demonstrated that head station (HS) amplitude and Toco amplitude were the best parameters for predicting HD velocity in both groups. In the study group, average HD velocity was also significantly related to Toco rate and contraction efficiency. In the augmented group, only a weak correlation with Toco rate was seen, and no correlation with contraction efficiency. With the assistance of the Birth Track device, we can obtain continuous data on the labor process and indices to estimate the labor progress process without the use of vaginal (manual) examination. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2013 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  17. Actividad laboral en una cohorte de pacientes con carcinoma de pulmón Employment in a cohort of lung cancer patients

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    Raquel Molina Villaverde


    Full Text Available Introducción: La actividad laboral en el cáncer de pulmón es un aspecto psicosocial que ha recibido poca atención hasta el momento actual por distintos motivos, a pesar de considerarse una dimensión de la calidad de vida para todo paciente oncológico. Objetivos: Analizar la reinserción y adaptación al entorno laboral en una cohorte de pacientes con un carcinoma de pulmón para describir los factores que influyen en la vuelta al trabajo de estos enfermos. Pacientes y métodos: El estudio incluyó 35 pacientes consecutivos diagnosticados de un cáncer de pulmón y que estaban empleados en el momento del diagnóstico. El cuestionario incluyó aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y laborales (32 variables en total que se relacionaron con la reincorporación al mundo laboral. También se incluyeron percepciones subjetivas de los enfermos respecto a este tema. Resultados: El 96,9% de los pacientes pasaron a inactivos tras comenzar el tratamiento de la enfermedad y un 85,7% lo seguían estando tras éste. La presencia de secuelas fue la variable con mayor influencia en la inactividad laboral. Conclusiones: Éste es el primer estudio exploratorio en nuestro país acerca de la reinserción laboral de los pacientes diagnosticados de un carcinoma de pulmón.Background: Cancer affects many dimensions determining quality of life, including work. However, the importance of work to cancer survivors has received little attention. Aim: Employment and work-related disability were investigated in a cohort of lung cancer patients to describe a possible discrimination and other work issues. Patients and Methods: The study included consecutively 35 lung cancer patients who were employed at diagnosis. The questionnaire included cancer-related symptoms and work-related factors. Clinical details were obtained from the medical record. Patients were interviewed face to face and 32 variables were recorded. Results: 96,9 per cent of patients were unable to work

  18. Factors associated with higher oxytocin requirements in labor. (United States)

    Frey, Heather A; Tuuli, Methodius G; England, Sarah K; Roehl, Kimberly A; Odibo, Anthony O; Macones, George A; Cahill, Alison G


    To identify clinical characteristics associated with high maximum oxytocin doses in women who achieve complete cervical dilation. A retrospective nested case-control study was performed within a cohort of all term women at a single center between 2004 and 2008 who reached the second stage of labor. Cases were defined as women who had a maximum oxytocin dose during labor >20 mu/min, while women in the control group had a maximum oxytocin dose during labor of ≤20 mu/min. Exclusion criteria included no oxytocin administration during labor, multiple gestations, major fetal anomalies, nonvertex presentation, and prior cesarean delivery. Multiple maternal, fetal, and labor factors were evaluated with univariable analysis and multivariable logistic regression. Maximum oxytocin doses >20 mu/min were administered to 108 women (3.6%), while 2864 women received doses ≤20 mu/min. Factors associated with higher maximum oxytocin dose after adjusting for relevant confounders included maternal diabetes, birthweight >4000 g, intrapartum fever, administration of magnesium, and induction of labor. Few women who achieve complete cervical dilation require high doses of oxytocin. We identified maternal, fetal and labor factors that characterize this group of parturients.

  19. Labor Market Determinants of Migration Flows in Europe

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    Elvira Nica


    Full Text Available Considerable research attention has focused on the labor market impacts of immigration, the operation and competitiveness of the European Union (EU labor market, and the expenditures and advantages of labor circulation for sending and receiving economies. The aim of the present study is to examine and evaluate the negative social consequences arising from the mobility of workers, the social and economic drivers of migration, and the effect of immigration on natives’ labor market results such as wages and employment.

  20. 76 FR 35244 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Trade and Labor Affairs; Bahrain-United States... (United States)


    ... failing to fulfill its obligations and commitments under the International Labour Organization Declaration... were inconsistent with its commitments under the Labor Chapter. The objectives of the review of the... commitments or obligations arising under a labor chapter * * *.'' The Procedural Guidelines specify that OTLA...

  1. Labor construction trends

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCall, H.W.


    The increasing costs and schedule delays being experienced in construction projects have led companies to look for alternatives to their present methods of expansion. One of the facets being evaluated is the construction labor posture. As a result, more companies are employing open shop contractors. Certain benefits can be realized by open shop construction. Productivity, in terms of the time required and overall costs, is definitely improved at no sacrifice in quality. Before an owner decides to build a project open shop, however, he must be fully aware of the pro's and con's of both types of labor posture. He must know to select a capable open shop contractor and he must realize his obligations for a successful open shop program

  2. Towards improving construction labor productivity and projects’ performance

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    Mostafa E. Shehata


    Full Text Available Proper management of resources in construction projects can yield substantial savings in time and cost. As construction is a labor-intensive industry, this paper focuses on labor productivity in the construction industry. This study considers the current state-of-the-art issues relevant to this subject. It covers the construction labor productivity definitions, aspects, measurements, factors affecting it, different techniques used for measuring it and modeling techniques. The main outcome from the literature is that there is no standard definition of productivity. This study provides a guide for necessary steps required to improve construction labor productivity and consequently, the project performance. It can help improve the overall performance of construction projects through the implementation of the concept of benchmarks. Also, it gives an up to date concept of loss of productivity measurement for construction productivity claims. Two major case studies, from the literature, are presented to show construction labor productivity rates, factors affecting construction labor productivity and how to improve it.

  3. Informalidad laboral por inserción endeble: el caso de Concordia (Entre Ríos, Argentina

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    Magdalena Reta


    Full Text Available El mercado laboral de la ciudad de Concordia (Provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina, luego de un prolongado período de crecimiento económico, se caracterizaba hacia el año 2006 por una alta proporción de inserciones endebles, explicadas mayoritariamente por una lógica de sobrevivencia, que superaban el cincuenta por ciento de la población económicamente activa (PEA. La caracterización de la informalidad, entendida en un sentido amplio, muestra situaciones que están presentes tanto en trabajadores asalariados como en los independientes y en las actividades por cuenta propia que no generan ingresos suficientes para acceder a niveles de consumo mínimo aceptables. Este estudio permite dar cuenta de que la problemática del mercado laboral excede al análisis de la desocupación abierta.

  4. ¿Volvería a ser enfermera/o? Análisis de la satisfacción laboral en el complejo asistencial universitario de Palencia


    Morán Morán, Sara


    La enfermería ha ido adquiriendo y asumiendo nuevas funciones y responsabilidades con el tiempo, lo que aporta una mayor autonomía, causante de un aumento del estrés en los enfermeros. Al estrés se suman el Burnout y la Satisfacción Laboral. Burnout como consecuencia del estrés, derivado de la carga de trabajo y responsabilidades, juntos, afectan de forma negativa creando una insatisfacción laboral que puede llegar a poner en peligro la calidad de los cuidados ofrecidos. Estos conceptos, está...

  5. Relación entre la Preparación de la Carrera Profesional y la satisfacción laboral de personas discapacitadas con estudios universitarios


    Martínez-Vicente, J.M.; Segura, M.A.


    La preparación para la carrera profesional se configura como un aspecto fundamental para el proceso de transición al mundo laboral y como un constructo a tener en cuenta en la satisfacción laboral del trabajador. Nuestro interés se centra en un sector de la población escasamente estudiado en este sentido, sujetos discapacitados con titulación universitaria. En consecuencia, el objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la relación existente entre la Preparación para la Carrera Profesional y el grad...

  6. Macroeconomic implications of labor market frictions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sedláček, P.


    Fluctuations in economic activity, business cycles, are a fact of life. An important factor shaping the character of economic fluctuations is the labor market. However, the labor market does not operate smoothly. Neither workers, nor firms are all the same. Therefore, it often requires a substantial

  7. Integration Policies and Immigrants’ Labor Market Outcomes in Europe

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    Irena Kogan


    Full Text Available This article assesses whether two integration policy measures (labor market training and counseling reach the immigrants who need them and whether these policies improve immigrants' labor market situations. We first examine the comprehensiveness of integration policies by linking Migration Integration Policy Index scores of immigrants' labor market mobility with levels of immigrant participation in labor market training and counseling in 15 European countries. We find that provision with labor market training does not entirely correspond to policy intentions, whereas labor market counseling more closely achieves policies' proclaimed aims. Second, we carry out propensity score matching analysis to estimate the effectiveness of immigrants' integration policies. We find that labor market training and counseling do not improve immigrants' employability or job status in three of the four analyzed countries, which lends weak support to the productivity skills argument, emphasizing instead the validity of the signaling and selection perspectives.

  8. Smoking, Labor, & Delivery: It's Complicated (United States)

    You probably have mixed feelings about going into labor. On one hand, bringing a new life into the world is really exciting. On the other, it can be really scary to have a baby, especially if this is your first child. Unfortunately, it can be even scarier if you smoke. Research shows that smoking during pregnancy can lead to serious complications for you and your baby during labor and delivery.

  9. Evaluación de las oficinas de transferencia universitarias colombianas respecto a su labor como intermediarias en el mercado del conocimiento


    Olaya Escobar, Erika Sofía; Duarte, Oscar German; Berbegal Mirabent, Jasmina; Simó Guzmán, Pep


    Este artículo analiza el desempeño de las Oficinas de Transferencia Universitarias Colombianas (OTRI), respecto al modelo de la Triple Hélice y su rol como intermediarias para la valorización y comercialización del conocimiento. El resultado de este trabajo permitirá determinar los factores identificados en la literatura y que pueden influir en el éxito de la labor de estas oficinas y al mismo tiempo analizar su funcionamiento interno, importancia y grado de madurez como interfaz entre el mun...

  10. Failed labor induction: toward an objective diagnosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Rouse, Dwight J


    To evaluate maternal and perinatal outcomes in women undergoing labor induction with an unfavorable cervix according to duration of oxytocin administration in the latent phase of labor after ruptured membranes.

  11. Testing the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Showering in Labor. (United States)

    Stark, Mary Ann

    : Therapeutic showering is a holistic nursing intervention that is often available and supports physiologic labor. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of therapeutic showering with usual care during active labor. Research questions were as follows: Are there significant differences between women who showered 30 minutes during active labor and those who received usual labor care in anxiety, tension, relaxation, pain, discomfort, and coping? Is there a difference in use of obstetric interventions between groups? A convenience sample of healthy low-risk women in active labor was recruited (N = 32). A pretest posttest control group repeated-measures design was used. Participants were randomized to treatment group (n = 17), who showered for 30 minutes, or to control group (n = 14) who received usual labor care. Women evaluated pain, discomfort, anxiety, tension, coping, and relaxation at enrollment, again 15 minutes after entering the shower or receiving usual care, then again 30 minutes after entering the shower or receiving usual care. Chart reviews after delivery recorded obstetric interventions. The showering group had statistically significant decreases in pain, discomfort, anxiety and tension, and significant increase in relaxation. There were no differences in use of obstetric interventions. Therapeutic showering was effective in reducing pain, discomfort, anxiety, and tension while improving relaxation and supporting labor in this sample.

  12. White Ethnics, Racial Prejudice, and Labor Market Segmentation. (United States)

    Cummings, Scott

    The contemporary conflict between blacks and selected white ethnic groups (Catholic immigrants, Jews) is the product of competition for jobs in the secondary labor market. Radical economists have described the existence of a dual labor market within the American economy. The idea of this segmented labor market provides a useful way to integrate…

  13. The Origins of Forced Labor in the Witwatersrand (United States)

    Moeti, Moitsadi


    Gold mining brought a forced labor system to Witwatersrand, South Africa, in the 1880s as African laborers were rounded up from the hinterland and delivered to the mines. The system produced low wages, high mortality, and the loss of chances for upward mobility. Forced labor persists today in South African mines. (VM)

  14. Water Breaking: Understand This Sign of Labor (United States)

    Healthy Lifestyle Labor and delivery, postpartum care Water breaking worries? Prepare yourself for childbirth by getting the facts about this important sign of labor. By Mayo Clinic Staff If you're ...

  15. Improving Labor Productivity and Labor Elasticity at Multiproduct Japanese Cuisine Restaurant Introducing Cell-Production System


    Shimamura , Takeshi; Takenaka , Takeshi; Ohura , Syuichi


    Part III: Sustainable Services; International audience; This study examined improvement of labor productivity and elasticity of labor hour on sales of a multiproduct Japanese cuisine restaurant. Conventionally, multiproduct restaurant operations include a line production system in the kitchen. Japanese chefs are assumed to be low-skilled workers with staff members supported by someone. A cell production system is introduced into a Japanese Cuisine restaurant to improve it. Results show that t...

  16. 75 FR 55251 - Labor Day, 2010 (United States)


    ... immeasurable contributions of working men and women today and throughout our history. As we recognize the... and that of organized labor in our national life. Workers have not always possessed the same rights... aisles of today's superstores, organized labor has provided millions of hard-working men and women with a...

  17. Wage and Hour Farm Labor Laws. (United States)

    Hertel, Catherine

    This paper, by a teacher of migrants, summarizes various farm labor laws and child labor laws pertaining to migrant and seasonal workers. The Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act of 1983 provides workers with assurances about pay, hours, and working conditions, including safety and health. This legislation permits anyone…

  18. The estimation of labor life quality in regions of Russia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yelena Leonidovna Andreyeva


    Full Text Available The methodology of labor life quality estimation based on research of the social and labor sphere of Russia regions over the last 10 years is described in the article. The most significant components of the labor life quality, allowing to estimate the central problem places of the social and labor sphere (employment and unemployment, salary and income, qualification and labor productivity, safety and work organization, business and investment activity are allocated and proved. On the basis of an author’s calculation method of an integrated index of labor life quality of the population in regions of Russia are calculated and analyzed in dynamics. Regularities of formation of an integrated index of labor life quality in regions of Russia are revealed, ways of an assessment of efficiency of realized state programs in the social and labor sphere are planned.

  19. International Comparisons on Internal Labor Markets and Corporate Performance

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    Joonmo Cho


    Full Text Available This paper presents an analytical framework which demonstrates how the structures of corporate internal labor markets are formed within the broader labor and capital market context in the U.S. and Japan. This framework is then used to evaluate labor markets within Korean companies and to identify points of change which might promote greater efficiency. Prior to the Asian economic crisis, Korean conglomerates had large, closed internal labor markets. However, in the aftermath of the crisis, they have pursued structural downsizing and moved to open their labor markets. The empirical evidence introduced in this paper affirms the argument that the first step toward creating a flexible labor market in Korea should begin with establishing an efficient corporate governance structure. This implies that a simple switch from the Japanese paradigm for human resource management to an Anglo-American model or vice-versa may not improve internal labor market performance unless the change is accompanied by a solution to the problems posed by the minority controlling structure of Korean companies. The implications of this study for guiding policy in developing countries having labor market rigidities and underdeveloped corporate governance is clear. Capital market structure and corporate governance systems may provide an appropriate starting point for the development of any policies aimed at building an efficient human resource management system and a flexible labor market.

  20. A Labor Supply Elasticity Accord?


    Lars Ljungqvist; Thomas J. Sargent


    A dispute about the size of the aggregate labor supply elasticity has been fortified by a contentious aggregation theory used by real business cycle theorists. The replacement of that aggregation theory with one more congenial to microeconomic observations opens possibilities for an accord about the aggregate labor supply elasticity. The new aggregation theory drops features to which empirical microeconomists objected and replaces them with life-cycle choices. Whether the new aggregation theo...

  1. Labor Market Size and Unemployment Duration: A Theoretical Note


    Peter Schaeffer; Tesfa Gebremedhin


    When job prospects are uncertain, labor market size matters even when labor and jobs, respectively, are homogenous. The expected unemployment duration and its standard deviation may then differ systematically with labor market size.

  2. 20 CFR 404.1055 - Payments for agricultural labor. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Payments for agricultural labor. 404.1055... Payments for agricultural labor. (a) When cash payments are not wages. We do not include as wages your cash payments in a calendar year after 1987 from an employer for agricultural labor (see § 404.1056) if your...

  3. Role of Prophylactic Oxytocin in the Third Stage of Labor: Physiologic Versus Pharmacologically Influenced Labor and Birth. (United States)

    Erickson, Elise N; Lee, Christopher S; Emeis, Cathy L


    Maternity care providers administer oxytocin prophylactically to prevent postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Prophylactic oxytocin is generally considered effective and safe and is promoted by national organizations for standardized use. In this article, the evidence supporting prophylactic oxytocin administration for women undergoing spontaneous labor and birth compared with women whose labors included administration of exogenous oxytocin for induction or augmentation is explored. Using data from randomized controlled trials included in 2 recent Cochrane meta-analyses papers, only studies with women in spontaneous labor were selected for inclusion (N = 4 studies). Outcomes of immediate postpartum bleeding volumes (≥ 500 mL or 1000 mL), risk for blood transfusion, and risk for administration of more uterotonic medication were pooled from these 4 studies. Focused random effects meta-analytics were used. Compared to women without prophylactic oxytocin, women who received prophylactic oxytocin had a lower risk of having a 500 mL or higher blood loss. However, prophylactic oxytocin did not lower risk of PPH (≥ 1000 mL), blood transfusion, or need for additional uterotonic treatment. Prophylactic oxytocin may not confer the same benefits to women undergoing spontaneous labor and birth compared to women laboring with oxytocin infusion. Reasons for this difference are explored from a pharmacologic perspective. In addition, the value of prophylactic oxytocin given recent changes in the definition of PPH from greater than or equal to 500 mL to 1000 mL or more after birth is discussed. Finally, gaps in research on adverse effects of prophylactic oxytocin are presented. More research is needed on reducing risk of PPH for women in spontaneous labor. © 2017 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

  4. A Labor Perspective on Basic Skills. (United States)

    Sarmiento, Anthony R.

    Most major workplace literacy programs involve unions. Organized labor's current leadership in worker education and training is not a continuation of earlier activities but an expansion of union interest and activity that is unprecedented in the history of organized labor. These efforts do not rely on public funding, because many unions have…

  5. Nueva gestión pública en Colombia y bienestar laboral del profesorado universitario

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    María Fernanda Caballero-Lozada


    Full Text Available Las crisis originadas en los modelos de desarrollo socioeconómico y/o productivo dominante y en las formas de organización socio-laboral, generan condiciones laborales que pueden afectar la salud física, psicológica y laboral de los docentes, por lo tanto es importante abordar el tema en la prevención de riesgos profesionales y factores psicosociales, con el fin de fomentar su desarrollo personal y profesional. Se toma como base el contexto de la transición del Fordismo Keynesiano al Nuevo Capitalismo Moderno, de la Modernidad Sólida a la Mo - dernidad Líquida de inseguridades e incertidumbres. Se examina la adopción del modelo de Nueva Gestión Pública (NGP en Colombia, proceso que se ve reflejado en la Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991, específicamente en el artículo 67, en la Ley 30 de 1992 y en la aplicación de la Tercera Reforma de la Educación Superior en América Latina. Para considerar la relación entre las condiciones de trabajo en el escenario de la NGP en el profesorado colombiano con el bienestar laboral, se realizó un análisis basado en revisión bibliográfica de documentos a partir del año 2000. Se hace importante iniciar el abordaje de la precarización de las condiciones laborales, como un problema de salud pública y no como situación momentánea, producto de la flexibilización laboral en la educación universitaria colombiana.

  6. 75 FR 4271 - Labor Organization Officer and Employee Reports (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of Labor-Management Standards 29 CFR Part 404 Labor Organization Officer and Employee Reports CFR Correction In Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 100 to 499, revised as [[Page 4272

  7. Labor Supply and Optimization Frictions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søgaard, Jakob Egholt

    In this paper I investigate the nature of optimization frictions by studying the labor market of Danish students. This particular labor market is an interesting case study as it features a range of special institutional settings that affect students’ incentive to earn income and comparing outcomes...... theory. More concretely I find the dominate optimization friction to be individuals’ inattention about their earnings during the year, while real adjustment cost and gradual learning appears to be of less importance....

  8. Revisiting Marshall's Third Law: Why Does Labor's Share Interact with the Elasticity of Substitution to Decrease the Elasticity of Labor Demand? (United States)

    Hoffman, Saul D.


    The third Marshall-Hicks-Allen rule of elasticity of derived demand purports to show that labor demand is less elastic when labor is a smaller share of total costs. As Hicks, Allen, and then Bronfenbrenner showed, this rule is not quite correct, and actually is complicated by an unexpected negative relationship involving labor's share of total…

  9. Emotional labor in nursing praxis

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    José Manuel da Silva Vilelas

    Full Text Available Healthcare work is, by nature, an activity full of intense emotions and therefore, is opportune ground for exploring emotions in the workplace in different contexts of nursing care. It is a very fertile terrain if care is focused on the emotions of the client, nurses, healthcare teams, and on the interaction of all actors involved. This article presents a theoretical reflection exploring the concept of emotional labor in the context of nursing care. Theoretical references from several fields of knowledge, namely sociology and nursing, have been adopted to conceptualize the theme. Studies on emotional labor have contributed toward the understanding of the key issue of emotional management in healthcare institutions and both its positive and negative impact on clients and professionals. The development of the theme of emotional labor in nursing has given rise to numerous theoretical approaches and perspectives explaining this concept.

  10. Entorno regulatorio y ausentismo laboral. Una aproximación teórica

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    Carlos Alberto Restrepo Rivillas


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una revisión de literatura sobre trabajos recientes que se ocupan de las causas del absentismo desde varias perspectivas. En particular, se consideran causas asociadas con aspectos del contexto organizacional y social, demográficos, de personalidad, de actitudes y de toma de decisiones. Se detalla una propuesta metodológica en la que, mediante la aplicación de un modelo de regresión logística, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares para Colombia, se puede evaluar la asociación entre el tipo de contrato y la probabilidad de incurrir en comportamientos de absentismo en las organizaciones. Se plantea que los empleados con contrato escrito tienen mayor probabilidad de ausentarse que las personas con contrato verbal. Igualmente se plantea una asociación positiva entre el absentismo y otras variables, como la intensión de retiro y el número de niños con los que convive el empleado. De igual modo se sugiere que la asociación entre tipo de contrato y absentismo difiere según el género y el estado civil del trabajador. Otras variables relacionadas con características de la organización se utilizan para controlar algunos efectos dentro de los modelos.

  11. Entorno regulatorio y ausentismo laboral. Una aproximación teórica

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    Carlos Alberto Restrepo Rivillas


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una revisión de literatura sobre trabajos recientes que se ocupan de las causas del absentismo desde varias perspectivas. En particular, se consideran causas asociadas con aspectos del contexto organizacional y social, demográficos, de personalidad, de actitudes y de toma de decisiones. Se detalla una propuesta metodológica en la que, mediante la aplicación de un modelo de regresión logística, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares para Colombia, se puede evaluar la asociación entre el tipo de contrato y la probabilidad de incurrir en comportamientos de absentismo en las organizaciones. Se plantea que los empleados con contrato escrito tienen mayor probabilidad de ausentarse que las personas con contrato verbal. Igualmente se plantea una asociación positiva entre el absentismo y otras variables, como la intensión de retiro y el número de niños con los que convive el empleado. De igual modo se sugiere que la asociación entre tipo de contrato y absentismo difiere según el género y el estado civil del trabajador. Otras variables relacionadas con características de la organización se utilizan para controlar algunos efectos dentro de los modelos.

  12. Segmentación laboral, educación y desigualdad salarial en México Work segmentation, education and salary inequality in Mexico


    Marcos Valdivia López; Mercedes Pedrero Nieto


    Con el propósito de poner al descubierto las fuerzas sociológicas que afectan la desigualdad salarial en México, este trabajo realiza una estratificación basada en ocupaciones que atiende a la hipótesis de dualidad de los mercados laborales al proponer un submercado laboral primario y otro secundario. En específico, estudiamos la desigualdad salarial a partir de evaluar de qué manera los rendimientos de la educación se comportan o se ven afectados a lo largo de los diversos grupos ocupacional...

  13. Educación Superior y Mercado Laboral: Relación Ética Humanista Educación Superior y Mercado Laboral: Relación Ética Humanista

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    Cirila Cervera Delgado


    Full Text Available Every time and to a lesser extent the Mexican labor market is distinguished for its permanence and stability in employment in the public and productive sectors. This is attributed mainly to the impact that technological innovation and the generation of the knowledge has had in the world. Both the agricultural and industrial production, once pillars of the economy, have yielded in favor of services and commerce. In this sense, it is more difficult to find lasting and stable employment. In the world, sub-contracting, the division of economies and tele-working (networking have increased. For example, there are fewer permanent jobs in the factories, fewer tenured professors in the educative institutions and fewer safe contracts for young people. The gap in social inequality grows due to the diversity of capacities and the ability to obtain income in the labor market. For that reason, in the present paper, it is found that higher education plays an important role, considered not only as a cultural and political institution, but also as recognition of its economic role. In addition, actual demands from the labor market and higher education also need a new relationship in a context of humanistic ethics. Cada vez en menor medida el mercado laboral mexicano se distingue por la permanencia y estabilidad del empleo en el sector público y en el sector productivo. Esto se le atribuye principalmente al impacto que han tenido la innovación tecnológica y la generación del conocimiento en el mundo. Tanto la producción agrícola como industrial, otrora pilares de la economía, han cedido el paso a favor de los servicios y el comercio. En este sentido, resulta cada vez más difícil encontrar empleos duraderos y estables. En el mundo, se ha incrementado la subcontratación, la terciarización de la economía y el teletrabajo. Por ejemplo, son menos los trabajadores de planta en las fábricas, de profesores de base en las instituciones educativas y de

  14. The estimation of labor life quality in regions of Russia


    Yelena Leonidovna Andreyeva; Tatyana Vladimirovna Polkova


    The methodology of labor life quality estimation based on research of the social and labor sphere of Russia regions over the last 10 years is described in the article. The most significant components of the labor life quality, allowing to estimate the central problem places of the social and labor sphere (employment and unemployment, salary and income, qualification and labor productivity, safety and work organization, business and investment activity) are allocated and proved. On...

  15. Unfunded pensions and endogenous labor supply

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Torben M.; Bhattacharya, Joydeep

    A classic result in dynamic public economics, dating back to Aaron (1966) and Samuelson (1975), states that there is no welfare rationale for PAYG pensions in a dynamically-efficient neoclassical economy with exogenous labor supply. This paper argues that this result, under the fairly-mild restri......A classic result in dynamic public economics, dating back to Aaron (1966) and Samuelson (1975), states that there is no welfare rationale for PAYG pensions in a dynamically-efficient neoclassical economy with exogenous labor supply. This paper argues that this result, under the fairly......-mild restriction that the old be no less risk-averse than the young, extends to a neoclassical economy with endogenous labor supply....

  16. Participación laboral de la población de 60 años de edad o más en Colombia


    Yánez Contreras, Martha Alicia; Maldonado Pedroza, Cristian David; Del Risco Serje, Katherin Paola


    En Colombia al igual que en muchos países en vías de desarrollo, las tendencias generales sobre la ocupación en la vejez muestran que las tasas de participación laboral se han incrementado en las últimas décadas. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar los factores relacionados con la participación en la actividad laboral de la población adulta de 60 años o más. Utilizando la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH) 2014, se estimó un modelo de regresión logística. La probabilidad de que ...

  17. 29 CFR 801.65 - Appearances; representation of the Department of Labor. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Appearances; representation of the Department of Labor. 801.65 Section 801.65 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OTHER LAWS APPLICATION OF THE EMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT OF 1988 Administrative...

  18. 76 FR 53880 - Funds Availability for Section 514 Farm Labor Housing Loans and Section 516 Farm Labor Housing... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Housing Service Funds Availability for Section 514 Farm Labor Housing Loans and Section 516 Farm Labor Housing Grants for Off-Farm Housing for Fiscal Year 2011 AGENCY: Rural Housing Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice; correction. SUMMARY: This notice corrects the scoring...

  19. Projecting female labor supply: The relevance of social norm change

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Romme, A.G.L.


    The relevance of labor supply research for long-term labor market policy is rather low. This article is an attempt to improve on this situation in the case of female labor force participation. It focuses on labor supply decisions under fundamental uncertainty, that is, imperfect ability to cope with

  20. A global strategy for labor. (United States)

    Faux, Jeff


    The rules of the global market were established to protect the interests of investors at the expense of workers and they shift benefits to investors, costs to workers. Globalization is measured by the interests of investors. But 20 years of investor protectionism show that growth has slowed and equality has gotten worse. The purpose of neo-liberal policies has been to discipline labor to free capital from having to bargain with workers over gains from rising productivity. But such bargaining is the essence of a democratic market. Uncontrolled globalization puts government's domestic policies on the side of capital. In an economy whose growth depends on foreign markets, rising domestic wages make it harder to compete internationally. There has been a general deterioration of labor's position relative to capital's. A global marketplace implies a global politics, and the real work happens when representatives of multi-national business privately negotiate the rules. Labor must change the framework in which the investor class pursues its interest across borders, while workers are constricted by borders. Labor unions are critical; they can deny the human resource necessary for profits. The strike is the ultimate threat to investors. One solution: a "grand bargain" linking development with broadly increased living standards connected to planning for sustainable development to create a global social contract. Workers have advantages: they are the majority and they are indispensable.

  1. Aspectos conceptuales para la investigación de la labor de bibliotecarios y bibliotecarias que proporcionan servicios de referencia

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    Alejandro-José Unfried-González


    Full Text Available Para llevar a cabo una investigación bibliotecológica que tome como objeto de estudio las actividades agrupadas bajo el término referencia, es necesario reconocer la complejidad de dicho objeto y construir los conceptos adecuados para abordarlo. Precisamente, con el término referencia se designa una actividad bibliotecaria compleja que puede ser abordada, al menos, desde cuatro perspectivas distintas determinadas por el empleo de uno o más conceptos clave. El concepto trabajo de referencia permite abordar específicamente la labor realizada por personas que proporcionan servicios de referencia en una biblioteca. De esta manera se establece una distinción teórica relevante entre funciones realizadas por las personas y servicios ofrecidos por la institución, adscribiendo esta labor particular a una noción amplia que parece ser apropiada para su caracterización: la de asistir, la cual concede un lugar no solo a cada una de las funciones reconocidas tradicionalmente al personal del servicio de referencia, sino a su doble dimensión creativa y productiva, lo que plantea a su vez la posibilidad de un enfoque cualitativo de investigación.

  2. Division of Labor

    KAUST Repository

    Oke, Muse; Zaher, Manal S.; Hamdan, Samir


    The first assignment of DNA polymerases at the eukaryotic replication fork was possible after the in vitro reconstitution of the simian virus 40 (SV40) replication system. In this system, DNA polymerase α (Pol α) provides both leading and lagging strands with RNA-DNA primers that are extended by DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ). Extrapolating the architecture of the replication fork from the SV40 model system to an actual eukaryotic cell has been challenged by the discovery of a third DNA polymerase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DNA polymerase ε (Pol ε). A division of labor has been proposed for the eukaryotic replication fork whereby Pol ε replicates the leading strand and Pol δ replicates the lagging strand. However, an alternative model of unequal division of labor in which Pol δ can still participate in leading-strand synthesis is plausible.

  3. Division of Labor

    KAUST Repository

    Oke, Muse


    The first assignment of DNA polymerases at the eukaryotic replication fork was possible after the in vitro reconstitution of the simian virus 40 (SV40) replication system. In this system, DNA polymerase α (Pol α) provides both leading and lagging strands with RNA-DNA primers that are extended by DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ). Extrapolating the architecture of the replication fork from the SV40 model system to an actual eukaryotic cell has been challenged by the discovery of a third DNA polymerase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DNA polymerase ε (Pol ε). A division of labor has been proposed for the eukaryotic replication fork whereby Pol ε replicates the leading strand and Pol δ replicates the lagging strand. However, an alternative model of unequal division of labor in which Pol δ can still participate in leading-strand synthesis is plausible.

  4. Burnout y prescripción de incapacidad laboral temporal

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    Dr. Ismael S. Diana Domínguez

    con sentir la intromisión habitual de los superiores en su trabajo. Con respecto al estudio de las variables relacionadas con la hiperprescripción de bajas laborales llevado a cabo en la muestra de 131 médicos mencionada anteriormente, se asocia significativamente a la carencia de tiempo y de medios humanos, pero si realizamos el estudio por un segundo método estadístico, también aparece relación con la variable "intromisión habitual del jefe en su labor" aunque éste resultará ser un factor de protección, y desaparece la variable "sentir carencia de medios humanos". Conclusiones: el perfil del médico asistencial de mutua que padece burnout es el de un varón, pluriempleado, que no se siente feliz con su trabajo, y de hecho, cree que no está cumpliendo con sus expectativas profesionales. Los problemas laborales influyen en su vida personal. Considera que existe falta de material y tiempo para concluir sus tareas diarias y que el personal no está lo suficientemente bien formado para el desempeño de sus funciones, siente una intromisión habitual de sus superiores en su labor habitual y desea cambiar de empresa e incluso de profesión. Además, se trata de un médico especialista en medicina de familia. El perfil del hiperprescriptor de bajas laborales es el de un médico, con independencia del sexo al que pertenece, y de si padece o no burnout, siente falta de tiempo para terminar su trabajo diario, falta de medios materiales y siente una frecuente intromisión de sus superiores en su labor habitual lo que le lleva a firmar un menor número de bajas laborales.

  5. Features of the Regional Labor Markets in the Czech Republic

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    Vít Pošta


    Full Text Available We use the Labor Office data for the regions of the Czech Republic to investigate some of the structural features of the respective labor markets. We build our approach on the matching function of the search model of the labor market. In the paper we show how the regional labor markets differ with respect to vacancies, unemployment, matches between unemployed and vacancies, probability of finding a job and labor market tightness. We also demonstrate how these characteristics evolved over time. We show that the labor markets were really hit the hardest several years after the great recession began to affect the Czech Republic. We go on to estimate the matching function for the respective regional labor markets and show that the sensitivity of the probability of finding a job to the labor market tightness generally increased over time, which we interpret as a positive sign. We set our results in the framework of some of the earlier work which has been done. With all the data and estimates used we are able to pinpoint the most troubled regions as far as the structural features of the labor market are concerned.

  6. 29 CFR 500.231 - Appearances; representation of the Department of Labor. (United States)


    ... Procedures Before Administrative Law Judge § 500.231 Appearances; representation of the Department of Labor... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Appearances; representation of the Department of Labor. 500.231 Section 500.231 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION, DEPARTMENT...

  7. La valoración que los graduados tienen sobre su formación universitaria desde su situación laboral actual

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    Full Text Available En este artículo analizamos la valoración de los titulados universitarios sobre la formación recibida y su utilidad en la ocupación actual. El objetivo es analizar si existen diferencias por el nivel formativo de origen y el sexo de los estudiantes. A su vez, examinamos si las características de la situación laboral intervienen en estas relaciones afectando diferencialmente según las características sociodemográficas. Los resultados muestran la existencia de diferencias valorativas entre los jóvenes según su origen social y sexo, siendo las mujeres y los jóvenes de clase trabajadora los que valoran mejor su formación recibida. Finalmente, con la introducción de la situación laboral como variable de control constatamos que, en algunos casos, estas diferencias valorativas son debidas al contexto laboral actual de los graduados más que a diferencias sociodemográficas.

  8. Violencia laboral intramuros. Hostigamiento sexual y otras formas de violencia contra la mujer en las maquiladoras de Sonora y Baja California

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    Mireya Scarone Adarga


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es identificar los comportamientos en torno al hostigamiento sexual y otras formas de violencia contra la mujer en el ámbito laboral de la maquiladora en los estados de Sonora y Baja California. Para analizar dichas conductas se requirió de herramientas de la metodología cualitativa, como las entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales, que se les hicieron durante 2012 a 31 trabajadoras de maquiladoras de las entidades mencionadas. En los relatos se identificó la violencia psicológica, física, económica, sexual, verbal y simbólica. Se encontró una asociación entre expresiones de diversas formas de violencia laboral y el hostigamiento sexual con la organización del trabajo y la estructura laboral de la maquiladora, que es clave para comprender la subordinación y desvalorización del trabajo femenino en este sector.

  9. Efecto del ejercicio físico en la productividad laboral y el bienestar


    Jes\\u00FAs Mar\\u00EDa de Miguel Calvo; Inge Schweiger Gallo; Oscar de las Mozas Majano; Jos\\u00E9 Manuel Hern\\u00E1ndez L\\u00F3pez


    El presente estudio analiza el efecto de un programa sistematizado de ejercicio físico con una duración de un año sobre la productividad y satisfacción laboral, el bienestar y la percepción de estrés. Participaron 92 trabajadores de una empresa de consultoría, 53 en el programa y 39 como grupo control. El programa estaba basado en la mejora global de la condición física, con tareas enfocadas al incremento de la resistencia cardiovascular, la fuerza y la flexibilidad. Los resultados muestran q...

  10. Employment growth through labor flow networks. (United States)

    Guerrero, Omar A; Axtell, Robert L


    It is conventional in labor economics to treat all workers who are seeking new jobs as belonging to a labor pool, and all firms that have job vacancies as an employer pool, and then match workers to jobs. Here we develop a new approach to study labor and firm dynamics. By combining the emerging science of networks with newly available employment micro-data, comprehensive at the level of whole countries, we are able to broadly characterize the process through which workers move between firms. Specifically, for each firm in an economy as a node in a graph, we draw edges between firms if a worker has migrated between them, possibly with a spell of unemployment in between. An economy's overall graph of firm-worker interactions is an object we call the labor flow network (LFN). This is the first study that characterizes a LFN for an entire economy. We explore the properties of this network, including its topology, its community structure, and its relationship to economic variables. It is shown that LFNs can be useful in identifying firms with high growth potential. We relate LFNs to other notions of high performance firms. Specifically, it is shown that fewer than 10% of firms account for nearly 90% of all employment growth. We conclude with a model in which empirically-salient LFNs emerge from the interaction of heterogeneous adaptive agents in a decentralized labor market.

  11. Employment growth through labor flow networks.

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    Omar A Guerrero

    Full Text Available It is conventional in labor economics to treat all workers who are seeking new jobs as belonging to a labor pool, and all firms that have job vacancies as an employer pool, and then match workers to jobs. Here we develop a new approach to study labor and firm dynamics. By combining the emerging science of networks with newly available employment micro-data, comprehensive at the level of whole countries, we are able to broadly characterize the process through which workers move between firms. Specifically, for each firm in an economy as a node in a graph, we draw edges between firms if a worker has migrated between them, possibly with a spell of unemployment in between. An economy's overall graph of firm-worker interactions is an object we call the labor flow network (LFN. This is the first study that characterizes a LFN for an entire economy. We explore the properties of this network, including its topology, its community structure, and its relationship to economic variables. It is shown that LFNs can be useful in identifying firms with high growth potential. We relate LFNs to other notions of high performance firms. Specifically, it is shown that fewer than 10% of firms account for nearly 90% of all employment growth. We conclude with a model in which empirically-salient LFNs emerge from the interaction of heterogeneous adaptive agents in a decentralized labor market.

  12. Flexibility@Work 2013: yearly report on flexible labor and employment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berkhout, E.; Heyma, A.; Prins, J.


    There is no clear evidence that the strong growth in the share of flexible labor relations between 2002 and 2007 points at a worldwide trend towards a larger share of flexible labor at the expense of traditional open-ended labor contracts. The growth in flexible labor varies too much between

  13. Class, Race and American Labor

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    Catherine Collomp


    Full Text Available Labor history in the United States is well‑chartered territory. It is the object of countless scholarly books, appears in many college and university curricula and it is the subject of on‑going revisions and debates. Although labor history has always implied a form of at least implicit social commitment, it has been commented upon and written about as abundantly as other aspects of social history and often with more stamina or vindication. Nineteenth and early twentieth‑century working class ...

  14. Child Labor in Africa: A Comparative Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Canagarajah, Sudharshan; Nielsen, Helena Skyt


    This paper analyzes the determinants of child labor in Africa as inferred from recent empirical studies. The empirical analysis is based upon five country studies undertaken in three different African countries, namely Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Zambia. Some support is found for the popular belief...... of poverty as a determinant of child labor, however other determinants are of similar importance. Among school costs, transportation costs have the greatest effect on child labor and school attendance, whereas the hypothesis of imperfect capital markets and that of household composition generally find some...

  15. Child Labor in Africa: A Comparative Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Helena Skyt; Canagarajah, Sudharshan


    This paper analyzes the determinants of child labor in Africa as inferred from recent empirical studies. The empirical analysis is based upon five country studies undertaken in three different African countries, namely Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Zambia. Some support is found for the popular belief...... of poverty as a determinant of child labor, however other determinants are of similar importance. Among school costs, transportation costs have the greatest effect on child labor and school attendance, whereas the hypothesis of imperfect capital markets and that of household composition generally find some...

  16. Women's Changing Participation in the Labor Force: A World Perspective


    Schultz, T. Paul


    This paper describes how the composition of the labor force changes with economic development. It considers recent trends in women's labor force participation and the type of jobs held in various sectors as national per capita income increases. The paper notes that women are more likely to work in the family or informal labor market if the labor costs to firms exceed the opportunity costs of female labor to family enterprises. Firms are at a relative disadvantage compared with families in the...

  17. Chambers of work - steps in the development of labor law

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    Ion Tutuianu


    Full Text Available Social changes that followed the war and perfection state unit generated new and complex problems in all areas. We try to present problems directly aimed at the working class, that is formalized and institutionalized labor, social and economic context of the time. As regards labor law of 1927 rooms and discussions around it, brought the authors to the conclusion that trying to regulate relations between labor and capital and precise directives followed, social reconciliation, abolition of trade union activity, labor movement split and its supervision. Concessions workers were considered only illusory and employers with state dominance. However during 1933/1934, Chambers work activity had a positive role in the field of enforcement of labor law, serving an important role in other institutions and labor organizations, representing a significant step in the development of labor law.

  18. Estrés Laboral en Médicos Residentes del Hospital Nacional Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo y del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinosa. Arequipa, 2015


    Mazeyra Guillén, Alvaro Augusto


    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos determinar el estrés laboral en los médicos residentes del Hospital “Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo” de EsSalud (HNCASE). y del Hospital Regional “Honorio Delgado Espinosa” (HRHDE) y establecer las semejanzas y diferencias del estrés laboral de los médicos residentes de ambos hospitales. La población estuvo conformada por 220 médicos residentes de primero, segundo y tercer año de residencia. Se aplicó el muestreo al azar estratifica...

  19. [In case of fetal macrosomia, the best strategy is the induction of labor at 38 weeks of gestation]. (United States)

    Rozenberg, P


    Macrosomic fetuses are at increased risk of obstetric complications, and notably shoulder dystocia, responsible for a severe neonatal morbidity. In case of fetal macrosomia, three options are: (i) the elective cesarean delivery, but this is recommended only when the estimated fetal weight is≥4500g for diabetic women and 5000g for non-diabetic women; (ii) the expectative management, but children with birth weight≥4500 had significantly increased risk of perinatal mortality, neonatal asphyxia, trauma, and cesarean delivery; (iii) the induction of labor which, reducing the possibility of fetal growth, reduce the risk of cesarean delivery for cephalopelvic disproportion and shoulder dystocia. As 2 former trials did not show maternal or neonatal benefit with induction of labor for fetal macrosomia, it was therefore not recommended. However, these 2 studies had small sample size (273 and 40 women) and a methodology limiting their ability to show a difference, justifying to achieve a large multicentre randomized controlled trial. This trial was performed by Boulvain et al. and the results published in 2015 in the Lancet. Inclusion criteria were: a singleton pregnancy in cephalic presentation and a suspected fetal macrosomia defined by an ultrasound estimated weight>95th percentile between 36 and 38 weeks. Women were randomly assigned to receive induction of labor within 3 days between 37 +0  and 38 +6  weeks of gestation, or expectant management. Expectant management continued until either spontaneous labour or diagnosis of a condition necessitating induction. The primary outcome was a composite of clinically significant shoulder dystocia, fracture of the clavicle, brachial plexus injury, intracranial haemorrhage, or death. Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. The mean birth weight (±SD) was 3831 (±324) g in the induction group 4118 (±392) g in the expectant group. Induction of labor significantly reduced the risk of shoulder dystocia or

  20. Child-Labor Proposal Eyes Private Model (United States)

    Cech, Scott J.


    Proposed child-labor-rule changes--the most ambitious in 30 years--would carve out a permanent exemption to U.S. Department of Labor regulations for the work-study program run by a national network of Roman Catholic high schools. The program is a requirement of the Chicago-based Cristo Rey Network, which now has 12 high schools around the country…

  1. La comunicación en tres casos de acoso laboral

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    Ingrid Carolina Gómez


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar elementos y dinámicas de la comunicación, relacionados con la interrupción, distorsión o ruptura de esta, también la descalificación y desacreditación, la denigración e insinuaciones hostiles y la ruptura de los contactos sociales en tres casos de acoso laboral; se partió de un abordaje cualitativo de tipo exploratorio descriptivo. Se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada construida a partir de categorías de análisis previamente establecidas a los tres participantes quienes habían cumplido con los criterios para acoso laboral, de acuerdo al Cuestionario Leymann (LIPT: Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terror. Durante las entrevistas emergió la categoría estrategias de afrontamiento como elemento relevante para el manejo de la problemática. Se encontró que la comunicación se caracteriza por ser una comunicación verbal abusiva que no queda registrada en ningún soporte físico, salvo en los registros internos y emocionales de las personas que los experimentan y que en las organizaciones las comunicaciones interpersonales y grupales han llegado a niveles precarios en los que predomina la agresividad verbal y no verbal, el aislamiento y la falta de intervención efectiva por parte de instancias de dirección.

  2. 29 CFR 1403.3 - Obtaining data on labor-management disputes. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Obtaining data on labor-management disputes. 1403.3 Section... FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES § 1403.3 Obtaining data on labor-management disputes. When the existence of a labor-management dispute comes to the attention of the Federal Service upon a request for mediation service from...

  3. Exposición laboral al ruido de los trabajadores de una mina a tajo abierto debido a la expansión, ubicación y tipo de actividad de los operadores, en la región norte del país


    Romero Vásquez, Marlon Cahuide; Romero Vásquez, Marlon Cahuide


    La exposición laboral al ruido de los trabajadores de una mina a tajo abierto en la región norte del país, es evaluada en tres factores que anteriormente no se consideraban como relevantes; la expansión de sus operaciones, la ubicación del puesto de trabajo y el tipo de actividad que realizan los operadores; el desconocimiento de su influencia podría subestimar la evaluación del riesgo a ruido de los trabajadores y por consiguiente la efectividad del programa de protección auditiva. Se rea...

  4. Trasplante renal con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico: experiencia de la Fundación Valle de Lili, Cali, Colombia


    Caicedo, Luis Armando; Gómez-Vega, Juan Carlos; Duque, Mauricio Francisco; Serrano, Óscar Javier; Manzi, Eliana; Arrunátegui, Ana María; Posada, Juan Guillermo; Mesa, Liliana; Schweineberg, Johanna; Durán, Carlos Eduardo; Villegas, Jorge Iván; Dávalos, Diana María; Echeverri, Gabriel Jaime


    Introducción: En el trasplante renal con HLA idéntico los episodios de rechazo agudo son menores y tienen mejores tasas de supervivencia del injerto, comparado con los receptores con HLA no idéntico; a pesar de esto, persiste el dilema en cuanto al retiro o la disminución de la dosis de inmunosupresión. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia de los trasplantes renales con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico que se han realizado en la Fundación Valle del Lili desde 1995 ...

  5. Cabanon: Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Francia


    Le Corbusier,; Blanc, Philippe


    Varios factores a considerar: primero su tamaño, sólo 16 m2; segundo, un proyecto realizado completamente en madera; tercero, el hecho de haber sido realizado en paralelo al proyecto de Chandigarh y a la finalización de la construcción de la Unidad de Habitación de Marsella hacen que, este lugar de retiro y en ocasiones oficina, concite un particular interés dentro de la obra de Le Corbusier. Several factors to consider: first, its size, only 16 m2; second, a project built entirely of wood...

  6. Beyond Dualism: Multi-Segmented Labor Markets in Ghana


    James Heintz; Fabián Slonimczy


    Using estimates of earnings functions in Ghana, this paper examines patterns of labor market segmentation with regard to formal and informal employment. Persistent earnings differentials are used as indicators of limited mobility across segments of the employed labor force. We find evidence of labor market segmentation between formal and informal employment and between different categories of informal employment which cannot be fully explained by human capital, physical asset, or credit marke...

  7. Towards improving construction labor productivity and projects’ performance


    Mostafa E. Shehata; Khaled M. El-Gohary


    Proper management of resources in construction projects can yield substantial savings in time and cost. As construction is a labor-intensive industry, this paper focuses on labor productivity in the construction industry. This study considers the current state-of-the-art issues relevant to this subject. It covers the construction labor productivity definitions, aspects, measurements, factors affecting it, different techniques used for measuring it and modeling techniques. The main outcome fro...

  8. Clandestine labor migration to Taiwan. (United States)

    Tsay, C


    "Illegal migration to Taiwan is a recent phenomenon but with a rapid rate of increase. Most illegal foreign workers enter on visitor's visas and overstay. This paper's detailed analysis of official data reveals that Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand are the major sources, providing a stock of mostly male workers numbering around 40,000. Sociodemographic and attitudinal changes among Taiwanese workers coupled with labor shortages in low-skilled jobs are pressuring the Taiwanese government to formulate plans for a systematic importation of foreign labor." excerpt

  9. Using Mythematics in the Classroom: The Fifth Labor of Hercules (United States)

    Huber, Michael


    The mythology surrounding Hercules has been a part of human culture for over 2,500 years. In ancient Greek mythology, Eurystheus assigns various labors to Hercules, who has to perform them in order to cleanse his soul. This article treats one of the more famous labors, the fifth labor: The Augean Stables. The labor is provided verbatim from…

  10. Labor productivity and employment gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa. (United States)

    McCullough, Ellen B


    Drawing on a new set of nationally representative, internationally comparable household surveys, this paper provides an overview of key features of structural transformation - labor allocation and labor productivity - in four African economies. New, micro-based measures of sector labor allocation and cross-sector productivity differentials describe the incentives households face when allocating their labor. These measures are similar to national accounts-based measures that are typically used to characterize structural change. However, because agricultural workers supply far fewer hours of labor per year than do workers in other sectors in all of the countries analyzed, productivity gaps shrink by half, on average, when expressed on a per-hour basis. Underlying the productivity gaps that are prominently reflected in national accounts data are large employment gaps, which call into question the productivity gains that laborers can achieve through structural transformation. Furthermore, agriculture's continued relevance to structural change in Sub-Saharan Africa is highlighted by the strong linkages observed between rural non-farm activities and primary agricultural production.

  11. Labor market in Serbia: 1990-2005

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    Stojanović Božo


    Full Text Available Key problems in transitions in Serbia can be analyzed through the processes happening at the labor market. Labor market in Serbia is divided on the formal and informal one ("gray". The basic problem is mass unemployment. The unemployment in Serbia is not frictional unemployment resulting from decisions of workers to change their jobs. This kind of unemployment is considered normal at all labor markets. Since it is not frictional, unemployment in Serbia is not short-term one. This unemployment is by its nature structural and therefore long-term. Structural unemployment always arises as a result of the illadapted structure of labor supply and demand. There is a particularly high level of long-term unemployment among young people who practically do not have any work experience. The only realistic solution for mass unemployment and low wages in the Serbian economy is increasing of productivity and overall economic efficiency. Stimulating entrepreneurship and opening of new companies to absorb an enormous number of unemployed is the central issue of the economic reform. Instead of short-term passive measures, the state should adopt active measures aimed at stimulating of entrepreneurship and creating of new jobs.

  12. Políticas para la inserción laboral de jóvenes: estudios en Latinoamérica y Argentina

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    Paula Isacovich


    Full Text Available Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación etnográfica finalizadasobre las relaciones entre jóvenes y políticas de formación e inserción laboral en la Ciudad de BuenosAires. En ese marco, en el artículo analizo y sintetizo diversas perspectivas de investigaciones enciencias sociales que enfocaron la inserción laboral juvenil en América Latina desde la escolarizacióny las políticas de fomento al empleo joven, o bien desde las experiencias de la gente joven en relacióncon la formación y el trabajo. Concluyo señalando aspectos vacantes de los estudios y sugiriendoabordajes para ampliar la comprensión del tema.

  13. Investigación económica y laboral del mercado turístico de la provincia de Santa Cruz

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    Natalia Soledad Villanueva


    Full Text Available Este proyecto de investigación se propone realizar un diagnóstico actualizado sobre diversos sectores productivos en la dinámica socio-económica de la provincia de Santa Cruz. Particularmente el turismo se presenta como una actividad emergente y de gran importancia en la economía provincial. Sin embargo se advierte la inexistencia de información actualizada y sistematizada que englobe el funcionamiento del sector turístico, su relevancia económica y laboral, como también estudios de zonificación que permitan determinar la potencialidad del espacio turístico provincial a fin de abordar políticas de desarrollo turístico. Objetivos: • Actualizar y analizar información secundaria vinculada al sector turístico, referente a oferta y demanda turística. • Diseñar y aplicar instrumentos metodológicos para la recolección de información primaria. • Elaborar y aplicar encuestas vinculadas al mercado laboral. • Identificación de zonas y corredores turísticos. Metodología: Revisión y análisis bibliográfico y documental del sector turismo en la provincia. Se elaboraron y completaron fichas de relevamiento de atractivos y centros turísticos. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a responsables de empresas turísticas a fin de conocer las características del mercado laboral. Se elaboró un mapa de zonas y corredores turísticos de la provincia. Conclusiones: Se ha elaborado y actualizado una base de datos referente a la oferta (atractivos y centros y demanda. Se identificaron siete zonas turísticas y sus corredores de comunicación. Los centros mejor dotados en infraestructura y equipamientos son Río Gallegos, El Calafate y El Chaltén. En éstos dos últimos se realizaron entrevistas a hoteleros para conocer aspectos propios de la dinámica laboral turística.

  14. Household Schooling and Child Labor Decisions in Rural Bangladesh (United States)

    Shafiq, M. Najeeb


    Using empirical methods, this paper examines household schooling and child labor decisions in rural Bangladesh. The results suggest the following: poverty and low parental education are associated with lower schooling and greater child labor; asset-owning households are more likely to have children combine child labor with schooling; households…

  15. Retrospective Cohort Study of Hydrotherapy in Labor. (United States)

    Vanderlaan, Jennifer

    To describe the use of hydrotherapy for pain management in labor. This was a retrospective cohort study. Hospital labor and delivery unit in the Northwestern United States, 2006 through 2013. Women in a nurse-midwifery-managed practice who were eligible to use hydrotherapy during labor. Descriptive statistics were used to report the proportion of participants who initiated and discontinued hydrotherapy and duration of hydrotherapy use. Logistic regression was used to provide adjusted odds ratios for characteristics associated with hydrotherapy use. Of the 327 participants included, 268 (82%) initiated hydrotherapy. Of those, 80 (29.9%) were removed from the water because they met medical exclusion criteria, and 24 (9%) progressed to pharmacologic pain management. The mean duration of tub use was 156.3 minutes (standard deviation = 122.7). Induction of labor was associated with declining the offer of hydrotherapy, and nulliparity was associated with medical removal from hydrotherapy. In a hospital that promoted hydrotherapy for pain management in labor, most women who were eligible initiated hydrotherapy. Hospital staff can estimate demand for hydrotherapy by being aware that hydrotherapy use is associated with nulliparity. Copyright © 2017 AWHONN, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Acoso laboral y trastornos de la personalidad: un estudio con el MCMI-II

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    David González Trijueque


    Full Text Available En este artículo se lleva a cabo un estudio de los trastornos de personalidad asociados al acoso psicológico en el lugar de trabajo (mobbing. Para ello se contó con una muestra de 50 víctimas de acoso laboral, que cumplimentaron el MCMI-II, y de 50 sujetos de la población activa normal con las mismas características demográficas (edad, sexo, nivel socioeconómico. El 36% de la muestra clínica (frente al 14% de la muestra normativa presentaba, al menos, un trastorno de personalidad. El trastorno de personalidad de mayor prevalencia fue el trastorno compulsivo (18%, seguido del dependiente (8% y del fóbico-evitativo (4% e histriónico (4%. Las víctimas de mobbing con trastornos de personalidad presentaban además mayores niveles de ansiedad (rasgo y estado y mayor consumo de alcohol que los trabajadores acosados que no presentaban ningun trastorno de la personalidad. Por último, se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la práctica clínica y para las investigaciones futuras.

  17. Elderly Labor Supply: Work or Play

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Haider, Steven


    .... Despite this, we find that the wages of the elderly are low both relative to younger populations and relative to the wages they earned when they themselves were young. Among individuals over the age of 70, we find that changes in health status dominate labor market transitions. Overall. our findings suggest that non- pecuniary considerations play an important role in determining elderly labor supply decisions.

  18. Movimiento sindical venezolano y flexibilización laboral


    Añez Hernández, Carmen


    Este trabajo tiene como propósito explorar el movimiento sindical venezolano y la flexibilización laboral, identificando su aplicación, las acciones del movimiento sindical y la alianza surgida entre el Estado-sindicato-trabajadores para superar la precarización laboral. Los resultados reflejan que la flexibilización laboral en Venezuela generó consecuencias negativas a los trabajadores, porque perdieron su estabilidad en el empleo y los beneficios contractuales. Dicha situa...

  19. Capturing Talent: Generation Y and European Labor Markets




    This study explores the challenge of capturing talent from both the political and the management level in Western Europe. It begins by identifying the special characteristics of Generation Y: those born since 1980 and recently joining national labor forces. It then evaluates the rigidity of labor markets in the European countries, dividing them into most and least regulated and exploring some of the labor-market characteristics that accompany those extremes. Finally, it identifies the employm...

  20. Analysis of labor accidents in Brazil, 2004-2007


    Alves, Everton Fernando


    Current research synthesizes epidemiological data on morbo- mortality by labor accidents in the Brazilian population and gives a cross- section of these accidents in Brazil between 2004 and 2007. Current descrip- tive and exploratory analysis uses databases of thePublic Health Ministry on labor accidents. In fact, 465.700 and 653.090 labor accidents were notified respectively in 2004 and 2007, with a trend towardsan increase in number. The state of Santa Catarina was t...


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    Vichai Thosuwonchinda


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to study the pattern of sound labor relations in Thailand in order to reduce conflicts between employers and workers and create cooperation. The research was based on a qualitative approach, using in-depth interview with 10 stakeholder groups of Thai industrial relations system. They were employees of non unionized companies at the shop floor level, employees of non unionized companies at the supervisor level, trade union leaders at the company level, trade union leaders at the national level, employers of non-unionized companies, employers’ organization leaders, and human resource managers, members of tripartite bodies, government officials and labor academics. The findings were presented in a model identifying 5 characteristics that enhance sound relations in Thailand, i.e. recognition between employer and workers, good communication, trust, data revealing and workers’ participation. It was suggested that all parties, employers, workers and the government should take part in the promotion of sound labor relations. The employer have to acknowledge labor union with a positive attitude, have good communication with workers , create trust with workers, disclose information, create culture of mutual benefits as well as accept sincerely the system that include workers’ participation. Workers need a strong labor union, good and sincere representatives for clear communication, trust, mutual benefits and seek conflict solutions with employer by win-win strategy. The government has a supporting role in adjusting the existing laws in the appropriate way, by creating policy for sound labor relations, and putting the idea of sound labor relations into practice.

  2. Empirical studies in labor and education economics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ketel, N.


    The chapters of this thesis focus on policy-relevant research questions in economics of education and labor economics. All chapters make use of randomized experiments in order to answer these questions. The second chapter studies the returns to medical school in a regulated labor market, by

  3. La inversión extranjera directa, las exportaciones, el producto interno bruto y el mercado laboral en Puerto Rico Foreign direct investment, exports, Gross Domestic Product and the labor market in Puerto Rico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel L. Ruiz Mercado


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se utiliza un modelo de vectores autorregresivos (VAR para examinar la interrelación entre la entrada de flujos de inversión extranjera directa (EFIED, las exportaciones, el producto interno bruto (PIB, la tasa de desempleo (TD y la tasa de participación laboral (TPL en Puerto Rico. Los datos utilizados incluyen los años fisca- les de 1980 al 2010. Se encontraron cuatro vectores cointegrados en el sistema, que evidencian la existencia de una relación de largo plazo entre las variables. Los hallazgos sugieren que aumentos consecutivos en la EFIED podrían reducir significativamente la TD e incrementar el interés de los puertorriqueños por ingresar en la fuerza laboral. El mismo resultado se refleja con relación a los incrementos en el nivel de exportaciones. Las variaciones en el PIB se explican principalmente en el largo plazo por la TD.In this paper, a vector autorregresive model (VAR is applied to examine the interrelationship among foreign direct investment, exports, Gross Domestic Product (GDP, unemployment rate and labor force participation rate in Puerto Rico, taking into account a time period that includes the fiscal years from 1980 to 2010.  Four cointegrating vectors were found in the system which indicates that there is a long run relationship between the variables. The findings suggest that consecutive increases in foreign direct investment inflows could significantly reduce the unemployment rate and increase interest in joining the labor force in Puerto Rico.  The same result also applies to increases in export levels.  The variations in Gross Domestic Product are mainly explained in the long run by the unemployment rate.

  4. A labor/leisure tradeoff in cognitive control. (United States)

    Kool, Wouter; Botvinick, Matthew


    Daily life frequently offers a choice between activities that are profitable but mentally demanding (cognitive labor) and activities that are undemanding but also unproductive (cognitive leisure). Although such decisions are often implicit, they help determine academic performance, career trajectories, and even health outcomes. Previous research has shed light both on the executive control functions that ultimately define cognitive labor and on a "default mode" of brain function that accompanies cognitive leisure. However, little is known about how labor/leisure decisions are actually made. Here, we identify a central principle guiding such decisions. Results from 3 economic-choice experiments indicate that the motivation underlying cognitive labor/leisure decision making is to strike an optimal balance between income and leisure, as given by a joint utility function. The results reported establish a new connection between microeconomics and research on executive function. They also suggest a new interpretation of so-called ego-depletion effects and a potential new approach to such phenomena as mind wandering and self-control failure.

  5. From Labor Shortage to Labor Surplus: The Changing Labor Market Context and Its Meaning for Higher Education (United States)

    Fogg, Neeta P.; Harrington, Paul E.


    The authors examine how the American economy has experienced sharp contractions in overall levels of output, income, and wealth resulting from the recent financial crisis, and how these losses have had an impact on the nation's labor market. The significance of these trends to American higher education is summarized in these terms: "Large labor…

  6. Cell-free DNA, inflammation, and the initiation of spontaneous term labor. (United States)

    Herrera, Christina A; Stoerker, Jay; Carlquist, John; Stoddard, Gregory J; Jackson, Marc; Esplin, Sean; Rose, Nancy C


    Hypomethylated cell-free DNA from senescent placental trophoblasts may be involved in the activation of the inflammatory cascade to initiate labor. To determine the changes in cell-free DNA concentrations, the methylation ratio, and inflammatory markers between women in labor at term vs women without labor. In this prospective cohort study, eligible participants carried a nonanomalous singleton fetus. Women with major medical comorbidity, preterm labor, progesterone use, aneuploidy, infectious disease, vaginal bleeding, abdominal trauma, or invasive procedures during the pregnancy were excluded. Maternal blood samples were collected at 28 weeks, 36 weeks, and at admission for delivery. Total cell-free DNA concentration, methylation ratio, and interleukin-6 were analyzed. The primary outcome was the difference in methylation ratio in women with labor vs without labor. Secondary outcomes included the longitudinal changes in these biomarkers corresponding to labor status. A total of 55 women were included; 20 presented in labor on admission and 35 presented without labor. Women in labor had significantly greater methylation ratio (P = .001) and interleukin-6 (P < .001) on admission for delivery than women without labor. After we controlled for body mass index and maternal age, methylation ratio (adjusted relative risk, 1.38; 95% confidence interval, 1.13 to 1.68) and interleukin-6 (adjusted relative risk, 1.12, 95% confidence interval, 1.07 to 1.17) remained greater in women presenting in labor. Total cell-free DNA was not significantly different in women with labor compared with women without. Longitudinally, total cell-free DNA (P < .001 in labor, P = .002 without labor) and interleukin-6 (P < .001 in labor, P = .01 without labor) increased significantly across gestation in both groups. The methylation ratio increased significantly in women with labor from 36 weeks to delivery (P = .02). Spontaneous labor at term is associated with a greater cell-free DNA

  7. 75 FR 27366 - OLMS Listens: Office of Labor-Management Standards Stakeholder Meeting (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of Labor-Management Standards OLMS Listens: Office of Labor-Management Standards Stakeholder Meeting AGENCY: Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor. ACTION... stakeholders and other interested parties to provide individual comments and suggestions. All interested...

  8. Situación del mercado laboral de los profesionales en San Juan de Pasto, 2010

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    Julio César Riascos


    Full Text Available En el documento se analiza la situación laboral de los profesionales de la ciudad de Pasto. Se estudian las características generales de un profesional tomado al azar y se mide la tasa de desempleo, la tasa de ocupación, la tasa general de participación y la tasa de subempleo. Asimismo se identifican los retornos en educación por área de conocimiento y se determinan los principales factores que explican los niveles de ingreso y la probabilidad de empleo formal y estable.



    Durán, María Martha


    El entorno cambiante en que nos desenvolvemos actualmente se ha traducido en un incremento de la competencia y de las exigencias para las organizaciones. Esta situación generan altos niveles de presión, que se convierte en parte de la cotidianidad laboral lo que propicia la aparición de enfermedades profesionales: estrés, Síndrome de Burnout, adicción al trabajo, entre otras, en las que el factor emocional o psicológico juega un papel determinante. Aquí se discutirá respecto a la calidad de v...





    Uno de los principales avances científicos de las últimas décadas ha sido la reproducción asistida. Ello ha provocado la aparición de nuevos problemas jurídicos que han sido resueltos en Europa por sus Estados miembro de manera heterogénea, convirtiendo la interpretación del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en estos últimos años en necesaria y crucial para entender la regulación europea al respecto. En este trabajo se muestra la labor de interpretación realizada por el Tribunal respec...

  11. Looking Neat on the Street. Aesthetic Labor in Public Parking Patrol

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    Dorte Boesby Dahl


    Full Text Available Research on aesthetic labor has been confined to service encounters in private sector industries. Aesthetic labor theory is critical of the commercialism that drives management of service labor and points to the discrimination of employees on the grounds of their “looks” that this entails. Considering the common conception today of the public sector as a service provider, application of the theory of aesthetic labor is relevant to public sector service work. But the public sector has many other purposes and mechanisms than those pertaining to increased revenues that may influence the use of aesthetic labor. This paper analyzes the aesthetic labor of Danish parking attendants in an organizational ethnography. A change management process in this organization has applied the principles of aesthetic labor actively for the purposes of diversity and health and safety. The paper shows how managers apply aesthetic labor principles to promote health and safety and workforce diversity, but also that the use of aesthetics has ambivalent purposes. Aesthetic labor is not as unequivocally applied for commercial purposes as hitherto assumed.

  12. The labor/land ratio and India's caste system


    Duleep, Harriet


    This paper proposes that India’s caste system and involuntary labor were joint responses by a nonworking landowning class to a low labor/land ratio in which the rules of the caste system supported the institution of involuntary labor. The hypothesis is tested in two ways: longitudinally, with data from ancient religious texts, and cross-sectionally, with twentieth-century statistics on regional population/land ratios linked to anthropological measures of caste-system rigidity. Both the longit...

  13. International differences in wage and nonwage labor costs


    Riveros, Luis A.


    The ratio of nonwage labor costs (for social security, pensions, vacation days, severence compensation, and the like) to direct wage costs is proportionately higher in Europe and Latin America than in Asia and Africa - largely because workers there are protected more by regulations. The distortionary growth of labor costs because of increasing nonwage costs is not common in the LDCs however. The author of this paper found that international differences in labor costs are attributable largely ...

  14. "Subconscious" Sex Bias and Labor Market Reality. (United States)

    Baldwin, Stephen E.


    Discusses the contention that the resentment some men feel toward working women is based on sympathy toward unemployed male breadwinners. Argues that this rationalization ignores the gross discrepancy in the size of the two labor force groups and the real issues in labor market discrimination against women. (Author/IRT)

  15. The Labor Market and the Great Recession

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hobijn, B.; Elsby, M.W.L.; Sahin, A.


    From the perspective of a wide range of labor market outcomes, the recession that began in 2007 represents the deepest downturn in the postwar era. Early on, the nature of labor market adjustment displayed a notable resemblance to that observed in past severe downturns. During the latter half of

  16. Delayed versus immediate pushing in second stage of labor. (United States)

    Kelly, Mary; Johnson, Eileen; Lee, Vickie; Massey, Liz; Purser, Debbie; Ring, Karen; Sanderson, Stephanye; Styles, Juanita; Wood, Deb


    Comparison of two different methods for management of second stage of labor: immediate pushing at complete cervical dilation of 10 cm and delayed pushing 90 minutes after complete cervical dilation. This study was a randomized clinical trial in a labor and delivery unit of a not-for-profit community hospital. A sample of 44 nulliparous mothers with continuous epidural anesthesia were studied after random assignment to treatment groups. Subjects were managed with either immediate or delayed pushing during the second stage of labor at the time cervical dilation was complete. The primary outcome measure was the length of pushing during second stage of labor. Secondary outcomes included length of second stage of labor, maternal fatigue and perineal injuries, and fetal heart rate decelerations. Two-tailed, unpaired Student's t-tests and Chi-square analysis were used for data analysis. Level of significance was set at p pushing; N = 16 delayed pushing). The delayed pushing group had significantly shorter amount of time spent in pushing compared with the immediate pushing group (38.9 +/- 6.9 vs. 78.7 +/- 7.9 minutes, respectively, p = .002). Maternal fatigue scores, perineal injuries, and fetal heart rate decelerations were similar for both groups. Delaying pushing for up to 90 minutes after complete cervical dilation resulted in a significant decrease in the time mothers spent pushing without a significant increase in total time in second stage of labor.In clinical practice, healthcare providers sometimes resist delaying the onset of pushing after second stage of labor has begun because of a belief it will increase labor time. This study's finding of a 51% reduction in pushing time when mothers delay pushing for up to 90 minutes, with no significant increase in overall time for second stage of labor, disputes that concern.

  17. Condiciones de salud y satisfacción laboral según régimen laboral en enfermeros del Policlínico Pablo Bermúdez


    Contreras Horna, Azucena Magdalena


    El trabajo de investigación que a continuación se presenta es titulado: Condiciones de Salud, satisfacción laboral según el régimen laboral de los enfermeros del Policlínico Pablo Bermúdez, tuvo como objetivo general: determinar la relación que existe entre las condiciones de salud, la satisfacción laboral según el régimen laboral de los enfermeros del Policlínico Pablo Bermúdez. El método utilizado fue descriptivo, explicativo, transversal y correlacional. La población estuvo ...

  18. 12 CFR 269.1 - Definition of a labor organization. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Definition of a labor organization. 269.1... RESERVE SYSTEM POLICY ON LABOR RELATIONS FOR THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS § 269.1 Definition of a labor... to the terms or conditions of membership because of race, color, sex, creed, age or national origin. ...

  19. Idiosyncratic Shocks, Child Labor and School Attendance in Indonesia (United States)

    Kharisma, Bayu


    This paper investigates the effect of various idiosyncratic shocks against child labor, child labor hour and school attendance. Also, the role of the assets held by households as one of the coping strategies to mitigate the effects of shocks. The results show that various idiosyncratic shocks that encourage child labor is generally caused by crop…

  20. 29 CFR 500.60 - Farm labor contractors' recruitment, contractual and general obligations. (United States)


    ... labor contractors' recruitment, contractual and general obligations. The Act imposes certain specific recruitment, contractual and general obligations on farm labor contractors and farm labor contractor employees... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Farm labor contractors' recruitment, contractual and...

  1. Labor Market Progeria. (United States)

    Rodeheaver, Dean


    Social ambivalence toward women's roles, sexuality, appearance, and aging combine with social standards of attractiveness to create both age and sex discrimination in the workplace. The life expectancy of presentability is shorter among women than men, thus creating an accelerated aging process termed labor market progeria. (SK)

  2. Social Preferences and Labor Market Policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Filges, Trine; Kennes, John; Larsen, Birthe


    We find that the main featues of labor policy across OECD countries can be explained by a simple general equilibrium search model with risk neutral agents and a government that chooses policy to maximize a social welfare function. In equilibrum, policies are chosen to optimal redistribute income....... The model also explains why countries that appear to pursue equity spend more on both active and passive labor market programs....

  3. Pinning Design: The Curatorial Labor of Creative Professionals

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    Leah Scolere


    Full Text Available Pinterest is a site primarily used for sharing online content particularly images; as such, it is a unique platform through which to explore curatorial practices. Professional designers are a unique community of interest because their expertise in the offline curation of visual images is central to their professional work. Drawing on digital curation, convergence culture, and creative professionals, this study examined the curatorial labor practices of design professionals on Pinterest. Through a series of in-depth qualitative interviews and online observation of design professionals, we identify three aspects of curatorial labor on Pinterest: (1 performance, (2 process, and (3 product. The strategic and creative selection and arrangement of digital images by these designers becomes an ongoing authorial act of creative labor. This community demonstrates how the public digital curation of visual images is an important part of the ongoing venture labor of design professionals. The study concludes with implications for our collective understandings of online curation, creative professional labor, and the role of social media within commercial and organizational contexts.

  4. Alcohol use and the labor market in Uruguay. (United States)

    Balsa, Ana I; French, Michael T


    This paper is one of only a few studies to examine potential labor market consequences of heavy or abusive drinking in Latin America and the first to focus on Uruguay. We analyzed data from a Uruguayan household survey conducted in 2006 using propensity score matching methods and controlling for a number of socio-demographic, family, regional, behavioral health, and labor market characteristics. As expected, we found a positive association between heavy drinking and absenteeism, particularly for female employees. Counter to the findings for developed countries, our results revealed a positive relationship between heavy drinking and labor force participation or employment. This result was mostly driven by men and weakened when considering more severe measures of abusive drinking. Possible explanations for these findings are that employment leads to greater alcohol use through an income effect, that the Uruguayan labor market rewards heavy drinking, or that labor market characteristics typical of less developed countries, such as elevated safety risks or job instability, lead to problem drinking. Future research with panel data should explore these possible mechanisms. Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  5. 26 CFR 31.3121(g)-1 - Agricultural labor. (United States)


    ... agricultural labor: (i) The cultivation of the soil; (ii) The raising, shearing, feeding, caring for, training... mushrooms, or in connection with the hatching of poultry constitute agricultural labor only if such services...

  6. Efecto del ejercicio físico en la productividad laboral y el bienestar

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    Jes\\u00FAs Mar\\u00EDa de Miguel Calvo


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza el efecto de un programa sistematizado de ejercicio físico con una duración de un año sobre la productividad y satisfacción laboral, el bienestar y la percepción de estrés. Participaron 92 trabajadores de una empresa de consultoría, 53 en el programa y 39 como grupo control. El programa estaba basado en la mejora global de la condición física, con tareas enfocadas al incremento de la resistencia cardiovascular, la fuerza y la flexibilidad. Los resultados muestran que la intervención mejoró la condición física de los empleados. Comprobada la eficacia del programa, los resultados mostraron la influencia de la intervención sobre las dimensiones estudiadas: los participantes en el programa manifestaron mayores niveles de bienestar y satisfacción el trabajo, menor grado de estrés percibido y obtuvieron una valoración de su rendimiento laboral más elevada que los participantes en el grupo control. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados.

  7. 29 CFR 780.332 - Exchange of labor between farmers. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exchange of labor between farmers. 780.332 Section 780.332... 13(a)(6) Statutory Provisions § 780.332 Exchange of labor between farmers. (a) Occasionally a farmer may help his neighbor with the harvest of his crop. For instance, Farmer B helps his neighbor Farmer A...

  8. 26 CFR 31.3401(a)(2)-1 - Agricultural labor. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 15 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Agricultural labor. 31.3401(a)(2)-1 Section 31... SOURCE Collection of Income Tax at Source § 31.3401(a)(2)-1 Agricultural labor. The term “wages” does not include remuneration for services which constitute agricultural labor as defined in section 3121(g). For...

  9. Sexual solicitation of Latino male day laborers by other men Solicitación sexual de hombres jornaleros latinos por otros hombres

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    Frank H Galvan


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To examine the likelihood of Latino day laborers being solicited for sex by other men. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 450 Latino day laborers were recruited in Los Angeles, California, from July to September 2005. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine which day laborers were more likely to be solicited and subsequently to have sex. RESULTS: Thirty-eight percent reported being solicited for sex by another man while seeking work. Those solicited were more likely to live longer in the US, be more educated and screen positive for drug dependence. Of those solicited, 9.4% had sex with their solicitors. Those screening positive for drug dependence were more likely to have sex. Most of the day laborers who had anal sex with their solicitors did not always use condoms. CONCLUSIONS: HIV prevention efforts should target drug dependent day laborers, who may place themselves at risk for HIV through sex with male solicitors.OBJETIVO: Examinar hasta qué punto los jornaleros latinos son solicitados por otros hombres para tener relaciones sexuales. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Cuatrocientos cincuenta jornaleros latinos fueron reclutados en Los Ángeles, California, de julio a septiembre de 2005. Un análisis de regresión logística fue utilizado para determinar cuáles jornaleros tenían más probabilidades de que fueran solicitados y, subsecuentemente, de que tuvieran sexo. RESULTADOS: Treinta y ocho por ciento reportaron que fueron solicitados para sexo por otros hombres mientras buscaban trabajo. Estos hombres que fueron solicitados tenían más probabilidades de haber vivido más tiempo en los Estados Unidos, tener más educación formal y dar resultados positivos en dependencia de drogas. De los solicitados, 9.4% tuvieron sexo con los solicitadores. Aquellos que dieron resultados positivos para dependencia de drogas tenían más probabilidades de tener sexo. La mayoría de los jornaleros que tuvieron sexo anal con los solicitadores no siempre

  10. Labor Dystocia: Uses of Related Nomenclature. (United States)

    Neal, Jeremy L; Ryan, Sharon L; Lowe, Nancy K; Schorn, Mavis N; Buxton, Margaret; Holley, Sharon L; Wilson-Liverman, Angela M


    Labor dystocia (slow or difficult labor or birth) is the most commonly diagnosed aberration of labor and the most frequently documented indication for primary cesarean birth. Yet, dystocia remains a poorly specified diagnostic category, with determinations often varying widely among clinicians. The primary aims of this review are to 1) summarize definitions of active labor and dystocia, as put forth by leading professional obstetric and midwifery organizations in world regions wherein English is the majority language and 2) describe the use of dystocia and related terms in contemporary research studies. Major national midwifery and obstetric organizations from qualifying United Nations-member sovereign nations and international organizations were searched to identify guidelines providing definitions of active labor and dystocia or related terms. Research studies (2000-2013) were systematically identified via PubMed, MEDLINE, and CINAHL searches to describe the use of dystocia and related terms in contemporary scientific publications. Only 6 organizational guidelines defined dystocia or related terms. Few research teams (n = 25 publications) defined dystocia-related terms with nonambiguous clinical parameters that can be applied prospectively. There is heterogeneity in the nomenclature used to describe dystocia, and when a similar term is shared between guidelines or research publications, the underlying definition of that term is sometimes inconsistent between documents. Failure to define dystocia in evidence-based, well-described, clinically meaningful terms that are widely acceptable to and reproducible among clinicians and researchers is concerning at both national and global levels. This failure is particularly problematic in light of the major contribution of this diagnosis to primary cesarean birth rates. © 2015 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

  11. Experimental labor markets and policy considerations: Incomplete contracts and macroeconomic aspects


    Casoria Fortuna; Riedl Arno


    This survey focuses on experimental labor markets investigating two aspects that deem us important for a better understanding of labor market relations and the consequences for labor market policies. The first part of the survey is dedicated to papers that assess the prevalence of reciprocal considerations in incomplete labor contracts. The second part summarizes the relatively small but growing experimental literature exploring labor issues in a macroeconomics and public finance setting and ...

  12. ¿Selección positiva o negativa? Inserción de la migración interna y el desplazamiento forzado en el mercado laboral urbano de Colombia 2001-2006.

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    Adriana Carolina Silva


    Full Text Available Se analizan los determinantes socioeconómicos de la insetrión laboral de migrantes recientes y de desplazados fañados en las diez principales ciudades de Colombia utilizando información de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares (2001-2006. Se adapta el marco teórico de selección del migrante internacional de Borjas ( 1982, 1985, 1987, 1990 a los casos de migración interna voluntaria o involuntaria. Además, mediante la estimación de un modelo Logit para conocer la propensión a ocuparse y de ecuaciones mincerianas para determinar el nivel de ingreso laboral, ilustramos el proceso de selección positiva de los migrantes económicos recientes y sustentamos empíricamente los resultados teóricos esperados de selección negativa de la inserción laboral del desplazado forzado al mercado laboral urbano.

  13. Principales causas de la morosidad en la jurisdicción laboral

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    Rafael Ospina Morales


    Full Text Available El proyecto desarrollado es de gran magnitud e importancia, toda vez que surgen “cascadas de leyes” que al poco tiempo de su vigencia, están siendo modificadas, adicionadas o derogadas, por quienes solucionan todos los problemas de Estado con sus administrados, expidiendo leyes, SINAVERIGUARLAS CAUSAS que han generado la patología social en determinado momento. La Ley debe tener en cuenta el fenómeno social, pero no a la ligera, sino profundizando sobre el origen y causa del mismo. Esto es lo que pregona científicamente la Escuela Constructivista. Con la presente investigación se contribuye a establecer algunas de las causas que generan la morosidad en la jurisdicción laboral.

  14. Predicting the Effects of Comparable Worth Programs on Female Labor Supply. (United States)

    Nakamura, Alice; Nakamura, Masao


    Surveys theories in labor economics about how the female labor supply is affected by the wage offers that women receive. Summarizes the implications concerning expected effects of comparable worth wage adjustments on female labor supply. Examines empirical evidence pertaining to the theory of female labor supply. (JS)

  15. Selection into Labor Force and Gender Unemployment Gaps


    Alena Bicakova


    This paper sets the groundwork for analysis of the effect of selection into labor force on gender unemployment gaps. We derive the Manski bounds for gender unemployment gaps in 21 EU countries and show that in addition to the positive selection documented in the gender wage gap research, there is also evidence of negative selection into the labor force among women after childbirth. While positive selection of women into the labor force leads to downward bias in gender unemployment gaps, negat...

  16. Marriage, Specialization, and the Gender Division of Labor


    Matthew J. Baker; Joyce P. Jacobsen


    A customary gender division of labor is one in which women and men are directed towards certain tasks and/or explicitly prohibited from performing others. We offer an explanation as to why the gender division of labor is so often enforced by custom, and why customary gender divisions of labor generally involve both direction and prohibition. Our model builds on the literature on the marital hold-up problem, and considers both problems in choice of specialty and human capital acquisition in a ...

  17. Energy and labor cost of gasoline engine remanufacturing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Venta, E.R.; Wolsky, A.M.


    This report presents a detailed estimate of the labor and energy, by fuel type, required by the U.S. economy to remanufacture gasoline-fueled automobile and truck engines. Th estimate was obtained by combining data provided by several remanufacturers with the results of input--output analysis. A rough estimate of the labor and energy required to manufacture new engines is also given. These estimates suggest that remanufactured engines require 50% of the energy and 67% of the labor that new engines require.

  18. Labor Inhibits Placental Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 Signaling (United States)

    LAGER, Susanne; AYE, Irving L.M.H.; GACCIOLI, Francesca; RAMIREZ, Vanessa I.; JANSSON, Thomas; POWELL, Theresa L.


    Introduction Labor induces a myriad of changes in placental gene expression. These changes may represent a physiological adaptation inhibiting placental cellular processes associated with a high demand for oxygen and energy (e.g., protein synthesis and active transport) thereby promoting oxygen and glucose transfer to the fetus. We hypothesized that mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling, a positive regulator of trophoblast protein synthesis and amino acid transport, is inhibited by labor. Methods Placental tissue was collected from healthy, term pregnancies (n=15 no-labor; n=12 labor). Activation of Caspase-1, IRS1/Akt, STAT, mTOR, and inflammatory signaling pathways was determined by Western blot. NFκB p65 and PPARγ DNA binding activity was measured in isolated nuclei. Results Labor increased Caspase-1 activation and mTOR complex 2 signaling, as measured by phosphorylation of Akt (S473). However, mTORC1 signaling was inhibited in response to labor as evidenced by decreased phosphorylation of mTOR (S2448) and 4EBP1 (T37/46 and T70). Labor also decreased NFκB and PPARγ DNA binding activity, while having no effect on IRS1 or STAT signaling pathway. Discussion and conclusion Several placental signaling pathways are affected by labor, which has implications for experimental design in studies of placental signaling. Inhibition of placental mTORC1 signaling in response to labor may serve to down-regulate protein synthesis and amino acid transport, processes that account for a large share of placental oxygen and glucose consumption. We speculate that this response preserves glucose and oxygen for transfer to the fetus during the stressful events of labor. PMID:25454472


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    Andreea Fortuna SCHIOPU


    Full Text Available The use of emotions in the workplace has begun to be increasingly studied by theorists and researchers in organizational behavior. One essential construct in the literature is the emotional labor which is perceived to be the management of feelings to express organizationally desired emotions. This article aims to review existing perspectives on emotional labor, to differentiate the concepts of emotional labor and emotional dissonance, to analyze emotion regulation strategies, and to discuss the consequences of emotional labor in the workplace. These clarifications with regard to the emotional labor and its mechanisms can help manage their associated negative outcomes (such as emotional exhaustion, lower job satisfaction, higher levels of burnout, and intentions to quit the job and sustain their possible positive outcomes (such as feelings of accomplishment and enhanced identification with the work role.

  20. Transitions between states of labor-force participation among older Israelis. (United States)

    Achdut, Leah; Tur-Sinai, Aviad; Troitsky, Rita


    The study examines the labor-force behavior of Israelis at older ages, focusing on the determinants of the transitions between states of labor-force participation between 2005 and 2010. The study uses panel data from the first two waves of the SHARE-Israel longitudinal survey. A multinomial logit model is used to examine the impact of sociodemographic characteristics, health state, and economic resources on labor-force transitions of people aged 50-67. The results emphasize the role of age and poor health in "pushing" older people out of the labor force or "keeping" them there. Spouse's participation is found to encourage individuals to leave the labor force or to refrain from joining it. However, living with a participating spouse is negatively associated with staying out of the labor force, consistent with the dominance of the complementarity of leisure effect found in the literature. Wealth as an economic resource available to individuals for retirement is also found to encourage individuals to leave the labor force or to refrain from joining it.

  1. Justicia organizacional, desempeño laboral y discapacidad

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    Maribel Peña-Ochoa


    Full Text Available Este artículo expone los resultados de una revisión documental de los conceptos de justicia organizacional, desempeño laboral en relación al colectivo de personas en situación de discapacidad. La pesquisa se efectuó en bases de datos bibliográficas de acceso abierto y restringido a textos completos y referenciales en línea, textos impresos en bibliotecas de instituciones de educación superior. Los hallazgos fundamentan la evidencia del nivel de incidencia que tienen las acciones de las empresas en las percepciones de justicia organizacional de sus empleados y la relación que existe entre estas y el desempeño laboral. Sin embargo, esta correlación ha sido establecida en trabajadores sin limitaciones o restricciones en sus funcionamientos, pero no en empleados con alguna situación de discapacidad y menos aún en el contexto colombiano. Abstract This article presents the results of a literary review on the concepts of organizational justice and work performance in connection to the people with disabilities. The search was performed on open access bibliographical databases, restricted to full texts and reference texts online and printed versions in higher education institutional libraries. The findings give ground to the evidence of the incidence of the actions of the companies on the organizational justice perspective of employees and the relationship between them and the work performance. However, this correlation has been established on workers without limitations or restrictions on their performance, but not on employees with a given disability, much less in Colombian context.

  2. Labor Costs and Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel VAR Approach

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    Bahar Bayraktar-Sağlam


    Full Text Available This paper examines the endogenous interaction between labor costs and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI in the OECD countries via the Panel VAR approach under system GMM estimates for the period 1995–2009. The available data allows identifying the relevance of the components of labor costs, and allows a detailed analysis across different sectors. Empirical findings have revealed that sectoral composition of FDI and the decomposition of labor costs play a significant role in investigating the dynamic association between labor costs and FDI. Further, results suggest that labor market policies should focus on productivity-enhancing tools in addition to price hindering tools.

  3. 20 CFR 656.24 - Labor certification determinations. (United States)


    ... certification applications. (2) If the labor certification presents a special or unique problem, the Director of... opportunity as a college or university teacher, the U.S. worker must be at least as qualified as the alien. (3... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Labor certification determinations. 656.24...

  4. 46 CFR 5.71 - Maritime labor disputes. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Maritime labor disputes. 5.71 Section 5.71 Shipping... REGULATIONS-PERSONNEL ACTION Statement of Policy and Interpretation § 5.71 Maritime labor disputes. Under no circumstances will the Coast Guard exercise its authority for the purpose of favoring any party to a maritime...

  5. Writing Center Administration and/as Emotional Labor (United States)

    Jackson, Rebecca; McKinney, Jackie Grutsch; Caswell, Nicole I.


    Scholars have offered research and theory about emotional labor and the feeling of emotion in rhetoric and composition, but we have little if any such research on writing center work specifically. Drawing on data from a year-long qualitative study of writing center directors' labor, this article examines writing center directors' emotional labor…

  6. Measuring educational heterogeneity and labor quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fosgerau, Mogens; Hougaard Jensen, Svend E.; Sørensen, Anders


    This paper investigates the magnitude of the mismeasurement that occurs when only a few education categories are used in the construction of a constant quality index for labor input. By employing a very comprehensive data set it is found that the error resulting from the omission of information...... on education is relatively small. The empirical results are thus supportive of the current state of practice of constructing indices of constant quality labor input....

  7. The Labor Market and the Second Economy in the Soviet Union (United States)


    thanks to Marjorie McElroy for encouraging my efforts to adapt the theory and techniques of Western labor economics to the case of the Soviet Union. All...34 Journal of Labor Economics 3:1, pt. 2 (January 1985): S328-S354. SCHULTZ, T. Paul. "Testing the Neoclassical Model of Family Labor Supply and...FemaJe Labor Force Participation and Wage Determination in a Developing Country." Paper presented at the Duke University Labor Economics Workshop

  8. Hypnotherapy for labor and birth. (United States)

    Beebe, Kathleen R


    Hypnotherapy is an integrative mind-body technique with therapeutic potential in various health care applications, including labor and birth. Evaluating the efficacy of this modality in controlled studies can be difficult, because of methodologic challenges, such as obtaining adequate sample sizes and standardizing experimental conditions. Women using hypnosis techniques for childbirth in hospital settings may face barriers related to caregiver resistance or institutional policies. The potential anxiolytic and analgesic effects of clinical hypnosis for childbirth merit further study. Nurses caring for women during labor and birth can increase their knowledge and skills with strategies for supporting hypnotherapeutic techniques. © 2014 AWHONN.



    Levon M. Seropov


    Internal and external factors, which influence labor productivity in IT companies, are considered. Internal factors are considered as fundamental factors, directlyinfluencing labor productivity. The analysismethod PESTL is adapted for fi nding out of external factors of labor productivity.

  10. [Oxytocin administration during labor. Results from the 2010 French National Perinatal Survey]. (United States)

    Belghiti, J; Coulm, B; Kayem, G; Blondel, B; Deneux-Tharaux, C


    To estimate the frequency of oxytocin administration during labor, in all women in labor, in low-risk women, and in women with a previous cesarean delivery. Our objectives were also to identify characteristics of women and of maternity units associated with this practice in France. Analysis of the 2010 French Perinatal Survey data (n=14,681 women who delivered in continental France). The frequency of oxytocin administration during labor was estimated in all women in labor (n=12,845) and in low-risk women (n=9798). The independent associations between oxytocin administration during labor and characteristics of women and units were quantified with multivariate logistic regression modeling. Sixty-four percent of laboring women received oxytocin during labor, and 58% of women with a spontaneous onset of labor. In the population of low-risk women with spontaneous labor and epidural, nulliparity and over-weight, as well as the private status and small size of the maternity unit, were independently associated with a more frequent administration of oxytocin during labor. Oxytocin administration during labor is very frequent in France, probably beyond classical indications. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. An Assessment of the Effects of Hydrotherapy During the Active Phase of Labor on the Labor Process and Parenting Behavior. (United States)

    Tuncay, Semra; Kaplan, Sena; Moraloglu Tekin, Ozlem


    This study was conducted to assess the effect on labor process and parenting behavior of hydrotherapy applied during the active phase of labor. This quasi-experimental study was conducted by using an equivalent comparison group ( n = 40). The participants in the experimental group whose cervical dilation was 5 cm were taken to the hydrotherapy tub. This application continued until cervical dilation reached 10 cm. The Participants Questionnaire, The Birth Follow-up Questionnaire, The Postpartum ]collection tools. The duration of the active phase and second stage of labor was extremely short in the experimental group in comparison with the equivalent comparison group ( p = .001). The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scores of the experimental group were lower than those of the equivalent comparison group when cervical dilation was 6 cm and 10 cm ( p = .001). The experimental group also displayed more positive parenting behavior and positive labor feeling ( p = .001).

  12. Estrés laboral: Funcionarios de instituciones penitenciarias


    Rodríguez Murciego, Estela


    El estrés laboral es uno de los principales riesgos identificados en el mundo laboral de la sociedad actual. Varios puestos de trabajo llevan consigo asociadas una serie de responsabilidades y de un número elevado de tareas en proporción a la jornada laboral, las interacciones entre distintas personas no siempre son sencillas y otros factores hacen que los trabajadores no siempre puedan sentirse a gusto en su lugar de trabajo habitual. Por este motivo y dado el incremento de casos en los ú...

  13. Aspectos conceptuales para la investigación de la labor de bibliotecarios y bibliotecarias que proporcionan servicios de referencia

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    Alejandro-José Unfried-González


    Full Text Available Para llevar a cabo una investigación bibliot ecológica que tome como objeto de estudio las actividades agrupadas bajo el término referencia, es necesario reconocer la complejidad de dicho objeto y construir los conceptos adecuados para abordarlo. Precisamente, con el término referencia se designa una actividad bibliotecaria compleja que puede ser abordada, al menos, desde cuatro perspectivas distintas determinadas por el empleo de uno o más conceptos clave. El concepto trabajo de referencia permite abordar específicamente la labor realizada por person as que proporcionan servicios de referencia en una biblioteca. De esta manera se establece una distinción teórica relevante entre funciones realizadas por las personas y servicios ofrecidos por la institución, adscribiendo esta labor particular a una noció n amplia que parece ser apropiada para su caracterización: la de asistir, la cual concede un lugar no solo a cada una de las funciones reconocidas tradicionalmente al personal del servicio de referencia, sino a su doble dimensión creativa y productiva, lo que plantea a su vez la posibilidad de un enfoque cualitativo de investigación.

  14. Alteraciones auditivas en trabajadores expuestos al ruido industrial


    Hernández Díaz, Adel; González Méndez, Bianka M.


    Motivados por la importancia del ruido como riesgo laboral en las actividades productivas de la Carpintería de Aluminio "Tomás Alvarez Breto" decidimos realizar un control audiométrico periódico de estos trabajadores con la finalidad de determinar el grado de exposición de los mismos y establecer las recomendaciones más importantes para su protección. Nos propusimos como objetivo determinar el grado de afectación auditiva por ruido en los trabajadores expuestos al riesgo, para lo cual se cuan...

  15. Políticas para la inserción laboral de jóvenes: estudios en Latinoamérica y Argentina

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    Paula Isacovich, Argentina


    Full Text Available (analítico Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación etnográfica finalizada sobre las relaciones entre jóvenes y políticas de formación e inserción laboral en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. En ese marco, en el artículo analizo y sintetizo diversas perspectivas de investigaciones en ciencias sociales que enfocaron la inserción laboral juvenil en América Latina desde la escolarización y las políticas de fomento al empleo joven, o bien desde las experiencias de la gente joven en relación con la formación y el trabajo. Concluyo señalando aspectos vacantes de los estudios y sugiriendo abordajes para ampliar la comprensión del tema.

  16. A labor/leisure tradeoff in cognitive control (United States)

    Kool, Wouter; Botvinick, Matthew


    Daily life frequently offers a choice between activities that are profitable but mentally demanding (cognitive labor) and activities that are undemanding but also unproductive (cognitive leisure). Although such decisions are often implicit, they help determine academic performance, career trajectories, and even health outcomes. Previous research has shed light both on the executive control functions that ultimately define cognitive labor and a ‘default mode’ of brain function that accompanies cognitive leisure. However, little is known about how labor/leisure decisions are actually made. Here, we identify a central principle guiding such decisions. Results from three economic-choice experiments indicate that the motivation underlying cognitive labor/leisure decision-making is to strike an optimal balance between income and leisure, as given by a joint utility function. The results reported establish a new connection between microeconomics and research on executive function. They also suggest a new interpretation of so-called ego-depletion effects, and a potential new approach to such phenomena as mind-wandering and self-control failure. PMID:23230991

  17. [Labor market and health. SESPAS Report 2010]. (United States)

    García, Ana M


    The labor market, where the supply of labor meets demand, determines employment and working conditions, with positive and negative effects on the active population's health and that of their families. Labor markets are also affected by national and international social and economic policies. Unemployment, precarious contracts and new types of employment have been shown to be related to exposure to living and working conditions that cause physical and mental health problems. Some collectives, such as manual, young or immigrant workers, are more vulnerable to labor market fluctuations and more frequently experience adverse employment and working conditions. The current situation in Spain is now highly worrysome. In Spain, in 2009, more than 1.2 million workers lost their jobs. The unemployment rate has doubled in 5 years, from 9% in 2005 to 18% in 2009. Temporary contracts account for 24% of all job contracts. Economic and employment policies are urgently needed to reverse this situation, which unquestionably has a negative effect on people's health and wellbeing. Copyright © 2010 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  18. Riesgos ergonómicos que afecta al trabajo empresarial en el hospital civil de Chone


    Velásquez Giler, César Augusto; Mendoza Cedeño, Álvaro Danny


      El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los riesgos ergonómicos que afectan al trabajo empresarial, caso particular Hospital Civil de Chone, para determinar los factores ergonómicos y los índices de bienestar general como factores de riesgo laboral. Se incluyeron para el análisis a 40 profesionales de la salud que realizan atención directa al paciente internado. En cuanto a las técnicas, se hizo uso de la investigación de campo, descriptiva, documental y transversal, par...

  19. Relación entre la satisfacción laboral y el trato digno que brinda el profesional de Enfermería al paciente que acude a una institución privada de salud de IV nivel de atención, Lima 2013


    Casildo Bedón, Danitza Raquel


    s Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre la satisfacción laboral y el trato digno que brinda el profesional de Enfermería al paciente que acude a una institución privada de salud de IV nivel de atención en la ciudad de Lima. Metodología: El estudio fue de diseño no experimental; tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional y transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 57 profesionales de Enfermería que trabajan en el área asistencial de la Clínica San Felipe, durante el último año. En l...

  20. Índice de satisfacción laboral

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    Emeterio Franco Pérez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo propone un índice de satisfacción laboral utilizando el método de componentes principales. Para formar el índice se realiza la agregación directa de los primeros componentes principales, ponderados por la desviación estándar de cada uno. Este índice consigue cuantificar y resumir en un dato la satisfacción laboral de cada trabajador (a, expresándose en valores entre 0 y 100, lo cual facilita su interpretación y la toma de decisiones correspondientes. Adicionalmente, la metodología se aplicó a una base de datos con información de satisfacción laboral

  1. The Effectiveness of Hypnosis Intervention for Labor: An Experimental Study. (United States)

    Beevi, Zuhrah; Low, Wah Yun; Hassan, Jamiyah


    Hypnosis has been shown to help pregnant women experience improved labor and postpartum periods. The present study compares the differences between experimental (n = 23) and control groups (n = 22) on specific variables measured both during labor and 24 hr postpartum. The participants in the experimental group received the hypnosis intervention at weeks 16, 20, 28, and 36 of pregnancy, while those in the control group received only routine antenatal care. The data collected at the labor stage describe the length of the labor stage, pain relief used during labor, the method of delivery, and the type of assisted vaginal delivery. Within 24 hr of delivery, data on neonatal birth weight, neonatal Apgar scores, and self-reported pain were obtained. The labor stage results showed no significant differences in the length of the second and third stages of labor. Although the participants in the experimental group reported higher pain levels immediately prior to, during, and immediately after delivery, their use of pethidine during labor was significantly lower than the control group participants. None of the experimental group participants opted for an epidural, and they had a greater number of assisted vaginal deliveries than the control group participants. The 24 hr postpartum results showed that the neonates of the experimental group participants had nonsignificantly higher Apgar scores than those of the women in the control group. Group differences in neonatal weight were not significant. The results of the present study indicate that hypnosis is useful for assisting pregnant women during labor and the postpartum period.

  2. Diversidad auditiva: imaginarios sociales e inclusión laboral: una aproximación intercultural

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    Gina Viviana Morales Acosta


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo de reflexión consiste en rastrear el imaginario para la inclusión al mercado laboral de la población sorda, teniendo en cuenta su diversidad auditiva. En este grupo hay una gama de personas que han optado por alternativas que van desde el uso de audífonos, implante coclear, oralizados y el uso de lengua de señas. Para la comprensión de la situación de inclusión, se requiere ubicar el desarrollo del modelo de calidad de vida propuesto por Verdugo, desde el cual se puede ver a la persona como un sujeto de deseos y necesidades. Además, se consideró la mediación intercultural que se genera en dos culturas: la de las personas oyentes con una lengua audio vocal y la cultura sorda con la lengua de señas en un formato viso-gestual. En este marco contextual, cabe preguntarse si el imaginario que se tiene de la persona sorda, incide en la forma cómo se interpreta y propone su inclusión laboral. También se indaga por la manera en que se propone el desarrollo de habilidades para el escenario laboral a estas personas y la forma de llegar a él. Abstract This paper aims to establish how deaf people might be incorporated into labor market, taking into account their aural diversity. In this group there is a range of those who use headphones, cochlear implants, orality, and sign language. In order to comprehend the inclusion aspect, it becomes necessary to identify the quality of life development suggested by Dr. Verdugo, where the subject is considered to have desires and needs. In addition, intercultural mediation generated in two cultures was considered: one of listeners with audio-vocal language and the other of deaf people with sign language with a visual-gestural format. In this way, it is necessary to ask if the imaginary of the deaf has an impact in the way their labor inclusion is interpreted and proposed.

  3. 75 FR 8402 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ... . Executive Order No. 13126 (EO 13126) declared that it was ``the policy of the United States Government..., Vanuatu, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Western Sahara, Republic of Yemen, Zambia... penalize those responsible and the adequacy of these actions. (D) Government Policies on Child Labor DOL...

  4. Teletrabajo, un enfoque desde la perspectiva de la salud laboral

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    Nelson W. López


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de las TIC favoreció la aparición del Teletrabajo (TT a mediados del siglo pasado, pero actualmente, tan sólo el 13,2% de las empresas españolas lo fomentan. Las diferencias culturales, sociales, y las dificultades para homogeneizar la información disponible, hacen que resulte un desafío unificar criterios para su desarrollo. Esta revisión bibliográfica pretende mostrar el marco global del TT en España, factores de riesgo, repercusión, beneficios y perjuicios, detallar las condiciones y medidas de seguridad laboral que deberían acompañar el proceso. Para obtener los artículos se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos biomédicas. Efectos beneficiosos evidenciados serían el alto nivel de autonomía, elevada satisfacción laboral, mejor relación con el supervisor, disminución de la tasa de abandono del trabajo y del conflicto familiar. Otras publicaciones indican que reforzando los recursos personales, mejora el compromiso y la eficacia de los trabajadores. Se destaca la escasa existencia de descriptores específicos DeCS-MeSH para TT, incluidos en las bases de datos bibliográficas que utilizan estos tesauros como motor de búsqueda, Medline, Cochrane Library e IBECS, lo que dificulta la recuperación de información. El desconocimiento general sobre esta modalidad de trabajo, la cultura organizacional, el sistema de control y supervisión laborales basadas en la desconfianza, no facilitan la implantación del TT en España al ritmo en el que se impone en otros países de nuestro entorno como Reino Unido, Alemania y Francia, por lo que se hace necesario un cambio de mentalidad colectiva para integrar el TT como alternativa laboral en el marco de la sociedad actual en la que nos desenvolvemos.


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    Vyara Slavyanska


    Full Text Available Labor discrimination is a phenomenon with very serious social and economic consequences, which has increased actuality and importance in Bulgaria nowadays. Because of the high price of discrimination, building effective anti-discrimination legislation occupies a special place in the policy of the European Union. Despite the European directives, the presence of anti-discrimination legislation and the broadly declared anti-discrimination inclinations in our country, these are absolutely not enough for providing environment of equality, with a climate of respect and tolerance to the differences. It turns out that certain groups are definitely victims of labor discrimination. In this connection the present article consecutively identifies these groups, as well as the reasons for their discrimination, underlining the necessity and benefits of the integration of the different.

  6. Labor Informality: General Causes

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    Gustavo Sandoval Betancour


    Full Text Available The article examines the main causes of labor informality in order to verify the validity of classical theories that explain unemployment in market economies and its relationship to informality. Methodologically, the project was based, in the empirical part, on international statistics, comparing the evolution of labor market structure in a combined sample of highly industrialized countries and other less industrialized ones. Empirical evidence supports the conclusion that the classical economic theory of Marxist origin is inefficient to explain the causes of unemployment in contemporary market economies, as well as it fails to satisfactorily explain informality. On the contrary, we conclude that the theory in question is more relevant to explain informality in centrally planned economies where this phenomenon has been present even more significantly than in free market economies.

  7. Regional Labor Market Integration, Shadow Wages and Poverty in Vietnam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trung, Le Dang; Oostendorp, Remco H.


    Poor workers suffer from low returns to their most abundant resource, labor. In this paper we show that labor market integration strongly affects these returns for poor workers in Vietnam. Using seven representative household surveys, it is shown that while regional labor markets have become


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    Mita Adhisti


    Full Text Available This paper will discuss how the free movement of skilled labor policy under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC scenario enhances opportunities for labor mobility from low-skilled labor countries, what challenges will be faced, and how this policy impacts their economies. The implementation of the AEC’s free movement of skilled labor policy is projected to face challenges such as mismatched labor qualifications, fulfilling ASEAN commitment, time for implementation of ASEAN commitments, and controlling the flow of illegal migrant workers. However, ASEAN leaders already set some supporting policies to overcome challenges from this system by improving labor market information, encouraging language and skills training, managing government and public supports, expanding mutual recognition arrangements and enhancing social protection for migrant workers. If these supporting policies can be implemented, the AEC’s free movement of skilled labor policy will improve the quality of human resources in ASEAN, especially from lower-middle income countries including Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand. As the results, those six countries are expected to increase the high-skilled employment rates by 0.3 to 1.4 percent and the wage rates up to 10-20 percent in 2025. Thus, the projected increases in the employment and wage rates of ASEAN skilled labor will induce an expansion of the ASEAN economic growth to 7.1 percent in 2025.

  9. [Effect of the music in labor and newborn]. (United States)

    Tabarro, Camila Sotilo; de Campos, Luciane Botinhon; Galli, Natália Oliveira; Novo, Neil Ferreira; Pereira, Valdina Marins


    Music has been applied for balancing energies that have been disturbed by the stress of modern life. The objective of the present study was to verify the effect of music in labor and on the newborn, when submitted to the same melodies heard by their own mothers during pregnancy. Pregnant women, Health Center users, were submitted to musical sensitization sessions since their fifth month of pregnancy. During labor, the melodies previously selected by the pregnant women were played all the time with a thirty-minute break for every two hours of music. Data collection was performed through interviews performed after labor, at different moments, and the mother' statements were qualitatively analyzed. According to the women's words, music minimized the distress of labor and made it easier for the baby to adjust in the first months of life.

  10. Effects of aromatherapy with Rosa damascena on nulliparous women's pain and anxiety of labor during first stage of labor. (United States)

    Hamdamian, Sepideh; Nazarpour, Soheila; Simbar, Masoumeh; Hajian, Sepideh; Mojab, Faraz; Talebi, Atefeh


    Reducing labor pain and anxiety is one of the most important goals of maternity care. This study aimed to assess the effects of aromatherapy with Rosa damascena on pain and anxiety in the first stage of labor among nulliparous women. This was a randomized clinical trial of 110 nulliparous women. The eligible participants were randomly assigned to two groups of aromatherapy and control in an Iranian maternity hospital. The participants received 0.08 mL of Rosa damascena essence in the aromatherapy group and 0.08 mL of normal saline in the control group, every 30 min. Pain was measured 3 times, once each at three stages of cervical dilation (4-5, 6-7, and 8-10 cm). Anxiety was measured twice, once each at two stages of cervical dilation (4-7 and 8-10 cm). The tools for data collection were the Spielberger anxiety questionnaire, numerical pain rating scale, demographic and obstetric questionnaire, and an observational checklist. Data analyses included the t-test, Mann-Whitney U test and Chi-square test. Severity of labor pain and severity of anxiety were used as primary outcome measures. Labor and delivery characteristics (including number of contractions, duration of contractions in second stage, Bishop score, augmentation by oxytocin, Apgar score, and mode of delivery), demographic characteristics, and fertility information were used as secondary outcome measures. Pain severity in the group receiving aromatherapy with R. damascena was significantly lower than in the control group after treatment at each pain assessment (cervical dilation of 4-5, 6-7, and 8-10 cm; P labor. Aromatherapy with R. damascena is a convenient and effective method for pain and anxiety reduction during the first stage of labor. Iranian Registry of Clinical Trial: IRCT201306258801N3. Copyright © 2018 Shanghai Changhai Hospital. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Labor rights as legal constitutional category – Kosovo in relation to international labor organization

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    Muhamet Vokrri


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study paper is the analyzing of the processes that followed the labor relations, its historical development respectively, since its first concrete efforts from the representatives of the workers (unions till the establishment of the International Labor Organization (1919. As it is known the labor law presents one of the fundamental rights of the human being, thus such rights (right to work, freedom of work are constitutional category and protected in whole legal systems of the present time. The efforts to install such positive spirit were not easy. Genuinely is known that bearers of progressive developments in this field (end of XIX century were organized groups of workers (unions, then initiatives from various statesmen and later to be materialized from the governments of present time followed by the addressing and protecting of these rights in international aspect. Practice has proved that creation, purpose and activity of International Labor Organization has provided its benefits in achieving the primary principles of work, such rights proclaimed by the majority of world states and embedded in their highest legal act (Constitution of the organization in question (ILO. We consider that bearers of government politics of Kosovo, responsible sectors of this field respectively, shall regard these rules set and implemented by this international body and at the same time make maximal efforts towards advancing the current legislation in this field as well as to utilize all necessary resources in order to achieve the vital goal which is the adherence in ILO. This would certainly have an impact on minimizing the occurrence of eventual discontent from the organized groups (Unions as well as other classes and naturally the progress and positive effects in this field would be visible and useful for the society.

  12. What Caused the Recession of 2008? Hints from Labor Productivity


    Casey Mulligan


    A labor market tautology says that any change in labor usage can be decomposed into a movement along a marginal productivity schedule and a shift of the schedule. I calculate this decomposition for the recession of 2008, assuming an aggregate Cobb-Douglas marginal productivity schedule, and find that all of the decline in employment and hours since December 2007 is a movement along the schedule. This finding suggests that a reduction in labor supply and/or an increase in labor market distorti...

  13. La conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar como proyecto de calidad de vida desde la igualdad


    Papí Gálvez, Natalia


    Artículo inserto en dos proyectos subvencionados por el Instituto de la Mujer: «El género en el desarrollo socioeconómico. Los perfiles laborales y la calidad de vida: Un estudio dinámico», BOE 15/02/2001, y «La mujer en la empresa publicitaria. Políticas de conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral. En torno al techo de cristal», BOE 30/01/2004.

  14. Re-constructing the origins of modern labor management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Linden, M.


    Mainstream history generally assumes that modern labor-management techniques originated in factories in Europe and North America employing 'free' wage laborers. The present explorative article argues, however, that important innovations were born outside the North Atlantic region (especially in the

  15. 48 CFR 22.406-12 - Cooperation with the Department of Labor. (United States)


    ... REGULATION SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITIONS Labor Standards for..., interviews with workers, and all other aspects of investigations undertaken by the Department of Labor. When...

  16. The Labor Market Integration of Immigrant Men and Women


    Taryn Ann Galloway


    Abstract: Out of necessity, the earliest studies of immigrants' performance in the labor market in Western countries focused solely on men. However, as the employment rates of women in Western countries rise and approach those of men, questions about the labor market adjustments of immigrant women also become increasingly relevant. Furthermore, studies of earnings assimilation have typically analyzed only those individuals actually employed (full-time) in the labor market. Henc...

  17. Labor Market Discrimination: Vietnamese Immigrants

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    Linus Yamane


    Full Text Available Vietnamese and East European immigrants face similar obstacles in the U.S. labor market. This provides for an interesting test of racial discrimination in the labor market. Does it make any difference if an immigrant is Asian or White? When Vietnamese immigrants are compared to East European immigrants, Vietnamese men earn 7-9% less than comparable East European men, with more discrimination among the less educated, and in the larger Vietnamese population centers like California. Vietnamese women earn as much as comparable East European women. Vietnamese immigrants, male and female, are much less likely to hold managerial and supervisory positions than comparable East European immigrants.

  18. Labor Market Discrimination: Vietnamese Immigrants

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    Linus Yamane


    Full Text Available Vietnamese and East European immigrants face similar obstacles in the US labor market. This provides for an interesting test of racial discrimination in the labor market. Does it make any difference if an immigrant is Asian or White? When Vietnamese immigrants are compared to East European immigrants, Vietnamese men earn 7-9% less than comparable East European men, with more discrimination among the less educated, and in the larger Vietnamese population centers like California. Vietnamese women earn as much as comparable East European women. Vietnamese immigrants, male and female, are much less likely to hold managerial and supervisory positions than comparable East European immigrants.

  19. Job Sorting in African Labor Markets


    Marcel Fafchamps; Mans Soderbom; Najy Benhassine


    Using matched employer-employee data from eleven African countries, we investigate if there is a job sorting in African labor markets. We find that much of the wage gap correlated with education is driven by selection across occupations and firms. This is consistent with educated workers being more effective at complex tasks like labor management. In all countries the education wage gap widens rapidly at high low levels of education. Most of the education wage gap at low levels of education c...

  20. Complementary and Alternative Approaches to Pain Relief during Labor

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    Michel Tournaire


    Full Text Available This review evaluated the effect of complementary and alternative medicine on pain during labor with conventional scientific methods using electronic data bases through 2006 were used. Only randomized controlled trials with outcome measures for labor pain were kept for the conclusions. Many studies did not meet the scientific inclusion criteria. According to the randomized control trials, we conclude that for the decrease of labor pain and/or reduction of the need for conventional analgesic methods: (i There is an efficacy found for acupressure and sterile water blocks. (ii Most results favored some efficacy for acupuncture and hydrotherapy. (iii Studies for other complementary or alternative therapies for labor pain control have not shown their effectiveness.