
Sample records for al carbono api

  1. Consideraciones teórico prácticas acerca de la soldadura de los aceros al carbono

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    Osmundo Héctor Rodríguez Pérez


    Full Text Available Se analizan los tres tipos de aceros al carbono y su clasificación desde el punto de vista de su soldabilidad. Se pueden observar los aspectos físico - químicos en la zona fundida, zona de transición y zona afectada por el calor. Existen varios aspectos en la tecnología de la soldadura de los aceros al carbono, tales como: preparación de los bordes, limpieza superficial, posición relativa de las piezas, precalentamiento, selección del material de aporte, deposición de los cordones, postcalentamiento, tratamiento térmico posterior y el control de la calidad de las uniones soldadas a tomar en cuenta para realizar la soldadura.

  2. Grafeno: el alótropo más prometedor del carbono

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    H. C. Rosu


    Full Text Available After a brief review of the discoveries of the allotropes of carbon known up to the present time,we focus on graphene, which is the most recent one. The remarkable material properties ofgraphene are due to its relativistic electrons and give a lot of hopes for many technologicalapplications of high impact.Después de una breve revisión de la historia de los alótropos del carbono conocidos al momento,nos enfocamos en el más reciente de ellos, el grafeno, cuyas propiedades extraordinariasse deben a la propagación relativista de sus electrones de conducción. Estas mismaspropiedades dan esperanzas para muchas aplicaciones tecnológicas de gran impacto.

  3. Selección automatizada de electrodos para la soldadura manual de los aceros al carbono

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    Alexander Velázquez Font


    Full Text Available Se aborda lo relativo a un sistema para la selección automatizada de electrodos en la soldadura de los aceros al carbono. Se inicia con una breve revisión de los problemas que presentan estos en su soldabilidad y los factores concernientes a la selección correcta del electrodo en los mismos. En el mismo se expone el fundamento teórico sobre el diseño del sistema el cual da solución a lo anteriormente expuesto. En la elaboración del software se tiene en cuenta los siguientes principios: propiedades mecánicas de la unión soldada, tipo de revestimiento, posición de la soldadura, etc. Se tienen en cuenta en el trabajo diferentes firmas y normas de fabricantes de electrodos y países que mas se utilizan en la industria mecánica en Cuba. El software tiene la ventaja de ser sencillo, rápido y seguro, garantizando la selección correcta de los electrodos para cada caso y situación. El software supone que el usuario no tenga que tener conocimientos profundos de soldadura, debido a que el sistema se encarga de la mayor parte de las decisiones para la selección del electrodo, procedimiento que con métodos convencionales, exigen del usuario una determinada experiencia en la selección de estos materiales para la soldadura de los aceros al carbono.

  4. Obtenção de nanocompósitos, nanodiamante sobre fibra de carbono e nanotubo de carbono sobre fibra de carbono


    Leonardo Iusuti de Medeiros


    A proposta desta dissertação é a obtenção de dois compósitos nanoestruturados que sejam constituídos um por nanodiamante sobre fibra de carbono e, o outro, por nanotubo de carbono sobre a fibra de carbono. Em ambos os compósitos as fibras de carbono usadas são obtidas com três diferentes índices de grafitização 1000, 1500 e 2000°C. As fibras de carbono apresentam uma grande área superficial devido a sua estrutura. Quando utilizadas como substrato para crescimento de materiais nanoestruturados...

  5. Influencia del cambio de uso sobre la erosión del suelo, carbono transportado por erosión y stocks de carbono en ambientes semiáridos mediterráneos


    López Carratalá, Jorge


    A continuación se describen los temas principales que serán abordados en la tesis doctoral futura: - Relevancia del proceso de erosión hídrica en zonas semiáridas mediterráneas. - Influencia de la erosión en la dinámica del carbono. - Relaciones estructura-Erosión hídrica-Carbono. - Pools de carbono asociados con la erosión hídrica - Contribución de la erosión hídrica a la pérdida de carbono. - Cambio en las propiedades básicas del suelo debido al cambio de uso. - Cambios...

  6. Materiales de carbono micro-mesoporosos obtenidos mediante nanomoldeo


    Enterría González, Marina


    Las aplicaciones actuales de los materiales de carbono exigen el ajuste de sus propiedades en función de los requerimientos en cada aplicación. Esto implica el desarrollo de nuevos métodos de síntesis que permitan un control preciso de las propiedades finales de los carbones en términos de porosidad, estructura o química superficial. En este contexto, el desarrollo de materiales de carbono con estructura porosa jerárquica resulta de especial interés gracias al potencial que presentan. Den...

  7. Secuestro de carbono por sistemas agroforestales amazónicos

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    D. Callo Concha


    Full Text Available En la amazonía peruana y durante el segundo semestre del año 2000, evaluamos los volúmenes de carbono secuestrado por seis sistemas agroforestales y/o sistemas de uso de la tierra: bosque primario, bosque secundario, café+sombra, silvopastura, pastura y huerto casero (tratamientos, en tres variantes ecológicas (repeticiones: selva alta, media y baja; fragmentando el muestreo en: a. biomasa arbórea, b. biomasa herbácea, c. hojarasca y d. cuatro estratos de suelo. En lo que se refiere a carbono total, el tratamiento parámetro: bosque primario, reteniendo 465.8 tC·ha-1, supera en 58 % a los SAF’s: huerto casero y café+sombra; en 74.3 % al cuarto, SAF silvopastura y 80 % al otro testigo extremo, pastura. Sin embargo, todos estos, más el bosque de regeneración, son estadísticamente iguales e inferiores al bosque primario (P<0.01. Resultó sumidero estable (P<0.01 y considerable, el suelo. Retiene en casi todos los casos -a excepción del bosque primario- más de la mitad del carbono total. Existe una proporcionalidad inversa entre los sumideros arbóreo y edáfico, función de su grado de cobertura arbórea; los aportes de biomasa herbácea y arbustiva (fresca y hojarasca, son pobres, fluctuando entre el 1 y 2 % y los provenientes de árboles muertos, considerables pero oscilantes en los tratamientos bosque primario, bosque secundario y SAF café+sombra. Las diferencias de carbono secuestrado se deben exclusivamente a la proporción de la cobertura otorgada por la biomasa arbórea (P<0.05.

  8. Uma breve revisão histórica do desenvolvimento da soldagem dos aços API para tubulações A brief history review of development on API steels welding for pipeline

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    Jaime Casanova Soeiro Junior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho enfoca o desenvolvimento dos aços API para tubulações desde o aço API 5L X42, desenvolvido em 1948, através de laminação a quente seguida de tratamento térmico. Desde então foram feitos diferentes desenvolvimentos visando aumentar a resistência mecânica e a tenacidade, além de melhorar a soldabilidade. Entre eles, a adição de elementos de liga, produzindo os aços ARBL e a utilização de rotas de processamento termomecânico durante a laminação. Inicialmente a rota utilizada era a laminação a quente controlada (TMCR, com utilização de elemento microligante como Nb para os aços X60 e o conjunto Nb e V para os aços X65 e X70, associado a uma redução do teor de carbono. Posteriormente foi implantada a rota de fabricação do aço por laminação controlada seguida de resfriamento controlado (TMCP, com redução de carbono e adição de Nb e Ti para os aços X80, e adições de Mo, Nb, Be Ti para os X100. A redução do carbono foi motivada também para melhorar a sua soldabilidade e, por este motivo, estes aços são soldados por diferentes processos de soldagem, como o eletrodo revestido. Desenvolvimentos recentes com raiz feita com MAG-TC e enchimento com arame tubular tem dado resultados animadores.This paper is a brief history on the development of pipelines steels since the API 5L X42 steel, developed in 1948 by hot rolling followed by heat treatment. Subsequently different developments were made to increase the strength and toughness of these materials, and to improve their weldability. Among them, the addition of microalloying elements, producing HSLA steels and thermomechanical processing routes during hot rolling. Initially the route used was the controlled hot rolling (TMCR, together with microalloying element such as Nb for X60 steel and Nb plus V for X65 and X70 steels, associated with a reduction in carbon content. Later, the thermomechanical controlled process (TMCP manufacturing route was

  9. Síntesis del estado del conocimiento del ciclo de carbono en ecosistemas boscosos de los Estados Unidos (United States)

    Michael G. Ryan; Mark E. Harmon; Richard A. Birdsey; Christian P. Giardina; Linda S. Heath; Richard A. Houghton; Robert B. Jackson; Duncan C. McKinley; James F. Morrison; Brian C. Murray; Diane E. Pataki; Kenneth E. Skog


    Los bosques juegan un papel central en el ciclo de carbono de los Estados Unidos y global. El secuestro de carbono de los bosques de los Estados Unidos, a través de su crecimiento y la cosecha de productos madereros, compensa en la actualidad entre un 12 y un 19% de las emisiones de carbono asociadas al uso de combustible fósil de dicho país. El ciclo natural de un...

  10. Carbono, matéria orgânica leve e frações oxidáveis do carbono orgânico sob sistemas de aléias

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    Roni Fernandes Guareschi


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os teores de carbono orgânico (COT do solo, matéria orgânica leve (MOL em água e as frações oxidáveis do COT em uma área de cultivo de milho em aléias de Flemingia macrophylla submetida a diferentes manejos de sua parte aérea. A área de estudo está localizada na “Fazendinha Agroecológica”, no município de Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. O desenho experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com 3 tratamentos e 8 repetições, consistindo dos seguintes tratamentos: testemunha (cultivo de milho com ausência de aléias; cultivo de milho em sistema de aléias com poda de 0,6 m de altura e cultivo de milho em sistema de aléias sem poda. Em cada uma das áreas foram coletadas amostras compostas nas profundidades de 0-5 cm. A presença de aléias, bem como, as podas realizadas em Flemingia macrophylla na área que essa encontrava-se associada ao cultivo de milho não alterou o teor de COT do solo. No entanto, a utilização dos caules e das folhas como adubo verde oriunda do tratamento onde se realizou a poda da parte aérea das aléias de Flemingia macrophylla, proporcionou ao solo aumento dos teores de MOL, Conteúdo de C da MOL e da fração F1.

  11. Sensores electroquímicos basados en nanomateriales de carbono


    Remesal García, Lucía


    Caracterización de tres sensores basados en materiales de nanocarbono mediante el análisis de diferentes compuestos. El objetivo del proyecto ha sido analizar que sensor es el más sensible para detectar los compuestos electroactivos en soluciones. Se han utilizado tres tipos diferentes de sensores: Electrodo de carbono modificado con nanotubos de carbono (CNT), Electrodo de carbono modificado con Nanofibras de carbono grafitizadas (CNF) y Electrodo de carbono modificado con grafeno (GPH). El ...

  12. Carbono almacenado en páramo andino


    Castañeda-Martín, Abel Efrén; Montes-Pulido, Carmen Rosa


    RESUMEN A pesar de la importancia del ecosistema de páramo en el ciclo global de carbono no se dispone de una síntesis que permita diferenciar si es la biomasa vegetal o el suelo el componente que acumula la mayor cantidad de carbono. En este documento se busca integrar los aspectos fundamentales relacionados con el carbono almacenado en el ecosistema de páramo, a través de: 1) Revisar las estimaciones de carbono en biomasa aérea y suelo reportadas por la literatura para el ecosistema de pára...


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el mejoramiento frente a la corrosión de los recubrimientos multicapas de [TiN/AlTiN]n con periodos de 2, 6, 12 y 24 bicapas depositados mediante la técnica de PVD magnetrón Sputtering sobre acero al carbono AISI 1045. La evaluación electroquímica se realizó mediante las técnicas espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS y curvas de polarización Tafel, en una solución de 0.5M de H2SO4 + 3.5% wt. de NaCl. La resistencia a la corrosión aumentó de forma gradual en función del número de bicapas en comparación al sustrato encontrando valores de velocidad de corrosión de 18.51 mpy para el sustrato sin recubrir y de 1x10 6 mpy para la muestra con 24 bicapas. Los resultados electroquímicos revelan el efecto positivo en cuanto a la protección superficial del acero 1045 con el incremento del periodo en las multicapas de [TiN /AlTiN]n.

  14. Corrosión a alta temperatura de acero al carbono y acero inoxidable austenítico en atmósferas contaminadas por CO2


    Proy Pérez, Manuel


    Los efectos a veces catastróficos producidos por los procesos de corrosión a alta temperatura en atmósferas contaminadas por agentes agresivos, poseen la suficiente relevancia para ser objeto de estudio en los próximos años, debido a que en muchas ocasiones no están definidos claramente. Los aceros al carbono y los inoxidables austeníticos son materiales potencialmente utilizables en condiciones de elevada temperatura gracias a su excelente relación entre sus propiedades est...

  15. Incidencia de la estrategia colombiana de desarrollo bajo en carbono en el mercado de bonos de carbono en Colombia


    Castellanos Garcia, Camilo Andres


    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar el papel de la estrategia colombiana de desarrollo bajo en carbono en el mercado de bonos de carbono en Colombia. Esto con el fin de demostrar que las acciones nacionalmente apropiadas de mitigación NAMAS son un mecanismo de mitigación y puede no tener una incidencia en la oferta ni tampoco en la demanda del mercado de bonos de carbono en Colombia. Esta investigación se llevará a cabo por medio de un estudio de caso con un enf...

  16. Reserva de carbono en un sistema silvopastoril compuesto de Pinus patula y herbáceas nativas

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    Manuel Oliva


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la reserva de carbono retenida bajo un sistema silvopastoril con Pinus patula , localizado en Amazonas, Perú. Para la estimación de carbono se utilizaron 06 plantas mediante el método directo, los fustes fueron seccionados cada 2 metros y a partir de estos se obtuvieron muestras de 5 cm de espesor previo al pesaje total. Para las ramas y hojas se realizó el pesaje total y se seleccionaron muestras de 200 g. Para la recolección de muestras de hojarasca y herbáceas nativas, se utilizó el mé todo del cuadrante y las muestras de suelo se recolectaron alrededor de cada planta. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante la formulación de ecuaciones alométricas y selección de la mayor correlación estimada, a partir de variables como diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP y altura del fuste (AF. Como resultado, se encontró 92,13 t/ha de carbono almacenado y 337,20 t/ha de carbono equivalente. Además, la investigación permitió establecer una ecuación que ayudó a estimar la cantidad de carbono y CO 2 en pino p átula: Biomasa seca = 0,6575*DAP 1,1794 (r 2 = 0,91 .

  17. Mejora de la tenacidad de un acero de ultraalto contenido en carbono nnediante unión por laminación con un acero al cromo y molibdeno

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    Pozuelo, M.


    Full Text Available Laminated composite materials containing five layers of ultrahigh carbon steel, 1.35%C, and five layers of a Cr-Mo steel were processed by roll bonding. The rolling procedure improves the bonding of layers and refines the microstructure, diminishing grain size and removing the pearlitic zones. Charpy impact tests were carried out to evaluate the impact properties. Toughness of the laminated composite was highly improved respect to the ultrahigh carbon steel. Moreover, it was double than that of the Cr-Mo steel in the arrester orientation. These results reveal the important role of the interfaces in the mechanical properties of the composite materials.

    Se procesaron mediante unión por laminación, dos materiales compuestos laminados de 10 capas: cinco capas de un acero de ultraalto contenido en carbono con 1,35 % C, alternadas con otras cinco de un acero al cromo y molibdeno. La laminación en caliente consolida la unión entre las capas y afina la microestructura, reduciendo el tamaño de grano y eliminando las zonas de perlita presentes inicialmente. Se realizaron ensayos de impacto Charpy para evaluar su resistencia al impacto. El material compuesto laminado mejoró sustancialmente la tenacidad del acero de ultraalto carbono, además de duplicar la resiliencia del acero al cromo y molibdeno en la orientación "en serie". Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las intercaras en las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales compuestos.

  18. Aspectos Contábeis dos Créditos de Carbono: Estudo com Autores Nacionais

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    Vanderlei dos Santos


    Full Text Available O estudo objetiva verificar o entendimento de autores nacionais no que concerne à classificação, forma de reconhecimento e mensuração das operações com créditos de carbono. O estudo de natureza descritiva foi realizado em 2011, por meio de pesquisa de levantamento ou survey, com abordagem quantitativa. Utilizou-se o questionário como instrumento de coleta de dados, que foi enviado a 23 pesquisadores nacionais que possuem publicação de artigos relacionados à contabilização dos créditos de carbono em periódicos nacionais. Obtiveram-se nove respostas, que constituíram numa amostra por acessibilidade. Para a análise dos dados obtidos optou-se pelo uso da técnica da entropia informacional. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que, quanto à classificação dos créditos de carbono, há um entendimento maior entre os autores de que se trata de ativos especiais e que não podem ser considerados como commodity. Observou-se que não há consenso entre os autores em classificar os créditos de carbono como ativo intangível ou estoque. Deste modo, concluiu-se que ainda existem divergências no entendimento dos autores analisados no que concerne aos aspectos contábeis das operações com créditos de carbono. O artigo contribui principalmente na medida em que busca consolidar diferentes opiniões de autores, que pesquisam sobre a temática, demonstrando aspectos convergentes e divergentes, além de enfatizar lacunas para desenvolver pesquisas futuras.

  19. Nuevos recubrimientos basados en disposiciones ordenadas de nanoparticulas metálicas y nanofibras de carbono


    A. Berenguer-Murcia


    Debido al alto grado de control que permite llevar a cabo, el depósito químico en fase vapor (CVD) catalizado es uno de los métodos más atractivos para el crecimiento de nanotubos y nanofibras de carbono sobre distintas superficies.

  20. Evaluación preliminar del potencial de indicadores de salud y calidad relacionados con el ciclo del carbono de suelos del humedal de Jaboque (Cundinamarca, Colombia

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    Hannier Wadith Pulido Barrios


    de muestreo y en las dos épocas de muestreo. Para todos los puntos de muestreo se hizo una aproximación al estado de los procesos involucrados en el ciclo de carbono en el humedal. Los porcentajes de carbono orgánico son significativamente altos, lo que estaría implicando una eutrofización generalizada para todo el humedal. Las diferencias significativas encontradas en los parámetros medidos dan cuenta de la sensibilidad de éstos al problema de contaminación del humedal.

  1. Evaluación de la susceptibilidad a la corrosión por picado del acero API 5L x42 expuesto a un ambiente con cloruros y CO2 mediante la técnica de ruido electroquímico

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    Rodríguez-Vanegas, N.


    Full Text Available The concentration of chloride ions and the partial pressure of CO2 play an important role in the degradation of low-carbon steels used for the construction of pipelines in oil and gas industry. In order to evaluate the susceptibility of carbon steel API 5L X42 to pitting corrosion electrochemical noise and linear polarization resistance measurements were carried out in aqueous solutions containing chloride ions and CO2. The concentration of chloride ions was varied between, 10000 and 18000 ppm, and the CO2 partial pressure between 10 psi and 18 psi. Experimental results pointed out that the formation of protective layer, consisting mainly of FeCO 3, depends on the partial pressure of CO2 in the system. Nevertheless, the stability of this layer was considerably affected by increasing the concentration of chloride ions causing that localized corrosion has taken place in some areas of the surface of API 5L X42, which were detected by electrochemical noise echnique.La concentración de iones cloruro y la presión parcial de CO2, tienen un papel importante en el proceso de degradación de los aceros de bajo carbono empleados en la construcción de líneas de transporte en industrias petroleras. Con el fin de evaluar la susceptibilidad del acero al carbono API 5L X42 a la corrosión por picado, se realizaron medidas de ruido electroquímico y resistencia a la polarización lineal en soluciones acuosas de iones cloruro con concentraciones entre 10.000 y 18.000 ppm, variando la presión parcial de CO2 entre 10 psi y 18 psi. Los resultados indican que la formación de una capa protectora, constituida principalmente por FeCO3, depende de la presión parcial de CO2 del sistema. No obstante, la estabilidad de dicha capa es afectada significativamente por el aumento de la concentración de iones cloruro, que producen fenómenos de corrosión localizada en algunas áreas de la superficie del acero API 5L X42, los cuales fueron detectados por la técnica de


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    Belén Carballo Leyenda


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Se ha descrito que la salud y el rendimiento laboral del personal dedicado a la extinción de los incendios forestales se ven perjudicados principalmente por el monóxido de carbono (CO. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar la exposición al CO a la que se ve sometido el personal especialista en la extinción de los incendios. Métodos: Durante 58 incendios reales se monitorizó en 44 sujetos la exposición al CO a la que se vieron sometidos. También se analizó la concentración ponderada para una jornada de 8h (VA-ED. Todos los incendios fueron divididos en función del tipo de trabajo realizado (ataque directo, indirecto y combinado y del combustible presente (pasto, matorral, bajo arbolado y mixto. Las variables analizadas fueron estudiadas mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, se usó el test de Mann-Whitney para establecer las diferencias entre medias. Resultados: La concentración media de CO en los incendios fue de 18,4±1,7 ppm, lo que supuso una VA-ED de 7,0±1,0 ppm. Las mayores exposiciones al CO se analizaron en los ataques combinados (20,4±2,3 ppm seguidas de las obtenidas en los ataques directos (17,5±2,7 ppm e indirectos (10,6±5,4 ppm. Únicamente se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p<0,05 al comparar las exposiciones al CO generadas por la combustión del matorral (19,8±2,2 y bajo arbolado (17,2±3,9 y pasto (12,0±5,6. Conclusiones: Las exposiciones de CO analizadas se vieron influidas por el tipo de combustible y trabajo desempeñado. Los valores medios obtenidos se situaron dentro de los límites establecidos como seguros por diferentes organismos nacionales (INSHT e internacionales (NIOSH, OSHA.

  3. Study of an API migration for two XML APIs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T.T. Bartholomei; K. Czarnecki; R. Lämmel (Ralf); T. van der Storm (Tijs); M.G.J. van den Brand (Mark); D. Gasevic; J. Gray


    htmlabstractAPI migration refers to adapting an application such that its dependence on a given API (the source API) is eliminated in favor of depending on an alternative API (the target API) with the source and target APIs serving the same domain. One may attempt to automate API migration by code

  4. Maximização do teor de carbono fixo em biocarvão aplicado ao sequestro de carbono

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    Alessandra L. da Róz


    Full Text Available RESUMOA emissão de dióxido de carbono é, atualmente, a principal causa do aquecimento global, devido ao efeito estufa. Ao redor do planeta pesquisadores têm-se esforçado na busca de soluções viáveis para o problema; com isto, o biocarvão está entre as mais recentes propostas de mitigação das mudanças climáticas em razão da sua simplicidade e eficiência. Desta forma, este trabalho teve, por objetivo, maximizar o teor de carbono fixo na produção de biocarvão. Para isso, analisaram-se sete tratamentos, temperaturas de pirólise: 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 e 500 °C. A partir do rendimento gravimétrico de produção e do teor de carbono fixo calcularam-se os respectivos fatores de rendimento gravimétrico para cada tratamento, os quais indicam em qual temperatura se tem a maior quantidade de carbono fixo em função do biocarvão produzido. A pirólise com temperatura máxima de 300 °C indicou o maior fator de rendimento gravimétrico, atingindo 0,22672 C/biocarvão.

  5. Simulación de estructuras de carbono, entre el grafito y el diamante


    Alonso Sanz, Lydia


    El carbono puro es uno de los materiales inorgánicos más importantes. Una de las razones es que el carbono existe en diferentes formas alotrópicas, como el grafito, el diamante, los fullerenos o los nanotubos de carbono. Aunque todas las formas sean carbono, tienen propiedades muy diferentes, por ejemplo el diamante es el material más duro que se conoce, mientras que el grafito es uno de los materiales más blandos. Entre los materiales de carbono puro destacan los carbones porosos que se prod...

  6. Almacenamiento del carbono en varios suelos cultivados con cacao en la provincia El Oro-Ecuador

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    Dr. C. Salomón Barrezueta-Unda


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de estimar la variabilidad de carbono almacenado en suelos cultivados de cacao en la parte baja de la provincia El Oro, fueron seleccionadas al azar 30 parcelas cultivadas con cacao del tipo Nacional (n=12 tomado como modelo agrofestal y del clon de cacao CCN51 (n=18 como modelo en monocultivo, para lo cual se conformaron transeptos de 30 x 15 metros en el centro de cada parcela de donde se tomaron muestras de suelo a una profundidad de 0-30 cm a las que realizaron análisis de arena, limo y arcilla por Bouyucos, densidad aparente (Da por el método del cilindro, pH relación 1:25 con lectura en potenciómetro en laboratorio, Capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CIC con acetato de amonio pH 7, nitrógeno (N y carbono (C en un analizador elemental. Para cuantificar la cantidad de C almacenado se utilizó la profundidad del muestreo, la Da para determinar el volumen del suelo, el cual se multiplica por el C orgánico. Los resultados mostraron un predominio de la arena (>39% y el limo (>30%, con poca variabilidad en la Da con medias de 1,37 g-1 m3. La CIC fue superior en los cultivares de Nacional con 35,25 cmol (+ kg-1 al determinado en CCN51 (27,34 cmol (+ kg-1, al igual que el C orgánico (2,2% y N (0,20%. Los niveles de C almacenados fueron de 33,096 Mg de C ha-1 en CCN51 y 45,555 Mg de C ha-1 en Nacional, sin existir diferencias significativas (p=0,117. Palabras clave: Cacao Nacional, CCN51, carbono orgánico, densidad aparente.

  7. Contribución de los bosques tropicales de montaña en el almacenamiento de carbono en Colombia

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    Adriana Yepes


    Full Text Available Los bosques tropicales de montaña (BTM en la región Andina de Colombia se encuentran por encima de 1 500m, y han sido fuertemente deforestados. A pesar de la presunción general de que la productividad y las reservas de carbono en estos ecosistemas son bajas, los estudios al respecto son escasos. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo i estimar la biomasa aérea (BA de los bosques localizados en el sur de la región Andina colombiana, ii identificar el potencial de almacenamiento de carbono en bosques dominados por el roble negro Colombobalanus excelsa e identificar la relación entre la BA y la altitud, y iii analizar su papel en mecanismos de conservación, como el Pago por Servicios Ambientales (PSA y la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y Degradación (REDD+. Veintiséis parcelas de 0.25ha fueron distribuidas al azar, y se midieron todos los árboles con D≥10cm. Los resultados obtenidos de BA y carbono almacenado fueron similares a los reportados para bosques tropicales de tierras bajas. Esto se puede explicar por la abundancia y dominancia de C. excelsa, que contribuye con más del 81% de la BA/carbono; el error asociado a las estimaciones fue de 10.58%. Se encontró una relación negativa y significativa entre la BA y la altitud, pero los valores más altos de BA estuvieron en las altitudes medias (≈1 700-1 800m, donde las condiciones ambientales podrían ser favorables para su crecimiento. El potencial de almacenamiento de carbono de estos bosques fue alto. Los resultados permiten tener elementos importantes para entender el papel de los BTM como sumideros de carbono. Sin embargo, si la tasa histórica de deforestación en el área de estudio continúa, las emisiones brutas de CO2e a la atmósfera podrían convertirlos en una fuente de emisiones importante. Actualmente, los BTM son vulnerables a la deforestación, especialmente los bosques de roble negro debido a su valor comercial. Teniendo en cuenta el alto potencial de

  8. APIs

    CERN Document Server

    Jacobson, Daniel; Woods, Dan


    Programmers used to be the only people excited about APIs, but now a growing number of companies see them as a hot new product channel. This concise guide describes the tremendous business potential of APIs, and demonstrates how you can use them to provide valuable services to clients, partners, or the public via the Internet. You'll learn all the steps necessary for building a cohesive API business strategy from experts in the trenches. Facebook and Twitter APIs continue to be extremely successful, and many other companies find that API demand greatly exceeds website traffic. This book offe

  9. Captura de carbono de especies arbóreas en sistemas multiestrato en el fundo UNAP, Zungarococha, San Juan Bautista, Loreto


    Gratelly-Silva, Pedro Antonio; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Muñoz Collantes, Elsa Adolfina; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana


    El estudio se realizó entre los años 2011 y 2013, con el fin de determinar la fijación de carbono y los valores de dióxido de carbono en especies arbóreas. Para la recolección de datos se evaluaron especies a las que se instalaron fajas y sistemas multiestrato en cuatro tratamientos dispuestos en tres bloques al azar. La evaluación se realizó solo a las especies que alcanzaron alturas adecuadas para su medición del DAP. En el sistema multiestrato se evaluaron a 150 individuos, quienes captura...

  10. The Dutch xAPI Experience: xAPI Recipes


    Berg, Alan; Scheffel, Maren; Drachsler, Hendrik; Ternier, Stefaan; Specht, Marcus


    We present the collected experiences since 2012 of the Dutch Special Interest Group (SIG) for Learning Analytics in the application of the xAPI standard and best practices around the application of xAPI in various contexts. We present three projects that apply xAPI in very different ways and publish a consistent set of xAPI recipes.

  11. Monóxido de carbono (United States)

    La mayoria de los accidentes causados por envenenamiento por monoxido de carbono (CO) se producen en los hogares y estan relacionados a nuestras actividades diarias como cocinar y usar la calefaccion.

  12. Estimación de la huella de carbono en una planta extractora de aceite de palma en Colombia: estudio de caso


    Moreno García, José Edwin


    El presente trabajo de grado presenta una estimación de la Huella de Carbono que la empresa Guaicaramo S.A. generó durante el año de estudio. La metodología aplicada permitió determinar la actividad del proceso de extracción de aceite de palma que contribuye en mayor proporción al incremento de este indicador. Los resultados obtenidos pueden ser utilizados como una línea base para para el control de emisiones por parte de la empresa. Se estimó la emisión de los gases dióxido de carbono, metan...


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    William Espinoza-Domínguez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de estimar el almacén de carbono en sistemas agroforestales (SAF con base en café en la región de Huatusco, zona de mayor producción de café (Coffea arabiga L. en el estado de Veracruz, México, a fin de obtener información cuantitativa sobre el potencial de mitigación de carbono en los SAF de la región. Para ello, se estimaron los reservorios de carbono en biomasa vegetal y la materia orgánica edáfica existentes en sistemas agroforestales de café-plátano, café-macadamia, café-cedro rosado, café-ganado ovino y café-chalahuite, y como referencia de una condición no agroforestal se incluyeron un bosque primario y un potrero con pradera natural. La recolección de muestras se hizo en parcelas de 4 x 25 m (100 m2, donde se colectó biomasa de vegetación herbácea y mantillo, y para el suelo la profundidad de muestreo fue de 0 a 30 cm. El sistema agroforestal que presentó la mayor cantidad de carbono aéreo, estimado con modelos alelométricos, fue café-cedro rosado (Ca + Ce, con 114 Mg C·ha-1, seguido de los sistemas café - macadamia (Ca + Ma, con 34 Mg C·ha-1; café-chalahuite (Ca + Ch, con 29 Mg C·ha-1; café-plátano velillo (Ca + Pl, con 27 Mg C·ha-1; y por último el sistema silvopastoril (Sp, con 2 Mg C·ha-1. Para el caso del carbono orgánico del suelo, el tratamiento (Ca + Ce fue el que presentó mayor contenido de carbono fácilmente oxidable en el suelo, con 58 Mg C·ha-1, y el menor fue el tratamiento potrero (P, con 50 Mg C·ha-1. Del carbono orgánico total entre los SAF el tratamiento Ca + Ce fue el que tuvo el mayor valor, con 172 Mg C·ha-1, y el tratamiento silvopastoril (Sp presentó el menor, con 65 Mg C·ha-1. De los sistemas evaluados se concluye que, en promedio, los SAF almacenan 102 Mg C·ha-1, mientras que el potrero almacena 52 t C·ha-1, y el bosque primario es el sistema que más almacena carbono total, con un valor de 355 Mg C·ha-1.

  14. Evaluación del secuestro de carbono con diferentes alternativas de gestión selvícola en monte bajo de castaño en el Norte de España


    Prada Monteagudo, Marta


    Las masas forestales y las actividades de manejo forestal juegan un papel importante en la fijación del carbono. Los objetivos del estudio fueron determinar la línea base de almacenamiento de carbono en monte bajo de castaño (Castanea sativa Mill.), evaluar el efecto de la gestión forestal y validar los resultados del modelo. El área de estudio se localiza en el norte de España. El modelo CO2FIX se utilizó para estimar el contenido de carbono en la biomasa, suelo y productos, evaluándose 5 al...

  15. Propiedades mecánicas de morteros de cemento con adiciones de fibras de carbono, nanotubos de carbono y grafeno = Mechanical properties of cement mortars with additions of carbon fibres, carbon nanotubes and graphene

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    María Ursúa Goicoechea


    Full Text Available El carbono es uno de los elementos más abundantes de la naturaleza. Su particular estructura hace que pueda tener hasta cinco tipos distintos de alótropos. Durante los últimos años se han producido grandes avances en el estudio de estos materiales de carbono. Las fibras de carbono (CF, los nanotubos de carbono (CNTs y el grafeno y óxido de grafeno (GO, en función de su estructura y su escala, presentan unas propiedades notablemente diferenciadas. Este estudio pretende comparar y determinar los efectos de estas características en matrices de cemento. Las características de estos materiales son difíciles de transmitir de forma exacta a los compuestos de cemento y hormigones, principalmente por las dificultades que presentan los nanomateriales en su dispersión. Por ello, los datos obtenidos en distintos estudios muestran resultados muy variables. Sin embargo, se ha demostrado que, para mejoras medias, los nanomateriales resultan ser más eficientes. Abstract Carbon is one of the most abundant elements of nature. Its particular structure has to have up to five different types of allotropes. During the last years there have been great advances in the study of these carbon materials. Carbon fibers (CF, carbon nanotubes (CNT and graphene and graphene oxide (GO, depending on their structure and scale, have remarkably different properties. This study aims to compare and determine the effects of these characteristics on cement matrices. The characteristics of these materials are difficult to transmit accurately to concrete and cement compounds, mainly due to the difficulties presented by nanomaterials in their dispersion. Therefore, the data obtained in different studies, results, very variable. However, it has been shown that, for average improvements, nanomaterials are more efficient.


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    Nicolas Montanari


    Full Text Available Os materiais compósitos se dão pela utilização de dois, ou mais, materiais trabalhando de forma conjunta com o propósito de alcançar determinada propriedade a qual não seria possível com os mesmos isolados. A fibra de carbono com resina epóxi utilizada em reforços estruturais é um desses materiais, a grande resistência mecânica à tração e elevado módulo de elasticidade tornam a fibra de carbono adequada do ponto de vista estrutural, e com a resina epóxi atuando de modo a transferir as tensões da estrutura para serem resistidas pela fibra a caracteriza como tal. Este processo de reforço já vem se mostrando uma alternativa a métodos tradicionais, é mais rápido, simples e limpo que outros, clientes vem optando por este processo mesmo que apresente custo final mais elevado, pois quando consideradas as vantagens nele embutidas torna-se viável. Muito já se desenvolveu com a fibra de carbono no ramo da construção civil, porém ainda pode ser feito mais, descobrindo e aperfeiçoando novas técnicas construtivas compostas de materiais com fibra de carbono.

  17. Filamentos de carbono en hormigones


    J. Vera-Agulló; J. Grávalos


    En el presente artículo se exponen las principales ventajas de las fibras de carbono en su aplicación como refuerzo en hormigones, haciendo también mención a sus importantes limitaciones económicas.

  18. Huella de carbono en cinco establecimientos de salud del tercer nivel de atención de Perú, 2013

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    Celso Bambarén-Alatrista

    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio para calcular la huella de carbono generada por los establecimientos de salud del tercer nivel de atención ubicados en la ciudad de Lima, Perú, en el año 2013. Se obtuvieron los reportes del consumo de recursos energéticos y agua, así como la generación de residuos de cinco establecimientos, los cuales contribuyeron al cambio climático con la emisión de 14 462 teq CO2. El 46% de estas emisiones están asociadas al consumo de combustible para el funcionamiento de la casa de fuerza, generadores eléctricos y vehículos de transporte. Un 44% se relacionan con el consumo de energía eléctrica, y el restante 10% con la utilización de agua y generación de residuos sólidos hospitalarios. CO2, N2O y CH4 son los gases de efecto invernadero incluidos en la estimación de la huella de carbono. Los hospitales tienen un impacto ambiental negativo, principalmente debido al consumo de combustibles fósiles.

  19. Gestión Ambiental empresarial: cálculo de la huella de carbono en la industria vitivinícola.

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    Rosa Ana Rodriguez


    Full Text Available La huella de carbono es un indicador ambiental que busca cuantificar la cantidad de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GHG. Su medición se convierte en una herramienta que permite trabajar bajo el concepto de eco-eficiencia e identificar oportunidades de reducción de consumo energético, ya que este último es la principal fuente de emisión de GHG a nivel mundial. El presente trabajo aplica la metodología PAS 2050:2011 para la medición de la huella de carbono, en la producción del vino blanco. La misma excluye las emisiones asociadas con los insumos humanos de energía, el transporte de los consumidores al punto de venta y el transporte provisto por animales. Sin embargo, se consideran todas las emisiones involucradas con el ciclo de vida del producto. Como producto principal de este trabajo, se obtuvo una planilla de cálculo que puede aplicarse al cálculo de huella de carbono de cualquier producción de vino blanco, independientemente de su tamaño y proceso. Se incluyó una estimación de la emisión de GHG, teniendo en cuenta todas las posibles variantes que pudiese tener el proceso en la región de Cuyo, definiéndose los límites de la empresa y operaciones a evaluar, desde la vendimia hasta la disposición final.


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    José I. Yerena-Yamallel


    Full Text Available Se determinó la concentración de carbono por unidad de biomasa base peso seco de 10 especies del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco y para cada uno de sus componentes (tallo, ramas, ramillas, hojas y corteza. La concentración de carbono expresado como porcentaje de la biomasa, se hizo con el equipo Solids TOC Analyzer, que determina la concentración de carbono en muestras sólidas a través de combustión completa. Mediante un ANAVA no se encontraron diferencias en la concentración promedio de carbono de las especies (P>0.05; esta concentración varió de 44.25 a 47.08 % con una media general de 45.4±1.32 %; Cordia boissieri (44.25±1.52 % y Acacia farnesiana (44.52±1.37 % son las especies que resultaron con los valores de concentración de carbono menores, y Forestiera angustifolia (47.08±1.27 % con el más alto. El componente corteza de Cordia boissieri obtuvo el menor porcentaje de concentración de carbono (39.62±0.70 %, y las hojas de Acacia schaffneri el mayor (50.14±1.21 %; la interacción de ambos factores resultó significativa (P<0.0001.





    En este trabajo, se propone un tratamiento de conversión química base cerio sobre acero de bajo carbono para obtener un incremento en las propiedades de protección y ser utilizado como una preparación de superficie para un pintado posterior. El nitrato de cerio fue elegido como precursor y se utilizaron tres métodos para la obtención de películas sobre la superficie de acero al carbono. Las películas son formadas utilizando o no el H2O2, sin embargo, el papel del H2O2 es el de ...

  2. Distribución a profundidad del carbono orgánico en los suelos de México

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    Fernando Paz


    Full Text Available La caracterización de la distribución vertical del carbono orgánico en los suelos (COS en México es una tarea importante, dada la evidencia acumulada que muestra que el COS puede ser desestabilizado por diferentes mecanismos al incrementar la profundidad a la que se encuentra en el perfil. Con el objetivo de modelar la variación del COS con la profundidad, se analizó una base de datos de COS de perfiles de suelos distribuidos en todo México (base de datos INEGI-COLPOS. Esta base se depuró usando diferentes restricciones congruentes con el objetivo de desarrollar modelos matemáticos de la distribución del carbono con la profundidad (z. Los resultados de los ajustes estadísticos mostraron que modelo logarítmico, COS(z=a-b ln(z, resultó adecuado para lo planteado, por lo que se procedió a su síntesis. Se usó la propiedad de que un conjunto de rectas que se intersectan en un punto común, sus parámetros generan una línea recta. Con base en ella se desarrolló un esquema para estimar el carbono orgánico inerte (COI del espacio b-a del modelo logarítmico. Adicionalmente, para realizar estimaciones del COS a profundidad (hasta su valor máximo usando sólo el valor del COS de 0 a 30 cm, se desarrolló un método para realizar estas estimaciones a partir de parámetros asociados a los ecosistemas y tipos de vegetación. Los resultados de los ejercicios realizados para estimar el COI y el carbono orgánico a profundidad en los suelo usando sólo el COS 30 cm muestran ser adecuados y pueden ser implementados en forma operativa.

  3. Modelación simple y operativa de la distribución del carbono orgánico por fracciones físicas en los suelos

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    Fernando Paz


    Full Text Available Las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero asociadas al carbono orgánico del suelo (COS son importantes para estudiar cambios en los ecosistemas terrestres. Hay modelos simples que, ofrecen la oportunidad de analizar la dinámica de las alteraciones provocadas por los cambios en el uso de suelo, la vegetación y las prácticas de manejo. En México se dispone de información del COS total y la textura del suelo. En el presente trabajo se analizan diferentes esquemas para parametrizar el modelo COLPOS, el cual se desarrolló para caracterizar la distribución del COS en fracciones físicas del suelo. El modelo considera el COS de diferentes almacenes: materia orgánica particulada (MOP, materia orgánica lábil y complejos organominerales (MO + arena-limo-arcilla. El carbono orgánico inerte (COI, con tiempos medios de residencia de cientos a miles de años, y el tamaño de partícula asociado, permiten precisar los parámetros del modelo COLPOS y determinar las pérdidas potenciales de carbono orgánico del suelo. La validación de los métodos de parametrización del modelo COLPOS permite su implementación operativa empleando solamente la información disponible en México (COS y textura del suelo. La parametrización se desarrolló con base en los datos de experimentos de distribución del carbono asociadas al fraccionamiento físico de los suelos, después de la aplicación de dispersión ultrasónica para lograr fraccionamientos completos.

  4. Procesos de certificación de proyectos de captura de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI En los Mercados Internacionales de Carbono

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    Sabogal Aguilar Javier


    Full Text Available En el marco de la mitigación al cambio climático, subyacen dos tipos de mecanismos destinados a disminuir las concentraciones de gases efecto invernadero: en primer lugar, la reducción de emisiones por las fuentes contaminantes; y en segundo lugar, el secuestro o captura de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI cuantificados en CO2 equivalente en proyectos forestales (conocidos como LULUCF.Los proyectos de mitigación se abordan en el presente artículo por la comparación de los procesos de certificación que deben cumplir los proyectos de captura de gases de efecto invernadero, para acceder a los Mercados Internacionales de Carbono, tanto del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL adoptado por el Protocolo de Kioto, como de los Mercados Voluntarios de Carbono (MVC.Como resultados, se presenta el aporte al desarrollo sustentable "local y regional": social, económico y ambiental en disponibilidad y mantenimiento de bienes y servicios ambientales; se resaltan las críticas a los esquemas de mercado analizados, y la incidencia del aporte a la sustentabilidad regional y local en la aprobación. De acuerdo con a lo anterior, los mercados voluntarios de carbono resultan ser más acordes con proyectos de pequeña y mediana escala mientras que el mecanismo de desarrollo limpio favorece en mayor medida aquellos proyectos de mediana y gran escala.

  5. Drug Interaction API (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Interaction API is a web service for accessing drug-drug interactions. No license is needed to use the Interaction API. Currently, the API uses DrugBank for its...

  6. Diversidad y carbono almacenado en el área forestal permanente de Álvaro Obregón, Calakmul, Campeche

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    Ligia Guadalupe Esparza Olguín


    Full Text Available El Área Forestal Permanente (AFP del ejido Álvaro Obregón en Calakmul resguarda selvas subperennifolias que han estado expuestas al manejo forestal. Dada su importancia como reservorios de carbono y biodiversidad, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la diversidad arbórea, la acumulación de biomasa y la captura de carbono en diferentes comunidades de dicho tipo de vegetación (selva mediana – SMSP y selva inundable - SI presentes en el AFP, las cuales están en periodo de recuperación desde hace más de 20 años. El trabajo se realizó en parcelas circulares de 1 000 m2, en donde se etiquetaron, midieron (altura y diámetro a la altura de 1.30 m, e identificaron los taxa arbóreos presentes. En las SMSP se determinó una riqueza de 90 especies, con densidades de 5 170 y 3 720 ind ha-1, con una diversidad (H intermedia (2.8 a 2.65. En las SI se identificaron 75 especies, con una densidad (5 920 a 8 630 ind ha-1, y una diversidad (H alta (3.02 a 3.06. La diversidad estructural promedio (Hsdh fue baja para SMSP y SI, con valores de carbono de 16.6 a 37.17 Mg C ha-1, en SMSP; y 36.44 a 44.58 en SI. Se concluye que las selvas subperennifolias analizadas están en recuperación, con procesos de regeneración y captura de carbono importantes para la conservación de la diversidad.

  7. Empleo de la cáscara de arroz en la fundición de piezas de acero al carbono//Using of rice husk in the carbon steel casting parts process

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    Juan Carlos Cruz-Pérez


    Full Text Available Los materiales auxiliares desempeñan un papel importante en el aumento de la eficiencia tecnológica del proceso de fundición de piezas de acero al carbono. En este artículo se exponen los primeros resultados del empleo de la cáscara de arroz como material termoaislante en la obtención de piezas fundidas de acero al carbono. En los experimentos se evaluó la influencia  de seis combinaciones de las variables espesor de pared del casquillo y capa de cobertura. En la confección de los casquillos se utilizó cáscara de arroz triturada, la que posteriormente fue aglutinada con silicato de sodio, apisonada y endurecida con CO2, mientras que la cobertura se utilizó sin procesamiento previo. El mayor nivel de entrega de acero se obtuvo al emplear un espesor de casquillo de 65 mm y una altura de cobertura de 85 mm. El valor del ASAF generado por las variantes experimentales resultó igual o inferior a 0,48. Palabras claves: casquillo termoaislante, polvo de cobertura, cáscara de arroz, acero fundido.______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Feeding auxiliary materials perform a very important role in improves technological efficiency of carbon steel casting parts process. In this article are exposing the first results in the rice husk using as an insulating material in such process. The variables sleeve thickness and covering thickness’ influence were evaluated in six combinations by means of experiments. In sleeves preparation was used crushed rice husk, which was agglutinated with sodium silicate, compacted and hardened with CO2, meanwhile as covering it was uses without previous preparation. The mayor liquid steel delivering level was get employing 65 mm sleeve thickness and 85 mm covering thickness. The ASAF value generated for experimental variants was equal or inferior to 0.48. Key words: insulating sleeve, riser sleeve, hot topping, rice husk, steel cast.


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    Murray Núñez RM


    Full Text Available Se analizaron las pérdidas de carbono orgánico en suelos a partir de 12 perfiles localizados en el delta del río San Pedro y distribuidos por nivel geomorfológico en la llanura costera del estado de Nayarit, México. El estudio se realizó comparando el contenido de carbono de los suelos con mayor conservación bajo bosque y cultivados. Los niveles considerados para este análisis fueron llanura alta, llanura media y sus depresiones, llanura baja y barras costeras. Las reservas de carbono (RCO se determinaron teniendo en cuenta la densidad aparente (Da, el espesor de cada horizonte y el contenido de carbono. Los resultados se ponderaron para las profundidades 0-20, 0-50 y 0-100 cm. Las pérdidas de carbono identificadas fueron del 36 % para suelos Cambisoles de la llanura alta, 40 % para Feozem y Cambisoles de la llanura media, 60 % en suelos Feozem y Solonetz de las depresiones de la llanura media, 67 % para Cambisoles de la llanura baja y 90 % para Arenosoles de las barras costeras. Se demostró que la actividad agrícola intensiva y continuada, ha ocasionado pérdidas en el contenido de carbono; así mismo, la capa agrícola (20 cm resulta la más afectada por esta actividad antropogénica.

  9. Resolution and sensitivity of the eyes of the Asian honeybees Apis florea, Apis cerana and Apis dorsata. (United States)

    Somanathan, Hema; Warrant, Eric J; Borges, Renee M; Wallén, Rita; Kelber, Almut


    Bees of the genus Apis are important foragers of nectar and pollen resources. Although the European honeybee, Apis mellifera, has been well studied with respect to its sensory abilities, learning behaviour and role as pollinators, much less is known about the other Apis species. We studied the anatomical spatial resolution and absolute sensitivity of the eyes of three sympatric species of Asian honeybees, Apis cerana, Apis florea and Apis dorsata and compared them with the eyes of A. mellifera. Of these four species, the giant honeybee A. dorsata (which forages during moonlit nights) has the lowest spatial resolution and the most sensitive eyes, followed by A. mellifera, A. cerana and the dwarf honeybee, A. florea (which has the smallest acceptance angles and the least sensitive eyes). Moreover, unlike the strictly diurnal A. cerana and A. florea, A. dorsata possess large ocelli, a feature that it shares with all dim-light bees. However, the eyes of the facultatively nocturnal A. dorsata are much less sensitive than those of known obligately nocturnal bees such as Megalopta genalis in Panama and Xylocopa tranquebarica in India. The differences in sensitivity between the eyes of A. dorsata and other strictly diurnal Apis species cannot alone explain why the former is able to fly, orient and forage at half-moon light levels. We assume that additional neuronal adaptations, as has been proposed for A. mellifera, M. genalis and X. tranquebarica, might exist in A. dorsata.

  10. Preparación de tamices moleculares de carbono por CVD


    Manso, R.; Pajares Somoano, Jesús Alberto; Albiniak, A.; Broniek, E.; Siemieniewska, T.


    [ES] Se han preparado tamices moleculares de carbono (CMS) mediante el dep sito de tomos de carbono, por pir lisis de benceno, sobre la superficie de carbones activados. La pir lisis de benceno a temperaturas comprendidas entre 650-850 ¼C genera el cierre progresivo de los microporos debido a la creaci n de constricciones en la red microporosa que limitan la accesibilidad de determinadas mol culas. El uso de temperaturas superiores a la temperatura de carbonizaci n del precursor (85...

  11. Estimación de la Huella de Carbono del proceso de panificación en la cadena agroindustrial del trigo

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    Full Text Available Las cadenas alimentarias son responsables, en todo el mundo, de una gran parte de las emisiones totalesde gases de efecto invernadero. La Huella de Carbono (HC representa un indicador que pretende cuantificarla cantidad total de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero -expresada en equivalentes de dióxido de carbono-causadas directa o indirectamente por una actividad o las acumuladas durante la vida o etapas de un producto. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estimar la HC del proceso de panificación incluyendo las etapas de producción primaria, molienda, panificación, consumo y los transportes del trigo y de la harina y, además,comparar la HC del pan producido en Argentina con respecto al producido en Brasil y China, en función de las matrices energéticas de cada país.

  12. Ciclo del carbono y clima: la perspectiva geológica


    Martín Chivelet, Javier


    El ciclo del carbono aglutina los almacenes de ese elemento en el sistema Tierra (litosfera, hidrosfera, biosfera, atmósfera y rizosfera) y los flujos que se producen entre ellos. Las capacidades de esos almacenes y las tasas de intercambio entre ellos son extraordinariamente diversas por lo que, según la escala temporal considerada, encontraremos diferentes “ciclos” del carbono. A escalas temporales de millones de años, los flujos son lentos y se producen entre la litosfera y el “sistema de ...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casajus Ramo, A; Graciani Diaz, R; Tsaregorodtsev, A


    The DIRAC framework for distributed computing has been designed as a flexible and modular solution that can be adapted to the requirements of any community. Users interact with DIRAC via command line, using the web portal or accessing resources via the DIRAC python API. The current DIRAC API requires users to use a python version valid for DIRAC. Some communities have developed their own software solutions for handling their specific workload, and would like to use DIRAC as their back-end to access distributed computing resources easily. Many of these solutions are not coded in python or depend on a specific python version. To solve this gap DIRAC provides a new language agnostic API that any software solution can use. This new API has been designed following the RESTful principles. Any language with libraries to issue standard HTTP queries may use it. GSI proxies can still be used to authenticate against the API services. However GSI proxies are not a widely adopted standard. The new DIRAC API also allows clients to use OAuth for delegating the user credentials to a third party solution. These delegated credentials allow the third party software to query to DIRAC on behalf of the users. This new API will further expand the possibilities communities have to integrate DIRAC into their distributed computing models.

  14. Investigação micro-Raman de nanotubos de carbono alinhados


    Cristiano Fantini Leite


    A espectroscopia Raman é uma ferramenta experimental muito útil no estudo das propriedades unidimensionais dos nanotubos de carbono, uma vez que através dela é possível investigar os espectros vibracionais e também a estrutura eletrônica dos nanotubos. Devido ao fato dos nanotudos serem sistemas unidimensionais, o espectro Raman polarizado de amostras de nanotubos de carbono alinhados é muito útil para o entendimento de suas propriedades de simetria. Neste trabalho, realizamos experimentos de...

  15. Android quick APIs reference

    CERN Document Server

    Cinar, Onur


    The Android Quick APIs Reference is a condensed code and APIs reference for the new Google Android 5.0 SDK. It presents the essential Android APIs in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won't find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons, or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a software development kit and APIs reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any mobile or Android app developer or programmer. In the Android Quick APIs Refe

  16. Síntesis, Activación Química y Aplicaciones de Nanoestructuras de Carbono


    Jiménez Cotillas, Vicente


    El presente trabajo forma parte de un amplio programa de investigación sobre la preparación de nanoestructuras de carbono y su aplicación en procesos de interés energético, industrial y medioambiental que, desde el año 2003 hasta la actualidad, se está desarrollando en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). Durante las últimas décadas se ha asistido al inicio de una revolución científica basada en la capacidad de medir, manipular y organizar l...

  17. Crédito Carbono: um estudo de caso na empresa NovaGerarCarbon Credit: a Case Study at the NovaGerar CompanyCrédito Carbono: un estudio de caso en la empresa NovaGerar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    BITO, Nelson Satio


    Nova Iguaçu – RJ, seeking to investigate if the Carbon Credit incentives provided in the CDM contributes to the project’s economic feasibility, thereby reducing the environmental impacts by reducing greenhouse gases. The analysis of the data showed that the project was not feasible when the analysis focused only on generating electric energy. By adding the Carbon Credit, the project proved to be attractive with an expressive internal rate of return of 36.19% per annum.RESUMENEl Protocolo de Kioto, firmado en diciembre de 1997, es un instrumento importante para disminuir la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y para la busca de desarrollo sostenido. Los países desarrollados que adhirieron al Protocolo asumieron el compromiso de reducir sus emisiones de gases en un 5,2% (base 1.990 en el período comprendido entre 2.008 y 2.012. De las tres modalidades para disminuir el costo de las inversiones con la reducción de los gases, este artículo tiene el propósito de estudiar el Crédito Carbono previsto en el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio - MDL, específico para países en desarrollo en el manejo las cuestiones ambientales y por medio del cual se implementan proyectos que traen resultados positivos. El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar el Proyecto NovaGerar desarrollado en Nova Iguaçu – RJ, que busca investigar si el incentivo del Crédito Carbono, previsto en el MDL, contribuyó para su viabilidad económica y si, en consecuencia, disminuyó impactos ambientales por medio de reducción de gases del efecto invernadero. El análisis de los datos demostró que el proyecto no resultó viable, cuando enfocó solamente la generación de energía eléctrica. Al agregarse el Crédito de Carbono, se mostró interesante con la significativa tasa interna de retorno del 36,19% al año.


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    Ángel H. Moreno


    Full Text Available A pesar de su gran potencial, los xerogeles de carbono no se producen a gran escala debido a los largos y tediosos procesos tradicionales de obtención. El objetivo ha sido desarrollar un nuevo método de síntesis que permita su producción a gran escala de forma competitiva, sin perder el control de las propiedades y la posibilidad de producirlos a medida de cada aplicación. En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo proceso de obtención que permite reducir notablemente el tiempo del proceso de síntesis (>75% y utilizando un único dispositivo, constituyendo un paso muy importante para la implementación a escala industrial de la producción de xerogeles de carbono. En este trabajo se presentan resultados notables de dichos xerogeles de carbono en aplicaciones tan diversas como el almacenamiento de hidrógeno, como material activo en supercondensadores o como material de relleno en columnas de separación de gases, mostrando la gran versatilidad de estos materiales.

  19. Propiedades mecánicas y tribológicas de materiales nanoestructurados de carburo de silicio/nanofibras de carbono

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    Borrell, A.


    dispositivo tipo ball-on-disk. La carga de contacto que se ha utilizado ha sido de 15 N. Las superficies de desgaste se han observado mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la mejora simultánea del comportamiento al desgaste y de las prestaciones mecánicas del material cerámico al incorporarle las nanofibras de carbono, siendo el coeficiente de fricción muy estable.

  20. Effect of non-metallic inclusions on hydrogen-induced cracking of API5L X100 steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jin, T.Y.; Liu, Z.Y.; Cheng, Y.F. [Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (Canada)


    In this work, the type, composition and distribution of inclusions contained in an API5L X100 steel were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive x-ray analysis. A hydrogen-charging at various current densities was used to introduce hydrogen into the steel, and the correlation between HIC and the inclusions was established. The microstructure of the steel consists of a leather-like bainitic ferrite matrix, with martensite/austenite as the second phase particles. At least four types of inclusions are contained in API5L X100 steel, elongated MnS inclusions and spherical Al-, Si- and Ca-Al-O-S-enriched inclusions. In particular, the majority of inclusions in the steel are Al-enriched. Upon hydrogen-charging, hydrogen blisters and HIC could be caused in the steel in the absence of external stress. The cracks are primarily associated with the Al- and Si-enriched inclusions, rather than the elongated MnS inclusion. The critical amount of hydrogen resulting in HIC of the tested API5L X100 steel is determined to be 3.24 ppm under condition in this work. (author)

  1. Advanced API security securing APIs with OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, JWS, and JWE

    CERN Document Server

    Siriwardena, Prabath


    Advanced API Security is a complete reference to the next wave of challenges in enterprise security--securing public and private APIs. API adoption in both consumer and enterprises has gone beyond predictions. It has become the 'coolest' way of exposing business functionalities to the outside world. Both your public and private APIs, need to be protected, monitored and managed. Security is not an afterthought, but API security has evolved a lot in last five years. The growth of standards, out there, has been exponential. That's where AdvancedAPI Security comes in--to wade through the weeds

  2. Caracterización del aceite de germen de trigo extraído con dióxido de carbono líquido y supercrítico.

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    Molero Gómez, A.


    Full Text Available In this work the quality of wheat germ oil obtained by extraction with liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide was studied. At the optimum operating conditions, the yield of supercritical extraction is similar to the conventional extraction by organic solvent, but the quality of the wheat germ oil extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide is higher. Furthermore, supercritical extraction could be more economical than organic extraction because the solvent removal by distillation is not necessary and several steps of the following oil refining process can be simplified.

    En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio de la calidad del aceite de germen de trigo obtenido mediante la extracción con dióxido de carbono a alta presión. En las condiciones operativas óptimas del proceso, el rendimiento de la extracción con dióxido de carbono líquido y supercrítico es similar al de la extracción con disolventes orgánicos, si bien la calidad del aceite obtenido es superior. De ello se desprende el hecho de que el proceso de extracción utilizando dióxido de carbono, en condiciones sub- y supercríticas, puede resultar competitivo con el convencional al simplificar sustancialmente las etapas de refinado del aceite y eliminar la destilación del disolvente, las más costosas desde el punto de vista energético.

  3. Reconstrucción de lesiones osteocondrales con fibra de carbono


    Carranza Bencano, A.; Armas-Padrón, J. R.; Lozano, Mª A.


    Objetivo: Estudiar a largo plazo la evolución histológica de defectos osteocondrales de la rótula de conejos tratados con fibra de carbono. Material y Método: 18 conejos de raza gigante español, variedad parda, de ambos sexos, con un peso aproximado de 1.5 a 2 Kg y 18 discos Cleveland de fibra de carbono de 8 mm de diámetro (Medicarb®, fabricado por Leyland Medical International). Creación de un defecto de 6 mm. de diámetro en la superficie articular de la rótula, hasta alcanzar el teji...





    Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable, en una mezcla de sal con 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 700ºC - 850ºC. Los resultados de las pruebas gravimétricas mostraron una deficiente protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento protector, debido a que las temperaturas de exposición fueron mayores que las temperaturas de fusión de...

  5. La ingesta de hidratos de carbono, antes, durante y después de una competencia deportiva


    Abrines, María de la Candelaria


    Las competencias del running se realizan a lo largo del año y requieren de un cuidadoso plan nutricional que permita disponer de los nutrientes necesarios y recuperarlos al finalizarla. Objetivo: Determinar la ingesta de hidratos de carbono, antes, durante y después de una competencia deportiva, su adecuación a las recomendaciones y la recuperación de la fatiga post-competencia en corredores amateurs de 20 a 65 años de ambos sexos de la ciudad de Mar del Plata que participan de ...

  6. Nanocompósitos de epóxi/nanotubos de carbono/argilas


    Sene, Tarcísio Sanson


    Nanotubos de carbono dispersos em matrizes poliméricas podem proporcionar interessantes alterações em propriedades mecânicas e de condutividade elétrica no material nanocompósito resultante. Trabalhos atuais demonstram um possível efeito de dispersão de nanotubos de carbono (NTC) assistida pela dispersão simultânea com argila montmorilonita natural em uma matriz epoxídica, de modo que incrementos de argila proporcionariam melhor dispersão dos NTC na matriz, elevando a condutividade elétrica q...

  7. Web API Fragility : How Robust is Your Web API Client

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Espinha, T.; Zaidman, A.; Gross, H.G.


    Web APIs provide a systematic and extensible approach for application-to-application interaction. A large number of mobile applications makes use of web APIs to integrate services into apps. Each Web API’s evolution pace is determined by their respective developer and mobile application developers

  8. Cambios inducidos en nanotubos de carbono de capa única durante los procesos de purificación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martínez, M. T.


    Full Text Available A systematic characterisation of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs material after successive purification steps, including reflux treatment with nitric acid, air-oxidation and annealing, has been performed. During the nitric acid reflux treatment, micro Raman spectroscopy further proves that the SWCNTs diameter distribution can be selectively tuned towards smaller tubes. On the other hand, the subsequent oxidation/ annealing processes lead to samples preferentially containing larger tube diameter. These findings are further underlined by transmission electron microscopy. The applied purification process efficiently removes the undesired species of metal nanoparticles and amorphous carbon thus resulting in a high quality SWCNTs material.

    Se ha llevado a cabo una caracterización sistemática de nanotubos de carbono de capa única tras sucesivos pasos de purificación (tratamiento a reflujo con ácido nítrico, oxidación al aire y anelado. Durante el tratamiento a reflujo con ácido nítrico, la espectroscopía Raman reveló un desplazamiento de la distribución de diámetros de los nanotubos hacia tamaños menores, sin embargo, los procesos siguientes de oxidación y de anelado aumentaron el contenido de nanotubos de mayor diámetro. La morfología de los haces de nanotubos caracterizada por microscopía electrónica de transmisión ha mostrado un aumento del tamaño de los mismos. Los procesos de purificación aplicados han originado un material con nanotubos de carbono de capa única de alta calidad, con una importante reducción de especies no deseadas tales como carbono amorfo y nanopartículas metálicas.

  9. Healthcare Finder API (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — All of the data used on the web application is available through this API. There are multiple collections of data available through the API. 1....

  10. Tratamiento Tributario en las Operaciones con Créditos de Carbono en Empresas Brasileñas con Proyectos MDL

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    Vanderlei dos Santos


    Full Text Available El estudio objetiva identificar el tratamiento tributario aplicado en las operaciones con créditos de carbono en empresas brasileñas que están desarrollando proyectos en el ámbito del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL. Para tal, se realizó una pesquisa exploratoria, con abordaje cualitativo de los datos, colectados por medio de cuestionario enviado a todas las empresas brasileñas que poseen proyectos de MDL aprobados sin excepciones por la Comisión Interministerial de Mudanza Global del Clima (CIMGC, conforme listado del Ministerio de la Ciencia y Tecnología. De las 117 empresas listadas, solamente cinco respondieron el instrumento de pesquisa, constituyendo así, una muestra por accesibilidad. Los resultados muestran que en relación al tratamiento tributario aplicado en las empresas investigadas, debe haber tributación del IRPJ y CSLL en las operaciones con créditos de carbono. Referente a la incidencia de PIS, COFINS, ISS, hay empresas que entienden que estos tributos inciden y otras son de opinión que no hay incidencia. No obstante, se constató que hay uniformidad sobre el entendimiento de la no incidencia de ICMS e IOF. Se concluyó que todavía no hay uniformidad de entendimiento sobre la tributación que corresponda en las empresas pesquisadas, lo que se justifica por todavía no haber legislaciones tributarias específicas sobre créditos de carbono en el Brasil.

  11. Transcriptome differences in the hypopharyngeal gland between Western Honeybees (Apis mellifera) and Eastern Honeybees (Apis cerana). (United States)

    Liu, Hao; Wang, Zi-Long; Tian, Liu-Qing; Qin, Qiu-Hong; Wu, Xiao-Bo; Yan, Wei-Yu; Zeng, Zhi-Jiang


    Apis mellifera and Apis cerana are two sibling species of Apidae. Apis cerana is adept at collecting sporadic nectar in mountain and forest region and exhibits stiffer hardiness and acarid resistance as a result of natural selection, whereas Apis mellifera has the advantage of producing royal jelly. To identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) that affect the development of hypopharyngeal gland (HG) and/or the secretion of royal jelly between these two honeybee species, we performed a digital gene expression (DGE) analysis of the HGs of these two species at three developmental stages (newly emerged worker, nurse and forager). Twelve DGE-tag libraries were constructed and sequenced using the total RNA extracted from the HGs of newly emerged workers, nurses, and foragers of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana. Finally, a total of 1482 genes in Apis mellifera and 1313 in Apis cerana were found to exhibit an expression difference among the three developmental stages. A total of 1417 DEGs were identified between these two species. Of these, 623, 1072, and 462 genes showed an expression difference at the newly emerged worker, nurse, and forager stages, respectively. The nurse stage exhibited the highest number of DEGs between these two species and most of these were found to be up-regulated in Apis mellifera. These results suggest that the higher yield of royal jelly in Apis mellifera may be due to the higher expression level of these DEGs. In this study, we investigated the DEGs between the HGs of two sibling honeybee species (Apis mellifera and Apis cerana). Our results indicated that the gene expression difference was associated with the difference in the royal jelly yield between these two species. These results provide an important clue for clarifying the mechanisms underlying hypopharyngeal gland development and the production of royal jelly.

  12. Integración del ciclo del carbono en el proceso de nutrición y bioquímica celular para alcanzar aprendizajes significativos en estudiantes del grado 11 de la Escuela Normal Superior De Ibagué


    Roys Rubio, Jacqueline


    El presente trabajo pretende a través de estrategias pedagógicas de aula Iintegrar el ciclo del carbono en el proceso nutrición y la bioquímica celular para potenciar un aprendizaje significativo, desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento, y lograr una reflexión en torno a la protección del ambiente, y al auto-cuidado del cuerpo, se espera que los alumnos del grado undécimo de la Escuela Normal Superior de Ibagué tomen conciencia de la importancia del carbono en los carbohidratos, lípidos, prot...

  13. Impact of Nosema ceranae and Nosema apis on individual worker bees of the two host species (Apis cerana and Apis mellifera) and regulation of host immune response. (United States)

    Sinpoo, Chainarong; Paxton, Robert J; Disayathanoowat, Terd; Krongdang, Sasiprapa; Chantawannakul, Panuwan

    Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are obligate intracellular microsporidian parasites infecting midgut epithelial cells of host adult honey bees, originally Apis mellifera and Apis cerana respectively. Each microsporidia cross-infects the other host and both microsporidia nowadays have a worldwide distribution. In this study, cross-infection experiments using both N. apis and N. ceranae in both A. mellifera and A. cerana were carried out to compare pathogen proliferation and impact on hosts, including host immune response. Infection by N. ceranae led to higher spore loads than by N. apis in both host species, and there was greater proliferation of microsporidia in A. mellifera compared to A. cerana. Both N. apis and N. ceranae were pathogenic in both host Apis species. N. ceranae induced subtly, though not significantly, higher mortality than N. apis in both host species, yet survival of A. cerana was no different to that of A. mellifera in response to N. apis or N. ceranae. Infections of both host species with N. apis and N. ceranae caused significant up-regulation of AMP genes and cellular mediated immune genes but did not greatly alter apoptosis-related gene expression. In this study, A. cerana enlisted a higher immune response and displayed lower loads of N. apis and N. ceranae spores than A. mellifera, suggesting it may be better able to defend itself against microsporidia infection. We caution against over-interpretation of our results, though, because differences between host and parasite species in survival were insignificant and because size differences between microsporidia species and between host Apis species may alternatively explain the differential proliferation of N. ceranae in A. mellifera. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Cambios inducidos en nanotubos de carbono de capa única durante los procesos de purificación


    Martinez, M. Teresa; Callejas, M. Alicia; Benito, Ana M.; Ansón Casaos, Alejandro; Maser, Wolfgang K.; Cochet, M.; Seeger, T.; Schreiber, J.; Gordon, C.; Marhic, C.; Chauvet, O.


    [ES] Se ha llevado a cabo una caracterización sistemática de nanotubos de carbono de capa única tras sucesivos pasos de purificación (tratamiento a reflujo con ácido nítrico, oxidación al aire y anelado). Durante el tratamiento a reflujo con ácido nítrico, la espectroscopía Raman reveló un desplazamiento de la distribución de diámetros de los nanotubos hacia tamaños menores, sin embargo, los procesos siguientes de oxidación y de anelado aumentaron el contenido de nanotubos de mayor d...

  15. Uso de rasgos funcionales de plantas como estimadores de carbono almacenado en biomasa aérea

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    Carmen Rosa Montes-Pulido


    Full Text Available Los métodos utilizados para estimar carbono en ecosistemas tropicales se han fundamentado en el conocimiento de la biomasa aérea seca de los árboles. Ello implica altos costos de extracción y un impacto negativo sobre el ecosistema estudiado. Una posible alternativa a este método es el uso de rasgos funcionales de plantas. En esta investigación se realiza una revisión de publicaciones adelantadas en la aplicación de diversidad funcional a la estimación de carbono almacenado en bosques. Inicialmente se presenta un marco teórico sobre rasgos funcionales, seguido de un análisis sobre cuáles de ellos están asociados con la estimación de carbono. Se identifican los índices de diversidad empleados en los estudios y se concluye planteando estudios futuros relacionados con diversidad funcional y carbono almacenado en bosques.


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    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available Adsorventes carbonados estão entre as melhores opções na remoção de compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV de correntes gasosas, pela boa afinidade que apresentam com compostos dessa natureza, além de baixo custo e disponibilidade. O presente trabalho avalia o desempenho do ciclo adsorção/dessorção de dois compostos orgânicos voláteis (fenol e tolueno em nanotubos de carbono (NTC comparativamente a um carbono grafitizado de aplicação tipicamente analítica (Carbotrap. As metodologias de amostragem e análise empregadas compreendem a coleta de gases por bombeamento (amostragem ativa em cartuchos (tubos, contendo o material adsorvente com posterior análise por cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massa (CG/EM, de acordo com o Método TO-17 da USEPA. Em relação ao desempenho dos adsorventes, o nanotubo obteve clara vantagem em relação ao Carbotrap, conseguindo reter mais adsorbato por massa de adsorvente. Além disso, não foi verificada interação diferenciada do fenol e tolueno com os dois adsorventes, tanto na etapa de adsorção quanto na de dessorção.


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    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available Adsorventes carbonados estão entre as melhores opções na remoção de compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV de correntes gasosas,pela boa afinidade que apresentam com compostos dessa natureza, além de baixo custo e disponibilidade. O presente trabalhoavalia o desempenho do ciclo adsorção/dessorção de dois compostos orgânicos voláteis (fenol e tolueno em nanotubos de carbono(NTC comparativamente a um carbono grafitizado de aplicação tipicamente analítica (Carbotrap. As metodologias deamostragem e análise empregadas compreendem a coleta de gases por bombeamento (amostragem ativa em cartuchos (tubos,contendo o material adsorvente com posterior análise por cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massa (CG/EM, de acordocom o Método TO-17 da USEPA. Em relação ao desempenho dos adsorventes, o nanotubo obteve clara vantagem em relação aoCarbotrap, conseguindo reter mais adsorbato por massa de adsorvente. Além disso, não foi verificada interação diferenciada dofenol e tolueno com os dois adsorventes, tanto na etapa de adsorção quanto na de dessorção.


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    F. M. Silva-Arredondo


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo por objetivo la cuantificación del almacén de carbono en la biomasa aérea de comunidades forestales templadas del norte de Durango, México. Se estimaron los valores de la concentración de carbono de diversos componentes de biomasa de 25 árboles provenientes de bosques de coníferas. Datos dasométricos de rodales inventariados, junto con ecuaciones alométricas y concentraciones de carbono sirvieron para estimar los factores de expansión de carbono, utilizando los volúmenes por hectárea. Se modeló la dependencia de los factores de expansión de carbono en función de las características dasométricas de los árboles y se determinó la distribución probabilística de estos factores. Los resultados mostraron que los factores de expansión de carbono son dependientes de la altura promedio del rodal y se distribuyeron normalmente. Esta fuente de información es clave en el desarrollo de planes de manejo de servicios ambientales de los ecosistemas forestales y permitirá el uso más amplio de datos de inventarios convencionales.

  19. The putative serine protease inhibitor Api m 6 from Apis mellifera venom: recombinant and structural evaluation. (United States)

    Michel, Y; McIntyre, M; Ginglinger, H; Ollert, M; Cifuentes, L; Blank, S; Spillner, E


    Immunoglobulin (Ig) E-mediated reactions to honeybee venom can cause severe anaphylaxis, sometimes with fatal consequences. Detailed knowledge of the allergic potential of all venom components is necessary to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of allergy and to gain a better understanding of the allergological mechanisms of insect venoms. Our objective was to undertake an immunochemical and structural evaluation of the putative low-molecular-weight serine protease inhibitor Api m 6, a component of honeybee venom. We recombinantly produced Api m 6 as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli and in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells.We also assessed specific IgE reactivity of venom-sensitized patients with 2 prokaryotically produced Api m 6 variants using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Moreover, we built a structural model ofApi m 6 and compared it with other protease inhibitor structures to gain insights into the function of Api m 6. In a population of 31 honeybee venom-allergic patients, 26% showed specific IgE reactivity with prokaryotically produced Api m 6, showing it to be a minor but relevant allergen. Molecular modeling of Api m 6 revealed a typical fold of canonical protease inhibitors, supporting the putative function of this venom allergen. Although Api m 6 has a highly variant surface charge, its epitope distribution appears to be similar to that of related proteins. Api m 6 is a honeybee venom component with IgE-sensitizing potential in a fraction of venom-allergic patients. Recombinant Api m 6 can help elucidate individual component-resolved reactivity profiles and increase our understanding of immune responses to low-molecular-weight allergens


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    Paulo Sérgio Pigatto Schneider


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estimar o estoque de carbono em povoamentos equiâneos de Acacia mearnsii De Wild., na região da Encosta Inferior do Sudeste, no Rio Grande do Sul, com o método de derivação do volume em biomassa e carbono. As quantificações dos componentes da biomassa e do carbono foram feitas em povoamentos com idade entre 4 e 8 anos. O método de derivação do volume em biomassa e carbono mostrou-se eficiente na determinação do estoque de carbono, pois a diferença relativa média foi de apenas 4,4%, quando considerada toda a amostragem e independência da idade dos povoamentos. A densidade básica média da madeira foi de 0,6, independente da idade dos povoamentos. A proporção de biomassa média entre o volume com casca pelo volume de folhas, ramos, serrapilheira e raízes foram de 0,59, independente da idade dos povoamentos. A concentração média de carbono, independente da idade dos povoamentos, foi igual a 0,40. O estoque de carbono estimado pelo método de derivação de volume e carbono, em povoamentos de 7 anos de idade, foi de 99,46 t ha-1 no índice de sítio 20, 82,98 t ha-1 no índice de sítio 16, e 46,13 t ha-1 no índice de sítio 12.

  1. CKAN API (United States)

    General Services Administration — The catalog is powered by CKAN, a powerful open source data platform that includes a robust API. Please be aware that and the CKAN API...

  2. Comparative virulence and competition between Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera). (United States)

    Milbrath, Meghan O; van Tran, Toan; Huang, Wei-Fong; Solter, Leellen F; Tarpy, David R; Lawrence, Frank; Huang, Zachary Y


    Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are infected by two species of microsporidia: Nosema apis and Nosemaceranae. Epidemiological evidence indicates that N. ceranae may be replacing N. apis globally in A. mellifera populations, suggesting a potential competitive advantage of N. ceranae. Mixed infections of the two species occur, and little is known about the interactions among the host and the two pathogens that have allowed N. ceranae to become dominant in most geographical areas. We demonstrated that mixed Nosema species infections negatively affected honey bee survival (median survival=15-17days) more than single species infections (median survival=21days and 20days for N. apis and N. ceranae, respectively), with median survival of control bees of 27days. We found similar rates of infection (percentage of bees with active infections after inoculation) for both species in mixed infections, with N. apis having a slightly higher rate (91% compared to 86% for N. ceranae). We observed slightly higher spore counts in bees infected with N. ceranae than in bees infected with N. apis in single microsporidia infections, especially at the midpoint of infection (day 10). Bees with mixed infections of both species had higher spore counts than bees with single infections, but spore counts in mixed infections were highly variable. We did not see a competitive advantage for N. ceranae in mixed infections; N. apis spore counts were either higher or counts were similar for both species and more N. apis spores were produced in 62% of bees inoculated with equal dosages of the two microsporidian species. N. ceranae does not, therefore, appear to have a strong within-host advantage for either infectivity or spore growth, suggesting that direct competition in these worker bee mid-guts is not responsible for its apparent replacement of N. apis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Flujos de carbono y nitrógeno bajo distintos sistemas de labranza en la región semiárida pampeana


    Bono, Angel Alfredo


    Los contenidos de carbono y nitrógeno orgánicos del suelo están relacionados con su capacidad productiva. Esta relación es esperable que sea más estrecha en suelos de zonas áridas y semiáridas. La cantidad de carbono que puede secuestrar el suelo es, a la vez, de interés por la posibilidad de usar a los suelos como sumideros de carbono y mitigar el efecto invernadero. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo determinar los efectos del sistema de labranza sobre la dinámica del carbono y el nitrógeno en ...


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    Maryory Astrid Gómez


    Full Text Available Los recubrimientos de carburo de cromo sobre acero son un buen candidato para aplicaciones de conformado y moldes de inyección. La alta resistencia mecánica, resistencia química y estabilidad a alta temperatura de la fase Cr3C2 pueden ser compatibles con el intenso desgaste abrasivo y la corrosión en tales operaciones de fabricación. En este trabajo se depositaron recubrimientos de CrC por pulverización catódica magnetrón RF, los cuales mostraron contenidos de carbono entre el 25 % y el 58 % por análisis EDS. Los valores de dureza de estos recubrimientos fueron entre 15 y 24 GPa; los más duros de las muestras tuvieron contenido de carbono en el rango de 39-53 %. El desgaste abrasivo de los recubrimientos se evaluó utilizando un equipo de disco abrasivo con polvo de diamante. El volumen de las huellas de abrasión se midió con las imágenes obtenidas en el microscopio interferométrico y además se corroboró con el cálculo del volumen geométrico basado en secciones medidas con el perfilómetro. El comportamiento al desgaste abrasivo mostró una marcada dependencia con el contenido de carbono. El desgaste abrasivo más bajo se obtuvo para los recubrimientos con el más alto contenido de carbono.Os recobrimentos de carburo de cromo sobre aço são um bom candidato para aplicações de conformado e moldes de injeção. A alta resistência mecânica, resistência química e estabilidade em alta temperatura da fase Cr3C2 podem ser compatíveis com o intenso desgaste abrasivo e a corrosão em tais operações de fabricação. Neste trabalho depositaram-se recobrimentos de CrC por pulverização catódica magnetrão RF, os quais mostraram conteúdos de carbono entre 25 % e 58 % por análise EDS. Os valores de dureza destes recobrimentos foram entre 15 e 24 GPa; os mais duros das mostras tiveram conteúdo de carbono na faixa de 39-53 %. O desgaste abrasivo dos recobrimentos avaliou-se utilizando uma equipe de disco abrasivo com pó de


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    Fernando Paz Pellat


    Full Text Available La modelación de la dinámica del carbono orgánico en los suelos (COS permite establecer ganancias y pérdidas asociadas a perturbaciones de la vegetación y prácticas de manejo. En especial, la estimación de cambios en los reservorios de carbono, lábiles y recalcitrantes, sin consideraciones de estados de equilibrio, plantea la necesidad de establecer un modelo de distribución del COS en las fracciones físicas de los suelos (tamaño de partículas que pueda ser parametrizado con la información disponible en los inventarios nacionales (COS total y textura. En este trabajo se propone un modelo simplificado de la distribución del COS, el cual es producto del balance de masa entre las fracciones de carbono del suelo, el cual se plantea como directamente asociado al tamaño de las partículas y no a su distribución de masa. El modelo fue calibrado usando una base de datos de fraccionamientos físicos en Andosoles, Cambisoles y Acrisoles en sistemas agrícolas y forestales en Atécuaro, Michoacán, México, considerando solo el COS asociado a la parte organomineral y el total (organomineral + particulada. El modelo de la distribución del COS por tamaño de las partículas del suelo fue ajustado a datos experimentales. El mismo parte del conocimiento del COS total y del COS para un tamaño de partícula de referencia, estimada experimentalmente o supuesta. Los resultados mostraron que para el caso de los sistemas agrícolas el modelo se ajustó bien a las mediciones (R2 > 0.999. Para el caso de los sistemas forestales, las estimaciones son buenas (R2 > 0.97. Al final se discuten las implicaciones del modelo desarrollado, donde el concepto clásico de saturación de COS de los suelos es cuestionado y explicado en términos de las tasas de descomposición y asimilación de la fracción particulada y organomineral; asimismo, la relación entre la textura del suelo y el COS asociado al tamaño de las partículas no es soportada, al considerar a

  6. Dinámica del carbono (almacenes y flujos) en manglares de México


    Jorge A. Herrera Silveira; Andrea Camacho Rico; Eunice Pech; Mónica Pech; Javier Ramírez Ramírez; Claudia Teutli Hernández


    La cobertura de los manglares de México los coloca en cuarto lugar a nivel mundial. Se reconocen sus múltiples servicios ecosistémicos, pero también altas tasas de deforestación. Evaluaciones en otras partes del mundo destacan el papel de los manglares en el ciclo del carbono, principalmente como almacenes de carbono orgánico (Corg) en los sedimentos y exportadores de Corg disuelto y particulado. Para estimar la contribución de los manglares, a escala local, regional y de país, en estrategias...

  7. Análisis de soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables con aceros de medio y bajo carbono por SMAW

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de la soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI 304 y AISI 316 con aceros de bajo y medio carbono AISI 1020 – AISI 1045, empleando como materiales de aporte los electrodos EutecTrode® 52 NG, 54 NG y 57 NG, mediante el proceso de arco eléctrico con electrodo revestido (SMAW. Para analizar la soldabilidad de estos electrodos cuando se realiza la unión de aceros inoxidables con aceros al carbono, se practicaron pruebas metalográficas y ensayos mecánicos de dureza, doblez y tracción, con el fin de observar el comportamiento tanto de la zona afectada térmicamente como del cordón de soldadura, a partir del cambio en las propiedades mecánicas y metalúrgicas en las diferentes regiones de las uniones soldadas. Durante el proceso de soldadura se siguió una especificación del procedimiento de soldadura (WPS, para que los resultados fueran repetibles, minimizando los problemas de agrietamiento en caliente, agrietamiento en frío, formación de fase sigma y precipitación de carburos.

  8. Evaluación de la exposición al monóxido de carbono en vendedores de quioscos. Valencia, Venezuela

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    Maritza Rojas


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Estudiar la intensidad de la exposición al monóxido de carbono (CO, los factores contribuyentes a esta exposición y sus potenciales efectos sobre la salud en vendedores de quioscos ubicados en una avenida de alta densidad de tránsito en Valencia, Venezuela. Métodos. Se midió la concentración de CO en el aire (CO-aire en 16 quioscos y se determinó la concentración sanguínea de carboxihemoglobina (COHb-S en los individuos que trabajaban en esos quioscos y en un grupo de control formado por docentes, estudiantes y obreros de la Universidad Simón Rodríguez, ubicada en una zona montañosa, apartada, sin contaminación ambiental aparente. Resultados. En el grupo expuesto no se encontró correlación entre las concentraciones de COHb-S y de CO-aire. La COHb-S media del grupo expuesto (2,9% fue significativamente superior a la del grupo de control (1,6% y a la concentración permisible según el método analítico empleado (< 1,5%. Todos los síntomas de frecuencia diaria afectaron a un mayor porcentaje de individuos del grupo expuesto que del grupo de control; entre los de frecuencia diaria, los más comunes en el grupo expuesto fueron la cefalea y la fatiga. En siete quioscos (43,7% se excedieron los límites permisibles de CO-aire. Conclusiones. Aunque la COHb-S media no parece alarmante, las exposiciones al CO registradas podrían tener un impacto adverso sobre la salud de estos trabajadores, especialmente si padecieran una alteración cardiovascular o por el resultado de la acción potenciadora con otros contaminantes ambientales. Se recomienda la realización de nuevos estudios con mediciones más frecuentes y prolongadas, para ejercer medidas de prevención y control de efectos adversos para la salud y estimar la calidad del aire.

  9. Estoque e crescimento em volume, biomassa, carbono e dióxido de carbono em Floresta Estacional Semidecidual

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    Agostinho Lopes de Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o estoque e o crescimento em volume (V, biomassa (B, carbono (C e dióxido de carbono (CO2 em Floresta Estacional Semidecidual no Vale do Rio Doce, em Minas Gerais. Foram utilizados dados de inventários do estrato arbóreo (DAP > 5,0 cm, cujas parcelas permanentes foram medidas em 2002 e 2007, em estágios médio (Mata 1 e avançado (Mata 2 de regeneração da vegetação secundária. Com base no inventário de 2002, foram selecionadas espécies que apresentavam maiores percentuais em volume e no mínimo cinco indivíduos para determinar as densidades básicas da madeira e da casca. A média da densidade básica da madeira foi de 0,65 e da casca, igual a 0,49 Os estoques e os crescimentos em V, B, C e CO2 foram estimados nos dois estágios, Mata 1 e Mata 2. Pelo fato de as matas se encontrarem em estágios médio e avançado de regeneração, respectivamente, elas apresentavam estruturas, estoques e crescimentos distintos.

  10. Desarrollo de materiales compuestos avanzados basados en fibras de carbono para la industria aeroespacial


    Rodriguez, Exequiel Santos


    En este trabajo se estudia el desarrollo de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica reforzados con fibras de carbono para aplicaciones que presentan solicitaciones severas. Este es el caso de la industria aeroespacial, que utiliza componentes en cohetes y aeronaves que se ven sometidos a altas solicitaciones mecánicas y están expuestos a las altas temperaturas. Es por ello que se estudiaron materiales para diversas aplicaciones basados en fibras de carbono: preimpregnados de fibras y resin...


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    Fernando Casanova-Lugo


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión relacionada con el papel que juegan los sistemas agroforestales (SAF como una alternativa para la captura de carbono en los ecosistemas del trópico mexicano. Se presentan los SAF como una estrategia productiva y ecológicamente amigable con el ambiente. Asimismo se resalta la importancia de los SAF en el ciclo global de carbono, argumentando algunos aspectos relacionados con la captura de carbono en la vegetación y el suelo. Finalmente, se describen las perspectivas futuras, en relación con las necesidades de estudio para mejorar la implementación y aprovechamiento sostenible de los SAF. Se concluye que los SAF son una alternativa sostenible que ayuda a incrementar la productividad y contribuyen a mitigar el calentamiento global con una importante contribución en las zonas tropicales.

  12. JUPITER: Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability - An Application Programming Interface (API) for Model Analysis (United States)

    Banta, Edward R.; Poeter, Eileen P.; Doherty, John E.; Hill, Mary C.


    he Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability Application Programming Interface (JUPITER API) improves the computer programming resources available to those developing applications (computer programs) for model analysis.The JUPITER API consists of eleven Fortran-90 modules that provide for encapsulation of data and operations on that data. Each module contains one or more entities: data, data types, subroutines, functions, and generic interfaces. The modules do not constitute computer programs themselves; instead, they are used to construct computer programs. Such computer programs are called applications of the API. The API provides common modeling operations for use by a variety of computer applications.The models being analyzed are referred to here as process models, and may, for example, represent the physics, chemistry, and(or) biology of a field or laboratory system. Process models commonly are constructed using published models such as MODFLOW (Harbaugh et al., 2000; Harbaugh, 2005), MT3DMS (Zheng and Wang, 1996), HSPF (Bicknell et al., 1997), PRMS (Leavesley and Stannard, 1995), and many others. The process model may be accessed by a JUPITER API application as an external program, or it may be implemented as a subroutine within a JUPITER API application . In either case, execution of the model takes place in a framework designed by the application programmer. This framework can be designed to take advantage of any parallel processing capabilities possessed by the process model, as well as the parallel-processing capabilities of the JUPITER API.Model analyses for which the JUPITER API could be useful include, for example: Compare model results to observed values to determine how well the model reproduces system processes and characteristics.Use sensitivity analysis to determine the information provided by observations to parameters and predictions of interest.Determine the additional data needed to improve selected model

  13. Omotayo et al (4)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    using biochemical technique and API 20E identification system. The isolates were .... sulphate, phosphate, ammonia and appearance. Heavy metals ... technique as described by Collee et al. (1989) was ..... enzymatic methods. Water Res. 36,.

  14. Equações alométricas para estimativa de carbono em árvores de uma área urbana em Viçosa-MG

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    Daniel Brianezi


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo gerar equações para estimar o carbono presente na arborização do campus-sede da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, contribuindo para o conhecimento sobre a capacidade das áreas verdes urbanas no sequestro e estocagem de carbono. Assim, inventariaram-se todas as árvores com DAP igual ou superior a 5 cm presentes na Universidade. Para as árvores não palmeiras, selecionaram-se 721 árvores-amostra, que foram cubadas rigorosamente em pé através da aplicação sucessiva da expressão de Smalian até o diâmetro-limite de 5 cm, tanto para o fuste quanto para os galhos. No caso das palmeiras, cubaram-se 100% dos indivíduos utilizando a expressão de Huber. A densidade básica da madeira com casca e o teor de carbono foram obtidos, nas palmeiras, com a retirada de um disco na porção do DAP, dada a dificuldade de tradagem. Já nas demais árvores, utilizou-se um trado mecânico. Com base no volume, na densidade básica e no teor de carbono, calcularam-se o carbono total e o carbono dos galhos. Ademais, avaliaram-se os modelos de Schumacher e Hall (1933 e Spurr (1952, modificado para estimar o carbono fixado nesses indivíduos. Nas árvores não palmeiras do campus-sede da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, o carbono total e o carbono dos galhos podem ser estimados, em kg, em razão do Diâmetro à Altura do Peito (DAP, em cm e da Altura Total (Ht, em m, por -0,906586+1,60421*LnDAP+0,37162*LnHt e por -2,052673+1,89903*LnDAP+0,24156*LnHt, respectivamente. Nas palmeiras, o carbono total pode ser estimado por -4,46988+199082*LnDAP+1,06420*LnHt.


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    Usman Ependi


    Full Text Available Heuristic evaluation merupakan salah satu bentuk usability testing perangkat lunak yang dinilai oleh pengguna (evaluator. Dalam melakukan heuristic evaluation instrumen penilaian terdiri dari sepuluh (10 pernyataan dengan lima pilihan jawaban dalam skala severity ratings. Dalam penelitian ini heuristic evaluation terhadap aplikasi Depo Auto 2000 Tanjung Api-Api Palembang yang dilakukan oleh 4 evaluator.  Hasil dari heuristic evaluation dikelompokkan kedalam  masing-masing instrumen yaitu visibility of system status dengan nilai 0,75, match between system and the real world dengan nilai 0,25, user control and freedom dengan nilai 0,25, consistency and standards dengan nilai 0,75, error prevention dengan nilai 1, recognition rather than recall dengan nilai 1,25, flexibility and efficiency of use dengan nilai 0,25, Aesthetic and minimalist design dengan nilai 0,25, help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors dengan nilai 1 dan Help and documentation dengan nilai 0. Dari hasil heuristic evaluation yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa evaluator memberikan nilai 0 dan 1 aplikasi Depo Atuo 2000 Tanjung Api-Api Palembang. Hasil penilaian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi yang buat tidak ada masalah usability dan hanya memiliki cosmetic problem sehingga aplikasi Depo Auto 2000 Tanjung Api Api Palembang  dapat dinyatakan layak untuk didistribusikan kepada pengguna akhir (end user.


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    David Cristóbal Acevedo


    Full Text Available Determinar con exactitud el comportamiento del carbono orgánico del suelo, cuando se utilizan agroquímicos y se retiran los residuos de cosecha (manejo convencional, MC y cuando los residuos de cosecha se incorporan al suelo sin el uso de agroquímicos (manejo orgánico, MO tiene implicaciones ambientales y productivas. Para evaluar el efecto del MO y MC, sobre la densidad aparente del suelo (DAP, el carbono orgánico del suelo (COS y el carbono capturado por el suelo (CCS, se llevó a cabo un experimento en parcelas cultivadas con maíz durante 10 años. Al final de los 10 años se efectuó un muestreo sistemático con espaciamientos de 5 m; se tomaron 152 muestras en la parcela orgánica y 72 en la parcela convencional determinando la DAP, COS y CCS. Con los datos obtenidos se analizó el comportamiento de cada variable por medio de técnicas de estadística clásica y geoestadística. El MO presentó un mayor % de COS y cantidad de CCS, así como una menor DAP en comparación con el MC; aunque desde el punto de vista estadístico no se tuvo efecto significativo (P > 0.05 por estas prácticas. El MO incrementó la variabilidad estadística del COS y el CCS, y no afecto la variabilidad estadística de la DAP. La variabilidad espacial del COS y el CCS expresada mediante los semivariogramas y los mapas de isovalores coincidió con la variabilidad expresada por los coeficientes de variación, dados por la estadística clásica. La estructura espacial del COS y del CCS denotada por el semivariograma experimental, fue semejante para el MO y el MC. El MO provocó un incremento en la estructura espacial del COS y CCS y no tuvo efecto sobre la DAP.

  17. Bonos de carbono: financiarización del medioambiente en México

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    Vania López-Toache


    Full Text Available El trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las medidas de mitigación para la emisión de gases efecto invernadero ( GEI al medioambiente –bonos de carbono– establecidos en el Protocolo de Kyoto. Estos parten del estudio del Teorema de Coase, el cual plantea que el mercado asignará de manera adecuada los derechos de propiedad de las externalidades provocadas por los distintos agentes económicos. Por los resultados se puede afirmar que los bonos de carbono son una forma de financiarización del medioambiente, lo cual está creando en la práctica derechos de contaminación, lo que permite que los países industrializados y empresas contaminantes reduzcan sus emisiones de GEI en países subdesarrollados como México a través de proyectos de energía renovables donde les resulta más económico y rentable.

  18. Análisis del ciclo de carbono en embalses y su posible efecto en el cambio climático. Aplicación al embalse de Susqueda (río Ter, NE España)


    Palau, Antoni; Alonso, Miguel; Corregidor, David


    Los embalses han sido considerados como sistemas emisores netos de carbono. Si bien es cierto que son sistemas forzados a descomponer toda la materia orgánica que queda cubierta por el agua tras la puesta en carga, esta fase inicial de maduración remite con los años hasta niveles de emisión de carbono similares a las de lagos de estado trófico equivalente. No todos los embalses tienen un comportamiento similar en el procesado de la materia orgánica carbonatada. El balance de ca...

  19. Aggressiveness index of Apis Mellifera (Hymenoptera: Aapidae

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    Jennyfer Insuasty Torres


    Full Text Available An index measuring the aggressiveness among ten colonies of Apis mellifera was elaborated based on the third generation synthetic indices by Charum et al. (1999. The index values are subject to a fixed parameter used as the beginning or standard value, and correspond to the aggressive features of some Africans colonies studied by Rothenbuler et al. (1968. In the ten colonies the index values are notably smaller than those of African colonies and are biased to the lowest values. This indicates, that neither of the colonies presents an extreme aggressive behavior and it is possible that they have not Africans genotypes. These results are an indirect proof of the index. Nevertheless, it could be improved by the introduction of other factors such as, climate and colony management.

  20. Composición de polímeros y nanotubos de carbono, procedimiento de obtención y sus usos


    Benito, Ana M.; Jiménez Manero, Pablo; Martinez, M. Teresa; Maser, Wolfgang K.


    Composición de polímeros y nanotubos de carbono, procedimiento de obtención y sus usos. Composición de nanotubos de carbono y polímero, obtenible mediante un procedimiento que comprende: la sonicación de una dispersión de nanotubos de carbono en un disolvente ácido; la adición de monómeros en la dispersión de nanotubos; y la adición rápida de un iniciador de radicales a la dispersión anterior de nanotubos y monómero, manteniendo la mezcla obtenida a una temperatura ...

  1. Mars Atmospheric Aggregation System API (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The {MAAS} API is an open source REST API built to help make it easier and more efficient to build interactive applications that want to utilize the wealth of...

  2. Beebread from Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata. Comparative Chemical Composition and Bioactivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Otilia BOBIS


    Full Text Available Beebread is a valuable bee product, both for bee nutrition and for humans. The high nutritional and bioactive properties of beebread were evaluated by chemical composition analysis of beebread from Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata. Bee bread harvested from Romania and India, coming from Apis mellifera and Apis dorsata bees, were evaluated for their chemical composition. Analyses were made in APHIS Laboratory from USAMV Cluj, using validated methods for bee products. Lipids were determined by the Soxhlet extraction method, total protein content was determined by Kjehldahl method, sugar spectrum was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detection (HPLC-IR. Water content of beebread samples were situated between 11.45 and 16.46%, total protein content between 16.84 and 19.19% and total lipids between 6.36 and 13.47%.  Beebread has high bioactive properties which can be expressed as antioxidant and/or antibacterial activity. Chemical composition and bioactive properties of beebread is influenced by floral origin of the pollen which the bees collect and place in combs for fermentation. Also the climatic conditions have an important role in developing different fermentation compounds, that may act as antioxidants or antibacterial agents.

  3. The Tropilaelaps mites threat: An examination of the injuries inflicted on Apis mellifera (United States)

    Tropilaelaps spp. are the most serious parasites of Apis mellifera in Asia. However, much of their biology and ecology are largely unexplored (de Guzman et al., 2017 J. Econ. Entomol. 1-14). Like varroa mites, tropilaelaps mites puncture through the integuments of their bee hosts to feed on hemolymp...

  4. Updated API document 6A will close API-ISO 9000 gap. [Oil and gas wellhead standards

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bell, S.


    The 17th edition of the American Petroleum Institute's (API) document 6A, covering wellheads and their components, is due early next year. As the API vs. International Standards Organization (ISO) 9000 struggle continues, this edition of 6A eliminates some unnecessary specifications, clarifies others, and includes metric specifications accepted by the ISO. The 17th edition will clarify some of the interpretations from earlier editions and further advise users how to acquire the API monogram. The goal of this edition is to make 6A acceptable to ISO as an international document so API can maintain control over petroleum equipment specifications and provide input and guidance in future regulations.

  5. Almacenamiento de carbono en tres tipos de uso de la tierra, para promover el manejo en áreas degradadas de Cumandá - Ecuador


    Miranda Ruiz, Aracely Eshelita


    En países de Europa y América se conoce la capacidad que tienen la forestería análoga (FA) como una técnica de restauración alternativa y de secuestro de carbono, sin embargo, aún falta información sobre el potencial de secuestro de carbono en el componente aéreo y bajo el suelo en áreas de bosque análogo, plantaciones forestales de monocultivo y pasturas degradadas. Se estimó el potencial de almacenamiento de carbono orgánico (CO) del suelo hasta 1 m de profundidad y el carbono contenido en ...

  6. Intro to the Zotero API

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda Morton


    Full Text Available In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use python with the Zotero API to interact with your Zotero library. The Zotero API is a powerful interface that would allow you to build a complete Zotero client from scratch if you so desired. But like most APIs, it works in small, discrete steps, so we have to build our way up to the complicated requests we might want to use to access our Zotero libraries. But this incremental building gives us plenty of time to learn as we go along.

  7. Bluetooth API Implementation into Android

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konev Sergey


    Full Text Available Bluetooth is a popular method of communication between devices. Many smartphones today have the capability to communicate using Bluetooth. Android developers sometimes need to use Bluetooth in their projects. Android OS provides a powerful API for Bluetooth that allows to simplify scanning the environment for devices, pairing and connecting, data transfer between devices and more. However, utilizing the Bluetooth API can be difficult for first-time users. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the key points of implementing Bluetooth API in the Android application.

  8. Restful API Architecture Based on Laravel Framework (United States)

    Chen, Xianjun; Ji, Zhoupeng; Fan, Yu; Zhan, Yongsong


    Web service has been an industry standard tech for message communication and integration between heterogeneous systems. RESTFUL API has become mainstream web service development paradigm after SOAP, how to effectively construct RESTFUL API remains a research hotspots. This paper presents a development model of RESTFUL API construction based on PHP language and LARAVEL framework. The key technical problems that need to be solved during the construction of RESTFUL API are discussed, and implementation details based on LARAVEL are given.

  9. Formas de carbono orgánico en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Menjivar Flores Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available Las fracciones de materia orgánica del suelo (MOS lábiles y humificadas pueden ser afectadas por las prácticas de uso y manejo; sin embargo el impacto de estos cambios no se ha evaluado en suelos y ambientes tropicales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los contenidos y algunas formas de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en cinco zonas de clima cálido tropical (0 - 1110 m.s.n.m. del departamento del Magdalena (Colombia y el efecto que sobre ellas han tenido las prácticas asociadas a suelos cultivados con café (Coffea arabica, banano (Musa sp., palma africana (Elaeis guineensis y sábila (Aloe vera, comparados con suelos de bosques naturales. No se encontraron diferencias (P < 0.05 tanto entre zonas como entre usos del suelo, se presentaron valores medios a bajos de MOS en las zonas de estudio y contenidos de carbono total (Ct mayores en suelos de bosques que en suelos cultivados, así los suelos de bosques presentan una acumulación media de Ct de 42.4 mg/ha a 20 cm, frente a 33.8 mg/ha en los suelos cultivados, esto equivale a una pérdida media de Ct del 23% por efecto del manejo de los cultivos. En relación con el carbono extraíble con pirofosfato sódico altamente relacionado con las fracciones humificadas de la MOS (Cp se observaron valores muy bajos en los suelos cultivados y casi nulos en suelos de bosques; sin embargo estos últimos presentan mayor contenido de formas de carbono no-oxidables o estables (Cnox determinado por diferencia entre Ct - carbono oxidable (Cox. En el suelo cultivado con banano, el Ct corresponde en su totalidad a formas de Cox; mientras que en el suelo cultivado con palma africana las formas estables Cnox representaron 83% del carbono total.

  10. Formas de carbono orgánico en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Rafael Vásquez-Polo


    Full Text Available Las fracciones de materia orgánica del suelo (MOS lábiles y humificadas pueden ser afectadas por las prácticas de uso y manejo; sin embargo el impacto de estos cambios no se ha evaluado en suelos y ambientes tropicales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los contenidos y algunas formas de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en cinco zonas de clima cálido tropical (0 - 1110 m.s.n.m. del departamento del Magdalena (Colombia y el efecto que sobre ellas han tenido las prácticas asociadas a suelos cultivados con café (Coffea arabica, banano (Musa sp., palma africana (Elaeis guineensis y sábila (Aloe vera, comparados con suelos de bosques naturales. No se encontraron diferencias (P < 0.05 tanto entre zonas como entre usos del suelo, se presentaron valores medios a bajos de MOS en las zonas de estudio y contenidos de carbono total (Ct mayores en suelos de bosques que en suelos cultivados, así los suelos de bosques presentan una acumulación media de Ct de 42.4 mg/ha a 20 cm, frente a 33.8 mg/ha en los suelos cultivados, esto equivale a una pérdida media de Ct del 23% por efecto del manejo de los cultivos. En relación con el carbono extraíble con pirofosfato sódico altamente relacionado con las fracciones humificadas de la MOS (Cp se observaron valores muy bajos en los suelos cultivados y casi nulos en suelos de bosques; sin embargo estos últimos presentan mayor contenido de formas de carbono no-oxidables o estables (Cnox determinado por diferencia entre Ct - carbono oxidable (Cox. En el suelo cultivado con banano, el Ct corresponde en su totalidad a formas de Cox; mientras que en el suelo cultivado con palma africana las formas estables Cnox representaron 83% del carbono total.





    Los estudios sobre el aprovechamiento de Sustratos Sólidos Orgánicos Naturales (SSON) como fuentes alternativas de carbono orgánico, son importantes para establecer la factibilidad de su aplicación en la desnitrificación del agua. Los estudios sobre la materia indican que es posible usar SSON; sin embargo, aspectos como la liberación del carbono orgánico no está claramente establecido. En este estudio se bordaron los siguientes aspectos (i) factores que controlan la liberación ...

  12. Materiales nanocompuestos de polipropileno y nitruros de carbono, procedimiento para su obtención y aplicaciones


    Naffakh, Mohammed; Zamora Abanades, Felix; López Fernández, Vicente; Gómez Rodríguez, Mª Ángeles


    Materiales nanocompuestos de polipropileno y nitruros de carbono, procedimiento para su obtención y aplicaciones. La presente invención se refiere a un material nanocompuesto que comprende una matriz polimérica de polipropileno y nanopartículas de nitruro de carbono, con forma esférica o elipsoidal, a su procedimiento de obtención y a sus usos en la fabricación de artículos termoplásticos, ultraligeros y ultraduros.

  13. QSPIN: A High Level Java API for Quantum Computing Experimentation (United States)

    Barth, Tim


    QSPIN is a high level Java language API for experimentation in QC models used in the calculation of Ising spin glass ground states and related quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems. The Java API is intended to facilitate research in advanced QC algorithms such as hybrid quantum-classical solvers, automatic selection of constraint and optimization parameters, and techniques for the correction and mitigation of model and solution errors. QSPIN includes high level solver objects tailored to the D-Wave quantum annealing architecture that implement hybrid quantum-classical algorithms [Booth et al.] for solving large problems on small quantum devices, elimination of variables via roof duality, and classical computing optimization methods such as GPU accelerated simulated annealing and tabu search for comparison. A test suite of documented NP-complete applications ranging from graph coloring, covering, and partitioning to integer programming and scheduling are provided to demonstrate current capabilities.

  14. Efecto de la edad al primer parto y los días abiertos en un bovino doble propósito sobre la huella hídrica y de carbono

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Andrés Molina Benavides


    Full Text Available La actividad ganadera contribuye con la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero (EGEI y el consumo de agua fresca (CA. Por ende, el objetivo de esta investigación fue estimar el efecto de la edad al primer parto (EPP y los días abiertos (DA en un bovino doble propósito en pastoreo, trópico bajo colombiano, sobre las EGEI y el CA. Esta estimación se logró integrando 4 metodologías existentes: Dinámica de Sistemas, Large Ruminal Nutrition System, Huella de carbono y Huella hídrica. Durante toda su vida, 91 meses, desde el nacimiento hasta el sacrificio, la vaca produjo 5.879 kg de leche -4 lactancias-, emitió 16.066 kg CO2eq y consumió 12.804.569 L de agua. Al disminuir la EPP en un mes, el CA y  las EGEI se redujeron en 123.156 l y 155 kg CO2eq, respectivamente. Cuando se  mermaron los DA en 21, las EGEI bajaron 647 kg CO2eq y el CA se redujo en 455.455 L. Parámetros reproductivos como la EPP y los DA tienen una fuerte influencia sobre la dinámica del animal en el hato,  afectando su productividad, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y consumo de agua. 

  15. The global warming, public goods and carbon market; Calentamiento global, bienes publicos y mercado de carbono

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quadri de la Torre, Gabriel [EcoSecurities (Mexico)


    The global warming is an issue of the public goods, and demands an outstanding multilateral action, which must to ensure both efficiency and unchanging transition towards an economy of low intensity of carbon. The new system, which is going to replace the Kyoto Protocol, will have compromises for the developing countries and deep implication in the relative competitivity of the nations and companies. [Spanish] El calentamiento global es un problema de bienes publicos que exige una extraordinaria accion multilateral. Esta debe asegurar eficiencia y una transicion fluida hacia una economia de baja intensidad de carbono. El nuevo sistema que sucedera al Protocolo de Kyoto significara compromisos para los paises en vias de desarrollo, y tendra profundas implicaciones en la competitividad relativa de naciones y empresas.

  16. Infra-Population and -Community Dynamics of the Parasites Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, and Consequences for Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Hosts (United States)

    Williams, Geoffrey R.; Shutler, Dave; Burgher-MacLellan, Karen L.; Rogers, Richard E. L.


    Nosema spp. fungal gut parasites are among myriad possible explanations for contemporary increased mortality of western honey bees (Apis mellifera, hereafter honey bee) in many regions of the world. Invasive Nosema ceranae is particularly worrisome because some evidence suggests it has greater virulence than its congener N. apis. N. ceranae appears to have recently switched hosts from Asian honey bees (Apis cerana) and now has a nearly global distribution in honey bees, apparently displacing N. apis. We examined parasite reproduction and effects of N. apis, N. ceranae, and mixed Nosema infections on honey bee hosts in laboratory experiments. Both infection intensity and honey bee mortality were significantly greater for N. ceranae than for N. apis or mixed infections; mixed infection resulted in mortality similar to N. apis parasitism and reduced spore intensity, possibly due to inter-specific competition. This is the first long-term laboratory study to demonstrate lethal consequences of N. apis and N. ceranae and mixed Nosema parasitism in honey bees, and suggests that differences in reproduction and intra-host competition may explain apparent heterogeneous exclusion of the historic parasite by the invasive species. PMID:24987989

  17. Infra-population and -community dynamics of the parasites Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, and consequences for honey bee (Apis mellifera) hosts. (United States)

    Williams, Geoffrey R; Shutler, Dave; Burgher-MacLellan, Karen L; Rogers, Richard E L


    Nosema spp. fungal gut parasites are among myriad possible explanations for contemporary increased mortality of western honey bees (Apis mellifera, hereafter honey bee) in many regions of the world. Invasive Nosema ceranae is particularly worrisome because some evidence suggests it has greater virulence than its congener N. apis. N. ceranae appears to have recently switched hosts from Asian honey bees (Apis cerana) and now has a nearly global distribution in honey bees, apparently displacing N. apis. We examined parasite reproduction and effects of N. apis, N. ceranae, and mixed Nosema infections on honey bee hosts in laboratory experiments. Both infection intensity and honey bee mortality were significantly greater for N. ceranae than for N. apis or mixed infections; mixed infection resulted in mortality similar to N. apis parasitism and reduced spore intensity, possibly due to inter-specific competition. This is the first long-term laboratory study to demonstrate lethal consequences of N. apis and N. ceranae and mixed Nosema parasitism in honey bees, and suggests that differences in reproduction and intra-host competition may explain apparent heterogeneous exclusion of the historic parasite by the invasive species.

  18. Population Genetics of Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae: One Host (Apis mellifera) and Two Different Histories (United States)

    Maside, Xulio; Gómez-Moracho, Tamara; Jara, Laura; Martín-Hernández, Raquel; De la Rúa, Pilar; Higes, Mariano; Bartolomé, Carolina


    Two microsporidians are known to infect honey bees: Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. Whereas population genetics data for the latter have been released in the last few years, such information is still missing for N. apis. Here we analyze the patterns of nucleotide polymorphism at three single-copy loci (PTP2, PTP3 and RPB1) in a collection of Apis mellifera isolates from all over the world, naturally infected either with N. apis (N = 22) or N. ceranae (N = 23), to provide new insights into the genetic diversity, demography and evolution of N. apis, as well as to compare them with evidence from N. ceranae. Neutral variation in N. apis and N. ceranae is of the order of 1%. This amount of diversity suggests that there is no substantial differentiation between the genetic content of the two nuclei present in these parasites, and evidence for genetic recombination provides a putative mechanism for the flow of genetic information between chromosomes. The analysis of the frequency spectrum of neutral variants reveals a significant surplus of low frequency variants, particularly in N. ceranae, and suggests that the populations of the two pathogens are not in mutation-drift equilibrium and that they have experienced a population expansion. Most of the variation in both species occurs within honey bee colonies (between 62%-90% of the total genetic variance), although in N. apis there is evidence for differentiation between parasites isolated from distinct A. mellifera lineages (20%-34% of the total variance), specifically between those collected from lineages A and C (or M). This scenario is consistent with a long-term host-parasite relationship and contrasts with the lack of differentiation observed among host-lineages in N. ceranae (mellifera worldwide population is a recent event. PMID:26720131

  19. Web API Growing Pains : Loosely Coupled yet Strongly Tied

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Espinha, T.; Zaidman, A.; Gross, H.G.


    Web APIs provide a systematic and extensible approach for application-toapplication interaction. Developers using web APIs are forced to accompany the API providers in their software evolution tasks. In order to understand the distress caused by this imposition on web API client developers we

  20. Jobs API (United States)

    General Services Administration — This Jobs API returns job openings across the federal government and includes all current openings posted on that are open to the public and located in...

  1. Recalls API (United States)

    General Services Administration — This Recalls API allows you to tap into a list of (1) drug and food safety recalls from the Food and Drug Administration, Food Safety and Inspection Service, and...

  2. Estudio del comportamiento a fluencia en caliente de un acero avanzado de alta resistencia de bajo contenido en carbono NiCrVCu microaleado con boro


    González Sala, Sara


    Una de las líneas de investigación prioritarias en el contexto internacional es el desarrollo de aceros avanzados de alta resistencia (AHSS) con excelentes propiedades de resistencia y tenacidad para aplicaciones en la industria automotriz, naval, aeronáutica y de generación de energía, que permitan disminuir el peso de los componentes y sustituyan aceros tradicionales de contenidos mayores de carbono. Los aceros AHSS microaleados al boro, debido a sus cualidades, tecnología de...

  3. Incentivos econômicos e projeto de supply chain para captura e sequestro de carbono: caso Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernesto del Rosario Santibañez Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, analisamos uma estratégia para reduzir as emissões de carbono que combina simultaneamente a criação de políticas de incentivo econômico e o desenvolvimento de uma infraestrutura de rede para captura e sequestro de carbono (CCS. Propomos um modelo de otimização linear inteira mista que considera aspectos técnicos e teóricos e permite analisar simultaneamente os efeitos de estabelecer preços para as emissões de carbono (carbon tax em conjunto com uma estratégia de implementação de uma rede de supply chain para capturar, transportar e sequestrar CO2 em reservatórios geológicos. Apresentamos resultados para o caso da indústria de cimento do Brasil usando CO2 tax estabelecidas atualmente em outros países.

  4. Improving the API dissolution rate during pharmaceutical hot-melt extrusion I: Effect of the API particle size, and the co-rotating, twin-screw extruder screw configuration on the API dissolution rate. (United States)

    Li, Meng; Gogos, Costas G; Ioannidis, Nicolas


    The dissolution rate of the active pharmaceutical ingredients in pharmaceutical hot-melt extrusion is the most critical elementary step during the extrusion of amorphous solid solutions - total dissolution has to be achieved within the short residence time in the extruder. Dissolution and dissolution rates are affected by process, material and equipment variables. In this work, we examine the effect of one of the material variables and one of the equipment variables, namely, the API particle size and extruder screw configuration on the API dissolution rate, in a co-rotating, twin-screw extruder. By rapidly removing the extruder screws from the barrel after achieving a steady state, we collected samples along the length of the extruder screws that were characterized by polarized optical microscopy (POM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to determine the amount of undissolved API. Analyses of samples indicate that reduction of particle size of the API and appropriate selection of screw design can markedly improve the dissolution rate of the API during extrusion. In addition, angle of repose measurements and light microscopy images show that the reduction of particle size of the API can improve the flowability of the physical mixture feed and the adhesiveness between its components, respectively, through dry coating of the polymer particles by the API particles. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. fine-GRAPE : Fine-grained APi usage extractor – an approach and dataset to investigate API usage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sawant, A.A.; Bacchelli, A.

    An Application Programming Interface (API) provides a set of functionalities to a developer with the aim of enabling reuse. APIs have been investigated from different angles such as popularity usage and evolution to get a better understanding of their various characteristics. For such studies,

  6. Effects of Nosema apis, N. ceranae, and coinfections on honey bee (Apis mellifera) learning and memory. (United States)

    Charbonneau, Lise R; Hillier, Neil Kirk; Rogers, Richard E L; Williams, Geoffrey R; Shutler, Dave


    Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) face an increasing number of challenges that in recent years have led to significant economic effects on apiculture, with attendant consequences for agriculture. Nosemosis is a fungal infection of honey bees caused by either Nosema apis or N. ceranae. The putative greater virulence of N. ceranae has spurred interest in understanding how it differs from N. apis. Little is known of effects of N. apis or N. ceranae on honey bee learning and memory. Following a Pavlovian model that relies on the proboscis extension reflex, we compared acquisition learning and long-term memory recall of uninfected (control) honey bees versus those inoculated with N. apis, N. ceranae, or both. We also tested whether spore intensity was associated with variation in learning and memory. Neither learning nor memory differed among treatments. There was no evidence of a relationship between spore intensity and learning, and only limited evidence of a negative effect on memory; this occurred only in the co-inoculation treatment. Our results suggest that if Nosema spp. are contributing to unusually high colony losses in recent years, the mechanism by which they may affect honey bees is probably not related to effects on learning or memory, at least as assessed by the proboscis extension reflex.

  7. Procesado, estructura y propiedades de materiales compuestos de matriz termoplástica y nanorefuerzos de carbono


    Ramón Valencia, Bladimir Azdrúbal


    208 p. El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral está orientado hacia el conocimiento de la relación existente entre los procesos de conformación, estructura y propiedades mecánicas y térmicas de termoplásticos de alto rendimiento mediante la incorporación de nanorefuerzos de tipos carbonoso. En el primer apartado se realizó un estudio comparativo del efecto de las fibras de carbono cortas (FC) y de las nanofibras de carbono (CNF) en los materiales compuestos de matriz de PEEK con el objeto de...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Quereda Sala


    Full Text Available El dióxido de carbono, principal protagonista del efecto invernadero, ha incrementa- do notablemente su concentración desde el inicio de la Revolución Industrial. Pero además de este aspecto, el dióxido de carbono experimenta una serie de variaciones a nivel diario y estacional, estrechamente vinculadas con los elementos climáticos. De todos ellos, la Radiación Solar es el factor esencial de control, con un régimen en antifase con el del dióxido. Las lluvias y los vientos, por medio de mecanismos diversos, dan lugar a un descenso en la concentración del gas, que, en contrapartida, tiende a aumentar en las situaciones de inversión térmica cercana a la superficie. Procesos de alto interés para el conocimiento de los mecanismos que rigen el ciclo del CO 2 y de la difusión de contaminantes atmosféricos.

  9. Comportamiento a la Corrosión del Acero API X70 Soldado por el Proceso de Doble Arco Sumergido Inmerso en Diferentes Medios Corrosivos


    Montes, Omar Francisco; Garcés, Rocío Saldaña; Reyes, Felipe A. Reyes; Robledo, Patricia del Carmen Zambrano; López, Francisco H. Estupiñán; Calderón, Facundo Almeraya


    Resumen Los aceros API X70 son aplicados en fabricación y construcción de tuberías para el transporte de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, a un lapso de tiempo se degradan debido al medio ambiente al cual están expuestos; influyendo en la velocidad y tipo de corrosión sobre las superficies del metal base (MB), zona afectada por el calor (ZAC) y zona de fusión (ZF). A fin de conocer y evaluar la susceptibilidad a la corrosión en uniones del acero API X70 sometido a diferentes medios corrosivos, vari...

  10. Factores críticos para lograr la carbono neutralidad: Mejorando la vinculación del sector forestal costarricense con las empresas C-Neutral


    Meza-Picado, Víctor; Chavarría-Vargas, Manuel; Barrantes-Rodríguez, Alfonso


    : Costa Rica se propuso alcanzar la "carbono neutralidad" para el año 2021. Para lograrlo, dos actores claves han sido identificados: por un lado se encuentran las organizaciones que contribuyen con la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y; por otro, el componente forestal, el cual contribuye a la mitigación por medio de la remoción y almacenamiento del dióxido de carbono en sus componentes. Con la intención de alcanzar la Marca País C-Neutral (lograr la declaración de carbono neutralidad ...

  11. Modelación simple y operativa de la distribución del carbono orgánico por fracciones físicas en los suelos


    Fernando Paz; Sara Covaleda; Claudia Hidalgo; Jorge Etchevers; Francisco Matus


    Las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero asociadas al carbono orgánico del suelo (COS) son importantes para estudiar cambios en los ecosistemas terrestres. Hay modelos simples que, ofrecen la oportunidad de analizar la dinámica de las alteraciones provocadas por los cambios en el uso de suelo, la vegetación y las prácticas de manejo. En México se dispone de información del COS total y la textura del suelo. En el presente trabajo se analizan diferentes esquemas para parametrizar el modelo COL...

  12. DySectAPI: Scalable Prescriptive Debugging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Nicklas Bo; Karlsson, Sven; Quarfot Nielsen, Niklas

    We present the DySectAPI, a tool that allow users to construct probe trees for automatic, event-driven debugging at scale. The traditional, interactive debugging model, whereby users manually step through and inspect their application, does not scale well even for current supercomputers. While...... lightweight debugging models scale well, they can currently only debug a subset of bug classes. DySectAPI fills the gap between these two approaches with a novel user-guided approach. Using both experimental results and analytical modeling we show how DySectAPI scales and can run with a low overhead...

  13. APIs and Researchers: The Emperor's New Clothes?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Edmond


    Full Text Available As part of the Europeana Cloud (eCloud project, Trinity College Dublin investigated best practice in the use of web services, such as APIs, for accessing large data sets from cultural heritage collections. This research looked into the provision and use of APIs, and moreover, whether or not more customised programmatic access to datasets is what researchers want or need. In order to understand whether current patterns of API usage reflect a skills gap on the part of researchers or a mismatch of tool to purpose, we looked not only at the creators and developer/users of APIs, but also at humanists already re-using big data; approaches in cultural heritage institutions and other research infrastructures to bring API use to non-technical audiences; and the kinds of training and other support services available or emerging within the data-intensive humanities research lifecycle. We conducted both desk research and a series of 11 interviews with figures working as researchers, developers or data providers, including figures from both the API development and the data usage communities. This research, conducted under the eCloud project and supported by the European Commission’s ICT Policy and Support Programme (Grant number 325091, was begun in March 2014 and is now in its concluding validation stage. The results of the research are not yet finalised, but the contribution is already emerging of this work to the debate about APIs being either the way forward for digital cultural heritage collections, or the Emperor’s New Clothes (or maybe a bit of both.

  14. Estudio reológico de dispersiones de líquido iónico con nanotubos de carbono


    García Sánchez, Juan


    Los objetivos principales de este proyecto son:1. Caracterización reológica de líquido iónico y dispersiones con nanotubos de carbono. 2. Estudio comparativo del comportamiento reológico de líquido iónico y dispersiones con nanotubos de carbono. 3. Influencia de la temperatura. 4. Influencia de la velocidad de cizalla. 5. Determinación de las curvas de viscosidad Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

  15. Technological impact in steels degree API 5L X-70 for the manufacture of resistant ducts of 36 inches of diameter to the bitter gas; Impacto tecnologico de aceros grado API 5L X-70 para la fabricacion de ductos de 36 pulgadas de diametro resistentes al gas amargo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aramburo Perez, G.; Garcia Galan, S.; Perez Campos, R.; Juarez Islas, J.A. [Facultad de Quimica, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    Several steel plates in the as-hot rolled plus cooled condition were studied, in order to evaluate the impact of the steelmaking route and the controlled thermomechanical processing plus the cooling media. The steelmaking route to produce the slabs involved the use of 100% sponge iron which was feed into an electric arc furnace, vacuum degassed, ladle treated and continuously cast. After soaking, a controlled thermomechanical processing the resulting steel plates cooled in air showed a banded structure, which sometimes presented a central segregation region. The worst plates with a central segregation region showed intermetallic compounds in it. After modifications of the steelmaking route and the controlled thermomechanical/cooling schedule, a steel plate with a ferritic microstructure plus 0.5% in vol of bainite was obtained. This microstructure together with the resulting mechanical properties, fulfilled the API grade 5LX-70 properties, required by the petroleum industry. [Spanish] Se evaluo el impacto del proceso en la fabricacion de planchones de acero grado APIX-70, asimismo, el proceso de deformacion termomecanico controlado, mas enfriamiento de placas. El proceso para producir los planchones involucra el uso de 100% de hierro esponja, el cual es alimentado a un horno electrico, desgasificado al vacio y colado continuamente. Al planchon resultante se le aplica un programa de laminacion en caliente controlado y a las placas resultantes se le aplica un enfriamiento al aire o acelerado. La mayoria de las placas enfriadas al aire mostraron una estructura bandeada, algunas presentaron una region con segregacion central y otras las segregacion central mas la presencia de intermetalicos. Despues de modificar el proceso de fabricacion del acero, su control termomecanico y su programa de enfriamiento, se obtuvo una placa con una microestructura ferrifica mas un 0.5% en volumen de bainita. Esta microestructura junto con el resultado de sus propiedades mecanicas

  16. USAJOBS Job Opportunity Announcements (JOA) REST API (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — This REST-based API is designed to support lightweight Federal Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) content consumption by consumers. It is anticipated that this API...

  17. 47 CFR 61.46 - Adjustments to the API. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Adjustments to the API. 61.46 Section 61.46... Rules for Dominant Carriers § 61.46 Adjustments to the API. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and... carrier must calculate an API for each affected basket pursuant to the following methodology: APIt = APIt...

  18. Avaliação Financeira do Sequestro de Carbono na Serra de Baturité, Brasil, 2012


    Fajardo,Ana Milena Plata; Timofeiczyk Junior,Romano


    RESUMOEste estudo teve como objetivo quantificar a biomassa e o estoque de CO2 e avaliar a viabilidade econômica de geração de créditos de carbono na Área de Proteção Ambiental – APA da Serra de Baturité, Ceará. A quantificação da biomassa foi feita pelo método não destrutivo e foram avaliados financeiramente três mercados de carbono. O mercado regulado: Mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo – MDL; e os mercados voluntários: Verified Carbon Stantard – VCS e o esquema de comérci...

  19. O mercado voluntário de carbono


    Silva, Carlos Filipe Araújo da


    O objecto desta dissertação é caracterizar, em termos económicos, o problema que está subjacente à instituição dos mercados das licenças de carbono e a natureza económica deste tipo de solução para esse problema, dando-se, depois, uma atenção especial ao Mercado Voluntário. Para este tipo de mercado descreve-se o seu funcionamento e apresenta-se um projecto elaborado para uma federação de organizações de produtores florestais que poderia ser submetido a esse tipo de mercado....

  20. Cogeneration and Carbon bonds: clean development; Cogeneracion y bonos de carbono: desarrollo limpio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Navarro Perez, Nidia [Facultad de Contaduria y Administracion, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The growing preoccupation for the environment in our country and its interest to ratify the Kyoto Protocol with respect to the contamination of the atmosphere, offers great opportunities for the cogeneration so that it fortifies the scientific and technological research and gives a good international image about the sustainable development and care of the environment, so that companies that invest in clean technology will be able to assign a monetary value to their environmental patrimony, this through the so called Green Bonds or Carbon Bonds, this opens a new dimension to finance projects by means of these bonds that can be negotiated at an international level; by means of the Clean of Energy Production the investment can be stimulated and revenues for projects that contribute to the sustainable development of the country and the power efficiency. At the moment the country has at least 13 projects in different analysis stages to enter the carbon bond market, which are presented as co-generation projects of energy, in addition to the formation of the Mexican Committee for Projects of Reduction and Capture of Gas Discharges of Greenhouse Effect. [Spanish] La creciente preocupacion por el medio ambiente en nuestro pais y su interes por ratificar el Protocolo de Kyoto en lo referente a la contaminacion de la atmosfera, ofrece grandes oportunidades para la cogeneracion de manera que fortalezca la investigacion cientifica y tecnologica y dar una buena imagen internacional en torno a temas de desarrollo sustentable y cuidado del medio ambiente, de manera que empresas que invierten en tecnologia limpia podran asignar un valor monetario a su patrimonio ambiental, esto a traves de los llamados Bonos Verdes o Bonos de Carbono, esto abre una dimension nueva para financiar proyectos por medio de estos bonos que pueden negociarse a nivel internacional; por medio de la Produccion Limpia de energia se puede estimular inversion y ganancias para proyectos que contribuyan al

  1. Recent advances in the API quality program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gollhofer, F.R.


    The API now has more than 3 years' operating experience in licensing manufacturers under the API Quality Program. The API evaluation procedures, described in this paper, provide consistency in evaluation and should allow full participation of petroleum equipment suppliers in the worldwide market during the 1990's and into the 21st century. The program's flexibility will allow it to cope with significant changes resulting from the planned European Common Market's Global Approach to Certification and Testing scheduled to occur in 1992

  2. Estimación de carbono almacenado en bosques de oyamel y ciprés en Texcoco, Estado de México

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    Yunuen Bolaños González


    Full Text Available Las emisiones de carbono (C a la atmósfera, así como sus reservorios, en el sector de agricultura, silvicultura y otros usos del suelo son significativas en el balance global del ciclo del carbono; sin embargo, a pesar de esta importancia, es el sector con la mayor incertidumbre en el balance global debido principalmente a la falta de conocimiento preciso de los factores de emisión, por lo que se requiere mayor investigación en el tema. Debido a lo anterior, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo estimar el C almacenado en los cinco depósitos considerados en ecosistemas forestales: biomasa viva sobre el suelo, biomasa viva debajo del suelo, madera muerta sobre el suelo, mantillo y carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en dos sitios de muestreo ubicados en las faldas del Monte Tláloc, Texcoco, Estado de México: el primero en un bosque de oyamel (Abies religiosa y el segundo en un bosque de ciprés (Cupressus lusitanica. El promedio de la densidad de carbono en el bosque de oyamel en los cinco depósitos estimados fue de 376 Mg ha‑1, siendo el depósito más importante el de biomasa aérea (59%, seguido del COS (22%; en tanto que en el bosque de ciprés fue de 205 Mg ha-1, siendo el depósito con mayor densidad el COS (50%, seguido de biomasa aérea (36%. Los valores de densidad de carbono para biomasa aérea en el caso de bosque de oyamel fueron superiores a los reportados en otros trabajos; lo cual se explica por la existencia de árboles de grandes dimensiones de esta especie en el sitio de muestreo, lo cual nos da una idea precisa del potencial como almacén de carbono que este tipo de vegetación tiene cuando llegan a estados maduros.

  3. USAJOBS Job Opportunity Announcements (JOA) SOAP API (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — The purpose of the SOAP based API is to provide the full Federal Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) content to the consumer. It is anticipated that this API will be...

  4. Organobentonita como sustituto de negro de carbono en formulaciones de caucho

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    López Manchado, M. A.


    Full Text Available Rubber compounds based on natural rubber reinforced with ammonium salt modified bentonite have been prepared and characterized. It pretends to evaluate the possibility of using these white fillers as substitute of carbon black in natural rubber compounds. Vulcametric curves show that the organoclay and carbon black accelerate the vulcanization reaction and, furthermore, give rise to a marked increase in the torque. However, it is of interest to point out that these effects are more marked in the case of the organoclay. In addition, the mechanical characterization show the strong reinforcing effect of both fillers, but this effect is newly more sensible when the organoclay is added to the NR. It is worthy to note that the mechanical properties of 10% organoclay-NR nanocomposite are comparable to the 40 phr carbon black filled compound.

    Se han preparado y caracterizado nanocomposites de caucho natural reforzados con bentonita modificada orgánicamente con una sal de amonio. Se pretende evaluar la posibilidad de utilizar estas cargas claras como sustitutos del negro de carbono en las formulaciones de caucho natural. Las curvas de vulcanización muestran que tanto la bentonita organofilizada como el negro de carbono aceleran la reacción de vulcanización y además, dan lugar a un considerable incremento en el torque. No obstante, es interesante destacar que estos efectos son más marcados en el caso de la organobentonita. Por su parte, la caracterización mecánica muestra el fuerte efecto reforzante de ambas cargas, si bien este efecto es nuevamente más acusado en presencia de la organobentonita. Es importante señalar que las propiedades mecánicas del nanocomposite reforzado con 10 partes de organobentonita son similares a las del composite con 40 partes de negro de carbono.

  5. Influência da relação estequiométrica resina/endurecedor em propriedades mecânicas de compósitos ternários hierárquicos resina - epóxi/tecido de fibra de carbono/nanotubos de carbono

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    Kássio André Lacerda


    Full Text Available A produção de materiais que apresentem alto desempenho em suas aplicações exige avanços tecnológicos e científicos. Os elevados valores de resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade, aliados à flexibilidade, baixa densidade e alta razão de aspecto, fazem dos nanotubos de carbono excepcionais candidatos para reforçar compósitos poliméricos. Preparamos por laminação sistemas compósitos ternários à base de resina epóxi/tecidos de fibra de carbono (para os binários, acrescendo nanotubos de carbono para os sistemas ternários. Os parâmetros estequiométricos do sistema epoxídico (valor de Phr e concentração de nanotubos de carbono empregado nos sistemas compósitos tiveram avaliadas suas morfologias (MEV, propriedades térmicas (TG e mecânicas (ASTM D790. Embora o sistema epoxídico com Phr 10,0 tenha apresentado uma maior estabilidade térmica, os compósitos ternários produzidos a partir do sistema com Phr 26,6 mostraram valores de tensão máxima e módulo de elasticidade até 8 vezes maiores que aqueles produzidos com o sistema Phr 10. A adição de nanotubos de carbono aos compósitos com Phr 26,6 resultou em ganhos adicionais de aproximadamente 38 e 15% na tensão máxima e no módulo de elasticidade, respectivamente. Esses resultados revelaram a limitação nos métodos de integralização de nanoestruturas a sistemas compósitos, onde as dispersões estão limitadas a uma série de fatores inerentes a interação química e/ou física durante a fabricação dos compósitos nanoestruturados.

  6. El lago Chinchaycocha en el mercado de bonos de carbono

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    Wilfredo Bulege Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El cambio climático como fenómeno global preocupa a todo el mundo y se manifiesta en lo cotidiano a través de diversos desórdenes del clima. El Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático (IPCC, en su cuarto informe de evaluación presentado el 2007, y la Organización Mundial de Meteorología (OMM han establecido que desde el 2001 la temperatura media global en el planeta registra el nivel de aumento más alto de nuestra historia. A este ritmo, y por lo difícil que resulta encontrar una solución aun en el mediano plazo, todo indica que el 2013 no será la excepción. Las causas del cambio climático son atribuidas a factores naturales pero también antropogénicos; existe ya consenso respecto a la influencia de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI, sobre todo el dióxido de carbono (CO2 en este proceso acelerado de calentamiento del planeta. Esta crisis del clima, como una forma de ser enfrentada, hoy está obligando a los países a promover proyectos que reduzcan las emisiones de GEI y permitan el almacenamiento de carbono. Uno de los mecanismos internacionales establecidos para concretar este objetivo son los bonos de carbono, iniciativa dispuesta por el Protocolo de Kioto, acuerdo jurídicamente vinculante firmado en 1997 y en vigor desde el 2005. Expiró el año pasado, pero la histórica Conferencia de Doha, Catar, decidió en diciembre último prorrogar la vigencia del tratado hasta el 2020. El protocolo, en su primera fase, exige a las grandes potencias reducir durante el período 2008-2012 la emisión de gases en un 5,2% por debajo del nivel de 1990. Lo interesante es que las empresas de tales potencias, para cumplir esta obligación, pueden hacerlo en cualquier lugar o comprar bonos de carbono de países que superen las metas exigidas. La emisión de estos bonos es, después de todo, una iniciativa de descontaminación, que permite que los países industrializados sigan con sus prácticas contaminantes, en tanto

  7. Preparación de tamices moleculares de carbono por CVD

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    Manso, R.


    Full Text Available Carbon molecular sieves (CMS have been prepared by chemical vapour deposition (CVD of carbon from the pyrolysis of benzene molecules on activated carbon surfaces. The pyrolysis of benzene at temperatures in the range 650-850 ºC restricts the accessibility of the micropores due to the creation of constrictions on the microporous network. Temperatures higher than 850 ºC (temperature of carbonisation add difficulties due to decomposition and sinterization processes. Low flows of nitrogen (30 mL min-1 and high benzene content (13 % produce a more uniform carbon deposition and wider micropore size distributions. The CVD process on carbons activated to different burn-offs, using temperatures below 850 ºC, flows of 150 mL min-1 and benzene content of 1 %, gives rise to microporous materials which exhibit micropore volumes around 0,25 cm3 g-1 and narrow micropore size distributions: below 0,33 nm, between 0,33-0,41 nm or between 0,41-0,54 nm. The burn-off of the activated carbon has a relative little influence on the textural properties of the CMS that mainly depend on the degree of filling originated by the carbon deposition.

    Se han preparado tamices moleculares de carbono (CMS mediante el depósito de átomos de carbono, por pirólisis de benceno, sobre la superficie de carbones activados. La pirólisis de benceno a temperaturas comprendidas entre 650-850 ºC genera el cierre progresivo de los microporos debido a la creación de constricciones en la red microporosa que limitan la accesibilidad de determinadas moléculas. El uso de temperaturas superiores a la temperatura de carbonización del precursor (850 ºC introduce complicaciones debido a la descomposición y sinterización parcial del sólido. Flujos bajos de nitrógeno (30 mL min-1 con alto contenido en benceno (13 % producen un depósito homogéneo a lo largo de las paredes y los materiales presentan distribuciones microporosas mas anchas. El depósito de carbono sobre carbones

  8. Productividad en materia seca y captura de carbono en un sistema silvopastoril y un sistema tradicional en cinco fincas ganaderas de piedemonte en el departamento de Casanare

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    Estrella Cárdenas Castro


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue comparar, en cuanto a productividad en materia seca y captura de carbono, entre un sistema silvopastoril y un sistema tradicional en cinco fincas ganaderas de piedemonte del departamento de Casanare. En el lote experimental de cada finca se sembró una mezcla de cuatro especies de pastos, de los cuales Brachiaria brizantha fue la especie que tuvo un desarrollo exitoso en las cinco fincas, y con la cual se analizó su productividad en materia seca y captura de carbono. A los cinco meses después de la renovación de pastos en los lotes experimentales se obtuvo una productividad en materia seca entre 6,3 y 14,9 tMS/ha, y en captura de carbono entre 2,7 y 6,4 tCOT/ha; mientras que en los lotes tradicionales estuvo entre 4 y 5 tMS/ha, y en captura de carbono entre 1,7 y 2,9 tCOT/ha. A los 20 meses en los lotes experimentales se obtuvo una productividad en materia seca entre 12 y 13,7 tMS/ha, y en captura de carbono entre 4,1 y 4,5 tCOT/ha; mientras que en los lotes tradicionales estuvo entre 4,4 y 6,5 tMS/ha, y en captura de carbono entre 1,4 y 2,1 tCOT/ha. Esto indica que la renovación de praderas con pastos adecuados y el pastoreo de rotación favorecen la producción en materia seca y la captura de carbono.


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    Ricardo Teixeira Gregório Andrade


    Full Text Available Face ao contexto contemporâneo das alterações climáticas, os setores industriais e empresariais têm buscado medidas para minimizar os impactos das suas emissões de Gases Efeito Estufa. Contudo, a maioria das ações de Responsabilidade SocioAmbiental Empresarial quanto à temática referem-se apenas às emissões diretas dos principais processos produtivos empresariais, sem considerar as emissões upstream e downstream, que originam a maior parte das emissões derivadas da existência de uma empresa. A consideração das emissões de todo o ciclo de vida produtivo de produtos e processos, desde a extração da matéria-prima até a distribuição do produto final e descarte, constitui a Pegada de Carbono. O objetivo desse estudo foi a mensuração, e estudo de formas de minoração, de parte da Pegada de Carbono da Unidade Sede da Petrobras em Natal-RN. Trata-se de um levantamento, em que os dados foram submetidos à metodologia apropriada e laborados com uso do software GEMIS 4.6. Os itens avaliados foram os veículos automotivos (emissões diretas, energia elétrica, papel e copos plásticos descartáveis (emissões indiretas, totalizando emissões de 3.811,94 tCO2eq em 2009. Dado o porte da Petrobras, sua atenção quanto à redução de sua Pegada de Carbono serve de exemplo a outras empresas, instruindo lições de gestão e melhores práticas ambientais.

  10. Safe "cloudification" of large images through picker APIs. (United States)

    Bremer, Erich; Kurc, Tahsin; Gao, Yi; Saltz, Joel; Almeida, Jonas S


    The "Box model" allows users with no particular training in informatics, or access to specialized infrastructure, operate generic cloud computing resources through a temporary URI dereferencing mechanism known as "drop-file-picker API" ("picker API" for sort). This application programming interface (API) was popularized in the web app development community by DropBox, and is now a consumer-facing feature of all major cloud computing platforms such as, Google Drive and Amazon S3. This reports describes a prototype web service application that uses picker APIs to expose a new, "cloudified", API tailored for image analysis, without compromising the private governance of the data exposed. In order to better understand this cross-platform cloud computing landscape, we first measured the time for both transfer and traversing of large image files generated by whole slide imaging (WSI) in Digital Pathology. The verification that there is extensive interconnectivity between cloud resources let to the development of a prototype software application that exposes an image-traversing REST API to image files stored in any of the consumer-facing "boxes". In summary, an image file can be upload/synchronized into a any cloud resource with a file picker API and the prototype service described here will expose an HTTP REST API that remains within the safety of the user's own governance. The open source prototype is publicly available at Availability The accompanying prototype application is made publicly available, fully functional, with open source, at An illustrative webcasted use of this Web App is included with the project codebase at





    The nectar and pollen of flowers which are abundance have not been taken into account for any purpose in forest, agriculture and plantation area. Honey bees such as Apis mellifera L. and Apis cerana F. had known as biological pollinators which could converted the flower components to be high economy products in the forms of honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee wax and bee venom. Among the products, bee venom has the best selling value, but the method of it???s optimal production has not been ext...

  12. Labile carbon pools and biological activity in volcanic soils of the Canary Islands Fracciones de carbono orgánico lábil y actividad biológica en suelos de origen volcánico de las Islas Canarias Frações de carbono orgânico lábil e actividade biológica em solos de origem vulcânica das Ilhas Canárias

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    Cecilia María Armas Herrera


    predominaron los carbohidratos simples procedentes principalmente de aportes orgánicos radiculares y de restos vegetales no-leñosos aéreos. Entre las fracciones físico-químicas de SOC analizadas, el HWC (3.1 g kg-1 de promedio a 0-30 cm de profundidad en Andosoles fue el que mejor se correlacionó con el C0 (1,2 g kg-1 y por tanto el que mejor representó el SOC inmediatamente mineralizable. El PSC (0,77 g kg-1, que representa un reservorio de baja biodisponibilidad, se encuentra protegido de la mineralización por su adsorción a la alófana en Andosoles silándicos.A avaliação da susceptibilidade à mineralização do carbono orgânico do solo (SOC é essencial para a previsão da resposta a curto prazo dos reservatórios de carbono da biosfera às alterações das condições ambientais. Neste trabalho investigou-se o estudo da fração lábil do SOC (fração facilmente mineralizável em solos vulcânicos, onde a biodisponibilidade do SOC é afetada de forma típica por mecanismos de estabilidade físico-química carateristícos destes solos. Com este objectivo selecionaram-se dez solos representativos (sobretudo Andossolos de habitats naturais (vegetação xerofítica e floresta de loureiros e pinheiros das Ilhas Canárias, um arquipélago vulcânico. Durante dois anos mediram-se diversas frações físico-químicas do SOC com diferentes graus de biodisponibilidade: carbono solúvel em água em amostras frescas de solo (WSC e no extracto de saturação (WSCse, carbono extraível com água quente (HWC, carbono extraível com sulfato de potássio (PSC, carbono da biomassa microbiana (MBC, carbono orgânico particulado (POC, carbono das substâncias húmicas (HSC, e carbono orgânico total (TOC e fizeram-se medições das emissões de CO2 com recurso a ensaios de incubação. Estas medições foram relacionadas com os "inputs" de carbono de resíduos vegetais e raízes bem como com a atividade de enzimas hidrolíticas (CM-celulase, ?-D-glucosidase, e deshidrogenases

  13. Modelización geoestadística de la distribución de carbono en suelo en una dehesa


    Simón Cid, Nuria


    La mitigación del cambio climático es un objetivo actual y prioritario que la Sociedad demanda de los sistemas forestales. Para mitigar sus efectos es fundamental proporcionar a los gestores y responsables políticos información precisa sobre la dinámica de la situación actual y sobre la distribución de las fuentes y los sumideros de carbono en los subsistemas de los medios de los que son responsables. En un futuro cercano, los mercados de carbono de los bosques pueden requerir patrones espaci...

  14. Automated Ply Inspection (API) for AFP, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Automated Ply Inspection (API) system autonomously inspects layups created by high speed automated fiber placement (AFP) machines. API comprises a high accuracy...

  15. Efecto del cambio de uso de suelo en el contenido del carbono orgánico y nitrógeno del suelo

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    Israel Cantú Silva


    Full Text Available Los suelos son el mayor reservorio de carbono, contienen casi tres veces más que la biomasa aérea. Los cambios de uso de suelo representan la segunda fuente antrópica de emisiones a la atmósfera. Se evaluó el contenido de carbono y nitrógeno en cuatro sistemas de uso de suelo: matorral espinoso tamaulipeco, cultivo agrícola, pastizal y plantación de eucaliptos. Se recolectaron cuatro muestras de suelo por sitio, a dos profundidades (0-5 y 5-30 cm; se analizó el contenido de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS, nitrógeno total (Nt y se estimó la relación C/N. Los resultados del contenido de COS y Nt para la profundidad 0-5 cm fueron de 1.4-0.16 % (agrícola, 2.4-0.27 % (plantación, 3.41-0.33 % (pastizal y 4.1-0.43 % (matorral, respectivamente. Para la profundidad 5-30 cm, los valores disminuyeron. La relación C/N presentó registros de 8.7 a 10.4, en ambas profundidades; lo que indica una buena humificación de la materia orgánica. Las pérdidas de COS y Nt por los cambios de uso del suelo de matorral a otro sistema fluctuaron de 2.4 % hasta 66 %, el COS se redujo, principalmente, en la profundidad de suelo 0-5 cm; mientras que el Nt tuvo las mayores reducciones en la profundidad de 5-30 cm. Al sistema agrícola le correspondió una pérdida más alta de COS y Nt, en las dos profundidades. Los resultados evidencian que los cambios de uso de suelo ocasionan una disminución en la fertilidad, lo que se refleja en el sistema agrícola, donde los contenidos de C y Nt fueron más bajos, respecto a lo estimado en la vegetación de matorral.

  16. Analysing PKCS#11 Key Management APIs with Unbounded Fresh Data (United States)

    Fröschle, Sibylle; Steel, Graham

    We extend Delaune, Kremer and Steel’s framework for analysis of PKCS#11-based APIs from bounded to unbounded fresh data. We achieve this by: formally defining the notion of an attribute policy; showing that a well-designed API should have a certain class of policy we call complete; showing that APIs with complete policies may be safely abstracted to APIs where the attributes are fixed; and proving that these static APIs can be analysed in a small bounded model such that security properties will hold for the unbounded case. We automate analysis in our framework using the SAT-based security protocol model checker SATMC. We show that a symmetric key management subset of the Eracom PKCS#11 API, used in their ProtectServer product, preserves the secrecy of sensitive keys for unbounded numbers of fresh keys and handles, i.e. pointers to keys. We also show that this API is not robust: if an encryption key is lost to the intruder, SATMC finds an attack whereby all the keys may be compromised.

  17. Compositional mining of multiple object API protocols through state abstraction. (United States)

    Dai, Ziying; Mao, Xiaoguang; Lei, Yan; Qi, Yuhua; Wang, Rui; Gu, Bin


    API protocols specify correct sequences of method invocations. Despite their usefulness, API protocols are often unavailable in practice because writing them is cumbersome and error prone. Multiple object API protocols are more expressive than single object API protocols. However, the huge number of objects of typical object-oriented programs poses a major challenge to the automatic mining of multiple object API protocols: besides maintaining scalability, it is important to capture various object interactions. Current approaches utilize various heuristics to focus on small sets of methods. In this paper, we present a general, scalable, multiple object API protocols mining approach that can capture all object interactions. Our approach uses abstract field values to label object states during the mining process. We first mine single object typestates as finite state automata whose transitions are annotated with states of interacting objects before and after the execution of the corresponding method and then construct multiple object API protocols by composing these annotated single object typestates. We implement our approach for Java and evaluate it through a series of experiments.

  18. Comparison of API 510 pressure vessels inspection planning with API 581 risk-based inspection planning approaches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shishesaz, Mohammad Reza; Nazarnezhad Bajestani, Mohammad; Hashemi, Seyed Javad; Shekari, Elahe


    To ensure mechanical integrity, all pressure vessels shall be inspected at the intervals provided in inspection codes or based on a risk-based inspection (RBI) assessment. The RBI assessment may allow previously established inspection intervals to be extended. This paper describes the methodology, analysis and results of two RBI studies conducted on 293 pressure vessel components in two crude oil distillation units. Based on API RBI methodology in API 581 (2008), risk target concept was used for determining inspection dates. It was shown that when thinning is the major active damage, the RBI recommended intervals are as long as twice the API 510 intervals. This paper summarizes that, as a fundamental step in the risk calculation, RBI has a more defined methodology for evaluating equipment for multiple damage mechanisms and a more defined approach to specify the use of other inspection technologies beyond the traditional visual, ultrasonic, and radiography tests. -- Highlights: • RBI calculated inspection intervals are as long as twice of API 510 inspection code. • Two case studies verified the advantage of RBI in inspection planning. • RBI is a more reliable methodology when evaluating multiple damage mechanisms. • Damage factor calculations can be used for determining RSFa value in FFS assessments

  19. Thermodynamic phase behavior of API/polymer solid dispersions. (United States)

    Prudic, Anke; Ji, Yuanhui; Sadowski, Gabriele


    To improve the bioavailability of poorly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), these materials are often integrated into a polymer matrix that acts as a carrier. The resulting mixture is called a solid dispersion. In this work, the phase behaviors of solid dispersions were investigated as a function of the API as well as of the type and molecular weight of the carrier polymer. Specifically, the solubility of artemisinin and indomethacin was measured in different poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEG 400, PEG 6000, and PEG 35000). The measured solubility data and the solubility of sulfonamides in poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) K10 and PEG 35000 were modeled using the perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory (PC-SAFT). The results show that PC-SAFT predictions are in a good accordance with the experimental data, and PC-SAFT can be used to predict the whole phase diagram of an API/polymer solid dispersion as a function of the kind of API and polymer and of the polymer's molecular weight. This remarkably simplifies the screening process for suitable API/polymer combinations.

  20. A knowledge discovery object model API for Java

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jones Steven JM


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Biological data resources have become heterogeneous and derive from multiple sources. This introduces challenges in the management and utilization of this data in software development. Although efforts are underway to create a standard format for the transmission and storage of biological data, this objective has yet to be fully realized. Results This work describes an application programming interface (API that provides a framework for developing an effective biological knowledge ontology for Java-based software projects. The API provides a robust framework for the data acquisition and management needs of an ontology implementation. In addition, the API contains classes to assist in creating GUIs to represent this data visually. Conclusions The Knowledge Discovery Object Model (KDOM API is particularly useful for medium to large applications, or for a number of smaller software projects with common characteristics or objectives. KDOM can be coupled effectively with other biologically relevant APIs and classes. Source code, libraries, documentation and examples are available at



    María Cecilia Roa-García; Sandra Brown


    Se caracterizó el proceso de acumulación de carbono en pequeños humedales andinos de la cuenca alta del río Barbas, en el municipio de Filandia, departamento del Quindío, Colombia. El método de bolsas de descomposición se usó para estimar las tasas de acumulación de materia orgánica y las constantes de descomposición en el corto plazo. La pérdida por ignición y la datación con carbono 14 se usaron para calcular las tasas de acumulación de carbono en el largo plazo. Los 52 humedales ocupan un ...

  2. Validation of the Parlay API through prototyping

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hellenthal, J.W.; Planken, F.J.M.; Wegdam, M.


    The desire within the telecommunications world for new and faster business growth has been a major drive towards the development of open network API. Over the past 7 years several (semi) standardization groups have announced work on network API, including TINA-C, JAIN, IEEE P1520, INforum, 3GPP,

  3. A Ruby API to query the Ensembl database for genomic features. (United States)

    Strozzi, Francesco; Aerts, Jan


    The Ensembl database makes genomic features available via its Genome Browser. It is also possible to access the underlying data through a Perl API for advanced querying. We have developed a full-featured Ruby API to the Ensembl databases, providing the same functionality as the Perl interface with additional features. A single Ruby API is used to access different releases of the Ensembl databases and is also able to query multi-species databases. Most functionality of the API is provided using the ActiveRecord pattern. The library depends on introspection to make it release independent. The API is available through the Rubygem system and can be installed with the command gem install ruby-ensembl-api.

  4. A framework for API solubility modelling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conte, Elisa; Gani, Rafiqul; Crafts, Peter

    . In addition, most of the models are not predictive and requires experimental data for the calculation of the needed parameters. This work aims at developing an efficient framework for the solubility modelling of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) in water and organic solvents. With this framework......-SAFT) are used for solubility calculations when the needed interaction parameters or experimental data are available. The CI-UNIFAC is instead used when the previous models lack interaction parameters or when solubility data are not available. A new GC+ model for APIs solvent selection based...... on the hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity and polarity information of the API and solvent is also developed, for performing fast solvent selection and screening. Eventually, all the previous developments are integrated in a framework for their efficient and integrated use. Two case studies are presented: the first...

  5. Infections with the Sexually Transmitted Pathogen Nosema apis Trigger an Immune Response in the Seminal Fluid of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera). (United States)

    Grassl, Julia; Peng, Yan; Baer-Imhoof, Barbara; Welch, Mat; Millar, A Harvey; Baer, Boris


    Honey bee (Apis mellifera) males are highly susceptible to infections with the sexually transmitted fungal pathogen Nosema apis. However, they are able to suppress this parasite in the ejaculate using immune molecules in the seminal fluid. We predicted that males respond to infections by altering the seminal fluid proteome to minimize the risk to sexually transmit the parasite to the queen and her colony. We used iTRAQ isotopic labeling to compare seminal fluid proteins from infected and noninfected males and found that N. apis infections resulted in significant abundance changes in 111 of the 260 seminal fluid proteins quantitated. The largest group of proteins with significantly changed abundances consisted of 15 proteins with well-known immune-related functions, which included two significantly more abundant chitinases in the seminal fluid of infected males. Chitinases were previously hypothesized to be involved in honey bee antifungal activity against N. apis. Here we show that infection with N. apis triggers a highly specific immune response in the seminal fluid of honey bee males.

  6. Comparación de la corrosividad atmosférica del acero al carbono en Colombia y Cuba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delgado Lastra, Juan


    Full Text Available Samples of structural carbon steel were exposed to the atmosphere in a number of sites in Colombia and Cuba for periods of 2, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Corrosion rate was determined by mass loss measurements, and cause-effect relationship to exposure time and pollutants (deposited chloride and sulfur oxides were calculated. Analysis let to adjust models by the multiple regression method. Also, comparison of atmospheric corrosion rates between Colombia and Cuba were done using covariance analysis.

    Se expusieron a la atmósfera probetas de aceros estructurales de bajo contenido de carbono, en varios sitios de Colombia y Cuba, que se retiraron a intervalos de 2, 3, 6, 12, 18 y 24 meses. Se determinó la corrosión por pérdida de masa y se buscaron relaciones de causalidad con el tiempo de exposición y las cantidades de cloruro y óxidos de azufre depositados. El análisis permitió ajustar modelos de regresión múltiple y también, a través de variables dicótomas, realizar la comparación de la corrosión atmosférica entre Colombia y Cuba, mediante análisis de covarianza.

  7. Análisis de la adhesión de recubrimientos del sistema Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 sobre sustratos de interés para la industria aeroespacial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cinta Marraco-Borderas


    Full Text Available En la industria aeroespacial se necesitan materiales ligeros que tengan unas altas prestaciones mecánicas combinadas con una baja densidad. El carburo de silicio, el carbono reforzado con fibra de carbono y el carburo de silicio reforzado con fibra de carbono son materiales que cumplen con estos requisitos, pero a altas temperaturas presentan problemas de oxidación. Una de las formas más efectivas de prevenir este fenómeno es la utilización de recubrimientos cerámicos, cuya correcta adhesión sobre los distintos sustratos es fundamental para garantizar su funcionamiento. En el caso del presente trabajo, se analiza la adhesión de recubrimientos vítreos del sistema Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 obtenidos mediante proyección térmica por llama oxiacetilénica. Para ello, se realizan ensayos de rayado a carga creciente analizando el tipo y la carga de fallo y su relación con las propiedades elásticas y mecánicas de los recubrimientos. Los resultados indican que la adhesión sobre los sustratos carburo de silicio y carburo de silicio reforzado con fibra de carbono es buena, mientras que el carbono reforzado con fibra de carbono no es un material adecuado para recubrir.

  8. Unified Medical Language System Terminology Services (UTS) API (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The UTS API is intended for application developers to perform Web service calls and retrieve UMLS data within their own applications. The UTS API provides the...


    The Application Programming Interface (API) for Uncertainty Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, and Parameter Estimation (UA/SA/PE API) tool development, here fore referred to as the Calibration, Optimization, and Sensitivity and Uncertainty Algorithms API (COSU-API), was initially d...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    johnbrynner García Galvis


    Full Text Available En el estudio de la cuantificación de carbono orgánico en suelos por el método Walkley-Black se compararon dos técnicas de análisis (colorimetría y volumetría con el fin de evaluar los parámetros de calidad y así indicar la técnica más conveniente para implementarla en el análisis de suelos. Se determinó un intervalo lineal de 5 a 50 mg/mL de sacarosa a una longitud de onda de máxima absorción de 585 nm del ácido crómico reducido. Al comparar los dos métodos de cuantificación se encontraron evidencias de errores sistemáticos en el método volumétrico para los niveles evaluados (alto, medio y bajo de concentración de sacarosa, mientras que por el método colorimétrico la cuantificación fue más exacta y además los valores de desviación estándar y coeficientes de variación fueron menores, parámetros que lo catalogan como el método más preciso. Además, para tener un mayor soporte analítico se implementaron las metodologías en diferentes tipos de suelos; los resultados indicaron que el método colorimétrico para la determinación de carbono orgánico en suelos presentó menores costos y número de reactivos por análisis, y a su vez fue el que ofreció la mejor repetibilidad.

  11. The JANA calibrations and conditions database API

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lawrence, David


    Calibrations and conditions databases can be accessed from within the JANA Event Processing framework through the API defined in its JCalibration base class. The API is designed to support everything from databases, to web services to flat files for the backend. A Web Service backend using the gSOAP toolkit has been implemented which is particularly interesting since it addresses many modern cybersecurity issues including support for SSL. The API allows constants to be retrieved through a single line of C++ code with most of the context, including the transport mechanism, being implied by the run currently being analyzed and the environment relieving developers from implementing such details.

  12. The JANA calibrations and conditions database API

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lawrence, David, E-mail: davidl@jlab.or [12000 Jefferson Ave., Suite 8, Newport News, VA 23601 (United States)


    Calibrations and conditions databases can be accessed from within the JANA Event Processing framework through the API defined in its JCalibration base class. The API is designed to support everything from databases, to web services to flat files for the backend. A Web Service backend using the gSOAP toolkit has been implemented which is particularly interesting since it addresses many modern cybersecurity issues including support for SSL. The API allows constants to be retrieved through a single line of C++ code with most of the context, including the transport mechanism, being implied by the run currently being analyzed and the environment relieving developers from implementing such details.

  13. Associated particle imaging (API)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Associated Particle Imaging (API) is an active neutron probe technique that provides a 3-D image with elemental composition of the material under interrogation, and so occupies a unique niche in the interrogation of unknown objects. The highly penetrating nature of neutrons enables API to provide detailed information about targets of interest that are hidden from view. Due to the isotropic nature of the induced reactions, radiation detectors can be set on the same side of the object as the neutron source, so that the object can be interrogated from a single side. At the heat of the system is a small generator that produces a continuous, monoenergetic flux of neutrons. By measuring the trajectory of coincident alpha particles that are produced as part of the process, the trajectory of the neutron can be inferred. Interactions between a neutron and the material in its path often produce a gamma ray whose energy is characteristic of that material. When the gamma ray is detected, its energy is measured and combined with the trajectory information to produce a 3-D image of the composition of the object being interrogated. During the course of API development, a number of improvements have been made. A new, more rugged sealed Tube Neutron Generator (STNG) has been designed and fabricated that is less susceptible to radiation damage and better able to withstand the rigors of fielding than earlier designs. A specialized high-voltage power supply for the STNG has also been designed and built. A complete package of software has been written for the tasks of system calibration, diagnostics and data acquisition and analysis. A portable system has been built and field tested, proving that API can be taken out of the lab and into real-world situations, and that its performance in the field is equal to that in the lab

  14. Uncovering the immune responses of Apis mellifera ligustica larval gut to Ascosphaera apis infection utilizing transcriptome sequencing. (United States)

    Chen, Dafu; Guo, Rui; Xu, Xijian; Xiong, Cuiling; Liang, Qin; Zheng, Yanzhen; Luo, Qun; Zhang, Zhaonan; Huang, Zhijian; Kumar, Dhiraj; Xi, Weijun; Zou, Xuan; Liu, Min


    Honeybees are susceptible to a variety of diseases, including chalkbrood, which is capable of causing huge losses of both the number of bees and colony productivity. This research is designed to characterize the transcriptome profiles of Ascosphaera apis-treated and un-treated larval guts of Apis mellifera ligustica in an attempt to unravel the molecular mechanism underlying the immune responses of western honeybee larval guts to mycosis. In this study, 24, 296 and 2157 genes were observed to be differentially expressed in A. apis-treated Apis mellifera (4-, 5- and 6-day-old) compared with un-treated larval guts. Moreover, the expression patterns of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were examined via trend analysis, and subsequently, gene ontology analysis and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis were conducted for DEGs involved in up- and down-regulated profiles. Immunity-related pathways were selected for further analysis, and our results demonstrated that a total of 13 and 50 DEGs were annotated in the humoral immune-related and cellular immune-related pathways, respectively. Additionally, we observed that many DEGs up-regulated in treated guts were part of cellular immune pathways, such as the lysosome, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, and insect hormone biosynthesis pathways and were induced by A. apis invasion. However, more down-regulated DEGs were restrained. Surprisingly, a majority of DEGs within the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway, and the MAPK signaling pathway were up-regulated in treated guts, while all but two genes involved in the NF-κB signaling pathway were down-regulated, which suggested that most genes involved in humoral immune-related pathways were activated in response to the invasive fungal pathogen. This study's findings provide valuable information regarding the investigation of the molecular mechanism of immunity defenses of A. m. ligustica larval guts to infection with A. apis. Furthermore, these studies lay the groundwork for

  15. GIANT API: an application programming interface for functional genomics. (United States)

    Roberts, Andrew M; Wong, Aaron K; Fisk, Ian; Troyanskaya, Olga G


    GIANT API provides biomedical researchers programmatic access to tissue-specific and global networks in humans and model organisms, and associated tools, which includes functional re-prioritization of existing genome-wide association study (GWAS) data. Using tissue-specific interaction networks, researchers are able to predict relationships between genes specific to a tissue or cell lineage, identify the changing roles of genes across tissues and uncover disease-gene associations. Additionally, GIANT API enables computational tools like NetWAS, which leverages tissue-specific networks for re-prioritization of GWAS results. The web services covered by the API include 144 tissue-specific functional gene networks in human, global functional networks for human and six common model organisms and the NetWAS method. GIANT API conforms to the REST architecture, which makes it stateless, cacheable and highly scalable. It can be used by a diverse range of clients including web browsers, command terminals, programming languages and standalone apps for data analysis and visualization. The API is freely available for use at © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  16. Building API manufacturing in South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Loots, Glaudina


    Full Text Available projects) Challenges • Lack of relevant skills – process chemistry, process engineering (cGMP standards), project engineering, project management, process operations, maintenance and process quality control and assurance. – platform for skills... development - to enable a sustained pipeline of multidisciplinary skills for the envisaged API industry expansion. – entrepreneurial thinking – attract young talent in establishing niche businesses within the API manufacturing sector. • Small local...

  17. The API petroassist network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boortz, M.J.; Jardim, G.M.; Horn, S.A.; Disbennett, D.B.


    Past spill responses, such as those in the Exxon Valdez and American Trader incidents, demonstrated the value of companies volunteering their in-house experts and local knowledge to help other companies in spill response. The American Petroleum Institute (API) formed the PetroAssist Network to provide a means for oil companies to readily gain access to the expertise and communications equipment of other oil companies when needed for spill responses. An API work group developed the PetroAssist Network legal agreement and management and activation procedures. To minimize red tape and reduce the burden on members, existing systems were used whenever possible. The network became operational on January 1, 1992, with more than 40 members

  18. Comportamiento del acero de baja aleación SA-508 y del acero al carbono A-410b en las condiciones de operación y parada del circuito primario de los reactores de agua ligera tipo PWR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García-Redondo, María del Sol


    Full Text Available The corrosion rate of low alloy steel SA-508 and carbon steel A-410b in simulated operation and shutdown conditions of pressurized water reactor has been determined. Moreover potentiodynamic polarization curves and galvanic effect through coupling of AISI-304 have been carried out under shutdown simulated condition.

    En este trabajo se ha determinado la cinética de corrosión del acero de baja aleación SA-508 y del acero al carbono A-410b en condiciones que simulan la operación y la parada de los reactores de agua ligera a presión. También se han realizado curvas de polarización potenciodinámica y se ha estudiado el acoplamiento galvánico con AISI-304 en condiciones de parada de los reactores de agua ligera a presión.

  19. Frecuencia de comidas fuera de casa y calidad de hidratos de carbono y de grasas en el proyecto SUN


    Villacis, C. (Cecilia); Zazpe, I. (Itziar); Santiago, S. (Susana); Fuente-Arrillaga, C. (Carmen) de la; Bes-Rastrollo, M. (Maira); Martinez-Gonzalez, M.A. (Miguel Ángel)


    Objetivo: Investigar la asociación entre la frecuencia de comidas fuera de casa (CFC) con a) la calidad de hidratos de carbono y b) la calidad de grasas. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluaron 19.371 participantes de la cohorte SUN que completaron un cuestionario basal de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos previamente validado. Se utilizaron los índices de calidad de hidratos de carbono (ICHC) en una escala de 4 a 20 y de grasas (ICG) en una escala de 0,62 a 5,92. En ambos...

  20. The Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC genome database using Ruby. (United States)

    Mishima, Hiroyuki; Aerts, Jan; Katayama, Toshiaki; Bonnal, Raoul J P; Yoshiura, Koh-ichiro


    The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome database is among the most used sources of genomic annotation in human and other organisms. The database offers an excellent web-based graphical user interface (the UCSC genome browser) and several means for programmatic queries. A simple application programming interface (API) in a scripting language aimed at the biologist was however not yet available. Here, we present the Ruby UCSC API, a library to access the UCSC genome database using Ruby. The API is designed as a BioRuby plug-in and built on the ActiveRecord 3 framework for the object-relational mapping, making writing SQL statements unnecessary. The current version of the API supports databases of all organisms in the UCSC genome database including human, mammals, vertebrates, deuterostomes, insects, nematodes, and yeast.The API uses the bin index-if available-when querying for genomic intervals. The API also supports genomic sequence queries using locally downloaded *.2bit files that are not stored in the official MySQL database. The API is implemented in pure Ruby and is therefore available in different environments and with different Ruby interpreters (including JRuby). Assisted by the straightforward object-oriented design of Ruby and ActiveRecord, the Ruby UCSC API will facilitate biologists to query the UCSC genome database programmatically. The API is available through the RubyGem system. Source code and documentation are available at under the Ruby license. Feedback and help is provided via the website at

  1. The Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC genome database using Ruby (United States)


    Background The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome database is among the most used sources of genomic annotation in human and other organisms. The database offers an excellent web-based graphical user interface (the UCSC genome browser) and several means for programmatic queries. A simple application programming interface (API) in a scripting language aimed at the biologist was however not yet available. Here, we present the Ruby UCSC API, a library to access the UCSC genome database using Ruby. Results The API is designed as a BioRuby plug-in and built on the ActiveRecord 3 framework for the object-relational mapping, making writing SQL statements unnecessary. The current version of the API supports databases of all organisms in the UCSC genome database including human, mammals, vertebrates, deuterostomes, insects, nematodes, and yeast. The API uses the bin index—if available—when querying for genomic intervals. The API also supports genomic sequence queries using locally downloaded *.2bit files that are not stored in the official MySQL database. The API is implemented in pure Ruby and is therefore available in different environments and with different Ruby interpreters (including JRuby). Conclusions Assisted by the straightforward object-oriented design of Ruby and ActiveRecord, the Ruby UCSC API will facilitate biologists to query the UCSC genome database programmatically. The API is available through the RubyGem system. Source code and documentation are available at under the Ruby license. Feedback and help is provided via the website at PMID:22994508

  2. The Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC genome database using Ruby

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mishima Hiroyuki


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC genome database is among the most used sources of genomic annotation in human and other organisms. The database offers an excellent web-based graphical user interface (the UCSC genome browser and several means for programmatic queries. A simple application programming interface (API in a scripting language aimed at the biologist was however not yet available. Here, we present the Ruby UCSC API, a library to access the UCSC genome database using Ruby. Results The API is designed as a BioRuby plug-in and built on the ActiveRecord 3 framework for the object-relational mapping, making writing SQL statements unnecessary. The current version of the API supports databases of all organisms in the UCSC genome database including human, mammals, vertebrates, deuterostomes, insects, nematodes, and yeast. The API uses the bin index—if available—when querying for genomic intervals. The API also supports genomic sequence queries using locally downloaded *.2bit files that are not stored in the official MySQL database. The API is implemented in pure Ruby and is therefore available in different environments and with different Ruby interpreters (including JRuby. Conclusions Assisted by the straightforward object-oriented design of Ruby and ActiveRecord, the Ruby UCSC API will facilitate biologists to query the UCSC genome database programmatically. The API is available through the RubyGem system. Source code and documentation are available at under the Ruby license. Feedback and help is provided via the website at

  3. GIBS API for Developers (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — API using Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) designed to deliver global, full-resolution satellite imagery to users in a highly responsive manner, enabling...

  4. Windows API funkcijų sekų perėmimo bibliotekų tyrimas Windows API Hooking Libraries Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lukas Radvilavičius


    Full Text Available

    Nagrinėjamos bibliotekos, skirtos Windows API funkcijų sekų perėmimui. Sekų perėmimas gali būti panaudojamas įvairiose srityse: siekiant išsiaiškinti operacinės sistemos veikimo principus, norint atlikti programos derinimą arba pridėti papildomą funkcionalumą prie jau esamo. Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos Windows API ir pateikiamos trečiųjų šalių priemonės funkcijų sekoms  perimti. Aptariamos jų teikiamos galimybės, panaudojimo specifika. Taip pat atlikti testai, siekiant išsiaiškinti, kuri biblioteka su užduotimis susitvarko greičiausiai. Tyrimui pasirinkti du nemokami gaminiai: Microsoft Detours ir EasyHook bibliotekos.

    Straipsnis lietuvių kalba

    The paper describes methods how to apply Windows API hooking with third party libraries and solutions. In this research were used Windows API function SetWindowsHookEx, Detours and EasyHook libraries. Libraries methods, features and advantages were discussed in this paper. The practical part contains libraries tests. In analysis we tested target program start with hooking library and injected function call.

    Article in Lithuanian

  5. Valoración económica del almacenamiento de agua y carbono en la comunidad campesina Villa de Junín

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Vila Balbin


    Full Text Available El objetivo ha sido estimar el valor económico que generan los bofedales en el almacenamiento de agua y carbono en la comunidad campesina Villa de Junín en el departamento de Junín, Perú. El proceso de recolección de datos a estado enfocado en datos meteorológicos (temperatura y precipitación, datos de la actividad económica predominante (ganadería, recolección de muestras de suelo para hallar el contenido de carbono y capacidad volumétrica; posteriormente se hizo la comparación del beneficio percibido por la actividad ganadera y el beneficio que se podría obtener por los servicios que brinda un bofedal (almacenamiento de agua y carbono. Entre los resultados respecto a la precipitación anual se ha determinado 22 367 664 m3/año, del cual un 42,56 % (9 294 933,67 m3/ año regresa a la atmósfera a través del proceso de la evapotranspiración, quedando una oferta hídrica disponible de 13 072 730,33 m3/año, que representa un 57,44 % de la oferta hídrica total; la productividad hídrica es de 0,01 S/./m3. El costo de oportunidad que tiene la ganadería es de 200,38 S/./ha /año; el valor económico de agua y carbono es de S/. 48 974 181,79 y S/. 44 305 010,31 respectivamente. Se concluye que el almacenamiento de agua y carbono brindan mayores ingresos económicos a la población que la actividad ganadera.

  6. Estoque e frações de carbono orgânico e fertilidade de solo sob floresta, agricultura e pecuária

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    Marihus Altoé Baldotto


    Full Text Available O entendimento dos fenômenos de trocas de carbono entre solo, água e atmosfera é fundamental para o manejo e a conservação de ecossistemas naturais e agrários. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar os estoques de carbono orgânico, as suas frações e a fertilidade do solo sob os manejos florestal (mata remanescente, integrando agricultura e florestas (eucalipto e cutieira e em monoculturas agrícola (sob pivô central e pastoril (braquiária, na Bacia do Rio Paraopeba, em Florestal-MG, visando a propor indicadores para a avaliação de manejo e conservação do solo. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em remanescente de mata nativa (Mata, em área agrícola cultivada sob irrigação de pivô central (Pivô e em áreas de cultivo de Corymbia citriodora (Corymbia citriodora (Hook. K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson (Eucalipto, Joannesia princeps Vell. (Cutieira e Brachiaria decumbens Stapf (Pasto, nas profundidades de 0 a 20 e 20 a 40 cm. Os resultados indicaram que as estimativas dos estoques e de estabilidade do carbono orgânico aumentaram com a fertilidade do solo. Os sistemas florestais, principalmente a Mata, acompanhada pelos sistemas de manejo do solo integrando florestas à pastagem, em comparação com o cultivo contínuo ou a monocultura de pastagem, apresentaram estoques de carbono maiores, mais estáveis e menos solúveis, com formas mais aromáticas e hidrofóbicas (maior relação AH/AF, indicando menor potencial de lixiviação de carbono para o sistema aquático adjacente.

  7. Coming 5th Edition of the API Standard 618: major changes compared to the API 618, 4th edition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pyle, A.; Eijk, A.; Elferink, H.


    This paper will present the highlights of changes that will be found in the 5th Edition of API 618, which is expected to be published in late 2003 or early 2004. Approximately every 5 years the API Standards are revised in such a way that the latest field experiences and proven designs are included

  8. Óxidos de hierro libres asociados a carbono orgánico en agregados de suelos del partido de Balcarce Free iron oxides associated to organic carbon in soils aggregates in Balcarce county

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabián Néstor Cabria


    Full Text Available Cuando la materia orgánica es el agente estabilizador principal y la estructura de los agregados es jerárquica, el mecanismo de formación de los agregados conduce a recluir el carbono orgánico en macroagregados estables. Este concepto surge de investigaciones que estudiaron el modo en que la labranza altera la formación y degradación de agregados y, consecuentemente, la dinámica natural de la materia orgánica particulada y asociaciones órgano-minerales. No contando con información local que corrobore cual es el contenido de carbono orgánico asociado a minerales dentro de los agregados y, además, entendiendo que una mejor información sobre la naturaleza y dinámica de las asociaciones órgano-minerales redundará en el entendimiento de la dinámica de la estructura y del secuestro y ciclo del carbono en los suelos, en este trabajo se extrajeron químicamente óxidos de hierro asociados al carbono orgánico en distintos tamaños de agregados en tres series de suelos bajo agricultura continua con labranza convencional (ACLC y paturras cultivadas (PC. Los resultados conducen a entender que la ferrihidrita, óxido de hierro paracristalino, sería un constituyente de las asociaciones órgano-minerales. La cantidad de este mineral disminuiría bajo ACLC, pero la magnitud de este resultado no fue similar en las tres series de suelo. En los dos sistemas de manejo el hierro removido desde los óxidos de hierro asociados al carbono orgánico fue más abundante en los macroagregados que en los microagregados. Bajo ACLC el hierro disminuyó en los macroagregados y aumento en los microagregados. Nosotros sugerimos que en los suelos disturbados el secuestro de carbono orgánico asociado a minerales, ferrihidrita, entre otros, ocurriría dentro de los microagregados que finalmente son recluidos en macroagregados estables.When organic matter is the principal stabilizing agent and soil aggregates structure is hierarchical, the mechanism of formation

  9. Solubilização de fostatos por microrganismos na presença de fontes de carbono

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. N. Silva Filho


    Full Text Available O potencial de solubilização de fosfatos por bactérias e fungos cultivados em meio de cultura GEL (Glicose-Extrato de Levedura, suplementado com diferentes formas de fosfatos (cálcio, alumínio e ferro e fontes de carbono (celulose, amido, sacarose, glicose, frutose e xilose, foi avaliado em laboratório. O crescimento, o diâmetro da área solubilizada e a relação halo/colônia variaram conforme o tipo de microrganismo e a fonte de fósforo e de carbono. Dos 57 isolados utilizados, 56 formaram halo na presença de fosfato de cálcio e cinco apenas na presença de fosfato de alumínio e nenhum foi capaz de solubilizar fosfato de ferro. Contudo, seis isolados cresceram melhor no meio com fosfato de ferro em comparação com o meio testemunha. As maiores colônias e halos foram observados nos isolados de Rhizopus e Aspergillus, enquanto as maiores relações halo/colônia foram encontradas em Paecilomyces e Penicillium. Todos os isolados cresceram no meio GEL base (testemunha sem açúcar, mas a solubilização ocorreu apenas na presença de carbono adicionado ao meio, destacando-se xilose, glicose, frutose e sacarose.

  10. A Web API ecosystem through feature-based reuse

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verborgh, Ruben; Dumontier, Michel


    The current Web API landscape does not scale well: every API requires its own hardcoded clients in an unusually short-lived, tightly coupled relationship of highly subjective quality. This directly leads to inflated development costs, and prevents the design of a more intelligent generation of

  11. Practical Implementation of 10 Rules for Writing REST APIs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiri Hradil


    Full Text Available This paper shows a practical implementation of “10 Rules for Writing REST APIs introduced in the article” (Hradil, 2016. The application is done in Invoice Home (Wikilane, 2016, an invoicing web application for small business and entrepreneurs available world-wide. The API is implemented in JSON hypermedia format (ECMA International, 2016 and with Ruby on Rails framework (Hansson, 2016. The main purpose of the API is to allow connection of Invoice Home with external systems and offer Invoice Home data in simpler format compared to the current HTML format of the full-stack web application. The paper could be also used as a basic template or pattern for any other implementation of the JSON API in any web-based application.

  12. Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node

    CERN Document Server

    Amundsen, Mike


    With this concise book, you'll learn the art of building hypermedia APIs that don't simply run on the Web, but that actually exist in the Web. You'll start with the general principles and technologies behind this architectural approach, and then dive hands-on into three fully-functional API examples. Too many APIs rely on concepts rooted in desktop and local area network patterns that don't scale well-costly solutions that are difficult to maintain over time. This book shows system architects and web developers how to design and implement human- and machine-readable web services that remain

  13. The geospatial data quality REST API for primary biodiversity data. (United States)

    Otegui, Javier; Guralnick, Robert P


    We present a REST web service to assess the geospatial quality of primary biodiversity data. It enables access to basic and advanced functions to detect completeness and consistency issues as well as general errors in the provided record or set of records. The API uses JSON for data interchange and efficient parallelization techniques for fast assessments of large datasets. The Geospatial Data Quality API is part of the VertNet set of APIs. It can be accessed at and is already implemented in the VertNet data portal for quality reporting. Source code is freely available under GPL license from or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  14. First Identification of Nosema Ceranae (Microsporidia Infecting Apis Mellifera in Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Porrini Leonardo P.


    Full Text Available Nosema ceranae is a pathogen of Apis mellifera, which seems to have jumped from its original host Asiatic honey bee Apis ceranae. Nosemosis which affects the honey bee Apis mellifera is caused by two parasitic fungi described as etiologic agents of the disease. Nosema apis was the only microsporidian infection identified in A. mellifera until N. ceranae in Taiwan and Europe. Nosema spp. positive samples of adult worker bees from the Venezuelean state of Lara were determined through light microscopy of spores. Samples were then tested to determine Nosema species (N.apis/N.ceranae using previously reported PCR primers for the 16S rRNA gene. A multiplex PCR assay was used to differentiate both N. apis and N. ceranae species. Only N. ceranae was found in the analyzed samples and the percentage of infected foragers fluctuated between 18% and 60%.

  15. NSLS-II High Level Application Infrastructure And Client API Design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen, G.; Yang, L.; Shroff, K.


    The beam commissioning software framework of NSLS-II project adopts a client/server based architecture to replace the more traditional monolithic high level application approach. It is an open structure platform, and we try to provide a narrow API set for client application. With this narrow API, existing applications developed in different language under different architecture could be ported to our platform with small modification. This paper describes system infrastructure design, client API and system integration, and latest progress. As a new 3rd generation synchrotron light source with ultra low emittance, there are new requirements and challenges to control and manipulate the beam. A use case study and a theoretical analysis have been performed to clarify requirements and challenges to the high level applications (HLA) software environment. To satisfy those requirements and challenges, adequate system architecture of the software framework is critical for beam commissioning, study and operation. The existing traditional approaches are self-consistent, and monolithic. Some of them have adopted a concept of middle layer to separate low level hardware processing from numerical algorithm computing, physics modelling, data manipulating, plotting, and error handling. However, none of the existing approaches can satisfy the requirement. A new design has been proposed by introducing service oriented architecture technology. The HLA is combination of tools for accelerator physicists and operators, which is same as traditional approach. In NSLS-II, they include monitoring applications and control routines. Scripting environment is very important for the later part of HLA and both parts are designed based on a common set of APIs. Physicists and operators are users of these APIs, while control system engineers and a few accelerator physicists are the developers of these APIs. With our Client/Server mode based approach, we leave how to retrieve information to the

  16. Application of digital image processing to determine the causes of failures in SAE 1018 carbon steel; Aplicacion del procesamiento digital de imagenes para la determinacion de las causas que provocan fallas en el acero al carbono SAE 1018

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bolanos-Rodriguez, E [Escuela Superior de Tizayuca, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Tizayuca, Hidalgo (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Gonzalez-Islas, J.C. [Universidad Tecnologica de Tulancingo, Tulancingo, Hidalgo (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Felipe-Riveron, E.M. [Centro de Investigacion en Computacion, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    The research is focused on determining the causes of failures in the SAE 1018 carbon steel that is used in pipes carrying drinking water. Digital processing of images captured by photomicrographs by scanning electron microscopy coupled with the technique of X-ray microanalysis. The results demonstrate that the low quality of the raw materials and the manufacturing process of steel are the reasons for the occurrence of cracks observed in the material. [Spanish] La investigacion se centra en determinar las causas que provocan fallas en el acero al carbono SAE 1018 que es utilizado en tuberias que transportan agua potable. Se emplea el procesamiento digital de imagenes de las microfotografias captadas por medio de microscopia electronica de barrido, unido a la tecnica de microanalisis de rayos X. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la baja calidad de las materias primas y el proceso de manufactura del acero son las razones de la ocurrencia de fisuras observadas en el material.

  17. API and ISO standards can be combined

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weightman, R.T.; Warnack, M.F.


    This paper reports that oil field equipment and product manufacturers can maintain a competitive advantage and minimize costs by integrating American Petroleum Institute (API) licensing programs with International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001 standards under one quality system. A combined quality system approach can position a company for quality system certification under ISO 9001 while maintaining API specifications. Furthermore, only one quality system manual is needed for API licensing and ISO certification, avoiding duplication of effort. The benefits of a documented quality program include the flowing: Job descriptions and personnel qualification requirements are documented; The improved documentation allows direct tracing of specific production activities; Laboratory test methods and calibration of test equipment follow accepted standards for more reliable and reproducible test data; Quality control becomes proactive, not reactive, through internal process controls previously not implemented; Employee attitudes improve through appreciation for the overall goals of the company; Ambiguous quality issues, such as documenting special customer requirements, are easily resolved; and The company image improves with customers, particularly for those that require API Specification Q1 or ISO 9001 compliance or those having their own quality performance standards

  18. Fraccionamiento químico del carbono en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento de Magdalena, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Rafael Vásquez Polo


    Full Text Available El cambio en el uso y manejo de los suelos puede afectar su capacidad para capturar carbono, cuya magnitud es desconocida en la región norte del departamento de Magdalena, Colombia. En este sentido es importante avanzar en estudios de caracterización cualitativa de la materia orgánica del suelo y el efecto que sobre ella han tenido los cambios de uso y el manejo de suelos dedicados al monocultivo. Por tal motivo se estudió la relación de los diferentes usos del suelo sobre los contenidos y formas de carbono (C en seis zonas edafoclimáticas al norte de dicho departamento, ubicado entre 5 y 956 m de altitud, con temperaturas medias entre 24 y 30 °C y precipitaciones medias entre 663 y 2000 mm. En cada zona se muestrearon dos sitios, cultivos tropicales y bosques (húmedos y secos tropicales, tomando cuatro muestras compuestas por diez submuestras aleatorias por sitio, en las que se determinó C total (Ct, C oxidable total (Cox, C hidrolizable con HCl 6N (Ch, C ligado al material húmico (Cp mediante extracción con pirofosfato sódico y C no oxidable (Cnox o C recalcitrante calculado como la diferencia Ct-Cox. El C total almacenado (Cta por unidad de superficie se calculó teniendo en cuenta la densidad aparente (Da y la profundidad de muestreo. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas por el efecto de las zonas, los valores mayores en porcentaje de Nt (0.32, Ct (3.90, Cox (3.85, Ch (2.05 y Cp (1.15 y Cta (109 Mg ha-1 se presentaron en los suelos de bosque húmedo de la zona 1, siendo la de mayor altitud (956 m, precipitación (2000 mm y menor temperatura (24 °C. Para el factor usos del suelo solo presentaron diferencias significativas las propiedades: Nt, Ct, Cox y Ch. Los valores de las formas de C más estables para los suelos de bosques, superaron los de los suelos de cultivo, en este contexto, Cox y Cnox representaron 95% y 5% del Ct, respectivamente Se observó en promedio una pérdida de 26% del Ct en suelos de

  19. The Web as an API.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roman, J. H. (Jorge H.)


    As programmers we have worked with many Application Development Interface API development kits. They are well suited for interaction with a particular system. A vast source of information can be made accessible by using the http protocol through the web as an API. This setup has many advantages including the vast knowledge available on setting web servers and services. Also, these tools are available on most hardware and operating system combinations. In this paper I will cover the various types of systems that can be developed this way, their advantages and some drawbacks of this approach. Index Terms--Application Programmer Interface, Distributed applications, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Web.

  20. Cross-linking BioThings APIs through JSON-LD to facilitate knowledge exploration. (United States)

    Xin, Jiwen; Afrasiabi, Cyrus; Lelong, Sebastien; Adesara, Julee; Tsueng, Ginger; Su, Andrew I; Wu, Chunlei


    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are now widely used to distribute biological data. And many popular biological APIs developed by many different research teams have adopted Javascript Object Notation (JSON) as their primary data format. While usage of a common data format offers significant advantages, that alone is not sufficient for rich integrative queries across APIs. Here, we have implemented JSON for Linking Data (JSON-LD) technology on the BioThings APIs that we have developed, , and . JSON-LD provides a standard way to add semantic context to the existing JSON data structure, for the purpose of enhancing the interoperability between APIs. We demonstrated several use cases that were facilitated by semantic annotations using JSON-LD, including simpler and more precise query capabilities as well as API cross-linking. We believe that this pattern offers a generalizable solution for interoperability of APIs in the life sciences.

  1. Nanotubos de carbono no desenvolvimento de sensores eletroquímicos


    Fernando Cruz de Moraes


    Os nanotubos de carbono (CNTs) têm despertado um grande interesse na área de eletroanálise, pois estes materiais possuem importantes características, como a alta velocidade na transferência de carga, alta área superficial e a presença de grupos funcionais que fazem com que os sensores baseados em CNTs sejam atrativos para serem modificados com diversos tipos de espécies. As ftalocianinas metálicas (MPc) são conhecidas como excelentes mediadores redox e podem ser eletrostaticamente adsorvidas ...

  2. Propriedades eletrônicas e estruturais de nanotubos de carbono


    Mario Sergio de Carvalho Mazzoni


    Nesta tese, empregamos cálculos de primeiros princípios para investigar duas questões relacionadas com propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas de nanotubos de carbono. Na primeira delas, estudamos a influência de deformações mecânicas nas pripriedades eletrônicas dos nanotubos. Especificamente, procuramos responder à pergunta "de que maneira a estrutura eletrônica de um nanotubo é alterada quando ele é dobrado?" Mostramos que a região mais tensionada do tubo deformado comporta-se como um ponto...

  3. Privacy Issues of the W3C Geolocation API


    Doty, Nick; Mulligan, Deirdre K.; Wilde, Erik


    The W3C's Geolocation API may rapidly standardize the transmission of location information on the Web, but, in dealing with such sensitive information, it also raises serious privacy concerns. We analyze the manner and extent to which the current W3C Geolocation API provides mechanisms to support privacy. We propose a privacy framework for the consideration of location information and use it to evaluate the W3C Geolocation API, both the specification and its use in the wild, and recommend s...

  4. Desenvolvimento de eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificada com 2-aminotiazol sílica gel para a determinação de metais em etanol combustível


    Takeuchi, Regina Massako [UNESP


    Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos métodos eletroanalíticos para a determinação de íons metálicos em etanol combustível, empregando-se eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificada com uma sílica organofuncionalizada com grupos 2-aminotiazol (CPE-SiAt). Foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre dois aglutinantes: Nujol® e parafina; sendo observado que este último foi mais apropriado para aplicações em amostras comerciais de etanol combustível. Além da utilização dos CPE-SiAt, empregou-se também um...

  5. a five year review of api20e bacteria identification system's

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The API20E system (API; bioMérieux, France) is a plastic strip with microtubes containing dehydrated substrates, originally designed for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae so that identification of fermenters with the system would be straightforward. The API20E system was extended to include non- fermenters by the ...

  6. Influence of humidity on the phase behavior of API/polymer formulations. (United States)

    Prudic, Anke; Ji, Yuanhui; Luebbert, Christian; Sadowski, Gabriele


    Amorphous formulations of APIs in polymers tend to absorb water from the atmosphere. This absorption of water can induce API recrystallization, leading to reduced long-term stability during storage. In this work, the phase behavior of different formulations was investigated as a function of relative humidity. Indomethacin and naproxen were chosen as model APIs and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) (PVPVA64) as excipients. The formulations were prepared by spray drying. The water sorption in pure polymers and in formulations was measured at 25°C and at different values of relative humidity (RH=25%, 50% and 75%). Most water was absorbed in PVP-containing systems, and water sorption was decreasing with increasing API content. These trends could also be predicted in good agreement with the experimental data using the thermodynamic model PC-SAFT. Furthermore, the effect of absorbed water on API solubility in the polymer and on the glass-transition temperature of the formulations was predicted with PC-SAFT and the Gordon-Taylor equation, respectively. The absorbed water was found to significantly decrease the API solubility in the polymer as well as the glass-transition temperature of the formulation. Based on a quantitative modeling of the API/polymer phase diagrams as a function of relative humidity, appropriate API/polymer compositions can now be selected to ensure long-term stable amorphous formulations at given storage conditions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Identification of Staphylococcus species with the API STAPH-IDENT system. (United States)

    Kloos, W E; Wolfshohl, J F


    The API STAPH-IDENT system was compared with conventional methods for the identification of 14 Staphylococcus species. Conventional methods included the Kloos and Schleifer simplified scheme and DNA-DNA hybridization. The API STAPH-IDENT strip utilizes a battery of 10 miniaturized biochemical tests, including alkaline phosphatase, urease, beta-glucosidase, beta-glucuronidase, and beta-galactosidase activity, aerobic acid formation from D-(+)-mannose, D-mannitol, D-(+)-trehalose, and salicin, and utilization of arginine. Reactions of cultures were determined after 5 h of incubation at 35 degrees C. Results indicated a high degree of congruence (greater than 90%) between the expedient API system and conventional methods for most species. The addition of a test for novobiocin susceptibility to the API system increased the accuracy of identification of S. saprophyticus, S. cohnii, and S. hominis, significantly. Several strains of S. hominis, S. haemolyticus, and S. warneri which were difficult to separate with the Kloos and Schleifer simplified scheme were accurately resolved by the API system. PMID:6752190



    Zapata, Paula; Rojas, Diego; Fernández, Carlos; Ramírez, David; Restrepo, Gloria; Orjuela, Viviana; Arroyave, Marcela; Gómez, Tatiana; Atehortüa, Lucía


    Grifóla frondosa es un hongo Basidiomycete comestible y medicinal que produce polisacáridos tipo glucanos (β-1,6 y β-1,3) con actividad antitumoral e inmunomoduladora. Para el presente trabajo, el objetivo fue evaluar la incidencia de diferentes fuentes de carbono (FC) en la producción de biomasa y exopolisacári-dos (EPS), bajo condiciones de cultivo sumergido, utilizando un diseño estadístico factorial con dos factores: fuente de carbono (FC(1-7)) y medio (MB y MS). La máxima produ...

  9. Asociación entre la frecuencia de comer fuera de casa y la calidad de hidratos de carbono y de grasas


    Villacís Dueñas, Cecilia Carolina


    El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar la asociación entre la frecuencia de comidas fuera de casa (CFC) con a) calidad de hidratos de carbono y b) la calidad de grasas. Se evaluaron 19.371 participantes de la cohorte SUN que completaron un cuestionario basar de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos previamente validado. Se utilizaron los índices de calidad de hidratos de carbono (ICHC)en una escala de 4 a 20 y de regresión lineal múltiple para determinar la asociación entre la frecuenci...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Awalul Fatiqin


    Full Text Available Actinomycetes are soil organisms that have traits that are common to bacteria and fungi but also have quite different characteristics that limit into one group which is distinctly different. Study aimed to explore the mangrove actinomycetes from soil and tested the antibacterial potency. Soil samples taken from the mangrove land at Tanjung Api-api mangrove species Sonneratia caseolaris. Activity test antibacterial using a method modified disk a test bacterium Escherichia coli. Identification isolates of actinomycetes by observing the character of macroscopic colonies, microscopic conidia. The results showed that the obtained three different actinomycetes isolates, 1 isolate has the most potential ability to inhibit bacterial growth test with an average value of 1:13 cm in inhibiting the bacteria Escherichia coli.

  11. Estimación de huella de carbono del sistema de producción de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum en Palmira, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán J. Andrade


    Full Text Available El vínculo entre el cambio climático actual y la producción agrícola ha dispuesto que la huella de carbono sea usada como indicador mundial para evaluar la cantidad de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI emitidos por unidad de producto. El sector azucarero en Colombia es privilegiado gracias a los climas de sus regiones, y al contrario de lo que sucede en el resto del mundo con excepciónde Hawái y el norte de Perú, se puede sembrar y cosechar caña durante todos los meses del año, no obstante es un sistema productivo netamente emisor de GEI. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la huella de carbono producida por la caña de azúcar en el municipio de Palmira, Valle del Cauca, a partir de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero durante el proceso de cultivo de caña de azúcar y la molienda. El uso de combustibles fósiles, químicos y fertilizantes orgánicos y los datos de biomasa de caña de azúcar durante el cultivo se obtuvieron a partir de estudios de campo, cuestionarios y entrevistas. Los resultados muestran que la producción de azúcar tiene una huella de carbono que emite aproximadamente 947 ± 1381 kg CO2e/ha/ciclo. Los fertilizantes nitrogenados fueron los que más aportaron a las emisiones de GEI, en un 73% del total, en contraste con el uso de combustibles fósiles y energía, cuya contribución está en 17% y 10%, respectivamente.

  12. A Monte Carlo modeling alternative for the API Gamma Ray Calibration Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galford, J.E.


    The gamma ray pit at the API Calibration Facility, located on the University of Houston campus, defines the API unit for natural gamma ray logs used throughout the petroleum logging industry. Future use of the facility is uncertain. An alternative method is proposed to preserve the gamma ray API unit definition as an industry standard by using Monte Carlo modeling to obtain accurate counting rate-to-API unit conversion factors for gross-counting and spectral gamma ray tool designs. - Highlights: • A Monte Carlo alternative is proposed to replace empirical calibration procedures. • The proposed Monte Carlo alternative preserves the original API unit definition. • MCNP source and materials descriptions are provided for the API gamma ray pit. • Simulated results are presented for several wireline logging tool designs. • The proposed method can be adapted for use with logging-while-drilling tools.

  13. Integration of Environmental Sensors with BIM: case studies using Arduino, Dynamo, and the Revit API

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kensek, K. M.


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the feasibility of connecting environmental sensors such as light, humidity, or CO2 receptors to a building information model (BIM. A base case was created in Rhino; using Grasshopper and Firefly, a simple digital model responded to lighting-levels detected by a photoresistor on an Arduino board. The case study was duplicated using Revit Architecture, a popular BIM software, and Dynamo, a visual programming environment, in an innovative application. Another case study followed a similar procedure by implementing the Revit API directly instead of using Dynamo. Then the process was reversed to demonstrate that not only could data could be sent from sensors to change the 3D model, but changes to parameters of a 3D model could effect a physical model through the use of actuators. It is intended that these virtual/physical prototypes could be used as the basis for testing intelligent façade systems before constructing full size mock-ups.Este estudio investiga la posibilidad de conectar sensores ambientales como de luz, humedad, o dióxido de carbono con un modelo de información de un edificio (siglas BIM en inglés. Un caso base fue creado en Rhino; usando Grasshopper and Firefly, donde un simple modelo digital respondió a niveles de luz detectados por un foto resistor en una tarjeta Arduino. El caso de estudio fue duplicado usando Revit Architecture, una herramienta popular en BIM, y Dynamo, un ambiente de programación gráfica, en una creativa aplicación. Un segundo caso de estudio siguió un procedimiento similar implementando Revit API directamente en vez de usar Dynamo. Entonces el proceso fue revertido para demostrar que no solamente la información podría ser enviada desde sensores para cambiar el modelo tridimensional, pero cambios en los parámetros de un modelo tridimensional podrían afectar un modelo físico mediante el uso de actuadores. Se espera que esos modelos virtuales puedan ser usados como base para

  14. Circumferential welding of API X80 steel pipes; Soldagem circunferencial em tubos de aco da classe API X80

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castello Branco, J.F.; Bott, Ivani de S. [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Ciencia dos Materiais e Metalurgia]. E-mails:;; Fedele, R.A. [Boehler Thyssen Welding, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Souza, Luis Felipe G. de [Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Industrial Mecanica]. E-mail:


    The present work is a part of an extensive program for the development of API 5L Gr.X80 grade steel , produced by the well-known UOE production process, for pipeline fabrication. The current stage of this program involves the characterization and performance evaluation/qualification of girth welds produced by Shield Metal Arc Weld (SMAW) under simulated field conditions, with tubes fixed in the horizontal position. Three types of electrodes were utilized for the basic tasks; the root pass, the hot pass and fill and cap passes. The root pass was carried out with an E-6010 electrode to avoid incomplete joint penetration. The hot pass, applied over the root pass, was performed with an E-9010-G electrode. The fill and cap passes were executed with E-10018-G electrodes. The welded joints produced were evaluated according to the API 1104 specification, which requires: side bend, nick- break and tensile tests. Additionally, non-destructive tests, Charpy-V impact tests and metallographic characterization were undertaken. It was verified that this welding procedure, based on three types of electrodes, could produce welded joints in accordance to the API 1104 specification. These results ensure the applicability of the API 5L Gr. X80 steel developed in this research project for use in pipeline construction. (author)

  15. Variações nos teores de carbono orgânico em função do desmatamento e revegetação natural do solo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sidinei Leandro Klöckner Stürmer


    Full Text Available A flutuação no conteúdo de matéria orgânica do solo é severamente afetada pelo uso e manejo do solo. Em solos física e quimicamente frágeis a destruição da vegetação nativa pode levar a diminuição drástica do estoque de carbono. No entanto, solos jovens que apresentam alta resiliência, quando manejados adequadamente, podem recuperar facilmente os valores originais de carbono. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os teores de carbono orgânico de um Neossolo e um Chernossolo em decorrência de seu uso, em especial após o desmatamento e revegetação natural. Coletaram-se amostras de duas camadas (0-5 e 5-15 cm em dois solos (Neossolo e Chernossolo ocorrentes numa pequena bacia hidrográfica com relevo fortemente ondulado, com quatro condições de uso (mata nativa, lavoura nova, lavoura velha e revegetação com capoeira. Avaliaram-se a distribuição granulométrica, a densidade do solo e os teores de carbono orgânico. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística considerando um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, num esquema trifatorial (tipos de solos, tipos de usos e camadas amostradas. O estoque de carbono do solo diminuiu após o desmatamento para a inastalação de culturas anuais com baixa adição de resíduos e revolvimento intenso do solo. A revegetação natural das áreas degradadas pelo cultivo convencional recuperou rapidamente o estoque de carbono dos solos, mesmo permanecendo as impressões herdadas da erosão (menor teor de argila e da aplicação de fertilizantes e corretivos (menor acidez potencial e maior disponibilidade de fósforo e potássio.

  16. Resisting majesty: Apis cerana, has lower antennal sensitivity and decreased attraction to queen mandibular pheromone than Apis mellifera


    Shihao Dong; Ping Wen; Qi Zhang; Xinyu Li; Ken Tan; James Nieh


    In highly social bees, queen mandibular pheromone (QMP) is vital for colony life. Both Apis cerana (Ac) and Apis mellifera (Am) share an evolutionarily conserved set of QMP compounds: (E)-9-oxodec-2-enoic acid (9-ODA), (E)-9-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid (9-HDA), (E)-10-hydroxy-dec-2-enoic acid (10-HDA), 10-hydroxy-decanoic acid (10-HDAA), and methyl p?hydroxybenzoate (HOB) found at similar levels. However, evidence suggests there may be species-specific sensitivity differences to QMP compounds bec...

  17. Efecto de plantaciones dendroenergéticas en el carbono a nivel de suelo, en dos suelos contrastantes de la región de Biobío, Chile

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    Edwin Esquivel


    Full Text Available La biomasa forestal como fuente de energía proveniente de plantaciones dendroenergéticas, al compararla con combustibles fósiles, presenta la ventaja de producir energía carbono-neutral, dado el secuestro de carbono (C fijado en la biomasa producida y los aportes al suelo. Plantaciones forestales de corta rotación, altas densidades, y localizadas en terrenos marginales pueden representar una excelente oportunidad de producción de biomasa para la producción de energía o combustibles. Sin embargo, los beneficios en el corto plazo del aumento del C a nivel de suelo en sitios marginales han sido cuestionados. Se establecieron plantaciones dendroenergéticas con las especies Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. nitens, E. globulus, y Acacia melanoxylon a densidades de 5.000, 7.500 y 10.000 plantas por hectárea, en dos sitios de producción forestal marginal con suelos contrastantes (arenales y granítico localizados en la Región del Biobío de Chile. Evaluaciones periódicas durante 4 años a 0-20 y 20-40 cm de profundidad, del nivel de C en cada uno de los suelos evaluados, sugiere efectos de la edad (tiempo desde el establecimiento de la plantación (P < 0,001. A pesar de los cambios observados en el tiempo, la escasa diferencia en los niveles observados de C en el suelo mineral para los 48 meses de estudio comparados a los primeros 2 meses post-plantación, sugiere una rápida capacidad de recuperación de los niveles de C del suelo en un corto periodo.

  18. Predominant Api m 10 sensitization as risk factor for treatment failure in honey bee venom immunotherapy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frick, Marcel; Fischer, Jörg; Helbing, Arthur


    BACKGROUND: Component resolution recently identified distinct sensitization profiles in honey bee venom (HBV) allergy, some of which were dominated by specific IgE to Api m 3 and/or Api m 10, which have been reported to be underrepresented in therapeutic HBV preparations. OBJECTIVE: We performed...... responders and nonresponders regarding levels of IgE sensitization to Api m 1, Api m 2, Api m 3, and Api m 5. In contrast, Api m 10 specific IgE was moderately but significantly increased in nonresponders. Predominant Api m 10 sensitization (>50% of specific IgE to HBV) was the best discriminator...... (specificity, 95%; sensitivity, 25%) with an odds ratio of 8.444 (2.127-33.53; P = .0013) for treatment failure. Some but not all therapeutic HBV preparations displayed a lack of Api m 10, whereas Api m 1 and Api m 3 immunoreactivity was comparable to that of crude HBV. In line with this, significant Api m 10...

  19. Investigation into process-induced de-aggregation of cohesive micronised API particles. (United States)

    Hoffmann, Magnus; Wray, Patrick S; Gamble, John F; Tobyn, Mike


    The aim of this study was to assess the impact of unit processes on the de-aggregation of a cohesive micronised API within a pharmaceutical formulation using near-infrared chemical imaging. The impact on the primary API particles was also investigated using an image-based particle characterization system with integrated Raman analysis. The blended material was shown to contain large, API rich domains which were distributed in-homogeneously across the sample, suggesting that the blending process was not aggressive enough to disperse aggregates of micronised drug particles. Cone milling, routinely used to improve the homogeneity of such cohesive formulations, was observed to substantially reduce the number and size of API rich domains; however, several smaller API domains survived the milling process. Conveyance of the cone milled formulation through the Alexanderwerk WP120 powder feed system completely dispersed all remaining aggregates. Importantly, powder feed transmission of the un-milled formulation was observed to produce an equally homogeneous API distribution. The size of the micronised primary drug particles remained unchanged during powder feed transmission. These findings provide further evidence that this powder feed system does induce shear, and is in fact better able to disperse aggregates of a cohesive micronised API within a blend than the blend-mill-blend step. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Macelignan inhibits bee pathogenic fungi Ascophaera apis growth through HOG1 pathway

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    Y.K. Shin


    Full Text Available Ascosphaera apis is a bee pathogen that causes bee larvae infection disease, to which treatment is not yet well investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate antifungal susceptibility in vitro against A. apis and to identify a new antifungal agent for this pathogen through minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC assay and western blot analysis. Macelignan had 1.56 and 3.125 μg/mL MIC against A. apis after 24 and 48 h, respectively, exhibiting the strongest growth inhibition against A. apis among the tested compounds (corosolic acid, dehydrocostus lactone, loganic acid, tracheloside, fangchinoline and emodin-8-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. Furthermore, macelignan showed a narrow-ranged spectrum against various fungal strains without any mammalian cell cytotoxicity. In spite of miconazole having powerful broad-ranged anti-fungal activity including A. apis, it demonstrated strong cytotoxicity. Therefore, even if macelignan alone was effective as an antifungal agent to treat A. apis, combined treatment with miconazole was more useful to overcome toxicity, drug resistance occurrence and cost effectiveness. Finally, HOG1 was revealed as a target molecule of macelignan in the anti-A. apis activity by inhibiting phosphorylation using S. cerevisiae as a model system. Based on our results, macelignan, a food-grade antimicrobial compound, would be an effective antifungal agent against A. apis infection in bees.

  1. IgE recognition of chimeric isoforms of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) venom allergen Api m 10 evaluated by protein array technology. (United States)

    Van Vaerenbergh, Matthias; De Smet, Lina; Rafei-Shamsabadi, David; Blank, Simon; Spillner, Edzard; Ebo, Didier G; Devreese, Bart; Jakob, Thilo; de Graaf, Dirk C


    Api m 10 has recently been established as novel major allergen that is recognized by more than 60% of honeybee venom (HBV) allergic patients. Previous studies suggest Api m 10 protein heterogeneity which may have implications for diagnosis and immunotherapy of HBV allergy. In the present study, RT-PCR revealed the expression of at least nine additional Api m 10 transcript isoforms by the venom glands. Two distinct mechanisms are responsible for the generation of these isoforms: while the previously known variant 2 is produced by an alternative splicing event, novel identified isoforms are intragenic chimeric transcripts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the identification of chimeric transcripts generated by the honeybee. By a retrospective proteomic analysis we found evidence for the presence of several of these isoforms in the venom proteome. Additionally, we analyzed IgE reactivity to different isoforms by protein array technology using sera from HBV allergic patients, which revealed that IgE recognition of Api m 10 is both isoform- and patient-specific. While it was previously demonstrated that the majority of HBV allergic patients display IgE reactivity to variant 2, our study also shows that some patients lacking IgE antibodies for variant 2 display IgE reactivity to two of the novel identified Api m 10 variants, i.e. variants 3 and 4. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Why and How Java Developers Break APIs


    Brito, Aline; Xavier, Laerte; Hora, Andre; Valente, Marco Tulio


    Modern software development depends on APIs to reuse code and increase productivity. As most software systems, these libraries and frameworks also evolve, which may break existing clients. However, the main reasons to introduce breaking changes in APIs are unclear. Therefore, in this paper, we report the results of an almost 4-month long field study with the developers of 400 popular Java libraries and frameworks. We configured an infrastructure to observe all changes in these libraries and t...


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    Silvia Pérez-Ramírez


    Full Text Available A nivel mundial, el suelo almacena dos veces más carbono que la atmósfera y casi el doble de la cantidad almacenada en la vegetación. La capacidad de almacenamiento de carbono de los suelos depende de sus propiedades y usos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el contenido de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS, bajo diferentes condiciones forestales dentro de la Reserva de la Biósfera Mariposa Monarca en México. Para ello se definieron seis grupos de muestreo, basándose en tres condiciones del arbolado (conservado, aprovechado y perturbado y dos tipos de vegetación (oyamel y pino-encino. Para cada grupo se calculó el contenido de carbono en cuatro perfiles de suelo completos (N=24, comenzando en el horizonte A. Los resultados muestran diferencias en el contenido de COS en suelos que se encuentran bajo diferentes tipos de vegetación y condiciones del arbolado. Los rodales de oyamel conservado tienen en promedio 153 MgC·ha-1 de COS, mientras que los aprovechados y perturbados tienen 95 y 125 MgC·ha-1, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran que el promedio de COS en bosques conservados de pino-encino es de 103 MgC·ha-1, mientras que los aprovechados y perturbados tienen 39 y 13 MgC·ha-1, respectivamente. Los bosques conservados almacenan entre 40-80 % del COS en los horizontes A del suelo. El contenido de COS debería ser considerado para determinar el impacto del manejo forestal o de cualquier otra política de conservación.

  4. Pro REST API development with nodejs

    CERN Document Server

    Doglio, Fernando


    Pro REST API Development with Node.js is your guide to managing and understanding the full capabilities of successful REST development. API design is a hot topic in the programming world, but not many resources exist for developers to really understand how you can leverage the advantages. This book will provide a brief background on REST and the tools it provides (well known and not so well known). Understand how there is more to REST than just JSON and URLs. You will then cover and compare the maintained modules currently available in the npm community, including Express, Restify, Vatican,


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    Juliana Milesi Mello


    Full Text Available O bioma Pantanal pode ser considerado um ambiente de hipersazonalidade, onde há um período de inundação pronunciada seguido por extenso período seco com temperaturas muito elevadas. A diversidade de suas fitofisionomias ocasiona aportes de carbono para o solo em quantidade e qualidade distintas. Com esse foco, este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o efeito do ciclo hidrológico do Pantanal (enchente, cheia, vazante e estiagem sobre a dinâmica do estoque carbono orgânico do solo nas fitofisionomias de Cambarazal, de Floresta Ripária, de Cordilheira e de Espinheiral. Verificou-se que as fitofisionomias puderam ser separadas pela análise de componentes principais (ACP em três grupos distintos, caracterizados pela reserva de nutrientes e pela acidez do solo. O estoque de carbono do solo está condicionado por fatores sazonais e igualmente dependentes da fitofisionomia local que ocorreram nas fitofisionomias que apresentaram maior nível de fertilidade natural, ou seja, respectivamente o Cambarazal e o Espinheiral. O maior teor de carbono foi observado no período de enchente, na maioria das fitofisionomias, e o menor estoque de carbono aconteceu no período de vazante (2008, após o período de anaerobiose em razão da enchente e antes que o período seco passasse a ser determinante.

  6. Utilización de los hidratos de carbono en la identificación de mycobacteria de crecimiento rápido

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    Maye Bernal R.


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio para evaluar la prueba de los hidratos de carbono en la identificación de microorganismos del genero Mycobacterium de crecimiento rápido. Se encontró que este tipo de pruebas puede ser fácilmente utilizable estandarizando el procedimiento mediante el cultivo sobre el medio de Tsukamura adicionado del hidrato de carbono correspondiente usando como indicador de pH, el indicador de Andrade, una temperatura de incubación de 37ºC y un inóculo de 0,2 ml de una suspensión de aproximadamente 1 g de masa bacilar por ml.

  7. rApi m 3 and rApi m 10 improve detection of honey bee sensitization in Hymenoptera venom-allergic patients with double sensitization to honey bee and yellow jacket venom. (United States)

    Frick, M; Müller, S; Bantleon, F; Huss-Marp, J; Lidholm, J; Spillner, E; Jakob, T


    Recombinant allergens improve the diagnostic precision in Hymenoptera venom allergy (HVA), in particular in patients with double sensitization to both honey bee (HBV) and yellow jacket venom (YJV). While currently available vespid allergens allow the detection of >95% of YJV-allergic patients, the sensitization frequency to the only available HBV marker allergen rApi m 1 in HBV-allergic patients is lower. Here, we demonstrate that sIgE to additional HBV marker allergens rApi m 3 and rApi m 10 allows the detection of genuine HBV sensitization in 46-65% of Api m 1 negative sera. This is of particular relevance in patients with double sensitization to HBV and YJV that did not identify the culprit insect. Addition of sIgE to rApi m 3 and rApi m 10 provides evidence of HBV sensitization in a large proportion of rApi m 1-negative patients and thus provides a diagnostic marker and rationale for VIT treatment with HBV, which otherwise would have been missing. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Integrated platform and API for electrophysiological data. (United States)

    Sobolev, Andrey; Stoewer, Adrian; Leonhardt, Aljoscha; Rautenberg, Philipp L; Kellner, Christian J; Garbers, Christian; Wachtler, Thomas


    Recent advancements in technology and methodology have led to growing amounts of increasingly complex neuroscience data recorded from various species, modalities, and levels of study. The rapid data growth has made efficient data access and flexible, machine-readable data annotation a crucial requisite for neuroscientists. Clear and consistent annotation and organization of data is not only an important ingredient for reproducibility of results and re-use of data, but also essential for collaborative research and data sharing. In particular, efficient data management and interoperability requires a unified approach that integrates data and metadata and provides a common way of accessing this information. In this paper we describe GNData, a data management platform for neurophysiological data. GNData provides a storage system based on a data representation that is suitable to organize data and metadata from any electrophysiological experiment, with a functionality exposed via a common application programming interface (API). Data representation and API structure are compatible with existing approaches for data and metadata representation in neurophysiology. The API implementation is based on the Representational State Transfer (REST) pattern, which enables data access integration in software applications and facilitates the development of tools that communicate with the service. Client libraries that interact with the API provide direct data access from computing environments like Matlab or Python, enabling integration of data management into the scientist's experimental or analysis routines.

  9. Dispositivo y método para la síntesis de grafeno en polvo a partir de una fuente de carbono


    Rincón, Rocío; Calzada Canalejo, María Dolores; Melero, Cristóbal


    La presente invención se encuadra en el campo de la producción de nanoestructuras de carbono y más especialmente se refiere a un procedimiento de síntesis de grafeno. Los autores de la invención han diseñado el dispositivo y desarrollado un procedimiento para la síntesis de grafeno en polvo a partir de la descomposición de una fuente de carbono por un plasma de microondas a presión atmosférica. El plasma se genera en el extremo de un vástago por el que circ...





    Se estudió el impacto en la producción de café con diferentes estándares de certificación (producción convencional, producción orgánica -NOP y Unión Europea-, UTZ Kapeh, Comercio Justo, Rainforest Alliance y CAFE Practices) sobre la huella de carbono en Costa Rica. Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) se estimaron en nueve fincas y ocho empresas procesadoras del grano. Se estimó la fijación de carbono en biomasa total, en árboles de sombra y cafetos, midiendo las plantas, emplea...

  11. A Monte Carlo modeling alternative for the API Gamma Ray Calibration Facility. (United States)

    Galford, J E


    The gamma ray pit at the API Calibration Facility, located on the University of Houston campus, defines the API unit for natural gamma ray logs used throughout the petroleum logging industry. Future use of the facility is uncertain. An alternative method is proposed to preserve the gamma ray API unit definition as an industry standard by using Monte Carlo modeling to obtain accurate counting rate-to-API unit conversion factors for gross-counting and spectral gamma ray tool designs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Avaliação Financeira do Sequestro de Carbono na Serra de Baturité, Brasil, 2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Milena Plata Fajardo

    Full Text Available RESUMOEste estudo teve como objetivo quantificar a biomassa e o estoque de CO2 e avaliar a viabilidade econômica de geração de créditos de carbono na Área de Proteção Ambiental – APA da Serra de Baturité, Ceará. A quantificação da biomassa foi feita pelo método não destrutivo e foram avaliados financeiramente três mercados de carbono. O mercado regulado: Mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo – MDL; e os mercados voluntários: Verified Carbon Stantard – VCS e o esquema de comércio de Emissões da Nova Zelândia – NZ ETS. Os critérios financeiros utilizados para a avaliação foram o Valor Presente Líquido (VPL e a Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR. Os resultados mostraram que a APA sequestra em média 84,63 MtCO2e. De acordo com os preços e custos do mercado para o ano 2012, os projetos florestais para sequestro de carbono podem gerar valor anual equivalente de R$ 1.336 e TIR de 21% por hectare, se vendido no mercado NZ ETS. No mercado VCS, a venda dos créditos gera VPL de R$ 2.138 e TIR de 18%. Entretanto, se os créditos forem comercializados no MDL, o VPL será de R$ -702,5, concluindo-se que o projeto é viável nos mercados voluntários e inviável no mercado regulado.

  13. grlc Makes GitHub Taste Like Linked Data APIs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meroño-Peñuela, A.; Hoekstra, Rinke; Sack, H; Rizzo, G; Steinmetz, N; Mladenić, D; Auer, S; Lange, C


    Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL endpoints is becoming a common practice to enable universal access to the integration favorable dataspace of Linked Data. However, the Linked Data community cannot expect users to learn SPARQL to query this dataspace, and Web APIs are the most extended way of

  14. grlc Makes GitHub Taste Like Linked Data APIs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meroño-Peñuela, A.; Hoekstra, R.


    Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL endpoints is becoming a common practice to enable universal access to the integration favorable dataspace of Linked Data. However, the Linked Data community cannot expect users to learn SPARQL to query this dataspace, and Web APIs are the most common way of

  15. Experience API: Flexible, Decentralized and Activity-Centric Data Collection (United States)

    Kevan, Jonathan M.; Ryan, Paul R.


    This emerging technology report describes the Experience API (xAPI), a new e-learning specification designed to support the learning community in standardizing and collecting both formal and informal distributed learning activities. Informed by Activity Theory, a framework aligned with constructivism, data is collected in the form of activity…


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    Joiada Moreira da Silva Linhares


    Full Text Available Os sistemas agroflorestais (SAF’s além de gerar renda e alimentos, apresentam potencial para atenuar a liberação de carbono do solo, causada pela mudança no uso da terra na Amazônia. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a variabilidade de atributos físico-químicos do solo e dos estoques de carbono (EC orgânico do solo em SAF’s do assentamento rural Umari, sul do Amazonas. Foram utilizados quatro métodos: i preparação de base cartográfica e processamento digital de imagem, ii construção parcela fixa e monólito de solo, iii análise física e química de solo e iv análise estatística e geoestatística. No SAF19 e SQF15 observou-se os maiores EC (21,02 Mg C. ha-1 e 18.86 Mg C. ha-1 na camada de 0 -10cm de profundidade no período chuvoso e os menores EC (2,58 Mg C. ha-¹ foram registrados na agrícola itinerante. Os SAF’s com maior tempo de adoção promoveram o aumento do EC e a recuperação de atributos químicos do solo do PA-Umari.

  17. Nanotubos de carbono: Estructura porosa y sus implicaciones en el campo de la energía


    Ansón Casaos, Alejandro


    Tesis doctoral Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Orgánica y Química Física e Instituto de Carboquímica (ICB-CSIC), Grupo de Nanoestructuras de Carbono y Nanotecnología.-- Fecha de lectura: 01/04/2005

  18. Teores de Carbono Orgânico de Seis Espécies Naturais do Ecossistema da Floresta Ombrófi la Mista / Organic Carbon Contents in Six Native Species in the Araucaria Forest Ecosystem

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    Karla Simone Weber


    Full Text Available Muitas vezes o estoque de carbono de uma floresta é estimado com a aplicação de equações matemáticas que utilizam os teores de carbono para um determinado grupo de espécies. No entanto, isto só é possível se não houver diferenças significativas entre os teores de carbono destas espécies. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa analisar estatisticamente os teores de carbono de seis espécies nativas da Floresta Ombrófila Mista, na região sul do estado do Paraná. Foram feitas análises de variância entre os teores de carbono das espécies Myrsine ferruginea (Ruiz & Pav. Spreng. (capororoca, Ocotea porosa (Nees L. Barroso (imbuia, Mimosa scabrella Benth. (bracatinga, Styrax leprosus Hook & Arn. (carne-de-vaca, Symplocos unifl ora (Pohl Benth. (mariamole e Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. (erva-mate para verificar se existe variação estatisticamente significativa entre espécies, entre as mesmas partes (casca, fuste, folhagem, galho vivo, galho morto e miscelânea de diferentes espécies e entre diferentes partes da mesma espécie. Os resultados revelam que a folhagem de Styrax leprosus foi à única que se diferenciou das demais, pois possui um baixo teor de carbono. Em todas as outras partes não houve diferenças em função da espécie. A análise entre partes da mesma espécie, revelou que existem padrões diferentes para cada espécie, mas que a porção folhagem sempre concentra os maiores teores de carbono. Desconsiderando a separação em diferentes partes, não houve diferença estatística entre os teores de carbono quando comparados os valores médios de cada espécie.

  19. A RESTful API for accessing microbial community data for MG-RAST.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreas Wilke


    Full Text Available Metagenomic sequencing has produced significant amounts of data in recent years. For example, as of summer 2013, MG-RAST has been used to annotate over 110,000 data sets totaling over 43 Terabases. With metagenomic sequencing finding even wider adoption in the scientific community, the existing web-based analysis tools and infrastructure in MG-RAST provide limited capability for data retrieval and analysis, such as comparative analysis between multiple data sets. Moreover, although the system provides many analysis tools, it is not comprehensive. By opening MG-RAST up via a web services API (application programmers interface we have greatly expanded access to MG-RAST data, as well as provided a mechanism for the use of third-party analysis tools with MG-RAST data. This RESTful API makes all data and data objects created by the MG-RAST pipeline accessible as JSON objects. As part of the DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase project (KBase, we have implemented a web services API for MG-RAST. This API complements the existing MG-RAST web interface and constitutes the basis of KBase's microbial community capabilities. In addition, the API exposes a comprehensive collection of data to programmers. This API, which uses a RESTful (Representational State Transfer implementation, is compatible with most programming environments and should be easy to use for end users and third parties. It provides comprehensive access to sequence data, quality control results, annotations, and many other data types. Where feasible, we have used standards to expose data and metadata. Code examples are provided in a number of languages both to show the versatility of the API and to provide a starting point for users. We present an API that exposes the data in MG-RAST for consumption by our users, greatly enhancing the utility of the MG-RAST service.

  20. The development, validity, and reliability of the Addiction Profile Index (API). (United States)

    Ögel, Kültegin; Evren, Cüneyt; Karadağ, Figen; Gürol, Defne Tamar


    The objective of this study was to develop a practical questionnaire for multidimensional assessment of problems associated with alcohol and substance abuse that would also be useful for treatment planning. The Addiction Profile Index (API) is a self-report questionnaire consisting of 37 items and the following 5 subscales: characteristics of substance use; dependency diagnosis; the effects of subsance use on the user; craving; motivation to quit using substances. The study included 345 alcohol and/or substance abusers from 2 addiction treatment clinics and a prison addiction service. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed using the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), Readiness to Change Questionnaire (SOCRATES), Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS), Drug Craving Scale (DCS), Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I), and Addiction Severity Index (ASI). The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total API was 0.89 and for the subscales it ranged from 0.63 to 0.86. Item-total correlation coefficients ranged from 0.42 to 0.89. The Spearman Brown split-half method coefficient for the total API was 0.83. In all, 4 factors were obtained using explanatory factor analysis that represented 52.3% of the total variance. The API craving subscale was observed to be consistent with PACS and the API motivation subscale was consistent with SOCRATES. The API total score was strongly correlated with the mean MAST score, and the composite ASI medical status, substance use, legal status, and family social relations subscale scores. Based on ROC analyses, the area under curve was 0.90. With a total API cut-off score of 4, the scale's sensitivity and specificity 0.85 was 0.78, respectively. The findings show that the API is a valid and reliable questionnaire that can be used to measure the severity of different dimensions of substance dependency.

  1. A RESTful API for accessing microbial community data for MG-RAST. (United States)

    Wilke, Andreas; Bischof, Jared; Harrison, Travis; Brettin, Tom; D'Souza, Mark; Gerlach, Wolfgang; Matthews, Hunter; Paczian, Tobias; Wilkening, Jared; Glass, Elizabeth M; Desai, Narayan; Meyer, Folker


    Metagenomic sequencing has produced significant amounts of data in recent years. For example, as of summer 2013, MG-RAST has been used to annotate over 110,000 data sets totaling over 43 Terabases. With metagenomic sequencing finding even wider adoption in the scientific community, the existing web-based analysis tools and infrastructure in MG-RAST provide limited capability for data retrieval and analysis, such as comparative analysis between multiple data sets. Moreover, although the system provides many analysis tools, it is not comprehensive. By opening MG-RAST up via a web services API (application programmers interface) we have greatly expanded access to MG-RAST data, as well as provided a mechanism for the use of third-party analysis tools with MG-RAST data. This RESTful API makes all data and data objects created by the MG-RAST pipeline accessible as JSON objects. As part of the DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase project (KBase, we have implemented a web services API for MG-RAST. This API complements the existing MG-RAST web interface and constitutes the basis of KBase's microbial community capabilities. In addition, the API exposes a comprehensive collection of data to programmers. This API, which uses a RESTful (Representational State Transfer) implementation, is compatible with most programming environments and should be easy to use for end users and third parties. It provides comprehensive access to sequence data, quality control results, annotations, and many other data types. Where feasible, we have used standards to expose data and metadata. Code examples are provided in a number of languages both to show the versatility of the API and to provide a starting point for users. We present an API that exposes the data in MG-RAST for consumption by our users, greatly enhancing the utility of the MG-RAST service.

  2. Dinámica del carbono en los ecosistemas de páramo de los Andes neotropicales: revisión de literatura sobre modelos y parámetros relevantes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sevink, J.; Tonneijck, F.H.; Kalbitz, K.; Cammeraat, L.H.; Cuesta, F.; Sevink, J.; Llambí, L.D.; De Bièvre, B.; Posner, J.


    Resumen Los suelos del páramo almacenan cantidades excepcionales de carbono debido a las condiciones edáficas y climáticas sobre las cuales se desarrollan. Este gran reservorio de carbono está amenazado debido a los efectos del cambio climático y las dinámicas de uso de la tierra. No obstante, el

  3. JEnsembl: a version-aware Java API to Ensembl data systems. (United States)

    Paterson, Trevor; Law, Andy


    The Ensembl Project provides release-specific Perl APIs for efficient high-level programmatic access to data stored in various Ensembl database schema. Although Perl scripts are perfectly suited for processing large volumes of text-based data, Perl is not ideal for developing large-scale software applications nor embedding in graphical interfaces. The provision of a novel Java API would facilitate type-safe, modular, object-orientated development of new Bioinformatics tools with which to access, analyse and visualize Ensembl data. The JEnsembl API implementation provides basic data retrieval and manipulation functionality from the Core, Compara and Variation databases for all species in Ensembl and EnsemblGenomes and is a platform for the development of a richer API to Ensembl datasources. The JEnsembl architecture uses a text-based configuration module to provide evolving, versioned mappings from database schema to code objects. A single installation of the JEnsembl API can therefore simultaneously and transparently connect to current and previous database instances (such as those in the public archive) thus facilitating better analysis repeatability and allowing 'through time' comparative analyses to be performed. Project development, released code libraries, Maven repository and documentation are hosted at SourceForge (

  4. Upon a Message-Oriented Trading API

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    Claudiu VINTE


    Full Text Available In this paper, we introduce the premises for a trading system application-programming interface (API based on a message-oriented middleware (MOM, and present the results of our research regarding the design and the implementation of a simulation-trading system employing a service-oriented architecture (SOA and messaging. Our research has been conducted with the aim of creating a simulation-trading platform, within the academic environment, that will provide both the foundation for future experiments with trading systems architectures, components, APIs, and the framework for research on trading strategies, trading algorithm design, and equity markets analysis tools. Mathematics Subject Classification: 68M14 (distributed systems.

  5. grlc Makes GitHub Taste Like Linked Data APIs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Merono Penuela, A.; Hoekstra, R.J.


    Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL endpoints is becoming common practice. It enables universal access to the integration favorable data space of Linked Data. In the majority of use cases, users cannot be expected to learn SPARQL to query this data space. Web APIs are the most common way to enable

  6. Hot-stage microscopy for determination of API particles in a formulated tablet. (United States)

    Simek, Michal; Grünwaldová, Veronika; Kratochvíl, Bohumil


    Although methods exist to readily determine the particle size distribution (PSD) of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) before its formulation into a final product, the primary challenge is to develop a method to determine the PSD of APIs in a finished tablet. To address the limitations of existing PSD methods, we used hot-stage microscopy to observe tablet disintegration during temperature change and, thus, reveal the API particles in a tablet. Both mechanical and liquid disintegration were evaluated after we had identified optimum milling time for mechanical disintegration and optimum volume of water for liquid disintegration. In each case, hot-stage micrographs, taken before and after the API melting point, were compared with image analysis software to obtain the PSDs. Then, the PSDs of the APIs from the disintegrated tablets were compared with the PSDs of raw APIs. Good agreement was obtained, thereby confirming the robustness of our methodology. The availability of such a method equips pharmaceutical scientists with an in vitro assessment method that will more reliably determine the PSD of active substances in finished tablets.

  7. Hot-Stage Microscopy for Determination of API Particles in a Formulated Tablet

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    Michal Šimek


    Full Text Available Although methods exist to readily determine the particle size distribution (PSD of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API before its formulation into a final product, the primary challenge is to develop a method to determine the PSD of APIs in a finished tablet. To address the limitations of existing PSD methods, we used hot-stage microscopy to observe tablet disintegration during temperature change and, thus, reveal the API particles in a tablet. Both mechanical and liquid disintegration were evaluated after we had identified optimum milling time for mechanical disintegration and optimum volume of water for liquid disintegration. In each case, hot-stage micrographs, taken before and after the API melting point, were compared with image analysis software to obtain the PSDs. Then, the PSDs of the APIs from the disintegrated tablets were compared with the PSDs of raw APIs. Good agreement was obtained, thereby confirming the robustness of our methodology. The availability of such a method equips pharmaceutical scientists with an in vitro assessment method that will more reliably determine the PSD of active substances in finished tablets.

  8. Atributos químicos e estoques de carbono em Latossolo sob plantio direto no cerrado do Piauí Chemical attributes and carbon stocks in an Oxisol under no-tillage in savannah of Piauí state

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    Luiz F. C. Leite


    Full Text Available O sistema de plantio direto é uma alternativa viável para o uso sustentável dos solos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência do sistema plantio direto com diferentes tempos de implantação e do plantio convencional sobre os atributos químicos e os estoques de C de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo do cerrado piauiense. Amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm em sistema de plantio convencional (PC e plantio direto (PD com 2 (PD2, 4 (PD4 e 6 (PD6 anos de implantação, além de uma área sob floresta nativa de cerrado (FNC. Foram determinados o pH em água, P extraível (Pext, bases trocáveis, Al, acidez potencial (H+Al, carbono orgânico total (COT e carbono da biomassa microbiana (Cmic. A adoção do sistema plantio direto aumentou o pH, os teores de P e de bases trocáveis do solo, em comparação com o PC. Em relação ao PC, os estoques de COT e Cmic aumentaram 34 e 99% no PD2, 47 e 92% no PD4 e 61 e 108% no PD6, respectivamente, na camada superficial de 0-20 cm. A implantação do sistema plantio direto melhora os atributos químicos e aumenta os estoques de carbono orgânico total e microbiano do solo e seu uso contínuo contribui para a qualidade do solo em áreas do cerrado piauiense.No-tillage adoption has been considered a viable alternative for sustainable soil use. This work aimed to evaluate the influence of no-tillage system with different times of adoption and conventional tillage on chemical attributes and carbon stocks in an Oxisol of the savannah of Piauí in Northeastern Brazil. Soil samples in the 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm layers were collected in conventional tillage (CT no-tillage (NT with 2 (NT2, 4 (NT4 and 6 (NT6 years of adoption and native forest (NF. The following chemical properties were evaluated: pH, extractable P, exchangeable cations, Al, potential acidity (H+Al, total organic carbon (TOC and microbial biomass carbon (Cmic. NT adoption increased p

  9. Carbono orgánico en suelos agrícolas de México: investigación y políticas públicas

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    Helena Cotler


    Full Text Available El análisis de una extensa revisión bibliográfica sobre la investigación en conservación de carbono en suelos de México muestra que prácticas de agricultura de conservación y diversos sistemas de producción tradicionales pueden incrementar de manera considerable el carbono orgánico en suelos, lo que repercute en su resistencia ante el impacto de la lluvia, mejora la tasa de infiltración y la cantidad de agua disponible, incrementa el contenido de la biomasa microbiana, disminuye la erosión y mitiga la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero. La relevancia que adquiere la calidad de los suelos en la seguridad alimentaria y en los impactos ambientales, incluyendo el cambio climático, explica la importancia de su incorporación en las políticas públicas del país. Sin embargo, la revisión de instrumentos de política pública del presente sexenio (2013-2018 expone grandes vacíos y contradicciones que se presentan a través de ejemplos concretos de acciones. El escaso presupuesto destinado a la conservación de suelos (2.12% del presupuesto total de SAGARPA en 2014 aplicado mayormente (más de 80% a infraestructura hidráulica señala por un lado, la ausencia del reconocimiento del suelo como medio para infiltrar y retener agua; y por el otro, la incipiente incorporación de los estudios sobre carbono en suelos en los instrumentos de política pública correspondientes. Se identifican varios aspectos necesarios para mejorar la transversalidad en torno a la conservación de carbono en suelos: (i generar políticas públicas que reconozcan las funciones y los servicios ecosistémicos que proveen los suelos, (ii fortalecer la institucionalidad acerca del tema de suelos, (iii incentivar los programas de conservación de suelos in situ, que incorporen carbono a través de la promoción de agroecosistemas adaptados a las diversas condiciones territoriales.

  10. ChemSpell Web Service API (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The ChemSpell Web Service API provides chemical name spell checking and chemical name synonym look-up. ChemSpell contains more than 1.3 million chemical names...

  11. Safe “cloudification” of large images through picker APIs (United States)

    Bremer, Erich; Kurc, Tahsin; Gao, Yi; Saltz, Joel; Almeida, Jonas S


    The “Box model” allows users with no particular training in informatics, or access to specialized infrastructure, operate generic cloud computing resources through a temporary URI dereferencing mechanism known as “drop-file-picker API” (“picker API” for sort). This application programming interface (API) was popularized in the web app development community by DropBox, and is now a consumer-facing feature of all major cloud computing platforms such as, Google Drive and Amazon S3. This reports describes a prototype web service application that uses picker APIs to expose a new, “cloudified”, API tailored for image analysis, without compromising the private governance of the data exposed. In order to better understand this cross-platform cloud computing landscape, we first measured the time for both transfer and traversing of large image files generated by whole slide imaging (WSI) in Digital Pathology. The verification that there is extensive interconnectivity between cloud resources let to the development of a prototype software application that exposes an image-traversing REST API to image files stored in any of the consumer-facing “boxes”. In summary, an image file can be upload/synchronized into a any cloud resource with a file picker API and the prototype service described here will expose an HTTP REST API that remains within the safety of the user’s own governance. The open source prototype is publicly available at Availability The accompanying prototype application is made publicly available, fully functional, with open source, at An illustrative webcasted use of this Web App is included with the project codebase at PMID:28269829

  12. SjAPI, the first functionally characterized Ascaris-type protease inhibitor from animal venoms.

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    Zongyun Chen

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Serine protease inhibitors act as modulators of serine proteases, playing important roles in protecting animal toxin peptides from degradation. However, all known serine protease inhibitors discovered thus far from animal venom belong to the Kunitz-type subfamily, and whether there are other novel types of protease inhibitors in animal venom remains unclear. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, by screening scorpion venom gland cDNA libraries, we identified the first Ascaris-type animal toxin family, which contains four members: Scorpiops jendeki Ascaris-type protease inhibitor (SjAPI, Scorpiops jendeki Ascaris-type protease inhibitor 2 (SjAPI-2, Chaerilus tricostatus Ascaris-type protease inhibitor (CtAPI, and Buthus martensii Ascaris-type protease inhibitor (BmAPI. The detailed characterization of Ascaris-type peptide SjAPI from the venom gland of scorpion Scorpiops jendeki was carried out. The mature peptide of SjAPI contains 64 residues and possesses a classical Ascaris-type cysteine framework reticulated by five disulfide bridges, different from all known protease inhibitors from venomous animals. Enzyme and inhibitor reaction kinetics experiments showed that recombinant SjAPI was a dual function peptide with α-chymotrypsin- and elastase-inhibiting properties. Recombinant SjAPI inhibited α-chymotrypsin with a Ki of 97.1 nM and elastase with a Ki of 3.7 μM, respectively. Bioinformatics analyses and chimera experiments indicated that SjAPI contained the unique short side chain functional residues "AAV" and might be a useful template to produce new serine protease inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: To our knowledge, SjAPI is the first functionally characterized animal toxin peptide with an Ascaris-type fold. The structural and functional diversity of animal toxins with protease-inhibiting properties suggested that bioactive peptides from animal venom glands might be a new source of protease inhibitors, which will accelerate the

  13. Relación carbono-nitrógeno en suelos de sistemas silvopastoriles del Chaco paraguayo

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    Cynthia Gamarra


    Full Text Available El sistema silvopastoril permite que la producción ganadera sea más sustentable, porque la interacción entre sus componentes aporta beneficios al suelo, a la pastura, al ganado y a los árboles; además de, un aumento en la productividad y la diversificación de la producción. Para conocer las características de dichos sistemas, se llevó a cabo un estudio en propiedades privadas ubicadas en el Chaco Paraguayo, donde se instalaron ocho parcelas permanentes de 1 ha cada una, en las que se midieron todos los individuos de Prosopis spp. (algarrobo, se identificaron y extrajeron muestras de pastura de subparcelas situadas bajo la copa de los árboles y fuera de ella para comparar su biomasa; también se obtuvieron muestras de suelo en las mismas condiciones, a dos profundidades: de 0 a 10 cm y de 10 a 30 cm, con el propósito de comparar el contenido de materia orgánica y la Relación Carbono/Nitrógeno (C/N. El componente arbóreo estaba integrado por Prosopis alba (algarrobo blanco y Prosopis nigra (algarrobo negro asociados a pastura cultivada compuesta en forma mayoritaria por Panicum maximum cv Gatton panic (Gatton panic, Digitaria decumbens (pasto pangola y Cenchrus ciliaris (pasto buffel. La presencia de los algarrobos influyó sobre la biomasa de la pastura, pues sus registros fueron mayores bajo las copas que fuera de estas. La materia orgánica en el suelo no presentó diferencias significativas entre condición de sol y de sombra, pero sí al variar la profundidad; en cambio, la Relación C/N no varió en ninguna de las condiciones.

  14. A quick guide to API 510 certified pressure vessel inspector syllabus example questions and worked answers

    CERN Document Server

    Matthews, Clifford


    The API Individual Certification Programs (ICPs) are well established worldwide in the oil, gas, and petroleum industries. This Quick Guide is unique in providing simple, accessible and well-structured guidance for anyone studying the API 510 Certified Pressure Vessel Inspector syllabus by summarizing and helping them through the syllabus and providing multiple example questions and worked answers.Technical standards are referenced from the API 'body of knowledge' for the examination, i.e. API 510 Pressure vessel inspection, alteration, rerating; API 572 Pressure vessel inspection; API



    Hernández Ramírez, Claudia Victoria


    El Mercado del Carbono representa una nueva oportunidad para los países en vías de desarrollo - como México- , para realizar proyectos que ayuden a minimizar los efectos negativos de “Cambio Climático Global”, y además, obtener los beneficios financieros resultado del comercio de estas reducciones, transformadas en documentos financieros denominados bonos de carbono. El Campo Geotérmico Los Azufres localizado en el Estado de Michoacán, es el segundo productor de vapor end...

  16. APIs for QoS configuration in Software Defined Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caba, Cosmin Marius; Soler, José


    The OpenFlow (OF) protocol is widely used in Software Defined Networking (SDN) to realize the communication between the controller and forwarding devices. OF allows great flexibility in managing traffic flows. However, OF alone is not enough to build more complex SDN services that require complete...... such as configuration of devices, ports, queues, etc. An Application Programming Interface (API) for dynamic configuration of QoS resources in the network devices is implemented herein, by using the capabilities of OVSDB. Further, the paper demonstrates the possibility to create network services with coarse granularity...... on top of the fine granular services exposed by the QoS configuration API at the SDNC. A series of tests emphasize the capabilities and the performance of the implemented QoS configuration API....

  17. A method for designing fiberglass sucker-rod strings with API RP 11L

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jennings, J.W.; Laine, R.E.


    This paper presents a method for using the API recommended practice for the design of sucker-rod pumping systems with fiberglass composite rod strings. The API method is useful for obtaining quick, approximate, preliminary design calculations. Equations for calculating all the composite material factors needed in the API calculations are given

  18. IgE-Api m 4 Is Useful for Identifying a Particular Phenotype of Bee Venom Allergy. (United States)

    Ruiz, B; Serrano, P; Moreno, C

    Different clinical behaviors have been identified in patients allergic to bee venom. Compound-resolved diagnosis could be an appropriate tool for investigating these differences. The aims of this study were to analyze whether specific IgE to Api m 4 (sIgE-Api m 4) can identify a particular kind of bee venom allergy and to describe response to bee venom immunotherapy (bVIT). Prospective study of 31 patients allergic to bee venom who were assigned to phenotype group A (sIgE-Api m 4 Api m 4 ≥0.98 kU/L), treated with purified aqueous (PA) extract. Sex, age, cardiovascular risk, severity of preceding sting reaction, exposure to beekeeping, and immunological data (intradermal test, sIgE/sIgG4-Apis-nApi m 1, and sIgE-rApi m 2-Api m 4 were analyzed. Systemic reactions (SRs) during bVIT build-up were analyzed. Immunological and sting challenge outcomes were evaluated in each group after 1 and 2 years of bVIT. Phenotype B patients had more severe reactions (P=.049) and higher skin sensitivity (P=.011), baseline sIgE-Apis (P=.0004), sIgE-nApi m 1 (P=.0004), and sIgG4-Apis (P=.027) than phenotype A patients. Furthermore, 41% of patients in group B experienced SRs during the build-up phase with NA; the sting challenge success rate in this group was 82%. There were no significant reductions in serial intradermal test results, but an intense reduction in sIgE-nApi m 1 (P=.013) and sIgE-Api m 4 (P=.004) was observed after the first year of bVIT. Use of IgE-Api m 4 as the only discrimination criterion demonstrated differences in bee venom allergy. Further investigation with larger populations is necessary.

  19. Long-Term Temporal Trends of Nosema spp. Infection Prevalence in Northeast Germany: Continuous Spread of Nosema ceranae, an Emerging Pathogen of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), but No General Replacement of Nosema apis. (United States)

    Gisder, Sebastian; Schüler, Vivian; Horchler, Lennart L; Groth, Detlef; Genersch, Elke


    The Western honey bee ( Apis mellifera ) is widely used as commercial pollinator in worldwide agriculture and, therefore, plays an important role in global food security. Among the parasites and pathogens threatening health and survival of honey bees are two species of microsporidia, Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. Nosema ceranae is considered an emerging pathogen of the Western honey bee. Reports on the spread of N. ceranae suggested that this presumably highly virulent species is replacing its more benign congener N. apis in the global A. mellifera population. We here present a 12 year longitudinal cohort study on the prevalence of N. apis and N. ceranae in Northeast Germany. Between 2005 and 2016, a cohort of about 230 honey bee colonies originating from 23 apiaries was sampled twice a year (spring and autumn) resulting in a total of 5,600 bee samples which were subjected to microscopic and molecular analysis for determining the presence of infections with N. apis or/and N. ceranae . Throughout the entire study period, both N. apis - and N. ceranae -infections could be diagnosed within the cohort. Logistic regression analysis of the prevalence data demonstrated a significant increase of N. ceranae -infections over the last 12 years, both in autumn (reflecting the development during the summer) and in spring (reflecting the development over winter) samples. Cell culture experiments confirmed that N. ceranae has a higher proliferative potential than N. apis at 27° and 33°C potentially explaining the increase in N. ceranae prevalence during summer. In autumn, characterized by generally low infection prevalence, this increase was accompanied by a significant decrease in N. apis -infection prevalence. In contrast, in spring, the season with a higher prevalence of infection, no significant decrease of N. apis infections despite a significant increase in N. ceranae infections could be observed. Therefore, our data do not support a general advantage of N. ceranae over

  20. Carbono orgânico e biomassa microbiana do solo em plantios de Acacia mangium no Cerrado de Roraima Soil organic carbon and soil microbial biomass in Acacia mangium plantation in the Savanna of Roraima

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Magda Oliveira Simões


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de plantios de Acacia mangium, localizados no cerrado em Roraima, sobre o carbono orgânico e biomassa microbiana do solo. Foram realizadas amostragens de solo nas profundidades de 0-20 cm e 20-40 cm em dois plantios de A. mangium com cerca de cinco anos de idade, e em duas áreas de Cerrado nativo consideradas referência. Um dos plantios de A. mangium (localizado na Fazenda Cigolina correspondeu a um plantio homogêneo (espa��amento de 3,6 m entre linhas e 2,0 m entre plantas enquanto que o outro (localizado no Campo Experimental Água Boa - CEAB correspondeu a um plantio em faixas com duas linhas de plantio (espaçamento de 6 m entre linhas, 2,5 m entre plantas e cerca de 30 m entre faixas. As amostras de solo foram analisadas quanto ao carbono orgânico, carbono da biomassa microbiana, respiração basal do solo e quociente metabólico, além de atributos químicos de fertilidade. Foi verificado que os plantios de A. mangium não proporcionaram aumentos significativos do carbono orgânico do solo em comparação às áreas de referência. Entretanto, na média geral, esses plantios proporcionaram aumento do carbono da biomassa microbiana do solo e redução do quociente metabólico, indicando a possibilidade de acúmulo de carbono orgânico no solo em longo prazo. Também foi observado que, em comparação ao plantio da fazenda Cigolina e às áreas de referência, o carbono microbiano do solo foi maior e acompanhado de menor quociente metabólico no plantio de A. mangium no CEAB, mostrando que a estrutura de plantio exerceu influência sobre a biomassa microbiana do solo.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Acacia mangium plantation in the Roraima's Savanna, on soil organic carbon and soil microbial biomass. Soil samplings were collected on the depths of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm in two Acacia mangium plantation sites, about five years old, and in two sites of native savanna as

  1. Influencia del uso del suelo sobre la captura y almacenamiento de carbono, biodiversidad y productividad en la reserva de biósfera Sumaco Ecuador


    Jiménez Granizo, Mariana Alejandra; Jiménez Yánez, Santiago Fahureguy


    El calentamiento global es considerado como uno de los principales problemas de origen antropogénico. Esta problemática produjo un incremento de la temperatura media global debido a la gran acumulación de gases de efecto invernadero tales como el dióxido de carbono, metano, óxido nitroso, entre otros. El dióxido de carbono (CO2) es uno de los gases responsables de mantener la temperatura promedio global, sin embargo, si este es liberado de manera excesiva, producto de las actividades producti...


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    Arcângelo Loss


    Full Text Available La forma como se gestionan los recursos orgánicos aplicados al suelo puede influir las propiedades de éste. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el grado de oxidación del carbono orgánico y las tasas de agregación del suelo en sistemas con manejo orgánico y diferentes cultivos de cobertura. Los sistemas seleccionados fueron formas de cultivo y cubierta vegetal: labranza tradicional del suelo (maíz-CT, labranza cero (berenjena-NT, consorcio maracuyá - Desmodium sp, cultivo de higos, agroforestales (AFS y bosque secundario. Se colectaron muestras de suelo a profundidades de 0-5 y 5-10 cm en todos ellos. Se cuantificó el carbono orgánico total (TOC y se realizó su fraccionamiento, para separar el carbono en cuatro fracciones (F1, F2, F3 y F4, con grados decrecientes de oxidación, mediante el uso de cantidades crecientes de ácido sulfúrico. Se determinó la estabilidad de agregados en húmedo mediante peso medio de diámetro (MWD, diámetro medio geométrico (GMD y el índice de sensibilidad (SI. El área bajo cultivo de maíz mostraron menores niveles de TOC y el índice de agregación, en las dos profundidades estudiadas. Si bien los ámbitos de la berenjena y el higo mostraron niveles más altos en el TOC de 0-5 cm de profundidad, y MWD en la profundidad de 5-10 cm. Valores de SI más de 1 se encontraron en las áreas del higo y maracuyá. En general, la fracción F1 representados la mayoría de los TOC y en todos los ámbitos, tanto en las profundidades estudiadas. El SAF tiene la proporción más baja del COT en las cuatro fracciones (0-5 cm. El área de berenjena (0-5 cm mostraron mayores niveles de carbono en las fracciones F1, F2 y F3. Sin embargo, la profundidad de 5-10 cm, este comportamiento se observó para el área de cultivo de maíz, excepto para la fracción F1. Los resultados indican que la dirección adoptada en el área de ma

  3. An overview of the CellML API and its implementation

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    Halstead Matt


    Full Text Available Abstract Background CellML is an XML based language for representing mathematical models, in a machine-independent form which is suitable for their exchange between different authors, and for archival in a model repository. Allowing for the exchange and archival of models in a computer readable form is a key strategic goal in bioinformatics, because of the associated improvements in scientific record accuracy, the faster iterative process of scientific development, and the ability to combine models into large integrative models. However, for CellML models to be useful, tools which can process them correctly are needed. Due to some of the more complex features present in CellML models, such as imports, developing code ab initio to correctly process models can be an onerous task. For this reason, there is a clear and pressing need for an application programming interface (API, and a good implementation of that API, upon which tools can base their support for CellML. Results We developed an API which allows the information in CellML models to be retrieved and/or modified. We also developed a series of optional extension APIs, for tasks such as simplifying the handling of connections between variables, dealing with physical units, validating models, and translating models into different procedural languages. We have also provided a Free/Open Source implementation of this application programming interface, optimised to achieve good performance. Conclusions Tools have been developed using the API which are mature enough for widespread use. The API has the potential to accelerate the development of additional tools capable of processing CellML, and ultimately lead to an increased level of sharing of mathematical model descriptions.

  4. [Effect of habitat and interspecific competition on Apis cerana cerana colony distribution]. (United States)

    Yu, Linsheng; Han, Shengming


    Habitat change and interspecific competition were the main factors affecting, Apis cerana cerana colony distribution among Wannan and Wanxi Dabie mountainous areas, Jianghuai area and Huaibei plain. Wannan and Wanxi Dabie mountainous areas were the ideal places for Apis cerana cerana' habitation and propogation, in which, there were integrated natural vegetation, fine ecological condition, abundant nectariferous plants, and Apis cerana cerana had large colony size, wide distribution, high density, no disturbances of natural mating, and was dominant interspecific competition. In Jianghuai area and Huaibei plain, there were small covering of natural vegetation, different degree of degradation of ecological balance, few kinds of nectariferous plants with almost the same blooming periods, natural mating perturbed by Apis mellifera ligustica for Apis cerana cerana, and which was inferior in interspecific competition, colony size sharply decreased, distribution area reduced, and density cut down to a great extent. In Huaibei plain, the negative factors were more conspicuous.

  5. System for Award Management (SAM) API (United States)

    General Services Administration — The SAM API is a RESTful method of retrieving public information about the businesses, organizations, or individuals (referred to as entities) within the SAM entity...

  6. Corrosión microbiológica en aceros de bajo carbono


    Medina-Custodio, O; Ortiz-Prado, A; Jacobo-Armendáriz, V.H.; Schouwenaars-Franssens, R


    La corrosión microbiológica es un tipo común de deterioro que afecta diversas industrias, una de ellas es la petrolera en la que se estiman que el 20% o 30% de fallas en las tuberías de trasporte de hidrocarburos es favorecida por microorganismos. Las reacciones químicas que sustentan éstos, generan transferencia de iones, lo que justifica el empleo de técnicas electroquímicas para su análisis. En este trabajo, se estudiaron probetas de acero de bajo carbono SAE 1018, sumergidas en un medio n...

  7. Predominant Api m 10 sensitization as risk factor for treatment failure in honey bee venom immunotherapy. (United States)

    Frick, Marcel; Fischer, Jörg; Helbling, Arthur; Ruëff, Franziska; Wieczorek, Dorothea; Ollert, Markus; Pfützner, Wolfgang; Müller, Sabine; Huss-Marp, Johannes; Dorn, Britta; Biedermann, Tilo; Lidholm, Jonas; Ruecker, Gerta; Bantleon, Frank; Miehe, Michaela; Spillner, Edzard; Jakob, Thilo


    Component resolution recently identified distinct sensitization profiles in honey bee venom (HBV) allergy, some of which were dominated by specific IgE to Api m 3 and/or Api m 10, which have been reported to be underrepresented in therapeutic HBV preparations. We performed a retrospective analysis of component-resolved sensitization profiles in HBV-allergic patients and association with treatment outcome. HBV-allergic patients who had undergone controlled honey bee sting challenge after at least 6 months of HBV immunotherapy (n = 115) were included and classified as responder (n = 79) or treatment failure (n = 36) on the basis of absence or presence of systemic allergic reactions upon sting challenge. IgE reactivity to a panel of HBV allergens was analyzed in sera obtained before immunotherapy and before sting challenge. No differences were observed between responders and nonresponders regarding levels of IgE sensitization to Api m 1, Api m 2, Api m 3, and Api m 5. In contrast, Api m 10 specific IgE was moderately but significantly increased in nonresponders. Predominant Api m 10 sensitization (>50% of specific IgE to HBV) was the best discriminator (specificity, 95%; sensitivity, 25%) with an odds ratio of 8.444 (2.127-33.53; P = .0013) for treatment failure. Some but not all therapeutic HBV preparations displayed a lack of Api m 10, whereas Api m 1 and Api m 3 immunoreactivity was comparable to that of crude HBV. In line with this, significant Api m 10 sIgG 4 induction was observed only in those patients who were treated with HBV in which Api m 10 was detectable. Component-resolved sensitization profiles in HBV allergy suggest predominant IgE sensitization to Api m 10 as a risk factor for treatment failure in HBV immunotherapy. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Disclosure of carbon credit operations in management publications Divulgación de las operaciones con créditos de carbono en los in informes de la administración y las notas explicativas Evidenciação das operações com crédito de carbono nos relatórios da administração e nas notas explicativas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanderlei dos Santos


    Full Text Available This study identifies the level of disclosure in management reports and explanatory notes regarding carbon credit operations as related to projects, funding, markets, accounting and taxation. A descriptive research with a qualitative approach was carried out in document analysis of 14 Brazilian companies, publicly traded, that have Clean Development Mechanism projects approved by the Interministerial Commission of Global Climate Change as listed by the Ministry of Science and Technology. By November28, 2008, 195 projects had been approved, 25 of these belonged to these 14 companies. Content analysis technique for management reports and explanatory notes was used for collection of data from the first carbon credits up to the third quarter of 2008. Results show that these companies do not disclose accounting and taxation of the carbon credit transactions in their reporting. Information most often published related to the form of generation of these credits and cost of investment. In conclusion, it is evident that management reports and explanatory notes of these companies with respect to transactions with carbon credits do not respect the full disclosure principleEl estudio tiene el objetivo de identificar el nivel de divulgación, en los informes de la administración y en las notas explicativas, de las operaciones con créditos de carbono relacionadas a los proyectos, medios de financiamiento y mercado, contabilización y tributación. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, con abordaje cualitativo, mediante análisis de documentos, en las 14 empresas brasileñas de capital abierto que poseen proyectos de Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL aprobados por la Comisión Interministerial de Mudanza Global del Clima, de acuerdo al listado del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. El 28 de noviembre de 2008 había 195 proyectos aprobados, 25 de los cuales pertenecían a 14 empresas de capital abierto. Para la recogida de los datos, se aplicó la t

  9. JASPAR RESTful API: accessing JASPAR data from any programming language. (United States)

    Khan, Aziz; Mathelier, Anthony


    JASPAR is a widely used open-access database of curated, non-redundant transcription factor binding profiles. Currently, data from JASPAR can be retrieved as flat files or by using programming language-specific interfaces. Here, we present a programming language-independent application programming interface (API) to access JASPAR data using the Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture. The REST API enables programmatic access to JASPAR by most programming languages and returns data in eight widely used formats. Several endpoints are available to access the data and an endpoint is available to infer the TF binding profile(s) likely bound by a given DNA binding domain protein sequence. Additionally, it provides an interactive browsable interface for bioinformatics tool developers. This REST API is implemented in Python using the Django REST Framework. It is accessible at and the source code is freely available at under GPL v3 license. or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  10. API manager implementation and its use for Indus accelerator control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merh, B.N.; Agrawal, R.K.; Barpande, K.; Fatnani, P.; Navathe, C.P.


    The control system software needed for operation of Indus accelerators is coupled to the underlying firmware and hardware of the control system by the Application Programming Interface (API) manager. In the three layered architecture of Indus control system, PVSS-II SCADA is being used at the layer-1(L1) for control and monitoring of various sub-systems. The layer-2(L2) consists of VME bus based system. The API manager plays a crucial role in interfacing the L1 and L2 of the control system. It has to interact with both the PVSS database and the L2. In order to access the PVSS database it uses the PVSS API, a C++ class library, whereas in order to access the L2 custom functions have been built. Several other custom functionalities have also been implemented. The paper presents the important aspects of the API manager like its implementation, its interface mechanism to the lower layer and features like configurability, reusable classes, multithreading capability etc. (author)

  11. Induction bending of API 5L X80 pipes; Curvamento a quente de tubos API 5L X80

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Batista, Gilmar Z. [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Naschpitz, Leonardo [Primus Processamento de Tubos S.A. - PROTUBO, Campo Grande, RJ (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    The present work is a part of an extensive program to make possible the application of API 5L X80 in pipeline construction in Brazil. At this stage, the effect of the induction bending process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the pipe is presented. For this study an API 5L X80 pipe, made by the UOE process, is used. The pipe was manufactured from a plate produced by thermo-mechanically controlled rolling without accelerated cooling. The pipe bending was carried out applying a local induction heating following by water quenching. The bend section, outer and inner curvature regions, of the pipe bend were evaluated and compared with the original pipe. The longitudinal weld and transition zones were not evaluated at this stage. Dimensional analyses, microstructural evaluation, Charpy-V impact tests, and tensile tests were performed. A significant microstructural change was verified in the bend area. The yield strength of the pipe bend was found to be lower than original pipe and standard requirements. Other tensile properties and impact properties are compatible with API 5L X80 requirements. (author)

  12. Cirrose experimental induzida pela inalação de tetracloreto de carbono: adaptação da técnica e avaliação da peroxidação lipídica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CREMONESE Ricardo Viégas


    Full Text Available Racional - Administração a longo prazo de tetracloreto de carbono é modelo experimental para produzir fibrose hepática. O estresse oxidativo parece ser o mecanismo envolvido na hepatoxicidade por tetracloreto de carbono, onde as espécies ativas de oxigênio têm importante papel na patogênese da fibrose hepática. Objetivos - Avaliar a eficácia de um modelo experimental de cirrose hepática induzida pela inalação de tetracloreto de carbono em ratos, bem como avaliar a peroxidação lipídica e as características do líquido de ascite neste modelo. Material e Métodos - Inicialmente, acompanhou-se a evolução dos achados histológicos, através da técnica de hematoxilina e eosina, mediante o uso de tetracloreto de carbono inalatório ao longo das diferentes semanas (5ª, 7ª, 9ª, 12ª. Posteriormente, ao final da 15ª semana de estudo, os ratos, então divididos em três grupos (controle; controle + fenobarbital; e tetracloreto de carbono + fenobarbital, foram avaliados em sua histologia hepática, peroxidação lipídica e as características do líquido de ascite. Para as análises de peroxidação lipídica utilizaram-se as técnicas de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico e de quimiluminescência. No líquido de ascite avaliaram-se a citologia e a bacteriologia. Resultados - Observou-se entre a 12ª e 15ª semanas de inalação o estabelecimento de cirrose em 100% dos animais submetidos a inalação com tetracloreto de carbono, acompanhada de um aumento significante na peroxidação lipídica no fígado dos ratos inalados com tetracloreto de carbono. Evidenciou-se a presença de infecção do líquido de ascite em um dos sete casos nos quais esta estava presente. Conclusão - O método inalatório desenvolvido é eficaz na indução de cirrose hepática e formação de ascite, sendo o estresse oxidativo um dos principais mecanismos da indução de cirrose pelo tetracloreto de carbono.

  13. Application of Skype API to Control Working Time

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    Julian Vasilev


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to present an innovative approach to monitor and control working time. A special software program is developed by Delphi implementing Skype API functions. This article shows three different approaches to control working time using the Skype_API program. It automatically detects when an employee goes to his working place and when he leaves work. Moreover it can check periodically weather an employee is at work. The proposed ideas are written for the first time. They may be applied easily in many enterprises with very low costs.

  14. A Shellcode Detection Method Based on Full Native API Sequence and Support Vector Machine (United States)

    Cheng, Yixuan; Fan, Wenqing; Huang, Wei; An, Jing


    Dynamic monitoring the behavior of a program is widely used to discriminate between benign program and malware. It is usually based on the dynamic characteristics of a program, such as API call sequence or API call frequency to judge. The key innovation of this paper is to consider the full Native API sequence and use the support vector machine to detect the shellcode. We also use the Markov chain to extract and digitize Native API sequence features. Our experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper has high accuracy and low detection rate.

  15. Comportamento higiênico em colmeias de Apis mellifera L. africanizadas no Sertão da Paraíba

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    F. A. Olinto


    Full Text Available A apicultura é uma das poucas atividades agropecuárias que atende aos três requisitos da sustentabilidade: o econômico, o social e o ecológico. Sendo assim, fornece renda para o apicultor, ocupa mão de obra familiar ou contratada e contribui para a preservação da flora nativa. A sanidade pode afetar o desenvolvimento da apicultura, pois a Apis mellifera como qualquer outro organismo vivo, é susceptível a doenças causadas por bactérias, vírus, fungos e outros parasitas e as desordens metabólicas, nutricionais e hormonais, além de intoxicações diversas. Assim, em virtude da necessidade de estudos a respeito da sanidade apícola, objetiva-se estudar o comportamento higiênico em colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera em apiários localizados no Sertão do Estado da Paraíba. A pesquisa foi realizada no período de março, abril e maio de 2014, em cinco apiários localizados nos municípios de Condado, Pombal, Jericó, São Bentinho e São Domingos, ambos situados na Mesorregião do Sertão do Estado da Paraíba, com um total de 25 colmeias avaliadas. O teste de comportamento higiênico foi realizado com base no método de perfuração das células de crias. O percentual de comportamento higiênico foi semelhante em ambos os apiários, principalmente em Condado (93,96%, Pombal (94,30%, Jericó (87,63% e São Domingos (95,20%, ocorrendo apenas uma ligeira diferença no apiário de São Bentinho com uma média de 76,31%. O apiário localizado no município de Pombal obteve o melhor resultado, apresentando índice elevado de comportamento higiênico. Hygienic behavior in Apis mellifera L. africanized hives in the Backlands of ParaibaAbstract: Beekeeping is one of the few agricultural activities that meets the three requirements of sustainability: economic, social and ecological. Therefore, provides income for the beekeeper, occupies family labor or hired and contributes to the preservation of native flora. Sanity may affect the

  16. Novel diagnostic tools for Asian (Apis cerana) and European (Apis mellifera) honey authentication. (United States)

    Soares, Sónia; Grazina, Liliana; Mafra, Isabel; Costa, Joana; Pinto, M Alice; Duc, Hanh Pham; Oliveira, M Beatriz P P; Amaral, Joana S


    Honey can be produced by different species of honeybees, with two being of economic importance due to their use in apiculture, namely Apis mellifera (known as European honeybee) and Apis cerana (known as Asian honeybee). Due to the decline of the wild populations of the Asian honeybee, this honey generally attains much higher market value, being prone to adulteration. This work aims at proposing new tools, based on the use of molecular markers, for the entomological authentication of honey. To this end, new species-specific primers were designed targeting the tRNA leu -cox2 intergenic region and allowing the detection of A. cerana DNA by qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Additionally, a novel real-time PCR method with high resolution melting analysis was developed to target the 16S rRNA gene of both bee species, allowing their discrimination in different clusters. The proposed methodologies were further applied with success in the authentication of Asian and European honey samples by the identification of honeybee DNA, demonstrating the usefulness of these simple and cost-effective new approaches. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Identificação de oportunidades de mecanismos de desenvolvimento limpo para o mercado de crédito de carbono nas cooperativas agropecuárias paranaenses


    Thiesen, Marcos Pupo


    Resumo: O combate ao aquecimento global é o grande desafio da humanidade nas próximas décadas. Algumas empresas vêm desenvolvendo projetos para reduzirem suas emissões de gases de efeito estufa e visualizam a possibilidade de aumentar suas receitas através da venda de créditos de carbono. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho objetiva identificar oportunidades no mercado de carbono em cooperativas agropecuárias paranaenses. A pesquisa foi realizada através da aplicação de formulário nas cooper...

  18. Clarification of some api characteristics in relation to caribou (Rangifer tarandus

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    William O. Pruitt, Jr.


    Full Text Available A total of 2177 comparisons of api hardness vs. density in northern Saskatchewan, southeastern Manitoba and northeastern Finland revealed no consistent correlation (r varied from +.70 to -.17. A total of 1395 comparisons of horizontal hardness of the top layer of api to vertical hardness of the same layer of api in southeastern Manitoba, northeastern Finland and far eastern middle Finland revealed no consistent correlation (r varied from +.99 to -.20. Therefore one cannot substitute density for hardness nor horizontal hardness of the top layer for vertical hardness of the top layer in the terms of the Värriö Snow Index.

  19. Caracterización del aceite de semilla de uva extraído con dióxido de carbono supercrítico

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    Molero Gómez, A.


    Full Text Available In this work the quality of grape seed oil obtained by extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide was studied. At the optimun operating conditions (313 K and 25 MPa, the yield of supercritical extraction is similar to the conventional extraction by liquid solvent, but the quality of the grape seed oil extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide is higher.
    Furthermore, supercritical extraction could be more economical than liquid extraction because the solvent removal by distillation is not necessary and several steps of the subsequent oil refining process can be eliminated.

    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de la calidad del aceite de semillas de uva obtenido por extracción con dióxido de carbono supercrítico. En las condiciones operativas óptimas del proceso (313 K y 25 MPa el rendimiento de la extracción supercrítica es similar al de la extracción con disolventes líquidos, pero la calidad del aceite es muy superior.
    En consecuencia, el proceso supercrítico resulta competitivo con el convencional al reducir las etapas de refinado del aceite y eliminar la destilación del disolvente, las más costosas desde el punto de vista energético.

  20. A SNP based high-density linkage map of Apis cerana reveals a high recombination rate similar to Apis mellifera.

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    Yuan Yuan Shi

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The Eastern honey bee, Apis cerana Fabricius, is distributed in southern and eastern Asia, from India and China to Korea and Japan and southeast to the Moluccas. This species is also widely kept for honey production besides Apis mellifera. Apis cerana is also a model organism for studying social behavior, caste determination, mating biology, sexual selection, and host-parasite interactions. Few resources are available for molecular research in this species, and a linkage map was never constructed. A linkage map is a prerequisite for quantitative trait loci mapping and for analyzing genome structure. We used the Chinese honey bee, Apis cerana cerana to construct the first linkage map in the Eastern honey bee. RESULTS: F2 workers (N = 103 were genotyped for 126,990 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs. After filtering low quality and those not passing the Mendel test, we obtained 3,000 SNPs, 1,535 of these were informative and used to construct a linkage map. The preliminary map contains 19 linkage groups, we then mapped the 19 linkage groups to 16 chromosomes by comparing the markers to the genome of A. mellfiera. The final map contains 16 linkage groups with a total of 1,535 markers. The total genetic distance is 3,942.7 centimorgans (cM with the largest linkage group (180 loci measuring 574.5 cM. Average marker interval for all markers across the 16 linkage groups is 2.6 cM. CONCLUSION: We constructed a high density linkage map for A. c. cerana with 1,535 markers. Because the map is based on SNP markers, it will enable easier and faster genotyping assays than randomly amplified polymorphic DNA or microsatellite based maps used in A. mellifera.

  1. Real World Uses For Nagios APIs (United States)

    Singh, Janice


    This presentation describes the Nagios 4 APIs and how the NASA Advanced Supercomputing at Ames Research Center is employing them to upgrade its graphical status display (the HUD) and explain why it's worth trying to use them yourselves.

  2. An improved method for interpreting API filter press hydraulic conductivity test results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heslin, G.M.; Baxter, D.Y.; Filz, G.M.; Davidson, R.R.


    The American Petroleum Institute (API) filter press is frequently used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of soil-bentonite backfill during the mix design process and as part of construction quality controls. However, interpretation of the test results is complicated by the fact that the seepage-induced consolidation pressure varies from zero at the top of the specimen to a maximum value at the bottom of the specimen. An analytical solution is available which relates the stress, compressibility, and hydraulic conductivity in soil consolidated by seepage forces. This paper presents the results of a laboratory investigation undertaken to support application of this theory to API hydraulic conductivity tests. When the API test results are interpreted using seepage consolidation theory, they are in good agreement with the results of consolidometer permeameter tests. Limitations of the API test are also discussed

  3. Análise do Sequestro de Carbono em Áreas de Caatinga do Semiárido Pernambucano

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    Ygor Cristiano Brito Morais

    Full Text Available Resumo Diante do aumento das emissões dos gases do efeito estufa, o presente estudo analisou o sequestro de carbono em áreas de caatinga do município de Petrolina – PE, por meio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto. Foram utilizadas imagens do sensor MODIS, referentes ao produto MOD17, o qual contém a estimativa da Produção primária bruta (GPP e da Produção primária líquida (NPP. A coleta das imagens ocorreu para os anos de 2011 e 2012. No período chuvoso, as áreas de caatinga preservada apresentaram maiores valores de assimilação total (até 160 g C/m2 em janeiro de 2011 e sequestro de carbono, enquanto no final do período seco foram registrados valores inferiores a 20 g C/m2. Quanto ao total anual, em 2011 as áreas de caatinga preservada juntamente com a agricultura irrigada apresentaram os maiores valores de GPP (> 900 g C/m2, enquanto que em 2012 a GPP das áreas de caatinga variaram, em geral, de 500 a 600 g C/m2, com algumas áreas chegando a 700 g C/m2. A NPP, ou seja, o sequestro de carbono, variou de 500 a 700 g C/m2 em 2011 e de 100 a 400 g C/m2 em 2012. Desse modo, são necessárias medidas e elaboração de instrumentos políticos que visem à preservação dos remanescentes de caatinga do município de Petrolina, como forma de contribuir com mitigação do aquecimento global.

  4. Yoink: An interaction-based partitioning API. (United States)

    Zheng, Min; Waller, Mark P


    Herein, we describe the implementation details of our interaction-based partitioning API (application programming interface) called Yoink for QM/MM modeling and fragment-based quantum chemistry studies. Interactions are detected by computing density descriptors such as reduced density gradient, density overlap regions indicator, and single exponential decay detector. Only molecules having an interaction with a user-definable QM core are added to the QM region of a hybrid QM/MM calculation. Moreover, a set of molecule pairs having density-based interactions within a molecular system can be computed in Yoink, and an interaction graph can then be constructed. Standard graph clustering methods can then be applied to construct fragments for further quantum chemical calculations. The Yoink API is licensed under Apache 2.0 and can be accessed via © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Identification of Complete Repertoire of Apis florea Odorant Receptors Reveals Complex Orthologous Relationships with Apis mellifera (United States)

    Karpe, Snehal D.; Jain, Rikesh; Brockmann, Axel; Sowdhamini, Ramanathan


    Abstract We developed a computational pipeline for homology based identification of the complete repertoire of olfactory receptor (OR) genes in the Asian honey bee species, Apis florea. Apis florea is phylogenetically the most basal honey bee species and also the most distant sister species to the Western honey bee Apis mellifera, for which all OR genes had been identified before. Using our pipeline, we identified 180 OR genes in A. florea, which is very similar to the number of ORs identified in A. mellifera (177 ORs). Many characteristics of the ORs including gene structure, synteny of tandemly repeated ORs and basic phylogenetic clustering are highly conserved. The composite phylogenetic tree of A. florea and A. mellifera ORs could be divided into 21 clades which are in harmony with the existing Hymenopteran tree. However, we found a few nonorthologous OR relationships between both species as well as independent pseudogenization of ORs suggesting separate evolutionary changes. Particularly, a subgroup of the OR gene clade XI, which had been hypothesized to code cuticular hydrocarbon receptors showed a high number of species-specific ORs. RNAseq analysis detected a total number of 145 OR transcripts in male and 162 in female antennae. Most of the OR genes were highly expressed on the female antennae. However, we detected five distinct male-biased OR genes, out of which three genes (AfOr11, AfOr18, AfOr170P) were shown to be male-biased in A. mellifera, too, thus corroborating a behavioral function in sex-pheromone communication. PMID:27540087

  6. Insuflação controlada de dióxido de carbono na viabilidade de retalho cutâneo randômico isquêmico de ratos


    Carrillo, Mariana Merida [UNIFESP


    Introdução: O retalho cutâneo é um procedimento cirúrgico frequente na cirurgia reparadora. Dentre as diversas técnicas que podem ser utilizadas para minimizar os problemas com necrose pode-se mencionar a utilização da insuflação controlada de dióxido de carbono, carboxiterapia, que constituise de uma técnica na qual se utiliza o gás carbônico medicinal (Dióxido de Carbono, anidro carbônico ou CO2) injetado no tecido subcutâneo, estimulando assim efeitos fisiológicos como melhora ...

  7. Using DLL as Interface between API an VC#.NET Applications

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    Marian DARDALA


    Full Text Available This paper presents a solution for using complex Win32API data structures and functions in Visual C# .NET applications. We built DLL (Dynamic Link Library to manage the API functions and data structures and we used DLL modules in a C# application. This is an easier working way compared with the traditional way of importing and managing API’s functions in C# programs.

  8. Programmatic access to logical models in the Cell Collective modeling environment via a REST API. (United States)

    Kowal, Bryan M; Schreier, Travis R; Dauer, Joseph T; Helikar, Tomáš


    Cell Collective ( is a web-based interactive environment for constructing, simulating and analyzing logical models of biological systems. Herein, we present a Web service to access models, annotations, and simulation data in the Cell Collective platform through the Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API). The REST API provides a convenient method for obtaining Cell Collective data through almost any programming language. To ensure easy processing of the retrieved data, the request output from the API is available in a standard JSON format. The Cell Collective REST API is freely available at All public models in Cell Collective are available through the REST API. For users interested in creating and accessing their own models through the REST API first need to create an account in Cell Collective ( Technical user documentation: Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Evidence of Apis cerana Sacbrood virus Infection in Apis mellifera. (United States)

    Gong, Hong-Ri; Chen, Xiu-Xian; Chen, Yan Ping; Hu, Fu-Liang; Zhang, Jiang-Lin; Lin, Zhe-Guang; Yu, Ji-Wei; Zheng, Huo-Qing


    Sacbrood virus(SBV) is one of the most destructive viruses in the Asian honeybee Apis cerana but is much less destructive in Apis mellifera In previous studies, SBV isolates infecting A. cerana(AcSBV) and SBV isolates infecting A. mellifera(AmSBV) were identified as different serotypes, suggesting a species barrier in SBV infection. In order to investigate this species isolation, we examined the presence of SBV infection in 318A. mellifera colonies and 64A. cerana colonies, and we identified the genotypes of SBV isolates. We also performed artificial infection experiments under both laboratory and field conditions. The results showed that 38A. mellifera colonies and 37A. cerana colonies were positive for SBV infection. Phylogenetic analysis based on RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene sequences indicated that A. cerana isolates and most A. mellifera isolates formed two distinct clades but two strains isolated fromA. mellifera were clustered with theA. cerana isolates. In the artificial-infection experiments, AcSBV negative-strand RNA could be detected in both adult bees and larvae ofA. mellifera, although there were no obvious signs of the disease, demonstrating the replication of AcSBV inA. mellifera Our results suggest that AcSBV is able to infectA. melliferacolonies with low prevalence (0.63% in this study) and pathogenicity. This work will help explain the different susceptibilities ofA. cerana and A. melliferato sacbrood disease and is potentially useful for guiding beekeeping practices. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  10. Detección de Malpighamoeba mellifcae (Protista: Amoebozoa en Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidaede Argentina Detection of Malpighamoeba mellifcae (Protista: Amoebozoa in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae of Argentina

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    Santiago Plischuk


    Full Text Available Debido a su rol como polinizador y productor de miel, la abeja Apis mellifera L. es considerado un insecto beneficioso. Si bien Argentina juega un papel de liderazgo en la producción de miel, existe un considerable vacío en el conocimiento acerca de las enfermedades de etiología protista que afectan las abejas en el país. La ameba Malpighamoeba mellificae Prell es un protista entomopatógeno que invade los túbulos de Malpighi de las abejas e interfiere con el proceso de excreción, debilitando al huésped y posiblemente facilitando la acción de otros patógenos. En esta contribución se presentan los primeros hallazgos de M. mellificae en Argentina y se brindan datos iniciales acerca de su frecuencia, intensidad de las infecciones, y co-ocurrencia con Nosema sp. Malpighamoeba mellificae se halló en dos de 36 localidades prospectadas: San Cayetano, al Sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires y San Carlos de Bariloche, en el Oeste de la provincia de Río Negro.Due to its role as a pollinator and honey producer, the honey bee Apis mellifera L. is considered a beneficial insect. Although Argentina plays a leading role in honey production, there is a considerable gap in knowledge regarding protistan diseases that affect honey bees in the country. The amoeba Malpighamoeba mellificae Prell is an entomopathogenic protist that invades the Malpighian tubules of honey bees and interferes with the excretory process, debilitating the host and possibly facilitating the action of other pathogens. In this contribution, we present the first reports of M. mellificae in Argentina, and provide some initial data about its frecuency, infection intensity, and co-occurrence with Nosema sp. Malpighamoeba mellificae was found in two out of 36 localities surveyed: San Cayetano, in southern Buenos Aires province, and San Carlos de Bariloche, in western Río Negro province.

  11. Online maps with APIs and webservices

    CERN Document Server

    Peterson, Michael P


    With the Internet now the primary method of accessing maps, this volume examines developments in the world of online map delivery, focusing in particular on application programmer interfaces such as the Google Maps API, and their utility in thematic mapping.

  12. Dinámica del carbono (almacenes y flujos en manglares de México

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    Jorge A. Herrera Silveira


    Full Text Available La cobertura de los manglares de México los coloca en cuarto lugar a nivel mundial. Se reconocen sus múltiples servicios ecosistémicos, pero también altas tasas de deforestación. Evaluaciones en otras partes del mundo destacan el papel de los manglares en el ciclo del carbono, principalmente como almacenes de carbono orgánico (Corg en los sedimentos y exportadores de Corg disuelto y particulado. Para estimar la contribución de los manglares, a escala local, regional y de país, en estrategias como la Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación (REDD+, es indispensable determinar los almacenes de Corg como línea base de emisiones. En este estudio se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre almacenes y flujos de carbono en manglares de México mediante diferentes fuentes de información. De más de 200 estudios, solo 48 contenían datos o información para hacer una revisión del estado que guarda el conocimiento de almacenes y flujos de Corg en los manglares de México. Regionalmente, la zona del Pacífico Central tiene menos información y la Península de Yucatán donde más datos existen. Los mayores almacenes de Corg total se localizan en el Golfo de México y en los manglares de tipo ribereño (>1200 Mg C ha-1. Existe menos información sobre flujos de Corg, dominando los relacionados con la caída de hojarasca. En la zona del Pacífico Sur y en el manglar ribereño se observaron los valores más altos. La extensión y variabilidad de condiciones ambientales en los manglares de México son una oportunidad para desarrollar múltiples temas de investigación, como la caracterización de paisajes y mapas locales de coberturas relacionados con variables del agua (hidroperíodo, del suelo (topografía y procesos microbiológicos. La extensión y distribución de los manglares ofrecen la oportunidad para formar grupos de investigadores a escala regional y abordar de forma consensada estudios bajo una estrategia metodol


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    Gustavo Orellana-Rivadeneyra


    Full Text Available Se propone una aproximación sobre variables medioambientales mediante funciones de distribución dependientes del tiempo para simplificar un modelo de la dinámica del carbono orgánico en el suelo. El modelo se basa en el concepto de reservorios, que supone que los diferentes estados de la materia orgánica del suelo constituyen masas homogéneas. Este modelo se enfoca en el intercambio de materia orgánica entre dichas masas, estableciendo relaciones de contacto. Usando el modelo simplificado se calculó la acumulación de materia orgánica en el suelo y la emisión de CO2 desde un ecosistema de bosque de pino (Pinus elliottii ubicado en Gainesville, Florida, EU. Se verificó la viabilidad de las aproximaciones en el modelo para estudiar la dinámica del carbono orgánico en suelos forestales. Se calculó la acumulación relativa de materia orgánica en el suelo. Con esto se obtuvo una estimación de la actividad del bosque de P. elliottii como secuestrador.


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    Jasmi Jasmi


    Full Text Available Research about plant visited by Apis forager was conducted at altitude < 500 m and 600-1400 m of West Sumatra from December 2009-July 2010. The plant visited by forager was collected at radius 500 m from nests in fruits cropping, coffea and cinnamom plantation and forest edge. Honeybee from genus Apisvisit on plant consisted of four species, those are A. andreniformis, A. cerana, A. dorsata and A. koschevnikovi. Plant visited by forager Apis consisted of 61 species belong to 26 families. The number of 36 plant species found at lowland and highland, 20 species only at lowland and five species at highland. Most of plant species visited by Apis forager are Asteraceae and Leguminoceae. About 29 plant species visited by Apis were agriculture crop and 32 species of non agriculture. Apis andreniformis visited 29 plant species, A. cerana 56 species, A. dorsata 57 species and A. koschevnikovi one plant species. Cucumis sativus was visited by four bee species, Galiansoga farviflora was visited only by A. cerana. Five plant species (Rorippa indica, Cinnamomum burmanii, Nasturrium indicum, Rorippa indica and Eryngium foetidum were visited by only A. dorsata. Other three plants species (Mangifera indica, Cytrus aurantifoliaand Oryza sativa were visited by A. cerana and A. andreniformis, 31 plant species were visited by A. cerana and A. dorsata, 21 species were visited by A. andreniformis, A. cerana and A. dorsata. Keywords: lebah madu, Apis forager, food source plant, visit

  15. A new detrended semipartial cross-correlation analysis: Assessing the important meteorological factors affecting API

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen, Chen-Hua


    To analyze the unique contribution of meteorological factors to the air pollution index (API), a new method, the detrended semipartial cross-correlation analysis (DSPCCA), is proposed. Based on both a detrended cross-correlation analysis and a DFA-based multivariate-linear-regression (DMLR), this method is improved by including a semipartial correlation technique, which is used to indicate the unique contribution of an explanatory variable to multiple correlation coefficients. The advantages of this method in handling nonstationary time series are illustrated by numerical tests. To further demonstrate the utility of this method in environmental systems, new evidence of the primary contribution of meteorological factors to API is provided through DMLR. Results show that the most important meteorological factors affecting API are wind speed and diurnal temperature range, and the explanatory ability of meteorological factors to API gradually strengthens with increasing time scales. The results suggest that DSPCCA is a useful method for addressing environmental systems. - Highlights: • A detrended multiple linear regression is shown. • A detrended semipartial cross correlation analysis is proposed. • The important meteorological factors affecting API are assessed. • The explanatory ability of meteorological factors to API gradually strengthens with increasing time scales.

  16. A new detrended semipartial cross-correlation analysis: Assessing the important meteorological factors affecting API

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shen, Chen-Hua, E-mail: [College of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046 (China); Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource, Nanjing 210046 (China); Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210046 (China)


    To analyze the unique contribution of meteorological factors to the air pollution index (API), a new method, the detrended semipartial cross-correlation analysis (DSPCCA), is proposed. Based on both a detrended cross-correlation analysis and a DFA-based multivariate-linear-regression (DMLR), this method is improved by including a semipartial correlation technique, which is used to indicate the unique contribution of an explanatory variable to multiple correlation coefficients. The advantages of this method in handling nonstationary time series are illustrated by numerical tests. To further demonstrate the utility of this method in environmental systems, new evidence of the primary contribution of meteorological factors to API is provided through DMLR. Results show that the most important meteorological factors affecting API are wind speed and diurnal temperature range, and the explanatory ability of meteorological factors to API gradually strengthens with increasing time scales. The results suggest that DSPCCA is a useful method for addressing environmental systems. - Highlights: • A detrended multiple linear regression is shown. • A detrended semipartial cross correlation analysis is proposed. • The important meteorological factors affecting API are assessed. • The explanatory ability of meteorological factors to API gradually strengthens with increasing time scales.

  17. Modelo para calculo estimación del carbono en Tipo Forestal Roble-Raulí-Coigüe en la Reserva Nacional Malleco: Chile

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    Norman Moreno Garcia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es la selección de un modelo para estimación de carbono en Tipo Forestal Roble-Raulí y Coigüe. La recolección de datos se realizo en la Reserva Nacional Malleco. Cada sitio fue representado por un grupo de 5 parcelas (cuadradas, de lado 35m, superficie 1225m2, ubicadas en un transecto según la pendiente más fuerte. Fueron estimados los volúmenes de madera con y sin corteza de la totalidad de los individuos por medio de funciones para cada especie del tipo forestal en estudio. La cantidad de carbono almacenado a nivel de fuste de las parcelas fue estimada aplicando la función universal de carbono. En cada parcela se contabilizaron los árboles por clase diamétrico de DAP, siendo definidas las clases a partir del DAP mínimo de 3 cm y con una amplitud de 5 cm. Fueron ajustados los modelos de Spurr, Meyer, Stoate, Naslund y Schumacher-Hall. El modelo Schumacher-Hall presento el mejor ajuste de acuerdo a los indicadores estadísticos considerados, además de una mejor distribución de residuales.

  18. Eksplorasi Potensi Ekowisata di Kawasan Api Tak Kunjung Pada Kabupaten Pamekasan

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    Dewi Kartika Sari Susena


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek potensi ekowisata di kawasan Api Tak Kunjung Padam kabupaten Pamekasan dan persepsi masyarakat sekitar tentang potensi ekowisata yang ada. Metode pengambilan data meliputi mendapatkan informasi umum dari Key person dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, penelusuran pustaka, observasi lapang, pengumpulan data lokasi berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat dengan pemilihan responden dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan wawancara semi terstruktur. Sumber daya alam yang ada di sekitar kawasan objek wisata yang berpotensi untuk mendukung ekowisata yaitu, objek wisata Api Tak Kunjung Padam, umbi bentul (Colocasia esculenta L., lahan pertanian Singkong (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Kacang hijau (Phaseolus radiatus L., Pisang (Musa paradisiaca L. dan Jagung (Zea mays L., rengginang lorjuk, jubada, kaldu kokot, rujak dan campur madura. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara diketahui bahwa hasil panen dari lahan pertanian dimanfaatkan masyarakat setempat untuk menambah perekonomian dengan cara dijual di kawasan Api Tak Kunjung Padam maupun di pasar. Masyarakat setempat juga belum banyak mengetahui potensi sumber daya tersebut untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pendukung konservasi lingkungan secara umum di wilayah tersebut. Kata Kunci : Api Tak Kunjung Padam, ekowisata, Persepsi.



    Hellbe, Simon; Leung, Peter


    Over the years, information technology has created opportunities to improve and extend businesses and to start conducting business in new ways. With the evolution of IT, all businesses and industries are becoming increasingly digitized. This process, or coevolution, of IT and business coming together is called digital transformation. One of the recent trends in this digital transformation is the use of application programmable interfaces (APIs). APIs are standardized digital communication int...

  20. Using the RxNorm web services API for quality assurance purposes. (United States)

    Peters, Lee; Bodenreider, Olivier


    Auditing large, rapidly evolving terminological systems is still a challenge. In the case of RxNorm, a standardized nomenclature for clinical drugs, we argue that quality assurance processes can benefit from the recently released application programming interface (API) provided by RxNav. We demonstrate the usefulness of the API by performing a systematic comparison of alternative paths in the RxNorm graph, over several thousands of drug entities. This study revealed potential errors in RxNorm, currently under review. The results also prompted us to modify the implementation of RxNav to navigate the RxNorm graph more accurately. The RxNav web services API used in this experiment is robust and fast.

  1. An API for Integrating Spatial Context Models with Spatial Reasoning Algorithms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun


    The integration of context-aware applications with spatial context models is often done using a common query language. However, algorithms that estimate and reason about spatial context information can benefit from a tighter integration. An object-oriented API makes such integration possible...... and can help reduce the complexity of algorithms making them easier to maintain and develop. This paper propose an object-oriented API for context models of the physical environment and extensions to a location modeling approach called geometric space trees for it to provide adequate support for location...... modeling. The utility of the API is evaluated in several real-world cases from an indoor location system, and spans several types of spatial reasoning algorithms....

  2. Carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre em frações granulométricas de dois latossolos submetidos à calagem e adubação fosfatada

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    C. A. Silva


    Full Text Available Os teores e a distribuição de carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre em frações granulométricas do solo foram analisados em dois Latossolos Vermelho-Escuros, um derivado de floresta (LE1 e outro de cerrado (LE2. O LE1, de Cordeirópolis, SP, corresponde a um solo cultivado com laranja desde 1982, sem e com calagem. O cultivo do LE2 (Planaltina, DF foi iniciado em 1976, com o plantio de trigo, soja, arroz e sorgo, sendo esse solo cultivado nos últimos 14 anos com pastagem (Andropogon gayanus L., sem e com uma única aplicação de 1.660 kg ha-1 de P2O5, na forma de superfosfato triplo. Para fins de referência, foram coletadas amostras adicionais do LE1 e LE2 em áreas sob vegetação natural. Foram determinados os teores de carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre em solo não fracionado e em suas frações granulométricas. A drástica redução nos teores de carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre do LE1 com o cultivo resultou em diminuição da CTC na área sob calagem e na testemunha, indicando a importância do manejo e conservação da matéria orgânica nesse solo. No LE2, a redução nos teores de carbono e nitrogênio com o cultivo foi menos intensa e associou-se à decomposição de compostos orgânicos ligados à fração intermediária (2-53 mm. A calagem resultou em maior preservação de matéria orgânica no LE1; não houve, porém, efeito do fósforo sobre os teores de C e N das áreas cultivadas do LE2. A fração fina (< 2 μm exerceu papel crucial na estabilização da matéria orgânica nos solos estudados, já que os maiores reservatórios de carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre nas áreas cultivadas e sob vegetação natural encontravam-se associados a essa unidade granulométrica. Os principais efeitos do cultivo sobre os reservatórios de carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre do LE1 estiveram associados ao enriquecimento relativo desses elementos na fração fina, às custas da decomposição de material orgânico associado às frações fina: (< 2

  3. Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API-5; AAC-11; FIF) is upregulated in human carcinomas in vivo. (United States)

    Koci, Lenka; Chlebova, Katarina; Hyzdalova, Martina; Hofmanova, Jirina; Jira, Miroslav; Kysela, Petr; Kozubik, Alois; Kala, Zdenek; Krejci, Pavel


    Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API-5) is a 55 kDa nuclear protein with potent anti-apoptotic signaling in tumor cells in vitro. In this study, we analyzed the expression of the API-5 protein in vivo in a broad spectrum of human carcinomas, including those of the colon, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, stomach and esophagus using tumor tissues obtained during tumor resection. The results showed significant upregulation of API-5 expression in biopsies of lung (23%, n=13) and colorectal tumors (33%, n=27) in comparison with biopsies from the adjacent normal tissue. Colon cancer biopsies were used to study the cell populations with an upregulated level of expression of API-5 more closely. Using a magnetic bead-based selection for the epithelial cell marker EpCAM, we purified epithelial cells from the tumor and control tissues and analyzed these cells for API-5 expression by western immunoblotting. We observed that EpCAM-positive tumor cells expressed API-5 in all three colorectal cancer cases tested, in contrast to the control EpCAM-positive and EpCAM-negative cells isolated from the control or tumor tissues. These data suggest that the expression of the API-5 protein is upregulated in tumor epithelial cells and may serve as a prognostic marker in colorectal cancer.

  4. Enersave API: Android-based power-saving framework for mobile devices

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    A.M. Muharum


    Full Text Available Power consumption is a major factor to be taken into consideration when using mobile devices in the IoT field. Good Power management requires proper understanding of the way in which it is being consumed by the end-devices. This paper is a continuation of the work in Ref. [1] and proposes an energy saving API for the Android Operating System in order to help developers turn their applications into energy-aware ones. The main features heavily used for building smart applications, greatly impact battery life of Android devices and which have been taken into consideration are: Screen brightness, Colour scheme, CPU frequency, 2G/3G network, Maps, Low power localisation, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The assessment of the power-saving API has been performed on real Android devices and also compared to the most powerful power-saving applications – DU Battery Saver and Battery Saver 2016 – currently available on the Android market. Comparisons demonstrate that the Enersave API has a significant impact on power saving when incorporated in android applications. While DU Battery Saver and Battery Saver 2016 help saving 22.2% and 40.5% of the battery power respectively, the incorporation of the Enersave API in android applications can help save 84.6% of battery power.

  5. ADS 2.0: New Architecture, API and Services (United States)

    Chyla, R.; Accomazzi, A.; Holachek, A.; Grant, C. S.; Elliott, J.; Henneken, E. A.; Thompson, D. M.; Kurtz, M. J.; Murray, S. S.; Sudilovsky, V.


    The ADS platform is undergoing the biggest rewrite of its 20-year history. While several components have been added to its architecture over the past couple of years, this talk will concentrate on the underpinnings of ADS's search layer and its API. To illustrate the design of the components in the new system, we will show how the new ADS user interface is built exclusively on top of the API using RESTful web services. Taking one step further, we will discuss how we plan to expose the treasure trove of information hosted by ADS (10 million records and fulltext for much of the Astronomy and Physics refereed literature) to partners interested in using this API. This will provide you (and your intelligent applications) with access to ADS's underlying data to enable the extraction of new knowledge and the ingestion of these results back into the ADS. Using this framework, researchers could run controlled experiments with content extraction, machine learning, natural language processing, etc. In this talk, we will discuss what is already implemented, what will be available soon, and where we are going next.


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    Ricardo FIGUEIRA


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a composição isotópica de néctares comerciais de caju e, por meio de modelos de mistura, quantificar aporcentagem de carbono proveniente de plantas do ciclo fotossintético C3 , a fim de identificar as bebidas que não estavam em conformidade com as normas do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA. Para isso, foram produzidos néctares em laboratório conforme a legislação brasileira. Também foi produzida bebida adulterada com quantidade de polpa de caju abaixo do limite estabelecido. Nesses néctares, as porcentagens teóricas de fonte C3 foram calculadas por meio do balanço de massa de sólidos solú- veis. Para a análise isotópica foram mensurados os valores isotópicos dos açúcares de cana, dos néctares de caju e de suas frações açúcares purificados e sólidos insolúveis. Com esses valores, foram calculadas as porcentagens práticas de fonte C3 (reais por meio da análise isotópica, em espectrô- metro de massa. Os resultados práticos foram comparados com os teóricos para definir a melhor forma de quantifi- cação de fonte C3 . Para identificar os néctares comerciais adulterados, foi desenvolvido um limite de legalidade conforme a legislação brasileira. Quatro marcas de néctares de caju foram analisadas e todas classificadas como legais. O limite de legalidade possibilitou identificar as bebidas em conformidade com a lei. A metodologia foi eficiente para quantificar o carbono de origem C3 em néctares comerciais de caju.

  7. Physical stability of API/polymer-blend amorphous solid dispersions. (United States)

    Lehmkemper, Kristin; Kyeremateng, Samuel O; Bartels, Mareike; Degenhardt, Matthias; Sadowski, Gabriele


    The preparation of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) is a well-established strategy for formulating active pharmaceutical ingredients by embedding them in excipients, usually amorphous polymers. Different polymers can be combined for designing ASDs with desired properties like an optimized dissolution behavior. One important criterion for the development of ASD compositions is the physical stability. In this work, the physical stability of API/polymer-blend ASDs was investigated by thermodynamic modeling and stability studies. Amorphous naproxen (NAP) and acetaminophen (APAP) were embedded in blends of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate (HPMCAS) and either poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) or poly(vinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) (PVPVA64). Parameters for modeling the API solubility in the blends and the glass-transition temperature curves of the water-free systems with Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory and Kwei equation, respectively, were correlated to experimental data. The phase behavior for standardized storage conditions (0%, 60% and 75% relative humidity (RH)) was predicted and compared to six months-long stability studies. According to modeling and experimental results, the physical stability was reduced with increasing HPMCAS content and increasing RH. This trend was observed for all investigated systems, with both APIs (NAP and APAP) and both polymer blends (PVP/HPMCAS and PVPVA64/HPMCAS). PC-SAFT and the Kwei equation turned out to be suitable tools for modeling and predicting the physical stability of the investigated API/polymer-blends ASDs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. The end of polling: why and how to transform a REST API into a Data Streaming API?

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    We know interactivity is the key to keep our user’s interest alive but we can’t reduce animation to UI anymore. Twitter, Waze, Slack… users are used to have real-time data in applications they love. But how can you turn your static API into a stream of data? By pulling? Pushing? Webhook-ing? When talking about data streaming, we often think about WebSockets. But have you ever heard of Server-Sent Events? In this tools-in-action we will compare those technologies to understand which one you should opt for depending on your usecase, and I’ll show you how we have been reducing the amount of data to transfer even further with JSON-Patch. And because real-time data is not only needed by web (and because it’s much more fun), I’ll show you how we can make a drone dance on streamed APIs.

  9. Pemanfaatan Google Maps Api Untuk Visualisasi Data Base Transceiver Station


    Rani, Septia


    This paper discusses the use of the Google Maps API to perform data visualization for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) data. BTS are typically used by telecommunications companies to facilitate wireless communication between communication devices with the network operator. Each BTS has important information such as it's location, it's transaction traffic, as well as information about revenue. With the implementation of BTS data visualization using the Google Maps API, key information owned by e...



    Rani, Septia


    This paper discusses the use of the Google Maps API to perform data visualization for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) data. BTS are typically used by telecommunications companies to facilitate wireless communication between communication devices with the network operator. Each BTS has important information such as it’s location, it’s transaction traffic, as well as information about revenue. With the implementation of BTS data visualization using the Google Maps API, key information owned by e...

  11. Pemanfaatan Google Maps Api Untuk Visualisasi Data Base Transceiver Station


    Rani, Septia


    This paper discusses the use of the Google Maps API to perform data visualization for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) data. BTS are typically used by telecommunications companies to facilitate wireless communication between communication devices with the network operator. Each BTS has important information such as it’s location, it’s transaction traffic, as well as information about revenue. With the implementation of BTS data visualization using the Google Maps API, key information owned by e...

  12. Valoración económica del carbono capturado en el suelo de los bofedales de la Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo.


    Lozano Rodríguez, Patricio Xavier


    Este proceso consistió en la caracterización biofísica y antrópica del bofedal, la cuantificación del carbono orgánico en el suelo y la valoración económica del carbono orgánico. Los datos indican que el 75% de los bofedales corresponden a un régimen hidromórfico. La diversidad de flora y aves es media, y la de mamíferos y anfibios es baja. El grado de amenaza sobre este ecosistema es medio y está impulsado principalmente por el deterioro de fuentes de agua y pérdida de cobertu...

  13. On the reaction to deprecation of clients of 4 + 1 popular Java APIs and the JDK

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sawant, A.A.; Robbes, Romain; Bacchelli, A.


    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are a tremendous resource—that is, when they are stable. Several studies have shown that this is unfortunately not the case. Of those, a large-scale study of API changes in the Pharo Smalltalk ecosystem documented several findings about API deprecations

  14. Dinámica del carbono en sistemas agrícolas bajo siembra directa : nuevas evidencias obtenidas mediante el uso de 13 C sobre la importancia de las raíces, la calidad de los residuos y el laboreo


    Mazzilli, Sebastián


    El carbono orgánico del suelo (COS) es uno de los principales determinantes de la productividad de los ecosistemas, afectando la fertilidad del suelo y su capacidad de secuestrar CO2. La agricultura es uno de los principales cambios de uso del suelo que afecta significativamente el COS. En esta tesis se examinan, mediante experimentos de campo y usando al 13C como trazador isotópico, tres aspectos de la dinámica de C en sistemas agrícolas: 1) la importancia de las raíces en la formación de CO...

  15. Search without Boundaries Using Simple APIs (United States)

    Tong, Qi


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Library, where the author serves as the digital services librarian, is increasingly challenged to make it easier for users to find information from many heterogeneous information sources. Information is scattered throughout different software applications (i.e., library catalog, federated search engine, link resolver, and vendor websites), and each specializes in one thing. How could the library integrate the functionalities of one application with another and provide a single point of entry for users to search across? To improve the user experience, the library launched an effort to integrate the federated search engine into the library's intranet website. The result is a simple search box that leverages the federated search engine's built-in application programming interfaces (APIs). In this article, the author describes how this project demonstrated the power of APIs and their potential to be used by other enterprise search portals inside or outside of the library.

  16. Development of an in-line Raman spectroscopic method for continuous API quantification during twin-screw wet granulation. (United States)

    Harting, Julia; Kleinebudde, Peter


    Raman spectroscopy was evaluated as a process analytical technology (PAT) tool for continuous API quantification during twin-screw wet granulation. Therefore, a Raman probe was implemented in front of the granulator barrel. This setup enabled the collection of Raman spectra upon a constant granule flow. To develop an in-line PLS calibration model, eight binary mixtures of the API and lactose monohydrate with API contents between 5 and 50% were pre-blended and granulated in a twin-screw granulator with a screw speed of 150 rpm and a powder feed rate of 40 g/min. Water was used as a granulation liquid with different liquid to solid ratios depending on the API content. Ibuprofen and diclofenac sodium were chosen as model drugs and separated PLS models were built for each API. The predictive performance of the developed PLS models was determined by granulating and monitoring new test samples containing different API concentrations. This evaluation showed that the models were able to predict the API concentration with an RMSEP of 0.59% for ibuprofen and 1.5% for diclofenac sodium. In a second part, the developed in-line Raman spectroscopic method was used to determine the API concentration during a split feeding process. Therefore, the API and lactose monohydrate were added by two independently adjustable feeders into the twin-screw granulator barrel. The in-line spectroscopy analysis which was verified by UV-analysis indicated that the mixing ability of the twin-screw granulator was good for the used settings and all adjusted API concentrations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Flood warning level forecasting for ungauged catchments by means of a combined API storage concept

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehmann, T; Holzmann, H


    The knowledge of the expected dimension of the flood peak is of major importance for security and warning services to take preventive measures. In this paper the authors want to introduce the concept of the Antecedent Precipitation Index (API) as a possible variable to estimate runoff warning classes. The aim was (a) to define API warning classes which correspond to runoff warning classes at a certain runoff gauge and (b) apply the method to ungauged basins. To consider time and state dependant rainfall losses a spatially distributed linear storage concept was applied to intercept the actual rainfall. The 3-parameter API function was fitted to several flood events at observed gauges within the district of lower Austria and lead to a set of optimized parameters. Through extreme value statistics the 1, 5 and 30 years API extremes were derived and set into correlation to the corresponding flood events. These API extremes together with the optimized API parameters were spatially interpolated and thus transferred to ungauged basins. The calculated flood events had the tendency to underestimate the smaller flood frequencies whereas the extreme flood classes could be reliably performed.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Alvarez Arteaga


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la capacidad de los suelos de un agroecosistema cafetalero de sombra bajo diferentes condiciones de manejo para acumular formas estables de carbono, en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca; para ello, se cuantificó el almacén de carbono edáfico y se realizó el aislamiento y caracterización química de la materia orgánica del suelo mediante fraccionamiento químico, espectroscopía UV-visible e infrarroja en los primeros 40 cm de profundidad. Los resultaron no mostraron diferencias significativas para los almacenes de carbono entre condiciones de manejo, situándose en valores promedio de 150 Mg C ha-1. Los patrones de humificación son consistentes para todos los suelos e indican que más del 50 % de la materia orgánica del suelo se encuentra en las huminas de insolubilización y entre el 15 y 20 % corresponde a los ácidos húmicos. Esta fracción, presumiblemente la más estable, está conformada por moléculas cuya aromaticidad y maduración tiene una relación positiva con el incremento de altitud y el contenido de arcillas en el suelo. De acuerdo a lo anterior se corrobora la capacidad de los agroecosistemas cafetaleros bajo sombra para acumular elevados contenidos de carbono en formas estables asociadas con la fracción mineral del suelo.

  19. A Fine-Grained API Link Prediction Approach Supporting CMDA Mashup Recommendation (United States)

    Zhang, J.; Bao, Q.; Lee, T. J.; Ramachandran, R.; Lee, S.; Pan, L.; Gatlin, P. N.; Maskey, M.


    Service (API) discovery and recommendation is key to the wide spread of service oriented architecture and service oriented software engineering. Service recommendation typically relies on service linkage prediction calculated by the semantic distances (or similarities) among services based on their collection of inherent attributes. Given a specific context (mashup goal), however, different attributes may contribute differently to a service linkage. In this work, instead of training a model for all attributes as a whole, a novel approach is presented to simultaneously train separate models for individual attributes. Our contributions are summarized in three-fold. First is that we have developed a scalable attribute-level data model, featuring scalability and extensibility. We have extended Multiplicative Attribute Graph (MAG) model to represent node profiles featuring rich categorical attributes, while relaxing its constraint of requiring a priori knowledge of predefined attributes. LDA is leveraged to dynamically identify attributes based on attribute modeling, and multiple Gaussian fit is applied to find global optimal values. The second contribution is that we have seamlessly integrated the latent relationships between API attributes as well as observed network structure based on historical API usage data. Such a layered information model enables us to predict the probability of a link between two APIs based on their attribute link affinities carrying a variety of information including meta data, semantic data, historical usage data, as well as crowdsourcing user comments and annotations. The third contribution is that we have developed a finegrained context-aware mashup-API recommendation technique. On top of individual models trained for separate attributes, a dedicated layer is trained to represent the latent attribute distribution regarding mashup purpose, i.e., sensitivity of attributes to context. Thus, given the description of an intended mashup, the


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    Emy Setyaningsih


    Full Text Available             Makalah ini akan membahas tentang penerapan black box pada kereta api yang diadopsi pertama kali pada pesawat, dengan parameter perekam suara hingga waktu simpan kurang dari 1 hari 8 jam pada media penyimpanan SD Card. Tujuan dari pengujian pada makalah ini adalah membandingkan sumber suara terhadap jarak penerima, sebagai parameter perubahan tingkat suara “dB”. Sistem perekaman suara yang akan ditempatkan pada kereta api ini menggunakan modul rangkaian terintregasi WTR010. Voice record WTR010 merupakan modul rangkaian terintegrasi untuk merekam suara sendiri atau pun suara dari file music / video pada komputer dengan sangat mudah. Modul ini bisa merekam suara sendiri dan langsung di simpan ke dalam format audio. Format audio yang disediakan oleh modul voice record adalah format AD4 dan wav. Hasil pengujian modul black box yang diletakkan pada kereta api, dengan mencoba mengucapkan kata  “SAYA”,  suara dapat terekam pada modul perekam suara yang selanjutnya diolah menggunakan ”software sound editor” yang disimpan pada SD Card ber-ekstensi “wav”. Perbandingan sumber suara terhadap jarak penerima dari pengujian didapatkan sebuah persamaan regresi linier  y = -( 31x – 11  dan R² = 0.972.  Pengujian ini menghasilkan penekanan suara dB dan frekuensi sample Hz yang berbeda.  Kata kunci: black box kereta api, perekaman suara, WTR010

  1. The Proteins API: accessing key integrated protein and genome information. (United States)

    Nightingale, Andrew; Antunes, Ricardo; Alpi, Emanuele; Bursteinas, Borisas; Gonzales, Leonardo; Liu, Wudong; Luo, Jie; Qi, Guoying; Turner, Edd; Martin, Maria


    The Proteins API provides searching and programmatic access to protein and associated genomics data such as curated protein sequence positional annotations from UniProtKB, as well as mapped variation and proteomics data from large scale data sources (LSS). Using the coordinates service, researchers are able to retrieve the genomic sequence coordinates for proteins in UniProtKB. This, the LSS genomics and proteomics data for UniProt proteins is programmatically only available through this service. A Swagger UI has been implemented to provide documentation, an interface for users, with little or no programming experience, to 'talk' to the services to quickly and easily formulate queries with the services and obtain dynamically generated source code for popular programming languages, such as Java, Perl, Python and Ruby. Search results are returned as standard JSON, XML or GFF data objects. The Proteins API is a scalable, reliable, fast, easy to use RESTful services that provides a broad protein information resource for users to ask questions based upon their field of expertise and allowing them to gain an integrated overview of protein annotations available to aid their knowledge gain on proteins in biological processes. The Proteins API is available at ( © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  2. The MPO API: A tool for recording scientific workflows

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wright, John C., E-mail: [MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA (United States); Greenwald, Martin; Stillerman, Joshua [MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA (United States); Abla, Gheni; Chanthavong, Bobby; Flanagan, Sean; Schissel, David; Lee, Xia [General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States); Romosan, Alex; Shoshani, Arie [Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Highlights: • A description of a new framework and tool for recording scientific workflows, especially those resulting from simulation and analysis. • An explanation of the underlying technologies used to implement this web based tool. • Several examples of using the tool. - Abstract: Data from large-scale experiments and extreme-scale computing is expensive to produce and may be used for high-consequence applications. The Metadata, Provenance and Ontology (MPO) project builds on previous work [M. Greenwald, Fusion Eng. Des. 87 (2012) 2205–2208] and is focused on providing documentation of workflows, data provenance and the ability to data-mine large sets of results. While there are important design and development aspects to the data structures and user interfaces, we concern ourselves in this paper with the application programming interface (API) – the set of functions that interface with the data server. Our approach for the data server is to follow the Representational State Transfer (RESTful) software architecture style for client–server communication. At its core, the API uses the POST and GET methods of the HTTP protocol to transfer workflow information in message bodies to targets specified in the URL to and from the database via a web server. Higher level API calls are built upon this core API. This design facilitates implementation on different platforms and in different languages and is robust to changes in the underlying technologies used. The command line client implementation can communicate with the data server from any machine with HTTP access.

  3. The MPO API: A tool for recording scientific workflows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, John C.; Greenwald, Martin; Stillerman, Joshua; Abla, Gheni; Chanthavong, Bobby; Flanagan, Sean; Schissel, David; Lee, Xia; Romosan, Alex; Shoshani, Arie


    Highlights: • A description of a new framework and tool for recording scientific workflows, especially those resulting from simulation and analysis. • An explanation of the underlying technologies used to implement this web based tool. • Several examples of using the tool. - Abstract: Data from large-scale experiments and extreme-scale computing is expensive to produce and may be used for high-consequence applications. The Metadata, Provenance and Ontology (MPO) project builds on previous work [M. Greenwald, Fusion Eng. Des. 87 (2012) 2205–2208] and is focused on providing documentation of workflows, data provenance and the ability to data-mine large sets of results. While there are important design and development aspects to the data structures and user interfaces, we concern ourselves in this paper with the application programming interface (API) – the set of functions that interface with the data server. Our approach for the data server is to follow the Representational State Transfer (RESTful) software architecture style for client–server communication. At its core, the API uses the POST and GET methods of the HTTP protocol to transfer workflow information in message bodies to targets specified in the URL to and from the database via a web server. Higher level API calls are built upon this core API. This design facilitates implementation on different platforms and in different languages and is robust to changes in the underlying technologies used. The command line client implementation can communicate with the data server from any machine with HTTP access

  4. Reactome Pengine: A web-logic API to the homo sapiens reactome. (United States)

    Neaves, Samuel R; Tsoka, Sophia; Millard, Louise A C


    Existing ways of accessing data from the Reactome database are limited. Either a researcher is restricted to particular queries defined by a web application programming interface (API), or they have to download the whole database. Reactome Pengine is a web service providing a logic programming based API to the human reactome. This gives researchers greater flexibility in data access than existing APIs, as users can send their own small programs (alongside queries) to Reactome Pengine. The server and an example notebook can be found at Source code is available at and a Docker image is available at . Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  5. Desarrollo y optimización de recubrimientos de superaleaciones con adición de cargas cerámicas y elementos reactivos obtenidos por proyección térmica para aplicaciones de resistencia a oxidación a alta temperatura y al desgaste


    Cervera González, Iván


    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es la obtención de recubrimientos con una composición optimizada para aplicaciones de elevada resistencia a alta temperatura y al desgaste, proyectados térmicamente sobre acero al carbono AISI 1110, mediante la técnica de oxifuel, basados en el sistema NiCrAlY/Al2O3. Estos recubrimientos deben ser capaces de proteger adecuadamente a un material de escasa resistencia mecánica y térmica para el rango de temperaturas analizado, que se sitúa entre 850 – ...

  6. Inhibiting DNA methylation alters olfactory extinction but not acquisition learning in Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. (United States)

    Gong, Zhiwen; Wang, Chao; Nieh, James C; Tan, Ken


    DNA methylation plays a key role in invertebrate acquisition and extinction memory. Honey bees have excellent olfactory learning, but the role of DNA methylation in memory formation has, to date, only been studied in Apis mellifera. We inhibited DNA methylation by inhibiting DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) with zebularine (zeb) and studied the resulting effects upon olfactory acquisition and extinction memory in two honey bee species, Apis cerana and A. mellifera. We used the proboscis extension reflex (PER) assay to measure memory. We provide the first demonstration that DNA methylation is also important in the olfactory extinction learning of A. cerana. DNMT did not reduce acquisition learning in either species. However, zeb bidirectionally and differentially altered extinction learning in both species. In particular, zeb provided 1h before acquisition learning improved extinction memory retention in A. mellifera, but reduced extinction memory retention in A. cerana. The reasons for these differences are unclear, but provide a basis for future studies to explore species-specific differences in the effects of methylation on memory formation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Hemolymph proteome changes during worker brood development match the biological divergences between western honey bees (Apis mellifera) and eastern honey bees (Apis cerana). (United States)

    Feng, Mao; Ramadan, Haitham; Han, Bin; Fang, Yu; Li, Jianke


    Hemolymph plays key roles in honey bee molecule transport, immune defense, and in monitoring the physiological condition. There is a lack of knowledge regarding how the proteome achieves these biological missions for both the western and eastern honey bees (Apis mellifera and Apis cerana). A time-resolved proteome was compared using two-dimensional electrophoresis-based proteomics to reveal the mechanistic differences by analysis of hemolymph proteome changes between the worker bees of two bee species during the larval to pupal stages. The brood body weight of Apis mellifera was significantly heavier than that of Apis cerana at each developmental stage. Significantly, different protein expression patterns and metabolic pathways were observed in 74 proteins (166 spots) that were differentially abundant between the two bee species. The function of hemolymph in energy storage, odor communication, and antioxidation is of equal importance for the western and eastern bees, indicated by the enhanced expression of different protein species. However, stronger expression of protein folding, cytoskeletal and developmental proteins, and more highly activated energy producing pathways in western bees suggests that the different bee species have developed unique strategies to match their specific physiology using hemolymph to deliver nutrients and in immune defense. Our disparate findings constitute a proof-of-concept of molecular details that the ecologically shaped different physiological conditions of different bee species match with the hemolymph proteome during the brood stage. This also provides a starting point for future research on the specific hemolymph proteins or pathways related to the differential phenotypes or physiology.

  8. Generación de conocimientos y tecnologías sanitarias: nanoonions de carbono


    García Delgado, Beatriz Moraima; Desdín García, Luis Felipe; Ferreira Gaspar Amaral, Luciene; Ferreira Soares, Thais Talita


    El conocimiento posee un rol importante en los nuevos desarrollos y en especial en los relacionados con las tecnologías emergentes. Este artículo tiene como objetivo generar y gestionar el conocimiento que permita dar respuesta a las necesidades de las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida del proyecto de I+D+i: nanoonions de carbono y, en especial, de su posible utilización en el campo de la salud. Se utilizó la metodología para la generación y gestión del conocimiento y como fuente de informa...

  9. Carga limite para juntas mecânicas em laminados de fibra de carbono


    Arthur Chaves de Mas Santacreu


    Neste trabalho são testadas várias juntas parafusadas com laminados de fibra de carbono. São investigadas as influências dos parâmetros geométricos e dos parâmetros de constituição do laminado no comportamento da curva carga versus deformação do furo carregado. Paralelamente é desenvolvido um modelo de elementos finitos linear elástico para calcular a deformação do furo carregado a partir das propriedades mecânicas do material e da geometria da junta. É proposto um critério de previsão de car...

  10. Reservorios y flujos de carbono en un gradiente de intensificación de usos del suelo de un ecosistema mediterráneo: factores de control y capacidad de secuestro de carbono


    Almagro Bonmatí, María


    Se estudia el ciclo del carbono en diferentes usos del suelo (uso forestal, campo agrícola abandonado y olivar de secano) de un ecosistema mediterráneo ante la perspectiva del cambio climático. La hipótesis general de esta tesis es que los cambios en los patrones (estructura y distribución espacial) y tipo de vegetación resultantes de la intensificación de los usos del suelo causarán alteraciones en las condiciones microclimáticas (temperatura y humedad del suelo) y en las características del...

  11. Videografia digital na estimativa de carbono em florestas implantadas com espécies nativas / Estimation of carbon in forests established with native species using digital videography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hilton Thadeu Zarate do Couto


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho é utilizar a videografi a digital como ferramenta para a estimativa do carbono em fl orestas implantadas com essências nativas, utilizando para isso o índice de vegetação NDVI. As imagens aéreas foram obtidas com o auxílio de uma aeronave modelo Cessna 180, equipada com o sistema de rastreamento e armazenamento de dados, que inclui uma câmera digital multiespectral de alta resolução.A partir das imagens geradas pelo sistema foi analisado o índice devegetação ou NDVI do mosaico formado e a idade, em anos, dos plantiosestudados, correlacionando os valores do índice e da idade com dados de biomassa total, biomassa do tronco (DAP maior que 5cm carbono e CO2-equivalente obtidos a partir de medições de DAP realizadas em parcelas permanentes instaladas nas áreas fl orestais inventariadas. Os modelos obtidos foram gerados utilizando-se da análise de regressão linear múltipla. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram coefi cientes dedeterminação (R² e nível de significância adequado para os modelos que relacionam o NDVI e a idade com as variáveis de biomassa e carbono nas florestas, mostrando que a videografia digital pode ser uma importante ferramenta na análise e estimativa de biomassa e carbono em florestas implantadas com essências nativas.

  12. Assessment of nutritional resources quality from honeybees (Apis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Several environments were selected, namely a rainforest in. Kisangani ... Keywords: Apis mellifera adansonii, honey, bee bread, quality, nutrition, bee ecology, DRC. INTRODUCTION. Various ...... BKN, Co-Proponent of this work, contributed.

  13. Polymorphic DNA sequences of the fungal honey bee pathogen Ascosphaera apis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Annette B; Welker, Dennis L; Kryger, Per


    The pathogenic fungus Ascosphaera apis is ubiquitous in honey bee populations. We used the draft genome assembly of this pathogen to search for polymorphic intergenic loci that could be used to differentiate haplotypes. Primers were developed for five such loci, and the species specificities were...... verified using DNA from nine closely related species. The sequence variation was compared among 12 A. apis isolates at each of these loci, and two additional loci, the internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal RNA (ITS) and a variable part of the elongation factor 1α (Ef1α). The degree of variation...... was then compared among the different loci, and three were found to have the greatest detection power for identifying A. apis haplotypes. The described loci can help to resolve strain differences and population genetic structures, to elucidate host–pathogen interaction and to test evolutionary hypotheses...

  14. Antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antidiabetic activity of Apis mellifera bee tea.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janielle da Silva Melo da Cunha

    Full Text Available Diabetes has emerged as one of the largest global epidemics; it is estimated that by 2035, there will be 592 million diabetic people in the world. Brazilian biodiversity and the knowledge of traditional peoples have contributed to the treatment of several diseases, including diabetes. Apis mellifera bee tea is used by indigenous Brazilians to treat diabetes, and this traditional knowledge needs to be recorded and studied.The objective of this study was to record the use and to evaluate the antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antidiabetic activity of Apis mellifera bee tea, which is used by the Guarani and Kaiowá indigenous people for the treatment of diabetes. Semi-structured interviews were performed with Guarani and Kaiowá ethnic indigenous people from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, seeking to identify the animal species used for medicinal purposes. For the experimental procedures, tea prepared with macerated Apis mellifera bees was used. In vitro assays were performed to evaluate antioxidant activity; direct free radical scavenging, protection against oxidative hemolysis, lipid peroxidation were evaluated in human erythrocytes and potential in inhibiting the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs. In vivo, normoglycemic Swiss male mice treated with Apis mellifera tea (AmT were subjected to the oral glucose tolerance test and compared with control and metformin-treated groups. Diet-induced diabetic mice were treated for 21 days with AmT and evaluated for glycemia and malondialdehyde levels in the blood, liver, nervous system, and eyes. During interviews, the indigenous people described the use of Apis mellifera bee tea for the treatment of diabetes. In in vitro assays, AmT showed direct antioxidant activity and reduced oxidative hemolysis and malondialdehyde generation in human erythrocytes. The AmT inhibited the formation of AGEs by albumin-fructose pathways and methylglyoxal products. In vivo, after oral glucose

  15. Antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antidiabetic activity of Apis mellifera bee tea. (United States)

    Melo da Cunha, Janielle da Silva; Alfredo, Tamaeh Monteiro; Dos Santos, Jéssica Maurino; Alves Junior, Valter Vieira; Rabelo, Luiza Antas; Lima, Emerson Silva; Boleti, Ana Paula de Araújo; Carollo, Carlos Alexandre; Dos Santos, Edson Lucas; de Picoli Souza, Kely


    Diabetes has emerged as one of the largest global epidemics; it is estimated that by 2035, there will be 592 million diabetic people in the world. Brazilian biodiversity and the knowledge of traditional peoples have contributed to the treatment of several diseases, including diabetes. Apis mellifera bee tea is used by indigenous Brazilians to treat diabetes, and this traditional knowledge needs to be recorded and studied.The objective of this study was to record the use and to evaluate the antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antidiabetic activity of Apis mellifera bee tea, which is used by the Guarani and Kaiowá indigenous people for the treatment of diabetes. Semi-structured interviews were performed with Guarani and Kaiowá ethnic indigenous people from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, seeking to identify the animal species used for medicinal purposes. For the experimental procedures, tea prepared with macerated Apis mellifera bees was used. In vitro assays were performed to evaluate antioxidant activity; direct free radical scavenging, protection against oxidative hemolysis, lipid peroxidation were evaluated in human erythrocytes and potential in inhibiting the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). In vivo, normoglycemic Swiss male mice treated with Apis mellifera tea (AmT) were subjected to the oral glucose tolerance test and compared with control and metformin-treated groups. Diet-induced diabetic mice were treated for 21 days with AmT and evaluated for glycemia and malondialdehyde levels in the blood, liver, nervous system, and eyes. During interviews, the indigenous people described the use of Apis mellifera bee tea for the treatment of diabetes. In in vitro assays, AmT showed direct antioxidant activity and reduced oxidative hemolysis and malondialdehyde generation in human erythrocytes. The AmT inhibited the formation of AGEs by albumin-fructose pathways and methylglyoxal products. In vivo, after oral glucose overload, normoglycemic

  16. Antioxidant activity and irritation property of venoms from Apis species. (United States)

    Somwongin, Suvimol; Chantawannakul, Panuwan; Chaiyana, Wantida


    Pharmacological effects of bee venom has been reported, however, it has been restricted to the bee venom collected from European honey bee (Apis mellifera). The aim of the present study was to compare the antioxidant activities and irritation properties of venoms collected from four different Apis species in Thailand, which includes Apis cerena (Asian cavity nesting honeybee), Apis florea (dwarf honeybee), Apis dorsata (giant honeybee), and A. mellifera. Melittin content of each bee venom extracts was investigated by using high-performance liquid chromatography. Ferric reducing antioxidant power, 2, 2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), and 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl assay were used to determine the antioxidant activity, whereas, hen's egg test chorioallantoic membrane assay was used to determine the irritation property of each bee venom extracts. Melittin was the major constituent in all bee venom extracts. The melittin content in A. dorsata, A. mellifera, A. florea, and A. cerena were 95.8 ± 3.2%, 76.5 ± 1.9%, 66.3 ± 8.6%, and 56.8 ± 1.8%, respectively. Bee venom extract from A. dorsata possessed the highest antioxidant activity with the inhibition of 41.1 ± 2.2% against DPPH, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity of 10.21 ± 0.74 mM Trolox/mg and equivalent concentration (EC 1 ) of 0.35 ± 0.02 mM FeSO 4 /mg. Bee venom extract from A. mellifera exhibited the highest irritation, followed by A. cerena, A. dorsata, and A. florea, respectively. Melittin was the compound responsible for the irritation property of bee venom extracts since it could induce severe irritation (irritation score was 13.7 ± 0.5, at the concentration of 2 mg/ml). The extract from A. dorsata which possessed the highest antioxidant activity showed no irritation up to the concentration of 0.1 mg/ml. Therefore, bee venom extract from A. dorsata at the concentration not more than 0.1 mg/ml would be suggested for using

  17. Manufacturing Amorphous Solid Dispersions with a Tailored Amount of Crystallized API for Biopharmaceutical Testing. (United States)

    Theil, Frank; Milsmann, Johanna; Anantharaman, Sankaran; van Lishaut, Holger


    The preparation of an amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) by dissolving a poorly water-soluble active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in a polymer matrix can improve the bioavailability by orders of magnitude. Crystallization of the API in the ASD, though, is an inherent threat for bioavailability. Commonly, the impact of crystalline API on the drug release of the dosage form is studied with samples containing spiked crystallinity. These spiked samples possess implicit differences compared to native crystalline samples, regarding size and spatial distribution of the crystals as well as their molecular environment. In this study, we demonstrate that it is possible to grow defined amounts of crystalline API in solid dosage forms, which enables us to study the biopharmaceutical impact of actual crystallization. For this purpose, we studied the crystal growth in fenofibrate tablets over time under an elevated moisture using transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS). As a nondestructive method to assess API crystallinity in ASD formulations, TRS enables the monitoring of crystal growth in individual dosage forms. Once the kinetic trace of the crystal growth for a certain environmental condition is determined, this method can be used to produce samples with defined amounts of crystallized API. To investigate the biopharmaceutical impact of crystallized API, non-QC dissolution methods were used, designed to identify differences between the various amounts of crystalline materials present. The drug release in the samples manufactured in this fashion was compared to that of samples with spiked crystallinity. In this study, we present for the first time a method for targeted crystallization of amorphous tablets to simulate crystallized ASDs. This methodology is a valuable tool to generate model systems for biopharmaceutical studies on the impact of crystallinity on the bioavailability.

  18. Improvements and extensions to API 618 related to pulsation and mechanical response studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eijk, A.; Smeulers, J.P.M.; Blodgett, L.E.; Smalley, A.J.


    Purchasers of reciprocating compressors need a standard to help ensure reliable installations. The PNEUROP standard evolved in Europe, and the API 618 Standard in the U.S.A. Frequent application and generally good experience, worldwide, have led to four releases of API 618, the last dated June 1995.

  19. Continuous API-crystal coating via coacervation in a tubular reactor. (United States)

    Besenhard, M O; Thurnberger, A; Hohl, R; Faulhammer, E; Rattenberger, J; Khinast, J G


    We present a proof-of-concept study of a continuous coating process of single API crystals in a tubular reactor using coacervation as a microencapsulation technique. Continuous API crystal coating can have several advantages, as in a single step (following crystallization) individual crystals can be prepared with a functional coating, either to change the release behavior, to protect the API from gastric juice or to modify the surface energetics of the API (i.e., to tailor the hydrophobic/hydrophilic characteristics, flowability or agglomeration tendency, etc.). The coating process was developed for the microencapsulation of a lipophilic core material (ibuprofen crystals of 20 μm- to 100 μm-size), with either hypromellose phthalate (HPMCP) or Eudragit L100-55. The core material was suspended in an aqueous solution containing one of these enteric polymers, fed into the tubing and mixed continuously with a sodium sulfate solution as an antisolvent to induce coacervation. A subsequent temperature treatment was applied to optimize the microencapsulation of crystals via the polymer-rich coacervate phase. Cross-linking of the coating shell was achieved by mixing the processed material with an acidic solution (pH<3). Flow rates, temperature profiles and polymer-to-antisolvent ratios had to be tightly controlled to avoid excessive aggregation, leading to pipe plugging. This work demonstrates the potential of a tubular reactor design for continuous coating applications and is the basis for future work, combining continuous crystallization and coating. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Physicochemical characterisation and investigation of the bonding mechanisms of API-titanate nanotube composites as new drug carrier systems. (United States)

    Sipos, Barbara; Pintye-Hódi, Klára; Kónya, Zoltán; Kelemen, András; Regdon, Géza; Sovány, Tamás


    Titanate nanotube (TNT) has recently been explored as a new carrier material for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). The aim of the present work was to reveal the physicochemical properties of API-TNT composites, focusing on the interactions between the TNTs and the incorporated APIs. Drugs belonging to different Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) classes were loaded into TNTs: diltiazem hydrochloride (BCS I.), diclofenac sodium (BCS II.), atenolol (BCS III.) and hydrochlorothiazide (BCS IV.). Experimental results demonstrated that it is feasible for spiral cross-sectioned titanate nanotubes to carry drugs and maintain their bioactivity. The structural properties of the composites were characterized by a range of analytical techniques, including FT-IR, DSC, TG-MS, etc. The interactions between APIs and TNTs were identified as electrostatic attractions, mainly dominated by hydrogen bonds. Based on the results, it can be stated that the strength of the association depends on the hydrogen donor strength of the API. The drug release of incorporated APIs was evaluated from compressed tablets and compared to that of pure APIs. Differences noticed in the dissolution profiles due to incorporation showed a correlation with the strength of interactions between the APIs and the TNTs observed in the above analytical studies. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Heterosis en la longevidad de obreras Apis mielífera

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    J. Tello


    Full Text Available Se estimó la media y la heterosis de la longevidad en obreras de abejas Apis mellifera. El expe-rimento fue desarrollado en el Apiario del Departamento de Genética de la Facultad de Medi-cina de la USP-Ribeirão Preto-Brasil y en Jaboticabal-SP, de 03/1997 a 05/1999. Seleccionamos 8 matrices inseminadas del apiário-USP (2africanizadas, 2italianas, 2cárnicasy 2italianas*cárnicos y 2 matrices (grupo-testigo de abejas Africanizadas-Silvestres.

  2. Chimeras of Bet v 1 and Api g 1 reveal heterogeneous IgE responses in patients with birch pollen allergy. (United States)

    Gepp, Barbara; Lengger, Nina; Bublin, Merima; Hemmer, Wolfgang; Breiteneder, Heimo; Radauer, Christian


    Characterization of IgE-binding epitopes of allergens and determination of their patient-specific relevance is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of allergy. We sought to assess the contribution of specific surface areas of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1.0101 to binding IgE of individual patients. Four distinct areas of Bet v 1 representing in total 81% of its surface were grafted onto the scaffold of its homolog, Api g 1.0101, to yield the chimeras Api-Bet-1 to Api-Bet-4. The chimeras were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. IgE binding of 64 sera from Bet v 1-sensitized subjects with birch pollen allergy was determined by using direct ELISA. Specificity was assessed by means of inhibition ELISA. rApi g 1.0101, Api-Bet-1, Api-Bet-2, Api-Bet-3, and Api-Bet-4 bound IgE from 44%, 89%, 80%, 78%, and 48% of the patients, respectively. By comparing the amount of IgE binding to the chimeras and to rApi g 1.0101, 81%, 70%, 75%, and 45% of the patients showed significantly enhanced IgE binding to Api-Bet-1, Api-Bet-2, Api-Bet-3, and Api-Bet-4, respectively. The minority (8%) of the sera revealed enhanced IgE binding exclusively to a single chimera, whereas 31% showed increased IgE binding to all 4 chimeras compared with rApi g 1.0101. The chimeras inhibited up to 70% of IgE binding to rBet v 1.0101, confirming the specific IgE recognition of the grafted regions. The Bet v 1-specific IgE response is polyclonal, and epitopes are spread across the entire Bet v 1 surface. Furthermore, the IgE recognition profile of Bet v 1 is highly patient specific. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Questionando a comensuração do carbono: Algumas emissões são mais iguais que outras

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    Ricardo Sequeiros Coelho


    Full Text Available O comércio de emissões é normalmente apresentado na literatura económica como um instrumento de regulação que permite atingir um objetivo ambiental minimizando os custos. Abrindo a “caixa negra” do processo de construção de um mercado de emissões, contudo, é possível ver como pressupõe um conjunto de processos sociais que vão influenciar a sua performance de formas não previstas pelos seus defensores.Com base na literatura crítica dos mercados de carbono, este artigo apresenta uma revisão das críticas à comensuração de emissões, enquadrando‑as numa taxonomia de argumentos baseados em ideias de rigor científico, justiça, sustentabilidade ou democracia. Estes argumentos mostram como os processos de comensuração inerentes aos mercados de carbono excluem do processo de decisão informação relevante e invisibilizam atores e instituições envolvidos. A conclusão apresenta uma discussão sobre o potencial de reforma destes mercados.

  4. Using Map Service API for Driving Cycle Detection for Wearable GPS Data: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, Lei [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Gonder, Jeffrey D [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    Following advancements in smartphone and portable global positioning system (GPS) data collection, wearable GPS data have realized extensive use in transportation surveys and studies. The task of detecting driving cycles (driving or car-mode trajectory segments) from wearable GPS data has been the subject of much research. Specifically, distinguishing driving cycles from other motorized trips (such as taking a bus) is the main research problem in this paper. Many mode detection methods only focus on raw GPS speed data while some studies apply additional information, such as geographic information system (GIS) data, to obtain better detection performance. Procuring and maintaining dedicated road GIS data are costly and not trivial, whereas the technical maturity and broad use of map service application program interface (API) queries offers opportunities for mode detection tasks. The proposed driving cycle detection method takes advantage of map service APIs to obtain high-quality car-mode API route information and uses a trajectory segmentation algorithm to find the best-matched API route. The car-mode API route data combined with the actual route information, including the actual mode information, are used to train a logistic regression machine learning model, which estimates car modes and non-car modes with probability rates. The experimental results show promise for the proposed method's ability to detect vehicle mode accurately.

  5. Laser coating of hafnium on Ti6Al4 for biomedical applications

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Phume, L


    Full Text Available Al4V FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS Lerato Phume 1, 2, S.L. Pityana 1, 2, C. Meacock 1, A.P.I Popoola 2 1. National Laser Centre, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa 2. Department of Chemical... and Metallurgical Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, Private Bag X 680, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa (b) (c) (e) To investigate laser surface coating of Ti6Al4V with preplaced Hafnium powder, to determine the influence of the energy density...

  6. Rol del metabolismo de hidratos de carbono en la senescencia postcosecha de brócoli


    Hasperué, Héctor Joaquín


    La cosecha y comercialización del brócoli se realiza en momentos en que la inflorescencia se encuentra en pleno desarrollo. La separación de la inflorescencia de la planta madre detiene el suministro de agua, hidratos de carbono provenientes de la fotosíntesis, otros nutrientes y hormonas, principalmente citocininas, las cuales regulan el proceso de senescencia en la planta, retardándolo. Estos factores, sumados a una alta tasa respiratoria conducen a una senescencia acelerada y rápido deteri...

  7. Producción de aceros al carbono en hornos de arco eléctrico en condiciones de mineral de manganeso. // Steel production in electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese.

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    E. E. Navas Medina


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye una segunda etapa de investigación relacionada con la producción de acero en hornos de arcoeléctrico con revestimiento básico en condiciones de utilización de mineral de manganeso como sustituto del ferromanganeso.En la investigación se caracteriza el acero producido utilizando el mineral de manganeso en dos variantes tecnológicasdiferentes y se determinan parámetros importantes, tales como la estructura del acero obtenido, la influencia de lacomposición química y la temperatura en la reducción del Mn. Adicionalmente, se determina la composición química de laescoria, su basicidad e influencia en el aprovechamiento del Mn del mineral, así como, lo que significa la sustitución delFeMn en la problemática medioambiental.Palabras claves: Producción de aceros al carbono, hornos de arco eléctricos, mineral de manganeso.______________________________________________________________________________Abstract:This present work constitutes the second stage of investigation in relation with the steel production bymeans of electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese ores as a substitute of theferromanganese. In the investigation, the steel manufactured is analyzed the manganese ore in twodifferent technological variants and some important parameters are determined such as: the chemicalcomposition's structure of the steel, the influence of temperature in the reduction of Mn. Moreover, ananalysis of the chemical composition of the slag and the influence in the environmental is realized.Key words: Carbon steel production, electric arc furnaces, manganese mineral.

  8. Learning Bing maps API

    CERN Document Server

    Sinani, Artan


    This is a practical, hands-on guide with illustrative examples, which will help you explore the vast universe of Bing maps.If you are a developer who wants to learn how to exploit the numerous features of Bing Maps then this book is ideal for you. It can also be useful for more experienced developers who wish to explore other areas of the APIs. It is assumed that you have some knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. For some chapters a working knowledge of .Net and Visual Studio is also needed.

  9. Open Astronomy Catalogs API (United States)

    Guillochon, James; Cowperthwaite, Philip S.


    We announce the public release of the application program interface (API) for the Open Astronomy Catalogs (OACs), the OACAPI. The OACs serve near-complete collections of supernova, tidal disruption, kilonova, and fast stars data (including photometry, spectra, radio, and X-ray observations) via a user-friendly web interface that displays the data interactively and offers full data downloads. The OACAPI, by contrast, enables users to specifically download particular pieces of the OAC dataset via a flexible programmatic syntax, either via URL GET requests, or via a module within the astroquery Python package.

  10. OSCAR API for Real-Time Low-Power Multicores and Its Performance on Multicores and SMP Servers (United States)

    Kimura, Keiji; Mase, Masayoshi; Mikami, Hiroki; Miyamoto, Takamichi; Shirako, Jun; Kasahara, Hironori

    OSCAR (Optimally Scheduled Advanced Multiprocessor) API has been designed for real-time embedded low-power multicores to generate parallel programs for various multicores from different vendors by using the OSCAR parallelizing compiler. The OSCAR API has been developed by Waseda University in collaboration with Fujitsu Laboratory, Hitachi, NEC, Panasonic, Renesas Technology, and Toshiba in an METI/NEDO project entitled "Multicore Technology for Realtime Consumer Electronics." By using the OSCAR API as an interface between the OSCAR compiler and backend compilers, the OSCAR compiler enables hierarchical multigrain parallel processing with memory optimization under capacity restriction for cache memory, local memory, distributed shared memory, and on-chip/off-chip shared memory; data transfer using a DMA controller; and power reduction control using DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling), clock gating, and power gating for various embedded multicores. In addition, a parallelized program automatically generated by the OSCAR compiler with OSCAR API can be compiled by the ordinary OpenMP compilers since the OSCAR API is designed on a subset of the OpenMP. This paper describes the OSCAR API and its compatibility with the OSCAR compiler by showing code examples. Performance evaluations of the OSCAR compiler and the OSCAR API are carried out using an IBM Power5+ workstation, an IBM Power6 high-end SMP server, and a newly developed consumer electronics multicore chip RP2 by Renesas, Hitachi and Waseda. From the results of scalability evaluation, it is found that on an average, the OSCAR compiler with the OSCAR API can exploit 5.8 times speedup over the sequential execution on the Power5+ workstation with eight cores and 2.9 times speedup on RP2 with four cores, respectively. In addition, the OSCAR compiler can accelerate an IBM XL Fortran compiler up to 3.3 times on the Power6 SMP server. Due to low-power optimization on RP2, the OSCAR compiler with the OSCAR API


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF APIS. MELLIFERA BEE POLLEN FROM NORTHWEST ALGERIA. A. Rebiai* and T.Lanez. University of El Oued, VTRS Laboratory, P.O. Box 789, 39000, El Oued, Algeria. Received: 08 November 2012 / Accepted: 23 December 2012 / Published online: 31 ...

  12. Variation morphogeometrics of Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera in Brazil

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    Lorena A. Nunes


    Full Text Available The morphometrics of the honey bee Apis mellifera L., 1758 has been widely studied mainly because this species has great ecological importance, high adaptation capacity, wide distribution and capacity to effectively adapt to different regions. The current study aimed to investigate the morphometric variations of wings and pollen baskets of honey bees Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier, 1836 from the five regions in Brazil. We used geometric morphometrics to identify the existence of patterns of variations of shape and size in Africanized honey bees in Brazil 16 years after the classic study with this species, allowing a temporal and spatial comparative analysis using new technological resources to assess morphometrical data. Samples were collected in 14 locations in Brazil, covering the five geographical regions of the country. The shape analysis and multivariate analyses of the wing allowed to observe that there is a geographical pattern among the population of Apis mellifera in Brazil. The geographical variations may be attributed to the large territorial extension of the country in addition to the differences between the bioregions.

  13. Carbonic anhydrase from Apis mellifera: purification and inhibition by pesticides. (United States)

    Soydan, Ercan; Güler, Ahmet; Bıyık, Selim; Şentürk, Murat; Supuran, Claudiu T; Ekinci, Deniz


    Carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzymes have been shown to play an important role in ion transport and in pH regulation in several organisms. Despite this information and the wealth of knowledge regarding the significance of CA enzymes, few studies have been reported about bee CA enzymes and the hazardous effects of chemicals. Using Apis mellifera as a model, this study aimed to determine the risk of pesticides on Apis mellifera Carbonic anhydrase enzyme (Am CA). CA was initially purified from Apis mellifera spermatheca for the first time in the literature. The enzyme was purified with an overall purification of ∼35-fold with a molecular weight of ∼32 kDa. The enzyme was then exposed to pesticides, including tebuconazole, propoxur, carbaryl, carbofuran, simazine and atrazine. The six pesticides dose-dependently inhibited in vitro AmCA activity at low micromolar concentrations. IC 50 values for the pesticides were 0.0030, 0.0321, 0.0031, 0.0087, 0.0273 and 0.0165 μM, respectively. The AmCA inhibition mechanism of these compounds is unknown at this moment.

  14. PyPDB: a Python API for the Protein Data Bank. (United States)

    Gilpin, William


    We have created a Python programming interface for the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) that allows search and data retrieval for a wide range of result types, including BLAST and sequence motif queries. The API relies on the existing XML-based API and operates by creating custom XML requests from native Python types, allowing extensibility and straightforward modification. The package has the ability to perform many types of advanced search of the PDB that are otherwise only available through the PDB website. PyPDB is implemented exclusively in Python 3 using standard libraries for maximal compatibility. The most up-to-date version, including iPython notebooks containing usage tutorials, is available free-of-charge under an open-source MIT license via GitHub at, and the full API reference is at The latest stable release is also available on PyPI. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:


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    Marín Pompa-García


    Full Text Available Los bosques de Pinus cembroides Zucc, usualmente, han sido segregados del aprovechamiento forestal comercial dadas sus desventajas maderables. Sin embargo, esta especie desempeña un papel importante en la biodiversidad de México. El objetivo del presente estudio fue deter - minar la concentración de carbono (C en los principales compartimentos de P. cembroides : raíz, corteza, fuste, ramas, yemas y hojas. La concentración de C total expresado como porcentaje de la biomasa fue determinado con el Solids TOC Analyzer. Los resultados se analizaron en un diseño completamente al azar y mediante comparación de medias de Tukey. El análisis indicó que la concen - tración de C var ía entre los componentes ( P < 0.05; la yema tuvo el valor más alto (57.1 %, mientras que el fuste y las ramas registraron los valores más bajos (47.7 y 47.8 %, respectivamente. Los resul - tados contribuyen a mejorar las estimaciones de C y proveen información importante para definir si los bosques de P. cembroides pueden considerarse como una posible fuente con potencial de mitigación ante el cambio climático y así utilizarlos en un programa de secuestro de C.

  16. Artigo revisão: atuação dos antioxidantes em refratários contendo carbono Review article: performance of the antioxidants in carbon containing refractories

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    A. P. Luz


    Full Text Available Os materiais refratários contendo carbono têm despertado grande atenção nos últimos anos, uma vez que são amplamente utilizados na indústria siderúrgica em virtude de suas excelentes propriedades. A presença do carbono nos refratários contribui para o aumento da resistência ao choque térmico, da energia de fratura e da resistência ao ataque por escória. Entretanto, a principal desvantagem do seu uso é a sua alta susceptibilidade a oxidação. Com o objetivo de manter o carbono presente na estrutura do material refratário o maior tempo possível, algumas medidas são requeridas para reduzir sua oxidação sob condições operacionais. Desta forma, o uso de substâncias conhecidas como antioxidantes tem sido extensivamente estudado. Os principais antioxidantes, suas características e formas de atuação são abordados nesta revisão. A formação de novos compostos devido à reação entre os antioxidantes com o carbono, nitrogênio, oxigênio e o próprio material refratário pode provocar um preenchimento parcial dos poros e redução da taxa de interdifusão dos gases, havendo assim a prevenção da oxidação do carbono presente no refratário.Carbon containing refractories have received great attention over the last years, as they are widely used in the steel making industry due to their better properties, such as: higher thermal shock resistance, fracture energy and slag resistance. However, their main disadvantage is the carbon oxidation. Aiming to keep carbon in the structure of the refractory material some actions are required in order to reduce its oxidation under operational conditions. Therefore, the use of materials known as antioxidants has been extensively studied. The main antioxidants, their characteristics and performance are discussed in the present review article. The formation of new compounds due to the reaction of the antioxidants with carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and the refractory material can induce a pore

  17. Construction and assembly of pipelines using API 5L grade X80 tubes - considerations to be observed with high-strength steels; Construcao e montagem de dutos terrestres utilizando tubos API 5L Gr. X80

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Ailton C. de; Rabello, Jose Mauricio B. [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The use of line pipes API 5L Grade X80, at the point of view of designer allows: reduction of wall thickness and pipe weight or increase of design pressure. In the pipeline construction point of view, the use of line pipes API 5L Grade X80 provide some advantages, however some difficulties must be expected in several stages of the construction and assembly. The implications in cost, productivity, inspection and integrity, with the application of these high resistance steels, complying with PETROBRAS Standard N - 464 Construcao, Montagem e Condicionamento de Dutos Terrestres (Rev. H - 2004 Dec) and the experience consolidated in pipelines construction abroad were presented. At the design stage, a comparison between pipelines designed using API 5L-X70 and API 5L-X80 was carried out approaching the aspects of variation of thickness, pressure design and design factor. An evaluation of the expected gains when choosing API 5L Grade X80 steels were done, regarding reduction of costs and pipe weight. Regarding API 5L-X80 pipe fabrication, the obtained results were reported, proving that this aspect was already overcome, showing the viability of its production in Brazil. Difficulties were detected regarding construction and assembly stage and showing the need of revision of PETROBRAS standard N-464. (author)

  18. jqcML: an open-source java API for mass spectrometry quality control data in the qcML format. (United States)

    Bittremieux, Wout; Kelchtermans, Pieter; Valkenborg, Dirk; Martens, Lennart; Laukens, Kris


    The awareness that systematic quality control is an essential factor to enable the growth of proteomics into a mature analytical discipline has increased over the past few years. To this aim, a controlled vocabulary and document structure have recently been proposed by Walzer et al. to store and disseminate quality-control metrics for mass-spectrometry-based proteomics experiments, called qcML. To facilitate the adoption of this standardized quality control routine, we introduce jqcML, a Java application programming interface (API) for the qcML data format. First, jqcML provides a complete object model to represent qcML data. Second, jqcML provides the ability to read, write, and work in a uniform manner with qcML data from different sources, including the XML-based qcML file format and the relational database qcDB. Interaction with the XML-based file format is obtained through the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), while generic database functionality is obtained by the Java Persistence API (JPA). jqcML is released as open-source software under the permissive Apache 2.0 license and can be downloaded from .

  19. Towards Standardized Patient Data Exchange: Integrating a FHIR Based API for the Open Medical Record System. (United States)

    Kasthurirathne, Suranga N; Mamlin, Burke; Grieve, Grahame; Biondich, Paul


    Interoperability is essential to address limitations caused by the ad hoc implementation of clinical information systems and the distributed nature of modern medical care. The HL7 V2 and V3 standards have played a significant role in ensuring interoperability for healthcare. FHIR is a next generation standard created to address fundamental limitations in HL7 V2 and V3. FHIR is particularly relevant to OpenMRS, an Open Source Medical Record System widely used across emerging economies. FHIR has the potential to allow OpenMRS to move away from a bespoke, application specific API to a standards based API. We describe efforts to design and implement a FHIR based API for the OpenMRS platform. Lessons learned from this effort were used to define long term plans to transition from the legacy OpenMRS API to a FHIR based API that greatly reduces the learning curve for developers and helps enhance adhernce to standards.


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    Bruno Silveira Goulart


    Full Text Available O crescimento dos mercados voluntários de carbono, que visam compensar a emissão dos gases de efeito estufa, reflete o aumento da preocupação das empresas com um estilo de produção mais limpa. Através do Método de Valoração Contingente é analisada a disposição a pagar que as maiores empresas do Rio Grande do Sul têm a fim de compensar suas emissões de carbono via aquisição de créditos. Os resultados apontam que a maior parte destas empresas tem interesse em participar do mercado. Entre as variáveis que influenciam a DAP estão o faturamento e a presença de um setor ambiental na empresa. Conclui-se que existe um mercado potencial para a negociação de créditos de carbono no estado, o qual pode ser expandido caso haja uma regulamentação adequada e uma difusão maior de conhecimento.

  1. Comparación de la microestructura y propiedades de impacto de dos materiales compuestos laminados de acero de ultraalto contenido de carbono

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    Pozuelo, M.


    Full Text Available Two ferrous laminated composites containing six layers have been processed by roll bonding. One of them consists of three layers of an ultrahigh carbon steel (1.3%C UHCS interlayered with other three layers of a microalloyed steel. The other composite consists of three layers of UHCS and three layers of a mild steel. Microstructure, Vickers hardness and impact properties have been studied. The absorbed energy values of the two laminated composites were higher than that of the UHCS.

    Se procesaron mediante laminación en caliente dos materiales compuestos laminados de acero de ultraalto contenido de carbono (AUAC, 1,3%C de seis capas cada uno: El primero está compuesto por tres capas de AUAC alternadas con tres capas de un acero microaleado, y el segundo con tres del mismo AUAC alternadas con tres de un acero suave. Se ha realizado un estudio de sus microestructuras, dureza Vickers y propiedades de impacto. Se han mejorado los valores de energía absorbida de los dos materiales compuestos laminados respecto al del AUAC.


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    Full Text Available Los polihidroxialcanoatos (PHAs son poliésteres intracelulares sintetizados por diferentes especies bacterianas, las cuales los acumulan como gránulos cuando se encuentran en condiciones limitantes de nutrientes esenciales para su crecimiento como el oxígeno, nitrógeno y carbono, son biodegradables y, dependiendo de su composición química y estructural, pueden ser empleados en aplicaciones semejantes a los polímeros [1].En la actualidad, este tipo de biopolímeros presentan un mayor costo comparado con los derivados del petróleo, pero el uso de fuentes renovables y el aprovechamiento de subproductos agroindustriales para la generación de nuevos productos es una alternativa ecológica de importancia mundial. En la presente investigación se estudió la producción de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA mediante fermentación bacteriana de glucosa, obtenida a partir de harina de yuca HMC1 empleando Ralstonia eutropha en un medio con cinco relaciones carbono/nitrógeno(12:1, 16:1, 20:1, 24:1, 28:1. Se obtuvo como resultado, que la relación carbono/nitrógeno de 20 es la que más favorece la acumulación intracelular de biopolímero, con la cual se alcanza una producción de 0,62 g/L de PHA. El PHA sintetizado se caracterizó por medio de calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC, Análisis Termogravimetrico (TGA, Espectroscopía de Infrarrojo con Transformada de Fourier (IR-FT y Microscopía electrónica de Barrido (SEM, concluyendo que el biopolímero obtenido fue polihidroxibutirato (PHB.

  3. The SEMAINE API: Towards a Standards-Based Framework for Building Emotion-Oriented Systems

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    Marc Schröder


    Full Text Available This paper presents the SEMAINE API, an open source framework for building emotion-oriented systems. By encouraging and simplifying the use of standard representation formats, the framework aims to contribute to interoperability and reuse of system components in the research community. By providing a Java and C++ wrapper around a message-oriented middleware, the API makes it easy to integrate components running on different operating systems and written in different programming languages. The SEMAINE system 1.0 is presented as an example of a full-scale system built on top of the SEMAINE API. Three small example systems are described in detail to illustrate how integration between existing and new components is realised with minimal effort.

  4. Estudo do comportamento térmico de laminados carbono/epóxi submetidos a múltiplos ciclos térmicos

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    Christiane Sales Reis de Souza


    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo dos comportamentos térmicos de três famílias de laminados de fibra de carbono/resina epóxi, submetidas a múltiplos ciclos térmicos, via análises termogravimétricas e dinâmico-mecânicas. Este estudo procura aliar a possibilidade de utilização de retalhos de pré-impregnados de fibra de carbono com resina epóxi - um material nobre na indústria aeronáutica, por meio da comparação do comportamento térmico de um laminado preparado com retalhos de pré-impregnados (laminado R, com outros dois laminados, sendo um manufaturado com prepreg comercial (laminado A e um terceiro obtido por impregnação manual de reforço seco de fibra de carbono com resina epóxi (laminado B. Os laminados curados a 180 °C foram submetidos a múltiplos ciclos térmicos, totalizando 40, 100 e 300 h de exposição na temperatura máxima de 180 °C. As análises termogravimétricas mostram que os laminados submetidos às múltiplas ciclagens apresentam estabilidade térmica na temperatura de 180 °C, com perda de massa relativa à umidade absorvida pelos laminados. As análises dinâmico-mecânicas evidenciam que as múltiplas ciclagens térmicas afetam pouco ou até aumentam as temperaturas de transição vítrea dos sistemas de resinas epóxis estudados. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode-se afirmar que os laminados submetidos às múltiplas ciclagens térmicas apresentam estabilidade térmica suficiente para serem utilizados, por exemplo, em ferramentais de cura de componentes aeronáuticos.

  5. Hymenoptera venom review focusing on Apis mellifera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. R. de Lima


    Full Text Available Hymenoptera venoms are complex mixtures containing simple organic molecules, proteins, peptides, and other bioactive elements. Several of these components have been isolated and characterized, and their primary structures determined by biochemical techniques. These compounds are responsible for many toxic or allergic reactions in different organisms, such as local pain, inflammation, itching, irritation, and moderate or severe allergic reactions. The most extensively characterized Hymenoptera venoms are bee venoms, mainly from the Apis genus and also from social wasps and ant species. However, there is little information about other Hymenoptera groups. The Apis venom presents high molecular weight molecules - enzymes with a molecular weight higher than 10.0 kDa - and peptides. The best studied enzymes are phospholipase A2, responsible for cleaving the membrane phospholipids, hyaluronidase, which degrades the matrix component hyaluronic acid into non-viscous segments and acid phosphatase acting on organic phosphates. The main peptide compounds of bee venom are lytic peptide melittin, apamin (neurotoxic, and mastocyte degranulating peptide (MCD.

  6. Investigating an API for resilient exascale computing.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stearley, Jon R.; Tomkins, James; VanDyke, John P.; Ferreira, Kurt Brian; Laros, James H.,; Bridges, Patrick


    Increased HPC capability comes with increased complexity, part counts, and fault occurrences. In- creasing the resilience of systems and applications to faults is a critical requirement facing the viability of exascale systems, as the overhead of traditional checkpoint/restart is projected to outweigh its bene ts due to fault rates outpacing I/O bandwidths. As faults occur and propagate throughout hardware and software layers, pervasive noti cation and handling mechanisms are necessary. This report describes an initial investigation of fault types and programming interfaces to mitigate them. Proof-of-concept APIs are presented for the frequent and important cases of memory errors and node failures, and a strategy proposed for lesystem failures. These involve changes to the operating system, runtime, I/O library, and application layers. While a single API for fault handling among hardware and OS and application system-wide remains elusive, the e ort increased our understanding of both the mountainous challenges and the promising trailheads. 3

  7. The Matchmaker Exchange API: automating patient matching through the exchange of structured phenotypic and genotypic profiles. (United States)

    Buske, Orion J; Schiettecatte, François; Hutton, Benjamin; Dumitriu, Sergiu; Misyura, Andriy; Huang, Lijia; Hartley, Taila; Girdea, Marta; Sobreira, Nara; Mungall, Chris; Brudno, Michael


    Despite the increasing prevalence of clinical sequencing, the difficulty of identifying additional affected families is a key obstacle to solving many rare diseases. There may only be a handful of similar patients worldwide, and their data may be stored in diverse clinical and research databases. Computational methods are necessary to enable finding similar patients across the growing number of patient repositories and registries. We present the Matchmaker Exchange Application Programming Interface (MME API), a protocol and data format for exchanging phenotype and genotype profiles to enable matchmaking among patient databases, facilitate the identification of additional cohorts, and increase the rate with which rare diseases can be researched and diagnosed. We designed the API to be straightforward and flexible in order to simplify its adoption on a large number of data types and workflows. We also provide a public test data set, curated from the literature, to facilitate implementation of the API and development of new matching algorithms. The initial version of the API has been successfully implemented by three members of the Matchmaker Exchange and was immediately able to reproduce previously identified matches and generate several new leads currently being validated. The API is available at © 2015 WILEY PERIODICALS, INC.

  8. El uso de las cubiertas verdes como reducción de la huella de carbono por absorción vegetal. Caso de Villaverde

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    Jorge Miguel Carretero Monteagudo


    Full Text Available ResumenEl tema de este trabajo es a grandes rasgos la comprobación de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes en la reducción de la huella de carbono, centrándonos exclusivamente en las capacidades asimilativas del dióxido de carbono de la vegetación contenida sobre estas cubiertas. La presente comprobación de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes, fue realizada sobre el contexto del distrito de Villaverde en la Periferia Sur de Madrid. Sobre este distrito, se analizaron diferentes factores en relación con la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes. Para a posteriori establecer cuáles podrían ser los casos de zona homogénea dentro del distrito que pudieran dar datos más relevantes acerca de la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes. Considerando paralelamente un análisis de las capacidades de asimilación de los diferentes tipos de cubierta verde (Intensiva y extensiva. Finalmente se establecieron cuatro escenarios de aplicación sobre las zonas más relevantes derivadas de la selección anterior, para comprobar finalmente las aportaciones en la reducción de dióxido de carbono que una cubierta verde puede aportar a un tejido urbano. Se comprobó que la eficacia de las cubiertas verdes en la absorción del dióxido de carbono es muy limitada, siendo más adecuada la regeneración natural del espacio público.Palabras clave  Reducción Dióxido Carbono Tejidos Naturalización CubiertasAbstractThe main issue of this report is the study of the green roofs reliability aimed to carbon footprint reduction, Focusing only in carbon dioxin assimilative capabilities of vegetation placed on. This study was done in the background of Villaverde district placed in the southern outskirts of Madrid. About this district, different facts related to the reliability of green roofs were analyzed, in order to remark the most relevant cases of urban fabrics within the district, whose results could be the most interesting ones about the efficiency of green roofs. In a

  9. The novel Akt inhibitor API-1 induces c-FLIP degradation and synergizes with TRAIL to augment apoptosis independent of Akt inhibition. (United States)

    Li, Bo; Ren, Hui; Yue, Ping; Chen, Mingwei; Khuri, Fadlo R; Sun, Shi-Yong


    API-1 (pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines) is a novel small-molecule inhibitor of Akt, which acts by binding to Akt and preventing its membrane translocation and has promising preclinical antitumor activity. In this study, we reveal a novel function of API-1 in regulation of cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) levels and TRAIL-induced apoptosis, independent of Akt inhibition. API-1 effectively induced apoptosis in tested cancer cell lines including activation of caspase-8 and caspase-9. It reduced the levels of c-FLIP without increasing the expression of death receptor 4 (DR4) or DR5. Accordingly, it synergized with TRAIL to induce apoptosis. Enforced expression of ectopic c-FLIP did not attenuate API-1-induced apoptosis but inhibited its ability to enhance TRAIL-induced apoptosis. These data indicate that downregulation of c-FLIP mediates enhancement of TRAIL-induced apoptosis by API-1 but is not sufficient for API-1-induced apoptosis. API-1-induced reduction of c-FLIP could be blocked by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Moreover, API-1 increased c-FLIP ubiquitination and decreased c-FLIP stability. These data together suggest that API-1 downregulates c-FLIP by facilitating its ubiquitination and proteasome-mediated degradation. Because other Akt inhibitors including API-2 and MK2206 had minimal effects on reducing c-FLIP and enhancement of TRAIL-induced apoptosis, it is likely that API-1 reduces c-FLIP and enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis independent of its Akt-inhibitory activity. 2012 AACR

  10. pH and Heat Resistance of the Major Celery Allergen Api g 1. (United States)

    Rib-Schmidt, Carina; Riedl, Philipp; Meisinger, Veronika; Schwaben, Luisa; Schulenborg, Thomas; Reuter, Andreas; Schiller, Dirk; Seutter von Loetzen, Christian; Rösch, Paul


    The major celery allergen Api g 1 is a member of the pathogenesis-related 10 class protein family. Here we aimed to investigate the impact of heat and pH on the native protein conformation required for Immunoglobulin E (IgE) recognition. Spectroscopic methods, MS and IgE binding analyses were used to study the effects of pH and thermal treatment on Api g 1.0101. Heat processing results in a loss of the native protein fold via denaturation, oligomerisation and precipitation along with a subsequent reduction of IgE recognition. The induced effects and timescales are strongly pH depended. While Api g 1 refolds partially into an IgE-binding conformation at physiological pH, acidic pH treatment leads to the formation of structurally heat resistant, IgE-reactive oligomers. Thermal processing in the presence of a celery matrix or at pH conditions close to the isoelectric point (pI = 4.63) of Api g 1.0101 results in almost instant precipitation. Our data demonstrate that Api g 1.0101 is not intrinsically susceptible to heat treatment in vitro. However, the pH and the celery matrix strongly influence the stability of Api g 1.0101 and might be the main reasons for the observed temperature lability of this important food allergen. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  11. Polinização de morangueiro por Apis mellifera em ambiente protegido Strawberry polinization through Apis mellifera in protected environment

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    Eunice Oliveira Calvete


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou comparar a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos comerciáveis no morangueiro, em ambiente protegido, utilizando a espécie de abelha Apis mellifera em relação à ausência de um agente polinizador. Foram instalados dois experimentos, utilizando-se das cultivares Camarosa, Oso Grande, Diamante e Aromas (tratamentos, no período de 05 de maio a 19 de dezembro de 2006. No primeiro experimento, não havia polinizadores (testemunha. O segundo foi polinizado pela espécie de abelha Apis mellifera. Os tratamentos (cultivares foram dispostos, em cada experimento, em um delineamento completamente casualizado, com seis repetições. Foram avaliadas características de rendimento, bem como análise físico-química dos frutos de cada cultivar. Quanto ao rendimento, a maior produção obtida foi com a cultivar Camarosa tanto na ausência quanto na presença de polinizadores (907,46 g. planta-1 e 1.054,93 g. planta-1, respectivamente, ao passo que a cultivar Oso Grande apresentou menor número de frutos deformados.This work objectified to compare the productivity and the quality of the strawberry marketable fruits in protected environment, using the species of bee Apis mellifera in relation of the absence of a polinizator agent. It was installed two experiments using the cultivates Camarosa, Oso Grande, Diamante and Aromas (treatments, in the period of May 5 th until December 19th of 2006. The first experiment did not have polinizatores agents (control. The second was polinizated by the species of bee Apis mellifera. The treatments (cultivars had been arranged, in each experiment in a randomized blocks with 6 repetitions. They were evaluated income characteristics, as well as analysis physicist-chemistry of the fruits of each cultivar. For the income, the biggest production was gotten in cultivar Camarosa, for the first and the second experiment (907,46 g. plant-1 and 1054,93 g. plant-1, respectively, in the way that the cultivate

  12. Almacenamiento y flujo de carbono en suelos áridos como servicio ambiental: Un ejemplo en el noroeste de México

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    Fernando Ayala Niño


    Full Text Available El suelo se concibe como soporte de infraestructura y medio de producción agrícola, en tanto que los servicios ambientales que provee son poco valorados y reconocidos. Entre ellos, la captura y almacenamiento de carbono (C son un punto focal de interés científico por la enorme cantidad que almacena el suelo. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: (1 revisar los diferentes componentes, procesos y características que se presentan en los suelos áridos para el almacenamiento de C y (2 estimar el flujo y contenido de C en los suelos de la región semiárida de La Paz, BCS, noroeste de México, mediante dos estudios de caso. Dieciséis perfiles de suelo fueron descritos y muestreados considerando la geomorfología representativa para determinar los contenidos de carbono orgánico (COS e inorgánico del suelo (CIS. Los valores estimados en 0.15 a 44.25 Mg ha 1 para COS y 0.045 a 28.19 Mg ha 1 para CIS, superan lo reportado para los suelos de Baja California Sur con 16 Mg ha-1. Valores de flujos de CO2 obtenidos de 22 meses de mediciones mensuales fueron muy variables (-0.058 a 0.828 µmol s-1 m-2, valores positivos de respiración sólo se registraron tras el paso de lluvias extraordinarias. Valores negativos se asocian a la captura de CO2 a través de organismos fotosintéticamente activos como las costras biológicas del suelo, las cuales, bajo condiciones específicas de humedad y temperatura, en conjunto con los microorganismos del suelo, presentan evidencias de funcionamiento como fuente y sumidero de C. El presente estudio contribuye al entendimiento sobre el potencial que tienen los suelos de la región árida del noroeste de México en la provisión de SA por captura de C y coadyuva a incrementar el conocimiento de las CBS y su función en la relación suelo-ecosistema.

  13. Antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against the honeybee pathogens, Paenibacillus larvae and Ascosphaera apis and their topical toxicity to Apis mellifera adults. (United States)

    Chaimanee, V; Thongtue, U; Sornmai, N; Songsri, S; Pettis, J S


    To explore alternative nonchemical control measures against two honeybee pathogens, Paenibacillus larvae and Ascosphaera apis, 37 plant species were screened for antimicrobial activity. The activity of selected plant extracts was screened using an in vitro disc diffusion assay and the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by the broth microdilution method. The results showed that 36 plant extracts had some antibacterial activity on P. larvae by disc diffusion assay. Chromolaena odorata showed the greatest antibacterial activity against P. larvae (MIC 16-64 μg ml -1 ). Of the 37 tested plants, only seven species, Amomum krervanh, Allium sativum, Cinnamomum sp., Piper betle, Piper ribesioides, Piper sarmentosum and Syzygium aromaticum had inhibitory effects on A. apis (MICs of 32-64 μg ml -1 ). The results demonstrated that promising plant extracts were not toxic to adult bees at the concentrations used in this study. The results demonstrate the potential antimicrobial activity of natural products against honeybee diseases caused by P. larvae and A. apis. Chromolaena odorata in particular showed high bioactivity against P. larvae. Further study is recommended to develop these nonchemical treatments against American foulbrood and chalkbrood in honeybees. This work proposes new natural products for the control of American foulbrood and chalkbrood in honeybees. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  14. An example of how to handle amorphous fractions in API during early pharmaceutical development: SAR114137--a successful approach. (United States)

    Petzoldt, Christine; Bley, Oliver; Byard, Stephen J; Andert, Doris; Baumgartner, Bruno; Nagel, Norbert; Tappertzhofen, Christoph; Feth, Martin Philipp


    The so-called pharmaceutical solid chain, which encompasses drug substance micronisation to the final tablet production, at pilot plant scale is presented as a case study for a novel, highly potent, pharmaceutical compound: SAR114137. Various solid-state analytical methods, such as solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (ssNMR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic Water Vapour Sorption Gravimetry (DWVSG), hot-stage Raman spectroscopy and X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) were applied and evaluated to characterise and quantify amorphous content during the course of the physical treatment of crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). DSC was successfully used to monitor the changes in amorphous content during micronisation of the API, as well as during stability studies. (19)F solid-state NMR was found to be the method of choice for the detection and quantification of low levels of amorphous API, even in the final drug product (DP), since compaction during tablet manufacture was identified as a further source for the formation of amorphous API. The application of different jet milling techniques was a critical factor with respect to amorphous content formation. In the present case, the change from spiral jet milling to loop jet milling led to a decrease in amorphous API content from 20-30 w/w% to nearly 0 w/w% respectively. The use of loop jet milling also improved the processability of the API. Stability investigations on both the milled API and the DP showed a marked tendency for recrystallisation of the amorphous API content on exposure to elevated levels of relative humidity. No significant impact of amorphous API on either the chemical stability or the dissolution rate of the API in drug formulation was observed. Therefore, the presence of amorphous content in the oral formulation was of no consequence for the clinical trial phases I and II. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Comparison of the performance and security of free and open source smart card offcard APIs

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Chifura, A


    Full Text Available . Off card APIs provide a framework for this by providing interfaces that can be implemented to enhance the communication. This study looks at the performance and security comparisons of several free and open source smart card offcard APIs...

  16. Tendencies in the energy consumption and in the carbon dioxide emissions in the Mexican cement industry; Tendencias del consumo de energia y emisiones de bioxido de carbono de la industria cementera mexicana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozawa M, Leticia; Sheinbaum P, Claudia [Instituto de Ingenieria UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper analyzes the changes occurred in the energy consumption and carbon dioxide in the Mexican cement industry. For this purpose, the energy consumption and the emissions are broken up into three types of changes that affect the energy demand of an industry: activity, structure and energy intensity. According to this analysis it is found that the Mexican cement industry has suffered an important reduction in the energy intensity as a result of the disappearance, almost complete, of the wet production process, of the increment in the production of pozzolanic cement and in the opening of new high technology industries. With respect to the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions it does not decrease at the same rate than the energy intensity due to the increased consumption of the fuel oil over the natural gas. At the end of this paper an international comparison is presented of the energy specific consumption and of its emissions. [Espanol] En este articulo se analizan los cambios ocurridos en el consumo de energia y emisiones de bioxido de carbono de la industria cementera mexicana. Para ello, se desagrega el consumo de energia y las emisiones en tres tipos de cambios que influyen en la demanda energetica de una industria: actividad, estructura, e intensidad energetica. De acuerdo con este analisis se encuentra que la industria cementera mexicana ha sufrido un importante decremento en la intensidad energetica producto de la desaparicion, casi por completo, del proceso de produccion por via humeda, del incremento en la produccion del cemento puzolanico y de la apertura de nuevas industrias con alta tecnologia. Por su parte, la intensidad en las emisiones de bioxido de carbono no disminuye a la misma tasa que la intensidad energetica debido al incremento en el uso del combustoleo sobre el gas natural. Al final del articulo se presenta una comparacion internacional del consumo especifico de energia y de las emisiones.

  17. Tendencies in the energy consumption and in the carbon dioxide emissions in the Mexican cement industry; Tendencias del consumo de energia y emisiones de bioxido de carbono de la industria cementera mexicana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozawa M, Leticia; Sheinbaum P, Claudia [Instituto de Ingenieria UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper analyzes the changes occurred in the energy consumption and carbon dioxide in the Mexican cement industry. For this purpose, the energy consumption and the emissions are broken up into three types of changes that affect the energy demand of an industry: activity, structure and energy intensity. According to this analysis it is found that the Mexican cement industry has suffered an important reduction in the energy intensity as a result of the disappearance, almost complete, of the wet production process, of the increment in the production of pozzolanic cement and in the opening of new high technology industries. With respect to the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions it does not decrease at the same rate than the energy intensity due to the increased consumption of the fuel oil over the natural gas. At the end of this paper an international comparison is presented of the energy specific consumption and of its emissions. [Espanol] En este articulo se analizan los cambios ocurridos en el consumo de energia y emisiones de bioxido de carbono de la industria cementera mexicana. Para ello, se desagrega el consumo de energia y las emisiones en tres tipos de cambios que influyen en la demanda energetica de una industria: actividad, estructura, e intensidad energetica. De acuerdo con este analisis se encuentra que la industria cementera mexicana ha sufrido un importante decremento en la intensidad energetica producto de la desaparicion, casi por completo, del proceso de produccion por via humeda, del incremento en la produccion del cemento puzolanico y de la apertura de nuevas industrias con alta tecnologia. Por su parte, la intensidad en las emisiones de bioxido de carbono no disminuye a la misma tasa que la intensidad energetica debido al incremento en el uso del combustoleo sobre el gas natural. Al final del articulo se presenta una comparacion internacional del consumo especifico de energia y de las emisiones.

  18. Comportamento de cilindros de carbono/epóxi submetidos a cargas compressivas axiais Mechanical behavior of carbon/epoxy cylinders under axial compressive loads

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    Adriano Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Para estruturas utilizadas no setor aeroespacial, os requisitos de baixo peso, alta resistência e rigidez, além de estabilidade dimensional, têm propiciado o aumento da utilização de materiais compósitos nas suas manufaturas. Em particular, cascas cilíndricas ou estruturas construídas pela junção de cilindros de paredes finas, confeccionadas em fibra de carbono e resina epóxi, são amplamente utilizadas neste tipo de aplicação. Neste trabalho, um programa experimental foi desenvolvido para determinar as tensões de falha, os módulos de elasticidade e o modo de falha de 47 cilindros com diâmetro interno de 40 mm e espessura nominal de 0,6 mm (com exceção de 2 corpos de prova, fabricados em carbono/epóxi, quando submetidos a cargas compressivas uniaxiais. Os espécimes testados possuíam diferentes razões entre comprimento e diâmetro (variando de 2,50 a 11,25 e seqüências de laminação variadas (orientações de camadas. Os resultados dos ensaios foram comparados aos obtidos em análises realizadas com programas de elementos finitos e os fatores que influenciaram o comportamento mecânico destes cilindros foram analisados.The requirements of low weight and dimensional stability, combined with high strength and stiffness, for aerospace structures has prompted an increasing use of fiber reinforced materials in manufacturing such structures. In particular, carbon/epoxy cylinders have been widely used in aerospace applications. In this work, an experimental program was developed to determine failure loads, modulus of elasticity and failure modes of 47 carbon/epoxy cylinders shells under compressive loads. The specimens tested had several different length/diameter (from 2.50 to 11.25 ratios and laminate lay-up. These results were compared to the analytical results from finite element code and the most important factors influencing the mechanical behavior of this type of structure were analyzed.

  19. Fabrication and tribological properties of Al reinforced with carbon fibers

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    Estrems Amestoy, Manuel


    Full Text Available The present work studies the manufacturing process of Al reinforced with Carbon Fibres (CF by "Squeeze Casting", establishing the variables for obtaining an acceptable product with little Al4C3 at the interface. Friction and wear tests are performed and the necessary conditions for the formation of a tribofilm are established. The tests show an increasing resistance to abrasion due to their own wear mechanism. Certain design criteria for those components subjected to friction are recommended in order to maximise the mechanical performance of the tribological system.

    Este trabajo estudia el proceso de fabricación de composites Al reforzado con fibras de carbono mediante la técnica ''Squeeze Casting'', estableciendo las variables para obtener un producto aceptable que tenga poca cantidad de Al4C3 en la interfase. Se han realizado ensayos de fricción y desgaste y se han establecido las condiciones necesarias para la formación de la tribocapa. Se muestra la alta capacidad de resistencia a la abrasión de las piezas producidas debido a su propio mecanismo de desgaste y se recomiendan ciertos criterios de diseño para componentes mecánicos con el fin de optimizar las prestaciones mecánicas en un sistema tribológico.

  20. Estudo do comportamento do aço API 5L X80 quando submetido à soldagem por processo automatizado Study on the behavior of API 5L X80 steel when subjected to automated welding process

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    Siderley Fernandes Albuquerque


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a soldagem de tubulações tem sido praticamente de forma manual, entretanto, a utilização de processos de soldagem automatizados têm crescido muito nos últimos anos, contribuindo para o maior controle dos parâmetros de soldagem, e conseqüentemente, a possibilidade de obtenção de juntas soldadas com melhores propriedades mecânicas. A soldagem de tubulações com aço API 5L X80 ainda vem sendo avaliada no Brasil no que diz respeito aos melhores procedimentos, parâmetros e processos de soldagem; a aplicação de processos automatizados nas condições específicas de campo constitui em uma opção ainda incipiente no país por se discutir ainda a relação custo/benefício com a sua implantação. Logo, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o comportamento na ZTA de juntas soldadas do aço API 5L X80 utilizados para transporte de petróleo e gás quando submetidos à soldagem com diferentes parâmetros, procedimentos e processos de soldagem, incluindo o processo automatizado; os resultados indicam além da redução da extensão e do tamanho de grão da ZTA a preservação da estrutura bainítica do metal de base nesta região nas soldagem executadas com processos automatizados.The welding of pipes has been largely manual in Brazil, however, the use of automated welding processes have greatly increased in recent years, contributing to greater control of welding parameters, and consequently, the possibility of obtaining welded joints with better mechanical properties. The welding of pipes of API 5L X80 steel has been evaluated in Brazil considering to best practices, parameters and welding processes; the implementation of automated processes in the specific field conditions is relevant project and innovative design in this area. Therefore, the objective is to evaluate the behavior in the HAZ of the API 5L X80 steel used for transporting oil and gas when subjected to automated welding processes; the results indicated besides the

  1. Sustitución de la sabana nativa con plantaciones de Pinus caribaea (Pinaceae en Venezuela: efecto sobre parámetros indicadores de cambios en el carbono del suelo

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    Yrma Gómez


    Full Text Available Una gran extensión (615000 has de las sabanas nativas de los Llanos Orientales de Venezuela está siendo reemplazada por plantaciones de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis; sin embargo, hasta ahora existe escasa información sobre el impacto de este manejo del suelo sobre los parámetros indicadores de la dinámica del carbono en el suelo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de la variabilidad temporal y la sustitución sobre el contenido de carbono orgánico total (COT, carbono hidrosoluble (CHS, carbono microbiano (Cmic, respiración basal (RB, cociente metabólico microbiano (qCO2 y la relación Cmic/Corg. Las propiedades químicas y parámetros biológicos seleccionados fueron determinados en plantaciones de P. caribaea de 3 y 29 años de edad y en una sabana nativa adyacente a estas plantaciones, la cual fue considerada como control. En cada sitio de muestreo recolectamos nueve muestras compuestas (0-10 cm de profundidad. Los parámetros estudiados no mostraron un patrón definido in relación a la variabilidad temporal. Hay mayor preservación del carbono dentro de la biomasa microbiana presente en suelos de Uverito en plantaciones de pinos. La tasa de respiración basal y el cociente metabólico indican que en estos suelos existe una comunidad microbiana poco activa, la cual es más eficiente en la utilización del carbono en las plantaciones de pino. La relación Cmic/Corg indica que en las plantaciones la biomasa microbiana constituye una importante reserva del carbono en el suelo. La sabana nativa a plantaciones de pino caribeño en estos suelos puede ser considerada un manejo efectivo para incrementar la calidad del suelo en los llanos orientales de Venezuela, siempre y cuando se tome en cuenta la importancia ecológica de las sabanas.Substitution of native savanna by Pinus caribaea (Pinaceae plantations in Venezuela: effect on parameters that indicated changes in soil carbon content. A great extension (615 000

  2. Analise da influencia das fontes de carbono na patogenicidade do Moniliophthora perniciosa pathogenicity em Theobroma cacao


    Fatima Cerqueira Alvim


    Resumo: O fungo basidiomiceto hemibiotrófico Moniliophthora perniciosa, agente causal da doença vassoura-de-bruxa (VB) em Theobroma cacao, é o principal patógeno da lavoura cacaueira nas Américas e no Caribe. O presente trabalho apresentou como objetivo primordial identificar proteínas relacionadas com a patogenicidade deste fungo. No primeiro capítulo desta tese foi demonstrado o efeito de diferentes fontes de carbono sobre a morfologia e fisiologia do M, perniciosa. O fungo foi crescido em ...

  3. Comportamiento a la Corrosión del Acero API X70 Soldado por el Proceso de Doble Arco Sumergido Inmerso en Diferentes Medios Corrosivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar Francisco Montes

    Full Text Available Resumen Los aceros API X70 son aplicados en fabricación y construcción de tuberías para el transporte de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, a un lapso de tiempo se degradan debido al medio ambiente al cual están expuestos; influyendo en la velocidad y tipo de corrosión sobre las superficies del metal base (MB, zona afectada por el calor (ZAC y zona de fusión (ZF. A fin de conocer y evaluar la susceptibilidad a la corrosión en uniones del acero API X70 sometido a diferentes medios corrosivos, varias pruebas se llevaron a cabo por el proceso de soldadura de doble arco sumergido (DSAW, por sus siglas en inglés, las cuales fueron inmersas en diferentes electrolitos: Cloruro de Sodio (NaCl al 3,5% y Agua (H2O a temperatura ambiente para conocer su comportamiento. Se utilizaron técnicas electroquímicas de ruido electroquímico (RE y curvas de polarización cíclica (CPC para obtener velocidad y tipo de corrosión producida en cada una de las muestras analizadas, incluyendo las tres zonas: MB, ZAC y ZF. Además, se utilizaron técnicas de caracterización como microscopía óptica (MO y microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB para el análisis superficial. La mayoría de las soldaduras presentan corrosión mixta, con mayores velocidades de corrosión en 3,5% de NaCl.

  4. Building RESTful web services with Go learn how to build powerful RESTful APIs with Golang that scale gracefully

    CERN Document Server

    Yellavula, Naren


    REST is an architectural style that tackles the challenges of building scalable web services and in today's connected world, APIs have taken a central role on the web. APIs provide the fabric through which systems interact, and REST has become synonymous with APIs. The depth, breadth, and ease of use of Go, makes it a breeze for developers to ...

  5. Api m 10, a genuine A. mellifera venom allergen, is clinically relevant but underrepresented in therapeutic extracts. (United States)

    Blank, S; Seismann, H; Michel, Y; McIntyre, M; Cifuentes, L; Braren, I; Grunwald, T; Darsow, U; Ring, J; Bredehorst, R; Ollert, M; Spillner, E


    Generalized systemic reactions to stinging hymenoptera venom constitute a potentially fatal condition in venom-allergic individuals. Hence, the identification and characterization of all allergens is imperative for improvement of diagnosis and design of effective immunotherapeutic approaches. Our aim was the immunochemical characterization of the carbohydrate-rich protein Api m 10, an Apis mellifera venom component and putative allergen, with focus on the relevance of glycosylation. Furthermore, the presence of Api m 10 in honeybee venom (HBV) and licensed venom immunotherapy preparations was addressed. Api m 10 was produced as soluble, aglycosylated protein in Escherichia coli and as differentially glycosylated protein providing a varying degree of fucosylation in insect cells. IgE reactivity and basophil activation of allergic patients were analyzed. For detection of Api m 10 in different venom preparations, a monoclonal human IgE antibody was generated. Both, the aglycosylated and the glycosylated variant of Api m 10 devoid of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD), exhibited IgE reactivity with approximately 50% of HBV-sensitized patients. A corresponding reactivity could be documented for the activation of basophils. Although the detection of the native protein in crude HBV suggested content comparable to other relevant allergens, three therapeutical HBV extracts lacked detectable amounts of this component. Api m 10 is a genuine allergen of A. mellifera venom with IgE sensitizing potential in a significant fraction of allergic patients independent of CCD reactivity. Thus, Api m 10 could become a key element for component-resolved diagnostic tests and improved immunotherapeutic approaches in hymenoptera venom allergy. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  6. Standard methods for Apis mellifera propolis research (United States)

    Propolis is one of the most fascinating honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) products. It is a plant derived product that bees produce from resins that they collect from different plant organs and with which they mix beeswax. Propolis is a building material and a protective agent in the beehive. It also pl...

  7. Gas chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry (GC-API-MS): Review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Du-Xin; Gan, Lin; Bronja, Amela; Schmitz, Oliver J.


    Although the coupling of GC/MS with atmospheric pressure ionization (API) has been reported in 1970s, the interest in coupling GC with atmospheric pressure ion source was expanded in the last decade. The demand of a “soft” ion source for preserving highly diagnostic molecular ion is desirable, as compared to the “hard” ionization technique such as electron ionization (EI) in traditional GC/MS, which fragments the molecule in an extensive way. These API sources include atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), atmospheric pressure laser ionization (APLI), electrospray ionization (ESI) and low temperature plasma (LTP). This review discusses the advantages and drawbacks of this analytical platform. After an introduction in atmospheric pressure ionization the review gives an overview about the history and explains the mechanisms of various atmospheric pressure ionization techniques used in combination with GC such as APCI, APPI, APLI, ESI and LTP. Also new developments made in ion source geometry, ion source miniaturization and multipurpose ion source constructions are discussed and a comparison between GC-FID, GC-EI-MS and GC-API-MS shows the advantages and drawbacks of these techniques. The review ends with an overview of applications realized with GC-API-MS. - Highlights: • Atmospheric pressure ion sources (APCI, ESI, APPI, APLC etc) enable the coupling of LC-based high-end MS to GC. • APIs show advantages in selectivity and sensitivity compared with EI in GC-MS. • Accurate mass database in GC-APCI/MS is emerging as an alternative to GC-EI/MS database.

  8. Gas chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry (GC-API-MS): Review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Du-Xin; Gan, Lin; Bronja, Amela [University of Duisburg-Essen, Applied Analytical Chemistry, Universitaetsstr. 5-7, 45141 Essen (Germany); Schmitz, Oliver J., E-mail: [University of Duisburg-Essen, Applied Analytical Chemistry, Universitaetsstr. 5-7, 45141 Essen (Germany)


    Although the coupling of GC/MS with atmospheric pressure ionization (API) has been reported in 1970s, the interest in coupling GC with atmospheric pressure ion source was expanded in the last decade. The demand of a “soft” ion source for preserving highly diagnostic molecular ion is desirable, as compared to the “hard” ionization technique such as electron ionization (EI) in traditional GC/MS, which fragments the molecule in an extensive way. These API sources include atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), atmospheric pressure laser ionization (APLI), electrospray ionization (ESI) and low temperature plasma (LTP). This review discusses the advantages and drawbacks of this analytical platform. After an introduction in atmospheric pressure ionization the review gives an overview about the history and explains the mechanisms of various atmospheric pressure ionization techniques used in combination with GC such as APCI, APPI, APLI, ESI and LTP. Also new developments made in ion source geometry, ion source miniaturization and multipurpose ion source constructions are discussed and a comparison between GC-FID, GC-EI-MS and GC-API-MS shows the advantages and drawbacks of these techniques. The review ends with an overview of applications realized with GC-API-MS. - Highlights: • Atmospheric pressure ion sources (APCI, ESI, APPI, APLC etc) enable the coupling of LC-based high-end MS to GC. • APIs show advantages in selectivity and sensitivity compared with EI in GC-MS. • Accurate mass database in GC-APCI/MS is emerging as an alternative to GC-EI/MS database.

  9. Turnover de carbono nos tecidos de frangos de corte em diferentes fases de crescimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Ducatti


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou determinar o turnover do carbono no Pectoralis major, quilha, tíbia e fígado de frangos de corte em seus diferentes períodos de crescimento, utilizando a técnica dos isótopos estáveis. Foram utilizados 216 pintos de corte, machos, Cobb. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado e consistiu de sete tratamentos com dias de substituição das dietas distintos: 0; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35; 42 dias de idade. Para mensurar o turnover do carbono nos tecidos em determinado intervalo de tempo, foi utilizado o modelo sigmoidal de regressão de Boltzmann ou função exponencial do tempo. Os valores de meias-vidas foram: 2,5; 2,8; 2,9; 4,9; 5,1; 5,5 e 6,0 dias para músculo peitoral; 2,7; 2,9; 3,1; 4,6; 5,3; 4,1 e 8,0 dias para quilha; 4,4; 3,6; 5,4; 5,8; 4,3; 5,2 e 6,3 dias para tíbia e 1,3; 1,9; 1,4; 1,5; 1,9; 1,7 e 2,1 dias para fígado, nos tratamentos T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 e T7, respectivamente. Pode-se concluir que a tíbia possui metabolismo lento e pode indicar o sinal isotópico das dietas iniciais da criação dos frangos de corte; e o fígado, metabolismo rápido, indicado para refletir a dieta próxima da fase de avaliação.

  10. Detección de Malpighamoeba mellificae (Protista: Amoebozoa en Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae de Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago PLISCHUK


    Full Text Available Debido a su rol como polinizador y productor de miel, la abeja Apis mellifera L. es considerado un insecto beneficioso. Si bien Argentina juega un papel de liderazgo en la producción de miel, existe un considerable vacío en el conocimiento acerca de las enfermedades de etiología protista que afectan las abejas en el país. La ameba Malpighamoeba mellificae Prell es un protista entomopatógeno que invade los túbulos de Malpighi de las abejas e interfiere con el proceso de excreción, debilitando al huésped y posiblemente facilitando la acción de otros patógenos. En esta contribución se presentan los primeros hallazgos de M. mellificae en Argentina y se brindan datos iniciales acerca de su frecuencia, intensidad de las infecciones, y co-ocurrencia con Nosema sp. Malpighamoeba mellificae se halló en dos de 36 localidades prospectadas: San Cayetano, al Sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires y San Carlos de Bariloche, en el Oeste de la provincia de Río Negro.





    A seleção de materiais para o transporte de óleo e gás não é feita pela sua resistência à corrosão, mas sim pelas suas boas propriedades mecânicas, facilidade de fabricação e baixos custos. Devido às taxas de perda de material, causado pela corrosão interna, existe necessidade em se conhecer o comportamento dos aços de mais alta resistência, utilizados especialmente em gasodutos e oleodutos tais como API 5L X70 e API 5L X80. Um dos elementos responsáveis ...

  12. Determinants of quality, latency, and amount of Stack Overflow answers about recent Android APIs. (United States)

    Kavaler, David; Filkov, Vladimir


    Stack Overflow is a popular crowdsourced question and answer website for programming-related issues. It is an invaluable resource for software developers; on average, questions posted there get answered in minutes to an hour. Questions about well established topics, e.g., the coercion operator in C++, or the difference between canonical and class names in Java, get asked often in one form or another, and answered very quickly. On the other hand, questions on previously unseen or niche topics take a while to get a good answer. This is particularly the case with questions about current updates to or the introduction of new application programming interfaces (APIs). In a hyper-competitive online market, getting good answers to current programming questions sooner could increase the chances of an app getting released and used. So, can developers anyhow, e.g., hasten the speed to good answers to questions about new APIs? Here, we empirically study Stack Overflow questions pertaining to new Android APIs and their associated answers. We contrast the interest in these questions, their answer quality, and timeliness of their answers to questions about old APIs. We find that Stack Overflow answerers in general prioritize with respect to currentness: questions about new APIs do get more answers, but good quality answers take longer. We also find that incentives in terms of question bounties, if used appropriately, can significantly shorten the time and increase answer quality. Interestingly, no operationalization of bounty amount shows significance in our models. In practice, our findings confirm the value of bounties in enhancing expert participation. In addition, they show that the Stack Overflow style of crowdsourcing, for all its glory in providing answers about established programming knowledge, is less effective with new API questions.

  13. Transcriptome analysis of the honey bee fungal pathogen, Ascosphaera apis: implications for host pathogenesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cornman R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background We present a comprehensive transcriptome analysis of the fungus Ascosphaera apis, an economically important pathogen of the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera that causes chalkbrood disease. Our goals were to further annotate the A. apis reference genome and to identify genes that are candidates for being differentially expressed during host infection versus axenic culture. Results We compared A. apis transcriptome sequence from mycelia grown on liquid or solid media with that dissected from host-infected tissue. 454 pyrosequencing provided 252 Mb of filtered sequence reads from both culture types that were assembled into 10,087 contigs. Transcript contigs, protein sequences from multiple fungal species, and ab initio gene predictions were included as evidence sources in the Maker gene prediction pipeline, resulting in 6,992 consensus gene models. A phylogeny based on 12 of these protein-coding loci further supported the taxonomic placement of Ascosphaera as sister to the core Onygenales. Several common protein domains were less abundant in A. apis compared with related ascomycete genomes, particularly cytochrome p450 and protein kinase domains. A novel gene family was identified that has expanded in some ascomycete lineages, but not others. We manually annotated genes with homologs in other fungal genomes that have known relevance to fungal virulence and life history. Functional categories of interest included genes involved in mating-type specification, intracellular signal transduction, and stress response. Computational and manual annotations have been made publicly available on the Bee Pests and Pathogens website. Conclusions This comprehensive transcriptome analysis substantially enhances our understanding of the A. apis genome and its expression during infection of honey bee larvae. It also provides resources for future molecular studies of chalkbrood disease and ultimately improved disease management.

  14. Transcriptome analysis of the honey bee fungal pathogen, Ascosphaera apis: implications for host pathogenesis (United States)


    Background We present a comprehensive transcriptome analysis of the fungus Ascosphaera apis, an economically important pathogen of the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) that causes chalkbrood disease. Our goals were to further annotate the A. apis reference genome and to identify genes that are candidates for being differentially expressed during host infection versus axenic culture. Results We compared A. apis transcriptome sequence from mycelia grown on liquid or solid media with that dissected from host-infected tissue. 454 pyrosequencing provided 252 Mb of filtered sequence reads from both culture types that were assembled into 10,087 contigs. Transcript contigs, protein sequences from multiple fungal species, and ab initio gene predictions were included as evidence sources in the Maker gene prediction pipeline, resulting in 6,992 consensus gene models. A phylogeny based on 12 of these protein-coding loci further supported the taxonomic placement of Ascosphaera as sister to the core Onygenales. Several common protein domains were less abundant in A. apis compared with related ascomycete genomes, particularly cytochrome p450 and protein kinase domains. A novel gene family was identified that has expanded in some ascomycete lineages, but not others. We manually annotated genes with homologs in other fungal genomes that have known relevance to fungal virulence and life history. Functional categories of interest included genes involved in mating-type specification, intracellular signal transduction, and stress response. Computational and manual annotations have been made publicly available on the Bee Pests and Pathogens website. Conclusions This comprehensive transcriptome analysis substantially enhances our understanding of the A. apis genome and its expression during infection of honey bee larvae. It also provides resources for future molecular studies of chalkbrood disease and ultimately improved disease management. PMID:22747707

  15. Determinants of quality, latency, and amount of Stack Overflow answers about recent Android APIs (United States)

    Filkov, Vladimir


    Stack Overflow is a popular crowdsourced question and answer website for programming-related issues. It is an invaluable resource for software developers; on average, questions posted there get answered in minutes to an hour. Questions about well established topics, e.g., the coercion operator in C++, or the difference between canonical and class names in Java, get asked often in one form or another, and answered very quickly. On the other hand, questions on previously unseen or niche topics take a while to get a good answer. This is particularly the case with questions about current updates to or the introduction of new application programming interfaces (APIs). In a hyper-competitive online market, getting good answers to current programming questions sooner could increase the chances of an app getting released and used. So, can developers anyhow, e.g., hasten the speed to good answers to questions about new APIs? Here, we empirically study Stack Overflow questions pertaining to new Android APIs and their associated answers. We contrast the interest in these questions, their answer quality, and timeliness of their answers to questions about old APIs. We find that Stack Overflow answerers in general prioritize with respect to currentness: questions about new APIs do get more answers, but good quality answers take longer. We also find that incentives in terms of question bounties, if used appropriately, can significantly shorten the time and increase answer quality. Interestingly, no operationalization of bounty amount shows significance in our models. In practice, our findings confirm the value of bounties in enhancing expert participation. In addition, they show that the Stack Overflow style of crowdsourcing, for all its glory in providing answers about established programming knowledge, is less effective with new API questions. PMID:29547620

  16. Carbono secuestrado en ecosistemas agropecuarios cubanos y su valoración económica.: Estudio de caso Carbon sequestered in Cuban livestock production ecosystems and its economic assessment.: Case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taymer Miranda


    Full Text Available Los sistemas agroforestales representan importantes sumideros de carbono; sin embargo, en Cuba no han sido considerados en este sentido debido fundamentalmente a la ausencia de información cuantificada sobre su potencialidad de almacenamiento y fijación. La presente investigación muestra los resultados comparativos de una finca con un pastizal natural y otra convertida en un sistema agroforestal, con 11 años de explotación. El carbono almacenado por el sistema silvopastoril fue mayor que el secuestrado en el sistema de pasto natural. El carbono forestal y el retenido en los pastos y en el suelo alcanzó valores de 64, 38 y 24 t/ha, respectivamente. El sistema silvopatoril secuestró126 t de carbono, a diferencia del sistema de pasto natural que solo alcanzó 32 t/ha en el año de evaluación. El sistema agroforestal superó sustancialmente al sistema de pasto natural, por su alta contribución ambiental y económica, cuyo valor se aproximó a los 1 300 dólares (USD por año. Esta valoración económica es un elemento fundamental para lograr una utilización sostenible del ecosistema y, aunque no constituye el instrumento a tener presente para todas las decisiones, representa uno de los aspectos que intervienen en el proceso decisorio, junto con otras importantes consideraciones políticas, sociales y culturales. Los resultados confirman que los sistemas agroforestales son una alternativa para el desarrollo sostenible de los sistemas en el sector agropecuario.Agroforestry systems represent important carbon sinks; nevertheless, in Cuba they have not been considered in that sense due, mainly, to the absence of quantified information about their storage and fixation potential. This study shows the comparative results of a farm with a natural pasture and another turned into an agroforestry system with 11 years of exploitation. The carbon stored by the silvopastoral system was higher than that sequestered in the system of natural pasture. The

  17. An adaptive software defined radio design based on a standard space telecommunication radio system API (United States)

    Xiong, Wenhao; Tian, Xin; Chen, Genshe; Pham, Khanh; Blasch, Erik


    Software defined radio (SDR) has become a popular tool for the implementation and testing for communications performance. The advantage of the SDR approach includes: a re-configurable design, adaptive response to changing conditions, efficient development, and highly versatile implementation. In order to understand the benefits of SDR, the space telecommunication radio system (STRS) was proposed by NASA Glenn research center (GRC) along with the standard application program interface (API) structure. Each component of the system uses a well-defined API to communicate with other components. The benefit of standard API is to relax the platform limitation of each component for addition options. For example, the waveform generating process can support a field programmable gate array (FPGA), personal computer (PC), or an embedded system. As long as the API defines the requirements, the generated waveform selection will work with the complete system. In this paper, we demonstrate the design and development of adaptive SDR following the STRS and standard API protocol. We introduce step by step the SDR testbed system including the controlling graphic user interface (GUI), database, GNU radio hardware control, and universal software radio peripheral (USRP) tranceiving front end. In addition, a performance evaluation in shown on the effectiveness of the SDR approach for space telecommunication.

  18. Dry coating of micronized API powders for improved dissolution of directly compacted tablets with high drug loading. (United States)

    Han, Xi; Ghoroi, Chinmay; Davé, Rajesh


    Motivated by our recent study showing improved flow and dissolution rate of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) powders (20 μm) produced via simultaneous micronization and surface modification through continuous fluid energy milling (FEM) process, the performance of blends and direct compacted tablets with high drug loading is examined. Performance of 50 μm API powders dry coated without micronization is also considered for comparison. Blends of micronized, non-micronized, dry coated or uncoated API powders at 30, 60 and 70% drug loading, are examined. The results show that the blends containing dry coated API powders, even micronized ones, have excellent flowability and high bulk density compared to the blends containing uncoated API, which are required for direct compaction. As the drug loading increases, the difference between dry coated and uncoated blends is more pronounced, as seen in the proposed bulk density-FFC phase map. Dry coating led to improved tablet compactibility profiles, corresponding with the improvements in blend compressibility. The most significant advantage is in tablet dissolution where for all drug loadings, the t(80) for the tablets with dry coated APIs was well under 5 min, indicating that this approach can produce nearly instant release direct compacted tablets at high drug loadings. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Estudo do efeito da tensão sobre a permeação por Hidrogênio em Aços API 5L X60 e API 5L X65

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Araújo Araújo


    Full Text Available Under operating conditions, the oil and gas transmission pipelines can be subjected to high pressures and, at the same time, suffer the effect of acidic substances in the transported hydrocarbons such as H2S, whose action alone or combined with stresses acting in the structure can cause degradation processes of the mechanical properties of the material. Given the importance of the phenomenon, this work has as main objective the realization of hydrogen electrochemical permeation tests in API 5L X60 and API 5L X65 steels under mechanical loading conditions. A device for performing electrochemical permeation tests of hydrogen in the specimens subjected to stress was used for the tests. Thus, it was possible to observe experimentally the influence of stress on the diffusion properties during the experiment. By applying stress on the order of 20% of the yield strength, it was possible to verify the increase of diffusivity of API 5L X60 steel. Furthermore, there was a strong influence of the stress level of permeability, because a large increase of permeability of API 5L X65 steel. The results indicate that the lattice deformation due to imposed mechanical stress has a great influence on the diffusion properties of materials

  20. Early process development of API applied to poorly water-soluble TBID. (United States)

    Meise, Marius; Niggemann, Matthias; Dunens, Alexandra; Schoenitz, Martin; Kuschnerow, Jan C; Kunick, Conrad; Scholl, Stephan


    Finding and optimising of synthesis processes for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) is time consuming. In the finding phase, established methods for synthesis, purification and formulation are used to achieve a high purity API for biological studies. For promising API candidates, this is followed by pre-clinical and clinical studies requiring sufficient quantities of the active component. Ideally, these should be produced with a process representative for a later production process and suitable for scaling to production capacity. This work presents an overview of different approaches for process synthesis based on an existing lab protocol. This is demonstrated for the production of the model drug 4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-2-(1H-imidazol-2-yl) isoindolin-1,3-dione (TBID). Early batch synthesis and purification procedures typically suffer from low and fluctuating yields and purities due to poor process control. In a first step the literature synthesis and purification procedure was modified and optimized using solubility measurements, targeting easier and safer processing for consecutive studies. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Challenges associated with the honey bee ( Apis Mellifera Adansonii )

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Challenges associated with the honey bee ( Apis Mellifera Adansonii ) colonies ... Diseases like American and European foulbrood were absent while ... African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Volume 13 No. 2 April ...

  2. Influence of preheating on API 5L-X80 pipeline joint welding with self shielded flux-cored wire; Influencia del precalentamiento en las propiedades de uniones soldadas de acero API 5L-X80 soldadas con alambre tubular autoprotegido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cooper, R.; Silva, J. H. F.; Trevisan, R. E.


    The present work refers to the characterization of API 5L-X80 pipeline joints welded with self-shielded flux cored wire. This process was evaluated under preheating conditions, with an uniform and steady heat input. All joints were welded in flat position (1G), with the pipe turning and the torch still. Tube dimensions were 762 mm in external diameter and 16 mm in thickness. Welds were applied on single V-groove, with six weld beads, along with three levels of preheating temperatures (room temperature, 100 degree centigree, 160 degree centigree). These temperatures were maintained as inter pass temperature. The filler metal E71T8-K6 with mechanical properties different from parent metal was used in under matched conditions. The weld characterization is presented according to the mechanical test results of tensile strength, hardness and impact test. The mechanical tests were conducted according to API 1104, AWS and ASTM standards. API 1104 and API 51 were used as screening criteria. According to the results obtained, it was possible to remark that it is appropriate to weld API 5L-X80 steel ducts with Self-shielded Flux Cored wires, in conformance to the API standards and no preheat temperature is necessary. (Author) 22 refs.

  3. Valoración Económica del Manglar por el Almacenamiento de Carbono, Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta

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    Arnold De la Peña


    Full Text Available La Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM genera diferentes bienes y servicios ambientales, por ejemplo, sumidero de carbono, hábitat de flora y fauna, despensa de alimentos y materias primas, entre otros. Se presenta una aproximación a la cuantificación monetaria del servicio de almacenamiento de carbono, con el fin de establecer información base para las decisiones de su uso. Lo anterior se hizo con base en muestreo de campo de 15 árboles de manglar y en mediciones realizadas en cuatro estaciones de monitoreo de la CGSM (Caño Grande, Rinconada, Aguas Negras y Luna por INVEMAR (2008. Para tal fin, se estimó la biomasa aérea total, las existencias de carbono y de dióxido de carbono equivalente (CO2e discriminada por especie y zona. Los resultados indican que en términos relativos el bosque de manglar de la CGSM puede almacenar entre 6,9 (la Luna y 45,7 (Rinconada t C ha-1. La valoración monetaria se encuentran entre US$ 87,76 y 591,41 t CO2e ha-1, según los precios pagados por el Banco Mundial, correspondiente a los Certificados de Emisiones Reducidas (CERs forestales no permanentes. El valor monetario amplia la importancia de iniciar un proceso que permita incorporar estos beneficios económicos a los actuales mecanismos de mercado y contribuyan a los esfuerzos locales de conservación.Palabras Clave: Manglar; almacenamiento de carbono; biomasa aérea; dióxido de carbono equivalente y valoración económica. Economic Valuation of Mangrove for the Carbon Storage in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa MartaAbstractThe Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM Generate Different Environmental goods and services, for instance, carbon sink, habitat for flora and fauna, stocks of foods and raw materials, etc. This paper presents an attempt to value in monetary terms the service of carbon storage, with the aim to establish inputs for the decisions process of used. This paper presents an Attempt to Terms Monetary value in the service of carbon storage

  4. The biochemical properties of the Arabidopsis ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase AtAPY1 contradict a direct role in purinergic signaling.

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    Carolin Massalski

    Full Text Available The Arabidopsis E-NTPDase (ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase AtAPY1 was previously shown to be involved in growth and development, pollen germination and stress responses. It was proposed to perform these functions through regulation of extracellular ATP signals. However, a GFP-tagged version was localized exclusively in the Golgi and did not hydrolyze ATP. In this study, AtAPY1 without the bulky GFP-tag was biochemically characterized with regard to its suggested role in purinergic signaling. Both the full-length protein and a soluble form without the transmembrane domain near the N-terminus were produced in HEK293 cells. Of the twelve nucleotide substrates tested, only three--GDP, IDP and UDP--were hydrolyzed, confirming that ATP was not a substrate of AtAPY1. In addition, the effects of pH, divalent metal ions, known E-NTPDase inhibitors and calmodulin on AtAPY1 activity were analyzed. AtAPY1-GFP extracted from transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings was included in the analyses. All three AtAPY1 versions exhibited very similar biochemical properties. Activity was detectable in a broad pH range, and Ca(2+, Mg(2+ and Mn(2+ were the three most efficient cofactors. Of the inhibitors tested, vanadate was the most potent one. Surprisingly, sulfonamide-based inhibitors shown to inhibit other E-NTPDases and presumed to inhibit AtAPY1 as well were not effective. Calmodulin stimulated the activity of the GFP-tagless membranous and soluble AtAPY1 forms about five-fold, but did not alter their substrate specificities. The apparent Km values obtained with AtAPY1-GFP indicate that AtAPY1 is primarily a GDPase. A putative three-dimensional structural model of the ecto-domain is presented, explaining the potent inhibitory potential of vanadate and predicting the binding mode of GDP. The found substrate specificity classifies AtAPY1 as a nucleoside diphosphatase typical of N-terminally anchored Golgi E-NTPDases and negates a direct function in

  5. Ductile failure analysis of defective API X65 pipes based on stress-modified fracture strain criterion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Chang Kyun; Kim, Yun Jae; Baek, Jong Hyun; Kim, Young Pyo; Kim, Woo Sik


    A local failure criterion for the API X65 steel is applied to predict ductile failure of full-scale API X65 pipes with simulated corrosion and gouge defects under internal pressure. The local failure criterion is the stress-modified fracture strain for the API X65 steel as a function of the stress triaxiality (defined by the ratio of the hydrostatic stress to the effective stress). Based on detailed FE analyses with the proposed local failure criteria, burst pressures of defective pipes are estimated and compared with experimental data. The predicted burst pressures are in good agreement with experimental data. Noting that an assessment equation against the gouge defect is not yet available, parametric study is performed, from which a simple equation is proposed to predict burst pressure for API X65 pipes with gouge defects

  6. Análisis de captura de carbono en seis especies forestales nativas (3 esciofias-3 heliofias plantadas con fines de restauración en el Parque Ecológico La Poma (PEP - sabana de Bogotá – Colombia

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    Bayron David Díaz Cepeda


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de la determinación de carbono orgánico realizado para seis especies forestales (aliso, cedro, mano de oso, guayacán de Manizales, roble, encenillo en hojas, ramas, fuste y raíces. Las plantas evaluadas se encuentran en el Parque Ecológico La Poma (PEP. N, 991854.50 – E, 977425.32, ubicado en el municipio de Soacha-Cundinamarca. Se realizaron análisis químicos en muestras de 100 g de materia seca para calcular el carbono contenido, utilizando la metodología de Walkley y Black, encontrando diferencias significativas por especie e individuo, siendo el guayacán de Manizales la que presentó respecto a su biomasa la mayor relación de carbono, con hasta un 40 % en relación a la muestra. Por otro lado, las especies de más lento crecimiento como el roble invierten la mayor parte del carbono absorbido en el fuste, más del 50 % destinado a la formación de tejidos lignificados. Y en especies de rápido crecimiento hasta un 30 % en el sistema radicular buscando suplir la demanda de agua y nutrientes.

  7. Estudo das propriedades elétricas e térmicas de compósitos nanoestruturados de poli(sulfeto de fenileno reforçados com nanotubos de carbono

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    Bruno Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho o comportamento de cristalização e a condutividade elétrica de compósitos nanoestruturados de poli(sulfeto de fenileno reforçado com nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas obtidos através da técnica de mistura em fusão foram estudados. A incorporação do nanoreforço na matriz polimérica foi responsável por um aumento da cristalinidade devido ao fenômeno de nucleação heterogênea. A condutividade elétrica do PPS apresentou um aumento de 11 ordens de magnitude quando 2,0 m/m% de MWCNT foram adicionados a matriz polimérica. Além disso, o limite de percolação elétrica encontrado para este sistema foi de 1,4 m/m% de MWCNT, revelando a formação de uma rede condutiva tridimensional no interior da matriz polimérica.

  8. Gas chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry (GC-API-MS): review. (United States)

    Li, Du-Xin; Gan, Lin; Bronja, Amela; Schmitz, Oliver J


    Although the coupling of GC/MS with atmospheric pressure ionization (API) has been reported in 1970s, the interest in coupling GC with atmospheric pressure ion source was expanded in the last decade. The demand of a "soft" ion source for preserving highly diagnostic molecular ion is desirable, as compared to the "hard" ionization technique such as electron ionization (EI) in traditional GC/MS, which fragments the molecule in an extensive way. These API sources include atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), atmospheric pressure laser ionization (APLI), electrospray ionization (ESI) and low temperature plasma (LTP). This review discusses the advantages and drawbacks of this analytical platform. After an introduction in atmospheric pressure ionization the review gives an overview about the history and explains the mechanisms of various atmospheric pressure ionization techniques used in combination with GC such as APCI, APPI, APLI, ESI and LTP. Also new developments made in ion source geometry, ion source miniaturization and multipurpose ion source constructions are discussed and a comparison between GC-FID, GC-EI-MS and GC-API-MS shows the advantages and drawbacks of these techniques. The review ends with an overview of applications realized with GC-API-MS. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  9. Pim-2 activates API-5 to inhibit the apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through NF-kappaB pathway. (United States)

    Ren, Ke; Zhang, Wei; Shi, Yujun; Gong, Jianping


    Pim-2 is proved to be relevant to the tumorigenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but the mechanism is unclear. We studied the relationship among Pim-2, NF-kappaB and API-5. In our experiment, expression level of the three factors and phosphorylation level of API-5, as well as NF-kappaB activity, were detected in HCC tissues and the nontumorous controls. Then Pim-2 gene was transfected into nontumorous liver cells L02, and Pim-2 SiRNA was transfected into hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2. Parthenolide was added as NF-kappaB inhibitor. The same detections as above were repeated in the cells, along with the apoptosis analysis. We found the levels of Pim-2, NF-kappaB and API-5, as well as NF-kappaB activity, were significantly higher in HCC tissues. Pim-2 level was increased in L02 cells after the transfection of Pim-2 gene, but decreased in HepG2 cells after the transfection of Pim-2 SiRNA. The levels of NF-kappaB and API-5, as well as NF-kappaB activity and API-5 phosphorylation level, were in accordance with Pim-2 level, but could be reversed by Parthenolide. Cell apoptosis rates were negatively correlated with API-5 phosphorylation level. Therefore, we infer that Pim-2 could activate API-5 to inhibit the apoptosis of liver cells, and NF-kappaB is the key regulator.

  10. Carbono da biomassa microbiana em solo cultivado com soja sob diferentes sistemas de manejo nos Cerrados Microbial biomass carbon in soil cultivated with soybean, under different management systems in Cerrado

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    Kátia Sueli Sivek Perez


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o carbono da biomassa microbina de solo, cultivado com soja em diferentes sistemas de manejo. Os sistemas de manejo foram semeadura direta, uma gradagem, subsolagem e duas gradagens, realizadas num Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo argiloso. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em cinco profundidades (0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30 e 30-40 cm e em quatro épocas (antes do preparo do solo, 30 dias após a germinação, floração e após a colheita da soja. Foram coletadas, também, amostras de solo na mesma profundidade e na mesma época, em uma área de vegetação nativa (Cerrado sensu strictu, adjacente ao experimento. A subsolagem apresentou os maiores valores de carbono aos 30 dias após a germinação (865,7 mg kg-1 de solo. Este valor foi reduzido para 80,3 mg kg-1 de solo na floração. Os valores de carbono na semeadura direta mantiveram-se mais estáveis, principalmente na camada de 0-20 cm. As camadas de 0-5 e 5-10 cm apresentaram diferença na maioria das épocas estudadas e das demais camadas. A subsolagem mostrou o menor valor do carbono orgânico do solo, após a colheita da soja. Não houve correlação entre a relação carbono da biomassa microbiana/carbono orgânico e os nutrientes do solo na subsolagemThe aim of this study was to quantify soil microbial biomass carbon in a soybean crop under different soil management systems no-tillage, single harrowing, subsoiling and two harrowing, on a clay Red-Yellow Latossol in the Cerrado region. Soils were studied at five depths 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm. Four periods were observed before soil preparation; 30 days after germination; flowering stage and after harvesting soybean plants. The same measurements were taken under the same conditions in an area of native cerrado vegetation, adjacent to the experiment (Cerrado sensu strictu. Subsoiling showed highest carbon values 30 days after germination (865.7 mg kg-1 of soil. This was reduced to less

  11. Pertukaran Data Antar Database Dengan Menggunakan Teknologi API

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    Ahmad Hanafi


    Full Text Available Electronically data interchange between institutions or companies must be supported with appropriate data storage media capacity. MySQL is a database engine that is used to perform data storage in the form of information, where the data can be utilized as needed. MYSQL has the advantage of which is to provide convenience in terms of usage, and able to work on different platforms. System requirements that must be reliable and multitasking capable of making the database not only as a data storage medium, but can also be utilized as a means of data exchange. Dropbox API is the best solution that can be utilized as a technology that supports the database to be able to Exchange data. The combination of the Dropbox API and database can be used as a very cheap solution for small companies to implement data exchange, because it only requires a relatively small Internet connection.

  12. Sensitivity Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth Model for API Steels in Gaseous Hydrogen. (United States)

    Amaro, Robert L; Rustagi, Neha; Drexler, Elizabeth S; Slifka, Andrew J


    A model to predict fatigue crack growth of API pipeline steels in high pressure gaseous hydrogen has been developed and is presented elsewhere. The model currently has several parameters that must be calibrated for each pipeline steel of interest. This work provides a sensitivity analysis of the model parameters in order to provide (a) insight to the underlying mathematical and mechanistic aspects of the model, and (b) guidance for model calibration of other API steels.

  13. Mechanical properties of API X80 steel pipe joints welded by Flux Core Arc Weld Process; Propriedades mecanicas de juntas de tubos de aco API X80 soldadas com arame tubulares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ordonez, Robert E. Cooper; Silva, Jose Hilton F.; Trevisan, Roseana E. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica. Dept. de Engenharia de Fabricacao


    Flux Core Arc Welding processes (FCAW) are beginning to be applied in pipeline welds, however, very limited experimental data regarding mechanical properties of pipeline weld joints with these processes are available in the literature. In this paper, the effects of preheat temperature and type of FCAW on mechanical properties (microhardness and tensile strength) of API X80 weld joint steel are presented. FCAW processes with gas protection and self-shielded were used. Multipasses welding were applied in 30'' diameter and 0,625'' thickness tubes. Influence factors were: FCAW type and preheat temperature. Acceptance criteria of welded joints were evaluated by API 1104 standard for tensile strength test and ASTM E384-99 for microhardness test. The results obtained showed that FCAW type and preheat temperature have no influence on mechanical properties of API X80 joint steel. (author)


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    Wilson A. Calero Borge


    Full Text Available El trabajo se desarrolló en la Reserva Indígena de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Se remidieron 64 parcelas de cacao (C y banano (B, para estimar el almacenamiento y el incremento de madera y carbono de laurel (Cordia alliodora y cedro amargo (Cedrela odorata L. de regeneración natural en estos sistemas agroforestales (SAF. Se realizó inventario de laurel y cedro real y se midieron árboles con d3 4 cm. El volumen comercial (Vc (d 3 45 cm se proyectó con matrices de transición tipo Usher.Los incrementos de madera y carbono se obtuvieron en el períodocomprendido 2001-2005.No hubo diferencias signifi cativas (P<0.05 para la densidad (d y existencias totales de madera (Vt en los SAF, la d es de 52,4 árboles ha-1 en C y 53,8 árboles ha-1 en B, contienen un volumen total de 55,4 m3 ha-1 en C y 52,6 m3 ha-1 en B. Las tasas de fi jación de carbono son de 1,3 y 1,8 t ha-1 año-1 en C y B respectivamente.A cinco años de proyección los C producirán 52,0 (m3 ha-1 y los B 54,2 (m3 ha-1 de Vc con un IPAVc de 4,08 y 4,74 (m3 ha-1 año-1 en C y B respectivamente. Para todos los SAF evaluadosel aprovechamiento de madera será sostenible, con las actuales tasas de aprovechamiento y reclutamiento de individuos. Se recomienda aplicar del modelo propuesto para el diseño ymanejo de SAF.

  15. Identification of clinical yeasts by Vitek MS system compared with API ID 32 C. (United States)

    Durán-Valle, M Teresa; Sanz-Rodríguez, Nuria; Muñoz-Paraíso, Carmen; Almagro-Moltó, María; Gómez-Garcés, José Luis


    We performed a clinical evaluation of the Vitek MS matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) system with the commercial database version 2.0 for rapid identification of medically important yeasts as compared with the conventional phenotypic method API ID 32 C. We tested 161 clinical isolates, nine isolates from culture collections and five reference strains. In case of discrepant results or no identification with one or both methods, molecular identification techniques were employed. Concordance between both methods was observed with 160/175 isolates (91.42%) and misidentifications by both systems occurred only when taxa were not included in the respective databases, i.e., one isolate of Candida etchellsii was identified as C. globosa by Vitek MS and two isolates of C. orthopsilosis were identified as C. parapsilosis by API ID 32 C. Vitek MS could not identify nine strains (5.14%) and API ID 32 C did not identify 13 (7.42%). Vitek MS was more reliable than API ID 32 C and reduced the time required for the identification of clinical isolates to only a few minutes.

  16. Sperm use economy of honeybee (Apis mellifera) queens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baer, Boris; Collins, Jason; Maalaps, Kristiina


    the fecundity and longevity of queens and therefore colony fitness. We quantified the number of sperm that honeybee (Apis mellifera) queens use to fertilize eggs. We examined sperm use in naturally mated queens of different ages and in queens artificially inseminated with different volumes of semen. We found...

  17. Influence of preheating on API 5L-X80 pipeline joint welding with self shielded flux-cored wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooper, R.; Silva, J. H. F.; Trevisan, R. E.


    The present work refers to the characterization of API 5L-X80 pipeline joints welded with self-shielded flux cored wire. This process was evaluated under preheating conditions, with an uniform and steady heat input. All joints were welded in flat position (1G), with the pipe turning and the torch still. Tube dimensions were 762 mm in external diameter and 16 mm in thickness. Welds were applied on single V-groove, with six weld beads, along with three levels of preheating temperatures (room temperature, 100 degree centigree, 160 degree centigree). These temperatures were maintained as inter pass temperature. The filler metal E71T8-K6 with mechanical properties different from parent metal was used in under matched conditions. The weld characterization is presented according to the mechanical test results of tensile strength, hardness and impact test. The mechanical tests were conducted according to API 1104, AWS and ASTM standards. API 1104 and API 51 were used as screening criteria. According to the results obtained, it was possible to remark that it is appropriate to weld API 5L-X80 steel ducts with Self-shielded Flux Cored wires, in conformance to the API standards and no preheat temperature is necessary. (Author) 22 refs


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    Gabriel Ovejero


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la efectividad de la oxidación por vía húmeda catalítica para tratar aguas residuales industriales en un reactor por lote. Para ello se han realizado ensayos con un contaminante modelo, el colorante básico Amarillo Directo 11 empleando como catalizador platino soportado en nanotubos de carbono de pared múltiple (Pt/MWNT. Así mismo se ha realizado el tratamiento de dos efluentes industriales. Los resultados muestran tanto la alta efectividad del tratamiento en presencia del catalizador, como una importante disminución del carbono orgánico total y de la toxicidad en el efluente final. Se concluye que el proceso se ha demostrado eficaz tanto para el tratamiento del colorante básico ensayado, como en los dos efluentes residuales industriales.

  19. Durability of API class B cement pastes exposed to aqueous solutions containing chloride, sulphate and magnesium ions

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    Hernández, M. E.


    Full Text Available This paper discusses a durability study conducted on API class B cement, the type used in shallow oil wells, when exposed to aggressive formation water. Its resistance to the major ions, namely –SO4=, Mg+2 and Cl-–, is related both to its capacity to assimilate the aggressive action of each harmful agent and to the changes in the chemical reactivity of some of its components. The methodology used consisted in preparing and immersing cement specimens in neutral solutions containing variable concentrations of these ions to monitor the chemical reactions taking place. These solutions were analyzed and XRD studies were conducted for over a year to identify mineralogical variations. The purposes of the study were to determine the effects of joint ionic attack on this kind of cement and to monitor the variations in the calcium concentration in the aqueous solutions of Na2SO4, MgCl2 and NaCl in contact with API class B cement pastesEste trabajo se basa en el estudio de la durabilidad de un cemento API clase B, utilizado en pozos petrolíferos someros, frente a la agresividad de las aguas de formación a las que puede estar expuesto. Su eficacia frente a la exposición a los iones más importantes –SO4=, Mg+2 y Cl-– se relaciona con su capacidad de asimilar la acción agresiva de cada agente perjudicial, así como de las reacciones químicas que sufra por la reactividad de alguno de sus compuestos. La metodología aplicada supone la preparación de probetas de este cemento y su inmersión en disoluciones neutras, conteniendo los referidos iones a distintas concentraciones, para evaluar el desarrollo de las reacciones existentes en su seno. A tal fin se realizaron análisis de las disoluciones y estudios de DRX durante más de un año para conocer su evolución mineralógica. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido determinar los efectos resultantes de los ataques conjuntos de los citados iones al referido cemento; así como la observación de las

  20. “Wrapping” X3DOM around Web Audio API

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    Andreas Stamoulias


    Full Text Available Spatial sound has a conceptual role in the Web3D environments, due to highly realism scenes that can provide. Lately the efforts are concentrated on the extension of the X3D/ X3DOM through spatial sound attributes. This paper presents a novel method for the introduction of spatial sound components in the X3DOM framework, based on X3D specification and Web Audio API. The proposed method incorporates the introduction of enhanced sound nodes for X3DOM which are derived by the implementation of the X3D standard components, enriched with accessional features of Web Audio API. Moreover, several examples-scenarios developed for the evaluation of our approach. The implemented examples established the achievability of new registered nodes in X3DOM, for spatial sound characteristics in Web3D virtual worlds.

  1. Preparação e caracterização de carbono polimérico vítreo a partir da resina resol e modificação com íons metálicos


    Celso Ricardo Nogueira Jesus


    Pertencendo à família dos eletrodos de carbono, o carbono polimérico vítreo (CPV) apresenta condutividade elétrica, estabilidade térmica, resistência mecânica e grande intervalo de potencial. Dessa forma, se torna possível sua aplicação como eletrodo sólido para o monitoramento de processos de transferência de carga, suporte para polímeros eletroativos e modificadores de superfície. O processo de obtenção do CPV se baseia na carbonização em ambiente inerte de materiais precursores, dentre os ...

  2. Testing of the structure of macromolecular polymer films containing solid active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boelcskei, E.; Suevegh, K.; Marek, T.; Regdon, G.; Pintye-Hodi, K.


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure of free films of Eudragit L 30D-55 containing different concentrations (0%, 1% or 5%) of diclofenac sodium by positron annihilation spectroscopy. The data revealed that the size of the free-volume holes and the lifetimes of ortho-positronium atoms decreased with increase of the API concentration. Films containing 5% of the API exhibited a different behavior during storage (17 o C, 65% relative humidity (RH)) in consequence of the uptake of water from the air. -- Highlights: → The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure of free films of Eudragit L 30D-55 containing different concentrations (0%, 1% or 5%) of diclofenac sodium by positron annihilation spectroscopy. → The data revealed that the size of the free-volume holes and the lifetimes of ortho-positronium atoms decreased with increase of the API concentration (). → The API distorts the original polymer structure, but as time goes by, the metastable structure relaxes and it is almost totally restored after 3 weeks of storage (17 o C, 65% RH).

  3. Understanding API-polymer proximities in amorphous stabilized composite drug products using fluorine-carbon 2D HETCOR solid-state NMR. (United States)

    Abraham, Anuji; Crull, George


    A simple and robust method for obtaining fluorine-carbon proximities was established using a (19)F-(13)C heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) two-dimensional (2D) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) experiment under magic-angle spinning (MAS). The method was applied to study a crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), avagacestat, containing two types of fluorine atoms and its API-polymer composite drug product. These results provide insight into the molecular structure, aid with assigning the carbon resonances, and probe API-polymer proximities in amorphous spray dried dispersions (SDD). This method has an advantage over the commonly used (1)H-(13)C HETCOR because of the large chemical shift dispersion in the fluorine dimension. In the present study, fluorine-carbon distances up to 8 Å were probed, giving insight into the API structure, crystal packing, and assignments. Most importantly, the study demonstrates a method for probing an intimate molecular level contact between an amorphous API and a polymer in an SDD, giving insights into molecular association and understanding of the role of the polymer in API stability (such as recrystallization, degradation, etc.) in such novel composite drug products.

  4. Draft genome sequence of the Algerian bee Apis mellifera intermissa

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    Nizar Jamal Haddad


    Full Text Available Apis mellifera intermissa is the native honeybee subspecies of Algeria. A. m. intermissa occurs in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, between the Atlas and the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. This bee is very important due to its high ability to adapt to great variations in climatic conditions and due to its preferable cleaning behavior. Here we report the draft genome sequence of this honey bee, its Whole Genome Shotgun project has been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession JSUV00000000. The 240-Mb genome is being annotated and analyzed. Comparison with the genome of other Apis mellifera sub-species promises to yield insights into the evolution of adaptations to high temperature and resistance to Varroa parasite infestation.

  5. Mineralizable carbon, organic carbon and nitrogen in macroaggregates of an Oxisol under different systemsCarbono mineralizável, carbono orgânico e nitrogênio em macroagregados de Latossolo sob diferentes sistemas de uso do solo no Cerrado Goiano

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    Arcângelo Loss


    Full Text Available The crop-livestock integration system (CLIS associated to a no-tillage system (NTS may increase mineralizable carbon, organic carbon and nitrogen of soil macroaggregates when compared with only NTS area, without grazing. The aim of this study was to quantify mineralizable carbon, total organic carbon (TOC and nitrogen of macroaggregates in different land management systems in Cerrado region, Goias State. Were evaluated two areas with crop rotation: CLIS (Brachiaria+corn/bean/cotton/soybean and NTS (sunflower/millet/soy/corn. A Cerrado area with natural vegetation was taken as reference for the original soil. Undisturbed soil samples were taken at 0-5 and 5-10 cm depth, and then incubated in laboratory in a randomized design. There were evaluated the amount of C-CO2 detached from each sample daily (up to 37 days and total respiration of C-CO2 accumulated were also analyzed. Before and after incubation of soil aggregates (0 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm, the TOC, N and C/N were quantified. The CLIS area showed higher C-CO2 (0-5 cm immediately after incubation when compared to other areas. At 7 days after incubation, in the three systems, there was an increase of C-CO2 liberation and, after the 25th day the microbial respiration was stabilized. Comparing the cultivated areas, CLIS showed higher C-CO2 accumulation and the highest TOC, N (before and after incubation, and lower C/N ratio, before incubation. The CLIS increased higher C-CO2 accumulations than the NTS area. The integration of the factors crop rotation, cover crops (brachiaria and cattle grazing in the CLIS increase mineralizable carbon (C-CO2 accumulations, TOC and N in macroaggregates compared to the NTS area.A integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP em sistema plantio direto (SPD pode aumentar o teor de carbono mineralizável, carbono orgânico e nitrogênio dos macroagregados do solo quando comparada a áreas de SPD, sem pastejo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o carbono mineralizável e





    La estructura electrónica de una monocapa de Carbono fue estudiada inicialmente[l ] como una primera aproximación al estudio de las propiedades del Grafito, sin embargo no fue sino hasta el 2004 que fue sintetizado experimentalmente[2]. La monocapa de Carbono ha recibido el nombre en la literatura de Grafeno palabra proveniente del Grafito y del Fullereno, otro de los alotropos del Carbono. A partir del 2004 el estudio de sistemas basados en Grafeno se ha convertido en uno de l...

  7. Effects of Apis mellifera adansonii, L. 1758 (Apidae: Hymenoptera ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effects of Apis mellifera adansonii, L. 1758 (Apidae: Hymenoptera) pollination on yields of Cucumeropsis mannii (Naudin) in Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo. Boniface Posho Ndola, Yves Brostaux, Guillaume Le Goff, Marie-Lucie Susini, Eric Haubruge, Frederic Francis, Bach Kim Nguyen ...

  8. Dispersibility of lactose fines as compared to API in dry powders for inhalation. (United States)

    Thalberg, Kyrre; Åslund, Simon; Skogevall, Marcus; Andersson, Patrik


    This work investigates the dispersion performance of fine lactose particles as function of processing time, and compares it to the API, using Beclomethasone Dipropionate (BDP) as model API. The total load of fine particles is kept constant in the formulations while the proportions of API and lactose fines are varied. Fine particle assessment demonstrates that the lactose fines have higher dispersibility than the API. For standard formulations, processing time has a limited effect on the Fine Particle Fraction (FPF). For formulations containing magnesium stearate (MgSt), FPF of BDP is heavily influenced by processing time, with an initial increase, followed by a decrease at longer mixing times. An equation modeling the observed behavior is presented. Surprisingly, the dispersibility of the lactose fines present in the same formulation remains unaffected by mixing time. Magnesium analysis demonstrates that MgSt is transferred to the fine particles during the mixing process, thus lubrication both BDP and lactose fines, which leads to an increased FPF. Dry particle sizing of the formulations reveals a loss of fine particles at longer mixing times. Incorporation of fine particles into the carrier surfaces is believed to be behind this, and is hence a mechanism of importance as regards the dispersion performance of dry powders for inhalation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Caracterização Estrutural de Materiais de Carbono com Recurso a Vários Adsortivos


    Cansado, Isabel Pestana da Paixão


    O trabalho apresentado nesta tese consiste na obtenção, validação e disponibilização de dados padrão para a adsorção de benzeno, metanol e diclorometano a 298 K e de neopentano a 273 K em materiais de carbono. Os dados padrão foram obtidos em negros de fumo e utilizados para analisar as isotérmicas obtidas em materiais microporos. A adsorção dos vários adsortivos põe em evidência a presença de efeito de peneiro molecular, que alguns adsorventes exibem, face à adsorção dos mesmos. A identifica...

  10. Láser de monóxido de carbono : Estudio espectroscópico del sistema Angstrom


    Schinca, Daniel Carlos


    En el presente trabajo se intenta resumir la labor desarrollada en láseres gaseosos de moléculas diatómicas de excitación pulsada, particularmente en lo que respecta a láseres de monóxido de carbono de geometría axial. De esta manera, se realiza un detallado análisis espectroscópico tanto de la salida láser de las bandas de emisión del Sistema Angstrom como de la emisión espontánea de las mismas bajo diferentes condiciones experimentales. Es sabido que la molécula de monóxido de car...

  11. Apis - a Digital Inventory of Archaeological Heritage Based on Remote Sensing Data (United States)

    Doneus, M.; Forwagner, U.; Liem, J.; Sevara, C.


    Heritage managers are in need of dynamic spatial inventories of archaeological and cultural heritage that provide them with multipurpose tools to interactively understand information about archaeological heritage within its landscape context. Specifically, linking site information with the respective non-invasive prospection data is of increasing importance as it allows for the assessment of inherent uncertainties related to the use and interpretation of remote sensing data by the educated and knowledgeable heritage manager. APIS, the archaeological prospection information system of the Aerial Archive of the University of Vienna, is specifically designed to meet these needs. It provides storage and easy access to all data concerning aerial photographs and archaeological sites through a single GIS-based application. Furthermore, APIS has been developed in an open source environment, which allows it to be freely distributed and modified. This combination in one single open source system facilitates an easy workflow for data management, interpretation, storage, and retrieval. APIS and a sample dataset will be released free of charge under creative commons license in near future.

  12. Solar Eclipse Computer API: Planning Ahead for August 2017 (United States)

    Bartlett, Jennifer L.; Chizek Frouard, Malynda; Lesniak, Michael V.; Bell, Steve


    With the total solar eclipse of 2017 August 21 over the continental United States approaching, the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) on-line Solar Eclipse Computer can now be accessed via an application programming interface (API). This flexible interface returns local circumstances for any solar eclipse in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) that can be incorporated into third-party Web sites or applications. For a given year, it can also return a list of solar eclipses that can be used to build a more specific request for local circumstances. Over the course of a particular eclipse as viewed from a specific site, several events may be visible: the beginning and ending of the eclipse (first and fourth contacts), the beginning and ending of totality (second and third contacts), the moment of maximum eclipse, sunrise, or sunset. For each of these events, the USNO Solar Eclipse Computer reports the time, Sun's altitude and azimuth, and the event's position and vertex angles. The computer also reports the duration of the total phase, the duration of the eclipse, the magnitude of the eclipse, and the percent of the Sun obscured for a particular eclipse site. On-line documentation for using the API-enabled Solar Eclipse Computer, including sample calls, is available ( The same Web page also describes how to reach the Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day, Phases of the Moon, Day and Night Across the Earth, and Apparent Disk of a Solar System Object services using API calls.For those who prefer using a traditional data input form, local circumstances can still be requested that way at In addition, the 2017 August 21 Solar Eclipse Resource page ( consolidates all of the USNO resources for this event, including a Google Map view of the eclipse track designed by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO). Looking further ahead, a

  13. Carbon sink potential of multistrata agroforestry systems at Atlantic Rain Forest Potencial de sistemas agroflorestais multiestrata para sequestro de carbono em áreas de ocorrência de Floresta Atlântica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Cláudio Maranhão Froufe


    Full Text Available

    Carbon storage of agroforestry systems, regenerated areas, conventional agriculture and pasture was evaluated at Alto Ribeira Valley region, São Paulo State, Brazil, in different compartments of Land-use systems (LUS. In soil, classified as Entisols and Inceptisols, we found similarities among all LUS, dued to their low contents of organic carbon, and similar values of bulk density. The total carbon stocked on land-use systems, greater amounts were determined on regenerated areas (115.78 Mg ha-1, followed by agroforestry systems (75.38 Mg ha-1, agriculture (47.07 Mg ha-1, and pasture (36.01 Mg ha-1. Despite their conservative characteristic, the silvicultural practices of multistrata agroforestry systems have to be improved for forest production and carbon sequestration.

    doi: 10.4336/2011.pfb.31.66.143

    Foi avaliado o estoque de carbono no solo, serapilheira, biomassa arbórea e biomassa herbácea de SAFs multiestratos, em comparação a capoeiras em diferentes estágios de regeneração, sistemas agrícolas convencionais e pastagem, todos na região do Alto Vale do Ribeira, SP. Nos Neossolos e Cambissolos, com baixos teores de carbono orgânico e similaridade dos valores de densidade aparente, as capoeiras contribuíram com 115,78 Mg ha-1 de carbono total estocado, seguidas dos SAFs (75,37 Mg ha-1, das áreas agrícolas (47,07 Mg ha-1 e das pastagens (36,01 Mg ha-1. Apesar do grande potencial de sequestro de carbono dos SAFs, há necessidade de melhoria em suas práticas silviculturais.

    doi: 10.4336/2011.pfb.31.66.143

  14. Carbono edáfico en Chiapas: planteamiento de políticas públicas de mitigación de emisiones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Covaleda


    Full Text Available Ante los retos que plantea la mitigación del cambio climático en el sector AFOLU (agricultura, forestería y otros usos del suelo, es necesario plantear actividades que, a la vez que disminuyan las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera tengan un impacto socio-económico positivo. En Chiapas, el 76% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero están ligadas a las actividades que realizan los productores rurales, por lo cual es fundamental que los tomadores de decisiones cuenten con herramientas sencillas de planeación que les permitan desarrollar actividades y programas de política pública encaminados a contribuir en la resolución de esta problemática. Por otra parte, en el estado, aproximadamente la mitad de las emisiones provienen de los suelos. En este trabajo, mediante análisis cartográfico, se identificaron las principales dinámicas de cambio de uso del suelo en Chiapas entre 2007 y 2011 a nivel regional, las cuales fueron: deforestación de bosques secundarios templados para establecer parcelas agrícolas de subsistencia (milpa en los Altos, deforestación de vegetación secundaria de selva alta perennifolia por ganadería extensiva en La Selva y degradación forestal de bosques de pino encino en la Sierra Madre. Utilizando modelos de dinámica de uso del suelo asociado a carbono para distintas regiones de Chiapas, se analizaron sus impactos sobre el carbono edáfico y sus costos de oportunidad para los productores. Además utilizando estos mismos modelos se propusieron actividades de política pública con impactos positivos sobre el almacén de carbono edáfico y sobre indicadores socio-económicos. Los sistemas propuestos como alternativa sustentable fueron: la labranza de conservación y el MIAF (maíz intercalado con árboles frutales, en los Altos, sistemas silvopastoriles en la Selva y protección de bosques secundarios, bosques con plan de manejo forestal y plantaciones forestales en la Sierra.

  15. Automation of ReactomeFIViz via CyREST API [version 2; referees: 2 approved

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fred Loney


    Full Text Available Pathway- and network-based approaches project seemingly unrelated genes onto the context of pathways and networks, enhancing the analysis power that cannot be achieved via gene-based approaches. Pathway and network approaches are routinely applied in large-scale data analysis for cancer and other complicated diseases. ReactomeFIViz is a Cytoscape app, providing features for researchers to perform pathway- and network-based data analysis and visualization by leveraging manually curated Reactome pathways and highly reliable Reactome functional interaction network. To facilitate adoption of this app in bioinformatics software pipeline and workflow development, we develop a CyREST API for ReactomeFIViz by exposing some major features in the app. We describe a use case to demonstrate the use of this API in a Python-based notebook, and believe the new API will provide the community a convenient and powerful tool to perform pathway- and network-based data analysis and visualization using our app in an automatic way.

  16. Resisting majesty: Apis cerana, has lower antennal sensitivity and decreased attraction to queen mandibular pheromone than Apis mellifera (United States)

    Dong, Shihao; Wen, Ping; Zhang, Qi; Li, Xinyu; Tan, Ken; Nieh, James


    In highly social bees, queen mandibular pheromone (QMP) is vital for colony life. Both Apis cerana (Ac) and Apis mellifera (Am) share an evolutionarily conserved set of QMP compounds: (E)-9-oxodec-2-enoic acid (9-ODA), (E)-9-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid (9-HDA), (E)-10-hydroxy-dec-2-enoic acid (10-HDA), 10-hydroxy-decanoic acid (10-HDAA), and methyl p-hydroxybenzoate (HOB) found at similar levels. However, evidence suggests there may be species-specific sensitivity differences to QMP compounds because Ac workers have higher levels of ovarian activation than Am workers. Using electroantennograms, we found species-specific sensitivity differences for a blend of the major QMP compounds and three individual compounds (9-HDA, 10-HDAA, and 10-HDA). As predicted, Am was more sensitive than Ac in all cases (1.3- to 2.7- fold higher responses). There were also species differences in worker retinue attraction to three compounds (9-HDA, HOB, and 10-HDA). In all significantly different cases, Am workers were 4.5- to 6.2-fold more strongly attracted than Ac workers were. Thus, Ac workers responded less strongly to QMP than Ac workers, and 9-HDA and 10-HDA consistently elicited stronger antennal and retinue formation responses.



    Barrado, Enrique; Gutiérrez, Evelin; Rodríguez, José Antonio; Castrillejo, Yolanda


    En esta comunicación se presenta el estudio del comportamiento electroquímico de los iones Cu(I) sobre electrodo de Carbono vítreo (GC) en el DES ChCl-EG 1:2 a 333,15 K. Junta de Castilla y León Proyecto VA171U14

  18. libChEBI: an API for accessing the ChEBI database. (United States)

    Swainston, Neil; Hastings, Janna; Dekker, Adriano; Muthukrishnan, Venkatesh; May, John; Steinbeck, Christoph; Mendes, Pedro


    ChEBI is a database and ontology of chemical entities of biological interest. It is widely used as a source of identifiers to facilitate unambiguous reference to chemical entities within biological models, databases, ontologies and literature. ChEBI contains a wealth of chemical data, covering over 46,500 distinct chemical entities, and related data such as chemical formula, charge, molecular mass, structure, synonyms and links to external databases. Furthermore, ChEBI is an ontology, and thus provides meaningful links between chemical entities. Unlike many other resources, ChEBI is fully human-curated, providing a reliable, non-redundant collection of chemical entities and related data. While ChEBI is supported by a web service for programmatic access and a number of download files, it does not have an API library to facilitate the use of ChEBI and its data in cheminformatics software. To provide this missing functionality, libChEBI, a comprehensive API library for accessing ChEBI data, is introduced. libChEBI is available in Java, Python and MATLAB versions from, and provides full programmatic access to all data held within the ChEBI database through a simple and documented API. libChEBI is reliant upon the (automated) download and regular update of flat files that are held locally. As such, libChEBI can be embedded in both on- and off-line software applications. libChEBI allows better support of ChEBI and its data in the development of new cheminformatics software. Covering three key programming languages, it allows for the entirety of the ChEBI database to be accessed easily and quickly through a simple API. All code is open access and freely available.

  19. The Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) service (United States)

    Lamy, L.; Prangé, R.; Henry, F.; Le Sidaner, P.


    The Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) service, accessible online, provides an open and interactive access to processed auroral observations of the outer planets and their satellites. Such observations are of interest for a wide community at the interface between planetology, magnetospheric and heliospheric physics. APIS consists of (i) a high level database, built from planetary auroral observations acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) since 1997 with its mostly used Far-Ultraviolet spectro-imagers, (ii) a dedicated search interface aimed at browsing efficiently this database through relevant conditional search criteria and (iii) the ability to interactively work with the data online through plotting tools developed by the Virtual Observatory (VO) community, such as Aladin and Specview. This service is VO compliant and can therefore also been queried by external search tools of the VO community. The diversity of available data and the capability to sort them out by relevant physical criteria shall in particular facilitate statistical studies, on long-term scales and/or multi-instrumental multi-spectral combined analysis.

  20. Long Term Storage of Ascosphaera aggregata and A. apis Pathogens of the Leafcutting Bee (Megachile rotundata) and the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) (United States)

    Survival of Ascosphaera aggregata and A. apis over the course of a year were tested using different storage treatments. For spores, the methods tested were freeze drying and ultra-low temperature storage, and for hyphae, freeze drying, agar slants covered with water, and two methods of ultra-low tem...

  1. Testing of the structure of macromolecular polymer films containing solid active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boelcskei, E. [Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Eoetvoes u. 6 (Hungary); Suevegh, K. [Laboratory of Nuclear Chemistry, Eoetvoes Lorand University, H-1518 Budapest 112, P.O. Box 32 (Hungary); Marek, T. [Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Group for Nuclear Techniques in Structural Chemistry, Eoetvoes Lorand University, H-1518 Budapest 112, P.O. Box 32 (Hungary); Regdon, G. [Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Eoetvoes u. 6 (Hungary); Pintye-Hodi, K., E-mail: klara.hodi@pharm.u-szeged.h [Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Eoetvoes u. 6 (Hungary)


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure of free films of Eudragit{sup L} 30D-55 containing different concentrations (0%, 1% or 5%) of diclofenac sodium by positron annihilation spectroscopy. The data revealed that the size of the free-volume holes and the lifetimes of ortho-positronium atoms decreased with increase of the API concentration. Films containing 5% of the API exhibited a different behavior during storage (17 {sup o}C, 65% relative humidity (RH)) in consequence of the uptake of water from the air. -- Highlights: {yields} The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure of free films of Eudragit{sup L} 30D-55 containing different concentrations (0%, 1% or 5%) of diclofenac sodium by positron annihilation spectroscopy. {yields} The data revealed that the size of the free-volume holes and the lifetimes of ortho-positronium atoms decreased with increase of the API concentration (). {yields} The API distorts the original polymer structure, but as time goes by, the metastable structure relaxes and it is almost totally restored after 3 weeks of storage (17 {sup o}C, 65% RH).

  2. Analysis of the specific consumption of energy and of carbon specific emissions of the mexican Iron and steel industry; Analisis del consumo especifico de energia y de las emisiones especificas de carbono de la industria siderurgica mexicana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozawa, L; Sheinbaum, C [Instituto de Ingenieria de la UNAM, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    electricidad. Se observo que las disminuciones tanto en el consumo especifico de energia como en las emisiones especificas de carbono se debieron principalmente a mejoras tecnologicas en la fabricacion del acero: la sustitucion completa de los hornos de hogar abierto y una amplia penetracion de la colada continua. A pesar de estas mejoras en le eficiencia energetica y a la paulatina sustitucion del coque por gas natural al aumentar la produccion de hierro de reduccion directa. Sin embargo, el factor de emision de la electricidad se incremento debido a una mayor participacion de las plantas termoelectricas en 1995 en comparacion a 1970. Se compararon los indicadores de eficiencia energetica de esta industria con otros paises tomando en cuenta su propia estructura. Finalmente se hacen recomendaciones de medidas de ahorro de energia.

  3. Hybrid origins of Australian honeybees (Apis mellifera)


    Chapman , Nadine C.; Harpur , Brock A.; Lim , Julianne; Rinderer , Thomas E.; Allsopp , Michael H.; Zayed , Amro; Oldroyd , Benjamin P.


    International audience; Abstract With increased globalisation and homogenisation, the maintenance of genetic integrity in local populations of agriculturally important species is of increasing concern. The western honeybee (Apis mellifera) provides an interesting perspective as it is both managed and wild, with a large native range and much larger introduced range. We employed a newly created 95 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) test to characterise the genetic ancestry of the Australian c...

  4. Seminal fluid of honeybees contains multiple mechanisms to combat infections of the sexually transmitted pathogen Nosema apis. (United States)

    Peng, Yan; Grassl, Julia; Millar, A Harvey; Baer, Boris


    The societies of ants, bees and wasps are genetically closed systems where queens only mate during a brief mating episode prior to their eusocial life and males therefore provide queens with a lifetime supply of high-quality sperm. These ejaculates also contain a number of defence proteins that have been detected in the seminal fluid but their function and efficiency have never been investigated in great detail. Here, we used the honeybee Apis mellifera and quantified whether seminal fluid is able to combat infections of the fungal pathogen Nosema apis, a widespread honeybee parasite that is also sexually transmitted. We provide the first empirical evidence that seminal fluid has a remarkable antimicrobial activity against N. apis spores and that antimicrobial seminal fluid components kill spores in multiple ways. The protein fraction of seminal fluid induces extracellular spore germination, which disrupts the life cycle of N. apis, whereas the non-protein fraction of seminal fluid induces a direct viability loss of intact spores. We conclude that males provide their ejaculates with efficient antimicrobial molecules that are able to kill N. apis spores and thereby reduce the risk of disease transmission during mating. Our findings could be of broader significance to master honeybee diseases in managed honeybee stock in the future. © 2016 The Author(s).

  5. Evaluación del contenido de carbono orgánico en suelos del cultivo intensivo de nopal (Opuntia ficus indica L.) en la delegación de Milpa Alta México D.F.


    Nicolás González, Alfredo; Rivera Martínez, Juan G.; Vela Correa, Gilberto; Silva Torres, Beatriz; Puebla Torres, Humberto; Sánchez Martínez, Miguel; Reséndiz de la Rosa, Giovanni


    Existen algunas prácticas agrícolas orientadas a la captura de carbono en suelos que pueden disminuir algunos problemas ambientales, algunas de estas son la labranza mínima y cobertura orgánica. El cultivo de nopal verdura de la delegación Milpa Alta cumple con estas características. Se espera que el cultivo de nopal tenga valores altos en niveles de carbono orgánico en suelo (COS). El objetivo fue evaluar los niveles de COS en nopaleras y un cultivo de maíz para su comparación. Se muestrearo...

  6. Effect of laser power and scanning speed on laser deposited Ti6Al4V/TiB2 matrix composites

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mokgalaka, MN


    Full Text Available Additive Manufacturing in Industry Conference, Kwa Maritane, Pilanesberg National Park, 31 October-2 November 2012 EFFECT OF LASER POWER AND SCANNING SPEED ON LASER DEPOSITED Ti6Al4V/TiB2 MATRIX COMPOSITES M.N. Mokgalaka2,1, S.L. Pityana1,2, A.P.I...

  7. Analisis Fitur M-Ticketing PT. Kereta Api Indonesia sebagai Bagian dari Customer Relation Management (CRM)


    Hijrih, Fatchul; Prasetyo, Taufan Harry


    Sebagai Perusahaan jasa tranportasi darat yaitu kereta api, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia perlu memperhatikan aspek pelayanan terhadap pelanggan dengan memperhatikan fitur-fitur Customer Relation Management dalam membuat dalam membuat aplikasi-aplikasi yang berhubungan langsung dengan pelanggan, salah satunya m-ticketing. Kemunculan m-ticketing KAI saat ini digunakan sebagai alat penjualan tiket saja. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari menu atau fitur-fitur yang disematkan kedalam aplikasi tersebut. Adan...

  8. An Update to the EARTHTIME Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS): Smoking from the Same Pipe (United States)

    Turrin, B. D.; Swisher, C. C., III; Hemming, S. R.; Renne, P. R.; Deino, A. L.; Hodges, K. V.; Van Soest, M. C.; Heizler, M. T.


    Background: An initial 40Ar/39Ar inter-calibration experiment, using two of the most commonly used 40Ar/39Ar mineral standards, Fish Canyon (FC, ~28.2 Ma) and Alder Creek (AC, ~1.2 Ma) sanidines, revealed significant inter-laboratory inconsistencies. The reported ages for the AC sanidines range from 1.173 to 1.200 Ma (FC 28.02) (±~2%), ~4 times greater than the reported precisions. These experiments have motivated the 40Ar/39Ar community to reevaluate procedures and subsequent informal lab intercalibrations experiments are in better agreement, but discrepancies remain that need to be addressed. Experiment: In an effort to isolate the causes of these inconsistencies, an Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS) was designed and constructed. The APIS system consists of three gas canisters; one containing atmospheric Ar and the other two canisters contain 40Ar/39Ar ratios that represent FC and AC. The volumes of the pipettes, bulbs and manifold are determined to within 0.4% and both systems were initially filled to the same pressure with Ar standard gases. Each canister has 4x10-10 moles of 40Ar, is equipped with a 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 cc pipettes and can deliver increments from 0.1-0.7 cc. APIS-1 was designated as the traveling unit that is brought to participating labs, APIS-2 is the reserve/master standard. Early Results and Impressions: APIS-1 has been to four labs (Rutgers, LDEO, New Mexico Tech, and BGC) and is heading to ASU. Early APIS experimental data indicate that the inter-laboratory 40Ar/39Ar age results can meet or exceed the EARTHTIME goal of ±1‰ precision. The inter-laboratory comparisons are ongoing, and will include additional laboratories of opportunity. Lastly, the development of additional mineral standards that "fill in" the age gaps between the existing mineral standards would significantly improve attempting to achieve interlaboratory agreement at the ±1‰ level

  9. The simulation of CAMAC system based on Windows API

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Lei; Song Yushou; Xi Yinyin; Yan Qiang; Liu Huilan; Li Taosheng


    Based on Windows API, a kind of design method to simulate the CAMAC System, which is commonly used in nuclear physics experiments, is developed. Using C++ object-oriented programming, the simulation is carried out in the environment of Visual Studio 2010 and the interfaces, the data-way, the control commands and the modules are simulated with the functions either user-defined or from Windows API. Applying this method, the amplifier plug AMP575A produced by ORTEC is simulated and performance experiments are studied for this simulation module. The results indicate that the simulation module can fulfill the function of pole-zero adjustment, which means this method is competent for the simulation of CAMAC System. Compared with the simulation based on LabVIEW, this way is more flexible and closer to the bottom of the system. All the works above have found a path to making the virtual instrument platform based on CAMAC system. (authors)

  10. 360-MAM-Affect: Sentiment Analysis with the Google Prediction API and EmoSenticNet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eleanor Mulholland


    Full Text Available Online recommender systems are useful for media asset management where they select the best content from a set of media assets. We have developed an architecture for 360-MAM- Select, a recommender system for educational video content. 360-MAM-Select will utilise sentiment analysis and gamification techniques for the recommendation of media assets. 360-MAM-Select will increase user participation with digital content through improved video recommendations. Here, we discuss the architecture of 360-MAM-Select and the use of the Google Prediction API and EmoSenticNet for 360-MAM-Affect, 360-MAM-Select's sentiment analysis module. Results from testing two models for sentiment analysis, Sentiment Classifier (Google Prediction API and EmoSenticNetClassifer (Google Prediction API + EmoSenticNet are promising. Future work includes the implementation and testing of 360-MAM-Select on video data from YouTube EDU and Head Squeeze.

  11. Studi Eksperimen Distribusi Temperatur Nyala Api Kompor Bioetanol Tipe Side Burner dengan Variasi Diameter Firewall

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.R. Vienna Sona Saputri Soetadi


    Full Text Available Untuk mendapatkan kompor bioetanol efisiensi thermal maksimal diperlukan penelitian komprehensif. Salah satunya adalah penelitian terhadap posisi peletakkan beban pada kompor bioetanol kompak. Pengujian dilakukan pada kompor uji bioetanol dengan kadar 99%, yaitu kompor bioetanol tipe side burner dengan firewall 2.5 inci dan firewall 3 inci. Pengukuran temperatur api dengan 13 thermocouple K dengan pengukuran searah api keatas setiap 5 mm-an. Kemudian, water boiling test dilakukan untuk mendapatkan daya dan beban dan dilanjutkan mengukur waktu pendidihan air. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan gambaran total distribusi temperatur nyala api difusi. Hasil menunjukkan untuk kompor 2.5 inci dengan daya 1.6 kW mempunyai temperatur 542 ºC dengan jarak ketinggian 5 mm dari rim kompor sedangkan kompor 3 inci menghasilkan daya 2.38 kW dengan temperatur 516 ºC.

  12. Contenido de carbono en un ecosistema semiárido del centro de México / Carbon content in a semi-arid ecosystem in central Mexico

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    Rocio Becerril-Piña


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas se han propuesto diversas ecuaciones alométricas (EA para especies tropicales y subtropicales a fin de estimar el contenido de carbono (CC en la biomasa aérea, sin embargo, los ecosistemas semiáridos han sido poco estudiados a pesar de constituir cerca del 40 % de la superficie de México. El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar EA para determinar el CC en la biomasa aérea en mezquite (Prosopis laevigata, huizache (Acacia farnesiana y herbáceas representativas de una región semiárida del centro del país. Se seleccionaron y muestrearon por método destructivo cinco individuos de cada especie para estimar biomasa seca total y por componente (hojas, ramas y fuste, los cuales se correlacionaron con parámetros de fácil medición en campo: cobertura de la copa, radio de la copa, altura total y volumen, encontrándose valores de R2 entre 0.96 y 0.80 dependiendo de la especie. Mediante información satelital se estimó la distribución espacial del CC en la Cuenca Dolores Hidalgo (Guanajuato, localizada en la región semiárida del centro de México. La cobertura vegetal del área de estudio se reclasificó en tres tipos: abierta, semiabierta y cerrada. El contenido de carbono en la cobertura abierta fue de 2.4 Mg C ha-1, semiabierta 10.26 Mg C ha-1 y cerrada de 21.20 Mg C ha-1. Los resultados sugieren que los ecosistemas semiáridos de la zona central de México representan un potencial considerable como sumideros de carbono con un promedio de 11 Mg C ha-1.

  13. The effects of honey (Apis dorsata) supplements on increased bone strength in ovariectomized rat as animal model of osteoporosis (United States)

    Yudaniayanti, Ira Sari; Primarizky, Hardany; Nangoi, Lianny


    Osteoporosis is a chronic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration with a consequent increase in bone fragility and fracture risk. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of honey (Apis dorsata) supplements on increased bone strength in ovariectomized rat as animal models of osteoporosis. Twenty female rats at 3 months of age, weighing 150-200 g were used in the study. The rats were divided into five groups (n=4) : Sham operation group (SH); ovariectomy group no treatment(OVX); ovariectomy with treatment Apis dorsata 1g/Kg BW (AD-1); ovariectomy with treatment Apis dorsata 2g/Kg BW (AD-2); ovariectomy with treatment Apis dorsata 4g/Kg BW (AD-3). The treatment started to be given the next day after ovariectomy operation for 12 weeks. The Rats were sacrified within 12 weeks, and then the right femur were taken bone strength test. Based on the statistical analysis of the bone strength test, the greatest score belongs to the Sham operation group (SH) that have significant difference (p0,05). In conclusion, honey (Apis dorsata) supplements has the effect of increasing bone strength in ovariectomized rat as animal models of osteoporosis, so that honey (Apis dorsata) supplements has the potential to be used as an alternative treatment for osteoporosis.

  14. The E3 ubiquitin ligases β-TrCP and FBXW7 cooperatively mediates GSK3-dependent Mcl-1 degradation induced by the Akt inhibitor API-1, resulting in apoptosis. (United States)

    Ren, Hui; Koo, Junghui; Guan, Baoxiang; Yue, Ping; Deng, Xingming; Chen, Mingwei; Khuri, Fadlo R; Sun, Shi-Yong


    The novel Akt inhibitor, API-1, induces apoptosis through undefined mechanisms. The current study focuses on revealing the mechanisms by which API-1 induces apoptosis. API-1 rapidly and potently reduced the levels of Mcl-1 primarily in API-1-senstive lung cancer cell lines. Ectopic expression of Mcl-1 protected cells from induction of apoptosis by API-1. API-1 treatment decreased the half-life of Mcl-1, whereas inhibition of the proteasome with MG132 rescued Mcl-1 reduction induced by API-1. API-1 decreased Mcl-1 levels accompanied with a rapid increase in Mcl-1 phosphorylation (S159/T163). Moreover, inhibition of GSK3 inhibited Mcl-1 phosphorylation and reduction induced by API-1 and antagonized the effect of API-1 on induction of apoptosis. Knockdown of either FBXW7 or β-TrCP alone, both of which are E3 ubiquitin ligases involved in Mcl-1 degradation, only partially rescued Mcl-1 reduction induced by API-1. However, double knockdown of both E3 ubiquitin ligases enhanced the rescue of API-1-induced Mcl-1 reduction. API-1 induces GSK3-dependent, β-TrCP- and FBXW7-mediated Mcl-1 degradation, resulting in induction of apoptosis.

  15. Effects of Apis mellifera adansonii, L. 1758 (Apidae: Hymenoptera ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    pollination on yields of Cucumeropsis mannii (Naudin) in Kisangani, ... 1Unit of Functional and Evolutionary Entomology, University of Liège, ... number of fruits per plant, average weight of seeds extracted per fruit, ... enhance symbiotic interactions Apis mellifera with C. mannii in DRC. ..... Trends in Ecology and Evolution,.

  16. Estudo por primeiros princípios de nanofios e aglomerados metálicos encapsulados de nanotubos de carbono


    Eduardo Moraes Diniz


    Neste trabalho foram estudados os efeitos do confinamento de nanoestruturas por nanotubos de carbono nas propriedades estrutural, eletrônica e magnética de cada sistema. A investigação dessas mudanças foi feita através de cálculos de primeiros princípios. As nanoestruturas encapsuladas puderam ser divididas em duas categorias: fios metálicos e aglomerados. No estudo do encapsulamento de fios também foi investigada a dependência de três grandezas (energia total, transferências de carga e momen...

  17. Flight behaviour of honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers is altered by initial infections of the fungal parasite Nosema apis (United States)

    Dosselli, Ryan; Grassl, Julia; Carson, Andrew; Simmons, Leigh W.; Baer, Boris


    Honey bees (Apis mellifera) host a wide range of parasites, some being known contributors towards dramatic colony losses as reported over recent years. To counter parasitic threats, honey bees possess effective immune systems. Because immune responses are predicted to cause substantial physiological costs for infected individuals, they are expected to trade off with other life history traits that ultimately affect the performance and fitness of the entire colony. Here, we tested whether the initial onset of an infection negatively impacts the flight behaviour of honey bee workers, which is an energetically demanding behaviour and a key component of foraging activities. To do this, we infected workers with the widespread fungal pathogen Nosema apis, which is recognised and killed by the honey bee immune system. We compared their survival and flight behaviour with non-infected individuals from the same cohort and colony using radio frequency identification tags (RFID). We found that over a time frame of four days post infection, Nosema did not increase mortality but workers quickly altered their flight behaviour and performed more flights of shorter duration. We conclude that parasitic infections influence foraging activities, which could reduce foraging ranges of colonies and impact their ability to provide pollination services. PMID:27827404

  18. Avaliação da dureza superficial de cimentos de ionômero de vidro reforçados por nanotubos de carbono

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayra Manoella Perez Reis dos Santos

    Full Text Available Introdução Os cimentos de ionômero de vidro (CIV são materiais com baixa resistência à tração e ao cisalhamento, mostrando-se, portanto, contraindicados para áreas sujeitas às grandes cargas oclusais. Objetivo Avaliar o efeito da incorporação de nanotubos de carbono em CIV por meio de dureza superficial Knoop. Material e método Foram confeccionados 48 espécimes, divididos em quatro grupos, de acordo com o tipo de CIV (n=12 – convencional ou de alta viscosidade, incorporados ou não de nanotubos de carbono (NC a 2%: (A Vidrion R; (B Vidrion R + NC 2%; (C Vitro Molar, e (D Vitro Molar + NC 2%. Os espécimes foram preparados utilizando-se seringa Centrix, para inserção do material em moldes plásticos, e armazenados em água deionizada por 24 horas. Após polimento, realizou-se o teste de dureza superficial com penetrador do tipo Knoop. Foram realizadas cinco endentações em cada espécime, distanciadas entre si em 100 µm. Resultado Os valores médios de dureza foram 58,96 ± 8,29 (A, 34,81 ± 5,78 (B, 60,84 ± 4,91 (C e 41,97 ± 5,45 (D. O teste ANOVA detectou diferenças estatisticamente significantes para os dois parâmetros estudados, tipo de material (p=0,016 e inclusão de NC (p0,05, enquanto os grupos B e D apresentaram diferenças significativas (p<0,05. Ao comparar o fator incorporação ou não de NC, observou-se diferença significativa entre os grupos A e B, e entre os grupos C e D (p<0,05. Conclusão A incorporação de nanotubos de carbono influenciou negativamente os valores de dureza superficial para os dois tipos de CIV utilizados.

  19. Calidad del carbono orgánico del suelo en diferentes técnicas de manejo de residuos forestales

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    Ana Maria Lupi


    Full Text Available distintas técnicas de cosecha y manejo de residuos pueden provocar cambios en la cantidad y calidad de la materia orgánica (MO del suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las modificaciones en la concentración y la calidad de la MO en un Ultisol con diferentes manejos de los residuos de la cosecha forestal del Pinus elliottii Engelm, al inicio de la segunda rotación. Los tratamientos analizados fueron: a extracción manual de los residuos de la cosecha y del piso forestal, suelo descubierto (ER, b quema de residuos y del mantillo, y laboreo con rastra (PI, c conservación de residuos y del mantillo sobre el suelo (PC. Se determinó el carbono orgánico (CO en todo el suelo y en las fracciones de ácidos fúlvicos (AF, ácidos húmicos (AH, huminas (HU y en la fracción liviana (CL. La conservación de los residuos de la cosecha no aumentó el CO ni el CL. Se observó una pérdida de la fracción de ácidos fúlvicos (AF particularmente en PI. Los tratamientos sin residuos forestales (ER y PI muestran un aumento en el grado de estabilización de la MO con un incremento de las HU y de la relación CAH/CAF.

  20. Silk formation mechanisms in the larval salivary glands of Apis ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    The mechanism of silk formation in Apis mellifera salivary glands, during the 5th instar, was studied. Larval salivary glands .... be used in the silk-manufacture industry. This paper analyses .... (figure 3C); and are highly birefringent (figure 3D).

  1. Improving honey production in worker bees (Apis mellifera adansoni ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Modification of feeding activity, nursing care and undertaker behaviour were carried out among some colonies of honey bees Apis mellifera adansoni L to know the effect on honey production. Apiaries Numbers 1, 2 and 3 contain three replicates of experimental hives while apiary Number 4 contains control hives. All the ...

  2. Standard methods for research on apis mellifera gut symbionts (United States)

    Gut microbes can play an important role in digestion, disease resistance, and the general health of animals, but little is known about the biology of gut symbionts in Apis mellifera. This paper is part of a series on honey bee research methods, providing protocols for studying gut symbionts. We desc...

  3. Pathogen detection and gut bacteria identification in Apis cerana ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    other lactic acid bacteria, were isolated from larvae and adult workers, but gave conflicting preliminary identities based on their biochemistry-morphology versus sequence analysis of a partial fragment (1.4 kb) of their 16S rRNA. Key words: Apis cerana indica, bee pathogens, gut bacteria, multiplex polymerase chain ...

  4. Modelling the subgenual organ of the honeybee, Apis mellifera

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Jesper; Kilpinen, Ole


    In a recent study on the honeybee (Apis mellifera), the subgenual organ was observed moving inside the leg during sinusoidal vibrations of the leg (Kilpinen and Storm 1997). The subgenual organ of the honeybee is suspended in a haemolymph channel in the tibia of each leg. When the leg accelerates...

  5. Development of stress-modified fracture strain criterion for ductile fracture of API X65 steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Chang Kyun; Kim, Yun Jae; Park, Jin Moo; Kim, Woo Sik; Baek, Jong Hyun


    This paper presents a stress-modified fracture strain for API X65 steel used for gas pipeline, as a function of stress triaxiality. To determine the stress-modified fracture strain, tension test of bars with four different notch radii, made of API X65 steel, is firstly performed, from which true fracture strains are determined as a function of notch radius. Then detailed elastic-plastic, large strain Finite Element (FE) analyses are performed to estimate variations of stress triaxiality in the notched bars with load. Combining experimental with FE results provides the true fracture strain as a function of stress triaxiality, which is regarded as a criterion of ductile fracture. Application of the developed stress-modified fracture strain to failure prediction of gas pipes made of API X65 steel with various types of defects is discussed

  6. Avaliação da correlação entre o dióxido de carbono expirado e o débito cardíaco em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea Evaluación de la correlación entre el dióxido de carbono expirado y el débito cardíaco en pacientes sometidos a la cirugía cardíaca con circulación extracorpórea Correlation between end-tidal carbon dioxide levels and cardiac output during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Karina Takesaki Miyaji


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O CO2 expirado (P ET CO2 reflete, além da ventilação pulmonar (eliminação, a produção de dióxido de carbono (metabolismo e o fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar (circulação. Quando o metabolismo e a ventilação são constantes, o CO2 expirado reflete o fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar e, desta forma, o débito cardíaco (DC. Este estudo tem como objetivo a avaliação da correlação entre o dióxido de carbono expirado (P ET CO2 e o débito cardíaco em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea (CEC. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 25 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica com CEC. Após a intubação traqueal iniciou-se a monitorização da P ET CO2. A determinação do débito cardíaco (DC foi feita por método de termodiluição com o uso de cateter de Swan-Ganz e a PaCO2 foi avaliada através de gasometria arterial. Os parâmetros do estudo foram avaliados em quatro momentos: logo após a indução da anestesia geral; antes da circulação extracorpórea, ao término da circulação extracorpórea e ao final da cirurgia. RESULTADOS: O teste estatístico não demonstrou uma correlação entre o CO2 expirado e o DC, assim como o gradiente de dióxido de carbono arterial e expirado (Ga-eCO2 e o DC. Foi encontrada correlação entre a variação dos valores da P ET CO2, Ga-eCO2 e DC em relação ao basal antes da CEC com perda da correlação após a CEC até o final da cirurgia. CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, onde se avaliam pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca com CEC, as alterações de relação ventilação/perfusão ocorridas ao longo do procedimento são, provavelmente, os fatores determinantes da diminuição da correlação entre o débito cardíaco e o valor de dióxido de carbono expirado.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El CO2 expirado (P ET CO2 refleja, además de la ventilación pulmonar (eliminación, la producción de dióxido de carbono (metabolismo y el

  7. The southern Brazilian grassland biome: soil carbon stocks, fluxes of greenhouse gases and some options for mitigation Campos do sul do Brasil: estoques de carbono no solo, fluxos de gases de efeito estufa e algumas opções para mitigação

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    VD Pillar


    sul do Brasil é recente e os resultados são ainda fragmentados. Os dados disponíveis indicam que os ecossistemas campestres naturais manejados adequadamente contêm estoques importantes de carbono orgânico no solo e, portanto, sua conservação é relevante para a mitigação das mudanças climáticas. Além disso, esses ecossistemas apresentam uma grande e rápida perda de carbono orgânico do solo quando convertidos para lavouras com preparo convencional do solo. No entanto, nas áreas já convertidas, há potencial para mitigar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa por meio de sistemas de cultivo usando plantio direto e rotações de culturas baseadas em plantas de cobertura de solo. O efeito está relacionado principalmente ao potencial desses sistemas de cultivo para acumular matéria orgânica do solo em taxas que superam o aumento das emissões de óxido nitroso. O uso de modelos com esses resultados associados aos sistemas de informação geográfica poderá gerar estimativas regionais de balanço de carbono.

  8. Alternative splicing of a single transcription factor drives selfish reproductive behavior in honeybee workers (Apis mellifera). (United States)

    Jarosch, Antje; Stolle, Eckart; Crewe, Robin M; Moritz, Robin F A


    In eusocial insects the production of daughters is generally restricted to mated queens, and unmated workers are functionally sterile. The evolution of this worker sterility has been plausibly explained by kin selection theory [Hamilton W (1964) J Theor Biol 7:1-52], and many traits have evolved to prevent conflict over reproduction among the females in an insect colony. In honeybees (Apis mellifera), worker reproduction is regulated by the queen, brood pheromones, and worker policing. However, workers of the Cape honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis, can evade this control and establish themselves as social parasites by activating their ovaries, parthenogenetically producing diploid female offspring (thelytoky) and producing queen-like amounts of queen pheromones. All these traits have been shown to be strongly influenced by a single locus on chromosome 13 [Lattorff HMG, et al. (2007) Biol Lett 3:292-295]. We screened this region for candidate genes and found that alternative splicing of a gene homologous to the gemini transcription factor of Drosophila controls worker sterility. Knocking out the critical exon in a series of RNAi experiments resulted in rapid worker ovary activation-one of the traits characteristic of the social parasites. This genetic switch may be controlled by a short intronic splice enhancer motif of nine nucleotides attached to the alternative splice site. The lack of this motif in parasitic Cape honeybee clones suggests that the removal of nine nucleotides from the altruistic worker genome may be sufficient to turn a honeybee from an altruistic worker into a parasite.

  9. The APIS service : a tool for accessing value-added HST planetary auroral observations over 1997-2015 (United States)

    Lamy, L.; Henry, F.; Prangé, R.; Le Sidaner, P.


    The Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) service provides an open and interactive access to processed auroral observations of the outer planets and their satellites. Such observations are of interest for a wide community at the interface between planetology, magnetospheric and heliospheric physics. APIS consists of (i) a high level database, built from planetary auroral observations acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) since 1997 with its mostly used Far-Ultraviolet spectro- imagers, (ii) a dedicated search interface aimed at browsing efficiently this database through relevant conditional search criteria (Figure 1) and (iii) the ability to interactively work with the data online through plotting tools developed by the Virtual Observatory (VO) community, such as Aladin and Specview. This service is VO compliant and can therefore also been queried by external search tools of the VO community. The diversity of available data and the capability to sort them out by relevant physical criteria shall in particular facilitate statistical studies, on long-term scales and/or multi-instrumental multispectral combined analysis [1,2]. We will present the updated capabilities of APIS with several examples. Several tutorials are available online.

  10. First detection of the larval chalkbrood disease pathogen Ascosphaera apis (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes: Ascosphaerales in adult bumble bees.

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    Sarah A Maxfield-Taylor

    Full Text Available Fungi in the genus Ascosphaera (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes: Ascosphaerales cause chalkbrood disease in larvae of bees. Here, we report the first-ever detection of the fungus in adult bumble bees that were raised in captivity for studies on colony development. Wild queens of Bombus griseocollis, B. nevadensis and B. vosnesenskii were collected and maintained for establishment of nests. Queens that died during rearing or that did not lay eggs within one month of capture were dissected, and tissues were examined microscopically for the presence of pathogens. Filamentous fungi that were detected were plated on artificial media containing broad spectrum antibiotics for isolation and identification. Based on morphological characters, the fungus was identified as Ascosphaera apis (Maasen ex Claussen Olive and Spiltoir, a species that has been reported earlier only from larvae of the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana, and the carpenter bee Xylocopa californica arizonensis. The identity of the fungus was confirmed using molecular markers and phylogenetic analysis. Ascosphaera apis was detected in queens of all three bumble bee species examined. Of 150 queens dissected, 12 (8% contained vegetative and reproductive stages of the fungus. Both fungal stages were also detected in two workers collected from colonies with Ascosphaera-infected B. nevadensis queens. In this study, wild bees could have been infected prior to capture for rearing, or, the A. apis infection could have originated via contaminated European honey bee pollen fed to the bumble bees in captivity. Thus, the discovery of A. apis in adult bumble bees in the current study has important implications for commercial production of bumble bee colonies and highlights potential risks to native bees via pathogen spillover from infected bees and infected pollen.

  11. First detection of the larval chalkbrood disease pathogen Ascosphaera apis (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes: Ascosphaerales) in adult bumble bees. (United States)

    Maxfield-Taylor, Sarah A; Mujic, Alija B; Rao, Sujaya


    Fungi in the genus Ascosphaera (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes: Ascosphaerales) cause chalkbrood disease in larvae of bees. Here, we report the first-ever detection of the fungus in adult bumble bees that were raised in captivity for studies on colony development. Wild queens of Bombus griseocollis, B. nevadensis and B. vosnesenskii were collected and maintained for establishment of nests. Queens that died during rearing or that did not lay eggs within one month of capture were dissected, and tissues were examined microscopically for the presence of pathogens. Filamentous fungi that were detected were plated on artificial media containing broad spectrum antibiotics for isolation and identification. Based on morphological characters, the fungus was identified as Ascosphaera apis (Maasen ex Claussen) Olive and Spiltoir, a species that has been reported earlier only from larvae of the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana, and the carpenter bee Xylocopa californica arizonensis. The identity of the fungus was confirmed using molecular markers and phylogenetic analysis. Ascosphaera apis was detected in queens of all three bumble bee species examined. Of 150 queens dissected, 12 (8%) contained vegetative and reproductive stages of the fungus. Both fungal stages were also detected in two workers collected from colonies with Ascosphaera-infected B. nevadensis queens. In this study, wild bees could have been infected prior to capture for rearing, or, the A. apis infection could have originated via contaminated European honey bee pollen fed to the bumble bees in captivity. Thus, the discovery of A. apis in adult bumble bees in the current study has important implications for commercial production of bumble bee colonies and highlights potential risks to native bees via pathogen spillover from infected bees and infected pollen.

  12. Nosema Tolerant Honeybees (Apis mellifera) Escape Parasitic Manipulation of Apoptosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kurze, Christoph; Le Conte, Yves; Dussaubat, Claudia


    conducted three inoculation experiments to investigate in the apoptotic respond during infection with the intracellular gut pathogen Nosema ceranae, which is considered as potential global threat to the honeybee (Apis mellifera) and other bee pollinators, in sensitive and tolerant honeybees. To explore...

  13. Nanotubos de carbono aplicados às neurociências: perspectivas e desafios

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    Virginia Oliveira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os nanotubos de carbono (NTCs são os nanomateriais mais promissores para aplicação terapêutica em doenças neurodegenerativas. Aplicações potenciais incluem sistemas de liberação controlada de fármacos, interfaces elétricas e substratos para crescimento celular. OBJETIVO: Descrever o estado da arte e as perspectivas e desafios da aplicação dos NTCs nas neurociências. MÉTODO: Procedeu-se a uma busca sistemática nos indexadores Medline, Lilacs e SciELO, utilizando os descritores "carbon nanotubes", "drug delivery", "electrical interface", "tissue regeneration", "neuroscience", "biocompatibility" e "nanotechnology", devidamente agrupados. RESULTADOS: A revisão da literatura evidenciou controvérsias nos estudos relativos à biocompatibilidade dos NTCs, embora tenha ratificado o seu potencial para a neuromedicina e neurociências. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados obtidos apontam a necessidade de estudos padronizados sobre as aplicações e interações dessas nanoestruturas com os sistemas biológicos.

  14. Pathogen detection and gut bacteria identification in Apis cerana ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A total of 50 colonies of Apis cerana were sampled in Samut Songkhram (five colonies) and Chumphon (45 colonies) provinces in the central and the south of Thailand, respectively. Diagnostic multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed that 20, 6, 4, 20 and 0% of the samples were infected by Paenibacillus larvae, ...

  15. A Knockout Screen of ApiAP2 Genes Reveals Networks of Interacting Transcriptional Regulators Controlling the Plasmodium Life Cycle. (United States)

    Modrzynska, Katarzyna; Pfander, Claudia; Chappell, Lia; Yu, Lu; Suarez, Catherine; Dundas, Kirsten; Gomes, Ana Rita; Goulding, David; Rayner, Julian C; Choudhary, Jyoti; Billker, Oliver


    A family of apicomplexa-specific proteins containing AP2 DNA-binding domains (ApiAP2s) was identified in malaria parasites. This family includes sequence-specific transcription factors that are key regulators of development. However, functions for the majority of ApiAP2 genes remain unknown. Here, a systematic knockout screen in Plasmodium berghei identified ten ApiAP2 genes that were essential for mosquito transmission: four were critical for the formation of infectious ookinetes, and three were required for sporogony. We describe non-essential functions for AP2-O and AP2-SP proteins in blood stages, and identify AP2-G2 as a repressor active in both asexual and sexual stages. Comparative transcriptomics across mutants and developmental stages revealed clusters of co-regulated genes with shared cis promoter elements, whose expression can be controlled positively or negatively by different ApiAP2 factors. We propose that stage-specific interactions between ApiAP2 proteins on partly overlapping sets of target genes generate the complex transcriptional network that controls the Plasmodium life cycle. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Data synchronisation and cost reduction using API in customer relationship management

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    Tomić Željko


    Full Text Available Research has shown that 51% of all ERP implementations involve some kind of problems in business operations during the 'go live' phase. Despite all the efforts to increase efficiency and improve business processes, many organizations come to a conclusion that once they move to the new ERP system they are not able to perform some of the basic business processes (both in the data migration phase and operational procedures, such as issuing goods from the warehouse. The ERP implementations are too often accompanied by technical and organizational issues that may cause problems in the functioning of a business system. As organizational issues are more frequently the cause of the problem, it is crucial to accurately perform the business processes analysis phase, as well as the final testing. Based on the analysis of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, CRM (Customer Relationship Management and SCM (Supply Chain Management e-business models of the largest producers of software applications, the bottlenecks and shortcomings typical of the implementation of these models were identified in a select sample of clients and it has been established that there are certain inconsistencies and programme problems between the company information system (IS and the implemented ERP/CRM or SCM models. The identified problems served as the basis for designing and programming an application programming interface (API aimed at addressing certain application needs of the companies, i.e. the inadequate synchronization of databases and other IT resources. The API has been designed and programmed with a view to resolving the problems with inconsistencies and synchronization and reducing business operations costs. It has been tested as a pilot application on ISs of selected companies that apply the ERP/CRM business support systems. This work describes the ERP/CRM database synchronization process and tests the quality of the API solution based on a programmed web survey, i

  17. Adquisición de carbono en frutos de color verde del muérdago Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae Carbon acquisition in green fruits of Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae

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    Cecilia I. Núñez


    Full Text Available El color verde de los frutos maduros podría atribuirse a la capacidad de adquirir carbono mediante fotosíntesis, lo cual disminuye los costos reproductivos e incrementa la recompensa nutritiva para los dispersores de semillas. En el muérdago Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae el color de los frutos maduros varía según el bioma: en el matorral chileno los frutos son amarillos mientras que en el bosque templando son verdes. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar si el color de los frutos se relacionaba con la capacidad de ganar carbono vía fotosíntesis y si esta capacidad variaba con la madurez y el bioma. Realizamos mediciones fisiológicas en plantas provenientes de poblaciones de cada bioma. Los frutos, tanto inmaduros como maduros de cada bioma no mostraron adquisición neta de carbono; las hojas mostraron actividad fotosintética, éstas poseen estomas en ambas caras y los frutos carecen de ellos. Estos resultados permiten descartar la hipótesis de que el color verde de los frutos de T. corymbosus se encuentra asociado a la adquisición neta de carbono vía fotosíntesis y mantiene la necesidad de indagación de otras hipótesis sobre la variación del color de los frutos entre biomas.In some species fruits are green when they are ripe. This can be attributed to the ability to acquire carbon via photosynthesis, which reduces reproductive costs and increases nutritional reward for seed dispersers. The color of mature fruits of the mistletoe Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae differ between biomes. In the Chilean matorral ripe fruits are yellow while in the temperate forest are green. Our objective was to determine whether or not fruits photosynthesize and if this ability varied with maturity stage and biome. We performed physiological measurements in plants from populations of each contrasting biome. Fruits did not denote carbon acquisition, regardless the biome or maturity stage. Leaves showed photosynthetic activity, they are amphistomatic

  18. Physicochemical analysis of apis dorsata honey from terai forests, Nepal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qamer, S.; Ahmad, F.; Latif, F.; Ali, S.S


    The multi floral honey produced by Apis dorsata from Shahabgunj, Dhakeri, Narayanpur and Perari forest, Nepal, were provided by International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal. These ninety nine Apis dorsata honey samples were characterized physicochemical and were found to have values of various quality determining parameters well with in the permissible International standards. The honey samples had pH in the range of 3.8-4.68, free acidity 41-48 meq/kg, lactones 13-16 meq/kg, total acidity 55-65 meq/kg, moisture content 20.5-26%, electrical conductivity 0.22-0.63 mS/cm, proline content 76-160 mg/kg, HMF content 30-56 mg/kg, diastase number 5.1-29 DN, invertase number 390-499, apparent reducing sugars 73.78-77.78%, fructose 36.93-44.61%, glucose 19.61-27.51% and sucrose 12.07-20.38%. (author)

  19. Recenzija. Monografija apie filosofijos ir literatūros giminystę

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    Tomas Kačerauskas


    Full Text Available Prieš keletą metų neoficialiame pokalbyje J. Baranova prasitarė, kad nėra didesnio malonumo už rašymą. Tiesą sakant, buvau sužavėtas ir priblokštas ne tik dėl šios ištaros asimetrijos R. Barthes’o minčiai apie skaitymo malonumą (net erotinį. Visai kitaip apie rašymą atsiliepia A. Šliogeris (kurio filosofi jos apmąstymui J. Baranova pelnytai skiria daug dėmesio: jis mieliau nerašytų nei rašytų. Tokiais atvejais prisimenu M. Bulgakovą, kuris „tempiąs save už plaukų prie rašomojo stalo“. Rašymas daug kam siejasi su disciplina, prievarta savęs atžvilgiu, geriausiu atveju – kasdieniu įpročiu.

  20. Molecular characterization of Api g 2, a novel allergenic member of the lipid-transfer protein 1 family from celery stalks. (United States)

    Gadermaier, Gabriele; Egger, Matthias; Girbl, Tamara; Erler, Anja; Harrer, Andrea; Vejvar, Eva; Liso, Marina; Richter, Klaus; Zuidmeer, Laurian; Mari, Adriano; Ferreira, Fatima


    Celery represents a relevant cross-reactive food allergen source in the adult population. As the currently known allergens are not typical elicitors of severe symptoms, we aimed to identify and characterize a non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP). MS and cDNA cloning were applied to obtain the full-length sequence of a novel allergenic nsLTP from celery stalks. The purified natural molecule consisted of a single isoallergen designated as Api g 2.0101, which was recombinantly produced in Escherichia coli Rosetta-gami. The natural and recombinant molecules displayed equivalent physicochemical and immunological properties. Circular dichroism revealed a typical α-helical fold and high thermal stability. Moreover, Api g 2 was highly resistant to simulated gastrointestinal digestion. As assessed by ELISA, thermal denaturation did not affect the IgE binding of Api g 2. Natural and recombinant Api g 2 showed similar allergenic activity in mediator release assays. Api g 2-specific IgE antibodies cross-reacted with peach and mugwort pollen nsLTPs. Based on our results, it can be anticipated that inclusion of recombinant Api g 2 in the current panel of allergens for molecule-based diagnosis will facilitate the evaluation of the clinical relevance of nsLTP sensitization in celery allergy and help clinicians in the management of food allergic patients. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. APIS : an interactive database of HST-UV observations of the outer planets (United States)

    Lamy, Laurent; Henry, Florence; Prangé, Renée; Le Sidaner, Pierre


    Remote UV measurement of the outer planets offer a wealth of informations on rings, moons, planetary atmospheres and magnetospheres. Auroral emissions in particular provide highly valuable constraints on the auroral processes at work and the underlying coupling between the solar wind, the magnetosphere, the ionosphere and the moons. Key observables provided by high resolution spectro-imaging include the spatial topology and the dynamics of active magnetic field lines, the radiated and the precipitated powers or the energy of precipitating particles. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) acquired thousands of Far-UV spectra and images of the aurorae of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus since 1993, feeding in numerous magnetospheric studies. But their use remains generally limited, owing to the difficulty to access and use raw and value-added data. APIS, the egyptian god of fertilization, is also the acronym of a new database (Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy), aimed at facilitating the use of HST planetary auroral observations. APIS is based at the Virtual Observatory (VO) of Paris and provides a free and interactive access to a variety of high level data through a simple research interface and standard VO tools (as Aladin, Specview). We will present the capabilities of APIS and illustrate them with several examples.

  2. MicroRNA-1 promotes apoptosis of hepatocarcinoma cells by targeting apoptosis inhibitor-5 (API-5). (United States)

    Li, Dong; Liu, Yu; Li, Hua; Peng, Jing-Jing; Tan, Yan; Zou, Qiang; Song, Xiao-Feng; Du, Min; Yang, Zheng-Hui; Tan, Yong; Zhou, Jin-Jun; Xu, Tao; Fu, Zeng-Qiang; Feng, Jian-Qiong; Cheng, Peng; chen, Tao; Wei, Dong; Su, Xiao-Mei; Liu, Huan-Yi; Qi, Zhong-Chun; Tang, Li-Jun; Wang, Tao; Guo, Xin; Hu, Yong-He; Zhang, Tao


    Although microRNA-1 (miR-1) is a known liver cancer suppressor, the role of miR-1 in apoptosis of hepatoma cells has remained largely unknown. Our study shows that ectopic miR-1 overexpression induced apoptosis of liver hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells. Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API-5) was found to be a potential regulator of miR-1 induced apoptosis, using a bioinformatics approach. Furthermore, an inverse relationship between miR-1 and API-5 expression was observed in human liver cancer tissues and adjacent normal liver tissues. Negative regulation of API-5 expression by miR-1 was demonstrated to promote apoptosis of HepG2 cells. Our study provides a novel regulatory mechanism of miR-1 in the apoptosis of hepatoma cells. Copyright © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. The API methodology for risk-based inspection (RBI) analysis for the petroleum and petrochemical industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reynolds, J.T.


    Twenty-one petroleum and petrochemical companies are currently sponsoring a project within the American Petroleum Institute (API) to develop risk-based inspection (RBI) methodology for application in the refining and petrochemical industry. This paper describes that particular RBI methodology and provides a summary of the three levels of RBI analysis developed by the project. Also included is a review of the first pilot project to validate the methodology by applying RBI to several existing refining units. The failure for pressure equipment in a process unit can have several undesirable effects. For the purpose of RBI analysis, the API RBI program categorizes these effects into four basic risk outcomes: flammable events, toxic releases, major environmental damage, and business interruption losses. API RBI is a strategic process, both qualitative and quantitative, for understanding and reducing these risks associated with operating pressure equipment. This paper will show how API RBI assesses the potential consequences of a failure of the pressure boundary, as well as assessing the likelihood (probability) of failure. Risk-based inspection also prioritizes risk levels in a systematic manner so that the owner-user can then plan an inspection program that focuses more resources on the higher risk equipment; while possibly saving inspection resources that are not doing an effective job of reducing risk. At the same time, if consequence of failure is a significant driving force for high risk equipment items, plant management also has the option of applying consequence mitigation steps to minimize the impact of a hazardous release, should one occur. The target audience for this paper is engineers, inspectors, and managers who want to understand what API Risk-Based Inspection is all about, what are the benefits and limitations of RBI, and how inspection practices can be changed to reduce risks and/or save costs without impacting safety risk. (Author)

  4. Genetic variation in natural honeybee populations, Apis mellifera capensis (United States)

    Hepburn, Randall; Neumann, Peter; Radloff, Sarah E.


    Genetic variation in honeybee, Apis mellifera, populations can be considerably influenced by breeding and commercial introductions, especially in areas with abundant beekeeping. However, in southern Africa apiculture is based on the capture of wild swarms, and queen rearing is virtually absent. Moreover, the introduction of European subspecies constantly failed in the Cape region. We therefore hypothesize a low human impact on genetic variation in populations of Cape honeybees, Apis mellifera capensis. A novel solution to studying genetic variation in honeybee populations based on thelytokous worker reproduction is applied to test this hypothesis. Environmental effects on metrical morphological characters of the phenotype are separated to obtain a genetic residual component. The genetic residuals are then re-calculated as coefficients of genetic variation. Characters measured included hair length on the abdomen, width and length of wax plate, and three wing angles. The data show for the first time that genetic variation in Cape honeybee populations is independent of beekeeping density and probably reflects naturally occurring processes such as gene flow due to topographic and climatic variation on a microscale.

  5. Apie filosofijos ir meno sąsajas


    Martinkus, Vytautas


    The article provides a review of Leonarda Jekentaitė’s book “De Profundis: Psichoanalitinės Filosofijos Žvilgsniu apie Mąstytojus ir Menininkus” (2007), written by V. Martinkus, according to whom, there are still few original art philosophy studies, published by Lithuanian authors in Lithuania. The review provides an analysis of the structure of the book, the style and main subjects are distinguished. The book provides the author’s articles, written during the period of thirty years. Most of ...

  6. Vitellogenins Are New High Molecular Weight Components and Allergens (Api m 12 and Ves v 6) of Apis mellifera and Vespula vulgaris Venom (United States)

    Blank, Simon; Seismann, Henning; McIntyre, Mareike; Ollert, Markus; Wolf, Sara; Bantleon, Frank I.; Spillner, Edzard


    Background/Objectives Anaphylaxis due to hymenoptera stings is one of the most severe clinical outcomes of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions. Although allergic reactions to hymenoptera stings are often considered as a general model for the underlying principles of allergic disease, venom immunotherapy is still hampered by severe systemic side effects and incomplete protection. The identification and detailed characterization of all allergens of hymenoptera venoms might result in an improvement in this field and promote the detailed understanding of the allergological mechanism. Our aim was the identification and detailed immunochemical and allergological characterization of the low abundant IgE-reactive 200 kDa proteins of Apis mellifera and Vespula vulgaris venom. Methods/Principal Findings Tandem mass spectrometry-based sequencing of a 200 kDa venom protein yielded peptides that could be assigned to honeybee vitellogenin. The coding regions of the honeybee protein as well as of the homologue from yellow jacket venom were cloned from venom gland cDNA. The newly identified 200 kDa proteins share a sequence identity on protein level of 40% and belong to the family of vitellogenins, present in all oviparous animals, and are the first vitellogenins identified as components of venom. Both vitellogenins could be recombinantly produced as soluble proteins in insect cells and assessed for their specific IgE reactivity. The particular vitellogenins were recognized by approximately 40% of sera of venom-allergic patients even in the absence of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants. Conclusion With the vitellogenins of Apis mellifera and Vespula vulgaris venom a new homologous pair of venom allergens was identified and becomes available for future applications. Due to their allergenic properties the honeybee and the yellow jacket venom vitellogenin were designated as allergens Api m 12 and Ves v 6, respectively. PMID:23626765

  7. Comparison of ground based indices (API and AQI) with satellite based aerosol products. (United States)

    Zheng, Sheng; Cao, Chun-Xiang; Singh, Ramesh P


    Air quality in mega cities is one of the major concerns due to serious health issues and its indirect impact to the climate. Among mega cities, Beijing city is considered as one of the densely populated cities with extremely poor air quality. The meteorological parameters (wind, surface temperature, air temperature and relative humidity) control the dynamics and dispersion of air pollution. China National Environmental Monitoring Centre (CNEMC) started air pollution index (API) as of 2000 to evaluate air quality, but over the years, it was felt that the air quality is not well represented by API. Recently, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) started using a new index "air quality index (AQI)" from January 2013. We have compared API and AQI with three different MODIS (MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer, onboard the Terra/Aqua satellites) AOD (aerosol optical depth) products for ten months, January-October, 2013. The correlation between AQI and Aqua Deep Blue AOD was found to be reasonably good as compared with API, mainly due to inclusion of PM2.5 in the calculation of AQI. In addition, for every month, the correlation coefficient between AQI and Aqua Deep Blue AOD was found to be relatively higher in the month of February to May. According to the monthly average distribution of precipitation, temperature, and PM10, the air quality in the months of June-September was better as compared to those in the months of February-May. AQI and Aqua Deep Blue AOD show highly polluted days associated with dust event, representing true air quality of Beijing. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Adaptive runtime for a multiprocessing API (United States)

    Antao, Samuel F.; Bertolli, Carlo; Eichenberger, Alexandre E.; O'Brien, John K.


    A computer-implemented method includes selecting a runtime for executing a program. The runtime includes a first combination of feature implementations, where each feature implementation implements a feature of an application programming interface (API). Execution of the program is monitored, and the execution uses the runtime. Monitor data is generated based on the monitoring. A second combination of feature implementations are selected, by a computer processor, where the selection is based at least in part on the monitor data. The runtime is modified by activating the second combination of feature implementations to replace the first combination of feature implementations.

  9. Studi Perencanaan Koordinasi Proteksi Mempertimbangkan Busur Api Pada Sistem Kelistrikan PT. Semen Indonesia Aceh Menggunakan Standar IEEE 1584-2002

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    Dhimas Oktavian Andryana


    Full Text Available PT. Semen Indonesia pabrik Aceh merupakan perusahaan patungan (joint venture company antara PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero bersama PT. Samana Citra Agung. Total daya listrik yang dibutuhkan sebesar 85.8 MW dengan sistem kelistrikan pada sistem tegangan rendah dan menengah. Guna menjaga kontinuitas daya listrik, diperlukan koordinasi proteksi untuk meminimalisir dampak yang ditimbulkan ketika terjadi gangguan. Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah adanya busur api (arc flash. Namun demikian, energi yang dihasilkan oleh busur api setelah dilakukan koordinasi proteksi perlu dipertimbangkan agar tidak melampaui standard yang diizinkan. Analisa busur api dilakukan dengan menggunakan perhitungan standar IEEE 1584-2002. Setelah dilakukan beberapa analisa didapatkan bahwa beberapa daerah di PT. Semen Indonesia pabrik Aceh memiliki nilai insiden energi diatas kategori 4, sehingga diperlukan tambahan peralatan berupa rele differensial sebagai pengaman utama agar nilai insiden energi busur api bisa dikategorikan sesuai standard NFPA 70E.

  10. Improved soil characterization for pipe piles in sand in API RP-2A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hossain, M.K.; Briaud, J.L.


    In the offshore, most foundations are steel pipe piles and most of them are designed using the API RP 2A guidelines. For axial capacity of piles in sand the current guidelines in many cases show definite discrepancies when compared against actual load capacities of piles. An updated data base analysis shows that there are three major weaknesses in the current guidelines with respect to soil characterization: (a) the consideration of the lateral earth pressure coefficient, K, as a constant (1.0 or 0.8); (b) the consideration of the unit point bearing resistance, q, as a linear function of depth; and (c) the absence of an unambiguous soil parameter determination process based on reliable in-situ test results. In this paper, specific modifications to the current API RP 2A guidelines are proposed on the basis of a data base analysis to account for the discrepancies arising from (a), (b), and (c) above. These modifications will reduce the discrepancies in the current API RP 2A method and increase the accuracy of the prediction of axial capacity of pipe piles in sand. Furthermore this will make the method fundamentally more consistent with soil behavior in deep foundations

  11. Characterisation of weldment hardness, impact energy and microstructure in API X65 steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashemi, S.H.; Mohammadyani, D.


    The variation of microstructure and mechanical properties in various sub-zones of double submerged arc welded line pipe steel of grade API X65 was investigated. Instrumented Charpy V-notch tests and Vickers hardness experiments were conducted on the fusion zone, base metal and heat affected zone of the weld joint in 14.3 mm thick, 1219 mm outside diameter spiral pipeline. The lowest impact energy and the highest hardness level (160J and 218 HV, respectively) were recorded in the fusion zone. The low energy and high hardness characteristics of the seam weld can be attributed to its cast microstructure and the presence of grain boundary phases (such as proeutectoid ferrite), confirmed by standard metallographic observation. Despite this, service requirements set by the API 5L industry code (minimum impact energy of 73J, maximum hard spots of 350 HV) were fulfilled by the tested steel. Highlights: ► Experimental study of API X65 steel microstructure. ► Analysis of the relationship between X65 steel microstructure and hardness. ► Analysis of the relationship between X65 steel microstructure and impact energy. ► Presentation of detailed technical information on DSA welding in spiral pipes.

  12. Clinical reactivity of celery cultivars in allergic patients: Role of Api g 1. (United States)

    Dölle, S; Welter, S; Ruppel, E; Lehmann, K; Schwarz, D; Jensen-Jarolim, E; Zieglmayer, P; Franken, P; Worm, M


    Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is a vegetable consumed world-wide. Celery stalks and celeriac roots are often ingredients in convenient food products like spice blends and soups. In this study, we examined the allergenicity of distinct celeriac cultivars. Sixteen celery-allergic patients were identified using a double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge. Ten different celeriac cultivars were used for skin prick testing in the patients. Two cultivars were further applied for oral food challenges; their protein composition was analysed by immunoblotting, and contents of major allergen Api g 1 were quantified. From the 10 investigated celeriac cultivars, two cultivars elicited significantly different skin reactivity ("Anita": 5.0 [2.0-12.0] mm vs "Prinz": 7.0 [3.0-9.5] mm; P = .047). Moreover, "Anita" induced fewer symptoms after a controlled oral-celeriac challenge in 14 patient (P Api g 1 in "Prinz" than in "Anita." Taken together, the data from this study suggest that cultivar Anita is better tolerated in celery-allergic patients than "Prinz." Differences in the protein expression profile between the cultivars, particularly the different content of Api g 1, could cause the different allergenicity. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Síntesis de nanocomposites NTC-13%ZrO2 – (87-xAl2O3-xFe

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    Legorreta García, F.


    Full Text Available Carbon nanotubes (CNT in a ceramic matrix – Fe, NTC-13%ZrO2 – (87-xAl2O3-xFe, (x = 1.9, 4.6 y 6.4%, were obtained using a combustion synthesis urea-nitrate, calcination treatment and chemical vapor deposition (CCVD in H2-CH4 atmosphere. The effect of the addition of Fe ions on the ceramic matrix was studied and presented. The ceramic powder obtained was calcined at 1200 °C for 2 h to modify the phases present in the solid solution. Subsequently it was introduced in a H2-CH4 reducing atmosphere at 1000 °C in order to promote the formation of CNT in the matrix. Both, the solid solution obtained and the composite materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD and high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM. Carbon content and specific surface also were determined. The quality and quantity of CNT present in the nanocomposite powder were related to the concentration of Fe, which significantly modifies their carbon content and specific surface.Mediante una síntesis por combustión ureica-nitratos, calcinación y la aplicación de un tratamiento de deposición química catalítica de vapor (CCVD en una atmósfera H2-CH4, se obtuvieron polvos nanocomposites: nanotubos de carbono (NTC en una matriz cerámica –Fe, NTC-13%ZrO2 – (87-xAl2O3-xFe, (x = 1.9, 4.6 y 6.4 %. El efecto de la adición de iones Fe sobre la matriz cerámica es estudiado y presentado. El polvo cerámico obtenido es calcinado a 1200 °C durante 2 h para modificar las fases presentes del composite. Posteriormente es sometido a una atmósfera reductora H2-CH4 a 1000 °C con la finalidad de promover la formación de NTC in situ en la matriz. Tanto el composite obtenido, como el material nanocomposite fueron caracterizados por difracción de rayos X (DRX y microscopía electrónica de barrido de alta resolución (MEB. También se determinó el contenido de carbono y la superficie específica. Se observó que la calidad y cantidad de NTC presentes en los polvos

  14. Overview of soil and groundwater research activities of the American Petroleum Institute (API)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauman, B.


    The American Petroleum Institute (API) is a trade association for the domestic petroleum industry in the USA, with over 2000 corporate and 5000 individual members. Subsurface research activities are managed by the API soil/groundwater technical task force, a committee made up of over 25 member company engineers, hydrologists, soil scientists, and chemists representing both the research and operations sectors of the petroleum industry. The research areas of the group have been divided into five principle areas: biodegradation processes, fate and transport, remediation, decision making tools for remediation, and detection/analytical methods. A summary of each of the current projects in these subject areas is presented

  15. Microbiological corrosion in low carbon steels; Corrosion microbiologica en aceros de bajo carbono

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medina-Custodio, O; Ortiz-Prado, A; Jacobo-Armendariz, V. H; Schouwenaars-Franssens, R [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;;;


    The Microbiologically Induced Corrosion affects several industries, such as oil industry where it is estimated that 20% to 30% pipes failures are related with microorganism. The chemical reactions generate ions transfer, this validate the use of electrochemical technique for its analysis. Coupons submerged in a nutritional medium with presence and absence of three different microorganisms during two periods, 48 hours and 28 days were studied. Polarization resistance (Rp) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) techniques were applied to determine the corrosively of the systems. The results show a greater corrosive effect of abiotic systems, this indicates a microorganisms protection effect to the metal, opposite to the first hypothesis. This result was ratified observing surface coupons by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique. A possible mechanism based on Evans - Tafel graph is proposed to explain inhibitor microorganism effect. [Spanish] La corrosion microbiologica es un tipo comun de deterioro que afecta diversas industrias, una de ellas es la petrolera en la que se estiman que el 20% o 30% de fallas en las tuberias de trasporte de hidrocarburos es favorecida por microorganismos. Las reacciones quimicas que sustentan estos, generan transferencia de iones, lo que justifica el empleo de tecnicas electroquimicas para su analisis. En este trabajo, se estudiaron probetas de acero de bajo carbono SAE 1018, sumergidas en un medio nutritivo rico en cloruros en presencia y ausencia de tres diferentes cargas microbianas, en tiempos de exposicion de 48 horas y 28 dias. Se realizaron ensayos de resistencia a la polarizacion (Rp) y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquimica (EIS) para determinar el efecto corrosivo de los diferentes sistemas. Los resultados muestran que el medio abiotico causa el mayor efecto corrosivo, lo que indica un efecto protector de los microorganismos al metal contradiciendo la hipotesis inicialmente propuesta. La observacion

  16. Efeito da glutamina sobre o turnover do carbono (δ13C de músculos e vísceras de leitões desmamados: glutamina e turnover de carbono tecidual - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i3.5712 Effect of glutamine on carbon (δ13C turnover in the muscles and viscera of weaned piglets - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i3.5712

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    Evandro Tadeu da Silva


    Full Text Available O estudo foi conduzido para verificar a influência da glutamina no turnover do carbono em tecidos de leitões. Nove porcas foram cobertas e receberam dietas compostas predominantemente por grãos de plantas do ciclo fotossintético C4 durante gestação e lactação. Aos 21 dias de idade, 48 leitões foram distribuídos aleatoriamente nos tratamentos: T1 = dieta C3, sem suplementação de glutamina, e T2 = dieta C3, suplementada com 1% de glutamina. Nos dias 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 29 e 46 pós-desmame, foram abatidos dois leitões/tratamento. Amostras dos músculos Psoas major e Masseter, fígado e pâncreas foram coletadas e analisadas quanto à composição e δ‰13C e mensurada a substituição do carbono em função do tempo. A glutamina acelerou a substituição do carbono em ambos os músculos, como observado pelos valores de meia-vida (T destes tecidos (T = 51,4 e 21,7 dias para Masseter e 31,5 e 20,3 dias para Psoas major, nos tratamentos sem e com suplementação de glutamina, respectivamente. Os valores de meia-vida do carbono das vísceras indicam que esse aminoácido também acelerou o turnover do carbono nestes órgãos. Os resultados indicam estímulo anabólico da glutamina sobre os tecidos avaliados.The study was carried out to verify the influence of glutamine on carbon turnover in the muscles and viscera of piglets. Nine sows were bred and received diets predominantly composed by grains of C4 photosynthetic cycle plants during gestation and lactation. The piglets were weaned at 21 days of age, and 48 animals were distributed at random in two treatments: T1 = C3 diet, without glutamine supplementation; and T2 = C3 diet, supplemented with 1% glutamine. On days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 29 and 46 postweaning, two piglets per treatment were slaughtered. Samples of the Psoas major and Masseter muscles, liver and pancreas were collected and analyzed for δ‰13C composition, and carbon turnover was measured as a

  17. Reforço à flexão em vigas de concreto armado com manta de fibra de carbono: mecanismos de incremento de ancoragem

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    Vladimir José Ferrari


    Full Text Available O desprendimento dos laminados de plásticos reforçados com fibras da face inferior tracionada das vigas reforçadas à flexão é um problema complexo e indesejável, pois ocorre sem aviso, antecipando a ruína da viga reforçada e impossibilitando o total aproveitamento das propriedades resistentes à tração do reforço. Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de vigas de concreto armado, reforçadas à flexão com manta de fibra de carbono, e avaliou-se a incorporação de mecanismos de incremento de ancoragem para evitar o desprendimento prematuro da manta com conseqüente aumento da capacidade resistente à flexão da viga. Nove vigas foram divididas em cinco grupos em conformidade com mecanismo de incremento de ancoragem adotado. Um dos mecanismos, além de evitar o desprendimento prematuro do reforço, também proporcionou incremento na resistência à flexão mais de 95%, em relação à viga sem reforço, e incrementos em torno de 20%, em relação às vigas sem incremento de ancoragem.

  18. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for rapid detection and differentiation of Nosema apis and N. ceranae in honeybees. (United States)

    Ptaszyńska, Aneta A; Borsuk, Grzegorz; Woźniakowski, Grzegorz; Gnat, Sebastian; Małek, Wanda


    Nosemosis is a contagious disease of honeybees (Apis mellifera) manifested by increased winter mortality, poor spring build-up and even the total extinction of infected bee colonies. In this paper, loop-mediated isothermal amplifications (LAMP) were used for the first time to identify and differentiate N. apis and N. ceranae, the causative agents of nosemosis. LAMP assays were performed at a constant temperature of 60 °C using two sets of six species-specific primers, recognising eight distinct fragments of 16S rDNA gene and GspSSD polymerase with strand displacement activity. The optimal time for LAMP and its Nosema species sensitivity and specificity were assessed. LAMP only required 30 min for robust identification of the amplicons. Ten-fold serial dilutions of total DNA isolated from bees infected with microsporidia were used to determine the detection limit of N. apis and N. ceranae DNAs by LAMP and standard PCR assays. LAMP appeared to be 10(3) -fold more sensitive than a standard PCR in detecting N. apis and N. ceranae. LAMP methods developed by us are highly Nosema species specific and allow to identify and differentiate N. apis and N. ceranae. © 2014 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Diseño de polvos de molde para colada continua de slabs de aceros bajo carbono

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cruz-Ramírez, A.


    Full Text Available Commercial fluxes were characterized by laboratory tests, and their original properties were changed with additions of chemical reagents in order to establish criteria and design strategies to produce new fluxes. The characterization of the commercial fluxes reveals that they are produced by simple mechanical blend of minerals, using feldspars and clays as base materials, containing SiO2, Al2O3, Na2 O and in less quantity K2O, MgO, Fe2 O3and MnO; limestone as the main source of CaO, fluorspar (CaF2 used to control the viscosity and graphite as carbon source. Melting-solidification tests revealed melting and fluidity temperatures and the existence of abundant mineralogical phases formed during the flux solidification. Some important mineralogical compounds are the nepheline (NaAlSiO4 and cuspidine (Ca4Si2O7F2; these species have a direct influence on the heat transfer phenomena from strand to mold and therefore on the phase transformations and the shrinkage of the steel.

    A partir de la caracterización de polvos comerciales mediante pruebas de laboratorio y la modificación de sus propiedades mediante adiciones de compuestos químicos, se identificaron y desarrollaron criterios y estrategias de diseño que sirvieron de base para elaborar nuevos polvos. La caracterización de los polvos comerciales indica que se fabrican por simple mezcla mecánica de minerales, utilizando feldespatos y arcillas como materiales base, que contienen SiO2, Al2O3, Na2 O y, en menor proporción, K 2O, MgO, Fe2 O3 y MnO, caliza como fuente principal de CaO, fluorita (CaF2 como fluidificante y grafito como fuente de carbono. Mediante pruebas de fusión-solidificación se determinaron las temperaturas de fusión y fluidez de los polvos y

  20. Effects of Pre-Strains on Failure Assessment Analysis to API 5L X65 Pipeline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baek, Jong Hyun; Kim, Young Pyo; Kim, Woo Sik; Seok, Chang Sung


    This paper prescribed the structural integrity of the API 5 L X6 5 pipeline subjected to tensile pre-strain. The effects of pre-strain on the mechanical properties of API 5 L X6 5 pipe were substantially investigated through a variety of the experimental procedures. Axial tensile pre-strain of 1.5, 5 and 10% was applied to plate-type tensile specimens cut from the pipe body prior to mechanical testing. Tensile test revealed that yield strength and tensile strength were increased with increasing tensile pre-strain. The increasing rate of the yield strength owing to the pre-strain is greater than that of the tensile strength. However, the pre-strain up to 5% had a little effect on the decreasing of the fracture toughness. The structural integrity of the API 5 L X6 5 pipeline subjected to large plastic deformation was evaluated through the fitness-for service code.