
Sample records for ainda tem lugar

  1. Lugares ou não-lugares? Os descaminhos de um debate

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    Vicente Barcellos


    Full Text Available Surgida no âmbito da antropologia européia nos últimos anos, a idéia de não-lugares, tem sido apropriada por paisagistas, urbanistas e arquitetos sem maiores questionamentos e utilizada nos debates sobre a paisagem urbana como parte de um arsenal ideológico que pouco serve para solucionar as questões que se observa nas cidades. Com o presente ensaio o autor questiona a validade da idéia de não-lugares para a área de conhecimento onde se inserem os paisagistas.

  2. O vampiro, um não morto ainda vivo

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    Max Kohn


    Full Text Available O que um vampiro representa? Por que ocupa tal lugar na cultura? O vampiro é um invariante cultural com diferenças culturais. O vivente é um não morto (undead, e o não morto ainda está vivo. Do ponto de vista psicanalítico, qual é, então, essa relação com os dentes e com a mordida que contamina, que faz com que o outro se torne também um vampiro? O vampiro é um bebê que morde e tem um desejo ambivalente de imortalidade. O leite materno é vital como o é o sangue para o vampiro. A brincadeira de mordiscar, para o bebê winnicottiano, conta mais do que a mordida para o bebê kleiniano. O bebê kleiniano é mais próximo do vampiro do que o bebê winnicottiano.The Vampire, a live undead. What does a vampire represent? Why does he have such a place in the culture? It is a cultural invariant with cultural differences. The living is an undead and the undead is still living. From a psychoanalytical point of view, what is the connection to teeth and to bites that contaminate, and make the other become a vampire? The vampire is a baby that bites and who has an ambivalent desire of immortality. Maternal milk is as vital as blood for the vampire. The game of biting for the Winnicottian baby is more important than the bite for the Kleinian baby. The Kleinian baby is closer to the vampire than the winnicotian baby.

  3. Instituição de longa permanência para idosos: um lugar de cuidado para quem não tem opção?

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    Janine Melo de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Pesquisa descritiva, qualitativa, com abordagem compreensiva, que teve por objetivo compreender o significado da instituição de longa permanência para idosos institucionalizados. Os dados foram coletados com 13 idosos institucionalizados, no período de 5 de abril a 25 de maio de 2013 por meio da entrevista narrativa, e submetidos a análise de conteúdo, na modalidade de análise temática. Os resultados indicam que ser idoso institucionalizado significa ter suas necessidades de cuidado atendidas, no que concerne a suas necessidades básicas; ao acesso a serviços e recursos de saúde, e a ter um lugar onde possam envelhecer e morrer. O estudo permitiu concluir que a instituição aparece como um lugar ambíguo para os idosos, pois ao mesmo tempo em que os acolhe, abriga e atende suas necessidades, é um ambiente que inviabiliza a vida independente e autônoma.

  4. O lugar flutuante

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    Sérgio Afonso Gonçalves Alves


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este trabalho visa à discussão da literatura na Amazônia a partir de questões relacionadas a lugar, fronteira e espaço, noções estas que permeiam os escritos da região e nos levam a uma reflexão do espaço amazônico entremeado por elementos forâneos. Os termos aqui listados nos auxiliarão a compreender melhor o conceito de identidade cultural na Amazônia e a produção literária regional contemporânea. Entendemos que é fundamental o estudo da produção literária local por considerála ainda indicativa do contexto histórico, social e político dessa parte do Brasil, pois nos ajudará a construir uma ideia do local, regional e nacional, uma vez que o relato constrói a história imediata e social, relacionada ao lugar, fortemente marcado enquanto lugar de cultura. Portanto, compreender a Amazônia como o lugar de cultura é compreender o homem amazônico em seu contexto. Palavras-chave: Amazônia; espaço; literatura.Abstract: This paper aims to discuss literature in the Amazon from issues related to place, border and space, notions that permeate the writings of the region and lead us to a reflection about the Amazon region permeated by outsider elements. The terms listed here will help us to understand better the concept of cultural identity in the Amazon and contemporary regional literary production. We believe that it is important to study the local literary production because we consider it indicative of the historical, social and political development of this part of Brazil, since it will help us to build an idea of local, regional and national, because the report builds the immediate and social history, related to the place of culture, strongly marked as a place of culture. Therefore, understanding the Amazon as a place of culture is to understand the man in the Amazon in his context. Keywords: Amazon; space; literature.


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    Maria de Jesus Daiane Rufino Leal


    Full Text Available RESUMO A cobertura internacional é um dos conteúdos mais presentes no Jornal Nacional, da emissora TV Globo. O estudo investigou qual o lugar dos países latino-americanos nesta cobertura em relação ao espaço ocupado, às temáticas abordadas, aos formatos mais frequentes e à autoria dos conteúdos. Para tanto foi realizada uma Análise de Conteúdo do telejornal recorrendo-se as teorias do Agenda Setting, Espiral do Silêncio e estudos de Newsmaking como suporte para interpretar os resultados da análise. Constatou-se que o espaço destinado a América Latina é restrito e que os formatos não favorecem o conteúdo. Identificou-se ainda uma super-representação dos Estados Unidos e de alguns países europeus no telejornal. Palavras-chave: Jornalismo, Cobertura Internacional, América Latina.   ABSTRACT International coverage is one of the most content present in the Jornal Nacional of broadcaster TV Globo. The study investigated what the place of Latin American countries in this coverage in relation to the space occupied, the themes, the most common formats and the authorship of the contents. For both a content Analysis of television news using the theories of Agenda Setting, Espiral do Silêncio and Newsmaking studies as support for interpreting the results of the analysis. It was noted that the space for Latin America is restricted and that do not favor the content formats. Identificou-se ainda uma super-representação dos Estados Unidos e de alguns países europeus no telejornal.   Key words: Journalism, International Coverage. Latin America. 

  6. ¿Es el lugar de apego un lugar restaurador?


    Hidalgo-Villodres, María del Carmen; Hernández, Bernardo; Ruiz, Cristina; Negrín, Fátima


    La investigación sobre apego al lugar ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia que tienen los ambientes residenciales en el desarrollo de fuertes vínculos afectivos hacia algunos ambientes con los que interactuamos en nuestra vida diaria. Podemos definir el apego al lugar como el vínculo afectivo positivo entre un individuo y un determinado lugar, cuya principal característica es la tendencia a mantener la proximidad con ese lugar (Hidalgo y Hernández, 2001). Hasta el momento, el apego al lugar...

  7. La Vega Central: Del lugar al no lugar

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    María Teresa Herrera Urrutia


    Full Text Available La Vega Central de Santiago de Chile. Un mercado reconocido por los santiaguinos como mercado popular compuesto por personas de distintos orígenes tanto sociales como étnicos. Para comprender la importancia de este sector comercial, es necesario hacer un recorrido histórico que muestre cuál es el origen de la Vega y cómo el lugar que ocupa le otorga un significado en el mundo popular para así entender los nuevos procesos emergentes relativos a la multiculturalidad. Desde la teoría de los No Lugares, se intenta entender cómo La Vega logra constituirse como un Lugar en la medida en que es habitado y construido por las personas, y como, a su vez, la temporalidad a la que es sometida logra generar un pliegue que transforma a este mercado en un No Lugar. Por lo tanto, la hipótesis que dirige este artículo tiene relación con que el horario de funcionamiento de La Vega permite el pliegue o la transformación entre este mercado como un Lugar y como un No Lugar. Abstract This paper focuses in a particular place, La Vega Central in Santiago de Chile. This is a marketplace known for santiaguinos as a people’s market, composed of people from different backgrounds, both social and ethnic. In order to understand the importance of this comercial sector, it is necesarry to do an historical overview showing La Vega’s origin and how the place gives it a meaning in the popular world. From the Non Place theory, we try to understand how La Vega does constitute a Place to the extent that it is inhabited and built by people, and how, in turn, the temporality to wich is subjected to achieves to generate a fold that transforms this market in a Non Place. Therefore, the hypothesis that runs this article is related to La Vega’s operating hours that allows the market’s transformation as a Place and a Non Place.

  8. Res amissa e o ter-lugar da linguagem

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    Olga de Sá


    Full Text Available Esse estudo tem por objetivo discutir a poética de Giorgio Caproni à luz das ideias do filósofo Agamben. Em sua trajetória, o poeta procura um tópos, onde pretende ancorar sua poesia, isenta de rótulo, de status definido, tão somente possibilidade, potência pura do querer –dizer. A proposta desse trabalho consiste em verificar a maneira como Caproni, pela via poética, vai em busca do ter-lugar da linguagem, ou seja, sua infância, onde todo começou. Seria esse local o do silencio? Do nada?


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    Roberta Costa ROCHA


    Full Text Available A pesquisa da qual resulta este artigo tem como objeto o assentamento rural, enquanto modo de resistência camponesa para a sua permanência no campo, e a construção do lugar de viver nesse assentamento. Os atores da pesquisa são as famílias do Projeto de Assentamento Santa Rita, localizado no município de Jataí-GO, que, em um novo meio, constroem o seu lugar, dando-lhe significação e ressignificação enquanto lugar camponês. O estudo do lugar abre perspectivas para se pensar o viver e os processos de apropriação do espaço. Metodologicamente, os dados primários foram levantados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e de aplicação de questionários e os dados secundários foram obtidos através de pesquisas bibliográficas, no intuito de aprofundar a discussão proposta.

  10. O corte da genitália feminina: rompendo o debate e ainda assim, violando direitos humanos

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    Celine Jacquemin


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    Resumo: a luta internacional contra as várias formas de circumcisão feminina, ou da mutilação dos genitais de mulheres e meninas, tem muitos aspectos diferentes. Embora nenhum texto de nenhuma religião sugere esta prática, ainda em muitos países a tortura de moças e mulheres continua. Ainda existe a suposição de que o fenômeno é exclusivo dos países subdesenvolvidos, muitas práticas comuns no mundo ocidental, tais como as cirurgias plásticas da vagina e da vulva, assim como as plásticas para mudar o rosto e o corpo das mulheres, podem ser incluídas na mesma tendência de se apresentar as mulheres como impuras, incompletas, necessitando ser melhoradas para que elas possa ser aceitas pelos potenciais maridos.

  11. Promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo: teoría y realidad

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    Alba Idaly Muñoz Sánchez

    Full Text Available La salud de los trabajadores involucra aspectos complejos ya que está articulada a los procesos de globalización, flexibilización, reformas del sistema de salud y de trabajo, entre otros aspectos. Estas tendencias afectan el entorno laboral, el proceso salud-enfermedad de la población en general y en este caso las formas de trabajar y enfermar de los trabajadores. La promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo está sustentada teóricamente en las diferentes estrategias propuestas por organizaciones internacionales, sin embargo, la realidad de la aplicación de la estrategia en los lugares trabajo, es limitada, existen pocos estudios que aborden la temática de promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo de forma integral. Se deben impulsar acciones que involucren la organización, los trabajadores, diversos sectores y disciplinas que incentiven la operacionalización de la estrategia de promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo.

  12. O lugar do afeto, o afeto pelo lugar: o que dizem os idosos?

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    Danielle Macedo

    Full Text Available Este estudo investigou os lugares favoritos, os lugares evitados e os afetos a eles relacionados como exemplos de estratégias de regulação das emoções. Um total de 340 participantes (169 homens e 171 mulheres, com idades entre 60 e 90 anos, residentes em Brasília e Natal, responderam individualmente a uma entrevista semi-estruturada, indicando os lugares favoritos quando se sentem alegres e quando não se sentem alegres, os lugares evitados e as razões para tais escolhas. Os resultados apontam preferência por ambientes facilitadores de interação social quando se sentem alegres e, em seguida, a sua própria casa. Essas preferências se invertem, quando não se sentem alegres, sendo indicado também que lugares agitados e cheios de estimulação são evitados. Foram encontradas mais similaridades do que diferenças quanto ao local de residência e poucas diferenças quanto ao gênero. Os resultados são discutidos em termos da perspectiva do curso de vida, bem como da influência recíproca pessoa versus ambiente.

  13. A farmacobotânica, ainda tem lugar na moderna anestesiologia? ¿La farmacobotánica, aún tiene lugar en la moderna anestesiología? Is there still a place for pharmacobotany in modern anesthesiology?

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    Nilton Bezerra do Vale


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Recentemente, o uso de chás medicinais - infusões, decoctos, tisanas, tinturas - ou medicamentos de origem vegetal vem sendo retomado de maneira sistemática e crescente na profilaxia e tratamento das doenças, ao lado da terapêutica convencional, na maioria dos países ocidentais. A presente revisão objetiva analisar as principais plantas que serviram como base de progresso para a moderna terapêutica anestesiológica através de sua utilização como modelos moleculares para síntese orgânica na moderna química fina de ponta, bem como fornecer mais embasamento sobre benefícios, potenciais efeitos adversos, interações e risco de efeitos colaterais que possam afetar o ato anestésico no paciente cirúrgico usuário habitual de fitoterapia. CONTEÚDO: Considerações anestesiológicas selecionadas são discutidas focalizando uma pequena revisão sobre ervas medicinais mais populares que foram essenciais no desenvolvimento de uma farmacologia anestesiológica e, ainda, as potenciais interações de plantas medicinais usadas por pacientes para tratar suas doenças ou controlar seus sintomas com drogas sintéticas usadas na anestesia. CONCLUSÕES: Enquanto a Medicina especializada fascina-se cada vez mais com a tecnologia avançada de novos fármacos e de fantásticos monitores, cresce em vários países o número de pacientes que desejam uma abordagem mais holística com rejeição dos modernos métodos de tratamento, optando por chás, meditações, dietas vegetarianas, anti-oxidantes, entre outros. Cabe ao anestesiologista avaliar quanto o conhecimento de farmacognosia e de farmacobotânica pode ajudá-lo na prática anestésica e, principalmente, na segurança de seu paciente.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Recientemente, el uso de tés medicinales - infusiones, decocciones, tisanas, tinturas - o medicamentos de origen vegetal viene siendo retomado de manera sistemática y creciente en la profilaxis y tratamiento

  14. lugar para uma “racionalidade científica” no pensamento de Paul Feyerabend?


    Flach, Miguel Ângelo


    A presente dissertação tem como objeto examinar se há lugar e, se houver, em que termos o seria, para uma concepção de “racionalidade científica” na obra de Paul Feyerabend. Parte-se da crítica radical que esse autor faz à racionalidade em sua visão tradicional e ao racionalismo. Para tanto, inicialmente faz-se necessário examinar a ampla concepção de “racionalismo” proposta por Feyerabend. Neste sentido, o capítulo 2 analisa o contexto da cultura grega arcaica, onde Feyerabend encontra um na...

  15. Sou ainda uma Brazilianist?

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    Barbara Weinstein


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este artigo questiona a utilidade da categoria de "brasilianista". Esta expressão, uma verdadeira "etiqueta" para o estrangeiro que estuda Brasil, surgiu nos anos 1970, numa época de expansão dos estudos brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, a qual coincidiu com os "anos de chumbo", no Brasil. Por isso, o conceito nascido no contexto da Guerra Fria fatalmente invocava uma figura norte-americana com orientação política específica e cujas pesquisas levaram, em si, as marcas do seu ponto de origem. O argumento do artigo é que essa imagem do "brasilianista" talvez tenha tido certa utilidade naquela época, mas dos anos 1980 para frente, várias mudanças no mundo acadêmico, tanto no Brasil quanto nos Estados Unidos, complicaram qualquer esforço para diferenciar a produção acadêmica segundo o "lugar" do pesquisador. Ao mesmo tempo, certos aspectos persistentes do mundo acadêmico, inclusive linguagem e público, continuavam criando ligeiras divisões entre os brasilianistas e os historiadores no Brasil.

  16. GEOGRAFIAS E LUGARES DOCUMENTADOS/ÁRIOS: convergências possíveis

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    Helena Augusta da Silva Gomes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem o sentido de apontar as convergências entre as imagens de três filmes documentários e a geografia.  Os filmes serão pensados como, em sua escritura, são uma experiência de relações interpessoais nos locais filmados. A partir do Pensando de Milton Santos (1997 acerca dos espaços do mundo, que, segundo o autor, são feitos de materialidade e ação humana, formação de fixos e fluxos, pensa-se ser possível conceber o espaço do filme também como dinâmico, feito de um anteparo material essencial e de ações deliberadas ou não, que modificam esse espaço. O conceito de lugar, trabalhado principalmente pelas correntes críticas e fenomenológicas da geografia, será relacionado à forma como os filmes se produziram como relações interpessoais em unidades de espaços, os locais fílmicos, e como estes foram transformados, por essas mesmas relações, em lugares partilhados em cena. Palavras-chave: Geografia; Documentário; Lugar.   GEOGRAPHIES AND DOCUMENTED PLACES: Possible convergences   ABSTRACT This paper intent to point some convergences between the images of three documentaries films and geography. The films are conceived in how they are experiences of interpersonal relationships in the location shot. Following the ideias of Milton Santos (1997 about the spaces of the world, which according to the author, are made of materiality and human action, a fixed and flux system, it is possible to think the space of the film as well as dynamic, done a bulkhead essential material and deliberate actions or not, that modify that space. The concept of place, held mainly by the critical and phenomenological geography, will be related to how films are produced as interpersonal relationships in space units, the location shot, and how these locations were transformed by these same relations in places shared on the scene.   Keywords: Geography; Documentary; Place.   GEOGRAFÍAS E LUGARES DOCUMETALES: Convergencias

  17. El lugar-red y la acción ambiental. Pistas para una gobernanza reflexiva y situada

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    Dolly Cristina Palacio Tamayo


    Full Text Available La acción ambiental es un campo emergente en la agenda de investigación en las ciencias sociales. En particular, el Análisis de Redes Sociales está haciendo un aporte importante para comprenderla. Con el objetivo de hacer un aporte a este campo del conocimiento, Las redes socioambientales del lugar se proponen como un concepto y al mismo tiempo como una metodología para hacer operativo el rastreo de la coparticipación de los actores humanos y no humanos en la acción ambiental en lugares concretos y su análisis estructural. Con los resultados de algunos ejercicios de investigación sobre la acción ambiental en Colombia, a partir de procesos participativos, se busca proponer algunas pistas para la construcción de una gobernanza ambiental situada, a partir de entender los patrones que adopta la acción ambiental en lugares concretos.

  18. (Obscena: o lugar do desejo feminino em Gustav Klimt e Clarice Lispector

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    Valeria Rosito


    Full Text Available Este artigo sublinha o lugar da (obscena para onde se desloca persistentemente o desejo feminino. Põe em diálogo a linguagem pictórica e a literária, voltando-se para a economia composicional da tela de Klimt “As três idades da mulher” e do conto clariceano “Ruído de passos”. Considera os horizontes de sentidos agregados pela circulação e recepção de ambos os objetos, especialmente no que diz respeito à autonomia do detalhe na tela de Klimt. A discussão sugere ainda efeitos do deslocamento da crítica específica de gênero à luz da crítica cultural contemporânea, voltada para agendas mais diluídas sobre inclusão. Sustentase, finalmente, que a perspectiva de gênero ilumina decisivamente o ato interpretativo e se prova crucial no enriquecimento de contribuições filosóficas notórias de teóricos do discurso como Bakhtin.

  19. Turismo, imagem do lugar e competitividade na globalização


    Aldo Gomes Leandro


    A produção de imagens turísticas dos lugares atravessa um novo momento diante das novas estratégias de marketing e propaganda. A gestão de marcas é o seu aspecto mais recente face à crescente competitividade entre os lugares na globalização. Assim, este trabalho aborda a importância da imagem do lugar para as políticas do poder público

  20. Los lugares espacian el espacio

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    Aldo Hidalgo Hermosilla


    Full Text Available En agosto de 1951, en la ciudad de Darmstadt, el filósofo Martin Heidegger dictó la conferencia "Construir, Habitar, Pensar". De esa reflexión, la teoría de la arquitectura se ha nutrido de substanciales argumentos que le han permitido repensar el espacio no ya en cuanto matriz geométrica del proyecto físico-técnico, motivo central de la estética moderna, sino como algo construido y vivido, es decir, como lugar. En este ensayo, siguiendo las pautas de Heidegger, se bosqueja la idea de que si se examina el famoso texto, conjuntamente con la cabaña que el filósofo ocupaba en la localidad de Todtnauberg, en Alemania, se atisba una noción vinculada a la existencia: el espacio-lugar. Y esta noción, a su vez, nos remite a la pregunta por el espacio en cuanto tal.

  1. Turismo, imagem do lugar e competitividade na globalização

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    Aldo Gomes Leandro


    Full Text Available A produção de imagens turísticas dos lugares atravessa um novo momento diante das novas estratégias de marketing e propaganda. A gestão de marcas é o seu aspecto mais recente face à crescente competitividade entre os lugares na globalização. Assim, este trabalho aborda a importância da imagem do lugar para as políticas do poder público


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    Michel Nicolau Netto

    Full Text Available Os grandes eventos se globalizam na mesma medida em que proliferam os lugares promovidos como marcas. Embora autônomos, esses processos estão relacionados ao se fundarem numa visão de que os lugares devem competir na globalização e que a competição deve se dar a partir de suas imagens. Esse tipo de competição se embasa num discurso produzido por publicitários de marketing de lugar, que tanto manuseiam formas simbólicas construídas como identidades coletivas, quanto se engajam na produção de novos elementos, de forma a configurá-los, tal qual as marcas de produtos, como diferencial competitivo. Neste artigo, investigo a atuação desses publicitários, compreendidos como artífices de um “senso comum planetário” que ressignifica a imagem do lugar a partir de concepção de uma marca. Serão aqui analisados os pressupostos desse discurso, suas instâncias de legitimidade e sua relação com os grandes eventos, que devem ser entendidos como espaços de consagração e circulação do discurso do marketing de lugar.

  3. Lugares, clichés y discurso demagógico

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    Carlos Aulestia


    Full Text Available El autor hace un tratamiento del uso de los "lugares comunes" afirma que estos son de escasa calidad informativa y muy usados por la demagogia. El lugar común responde a estereotipos que se originan en un prejuicio cognitivo. Igualmente se refiere a las "frases hechas o clichés", expresiones populares construidas sobre una lógica, es decir, retórica, que son comprensibles aunque aparentemente sin sentido como los refranes, los proverbios, los modismos.

  4. O lugar da identidade e das diferenças nas relações sociais

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    Fernandes, Idilia


    Full Text Available O presente artigo pretende demonstrar a contradição existente na concepção da construção da identidade como sinônimo de uma identificação com o que está estabelecido na cultura e no meio social. A contradição desta concepção se expressa na desconsideração do movimento próprio das alteridades que transformam a realidade a partir da própria condição das diferenças. Nas diferenças, estão a propulsão ao desenvolvimento das novas formas de interação entre sujeito e seu meio. Em muitas circunstâncias a noção de identidade tem servido para criar distinções de condições de vida, ao mesmo tempo em que propicia o não reconhecimento das distinções individuais. A condição de preconceito e segregação que, por vezes, vivem as pessoas portadoras de deficiência é emblemática do resultado da relação entre identidade e diferença numa sociedade que prima pelo padrão de “normalidade”. As pessoas com deficiência, por não se enquadrarem num processo de identificação igual ao padrão, são colocadas em um lugar social de diferenciação. A representação social desse lugar de diferenciação torna-se sinônimo de impossibilidade do exercício próprio à vida humana

  5. O lugar do pé métrico e do acento no modelamento dinâmico do ritmo

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    Barbosa, Plínio Almeida


    Full Text Available O modelamento dinâmico do ritmo permite reavaliar questões-chave como a definição e a delimitação do pé métrico e o lugar do acento na economia do modelo. O modelo sendo implementado tem dois componentes: um modelo rítmico com dois osciladores acoplados (um oscilador silábico e um acentual e uma pusa gestual integrada que retém as coordenações entre os gestos acústico-articulatórios. O oscilador acentual dá conta da métrica delimitando grupos acentuais (pés, o oscilador silábico induzido impõe o timing vocálico do enunciado e a pauta gestual implementa não-derivacionalmente o chamado acento lexical

  6. Promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo: teoría y realidad Health promotion in the workplace: theory and reality

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    Alba Idaly Muñoz Sánchez


    Full Text Available La salud de los trabajadores involucra aspectos complejos ya que está articulada a los procesos de globalización, flexibilización, reformas del sistema de salud y de trabajo, entre otros aspectos. Estas tendencias afectan el entorno laboral, el proceso salud-enfermedad de la población en general y en este caso las formas de trabajar y enfermar de los trabajadores. La promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo está sustentada teóricamente en las diferentes estrategias propuestas por organizaciones internacionales, sin embargo, la realidad de la aplicación de la estrategia en los lugares trabajo, es limitada, existen pocos estudios que aborden la temática de promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo de forma integral. Se deben impulsar acciones que involucren la organización, los trabajadores, diversos sectores y disciplinas que incentiven la operacionalización de la estrategia de promoción de la salud en los lugares de trabajo.The health of workers involved complex issues because is articulated to the processes of globalization, flexibility, health system reforms and privatization, among others. These trends affect the workplace, the health-disease process in the general population and in this case a forms of work and sick in workers. The health Promotion at work is theoretically based on the different strategies proposed by international organizations, however, the reality of the implementation of these strategies at workplaces is limited, there are few studies to involve the issue of health promotion in the workplace holistically. It should promote actions that involve the organization, workers, and the various sectors and disciplines to encourage the operationalization of the strategy for health promotion in the workplaces.

  7. Construcción de un cuestionario para la evaluación de la gratitud: el Cuestionario de Gratitud-20 ítems (G-20

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    Gloria Bernabé-Valero


    Full Text Available Se desarrolló una escala para la medición de la gratitud. Un banco inicial de 50 ítems, construidos y revisados siguiendo criterios precisos, se administró a 330 universitarios españoles (242 mujeres, 72.5%; 88 hombres, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 43 años, M = 23.33, DT = 4.87. Un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio dio lugar a una solución terminal de 20 ítems con una estructura interna de 4 factores, que se denominó Cuestionario de Gratitud-20 Ítems. Un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio sobre la matriz de correlaciones policóricas mostró un adecuado ajuste de la escala. La escala y las componentes presentaron consistencia interna entre aceptable y alta. La validez concurrente se comprobó mediante correlación de Pearson con la escala Gratitude Questionnaire-Six Item Form, y la validez discriminante mediante análisis confirmatorio de factores latentes con el Purpose-In-Life Test. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que las dimensiones del Cuestionario de Gratitud-20 Ítems pueden estar estrechamente relacionadas con la gratitud.

  8. El lugar ante el paisaje = The site through the landscape

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    Miguel Angel Aníbarro


    Full Text Available ResumenLas nociones de lugar y paisaje están tan entrelazadas que tienden a confundirse. El paisaje se refiere a la consideración perceptiva de un campo extendido hasta el horizonte a través de una mediación estética, vinculando originalmente la visión y la pintura. El lugar está referido a la experimentación de un haz de significados ligados a un paraje determinado. Mientras el paisaje implica percepción, extensión y mediación artística, el lugar supone experiencia, concentración y condensación de significados: por ésta razón tiende a conectarse con la arquitectura.El paisaje se contempla desde fuera, pero su extensión y profundidad invitan al recorrido. En el camino, al apreciar los aspectos cambiantes del panorama e integrar sensaciones visuales con las olfativas, auditivas, táctiles y cinestésicas, el paisaje se disfruta. En cambio al lugar se llega, en el lugar se está, y la consideración de su magnética presencia es un componente primordial de la experiencia.La densidad de los significados adscritos al lugar es frecuentemente resultado de una simbiosis entre el sitio y la obra arquitectónica en la que ésta pone de manifiesto, o refuerza y desarrolla, el carácter de aquél. Pero también en los lugares naturales puede encontrarse ese característico espesor de los significados. Por su parte los paisajes se configuran a través de prolongados procesos morfogenéticos, en los que intervienen tanto las fuerzas naturales como los fenómenos de antropización; pueden pasar por periodos sucesivos de intensificación o abandono, y se acumulan en estratos superpuestos que les dan su forma particular.A continuación se aborda este entrecruzamiento de lugar y paisaje en unos pocos ejemplos que plantean aspectos, escalas y situaciones distintos. Los volcanes Poás y Vesubio muestran que ciertas condiciones de los escenarios naturales favorecen su identificación como lugares. La Villa d’Este descubre los mecanismos de

  9. O lugar do Corpo na Psicanálise de Winnicott


    Josgrilberg, Fabíola Pozuto


    O presente estudo propõe-se apresentar o conceito winnicottiano de unidade psicossomática para analisar o lugar do corpo na teoria do amadurecimento humano. Definindo os conceitos de mente, psique e soma, e examinando o desenvolvimento da existência psicossomática e seus possíveis transtornos, o estudo do lugar do corpo na teoria de Winnicott mostrará a importância fundamental da experiência corporal real como uma conquista importante no processo de amadurecimento pessoal This work has the...

  10. Al encuentro del lugar: caso de La parada del tonto en Concepción, Chile

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    Hugo Capellà


    Full Text Available Los lugares de encuentro se establecen en torno a nodos que terminan por convertirse en hitos colectivos, más allá de su forma. En el caso de La parada del tonto en la ciudad de Concepción, nos encontramos con un curioso ejemplo de un céntrico punto de encuentro que ha terminado por convertirse en un lugar con nombre propio. En el presente artículo nos centraremos, en primer lugar, en la construcción de lugares desde su dimensión no solo espacial, sino también temporal, incidiendo en la importancia histórica que han tenido los relojes como hito temporal. En segundo lugar, nos adentraremos en el caso de estudio específico de La parada del tonto, de su transformación de nodo hasta convertirse en hito de referencia colectiva. Finalmente, concluiremos con una teorización sobre la dimensión universal del hito temporal, como sentido del lugar o topoi, cohesionador de un legado colectivo.

  11. Em busca de lugares perdidos: assistência ao doente mental revelada através de histórias de vida

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    Dorisdaia Carvalho de Humerez


    Full Text Available O trabalho em questão tem por objetivo conhecer a história de vida de doentes mentais; resgatar suas expectativas, projetos e possibilidades dentro ou fora da instituição psiquiátrica e refletir com base na experiência dos sujeitos, sobre a assistência ao doente mental. Os discursos revelaram a qualidade da vivência nos lugares antes, durante e depois do enlouquecer, sendo que, no depois, os relatos, passam a ter outro significado, mesmo quando o lugar, materialmente, é o mesmo de antes do adoecer. Os sujeitos conseguem sobreviver olhando para o passado, que na maior parte foi também de dificuldades, porém tinham o essencial: desempenhavam papéis aceitos socialmente, compartilhavam no grupo social e antecipavam-se no porvir. Os sujeitos deste estudo expõem o uso de astúcia e esperteza para driblar a ordem a que estão submetidos. Reivindicam o resgate do identitário, do relacional, querem compartilhar, de alguma forma, da vida com os outros e participar das gestões sobre seu destino. Explicitaram também que a vivência do não-lugar não é apenas no hospital psiquiátrico, mas a cultura manicomial que habita as famílias, os ambulatórios, os hospitais-dia, as universidades, as enfermarias psiquiátricas dos hospitais gerais. Desconstruir o manicômio, portanto, será rever a cultura, ou o manicômio mental. Não se trata de um processo apenas no interior da psiquiatria, mas atravessa diferentes dimensões: da política, das leis, da organização social, das instituições disciplinares, enfim, do imaginário coletivo.

  12. Lugares malditos

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    Sandra Jatahy Pesavento


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende fazer uma análise da especificidade do vocabulário de estigmatização urbana na cidade de Porto Alegre para designar certos lugares, personagens e práticas sociais. Esta linguagem da "alteridade condenada", que delimita a exclusão e a discriminação social, toma sua forma expressiva no momento da consolidação da cidadania, a partir do fim do século XIX, até as duas primeiras décadas do século XX.This paper presents the analysis of the vocabulary specificity concerning the urban stigmatization in the city of Porto Alegre. Such vocabulary is used to name certain places, people and social practices. This language of a "condamned strangeness", which marks the exclusion and the social discrimination, takes its expressive shape when the concept of citizenship was consolidated from the end of the XIXth century on, until the first decades of the XXth century, through words that identify and qualify the city.

  13. Trabalho e educação: um desafio comprometido

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    Iracy Silva Picanço


    Full Text Available Não se constitui em tarefa fácil tomar a temática trabalho e educação tendo em vista a proposição de rumos para um plano de educação numa realidade social como a que vivemos. E, em particular, para a realidade educacional baiana nesta conjuntura. É certo que o tema tomou ares de moda no seio dos educadores, fato este comum entre nós para outros temas e em diferentes conjunturas. Quase sempre, nas últimas décadas e em determinados períodos, um tema toma conta das discussões na área para em seguida cair no esquecimento. Mas, ainda que com o risco da moda, entendo que o problema da articulação entre trabalho e educação tem um lugar de dominância quando se procura caminhos para direcionar ou induzir os investimentos e ações no campo educacional.

  14. Los parques temáticos como estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza de la ciencia

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    Ana Patricia León Urquijo


    Full Text Available La enseñanza de la ciencia en los últimos años ha cobrado importancia, por los avances de la ciencia y la tecnología. La educaciónha utilizado diferentes estrategias didácticas que ha ido evolucionando a través de los tiempos. Se analiza la importancia delos parques temáticos como recursos didácticos aprovechables para la generación de actitudes positivas en el aprendizaje de laciencia; y confirma la utilidad que representa, para los profesores, preparar el aprendizaje, utilizando estrategias didácticas, antes,durante y después de la visita a estos sitios que, por sí mismos, son lugares que motivan la participación activa de los estudiantes.Por esta razón se presentan los resultados del diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de guías didácticas realizadas por profesores de cienciasde un colegio oficial, para estudiantes de secundaria que visitaron un parque temático.

  15. Rugas e pneuzinhos, que mal tem? O discurso da beleza fora dos padrões na publicidade

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    Nadezhda Bezerra Batista


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem o intuito de mostrar, através da apresentação de anúncios dasempresas de cosméticos Natura e Dove que  o discurso publicitário reflete e refrata a sociedade em que esta inserido para se tornar ainda mais sedutor e mais afinado com seu público-alvo. A partir de seus anúncios  veiculados nas décadas de 90 (Natura e 2000 (Dove, cada empresa, a seu tempo, se mostra em sintonia com os anseios de suas consumidoras, abrindo caminho para uma valorização e fidelização às suas marcas. Para atingirmos nosso objetivo nos fundamentaremos nas reflexões de Mikhail Bakhtin e Norman Fairclough. 


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    Rute Pereira Alves de Araújo


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho é parte de um estudo de caso realizado durante o curso de doutorado em Educação e tem por objetivo refletir a formação dos pedagogos de três instituições de Ensino Superior do estado da Paraíba, a partir da análise documental da resolução CNE/CP Nº 1, de 15 de Maio de 2006; Proposta Pedagógica dos Cursos de Pedagogia e planos de cursos da disciplina Literatura Infantil dessas Instituições, analisando os entre-lugares/interstícios (BHABHA, 1998 da política curricular dos Cursos de Pedagogia no que tange a formação de professores e a sua preparação para o ensino da leitura literária. Os dados levantados evidenciam que as cargas horárias das disciplinas de Literatura Infantil se tornam insuficientes face à formação necessária ao educador de crianças e jovens.

  17. Nonlinear entropy transfer in ETG-TEM turbulence via TEM driven zonal flows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asahi, Yuuichi; Tsutsui, Hiroaki; Tsuji-Iio, Shunji; Ishizawa, Akihiro; Sugama, Hideo; Watanabe, Tomohiko


    Nonlinear interplay of the electron temperature gradient (ETG) modes and the trapped electron modes (TEMs) was investigated by means of gyrokinetic simulation. Focusing on the situation where both TEMs and ETG modes are linearly unstable, the effects of TEM-driven zonal flows on ETG turbulence were examined by means of entropy transfer analysis. In a statistically steady turbulence where the TEM driven zonal flows are dominant, it turned out that the zonal flows meditate the entropy transfer of the ETG modes from the low to high radial wavenumber regions. The successive entropy transfer broadens the potential fluctuation spectrum in the radial wavenumber direction. In contrast, in the situation where ETG modes are unstable but TEMs are stable, the pure ETG turbulence does not produce strong zonal flows, leading to a rather narrow spectrum in the radial wavenumber space and a higher transport level. (author)

  18. As mudanças climáticas e seus impactos no reino da vida: perspectivas para um futuro não apocalíptico

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    Leo Pessini


    Full Text Available Clima e saúde humana relacionam-se profundamente. Se o equilíbrio entre ambos ajuda a todos na qualidade de vida, o desequilíbrio prejudica principalmente os mais pobres. A exploração predatória da natureza em vista do progresso humano tem sido a principal causa de desiquilíbrios. Se a humanidade não optar em colocar as pessoas em primeiro lugar, e a economia como um meio, e não como um fim, e não substituir o ideal de produtividade pelo da equidade e a competitividade pela solidariedade, o atual modelo de desenvolvimento se tornará uma ameaça ainda maior tanto para o clima como para a saúde humana.

  19. Realismo e Vanguardismo no Dogma 95: o lugar do movimento na história do cinema e suas implicações estéticas e tecnológicas


    Silva, Márcio Corino Lantelme da


    O trabalho, um estudo sobre o Dogma 95, tem como objetivo principal situar esse movimento na história do cinema a partir da consideração de três matrizes de linguagem cinematográfica: A matriz Realista, a Vanguardista e a Clássica, propondo para ele um lugar entre o Realismo e o Vanguardismo, a partir do estudo centrado em dois de seus filmes: Festa de Família, de Thomas Vinterberg (1998); e Os Idiotas, de Lars Von Trier (1998). Aspectos como a corporeidade da câmera dv, o papel da dramaturgi...

  20. Exploration of shallow subsurface resistivity structure using a portable TEM system: TEM-FAST prosystem; Kan`igata TEM ho sochi TEM-FAST prosystem ni yoru senbu hiteiko chosa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miura, Y; Kumekawa, Y; Takasugi, S [GERD Geothermal Energy Research and Development Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    Discussions were given on effectiveness of the TEM-FAST ProSystem which is a portable TEM system developed recently for use in exploration of shallow subsurface resistivity. The system consists of a loop type antenna, the TEM-FAST as the main equipment, and a host computer, the host computer controlling the entire system. The system acquires transient response data in secondary induced magnetic fields lasting 4 {mu} sec to 1 m sec. The number of data is 5490 stacks in one measurement, and the data acquisition time is about three minutes. Measurements were carried out by using the TEM-FAST in the vicinity of a well, whose results were compared with those of electric logging, and discussions were given on them. Although the electric logging results had no data available for depths shallower than 35 m, the measurement results from the TEM-FAST were found highly harmonious with those of the electric logging. In addition, there were transmission and telephone lines in locations about 10 m away from the well during the measurement, but extremely high data quality was discovered. 6 refs., 7 figs., 1 tab.

  1. Carahue o "el lugar donde estuvo la ciudad"

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    Gonzalo Cerda Brintrup


    Full Text Available Carahue significa en mapuche "el lugar donde estuvo la ciudad". Así fue efectivamente, ya que en donde se encuentra hoy ubicada la actual Carahue, estuvo situada La Imperial, la ciudad más importante de la Frontera, en tiempos de la conquista española.

  2. Is the TEM obsolescent?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, D.B.


    Full text: The TEM has undergone many revolutions since its invention 70 years ago, but is now a very mature instrument. The major functions of imaging, diffraction and analysis were invented decades ago. Much of the instrument development in the last 20 years has come in peripheral improvements such as ease of operation and computer control which, nevertheless, have made no substantial differences to basic operational methods. The TEM remains a predominantly manual instrument, still providing analog viewing and recording, well into the digital age. Indeed any operator of a Siemens Elmiskop 1 TEM from the 1950s would be more than skilled enough to operate a modern FEG TEM, with little more than a few minutes of training. It is arguable that no other cutting-edge scientific instrument is so basically unchanged in its method of operation over the last five decades, as the TEM. This state of affairs is a recipe for obsolescence. Students today are not interested in mastering the complexities of balancing potentiometers (which are still necessary for good centered dark-field operation) or manipulating sets of tilt controls to move from to , while fighting to maintain eucentricity and a recognizable image on the screen at 200 kX. Students are already masters of the mouse, keyboard or joystick and expect information to be generated, stored, processed and analyzed rapidly and efficiently under full computer control. We need to provide today's students with an instrument to challenge their skills, not those of their parents. There is nothing preventing the creation of a TEM that is under full computer control, except perhaps the notion that the TEM is an instrument worthy of mastery per se, rather than being simply a tool for the characterization of materials. In contrast, the SEM has never been seen as a 'real' electron microscope and consequently has found its way into many more research, education and commercial operations than the TEM. The SEM has also evolved

  3. Ainda existem consumidores fiéis? STILL EXIST LOYAL CONSUMERS?

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    Paula Fernanda Prado Pereira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste ensaio é analisar a influência que a evolução das mudanças econômicas e sociais exerceram sobre o comportamento do consumidor desde seus tempos mais remotos, passando por diversas fases, até a chegada ao cenário em que se vive hoje. Esta discussão acontecerá por meio da análise das diferentes fases de consumo que serão aqui apresentadas por ordem cronológica. O foco principal de cada fase é o consumidor e as mudanças que ocorreram em seu comportamento com o passar do tempo. Pôde-se constatar que durante estas transições esse consumidor foi ganhando cada vez mais poder de decisão sobre suas escolhas e, a partir disso, mais poder no que se refere às tomadas de decisões estratégicas das organizações, que se encontram na constante busca da maior satisfação de seus consumidores. A partir deste cenário e do modo como ocorrem as transações mercadológicas, somos conduzidos em direção ao seguinte questionamento: "Ainda existem consumidores fiéis?" ou em meio à grande diversidade de marcas, produtos e serviços a que se tem acesso atualmente, os consumidores apresentam comportamentos de compra mais "volúveis" e pouco fiéis em relação às marcas. Será que estes consumidores sofrem influências da realidade de um mundo consumista no qual vivem atualmente?The objective of this analysis is to verify the influence that the evolution of the economic and social changes had on the consumer behaviour since long time past, crossing several stages, until the arrival in the actual scenery. This discussion will happen through the analysis of the different consumption stages, here presented in chronologic order. The principal focus in each stage is the consumer and the changes that happened in his behaviour in due course. It can verify that during this transitions, he had been getting more and more decision power over his choices and, from this on, more power on the organizations strategic decisions, which are in

  4. La literatura gay española y el lugar de los estudios culturales

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    Alfredo Martínez Expósito


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se pretende establecer un diálogo entre dos fenómenos culturales que guardan cierta relación con el “descubrimiento” oficial de la diversidad sexual en España. El primero de ellos es la eclosión de la literatura de temática homosexual, coincidente cronológica e históricamente con el restablecimiento del régimen democrático —fenómeno todavía no adecuadamente comprendido y vulnerable a las fáciles descalificaciones de la crítica literaria académica. El segundo fenómeno es el cambio de actitud de los estudios culturales en España en lo referente a la representación del cuerpo, el género y la sexualidad, mediante la asimilación, a veces apresurada y poco crítica, de la denominada “queer theory”. Un escrutinio crítico de estos dos fenómenos considerados recíprocamente nos permite reformular la cuestión que enmarca este dossier del siguiente modo: ¿en qué sentido podemos afirmar que los estudios culturales han marcado la pauta para comprender las transformaciones culturales que están teniendo lugar en España?

  5. Las redes socioambientales del lugar. Pistas para una gobernanza reflexiva y situada

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    Dolly Cristina Palacio Tamayo


    Full Text Available La acción ambiental es un campo emergente en la agenda de investigación en las ciencias sociales. En particular, el Análisis de Redes Sociales está haciendo un aporte importante para comprenderla. Con el objetivo de hacer un aporte a este campo del conocimiento, Las redes socioambientales del lugar se proponen como un concepto y al mismo tiempo como una metodología para hacer operativo el rastreo de la coparticipación de los actores humanos y no humanos en la acción ambiental en lugares concretos y su análisis estructural. Con los resultados de algunos ejercicios de investigación sobre la acción ambiental en Colombia, a partir de procesos participativos, se busca proponer algunas pistas para la construcción de una gobernanza ambiental situada, a partir de entender los patrones que adopta la acción ambiental en lugares concretos.

  6. O legado de Cabanis: hipótese sobre raízes da educação médica no Brasil

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    Naomar Almeida-Filho

    Full Text Available Georges Cabanis foi um reformador da prática clínica e do ensino médico que, na Revolução Francesa, lançou as bases conceituais do modelo de educação implantado na França no decorrer do século XIX. Tal modelo, por sua vez, marcou a organização dos sistemas educacionais de muitos países latino-americanos. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar e justificar uma hipótese: o modelo de educação médica ainda hoje hegemônico no Brasil ainda hoje se baseia na reforma cabasiana, mantendo uma perspectiva conceitual linear e cartesiana, com matriz curricular disciplinar, formatos tradicionais de prática pedagógica e submissão à lógica profissional corporativa. Para melhor compreensão do contexto social e político dos processos históricos geradores desse anacronismo, em primeiro lugar, apresento uma súmula da biografia e do conjunto pensamento-obra de Georges Cabanis, introduzindo-o como personagem central em seu contexto histórico. Em segundo lugar, destaco os principais elementos estruturais do modelo cabanisiano, com foco especial no ensino médico, tomando alguns dos seus textos autorais como fonte documental. Finalmente, em breves traços, apresento o projeto de reforma do ensino médico elaborado por Cabanis e seus colaboradores como subsídio para avaliação preliminar da hipótese proposta.


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    Full Text Available  Resumen: Este artículo debate como la enseñanza de la Geografía está influenciada por el proceso de globalización, a la luz de las transformaciones que la escuela atraviesa cuando hablamos de espacio y tiempo. La Geografía escolar es entendida como un punto de encuentro entre las categorías de lugar y entre-lugar. En esa conexión, la escuela es foco y lugar de enfrentamiento entre las relaciones temporales de poder y saber, haciendo con que los fundamentos pedagógicos tengan que ser relativizados. En la práctica docente, una forma de concebirla puede como una interrelación, entre el currículo y el lugar de la escuela, y entre el lugar de la escuela y el currículo, sucesivamente. Palabras clave: Enseñanza de la Geografía; lugar y entre-lugar; traducción del currículo. Abstract: This paper discuss how geography teaching is influenced by globalization processes considering the transformations that school has faced in relation to space and time. School geography is theorized as a confluence of two categories: place and between-place. This connection turns the school into a field of temporary power and knowledge relationships and demands the relativization of pedagogical fundamentals. Thus, school might be thought as a translator action between curriculum and school place and then between school place and curriculum, in a recursive way. Keywords: Geography teaching; Place and between-place, Curriculum translation. Résumé: Dans cet article nous cherchons à discuter comment l’enseignement de la Géographie est influencé par le processus de mondialisation, à la lumière des transformations que l’école traverse dans l’espace et dans le temps. La Géographie scolaire est théorisée dans la confluence entre les catégories de « lieu » et d’« entre-lieux ». Dans cette connexion, l’école est envisagée en tant que centre et terrain des relations de pouvoir et de savoir provisoires, faisant en sorte que ses

  8. In Situ TEM Electrical Measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Canepa, Silvia; Alam, Sardar Bilal; Ngo, Duc-The


    understanding of complex physical and chemical interactions in the pursuit to optimize nanostructure function and device performance. Recent developments of sample holder technology for TEM have enabled a new field of research in the study of functional nanomaterials and devices via electrical stimulation...... influence the sample by external stimuli, e.g. through electrical connections, the TEM becomes a powerful laboratory for performing quantitative real time in situ experiments. Such TEM setups enable the characterization of nanostructures and nanodevices under working conditions, thereby providing a deeper...... and measurement of the specimen. Recognizing the benefits of electrical measurements for in situ TEM, many research groups have focused their effort in this field and some of these methods have transferred to ETEM. This chapter will describe recent advances in the in situ TEM investigation of nanostructured...

  9. Hermenéutica de los lugares: Nueve principios y un epílogo


    Xavier Laborda


    La memoria sí ocupa lugar, puesto que la memoria pide y tiene un espacio y, también, un radica en ese hacer social tiempo. El refrán que vocea lo contrario expresa una falacia. No se trata del lugar de almacenamiento, de las celdillas neuronales ni de la red de sinapsis, sino del espacio exterior que da ocasión a la invención de todo saber.

  10. Hermenéutica de los lugares: Nueve principios y un epílogo

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    Xavier Laborda


    Full Text Available La memoria sí ocupa lugar, puesto que la memoria pide y tiene un espacio y, también, un radica en ese hacer social tiempo. El refrán que vocea lo contrario expresa una falacia. No se trata del lugar de almacenamiento, de las celdillas neuronales ni de la red de sinapsis, sino del espacio exterior que da ocasión a la invención de todo saber.

  11. Depressão em Adolescentes: Revisão da Literatura e o Lugar da Pesquisa Fenomenológica

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    Anna Karynne Melo

    Full Text Available Resumo Atualmente a depressão em adolescentes consiste em um fenômeno complexo e cada vez mais recorrente. Visando identificar e discutir os estudos que estão sendo produzidos sobre este tema, realizamos uma revisão de literatura com base em pesquisas indexadas nos bancos de dados SciELO; Portal de Periódicos da Capes; BDTD; APA; ScienceDirect; Redalyc; Lillacs e MedLine, mediante cruzamento das palavras-chave: depressão e adolescência; depressão em adolescentes; depression in adolescentes; depresión en adolescentes. Foram identificados 247 textos, sendo que, após apreciação baseando-se nos critérios de elegibilidade, restaram 159 estudos. Num primeiro momento, essas pesquisas foram organizadas quantitativamente e, a seguir, por uma análise qualitativa. Os estudos evidenciaram cinco categorias temáticas: sintomas depressivos; fatores associados à variabilidade sintomatológica; eventos estressores e fatores de risco; comorbidades associadas à depressão em adolescentes e depressão e suicídio em adolescentes. Os eixos abordados demonstram que ainda existe muito a discorrer sobre essa forma de adoecimento, em virtude dos múltiplos contornos que a constituem. Destacamos a escassez de trabalhos pautados em uma perspectiva fenomenológica, apesar do gradativo crescimento nos últimos anos. Sugere-se a fomentação, bem como a construção de novos espaços de discussão, no intuito de auxiliar os profissionais que estão envolvidos com essa temática em sua praxis.

  12. Marketing de lugar: estado da arte e perspectivas futuras

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    Marco Antonio de Moraes Ocke


    Full Text Available O objetivo neste trabalho é contribuir com o repensar da natureza e do significado do marketing de lugar presente na literatura, descrevendo as três principais perspectivas influentes em seu desenvolvimento – promoção, planejamento e branding – e apresentar uma análise crítica de seu processo de evolução. No intuito de orientar o entendimento, evitar interpretações individuais e propor uma linguagem comum, a análise compreende a convergência das perspectivas em um conceito caracterizado como uma importante ferramenta de gerenciamento das trocas que ocorrem em âmbito territorial visando ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico da localidade. Como contribuição, sugere-se uma estruturação para investigações futuras identificando lacunas entre a teoria do marketing de lugar e a forma como é compreendido, assim como as dificuldades significativas para sua implementação.


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    Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira Leite


    Full Text Available O texto tem como objetivo compreender as representações de universidade, curso, Administração e administrador, de graduandos em Administração – iniciantes e concluintes – de duas universidades públicas federais de um estado do nordeste brasileiro. Realizaram-se dois tipos de entrevistas, com doze sujeitos. Dentre os resultados, destacam-se algumas dimensões. Quanto à universidade, as mais recorrentes são: inserção no mercado, crescimento, gratuidade, status, independência, entre outras. Sobre o curso de Administração, fala-se sobre vocação, conveniência, curso generalista, curso complementar, curso substituto e, ainda, curso voltado para a prática. No tocante às representações de Administração, predominam: ciência, arte, mediação, pragmatismo, senso comum e adiamento. Sobre o administrador, há um silêncio discursivo, emergindo em seu lugar: o professor, o empreendedor e o servidor público. Os resultados autorizam afirmar que ainda é necessário refletir sobre a natureza e o papel da Administração na sociedade.

  14. El lugar urbano deconstruido en correspondencias y congruencias entre mente–territorio–sociedad

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    Dr. Arq. Marcelo Zárate


    Full Text Available Desde el objetivo de desarrollar estrategias de conocimiento proyectual alternativas, de carácter sociofísico, dentro de un urbanismo focalizado sobre el ambiente del hombre, a partir de la premisa que considera a la ciudad como una compleja articulación de lugares (en sentido antropológico, se investiga una articulación estratégica entre las siguientes dimensiones esenciales del lugar con relación a los grupos sociales: las prácticas sociales; las significaciones de esas prácticas; los rasgos configurativos del escenario y la significación con que éstos y las prácticas sociales están cargados. La hipótesis fundamental establece que: según sea la configuración del esquema sociofísico-simbólico de articulación de estos elementos, o esquema genético del lugar, surgirán las claves para comprender si en un determinado lugar urbano están dadas o no las condiciones esenciales para desarrollar procesos participativos de planificación urbana ambiental. Con esta hipótesis, el trabajo fundamenta una respuesta posible sustentada en la articulación estratégica entre: congruencias sociofísicas (hacen referencia al nivel de adecuación de un determinado escenario para el despliegue sustentable de ciertas prácticas sociales, y correspondencias sociosimbólicas (hacen referencia a la coherencia entre las significaciones proyectadas desde distintos grupos humanos a partir de sus actividades asociadas a un escenario particular.

  15. Lugares da Memória, Representações e Poderes

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    José Manuel da Silva Simões


    Full Text Available No seguimento de uma série de contactos estreitos com uma comunidade social situada nos municípios de Baía da Traição, Rio Tinto, Marcação e Mataraca, a 85 quilómetros de distância de João Pessoa, capital do Estado da Paraíba, decidi, desde 2006, levar a efeito um intenso trabalho de campo nestas aldeias indígenas com o objectivo de concretizar um projeto de investigação que englobasse em obrigatória interdisciplinaridade os campos tantas vezes excessivamente singulares da História, da Sociologia, da Política, da Antropologia Cultural e das Teorias da Comunicação, acompanhando e refletindo sobre características e organização social, rituais, manifestações de carácter religioso, evolução histórica, usos e costumes de uma tribo que se abriu quase rendida ao exterior, mas porfiando em manter, todavia, traços e, sobretudo, um discurso narrativo de representações culturais ancestrais. Esta propositada interdisciplinaridade persegue um objectivo epistemológico bem preciso: transformar a investigação empírica em contribuição para uma nova teoria da história da comunicação – a comunicação antropo-histórica entre comunidades ditas tradicionais e o “outro” – a área por mim privilegiada em investigações anteriores, nomeadamente ao nível da licenciatura e do mestrado. Os Potiguara, cuja sociedade ainda não é alfabetizada e, na sua maioria, baseiam a sua cultura na tradição oral, transmitindo os seus lugares da memória sobretudo através do poder do português do Brasil, mesmo quando adornado por escassas palavras tupi, é graças à mensagem e à representação que algumas das suas manifestações culturais reinventam continuadamente a sua identidade Potiguara. É, assim, a mensagem e a representação que inventam o real social e reinventam dinamicamente a sua identidade cultural.


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    Adriana Bocchino


    Full Text Available El presente artículo postula la posibilidad de precisar un lugar de arraigo entre las mujeres que escriben desde la condición de exilio en la formulación escrituraria. La condición de exilio (interior o exterior, sufrida a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XX por razones políticas entre los intelectuales argentinos, se adensa en el caso de las mujeres que escriben. Condición rastreable formalmente en sus escrituras, las mujeres observadas en este planteo, Tununa Mercado y María Negroni, consiguen hacer y hacerse un lugar desde esa coordenada aportando otra manera de hacer literatura. En este artículo se dará cuenta de ese lugar desde dos de sus novelas: Yo nunca te prometí la eternidad (2005 y La Anunciación (2007, respectivamente.

  17. Global gyrokinetic simulations of TEM microturbulence (United States)

    Vernay, T.; Brunner, S.; Villard, L.; McMillan, B. F.; Jolliet, S.; Bottino, A.; Görler, T.; Jenko, F.


    Global gyrokinetic simulations of electrostatic temperature-gradient-driven trapped-electron-mode (TEM) turbulence using the δf particle-in-cell code ORB5 are presented. The electron response is either fully kinetic or hybrid, i.e. considering kinetic trapped and adiabatic passing electrons. A linear benchmark in the TEM regime against the Eulerian-based code GENE is presented. Two different methods for controlling the numerical noise, based, respectively, on a Krook operator and a so-called coarse-graining approach, are discussed and successfully compared. Both linear and non-linear studies are carried out for addressing the issue of finite-ρ*-effects and finite electron collisionality on TEM turbulence. Electron collisions are found to damp TEMs through the detrapping process, while finite-ρ*-effects turn out to be important in the non-linear regime but very small in the linear regime. Finally, the effects of zonal flows on TEM turbulence are briefly considered as well and shown to be unimportant in the temperature-gradient-driven TEM regime. Consistently, basically no difference is found between linear and non-linear critical electron temperature gradients in the TEM regime.

  18. Currículo, escola e letramento: o que isso tem a ver com a formação do cidadão?

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    Ezequiel Ferreira Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar algumas considerações sobre currículo e sua importância para a adoção de uma prática educativa que rompa com velhos paradigmas, tendo em vista que o conceito adotado e praticado nas escolas tem se tornado um empecilho para a realização de um trabalho que leve os alunos a serem agentes da sua própria aprendizagem e, consequentemente, cidadãos conscientes, inseridos num mundo em constante transformação. Aborda ainda a questão do letramento como prática cotidiana nas escolas, tendo como reflexo a formação para o exercício da cidadania. Procura apresentar também que o domínio das habilidades linguísticas é uma condição, sem a qual, a aprendizagem fica comprometida e que essas habilidades, que vão muito além do simples ato codificar e decodificar palavras, é uma tarefa da responsabilidade de todos os professores, não apenas dos de língua materna.

  19. O que a epidemiologia pode ainda fazer de relevante?

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    Marisa de Souza Cardim


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma sucinta revisão de alguns aspectos da epidemiologia ainda mal conhecidos, - por serem polêmicos ou cujo desenvolvimento é recente ou apenas se esboça. Enquanto método, haveria duas epidemiologias: uma em que se esmera cada vez mais no rigor metodológico e análise sofisticada dos dados em computador; a outra contenta-se com métodos simples, alia-se fortemente com as ciências sociais, a economia e as ciências do comportamento, - com o objetivo de achar soluções para os problemas de saúde. A importância das conseqüências dos fatores sócio-econômicos sobre a saúde foi avaliada a partir de publicações das pesquisas epidemiológica e clínica; aquela importância aumentou no primeiro tipo de pesquisa e tende a desaparecer no segundo. A questão de avaliar o estado de saúde de populações ficou sem avançar, pois, sem operacionalizar indicadores de saúde positiva, de fato avalia-se estado de doença. Enfim, reconheceu-se o advento algo original de um desdobramento promissor da epidemiologia: o estudo das representações da Antropologia, tais como mitos, crenças, comportamento e instituições.

  20. O inconsciente e os interditos alimentares: o desejo e o prazer ainda têm um lugar na vida do idoso? The unconscious and food repression: is there any place for desire and pleasure in the elderly's life?

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    André Chevance


    Full Text Available O autor propõe-nos, a partir da idéia de exogamia alimentar e de seu lugar no complexo de Édipo, uma reflexão sobre os interditos também alimentares, no sujeito idoso, e sobre os efeitos perversos - como a hipocondria - que daí podem advir. Trata-se, afinal, de uma reflexão sobre uma escolha social que consiste em substituir, através do alimentar, o desejo pelo interdito.Through the idea of food exogamy and its place in Edipus’ complex, the author aims at reflecting upon food repression in the elderly’s life and upon its perverse effects - such as hipochondry - as a result of that process. It deals, therefore, with a reflection on a social choice which consists of substituting for food, the desire for prohibition or repression.

  1. TEM turbulence optimisation in stellarators (United States)

    Proll, J. H. E.; Mynick, H. E.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Lazerson, S. A.; Faber, B. J.


    With the advent of neoclassically optimised stellarators, optimising stellarators for turbulent transport is an important next step. The reduction of ion-temperature-gradient-driven turbulence has been achieved via shaping of the magnetic field, and the reduction of trapped-electron mode (TEM) turbulence is addressed in the present paper. Recent analytical and numerical findings suggest TEMs are stabilised when a large fraction of trapped particles experiences favourable bounce-averaged curvature. This is the case for example in Wendelstein 7-X (Beidler et al 1990 Fusion Technol. 17 148) and other Helias-type stellarators. Using this knowledge, a proxy function was designed to estimate the TEM dynamics, allowing optimal configurations for TEM stability to be determined with the STELLOPT (Spong et al 2001 Nucl. Fusion 41 711) code without extensive turbulence simulations. A first proof-of-principle optimised equilibrium stemming from the TEM-dominated stellarator experiment HSX (Anderson et al 1995 Fusion Technol. 27 273) is presented for which a reduction of the linear growth rates is achieved over a broad range of the operational parameter space. As an important consequence of this property, the turbulent heat flux levels are reduced compared with the initial configuration.

  2. La Violencia del Lugar Violence of Site

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    Zulema Moret


    Full Text Available Este ensayo presenta personajes nómades, huérfanos, habitantes de la noche, sin hogar y sin ley. Estos personajes nos permiten analizar las relaciones entre violencia y lugar, en la cultura argentina durante los noventa y el inicio del 2000. Las películas elegidas son Un día de suerte (2002 de Sandra Gugliotta, Vagón Fumador (2001 de Verónica Chen y Hoy y Mañana (2003 de Alejandro Chomski. Las tres películas, filmadas a principios del 2000, tienen como escenario la ciudad de Buenos Aires, las historias siguen los desplazamientos de los jóvenes protagonistas por la ciudad, estableciendo nuevas fronteras entre el centro y la periferia, y la noción de no-lugar en la cartografía de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.This essay introduces nomadic characters, orphans, night crawlers, jobless and lawless people. These characters will allow us to analyze the bonds between violence and site in Argentine culture during the nineties and at the beginning of our century. The chosen films are Un día de suerte (A Lucky Day, 2002 by Sandra Gugliotta, Vagón Fumador (Smoking Car, 2001 by Verónica Chen, and Hoy y Mañana ( Today and Tomorrow, 2003 by Alejandro Chomski. These three movies, filmed at the beginning of the year 2000, are set in the city of Buenos Aires; the stories follow the wanderings of their young protagonists, showing new displacements between center and periphery in Buenos Aires' cartography.

  3. Accelerator-tem interface facility and application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Ming; He Jun; Yang Zheng; Zhou Lin; Liu Chuansheng; Guo Liping; Jiang Changzhong; Yang Shibo; Fu Dejun; Fan Xiangjun; Liu Jiarui; Lee, J.C.


    An accelerator-TEM interface facility has been established at Wuhan University. The system consists of an H800 TEM linked to a 200 kV ion implanter and a 2 x 1.7 MV tandetron accelerator. Measures were taken to isolate the TEM from mechanical vibration transmitted from the ion beam lines and good resolution was maintained with the TEM machine when operated under high zoom modes during the ion implantation. Nitrogen ions at 115 keV were successfully transported from the implanter into the TEM chamber through the interface system, and the ion currents measured at the entrance of the TEM column were between 20 and 180 nA. Structural evolution caused by ion irradiation in Si, GaAs, nanocrystal Ag were observed in situ. The TEM sample could be tilted by 52 degree and for low energy ion irradiation, real time observation was realized. The in situ observation showed that the critical implant dose for amorphization of Si is 2 x 10 14 cm -2 and it became fully amorphized at 3 x 10 15 cm -2 . Amorphization of GaAs started at 1 x 10 14 cm -2 , whereas for nanocrystal Ag, the starting dose was 6 x 10 14 cm -2 . The nuclear material C276 samples implanted with 115 keV Ar+ was also studied and dislocation loops with sizes of 3-12 nm were clearly observed after implantation to doses higher than 1 x 10 15 cm -2 . The density of the loops increased with the increase in the implant dose and evolution to polycrystalline and amorphous structures were observed at 5 x 10 15 cm -2 and 3 x 10 16 cm -2 , respectively. An in situ RBS/C chamber has been installed on the transport line of the accelerator-TEM interface system. This makes it possible to in situ measure composition and location of impurities in the lattice of the implanted samples. In addition, a 50 kV low-energy gaseous ion generator was installed close to the TEM chamber, which facilitates in situ TEM observation of helium bubbles formed in materials by helium implantation. (authors)

  4. Recent advances in FIB-TEM specimen preparation techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jian; Malis, T.; Dionne, S.


    Preparing high-quality transmission electron microscopy (TEM) specimens is of paramount importance in TEM studies. The development of the focused ion beam (FIB) microscope has greatly enhanced TEM specimen preparation capabilities. In recent years, various FIB-TEM foil preparation techniques have been developed. However, the currently available techniques fail to produce TEM specimens from fragile and ultra-fine specimens such as fine fibers. In this paper, the conventional FIB-TEM specimen preparation techniques are reviewed, and their advantages and shortcomings are compared. In addition, a new technique suitable to prepare TEM samples from ultra-fine specimens is demonstrated

  5. TEMS: results of a specialist centre. (United States)

    Flexer, S M; Durham-Hall, A C; Steward, M A; Robinson, J M


    Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEMS) is becoming more widespread due to the increasing body of evidence to support its role. Previous published data has reported recurrence rates in excess of 10% for benign polyps after TEMS. Bradford Royal Infirmary is a tertiary referral centre for TEMS and early rectal cancer in the UK. Data for all TEMS operations were entered into a prospective database over a 7-year period. Demographic data, complications and recurrence rates were recorded. Both benign adenomas and malignant lesions were included. A total of 164 patients (65% male), with a mean age of 68 years were included; 114 (70%) of the lesions resected were benign adenomas, and 50 (30%) were malignant lesions. Median polyp size was 4 (range 0.6-14.5) cm. Mean length of operation was 55 (range 10-120) min. There were no recurrences in any patients with a benign adenoma resected; two patients with malignant lesions developed recurrences. Three intra-operative complications were recorded, two rectal perforations (repaired primarily, one requiring defunctioning stoma), and a further patient suffered a blood loss of >300 ml requiring transfusion. Six patients developed strictures requiring dilation either endoscopically or under anaesthetic in the post-operative period. We have demonstrated that TEMS procedures performed in a specialist centre provide low rates of both recurrence and complication. Within a specialist centre, TEMS surgery should be offered to all patients for rectal lesions, both benign and malignant, that are amenable to TEMS.

  6. Accelerator-TEM interface facility and application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Chuansheng; Li Ming; He Jun; Yang Zheng; Zhou Lin; Wang Zesong; Guo Liping; Jiang Changzhong; Yang Shibo; Fu Dejun; Fan Xiangjun; Liu Jiarui; Lee J C


    An accelerator-TEM interface facility has been established at Wuhan University in 2008. The system consists of an H800 TEM linked to a 200 kV ion implanter and a 2 x 1.7 MV tandem accelerator. Nitrogen ions at 115 keV were successfully transported from the implanter into the TEM chamber through the interface system, and the ion currents measured at the entrance of the TEM column were between 20 and 180 nA. Structural evolution caused by ion irradiation in Si, GaAs, nanocrystal Ag was observed in situ. The in situ observation showed that the critical implantation dose for amorphization of Si is 10 14 cm -2 . The nuclear material C276 samples implanted with 115 keV Ar + was also studied, and dislocation loops sized at 3-12 nm were clearly observed after implantation to doses of over 1 x 10 15 cm -2 . The density of the loops increased with the dose. Evolution to polycrystalline and amorphous structures were observed at 5 x l0 15 cm -2 and 3 x 10 16 cm -2 , respectively. An in situ RBS/C chamber was installed on the transport line of the accelerator-TEM interface system. This enables in situ measurement of composition and location of the implanted species in lattice of the samples. In addition, a 50 kV low-energy gaseous ion generator was installed close to the TEM chamber, which facilitates in situ TEM observation of helium bubbles formed in helium-implanted materials. (authors)

  7. Marcos, horizontes visuales y experiencia del lugar

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    Enrique de Teresa


    Full Text Available


    "Habiendo educado mis ojos en el espectáculo de las cosas, intento deciros lo bello que he encontrado" Le Corbusier (El viaje de Oriente

    Desde la temprana fecha de 1911, en que realiza su viaje a Oriente, Le Corbusier nos muestra la capacidad mediadora que tiene la arquitectura para vincular los espacios, para conectar visualmente interior y exterior, para hacernos redescubrir la naturaleza acentuando nuestra percepción consciente. Sus dibujos sobre Villa Adriana, Pompeya, Atenas, etc., son un ejemplo de cómo percibir y plasmar en croquis su observación de la arquitectura y su ámbito exterior, de la captación del papel mediador entre arquitectura y lugar.
    En sus textos posteriores, y especialmente en "Vers une  architecture" (1923, así como a través de la experiencia de sus casas en los años veinte, nos mostrará el valor de las  operaciones que acotan, enmarcan y proporcionan una   dimensión de los espacios y del paisaje. Lo que hace de manera explícita y precisa en el texto "Une petite maison" (1923.
    Alvar Aalto y, posteriormente, Álvaro Siza, recogerán esta  capacidad de mediación entre arquitectura y lugar, buscando estimular la mirada para alentar la consciencia y el goce de los espacios y de la naturaleza. Las estrategias de la visión que  proponen, sobre todo en el último caso, lo llegan a  emparentar con el compromiso de enseñarnos a mirar y  experimentar del Land Art.
    Más allá de las imágenes expresivas y del lenguaje se tratará de ver, mediante ejemplos concretos, como la arquitectura se configura como vehículo de una percepción renovada y  alentadora de los espacios y del lugar.

    Palabras clave

    percepción, arquitectura, mediación, lugar, espacio


    "Having educated my eyes in the spectacle of things, I try to tell you what I have found beautiful." Le Corbusier (The

  8. A temática homossexual na publicidade de massa para público gay e não-gay: conflito entre representação e estereótipos


    Adriana Tulio Baggio


    RESUMO O número crescente de anúncios publicitários com temática homossexualmasculina no Brasil pode refletir aspectos sociais, como a liberação decostumes, e econômicos, já que esse público é atrativo para as empresas. Estetrabalho consiste na análise de alguns destes anúncios e das reações a eles porparte do público, homossexual ou não. Com base na investigação, foi possívelperceber que anúncios para o público gay ainda são raros na mídia não dirigidaa esse público. Observou-se também que, ...


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    Olga Lucía Londoño Palacio


    Full Text Available Concibiendo como problemática, que los niños bogotanos de 6 a 8 años desconocen sus derechos fundamentales y los conceptos calidad de vida y ambiente , consecuentes de los mismos, y teniendo como objetivo proyectar una cartilla para que dicha población los aprehenda y relacione con el Artículo 44 de la Constitución Política de Colombia, al cual debe sumársele su propia experiencia de vida, siguiendo los cinco pasos propuestos por la metodología del Ciclo Proyectual, se hacen explícitos los conflictos y potencialidades que originan el trabajo, a través de tres marcos que lo sustentan, contando además con el material recogido durante el trabajo realizado en campo, en el cual los mismos niños identifican lugares, problemáticas y temáticas que permiten el cabal desarrollo de vida individual y colectiva, y a su vez sirven como punto de partida para determinar el producto final del ejercicio investigativo y los principios que rigen el material desarrollado, desde tres formas categoriales: emergentes, conceptuales y de análisis teórico, dando lugar al esquema base, el cual sirve como referente de sentido para la organización de una cartilla lúdico-formativa. A partir de lo anterior, se establecen la forma y el contenido de dicho material, considerando la proyección del mismo, el cual se incluye en uno de los seis anexos presentados. A manera de resultados, se busca verificar la propuesta desde la evaluación y la retroalimentación, argumentando su eficacia y sustentabilidad en relación con su legitimación social y cultural; además, se proponen otras alternativas para el manejo de la temática, con el fin de asegurar la continuidad de los planteamientos realizados. La conclusión se centra en la necesidad e importancia que este tipo de material reviste en una ciudad como Bogotá, enfrentada día a día a una gran cantidad de problemas de orden social por el desconocimiento de los derechos fundamentales.

  10. Uma análise semiótica da temática bullying em texto divulgado em rede social

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    Agleice Marques Gama


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise da narrativa Aconteceu comigo: bullying, de Emílio Carlos, exposta na Internet via rede social Facebook ( e Groups Yahoo (, como forma de encorajar os visitantes a denunciarem esse mal a partir do uso das novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação. Com o objetivo de analisarmos contextualmente os envolvidos, pautamo-nos nos níveis do percurso gerativo de sentido – fundamental, narrativo e discursivo –, enfatizando, de acordo com a semiótica de linha francesa (greimasiana, os elementos que mais contribuíram para a construção do sentido do texto. Dessa forma, percebemos que, neste caso, o agressor é uma pessoa que possui uma falta constitutiva e supera seu problema aparentando um poder forçado, advindo da violência praticada, e que o agredido é uma vítima que busca pela exterminação do bullying o retorno de sua identidade, caracterizada pela sua harmonia com o ambiente escolar. Percebemos, ainda, que a escola, no lugar de resolver o problema do bullying, simplesmente o delega a outra entidade, quando apenas transfere o sujeito agressor.

  11. TEM sample preparation by femtosecond laser machining and ion milling for high-rate TEM straining experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Voisin, Thomas; Grapes, Michael D. [Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Zhang, Yong [Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Lorenzo, Nicholas; Ligda, Jonathan; Schuster, Brian [US Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, MD 21005 (United States); Weihs, Timothy P. [Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States)


    To model mechanical properties of metals at high strain rates, it is important to visualize and understand their deformation at the nanoscale. Unlike post mortem Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), which allows one to analyze defects within samples before or after deformation, in situ TEM is a powerful tool that enables imaging and recording of deformation and the associated defect motion during mechanical loading. Unfortunately, all current in situ TEM mechanical testing techniques are limited to quasi-static strain rates. In this context, we are developing a new test technique that utilizes a rapid straining stage and the Dynamic TEM (DTEM) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The new straining stage can load samples in tension at strain rates as high as 4×10{sup 3}/s using two piezoelectric actuators operating in bending while the DTEM at LLNL can image in movie mode with a time resolution as short as 70 ns. Given the piezoelectric actuators are limited in force, speed, and displacement, we have developed a method for fabricating TEM samples with small cross-sectional areas to increase the applied stresses and short gage lengths to raise the applied strain rates and to limit the areas of deformation. In this paper, we present our effort to fabricate such samples from bulk materials. The new sample preparation procedure combines femtosecond laser machining and ion milling to obtain 300 µm wide samples with control of both the size and location of the electron transparent area, as well as the gage cross-section and length. - Highlights: • Tensile straining TEM specimens made by femtosecond laser machining and ion milling. • Accurate positioning of the electron transparent area within a controlled gauge region. • Optimization of femtosecond laser and ion milling parameters. • Fast production of numerous samples with a highly repeatable geometry.

  12. TEM of nanostructured metals and alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karnthaler, H.P.; Waitz, T.; Rentenberger, C.; Mingler, B.


    Nanostructuring has been used to improve the mechanical properties of bulk metals and alloys. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) including atomic resolution is therefore appropriate to study these nanostructures; four examples are given as follows. (1) The early stages of precipitation at RT were investigated in an Al-Mg-Si alloy. By high resolution TEM it is shown that the precipitates lie on (0 0 1) planes having an ordered structure. (2) In Co alloys the fronts of martensitic phase transformations were analysed showing that the transformation strains are very small thus causing no surface relief. (3) Re-ordering and recrystallization were studied by in situ TEM of an Ni 3 Al alloy being nanocrystalline after severe plastic deformation. (4) In NiTi severe plastic deformation is leading to the formation of amorphous shear bands. From the TEM analysis it is concluded that the amorphization is caused by plastic shear instability starting in the shear bands

  13. Falso Aneurisma Femoral Iatrogénico: Ainda uma indicação para a Cirurgia Convencional? Iatrogenic femoral pseudoaneurysm: still an indication for conventional surgery?

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    Nelson Oliveira


    Full Text Available Introdução: Os Falsos Aneurismas (FA são uma das complicações mais frequentemente associadas à punção femoral diagnóstica e de intervenção cardíaca. A sua abordagem terapêutica tem evoluído no sentido da preponderância das técnicas não invasivas sendo a Cirurgia Convencional cada vez menos frequentemente praticada. Objectivos: Os autores propõem a propósito de um caso clínico, e através de uma revisão da literatura discutir a abordagem terapêutica dos FA e as indicações da Cirurgia Convencional. Caso clínico: Doente de sessenta e um anos, sexo masculino, com antecedentes de hipertensão arterial, doença coronária com enfarte agudo do miocárdio prévio, miocardiopatia dilatada, fibrilhação auricular paroxística sendo portador de cardiodesfibrilhador. Foi submetido a cateterismo cardíaco por via femoral direita para ablação do Feixe de His, tendo sido referenciado ao Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular por desenvolvimento progressivo de massa pulsátil dolorosa acompanhada de hipostesia da face anterior da coxa. A Angiodinografia confirmou a presença de falso aneurisma da artéria femoral profunda direita com 3cm de maior diâmetro e a presença de uma fístula entre a artéria e a veia femorais superficiais direitas. Por abordagem cirúrgica aberta, foi realizada a exclusão do falso aneurisma e rafia da artéria e veia femorais superficiais. Conclusão: A abordagem de primeira linha dos falsos aneurismas iatrogénicos pós cateterismo cardíaco é não invasiva mas a Cirurgia Convencional detém ainda um lugar primordial para um grupo restrito de doentes.Introduction: Pseudoaneurysms (PAN are one of the most common complications of cardiac catheterization. Treatment has evolved towards a less invasive approach, reducing the number of Open repairs. Objectives: The authors propose to discuss the contemporary management of PAN and the remaining indications for Conventional Surgical Repair based upon a case


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    Jorge Costadoat


    Full Text Available Gaudium et Spes tuvo un impacto enorme en el desarrollo de la autoconciencia de la Iglesia latinoamericana y de la Teología de liberación. GS ofreció un método para observar teológicamente los acontecimientos, en el entendido que Dios habla en ellos y que, en consecuencia, es necesario discernir su presencia y voluntad en el presente histórico. La Teología de la liberación utilizó el concepto de “lugar teológico” para denominar la presencia de Dios en el continente de la época, especialmente para afimar que el “lugar teológico” por excelencia son los pobres. Este artículo se concentra en el uso que los teólogos de la liberación hacen de esta categor ía, pues ella designa el supuesto fundamental del m étodo de la Teología de la liberación. Los resultados de la investigación arrojan un resultado inquietante. Los autores no entienden lo mismo por “lugar teológico”. El uso del término, por tanto, puede constituir una fuente de malentendidos.

  15. SAXS and TEM Investigation of Bentonite Structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matusewicz, Michal; Liljestroem, Ville; Muurinen, Arto; Serimaa, Ritva


    A preliminary investigation of bentonite structure using Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is presented. Three types of clay were used: unchanged MX-80 bentonite and purified clays with sodium or calcium ions. Quantitative information in nano-scale - basal spacing, mean crystallite size - was obtained from SAXS, which was complemented by TEM to give qualitative information from micron to nanometre scale. SAXS seems to be a more reliable source of quantitative data than TEM. SAXS gives the averaged information about basal spacing. TEM in this study gives more qualitative information, but in a greater resolution range. The presented work is a starting point to combine more methods to obtain a better idea of bentonite structure. (authors)

  16. El lugar del padre primordial en Moisés y la religión monoteísta: Algunas conclusiones The Place Of The Primordial Father In Moses And Monotheism: Some Conclusions

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    Laura Edith Raffaini


    Full Text Available En Moisés y la religión monoteísta Freud desarrolla su última versión del padre. En este trabajo, analizo el lugar que ocupa el padre primordial de Tótem y tabú a partir de dicha versión. Presento, asimismo, un movimiento teórico fundamental en la teoría freudiana sobre el padre: el pasaje del padre primordial a la religión del padre como producto de la neurosis.In "Moses and Monotheism" Freud's ultimate version of the father is described. In this paper, the place the primordial father in "Totem und Tabu" occupies is established based on such version. The transition from the primordial father to the religion of the father as a neurosis product is analysed.

  17. Esporte de alto rendimento: reflexões psicanalíticas e utópicas

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    Mariana Hollweg Dias


    Full Text Available Este artigo busca fazer uma análise a respeito do esporte de alto rendimento a partir dos referenciais teóricos da Psicanálise e dos Estudos Utópicos, partindo do princípio de que a lógica do esporte de alto rendimento na contemporaneidade reverbera a lógica do laço social. A exigência da "alta performance" sempre é uma das características de nossa época que estão fortemente presentes no discurso do esporte de alto rendimento e que muitas vezes são fonte de padecimento para os sujeitos, atletas ou não. Apesar disso, o esporte ainda tem muito a contribuir na nossa sociedade, e a aposta deste trabalho é no que foi chamado utopia esportiva, que preconiza o acento na busca da superação mais do que o resultado final necessariamente no lugar mais alto do pódio.

  18. Para uma história das instituições universitárias: uma contribuição portuguesa fundamental

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    Francisco Gama Caeiro


    Full Text Available (primeiro parágrafo do artigo Não se pode atribuir a mera negligência, mas antes a um conjunto de circunstâncias muito mais complexo, o recíproco distanciamento entre estudiosos brasileiros e portugueses, e, ainda mais, o mútuo desconhecimento das culturas que, no mesmo idioma, se produzem nas duas margens do Atlântico: a asserção, de tanto repetida, se converteu em retórico lugar comum, em oratória de discurso obrigado a mote, em glosa elegíaca de jornal. Mas, o fato incontroverso — sem agora buscar explicações para ele — é que tal afastamento tem existido, não obstante os persistentes esforços desenvolvidos para o contrariar, sendo a produção bibliográfica, que parece por vezes processar-se em compartimentos estanques, o forçoso reflexo dessa situação.

  19. Revista Barroco: o lugar de uma arte

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    Evandro de Sousa


    Full Text Available A revista Barroco, fundada em 1969 pelo poeta e ensaísta mineiro Affonso Ávila, nasce com a intenção de cumprir o valor de uma “ciência” que abarcasse o fenômeno/arte Barroca: a barrocologia 2. Ao propor isto na apresentação da primeira edição da revista, Ávila ainda enuncia que a revista não se quer meramente documental e erudita, mas quer se situar em uma “atualidade crítica” 3, não cerceando a matéria barroca a um período exclusivo, mas impor uma leitura em um outro contexto: o mineiro. Impõe assim um olhar do barroco enquanto fenômeno universal, para assim compreendê-lo em seu contexto brasileiro, em suas matrizes e desdobramentos.

  20. Application of TEM to highly reactive metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sherry, W.M.; Prinz, F.


    In the following a method for the preparation and observation of sodium TEM specimens and the first TEM micrograph ever to be published on the dislocation microstructure of sodium are reported. (orig./IHOE) [de

  1. Mechanical Conversion for High-Throughput TEM Sample Preparation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kendrick, Anthony B; Moore, Thomas M; Zaykova-Feldman, Lyudmila


    This paper presents a novel method of direct mechanical conversion from lift-out sample to TEM sample holder. The lift-out sample is prepared in the FIB using the in-situ liftout Total Release TM method. The mechanical conversion is conducted using a mechanical press and one of a variety of TEM coupons, including coupons for both top-side and back-side thinning. The press joins a probe tip point with attached TEM sample to the sample coupon and separates the complete assembly as a 3mm diameter TEM grid, compatible with commercially available TEM sample holder rods. This mechanical conversion process lends itself well to the high through-put requirements of in-line process control and to materials characterization labs where instrument utilization and sample security are critically important

  2. TEM-145 and TEM-146 β-lactamases produced by Escherichia coli ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 5, 2007 ... Key words: Escherichia coli, plasmid-mediated, TEM β-lactamase. ... Enterobacteriaceae, the most prevalent mechanism of resistance to ... the production of a relatively inhibitor-resistant OXA-type β-lactamase .... and 8.6 as transcripts of the E. coli chromosomal AmpC .... Mode of action and mechanisms of.

  3. Momento y lugar: reflexiones sobre el extrañamiento de monumentos

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    Javier García-Gutierrez Mosteiro


    Full Text Available


    El artículo que se propone plantea –a partir de otros estudios ya desarrollados por el autor– distintas reflexiones acerca del lugar  en la consideración del valor monumental, con especial atención al objeto arquitectónico.
    El compromiso del monumento con el lugar, firmemente establecido desde las construcciones megalíticas, ha conocido a  lo largo de la historia significativas alteraciones. En torno a éstas desde el traslado de los obeliscos egipcios hasta el  desmantelamiento y reconstrucción, en otro entorno, de edificios completos‐ se trata en este estudio; se parte de la  consideración de la salvaguarda de determinados valores  patrimoniales y se atiende a los criterios de intervención habidos en cada caso (cubriendo actuaciones representativas ‐desde la Antigüedad a las más propias de nuestros días‐.

    Palabras clave

    valor, monumento, lugar, patrimonio, intervención


    Based on other studies already carried out by the author, this article presents different reflections about the concept of place with regards to monumental value, with special attention to the architectural object.
    The commitment of a monument with its site, firmly established from the time of megalithic constructions, has suffered significant alterations through history. This article deals with  these alterations, from the transfer of Egyptian obelisks to other  places to the disassembly and reconstruction of entire  buildings within a different context. The safeguarding of certain  values of our architectural heritage is an important concept, and attention is paid to the different action criteria found in each  specific case ‐covering representative interventions, from antiquity to those closer to our present time‐.

    Key words

    value, monument, place, heritage, intervention

  4. A short note on how to convert a conventional analytical TEM into an analytical Low Voltage TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stöger-Pollach, M.


    The present work is a short note on the performance of a conventional transmission electron microscope (TEM) being operated at very low beam energies (below 20 keV). We discuss the high tension stability and resolving power of this uncorrected TEM. We find out that the theoretical lens performance can nearly be achieved in practice. We also demonstrate that electron energy loss spectra can be recorded at these low beam energies with standard equipment. The signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently good for further data treatment like multiple scattering deconvolution and Kramers–Kronig analysis. - Highlights: • TEM operation at very low beam energies (below 20 keV). • Testing of hardware performance at low beam energies. • EELS spectra recorded with 10 keV electrons

  5. 40 keV atomic resolution TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bell, David C.; Russo, Christopher J.; Kolmykov, Dmitry V.


    Here we present the first atomic resolution TEM imaging at 40 keV using an aberration-corrected, monochromated source TEM. Low-voltage High-Resolution Electron Microscopy (LVHREM) has several advantages, including increased cross-sections for inelastic and elastic scattering, increased contrast per electron and improved spectroscopy efficiency, decreased delocalization effects and reduced knock-on damage. Together, these often improve the contrast to damage ratio obtained on a large class of samples. Third-order aberration correction now allows us to operate the TEM at low energies while retaining atomic resolution, which was previously impossible. At low voltage the major limitation to resolution becomes the chromatic aberration limit. We show that using a source monochromator we are able to reduce the effect of chromatic aberration and achieve a usable high-resolution limit at 40 keV to less than 1 Å. We show various materials' examples of the application of the technique to image graphene and silicon, and compare atomic resolution images with electron multislice simulations. -- Highlights: ► We present the first atomic resolution images recorded at 40 keV using an aberration-corrected, monochromated TEM. ► We show information transfer measured to better than 1 Å. ► At 40 keV an aberration-corrected monochromated TEM is limited by fifth-order spherical aberration. ► We show that using a monochromator the effect of chromatic aberration is reduced to enable high resolution imaging. ► Low voltage high resolution electron microscopy will be beneficial for imaging the organic/inorganic materials interface.

  6. Moessbauer effect and TEM in mineralogy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrow, E.A.


    Moessbauer effect (ME) provides useful information on oxidation state, co-ordination number, co-ordination state, site occupancies, and magnetic properties of Fe-bearing phases. The information gained by ME together with the information provided by other conventional techniques is used to extract temperature, pressure, and kinetics of rock-forming processes. Nevertheless, ME requires that the phases studied are homogeneous over an extremely large volume and that Fe is a major component of the system. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), on the other hand, provides similar information over a very small volume for a system of any component. However, present TEM spectrometers do not provide sufficient resolution to detect the mixed oxidation state. A complete characterisation of phases in rocks requires, therefore, that conventional techniques be combined with TEM. (orig.)

  7. Novel sample preparation for operando TEM of catalysts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, Benjamin K.; Barker, Trevor M.; Crozier, Peter A.


    A new TEM sample preparation method is developed to facilitate operando TEM of gas phase catalysis. A porous Pyrex-fiber pellet TEM sample was produced, allowing a comparatively large amount of catalyst to be loaded into a standard Gatan furnace-type tantalum heating holder. The increased amount of catalyst present inside the environmental TEM allows quantitative determination of the gas phase products of a catalytic reaction performed in-situ at elevated temperatures. The product gas concentration was monitored using both electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and residual gas analysis (RGA). Imaging of catalyst particles dispersed over the pellet at atomic resolution is challenging, due to charging of the insulating glass fibers. To overcome this limitation, a metal grid is placed into the holder in addition to the pellet, allowing catalyst particles dispersed over the grid to be imaged, while particles in the pellet, which are assumed to experience identical conditions, contribute to the overall catalytic conversion inside the environmental TEM cell. The gas within the cell is determined to be well-mixed, making this assumption reasonable. - Highlights: • High in-situ conversion of CO to CO 2 achieved by a novel TEM sample preparation method. • A 3 mm fiber pellet increases the TEM sample surface area by 50×. • Operando atomic resolution is maintained by also including a 3 mm grid in the sample. • Evidence for a well-mixed gas composition inside the ETEM cell is given

  8. Características y funciones para marcas de lugar a partir de un método Delphi

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    J de San Eugenio Vela


    Full Text Available Introducción. La representación de territorios mediante el uso de marcas es una cuestión recurrente en la sociedad contemporánea que vivimos. Este artículo tiene por objetivo principal determinar algunas de las características y funciones que presentan las marcas asociadas a espacios geográficos. Metodología. Se ha optado por una investigación cualitativa vehiculada a partir de un método Delphi conformado por un panel de catorce expertos en marcas de lugar. Resultados. En relación con las marcas comerciales, se constata que las marcas de lugar, por su naturaleza de bien público, requieren de una gestión más compleja, preferentemente a tres niveles: administración pública, organizaciones privadas y ciudadanía. Conclusiones. En función de los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que la gestión de los lugares se encuentra nuevamente ocupada en la proyección de identidades espaciales singulares, en el marco de una creciente competencia entre territorios.

  9. TEM sample preparation by FIB for carbon nanotube interconnects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ke, Xiaoxing; Bals, Sara; Romo Negreira, Ainhoa; Hantschel, Thomas; Bender, Hugo; Van Tendeloo, Gustaaf


    A powerful method to study carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown in patterned substrates for potential interconnects applications is transmission electron microscopy (TEM). However, high-quality TEM samples are necessary for such a study. Here, TEM specimen preparation by focused ion beam (FIB) has been used to obtain lamellae of patterned samples containing CNTs grown inside contact holes. A dual-cap Pt protection layer and an extensive 5 kV cleaning procedure are applied in order to preserve the CNTs and avoid deterioration during milling. TEM results show that the inner shell structure of the carbon nanotubes has been preserved, which proves that focused ion beam is a useful technique to prepare TEM samples of CNT interconnects.

  10. TEM sample preparation by FIB for carbon nanotube interconnects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ke, Xiaoxing, E-mail: [EMAT, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Bals, Sara [EMAT, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Romo Negreira, Ainhoa [IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven (Belgium); Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Department, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 44, Leuven B-3001 (Belgium); Hantschel, Thomas; Bender, Hugo [IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven (Belgium); Van Tendeloo, Gustaaf [EMAT, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium)


    A powerful method to study carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown in patterned substrates for potential interconnects applications is transmission electron microscopy (TEM). However, high-quality TEM samples are necessary for such a study. Here, TEM specimen preparation by focused ion beam (FIB) has been used to obtain lamellae of patterned samples containing CNTs grown inside contact holes. A dual-cap Pt protection layer and an extensive 5 kV cleaning procedure are applied in order to preserve the CNTs and avoid deterioration during milling. TEM results show that the inner shell structure of the carbon nanotubes has been preserved, which proves that focused ion beam is a useful technique to prepare TEM samples of CNT interconnects.

  11. Revista Barroco: o lugar de uma arte

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    Evandro de Sousa


    Full Text Available A revista Barroco, fundada em 1969 pelo poeta e ensaísta mineiro Affonso Ávila, nasce com a intenção de cumprir o valor de uma “ciência” que abarcasse o fenômeno/arte Barroca: a barrocologia 2. Ao propor isto na apresentação da primeira edição da revista, Ávila ainda enuncia que a revista não se quer meramente documental e erudita, mas quer se situar em uma “atualidade crítica” 3, não cerceando a matéria barroca a um período exclusivo, mas impor uma leitura em um outro contexto: o mineiro. Impõe assim um olhar do barroco enquanto fenômeno universal, para assim compreendê-lo em seu contexto brasileiro, em suas matrizes e desdobramentos.


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    Yanko González Cangas


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone, en primer lugar, una revisión crítica de los paradigmas teóricos con que se ha conceptualizado lo rural como espacio geocultural diferenciado. Posteriormente, aborda críticamente el tipo de ruralidades presentes en Chile en el contexto latinoamericano y su relación con el proceso de visibilización de la juventud como actor social en estos espacios. Finalmente, el trabajo intenta elaborar una interpretación comprensiva de algunas adscripciones identitarias juveniles presentes en un distrito rural específico del sur de Chile, basado, en parte, en una investigación etnográfica realizada entre los años 2000 y 2004.

  13. Characterization of TEM1/endosialin in human and murine brain tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carson-Walter, Eleanor B; Walter, Kevin A; Winans, Bethany N; Whiteman, Melissa C; Liu, Yang; Jarvela, Sally; Haapasalo, Hannu; Tyler, Betty M; Huso, David L; Johnson, Mahlon D


    TEM1/endosialin is an emerging microvascular marker of tumor angiogenesis. We characterized the expression pattern of TEM1/endosialin in astrocytic and metastatic brain tumors and investigated its role as a therapeutic target in human endothelial cells and mouse xenograft models. In situ hybridization (ISH), immunohistochemistry (IH) and immunofluorescence (IF) were used to localize TEM1/endosialin expression in grade II-IV astrocytomas and metastatic brain tumors on tissue microarrays. Changes in TEM1/endosialin expression in response to pro-angiogenic conditions were assessed in human endothelial cells grown in vitro. Intracranial U87MG glioblastoma (GBM) xenografts were analyzed in nude TEM1/endosialin knockout (KO) and wildtype (WT) mice. TEM1/endosialin was upregulated in primary and metastatic human brain tumors, where it localized primarily to the tumor vasculature and a subset of tumor stromal cells. Analysis of 275 arrayed grade II-IV astrocytomas demonstrated TEM1/endosialin expression in 79% of tumors. Robust TEM1/endosialin expression occurred in 31% of glioblastomas (grade IV astroctyomas). TEM1/endosialin expression was inversely correlated with patient age. TEM1/endosialin showed limited co-localization with CD31, αSMA and fibronectin in clinical specimens. In vitro, TEM1/endosialin was upregulated in human endothelial cells cultured in matrigel. Vascular Tem1/endosialin was induced in intracranial U87MG GBM xenografts grown in mice. Tem1/endosialin KO vs WT mice demonstrated equivalent survival and tumor growth when implanted with intracranial GBM xenografts, although Tem1/endosialin KO tumors were significantly more vascular than the WT counterparts. TEM1/endosialin was induced in the vasculature of high-grade brain tumors where its expression was inversely correlated with patient age. Although lack of TEM1/endosialin did not suppress growth of intracranial GBM xenografts, it did increase tumor vascularity. The cellular localization of TEM1

  14. Objective function analysis for electric soundings (VES), transient electromagnetic soundings (TEM) and joint inversion VES/TEM (United States)

    Bortolozo, Cassiano Antonio; Bokhonok, Oleg; Porsani, Jorge Luís; Monteiro dos Santos, Fernando Acácio; Diogo, Liliana Alcazar; Slob, Evert


    Ambiguities in geophysical inversion results are always present. How these ambiguities appear in most cases open to interpretation. It is interesting to investigate ambiguities with regard to the parameters of the models under study. Residual Function Dispersion Map (RFDM) can be used to differentiate between global ambiguities and local minima in the objective function. We apply RFDM to Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and TEM Sounding inversion results. Through topographic analysis of the objective function we evaluate the advantages and limitations of electrical sounding data compared with TEM sounding data, and the benefits of joint inversion in comparison with the individual methods. The RFDM analysis proved to be a very interesting tool for understanding the joint inversion method of VES/TEM. Also the advantage of the applicability of the RFDM analyses in real data is explored in this paper to demonstrate not only how the objective function of real data behaves but the applicability of the RFDM approach in real cases. With the analysis of the results, it is possible to understand how the joint inversion can reduce the ambiguity of the methods.

  15. Cementerio: lugar de memoria y museo al aire libre. Educación patrimonial en el ámbito escolar

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    Jenny González Muñoz


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pertenece a una propuesta en desarrollo, expresado con el objetivo de mostrar la importancia de incluir en la escuela el estudio del cementerio como lugar de memoria y museo al aire libre que permita comprender perspectivas del arte y simbolismo como sentido de pertenencia social hacia su salvaguarda, conservación y preservación. La metodología cualtitativo-interpretativa con observación directa, apoyo fotográfico y documental aborda el rol protagónico del cementerio como espacio común cultural, lugar de memoria (tomando las palabras de Pierre Nora que busca recordar al que murió en los que viven, para su perpetuidad. Narra el desarrollo social de la localidad a la que pertenece desde monumentos memoriales susceptibles a ser admirados y estudiados contribuyendo al impulso de la salvaguarda, conservación y preservación del patrimonio cultural material, siendo la educación en la escuela elemento de sensibilización hacia el cementerio como lugar de la identidad de sus habitantes.

  16. Novel sample preparation for operando TEM of catalysts. (United States)

    Miller, Benjamin K; Barker, Trevor M; Crozier, Peter A


    A new TEM sample preparation method is developed to facilitate operando TEM of gas phase catalysis. A porous Pyrex-fiber pellet TEM sample was produced, allowing a comparatively large amount of catalyst to be loaded into a standard Gatan furnace-type tantalum heating holder. The increased amount of catalyst present inside the environmental TEM allows quantitative determination of the gas phase products of a catalytic reaction performed in-situ at elevated temperatures. The product gas concentration was monitored using both electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and residual gas analysis (RGA). Imaging of catalyst particles dispersed over the pellet at atomic resolution is challenging, due to charging of the insulating glass fibers. To overcome this limitation, a metal grid is placed into the holder in addition to the pellet, allowing catalyst particles dispersed over the grid to be imaged, while particles in the pellet, which are assumed to experience identical conditions, contribute to the overall catalytic conversion inside the environmental TEM cell. The gas within the cell is determined to be well-mixed, making this assumption reasonable. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. A-10/TF34 Turbine Engine Monitoring System (TEMS) (United States)

    Christopher, R. G.


    The hardware and software development of the A-10/TF34 turbine engine monitoring system (TEMS) is described. The operation and interfaces of the A-10/TF34 TEMS hardware are discussed with particular emphasis on function, capabilities, and limitations. The TEMS data types are defined and the various data acquisition modes are explained. Potential data products are also discussed.

  18. Destructive interference of TEM and ITG turbulence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merz, F.; Jenko, F.


    Full text: Turbulence driven by ion temperature gradient (ITG) modes and trapped electron modes (TEMs) is generally considered the key mechanism for anomalous transport in fusion devices on ion scales. But while pure ITG and, to a lesser extent, also pure TEM turbulence have been studied in detail over the last years, not much is presently known about nonlinear interactions between ITG modes and TEMs, which are often present simultaneously in experimentally relevant situations. This important issue is addressed by means of linear and nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations with the GENE code. To examine the properties of the (linear) TEM and ITG instabilities in the (realistic) transitional regime, the GENE code is run as eigenvalue solver, which allows for a systematic study of dominant and subdominant modes. Corresponding nonlinear initial value computations show that the particle transport of the turbulent system can be completely suppressed if the two driving instabilities are active simultaneously. The direct comparison of the linear modes and the corresponding turbulent system reveals a coexistence of the two microinstabilities in a transitional regime even at the same wave number. The consequences of this dual turbulence drive for transport modeling is discussed. (author)

  19. TEM-turbulence in stellarators and its optimization (United States)

    Proll, Josefine H. E.; Helander, Per; Lazerson, Samuel; Mynick, Harry; Xanthopoulos, Pavlos


    Quasi-isodynamic stellarators, which are especially optimized for neoclassical transport, have been shown to be resilient towards trapped-electrons modes (TEMs) in large regions of parameter space. In these configurations, all particles have average ``good curvature.'' It was shown analytically that, thanks to this property, particles that bounce faster than the mode in question draw energy from it near marginal stability, so that the ordinary density-gradient-driven TEM has to be stable in the electrostatic and collisionless limit.This has been confirmed in linear flux-tube simulations that were performed with the GENE code. Several magnetic field configurations were compared and it was found that the growth rates of the TEMs drop with increasing degree of quasi-isodynamicity. These findings can be used to optimize stellarators with respect to TEM turbulence by reducing the fraction of trapped particles with bounce averaged ``bad curvature.'' An appropriate proxy function has therefore been designed to be implemented in STELLOPT, a stellarator optimization tool that can now be used to further explore the configuration space of neoclassically optimized stellarators with the aim to extract designs with improved turbulent transport. This work was facilitated by the Max-Planck/Princeton Center for Plasma Physics.

  20. In-situ TEM Studies : Heat-treatment and Corrosion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Malladi, S.R.K.


    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been well known as a powerful characterisation tool to understand the structure and composition of various materials down to the atomic level. Over the years, several TEM studies have been carried out to understand the compositional, structural and

  1. Lugares dos mortos na cristandade ocidental

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    Cláudia Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Resumo. Este artigo busca refletir sobre a forte associação entre morte e cristandade no Ocidente, buscando identificar os lugares dos mortos nos diferentes sistemas de cristandade. Propõe-se aqui a viabilidade de se pensar numa certa vinculação entre determinadas atitudes e representações diante da morte e do morrer e o sistema de cristandade vigente em determinados contextos históricos, entre fins da Antiguidade tardia e o século XX, mais especificamente em países nos quais a Igreja romana exerceu hegemonia sobre a sociedade. Procura argumentar que, enquanto predominou a modalidade “constantiniana”, os mortos faziam parte do cotidiano e a morte e foram instrumentos do projeto cristianizador. Quando este modelo de Cristandade recuou, diante da emergência da chamada “Cristandade pós-constantiniana” – na qual a Igreja não mais era braço do aparelho estatal –, os mortos tinham sido afastados da cidade dos vivos e a morte, ou melhor, o medo da morte não mais representava instrumento de pressão sobre a consciência do cidadão

  2. Indications and techniques of transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEMS). (United States)

    Qi, Yanjie; Stoddard, David; Monson, John R T


    Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEMS) has recently reemerged as a valuable technique for the management of rectal neoplasms - both benign and malignant. Since the original description of this technique in the early 1980s, TEMS has emerged as the approach of choice for most benign rectal tumors because of the excellent views provided and superior dissection techniques possible when compared to traditional transanal excision. Many published reports demonstrate that the lowest rates of recurrence are associated with TEMS probably because of full-thickness excision with negative margins. Increasingly, TEMS is being applied to primary rectal cancer when used alone as a full-thickness excision alone or in combination with additional therapies, depending on tumor stage. There is now a significant evidence base to suggest that this approach should be considered as part of a multidisciplinary approach to rectal cancer. This paper describes indications and techniques for this technology.

  3. O que a epidemiologia pode ainda fazer de relevante?

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    Marisa de Souza Cardim


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma sucinta revisão de alguns aspectos da epidemiologia ainda mal conhecidos, - por serem polêmicos ou cujo desenvolvimento é recente ou apenas se esboça. Enquanto método, haveria duas epidemiologias: uma em que se esmera cada vez mais no rigor metodológico e análise sofisticada dos dados em computador; a outra contenta-se com métodos simples, alia-se fortemente com as ciências sociais, a economia e as ciências do comportamento, - com o objetivo de achar soluções para os problemas de saúde. A importância das conseqüências dos fatores sócio-econômicos sobre a saúde foi avaliada a partir de publicações das pesquisas epidemiológica e clínica; aquela importância aumentou no primeiro tipo de pesquisa e tende a desaparecer no segundo. A questão de avaliar o estado de saúde de populações ficou sem avançar, pois, sem operacionalizar indicadores de saúde positiva, de fato avalia-se estado de doença. Enfim, reconheceu-se o advento algo original de um desdobramento promissor da epidemiologia: o estudo das representações da Antropologia, tais como mitos, crenças, comportamento e instituições.Some new approaches on the use of epidemiology were concisely reviewed in this paper. Firstly, the importance of the health consequences of socio-economic factors, which have increased in epidemiologic research, and decreased too much in studies from the clinical research area. The population's health state evaluation was then discussed, when was remarked that without operational indicators of positive health that evaluation is necessarily limited. Attention was also paid to progress in methods, from which two epidemiologic approaches have been developed. In one of them rigour in methods and in data analysis by computer are endlessly searched for, while health solve-problem is focused in the other. Therefore, epidemiology cannot be separated from social, economic and behavior sciences, which altogether may achieve that

  4. Preparation of carbon-free TEM microgrids by metal sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janbroers, S.; Kruijff, T.R. de; Xu, Q.; Kooyman, P.J.; Zandbergen, H.W.


    A new method for preparing carbon-free, temperature-stable Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) grids is presented. An 80% Au/20% Pd metal film is deposited onto a 'holey' microgrid carbon supported on standard mixed-mesh Au TEM grids. Subsequently, the carbon film is selectively removed using plasma cleaning. In this way, an all-metal TEM film is made containing the 'same' microgrid as the original carbon film. Although electron transparency of the foil is reduced significantly, the open areas for TEM inspection of material over these areas are maintained. The metal foil can be prepared with various thicknesses and ensures good electrical conductivity. The new Au/Pd grids are stable to at least 775 K under vacuum conditions.

  5. Preparation of carbon-free TEM microgrids by metal sputtering. (United States)

    Janbroers, S; de Kruijff, T R; Xu, Q; Kooyman, P J; Zandbergen, H W


    A new method for preparing carbon-free, temperature-stable Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) grids is presented. An 80% Au/20% Pd metal film is deposited onto a 'holey' microgrid carbon supported on standard mixed-mesh Au TEM grids. Subsequently, the carbon film is selectively removed using plasma cleaning. In this way, an all-metal TEM film is made containing the 'same' microgrid as the original carbon film. Although electron transparency of the foil is reduced significantly, the open areas for TEM inspection of material over these areas are maintained. The metal foil can be prepared with various thicknesses and ensures good electrical conductivity. The new Au/Pd grids are stable to at least 775K under vacuum conditions.

  6. Conceptos y productores de lugar : un acercamiento etnográfico a La Condesa en la Ciudad de México


    Hurtado Cano, Daniel


    Esta investigación comprende cómo, a través de los conceptos que construyen los productores de lugar, se expresan relaciones entre lo nacional y lo cosmopolita, lo moderno y lo tradicional, lo exclusivo y lo excluido en La Condesa de la Ciudad de México. El sustento teórico está construido a partir de la sociología cultural desarrollada por Alexander, los marcos de referencia de Goffman y la noción de cultura descrita por Geertz. 1. Conceptos y productores de lugar: trasfondo desde la soci...

  7. Focus-variation image reconstruction in field-emission TEM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coene, W.M.J.; Janssen, A.J.E.M.; Op de Beeck, M.; Van Dyck, D.; Van Zwet, E.J.; Zandbergen, H.W.; Bailey, G.W.; Rieder, C.L.


    The use of a field emission gun (FEG) in high resolution TEM (HRTEM) improves the information limit much below the point resolution. In the area between point and information resolution of the FEG-TEM, image interpretation is complicated by the lens aberrations and focus effects. Different

  8. ToTem: a tool for variant calling pipeline optimization. (United States)

    Tom, Nikola; Tom, Ondrej; Malcikova, Jitka; Pavlova, Sarka; Kubesova, Blanka; Rausch, Tobias; Kolarik, Miroslav; Benes, Vladimir; Bystry, Vojtech; Pospisilova, Sarka


    High-throughput bioinformatics analyses of next generation sequencing (NGS) data often require challenging pipeline optimization. The key problem is choosing appropriate tools and selecting the best parameters for optimal precision and recall. Here we introduce ToTem, a tool for automated pipeline optimization. ToTem is a stand-alone web application with a comprehensive graphical user interface (GUI). ToTem is written in Java and PHP with an underlying connection to a MySQL database. Its primary role is to automatically generate, execute and benchmark different variant calling pipeline settings. Our tool allows an analysis to be started from any level of the process and with the possibility of plugging almost any tool or code. To prevent an over-fitting of pipeline parameters, ToTem ensures the reproducibility of these by using cross validation techniques that penalize the final precision, recall and F-measure. The results are interpreted as interactive graphs and tables allowing an optimal pipeline to be selected, based on the user's priorities. Using ToTem, we were able to optimize somatic variant calling from ultra-deep targeted gene sequencing (TGS) data and germline variant detection in whole genome sequencing (WGS) data. ToTem is a tool for automated pipeline optimization which is freely available as a web application at .

  9. Lugares favoritos de adolescentes no Distrito Federal Favorite places of adolescents in the Federal District

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    Isolda de Araújo Günther


    Full Text Available Explorou-se neste estudo quais os lugares preferidos e não preferidos por 562 jovens (292 F e 270 M, com idades entre 13 e 19 anos (média = 15 anos e 7 meses e desvio padrão = 1 ano e 1 mês, freqüentando a primeira série do ensino médio, sendo 274 de escolas públicas e 288 de escolas particulares. Dentre os participantes 39,5% moram no Plano Piloto de Brasília e 60,5% em Cidades Satélites do DF. Em casas, moram 341, em apartamento, 215. Os resultados mostram que o lugar favorito mais freqüentemente mencionado foi a própria casa, indicado por 195 (35,3% dos respondentes, seguido por Shopping (n = 108; 19,6% e bar/boate/festa (n = 103; 18,7%. O lugar que obteve maior freqüência como não sendo preferido foi bar, boate, festa, indicado por 108 (21,3% dos participantes, seguido por escola (n = 90; 17,7% e lugares que provocam sentimentos ruins (n = 32; 6,3%. As diferenças encontradas são discutidas em termos de gênero, tipo de escola (pública ou privada e tipo de moradia (casa ou apartamento.This study explored which are the most and least favorite places among 562 adolescents (292 F e 270 M, with ages between 13 and 19 (mean age 15 yr 7 mo, s.d. 1 yr 1 mo, attending 9th grade, with 274 respondents in public and 288 in private schools. Some 39.5% live in the central area of Brasília, 60.5% in the surrounding cities. Some 215 live in apartments, 314 in single occupancy houses. Results indicate that the most frequently mentioned favorite place was the home (n = 195, 35.3%, followed by Shopping Malls (n = 108, 19.6% and bar/disco/parties (n = 103, 18.7%. The least favorite places were bar/disco/parties (n = 108, 21.3%, school (n = 90, 17.7% and places that provoke negative feelings (n = 32, 6.3%. Differences are discussed in terms of gender, type of school and type of residence.

  10. O lugar da filosofia civil e a classificação das ciências segundo Hobbes

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    Delmo Mattos


    Full Text Available A filosofia civil ocupa um lugar de destaque no sistema filosófico de Hobbes. Compreende a sua reflexáo das disposições e costumes dos homens, isto é, a ética, os deveres civis e a política. No entanto, a filosofia civil constitui apenas uma parte da elaboraçáo sistemática da filosofia hobbesiana, que contêm, além da sua reflexáo política, importantes apontamentos sobre a física e a geometria. Neste artigo, buscaremos examinar o modo como Hobbes posiciona as diferentes partes que compõem o seu sistema filosófico, a fim de tornarmos explícito o lugar que a filosofia civil ocupa no seu empreendimento filosófico.

  11. El sentido de territorialidad en Argentina: cuidar un lugar para cuidarnos

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    Florencia Soraire


    Full Text Available Abordar el cuidado del lugar donde se vive en sintonía con la búsqueda y el logro de bienestar, posibilita dimensionar la preocupación por llevar adelante una vida sana frente a la dinámica destructiva de las tendencias hegemónicas de producción, donde el ambiente es significado como “recurso natural”. Las estrategias emprendidas para protegerse y cuidarse, tanto a modo individuo como colectivo, incluyen también la búsqueda de otro tipo de interacción con el medio que se habita. Al ser la significación del ambiente como lugar sagrado una de ellas, encontramos en la emergencia de la “Pachamama” –Madre Tierra– la clave de lectura que articula el “cuidar un lugar para cuidarnos”. En este sentido, ciertas prácticas alimentarias y acciones conjuntas que se emprenden en aras de defender y cuidar la tierra (y cuidarnos, son indicadores de las diferentes formas de búsqueda para “sentirse bien”. Recurrimos entonces, a dos etnografías en Argentina que dan cuenta de los cuestionamientos que nos generan las luchas contra la mega-minería a cielo abierto en Catamarca y contra la instalación de Monsanto en Córdoba. | To address the place where we live along with the quest and the attainment of wellness enables us to dimension the concerns around having a healthy life in light of the destructive dynamics of the prevailing production trends, in which the environment is, signified as a mere “natural resource”. The strategies adopted to preserve and care for oneself, as individual and within a collective setting, also include the pursuit of another type of integration with the means we inhabit. When we signify the environment as a sacred means, we come across the emergence of the “Pachamama” –Mother Earth, Gaia–, the interpretation key articulating the concept to “care for a place to care for us”. It is in this sense that certain feeding practices and joint actions are taken aiming at defending and preserving the

  12. Preparation of carbon-free TEM microgrids by metal sputtering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Janbroers, S., E-mail: [Albemarle Catalysts B.V., Nieuwendammerkade 1-3, 1030 BE, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft (Netherlands); Kruijff, T.R. de; Xu, Q. [Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft (Netherlands); Kooyman, P.J. [DelftChemTech, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 136, 2628 BL, Delft (Netherlands); Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft (Netherlands); Zandbergen, H.W. [Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft (Netherlands)


    A new method for preparing carbon-free, temperature-stable Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) grids is presented. An 80% Au/20% Pd metal film is deposited onto a 'holey' microgrid carbon supported on standard mixed-mesh Au TEM grids. Subsequently, the carbon film is selectively removed using plasma cleaning. In this way, an all-metal TEM film is made containing the 'same' microgrid as the original carbon film. Although electron transparency of the foil is reduced significantly, the open areas for TEM inspection of material over these areas are maintained. The metal foil can be prepared with various thicknesses and ensures good electrical conductivity. The new Au/Pd grids are stable to at least 775 K under vacuum conditions.

  13. Regulation of ETG turbulence by TEM driven zonal flows (United States)

    Asahi, Yuuichi; Ishizawa, Akihiro; Watanabe, Tomohiko; Tsutsui, Hiroaki; Tsuji-Iio, Shunji


    Anomalous heat transport driven by electron temperature gradient (ETG) turbulence is investigated by means of gyrokinetic simulations. It is found that the ETG turbulence can be suppressed by zonal flows driven by trapped electron modes (TEMs). The TEMs appear in a statistically steady state of ETG turbulence and generate zonal flows, while its growth rate is much smaller than those of ETGs. The TEM-driven zonal flows with lower radial wave numbers are more strongly generated than those driven by ETG modes, because of the higher zonal flow response to a density source term. An ExB shearing rate of the TEM-driven zonal flows is strong enough to suppress the long-wavelength ETG modes which make the main contribution to the turbulent transport.

  14. Performance of a field emission gun TEM/STEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carpenter, R.W.; Bentley, J.


    First experimental results on a Phillips EM 400 TEM/STEM fitted with a field-emission electron gun and objective twin lens are given here. Operation of the FEG is reliable up to maximum design voltage (120 kV). Highest resolution achieved in TEM was 1.9 A fringe. A wide variety of diffraction modes were demonstrated, ranging from CBDP from a small area (approx. 10 A dia) in STEM mode to SAD with angular resolution of 8 μrad in TEM mode. The EDS sensitivity is very high. STEM imaging performance to the highest magnifications examined (200 kx) is good. Work is in progress to evaluate the limits of STEM performance

  15. Retrofit implementation of Zernike phase plate imaging for cryo-TEM. (United States)

    Marko, Michael; Leith, Ardean; Hsieh, Chyongere; Danev, Radostin


    In-focus phase-plate imaging is particularly beneficial for cryo-TEM because it offers a substantial overall increase in image contrast, without an electron dose penalty, and it simplifies image interpretation. We show how phase-plate cryo-TEM can be implemented with an appropriate existing TEM, and provide a basic practical introduction to use of thin-film (carbon) phase plates. We point out potential pitfalls of phase-plate operation, and discuss solutions. We provide information on evaluating a particular TEM for its suitability. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Experimental study on propagation properties of large size TEM antennas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Guowei; Wang Haiyang; Chen Weiqing; Wang Wei; Zhu Xiangqin; Xie Linshen


    The propagation properties of large size TEM antennas were studied by experiment. The size of the TEM antennas is 60 m × 20 m × 10 m and the character Impedance is 120 Ω. A kind of dielectric foil switch is designed compactly with TEM antennas which can generate double exponential waveform with altitude of 10 kV and rise time of l.2 ns. The radiated field distribution was measured. The relationship between rise time/altitude and distance were provided, and the propagation properties of large size TEM antennas were summarized. (authors)


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    Priscila Balbino de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar a disposição de estudantes universitários para empreender no local em que residem. Trata-se de um survey realizado com estudantes de três instituições de ensino superior localizadas na Zona Leste do Município de São Paulo (SP.  Para obtenção dos dados procedeu-se à seleção de uma amostra por acessibilidade constituída por 423 estudantes de diferentes cursos, tanto de bacharelado quanto de graduação tecnológica. A maioria dos estudantes indicou maior disposição para empreender no próprio bairro em que moram. Verificou-se a existência de correlação positiva entre a preferência por trabalhar por contra própria e a disposição para empreender no próprio bairro em que moram. Não se verificou, no entanto, relação significativa entre o nível de identificação com o bairro e a disposição para empreender nessa localidade. Conclui-se que os estudantes tem maior disposição para empreender no local em que residem em virtude do conhecimento que já tem desse local, ou do temor em abrir seu negócio em local menos conhecido.

  18. Lugar e criminalidade: leituras geográficas da mídia impressa soteropolitana

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    Cláudia Alves dos Santos


    Full Text Available As análises referentes à criminalidade nos/dos lugares, através da mídia impressa, produziram uma reflexão sobre as representações do espaço e os espaços de representação na/da metrópole de Salvador. Os dados utilizados para análise foram extraídos dos jornais A Tarde e Correio da Bahia, no ano de 2009, e envolveram os seguintes dados: tipos de violência, localidades de ocorrência dos delitos e caracterizações de vítimas. Os resultados demonstraram o reconhecimento da heterogeneidade dos lugares na/da metrópole de Salvador, mas sem produzir uma análise das contradições vivenciadas em tais espaços. As descrições dos atos violentos, das localidades e das pessoas, muitas vezes, foram copiadas de boletins de ocorrência da polícia. A heterogeneidade dos lugares quando não aprofundada e não inter-relacionada com contextos vividos nas metrópoles cristaliza as representações dos espaços e reduz, por exemplo, a problemática da violência a um mero aspecto da criminalidade. O presente artigo defende que para a análise do lugar é preciso o aprofundamento do espaço vivido articulado aos espaços concebidos e percebidos, algo já considerado importante pelos jornalistas, mas praticado por poucos, no processo de escrita das notícias dos atos violentos no Brasil. Abstract PLACE AND CRIMINALITY: GEOGRAPHICAL READINGS OF NEWSPAPERS FROM SALVADOR CITY The analysis concerning criminality at/of the places, by printed media, have produced a reflection about the representations of space and spaces of representation in Salvador metropolis. The data used in the analysis were extracted from the newspapers A Tarde and Correio da Bahia, in the year of 2009, involving the following data: types of violence, location’s occurrence of crimes and characterizations of theirs victims. The results have demonstrated the recognition of heterogeneous places in Salvador metropolis, but without producing analysis of the contradictions


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    David González-Vázquez


    Full Text Available Desde la década de los 80, Europa asiste a un auténtico auge de la valorización de sus lugares de memoria. Calificados sumariamente como aquellos espacios vinculados al recuerdo trágico de un pasado reciente, tienen en los lugares testimonio de las dos guerras mundiales y el holocausto sus elementos más protagónicos. La trayectoria de los lugares de memoria en España ha seguido otro camino, pues el desenlace de la Guerra Civil y las cuatro décadas de dictadura supusieron el establecimiento de un paradigma memorial diametralmente opuesto al de las democracias occidentales. Con la entrada al S.XXI, España ha acabado de dirigir dicho paradigma hacia posiciones más estandarizadas a nivel internacional, lo que ha supuesto una relativa valorización patrimonial de la memoria histórica. El caso catalán, con la creación de una red de lugares memoriales ligada a un discurso histórico y a una estrategia de valorización turística, ha sido precursor en España.El presente artículo analiza el estado actual de las prácticas turísticas ligadas a los lugares de memoria en Cataluña. Tomando como referencia el caso francés, auténtico referente a nivel internacional y forjador del propio término de turismo de memoria, el análisis de los elementos más representativos del modelo catalán permitirá establecer cuáles son los principales rasgos definitorios de esta nueva tipología turística que, dentro del turismo cultural, está llamada a ser una referencia.

  20. Apuntes históricos sobre el lugar de la homosexualidad masculina en el contexto internacional

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    MSc. Yamirka Robert-Brady


    Full Text Available El lugar de las prácticas homosexuales masculinas en el contextointernacional ha tenido un comportamiento diferente a lo largo dela historia. Condenar la homosexualidad, castigarla o rechazarla,ha sido la actitud social más recurrente, lo que obedece al pesode implicaciones políticas y culturales.

  1. Reflexiones sobre la práctica turística: abordaje territorial para definir lugares sustentables. Iniciativas en Minas, Lavalleja (Uruguay

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    Fabricio Gliemmo


    Full Text Available Se reflexiona sobre acciones e iniciativas desarrolladas en tres lugares turísticos del departamento de Lavalleja, Rou del Uruguay, en el marco del Observatorio de Inteligencia y Desarrollo Territorial como estrategia más amplia de desarrollo turístico sustentable y herramienta útil de conservación de biodiversidad, del patrimonio y mejora de calidad de vida. Se indaga la relación entre los lugares, el desarrollo turístico sustentable y la inteligencia territorial, entendida como un campo multidisciplinar que tiene por objeto el desarrollo sustentable de los territorios, y por sujeto, a las comunidades territoriales. Se analizan fuentes primaras, secundarias y, desde una metodología cualitativa (entrevistas, en qué medida están presentes en las acciones e iniciativas de los diferentes actores del territorio: a la valorización de aspectos patrimoniales naturales y culturales en lugares seleccionados, b el alcance de dimensiones de sustentabilidad, c en qué grado se manifiestan lecturas en clave de inteligencia territorial.

  2. TEM specimen preparation of semiconductor-PMMA-metal interfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thangadurai, P.; Lumelsky, Yulia; Silverstein, Michael S.; Kaplan, Wayne D.


    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) cross-section specimens of PMMA in contact with gold and Si were prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) and compared with plan-view PMMA specimens prepared by a dip-coating technique. The specimens were characterized by TEM and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). In the cross-section specimens, the thin films of PMMA were located in a Si-PMMA-Au multilayer. Different thicknesses of PMMA films were spin-coated on the Si substrates. The thickness of the TEM specimens prepared by FIB was estimated using EELS to be 0.65 of the plasmon mean-free-path. Along the PMMA-Au interface, Au particle diffusion into the PMMA was observed, and the size of the Au particles was in the range of 2-4 nm. Dip-coating of PMMA directly on Cu TEM grids resulted in thin specimens with a granular morphology, with a thickness of 0.58 of the plasmon mean-free-path. The dip-coated specimens were free from ion milling induced artifacts, and thus serve as control specimens for comparison with the cross-sectioned specimens prepared by FIB

  3. Investigation of diversity of plasmids carrying the blaTEM-52 gene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bielak, Eliza Maria; Bergenholtz, Rikke D.; Jørgensen, Mikael Skaanning


    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the diversity of plasmids that carry blaTEM-52 genes among Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica originating from animals, meat products and humans. METHODS: A collection of 22 blaTEM-52-encoding plasmids was characterized by restriction fragment length polymorphism...... of self-transfer to a plasmid-free E. coli recipient. CONCLUSIONS: The blaTEM-52 gene found in humans could have been transmitted on transferable plasmids originating from animal sources. Some of the blaTEM-52 plasmids carry replicons that differ from the classical ones. Two novel replicons were detected...

  4. Naqoyqatsi entre liberdade e necessidade: uma análise temática e modal

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    Riccardo Migliore


    Full Text Available A proposta deste artigo refere-se à análise de conteúdo do filme documental Nagoyqatsi (2002, na qual inevitavelmente, é preciso abordar também questões estéticas peculiares da linguagem cinematográfica, com ênfase em noções e conceitos próprios da teoria do documentário. Algumas questões norteadoras podem auxiliar neste ofício, entre as quais: o quê o realizador Geoffrey Reggio quer comunicar com esta obra não-ficcional? Qual o tema do filme? Quais os subtemas? Qual a relação entre as partes? Qual a relação entre a música de Philip Glass e as imagens? E principalmente, qual conceito subjacente ocupa uma posição central para o entendimento deste que pode ser considerado um poema audiovisual? E ainda, qual a justificativa quanto ao uso constante de computação gráfica e efeitos especiais? Qual sua relação com a temática do filme? Nestes termos, é útil começar com uma reflexão sobre o título, que em língua Hopi significa “a vida como uma guerra” e por meio das questões acima, procura-se entender qual o conflito aqui considerado, sendo que é nele que encontra-se a chave para a compreensão desta obra monumental, a qual de fato é muito mais do que um amontoado de imagens temperadas com efeitos digitais.

  5. Aberration-corrected STEM/TEM imaging at 15 kV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasaki, Takeo; Sawada, Hidetaka; Hosokawa, Fumio; Sato, Yuta; Suenaga, Kazu


    The performance of aberration-corrected (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM) at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV was evaluated in a low-voltage microscope equipped with a cold-field emission gun and a higher-order aberration corrector. Aberrations up to the fifth order were corrected by the aberration measurement and auto-correction system using the diffractogram tableau method in TEM and Ronchigram analysis in STEM. TEM observation of nanometer-sized particles demonstrated that aberrations up to an angle of 50 mrad were compensated. A TEM image of Si[110] exhibited lattice fringes with a spacing of 0.192 nm, and the power spectrum of the image showed spots corresponding to distances of 0.111 nm. An annular dark-field STEM image of Si[110] showed lattice fringes of (111) and (22¯0) planes corresponding to lattice distances of 0.314 nm and 0.192 nm, respectively. At an accelerating voltage of 15 kV, the developed low-voltage microscope achieved atomic-resolution imaging with a small chromatic aberration and a large uniform phase. - Highlights: • Aberration-corrected STEM/TEM imaging at 15 kV demonstrated lattice fringes of Si[110] single crystal with a spacing of 0.192 nm. • To achieve this performance at a lower accelerating voltage, uniform phase area over 50 mrad is mandatory in Ronchigram and Diffractogram tableau. • This means a higher-order aberration of six-fold astigmatism should be compensated. • In addition, decreasing the effect of chromatic aberration plays an important role for improving the performance of linear scattering component at 15 kV TEM

  6. El lugar y la región en la cartografía colonial. El caso de Guadalajara y la Nueva Galicia


    García Rojas, Irma Beatriz


    En el proceso de conocimiento y apropiación de los territorios novohispanos por parte de la Corona y el virreinato, cada lugar y región de los inmensos dominios fueron vistos y representados cartográficamente con la participación conjunta o aislada de políticos, administradores, científicos, artistas y artesanos, con graduaciones, perspectivas e intenciones diferentes. En el caso de Guadalajara y de la Nueva Galicia (reino e intendencia) ¿cómo tuvo lugar este proceso, tomando en cuenta el car...

  7. El lugar y la región en la cartografía colonial. El caso de Guadalajara y la Nueva Galicia


    García Rojas, Irma Beatriz


    En el proceso de conocimiento y apropiación de los territorios novohispanos por parte de la Corona y el virreinato, cada lugar y región de los inmensos dominios fueron vistos y representados cartográficamente con la participación conjunta o aislada de políticos, administradores, científicos, artistas y artesanos, con graduaciones, perspectivas e intenciones diferentes. En el caso de Guadalajara y de la Nueva Galicia (reino e intendencia) ¿cómo tuvo lugar este proceso, tomando en cuenta el car...

  8. Tem holder for sample transfer under reaction conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damsgaard, Christian Danvad; Zandbergen, Henny W.; Wagner, Jakob Birkedal

    Environmental transmission electron microscopy (ETEM) studies are usually performed using conventional sample holders in a dedicated ETEM [1] or in a traditional TEM by use of a dedicated high-pressure cell sample holder [2]. In both cases, the setup defines the conditions regarding gas, pressure......]. Furthermore, dedicated transfer holders have been used to transfer catalyst samples between reactor set-ups and TEM at room temperature in inert atmosphere [5]. To take the full advantage of complementary in situ techniques, transfer under reactions conditions is essential. This study introduces the in situ...... transfer concept by use of a dedicated TEM transfer holder capable of enclosing the sample in a gaseous environment at temperatures up to approx. 900C. By oxidation and reduction experiments of Cu nanoparticles it is shown possible to keep the reaction conditions during transfer outside the microscope...

  9. Molecular identification of TEM-116 beta-lactamase gene in isolates ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Keywords: P. aeruginosa, Clinical isolates, Sequencing, TEM-116, Antibiotic susceptibility. Tropical Journal of ... organisms produce a wide range of beta ... TEM-1 is the most commonly encountered beta-lactamase in Gram-negative bacteria.

  10. Parir en casa, parir en el hospital. Algunas dimensiones para el análisis de los lugares del parto

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    María Belén Castrillo


    Full Text Available En una investigación doctoral sobre la intervención médica en el proceso de embarazo, parto y puerperio, resulta relevante preguntarnos por la espacialidad del parto, de su atención/asistencia, por los actores involucrados y por las dinámicas diversas que generan y son generadas por los distintos lugares en los que sucede. En estas líneas reflexionaremos sobre los lugares del parto, poniendo el énfasis en el que propone e impone el modelo médico hegemónico en salud, el hospital, y la “alternativa” que supone el parto en casa, retomando los aportes de la perspectiva geográfica.

  11. Fast FIB-milled Electron-transparent Microchips for in situ TEM Investigations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lei, Anders; Petersen, Dirch Hjorth; Kallesøe, Christian

    In this work we present a fast approach to 50 nm resolution structures defined in a generic TEM-chip template in few minutes. While creating complex electrical and NEMS circuits for a specific insitu TEM experiment can be a cumbersome process, microchips with 100 nm thin flakes of single crystall......In this work we present a fast approach to 50 nm resolution structures defined in a generic TEM-chip template in few minutes. While creating complex electrical and NEMS circuits for a specific insitu TEM experiment can be a cumbersome process, microchips with 100 nm thin flakes of single...

  12. Complete Tem-Tomography: 3D Structure of Gems Cluster (United States)

    Matsuno, J.; Miyake, A.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Messenger, S.; Nakamura-Messenger, K.


    GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfide) grains in interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are considered to be one of the ubiquitous and fundamental building blocks of solids in the Solar System. They have been considered to be interstellar silicate dust that survived various metamorphism or alteration processes in the protoplanetary disk but the elemental and isotopic composition measurements suggest that most of them have been formed in the protoplanetary disk as condensates from high temperature gas. This formation model is also supported by the formation of GEMS-like grains with respect to the size, mineral assemblage, texture and infrared spectrum by condensation experiments from mean GEMS composition materials. Previous GEMS studies were performed only with 2D observation by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) or scanning TEM (STEM). However, the 3D shape and structure of GEMS grains and the spatial distribution of Fe/FeS's has critical information about their formation and origin. Recently, the 3D structure of GEMS grains in ultrathin sections of cluster IDPs was revealed by electron tomography using a TEM/STEM (JEM-2100F, JEOL). However, CT images of thin sections mounted on Cu grids acquired by conventional TEM-tomography are limited to low tilt angles (e. g., less than absolute value of 75 deg. In fact, previous 3D TEM observations of GEMS were affected by some artifacts related to the limited tilt range in the TEM used. Complete tomographic images should be acquired by rotating the sample tilt angle over a range of more than absolute value of 80 deg otherwise the CT images lose their correct structures. In order to constrain the origin and formation process of GEMS grains more clearly, we performed complete electron tomography for GEMS grains. Here we report the sample preparation method we have developed for this study, and the preliminary results.

  13. 2D Inversion of Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM) (United States)

    Bortolozo, Cassiano Antonio; Luís Porsani, Jorge; Acácio Monteiro dos Santos, Fernando


    A new methodology was developed for 2D inversion of Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM). The methodology consists in the elaboration of a set of routines in Matlab code for modeling and inversion of TEM data and the determination of the most efficient field array for the problem. In this research, the 2D TEM modeling uses the finite differences discretization. To solve the inversion problem, were applied an algorithm based on Marquardt technique, also known as Ridge Regression. The algorithm is stable and efficient and it is widely used in geoelectrical inversion problems. The main advantage of 1D survey is the rapid data acquisition in a large area, but in regions with two-dimensional structures or that need more details, is essential to use two-dimensional interpretation methodologies. For an efficient field acquisition we used in an innovative form the fixed-loop array, with a square transmitter loop (200m x 200m) and 25m spacing between the sounding points. The TEM surveys were conducted only inside the transmitter loop, in order to not deal with negative apparent resistivity values. Although it is possible to model the negative values, it makes the inversion convergence more difficult. Therefore the methodology described above has been developed in order to achieve maximum optimization of data acquisition. Since it is necessary only one transmitter loop disposition in the surface for each series of soundings inside the loop. The algorithms were tested with synthetic data and the results were essential to the interpretation of the results with real data and will be useful in future situations. With the inversion of the real data acquired over the Paraná Sedimentary Basin (PSB) was successful realized a 2D TEM inversion. The results indicate a robust geoelectrical characterization for the sedimentary and crystalline aquifers in the PSB. Therefore, using a new and relevant approach for 2D TEM inversion, this research effectively contributed to map the most

  14. Homosexual Desire Displayed in El lugar sin límites, by Arturo Ripstein / Visualizaciones del deseo homosexual en El lugar sin límites, de Arturo Ripstein

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    Dieter Ingenschay


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo analiza la película El lugar sin límites (1977 de Arturo Ripstein, basada en la novela homónima de José Donoso (1966. Ambas obras se conocen como ejemplos tempranos de un discurso sobre la homosexualidad dentro de las sociedades homófobas latinoamericanas de la era antes de Foucault. Su meta es mostrar las diferencias específicas «esenciales» entre la novela y la película con respecto al tema de los problemas de género y del deseo homosexual en particular. Cuando Ripstein pidió el guión a Manuel Puig, quería ganar la colaboración de una voz «auténticamente» gay, pero más tarde Puig no reconoció su autoría. Las dos obras disponen de técnicas específicas para visualizar la «perturbación de géneros», a saber: métodos gramaticales en el caso de la novela, y el uso de colores simbólicos en el caso de la película. Ésta última muestra, más claramente que la novela, el carácter performativo del género. Aunque la película aborda cuestiones como la homofobia, la represión y los inicios de una liberación sexual –y por ello podría relacionarse con el popular cine de fichera–, su principal logro es mostrar, de manera consciente e inédita, el proceso emancipatorio de un gay, travesti en este caso. Si hay una persona «trágica» en esta película, ya no es La Manuela, el travesti, sino Pancho, el macho y homosexual.Palabras clave: Ripstein, Donoso, El lugar sin límites, homosexualidad en Latinoamérica, Gender Trouble (perturbación de género en Latinoamérica, homofobia en Latinoamérica, emancipación gay en Latinoamérica.AbstractThe following article analyzes Arturo Ripstein’s film El lugar sin límites (1977, based on José Donoso’s homonymous novel (1966. Both are well-known early examples of a fictional discourse on homosexuality within the homophobic Latin American societies of pre-Foucauldian times. Its aim is to show the specific «essential» difference between the novel and

  15. Molecular identification of TEM-116 beta-lactamase gene in isolates ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: Purpose: To determine TEM-116 beta-lactamase gene prevalence in drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from Pakistan. Methods: Sequence analysis of TEM beta-lactamase isolates and their antibiotic susceptibility patterns were carried out. Quantitative bacteriostatic concentrations for commonly ...

  16. Megaeventos Esportivos Frente a Pequenos Eventos: Reflexões Considerando-Se a Realidade Brasileira Recente

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    Edmilson Lima


    Full Text Available O artigo tem por objetivo oferecer aos definidores de política pública, aos governantes e aos mais diversos grupos de interesse da população brasileira conhecimentos comparativos úteis para que opinem, decidam e ajam a respeito de mega e pequenos eventos, facilitando ainda a pesquisa bibliográfica de estudantes e pesquisadores. A literatura mostra que os efeitos de um megaevento são um tema controverso. No Brasil, sede da Copa das Confederações em 2013, da Copa do Mundo em 2014 e dos Jogos Olímpicos em 2016, ainda há um importante questionamento sobre se o país, tão carente de melhorias em áreas como saúde e educação, deveria sediar megaeventos como esses. Soma-se a isso o questionamento se não seria melhor priorizar pequenos eventos nos países em geral. Os governantes e empresas interessadas na realização de megaeventos frequentemente superestimam seus efeitos positivos para a sociedade anfitriã, enquanto a literatura especializada considera que o saldo dos efeitos reais não é necessariamente positivo e, mais, tende a ser negativo. Com base nisso, desenvolveu-se e tornou-se forte a linha de entendimento de que os pequenos eventos são mais benéficos, têm maiores possibilidades de sucesso e maior potencial de efeito socioeconômico positivo – sendo assim recomendáveis no lugar de megaeventos para os países em geral, o que inclui o Brasil.

  17. SOFC anode reduction studied by in situ TEM

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Søren Bredmose; Wagner, Jakob Birkedal; Hansen, Thomas Willum

    The Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) is a promising part of future energy approaches due to a relatively high energy conversion efficiency and low environmental pollution. SOFCs are typically composed of ceramic materials which are highly complex at the nanoscale. TEM is routinely applied ex situ...... for studying these nanoscale structures, but only few SOFC studies have applied in situ TEM to observe the ceramic nanostructures in a reactive gas environment at elevated temperatures. The present contribution focuses on the reduction of an SOFC anode which is a necessary process to form the catalytically...... active Ni surface before operating the fuel cells. The reduction process was followed in the TEM while exposing a NiO/YSZ (YSZ = Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2) model anode to H2 at T = 250-1000⁰C. Pure NiO was used in reference experiments. Previous studies have shown that the reduction of pure Ni...

  18. Patrimônio Ferroviário: em busca dos seus lugares centrais

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    Maria Emília Lopes Freire


    Full Text Available Resumo O patrimônio ferroviário é formado por estruturas complexas, em interações socioespaciais – implantadas como uma rede –, vinculadas à história do desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico e à memória social. Assim, elas carregam atributos valorativos portadores de interesse patrimonial. Entretanto, não é possível preservar tudo, é necessário fazer uma seleção criteriosa pautada em argumentos relevantes. Este artigo propõe um arranjo teórico – inspirado na abordagem sistêmica, associada às noções de rede, nodalidade e centralidade –, capaz de fornecer fundamentos analíticos imprescindíveis à identificação, em uma rede ferroviária, das estruturas espaciais e suas relações, caracterizadas como lugares centrais. Tais estruturas, por serem as mais importantes à dinâmica funcional dessa rede, são detentoras de potencial à preservação. É uma proposta, instigada pela iminente perda de estruturas ferroviárias, símbolos representativos de identidades coletivas. A discussão centra-se no primitivo sistema ferroviário implantado no Recife, como parte da Rede Ferroviária Nordeste (Brasil. Esse sistema polarizou funções essenciais, conformando centralidades, em relação aos demais pátios da Rede e nodalidades, ante as inter-relações estabelecidas com as demais redes que recobrem o território. Figuram, portanto, como Lugares Centrais.

  19. Track Etch Membranes (TEMS) for separation sciences from BARC-TIFR Pelletron accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nair, J.P.; Surendran, P.; Sparrow, Hillary; Gupta, A.K.; Kailas, S.; Bhagwat, P.V.


    TEMs are very much in need for the separation of desirable/undesirable metals from industrial effluents and radioactive wastes as well as in the field of biology and gas separation. It is necessary to optimize pore size and pore density for a specific application. TEMs available in market are imported and are used for laboratory scale activity. To carry the success of these activities on industrial scale large scale production of TEMs is needed. The availability of heavy ion accelerator made possible the production of TEMs in wide range of sizes. Many countries have set up facilities for continuous production of TEMs. BARC-TIFR Pelletron Accelerator at Mumbai delivers MeV energies of heavy ions for research in basic as well as applied sciences. Heavy ions of various species and energies from BARC-TIFR Pelletron Accelerator were used to make TEMs using polyethylene terephthalate (PET/Mylar) films of 25 micron thickness. The films used were procured from reputed manufactures in India

  20. In situ TEM electromechanical testing of nanowires and nanotubes. (United States)

    Espinosa, Horacio D; Bernal, Rodrigo A; Filleter, Tobin


    The emergence of one-dimensional nanostructures as fundamental constituents of advanced materials and next-generation electronic and electromechanical devices has increased the need for their atomic-scale characterization. Given its spatial and temporal resolution, coupled with analytical capabilities, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been the technique of choice in performing atomic structure and defect characterization. A number of approaches have been recently developed to combine these capabilities with in-situ mechanical deformation and electrical characterization in the emerging field of in-situ TEM electromechanical testing. This has enabled researchers to establish unambiguous synthesis-structure-property relations for one-dimensional nanostructures. In this article, the development and latest advances of several in-situ TEM techniques to carry out mechanical and electromechanical testing of nanowires and nanotubes are reviewed. Through discussion of specific examples, it is shown how the merging of several microsystems and TEM has led to significant insights into the behavior of nanowires and nanotubes, underscoring the significant role in-situ techniques play in the development of novel nanoscale systems and materials. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Correlation of simulated TEM images with irradiation induced damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaeublin, R.; Almeida, P. de; Almazouzi, A.; Victoria, M.


    Crystal damage induced by irradiation is investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled to molecular dynamics (MD) calculations. The displacement cascades are simulated for energies ranging from 10 to 50 keV in Al, Ni and Cu and for times of up to a few tens of picoseconds. Samples are then used to perform simulations of the TEM images that one could observe experimentally. Diffraction contrast is simulated using a method based on the multislice technique. It appears that the cascade induced damage in Al imaged in weak beam exhibits little contrast, which is too low to be experimentally visible, while in Ni and Cu a good contrast is observed. The number of visible clusters is always lower than the actual one. Conversely, high resolution TEM (HRTEM) imaging allows most of the defects contained in the sample to be observed, although experimental difficulties arise due to the low contrast intensity of the smallest defects. Single point defects give rise in HTREM to a contrast that is similar to that of cavities. TEM imaging of the defects is discussed in relation to the actual size of the defects and to the number of clusters deduced from MD simulations

  2. Turismo Induzido por Filmes: A Imagem do Nordeste Propagada pelo Cinema Brasileiro no Ponto de Vista do Estudante de Cinema no Ceará

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    Francisco Samuel Pereira Neto


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa trata do fenômeno Turismo Induzido por Filmes como uma estratégia de marketing para lugares, abordando conceitos das três áreas alicerce, sendo elas o Marketing, o Turismo e o Cinema, para o estudo, explanação e formação das ideias. Traz o desenvolvimento do fenômeno no mundo, sua história, primeiras constatações de sua existência e valor como formador e fixador da imagem de um lugar na mente do público, além de enfatizar os benefícios na aplicação de tal estratégia para o crescimento local. Em seguida, o referencial teórico aborda a condição do cinema e a aplicação da estratégia no Brasil, e então trata da imagem do Nordeste, abordando, a princípio, como fora formada a ideia de nordeste que se tem mais fortemente fixada no imaginário das pessoas hoje, e como as artes, e mais tarde, o cinema, contribuiu e ainda contribui para isso. Finalmente, a pesquisa trata, por meio da aplicação de questionários, da visão dos estudantes de Cinema no Ceará, representados pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC e Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR, sobre as produções cinematográficas nacionais que retratam o Nordeste e a imagem que propagam da região.DOI: 10.5585/podium.v2i2.42

  3. Do berço ao berçário: a instituição como morada e lugar de contato

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    Marta Nörnberg


    Full Text Available Este ensaio aborda o sentido da instituição infantil a partir de uma perspectiva ético-estético-afetiva do viver humano. A abordagem ampara-se em perspectivas filosóficas sobre a existência humana. Os argumentos apresentam o berçário como morada, lugar do viver juntos, instituição que se faz em coletividade, nela e com ela, decorrente do encontro de bebês e adultos. Ao constituir-se como morada dos bebês, o berçário ritualiza e reatualiza a prática pedagógica como lugar de relação entre bebês e adultos, requerendo uma pedagogia do contato.

  4. Colosalidad, ópera y espíritu del lugar: una impresión antropológica de la arena de Verona

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    José Antonio González Alcantud


    Full Text Available Que los genii loci, o espíritus del lugar, no son sólo azarosas conjunciones de lugares arquitectónicos o paisajísticos con (figura 1, un destino prefijado nos lo puede mostrar la historia cultural de la Arena de Verona, antiguo anfiteatro romano, construido en el siglo I, cuya fábrica se conserva en extraordinarias condiciones en el día de hoy. La Rena es conocida mundialmente por ser el anfiteatro más grande después del Coliseo romano, y por su estado de conservación que ha permitido su uso continuado como albergue de espectáculos. Lo ha sido más aún desde 1913, en que se celebró una espectacular Aida con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de Verdi, manteniendo continuadamente una temporada veraniega de ópera, con un fuerte marchamo verdiano, que atrae a aficionados y turistas de toda procedencia. Esta imagen ha prosperado y ha producido la conjunción entre la colosalidad del anfiteatro y la grandiosidad de las óperas de Verdi, con el público de masas, dando lugar a un espectáculo cuanto menos singular.

  5. Developments in TEM Nanotomography of Calcium Silicate Hydrate

    KAUST Repository

    Taylor, Rae; Sakdinawat, Anne E.; Chae, Sejung R.; Wenk, Haz Rudolf; Levitz, Pierre E.; Sougrat, Rachid; Monteiro, Paulo José Meleragno


    This investigation was designed to explore the possibility of using transmission electron microscope (TEM) tomography on cement-based systems gain a greater understanding of their nanostructure and pore network. The preliminary results show a clearly a well-defined pore network at the nanoscale, with pore size approximately 1.7-2.4 nm in diameter and spaced around 5-8 nm apart. A comparison of small angle X-ray scattering data with 2-D TEM images analyzed with the Fourier slice theorem documents an excellent structural correlation. © 2015 The American Ceramic Society.

  6. Developments in TEM Nanotomography of Calcium Silicate Hydrate

    KAUST Repository

    Taylor, Rae


    This investigation was designed to explore the possibility of using transmission electron microscope (TEM) tomography on cement-based systems gain a greater understanding of their nanostructure and pore network. The preliminary results show a clearly a well-defined pore network at the nanoscale, with pore size approximately 1.7-2.4 nm in diameter and spaced around 5-8 nm apart. A comparison of small angle X-ray scattering data with 2-D TEM images analyzed with the Fourier slice theorem documents an excellent structural correlation. © 2015 The American Ceramic Society.

  7. Caracterización de hábitos de higiene y ambientes en lugares de atención integral a población infantil


    Lesmes, Virginia Inés Soto; Ramírez, Olga Janneth Gómez; Parrado, Yaneth Mercedes; Hernández-Rodríguez, Patricia; Gomez, Arlen Patricia


    RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar hábitos de higiene de niños y cuidadores para la prevención y el control de enfermedades infecciosas en lugares de atención en Bogotá, Colombia; asimismo, caracterizar las bacterias en las superficies de estos ambientes. Método: Se diseñaron, validaron y aplicaron dos instrumentos para evaluar hábitos saludables y se tomaron muestras de superficies en cocinas, baños, salones, colchonetas y juguetes de 230 lugares. Las bacterias aisladas fueron clasificadas por ...

  8. Qualidade de vida do paciente submetido à Microcirurgia Endoscópica Transanal (TEM Quality of life after Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM

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    Roberto da Silveira Moraes


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: A Microcirurgia Endoscópica Transanal (TEM é procedimento minimamente invasivo para o tratamento de tumores retais selecionados. Atualmente, existe crescente interesse médico na medida quantitativa da qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes submetidos a TEM no Serviço de Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo observacional prospectivo e de coorte da avaliação da qualidade de vida após TEM. Trinta e quatro pacientes responderam a um questionário composto de 14 questões, abordando aspectos pós-operatórios e laborais. Dirigiam-se elas para levantar dados principalmente sobre: o consentimento informado; a dor experimentada após a operação; a capacidade de o paciente caminhar no período pós-operatório; o período para retorno às atividades habituais; a satisfação com a ausência de cicatriz pós-operatória; a incontinência no pós-operatório; se recomendaria a operação a um familiar ou conhecido. RESULTADOS: Todos os 34 pacientes relataram ter sido adequadamente informados sobre o procedimento. Ausência de dor pós-operatória foi observada em 82,5% e todos se mostraram capazes de deambular no 1º dia do pós-operatório. O retorno às atividades habituais deu-se em média sete dias após o procedimento. Somente cinco pacientes (14,70% apresentaram incontinência fecal transitória, não maior que uma semana. Três pacientes (8,82% necessitaram de re-internação, sendo dois por tumores residuais e outro por recidiva tumoral. Dois pacientes (5,88% referiram modificação temporária na vida sexual após a cirurgia e 97,05% indicariam a TEM a um familiar ou amigo. O período médio de internação foi de três dias. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes apresentaram boa evolução, com pouca dor pós-operatória, curto período de internação e baixo índice de complicações, mostrando satisfação e adequada

  9. “Sou uma mulher com o corpo de homem. É este meu grande drama”: Gênero e Travestismo em A confissao, de Bernardo Santareno

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    Solange Santos Santana


    Full Text Available Na dramaturgia de Bernardo Santareno (1920-1980, a vida é sempre permeada por embates: de um lado, as normas regulatórias da conduta social, os discursos hegemônicos; de outro, personagens singulares à margem do “ideal”, destoantes.  Entre cenas e atos, mulheres, gays, travestis, lésbicas, garotas e garotos de programa, ainda que sejam estorvadas, oprimidas e censuradas, problematizam o lugar social destinado a elas, além de questionar os códigos de conduta que regem a vida social e sexual.  Neste trabalho, debruçarei sobre o texto A confissão, dramatículo de apenas um ato que compõe o volume Os Marginais e a Revolução, escrito pelo dramaturgo português, em 1979. A partir da análise das personagens principais – a travesti Françoise e o Confessor, representante da Igreja católica –, o presente texto se divide em duas partes. Na primeira, tomo de empréstimo um importante operador de leitura para o campo dos Estudos Culturais – o termo entre-lugar (SANTIAGO, 2002 –, porque acredito que a personagem Françoise pode ser melhor compreendida como um ser singular que o corporifica, uma vez que provoca a dispersão das premissas e princípios da matriz cultural heteronormativa; além de significar a resistência do sujeito às regras, às normas que o empurram para o terreno do inumano. Na segunda parte, trato de gênero, travestismo e os investimentos para a rematerialização do corpo com o objetivo de pensar como esta personagem, em comparação com as drag-queens, aponta para o paradoxo da condição travesti de que fala, por exemplo, Miskolci e Pelúcio (2007.  Ainda que Françoise lute para ser respeitada em sua diferença, pode-se perceber uma vontade de poder contingenciada pelo discurso social inerente à matriz cultural heteronormativa. Este trabalho, pois, tem como base teórica os estudos sobre homoerotismo, gênero e a teoria queer.

  10. Como crianças percebem, idealizam e realizam o lugar onde moram

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    Ariane Kuhnen


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta resultados de dois projetos, um de pesquisa e outro de extensão universitária, que se co-relacionam. Objetivaram conhecer os contextos de apropriação espaço-temporal de lugar e a implicação para a formação de seres cidadãos. Os sujeitos são crianças moradoras de uma região periférica de Florianópolis, em Santa Catarina. Utilizaram-se nos dois projetos métodos variados de investigação e intervenção. Entre eles, imersão em campo, observação livre e participante, entrevistas, passeios dirigidos, atividades lúdicas, desenhos e fotografias. Os recursos metodológicos comprovadamente demonstraram ser um importante modo de apreensão da realidade, já que alcançaram percepções e significações dos sujeitos. As fontes teóricas que fundamentaram a intervenção e a análise foram primordialmente originárias da Psicologia Ambiental. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente. Os resultados demonstram que esses sujeitos têm identidade com a sua comunidade, porém, em relação aos outros lugares da cidade, verificou-se o fenômeno de “guetificação” e, conseqüentemente, desconhecem a cidade além dos limites de seu bairro. Viu-se como essa limitação dos e nos espaços da cidade reflete-se na constituição de sujeitos-cidadãos.

  11. Razvijmo sebe, druge in s tem svoj kraj

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    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Dušana Findeisen v tem prispevku obravnava vprašanje, kako spodbuditi ljudi k soodgovornosti za lasten razvoj in razvoj kraja. Preučuje tudi, kako naj prebivalci postanejo soodgovorni za zadostitev lastnih potreb in potreb njihovega kraja. V zvezi s tem se dotakne vloge izobraževalca odraslih - animatorja lokalnih projektov. Poudarja tudi pomen navezovanja novih odnosov in razmerij med lokalnimi skupnostmi in državo ter uvajanje “strukturalne politike”, kot jo imenuje avtorica, za sistemsko pomoč razvoju lokalnih projektov. Nazadnje pa obravnava vlogo lokalnih projektov z vidika razvoja kraja.

  12. Establishment of in situ TEM-implanter/accelerator interface facility at Wuhan University

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, L.P.; Liu, C.S.; Li, M.; Song, B.; Ye, M.S.; Fu, D.J.; Fan, X.J.


    In order to perform in situ investigations on the evolution of microstructures during ion irradiation for the evaluation of irradiation-resistance performance of advanced materials, we have established a transmission electron microscope (TEM)-implanter/accelerator interface facility at Wuhan University, the first of its kind in China. A Hitachi H800 TEM was linked to a 200 kV ion implanter and a 2x1.7 MV tandem accelerator through the interface system designed on the basis of ion beam transportation calculations. Effective steps were taken to isolate the TEM from mechanical vibration transmitted from the ion beam lines, and no significant degradation of microscope resolution was observed when the TEM operated under high zoom modes during the ion implantation. In the test experiments, ion beams of N + , He + , Ar + , and H + were successfully transported from the implanter into the TEM chamber through the interface system, and the ion currents measured at the entrance of the TEM column were between 20 and 80 nA. The amorphisation process of Si crystal irradiated by N + ion beams was successfully observed in the preliminary experiments, demonstrating that this interface facility is capable of in situ study of ion irradiated samples

  13. Quantitative phase imaging and differential interference contrast imaging for biological TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allman, B.E.; McMahon, P.J.; Barone-Nugent, E.D.; Nugent, E.D.


    Full text: Phase microscopy is a central technique in science. An experienced microscopist uses this effect to visualise (edge) structure within transparent samples by slightly defocusing the microscope. Although widespread in optical microscopy, phase contrast transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has not been widely adopted. TEM for biological specimens has largely relied on staining techniques to yield sufficient contrast. We show here a simple method for quantitative TEM phase microscopy that quantifies this phase contrast effect. Starting with conventional, digital, bright field images of the sample, our algorithm provides quantitative phase information independent of the sample's bright field intensity image. We present TEM phase images of a range of stained and unstained, biological and material science specimens. This independent phase and intensity information is then used to emulate a range of phase visualisation images familiar to optical microscopy, e.g. differential interference contrast. The phase images contain features not visible with the other imaging modalities. Further, if the TEM samples have been prepared on a microtome to a uniform thickness, the phase information can be converted into refractive index structure of the specimen. Copyright (2002) Australian Society for Electron Microscopy Inc

  14. Identification of proangiogenic TIE2-expressing monocytes (TEMs) in human peripheral blood and cancer. (United States)

    Venneri, Mary Anna; De Palma, Michele; Ponzoni, Maurilio; Pucci, Ferdinando; Scielzo, Cristina; Zonari, Erika; Mazzieri, Roberta; Doglioni, Claudio; Naldini, Luigi


    Tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells, including tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), have been implicated in tumor progression. We recently described a lineage of mouse monocytes characterized by expression of the Tie2 angiopoietin receptor and required for the vascularization and growth of several tumor models. Here, we report that TIE2 expression in human blood identifies a subset of monocytes distinct from classical inflammatory monocytes and comprised within the less abundant "resident" population. These TIE2-expressing monocytes (TEMs) accounted for 2% to 7% of blood mononuclear cells in healthy donors and were distinct from rare circulating endothelial cells and progenitors. In human cancer patients, TEMs were observed in the blood and, intriguingly, within the tumors, where they represented the main monocyte population distinct from TAMs. Conversely, TEMs were hardly detected in nonneoplastic tissues. In vitro, TEMs migrated toward angiopoietin-2, a TIE2 ligand released by activated endothelial cells and angiogenic vessels, suggesting a homing mechanism for TEMs to tumors. Purified human TEMs, but not TEM-depleted monocytes, markedly promoted angiogenesis in xenotransplanted human tumors, suggesting a potentially critical role of TEMs in human cancer progression. Human TEMs may provide a novel, biologically relevant marker of angiogenesis and represent a previously unrecognized target of cancer therapy.


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    Raphael Allan de Oliveira Soares


    Full Text Available O artigo tem por objetivo caracterizar a tese “legítima defesa da honra” utilizada em casos de violência contra a mulher, verificar como tal tese tem aparecido nos tribunais do Estado de São Paulo, e principalmente verificar como o Poder Judiciário estadual tem lidado com uma tese enraizada no machismo. Baseando-se em pesquisa literária e pesquisa de jurisprudências no site do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo, conclui-se que tal argumento ainda hoje se faz presente nos tribunais paulistas, e que em poucos casos o judiciário se mostra tão machista quanto a tese apresentada pela defesa. Tal conclusão pode nos mostrar o caráter machista, ainda que em declínio, do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo.

  16. Correlating TEM images of damage in irradiated materials to molecular dynamics simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaeublin, R.; Caturla, M.-J.; Wall, M.; Felter, T.; Fluss, M.; Wirth, B.D.; Diaz de la Rubia, T.; Victoria, M.


    TEM image simulations are used to couple the results from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to experimental TEM images. In particular we apply this methodology to the study of defects produced during irradiation. MD simulations have shown that irradiation of FCC metals results in a population of vacancies and interstitials forming clusters. The limitation of these simulations is the short time scales available, on the order of 100 s of picoseconds. Extrapolation of the results from these short times to the time scales of the laboratory has been difficult. We address this problem by two methods: we perform TEM image simulations of MD simulations of cascades with an improved technique, to relate defects produced at short time scales with those observed experimentally at much longer time scales. On the other hand we perform in situ TEM experiments of Au irradiated at liquid-nitrogen temperatures, and study the evolution of the produced damage as the temperature is increased to room temperature. We find that some of the defects observed in the MD simulations at short time scales using the TEM image simulation technique have features that resemble those observed in laboratory TEM images of irradiated samples. In situ TEM shows that stacking fault tetrahedra are present at the lowest temperatures and are stable during annealing up to room temperature, while other defect clusters migrate one dimensionally above -100 deg. C. Results are presented here

  17. Benchmarking of a novel contactless characterisation method for micro thermoelectric modules (μTEMs)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hickey, S; Punch, J; Jeffers, N


    Significant challenges exist in the thermal control of Photonics Integrated Circuits (PICs) for use in optical communications. Increasing component density coupled with greater functionality is leading to higher device-level heat fluxes, stretching the capabilities of conventional cooling methods using thermoelectric modules (TEMs). A tailored thermal control solution incorporating micro thermoelectric modules (μTEMs) to individually address hotspots within PICs could provide an energy efficient alternative to existing control methods. Performance characterisation is required to establish the suitability of commercially-available μTEMs for the operating conditions in current and next generation PICs. The objective of this paper is to outline a novel method for the characterisation of thermoelectric modules (TEMs), which utilises infra-red (IR) heat transfer and temperature measurement to obviate the need for mechanical stress on the upper surface of low compression tolerance (∼0.5N) μTEMs. The method is benchmarked using a commercially-available macro scale TEM, comparing experimental data to the manufacturer's performance data sheet.

  18. Benchmarking of a novel contactless characterisation method for micro thermoelectric modules (μTEMs) (United States)

    Hickey, S.; Punch, J.; Jeffers, N.


    Significant challenges exist in the thermal control of Photonics Integrated Circuits (PICs) for use in optical communications. Increasing component density coupled with greater functionality is leading to higher device-level heat fluxes, stretching the capabilities of conventional cooling methods using thermoelectric modules (TEMs). A tailored thermal control solution incorporating micro thermoelectric modules (μTEMs) to individually address hotspots within PICs could provide an energy efficient alternative to existing control methods. Performance characterisation is required to establish the suitability of commercially-available μTEMs for the operating conditions in current and next generation PICs. The objective of this paper is to outline a novel method for the characterisation of thermoelectric modules (TEMs), which utilises infra-red (IR) heat transfer and temperature measurement to obviate the need for mechanical stress on the upper surface of low compression tolerance (~0.5N) μTEMs. The method is benchmarked using a commercially-available macro scale TEM, comparing experimental data to the manufacturer's performance data sheet.

  19. Stereoscopic methods in TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, L.E.


    Stereoscopic methods used in TEM are reviewed. The use of stereoscopy to characterize three-dimensional structures observed by TEM has become widespread since the introduction of instruments operating at 1 MV. In its emphasis on whole structures and thick specimens this approach differs significantly from conventional methods of microstructural analysis based on three-dimensional image reconstruction from a number of thin-section views. The great advantage of stereo derives from the ability to directly perceive and measure structures in three-dimensions by capitalizing on the unsurpassed human ability for stereoscopic matching of corresponding details on picture pairs showing the same features from different viewpoints. At this time, stereo methods are aimed mainly at structural understanding at the level of dislocations, precipitates, and irradiation-induced point-defect clusters in crystal and on the cellular irradiation-induced point-defect clusters in crystal and on the cellular level of biological specimens. 3-d reconstruction methods have concentrated on the molecular level where image resolution requirements dictate the use of very thin specimens. One recent application of three-dimensional coordinate measurements is a system developed for analyzing depth variations in the numbers, sizes and total volumes of voids produced near the surfaces of metal specimens during energetic ion bombardment. This system was used to correlate the void volumes at each depth along the ion range with the number of atomic displacements produced at that depth, thereby unfolding the entire swelling versus dose relationship from a single stereo view. A later version of this system incorporating computer-controlled stereo display capabilities is now being built

  20. El lugar como categoría de análisis del espacio público. Complejidad, (inmaterialidad, resignificación y planificación del espacio público.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Tomadoni


    Full Text Available La complejidad es una propiedad inherente a los espacios urbanos. Dentro de ellos, los espacios públicos muestran en la actualidad una complejidad creciente y variable, acorde a las diversas formas de percibir, concebir, producir y consumir estos espacios. Los espacios públicos se conforman de multiplicidad de lugares. Los lugares son síntesis de formascontenidos y revelan la compleja trama de relaciones que subyacen al espacio urbano. El concepto de lugar ofrece alternativas para la observación, análisis y actuación sobre el ambiente urbano y especialmente del espacio público, en tanto en él se materializan intercambios sociales, culturales, políticos y económicos. En un intento por descubrir la relación dialéctica naturaleza-sociedad en el espacio público, recurrimos al concepto de lugar como categoría analítica para interpretar la materialidad e inmaterialidad en los procesos de producción y consumo del espacio público urbano y, para captar la importancia de su complejidad en miras a la formulación de políticas públicas y al rol que luego estas juegan en dichos procesos.

  1. OSCE vs. TEM: Different approaches to assess clinical skills of nursing students

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    Prasuna Jelly


    Full Text Available Introduction: Nurses are trained with specific clinical skills, and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE could be a better approach to assess clinical skills of nursing students. Materials and Methods: A comparative study was conducted by observational checklist regarding antenatal care and opinionnaire on the usefulness of OSCE and tradition evaluation method (TEM was used to assess the clinical skills and to get opinion. Results: The mean score of OSCE was more than TEM and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001. The opinion of students regarding the usefulness of OSCE was higher than TEM. Conclusions: The study concluded that implementing OSCE will overweigh the advantages of the TEM.

  2. Multidão: esfinge da saúde pública, lugar de inflexão, ideias do bem comum

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    Emerson Elias Merhy


    Full Text Available A saúde pública emerge e adquire uma expressividade única em vários lugares, mesmo que sob formas distintas, conforme os jogos de poder a que estavam submetidos. Um traço se faz ali presente: dominar por um certo saber-fazer (como um biopoder a dinâmica da vida nas populações, para poder agir sobre ela e, com isso, dominar as multidões em seus movimentos; o que escapasse, seria vigiado, capturado e excluído. Poder saber-fazer sobre quantos morrem, nascem, do que morrem e como evitá-lo. Como entrar e controlar esse jogo, é a obsessão e a paranoia sanitária. Esse artigo abre uma conversa sobre o pensar a multidão como uma esfinge que a saúde pública tem de desvelar para controlar, conforme certos modos de governar os outros, indivíduos e coletivos. Torná-la população é sempre sua estratégia de poder central. Na contingência do Rio de Janeiro, que trouxe há um tempo a questão da rua de uma maneira intensa, agregada pela sua presença nos eventos mundiais, Copa do Mundo de Futebol e Olimpíada, a situação dos sinais da rua vão adquirindo expressões muito específicas no que toca à relação multidão e saúde pública, o que, abre janelas para a nossa visão sobre alguns dos dilemas que temos hoje: o fazer-se multidão de vários modos coloca em cheque as estratégias governamentais que apostam na fabricação da categoria "população".

  3. Conhecendo a abordagem da temática da obesidade em quatro escolas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte DOI:

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    Márcia Marcelino Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A escola se apresenta como um espaço e um tempo privilegiado, lugar onde os alunos passam boa parte do tempo além de exercer um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento físico, psicológico e emocional dos adolescentes. A hipótese levantada foi que apesar de a obesidade ser considerada uma epidemia, a temática não recebe a importância e atenção necessárias no âmbito escolar. O objetivo foi verificar como é abordada a temática da obesidade em quatro estabelecimentos de ensino da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. A metodologia consistiu em visitar quatro escolas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, escolhidas aleatoriamente e por pertencerem a mesmo município, sendo três públicas e uma particular a fim de verificar como a temática obesidade está sendo abordada nessas instituições. Os resultados do estudo evidenciaram que a abordagem da prática pedagógica como estratégia de intervenção da questão obesidade foi pouco realizada nas escolas. Conclui-se que há necessidade de elaboração e introdução de projetos de intervenção efetivos na política pedagógica sobre a importância da conscientização de hábito de vida saudável mais eficaz no âmbito escolar que inclua seus frequentadores, familiares e comunidades.

  4. SIMS and TEM study on oxide characteristics of Zircaloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Y. H.; Baek, J. H.; Kim, S. J.; Kim, K. H.; Choi, B. K.; Jung, Y. H.


    Long-term corrosion test, SIMS analysis, and TEM study were carried out to investigate the corrosion characteristics and corrosion mechanism of Zircaloy-4 in LiOH solution. The corrosion tests were performed in alkali solutions at 350 deg C for 500days. SIMS analysis was performed for the specimens prepared to have an equal oxide thickness to measure the cation content. TEM studies on the samples formed in various alkali solutions were also conducted. Based on the corrosion test, SIMS analysis, and TEM study, the cation is considered to control the corrosion in LiOH solution and its effect is dependent on the concentration of alkali and the oxide thickness. The slight acceleration of corrosion rate at a low concentration is thought to be caused by the cation incorporation into oxide while the significant acceleration at a high concentration is due to the transformation of oxide microstructure that would be induced by the cation incorporation

  5. Perder el lugar: Un caso de estudio del desplazamiento en Colombia

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    Gabriel Ruiz


    Full Text Available Losing One’s Place – A Case Study of Colombia’s Displaced CitizenshipThe study of social frameworks where violence is shaped requires an analysis of armed actions not as isolated events but linked to the structural conditions that enable their emergence. The normalization of violence in marginal rural areas not only destroys the place where victims have rights (their home but also the very idea of being holders of rights. The physically forced displacement of these rural inhabitants is thus seen as the concretization of a previous social displacement that had taken their citizenship away in the first place. The effects of these measures of reparation in Colombia are limited (and even counterproductive because violence and forced displacement have only been understood in terms of their physical dimensions and are not directed toward achieving a democratic transformation that would bring the victims back into the political community.Resumen:El estudio de las tramas sociales donde se forma la violencia exige analizar las acciones armadas no de forma aislada sino encadenadas a las condiciones estructurales que posibilitaron su aparición. La normalización de la violencia en los sectores marginales rurales destruye no sólo el lugar de derecho de las víctimas (su hogar sino la idea misma de ser sujetos de derechos. El desplazamiento forzado físico de estas poblaciones se entiende así como la materialización de un desplazamiento social previo que las privó de la condición de ciuda-danía en primer lugar. Los efectos de las medidas de reparación en Colombia son limitados (e incluso contraproducentes porque entienden la violencia y el desplazamiento forzado sólo en su dimensión física y no están orientadas por tanto a lograr una transformación democrática que incorpore a las víctimas dentro de la comunidad política.

  6. A nonlinear filtering algorithm for denoising HR(S)TEM micrographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du, Hongchu


    Noise reduction of micrographs is often an essential task in high resolution (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (HR(S)TEM) either for a higher visual quality or for a more accurate quantification. Since HR(S)TEM studies are often aimed at resolving periodic atomistic columns and their non-periodic deviation at defects, it is important to develop a noise reduction algorithm that can simultaneously handle both periodic and non-periodic features properly. In this work, a nonlinear filtering algorithm is developed based on widely used techniques of low-pass filter and Wiener filter, which can efficiently reduce noise without noticeable artifacts even in HR(S)TEM micrographs with contrast of variation of background and defects. The developed nonlinear filtering algorithm is particularly suitable for quantitative electron microscopy, and is also of great interest for beam sensitive samples, in situ analyses, and atomic resolution EFTEM. - Highlights: • A nonlinear filtering algorithm for denoising HR(S)TEM images is developed. • It can simultaneously handle both periodic and non-periodic features properly. • It is particularly suitable for quantitative electron microscopy. • It is of great interest for beam sensitive samples, in situ analyses, and atomic resolution EFTEM


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    The degeneration of the capsule epithelium of cataractous lenses has been studied with LM, SEM on TEM with emphases on TEM. The observed degeneration of the epithelial cells can be described as follows: The cell nucleus becomes picnotic and desintegrates as result of change of the chromatin.

  8. Oxidation in ceria infiltrated metal supported SOFCs – A TEM investigation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knibbe, Ruth; Wang, Hsiang-Jen; Blennow Tullmar, Peter


    electron microscopy (TEM) techniques including energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy of focus ion beamed TEM samples. The infiltrated CGO is predominately converted into CeFeO3 after high temperature processing, protecting the alloy. A thin layer of Cr-oxide is observed...





    Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a visão do dependente de drogas sobre o lugar do pai na família. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com dez internos, do sexo masculino, de uma clínica para tratamento da adicção em Niterói, no Rio de Janeiro. O lugar do pai, de acordo com os entrevistados, foi marcado pela pouca intimidade e pelos extremos da omissão ou autoritarismo. O lugar da mãe, em contraste, foi extremamente valorizado e idealizado pe...

  10. Espaço, lugar, identidade: geografias raciais em Our Nig, de Harriet E. Wilson

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    Jose de Paiva dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este ensaio examina Our Nig, publicado em 1859 e considerado o primeiro romance escrito por uma mulher afrodescendente nos Estados Unidos, como uma crítica ao racismo contra os negros residentes nos estados do Norte do país, região normalmente vista pelos negros sulistas como solidária à causa abolicionista. À luz de insights provenientes da antropologia cultural e da geografia social, o texto discutirá como Harriet E. Wilson representa a formação de espaços e lugares racializados, que acabam se tornando ferramentas de dominação e exploração da mão de obra negra. Através dos abusos à personagem central do romance, a mulata Frado, Wilson discute a racialização dos lugares em uma residência em particular, a da família Bellmont. No entanto, fica evidente que o escopo crítico do romance é bem mais amplo. Além de expor ideologias raciais oitocentistas que sustentavam a demarcação racial dos espaços, ao usar a casa como metáfora para a nação, a autora traz à tona uma contradição inerente no pensamento abolicionista: por um lado, a abominação da escravidão; por outro, a segregação e a exclusão social do sujeito negro.

  11. Generation of a microelectron beam by an intense short pulse laser in the TEM(1, 0) + TEM(0, 1) mode in vacuum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyazaki, Shuji; Kawata, Shigeo; Kong, Qing; Miyauchi, Koichi; Sakai, Kei; Hasumi, Shotaro; Sonobe, Ryo; Kikuchi, Takashi


    The generation of a high energy microelectron bunch in vacuum by an intense short pulse laser in the TEM(1, 0) + TEM(0, 1) mode is investigated in this paper numerically and analytically. A focused short pulse laser in the TEM(1, 0) + TEM(0, 1) mode has a confinement effect on electrons in the transverse direction due to the transverse ponderomotive force, and at the same time the electrons are accelerated and compressed longitudinally by a longitudinal electric field. In our three-dimensional particle simulations, the maximum kinetic energy of electrons reaches 455 MeV, the maximum density is 3.87 x 10 10 cm -3 , and the normalized transverse and longitudinal rms emittances of accelerated electrons are of the order of 10 -6 m rad at the following parameter values: a 0 = eE 0 /(m e ω c) = 10 (where a 0 is the dimensionless parameter of the laser amplitude, e and m e are the electron charge and rest mass, respectively, E 0 is the laser amplitude, ω the angular frequency of the laser and c the speed of light in vacuum), a laser wavelength λ = 0.8 μm, laser spot size 20λ, laser pulse length 5λ and initial electron velocity 0.99c. Moreover, the transverse and longitudinal sizes of the compressed electron bunch are about 600λ and 10λ, respectively. In this paper, we also present a scaling law of the maximum electron energy. The estimated results of the maximum electron energy coincide well with the simulation results

  12. A TEM Study on the Ti-Alloyed Grey Iron

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moumeni, Elham; Tiedje, Niels Skat; Grumsen, Flemming Bjerg


    The microstructure of graphite flakes in titanium alloyed cast iron is studied using electron microscopy techniques. Dual beam SEM/FIB has been used for TEM sample preparation. A TEM study has been carried out on graphite flakes in grey cast iron using selected area electron diffraction. Based...... and that there is a high proportion of twins in the fine grained graphite. It appears that twinning and stacking faults are involved in the fine grained structure of the graphite. It is discussed how Ti addition affect crystal growth and may lead to formation of superfine graphite....

  13. La colonia La Condesa en Ciudad de México: Conceptos Y Productores De Lugar


    Hurtado-Cano, Daniel; Aguirre-Aguilar, Genaro


    Resumen Este artículo analiza la manera como los productores de lugar de la zona de La Condesa en Ciudad de México la construyen y la posicionan en el imaginario de sus habitantes, expresando este acto de significación a partir de múltiples conceptos y tensiones que constituyen los elementos más relevantes de su identidad. A partir de una investigación cualitativa de corte etnográfico se concluye que La Condesa se organiza y se califica como experiencia de consumo, cultura y entretenimiento a...

  14. Espaço, lugar, identidade: geografias raciais em Our Nig, de Harriet E. Wilson


    Jose de Paiva dos Santos


    Este ensaio examina Our Nig, publicado em 1859 e considerado o primeiro romance escrito por uma mulher afrodescendente nos Estados Unidos, como uma crítica ao racismo contra os negros residentes nos estados do Norte do país, região normalmente vista pelos negros sulistas como solidária à causa abolicionista. À luz de insights provenientes da antropologia cultural e da geografia social, o texto discutirá como Harriet E. Wilson representa a formação de espaços e lugares racializados, que acabam...

  15. De lo con-céntrico a lo des-centrado. Reflexiones sobre el lugar y el no-lugar en la arquitectura. / From the concentric to the off-center. Reflections on the place and the non-place in architecture.

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    Laura Gallardo Frías


    Full Text Available Se propone, a través de la figura del círculo, abrir una reflexión sobre sus propiedades, su presencia y permanencia lo largo de la historia así como en nuestros días. Se invita al lector a un paseo por diferentes propuestas arquitectónicas y pensamientos paraexplorar el paso de lo con-céntrico a lo des-centrado, revisando las nociones de lugar, no-lugar y sus relaciones con la arquitectura. Poniendo de relieve la importancia del proyecto arquitectónico capaz de conformar centros donde el ser humano sea uno consigo mismo y loque le rodea, produciendo una profunda resonancia./ It is proposed, through the figure of the circle, opening a reflection on their properties, their presence and permanence throughout history and today. It invites the reader on a tour of different architectural proposals and thoughts to explore the transition from the con-centric to the ec-centric, reviewing the notions of place, non-place andits relationship with architecture. Emphasizing the importance of architecture as capable of forming centers where a human being with himself and his surroundings to produce a deep resonance.

  16. Caracterización de hábitos de higiene y ambientes en lugares de atención integral a población infantil

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    Virginia Inés Soto Lesmes


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar hábitos de higiene de niños y cuidadores para la prevención y el control de enfermedades infecciosas en lugares de atención en Bogotá, Colombia; asimismo, caracterizar las bacterias en las superficies de estos ambientes. Método: Se diseñaron, validaron y aplicaron dos instrumentos para evaluar hábitos saludables y se tomaron muestras de superficies en cocinas, baños, salones, colchonetas y juguetes de 230 lugares. Las bacterias aisladas fueron clasificadas por metodologías automatizadas. Resultados: Se aislaron 699 bacterias, donde el mayor porcentaje de crecimiento fue en cocinas (36%. Estos resultados contrastan con lo observado, donde se evidenció que la mayoría de las cocinas se encontraron limpias (80%. La encuesta reportó que 93% de los cuidadores reconocen lavarse las manos antes de manipular alimentos y 23% informó utilizar elementos de protección para la manipulación de alimentos. Conclusión: Se evidencia la necesidad de acompañar e intervenir los hábitos de higiene y de cuidado del ambiente en lugares de atención a población infantil.

  17. In Situ TEM Creation of Nanowire Devices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alam, Sardar Bilal

    Integration of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) as active components in devices requires that desired mechanical, thermal and electrical interfaces can be established between the nanoscale geometry of the SiNW and the microscale architecture of the device. In situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM),...

  18. A topografia da dark web e seus não lugares : por um estudo das dobras invisíveis do ciberespaço


    Richele Grenge Vignoli


    Existe no ciberespaço uma web escura e escondida denominada Dark Web. Nesse viés, esta pesquisa objetivou topografar a Dark Web e seus não lugares no Ciberespaço e como objetivos específicos: reunir brevemente as dobras visíveis do ciberespaço; caracterizar as dobras invisíveis do ciberespaço; investigar as especificidades da Dark Web em relação à definição, localização, acesso, conteúdo e mecanismos de busca; contextualizar os seus não lugares de acordo com os preceitos de Augé (2012) e Baum...

  19. Comparison between measured and predicted turbulence frequency spectra in ITG and TEM regimes (United States)

    Citrin, J.; Arnichand, H.; Bernardo, J.; Bourdelle, C.; Garbet, X.; Jenko, F.; Hacquin, S.; Pueschel, M. J.; Sabot, R.


    The observation of distinct peaks in tokamak core reflectometry measurements—named quasi-coherent-modes (QCMs)—are identified as a signature of trapped-electron-mode (TEM) turbulence (Arnichand et al 2016 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 58 014037). This phenomenon is investigated with detailed linear and nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations using the Gene code. A Tore-Supra density scan is studied, which traverses through a linear (LOC) to saturated (SOC) ohmic confinement transition. The LOC and SOC phases are both simulated separately. In the LOC phase, where QCMs are observed, TEMs are robustly predicted unstable in linear studies. In the later SOC phase, where QCMs are no longer observed, ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) modes are identified. In nonlinear simulations, in the ITG (SOC) phase, a broadband spectrum is seen. In the TEM (LOC) phase, a clear emergence of a peak at the TEM frequencies is seen. This is due to reduced nonlinear frequency broadening of the underlying linear modes in the TEM regime compared with the ITG regime. A synthetic diagnostic of the nonlinearly simulated frequency spectra reproduces the features observed in the reflectometry measurements. These results support the identification of core QCMs as an experimental marker for TEM turbulence.

  20. Delayed formation of chromosome aberrations in mouse pachytebne spermatocytes treated with triethylenemelamine (TEM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Generoso, W.M.; Krishna, M.; Sotomayor, R.E.; Cacheiro, N.L.A.


    Induction of chromosome aberrations in pachytene spermatocytes of mice by 2 mg/kg TEM was compared with induction by 400 R x rays. These doses induced comparably high dominant lethal effects in pachytene spermatocytes of mice. Cytological analysis at diakinesis-metaphase I stage showed that whereas 76.4% of the cells treated with x rays at pachytene stage had aberrations, the frequencies observed in two TEM experiments were only 0.8 and 2.2%. On the other hand, 5% of the progeny from TEM-treated pachytene spermatocytes were found to be translocation heterozygotes. This is the first report on the recovery of heritable translocations from treated spermatocytes of mice. The aberration frequencies observed for TEM in diakinesis-metaphase I were much too low to account for all the lethal mutations and heritable translocations. Thus, the formation of the bulk of aberrations induced by TEM in pachytene spermatocytes was delayed--a marked contrast to the more immediate formation of x-ray-induced aberrations. It is postulated that the formation of the bulk of TEM-induced aberrations in pachytene spermatocytes and in certain postmeiotic stages occurs sometime during spermiogenesis, and not through the operation of postfertilization pronuclear DNA synthesis

  1. Geoelectrical characterization by joint inversion of VES/TEM in Paraná basin, Brazil (United States)

    Bortolozo, C. A.; Couto, M. A.; Almeida, E. R.; Porsani, J. L.; Santos, F. M.


    For many years electrical (DC) and transient electromagnetic (TEM) soundings have been used in a great number of environmental, hydrological and mining exploration studies. The data of both methods are interpreted usually by individual 1D models resulting in many cases in ambiguous models. This can be explained by how the two different methodologies sample the subsurface. The vertical electrical sounding (VES) is good on marking very resistive structures, while the transient electromagnetic sounding (TEM) is very sensitive to map conductive structures. Another characteristic is that VES is more sensitive to shallow structures, while TEM soundings can reach deeper structures. A Matlab program for joint inversion of VES and TEM soundings, by using CRS algorithm was developed aiming explore the best of the both methods. Initially, the algorithm was tested with synthetic data and after it was used to invert experimental data from Paraná sedimentary basin. We present the results of a re-interpretation of 46 VES/TEM soundings data set acquired in Bebedouro region in São Paulo State - Brazil. The previous interpretation was based in geoelectrical models obtained by single inversion of the VES and TEM soundings. In this work we present the results with single inversion of VES and TEM sounding inverted by the Curupira Program and a new interpretation based in the joint inversion of both methodologies. The goal is increase the accuracy in determining the underground structures. As a result a new geoelectrical model of the region is obtained.

  2. Size Determination of Au Aerosol Nanoparticles by Off-Line TEM/STEM Observations (United States)

    Karlsson, Lisa S.; Deppert, Knut; Malm, Jan-Olle


    Determination of particle size distributions of Au aerosol nanoparticles has been performed by a TEM/STEM investigation. The particles are generated by an evaporation/condensation method and are size-selected by differential mobility analyzers (DMA) based on their electrical mobility. Off-line TEM measurements resulted in equivalent projected area diameters assuming that the particles are spherical in shape. In this paper critical factors such as magnification calibration, sampling, image analysis, beam exposure and, particle shape are treated. The study shows that the measures of central tendency; mean, median and mode, are equal as expected from a narrow size distribution. Moreover, the correlation between TEM/STEM and DMA are good, in practice 1:1. Also, STEM has the advantage over TEM due to enhanced contrast and is proposed as an alternative route for determination of particle size distributions of nanoparticles with lower contrast.

  3. Size Determination of Au Aerosol Nanoparticles by Off-Line TEM/STEM Observations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karlsson, Lisa S.; Deppert, Knut; Malm, Jan-Olle


    Determination of particle size distributions of Au aerosol nanoparticles has been performed by a TEM/STEM investigation. The particles are generated by an evaporation/condensation method and are size-selected by differential mobility analyzers (DMA) based on their electrical mobility. Off-line TEM measurements resulted in equivalent projected area diameters assuming that the particles are spherical in shape. In this paper critical factors such as magnification calibration, sampling, image analysis, beam exposure and, particle shape are treated. The study shows that the measures of central tendency; mean, median and mode, are equal as expected from a narrow size distribution. Moreover, the correlation between TEM/STEM and DMA are good, in practice 1:1. Also, STEM has the advantage over TEM due to enhanced contrast and is proposed as an alternative route for determination of particle size distributions of nanoparticles with lower contrast

  4. Recent advances in cryo-TEM imaging of soft lipid nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helvig, Shen Yu; Mat Azmi, Intan Diana Binti; Moghimi, Seyed Moien


    Cryo-transmission electron microscopy (Cryo-TEM), and its technological variations thereof, have become a powerful tool for detailed morphological characterization and 3D tomography of soft lipid and polymeric nanoparticles as well as biological materials such as viruses and DNA without chemical...... fixation. Here, we review and discuss recent advances in Cryo-TEM analysis of lipid-based drug nanocarriers with particular emphasis on morphological and internal nanostructure characterization of lyotropic liquid crystalline nanoparticles such as cubosomes and hexosomes....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewa Made Mahendra Yudha


    Full Text Available Penggunaan teknologi dalam sistem komunikasi bergerak sudah berkembang cukup pesat. Salah satu contohnya ada teknologi HSDPA. Pihak provider biasanya melakukan metode walk test untuk mengecek kekuatan sinyal dengan menggunakan software TEMS Investigtions. Dengan kemajuannya Teknologi walk test dapat diterapkan dengan lebih mudah yaitu menggunakan perangkat android yang sudah terinstal aplikasi G-Net track Pro. Pada penelitian ini, akan menggunakan tahapan sesuai alur yang ada pada metode penelitian yaitu dimulai dengan melakukan pengukuran berdasarkan jarak dengan membandingkan software TEMS Investigations dan G-NET TRACK PRO dengan parameter RSCP dan Ec/No. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran kemudian akan dilanjutkan dengan menganalisa antara hubungan parameter RSCP dan Ec/No menggunakan TEMS Investigations dan G-Net Pro. kemudian dilanjutkan menggunakan perhitungan teoritis parameter RSCP. Dari hasil pengukuran diproleh pada lantai I antena 1-1 pada titik jarak 5 meter parameter RSCP dengan TEMS Investigation memiliki nilai -75 dBm sedangkan dari G-Net Track Pro memiliki nilai -83 dBm. Pada parameter Ec/No dengan TEMS Investigation memiliki nilai -6 dB dan G_Net Track memiliki nilai -5 dB. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi G-NetTrack Pro mampu menampilkan parameter yang dibutuhkan akan tetapi tidak sedetail TEMS investigation sehingga untuk proses pembelajaran dan pengenalan walk test aplikasi G-Net track Pro dapat digunakan.

  6. In situ TEM observation of solid-gas reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kishita, K; Kamino, T; Watabe, A; Kuroda, K; Saka, H


    Under a gaseous atmosphere at high temperatures, almost all the materials (metal, catalysts, etc.) change their structures and properties. For the research and development of materials, it is of vital importance to clarify mechanisms of solid-gas and liquid-gas reactions. Recently an in situ TEM system combined with an environmental holder, which has a gas injection nozzle close to a specimen-heating element, has been developed. The gas injection nozzle permits gas to flow around the specimens sitting on the heating element made of a fine W filament. The newly developed in situ TEM has a differential pumping system; therefore, the pressure in the specimen chamber is maintained in the range of higher than 1 Pa, while the pressure in the electron gun chamber can be kept in the range of 10 -5 Pa. This system was applied to in situ observation of chemical reactions of metals with gases: Observation of oxidation and reduction under a gas pressure ranging from 10 -5 Pa to 1 Pa at high temperatures (room temperature to ∼1473 K) were successfully carried out on pure metal and rare metal catalysts at near-atomic resolution. This in situ environmental TEM system is promising for clarifying mechanisms of many solid-gas and liquid-gas reactions that take place at high temperatures under a gas atmosphere.

  7. Preparation of TEM specimen by cross-section technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamada, Shozo


    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is applied to the direct observation of the depth dependent damage structure in ion-irradiated stainless steel by using the cross-section technique; obtaining the TEM specimen from a slice of the irradiated stainless steel with thick Ni plating. Here has been developed the specimen preparation method of cross-section technique without heat treatment, which was necessary in the conventional method to strengthen the bonding between Ni and stainless steel. Nickel plating with good bonding to stainless steel is enabled by the following manner. First, the irradiated stainless steel is immersed in the Wood's nickel solution at room temperature for 60s to activate the surface, followed by the stricking for 300s at a current density of 300 A/m 2 in the solution to make fine and homogeneous nucleation of Ni on the stainless steel. Then, the sample is plated with Ni in the Watt's nickel plating solution at 333 K with current density of 900 ∼ 1,000 A/m 2 . The TEM disc is obtained by mechanical slicing from the specimen with Ni plating of more than 3 mm thickness. Electropolishing is accomplished by using both Ballmann method and jet electropolishing to perforate the disc accurately at the aimed point for the observation of the damage structure. (author)

  8. Não-lugares : condomínios horizontais fechados em Goiânia (1990-2006)


    Roberto Cintra Campos


    Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo crítico dos condomínios horizontais fechados como manifestações de não-lugares na cidade de Goiânia, no período de 1990-2006. A abordagem é tributária do pensamento de autores que se dedicaram a compreender a cidade contemporânea, destacando-se as reflexões do antropólogo Marc Augé (1994). Essa nova forma de morar, em regiões metropolitanas, imprime no tecido urbano uma configuração morfológica, cujos sinais expressam-se em elementos arquitetônicos tais como:...

  9. TEM-EELS: A personal perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Egerton, R.F.


    The development of electron energy-loss spectroscopy in a transmission electron microscope (TEM-EELS) is illustrated through personal anecdote, highlighting some of the basic principles, instrumentation and personalities involved. The current state of the art is reviewed, together with some challenges for the future. -- Highlights: ► The history of EELS instrumentation is reviewed in a lighthearted manner. ► The current state of the art is summarized, together with some future possibilities. ► A couple of related mathematical puzzles are offered as a challenge to the reader.

  10. Minimum depth of investigation for grounded-wire TEM due to self-transients (United States)

    Zhou, Nannan; Xue, Guoqiang


    The grounded-wire transient electromagnetic method (TEM) has been widely used for near-surface metalliferous prospecting, oil and gas exploration, and hydrogeological surveying in the subsurface. However, it is commonly observed that such TEM signal is contaminated by the self-transient process occurred at the early stage of data acquisition. Correspondingly, there exists a minimum depth of investigation, above which the observed signal is not applicable for reliable data processing and interpretation. Therefore, for achieving a more comprehensive understanding of the TEM method, it is necessary to perform research on the self-transient process and moreover develop an approach for quantifying the minimum detection depth. In this paper, we first analyze the temporal procedure of the equivalent circuit of the TEM method and present a theoretical equation for estimating the self-induction voltage based on the inductor of the transmitting wire. Then, numerical modeling is applied for building the relationship between the minimum depth of investigation and various properties, including resistivity of the earth, offset, and source length. It is guide for the design of survey parameters when the grounded-wire TEM is applied to the shallow detection. Finally, it is verified through applications to a coal field in China.

  11. Conservation through payments for an ecosys- tem service?

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    tem service? In his Spotlights ... functions” and “ecosystem services” are being ridiculed by the developments in ... high price as legal marketing would avoid various middlemen. ... Diagnostic participatif de la gestion des ressources naturelles.

  12. Test for English Majors (TEM) in China (United States)

    Jin, Yan; Fan, Jinsong


    The purpose of the Test for English Majors (TEM) is to measure the English proficiency of Chinese university undergraduates majoring in English Language and Literature and to examine whether these students meet the required levels of English language abilities as specified in the National College English Teaching Syllabus for English Majors…

  13. Automated SEM and TEM sample preparation applied to copper/low k materials (United States)

    Reyes, R.; Shaapur, F.; Griffiths, D.; Diebold, A. C.; Foran, B.; Raz, E.


    We describe the use of automated microcleaving for preparation of both SEM and TEM samples as done by SELA's new MC500 and TEMstation tools. The MC500 is an automated microcleaving tool that is capable of producing cleaves with 0.25 μm accuracy resulting in SEM-ready samples. The TEMstation is capable of taking a sample output from the MC500 (or from SELA's earlier MC200 tool) and producing a FIB ready slice of 25±5 μm, mounted on a TEM-washer and ready for FIB thinning to electron transparency for TEM analysis. The materials selected for the tool set evaluation mainly included the Cu/TaN/HOSP low-k system. The paper is divided into three sections, experimental approach, SEM preparation and analysis of HOSP low-k, and TEM preparation and analysis of Cu/TaN/HOSP low-k samples. For the samples discussed, data is presented to show the quality of preparation provided by these new automated tools.

  14. TEM in situ cube-corner indentation analysis using ViBe motion detection algorithm (United States)

    Yano, K. H.; Thomas, S.; Swenson, M. J.; Lu, Y.; Wharry, J. P.


    Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) in situ mechanical testing is a promising method for understanding plasticity in shallow ion irradiated layers and other volume-limited materials. One of the simplest TEM in situ experiments is cube-corner indentation of a lamella, but the subsequent analysis and interpretation of the experiment is challenging, especially in engineering materials with complex microstructures. In this work, we: (a) develop MicroViBE, a motion detection and background subtraction-based post-processing approach, and (b) demonstrate the ability of MicroViBe, in combination with post-mortem TEM imaging, to carry out an unbiased qualitative interpretation of TEM indentation videos. We focus this work around a Fe-9%Cr oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloy, irradiated with Fe2+ ions to 3 dpa at 500 °C. MicroViBe identifies changes in Laue contrast that are induced by the indentation; these changes accumulate throughout the mechanical loading to generate a "heatmap" of features in the original TEM video that change the most during the loading. Dislocation loops with b = ½ identified by post-mortem scanning TEM (STEM) imaging correspond to hotspots on the heatmap, whereas positions of dislocation loops with b = do not correspond to hotspots. Further, MicroViBe enables consistent, objective quantitative approximation of the b = ½ dislocation loop number density.

  15. Pilot production of track etch membranes (TEMS) using heavy ion beam scanner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nair, J.P.; Surendran, P.; Sparrow, Hillary; Ninawe, N.G.; Bhagwat, P.V.; Acharya, N.; Kulshreshta, V.; Rajesh Kumar; Vijay, Y.K.; Kurup, M.B.


    Various methods for making TEMs were conducted at Pelletron Accelerator Facility. The technique for production using ion beam scattering was also established. This is an effort to make TEMs on pilot basis at BARC- TIFR Pelletron Accelerator using Heavy Ion Beam Scanner till large rolling mechanism is implemented

  16. Networked Feminist Movement: “Lugar de Mulher” blog and Facebook page analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniele Ferreira Seridório


    Full Text Available The concept of Network Social Movements explains the appropriation of communication and information technologies by social movements. The digital network is a space to spread information, to the collective construction of vindications and even manifestation. This paper aims to understand and analyse how the feminist movement uses theses communication tools. To achieve that, we used the quantity methodology to analyse the blog “Lugar de Mulher” and the Facebbok page of this blog during five days. Our results showed that, even though this website could be used as a digital tool for the movement, the blog “Luger de Mulher” does not construct actions in the offline space and has limited interactions with users that participate in the debate the occurs in the digital space.

  17. In situ mechanical TEM: seeing and measuring under stress with electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legros, M.


    From the first observation of moving dislocations in 1956 to the latest developments of piezo-actuated sample holders and direct electron sensing cameras in modern transmission electron microscopes (TEM), in situ mechanical testing has brought an unequaled view of the involved mechanisms during the plastic deformation of materials. Although MEMS-based or load-cell equipped holders provide an almost direct measure of these quantities, deriving stress and strain from in situ TEM experiments has an extensive history. Nowadays, the realization of a complete mechanical test while observing the evolution of a dislocation structure is possible, and it constitutes the perfect combination to explore size effects in plasticity. New cameras, data acquisition rates and intrinsic image-related techniques, such as holography, should extend the efficiency and capabilities of in situ deformation inside a TEM. (author)

  18. Tie2-expressing monocytes (TEMs): novel targets and vehicles of anticancer therapy? (United States)

    De Palma, Michele; Naldini, Luigi


    There is a growing interest in understanding the complex interactions between bone marrow-derived myeloid-lineage cells and angiogenesis in tumors. Such interest has been revived recently by the observation that tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells convey proangiogenic programs that can counteract the activity of antiangiogenic drugs in mouse tumor models. Among myeloid cells, Tie2-expressing monocytes (TEMs) appear to have nonredundant function in promoting tumor angiogenesis and growth in mouse models. The identification and functional characterization of TEMs in mice and humans may provide novel molecular targets for anticancer therapy. Moreover, TEMs may be exploited to deliver antitumor drugs specifically to the tumor microenvironment.

  19. An efficient and reproducible process for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of rare cell populations (United States)

    Kumar, Sachin; Ciraolo, Georgianne; Hinge, Ashwini; Filippi, Marie-Dominique


    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) provides ultra-structural details of cells at the sub-organelle level. However, details of the cellular ultrastructure, and the cellular organization and content of various organelles in rare populations, particularly in the suspension, like hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) remained elusive. This is mainly due to the requirement of millions of cells for TEM studies. Thus, there is a vital requirement of a method that will allow TEM studies with low cell numbers of such rare populations. We describe an alternative and novel approach for TEM studies for rare cell populations. Here we performed TEM study from 10,000 HSC cells with quite ease. In particular, tiny cell pellets were identified by Evans blue staining after PFA-GA fixation. The cell pellet was pre-embedded in agarose in a small microcentrifuge tube and processed for dehydration, infiltration and embedding. Semi-thin and ultra-thin sections identified clusters of numerous cells per sections with well preserved morphology and ultrastructural details of golgi complex and mitochondria. Together, this method provides an efficient, easy and reproducible process to perform qualitative and quantitative TEM analysis from limited biological samples including cells in suspension. PMID:24291346

  20. Escola: lugar de estudar e de comer School: a place for studying and eating

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tânia Mara Bernardelli


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem por objetivo discutir significados sobre alimentação escolar atribuídos por estudantes em escolas públicas na Bahia. Trata-se de compreender aspectos simbólicos associados à alimentação escolar na complexidade do mundo cotidiano da escola. Utiliza-se uma abordagem qualitativa para a compreensão do comer na escola e das noções sobre alimentação saudável, a partir das narrativas orais e escritas desses adoles­centes. Os relatos enunciam oposições entre alimentação estranha e familiar e vice-versa. O que é familiar torna-se estranho a depender do tempo/lugar. Citam diversos exemplos de alimentos que são da tradição, mas que se tornam estranhos ou não habituais ao horário. A cultura alimentar dos estudantes requer a obtenção de alimentos em dois momentos: merenda e almoço (ou jantar. Entidades estas que são distintas, não se mesclam e devem estar presentes na escola, pois para estes atores sociais, estudar e comer são necessidades que se complementam.This study seeks to discuss the significance of school nutrition expressed by students in public schools from the state of Bahia, Brazil. The objective is to understand the symbolic aspects associated with school nutrition. The results of a survey into the significance of nutrition offered by the Brazilian School Nutrition Program (PNAE expressed by students from six public schools in municipalities in the state of Bahia, Brazil, are presented. A qualitative approach to understand nutrition at school and notions about healthy food by analyzing oral and written narratives of adolescents is used. The reports point to opposing stances between food in the home and food outside the home. What is customary can appear strange depending on the time and place. In this sense, they do not make an association between healthy food and PNAE. The food culture requires students to eat food on two occasions: breakfast and lunch (or dinner. These are aspects that are


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamara Raaijmakers


    Full Text Available Este trabajo revisa los motivos que llevan a las empresas a establecer una política sobre control del tabaquismo, los beneficios económicos para la sociedad que se derivan de su adopción, y sus costes, detallados por países en la Unión Europea. Se revisa también la literatura sobre los costes de la aplicación de una política sobre tabaquismo en el ámbito laboral. El principal objetivo de las políticas sobre tabaquismo en el lugar de trabajo es la protección de los empleados del aire contaminado por el humo de tabaco (ACHT. Otros motivos son la reducción de costes; la mejora de la imagen; y la disminución de absentismo, accidentes laborales, conflictos y costes adicionales debidos al tabaco. La protección frente al ACHT no supone mayores costes para la empresa, y se refieren ventajas económicas con su puesta en práctica. Los beneficios sobrepasan con creces las inversiones, en particular a largo plazo, y parecen mayores cuando se establece una prohibición total de fumar en el lugar de trabajo en vez de áreas para fumadores.

  2. VES/TEM 1D joint inversion by using Controlled Random Search (CRS) algorithm (United States)

    Bortolozo, Cassiano Antonio; Porsani, Jorge Luís; Santos, Fernando Acácio Monteiro dos; Almeida, Emerson Rodrigo


    Electrical (DC) and Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) soundings are used in a great number of environmental, hydrological, and mining exploration studies. Usually, data interpretation is accomplished by individual 1D models resulting often in ambiguous models. This fact can be explained by the way as the two different methodologies sample the medium beneath surface. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) is good in marking resistive structures, while Transient Electromagnetic sounding (TEM) is very sensitive to conductive structures. Another difference is VES is better to detect shallow structures, while TEM soundings can reach deeper layers. A Matlab program for 1D joint inversion of VES and TEM soundings was developed aiming at exploring the best of both methods. The program uses CRS - Controlled Random Search - algorithm for both single and 1D joint inversions. Usually inversion programs use Marquadt type algorithms but for electrical and electromagnetic methods, these algorithms may find a local minimum or not converge. Initially, the algorithm was tested with synthetic data, and then it was used to invert experimental data from two places in Paraná sedimentary basin (Bebedouro and Pirassununga cities), both located in São Paulo State, Brazil. Geoelectric model obtained from VES and TEM data 1D joint inversion is similar to the real geological condition, and ambiguities were minimized. Results with synthetic and real data show that 1D VES/TEM joint inversion better recovers simulated models and shows a great potential in geological studies, especially in hydrogeological studies.

  3. Challenges in quantitative crystallographic characterization of 3D thin films by ACOM-TEM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobler, A. [Institute of Nanotechnology (INT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany); Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany); Kübel, C., E-mail: [Institute of Nanotechnology (INT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany); Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany)


    Automated crystal orientation mapping for transmission electron microscopy (ACOM-TEM) has become an easy to use method for the investigation of crystalline materials and complements other TEM methods by adding local crystallographic information over large areas. It fills the gap between high resolution electron microscopy and electron back scatter diffraction in terms of spatial resolution. Recent investigations showed that spot diffraction ACOM-TEM is a quantitative method with respect to sample parameters like grain size, twin density, orientation density and others. It can even be used in combination with in-situ tensile or thermal testing. However, there are limitations of the current method. In this paper we discuss some of the challenges and discuss solutions, e.g. we present an ambiguity filter that reduces the number of pixels with a ‘180° ambiguity problem’. For that an ACOM-TEM tilt series of nanocrystalline Pd thin films with overlapping crystallites was acquired and analyzed. - Highlights: • Tilt series of nanocrystalline Pd thin films. • Quantitative ACOM-TEM data processing, including a rotation map of crystallites. • Noise filter for orientation data: Ambiguity Filter and min. distance filter.

  4. "One-sample concept" micro-combinatory for high throughput TEM of binary films. (United States)

    Sáfrán, György


    Phases of thin films may remarkably differ from that of bulk. Unlike to the comprehensive data files of Binary Phase Diagrams [1] available for bulk, complete phase maps for thin binary layers do not exist. This is due to both the diverse metastable, non-equilibrium or instable phases feasible in thin films and the required volume of characterization work with analytical techniques like TEM, SAED and EDS. The aim of the present work was to develop a method that remarkably facilitates the TEM study of the diverse binary phases of thin films, or the creation of phase maps. A micro-combinatorial method was worked out that enables both preparation and study of a gradient two-component film within a single TEM specimen. For a demonstration of the technique thin Mn x Al 1- x binary samples with evolving concentration from x = 0 to x = 1 have been prepared so that the transition from pure Mn to pure Al covers a 1.5 mm long track within the 3 mm diameter TEM grid. The proposed method enables the preparation and study of thin combinatorial samples including all feasible phases as a function of composition or other deposition parameters. Contrary to known "combinatorial chemistry", in which a series of different samples are deposited in one run, and investigated, one at a time, the present micro-combinatorial method produces a single specimen condensing a complete library of a binary system that can be studied, efficiently, within a single TEM session. That provides extremely high throughput for TEM characterization of composition-dependent phases, exploration of new materials, or the construction of phase diagrams of binary films. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. A preliminary study of CdS for solar cells using combined TEM and cathodoluminescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mam, K.; Durose, K.; Halliday, D.P.; Szczerbakow, A.


    A study of the suitability of a combined transmission electron microscope (TEM)/cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging and spectroscopy apparatus for investigations of CdS is presented. Photoluminescence (PL) was used to evaluate the effect of the Ar + and I + ion beam thinning used in TEM specimen preparation of CdS: a minor increase in yellow emission (594 nm) resulted. However, excitation of luminescence spectra in the TEM had a quenching effect on red luminescence (734 nm), this being considered due to the high excitation density compared to that in PL. Significant electron beam damage to the CdS could be avoided by using scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) illumination in preference to the conventional TEM mode, which generally uses higher beam current density. Dislocation images were correlated with contrast in the STEM-CL imaging mode. The potential of the apparatus to make further direct correlations of CL images with diffraction contrast TEM imaging was assessed using the Rose visibility criterion

  6. Development of a versatile TEM specimen holder for the characterization of photocatalytic materials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cavalca, Filippo; Langhammer, C.; Hansen, Thomas Willum


    conventional TEM analysis on photocatalysts with several in situ TEM techniques including environmental TEM (ETEM), in situ photo activation and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) spectroscopy [3-4]. These experiments are facilitated by the construction of a specimen holder capable of illuminating....../on nanomaterials and thin films. We present results from combined ETEM-LSPR studies of thermally-induced catalytic phenomena and on metal nanoparticle sintering, an important process in catalysis, which we study in situ in both real and model systems by means of indirect nanoplasmonic sensing and ETEM....

  7. cisTEM, user-friendly software for single-particle image processing (United States)


    We have developed new open-source software called cisTEM (computational imaging system for transmission electron microscopy) for the processing of data for high-resolution electron cryo-microscopy and single-particle averaging. cisTEM features a graphical user interface that is used to submit jobs, monitor their progress, and display results. It implements a full processing pipeline including movie processing, image defocus determination, automatic particle picking, 2D classification, ab-initio 3D map generation from random parameters, 3D classification, and high-resolution refinement and reconstruction. Some of these steps implement newly-developed algorithms; others were adapted from previously published algorithms. The software is optimized to enable processing of typical datasets (2000 micrographs, 200 k – 300 k particles) on a high-end, CPU-based workstation in half a day or less, comparable to GPU-accelerated processing. Jobs can also be scheduled on large computer clusters using flexible run profiles that can be adapted for most computing environments. cisTEM is available for download from PMID:29513216

  8. cisTEM, user-friendly software for single-particle image processing. (United States)

    Grant, Timothy; Rohou, Alexis; Grigorieff, Nikolaus


    We have developed new open-source software called cis TEM (computational imaging system for transmission electron microscopy) for the processing of data for high-resolution electron cryo-microscopy and single-particle averaging. cis TEM features a graphical user interface that is used to submit jobs, monitor their progress, and display results. It implements a full processing pipeline including movie processing, image defocus determination, automatic particle picking, 2D classification, ab-initio 3D map generation from random parameters, 3D classification, and high-resolution refinement and reconstruction. Some of these steps implement newly-developed algorithms; others were adapted from previously published algorithms. The software is optimized to enable processing of typical datasets (2000 micrographs, 200 k - 300 k particles) on a high-end, CPU-based workstation in half a day or less, comparable to GPU-accelerated processing. Jobs can also be scheduled on large computer clusters using flexible run profiles that can be adapted for most computing environments. cis TEM is available for download from © 2018, Grant et al.

  9. Movilidad y lugares artísticos. Elementos de reflexión a partir del espacio caribeño

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    Oliver Dehoorne


    Full Text Available Este artículo contribuye a analizar el sistema de movilidad a través de enclaves estratégicos como son los lugares turísticos, espejos de la globalización. Los lugares turísticos no existen sino a través de los flujos de personas: movimientos variados y complejos entre migraciones y turismo. En el contexto del control de las fronteras Norte-Sur, los lugares turísticos emergentes, situados en los márgenes de las regiones más ricas, representan quizás una oportunidad para bordear las fronteras regionales. A través del análisis de la movilidad en el espacio caribeño, las viejas categorías utilizadas para describir los tipos de desplazamientos muestran sus límites de cara a la complejidad de los flujos y de las crecientes interacciones. Seguirá un microanálisis a la escala de la isla de la Martinica que permite abrir una reflexión sobre los aspectos sociales de esta movilidad e interrogarse sobre las cuestiones en juego en torno a las fronteras, nuevas y antiguas, políticas y socioespaciales.This paper contributes to the analysis of the mobilities’ system throughout strategic sites which are the tourist places, a mirror of globalisation. The tourist places only exist through human flows: varied and complex flows between migrations and tourism. In the context of North-South borders’ control the emerging tourist places located at the margins of the richest regions sometimes represent an opportunity in order to bypass the regional borders. Across the analysis of mobilities in the Caribbean area, the old categories used in order to describe the type of movement show their limits in face of the complex flows of growing interactions. Therefore a microanalysis of the Martinique Island allows us to start pondering over the social aspects of the afore-mentioned mobilities and the stakes and interests as regard the old and new political and socio-spatial borders.

  10. Ser lugar e ser território como experiências do ser-no-mundo: um exercício de existencialismo geográfico

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    Angelo Serpa


    Full Text Available Este ensaio busca aprofundar uma abordagem existencialista dos conceitos de lugar e território assumindo o pressuposto de que eles remetem, antes de tudo, a experiências geográficas que ora se distinguem, ora se aproximam e carregam em si a marca do espaço vivido. Para esta análise, parte-se do conceito de geograficidade – a base pré-consciente e pré-conceitual da geografia – assumindo também que, antes de qualquer conceituação ou estratégia de representação conceitual, as pessoas são seres essencialmente espaciais e que viver é produzir/experienciar espaço. O ensaio está dividido em seis seções: a introdução, uma problematização da dialética entre interior e exterior e seu desdobramento numa abordagem de como lugar e território se exprimem como modos geográficos de existência no espaço público; nas duas últimas seções, reflete-se sobre o papel do corpo nos processos de apropriação do espaço e sobre como ser lugar e ser território se exprimem como facetas do ser-no-mundo em seu sentido mais político.

  11. XRD and TEM analysis of microstructure in the welding zone of 9Cr ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    XRD and TEM analysis of microstructure in the welding zone of. 9Cr–1Mo–V–Nb ... steel, which has highest Cr content in the heat-resisting. Cr–Mo ... This research provides essential ... film samples were observed under TEM and select elec-.


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    Mayra Ortiz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Em três obras, que surgem de concepções distintas acerca do teatro (Cándida de Bernard Shaw, 1895; A profissão de Mrs. Warren de Oscar Wilde, 1902; e A lição de Eugene Ionesco, 1951, apresenta-se um conflito em comum: a luta pela posse do conhecimento. O saber, posto em questão, é justamente aquele que pertence a um sujeito que também é questionado: o personagem feminino. Por isso propõe-se que, nos três casos e a partir de abordagens diferentes, o lugar do conhecimento da mulher é negado, ainda que ela sempre consolida, como outro que é, outro saber. Mas, além dos três dramaturgos traçar tematicamente certas questões em torno da problemática mencionada, também o fazem a partir da conjugação de elementos cênicos na montagem teatral, razão pela qual se considerará o texto teatral como uma unidade complexa. Todos estes aspectos (temáticos e espetaculares em seu conjunto dão conta de uma ordem que faz silenciar aqueles que consideram inferiores, e que, portanto, não merecem ser ouvidos.

  13. Impacto del Internet en el ingreso laboral: análisis del lugar y manejo del Internet


    Martín López, Diego Andrés


    Este estudio analiza el efecto del uso de Internet sobre el ingreso laboral, eliminado el problema de endogeneidad que existe por motivos de selección. También se analizan los efectos seg un el lugar de acceso y las actividades realizadas en Internet. Para esto se utiliza Propensity Score Matching, tomando información para Colombia entre el año 2009 a 2011. Los resultados muestran que existe un efecto positivo, significativo y heterogéneo entre trabajadores asalariados y cuenta propia, siendo...

  14. Combined interpretation of SkyTEM and high-resolution seismic data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høyer, Anne-Sophie; Lykke-Andersen, Holger; Jørgensen, Flemming Voldum


    made based on AEM (SkyTEM) and high-resolution seismic data from an area covering 10 km2 in the western part of Denmark. As support for the interpretations, an exploration well was drilled to provide lithological and logging information in the form of resistivity and vertical seismic profiling. Based...... on the resistivity log, synthetic SkyTEM responses were calculated with a varying number of gate-times in order to illustrate the effect of the noise-level. At the exploration well geophysical data were compared to the lithological log; in general there is good agreement. The same tendency was recognised when Sky...

  15. TEM investigation of the microstructural evolution in nickel during MeV helium implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gadalla, A.A.; Jaeger, W.; Ehrhart, P.


    In a recent TEM investigation of high energy He-implanted copper the low average helium density could be understood by the observation of the coexistence of two types of vacancy agglomerates i.e. relaxed vacancy agglomerates in the form of stacking fault tetrahedra (SFT) and small bubbles. In order to arrive at a more systematic understanding of the evolution of the microstructure during high energy helium implantation we extended these TEM investigations to nickel. Of particular interest was also the minimum implantation dose necessary to precipitate bubbles that are large enough to be visible in the TEM. (orig./RK)

  16. A simple algorithm for measuring particle size distributions on an uneven background from TEM images

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gontard, Lionel Cervera; Ozkaya, Dogan; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.


    Nanoparticles have a wide range of applications in science and technology. Their sizes are often measured using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) or X-ray diffraction. Here, we describe a simple computer algorithm for measuring particle size distributions from TEM images in the presence of a...... application to images of heterogeneous catalysts is presented.......Nanoparticles have a wide range of applications in science and technology. Their sizes are often measured using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) or X-ray diffraction. Here, we describe a simple computer algorithm for measuring particle size distributions from TEM images in the presence...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Lens capsules of patients of advanced age, obtained after extracapsular cataract surgery, were carefully prepared for a combined LM, TEM and SEM investigation, after preliminary washing and mounting onto a holder in a buffer solution. After pre-fixation with GA, samples were postfixed for LM/TEM and

  18. Challenges in quantitative crystallographic characterization of 3D thin films by ACOM-TEM. (United States)

    Kobler, A; Kübel, C


    Automated crystal orientation mapping for transmission electron microscopy (ACOM-TEM) has become an easy to use method for the investigation of crystalline materials and complements other TEM methods by adding local crystallographic information over large areas. It fills the gap between high resolution electron microscopy and electron back scatter diffraction in terms of spatial resolution. Recent investigations showed that spot diffraction ACOM-TEM is a quantitative method with respect to sample parameters like grain size, twin density, orientation density and others. It can even be used in combination with in-situ tensile or thermal testing. However, there are limitations of the current method. In this paper we discuss some of the challenges and discuss solutions, e.g. we present an ambiguity filter that reduces the number of pixels with a '180° ambiguity problem'. For that an ACOM-TEM tilt series of nanocrystalline Pd thin films with overlapping crystallites was acquired and analyzed. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. Los espacios públicos en sectores populares de Cartagena: lugares de encuentro y desencuentro

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    Rosario Blanco-Bello


    Full Text Available Desde una perspectiva sociocultural, el estudio de usos y percepciones de los espacios públicos en los sectores populares cartageneros, facilitó la aproximación a las interacciones de los sujetos sociales con su entorno, desde sus prácticas cotidianas de apropiación social, económica y religiosa, entre otras; así como, reconocer su vitalidad y el rol que cumple en la construcción de relaciones sociales. Este artículo presenta una reflexión desde las voces de quienes están inmersos en esa cotidianidad, sobre la significación que le confieren al espacio público como lugar de encuentro y desencuentro, y sus reivindicaciones sobre sus modos de relacionarse con él. En este ejercicio investigativo, de corte cualitativo y perspectiva etnográfica, se utilizó la observación participante y la entrevista semi-estructurada, dirigida a líderes cívicos y a usuarios de espacios públicos durante el trabajo de campo. El texto está dividido así: La primera sección se refiere a las consideraciones iníciales de la investigación; la segunda, describe las situaciones en las que el espacio público se constituye en lugar para el encuentro y el desencuentro social; la tercera manifiesta las expectativas que se tejen en torno a éste y en la cuarta se plantean consideraciones finales referidas a los diferentes usos que adquieren los espacios públicos; así como la importancia de la dicotomía del uso para otorgar vitalidad a los espacios referidos, y a conflictos generados a partir de diversas formas de territorializar el espacio.

  20. Integrated model for providing tactical emergency medicine support (TEMS): analysis of 120 tactical situations. (United States)

    Vainionpää, T; Peräjoki, K; Hiltunen, T; Porthan, K; Taskinen, A; Boyd, J; Kuisma, M


    Various models for organising tactical emergency medicine support (TEMS) in law enforcement operations exist. In Helsinki, TEMS is organised as an integral part of emergency medical service (EMS) and applied in hostage, siege, bomb threat and crowd control situations and in other tactical situations after police request. Our aim was to analyse TEMS operations, patient profile, and the level of on-site care provided. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of TEMS operations in Helsinki from 2004 to 2009. Data were retrieved from EMS, hospital and dispatching centre files and from TEMS reports. One hundred twenty TEMS operations were analysed. Median time from dispatching to arrival on scene was 10 min [Interquartile Range (IQR) 7-14]. Median duration of operations was 41 min (IQR 19-63). Standby was the only activity in 72 operations, four patients were dead on arrival, 16 requests were called off en route and patient examination or care was needed in 28 operations. Twenty-eight patients (records retrieved) were alive on arrival and were classified as trauma (n = 12) or medical (n = 16). Of traumas, two sustained a gunshot wound, one sustained a penetrating abdominal wound, three sustained medium severity injuries and nine sustained minor injuries. There was neither on-scene nor in-hospital mortality among patients who were alive on arrival. The level of on-site care performed was basic life support in all cases. The results showed that TEMS integrated to daily EMS services including safe zone working only was a feasible, rapid and efficient way to provide medical support to law enforcement operations. © 2011 The Authors Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica © 2011 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation.


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    Maxime Moreaud


    Full Text Available Transition aluminas, and especially the gamma type, are largely used as catalyst supports in refining and petrochemicals. Most studies focus on properties resulting from material texture and casting (specific surface, porous volume, pore shape and diameter. However, surface properties of alumina should be considered as well, as the catalytic activity is tightly related to the structure of exposed crystalline faces. As γ alumina results from controlled thermal treatment of boehmite γ-AlOOH by a topotactic transformation, the nature of exposed crystalline planes is related to the starting material. Therefore, the synthesis of the oxihydroxide γ-AlOOH, and especially size and shape of these particles, is critical in determining the relevant surface properties. Unlike often aggregated alumina, boehmite nanoparticles can be observed by TEM. Analysis of these TEM images can be performed to estimate the size of the boehmite nanoparticles. Information about morphology of the nanoparticles is obtained by the analysis of the covariance, modeling micrographs by a dilution model.

  2. O lugar a cultura política do aluno do Ensino Médio

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    Denilson Roberto Schena


    Full Text Available Relata uma pesquisa desenvolvida junto a alunos de terceiras séries do Ensino Médio do Colégio Estadual do Paraná. As reflexões realizadas neste artigo são decorrentes das atividades do projeto de intervenção pedagógica na escola denominado “O lugar da cultura política do aluno do Ensino Médio e sua relação com a aprendizagem histórica”. Este projeto teve sua origem ao contemplar uma das exigências do Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional (PDE, edição 2008, programa de formação continuada da Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná. A metodologia adotada fundamentou-se em pesquisa qualitativa, na forma de estudo de caso, tendo como técnicas a pesquisa documental e procedimentos de observação. Também foram utilizados inquéritos, entrevistas e questionários. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar o lugar da cultura política do aluno do Ensino Médio e sua relação com a aprendizagem histórica; os objetivos específicos foram identificar através do referencial teórico elementos que constituam alternativas metodológicas no ensino de História, tendo como referência as ideias dos jovens estudantes, valorizar a experiência social e política do aluno nas aulas de História e identificar o conceito de cultura política existente entre os jovens do Ensino Médio.Palavras-chave: Ensino de História; Educação Histórica; Cultura Política; Aprendizagem Histórica; Ensino Médio. [1] Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR, Professor de História do Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR – câmpus Curitiba. E-mail:

  3. NPP Multi-Biome: TEM Calibration Data, 1992, R1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: This data set contains one data file (.csv format) that is known as the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) data set. The data provide pool sizes and fluxes...

  4. El lugar de la creencia y la transformación religiosa en las clases medias de Buenos Aires

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    Nicolás Viotti


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas del siglo XX la visibilidad del proceso de cambio religioso registrado entre sectores medios porteños, caracterizado por la emergencia de nuevas experiencias espirituales asociadas al catolicismo o a la llamada Nueva Era, alteró el horizonte secular que caracterizó buena parte de las imágenes dominantes. En el contexto de fuertes transformaciones de la sociedad argentina, ese proceso ha sido asociado abstractamente con la “crisis social” o con la “mercantilización de lo religioso”. En este trabajo señalo, en primer lugar, que la imagen dominante que asocia clases medias con secularismo y da por sentada una particular concepción de la creencia arraigada en un locus objetivado de separación entre sagrado/secular, impide entender este proceso de cambio religioso en sus propios términos. En segundo lugar, a partir de una descripción etnográfica de las llamadas nuevas religiosidades en un barrio céntrico de Buenos Aires, analizo las formas de creer y presento el cambio religioso desde una perspectiva nativa, mostrando como la forma habitual en la que pensamos a la creencia requiere un esfuerzo de descentramiento situado.

  5. Location specific in situ TEM straining specimens made using FIB

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Field, R.D.; Papin, P.A.


    A method has been devised and demonstrated for producing in situ straining specimens for the transmission electron microscope (TEM) from specific locations in a sample using a dual-beam focused ion beam (FIB) instrument. The specimen is removed from a polished surface in the FIB using normal methods and then attached to a pre-fabricated substrate in the form of a modified TEM tensile specimen. In this manner, specific features of the microstructure of a polished optical mount can be selected for in situ tensile straining. With the use of electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD), this technique could be extended to select specific orientations of the specimen as well

  6. Vivir y morir en el barrio: Lecturas morales de una muerte

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    Gabriel D. Noel


    Full Text Available A morte, pricipalmente quando é violenta, favorece a produção de interpretações por parte de participan­tes e testemunhas, ainda mais quando esta envolver uma figura que seja objeto de posicionamentos mo­rais antagônicos. Essas situações costumam dar lugar a um confronto moral que frequentemente atravessa toda a sociabilidade do cenário em que a morte teve lugar. O presente artigo se propõe a analisar confron­tos de vizinhança decorrentes da morte de um jovem pelas mãos de um vizinho próximo. Pretendemos mostrar como essa morte é contada e interpretada, e como essas narrativas distribuem responsabilidades e culpas como parte do funcionamento de uma eco­nomia moral da morte que constrói, ao mesmo tem­po que revela, os posicionamentos morais dos vivos. Death, especially when a violent one, favors the pro­duction of interpretations by participants and witness­es, even more so when the death involves a character who is the object of antagonistic moral stances. Such situations tend to give way to moral confrontation often present in all aspects of social life in the setting of the death. The article Living and Dying in the Neighborhood: Moral Readings of a Death intends to examine confrontations between neighbors result­ing from the death of a youth at the hands of a close neighbor. We intend to show how such a death is told and interpreted, and how these narratives distribute responsibilities and blame as part of the functioning of a moral economy constructed by the death, while at the same time revealing the moral stances of the living. Keywords: moralities, death, offence, violence, notions of justice

  7. A compreensão do ethos diante de normas morais e religiosas

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    João Nogueira Pereira


    Full Text Available O enfoque principal deste artigo é a relação da ética com a vivência e a prática religiosas. A presença de uma ética não se restringe ao vasto campo da tradição semítica ou religiões proféticas, mas se entende também às raízes da religiosidade mística e sapiencial. O texto tem como um dos principais objetivos aprofundar a compreensão dessa relação, seja nos códigos e normas das diversas religiões, como também na prática religiosa das comunidades. A ética ocupa um lugar fundamental como ciência do ethos. Fazem parte ainda desse estudo algumas distinções terminológicas e semânticas dos termos ética e moral. Dentro do universo religioso, o lugar fundamental da ética será pesquisado através da racionalidade dos valores morais das principais religiões do planeta.Palavras-chave: Filosofia; Ética; Moral; Religião; Antropologia.ABSTRACTThis article focuses on the relation between ethics and religious practice and experience. The presence of ethics is not restricted to the wide scope of Semitic tradition or prophetic religions, but reaches the roots of mystical and sapient religiosity. The text aims at understanding that relation in depth, in what concerns the codes and norms of various religions, as well as the religious practice of communities. Ethics plays a fundamental role as a science of ethos. The article also comprises some terminological and semantic distinctions between the terms ‘ethics’ and ‘morals’. Within the religious universe, the fundamental place of ethics is investigated through the rationality of moral values of the main world religions.Key words: Philosophy; Ethics; Morals; Religion; Anthropology.

  8. TEM1 expression in cancer-associated fibroblasts is correlated with a poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujii, Satoshi; Fujihara, Ayano; Natori, Kei; Abe, Anna; Kuboki, Yasutoshi; Higuchi, Youichi; Aizawa, Masaki; Kuwata, Takeshi; Kinoshita, Takahiro; Yasui, Wataru; Ochiai, Atsushi


    The cancer stroma, including cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), is known to contribute to cancer cell progression and metastasis, suggesting that functional proteins expressed specifically in CAFs might be candidate molecular targets for cancer treatment. The purpose of the present study was to explore the possibility of using TEM1 (tumor endothelial marker 1), which is known to be expressed in several types of mesenchymal cells, as a molecular target by examining the impact of TEM1 expression on clinicopathological factors in gastric cancer patients. A total of 945 consecutive patients with gastric cancer who underwent surgery at the National Cancer Center Hospital East between January 2003 and July 2007 were examined using a tissue microarray approach. TEM1 expression in CAFs or vessel-associated cells was determined using immunohistochemical staining. Three items (CAF-TEM1-positivity, CAF-TEM1-intensity, and vessel-TEM1-intensity) were then examined to determine the correlations between the TEM1 expression status and the recurrence-free survival (RFS), overall survival (OS), cancer-related survival (COS), and other clinicopathological factors. Significant correlations between CAF-TEM1-positivity or CAF-TEM1-intensity and RFS, OS, or COS were observed (P < 0.001, Kaplan–Meier curves); however, no significant correlation between vessel-TEM1-intensity and RFS, OS, or COS was observed. A univariate analysis showed that CAF-TEM1-positivity and CAF-TEM1-intensity were each correlated with a scirrhous subtype, tumor depth, nodal status, distant metastasis, serosal invasion, lymphatic or venous vessel infiltrations, and pTMN stage. This study suggests that the inhibition of TEM1 expression specifically in the CAFs of gastric carcinoma might represent a new strategy for the treatment of gastric cancer

  9. NPP Multi-Biome: TEM Calibration Data, 1992, R1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data set contains one data file (.csv format) that is known as the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) data set. The data provide pool sizes and fluxes of carbon...

  10. In situ TEM-tandem/implanter interface facility in Wuhan University for investigation of radiation effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Liping; Li Ming; Liu Chuansheng; Song Bo; Ye Mingsheng; Fan Xiangjun; Fu Dejun


    Transmission electron microscope (TEM) interfaced to one or more ion implanters and/or accelerators, i.e. in situ TEM, provides effective tools to observe microstructural changes of studied samples during the ion irradiation. Evolution of both radiation damages and irradiation-induced nano-sized microstructures can be investigated with this technique, much more convenient than conventional ex situ techniques. In situ TEM technique has been widely applied in various fields, especially in the study of radiation damages of structural materials of fission and fusion nuclear reactors, and in evaluation and qualification of radioactive waste forms. Nowadays there are more than a dozen such facilities located in Japan, France, and the United States. Recently, we have constructed the first TEM-Tandem/Implanter interface facility of China in Wuhan University. A modified Hitachi H800 TEM was interfaced to a 200 kV ion implanter and a 2 x 1.7 MV tandem accelerator. Effective steps were taken to isolate the TEM from mechanical vibration from the ion beam line, and no obvious wobbling of the TEM image was observed during the ion implantation. The amorphization process of Si crystal irradiated by 115 keV N + ion beam was observed in the primary experiments, demonstrating that this interface facility is capable of in situ study of radiation effects. An online low energy gaseous ion source which may provide 1-20 keV H + and He + is under construction. (authors)

  11. Lugares para la discapacidad a partir de un proyecto académico transnacional

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    Dora Inés Munévar Munévar


    Full Text Available Resumen En el proyecto titulado Medidas para la inclusión social y la equidad en instituciones de educación superior de América Latina (proyecto MISEAL, la discapacidad aparece como uno de los seis marcadores de diferencia involucrados en el estudio. El artículo emprende un recorrido por dos ámbitos separados por sus argumentos pero conectados por las personas: uno conformado por datos y cifras, y otro por fundamentos teórico-conceptuales. Ambos contribuyen a materializar los lugares para albergar debates en relación con las discapacidades humanas y con las acciones focalizadas, sabiendo que el lugar es fundamental en los análisis de las relaciones de poder y en la comprensión de las opresiones vividas por las personas en situación de discapacidad. Los lugares recogen, analizan y presentan las experiencias ya que sitúan la noción de discapacidad en términos constitucionales, poblacionales e institucionales derivados de los datos y las cifras, y la ubican como categoría social en perspectiva interseccional, asociada a otras apuestas teórico-conceptuales. Con los diálogos incorporados se registra una mayor comprensión de los datos, las cifras y los marcos interpretativos en torno a la discapacidad, sus intersecciones con otros marcadores de diferencia y sus nexos con las relaciones sociales y las estructuras de poder. Con las vivencias de las personas se reiteran las interacciones entre las desigualdades sociales, las estructuras de poder y la experiencia vivida antes de hacer énfasis en la discapacidad como categoría social descentrada del saber médico para derribar los límites impuestos por las prácticas clasificatorias homogéneas. Palabras clave: Educación superior; Transversalidad; Derechos humanos (DeCS. Summary. The project "Measures for social inclusion and equity in institutions of higher education in Latin America" (known as MISEAL project, proposes that disability is an important marker of human difference. This

  12. Detecting single-electron events in TEM using low-cost electronics and a silicon strip sensor. (United States)

    Gontard, Lionel C; Moldovan, Grigore; Carmona-Galán, Ricardo; Lin, Chao; Kirkland, Angus I


    There is great interest in developing novel position-sensitive direct detectors for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that do not rely in the conversion of electrons into photons. Direct imaging improves contrast and efficiency and allows the operation of the microscope at lower energies and at lower doses without loss in resolution, which is especially important for studying soft materials and biological samples. We investigate the feasibility of employing a silicon strip detector as an imaging detector for TEM. This device, routinely used in high-energy particle physics, can detect small variations in electric current associated with the impact of a single charged particle. The main advantages of using this type of sensor for direct imaging in TEM are its intrinsic radiation hardness and large detection area. Here, we detail design, simulation, fabrication and tests in a TEM of the front-end electronics developed using low-cost discrete components and discuss the limitations and applications of this technology for TEM.

  13. Structure and Output Characteristics of a TEM Array Fitted to a Fin Heat Exchanger (United States)

    Zhang, Z.; Chen, L. N.; Chen, Z. J.; Xiao, G. Q.; Liu, Z. J.


    In the design of a thermoelectric generator, both the heat transfer area and the number of thermoelectric modules (TEMs) should be increased accordingly as the generator power increases; crucially, both aspects need to be coordinated. A kilowatt thermoelectric generator with a fin heat exchanger is proposed for use in a constant-speed diesel generator unit. Interior fins enhance convective heat transfer, whereas an exterior fin segment increases the heat transfer area. The heat transfer surface is double that of a plane heat exchanger, and the temperature field over the exterior fins is constrained to a one-dimensional distribution. Between adjoining exterior fins, there is a cooling water channel with trapezoid cross-section, enabling compact TEMs and cooling them. Hence, more TEMs are built as a series-parallel array of TEMs with lower resistance and more stable output current. Under nonuniform conditions, to prevent circulation and energy loss, bypass diodes and antidiodes are added. Experiments and numerical calculations show that, with matching and optimization of the heat exchanger and TEM array, a stable maximum output power is obtainable from the interior of the thermoelectric generator system, which can be connected to an external maximum power point tracking system.

  14. La importancia del lugar en la ficción: cómo y por qué enseñar a escribir novelas a alumnos universitarios de Ciencias Sociales

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    Betina González


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una secuencia didáctica basada en la elección de un lugar como punto de partida para la escritura de una novela. Esta secuencia fue empleada con alumnos universitarios de Ciencias Sociales en la modalidad Taller de Escritura. El primer paso de la misma fue la elección, por parte de los alumnos, del lugar en el que ocurrirían sus historias. A través de varios ejercicios, la secuencia los guió hacia la escritura de una trama posible y, luego, de un primer capítulo de novela. A partir de la noción de espacio literario, en este artículo analizamos los hallazgos y limitaciones de esa secuencia, y sacamos algunas conclusiones sobre el rol que juegan los estereotipos y lugares comunes la escritura de los alumnos. También, sobre los preconceptos en torno a qué es literatura y qué historias son dignas de ser narradas.

  15. Comprehensive analysis of TEM methods for LiFePO4/FePO4 phase mapping: spectroscopic techniques (EFTEM, STEM-EELS) and STEM diffraction techniques (ACOM-TEM). (United States)

    Mu, X; Kobler, A; Wang, D; Chakravadhanula, V S K; Schlabach, S; Szabó, D V; Norby, P; Kübel, C


    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used intensively in investigating battery materials, e.g. to obtain phase maps of partially (dis)charged (lithium) iron phosphate (LFP/FP), which is one of the most promising cathode material for next generation lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries. Due to the weak interaction between Li atoms and fast electrons, mapping of the Li distribution is not straightforward. In this work, we revisited the issue of TEM measurements of Li distribution maps for LFP/FP. Different TEM techniques, including spectroscopic techniques (energy filtered (EF)TEM in the energy range from low-loss to core-loss) and a STEM diffraction technique (automated crystal orientation mapping (ACOM)), were applied to map the lithiation of the same location in the same sample. This enabled a direct comparison of the results. The maps obtained by all methods showed excellent agreement with each other. Because of the strong difference in the imaging mechanisms, it proves the reliability of both the spectroscopic and STEM diffraction phase mapping. A comprehensive comparison of all methods is given in terms of information content, dose level, acquisition time and signal quality. The latter three are crucial for the design of in-situ experiments with beam sensitive Li-ion battery materials. Furthermore, we demonstrated the power of STEM diffraction (ACOM-STEM) providing additional crystallographic information, which can be analyzed to gain a deeper understanding of the LFP/FP interface properties such as statistical information on phase boundary orientation and misorientation between domains. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. In situ TEM observations of unusual nanocrystallization in a Ti-based bulk metallic glass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, M.; Wang, D.J.; Shen, J.; Qian, M.


    In situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to witness the nanocrystallization of amorphous Ti 42.5 Cu 40 Zr 10 Ni 5 Sn 2.5 . A crystallization front exists to separate the TEM sample into two parts with different thermal stabilities. The number density of the crystallization products varies significantly, with the precipitate sizes ranging from a few nanometres to ∼100 nm. Detailed TEM analysis suggests that oxygen is the most likely reason for realizing the unusual nanocrystallization. External thermal analysis also indicates that oxygen affects the crystallization.

  17. Determination of crystallographic and macroscopic orientation of planar structures in TEM

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huang, X.; Liu, Q.


    With the aid of a double-tilt holder in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), simple methods are described for determination of the crystallographic orientation of a planar structure and for calculation of the macroscopic orientation of the planar structure. The correlation between a planar...... structure and a crystallographic plane can be found by comparing the differences in their trace directions on the projection plane and inclination angles with respect to that plane. The angles between the traces of planar structures and the sample axis measured from the TEM micrographs, which have been...

  18. Directrices para la construcción de un repositorio temático

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    Doria, María Vanesa


    Full Text Available La creación de repositorios de información institucionales y/o temáticos, en nuestros días es la clave para el acceso a producción científica de manera libre y abierta. Por lo tanto, el acceso a la información a través de repositorios de información se ve favorecido por las iniciativas que propone el Acceso Abierto (AA. Para la creación de un repositorio de información en el marco de la filosofía de AA es importante contar con directrices, éstas pretenden ser una guía general de aspectos básicos dónde se detallan los pasos necesarios para la creación de un repositorio. El presente trabajo recoge las directrices para la construcción de repositorios temáticos a partir de los siguientes puntos de referencia: finalidad, funciones, políticas y actividades. Aunque existe un consenso sobre que los repositorios temáticos fueron los primeros en aparecer, existe poca información sobre desarrollo y gestión de repositorios temáticos comparado con la amplitud de información alcanzada por repositorios institucionales

  19. Um Lugar para o Sujeito em Tempos de Consumo do Objeto: Um Estudo de Caso

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    Adriane Freitas Barroso

    Full Text Available RESUMO A clínica psicanalítica sempre esteve conectada à realidade social, já que, a cada tempo, alteram-se as demandas e suas formas de endereçamento. Atualmente, contudo, o enfraquecimento do simbólico põe em xeque a crença no Outro, fazendo vacilar o lugar do sujeito e o conceito de clínica em si. Este artigo busca extrair, a partir de um caso clínico que aborda a questão da toxicomania, um esforço da psicanálise de orientação lacaniana para assegurar a importância do sujeito.

  20. TEMS: an alternative method for the repair of benign recto-vaginal fistulae. (United States)

    Darwood, R J; Borley, N R


    The repair of high recto-vaginal fistula can be challenging since access may be limited via the endo-anal approach yet the alternative trans-abdominal route carries significant morbidity. We report the use of TEMS to repair a recto-vaginal fistula following anterior resection and pelvic radiotherapy. The patient was placed prone and a 25 cm rectoscope was inserted. A proximally based mucosal advancement flap was raised to repair the fistula. The patient was discharged 2 days later and a contrast study confirmed closure of the fistula. COMPARISON WITH OTHER TECHNIQUES: TEMS allows excellent visualisation of a rectovaginal fistula compared to standard endo-anal or trans-vaginal techniques. The morbidity is lower than the trans-abdominal route. TEMS is a useful technique for the repair of benign recto-vaginal fistula and has distinct advantages over conventional techniques.

  1. Lugares para la muerte en el espacio meridional andino, Salta en el siglo XVIII: The Southern Andean Region, Salta 18th Century Death and burial places

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    Gabriela Caretta


    Full Text Available Los enterratorios como lugares no solo reflejan el status social, la condición étnica y jurídica del enterrado, sino además todo un entramado de relaciones sociales entre las que encontramos rasgos de exclusión, lazos de sujeción, vinculaciones personales y de grupos. Los lugares de entierro no pueden entenderse sin la consideración de los imaginarios en torno a la muerte. Nos centraremos en los espacios destinados al entierro en la ciudad de Salta a lo largo del siglo XVIII para reconocer en ellos "lugares"; es decir, espacios cargados de sentido para sus habitantes. El concepto de "lugar" nos remite a la construcción concreta y simbólica del espacio, en el que los historiadores, sin caer en la ilusión de su transparencia, pueden leer marcas sociales, pautas de identificación, estratificación y conflictos así como indicios acerca de la presencia de imaginarios que valoran y sostienen el entierro en el centro de la ciudad.Burials not only reflect the legal, social and ethnic status of individuals, they also show a network of social relationships among which we find signs of exclusion, subjection and personal and collective links. The complexity of burial places cannot be understood without considering peoples' imaginary about death. We will focus specifically on spaces thought of as burial grounds on Salta city during the eighteenth Century in order to recognize "places" full of meaning to their inhabitants. The concept of place refers to the real and symbolic construction of space and Historians, without falling in an ethnographic illusion of transparency, are able to search for social markers and signs of identity, hierarchy and stratification as well as some clues regarding different imaginaries which give value and sustain those burial places in the town's center.

  2. Maredata: red temática sobre datos de investigación en abierto


    Abadal Falgueras, Ernest; Aleixandre, Rafael; Canals, Agustí; Ferrer, Antonia; Garrigós, Irene; Hernández, Tony; López-Borrull, Alexandre; Mazón, José N.; Melero Melero, Remedios; Méndez Rodríguez, Eva María; Ollé, Eva; Peset Mancebo, María Fernanda


    [ES]El objetivo central de la red temática MAREDATA es aglutinar y consolidar la colaboración entre grupos de investigación españoles centrados en el estudio de los datos científicos y también establecer relación con aquellos sectores y disciplinas interesados en esta temática.

  3. Abordagens de gênero e sexualidade na Psicologia: revendo conceitos, repensando práticas

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    Lenise Santana Borges


    Full Text Available Este artigo explora os sentidos sobre gênero e sexualidades a partir da análise das produções acadêmicas dos programas de graduação e pós-graduação do Curso de Psicologia da PUC/Goiás. A partir de uma análise discursiva que tem como enquadre epistemológico o construcionismo social e as teorias feministas, a pesquisa investiga as produções que contenham no título os indexadores: gênero, sexualidade, homossexualidade e/ou homossexual(is, no período de 1993 a 2008. A escolha dessa investigação se dá em razão de que tais produções constituem fontes privilegiadas de informação e de formação. Locais de (reprodução de saber, as universidades operam muitas vezes como lugares que se outorgam o estatuto de verdade, prescrevendo formas morais de comportamento aos sujeitos, o que tem instigado estudiosos/ as a investigar os discursos que circulam no meio acadêmico. Analisam-se, neste estudo, as perspectivas teóricas privilegiadas na descrição do objeto, as áreas e os temas centrais bem como os avanços e as lacunas da produção acadêmica, tomando como contraponto a proposta curricular oferecida pelo curso. Dessa forma, é possível concluir que, no contexto de produção acadêmica analisado, o ensino da Psicologia ainda se concentra predominantemente nos estudos das identidades, em uma visão normativa, polarizada e patologizada quanto ao gênero e às sexualidades.

  4. Ciudades legibles: los lugares y sus textos. Metodologías de diseño para identificar rasgos gráficos y proyectar sistemas de información visual


    Wilkomirsky Uribe, Michèle


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2016. Directora de la Tesis: Isabel del Río de la Hoz Al visitar un lugar por primera vez lo hacemos desde una lejanía intelectual. La gráfica hace que esta lejanía se vuelva proximidad. La comunicación visual es la parte de la disciplina del diseño gráfico que contribuye a legibilizar lo que una ciudad atesora y que no es necesariamente explícita a simple vista. En un lugar ¿ciudad o poblado¿ es casi imposible...

  5. Distortion of DNA Origami on Graphene Imaged with Advanced TEM Techniques. (United States)

    Kabiri, Yoones; Ananth, Adithya N; van der Torre, Jaco; Katan, Allard; Hong, Jin-Yong; Malladi, Sairam; Kong, Jing; Zandbergen, Henny; Dekker, Cees


    While graphene may appear to be the ultimate support membrane for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging of DNA nanostructures, very little is known if it poses an advantage over conventional carbon supports in terms of resolution and contrast. Microscopic investigations are carried out on DNA origami nanoplates that are supported onto freestanding graphene, using advanced TEM techniques, including a new dark-field technique that is recently developed in our lab. TEM images of stained and unstained DNA origami are presented with high contrast on both graphene and amorphous carbon membranes. On graphene, the images of the origami plates show severe unwanted distortions, where the rectangular shape of the nanoplates is significantly distorted. From a number of comparative control experiments, it is demonstrated that neither staining agents, nor screening ions, nor the level of electron-beam irradiation cause this distortion. Instead, it is suggested that origami nanoplates are distorted due to hydrophobic interaction of the DNA bases with graphene upon adsorption of the DNA origami nanoplates. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. The principle of electron microscopy; SEM and TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fauzi, S.H.


    The article reviews the principle of electron microscopy which is used in scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). These instruments are important for the examination and analysis of the microstructural properties of solid objects. Relevance physical concept lies behind the devices are given. The main components of each device are also discussed

  7. GISAXS modelling of helium-induced nano-bubble formation in tungsten and comparison with TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, Matt; Sakamoto, Ryuichi; Bernard, Elodie; Kirby, Nigel; Kluth, Patrick; Riley, Daniel; Corr, Cormac


    Grazing-incidence small angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS) is a powerful non-destructive technique for the measurement of nano-bubble formation in tungsten under helium plasma exposure. Here, we present a comparative study between transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and GISAXS measurements of nano-bubble formation in tungsten exposed to helium plasma in the Large Helical Device (LHD) fusion experiment. Both techniques are in excellent agreement, suggesting that nano-bubbles range from spheroidal to ellipsoidal, displaying exponential diameter distributions with mean diameters μ=0.68 ± 0.04 nm and μ=0.6 ± 0.1 nm measured by TEM and GISAXS respectively. Depth distributions were also computed, with calculated exponential depth distributions with mean depths of 8.4 ± 0.5 nm and 9.1 ± 0.4 nm for TEM and GISAXS. In GISAXS modelling, spheroidal particles were fitted with an aspect ratio ε=0.7 ± 0.1. The GISAXS model used is described in detail. - Highlights: • GISAXS and TEM were used to measure nano-bubble formation in W exposed to He plasma in the large helical device. • Nano-bubbles had an exponential diameter distributions with averages 0.6 ± 0.1 nm and 0.68 ± 0.04 nm measured by GISAXS and TEM. • Nano-bubbles had an exponential depth distributions with average depths of 9.1 ± 0.4 nm and 8.4 ± 0.5 nm for GISAXS and TEM. • The GISAXS model used to analyse diffraction patterns is explained in detail.

  8. GISAXS modelling of helium-induced nano-bubble formation in tungsten and comparison with TEM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thompson, Matt, E-mail: [Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Mills Road, Acton, ACT 2601 (Australia); Sakamoto, Ryuichi [National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu 509-5292 (Japan); Bernard, Elodie [Aix-Marseille University, Marseille 13288 (France); Kirby, Nigel [SAXS/WAXS Beamline, Australian Synchrotron, 800 Blackburn Rd, Clayton, VIC, 3168 (Australia); Kluth, Patrick [Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Mills Road, Acton, ACT 2601 (Australia); Riley, Daniel [Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Locked Bag 2001, Kirrawee DC, NSW, 2232 (Australia); Corr, Cormac [Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Mills Road, Acton, ACT 2601 (Australia)


    Grazing-incidence small angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS) is a powerful non-destructive technique for the measurement of nano-bubble formation in tungsten under helium plasma exposure. Here, we present a comparative study between transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and GISAXS measurements of nano-bubble formation in tungsten exposed to helium plasma in the Large Helical Device (LHD) fusion experiment. Both techniques are in excellent agreement, suggesting that nano-bubbles range from spheroidal to ellipsoidal, displaying exponential diameter distributions with mean diameters μ=0.68 ± 0.04 nm and μ=0.6 ± 0.1 nm measured by TEM and GISAXS respectively. Depth distributions were also computed, with calculated exponential depth distributions with mean depths of 8.4 ± 0.5 nm and 9.1 ± 0.4 nm for TEM and GISAXS. In GISAXS modelling, spheroidal particles were fitted with an aspect ratio ε=0.7 ± 0.1. The GISAXS model used is described in detail. - Highlights: • GISAXS and TEM were used to measure nano-bubble formation in W exposed to He plasma in the large helical device. • Nano-bubbles had an exponential diameter distributions with averages 0.6 ± 0.1 nm and 0.68 ± 0.04 nm measured by GISAXS and TEM. • Nano-bubbles had an exponential depth distributions with average depths of 9.1 ± 0.4 nm and 8.4 ± 0.5 nm for GISAXS and TEM. • The GISAXS model used to analyse diffraction patterns is explained in detail.

  9. TEM characterization of UO2-Gd2O3 nuclear fuels synthesized by coprecipitation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soldati, A.; Gana Watkins, I.; Menghini, J.; Prado, M.


    We present a micro and nano structural characterization of 4% weight doped Gd 2 O 3 -UO 2 pellet using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Agglomerate morphology and crystallite sizes were determined using light/dark field and high resolution (HR-TEM) images. Convergent beam Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron Diffraction (ED) were used to evaluate sample composition and homogeneity, even at the nanometer scale. We obtained an average crystallite size of 90±20 nm. Moreover, from TEM-EDS analyses we determined the presence of Gadolinium in all the analyzed crystallites but with 25% variation among their concentrations. These results show the capability of TEM analysis to characterize a nuclear fuel pellet with burnable poisons nano structure and homogeneity.(author)

  10. Quantitative evaluation of temporal partial coherence using 3D Fourier transforms of through-focus TEM images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimoto, Koji; Sawada, Hidetaka; Sasaki, Takeo; Sato, Yuta; Nagai, Takuro; Ohwada, Megumi; Suenaga, Kazu; Ishizuka, Kazuo


    We evaluate the temporal partial coherence of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using the three-dimensional (3D) Fourier transform (FT) of through-focus images. Young's fringe method often indicates the unexpected high-frequency information due to non-linear imaging terms. We have already used the 3D FT of axial (non-tilted) through-focus images to reduce the effect of non-linear terms on the linear imaging term, and demonstrated the improvement of monochromated lower-voltage TEM performance [Kimoto et al., Ultramicroscopy 121 (2012) 31–39]. Here we apply the 3D FT method with intentionally tilted incidence to normalize various factors associated with a TEM specimen and an imaging device. The temporal partial coherence of two microscopes operated at 30, 60 and 80 kV is evaluated. Our method is applicable to such cases where the non-linear terms become more significant in lower acceleration voltage or aberration-corrected high spatial resolution TEM. - Highlights: • We assess the temporal partial coherence of TEM using a 3-dimensional (3D) Fourier transform (FT) of through-focus images. • We apply the 3D FT method with intentionally tilted incidence to normalize various factors associated with a TEM specimen and an imaging device. • The spatial frequency at which information transfer decreases to 1/e 2 (13.5%) is determined for two lower-voltage TEM systems

  11. A experiência subjetiva e o funcionamento cardiovascular em contexto de vida diária: contributos para o estudo do funcionamento ótimo


    Parreira, Marta Filipa Gamito


    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia Clínica) O interesse pelos estados afetivos positivos sempre alimentou a curiosidade científica, tendo sido renovado pelo surgimento do domínio da Psicologia Positiva e pela ênfase nas potencialidades e forças do indivíduo. No entanto, a investigação neste domínio é ainda incipiente, ainda mais quando a este se associam correlatos fisiológicos. A literatura científica tem demonstrado a importâ...

  12. Primazia da guarda materna: a guarda compartilhada como alternativa de mudança


    Leite, Aline Ferreira Dias


    Esta tese é produto de longa caminhada e pesquisa relacionada a uma cultura que ainda tem privilegiado majoritariamente a mulher como guardiã prioritária dos filhos. Diante dessa realidade, em que os homens ainda estão excluídos juridicamente do processo de cuidar e continuar a exercer a guarda de seus filhos após uma separação conjugal/divórcio, ou rompimento de uma relação afetiva, se faz necessário apresentar algumas sugestões de mudança, como, por exemplo, o compartilhament...

  13. Retando las geografías de terror: estrategias culturales para la construcción del lugar

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    María Angélica Garzón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo señala la forma en que las políticas de lugar movilizadas por el Cineclub Itinerante La Rosa Púrpura del Cairo, entran a confrontar las lógicas de guerra (geografías de terror impuestas por los actores del conflicto armado en la región de los Montes de María. Esta experiencia cultural resulta interesante porque pone de manifiesto las relaciones entre territorio, cultura, identidad y política en el momento de desplegar acciones territoriales que buscan proponer nuevos proyectos colectivos.

  14. Retando las geografías de terror: estrategias culturales para la construcción del lugar

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    María Angélica Garzón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo señala la forma en que las políticas de lugar movilizadas por el Cineclub Itinerante La Rosa Púrpura del Cairo, entran a confrontar las lógicas de guerra (geografías de terror impuestas por los actores del conflicto armado en la región de los Montes de María. Esta experiencia cultural resulta interesante porque pone de manifiesto las relaciones entre territorio, cultura, identidad y política en el momento de desplegar acciones territoriales que buscan proponer nuevos proyectos colectivos.

  15. Nonlinear interplay of TEM and ITG turbulence and its effect on transport (United States)

    Merz, F.; Jenko, F.


    The dominant source of anomalous transport in fusion plasmas on ion scales is turbulence driven by trapped electron modes (TEMs) and ion temperature gradient (ITG) modes. While the individual properties of each of these two instabilities and the corresponding microturbulence have been examined in detail in the past, the effects of a coexistence of the two modes and the phenomena of transitions between the TEM and ITG dominated regimes are not well studied. In many experimental situations, the temperature and density gradients support both microinstabilities simultaneously, so that transitional regimes are important for a detailed understanding of fusion plasmas. In this paper, this issue is addressed, using the gyrokinetic code GENE for a detailed investigation of the dominant and subdominant linear instabilities and the corresponding nonlinear system. A simple quasilinear model based on eigenvalue computations is presented which is shown to reproduce important features of the nonlinear TEM-ITG transition.

  16. Hacia una caracterización del lugar y el perfil del elector colombiano

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    Víctor Arteaga Villa


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta una aproximación a la caracterización del lugar que se le ha dado y del perfil con que se ha configurado el elector colombiano. A partir de la metodología del estado de arte, analiza la literatura más relevante que se ha producido en torno a la relación elecciones-partidos políticos-elector y señala las categorías de énfasis que se han privilegiado. Además, a partir del establecimiento de las razones de la decisión y de la orientación del voto, enlista algunos de los factores que, desde motivaciones muy particulares -cívicas (deber ser del ciudadano, cínicas (ser de la contraprestación-, inducen al elector a su participación.

  17. La identidad como categoría relacional en el tiempo-lugar de recreo

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    Luis Guillermo Jaramillo Echeverry


    Full Text Available Construcción de Identidad en el tiempo de recreo: un estudio en cinco escuelas de la ciudad de Popayán’ es el título de la investigación que sirvió de fuente para este artículo. En él se presenta el enfoque y diseño metodológico usado, conocido como ‘la complementariedad’, constituido por tres momentos: pre-configuración, configuración y re-configuración de la realidad. En el estudio el recreo emerge como ese tiempo-lugar en el cual los niños se expresan como sujetos activos y participes de su realidad. En el recreo serán producidas formas de identidad asociadas con la capacidad de decisión, con los procesos de alteridad y con los sentidos otorgados a la normatividad institucional.

  18. Joint TEM and MT aquifer study in the Atacama Desert, North Chile (United States)

    Ruthsatz, Alexander D.; Sarmiento Flores, Alvaro; Diaz, Daniel; Reinoso, Pablo Salazar; Herrera, Cristian; Brasse, Heinrich


    The Atacama Desert represents one of the driest regions on earth, and despite the absence of sustainable clean water reserves the demand has increased drastically since 1970 as a result of growing population and expanding mining activities. Magnetotelluric (MT) and Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) measurements were carried out for groundwater exploration in late 2015 in the area of the Profeta Basin at the western margin of the Chilean Precordillera. Both methods complement each other: While MT in general attains larger penetration depths, TEM allows better resolution of near surface layers; furthermore TEM is free from galvanic distortion. Data were collected along three profiles, enabling a continuous resistivity image from the surface to at least several hundred meters depth. TEM data were inverted in a 1-D manner, consistently yielding a poorly conductive near-surface layer with a thickness of approximately 30 m and below a well-conducting layer which we interpret as the aquifer with resistivities around 10 Ωm. At marginal sites of the main SW-NE-profile the resistive basement was found in 150 m. These depths are confirmed by interpretation of the MT soundings. Those were firstly inverted with a 2-D approach and then by 3-D inversion as clear indications of three-dimensionality exist. Several modeling runs were performed with different combinations of transfer functions and smoothing parameters. Generally, MT and TEM results agree reasonably well and an overall image of the resistivity structures in the Profeta Basin could be achieved. The aquifer reaches depths of more than 500 m in parts and, by applying Archie's law, resistivities of 1 Ωm can be assumed, indicating highly saline fluids from the source region of the surrounding high Andes under persisting arid conditions.

  19. Two-dimensional dopant profiling for shallow junctions by TEM and AFM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, K.


    The present work concerns the development of the Etch/TEM and Etch/AFM methods to obtain quantitative 2-D dopant profiles for the ultra shallow p-n junctions of the next generation of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs). For these methods, thin foil (TEM) or bulk (AFM) cross-sectional specimens were etched using a dopant selective chemical so that local areas of the dopant implanted source/drain (S/D) regions were etched to different depths. The surface topography of the S/D regions was determined from the thickness fringes for the TEM method and by the direct measurement for the AFM method. The local etched depths were converted to etch rates, and these were then converted to corresponding 1-D and 2-D dopant profiles by the experimentally independent etch rate calibration curves. Shallow junction MOSFET samples were designed and fabricated with junction depths 60nm (n + /p), 80nm (n + /p) and 120nm (p + /n) using 0.25μm process technology. A new method using SOG (Spin-on-Glass) contributed to the high quality XTEM thin foil specimens. Controlled stirring of the etchant increased the dopant concentration selectivity and etching consistency. Computer modelling simulated the isotropic etching behaviours, which can introduce the significant error in dopant profiling for shallow and abrupt junction samples. Comprehensive quantitative results enabled the optimum etching time to be determined for the first time. Etch/TEM method gave 1-D dopant profiles that showed good agreement with 1-D Spreading Resistance Probe (SRP) dopant profiles for determining junction depths. 2-D dopant profiles gave L eff , i.e. the shortest lateral distance between the S/D junctions, of major importance for MOSFET performance. Values for L eff of 161, 159 and 123nm were determined from 60, 80 and 120nm junction depth samples respectively, compared with the 215nm MOSFET gate length. The resolution and accuracy of the Etch/TEM method are estimated as 2 and 10nm


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    Mary Mac-Millan K


    Full Text Available Martin Heidegger en De camino al habla postula la existencia de un supuesto Poema Único. al que concibe simultáneamente como origen y destino del quehacer poético. En estas páginas nos proponemos una lectura de la obra de Manuel Bandeira, poeta brasileño, a la luz de este concepto. Postulamos "la ternura" como lugar de origen y que a la vez atraviesa cada poema individual. La ternura se va mostrando como el lugar de protección de una promesa. Promesa que a su vez abriga, encierra y despliega en ella, de un modo paradójico, la posibilidad misma de toda escrituraIn his Unterwegs zur Sprache, Martin Heidegger postulates the existence of a supposed Unique Poem, one that simultaneously conceives origin and destiny of the poetic work. We propose a reading of the work of the brazilian poet Manuel Bandeira in this perspective. We postulate tenderness as origin but also as the underlying concept of each individual poem. Tenderness may be the place where a promise is kept, giving shelter, uniting and unfolding, in a paradoxical way, the possibilities of writing itself

  1. TEM investigations of laser ablated particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fliegel, D.; Dundas, S.; Kosler, J.; Klementova, M.


    Full text: Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry suffers from fractionation effects hindering a non matrix matched calibration strategy. Different reasons for elemental fractionation that are related to the laser ablation, the transport and the vaporization in the plasma are discussed. One major question to be addressed linked to the vaporization yield in the ICP is in which of mineralogical phase the different ablated particle sizes enter the plasma. This contribution will investigate particles generated by a 213 nm laser from different samples such as minerals and alloys with respect to their chemical and phase compositions using high resolution TEM. (author)

  2. TEM and ellipsometry studies of nanolaminate oxide films prepared using atomic layer deposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mitchell, D.R.G. [Materials and Engineering Science, ANSTO, PMB 1, Menai, NSW 2234 (Australia)]. E-mail:; Attard, D.J. [Materials and Engineering Science, ANSTO, PMB 1, Menai, NSW 2234 (Australia); Finnie, K.S. [Materials and Engineering Science, ANSTO, PMB 1, Menai, NSW 2234 (Australia); Triani, G. [Materials and Engineering Science, ANSTO, PMB 1, Menai, NSW 2234 (Australia); Barbe, C.J. [Materials and Engineering Science, ANSTO, PMB 1, Menai, NSW 2234 (Australia); Depagne, C. [Materials and Engineering Science, ANSTO, PMB 1, Menai, NSW 2234 (Australia); Bartlett, J.R. [Materials and Engineering Science, ANSTO, PMB 1, Menai, NSW 2234 (Australia)


    Nanolaminate oxide layers consisting of TiO{sub 2} and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} have been deposited on silicon using atomic layer deposition (ALD). Characterisation of these films has been achieved by use of a range of modern transmission electron microscopy (TEM)-based techniques, including plasmon loss imaging, energy filtered imaging and scanning TEM (STEM) X-ray line profiling. These have shown that the target thickness of the individual layers in the nanolaminate structures (20 nm) has been met with a high degree of accuracy, that the layers are extremely flat and parallel and that the interfaces between the layers are compositionally abrupt. Localised crystallisation within the stacks, and responses to electron beam irradiation point to the presence of a stress gradient within the layers. The performance of ellipsometry in characterising multilayer stacks has been benchmarked against the TEM measurements. Errors in determination of individual layer thicknesses were found to increase with growing stack size, as expected given the increasing number of interfaces incorporated in each model. The most sophisticated model gave maximum deviations of {+-}4 nm from the TEM determined values for the 5- and 10-layer stacks.

  3. Relación coste-beneficio de las políticas sobre consumo de tabaco en el lugar de trabajo

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    Raaijmakers Tamara


    Full Text Available Este trabajo revisa los motivos que llevan a las empresas a establecer una política sobre control del tabaquismo, los beneficios económicos para la sociedad que se derivan de su adopción, y sus costes, detallados por países en la Unión Europea. Se revisa también la literatura sobre los costes de la aplicación de una política sobre tabaquismo en el ámbito laboral. El principal objetivo de las políticas sobre tabaquismo en el lugar de trabajo es la protección de los empleados del aire contaminado por el humo de tabaco (ACHT. Otros motivos son la reducción de costes; la mejora de la imagen; y la disminución de absentismo, accidentes laborales, conflictos y costes adicionales debidos al tabaco. La protección frente al ACHT no supone mayores costes para la empresa, y se refieren ventajas económicas con su puesta en práctica. Los beneficios sobrepasan con creces las inversiones, en particular a largo plazo, y parecen mayores cuando se establece una prohibición total de fumar en el lugar de trabajo en vez de áreas para fumadores.

  4. Espacios para el arte: lugares en continua redefinición

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    Eloísa Alisal


    Full Text Available Através de la historia del museo y del coleccionismo han ido proliferando una gran variedad de espacios en los que se cobijan, conservan, resguardan o almacenan los objetos de interés cultural y, a pesar de esto, el patrimonio artístico de las comunidades ha continuado siendo soporte de su memoria como colectividad. Desde los santuarios griegos dedicados a las Musas hasta los museos y centros de arte actuales, las colecciones artísticas cobijadas se han transformado en soporte para la transmisión de ideas y de conocimientos. Tanto los espacios físicos (templos, academias, galerías, palacios y salones como los espacios virtuales (museos y galerías en red han mantenido la misma finalidad: conservar, estudiar y difundir las manifestaciones artísticas de las culturas. Han pasado más de dos siglos desde la creación del primer museo de arte contemporáneo concebido como lugar de conservación, estudio y difusión del arte creado en su contemporaneidad; y más de un siglo desde que Duchamp incluyera su obra “Fuente” en el Armory Show, desde entonces el museo de arte se redefine junto al objeto que debería cobijar.

  5. Characterization of some biological specimens using TEM and SEM (United States)

    Ghosh, Nabarun; Smith, Don W.


    The advent of novel techniques using the Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopes improved observation on various biological specimens to characterize them. We studied some biological specimens using Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopes. We followed negative staining technique with Phosphotungstic acid using bacterial culture of Bacillus subtilis. Negative staining is very convenient technique to view the structural morphology of different samples including bacteria, phage viruses and filaments in a cell. We could observe the bacterial cell wall and flagellum very well when trapped the negative stained biofilm from bacterial culture on a TEM grid. We cut ultra thin sections from the fixed root tips of Pisum sativum (Garden pea). Root tips were pre fixed with osmium tetroxide and post fixed with uranium acetate and placed in the BEEM capsule for block making. The ultrathin sections on the grid under TEM showed the granular chromatin in the nucleus. The protein bodies and large vacuoles with the storage materials were conspicuous. We followed fixation, critical point drying and sputter coating with gold to view the tissues with SEM after placing on stubs. SEM view of the leaf surface of a dangerous weed Tragia hispida showed the surface trichomes. These trichomes when break on touching releases poisonous content causing skin irritation. The cultured tissue from in vitro culture of Albizia lebbeck, a tree revealed the regenerative structures including leaf buds and stomata on the tissue surface. SEM and TEM allow investigating the minute details characteristic morphological features that can be used for classroom teaching.

  6. Atom-counting in High Resolution Electron Microscopy:TEM or STEM - That's the question. (United States)

    Gonnissen, J; De Backer, A; den Dekker, A J; Sijbers, J; Van Aert, S


    In this work, a recently developed quantitative approach based on the principles of detection theory is used in order to determine the possibilities and limitations of High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR STEM) and HR TEM for atom-counting. So far, HR STEM has been shown to be an appropriate imaging mode to count the number of atoms in a projected atomic column. Recently, it has been demonstrated that HR TEM, when using negative spherical aberration imaging, is suitable for atom-counting as well. The capabilities of both imaging techniques are investigated and compared using the probability of error as a criterion. It is shown that for the same incoming electron dose, HR STEM outperforms HR TEM under common practice standards, i.e. when the decision is based on the probability function of the peak intensities in HR TEM and of the scattering cross-sections in HR STEM. If the atom-counting decision is based on the joint probability function of the image pixel values, the dependence of all image pixel intensities as a function of thickness should be known accurately. Under this assumption, the probability of error may decrease significantly for atom-counting in HR TEM and may, in theory, become lower as compared to HR STEM under the predicted optimal experimental settings. However, the commonly used standard for atom-counting in HR STEM leads to a high performance and has been shown to work in practice. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Em meus olhos e ouvidos: música popular, deslocamento no espaço urbano e a produção de sentidos em lugares dos Beatles

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    Luiz Henrique Assis Garcia


    Full Text Available Meu propósito é investigar como a música popular, através de trocas culturais que marcam a construção de identidades atribuídas a grupos e lugares, define vínculos e fronteiras no tecido urbano, ao mesmo tempo em que evidencia as trajetórias traçadas pelos músicos que o atravessam. Para tanto, optei pelo estudo formal e contextual de Strawberry Fields Forever e Penny Lane, canções dos Beatles que produzem sentidos sobre "lugares" e que congregaram memórias e identidades construídas em sua experiência como citadinos no deslocamento desde seu passado em Liverpool ao presente de então em Londres.

  8. Place in product El lugar en los productos

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    Harvey Molotch


    ; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;}

    Los productos y los productos básicos toman las cualidades de los lugares de donde provienen. En su tendencia a persistir, incluso en el contexto de fuerzas homogeneizadoras geográficas, las diferencias de los lugares impregnan los artefactos cuya creación estimulan. A través de una investigación de la práctica del diseño industrial, se especifica cómo factores tales como sistemas de referato de clientes, mundos del arte locales, y la existência previa de infraestructura física influye en el contenido de las cosas. También se examinará procesos como la auto-selección cultural de los migrantes, la formación de mercados internos, y la naturaleza de la semiótica local. Los mecanismos mediante los cuales se combinan elementos tan diversos en una atmósfera industrial local dan forma no sólo a una ventaja competitiva de un lugar sobre otro en la producción de un determinado artefacto, sino en la naturaleza de los bienes que pueden entrar en la existencia.

  9. Characterization of crystallite morphology for doped strontium fluoride nanophosphors by TEM and XRD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    O' Connell, J.H. [Centre for HRTEM, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth ZA6031 (South Africa); Lee, M.E., E-mail: [Centre for HRTEM, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth ZA6031 (South Africa); Yagoub, M.Y.A.; Swart, H.C.; Coetsee, E. [Department of Physics, University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein ZA9300 (South Africa)


    Crystallite morphology for Eu-doped and undoped SrF{sub 2} nanophosphors have been determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The values for average crystallite size obtained by the application of the Scherrer equation and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) values for XRD peaks are compared to the results obtained using the hollow cone dark field (HCDF) TEM imaging technique. In the case of the TEM analysis, a bimodal crystallite size distribution was revealed with one of the distributions having a measured range of crystallite sizes which was in good agreement with the XRD data. HCDF in combination with FIB specimen preparation was found to be a promising technique for the determination of crystallite size distributions in nanophosphors which might facilitate a better understanding of their scintillation properties.

  10. Characterization of crystallite morphology for doped strontium fluoride nanophosphors by TEM and XRD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Connell, J.H.; Lee, M.E.; Yagoub, M.Y.A.; Swart, H.C.; Coetsee, E.


    Crystallite morphology for Eu-doped and undoped SrF_2 nanophosphors have been determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The values for average crystallite size obtained by the application of the Scherrer equation and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) values for XRD peaks are compared to the results obtained using the hollow cone dark field (HCDF) TEM imaging technique. In the case of the TEM analysis, a bimodal crystallite size distribution was revealed with one of the distributions having a measured range of crystallite sizes which was in good agreement with the XRD data. HCDF in combination with FIB specimen preparation was found to be a promising technique for the determination of crystallite size distributions in nanophosphors which might facilitate a better understanding of their scintillation properties.

  11. Quantitative TEM analysis of Al/Cu multilayer systems prepared by pulsed laser deposition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Haihua; Pryds, Nini; Schou, Jørgen


    Thin films composed of alternating Al/Cu/Al layers were deposited on a (111) Si substrate using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The thicknesses of the film and the individual layers, and the detailed internal structure within the layers were characterized by means of transmission electron microscopy...... for the formation of the first layer of nano-sized Al grains. The results demonstrate that the PLD technique is a powerful tool to produce nano-scale multilayered metal films with controllable thickness and grain sizes....... (TEM), high-resolution TEM (HRTEM), and energy-filtered TEM (EFTEM). Each Al or Cu layer consists of a single layer of nano-sized grains of different orientations. EFTEM results revealed a layer of oxide about 2 nm thick on the surface of the Si substrate, which is considered to be the reason...

  12. Present status and future prospects of spherical aberration corrected TEM/STEM for study of nanomaterials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Nobuo


    The present status of Cs-corrected TEM/STEM is described from the viewpoint of the observation of nanomaterials. Characteristic features in TEM and STEM are explained using the experimental data obtained by our group and other research groups. Cs correction up to the 3rd-order aberration of an objective lens has already been established and research interest is focused on correcting the 5th-order spherical aberration and the chromatic aberration in combination with the development of a monochromator below an electron gun for smaller point-to-point resolution in optics. Another fundamental area of interest is the limitation of TEM and STEM resolution from the viewpoint of the scattering of electrons in crystals. The minimum size of the exit-wave function below samples undergoing TEM imaging is determined from the calculation of scattering around related atomic columns in the crystals. STEM does not have this limitation because the resolution is, in principle, determined by the probe size. One of the future prospects of Cs-corrected TEM/STEM is the possibility of extending the space around the sample holder by correcting the chromatic and spherical aberrations. This wider space will contribute to the ease of performing in situ experiments and various combinations of TEM and other analysis methods. High-resolution, in situ dynamic and 3D observations/analysis are the most important keywords in the next decade of high-resolution electron microscopy. (topical review)

  13. TEM and Moessbauer Study of Nano Sized Fe2MnAl Flakes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinesh, A.; Sudheesh, V. D.; Lakshmi, N.; Venugopalan, K.


    Magnetic and structural properties of L21 ordered Fe 2 MnAl Heusler alloy have been studied by X-ray diffraction, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Moessbauer spectroscopy and DC magnetization. Structural texturing induced by ball milling is destroyed on heating while Moessbauer and DC magnetization studies show magnetic texturing persists after thermal treatment. TEM shows large distribution in particle size with an average size of 27 nm. Thermal annealing of ball milled sample results L2 1 ordering and the needle shaped particle contributes spin texturing.

  14. Quantitative in situ TEM tensile testing of an individual nickel nanowire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Yang; Peng Cheng; Ganesan, Yogeeswaran; Lou Jun; Huang Jianyu


    In this paper, we have demonstrated the usage of a novel micro-mechanical device (MMD) to perform quantitative in situ tensile tests on individual metallic nanowires inside a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Our preliminary experiment on a 360 nm diameter nickel nanowire showed that the sample fractured at an engineering stress of ∼ 1.2 GPa and an engineering strain of ∼ 4%, which is consistent with earlier experiments performed inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). With in situ high resolution TEM imaging and diffraction capabilities, this novel experimental set-up could provide unique opportunities to reveal the underlying deformation and damage mechanisms for metals at the nanoscale.

  15. Processing grounded-wire TEM signal in time-frequency-pseudo-seismic domain: A new paradigm (United States)

    Khan, M. Y.; Xue, G. Q.; Chen, W.; Huasen, Z.


    Grounded-wire TEM has received great attention in mineral, hydrocarbon and hydrogeological investigations for the last several years. Conventionally, TEM soundings have been presented as apparent resistivity curves as function of time. With development of sophisticated computational algorithms, it became possible to extract more realistic geoelectric information by applying inversion programs to 1-D & 3-D problems. Here, we analyze grounded-wire TEM data by carrying out analysis in time, frequency and pseudo-seismic domain supported by borehole information. At first, H, K, A & Q type geoelectric models are processed using a proven inversion program (1-D Occam inversion). Second, time-to-frequency transformation is conducted from TEM ρa(t) curves to magneto telluric MT ρa(f) curves for the same models based on all-time apparent resistivity curves. Third, 1-D Bostick's algorithm was applied to the transformed resistivity. Finally, EM diffusion field is transformed into propagating wave field obeying the standard wave equation using wavelet transformation technique and constructed pseudo-seismic section. The transformed seismic-like wave indicates that some reflection and refraction phenomena appear when the EM wave field interacts with geoelectric interface at different depth intervals due to contrast in resistivity. The resolution of the transformed TEM data is significantly improved in comparison to apparent resistivity plots. A case study illustrates the successful hydrogeophysical application of proposed approach in recovering water-filled mined-out area in a coal field located in Ye county, Henan province, China. The results support the introduction of pseudo-seismic imaging technology in short-offset version of TEM which can also be an useful aid if integrated with seismic reflection technique to explore possibilities for high resolution EM imaging in future.

  16. Double aberration-corrected TEM/STEM of tungstated zirconia nanocatalysts for the synthesis of paracetamol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshida, K; Boyes, E D; Gai, P L; Shiju, N R; Brown, D R


    We report highly active tungstated zirconia nanocatalysts for the synthesis of paracetamol by Beckmann rearrangement of 4-hydroxyacetophenone oxime. Double aberration-corrected (2AC)-TEM/STEM studies were performed in a JEOL 2200FS FEG TEM/STEM at the 1 Angstrom (1 A = 0.1 nanometer) level. Observations at close to zero defocus were carried out using the AC-TEM as well as AC-STEM including high angle annular dark field (HAADF) imaging, from the same areas of the catalyst crystallites. The studies from the same areas have revealed the location and the nanostructure of the polytungstate species (clusters) and the nanograins of zirconia. The AC (S)TEM was crucial to observe the nanostructure and location of polytungstate clusters on the zirconia grains. Polytungstate clusters as small as 0.5 nm have been identified using the HAADF-STEM. The nanostructures of the catalyst and the W surface density have been correlated with paracetamol reaction studies. The results demonstrate the nature of active sites and high activity of the tungstated zirconia nanocatalyst, which is an environmentally clean alternative to the current homogeneous process.

  17. Double aberration-corrected TEM/STEM of tungstated zirconia nanocatalysts for the synthesis of paracetamol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoshida, K; Boyes, E D; Gai, P L [York JEOL Nanocentre (United Kingdom); Shiju, N R; Brown, D R, E-mail: [Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH (United Kingdom)


    We report highly active tungstated zirconia nanocatalysts for the synthesis of paracetamol by Beckmann rearrangement of 4-hydroxyacetophenone oxime. Double aberration-corrected (2AC)-TEM/STEM studies were performed in a JEOL 2200FS FEG TEM/STEM at the 1 Angstrom (1 A = 0.1 nanometer) level. Observations at close to zero defocus were carried out using the AC-TEM as well as AC-STEM including high angle annular dark field (HAADF) imaging, from the same areas of the catalyst crystallites. The studies from the same areas have revealed the location and the nanostructure of the polytungstate species (clusters) and the nanograins of zirconia. The AC (S)TEM was crucial to observe the nanostructure and location of polytungstate clusters on the zirconia grains. Polytungstate clusters as small as 0.5 nm have been identified using the HAADF-STEM. The nanostructures of the catalyst and the W surface density have been correlated with paracetamol reaction studies. The results demonstrate the nature of active sites and high activity of the tungstated zirconia nanocatalyst, which is an environmentally clean alternative to the current homogeneous process.

  18. Analysis and design of a coupled coaxial line TEM resonator for magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benahmed, Nasreddine; Feham, Mohammed; Khelif, M'Hamed


    In this paper, we have successfully realized a numerical tool to analyse and to design an n-element unloaded coaxial line transverse electromagnetic (TEM) resonator. This numerical tool allows the determination of the primary parameters, matrices [L], [C] and [R], and simulates the frequency response of S 11 at the RF port of the designed TEM resonator. The frequency response permits evaluation of the unloaded quality factor Q 0 . As an application, we present the analysis and the design of an eight-element unloaded TEM resonator for animal studies at 4.7 T. The simulated performance has a -62.81 dB minimum reflection and a quality factor of 260 around 200 MHz

  19. A flexible multi-stimuli in situ (S)TEM: Concept, optical performance, and outlook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Börrnert, Felix; Müller, Heiko; Riedel, Thomas; Linck, Martin; Kirkland, Angus I.; Haider, Max.; Büchner, Bernd; Lichte, Hannes


    The progress in (scanning) transmission electron microscopy development had led to an unprecedented knowledge of the microscopic structure of functional materials at the atomic level. Additionally, although not widely used yet, electron holography is capable to map the electric and magnetic potential distributions at the sub-nanometer scale. Nevertheless, in situ studies inside a (scanning) transmission electron microscope ((S)TEM) are extremely challenging because of the much restricted size and accessibility of the sample space. Here, we introduce a concept for a dedicated in situ (S)TEM with a large sample chamber for flexible multi-stimuli experimental setups and report about the electron optical performance of the instrument. We demonstrate a maximum resolving power of about 1 nm in conventional imaging mode and substantially better than 5 nm in scanning mode while providing an effectively usable “pole piece gap” of 70 mm. - Highlights: • A concept for a (S)TEM with a large sample chamber is outlined. • An actual microscope is modified and has now a 70 mm high sample space. • The resolving power is about 1 nm in TEM and better than 5 nm in STEM mode. • Possible dedicated in situ microscopes with present technology are discussed

  20. A flexible multi-stimuli in situ (S)TEM: Concept, optical performance, and outlook

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Börrnert, Felix, E-mail: [Speziallabor Triebenberg, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden (Germany); IFW Dresden, PF 27 01 16, 01171 Dresden (Germany); Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PH (United Kingdom); Müller, Heiko; Riedel, Thomas; Linck, Martin [CEOS GmbH, Englerstraße 28, 69126 Heidelberg (Germany); Kirkland, Angus I. [Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PH (United Kingdom); Haider, Max. [CEOS GmbH, Englerstraße 28, 69126 Heidelberg (Germany); Büchner, Bernd [IFW Dresden, PF 27 01 16, 01171 Dresden (Germany); Lichte, Hannes [Speziallabor Triebenberg, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden (Germany)


    The progress in (scanning) transmission electron microscopy development had led to an unprecedented knowledge of the microscopic structure of functional materials at the atomic level. Additionally, although not widely used yet, electron holography is capable to map the electric and magnetic potential distributions at the sub-nanometer scale. Nevertheless, in situ studies inside a (scanning) transmission electron microscope ((S)TEM) are extremely challenging because of the much restricted size and accessibility of the sample space. Here, we introduce a concept for a dedicated in situ (S)TEM with a large sample chamber for flexible multi-stimuli experimental setups and report about the electron optical performance of the instrument. We demonstrate a maximum resolving power of about 1 nm in conventional imaging mode and substantially better than 5 nm in scanning mode while providing an effectively usable “pole piece gap” of 70 mm. - Highlights: • A concept for a (S)TEM with a large sample chamber is outlined. • An actual microscope is modified and has now a 70 mm high sample space. • The resolving power is about 1 nm in TEM and better than 5 nm in STEM mode. • Possible dedicated in situ microscopes with present technology are discussed.

  1. Cementerio: lugar de memoria y museo al aire libre. Educación patrimonial en el ámbito escolar


    Jenny González Muñoz


    El presente artículo pertenece a una propuesta en desarrollo, expresado con el objetivo de mostrar la importancia de incluir en la escuela el estudio del cementerio como lugar de memoria y museo al aire libre que permita comprender perspectivas del arte y simbolismo como sentido de pertenencia social hacia su salvaguarda, conservación y preservación. La metodología cualtitativo-interpretativa con observación directa, apoyo fotográfico y documental aborda el rol protagónico del cementerio como...

  2. Determination of Size Distributions in Nanocrystalline Powders by TEM, XRD and SAXS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik; Pedersen, Jørgen Houe; Jørgensen, Jens Erik


    Crystallite size distributions and particle size distributions were determined by TEM, XRD, and SAXS for three commercially available TiO2 samples and one homemade. The theoretical Guinier Model was fitted to the experimental data and compared to analytical expressions. Modeling of the XRD spectra...... the size distribution obtained from the XRD experiments; however, a good agreement was obtained between the two techniques. Electron microscopy, SEM and TEM, confirmed the primary particle sizes, the size distributions, and the shapes obtained by XRD and SAXS. The SSEC78 powder and the commercially...

  3. Estrategias organizativas y prácticas cívicas binacionales de asociaciones de mexicanos en Chicago: Una perspectiva transnacional desde el lugar

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    Xóchitl BADA


    Full Text Available A pesar del papel fundamental que desempeñan las redes sociales para articular políticas de colaboración entre organizaciones de inmigrantes, se han estudiado poco los factores locales que inciden en la capacidad de estas organizaciones para establecer vínculos estables con otras asociaciones. En este artículo se indaga la relevancia del lugar para entender los procesos de participación cívica binacional de los inmigrantes mexicanos a través de clubes de oriundos, federaciones de inmigrantes y organizaciones comunitarias de base en el área metropolitana de Chicago. Se concluye que la vinculación al lugar es fundamental para entender la capacidad de movilización política de las organizaciones de migrantes en Chicago, aunque matiza que la excesiva concentración de las acciones políticas de estas organizaciones en zonas geográficas territorialmente marcadas limita su potencial de incidencia política en espacios que se encuentran fuera de su territorio de acción habitual.

  4. Interpretation of interfacial structures in X-ray multilayers by TEM Fresnel fringe effects


    Nguyen, Tai D.; O'Keefe, Michael A.; Kilaas, Roar; Gronsky, Ronald; Kortright, Jeffrey B.


    Assessment of interfacial structures from high-resolution TEM images of cross-sectional specimens is difficult due to Fresnel fringe effects producing different apparent structures in the images. The effects of these fringes have been commonly over-looked in efforts of making quantitative interpretation of interfacial profiles. In this report, we present the observations of the Fresnel fringes in nanometer period Mo/Si, W/C, and WC/C multilayers in through-focus-series TEM images. Calculation...

  5. Coordinated Isotopic and TEM Studies of Presolar Graphites from Murchison (United States)

    Croat, T. K.; Stadermann, F. J.; Zinner, E.; Bernatowicz, T. J.


    TEM and NanoSIMS investigations of the same presolar Murchison KFC graphites revealed high Zr, Mo, and Ru content in refractory carbides within the graphites. Along with isotopically light carbon, these suggest a low-metallicity AGB source.



    Traldi, Mariana


    Com este texto pretendemos mostrar que a evolução do macrossistema elétrico brasileiro, a partir da instalação de parques eólicos, acabou por retirar dos lugares o comando da parcela técnica da produção. Para tanto, iniciamos nossa discussão revelando a atual organização do sistema elétrico brasileiro, com o objetivo de mostrar que ele se configura enquanto um macrossistema técnico. O texto segue discutindo a atual composição da matriz elétrica brasileira, revelando que ela tende à diversifi...

  7. Vivendo a vizinhança: interfaces pessoa-ambiente na produção de vizinhanças "Vivas"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tadeu Mattos Farias


    Full Text Available As vizinhanças já foram reconhecidamente lugares de intensa socialização e produção cultural, mas parecem ter perdido significado e espaço diante das mudanças nos processos de urbanização e relações sociais. Ainda assim, algumas vizinhanças preservam sua "vida própria". Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar tais lugares, aqui denominados vizinhanças vivas. A partir de um painel de especialistas, buscamos identificar elementos que caracterizem tais vizinhanças, fatores que favoreçam seu desenvolvimento/manutenção e fatores que dificultem esse processo. As vizinhanças vivas foram caracterizadas em seus aspectos sociais, ambientais e culturais. Relações de socialização, intimidade e cooperação, o uso do espaço próximo e instituições locais, além de símbolos locais, dão vida a esses lugares. São relações facilitadas pela familiaridade, por fatores de enraizamento, pelo contato espacial e por herança cultural. Nesse contexto de vizinhança se destaca a dimensão afetiva, com a geração de sentimentos de coesão e segurança e de apego ao lugar.

  8. A TEM method for analyzing local strain fields in irradiated materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bennetch, J.I.; Jesser, W.A.


    Of great interest to the field of fracture mechanics is the strain field in front of a crack tip. In irradiated materials, cavities which naturally form as a result of radiation provide convenient internal markers. If a miniaturized irradiated tensile sample is pulled in situ in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), both the relative displacement of these cavities and their distortion in shape provide information on localized strain on a microscopic level. In addition, the TEM method allows direct correlation of active slip systems with crack propagation characteristics. To illustrate this method a strain field map was constructed about a crack propagating in a helium irradiated type 316 stainless steel sample containing large cavities. (orig.)

  9. Application effect of TEM sounding survey on prospecting and target area selection of sandstone-type uranium deposits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Jianguo; Liang Shanming; Zhao Cuiping


    Based on the results of transient electromagnetic (TEM) sounding survey during recent years regional geological reconnaissance with drilling (1:250000), the application effect of TEM sounding survey during regional reconnaissance is summarized in this paper. It is suggested that the data of TEM sounding are useful in judging hydrodynamic conditions of groundwater and determining favorable areas for uranium ore-formation; TEM sounding in large areas may be proper for prospecting in gobi-desert areas and be beneficial for regional reconnaissance and target area selection, and may reduce the target area and provide basis for further drilling program. It is of popularized significance in the prospecting for sandstone-type uranium deposits. (authors)


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    Pande Putu Wahyu Pramanda


    Full Text Available Berkembangnya dunia teknologi telekomunikasi dan informasi sejalan dengan kebutuhan akan kecepatan dan kestabilan akses internet teknologi UMTS. Metode drive test adalah metode yang biasanya digunakan untuk pengukuran kualitas sebuah site. Pihak provider umumnya menggunakan software TEMS Investigation dalam melakukan drive test. Melakukan drive test dengan TEMS Investigation sangatlah tidak praktis dan memerlukan biaya yang besar. Berkembangnya teknologi smartphone membuat drive test dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan handphone yaitu dengan G-NetTrack Pro. Namun G-NetTrack Pro tidak memiliki kemampuan yang sama dengan TEMS Investigation. Software G-NetTrack Pro dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran yaitu untuk pengenalan drivetest namun belum cocok digunakan secara profesional. G-NetTrack Pro dapat menampilkan data yang dibutuhkan dalam drive test namun tidak sedetail TEMS Investigation, sehingga dalam proses pembelajaran dapat digunakan untuk pengenalan karena efisien dan dapat di install pada handphone mahasiswa namun tidak dapat digunakan melakukan drive test misalnya dalam dunia kerja atau secara professional.

  11. Helicopter TEM parameters analysis and system optimization based on time constant (United States)

    Xiao, Pan; Wu, Xin; Shi, Zongyang; Li, Jutao; Liu, Lihua; Fang, Guangyou


    Helicopter transient electromagnetic (TEM) method is a kind of common geophysical prospecting method, widely used in mineral detection, underground water exploration and environment investigation. In order to develop an efficient helicopter TEM system, it is necessary to analyze and optimize the system parameters. In this paper, a simple and quantitative method is proposed to analyze the system parameters, such as waveform, power, base frequency, measured field and sampling time. A wire loop model is used to define a comprehensive 'time constant domain' that shows a range of time constant, analogous to a range of conductance, after which the characteristics of the system parameters in this domain is obtained. It is found that the distortion caused by the transmitting base frequency is less than 5% when the ratio of the transmitting period to the target time constant is greater than 6. When the sampling time window is less than the target time constant, the distortion caused by the sampling time window is less than 5%. According to this method, a helicopter TEM system, called CASHTEM, is designed, and flight test has been carried out in the known mining area. The test results show that the system has good detection performance, verifying the effectiveness of the method.

  12. 3D TEM reconstruction and segmentation process of laminar bio-nanocomposites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iturrondobeitia, M.; Okariz, A.; Fernandez-Martinez, R.; Jimbert, P.; Guraya, T.; Ibarretxe, J.


    The microstructure of laminar bio-nanocomposites (Poly (lactic acid)(PLA)/clay) depends on the amount of clay platelet opening after integration with the polymer matrix and determines the final properties of the material. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique is the only one that can provide a direct observation of the layer dispersion and the degree of exfoliation. However, the orientation of the clay platelets, which affects the final properties, is practically immeasurable from a single 2D TEM image. This issue can be overcome using transmission electron tomography (ET), a technique that allows the complete 3D characterization of the structure, including the measurement of the orientation of clay platelets, their morphology and their 3D distribution. ET involves a 3D reconstruction of the study volume and a subsequent segmentation of the study object. Currently, accurate segmentation is performed manually, which is inefficient and tedious. The aim of this work is to propose an objective/automated segmentation methodology process of a 3D TEM tomography reconstruction. In this method the segmentation threshold is optimized by minimizing the variation of the dimensions of the segmented objects and matching the segmented V clay (%) and the actual one. The method is first validated using a fictitious set of objects, and then applied on a nanocomposite

  13. Paisaje natural y envejecimiento saludable en el lugar: el caso del Parque Nacional Cumbres de Monterrey (México)


    Sánchez-González, Diego; Adame Rivera, Lydia Marcela; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Vicente


    La investigación analiza los factores del paisaje natural cotidiano que favorecen el envejecimiento saludable en el lugar y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores residentes en los límites del Parque Nacional Cumbres de Monterrey (México). La metodología ha consistido en la utilización de métodos como fotovoz y mapas mentales aplicados a grupos de discusión por personas mayores, encuestas y Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Los resultados indican que la exposición a elementos naturales ...

  14. Análisis de las capacidades emprendedoras al interior de las organizaciones: el caso de los graduados universitarios


    Barilari, Felipe


    En el presente trabajo de graduación se estudia el fenómeno del emprendedorismo corporativo entre los graduados universitarios de distintas carreras de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. En primer lugar, se examinan algunos aportes teóricos en la temática con el objeto de profundizar este concepto, rescatar las características que reúne un emprendedor y examinar la importancia de este fenómeno. En segundo lugar se evalúan las razones por las cuales los graduados deciden involucrarse en...

  15. Proceso histórico de reconocimiento de los derechos sociales en Bolivia: derecho a la educación


    Corrales Dorado, Roberto Arturo


    La tesis tiene como temática central el lugar esencial que ocupa el derecho a la educación en el sistema constitucional boliviano de derechos fundamentales, con atención especial a los derechos sociales y, desde esta perspectiva, a la faceta prestacional del derecho a la educación. Sin lugar a dudas, de entrada, debe destacarse la actualidad permanente del tema elegido pues, en efecto, el conocimiento del ordenamiento constitucional, sea en términos de suscitar adhesión a los valores demo...

  16. Alimentacao escolar como espaco para educacao em saude: percepcao das merendeiras do municipio do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Gabriela de Souza Fernandes


    Full Text Available Ao considerar a escola como um espaço para a educação em saúde, as merendeiras ocupam lugar central no debate por serem as responsáveis diretas pelo preparo da alimentação. Assim, o presente estudo tem por principal objetivo indicar as possibilidades da participação dessas importantes componentes nos processos educativos, reconhecendo que elas não se resumem a indivíduos que desenvolvem mera atividade no "espaço cozinha-refeitório". De modo a atingir sua consecução, utilizou-se uma abordagem quantitativa, com base no método de pesquisa Survey: Para delineamento dos dados, foram realizadas análises descritivas, além do teste de associação Qui-Quadrado e métodos de análise fatorial. Por fim, identificaram-se alterações em algumas características socioeconômicas e na forma de contratação das merendeiras. No entanto, também restou comprovado que o reconhecimento de seu papel como agente da educação em saúde ainda depende de uma série de transformações na estrutura, valores e concepções sobre o relevante trabalho que desenvolvem e as mais eficazes formas de sua inserção no ambiente escolar.

  17. El lugar imposible de las mujeres en seis novelas centroamericanas contemporáneas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Bonilla


    Full Text Available Se estudia la relación entre la búsqueda de la identidad, específicamente en las sociedades centroamericanas, con respecto a los lugares o espacios vitales que delimitan su existencia. De un corpus de sus novelas centroamericanas contemporáneas (2000-2010, se extraen relaciones significativas que hacen del espacio (real, buscado o imaginado un punto de referencia existencial, moral o social. En cada novela se pone en entredicho el arraigado sistema de exclusión, de procedencia patriarcal. The relationship between the search for identity, specifically in Central American societies, is addressed with regard to those vital places or spaces which define their existence. Based on a corpus of contemporary Central American novels (2000-2010, significant relations are identified concerning their space (be it real, sought or imagined from an existential, moral or social perspective. The existing system of exclusion with patriarchal roots is questioned in each of the novels.

  18. TEMs but not DKK1 could serve as complementary biomarkers for AFP in diagnosing AFP-negative hepatocellular carcinoma. (United States)

    Mao, Liping; Wang, Yueguo; Wang, Delin; Han, Gang; Fu, Shouzhong; Wang, Jianxin


    Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is prevalent worldwide. Despite its limitations, serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) remains the most widely-used biomarker for the diagnosis of HCC. This study aimed to assess whether measurement of peripheral plasma Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) and Tie2-expressing monocytes (TEMs) could overcome the limitations of AFP and improve the diagnostic accuracy of HCC. Plasma DKK1 level and the percentage of TEMs in peripheral CD14+CD16+ monocytes from HCC patients (n = 82), HBV-related liver cirrhosis (LC) patients (n = 29), chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infected patients (n = 28) and healthy volunteers (n = 31) were analyzed by ELISA and flow cytometry. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to analyze a single biomarker, or a combination of two or three biomarkers. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to assess the significance of each marker in prediction of HCC and AFP-negative HCC from LC patients. The percentage of TEMs in peripheral CD14+CD16+ monocytes and plasma level of DKK1 in HCC group were significantly higher than those in LC, CHB and healthy control groups (all P-values TEMs alone was also significantly higher in AFP-negative HCC group than that in LC, CHB and healthy control groups (all P-values TEMs. There was no significant difference in AUC of DKK1, TEMs and AFP in HCC diagnosis between the four groups (all P>0.05). A combination of DKK1, TEMs and AFP measurements increased the AUC for HCC diagnosis as compared with either marker alone (0.833; 95%CI 0.768-0.886). The AUC for TEMs was 0.692 (95% CI 0.564-0.819) in differentiating AFP-negative HCC from LC, with a sensitivity of 80.0% and a specificity of 65.52%. Only TEMs prevailed as a significant predictor for AFP-negative HCC differentiating from LC patients in univariate and multivariate analyses (P = 0.016, P = 0.023). TEMs and DKK1 may prove to be potential complementary biomarkers for AFP in the diagnosis of HCC. TEMs

  19. 2.5D Modeling of TEM Data Applied to Hidrogeological Studies in PARANÁ Basin, Brazil (United States)

    Bortolozo, C. A.; Porsani, J. L.; Santos, F. M.


    The transient electromagnetic method (TEM) is used all over the world and has shown great potential in hydrological, hazardous waste site characterization, mineral exploration, general geological mapping, and geophysical reconnaissance. However, the behavior of TEM fields are very complex and is not yet fully understood. Forward modeling is one of the most common and effective methods to understand the physical behavior and significance of the electromagnetics responses of a TEM sounding. Until now, there are a limited number of solutions for the 2D forward problem for TEM. More rare are the descriptions of a three-component response of a 3D source over 2D earth, which is the so-called 2.5D. The 2.5D approach is more realistic than the conventional 2D source previous used, once normally the source cannot be realistic represented for a 2D approximation (normally source are square loops). At present the 2.5D model represents the only way of interpreting TEM data in terms of a complex earth, due to the prohibitive amount of computer time and storage required for a full 3D model. In this work we developed a TEM modeling program for understanding the different responses and how the magnetic and electric fields, produced by loop sources at air-earth interface, behave in different geoelectrical distributions. The models used in the examples are proposed focusing hydrogeological studies, once the main objective of this work is for detecting different kinds of aquifers in Paraná sedimentary basin, in São Paulo State - Brazil. The program was developed in MATLAB, a widespread language very common in the scientific community.

  20. Crosstalk between TEMs and endothelial cells modulates angiogenesis and metastasis via IGF1-IGF1R signalling in epithelial ovarian cancer. (United States)

    Wang, Xinjing; Zhu, Qinyi; Lin, Yingying; Wu, Li; Wu, Xiaoli; Wang, Kai; He, Qizhi; Xu, Congjian; Wan, Xiaoping; Wang, Xipeng


    Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the leading cause of death from gynaecologic malignancies and has a poor prognosis due to metastasis. Drugs targeting the angiogenesis pathway significantly improve patient outcome. However, the key factors linking angiogenesis and metastasis have not been elucidated. In this study, we found Tie2 expressing monocytes (CD14 + Tie2 + , TEMs) as key contributors to angiogenesis and metastasis of EOC. Tissue slides were evaluated by immunofluorescence for the presence of total tissue macrophages and TEMs. The correlation between microvascular density (MVD) values and the TEMs number or ratio was calculated in both ovarian cancer tissues and peritoneum. The rate of TEMs in monocytes was evaluated in the peripheral blood of female healthy donors, benign cysts patients, and EOC patients using flow cytometry. The TEMs rate in ascites from EOC patients was also evaluated by flow cytometry. The concentration of Ang2, as the ligand of Tie2, was examined by ELISA in serum samples of EOC patients, benign cysts patients, and ascites samples of EOC patients. The effects of Ang2 on the migration and the cytokine expression of TEMs were further examined. The pro- angiogenesis activity of TEMs via IGF1 was performed in both in vivo and in vitro. And the IGF1 blocking test was performed using neutralising antibody. TEMs were significantly higher in tumour foci, peripheral blood and ascites in EOC patients. The proportion of TEMs among total tissue macrophages was positively correlated with tumour MVD. In vivo animal results showed that TEMs promoted EOC angiogenesis and metastasis. Further functional and mechanisms studies revealed that concentration of angiopoietin 2 (Ang2), a ligand of Tie2, was elevated in EOC ascites which further recruit TEMs in a dose-dependent manner as a powerful chemokine to TEMs. Recruited TEMs promoted endothelial cell function through IGF1-activated downstream signalling. Blocking secreted IGF1 using inhibiting antibody

  1. Use of the TEM Cell for Compliance Testing of Emissions and Immunity, an IEC Perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bentz, Sigurd


    The current work of the IEC on preparing a standard for the use of TEM cells for compliance testing of emissions and immunity is reviewed. The requirements of TEM cells are related to the established procedures: “open area test site” and “shielded enclosure with area of uniform field”, respective...

  2. O "lugar" do filho adotivo na dinâmica parental: revisão integrativa de literatura


    Morelli, Ana Bárbara; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Santeiro, Tales Vilela


    O estudo objetivou apresentar uma revisão integrativa de literatura acerca do lugar reservado às crianças na dinâmica dos pretendentes à adoção. O espaço destinado à criança no psiquismo parental fornece indícios de como será a interação entre os membros da nova família. Critérios de busca para definição da amostra (N=24): artigos disponíveis nas bases LILACS, SciELO e PePSIC; publicados entre 2002 e 2012; e cruzamento dos unitermos "pais", "casais", "adoção", "fantasia" e "psicanálise". Os r...

  3. TEM studies of P+ implanted and subsequently laser annealed Si

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadana, D.K.; Wilson, M.C.; Booker, G.R.; Washburn, J.


    The present investigation is concerned with laser annealing of P + implanted Si. The aim of the work was to study the crystallization behavior of damage structure occurring due to high dose rate implantation using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as the method of examination

  4. Speciation of uranium in minerals by Sem, Tem, μ-PIXE, XPS and XAFS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toshihiko Ohnuki; Hiroshi Isobe; Tomihiro Kamiya; Takuro Sakai; Takashi Murakami


    Many kinds of electromagnetic waves and particle beams are used as analytical probes for the investigation of uranium-mineralogy and speciation. The representatives of the probes are SEM, TEM, μ-PIRE, XPS and XAFS. Each of these analytical probes has its own advantages and disadvantages. We have performed studies to compare the advantages and disadvantages on the basis of the analysis of the distribution and speciation of U containing rock samples collected at the Koongarra uranium deposit, Australia. The spatial resolutions of the probes are in the order of TEM>SEM, μ-PIXE>XFAS, XPS. The lower detection limits of the probes are in the order of μ-PIXE< TEM, SEM< XFAS, XPS. Oxidation state of U was determined by XFAS and XPS. These results indicate that combination of the above probes can give us sufficient data on U speciation not only in natural rock samples but in solid samples obtained in the laboratory. (authors)

  5. A classe social tem importância no estudo dos movimentos sociais? Uma teoria do radicalismo da classe média

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    Eder Klaus


    Full Text Available O artigo trata da questão da relação constitutiva entre classe social e movimento social. Em vez de ver um movimento social como o resultado de uma classe social, argumenta-se que uma classe social é constituída também pelas ações coletivas que chamamos de movimento social. Isso implica que a classe social não pode ser tratada como uma variável independente que reivindica um status objetivo como tal. Essa é considerada uma forma de reificação da noção de classe. Contra ela, argumenta-se que a classe é o produto de uma ação coletiva de pessoas e que pode, portanto, ser analisada em relação a sua composição social, a suas redes sociais organizadoras e a suas estruturações culturais. Esse quadro de referência de análise de classe é então aplicado à classe média, à qual essa abordagem se mostra particularmente adequada. Em vez de repetir velhas afirmações de uma classe média não-homogênea, reduzindo uma classe de pessoas a uma massa de pessoas, mostra-se como essa classe se constitui em ação e mobilização contínuas como uma classe social com limites, redes e orientações culturais claros. Nesse sentido, a classe tem importância, e a análise de classe é ainda uma ferramenta central para entender fenômenos macrossociológicos.

  6. Strain study of gold nanomaterials as HR-TEM calibration standard. (United States)

    Peng, X Y; Zhou, L Q; Li, X; Tao, X F; Ren, L L; Cao, W H; Xu, G F


    This work presents the use of high resolution electron microscopy (HREM) and geometric phase analysis (GPA) to measure the interplanar spacing and strain distribution of three gold nanomaterials, respectively. The results showed that the {111} strain was smaller than the {002} strain for any kind of gold materials at the condition of same measuring method. The 0.65% of {111} strain in gold film measured by HREM (0.26% measured by GPA) was smaller than the {111} strains in two gold particles. The presence of lattice strain was interpreted according to the growth mechanism of metallic thin film. It is deduced that the {111} interplanar spacing of the gold thin film is suitable for high magnification calibration of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the gold film is potential to be a new calibration standard of TEM. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. O tratamento e o diagnóstico em instituição para crianças psicóticas: o caso S.

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    M. Cristina M. Kupfer

    Full Text Available O presente artigo relata o tratamento de S., uma criança que começou a encontrar o caminho de sua subjetivação a partir da aprendizagem da escrita. Partese da hipótese de que a aprendizagem da escrita coloca em jogo uma operação significante que constrói a escrita e, ao mesmo tempo, o sujeito. Essa hipótese de trabalho permite ainda afirmar que há lugar para um trabalho educativo no tratamento da psicose infantil.

  8. Viabilidade da utilização de amostras biologicas obtidas de dentes humanos para obtenção de perfis geneticos de DNA


    Leonardo Soriano de Mello Santos


    Resumo: Alguns fatores relacionados ao estado e lugares que dentes humanos se encontram, nos que diz respeito a estes enquanto amostras com finalidade forense, ainda constituem desafio ao que tange o uso dos mesmos como material para obtenção de perfis genéticos de DNA. Este estudo visou comparar a extração de DNA feita a partir de dentes humanos com a extração por meios de amostras de sangue fixadas em papel FTA® utilizadas como grupo controle, de maneira a comparar os alelos mapeados e defi...

  9. Representatividade lesbiana na obra Amora, De Natalia Borges Polesso

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    Ana Valéria Goulart dos Santos


    Full Text Available Há uma grande carência de obras literárias e escritores LGBTTQI (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais, Queer, Intersexuais, tirando algumas exceções de escritores gays e livros com personagens gays, é muito difícil encontrar no mercado livros com essa temática e, ainda mais raro, escritores assumidamente LGBT que conseguem escrever e publicar suas obras. Assim, a proposta deste artigo é trazer à tona uma discussão sobre a homossexualidade feminina retratada de uma forma livre de estereótipos, como na obra Amora, da autora gaúcha Natalia Borges Polesso. Além disso, também se propõe uma reflexão sobre as relações sociais e afetivas dessas protagonistas mulheres. Vale salientar que a autora é lesbiana e a temática de todos os contos também são. A minibiografia da escritora na obra não aponta esse dado pessoal de extrema relevância para a representatividade de uma parcela da população leitora, a informação, portanto, foi obtida por meio de pesquisas. Partindo da ideia de que a produção literária é um ato também político, um livro com temática homoafetiva feminina escrito por uma mulher lesbiana é imprescindível para a sociedade e, ainda assim, muito difícil de se encontrar, ainda que hajam escritoras e escritores produzindo (mesmo não sendo um número significante e um público buscando essas obras, pra se enxergar representados na literatura.

  10. Substrate-HTcS thin film interaction studies by (S)TEM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ramaekers, P.P.J.; Klepper, D.; Kitazawa, K.; Ishiguro, T.


    This paper concerns with compatibility aspects beween HTcS thin film either their substrates. The influence of substrate-thin film interaction and thin film microstructure on the superconducting properties is discussed. In this respect, data based on (S)TEM observations are presented. It is

  11. Novel Transrotational Solid State Order Discovered by TEM in Crystallizing Amorphous Films (United States)

    Kolosov, Vladimir

    Exotic thin crystals with unexpected transrotational microstructures have been discovered by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for crystal growth in thin (10-100 nm) amorphous films of different chemical nature (oxides, chalcogenides, metals and alloys) prepared by various methods. Primarily we use our TEM bend contour technique. The unusual phenomenon can be traced in situ in TEM column: dislocation independent regular internal bending of crystal lattice planes in a growing crystal. Such transrotation (unit cell trans lation is complicated by small rotationrealized round an axis lying in the film plane) can result in strong regular lattice orientation gradients (up to 300 degrees per micrometer) of different geometries: cylindrical, ellipsoidal, toroidal, saddle, etc. Transrotation is increasing as the film gets thinner. Transrotational crystal resembles ideal single crystal enclosed in a curved space. Transrotational micro crystals have been eventually recognized by other authors in some vital thin film materials, i.e. PCMs for memory, silicides, SrTiO3. Atomic model and possible mechanisms of the phenomenon are discussed. New transrotational nanocrystalline model of amorphous state is also proposed Support of RF Ministry of Education and Science is acknowledged.

  12. Scalable pumping approach for extracting the maximum TEM(00) solar laser power. (United States)

    Liang, Dawei; Almeida, Joana; Vistas, Cláudia R


    A scalable TEM(00) solar laser pumping approach is composed of four pairs of first-stage Fresnel lens-folding mirror collectors, four fused-silica secondary concentrators with light guides of rectangular cross-section for radiation homogenization, four hollow two-dimensional compound parabolic concentrators for further concentration of uniform radiations from the light guides to a 3 mm diameter, 76 mm length Nd:YAG rod within four V-shaped pumping cavities. An asymmetric resonator ensures an efficient large-mode matching between pump light and oscillating laser light. Laser power of 59.1 W TEM(00) is calculated by ZEMAX and LASCAD numerical analysis, revealing 20 times improvement in brightness figure of merit.

  13. Análise toxicológica da fase I do exsudato extraído do fruto de Mangifera indica L.


    Henrique da Silva Ramos, Eduardo; Simões Duarte, Helena; Chavez Jimenez, George


    Introdução: as plantas representam ainda uma importante fonte de materia prima para a confecção de medicamentos. Mas, apesar do grande número de espécies vegetais no Brasil, apenas uma pequena parcela tem sido estudada adequadamente. A Mangifera indica, hoje integrante da flora brasileira, tem em suas diferentes partes, substâncias ativas importantes, embora não haja na literatura informações sobre os efeitos dos componentes existentes no exsudato do pedúnculo do fruto, principalmente das sua...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Antônio Gehlen


    Full Text Available Doutor em Jornalismo pela Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona (Espanha, professor da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina(UFSC e coordenador do Laboratório de Pesquisa Aplicada em Jornalismo Digital, o jornalista Elias Machado é uma referência nacional quando o assunto é o ensino de Jornalismo. Consultor Ad Hoc (CAPES, (CNPq, (SBPJOR, (COMPÓS, (INTERCOM e (FNPJ, Machado tem vasta experiência nas áreas de Teorias do Jornalismo, Metodologias de Pesquisa, Jornalismo Digital e Impresso.  Nesta entrevista, ele discute a deficiências da educação na área em faculdades públicas e privadas e alerta: "Temos que garantir que o aluno fique menos tempo em sala de aula. Nós temos que racionalizar e integrar as disciplinas para que sobre mais tempo para pesquisa e extensão". Ele aproveita a conversa para debater, ainda, as implicações que as novas diretrizes do curso, discutidas e implementas em todas as universidades do país, podem acarretar à carreira, bem como os dilemas sobre prática e teoria, produção laboratorial e formação de professores, entre outras dicotomias que afligem quem trabalha com comunicação social, seja no mercado, na pesquisa ou na sala de aula. Além disso, Machado critica nesse espaço de reflexão, as pesquisas que fazem uma mera análise de dados e incentiva os estudos aplicados. " porque a crítica pela crítica não resolve o problema da demanda social". Assumidamente um pesquisador polêmico e provocador, justifica: "se eu estudei e me preparei foi para enfrentar os problemas. Não tem sentido eu chegar num lugar e dizer mais do mesmo, as pessoas não precisam ouvir mais do mesmo".

  15. Observation of Pt-{100}-p(2×2-O reconstruction by an environmental TEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hengbo Li


    Full Text Available The surface structure of noble metal nanoparticles usually plays a crucial role during the catalytic process in the fields of energy and environment. It has been studied extensively by surface analytic methods, such as scanning tunneling microscopy. However, it is still challenging to secure a direct observation of the structural evolution of surfaces of nanocatalysts in reaction (gas and heating conditions at the atomic scale. Here we report an in-situ observation of atomic reconstruction on Pt {100} surfaces exposed to oxygen in an environmental transmission electron microscope (TEM. Our high-resolution TEM images revealed that Pt-{100}-p(2×2-O reconstruction occurs during the reaction between oxygen atoms and {100} facets. A reconstruction model was proposed, and TEM images simulated according to this model with different defocus values match the experimental results well.

  16. Bayesian resolution of TEM, CSEM and MT soundings: a comparative study (United States)

    Blatter, D. B.; Ray, A.; Key, K.


    We examine the resolution of three electromagnetic exploration methods commonly used to map the electrical conductivity of the shallow crust - the magnetotelluric (MT) method, the controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) method and the transient electromagnetic (TEM) method. TEM and CSEM utilize an artificial source of EM energy, while MT makes use of natural variations in the Earth's electromagnetic field. For a given geological setting and acquisition parameters, each of these methods will have a different resolution due to differences in the source field polarization and the frequency range of the measurements. For example, the MT and TEM methods primarily rely on induced horizontal currents and are most sensitive to conductive layers while the CSEM method generates vertical loops of current and is more sensitive to resistive features. Our study seeks to provide a robust resolution comparison that can help inform exploration geophysicists about which technique is best suited for a particular target. While it is possible to understand and describe a difference in resolution qualitatively, it remains challenging to fully describe it quantitatively using optimization based approaches. Part of the difficulty here stems from the standard electromagnetic inversion toolkit, which makes heavy use of regularization (often in the form of smoothing) to constrain the non-uniqueness inherent in the inverse problem. This regularization makes it difficult to accurately estimate the uncertainty in estimated model parameters - and therefore obscures their true resolution. To overcome this difficulty, we compare the resolution of CSEM, airborne TEM, and MT data quantitatively using a Bayesian trans-dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC) inversion scheme. Noisy synthetic data for this study are computed from various representative 1D test models: a conductive anomaly under a conductive/resistive overburden; and a resistive anomaly under a conductive/resistive overburden. In

  17. TEM Imaging of Mass-selected Polymer Molecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nasibulin, Albert G.; Kauppinen, Esko I.; Thomson, Bruce A.; Fernandez de la Mora, J.


    Polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules with masses below 1300 amu are electrosprayed (ES) from solution, mobility-selected at high resolution in a differential mobility analyzer (DMA), collected on a grid and imaged by transmission electron microscopy (ES-DMA-TEM). The DMA resolves individual n-mers, and selects only one out of the many present in the original sample. Ion identity is established from parallel mass spectra (ES-MS). The images reveal spherical particles 1.46 nm in diameter, in good agreement with the known ion mass and bulk density. The DMA-selection technique opens new paths for the study of very small particles

  18. Visualization of arrangements of carbon atoms in graphene layers by Raman mapping and atomic-resolution TEM

    KAUST Repository

    Cong, Chunxiao


    In-plane and out-of-plane arrangements of carbon atoms in graphene layers play critical roles in the fundamental physics and practical applications of these novel two-dimensional materials. Here, we report initial results on the edge/crystal orientations and stacking orders of bi-and tri-layer graphene (BLG and TLG) from Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments performed on the same sample. We introduce a new method of transferring graphene flakes onto a normal TEM grid. Using this novel method, we probed the BLG and TLG flakes that had been previously investigated by Raman scattering with high-resolution (atomic) TEM.

  19. Lugares migratorios. Una propuesta teórica y metodológica para el análisis de la integración social de los inmigrantes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Izquierdo Escribano


    Full Text Available Este trabajo supone los fundamentos teóricos y la evidencia empírica para la elaboración de un modelo sobre la integración social de los inmigrantes (ISI y su contrastación empírica, desarrollando un enfoque meso que considere al entorno material y social en el que se produce la ISI. Esta perspectiva incorpora como variables centrales los contextos concretos de la inmigración y la densidad de las redes sociales. El enfoque se sustancia con el estudio de la ISI en los lugares migratorios o entramados sociales que son el precipitado de flujos migratorios de diverso signo —retornados, internacionales, interiores—, para desentrañar los procesos que rodean la ISI en esos lugares en comparación con otros contextos en los que no se da esa alta concentración y conectividad de individuos con experiencias migratorias diversas.


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    Ida Bagus Ari Budiarta


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan akan teknologi GSM merupakan tantangan bagi provider untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi pengguna layanannya. Dalam proses layanan tersebut kemungkinan besar terdapat masalah yang terjadi. Pihak provider biasanya melakukan walk test untuk mengecek kekuatan sinyal yang dipancarkan oleh antena pemancar di dalam ruangan. Kebanyakan pihak provider menggunakan TEMS Investigation dalam melakukan walk test. Biaya walk test dengan TEMS Investigation bisa dikatakan cukup mahal. Namun dengan berkembangnya teknologi, walk test juga bisa dilakukan menggunakan smartphone Android dengan menggunakan G-NetTrack Pro. Dalam penelitian ini dibandingkan kualitas hasil pengukuran parameter kuat sinyal yaitu RSL dan parameter kualitas panggilan yaitu RxQual, CSSR, dan DCR antara software TEMS Investigation dengan G-NetTrack Pro berdasarkan metode walk test pada jaringan GSM indoor 1800 MHz di Matahari Duta Plaza. Secara keseluruhan, G-NetTrack Pro mampu menampilkan data yang dibutuhkan pada penelitian tetapi tidak sedetail TEMS Investigation, sehingga untuk pengenalan awal walk test, software G-NetTrack Pro bisa digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran.

  1. On the structural affinity of macromolecules with different biological properties: Molecular dynamics simulations of a series of TEM-1 mutants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giampaolo, Alessia Di [Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche, Universita’ degli Studi di l’Aquila, Via Vetoio snc, 67100 Coppito (AQ) (Italy); Mazza, Fernando [Department of Health Sciences, Univ. of L’Aquila, 67010 L’Aquila (Italy); Daidone, Isabella [Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche, Universita’ degli Studi di l’Aquila, Via Vetoio snc, 67100 Coppito (AQ) (Italy); Amicosante, Gianfranco; Perilli, Mariagrazia [Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche Applicate e Biotecnologiche, Università degli Studi di l’Aquila, Via Vetoio snc, 67100 Coppito (AQ) (Italy); Aschi, Massimiliano, E-mail: [Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche, Universita’ degli Studi di l’Aquila, Via Vetoio snc, 67100 Coppito (AQ) (Italy)


    Highlights: •We have performed molecular dynamics simulations of TEM-1 mutants. •Mutations effects on the mechanical properties are considered. •Mutants do not significantly alter the average enzymes structure. •Mutants produce sharp alterations in enzyme conformational repertoire. •Mutants also produce changes in the active site volume. -- Abstract: Molecular Dynamics simulations have been carried out in order to provide a molecular rationalization of the biological and thermodynamic differences observed for a class of TEM β-lactamases. In particular we have considered the TEM-1(wt), the single point mutants TEM-40 and TEM-19 representative of IRT and ESBL classes respectively, and TEM-1 mutant M182T, TEM-32 and TEM-20 which differ from the first three for the additional of M182T mutation. Results indicate that most of the thermodynamic, and probably biological behaviour of these systems arise from subtle effects which, starting from the alterations of the local interactions, produce drastic modifications of the conformational space spanned by the enzymes. The present study suggests that systems showing essentially the same secondary and tertiary structure may differentiate their chemical–biological activity essentially (and probably exclusively) on the basis of the thermal fluctuations occurring in their physiological environment.

  2. On the structural affinity of macromolecules with different biological properties: Molecular dynamics simulations of a series of TEM-1 mutants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giampaolo, Alessia Di; Mazza, Fernando; Daidone, Isabella; Amicosante, Gianfranco; Perilli, Mariagrazia; Aschi, Massimiliano


    Highlights: •We have performed molecular dynamics simulations of TEM-1 mutants. •Mutations effects on the mechanical properties are considered. •Mutants do not significantly alter the average enzymes structure. •Mutants produce sharp alterations in enzyme conformational repertoire. •Mutants also produce changes in the active site volume. -- Abstract: Molecular Dynamics simulations have been carried out in order to provide a molecular rationalization of the biological and thermodynamic differences observed for a class of TEM β-lactamases. In particular we have considered the TEM-1(wt), the single point mutants TEM-40 and TEM-19 representative of IRT and ESBL classes respectively, and TEM-1 mutant M182T, TEM-32 and TEM-20 which differ from the first three for the additional of M182T mutation. Results indicate that most of the thermodynamic, and probably biological behaviour of these systems arise from subtle effects which, starting from the alterations of the local interactions, produce drastic modifications of the conformational space spanned by the enzymes. The present study suggests that systems showing essentially the same secondary and tertiary structure may differentiate their chemical–biological activity essentially (and probably exclusively) on the basis of the thermal fluctuations occurring in their physiological environment



    Pande Putu Wahyu Pramanda; Pande Ketut Sudiarta; Ngurah Indra ER.


    Berkembangnya dunia teknologi telekomunikasi dan informasi sejalan dengan kebutuhan akan kecepatan dan kestabilan akses internet teknologi UMTS. Metode drive test adalah metode yang biasanya digunakan untuk pengukuran kualitas sebuah site. Pihak provider umumnya menggunakan software TEMS Investigation dalam melakukan drive test. Melakukan drive test dengan TEMS Investigation sangatlah tidak praktis dan memerlukan biaya yang besar. Berkembangnya teknologi smartphone membuat drive test dapat di...

  4. Exposición a fuentes de radiación ultravioleta en los lugares y situaciones más insospechadas


    Aguilera, J.


    Antecedentes: Existen determinadas situaciones en las que es común la exposición a fuentes de radiación ultravioleta artificial que normalmente pasa de forma asintomática para la mayoría de las personas. No obstante, existen determinadas fotodermatosis que dan lugar al paciente un grado de sensibildad muy alto a dicha exposición con respuestas anómalas a corto y medio plazo. El conocimiento tanto de la calidad espectral y la intensidad de la radiación a la que el paciente puede estar potencia...

  5. Behaviour of TEM metal grids during in-situ heating experiments. (United States)

    Zhang, Zaoli; Su, Dangsheng


    The stability of Ni, Cu, Mo and Au transmission electron microscope (TEM) grids coated with ultra-thin amorphous carbon (alpha-C) or silicon monoxide film is examined by in-situ heating up to a temperature in the range 500-850 degrees C in a transmission electron microscope. It is demonstrated that some grids can generate nano-particles either due to the surface diffusion of metal atoms on amorphous film or due to the metal evaporation/redeposition. The emergence of nano-particles can complicate experimental observations, particularly in in-situ heating studies of dynamic behaviours of nano-materials in TEM. The most widely used Cu grid covered with amorphous carbon is unstable, and numerous Cu nano-particles start to form once the heating temperature reaches 600 degrees C. In the case of Ni grid covered with alpha-C film, a large number of Ni nano-crystals occur immediately when the temperature approaches 600 degrees C, accompanied by the graphitization of amorphous carbon. In contrast, both Mo and Au grids covered with alpha-C film exhibit good stability at elevated temperature, for instance, up to 680 and 850 degrees C for Mo and Au, respectively, and any other metal nano-particles are detected. Cu grid covered Si monoxide thin film is stable up to 550 degrees C, but Si nano-crystals appear under intensive electron beam. The generated nano-particles are well characterized by spectroscopic techniques (EDXS/EELS) and high-resolution TEM. The mechanism of nano-particle formation is addressed based on the interactions between the metal grid and the amorphous carbon film and on the sublimation of metal.

  6. Development and ITER relevant application of a user friendly interface (TEM) for use with the TMAP4 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, M.R.; Fong, C.; Kalyanam, K.M.; Sood, S.K.; Delisle, M.; Natalizio, A.


    The Tritium Enclosure Model (TEM) has been developed as a user friendly interface to facilitate the application of the previously validated, verified and ITER approved TMAP4 Code. TEM (and TMAP4) dynamically analyzes the movement of tritium through structures, between structures and adjoining enclosures. Credible ITER relevant accident scenarios were developed and analyzed. The analyses considered the scenario with the cleanup system active or inactive, with and without the surface interactions. For surface interaction cases, the epoxy characteristics reported in the TMAP4 User Manual were used. Typical applications for TEM are the estimation of time-dependent tritium inventories in enclosures, as well as emissions to the environment following an accidental spill into any set of enclosures connected to cleanup systems. This paper outlines the various features of TEM and reports on the application of TEM to determine environmental source terms for the ITER Fuel Cycle and Cooling Systems, under chronic and accidental tritium releases. 3 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

  7. TEM in situ micropillar compression tests of ion irradiated oxide dispersion strengthened alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yano, K.H., E-mail: [Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID, 83725 (United States); Swenson, M.J. [Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID, 83725 (United States); Wu, Y. [Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID, 83725 (United States); Center for Advanced Energy Studies, 995 University Blvd, Idaho Falls, ID, 83401 (United States); Wharry, J.P. [Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID, 83725 (United States); Purdue University, 400 Central Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States)


    The growing role of charged particle irradiation in the evaluation of nuclear reactor candidate materials requires the development of novel methods to assess mechanical properties in near-surface irradiation damage layers just a few micrometers thick. In situ transmission electron microscopic (TEM) mechanical testing is one such promising method. In this work, microcompression pillars are fabricated from a Fe{sup 2+} ion irradiated bulk specimen of a model Fe-9%Cr oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloy. Yield strengths measured directly from TEM in situ compression tests are within expected values, and are consistent with predictions based on the irradiated microstructure. Measured elastic modulus values, once adjusted for the amount of deformation and deflection in the base material, are also within the expected range. A pillar size effect is only observed in samples with minimum dimension ≤100 nm due to the low inter-obstacle spacing in the as received and irradiated material. TEM in situ micropillar compression tests hold great promise for quantitatively determining mechanical properties of shallow ion-irradiated layers.

  8. Optimized pre-thinning procedures of ion-beam thinning for TEM sample preparation by magnetorheological polishing. (United States)

    Luo, Hu; Yin, Shaohui; Zhang, Guanhua; Liu, Chunhui; Tang, Qingchun; Guo, Meijian


    Ion-beam-thinning is a well-established sample preparation technique for transmission electron microscopy (TEM), but tedious procedures and labor consuming pre-thinning could seriously reduce its efficiency. In this work, we present a simple pre-thinning technique by using magnetorheological (MR) polishing to replace manual lapping and dimpling, and demonstrate the successful preparation of electron-transparent single crystal silicon samples after MR polishing and single-sided ion milling. Dimples pre-thinned to less than 30 microns and with little mechanical surface damage were repeatedly produced under optimized MR polishing conditions. Samples pre-thinned by both MR polishing and traditional technique were ion-beam thinned from the rear side until perforation, and then observed by optical microscopy and TEM. The results show that the specimen pre-thinned by MR technique was free from dimpling related defects, which were still residual in sample pre-thinned by conventional technique. Nice high-resolution TEM images could be acquired after MR polishing and one side ion-thinning. MR polishing promises to be an adaptable and efficient method for pre-thinning in preparation of TEM specimens, especially for brittle ceramics. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Pro-angiogenic TIE-2-expressing monocytes/TEMs as a biomarker of the effect of sorafenib in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. (United States)

    Shoji, Hirotaka; Yoshio, Sachiyo; Mano, Yohei; Doi, Hiroyoshi; Sugiyama, Masaya; Osawa, Yosuke; Kimura, Kiminori; Arai, Taeang; Itokawa, Norio; Atsukawa, Masanori; Aoki, Yoshihiko; Fukai, Moto; Taketomi, Akinobu; Mizokami, Masashi; Kanto, Tatsuya


    Sorafenib, a multi-kinase inhibitor, inhibits tumor angiogenesis and is the first-line systemic therapy for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, due to its limited effects and frequent occurrence of side effects, biomarkers are needed to predict the effects of sorafenib. We considered the possibility of using TIE-2-expressing monocytes (TEMs) to predict the response in sorafenib-treated patients with advanced HCC. TEMs serve as a diagnostic marker of HCC and are related to angiogenesis. We analyzed 25 advanced HCC patients and prospectively evaluated TEMs before (Pre TEMs) and at 1 month after initial therapy (T1m TEMs). The radiologic response was evaluated by modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (mRECIST). Median survival time (MST) was significantly longer in the partial response/stable disease (PR/SD) group (21.8 months) than in the PD group (8.7 months). ΔTEMs (changes of T1m TEMs compared to Pre TEMs) were significantly lower in the PR/SD group than in the PD group. MST of the ΔTEMs low group (14.2 months) was significantly longer than that of the high group (8.7 months). Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses showed that ΔTEMs [hazard ratio (HR) = 8.53, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.51-48.16, p = 0.015] and Child-Pugh class (HR = 5.59, 95% CI = 1.06-29.63, p = 0.043) were independently associated with overall survival. Our results suggest that ΔTEMs could serve as a biomarker for predicting radiologic response and overall survival in sorafenib-treated patients with advanced HCC. © 2017 UICC.

  10. Scattering of a TEM wave from a time varying surface (United States)

    Elcrat, Alan R.; Harder, T. Mark; Stonebraker, John T.


    A solution is given for reflection of a plane wave with TEM polarization from a planar surface with time varying properties. These properties are given in terms of the currents on the surface. The solution is obtained by numerically solving a system of differential-delay equations in the time domain.

  11. TOPICAL REVIEW: Present status and future prospects of spherical aberration corrected TEM/STEM for study of nanomaterials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nobuo Tanaka


    Full Text Available The present status of Cs-corrected TEM/STEM is described from the viewpoint of the observation of nanomaterials. Characteristic features in TEM and STEM are explained using the experimental data obtained by our group and other research groups. Cs correction up to the 3rd-order aberration of an objective lens has already been established and research interest is focused on correcting the 5th-order spherical aberration and the chromatic aberration in combination with the development of a monochromator below an electron gun for smaller point-to-point resolution in optics. Another fundamental area of interest is the limitation of TEM and STEM resolution from the viewpoint of the scattering of electrons in crystals. The minimum size of the exit-wave function below samples undergoing TEM imaging is determined from the calculation of scattering around related atomic columns in the crystals. STEM does not have this limitation because the resolution is, in principle, determined by the probe size. One of the future prospects of Cs-corrected TEM/STEM is the possibility of extending the space around the sample holder by correcting the chromatic and spherical aberrations. This wider space will contribute to the ease of performing in situ experiments and various combinations of TEM and other analysis methods. High-resolution, in situ dynamic and 3D observations/analysis are the most important keywords in the next decade of high-resolution electron microscopy.


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    Patricia Grenfell Oliveira


    Full Text Available A economia criativa ganhou grande repercussão nos últimos anos, devido a seu forte papel dinâmico, onde sua principal característica é o impacto de seus bens e serviços em vários setores da economia, o que tem provocado processos de mudanças sociais, políticas, econômicas e organizacionais profundas. Contudo, na perspectiva da gestão, o tema tem sido pouco explorado. Este artigo visa mapear a produção científica brasileira sobre economia criativa, tema que tem se destacado cada vez mais, tanto por suas características voltadas para inovação, como por ser objeto de estudo na abordagem da teoria institucional e pelo papel de destaque na economia mundial. A metodologia do estudo compreende ainda o uso da análise bibliométrica, com foco em produções sobre a economia criativa nos anais da ANPAD, no portal de periódicos SPELL e no banco de teses da CAPES, com o suporte do software Zotero. Tem-se como objetivo geral desta pesquisa catalogar e caracterizar das produções científicas nas bases mencionadas com identificação de suas temáticas. São objetivos específicos: classificar as produções conforme as principais dimensões sobre economia criativa; e evidenciar as áreas de economia criativa em que os estudos mais se concentram. Os resultados desta pesquisa apontam caminhos principais que a produção científica brasileira tem trilhado nos estudos sobre a economia criativa e o que ainda é necessário investigar nestas atividades que crescem cada vez mais.

  13. Characterization of isolated polyamide thin films of RO and NF membranes using novel TEM techniques

    KAUST Repository

    Pacheco, Federico A.


    Achieving a better understanding of transport and rejection mechanisms in RO and NF membranes requires more detailed information of the nanostructure of polyamide thin films. This study reports on two novel transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques for characterizing polyamide nanostructure. The first technique produces cross-sectional images of isolated polyamide thin films by removing the polysulfone support from regular TEM cross-sections. In the second technique called " projected area" TEM (PA-TEM), isolated polyamide thin films are placed with their surface perpendicular to the electron beam. The resulting images capture the thickness, morphology and mass density of the entire thin film. In combination, these new techniques provide information on polyamide nanostructure that is not evident using conventional methods. For the commercial RO membrane ESPA3, the cross-sectional view of the isolated polyamide thin film shows a 30-60. nm thick base of nodular polyamide (presumably the separation barrier) that forms a relatively smooth interface with the polysulfone support. Above this, a more open structure of loose polyamide extends outward giving rise to the ridge-and-valley surface structure. In PA-TEM images, the ridges and valleys correspond to the dark and bright regions, respectively; the polyamide nodular base appears as round features forming an irregular honeycomb pattern throughout the images. Membrane cross-sections were prepared with a simple resin embedding protocol using the acrylic resin LR White. The protocol did not require dehydration steps, and was applicable to both dry and wet membrane samples. Artifacts that may be produced during sample preparation were also documented. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  14. Characterization of isolated polyamide thin films of RO and NF membranes using novel TEM techniques

    KAUST Repository

    Pacheco, Federico A.; Pinnau, Ingo; Reinhard, Martin; Leckie, James O.


    Achieving a better understanding of transport and rejection mechanisms in RO and NF membranes requires more detailed information of the nanostructure of polyamide thin films. This study reports on two novel transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques for characterizing polyamide nanostructure. The first technique produces cross-sectional images of isolated polyamide thin films by removing the polysulfone support from regular TEM cross-sections. In the second technique called " projected area" TEM (PA-TEM), isolated polyamide thin films are placed with their surface perpendicular to the electron beam. The resulting images capture the thickness, morphology and mass density of the entire thin film. In combination, these new techniques provide information on polyamide nanostructure that is not evident using conventional methods. For the commercial RO membrane ESPA3, the cross-sectional view of the isolated polyamide thin film shows a 30-60. nm thick base of nodular polyamide (presumably the separation barrier) that forms a relatively smooth interface with the polysulfone support. Above this, a more open structure of loose polyamide extends outward giving rise to the ridge-and-valley surface structure. In PA-TEM images, the ridges and valleys correspond to the dark and bright regions, respectively; the polyamide nodular base appears as round features forming an irregular honeycomb pattern throughout the images. Membrane cross-sections were prepared with a simple resin embedding protocol using the acrylic resin LR White. The protocol did not require dehydration steps, and was applicable to both dry and wet membrane samples. Artifacts that may be produced during sample preparation were also documented. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  15. Maestros y textos en Argentina: el lugar en la enseñanza escolar de lenguas extranjeras, entre 1880 y 1930 = Professores e textos na Argentina: o lugar no ensino escolar de línguas estrangeiras entre 1880 e 1930 = Teachers and texts in Argentina: the teaching of foreign languages in the school system between eighteen eighty and ninteen thirty

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    Morales, Gladys


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta as diversas vozes que, entre 1880 e 1939, constituiram, na Argentina, a formação discursiva sobre o que significa ser professor/a de línguas estrangeiras. Destaca-se a imagen do/a professor/a solicitada na escola, o lugar do livro didático como dispositivo de visibilidade dos ideais daquela época. Nesse sentido, apresenta-se uma contextualização histórica, analisam-se documentos autênticos desse período com a finalidade de indagar o lugar concedido à escola, ao/à professor/a de língua estrangeira e ao livro didático. Os livros analisados foram editados na Argentina e levados para as aulas a partir de 1938 aproximadamente. A análise faz visíveis três topos discursivos: ordem, tranqüilidade e pulcritude, fortemente entrelaçados entre eles, seguindo o ideário daquela época

  16. Redes sociais e conflito organizacional


    Lima, Jorge Ávila de


    As organizações são redes sociais cujos membros estabelecem entre si ligações de diversos tipos, formais e informais, positivas e negativas. O conflito entre atores é um processo comum que pode ser explicado com base num conjunto diverso de fatores. Contudo, o conflito interno às organizações tem sido pouco estudado, numa perspetiva de redes sociais. Para além disto, o conflito interorganizacional, analisado ao nível dos atores individuais, tem sido ainda menos estudado. No presente artigo, p...

  17. Evidências comporativas em empresas brasileiras e estrangeiras na transfêrencia de conhecimento no franchising


    Morgado, Rogério Stival; Fleury, Afonso Carlos Correa


    O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em comparar a transferência de conhecimento no franchising em empresas brasileiras e estrangeiras atuantes no Brasil. O franchising tem-se demonstrado um fenômeno importante em vários países, evidenciando considerável crescimento em âmbito global. Ele se caracteriza como um novo tipo de organização empresarial, tornando-se, recentemente, alvo de diversas pesquisas acadêmicas, pois oferece amplo campo de análise. Contudo, nota-se que a temática ainda sofre co...

  18. Modelo brasileiro de crédito municipal (2000-2006) : uma análise de controles governamentais e características da oferta


    Olenscki, Antonio Roberto Bono


    Este trabalho tem por objetivo compreender o modelo brasileiro de crédito de longo prazo a municípios, mais especificamente os controles a ele associados e características da oferta, a partir de um exame de cunho exploratório e qualitativo deste tema ainda olvidado pela literatura acadêmica brasileira. Como contribuição à análise do caso brasileiro, analisa-se o modelo de crédito municipal mexicano, que, diferentemente do Brasil, tem se desenrolado por meio da descentralização dos controles g...

  19. AssÃdio Moral em InstituiÃÃes de Ensino Superior(IES): O Caso dos Servidores TÃcnicos-administrativos da Universidade Federal do CearÃ(UFC).


    Thalita Natasha Ferreira Damasceno


    O AssÃdio Moral no Trabalho à caracterizado por atitudes constrangedoras, hostis, continuamente empreendidas, que tem o objetivo de agredir a dignidade psÃquica do indivÃduo, degradando o ambiente de trabalho. Este fenÃmeno à relevante no Ãmbito das relaÃÃes trabalhistas, envolvendo a sociedade como um todo, contudo, à um tema ainda em construÃÃo. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivos: investigar a percepÃÃo dos servidores pÃblicos tÃcnico-administrativos no tocante ao conceito de A...

  20. Baropodometria dinâmica de atletas remadores, com sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular, pré e pós tratamento, com placa oclusal estabilizadora e exercício terapêutico de movimento mandibular: estudo piloto


    Eduardo Yujiro Abe


    A desordem temporomadibular em atletas da modalidade do remo é uma temática ainda pouco abordada na literatura, muito embora se tenha conhecimento que a biomecânica do gesto esportivo possa provocar dores lombares, fratura de costela devido ao estresse, além de dores cervicais provenientes do desprendimento de força, para atingir grande velocidade e manutendo o equilíbrio por um longo tempo. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, por meio da baropodometria dinâmica, a ação da placa ocl...

  1. A Structural Study of Escherichia coli Cells Using an In Situ Liquid Chamber TEM Technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yibing Wang


    Full Text Available Studying cell microstructures and their behaviors under living conditions has been a challenging subject in microbiology. In this work, in situ liquid chamber TEM was used to study structures of Escherichia coli cells in aqueous solutions at a nanometer-scale resolution. Most of the cells remained intact under electron beam irradiation, and nanoscale structures were observed during the TEM imaging. The analysis revealed structures of pili surrounding the E. coli cells; the movements of the pili in the liquid were also observed during the in situ tests. This technology also allowed the observation of features of the nucleoid in the E. coli cells. Overall, in situ TEM can be applied as a valuable tool to study real-time microscopic structures and processes in microbial cells residing in native aqueous solutions.

  2. In-situ TEM characterization of nanomaterials and devices

    KAUST Repository

    Kim, Moon; Park, Seongyong; Cha, Dong Kyu; Kim, Jiyoung; Floresca, Herman Carlo; Lu, Ning; Wang, Jinguo


    Electrical properties of nano size devices were directly measured by TEM. Real time observation of phase transition behavior in PRAM revealed that the volume of the crystalline phase is the main factor in determining cell resistance. In the transistor device, we have identified the doping type and area by measuring the I-V curve at the individual nano contact on the specimen. The evolution of the graphene edge structure was controlled and monitored at and up to 1200°C in-situ. © 2011 IEEE.

  3. In-situ TEM characterization of nanomaterials and devices

    KAUST Repository

    Kim, Moon


    Electrical properties of nano size devices were directly measured by TEM. Real time observation of phase transition behavior in PRAM revealed that the volume of the crystalline phase is the main factor in determining cell resistance. In the transistor device, we have identified the doping type and area by measuring the I-V curve at the individual nano contact on the specimen. The evolution of the graphene edge structure was controlled and monitored at and up to 1200°C in-situ. © 2011 IEEE.

  4. Educação do Campo à beira da “Faixa”: A (inexistência do lugar como espacialização do fenômeno

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    Wallace Wagner Rodrigues Pantoja


    Full Text Available Esta é uma pesquisa em processo. Trata da relação entre conhecimento e experiência dos lugares à beira da Transamazônica (BR-230, que corta a Região Norte e parte da Nordeste no sentido Leste-Oste, sentido programático de ocupação do território. Frente à explicação já aceita de entendimento da estrada como um sistema de engenharia, portanto, meio para fluxos, proponho uma reflexão da estrada como espaço de vivência cotidiana, enfatizando a dimensão educativa para compreensão dos lugares de existência. Objetivo discutir a imaginação espacial que fundamenta o entendimento externo à Transamazônica, no plano educativo, em relação à geograficidade singular produzida pelos grupos locais que vivem próximos à estrada. Metodologicamente, parto de uma concepção fenomenológica em diálogo com o existencialismo, desenvolvendo pesquisa de campo, revisão bibliográfica que fundamenta os conceitos de imaginações espaciais, lugar e educação do campo, leitura crítica de documentos oficiais em sites do MEC, registro imagético em diálogo com o olhar dos que vivem à beira da “Faixa”. Como indicativo de conclusões preliminares aponto: a negação dos lugares como estratégia geopolítica que se materializa no processo educativo e nas políticas de planejamento; a geograficidade incontornável dos grupos que se afirmam e se relacionam contraditoriamente com a Transamazônica; a Educação do Campo como abertura ou negação do lugar, tanto para os que o vivem, quanto para os que não o vivem, fator da generalização da ignorância em termos de conhecimento da espacialidade amazônica ou enfrentamento e criação de um novo saber geográfico e cartográfico acerca dos lugares cortados pela “Faixa”. Abstract COUNTRYSIDE EDUCATION ON THE EDGE OF THE “STRIP”: PLACE (INEXISTENCE AS PHENOMENON OF SPACIALISATION This text is part of an on going research. It deals with the relationship between the production and

  5. Reflexiones identitarias en el territorio contemporáneo. La construcción colectiva de lugar. Caso de estudio de la Vega de Granada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Teresa Zapiain Aizpuru


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es participar en el debate actual sobre las nociones que nos conducen al mantenimiento y desarrollo de un territorio con identidad. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, y considerando la distinción de significado establecida entre los conceptos de espacio, territorio y paisaje y su relación indisociable con la cultura y la identidad, en su primera parte, el artículo expone una propuesta teórica de interpretación de los procesos identitarios vinculados con el territorio como construcción social. En la segunda parte, se presenta algunos de los principales resultados sobre la investigación empírica desarrollada en la «Vega de Granada». En ésta se explora la influencia de ciertas transformaciones socioeconómicas y culturales en los procesos de identificación con el lugar. Se concluye enfatizando la importancia de este tipo de abordajes para el éxito de los planes de ordenación y desarrollo territorial, proponiendo el estudio no sólo de las dimensiones físicas o sectoriales de un territorio, sino su significado como lugar.

  6. Post Irradiation TEM Investigation of ZrN Coated U(Mo) Particles Prepared with FIB

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Renterghem, W.; Leenaers, A.; Van den Berghe, S.; Miller, B. D.; Gan, J.; Madden, J. W.; Keiser, D. D.; Palancher, H.; Hofman, G. L.; Breitkreuz, H.


    In the framework of the Selenium project, two dispersion fuel plates were fabricated with Si and ZrN coated fuel particles and irradiated in the Br2 reactor of SCK•CEN to high burn-up. The first analysis of the irradiated plate proved the reduced swelling of the fuel plate and interaction layer growth up to 70% burn-up. The question was raised how the structure of the interaction layer had been affected by the irradiation and how the structure of the fuel particles had evolved. Hereto, samples from the ZrN coated UMo particles were prepared for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using focused ion beam milling (FIB) at INL. The FIB technique allowed to precisely select the area of the interaction layer and/or fuel to produce a sample that is TEM transparent over an area of 20 by 20 µm. In this contribution, the first TEM results will be presented from the 66% burn-up sample.

  7. GISAXS modelling of helium-induced nano-bubble formation in tungsten and comparison with TEM (United States)

    Thompson, Matt; Sakamoto, Ryuichi; Bernard, Elodie; Kirby, Nigel; Kluth, Patrick; Riley, Daniel; Corr, Cormac


    Grazing-incidence small angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS) is a powerful non-destructive technique for the measurement of nano-bubble formation in tungsten under helium plasma exposure. Here, we present a comparative study between transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and GISAXS measurements of nano-bubble formation in tungsten exposed to helium plasma in the Large Helical Device (LHD) fusion experiment. Both techniques are in excellent agreement, suggesting that nano-bubbles range from spheroidal to ellipsoidal, displaying exponential diameter distributions with mean diameters μ=0.68 ± 0.04 nm and μ=0.6 ± 0.1 nm measured by TEM and GISAXS respectively. Depth distributions were also computed, with calculated exponential depth distributions with mean depths of 8.4 ± 0.5 nm and 9.1 ± 0.4 nm for TEM and GISAXS. In GISAXS modelling, spheroidal particles were fitted with an aspect ratio ε=0.7 ± 0.1. The GISAXS model used is described in detail.

  8. Soft nanomaterials analysed by in situ liquid TEM: Towards high resolution characterisation of nanoparticles in motion

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    Joseph P. Patterson


    Full Text Available In this article we present in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM of soft, synthetic nanoparticles with a comparative analysis using conventional TEM methods. This comparison is made with the simple aim of describing what is an unprecedented example of in situ imaging by TEM. However, we contend the technique will quickly become essential in the characterisation of analogous systems, especially where dynamics are of interest in the solvated state. In this case, particles were studied which were obtained from the direct polymerisation of an oxaliplatin analogue, designed for an ongoing programme in novel chemotherapeutic delivery systems. The resulting nanoparticles provided sufficient contrast for facile imaging in situ, and point towards key design parameters that enable this new characterisation approach for organic nanomaterials. We describe the preparation of the synthetic nanoparticles together with their characterisation in liquid water. Finally, we provide a future perspective of this technique for the analysis of soft and dynamic nanomaterials and discussion the progress which needs to be made in order to bring in situ liquid TEM to its full potential.

  9. Quantitative TEM study of the precipitation microstructure in aluminium alloy Al(MgSiCu) 6056 T6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delmas, F.; Casanove, M.J.; Lours, P.; Couret, A.; Coujou, A.


    The precipitate microstructure in the last-generation aluminium alloy 6056 T6 [AlMgSiCu] is investigated using three complementary techniques of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with a special focus on the density and volume fraction of strengthening particles. High-resolution TEM allows the identification of the precipitates and the measurement of the precipitate sizes to be performed. Conventional TEM is used to evaluate the number of precipitates in the investigated area as well as their distribution in the matrix. In situ TEM straining, via the analysis of the dislocation slip traces, permits to determine precisely the thickness and the volume of the foil in the region where the precipitates are analysed. Taking into account the shape and the dimensions of precipitates with respect to the foil thickness, a novel methodology for measuring the volume density and the volume fraction of precipitates is proposed

  10. Study of InGaN/GaN quantum dot systems by TEM techniques and photoluminescence spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kashtiban, R J; Bangert, U; Harvey, A J; Sherliker, B; Halsall, M P


    InGaN/GaN multilayer quantum dot structures produced by MOCVD techniques on c-plane sapphire were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence (PL) techniques. Indium fluctuations ranging from 1-4 nm were observed with both energy filtered TEM (EFTEM) and high angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning TEM. The existence of V-shaped defects with nucleation centres at the termination of threading dislocation were observed in HAADF images. There was also evidence of the formation of large quantum dots at low densities from lattice HRTEM images. This was further confirmed by PL measurements through the observation of a single sharp line at low power with the typical saturation behaviour at higher power excitation.

  11. Multi-component and multi-array TEM detection in karst tunnels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Huaifeng; Li, Shucai; Su, Maoxin; Xue, Yiguo; Li, Xiu; Qi, Zhipeng


    Emerging applications of transient electromagnetic methods (TEM) in tunnelling require higher resolution on the distributions and shapes of low resistivity bodies, such as karst water and karst pipes, using multi-component and multi-array receivers. However, there are no apparent resistivity definitions for both vertical and horizontal components with offsets inside the loop. Although the raw field can show the differences of the earth electric structure, it is not straightforward. Apparent resistivity is very convenient and easy for engineers. We have developed a method for multi-component and multi-array TEM which can be applied in tunnelling and defined the expressions of apparent resistivity. This method takes advantage of the difference in resolution among components. A homogeneous half-space model and four typical three-layered models are used to test the effectiveness of the new definition. A field case history is carried out and analysed to demonstrate the viability of this technique. The results suggest that it is feasible to use the technique in tunnelling, especially for identifying the spatial distribution of karst water and karst pipes. (paper)

  12. Static shift correction of MT data in Tohoku district using TEM soundings; TEM ho data wo mochiita Tohoku chiho MT ho data no statistic shift hosei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawakami, N; Kumekawa, Y; Miura, Y; Takasugi, S [GERD Geothermal Energy Research and Development Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan); Fujinawa, Y [National Research Institute for Disaster Prevention, Tsukuba (Japan)


    There is a possibility that the wide-band MT observation data obtained in the central part of Tohoku district include the static shift effect. To grasp the static shift effect in the MT data, the TEM soundings were conducted at all the site where the MT data were measured. The TEM sounding system was developed for the shallow survey depth ranging from 5 m to 150 m. When showing the measured results on the histogram, it was found that the static shifts were concentrated in the vicinity of zero. About 70% of the data was below 0.2 decade. Only a slight static shift effect was observed. This means that the results obtained by the two-dimensional analysis are plausible. Especially, the static shift around plain was small. Therefore, the current results around the plain were trustful. On the other hand, the static shift in the mountainous area was rather large. Accordingly, the results around the mountainous area should be carefully treated. 7 refs., 10 figs.

  13. Operator Training and TEMS Support: A Survey of Unit Leaders in Northern and Central California. (United States)

    Young, Jason B; Galante, Joseph M; Sena, Matthew J


    Members of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams routinely work in high-risk tactical situations. Awareness of the benefit of Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) is increasing but not uniformly emphasized. To characterize the current regional state of tactical medicine and identify potential barriers to more widespread implementation. A multiple-choice survey was administered to SWAT team leaders of 22 regional agencies in northern and central California. Questions focused on individual officer self-aid and buddy care training, the use and content of individual first aid kits (IFAKs), and the operational inclusion of a dedicated TEMS provider. Respondents included city police (54%), local county sheriff (36%), state law enforcement (5%), and federal law enforcement (5%). RESULTS showed that 100% of respondents thought it was ?Very Important? for SWAT officers to understand the basics of self-aid and buddy care and to carry an IFAK, while only 71% of respondents indicated that team members actually carried an IFAK. In addition, 67% indicated that tourniquets were part of the IFAK, and 91% of surveyed team leaders thought it was ?Very Important? for teams to have a trained medic available onsite at callouts or high-risk warrant searches. Also, 59% of teams used an organic TEMS element. The majority of SWAT team leaders recognize the benefit of basic Operator medical training and the importance of a TEMS program. Despite near 100% endorsement by unit-level leadership, a significant proportion of teams are lacking one of the key components including Operator IFAKs and/or tourniquets. Tactical team leaders, administrators, and providers should continue to promote adequate Operator training and equipment as well as formal TEMS support. 2013.

  14. TEM-187, a new extended-spectrum β-lactamase with weak activity in a Proteus mirabilis clinical strain. (United States)

    Corvec, Stéphane; Beyrouthy, Racha; Crémet, Lise; Aubin, Guillaume Ghislain; Robin, Frédéric; Bonnet, Richard; Reynaud, Alain


    A Proteus mirabilis clinical strain (7001324) was isolated from urine sample of a patient hospitalized in a long-term-care facility. PCR and cloning experiments performed with this strain identified a novel TEM-type β-lactamase (TEM-187) differing by four amino acid substitutions (Leu21Phe, Arg164His, Ala184Val, and Thr265Met) from TEM-1. This characterization provides further evidence for the diversity of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) produced by P. mirabilis and for their potential spread to other Enterobacteriaceae due to a lack of sensitive detection methods used in daily practice.

  15. Microfabricated Nanofluidic cells for in situ liquid TEM

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laganà, Simone

    Over the last decade, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been revolutionized not only by the introduction of new and very sophisticated hardware for improved resolution, such as aberration correctors and monochromators, but also by the improvement of new methods that have provided more than......, allowing quantitative and high-precision acquisition of liquid thickness maps, high resolution observations and meaningful information about synthesis of NPs from metal precursor solutions in confined space. Finally, a new concept device based on a Si3N4 membrane for plunge freezing fixation, which enables...

  16. Studying the interface between cyanobacteria and biotite mineral surfaces using FIB and TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ward, M B; Brown, A P


    Recent analysis of the bioweathering of minerals has highlighted the challenges for investigating the interface between fungi or bacteria and the surface of the mineral that they live on. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with its ability to gather imaging information and collect elemental data at high spatial resolution is the ideal technique to analyse such interfaces. Further to this, a dual beam scanning electron and focused ion beam (FIB) microscope is an ideal instrument to prepare specimens for TEM because of its ability to simultaneously cut through hard and soft materials from specific sites of interest. There are however precautions that must be taken when analysing such mineral systems. The electron beam sensitive nature of most sheet silicate minerals means that consideration has to be made as to whether the structure and/or chemistry of the material is being altered during (S)TEM analysis. Here, results from a study of cyanobacteria grown on the surface of biotite are discussed. Particular reference is given to the methods used to determine an electron beam intensity threshold, below which STEM-EDX analysis could be performed without detrimental alteration to the mineral

  17. TEMs but not DKK1 could serve as complementary biomarkers for AFP in diagnosing AFP-negative hepatocellular carcinoma.

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    Liping Mao

    Full Text Available Hepatitis B virus (HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC is prevalent worldwide. Despite its limitations, serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP remains the most widely-used biomarker for the diagnosis of HCC. This study aimed to assess whether measurement of peripheral plasma Dickkopf-1 (DKK1 and Tie2-expressing monocytes (TEMs could overcome the limitations of AFP and improve the diagnostic accuracy of HCC.Plasma DKK1 level and the percentage of TEMs in peripheral CD14+CD16+ monocytes from HCC patients (n = 82, HBV-related liver cirrhosis (LC patients (n = 29, chronic hepatitis B (CHB infected patients (n = 28 and healthy volunteers (n = 31 were analyzed by ELISA and flow cytometry. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC curves were used to analyze a single biomarker, or a combination of two or three biomarkers. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to assess the significance of each marker in prediction of HCC and AFP-negative HCC from LC patients.The percentage of TEMs in peripheral CD14+CD16+ monocytes and plasma level of DKK1 in HCC group were significantly higher than those in LC, CHB and healthy control groups (all P-values 0.05. A combination of DKK1, TEMs and AFP measurements increased the AUC for HCC diagnosis as compared with either marker alone (0.833; 95%CI 0.768-0.886. The AUC for TEMs was 0.692 (95% CI 0.564-0.819 in differentiating AFP-negative HCC from LC, with a sensitivity of 80.0% and a specificity of 65.52%. Only TEMs prevailed as a significant predictor for AFP-negative HCC differentiating from LC patients in univariate and multivariate analyses (P = 0.016, P = 0.023.TEMs and DKK1 may prove to be potential complementary biomarkers for AFP in the diagnosis of HCC. TEMs rather than DKK1 could serve as a complementary biomarker for AFP in the differential diagnosis of AFP-negative HCC versus LC patients.

  18. New constraints on deformation processes in serpentinite from sub-micron Raman Spectroscopy and TEM (United States)

    Smith, S. A. F.; Tarling, M.; Rooney, J. S.; Gordon, K. C.; Viti, C.


    Extensive work has been performed to characterize the mineralogical and mechanical properties of the various serpentine minerals (i.e. antigorite, lizardite, chrysotile, polyhedral and polygonal serpentine). However, correct identification of serpentine minerals is often difficult or impossible using conventional analytical techniques such as optical- and SEM-based microscopy, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is the best analytical technique to identify the serpentine minerals, but TEM requires complex sample preparation and typically results in very small analysis areas. Sub-micron confocal Raman spectroscopy mapping of polished thin sections provides a quick and relatively inexpensive way of unambiguously distinguishing the main serpentine minerals within their in-situ microstructural context. The combination of high spatial resolution (with a diffraction-limited system, 366 nm), large-area coverage (up to hundreds of microns in each dimension) and ability to map directly on thin sections allows intricate fault rock textures to be imaged at a sample-scale, which can then form the target of more focused TEM work. The potential of sub-micron Raman Spectroscopy + TEM is illustrated by examining sub-micron-scale mineral intergrowths and deformation textures in scaly serpentinites (e.g. dissolution seams, mineral growth in pressure shadows), serpentinite crack-seal veins and polished fault slip surfaces from a serpentinite-bearing mélange in New Zealand. The microstructural information provided by these techniques has yielded new insights into coseismic dehydration and amorphization processes and the interplay between creep and localised rupture in serpentinite shear zones.

  19. Preparation of hard-to-make TEM samples using the FIB microscope; Praeparation von kompliziert herstellbaren TEM-Proben mit dem FIB-Mikroskop

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Volkert, C.A. [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (Germany); Heiland, B.; Kauffmann, F. [Max-Planck-Inst. fuer Metallforschung, Stuttgart (Germany)


    The focused ion beam (FIB) microscope has become an important tool for the preparation of TEM samples over the last few years. Preparation of samples with the FIB has some specific advantages over conventional preparation methods which make it possible to prepare samples that would otherwise be difficult to prepare. The advantages that will be illustrated in this paper include: (1) precise selection of the sample volume to be prepared, (2) preparation of brittle materials, (3) preparation of highly stressed materials, and (4) preparation of composites composed of materials with widely differing properties. These advantages will be illustrated through several examples including cross-sectional preparation of nanocrystalline Ti-Si-N films, thermal barrier coatings, fatigued Al films, pecan shells, apatite, and metal whiskers. [German] Das Focused Ion Beam (FIB)-Mikroskop ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem wichtigen Werkzeug fuer die Praeparation von TEM-Proben geworden. Die Probenpraeparation mittels FIB hat gegenueber den konventionellen Praeparationsmethoden eine Reihe spezifischer Vorteile, die es ermoeglichen, Proben herzustellen, die ansonsten schwierig zu praeparieren waeren. Die in diesem Beitrag veranschaulichten Vorteile sind: (1) praezise Auswahl des zu praeparierenden Probenvolumens, (2) Praeparation von sproeden Materialien, (3) Praeparation von Materialien mit hohen Eigenspannungen, und (4) die Praeparation von Verbundwerkstoffen, die aus Komponenten mit stark unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften bestehen. Diese Vorteile werden anhand verschiedener Beispiele wie der Querschnittspraeparation von nanokristallinen Ti-Si-N-Schichten, thermischen Barriereschichten, Al-Schichten nach Ermuedung, Pekan-Nussschalen, Apatiten und Metallwhiskern veranschaulicht.

  20. TEM investigations of microstructures of combustion aerosols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marquardt, A.; Hackfort, H.; Borchardt, J.; Schober, T.; Friedrich, J.


    In the incineration of organic material, apart from a series of gaseous pollutants, particulate pollutants or combustion aerosols also arise. The latter frequently consist of particles with a solid core of carbon to which a large number of inorganic and organic compounds are attached. These primarily include the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and their nitro-derivatives (NPAH), whose mutagenic or carcinogenic effect is known. The invisible particle sizes in the nanometer range, whose retention in the incineration off-gas is not state of the art, are of increasing significance for man and environment. On the one hand, they are deposited almost completely in the human lung. On the other hand, due to their fine dispersity they have along residence time in the atmosphere where they participate in chemical reactions and climatically significant processes. Important insights about the formation process of combustion aerosols are to be expected from the imaging of their microstructures in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The present contribution describes the development and application of a representative sampling procedure for aerosols from a partial flow of flue gas from a fluidized-bed furnace. The method developed consists of electrically charging aerosol particles in situ and subsequently selectively precipitating them onto a microscope slide in an electric field. TEM studies of aerosol microstructures on the microscope slides revealed that in the combustion of petrol and heating oil under different combustion conditions in principle the same particle structures result, whereas in the incineration of used lubricating oil quite different particle structures were found. Results from the literature on aerosol microstructures in exhaust gases from petrol and diesel engines demonstrate agreement with the results of this study in the basic structure of the particles. (orig.) [de

  1. Cassette-based in-situ TEM sample inspection in the dual-beam FIB

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kendrick, A B; Moore, T M; Zaykova-Feldman, L; Amador, G; Hammer, M


    A novel method is presented, combining site-specific TEM sample preparation and in-situ STEM analysis in a dual-beam microscope (FIB/SEM) fitted with a chamber mounted nano-manipulator. TEM samples are prepared using a modified in-situ, lift-out method, whereby the samples are thinned and oriented for immediate in-situ STEM analysis using the tilt, translation, and rotation capabilities of a FIB/SEM sample stage, a nano-manipulator, and a novel cassette. This cassette can provide a second tilt axis, orthogonal to the stage tilt axis, so that the STEM image contrast can be optimized to reveal the structural features of the sample (true STEM imaging in the FIB/SEM). The angles necessary for stage rotation and probe shaft rotation are calculated based on the position of the nano-manipulator relative to the stage and door and the stage tilt angle. A FIB/SEM instrument, equipped with a high resolution scanning electron column, can provide sufficiently high image resolution to enable many failure analysis and process control applications to be successfully carried out without requiring the use of a separate dedicated TEM/STEM instrument. The benefits of this novel approach are increased throughput and reduced cost per sample. Comparative analysis of different sample preparation methods is provided, and the STEM images obtained are shown.

  2. Tem study of thermal ageing of ferrite in cast duplex stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nenonen, P.; Massoud, J.P.; Timofeev, B.T.


    The changes in the microstructure and composition of ferrite in two types of cast duplex stainless steels and in an austenitic-ferritic weld metal after long term thermal ageing has been studied using analytical transmission electron microscope (FEGTEM). A cast test steel containing Mo was investigated first as a reference material in three different conditions: as solution annealed, aged at 300 C and aged at 400 C. This investigation was carried out to gain experience of how EDS (X-ray analyser) analyser and TEM (transmission electron microscope) can be used to study elemental inhomogeneity, which is usually investigated with an atom probe (APFIM). The two other materials, an austenitic-ferritic weld metal and a cast duplex Ti-stabilised stainless steel used for long time at NPP operation temperature were investigated using the experience obtained with the test steel. The results showed that analytical TEM can be used to investigate elemental inhomogeneity of ferrite, but there are several important things to be taken into account when the spectra for this purpose are collected. These things are, such as the thickness of the specimen, probe size, contamination rate, 'elemental background' of the spectrum and possible enrichment of certain alloying elements in the surface oxide layer of the TEM-specimens. If minor elements are also analysed, it may increase the scattering of the results. (authors)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wendel Carlos Souza


    Full Text Available O tema Plágio nos últimos anos vem sofrendo tratativas consideráveis por renomados pesquisadores, mesmo que estas, ainda sejam consideradas exploratórias, pois, levantam hipóteses e ainda não atuam com eficiência para minimizar estes altos índices de plágio. Visando a educação, a ciência e o presente cenário, esta pesquisa tem por conceito e finalidade o desenvolvimento de um Survey a ser respondido por discentes do ensino superior, visando futuramente quantificar e qualificar informações relevantes para maturação da ideia de melhoria e viabilização de treinamento destes discentes com foco na redução dos altos índices de plágio em trabalhos acadêmicos com interface nas normas regulamentadoras brasileiras, elevadas pela Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, que tem por objetivo à regulamentação e padronização das informações para produção e execução de textos acadêmicos.

  4. Polymersomes, smaller than you think: ferrocene as a TEM probe to determine core structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnston, A. H.; Dalton, P. D.; Newman, T. A.


    By incorporating ferrocene into the hydrophobic membrane of PEG-b-PCL polymersome nanoparticles it is possible to selectively visualize their core using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Two different sizes of ferrocene-loaded polymersomes with mean hydrodynamic diameters of approximately 40 and 90 nm were prepared. Image analysis of TEM pictures of these polymersomes found that the mean diameter of the core was 4-5 times smaller than the mean hydrodynamic diameter. The values obtained also allow the surface diameter and internal volume of the core to be calculated.

  5. Um lugar para a Filosofia?

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    Samir Dessbesel Ferreira


    Full Text Available De que modo pode a Filosofia integrar-se às demais disciplinas da grade curricular dos cursos técnicos do IFSul? E como se insere uma disciplina como essa em instituições de ensino que têm tradicionalmente como foco o ensino tecnológico e profissionalizante, como são os Institutos Federais? Primeiramente, a Filosofia poderia contribuir na formação do profissional egresso, desenvolvendo-lhe competências relacionadas ao filosofar, em especial as relacionadas ao raciocínio abstrato e à comunicação, o que poderia vir a fazer a diferença no mercado de trabalho. Assim, os Institutos Federais ofereceriam um ensino de excelência com o objetivo de formar o técnico mais bem qualificado possível ao mercado de trabalho. Todavia, o aparelhamento técnico de nossos jovens, embora essencial para o desenvolvimento do País, não pode apresentar-se como a preocupação prioritária dos educadores, pois é fundamental considerar-se a formação integral da pessoa humana. Qual educação, afinal, queremos? E qual o papel da escola pública em nossa sociedade? O direcionamento unilateral à qualificação profissional pode levar-nos à formação de uma espécie de “superpeão”. A escola não pode ser serva do mercado. Ela tem o papel maior de agente de questionamento e transformação da sociedade. A concepção de Ensino Médio Técnico-Integrado nos parece orientar-se antes para a formação “integral” do cidadão, da pessoa em sua totalidade. O trabalho não é apenas uma relação econômica, mas também ética, política e estética. Deve ser uma forma de realização, de humanização do mundo, e não de coisificação do homem. É sempre possível pensar nossos espaços de educação formal como um compartilhar humano de sentidos, de afetos, de vivências, de posturas, de identidades. A esses espaços deverá a qualificação técnica sempre agregar-se, jamais sobrepor-se.

  6. Mobilidade e vulnerabilidade no litoral Norte de São Paulo: articulações escalares entre o lugar e a região na urbanização contemporânea

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    Eduardo Marandola Jr


    Full Text Available Na urbanização brasileira, assistimos a contínua metropolização e a formação de aglomerações urbanas que extrapolam a dimensão do intraurbano, formando regiões de urbanização maiores e interligadas, cúmplices dos processos de produção de riscos. Nesse sentido, a escala regional torna-se fundamental para integrar processos locais (que se manifestam no lugar e aqueles de ordem maior, como a distribuição espacial da população e as mudanças ambientais. Exploramos esta discussão no Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, região que passa por mudanças ambientais de toda ordem, ao mesmo tempo em que presencia processos de mudança populacional, com grandes empreendimentos, intensa urbanização e consequências à recente Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte, criada em 2012. A partir da análise de lugares específicos, problematizamos a relação vulnerabilidade do lugar, contextualizados na escala regional da aglomeração urbana de Caraguatatuba e São Sebastião, área de maior conurbação na região.

  7. Mechanisms for ITB formation and control in Alcator C-Mod identified through gyrokinetic simulations of TEM turbulence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ernst, D.R.; Basse, N.; Bonoli, P.T.; Catto, P.J.; Fiore, C.L.; Greenwald, M.; Hubbard, A.E.; Marmar, E.S.; Porkolab, M.; Rice, J.E.; Zeller, K.; Zhurovich, K.; Dorland, W.


    Internal particle and thermal energy transport barriers are produced in Alcator C-Mod with off-axis ICRF heating, with core densities exceeding 10 21 m -3 , without core fueling, and with little change in the temperature profile. Applying on-axis ICRF heating controls the core density gradient and rate of rise. The present study employs linear and nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of trapped electron mode (TEM) turbulence to explore mechanisms for ITB formation and control in Alcator C-Mod ITB experiments. Anomalous pinches are found to be negligible in our simulations; further, the collisional Ware pinch is sufficient to account for the slow density rise, lasting many energy confinement times. The simulations have revealed new nonlinear physics of TEM turbulence. The critical density gradient for onset of TEM turbulent transport is nonlinearly up-shifted by zonal flows. As the density profile peaks, during ITB formation, this nonlinear critical gradient is eventually exceeded, and the turbulent particle diffusivity from GS2 gyrokinetic simulations matches the particle diffusivity from transport analysis, within experimental errors. A stable equilibrium is then established when the TEM turbulent diffusion balances the Ware pinch in the ITB. This equilibrium is sensitive to temperature through gyroBohm scaling of the TEM turbulent transport, and the collisionality dependence of the neoclassical pinch, providing for control of the density rate of rise with on-axis RF heating. With no core particle fueling, and ∼1 mm between density spatial channels, the C-Mod experiments provide a nearly ideal test bed for particle transport studies. The pure TEM is the only unstable drift mode in the ITB, producing particle transport driven by the density gradient. (author)

  8. TEM Nano-Moiré Pattern Analysis of a Copper/Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite Synthesized by Laser Surface Implanting

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    Jay F. Tu


    Full Text Available In our previous studies, we have developed a wet process to synthesize a copper-single walled carbon nanotube (Cu–SWCNT metal nanocomposite with excellent mechanical properties. The nanostructure of this Cu–SWCNT composite was confirmed independently by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy mapping, spectroscopy measurements, and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM images with discernable SWCNT clusters in nano sizes. However, TEM images with discernable nano-sized SWCNT clusters are rare. In this paper, we present analysis of indirect TEM image patterns, such as moiré fringes, to infer the existence of SWCNT clusters within the copper matrix. Moiré fringes or patterns in the TEM images of a Cu–SWCNT nanocomposite could be generated due to the overlapping of more than one thin crystals with similar periodic arrangements of atoms, promoted by SWCNT clusters. However, the presence of moiré patterns is not a sufficient or a necessary condition for the existence of SWCNT clusters. It was found that based on the overlapping angle of two periodic arrangements, it is feasible to distinguish the moiré fringes induced by SWCNT clusters from those by other factors, such as dislocations. The ability to identify SWCNTs within the copper matrix based on indirect TEM moiré patterns helps to widen the usability of TEM images.

  9. O texto: lugar de encontro entre a língua natural e a arte literária

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    Ângela Vaz Leão


    Full Text Available Considerando o texto literário como o lugar de encontro entre a língua natural e a arte verbal, este trabalho faz uma análise estilística de um poema de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, “Festa no brejo”, publicado em Alguma poesia (1930. Descodificando as metáforas e interpretando os valores conotativos dos significantes em função do momento da criação do poema, a análise procura fazer uma leitura não só do enunciado mas também da enunciação, de modo a construir uma alegoria de sentido político historicamente datada.  

  10. Advantages of low beam energies in a TEM for valence EELS (United States)

    Stöger-Pollach, M.; Pongratz, P.


    Since the availability of monochromators in transmission electron microscopes (TEMs), electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS) is widely used to determine band gaps and the dielectric properties of semiconductors on a nano-metre scale. Nevertheless, three physical effects hamper straightforward analysis: (a) relativistic energy losses, (b) the delocalization of the energy loss which is in the 10 nano-metreer range for valence losses, and (c) the presence of interface plasmons. When reducing the operation voltage of the TEM one can kill two birds with one stone: (a) the relativistic losses will disappear as soon as veinvestigated sample) and (b) the delocalization will decrease, because it also depends on the energy of the incident electron probe. The determination of the optical properties of quantum structures is discussed in the case of GaP/GaAs interface at 200 keV and 20 keV beam energy, respectively. Further, the influence of the delocalization of the energy loss signal is discussed theoretically and experimentally.

  11. Luz e tempo na melancolia I

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    Cláudio Soares Braga Furtado


    Full Text Available A comparação entre as artes possibilita figurar o tempo como elemento comum entre a gravura renascentista de Dürer, a escultura romana de Laocoonte e o conto de Guimarães Rosa. A partir da leitura dessas artes distantes em forma, meios, época e lugar, descobrem-se mistérios aludidos em sutis sinais, que, se ainda não despertos na consciência criativa, estimulam interpretações. O papel da luz como unificadora das entidades tempo/espaço restabelece o princípio clássico da ut pictura poesis na leitura moderna.

  12. Avaliação do perfil de produção e expressão de mediadores da resposta imune celular em comunicantes e indivíduos com história de tuberculose pulmonar


    Cavalcanti, Yone Vila Nova


    A tuberculose pulmonar é um problema de saúde pública mundial e apresenta alta incidência no Brasil. Atualmente, o Brasil ocupa o 19º lugar no ranking dos 22 países que concentram 80% dos casos em todo o mundo. A resposta imune humana contra a tuberculose é especialmente mediada pelos linfócitos T CD4+. Entretanto, muitos estudos ainda são necessários para o entendimento exato do papel de cada citocina no mecanismo de cura da doença. A fim de caracterizar a produção das citocin...

  13. Uma nova interpretação de um auto de Gil Vicente


    Silva, Isa Alexandra Marques da


    Neste trabalho, intitulado Uma nova interpretação de Um Auto de Gil Vicente, cedo lugar a uma reflexão sumária em torno da história do Teatro, como ponto de partida para a tragicomédia vicentina, denominada As Cortes de Júpiter, sobre a qual Garrett introduz o seu Auto de ―meditação‖ cultural. A partir do exemplo garrettiano, aproveitamos a oportunidade para ressaltar, especialmente, o grande deficit do nosso País na época do autor, do qual podemos verificar ainda alguns reflexos na actualida...

  14. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Sample Preparation of Si(1-x)Gex in c-Plane Sapphire Substrate (United States)

    Kim, Hyun Jung; Choi, Sang H.; Bae, Hyung-Bin; Lee, Tae Woo


    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration-invented X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods, including the total defect density measurement method and the spatial wafer mapping method, have confirmed super hetero epitaxy growth for rhombohedral single crystalline silicon germanium (Si1-xGex) on a c-plane sapphire substrate. However, the XRD method cannot observe the surface morphology or roughness because of the method s limited resolution. Therefore the authors used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with samples prepared in two ways, the focused ion beam (FIB) method and the tripod method to study the structure between Si1-xGex and sapphire substrate and Si1?xGex itself. The sample preparation for TEM should be as fast as possible so that the sample should contain few or no artifacts induced by the preparation. The standard sample preparation method of mechanical polishing often requires a relatively long ion milling time (several hours), which increases the probability of inducing defects into the sample. The TEM sampling of the Si1-xGex on sapphire is also difficult because of the sapphire s high hardness and mechanical instability. The FIB method and the tripod method eliminate both problems when performing a cross-section TEM sampling of Si1-xGex on c-plane sapphire, which shows the surface morphology, the interface between film and substrate, and the crystal structure of the film. This paper explains the FIB sampling method and the tripod sampling method, and why sampling Si1-xGex, on a sapphire substrate with TEM, is necessary.


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    Paulo Irineu Barreto Fernandes


    Full Text Available As razões que levaram o Brasil a relegar o transporte ferroviário de passageiros para o segundo plano são objeto de muita discussão e pouco consenso existe a respeito. No entanto, é possível encontrar alguns pontos de acordo entre os estudiosos da questão. Uma destas razões, possivelmente a mais forte, foi a priorização do transporte rodoviário no país, sobretudo, no período denominado de “milagre econômico brasileiro”, compreendido entre a segunda metade da década de 1960 e os primeiros anos da década de 1970. No que se refere à realidade da região do Triângulo Mineiro, a chegada das linhas férreas e dos trens de ferro, no final do século XIX, trouxe consigo novas características aos lugares, à paisagem e à região, diminuindo o tempo dos deslocamentos e transportes e, como era de se esperar, propiciando o surgimento de novos lugares e povoações, no entorno das estações. No entanto, cem anos após a sua chegada, o transporte de passageiros em linhas férreas deixou de ser oferecido na região. Levando-se em conta que o transporte de passageiros não constituía apenas um serviço, mas um modo de vida repleto de hábitos que os usuários já haviam incorporado em sua rotina, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos elementos que envolvem esta questão, sobretudo, das implicações da interrupção do transporte de passageiros nos trens do Triângulo Mineiro, no final da década 1990.



    Ida Bagus Ari Budiarta; Pande Ketut Sudiarta; IGAK. Diafari Djuni H.


    Kebutuhan akan teknologi GSM merupakan tantangan bagi provider untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi pengguna layanannya. Dalam proses layanan tersebut kemungkinan besar terdapat masalah yang terjadi. Pihak provider biasanya melakukan walk test untuk mengecek kekuatan sinyal yang dipancarkan oleh antena pemancar di dalam ruangan. Kebanyakan pihak provider menggunakan TEMS Investigation dalam melakukan walk test. Biaya walk test dengan TEMS Investigation bisa dikatakan cukup mahal. Namun den...


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    Maria Ieda Almeida Muniz


    Full Text Available Partindo dos conceitos de enunciação postulados por Benveniste (1989, Ducrot (1987, 2002 e Guimarães (1989; 1995; 1996 e 2002, associados aos estudos de Dias (2002, entre outros; procuramos evidenciar os lugares de ocupação do sujeito e recortamos um exemplário de ocorrências extraídas de anúncios publicitários veiculados em fontes diversas. Por meio dos dados analisados, verificamos o caráter multifacetado que a língua pode apresentar, não fazendo sentido porfiar por uma formulação exata, estrita e restritiva de uma só possibilidade de análise, o que não caracteriza a abordagem como falha, ou imprecisa. Nessa direção, concluímos que o estudo da linguagem, do ponto de vista de uma sintaxe de bases enunciativas, contempla o uso relativo a tempo, espaço e sujeito da enunciação e a consideração de que enunciar é um ato singular de utilização da língua e como tal deve ser analisado.

  18. A importância da hipoterapia nas crianças autistas


    Caçador, Carla Patrícia Moreira


    O presente trabalho tem como finalidade apresentar uma breve perspetiva do objeto de investigação que se centrou, em primeiro lugar, numa pesquisa teórica sobre o autismo, a hipoterapia e os benefícios da mesma em crianças autistas, tendo como objetivo obter conhecimentos sobre a temática que me propus investigar. As crianças com autismo têm muitas dificuldades em interagir socialmente, evitam o contato social, isolam-se e têm comportamentos disruptivos, todas estas características dificul...

  19. Quantitative EDX microanalysis of Bi2Te3 in the TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peranio, N.; Eibl, O.


    Quantitative chemical analysis by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) Zeiss912 and ohm; was applied to p-type (Bi,Sb) 2 Te 3 and n-type Bi 2 (Te,Se) 3 thermoelectric materials. Preliminary results yielded artifacts due to Bi spurious X-rays and hole-counts significantly beyond zero. A stray aperture was inserted in the TEM to absorb the stray radiation. With this aperture inserted a high-accuracy quantitative chemical analysis was established. The hole-counts decreased by a factor of 5 and the scatter of data decreased by a factor of 4 with respect to no aperture inserted. The mole fractions of Te and Se were 54.4 at% and 5.5 at% and varied by 0.5 at% for n-type material. A similar behaviour was found for Sb and Bi in p-type material. The variation in stoichiometry is smaller on the sub-micrometer scale and increases with increasing length scale for both, n-type and p-type Bi 2 Te 3 . Measurements in the TEM confirmed the inhomogeneous chemical composition found by wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The improved accuracy of the quantitative EDX analysis is also important for other compounds with unique physical properties. This was demonstrated on thin foils containing heavy elements and on powders of light elements dispersed on Cu-grids, i.e., the high-T C superconductor Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8 and the mineral salt hydroxyapatite Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 OH 2 . (copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  20. Determination of the initial oxidation behavior of Zircaloy-4 by in-situ TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harlow, Wayne; Ghassemi, Hessam; Taheri, Mitra L.


    The corrosion behavior of Zircaloy-4 (Zry-4), specifically by oxidation, is a problem of great importance as this material is critical for current nuclear reactor cladding. The early formation behavior and structure of the oxide layer during oxidation was studied using in-situ TEM techniques that allowed for Zry-4 to be monitored during corrosion. These environmental exposure experiments were coupled with precession electron diffraction to identify and quantify the phases present in the samples before and after the oxidation. Following short-term, high temperature oxidation, the dominant phase was revealed to be monoclinic ZrO 2 in a columnar structure. These samples oxidized in-situ contained structures that correlated well with bulk Zry-4 subjected to autoclave treatment, which were used for comparison and validation of this technique. By using in-situ TEM the effect of microstructure features, such as grain boundaries, on oxidation behavior of an alloy can be studied. The technique presented herein holds the potential to be applied any alloy system to study these effects. - Highlights: • In-situ TEM was used to oxidize samples of Zircaloy-4. • Similar behavior was found in the in-situ oxidized and autoclave-oxidized samples. • Precession diffraction was used to characterize oxide phase and texture.

  1. Ítems politómicos vs. dicotómicos : un estudio metodológico


    López Pina, José Antonio


    En este estudio se comparan cinco formatos de respuesta para ítems politómicos, desde el formato original que consta de cuatro categorías a un formato dicotómico (sólo dos categorías de respuesta). La comparación de distintos análisis psicométricos (análisis de ítems, estudio de la fiabilidad, análisis de componentes principales y estudio de la habilidad) entre los cinco formatos prueba que un formato dicotómico aporta casi tanta información sobre la calidad del tests y las puntuaciones obser...

  2. Gentrificación de La Candelaria: reconfiguraciones de lugar de residencia y consumo de grupos de altos ingresos

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    Adrian Smith Manrique Gómez


    Full Text Available El sector de La Candelaria (Bogotá D. C., Colombia ha vuelto a ser un lugar de consumo y residencia de grupos de personas de altos ingresos económicos, luego de su abandono a mediados del siglo XX por efecto de múltiples problemáticas urbanas. Esta dinámica de relocalización es conocida por la geografía urbana como gentrificación; tendencia previamente registrada en otras urbes e integrante del proceso global de construcción urbana. El artículo ofrece una lectura de dicha dinámica urbana bogotana a partir del análisis de sus causas, el seguimiento a su funcionamiento y sus consecuencias.

  3. Novel in-situ lamella fabrication technique for in-situ TEM. (United States)

    Canavan, Megan; Daly, Dermot; Rummel, Andreas; McCarthy, Eoin K; McAuley, Cathal; Nicolosi, Valeria


    In-situ transmission electron microscopy is rapidly emerging as the premier technique for characterising materials in a dynamic state on the atomic scale. The most important aspect of in-situ studies is specimen preparation. Specimens must be electron transparent and representative of the material in its operational state, amongst others. Here, a novel fabrication technique for the facile preparation of lamellae for in-situ transmission electron microscopy experimentation using focused ion beam milling is developed. This method involves the use of rotating microgrippers during the lift-out procedure, as opposed to the traditional micromanipulator needle and platinum weld. Using rotating grippers, and a unique adhesive substance, lamellae are mounted onto a MEMS device for in-situ TEM annealing experiments. We demonstrate how this technique can be used to avoid platinum deposition as well as minimising damage to the MEMS device during the thinning process. Our technique is both a cost effective and readily implementable alternative to the current generation of preparation methods for in-situ liquid, electrical, mechanical and thermal experimentation within the TEM as well as traditional cross-sectional lamella preparation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. In-situ TEM investigations of graphic-epitaxy and small particles (United States)

    Heinemann, K.


    Palladium was deposited inside a controlled-vacuum specimen chamber of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) onto MgO and alpha-alumina substrate surfaces. Annealing and various effects of gas exposure of the particulate Pd deposits were studied in-situ by high resolution TEM and electron diffraction. Whereas substrate temperatures of 500 C or annealing of room temperature (RT) deposits to 500 C were needed to obtain epitaxy on sapphire, RT deposits on MgO were perfectly epitaxial. For Pd/MgO a lattice expansion of 2 to 4% was noted; the highest values of expansion were found for the smallest particles. The lattice expansion of small Pd particles on alumina substrates was less than 1%. Long-time RT exposure of Pd/MgO in a vacuum yielded some moblity and coalescence events, but notably fewer than for Pd on sapphire. Exposure to air or oxygen greatly enhanced the particle mobility and coalescence and also resulted in the flattening of Pd particles on MgO substrates. Electron-beam irradiation further enhanced this effect. Exposure to air for several tens of hours of Pd/MgO led to strong coalescence.

  5. Complications of transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEMS): a prospective audit. (United States)

    Bignell, M B; Ramwell, A; Evans, J R; Dastur, N; Simson, J N L


    The aim of this study was to determine the postoperative complications of Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) excision of rectal lesions. A prospective audit of 262 consecutive TEMS procedures performed by a single surgeon between 1999 and 2008. The mean age of patients was 72 years. The mean area of the lesions excised was 17.5 cm(2) with a mean diameter of 4.5 cm at a mean distance of 7.4 cm from the dentate line. There were 201 full thickness excisions, 51 partial thickness excisions and nine were mixed or unclassified. Thirty-three (13%) patients developed 41 complications. There were two (0.8%) deaths within 30 days. Pelvic sepsis occurred in seven (3%) patients and was significantly more common after excision of low lesions within 2 cm of the dentate line. Postoperative haemorrhage occurred in seven (3%) patients and was significantly less common when dissection was performed with ultrasonic dissection than with diathermy. Fourteen (5%) patients developed acute urinary retention. Four (1.5%) patients developed rectal stenosis and four (1.5%) suffered uncomplicated surgical emphysema that required no treatment. Transanal endoscopic microsurgery is a safe operation with a low mortality and morbidity. Pelvic sepsis is more common after excision of lesions within 2 cm of the dentate line. Ultrasonic dissection is associated with less postoperative haemorrhage than diathermy.

  6. Promoção da saúde. Porque sim e porque ainda não! Why health promotion and why still not so!

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    Cynthia Rachid Bydlowski


    Full Text Available A situação da saúde e da vida da população brasileira é preocupante. O SUS, embora tenha sido institucionalizado a partir de um conceito amplo de saúde, opera ainda com o conceito de saúde como ausência de doença, não desenvolvendo ações que levem em conta fatores sociais, econômicos e ambientais que afetam os determinantes sociais, econômicos, culturais e políticos que interferem nas condições de vida e saúde da população. A Promoção da Saúde, como referencial que oferece uma forma mais ampla de pensar e agir em saúde, vem reforçar as propostas do SUS de melhoria nesse quadro, por meio da intervenção nesses fatores. Coloca, como necessária, a participa��ão da população nos processos de decisão e na elaboração de políticas públicas, sendo que para isto é importante o empoderamento da população. Mas estas práticas ainda são pontuais e inexpressivas frente aos problemas existentes. O objetivo desse trabalho é apontar e comentar as forças que podem estar agindo no sentido contrário à inserção e ao desenvolvimento da Promoção da Saúde: o modelo biomédico, a estrutura dos relacionamentos, a estrutura do governo, os meios de comunicação e a própria cultura medicalizada da população.Health and life situation of Brazilian population is worrisome. The SUS although institutionalized from a broad health concept still operates with a narrow health concept. It does not take actions that take into consideration social, economic, and environmental factors that interfere on the life and health of the population. Health Promotion as a theoretical referential that offers a broad way of thinking and acting in health reinforces the SUS' framework proposal through the intervention on those factors. It postulates as necessary the participation of the population in the decision and policy-making processes, which entails their empowerment. Such practices, however, are fortuitous and inexpressive in face of

  7. Psicologia e Práticas Restaurativas na Socioeducação: Relato de Experiência

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    Iara da Silva Ferrão

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um relato de experiência de profissional da área da Psicologia, dentro de uma Unidade de Internação de adolescentes em conflito com a lei. Ainda pretendeu-se relacionar práticas restaurativas com possibilidade de experiência exitosa ao sistema socioeducativo. O relato tem como cenário uma unidade de Atendimento Socioeducativo de uma cidade no interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados obtidos são frutos da experiência profissional da autora e fazem parte de um estudo maior intitulado “Um Estudo dos Fatores de Risco e de Proteção em Jovens que Cumprem Medida Socioeducativa”. Os resultados mostraram que as práticas restaurativas realizadas nesta instituição foram apenas os círculos de compromisso. O tema da Justiça Restaurativa (JR, por ser novo e por não ter sido originalmente um modelo criado no cenário brasileiro, ainda é difícil de avaliar possíveis resultados e impactos. As experiências apresentadas sugerem que há possibilidade da JR ser uma experiência exitosa para o Sistema Socioeducativo. Indica-se a necessidade de realização de mais pesquisas com relação a essa temática.

  8. Favorable prognosis of operable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients harboring an increased expression of tumor endothelial markers (TEMs). (United States)

    Pircher, Andreas; Fiegl, Michael; Untergasser, Gerold; Heidegger, Isabel; Medinger, Michael; Kern, Johann; Hilbe, Wolfgang


    Genome analyses of endothelial cells identified genes specifically expressed by tumor endothelial cells, called tumor endothelial markers (TEMs). Currently there are no data available concerning the role of TEMs in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of TEMs in NSCLC in vitro and in vivo. First we evaluated the expression of various TEMs (Robo4, Clec14 and ECSCR) by qRT-PCR and Western blot analyses in three NSCLC cell lines (A549, Calu1, Colo699) and compared them to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) and human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEpCs). Next the expression of TEMs was measured in resected tumor tissue of NSCLC patients (n = 63) by qRT-PCR and compared to adjacent non-cancerous lung tissue (n = 52). Further, immunohistochemical analysis of Robo4 expression in tumor tissue (n = 33) and adjacent non-cancerous tissue (n = 27) was performed. We found that NSCLC cell lines and HBEpC did not express TEMs on the mRNA level compared to HUVECs (p = 0.001). In the contrary, a significant up-regulation of Robo4 and Clec14 was found in tumor samples (Robo4 p = 0.03, Clec14 p = 0.002). Both facts clearly indicate that these proteins are allocated to the tumor stromal department. Correlation with clinical data showed that increased TEM expression correlated with prolonged overall survival of operated NSCLC patients (Robo4 high 120.5 vs. Robo4 low 47.6 months, Clec14 high 108.1 vs. Clec14 low 54.5 months and ECSCR high 120.5 vs. ECSCR low 42.2 months). In summary, we found that TEMs are overexpressed in NSCLC stromal tissue and that an increased TEM expression correlated with an increased overall survival in early stage NSCLC. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Gênero, sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento: uma análise sobre o papel da mulher na agricultura familiar de base ecológica

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    Patrícia Braga Lovatto


    Full Text Available A partir do reconhecimento da histórica conexão entre as mulheres e a natureza, busca-se no presente trabalho analisar elementos referentes às influências de gênero sobre o desenvolvimento rural sustentável, utilizando para tanto a discussão de dados obtidos em pesquisas recentes que investigaram os meios que levaram a transição de alguns grupos de agricultores familiares para o modelo de base ecológica. Demonstra-se no decorrer da análise que as mulheres ocupam lugar estratégico na reformulação produtiva da unidade familiar, pois representam, na maioria das vezes o centro de uma rede de ligações que permitem um questionamento crítico e por vezes libertador das formas de produção convencionais. Nesse contexto, pretende-se fornecer subsídios para realização de novos trabalhos investigativos que abordem a temática, contribuindo para a formulação de estratégias que estimulem as agricultoras familiares na tomada de decisões, reduzindo as desigualdades e dificuldades que ainda persistem neste processo. Espera-se, portanto, que diante de novas pesquisas seja possível buscar mecanismos que permitam o fortalecimento da mulher no meio rural, reafirmando de forma contínua o importante papel que desempenham para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável.


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    Manuela Salau Brasil


    Full Text Available Este texto tem como objetivo compreender o significado do trabalho para trabalhadores empregados e desempregados da cidade de Ponta Grossa no limiar do século XXI, através de um estudo de natureza qualitativa. Tal reflexão foi motivada pelas teses que advogam o fim da sociedade do trabalho e sua substituição pela sociedade do tempo livre, em que o trabalho supostamente não seria mais uma categoria central na sociedade. Os depoimentos dos trabalhadores revelam, ao contrário, que o trabalho ainda carrega um significado que, ultrapassando a questão da renda, ainda é sinônimo de realização humana.

  11. Quem ainda quer ser professor? A opção pela profissão docente por egressos do curso de história da UFMG

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    Marina Alves Amorim


    Full Text Available Neste artigo são retratadas as trajetórias profissionais de egressos de uma turma do Curso de História da UFMG, a turma que ingressou na universidade no primeiro semestre de 1998, composta por egressos que, em sua maioria, concluíram a graduação no segundo semestre de 2001 e comemoraram dez anos de formados no segundo semestre de 2011. São destacadas as trajetórias profissionais daqueles que, dez anos após a conclusão do Ensino Superior, são professores da educação básica, especialmente as dos que pretendem continuar trabalhando com o ensino de história, tendo o cuidado de demonstrar como as situações profissionais atuais se conformaram ao longo da graduação e da década que sucedeu a licenciatura. Afinal, quem ainda quer ser professor dez anos depois da graduação em História pela UFMG?

  12. As arbitragens no futebol português : uma análise econométrica


    Pires, Rui Manuel da Costa Vargas


    Mestrado em Decisão Económica e Empresarial A presente dissertação enquadra-se na temática da teoria da agência e tem por finalidade estudar uma das suas principais facetas o denominado "favoritismo". Em particular é testada a hipótese de os árbitros de futebol, na qualidade de agentes, tomarem decisões enviesadas que resultam no favorecimento sistemático das equipas que jogam em casa e das equipas grandes hipóteses do home team bias e do big team bias. É ainda analisada a hipótese de os e...



    Rezende, Adriano Alves de; Guimaraes, Gislaine Fernandes; Miyaji, Mauren; Fontan, Gabrielle Cardoso Reis; Bonomo, Renata Cristina Ferreira


    Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados obtidos por meio da pesquisa desenvolvida no sudoeste baiano para integrar a produção extrativista do umbu com o aproveitamento de subprodutos do leite, na qual se utiliza o soro dequeijo para a produção de uma bebida láctea tipo umbuzada. São abordados, ainda, o aspecto financeiro com o intuito de demonstrar a viabilidade econômica da produção da bebida e o aspecto sócio econômico do projeto, que tem um como foco a geração de renda ext...

  14. As OGFE e a Logística de Produção


    Fernandes, Nuno


    O presente trabalho de investigação aplicada versa a temática: As Oficinas Gerais de Fardamento e Equipamento e a Logística de Produção,efectuando um estudo centrado na função gestão de stocks desta organização. Numa primeira fase, o trabalho apresenta uma parte teórica, em que é abordada a temática da logística dando especial ênfase à actividade gestão de stocks apresentando individualmente as suas componentes. Concluindo esta primeira parte do trabalho, são ainda ca...

  15. Dietas hipoglucídicas e hiperproteicas : efeitos na sensibilidade à insulina em adultos pré-obesos [e] obesos


    Vilaça, Cecília Teresa Pinheiro


    Introdução – Actualmente muito se tem escrito no que respeita à segurança e à eficácia de algumas abordagens terapêuticas para o controlo da obesidade e suas comorbilidade associadas, sendo várias as opiniões contraditórias. Através desta Monografia pretendeu-se realizar uma revisão bibliográfica dos efeitos da utilização de uma Dieta Hipoglucídica (HG) e Hiperproteica, uma abordagem ainda pouco convencional mas que tem sido alvo de diversos estudos, na sensibilidade à insulina, factor de ris...

  16. Blefarite e tricomegalia induzidas pelo cetuximabe Blepharitis and trichomegaly induced by cetuximab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Ricardo Criado


    Full Text Available Nós descrevemos uma mulher de 41 anos em tratamento de câncer colorretal avançado que, após a segunda dose de cetuximabe, desenvolveu intensa blefarite e tricomegalia bilateral. A toxicidade ocular decorrente do cetuximabe tem sido relatada, porém ainda tem mecanismos fisiopatogênicos incertos.This report describes the case of a 41-year old woman in treatment for advanced colorectal cancer who developed severe bilateral blepharitis and trichomegaly after the second dose of cetuximab. Cetuximab-related eyelid toxicity has been described previously; however, its pathogenesis has not yet been clearly established.

  17. Arremessar por cima do ombro e a distância percorrida pelo implemento


    Silva,Samuel Bento da; Vilela Junior,Guanis de Barros; Toloka,Rute Estanislava


    A habilidade de arremessar por cima do ombro tem sido bastante estudada, observando-se a velocidade do implemento, porém enquanto muitas tarefas têm como objetivo arremessar o mais longe possível, a distância percorrida pelo objeto ainda não tem sido investigada. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existe relação entre o estágio de desenvolvimento motor nesta habilidade e a distância percorrida pelo implemento e observar diferenças entre os gêneros masculino e feminino; 50 crianças, com ...

  18. Overarm throw and the distance traveled by the implement


    Silva, Samuel Bento da; Vilela Junior, Guanis de Barros; Toloka, Rute Estanislava


    A habilidade de arremessar por cima do ombro tem sido bastante estudada, observando-se a velocidade do implemento, porém enquanto muitas tarefas têm como objetivo arremessar o mais longe possível, a distância percorrida pelo objeto ainda não tem sido investigada. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existe relação entre o estágio de desenvolvimento motor nesta habilidade e a distância percorrida pelo implemento e observar diferenças entre os gêneros masculino e feminino; 50 crianças, com ...

  19. Surface damage in TEM thick α-Fe samples by implantation with 150 keV Fe ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aliaga, M.J.; Caturla, M.J.; Schäublin, R.


    We have performed molecular dynamics simulations of implantation of 150 keV Fe ions in pure bcc Fe. The thickness of the simulation box is of the same order of those used in in situ TEM analysis of irradiated materials. We assess the effect of the implantation angle and the presence of front and back surfaces. The number and type of defects, ion range, cluster distribution and primary damage morphology are studied. Results indicate that, for the very thin samples used in in situ TEM irradiation experiments the presence of surfaces affect dramatically the damage produced. At this particular energy, the ion has sufficient energy to damage both the top and the back surfaces and still leave the sample through the bottom. This provides new insights on the study of radiation damage using TEM in situ

  20. EBSD and FIB/TEM examination of shape memory effect deformation structures in U-14 at.% Nb

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clarke, A.J. [Materials Science and Technology Division, Mail Stop G770, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States)], E-mail:; Field, R.D.; McCabe, R.J.; Cady, C.M.; Hackenberg, R.E.; Thoma, D.J. [Materials Science and Technology Division, Mail Stop G770, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States)


    Detailed examinations of shape memory effect (SME) deformation structures in martensite of U-14 at.% Nb were performed with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). An accommodation strain analysis, which has been previously used to predict SME deformation structures and texture evolution in polycrystalline material, was also performed. Martensite variants and twin relationships observed with EBSD after compressive or tensile deformation were determined to be consistent with those expected from calculated accommodation strains. Focused ion beam (FIB) was used to select twinned regions identified with EBSD for more detailed TEM analysis to verify the presence of these specific twins. The observed SME twinning systems in the martensite agree with previous TEM observations and the predicted {l_brace}1-bar76{r_brace} twinning system was observed experimentally for the first time in U-14 at.% Nb using these complementary techniques.

  1. Por um lugar no império: inglesidade, pertencimento negro e memória nacional em dois contos de Andrea Levy


    Silva, Denise Almeida


    Resumo: Este trabalho objetiva examinar a interrogação da inglesidade (Englishness) pela ficcionista britânica negra Andrea Levy a partir do lugar ocupado por ela como cidadã britânica, descendente de imigrantes caribenhos negros. O questionamento é situado no quadro da construção identitária que segue ao contato dos ingleses com seus outros, especialmente no contexto da geração Windrush. Entrevistas e, sobretudo, o ensaio “Back to my own country” ajudam a dimensionar a influência da prática ...

  2. Sociedade e Sustentabilidade: qual o lugar do conhecimento?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maíra Baumgarten


    Full Text Available O texto aporta algumas considerações histórico-teóricas sobre as relações entre sociedade, conhecimento e sustentabilidade, buscando as intersecções desse debate com a problemática do desenvolvimento no mundo contemporâneo. A seguir são apresentados os artigos que integram o dossiê Sociedade, Conhecimentos e Sustentabilidade. Esses artigos têm em comum o enlace entre sociedade, ciência e sustentabilidade, ora trazendo controvérsias teóricas e colocando em discussão o próprio fazer científico e sua crítica, ora apresentando a temática da produção científica sobre sustentabilidade, observando arranjos conceituais, abordagens das interfaces entre humanos e não humanos, hibridismos, disciplinaridade e interdisciplinaridade. As tecnologias da informação e suas aplicações e repercussões sociais também estão presentes nas análises apresentadas, que abordam, de um lado, interações mediadas pela internet e sua capacidade para a criação de apoio social e, de outro lado, o aumento de desigualdades sociais no acesso a bens e a recursos característicos de uma sociedade com uso mais intensificado de tecnologias de informação e comunicação.

  3. Determination of grain size by XRD profile analysis and TEM counting in nano-structured Cu

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong Yong; Ping Dehai; Song Xiaoyan; Yin Fuxing


    In this work, a serial of pure copper sample with different grain sizes from nano- to micro-scale were prepared by sparkle plasma sintering (SPS) and following anneal treatment at 873 K and 1073 K, respectively. The grain size distributions of these samples were determined by both X-ray diffraction (XRD) profile analysis and transmission electronic microscope (TEM) micrograph counting. Although these two methods give similar distributions of grain size in the case of as-SPS sample with nano-scale grain size (around 10 nm), there are apparent discrepancies between the grain size distributions of the annealed samples obtained from XRD and TEM, especially for the sample annealed at 1073 K after SPS with micro-scale grain size (around 2 μm), which TEM counting provides much higher values of grain sizes than XRD analysis does. It indicates that for large grain-sized material, XRD analysis lost its validity for determination of grain size. It might be due to some small sized substructures possibly existed in even annealed (large grain-sized) samples, whereas there is no substructures in as-SPS (nanocrystalline) sample. Moreover, it has been found that the effective outer cut-off radius R e derived from XRD analysis coincides with the grain sizes given by TEM counting. The potential relationship between grain size and R e was discussed in the present work. These results might provide some new hints for deeper understanding of the physical meaning of XRD analysis and the parameters derived.

  4. Ainda a Amazônia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario B. Aragão


    Full Text Available No momento há grande preocupação com tentativas de internacionalizar a Amazônia. Entretanto, um exame rápido da história da região mostra que a reação, provocada por tentativas semelhantes, sempre deu resultados benéficos. O problema mais sério que o desmatamento da Amazônia provocará, é a mudança no total e, possivelmente, no regime das chuvas, tanto na região como nas áreas vizinhas. Os 6,5 trilhões de metros cúbicos de água que são evaporados, anualmente, pela floresta, em sua quase totalidade deixarão de entrar na circulação atmosférica. Essa quantidade de vapor d'água é que fornece 50% da chuva que cai na bacia. A questão do "pulmão do mundo" já foi suficientemente explicada, pois, uma floresta em estado "climax" não pode ter saldo de oxigênio. Além disso, o grande lançador de gás carbônico na atmosfera é o consumismo dos países ricos. Entretanto, resultados recentes parecem mostrar que esse gás carbônico não está provocando efeito estufa e aumentando a tempertura da terra. A experiência internacional e também a nacional têm mostrado que a melhor maneira de proteger uma floresta é dar a ela uma utilidade, logicamente, do ponto de vista do homem. A melhor proposta surgida até hoje foi a da criação das florestas regionais de rendimento, onde empresas madeireiras receberiam concessão para explorá-las, sem se tornarem proprietárias nem da terra nem da vegetação. Não é de hoje a vinculação entre floresta amazônica e dívida externa. Desde os projetos pecuários até os grandes empreendimentos industriais e de mineração, todos têm sido incentivados na ilusão de obter divisas para o pagamento da dívida externa. O problema das represas precisa ser repensado; está sendo inutilizada muita terra para a produção de pouca energia que, além do mais, pouco beneficiará a população brasileira. Os garimpos, tradicionalmente, têm sustentado o contrabando, principalmente de ouro e as mineradoras, a não ser as estatais, como a Vale do Rio Doce, pouco beneficiarão a Amazônia.

  5. Geological Hypothesis Testing and Investigations of Coupling with Transient Electromagnetics (TEM) (United States)

    Adams, A. C.; Moeller, M. M.; Snyder, E.; Workman, E. J.; Urquhart, S.; Bedrosian, P.; Pellerin, L.


    Transient electromagnetic (TEM) data were acquired in Borrego Canyon within the Santo Domingo Basin of the Rio Grande Rift, central New Mexico, during the 2014 Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) field program. TEM surveys were carried out in several regions both to investigate geologic structure and to illustrate the effects of coupling to anthropogenic structures. To determine an optimal survey configuration, 50, 100 and 200 m square transmitter loops were deployed; estimates of depth-of-investigation and logistical considerations determined that 50 m loops were sufficient for production-style measurements. A resistive (100s of ohm-m) layer was identified at a depth of 25-75 m at several locations, and interpreted as dismembered parts of one or more concealed volcanic flows, an interpretation consistent with Tertiary volcanic flows that cap the Santa Anna Mesa immediately to the south. TEM soundings were also made across an inferred fault to investigate whether fault offset is accompanied by lateral changes in electrical resistivity. Soundings within several hundred meters of the inferred fault strand were identical, indicating no resistivity contrast across the fault, and possibly an absence of recent activity. An old windmill and water tank, long-abandoned, offered an excellent laboratory to study the effect of coupling to metallic anthropogenic structures. The character of the measured data strongly suggests the water tank is in electrical contact with the earth (galvanic coupling), and an induced response was persistent to more than 1 second after current turn-off. Coupling effects could be identified at least 150 meters from the tank. Understanding the mechanism behind such coupling and the ability to identify coupled data are critical skills, as one-dimensional modeling of data is affected by such coupling producing artificial conductive layers at depth.

  6. TEM analysis of a friction stir-welded butt joint of Al-Si-Mg alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cabibbo, M.; Meccia, E.; Evangelista, E.


    The microstructure evolution of a joint of Al-Si-Mg alloys A6056-T4 and A6056-T6 has been characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Metallurgical investigations, hardness and mechanical tests were also performed to correlate the TEM investigations to the mechanical properties of the produced friction stir-welded butt joint. After friction stir-welding thermal treatment has been carried out at 530 deg. C followed by ageing at 160 deg. C (T6). The base material (T4) and the heat-treated one (T6) were put in comparison showing a remarkable ductility reduction of the joint after T6 treatment

  7. Del comer, el deseo, la palabra y su lugar en la vida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Ángela Zadra


    Full Text Available El Génesis pone como primer pecado comer la fruta prohibida. Que se tratara del Árbol del Bien y del Mal, que la promesa de la serpiente hecha a Eva fuera la de que accedería a un saber igual al saber divino, que este pasaje bíblico haya dado lugar a múltiples interpetaciones, incluída la metafórica, la alegórica, no invalidan el hecho de que se habla de una fruta y de que la primer falta fue comer. Aquellos que padecen de obesidad, de bulimia o de atracones saben eso: hay correlación entre comer y falta, se sienten culpables. Comen a escondidas, no se animan a hablar de ello, comunican la sensación de estar en pecado, el relato mismo suele estar impregnado de culpa, a veces hasta se asemeja a una confesión: “la comunicación es el pecado”, dice Bataille (1981. Por otra parte, la voluntad es incapaz de hacer algo al respecto. Por más que el sujeto se lo proponga una y mil veces, el impulso se impone más allá de ella. Son hechos observables, sin embargo la relación entre ellos no es tan clara ni es posible establecerla de forma tan directa. 

  8. Educación mediante enciclopedias visuales temáticas: INTYPEDIA un caso de éxito.


    Ramió Aguirre, Jorge; Muñoz Muñoz, Alfonso


    La presente investigación recoge una experiencia de innovación educativa que demuestra la utilidad de las enciclopedias visuales temáticas para la formación académica a través de Internet. Los objetivos de esta experiencia recaen en verificar si es posible crear enciclopedias visuales temáticas que mediante recursos audiovisuales permitan el aprendizaje de aspectos complejos de una manera asequible. Con el interés de obtener datos que permitan comprobar la idoneidad de este tipo de recursos f...

  9. El juego temático de roles sociales: aportes al desarrollo en la edad preescolar


    González Moreno, Claudia Ximena; Solovieva, Yulia; Quintanar Rojas, Luis


    El juego temático de roles sociales es importante en la educación inicial porque posibilita el desarrollo de la actividad simbólica, voluntaria, reflexiva, comunicativa desplegada e imaginativa. Estas son formaciones psicológicas que garantizan el aprendizaje en la edad escolar. En este artículo se presenta una reflexión acerca de la necesidad de utilizar el juego temático de roles sociales en las aulas de preescolar,1 por su efecto en la promoción de habilidades y en la prevención de dificul...

  10. Cross section TEM characterization of high-energy-Xe-irradiated U-Mo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ye, B., E-mail: [Nuclear Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Lemont, IL 60439 (United States); Jamison, L.; Miao, Y. [Nuclear Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Lemont, IL 60439 (United States); Bhattacharya, S. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, 2220 Campus Dr. Evanston, IL 60208 (United States); Hofman, G.L.; Yacout, A.M. [Nuclear Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Lemont, IL 60439 (United States)


    U-Mo alloys irradiated with 84 MeV Xe ions to various doses were characterized with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) techniques. The TEM thin foils were prepared perpendicular to the irradiated surface to allow a direct observation of the entire region modified by ions. Therefore, depth-selective microstructural information was revealed. Varied irradiation-induced phenomena such as gas bubble formation, phase reversal, and recrystallization were observed at different ion penetration depths in U-Mo. - Highlights: •Three distinct zones were observed along the ion traveling direction in U-7Mo irradiated with 84 MeV Xe ions at 350 °C. •The α-U particles within the Xe-implanted region were reverted to γ-U phase by irradiation. •High-density random intra-granular bubbles in a size of 4–5 nm were found in the irradiated region, coexisting with large inter-granular bubbles. •The high lattice stresses built up during the irradiation-induced phase reversal is probably the driving force for the small grain formation at cell boundaries.

  11. Environmental TEM in an Aberration Corrected Microscope

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Thomas Willum; Wagner, Jakob Birkedal

    ‐resolution imaging. A gaseous atmosphere in the pole‐piece gap of the objective lens of the microscope alters both the incoming electron wave prior to interaction with the sample and the outgoing wave below the sample. Whereas conventional TEM samples are usually thin (below 10‐20 nm), the gas in the environmental...... the microscope column. The effects of gas on the electron wave in the objective lens are not well understood and needs further attention. Imaging samples with a simple geometry, such as gold particles on a flat graphene substrate and analyzing the variations in contrast, provides a means for understanding...... results from imaging in various elemental as well as di‐molecular gases and their effect on imaging and spectroscopy in the environmental transmission electron microscope....

  12. La parábola como lugar geométrico : una formación continua de profesores de matemáticas basada en la Teoría de Registros de Representación Semiótica


    Lara Torres, Isabel Mercedes


    La presente investigación aborda la parábola como lugar geométrico en una formación continua de profesores de matemáticas por medio de una secuencia de actividades con el uso del Geogebra y que toma la Teoría de Registros de Representación Semiótica como base teórica. Por ello, nos planteamos la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo profesores de matemática movilizan la noción de parábola como lugar geométrico cuando coordinan diferentes registros de representación semióti...

  13. Localised corrosion in aluminium alloy 2024-T3 using in situ TEM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Malladi, S.; Shen, C.; Xu, Q.; De Kruijff, T.; Yücelen, E.; Tichelaar, F.; Zandbergen, H.


    An approach to carry out chemical reactions using aggressive gases in situ in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), at ambient pressures of 1.5 bar using a windowed environmental cell, called a nanoreactor, is presented here. The nanoreactor coupled with a specially developed holder with

  14. An Analysis of Air Force Management of Turbine Engine Monitoring Systems (TEMS). (United States)


    Without their candid insights, this study could not have been completed. The guidance and patience of our thesis chairman, Major Leslie Zambo , whose...its own problems and looking at own piece of the pie . 2. No integration/standardization between TEMS programs. 3. Need better organizational

  15. Evaluation of TEG(®) and RoTEM(®) inter-changeability in trauma patients. (United States)

    Hagemo, Jostein S; Næss, Paal A; Johansson, Pär; Windeløv, Nis A; Cohen, Mitchell Jay; Røislien, Jo; Brohi, Karim; Heier, Hans Erik; Hestnes, Morten; Gaarder, Christine


    Massive haemorrhage is a leading cause of preventable deaths in trauma. Traumatic coagulopathy is frequently present early after trauma, and is associated with increased mortality. A number of recent trials suggest that viscoelastic haemostatic assays (VHA), such as thromboelastography and thromboelastometry, are useful tools in guiding transfusion. Treatment algorithms exist for the use of VHAs but are not validated in traumatic haemorrhage. In this study we examined the inter-changeability of two commonly used VHAs, TEG(®) and RoTEM(®). A total of 184 trauma patients over the age of 18, requiring full trauma team activation, were included at three different hospitals in three different countries (Copenhagen, Denmark, San Francisco, CA, USA and Oslo, Norway). Blood samples were drawn immediately upon arrival, and TEG(®) and RoTEM(®) analyzed simultaneously. Correlations were calculated using. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Agreement was evaluated by Bland-Altman plots and calculation of limits of agreement. The mean ISS in the total population was 17, and the mortality was 16.5%. Mean base excess was -2.8 (SD: 4.2). The correlation coefficient for corresponding values for the two devices was 0.24 for the R-time vs CT in all centres combined. For the K-time vs CFT the correlation was 0.48, for the α-angleTEG vs α-angleRoTEM 0.44, and for MA vs MCF 0.76. Limits of agreement exceeded the preset clinically acceptable deviation of 10% for all variables in all centres except for MA/MCF in one centre (Copenhagen). Generally, correlation coefficients were lower and agreement poorer in the one centre (Oslo) where measurements were performed bedside by clinicians. Inter-changeability between TEG(®) and RoTEM(®) is limited in the trauma setting. Agreement seems poorer when clinicians operate the devices. Development and validation of separate treatment algorithms for the two devices is required. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. In Situ Environmental TEM in Imaging Gas and Liquid Phase Chemical Reactions for Materials Research. (United States)

    Wu, Jianbo; Shan, Hao; Chen, Wenlong; Gu, Xin; Tao, Peng; Song, Chengyi; Shang, Wen; Deng, Tao


    Gas and liquid phase chemical reactions cover a broad range of research areas in materials science and engineering, including the synthesis of nanomaterials and application of nanomaterials, for example, in the areas of sensing, energy storage and conversion, catalysis, and bio-related applications. Environmental transmission electron microscopy (ETEM) provides a unique opportunity for monitoring gas and liquid phase reactions because it enables the observation of those reactions at the ultra-high spatial resolution, which is not achievable through other techniques. Here, the fundamental science and technology developments of gas and liquid phase TEM that facilitate the mechanistic study of the gas and liquid phase chemical reactions are discussed. Combined with other characterization tools integrated in TEM, unprecedented material behaviors and reaction mechanisms are observed through the use of the in situ gas and liquid phase TEM. These observations and also the recent applications in this emerging area are described. The current challenges in the imaging process are also discussed, including the imaging speed, imaging resolution, and data management. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. TEM microstructural characterization of melt-spun aged Al-6Si-3Cu-xMg alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez, Ismeli Alfonso; Zepeda, Cuauhtemoc Maldonado; Gonzalez Reyes, Jose Gonzalo; Flores, Ariosto Medina; Rodriguez, Juan Serrato; Gomez, Luis Bejar


    Three Al-6Si-3Cu-xMg alloys (x = 0.59, 3.80 and 6.78 wt.%) were produced using melt-spinning. As-melt-spun ribbons were aged at 150, 180 and 210 deg. C for times between 0.05 and 100 h. Microstructural changes were examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and microhardness was measured. TEM analysis of the as-melt-spun alloys revealed 5 nm nanoparticles and larger particles (50 nm) composed of Al 2 Cu (θ) for the 0.59% Mg alloy and Al 5 Cu 2 Mg 8 Si 6 (Q) for 3.80% and 6.78% Mg alloys. Silicon solid solubility was extended to 9.0 at.% and Mg in solid solution reached 6.7 at.%. After aging treatments the 6.78% Mg alloy exhibited the most significant increase in microhardness, reaching 260 kg/mm 2 . TEM analysis of aged specimens also showed θ and Q phase (5-20 nm nanoparticles and 35-40 nm particles). The combination of the volume fraction and size of the particles plays an important role in microhardness variation

  18. Environmental TEM in the in situ Toolbox

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wagner, Jakob Birkedal

    on complementary experiments and characterization techniques. Normally, this is done in parallel with experiments separated in time and space [1] or mimicking a reaction by changing the conditions according to e.g. reactivity and conversion measured in dedicated catalyst set-ups [2]. Furthermore, dedicated...... the techniques to the microscope. A dedicated custom TEM specimen holder containing two optical fibres, five electrical contacts, a fixed miniaturized optical bench for light handling and a heating element has been designed. A system of pre-aligned mirrors and a MEMS heater are implemented in the holder...



    Lay , S.; Osterstock , F.; Vicens , J.


    Carbide tungsten cobalt alloys were deformed in compression or in three point bending in a temperature range 1000-1350°C and in a stress domain 30-1000MPa. In these conditions, the stress exponent n of WC-Co alloys is a function of only the cobalt volumic ratio and tends towards n = 1 for pure carbide. The apparent activation energy is 550 kj mole-1. T.E.M. investigations on pure carbide deformed at 1450°C show an extensive intragranular deformation. Analysis of these defects have been perfor...

  20. Shear Punch Testing of BOR-60 Irradiated TEM Specimens

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saleh, Tarik A. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Quintana, Matthew Estevan [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Romero, Tobias J. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    As a part of the project “High Fidelity Ion Beam Simulation of High Dose Neutron Irradiation” an Integrated Research Program (IRP) project from the U.S. Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP), TEM geometry samples of ferritic cladding alloys, Ni based super alloys and model alloys were irradiated in the BOR-60 reactor to ~16 dpa at ~370°C and ~400°C. Samples were sent to Los Alamos National Laboratory and subjected to shear punch testing. This report presents the results from this testing.

  1. Towards 3D crystal orientation reconstruction using automated crystal orientation mapping transmission electron microscopy (ACOM-TEM). (United States)

    Kobler, Aaron; Kübel, Christian


    To relate the internal structure of a volume (crystallite and phase boundaries) to properties (electrical, magnetic, mechanical, thermal), a full 3D reconstruction in combination with in situ testing is desirable. In situ testing allows the crystallographic changes in a material to be followed by tracking and comparing the individual crystals and phases. Standard transmission electron microscopy (TEM) delivers a projection image through the 3D volume of an electron-transparent TEM sample lamella. Only with the help of a dedicated TEM tomography sample holder is an accurate 3D reconstruction of the TEM lamella currently possible. 2D crystal orientation mapping has become a standard method for crystal orientation and phase determination while 3D crystal orientation mapping have been reported only a few times. The combination of in situ testing with 3D crystal orientation mapping remains a challenge in terms of stability and accuracy. Here, we outline a method to 3D reconstruct the crystal orientation from a superimposed diffraction pattern of overlapping crystals without sample tilt. Avoiding the typically required tilt series for 3D reconstruction enables not only faster in situ tests but also opens the possibility for more stable and more accurate in situ mechanical testing. The approach laid out here should serve as an inspiration for further research and does not make a claim to be complete.

  2. Investigation of C3 S hydration mechanism by transmission electron microscope (TEM) with integrated Super-XTM EDS system. (United States)

    Sakalli, Y; Trettin, R


    Tricalciumsilicate (C 3 S, Alite) is the major component of the Portland cement clinker. Hydration of Alite is decisive in influencing the properties of the resulting material. This is due to its high content in cement. The mechanism of the hydration of C 3 S is very complicated and not yet fully understood. There are different models describing the hydration of C 3 S in various ways. In this work for a better understanding of hydration mechanism, the hydrated C 3 S was investigated by using the transmission electron microscope (TEM) and for the first time, the samples for the investigations were prepared by using of focused ion beam from sintered pellets of C 3 S. Also, an FEI Talos F200x with an integrated Super-X EDS system was used for the investigations. FEI Talos F200X combines outstanding high-resolution S/TEM and TEM imaging with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy signal detection, and 3D chemical characterization with compositional mapping. TEM is a very powerful tool for material science. A high energy beam of electrons passes through a very thin sample, and the interactions between the electrons and the atoms can be used to observe the structure of the material and other features in the structure. TEM can be used to study the growth of layers and their composition. TEM produces high-resolution, two-dimensional images and will be used for a wide range of educational, science and industry applications. Chemical analysis can also be performed. The purpose of these investigations was to get the information about the composition of the C-S-H phases and some details of the nanostructure of the C-S-H phases. © 2017 The Authors Journal of Microscopy © 2017 Royal Microscopical Society.

  3. Properties of TEM standing waves with E||B (United States)

    Zaghloul, H.; Buckmaster, H. A.

    This paper summarizes the known properties of E∥B TEM standing waves and shows that for such waves (i) E and B cannot be linearly polarized, (ii) E ≠ αB where α is a constant (iii) it is impossible to find a Lorentz frame where E>B, (iv) direction of the propagation vector cannot be inferred from the fields at one point of the space, (v) their behaviour under Lorentz, parity, time-reversal and gauge transformations is proper, (vi) both Lorentz invariants E2 - B2 and E·B are nonzero, (vii) the magnetic helicity may be nonzero, (viii) the magnetic field may be force-free, and (ix) kμFμv ≠ 0. It also shows how electromagnetic waves can be classified using Lorentz invariants. Cet article résume les qualités connues des ondes stationnaires E∥B TEM et montre que pour des ondes parallèles (i) E et B ne peuvent pas être polarisées linéairement, (ii) E ≠ αB où a est une constante, (iii) il est impossible de trouver une construction de Lorentz où E>B, (iv) la direction de propagation d'un vecteur ne peut pas être déduite des opérations à un point d'intervalle, (v) leur conduite sous Lorentz, parité, temps inverse et transformations de jauge est propre, (vi) les deux invariants de Lorentz E2 - B2 et E·B sont non nulles (vii) l'hélice magnétique peut être non nulle (viii) l'opération magnétique peut être de force libre et (ix) KμFμ v ≠ 0. Ceci montre aussi comment les ondes électromagnétiques peuvent être classifiées, en employant les invariants de Lorentz.

  4. SANS and TEM studies of carbide precipitation and creep damage in type 304 stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, M.H.; Ogle, J.C.; Schneibel, J.H.; Swindeman, R.W.


    Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies were performed to characterize the carbide (M 23 C 6 ) precipitation and creep damage induced in type 304 stainless steel in the primary creep stage. The size distribution of matrix carbides evaluated from SANS analyses was consistent with TEM data, and the expected accelerated kinetics of precipitation under applied stress was confirmed. Additional SANS measurements after the postcreep solution annealing were made in order to differentiate cavities from the carbides. Potential advantages and difficulties associated with characterization of creep-induced cavitation by the SANS techniques are discussed

  5. A Method for Individualizing the Prediction of Immunogenicity of Protein Vaccines and Biologic Therapeutics: Individualized T Cell Epitope Measure (iTEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tobias Cohen


    Full Text Available The promise of pharmacogenomics depends on advancing predictive medicine. To address this need in the area of immunology, we developed the individualized T cell epitope measure (iTEM tool to estimate an individual's T cell response to a protein antigen based on HLA binding predictions. In this study, we validated prospective iTEM predictions using data from in vitro and in vivo studies. We used a mathematical formula that converts DRB1∗ allele binding predictions generated by EpiMatrix, an epitope-mapping tool, into an allele-specific scoring system. We then demonstrated that iTEM can be used to define an HLA binding threshold above which immune response is likely and below which immune response is likely to be absent. iTEM's predictive power was strongest when the immune response is focused, such as in subunit vaccination and administration of protein therapeutics. iTEM may be a useful tool for clinical trial design and preclinical evaluation of vaccines and protein therapeutics.

  6. Comparison of ultramicrotomy and focused-ion-beam for the preparation of TEM and STEM cross section of organic solar cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Corazza, Michael; Simonsen, Søren Bredmose; Gnaegi, Helmut


    The challenge of preparing cross sections of organic photovoltaics (OPV) suitable for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning TEM (STEM) is addressed. The samples were polymer solar cells fabricated using roll-to-roll (R2R) processing methods on a flexible polyethylene terephthalate...... resolution, enabling further studies of phase separation of P3HT:PCBM by means of energy filtered TEM (EFTEM). The sample prepared by FIB shows good structure preservation, but reduced resolution due to non-optimal thicknesses achieved after treatment. Degradation studies of samples prepared...

  7. Por um lugar no império: inglesidade, pertencimento negro e memória nacional em dois contos de Andrea Levy


    Denise Almeida Silva

    2017-01-01 Este trabalho objetiva examinar a interrogação da inglesidade (Englishness) pela  ficcionista britânica negra Andrea Levy a partir do lugar ocupado por ela como cidadã britânica, descendente de migrantes caribenhos negros.  O questionamento é situado no quadro da construção identitária que segue ao contato dos ingleses com seus outros, especialmente no contexto da geração Windrush. Entrevistas e, sobretudo, o ensaio “Back to my own country”...

  8. Transanal endoscopic micro-surgery (TEMS) for the management of large or sessile rectal adenomas: a review of the technique and indications. (United States)

    Papagrigoriadis, Savvas


    In this review article the surgical technique of Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) is examined. A number of techniques have been used to treat adenomas of the rectum. The treatment of large adenomas which occupy a large surface of the rectal lumen or adenomas which are flat and grow in a "carpet-like" fashion is particularly challenging. Major rectal surgery carries a risk of morbidity and mortality, particularly in elderly and unfit patients. Although local excision with transanal resection (TAR) and the Kraske sacral operation have been used in the past, during the last twenty years TEMS has become the method of choice for those lesions. TEMS is efficient and minimally invasive. The technique allows the patient to recover rapidly and the incidence of complications is much lower than that of major surgery. In case of recurrence the option of repeat TEMS or major surgery remain available. TEMS has been slow to gain popularity mainly for reasons of cost and steep learning curve but it is now an established procedure and a valuable therapeutic option which is particularly useful for elderly and unfit patients. Gastroenterologists should be aware of the nature and indications of TEMS in order to advise and refer selected patients with rectal adenomas accordingly.

  9. Application of SEM/EBSD and FEG-TEM/CBED to determine eutectic solidification mechanisms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nogita, K.; Dahle, A.K.; Drennan, J.


    Full text: This study shows the application of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in SEM and convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) in FEG-TEM to determine eutectic nucleation and growth in hypoeutectic Al-Si foundry alloys. Because the eutectic reaction is often the final stage of solidification it can be expected to have a significant impact on the formation of casting defects, particularly porosity. Previous EBSD work by Nogita and Dahle (2001), Dahle et al (2001), has shown that the eutectic nucleates on the primary phase in the unmodified alloy, and eutectic grains are nucleated in the intergranular liquid, instead of filling the dendrite envelopes, when Sr or Sb is added. However, the orientation relationship between silicon and aluminium in the eutectic has so far not been determined because of difficulties with sample preparation for EBSD and also detection limitations of Kikuchi refraction of silicon and aluminium, particularly in modified alloys with a refined eutectic. The combination of the EBSD technique in SEM and CBED in TEM analyses can provide crystallographic orientation relationships between primary aluminium dendrites, eutectic aluminium and silicon, which are important to explicitly define the solidification mode of the eutectic in hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys. These relationships are influenced, and altered, by the addition of certain elements. This paper also describes the sample preparation techniques for SEM and TEM for samples with different eutectic structures. The advantages the techniques are discussed. Copyright (2002) Australian Society for Electron Microscopy Inc

  10. A developed wedge fixtures assisted high precision TEM samples pre-thinning method: Towards the batch lamella preparation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dandan Wang


    Full Text Available Ion milling, wedge cutting or polishing, and focused ion beam (FIB milling are widely-used techniques for the transmission electron microscope (TEM sample preparation. Especially, the FIB milling provides a site-specific analysis, deposition, and ablation of materials in the micrometer and nanometer scale. However, the cost of FIB tools has been always a significant concern. Since it is inevitable to use the FIB technique, the improvement of efficiency is a key point. Traditional TEM sample preparation with FIB was routinely implemented on a single sample each time. Aiming at cost efficiency, a new pre-thinning technique for batch sample preparation was developed in this paper. The present proposal combines the sample preparation techniques with multi-samples thinning, cross-section scanning electron microscopy (SEM, wedge cutting, FIB and other sample pre-thinning techniques. The new pre-thinning technique is to prepare an edge TEM sample on a grinding and polishing fixture with a slant surface. The thickness of the wedges sample can be measured to 1∼2 μm under optical microscope. Therefore, this fixture is superior to the traditional optical method of estimating the membrane thickness. Moreover, by utilizing a multi-sample holding fixture, more samples can be pre-thinned simultaneously, which significantly improved the productivity of TEM sample preparation.

  11. TEM EDS analysis of epitaxially-grown self-assembled indium islands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jasmine Sears


    Full Text Available Epitaxially-grown self-assembled indium nanostructures, or islands, show promise as nanoantennas. The elemental composition and internal structure of indium islands grown on gallium arsenide are explored using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS. Several sizes of islands are examined, with larger islands exhibiting high (>94% average indium purity and smaller islands containing inhomogeneous gallium and arsenic contamination. These results enable more accurate predictions of indium nanoantenna behavior as a function of growth parameters.

  12. O papel dos Estados Unidos na Nova Ordem Internacional e as intervenções militares americanas no pós-Guerra Fria: que lugar ocupa aí a democracia?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Helena de Castro Santos


    Full Text Available Analisam-se os diferentes papéis dos Estados Unidos no pós-guerra fria, como visto por seus Presidentes, confrontando-os com as intervenções militares que ocorreram em cada administração e o lugar que aí ocupa a democracia.

  13. Estudo das propriedades psicométricas do Teste de Memória de Reconhecimento – TEM-R

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabián Javier Marín Rueda


    Full Text Available The purpose was to verify the psychometric qualities of the Memory Test of Recognition (TEM-R. In a first moment an initial version of the TEM-R was applied at 137 college students. It was found that from the 64 initial items, 15 did not show any frequency response. Based on this it was proceeded a reconfiguration of the instrument, fixing the number of 49 items. It was accomplished a new enforcement where participated 531 college students. The results of the internal structure showed an adequacy to the Rasch model, a absence of bias in the items through the analysis of differential items functioning, and an appropriate factor structure. We observed satisfactory reability indexes. Thus, the TEM-R presented adequate psychometric properties for use in the Brazilian reality.   Keywords: memory; psychological tests; psychometry; validity; reability.

  14. O uso da rede social facebook na comunicação da fé cristã


    Martins, António de Jesus Gonçalves


    O presente trabalho pretende abordar o tema das Redes Sociais como novos espaços de evangelização. Elas constituem oportunidades permanentes para o anúncio da Verdade e Fé. A Fé tem nestes espaços um lugar importante. Vivida, professada e anunciada no ambiente digital, ela é um compromisso da Igreja Católica na missão de cultivar os valores do Evangelho. A Igreja tem consciência de que não fará, nos tempos atuais, um trabalho eficaz de evangelização sem recorrer ao uso dos medi...

  15. Conversas com o fracasso escolar: marcas e experiências de uma travessia


    Silva, Camila Josefina da


    Esta dissertação aborda a temática do Fracasso Escolar, enquanto marca-experiências-travessia produzidas numa escola pública da rede municipal de Juiz de Fora. A pesquisa foi realizada no Ensino Fundamental I (1º ao 5º ano) no segundo semestre do ano de 2011. Esta se configura numa problematização em torno do fracasso escolar, das marcas da experiência que constituem esse lugar e também dos acontecimentos do campo investigativo. Além de problematizar a temática em torno do fracasso escolar a ...



    Perez, Daniel Omar


    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a possibilidade de formular o problema da relação entre teoria do juízo e natureza humana em termos kantianos. Tradicionalmente a filosofia kantiana tem sido interpretada de diversos modos, muitos deles focando a Crítica como trabalho de fundamentação, e pouco ou nenhum lugar tem merecido a reflexão sobre a natureza humana. Entretanto, encontramos nas obras kantianas uma série de referências do “humano” que precisam ser levadas em consideração à hora de es...

  17. EBSD and TEM Characterization of High Burn-up Mixed Oxide Fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teague, Melissa C; Gorman, Brian P.; Miller, Brandon D; King, Jeffrey


    Understanding and studying the irradiation behavior of high burn-up oxide fuel is critical to licensing of future fast breeder reactors. Advancements in experimental techniques and equipment are allowing for new insights into previously irradiated samples. In this work dual column focused ion beam (FIB)/scanning electron microscope (SEM) was utilized to prepared transmission electron microscope samples from mixed oxide fuel with a burn-up of 6.7% FIMA. Utilizing the FIB/SEM for preparation resulted in samples with a dose rate of <0.5 mRem/h compared to approximately 1.1 R/h for a traditionally prepared TEM sample. The TEM analysis showed that the sample taken from the cooler rim region of the fuel pellet had approximately 2.5x higher dislocation density than that of the sample taken from the mid-radius due to the lower irradiation temperature of the rim. The dual column FIB/SEM was additionally used to prepared and serially slice approximately 25 um cubes. High quality electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) were collected from the face at each step, showing, for the first time, the ability to obtain EBSD data from high activity irradiated fuel

  18. TEM investigation of irradiation damage in single crystal CeO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Bei; Kirk, Mark A.; Chen, Weiying; Oaks, Aaron; Rest, Jeffery; Yacout, Abdellatif; Stubbins, James F.


    In order to understand the evolution of radiation damage in oxide nuclear fuel, 150-1000 keV Kr ions were implanted into single crystal CeO 2 , as a simulation of fluorite ceramic UO 2 , while in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations were carried out. Two characteristic defect structures were investigated: dislocation/dislocation loops and nano-size gas bubbles. The growth behavior of defect clusters induced by 1 MeV Kr ions up to doses of 5 x 10 15 ions/cm 2 were followed at 600 deg. C and 800 deg. C. TEM micrographs clearly show the development of defect structures: nucleation of dislocation loops, transformation to extended dislocation lines, and the formation of tangled dislocation networks. The difference in dislocation growth rates at 600 deg. C and 800 deg. C revealed the important role which Ce-vacancies play in the loop formation process. Bubble formation, studied through 150 keV Kr implantations at room temperature and 600 deg. C, might be influenced by either the mobility of metal-vacancies correlated with at threshold temperature or the limitation of gas solubility as a function of temperature.

  19. An alternative to the TEM (Transformed Eulerian Mean) equations (United States)

    Gaßmann, Almut


    The TEM equations constitute a powerful means to get access to the residual circulation. However, due to their foundation on the wave perspective, they deliver only a zonally averaged picture without access to the three-dimensional structure or the local origins of the residual circulation. Therefore it is worth to investigate whether there are alternatives. The pathway followed here is to perform a transformation of the momentum and the potential temperature equation before taking the zonal mean. This is done by removing the steady state ideal wind solution vid = ?×?B-(?±P) from the equations (? - potential temperature, B - Bernoulli function, P - Ertel's potential vorticity EPV, ?± - density). The advantage of that approach is that the total EPV-flux does no longer contain an explicitly visible 'do-nothing-flux'. This flux, ?? ×?B, does only vanish when averaging on isentropic surfaces, but not on other isosurfaces. Here we find the reason why the conventional zonal mean on isentropes delivers a direct overturning cell on each hemisphere, whereas on other isosurfaces we obtain the typical three-cell structure with Headley, Ferrel, and polar cells. It will be demonstrated and made visible through idealized climate experiments with the ICON-IAP model that the zonal averages of the nonideal wind components vnid = v - vid and wnid = w - wid constitute similar direct overturning cells on non-isentropic surfaces as obtained with the TEM-generated v* and w*. It is also interesting to inspect fields of local nonideal wind components, the very origin of the residual circulation.

  20. TEM microstructural analysis of creep deformed CM186LC single crystal Ni-base superalloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dubiel, B.; Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A. [AGH Univ. of Science and Technology, Krakow (Poland); Blackler, M. [Howmet Ltd., Exeter (United Kingdom); Barnard, P.M. [ALSTOM Power Turbo-Systems Technology Centre, Rugby (United Kingdom)


    The nickel based single crystal superalloy CM186LC was extensively investigated as a potential low cost material for industrial gas turbine vanes within the COST522 programme. The alloy exhibits inhomogeneous structure consisting of dendritic regions and eutectic colonies. In the present work attention is focused on microstructural changes observed in single crystal CM186LC following creep deformation at 750 C. Creep tests were conducted at 750 C with an applied stress of 560 or 675 MPa for up to 11440 hours. The microstructure o ruptured and terminated specimens was investigated by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. TEM analysis revealed the microstructural changes in the CM186LC at primary and secondary creep as well as after creep rupture. (orig.)

  1. TEM observations of HT-9 as-welded weldment microstructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foulds, J.R.; Lechtenberg, T.A.


    TEM studies of different locations in an HT-9 weldment indicated delta-ferrite (delta) occurrence, M 23 C 6 precipitation at delta-martensite interfaces, fine carbide precipitation at prior austenite grain boundaries, and martensite lath and lath packet size to be the distinguishable microstructure features observed. Furthermore, retained austenite films were observed in the weld metal and the HAZ adjacent to the weld metal that reached the highest temperature during joining. The microstructures correlate well with the observed room temperature microhardness except for the fusion boundary in weld metal which exhibited a hardness drop and an unexpected minimum amount of delta-ferrite

  2. In Situ TEM Multi-Beam Ion Irradiation as a Technique for Elucidating Synergistic Radiation Effects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taylor, Caitlin; Bufford, Daniel; Muntifering, Brittany; Senor, David; Steckbeck, Mackenzie; Davis, Justin; Doyle, Barney; Buller, Daniel; Hattar, Khalid


    Materials designed for nuclear reactors undergo microstructural changes resulting from a combination of several environmental factors, including neutron irradiation damage, gas accumulation and elevated temperatures. Typical ion beam irradiation experiments designed for simulating a neutron irradiation environment involve irradiating the sample with a single ion beam and subsequent characterization of the resulting microstructure, often by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This method does not allow for examination of microstructural effects due to simultaneous gas accumulation and displacement cascade damage, which occurs in a reactor. Sandia’s in situ ion irradiation TEM (I3TEM) offers the unique ability to observe microstructural changes due to irradiation damage caused by concurrent multi-beam ion irradiation in real time. This allows for time-dependent microstructure analysis. A plethora of additional in situ stages can be coupled with these experiments, e.g., for more accurately simulating defect kinetics at elevated reactor temperatures. This work outlines experiments showing synergistic effects in Au using in situ ion irradiation with various combinations of helium, deuterium and Au ions, as well as some initial work on materials utilized in tritium-producing burnable absorber rods (TPBARs): zirconium alloys and LiAlO2.

  3. In Situ TEM Multi-Beam Ion Irradiation as a Technique for Elucidating Synergistic Radiation Effects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caitlin Anne Taylor


    Full Text Available Materials designed for nuclear reactors undergo microstructural changes resulting from a combination of several environmental factors, including neutron irradiation damage, gas accumulation and elevated temperatures. Typical ion beam irradiation experiments designed for simulating a neutron irradiation environment involve irradiating the sample with a single ion beam and subsequent characterization of the resulting microstructure, often by transmission electron microscopy (TEM. This method does not allow for examination of microstructural effects due to simultaneous gas accumulation and displacement cascade damage, which occurs in a reactor. Sandia’s in situ ion irradiation TEM (I3TEM offers the unique ability to observe microstructural changes due to irradiation damage caused by concurrent multi-beam ion irradiation in real time. This allows for time-dependent microstructure analysis. A plethora of additional in situ stages can be coupled with these experiments, e.g., for more accurately simulating defect kinetics at elevated reactor temperatures. This work outlines experiments showing synergistic effects in Au using in situ ion irradiation with various combinations of helium, deuterium and Au ions, as well as some initial work on materials utilized in tritium-producing burnable absorber rods (TPBARs: zirconium alloys and LiAlO2.

  4. A TEM quantitative evaluation of strengthening in an Mg-RE alloy reinforced with SiC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cabibbo, Marcello; Spigarelli, Stefano


    Magnesium alloys containing rare earth elements are known to have high specific strength, good creep and corrosion resistance up to 523 K. The addition of SiC ceramic particles strengthens the metal matrix composite resulting in better wear and creep resistance while maintaining good machinability. The role of the reinforcement particles in enhancing strength can be quantitatively evaluated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This paper presents a quantitative evaluation of the different strengthening contributions, determined through TEM inspections, in an SiC Mg-RE composite alloy containing yttrium, neodymium, gadolinium and dysprosium. Compression tests at temperatures ranging between 290 and 573 K were carried out. The microstructure strengthening mechanism was studied for all the compression conditions. Strengthening was compared to the mechanical results and the way the different contributions were combined is also discussed and justified. - Research Highlights: → TEM yield strengthening terms evaluation on a Mg-RE SiC alloy. → The evaluation has been extended to different compression temperature conditions. → Linear and Quadratic sum has been proposed and validated. → Hall-Petch was found to be the most prominent strengthening contributions.

  5. In situ TEM observation of the growth and decomposition of monoclinic W18O49 nanowires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, C L; Mori, H


    The growth of monoclinic W 18 O 49 nanowires by heat treatment of a tungsten filament at ∼873 K and the decomposition of these nanowires under 200 keV electron irradiation at ∼1023 K have been investigated using in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In situ TEM observation of the growth confirmed the vapor-solid growth mechanism of the monoclinic W 18 O 49 nanowires. In situ irradiation experiments revealed the formation of metallic bcc tungsten from monoclinic W 18 O 49 nanowires under 200 keV electron irradiation.

  6. Combined RBS and TEM characterization of nano-SiGe layers embedded in SiO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kling, A.; Ortiz, M.I.; Sangrador, J.; Rodriguez, A.; Rodriguez, T.; Ballesteros, C.; Soares, J.C.


    Grazing incidence RBS has been tested as a technique to detect and characterize SiGe nanoparticles embedded in a SiO 2 matrix. Suitable structures were deposited by low pressure chemical vapour deposition and characterized by TEM and RBS. The layers containing nanoparticles have been modelled by stacks of sublayers consisting of SiGeO layers with compositions calculated according to presumed shapes, sizes, Si/Ge ratios and particle area densities and used as input for RUMP. The nanoparticle parameters obtained by fitting the experimental RBS spectra agree well with the findings by TEM. This demonstrates that RBS is a useful and fast technique to characterize this kind of structures

  7. Dark Web e seus não lugares: por um estudo das dobras invisíveis do ciberespaço │ The Dark Web and its non-places: towards a study of the invisible folds of cyberspace


    Richele Grenge Vignoli; Silvana Drumond Monteiro


    RESUMO Existe no ciberespaço uma web escura e escondida denominada Dark Web. Nesse viés, objetivou-se associar a Dark Web aos não lugares no ciberespaço e com o objetivo de caracterizar as dobras invisíveis do ciberespaço e investigar as especificidades da Dark Web em relação à definição e os seus não lugares, de acordo com os preceitos de Augé (2012) e Bauman (2001).  O estudo teve natureza básica com delineamento documental e abordagem qualitativa, e o método dedutivo formal foi utilizado p...

  8. Formulação de uma dieta adequada à produção de Garra rufa (Heckel, 1843) e avaliação da sua performance zootécnica.


    Catarino, Mafalda Maximino Rojão Sobreiro


    Os peixes Garra rufa (ciprinídeos) são muito utilizados em tratamentos de pele em institutos de beleza e spas. Esta espécie de água doce é nativa da Eurásia e tem uma grande área de distribuição, incluindo as bacias hidrográficas na Turquia e Irão. Com a procura crescente pela prática de ictioterapia, o valor comercial desta espécie tem vindo a aumentar, despertando um grande interesse por parte dos aquacultores, apesar dos métodos de produção serem ainda desconhecidos. Deste modo, é de grand...

  9. Influência da autoestima, da regulação emocional e do gênero no bem-estar subjetivo e psicológico de adolescentes


    Freire, Teresa; Tavares, Dionísia


    INTRODUÇÃO: A literatura científica tem evidenciado que a autoestima e a capacidade de regulação emocional estão presentes em vários quadros psicopatológicos, contudo a influência dessas variáveis no bem-estar tem sido pouco estudada teórica e empiricamente. OBJETIVO: Pretende-se analisar a relação dessas variáveis com o bem-estar subjetivo (satisfação com a vida) e com o bem-estar psicológico (felicidade e significado). Pretende-se, ainda, verificar a capacidade de predição do gênero, da aut...

  10. Educação especial e modernização escolar:estudo histórico-pedagógico da educação de surdos-mudos e de cegos


    Alves, Maria do Céu Garcia dos Reis Loureiro, 1958-


    Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013 No decurso da sua história, a educação especial tem sido uma temática ciclicamente reaberta, seja pela renovação das tecnologias, da evolução dos métodos e das manifestações e expectativas de sociabilidade, seja ainda pela melhoria geral da pedagogia. Foi esse o núcleo central da minha tese que configuro no triângulo: 1) materialidade/ tecnologias / instituição; 2) comunicação/ lingua...

  11. Comprehensive analysis of TEM methods for LiFePO4/FePO4 phase mapping: spectroscopic techniques (EFTEM, STEM-EELS) and STEM diffraction techniques (ACOM-TEM)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mu, X.; Kobler, A.; Wang, D.


    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used intensively in investigating battery materials, e.g. to obtain phase maps of partially (dis)charged (lithium) iron phosphate (LFP/FP), which is one of the most promising cathode material for next generation lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries. Due t...

  12. Differential dependence on N-glycosylation of anthrax toxin receptors CMG2 and TEM8.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah Friebe

    Full Text Available ANTXR 1 and 2, also known as TEM8 and CMG2, are two type I membrane proteins, which have been extensively studied for their role as anthrax toxin receptors, but with a still elusive physiological function. Here we have analyzed the importance of N-glycosylation on folding, trafficking and ligand binding of these closely related proteins. We find that TEM8 has a stringent dependence on N-glycosylation. The presence of at least one glycan on each of its two extracellular domains, the vWA and Ig-like domains, is indeed necessary for efficient trafficking to the cell surface. In the absence of any N-linked glycans, TEM8 fails to fold correctly and is recognized by the ER quality control machinery. Expression of N-glycosylation mutants reveals that CMG2 is less vulnerable to sugar loss. The absence of N-linked glycans in one of the extracellular domains indeed has little impact on folding, trafficking or receptor function of the wild type protein expressed in tissue culture cells. N-glycans do, however, seem required in primary fibroblasts from human patients. Here, the presence of N-linked sugars increases the tolerance to mutations in cmg2 causing the rare genetic disease Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome. It thus appears that CMG2 glycosylation provides a buffer towards genetic variation by promoting folding of the protein in the ER lumen.

  13. Mundo perdido, paraíso encontrado: lugar, identidad y producción en la Gran Sabana, Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Fernando Angosto Ferrández


    Full Text Available Durante el siglo xx afloraron en la Gran Sabana las bases de una producción inserta en el sistema capitalista, pero aún hoy parte de sus habitantes ancestrales, indígenas pemón, mantienen una economía de subsistencia notablemente autónoma. Este trabajo examina, por una parte, cómo las narrativas exotizantes de lugar e identidad construidas en torno a la Gran Sabana y sus habitantes han contribuido a consolidar una reduccionista polarización analítica de esferas “indígenas” y “no-indígenas”; por otra parte, identifica focos materiales de diversificación estructural entre los pobladores de la Gran Sabana más allá de esas esferas, y reclama atención para dichos focos en la búsqueda de soluciones a los conflictos en la región.

  14. Theoretical analysis and modeling of Thickness-Expansion Mode (TEM) sensors for fluid characterization. (United States)

    Elvira, Luis; Resa, Pablo; Castro, Pedro


    In this paper, the principles of Thickness-Expansion Mode (TEM) resonators for the characterization of fluids are described. From the measurement of the resonance parameters of a TEM piezoelectric transducer, the compressional acoustic impedance of gases and liquids can be determined. Since the propagation of mechanical waves into the fluid is not necessary, information in a wide range of frequencies can be obtained. Alternatively, these sensors can be driven in combination with other ultrasonic techniques to simultaneously determine the density, speed of sound and viscosity of samples. Some potential applications include the probe monitoring of processes and the characterization of fluids under harsh conditions. The main experimental criteria for the design and construction of high-resolution impedance meters (such as piezoelectric material, protective coating or thermal response) have been studied using equivalent electrical circuit modeling and finite element analysis. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. A educação física tradicional sofre, mas ainda vive - doi: 10.4025/actascieduc.v36i1.21583

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    Jarbas Gomes Remonte


    Full Text Available Esportivista, militarista, disciplinadora, acrítica... são vários os adjetivos utilizados para qualificar negativamente a Educação Física tradicional. Isso provocou um interesse imediato em verificar se tais críticas são procedentes e realizar uma breve discussão sobre possibilidades de utilização de elementos ditos tradicionais na atual Educação Física escolar. Para tanto, buscamos em pesquisadores da História da Educação Física brasileira referências à Educação Física tradicional que justifiquem aquelas críticas. Em seguida, recorremos à Didática para conceituar a Pedagogia tradicional e aplicar esse conceito à Educação Física, de modo que ela possa ser denominada também de tradicional. Num terceiro passo, analisamos algumas críticas a esse tradicionalismo na tentativa de verificar se são procedentes. Concluímos que, se algumas o são, outras apresentam equívocos. Entendemos que há uma confusão conceitual importante quando se falaem Educação Físicatradicional. Por fim, sugerimos que a Educação Física tradicional ainda tenha espaço no quadro atual da Educação Física escolar.

  16. La juventud como mercancía y el lugar de lo adolescente en la lógica cultural del capitalismo tardío

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    Kattya Grosser Guillén


    Full Text Available En el presente ensayo me interesa relacionar tres fenómenos: la adolescencia como estructura sujetiva y proceso psíquico; la posmodernidad como lógica cultural del capitalismo tardío y la creación de la juventud o lo juvenil como una mercancía. Relacionar estos tres aspectos implica determinar de qué manera inciden unos en otros y me interesa sobre todo, destacar de qué manera este proceso afecta el desarrollo individual de los sujetos adolescentes. De manera que el trabajo estará abordado en tres apartados. El primero titulado Lo Adolescente en el cual abordaré las ideas fundamentales, con base en el desarrollo de algunos autores que han conceptualizado la adolescencia como una estructura, dándole así un lugar a la adolescencia dentro del psicoanálisis, como un proceso determinante en la construcción sujetiva. Lo que implica entender los procesos psíquicos que se están llevando a cabo más allá de la descripción de conductas y actitudes. De tal forma se me hace necesario, distinguir lo adolescente como este proceso que transforma al niño en el sujeto adolescente y lo inscribe dentro de una estructura que llamamos adolescencia. Posicionándolo en un lugar distinto frente a su familia y sobre todo frente a la cultura. En el segundo apartado denominado Posmodernidad y Marketing, en el cual me interesa desarrollar algunos conceptos fundamentales, sobre lo que se ha denominado el postmodernismo, refiriéndolo, fundamentalmente, a la lógica cultural que domina el momento actual. En este apartado, me interesa destacar de qué manera la juventud y algunos aspectos de lo adolescente se han convertido en mercancías. Por último, en el tercer apartado me interesa desarrollar de qué manera la “adolescentización” de la cultura le ha robado su lugar a lo adolescente y a los adolescentes y cómo este proceso afecta su desarrollo sujetivo y, sobre todo la relación con los adultos, los padres en primera instancia pero no solamente con

  17. Percepção dos perigos ambientais urbanos e os efeitos de lugar na relação população-ambiente

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    Eduardo Marandola Jr.


    Full Text Available Os estudos ambientais enfrentam, desde seu advento, o fantasma da falácia ecológica. Especialmente no âmbito das ciências humanas, sempre houve uma atenção redobrada em relação a qualquer forma de determinismo geográfico ou interpretação que submetesse a compreensão da sociedade à lógica da natureza. Nos estudos de População e Ambiente (P-A, esta preocupação esteve sempre presente, não sendo raro o debate sobre a falácia ecológica, seus riscos e a busca por formas de eliminá-la do escopo das análises. No entanto, com o interesse redobrado das ciências humanas pelo espaço nas últimas décadas, a importância da espacialidade e a contínua incorporação de sua dimensão nas análises renovam esta preocupação, agora em um novo contexto sociocultural. A ideia de efeitos de lugar ganha relevo à medida que se reconhece, na contramão da mundialização, o reforço de fatores regionais e locais na determinação e mediação de problemáticas ambientais que afetam populações e lugares de maneira específica, e não de forma indiscriminada pelo espaço. Nesse contexto, o debate metodológico precisa dar atenção à forma como o espaço entra na equação P-A, sem desconsiderar o histórico dos debates ou os novos arranjos socioespaciais contemporâneos. Estas questões apresentaram-se como relevantes na pesquisa desenvolvida sobre a percepção dos perigos e a vulnerabilidade nas Regiões Metropolitanas de Campinas e da Baixada Santista, no Estado de São Paulo. Utilizando dados de uma pesquisa domiciliar desenvolvida em 2007 (Projeto Vulnerabilidade, procuramos ir além das variáveis que costumeiramente nos ajudam a pensar as questões referentes à situação de vida (renda, escolaridade, ciclo vital, tentando entendê-las em escalas espaciais diferenciadas, incorporando os efeitos de lugar como fundamentais para compreender a percepção dos perigos urbanos na relação população-espaço-ambiente.

  18. Stable TEM00-mode Nd:YAG solar laser operation by a twisted fused silica light-guide (United States)

    Bouadjemine, R.; Liang, D.; Almeida, J.; Mehellou, S.; Vistas, C. R.; Kellou, A.; Guillot, E.


    To improve the output beam stability of a TEM00-mode solar-pumped laser, a twisted fused silica light-guide was used to achieve uniform pumping along a 3 mm diameter and 50 mm length Nd:YAG rod. The concentrated solar power at the focal spot of a primary parabolic mirror with 1.18 m2 effective collection area was efficiently coupled to the entrance aperture of a 2D-CPC/2V-shaped pump cavity, within which the thin laser rod was pumped. Optimum solar laser design parameters were found through ZEMAX© non-sequential ray-tracing and LASCAD© laser cavity analysis codes. 2.3 W continuous-wave TEM00-mode 1064 nm laser power was measured, corresponding to 1.96 W/m2 collection efficiency and 2.2 W laser beam brightness figure of merit. Excellent TEM00-mode laser beam profile at M2 ≤ 1.05 and very good output power stability of less than 1.6% were achieved. Heliostat orientation error dependent laser power variation was considerably less than previous solar laser pumping schemes.

  19. TEM characterization of corrosion products formed on a SS-15ZR alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, J. S.; Abraham, D. P.


    The corrosion products formed on a stainless steel-15Zr (SS-15Zr) alloy have been characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Examination of alloy particles that were immersed in 90 C deionized water for two years revealed that different corrosion products were formed on the stainless steel and intermetallic phases. Two corrosion products were identified on an austenite particle: trevorite (NiFe 2 O 4 ) in the layer close to the metal and maghemite (Fe 2 O 3 ) in the outer layer. The corrosion layer formed on the intermetallic was uniform, adherent, and amorphous. The EDS analysis indicated that the layer was enriched in zirconium when compared with the intermetallic composition. High-resolution TEM images of the intermetallic-corrosion layer interface show an interlocking metal-oxide interface which may explain the relatively strong adherence of the corrosion layer to the intermetallic surface. These results will be used to evaluate corrosion mechanisms and predict long-term corrosion behavior of the alloy waste form

  20. Edge-melting: nanoscale key-mechanism to explain nanoparticle formation from heated TEM grids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cesaria, Maura, E-mail: [Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi”, University of Salento, Via Arnesano, 73100 Lecce (Italy); Taurino, Antonietta; Catalano, Massimo [Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, IMM-CNR, Via Monteroni, 73100 Lecce (Italy); Caricato, Anna Paola; Martino, Maurizio [Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi”, University of Salento, Via Arnesano, 73100 Lecce (Italy)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Nanoparticle formation from metal grids explained by edge melting as key mechanism. • The inconsistency of bulk phenomenology invoking the vapor pressure is discussed. • Surface-melting and size-dependent evaporation are questioned as unsatisfactory. • Edge-melting: edges, corners, facets invoked as highly thermally unstable surfaces. • The polycrystalline nature of the really occurring metal grids is accounted for. - Abstract: In this study, we examine at both experimental and fundamental levels, the experimental evidence of nanoparticle formation in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) metal grids annealed at temperatures lower than the melting point of the corresponding metal bulk material. Our experimental investigation considers the most thermally unstable TEM grids (i.e. Cu-grids) and inspects the possible sources and mechanisms of contamination of thin films, conventionally deposited on carbon-coated Cu-grids. The investigations are supported by morphological–compositional analyses performed in different regions of the TEM sample. Then, a general model is formulated and discussed in order to explain the grid thermal instability, based on the critical role of edge-melting (i.e. melting initiated at edges and corners of the grid bars), the enhanced rate of evaporation from a liquid surface and the polycristallinity of the grid bars. Hence, we totally disregard conventional arguments such as bulk evaporation and metal vapor pressure and, in order to emphasize and clarify the alternative point of view of our model, we also overview the nano-scale melting phenomenology relevant to our discussion and survey the discrepancies reported in the literature.

  1. Comparison between measured and predicted turbulence frequency spectra in ITG and TEM regimes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Citrin, J.; Arnichand, H.; Bernardo, J.; Bourdelle, C.; Garbet, X.; Jenko, F.; Hacquin, S.; Puschel, M. J.; Sabot, R.


    The observation of distinct peaks in tokamak core reflectometry measurements—named quasi-coherent-modes (QCMs)—are identified as a signature of trapped-electron-mode (TEM) turbulence (Arnichand et al 2016 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 58 014037). This phenomenon is investigated with detailed linear

  2. Optical, mechanical and TEM assessment of titania-doped Bi2V1 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Aug 26, 2016 ... Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science; Volume 37; Issue 7. Optical, mechanical and TEM assessment of titania-doped Bi2V1−TiO5.5−δ bismuth vanadate oxides. Gurbinder Kaur Gary Pickrell Vishal Kumar Om Prakash Pandey Kulvir Singh Daniel Homa. Volume 37 Issue 7 December 2014 pp ...

  3. L’action pédagogique des chefs d’établissements français: opportunités et tensions

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    Anne Barrère


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as representações e as convicções dos gestores principais de instituições francesas de ensino médio da região Norte da França e demarcar as principais tensões com as quais esses gestores se confrontam em suas novas missões pedagógicas. O estudo é resultado de pesquisa qualitativa sobre o trabalho dos gestores principais e a partir das experiências de colaboração da autora em vários mestrados profissionais destinados a estes profissionais. Conclui-se que na instituição escolar, apesar de progredir pouco a pouco, a autonomia dos docentes ainda é pouco discutida e, na França, ainda é forte o estabelecimento da burocracia nas relações entre os profissionais que nela atuam. Ainda existe a influência das configurações locais das instituições e diversos fatores envolvidos em favor das novas missões estabelecidas para os gestores principais, objeto de estudo deste artigo.

  4. Suspended DNA structural characterization by TEM diffraction

    KAUST Repository

    Marini, Monica


    In this work, micro-fabrication, super-hydrophobic properties and a physiologically compatible preparation step are combined and tailored to obtain background free biological samples to be investigated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) diffraction technique. The validation was performed evaluating a well-known parameter such as the DNA interbases value. The diffraction spacing measured is in good agreement with those obtained by HRTEM direct metrology and by traditional X-Ray diffraction. This approach addresses single molecule studies in a simplified and reproducible straightforward way with respect to more conventional and widely used techniques. In addition, it overcomes the need of long and elaborated samples preparations: the sample is in its physiological environment and the HRTEM data acquisition occurs without any background interference, coating, staining or additional manipulation. The congruence in the results reported in this paper makes the application of this approach extremely promising towards those molecules for which crystallization remains a hurdle, such as cell membrane proteins and fibrillar proteins.

  5. Suspended DNA structural characterization by TEM diffraction

    KAUST Repository

    Marini, Monica; Allione, Marco; Lopatin, Sergei; Moretti, Manola; Giugni, Andrea; Torre, Bruno; Di Fabrizio, Enzo M.


    In this work, micro-fabrication, super-hydrophobic properties and a physiologically compatible preparation step are combined and tailored to obtain background free biological samples to be investigated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) diffraction technique. The validation was performed evaluating a well-known parameter such as the DNA interbases value. The diffraction spacing measured is in good agreement with those obtained by HRTEM direct metrology and by traditional X-Ray diffraction. This approach addresses single molecule studies in a simplified and reproducible straightforward way with respect to more conventional and widely used techniques. In addition, it overcomes the need of long and elaborated samples preparations: the sample is in its physiological environment and the HRTEM data acquisition occurs without any background interference, coating, staining or additional manipulation. The congruence in the results reported in this paper makes the application of this approach extremely promising towards those molecules for which crystallization remains a hurdle, such as cell membrane proteins and fibrillar proteins.

  6. TEM10 homodyne detection as an optimal small-displacement and tilt-measurement scheme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Delaubert, Vincent; Treps, Nikolas; Lassen, Mikael Østergaard


    We report an experimental demonstration of optimal measurements of small displacement and tilt of a Gaussian beam - two conjugate variables - involving a homodyne detection with a TEM10 local oscillator. We verify that the standard split detection is only 64% efficient. We also show a displacement...

  7. Fault detection by Turam TEM survey. Numerical model studies and a case history; TEM ho Turam sokutei haichi ni yoru danso kenshutsu no kokoromi. Model keisan to jisshirei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wada, K; Tsutsui, T [Mitsui Mineral Development Engineering Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan); Ito, T [Chiba Univ., Chiba (Japan). Faculty of Science; Takeuchi, A [Toyama University, Toyama (Japan). Faculty of Science; He, P [Power Reactor and Nuclear fuel Development Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    With an objective to detect faults estimated to exist along the Shigesumi valley in the Kamioka mine, discussions were given by using electromagnetic survey, which uses the Turam measurement arrangement based on the TEM method, and three-dimensional model calculations. The Turam measurement arrangement, which installs transmission loop fixedly, is used to identify nature and distribution of electrically conductive objects upon noticing abnormal portions in magnetic fields in the measurement data. In the model calculation, the plate model calculation method and the FDTD method were used, and so was the calculation code TEM3DL. The result revealed that strong topographical influence is seen from steep V-shaped valley existing along the traverse line in the measurement data, but an abnormal resistivity band accompanying remarkable distortion in the curve was detected. According to the result of the model calculation, anomaly detection may be found difficult in locations where a low resistivity band has not grown enough locally. It was possible from these facts to assume a model in which the low resistivity band exists directly below the Shigesumi valley, suggesting existence of faults. 2 refs., 8 figs.

  8. Dynamics of electrochemical lithiation/delithiation of graphene-encapsulated silicon nanoparticles studied by in-situ TEM. (United States)

    Luo, Langli; Wu, Jinsong; Luo, Jiayan; Huang, Jiaxing; Dravid, Vinayak P


    The incorporation of nanostructured carbon has been recently reported as an effective approach to improve the cycling stability when Si is used as high-capacity anodes for the next generation Li-ion battery. However, the mechanism of such notable improvement remains unclear. Herein, we report in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies to directly observe the dynamic electrochemical lithiation/delithiation processes of crumpled graphene-encapsulated Si nanoparticles to understand their physical and chemical transformations. Unexpectedly, in the first lithiation process, crystalline Si nanoparticles undergo an isotropic to anisotropic transition, which is not observed in pure crystalline and amorphous Si nanoparticles. Such a surprising phenomenon arises from the uniformly distributed localized voltage around the Si nanoparticles due to the highly conductive graphene sheets. It is observed that the intimate contact between graphene and Si is maintained during volume expansion/contraction. Electrochemical sintering process where small Si nanoparticles react and merge together to form large agglomerates following spikes in localized electric current is another problem for batteries. In-situ TEM shows that graphene sheets help maintain the capacity even in the course of electrochemical sintering. Such in-situ TEM observations provide valuable phenomenological insights into electrochemical phenomena, which may help optimize the configuration for further improved performance.

  9. TEM heat transport and fluctuations in the HSX stellarator: experiments and comparison with gyrokinetic simulation (United States)

    Smoniewski, J.; Faber, B. J.; Sánchez, E.; Calvo, I.; Pueschel, M. J.; Likin, K. M.; Deng, C. B.; Talmadge, J. N.


    The Helically Symmetric eXperiment (HSX) has demonstrated reduced neoclassical transport in the plasma core with quasi-symmetry [Lore Thesis 2010], while outside this region the electron thermal diffusivity is well above the neoclassical level, likely due to the Trapped Electron Mode (TEM) [Weir PoP 2015, Faber PoP 2015]. We compare gyrokinetic simulations of the TEM to experimental heat flux and density fluctuation measurements for two configurations: Quasi-Helical Symmetry (QHS) and broken symmetry (Mirror). Both experiment and simulation show that the heat flux for Mirror is larger than for QHS by about a factor of two. Initial interferometer measurements provide evidence that density-gradient-driven TEMs are driving turbulence. Calculations of the collisionless damping of zonal flows provide another perspective into the difference between geometries. Similar to other stellarators [Monreal PPCF 2016], the zonal flow residual goes to zero at long wavelengths in both configurations. Additionally, the very short time decay of the zonal flow due to neoclassical polarization is constant between configurations. However, the collisionless damping time is longer and the zonal flow oscillation frequency is smaller in QHS than Mirror, consistent with reduced radial particle drifts. Work supported by the US DOE under Grant DE-FG02-93ER54222.

  10. TEM Study of High-Temperature Precipitation of Delta Phase in Inconel 718 Alloy

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    Moukrane Dehmas


    Full Text Available Inconel 718 is widely used because of its ability to retain strength at up to 650∘C for long periods of time through coherent metastable  Ni3Nb precipitation associated with a smaller volume fraction of  Ni3Al precipitates. At very long ageing times at service temperature,  decomposes to the stable Ni3Nb phase. This latter phase is also present above the  solvus and is used for grain control during forging of alloy 718. While most works available on precipitation have been performed at temperatures below the  solvus, it appeared of interest to also investigate the case where phase precipitates directly from the fcc matrix free of  precipitates. This was studied by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM. TEM observations confirmed the presence of rotation-ordered domains in plates, and some unexpected contrast could be explained by double diffraction due to overlapping phases.

  11. The experimental electron mean-free-path in Si under typical (S)TEM conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potapov, P.L.


    The electron mean-free-path in Si was measured by EELS using the test structure with the certified dimensions as a calibration standard. In a good agreement with the previous CBED measurements, the mean-free-path is 150 nm for 200 keV and 179 nm for 300 keV energy of primary electrons at large collection angles. These values are accurately predicted by the model of Iakoubovskii et al. while the model of Malis et al. incorporated in common microscopy software underestimates the mean-free-path by 15% at least. Correspondingly, the thickness of TEM samples reported in many studies of the Si-based materials last decades might be noticeably underestimated. - Highlights: • The electron inelastic mean-free-path in Si is measured for the typical (S)TEM conditions. • These reference values allow for accurate determination of the lamella thickness by EELS. • The theoretical model by Malis et al. underestimates the mean-free-path values

  12. O lugar da prisão na nova administração da pobreza

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    Loïc Wacquant


    Full Text Available A sociedade norte-americana é cinco vezes mais punitiva hoje do que há 25 anos. O acionamento da luta contra o crime serviu tão-somente como pretexto e trampolim para uma reformulação do perímetro e das funções do Estado, que resultou no enxugamento do seu componente de welfare. O complexo penitenciário ganhou um lugar central como instrumento para a administração da pobreza, nas encruzilhadas do mercado de trabalho desqualificado, no colapso do gueto urbano e nos serviços de bem-estar social "reformados" de modo a reforçar a disciplina do trabalho assalariado dessocializado.The irresistible rise of the penal state in the United States manifests the implementation of a policy of criminalization of poverty that is the indispensable complement to the imposition of precarious and underpaid wage labor as civic obligation for those trapped at the bottom of the class and caste structure. The prison has thus regained a central place in the panoply of instruments for the government of poverty, at the crossroads of the deskilled labor market, the collapsing urban ghetto, and social-welfare services "reformed" with a view to buttressing the discipline of desocialized wage work.

  13. Análisis del procesamiento criminalístico del lugar de los hechos, en conflictos armados de alto riesgo en la franja fronteriza de Tamaulipas/Processing the place of the facts in armed conflict in northern Tamaulipas

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    Israel Estrada Camacho


    Full Text Available En México la violencia se ha incrementado, hay más 47,515 mil muertes ligadas a la delincuencia organizada y los criminalistas incursionaron en escenas del crimen diferentes y con técnicas desactualizadas. Es por esto que se investigó el procesamiento del lugar de los hechos de conflictos al Norte de Tamaulipas, utilizando un diseño documental y de campo consultando a peritos con experiencia en esta zona. Al 76 % les es imposible seguir la metodología establecida y el 64% adecuarían las técnicas. Según los resultados obtenidos sabemos que el riesgo, las magnitudes del lugar y el tiempo han causado esta situación.

  14. Enhancement of TEM Data and Noise Characterization by Principal Component Analysis (United States)


    include simply thresholding a noise level and ignoring any signal below the chosen value ( Pasion and Oldenburg, 2001b), stacking, and median de-trend the data ( Pasion and Oldenburg, 2001a). To date, there has not been a concentrated research effort focused on separating the various...Negative values not displayed) 27 Magnetic soil at Kaho’olawe (and in general) exhibits a t−1 decay in TEM surveys ( Pasion et al., 2002). This signal

  15. Characterization of carbonated serpentine using XPS and TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schulze, Roland K.; Hill, Mary Ann; Field, Robert D.; Papin, Pallas A.; Hanrahan, Robert J.; Byler, Darrin D.


    With the increasing concentration volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there has been an increasing interest in carbon dioxide sequestration. One method is to store the carbon dioxide in mineral form, reacting solution dissolved CO 2 to precipitate carbonates. In order to understand whether or not such an endeavor is feasible, the carbonation reaction must first be understood. In this study, the surface of ground serpentine, untreated, heat treated and following a carbonation experiment, has been characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicate that the mechanism for the reaction involves dissolution of the serpentine through the formation of an amorphous phase and subsequent precipitation of magnesite. The rate limiting step appears to be the diffusion of Mg out of the amorphous phase

  16. A temática homossexual na publicidade de massa para público gay e não-gay: conflito entre representação e estereótipos

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    Adriana Tulio Baggio


    Full Text Available RESUMO O número crescente de anúncios publicitários com temática homossexualmasculina no Brasil pode refletir aspectos sociais, como a liberação decostumes, e econômicos, já que esse público é atrativo para as empresas. Estetrabalho consiste na análise de alguns destes anúncios e das reações a eles porparte do público, homossexual ou não. Com base na investigação, foi possívelperceber que anúncios para o público gay ainda são raros na mídia não dirigidaa esse público. Observou-se também que, quando a temática homossexual éutilizada em anúncios não específicos ao público gay, muitas vezes têm comoobjetivo transmitir modernidade ou buscar o humor. Nestes casos, a publicidadepode acabar deslizando para a reiteração de estereótipos negativos, conformeexemplificado por uma campanha do salgadinho Doritos, da PepsiCo.Palavras-chave: Publicidade. Homossexualidade. Consumo. Indústria cultural.Estereótipos. ABSTRACTThe increasing number ofadvertisements with male homosexual theme in Brazil may reflect social aspects,such as the release of morals, and the economic ones, since this audience isattractive to businesses. This work aims to analyze some of these ads and thereactions to them by the public, homosexual or not. Based on research, it waspossible to notice that ads for gays are still rare in the media that is notaddressed to them. It was also observed that when the homosexual theme is usedin non-specific gay target ads, they often aim to convey modernity or seekhumor.  In these cases, advertising canend up sliding into the reiteration of negative stereotypes, as exemplified bya campaign for PepsiCo’s Doritos snack chips.Key words: Advertising. Homosexuality.Consumption.  Cultural industry.Stereotypes. RESUMENEl creciente número deanuncios publicitarios con la temática homosexual masculina en Brasil puede reflejar aspectos sociales, talescomo la liberación de las costumbres y económicos, ya que ese p

  17. Direct Observations of Oxygen-induced Platinum Nanoparticle Ripening Studied by In Situ TEM

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Søren Bredmose; Chorkendorff, Ib; Dahl, Søren


    This study addresses the sintering mechanism of Pt nanoparticles dispersed on a planar, amorphous Al2O3 support as a model system for a catalyst for automotive exhaust abatement. By means of in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the model catalyst was monitored during the exposure to 10...

  18. Studying the TEM response of a 3-D conductor at a geological contact using the FDTD method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, T.; Tripp, A.C.; Hohmann, G.W. [Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States). Dept. of Geology and Geophysics


    Many mineral targets are located near contact zones. Since the change of resistivity across the contact can distort or obscure the transient electromagnetic (TEM) response of the target, it is important to understand the possible effects. Previous investigators have examined similar problems using scale models. For example, Spies and Parker (1984) studied the TEM responses of fixed-loop and moving-loop configurations to geological contacts with lateral resistivity variations. More recently, Wilt (1991) systematically studied TEM soundings near a geological contact and observed that different survey systems respond to the contact in different ways. This paper will illustrate the use of the finite-difference, time-domain (FDTD) algorithm of Wang and Hohmann (1993) for calculating the TEM response of a 3-D conductive body at a geological contact. The algorithm is based on the Yee staggered grid FDTD method for solving the transient electrical nonmagnetic field responses of a 3-D model. On a suitable computer, a wide range of model responses can be readily calculated, a versatility that scale modeling does not share. This study uses a fixed transmitter loop, roving-receiver configuration. Many other configurations can be regarded as special cases of this survey. It is commonly employed, for instance, by the Newmont EMP (Body and Wiles, 1984), UTEM (West et al., 1984), and Geonics EM37 systems. The configuration also facilitates finite-difference, time-domain modeling because it does not require frequent movement of the source.

  19. O Mapeamento da inclusão no acervo nas bibliotecas da universidade federal da Paraíba

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    Maria das Graças Vieira


    Full Text Available A pesquisa tem por objetivo mapear a produção científica sobre o tema “inclusão” no acervo das bibliotecas da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB e com este fim opta por uma revisão bibliográfica do fenômeno, analisando-o a partir de uma perspectiva dialética, e, ainda realiza um levantamento de obras disponíveis no sistema de bibliotecas. Assim, por meio de dois sistemas de filtragens: por título e por assunto, construímos uma lista de obras organizadas em: livros, monografias, dissertações e teses. A partir desta lista montou-se um quadro demonstrativo do acervo sobre inclusão e passou-se a análise do mesmo, dentro da perspectiva qualitativa e quantitativa. Na análise quantitativa buscou-se correlacionar à quantidade de obras disponíveis na área e sua representação dentro do acervo geral das bibliotecas da UFPB, enquanto na análise qualitativa, elas foram categorizadas a partir da especificidade apresentada, pautada exclusivamente no que se anuncia no título ou em caso de dúvida, procedeu-se investigação do assunto tratado nas obras. Os resultados demonstraram que o acervo sobre inclusão na UFPB ainda é bastante incipiente, e que por se referirem a grupos ou áreas específicas são ainda mais escassos quando categorizados por área: social, educacional, digital, por exemplo. Ressalta-se, ainda, o fato do maior número de obras disponíveis se referirem à questão educacional e, mais especificamente às pessoas com deficiência, o que demonstra que se tem restringido as aquisições de títulos sobre inclusão a uma só área, deixando de considerar outros debates relativos à inclusão étnica, do idoso, na saúde etc.

  20. Fitoterapia popular na Amazônia Paraense: uma abordagem no município de Igarapé-Mirí, estado do Pará nos anos de 2000 e 2008

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    Luciana do Nascimento Pinto


    Full Text Available Em Igarapé-Mirí, assim como em muitos lugares no Brasil e no mundo, é muito comum o uso de plantas medicinais para tratar muitas e diferentes doenças e é um traço cultural das pessoas que vivem ali. Dado que esta prática se espalha no tempo e no espaço em todo o território brasileiro, em muitos Estados do país existem programas de Fitoterapia oficial derivados da fitoterapia popular. Para acessar, registrar e ainda caracterizar as espécies de plantas usadas em fitoterapia popular, metodologias etnoorientadas como Etnobotânica e Etnofarmacologia têm sido aplicadas em muitos trabalhos de campo. No domínio das Ciências Farmacêuticas, a Etnofarmácia surge como uma biotecnologia social, que tem sido empregada para acessar, registrar e caracterizar, através de sua documentação e registro, a fitoterapia praticada por grupos sociais em diferentes países, levantando plantas medicinais e avaliando os remédios preparados a partir deles. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é contribuir para a consolidação do Etnofarmácia como parte das Ciências Farmacêuticas e para a implementação da Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos no estado do Pará, apresentando dados sobre a fitoterapia popular de uma população em um território, como base para replicação desta política em outras comunidades do país.

  1. Sistema de espaços livres e forma urbana na Ilha de Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil

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    Eneida Maria Souza Mendonça


    Full Text Available O debate apresentado neste artigo trata das relações entre o sistema de espaços livres e a forma urbana de Vitória, capital do Estado do Espírito Santo, no Sudeste brasileiro, no território específico referente à ilha. A decisão quanto à área de estudo tem como fator fundamental o fato desta ter abrigado a origem da ocupação do lugar, em meados do século XVI, por colonizadores portugueses, e, portanto, conter, desde então, sucessivas e diversificadas formas de ocupação. A metodologia adotada compreende, principalmente, o levantamento dos espaços livres públicos e privados por imagens de satélite, e, quando necessário, visitas de campo, e o estudo relacionado à evolução urbana. A pesquisa possibilitou a identificação de morfologias distintas, caracterizadas em função do processo histórico de ocupação urbana da área e sua relação com o sítio físico. Cabe ainda observar que o território insular, constituído originalmente por morros e estreita faixa de terra entre estes e o mar, identificado como porto seguro pelos colonizadores portugueses, só evoluiu para o atual centro metropolitano em função dos sucessivos aterros realizados ao longo do tempo.

  2. Characterization of the system MoS{sub 2} + C, HAADF vs Tem conventional; Cracterizacion del sistema MoS{sub 2} + C, HAADF vs TEM convencional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reza, C; Cruz, G [ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Santiago, P; Rendon, L [IFUNAM, A.P. 20-364, 04510 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    A study is presented about the synthesis and characterization of unidimensional nano systems composed of MoS{sub 2} and C with potential use as solid lubricant. The synthesis process was developed for the mold method, via thermal decomposition, which uses a film of nano porous aluminium oxide. Such systems were characterized by two analysis methods that involve Transmission Electron Microscopy, HRTEM (Conventional TEM) and HAADF (Z Contrast). The results obtained in the structural and morphological characterization were supplemented to determine the structure type obtained in the unidimensional systems. (Author)

  3. In situ TEM observations of reverse dislocation motion upon unloading in tensile-deformed UFG aluminium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mompiou, Frédéric; Caillard, Daniel; Legros, Marc; Mughrabi, Haël


    Loading–unloading cycles have been performed on ultrafine-grained (UFG) aluminium inside a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The interaction of dislocations with grain boundaries, which is supposed to be at the origin of the inelastic behaviour of this class of materials, differs according to the main character of the dislocation segments involved in pile-ups. Pile-ups are formed by spiral sources and lead to the incorporation of dislocations into grain boundaries (GBs) during loading. Upon unloading, partial re-emission of dislocations from GBs can be observed. Stress and strain measurements performed during these in situ TEM loading–unloading experiments are in agreement with the rather large inelastic reverse strains observed during unloading in loading–unloading tests on bulk macroscopic UFG aluminium specimens.

  4. High-temperature in-situ TEM straining of the interaction with dislocations and particles for Cu-added ferritic stainless steel. (United States)

    Kobayashi, Shuhei; Kaneko, Kenji; Yamada, Kazuhiro; Kikuchi, Masao; Kanno, Norihiro; Hamada, Junichi


    IntroductionCu is always present in the matrix when ferritic steels were prepared from ferrous scrap. When the ferritic steels are aged thermally, Cu precipitates start appear and disperse finely and homogeneously [1], which may make the steels strengthened by precipitation hardening. In this study, the interaction between Cu precipitates and dislocations was exmined via high-temperature in-situ TEM straining. ExperimentalCu-added ferritic stainless steel (Fe-18.4%Cr-1.5%Cu) was used in the present study. Specimen was aged at1073 K for 360 ks. Samples for TEM observation were prepared by focused ion beam (FIB; Quanta 3D 200i) method. Microstructure of specimen was analyzed by JEM-3200FSK and high-temperature in-situ TEM straining was conducted using JEM-1300NEF. Results and discussionInteraction between Cu precipitates and dislocation is seen from consecutive TEM images acquired by in-situ TEM straining at 1073 K, as shown in Fig.1. The size of Cu precipitates was about 70 nm and several dislocations were present within the field of view. In particular, progressing dislocations contacted with the Cu precipitate at right angle, as indicated by arrows in Fig.1 (b) to (d). This result implies that there is an attractive interaction between dislocations and the Cu precipitate. This is attributed to the fact that Stress field of dislocations was easily relaxed in interface between the Cu precipitate and matrix because of lattice and interface diffusion as well as slip in the interface [2,3]. Furthermore, dislocations pass through the particle after contacting it, so that the interaction with dislocations and particles should be explained by Srolovitz mechanism [4].jmicro;63/suppl_1/i28/DFU083F1F1DFU083F1Fig. 1.TEM images foucused on interaction with dislocations and partticles. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Japanese Society of Microscopy. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  5. APFIM and TEM investigations of precipitation in rapidly solidified 316 stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wisutmethangoon, S.; Kelly, T.F.; Flinn, J.E.; Camus, P.P.


    316 stainless steel has been rapid solidification-processed (RSP) by gas atomization and hot extrusion of the powder with the intent of improving the mechanical properties through fine-scale precipitation. Vanadium, nitrogen and oxygen have been introduced intentionally as alloying elements for this purpose. The yield strength after solution heat treatment of the RSP alloy is 450 MPa. By ageing at 600 C for 1000 h, the yield strength increases to 615 MPa with little loss of ductility (53% reduction of area). The ultimate tensile strength after cold work and ageing is 922 MPa. The morphology and composition of the precipitates in this steel have been investigated using APFIM and TEM techniques in order understand the origin of the high strength. A high numbered density (∼2 x 10 21 m -3 ) of 25 nm plate-like precipitates was observed with TEM in an aged specimen. The composition of these precipitates was analyzed using APFIM techniques, and was found to be a complex nitride of Cr, V, Fe, Ni and Mo. This nitride precipitate was not found in an unaged specimen of this alloy. These precipitates are responsible for improving mechanical properties by dispersion strengthening. (orig.)

  6. Recordar para (re)contar : representaciones de la protagonista negra en tres novelas históricas hispanoamericanas


    Liliam Ramos da Silva


    Este trabalho tem como objetivo destacar a figura da mulher afro-americana como personagem literária no romance histórico e (re)contar sua(s) história(s) da escravidão a partir seu lugar de enunciação. Ao tomar a palavra, a mulher negra tem a oportunidade de narrar sua trajetória e algumas características como a passividade e a aceitação de sua condição de escravizadas se desconstróem. As obras analisadas, romances históricos cujas protagonistas são negras, foram escolhidas por sua capacidade...

  7. The outcome of rectal cancer after early salvage TME following TEM compared with primary TME: a case-matched study. (United States)

    Levic, K; Bulut, O; Hesselfeldt, P; Bülow, S


    Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) allows locally complete resection of early rectal cancer as an alternative to conventional radical surgery. In case of unfavourable histology after TEM, or positive resection margins, salvage surgery can be performed. However, it is unclear if the results are equivalent to primary treatment with total mesorectal excision (TME). The aim of this retrospective study was to determine whether there is a difference in outcome between patients who underwent early salvage resection with TME after TEM, and those who underwent primary TME for rectal cancer. From 1997 to 2011, early salvage surgery with TME after TEM was performed in 25 patients in our institution. These patients were compared with 25 patients who underwent primary TME, matched according to gender, age (±2 years), cancer stage and operative procedure. Data were obtained from the patients' charts and reviewed retrospectively. No patients received preoperative chemotherapy. Perioperative data and oncological outcome were analysed. The Mann-Whitney U-test and Fisher's exact test were used to compare the results between the two groups. There was no significant difference between the two groups in median operating time (P = 0.39), median blood loss (P = 0.19) or intraoperative complications (P = 1.00). The 30-day mortality was 8 % (n = 2) among patients who underwent salvage TME after TEM, and no patients died in the primary TME group (P = 0.49). There was no significant difference between two groups of patients in the median number of harvested lymph nodes (P = 0.34), median circumferential resection margin (CRM) (P = 0.99) or the completeness of the mesorectal fascia plane. No local recurrences occurred among the patients with salvage TME, and there were 2 patients (8 %) with local recurrences among the patients with primary TME (P = 0.49). Distant metastasis occurred in one patient (4 %) after salvage TME and in 3 patients (12 %) with primary TME (P = 0.61). The median

  8. [Psychological counselling and motivational psychotherapy in the treatment of drug dependence: assessment of interventions with the CEDRO Lugar de Escucha Program]. (United States)

    Rojas Valero, Milton; Espinoza Paul, Luis


    The objective of the present research is to assess perception of and levels of satisfaction with the Lugar de Escucha program, as well as its brief interventions using counseling and motivational sessions. The study is of a pre-experimental type, with a single-group pretest-posttest measurement design. The sample was made up of 128 participants (9.4% females and 90.6% males), aged 15 to 51 (mean= 23.65; standard deviation = 7.92), users of cannabis, cocaine base paste, cocaine, inhalants and alcohol who attended the program. Data collection was carried out using Attention Forms (FdA); the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA); the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (CST); and the Cases Follow-up Survey (ESC). In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Lugar de Escucha Program, we assessed participants' motivational phases during the first interview and at referral, their level of satisfaction with the service received and the percentage of entrance to different treatment programs of the referred participants. The results on perception and satisfaction confirm a predominance of the program's strengths. With regard to the motivational phases, the findings show that the motivational induction interventions help to establish and maintain the patient's motivation for attitude change and for cessation of the abuse. In this sense, according to the findings, such interventions tend to be more effective when applied to patients in the Precontemplational and Contemplational phases. This suggests the need to work with more homogeneous groups, considering type of drugs, age and gender, and to use pre and post instruments. Likewise, the results suggest the need to classify patients in phases of change; such classification could be a useful tool for the improvement of treatment programs for drug users.

  9. Espacialidades de género: hacia una construcción de género del ámbito laboral en la ciudad de Montería

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    Mariem Madera Machado


    Full Text Available Este artículo se basa en el análisis de las relaciones de género en el espacio laboral y como estas crean lugares cargados de significados propios del género de quienes lo habitan. La temática aquí desarrollada se enmarca dentro de la geografía del género, su objetivo principal es reconocer la influencia que tienen los roles de género en la construcción y apropiación de los lugares. Dentro de este contexto urge reconocer que todo lo socialmente construido está obligatoriamente distribuido espacialmente, por lo tanto es evidente que todas las experiencias humanas tienen una distribución y una estructura espacial.

  10. TEM examination of irradiated zircaloy-2 pressure tube material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, D.; Tewari, R.; Dey, G.K.; Sharma, B.P.; Sah, D.N.; Banerjee, Suparna; Sahoo, K.C.


    In the present work, microstructure of the zircaloy-2 pressure tube material irradiated in the Indian Pressurized Heavy Water RAPP-1. Reactor (PHWR) has been examined for the first time using transmission electron microscope (TEM). The samples were obtained from a zircaloy-2 pressure tube, which had been in operation in the high flux region of Rajasthan Atomic Power Station Unit -1, for a period for 6.77 effective full power years (EFPYs) and expected to have a cumulative radiation damage of about 3 dpa. In this study irradiated microstructure has been characterized and compared it with the microstructure of the unirradiated pressure tube samples. The effect of irradiation on the hydriding behaviour is also studied. (author)

  11. Referenciais teóricos sobre a temática “gestão de bibliotecas”: uma investigação na literatura em face da base de periódicos em ciência da informação (BRAPCI

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    Jorge Santa Anna


    Full Text Available As unidades e os serviços de informação situam-se em um contexto de intensa redefinição. Os reflexos provocados com a adesão às novas tecnologias permitem um fluxo contínuo de alterações em que, ao passo que surgem novos produtos e serviços, provoca-se obsolescência de outros. As tecnologias contemporâneas têm o potencial, em grande parte, de realizar os procedimentos técnicos anteriormente realizados por humanos. Contudo, enquanto os fazeres técnicos são substituídos por máquinas, outros problemas surgem, o que requer a intervenção humana, no sentido de gerenciar atividades e processos de trabalho, tecnologias e relações humanas. Assim, este artigo analisa o que vem sendo publicado a respeito do assunto “Gestão de Bibliotecas”, por decorrência, analisando o papel do bibliotecário gestor. Reflete acerca dos processos de trabalho que orientam as atividades em uma biblioteca. Descreve o papel do bibliotecário ao deixar o perfil técnico para habilitar-se como gestor. Realiza levantamento bibliográfico na Base de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação, através dos descritores “Gestão de Bibliotecas” e “Gestão de Unidade de Informação”. Conclui-se que, embora a produção científica a respeito dessa temática tem aparecido na literatura, a maioria dos trabalhos analisados ainda está focada nos procedimentos técnico-operacionais. Constatou-se que os estudos analisados abordam com maior intensidade a gestão das atividades e processos de trabalho e gestão com foco nas tecnologias utilizadas na unidade, sendo bastante escassas as discussões acerca da gestão do fator humano nos ambientes e serviços de informação.

  12. Rússia: o que vivenciou e o que tem pela frente?

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    Tatiana Zaslavskaia


    Full Text Available O ARTIGO constitui a versão escrita de uma apresentação feita pela autora, em 2003, em mesa-redonda organizada no âmbito do Simpósio realizado anualmente pela Escola Superior de Moscou de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais, sob o grande tema Para onde vai a Rússia? Trata-se de uma polêmica com o cientista político Vladimir Mau, atualmente reitor da referida Escola, a propósito dos resultados da transformação sistêmica que teve lugar na Rússia, a partir do início dos anos de 1990, sugerindo, a partir dos mesmos, um caminho para delineamento de um futuro distinto para o país.THE ARTICLE is a written version of the exposition done by the autor in 2003, in a Round Table organized within the symposium Whiter Russia?, that takes place annually under the auspices of the Moscow School of Social and Economic Studies. In the article she disputes with Vladimir Mau, a political scientist, now Rector of the referred School, about the results of the Russian systemic transformation of the 90's and suggests, on the basis of these results, a different path for the future development of the country.

  13. Oficina Terapêutica de Mosaico de Papel: o lugar da materialidade no campo da Terapia Ocupacional

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    Maria Cecilia Martins Ribeiro Corrêa


    Full Text Available Este artigo versa sobre uma experiência clínica denominada Oficina Terapêutica de Mosaico de Papel, concebida para atendimento grupal de pessoas com deficiência física, em situação de exclusão e vulnerabilidade social. Esta intervenção, ainda em curso, ocorre no âmbito da Terapia Ocupacional, orientando-se no pensamento psicanalítico, sobretudo em Winnicott. O artigo discute os temas: escolha e uso dos materiais na terapia ocupacional, análise do potencial terapêutico e alcance deste enquadre clínico. Aproxima-se destas questões por meio da narrativa da construção coletiva do primeiro quadro da oficina. Os encontros abriram novas dimensões da experiência da clínica e das condições existenciais e dos sofrimentos experimentados pelos participantes. A efetividade terapêutica dessa intervenção, que transita na interface entre arte e produção de saúde, mostra-se pela possibilidade de novos fazeres, de novos papéis diante do outro, de participar mais de perto da vida comunitária.

  14. O lugar de referência e o rigor do método no Jornalismo: algumas considerações

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    Alfredo Eurico Vizeu


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é  propor algumas questões quanto ao jornalismo como um lugar de referência e a conseqüente necessidade do rigor no método de investigação. Procuramos analisar o jornalismo como um das instituições centrais na orientação do homem moderno, bem como problematizar a questão da investigação jornalística. Com base nos referenciais teóricos da cordialidade, da função pedagógica do Jornalismo e do método de apuração, seleção e produção da notícia, procuramos apontar algumas pistas que indicam as mudanças que vêm ocorrendo no campo jornalístico nesta já quase primeira década do século XXI.

  15. Visualización de Lugares Geométricos mediante el uso de Software de Geometría Dinámica Geogebra

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    José Manuel Sánchez Muñoz


    Full Text Available La utilización de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, llamadas comúnmente TIC’s, son en la actualidad un apoyo fundamental en nuestra labor como docentes. Este artículo está orientado tanto a docentes como a alumnos de últimos años de bachillerato y primeros años de carreras de ciencias e ingenierías. La finalidad fundamental es integrar el uso del software de geometría dinámica Geogebra con la resolución de casos prácticos para la obtención de algunos lugares geométricos famosos.

  16. Copper implantation defects in MgO observed by positron beam analysis, RBS and X-TEM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huis, M.A. van; Fedorov, A.V.; Veen, A. van; Smulders, P.J.M.; Kooi, B.J.; Hosson, J.Th.M. de


    In this work, effects of copper ion implantation in MgO were studied. (1 0 0) MgO samples were implanted with 50 keV Cu ions and thermally annealed stepwise in air for 30 minutes at 550, 750, 1000, 1250 and 1350 K. After ion implantation and after each annealing step, the samples were analysed with positron beam analysis (PBA). Use was also made of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry/channeling (RBS-C) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (X-TEM). The combination of these techniques enabled to monitor the depth resolved evolution of both created defects and the copper atom depth distribution. PBA results show that copper implantation at a dose of 10 15 ions cm -2 yields a single layer of vacancy type defects after annealing. However a copper implantation at a dose of 10 16 ions cm -2 clearly yields two layers of defects in the material after annealing, separated by an intermediate layer. In both layers nanocavities have been identified. RBS experimental results show that the implanted copper atoms diffuse into the bulk material during annealing. X-TEM and channeling results show that after annealing, the lattice of the copper nanoprecipitates is epitaxial to the MgO host lattice. Under some circumstances, copper precipitates and small voids can co-exist. Furthermore, X-TEM measurements show that the nanocavities have rectangular shapes

  17. The adhesion behavior of carbon coating studied by re-indentation during in situ TEM nanoindentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fan, Xue; Diao, Dongfeng, E-mail:


    Graphical abstract: Nanoscale adhesion induced response in terms of re-indentation was directly observed. During unloading (start from B), the re-indentation phenomenon with the displacement sudden drop and the external loading force change from tension (C) to compression (D) within 0.1 s was captured by in situ TEM nanoindentation. - Highlights: • In situ TEM nanoindentation was performed on carbon coating. • Adhesion induced nano-response of re-indentation was directly observed. • Adhesive forces were measured from the load–displacement curves. • Adhesion energies released for re-indentation were quantitatively analyzed. • Carbon coating reduced the impact of adhesion for silicon substrate. - Abstract: We report a nanoscale adhesion induced nano-response in terms of re-indentation during in situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) nanoindentation on the carbon coating with silicon substrate. The adhesive force generated with nanoindentation was measured, and re-indentation phenomenon during unloading with displacement sudden drop and external loading force change from tension to compression was found. The occurrence of re-indentation during unloading was ascribed to the adhesive force of the contact interface between the indenter and the coating surface. Adhesion energies released for re-indentation processes were quantitatively analyzed from the re-indentation load–displacement curves, and carbon coating reduced the impact of adhesion for silicon substrate. The adhesion induced nano-response of contact surfaces would affect the reliability and performance of nano devices.

  18. Cosmic non-TEM radiation and synthetic feed array sensor system in ASIC mixed signal technology (United States)

    Centureli, F.; Scotti, G.; Tommasino, P.; Trifiletti, A.; Romano, F.; Cimmino, R.; Saitto, A.


    The paper deals with the opportunity to introduce "Not strictly TEM waves" Synthetic detection Method (NTSM), consisting in a Three Axis Digital Beam Processing (3ADBP), to enhance the performances of radio telescope and sensor systems. Current Radio Telescopes generally use the classic 3D "TEM waves" approximation Detection Method, which consists in a linear tomography process (Single or Dual axis beam forming processing) neglecting the small z component. The Synthetic FEED ARRAY three axis Sensor SYSTEM is an innovative technique using a synthetic detection of the generic "NOT strictly TEM Waves radiation coming from the Cosmo, which processes longitudinal component of Angular Momentum too. Than the simultaneous extraction from radiation of both the linear and quadratic information component, may reduce the complexity to reconstruct the Early Universe in the different requested scales. This next order approximation detection of the observed cosmologic processes, may improve the efficacy of the statistical numerical model used to elaborate the same information acquired. The present work focuses on detection of such waves at carrier frequencies in the bands ranging from LF to MMW. The work shows in further detail the new generation of on line programmable and reconfigurable Mixed Signal ASIC technology that made possible the innovative Synthetic Sensor. Furthermore the paper shows the ability of such technique to increase the Radio Telescope Array Antenna performances.

  19. Synthesis, XRD, TEM, EPR, and Optical Absorption Spectral Studies of CuZnO2 Nanocompound

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Ravindra Reddy


    Full Text Available Synthesis of nano CuZnO2 compound is carried out by thermal decomposition method. The crystalline phase of the material is characterized by XRD. The calculated unit cell constants are a=3.1 Å and c=3.4786 Å and are of tetragonal structure. The unit cell constants are different from wurtzite (hexagonal which indicate that a nanocompound is formed. Further TEM images reveal that the metal ion is in tetragonal structure with oxygen ligands. The prepared CuZnO2 is then characterized for crystallite size analysis by employing transmission electron microscopy (TEM. The size is found to be 100 nm. Uniform bright rings are noticed in the TEM picture suggesting that the nanocrystals have preferential instead of random orientations. The selected-area electron diffraction (SAED pattern clearly indicates the formation of CuO-ZnO nanocompound. The nature of bonding is studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR. The covalency character is about 0.74 and thus the compound is electrically less conductive. Optical absorption spectral studies suggest that Cu(II is placed in tetragonal elongation crystal field. The spin-orbit coupling constant, λ, is calculated using the EPR and optical absorption spectral results suggest some covalent bond between metal and ligand. Near infrared (NIR spectra are due to hydroxyl and water fundamentals.

  20. The analyzing stratum formation and sediment environment using TEM for finding sandstone type uranium deposits in Mahuangquan area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Xigang; He Jianguo; Zhao Cuiping; Lou Hansheng


    Transient electromagnetic method (TEM) is used to detect deep geological information for insidious sandstone type uranium deposits in Mahuangquan area. TEM surveying data is processed to build the relation between resistance rate and different petrology, to ensure three large electronic strata, and to explain the space position of sediment center and alluvial fan. Combining with ore control factors of sandstone type uranium deposit, it can conclude that the slope area and the alluvial fan are the key areas for further exploration work. (authors)