
Sample records for affaires culturelles familiales

  1. Pluralisme et rupture familiale


    Fulchiron, Hugues


    Le modèle familial au sein de notre société est la famille nucléaire mariée composée des conjoints et des enfants et parfois étendue à d’autres parents, tels que les grands-parents. Avant la deuxième guerre mondiale le schéma était différent ; la famille type était constituée de plusieurs générations. Cette coopérative familiale était fondée sur l’autorité du chef de famille et la hiérarchie stricte de l’autorité familiale. La femme était donc d’abord soumise à son père puis à son mari ou à s...

  2. Apolipoproteine E en familiale dysbetalipoproteinemie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Havekes, L.M.


    Familiale dysbèta-lipoproteïnemie (F.D.; type III hyperlipoproteïnemie volgens Frederickson) wordt gekenmerkt door een verhoogd plasmacholesterol- en triglyceridegehalte ten gevolge van een gestoorde opneming door de lever van de atherogene chylomicron- en V.L.D.L.-remnants. Voor de opneming van

  3. Jean Caune, La démocratisation culturelle, une médiation à bout de souffle


    Clerc, Adeline


    Les travaux de Jean Caune, professeur émérite à l’université Stendhal de Grenoble, portent sur les pratiques esthétiques envisagées comme processus de médiation culturelle. Dans La démocratisation culturelle, une médiation à bout de souffle, il revient sur des notions et expressions trop souvent flottantes telles que « art », « culture », « démocratie culturelle », « action culturelle » et « médiation culturelle », et les met à rude épreuve en réinterrogeant leur signification à travers les é...


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    Maria BULGARU


    Full Text Available În articol sunt analizate unele măsuri de politici familiale cu consecințe asupra deciziei cuplurilor de a naşte copii, ce ţin în special de beneficiile părinteşti în primii ani de viaţă ai copilului (concediul de maternitate, paternitate, concediul parental, serviciile de îngrijire a copilului (creşe, grădiniţe etc., îmbinarea obligațiilor familiale și profesionale etc. În text sunt integrate rezultatele cercetării sociologice „Comportamentul reproductiv al femeilor din Republica Moldova”, realizate în decembrie 2015 de Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială a Universității de Stat din Moldova în par­teneriat cu Universitatea Carol din Praga (Republica Cehă.Investigația efectuată permite autorilor să concluzioneze că politicile familiale din Republica Moldova sunt axate prioritar pe suportul economic/financiar, considerat a fi şi o sursă de stimulare a natalităţii. Un şir de subiecte importante, condiţionate de provocările socioeconomice și demografice contemporane, ocupă până ce un loc periferic pe agenda politică a statului nostru.FAMILY POLILICIES WITH DEMOGRAPHIC CONSEQUENCESIn this article some of the measures of the family policies with the consequences on the decision of couples to give birth to children, related, in particular, to the parental care benefits during the first years of child's life (maternity/paternity/ parental leave, childcare services (nurseries, day care, kindergartens, etc., combining family and professional obligations, etc. are analyzed. In the text, the results of the sociological research "The Reproductive Behavior of Women inMoldova", conducted in December 2015 by the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, State University of Moldova, in partnership with theCharlesUniversity inPrague,Czech Republic, with the financial support of the Czech Development Agency are integrated.This study allows the authors to conclude that family policies in the

  5. La régulation des industries culturelles à l’heure d’Internet et les enjeux pour la diversité culturelle: Le cas des quotas radiophoniques français

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    Alexandre Joux


    Full Text Available La convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles, adoptée à l’UNESCO en 2005, redonne à l’instance internationale sa légitimité pour traiter des sujets liés aux politiques culturelles nationales. Ceux-ci avaient été déportés vers l’OMC dans les années 1990 à l’occasion des débats sur l’exception culturelle. Dix ans après l’adoption de la Convention de 2005, le développement de plates-formes mondiales de distribution des biens et services culturels remet toutefois en question, non pas les politiques culturelles nationales que la convention a sanctuarisés, mais leur efficacité à l’heure d’Internet. Ces évolutions obligent à comprendre la diversité culturelle au prisme de l’analyse économique pour imaginer des formes nouvelles et internationales de régulation des flux des produits des industries culturelles, ce qu’a révélé le débat français sur le projet de modification, en 2015, des quotas radiophoniques. Les quotas et les contraintes de programmation qu’ils imposent, en ne s’appliquant pas aux plates-formes de streaming musical, pourraient en effet et paradoxalement fragiliser les acteurs régulés sur qui repose la politique de diversité, sauf à étendre aux acteurs non-médiatiques le principe des quotas.

  6. Modèles d'affaires ouverts : nouveaux mécanismes de revenus pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet de recherche vise à examiner les principaux modèles d'affaires qui émergent dans une société réseautée, les répercussions qu'ont ces modèles sur les droits des consommateurs et des créateurs et le rôle qu'ils peuvent jouer pour favoriser une plus grande inclusion et la diversité culturelle. Le projet se penchera ...

  7. Le contrôle de gestion des entreprises familiales : un contrôle non-financiarisé ?


    Barbelivien , Dominique


    Nous examinons la tendance décrite dans la littérature quant à la financiarisation de la fonction de contrôle de gestion en nous appuyant sur le cas d’une entreprise de taille intermédiaire familiale. Nous constatons que le contrôle de gestion dans le cas étudié correspond à une rationalisation des décisions opérationnelles et développons les raisons qui peuvent expliquer la persistance d’un contrôle de gestion très opérationnel. Le contexte d’entreprise familiale dans laquelle il y a confusi...

  8. La mémoire au Service de la Résistance Culturelle: L'exil Selon ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Quel rôle la mémoire joue-t-elle envers la résistance culturelle dans le roman ? Une navigation dans l'espace de la mémoire de Man Ya est suffisante pour que la nouvelle génération de la famille puisse se fabriquer un pays, se négocier une place et une identité nationale. La mémoire culturelle semble une bouée de ...

  9. Action culturelle éducative et politique de la ville

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    Gérard-François Dumont


    Full Text Available Le monde urbain contemporain a une forte différence avec le monde rural. En effet, l’application assez systématique de la Charte d’Athènes a multiplié les quartiers sans âme. Les jeunes de ces quartiers éprouvent donc de grandes difficultés à se forger une identité dans un environnement qui n’offre guère de référents. Ils ont, en conséquence, du mal à trouver l’équilibre leur facilitant une réussite scolaire D’où l’importance, pour l’Education nationale, de déployer une politique culturelle susceptible de surmonter ces difficultés. Après avoir précisé la légitimité et les objectifs de l’action culturelle de l’Education nationale, il conviendra d’en montrer les formes et les moyens. Enfin, il sera précieux de tenter une évaluation.

  10. Les politiques d’appui à l’agriculture familiale au Brésil : quelques éléments de comparaison avec le Maroc

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    Philippe Bonnal


    Full Text Available Au Brésil comme au Maroc, le secteur agricole est marqué par des différences extrêmes en termes de taille d’exploitation, ainsi que de niveaux d’équipement, de capitalisation et de techniques. L’article présente la politique brésilienne d’appui à l’agriculture familiale, et quelques éléments de comparaison avec les choix faits au Maroc. Les politiques agricoles brésiliennes proposent depuis une vingtaine d’années un appui spécifique aux exploitations familiales, avec notamment la constitution d’un ministère spécifique. De nombreux dispositifs d’appui à l’agriculture familiale ont été mis en place, dont notamment des crédits à taux préférentiel et des programmes d’achat de denrées agricoles pour les institutions publiques (écoles, hôpitaux, etc.. Dans les zones rurales particulièrement fragiles, des dispositifs permettent une coordination entre l’ensemble des politiques publiques concernant ces zones. Enfin, la conception et la mise en oeuvre de ces politiques publiques se font avec une forte implication des syndicats agricoles. Les politiques publiques brésiliennes et marocaines reconnaissent la dualité du monde agricole, mais cette dualité est définie par zone au Maroc, tandis qu’elle est fondée sur des caractéristiques explicites des exploitations au Brésil. Dans les deux pays, le coeur des politiques publiques d’appui aux exploitations familiales porte sur l’aide à l’investissement. Au-delà de ce coeur commun, les politiques brésiliennes ont plus spécifiquement développé des approches au niveau des territoires locaux et associent plus fortement qu’au Maroc les organisations professionnelles agricoles représentant l’agriculture familiale dans la conception de l’action publique. La comparaison des politiques agricoles au Maroc et au Brésil sur quelques éléments permet de souligner la forte étendue des choix qu’il est possible de considérer, pour définir des

  11. Métalexicographie culturelle, fonctions lexicographiques et finalité pragmatique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leroyer, Patrick; Bergenholtz, Henning


    Résumé: Le but de cet article est de replacer le traitement des données culturelles dans les dictionnaires dans le cadre d’une méthodologie guidée par les fonctions lexicographiques et par la finalité pragmatique du dictionnaire : le dictionnaire est-il monofonctionnel ou polyfonctionnel ? Est-il...

  12. La dimension culturelle dans l'enseignement de francais à folkeskolen, l'école publique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Annette Søndergaard


    Cet article traite de la pédagogie culturelle en tant qu'outil susceptible de créer une citoyenneté mondiale, et en tant que contenu appliqué à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage de la langue francaise à l'école publique danoise, la folkeskole.......Cet article traite de la pédagogie culturelle en tant qu'outil susceptible de créer une citoyenneté mondiale, et en tant que contenu appliqué à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage de la langue francaise à l'école publique danoise, la folkeskole....

  13. Influences et conséquences de l’origine culturelle sur la relation soignant-soigné


    Brodard, Caroline; Matter, Catherine


    Cette revue de littérature étoffée porte sur les influences et conséquences de l’origine culturelle dans la relation soignant-soigné. Le but étant de permettre aux professionnels de la santé de se rendre compte de l’influence de l’origine culturelle dans leur pratique. Une recherche documentaire a tout d’abord été réalisée dans divers ouvrages afin de mettre en forme la problématique de ce travail et de décrire les divers concepts qui s’y rattachent. Dans l’optique d’acquérir davantage de com...

  14. La politique culturelle initiée par Malraux.

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    Jean Caune


    Full Text Available Malraux aimait à dire qu’il était en art comme d’autres sont « en religion » (Mossuz-Lavau, 1987. Cette posture n’était pas seulement une métaphore. L’art a tenu une place immense dans la vie de Malraux. Dans son expérience privée, publique et politique, la confrontation avec l’art exprime une passion ; consacre l’art dans une fonction métaphysique — celle de relier les hommes et les civilisations — et enfin, oriente une politique culturelle — , celle qu’il ...

  15. Une théorie pour penser les industries culturelles et informationnelles ?

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    Pierre Mœglin


    Full Text Available Cet article traite de la naissance et du développement de la théorie des industries culturelles et informationnelles. Il procède des deux questions suivantes : pourquoi une théorie unifiée, plutôt que la juxtaposition de toutes les théorisations ayant accompagné les étapes successives de l’histoire de ces industries et le développement de chacun de leurs secteurs ? Pourquoi une théorie originale, au lieu des approches industrielles proposées, par exemple, par l’économie ou la sociologie ? À ces questions la réponse est, d’une part, que la diversité des appréciations sur les enjeux des industries culturelles et informationnelles et leurs contradictions, d’un auteur à l’auteur, illustre la dimension dialectique du développement des industries culturelles et informationnelles elles-mêmes. D’autre part, la singularité de ces industries justifie le recours à un modèle d’analyse différent du modèle industriel standard.This paper deals with the birth and development of the cultural and informational industries theory. It arises from two questions. First, why one unified theory, rather than juxtaposing the different attempts to understand these industries step by step and sector by sector ? Second, why a specific theory, instead of borrowing from economy or sociology, for instance ? The answer is on the one hand that the contradictions among researchers about the issues of the cultural and informational industries demonstrate in themselves the dialectical nature of their development ; on the other hand, that the specificity of these industries requires an analysis model quite different from the standard model.

  16. Politiques culturelles des États européens : pour une nécessaire refondation.

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    Anne-Marie Autissier


    Full Text Available Bien que les politiques culturelles nationales varient considérablement d’un pays européen à l’autre, en fonction des histoires, des sociétés et de la relation entre les États et les milieux professionnels de la culture, l’on peut identifier en Europe occidentale, quelques principes plus ou moins amplement appliqués : la nécessaire liberté artistique, la culture comme objet de politique publique, la nécessité de préserver et de restaurer le patrimoine bâti et les œuvres du répertoire national, comme autant de garants de l’exercice démocratique. Malgré des évolutions asynchrones, les gouvernements européens se sont tous dotés d’administrations en charge de la culture, soit directement liées à l’État, soit agissant dans une certaine marge d’autonomie. Inégalement, la création contemporaine a été soutenue. Enfin, la reconnaissance des cultures et langues régionales a donné lieu à la mise en place de régions jouissant d’une autonomie relative ou importante. Dernier trait commun aux pays d’Europe occidentale, les communes apparaissent partout comme les premiers financeurs des activités culturelles, entendues dans une acception large : de l’art contemporain aux initiatives socio-culturelles. Ce relatif parallélisme a d’ailleurs un impact dans les pays issus du communisme d’État — membres de l’Union ou nouveaux voisins de cette dernière. Les gouvernements de ces pays se sont dotés d’instances et de dispositifs souvent inspirés des politiques européennes occidentales. Depuis les années 1980, la montée en charge des services, la mondialisation des activités financières, les concentrations opérées dans les industries culturelles, obligent les politiques culturelles nationales à trouver de nouvelles réponses. L’on a pu ainsi parler de « politiques culturelles de plus en plus instables », car obligées d’arbitrer entre des marges financières de plus en plus réduites et

  17. Empowerment et diversité culturelle : quelques prolégomènes


    Gagnon, Alain G.; May, Paul


    Le présent texte explore l’articulation entre l’empowerment et la diversité culturelle, et notamment les voies prometteuses du jumelage entre ces deux termes. L’apport de la philosophie de Charles Taylor conjuguée aux récentes théories du fédéralisme permet de porter un regard nouveau sur la thématique des revendications identitaires en milieu urbain et d’esquisser des solutions institutionnelles pour répondre au double défi posé par le pluralisme culturel et de la nouvelle configuration écon...

  18. Identité linguistique et culturelle dans le roman franco-maghrébin


    Ríos Martínez, Jhon Fredy


    Depuis plus de trente ans, un espace littéraire, produit par des jeunes auteurs issus de l'immigration maghrébine, a émergé en France. Cette mouvance a fait son entrée en scène avec la publication de l'ouvrage Le Thé au Harem d'Archi Ahmed de Mehdi Charef, en 1983. Plus de vingt textes – témoignages et récits de fiction –, qui abordent des thématiques complexes comme l'identité nationale, le malaise identitaire des personnages français d'origine maghrébine, l'hybridité culturelle, le retour a...

  19. A la recherche de l'opérationnalité : le cas de l'agriculture familiale dans le Nordeste du Brésil


    Caron, P.; Sabourin, E.; Sautier, D.; Gama da Silva, P.C.; Tonneau, J.P.


    Le projet d'appui au développement de l'agriculture familiale dans le Nordeste du Brésil a pour but de produire des références méthodologiques (analyse de situation et intervention) pour la recherche (identification de thèmes prioritaires), pour le développement (connaissances pour l'action) et pour la formation. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, l'équipe du projet est impliquée dans différentes opérations de développement conduites en partenariat avec des acteurs locaux, en assurant trois princi...

  20. Les différences culturelles et leur impact sur la relation soignant-soigné


    Uysal, Ayse; Matter, Catherine


    Ce travail porte sur les différences culturelles et leur impact sur la relation soignant-soigné lors d’une hospitalisation. Ainsi la problématique de recherche est centrée sur l’identification des difficultés et des spécificités présentes lorsque le soignant entre en relation avec un patient d’une culture différente. Le but de cette étude est d’identifier les difficultés et les obstacles liés à la culture, présents dans la relation soignant-soigné. Le deuxième but est de mettre en évidence le...

  1. Lafargue de Grangeneuve Loïc, Politique du hip-hop. Action publique et cultures urbaines

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    Emmanuel Négrier


    Full Text Available L’ouvrage de Loïc Lafargue de Grangeneuve s’inscrit dans une recherche amorcée dans le cadre de sa thèse, qui portait sur les processus d’institutionnalisation des cultures urbaines dans le champ des politiques culturelles. Son travail est centré sur l’interaction entre, d’une part, les représentants de la culture hip-hop (rap, slam, danse hip-hop, graffiti… et d’autre part les institutions publiques : directions régionales des affaires culturelles (DRAC, responsables de la politique de la ...

  2. Bulletin #118 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Afin de célébrer la Journée mondiale de la santé, en partenariat avec Affaires mondiales Canada et les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, nous avons annoncé neuf nouvelles subventions qui permettront de combler les besoins en matière de planification familiale, de soutien aux mères adolescentes et de ...

  3. Les industries culturelles en mutation : des modèles en question

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    Lucien Perticoz


    Full Text Available La présente contribution se propose de questionner la notion de modèles socio-économiques dans le cadre des travaux relatifs aux mutations des industries culturelles. À cette fin, l’exposé se déroulera en trois temps : nous reviendrons tout d’abord sur les caractéristiques essentielles des modèles génériques (modèle éditorial et de flot ainsi que sur leurs principaux apports ; nous expliquerons ensuite dans quelle mesure ils doivent être considérés, non comme une description fidèle de la réalité dont ils entendent rendre compte, mais davantage comme des règles du jeu permettant d’appréhender les mutations à l’œuvre ; enfin, à l’aune de la numérisation des contenus et de leur consommation via Internet, nous interrogerons l’hypothèse de l’émergence de nouveaux modèles génériques. En conclusion, nous insisterons sur la nécessité, à notre sens, de prendre en compte l’évolution des pratiques culturelles médiatiques en tant que dimension structurante de ces modèles.This paper aims to question the concept of socio-economic models within the framework of research about cultural industries mutations. For this purpose, our presentation will proceed in three parts : first of all, we will reconsider the essential characteristics of the generic models (publishing model and flow model and their main contributions to the research ; we will explain then why they must be considered, not as a faithful description of the reality of which they intend to give an account, but more like rules of the game allowing to understand the mutations of cultural industries ; finally, considering the digitalization of contents and their consumption using Internet, we will question the hypothesis of the emergence of new generic models. In conclusion, we will insist on the importance, from our opinion, to take into account the evolution of the media cultural practices as a structuring dimension of these models.

  4. 78 FR 13897 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Trade and Labor Affairs; Labor Affairs Council... (United States)


    ... Public Session Meeting AGENCY: International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor.... Department of Labor gives notice of the public session of the meeting of the Labor Affairs Council (``Council... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Trade...

  5. Public affairs plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project Public Affairs Plan is to establish goals for the fiscal year (FY) 1996 UMTRA Project public affairs program and to identify specific activities to be conducted during the year. It describes the roles of various agencies involved in the public affairs program and defines the functions of the UMTRA Project Technical Assistance Contractor (TAC) Public Affairs Department. It replaces the FY 1995 Public Affairs Plan (DOE/AL/62350-154). The plan also describes the US Department of Energy's (DOE) plans to keep stakeholders and other members of the public informed about UMTRA Project policies, plans, and activities, and provide opportunities for stakeholders and interested segments of the public to participate in UMTRA Project decision-making processes. The plan applies to the UMTRA Project Team; the DOE Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO); the DOE Albuquerque Operations Office, Office of Public Affairs (OPA); the TAC; the UMTRA Project Remedial Action Contractor (RAC); and other cooperating agencies

  6. Adaptation linguistique et culturelle: L'experience des refugies d'Asie du sud-est au Quebec (Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation: The Experience of Southeast Asian Refugees in Quebec). (United States)

    Chan, Kwok B.; Dorais, Louis-Jacques

    A collection of papers, in English and French, on the adjustment processes and problems of Southeast Asian refugees in Quebec includes: "Prelude to Resettlement: A Clinical View on the Transit Camp Experience of Vietnamese Refugees" (David Loveridge, Kwok B. Chan); "Une communaute culturelle en situation de diglossie: Les…

  7. Agriculture familiale et politiques publiques de développement territorial : le cas du Brésil de Lula

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    Eric Sabourin


    Full Text Available Le gouvernement de Lula a considérablement amplifié et diversifié le Programme d'Appui à l'Agriculture Familiale (PRONAF, créé par le gouvernement Fernando Henrique Cardoso en 1995. Ce choix affirmé sur la longue durée pour l'agriculture familiale, peut surprendre dans un Brésil qui a toujours, tout au long de son histoire, privilégié l’agriculture « d'entreprise » : latifundia et entreprises agricoles. L'article analyse les mécanismes qui ont conduit à ces choix sociétaux, en examinant en particulier le rôle des organisations syndicales et paysannes dans la « construction » du Programme d'Appui à l'Agriculture Familiale (PRONAF et du Programme de Développement Durable des Territoires Ruraux (PDSTR. La permanence de l'agriculture familiale dans l'histoire brésilienne est expliquée par sa capacité d'adaptation et de résistance, même face à des projets de modernisation irréalistes qui ne prenaient pas en compte les avantages comparatifs de l'agriculture familiale. Cette capacité d'adaptation naît d'une expérimentation au quotidien, dans des histoires de « développement local ». Des groupes d'agriculteurs testent techniques, pratiques ou organisations. Le dynamisme de ces mouvements en a fait des partenaires naturels de l'Etat dans l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre du PRONAF.Au-delà des difficultés et du manque de moyens, au quotidien, dans les relations entre acteurs, une pratique de mise en œuvre du PRONAF a été inventée. Une nouvelle gouvernance s'est instituée entre mouvement social et gouvernement. . Pour le MDA, et plus particulièrement, pour le Secrétariat du Développement Territorial (SDT, le territoire est le lieu privilégié de cette nouvelle gouvernance. Le PRONAF et le PDSTR sont représentatifs de ce que tendent à devenir les politiques publiques pour répondre aux défis d'un futur, toujours plus incertain. Ils sont l’exemple de programme co-définis dans la continuit

  8. Public affairs plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The purpose of the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project Public Affairs Plan is to establish goals for the Fiscal Year 1995 UMTRA public affairs program and identify specific activities to be conducted during the year. It also describes the roles of various agencies involved in the conduct of the public affairs program and defines the functions of the Technical Assistance Contractor (TAC) Public Affairs Department. It integrates and replaces the Public Participation Plan (DOE/AL/62350-47D) and Public Information Plan (DOE/AL/623590-71). The plan describes the US Department of Energy`s (DOE) plans to keep stakeholders and other members of the public informed about project policies, plans, and activities, and provide opportunities for stakeholders and interested segments of the public to participate in project decision-making processes. The plan applies to the UMTRA Project Office; the DOE Albuquerque Operations Office, Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (OIEA); the UMTRA TAC; the UMTRA Remedial Action Contractor (RAC); and other cooperating agencies.

  9. Public affairs plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project Public Affairs Plan is to establish goals for the Fiscal Year 1995 UMTRA public affairs program and identify specific activities to be conducted during the year. It also describes the roles of various agencies involved in the conduct of the public affairs program and defines the functions of the Technical Assistance Contractor (TAC) Public Affairs Department. It integrates and replaces the Public Participation Plan (DOE/AL/62350-47D) and Public Information Plan (DOE/AL/623590-71). The plan describes the US Department of Energy's (DOE) plans to keep stakeholders and other members of the public informed about project policies, plans, and activities, and provide opportunities for stakeholders and interested segments of the public to participate in project decision-making processes. The plan applies to the UMTRA Project Office; the DOE Albuquerque Operations Office, Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (OIEA); the UMTRA TAC; the UMTRA Remedial Action Contractor (RAC); and other cooperating agencies

  10. Student Affairs Capitalism and Early-Career Student Affairs Professionals (United States)

    Lee, Jenny J.; Helm, Matthew


    This study explores student affairs capitalism as the alteration of professional practice towards the financial interests of institutions. Student affairs capitalism has the potential to create dynamics in which the interests of students become secondary to the institution's economic needs. This study examined this phenomenon from the perspectives…

  11. Intersectionality in Student Affairs: Perspective from a Senior Student Affairs Officer (United States)

    Moneta, Larry


    The author draws upon over four decades of experience in student affairs administration to investigate how senior student affairs officers can incorporate intersectionality into comprehensive and targeted decision-making processes, strategic planning, and organizational considerations.

  12. Les « Photo Poche » de Robert Delpire : un exemple d’édition culturelle

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    Gaëlle Morel


    Full Text Available « Accessible, maniable, élégante, soigneusement photogravée et imprimée », la collection « Photo Poche » de Robert Delpire apparaît vingt-cinq ans après sa création comme une grande réussite éditoriale. Fondée en 1982 et subventionnée à l’époque par le ministère de la Culture, la série des petits livres noirs constitue également un objet emblématique du processus de légitimation culturelle de la photographie en France. Éditeur expérimenté, Delpire est nommé à la tête de la principale institut...

  13. Les entreprises familiales à l’épreuve de la « loi des trois générations » Family companies put to the test of the « Three Generations Law».

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    Bernadette Angleraud


    Full Text Available L'histoire des entreprises renvoie à la notion de génération comme maillon d'une chaîne dynastique qui assure le devenir de la firme. À partir du cas de grandes entreprises familiales qui s'implantent à Lyon à la fin du XIXe siècle, il s'agit d'étudier le rôle assumé par chacune des trois premières générations dans le développement de ces sociétés qui s'imposent dans l'économie locale et nationale. Loin de répondre à un principe qui voudrait que la première génération crée l'entreprise, la seconde la développe et la troisième la ruine, on constate que la réussite et la pérennité de la firme dépendent de la complémentarité entre ces trois premiers maillons de la chaîne dynastique. La génération des fondateurs allie inventivité et intuition économique mais manque d'assise technique, la génération des héritiers apporte à l'édifice un savoir-faire technicien qui permet à la firme de se développer dans un contexte plus concurrentiel la troisième génération, quant à elle, fait bénéficier l'affaire familiale de ses compétences scientifiques et d'un réseau relationnel qui permettent d'imposer la dynastie entrepreneuriale sur un plan tant économique que social.Company history refers to the idea that generations are the links in the dynastic chain that guarantee a firm’s destiny. By examining large family firms estahlished in Lyons at the end of the nineteenth-century, we study the role played by each of the first three generations in the development of these companies, which were essential to the local and national economies. Contrary to the pattern that assumes that the first generation creates a firm, the second develops it, and the third brings if to ruine, we argue that the success and longevity of these firms depended on the fact that those first three links vere complementary. The founding generation combined inventiveness with economic intuition but lacked a technical basis. Their heirs

  14. Sauvegarde et valorisation du fonds d’archives familiales de Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo à Madagascar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurence Ink


    Full Text Available Figure essentielle et encore mal connue de la littérature malgache et internationale, Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo (1903‑1937 fut à la fois poète, journaliste et critique, dramaturge et romancier, historien de sa tradition, collecteur et traducteur de textes anciens comme de textes modernes. L’aventure qui débuta fin 2008 pour aboutir à la publication de ses œuvres complètes (AUF/ITEM, CNRS Éditions, Coll. Planète libre, Paris, 2 tomes, 2010 et 2012 consistait à sauvegarder l’important fonds d’archives familiales (plus de 800 manuscrits, tapuscrits, textes édités ou documents de travail confié par les ayant droits à l’Institut Français de Madagascar (Antananarivo, par un travail de tri, de numérisation et de mise en conditionnement neutre, in situ, et à le valoriser par l’édition des textes, pour une grande part inédits, dans une approche scientifique à caractère génétique. Expérience novatrice, structurée par une méthodologie devant constamment s’adapter aux exigences géographique, scientifique et éditoriale, elle est également à considérer comme un cas d’école, pour une meilleure approche des fonds d’archives littéraires, aujourd’hui en péril dans bon nombre de pays du Sud.

  15. China Report, Economic Affairs

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    .... This report contains articles from China dealing with Economic Affairs. The Topics include National Affairs and Policy, Foreign Trade and Investment, Economic Zones, Finance and Banking, and Agriculture.

  16. La notion “d’étrangéité” dans les adaptations littéraires et la résistance culturelle


    El Naggar, Emad


    L’approche de la traduction source ou la traduction cibliste a toujours suscité de vifs débats parmi les traducteurs et les théoriciens de la traduction. Ce travail se penche sur la notion « d’étrangéité » et de la résistance culturelle selon Laurence Venuti et ses détracteurs en décelant les différents niveaux des deux approches : historique, linguistique, culturel, politique et idéologique. La recherche s’appuie essentiellement sur la traduction de Paul et Virgini de Bernardin de Saint-Pier...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Koshan


    Full Text Available In August, 2011, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights released its decision in Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales v United States, a case concerning states’ obligations to use due diligence in responding to domestic violence. The IACHR found that the United States had breached several articles of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man for failing to protect Lenahan and her children from domestic violence, and made wide-reaching recommendations at both the individual and systemic level. This comment will discuss the IACHR decision in Lenahan and analyze its implications for Canada’s compliance with its international obligations towards domestic violence in the judicial, legislative and policy spheres. Focusing on the concept of access to justice as articulated by the IACHR, the analysis will show that Canada may be in violation of its obligations for failing to provide access to justice in the context of domestic violence, and otherwise in violation of its due diligence obligations under international law. En août 2011, la Commission interaméricaine des droits de l’homme [CIDH] rendait sa décision dans l’affaire Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales c. les États-Unis, cas ayant trait à l’obligation des États de faire preuve d’une diligence raisonnable dans ses interventions en matière de violence familiale. La CIDH a conclu que les États-Unis avaient contrevenu à plusieurs articles de la Déclaration américaine des droits et devoirs de l’homme, étant donné qu’ils n’avaient pas protégé Mme Lenahan et ses enfants contre des actes de violence familiale. Elle a formulé des recommandations d’une grande portée tant au plan individuel que systémique. Le présent commentaire porte sur la décision de la CIDH dans l’affaire Lenahan et présente une analyse des répercussions de cette décision en ce qui concerne le respect par le Canada de ses obligations internationales à l’égard de la violence familiale

  18. Veterans Affairs Suicide Prevention Synthetic Dataset (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — The VA's Veteran Health Administration, in support of the Open Data Initiative, is providing the Veterans Affairs Suicide Prevention Synthetic Dataset (VASPSD). The...

  19. Veterans Affairs Central Cancer Registry (VACCR) (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — The Veterans Affairs Central Cancer Registry (VACCR) receives and stores information on cancer diagnosis and treatment constraints compiled and sent in by the local...

  20. 48 CFR 952.204-75 - Public affairs. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Public affairs. 952.204-75... SOLICITATION PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT CLAUSES Text of Provisions and Clauses 952.204-75 Public affairs. As prescribed in 904.7201, insert the following clause: Public Affairs (DEC 2000) (a) The Contractor must...

  1. African Journal of International Affairs

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The African Journal of International Affairs (AJIA) is a bi-annual publication of CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. It offers a platform for analyses on contemporary issues in African International Affairs in relation to global developments as they affect Africa. AJIA welcomes contributions in English and in French from both African ...

  2. Putting Descartes before the Horse: Opportunities for Advancing the Student Affairs Link with Academic Affairs. (United States)

    Lamarid, Lucas


    Article challenges the division between student and academic affairs and encourages a view of learning and reason in a more holistic and integrated fashion. Outlines the historical factors for the separation of student and academic affairs and offers the programs instituted at Bellarmine College as examples of effective collaboration between…

  3. Using Intersectionality in Student Affairs Research (United States)

    Strayhorn, Terrell L.


    This chapter presents intersectionality as a useful heuristic for conducting research in higher education and student affairs contexts. Much more than just another theory, intersectionality can powerfully shape student affairs research in both obvious and tacit ways.

  4. 41 CFR 105-53.142 - Office of Public Affairs. (United States)


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Office of Public Affairs... Central Offices § 105-53.142 Office of Public Affairs. The Office of Public Affairs, headed by the Associate Administrator for Public Affairs, is responsible for the planning, implementation, and...

  5. Perceptions regarding cardiothoracic surgical training at Veterans Affairs hospitals. (United States)

    Bakaeen, Faisal G; Stephens, Elizabeth H; Chu, Danny; Holman, William L; Vaporciyan, Ara A; Merrill, Walter H; Grover, Frederick L


    With cardiothoracic education going through a critical phase of reevaluation and adaptation, we investigated perceptions of Veterans Affairs hospitals in cardiothoracic training. A content-validated survey was distributed electronically to 676 cardiothoracic surgery residents, recent cardiothoracic graduates (on or after June 2006), cardiothoracic surgery chairpersons, program directors, associate program directors, and section heads. The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network was used to identify target recipients and their e-mail addresses. Forty-three percent of the target recipients (292/676) completed the survey. Of those who were residents, 59% (65/111) rotated at a Veterans Affairs hospital during their cardiothoracic training; this rotation accounted for 25% or more of the total training period for 19% of them (21/111). A Veterans Affairs appointment was held by 42% of program directors/chairpersons (20/48) and 24% of graduates, associate program directors, and section heads (31/129). An affiliation with a Veterans Affairs hospital was rated as somewhat to very beneficial by 93% of the responders (273/292), and the cardiothoracic training received at Veterans Affairs facilities was rated as good to excellent by 73% of the responders (213/292). Sixty-nine percent of respondents (201/292) reported the operating room environment at Veterans Affairs hospitals to be at least as conducive to learning as that at the affiliate teaching hospital, and 76% (223/292) indicated that residents get more autonomy and hands-on experience at Veterans Affairs institutions. In addition, 64% of responders (188/292) reported that they would seek or recommend a Veterans Affairs job. Responses were positive toward the Veterans Affairs system regardless of whether the responder had any Veterans Affairs affiliation (ie, appointment as staff or rotation as resident); however, a Veterans Affairs affiliation was associated with a higher rate of positive responses regarding Veterans Affairs

  6. Student Affairs in Complex Contexts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birgit Schreiber


    Full Text Available While the Western world – with Brexit, Trump, Festung Europa, and so forth – seems to be increasingly retreating into narrow nationalism, the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa is connecting African academics, executives and administrators and is becoming an evermore accessed international, African platform for publishing research on higher education and Student Affairs in Africa. In this issue, we do not only publish several commentaries on the recent Global Summit of Student Affairs and Services held in October 2016 at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. We also publish contributions from Ethiopia alongside articles from Australia, the USA, and universities in South Africa (University of the Free State, University of Johannesburg.

  7. Internal Affairs Allegations (United States)

    Montgomery County of Maryland — This dataset contains allegations brought to the attention of the Internal Affairs Division either through external complaints or internal complaint or recognition....

  8. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives. Journal Homepage Image. The Journal of Student Affairs in Africa (JSAA) is an independent, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open-access academic journal that publishes scholarly research and reflective discussions about the theory and practice of student affairs in Africa.

  9. The Essonne affairs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lallement, R.


    In 1990 the French Commissariat a l'energie atomique (CEA) had to deal with a series of issues concerning depositories of radioactive substances of very low activity, culminating, in October 1990, with the discovery of small amounts of plutonium in a depository. These were important issues for the following reasons: they highlighted the question o low activity wastes and their treatment, that is not yet resolved; they drew attention to the sensitivity of the concerned organisations, elected representatives and the public to the problems of radioactivity however low its level; they made the CEA aware of the gap that existed between the nuclear industry's practices, language and perception of risks and the perception of the French public. This paper outlines the different 'affairs', shows their common bases, and analyses the consequences for the CEA and the nuclear industry in general. These 'affairs' illustrate the absolute obligation for all producers of wastes to know, and to make known in the smallest detail, the way in which the wastes are treated and the places where they are stored and kept. Waste management has not always been as a noble task. These 'affairs' have shown that the reputation of the CEA was measured as much by the quality of its waste management as by the success of its research programme, with a budget that has doubled in the last few years. (author)

  10. Redefining Student Affairs through Digital Technology: A Ten-Year Historiography of Digital Technology Use by Student Affairs Administrators (United States)

    Cabellon, Edmund T.


    The student affairs profession is at a crossroads (Torres & Walbert, 2010) given digital technology's growth and the academy's administrative expansion (Bowen, 2013). Student affairs administrators must simultaneously respond to digital technology's implications in students' lives (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010) and to new state and federal…

  11. Student Affairs Assessment, Strategic Planning, and Accreditation (United States)

    Fallucca, Amber


    This chapter illustrates how student affairs units participate in accreditation across regional agency expectations and program-level requirements. Strategies for student affairs units to engage in campus strategic planning processes to further highlight their contributions are also recommended.

  12. Asia-Pacific Journal for Student Affairs (AJSA)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) serves as a global network of student affairs and services workers that encourages sharing, cooperation, research, exchanges, and attendance at each other's conferences. The Vice President and. General Secretary of IASAS attended the 2016 Asia ...

  13. Managing Student Affairs Programs: Methods, Models, Muddles. (United States)

    Deegan, William L.

    Management processes and problems are examined in a variety of student affairs contexts. This book (1) proposes a theoretical framework for the analysis of management functions in colleges and universities, (2) studies the practice of management in several different student affairs contexts to uncover current practices, issues, problems, and…

  14. Mission-Driven Collaboration between Academic and Student Affairs in Community Colleges (United States)

    Gulley, Needham Yancey


    The purpose of this study was to understand the nature of collaboration between academic affairs and student affairs units in the community college context from a basic interpretivist qualitative perspective. The aim was to examine the experiences, influences, and perceptions of mid-level and chief student affairs and academic affairs officers…

  15. Enhancing the professionalisation of student affairs through ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The thought is that viewing assessment as an integral, rather than 'extra' aspect of student affairs and incorporating these activities within their work, student affairs professionals will not only improve the effectiveness of their work with students but also can help legitimise the field as a profession. Keywords: assessment ...

  16. SITUATIONS ET TENDANCES Les agricultures familiales africaines face à la mondialisation : le défi d‘une autre transition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bosc Pierre-Marie


    Full Text Available L’agriculture africaine fait face à une situation inédite liée au processus de mondialisation, mais aussi à la forte croissance relative de sa population agricole durant le dernier quart du xxe siècle, contrairement à d’autres continents (ou pays continents. Paradoxalement, alors que l’Afrique se trouve marginalisée dans les échanges commerciaux, sur lesquels se focalise le débat international en matière agricole, l’agriculture africaine et le développement rural restent des domaines stratégiques pour les politiques publiques qui doivent prendre en compte la configuration démographique et économique spécifique du continent. La question du type d’agriculture qui accompagnera la nécessaire transition économique et agricole africaine est en débat. Alors que certains opérateurs et décideurs soutiennent le développement d’une agriculture d’entreprise, les organisations paysannes font massivement le choix de défendre l’agriculture familiale comme axe privilégié de développement, car elle fournit emplois et revenus pour le plus grand nombre. Cependant, les organisations doivent faire face à un rapport de force inégal avec les autres acteurs privés issus du processus de libération. Renforcer leurs capacités de proposition et de négociation apparaît dès lors comme une condition permettant d’envisager une refondation des politiques publiques sur la base d’une réelle contribution des ruraux.

  17. China Report, Economic Affairs

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library



  18. Possible Courses for News and Public Affairs (United States)

    Wald, Richard C.


    Live programming, regular daily news programs, and documentary series, which are suggested as solutions to the limited scope of news and public affairs air time, would enable PBS to increase its coverage of news and public affairs. Some suggestions are also made for restructuring the functions of stations within the system to facilitate this…

  19. Public Affairs: Maintaining Credibility While Evolving with Strategic Communication

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    McCarthy, Carla M


    Public affairs has been identified as a key component of strategic communication, but incorporating public affairs within a strategic communication framework within the military, without compromising...

  20. La coopération culturelle dans l’eurorégion Nord-Transmanche : une institutionnalisation sans institution ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Perrin


    Full Text Available Cet article porte sur l’action culturelle transfrontalière dans l’eurorégion Nord-Transmanche. Cette organisation de coopération territoriale a associé, de 1991 à 2004, la région française du Nord-Pas-de-Calais au Comté anglais du Kent et aux trois régions belges : Région wallonne, Région flamande et Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. La dimension pionnière et historique de cette eurorégion, mais également le fait qu’elle n’a pas perduré, permettent d’illustrer à la fois les potentialités, limites et paradoxes de la mobilisation de la culture dans le contexte des organisations de coopération territoriale. Si le processus d’institutionnalisation de l’eurorégion en tant que telle est resté inachevé, l’espace Nord-Transmanche reste un espace de coopération dynamique, en particulier dans le domaine culturel et la référence eurorégionale reste significative pour de nombreux acteurs. Cet exemple interroge ainsi les enjeux et la réalité de la construction d’une Europe des territoires et de la culture, notamment par rapport aux discours institutionnels dont ces questions font généralement l’objet.

  1. 16 CFR 1000.20 - Office of Information and Public Affairs. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Office of Information and Public Affairs... ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS § 1000.20 Office of Information and Public Affairs. The Office of Information and Public Affairs, which is managed by the Director of the Office, is responsible for the development...

  2. 76 FR 43337 - Order of Succession for the Office of Public Affairs (United States)


    ... Office of Public Affairs AGENCY: Office of Public Affairs, HUD. ACTION: Notice of order of succession... Office of Public Affairs. This Order of Succession supersedes all prior orders of succession for the Office of Public Affairs. DATES: Effective Date: June 29, 2011. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Neill...

  3. Student Affairs as Perceived Through Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. (United States)

    Nowacki, Steven

    The needs of human behavior are explored and correlated to the various departments within Student Affairs in an effort to show how Student Affairs can satisfy those needs. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is briefly explained and related to the following Student Affairs departments: Financial Aid, Student Management, Career Development and Placement,…

  4. Department of Veterans Affairs (United States)

    ... Whistleblower Rights & Protections Transparency Media Room Inside the Media Room Public Affairs News Releases Speeches Videos Publications National Observances Veterans Day Memorial Day Celebrating America's Freedoms Special Events Adaptive Sports Program Creative Arts Festival ...

  5. Celebrities in International Affairs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Richey, Lisa Ann; Budabin, Alexandra Cosima


    Celebrity engagement in global “helping” is not a simple matter of highly photogenic caring for needy others across borders; it is a complex relationship of power that often produces contradictory functions in relation to the goals of humanitarianism, development, and advocacy. This article argues...... that celebrities are acting as other elite actors in international affairs: investing considerable capital into processes that are highly political. It traces the emergence and practices of the elite politics of celebrities in North-South relations, an evolution made possible by recent changes in aid practices......, media, and NGOs, then considers exemplary cases of Angelina Jolie in Burma, Ben Affleck in the Democractic Republic of Congo, and Madonna in Malawi. These celebrity practices as diplomats, experts, and humanitarians in international affairs illustrate the diverse and contradictory forms of engagement...

  6. Underlying Paradigms in Student Affairs Research and Practice (United States)

    Guido, Florence M.; Chavez, Alicia Fedelina; Lincoln, Yvonna S.


    Student affairs professionals benefit from understanding paradigms, worldviews, and ways of being among diverse faculty, staff, and students. It is challenging to understand core differences of paradigms, design student affairs practice and research in congruence with or across specific philosophies, and work effectively with individuals operating…

  7. Efficacy of Orientation for New Student Affairs Professionals (United States)

    Dean, Laura A.; Saunders, Sue A.; Thompson, George F.; Cooper, Dianne L.


    New staff orientation is a strategy that can positively affect job satisfaction and productivity, especially for those beginning careers in student affairs. In this study, new student affairs professionals were surveyed to determine their perceptions about the content and efficacy of their orientation experiences. Despite literature encouraging…

  8. 40 CFR 1.37 - Office of External Affairs. (United States)


    ... program direction and professional review of the performance of public affairs functions in the Regional... result in contracts in the area of public information and community relations. It develops proposals and... Administrator for External Affairs and supervises all the functions of the Office. The Director acts as national...

  9. Empowerment et diversité culturelle : quelques prolégomènes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain G. Gagnon


    Full Text Available Le présent texte explore l’articulation entre l’empowerment et la diversité culturelle, et notamment les voies prometteuses du jumelage entre ces deux termes. L’apport de la philosophie de Charles Taylor conjuguée aux récentes théories du fédéralisme permet de porter un regard nouveau sur la thématique des revendications identitaires en milieu urbain et d’esquisser des solutions institutionnelles pour répondre au double défi posé par le pluralisme culturel et de la nouvelle configuration économico-politique sous-tendant la mondialisation. Malgré ses aspects positifs, cet article entend montrer, dans le sillon des travaux de Bernard Jouve, les limites et l’utilisation équivoque que l’on peut faire de l’empowerment, qui sert parfois à justifier un désengagement de l’État-providence en faveur des populations les plus démunies, et qui ne présente pas toujours les garanties nécessaires pour lutter contre les discriminations survenant au sein des Minorities within Minorities.This article explores linkages between empowerment and cultural diversity largely defined, and at times a promising convergence between the two notions. Charles Taylor’s contribution to current theories of federalism allows us to cast a rejuvenated  look on cultural claims in urban centers and to sketch institutional avenues to face the dual challenge posed by cultural pluralism and the new socio-political configuration underlying globalization. In spite of some very positive aspects, and following Bernard Jouve’s intellectual insights, this text illustrates the extent to which the notion of empowerment can also be deceiving as it might add limitations for weaker communities, and create new hurdles as the undermining of the welfare state has showned. In addition, empowerment does not always provide guarantees to counter discrimation as the case of «Minorities witin Minorities» reveal.

  10. Issues and Challenges in Student Affairs and Services Around

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    English for Academic Purposes Professor at Algonquin. College, Ontario, Canada. .... of the Asia-Pacific Journal for Student Affairs: The Official Journal of the Philippine Association of Administrators of Student Affairs (PAASA). And finally, this ...

  11. College Student Concerns: Perceptions of Student Affairs Practitioners (United States)

    Reynolds, Amy L.


    The purpose of this study was to increase awareness of the perceptions of student affairs professionals regarding the most frequent and challenging concerns facing college students today. Using the Delphi method, 159 entry-level and mid-level student affairs administrators from institutions across the country were surveyed about their perceptions…

  12. 10 CFR 1.28 - Office of Public Affairs. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Office of Public Affairs. 1.28 Section 1.28 Energy NUCLEAR... Office of Public Affairs. The Office of Public Affairs— (a) Develops policies, programs, and procedures for the Chairman's approval for informing the public of NRC activities; (b) Prepares, clears, and...

  13. Developing public affairs counseling skills to support a public participation focus at Fernald

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoopes, J. [Fernald Environmental Restoration Management Corp., Cincinnati, OH (United States)


    To provide closer coordination between the Public Affairs Division and environmental restoration management and technical staff, the Fernald Environmental Restoration Management Corporation (FERMCO) matrixed Public Affairs staffers as counselors to project teams within FERMCO. Close coordination between technical staff and public affairs staff is essential for effective public communication in a public participation, environmental risk communication environment. Two-way symmetrical communication (public participation) represents a paradigm shift for public affairs staff who have developed skills primarily in a public information (asymmetrical communication) environment. While there has been much focus in the literature and workshops on management changes needed to support a public participation environment, less attention has been paid to identifying and developing the skills needed by public affairs professionals to support public participation. To support the new counseling role of public affairs staffers, FERMCO used a public affairs training consultant to design and deliver a workshop to initiate development of the skills needed for the public affairs counseling role. This paper describes FERMCO`s matrixed counseling program and the training to develop public affairs counseling skills for the public participation environment.

  14. Public Affairs & Strategic Communications (NGB-PA) - Personal Staff - Joint (United States)

    guards, exhibit displays and speakers. Learn more about Community Relations Public Queries If you are Guard ARNG Media ARNG Public Affairs Family Services Youth Programs Survivor Services Military Funeral General Officer Management Public Affairs Executive Support Services Legislative Liaison Special Staff

  15. Community Relations - Public Affairs - Personal Staff - Joint Staff - The (United States)

    : Public Affairs : Community Relations Community Relations The National Guard Bureau Civic Engagement Report National Commission of the Future of the Army White Papers I am the Guard ARNG Media ARNG Public Public Affairs Executive Support Services Legislative Liaison Special Staff Directorate of Management

  16. 77 FR 52379 - Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs (United States)


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration. ACTION: Notice of open Federal Advisory Committee meeting. SUMMARY: The SBA is... Committee on Veterans Business Affairs. The meeting will be open to the public. DATES: September 10, 2012...

  17. 78 FR 70088 - Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs (United States)


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration. ACTION: Notice of open Federal Advisory Committee meeting. SUMMARY: The SBA is... Committee on Veterans Business Affairs. The meeting will be open to the public. DATES: December 5, 2013 from...

  18. 75 FR 22434 - Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs (United States)


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration. ACTION: Notice of open Federal Advisory Committee Meeting. SUMMARY: The SBA is... Committee on Veterans Business Affairs. The meeting will be open to the public. DATES: Tuesday, May 25, 2010...

  19. Student Affairs Case Management: Merging Social Work Theory with Student Affairs Practice (United States)

    Adams, Sharrika D.; Hazelwood, Sherry; Hayden, Bruce


    Case management is a functional area in higher education and student affairs that emerged after the mass shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007. Although new to higher education, case management emerged from established social work practice. This article compares social work theory and case management standards with a new case management model for…

  20. Public Affairs Capacity Building: A Soft Tool for Combatant Commanders

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Salata, Jason P


    .... This paper examines the soft power application of public affairs capacity building, and the resultant cultivation of a public affairs social network through the lens of social network theory (nodes and ties...

  1. 76 FR 43336 - Delegation of Authority for the Office of Public Affairs (United States)


    ... the Office of Public Affairs AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HUD. ACTION: Notice of Delegation of... Secretary for Public Affairs with respect to developing policy and procedures for external and internal... Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. DATES: Effective Date: June 29, 2011. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION...

  2. [Establishment of response system to emergency parasitic disease affairs in China]. (United States)

    Chun-Li, C; Le-Ping, S; Qing-Biao, H; Bian-Li, X U; Bo, Z; Jian-Bing, L; Dan-Dan, L; Shi-Zhu, L I; Oning, X; Xiao-Nong, Z


    China's prevention and control of parasitic diseases has made remarkable achievements. However, the prevalence and transmission of parasitic diseases is impacted by the complicated natural and social factors of environment, natural disasters, population movements, and so on. Therefore, there are still the risks of the outbreak of emergency parasitic diseases affairs, which may affect the control effectiveness of parasitic diseases and endanger the social stability seriously. In this article, we aim at the analysis of typical cases of emergency parasitic disease affairs and their impacts on public health security in China in recently years, and we also elaborate the disposal characteristics of emergency parasitic disease affairs, and propose the establishment of response system to emergency parasitic disease affairs in China, including the organizational structure and response flow path, and in addition, point out that, in the future, we should strengthen the system construction and measures of the response system to emergency parasitic disease affairs, so as to control the risk and harm of parasitic disease spread as much as possible and to realize the early intervention and proper disposal of emergency parasitic disease affairs.

  3. TTI Phase 2 Institutional Support: The Institute of Economic Affairs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    TTI Phase 2 Institutional Support: The Institute of Economic Affairs, Ghana ... the Institute of Economic Affairs' (IEA-Ghana) role as a credible public policy ... public policy, facilitate private sector-led economic growth, and strengthen democracy.

  4. International Affairs Programs: The Air Force Versus the Army (United States)


    individual tutoring programs . Additionally RAS personnel are offered regional enhancement studies opportunities at several facilities.48 RAS personnel...AU/ACSC/2015 AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PROGRAMS : THE AIR FORCE VERSUS THE ARMY by Robin L...5 COMPARISON: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PROGRAMS AIR FORCE VERSUS ARMY 8

  5. Representation of Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Refugee Affairs In Hungarian Dailies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lilla VICSEK


    Full Text Available How does the press in Hungary write about refugees, asylum-seekers and refugee affairs? We sought to answer this question. Articles appearing in 2005 and 2006 in two leading national Hungarian dailies were examined with quantitative content analysis. The results show that the articles analyzed often treat refugee affairs as an “official” political matter. The high proportion of legislation and political positions conveys the image that refugee affairs are a state or intergovernmental matter, an “official”, legal, political issue rather than for example a humanitarian question. Most of the articles published in both papers write about problems and conflicts in connection with refugee affairs. The negative media image has different significance for different topics. We argue that the question of refugee affairs is a topic where the image shown by the media is of great relevance: the media can be a more important source of information on this subject than personal contacts.

  6. Helping Competencies of Student Affairs Professionals: A Delphi Study (United States)

    Reynolds, Amy L.


    The purpose of this study was to gather student affairs professionals' perceptions of the knowledge and skills needed to effectively help students. Using the Delphi method, 159 entry-level and mid-level student affairs administrators from institutions across the United States were surveyed regarding their perceptions of the helping skills they use…

  7. Telehealth at the US Department of Veterans Affairs after Hurricane Sandy. (United States)

    Der-Martirosian, Claudia; Griffin, Anne R; Chu, Karen; Dobalian, Aram


    Background Like other integrated health systems, the US Department of Veterans Affairs has widely implemented telehealth during the past decade to improve access to care for its patient population. During major crises, the US Department of Veterans Affairs has the potential to transition healthcare delivery from traditional care to telecare. This paper identifies the types of Veterans Affairs telehealth services used during Hurricane Sandy (2012), and examines the patient characteristics of those users. Methods This study conducted both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Veterans Affairs administrative and clinical data files were used to illustrate the use of telehealth services 12 months pre- and 12 months post- Hurricane Sandy. In-person interviews with 31 key informants at the Manhattan Veterans Affairs Medical Center three-months post- Hurricane Sandy were used to identify major themes related to telecare. Results During the seven-month period of hospital closure at the Manhattan Veterans Affairs Medical Center after Hurricane Sandy, in-person patient visits decreased dramatically while telehealth visits increased substantially, suggesting that telecare was used in lieu of in-person care for some vulnerable patients. The most commonly used types of Veterans Affairs telehealth services included primary care, triage, mental health, home health, and ancillary services. Using qualitative analyses, three themes emerged from the interviews regarding the use of Veterans Affairs telecare post- Hurricane Sandy: patient safety, provision of telecare, and patient outreach. Conclusion Telehealth offers the potential to improve post-disaster access to and coordination of care. More information is needed to better understand how telehealth can change the processes and outcomes during disasters. Future studies should also evaluate key elements, such as adequate resources, regulatory and technology issues, workflow integration, provider resistance, diagnostic fidelity and

  8. The Organizational Realities of Student Affairs: A Political Perspective (United States)

    Shinn, Jeremiah B.


    The purpose of this study was to understand the organizational functions of student-affairs at Indiana University and to understand the nature of the conflict between student-affairs and the larger organization. This study utilized the case-study research design. Much of the data collected and analyzed during this case study were of a historical…

  9. Factors Influencing Student Affairs Professionals' Attainment of Professional Competencies (United States)

    Muller, Kristyn; Grabsch, Dustin; Moore, Lori


    Limited research exists that examines factors influencing student affairs professionals' attainment of the professional competencies that are expected of them. The study described in this article analyzed student affairs professionals' survey responses to determine which demographics, pre-professional experiences, and educational experiences…

  10. Hospital System Performance within Veterans Affairs (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — Strategic Analytics for Improvement and Learning Value Model or SAIL, is a system for summarizing hospital system performance within Veterans Health Administration...

  11. JPRS Report:. Soviet Union, Political Affairs

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ...; REPUBLIC PARTY AND STATE AFFAIRS - Baltic Unity Efforts Assessed, Baltic Military District Loyal to USSR Law, Latvia Paramilitary Leader on Group's Role, Formation of Latvian Defense Units, Latvian...

  12. 48 CFR 852.203-71 - Display of Department of Veterans Affairs hotline poster. (United States)


    ... Veterans Affairs hotline poster. 852.203-71 Section 852.203-71 Federal Acquisition Regulations System... Provisions and Clauses 852.203-71 Display of Department of Veterans Affairs hotline poster. As prescribed in 803.7001, insert the following clause: Display of Department of Veterans Affairs Hotline Poster (DEC...

  13. Powers and Duties of the Corporate Affairs Commission as a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Corporate Affairs Commission was established by section 1 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Cap C.20, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 (CAMA). The Corporate Affairs Commission is a regulatory body, established to regulate the incorporation, running and winding up of companies, business names and ...

  14. Le féminin et la différence des sexes


    Stitou, Rajaa


    L'être féminin ou masculin n'est pas seulement une affaire d'anatomie ou de biologie. Il est lié à la subjectivité, mais il porte aussi la marque d'une culture. Les rites et les mythes collectifs dont la fonction est de donner du sens à l'énigme du féminin et à ce qui différencie les sexes en témoignent avec force. Or que deviennent ces rites, dans lesquels chaque sujet s'implique singulièrement, face aux mutations culturelles? La pratique clinique auprès de sujets immigrés, confrontés à un m...

  15. Autour de l’exposition du Grand Palais « Mexique 1900-1950. Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, José Clemente Orozco et les avant-gardes »


    Giraud, Paul-Henri


    « L’année du Mexique en France » programmée en 2011 aurait dû marquer l’excellence des relations bilatérales entre les deux pays. Une liste imposante de manifestations culturelles était organisée, mais tout fut annulé au dernier moment en raison d’un différend diplomatique. L’affaire Florence Cassez, du nom de la jeune Française alors incarcérée à Mexico, avait définitivement brouillé les Présidents Nicolas Sarkozy et Felipe Calderón. En 2014, le voyage officiel de François Hollande au Mexiqu...

  16. Student Affairs in Complex Contexts

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dissatisfaction and frustration with political leaders have sent students ... In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Minister of Higher Education has ordered a ... Student Affairs will need to anticipate and find innovative ways to adjust ... Razia Mayet's article focuses on the effectiveness of learning development interventions.

  17. Things That are Near Though Distant: Extramarital Affairs in Heian-Period Japan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew Grubits


    Full Text Available According to historian William McCullough, a society cannot be understood without an appreciation of its marriage institutions, for marriage institutions are a dominant strand in the fabric of any society. In the Heian period, however, there was an even more dominant strand in the fabric of society than marriage that impinged on the relationships between aristocratic men and women. As historian Ivan Morris points out, the most prevalent relationships between men and women were extramarital affairs. If an appreciation of marriage institutions is necessary for us to understand Heian society, then an appreciation of affairs is likewise necessary. Few historians have addressed the subject of affairs, though they are central to the most notable texts from the period. This article addresses this gap in scholarship by exploring why affairs were so prevalent during the Heian period. This exploration involves looking at the marriage institution, perceptions of sexuality, belief systems and, importantly, aestheticism. Heian society was intensely aesthetic – a great emphasis was placed on pathos, beauty and aesthetic acts such as composing poetry. This paper argues that affairs were themselves aesthetic acts; that is, they were occasions of aesthetic expression. Because aristocrats had a preoccupation with aestheticism, they embraced affairs.

  18. 76 FR 8402 - Public Availability of the Department of Veterans Affairs FY 2010 Service Contract Inventory (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Public Availability of the Department of Veterans Affairs FY 2010 Service Contract Inventory AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs. ACTION: Notice of public availability... Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-117), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is publishing...

  19. Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a health care benefit program designed for the dependents of certain Veterans....

  20. Policy Implementation of Government Affairs Devolution Scope of the Ministry of Home Affairs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdul Halik


    Full Text Available Deconcentration policies held because not all authority/government affairs can be done by using the principle of decentralization. The intent of this policy is to synergize the central and local relations. However, in reality not all of the activities of these policies can produce output in accordance with the plans and policy objectives, including those carried out by the Ministry of the Interior. Such conditions occur because of the policy implementation process has not been going well. This study uses naturalistic methods or qualitative descriptive explanation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of policy implementation, identify the factors that influence, as well as the results of policy implementation devolution of government affairs deconcentration scope of the Ministry of the Interior in the province of West Java. The results of this study indicate that in general the result of the implementation of deconcentration policy in West Java province is relatively accordance with the objectives of the implementation of deconcentration policy. Similarly, the output of the implementation of deconcentration program targets as predetermined. Nevertheless, there are still many shortcomings in the implementation process.

  1. Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services: Prof. Adam Habib's ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nov 1, 2016 ... He was a keynote speaker at the 2016 Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services held from 27–28 October ... and Services, with 50 student affairs leaders in attendance. To survive the 21st century, .... While Habib knew there was tax avoidance, if increased taxes resulted in a 20% contraction in gross ...

  2. Friends with Benefits: Optimizing Civil Affairs for Future Engagements (United States)


    11 Coles and Weinberg, Civil Affairs: Soldiers Become Governors, 10. 12 Ibid., 12. 13 Charles S. Hyneman, “The...Government, 1775–1991, 329. 35 Ibid., 334. 36 C. Darwin Stolzenbach and Henry A. Kissinger, Civil Affairs in Korea 1950–1951 (Chevy Chase, MD: Johns...DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010), 2. 58 Charles Key, “Petraeus, Crocker Criticize Iran, Call for Halt to Troop Pullout,” CNN, April 8

  3. Stressing the Importance of Public Affairs Knowledge in an Era of Declining Political Interest. (United States)

    Fife, Brian L.

    Public affairs instructors must routinely contend with the reality that stressing the importance of political knowledge is challenging in an era of declining student interest in politics and political institutions. Yet enhancing students' knowledge about public affairs can stimulate more interest and engagement in public affairs, particularly if…

  4. Attrition from Student Affairs: Perspectives from Those Who Exited the Profession (United States)

    Marshall, Sarah M.; Gardner, Megan Moore; Hughes, Carole; Lowery, Ute


    Attrition of student affairs professionals is an issue of concern for the profession. This mixed methods study highlights reasons why participants left their student affairs careers. Seven general themes emerged from the study, including burnout, salary issues, career alternatives, work/family conflict, limited advancement, supervisor issues and…

  5. China Report, Economic Affairs (United States)


    percent of members of leading groups of large and medium-sized back- bone enterprises have received education at and above college level. The, so that enterprises genuinely become lively "economic cells ," not simply subsidiaries of administrative organs. 4. In the sphere of...electric power stations, and breweries , resulting in great losses and waste. Such a state of affairs will certainly achieve no further development. 31

  6. Online Education in Public Affairs (United States)

    Ginn, Martha H.; Hammond, Augustine


    This exploratory study provides an overview of the current landscape of online education in the fields of Master of Public Administration and Master of Public Policy (MPA/MPP) utilizing a dataset compiled from content analysis of MPA/MPP programs' websites and survey of 96 National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration…

  7. Homeland Security Affairs Journal (press release)


    Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.); Center for Homeland Defense and Security


    Homeland Security Affairs (HSA) is the peer-reviewed online journal of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS). The journal provides a forum to propose and debate strategies, policies and organizational arrangements to strengthen U.S. homeland security.

  8. Exploring the Culture of Assessment within a Division of Student Affairs (United States)

    Julian, Nessa Duque


    The growing calls for accountability within higher education have mobilized student affairs divisions to develop practices that provide evidence of student learning and development. In order to do this effectively student affairs divisions understand the importance of creating, managing, and sustaining a culture of assessment. The purpose of this…

  9. Assessment of Service Members Knowledge and Trust of the Department of Veterans Affairs (United States)

    2015-06-12 24 Veterans Benefits Administration, “About VBA ,” last updated December 18, 2014, accessed May 10, 2015, http...Department of Veterans Affairs, 2014. Veterans Benefits Administration. “About VBA .” Last updated December 18, 2014. Accessed May 10, 2015. http...OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom VA Department of Veterans Affairs VA OIG Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General VBA Veterans Benefits

  10. Development of Effective Academic Affairs Administration System in Thai Primary Schools (United States)

    Thongnoi, Niratchakorn; Srisa-ard, Boonchom; Sri-ampai, Anan


    This research aimed to: 1) study current situations and problems of academic affairs administration system in Primary Schools. 2) develop an effective academic affairs administration system, and 3) evaluate the implementation of the developed system in the primary school, Thailand. Research and Development (R&D) was employed which consisted of…

  11. 77 FR 14600 - Public Availability of the Department of Veterans Affairs Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Service Contract... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Public Availability of the Department of Veterans Affairs Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Service Contract Inventory AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs. ACTION: Notice of... Affairs (VA) is publishing this notice to advise the public of the availability of the FY 2011 Service...

  12. The development of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) project's public affairs program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walter, L.H.


    The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) offers a perspective on the value of designing flexibility into a public affairs program to enable it to grow with and complement a project's evolution from construction through to operations. This paper discusses how the WIPP public affairs program progressed through several stages to its present scope. During the WIPP construction phase, the public affairs program laid a foundation for Project acceptance in the community. A speaker's bureau, a visitors program, and various community outreach and support programs emphasized the educational and socioeconomic benefits of having this controversial project in Carlsbad. Then, in this past year as the project entered a preoperational status, the public affairs program emphasis shifted to broaden the positive image that had been created locally. In this stage, the program promoted the project's positive elements with the various state agencies, government officials, and federal organizations involved in our country's radioactive waste management and transportation program. Currently, an even broader, more aggressive public affairs program is planned. During this stage public affairs will be engaged in a comprehensive institutional and outreach program, explaining and supporting WIPP's mission in each of the communities and agencies affected by the operation of the country's first geologic repository

  13. Manager, Communications and Public Affairs | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Works with the Director Corporate Communications and the Manager, ... a comprehensive public affairs program for IDRC to foster awareness, understanding and support for IDRC's ... Management (including Financial and Human Resources).

  14. A Historical Perspective on Student Affairs Professionals' Use of Digital Technology (United States)

    Cabellon, Edmund T.; Payne-Kirchmeier, Julie


    This chapter provides a historical perspective of student affairs professionals' use of digital and social technologies in their work on college campuses. The purpose of the chapter is to describe how digital technology tools have evolved since 2005, demonstrate how student affairs technology shifted and changed during this time, and shape student…

  15. The 'Transnuklear affair' and its consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brinkert, M.


    The 'Bribe' and 'Drum' Affairs and suspected proliferation in connection with Transnuklear GmbH public around the turn of 1987/88. Many members of the press wished them to speed up the process of opting out of nuclear power. However, none of the accusations specifically related to nuclear power leveled at that time turned out to be tenable. Instead, all violations of the law which had been detected could have been punished in the same way as in any other branch of industry. As a consequence, the impacts arising to regulatory structures in the nuclear sector, especially the measures taken by the Federal Government, may be considered to have been unjustified in scope. The TN Affair and the associated litigation has caused a great deal of confidence in nuclear power to be lost, which now has to be reclaimed by purposeful public relations efforts. (orig.) [de

  16. 49 CFR 1.63 - Delegations to Assistant to the Secretary and Director of Public Affairs. (United States)


    ... Director of Public Affairs. 1.63 Section 1.63 Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation... and Director of Public Affairs. The Assistant to the Secretary and Director of Public Affairs is delegated authority to: (a) [Reserved] (b) Monitor the overall public information program and review and...

  17. 32 CFR 705.36 - Government transportation of civilians for public affairs purposes. (United States)


    ....36 Government transportation of civilians for public affairs purposes. (a) General policy. (1... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), as appropriate. (8) Point to point transportation within... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Government transportation of civilians for...

  18. 39 CFR 3002.15 - Office of Public Affairs and Governmental Relations. [Reserved (United States)


    ... 39 Postal Service 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Office of Public Affairs and Governmental Relations. [Reserved] 3002.15 Section 3002.15 Postal Service POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION PERSONNEL ORGANIZATION §§ 3002.15 Office of Public Affairs and Governmental Relations. [Reserved] ...

  19. JPRS Report, Soviet Union, Military Affairs. (United States)


    Meetings of students and veterans, militarized physical culture celebrations , department and school activities which develop a sense of patriotism, formal...they capable of making military affairs interesting to a young men in Adidas jackets with dyed- hackle hairdos, of getting them to love military

  20. JPRS Report. Soviet Union: Political Affairs. (United States)


    cultivating the idea of forming a circle of domestic correspondents who would be fully immersed in studying parliamentary affairs, acquiring the to deal with ecological problems, and especially hydrobiologists in the field of ecotoxicology , to use as their tools the basic principles of

  1. Affective Commitment among Student Affairs Professionals (United States)

    Boehman, Joseph


    Student affairs professionals in the United States were surveyed to determine the predictive value of overall job satisfaction, organizational support, organizational politics, and work/nonwork interaction on affective organizational commitment. Results indicate that a supportive work environment leads to increased affective attachment to the…

  2. African Journal of International Affairs and Development

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    African Journal of International Affairs and Development. ... Foreign Policy and Public Opinion: An Assessment of Ijebu Involvement in the Kiriji War ... Book Review: Critical Perspective's on Nigeria's International Economic Relations · EMAIL ...

  3. Facteurs de risque dans le trouble déficitaire de l’attention et de l’hyperactivité: étude familiale (United States)

    Poissant, Hélène; Rapin, Lucile


    Résumé Objectif: Notre étude a pour but d’évaluer les facteurs de risque associés au trouble déficitaire de l’attention et de l’hyperactivité (TDAH) en termes de comorbidités et de facteurs d’adversité à l’intérieur des familles avec un TDAH. Méthodologie: 137 parents de 104 enfants avec un TDAH et 40 parents de 34 enfants contrôles ont répondu aux items d’un questionnaire. Des tests Chi-carrés et des tests de Student ont mesuré l’association de chaque item avec les groupes et les différences entre les groupes. Résultats: Les enfants avec un TDAH avaient des performances scolaires plus faibles et une plus forte prévalence des troubles d’apprentissage, oppositionnel, des conduites et anxieux que celle des enfants contrôles. Des difficultés d’apprentissage étaient plus souvent rapportées chez les pères d’enfants avec un TDAH. Par ailleurs, l’isolement social et les accidents de la route étaient davantage présents chez les mères d’enfants avec un TDAH. Ces dernières souffraient plus de dépression et de trouble anxieux et prenaient davantage de médicaments que les mères contrôles. Conclusion: L’étude de facteurs de risque révèle un lien entre les parents et les enfants, spécifiquement la présence de dépression parmi les mères d’enfants avec un TDAH et de difficultés d’apprentissage chez les pères, suggérant une composante familiale dans le trouble. La sous-représentation du TDAH chez les pères d’enfants avec un TDAH est discutée. PMID:23133459

  4. East Europe Report, Political, Sociological and Military Affairs

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    Partial Contents: International Affairs, Radio, Birthday Celebration, School Anniversary, Cultural Agreement, Presidents, Trade Union Bureau, Education, Olympic Committee, Ambassador, Conference, Exhibition, Campaign...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ridho Azlam Ambo Asse


    Full Text Available Management is the art of completing the work through others. In an organization there are various components that are structured and coordinated in the movement toward shared vision and mission. Management is looking for that component to move under coordination, pressure, and problems that hit. Editing management, especially for the current affair type program, has a special purpose. Not just the speed of productivity that is based on the ability of individual editors. This research is done to know the process of stage editor in work. The process of managing files, data management, human resources, tools, facilities, scheduling, until the pattern of editing stage in one of the national media industry. This study concludes that the current affair program management editing system based on the concept of planning, organizing, implementation, supervision, and productivity management is done by Top Down method from top to bottom in the management of currenf affair tvOne editing program. What gets from above during a pre-production meeting of a program. Then coordinate with the supervisor and then delegate down to be implemented according to the agreed plan and in accordance with the duties and functions of both the production team and the editor.   Manajemen merupakan seni menyelesaikan pekerjaan melalui orang lain. Dalam sebuah organisasi terdapat berbagai macam komponen yang terstruktur dan terkordinasi dalam gerakan menuju visi dan misi bersama. Manajemen ialah mencari agar komponen tersebut dapat bergerak dibawah koordinasi, tekanan, dan masalah yang menerpa. Manajemen editing khususnya untuk program berjenis current affair, memiliki tujuan khusus. Tidak sekedar kecepatan produktifitas yang didasarkan pada kemampuan individu editor. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini untuk mengetahui proses tahapan editor dalam bekerja. Proses mengelola file, pengelolaan data, sumber daya manusia, alat, fasilitas, penjadwalan, hingga pola tahapan editing pada salah

  6. Introduction. La famille et les TIC au cœur des épreuves et des célébrations


    Boutet, Manuel; Le Douarin, Laurence


    Ce numéro part du constat qu’aujourd’hui, l’édification des relations familiales s’appuie, notamment, sur l’utilisation de la téléphonie mobile et de la médiation électronique. Ainsi étudier les usages des outils de médiation électronique doit-il nous permettre d’en comprendre le rôle pour la famille, d’explorer par ce biais les normes familiales et d’élucider l’« économie morale » propre à chaque entité familiale (Silverstone et al., 1992). Les pratiques numériques peuvent servir d’« analyse...

  7. Toward a History of Student Affairs: A Synthesis of Research, 1996-2015 (United States)

    Hevel, Michael S.


    This article offers a synthesis of over 40 journal articles, book chapters, and books related to the history of student affairs published since 1996. Within this literature, scholars have explored the roles and responsibilities of early student affairs administrators ("positions and practice"), demonstrated efforts to establish a…

  8. Powers and Duties of Corporate Affairs Commission

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CORPORATE AFFAIRS. COMMISSION ... The Registrar-General is the Chief Executive of the Commission and is saddled .... Federal Board of Inland Revenue Department of the Ministry of Finance v). Register ...

  9. Women in Student Affairs: Navigating the Roles of Mother and Administrator (United States)

    Bailey, Krista Jorge


    The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of women who have children and work in mid-level student affairs positions. The study of this phenomenon was driven by four problems: (a) women face barriers in rising to upper-level leadership positions, (b) women are more likely than men to leave the field of student affairs, (c) there…

  10. JPRS Report, Soviet Union, Political Affairs (United States)


    skillfully shift animal husbandry to the summer work regime, and to ensure the sheep are sheared. JPRS-UPA-89-046 27 JULY 1989 16 PARTY, STATE AFFAIRS... vineyards . Vegetable plantations must replant on an urgent basis, and also prepare right now for receiving, processing and storing fruit and

  11. The Purpose of a Student Affairs Preparation Program within Jesuit Higher Education (United States)

    Stringer, Jeremy; Swezey, Erin


    This article addresses the congruence of a student affairs professional preparation program within Jesuit higher education. It connects the mission of Jesuit education and Jesuit religious and educational principles to the philosophy of student affairs work in colleges and universities. A program in student development administration at Seattle…

  12. 75 FR 5836 - Meeting of the United States-Peru Environmental Affairs Council (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 6889] Meeting of the United States-Peru Environmental Affairs Council ACTION: Notice of the meeting of the U.S.-Peru Environmental Affairs Council and request for...) are providing notice that the United States and Peru intend to hold the first meeting of the...

  13. A reading list for practitioners and scholars of student affairs in Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal of Student Affairs in Africa | Volume 3(2) 2015, 65–68 | 2307-6267 ... Campus crisis management: A comprehensive guide to planning, prevention, response, ... ACPA Statement of Ethical Principles and Standards. ... (Note: Though this text is geared for student affairs professionals at faith-based institutions, it has.

  14. 76 FR 81984 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Trade and Labor Affairs; Bahrain-United States... (United States)


    ... and Labor Affairs; Bahrain--United States Free Trade Agreement; Notice of Extension of the Period of...) of the Bahrain--United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The submission was received on April 21... of Inquiry and the proposal of the Government of Bahrain to the Governing Body of the International...

  15. The evolution of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) project's public affairs program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walter, L.H.


    As a first-of-a-kind facility, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) presents a unique perspective on the value of designing a public affairs program that grown with and complements a project's evolution from construction to operations. Like the project itself, the public affairs programs progressed through several stages to its present scope. During the construction phase, foundations were laid in the community. Then, in this past year as the project entered a preoperational status, emphasis shifted to broaden the positive image that had been created locally. In this stage, public affairs presented the project's positive elements to the various state agencies, government officials, and federal organizations involved in our country's radioactive waste management program. Most recently, and continuing until receipt of the first shipment of waste in October 1988, an even broader, more aggressive public affairs program is planned

  16. Public Affairs Manual. Revised 1976 Edition. (United States)

    American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, DC.

    This public affairs manual is designed for health, physical education, and recreation personnel. It begins with a position statement by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (AAHPER). In section two, resources and procedures for crises action at the local and state level are discussed. Several organizational models…

  17. Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    introduced to the 3rd Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services that was hosted by Stellenbosch University (SU) in Cape Town, South Africa, this past .... students to act as partners and change agents in their educational experience.

  18. Public affairs events at Ocean Sciences Meeting (United States)

    Uhlenbrock, Kristan


    AGU public affairs will be cohosting two special events at Ocean Sciences 2012 that offer scientists opportunities to expand their communication, policy, and media experience. Join the conversations that highlight two important topics to connect science to society.

  19. ​Senior Public Affairs Advisor | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... the excellence in the management of public affairs and meet business needs. ... Portfolio Management - Communications Planning and Implementation ... and Policy & Evaluation Division staff, provides strategic intelligence, advice and ...

  20. Addressing Sexual Violence as Student Affairs Work (United States)

    Landreman, Lisa M.; Williamsen, Kaaren M.


    In this chapter, we outline the challenges campuses face in addressing sexual violence and Title IX compliance. We argue that there are critical roles for student affairs professionals in Title IX work in developing effective campus sexual violence prevention and response strategies.

  1. FKBP immunophilins and Alzheimer's disease: A chaperoned affair

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Jul 8, 2011 ... FKBP immunophilins and Alzheimer's disease: A chaperoned affair. Weihuan Cao Mary ... Keywords. Alzheimer's disease; amyloid precursor protein; beta amyloid; FKBP; FK506; immunophilins; tau ... 43 | Issue 1. March 2018.

  2. Global Affairs Canada | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    For example, Vietnamese and Canadian research teams developed micronutrient-enriched instant flours and baby cereals using local crops and local processing facilities. Global Affairs Canada, IDRC, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research are collaborating to improve health outcomes for African mothers and ...

  3. Asia-Pacific Journal for Student Affairs (AJSA)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dr Kathleen Callahan is Lecturer for Leadership Studies at Christopher Newport University. Email: ... The International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) serves as a global network of ... the landscape in higher education. ... This issue also includes understanding the voices of children of Overseas Filipino.

  4. Soutien organisationnel de la phase 2 de l'ITT : Public Affairs Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Soutien organisationnel de la phase 2 de l'ITT : Public Affairs Centre. Ce financement contribuera à renforcer le rôle du Public Affairs Centre (PAC) en tant qu'organisme crédible de recherche sur les politiques publiques en Inde en renforçant sa capacité à fournir des recherches de qualité supérieure, influentes et utiles en ...

  5. Implementation and Effectiveness of Student Affairs Services Program in One Polytechnic College

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jose Ariel R. Ibarrientos


    Full Text Available Descriptive survey using questionnaire was employed to determine the extent of implementation and effectiveness of the Student Affairs Services Program of Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges in the Philippines for School Year 2012-2013. Generally, administrators, teachers and students articulated that CSPC’s Student Affairs Services Program was effectively implemented. Of the services provided, Guidance and Counselling and Housing Services show lower significant results in terms of effectiveness. T-test shows that there is no significant difference between its implementation and effectiveness. Significant agreements between the three groups of respondents were identified using the Kendall Coefficient of Concordance. Improvement of the delivery of CSPC’s Student Affairs Services Program will be effective upon adopting the researcher’s Comprehensive Development Plan.

  6. 25 CFR 12.1 - Who is responsible for the Bureau of Indian Affairs law enforcement function? (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Who is responsible for the Bureau of Indian Affairs law enforcement function? 12.1 Section 12.1 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAW AND ORDER INDIAN COUNTRY LAW ENFORCEMENT Responsibilities § 12.1 Who is responsible for the Bureau of Indian Affairs law enforcement function? Th...

  7. What Institutional Websites Reveal about Diversity-Related Partnerships between Academic and Student Affairs (United States)

    LePeau, Lucy A.; Hurtado, Sarah S.; Davis, Ryan J.


    Little is understood about how campus educators within Academic Affairs and Student Affairs use institutional websites to articulate what their institutional commitments to diversity, inclusion, and social justice are and how they are enacted. Through an exploratory content analysis using LePeau's (2015) framework on pathways to partnership (i.e.,…

  8. 78 FR 29779 - Labor Affairs Council of the United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement; Notice of Public... (United States)


    ... Trade Promotion Agreement; Notice of Public Session Meeting AGENCY: International Labor Affairs Bureau... Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB) of the U.S. Department of Labor gives notice of the public session of the meeting of the Labor Affairs Council (``Council'' or ``LAC''). The LAC public session has been rescheduled...

  9. Undergraduate Consumer Affairs Program Needs: Employers' Perspectives (United States)

    Morrison, Kathryn; Saboe-Wounded Head, Lorna; Cho, Soo Hyun


    Forty-six Consumer Affairs (CA) internship supervisors were surveyed to identify critical knowledge and skills demonstrated by interns and to examine the importance of knowledge and skills needed in the workplace from the supervisors' perspectives.The knowledge and skills measured were identified through program goals. Results revealed that CA…

  10. Outsourcing of Regulatory Affairs Tasks in Pharmaceutical Companies-Why and What?


    Gummerus, Anu; Airaksinen, Marja; Bengtström, Mia; Juppo, Anne


    The purpose of this study was to investigate what kind of regulatory affairs tasks is outsourced in the pharmaceutical industry and what are the reasons for outsourcing in the EU countries. The study was conducted as an e-mail survey in the pharmaceutical industry in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Germany, and Spain, focusing on those companies that undertake regulatory affairs. The survey received 71 completed responses out of 147, a response rate of 48 %. The most outsourced tasks were related t...

  11. 76 FR 21786 - Meetings of The United States-Peru Environmental Affairs Council, Environmental Cooperation... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 7417] Meetings of The United States-Peru Environmental Affairs... of meetings of the United States-Peru Environmental Affairs Council, Environmental Cooperation... notice that the United States and Peru intend to hold the third meeting of the Sub-Committee on Forest...

  12. 77 FR 28419 - Meetings of the United States-Peru Environmental Affairs Council, Environmental Cooperation... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 7873] Meetings of the United States-Peru Environmental Affairs... of meetings of the United States-Peru Environmental Affairs Council, Environmental Cooperation... the United States and Peru intend to hold the fifth meeting of the Sub-Committee on Forest Sector...

  13. L’engagement des femmes catholiques dans des associations familiales en France et au Portugal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sophie Rétif


    Full Text Available Cet article, résultat d’une enquête sur des associations familiales catholiques, en France et au Portugal, se propose de montrer à quelles conditions des mouvements conservateurs peuvent favoriser la prise de responsabilité des femmes. Dans ces mouvements où l’adhésion se fait en couple et où la différence de nature entre les sexes est en permanence réaffirmée, on observe une nette division sexuelle du travail militant. Les postes les plus prestigieux sont occupés par les hommes, qui sont également majoritairement en charge des tâches de réflexion et d’impulsion politique. Les femmes, quant à elles, prennent en charge l’essentiel des services fournis aux familles, ainsi que la plus grande partie des tâches d’organisation et d’exécution. Cependant, certaines femmes peuvent connaître une ascension très rapide au sein des mouvements et traverser les frontières de la division sexuelle du travail, à condition de disposer d’un capital social important et, surtout, d’une expérience professionnelle. Pour les femmes, peu nombreuses, qui cumulent ces propriétés, l’engagement dans ces mouvements familiaux conservateurs peut constituer le point de départ d’une véritable carrière militante et politique.Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación acerca de unas asociaciones familiares católicas, en Francia y en Portugal. Propone evidenciar cuales son las condiciones que favorecen las toma de responsabilidad por parte de las mujeres en estos grupos conservadores. En estas asociaciones, a las cuales la pareja es la que se afilia, la diferencia “natural” entre hombres y mujeres está permanentemente reafirmada y se observa claramente una división sexual del trabajo militante. Los hombres ocupan las plazas más prestigiosas y se encargan de la mayor parte del trabajo de reflexión e impulsión política, mientras que las mujeres se dedican a los servicios a las familias y a las tareas de organizaci


    CERN Multimedia


    The Social Affairs Service is pleased to announce that from now on it offers the services of a psychologist on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The Social Affairs Service is a centre offering advice and support which can provide the following: Information and documentation (education for your children, language courses, child-minding facilities, health-related matters etc.). Information on social protection (illness, disability, handicap, retirement, death, etc.) and integration. Assistance in dealings with the authorities/services concerned. Consultations with a view to resolving problems of a personal, family or professional nature, such as problems of dependancy (alcohol, drugs, relationship) or behavioural problems (stress, depression, eating disorders). Support in facing new situations (maternity, divorce, bereavement, change of post, geographical isolation). Assistance with decision making relating to family, personal or professional matters. The team is at the disposition of all members of person...

  15. 25 CFR 225.36 - Minerals agreement cancellation; Bureau of Indian Affairs notice of noncompliance. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Minerals agreement cancellation; Bureau of Indian Affairs... INTERIOR ENERGY AND MINERALS OIL AND GAS, GEOTHERMAL, AND SOLID MINERALS AGREEMENTS Minerals Agreements § 225.36 Minerals agreement cancellation; Bureau of Indian Affairs notice of noncompliance. (a) If the...

  16. Taking Advantage of Student Engagement Results in Student Affairs (United States)

    Kinzie, Jillian; Hurtado, Sarah S.


    This chapter urges student affairs professionals committed to enhancing student success through data-informed decision making to take full advantage of opportunities to apply and use student engagement results.

  17. Towards a professionalisation of student affairs in Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    personal growth and maturation, both cognitively and emotionally. ... Scholarly and professional developments in African student affairs ... professionals, as well as institutional researchers, academics and students focused on the ... education, as two functional areas which respectively hold opportunities for adaptation and.

  18. 75 FR 3952 - Delegation by the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to the... (United States)


    ... Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to the Coordinator, Bureau of International Information Programs, or... Diplomacy and Public Affairs by law, including by Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, and... State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs may at any time exercise the functions and authorities...

  19. The Plumbat affair

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davenport, E.; Eddy, P.; Gillman, P.


    On 16 November 1968, 560 metal drums labelled 'Plumbat' were loaded on to a small ship, the Scheersberg A, in Antwerp. The drums contained uranium ore which was being shipped by a small German chemical company to an obscure Italian paint company for processing. At least, that was what the documents said, and the grounds upon which Euratom (the European Atomic Energy Commission) had licensed the sale and shipment of the ore. The Scheersberg A next appeared in a Turkish port, without her cargo. Potentially, the uranium in the drums could be formed into the raw material for a dozen nuclear bombs. As far as Euratom and the security forces of Germany and Itay were concerned, it had disappeared off the face of the earth. In fact, nothing more might ever have been heard about it were it not for a chance sentence uttered to the Norwegian police who were interrogating a suspect about the murder of an Arab waiter. Under questioning, the suspect revealed that he was one of Israel's secret 'hit teams', sent out to kill suspected Arab terrorists. He talked almost eagerly to the police, and divulged that he had once owned a ship called the Scheersberg A. Israel was a logical destination for the uranium, since it was one of the few countries which possessed a reactor capable of transmuting the uranium ore into plutonium, which could be used for bombs. Security officials and journalists followed up that chance remark and started to unravel the extraordinary history of the Scheersberg A, and its part in another mysterious affair, the hijacking by Israel of five gunboats from the port of Cherbourg late in 1969. The Plumbat Affair is a fascinating detective story; the alliances that were formed and the deals that were made at the highest levels of international politics and in the depths of the underworld make this a thriller beyond the imaginings of most novelists. (author)

  20. 75 FR 52582 - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Request for Grant Proposals: Global Undergraduate... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 7131] Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Request for... Academic Exchange Programs of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces an open competition... science, criminal justice, economics, education, engineering, environmental management, geology...

  1. Revolution in Detection Affairs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stern W.


    The detection of nuclear or radioactive materials for homeland or national security purposes is inherently difficult. This is one reason detection efforts must be seen as just one part of an overall nuclear defense strategy which includes, inter alia, material security, detection, interdiction, consequence management and recovery. Nevertheless, one could argue that there has been a revolution in detection affairs in the past several decades as the innovative application of new technology has changed the character and conduct of detection operations. This revolution will likely be most effectively reinforced in the coming decades with the networking of detectors and innovative application of anomaly detection algorithms.

  2. JPRS Report, Soviet Union, International Affairs. (United States)


    de estudios internationales (CEPEI), Lima, 1986, XXXVI+498 pp] [Text] The latest publication of the Peruvian Center for International Research is...United States on the Malvinas Islands and Easter Island (p 377). Mercado Harrin, former minister of foreign affairs and prime minister of Peru who...urgent tasks in the realm of foreign policy. E. Mercado Harrin, analyzing the geopolitical climate in Latin America after the Malvinas conflict of

  3. Facing a "New" Challenge: Chief Student Affairs Officers' Responses to Casino Gambling in Mississippi. (United States)

    Bailey, E. Ann; Dickens, Cynthia S.


    Reports on a qualitative study examining chief student affairs officers' (CSAOs) (N=30) perceptions of the impact of legalized casino gambling on student life, service delivery, and student affairs. Results indicate that CSAOs detected few changes in student behavior. Campuses close to casinos reported more dropouts and increases in student debt.…

  4. The Development, Validity, and Reliability of a Psychometric Instrument Measuring Competencies in Student Affairs (United States)

    Sriram, Rishi


    The study of competencies in student affairs began more than 4 decades ago, but no instrument currently exists to measure competencies broadly. This study builds upon previous research by developing an instrument to measure student affairs competencies. Results not only validate the competencies espoused by NASPA and ACPA, but also suggest adding…

  5. Advocating for Standards in Student Affairs Departments in African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Student Affairs Departments have seen immense growth over the years, from a discourse which had no academic relevance in higher education, to that which ... the continent's transformation agenda towards socio-economic development.

  6. 76 FR 71797 - Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Farmer Mac Investments and... (United States)


    ... diligence procedures that are required for investments, but we do not intend to change the fundamental... Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Farmer Mac Investments and Liquidity... Mortgage Corporation Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Farmer Mac Investments and Liquidity Management AGENCY...

  7. How Do Science and Technology Affect International Affairs? (United States)

    Weiss, Charles


    Science and technology influence international affairs by many different mechanisms. Both create new issues, risks and uncertainties. Advances in science alert the international community to new issues and risks. New technological capabilities transform war, diplomacy, commerce, intelligence, and investment. This paper identifies six basic…

  8. Teaching Reconsidered: Exploring the Teaching Experiences of Student Affairs Professionals in the College Classroom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramona Meraz Lewis


    Full Text Available Aim/Purpose\tThe purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of student affairs professionals who teach in a variety of college classroom settings. Background\tIncreasingly, student affairs professionals are serving in teaching roles inside the college classroom; yet, there are few empirical studies that explore that teaching role or the impacts of that teaching experience. Because there are so few studies, we know little of the impacts of these experiences on the individual, the institution, or students. Methodology\tThis qualitative study explores the experiences of student affairs professionals who also teach in a variety of campus and classroom settings. The 12 participants from 11 different institutions ranged in years of service in the profession from six to 40 years. They taught an array of undergraduate and graduate courses including first-year experience and career courses, general education courses, and courses in higher education graduate programs. Participants share insights on how their training as student affairs professionals impacts them in their roles as college teachers. Findings\tThe findings are categorized into two broad themes: the impacts of practice on teaching and the impacts of teaching on practice. Additionally, participants share how their teaching experiences enhanced their awareness of the academic culture of the academy, enriched their understanding of students, and improved collaborations across their campuses. Future Research\tOur research addresses the gap in the literature by providing a number of considerations on how formal teaching and student affairs practice have a recursive relationship. Future research might explore how teaching at the undergraduate level may differ from teaching at the graduate level. Future research, should explore in what, if any, ways the number of years teaching influences how professionals approach teaching. Future research on teaching might also explore the experiences of

  9. Revitalizing Rural Washington: Report and Recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on Rural Affairs. (United States)

    Governor's Task Force on Rural Affairs, Olympia, WA.

    Recognizing that urban and rural problems are interconnected, the Governor's Advisory Council on Urban Affairs (State of Washington), made a recommendation that led to formation (in 1970) of the Task Force on Rural Affairs. The report of that task force identifies the continuing technological revolution in agriculture as an important cause of (1)…

  10. Advocating for Standards in Student Affairs Departments in African Institutions: University of Botswana Experience (United States)

    Pansiri, Barbra M.; Sinkamba, Refilwe P.


    The Student Affairs Departments have seen immense growth over the years, from a discourse which had no academic relevance in higher education, to that which is expected to add value to the attraction, retention, and graduation of students. However, the latest developments have seen the role of Student Affairs Departments grow from "in-loco…

  11. Socialisation and Professional Identity: Reflections of an Administrator’s Pathway into Student Affairs in the United States


    Darren L Clarke


    Pathways into student affairs careers may not always be clear or well defined. Often, student affairs professionals experience unconventional beginnings. Formal and informal relationships with faculty, staff and students in higher education may eventually inspire a career in student affairs. This process of socialisation positively influenced my development as a student and continues to shape my perspectives about college student development as a professional. My professional identity, inf...

  12. 78 FR 32529 - Meeting of the United States-Peru Environmental Affairs Council and Environmental Cooperation... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 8339] Meeting of the United States-Peru Environmental Affairs Council and Environmental Cooperation Commission ACTION: Notice of meetings of the United States-Peru... the United States and Peru intend to hold the fourth meeting of the Environmental Affairs Council (the...

  13. Les representations sociales des musees par les jeunes de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La participation culturelle des jeunes reste un élément fondamental de la vie sociale. Ainsi, les musées sont des institutions culturelles qui contribuent à cette perspective. Mais, il est à constater que les visites muséales sont presque absentes des activités culturelles des jeunes. Le présent article propose une analyse des ...

  14. Professional mentoring in student affairs: evaluation of a global ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    IASAS) offered a global professional mentoring programme that would link student affairs leaders internationally with new graduates and early career professionals in student services. Protégé participants were primarily new graduates of ...

  15. TTI Phase 2 Institutional Support: Public Affairs Centre | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This funding will enhance the Public Affairs Centre's (PAC) role as a credible ... and networks with national governments and international partners working on ... Birth registration is the basis for advancing gender equality and children's rights.

  16. extramarital affair as correlate of reproductive health and home

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    health and home instability among couples in Ibadan, Nigeria. Descriptive survey ... importance of reproductive health education and home stability to health and general ..... extramarital affair in Nepal due to economic factors such as foreign ...

  17. Control authorities of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of drug trafficking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    О. М. Шевчук


    Full Text Available The article deals with control authorities of internal Affairs bodies in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. Established the concept of the legal status of the Management of the fight against illegal circulation of drugs of the Ministry of interior of Ukraine and describes its features. The classification of control authorities of internal Affairs bodies in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors and analyzed for their content.

  18. Mental Health a Worry for Student Affairs Worldwide*

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services. “We are seeing ... universities in China were offering courses, counselling and professional help. ... Botswana, said mental health issues varied, as students had different needs. ... in the job market, and to cope with academics and adjustment to universities and colleges.

  19. Arizona Commission of Indian Affairs 1982 Annual Report. (United States)

    Arizona Commission of Indian Affairs, Phoenix.

    Designed to provide insight into the proceedings, transactions, and findings of the Arizona Commission of Indian Affairs, this 1981-82 annual report reflects the Commission's efforts to improve communications, understanding and working relationships between tribes and state government to provide tribes with technical assistance. The report…

  20. Knox named Phoenix associate dean of faculty affairs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robbins RA


    Full Text Available No abstract available. Article truncated after 150 words. The University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix has announced the appointment of nationally recognized physician-scientist Kenneth S. Knox, MD, as the associate dean of faculty affairs. Dr. Knox who has been at the University of Arizona-Tucson since 2008, will oversee the Faculty Affairs Office whose charge is to promote an engaged, diverse community of faculty and scholars that sustain a culture of engagement, professionalism and inclusion. He also will serve as director of research at the Banner Lung Institute. Dr. Knox is a pulmonologist known for his research in sarcoidosis, fungal diagnostics and immunologic lung disease. His work includes developing treatments for HIV, AIDS and valley fever. The division chief of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine in Tucson, Knox was responsible for dramatic growth. His accomplishments include increasing the number of clinical and basic science faculty from five to 30 and fellowship trainings from six to 20, rekindling …

  1. Bradley’s Regress, Russell’s States of Affairs, and Some General Remarks on the Problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Holger Leerhoff


    Full Text Available In this paper, I will give a presentation of Bradley's two main arguments against the reality of relations. Whereas one of his arguments is highly specific to Bradley's metaphysical background, his famous regress argument seems to pose a serious threat not only for ontological pluralism, but especially for states of affairs as an ontological category. Amongst the proponents of states-of-affairs ontologies two groups can be distinguished: One group holds states of affairs to be complexes consisting of their particular and universal constituents alone, the other holds that there has to be a "unifying relation" of some sort to establish the unity of a given state of affairs. Bradley's regress is often conceived to be a compelling argument against the first and for the latter. I will argue that the latter approaches have no real advantage over the simpler theories—neither in the light of Bradley's regress nor in other respects.

  2. La qualité bien rare de Sâlih Ibn Yahyâ parmi les historiens orientaux au Moyen Âge: Écrire l'histoire des émirs Buhtur en utilisant les archives familiales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierre Moukarzel


    Full Text Available Sâlih Ibn Yahyâ, à la différence des chroniqueurs du xive et du xve siècle, a consacré son œuvre à écrire l’histoire de sa famille. Cet ouvrage est très important car il est fondé dans sa plus grande partie sur des archives familiales conservées par les émirs Buhtur qui ont régné sur une région du Mont Liban appelée al-Gharb.Ces archives comprennent des pièces officielles, des lettres patentes, des acts d’iqṭâ‛, des décrets, des ordres, que les émirs Buhtur ont reçus, soit de la cour d’Égypte, soit de celle de Damas, soit encore des Mongols ou des Francs.Ces pièces d’archives couvrent une période allant du xiie jusqu’au xive siècle. Leur présentation et leur analyse fournissent des informations très intéressantes sur l’usage et les règles de la rédaction dans les chancelleries des sultans zinghîdes, ayyûbîdes et des premiers sultans mamelouks.

  3. 43 CFR Appendix A to Part 2 - Department of the Interior FOIA and Public Affairs Contacts, and Reading Rooms (United States)


    ... Affairs Contacts, and Reading Rooms A Appendix A to Part 2 Public Lands: Interior Office of the Secretary...—Department of the Interior FOIA and Public Affairs Contacts, and Reading Rooms Departmental Departmental FOIA... 20240 Telephone No. (202) 208-3909 Fax No. (202) 208-6867 Public Affairs OfficeOffice of Communications...

  4. Self-Esteem: A Family Affair. An Evaluation Study. (United States)

    Bredehoft, David J.

    Over the past decade parent education programs, following either a democratic or behavior modification model, have gained in recognition and support. To investigate the effectiveness of Jean Illsley Clarke's parent education program, Self Esteem: A Family Affair, on self-esteem, conflict resolution, and family togetherness and flexibility, 27…

  5. 75 FR 52385 - Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Lifting of Policy of Denial Regarding ITAR Regulated... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 7128] Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Lifting of Policy... Controls Compliance, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Department of State, (202) 663-2980..., identify compliance problems, and resolve alleged violations. Xe replaced senior management; established...

  6. 78 FR 77200 - Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel AFFAIR; Invitation for Public... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Maritime Administration [Docket No. MARAD-2013-0151] Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel AFFAIR; Invitation for Public Comments AGENCY: Maritime... AFFAIR is: Intended Commercial Use of Vessel: ``Charter Fishing (sport) & sightseeing tours.'' Geographic...

  7. The Research of Spatial-Temporal Analysis and Decision-Making Assistant System for Disabled Person Affairs Based on Mapworld (United States)

    Zhang, J. H.; Yang, J.; Sun, Y. S.


    This system combines the Mapworld platform and informationization of disabled person affairs, uses the basic information of disabled person as center frame. Based on the disabled person population database, the affairs management system and the statistical account system, the data were effectively integrated and the united information resource database was built. Though the data analysis and mining, the system provides powerful data support to the decision making, the affairs managing and the public serving. It finally realizes the rationalization, normalization and scientization of disabled person affairs management. It also makes significant contributions to the great-leap-forward development of the informationization of China Disabled Person's Federation.

  8. JPRS Report, Soviet Union, Political Affairs (United States)


    the popular "On-Duty Reporter" column , Yeliza- veta Bogoslovskaya, Sergey Chesnokov, and Galina Sapunova, literally have not gotten off the telephone...Affairs E . A. Didorenko. He has demonstrated the kind of admirable energy that he has failed to show in the fight against crime. Back on 23 February...Our editorial welcomed E . A. Didorenko’s and TASH- KENTSKAYA PRAVDA’s desire to shed light on many problems of interethnic relations and the

  9. Internal Affairs Sector: Towards a new Law on Police

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radivojević Nenad P.


    Full Text Available By establishing the Inspector General's Service within the Department of Public Safety in 2001, Serbia became one of the countries that have institutionalized internal control of the police. By the adoption of the Law on Police in 2005, the name of the Service was renamed in the Internal Affairs Sector. Ten years of work of the Internal Affairs Sector revealed the existence of certain problems because of a inadequate and not complete legal framework. That was, among other, the reason for initiating the adoption of the new Law on Police. This paper presents solutions of the Draft Law on Police, in part related to the work of the Sector. The Draft contains some new solutions that could improve the efficiency of the Sector, but some doubts and uncertainties still remain, that will also be explained in this paper.

  10. Professional Mentoring in Student Affairs: Evaluation of a Global ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    mentoring, professional development, student affairs, global programme, ... multinational research report was released in 2014 profiling the educational ... associations play in providing those essential contacts and peer learning opportunities. ... admissions, academic success, student advising and career services to new ...

  11. Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services | Moscaritolo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Global Summit on Student Affairs and Services. Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo, Karen Davis. Abstract. No Abstract. Full Text: EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT · AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors ...

  12. Public Affairs Capacity Building: A Soft Tool for Combatant Commanders

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Salata, Jason P


    Public affairs capacity building is a valuable soft component of the Combatant Commander's Theater Campaign Plan that builds habitual relationships, fosters transparency, and enhances the ability to shape the AOR...

  13. 76 FR 16029 - 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs... (United States)


    ... Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports & Culture Evaluation Envoys... larger Sports and Culture Evaluation to conduct a survey of the envoys who participated in the Sports... of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports...

  14. 76 FR 16033 - 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs... (United States)


    ... Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports & Culture Evaluation BTL... larger Sports and Culture Evaluation to conduct a survey of exchange participants who participated in the... of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports...

  15. 76 FR 2941 - Bureau of Political-Military Affairs: Directorate of Defense Trade Controls; Notifications to the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 7301] Bureau of Political-Military Affairs: Directorate of..., Managing Director, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, Bureau of Political- Military Affairs, Department... services to support the design, manufacture and delivery of the Anik G1 Commercial Communication Satellite...

  16. Restructuring the Foreign Affairs Agencies for the Twenty First Century

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Smythe, Ana


    This paper underscores the critical need for cultural change and professional development in the Foreign Affairs Agencies of the United States in order to meet the challenge of a dynamically changed...

  17. 8 December 2011 - Kingdom of Lesotho Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs and Public Safety, and of Parliamentary Affairs A. Lesao Lehohla signing the guest book with Adviser R. Voss and in the ATLAS visitor centre.

    CERN Multimedia

    VMO Team


    8 December 2011 - Kingdom of Lesotho Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs and Public Safety, and of Parliamentary Affairs A. Lesao Lehohla signing the guest book with Adviser R. Voss and in the ATLAS visitor centre.

  18. 75 FR 8104 - Information Collection for Tax Credit Bonds for Bureau of Indian Affairs-Funded Schools (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs Information Collection for Tax Credit Bonds... considered for an allocation. No third party notification or public disclosure burden is associated with this...: Tax Credit Bonds for Bureau of Indian Affairs-Funded Schools. Brief Description of Collection...

  19. 76 FR 16030 - 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs... (United States)


    ... and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports & Culture... collection clearance will allow ECA/P/V as part of their larger Sports and Culture Evaluation to conduct a... of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports...

  20. 76 FR 16032 - 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs... (United States)


    ... Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports & Culture Evaluation IWP... collection clearance will allow ECA/P/V as part of their larger Sports and Culture Evaluation to conduct a... of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports...

  1. The Invisible Reality of Whiteness: An Examination of Whiteness in Jesuit Higher Education Student Affairs (United States)

    Schmitz, Diane Shirley


    The purpose of this study was to promote an ethic of care and justice through the examination of the manifestations of whiteness within student affairs on a Jesuit Catholic university campus. To achieve this purpose a qualitative, exploratory case study was used to examine a student affairs division at Western Jesuit University (pseudonym), an…

  2. Role conceptions of public affairs practitioners in The Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    von den Driesch, D.; van der Wurff, R.


    Public affairs (PA) practitioners play an important role in political decision-making in modern democratic societies. This study gives a first insight in how these practitioners themselves perceive their role. Based on findings from previous empirical studies and normative democratic theories, three

  3. James Edward Scott: The Leadership Journey of a Senior-Level African American Student Affairs Officer (United States)

    Willis, Salatha T.


    The purpose of this study was to examine, understand, and describe the life, leadership, and influence of Dr. James Edward Scott on higher education and more specifically student affairs; as one of the most well-known and respected African American male chief student affairs officers in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Using a qualitative…

  4. USSR Report, Political and Sociological Affairs (United States)


    resolutions on Namibia. However, the world has not failed to note that France and Britain have demonstrated some realism on that problem and have...Kagoshima, in a few days’ time. Seven ships of Japan’s navy and of the US 7th Fleet, two British patrol ships and a French destroyer will take...affairs in the Far East and in the history of war art. That event is well remembered in our country. Our poeple associate it with the stupid avarice of

  5. Career Progression Impact on Active and Reserve Component Civil Affairs Officer and Enlisted Soldiers as a Result of a Civil Affairs Capabilities Restructuring within the Army

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Edmonds, Johnnie


    .... Since 96 percent of the Army's Civil Affairs structure and capabilities reside in the Army Reserve, the problems of access, operational tempo, and responsiveness have created a new requirement...

  6. La gestion par affaire et pilotage de la performance des organisations industrielles


    Pendariees, Michel


    International audience; « Dans les systèmes industriels où les produits sont conçus et réalisés en fonction des spécifications des clients, la notion d'affaire est l'entité de base de la gestion industrielle » . Aujourd'hui, la recherche de solutions globales « sur mesure », prime sur la fourniture d'un catalogue de « belles solutions », comme réponse au client. Pour être performante, l'entreprise industrielle doit s'organiser par « affaire ». Ce qui lui permet de mieux s'adapter et maîtriser...

  7. Institutional Support : Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Ghana ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The Institute of Economic Affairs in Ghana (IEA-Ghana) was founded in 1989 during the twilight of the military dictatorship. At that time there were no independent policy centres in the country and hence little public policy dialogue. Still, IEA-Ghana succeeded in creating a platform for debate and made a strong case for major ...

  8. 78 FR 66984 - Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment Under the Arms Export Control Act and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 8512] Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment... Compliance, Bureau of Political- Military Affairs, Department of State (202) 632-2872. SUPPLEMENTARY... required. Statutory debarment is based solely upon conviction in a criminal proceeding, conducted by a...

  9. 75 FR 13330 - Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment Under the Arms Export Control Act and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 6924] Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment... Trade Controls Compliance, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Department of State, (202) 663-2980... criminal proceeding, conducted by a United States Court, and as such the administrative debarment...

  10. Revolution in nuclear detection affairs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stern, Warren M.


    The detection of nuclear or radioactive materials for homeland or national security purposes is inherently difficult. This is one reason detection efforts must be seen as just one part of an overall nuclear defense strategy which includes, inter alia, material security, detection, interdiction, consequence management and recovery. Nevertheless, one could argue that there has been a revolution in detection affairs in the past several decades as the innovative application of new technology has changed the character and conduct of detection operations. This revolution will likely be most effectively reinforced in the coming decades with the networking of detectors and innovative application of anomaly detection algorithms

  11. The Impact of Mentoring on the Ascension of Senior Student Affairs Officers to the College Presidency (United States)

    Hamluk, Brian Frederick


    In comparison to other backgrounds of college and university presidents (e.g., chief academic officers, finance, institutional advancement, etc.) few presidents in American higher education achieve the presidency from a senior-level position within student affairs, and mentoring of senior student affairs officers may play a role in assisting them…

  12. Student Affairs and Information Technology: Collaborating in the Cloud (United States)

    Barbatis, Peter Reyes


    Student affairs and information technology have opportunities to partner in order to increase student satisfaction and retention rates and to assist institutions to comply with federal educational regulations. This chapter contains four examples of emerging best practices and future initiatives including: (a) the admissions pipeline, (b)…

  13. In 1994, the Minister responsible for Environmental Affairs and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Affairs and Tourism launched a process leading to ... To achieve this, the Chief Director of Marine & Coastal Management (MCM), the authority responsible for ... 1 Department of Zoology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa. ... 3 Rural Research and Development Institute, University of Transkei, Private ...

  14. Faculty and Student Affairs Collaboration in the Corporate University (United States)

    Harrison, Laura M.


    Faculty, student affairs professionals, and most importantly, students, are paying the price as institutions of higher education increasingly operate in a top-down manner with an over-emphasis on the bottom line. The corporatization of higher education creates lopsided reward (and punishment) systems for faculty, unreasonably stressful…

  15. 77 FR 43414 - Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment Under the Arms Export Control Act and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 7962] Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment..., Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Department of State (202) 632-2798. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION... based solely upon conviction in a criminal proceeding, conducted by a United States Court, and as such...

  16. Internet-Mediated Learning in Public Affairs Programs: Issues and Implications. (United States)

    Rahm, Dianne; Reed, B. J.; Rydl, Teri L.


    An overview of Internet-mediated learning in public affairs programs identifies issues for faculty, students, and administrators, including intellectual property rights, instructional issues, learning approaches, student expectations, logistics and support, complexity of coordination, and organizational control. (DB)

  17. Veterans Affairs Geographic Distribution of Expenditures FY09 by Congressional District (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — The Geographic Distribution of VA Expenditures (GDX) is an annual report that shows estimated VA expenditures for major programmatic areas by geographic area (state,...

  18. Veterans Affairs Geographic Distribution of Expenditures FY08 by Congressional District (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — The Geographic Distribution of VA Expenditures (GDX) is an annual report that shows estimated VA expenditures for major programmatic areas by geographic area (state,...

  19. AGU Public Affairs: How to Get Involved in Science Policy (United States)

    Landau, E. A.; Hankin, E. R.; Uhlenbrock, K. M.


    AGU Public Affairs offers many ways for its members to get involved in science policy at different levels of participation, whether you would love to spend a year working as a resident science expert in a congressional office in Washington, D.C., or would rather simply receive email alerts about Earth and space science policy news. How you can get involved: Sign up for AGU Science Policy Alerts to receive the most relevant Earth and space science policy information delivered to your email inbox. Participate in one of AGU's Congressional Visits Days to speak with your legislators about important science issues. Attend the next AGU Science Policy Conference in spring 2013. Participate in events happening on Capitol Hill, and watch video of past events. Learn about AGU Embassy Lectures, where countries come together to discuss important Earth and space science topics. Learn how you can comment on AGU Position Statements. Apply to be an AGU Congressional Science Fellow, where you can work in a congressional office for one year and serve as a resident science expert, or to be an AGU Public Affairs Intern, where you can work in the field of science policy for three months. The AGU Public Affairs Team will highlight ways members can be involved as well as provide information on how the team is working to shape policy and inform society about the excitement of AGU science.

  20. Developing and Using Dashboard Indicators in Student Affairs Assessment (United States)

    Mitchell, Joshua J.; Ryder, Andrew J.


    Dashboard systems are increasingly popular as assessment and performance management tools in higher education. This chapter examines the use of dashboards in student affairs, including examples of key indicators and considerations for developing and implementing these tools. The chapter begins with an overview of the origins of dashboards, from…

  1. Factual states of affairs – uniting diverging philosophical orientations ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The problem of persistence and change and the state of affairs that change can only be detected on the basis of constancy permeated the history of philosophy and the various academic disciplines, including the discipline of paleontology. The dominant pattern of the paleontological record, namely stasis, poses empirical ...

  2. Center for Homeland Defense and Security Homeland Security Affairs Journal



    Homeland Security Affairs is the peer-reviewed online journal of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS). The journal provides a forum to propose and debate strategies, policies and organizational arrangements to strengthen U.S. homeland security.

  3. The Role of the Chief Student Affairs Officer in Promoting the Jesuit Mission of the University (United States)

    Reiter, Lisa Rose


    "The Role of the Chief Student Affairs Officer in Promoting the Jesuit Mission of the University" is a qualitative comparative case study of three lay (non-cleric, non-Jesuit) chief student affairs officers employed in three U.S. Jesuit higher educational institutions. As the number of Jesuits decreases, a significant question is how the…

  4. East Europe Report, Political, Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 2161 (United States)


    Military Affairs Chemistry Cybernetics, Computers and Automation Technology Earth Sciences Electronics and Electrical Engineering Engineering and...language "from which classical Latin developed."^ An army journal undertook the task to explain the etymological origin of the designation Walach

  5. 38 CFR 2.8 - Delegation of authority to authorize allowances for Department of Veterans Affairs employees who... (United States)


    ... AUTHORITY § 2.8 Delegation of authority to authorize allowances for Department of Veterans Affairs employees... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Delegation of authority to authorize allowances for Department of Veterans Affairs employees who are notaries public. 2.8...

  6. 76 FR 19825 - Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs; Executive Order 11423, as Amended; Notice of Receipt of... (United States)


    ... authorize the reconfiguration and expansion of the Calexico West Land Port of Entry (LPOE) on the U.S..., taking into account input from these agencies and other stakeholders, whether the proposed expansion of... Affairs, Border Affairs Unit, Department of State, during normal business hours. Dated: April 4, 2011...

  7. 2 CFR 801.930 - Debarring official (Department of Veterans Affairs supplement to government-wide definition at 2... (United States)


    ... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Debarring official (Department of Veterans Affairs supplement to government-wide definition at 2 CFR 180.930). 801.930 Section 801.930 Grants and... DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Definitions § 801.930 Debarring official (Department of Veterans Affairs supplement...

  8. 2 CFR 801.1010 - Suspending official (Department of Veterans Affairs supplement to government-wide definition at 2... (United States)


    ... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Suspending official (Department of Veterans Affairs supplement to government-wide definition at 2 CFR 180.1010). 801.1010 Section 801.1010 Grants and... DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Definitions § 801.1010 Suspending official (Department of Veterans Affairs...

  9. Military Construction, Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs: FY2007 Appropriations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Else, Daniel H; Scott, Christine; Panangala, Sidath V


    ... construction, military housing allowances, military installation maintenance and operation, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other veteran-related agencies, rested in the House Committee...

  10. Guest Editorial | Frade | Journal of Student Affairs in Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal of Student Affairs in Africa. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 5, No 2 (2017) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. Guest Editorial. Nelia Frade. Abstract. Tutoring and ...

  11. Research note: Sensationalism in Dutch current affairs programmes 1992-2001

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hendriks Vettehen, P.G.J.; Nuijten, C.M.; Beentjes, J.W.J.


    Both news critics and scholars often contend that increasing competition in the news market urges journalists to sensationalize their stories. Starting from this hypothesis, this article investigates changes in the level of sensationalism in three Dutch current affairs programmes that merged in 1996

  12. Addressing Perceived Skill Deficiencies in Student Affairs Graduate Preparation Programs (United States)

    Cooper, Jay; Mitchell, Donald, Jr.; Eckerle, Kayle; Martin, Kyle


    This article explores existing literature on perceived skill deficiencies among entry-level student affairs practitioners. Through a review of recent literature, seven perceived skill deficiencies were identified, including budgeting and financial management, strategic planning, research and assessment, legal knowledge and standards, supervision,…

  13. The Management of Student Affairs Programs in Community Colleges: Revamping Processes and Structures. Horizons Issues Monograph Series. (United States)

    Deegan, William L.

    Based on a review of the management literature in the fields of business and education and on case studies, interviews, and discussions, this monograph identifies the prerequisites for the successful management of student affairs programs. Chapter 1 presents perspectives on the student affairs profession, summarizes the problems facing the field,…

  14. Through the Looking Glass: Realizing the Benefits of an International and Comparative Perspective on Teaching Public Affairs. (United States)

    Klingner, Donald E.; Washington, Charles W.


    Discusses reasons why public administrators in the United States; tend to have a parochial U.S.-centered view of the public affairs discipline and the associated negative effects such views have on U.S. public affairs. Proposes an agenda for strengthening the development of an international and comparative perspective in teaching public affairs…



    Lăpăduşi Mihaela Loredana,; Căruntu Constantin


    The risk is one of the most controversial issues for all persons involved both in domestic and international world economic affairs. The need to analyze, understand and effectively manage risk is growing, the ultimate aim being to obtain a higher degree of successThe risk means exposure to an uncertain future, the opportunity to face danger or suffering a loss ( "Risk - possibility of loss or injury", Webster's, 1995) or the chance that things go wrong ( "Risk is the change that something wil...

  16. Plants and Human Affairs: Educational Enhancement Via a Computer. (United States)

    Crovello, Theodore J.; Smith, W. Nelson

    To enhance both teaching and learning in an advanced undergraduate elective course on the interrelationships of plants and human affairs, the computer was used for information retrieval, multiple choice course review, and the running of three simulation models--plant related systems (e.g., the rise in world coffee prices after the 1975 freeze in…

  17. 76 FR 72046 - Enhanced-Use Lease (EUL) of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Real Property for the Development... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Enhanced-Use Lease (EUL) of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Real Property for the Development of Space for Community Services and Parking in Memphis, TN AGENCY... property is located. This project meets this requirement. Approved: November 14, 2011. Eric K. Shinseki...

  18. 76 FR 72048 - Enhanced-Use Lease (EUL) of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Real Property for the Development... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Enhanced-Use Lease (EUL) of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Real Property for the Development of Permanent Housing in Grand Island, NE AGENCY: Department of... property is located. This project meets this requirement. Approved: November 14, 2011. Eric K. Shinseki...

  19. Conseiller principal, Affaires publiques (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Résumé des fonctions Le conseiller principal, Affaires publiques agit à titre de chef des communications pour un portefeuille de clients attribué en vue d'offrir des services de communications intégrés. Plus particulièrement, le conseiller se penche sur les besoins relatifs aux communications, fournit des conseils, assure une ...

  20. Evolution of faculty affairs and faculty development offices in U.S. medical schools: a 10-year follow-up survey. (United States)

    Sonnino, Roberta E; Reznik, Vivian; Thorndyke, Luanne A; Chatterjee, Archana; Ríos-Bedoya, Carlos F; Mylona, Elza; Nelson, Kathleen G; Weisman, Carol S; Morahan, Page S; Wadland, William C


    To determine how U.S. MD-granting medical schools manage, fund, and evaluate faculty affairs/development functions and to determine the evolution of these offices between 2000 and 2010. In December 2010, the authors invited faculty affairs designees at 131 U.S. MD-granting medical schools to complete a questionnaire developed by the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Faculty Affairs, based on a 2000 survey. Schools were asked about core functions, budget, staffing, and performance metrics. The authors analyzed the data using descriptive statistics. A total of 111 schools (84.7%) responded. Fifty percent of the offices were established since 2000. Seventy-eight percent reported their top core function as administrative support for appointments, promotions, and tenure, as in 2000. Faculty policies, appointments, databases, governance support, grievance proceedings, management issues, and annual trend analyses continued as major functions. All 11 core functions identified in 2000 remain predominantly provided by central offices of faculty affairs, except support of major leadership searches. Web site communication emerged as a new core function. Similar to 2000, several other offices were responsible for some faculty development functions. Office size and budget correlated positively with size of the faculty and age of the office (P schools (31.5%) reported formally evaluating their faculty affairs office. The number of faculty affairs offices and their responsibilities have substantially increased since 2000. Most major core functions have not changed. These offices are now an established part of the central administration of most medical schools.

  1. Learning from Tragedy: Student Affairs Leadership Following College Campus Disasters (United States)

    Treadwell, Katie L.


    The phenomenological study illuminated the lived experience of senior-level student affairs administrators who encountered high-profile crises, such as natural disasters, intentional violence, or accidents. In the midst of unimaginable tragedy, their lived experience was defined by: uncertainty and fear, heightened awareness, personal impact, and…

  2. Globalisation and the Australian Aborigines: gain or strain? La Mondialisation : une chance pour les Aborigènes d’Australie ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ludivine Royer


    Full Text Available La mondialisation est un phénomène très complexe, qui implique à la fois l’émergence de l’économie de marché, l’accélération du commerce international, l’ouverture des frontières, la libre circulation des personnes et des biens, le développement extraordinaire des transports et de la technologie de l’information, la montée en puissance des télécommunications et des médias à l’échelle planétaire, l’expansion des cultures occidentales et le déclin des États-nations au profit d’institutions internationales en plein essor. Un nouvel ordre mondial est né, et comme la plupart des autres pays, l’Australie a connu de profonds changements depuis la fin des années 1980. Cet article se propose de montrer l’impact direct et indirect de la mondialisation économique, culturelle, technologique et politique sur le peuple aborigène. Bien entendu, il ne s’agit pas de présenter de manière exhaustive les conséquences multiples et complexes de la mondialisation sur les droits, cultures, et sociétés aborigènes, leur développement économique et leur statut politique. Il s’attelle en revanche à mettre en évidence les logiques politiques et socio-culturelles que la mondialisation a favorisées dans les affaires aborigènes, de l’assimilation à l’auto-détermination.

  3. Veterans Affairs Geographic Distribution of Expenditures FY07 by State and County (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — The Geographic Distribution of VA Expenditures (GDX) is an annual report that shows estimated VA expenditures for major programmatic areas by geographic area (state,...

  4. Veterans Affairs Geographic Distribution of Expenditures FY08 by State and County (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — The Geographic Distribution of VA Expenditures (GDX) is an annual report that shows estimated VA expenditures for major programmatic areas by geographic area (state,...

  5. Developing and Using a Logic Model for Evaluation and Assessment of University Student Affairs Programming: A Case Study (United States)

    Cooper, Jeff


    This dissertation addresses theory and practice of evaluation and assessment in university student affairs, by applying logic modeling/program theory to a case study. I intend to add knowledge to ongoing dialogue among evaluation scholars and practitioners on student affairs program planning and improvement as integral considerations that serve…

  6. 32 CFR Appendix D to Part 45 - State Directors of Veterans Affairs (United States)


    ... 55155. Mississippi President, State Veterans Affairs Board, 120 North State Street, War Memorial..., Trenton, NJ 08608. New Mexico Director, Veterans Service Commission, P.O. Box 2324, Santa Fe, NM 87503...

  7. Student Affairs administrator shares research on Millennial Generation


    DeLauder, Rachel


    Edward Spencer of Blacksburg, Va., associate vice president for student affairs at Virginia Tech, conducted a presentation at the North Cross School in Roanoke, Va., about his research on the Millennial Generation, which represents Americans born between 1982 and the present. The presentation, titled"Understanding and Working with Millennials," focused on the changing relationship between parents and this new generation and how parents can prepare them for success in higher education and the ...

  8. A systematic review of collaboration and network research in the public affairs literature: implications for public health practice and research. (United States)

    Varda, Danielle; Shoup, Jo Ann; Miller, Sara


    We explored and analyzed how findings from public affairs research can inform public health research and practice, specifically in the area of interorganizational collaboration, one of the most promising practice-based approaches in the public health field. We conducted a systematic review of the public affairs literature by following a grounded theory approach. We coded 151 articles for demographics and empirical findings (n = 258). Three primary findings stand out in the public affairs literature: network structure affects governance, management strategies exist for administrators, and collaboration can be linked to outcomes. These findings are linked to priorities in public health practice. Overall, we found that public affairs has a long and rich history of research in collaborations that offers unique organizational theory and management tools to public health practitioners.

  9. Public affairs events at Fall Meeting (United States)

    Uhlenbrock, Kristan


    AGU's Public Affairs team presented two workshop luncheons and hosted 17 oral and poster sessions at the 2011 Fall Meeting. Topics ranged from defining the importance of the geosciences, to climate change science for communities and institutions. The workshop luncheon "How to Be a Congressional Science Fellow or Mass Media Fellow" was a well-attended event with more than 115 participants. The luncheon provided the opportunity for audience members to ask fellow scientists about their experiences working either in Congress or as a reporter for a news organization. For scientists looking to expand their expertise outside the academic environment, these AGU fellowships are fantastic opportunities.

  10. Dynamique communautaire autour de la gestion de la sante ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    importance de certains facteurs, en l'occurrence les perceptions culturelles qui rendent pourtant compte de la dimension sociale, culturelle et symbolique de la grossesse. Une telle situation ne peut que compromettre l'atteinte des Objectifs 4 et 5 du ...

  11. PTSD Treatment Programs in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (United States)

    ... Programs in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs PTSD: National Center for PTSD Menu Menu PTSD PTSD Home For the Public ... Enter ZIP code here Enter ZIP code here PTSD Treatment Programs in the U.S. Department of Veterans ...

  12. TTI Phase 2 Institutional Support: The Institute of Economic Affairs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This funding will help strengthen the Institute of Economic Affairs' ... IEA-Kenya's research areas include social security, trade and competition policies, ... involving other think tanks as a cost-effective, learning-by-doing approach ... the results of its 2017 call for proposals to establish Cyber Policy Centres in the Global South.

  13. Foreign-Affairs Schools Warily Add Professors and Classes in Finance. (United States)

    Carr, Sarah


    Prompted in part by student demand, schools of international affairs are offering new courses, hiring new faculty, and creating research centers focused on business and finance. Schools feel this move is necessary in a world where business dominates international relations and the public and private sectors have become intertwined. Critics feel…

  14. Excerpt from Queer Compulsions: Race, Nation, and Sexuality in the Affairs of Yone Noguchi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amy Sueyoshi


    Full Text Available Amy Sueyoshi’s Queer Compulsions: Race, Nation, and Sexuality in the Affairs of Yone Noguchi is a fascinating study of the writings and character of the transnational Japanese-born poet Yone Noguchi during his years in the United States, as seen through the prism of his interlocking sexual/romantic affairs with western writer Charles Warren Stoddard, historian Ethel Armes, and editor Léonie Gilmour (a liaison that produced the famed sculptor Isamu Noguchi. Sueyoshi’s detective work, matched with her sensitive analysis, allows readers to grasp the complicated ways that race, class, and “exoticism” inform intimate relations.

  15. Conflict Resolution: The Relationship Between Air Force Public Affairs and Legal Functions

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Law, James


    .... This research examines the relationship between Air Force public affairs and legal functions to find out what conflict exists, how often it occurs, how it is resolved, what the results are for the...

  16. The Orientation and Development of the Public Affair Management Specialty (United States)

    Li, Chenghui; Fu, Yongxian; Chen, Rongxiang; Hu, Xueqi


    Though the specialty of the public affair management has been developed for ten years, but it is still facing the actuality that the orientation and development are difficult. Only by confirming the cultivation target and the development orientation, the development of the specialty could find the development approach and method. According to the…

  17. Global power knowledge science and technology in international affairs

    CERN Document Server

    Barth, Kai-Henrik


    Osiris annualy examines a particular topic in the history of science, bringing together experts in the field to consider multiple aspects of the time period, episode, or theme. Volume 21, Historical Perspectives on Science, Technology, and International Affairs, explores the ways in which scientists and issues in science and technology have played significant roles in foreign policy and international relations, especially since the Second World War.

  18. 3 CFR 13503 - Executive Order 13503 of February 19, 2009. Establishment of the White House Office of Urban Affairs (United States)


    .... Establishment of the White House Office of Urban Affairs 13503 Order 13503 Presidential Documents Executive Orders Executive Order 13503 of February 19, 2009 EO 13503 Establishment of the White House Office of... President the White House Office of Urban Affairs (the “Office”). Sec. 3. Functions. The principal functions...

  19. Student Affairs Professionals Supporting Students with Disabilities: A Grounded Theory Model (United States)

    Kimball, Ezekiel; Vaccaro, Annemarie; Vargas, Nadia


    In an action-based grounded theory project, the authors collected data from 31 student affairs professionals. During seven focus groups, practitioners described feeling unknowledgeable about disability law, accommodations, and diagnoses. However, they drew upon their core values and transferrable skills to support individual students. Participants…

  20. Socialization for New and Mid-Level Community College Student Affairs Professionals (United States)

    Hornak, Anne M.; Ozaki, C. Carolyn; Lunceford, Christina


    This study was designed to explore the socialization of student affairs professionals in community colleges. The authors used the theory of organizational socialization (Van Maanen & Schein, 1979) and explored these nuances through a qualitative research design. Findings include differences in socialization in institutions versus the…

  1. 25 CFR 12.2 - What is the role of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Director of Law Enforcement Services? (United States)


    .... The Director publishes these policies and standards in law enforcement manuals and handbooks. The... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false What is the role of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Director... Bureau of Indian Affairs Director of Law Enforcement Services? The Director of the Office of Law...

  2. The APS Panel on Public Affairs and Federal Science Policy (United States)

    Jaffe, Robert


    The Panel on Public Affairs (POPA) is the organ through which the APS seeks to provide high quality input to the Federal Government on issues with significant physics content, ranging from energy and environment to national security. I will describe POPA's evolving mission, some recent efforts and successes, and look at the agenda for the next few years.

  3. Dr. David Syz, State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Switzerland

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Dr. David Syz, State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Switzerland is seen here (seventh from right) visiting the assembly hall for the ATLAS experiment during his recent visit to CERN. To his right is Dr. Peter Jenni (blue shirt), spokesperson for the ATLAS Collaboration. The horizontal metal cylinder behind the group is one of the eight vacuum vessels for the superconducting coils of the ATLAS barrel toroid magnet system.

  4. Foreign Language Workshop on French Culture. (United States)

    Reynolds, Sue, Ed.; And Others

    A compilation of French cultural units for use in secondary school language classes is presented in this text. Units include: (1) "Les mots et leur implication culturelle," (2) "Le telephone--une capsule culturelle," (3) "Le repas," (4) "La femme francaise 1972," (5) "Les Parents," (6)…

  5. An Analysis of Student Affairs Professionals' Management of Role Conflict and Multiple Roles in Relation to Work/Life Balance (United States)

    Mayo, Nicole Lepone


    The purpose of this inquiry is to study how student affairs professionals manage role conflict in relation to work/life balance based on the challenging culture of the field. The underlying goals are to identify the barriers or challenges of managing multiple roles as a student affairs administrator and identify strategies to assist employees in…

  6. Measuring Relationships: A Model for Evaluating U.S. Air Force Public Affairs Programs

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Della Vedova, Joseph P


    The thesis advanced here is that Air Force Public Affairs should be responsible for managing the organization-public relationship and that the effectiveness of that management can be measured in terms...

  7. The home front : Internal organization of public affairs in Dutch subnational governments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Figee, Edward L.; Gosselt, Jordi F.; Linders, Paul C.J.; de Jong, Menno D.T.


    Dutch subnational governments such as municipalities and provinces are increasingly compelled to express their interests in the national and European political arenas. Effectiveness in these arenas requires an optimal arrangement of Public Affairs (PA) activities in the subnational organization.

  8. Solving Real Community Problems to Improve the Teaching of Public Affairs (United States)

    Yaghi, Abdulfattah; Alibeli, Madalla


    In order to achieve their course learning outcomes, public affairs instructors can train students to solve real community problems (SRCP). This approach focuses on the learners themselves and aims to transform the role of college professors from traditional teaching (lecturing) to facilitating and coaching students' learning activities. This study…

  9. Department of Veterans Affairs - Monthly Report to Congress of Data Incidents (April 2014) (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — This is a monthly report that the VA Office of Information Technology provides to congress about data incidents that took place during the month (April 2014). The...

  10. Translations on Eastern Europe, Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs, No. 1566 (United States)


    HIRLAP, 9 Jun 78) 69 Activities of Foreign Affairs Institute Described (Jozsef Szasz ; MAGYAR HIRLAP, 24 May 78) 74 General Morocz Describes...Jozsef Szasz : "Villa on Berc Street"] [Text] The villa that is shared as "joint tenants" by the chief consulate section of the Hungarian Foreign

  11. Civil Affairs History and Doctrine: From Military Government to Interagency Partner (United States)


    88 APPENDIX E SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES CIVIL AFFAIRS INTERVIEW RESPONSES...cessation of combat operations. Major General Zachary Taylor’s occupation of northern Mexico, based in Vera Cruz, was...and C are examples of the questions asked of respondents, and Appendices D and E contain the interview responses themselves. The research employs

  12. Department of National Security Affairs News Archive for period of June 7, 2016 to September 9, 2016



    This document captures NSA's "archived" news content for this period: 2016-06-07 to 2016-09-06. National Security Affairs (NSA) News Includes these articles: NSA Faculty Contribute to Diplomacy Efforts; Visiting Scholar Discusses Russia and Putin with NSA Students; Dr. Covell Meyskens Featured in NY Times; NSA Professor Huntley Shares Knowledge with DLI FAOs; NSA Prof Afshon Ostovar Published in Foreign Affairs; NSA Prof Jasper Speaks on ISIS as Adaptive Hybrid Threat; NSA Department Welc...

  13. Sacco e Vanzetti: caso giudiziario o affaire?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavia Tudini


    Full Text Available This article focus on maybe the most striking judicial case in America during the early twenieth century. The Sacco and Vanzetti case. There is a widespead awareness about the crime they were accused for, the trial phases and their tragic end, but what about the defensive strategies adopted by their lawyers? The analisys of this theme and the involvement of the pubblic opinion demostrates how this jucidial case bacame an affaire, with a disrupting international eco, underestimated even by U.S. authorities. The pubblic opinion will elevate the two anarchists, crushed by injustice and the political trial, to icons of political struggle against the system.

  14. Teratology Public Affairs Committee position paper: maternal obesity and pregnancy. (United States)

    Scialli, Anthony R


    Compared to normal-weight women, obese women have an increased risk of infertility and pregnancy complications. The most consistently described pregnancy complications are hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes mellitus, thromboembolic events, and cesarean section. Fetal and neonatal complications may include congenital malformations, macrosomia, and shoulder dystocia. The literature suggests that women with a body mass index (BMI) >or=30 have approximately double the risk of having a child with a neural tube defect (NTD) compared to normal-weight women, and the increased risk associated with higher maternal body weight does not appear to be modified by folic acid supplementation. The Public Affairs Committee of the Teratology Society supports the public health initiatives identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2004 and the research initiatives identified by the National Institutes of Health in 2004. The Public Affairs Committee recommends that clinicians counsel women about appropriate caloric intake and exercise and that health-care providers educate parents about appropriate childhood nutrition. Breast-feeding should be encouraged based on evidence of a protective effect against childhood obesity, as well as other health advantages. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2006. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  15. Mixité et hybridité ethniques et culturelles au Royaume-Uni : un défi pour le multiculturalisme britannique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Didier Lassalle


    Full Text Available Le concept d’hybridité/métissage, né au 19ème siècle, a été récupéré, réhabilité et transformé par les penseurs britanniques de la postmodernité, tels que Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabba ou Paul Gilroy, dans les années 1980 et au début des années 1990. En dépit de ses limites conceptuelles, le concept réactualisé a pris racine et a eu son heure de gloire, sous le vocable d’hybridité culturelle, lors de l’arrivée au pouvoir du New Labour de Tony Blair. Il est aujourd’hui combattu à la fois par ceux qui s’inquiètent de la possible dissolution / disparition des cultures minoritaires au sein d’un vaste ensemble métissé indéfinissable ainsi que par ceux qui refusent « l’abâtardissement » de la culture britannique vécue comme monolithique et immuable. Par contre, l’hybridité ethnique en constante progression au sein de certains groupes ethniques minoritaires (Antillais, Africains, Chinois est, quant à elle, promise à un grand avenir, signe de la vigueur et de la progression inéluctable du processus d’assimilation/intégration.The concept of hybridity / mixed race emerged in the 19th century. In the 1980s and at the beginning of the 1990s, it was retrieved, rehabilitated and transformed by postmodern British thinkers such as Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabba and Paul Gilroy. In spite of its conceptual limitations, the new version of the concept has taken root and, under the term cultural hybridity, entered the mainstream with the advent of the New Labour government under Tony Blair. It is now contested both by those who fear for the possible dissolution or disappearance of minority culture in a vast global and indefinable mixed culture, and those who refuse the ‘bastardisation’ of British culture which is perceived by them as monolithic and unchanging. In contrast, within certain ethnic minority groups (Caribbean, African, Chinese constantly evolving ethnic hybridity seems to demonstrate the strength and

  16. L’empreinte culturelle


    Weeks, Jeffrey


    Depuis le XVIIe siècle, lorsque, comme le formule Havelock Ellis, les voyageurs découvrirent les « mœurs et coutumes étranges » des primitifs dans le « monde nouveau et paradisiaque des Amériques », l’anthropologie a été un lieu capital en ce qui concerne les débats sur la sexualité et sa régulation, les cultures « autres » constituant « le laboratoire où nous pouvons étudier la diversité des institutions humaines ». De Rousseau aux pionniers de la sexologie, de Freud à Kinsey et au-delà, les...

  17. The Case of Cruse Affair for the Bordeaux Wines (Winegate) and Its Consequences on the Burgundy Wine Industry. (United States)

    Lecat, Benoit; Chapuis, Claude; Brouard, Joelle; Cogan, Laurence


    The aim of the study is to show how the Cruse affair known as the "Winegate" has changed the wine industry in Burgundy. Cruse, one of the major Bordeauxsellers, was caught by the Customs Office in 1973 and condemned for fraud involving 20'000 hl of Bordeaux wine. This affair has generated a loss of trust between consumers and producers and also between small wine-growers who were selling their wine to the Négociants. The objective of this study is to focus on the consequences that this affair has generated for Burgundy growers and Négociants. The method used is the analysis of historical documents (press articles and books on Bordeaux wines) to understand through a review the Cruise affair and its consequences. Under consumer but also retailer pressure, more and more winegrowers in Burgundy decided to bottle the production of their estate and sell it under their own label. To a certain extent, this new development entailed a competition with Négociants. The structure of estates moved from farm style companies to small SME's in charge of vinification, ageing, selling and exporting. Finally, some recent patents related to the wine fraud and mechanisms to create the trust in the wine chain, with specific regard to intelligent label and distribution, have been considered.

  18. The Lavelle Affair: An Air Force Case Study in Ethics (United States)


    THE LAVELLE AFFAIR: AN AIR FORCE CASE STUDY IN ETHICS BY KRISTINA ELLIS A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF... ethical transgressions. As such, the story of General Lavelle’s wartime command experiences became a case study in ethics and integrity within Air...1 1 THE LIFE AND CAREER OF GENERAL LAVELLE 8 1 VIETNAM 14 2 CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS 25 2 ETHICAL

  19. Public Affairs: The Military and the Media, 1962-1968 (United States)


    Society," the debate over the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Beatles all shared space with South Vietnam in the pages of the press, more often than...07 United States Army in Vietnam Public Affairs: The Military and the Media, 1962-1968 by William M. Hammond A Center of Military History United...Di. t ib.tio [ Avaiiabiiity Codes Avail ar:dIor Dist zSpzcial \\ First Printing For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S

  20. Affaires mondiales Canada | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En tant que société d'État du gouvernement du Canada, nous jouons un rôle important dans les activités du Canada liées aux affaires étrangères et au développement. Nos partenariats appuient la recherche portant sur la santé des mères et des enfants, l'agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire et les données ouvertes pour le ...

  1. China Report, Political, Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 446. (United States)


    Islamism , Catholicism, and Protestantism) and is an inherent and "locally born and bred" religion in China. Taoism is a religion which respects Lao Zi...XINHUA, 7 Jul 83) 80 Taoism Reported Reviving Throughout Country (Tian Di; ZH0NGGU0 XINWEN SHE, 11 Jul 83) 81 ZH0NGGU0 QINGNIAN BAO...disciplined transport army with ideals, morality and culture. The conference was held from 1 to 6 July. CSO: 4005/1008 80 NATIONAL AFFAIRS TAOISM

  2. Članci časopisa Foreign Affairs o jugoslovenskim ratovima 1991-1999.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petar Dragišić


    Full Text Available The Foreign Affairs journal is an important asset for analysis of American foreign policy and the most important global topics for nearly a century. In the 1990-ties many of the authors in this journal dealt with the issue of Yugoslavia – the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and a series of wars that followed on its former territory. The Yugoslav crisis was analyzed by the different authors: theorists, prominent journalists, and politicians that were directly involved in different stages of the Yugoslav crisis, such as David Owen, Warren Zimmerman or Carl Bildt. Most of the attention was devoted to the conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. The causes of the Yugoslav tragedy were analyzed, in many articles on the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s, published in Foreign Affairs, with a special focus on origins of internal tensions that preceded the tragic collapse of the Yugoslavia. The most frequent topic of those articles, was the role of foreign factors in crisis and wars in the former Yugoslavia. The issue of international recognition of the breakaway Yugoslav republics at the beginning of the wars, and NATO air strikes against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 was specifically addressed. Several Foreign Affairs articles published the nineties and the early years of the millennium evaluated of the political situation in countries of the former Yugoslavia in the post-conflict period. Common to almost all authors who were analyzing this subject are negative remarks on the post-war development in parts of the former Yugoslavia, which were mostly affected by the crisis and wars of the 90s. An integral part of the contence in those articles, were recommendations of authors to those international actors who are able to influence the processes in the former Yugoslavia.

  3. Happiness, Work Engagement, and Perception of Organizational Support of Student Affairs Professionals (United States)

    Hempfling, Michele Sheets


    Little research has been conducted on the work engagement, subjective happiness, or perceived organizational support of student affairs professionals. In this study, 299 professionals in the American College Personnel Association were surveyed utilizing the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the Subjective Happiness Scale, and the Survey of Perceived…

  4. On the Teaching of Science, Technology and International Affairs. (United States)

    Weiss, Charles


    Despite the ubiquity and critical importance of science and technology in international affairs, their role receives insufficient attention in traditional international relations curricula. There is little literature on how the relations between science, technology, economics, politics, law and culture should be taught in an international context. Since it is impossible even for scientists to master all the branches of natural science and engineering that affect public policy, the learning goals of students whose primary training is in the social sciences should be to get some grounding in the natural sciences or engineering, to master basic policy skills, to understand the basic concepts that link science and technology to their broader context, and to gain a respect for the scientific and technological dimensions of the broader issues they are addressing. They also need to cultivate a fearless determination to master what they need to know in order to address policy issues, an open-minded but skeptical attitude towards the views of dueling experts, regardless of whether they agree with their politics, and (for American students) a world-view that goes beyond a strictly U.S. perspective on international events. The Georgetown University program in Science, Technology and International Affairs (STIA) is a unique, multi-disciplinary undergraduate liberal arts program that embodies this approach and could be an example that other institutions of higher learning might adapt to their own requirements.

  5. The "Trojan Horse" Affair and Radicalisation: An Analysis of Ofsted Reports (United States)

    Mogra, Imran


    This article provides an analysis of the frequency with which the word radicalisation appears in 21 Ofsted reports published as a result of inspections carried out in some Birmingham schools following the "Trojan Horse" affair. The technique of key-words-in-context was employed to study the range of its uses in the corpus of the reports.…

  6. Design and Implementation of a Perioperative Surgical Home at a Veterans Affairs Hospital. (United States)

    Walters, Tessa L; Howard, Steven K; Kou, Alex; Bertaccini, Edward J; Harrison, T Kyle; Kim, T Edward; Shafer, Audrey; Brun, Carlos; Funck, Natasha; Siegel, Lawrence C; Stary, Erica; Mariano, Edward R


    The innovative Perioperative Surgical Home model aims to optimize the outcomes of surgical patients by leveraging the expertise and leadership of physician anesthesiologists, but there is a paucity of practical examples to follow. Veterans Affairs health care, the largest integrated system in the United States, may be the ideal environment in which to explore this model. We present our experience implementing Perioperative Surgical Home at one tertiary care university-affiliated Veterans Affairs hospital. This process involved initiating consistent postoperative patient follow-up beyond the postanesthesia care unit, a focus on improving in-hospital acute pain management, creation of an accessible database to track outcomes, developing new clinical pathways, and recruiting additional staff. Today, our Perioperative Surgical Home facilitates communication between various services involved in the care of surgical patients, monitoring of patient outcomes, and continuous process improvement. © The Author(s) 2015.

  7. Homeland Security Affairs Journal, Volume II - 2006: Issue 1, April



    Homeland Security Affairs is the peer-reviewed online journal of the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS), providing a forum to propose and debate strategies, policies, and organizational arrangements to strengthen U.S. homeland security. The instructors, participants, alumni, and partners of CHDS represent the leading subject matter experts and practitioners in the field of homeland security. April 2006. Welcome to the third edition of Homeland Securit...

  8. Role of Student Affairs in International Student Transition and Success


    Christina W. Yao; Chrystal A. George Mwangi


    International student mobility has grown significantly in recent years, with over 4.1 million students in 2013 who studied abroad around the world (Institute of International Education [IIE], 2016). With the changes in student demographics and increased mobility, student affairs professionals are in a unique role to support international student transition and success. Unfortunately, current research and practice in higher education tends to place a high level of respo...

  9. Using History to Promote Reflection: A Model for Reframing Student Affairs Practice (United States)

    Kimball, Ezekiel W.; Ryder, Andrew J.


    Though history has long been a part of graduate preparation in higher education administration, new student affairs professionals often struggle to see its relevance to their work. We present a conceptual framework that links organizational ecology, institutional culture and climate, and student development through a historical lens. We then…

  10. De l'influence de la communication sur la diffusion artistique


    Caune, Jean


    Selon J.Caune, la communication culturelle oriente, avant même que la transaction esthétique n'ait eu lieu, le rapport sensible qu'aura le spectateur à l'objet esthétique. Il étudie dans cette optique trois âges de la vie culturelle : la période vilarienne du théâtre comme communication sociale, la période Malraux où l'on a privilégié la « rencontre » entre l'individu et l'oeuvre d'art, la période de l'après 68, où s'est développée l'animation (socio)culturelle comme médiation.Il s'interroge ...

  11. Reflections on a Life and Career in Student Affairs: Guideposts and Structure (United States)

    Jackson, Michael L.


    The author of this article discusses how personal and professional guideposts helped him to have a fulfilling life and a 40-plus-year career in university administration as a student affairs vice president, dean, and professor. With examples, he demonstrates how his guideposts for life and career--"Home," "Love,"…

  12. A Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Abstract Statistics to Public Affairs Undergraduates (United States)

    Ozturk, Ali Osman


    This article attempts to demonstrate the applicability of a computer-assisted instruction supported with simulated data in teaching abstract statistical concepts to political science and public affairs students in an introductory research methods course. The software is called the Elaboration Model Computer Exercise (EMCE) in that it takes a great…

  13. The Design, Pedagogy and Practice of an Integrated Public Affairs Leadership Course (United States)

    Sandfort, Jodi; Gerdes, Kevin


    Current world events demand public affairs leadership training that generates among professionals a sense of capability, agency, and responsibility to engage in complex public problems. In this paper, we describe a unique course operated in the US focused on achieving these learning outcomes. It uses an unconventional schedule and course design…

  14. Troubles psychotiques précipités par le mariage : étude de trois observations (United States)

    Jaweher, Masmoudi; Kammoun, Mohamed Faouzi; Inès, Feki; Imen, Baati; Rim, Sallami; Abdelaziz, Jaoua


    Le mariage est un évènement très investi dans notre culture arabo-musulmane. Il présente une situation à grande charge émotionnelle et ayant un vécu stressant. C'est ainsi qu'il peut être à l'origine de la décompensation de certains troubles psychiatriques. Ce moment particulier de déclenchement de la pathologie peut altérer significativement l'adaptation familiale et sociale du patient en question, le rendant dépendant en partie ou en totalité à une institution. Dans ce travail, nous proposons d’étudier certains facteurs psychiques, sociaux et culturels pouvant aboutir à la précipitation des manifestations psychotiques par le mariage. Il s'agit de l’étude de trois observations cliniques, deux hommes et une femme, hospitalisés dans le service de psychiatrie A du CHU Hédi Chaker de Sfax et qui ont développés des manifestations psychotiques de façon concomitante à leur mariage. La durée moyenne de survenue des crises a été de vingt ans, le diagnostic retenu a été celui de trouble bipolaire dans deux cas et d'une schizophrénie indifférenciée chez le troisième patient. L’évolution s'est faite vers une chronicisation de deux malades et une dépendance institutionnelle dans le troisième cas. La précipitation des troubles psychotiques par le mariage, reste un phénomène en relation intime avec les composantes culturelles, elles-mêmes sont déterminantes dans la prise en charge ultérieure de ces patients. PMID:23785551

  15. Privacy Impact Assessment for the Mailing System for the Office of Public Affairs (United States)

    The Mailing System for the Office of Public Affairs collects contact and geographic information. Learn how this data will be collected in the system, how it will be used, access to the data, the purpose of data collection, and record retention policies.

  16. Conceptual Framework of Crisis Negotiation Competency Development in Managers of Internal Affairs Bodies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vakhnina V.V.


    Full Text Available In this article the authors examine the psychological features of the development of an integral psychological concept of crisis negotiation activities from the perspective of system-situational and reflexive approaches.This research forms the basis of a new scientific direction in legal psychology, the psychology of crisis negotiation activities of employees of internal affairs bodies, as a system of coping with and preventing crisis in negotiations.The data was collected and analysed in several stages from 1995 to 2014 and included a survey of managers of internal affairs bodies as well as a systematic analysis of the data pool of 1705 crisis situations.Basing on the analysis the authors propose a matrix of negotiations which identifies priority strategies and possible crisis zones at various stages of the negotiation process depending on the characteristics of the situation, thus helping to carry out crisis negotiations effectively.

  17. Study of Intrinsic motivation in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs


    Lehtimäki, Nora


    The purpose of this thesis was to investigate intrinsic motivation of the executive assistants and secretaries in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The objective in turn, was to examine how well intrinsic motivation has been achieved among these executive assistants and secretaries. How respondents evaluate their job satisfaction, work environment and motivation was also researched. Lastly, factors that increase or decrease motivation were studied, as well as if there is a need for additional...

  18. 78 FR 26711 - Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Farmer Mac Liquidity... (United States)


    ... Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Farmer Mac Liquidity Management ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of comment... proposed rule that would amend its liquidity management regulations for the Federal Agricultural Mortgage... comment on the proposed liquidity regulations. [[Page 26712

  19. The Competency-Based Movement in Student Affairs: Implications for Curriculum and Professional Development (United States)

    Eaton, Paul William


    This article examines the limitations and possibilities of the emerging competency-based movement in student affairs. Using complexity theory and postmodern educational theory as guiding frameworks, examination of the competency-based movement will raise questions about overapplication of competencies in graduate preparation programs and…

  20. Chief Student Affairs Officers' Perceptions of Institutional Crisis Management, Preparedness, and Response (United States)

    Studenberg, Heather Nicole Lancin


    This dissertation examined chief student affairs officers' perceptions of institutional crisis management, preparedness, and response. A goal of this study was to uncover findings that can benefit crisis management protocols or best practices regarding crisis management team training, plan communications, and emergency management personnel on…

  1. Technologies agricoles modernes et changements dans la vie socio ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ainsi les anciennes habitudes en matière d'organisation économique, sociale et culturelle sont-elles loin d'avoir été préservées. La présente étude vise à analyser l'ensemble des changements induits par les nouvelles technologies agricoles sur les structures économique, culturelle, politique, religieuse et sociale de ladite ...

  2. La mediazione familiare nei casi di affido dei figli/e e violenza domestica: contesto legale, pratiche dei servizi ed esperienze delle donne in Italia / Family mediation in child custody cases and domestic violence: legal context, logic of services and women's experiences in Italy / La médiation familiale dans les cas de garde d’enfants et la violence conjugale : le contexte juridique, les pratiques au sein des services et les expériences des femmes en Italie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariachiara Feresin


    Full Text Available L’applicabilità della mediazione familiare in contesto di violenza domestica (VD è oggetto di discussione. Scopo della ricerca è esplorare il ruolo della mediazione familiare nella gestione degli affidi dei figli in situazione di VD, analizzando le esperienze, conoscenze e significati di differenti attori sociali, quali avvocati, assistenti sociali e donne separate con figli, vittime di VD, e la documentazione inerente. I risultati mostrano che la VD viene occultata durante la mediazione. I professionisti spesso ignorano la VD e di conseguenza applicano la mediazione; ex-coniugi e genitori vengono presentati come distinti; i pattern di potere e controllo agiti dal partner violento durante la relazione continuano in queste occasioni. La mediazione, che dovrebbe essere centrata sul miglior interesse del bambino, si focalizza sul miglior interesse dei padri. I professionisti non conoscono la Convenzione di Istanbul. La sicurezza di donne e bambini/e viene messa a rischio. Le recours à la médiation familiale dans le domaine de la violence conjugale (VC fait l’objet de débats. Cette recherche a pour but d’examiner le rôle de la médiation familiale dans les cas de garde d’enfants en situation de VC, analysant les expériences, les connaissances, les valeurs de différents acteurs sociaux (par exemple, avocats, travailleurs sociaux, femmes séparées avec enfants, victimes de VC ainsi que des documents ad hoc. Les résultats montrent que la VC est dissimulée pendant la médiation. Les professionnels souvent ignorent la VC et par conséquent utilisent la médiation ; ex-conjoints et parents sont par ailleurs présentés sous la forme de deux entités distinctes ; les modèles de pouvoir et de contrôle appliqués par le conjoint violent dans la vie familiale continuent d’être utilisés durant ces occasions. La médiation, qui devrait protéger avant tout l'intérêt de l'enfant, s’adresse au contraire à l’intérêt des p

  3. Participatory Action Research as a Social-Justice Framework for Assessment in Student Affairs (United States)

    Zerquera, Desiree D.; Berumen, Juan G.; Pender, Jason T.


    While sufficient methodological training and effective implementation of assessment approaches are essential for successful evaluation in student affairs, those with an interest and passion for social justice may be conflicted. Many of the assessment approaches employed today are misaligned with social justice agendas, lack theoretical grounding…

  4. Accuracy of Veterans Affairs Databases for Diagnoses of Chronic Diseases


    Singh, Jasvinder A.


    Introduction Epidemiologic studies usually use database diagnoses or patient self-report to identify disease cohorts, but no previous research has examined the extent to which self-report of chronic disease agrees with database diagnoses in a Veterans Affairs (VA) health care setting. Methods All veterans who had a medical care visit from October 1, 1996, through May 31, 1998, at any of the Veterans Integrated Service Network 13 facilities were surveyed about physician diagnosis of chronic ob...

  5. Soutien institutionnel à l'Institute for Economic Affairs - Ghana (IEA ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Institute of Economic Affairs - Ghana (IEA-Ghana) a été fondé en 1989, vers la fin de la dictature militaire. Le pays n'ayant pas à l'époque de centre indépendant voué à l'étude des politiques, il y avait peu de dialogue sur les politiques publiques. L'IEA-Ghana a néanmoins réussi à créer un forum de discussion et à faire ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sharkdam Wapmuk


    Full Text Available African affairs contribute in shaping the world and Africa in turn is being shaped by by dynamics in international processes and structures. Africa’s position and role in world politics has been a subject of various interpretations between Afro-pessimists and Afro-optimists. The objective of this article is to examine, through a historical perspective, Africa in world affairs from slavery to colonialism; sovereignty, African states and world politics; Africa and the global political economy; Africa and international organizations, particularly the UN; African relations with the traditional and emerging economic powers, and the future of Africa in world politics. It made a strong case that studies on Africa affairs must take into full account historical realities of Africa’s emergence in the world system, its existence and elements of continuity and change in the relations between African states and with the rest of the world. Africa’s international relations have expanded beyond engagement with the great powers such as USA, Britain, France, to include emerging powers such as China and India. Accordingly, the narrative on Africa is gradually changing from a hopeless continent to an African rising. Given these developments, Africa must act in unity in addressing its many challenges, and seek to engage the international community as an equal player in world politics. The article recommends that the relationship between Africa and the international community must equally undergo a transformative change. It must be rooted in the principles of equality of nations and peoples; mutual collaboration for mutual interest and respect for the ability and right of Africans to lead their own change.

  7. 75 FR 30687 - Organization; Eligibility and Scope of Financing; Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and... (United States)


    ...; Eligibility and Scope of Financing; Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and Funding... INFORMATION CONTACT: Elna Luopa, Senior Corporate Analyst, Office of Regulatory Policy, Farm Credit...

  8. Francis Pomponi, Vendetta, justice et politique en Corse. « L’affaire Viterbi » (1789-1821

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Claude Farcy


    Full Text Available Causes célèbres, crimes et criminels sortant de l’ordinaire ont toujours passionné l’opinion et donné naissance à une littérature à succès, revenant périodiquement sur les mêmes affaires judiciaires. Les historiens de la criminalité et de la justice ont, plus récemment, emprunté cette voie et revisité nombre de ces affaires en les replaçant, avec plus ou moins de succès, dans le contexte de leur époque. L’ouvrage de Francis Pomponi s’inscrit dans cette perspective, celle d’une étude de cas, d...

  9. Organizational Change and Conflict: A Case Study of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. (United States)

    Champagne, Duane


    Despite attempts by Congress during the 1970s to reform and reorganize the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), it has maintained substantive control over reservation institutions. A key to understanding BIA resistance to change appears to lie in organizational imperative of area directors to preserve and enhance their control over bureaucratic…

  10. Mid-Career Women Student Affairs Administrators with Young Children: Negotiating Life, Like Clockwork (United States)

    Fochtman, Monica Marcelis


    In the existing student affairs literature about career development and work-life balance, women administrators of all professional levels and women with children of all ages have been studied together. As a result, little is known about the unique rewards and challenges that result from simultaneously negotiating the different stages of…

  11. Indian Treaties: Two Centuries of Dishonor. American Indian Reader: Current Affairs, Volume 5. (United States)

    Costo, Rupert; Henry, Jeannette

    Today self-determination, economy, tribal jurisdiction, taxation, water and resource rights, and other aspects of American Indian affairs are affected by issues raised through the treaties and agreements made with Indian nations and tribes, and through the executive orders and statutes. Government policy has been influenced by the pressure brought…

  12. Perioperative management of obstructive sleep apnea: a survey of Veterans Affairs health care providers. (United States)

    Dhanda Patil, Reena; Patil, Yash J


    (1) To determine the presence of Veterans Affairs (VA) institutional guidelines for the perioperative management of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA); (2) to examine current use of preoperative screening tools for OSA in the VA; and (3) to understand current VA practice patterns regarding postoperative disposition of patients with OSA. Survey study. Veterans Affairs hospitals with surgical services; sample size 102 facilities. Veterans Affairs health care providers. The authors surveyed health care providers at VA hospitals using a survey tool developed by the authors. The response rate was 80%. A variety of preoperative screening tools for OSA were used by respondents, most commonly American Society of Anesthesiologists guidelines (53%). A policy for postoperative disposition of known and presumed OSA was present in 26% and 19% of responses, respectively. Of those respondents reporting a formal postoperative care policy, 48% and 30% admitted patients to a monitored ward bed and surgical intensive care unit, respectively. Of the 74% of respondents unaware of an institutional policy, Anesthesia and Surgery worked together to dictate postoperative disposition of patients with known OSA 73% of the time. The degree of OSA was ranked as the most important factor (58%) influencing postoperative disposition. Ten percent of respondents reported a major perioperative complication attributable to OSA in the past year. This survey study elucidates the heterogeneity of preoperative screening for and postoperative care of veterans with OSA. Future investigators may use these data to formalize institutional policies with regard to patients with OSA, with potentially significant impacts on patient care and usage of financial resources.

  13. Dr. David Syz, State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Switzerland

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Dr. David Syz, State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Switzerland, toured the assembly hall of the ATLAS experiment on a recent visit to CERN.Photos 01, 02: Dr. Peter Jenni, spokesperson for the ATLAS experiment (second from left), explains to Dr. David Syz (fourth from left) and accompanying visitors the process of integration of a 26-metre-long coil of the barrel toroid magnet system into its coil casing.Photo 03: Dr. Peter Jenni (extreme right) with Dr. David Syz (front row, fourth from right) behind a stack of 26-metre-long 'racetrack' coils awaiting integration into their coil casings.

  14. Vers une histoire vraiment culturelle de la mode : l’exemple de la peinture néerlandaise au XVIIe siècle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herman Roodenburg


    Full Text Available Peut-être ne suis-je pas la personne la plus appropriée qui puisse écrire sur l’histoire du vêtement aux Pays-Bas, simplement parce que je suis un homme, alors que l’histoire du vêtement est, chez nous, presque entièrement une affaire de femmes. Ce sont mes collègues de sexe féminin — des historiennes et principalement des historiennes de l’art — qui ont toujours dominé cette discipline et qui la dominent encore aujourd’hui. Mes collègues masculins ont largement négligé le sujet, comme ils on...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the magnitude of the contribution of communication intensity in the assignment of the responsibility attitude of the Supervisor at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office at Medan. Hypothesis proposed; the intensity of communication in the assignment contributed significantly to the attitude of the Supervisory responsibility in the Ministry of Religious affairs Medan. The population of this study is all supervisors in the Ministry of Religious Affairs at Medan. Samples determined by Stratified Proportional Random Sampling Technique, obtained by 30 people. The instrument is designed with questionnaire form for communication intensity variable in assignment and responsibility attitude of Supervisor at Ministry of Religious Affairs at Medan. Two main conditions that must be owned by a data collection tool, they are; validity and reliability. Instrument validity was tested through content validity which was tested to 25 respondents outside the research sample. Instrument reliability was analyzed by Alpha Cronbach. The results of data analysis showed that the intensity of communication in the assignment has a significant contribution to the attitude of the Supervisory Board of Education in the City of Medan for 14.50% with a correlation coefficient of 0.381.

  16. 27 October 2014 - L. Pistelli Vice Minister at Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italian Republic

    CERN Multimedia

    Guillaume, Jeanneret


    Mr Lapo Pistelli Vice Minister at Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Member of the Italian Parliament (Chamber of Deputies), Italian Republic, signing the Guest Book with CERN Director-General R. Heuer ; Physics Department Head L. Mapelli also present

  17. Factors Which Influenced the Success of the Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 59 of 2007 in North Sumatera Provincial Government

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amar Rinanda Lubis


    Full Text Available This study aimed to test empirically and analyze the influence of regulation, commitment, human resources and supporting devices to the successful implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No.59 Year 2007. Population in this study is SKPD Officer of North Sumatra Province (108 people which was sampled for 93 people. Simultaneous F test and partial t test were used to studies effects of regulation, commitment, human resources and supporting facilities to the successful implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 59, year 2007. These results prove that the regulation, commitment, human resources and supporting devices simultaneously influenced the successful implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 59 Year 2007. In partial, regulation, commitment and human resources affected successful implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 59 Year 2007, while the supporting facilities did not have an effect. These results showed that 48% variations of successful implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No.59 Year 2007, depended on variable of regulation, commitment, human resources and supporting facilities and the remaining 52% depended on other uninvestigated variables.

  18. An Analysis of the Service Management Patterns of Overseas Chinese Affairs Public Diplomacy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fengchun Lin


    Full Text Available Due to China’s economic and cultural rise, the interaction between China and Chinese new high-tech immigrants, most of whom are overseas students and skilled migrants, is being increasingly strengthened. Since the new immigrants owning “portable skills” have the ability to communicate cross-culturally and master advanced technology and management techniques, they play an important role in implementing the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development. In this cross-border interaction, the common interests between Chinese new immigrants of high technology and China can be a basis of the institutionalization of overseas Chinese affairs public diplomacy. Based on the transnational practices of new high-tech immigrants and the convergence of interests, and combined with the status of immigration management system, this paper proposes a service management pattern for overseas Chinese affairs public diplomacy: first, to establish a linkage mechanism with new overseas high-tech immigrants relying on the network technology; second, to attract highly skilled immigrants to develop a think tank; last, to create an insurance mechanism for talents improving the level of administrative services.

  19. Psychological Approach to the Competency Model of the Head of Department of Internal Affairs in the Context of Time Management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vakhina V.V.,


    Full Text Available The paper reviews psychological rates of success and effectiveness in the work of heads and staff of Departments of Internal Affairs. Time management skills are especially important for police officers considering the specificity of their work. This study was aimed at exploring competencies of heads of Departments of Internal Affairs in terms of time management. The purpose of the study was to find out the main causes of the losses in the work time of heads of Departments of Internal Affairs; to explore the importance of optimizing time resources for achieving positive results in operational activities; to reveal the measures taken by managers to optimize the losses of official time. A questionnaire was used as a research method. 250 heads of police departments of various levels took part in the survey. The results obtained in the study enabled the authors to define the organizational and psychological bases for improving the use of time in workplace.

  20. Images and Meaning-Making in a World of Resemblance: The Bavarian-Saxon Kidney Stone Affair of 1580 (United States)

    Stein, Claudia


    This article de-constructs and re-constructs the dynamic of a sixteenth-century political dispute between the Catholic Bavarian Duke Wilhelm V and the Protestant Saxon Elector August I. By focusing on the visual imagery which ignited the dispute, the paper explores sixteenth-century ‘ways of seeing’ and the epistemic role realistic images played in the production of knowledge about the natural world. While the peculiar dynamic of the affair is based on a specific understanding of the evidential role of images, the paper also argues that the wider socio-cultural context, in particular certain strategies of truth-telling, provide further clues as to the dynamic and closure of the affair. PMID:26290618


    CERN Multimedia


    We would like to remind you that the Social Affairs Service is a centre offering advice and support that can provide the following: Information and documentation (education for your children, language courses, child-minding facilities, health-related matters etc.). Information on social protection (illness, disability, handicap, retirement, death, etc.) and integration. Assistance in dealings with the authorities/services concerned. Consultations with a view to resolving problems of a personal, family or professional nature, such as problems of dependency (alcohol, drugs, relationship) or behavioural problems (stress, depression, eating disorders)... Support in facing new situations (maternity, divorce, bereavement, change of post, geographical isolation). Assistance with decision making relating to family, personal or professional matters. The team is at the disposal of all members of personnel, whatever their status, as well as to members of their family. Interviews with this service are CONFIDENTI...

  2. 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review: Mechanism for a DoD Human Resource Management Revolution in Business Affairs

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Rogers, Curtis


    .... Accepting the concept of a Revolution in Business Affairs (RBA) is DoD acknowledgment that over the last twenty years substantial advances in business management practices have been made by the private sector...

  3. The establishment of minority affairs offices in schools of dentistry: pros and cons. (United States)

    Ballard, Billy R


    The establishment of Minority Affairs Offices in dental schools following the American Association of Medical Colleges' model is discussed as one method of addressing the declining enrollment and compounding oral health disparities of underrepresented minorities African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans in U.S. dental schools. The pros and cons of the approach are discussed, with recommendations.

  4. ASK Standards: Assessment, Skills, and Knowledge Content Standards for Student Affairs Practitioners and Scholars (United States)

    ACPA College Student Educators International, 2011


    The Assessment Skills and Knowledge (ASK) standards seek to articulate the areas of content knowledge, skill and dispositions that student affairs professionals need in order to perform as practitioner-scholars to assess the degree to which students are mastering the learning and development outcomes the professionals intend. Consistent with…

  5. 38 CFR 3.201 - Exchange of evidence; Social Security and Department of Veterans Affairs. (United States)


    ... Compensation Evidence Requirements § 3.201 Exchange of evidence; Social Security and Department of Veterans... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exchange of evidence; Social Security and Department of Veterans Affairs. 3.201 Section 3.201 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans...

  6. 75 FR 70343 - Privacy Act; System of Records: Records of the Bureau of Public Affairs (United States)


    ...: Electronic, hardcopy. RETRIEVABILITY: By individual name. SAFEGUARDS: All users are given cyber security...: Purpose and Disclosure to Consumer Reporting Agencies. Any persons interested in commenting on the amended.... State-22 SYSTEM NAME: Records of the Bureau of Public Affairs. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Unclassified...

  7. 77 FR 40140 - Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment of Pratt & Whitney Canada Corporation... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 7946] Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment... INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Aguirre, Director, Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance, Bureau of Political... conviction in a criminal proceeding, conducted by a United States Court, and as such the administrative...


    The Teratology Society Public Affairs Committee Symposium was held on June 21, 1998, during the Society's annual meeting in San Diego, California. The symposium was organized and chaired by Dr. Carole Kimmel. The sysmposium was designed to consider the medical, social, and ethi...

  9. 75 FR 3647 - Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Risk-Based Capital... (United States)


    ... Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Risk-Based Capital Requirements AGENCY: Farm Credit Administration. ACTION... further directed FCA to estimate the credit risk on the portfolio covered by this new authority at a rate... component to directly recognize the credit risk on such loans.\\4\\ At the time of the Farm Bill's enactment...

  10. A New Theory-to-Practice Model for Student Affairs: Integrating Scholarship, Context, and Reflection (United States)

    Reason, Robert D.; Kimball, Ezekiel W.


    In this article, we synthesize existing theory-to-practice approaches within the student affairs literature to arrive at a new model that incorporates formal and informal theory, institutional context, and reflective practice. The new model arrives at a balance between the rigor necessary for scholarly theory development and the adaptability…

  11. 77 FR 75362 - Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and Funding Operations (United States)


    ... FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION 12 CFR Part 615 Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and Funding Operations CFR Correction 0 In Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 600 to 899, revised as of January 1, 2012, on page 209, Subpart S, consisting of Sec. 615.5570, is...

  12. The Role of Student Affairs Practitioners in Improving Campus Racial Climate: A Case Study (United States)

    Karkouti, Ibrahim Mohamad


    The purpose of this paper is to examine the racial conflict that occurred at the University of Michigan (UMI) earlier last year when Black students expressed their frustrations with the underrepresentation, racial discrimination and disparaging remarks against African Americans on campus (Jaschik, 2014). Because student affairs is the service most…

  13. Cyberwar and Information Warfare: A Revolution in Military Affairs or Much Ado about Not Too Much?

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Ray, Charles A


    .... Looking back on these changes, and at the changes that are being caused by the rapid advances in today's technology, many people assert that we are in the midst of a revolution in military affairs (RMA...

  14. Veterans Affairs methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus prevention initiative associated with a sustained reduction in transmissions and health care-associated infections. (United States)

    Evans, Martin E; Kralovic, Stephen M; Simbartl, Loretta A; Freyberg, Ron W; Obrosky, D Scott; Roselle, Gary A; Jain, Rajiv


    Implementation of a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Prevention Initiative was associated with significant declines in MRSA transmission and MRSA health care-associated infection rates in Veterans Affairs acute care facilities nationwide in the 33-month period from October 2007 through June 2010. Here, we show continuing declines in MRSA transmissions (P = .004 for trend, Poisson regression) and MRSA health care-associated infections (P < .001) from July 2010 through June 2012. The Veterans Affairs Initiative was associated with these effects, sustained over 57 months, in a large national health care system. Published by Mosby, Inc.

  15. La «domestication» des ignames dioscorea abyssinica dans les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'enquête a été réalisée dans 240 exploitations de la sous-préfecture de Sinendé (aire culturelle Bariba) et de la sous-préfecture de Banté (aire culturelle Nagot). A Sinendé, vingt et un paysans «domesticateurs» ont été recensés (1,2 % des producteurs d'igname des cinq terroirs) et quinze à Banté (5,7 % des producteurs).

  16. Bourlingue culturelle (Cultural Rambling). (United States)

    Thieriot, Jacques


    Reflects on the meaning of cultural education and activity in France as inspired by the need to establish a new form of cultural dialogue between France and the people of other countries. Problems related to financing cultural activities, reaching various types of audience, and methodology are discussed. (AMH)

  17. Activités culturelles

    CERN Multimedia

    Clubs, AP, Interfon


    The Club of the week: The CERN Photo Club Cycling Club Golf Club Ciné-Club : La prophétie des grenouilles Concerts du soir MicroClub Ciné-Club : Together Ciné-Club : Vertigo Evening Conference : Nicole and Serge Roetheli Café des sciences : Les Tribulations d'un jardin en ville Interfon

  18. 76 FR 78072 - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals (RFGP... (United States)


    ... of Citizen Exchanges of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces an open competition... for the program above is provided through legislation. Purpose: The Office of Citizen Exchanges... understanding through organized activities that appeal to youth and youth influencers, and that focus on...

  19. The Consequences of the Trojan Horse Affair and a Possible Way Forward for Birmingham (United States)

    Barton, Sarah; Hatcher, Richard


    The UK government seized the opportunity of the Trojan Horse affair to launch a damaging Islamophobic attack, eagerly relayed by a racist press, on the Muslim community in Birmingham and beyond, abusing Ofsted and the Prevent strategy as blatant instruments of ideologically-driven policy. The various reports found no evidence of radicalisation or…

  20. Organizational administrative assurance of the movement of staff within the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The insufficiency of the scientific development of the organization and legal support of the staff rotation process within Internal Affairs bodies has determined the choice of the article topic.

  1. Mentors Are from Venus and Mars: Exploring the Benefits of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Gender Pairings in the Mentoring Relationships of Female Senior Student Affairs Officers (United States)

    Jarnagin, Lea Marie


    While the number of women entering the student affairs profession has increased, gender equity at the senior level of leadership remains elusive in the student affairs profession. In comparison to their presence in graduate preparation programs and lower levels of administration women continue to lag behind men in their rate of advancement to the…

  2. [The coordination of the forensic medical service with the medical criminology subdivisions of internal affairs organs in the personal identification of unidentified corpses]. (United States)

    Pashinian, G A; Tuchik, E S


    In order to improve the cooperation between medical criminology departments of the organs of home affairs and forensic medical service in personality identification of unidentified corpses, the authors propose amendments to the routine procedure regulated by documents of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Russian Federation, for these documents are in need of serious correction and revision, so that they conform to the judicial legislation and other documents.

  3. 75 FR 68533 - Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and Funding Operations; Capital... (United States)


    ... FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION 12 CFR Part 615 RIN 3052-AC25 Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies... K. Van Meter, Deputy Director, Office of Regulatory Policy, Farm Credit Administration, 1501 Farm... Director, Office of Regulatory Policy, Farm Credit Administration, McLean, VA 22102- 5090, (703) 883-4232...

  4. Nuclear Proliferation Factbook. Prepared for the Subcommittees on Arms Control, International Security and Science and on International Economic Policy and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives and the Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, and Federal Processes of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, 99th Congress, 1st session. (United States)

    Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Congressional Research Service.

    To provide a handy reference for those concerned with ways to avoid the further spread, or proliferation, of nuclear weapons, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs have since 1977 sponsored periodic publication of the Nuclear Proliferation Factbook. This fourth edition of the factbook includes a…

  5. 76 FR 11837 - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: Youth Leadership... (United States)


    ... for Grant Proposals: Youth Leadership and Teacher Professional Development Program With Bosnia and... Cultural Affairs announces an open competition for the Youth Leadership and Teacher Professional....-based exchange activities on civic education, leadership, and community service for high school students...

  6. 75 FR 51327 - Bureau of Political-Military Affairs: Directorate of Defense Trade Controls; Notifications to the... (United States)


    ... items having taken into account political, military, economic, human rights and arms control... the export of these items having taken into account political, military, economic, human rights and... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 7125] Bureau of Political-Military Affairs: Directorate of...

  7. Google and the "Twisted Cyber Spy" Affair: US-Chinese Communication in an Age of Globalization (United States)

    Hartnett, Stephen John


    The "twisted cyber spy" affair began in 2010, when Google was attacked by Chinese cyber-warriors charged with stealing Google's intellectual property, planting viruses in its computers, and hacking the accounts of Chinese human rights activists. In the ensuing international embroglio, the US mainstream press, corporate leaders, and White…

  8. Alimentation du nouveau-ne et du nourrisson dans la region ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Alimentation du nouveau-ne et du nourrisson dans la region centrale du togo : pratiques familiales et communautaires avant la mise en oeuvre de la strategie « prise en charge integree des maladies de l'enfant »

  9. 76 FR 16031 - 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs... (United States)


    ...: Kennedy Center (KC) Cultural Visitors Program participants conducted by ECA from 2005 through 2009... of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports & Culture Evaluation Kennedy Center Visitors Survey, OMB Control Number 1405-xxxx ACTION: Notice of request...

  10. 76 FR 14705 - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: Youth Leadership... (United States)


    ... for Grant Proposals: Youth Leadership Program With South Asia (Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives) and the Youth Leadership Program With Azerbaijan Announcement Type: New Cooperative Agreement. Funding... Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces an open competition for two Youth Leadership...

  11. The 'Transnuklear affair' and its consequences. Die 'Transnuklear-Affaere' und ihre Auswirkungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brinkert, M.


    The 'Bribe' and 'Drum' Affairs and suspected proliferation in connection with Transnuklear GmbH public around the turn of 1987/88. Many members of the press wished them to speed up the process of opting out of nuclear power. However, none of the accusations specifically related to nuclear power leveled at that time turned out to be tenable. Instead, all violations of the law which had been detected could have been punished in the same way as in any other branch of industry. As a consequence, the impacts arising to regulatory structures in the nuclear sector, especially the measures taken by the Federal Government, may be considered to have been unjustified in scope. The TN Affair and the associated litigation has caused a great deal of confidence in nuclear power to be lost, which now has to be reclaimed by purposeful public relations efforts. (orig.).

  12. 76 FR 35138 - Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Farmer Mac Risk-Based... (United States)


    ... Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Farmer Mac Risk-Based Capital Stress Test, Version 5.0 AGENCY: Farm Credit... credit rating agency) in regulations addressing the Risk-Based Capital Stress Test (RBCST or stress test...) (repealing and replacing Pub. L. 110-234). B. Risk-Based Capital and Credit Ratings Under our rules, Farmer...

  13. 2675-IJBCS-Article-Fongang Hensel Guillaume

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juil. 2013 ... Transformation et commercialisation des chips de banane plantain au ... plantain reste encore artisanale et familiale avec un prix moyen de vente de 100 FCFA le sachet. ..... que le mode de transfert de la connaissance.

  14. Air Command and Staff College Should Contribute to Educating Regional Affairs Strategist Officers (United States)


    maintain rule.11 These weak and failing states pose threats to their own populations’ welfare as the authoritarian rulers have little or no regard substantially cheaper for the Air Force than sending them to NPS, the school may find it more cost effective to outsource the international...affairs classes. With the few changes required to the current ACSC curriculum, estimated four courses, outsourcing presents an attractive option, at

  15. Ethical issues in the professional work of psychologists: state of affairs in Slovenia


    Tina Zupan; Valentin Bucik


    The aim of the research was to determine the state of affairs regarding professional ethics of Slovene psychologists, particularly regarding the implementation of ethical principles and psychologists' and students' knowledge of ethics and procedures in the cases of ethical dilemmas and violations. Two dedicated questionnaires were designed by the authors. 800 Slovene psychologists received the questionnaire and 150 of them responded. There were also 56 psychology students involved in ...

  16. Foreign Affairs: Specific Action Plan Needed to Improve Response to Parental Child Abductions (United States)


    the child or prejudice to interested parties; (3) secure the voluntary return of the child or to bring about an amicable resolution of the issues, and...FOREIGN AFFAIRS Specific Action Plan Needed to Improve Response to Parental Child Abductions DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for Public Release...International Parental Child Abduction 17 Page 1 GAO/NSIAD-00-10 Parental Child Abduction Page 2 GAO/NSIAD-00-10 Parental Child Abduction GAP

  17. 76 FR 25734 - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: Youth Leadership... (United States)


    ... for Grant Proposals: Youth Leadership Program Announcement Type: New Cooperative Agreement. Funding... Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) announces an open competition for the Youth Leadership... leadership development, and to support follow-on projects in their home communities. U.S. Embassies in the...

  18. 77 FR 20054 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting Notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: May 14...

  19. 76 FR 31641 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: June 28...

  20. 75 FR 78758 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: January...

  1. 76 FR 16031 - 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs... (United States)


    ... & Culture Evaluation Sports Surveys, OMB Control Number 1405-xxxx ACTION: Notice of request for public... Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Evaluation Division: Sports & Culture Evaluation Sports... Sports and Culture Evaluation to conduct a survey of exchange participants who participated in either the...

  2. La PME et l'entreprise familiale


    Van Caillie, Didier


    This seminar proposes a detailed overview of the basic management principles that are emerging when managing a SME and, more specifically, a family business. The importance of SMEs in the Belgian economy, the role of the entrepreneur as an indiividual, the role of the family within the firm and key problems emerging in the day-to-day management of the firm are successively discussed.

  3. African American and Latino Enrollment Trends among Medicine, Law, Business, and Public Affairs Graduate Programs (United States)

    de la Garza, Rodolfo; Moghadam, Sepehr Hejazi


    The purpose of this Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) report is twofold: to provide an analysis of the enrollment trends for African American and Latino students among graduate professional programs in the fields of medicine, business, law, and public affairs, and to present other relevant data pertaining to African American and Latino students…

  4. Reframing Student Affairs Leadership: An Analysis of Organizational Frames of Reference and Locus of Control (United States)

    Tull, Ashley; Freeman, Jerrid P.


    Examined in this study were the identified frames of reference and locus of control used by 478 student affairs administrators. Administrator responses were examined to identify frames of reference most commonly used and their preference order. Locus of control most commonly used and the relationship between frames of reference and locus of…

  5. Social management in the system of physical education and sports of employees of internal affairs of Ukraine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Babenko V.G.


    Full Text Available The main forms, principles and methods of the physical training’s management of the Internal Affairs Agencies’s staff are considered. Reveals its consistency and conceptual approach to the mechanism of targeted and effective operation of the system under different conditions of the employees police. Determined that the system of physical training and sports of bodies and organs of internal affairs of Ukraine, except for departmental purposes, partly related to the overall social and cultural life of modern society, and the management of this system is social in nature and depends on the level of socialization of its top performers and other regional representatives. It is set that optimization of correction foresees subsequent purposeful realization of the planned complex of measures which answer certain terms and real possibilities of operating control the system.

  6. Research Trends in Islamic Studies on Journal of Research and Development and Training Center Ministry of Religious Affairs: Using Co-Words

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hariyah Hariyah


    Full Text Available Since published in 1976, no studies about the development of the theme or subject of the journal articles  published by Research and Development and Training Center Ministry of Religious Affairs, that are useful to see the development of science on  religious social fields. Based on that, the aim of this paper is to find out research trends in Islamic studies on journal articles published by Research and Development and Training Center Ministry of Religious Affairs in 2005 – 2014. This study uses analysis of co-words with exploratory quantitative approach. This approach explores areas that have not been studied previously. The whole issue of the journal article Research and Development and Training Agency Ministry of Religious Affairs, published in 2005 - 2014 are used as the unit of analysis in this study. The article studied consisted of 1,107 articles contained in four journals. The results showed Subject (descriptor most appear on clustering over a span of 10 years (2005-2014 are the Islamic Education and Concord. This suggests that the study of Islamic Education and Concord almost throughout the year. Besides, this subject in accordance with the mission of Ministry of Religious Affairs and strategic plan of Research and Development and Training Agency. The distribution of other subjects such as Islamic Manuscripts, Religion, Inter-Religious Forum, Pornography, Jihad, Islamic Sects, Civil Society, Quran, Conflict, Muslim Scholar, Zakat are popular subjects that became a topic of research over a span of ten years. This subject does not always show up every year and the number of articles are smaller.

  7. 76 FR 11462 - Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Seeks Comment on Application of New and Emerging... (United States)


    ... Affairs Bureau Seeks Comment on Application of New and Emerging Technologies for Video Relay Service Use... seeks comment regarding new and emerging technologies that may be used to access Video Relay Service... methods: Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically using the Internet by accessing the...

  8. The Evolution of Veteran Affairs Healthcare - Is It High Time for Cannabis Treatment (United States)


    Neuropathic Pain in HIV, was later published with the National Center for Biotechnology Information and concluded that pain relief was greater magazine /issues/winter09/articles/winter09pg10-14.html, (accessed September 2015). 56 U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs...Medline Plus, PTSD: A Growing Epidemic, magazine /issues/winter09/articles/winter09pg10- 14.html, (accessed

  9. Reflections on Don Juan and on the utility of the unhappy love affair. (United States)

    Bergel, Ernest


    Based on an unusual clinical experience of a teenage boy in child psychotherapy, two conclusions are proposed: (1) that the extremely unhappy, early love affairs that occur in most men's lives serve a valuable function in helping them separate from their mothers sufficiently to be able to realistically relate to appropriate marriage partners, and (2) that some Don Juans start new relationships in order to break them off, rather than the reverse.

  10. The Present Affairs and Issues of Research on Collaborative Learning in Mathematics Education


    松島, 充


    In this research, at first, the previous work of collaborative learning and cooperative learning was investigated on learning sciences and cognitive psychology. It is clarified the difference of interde-pendent, of the epistemology and of the subject who construct knowledge. The secondly, investigation since 1990 of the collaborative learning research in mathematics educa-tion was conducted based on eight sorts of mathematics education academic journals, and the present affairs and the issues...

  11. "Students at the Margins": Student Affairs Administrators Creating Inclusive Campuses for LGBTQ Students in the South (United States)

    Martin, Georgianna; Broadhurst, Christopher; Hoffshire, Michael; Takewell, William


    Activism by student affairs administrators can provide powerful methods for change within higher education for LGBTQ students. Though the LGBTQ community has experienced improvements in campus climates, marginalizing policies for members of that community are still prevalent in higher education. Using the tempered radicals theory to guide this…

  12. Introduction to Strategic Planning in Student Affairs: A Model for Process and Elements of a Plan (United States)

    Ellis, Shannon E.


    Planning from a strategic perspective has been a mainstay of organizational management for decades. Founded in the private sector, strategic planning is now embraced by the nonprofit world as a catalyst for sound resource allocation, transformative decision making, and motivating staff. Student affairs professionals who think, plan, and act…

  13. Public Affairs Decision Making in the U.S. Air Force: An Application of Multiattribute Utility Theory. (United States)

    David, Prabu; Pierson, Michael M.


    Contributes to scholarship on public relations decision making and public relations theory. Examines decision making by United States Air Force public affairs personnel. Finds that only 48% of the decisions fit the public relations excellence criteria of accommodation and long-term relationship building. Finds also a negative correlation between…

  14. 78 FR 8218 - Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment Under the Arms Export Control Act and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 8175] Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statutory Debarment... INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Aguirre, Director, Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance, Bureau of Political... conviction in a criminal proceeding, conducted by a United States Court, and as such the administrative...

  15. Stress among Student Affairs Administrators: The Relationship of Personal Characteristics and Organizational Variables to Work-Related Stress. (United States)

    Berwick, Kathleen R.


    Examined possible relationships between reported work-related stress and organizational and personal variables, hardiness of personality, exercise activity, and organizational culture of 240 student affairs administrators within Minnesota. Results revealed that job satisfaction and hardiness of personality were greatest predictors of lowered…

  16. Is There a Role for the BRICS in Asian Affairs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haibin Niu


    Full Text Available The BRICS is an important rising force in the current global governance system. Since 2009, the priorities for cooperationamong BRICS members have been reforming the major international financial institutions. In recent years, those prioritieshave extended to include international security and development issues. At the regional level, BRICS leaders have helddialogues with their counterparts in Africa and South America at the Durban and Fortaleza summits respectively. However,the BRICS has not paid much attention to Asian economic issues and security issues in East Asia. This weak and unbalancedagenda towards Asian affairs is unusual considering the importance of Asia to BRICS members and the presence inthe BRICS of of three prominent Asian members with global ambitions. The absence of a strong Asian agenda reflects somedimensions of the BRICS grouping and the region itself. First, the priority of the BRICS countries is to promote their globalstatus, which makes global issues more attractive than regional issues. Second, the Asian members of the BRICS cannotsolve Asian security challenges individually or collectively. Third, as a region, Asia is not a highly integrated similar toAfrica and South America, partly because competitions among major powers including the Asian members of the BRICS.However, the BRICS cannot avoid exploring its influence in shaping Asia’s future considering the region’s rising importanceand challenges. In order to improve their influence in Asia against the background of competing regional institutions andthe renewed interest of the United States in Asia, BRICS countries need to coordinate their individual approaches to Asia,provide more regional public goods by multilateral means, offer either solutions or ideas to regional security issues, and finda more sustainable way to engage with the region.Is There a Role for the BRICS in Asian Affairs

  17. Press release of 14 February 1994 issued by the Department of Foreign affairs of the Philippines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the press release of 14 February 1994 issues by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines on the issue of inspections of nuclear sites in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is being circulated to Member States at the request of the Permanent Mission of the Philippines

  18. Adding Academics to the Work/Family Puzzle: Graduate Student Parents in Higher Education and Student Affairs (United States)

    Sallee, Margaret W.


    Based on interviews with 18 parents who were enrolled in higher education and student affairs master's programs and also employed on college and university campuses, this article explores the ways that student parents navigate their academic, familial, and professional responsibilities. Using role conflict theory as a theoretical guide, this study…

  19. Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools: New Facilities Management Information System Promising, but Improved Data Accuracy Needed. (United States)

    General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.

    A General Accounting Office (GAO) study evaluated the Bureau of Indian Affairs' (BIA) new facilities management information system (FMIS). Specifically, the study examined whether the new FMIS addresses the old system's weaknesses and meets BIA's management needs, whether BIA has finished validating the accuracy of data transferred from the old…

  20. 75 FR 7648 - Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Computer Matching Program (SSA/Department of Veterans Affairs... (United States)


    ... Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (Public Law (Pub. L.) 100-503), amended the Privacy... SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION [Docket No. SSA 2010-0006] Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Computer Matching Program (SSA/ Department of Veterans Affairs/Veterans Benefits Administration (VA/ VBA...

  1. 17 CFR 200.13b - Director of the Office of Public Affairs, Policy Evaluation, and Research. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Director of the Office of Public Affairs, Policy Evaluation, and Research. 200.13b Section 200.13b Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION ORGANIZATION; CONDUCT AND ETHICS; AND INFORMATION AND REQUESTS Organization and Program Management General...

  2. Press release of 8 February 1994 issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The attached text of the press release of 8 February 1994 issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines on the issue of inspections of nuclear sites in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is being circulated to Member States at the request of the Permanent Mission of the Philippines

  3. 77 FR 54367 - Sharing Information Between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 38 CFR Part 1 RIN 2900-AN95 Sharing Information Between the...) regulatory restriction on the sharing of certain medical information with the Department of Defense (DoD... economy of $100 million or more or adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy...

  4. 76 FR 19373 - The 14th Annual Food and Drug Administration-Orange County Regulatory Affairs Educational... (United States)


    ... Orange County Regulatory Affairs Discussion Group, Attention to Detail, 5319 University Dr., suite 641... verified the Web site address, but FDA is not responsible for any subsequent changes to the Web site after.../ Students.* After May 1, 2011, $725.00 for members, $775.00 for non- members, and $475.00 for FDA/Government...

  5. Indonesia's Fires and Haze : The Cost of Catastrophe (mise à jour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... mais aussi des bureaux et des organismes internationaux présents en Asie du ... en planification familiale de l'Afrique en intensifiant la recherche sur la santé ... conclu un accord de coopération scientifique et technologique en appui aux ...

  6. Chiffrer le travail des femmes - économie sexiste sur le marché et au ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    effectuer beaucoup plus de tâches ménagères que les hommes. Les décisions familiales et professionnelles s'entremêlent : les femmes acceptent des emplois qui leur permettent de conjuguer leurs engagements familiaux avec un travail ...

  7. Evénement culturel et dynamiques territoriales : le festival de jazz à Marciac


    Fontorbes, Jean-Pascal; Granié, Anne-Marie


    Notre propos concerne des formes de rituels collectifs, de rites, de cérémonies interprétées comme maintien-construction de lien social et de nouvelles formes de sociabilités dans les campagnes c'est-à-dire de vie sociale, culturelle et économique en émergence. Nous considérons ici la culture comme « levain » de développement durable des territoires. L'exemple du festival de jazz à Marciac est pertinent car il renvoie à une pratique culturelle territorialisée.

  8. 77 FR 46119 - Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs... (United States)


    ... be culturally affiliated with the human remains should contact Anna Pardo, Museum Program Manager... culturally affiliated with the human remains may contact the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of... Affairs at the address below by September 4, 2012. ADDRESSES: Anna Pardo, Museum Program Manager/NAGPRA...

  9. The writers guide to NASA. [NASA Centers and public affairs contacts (United States)


    NASA services of interest to writers and to the news media include personal interviews, daily audio reports of major missions, and projects via automated telephone, research assistance from historians or history monitors at technical libraries, the use of a collection of historical photographs, and the free loan of sound films of NASA research and development activities. The names and phones numbers are listed for public affairs contacts at Headquarters and at each of the major centers and their component installations. An overview of the six NASA program offices is included along with a vicinity map of each center and a description of their facilities and management responsibilities.

  10. Media work as public affairs: moving beyond media savvy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trapp, Leila; Laursen, Bo

    Much research exists which examines how politically-motivated organizations adapt their communication practices to suit the news media’s routines and values to gain media coverage and thereby exert political influence. The mediatization literature describes these adaptation processes as constantly...... evolving, with professional communicators exhibiting an ever-growing amount of media savvy. The purpose of this study is to gain up-to-date insights into current forms of media adaptation in political organizations through interviews with professional press contact staff in 52 Danish interest groups....... The interviews reveal that media work is considered an effective, though potentially risky, form of public affairs. Indeed, media work is said to damage, or even ruin, an organization’s lobbying efforts or relationships with political actors. The study’s key finding is that in order to deal with these risks...

  11. The judicial process: an overview from the TDA Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs. (United States)

    Burk, Roy N


    From time to time, the Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs must investigate and act on the alleged unethical behavior of Texas Dental Association members. Because the alleged behavior is directed at a colleague and TDA member, the work of the council is neither comfortable nor inviting. Nonetheless, council decisions are made taking into account its mission to investigate the allegation between the parties and to improve dental ethics in the state.

  12. "Just the Way It Is" in Student Affairs--But Not the Way It Has to Be (United States)

    Turrentine, Cathryn


    After 18 years as a student affairs professional, the author is now headed in a different direction. The personal lessons that she has learned about work-life balance over the past two decades are very similar to others. Instead of focusing on personal lessons, the author offers some structural observations, and--with respect, as she leaves the…

  13. 5 - Tessa-Gheddache

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    que l'espérance de vie moyenne d'une entreprise familiale est ..... Cet état de fait peut être dû à la nature des stratégies des ... sans aide du recrutement du successeur. ...... processus successoral, L'institut de recherches politiques et les.

  14. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    phosphate déhydrogénase au CHU de Lomé ... Alimentation du nouveau-ne et du nourrisson dans la region centrale du togo : pratiques familiales et communautaires avant la mise en oeuvre de la strategie « prise en charge integree des maladies ...

  15. Midlevel Student Affairs Leaders' Intentions To Leave: Examining the Quality of Their Professional and Institutional Work Life. (United States)

    Rosser, Vicki J.; Javinar, Jan Minoru


    This national study examines those demographic characteristics and work life issues that may have an impact on the morale and satisfaction of midlevel student affairs leaders and their intentions to leave their positions. Using structural equation modeling, this study proposes to demonstrate the roles job satisfaction and employee morale play in…

  16. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mental Health First Aid Training among Student Affairs Staff at a Canadian University (United States)

    Massey, Jennifer; Brooks, Meghan; Burrow, Jeff


    This study evaluates the effectiveness of providing the Mental Health First Aid training program to student affairs staff. The objective of the training was to increase knowledge of mental health, enhance sensitivity, and raise confidence to intervene and assist individuals experiencing a mental health issue. We found the training successfully met…

  17. Can organisations learn without political leadership? The case of public sector reform among South African Home Affairs officials

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Segatti, A.; Hoag, C.; Vigneswaran, D.


    This paper deals with the transformation of "institutional culture" in bureaucratic agencies. This is explored in the context of post-Apartheid South African public sector reform, and more particularly that of migration management within the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The paper assesses the

  18. 76 FR 2439 - Request for Comments and Suggestions for the Agenda of the Environmental Affairs Council (Eac) of... (United States)


    ... governments recognize the importance of strengthening capacity to protect the environment and to promote... of the Environmental Affairs Council (EAC) in Washington, DC on January 27, 2011, at the Organization... Secretariat for Environmental Matters (SEM) and discuss the Organization of American States' Second Evaluation...

  19. Assessment Work: Examining the Prevalence and Nature of Assessment Competencies and Skills in Student Affairs Job Postings (United States)

    Hoffman, John L.; Bresciani, Marilee J.


    This mixed method study explored the assessment-related skills and job duties that student affairs administrators expect from new employees as reflected in 1,759 job openings posted in 2008, of which seven job postings were specialist positions in outcomes-based assessment. The skills and duties required of these seven positions were primarily…

  20. Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Nightmares at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center (United States)

    Detweiler, Mark B.; Pagadala, Bhuvaneshwar; Candelario, Joseph; Boyle, Jennifer S.; Detweiler, Jonna G.; Lutgens, Brian W.


    The effectiveness of medications for PTSD in general has been well studied, but the effectiveness of medicatio.ns prescribed specifically for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) nightmares is less well known. This retrospective chart review examined the efficacy of various medications used in actual treatment of PTSD nightmares at one Veteran Affairs Hospital. Records at the Salem, VA Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) were examined from 2009 to 2013 to check for the efficacy of actual treatments used in comparis.on with treatments suggested in three main review articles. The final sample consisted of 327 patients and 478 separate medication trials involving 21 individual medications plus 13 different medication combinations. The three most frequently utilized medications were prazosin (107 trials), risperidone (81 trials), and quetiapine (72 trials). Five medications had 20 or more trials with successful results (partial to full nightmare cessation) in >50% of trials: risperidone (77%, 1.0–6.0 mg), clonidine (63%, 0.1–2.0 mg), quetiapine (50%, 12.5–800.0 mg), mirtazapine (50%; 7.5–30.0 mg), and terazosin (64%, 50.0–300.0 mg). Notably, olanzapine (2.5–10.0) was successful (full remission) in all five prescription trials in five separate patients. Based on the clinical results, the use of risperidone, clonidine, terazosin, and olanzapine warrants additional investigation in clinically controlled trials as medications prescribed specifically for PTSD nightmares. PMID:27999253

  1. 76 FR 67022 - Enhanced-Use Lease (EUL) of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Real Property for a Mixed-Use... (United States)


    ... the entire Knoxville campus of the VA Central Iowa Healthcare System. The selected lessee will finance... that includes integrated residential, commercial, agricultural and technology components. The... Management (044), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 461...

  2. Dutch public affairs professionals in the national and European arena : A smart mix of skills, attitude, and knowledge competences

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Figee, Edward L.; Gosselt, Jordi F.; Linders, Paul C.J.; de Jong, Menno D.T.


    Although the profession of public affairs (PA) is increasingly important for organizations, relatively little is known about the range of competences PA professionals need. This article presents a qualitative study among 41 experienced Dutch PA professionals and practitioners, who were interviewed

  3. 38 CFR 14.514 - Suits by or against United States or Department of Veterans Affairs officials; indemnification of... (United States)


    ... Affairs determines it appropriate, the Agency shall seek the view of the Department of Justice. The... with or receive the cooperation of the Department of Justice and, where indicated, advise the Regional... Justice may afford counsel and representation to Government employees who are sued individually as a...

  4. Assessment of preclinical students? academic motivation before and after a three-day academic affair program


    Aung, Myo Nyein; Somboonwong, Juraiporn; Jaroonvanichkul, Vorapol; Wannakrairot, Pongsak


    Myo Nyein Aung,1 Juraiporn Somboonwong,2 Vorapol Jaroonvanichkul,1 Pongsak Wannakrairot3 1Medical Education Unit, 2Quality Management Division and Department of Physiology, 3Academic Affairs Division, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, ThailandBackground: Medical students’ motivation is an important driving factor for academic performance, and therefore medical teachers and educators are often highly interested in this topic. This study evaluated the impact of a...

  5. A Study on the Information Analysis and Legal Affairs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, W. S.; Yang, M. H.; Yun, S. W.; Lee, D. S.; Kim, H. R.; Noh, B. C.


    It is followed that results and contents of a Study on the Nuclear Information Analyses and Legal Affairs. Our team makes an effort to secure KAERI's best legal interest in the process of enacting nuclear laws and codes, international collaborative study, and management. Moreover, as a international trend analysis, we studied Japan government's position to nuclear energy under the aspect of reducing climate change and supplying sustainable energy. Improvement of Japan's radiation use showed increasing contribution of radiation technology to the people. Results of studies of nuclear policy of Kazakhstan, forecasting global trend in 2030 of Nuclear area, and new U.S. government's policy to nuclear energy are also explained. Lastly, we performed evaluation of source of electric generator which reduce emitting carbon dioxide in the aspect of greenhouse gas emission statistic and tested green gas reducing ability of Korea's green source of electric generator that reducing greenhouse gas effect

  6. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    7 août 2013 ... 1. Myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une Fièvre Méditerranéenne Familiale ... évidence de mutations du gène «MEFV» dont il existe plus d'une vingtaine. .... Mediterranean Fever (FMF): from diagnosis to treatment.

  7. Ethical modernization: research misconduct and research ethics reforms in Korea following the Hwang affair. (United States)

    Kim, Jongyoung; Park, Kibeom


    The Hwang affair, a dramatic and far reaching instance of scientific fraud, shocked the world. This collective national failure prompted various organizations in Korea, including universities, regulatory agencies, and research associations, to engage in self-criticism and research ethics reforms. This paper aims, first, to document and review research misconduct perpetrated by Hwang and members of his research team, with particular attention to the agencies that failed to regulate and then supervise Hwang's research. The paper then examines the research ethics reforms introduced in the wake of this international scandal. After reviewing American and European research governance structures and policies, policy makers developed a mixed model mindful of its Korean context. The third part of the paper examines how research ethics reform is proactive (a response to shocking scientific misconduct and ensuing external criticism from the press and society) as well as reactive (identification of and adherence to national or international ethics standards). The last part deals with Korean society's response to the Hwang affair, which had the effect of a moral atomic bomb and has led to broad ethical reform in Korean society. We conceptualize this change as ethical modernization, through which the Korean public corrects the failures of a growth-oriented economic model for social progress, and attempts to create a more trustworthy and ethical society.

  8. Les formes de la fiction dans la culture pour la jeunesse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthieu Letourneux


    Full Text Available Les pratiques de consommation culturelle contemporaines obéissent de plus en plus à des logiques de mixité et de mixage qui imposent d’observer les œuvres et les produits culturels non plus du point de vue de leurs seules propriétés, mais en les saisissant dans leur relation médiatisée à un grand nombre d’autres produits – livres, films, jeux et jouets – indépendamment desquels ils ne peuvent se comprendre. Cette évolution est devenue manifeste depuis que l’industrie culturelle a opté pour l’...

  9. Effets du statut d’emploi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail : le cas des auxiliaires familiales et sociales et des infirmières de soins à domicile au Québec

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Élise Ledoux


    Full Text Available Les données de cette recherche corroborent les principaux résultats de nombreuses études sur les liens entre la précarité d’emploi et les risques accrus à la santé et à la sécurité du travail (SST. Constituée de quatre études de cas de services de soutien à domicile (SAD de Centres locaux de services communautaires (CLSC, cette recherche montre comment l’organisation du travail peut soutenir les stratégies protectrices auxquelles ont recours les auxiliaires sociales et familiales (AFS et les infirmières de services de SAD ou leur nuire. Il s’avère que les pratiques organisationnelles positives auraient les mêmes effets sur les salariées régulières que sur celles qui ont un statut précaire, cependant ces dernières bénéficient rarement de ce soutien. Quant aux dysfonctionnements organisationnels, les personnels précaires disposent de moins de marges de manœuvre pour les pallier. Ils sont donc doublement à risque au regard de leur santé et de leur sécurité au travail.The data from this study corroborate the main results of many studies on the relationships between job precariousness and increased occupational health and safety (OHS risks. This project consists of four studies of cases of local community service centre (CLSC homecare services (HS and shows how work organization can have a positive or negative effect on the protective strategies used by HS homecare workers and nurses. Positive organizational practices would have the same effects on regular employees as on those with a precarious status; however, the latter rarely benefit from this support. As for organizational dysfunction, precarious employees have less margin of maneuver to compensate for it. They therefore face a two-fold greater occupational health and safety risk.

  10. Main areas for the sociological support of organizational risks diagnostics and prevention in the internal affairs bodies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T H Dzhanteev


    Full Text Available The article considers the use of theoretical and applied sociological studies to identify and prevent negative consequences of the organizational risks in the internal affairs bodies, such as: insufficient quality of the organizational structure; failures in the design of organizational structures; poor coordination and regulation; inconsistency of resources provision; mistakes in the selection and placement of personnel; shortcomings in the organization of interaction with the public; incorrect definition of the needs of citizens in the field of law enforcement; poor quality of law enforcement services; inadequate training of personnel for the interaction with citizens. The author describes the role of the sociological support in the diagnostics of organizational risks, and pays particular attention to the factors contributing to the occurrence of undesirable situations and to the cause-and-effect relationships between various events associated with the risks. The article emphasizes the exceptional importance of forecasting negative consequences of risk situations and developing measures to minimize negative effects of organizational risks in law enforcement in general and in the internal affairs bodies in particular.

  11. 75 FR 22614 - Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Tax Credit Bonds for Bureau of Indian Affairs-Funded... (United States)


    ... Tax Credit Bonds for Bureau of Indian Affairs-Funded Schools; Comment Request AGENCY: Bureau of Indian... eligible to be considered for an allocation. No third party notification or public disclosure burden is... project is eligible to be considered for an allocation. No third party notification or public disclosure...

  12. The Lived Experiences of Vice Presidents for Student Affairs: A Study Exploring How Social Identity Impacts Leadership Approach (United States)

    Jones, David E.


    This study aimed to both draw awareness and increase understanding of how lived experiences across race, gender and sexual orientation social identities impact the leadership approach of Vice Presidents for Student Affairs. As the student demographic becomes increasingly more diverse on college and university campuses, higher education leaders…

  13. Evaluation of the activities of the commission on minor’s affairs and protection of their rights dealing with troubled teenagers (based on materials of Nizhnekamsk municipal district)


    Tuhvatullina, Marina


    Evaluation of the activities of the commission on minor’s affairs and protection of their rights dealing with troubled teenagers is very important problem is very relevant in connection with the increase of teenage crime. In article present the evaluation of the activities of the commission on minor’s affairs and protection of their rights dealing with troubled teenagers. A particular example of the conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis of activities and on this basis to identify pr...

  14. Proceedings of the Third Annual Student Symposium on Marine Affairs (University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus, January 13, 1978). (United States)


    This volume of the proceedings of the Third Annual Student Symposium on Marine Affairs contains 32 papers in eight categories: (1) coastal zone management; (2) marine resources; (3) aquaculture; (4) alternative marine energy sources; (5) ocean engineering; (6) recreational facilities; (7) marine biology; and (8) options. The papers are the…

  15. Reconciling the Knowledge of Scholars & Practitioners: An Extended Case Analysis of the Role of Theory in Student Affairs (United States)

    Kimball, Ezekiel


    This paper utilizes a critical post-pragmatist epistemological lens in tandem with an extended case analysis to explore how student affairs professionals process truth claims related to student experience. Findings from the study, which include the limited usage of formal theory and the iterative reconstruction of informal theory, are used to…

  16. Ideal for Whom? A Cultural Analysis of Ideal Worker Norms in Higher Education and Student Affairs Graduate Programs (United States)

    Sallee, Margaret W.


    This chapter explores the consequences of ideal worker norms for graduate student-parents in higher education and student affairs programs. Using Schein's (2004) levels of culture as a conceptual lens, this chapter considers the ways that programmatic structures and interactions with faculty and peers reflect and reproduce a culture across…

  17. 38 CFR 14.605 - Suits against Department of Veterans Affairs employees arising out of a wrongful act or omission... (United States)


    ... MISCELLANEOUS CLAIMS Federal Tort Claims § 14.605 Suits against Department of Veterans Affairs employees arising... damage, personal injury, or death allegedly occurring as a result of malpractice or negligence committed... Health Administration. Accordingly, a malpractice or negligence suit for property damage, personal injury...

  18. Effects of toxic chemicals on the reproductive system. Council on Scientific Affairs. (United States)


    In an effort to make physicians more aware of the hazards of the workplace to pregnant workers, the Council on Scientific Affairs' Advisory Panel on Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace prepared this third and final report reviewing the effects of chemical exposure. A total of 120 chemicals were considered for reviews based on an estimation of their imminent hazard, ie, widespread use and/or inherent toxicity. Following a brief introduction, which sets out general principles, clinical applications, and aids to the recognition of a human teratogen, the report presents reviews and opinions for three representative chemicals. Information concerning the remaining 117 compounds is available upon request.

  19. Improvement of psychological work in the system of moral and psychological support for the operational activities in the internal affairs personnel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir L. Kubyshko


    Full Text Available Background. Since psychological work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is one of the professional activities, the departments must perform the tasks of the following two tiers: professionally-based and system-wide. Those tasks of the first tier perform the tree groups of individual and group diagnostics, personal and professional development, and professional and psychological support. When implemented they are determined by system-wide goals, with the main one shaping the patriotic worldview, corporate culture and the significantprofessionalproperties of the employees. Objective. Within the framework of the approach mentioned above, the paper considers static and dynamic models of psychological work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the present stage, current issues and ways to resolve them are revealed. Progress Report. Based on the brief analysis of the static model of psychological work it is concluded that there are forces and means for the successful accomplishment of the assigned tasks which is confirmed by the external indicators. When considering the on-line dynamic model issues, the issues of scientific and methodological character are identifiedand also the corporate personnel and the systemwide (worldview typeof work are determined. Their essence and content are specified, and also the ways to constructively eliminate these issues are highlighted. Research results. The author emphasizes that the worldviewissues require special consideration as their solution demand a set of measures connected with the extension of the functional duties of the psychologists working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Conclusion. In the conditions of negative information and psychological impact on the professional and corporate consciousness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees, the increased attention of some researchers to the negative moments of the history of the police when its

  20. Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Escherichia coli Infections after Transrectal Biopsy of the Prostate in the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elie Antoun Saade


    Full Text Available Background: Recent reports suggest that infections due to fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli (E. coli are an increasingly common complication of transrectal biopsy of the prostate (TBP in the United States. A better understanding of the magnitude and scope of these infections is needed to guide prevention efforts. Our objective is to determine whether the incidence of infections due to fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli after TBP has increased nationwide in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System and to identify risk factors for infection. Methods: We performed a retrospective, observational cohort study and a nested case-control study within the US Deparment of Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. The primary outcomes were the incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI and bacteremia with E. coli and with fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli strains within 30 days after TBP. Secondary endpoints focused on the correlation between fluoroquinolone-resistance in all urinary E. coli isolates and post-TBP infection and risk factors for infection due to fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli infection. Results: 245 618 patients undergoing 302 168 TBP procedures from 2000 through 2013 were included in the cohort study, and 59 469 patients undergoing TBP from 2011 through 2013 were included in the nested case-control study. Between 2000 and 2013, there was a 5-fold increase in the incidence of E. coli UTI (0.18%–0.93% and a 4-fold increase in the incidence of E. coli bacteremia (0.04%–0.18% after TBP that was attributable to an increase in the incidence of fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli UTI (0.03%–0.75% and bacteremia (0.01%–0.14%. The increasing incidence of fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli infections after TBP occurred in parallel with increasing rates of fluoroquinolone-resistance in all urinary E. coli isolates. By multivariable logistic regression analysis, independent risk factors for fluoroquinolone

  1. Print Culture and the New Maritime Frontier in Rangoon and Penang Culture de l’imprimé et nouvelle frontière maritime à Rangoon et Penang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Su Lin Lewis


    taient à la recherche de tribunes pour exprimer leurs intérêts et se tenir informés des affaires du monde, et de leur place dans celui-ci. À Rangoon, les Birmans, ayant retrouvé une fierté culturelle, intégrèrent la vague déferlante d’un nationalisme anticolonialiste qui trouvait un écho à travers le monde. Les habitants de Penang transformaient leur société en utilisant la composante libérale et cosmopolite d’une citoyenneté impériale pour avancer des revendications politiques et culturelles à une société multiethnique. Cette atmosphère vibrante et ouverte de cité portuaire coloniale en tant que nœud d’information et d’échange culturel fit de Penang et de Rangoon des terrains d’élaboration intellectuelle de nouvelles visions du monde.

  2. Un poste consulaire en Macédoine, Bitola-Monastir, 1851-1912

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    Bernard Lory


    Full Text Available Les consuls, plus détachés des nationalismes locaux, rendent compte des réalités sociales, culturelles et politiques de Bitola entre 1851 et 1912.L’article tente de restituer, à partir des archives consulaires de la ville macédonienne de Bitola, entre 1851 et 1912, une réalité sociale et culturelle de la Macédoine, moins filtrée par les idéologies nationales que celle que traduit la documentation interne en langues balkaniques. La plus grande partie des informations fournies par les correspondances consulaires provient des drogmans, interprètes assurant l’interface entre les autorités locales ottomanes et les consuls, mais les consuls s’informent aussi les uns les autres. À partir des années 1890, les questions politiques détrônent les intérêts économiques. Même si les historiens macédoniens de Bitola soulignent le rôle modernisateur des consuls, le corps consulaire y est trop restreint et replié sur lui-même pour exercer une influence significative. L’article analyse l’action politique des différents consulats. Ceux des États balkaniques organisent la subversion contre le pouvoir ottoman, ceux d’Autriche-Hongrie et de Russie, pays ayant des intérêts immédiats dans la zone balkanique, interviennent dans les affaires locales, officiellement ou de façon occulte, tandis que le rôle de ceux de Grande-Bretagne, d’Italie et de France est de maintenir le statut de Grande Puissance de ces pays.The article attempts to restore, starting with the consular archives of the Macedonian city of Bitola, between 1851 and 1912, a social and cultural reality of Macedonia, less filtered by the national ideologies than that which translates the internal documentation into Balkan languages. The greatest part of the information furnished by the consular correspondences derives from drogmans, interpretors assuring the interface between the local Ottoman authorities and the consuls, but the consuls also inform one another

  3. Developing Intercultural Competence in Future Student Affairs Professionals through a Graduate Student Global Study Course to Doha, Qatar (United States)

    Haber, Paige; Getz, Cheryl


    This paper describes a 2-week global study course to Doha, Qatar for graduate students in the higher education leadership and student affairs program at the University of San Diego. The course sought to develop intercultural competence with a specific focus on understanding Qatari and Middle Eastern perspectives and culture, understanding the…

  4. Senior Student Affairs Officers' Reports of Joint Intra-Institutional Efforts to Support College Students with Mental Illness (United States)

    Scheidel, Sarah


    The purpose of this sequential mixed-methods study was to explore senior student affairs officers' reports of joint intra-institutional efforts within the past three years to achieve the common goal of supporting the academic and personal success of college students with mental illness. The 20 factors identified by Mattessich, Murray-Close, and…

  5. An Organizational Culture Study of Missouri State University Faculty/Staff in Relation to the University's Public Affair Mission (United States)

    Weaver, Marissa LeClaire


    The purpose of the study was to address a problem of practice of the public affairs mission through the perceptions of faculty and staff members at Missouri State University of the University's organizational culture. The design included a phenomenological study with a set of organizational culture procedural questions related to the perceptions…

  6. Strategic alliances in healthcare: opportunities for the Veterans Affairs healthcare system. (United States)

    Halverson, P K; Kaluzny, A D; Young, G J


    Strategic alliances are proving to be effective strategies for responding and adapting to changing environments, and as such they offer the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system valuable opportunities for accomplishing the goals of its major reorganization effort. This article begins with an examination of basic strategic-alliance structures that are employed across many different types of industries. Next, consideration is given to the ways in which these basic alliance structures may be adapted to the unique organizations and individuals that serve as providers, purchasers, and consumers of health services. Finally, this article explores how models of strategic alliance in healthcare can be tailored to the specific needs and constraints of the VA healthcare system through an examination of existing and potential alliance opportunities.

  7. Using Support Mechanisms to Balance Work and Family Life: How Mid and Senior Level Student Affairs Administrators Overcome Challenges (United States)

    Cassell, Aba DeLynda


    Female student affairs leaders who also have family responsibilities find that a primary challenge they encounter is society's expectations concerning their roles and responsibilities in both realms. Research discovers that women experience internal and external barriers that hinder their advancement opportunities however; women's…

  8. Towards a successful and sustainable energy policy. Advice for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The recommendations in this report of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) is focused on the energy transition policy in the Netherlands, coordinated by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The three main subjects in the sustainable energy policy in the Netherlands are climatic change, supply security and the accessibility and cost of energy. The SER is in favor of a strong energy policy, aiming at reliable, clean and affordable energy supply [nl

  9. Transport, environment and health in central and Eastern Europe. State of affairs and policy options

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report provides a review of the current state of affairs and development trends in the transport sector in Central and Eastern Europe including the associated environmental and health effects. Focus in the report is on the challenges and policy options for counteracting the negative effects from transport as well as integrating environmental and health aspects in transport policies. The report is undertaken as a desk study supplemented by two case studies in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. (au)

  10. L’acceptabilité sociale de l’usage de congés légaux pour raisons parentales : le point de vue des cadres d’une grande entreprise The Social Acceptability of Availing oneself of Legal Parental Leave : the Viewpoint of Staff in a Major Enterprise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernard Fusulier


    Full Text Available En Belgique, différentes mesures visant à faciliter l’articulation vie professionnelle/vie familiale ont été instituées. Elles ne sont en général contraignantes ni pour les travailleurs, ni pour les employeurs. De nombreuses variables ont un impact sur le choix des parents dans la (non-prise des congés attachés à la vie familiale. Entre les mesures institutionnelles et l’attitude des individus, il existe donc un espace pluriel de médiation. Cet article se concentre sur le rôle que joue le milieu du travail. Ainsi, nous constatons que le fait d’être père au travail fait encore l’objet d’un manque de reconnaissance et de légitimité. En général, le mode de gestion d’une entreprise suppose que les implications familiales émanent souvent d’un choix privé et renvoient à une responsabilité féminine. Aussi, la culture organisationnelle de l’entreprise est-elle importante, notamment dans la définition de la légitimité accordée à l’usage des congés attachés à la vie familiale. Cette question est ici explorée en analysant la manière dont 137 cadres d’une grande entreprise wallonne perçoivent cette légitimité.In Belgium, various measures have been enacted aimed at facilitating the combining of professional life/family life. In general, they are in no way obligatory, either for workers or for employers. A number of variables have an impact on parents' choices in taking or not taking leaves attached to family life. Between institutional measures and individual attitudes, a range of options thus exists. This article concentrates on the role played by the workplace. We thus observe that the fact of being a working father remains subject to a lack of recognition and legitimacy. In general, an enterprise's management style presupposes that familial commitments often result from private choices and are a woman's responsibility. Additionally, the enterprise's organizational culture counts, notably in defining

  11. Homeland Security Affairs Journal, Supplement - 2012: IEEE 2011 Conference on Technology for Homeland Security: Best Papers



    Homeland Security Affairs is the peer-reviewed online journal of the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS), providing a forum to propose and debate strategies, policies, and organizational arrangements to strengthen U.S. homeland security. The instructors, participants, alumni, and partners of CHDS represent the leading subject matter experts and practitioners in the field of homeland security. IEEE Supplement 2012. Supplement: IEEE 2011 Conference on Te...

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Donner aux filles et aux femmes le pouvoir de décider. Répondre au besoin non satisfait en planification familiale de l'Afrique en intensifiant la recherche sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive et sur la santé des adolescents. Perspectives. CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION GENDER EQUALITY WATER SUPPLY ...

  13. Bureau of Indian Affairs Advisory Committee for Exceptional Children. The Third Annual Report to the Department of the Interior. (United States)

    Bureau of Indian Affairs (Dept. of Interior), Washington, DC. Div. of Exceptional Education.

    The third annual report (1981-82) of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Advisory Committee for Exceptional Children contains summaries of Committee meetings, results of a survey of BIA agency and area special education coordinators regarding Committee activities, recommendations, and five appendices. Results of the survey of coordinators indicate…

  14. 78 FR 5854 - Notification of the First Meetings of the U.S.-Korea FTA Environmental Affairs Council and ECA... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 8164] Notification of the First Meetings of the U.S.-Korea FTA... 20 (Environment) of the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement (``FTA'') and the Commission... INFORMATION: Article 20.6.1 of the United States-Korea FTA establishes an Environmental Affairs Council (the...

  15. The McBride Honors Program in Public Affairs for Scientists and Engineers (United States)

    Harrison, W. J.; Miller, R. L.; Olds, B. M.; Sacks, A. B.


    The McBride Honors Program in Public Affairs at The Colorado School of Mines (CSM), instituted in 1978, is an award-winning exemplar in the liberal arts which provides a select number of CSM engineering students an opportunity to cross the boundaries of their technical expertise in engineering and applied science, and to gain the understanding and appreciation of the contexts in which engineering and applied science and all human systems reside, and specifically to explore and integrate the social, cultural, ethical and environmental implications of their future professional judgments and their roles as citizens in varied and complex settings. The 27 semester-hour program of seminars, courses, and off-campus activities features small seminars; a cross-disciplinary approach; and opportunities for one-on-one faculty tutorials, instruction and practice in oral and written communication, a Washington, D.C. public policy seminar, a practicum experience (internship or foreign study). Circumstances external to the McBride Program itself, which include the development and growth of the field of Public Affairs nationally and the persistence of legacy courses, have created the need to revitalize and refocus the historically cross-departmental Program. A recent curriculum reform effort has achieved a more thoroughly interdisciplinary learning experience to educate engineers and scientists who, as called for in the National Academy of Engineering's The Engineer of 2020 "will assume leadership positions from which they can serve as positive influences in the making of public policy and in the administration of government and industry". In this presentation we showcase best practices in curriculum reform, exemplified by a seminar in National policy analysis where students and faculty have recently investigated federal science funding decisions in support of natural hazards including earthquakes, tsunamis, wildland fires, and pandemic disease.

  16. Taking care of the energy for tomorrow. Advice to the Minister of Economic Affairs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The central question of the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs to the General Energy Council (AER) is to determine the risks for Europe and the Netherlands with regard to the energy supply security in the long term and what national and European policy must be developed and implemented to reduce those risks, focusing on the different market parties and governments (national and European) and the relation between the supply security and the environment. In particular, the AER should address geopolitical aspects, fuel mix and capacity shortage in the production of electricity [nl

  17. Compétence artistique, réception et démocratisation


    Coavoux, Samuel


    Cet article soutient que nulle approche de la démocratisation artistique n’est possible sans une théorie de la réception, dans la mesure où les inégalités culturelles sont présentes autant dans les modalités du rapport à l’œuvre que dans la fréquence de la participation culturelle. Cependant, dans la mesure où elles privilégient l’interprétation et ignorent les effets de légitimité, les approches traditionnelles de la réception s’avèrent d’une efficacité limitée pour penser la démocratisation...

  18. 77 FR 70874 - Notification of the Next Meetings of the U.S.-Chile FTA Environmental Affairs Council and ECA... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 8095] Notification of the Next Meetings of the U.S.-Chile FTA... Commission pursuant to Chapter 19 (Environment) of the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement (``FTA'') and...: Article 19.3 of the United States-Chile FTA establishes an Environment Affairs Council, which shall meet...

  19. Zeroing in on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: US Department of Veterans Affairs' MRSA Prevention Initiative. (United States)

    Kralovic, Stephen M; Evans, Martin E; Simbartl, Loretta A; Ambrose, Meredith; Jain, Rajiv; Roselle, Gary A


    Implementation of a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Prevention Initiative within US Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities was associated with a significant reduction in MRSA health care-associated infection (HAI) rates nationwide. The first 36 months of data from the Initiative were analyzed to determine how many facilities reported zero MRSA HAIs each month. From October 2007 through September 2010, there was a 37.6% increase nationwide in the number of facilities achieving zero MRSA HAIs each month. Published by Mosby, Inc.

  20. Adherence to clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of candidemia at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center


    Ashong, Chester N.; Hunter, Andrew S.; Mansouri, M. David; Cadle, Richard M.; Hamill, Richard J.; Musher, Daniel M.


    Objectives: The primary objective of this study was to examine the appropriateness of candidemia management at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center as recommended by the 2009 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guidelines for treatment of Candida infections. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 94 adult patients with blood cultures positive for Candida spp. was performed. Patients were stratified by severity of disease into two groups: non-neutropenic, mild-moderate disease (Group 1, n...

  1. Joan of Arc as Propaganda Motif from the Dreyfus Affair to the Second World War Jeanne d’Arc, motif de propagande de l’Affaire Dreyfus à la Deuxième Guerre mondiale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Kilgore


    Full Text Available Cet article vise à explorer les manières dont Jeanne d’Arc a été utilisée, au gré des événements et des époques, pour véhiculer des idées fortes et fédératrices. Plusieurs groupes tiennent Jeanne pour la leur : pendant l’Affaire Dreyfus, son image semble inspirer l’antisémitisme ; pour l’Église, elle est Sainte ; pour les Républicains français, elle est patriote ; pendant la guerre, elle motive la défense de la France.

  2. Commission of economical affairs, environment and territory. Report no. 51; Commission des affaires economiques, de l'environnement et du territoire. Compte rendu no. 51

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of this report is to present to the French deputies the comments made by the commission of economic affairs, environment and territory about the project of energy trend law. This law aims at defining in its first article the goals and trends of the French energy policy, and then at completing the existing energy dispositions in order to more efficiently implement these trends. The first title of the law is devoted to the mastery of energy demand and foresee the implementation of a system of energy saving certificates, the reinforcement of the thermal building codes law and a better information of consumers. The second title aims at promoting the development of renewable energy sources. The first part of this report summarizes the general comments made by the commission while the second part makes a detailed examination of each article of the law project. (J.S.)

  3. Government in energy affairs - perspectives and alternatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neethling, D.C.


    The present role of the South African Government in energy policy formulation and implementation is assessed in the light of its possible future evolvement, particularly with reference to the tabling of a White Paper on Energy policy during 1986. The brief of the Ministry of Mineral and Energy Affairs is firstly assessed with particular reference to the energy-related functions of the Department itself and those of the various parastatal and statutory organisations and institutions. The various executive and regulatory functions which circumscribe the involvement of government in energy procurement, production and distribution, are critically reviewed in the light of possible further deregulation and the establishment of a more market-orientated energy economy in South Africa. Secondly, the administrative and consultative mechanisms are identified which are believed to be appropriate for the successful co-ordination of the energy-related interests of government and the private sector. It is argued that history has shown that energy policy decisions in South Africa have essentially been guided by non-energy priorities, in particular geopolitical and strategic considerations. It is foreseen that although this situation will prevail to a greater or lesser degree depending on the measure of energy self-sufficiency which will be achieved, particularly insofar as import-dependency of crude oil is concerned, that the emphasis would, indeed should, shift to national energy priorities and considerations. 12 refs., 2 figs

  4. Approche culturelle et Internet en classe de FLE : exemple d’une pratique à l’école nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC The potential of Internet in the French as a Foreign Language classroom: a cultural approach in the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC

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    Isabelle Salengros


    Full Text Available Cet article présente une recherche-action, menée à l'École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC, qui avait pour but de s'interroger sur les potentialités d'Internet en classe de Français Langue Étrangère (FLE lors de l'"enseignement" de la culture et / ou civilisation à un public spécialiste d'autres disciplines. Pour vérifier et contrôler notre hypothèse de départ, relevant des domaines, d'une part, des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC, et d'autre part, de la didactique des langues, deux cours thématiques ont été mis en place, "La France et ses controverses" et "Partager la culture des Français". Ils proposent, lors de séances en présentiel, d'utiliser Internet comme support pédagogique. Le contenu de ces séances est axé sur une approche culturelle. D'abord, cette étude traite, tout en s'appuyant sur les fondements de la didactique des langues, de différents repères TIC et des approches culturelles liées aux TIC. Ensuite, nous présentons l'expérimentation réalisée au cours de l'année académique 2004-2005 et les résultats obtenus. Enfin, nous discutons des avantages d'une telle approche de l'"enseignement / apprentissage" de la culture et / ou civilisation, de la valeur ajoutée d'Internet et des pistes pédagogiques pour une recherche future.This article presents a research project carried out at École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC, one of France's leading engineering schools. It explores the use of the Internet in the classroom in the context of French as a Foreign Language teaching to engineering students in a programme designed to teach cultural aspects. The research straddles the two domains of IT and language teaching methodology. Two theme-based courses, "France and its controversies" and "Sharing French culture" were devised to test the initial hypothesis of the research project. The Internet was used as a teaching aid during classes, which emphasized a cultural

  5. Redesigning a joint replacement program using Lean Six Sigma in a Veterans Affairs hospital. (United States)

    Gayed, Benjamin; Black, Stephen; Daggy, Joanne; Munshi, Imtiaz A


    In April 2009, an analysis of joint replacement surgical procedures at the Richard L. Roudebush Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, revealed that total hip and knee replacements incurred $1.4 million in non-Veterans Affairs (VA) care costs with an average length of stay of 6.1 days during fiscal year 2008. The Joint Replacement Program system redesign project was initiated following the Vision-Analysis-Team-Aim-Map-Measure-Change-Sustain (VA-TAMMCS) model to increase efficiency, decrease length of stay, and reduce non-VA care costs. To determine the effectiveness of Lean Six Sigma process improvement methods applied in a VA hospital. Perioperative processes for patients undergoing total joint replacement were redesigned following the VA-TAMMCS model--the VA's official, branded method of Lean Six Sigma process improvement. A multidisciplinary team including the orthopedic surgeons, frontline staff, and executive management identified waste in the current processes and initiated changes to reduce waste and increase efficiency. Data collection included a 1-year baseline period and a 20-month sustainment period. The primary endpoint was length of stay; a secondary analysis considered non-VA care cost reductions. Length of stay decreased 36% overall, decreasing from 5.3 days during the preproject period to 3.4 days during the 20-month sustainment period (P Lean and Six Sigma process improvement initiatives in a surgical practice, producing a 36% sustained reduction in length of stay and completely eliminating non-VA care for total hip and knee replacements while increasing total joint replacement volume at this medical center.

  6. Characteristics of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs at Veterans Affairs Hospitals: Results of a Nationwide Survey. (United States)

    Chou, Ann F; Graber, Christopher J; Jones, Makoto; Zhang, Yue; Goetz, Matthew Bidwell; Madaras-Kelly, Karl; Samore, Matthew; Kelly, Allison; Glassman, Peter A


    BACKGROUND Antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) are variably implemented. OBJECTIVE To characterize variations of antimicrobial stewardship structure and practices across all inpatient Veterans Affairs facilities in 2012 and correlate key characteristics with antimicrobial usage. DESIGN A web-based survey regarding stewardship activities was administered to each facility's designated contact. Bivariate associations between facility characteristics and inpatient antimicrobial use during 2012 were determined. SETTING Total of 130 Veterans Affairs facilities with inpatient services. RESULTS Of 130 responding facilities, 29 (22%) had a formal policy establishing an ASP, and 12 (9%) had an approved ASP business plan. Antimicrobial stewardship teams were present in 49 facilities (38%); 34 teams included a clinical pharmacist with formal infectious diseases (ID) training. Stewardship activities varied across facilities, including development of yearly antibiograms (122 [94%]), formulary restrictions (120 [92%]), stop orders for antimicrobial duration (98 [75%]), and written clinical pathways for specific conditions (96 [74%]). Decreased antimicrobial usage was associated with having at least 1 full-time ID physician (P=.03), an ID fellowship program (P=.003), and a clinical pharmacist with formal ID training (P=.006) as well as frequency of systematic patient-level reviews of antimicrobial use (P=.01) and having a policy to address antimicrobial use in the context of Clostridium difficile infection (P=.01). Stop orders for antimicrobial duration were associated with increased use (P=.03). CONCLUSIONS ASP-related activities varied considerably. Decreased antibiotic use appeared related to ID presence and certain select practices. Further statistical assessments may help optimize antimicrobial practices. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2016;37:647-654.

  7. African Journal of Neurological Sciences - 2009 Vol. 28 No 1

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    de famille, la prise en charge des frais hospitaliers et des soins de base dans ses ... de gériatrie, médecine générale, gynéco-obstétrique et planification familiale, ..... 1,9% ont été trouvées respectivement chez celles qui ont le niveau primaire ...

  8. Gender characteristics of legal conscience in internal affairs agencies staff

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuznetsova O.V.


    Full Text Available This article presents the empirical research results of the level of legal conscience forming in law enforcement officials. The study of gender specifics of personnel is now becoming more and more relevant due to a constant increase in the number of women entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs service. The study involved 160 male and 120 female staff members. Analysis of the results revealed a general legal conscience trend typical for male and female employees which manifests in a high level of legal knowledge, adequate understanding of group relativity of moral and ethical norms, civic un-engagement and disinterest to leadership role. This trend reflects a certain viewpoint when human rights are considered to include only freedom, independence and personal self-assertion without responsibility and civic duties. It was found that female employees have higher level of legal conscience forming than male employees. This led to the conclusion of a high-availability of female employees to comply with legal regulations and requirements.


    CERN Multimedia


    The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as "MAE") has sent a reminder of the following rules relating to legitimation documents (special cards, henceforth called "special residence permits" (titres de séjour spéciaux), and attestations de fonctions) that it issues. The Ministry has specified that compliance with these rules is essential to the proper functioning of any International Organization established in France. 1. Types of document and use a) Special CD, FI and AT residence permits They serve as residence permits for members of the personnel and the members of their families who are not of French nationality and who do not have the status of permanent resident (see N.B. below). Vis-à-vis the French authorities, they serve as proof that those holding these cards enjoy the privileges and immunities provided for by the Status Agreement between CERN and France (immunity from legal process in the discharge of their duties, entitlement to drive a vehicle registered in a special ...

  10. A Health Assessment Survey of Veteran Students: Utilizing a Community College-Veterans Affairs Medical Center Partnership. (United States)

    Misra-Hebert, Anita D; Santurri, Laura; DeChant, Richard; Watts, Brook; Sehgal, Ashwini R; Aron, David C


    To assess health status among student veterans at a community college utilizing a partnership between a Veterans Affairs Medical Center and a community college. Student veterans at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio, in January to April 2013. A health assessment survey was sent to 978 veteran students. Descriptive analyses to assess prevalence of clinical diagnoses and health behaviors were performed. Logistic regression analyses were performed to assess for independent predictors of functional limitations. 204 students participated in the survey (21% response rate). Self-reported depression and unhealthy behaviors were high. Physical and emotional limitations (45% and 35%, respectively), and pain interfering with work (42%) were reported. Logistic regression analyses confirmed the independent association of self-reported depression with functional limitation (odds ratio [OR] = 3.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.4-7.8, p statistic 0.72) and of post-traumatic stress disorder with pain interfering with work (OR 3.9, CI 1.1-13.6, p statistic 0.75). A health assessment survey identified priority areas to inform targeted health promotion for student veterans at a community college. A partnership between a Veterans Affairs Medical Center and a community college can be utilized to help understand the health needs of veteran students. Reprint & Copyright © 2015 Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S.



    NASA/KSC Public Affairs Director Hugh W. Harris gives the welcome and introductions at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the new Apollo/Saturn V Center, part of the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center. The 100,000- square-foot facility includes two theaters, various exhibits and an Apollo-era Saturn V rocket, which formerly was on display outside the Vehicle Assembly Building and is one of only three moon rockets remaining in existence. The new center is located off the Kennedy Parkway at the Banana Creek launch viewing site.

  12. Stem-cell spin: Covering the Hwang-affair in Science and Nature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Rikke Schmidt


    In 2006 the South Korean cloning expert Woo Suk Hwang was found guilty of fraud and scientific misconduct. The scandal was reaching far beyond Hwang’s own laboratory encompassing national pride, geopolitics and regional discussions of stem-cell research. But the HIn 2006 the South Korean cloning...... expert Woo Suk Hwang was found guilty of fraud and scientific misconduct. The scandal reached far beyond Hwang’s own laboratory, encompassing national pride, geopolitics and global discussions of stem-cell research. But the Hwang affair was also a case of fierce competition between two of the world...

  13. Une esthétique de « la mort au foyer » dans le système de réaménagement filial du cinéma de Pedro Almodovar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudine Le Pallec Marand


    Full Text Available « Un père n’est pas toujours la solution » Qu’est ce que j’ai fait pour mériter ça ? (1984« Tu dois apprendre à gérer autrement tes problèmes avec les hommes. » Talons aiguilles (19911. Introduction de la perspective féministe dans la figure criminelle au cinéma et la criminologieLa figure criminelle au cinéma participe de la diffusion culturelle de théories scientifiques en cours selon la pérennité de la démonstration de l’ouvrage de Marc Renneville sur la représentation culturelle du coup...

  14. 2 CFR 801.137 - Who in the Department of Veterans Affairs may grant an exception to allow an excluded person to... (United States)


    ... may grant an exception to allow an excluded person to participate in a covered transaction? 801.137 Section 801.137 Grants and Agreements Federal Agency Regulations for Grants and Agreements DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS NONPROCUREMENT DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION General § 801.137 Who in the Department of...

  15. Department of Veterans Affairs Quarterly Notice to Congress on Data Breaches First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 October 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — This is a quarterly notice to congress containing statistics on data breeches for fiscal year 2014 for the first quarter (2014 October 1, 2013 through December 31,...

  16. Document d'information : Neuf nouvelles subventions pour la santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 avr. 2017 ... Ces fonds aideront à appliquer à grande échelle des interventions prometteuses et à combler le besoin d'information sur la planification familiale, de soutien aux mères adolescentes et de services et de renseignements en matière de santé sexuelle et génésique. Les subventions permettront à neuf ...

  17. 4 - Taibi-Amari final final

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    11 nov. 2002 ... En 2007, plus de 3000 petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) ont été radiées; dont ... théoriques et pratique aux questionnements que fait émerger l'appli- .... Elles sont surtout familiales, avec un management traditionnel. ... prise de risque et à l'innovation. .... Sa mission principale est la mise en œuvre du.

  18. Les fistules congenitales de la levre inferieure : a propos d'une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion : la découverte de fistules labiales inférieures impose un bilan complet à la recherche de malformations associées ainsi qu'une enquête familiale. Mots-clés : fistules labiales - malformations congénitales. Purpose of study: Congenital lower lip fistulae are rare and can be either isolated or associated with other ...

  19. Social, Economic and Demographic Determinants of Sexual Risk ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    \\'un mois au cours de l\\'année passée à cause du travail étaient, tous les deux, liés au fait d\\'avoir jamais payé pour les rapports sexuels, alors que ceux qui possédaient de la richesse familiale avaient moins la possibilité de payer pour les ...

  20. Moundir LASSASSI Nacer-Eddine HAMMOUDA

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    économique. Cette évidente proximité permet de situer les travaux sur les entreprises familiales à la lumière des recherches sur l‟entrepre- neuriat. Reste que les ... supporte aucune charge sociale, contribue à l‟accroissement de la compétitivité ... Le destin solidaire de survie autour d‟un patrimoine unique contribue à ...

  1. Da compra de produtos e serviços culturais ao direito de produzir cultura: análise de um paradigma emergente

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    Luciana Lima


    Full Text Available Le financement des activités culturelles renferme deux paradigmes classiques: le financement public et le financement issu du marché. Le premier consiste soit dans l'action directe de l'État soit dans le financement, avec l'aide de l'Etat, d'activités culturelles de la société civile; le second repose sur la tradition libérale ou néolibérale dont l'expression la plus récente réunit les courants dominants de l'économie criative. À partir d'une révision théorique et de l'analyse de deux politiques publiques brésiliennes - le programme Cultura Viva et la Loi d'Aide au théâtre de la ville de São Paulo - on soutient dans cet article que ces expériences représentent la genèse d'un troisième paradigme à la fois isolé et développé ici. Celui-ci ne cherche pas à financer des produits culturels, mais le processus de production culturelle et s'oriente ainsi vers la constitution d'un droit social: le droit de produire la culture.

  2. La motivation des expressions idiomatiques de la mort en français, espagnol et anglais

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    Isabel Negro Alousque


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE Les expressions idiomatiques, marquées par le figement et l’idiomaticité, ont fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches dans les dernières années (González Rey, 2002; Palma, 2007; García-Page, 2008. Le présent article porte sur la motivation des expressions idiomatiques de la mort dans une perspective cognitive (Lakoff et Johnson, 1980; Lakoff, 2006 et comparative. Nous analysons les deux types de motivation (iconique et culturelle qui fournissent une base à ces expressions en français, espagnol et anglais. La motivation iconique repose sur un mécanisme cognitif (métaphore, métonymie ou image mentale, alors que la motivation culturelle se fonde sur un élément appartenant au domaine de la religion, la mythologie, l’histoire ou la littérature. Ces locutions reflètent une vision de la mort en tant qu’évènement, ‘mourir’, ou en tant qu’état, ‘être mort’. Leur sens figuré semble s’enraciner dans notre expérience physique et/ou culturelle, ce qui pourrait expliquer pourquoi on retrouve des expressions identiques dans les trois langues étudiées

  3. The Bavarian State Minister of Economic Affairs and Transportation: Answers in energy policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    For a detailed discussion in parliament of the problems of energy supply in Bavaria, the committees for economic affairs and transportation and for regional development and environmental problems reported on the various aspects of power supply in Bavaria in a hearing at the Bavarian Land parliament on June 20-22, 1977. The answers of the ministers to questions raised in parliament are compiled in this documentation which of course, cannot give a full picture of the very detailed material. Part 1 discusses all major problems of energy policy in Bavaria with sections on energy consumption, economic growth, and energy supply from all available energy sources. (UA) 891 UA/UA 892 MKO [de

  4. Stratégies d'argumentation et de politesse dans les conversations d'affaires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Christa

    En analysant les communications téléphoniques d'affaires grâce aux instruments méthodologiques les plus récents, l'ouvrage analyse un type d'interactions peu étudiées jusqu'à présent et apporte ainsi une contribution originale à la structure de celles-ci. L'étude décrit pour la première fois l......'articulation de deux dimensions fondamentales des interactions verbales: les stratégies d'argumentation et de politesse. Pour ce faire, l'auteur combine différentes approches (trop souvent considérées comme mutuellement exclusives) en tant que moyen heuristique pour expliquer des phénomènes paraverbaux...

  5. Improving trends in gender disparities in the Department of Veterans Affairs: 2008-2013. (United States)

    Whitehead, Alison M; Czarnogorski, Maggie; Wright, Steve M; Hayes, Patricia M; Haskell, Sally G


    Increasing numbers of women veterans using Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) services has contributed to the need for equitable, high-quality care for women. The VA has evaluated performance measure data by gender since 2006. In 2008, the VA launched a 5-year women's health redesign, and, in 2011, gender disparity improvement was included on leadership performance plans. We examined data from VA Office of Analytics and Business Intelligence quarterly gender reports for trends in gender disparities in gender-neutral performance measures from 2008 to 2013. Through reporting of data by gender, leadership involvement, electronic reminders, and population management dashboards, VA has seen a decreasing trend in gender inequities on most Health Effectiveness Data and Information Set performance measures.

  6. Bureau of Indian Affairs Special Education Opportunities for Exceptional Children. The Second Annual Report to the Department of the Interior. (United States)

    Bureau of Indian Affairs (Dept. of Interior), Washington, DC.

    The report describes 1980-81 meetings and efforts of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Advisory Committee for Exceptional Children. Proceedings of three meetings are summarized in Part I. Part II analyzes the Department of Interior/BIA state plans for fiscal years 1980-3. The section lists comments and recommendations for such aspects as the…

  7. Features of the application of five-factor personality questionnaire in the activities of psychologists of the bodies of internal affairs

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    Petrov V.E.


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the study opportunities five-factor personality questionnaire as diagnostic tools for the study of the personality of employees of internal Affairs bodies in different categories. Subject of research – the practice of application of this methodology in the activities of the departmental psychologists. The research urgency is caused by necessity of scientific verification of the questionnaire for the decision of tasks of internal Affairs bodies. The study was conducted by psychological testing and expert evaluation. As the mathematical tools used descriptive statistics (frequency analysis and grouping, criterion *2 and student's t-test. The novelty of this study is to clarify the regulatory indicators questionnaire for categories such as "employee of ATS" (generalized image, "employee commandant's offices", "police", "policeman-driver". Study allows you to expand the scope of the questionnaire (the study of the personality of employees, demonstrating certain types of deviant behavior; individualization of forms and methods of psychological preparation and assistance; prediction of behavior in extreme conditions and professional and personal development.

  8. Teen Childbearing and Economics: A Short History of a 25-Year Research Love Affair

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saul D. Hoffman


    Full Text Available Despite its apparent distance from the core topics of economics, economists have been attracted to, and deeply engaged in, research about teen fertility for more than a quarter century. Research has focused on two broad, interrelated issues: the socio-economic consequences of a teen birth and the socio-economic causes of a teen birth. In researching these issues, economists have drawn on and extended basic concepts in economic theory and in applied statistical research. I review those literatures for a non-economist audience and conclude that the research love affair has substantially benefited both parties, although definitive answers to causes and consequences are still elusive.

  9. The Overview and Enlightenment of the Student Affairs ;Administration in the Higher Education of Britain%英国高校学生事务概况及启示

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    本文通过对英国高等学校学生事务管理的工作理念、管理体制、管理模式等的分析和概括,以及对中英两国学生事务的比较,结合中国高校的自身实际情况,提出对提高我国学生工作实效的若干思考。%Based on the analysis and generalization of the devel-opment, connotation, management style, concept and characteris-tics of the student affairs administration in the higher education of Britain, as well as the comparison between those of China and Britain, this essay raises some feasible suggestions to improve the effectiveness of the student affairs at home. And all of these sug-gestions are in the view of the higher education reality of China, which could embody the scientific reference to Britain's student affairs administration in the higher education field.

  10. Promoting Social Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion through Accreditation: Comparing National and International Standards for Public Affairs Programs in Latin America (United States)

    Rubaii, Nadia


    Purpose: This purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which accreditation of public affairs programs can be a tool to advance social equity, diversity, and inclusion. The paper is presented in the context of the widespread acceptance of the importance of addressing social inequalities in Latin America and the critical role that public…

  11. Note to the Director General from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Russian Federation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On 26 December 1991 the Director General received a Note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Russian Federation informing him that The Russian Federation continues the membership of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the IAEA. The full text of this Note is reproduced in Attachment 1. On 24 December 1991 the Director General received a Note from the Secretary General of the United Nations transmitting a letter from the President of the Russian Federation concerning membership of The Russian Federation in the United Nations. The full text of this letter is reproduced in Attachment 2

  12. L’Affaire Charles Lainé (1818, ou comment la police fabriquait un faux-monnayeur

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    Étienne Hofmann


    Full Text Available Charles Lainé, modeste serrurier exerçant à Givenchy-le-Noble dans le Pas-de-Calais est condamné à mort en été 1818 pour crime de fausse monnaie. Il avait fabriqué douze pièces en argent, très grossières, qu'il s'apprêtait à détruire quand il fut arrêté. Ce fait divers serait demeuré inconnu, sans la démarche spontanée d'un magistrat qui s'empressa de dénoncer auprès des rédacteurs de La Minerve française, principale feuille d'opposition libérale, la pratique scandaleuse d'un espion de la gendarmerie, lequel avait poussé Lainé au crime. Benjamin Constant, qui sortait à peine de l'affaire Wilfrid Regnault (un condamné à mort pour crime qu'il n'avait pas commis, publia un article et une petite brochure en faveur de Lainé, admettant son délit, mais accusant la police et le pouvoir de s'adonner à des mesures aussi condamnables qu'inutiles, puisque le serrurier n'avait jamais été faussaire, qu'il n'appartenait à aucune organisation de malfaiteurs et qu'il ne représentait aucun danger potentiel. Ses efforts, combinés avec ceux de l'avocat Odilon Barrot et du directeur des affaires criminelles et des grâces Legraverend, aboutirent à une commutation de peine en dix ans d'emprisonnement.Charles Lainé, a locksmith of modest means working at Givenchy-le-Noble in the Pas-de-Calais, was condemned to death in the summer of 1818 for forgery. He had made twelve very crude silver coins which he was preparing destroy when he was arrested. This item of news would have remained unknown if a magistrate had not spontaneously denounced the scandalous behaviour of a police spy who had encouraged Lainé to commit the crime. The magistrate informed the editors of La Minerve française, chief newspaper of the liberal opposition in France. Benjamin Constant, who had only recently been involved in the Wilfrid Regnault case (that of a man condemned to death for a crime he had not committed, published an article and a pamphlet in

  13. The control of nuclear proliferation: future challenges. Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 23 April 1998

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ElBaradei, M.


    The document reproduces the text of the conference given by the Director General of the IAEA at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in Stockholm on 23 April 1998. After a short presentation of the Agency's current verification activities, particularly in Iraq and Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Director General focuses on the present and future role of the IAEA in the control of nuclear proliferation through its strengthened safeguards system, in the prevention of nuclear terrorism, and future challenges of controlling nuclear proliferation from both political and technical point of view

  14. Legitimation documents issued by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    CERN Multimedia


    New rules and reminder The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as 'MAE') has informed CERN of the following solution to a problem that has existed for over 30 years: from now on, members of the personnel residing in France and holding a full-time contract of between three and six months will be entitled to a special EM-type residence permit that does not confer any privileges (see Paragraph 2 below). Furthermore, the MAE has stated that it is willing to request the competent authorities to look favourably on applications for work permits by a member of the personnel's family members who reside in France and wish to take up gainful employment, although it is unable to guarantee the outcome (see Paragraph 7 below). The MAE also wishes to draw attention to the following rules concerning the legitimation documents it issues and to point out that compliance with these rules is essential for the proper operation of all international organisations established in France. This communicatio...

  15. Le spectre culturel et métaphorique dans Le vieux nègre et la médaille de Ferdinand Oyono : étude de quelques implicites sur un génocide culturel africain

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    Julia Ndibnu-Messina Ethé


    Full Text Available Cet article met en relief les turpitudes d’un élu dénommé Meka, afin d’identifier l’impact du colonialisme non seulement sur les comportements des Africains avant et après les indépendances mais également les agissements des occidentaux. L’usage abondant des métaphores et de l’ironie fait ressortir les implicites sur la situation burlesque du personnage principal qui devient progressivement conscient de son exploitation. Au final, Meka, quasiment phagocyté culturellement, participant inconscient de l’éradication de l’identité culturelle camerounaise et serviteur soumis, met en avant son occidentalisation, symbole de la destruction idéologique croissante des valeurs culturelles traditionnelles chez les Camerounais.

  16. Les migrantes, la sécurité économique et le défi de la réintégration ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet portera sur la réintégration de Philippines revenant au pays après leur passage dans les importants centres d'activités de Hong Kong, Taïwan et Singapour. La recherche sera dirigée par aidha, un organisme à but non lucratif qui offre aux travailleuses migrantes, en particulier aux aides familiales, des formations ...

  17. A Sequential Mixed Methods Study: An Exploration of the Use of Emotional Intelligence by Senior Student Affairs Officers in Managing Critical Incidents (United States)

    Johnson, Brian


    Emotional intelligence is a relatively new academic discipline that began forming in the early 1990s. Currently, emotional intelligence is used in academia and in business as a new intelligence quotient. This research study investigates how Senior Student Affairs Officers' use their emotional intelligence ability during critical incidents. The…

  18. Veterans Affairs facility performance on Washington Circle indicators and casemix-adjusted effectiveness. (United States)

    Harris, Alex H S; Humphreys, Keith; Finney, John W


    Self-administered Addiction Severity Index (ASI) data were collected on 5,723 patients who received substance abuse treatment in 1 of 110 programs located at 73 Veterans Affairs facilities. The associations between each of three Washington Circle (WC) performance indicator scores (identification, initiation, and engagement) and their casemix-adjusted facility-level improvement in ASI drug and alcohol composites 7 months after intake were estimated. Higher initiation rates were not associated with facility-level improvement in ASI alcohol composite scores but were modestly associated with greater improvements in ASI drug composite scores. Identification and engagement rates were unrelated to 7-month outcomes. WC indicators focused on the early stages of treatment may tap necessary but insufficient processes for patients with substance use disorder to achieve good posttreatment outcomes. Ideally, the WC indicators would be supplemented with other measures of treatment quality.

  19. Student Affairs Administrators & Well-Being: Examining Time in Field, Position Level and Factors That Have the Strongest Relationship to Well-Being (United States)

    Chessman, Hollie M.


    The voice of higher education student affairs professionals is under-represented in the well-being literature even though these campus community members are responsible for providing key programs and services that facilitate the holistic development of students. In order to understand the role of well-being in the work-life of these professionals,…

  20. The Post-Secondary Student Support Program: An Examination of Alternative Delivery Mechanisms. A Report to the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (United States)

    Usher, Alex


    The purpose of this document is to examine the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)'s Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of both the existing system of program delivery and a trio of alternative delivery mechanisms. It does not issue any recommendation with respect to a…

  1. Ethical issues in the professional work of psychologists: state of affairs in Slovenia

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    Tina Zupan


    Full Text Available The aim of the research was to determine the state of affairs regarding professional ethics of Slovene psychologists, particularly regarding the implementation of ethical principles and psychologists' and students' knowledge of ethics and procedures in the cases of ethical dilemmas and violations. Two dedicated questionnaires were designed by the authors. 800 Slovene psychologists received the questionnaire and 150 of them responded. There were also 56 psychology students involved in the study. The results show some problematic issues such as: record keeping, exceptions of confidentiality, access to personal data, the content of informed consent, incompetence, copying of literature and diagnostic instruments – even not standardised ones, psychology students as subjects in psychological research, and lack of information on ethical aspects of students' practical work. Psychologists and students reported inadequate knowledge of professional ethics and suggested various kinds of ethical education. Institutions mostly enable psychologists to work within the Code of ethics. There are, however, conflicts regarding access to data and professional autonomy. Psychologists report conflicts between law and ethics, incorrect reports in media and lack of control over professional ethics. In the case of ethical violation psychologists do less than they should. They emphasise the problem of incompetence. The frequency and seriousness of certain violation were estimated. Ways of verifying knowledge, stimulating ethical conduct and taking different measures in the case of violations were suggested. The state of affairs in different working environments of psychologists was also described. Results show that psychologist who have worked in the field for a shorter period answer more frequently contrary to the Code of Ethics. Students' knowledge of ethics is mostly very satisfactory. The study emphasises the ethical aspects of psychological practice in Slovenia. It

  2. Etienne Hofmann, Une erreur judiciaire oubliée : L’Affaire Wilfrid Regnault (1817-1818

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Claude Farcy


    Full Text Available Cet ouvrage, remarquable par son érudition, livre au lecteur l’ensemble de la documentation disponible sur une erreur judiciaire peu connue, ne figurant pas dans les recueils consacrés à ce genre très particulier d’affaires judiciaires – sans doute parce que l’erreur n’a pas été légalement reconnue – et qui pourtant présente nombre des caractéristiques d’une « grande cause » avec l’intervention passionnée et très argumentée, en 1817, d’un écrivain - Benjamin Constant – dont les écrits mobilis...

  3. The use of economic instruments for environmental policy: a half-hearted affair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Mikael Skou


    their use of economic instruments, but with a few exceptions it has been a somewhat half-hearted affair. Economic imstruments have often been applied on the basis of the principle of the least political resistance. Using Wilson's regulation theory (1980), this paper analyses how the costs and benefits......As a key to a more sustainable development the use of economic instruments for environmental policy has been on the agenda for about eight years. Despite of that, a recent OECD survey recorded only a modest increase in their use since the mid-1980s. In particular the Nordic counries have increased...... of regulations and particular policy-instruments affect the use and design of economic instruments. The outcome has been green taxes that are often fiscally biased , which are too low compared with the externalities they should price and which address the smaller rather than the larger polluters, granting...

  4. The value from investments in health information technology at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (United States)

    Byrne, Colene M; Mercincavage, Lauren M; Pan, Eric C; Vincent, Adam G; Johnston, Douglas S; Middleton, Blackford


    We compare health information technology (IT) in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to norms in the private sector, and we estimate the costs and benefits of selected VA health IT systems. The VA spent proportionately more on IT than the private health care sector spent, but it achieved higher levels of IT adoption and quality of care. The potential value of the VA's health IT investments is estimated at $3.09 billion in cumulative benefits net of investment costs. This study serves as a framework to inform efforts to measure and calculate the benefits of federal health IT stimulus programs.

  5. The effect of intellectual capital on organizational commitment: A case study of the ministry of economic affairs and finance of Kermanshah province

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shirzad Zeinoddini


    Full Text Available This study was an attempt to investigate the effect of intellectual capital on organizational commitment of the staff of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of Kermanshah province, Iran. The statistical population of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of Kermanshah was 140 people. Using Morgan Table, a sample of 103 personnel was randomly selected from the population. For gathering data, two researcher-made questionnaires of intellectual capital and organizational commitment were used. The validity of the questionnaires was proved by the favorable opinion of the advisor of the research, and the reliability of the questionnaires was tested using Cronbach’s alpha (α. The estimated values of alpha for the questionnaires of intellectual capital and organizational commitment were 0.969 and 0.935, respectively which clearly demonstrated the reliability of the questionnaires. Also the data were analyzed using statistical software of SPSS 15.0 and LISREL. The results of the study demonstrated that there was a significant and positive relationship between intellectual capital and its components (i.e., human capital, structural capital, and customer capital and organizational commitment.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    INTRODUCTION. L'émergence de la jeune fille marque fortement aussi bien la struc- ture familiale, l'Ecole que l'espace public. Elle met en mouvement, dans une certaine forme de l'inédit, l'être, son identité et son imagi- naire, le corps et ses techniques, la sexualité et ses formes. C'est ainsi que l'espace public est parfois ...

  7. Improving Trends in Gender Disparities in the Department of Veterans Affairs: 2008–2013 (United States)

    Czarnogorski, Maggie; Wright, Steve M.; Hayes, Patricia M.; Haskell, Sally G.


    Increasing numbers of women veterans using Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) services has contributed to the need for equitable, high-quality care for women. The VA has evaluated performance measure data by gender since 2006. In 2008, the VA launched a 5-year women’s health redesign, and, in 2011, gender disparity improvement was included on leadership performance plans. We examined data from VA Office of Analytics and Business Intelligence quarterly gender reports for trends in gender disparities in gender-neutral performance measures from 2008 to 2013. Through reporting of data by gender, leadership involvement, electronic reminders, and population management dashboards, VA has seen a decreasing trend in gender inequities on most Health Effectiveness Data and Information Set performance measures. PMID:25100416

  8. Energy and Spatial Planning. Advice to the Minister of Economic Affairs, 29 June 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs requested the General Energy Council (AER, abbreviated in Dutch) to advice on spatial planning aspects of energy in the Netherlands, focusing on (1) the spatial facilities c.q. measures to be taken by the Dutch government to guarantee an adequate energy production and energy distribution in the long term; and (2) how to realize the targets for and stimulate the use of renewable energy within the spatial planning process. The vision of the AER is placed against the background of societal actuality of democratization and support of the Dutch population. For that reason in the appendix an overview is given of causes and possible administrative methods of the so-called NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) phenomenon. 53 refs

  9. Veterans affairs disability compensation: a case study in countertherapeutic jurisprudence. (United States)

    Mossman, D


    This article examines the disability compensation programs and health care system of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from the perspective of therapeutic jurisprudence scholarship. VA psychiatric patients have unambiguous financial incentives to endlessly litigate disability claims, to seek lengthy hospitalization rather than outpatient treatment, and to be ill, disabled, and unemployed. These countertherapeutic incentives reward incapacitation, encourage perceiving one-self as sick, diminish personal responsibility, taint treatment relationships, and lead to disparaging perceptions of VA patients. In addition, such perceptions produce moral dilemmas that arise from mutual distrust and frustration when patients and caregivers have antagonistic goals for the clinical encounter. Changes in disability determination procedures, compensation levels, and patterns of payment for treatment could give VA patients and caregivers a "healthier" health care system that encourages personal responsibility and promotes respectful attitudes toward patients. In the absence of such changes, an awareness of countertherapeutic financial incentives can help clinicians distinguish between psychopathological behavior and the pursuit of a rational income strategy, and can help practitioners recognize that apparently deceitful or litigious behavior represents a reasonable response to the economic contingencies that VA patients face.

  10. Bureau of Indian Affairs Special Education Opportunities for Exceptional Children, Youth and Adults: The First Annual Report to the Department of the Interior. (United States)

    Bureau of Indian Affairs (Dept. of Interior), Washington, DC.

    The first annual report (1979) of the 15-member Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Advisory Committee for Exceptional Children (ACEC) reflects activities, concerns, and recommendations to the Department of the Interior for providing appropriate specialized programs and services for education of the projected 4,506 American Indian and Alaska Native…

  11. A national clinical quality program for Veterans Affairs catheterization laboratories (from the Veterans Affairs clinical assessment, reporting, and tracking program). (United States)

    Maddox, Thomas M; Plomondon, Mary E; Petrich, Megan; Tsai, Thomas T; Gethoffer, Hans; Noonan, Gregory; Gillespie, Brian; Box, Tamara; Fihn, Stephen D; Jesse, Robert L; Rumsfeld, John S


    A "learning health care system", as outlined in a recent Institute of Medicine report, harnesses real-time clinical data to continuously measure and improve clinical care. However, most current efforts to understand and improve the quality of care rely on retrospective chart abstractions complied long after the provision of clinical care. To align more closely with the goals of a learning health care system, we present the novel design and initial results of the Veterans Affairs (VA) Clinical Assessment, Reporting, and Tracking (CART) program-a national clinical quality program for VA cardiac catheterization laboratories that harnesses real-time clinical data to support clinical care and quality-monitoring efforts. Integrated within the VA electronic health record, the CART program uses a specialized software platform to collect real-time patient and procedural data for all VA patients undergoing coronary procedures in VA catheterization laboratories. The program began in 2005 and currently contains data on 434,967 catheterization laboratory procedures, including 272,097 coronary angiograms and 86,481 percutaneous coronary interventions, performed by 801 clinicians on 246,967 patients. We present the initial data from the CART program and describe 3 quality-monitoring programs that use its unique characteristics-procedural and complications feedback to individual labs, coronary device surveillance, and major adverse event peer review. The VA CART program is a novel approach to electronic health record design that supports clinical care, quality, and safety in VA catheterization laboratories. Its approach holds promise in achieving the goals of a learning health care system. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  12. Outcomes of cataract surgery with residents as primary surgeons in the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. (United States)

    Payal, Abhishek R; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Luis A; Chen, Xi; Cakiner-Egilmez, Tulay; Chomsky, Amy; Baze, Elizabeth; Vollman, David; Lawrence, Mary G; Daly, Mary K


    To explore visual outcomes, functional visual improvement, and events in resident-operated cataract surgery cases. Veterans Affairs Ophthalmic Surgery Outcomes Database Project across 5 Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Retrospective data analysis of deidentified data. Cataract surgery cases with residents as primary surgeons were analyzed for logMAR corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) and vision-related quality of life (VRQL) measured by the modified National Eye Institute Vision Function Questionnaire and 30 intraoperative and postoperative events. In some analyses, cases without events (Group A) were compared with cases with events (Group B). The study included 4221 cataract surgery cases. Preoperative to postoperative CDVA improved significantly in both groups (P < .0001), although the level of improvement was less in Group B (P = .03). A CDVA of 20/40 or better was achieved in 96.64% in Group A and 88.25% in Group B (P < .0001); however, Group B had a higher prevalence of preoperative ocular comorbidities (P < .0001). Cases with 1 or more events were associated with a higher likelihood of a postoperative CDVA worse than 20/40 (odds ratio, 3.82; 95% confidence interval, 2.92-5.05; P < .0001) than those who did not experience an event. Both groups had a significant increase in VRQL from preoperative levels (both P < .0001); however, the level of preoperative to postoperative VRQL improvement was significantly less in Group B (P < .0001). Resident-operated cases with and without events had an overall significant improvement in visual acuity and visual function compared with preoperatively, although this improvement was less marked in those that had an event. None of the authors has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2016 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. 76 FR 22103 - The Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Seeks Comment on “Need for Speed” Information for... (United States)


    ...In this document, the Commission, via the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (Bureau), seeks input on the information necessary for consumers to make informed choices among competing broadband Internet access services. According to the most recently available data, many consumers lack information about their broadband connection's performance and its ability to support different services and activities online. This document seeks comment about the speed and performance required for the range of Internet applications consumers intend to use, and how to communicate that information to consumers.

  14. The global non-proliferation and disarmament regime. Challenges and prospects for the future. Interview with Mr. Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala, President of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, November 26, 2009

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hautecouverture, Benjamin


    President of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs since November 2007, Mr. Jayantha Dhanapala has had a long career as a Sri Lankan diplomat and leader in the field of international security. Among his numerous appointments, Mr. Dhanapala headed the Geneva-based UNIDIR. He chaired the widely acclaimed 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference. He was Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs in the United Nations from 1998 to 2003. In this interview, Mr. Dhanapala gives us his thoughts about the nuclear non-proliferation regime, a few months before the 8. NPT Review Conference. (author)

  15. Eating Well with Scleroderma (United States)

    ... Add antioxidant rich, anti-inflam- matory herbs and spices, such as basil, rosemary, oregano, cin- namon, ginger, ... or Culturelle ® ) and/or eat yogurt with active cultures regularly. Remember to increase your fluid intake. • Inflammation: ...

  16. Documents issued by the french ministry of foreign affairs and international development

    CERN Multimedia


    New provisions and reminder In the interests of simplifying administrative procedures and formalities, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (hereinafter referred to as “the MAE”) and CERN have decided that members of the CERN personnel domiciled in France, whether of French nationality or long-term residents1, will no longer be issued with an AR- or FR-type “attestation de fonctions”. The MAE also wishes to remind members of the personnel of the following rules concerning the documents that it issues and to point out that compliance with these rules is essential for the proper operation of all international organisations established in France.  This notification replaces the one that appeared in issue 19/2006 of the Bulletin (ref. CERN/DSU-DO/RH/13173/Rev.2). 1.         Types of document and use a)   Special CD-, FI- and AT-type residence ...

  17. The aflatoxin-affair: the invisible victims of crime in the food-sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kerschke-Risch Pamela


    Full Text Available The aflatoxin affair is an example which can be assumed as a typical offence committed in the food sector in a globalized world. In 2013 mouldy Serbian feed was distributed by an international logistics company to Germany. The exceptional danger of aflatoxin infested feed is the carry over effect, which means that harmful substances devolve into animal products like milk. Generally speaking victims are identifiable persons who have been physically injured or suffer from financial losses or psychological damage. In contrast to e.g. victims of violence we know almost nothing about the effects of victimization as a result of offences committed in the food sector. The aim of this article is to show and discuss the possible effects of the aflatoxin scandal on consumers who have been victimized. As a result it suggests that victimization effects of offences related to food in general are ignored hitherto both by policy and criminologists.

  18. Psychological Practice in the Bodies of Internal Affairs: Current Condition and Perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulyanina O.A.


    Full Text Available The article describes the main directions and reveals the content of psychological work in the bodies of internal affairs which is continuously implemented at each stage of staff performance. Among the leading areas of activity of psychologists are the following: professional psychological selection of candidates for service; psychological diagnosis of employees in the course of support of official activity; the study of the socio-psychological climate in the collectives and the moral and psychological state of the personnel; carrying out special psychophysiological studies using a polygraph; adaptation of young employees; professional psychological training of personnel; psychological prevention and correction of negative psychoemotional states; psychological counseling of personal, family and professional problems of employees. Taking into account the described state of the departmental psychological service, the prospective directions of its development are outlined, and the need to implement a systemic, integrated approach when solving problems related to the psychological maintenance of staff performance is emphasized.

  19. Communication of 12 June 2000 received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia regarding Slovenia's nuclear export policies and practices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document reproduces the text of the Note Verbale dated 12 June 2000 received by the Secretariat of the IAEA from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia providing information on the nuclear export policies and practices of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

  20. VA Student Financial Aid. Opportunity To Reduce Overlap in Approving Education and Training Programs. Report to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, U.S. Senate. (United States)

    General Accounting Office, Washington, DC. Health, Education, and Human Services Div.

    The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contracts with state approving agencies (SAAs) to assess whether schools and training programs offer education of sufficient quality for veterans to receive VA education assistance benefits when attending them. The General Accounting Office examined the gatekeeping activities of the VA and the Department of…