
Sample records for afetivo bipolar carga

  1. Transtorno afetivo bipolar: carga da doença e custos relacionados Bipolar disorder: burden of disease and related costs

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    Anna Maria Niccolai Costa


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: O transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB é uma doença recorrente, crônica e grave. Comorbidades psiquiátricas e físicas, aumento do risco de suicídio, maior utilização de serviços de saúde e prejuízo na esfera social/profissional aumentam significativamente a carga e custos relacionados à doença. OBJETIVOS: Revisar aspectos clínicos, de carga da doença e conseqüentes desfechos financeiros do TAB. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa de base de dados MEDLINE/PubMed utilizando os termos bipolar disorder, epidemiology, burden of disease, comorbidity, cost of illness, outcomes e financial consequences, publicados entre 1980 e 2006. RESULTADOS: O TAB apresenta alta comorbidade com outros transtornos, o que agrava seu prognóstico e eleva os custos com os serviços de saúde. Os indivíduos com TAB apresentam mais fatores de risco cardiovascular e, conseqüentemente, maior risco de morte por evento cardíaco. O atraso e o erro diagnóstico no TAB elevam consideravelmente a carga e os custos da doença. CONCLUSÕES: As comorbidades, o risco de suicídio, o prejuízo social/profissional e a baixa adesão ao tratamento contribuem para a alta carga e os custos associados à doença. A pesquisa de comorbidades pode ajudar os médicos a ajustarem suas estratégias de tratamento, considerando cuidadosamente todos os fatores de risco e custos associados, fatores estes que devem ser levados em conta também pelos profissionais que trabalham com gestão de saúde, tanto no setor privado quanto público.BACKGROUND: Bipolar disorder (BD is a recurrent, chronic and severe disease. Mental and physical comorbidities, risk of suicide, health services use and impairment of social and professional domains significantly worsen the burden and increase the costs of illness. OBJECTIVES: Review clinical aspects, burden of disease, and consequent financial outcomes of BD. METHODS: MEDLINE/PubMed database search using the terms bipolar disorder, epidemiology, burden of

  2. Psicoterapia em grupo de pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar


    Gomes,Bernardo Carramão; Lafer,Beny


    CONTEXTO: Vem crescendo nos últimos anos o número de estudos com abordagens psicoterápicas no tratamento de pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar. Contudo, pouco ainda se sabe sobre o efeito que tem estas abordagens nestes pacientes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da terapia de grupo no tratamento do transtorno afetivo bipolar. MÉTODO: Levantamento bibliográfico no Medline, Lilacs, PubMed e ISI de artigos publicados em língua inglesa no período de 1975 a 2005 e busca manual com base na bi...

  3. Relato de caso: transtorno afetivo bipolar


    Carlos Von Krakauer Hübner; Edson Vinicius Milanello; Maria Fernanda Moro Barbieri; Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira Barcelos; Lucas Augusto Ayres Ribas


    Introdução: O transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB) é uma doença crônica e grave, marcada pela variância de episódios depressivos com episódios de mania ou hipomania, podendo haver sintomas psicóticos. É classificado em dois tipos, I e II. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, mas supõe-se que envolva influências genéticas e ambientais, variando a cada indivíduo afetado. As apresentações clínicas do TAB podem variar de episódios leves de depressão ou hipomania até episódios depressivos graves ou mania aco...

  4. Transtorno afetivo bipolar: perfil farmacoterapêutico e adesão ao medicamento


    Miasso,Adriana Inocenti; Carmo,Bruna Paiva do; Tirapelli,Carlos Renato


    Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a adesão de portadores de transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB) à terapêutica medicamentosa e identificar possíveis causas de adesão e não adesão ao medicamento de acordo com o perfil farmacoterapêutico. Trata-se de estudo transversal, descritivo, realizado em Núcleo de Saúde Mental de um município do interior paulista. Participaram do estudo 101 pacientes com TAB. Para coleta dos dados, utilizou-se a entrevista estruturada e o teste de Morisky-Green e, pa...

  5. Relato de caso: transtorno afetivo bipolar

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    Carlos Von Krakauer Hübner


    Full Text Available Introdução: O transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB é uma doença crônica e grave, marcada pela variância de episódios depressivos com episódios de mania ou hipomania, podendo haver sintomas psicóticos. É classificado em dois tipos, I e II. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, mas supõe-se que envolva influências genéticas e ambientais, variando a cada indivíduo afetado. As apresentações clínicas do TAB podem variar de episódios leves de depressão ou hipomania até episódios depressivos graves ou mania acompanhados ou não de sintomas psicóticos. Objetivos: Relatar o caso de um paciente internado na enfermaria da psiquiatria do Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba que foi diagnosticado com TAB. Metodologia: As informações foram obtidas por meio de revisão do prontuário, entrevista com o paciente e revisão da literatura. Relato de Caso: Homem de 20 anos encaminhado do serviço hospitalar de Itapetininga após alteração de comportamento, heteroagressividade e alucinações auditivas. Conclusões: Transtorno depressivo maior, de ansiedade generalizada, de estresse pós-traumático e esquizofrenia são diagnósticos diferenciais. O episódio maníaco provoca prejuízo no funcionamento social, profissional e até necessidade de hospitalização. O risco de suicídio em pessoas com TAB é estimado em pelo menos 15 vezes o da população em geral. A taxa de não adesão ao tratamento no TAB é de 47%. A conduta terapêutica medicamentosa mais eficaz para a mania é a associação do carbonato de lítio com risperidona, já para a depressão bipolar o carbonato de lítio é a primeira escolha.

  6. Transtorno afetivo bipolar em idosos: características clínicas e sociodemográficas = Bipolar disorder in the elderly: clinical and socio-demographic characteristics

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    Zung, Stevin


    Conclusões: o presente estudo, conduzido em pacientes idosos com transtorno afetivo bipolar, confirmou achados clínicos importantes de investigações realizadas em pacientes adultos, acrescentando o fato inédito de consolidar esses achados através da investigação em uma população de pacientes idosos com longo tempo de evolução de seu quadro clínico

  7. Estratégias adotadas por pessoas com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar e a necessidade de terapêutica medicamentosa


    Miasso,Adriana Inocenti; Cassiani,Silvia Helena De Bortoli; Pedrão,Luiz Jorge


    Este estudo identificou as estratégias adotadas pela pessoa com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB) diante da necessidade de uso contínuo de medicamentos. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Participaram do estudo 14 pessoas com TAB que estavam em acompanhamento em uma Unidade Ambulatorial de Transtornos do Humor de um hospital universitário e 14 familiares indicados pelas mesmas. A entrevi...

  8. Psicoterapia em grupo de pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar Group psychotherapy for bipolar disorder patients

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    Bernardo Carramão Gomes


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: Vem crescendo nos últimos anos o número de estudos com abordagens psicoterápicas no tratamento de pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar. Contudo, pouco ainda se sabe sobre o efeito que tem estas abordagens nestes pacientes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da terapia de grupo no tratamento do transtorno afetivo bipolar. MÉTODO: Levantamento bibliográfico no Medline, Lilacs, PubMed e ISI de artigos publicados em língua inglesa no período de 1975 a 2005 e busca manual com base na bibliografia dos artigos selecionados. Foram incluídos apenas os estudos que utilizaram grupo controle, randomizados, com casuística superior a 20 pacientes. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados somente cinco trabalhos, três deles publicados nos últimos cinco anos. Três utilizaram modelos de psicoeducação, encontrando aumento na adesão ao tratamento farmacológico. Um destes verificou redução no número de hospitalizações e recaídas. Dois estudos combinaram psicoeducação e abordagens psicoterápicas variadas. Destes, um mostrou aumento no período de remissão e redução de sintomas para episódios maníacos. CONCLUSÕES: O interesse por intervenções psicoterápicas baseadas em evidência, no tratamento do TAB, vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Este fato contrasta com o baixo número de estudos dedicados à modalidade de atendimento em grupo, que poderia ser muito útil em instituições onde grande número de pacientes é atendido. A complexidade clínica dessa doença, a presença de diversas comorbidades e os diferentes graus de adesão à farmacoterapia demandam a criação de opções terapêuticas variadas que atendam às necessidades de cada indivíduo. Os estudos indicam que a terapia de grupo pode ser uma opção eficaz de tratamento que merece ser mais bem investigado para permitir sua aplicação na prática clínica.BACKGROUND: In the last years there has been a growing number of studies using psychotherapy approaches in the

  9. Transtorno afetivo bipolar na infância e na adolescência Bipolar disorder in childhood and adolescence

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    Lee Fu-I


    Full Text Available Os conhecimentos sobre transtorno afetivo bipolar com início na infância e na adolescência têm avançado muito nos últimos 15 anos. Atualmente, os esforços estão dirigidos para investigar o quadro clínico, para o desenvolvimento de instrumentos que auxiliam diagnóstico precoce e investigações de melhores formas de tratamentos de crianças e adolescentes portadores do transtorno. O presente texto tem objetivo de apresentar as principais características clínicas do transtorno em crianças e adolescentes, assim como as denominações, as descrições de tipos clínicos e do padrão de ciclagem mais comum da doença em jovens. Discussões sobre comorbidades, diagnóstico diferencial e avanço em tratamento farmacológico também serão apresentados.Many advances in the knowledge of childhood- and adolescent-onset bipolar disorder have been seen over the last 15 years. Current efforts focus on investigating clinical features, developing more instruments for early diagnosis and improving treatment research. The present study aims to present the main clinical characteristic of the disorder in children and adolescents, as well as the nomenclature, description of clinical phenotypes and the most common cycling pattern in youths. A discussion of comorbidity, differential diagnosis and advances in psychopharmacological treatment will also be presented.

  10. Transtorno afetivo bipolar: perfil farmacoterapêutico e adesão ao medicamento

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    Adriana Inocenti Miasso


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a adesão de portadores de transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB à terapêutica medicamentosa e identificar possíveis causas de adesão e não adesão ao medicamento de acordo com o perfil farmacoterapêutico. Trata-se de estudo transversal, descritivo, realizado em Núcleo de Saúde Mental de um município do interior paulista. Participaram do estudo 101 pacientes com TAB. Para coleta dos dados, utilizou-se a entrevista estruturada e o teste de Morisky-Green e, para a análise dos mesmos, o programa Statistical Package for the Social Science. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria (63% dos sujeitos investigados não adere ao medicamento. Apesar de não ter ocorrido diferenças significativas entre o grupo de aderentes e não aderentes, para as variáveis investigadas, foi possível verificar a utilização de polifarmacoterapia e regimes terapêuticos complexos no tratamento do TAB. Permanece como desafio a implementação de estratégias que possam melhorar, na prática, a adesão de pacientes ao tratamento medicamentoso.

  11. Transtorno afetivo bipolar e a ambivalência em relação à terapia medicamentosa: analisando as condições causais

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    Adriana Inocenti Miasso


    Full Text Available Este estudo buscou compreender as condições causais da ambivalência da pessoa com transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB em relação ao seguimento da terapêutica medicamentosa. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Participaram do estudo 14 pessoas com TAB que estavam em acompanhamento em um Ambulatório de Transtornos do Humor de um hospital universitário e 14 familiares indicados pelas mesmas. A entrevista e observação foram as principais formas de obtenção de dados. Os resultados revelaram três categorias que descrevem as referidas condições causais: vivendo as crises do transtorno; tendo necessidade do medicamento e convivendo com os efeitos colaterais dos medicamentos. Este estudo aponta para necessidade de mudança de atitude dos profissionais de saúde de culpabilizar o paciente pela interrupção do tratamento para aquela de escuta, de valorização do seu universo simbólico e afetivo bem como de parceria no tratamento.

  12. Genes relacionados ao metabolismo dos fosfolípides como fatores de risco para o transtorno afetivo bipolar

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    Meira-Lima Ivanor V


    Full Text Available Os estudos de epidemiologia genética fornecem consistente evidência de que o componente genético tem um papel preponderante no risco para o Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB, embora genes de vulnerabilidade ainda não tenham sido identificados de forma inequívoca. Nesta atualização os autores apresentam dados demonstrando que os fosfolípides exercem um relevante papel nos processos de sinalização intracelular e que estudos da neuroquímica dos estabilizadores do humor convergem em apontar para uma ação destas drogas nas vias de transdução de sinais reguladas pelas fosfolipases. Concluem que investigações de variantes nos genes que codificam enzimas do metabolismo dos fosfolípides como potenciais genes de susceptibilidade podem ampliar o conhecimento acerca dos fatores de risco e dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos no surgimento destes transtornos do humor.

  13. Fisiopatologia do transtorno afetivo bipolar: o que mudou nos últimos 10 anos? Physiopathology of bipolar disorders: what has changed in the last 10 years?

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    Flávio Kapczinski


    Full Text Available Apesar dos crescentes esforços para o entendimento da neurobiologia do transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB, sua exata fisiopatologia permanece indeterminada. Inicialmente, a pesquisa estava voltada para o estudo das aminas biogênicas, devido aos efeitos dos diversos agentes psicofarmacológicos. Mais recentemente, evidências apontam que disfunções nos sistemas de sinalização intracelular e de expressão gênica podem estar associadas ao TAB. Estas alterações podem estar associadas a interrupções nos circuitos reguladores do humor, como sistema límbico, estriado e córtex pré-frontal, sendo que os efeitos neuroprotetores do uso crônico dos estabilizadores de humor podem reverter este processo patológico. Este artigo tem como objetivo trazer uma atualização dos achados recentes sobre a neuroquímica do TAB.Despite recent efforts to understand the neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder (BD, the exact pathophysiology remains undetermined. Due to the effects of various psychopharmacological agents, initial research focused on the study of biogenic amines. Recent evidence has shown that dysfunction in intracellular signaling systems and gene expression may be associated with BD. These alterations may cause interruptions in mood regulating circuits such as the limbic system, striatum and prefrontal cortex, and the neuroprotective effects of mood stabilizers may reverse this pathological process. This study aims to update the recent findings relative to the neurochemistry of BD.

  14. Transcultural aspects of bipolar disorder


    Sanches, Marsal; Jorge, Miguel Roberto


    Considerando-se que existem diferenças importantes na maneira como as emoções são vivenciadas e expressas em diferentes culturas, a apresentação e o manejo do transtorno afetivo bipolar sofrem influência de fatores culturais. O presente artigo realiza uma breve revisão da evidência referente aos aspectos transculturais do transtorno bipolar.Cultural variations in the expression of emotions have been described. Consequently, there are cross-cultural influences on the diagnosis and management o...

  15. Ajuste social em pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar, unipolar, distimia e depressão dupla Social disability in patients with bipolar and unipolar affective disorders, dysthymia and double depression

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    Adriana M Tucci


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Dados internacionais mostram que os transtornos afetivos têm uma prevalência de, aproximadamente, 11,3% da população. Além disso, são uma das doenças que mais geram perdas sociais e nos relacionamentos familiares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o ajuste social e familiar de pacientes com transtornos afetivos (bipolar, unipolar, distimia e com depressão dupla, comparando o resultado entre as categorias diagnósticas, além de verificar quais variáveis estão associadas e conduzem ao pior ajuste. MÉTODOS: Foram feitos a caracterização socioeconômica e demográfica e um levantamento dos dados de evolução e de história da doença por meio de um questionário elaborado para essa finalidade. Para a avaliação de ajuste social, utilizou-se a Escala de Avaliação da Incapacitação Psiquiátrica (DAS/OMS, 1998. O relacionamento familiar foi avaliado pelo Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale (GARF/APA, 1994. Foram estudados 100 pacientes em tratamento, por pelo menos seis meses, no Ambulatório de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina Unesp, Botucatu, SP. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: Com predomínio de mulheres, a maioria dos pacientes tinha no mínimo dois anos de seguimento, idade acima de 50 anos, baixa escolaridade e nível socioeconômico baixo. Não houve diferença estatística significativa quanto aos dados socioeconômicos e demográficos. Na análise de regressão logística, o diagnóstico e o relacionamento familiar tiveram papel significativo no resultado de ajustamento social. Os pacientes unipolares e os distímicos tiveram melhores resultados no ajustamento social e no relacionamento familiar do que os bipolares e aqueles com depressão dupla.OBJECTIVES: International data show that affective disorders have a prevalence of 11.3% in the general population. Besides that, they are responsible for social dysfunctioning and family relationship distress. The aim of this study was to assess social and

  16. Grupo de psicoeducação no transtorno afetivo bipolar: reflexão sobre o modo asilar e o modo psicossocial

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    Sarita Lopes Menezes


    Full Text Available O Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB, conhecido por sua cronicidade, complexidade e altos índices de morbidade e mortalidade, é uma das principais causas de incapacitação no mundo. Há evidências crescentes de que seu curso pode ser modificado por abordagens psicoterápicas como a psicoeducação, que promove o aumento do funcionamento social e ocupacional, bem como da capacidade de manejarem situações estressantes. Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre um grupo de psicoeducação para familiares e portadores de TAB, sendo esse pautado pela reflexão dos componentes do paradigma das práticas em saúde mental. A reflexão sobre os modos asilar e psicossocial quanto às concepções de objeto e modo de trabalho, possibilitou situar o grupo no modo psicossocial, pois o conhecimento e a vivência experimentados favorecem a autonomia dos sujeitos, que têm maiores chances de se posicionarem frente às dificuldades que lhes sobrevêm na sua existência-sofrimento.

  17. Implicações de um grupo de Psicoeducação no cotidiano de portadores de Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar

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    Sarita Lopes Menezes


    Full Text Available Há evidências crescentes de que o curso Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB pode ser modificado por abordagens psicoterápicas, tais como a Psicoeducação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as implicações do grupo de Psicoeducação no cotidiano dos portadores. Para tanto, optou-se pelo estudo qualitativo, do tipo Estudo de Caso. Foram incluídos doze portadores de TAB que tiveram pelo menos seis participações no Grupo de Psicoeducação desenvolvido na Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas, transcritas e trabalhadas por meio da Análise Temática. Este estudo demonstrou que tal experiência grupal favoreceu a aquisição de conhecimento; a conscientização da doença e adesão ao tratamento; a realização de mudanças positivas na vida; a possibilidade de ajudar outros portadores a se beneficiarem do aprendizado construído no grupo; a descoberta de outras realidades e estratégias de enfrentamento, obtidas por meio da troca de experiências entre os participantes.

  18. Bipolar affective disorder and medication therapy: identifying barriers Trastorno afectivo bipolar y por terapia medicamentoso: identificación de barreras Transtorno afetivo bipolar e terapêutica medicamentosa: identificando barreiras

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    Adriana Inocenti Miasso


    barreiras enfrentadas pela pessoa com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB frente à necessidade de uso contínuo de medicamentos. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Participaram do estudo 14 pessoas com TAB que estavam em acompanhamento em um ambulatório de transtornos do humor de um hospital universitário e 14 familiares indicados pelas mesmas. A entrevista e observação foram as principais formas de obtenção de dados. Os resultados revelaram duas categorias que descrevem as barreiras enfrentadas pela pessoa com TAB: ter perdas afetivas e cognitivas e ter várias limitações. Constatou-se que a pessoa com TAB sente-se ambivalente em relação à adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa, pois percebem que, qualquer que seja a direção adotada, ela o conduzirá a um contexto de preconceito, de perdas e limitações nas várias esferas da vida cotidiana.

  19. Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder type I: an update for the clinician Ideação suicida e tentativas de suicídio no transtorno afetivo bipolar tipo I: uma atualização para o clínico

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    Lena Nabuco de Abreu


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This article reviews the evidence for the major risk factors associated with suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder. METHOD: Review of the literature studies on bipolar disorder, suicidal behavior and suicidal ideation. RESULTS: Bipolar disorder is strongly associated with suicide ideation and suicide attempts. In clinical samples between 14-59% of the patients have suicide ideation and 25-56% present at least one suicide attempt during lifetime. Approximately 15% to 19% of patients with bipolar disorder die from suicide. The causes of suicidal behavior are multiple and complex. Some strong predictors of suicidal behavior have emerged in the literature such as current mood state, severity of depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, hostility, hopelessness, comorbidity with others Axis I and Axis II disorders, lifetime history of mixed states, and history of physical or sexual abuse. CONCLUSION: Bipolar disorder is the psychiatric condition associated with highest lifetime risk for suicide attempts and suicide completion. Thus it is important to clinicians to understand the major risk factors for suicidal behavior in order to choose better strategies to deal with this complex behavior.OBJETIVO: O artigo revisa as evidências relacionadas aos principais fatores de risco associados ao comportamento suicida no transtorno bipolar. MÉTODO: Revisão de artigos da literatura em transtorno bipolar, tentativa de suicídio e ideação suicida. RESULTADOS: O transtorno bipolar está fortemente associado à presença de ideação suicida e a tentativas de suicídio. Em amostras clínicas, entre 14% e 59% dos pacientes apresentam ideação suicida e entre 25% e 56% têm pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio ao longo da vida. Aproximadamente 15% a 19% dos pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar morrem por suicídio. As causas do comportamento suicida são múltiplas e complexas. Alguns preditores de comportamento suicida vêm sendo demonstrados

  20. Relacionamentos Afetivo-Familiares em Mulheres com Anorexia e Bulimia

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    Carolina Leonidas

    Full Text Available RESUMOEste estudo teve por objetivo investigar a rede social de apoio de mulheres com anorexia e bulimia, com ênfase em suas relações afetivo-familiares. A amostra foi composta por 12 participantes atendidas em hospital universitário. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada, Mapa de Rede e Genograma. Os resultados indicaram que as redes sociais das participantes têm configuração restrita, com proeminência de membros da família em sua composição. Os relacionamentos familiares oscilam, contudo, entre turbulência e distanciamento afetivo. As relações de afeto mantidas com pais, cônjuges e namorados são marcadas por divergências e insatisfações. A baixa densidade da rede de amizades e o empobrecimento da vida social resultam em isolamento e dificuldades de dar início e/ou manter relacionamentos afetivos duradouros.

  1. Os Vínculos Afetivos no Contexto de Acolhimento Institucional: Um Estudo de Campo

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    Suziani de Cássia Almeida Lemos

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho relata uma pesquisa de campo qualitativa que teve como objetivo estudar os vínculos afetivos no contexto de acolhimento institucional. Participaram do estudo quatro mães sociais, 31 crianças e cinco adolescentes. Foi realizada, com cada mãe social, uma entrevista semiestruturada e, em cada casa lar, três observações participantes. Os dados foram analisados mediante a técnica da Análise Temática, sendo especificadas duas categorias de análise. O trabalho evidenciou aspectos que podem dificultar o estabelecimento de vínculos afetivos: escassez de atividades que estimulem a interação, excesso de atividades domésticas e a falta de preparação das mães sociais para o exercício da função. No entanto, apesar das dificuldades encontradas, o estudo mostrou que é possível a formação de vínculos afetivos nesse contexto.

  2. Responsabilidade Civil decorrente do Abandono Afetivo

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    Welington Oliveira de Souza Costa


    Full Text Available O presente artigo jurídico tem por finalidade demonstrar a aplicabilidade do instituto da responsabilidade civil decorrente do abandono afetivo aos genitores que negligenciem seu cuidado para com os filhos, indenizando-os em razão do dano decorrente. Para tanto, será demonstrada a possibilidade de associação do instituto da responsabilidade dentro do direito de família e os dispositivos aplicáveis, inclusive aqueles relativos à solução de conflitos de princípios, apontando, ainda, a jurisprudência correlata.

  3. Proposta para estimar curva carga-recalque e capacidade de carga em estacas de madeira


    Segundinho, Pedro Gutemberg de Alcântara; Miná, Alexandre José Soares; Dias, Antonio Alves; Regazzi, Adair José; Carreira, Marcelo Rodrigo


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo propor um método para estimar a curva carga-recalque e a capacidade de carga de estacas de madeira a partir do ajuste de equações de regressão não lineares utilizando o método de Gauss Newton modificado. Para isso, foram utilizados dados experimentais obtidos para 12 estacas de madeira, curvas carga-recalque durante a cravação e capacidade de carga determinada no ensaio de carregamento dinâmico, utilizando modelo teórico. Nesta pesquisa, realizada de forma pio...

  4. Proposta para estimar curva carga-recalque e capacidade de carga em estacas de madeira

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    Pedro Gutemberg de Alcântara Segundinho

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo propor um método para estimar a curva carga-recalque e a capacidade de carga de estacas de madeira a partir do ajuste de equações de regressão não lineares utilizando o método de Gauss Newton modificado. Para isso, foram utilizados dados experimentais obtidos para 12 estacas de madeira, curvas carga-recalque durante a cravação e capacidade de carga determinada no ensaio de carregamento dinâmico, utilizando modelo teórico. Nesta pesquisa, realizada de forma pioneira no Brasil, fez-se a análise do comportamento de estacas de madeira imersas no solo durante a cravação delas. As médias do erro percentual absoluto médio foram 4,0% e 29,3%, obtidas a partir das equações não lineares ajustadas via método de Gauss Newton modificado e proposto por Van Der Veen respectivamente. Concluiu-se que as equações ajustadas via método de Gauss Newton modificado conduziram a uma maior exatidão nas estimativas, apresentando boa concordância com os dados experimentais obtidos nos ensaios de carregamento dinâmico, indicando sua utilização para estimar a curva carga-recalque e a capacidade de carga em estacas de madeira.


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    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se abordan las experiencias en la utilización de la modelación matemática y la realización de pruebas de carga no destructivas en cimentaciones sobre pilotes para evaluar su capacidad de carga. Para ello se exponen los resultados obtenidos en pruebas de carga de más de 200 Toneladas, y la distribución de cargas en una estructura portuaria, evaluando su capacidad resistente. Se establecen comparaciones entre los métodos teóricos de calculo de la capacidad de carga del pilote aislado y modelos matemáticos, así como los resultados de la pruebas de carga a escala real.



    Ariza-Zambrano, Andrea


    El presente trabajo de fin de Máster se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar los riesgos de la carga física postural y carga mental a los que se ve expuesto el cargo del Parrillero-chef de un restaurante de comidas rápidas, es un caso real del centro de trabajo Burguer Parrilla & Company en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. Trabajo que se realizó con el interés personal de conocer el nivel de riesgo de carga postural y carga mental al que se encuentra expuesto, ya que el sector de la industria ...

  7. AssociaÃÃes Entre Temperamentos Afetivos E Emocionais, Estilos De Defesa E ManifestaÃÃo PsicopatolÃgica Em Uma Grande Amostra"


    Tauily Claussen D'Escragnolle Taunay


    s temperamentos afetivos podem ser considerados a base para o humor, o comportamento e a personalidade, alÃm de manifestaÃÃes subclÃnicas hereditÃrias de transtornos do humor. Recentemente, foi proposto um modelo de temperamento que avalia simultaneamente os temperamentos afetivos e emocionais em uma tentativa de integrar os modelos de temperamento emocional de Cloninger e de temperamentos afetivos de Kraepelin/Kretschmer/Akiskal. De acordo este modelo, existem 12 tipos de temperamentos afeti...


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    Maristela Monteschi


    Full Text Available Este estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de conocimiento y las dificultades de los familiares de ancianos con Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar relacionados al tratamiento farmacológico prescrito al paciente. Participaron del estudio 17 familiares de ancianos con Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar que reciben atención en un Servicio de Salud Mental. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la entrevista semi-estructurada y la aplicación de escala. Se identificó bajo nivel de conocimiento de los familiares, especialmente acerca de las dosis y frecuencia de los medicamentos prescritos. Entre las dificultades relacionadas al tratamiento farmacológico, relatadas por los familiares, se destacan la ambigüedad en relación a la evaluación de los beneficios del medicamento, no adherencia de pacientes al medicamento, sobrecarga relacionada con la atención referente a los medicamentos, tratamiento inadecuado, preocupación con el acceso al medicamento y utilización de bebida alcohólica por los pacientes. Son necesarias acciones educativas junto a las familias, como colaboradoras y blanco de las intervenciones, y su inclusión en la atención ofrecida al paciente

  9. Transtorno afectivo bipolar: perfil fármaco-terapéutico y adhesión a la medicación


    Miasso, Adriana Inocenti; Mercedes, Bruna Paiva do Carmo; Tirapelli, Carlos Renato


    Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a adesão de portadores de transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB) à terapêutica medicamentosa e identificar possíveis causas de adesão e não adesão ao medicamento de acordo com o perfil farmacoterapêutico. Trata-se de estudo transversal, descritivo, realizado em Núcleo de Saúde Mental de um município do interior paulista. Participaram do estudo 101 pacientes com TAB. Para coleta dos dados, utilizou-se a entrevista estruturada e o teste de Morisky-Green e, pa...

  10. Carga crítica en cimientos superficiales continuos

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    Álvaro J. González García


    Full Text Available Se presenta un método para evaluar la carga crítica en cimientos superficiales continuos. Se denomina carga crítica (q crit de un cimiento la carga máxima que es posible aplicar a este sin exceder en ningún punto bajo el cimiento la resistencia del suelo de fundación. La carga última (q ult, por otro lado, es la carga máxima aplicable al cimiento antes de que se presente flujo plástico total del suelo. La relación entre carga última y carga critica sería el factor de seguridad mínimo utilizable para no inducir fallas puntuales, que pueden llevar a colapso total por medio de falla progresiva en el caso de suelos frágiles, metaestables, etc.

  11. Estratégias adotadas por pessoas com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar e a necessidade de terapêutica medicamentosa Estrategias adoptadas por personas con Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar y la necesidad del uso de medicamentos Strategies adopted by people with Bipolar Affective Disorder and the need for medication

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    Adriana Inocenti Miasso


    Full Text Available Este estudo identificou as estratégias adotadas pela pessoa com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB diante da necessidade de uso contínuo de medicamentos. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Participaram do estudo 14 pessoas com TAB que estavam em acompanhamento em uma Unidade Ambulatorial de Transtornos do Humor de um hospital universitário e 14 familiares indicados pelas mesmas. A entrevista e observação foram as principais formas de obtenção de dados. Os resultados revelaram cinco categorias que descrevem as estratégias adotadas pela pessoa com TAB: aderindo à terapêutica medicamentosa; querendo conhecer melhor o transtorno e os medicamentos; participando do grupo de psicoeducação; buscando seus direitos em relação ao acesso ao medicamento e tendo fé. Constatou-se que apesar da ambivalência em relação à adesão ao medicamento, a pessoa com TAB possui potencialidades para conviver com a situação.Este estudio identificó las estrategias adoptadas por personas con Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar (TAB ante la necesidad del uso continuo de medicamentos. Se utilizó un planteamiento cualitativo, teniendo como referencia metodológica la Teoría Basada en los Datos, a la luz de Interacción Simbólica. Participaron del estudio 14 personas con TAB, las cuales estaban en seguimiento en una Unidad Ambulatoria de Trastornos del Humor de un hospital universitario, además de 14 familiares indicados por dichas personas. Las principales formas de obtención de datos fueron la entrevista y la observación. Los resultados revelaron cinco categorías que describen las estrategias adoptadas por las personas con TAB: la adhesión a la terapia medicamentosa; el querer conocer mejor el trastorno y los medicamentos; la participación en el grupo de psico-educación; la búsqueda de sus derechos con relación al acceso al medicamento y la f

  12. Aspectos motivacionais e afetivos na mediação de professores alfabetizadores

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    Azevedo, Cleomar


    Full Text Available Este artigo é o resultado de uma pesquisa que parte da seguinte questão: o que diferencia o professor que obtém sucesso no processo de alfabetização? Levanto a hipótese que na mediação os aspectos motivacionais e afetivos são componentes que se fazem presente na atuação desses professores alfabetizadores. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de levantar os aspectos motivacionais e afetivos na mediação do processo de alfabetização, através da fala de professores alfabetizadores. Foram entrevistados 18 professores com a premissa de serem bons alfabetizadores. Investigar o que mobiliza e caracteriza a ação dos docentes, que mesmo possuindo inúmeras variáveis que interfiram negativamente nesse processo, conseguem obter êxito no desenvolvimento da alfabetização de seus alunos é uma possibilidade de levantar questões voltadas à problemática da aprendizagem do processo de alfabetização

  13. Comparación de carga inmediata frente a carga convencional de implantes inmediatos con prótesis fijas de arco completo


    Peñarrocha Oltra, David


    Comparación de carga inmediata frente a carga convencional de implantes inmediatos con prótesis fijas de arco completo. OBJETIVOS El propósito del estudio fue evaluar las diferencias entre los protocolos de carga inmediata y carga convencional para rehabilitar a pacientes con el maxilar o la mandíbula parcialmente desdentados en los que esté indicada la extracción de todos los dientes remanentes, con prótesis fijas de arco completo sobre implantes dentales inmediatos y no inmediatos, e...

  14. Marcadores periféricos e a fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar


    Pedro V. S. Magalhães; Gabriel R. Fries; Flávio Kapczinski


    INTRODUÇÃO: O entendimento da fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar vem tendo avanços consistentes nos últimos anos. Um enfoque na relação entre carga alostática e alterações sistêmicas vem tomando corpo, com o objetivo de se entender a frequente progressão da doença. Proeminentes entre os mediadores periféricos têm sido as moléculas que poderiam ser amplamente agrupadas em neurotrofinas, marcadores de estresse oxidativo e marcadores inflamatórios. OBJETIVO: Descrever achados recentes em relaç...

  15. Interação entre paciente com transtorno afetivo bipolar e equipe ambulatorial quanto à terapêutica medicamentosa Interacción entre el paciente con trastorno afectivo bipolar y el equipo de consulta externa en relación a la terapéutica medicamentosa Interaction between the patients with bipolar affective disorder and the outpatient team regarding medication therapy

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    Adriana Inocenti Miasso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar, na perspectiva da pessoa com transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB e de seu familiar, como ocorre a interação paciente-equipe de saúde relacionada à terapêutica medicamentosa. MÉTODOS: Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, com referencial metodológico da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Participaram do estudo 14 pessoas com TAB de um serviço ambulatorial e 14 familiares. Para obtenção dos dados utilizou-se a entrevista e observação. RESULTADOS: Os resultados revelaram três categorias que descrevem o referido processo de interação: identificando falhas nas orientações sobre medicamentos, sentindo necessidade de acolhimento pela equipe de saúde e julgando que o paciente deve ser avaliado na sua individualidade. CONCLUSÃO: Evidenciou-se a necessidade de implementação, nos serviços de saúde, de espaços de acolhimento como forma do paciente enfrentar seu processo saúde-doença.OBJETIVO: Identificar, en la perspectiva de la persona con trastorno afectivo bipolar (TAB y de su familiar, cómo ocurre la interacción paciente - equipo de salud relacionada a la terapéutica medicamentosa. MÉTODOS: Fue utilizado el abordaje cualitativo, con referencial metodológico de la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos, a la luz del Interaccionismo Simbólico. Participaron del estudio 14 personas con TAB de un servicio de consulta externa y 14 familiares. Para la obtención de los datos se utilizó la entrevista y la observación. RESULTADOS: Los resultados revelaron tres categorías que describen el referido proceso de interacción: identificando fallas en las orientaciones sobre medicamentos, sintiendo necesidad de acogida por parte del equipo de salud y juzgando que el paciente debe ser evaluado en su individualidad. CONCLUSIÓN: Fue evidenciada la necesidad de implementación, en los servicios de salud, de espacios de acogida como forma de que el paciente enfrente su proceso salud

  16. Adolescentes em tratamento psiquiátrico: um estudo fenomenológico das vivências em seus relacionamentos sócio-afetivos-sexuais


    Fernanda Tomé Marleta Iezzi


    RESUMO Marleta-Iezzi, F. T. (2013) Adolescentes em tratamento psiquiátrico: um estudo fenomenológico das vivências em seus relacionamentos sócio-afetivo-sexuais. Dissertação de Mestrado Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. Na presente dissertação buscamos situar e (re)conhecer o fenômeno das vivências dos relacionamentos sócio-afetivo-sexuais de adolescentes submetidos a tratamento psiquiátrico, por compreender que a adol...

  17. Análise de cargas acidentais em pavimentos de garagem

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    D. A. Tenório

    Full Text Available O trabalho tem como foco a análise das cargas acidentais utilizadas para pavimentos de garagem, considerando as recomendações de normas nacionais e internacionais para a definição do valor das cargas a serem aplicadas nas lajes nervuradas. A norma brasileira NBR 6120/1980 [1], que trata do assunto, não especifica nada em relação a cargas concentradas, enquanto normas internacionais como Euro Code [2] e IBC [3], recomendam considerar cargas distribuídas e concentradas. Atualmente, as lajes nervuradas são utilizadas amplamente em pavimentos de garagem. Neste contexto, considerando os padrões de veículos mais utilizados no país, será que os valores de cargas distribuídas das normas são adequados para o dimensionamento das lajes nervuradas? Ou é necessário fazer uma correção destas cargas para levar em consideração as cargas concentradas da ordem de 8,5 kN por pneu correspondente a um veículo utilitário. O objetivo deste trabalho é procurar as respostas para estas duas perguntas através de uma análise paramétrica envolvendo os principais parâmetros de uma laje nervurada, que são: a relação (lambda entre os lados, a distância entre as nervuras principais e o esquema de apoio da laje (uni ou bidirecional. De uma forma geral o conjunto das simulações mostra que as cargas recomendadas pelas normas citadas precisariam de correção quando utilizadas em pavimento de garagem para reproduzir o efeito das cargas concentradas das rodas de veículos tipo utilitário.

  18. La sobrecarga del cuidador en el trastorno bipolar

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    Luis Gutiérrez-Rojas


    Full Text Available La sobrecarga del cuidador de pacientes con trastorno bipolar ha sido estudiada con especial atención en los últimos años. Este artículo de revisión pretende hacer un resumen sobre esta cuestión. En concreto queremos conocer como es el nivel de sobrecarga en esta enfermedad, cuales son las variables clínicas que se asocian a un nivel mayor o menor de sobrecarga, que estilos de afrontamiento desarrollados por los cuidadores son más adaptativos para soportar dicha carga, cual es el impacto que sufre el cuidador a nivel sanitario, familiar, legal, económico y laboral, y que programas psicoeducativos han demostrado ser eficaces a la hora de tratar a los cuidadores.

  19. Adolescência e organização de personalidade borderline: caracterização dos vínculos afetivos

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    Aline Bedin Jordão


    Full Text Available A demanda clínica atual inclui um número significativo de pacientes borderlines. Esse estudo buscou realizar uma revisão de literatura abrangente e não sistemática sobre os vínculos afetivos de adolescentes com indicadores de personalidade borderline. Foram consultadas bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, privilegiando-se publicações a partir de 1995, no referencial psicanalítico. Os estudos encontrados foram discutidos em três grupos: adolescência e cultura contemporânea, características da organização borderline na adolescência e vínculos afetivos desses adolescentes. Discute-se a importância dos vínculos de apego inseguro, a questão da psicopatologia materna e o papel das experiências traumáticas na história de vida desses pacientes.

  20. Bipolar soft connected, bipolar soft disconnected and bipolar soft compact spaces

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    Muhammad Shabir


    Full Text Available Bipolar soft topological spaces are mathematical expressions to estimate interpretation of data frameworks. Bipolar soft theory considers the core features of data granules. Bipolarity is important to distinguish between positive information which is guaranteed to be possible and negative information which is forbidden or surely false. Connectedness and compactness are the most important fundamental topological properties. These properties highlight the main features of topological spaces and distinguish one topology from another. Taking this into account, we explore the bipolar soft connectedness, bipolar soft disconnectedness and bipolar soft compactness properties for bipolar soft topological spaces. Moreover, we introduce the notion of bipolar soft disjoint sets, bipolar soft separation, and bipolar soft hereditary property and study on bipolar soft connected and disconnected spaces. By giving the detailed picture of bipolar soft connected and disconnected spaces we investigate bipolar soft compact spaces and derive some results related to this concept.

  1. Cargas críticas de pandeo de columnas fisuradas


    Moreno Fernández-Cañadas, Lorena María


    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto realizar un análisis de la carga crítica de pandeo de columnas sometidas a diversas condiciones de sustentación. A su vez, se estudiarán los efectos de la presencia de una fisura en la columna sobre dicha carga crítica en función de su tamaño y posición. Actualmente, el cálculo de dicha carga crítica por medio de programas comerciales que aplican el método de elementos finitos requiere un gran número de elementos por barra para conseguir ...

  2. Tributación del Sector Transporte de Carga en Uruguay


    Pedro Buonomo


    El objetivo general de este estudio es determinar la carga tributaria efectiva que incide sobre el transporte de cargas, en particular para los modos transporte terrestre (camión) y transporte aéreo, en la República Oriental del Uruguay.

  3. Relationship between neuropsychological and clinical aspects and suicide attempts in euthymic bipolar patients Relação entre aspectos clínicos e neuropsicológicos e as tentativas de suicídio em pacientes eutímicos com transtorno afetivo bipolar

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    Paulo Henrique Paiva de Moraes


    Full Text Available Some studies have investigated the possible relationship between suicide attempts and impulsivity in patients with bipolar disorder. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between neuro-psychological and clinical aspects and suicide behavior in euthymic bipolar patients. The Iowa Gambling Task and the Conner's Continuous Performance Test evaluated impulsivity in 95 euthymic bipolar patients - 42 suicide attempters and 115 normal control participants. A factorial analysis evaluated the adequacy of the instruments. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis was done in order to develop a model to predict suicide attempts. Our results point to a specific type of impulsivity related to making decisions, lack of planning and borderline personality disorder comorbidity. This type of impulsivity is a risk factor for suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder.Alguns estudos investigaram a possível relação entre tentativas de suicídio e impulsividade em pacientes com transtorno bipolar. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a relação entre características neuropsicológicas e clínicas e o comportamento suicida em pacientes bipolares eutímicos. Utilizamos o Iowa Gambling Task e o Conner's Continuous Performance Test para avaliar a impulsividade em 95 pacientes eutímicos com transtorno bipolar (42 com tentativas de suicídio e 155 controles normais. Uma análise fatorial avaliou a adequação dos instrumentos e foi criado um modelo para previsão do número de tentativas de suicídio usando regressão linear múltipla. Nossos resultados apontam para um tipo específico de impulsividade relacionada à tomada de decisões, falta de planejamento e para a comorbidade Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline. A impulsividade por não planejamento é um fator de risco para tentativas de suicídio em pacientes com Transtorno Bipolar.

  4. O transtorno bipolar na mulher Bipolar disorder in women

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    Alexandro de Borja Gonçalves Guerra


    Full Text Available Diferenças sexuais, descritas em vários transtornos psiquiátricos, também parecem estar presentes no transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB. A prevalência do TAB tipo I se distribui igualmente entre mulheres e homens. Mulheres parecem estar sujeitas a um risco maior de ciclagem rápida e mania mista, condições que fariam do TAB um transtorno com curso mais prejudicial no sexo feminino. Uma diátese depressiva mais marcante, uso excessivo de antidepressivos e diferenças hormonais surgem como hipóteses para explicar essas diferenças fenomenológicas, apesar das quais, mulheres e homens parecem responder igualmente ao tratamento medicamentoso. A indicação de anticonvulsivantes como primeira escolha em mulheres é controversa, a não ser para o tratamento da mania mista e, talvez, da ciclagem rápida. O tratamento do TAB na gravidez deve levar em conta tanto os riscos de exposição aos medicamentos quanto à doença materna. A profilaxia do TAB no puerpério está fortemente indicada em decorrência do grande risco de recorrência da doença nesse período. Embora, de modo geral, as medicações psicotrópicas estejam contra-indicadas durante a amamentação, entre os estabilizadores do humor, a carbamazepina e o valproato são mais seguros do que o lítio. Mais estudos são necessários para a confirmação das diferenças de curso do TAB entre mulheres e homens e a investigação de possíveis diferenças na efetividade dos tratamentos.Gender differences, described in several psychiatric disorders, seem to be also present in bipolar disorder (BD. The prevalence of bipolar I disorder is equally distributed between women and men. Women seem to be at higher risk for rapid cycling and mixed mania, conditions that could make BD a disorder with a more severe course in the female sex. A marked depressive diathesis among women, greatest use of antidepressants and hormonal differences have been mentioned as hypotheses to explain these


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    Edgar Giovanny Dias Segura


    Full Text Available La respuesta de diferentes pilotes sometidos a carga vertical axial fue estudiada empleando una serie de análisis mediante elementos finitos, considerando como suelo de fundación diez tipos de arenas en condición seca y saturada. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se propone un método simplificado para estimar la carga última en pilotes preexcavados sobre arenas, en términos del diámetro y enterramiento del pilote, peso unitario del suelo, condiciones de saturación, y mediciones indirectas de la resistencia al corte del suelo, obtenidas a partir de la densidad relativa y el índice de penetración SPT. El método propuesto, basado en 180 casos analizados, ofrece una precisión de 92%, y constituye una herramienta complementaría de diseño para estimar la carga última de pilotes preexcavados en arenas.

  6. Diseño de celda de carga optoelectrónica

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    Francisco J. Martínez Serrano


    Full Text Available Los sistemas de medición representan una herramienta indispensable en todas las actividades productivas, y en el caso de empresas que aprovechan los avances del desarrollo tecnológico para mejorar la calidad de sus productos éstos son fundamentales. Frecuentemente en la industria de la manufactura metalmecánica se requiere controlar con gran precisión el ajuste de dos piezas ensambladas a presión, los materiales de ingeniería deben someterse constantemente a pruebas de resistencia, los equipos de pruebas de balanceo y vibraciones mecánicas funcionan bajo el principio de medición de fuerzas. Los métodos de medición más precisos utilizan dispositivos electromecánicos conocidos como celdas de carga, que consisten básicamente en una fina resistencia eléctrica adherida a un elemento mecánico sometido directamente o no, a las cargas de trabajo. Las cargas cíclicas que sufre el elemento mecánico afectan igualmente a la resistencia eléctrica, y debido a que está hecha de un alambre muy delgado, su capacidad a resistir elásticamente deformación es limitada. Con este proyecto se pretende construir una celda de carga opto-mecatrónica, cuyo principio de funcionamiento está basado en que gracias a la aplicación de carga en un elemento mecánico, se produce en éste cierta deformación. Esta deformación reduce la distancia entre el emisor y el receptor, provocando un cambio en la señal eléctrica. Cabe señalar que la distribución de intensidad luminosa varía entre el emisor y el receptor debido al desplazamiento generado (R. Jones, 1985; Martínez, 2004. A la celda de carga se le adaptó un emisor de infrarrojo cuya señal es recibida por el detector en el otro extremo. Se pretende demostrar que este sistema optoelectrónico es capaz de medir cargas externas sobre un elemento mecánico a través de un método indirecto para medir esfuerzos. Se ha implementado un prototipo sensible a deformación inducida a un elemento mec

  7. Carga Imediata oclusal vs Carga Imediata no sector posterior


    Veiga, Hélia


    Trabalho final do 5º ano com vista à atribuição do grau de mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Dentária apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra. No âmbito da implantologia existem diversos estudos clínicos abordando carga imediata. Contudo, este tópico está ainda envolto em alguma controvérsia, ocorrendo, igualmente, interpretação subjectiva na utilização do papel de articulação na aferição de contactos em muitos desses estudos. At...

  8. Cargas actuantes en túneles de Moa

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    Roberto Blanco-Torrens


    Full Text Available Para la confección del presente trabajo se realizó un estudio que abarcó 2 km de túneles del municipio Moa a los que se les hizo un análisis detallado del macizo rocoso que los circunda, y se determinaron las propiedades físico-mecánica de las rocas, agrietamiento, afluencia de agua y sus consecuencias, etc. Se valoró la estabilidad por varias metodologías (Barton, Bieniawsky, Bulichev y otras y fueron usados, por sus resultados, los valores obtenidos del empleo de la de Barton. Se estableció el mecanismo de acción de la presión minera y se caracterizó en dos casos típicos, a partir de los cuales se determinan los valores de las cargas estáticas que se pueden producir. Se consideró el macizo como un cuerpo elástico, homogéneo e isotrópico para establecer el estado tensional inicial y así calcular las cargas dinámicas que pueden actuar. Además se puntualizan los valores de las cargas considerados como críticos.

  9. Radiación de cargas aceleradas y el principio de equivalencia


    Sudarsky, Daniel


    En este artículo revisaremos, desde el punto de vista cuántico, el problema conceptual que aparece al analizar la radiación electromagnética de cargas aceleradas desde el punto de vista de observadores ca-acelerados con las cargas.

  10. Análisis de la carga de entrenamiento en fútbol


    Gómez Dotor, Guillermo


    En las siguientes líneas se podrá encontrar un documento perteneciente al Trabajo Fin de Grado realizado por el alumno Guillermo Gómez Dotor. Dicho trabajo tendrá un tema central de estudio y análisis, la carga de entrenamiento aplicada en fútbol. En él, podremos encontrar dos partes diferenciadas. La primera de ellas, más teórica, consistirá en un análisis de la carga de entrenamiento a nivel general y sus aplicaciones al entrenamiento de fútbol. Se analizarán los conceptos de carga de...

  11. Práticas não convencionais em saúde por familiares e vínculos afetivos de pacientes críticos Unconventional health practices by family and affective bonds of critic patients

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    Jocelly de Araújo Ferreira


    Full Text Available Objetivo: averiguar a aplicabilidade das práticas não convencionais na saúde de visitantes com vínculos afetivos e/ou familiares de pacientes críticos. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, quantitativo, realizado nos ambientes de atendimento ao paciente crítico do Hospital Estadual de Emergência e Trauma, na cidade de João Pessoa – Paraíba. A amostra foi composta por 100 familiares. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados pelo Software Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, sob o número 328.320.  Resultados: Observou-se aplicabilidade, conhecimento e boa aceitação na utilização de algumas práticas não convencionais, por familiares e por vínculos afetivos de pacientes críticos. Conclusão: As práticas não convencionais proporcionam um cuidado integral ao indivíduo, aos familiares e vínculos afetivos. Os familiares e vínculos afetivos transmitem uma grande confiabilidade destas práticas, reconhecendo-as e integrando-as como componente fundamental para a influência do seu uso. Descritores: Terapias complementares, Cuidados críticos, Ações terapêuticas.

  12. Comparative familial aggregation of bipolar disorder in patients with bipolar I and bipolar II disorders. (United States)

    Parker, Gordon B; Romano, Mia; Graham, Rebecca K; Ricciardi, Tahlia


    We sought to quantify the prevalence and differential prevalence of a bipolar disorder among family members of patients with a bipolar I or II disorder. The sample comprised 1165 bipolar and 1041 unipolar patients, with the former then sub-typed as having either a bipolar I or II condition. Family history data was obtained via an online self-report tool. Prevalence of a family member having a bipolar disorder (of either sub-type) was distinctive (36.8%). Patients with a bipolar I disorder reported a slightly higher family history (41.2%) compared to patients with a bipolar II disorder (36.3%), and with both significantly higher than the rate of bipolar disorder in family members of unipolar depressed patients (18.5%). Findings support the view that bipolar disorder is heritable. The comparable rates in the two bipolar sub-types support the positioning of bipolar II disorder as a valid condition with strong genetic underpinnings.

  13. Control de la carga de entrenamiento en el ciclismo


    Cragnulini, Franco Emmanuel


    El objetivo de la presente revisión bibliográfica es describir cuales son los indicadores que permiten cuantificar la carga de entrenamiento en el ciclismo. La cuantificación de la carga de entrenamiento es de suma importancia si se pretende analizar y establecer relaciones de causa-efecto entre el trabajo realizado y las adaptaciones fisiológicas provocadas. Entre los más utilizados podemos resaltar al índice de esfuerzo percibido, la frecuencia cardiaca y la producción de potencia. Comprend...

  14. La carga global del cáncer (The Global Cancer Burden)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast describe la carga global del cáncer y los esfuerzos de los CDC y otras entidades para reducir esa carga.  Created: 2/2/2012 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 3/13/2012.

  15. Facial emotion recognition in bipolar disorder: a critical review Reconhecimento de emoções faciais: artigo de revisão

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    Cristiana Castanho de Almeida Rocca


    : Bipolares eutímicos apresentaram prejuízo no reconhecimento de nojo e medo. Em mania, mostraram dificuldade para reconhecer medo e tristeza. Transtorno bipolar pediátrico e crianças de risco apresentam dificuldade para reconhecer emoções nos rostos de adultos e de crianças. Bipolares foram mais precisos para reconhecer emoções do que os pacientes esquizofrênicos. DISCUSSÃO: Pacientes com transtorno bipolar apresentam prejuízo no reconhecimento de nojo, medo e tristeza, os quais podem ser apenas em parte atribuídos ao estado de humor. No episódio maníaco, eles têm dificuldade para reconhecer medo e nojo. Entretanto, eles são mais precisos no reconhecimento de emoções do que pacientes deprimidos e esquizofrênicos. Crianças com transtorno bipolar apresentam tendência a julgar expressões faciais extremas como sendo de intensidade leve ou moderada. CONCLUSÃO: Déficits afetivos e cognitivos em bipolares sofrem variações dependendo do estado de humor. Estudos de seguimento, reavaliando pacientes após a remissão dos sintomas, são necessários para investigar se estas anormalidades refletem um estado ou traço da doença e se podem ser consideradas endofenótipos. Estudos futuros devem padronizar tarefas e metodologia.


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    Full Text Available La condensación de las conjeturas de la Reforma Psiquiátrica está – continuamente – transformando la asistencia y enseñanza de la salud mental. El estudio objetiva relatar, durante diez encuentros en un Hospital Día de Fortaleza, una experiencia académica de asistencia de enfermería psiquiátrica, intermediada por el proceso de Relacionamiento Terapéutico preconizado por Stefanelli, en una cliente acometida por Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar (TAB. El instrumento adoptado en la recolección de datos fue la observación participativa, el diario de campo y el histórico de enfermería. Se observó, ante el caso relatado, que el TAB es una sicopatología multifactorial, de carácter multifactorial, exigiendo así del enfermero una visión integrada en la implementación de los cuidados. Dentro de esta perspectiva, la Relación Terapéutica fue el método que promovió un vínculo breve, pero transformador de pensamientos, actitudes y reflexiones en la cliente. La experiencia fue importante, incluso, en la modificación de paradigmas personales sobre el cuidado psiquiátrico y en la comprensión de la enfermedad de la sanidad humana.

  17. Factores que afectan la carga electrostática en polvos cerámicos

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    Fernández, J. F.


    Full Text Available The phenomenon of electrostatic charge in ceramic powders takes place when the particle surfaces enter in contact between them or with the containers. The accumulation of electrostatic charge is of relevance in ceramic powders in view of their insulating character and the risk of explosions during the material handling. In this work the main factors that affect the appearance of intrinsic charge and tribo-charge in ceramic powder have been studied. In ceramic powders of alumina it has been verified that the smallest particle sizes present an increase of the electrostatic charge of negative polarity. A correlation has been observed between the nature of the OH -surface groups and the electrostatic charge. The intrinsic charge and the tribocharge in ceramic powders can be diminished by compensating the surface groups that support the charge. The dry dispersion of nanoparticles on microparticles allows surface charge compensation with a noticeable modification of the powder agglomeration.

    Los fenómenos de carga electroestática en polvos cerámicos se producen cuando las superficies de los mismos entran en contacto entre sí y con los elementos que las contienen. La acumulación de cargas electrostática es importante en polvos cerámicos dado su carácter aislante y debido al riesgo de explosiones por descarga. En este trabajo se estudian los principales factores que afectan a la aparición de carga neta y la tribocarga en las partículas de polvo cerámico. En polvos cerámicos de alúmina se ha comprobado que las partículas más finas presentan un aumento de la carga electrostática con una polaridad negativa. Se ha observado una correlación entre la naturaleza de los grupos OH- superficiales y la carga electrostática. La carga neta y la tribocarga en polvos cerámicos se pueden reducir si se compensan los sitios superficiales que soportan dicha carga. La dispersión en seco de nanopartículas sobre micropartículas permite la

  18. Os efeitos da idade na seleção de carga perceptual

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    Vanessa Coelho de Sousa

    Full Text Available Algumas pesquisas sugerem a existência de momentos distintos de maturação do sistema atentivo. O presente estudo investigou os padrões de seleção da informação visual através de uma tarefa de carga perceptual executada por três grupos etários: crianças, adultos e idosos. De maneira geral os resultados obtidos indicaram uma diminuição da eficiência no processo de seleção da informação em condições de baixa carga perceptual na população de idosos e uma diminuição da eficiência da seleção em condições de alta e baixa carga perceptual na população composta por crianças. Estes resultados sugerem a existência de padrões específicos na seleção da informação visual em função da idade e da carga perceptual a ser processada pelo sistema visual.

  19. Avaliação do desenvolvimento cognitivo e afetivo-social de crianças com perda auditiva

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    Maria de Lourdes M. Tabaquim


    Full Text Available OBEJTIVO: avaliar o nível de desenvolvimento cognitivo e afetivo-social de crianças com diagnóstico de deficiência auditiva. MÉTODO: participaram do estudo 50 crianças com diagnóstico de deficiência auditiva, com idade média de 16,1 meses, de ambos os gêneros. Empregou-se a entrevista semi-estruturada com os pais para a obtenção da história de vida da criança, a Escala de Desenvolvimento Comportamental e a Escala de Avaliação da Reação de Retração do Bebê. RESULTADO: o estudo identificou 80% das crianças com perda auditiva profunda bilateral. O Quociente de Desenvolvimento na normalidade ocorreu em 76% da amostra, sendo as funções da linguagem e pessoal-social, as mais prejudicadas. Os níveis de ajustamento afetivo e interacional foram caracterizados pelas reações de alarme para problemas de interação pessoal-social. CONCLUSÃO: as competências defasadas de habilidades verbais e não-verbais mostraram implicações no desenvolvimento cognitivo, sugestivas da condição da criança com perda auditiva e dos fatores de risco associados, com limitação circunstancial a trocas comunicativas que promovem o desenvolvimento de competências adaptativas e o fortalecimento da auto-estima para as relações.

  20. Bipolar Treatment: Are Bipolar I and Bipolar II Treated Differently? (United States)

    ... The diagnosis and management of bipolar I and bipolar II disorders: Clinical practice update. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2017;92:1532. Haynes PL, et al. Social rhythm therapies for mood disorders: An update. Current Psychiatry Reports. ...

  1. Aplicando un Algoritmo Genético para Balancear Carga Dinámicamente en Ambientes Distribuidos Orientados a Objetos (CORBA)


    Fco. Javier Luna Rosas; Rene Tristán Ávila; J. de Jesús Martínez Pedroza


    Balancear Carga significa como distribuir procesos entre procesadores conectados por una red, para equilibrar la carga de trabajo entre ellos. Los algoritmos de planeación distribuida global pueden ser divididos en dos grandes grupos: algoritmos de balanceo de carga dinámica y algoritmos de balanceo de carga estática. Los algoritmos de balanceo de carga estática, también referenciados como planeación de tareas obtienen la localización de todos sus requerimientos antes de comenzar su ...



    Agudelo, Laura; Velilla, Esteban; López, Jesús M


    En este artículo se presenta una metodología para estimar la curva de carga de transformadores de potencia utilizando redes neuronales artificiales. Para implementar la metodología propuesta se utilizaron datos reales de dos transformadores ubicados en diferentes zonas geográficas y con diferentes condiciones de operación. La técnica de estimación de carga fue implementada con datos históricos de la empresa Interconexión Eléctrica S.A (ISA). Para realizar la predicción de las curvas de carga ...


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    Pablo Emilio Rozo García


    Full Text Available En este documento se describe el proyecto correspondiente a el diseño e implementación de un banco de carga de tipo resistivo para pruebas de carga en Sistemas de alimentación ininterrumpidas monofásicas de capacidades comprendidas entre 1 KVA y 2 KVA. La estructura del proyecto presenta inicialmente la descripción teórica sobre los conceptos fundamentales en electrónica de potencia y en referencia con los bancos de carga que se encuentran actualmente en el mercado. Posteriormente se realiza el diseño del banco de carga resistivo con base en la investigación ya existente y finalmente se implementa el diseño, resaltando los resultados obtenidos, conclusiones, dificultades técnicas y  mejoras al proyecto. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se entrega una herramienta de trabajo para la industria de sistemas de potencia en general y material de investigación en áreas relacionadas con el análisis de la calidad de energía y electrónica de potencia.

  4. The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy in treating bipolar disorder: a randomized controlled study A eficácia da terapia cognitivo-comportamental para o tratamento do transtorno bipolar: um estudo controlado e randomizado

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    Rafael Thomaz da Costa


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Recent studies suggest that, when combined with pharmacotherapy, structured psychotherapy may modify the course of bipolar disorder. However, there are few studies that have examined the effects of cognitive behavioral group therapy on the course of this disorder. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 14 sessions of cognitive behavioral group therapy, combined with pharmacotherapy, on the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder, and to compare our results against those from the use of pharmacotherapy alone. METHOD: Forty-one patients with bipolar I and II disorder participated in the study and were randomly allocated to one of two treatment groups; thirty-seven patients remained in the study until its completion. Mood and anxiety symptoms were measured in all subjects. Statistical analysis was used to investigate if the groups differed with respect to demographic characteristics and the scores recorded in the pre- and post-treatment stages, as well as during treatment (intra/inter groups. RESULTS: Patients showed statistically similar population characteristics. The association of cognitive behavioral group therapy and pharmacological treatment proved to be effective. Patients who had undergone cognitive behavioral group therapy presented fewer symptoms of mania, depression and anxiety, as well as fewer and shorter mood change episodes. CONCLUSION: Cognitive behavioral group therapy sessions substantially contributed to the improvement of depression symptoms.OBJETIVO: Estudos recentes sugerem que uma psicoterapia estruturada aplicada junto com a farmacoterapia pode alterar o curso do transtorno afetivo bipolar. Entretanto, poucos estudos investigam os resultados da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo sobre este transtorno psiquiátrico. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a eficácia de 14 sessões de terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo concomitante à farmacoterapia para bipolares e

  5. The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy in treating bipolar disorder: a randomized controlled study A eficácia da terapia cognitivo-comportamental para o tratamento do transtorno bipolar: um estudo controlado e randomizado

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    Rafael Thomaz da Costa


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Recent studies suggest that, when combined with pharmacotherapy, structured psychotherapy may modify the course of bipolar disorder. However, there are few studies that have examined the effects of cognitive behavioral group therapy on the course of this disorder. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 14 sessions of cognitive behavioral group therapy, combined with pharmacotherapy, on the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder, and to compare our results against those from the use of pharmacotherapy alone. METHOD: Forty-one patients with bipolar I and II disorder participated in the study and were randomly allocated to one of two treatment groups; thirty-seven patients remained in the study until its completion. Mood and anxiety symptoms were measured in all subjects. Statistical analysis was used to investigate if the groups differed with respect to demographic characteristics and the scores recorded in the pre- and post-treatment stages, as well as during treatment (intra/inter groups. RESULTS: Patients showed statistically similar population characteristics. The association of cognitive behavioral group therapy and pharmacological treatment proved to be effective. Patients who had undergone cognitive behavioral group therapy presented fewer symptoms of mania, depression and anxiety, as well as fewer and shorter mood change episodes. CONCLUSION: Cognitive behavioral group therapy sessions substantially contributed to the improvement of depression symptoms.OBJETIVO: Estudos recentes sugerem que uma psicoterapia estruturada aplicada junto com a farmacoterapia pode alterar o curso do transtorno afetivo bipolar. Entretanto, poucos estudos investigam os resultados da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo sobre este transtorno psiquiátrico. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a eficácia de 14 sessões de terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo concomitante à farmacoterapia para bipolares e

  6. Aspectos afetivos e o desempenho acadêmico de escolares Affective behavior and academic achievement

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    Adriana Vilela Jacob


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se caracterizar através do Desenho da Casa-Árvore-Pessoa (HTP e do Teste das Pirâmides Coloridas de Pfister (TPC o funcionamento afetivo de 50 crianças com idade entre 8 e 12 anos, de ambos os sexos, com nível intelectual médio. Elas foram distribuídas em dois grupos de 25 sujeitos, um deles com atraso escolar, e o outro grupo apresentando desempenho escolar satisfatório e idade compatível à série cursada. Observou-se através destas técnicas que o rendimento escolar rebaixado nas crianças do grupo com atraso escolar pareceu relacionado a sentimentos de fracasso e a uma auto-imagem depreciativa. No grupo de crianças sem atraso escolar predominou, uma melhor utilização dos recursos intelectuais e afetivos, contudo associado a elevado nível de exigência. O estudo das variáveis afetivas e sua associação ao rendimento escolar puderam favorecer uma compreensão mais aprofundada da maneira como as crianças estão experimentando esta etapa do desenvolvimento.Using the House-Tree-Person Drawing (HTP and the Color Pyramid Test (CPT we aimed at characterizing the affective behavior of 50 children of average intellectual level, male and female, aged from 8 to 12 years. Two groups of 25 subjects each were formed: one presenting school delay and another with satisfactory school performance and age compatible with school grade. The used techniques showed that low school performance among the children with school delay seemed to be related to feelings of failure and a low self-esteem. In the group with no school delay prevailed a better use of affective and intellectual resources, but associated to high demand. The study of affective variables and their association with school performance lead to a deeper understanding of the way the children are experiencing their developing stage.

  7. Is bipolar always bipolar? Understanding the controversy on bipolar disorder in children (United States)

    Grimmer, Yvonne; Hohmann, Sarah


    Dramatically increasing prevalence rates of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents in the United States have provoked controversy regarding the boundaries of manic symptoms in child and adolescent psychiatry. The serious impact of this ongoing debate on the treatment of affected children is reflected in the concomitant increase in prescription rates for antipsychotic medication. A key question in the debate is whether this increase in bipolar disorder in children and adolescents is based on a better detection of early-onset bipolar disorder—which can present differently in children and adolescents—or whether it is caused by an incorrect assignment of symptoms which overlap with other widely known disorders. So far, most findings suggest that the suspected symptoms, in particular chronic, non-episodic irritability (a mood symptom presenting with easy annoyance, temper tantrums and anger) do not constitute a developmental presentation of childhood bipolar disorder. Additional research based on prospective, longitudinal studies is needed to further clarify the developmental trajectories of bipolar disorder and the diagnostic status of chronic, non-episodic irritability. PMID:25580265

  8. Teoría de la carga cognitiva, diseño multimedia y aprendizaje: un estado del arte (Cognitive Load Theory, Design and Multimedia Learning: A State of the Art (Théorie de la charge cognitive, dessin multimédia et apprentissage: un état de l′art (Teoria da carga cognitiva, desenho multimídia e aprendizagem: um estado da arte

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    Luis Alejandro Andrade Lotero


    'apprentissage.ResumoNeste artigo de revisão se apresenta um resumo da teoria da carga cog- nitiva e da teoria cognitiva da apren- dizagem multimídia. Apresentam-se alguns exemplos de pesquisas empí- ricas e se reflete a respeito do valor explicativo destas teorias da aprendi- zagem. São expostos dez princípios para o desenho de material instru- cional. Afirma-se também que outras pesquisas encontraram limitações no uso e prática destas teorias. Estas se referem principalmente à medição da carga cognitiva, à experiência e conhecimento prévio dos aprendizes, bem como à motivação e aspectos afetivos que intervêm no processo de aprendizagem.

  9. Función del diafragma durante la colocación de cargas sobre el abdomen en sujetos normales

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    Sergio G. Monteiro


    Full Text Available Los efectos de las cargas en el abdomen con el objeto de producir entrenamiento del diafragma, no han sido suficientemente evaluados. Estudiamos la función del diafragma durante la colocación de cargas sobre el abdomen y con cambios en el patrón respiratorio. Se estudiaron 6 voluntarios normales. Se obtuvo flujo en la boca, presión gástrica (Pga, presión esofágica (Pes, movimiento torácico (TX y abdominal (AB, presión inspiratoria máxima (PImax y presión transdiafragmática media (Pdi y máxima (Pdimax. Se calculó la relación Pdi/Pdimax y el índice tensión-tiempo del diafragma (TTdi. Etapas: patrón normal (PN, patrón abdominal (PA y carga de 1, 2, 4 y 6 kg con PN y PA. El PA fue facilitado por las cargas sobre el abdomen. Solo con 6 kg (PN y PA la Pga a capacidad residual funcional aumentó significativamente (p 0.001. La Pdi siguió a las variaciones de la Pga y aumentó con todos los PA (p < 0.001. Con PA y carga el índice TTdi alcanzó un valor de 0.05 ± 0.02 (p < 0.001. Las cargas no aumentaron este índice más de lo que hizo el PA solo. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las cargas sobre el abdomen aumentan la propiocepción relacionada con los movimientos respiratorios y descenso del diafragma. Las cargas producen cambios leves en la mecánica del diafragma (en sujetos normales, 1/3 de la carga necesaria para desarrollar fatiga. En sujetos normales estos cambios parecen ser insuficientes para producir entrenamiento de los músculos respiratorios.

  10. Uso público y capacidad de carga perceptual en espacios naturales protegidos

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    Felipe Leco Berrocal


    Full Text Available Este trabajo muestra algunos de los resultados de la investigación realizada en el Proyecto «Las áreas de uso público en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Monfragüe. Accesibilidad y capacidad de carga» (Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2004-2007. Orden MAM/321/207. Expte. 024/SGTB/2007/4.1. En líneas generales, se presenta un estudio de las principales áreas de uso público desde la perspectiva de la capacidad de carga, ya que dichas áreas polarizan por regla general los flujos de usuarios, las inversiones y son el eje principal sobre el que descansa la afluencia de usuarios al Parque, por ello es necesario evaluar no sólo la capacidad de carga sino también la intensidad de su uso.

  11. DeepBipolar: Identifying genomic mutations for bipolar disorder via deep learning. (United States)

    Laksshman, Sundaram; Bhat, Rajendra Rana; Viswanath, Vivek; Li, Xiaolin


    Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a brain disorder that affects the brain structure of a patient. It results in extreme mood swings, severe states of depression, and overexcitement simultaneously. It is estimated that roughly 3% of the population of the United States (about 5.3 million adults) suffers from bipolar disorder. Recent research efforts like the Twin studies have demonstrated a high heritability factor for the disorder, making genomics a viable alternative for detecting and treating bipolar disorder, in addition to the conventional lengthy and costly postsymptom clinical diagnosis. Motivated by this study, leveraging several emerging deep learning algorithms, we design an end-to-end deep learning architecture (called DeepBipolar) to predict bipolar disorder based on limited genomic data. DeepBipolar adopts the Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) architecture that automatically extracts features from genotype information to predict the bipolar phenotype. We participated in the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI) bipolar disorder challenge and DeepBipolar was considered the most successful by the independent assessor. In this work, we thoroughly evaluate the performance of DeepBipolar and analyze the type of signals we believe could have affected the classifier in distinguishing the case samples from the control set. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Progression along the Bipolar Spectrum: A Longitudinal Study of Predictors of Conversion from Bipolar Spectrum Conditions to Bipolar I and II Disorders (United States)

    Alloy, Lauren B.; Urošević, Snežana; Abramson, Lyn Y.; Jager-Hyman, Shari; Nusslock, Robin; Whitehouse, Wayne G.; Hogan, Michael


    Little longitudinal research has examined progression to more severe bipolar disorders in individuals with “soft” bipolar spectrum conditions. We examine rates and predictors of progression to bipolar I and II diagnoses in a non-patient sample of college-age participants (n = 201) with high General Behavior Inventory scores and childhood or adolescent onset of “soft” bipolar spectrum disorders followed longitudinally for 4.5 years from the Longitudinal Investigation of Bipolar Spectrum (LIBS) project. Of 57 individuals with initial cyclothymia or bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (BiNOS) diagnoses, 42.1% progressed to a bipolar II diagnosis and 10.5% progressed to a bipolar I diagnosis. Of 144 individuals with initial bipolar II diagnoses, 17.4% progressed to a bipolar I diagnosis. Consistent with hypotheses derived from the clinical literature and the Behavioral Approach System (BAS) model of bipolar disorder, and controlling for relevant variables (length of follow-up, initial depressive and hypomanic symptoms, treatment-seeking, and family history), high BAS sensitivity (especially BAS Fun Seeking) predicted a greater likelihood of progression to bipolar II disorder, whereas early age of onset and high impulsivity predicted a greater likelihood of progression to bipolar I (high BAS sensitivity and Fun-Seeking also predicted progression to bipolar I when family history was not controlled). The interaction of high BAS and high Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) sensitivities also predicted greater likelihood of progression to bipolar I. We discuss implications of the findings for the bipolar spectrum concept, the BAS model of bipolar disorder, and early intervention efforts. PMID:21668080

  13. A YinYang bipolar fuzzy cognitive TOPSIS method to bipolar disorder diagnosis. (United States)

    Han, Ying; Lu, Zhenyu; Du, Zhenguang; Luo, Qi; Chen, Sheng


    Bipolar disorder is often mis-diagnosed as unipolar depression in the clinical diagnosis. The main reason is that, different from other diseases, bipolarity is the norm rather than exception in bipolar disorder diagnosis. YinYang bipolar fuzzy set captures bipolarity and has been successfully used to construct a unified inference mathematical modeling method to bipolar disorder clinical diagnosis. Nevertheless, symptoms and their interrelationships are not considered in the existing method, circumventing its ability to describe complexity of bipolar disorder. Thus, in this paper, a YinYang bipolar fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making method to bipolar disorder clinical diagnosis is developed. Comparing with the existing method, the new one is more comprehensive. The merits of the new method are listed as follows: First of all, multi-criteria group decision making method is introduced into bipolar disorder diagnosis for considering different symptoms and multiple doctors' opinions. Secondly, the discreet diagnosis principle is adopted by the revised TOPSIS method. Last but not the least, YinYang bipolar fuzzy cognitive map is provided for the understanding of interrelations among symptoms. The illustrated case demonstrates the feasibility, validity, and necessity of the theoretical results obtained. Moreover, the comparison analysis demonstrates that the diagnosis result is more accurate, when interrelations about symptoms are considered in the proposed method. In a conclusion, the main contribution of this paper is to provide a comprehensive mathematical approach to improve the accuracy of bipolar disorder clinical diagnosis, in which both bipolarity and complexity are considered. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Alcance y limitaciones de la carga dinámica de la prueba en el proceso judicial


    Montilla Rosero, Carmen Alicia; Jiménez Pascuaza, Johana Marcela


    La carga dinámica de la prueba hace parte del derecho probatorio que le brinda más beneficios a la parte procesal que se encuentre en mejores condiciones de hacerlo. Este tipo de carga procesal fue usada por el Consejo de Estado para resolver episodios de responsabilidad administrativa por la actividad médica entre los años 1990 a 2006, debido a las dificultades con las que contaba el paciente para probar hechos constitutivos de la falla del servicio médico estatal. Al inicio, la carga probat...

  15. El sistema de transporte de carga en la Ciudad de México. Factores a considerar en el análisis del transporte de carga y la movilidad de mercancías

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    Floriu00E1n Rosa Martu00EDnez Perdomo


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta un análisis del sistema de transporte de carga en la Ciudad de México desde el punto de vista sistémico, considerando las variables económicas, políticas, técnicas, sociales que permitan comprender la problemática que actualmente enfrenta esta ciudad en la movilidad de mercancías. Es una reflexión de carácter multidisciplinario basada en el método cualitativo para explicar y comprender la situación actual del transporte de carga en México dentro del contexto de la globalización económica, para identificar así la naturaleza profunda de la estructura dinámica del transporte de carga en la Ciudad y la nueva forma de conceptualizar al transporte de mercancías. Se estudia el comportamiento de los flujos e infraestructura de las redes viales, las características urbanas, los instrumentos jurídicos en las políticas del transporte, la problemática del transporte de carga, así como la movilidad y los diferentes problemas que enfrenta el sector en relación con la ciudad. El objetivo principal de presente artículo es enunciar las razones por las que no existe un sistema de transporte articulado y se privilegia el uso del autotransporte de carga. Finalmente, de acuerdo a las diversas variables analizadas, se establece en las conclusiones que el análisis y la planificación de los transportes debe ser multi e interdisciplinario por naturaleza, con una visión integral para establecer un equilibrio entre los modos de transporte.

  16. Estructuras de elevadores de carga. // Dumbwaiter structure stress analysis.

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    G. Escobar Travieso


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las tensiones y deformaciones que ocurren en las estructuras del marco de carro,plataforma y cabina de elevadores de carga mediante la aplicación del Método de los Elementos Finitos, específicamentedel montaplatos de 300 Kg. de capacidad, con vista a realizar el análisis de resistencia, racionalización del peso y material ylas posibles vías de solución.Palabras claves: Elevador de carga, estructuras, análisis de tensiones, elementos finitos.________________________________________________________________________________AbstractThis paper deals with the tension and deformation analysis in structures of lifter mark, platform and cabin offreight lifters by means of the Finite Elements Method, specifically the 300 kgs capacity dumbwaiter, in orderto carry out the resistance analysis, weight and material rationalization.Key words: Dumbwaiter, structures, stress analysis, finite elements.

  17. Estructuras de elevadores de carga. // Dumbwaiter structure stress analysis.

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    G. Escobar Travieso


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las tensiones y deformaciones que ocurren en las estructuras del marco de carro,plataforma y cabina de elevadores de carga mediante la aplicación del Método de los Elementos Finitos, específicamentedel montaplatos de 300 Kg. de capacidad, con vista a realizar el análisis de resistencia, racionalización del peso y material ylas posibles vías de solución.Palabras claves: Elevador de carga, estructuras, análisis de tensiones, elementos finitos._______________________________________________________________________________AbstractThis paper deals with the tension and deformation analysis in structures of lifter mark, platform and cabin offreight lifters by means of the Finite Elements Method, specifically the 300 kgs capacity dumbwaiter, in orderto carry out the resistance analysis, weight and material rationalization.Key words: Dumbwaiter, structures, stress analysis, finite elements.

  18. Reforma de edificios antiguos. El rasgado de huecos en muros de carga


    Soto Pardo, M.


    La apertura de huecos en muros de carga es una operación frecuente en la reforma de edificios antiguos. Una correcta ejecución exige la puesta en carga de la estructura sustentante —normalmente un pórtico metálico— mediante gatos hidráulicos o algo similar, cosa que suele omitirse, dando lugar a dos problemas diferentes: uno, el desprendimiento diferido del área de descarga, con alarmantes fisuraciones y otro, sin efectos ostensibles, pero mucho más peligroso, como es la sobrecarga elevadísim...

  19. Bipolar disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vieta, Eduard; Berk, Michael; Schulze, Thomas G


    Bipolar disorders are chronic and recurrent disorders that affect >1% of the global population. Bipolar disorders are leading causes of disability in young people as they can lead to cognitive and functional impairment and increased mortality, particularly from suicide and cardiovascular disease...... and accurate diagnosis is difficult in clinical practice as the onset of bipolar disorder is commonly characterized by nonspecific symptoms, mood lability or a depressive episode, which can be similar in presentation to unipolar depression. Moreover, patients and their families do not always understand...... a bipolar disorder from other conditions. Optimal early treatment of patients with evidence-based medication (typically mood stabilizers and antipsychotics) and psychosocial strategies is necessary....

  20. Neutrality in bipolar structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Montero, Javier; Rodríguez, J. Tinguaro; Franco, Camilo


    In this paper, we want to stress that bipolar knowledge representation naturally allows a family of middle states which define as a consequence different kinds of bipolar structures. These bipolar structures are deeply related to the three types of bipolarity introduced by Dubois and Prade, but our...... approach offers a systematic explanation of how such bipolar structures appear and can be identified....

  1. Análisis de grupos de pilotes sometidos a cargas de sismo

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    Carlos Javier Sainea Vargas


    Full Text Available Se presentan los análisis de los resultados obtenidos al emplear la metodología p-y en el análisis de un amplio número de modelos de grupos de pilotes, en los que se aplicaron modificaciones a las curvas p-y para la inclusión de los efectos de grupo y carga sísmica; dichos modelos han sido elaborados incluyendo diferentes configuraciones geométricas de los grupos, y varios tipos de suelos de cimentación. Para el análisis de los modelos se ha empleado el software especializado FB-Multipier, que, además de incluir la metodología elegida, permite la aplicación de cargas sísmicas reales, como las dadas por señales acelerográficas. A partir de los resultados de deflexiones y momentos obtenidos en el análisis de losmodelos, se presentan algunas observaciones sobre el comportamiento de los grupos de pilotes sometidos a carga sísmica y se incluyen consideraciones referentes a su diseño.

  2. Bipolar affective disorder: medication adherence and satisfaction with treatment and guidance by the health team in a mental health service El trastorno afectivo bipolar: adhesión al medicamento y satisfacción con el tratamiento y orientaciones del equipo de salud de un núcleo de salud mental Transtorno afetivo bipolar: adesão ao medicamento e satisfação com o tratamento e orientações da equipe de saúde de um núcleo de saúde mental

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    Adriana Inocenti Miasso


    investigación apunta para la necesidad de elaborar estrategias dirigidas a la promoción de la adhesión a la terapia medicamentosa en pacientes con TAB.O transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB é crônico e requer tratamento medicamentoso para seu controle. Este estudo verificou a adesão de pessoas com TAB à medicação e comparou, entre aderentes e não aderentes, a satisfação quanto à equipe de saúde e tratamento. Participaram do estudo 21 pacientes com TAB atendidos em um Núcleo de Saúde Mental. Foi realizada entrevista com aplicação do teste de Morisky-Green e de um instrumento elaborado pelas pesquisadoras. Os dados foram analisados com abordagem quali-quantitativa. Os resultados mostraram que a maior parte dos pacientes não adere ao tratamento medicamentoso por "comportamento não intencional". A maioria deles afirma satisfação com a efetividade do medicamento e com as informações recebidas sobre o mesmo, mas foram identidificados relatos de efeitos colaterais, dúvidas e falta de motivação para seguir o tratamento. Esta pesquisa aponta para a necessidade de estratégias direcionadas à promoção da adesão à terapia medicamentosa em pacientes com TAB.

  3. The thermodynamics of bipolarity: a bifurcation model of bipolar illness and bipolar character and its psychotherapeutic applications. (United States)

    Sabelli, H C; Carlson-Sabelli, L; Javaid, J I


    Two models dominate current formulations of bipolar illness: the homeostatic model implicit in Freud's psychodynamics and most neuroamine deficit/excess theories; and the oscillatory model of exaggerated biological rhythms. The homeostatic model is based on the closed systems approach of classic thermodynamics, while the oscillatory model requires the open systems approach of modern thermodynamics. Here we present a thermodynamic model of bipolarity that includes both homeostatic and oscillatory features and adds the most important feature of open systems thermodynamics: the creation of novel structures in bifurcation processes. According to the proposed model, bipolarity is the result of exaggerated biological energy that augments homeostatic, oscillatory and creative psychological processes. Only low-energy closed systems tend to rest ("point attractor") and entropic disorder. Open processes containing and exchanging energy fluctuate between opposite states ("periodic attractors"); they are characteristic of most physiological rhythms and are exaggerated in bipolar subjects. At higher energies, their strong fluctuations destroy pre-existing patterns and structures, produce turbulence ("chaotic attractors"), which sudden switches between opposite states, and create new and more complex structures. Likewise, high-energy bipolars develop high spontaneity, great fluctuations between opposite moods, internal and interpersonal chaos, and enhanced creativity (personal, artistic, professional) as well as psychopathology (personality deviations, psychotic delusions). Offered here is a theoretical explanation of the dual--creative and destructive--nature of bipolarity in terms of the new enantiodromic concept of entropy generalized by process theory. Clinically, this article offers an integrative model of bipolarity that accounts for many clinical features and contributes to a definition of the bipolar personality.

  4. Carga diferida en implantología Delayed loading in implantology

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    J.C. de Vicente Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La implantología dental se ha convertido en una práctica con bases científicas con el descubrimiento de la biología de la oseointegración. El protocolo terapéutico clásico implicaba mantener los implantes libres de carga hasta que estuviesen oseointegrados. Sin embargo, las desventajas de este procedimiento condujeron posteriormente al desarrollo de un nuevo protocolo, en el que los implantes son cargados de forma inmediata tras su colocación. Sin embargo, este nuevo abordaje suscita dudas acerca de su destino último que aún no han sido resueltas. El objetivo del presente artículo es (i revisar y analizar críticamente las bases biológicas de la carga de los implantes y (ii proponer guías orientativas para elegir el momento ideal de carga de los mismos, en función de variables clínicas. Como conclusión, se establece que si bien las cargas inmediata y diferida proporcionan los mismos resultados en diversas situaciones, la segunda es preferible en presencia de determinados factores de riesgo para el éxito de la primera.Implant dentistry has become a scientifically based practice with the discovery of the biological basis of osseointegration. In the classical protocol, implants were load-free while bone was healing around them to ensure predictable osseointegration. However, several disadvantages of this approach have lead recently to a new protocol based on loading implants immediately after their placement. But, several questions about the outcome of this approach remain unanswered. Therefore, the aim of the present review article is to (i review and analyze critically the biological basis of the load of implants, and (ii propose guidelines for choosing the ideal moment to load dental implants, based on clinical variables. As a conclusion, delayed loading of implants remains the best protocol in several clinical situations.

  5. Carga de trabajo en tres grupos de pacientes de UCI Española según el Nursing Activities Score

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    Francisco Javier Carmona-Monge

    Full Text Available Se objetivó valorizar la carga de trabajo al ingreso y al alta en tres grupos de pacientes (síndrome coronario agudo, insuficiencia respiratoria aguda y sepsis en terapia intensiva. Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de 27 meses, incluyéndose 563 pacientes, valorando carga de trabajo según Nursing Activities Score. Existieron diferencias significativas en la carga de trabajo al ingreso y en el alta entre los grupos de pacientes, siendo superior en ambos momentos la de pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda y sepsis frente a pacientes coronarios. Durante los siete primeros días de estancia se mantuvo esta diferencia, desapareciendo a partir del octavo día, equilibrándose la carga de trabajo para los tres grupos. Para conseguir una adecuada dotación de personal es fundamental contar con instrumentos para medir las necesidades de cuidados y conocer la carga de trabajo de los distintos grupos de enfermos que ingresan con mayor frecuencia en las unidades de terapia intensiva.

  6. Carga de trabajo en tres grupos de pacientes de UCI Española según el Nursing Activities Score

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    Francisco Javier Carmona-Monge


    Full Text Available Se objetivó valorizar la carga de trabajo al ingreso y al alta en tres grupos de pacientes (síndrome coronario agudo, insuficiencia respiratoria aguda y sepsis en terapia intensiva. Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de 27 meses, incluyéndose 563 pacientes, valorando carga de trabajo según Nursing Activities Score. Existieron diferencias significativas en la carga de trabajo al ingreso y en el alta entre los grupos de pacientes, siendo superior en ambos momentos la de pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda y sepsis frente a pacientes coronarios. Durante los siete primeros días de estancia se mantuvo esta diferencia, desapareciendo a partir del octavo día, equilibrándose la carga de trabajo para los tres grupos. Para conseguir una adecuada dotación de personal es fundamental contar con instrumentos para medir las necesidades de cuidados y conocer la carga de trabajo de los distintos grupos de enfermos que ingresan con mayor frecuencia en las unidades de terapia intensiva.

  7. Bipolar disorder in adolescence. (United States)

    DeFilippis, Melissa; Wagner, Karen Dineen


    Bipolar disorder is a serious psychiatric condition that may have onset in childhood. It is important for physicians to recognize the symptoms of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents in order to accurately diagnose this illness early in its course. Evidence regarding the efficacy of various treatments is necessary to guide the management of bipolar disorder in youth. For example, several medications commonly used for adults with bipolar disorder have not shown efficacy for children and adolescents with bipolar disorder. This article reviews the prevalence, diagnosis, course, and treatment of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents and provides physicians with information that will aid in diagnosis and treatment.

  8. Cuantificación y control de la carga de entrenamiento y competición en fútbol


    Recuenco Serrano, David


    El estudio de la carga interna y la carga externa en el fútbol ha suscitado un gran interés en los últimos años. Desde la perspectiva de la carga interna, es necesario estudiar y conocer variables que nos permitan su análisis de forma rápida y poco invasiva. Esto puede conseguirse mediante el uso de métodos subjetivos como los test psicométricos o la escala de esfuerzo percibido RPE y métodos novedosos aplicados al deporte, como el registro de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca (VFC). ...

  9. Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness. People who have it go through unusual mood changes. They go ... The down feeling is depression. The causes of bipolar disorder aren't always clear. It runs in families. ...

  10. Análisis de grupos de pilotes sometidos a cargas de sismo

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    Carlos Javier Sainea Vargas


    Full Text Available Se presentan los análisis de los resultados obtenidos al emplear la metodología p-y en el análisis de un amplio número de modelos de grupos de pilotes, en los que se aplicaron modificaciones a las curvas p-y para la inclusión de los efectos de grupo y carga sísmica; dichos modelos han sido elaborados incluyendo diferentes configuraciones geométricas de los grupos, y varios tipos de suelos de cimentación. Para el análisis de los modelos se ha empleado el software especializado FB-Multipier, que, además de incluir la metodología elegida, permite la aplicación de cargas sísmicas reales, como las dadas por señales acelerográficas. A partir de los resultados de deflexiones y momentos obtenidos en el análisis de losmodelos, se presentan algunas observaciones sobre el comportamiento de los grupos de pilotes sometidos a carga sísmica y se incluyen consideraciones referentes a su diseño.

  11. Estudio Psicométrico del Índice de Carga Mental NASA-TLX con una Muestra de Trabajadores Españoles

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    Eva Díaz Ramiro


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento de evaluación de la carga mental de trabajo NASA-TLX en distintos grupos profesionales españoles. La muestra estuvo formada por 398 trabajadores que pertenecían a siete sectores profesionales diferentes. Todos los trabajadores evaluaron la carga mental percibida en sus puestos de trabajo, debida a cada una de las seis dimensiones de carga que distingue el NASA-TLX: esfuerzo, demanda mental, demanda física, demanda temporal, rendimiento y frustración. Los resultados mostraron una consistencia interna aceptable y una estructura factorial constituida por dos factores. Uno de los factores estaba formado únicamente por la dimensión "frustración", mientras que el otro factor englobaba a las cinco dimensiones restantes. Por último, se encontraron diferencias importantes en los perfiles de carga mental entre los grupos profesionales considerados, en todas las dimensiones de carga, excepto en rendimiento.

  12. Novel multiple criteria decision making methods based on bipolar neutrosophic sets and bipolar neutrosophic graphs


    Muhammad, Akram; Musavarah, Sarwar


    In this research study, we introduce the concept of bipolar neutrosophic graphs. We present the dominating and independent sets of bipolar neutrosophic graphs. We describe novel multiple criteria decision making methods based on bipolar neutrosophic sets and bipolar neutrosophic graphs. We also develop an algorithm for computing domination in bipolar neutrosophic graphs.

  13. Imunologia do transtorno bipolar Immunology of bipolar disorder

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    Izabela Guimarães Barbosa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Pesquisas recentes têm implicado fatores imunes na patogênese de diversos transtornos neuropsiquiátricos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é revisar os trabalhos que investigaram a associação entre transtorno bipolar e alterações em parâmetros imunes. MÉTODOS: Artigos que incluíam as palavras-chave: "bipolar disorder", "mania", "immunology", "cytokines", "chemokines", "interleukins", "interferon" e "tumor necrosis factor" foram selecionados em uma revisão sistemática da literatura. As bases de dados avaliadas foram MedLine e Scopus, entre os anos de 1980 e 2008. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 28 trabalhos que estudaram alterações imunes em pacientes com transtorno bipolar. Seis artigos investigaram genes relacionados à resposta imune; cinco, autoanticorpos; quatro, populações leucocitárias; 13, citocinas e/ou moléculas relacionadas à resposta imune e seis, leucócitos de pacientes in vitro. CONCLUSÕES: Embora haja evidências na literatura correlacionando o transtorno bipolar a alterações imunes, os dados não são conclusivos. O transtorno bipolar parece estar associado a níveis mais elevados de autoanticorpos circulantes, assim como à tendência à ativação imune com produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e redução de parâmetros anti-inflamatórios.OBJECTIVE: Emerging research has implicated immune factors in the pathogenesis of a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders. The objective of the present paper is to review the studies that investigated the association between bipolar disorder and immune parameters. METHODS: Papers that included the keywords "bipolar to disorder", "mania", "immunology", "cytokines", "chemokines", "interleukins", "interferon" and "tumor necrosis factor" were selected in a systematic review of the literature. The evaluated databases were MedLine and Scopus in the period between 1980 and 2008. RESULTS: Twenty eight works were found. Six studies investigated immune response

  14. Auscultación y pruebas de carga


    Sánchez García, Ibán


    [ES] Trata sobre la auscultación de estructuras. Los diferentes tipos de pruebas de carga,en puentes de carretera y en puentes de ferrocarril, además de los aparatos de medida y forma de ejecutarlas. [EN] Explains auscultation of structures. The different types of load tests on road bridges and railway bridges, plus the measuring apparatus and method of executing them. Proyecto Fin de Carrera-Universidad de Salamanca, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Zamora, 2011

  15. Carga inmediata en implantes dentales Immediate loading of dental implants

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    C. Concejo Cútoli


    Full Text Available El protocolo de carga convencional en una o dos fases quirúrgicas ha sido evaluado durante los últimos 30 años bajo todas las condiciones clínicas posibles. En comparación, la carga inmediata es un protocolo relativamente nuevo que necesita de una estricta evaluación clínica. Realizamos una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre los ensayos clínicos publicados de carga inmediata en función de las diferentes opciones terapéuticas que se pueden plantear. Se hallaron resultados comparables para las dos estrategias de carga en mandíbulas edéntulas. Para el tratamiento con prótesis inmediata de maxilares totalmente edéntulos, restauraciones parciales e unitarias es todavía necesaria una selección adecuada de pacientes y un diseño conservador de la prótesis provisional. La necesidad de ensayos clínicos sencillos aleatorizados de doble ciego, con suficiente número de pacientes y adecuado seguimiento, que comparen una determinada situación clínica con un patrón oclusal de la prótesis provisional bien definido, son imprescindibles para acabar de confirmar la seguridad de la técnica.The protocol for conventional loading in one or two surgical stages has been evaluated over the last 30 years under all the possible clinical conditions. By comparison, immediate loading is a relatively new protocol that requires strict clinical evaluation. We conducted a search of the literature published concerning clinical trials on immediate loading according to the different therapeutic options that could be considered. Comparable results were found for both loading strategies in edentulous mandibles. For treatment involving an immediate prosthesis for totally edentulous mandibles, partial and single tooth restorations, patients have to be selected adequately and provisional prostheses have to be designed conservatively. In order to completely confirm the safety of the technique, double-blind, simple, randomized clinical trials have to be carried out with

  16. Genetic structure of personality factors and bipolar disorder in families segregating bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Hare, Elizabeth; Contreras, Javier; Raventos, Henriette; Flores, Deborah; Jerez, Alvaro; Nicolini, Humberto; Ontiveros, Alfonso; Almasy, Laura; Escamilla, Michael


    Bipolar disorder (BPD) has been associated with variations in personality dimensions, but the nature of this relationship has been unclear. In this study, the heritabilities of BPD and the Big Five personality factors and the genetic correlations between BPD and personality factors are reported. The participants in this study were 1073 individuals from 172 families of Mexican or Central American ancestry. Heritabilities and genetic correlations were calculated under a polygenic model using the maximum-likelihood method of obtaining variance components implemented in the SOLAR software package. Heritabilities of 0.49, 0.43, and 0.43 were found for the narrowest phenotype (schizoaffective bipolar and bipolar I), the intermediate phenotype (schizoaffective bipolar, bipolar I, and bipolar II), and the broadest phenotype (schizoaffective bipolar, bipolar I, bipolar II, and recurrent depression), respectively. For the Big Five personality factors, heritabilities were 0.25 for agreeableness, 0.24 for conscientiousness, 0.24 for extraversion, 0.23 for neuroticism, and 0.32 for openness to experience. For the narrowest phenotype, a significant negative correlation (-0.32) with extraversion was found. For the broadest phenotype, negative correlations were found for agreeableness (-0.35), conscientiousness (-0.39), and extraversion (-0.44). A positive correlation (0.37) was found with neuroticism. It is not possible to determine whether aspects of personality are factors in the development of bipolar disorder or vice versa. The short form of the NEO does not provide the ability to examine in detail which facets of extraversion are most closely related to bipolar disorder or to compare our results with studies that have used the long version of the scale. This study establishes a partial genetic basis for the Big Five personality factors in this set of families, while the environmental variances demonstrate that non-genetic factors are also important in their influence on

  17. Aplicación mediante ordenador del factor de acoplamiento en equipos de carga y transporte


    Ballester Muñoz, Francisco; Peral San Emeterio, Ángel


    RESUMEN. La coordinación entre los equipos de carga y transporte de materiales, es muy importante en los trabajos de movimiento de tierras, siendo el número de elementos y las dimensiones de los equipos de carga y transporte los factores básicos a determinar en todo proceso de optimización de operaciones, para lo cual se presenta un programa inforrnático de aplicación práctica.

  18. Una reseña de ensayos de carga no destructivos usados para la evaluación de puentes


    Jáuregui, David


    El objetivo principal de este artículo es de proveer un breve repaso de la actividad relacionada con la evaluación experimental de los puentes en los Estados Unidos. Los dos métodos de evaluación de carga aplicados por AASHTO (La Asociación Americana de Oficiales de Carreteras Estatales y Transporte) son presentados incluyendo el esfuerzo permisible (AS) y el factor de carga (LF). Además, son discutidos los detalles básicos de los dos tipos de ensayos de carga más comunes para la evaluación d...

  19. Análisis de estabilidad de una línea de transmisión con carga no lineal


    Rodríguez Lozoya, Rito Javier


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar un estudio sobre la estabilidad de una línea de transmisión con carga no lineal, en dos modalidades, la primera como una línea con parámetros concentrados y la segunda como una línea con parámetros distribuidos. Para ambos casos se utiliza la misma carga, un diodo tunel, ya que por sus características de ser un oscilador no lineal con múltiples puntos de equilibrio, representa un buen ejemplo para simular una carga no lineal en un...

  20. Carga mental en la mujer trabajadora: desigualdad de género y prevalencia

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    M.ª Carmen Fernández Felipe


    Full Text Available Introducción: La igualdad de género hay sido una preocupación introducida en los últimos años por instituciones tanto internacionales como nacionales. La cuestión de igualdad afecta también al ámbito laboral tanto en lo que se refiere a la distribución del trabajo como a la exposición a riesgos psicosociales, principalmente en economías basadas en la información y conocimiento. Los objetivos de este estudio se dirigen a identificar, entre la población trabajadora española, situaciones de desigualdad entre géneros en lo que se refiere a los diferentes componentes de la carga mental y estimar su prevalencia. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional de tipo transversal a partir de los datos recogidos de la «VII Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones del Trabajo» con una muestra de 8.892 trabajadores. Los datos se analizaron de forma bivariante utilizándose el test de Chi-Cuadrado para las variables cualitativas y el t-test para muestras independientes en el caso de variables cuantitativas. La significación se consideró con p < 0,05. Con el objeto de analizar la influencia de distintos factores potencialmente relacionados con componentes de la carga mental y su interacción, se realizó un análisis de regresión logística binaria con el método de inclusión retroceder por paso (Wald. Resultados: Los hombres manifiestan sufrir una menor carga mental que la mujer en relación con el ritmo de trabajo, OR = 0,89 (0,8-0.9, la prevalencia de un «Alto ritmo de trabajo» fue de (0,65‰ en mujeres con respecto a un 0,63‰ en hombres. Los hombres refirieron una menor carga mental por «exceso de trabajo» con respecto a las mujeres OR = 0,9 (0,8-1,0. Las mujeres con mayor frecuencia que el hombre se encuentran fatigadas por una sobrecarga de trabajo (0,37‰ 0,35‰ respectivamente. Conclusiones: Estos resultados no corroboran nuestra hipótesis inicial de que la mujer está expuesta a una mayor carga mental que el hombre

  1. Nutrition and Bipolar Depression. (United States)

    Beyer, John L; Payne, Martha E


    As with physical conditions, bipolar disorder is likely to be impacted by diet and nutrition. Patients with bipolar disorder have been noted to have relatively unhealthy diets, which may in part be the reason they also have an elevated risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity. An improvement in the quality of the diet should improve a bipolar patient's overall health risk profile, but it may also improve their psychiatric outcomes. New insights into biological dysfunctions that may be present in bipolar disorder have presented new theoretic frameworks for understanding the relationship between diet and bipolar disorder. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. El sistema de transporte de carga en la Ciudad de México. Factores a considerar en el análisis del transporte de carga y la movilidad de mercancías


    Floriu00E1n Rosa Martu00EDnez Perdomo


    El artículo presenta un análisis del sistema de transporte de carga en la Ciudad de México desde el punto de vista sistémico, considerando las variables económicas, políticas, técnicas, sociales que permitan comprender la problemática que actualmente enfrenta esta ciudad en la movilidad de mercancías. Es una reflexión de carácter multidisciplinario basada en el método cualitativo para explicar y comprender la situación actual del transporte de carga en México dentro del contexto de la globali...

  3. Nuevo modelo matemático para la distribución de carga en el horno alto

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    Jiménez, J.


    Full Text Available A mathematical model for burden distribution in the blast furnace, has been developed. A set of operational variables related with the charging system (Paul Wurth plus other parameters related with the burden itself, such as ore and coke repose angles, weights discharged and the effect of the uprising gas, have been taken into account. These data are processed by modern computer tools. As a result, the burden distribution inside the blast furnace is obtained. Every time that a charge is added to the blast furnace, the model updates the burden distribution. The approach employed is based on considering each burden layer described by a set of interrelated polynomials. It has been tested comparing its results with burden layers obtained in a physical model of the blast furnace (scale 1/10. After installation in Aceralia blast furnace B control computers, the model is currently being employed as a tool for process control.

    El modelo matemático desarrollado describe la distribución de carga en el tragante de un horno alto. Se ha empleado un conjunto de variables operacionales relacionadas con el sistema de carga (Paul Wurth, junto con otras obtenidas de la carga, tales como el peso descargado, los ángulos de reposo de los materiales y el efecto del gas al atravesar el horno. Estos datos se procesan mediante herramientas informáticas. Como resultado, se obtiene la distribución de carga en el horno. Cada vez que se introduce una carga, el modelo actualiza la distribución. La aproximación empleada considera el perfil de cada capa de carga, el cual está descrito por un conjunto de polinomios interrelacionados. Los resultados se comparan con la distribución obtenida en un modelo físico del horno (escala 1/10. Tras su instalación en los ordenadores de proceso del horno alto B de Aceralia, el modelo se emplea actualmente para el control del mismo.

  4. Properties of Bipolar Fuzzy Hypergraphs


    Akram, M.; Dudek, W. A.; Sarwar, S.


    In this article, we apply the concept of bipolar fuzzy sets to hypergraphs and investigate some properties of bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs. We introduce the notion of $A-$ tempered bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs and present some of their properties. We also present application examples of bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs.

  5. Bipolar Affective Disorder and Migraine

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    Birk Engmann


    Full Text Available This paper consists of a case history and an overview of the relationship, aetiology, and treatment of comorbid bipolar disorder migraine patients. A MEDLINE literature search was used. Terms for the search were bipolar disorder bipolar depression, mania, migraine, mood stabilizer. Bipolar disorder and migraine cooccur at a relatively high rate. Bipolar II patients seem to have a higher risk of comorbid migraine than bipolar I patients have. The literature on the common roots of migraine and bipolar disorder, including both genetic and neuropathological approaches, is broadly discussed. Moreover, bipolar disorder and migraine are often combined with a variety of other affective disorders, and, furthermore, behavioural factors also play a role in the origin and course of the diseases. Approach to treatment options is also difficult. Several papers point out possible remedies, for example, valproate, topiramate, which acts on both diseases, but no first-choice treatments have been agreed upon yet.

  6. Bipolar Disorder in Children (United States)


    Although bipolar disorder historically was thought to only occur rarely in children and adolescents, there has been a significant increase in children and adolescents who are receiving this diagnosis more recently (Carlson, 2005). Nonetheless, the applicability of the current bipolar disorder diagnostic criteria for children, particularly preschool children, remains unclear, even though much work has been focused on this area. As a result, more work needs to be done to further the understanding of bipolar symptoms in children. It is hoped that this paper can assist psychologists and other health service providers in gleaning a snapshot of the literature in this area so that they can gain an understanding of the diagnostic criteria and other behaviors that may be relevant and be informed about potential approaches for assessment and treatment with children who meet bipolar disorder criteria. First, the history of bipolar symptoms and current diagnostic criteria will be discussed. Next, assessment strategies that may prove helpful for identifying bipolar disorder will be discussed. Then, treatments that may have relevance to children and their families will be discussed. Finally, conclusions regarding work with children who may have a bipolar disorder diagnosis will be offered. PMID:24800202

  7. Cytokines in bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munkholm, Klaus; Vinberg, Maj; Vedel Kessing, Lars


    BACKGROUND: Current research and hypothesis regarding the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder suggests the involvement of immune system dysfunction that is possibly related to disease activity. Our objective was to systematically review evidence of cytokine alterations in bipolar disorder according...... to affective state. METHODS: We conducted a systemtic review of studies measuring endogenous cytokine concentrations in patients with bipolar disorder and a meta-analysis, reporting results according to the PRISMA statement. RESULTS: Thirteen studies were included, comprising 556 bipolar disorder patients...

  8. Monitoramento da carga interna de treinamento em jogadores de futsal ao longo de uma temporada

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    Bernardo Miloski


    Full Text Available Existe a necessidade de estudos sobre métodos para controle da carga e descri­ção da periodização em equipes de futsal. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever e analisar a carga interna de treinamento em um macrociclo de futsal utilizando-se o método de Percepção Subjetiva do Esforço da sessão. A amostra foi composta por 13 atletas de Liga Nacional. Calculou-se carga de treinamento semanal total (CTST, monotonia e strain durante 37 semanas. Utilizando Teste t de Student pareado, o período de preparação (PP apresentou CTST, strain e monotonia maiores que o competitivo (PC. Utilizando ANOVA de medi­das repetidas, seguida pelo post-hoc de Bonferroni, observaram-se diferenças significativas para CTST entre mesociclos: 1 > 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9; 7 > 4, 5, 8, 9; 2, 3 e 6 > 5, 8, 9; 4 > 5; 8 > 5 (p>0,05. As cargas de treinamento (CT foram mais elevadas no PP com redução no PC. A CT apresenta uma característica ondulatória, adaptando-se ao calendário competitivo.

  9. Abordagens psicoterápicas no transtorno bipolar Psychoterapeutic approach in bipolar disorder

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    Paulo Knapp


    Full Text Available Embora o tratamento farmacológico seja essencial para o tratamento do transtorno bipolar, apenas 40% de todos os pacientes que aderem às medicações permanecem assintomáticos durante o período de seguimento, o que tem levado ao desenvolvimento de intervenções psicoterápicas associadas. O objetivo deste artigo é examinar as evidências atuais da eficácia de intervenções psicoterápicas no tratamento do transtorno bipolar. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica por meio do MedLine, PsychoINFO, Lilacs e Cochrane Data Bank, até o ano de 2004, em que foram procurados artigos originais e revisões sobre as abordagens psicoterápicas utilizadas no tratamento do transtorno bipolar. Há várias abordagens que podem se mostrar úteis no tratamento do transtorno bipolar. A psicoeducação e a terapia cognitivo-comportamental apresentam as evidências mais consistentes e são as técnicas mais amplamente estudadas. As intervenções envolvendo familiares e a terapia interpessoal e de ritmo social se mostram tratamentos eficazes em determinadas situações. Há alguns estudos empregando a terapia psicodinâmica no transtorno bipolar, mas são estudos com limitações metodológicas. Apesar de haver evidências demonstrando a eficácia de determinadas abordagens psicoterápicas no transtorno bipolar, ainda é necessária a realização de estudos posteriores que comprovem tais dados e que desenvolvam tratamentos baseados em modelos etiológicos e que identifiquem tratamentos específicos para as diferentes fases e tipos de transtorno bipolar.Although pharmacological treatment is essential for treating bipolar disorder, less than half of all medication compliant patients are non-symptomatic during follow-up, which has led to developments of adjunctive psychosocial interventions. This paper examines the current evidence for effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Searches were undertaken through Med


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    Luis Macea


    Full Text Available Para el adecuado dimensionamiento de las estructuras de pavimento, se requiere la estimación de los efectos agrupados de las cargas del tránsito, por lo cual se debe conocer el número y tipo de vehículos que circularán por la vía, así como la intensidad del peso y la configuración del eje que la aplica, aspecto que es abordado cuando se hace la caracterización del tránsito a través de espectros de carga. En razón de esto en el presente artículo se construyen espectros de la capacidad por tipo de eje de camiones para diferentes rutas y departamentos de la región andina colombiana, de igual forma se Identifican los porcentajes de sobrecarga y las zonas donde se sobrepasa el límite máximo de peso permitido, así como los tipos de productos transportados en condiciones de exceso de peso. Para esto, se realizaron veintiséis (26 operativos de pesaje móvil de camiones en distintos corredores de carga de la región andina en el año 2013, con lo cual se obtuvo una muestra de 94.132 ejes pesados, a partir de los cuales se agruparon las capacidades por cada tipo de eje y se determinaron sus respectivas frecuencias de arrumaje. Los resultados encontrados indicaron que el eje sencillo direccional de llanta sencilla presenta un solo pico máximo con cierto grado de asimetría, el cual se encuentra regularmente por debajo de la carga máxima legal establecida para este tipo de eje, Por otro lado, los ejes sencillo de llanta doble presentan una bimodalidad con dos picos máximos muy parejos, uno en el sentido de las cargas bajas y el otro en el sentido de las cargas altas, mientras que los ejes tándem y tridem de llanta doble presentan una bimodalidad caracterizada por el predominio de un pico máximo absoluto del lado de las cargas altas lo que indica que los camiones están circulando con carga al límite permitido.



    Said Broumi; Mohamed Talea; Assia Bakali; Florentin Smarandache


    In this article, we combine the concept of bipolar neutrosophic set and graph theory. We introduce the notions of bipolar single valued neutrosophic graphs, strong bipolar single valued neutrosophic graphs, complete bipolar single valued neutrosophic graphs, regular bipolar single valued neutrosophic graphs and investigate some of their related properties.

  12. Systematic review of the prevalence of bipolar disorder and bipolar spectrum disorders in population-based studies

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    José Caetano Dell'Aglio Jr.


    Full Text Available This paper describes the findings of a systematic literature review aimed at providing an overview of the lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder and bipolar spectrum disorders in population-based studies. Databases MEDLINE, ProQuest, Psychnet, and Web of Science were browsed for papers published in English between 1999 and May 2012 using the following search string: bipolar disorders OR bipolar spectrum disorders AND prevalence OR cross-sectional OR epidemiology AND population-based OR non-clinical OR community based. The search yielded a total of 434 papers, but only those published in peer-reviewed journals and with samples aged ≥ 18 years were included, resulting in a final sample of 18 papers. Results revealed rather heterogeneous findings concerning the prevalence of bipolar disorders and bipolar spectrum disorders. Lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder ranged from 0.1 to 7.5%, whereas lifetime prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorders ranged from 2.4 to 15.1%. Differences in the rates of bipolar disorder and bipolar spectrum disorders may be related to the consideration of subthreshold criteria upon diagnosis. Differences in the prevalence of different subtypes of the disorder are discussed in light of diagnostic criteria and instruments applied.

  13. El sistema de transporte de carga en la Ciudad de México Factores a considerar en el análisis del transporte de carga y la movilidad de mercancías


    Martínez Perdomo, Florián Rosa


    El artículo presenta un análisis del sistema de transporte de carga en la Ciudad de México desde el punto de vista sistémico, considerando las variables económicas, políticas, técnicas, sociales que permitan comprender la problemática que actualmente enfrenta esta ciudad en la movilidad de mercancías. Es una reflexión de carácter multidisciplinario basada en el método cualitativo para explicar y comprender la situación actual del transporte de carga en México dentro del contexto de la globa...

  14. Scientific attitudes towards bipolar disorders

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    Mohammad-Hossein Biglu


    Full Text Available Introduction: Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition that is also called manic-depressive disease. It causes unusual changes in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. In the present study, 3 sets of data were considered and analyzed: first, all papers categorized under Bipolar Disorders in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E database through 2001-2011; second, papers published by the international journal of Bipolar Disorders indexed in SCI-E during a period of 11 years; and third, all papers distributed by the international journal of Bipolar Disorders indexed in MEDLINE during the period of study. Methods: The SCI-E database was used to extract all papers indexed with the topic of Bipolar Disorders as well as all papers published by The International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. Extraction of data from MEDLINE was restricted to the journals name from setting menu. The Science of Science Tool was used to map the co-authorship network of papers published by The International Journal of Bipolar Disorders through 2009-2011. Results: Analysis of data showed that the majority of publications in the subject area of bipolar disorders indexed in SCI-E were published by The International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. Although journal articles consisted of 59% of the total publication type in SCI-E, 65% of publications distributed by The Journal of Bipolar Disorders were in the form of meetingabstracts. Journal articles consisted of only 23% of the total publications. USA was the leading country regarding sharing data in the field of bipolar disorders followed by England, Canada, and Germany. Conclusion: The editorial policy of The International Journal of Bipolar Disorders has been focused on new themes and new ways of researching in the subject area of bipolar disorder. Regarding the selection of papers for indexing, the SCI-E database selects data more comprehensively than MEDLINE. The number of papers

  15. Estrutura fatorial da escala de atitudes frente a relacionamentos afetivos estáveis

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    Taciano Lemos Milfont

    Full Text Available O presente estudo visa contribuir para a comprovação da estrutura fatorial da Escala de Atitudes Frente a Relacionamentos Afetivos Estáveis (RAE; Reis, 1995. Participaram da pesquisa 658 estudantes universitários com idade média 19,9 anos (DP=2,5. Análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias indicaram a existência de uma estrutura multidimensional. Os cinco fatores encontrados (Comprometimento, Edificação, Mutualidade, Envolvimento e Indulgência apresentaram índices de consistência interna satisfatórios (0,68<α<0,83, itens com saturações altas (0,46<λy<0,75 e significativas (p<0,05. Esta estrutura multidimensional apresentou melhores índices de bondade de ajuste (χ2/gl=3,07; GFI=0,91; CFI=0,97; RMSEA=0,056 e foi estatisticamente superior [Δχ2(111=676,69, p<0,001] à estrutura unidimensional. Resultados de correlações com as auto-imagens independente e interdependente (Singelis, 1994, com os valores humanos básicos (Gouveia, 2003, além de diferenças quanto ao sexo, confirmam a validade dos cinco novos fatores.

  16. Bipolar Disorder. (United States)

    Spearing, Melissa

    Bipolar disorder, a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, affects approximately one percent of the population. It commonly occurs in late adolescence and is often unrecognized. The diagnosis of bipolar disorder is made on the basis of symptoms, course of illness, and when possible, family history. Thoughts of suicide are…

  17. Análisis comparativo de esquemas de balanceo de carga en ambientes de procesamiento distribuido


    Scarpa, Diego; Baraldi, Waldemar A.; Vázquez, Gustavo Esteban; Ponzoni, Ignacio; Ardenghi, Jorge Raúl


    En este trabajo se presentan distintos enfoques para resolver el problema de balanceo de carga sobre ambientes de procesamiento distribuido. Las arquitecturas propuestas están organizadas bajo un filosofía Master-Worker y su implementación fue realizada en C++ utilizando la librería de pasaje de mensajes PVM. Las distintas políticas de balanceo de carga fueron comparadas para una amplia variedad de casos de estudio con el objetivo de estableces los alcances y limitaciones que cada alternativa...


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    Full Text Available Generalmente las pruebas de carga no hacen parte de la rutina de obras de cimentaciones ejecutadas en Suramérica, y cuando son ejecutadas, el análisis queda restringido a la determinación o estimación de la capacidad de carga de la fundación. No obstante, pueden hacerse otros análisis de modo que el calculista cuente con mayores elementos de juicio en lo referente al comportamiento de la cimentación. El presente articulo muestra un conjunto de análisis complementarios, que pueden ser hechos a partir de los resultados obtenidos para una prueba de carga teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento característico de cada suelo y los mecanismos de interacción entre la estructura de cimentación y el suelo de soporte, a partir del análisis de los resultados de pruebas de carga realizadas sobre pilotes ejecutados con hélice continua.

  19. Thwarted interpersonal needs and suicide ideation: Comparing psychiatric inpatients with bipolar and non-bipolar mood disorders. (United States)

    Taylor, Nathanael J; Mitchell, Sean M; Roush, Jared F; Brown, Sarah L; Jahn, Danielle R; Cukrowicz, Kelly C


    Psychiatric inpatients are at heightened risk for suicide, and evidence suggests that psychiatric inpatients with bipolar mood disorders may be at greater risk for suicide ideation compared to those with non-bipolar mood disorders. There is a paucity of research directly comparing risk factors for suicide ideation in bipolar versus non-bipolar mood disorders in an inpatient sample. The current study sought to clarify the association between two constructs from the interpersonal theory of suicide (i.e., perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness) in leading to suicide ideation among psychiatric inpatients with bipolar and non-bipolar mood disorders. Participants were (N=90) psychiatric inpatients with a bipolar (n = 20) or non-bipolar mood disorder (n=70; per their medical charts). Perceived burdensomeness, but not thwarted belongingness, was significantly associated with suicide ideation after adjusting for other covariates. This suggests perceived burdensomeness may play a key role in suicide ideation among psychiatric inpatients with any mood disorder and highlights the importance of assessment and intervention of perceived burdensomeness in this population. Contrary to our hypothesis, mood disorder group (i.e., bipolar versus non-bipolar) did not moderate the relations between perceived burdensomeness/thwarted belongingness and suicide ideation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  20. Bipolar polygenic loading and bipolar spectrum features in major depressive disorder (United States)

    Wiste, Anna; Robinson, Elise B; Milaneschi, Yuri; Meier, Sandra; Ripke, Stephan; Clements, Caitlin C; Fitzmaurice, Garrett M; Rietschel, Marcella; Penninx, Brenda W; Smoller, Jordan W; Perlis, Roy H


    Objectives Family and genetic studies indicate overlapping liability for major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. The purpose of this study was to determine whether this shared genetic liability influences clinical presentation. Methods A polygenic risk score for bipolar disorder, derived from a large genome-wide association meta-analysis, was generated for each subject of European–American ancestry (n = 1,274) in the Sequential Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression study (STAR*D) outpatient major depressive disorder cohort. A hypothesis-driven approach was used to test for association between bipolar disorder risk score and features of depression associated with bipolar disorder in the literature. Follow-up analyses were performed in two additional cohorts. Results A generalized linear mixed model including seven features hypothesized to be associated with bipolar spectrum illness was significantly associated with bipolar polygenic risk score [F = 2.07, degrees of freedom (df) = 7, p = 0.04). Features included early onset, suicide attempt, recurrent depression, atypical depression, subclinical mania, subclinical psychosis, and severity. Post-hoc univariate analyses demonstrated that the major contributors to this omnibus association were onset of illness at age ≤ 18 years [odds ratio (OR) = 1.2, p = 0.003], history of suicide attempt (OR = 1.21, p = 0.03), and presence of at least one manic symptom (OR = 1.16, p = 0.02). The maximal variance in these traits explained by polygenic score ranged from 0.8–1.1%. However, analyses in two replication cohorts testing a five feature model did not support this association. Conclusions Bipolar genetic loading appeared to be associated with bipolar-like presentation in major depressive disorder in the primary analysis. However, results are at most inconclusive because of lack of replication. Replication efforts are challenged by different ascertainment and assessment strategies in the different cohorts

  1. Comparação de diferentes métodos de controle da carga interna em jogadores de voleibol

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    Maurício Gattás Bara Filho


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A capacidade de monitorar precisamente a carga de treinamento é um importante aspecto para a efetividade da periodização e para a prevenção de efeitos negativos, como a queda no rendimento. OBJETIVOS: Comparar e correlacionar diferentes métodos de controle de carga interna de treinamento em jogadores de voleibol. MÉTODOS: Quinze atletas profissionais de voleibol do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos, que competiam em níveis estaduais e nacionais, participaram deste estudo. A carga de treino para cada sessão foi calculada utilizando três diferentes métodos: PSE da Sessão, Zonas de FC (TRIMP de Edwards e de Stagno. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que há correlação positiva e significativa entre o método proposto por Foster, Edwards e Stagno. No entanto, os valores das correlações individuais entre PSE e Edwards (0,451 a 0,670, em geral, foram ligeiramente maiores que os da correlação entre PSE e Stagno (0,206 a 0,597. CONCLUSÃO: O método proposto por Edwards, bem como o método proposto por Foster, melhor refletem as cargas de treino no voleibol, fazendo com que o monitoramento das cargas seja realizado de maneira mais fidedigna e confiável quando realizado por esses dois métodos.

  2. Genetics Home Reference: bipolar disorder (United States)

    ... Email Facebook Twitter Home Health Conditions Bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme ...

  3. Aferição dos Valores dos Comprimentos Equivalentes Utilizados na Determinação da Perda de Carga


    Soares, Fátima C; Teles, Guilherme C; Russi, Jumar L


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar os resultados de perdas de carga localizadas, em tubulações de PVC, com as obtidas em tubulações com comprimento equivalente à peça. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Hidráulica da Universidade Federal do Pampa/RS, em uma bancada de tubulações, com diâmetros de 20, 25 e 32 mm, onde foram medidas as perdas de carga em curvas de 90°, cotovelos de 45° e 90° e registros de esfera. Para cada peça, foi determinada a perda de carga gerada pelos r...

  4. Arquitectura para balancear carga dinámica por demanda adaptativa, utilizando CORBA en JAVA-IDL


    Jesús Chávez Esparza; Gerardo Rentería Castillo; Francisco Javier Luna Rosas


    En este trabajo desglosaremos la elaboración de una nueva Arquitectura para balancear carga dinámica, por demanda adaptativa, utilizando CORBA en JAVA-IDL. Una arquitectura de balanceo de carga es un sistema que permite distribuir el trabajo computacional entre varias máquinas, con el objetivo de reducir el tiempo de respuesta global del sistema. A través de las pruebas se justifica el uso de la arquitectura y se definen los parámetros a considerar para obtener un óptimo desempeño, refiriéndo...

  5. Life expectancy in bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kessing, Lars Vedel; Vradi, Eleni; Andersen, Per Kragh


    OBJECTIVE: Life expectancy in patients with bipolar disorder has been reported to be decreased by 11 to 20 years. These calculations are based on data for individuals at the age of 15 years. However, this may be misleading for patients with bipolar disorder in general as most patients have a later...... onset of illness. The aim of the present study was to calculate the remaining life expectancy for patients of different ages with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. METHODS: Using nationwide registers of all inpatient and outpatient contacts to all psychiatric hospitals in Denmark from 1970 to 2012 we...... remaining life expectancy in bipolar disorder and that of the general population decreased with age, indicating that patients with bipolar disorder start losing life-years during early and mid-adulthood. CONCLUSIONS: Life expectancy in bipolar disorder is decreased substantially, but less so than previously...

  6. Bipolar Disorder in Women

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    Sermin Kesebir


    Full Text Available The research on gender's role in bipolar disorders has drawn significant interest recently. The presentation and course of bipolar disorder differs between women and men. Women experience depressive episodes, dysphoric mood, mixed states, rapid cycling and seasonal patterns more often than men. Comorbidity, particularly thyroid disease, migraine, obesity, and anxiety disorders laso occur more frequently in women than men. On the other hand men with bipolar disorder are also more likely than women to have problems with drug or alcohol abuse. The pregnancy and postpartum period is a time of high risk for onset and recurrence of bipolar disorder in women.

  7. Una estrategia evolutiva de predicción para balance de carga en entornos de sistemas distribuidos


    Esquivel, Susana Cecilia; Leguizamón, Guillermo


    Este artículo propone. una estrategia evolutiva de predicción, en un entorno de balance de carga, en Sistemas Distribuidos. Los algoritmos de balance de carga intentan mejorar la performance del sistema recurriendo a la migración de procesos, pero presentan el problema adicional de la inestabilidad que ocurre cuando los procesos gastan.una cantidad excesiva de tiempo migrando entre los diferentes nodos del sistema. Con el fin de disminuir el tráfico de.comunicaciones generadas por la es...

  8. Cargas de trabalho e condições de trabalho da enfermagem: revisão integrativa Carga de trabajo y condiciones de trabajo de la enfermería: revisión integradora Nursing workloads and working conditions: integrative review

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    Roseli Schmoeller


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo conhecer a produção teórica sobre cargas de trabalho e condições de trabalho dos profissionais de enfermagem. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa que incluiu artigos científicos, teses e dissertações, indexados nas bases da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e Banco Digital de Teses nos últimos dez anos. Entre os 132 trabalhos identificados, foram selecionadas 27 produções. Os resultados indicaram as cargas de trabalho como responsáveis pelo desgaste dos profissionais, influenciando a ocorrência de acidentes e os problemas de saúde. Para amenizar tais cargas de trabalho, os estudos apontam algumas estratégias, como adequação do quantitativo de pessoal, educação continuada e melhores condições de trabalho. Tem-se como desafio a realização de pesquisas que revelem com mais precisão a relação entre as cargas e as condições de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem, haja vista o quanto comprometem a saúde dos trabalhadores.Estudio que objetivó conocer la producción teórica sobre las cargas de trabajo y condiciones de trabajo de profesionales de enfermería. Para eso, se realizó una revisión integradora que incluyó artículos científicos, tesis o disertaciones, indexados en bases de Biblioteca Virtual de Salud y Banco Digital de Tesis en los últimos diez años. Entre los 132 trabajos identificados, fueron seleccionadas 27 producciones. Los resultados indicaron las cargas de trabajo como responsables por el desgaste de los profesionales, influenciando la ocurrencia de accidentes y problemas de salud. Para amenizar esas cargas de trabajo los estudios apuntan algunas estrategias: adecuación del cuantitativo de personal, educación continuada y mejores condiciones de trabajo. Se tiene el desafío de la realización de pesquisas que revelen con mayor precisión la relación entre las cargas de trabajo y las condiciones de trabajo de la equipe de enfermería, consider


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    Diana Carolina Millán Yusti


    Full Text Available La utilización de materiales ligeros y resistentes ha permitido la construcción de sistemas de entrepisos que satisfacen condiciones ideales espaciales y geométricas para albergar grandes cantidades de personas. A pesar que estas características de peso y resistencia representan una disminución de costos en la construcción, estos entrepisos tienden a ser más susceptibles a presentar problemas de vibraciones, especialmente cuando la excitación puede ser clasificada como actividad rítmica. En este artículo se presenta la caracterización de cargas producidas por personas realizando actividades de baile, a partir de mediciones en una plataforma experimental de escala real. Se identifican los factores de impacto y coeficientes de Fourier que representan la carga debida a personas que bailan, a la que es sometida la estructura. Los resultados de la presente investigación fueron obtenidos dentro de un proyecto de investigación financiado por Colciencias y la Universidad del Valle contrato .382-2009.

  10. Bipolar polygenic loading and bipolar spectrum features in major depressive disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiste, Anna; Robinson, Elise B.; Milaneschi, Yuri; Meier, Sandra; Ripke, Stephan; Clements, Caitlin C.; Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.; Rietschel, Marcella; Penninx, Brenda W.; Smoller, Jordan W.; Perlis, Roy H.

    Objectives Family and genetic studies indicate overlapping liability for major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether this shared genetic liability influences clinical presentation. Methods A polygenic risk score for bipolar disorder,

  11. Early Intervention in Bipolar Disorder. (United States)

    Vieta, Eduard; Salagre, Estela; Grande, Iria; Carvalho, André F; Fernandes, Brisa S; Berk, Michael; Birmaher, Boris; Tohen, Mauricio; Suppes, Trisha


    Bipolar disorder is a recurrent disorder that affects more than 1% of the world population and usually has its onset during youth. Its chronic course is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality, making bipolar disorder one of the main causes of disability among young and working-age people. The implementation of early intervention strategies may help to change the outcome of the illness and avert potentially irreversible harm to patients with bipolar disorder, as early phases may be more responsive to treatment and may need less aggressive therapies. Early intervention in bipolar disorder is gaining momentum. Current evidence emerging from longitudinal studies indicates that parental early-onset bipolar disorder is the most consistent risk factor for bipolar disorder. Longitudinal studies also indicate that a full-blown manic episode is often preceded by a variety of prodromal symptoms, particularly subsyndromal manic symptoms, therefore supporting the existence of an at-risk state in bipolar disorder that could be targeted through early intervention. There are also identifiable risk factors that influence the course of bipolar disorder, some of them potentially modifiable. Valid biomarkers or diagnosis tools to help clinicians identify individuals at high risk of conversion to bipolar disorder are still lacking, although there are some promising early results. Pending more solid evidence on the best treatment strategy in early phases of bipolar disorder, physicians should carefully weigh the risks and benefits of each intervention. Further studies will provide the evidence needed to finish shaping the concept of early intervention. AJP AT 175 Remembering Our Past As We Envision Our Future April 1925: Interpretations of Manic-Depressive Phases Earl Bond and G.E. Partridge reviewed a number of patients with manic-depressive illness in search of a unifying endo-psychic conflict. They concluded that understanding either phase of illness was "elusive" and

  12. Virginia Woolf, neuroprogression, and bipolar disorder

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    Manuela V. Boeira


    Full Text Available Family history and traumatic experiences are factors linked to bipolar disorder. It is known that the lifetime risk of bipolar disorder in relatives of a bipolar proband are 5-10% for first degree relatives and 40-70% for monozygotic co-twins. It is also known that patients with early childhood trauma present earlier onset of bipolar disorder, increased number of manic episodes, and more suicide attempts. We have recently reported that childhood trauma partly mediates the effect of family history on bipolar disorder diagnosis. In light of these findings from the scientific literature, we reviewed the work of British writer Virginia Woolf, who allegedly suffered from bipolar disorder. Her disorder was strongly related to her family background. Moreover, Virginia Woolf was sexually molested by her half siblings for nine years. Her bipolar disorder symptoms presented a pernicious course, associated with hospitalizations, suicidal behavioral, and functional impairment. The concept of neuroprogression has been used to explain the clinical deterioration that takes places in a subgroup of bipolar disorder patients. The examination of Virgina Woolf’s biography and art can provide clinicians with important insights about the course of bipolar disorder.

  13. Epidemiology in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder

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    Caner Mutlu


    Full Text Available Childhood and adolescent bipolar disorder diagnosis has been increasing recently. Since studies evaluating attempted suicide rates in children and adolescents have shown bipolarity to be a significant risk factor, diagnosis and treatment of bipolarity has become a very important issue. Since there is a lack of specific diagnostic criteria for especially preadolescent samples and evaluations are made mostly symptomatically, suspicions about false true diagnosis and increased prevalence rates have emerged. This situation leads to controversial data about the prevalence rates of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents. The aim of this article is to review the prevalence of childhood and adolescent bipolar disorder in community, inpatient and outpatient based samples in literature.



    Pathan Dilnawaz N; Ziyaurrahaman A.R; Bhise K.S.


    Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe psychiatric disorder that results in poor global functioning, reduced quality of life and high relapse rates. Research finds that many adults with bipolar disorder identify the onset of symptoms in childhood and adolescence, indicating the importance of early accurate diagnosis and treatment. Accurate diagnosis of mood disorders is critical for treatment to be effective. Distinguishing between major depression and bipolar disorders, especially the depressed p...

  15. Metodología de la sumatoria de las curvas de cargas

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    Elena Llimó Bravo


    Full Text Available Se describe la metodología para la sumatoria de la curvas de carga con la cual se puede determinar lacurva de carga estimada en un equipo o cualquier punto de una red de distribución, mediante el empleo dela base de datos de las curvas diarias representativas de cada una de los diferentes tipos de consumidores( residencial, comercial e industrial , y su consumo mensual (kWh/mensual. Toda esta información esguardada en una base de datos para ser utilizada en estudios de planeamiento e ingeniería.  This paper present a methodology for the aggregation load curves , to determine the expected loading inequipment or in a present part of the distribution network by using the representative daily curves database of each consumer's activity (residential, commercial and industrial and the monthly energyconsumption (kWh/monthly. All the information is stored in database and is used for planning an engineeringstudies.

  16. O papel dos antipsicóticos atípicos no tratamento do transtorno bipolar: revisão da literatura The role of atypical antipsychotic agents in the treatment of bipolar disorder: a literature review

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    Acioly LT Lacerda


    Full Text Available Estudos recentes têm demonstrado que a eficácia do lítio é significativamente inferior à descrita pelos primeiros trabalhos, embora ainda seja a medicação de referência no tratamento do transtorno afetivo bipolar. Apesar de um perfil de segurança desfavorável, os antipsicóticos clássicos sempre apresentaram um papel importante no tratamento desse transtorno psiquiátrico, especialmente como coadjuvante em sua fase maníaca aguda. Os autores, utilizando informação obtida no Medline, fizeram uma revisão acerca do papel dos antipsicóticos atípicos no tratamento dos pacientes bipolares. Baseado nos dados da literatura, a olanzapina mostrou-se bastante eficaz no manejo da mania aguda, quando uma média de 63,5% dos pacientes apresentaram melhora significativa em estudos duplo-cego controlados, apresentando ganho de peso como único efeito colateral relevante. A clozapina e, mais ainda, a risperidona apresentaram dados menos consistentes, grande parte em função de deficiências metodológicas dos poucos estudos conduzidos até o presente estudo. Os dados preliminares relativos à eficácia desse grupo farmacológico nos quadros refratários e nos sintomas depressivos são promissores, mas ainda não definitivos. Em relação a seus efeitos potenciais como estabilizadores do humor, não existem evidências conclusivas oriundas de estudos controlados, mas há interesse considerável para realização de investigações em pacientes bipolares tratados com antipsicóticos atípicos por períodos de tempo mais prolongados. Pesquisas futuras poderão tornar mais claras essas possíveis características terapêuticas.Even though lithium is still the choice drug in the treatment of bipolar disorder, recent studies have shown that it has a significant lower efficacy than previously described in earlier studies. Despite its adverse side effects, typical antipsychotic agents have often had a prominent role in the treatment of this psychiatric

  17. Abandono Afetivo: Afeto e Paternidade em Instâncias Jurídicas

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    Lisandra Espíndula Moreira

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é discutir arqueologicamente a articulação entre paternidade e criminalidade, tomando como base um documento jurídico que aciona um pai por abandono afetivo. Em especial, analisamos a produção de sujeitos nos jogos enunciativos que responsabilizam o pai por sua ausência na vida da prole. Para que se construa essa responsabilização em relação ao(a filho(a é necessário que os enunciados se movimentem e estabeleçam diferenciações entre a responsabilidade familiar x de outras instâncias (comunidade e Estado. No interior da instância familiar, os enunciados explicitam a matriz heterossexista, construindo lugares específicos para homens e mulheres, recheados de prescrições, funções e características. Para que se transforme numa demanda jurídica legítima, o afeto será entendido como cuidado e convívio. Mesmo nesta operação enunciativa, o cuidado paterno não se produz de forma semelhante ao cuidado materno. Ao referir-se à paternidade, o afeto (cuidado se transformará na demanda por limite e autoridade, que se sustenta na associação entre a ausência paterna e a criminalidade.

  18. Influencia de Las Cargas Térmicas Sobre Flujos de Aire Generados en Una Habitacíon

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olmedo, Inés; Ruiz de Adana Santiago, Manuel; Nielsen, Peter V.


    El flujo de aire en el interior de un local generado con un sistema de ventilación y difusión de aire puede verse afectado por las cargas térmicas internas del local. En este trabajo, se estudia la influencia de las cargas térmicas internas debidas a personas en el flujo de aire interior de un lo...... difusor textil de baja velocidad. Los resultados obtenidos pueden resultar de interés para validar las predicciones obtenidas a partir de modelos numéricos de difusores....

  19. Estudo da injeção de carga em nanotubos de carbono por microscopia de força elétrica


    Ana Paula Moreira Barboza


    Neste trabalho, serão apresentados os resultados obtidos no Laboratório de Nanoscopia e no Laboratório de Espectroscopia Raman - DF/UFMG a respeito das propriedades elétricas de nanotubos de carbono de parede simples ^Ö CNT investigados por injeção de carga, Microscopia de Força Elétrica (EFM), Espectroscopia Raman e cálculos por primeiros princípios. As injeções de carga foram realizadas pressionando um dado nanotubo com a ponta de EFM com respeito ao substrato. A transferência de carga foi ...

  20. Bipolar Disorder and Cancer

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    Sermin Kesebir


    Full Text Available Prevalence studies and studies on causation relations have shown that the relation between psychiatric disorders and chronic physical diseases is neglected. For heterogeneous diseases an increasing number of susceptibility variants are being defined. Alzheimer disease, bipolar disorder, breast and prostate cancer, coronary artery disease, Chron's disease, systemic lupus eritematosus, type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus are mentioned together with epigenetic concept. In acrocentric zone of chromosome 13, breast cancer, retinoblastoma, chronic Iymphocytic leukemia genes with B cells, dopamin loci of bipolar disorder are found together. Among bipolar and healthy individuals, an increase risk of breast cancer in female cases has been resported. On the other hand, psychosocial factors that affect stress and response to stress itself may be important variables in prognosis and progression of different cancer types. During the course of many cancer types –especially brain tumors- and during treatment of chemotherapeutic agents, bipolar symptomatology may appear. In this article, it is reviewed with relevant literature that whether an etiological relation between bipolar disorder and cancer exist and how both diseases affect each other's course and treatment.


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    Ricardo Adolfo Parra Huertas


    Full Text Available La tecnología de tratamiento anaeróbico se ha desarrollado para el tratamiento de aguas residuales principalmente de origen alimentario. El trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el comportamiento del sistema de depuración anaerobio cuando se incorporaban altas cargas puntuales de lactosuero. Se utilizó lactosuero ácido el cual alimentaba un sistema de dos etapas, biofiltro anaerobio y reactor UASB. Se manejaron 3 cargas constantes de 5,200 mg DQO/L.día, 7,800 mg DQO/L.día y 10.500 mg DQO/L.día; en cada carga se aplicaron 3 cargas puntuales de lactosuero ácido: 5,700 mg DQO/L.día, 26,300 mg DQO/L.día y 34.200 mg DQO/L.día, cada una con una duración de 24 horas. El tiempo de retención hidráulico del sistema fue 2,9 días; el valor del pH para la influente de las cargas puntuales y constantes fue de 7,0 previamente añadiéndose bicarbonato de sodio, para la efluente, el pH en las cargas constantes fue 7,6 y 7,7 para las cargas puntuales. La temperatura de operación se mantuvo en un intervalo de 15-20 °C. En las cargas constantes (CC la eliminación de DQO fue 57% y en las cargas puntuales (CP 82%. En azúcares la eficiencia fue 99% en las CC y CP. En proteína la eliminación fue 64% para las CC y CP 89%. Los ácidos grasos volátiles en las CC tuvieron una concentración de 403 mg/L en el influente y en efluente una concentración de 3.156 mg/L, en las CP la influente presentó concentración de 572 mg/L y para el efluente 4.492 mg/L. El sistema de dos etapas soportó las cargas puntuales hasta 6,5 veces la carga constante sin disminuir sus eficiencias, por el contrario las eficiencias en las variable respuesta estuvieron por encima de las cargas orgánicas constantes, observándose que el sistema propuesto es una buena opción para el tratamiento de agua residual con lactosuero pudiendo soportar descargas de lactosuero puro, por lo que puede ser recomendado a los productores de queso.Anaerobic treatment technology was developed

  2. Carga viral para citomegalovirus, en líquido de lavado bronquioalveolar, en población pediátrica

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    B H Aristizabal-Bernal


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: las infecciones pulmonares son comunes en los pacientes inmunocomprometidos. La carga viral de citomegalovirus se utiliza de rutina para determinar en qué momento se debe iniciar la terapia preventiva en hospederos inmunocomprometidos, diagnosticar enfermedad activa y supervisar la repuesta a una terapia implementada.   OBJETIVO: describir el valor de la carga viral de citomegalovirus en líquido de lavado bronquioalveolar vs. sangre periférica en población pediátrica con signos de infección respiratoria.   MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: estudio descriptivo, observacional de 16 pacientes pediátricos y 19 episodios, a quienes se les realizó, de manera simultánea, la carga viral de citomegalovirus en sangre y lavado bronquioalveolar.   RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: todas las cargas virales de citomegalovirus realizadas en lavado bronquioalveolar fueron positivas y en general se obtuvieron valores más elevados que en sangre, lo que sugiere una mayor sensibilidad de la prueba cuando se realiza en este tipo de muestra, en pacientes con sospecha clínica de infección respiratoria por citomegalovirus, lo cual la convierte en una ayuda diagnóstica importante según lo muestran los resultados obtenidos.

  3. Six years of evidence-based adult dissection tonsillectomy with ultrasonic scalpel, bipolar electrocautery, bipolar radiofrequency or 'cold steel' dissection. (United States)

    Ragab, S M


    To conduct an adequately powered, prospective, randomised, controlled trial comparing adult dissection tonsillectomy using either ultrasonic scalpel, bipolar electrocautery, bipolar radiofrequency or 'cold steel' dissection. Three hundred patients were randomised into four tonsillectomy technique groups. The operative time, intra-operative bleeding, post-operative pain, tonsillar fossa healing, return to full diet, return to work and post-operative complications were recorded. The bipolar radiofrequency group had a shorter mean operative time. The mean intra-operative blood loss during bipolar radiofrequency tonsillectomy was significantly less compared with cold dissection and ultrasonic scalpel tonsillectomy. Pain scores were significantly higher after bipolar electrocautery tonsillectomy. Patients undergoing bipolar electrocautery tonsillectomy required significantly more days to return to full diet and work. The bipolar electrocautery group showed significantly reduced tonsillar fossa healing during the first and second post-operative weeks. In this adult series, bipolar radiofrequency tonsillectomy was superior to ultrasonic, bipolar electrocautery and cold dissection tonsillectomies. This method combines the advantages of 'hot' and 'cold' tonsillectomy.

  4. Course of Subthreshold Bipolar Disorder in Youth: Diagnostic Progression from Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (United States)

    Axelson, David A.; Birmaher, Boris; Strober, Michael A.; Goldstein, Benjamin I.; Ha, Wonho; Gill, Mary Kay; Goldstein, Tina R.; Yen, Shirley; Hower, Heather; Hunt, Jeffrey I.; Liao, Fangzi; Iyengar, Satish; Dickstein, Daniel; Kim, Eunice; Ryan, Neal D.; Frankel, Erica; Keller, Martin B.


    Objective: To determine the rate of diagnostic conversion from an operationalized diagnosis of bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (BP-NOS) to bipolar I disorder (BP-I) or bipolar II disorder (BP-II) in youth over prospective follow-up and to identify factors associated with conversion. Method: Subjects were 140 children and adolescents…

  5. The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force Report on Antidepressant Use in Bipolar Disorders (United States)

    Pacchiarotti, Isabella; Bond, David J.; Baldessarini, Ross J.; Nolen, Willem A.; Grunze, Heinz; Licht, Rasmus W.; Post, Robert M.; Berk, Michael; Goodwin, Guy M.; Sachs, Gary S.; Tondo, Leonardo; Findling, Robert L.; Youngstrom, Eric A.; Tohen, Mauricio; Undurraga, Juan; González-Pinto, Ana; Goldberg, Joseph F.; Yildiz, Ayşegül; Altshuler, Lori L.; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Mitchell, Philip B.; Thase, Michael E.; Koukopoulos, Athanasios; Colom, Francesc; Frye, Mark A.; Malhi, Gin S.; Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N.; Vázquez, Gustavo; Perlis, Roy H.; Ketter, Terence A.; Cassidy, Frederick; Akiskal, Hagop; Azorin, Jean-Michel; Valentí, Marc; Mazzei, Diego Hidalgo; Lafer, Beny; Kato, Tadafumi; Mazzarini, Lorenzo; Martínez-Aran, Anabel; Parker, Gordon; Souery, Daniel; Özerdem, Ayşegül; McElroy, Susan L.; Girardi, Paolo; Bauer, Michael; Yatham, Lakshmi N.; Zarate, Carlos A.; Nierenberg, Andrew A.; Birmaher, Boris; Kanba, Shigenobu; El-Mallakh, Rif S.; Serretti, Alessandro; Rihmer, Zoltan; Young, Allan H.; Kotzalidis, Georgios D.; MacQueen, Glenda M.; Bowden, Charles L.; Ghaemi, S. Nassir; Lopez-Jaramillo, Carlos; Rybakowski, Janusz; Ha, Kyooseob; Perugi, Giulio; Kasper, Siegfried; Amsterdam, Jay D.; Hirschfeld, Robert M.; Kapczinski, Flávio; Vieta, Eduard


    Objective The risk-benefit profile of antidepressant medications in bipolar disorder is controversial. When conclusive evidence is lacking, expert consensus can guide treatment decisions. The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) convened a task force to seek consensus recommendations on the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorders. Method An expert task force iteratively developed consensus through serial consensus-based revisions using the Delphi method. Initial survey items were based on systematic review of the literature. Subsequent surveys included new or reworded items and items that needed to be rerated. This process resulted in the final ISBD Task Force clinical recommendations on antidepressant use in bipolar disorder. Results There is striking incongruity between the wide use of and the weak evidence base for the efficacy and safety of antidepressant drugs in bipolar disorder. Few well-designed, long-term trials of prophylactic benefits have been conducted, and there is insufficient evidence for treatment benefits with antidepressants combined with mood stabilizers. A major concern is the risk for mood switch to hypomania, mania, and mixed states. Integrating the evidence and the experience of the task force members, a consensus was reached on 12 statements on the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorder. Conclusions Because of limited data, the task force could not make broad statements endorsing antidepressant use but acknowledged that individual bipolar patients may benefit from antidepressants. Regarding safety, serotonin reuptake inhibitors and bupropion may have lower rates of manic switch than tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants and norepinephrine-serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The frequency and severity of antidepressant-associated mood elevations appear to be greater in bipolar I than bipolar II disorder. Hence, in bipolar I patients antidepressants should be prescribed only as an adjunct to mood-stabilizing medications

  6. Modelagem e controle de cargas em movimento vertical


    Terceiro, Georges Jean Bruel


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica Vários são os aspectos envolvidos no processo de controle de movimento de veículos para deslocamento vertical que tornam o seu estudo interessante, sobretudo quando se trata de elevadores para transporte de pessoas, em que pesa sobremaneira o fato da existência de "cargas" vivas e conscientes. O controle do movimento de equipamentos elevadores é realizado a ...

  7. Bipolar disorder and age-related functional impairment Prejuízo funcional associado à idade e transtorno bipolar

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    Alice Aita Cacilhas


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Although bipolar disorder is a major contributor to functional impairment worldwide, an independent impact of bipolar disorder and ageing on functioning has yet to be demonstrated. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of bipolar disorder on age-related functional status using matched controls as a standard. METHOD: One-hundred patients with bipolar disorder and matched controls were evaluated for disability. Age-related effects controlled for confounders were cross-sectionally evaluated. RESULTS: Patients were significantly more impaired than controls. Regression showed effects for aging in both groups. The effect, size, however, was significantly stronger in patients. CONCLUSION: Bipolar disorder was an important effect modifier of the age impact on functioning. While a longitudinal design is needed to effectively demonstrate this different impact, this study further depicts bipolar disorder as a chronic and progressively impairing illness.OBJETIVO: O transtorno bipolar é responsável por importante parcela do prejuízo funcional ao redor do mundo. Um efeito independente do transtorno bipolar e da idade no funcionamento ainda não foi demonstrado. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do transtorno bipolar no prejuízo funcional relacionado à idade, com controles pareados como padrão. MÉTODO: Cem pacientes com transtorno bipolar e controles pareados foram avaliados para incapacidade. Efeitos relacionados à idade, com controle para confundidores, foram investigados. RESULTADOS: Pacientes tiveram significativamente mais prejuízo que controles. A regressão mostrou efeito para a idade em ambos os grupos, e o efeito foi significativamente mais forte nos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: O transtorno bipolar foi um importante modificador de efeito no impacto da idade no funcionamento. Enquanto um desenho de estudo longitudinal é necessário para efetivamente demonstrar este impacto diferencial, este

  8. Cognitive vulnerability to bipolar disorder in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Pavlickova, Hana; Turnbull, Oliver; Bentall, Richard P


    Bipolar disorder is a highly heritable illness, with a positive family history robustly predictive of its onset. It follows that studying biological children of parents with bipolar disorder may provide information about developmental pathways to the disorder. Moreover, such studies may serve as a useful test of theories that attribute a causal role in the development of mood disorders to psychological processes. Psychological style (including self-esteem, coping style with depression, domain-specific risk-taking, sensation-seeking, sensitivity to reward and punishment, and hypomanic personality and cognition) was assessed in 30 offspring of bipolar parents and 30 children of well parents. Parents of both child groups completed identical assessments. Although expected differences between parents with bipolar disorder and well parents were detected (such as low self-esteem, increased rumination, high sensitivity to reward and punishment), offspring of bipolar parents were, as a group, not significantly different from well offspring, apart from a modest trend towards lower adaptive coping. When divided into affected and non-affected subgroups, both groups of index children showed lower novelty-seeking. Only affected index children showed lower self-esteem, increased rumination, sensitivity to punishment, and hypomanic cognitions. Notably, these processes were associated with symptoms of depression. Psychological abnormalities in index offspring were associated with having met diagnostic criteria for psychiatric illnesses and the presence of mood symptoms, rather than preceding them. Implications of the present findings for our understanding of the development of bipolar disorder, as well as for informing early interventions, are discussed. © 2014 The British Psychological Society.

  9. Control de la carga de entrenamiento a través del CMJ en pruebas de velocidad y saltos para optimizar el rendimiento deportivo en atletismo

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    P. Jiménez-Reyes


    Full Text Available El estudio de la dosificación de la carga siempre ha suscitado controversias y no está resuelta cuál es la carga óptima de entrenamiento para alcanzar el mayor rendimiento. La mayoría de estudios analizan los efectos agudos del entrenamiento y las relaciones entre las variables del entrenamiento de manera sincrónica, sin que exista, en muchos casos, una evidencia científica sobre las cargas más adecuadas y su efecto en el rendimiento. Nuestro objetivo fue proporcionar una información relevante y útil para poder controlar y organizar el entrenamiento de manera racional en atletismo, obteniendo una información más completa y real de los efectos del proceso de entrenamiento. Participaron 24 sujetos que realizaron un seguimiento del control del entrenamiento a través del "Salto con Contramovimiento" (CMJ y la carga de entrenamiento durante 71 semanas. Destacamos la evolución del CMJ y la carga de entrenamiento en las cuatro semanas previas a la competición en la que se obtenía el mejor rendimiento durante las 71 semanas de seguimiento. En conclusión, si se realiza un exhaustivo control de la carga de entrenamiento y su relación con el rendimiento físico y deportivo, permitiría ajustar las cargas de entrenamiento adecuadamente, proporcionando una información relevante y útil para poder organizar el entrenamiento de manera racional.

  10. [Lithium and anticonvulsants in bipolar depression]. (United States)

    Samalin, L; Nourry, A; Llorca, P-M


    For decades, lithium and anticonvulsants have been widely used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Their efficacy in the treatment of mania is recognized. These drugs have been initially evaluated in old and methodologically heterogeneous studies. Their efficacy in bipolar depression has not always been confirmed in more recent and methodologically more reliable studies. Thus, lithium's efficacy as monotherapy was challenged by the study of Young (2008) that showed a lack of efficacy compared with placebo in the treatment of bipolar depression. In two recent meta-analyses, valproate has shown a modest efficacy in the treatment of bipolar depression. As for lithium, valproate appeared to have a larger antimanic effect for acute phase and prophylaxis of bipolar disorder. In contrast, lamotrigine is more effective on the depressive pole of bipolar disorder with better evidence for the prevention of depressive recurrences. The guidelines include these recent studies and recommend lamotrigine as a first-line treatment of bipolar depression and for maintenance treatment. Because of more discordant data concerning lithium and valproate, these two drugs are placed either as first or as second line treatment of bipolar depression. The different safety/efficacy ratios of mood stabilizers underlie the complementarity and the importance of combination between them, or with some second-generation antipsychotics, in the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder. Copyright © 2011 L’Encéphale. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.. All rights reserved.

  11. Application of Bipolar Fuzzy Sets in Graph Structures

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    Muhammad Akram


    Full Text Available A graph structure is a useful tool in solving the combinatorial problems in different areas of computer science and computational intelligence systems. In this paper, we apply the concept of bipolar fuzzy sets to graph structures. We introduce certain notions, including bipolar fuzzy graph structure (BFGS, strong bipolar fuzzy graph structure, bipolar fuzzy Ni-cycle, bipolar fuzzy Ni-tree, bipolar fuzzy Ni-cut vertex, and bipolar fuzzy Ni-bridge, and illustrate these notions by several examples. We study ϕ-complement, self-complement, strong self-complement, and totally strong self-complement in bipolar fuzzy graph structures, and we investigate some of their interesting properties.

  12. 2017 Bipolar Plate Workshop Summary Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kopasz, John P. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Benjamin, Thomas G. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Schenck, Deanna [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)


    The Bipolar Plate (BP) Workshop was held at USCAR1 in Southfield, Michigan on February 14, 2017 and included 63 participants from industry, government agencies, universities, and national laboratories with expertise in the relevant fields. The objective of the workshop was to identify research and development (R&D) needs, in particular early-stage R&D, for bipolar plates for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells for transportation applications. The focus of the workshop was on materials, manufacturing, and design aspects of bipolar plates with the goal of meeting DOE’s 2020 bipolar plate targets. Of special interest was the cost target of ≤$3/kW for the bipolar plate.

  13. Risk factors for suicide among children and youths with bipolar spectrum and early bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Rajewska-Rager, Aleksandra; Sibilski, Piotr; Lepczyńska, Natalia


    In recent years much attention has been given to determine risk factors for suicide among adults with bipolar disorder. Such studies concerning children and youths, which would also take into account the specificity of the developmental age, are still too few. The ability to identify risk factors for children and youths with mood disorders, as well as the possibility to monitor them, is an essential element in preventing suicidal behaviours. Previous studies have clearly indicated that in the group of patients with an early onset of the bipolar disorder the occurrence of suicidal thoughts and intentions were significantly increased. Identifying the risk of suicide is hindered further by the complexity of the phenomenon, which is a compound interaction of various factors: biological, environmental, sociological, psychological and clinical. This is especially true with young adults suffering from mental illness and presenting a number of other psychopathological symptoms. The following paper introduces and reviews the results of current studies, which analysed the risk factors for suicide among children and youths with bipolar spectrum or already diagnosed with bipolar disorder. For this purpose we conducted the overview of recent years literature available in PubMed/MEDLINE database, including the following search criteria: early onset bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder in children and young people, the spectrum of bipolar disorder, and suicidal ideation, suicidal intent, suicide.

  14. Lower switch rate in depressed patients with bipolar II than bipolar I disorder treated adjunctively with second-generation antidepressants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Altshuler, LL; Suppes, T; Nolen, WA; Leverich, G; Keck, PE; Frye, MA; Kupka, R; McElroy, SL; Grunze, H; Kitchen, CMR; Post, R; Black, D.O.

    Objectives: The authors compared the switch rate into hypomania/mania in depressed patients treated with second-generation antidepressants who had either bipolar I or bipolar II disorder. Method: In a 10-week trial, 184 outpatients with bipolar depression (134 with bipolar I disorder, 48 with

  15. Psychic workloads and strain processes in nursing workers of brazilian university hospitals Cargas psíquicas y procesos de desgaste en trabajadores de enfermería de hospitales universitarios brasileños Cargas psíquicas e processos de desgaste em trabalhadores de enfermagem de hospitais universitários brasileiros

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    Vivian Aline Mininel


    Full Text Available Objective: to identify the work process, the psychic workloads and the strains generated in nursing workers. Method: the study was developed in five Brazilian university hospitals. The sample was composed by 62 nursing workers and the data collection was done by focal group technique, followed by the application of a collective inquire. The data were quantitatively described and systematized according to a thematic analysis. Results: the study population represented 35,37% of the hospital workforce in national setting. The workers mentioned are exposure to several kinds of psychic workload and link them to with others workloads, highlighting the strain processes resulting from this kind of workload, such stress, fatigue, complaints of gastritis and headaches. Conclusions: nursing workers are exposed to several workloads in the hospital environment, especially psychic workloads. This exposure starts strain processes that compromise the health and quality of life, signaling the necessity of interventions in this reality.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar el proceso de trabajo, las cargas psíquicas y los desgastes generados en trabajadores de enfermería. Se trata de un estudio desarrollado en cinco hospitales universitarios brasileños. La muestra fue compuesta por 62 trabajadores de enfermería; la recolección fue realizada por medio de la técnica de grupo focal, seguida de la aplicación de encuesta colectiva. Los datos fueron descritos numéricamente y sistematizados según análisis temático. La población de estudio representó 35,37% de la fuerza de trabajo hospitalario en el escenario nacional. Los trabajadores refirieron exposición a diversos tipos de cargas psíquicas y las relacionaron con otras cargas de trabajo, destacando los desgastes provenientes de este tipo de carga, como estrés, fatiga, gastritis y cefalea. Los trabajadores de enfermería están expuestos a las diversas cargas de trabajo en el ambiente hospitalario

  16. Cannabis e humor Cannabis and mood

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    Rafael Faria Sanches


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as relações entre o uso agudo e crônico de cannabis e alterações do humor. MÉTODO: Os artigos foram selecionados por meio de busca eletrônica no indexador PubMed. Capítulos de livros e as listas de referências dos artigos selecionados também foram revisados. RESULTADOS: Observam-se elevados índices de comorbidade entre abuso/dependência de cannabis e transtornos afetivos em estudos transversais e em amostras clínicas. Estudos longitudinais indicam que, em longo prazo, o uso mais intenso de cannabis está relacionado com um risco maior de desenvolvimento de doença bipolar e, talvez, depressão maior em indivíduos inicialmente sem quadros afetivos; porém, os mesmos não encontraram maior risco de uso de cannabis entre aqueles com mania ou depressão sem esta comorbidade. Outra importante observação é que o uso de substâncias psicoativas em bipolares pode estar associado a uma série de características negativas, como dificuldade na recuperação dos sintomas afetivos, maior número de internações, piora na adesão ao tratamento, risco aumentado de suicídio, agressividade e a uma pobre resposta ao lítio. Tratamentos psicossociais e farmacológicos são indicados para o manejo da comorbidade entre cannabis e transtornos afetivos. CONCLUSÃO: As relações entre o uso de cannabis e alterações do humor são observadas tanto epidemiologicamente quanto nos contextos clínicos.OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the relationship between acute and chronic use of cannabis and mood changes. METHOD: Articles were selected by electronic search in PubMed. Chapters in books and reference lists of selected articles were also reviewed. As the research did not involve humans, there was no evaluation by a Research Ethics Committee. RESULTS: High rates of comorbidity between use/abuse/dependence of cannabis and affective disorders in longitudinal studies and in clinical samples were observed. Longitudinal studies indicate that, in long

  17. Reviewing metallic PEMFC bipolar plates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, H.; Turner, J.A. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (United States)


    A bipolar plate is one of the most important components in a polymer exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack and has multiple functions. Metallic bipolar plate candidates have advantages over composite rivals in excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, good mechanical strength, high chemical stability, very wide alloy choices, low cost and, most importantly, existing pathways for high-volume, high-speed mass production. The challenges with metallic bipolar plates are the higher contact resistance and possible corrosion products, which may contaminate the membrane electrode assembly. This review evaluates the candidate metallic and coating materials for bipolar plates and gives the perspective of the research trends. (Abstract Copyright [2010], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  18. Bipolar Disorder and Early Affective Trauma. (United States)

    de Codt, Aloise; Monhonval, Pauline; Bongaerts, Xavier; Belkacemi, Ikram; Tecco, Juan Martin


    Bipolar disorder is a chronic psychiatric disease with a high prevalence and is a major psychosocial and medical burden. The exact etiological pathways of bipolar disorder are not fully understood. Genetic factors are known to play an important role in the etiology of bipolar disorder. However, high rates of discordance among identical twins and a growing body of evidence that environmental factors such as early stress can influence the onset and course of psychiatric diseases underline the importance of additional etiological mechanisms of bipolar disorders. There has been little investigation about early trauma in bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to review the literature on the association between early traumatic interactions like child neglect, mistreatment, abuse or early parental separation and the occurrence of bipolar disorder in adulthood or impact on the course of the disease. Studies investigating associations between child neglect, mistreatment, abuse or early parental separation and occurrence of bipolar disorder in adulthood or impact on the course of the disease were searched in the Pubmed database. More than 700 articles were sorted independently by two of the authors using predefined criteria. Only research articles, reviews and meta-analyses were selected for this review. 53 articles met the inclusion criteria. To date, four systematic reviews partially addressed our research question. Early trauma is more frequently found in the past of bipolar patients than in the general population. Studies support a harmful effect of childhood trauma on the course of bipolar disease, with more anxious, depressive or psychotic symptoms, an early age of onset and a worse prognosis. Early trauma is more often found in the past of bipolar adult patients than the general population and studies support a harmful effect of childhood trauma on the course of bipolar disease, with more anxious, depressive or psychotic symptoms, an early age of onset and a

  19. Late Onset Bipolar Disorder: Case Report


    Filipa Araújo; Adriana Horta


    Background: Bipolar disorder affects approximately 1% of the population, with diagnosis often being made during late adolescence and early adulthood, and only rarely (0.1%) in the elderly. Late onset bipolar disorder in the elderly has a impact on the nature and course of bipolar disorder. Aims: The authors report a case of bipolar disorder emerging in late life  (76years old) with no cleary identified organic cause. Conclusion: This case highlights the importance of a broad different...

  20. Bipolar outflow in B335

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirano, N.; Kameya, O.; Nakayama, M.; Takakubo, K.


    The high-velocity (C-12)O (J = 1-0) emission in B335 with a high angular resolution of 16 arcsec has been mapped. The high-velocity emission shows distinct bipolar pattern centered at IRAS 19345+0727, toward which a strong high-velocity (C-12)O emission has been detected. The bipolar lobes delineate remarkable collimation toward the IRAS source, indicating that the flow is focused within 0.02 pc of the driving source. Each lobe is accompanied by significant wing emission with the opposite velocity shift, which clearly shows the association with IRAS 19345+0727. This feature is well explained as a bipolar flow the axis of which is nearly perpendicular to the line of sight. There is no evidence of another evolved bipolar flow which does not associate with any dense core as previously suggested. This suggests that B335 is a site of very recent star formation, containing a single bipolar flow with an age of about 30,000 yr. 15 references

  1. O insight no transtorno bipolar: uma revisão sistemática

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    Rafael de Assis da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivos Realizar uma revisão sistemática para compreender que fatores estão relacionados a uma maior ou menor consciência de morbidade no transtorno bipolar (TB, como o insight varia em função do estado afetivo e estabelecer uma comparação com outros transtornos mentais. Métodos Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura científica sobre o insight em pacientes com TB. Foram buscados estudos clínicos originais sobre o tema nas bases de dados Medline, ISI e SciELO. Os termos de busca empregados foram: “insight” OR “awareness” AND “bipolar” OR “mania” OR “manic”. Resultados Foram selecionados 55 artigos. O insight no TB parece ser mais prejudicado do que na depressão unipolar, porém menos do que na esquizofrenia. Com relação ao TB, um menor nível de insight está relacionado à presença de sintomas psicóticos e de alterações cognitivas. Além disso, um comprometimento do insight está associado a uma menor adesão ao tratamento. Por outro lado, uma maior preservação do insight pode estar associada a maior ideação suicida. Finalmente, a fase maníaca cursa com um nível inferior de insight quando comparada à fase depressiva ou de eutimia. Conclusão No TB, o insight está significativamente prejudicado, especialmente na mania. Diversos fatores clínicos parecem influenciar o nível de insight.


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    Max Olinto Moreira


    Full Text Available A previsão da demanda de carga é uma tarefa fundamental para um bom funcionamento dos sistemas elétricos, pois vários processos de tomada de decisão, tais como planejamento, operação, análise de segurança e decisões de mercado, são altamente influenciados por este processo. Sabendo que o atendimento da demanda de carga é um processo estocástico, esta previsão se mostra importante para que uma empresa de distribuição promova um fornecimento de energia de forma segura, econômica e contínua. Nesta ótica, este trabalho propõe a elaboração de uma metodologia de previsão de carga à curto prazo, baseada na combinação de vários previsores distintos. Os resultados alcançados mostraram que a combinação dos previsores apresentou, na maioria dos casos analisados, resultados mais acurados quando comparados aos resultados obtidos por apenas uma componente de previsão individualmente. Neste modelo, a previsão da curva de demanda de carga baseia-se nas curvas de demanda de dias já conhecidos.

  3. Reconhecimento dos aspectos tacêsicos para o cuidado afetivo e de qualidade ao idoso hospitalizado

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    Teresa Cristina Gioia Schimidt

    Full Text Available Verificar os aspectos tacêsicos importantes para serem observados ao tocar o idoso. Estudo de campo, qualitativo e exploratório desenvolvido com 117 graduandos e profissionais de saúde participantes da capacitação em comunicação não verbal em gerontologia. Os resultados revelam que a maioria conseguiu identificar, pelo menos, um fator de atenção que precisa ser respeitado ao tocar o idoso. Os discursos permitiram a construção de nove categorias apontando condições necessárias ao cuidado afetivo e de qualidade prestado no âmbito da tacêsica; quais sejam: autorização para que o toque ocorra; localização do toque; intensidade do toque; condição do idoso; intencionalidade e tipo de toque; duração do toque; sexo e idade de quem toca e quem é tocado; frequência do toque e características das mãos que tocam. O tocar faz parte do cotidiano dos profissionais da saúde e expressa zelo e sentimentos consequentemente, revela a qualidade da assistência prestada.

  4. Bipolar mixed features - Results from the comparative effectiveness for bipolar disorder (Bipolar CHOICE) study. (United States)

    Tohen, Mauricio; Gold, Alexandra K; Sylvia, Louisa G; Montana, Rebecca E; McElroy, Susan L; Thase, Michael E; Rabideau, Dustin J; Nierenberg, Andrew A; Reilly-Harrington, Noreen A; Friedman, Edward S; Shelton, Richard C; Bowden, Charles L; Singh, Vivek; Deckersbach, Thilo; Ketter, Terence A; Calabrese, Joseph R; Bobo, William V; McInnis, Melvin G


    DSM-5 changed the criteria from DSM-IV for mixed features in mood disorder episodes to include non-overlapping symptoms of depression and hypomania/mania. It is unknown if, by changing these criteria, the same group would qualify for mixed features. We assessed how those meeting DSM-5 criteria for mixed features compare to those meeting DSM-IV criteria. We analyzed data from 482 adult bipolar patients in Bipolar CHOICE, a randomized comparative effectiveness trial. Bipolar diagnoses were confirmed through the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Presence and severity of mood symptoms were collected with the Bipolar Inventory of Symptoms Scale (BISS) and linked to DSM-5 and DSM-IV mixed features criteria. Baseline demographics and clinical variables were compared between mood episode groups using ANOVA for continuous variables and chi-square tests for categorical variables. At baseline, the frequency of DSM-IV mixed episodes diagnoses obtained with the MINI was 17% and with the BISS was 20%. Using DSM-5 criteria, 9% of participants met criteria for hypomania/mania with mixed features and 12% met criteria for a depressive episode with mixed features. Symptom severity was also associated with increased mixed features with a high rate of mixed features in patients with mania/hypomania (63.8%) relative to those with depression (8.0%). Data on mixed features were collected at baseline only and thus do not reflect potential patterns in mixed features within this sample across the study duration. The DSM-5 narrower, non-overlapping definition of mixed episodes resulted in fewer patients who met mixed criteria compared to DSM-IV. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. Brief Report: A Family Risk Study Exploring Bipolar Spectrum Problems and Cognitive Biases in Adolescent Children of Bipolar Parents (United States)

    Espie, Jonathan; Jones, Steven H.; Vance, Yvonne H.; Tai, Sara J.


    Children of parents with bipolar disorder are at increased risk of bipolar spectrum diagnoses. This cross-sectional study explores cognitive factors in the prediction of vulnerability to bipolar disorder. Adolescents at high-risk (with a parent with bipolar disorder; n = 23) and age and gender matched adolescents (n = 24) were recruited. Parent…

  6. Three times more days depressed than manic or hypomanic in both bipolar I and bipolar II disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kupka, Ralph W.; Altshuler, Lori L.; Nolen, Willem A.; Suppes, Trisha; Luckenbaugh, David A.; Leverich, Gabriele S.; Frye, Mark A.; Keck, Paul E.; McElroy, Susan L.; Grunze, Heinz; Post, Robert M.

    Objectives: To assess the proportion of time spent in mania, depression and euthymia in a large cohort of bipolar subjects studied longitudinally, and to investigate depression/mania ratios in patients with bipolar I versus bipolar II disorder. Methods: Clinician-adjusted self-ratings of mood were

  7. Significado de cargas no trabalho sob a ótica de operacionais de limpeza Meaning of workload on the view of cleaning professionals

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    Júlia Trevisan Martins


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o significado das cargas de trabalho para operacionais de limpeza de uma unidade de Emergência/Pronto Socorro e identificar as estratégias que eles utilizam como proteção as essas cargas. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, exploratório qualitativo, com a participação de 12 operacionais de limpeza. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e as falas submetidas à análise de conteúdo em suas etapas: leitura, determinação das unidades de registro e significações, codificação e classificação; tratamento e interpretação dos resultados obtidos. RESULTADOS: Emergiram três categorias: carga vivenciada no trabalho relacionada com a materialidade interna, carga vivenciada no trabalho relacionada com a materialidade externa e estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas para amenizar e/ou prevenir as cargas no trabalho. CONCLUSÃO: Os profissionais conhecem parcialmente as cargas as quais estão expostos e enfrentam-nas individualmente.OBJECTIVE: To reveal the meaning of work operational loads on the operational cleaning Emergency Unit / Emergency and identify the strategies that they use as the protection these loads. METHOD: Descriptive, exploratory and qualitative, with 12 operational cleaning. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews and statements submitted to content analysis in its phases: reading, register units and meanings, coding and classification; results treatment and interpreting. RESULTS: Three categories emerged: Work load related to internal materiality, work load related to external materiality, and coping strategies used to mitigate or prevent workloads. CONCLUSION: Professionals knew workloads partially and used self coping strategies.

  8. Quetiapine monotherapy for bipolar depression

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    Michael E Thase


    Full Text Available Michael E ThaseDepartments of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA; the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USAAbstract: Bipolar depression is more common, disabling, and difficult-to-treat than the manic and hypomanic phases that define bipolar disorder. Unlike the treatment of so-called “unipolar” depressions, antidepressants generally are not indicated as monotherapies for bipolar depressions and recent studies suggest that - even when used in combination with traditional mood stabilizers – antidepressants may have questionable value for bipolar depression. The current practice is that mood stabilizers are initiated first as monotherapies; however, the antidepressant efficacy of lithium and valproate is modest at best. Within this context the role of atypical antipsychotics is being evaluated. The combination of olanzapine and the antidepressant fluoxetine was the first treatment to receive regulatory approval in the US specifically for bipolar I depression. Quetiapine was the second medication to be approved for this indication, largely as the result of two pivotal trials known by the acronyms of BOLDER (BipOLar DEpRession I and II. Both studies demonstrated that two doses of quetiapine (300 mg and 600 mg given once daily at bedtime were significantly more effective than placebo, with no increased risk of patients switching into mania. Pooling the two studies, quetiapine was effective for both bipolar I and bipolar II depressions and for patients with (and without a history of rapid cycling. The two doses were comparably effective in both studies. Although the efficacy of quetiapine monotherapy has been established, much additional research is necessary. Further studies are needed to more fully investigate dose-response relationships and comparing quetiapine monotherapy to other mood stabilizers

  9. Cross Entropy Measures of Bipolar and Interval Bipolar Neutrosophic Sets and Their Application for Multi-Attribute Decision-Making

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    Surapati Pramanik


    Full Text Available The bipolar neutrosophic set is an important extension of the bipolar fuzzy set. The bipolar neutrosophic set is a hybridization of the bipolar fuzzy set and neutrosophic set. Every element of a bipolar neutrosophic set consists of three independent positive membership functions and three independent negative membership functions. In this paper, we develop cross entropy measures of bipolar neutrosophic sets and prove their basic properties. We also define cross entropy measures of interval bipolar neutrosophic sets and prove their basic properties. Thereafter, we develop two novel multi-attribute decision-making strategies based on the proposed cross entropy measures. In the decision-making framework, we calculate the weighted cross entropy measures between each alternative and the ideal alternative to rank the alternatives and choose the best one. We solve two illustrative examples of multi-attribute decision-making problems and compare the obtained result with the results of other existing strategies to show the applicability and effectiveness of the developed strategies. At the end, the main conclusion and future scope of research are summarized.

  10. Bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells (United States)

    Middelman, E.; Kout, W.; Vogelaar, B.; Lenssen, J.; de Waal, E.

    The bipolar plates are in weight and volume the major part of the PEM fuel cell stack, and are also a significant contributor to the stack costs. The bipolar plate is therefore a key component if power density has to increase and costs must come down. Three cell plate technologies are expected to reach targeted cost price levels, all having specific advantages and drawbacks. NedStack has developed a conductive composite materials and a production process for fuel cell plates (bipolar and mono-polar). The material has a high electric and thermal conductivity, and can be processed into bipolar plates by a proprietary molding process. Process cycle time has been reduced to less than 10 s, making the material and process suitable for economical mass production. Other development work to increase material efficiency resulted in thin bipolar plates with integrated cooling channels, and integrated seals, and in two-component bipolar plates. Total thickness of the bipolar plates is now less than 3 mm, and will be reduced to 2 mm in the near future. With these thin integrated plates it is possible to increase power density up to 2 kW/l and 2 kW/kg, while at the same time reducing cost by integrating other functions and less material use.

  11. Comportamiento de tejas de cubierta tipo multicapa fabricadas con asfalto crudo y modificado cuando son sometidas a cargas constantes


    López Bula, Pedro Javier


    El presente trabajo, analiza las propiedades viscoelasticas de diferentes materiales asfalticos después de ser sometidos a cargas permanentes y a diferente temperatura -- Estas cargas simulan las que eventualmente se pueden presentar en la aplicacion y fabricación de productos asfalticos ampliamente utilizados en el sector de la construcción -- Para este estudio se utilizó asfalto crudo y modificado con diferentes polímeros: Cera de polietileno (CERA), caucho molido de llanta (CR), copolimero...

  12. Electronic monitoring in bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Faurholt-Jepsen, Maria


    Major reasons for the insufficient effects of current treatment options in bipolar disorder include delayed intervention for prodromal depressive and manic symptoms and decreased adherence to psychopharmacological treatment. The reliance on subjective information and clinical evaluations when diagnosing and assessing the severity of depressive and manic symptoms calls for less biased and more objective markers. By using electronic devices, fine-grained data on complex psychopathological aspects of bipolar disorder can be evaluated unobtrusively over the long term. Moreover, electronic data could possibly represent candidate markers of diagnosis and illness activity in bipolar disorder and allow for early and individualized intervention for prodromal symptoms outside clinical settings. 
The present dissertation concerns the use of electronic monitoring as a marker and treatment intervention in bipolar disorder and investigated the scientific literature and body of evidence within the area, which includes ten original study reports and two systematic reviews, one of which included a meta-analysis, conducted by the author of the dissertation. 
Taken together, the literature presented in this dissertation illustrates that 1) smartphone-based electronic self-monitoring of mood seems to reflect clinically assessed depressive and manic symptoms and enables the long-term characterization of mood

instability in bipolar disorder; 2) preliminary results suggest that smartphone-based automatically generated data (e.g. the number of text messages sent/day; the number of incoming and outgoing calls/day; the number of changes in cell tower IDs/day; and voice features) seem to reflect clinically assessed depressive and manic symptoms in bipolar disorder; 3) smartphone-based electronic self-monitoring had no effects on the severity of depressive and manic symptoms in bipolar disorder, according to a randomized controlled trial; and 4) electronic monitoring of psychomotor

  13. Prediction of transition from common adolescent bipolar experiences to bipolar disorder: 10-year study. (United States)

    Tijssen, Marijn J A; van Os, Jim; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Lieb, Roselind; Beesdo, Katja; Mengelers, Ron; Wichers, Marieke


    Although (hypo)manic symptoms are common in adolescence, transition to adult bipolar disorder is infrequent. To examine whether the risk of transition to bipolar disorder is conditional on the extent of persistence of subthreshold affective phenotypes. In a 10-year prospective community cohort study of 3021 adolescents and young adults, the association between persistence of affective symptoms over 3 years and the 10-year clinical outcomes of incident DSM-IV (hypo)manic episodes and incident use of mental healthcare was assessed. Transition to clinical outcome was associated with persistence of symptoms in a dose-dependent manner. Around 30-40% of clinical outcomes could be traced to prior persistence of affective symptoms. In a substantial proportion of individuals, onset of clinical bipolar disorder may be seen as the poor outcome of a developmentally common and usually transitory non-clinical bipolar phenotype.

  14. Carga de trabalho de enfermagem em transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas: estudo de coorte

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    Juliana Bastoni da Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo Mensurar a carga de trabalho de enfermagem requerida por pacientes submetidos ao transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH, autólogo e alogênico e analisar as atividades do Nursing Activities Score (NAS executadas pela equipe de enfermagem durante a internação para o TCTH. Método Coorte prospectiva realizada de janeiro/2013 a abril/2014 com 62 pacientes internados na unidade de TCTH de um hospital universitário de Campinas/SP, Brasil. Mediu-se a carga de trabalho por meio do NAS e analisaram-se os dados utilizando os testes Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher, Mann-Whitney e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman; considerou-se nível de significância de 5%. Resultados A média da carga de trabalho de enfermagem foi de 67,3% (DP 8,2 em pacientes de TCTH autólogo e de 72,4% (DP 13,0 no TCTH alogênico (p=0,1380. O item Monitorização e controles apontou, em mais de 50% das observações, que os pacientes demandaram intensificação deste cuidado, exigindo duas horas ou mais em algum turno de trabalho por motivos de segurança, gravidade ou terapia. Conclusão A carga de trabalho de enfermagem e os itens do NAS mais pontuados refletem a magnitude, complexidade e especificidade dos cuidados demandados pelos pacientes submetidos ao TCTH.

  15. Alcoholism and anxiety in bipolar illness : Differential lifetime anxiety comorbidity in bipolar I women with and without alcoholism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Levander, Eric; Frye, Mark A.; McElroy, Susan; Suppes, Trisha; Grunze, Heinz; Nolen, Willem A.; Kupka, Ralph; Keck, Paul E.; Leverich, Gabriele S.; Altshuler, Lori L.; Hwang, Sun; Mintz, Jim; Post, Robert M.

    Introduction: This study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence rate of anxiety comorbidity in bipolar subjects with and without alcohol use disorders (AUD). Methods: Bipolar men and women who entered the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network (SFBN) underwent a Structured Clinical Interview for

  16. "Is it menopause or bipolar?": a qualitative study of the experience of menopause for women with bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Perich, Tania; Ussher, Jane; Parton, Chloe


    Menopause can be a time of change for women and may be marked by disturbances in mood. For women living with a mental illness, such as bipolar disorder, little is known about how they experience mood changes during menopause. This study aimed to explore how women with bipolar disorder constructed mood changes during menopause and how this impacted on treatment decisions. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with fifteen women who reported they had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Data was analysed using thematic analysis guided by a social constructionist framework. Themes identified included 'Constructions of mood change: menopause or bipolar disorder?',' Life events, bipolar disorder and menopause coming together'; 'Treatment choices for mood change during menopause'. The accounts suggested that women related to the experience of mood changes during menopause through the lens of their existing framework of bipolar disorder, with implications for understanding of self and treatment choices.

  17. Bipolar Plates for PEM Systems


    Lædre, Sigrid


    Summary of thesis: The Bipolar Plate (BPP) is an important component in both Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) and Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers (PEMWEs). Bipolar plate material and processing constitutes for a large fraction of the cost and weight of a PEM cell stack. The main tasks for the bipolar plates in both systems are to separate single cell in a stack, conduct current between single cells and remove heat from active areas. In addition, the BPPs distribu...

  18. Modeling suicide in bipolar disorders. (United States)

    Malhi, Gin S; Outhred, Tim; Das, Pritha; Morris, Grace; Hamilton, Amber; Mannie, Zola


    Suicide is a multicausal human behavior, with devastating and immensely distressing consequences. Its prevalence is estimated to be 20-30 times greater in patients with bipolar disorders than in the general population. The burden of suicide and its high prevalence in bipolar disorders make it imperative that our current understanding be improved to facilitate prediction of suicide and its prevention. In this review, we provide a new perspective on the process of suicide in bipolar disorder, in the form of a novel integrated model that is derived from extant knowledge and recent evidence. A literature search of articles on suicide in bipolar disorder was conducted in recognized databases such as Scopus, PubMed, and PsycINFO using the keywords "suicide", "suicide in bipolar disorders", "suicide process", "suicide risk", "neurobiology of suicide" and "suicide models". Bibliographies of identified articles were further scrutinized for papers and book chapters of relevance. Risk factors for suicide in bipolar disorders are well described, and provide a basis for a framework of epigenetic mechanisms, moderated by neurobiological substrates, neurocognitive functioning, and social inferences within the environment. Relevant models and theories include the diathesis-stress model, the bipolar model of suicide and the ideation-to-action models, the interpersonal theory of suicide, the integrated motivational-volitional model, and the three-step theory. Together, these models provide a basis for the generation of an integrated model that illuminates the suicidal process, from ideation to action. Suicide is complex, and it is evident that a multidimensional and integrated approach is required to reduce its prevalence. The proposed model exposes and provides access to components of the suicide process that are potentially measurable and may serve as novel and specific therapeutic targets for interventions in the context of bipolar disorder. Thus, this model is useful not only

  19. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (United States)

    Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Crisis Hotline Information Coping with a Crisis Suicide Prevention Information Psychiatric Hospitalization ... sign-up Education info, training, events Mood Disorders Depression Bipolar Disorder Anxiety Screening Center Co-occurring Illnesses/ ...

  20. Late Onset Bipolar Disorder: Case Report

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    Filipa Araújo


    Full Text Available Background: Bipolar disorder affects approximately 1% of the population, with diagnosis often being made during late adolescence and early adulthood, and only rarely (0.1% in the elderly. Late onset bipolar disorder in the elderly has a impact on the nature and course of bipolar disorder. Aims: The authors report a case of bipolar disorder emerging in late life  (76years old with no cleary identified organic cause. Conclusion: This case highlights the importance of a broad differential diagnosis and pharmacologic management when approaching new-onset manic/depressive symptoms among geriatric patients.

  1. Ordenamiento y solución de flujos de carga en sistemas radiales

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    Lucio Florez C.


    Full Text Available En estudios de planeación y operación de sistemas de distribución, es necesario efectuar gran cantidad de estudios de reparto de carga, corlo circuito y análisis de contingencias entre otros, de aquí que es muy importante para el ahorro de tiempo y memoria de cómputo, como también para la confiablidad de la solución el empleo de algoritmos adecuados. Una parte fundamental de estos algoritmos es la relacionada con el ordenamiento, factorización y solución de ecuaciones lineales. En este trabajo se plantea un algoritmo sencillo de ordenamiento, factorización y solución de ecuaciones lineales, aprovechando la estructura de los sistemas radiales (los cuales son frecuentes en distribución, lo que conlleva a una reducción en tiempo y memoria de cómputo respecto a los algoritmos tradicionalmente utilizados, teniendo una aplicación inmediata en reparto de carga y corto circuito de sistemas radiales.

  2. Detección de averías en cambiadores de tomas en carga de transformadores basado en el patrón de vibraciones


    Rivas Trujillo, Edwin


    Un cambiador de tomas en carga (OLTC, en inglés” On-Load Tap Changer”, o CTC en español) o regulador es la única parte con movimiento en un transformador. Su función es realizar la operación de cambio de una toma del arrollamiento de regulación a otra, permitiendo regular la tensión de salida del transformador a los niveles requeridos sin la interrupción de la corriente de carga. La valoración del estado electro-mecánico (buen estado o con avería) de un cambiador de tomas en carga es importan...

  3. Suprasensory phenomena in those with a bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Parker, Gordon; Paterson, Amelia; Romano, Mia; Granville Smith, Isabelle


    To increase awareness of the sensory changes experienced during hypo/manic and depressive states by those with a bipolar disorder and determine if the prevalence of such features is similar across differing bipolar sub-types. We interviewed 66 patients who acknowledged sensory changes during hypo/manic states. They were allocated to bipolar I, bipolar II and soft bipolar diagnostic categories and the prevalence of 10 differing sensory changes was quantified during hypo/manic and depressive phases. Bipolar I patients were just as likely, if not more likely, to report suprasensory changes which typically involved enhancement of senses during hypo/manic phases and muting or blunting during depressive phases. The high prevalence of changes in intuition, empathy, appreciation of danger and predictive capacities suggests that these are more part of the intrinsic bipolar mood domain states and not necessarily suprasensory, while changes in primary senses of smell, taste, vision, touch and hearing appear to more commonly define the suprasensory domain. It is important for clinicians and patients with a bipolar disorder to be aware of non-psychotic, suprasensory phenomena. Identification of such features may aid diagnosis and also explain the recognised increased creativity in those with a bipolar condition.

  4. The bipolarity of light and dark: A review on Bipolar Disorder and circadian cycles. (United States)

    Abreu, T; Bragança, M


    Bipolar Disorder is characterized by episodes running the full mood spectrum, from mania to depression. Between mood episodes, residual symptoms remain, as sleep alterations, circadian cycle disturbances, emotional deregulation, cognitive impairment and increased risk for comorbidities. The present review intends to reflect about the most recent and relevant information concerning the biunivocal relation between bipolar disorder and circadian cycles. It was conducted a literature search on PubMed database using the search terms "bipolar", "circadian", "melatonin", "cortisol", "body temperature", "Clock gene", "Bmal1 gene", "Per gene", "Cry gene", "GSK3β", "chronotype", "light therapy", "dark therapy", "sleep deprivation", "lithum" and "agomelatine". Search results were manually reviewed, and pertinent studies were selected for inclusion as appropriate. Several studies support the relationship between bipolar disorder and circadian cycles, discussing alterations in melatonin, body temperature and cortisol rhythms; disruption of sleep/wake cycle; variations of clock genes; and chronotype. Some therapeutics for bipolar disorder directed to the circadian cycles disturbances are also discussed, including lithium carbonate, agomelatine, light therapy, dark therapy, sleep deprivation and interpersonal and social rhythm therapy. This review provides a summary of an extensive research for the relevant literature on this theme, not a patient-wise meta-analysis. In the future, it is essential to achieve a better understanding of the relation between bipolar disorder and the circadian system. It is required to establish new treatment protocols, combining psychotherapy, therapies targeting the circadian rhythms and the latest drugs, in order to reduce the risk of relapse and improve affective behaviour. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. La percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo para el control de la carga de entrenamiento en una temporada en un equipo de balonmano

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    Jorge Cuadrado-Reyes


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación es estudiar la aplicabilidad de la Percepción Subjetiva del Esfuerzo (PSE desde una doble perspectiva, en primer lugar, como apoyo al seguimiento de la cuantificación de la carga administrada en los entrenamientos en deportes colectivos, y en segundo lugar, como herramienta ad hoc para el control diario del entrenamiento sobre lo planificado por el cuerpo técnico. La frecuencia cardiaca de reserva (FCR ha sido utilizada para controlar la carga interna de cada sesión. Trece jugadores pertenecientes a un equipo de balonmano de División de Honor española participaron en la investigación llevada a cabo a lo largo de una temporada. Los resultados mostraron que la PSE es un buen indicador de la carga de entrenamiento, consiguiéndose además un procedimiento válido para comparar valores de la carga planificada por el equipo técnico (PSEp con respecto a los valores reales de entrenamiento (PSEg (rxy= .792; p < .01. Se puede concluir que la PSE junto a la FCR (rxy= .839; p < .01 son buenos marcadores para el control de la carga de entrenamiento, no invasivos, y permiten monitorizar los estados de forma de los jugadores a lo largo de la temporada.

  6. Estudio ergonómico: Levantamiento manual de Cargas


    Cruz Solis, Carolina


    El presente trabajo se ha realizado en BODEGAS RIERA S.A dedicada a la facturación de botellas y lotes de vinos La introducción de nuevas tecnologías para el desarrimado de botellas en la empresa, ha dado lugar a la realización de una evaluación específica de riesgos laborales en los puestos de trabajo de la sección de la LÍNEA DE ESPECIALES. Se ha identificado un posible riesgo por factores ergonómicos en la manipulación manual de cargas, por lo que se ha planificado esta valoración espec...


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se estudiaron las cargas polínicas de 13 taxones de abejas capturadas visitando a Mimosa pigra en la zona de influencia del Embalse Porce II (Antioquia, Colombia. De los 21 tipos polínicos encontrados, M. pigra presenta el mayor porcentaje acumulado de colecta; Mimosa pudica, Piper aduncum, Solanum diversifolium, Warszewiczia coccinea y Psidium guajava, en su orden, se pueden considerar fuentes alternativas de polen, para varias de las especies de abejas cuyas cargas polínicas fueron analizadas. Dentro de las especies de abejas capturadas visitando a M. pigra se pueden diferenciar varios grupos según el tipo y abundancia relativa de los tipos polínicos encontrados en sus cargas. Uno de ellos, incluye a siete especies de abejas con más del 85% de granos de polen de M. pigra; otro, con cuatro especies de abejas que colectaron más del 94,5% del polen en M. pigra y M. pudica. Adicionalmente, se encontraron especies como Trigona dorsalis con cargas de M. pigra (59,4%, de S. diversifolium (37,8% y especies de abejas como Lasioglossum sp. 113, en cuyas cargas polínicas predominan los granos de polen de P. aduncum (61,8% y de W.coccinea (36,4%, en contraste con los de M. pigra (1,3%. En cuanto a la riqueza de tipos polínicos colectados por las abejas sobresalen Trigona muzoensis (12 tipos polínicos y T. dorsalis (10 tipos, lo cual refleja nichos tróficos más amplios para estas especies y deja duda sobre su constancia floral o hábitos de limpieza. Palabras clave: Mimosa pigra, cargas polínicas, tipos polínicos, abejas, polinización. ABSTRACT We studied the pollen loads of 13 taxa of wild bees visiting the flowers of Mimosa pigra on the influence zone of the Dam Project Porce II (Antioquia, Colombia. Out of 21 different pollen types, M. pigra represents the higuest percentage; Mimosa pudica, Piper aduncum, Solanum diversifolium, Warszewiczia coccinea and Psidium guajava, in that order, were also abundant, and are alternative

  8. Transtorno bipolar

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    Alda Martin


    Full Text Available Os resultados de estudos de famílias sugerem que o transtorno bipolar tenha uma base genética. Essa hipótese foi reforçada em estudos de adoção e de gêmeos. A herança do transtorno bipolar é complexa, envolve vários genes, além de apresentar heterogeneidade e interação entre fatores genéticos e não-genéticos. Achados, que já foram replicados, já implicaram os cromossomos 4, 12, 18 e 21, entre outros, na busca por genes de suscetibilidade. Os resultados mais promissores foram obtidos através de estudos de ligação. Por outro lado, os estudos de associação geraram dados interessantes, mas ainda vagos. Os estudos de populações de pacientes homogêneos e a melhor definição do fenótipo deverão contribuir para avanços futuros. A identificação dos genes relacionados ao transtorno bipolar irá permitir o melhor entendimento e tratamento dessa doença.

  9. Integrated neurobiology of bipolar disorder

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    Vladimir eMaletic


    Full Text Available From a neurobiological perspective there is no such thing as bipolar disorder. Rather, it is almost certainly the case that many somewhat similar, but subtly different, pathological conditions produce a disease state that we currently diagnose as bipolarity. This heterogeneity—reflected in the lack of synergy between our current diagnostic schema and our rapidly advancing scientific understanding of the condition—limits attempts to articulate an integrated perspective on bipolar disorder. However, despite these challenges, scientific findings in recent years are beginning to offer a provisional unified field theory of the disease. This theory sees bipolar disorder as a suite of related neurodevelopmental conditions with interconnected functional abnormalities that often appear early in life and worsen over time. In addition to accelerated loss of volume in brain areas known to be essential for mood regulation and cognitive function, consistent findings have emerged at a cellular level, providing evidence that bipolar disorder is reliably associated with dysregulation of glial-neuronal interactions. Among these glial elements are microglia—the brain’s primary immune elements, which appear to be overactive in the context of bipolarity. Multiple studies now indicate that inflammation is also increased in the periphery of the body in both the depressive and manic phases of the illness, with at least some return to normality in the euthymic state. These findings are consistent with changes in the HPA axis, which are known to drive inflammatory activation. In summary, the very fact that no single gene, pathway or brain abnormality is likely to ever account for the condition is itself an extremely important first step in better articulating an integrated perspective on both its ontological status and pathogenesis. Whether this perspective will translate into the discovery of innumerable more homogeneous forms of bipolarity is one of the great

  10. Diagnóstico de averías de un cambiador de tomas en carga mediante redes neuronales


    Piñas García, Miguel Ángel


    Un cambiador de tomas en carga por sus siglas en español CTC u OLTC por sus siglas en inglés (“On-Load Tap Changer”) es la única parte con movimiento en un transformador. Su Misión es realizar la operación de cambio de una toma a otra del devanado de regulación, modificando el número de espiras en uno de los devanados, en respuesta a un cambio de tensión en la red debido a variaciones en la carga. De acuerdo a una encuesta internacional realizada por el CIGRE el 40% de los fallos del transfor...

  11. A five year follow-up study of 11 patients with bipolar disorder Seguimento de 11 pacientes com transtorno bipolar por cinco anos

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    Fernanda Novis


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To study the long-term follow-up of patients with bipolar disorder (BPD. METHOD: Eleven outpatients with BPD type I were followed up naturalistically for five years at a university teaching hospital. The Clinical Global Impression Scale (BPD version was used to evaluate the occurrence of affective episodes, and the Strauss-Carpenter Outcome Scale was used to evaluate social and occupational functioning. RESULTS: The majority of patients were symptomatic most of the time, with predominantly depressive episodes. Overall, patients remained euthymic a mean of 47.7% of the time. Despite a low rate of hospitalization, social and occupational functioning was poor in the majority of patients. A poor disease course with respect to work-related functioning was associated with fewer months of euthymia with a longer duration of depressive episodes. The total number of months of euthymia negatively correlated with the patient's age and disease duration. CONCLUSION: Despite the small sample size, the present findings appear to corroborate previous studies on the evolution of BPD. Most of the patients had a poor disease course, with long symptomatic periods, particularly depressive episodes, and significantly impaired social and occupational functioning.OBJETIVO: Estudar a evolução de longo prazo do transtorno bipolar (TB. MÉTODO: Onze pacientes com TB do tipo I foram acompanhados de forma naturalística em um ambulatório universitário por cinco anos. Foram utilizadas a Escala de Impressão Clínica Global (versão TB, para a avaliação dos episódios afetivos, e a Escala de Evolução Strauss-Carpenter, para a avaliação do funcionamento sócio-ocupacional. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos pacientes esteve sintomática a maior parte do tempo, apresentando predominantemente quadros depressivos. Em média, os pacientes ficaram em eutimia durante 47,7% do tempo. Apesar do baixo índice de hospitalização, a maioria dos pacientes apresentou

  12. Carga de trabajo en tres grupos de pacientes de UCI Española según el Nursing Activities Score Carga de trabalho em três grupos de pacientes em uma UTI espanhola segundo Nursing Activites Score Assessment of nursing workload in three groups of patients in a Spanish ICU using the Nursing Activities Score Scale

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    Francisco Javier Carmona-Monge


    Full Text Available Se objetivó valorizar la carga de trabajo al ingreso y al alta en tres grupos de pacientes (síndrome coronario agudo, insuficiencia respiratoria aguda y sepsis en terapia intensiva. Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de 27 meses, incluyéndose 563 pacientes, valorando carga de trabajo según Nursing Activities Score. Existieron diferencias significativas en la carga de trabajo al ingreso y en el alta entre los grupos de pacientes, siendo superior en ambos momentos la de pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda y sepsis frente a pacientes coronarios. Durante los siete primeros días de estancia se mantuvo esta diferencia, desapareciendo a partir del octavo día, equilibrándose la carga de trabajo para los tres grupos. Para conseguir una adecuada dotación de personal es fundamental contar con instrumentos para medir las necesidades de cuidados y conocer la carga de trabajo de los distintos grupos de enfermos que ingresan con mayor frecuencia en las unidades de terapia intensiva.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a carga de trabalho na admissão e alta dos pacientes de três grupos (síndrome coronária aguda, insuficiência respiratória aguda e sepsis em cuidados intensivos. Trata-se de estudo prospectivo, descritivo, que decorreu durante 27 meses, incluindo 563 pacientes. Para a avaliação da carga de trabalho utilizou-se a escala Nursing Activities Score. A partir dos resultados do estudo parecem existir diferenças significativas na carga de trabalho no dia da admissão e alta entre os grupos de pacientes, sendo a carga maior em ambos os tempos a dos pacientes com insuficiência respiratória aguda e sepsis. Durante os primeiros sete dias de internamento essa diferença manteve-se, desaparecendo no oitavo dia, o que equilibrou a carga de trabalho para os três grupos. Conclui-se que para se conseguir os recursos adequados é essencial dispor de instrumentos para medir as necessidades de cuidados e conhecer a carga de trabalho dos

  13. Cargas elétricas estruturais e variáveis de solos tropicais altamente intemperizados Structural and variable electric charges of highly weathered tropical soils

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    Oscarlina Lucia dos Santos Weber


    Full Text Available Os solos tropicais altamente intemperizados apresentam teor significativo de colóides com carga elétrica variável. Entretanto, são poucas as referências em relação à quantificação destas cargas, principalmente em solos ácricos, que representam o extremo na escala de intemperismo. Neste estudo, foram determinadas as cargas permanentes e as variáveis de dois Latossolos Vermelhos acriférricos, um Latossolo Amarelo ácrico e um Latossolo Amarelo acriférrico, que foram comparados a um Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, com carga predominantemente permanente. As amostras foram investigadas pelo método da adsorção do íon césio (Cs+, que mede a carga estrutural permanente (sigmao e baseia-se na preferência do Cs+ sobre o Li+ na superfície da siloxana de grupos de superfície ionizáveis de menor seletividade ao íon Cs+. A carga variável representou mais que 50 % da carga total dos solos estudados. Dois dos quatro Latossolos com propriedades ácricas exibiram quantidade significativa de carga permanente, provavelmente em razão da presença de vermiculita com hidróxi entrecamadas e clorita. A quantidade de carga permanente apresentada pelo Nitossolo foi até cinco vezes maior se comparada à dos Latossolos, o que pode ser atribuído à diferença na constituição mineralógica. O método da adsorção de Cs foi capaz de identificar teores significativos de carga permanente estrutural, mesmo em solos com baixo teor de minerais 2:1.Highly weathered tropical soils present high amount of colloids with variable electrical charge. However, there are few references related to the quantification of such charges, mainly in soils with acric attributes, which represent one of the extremes in the weathering scale. In this study permanent and variable charges were determined in four Oxisols and compared to an Alfisol with predominantly permanent charge. Samples were investigated using the Cs+ adsorption method, which measures the structural

  14. Contribución de la humedad a la formación y transporte de carga de espacio en LDPE mediante la técnica del Pulso Electroacústico

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    Idalberto Tamayo Ávila


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se obtuvieron resultados que evidencian la formación de carga de espacio en polietileno de baja densidad, LDPE, causados por la aborción de humedad. Se demostró que mientras mayor es el tiempo de exposición de las muestras a la atmósfera húmeda de vapor de agua, crece la carga acumulada en las interfaces y en el volumen del polietileno. También se pudo observar que la humedad facilita el proceso de conducción de paquetes de carga a través de los films de polietileno, empleando menos tiempo en muestras humedecidas que en las que no se humedecieron. La humedad absorbida por el LDPE contribuye a que existan mayor cantidad de centros de atrapamiento para la carga inyectada desde los electrodos y al aporte de carga volumétrica por ionización debido al efecto de campos eléctricos elevados.


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    Débora Pinto Martins


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho estima o transporte de carga de fundo no alto rio Paraná em Porto São José, PR (22º45’52”S e 53°10’34”W, num trecho de aproximadamente 2 km a jusante da Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta (Porto Primavera, onde o rio Paraná apresenta canal único com largura média de 1.200m e vazão média anual é de 8.912 m³/s. O cálculo da carga de fundo do canal foi baseado na determinação do tamanho das formas de leito e de sua velocidade de deslocamento linear, obtidos a partir de sucessivos levantamentos batimétricos. Foram realizadas três campanhas de levantamentos ecobatimétricos em diferentes momentos do ciclo hidrológico do rio, sendo cada campanha constituída por dois levantamentos separados em intervalos de 16 a 20 dias. O cálculo da carga de fundo baseou-se equação: Cf = (1-pH k Ud onde p é a porosidade (adimensional, H a altura média das formas de leito (m, k o coeficiente morfométrico das formas de leito (adimensional e Ud a velocidade de deslocamento das formas de leito (m/dia. As dunas são as formas de leito predominantes neste trecho do rio Paraná, com comprimento entre 50 e 100 m (média de 70,68 m e altura de 0,80 a 2,20 m (média de 1,30 m. A velocidade média de deslocamento linear das formas de fundo foi de 56,8 m/mês, para o período de maior vazão; e 45,0 m/mês para o período de menor vazão. O transporte médio de carga e fundo no rio Paraná foi estimado em 2.820,6 ton/dia, o que corresponde a 1.029.300 ton/ano. Comparando com dados anteriores, os autores sugerem que o transporte hidrossedimentar de fundo no trecho de canal estudado está sofrendo interferência da barragem de Porto Primavera.

  16. Campo eletromagnético de uma carga em queda livre num campo gravitacional uniforme


    Goto, Mario


    As transformações de Rindler são usadas para obter o campo eletromagnético de uma carga em queda livre num campo gravitacional uniforme. Electromagnetic field of free falling charge in an uniform gravitational field is obtained using Rindler transformations.

  17. Nickel hydrogen bipolar battery electrode design (United States)

    Puglisi, V. J.; Russell, P.; Verrier, D.; Hall, A.


    The preferred approach of the NASA development effort in nickel hydrogen battery design utilizes a bipolar plate stacking arrangement to obtain the required voltage-capacity configuration. In a bipolar stack, component designs must take into account not only the typical design considerations such as voltage, capacity and gas management, but also conductivity to the bipolar (i.e., intercell) plate. The nickel and hydrogen electrode development specifically relevant to bipolar cell operation is discussed. Nickel oxide electrodes, having variable type grids and in thicknesses up to .085 inch are being fabricated and characterized to provide a data base. A selection will be made based upon a system level tradeoff. Negative (hydrpogen) electrodes are being screened to select a high performance electrode which can function as a bipolar electrode. Present nickel hydrogen negative electrodes are not capable of conducting current through their cross-section. An electrode was tested which exhibits low charge and discharge polarization voltages and at the same time is conductive. Test data is presented.

  18. Suicide in bipolar disorder: a review. (United States)

    Latalova, Klara; Kamaradova, Dana; Prasko, Jan


    Suicide is a leading cause of death in patients with bipolar disorder. Risk factors and prevention of suicide in this illness are the focus of considerable current research. MEDLINE data base was searched for the key words "bipolar disorder" with "suicide", "lithium" with "suicide", "anticonvulsants" with "bipolar disorder", and "anticonvulsants" with "bipolar disorder" and with "suicide". No language or time constraints were applied. The lists of references were searched manually to find additional articles. It is estimated that 25% to 50% of patients with bipolar disorder will attempt suicide at least once over their lifetime, and that 8% to 19% will complete suicide. Mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases are elevated in bipolar disorder. Risk factors for suicide include younger age of onset of the illness, history of past suicidal behavior, family history of suicide acts, comorbid borderline personality disorder and substance use disorders, and hopelessness. The warning signs calling for immediate action include the patients threatening to harm themselves, or looking for ways to kill themselves (seeking access to pills or weapons), or the patient talking or writing about death. Robust evidence supports the effects of lithium treatment in reducing suicidal attempts and completions in bipolar disorder. The evidence for antisuicidal effects of anticonvulsants is weaker. Nevertheless, valproate and other anticonvulsants are frequently prescribed as mood stabilizers. There have been controversial suggestions that this treatment may elevate the risk of suicide, but the data supporting this are not convincing. Psychoeducation can reduce the number of suicide attempts and completions. Suicide in bipolar disorder is a major public health problem. Recent research has expanded our knowledge of risk factors and warning signs. Nevertheless, it appears that the introduction of lithium treatment in the 1970s was the most recent important breakthrough in the prevention

  19. Imagenología y distribución de cargas en la muñeca normal y postquirúrgica


    Márquez Flórez, Kalenia María


    En este trabajo se determinó la distribución de cargas en la articulación radio-carpiana en la muñeca, bajo condiciones de carga y geometría, asociadas a tratamientos de artrodesis en estado estático. Para esto, se empleó el método discreto Rigid Body Spring Model (RBSM) en un modelo tridimensional de una muñeca sana. El método RBSM también se aplicó a modelos en los cuales se simularon condiciones de la muñeca luego de algún tratamiento de artrodesis, y los resultados obtenido...

  20. Impairment in emotion perception from body movements in individuals with bipolar I and bipolar II disorder is associated with functional capacity. (United States)

    Vaskinn, Anja; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Bjella, Thomas D; Simonsen, Carmen; Andreassen, Ole A; Ueland, Torill; Sundet, Kjetil


    Individuals with bipolar disorder present with moderate impairments in social cognition during the euthymic state. The impairment extends to theory of mind and to the perception of emotion in faces and voices, but it is unclear if emotion perception from body movements is affected. The main aim of this study was to examine if participants with bipolar disorder perform worse than healthy control participants on a task using point-light displays of human full figures moving in a manner indicative of a basic emotion (angry, happy, sad, fearful, neutral/no emotion). A secondary research question was whether diagnostic subtypes (bipolar I, bipolar II) and history of psychosis impacted on this type of emotion perception. Finally, symptomatic, neurocognitive, and functional correlates of emotion perception from body movements were investigated. Fifty-three individuals with bipolar I (n = 29) or bipolar II (n = 24) disorder, and 84 healthy control participants were assessed for emotion perception from body movements. The bipolar group also underwent clinical, cognitive, and functional assessment. Research questions were analyzed using analyses of variance and bivariate correlations. The bipolar disorder group differed significantly from healthy control participants for emotion perception from body movements (Cohen's d = 0.40). Analyses of variance yielded no effects of sex, diagnostic subtype (bipolar I, bipolar II), or history of psychosis. There was an effect of emotion, indicating that some emotions are easier to recognize. The lack of a significant group × emotion interaction effect points, however, to this being so regardless of the presence of bipolar disorder. Performance was unrelated to manic and depressive symptom load but showed significant associations with neurocognition and functional capacity. Individuals with bipolar disorder had a small but significant impairment in the ability to perceive emotions from body movement. The impairment was global, i

  1. The relationship between borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder (United States)

    Zimmerman, Mark; Morgan, Theresa A.


    It is clinically important to recognize both bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD) in patients seeking treatment for depression, and it is important to distinguish between the two. Research considering whether BPD should be considered part of a bipolar spectrum reaches differing conclusions. We reviewed the most studied question on the relationship between BPD and bipolar disorder: their diagnostic concordance. Across studies, approximately 10% of patients with BPD had bipolar I disorder and another 10% had bipolar II disorder. Likewise, approximately 20% of bipolar II patients were diagnosed with BPD, though only 10% of bipolar I patients were diagnosed with BPD. While the comorbidity rates are substantial, each disorder is nontheless diagnosed in the absence of the other in the vast majority of cases (80% to 90%). In studies examining personality disorders broadly, other personality disorders were more commonly diagnosed in bipolar patients than was BPD. Likewise, the converse is also true: other axis I disorders such as major depression, substance abuse, and post-traumatic stress disorder are also more commonly diagnosed in patients with BPD than is bipolar disorder. These findings challenge the notion that BPD is part of the bipolar spectrum. PMID:24174890

  2. Provas de carga horizontal em estacas escavadas a trado mecânico em solo colapsível da região de Londrina, Estado do Paraná

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    Miriam Gonçalves Miguel


    Full Text Available No Campo Experimental de Engenharia Geotécnica (CEEG da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL, Estado do Paraná, onde o perfil do subsolo se apresenta com uma camada superficial de solo argiloso, poroso e colapsível, com consistência de mole a média, foram realizadas e analisadas quatro provas de carga horizontal em pares de estacas escavadas a trado mecânico, com a finalidade de se obter o coeficiente de reação horizontal do solo (nh e sua variação quanto ao efeito da colapsibilidade. Os resultados das provas de carga horizontal são apresentados através das curvas carga versus deslocamento horizontal do solo, em duas condições: sem inundação e com pré-inundação por 48 horas. O efeito da colapsibilidade do solo é analisado pela redução da capacidade de carga horizontal, determinada pela comparação entre as cargas de ruptura e de colapso obtidas nessas provas de carga. Os resultados das provas de carga permitiram também determinar as curvas do coeficiente de reação horizontal (nh versus o deslocamento horizontal junto à superfície do terreno (yo, considerando a rigidez à flexão da estaca constante com a fissuração do concreto. Na determinação dos valores médios de (nh, foram considerados os intervalos de (yo de 6 a 12 mm (solo não inundado e de 12 a 18 mm (solo inundado

  3. The clinical trajectory of emerging bipolar disorder among the high-risk offspring of bipolar parents: current understanding and future considerations. (United States)

    Duffy, A; Vandeleur, C; Heffer, N; Preisig, M


    Relatively little is known about the onset of bipolar disorder, yet the early illness course is already associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Therefore, characterizing the bipolar illness trajectory is key to risk prediction and early intervention advancement. In this narrative review, we discuss key findings from prospective longitudinal studies of the high-risk offspring of bipolar parents and related meta-analyses that inform us about the clinical trajectory of emerging bipolar disorder. Challenges such as phenotypic and etiologic heterogeneity and the non-specificity of early symptoms and syndromes are highlighted. Implications of the findings for both research and clinical practice are discussed. Bipolar disorder in young people at familial risk does not typically onset with a hypomanic or manic episode. Rather the first activated episode is often preceded by years of impairing psychopathological states that vary over development and across emerging bipolar subtype. Taking heterogeneity into account and adopting a more comprehensive approach to diagnosis seems necessary to advance earlier identification and our understanding of the onset of bipolar disorder.

  4. Methodological recommendations for cognition trials in bipolar disorder by the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Targeting Cognition Task Force

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Miskowiak, K W; Burdick, K E; Martinez-Aran, A


    OBJECTIVES: To aid the development of treatment for cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder, the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) convened a task force to create a consensus-based guidance paper for the methodology and design of cognition trials in bipolar disorder. METHODS...... of treatments to illness stage and using a multimodal approach. CONCLUSIONS: This ISBD task force guidance paper provides the first consensus-based recommendations for cognition trials in bipolar disorder. Adherence to these recommendations will likely improve the sensitivity in detecting treatment efficacy...


    Okanović, Milana; Zivanović, Olga


    Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a syndrome of ovarian dysfunction with the principal features of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary morphology. A large number of studies conducted on this topic have suggested a possible role of anticonvulsants, particularly valproate, in the pathogenesis or risk factors associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Bipolar treatment guidelines from Canada and the United States of America recommend valproate as the first line strategy in the acute treatment of bipolar disorder. Most persons with bipolar disorder require maintenance treatment. Long-term administration of valproate in women with bipolar disorder or epilepsy is believed to result in the increased risk of hyperandrogenism, menstrual abnormalities and polycystic ovaries. Valproate may also increase the risk of infertility and other associated symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Therefore, particular caution is indicated in the use of valproate in women of reproductive age. The treatment of the female patients with bipolar disorder presents various challenges for the clinician. Every woman of reproductive age needs to know the risk and benefits of her pharmacologic treatment options. Bipolar disorder should be considered chronic disorder, whose development is largely affected by hormonal changes and reproductive cycle in women. These issues should be researched more thoroughly in order to opt for the most appropriate treatment in women with bipolar disorder.

  6. Distinctions of bipolar disorder symptoms in adolescence. (United States)

    Gudiene, Devika; Leskauskas, Darius; Markeviciūte, Aurelija; Klimavicius, Dalius; Adomaitiene, Virginija


    Bipolar disorder in adolescents is a serious mental illness with problematic diagnosis that adversely affects social, academic, emotional, and family functioning. The objective of this study was to analyze features of premorbid and clinical symptoms, comorbidity, and course of bipolar disorder in adolescence. Data for analysis were collected from all case histories (N=6) of 14-18-year-old patients, hospitalized with diagnosis of bipolar disorder in the Unit of Children's and Adolescents' Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine, during the period from 2000 to 2005. Analysis of bipolar disorder course showed that five patients previously had been diagnosed with an episode of depression. The most frequent symptoms typical to bipolar disorder were disobedience and impulsive behavior, rapid changes of mood. The most common premorbid features were frequent changes of mood, being active in communication, hyperactive behavior. Adolescence-onset bipolar disorder was frequently comorbid with emotionally instable personality disorder, borderline type. Findings of the study confirm the notion that oppositional or impulsive behavior, rapid changes of mood without any reason, dysphoric mood and euphoric mood episodes with increased energy were cardinal symptoms of bipolar disorder with mania in adolescents. Most frequent premorbid features of these patients were quite similar to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder making differential diagnosis problematic.

  7. Efectividad de un programa en la carga de cuidado para cuidadores familiares en tres grupos culturalmente diversos

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    Yenny Marcela Barreto Zorza


    Full Text Available Introducción: El envejecimiento poblacional dado por la transición demográfica y epidemiológica, repercute en la dependencia de las actividades de la vida diaria de los adultos mayores, requiriendo de manera constante los cuidados de personas denominadas “cuidadores”, en quienes se genera una carga que afecta su salud física y mental. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de un programa en la carga de cuidado para cuidadores familiares en tres grupos culturalmente diversos. Metodología: Investigación cuantitativa, de tipo analítico, a partir de los resultados de tres estudios cuasiexperimentales de grupos de cuidadores familiares de personas ancianas dependientes funcionalmente. Participaron 88 cuidadores de tres municipios: Bogotá, Cáqueza y Guapi, en un Programa educativo con acciones de cuidado adaptadas culturalmente. La información se recolectó con la Escala de carga de Zarit, antes y después de la implementación del programa, se realizó un análisis con prueba de rango signado de Wilcoxon en cada uno de los tres grupos. Se consideró aspectos éticos. Resultados: El programa educativo para cuidadoras familiares tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo en la carga de cuidado de los cuidadores de Cáqueza (valor p 0.014, posiblemente porque el programa responde a una de las necesidades prioritarias de estos cuidadores que es el cuidado de sí mismos, contrario al encontrado en Bogotá y Guapi. Lo que sugiere continuar estudios con programas a cuidadores con perspectiva cultural. Conclusión: El logro de resultados estadísticamente significativos en las cuidadoras de Cáqueza sugiere que ellas cuentan con una mejor red de apoyo familiar y vecinal, por eso asumen la asistencia al programa con mayor dedicación, integralidad y disposición de tiempo.

  8. Integrated Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Maletic, Vladimir; Raison, Charles


    From a neurobiological perspective there is no such thing as bipolar disorder. Rather, it is almost certainly the case that many somewhat similar, but subtly different, pathological conditions produce a disease state that we currently diagnose as bipolarity. This heterogeneity – reflected in the lack of synergy between our current diagnostic schema and our rapidly advancing scientific understanding of the condition – limits attempts to articulate an integrated perspective on bipolar disorder. However, despite these challenges, scientific findings in recent years are beginning to offer a provisional “unified field theory” of the disease. This theory sees bipolar disorder as a suite of related neurodevelopmental conditions with interconnected functional abnormalities that often appear early in life and worsen over time. In addition to accelerated loss of volume in brain areas known to be essential for mood regulation and cognitive function, consistent findings have emerged at a cellular level, providing evidence that bipolar disorder is reliably associated with dysregulation of glial–neuronal interactions. Among these glial elements are microglia – the brain’s primary immune elements, which appear to be overactive in the context of bipolarity. Multiple studies now indicate that inflammation is also increased in the periphery of the body in both the depressive and manic phases of the illness, with at least some return to normality in the euthymic state. These findings are consistent with changes in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, which are known to drive inflammatory activation. In summary, the very fact that no single gene, pathway, or brain abnormality is likely to ever account for the condition is itself an extremely important first step in better articulating an integrated perspective on both its ontological status and pathogenesis. Whether this perspective will translate into the discovery of innumerable more homogeneous forms of

  9. Capacidad de carga estática en rodamientos. Normalización y tendencias.

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    A. García Toll


    Full Text Available Para ilustrar la funcionalidad de la norma NC-ISO 76: 2006, establecida a partir de una adopción idéntica de la Norma ISO 76: 1987/ amd.1: 1999 (E “Cojinetes de Rodamiento – Capacidad de Carga Estática”, son mostradas las correspondencias entre las magnitudes de capacidad de carga estática declaradas en los catálogos técnicos de reconocidos fabricantes de rodamientos con los valores presentes en NC-ISO 76 y considerando diferentes geometrías de rodamientos radiales de bolas rígidos y de contacto angular, rodamientos axiales de bolas y rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos. Adicionalmente, el estudio ha permitido establecer las dependencias entre la capacidad de carga nominal estática del rodamiento y algunos parámetros geométricos, como el diámetro del elemento rodante, el diámetro interior y la relación diámetro interior - diámetro exterior del cojinete.At the present time, Standard NC-ISO 76: 2006 is a national standard established as identical adoption of ISO standard 76:1987 / amd.1: 1999 (E "Rolling Bearings - Static Load Rating¨. In this sense, the static load rating of rolling bearings declared in technical catalogs of renowned bearing manufacturers and the basic static load rating according to calculation procedures stated in Standard NC-ISO 76 are compared. The evaluation has taken into account different geometries of radial groove ball bearings, angular contact ball bearings, thrust ball bearings and radial roller bearings. Additionally, they are established dependences between the static load rating of rolling bearings and the interior diameter of different types of radial and thrust bearings.

  10. Análise da carga de trabalho de analistas de sistemas e dos distúrbios osteomusculares

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    Bruno Maia de Guimarães

    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar avaliação das condições ergonômicas de analistas de sistemas, com a finalidade de conhecer os fatores geradores de sobrecargas físicas e cognitivas, suas repercussões sobre os trabalhadores e propor melhorias para a diminuição dessas sobrecargas. METODOLOGIA: Foram utilizados o método SHTM (sistema homem-tarefa-máquina de avaliação ergonômica; o diagrama de Corlett, para a avaliação do desconforto corporal; o questionário de avaliação do mobiliário; e o NASA-TLX, para a avaliação de carga mental de trabalho. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas as prevalências de dor na coluna lombar (71% e na coluna cervical (64% dos entrevistados. Após a avaliação da carga mental de trabalho, foi observado que a demanda mental foi a mais exigida entre os analistas de sistemas e a média da carga global foi de 13,23. CONCLUSÃO: Pode-se concluir que a alta prevalência de dor musculoesquelética pode ser causada pela presença de mobiliário inadequado, pela adoção de posturas incorretas e pela alta exigência mental das atividades desenvolvidas.

  11. Avaliação da intensidade de tráfego e carga de um forwarder sobre a compactação de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo

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    Arystides Resende Silva


    Full Text Available A operação de baldeio florestal está relacionada ao uso de máquinas, as quais trafegam numa mesma linha várias vezes ou aleatoriamente, o que pode causar compactação do solo, alterando o meio onde o sistema radicular se desenvolve e reduzindo a produtividade. Além do número de passadas, a carga de madeira transportada pode afetar a compactação do solo quando as pressões aplicadas pelas máquinas excederem a capacidade de suporte de carga desse solo. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: a propor modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga para Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo no Município de Santa Maria de Itabira, MG, em razão da pressão de pré-consolidação e da umidade; e b determinar, com o uso deste modelo, o efeito da intensidade de tráfego e da carga de Forwarder sobre a estrutura do solo. Para a obtenção dos modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga, 20 amostras indeformadas de solo foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-3 e 10-13 cm no local onde não houve tráfego. Foram também coletadas 10 amostras indeformadas em cada profundidade, onde o Forwarder trafegou duas, quatro e oito vezes e no local onde o Forwarder trafegou quatro vezes com 1/3 (3 m³, 2/3 (6 m³ e 3/3 (9 m³ de sua carga. As amostras indeformadas foram utilizadas nos ensaios de compressão uniaxial. Determinaram-se também a textura, o teor de matéria orgânica e a densidade de partículas e densidade dos solos. O modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga do LVA é expresso pela equação s p = 10(2,71 - 1,36 U. Todas as intensidades de tráfego causaram compactação no solo nas duas profundidades estudadas, sendo quatro passadas as que causaram maior compactação do solo, e, à medida que a carga do Forwarder aumentou, a compactação do solo também aumentou nas duas profundidades.

  12. Diseño, construcción y funcionamiento de un prototipo para medir cargas vehiculares en un pavimento flexible

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    Hugo Rondón


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta el diseño y la construcción de un prototipo con el cual es posible medir cargas vehiculares en un pavimento flexible, a partir de las vibraciones que dichos vehículos generan cuando se movilizan sobre esta estructura vial. El principio físico es simple: cuando un vehículo circula sobre la superficie de un pavimento, éste genera vibraciones que pueden ser percatadas en zonas adyacentes a la vía en estudio, y las amplitudes de dichas deformaciones pueden dar información sobre la magnitud de la carga rodante. Adicionalmente, se reportan los resultados de un estudio de campo ejecutado con el fin de calibrar una ecuación matemática que simula las señales de vibración obtenidas con el prototipo. De manera general se concluye que el prototipo es capaz de predecir la carga que circula sobre el pavimento a partir de las vibraciones que éstos inducen cuando transitan sobre la capa de rodadura.

  13. Comorbid medical illness in bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Forty, Liz; Ulanova, Anna; Jones, Lisa; Jones, Ian; Gordon-Smith, Katherine; Fraser, Christine; Farmer, Anne; McGuffin, Peter; Lewis, Cathryn M; Hosang, Georgina M; Rivera, Margarita; Craddock, Nick


    Individuals with a mental health disorder appear to be at increased risk of medical illness. To examine rates of medical illnesses in patients with bipolar disorder (n = 1720) and to examine the clinical course of the bipolar illness according to lifetime medical illness burden. Participants recruited within the UK were asked about the lifetime occurrence of 20 medical illnesses, interviewed using the Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) and diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria. We found significantly increased rates of several medical illnesses in our bipolar sample. A high medical illness burden was associated with a history of anxiety disorder, rapid cycling mood episodes, suicide attempts and mood episodes with a typically acute onset. Bipolar disorder is associated with high rates of medical illness. This comorbidity needs to be taken into account by services in order to improve outcomes for patients with bipolar disorder and also in research investigating the aetiology of affective disorder where shared biological pathways may play a role. Royal College of Psychiatrists.

  14. Epidemiology, neurobiology and pharmacological interventions related to suicide deaths and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder: Part I of a report of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide in Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Schaffer, Ayal; Isometsä, Erkki T; Tondo, Leonardo; Moreno, Doris H; Sinyor, Mark; Kessing, Lars Vedel; Turecki, Gustavo; Weizman, Abraham; Azorin, Jean-Michel; Ha, Kyooseob; Reis, Catherine; Cassidy, Frederick; Goldstein, Tina; Rihmer, Zoltán; Beautrais, Annette; Chou, Yuan-Hwa; Diazgranados, Nancy; Levitt, Anthony J; Zarate, Carlos A; Yatham, Lakshmi


    Objectives Bipolar disorder is associated with elevated risk of suicide attempts and deaths. Key aims of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide included examining the extant literature on epidemiology, neurobiology and pharmacotherapy related to suicide attempts and deaths in bipolar disorder. Methods Systematic review of studies from 1 January 1980 to 30 May 2014 examining suicide attempts or deaths in bipolar disorder, with a specific focus on the incidence and characterization of suicide attempts and deaths, genetic and non-genetic biological studies and pharmacotherapy studies specific to bipolar disorder. We conducted pooled, weighted analyses of suicide rates. Results The pooled suicide rate in bipolar disorder is 164 per 100,000 person-years (95% confidence interval = [5, 324]). Sex-specific data on suicide rates identified a 1.7:1 ratio in men compared to women. People with bipolar disorder account for 3.4–14% of all suicide deaths, with self-poisoning and hanging being the most common methods. Epidemiological studies report that 23–26% of people with bipolar disorder attempt suicide, with higher rates in clinical samples. There are numerous genetic associations with suicide attempts and deaths in bipolar disorder, but few replication studies. Data on treatment with lithium or anticonvulsants are strongly suggestive for prevention of suicide attempts and deaths, but additional data are required before relative anti-suicide effects can be confirmed. There were limited data on potential anti-suicide effects of treatment with antipsychotics or antidepressants. Conclusion This analysis identified a lower estimated suicide rate in bipolar disorder than what was previously published. Understanding the overall risk of suicide deaths and attempts, and the most common methods, are important building blocks to greater awareness and improved interventions for suicide prevention in bipolar disorder. Replication of genetic findings and

  15. Bipolar pulse generator for intense pulsed ion beam accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, H.; Igawa, K.; Kitamura, I.; Masugata, K.


    A new type of pulsed ion beam accelerator named ''bipolar pulse accelerator'' (BPA) has been proposed in order to improve the purity of intense pulsed ion beams. To confirm the principle of the BPA, we developed a bipolar pulse generator for the bipolar pulse experiment, which consists of a Marx generator and a pulse forming line (PFL) with a rail gap switch on its end. In this article, we report the first experimental result of the bipolar pulse and evaluate the electrical characteristics of the bipolar pulse generator. When the bipolar pulse generator was operated at 70% of the full charge condition of the PFL, the bipolar pulse with the first (-138 kV, 72 ns) and the second pulse (+130 kV, 70 ns) was successfully obtained. The evaluation of the electrical characteristics indicates that the developed generator can produce the bipolar pulse with fast rise time and sharp reversing time

  16. Resistencia de dientes restaurados con postes prefabricados ante cargas de máxima intercuspidación, masticación y bruxismo

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    Santiago Correa Vélez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar por el método de los elementos finitos la resistencia de dientes restaurados con postes prefabricados ante cargas estáticas de máxima intercuspidación y cargas cíclicas de masticación y bruxismo y analizar el efecto de la pérdida periodontal en la resistencia de las restauraciones. Métodos: se realizó una investigación in vitro mediante el método de los elementos finitos de dientes con pérdida periodontal, rehabilitados con postes prefabricados en fibra de vidrio, carbono y titanio. Los dientes fueron reconstruidos a partir de imágenes tomográficas de un paciente periodontalmente sano. Resultados: se muestra que ante cargas estáticas las rehabilitaciones no presentan tendencia a la falla, independientemente del material del poste o del grado de pérdida periodontal. En el caso de bruxismo y pérdida periodontal de 4 mm, la dentina presenta una durabilidad de 60 000 ciclos independiente del material del poste. Para cargas de masticación y periodonto sano, la falla en la dentina ocurre a los 100 000 ciclos con poste en titanio, 200 000 ciclos con poste en fibra de carbono y 1 100 000 ciclos con poste en fibra de vidrio. Para una pérdida periodontal de 2 mm la durabilidad de la dentina se reduce a 4 000 ciclos con poste en titanio, 5 000 ciclos con poste en fibra de carbono y 7 000 ciclos con poste en fibra de vidrio. Para pérdida periodontal de 4 mm, la durabilidad de la dentina se estima en 1 000 ciclos, independientemente del material del poste utilizado. Conclusiones: ante carga estática de máxima intercuspidación las rehabilitaciones con postes prefabricados en fibra de vidrio, carbono y titanio no presentan tendencia a la falla, independientemente del grado de pérdida periodontal. Ante cargas cíclicas, los postes prefabricados presentan una vida útil infinita, y es la dentina la estructura más afectada ante dichos eventos.

  17. Bipolar disorder diagnosis: challenges and future directions (United States)

    Phillips, Mary L; Kupfer, David J


    Bipolar disorder refers to a group of affective disorders, which together are characterised by depressive and manic or hypomanic episodes. These disorders include: bipolar disorder type I (depressive and manic episodes: this disorder can be diagnosed on the basis of one manic episode); bipolar disorder type II (depressive and hypomanic episodes); cyclothymic disorder (hypomanic and depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for depressive episodes); and bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (depressive and hypomanic-like symptoms that do not meet the diagnostic criteria for any of the aforementioned disorders). Bipolar disorder type II is especially difficult to diagnose accurately because of the difficulty in differentiation of this disorder from recurrent unipolar depression (recurrent depressive episodes) in depressed patients. The identification of objective biomarkers that represent pathophysiologic processes that differ between bipolar disorder and unipolar depression can both inform bipolar disorder diagnosis and provide biological targets for the development of new and personalised treatments. Neuroimaging studies could help the identification of biomarkers that differentiate bipolar disorder from unipolar depression, but the problem in detection of a clear boundary between these disorders suggests that they might be better represented as a continuum of affective disorders. Innovative combinations of neuroimaging and pattern recognition approaches can identify individual patterns of neural structure and function that accurately ascertain where a patient might lie on a behavioural scale. Ultimately, an integrative approach, with several biological measurements using different scales, could yield patterns of biomarkers (biosignatures) to help identify biological targets for personalised and new treatments for all affective disorders. PMID:23663952

  18. Preparation of bipolar membranes by electrospinning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan, Jiefeng; Hou, Linxiao; Wang, Qiuyue; He, Yubin; Wu, Liang; Mondal, Abhishek N.; Xu, Tongwen


    A new preparative pathway for the bipolar membranes was initiated via the electrospinning and hot-press process. The prepared bipolar membrane was consisting of sulfonated poly (phenylene oxide), polyethylene glycol, and quaternized poly (phenylene oxide). The above mentioned membrane was fabricated by the continuous electrospinning of the respective layer, followed by the solvent atmosphere treatment and hot-pressing, to obtain a transparent and dense structure. The thickness of each layer can be easily tuned by controlling the electrospinning parameters. The clear interfacial structure was observed and confirmed by the scanning electron microscope. The bipolar performance is evaluated by the current–voltage curves and production yield of acid and base. The final optimized bipolar membrane had similar yield of acid and base as the casting membrane. However, extremely lower potential drop value was observed when they are applied for the production of acid and base. The experimental results showed that, electrospinning is an effective and well controlled way to fabricate bipolar membranes, in which anion or cation exchange layer as well as interfacial layer can be easily changed or added as requested. - Highlights: • Bipolar membranes were prepared through electrospinning followed by post-treatment. • As-prepared membranes were successfully applied in electrodialysis for production of acid and base. • Electrospun membranes exhibit better performance than the casting ones.

  19. Preparation of bipolar membranes by electrospinning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pan, Jiefeng; Hou, Linxiao; Wang, Qiuyue; He, Yubin; Wu, Liang; Mondal, Abhishek N.; Xu, Tongwen, E-mail:


    A new preparative pathway for the bipolar membranes was initiated via the electrospinning and hot-press process. The prepared bipolar membrane was consisting of sulfonated poly (phenylene oxide), polyethylene glycol, and quaternized poly (phenylene oxide). The above mentioned membrane was fabricated by the continuous electrospinning of the respective layer, followed by the solvent atmosphere treatment and hot-pressing, to obtain a transparent and dense structure. The thickness of each layer can be easily tuned by controlling the electrospinning parameters. The clear interfacial structure was observed and confirmed by the scanning electron microscope. The bipolar performance is evaluated by the current–voltage curves and production yield of acid and base. The final optimized bipolar membrane had similar yield of acid and base as the casting membrane. However, extremely lower potential drop value was observed when they are applied for the production of acid and base. The experimental results showed that, electrospinning is an effective and well controlled way to fabricate bipolar membranes, in which anion or cation exchange layer as well as interfacial layer can be easily changed or added as requested. - Highlights: • Bipolar membranes were prepared through electrospinning followed by post-treatment. • As-prepared membranes were successfully applied in electrodialysis for production of acid and base. • Electrospun membranes exhibit better performance than the casting ones.

  20. Comorbidity bipolar disorder and personality disorders. (United States)

    Latalova, Klara; Prasko, Jan; Kamaradova, Dana; Sedlackova, Jana; Ociskova, Marie


    Outcome in bipolar patients can be affected by comorbidity of other psychiatric disorders. Comorbid personality disorders are frequent and may complicate the course of bipolar illness. We have much information about treating patients with uncomplicated bipolar disorder (BD) but much less knowledge about possibilities for patients with the comorbidity of BD and personality disorder. We conducted a series of literature searches using, as key words or as items in indexed fields, bipolar disorder and personality disorder or personality traits. Articles were obtained by searching MEDLINE from 1970 to 2012. In addition, we used other papers cited in articles from these searches, or cited in articles used in our own work. Tests of personality traits indicated that euthymic bipolar patients have higher scores on harm avoidance, reward dependence, and novelty seeking than controls. Elevation of novelty seeking in bipolar patients is associated with substance abuse comorbidity. Comorbidity with personality disorders in BD patients is associated with a more difficult course of illness (such as longer episodes, shorter time euthymic, and earlier age at onset) and an increase in comorbid substance abuse, suicidality and aggression. These problems are particularly pronounced in comorbidity with borderline personality disorder. Comorbidity with antisocial personality disorder elicits a similar spectrum of difficulties; some of the antisocial behavior exhibited by patients with this comorbidity is mediated by increased impulsivity.

  1. Burnout em professores universitários: impacto de percepções de justiça e comprometimento afetivo

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    Ivone Félix de Sousa

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar o poder mediacional do comprometimento organizacional afetivo na relação entre as percepções de justiça distributiva, processual e interacional e o burnout. Participaram da pesquisa 233 professores universitários. Foram aplicados os instrumentos avaliativos Maslach Burnout Inventory, Escala de Percepção de Justiça Organizacional e Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. Analisou-se o poder mediacional do comprometimento na relação entre a percepção de justiça e o burnout, a partir da regressão hierárquica. O poder mediacional do comprometimento se confirmou na relação entre percepção de justiça distributiva e exaustão. Concluiu-se que a percepção de injustiça na forma de distribuição de recursos pode levar o professor universitário à exaustão, o que pode ter probabilidade aumentada diante da falta de comprometimento.

  2. Family environment patterns in families with bipolar children. (United States)

    Belardinelli, Cecilia; Hatch, John P; Olvera, Rene L; Fonseca, Manoela; Caetano, Sheila C; Nicoletti, Mark; Pliszka, Steven; Soares, Jair C


    We studied the characteristics of family functioning in bipolar children and healthy comparison children. We hypothesized that the family environment of bipolar children would show greater levels of dysfunction as measured by the Family Environment Scale (FES). We compared the family functioning of 36 families that included a child with DSM-IV bipolar disorder versus 29 comparison families that included only healthy children. All subjects and their parents were assessed with the K-SADS-PL interview. The parents completed the FES to assess their current family functioning. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to compare the family environment of families with and without offspring with bipolar disorder. Parents of bipolar children reported lower levels of family cohesion (pfamilies where a parent had a history of mood disorders compared to families where parents had no history of mood disorders. Length of illness in the affected child was inversely associated with family cohesion (r=-0.47, p=0.004). Due to the case-control design of the study, we cannot comment on the development of these family problems or attribute their cause specifically to child bipolar disorder. Families with bipolar children show dysfunctional patterns related to interpersonal interactions and personal growth. A distressed family environment should be addressed when treating children with bipolar disorder.

  3. Bipolar Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Comorbidity

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    Necla Keskin


    Full Text Available The comorbidity of bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders is a well known concept. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is the most commonly seen comorbid anxiety disorder in bipolar patients. Some genetic variants, neurotransmitters especially serotonergic systems and second-messenger systems are thought to be responsible for its etiology. Bipolar disorder alters the clinical aspects of obsessive compulsive disorder and is associated with poorer outcome. The determination of comorbidity between bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder is quite important for appropriate clinical management and treatment. [Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2014; 6(4.000: 429-437

  4. Bipolar (spectrum) disorder and mood stabilization: standing at the crossroads?


    De Fruyt, Jurgen; Demyttenaere, Koen


    Diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder has long been a neglected discipline. Recent years have shown an upsurge in bipolar research. When compared to major depressive disorder, bipolar research still remains limited and more expert based than evidence based. In bipolar diagnosis the focus is shifting from classic mania to bipolar depression and hypomania. There is a search for bipolar signatures in symptoms and course of major depressive episodes. The criteria for hypomania are softened,...

  5. The bipolar II disorder personality traits, a true syndrome? (United States)

    Gudmundsson, Einar


    The author was struck by the similarities and commonality of complaints, aside from mood swings, made by Bipolar II patients and started registrating these complaints. This registrational work eventually led to the development of The Bipolar II Syndome Checklist. The aim of this work was to understand how widely the Bipolar II disorder affects the personality, and what disturbing personality traits are the most common? Deliberately, no attempt was made to diagnose psychiatric comorbidities, in the hope that one would get a clearer view of what symptoms, if any, could be considered a natural part of the Bipolar II Disorder. As far as the author knows this is a novel approach. 105 Bipolar II patients completed the Bipolar II Syndrome Checklist. The answers to the 44 questions on the list are presented in tables. Symptoms like anxiety, low self esteem, paranoia, extreme hurtfulness, migraine, Post Partum Depression, obsessive traits, alcoholism in the family are amongst the findings which will be presented in greater detail. No control group. Bipolar I patients excluded. The Bipolar II Syndrome Checklist has not been systematically validated. The results show that Bipolar II Disorder causes multiple symptoms so commonly that it may be justified to describe it as a syndrome, The Bipolar II Syndrome. Also these disturbances commonly lie in families of Bipolar II patients and are in all likelihood, greatly underdiagnosed. The clinical relevance of this study lies in increasing our knowledge and understanding of the nature of the Bipolar II Disorder, which in all probability will increase the diagnostic and treatment accuracy, since clinicians are more likely to scan for other symptoms needing treatment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Differential diagnosis of bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. (United States)

    Hirschfeld, R M


    Patients with bipolar disorder spend approximately half of their lives symptomatic and the majority of that time suffering from symptoms of depression, which complicates the accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Challenges in the differential diagnosis of bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder are reviewed, and the clinical utility of several screening instruments is evaluated. The estimated lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder (i.e., unipolar depression) is over 3 and one-half times that of bipolar spectrum disorders. The clinical presentation of a major depressive episode in a bipolar disorder patient does not differ substantially from that of a patient with major depressive disorder (unipolar depression). Therefore, it is not surprising that without proper screening and comprehensive evaluation many patients with bipolar disorder may be misdiagnosed with major depressive disorder (unipolar depression). In general, antidepressants have demonstrated little or no efficacy for depressive episodes associated with bipolar disorder, and treatment guidelines recommend using antidepressants only as an adjunct to mood stabilizers for patients with bipolar disorder. Thus, correct identification of bipolar disorder among patients who present with depression is critical for providing appropriate treatment and improving patient outcomes. Clinical characteristics indicative of bipolar disorder versus major depressive disorder identified in this review are based on group differences and may not apply to each individual patient. The overview of demographic and clinical characteristics provided by this review may help medical professionals distinguish between major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Several validated, easily administered screening instruments are available and can greatly improve the recognition of bipolar disorder in patients with depression. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. A report on older-age bipolar disorder from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sajatovic, Martha; Strejilevich, Sergio A; Gildengers, Ariel G


    , and shed light on issues of relevance to BD research across the lifespan. Although there is still a dearth of research and health efforts focused on older adults with BD, emerging data have brought some answers, innovative questions, and novel perspectives related to the notion of late onset, medical......OBJECTIVES: In the coming generation, older adults with bipolar disorder (BD) will increase in absolute numbers as well as proportion of the general population. This is the first report of the International Society for Bipolar Disorder (ISBD) Task Force on Older-Age Bipolar Disorder (OABD). METHODS...

  8. Determinación del comportamiento bajo cargas concentradas de perfiles de lámina delgada ( MM

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    Maritzabel Molina Herrera


    Full Text Available En el campo de la lámina delgada continuamente aparecen nuevos tipos de perfiles que son desarrollados con el objeto de mejorar los ya existentes. Un ejemplo de esto es la aparición del perfil M, elaborado para melorar la eficiencia a corte del perfil C y su resistencia al arrugamiento del alma por efecto de cargas concentradas. Teóricamente, se logra el objetivo de mejorar la resistencia a corte del perfil C y de algún modo su resistencia al arrugamiento del alma, pero debido a los dobleces generados en el alma (rigidizadores intermedios para acortar la longitud de pandeo, se producen comportamientos que desde el punto de vista de esfuerzos por flexión y deflexiones no pueden ser analizados con los fundamentos teóricos de la mecánica tradicional. Este comporta- miento se ve acentuado con la presencia de cargas concentradas. Por la razón expuesta anteriormente, a parte de la determinación de la resistencia teórica del perfil M (basada en el AISI 1996, se desarrollan pruebas sobre cuatro modelos de los que se obtienen tópicos como: carga máxima resistida, identificación visual del posible tipo de falla, deflexiones (centro de la luz y deformaciones unitarias (x, y, xy, y adicionalmente se elaboran modelos matemáticos simplificados y por elementos finitos (en el programa COSMOS/M, con el fin de hacer una revisión detallada del comportamiento de los esfuerzos y deformaciones en el perfil. La calibración de estos modelos se lleva a cabo con base en los resultados obtenidos de los ensayos. De otra parte, se hacen pruebas cíclicas balo cargas pseudoestáticas, con el objeto de estudiar el comportamiento histerético del perfil MM, con y sin rigidizadores.

  9. Tensão e cargas superficiais – o que Wilhelm Weber já sabia há 150 anos

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    Hermann Härtel


    Full Text Available É apresentada uma descrição qualitativa da voltagem elétrica em termos da existência de cargas superficiais, antes de se introduzir a definição abstrata de “habilidade de realizar trabalho por uma fonte de energia” ou a definição quantitativa com “energia por unidade de carga”. Essas cargas superficiais e os campos elétricos associados a elas podem ser demonstradas experimentalmente e fornecem uma explicação causal dos processos e das leis que precisam ser compreendidos e aprendidos.


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    Tulio Gerardo Motoa


    Full Text Available

    La planificación jerárquica de múltiples proyectos, surge como una opción robusta y potente, para resolver el problema de gestión del sistema global. La propuesta se basa en la construcción de una estructura de descomposición-agregación de los proyectos y los recursos, con múltiples niveles, en la cual, los niveles más altos presentan los datos más agregados, con horizontes de tiempo más largos y los niveles inferiores son más detallados y con horizontes más cortos. Dentro del ámbito de la planificación jerárquica, el análisis de carga-capacidad pretende fundamentalmente mejorar la relación entre la oferta y la demanda de recursos en los procesos de planificación de proyectos, de tal manera que se garantice el cumplimiento de las fechas ya establecidas. Este análisis, se implementa midiendo algunos indicadores que reflejan el estado de la relación entre la carga y la capacidad y ejecutando un procedimiento de nivelación que avanza en el equilibrio de tal estado. El procedimiento de análisis se ha experimentado mediante un conjunto de proyectos generados aleatoriamente y los resultados son bastante buenos.

  11. On Bipolar Valued Fuzzy k-Ideals in Hermirings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmood, T.; Ejaz, A.


    In this paper we discuss some results associated with bipolar valued fuzzy k -ideals of hermirings. We also define bipolar valued fuzzy k-intrinsic product and characterize k-hemiregular hermirings by using their bipolar valued fuzzy k -ideals. (author)

  12. Exercising control over bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Malhi, Gin S; Byrow, Yulisha


    Following extensive research exercise has emerged as an effective treatment for major depressive disorder, and it is now a recognised therapy alongside other interventions. In contrast, there is a paucity of research examining the therapeutic effects of exercise for those with bipolar disorder. Given that dysfunctional reward processing is central to bipolar disorder, research suggests that exercise can perhaps be framed as a reward-related event that may have the potential to precipitate a manic episode. The behavioural activation system (BAS) is a neurobehavioural system that is associated with responding to reward and provides an appropriate framework to theoretically examine and better understand the effects of exercise treatment on bipolar disorder. This article discusses recent research findings and provides an overview of the extant literature related to the neurobiological underpinnings of BAS and exercise as they relate to bipolar disorder. This is important clinically because depending on mood state in bipolar disorder, we postulate that exercise could be either beneficial or deleterious with positive or negative effects on the illness. Clearly, this complicates the evaluation of exercise as a potential treatment in terms of identifying its optimal characteristics in this population. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  13. Funciones de costos internos y externos en un modelo estratégico de transporte de carga

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    Luis Gabriel Márquez Díaz


    Full Text Available Se revisan las funciones de costos internos y externos,con fines de modelación estratégica del transportede carga. Se estudian el costo interno del tiempo, elcosto interno de operación y cinco componentes delcosto externo: costo externo de la congestión, costoexterno de los accidentes, costos de la polución delaire, costo del cambio climático y costo externo dela infraestructura; a partir de estos se deriva la funciónde costo marginal total. Se encuentra que es posibleestimar de forma empírica los parámetros de lasfunciones aplicables al transporte de cargainterregional en Colombia en los modos de transportecarretero, ferroviario y fluvial, y con ellos estudiarlos costos marginales sobre una red estratégica detransporte de carga.


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    Letícia de Lima Trindade


    Full Text Available Analiza la influencia de dos modelos asistenciales, que se utilizan en la atención primaria, en las cargas de trabajo de los profesionales de la salud. Investigación cualitativa realizada con los equipos de Salud de la Familia y el modelo tradicional detrabajar en Atención Primaria de Salud en el sur de Brasil. Para la obtención y procesamiento de los datos se utilizaron entrevistas, grupos focales y estudios documentales, analizados mediante la combinación de un análisis de contenido con el software AtlasTi. Los resultados mostraran que en ambos modelos, los problemas de organización y gestión de la asistencia, el exceso de demanda y la baja resolución son las principales fuentes de aumento de las cargas de trabajo, por locontrario como fuente de reducción de la carga laboral se presentaron la afinidad con el modelo de atención y el trabajo en equipo. Llegamos a la conclusión de que el aumento de la carga laboral en salud de la familia se vio afectada por la distancia entre lo prescrito y lo realizado, y en cuanto al modelo tradicional se debió a que este está basado en el modelo biomédico.

  15. [Circadian markers and genes in bipolar disorder]. (United States)

    Yeim, S; Boudebesse, C; Etain, B; Belliviera, F


    Bipolar disorder is a severe and complex multifactorial disease, characterized by alternance of acute episodes of depression and mania/hypomania, interspaced by euthymic periods. The etiological determinants of bipolar disorder yet, are still poorly understood. For the last 30 years, chronobiology is an important field of investigation to better understand the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. We conducted a review using Medline, ISI Database, EMBase, PsyInfo up to January 2015, using the following keywords combinations: "mood disorder", "bipolar disorder", "depression", "unipolar disorder", "major depressive disorder", "affective disorder", for psychiatric conditions; and "circadian rhythms", "circadian markers", "circadian gene", "clock gene", "melatonin" for circadian rhythms. The search critera was presence of word in any field of the article. Quantitative and qualitative circadian abnormalities are associated with bipolar disorders both during acute episodes and euthymic periods, suggesting that these altered circadian rhythms may represent biological trait markers of the disorder. These circadian dysfunctions were assessed by various validated tools including polysomnography, actigraphy, sleep diaries, chronotype assessments and blood melatonin/cortisol measures. Other altered endogenous circadian activities have also been reported in bipolar patients, such as hormones secretion, core body temperature or fibroblasts activity. Moreover, these markers were also altered in healthy relatives of bipolar patients, suggesting a degree of heritability. Several genetic association studies have also showed associations between multiple circadian genes and bipolar disorder, such as CLOCK, ARTNL1, GSK3β, PER3, NPAS2, NR1D1, TIMELESS, RORA, RORB, and CSNK1ε. Thus, these circadian gene variants may contribute to the genetic susceptibility of the disease. Furthermore, the study of the clock system may help to better understand some phenotypic aspects like the

  16. Estudio de la conciliación del área personal, familiar y profesional en enfermeras/os hospitalarios con cargas familiares


    Martínez López, Nuria


    Las familias y las mujeres en particular, que trabajan fuera del hogar, necesitan conciliar no solo el trabajo y las responsabilidades familiares, también el área personal o tiempo dedicado a sí mismas. La profesión enfermera, mayoritariamente femenina y con una elevada carga física y emocional, resulta el marco idóneo para estudiar cómo se concilia el área personal, familiar y profesional, así como los aspectos que influyen en la conciliación. Hemos estudiado a las enfermeras/os con cargas ...

  17. Análisis de la exposición al riesgo por levantamiento manual de cargas en condiciones de alta variabilidad


    Álvarez Casado, Enrique


    El levantamiento manual de cargas es un requerimiento de trabajo muy frecuente en Europa y su exposición puede originar importantes daños a la salud, comportando un gran coste socio-económico. En esta investigación, mediante la valoración de expertos y delegados de prevención, se caracterizan las exposiciones a levantamientos manuales de cargas más presentes en las empresas y las prácticas comunes para su evaluación. Se analiza la validez, las limitaciones y la aplicabilidad de los modelos...

  18. Provas de cargas estáticas instrumentadas em profundidade em estacas escavadas de grande diâmetro (Estações).


    Danilo Costa de França


    Objetivou-se estudar o comportamento de estacas escavadas de grande diâmetro em uma obra de um Shopping Center na cidade de São Paulo. As estacas foram submetidas a carregamentos axiais de compressão, sendo que as estacas foram instrumentadas em profundidade. Utilizou-se de teorias amplamente conhecidas no meio técnico com o propósito de interpretar as curvas carga vs recalque, obtendo-se resultados como os diagramas de transferência de carga ao longo do fuste e atrito lateral unitário, gráfi...

  19. New types of bipolar fuzzy sets in -semihypergroups

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    Naveed Yaqoob


    Full Text Available The notion of bipolar fuzzy set was initiated by Lee (2000 as a generalization of the notion fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets, which have drawn attention of many mathematicians and computer scientists. In this paper, we initiate a study on bipolar ( , -fuzzy sets in -semihypergroups. By using the concept of bipolar ( , -fuzzy sets (Yaqoob and Ansari, 2013, we introduce the notion of bipolar ( , -fuzzy sub -semihypergroups (-hyperideals and bi--hyperideals and discuss some basic results on bipolar ( , -fuzzy sets in -semihypergroups. Furthermore, we define the bipolar fuzzy subset ,               and prove that if  ,       is a bipolar ( , -fuzzy sub -semihypergroup (resp., -hyperideal and bi--hyperideal of H; then ,               is also a bipolar ( , -fuzzy sub -semihypergroup (resp., -hyperideal and bi--hyperideal of H.

  20. Classification of cognitive performance in bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Sparding, Timea; Silander, Katja; Pålsson, Erik; Östlind, Josefin; Ekman, Carl Johan; Sellgren, Carl M; Joas, Erik; Hansen, Stefan; Landén, Mikael


    To understand the etiology of cognitive impairment associated with bipolar disorder, we need to clarify potential heterogeneity in cognitive functioning. To this end, we used multivariate techniques to study if the correlation structure of cognitive abilities differs between persons with bipolar disorder and controls. Clinically stable patients with bipolar disorder (type I: n = 64; type II: n = 44) and healthy controls (n = 86) were assessed with a wide range of cognitive tests measuring executive function, speed, memory, and verbal skills. Data were analysed with multivariate techniques. A distinct subgroup (∼30%) could be identified that performed significantly poorer on tests concerning memory function. This cognitive phenotype subgroup did not differ from the majority of bipolar disorder patients with respect to other demographic or clinical characteristics. Whereas the majority of patients performed similar to controls, a subgroup of patients with bipolar disorder differed substantially from healthy controls in the correlation pattern of low-level cognitive abilities. This suggests that cognitive impairment is not a general trait in bipolar disorder but characteristic of a cognitive subgroup. This has important clinical implications for cognitive rehabilitation and remediation.

  1. [Bipolar disorders and anorexia nervosa: A clinical study]. (United States)

    Valentin, M; Radon, L; Duclos, J; Curt, F; Godart, N


    Anorexia nervosa is often accompanied by comorbid mood disorders, in particular depression, but individual or family history of bipolar disorders has not frequently been explored in anorexia nervosa. The objectives of the present study were: (1) to assess the frequency of bipolar disorders in patients with anorexia nervosa hospitalized in adolescence and in their parents, (2) to determine whether the patients with a personal or family history of bipolar disorders present particular characteristics in the way in which anorexia nervosa manifests itself, in their medical history, in the secondary diagnoses established, and in the treatments prescribed. Overall, 97 female patients aged 13 to 20 hospitalized for anorexia nervosa and their parents were assessed. The diagnoses of anorexia nervosa and bipolar disorders were established on the basis of DSM-IV-TR criteria. A high frequency of type II and type V bipolar disorders was observed. The patients with anorexia nervosa and presenting personal or family histories of bipolar disorder had an earlier onset of anorexia nervosa, more numerous hospitalizations, a longer time-lapse between anorexia nervosa onset and hospitalization, more suicide attempts and more psychiatric comorbidities. The occurrence of anorexia nervosa-bipolar disorders comorbidity appears to be considerable and linked to the severity of anorexia nervosa, raising the issue of the relationship between anorexia nervosa and bipolar disorders. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  2. Social support and bipolar disorder

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    Paula Mendonça Studart


    Full Text Available Background Bipolar disorder is a chronic condition that affects the functioning of its carriers in many different ways, even when treated properly. Therefore, it’s also important to identify the psychosocial aspects that could contribute to an improvement of this population’s quality of life.Objective Carry out a literature review on the role of social support in cases of bipolar disorder.Method A research on the following online databases PubMed, Lilacs and SciELO was conducted by using the keywords “social support” or “social networks” and “mood disorders” or “bipolar disorder” or “affective disorder,” with no defined timeline.Results Only 13 studies concerning the topic of social support and BD were found in the search for related articles. Generally speaking, the results show low rates of social support for BD patients.Discussion Despite the growing interest in the overall functioning of patients with bipolar disorder, studies on social support are still rare. Besides, the existing studies on the subject use different methodologies, making it difficult to establish data comparisons.

  3. Bipolar disorder and dementia: where is the link? (United States)

    Masouy, Anaïs; Chopard, Gilles; Vandel, Pierre; Magnin, Eloi; Rumbach, Lucien; Sechter, Daniel; Haffen, Emmanuel


    Cognitive disorders appearing in the course of bipolar disease have been identified, and recent studies have defined the neuropsychological characteristics of this pathology, which includes attention, executive function, memory and language disorders. However, questions remain concerning the appearance of dementia symptoms over the course of bipolar disorder in certain patients: is it a chance association or is there a connection between bipolar disorders and dementia? If the latter hypothesis is considered, what is the nature of the dementia, which might be considered as a dementia specific to bipolar disorder? Current clinical, neuropsychological and cerebral imaging data are inconclusive, but similarities with frontotemporal dementia might be highlighted. Functional imaging studies might provide answers as well as more specific tests in neuropsychology. The cause of cognitive damage in bipolar disease also raises questions concerning a neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative process, because several factors seem to influence cognition and these two processes might occur simultaneously. Long-term studies are necessary to determine whether cognitive deterioration in bipolar disease is stable or progressive. There might also be different neurobiological subgroups of patients with bipolar disease. © 2011 The Authors. Psychogeriatrics © 2011 Japanese Psychogeriatric Society.

  4. Teoría de la carga cognitiva, diseño multimedia y aprendizaje: un estado del arte

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    Luis Alejandro Andrade-Lotero


    Full Text Available En este artículo de revisión se presenta un resumen de la Teoría de la Carga Cognitiva y la Teoría Cognitiva del Aprendizaje Multimedia. Se dan algunos ejemplos de investigaciones empíricas y se reflexiona acerca del valor explicativo de estas teorías del aprendizaje. Se exponen diez principios para el diseño de material instruccional. No obstante, otras investigaciones han encontrado limitaciones en el uso y práctica de estas teorías. Se refieren principalmente a la medición de la carga cognitiva, a la experiencia, al conocimiento previo de los aprendices y a la motivación y aspectos afectivos que intervienen en el proceso de aprendizaje.

  5. Paired structures and bipolar knowledge representation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Montero, Javier; Bustince, Humberto; Franco, Camilo

    In this strictly positional paper we propose a general approach to bipolar knowledge representation, where the meaning of concepts can be modelled by examining their decomposition into opposite and neutral categories. In particular, it is the semantic relationship between the opposite categories...... and at the same time the type of neutrality rising in between opposites. Based on this first level of bipolar knowledge representation, paired structures in fact offer the means to characterize a specific bipolar valuation scale depending on the meaning of the concept that has to be verified. In this sense...

  6. Toward a complex system understanding of bipolar disorder: A chaotic model of abnormal circadian activity rhythms in euthymic bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Hadaeghi, Fatemeh; Hashemi Golpayegani, Mohammad Reza; Jafari, Sajad; Murray, Greg


    In the absence of a comprehensive neural model to explain the underlying mechanisms of disturbed circadian function in bipolar disorder, mathematical modeling is a helpful tool. Here, circadian activity as a response to exogenous daily cycles is proposed to be the product of interactions between neuronal networks in cortical (cognitive processing) and subcortical (pacemaker) areas of the brain. To investigate the dynamical aspects of the link between disturbed circadian activity rhythms and abnormalities of neurotransmitter functioning in frontal areas of the brain, we developed a novel mathematical model of a chaotic system which represents fluctuations in circadian activity in bipolar disorder as changes in the model's parameters. A novel map-based chaotic system was developed to capture disturbances in circadian activity across the two extreme mood states of bipolar disorder. The model uses chaos theory to characterize interplay between neurotransmitter functions and rhythm generation; it aims to illuminate key activity phenomenology in bipolar disorder, including prolonged sleep intervals, decreased total activity and attenuated amplitude of the diurnal activity rhythm. To test our new cortical-circadian mathematical model of bipolar disorder, we utilized previously collected locomotor activity data recorded from normal subjects and bipolar patients by wrist-worn actigraphs. All control parameters in the proposed model have an important role in replicating the different aspects of circadian activity rhythm generation in the brain. The model can successfully replicate deviations in sleep/wake time intervals corresponding to manic and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder, in which one of the excitatory or inhibitory pathways is abnormally dominant. Although neuroimaging research has strongly implicated a reciprocal interaction between cortical and subcortical regions as pathogenic in bipolar disorder, this is the first model to mathematically represent this

  7. Bipolar electrochemistry. (United States)

    Fosdick, Stephen E; Knust, Kyle N; Scida, Karen; Crooks, Richard M


    A bipolar electrode (BPE) is an electrically conductive material that promotes electrochemical reactions at its extremities (poles) even in the absence of a direct ohmic contact. More specifically, when sufficient voltage is applied to an electrolyte solution in which a BPE is immersed, the potential difference between the BPE and the solution drives oxidation and reduction reactions. Because no direct electrical connection is required to activate redox reactions, large arrays of electrodes can be controlled with just a single DC power supply or even a battery. The wireless aspect of BPEs also makes it possible to electrosynthesize and screen novel materials for a wide variety of applications. Finally, bipolar electrochemistry enables mobile electrodes, dubbed microswimmers, that are able to move freely in solution. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Cognitive behavioral therapy for bipolar disorders


    Lotufo Neto, Francisco


    Descrição dos objetivos e principais técnicas da terapia comportamental cognitiva usadas para a psicoterapia das pessoas com transtorno bipolar.Objectives and main techniques of cognitive behavior therapy for the treatment of bipolar disorder patients are described.

  9. Biological dysrhythm in remitted bipolar I disorder. (United States)

    Iyer, Aishwarya; Palaniappan, Pradeep


    Recent treatment guidelines support treatment of biological rhythm abnormalities as a part of treatment of bipolar disorder, but still, literature examining various domains (Sleep, Activity, Social, and Eating) of biological rhythm and its clinical predictors are less. The main aim of our study is to compare various domains of biological rhythm among remitted bipolar I subjects and healthy controls. We also explored for any association between clinical variables and biological rhythm among bipolar subjects. 40 subjects with Bipolar I disorder and 40 healthy controls who met inclusion and exclusion criteria were recruited for the study. Diagnoses were ascertained by a qualified psychiatrist using MINI 5.0. Sociodemographic details, biological rhythm (BRIAN-Biological Rhythm Interview of assessment in Neuropsychiatry) and Sleep functioning (PSQI- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) were assessed in all subjects. Mean age of the Bipolar subjects and controls were 41.25±11.84years and 38.25±11.25 years respectively. Bipolar subjects experienced more biological rhythm disturbance when compared to healthy controls (total BRIAN score being 34.25±9.36 vs 28.2±6.53) (p=0.002). Subsyndromal depressive symptoms (HDRS) had significant positive correlation with BRIAN global scores(r=0.368, p=0.02). Linear regression analysis showed that number of episodes which required hospitalization (β=0.601, t=3.106, P=0.004), PSQI (β=0.394, t=2.609, p=0.014), HDRS (β=0.376, t=2.34, t=0.036) explained 31% of variance in BRIAN scores in remitted bipolar subjects. Biological rhythm disturbances seem to persist even after clinical remission of bipolar illness. More studies to look into the impact of subsyndromal depressive symptoms on biological rhythm are needed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Coeficiente de transferência de carga nas fundações de silos verticais cilíndricos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marivone Z. Fank


    Full Text Available RESUMOO dimensionamento das estruturas armazenadoras de grãos carece de uma norma brasileira que prescreva sobre seus projetos e ações; contudo, existem muitas lacunas no estado atual do conhecimento sendo imprescindíveis pesquisas adicionais sobre o tema. Com o objetivo de determinar a distribuição das cargas nas fundações dos silos foram instrumentadas, por meio de células de carga, quatro estacas localizadas sob o anel de um silo protótipo. O experimento ocorreu durante o período de agosto a dezembro de 2009 em Palotina, PR. As leituras das células foram realizadas por sistema automático de aquisição de dados durante o carregamento de grãos de milho e, a partir dos resultados, pode-se destacar um coeficiente de transferência médio de 0,30 para o anel até o carregamento de 44% do silo, a partir do qual ocorreu um incremento na taxa de transferência. As cargas máximas atuantes nas estacas instrumentadas foram de 800, 845, 520 e 600 kN, correspondentes a coeficientes de transferência de 0,48; 0,51; 0,31 e 0,36, respectivamente. Assim, o coeficiente regionalmente adotado de 0,30 para o dimensionamento das fundações do anel está subestimado fazendo-se necessária uma análise mais criteriosa nas taxas de transferência.

  11. Coping and personality in older patients with bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Schouws, Sigfried N T M; Paans, Nadine P G; Comijs, Hannie C; Dols, Annemiek; Stek, Max L


    Little is known about coping styles and personality traits in older bipolar patients. Adult bipolar patients show a passive coping style and higher neuroticism scores compared to the general population. Our aim is to investigate personality traits and coping in older bipolar patients and the relationship between coping and personality. 75 Older patients (age > 60) with bipolar I or II disorder in a euthymic mood completed the Utrecht Coping List and the NEO Personality Inventory FFI and were compared to normative data. Older bipolar patients show more passive coping styles compared to healthy elderly. Their personality traits are predominated by openness, in contrast conscientiousness and altruism are relatively sparse. Neuroticism was related to passive coping styles, whereas conscientiousness was related to an active coping style. Older bipolar patients have more passive coping styles. Their personality is characterized by openness and relatively low conscientiousness and altruism. Our sample represents a survival cohort; this may explain the differences in personality traits between older patients in this study and in adult bipolar patients in other studies. The association between coping styles and personality traits is comparable to reports of younger adult patients with bipolar disorder. Longitudinal studies are warranted to explore if coping and personality change with ageing in bipolar patients and to determine which coping style is most effective in preventing mood episodes. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. The role of sleep in bipolar disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gold AK


    Full Text Available Alexandra K Gold,1 Louisa G Sylvia,1,2 1Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Abstract: Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness characterized by alternating periods of elevated and depressed mood. Sleep disturbances in bipolar disorder are present during all stages of the condition and exert a negative impact on overall course, quality of life, and treatment outcomes. We examine the partnership between circadian system (process C functioning and sleep–wake homeostasis (process S on optimal sleep functioning and explore the role of disruptions in both systems on sleep disturbances in bipolar disorder. A convergence of evidence suggests that sleep problems in bipolar disorder result from dysregulation across both process C and process S systems. Biomarkers of depressive episodes include heightened fragmentation of rapid eye movement (REM sleep, reduced REM latency, increased REM density, and a greater percentage of awakenings, while biomarkers of manic episodes include reduced REM latency, greater percentage of stage I sleep, increased REM density, discontinuous sleep patterns, shortened total sleep time, and a greater time awake in bed. These findings highlight the importance of targeting novel treatments for sleep disturbance in bipolar disorder. Keywords: bipolar disorder, circadian rhythms, sleep–wake homeostasis

  13. Inovação tecnológica e cargas de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde: uma relação ambígua Innovación tecnológica y carga de trabajo de profesionales de la salud: una relación ambigua Technological innovation and healthcare professionals' workloads: an ambiguous relationship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Elvira Pires de Pires


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa com objetivo de rastrear a produção científica acerca da influência da inovação tecnológica nas cargas de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde. Selecionou-se 57 publicações nas bases de interesse de 2004 a 2009. Predominaram as pesquisas de campo com abordagem qualitativa, realizadas em hospitais. Nenhum estudo teve por objetivo relacionar inovação tecnológica e cargas de trabalho. Nos estudos sobre inovação tecnológica destacaram-se publicações sobre tecnologias de informação e comunicação e novas formas de organização do trabalho; no tema cargas de trabalho predominaram estudos sobre condições promotoras de estresse e Burnout. Os achados mostraram que as inovações influenciam as cargas de trabalho de modo ambíguo, podendo aumentá-las ou diminuí-las.Se trata de una revisión integradora con el fin de rastrear la literatura científica sobre la influencia de la innovación tecnológica en la carga de trabajo de los profesionales de la salud. Fueron seleccionados 57 artículos en las bases de interés 2004 y 2009. Predominaron investigaciones de campo con un enfoque cualitativo, llevado a cabo en hospitales. Ningún estudio buscó relacionar la innovación tecnológica y las cargas de trabajo. En estudios de innovación tecnológica se destacaron las publicaciones sobre tecnologías de la información y comunicación y nuevas formas de organización del trabajo, los estudios de la carga de trabajo promueve estudios sobre el estrés y el Burnout. Los resultados mostraron que las innovaciones afectan a las cargas de trabajo de forma ambigua y puede aumentarlos o reducirlos.This is an integrative review with the aim of tracing the scientific production concerning the influence of technological innovation in health care professionals' workloads. Fifty-seven (57 publications presented from 2004 to 2009 were selected from the LILACS and PubMed databases. In the selected studies field

  14. Climatic factors and bipolar affective disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Ellen Margrethe; Larsen, Jens Knud; Gjerris, Annette


    In bipolar disorder, the factors provoking a new episode are unknown. As a seasonal variation has been noticed, it has been suggested that weather conditions may play a role. The aim of the study was to elucidate whether meteorological parameters influence the development of new bipolar phases....... A group of patients with at least three previous hospitalizations for bipolar disorder was examined every 3 months for up to 3 years. At each examination an evaluation of the affective phase was made according to the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D(17)), and the Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Rating Scale (MAS......). In the same period, daily recordings from the Danish Meteorological Institute were received. We found no correlations between onset of bipolar episodes [defined as MAS score of 11 or more (mania) and as HAM-D(17) score of 12 or more (depression)] and any meteorological parameters. We found a statistical...

  15. HIV-infected persons with bipolar disorder are less aware of memory deficits than HIV-infected persons without bipolar disorder


    Blackstone, K; Tobin, A; Posada, C; Gouaux, B; Grant, I; Moore, DJ


    Episodic memory deficits are common in HIV infection and bipolar disorder, but patient insight into such deficits remains unclear. Thirty-four HIV-infected individuals without bipolar disorder (HIV+/BD-) and 47 HIV+ individuals with comorbid bipolar disorder (HIV+/BD+) were administered the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised and the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised to examine objective learning/memory functioning. Subjective memory complaints were assessed via the memory s ubscale of ...

  16. Suicide attempts and clinical features of bipolar patients. (United States)

    Berkol, Tonguç D; İslam, Serkan; Kırlı, Ebru; Pınarbaşı, Rasim; Özyıldırım, İlker


    To identify clinical predictors of suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder. This study included bipolar patients who were treated in the Psychiatry Department, Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, between 2013 and 2014; an informed consent was obtained from the participants. Two  hundred and eighteen bipolar patients were assessed by using the structured clinical interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) Axis-I (SCID-I) in order to detect all possible psychiatric comorbid diagnoses. Clinical predictors of suicide attempts were examined in attempters and non-attempters. The study design was retrospective. The lifetime suicide attempt rate for the entire sample was 19.2%. Suicide attempters with bipolar disorder had more lifetime comorbidity of eating disorder. Female gender and family history of mood disorder were significant predictors for suicide attempts. There was no difference between groups in terms of bipolar disorder subtype, onset age of bipolar disorder, total number of episodes, first and predominant episode type, suicide history in first degree relatives, severity of episodes, and hospitalization and being psychotic. Our study revealed that female gender, family history of mood disorder, and eating disorder are more frequent in bipolar patients with at least one suicide attempt.

  17. Revelando el signo de las cargas eléctricas usando un detector de polaridad entretenido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Vera


    Full Text Available En este trabajo discutiremos la construcción, uso y funcionamiento de un detector de polaridad electrostática que fue diseñado con el propósito de hacer interesante y entretenida una clase introductoria acerca de la existencia de cargas eléctricas y sus interacciones. El detector de polaridad usa un circuito simple y un diseño que puede imprimirse en una impresora 3D. Así el lector puede armar su propio detector luego de comprar y ensamblar de manera fácil algunos componentes electrónicos de bajo costo. El cuerpo del detector tiene la forma de un tiburón martillo cuyos ojos se encienden de acuerdo al signo de la carga del objeto que se quiere medir. Esta forma divertida de tiburón permite construir actividades entretenidas en donde los estudiantes puedan investigar las propiedades fundamentales de las interacciones entre objetos cargados eléctricamente.

  18. Perceived parental rearing of bipolar offspring

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reichart, C. G.; van der Ende, J.; Hillegers, M. H. J.; Wals, M.; Bongers, I. L.; Nolen, W. A.; Ormel, J.; Verhulst, F. C.

    Objective: To explore the impact of growing up with a parent with a bipolar disorder. First, we compared parental rearing behavior perceived by young adult offspring of bipolar parents with parental rearing behavior perceived by same aged young adults from the general population. Secondly, we

  19. Combinations of genetic variants associated with bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mellerup, Erling; Andreassen, Ole A; Bennike, Bente


    The main objective of the study was to find genetic variants that in combination are significantly associated with bipolar disorder. In previous studies of bipolar disorder, combinations of three and four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotypes taken from 803 SNPs were analyzed, and five...... clusters of combinations were found to be significantly associated with bipolar disorder. In the present study, combinations of ten SNP genotypes taken from the same 803 SNPs were analyzed, and one cluster of combinations was found to be significantly associated with bipolar disorder. Combinations from......, heterozygote or variant homozygote. In the combinations containing 10 SNP genotypes almost all the genotypes were the normal homozygote. Such a finding may indicate that accumulation in the genome of combinations containing few SNP genotypes may be a risk factor for bipolar disorder when those combinations...

  20. Bipolar magnetic semiconductor in silicene nanoribbons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farghadan, Rouhollah


    Highlights: • A new electronic phase for silicene nanoribbon in the presence of electric and magnetic fields. • Bipolar magnetic semiconductor with controllable spin-flip and spin-conserved gaps in silicene. • Robust bipolar magnetic semiconductor features in a rough silicene. • Perfect and reversible spin polarization in silicene nanoribbon junctions. - Abstract: A theoretical study was presented on generation of spin polarization in silicene nanoribbons using the single-band tight-binding approximation and the non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism. We focused on the effect of electric and exchange magnetic fields on the spin-filter capabilities of zigzag-edge silicene nanoribbons in the presence of the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction. The results show that a robust bipolar magnetic semiconductor with controllable spin-flip and spin-conserved gaps can be obtained when exchange magnetic and electric field strengths are both larger than the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction. Therefore, zigzag silicene nanoribbons could act as bipolar and perfect spin filter devices with a large spin-polarized current and a reversible spin polarization in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. We also investigated the effect of edge roughness and found that the bipolar magnetic semiconductor features are robust against edge disorder in silicene nanoribbon junctions. These results may be useful in multifunctional spin devices based on silicene nanoribbons.

  1. Bipolar magnetic semiconductor in silicene nanoribbons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farghadan, Rouhollah, E-mail:


    Highlights: • A new electronic phase for silicene nanoribbon in the presence of electric and magnetic fields. • Bipolar magnetic semiconductor with controllable spin-flip and spin-conserved gaps in silicene. • Robust bipolar magnetic semiconductor features in a rough silicene. • Perfect and reversible spin polarization in silicene nanoribbon junctions. - Abstract: A theoretical study was presented on generation of spin polarization in silicene nanoribbons using the single-band tight-binding approximation and the non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism. We focused on the effect of electric and exchange magnetic fields on the spin-filter capabilities of zigzag-edge silicene nanoribbons in the presence of the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction. The results show that a robust bipolar magnetic semiconductor with controllable spin-flip and spin-conserved gaps can be obtained when exchange magnetic and electric field strengths are both larger than the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction. Therefore, zigzag silicene nanoribbons could act as bipolar and perfect spin filter devices with a large spin-polarized current and a reversible spin polarization in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. We also investigated the effect of edge roughness and found that the bipolar magnetic semiconductor features are robust against edge disorder in silicene nanoribbon junctions. These results may be useful in multifunctional spin devices based on silicene nanoribbons.

  2. Personality disorder symptom severity predicts onset of mood episodes and conversion to bipolar I disorder in individuals with bipolar spectrum disorder. (United States)

    Ng, Tommy H; Burke, Taylor A; Stange, Jonathan P; Walshaw, Patricia D; Weiss, Rachel B; Urosevic, Snezana; Abramson, Lyn Y; Alloy, Lauren B


    Although personality disorders (PDs) are highly comorbid with bipolar spectrum disorders (BSDs), little longitudinal research has been conducted to examine the prospective impact of PD symptoms on the course of BSDs. The aim of this study is to examine whether PD symptom severity predicts shorter time to onset of bipolar mood episodes and conversion to bipolar I disorder over time among individuals with less severe BSDs. Participants (n = 166) with bipolar II disorder, cyclothymia, or bipolar disorder not otherwise specified completed diagnostic interview assessments of PD symptoms and self-report measures of mood symptoms at baseline. They were followed prospectively with diagnostic interviews every 4 months for an average of 3.02 years. Cox proportional hazard regression analyses indicated that overall PD symptom severity significantly predicted shorter time to onset of hypomanic (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.42; p conversion to bipolar I disorder (HR = 2.51; p conversion to bipolar I disorder (HR = 2.77; p < .001), whereas cluster C severity (HR = 1.56; p < .001) predicted shorter time to onset of major depressive episodes. These results support predisposition models in suggesting that PD symptoms may act as a risk factor for a more severe course of BSDs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  3. Cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica en las regiones de frontera colombiana: perfil y carga percibida de cuidado


    Arias-Rojas, Mauricio; Barrera-Ortiz, Lucy; Mabel-Carrillo, Gloria; Chaparro-Díaz, Lorena; Sánchez-Herrera, Beatriz; Vargas-Rosero, Elizabeth


    Antecedentes.En situaciones de enfermedad crónica, la familia es el principal apoyo para las personas enfermas. Si bien el sistema de salud no siempre reconoce a los cuidadores familiares, ellos dedican la mayor parte del tiempo al cuidado de sus seres queridos y se infiere que, en las regiones de frontera, debe ser más complejo asumir esta labor, lo cual supone una mayor carga para ellos. Objetivo. Comparar las características sociodemográficas y el nivel de carga percibido por los cuidadore...

  4. Bipolar Disorder and Alcoholism: Are They Related? (United States)

    ... Are they related? Is there a connection between bipolar disorder and alcoholism? Answers from Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, M.D. Bipolar disorder and alcoholism often occur together. Although the association ...

  5. Psychopharmacological treatment of psychotic mania and psychotic bipolar depression compared to non-psychotic mania and non-psychotic bipolar depression. (United States)

    Bjørklund, Louise B; Horsdal, Henriette T; Mors, Ole; Gasse, Christiane; Østergaard, Søren D


    An evidence base for the treatment of mania and bipolar depression with psychotic symptoms is lacking. Nevertheless, clinicians may have a preference for treating episodes of bipolar disorder with or without psychotic symptoms in different ways, which is likely to reflect notions of differential efficacy of treatments between these subtypes. This study aimed to investigate whether the psychopharmacological treatment of psychotic and non-psychotic episodes of mania and bipolar depression, respectively, differs in clinical practice. We conducted a register-based study assessing the psychopharmacological treatment of all individuals receiving their first diagnosis of mania or bipolar depression between 2010 and 2012. The psychopharmacological treatment within 3 months following the time of diagnosis was considered. Potential differences in psychopharmacological treatment between the psychotic and non-psychotic subtypes of mania and bipolar depression, respectively, were investigated by means of Pearson's χ 2 test and logistic regression adjusted for sex and age at diagnosis of bipolar disorder. A total of 827 patients were included in the analyses. The adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for treatment with an antipsychotic was 1.71 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.18-2.48, Pbipolar depression. The aOR for treatment with the combination of an antipsychotic and an anticonvulsant was 1.60 (95% CI: 1.06-2.43, Pbipolar psychotic depression. It would be of interest to conduct studies evaluating whether antipsychotics represent the superior pharmacological treatment for psychotic mania and psychotic bipolar depression. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Clinical, Demographic, and Familial Correlates of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders among Offspring of Parents with Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Goldstein, Benjamin I.; Shamseddeen, Wael; Axelson, David A.; Kalas, Cathy; Monk, Kelly; Brent, David A.; Kupfer, David J.; Birmaher, Boris


    Objective: Despite increased risk, most offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (BP) do not manifest BP. The identification of risk factors for BP among offspring could improve preventive and treatment strategies. We examined this topic in the Pittsburgh Bipolar Offspring Study (BIOS). Method: Subjects included 388 offspring, ages 7-17 years,…

  7. Precursors in adolescence of adult-onset bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Hiyoshi, Ayako; Sabet, Julia A; Sjöqvist, Hugo; Melinder, Carren; Brummer, Robert J; Montgomery, Scott


    Although the estimated contribution of genetic factors is high in bipolar disorder, environmental factors may also play a role. This Swedish register-based cohort study of men examined if physical and psychological characteristics in late adolescence, including factors previously linked with bipolar disorder (body mass index, asthma and allergy), are associated with subsequent bipolar disorder in adulthood. Unipolar depression and anxiety are analysed as additional outcomes to identify bipolar disorder-specific associations. A total of 213,693 men born between 1952 and 1956, who participated in compulsory military conscription assessments in late adolescence were followed up to 2009, excluding men with any psychiatric diagnoses at baseline. Cox regression estimated risk of bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety in adulthood associated with body mass index, asthma, allergy, muscular strength stress resilience and cognitive function in adolescence. BMI, asthma and allergy were not associated with bipolar disorder. Higher grip strength, cognitive function and stress resilience were associated with a reduced risk of bipolar disorder and the other disease outcomes. The sample consisted only of men; even though the characteristics in adolescence pre-dated disease onset, they may have been the consequence of prodromal disease. Associations with body mass index and asthma found by previous studies may be consequences of bipolar disorder or its treatment rather than risk factors. Inverse associations with all the outcome diagnoses for stress resilience, muscular strength and cognitive function may reflect general risks for these psychiatric disorders or intermediary factors. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Relações afetivo-sexuais e prevenção contra infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e aids entre mulheres do município de Vitória - ES


    Amorim, Melissa Mattos; Andrade, Ângela Nobre de


    Objetivou-se conhecer como mulheres vivenciam a prevenção de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) e aids em suas relações afetivo-sexuais. Foram realizados dois grupos de discussão e 12 entrevistas individuais com mulheres na faixa etária de 20 a 35 anos. Um grupo foi composto por cinco participantes com ensino fundamental ou médio (Grupo1) e o outro, por sete participantes com ensino superior completo ou incompleto (Grupo2). Apenas três participantes faziam uso consistente do preservat...

  9. Functional remediation for bipolar disorder


    Martínez-Arán, Anabel, 1971-; Torrent, C.; Solé, B.; Bonnín, C.M.; Rosa, A.R.; Sánchez-Moreno, J.; Vieta i Pascual, Eduard, 1963-


    Neurocognitive impairment constitutes a core feature of bipolar illness. The main domains affected are verbal memory, attention, and executive functions. Deficits in these areas as well as difficulties to get functional remission seem to be increased associated with illness progression. Several studies have found a strong relationship between neurocognitive impairment and low functioning in bipolar disorder, as previously reported in other illnesses such as schizophrenia. Cognitive remediatio...

  10. Rumination in bipolar disorder: evidence for an unquiet mind


    Ghaznavi, Sharmin; Deckersbach, Thilo


    Abstract Depression in bipolar disorder has long been thought to be a state characterized by mental inactivity. However, recent research demonstrates that patients with bipolar disorder engage in rumination, a form of self-focused repetitive cognitive activity, in depressed as well as in manic states. While rumination has long been associated with depressed states in major depressive disorder, the finding that patients with bipolar disorder ruminate in manic states is unique to bipolar disord...

  11. The Dutch Bipolar Offspring Study: 12-Year Follow-Up


    Mesman, Esther; Nolen, Willem A.; Reichart, Catrien G.; Wals, Marjolein; Hillegers, Manon N. J.


    Objective: Offspring of bipolar parents have a genetically increased risk of developing mood disorders. In a longitudinal study, the authors followed a bipolar offspring cohort from adolescence into adulthood to determine the onset, prevalence, and early course of mood disorders and other psychopathology. Method: The Dutch bipolar offspring cohort is a fixed cohort initiated in 1997 (N=140; age range at baseline, 12-21 years). Bipolar offspring were psychiatrically evaluated at baseline and a...

  12. Family History in Patients with Bipolar Disorder. (United States)

    Özdemir, Osman; Coşkun, Salih; Aktan Mutlu, Elif; Özdemir, Pınar Güzel; Atli, Abdullah; Yilmaz, Ekrem; Keskin, Sıddık


    In this study, we aimed to better understand the genetic transmission of bipolar disorder by examining the family history of patients. Sixty-three patients with bipolar disorder and their families were included. The final sample comprised 156 bipolar patients and their family members. An inclusion criterion was the presence of bipolar disorder history in the family. The diagnosis of other family members was confirmed by analyzing their files, hospital records, and by calling them to the hospital. Sixty-five patients were women (41.6%) and 91 were men (58.3%) (ratio of men/women: 1.40). When analyzing the results in terms of the transition of disease from the mother's or father's side, similar results were obtained: 25 patients were from the mother's side and 25 patients were from the father's side in 63 cases. The results of our study support the fact that a significant relationship exists between the degree of kinship and the heritability of bipolar disorder and, furthermore, that the effect of the maternal and paternal sides is similar on the transmission of genetic susceptibility.



    Babić, Dragan; Maslov, Boris; Nikolić, Katica; Martinac, Marko; Uzun, Suzana; Kozumplik, Oliver


    Objective: There is evidence that people with mental disorders are more likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome. In the last decades there has been an increase in interest for researching metabolic syndrome in psychiatric patients and plenty of evidence about their association. However, investigations on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with bipolar disorder are still surprisingly rare. The aim of this paper is to analyze comorbidity of bipolar disorder and metabolic syndrome...

  14. Mathematical models of bipolar disorder (United States)

    Daugherty, Darryl; Roque-Urrea, Tairi; Urrea-Roque, John; Troyer, Jessica; Wirkus, Stephen; Porter, Mason A.


    We use limit cycle oscillators to model bipolar II disorder, which is characterized by alternating hypomanic and depressive episodes and afflicts about 1% of the United States adult population. We consider two non-linear oscillator models of a single bipolar patient. In both frameworks, we begin with an untreated individual and examine the mathematical effects and resulting biological consequences of treatment. We also briefly consider the dynamics of interacting bipolar II individuals using weakly-coupled, weakly-damped harmonic oscillators. We discuss how the proposed models can be used as a framework for refined models that incorporate additional biological data. We conclude with a discussion of possible generalizations of our work, as there are several biologically-motivated extensions that can be readily incorporated into the series of models presented here.

  15. Bipolar postpartum depression: An update and recommendations. (United States)

    Sharma, Verinder; Doobay, Minakshi; Baczynski, Christine


    Over the past few years there has been a surge of interest in the study of bipolar postpartum depression (PPD); however, questions remain about its prevalence, screening, clinical features, and treatment. Three electronic databases, MEDLINE/PubMed (1966-2016), PsycINFO (1806-2016), and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, were searched using a combination of the keywords bipolar, depression, postpartum, peripartum, prevalence, screening, diagnosis, treatment, drugs, and psychotherapy. The reference lists of articles identified were also searched. All relevant articles published in English were included. Depending on the population studied, 21.4-54% of women with PPD have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (BD). Characteristic clinical features include younger age at illness onset, first onset of depression after childbirth, onset immediately after delivery, atypical depressive symptoms, psychotic features, mixed features, and history of BD in first-degree family members. Treatment should be guided by symptom acuity, safety concerns, the patient's response to past treatments, drug tolerability, and breastfeeding preference. In the absence of controlled treatment data, preference should be given to drugs normally indicated for bipolar depression including lithium, quetiapine and lamotrigine. Although antidepressants have been studied in combination with mood stabilizers in bipolar depression, these drugs should be avoided due to likelihood of elevated risk of induction of manic symptoms in the postpartum period. In the postpartum period, bipolar PPD is common, can be differentiated from unipolar PPD, and needs to be identified promptly in order to expedite appropriate treatment. Future studies on pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy should focus on the acute and preventative treatment of bipolar PPD. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Anxiety, stress and perfectionism in bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Corry, Justine; Green, Melissa; Roberts, Gloria; Frankland, Andrew; Wright, Adam; Lau, Phoebe; Loo, Colleen; Breakspear, Michael; Mitchell, Philip B


    Previous reports have highlighted perfectionism and related cognitive styles as a psychological risk factor for stress and anxiety symptoms as well as for the development of bipolar disorder symptoms. The anxiety disorders are highly comorbid with bipolar disorder but the mechanisms that underpin this comorbidity are yet to be determined. Measures of depressive, (hypo)manic, anxiety and stress symptoms and perfectionistic cognitive style were completed by a sample of 142 patients with bipolar disorder. Mediation models were used to explore the hypotheses that anxiety and stress symptoms would mediate relationships between perfectionistic cognitive styles, and bipolar disorder symptoms. Stress and anxiety both significantly mediated the relationship between both self-critical perfectionism and goal attainment values and bipolar depressive symptoms. Goal attainment values were not significantly related to hypomanic symptoms. Stress and anxiety symptoms did not significantly mediate the relationship between self-critical perfectionism and (hypo)manic symptoms. 1. These data are cross-sectional; hence the causality implied in the mediation models can only be inferred. 2. The clinic patients were less likely to present with (hypo)manic symptoms and therefore the reduced variability in the data may have contributed to the null findings for the mediation models with (hypo) manic symptoms. 3. Those patients who were experiencing current (hypo)manic symptoms may have answered the cognitive styles questionnaires differently than when euthymic. These findings highlight a plausible mechanism to understand the relationship between bipolar disorder and the anxiety disorders. Targeting self-critical perfectionism in the psychological treatment of bipolar disorder when there is anxiety comorbidity may result in more parsimonious treatments. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.

  17. Medication therapy: adherence, knowledge and difficulties of elderly people from bipolar disorder Terapéutica medicamentosa: adhesión, conocimiento y dificultades de personas ancianas portadoras de trastorno bipolar Terapêutica medicamentosa: adesão, conhecimento e dificuldades de idosos com transtorno bipolar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ligiane Paula da Cruz


    la auto-administración de los fármacos, los efectos colaterales y las dudas sobre la necesidad de los medicamentos. Se concluye que son necesarias inversiones en acciones educativas y de promoción de la adhesión que contemplen las dificultades experimentadas por los ancianos con TAB en el seguimiento de la fármacoterapia para garantizar la seguridad en la terapéutica medicamentosa.Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a adesão, o conhecimento e as dificuldades de idosos com transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB, em relação à terapêutica medicamentosa, prescrita para controle do referido transtorno. Participaram do estudo 17 idosos com TAB atendidos em um núcleo de saúde mental. Foram realizadas entrevista semiestruturada e aplicação de escalas. Os dados foram analisados com abordagem quali-quantitativa. Identificou-se baixo grau de adesão ao tratamento farmacológico e déficit no conhecimento sobre os medicamentos, especialmente sobre as doses e frequência de administração. Entre as dificuldades inerentes à farmacoterapia relataram-se: a obrigatoriedade da polifarmacoterapia, o desejo de encerrar o tratamento farmacológico, limitações na autoadministração dos fármacos, efeitos colaterais e dúvidas sobre a necessidade dos medicamentos. São necessários investimentos em ações educativas e de promoção da adesão que contemplem as dificuldades vivenciadas pelos idosos com TAB, no seguimento da farmacoterapia, para garantia de segurança na terapêutica medicamentosa.

  18. Regulation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 during bipolar mania treatment. (United States)

    Li, Xiaohong; Liu, Min; Cai, Zhuoji; Wang, Gang; Li, Xiaohua


    Bipolar disorder is a debilitating psychiatric illness presenting with recurrent mania and depression. The pathophysiology of bipolar disorder is poorly understood, and molecular targets in the treatment of bipolar disorder remain to be identified. Preclinical studies have suggested that glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) is a potential therapeutic target in bipolar disorder, but evidence of abnormal GSK3 in human bipolar disorder and its response to treatment is still lacking. This study was conducted in acutely ill type I bipolar disorder subjects who were hospitalized for a manic episode. The protein level and the inhibitory serine phosphorylation of GSK3 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of bipolar manic and healthy control subjects were compared, and the response of GSK3 to antimanic treatment was evaluated. The levels of GSK3α and GSK3β in this group of bipolar manic subjects were higher than healthy controls. Symptom improvement during an eight-week antimanic treatment with lithium, valproate, and atypical antipsychotics was accompanied by a significant increase in the inhibitory serine phosphorylation of GSK3, but not the total level of GSK3, whereas concomitant electroconvulsive therapy treatment during a manic episode appeared to dampen the response of GSK3 to pharmacological treatment. Results of this study suggest that GSK3 can be modified during the treatment of bipolar mania. This finding in human bipolar disorder is in agreement with preclinical data suggesting that inhibition of GSK3 by increasing serine phosphorylation is a response of GSK3 to psychotropics used in bipolar disorder, supporting the notion that GSK3 is a promising molecular target in the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder. © 2010 John Wiley and Sons A/S.

  19. Hypnotic susceptibility and affective states in bipolar I and II disorders. (United States)

    Zhang, Bingren; Wang, Jiawei; Zhu, Qisha; Ma, Guorong; Shen, Chanchan; Fan, Hongying; Wang, Wei


    Highly hypnotizable individuals have impaired executive function, elevated motor impulsivity and increased emotional sensitivity, which are sometimes found in bipolar disorder patients. It is then reasonable to assume that certain aspects of hypnotic susceptibility differ with the types of bipolar disorder. The Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale: Form C (SHSS:C) test, the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), the Hypomanic Checklist-32 (HCL-32) and the Plutchick-van Praag Depression Inventory (PVP) were applied to 62 patients with bipolar I disorder, 33 bipolar II disorder, and 120 healthy volunteers. The passing rate of the SHSS:C 'Moving hands apart' item was higher in bipolar I patients than in controls, whereas for 'Mosquito hallucination' the rate was lower. Bipolar I and II patients scored significantly higher on MDQ, HCL-32 and PVP scales than controls. The passing rates of 'Mosquito hallucination' in controls, 'Arm rigidity' in bipolar I, and 'Age regression' in bipolar II predicted the respective MDQ scores. In contrast to cognitive suggestions, bipolar I patients followed motor suggestions more often under hypnosis. Furthermore, both bipolar disorder patients and healthy volunteers demonstrated associations between mania levels and certain hypnotic susceptibility features. Our study aids in better understanding the altered conscious states in bipolar disorders, and encourages the use of related psychotherapy for these patients.

  20. [Pediatric bipolar disorder - case report of a bipolar patient with disease onset in childhood and adolescence: implications for diagnosis and therapy]. (United States)

    Lackner, N; Birner, A; Bengesser, S A; Reininghaus, B; Kapfhammer, H P; Reininghaus, E


    In recent years, intense controversies have evolved about the existence and exact diagnostic criteria of pediatric bipolar affective disorder. The present study aims to discuss pediatric bipolar affective disorder based on the current literature focussing on the diagnostic prospects. Based on a case study, a process of bipolar disorder developed in childhood is depicted exemplarily. Because of the high comorbidity and overlapping symptoms of paediatric bipolar affective disorder and other psychiatric disorders, the major impact of the differential diagnosis has to be stressed. An early diagnosis and the treatment possibilities are discussed. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  1. Capacidade de Carga Turística: Um Estudo no Caminhos Rurais de Porto Alegre, RS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliane Magagnin Da Soller


    Full Text Available Nesse artigo, apresenta-se o contexto do turismo de base comunitária, além de breve histórico e discussão acerca do conceito e da metodologia da Capacidade de Carga Turística, assim como a adaptação da metodologia para estudo aqui relatado. Descreve-se o estudo realizado para determinar a Capacidade de Carga Turística, tendo por amostra as propriedades rurais partícipes da Associação Porto Alegre Rural (POA RURAL, mais especialmente do roteiro Caminhos Rurais de Porto Alegre, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Propôs-se adaptar a para o local a metodologia de cálculo de Capacidade de Carga Turística a partir de Cifuentes (1992; et al 1996, considerando suas particularidades, principalmente aquelas que dizem respeito a saúde e ao bem-estar das famílias que recebem os visitantes e aos impactos ambientais causados pelas construções de infraestrutura turística. A Capacidade de Carga Turística é uma metodologia desenvolvida para áreas preservadas de uso público. Assim, não costuma dar enfoque às questões referentes à comunidade local e aos resíduos gerados pelas instalações e pelos serviços prestados no Turismo.  Tourist Carrying Capacity: A study in the Caminhos Rurais de Porto Alegre, RS  - This paper presents the community based tourism and a brief history, concept and methodology of Tourist Carrying Capacity, and the adaptation of that methodology to the present case. The paper presents the study to determine the Tourist Carrying Capacity in rural proprieties that currently constitute the Porto Alegre Rural Association (RURAL POA, the tourist destination Caminhos Rurais de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The research proposes to adapt the methodology of Tourist Carrying Capacity from Cifuentes (1992, et al 1996, to the Caminhos Rurais, considering its particularities, especially those relate to health and well-being of families who receives visitors, and the environmental impacts caused by the construction of

  2. Transtorno bipolar do humor e gênero Bipolar affective disorder and gender

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo da Silva Dias


    Full Text Available Embora o transtorno bipolar (TB ocorra quase igualmente em ambos os sexos, a fenomenologia e o curso da doença diferem no homem e na mulher. No entanto, há evidências de que mulheres bipolares, mais que os homens, apresentariam início mais tardio (em especial na quinta década de vida, ciclagem rápida, mais episódios depressivos, mais mania disfórica que eufórica, estados mistos e evolução do tipo bipolar II, ainda que os achados nem sempre sejam consistentes. Embora o risco de comorbidades no TB inclua, para ambos os gêneros, abuso de álcool e drogas, homens bipolares teriam maior probabilidade de ser alcoolistas, não procurar tratamento e de se suicidar. Hipóteses sugeridas para explicar tais diferenças variam daquelas centradas em aspectos culturais ou psicológicos para as que focalizam os sistemas hormonais, como os esteróides gonadais ou o eixo tireoidiano, e até mesmo a anatomia cerebral. A influência do ciclo reprodutivo (ciclo menstrual, gravidez e menopausa sobre as opções terapêuticas no tratamento do TB é apresentada na última parte desta revisão.Although the bipolar disorder (BD occurs almost with the same frequency in both genders, the phenomenology and the outcome of the illness differ between them. Nevertheless, there is evidence that women with BD show, more than men, delayed beginning, especially in their fifth decade, more rapid cycling outcome, more depressive episodes, more dysphoric mania, more mixed states and more BD type II. Even so, the findings are not always consistent. Although the risk of comorbidities in BD includes, for both the sorts, excessive alcoholic consumption and drugs, bipolar men would have greater probability of being alcohol dependent, of not seeking treatment and of committing suicide. Suggested hypotheses to explain such differences vary from those centered in cultural or psychological aspects to those that focus on the steroids hormones, and other hormones such as cortisol

  3. Efecto de las cargas articulares sobre el flujo y pH salival


    Castro, R.J.; Bravo, C.; Alcaino, V.; Giacaman, R.A.


    Una alteración del flujo salival es clave en el desarrollo de caries, enfermedad periodontal e infecciones oportunistas. El flujo salival está determinado por diversos estímulos que actúan sobre receptores de distinta naturaleza, entre ellos mecanoreceptores articulares. Algunos estudios demuestran que las cargas articulares actúan sobre estos receptores, modificando cualitativa y cuantitativamente la secreción salival. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si existe una relación entre l...

  4. Control de balanceo de carga de un grupo de servidores de red


    Talavera Foix , Miquel; Albea , Carolina


    National audience; Debido al incremento de servicios en Internet y del numero de usuarios, se ha multiplicado la demanda de prestaciones de los servidores web. Si se usa adecuadamente los "clusteres", se puede llegar a una potencia correcta de procesamiento que permita satisfacer los requerimientos. El equilibrado de carga, o "load balancing", permite crear una red robusta y efciente. En este trabajo se presenta una ley de control distribuido inspirada en la "teoria deconsenso". El bucle cerr...

  5. Ionizing radiations simulation on bipolar components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montagner, X.


    This thesis presents the ionizing radiation effects on bipolar components and more specially their behavior facing the total dose. The first part is devoted to the radiation environments with a special attention to the spatial environments and new emergent environments. The specificities of bipolar components are then presented and their behavior facing the interactions. The physical mechanisms bound to the dose rate are also discussed. The second part presents a physical analysis of degradations induced by the cumulated dosimetry on bipolar components and simulation with the ATLAS code. The third part exposes an electric empirical simulation induced by the cumulated dose in static conditions. (A.L.B.)

  6. Neuropsychological Impairments in Schizophrenia and Psychotic Bipolar Disorder: Findings from the Bipolar-Schizophrenia Network on Intermediate Phenotypes (B-SNIP) Study (United States)

    Hill, S. Kristian; Reilly, James L.; Keefe, Richard S.E.; Gold, James M.; Bishop, Jeffrey R.; Gershon, Elliot S.; Tamminga, Carol A.; Pearlson, Godfrey D.; Keshavan, Matcheri S.; Sweeney, John A.


    Objective Familial neuropsychological deficits are well established in schizophrenia but remain less well characterized in other psychotic disorders. This study from the Bipolar-Schizophrenia Network on Intermediate Phenotypes (B-SNIP) consortium 1) compares cognitive impairment in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with psychosis, 2) tests a continuum model of cognitive dysfunction in psychotic disorders, 3) reports familiality of cognitive impairments across psychotic disorders, and 4) evaluates cognitive impairment among nonpsychotic relatives with and without cluster A personality traits. Method Participants included probands with schizophrenia (N=293), psychotic bipolar disorder (N=227), schizoaffective disorder (manic, N=110; depressed, N=55), their first-degree relatives (N=316, N=259, N=133, and N=64, respectively), and healthy comparison subjects (N=295). All participants completed the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS) neuropsychological battery. Results Cognitive impairments among psychotic probands, compared to healthy comparison subjects, were progressively greater from bipolar disorder (z=−0.77) to schizoaffective disorder (manic z=−1.08; depressed z=−1.25) to schizophrenia (z=−1.42). Profiles across subtests of the BACS were similar across disorders. Familiality of deficits was significant and comparable in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Of particular interest were similar levels of neuropsychological deficits in relatives with elevated cluster A personality traits across proband diagnoses. Nonpsychotic relatives of schizophrenia probands without these personality traits exhibited significant cognitive impairments, while relatives of bipolar probands did not. Conclusions Robust cognitive deficits are present and familial in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder. Severity of cognitive impairments across psychotic disorders was consistent with a continuum model, in which more prominent affective features and less

  7. The electrolysis time on electrosynthesis of hydroxyapatite with bipolar membrane (United States)

    Nur, Adrian; Jumari, Arif; Budiman, Anatta Wahyu; Puspitaningtyas, Stella Febianti; Cahyaningrum, Suci; Nazriati, Nazriati; Fajaroh, Fauziatul


    The electrochemical method with bipolar membrane has been successfully used for the synthesis of hydroxyapatite. In this work, we have developed 2 chambers electrolysis system separated by a bipolar membrane. The membrane was used to separate cations (H+ ions produced by the oxidation of water at the anode) and anions (OH- ions produced by the reduction of water at the cathode). With this system, we have designed that OH- ions still stay in the anions chamber because OH- ions was very substantial in the hydroxyapatite particles formation. The aim of this paper was to compare the electrolysis time on electrosynthesis of hydroxyapatite with and without the bipolar membrane. The electrosynthesis was performed at 500 mA/cm2 for 0.5 to 2 hours at room temperature and under ultrasonic cleaner to void agglomeration with and without the bipolar membrane. The electrosynthesis of hydroxyapatite with the bipolar membrane more effective than without the bipolar membrane. The hydroxyapatite has been appeared at 0.5 h of the electrolysis time with the bipolar membrane (at the cathode chamber) while it hasn't been seen without the bipolar membrane. The bipolar membrane prevents OH- ions migrate to the cation chamber. The formation of HA becomes more effective because OH- ions just formed HA particle.

  8. Identifying early indicators in bipolar disorder: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Benti, Liliane; Manicavasagar, Vijaya; Proudfoot, Judy; Parker, Gordon


    The identification of early markers has become a focus for early intervention in bipolar disorder. Using a retrospective, qualitative methodology, the present study compares the early experiences of participants with bipolar disorder to those with unipolar depression up until their first diagnosed episode. The study focuses on differences in early home and school environments as well as putative differences in personality characteristics between the two groups. Finally we a compare and contrast prodromal symptoms in these two populations. Thirty-nine participants, 20 diagnosed with unipolar depression and 19 diagnosed with bipolar disorder, took part in the study. A semi-structured interview was developed to elicit information about participants' experiences prior to their first episode. Participants with bipolar disorder reported disruptive home environments, driven personality features, greater emotion dysregulation and adverse experiences during the school years, whereas participants with depression tended to describe more supportive home environments, and more compliant and introvert personality traits. Retrospective data collection and no corroborative evidence from other family members. No distinction was made between bipolar I and bipolar II disorder nor between melancholic and non-melancholic depression in the sample. Finally the study spanned over a 12-month period which does not allow for the possibility of diagnostic reassignment of some of the bipolar participants to the unipolar condition. These findings indicate that there may be benefits in combining both proximal and distal indicators in identifying a bipolar disorder phenotype which, in turn, may be relevant to the development of early intervention programs for young people with bipolar disorder.

  9. Treatment outcomes of acute bipolar depressive episode with psychosis. (United States)

    Caldieraro, Marco Antonio; Dufour, Steven; Sylvia, Louisa G; Gao, Keming; Ketter, Terence A; Bobo, William V; Walsh, Samantha; Janos, Jessica; Tohen, Mauricio; Reilly-Harrington, Noreen A; McElroy, Susan L; Shelton, Richard C; Bowden, Charles L; Deckersbach, Thilo; Nierenberg, Andrew A


    The impact of psychosis on the treatment of bipolar depression is remarkably understudied. The primary aim of this study was to compare treatment outcomes of bipolar depressed individuals with and without psychosis. The secondary aim was to compare the effect of lithium and quetiapine, each with adjunctive personalized treatments (APTs), in the psychotic subgroup. We assessed participants with DSM-IV bipolar depression included in a comparative effectiveness study of lithium and quetiapine with APTs (the Bipolar CHOICE study). Severity was assessed by the Bipolar Inventory of Symptoms Scale (BISS) and by the Clinical Global Impression Scale-Severity-Bipolar Version (CGI-S-BP). Mixed models were used to assess the course of symptom change, and Cox regression survival analysis was used to assess the time to remission. Psychotic features were present in 10.6% (n = 32) of the depressed participants (n = 303). Those with psychotic features had higher scores on the BISS before (75.2 ± 17.6 vs. 54.9 ± 16.3; P Bipolar depressive episodes with psychotic features are more severe, and compared to nonpsychotic depressions, present a similar course of improvement. Given the small number of participants presenting psychosis, the lack of statistically significant difference between lithium- and quetiapine-based treatment of psychotic bipolar depressive episodes needs replication in a larger sample. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. [Drug Abuse Comorbidity in Bipolar Disorder]. (United States)

    Ortiz, Óscar Medina


    Drug use among patients with bipolar disorder is greater than the one observed in the general population; psychotic episodes are likely to occur after consumption. This has implications in the prevention, etiology, management, and treatment of the disease. Bipolar disorder pathology is likely to have positive response to pharmacological treatment. Therefore, identifying the strategies with better results to be applied in these patients is fundamental for psychiatrists and primary care physicians. Review literature in order to determine the prevalence and characteristics of drug abuse in patients with bipolar disorder and establish the pharmacological strategies that have produced better results. Literature review. A great variety of studies demonstrate the relationship between bipolar disorder and drug use disorder. These patients are hospitalized more frequently, have an earlier onset of the disease, and present a larger number of depressive episodes and suicide attempts which affect the course of the disease. The drug with better results in the treatment of these patients is Divalproate. Satisfactory results have been also obtained with other mood stabilizers such as carbamazepine, lamotrigine, and the antipsychotic aripiprazole. Substance abuse is present in a large number of patients with bipolar disorder. The Divalproate is the drug that has shown better results in the studies. Copyright © 2012 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  11. Taiwan consensus of pharmacological treatment for bipolar disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ya-Mei Bai


    Full Text Available Bipolar disorder is an important psychiatric disorder with different disease phases. The pharmacological treatment is complicated, and is updated frequently as new research evidence emerges. For the purpose of international collaboration, research, and education, the Taiwan consensus of pharmacological treatment for bipolar disorders was initiated by the Taiwanese Society of Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology (TSBPN – the Bipolar Chapter, which was established in August 2010 and approved as a member of International Society of Bipolar Disorder. TSBPN is the country member of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP. The development of the Taiwan consensus for bipolar disorder was mainly based on the template of WFSBP Guidelines, with references to other international guidelines including the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments, and British Association for Psychopharmacology. We have also added Taiwanese experts’ experience, Taiwan national health insurance data, and the indications for the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder given by the Taiwan Department of Health, to emphasize the balance between efficacy and safety, and to make this consensus a concise, empirical, and important reference for clinical psychiatric practice.

  12. Antidepressant Treatment for Acute Bipolar Depression: An Update

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ben H. Amit


    Full Text Available While studies in the past have focused more on treatment of the manic phase of bipolar disorder (BD, recent findings demonstrate the depressive phase to be at least as debilitating. However, in contrast to unipolar depression, depression in bipolar patients exhibits a varying response to antidepressants, raising questions regarding their efficacy and tolerability. Methods. We conducted a MEDLINE and Cochrane Collaboration Library search for papers published between 2005 and 2011 on the subject of antidepressant treatment of bipolar depression. Sixty-eight articles were included in the present review. Results. While a few studies did advocate the use of antidepressants, most well-controlled studies failed to show a robust effect of antidepressants in bipolar depression, regardless of antidepressant class or bipolar subtype. There was no significant increase in the rate of manic/hypomanic switch, especially with concurrent use of mood stabilizers. Prescribing guidelines published in recent years rely more on atypical antipsychotics, especially quetiapine, as a first-line therapy. Conclusions. Antidepressants probably have no substantial role in acute bipolar depression. However, in light of conflicting results between studies, more well-designed trials are warranted.

  13. Capacidad de manejo de carga con una mano en trabajadores y normativa chilena aplicable a la evaluación de riesgos de trastornos músculo-esqueléticos

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    Manuel Gutiérrez Henríquez

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Los trastornos músculo-esqueléticos (TMEs se encuentran entre los principales problemas de salud laboral en Chile, así como también a nivel internacional. En este sentido, los antecedentes epidemiológicos indican que uno de los potenciales agentes causales de TMEs corresponde al manejo manual de carga. Al respecto, la normativa chilena carece de métodos para evaluar riesgos de trastornos músculo-esqueléticos asociados a la manipulación de carga con una mano. Objetivo: Determinar la capacidad de elevación y descenso de carga con una mano en trabajadores de género masculino. Material y método: El estudio se efectuó en un centro hospitalario público y una industria metalúrgica de la Provincia de Concepción. Los trabajadores que participaron en el estudio efectuaban labores asociadas al manejo de manual de carga y/o pacientes. Para la determinación de peso máximo aceptable (PMA se aplicaron pruebas psicofísicas. Se estudiaron las tareas de elevaciones y descensos entre suelo y codo, así como entre codo y alcance vertical de brazo. Se evaluaron diferentes frecuencias de manipulación de carga, siendo éstas una elevación o descenso cada 10 segundos, 1 minuto, 30 minutos, 1 hora y 8 horas. Resultados: Para las tareas analizadas, se determinaron valores de PMA que protegen al 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% y 90% del grupo estudiado. Discusión: Al comparar los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio con referencias bibliográficas de capacidad de manipulación de carga con dos manos, se verificó que el PMA determinado para una mano es menor entre un 55% a 69% que el registrado para dos manos. Se plantea la necesidad de efectuar estudios complementarios que permitan validar los resultados obtenidos, para avanzar en el desarrollo de métodos, criterios y normativa aplicable a tareas de elevación y descenso de carga con una mano.

  14. Enhanced low dose rate radiation effect test on typical bipolar devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Minbo; Chen Wei; Yao Zhibin; He Baoping; Huang Shaoyan; Sheng Jiangkun; Xiao Zhigang; Wang Zujun


    Two types of bipolar transistors and nine types bipolar integrated circuit were selected in the irradiation experiment at different "6"0Co γ dose rate. The base current of bipolar transistor and input bias current of amplifier and comparator was measured, low dose enhance factor of test device was obtained. The results show that bipolar device have enhanced low dose rate sensitivity, enhancement factor of bipolar integrated circuit was bigger than that of transistor, and enhanced low dose rate sensitivity greatly varied with different structure and process of bipolar device. (authors)

  15. An investigation of coated aluminium bipolar plates for PEMFC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Chien-Hung; Tsai, Sung-Ying


    Highlights: ► Coated aluminium bipolar plates demonstrate the hydrophobic property than the raw material. ► The corrosion behaviour of bipolar plate decreases the PEMFC performance severely. ► These PEMFCs are measured by current–voltage (I–V) curve test. ► The oxide film increases the interfacial contact resistance. -- Abstract: The performance of Al-alloy bipolar plates for the PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) system is investigated in this paper. The metallic bipolar plates are modified with a Ni–P coating. The performance of the Al-alloy bipolar plates is evaluated by the coating structure, corrosion resistance, contact angle and single cell performance. The results indicate that the coated aluminium bipolar plates demonstrate hydrophobic and anti-corrosive properties. The hydrophobic property increases the contact angle on the surface from 46.08° to 80.51°. Meanwhile, the corrosion rate of the Ni–P coating can be over 1 order of magnitude lower than that of the substrate. Hence, the substrate with the coating maintains superior performance under the long term test. The present study proves that both the hydrophobicity and corrosion resistance significantly affect the metallic bipolar plate.

  16. Methodological recommendations for cognition trials in bipolar disorder by the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Targeting Cognition Task Force

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Miskowiak, K W; Burdick, K E; Martinez-Aran, A


    OBJECTIVES: To aid the development of treatment for cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder, the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) convened a task force to create a consensus-based guidance paper for the methodology and design of cognition trials in bipolar disorder. METHODS...... symptoms and concomitant medication. Task force recommendations are to: (i) enrich trials with objectively measured cognitively impaired patients; (ii) generally select a broad cognitive composite score as the primary outcome and a functional measure as a key secondary outcome; and (iii) include remitted...... of treatments to illness stage and using a multimodal approach. CONCLUSIONS: This ISBD task force guidance paper provides the first consensus-based recommendations for cognition trials in bipolar disorder. Adherence to these recommendations will likely improve the sensitivity in detecting treatment efficacy...

  17. Life events and bipolar disorder : The influence of life events on the onset and course of bipolar disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kemner, Sanne


    In the Netherlands, bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depressive illness) is diagnosed in approximately 2% of the population. The disorder is characterized by alternating periods of raised activity and (manic) mood and periods of reduced activity with lowered (depressed) mood. Bipolar disorder

  18. High rate lithium/thionyl chloride bipolar battery development (United States)

    Russell, P. G.; Goebel, F.

    The lithium/thionyl chloride ( {Li}/{SOCl2}) electrochemistry is capable of providing high power and high specific power, especially under pulse discharge conditions, when cells containing thin components are arranged in a bipolar configuration. This paper describes recent work concerned with bipolar cell design, cathode evaluation, component manufacturing methods, and the assembly and testing of bipolar modules containing up to 150 cells for Sonobuoy application.

  19. High rate lithium/thionyl chloride bipolar battery development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Russell, P.G. [Yardney Technical Products, Inc., Pawcatuck, CT (United States); Goebel, F. [Yardney Technical Products, Inc., Pawcatuck, CT (United States)


    The lithium/thionyl chloride (Li/SOCl{sub 2}) electrochemistry is capable of providing high power and high specific power, especially under pulse discharge conditions, when cells containing thin components are arranged in a bipolar configuration. This paper describes recent work concerned with bipolar cell design, cathode evaluation, component manufacturing methods, and the assembly and testing of bipolar modules containing up to 150 cells for Sonobuoy application. (orig.)

  20. Síntesis y almacenamiento de carga de la nueva aleación polipirrol/poli(ácido maleico-olefina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D´eramo, F.


    Full Text Available The influence that the electrosynthesis conditions of the polypyrrole/poly(maleic acid-co-olefin blend have on the charge storage ability (amount of electrical charge stored (mC per unit mass (mg of electrogenerated polymer has been analysed. This is the initial step for the optimisation, pyrrole and poly (maleic acid-co-olefin concentrations and the polymerisation temperature have been the studied parameters. Optimising these ones, we could obtain materials with average storage charge of

    Se ha analizado la influencia de diversas variables de síntesis sobre la capacidad de almacenamiento de carga (mC de carga almacenada / mg de polímero electrogenerado de aleaciones poliméricas de polipirrol/poli(ácido maléico-co-olefina, como paso inicial para la optimación de este material para su aplicación en baterías todo orgánicas. Las variables de estudio han sido: el potencial y el tiempo de polimerización, las concentraciones de pirrol y poli(ácido maléico-co-olefina y la temperatura de la solución de polimerización. Optimando estos parámetros se ha logrado sintetizar materiales con una capacidad promedio de almacenamiento de carga de 120 mC. mg-1.

  1. Ensayo sobre endurecimiento de adhesivos estructurales sometidos a cargas dinámicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Recuero, A.


    Full Text Available Carbon fibre reinforced polymers are increasingly replacing the steel reinforcing systems in the repair and strengthening of concrete structures thanks to their high strength/weight and stiffness/weight ratios, corrosion resistance, lightweight, and ease of handling and application. This paper presents a study on the behaviour of bridge concrete beams strengthened with CFRP sheets when the strengthening is made when traffic is acting so that the structure is subjected to dynamic loads while the adhesive is still fresh. No reduction in the effectiveness of the strengthening was observed in the tests.

    Los polímeros reforzados con fibras de carbono se están utilizando cada vez más para el refuerzo de estructuras de hormigón, reemplazando a los sistemas tradicionales de refuerzo con acero. Esto es debido a sus altas resistencia y rigidez específicas, resistencia a la corrosión, ligereza y facilidad de manejo y puesta en obra. Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre el comportamiento de vigas de puentes reforzadas con bandas de CFRP mientras se mantiene el puente en servicio de manera que la estructura está sometida a cargas dinámicas con el adhesivo fresco. En los ensayos realizados se ha observado que las cargas dinámicas no afectan a la efectividad del refuerzo.

  2. Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    ... one or other traumatic event Drug or alcohol abuse Complications Left untreated, bipolar disorder can result in serious problems that affect every area of your life, such as: Problems related to drug and alcohol use Suicide or suicide attempts Legal or financial problems Damaged ...

  3. Internet use by patients with bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bauer, Rita; Conell, Jörn; Glenn, Tasha


    There is considerable international interest in online education of patients with bipolar disorder, yet little understanding of how patients use the Internet and other sources to seek information. 1171 patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder in 17 countries completed a paper-based, anonymous...... survey. 81% of the patients used the Internet, a percentage similar to the general public. Older age, less education, and challenges in country telecommunications infrastructure and demographics decreased the odds of using the Internet. About 78% of the Internet users looked online for information...... on bipolar disorder or 63% of the total sample. More years of education in relation to the country mean, and feeling very confident about managing life decreased the odds of seeking information on bipolar disorder online, while having attended support groups increased the odds. Patients who looked online...

  4. Quetiapine for the continuation treatment of bipolar depression : naturalistic prospective case series from the Stanley Bipolar Treatment Network

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Suppes, Trisha; Kelly, Dorothy I.; Keck, Paul E.; McElroy, Susan L.; Altshuler, Lori L.; Mintz, Jim; Frye, Mark A.; Nolen, Willem A.; Luckenbaugh, David A.; Post, Robert M.; Leverich, Gabriele S.; Kupka, Ralph W.; Grunze, Heinz

    Continuation treatment for bipolar disorder often consists of a mood stabilizer and a second-generation antipsychotic. Quetiapine has been shown to be an effective treatment for acute mania and acute bipolar depression, but there are limited data for its use in continuation treatment. This study

  5. Smartphone-based objective monitoring in bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faurholt-Jepsen, Maria; Bauer, Michael; Kessing, Lars Vedel


    , anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have been developed and used. The present paper presents the status and findings from studies using automatically generated objective smartphone data in the monitoring of bipolar disorder, and addresses considerations...

  6. Determination of the load state of lead-acid batteries using neural networks; Determinacion del estado de carga de baterias plomo-acido utilizando redes neuronales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cristin V, Miguel A; Ortega S, Cesar A [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The charge of lead-acid batteries (LAB), as in any other type of batteries, consists of replacing the energy consumed during the discharge. Nevertheless, as no physical or chemical process is good enough to totality recharge a battery, it is necessary to supply to it more than the 100% of the energy demanded during its discharge. A critical factor to make a suitable load control of the batteries is to determine its own state of load. That is to say, to have an efficient load control, it is necessary to count on means that allow to accurately determining the residual capacity of the battery to deliver load. This one is the one of the aspects of greater interest in the research centers around world. For this reason, in this work it was pretended to develop a calculation algorithm of the state of load of batteries based on a fuzzy-neural network that could calculate the state of load without using the battery current as an input. This is because one of the main problems for the designers of battery load controllers is the correct supervision of the current that circulates around the system in all the rank of operation of the same one because the sensors do not have a linear behavior. [Spanish] La recarga de baterias plomo-acido (BPA), como cualquier otro tipo de baterias, consiste en reponer la energia consumida durante la descarga. Sin embargo, como ningun proceso fisico o quimico es lo bastante eficiente para recargar a totalidad una bateria, es necesario suministrarle mas del 100% de la energia demandada durante su descarga. Un factor critico para realizar un adecuado control de carga de las baterias, es determinar su propio estado de carga. Es decir, para tener un control de carga eficiente, es necesario contar con un medio que permita determinar con precision la capacidad remanente de la bateria para entregar carga. Este es uno de los aspectos de mayor interes en los centros de investigacion alrededor el mundo. Por tal razon, en este trabajo se propuso

  7. Suicide attempts and clinical features of bipolar patients


    Berkol, Tongu? D.; ?slam, Serkan; K?rl?, Ebru; P?narba??, Rasim; ?zy?ld?r?m, ?lker


    Objectives: To identify clinical predictors of suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder. Methods: This study included bipolar patients who were treated in the Psychiatry Department, Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, between 2013 and 2014; an informed consent was obtained from the participants. Two hundred and eighteen bipolar patients were assessed by using the structured clinical interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition...

  8. High rate lithium-thionyl chloride bipolar battery development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Russell, P.G.; Goebel, F. [Yardney Technical Products, Inc., Pawcatuck, CT (United States)


    The lithium/thionyl chloride system is capable of providing both high power and high energy density when cells containing thin components are arranged in a bipolar configuration. Electrode current densities in excess of 300mA/cm{sup 2} are achieved during pulse discharge. The present work is concerned with bipolar cell design, cathode evaluation, component manufacturing methods, and the assembly and testing of bipolar modules containing up to 150 cells.

  9. Safety and efficacy of quetiapine in bipolar depression. (United States)

    Bogart, Gregory T; Chavez, Benjamin


    To review the clinical data investigating the efficacy and safety of quetiapine in bipolar depression. Searches of MEDLINE and PubMed (1977-July 2009) were conducted using the key words quetiapine and bipolar depression. The references of literature found were cross-referenced. The pharmaceutical company that produces quetiapine was contacted to obtain the posters for the EMBOLDEN I and EMBOLDEN II trials. Only double-blind, placebo-controlled trials were included for review, as well as any subanalyses of the literature that matched this criterion. There was a total of 5 double-blind, placebo-controlled trials and 5 subanalyses reviewed. The results of these data demonstrated quetiapine's efficacy in the treatment of depressive phases of bipolar disorder, including statistically significant improvement in the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). In the trials reviewed in this article, the change in MADRS scores ranged from -15.4 to -16.94 within the quetiapine groups, and from -10.26 to -11.93 in the placebo groups. There were also statistically significant improvements in the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, the Short Form of the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the Sheehan Disability Scale. All of these trials had a duration of 8 weeks and therefore cannot be applied to the long-term use of quetiapine in bipolar depression. The most common adverse events were sedation, somnolence, and dry mouth. The overall dropout rates for the trials reviewed ranged from 24% to 47%. Based on the literature reviewed here, quetiapine appears to be a safe and efficacious short-term treatment option for bipolar depression. Patients with bipolar type I showed greater improvement on the MADRS than those with bipolar type II. Patients with a rapid-cycling disease course showed an improvement in depressive symptoms, regardless of bipolar type.

  10. Capacidade de Carga em Cidades Históricas

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    Fernando Vicente de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo são apresentados os conceitos de capacidade de carga e capacidade ambiental vinculando-os ao manejo de cidades históricas dentro dos pressupostos do turismo sustentável. A avaliação da capacidade ambiental é uma valiosa ferramenta para planejamento turístico. O principal é determinar até que ponto um meio ambiente pode suportar uma intervenção, sem que a mesma danifique ou prejudique a característica principal deste local. As cidades históricas e turísticas com desejo de fomentar o turismo devem, necessariamente, delimitar suas capacidades de crescimento, para geração de riquezas através de sua economia diversificada e, sobretudo, bem estar de sua população, principal objetivo do estudo de capacidade ambiental.

  11. [Differences in Subjective Experience Between Unipolar and Bipolar Depression]. (United States)

    Fierro, Marco; Bustos, Andrés; Molina, Carlos


    It is important to make distinction between bipolar and unipolar depression because treatment and prognosis are different. Since the diagnosis of the two conditions is purely clinical, find symptomatic differences is useful. Find differences in subjective experience (first person) between unipolar and bipolar depression. Phenomenological-oriented qualitative exploratory study of 12 patients (7 with bipolar depression and 5 with unipolar depression, 3 men and 9 women). We used a semi-structured interview based on Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience (EASE). The predominant mood in bipolar depression is emotional dampening, in unipolar is sadness. The bodily experience in bipolar is of a heavy, tired body; an element that inserts between the desires of acting and performing actions and becomes an obstacle to the movement. In unipolar is of a body that feels more comfortable with the stillness than activity, like laziness of everyday life. Cognition and the stream of consciousness: in bipolar depression, compared with unipolar, thinking is slower, as if to overcome obstacles in their course. There are more difficult to understand what is heard or read. Future perspective: in bipolar depression, hopelessness is stronger and broader than in unipolar, as if the very possibility of hope was lost. Qualitative differences in predominant mood, bodily experience, cognition and future perspective were found between bipolar and unipolar depression. Copyright © 2015 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  12. Comportamiento de paneles de bambú guadua laminado ante cargas paralelas al plano

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    Juan Jacobo Pinilla Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Como un primer paso en el estudio del comportamiento ante cargas sísmicas de pórticos de bambú guadua laminados con paneles del mismo material, el Grupo de Investigación “Análisis, Diseño y Materiales, GIES”, de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ensayó dos tipos de paneles elaborados con bambú Guadua angustifolia Kunth y poli (vinil acetato, PVA: los paneles tipo 1 de sección transversal maciza y los paneles tipo 2 de sección transversal tipo sándwich.Se consideraron tres alturas para cada tipo de panel y se ensayaron diez réplicas por altura y por tipo, para un total de sesenta ensayos.Para cada uno de los paneles ensayados se realizó una curva carga-desplazamiento. Los paneles tipo 1, con altura de 0,34 m y 0,63 m, mostraron un comportamiento elástico inicial seguido de un comportamiento inelástico, mientras que los paneles tipo 1 y 2 de 0,98 m de altura revelaron un comportamiento casi totalmente elástico hasta la falla. Todos los paneles sufrieron aplastamiento en la base; sin embargo, el principal mecanismo de falla fue el alabeo.

  13. Controle pela carga de trabalho de um sistema flexível de manufatura

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    Daniel Battaglia


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo foi calcular tempos de atravessamento e inventário médios em um sistema de manufatura flexível, que atende muitas ordens, de tamanho e mix variado. Foi aplicado o workload control (controle por carga de trabalho para o cálculo da situação atual, e simulação computacional (software ProModel para avaliar duas situação alternativas: aumento na demanda e redução na demanda. O método de pesquisa foi a modelagem quantitativa. Os resultados apontam que atualmente há excesso de inventário, provocado por desequilíbrio entre demanda e entrega da manufatura, o que é típico em sistemas de filas. Seria necessário sincronizar melhor entradas e saídas. Os cenários simulados apontam que a manufatura não suporta aumento de carga, crescendo continuamente o inventário, até a operação tornar-se inviável. Para estabilidade do inventário, seria necessário reduzir a demanda, se for mantido o atual regime de trabalho, com entradas aleatórias e independentes.

  14. Osteosíntesis de fractura de tobillo. Análisis evolutivo con carga precoz. Estudio preliminar. [Osteosynthesis of ankle fracture. Evolutionary analysis with early loading. Preliminary study].

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz


    Full Text Available Introducción La reducción y osteosíntesis de las fracturas del tobillo, permiten una recuperación precoz. Sin embargo, clásicamente no se permite la carga del peso durante casi 6 semanas. El objetivo del presente estudio, es analizar si la carga inmediata del peso en fracturas de peroné, produce complicaciones y/o desplazamientos secundarios. Material y métodos Se analizaron 21 pacientes operados de fracturas 44AOB1, y se les dio carga inmediata. Se evaluó clínica y radiográficamente la evolución de los mismos. El seguimiento fue a más de 3 meses. Resultados La carga del peso con protección con bota “Walker”, fue ejecutada por los pacientes a los 2 días promedio. El puntaje AOFAS para tobillo evaluado a los 3 meses del post-operatorio fue de 99 puntos promedio. El retorno a la actividad laboral fue promedio 2,1 meses; y el retorno a la actividad deportiva previa, fue promedio de 2,95 meses. En la radiología del POP a más de 90 días de seguimiento, la reducción no sufrió desplazamientos secundarios. Discusión Aun existe controversia sobre el manejo postoperatorio en las fracturas de tobillo. Actualmente se sabe que el movimiento temprano luego de la fijación interna, es beneficioso para disminuir la enfermedad del yeso. La carga de peso temprana facilitaron la restauración de la amplitud de movimiento de la articulación lesionada, disminuyeron la hinchazón, la atrofia de los tejidos blandos, y previnieron el desarrollo de osteoporosis. Conclusiones Las fracturas tipo AO 44B1 de baja energía, tratados mediante reducción y osteosíntesis, pueden realizar carga de peso precoz, sin riesgo de desplazamientos secundarios. La carga precoz junto a la movilización temprana, presenta muy buena evolución clínica, y no incide en un mayor índice de complicaciones.

  15. Screening for bipolar disorders in Spanish-speaking populations: sensitivity and specificity of the Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale-Spanish Version. (United States)

    Vázquez, Gustavo Héctor; Romero, Ester; Fabregues, Fernando; Pies, Ronald; Ghaemi, Nassir; Mota-Castillo, Manuel


    Bipolar disorder is commonly misdiagnosed, perhaps more so in Latin American and Spanish-speaking populations than in the United States. The Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS) is a 19-item screening instrument designed to assist in screening for all types of bipolar disorder. The authors investigated the sensitivity of a Spanish-language version of the BSDS in a cohort of 65 outpatients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, based on a semi-structured interview and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision criteria. To determine specificity, we assessed a control group of 36 outpatients with diagnosis of unipolar major depressive disorder. The overall sensitivity of the BSDS Spanish version with bipolar disorders types I, II, and NOS was 0.70, which was slightly lower than the sensitivity in the study using the English version of the BSDS (0.76). The specificity was 0.89. When the threshold was decreased from 13 to 12, the sensitivity of the Spanish BSDS increased to 0.76 and specificity dropped to 0.81. The Spanish version of the BSDS is promising as a screening instrument in Spanish-speaking populations. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Transient Stuttering in Catatonic Bipolar Patients

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    Anthony B. Joseph


    Full Text Available Two cases of transient stuttering occurring in association with catatonia and bipolar disorder are described. Affective decompensation has been associated with lateralized cerebral dysfunction, and it is hypothesized that in some bipolar catatonic patients a concomitant disorder of the lateralization of language function may lead to a variety of clinical presentations including aphasia, mutism, and stuttering.

  17. Respostas cardiovasculares ao exercício resistido são afetadas pela carga e intervalos entre séries

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    Antonio Gil Castinheiras-Neto


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O controle das respostas cardiovasculares durante exercício resistido (ER é importante para a segurança do paciente. OBJETIVO: Investigar a influência do número de repetições máximas (RM e dos intervalos de recuperação entre séries (IR sobre a frequência cardíaca (FC, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS e duplo produto (DP durante ER. MÉTODOS: Vinte sujeitos saudáveis (26 ± 5 anos realizaram protocolos de ER envolvendo três séries do leg press (6 e 12 RM e IR proporcional ao tempo de contração (1:3 e 1:5. Aferiu-se a FC continuamente com cardiofrequencímetro e a PAS foi verificada ao final das séries, por meio de protocolo validado com método auscultatório. RESULTADOS: A FC sofreu influência da carga (p = 0,008 e das séries (p < 0,001, mas não do IR (p = 0,087. A PAS sofreu efeito isolado do número de séries (p < 0,001 e do IR (p = 0,017, mas não da carga (p = 0,95. O DP elevou-se em relação direta com a carga (p = 0,036 e com as séries (p < 0,001, mas inversamente ao IR (p = 0,006. Nos protocolos de 6 RM, a variação da FC foi maior para IR = 1:3 (Δ = 11,2 ± 1,1 bpm do que para IR = 1:5 (Δ = 4,5 ± 0,2 bpm; p = 0,002, mas não houve diferença para 12 RM (Δ 1:3 = 21,1 ± 2,2 bpm; Δ 1:5 = 18,9 ± 2,0 bpm, p = 0,83. O IR influenciou a variação da PAS em todas as cargas (6 RM - Δ 1:3 = 10,6 ± 0,9 mmHg, Δ 1:5 = 6,6 ± 0,7 mmHg; p = 0,02 e 12 RM - Δ 1:3 = 15,2 ± 1,1 mmHg, Δ 1:5 = 8,4 ± 0,7 mmHg; p = 0,04. O DP elevou-se proporcionalmente à carga (p = 0,036 e para séries (p < 0,001, mas inversamente ao IR (p = 0,006. Com IR = 1:3, houve diferença de DP para 6 RM (Δ = 2.892 ± 189 mmHg.bpm e 12 RM (Δ = 4.587 ± 300 mmHg.bpm; p = 0,018, mas não com IR = 1:5 (6 RM: Δ = 1.224 ± 141 mmHg.bpm, 12 RM: Δ = 2.332 ± 194 mmHg.bpm; p = 0,58. CONCLUSÃO: Independentemente da carga, um maior IR associou-se a menores respostas cardiovasculares durante ER, especialmente de PAS.

  18. [Actigraphy in Bipolar Disorder and First Degree Relatives]. (United States)

    Andrade Carrillo, Rommel; Gómez Cano, Sujey; Palacio Ortiz, Juan David; García Valencia, Jenny


    Bipolar disorder is a disabling disease that involves a significant economic costs to the health system, making it is essential to investigate possible early predictors such as changes in sleep-wake cycle in high-risk populations. To review the available literature on alterations in the sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythm in patients with bipolar disorder and their first degree relatives. A literature search was performed in the data bases, Access Medicine, ClinicalKey, EMBASE, JAMA, Lilacs, OVID, Oxford Journals, ScienceDirect, SciELO, APA y PsycNET. Articles in both English and Spanish were reviewed, without limits by study type. Actigraphy is a non-invasive, useful method for assessing sleep-wake cycle disturbances in the active phases of bipolar disorder, and during euthymia periods. Actigraphy showed good sensitivity to predict true sleep, but low specificity, compared with polysomnography. Although studies in bipolar offspring and relatives are scarce, they show sleep changes similar to bipolar patients. Actigraphy may be a good screening tool of sleep/wake cycle in patients with bipolar disorders, because it is economic, non-invasive and sensitive. Longitudinal studies are required to evaluate its potential use as a risk marker. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.


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    Juan Carlos Ruge Cárdenas

    Full Text Available La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal, simular mediante el empleo de un programa basado en el método de elementos finitos, los resultados obtenidos de pruebas de carga en pilotes individuales fundados en arcillas porosas de Brasilia DF (Brasil, las cuales poseen características metaestables. Para las simulaciones se empleó la ecuación constitutiva hipoplástica. Los parámetros del suelo fueron obtenidos por medio de ensayos de laboratorio que permitieron estimar propiedades geotécnicas del suelo, así como parámetros de resistencia, deformabilidad e identificación estratigráfica. Como conclusión general se reporta que la predicción aportada por el modelo hipoplástico en relación a las pruebas de carga en el tramo antes de la ruptura es aceptable, sin embargo debido a la pérdida de adhesión en la interface suelo-pilote en el momento de la prueba, se nota la incapacidad del modelo para simular este efecto de manera adecuada, ya que existen condiciones de metaestabilidad y de parcial saturación presentes en el problema geotécnico.

  20. HIV-infected persons with bipolar disorder are less aware of memory deficits as compared to HIV-infected persons without bipolar disorder


    Blackstone, Kaitlin; Tobin, Alexis; Posada, Carolina; Gouaux, Ben; Grant, Igor; Moore, David J.


    Episodic memory deficits are common in HIV infection and bipolar disorder, but patient insight into such deficits remains unclear. Thirty-four HIV-infected individuals without bipolar disorder l(HIV+/BD−) and 47 HIV+ individuals with comorbid bipolar disorder (HIV+/BD+) were administered the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised and the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised to examine objective learning/memory functioning. Subjective memory complaints were assessed via the memory subscale of ...

  1. Bipolar explosion models for hypernovae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, Keiichi; Nomoto, Ken'ichi


    Bipolar explosion models for hypernovae (very energetic supernovae) are presented. These models provide a favorable situation to explain some unexpected features in observations of hypernovae, e.g., high velocity matter dominated by Fe and low velocity matter dominated by O. The overall abundance of these models gives a good fit, at least qualitatively, to abundances in extremely metal-poor stars. We suggest hypernovae be driven by bipolar jets and contribute significantly to the early Galactic chemical evolution

  2. Evaluation of bipolar pulse generator for high-purity pulsed ion beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, H.; Kitamura, I.; Masugata, K.


    A new type of pulsed ion beam accelerator named 'bipolar pulse accelerator (BPA)' has been proposed in order to improve the purity of intense pulsed ion beams. To confirm the principle of the BPA, we developed a bipolar pulse generator, which consists of a Marx generator and a pulse forming line (PFL) with a rail gap switch on its end. In this article, we report the experimental results of the bipolar pulse and evaluate the electrical characteristics of the bipolar pulse generator. When the bipolar pulse generator was operated at 70% of the full charge condition of the PEL, the bipolar pulse with the first (-138 kV, 72 ns) and the second pulse (+130 kV, 70 ns) was successfully obtained. The evaluation of the electrical characteristics indicates that the developed generator can produce the bipolar pulse with fast rise time and sharp reversing time. At present the bipolar pulse generator is installed in the B y type magnetically insulated ion diode and we carry out the experiment on the production of an intense pulsed ion beam by the bipolar pulse accelerator. (author)

  3. Study of Attention Deficit in Patients with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

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    SM Kafi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background & aim: Attention deficit has significant effect on the life of patients suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to assess the attention deficit in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: In the present post-hoc study, 132 patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were selected via non-randomized sampling at Shafa Hospital (Rasht, Iran and then divided into four equal groups: chronic schizophrenia patients, first-episode patients, chronic bipolar patients, and first-episode bipolar patients. Thirty-three healthy individuals were selected as the control group. Subjects were evaluated by Stroop color-word test. The gathered Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Results: Attention deficit among chronic schizophrenics and patients suffering from bipolar disease was higher than the control group (p <1. Chronic schizophrenic patients compared with schizophrenia bipolar disease and first round schizophrenia showed more attention deficit. There was no significant difference among the first bipolar disease and schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, as well as the first round schizophrenia (p<0.05. Conclusion: Attention deficit is more severe in schizophrenic patients than bipolar disorder, and chronicity is more effective in schizophrenic patients. Key words: Attention, Schizophrenia, Chronicity

  4. Antidepressant monotherapy in pre-bipolar depression; predictive value and inherent risk. (United States)

    O'Donovan, Claire; Garnham, Julie S; Hajek, Tomas; Alda, Martin


    To identify specific treatment-emergent symptoms in response to antidepressant therapy in depression preceding bipolar disorder. Retrospective chart review of response to antidepressants in "pre-bipolar" depression, compared to a matched unipolar sample. Family history of completed suicide (p=0.0003) and bipolar disorder (p=0.004) were more common in the pre-bipolar subgroup. Earlier age of onset of diagnosed depression (p=0.005) as well as even earlier episodes of untreated retrospectively diagnosed major depression (p<0.0001) were associated with a future bipolar course. The pre-bipolar group was less likely to respond to antidepressant treatment (p=0.009). Treatment-emergent "mixed" symptoms (two or more symptoms of DSM IV mania, mood lability, irritability/rage with co-existing depression) and in particular, "serious symptoms" (treatment emergent or increased agitation, rage or suicidality) occurred more commonly in the bipolar group. The two variables that best accounted for the between-group differences in logistic regression, were early age at first symptoms of depression and treatment-emergent agitation. Family history of completed suicide and/or bipolar disorder, early onset of depressive symptoms as well as treatment-emergent "mixed" symptoms are common in depression preceding the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

  5. Progress and challenges in bipolar lead-acid battery development (United States)

    Bullock, Kathryn R.


    Bipolar lead-acid batteries have higher power densities than any other aqueous battery system. Predicted specific powers based on models and prototypes range from 800 kW/kg for 100 ms discharge times to 1.6 kW/kg for 10 s. A 48 V automotive bipolar battery could have 2 1/2 times the cold cranking rate of a monopolar 12 V design in the same size. Problems which have precluded the development of commercial bipolar designs include the instability of substrate materials and enhanced side reactions. Design approaches include pseudo-bipolar configurations, as well as true bipolar designs in planar and tubular configurations. Substrate materials used include lead and lead alloys, carbons, conductive ceramics, and tin-oxide-coated glass fibers. These approaches are reviewed and evaluated.

  6. Are rates of pediatric bipolar disorder increasing?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kessing, Lars Vedel; Vradi, Eleni; Andersen, Per Kragh


    Studies from the USA suggest that rates of pediatric bipolar disorder have increased since the mid-90s, but no study outside the USA has been published on the rates of pediatric bipolar disorder. Further, it is unclear whether an increase in rates reflects a true increase in the illness or more...... diagnostic attention. Using nationwide registers of all inpatients and outpatients contacts to all psychiatric hospitals in Denmark, we investigated (1) gender-specific rates of incident pediatric mania/bipolar disorder during a period from 1995 to 2012, (2) whether age and other characteristics...... for pediatric mania/bipolar disorder changed during the calendar period (1995 to 2003 versus 2004 to 2012), and (3) whether the diagnosis is more often made at first psychiatric contact in recent time compared to earlier according to gender. Totally, 346 patients got a main diagnosis of a manic episode (F30...

  7. Cognitive and psychosocial impairment in remitted bipolar patients

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    Flávia Moreira Lima


    Full Text Available There is growing evidence showing that bipolar disorder is associated with persistent cognitive deficits. However, the exact meaning and impact of cognitive deficits in bipolar disorder is still not entirely known, even though they have been associated with poor psychosocial functioning. This study aims to summarize cognitive and psychosocial functioning findings of remitted bipolar patients. We conducted an extensive Medline search of the published English literature for the period January 2000– March 2014 using a variety of search terms to find relevant articles. Bibliographies of retrieved papers were further analysed for publications of interest. Our results showed that: (1 all mood states of bipolar disorder are associated with cognitive impairment. However, the euthymic state is associated with less impairment than the other states; (2 there is a strong association between clinical factors (i.e, duration of illness, number of episodes, residual mood symptoms, comorbidities and cognitive impairment in euthymic bipolar patients, although these factors do not account fully for these deficits; (3 cognitive deficits, in particular, verbal learning and executive dysfunctions may contribute to poor functioning. In conclusion, our review suggests that cognitive deficits are strongly associated with mood episodes; such deficits persist, in lower degree, during remission. Impairment on cognitive performance may explain, in part, poor long–term functioning in remitted bipolar patients. It highlights that psychosocial interventions in combination with pharmacotherapy should be considered to improve cognition and enhance the level of functioning. Therefore, studies assessing the efficacy of novel strategies focused on cognitive and functional status are an important area of future investigation in bipolar disorder.

  8. Family Functioning and the Course of Adolescent Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Sullivan, Aimee E.; Judd, Charles M.; Axelson, David A.; Miklowitz, David J.


    The symptoms of bipolar disorder affect and are affected by the functioning of family environments. Little is known, however, about the stability of family functioning among youth with bipolar disorder as they cycle in and out of mood episodes. This study examined family functioning and its relationship to symptoms of adolescent bipolar disorder,…

  9. Neurocognition and psychosocial functioning in adolescents with bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Best, Michael W; Bowie, Christopher R; Naiberg, Melanie R; Newton, Dwight F; Goldstein, Benjamin I


    Adults with bipolar disorder demonstrate significantly poorer psychosocial functioning and neurocognition compared to controls. In adult bipolar disorder neurocognition predicts a substantial portion of variance in functioning. Adolescents with bipolar disorder have reducedpsychosocial functioning, but less is known about neurocognitive impairments, and no studies have examined the relationship between neurocognition and functioning in an adolescent sample. 38 adolescents with bipolar disorder and 49 healthy controls under 20 years of age completed assessments of psychosocial functioning, neurocognitive ability, and psychiatric symptoms. Adolescents with bipolar disorder had significantly poorer psychosocial functioning in domains of daily activities, social functioning, and satisfaction with functioning, psadolescent sample with bipolar disorder experiences significantly poorer neurocognitive and psychosocial functioning compared to controls; however, psychosocial functioning appears to be more strongly related to mood symptoms than to neurocognition. Future work is needed to delineate the time course of neurocognitive functioning and its relation to psychosocial functioning across the course of illness. Adolescence may provide an ideal time for cognitive enhancement and intensive psychosocial intervention. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Characteristics of stress-coping behaviors in patients with bipolar disorders. (United States)

    Moon, Eunsoo; Chang, Jae Seung; Choi, Sungwon; Ha, Tae Hyon; Cha, Boseok; Cho, Hyun Sang; Park, Je Min; Lee, Byung Dae; Lee, Young Min; Choi, Yoonmi; Ha, Kyooseob


    Appropriate stress-coping strategies are needed to improve the outcome in the treatment of bipolar disorders, as stressful life events may aggravate the course of the illness. The aim of this study was to compare stress-coping behaviors between bipolar patients and healthy controls. A total of 206 participants comprising 103 bipolar patients fulfilling the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Axis I disorder fourth edition (DSM-IV) diagnostic criteria for bipolar I and II disorders and controls matched by age and sex were included in this study. Stress-coping behaviors were assessed using a 53-item survey on a newly-designed behavioral checklist. The characteristics of stress-coping behaviors between the two groups were compared by using t-test and factor analysis. Social stress-coping behaviors such as 'journey', 'socializing with friends', and 'talking something over' were significantly less frequent in bipolar patients than controls. On the other hand, pleasurable-seeking behaviors such as 'smoking', 'masturbation', and 'stealing' were significantly more frequent in bipolar patients than controls. These results suggest that bipolar patients may have more maladaptive stress-coping strategies than normal controls. It is recommended to develop and apply psychosocial programs to reduce maladaptive stress-coping behaviors of bipolar patients. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. The seroprevalence of antithyroid peroxidase antibodies in bipolar families and bipolar twins: results from two longitudinal studies. (United States)

    Snijders, G; de Witte, L; Mesman, E; Kemner, S; Vonk, R; Brouwer, R; Nolen, W A; Drexhage, H A; Hillegers, M H J


    Previous studies of our group among bipolar offspring and bipolar twins showed significant higher prevalence's and levels of antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO-Abs) in offspring and co-twins (without a mood disorder) compared to controls, suggesting that TPO-Abs might be considered as vulnerability factor (trait marker) for BD development. Here we elucidate, in the same cohorts, but now after 12- and 6-year follow-up, whether TPO-abs should be considered as a 'trait' marker for BD. The present study aims to investigate whether TPO-Abs (1) are stable over time, (2) are associated with lithium-exposure, (3) share a common genetic background with BD and are related to psychopathology. In bipolar offspring and twins, the prevalence of TPO-Abs is stable over time (r s  = .72 p bipolar offspring (10,4% versus 4%) and higher TPO-abs titers were still present in co-twins of bipolar cases compared to control twins [mean 1.06 IU/ml (SD .82) versus mean .82 IU/ml (SD .67)], although statistical significance was lost. Although our results show a trend toward an increased inherited risk of the co-occurrence of BD and thyroid autoimmunity, large-scale studies can only draw final conclusions. Nationwide epidemiological and GWAS studies reach such numbers and support the view of a possible common (autoimmune) etiology of severe mood disorders and chronic recurrent infections and autoimmunity, including thyroid autoimmunity.

  12. História da caracterização nosológica do transtorno bipolar History of the nosologic characterization of bipolar disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Alberto Del-Porto


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam uma sintética revisão da história da doença bipolar, a partir de Araeteus da Capadócia até os tempos atuais. O conceito moderno de doença bipolar foi iniciado na França, com os trabalhos de Falret (1851 e Baillarger (1856. Os conceitos seminais de Emil Kraepelin mudaram as bases da nosologia psiquiátrica, e o seu conceito unitário a respeito da "insanidade maníaco-depressiva" foi amplamente aceito e adotado. As idéias de Kraepelin e Weigandt constituíram-se na pedra angular para sua concepção unitária da doença maníaco-depressiva. Depois de Kraepelin, no entanto, as idéias de Kleist e Leonhard, na Alemanha, e o trabalho de Angst, Perris e Winokur enfatizaram a distinção entre as formas unipolar e bipolar da depressão. Mais recentemente a ênfase mudou novamente para o espectro bipolar, que se estende até os limites dos temperamentos normais (Akiskal e colaboradores. Finalizando, os autores sumarizam as controvérsias quanto à nosologia do transtorno bipolar e suas fronteiras com a esquizofrenia, os quadros esquizoafetivos e as chamadas psicoses ciclóides.The authors review briefly the history of bipolar disorder from Araeteus of Cappadocia to our times. The modern concept of bipolar disorder was built in France, through the work of Falret (1851 and Baillarger (1854. The pivotal concepts of Emil Kraepelin changed the basis of psychiatric nosology, and Kraepelin's unitary concept of manic-depressive insanity was largely accepted. Kraepelin and Weigandt's ideas on mixed states were a cornerstone to this unitary concept. After Kraepelin however, the ideas of Kleist and Leonhard, in Germany, and the work of Angst, Perris and Winokur emphasized the distinction between unipolar and bipolar forms of depression. More recently the emphasis changed again to the bipolar spectrum, which expanded to the borders of the normal temperaments (Akiskal and co-workers. At the end the authors summarize the controversies

  13. Caracterización del inicio y crecimiento de grietas de interfaz entre fibra y matriz bajo cargas transversales biaxiales usando el modelo de interfaz elástica lineal-frágil


    Távara Mendoza, Luis Arístides; Mantic, Vladislav; Graciani Díaz, Enrique; Blázquez Gámez, Antonio; París Carballo, Federico


    En el presente trabajo se estudia el inicio y crecimiento de una grieta de interfaz entre fibra y matriz bajo cargas transversales biaxiales de tracción - tracción y tracción - compresión. Se considera un problema simplificado en relación a una lámina unidireccional real, con una fibra inmersa en una matriz cuyas dimensiones externas son mucho más grandes que el radio de la fibra. El objetivo es predecir por un lado las cargas de fallo (cargas criticas) que originan el despegue en ...

  14. Avaliação da carga de trabalho dos operadores de uma empresa distribuidora de derivados de petróleo Evaluation of an oil distributor company operator's workload

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucimara Ballardin


    Full Text Available Este artigo mostra o método adotado e os resultados obtidos em estudo realizado com operadores de uma distribuidora de derivados de petróleo da região Sul do Brasil. O objetivo era avaliar a carga de trabalho e os fatores que interferem nessa carga, do ponto de vista dos operadores. A metodologia aplicada incluiu entrevistas e dois questionários, um adaptado do NASA-TLX e um para levantamento dos fatores que interferem na carga de trabalho. Os resultados indicaram que a maioria dos operadores percebe que a carga de trabalho é alta. Entre os componentes da carga de trabalho, o desempenho é a que tem peso maior, enquanto os problemas relacionados a equipamentos e sistemas informatizados são os que mais influenciam nessa carga. Tendo em vista os resultados obtidos, é necessário aperfeiçoar os subsistemas, técnico e organizacional, da empresa para gerar melhorias na performance, saúde e satisfação dos operadores.The aim of this study was to evaluate workloads as perceived by the operators of an oil distribution company in Southern Brazil. Workload levels were measured by a questionnaire adapted from the NASA-TLX, and the factors that impact on the workload were identified by interviews and questionnaire. The results showed that the workload level is high, mainly due to technical constraints (such as equipment and computational problems. Performance is the component which most influences workload. According to the results, it is necessary to improve the technical and organizational subsystems of the oil distribution company in order to improve human performance as well as the health and safety of the operators.

  15. Práticas não convencionais em saúde por familiares e vínculos afetivos de pacientes críticos Unconventional health practices by family and affective bonds of critic patients


    Jocelly de Araújo Ferreira; Alana Dionízio Carneiro; Priscilla Tereza Lopes de Souza; Nayda Babel Alves de Lima


    Objetivo: averiguar a aplicabilidade das práticas não convencionais na saúde de visitantes com vínculos afetivos e/ou familiares de pacientes críticos. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, quantitativo, realizado nos ambientes de atendimento ao paciente crítico do Hospital Estadual de Emergência e Trauma, na cidade de João Pessoa – Paraíba. A amostra foi composta por 100 familiares. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados pelo Software Statistical Package for Socia...

  16. Bipolar Disorder in Pregnancy: A Review of Pregnancy Outcomes. (United States)

    Scrandis, Debra A


    Women with bipolar disorder may benefit from continuation of their medications during pregnancy, but there may be risks to the fetus associated with some of these medications. This article examines the evidence relating to the effect of bipolar disorder and pharmacologic treatments for bipolar disorder on pregnancy outcomes. MEDLINE, CINAHL, ProQuest Dissertation & Theses, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched for English-language studies published between 2000 and 2017, excluding case reports and integrative reviews. Twenty articles that met inclusion criteria were included in this review. Women with bipolar disorder have a higher risk for pregnancy complications and congenital abnormalities than do women without bipolar disorder. In addition, illness relapse can occur if psychotropic medications are discontinued. There are limited data to recommend discontinuing lithium, lamotrigine, or carbamazepine during pregnancy. Valproic acid is not recommended during pregnancy due to increased odds of neural tube defects associated with its use. Atypical antipsychotics are used more frequently during pregnancy, with mixed evidence regarding an association between these agents and congenital malformations or preterm birth. The knowledge of benefits and risks of bipolar disorder and its treatment can help women and health care providers make individualized decisions. Prenatal care providers can discuss the evidence about safety of medications used to treat bipolar disorder with women in collaboration with their mental health care providers. In addition, women being treated for bipolar disorder require close monitoring for depressive and manic/hypomanic episodes that impact pregnancy outcomes. © 2017 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

  17. Pediatric bipolar disorder: validity, phenomenology, and recommendations for diagnosis (United States)

    Youngstrom, Eric A; Birmaher, Boris; Findling, Robert L


    Objective To find, review, and critically evaluate evidence pertaining to the phenomenology of pediatric bipolar disorder and its validity as a diagnosis. Methods The present qualitative review summarizes and synthesizes available evidence about the phenomenology of bipolar disorder (BD) in youths, including description of the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of symptoms, clarification about rates of cycling and mixed states, and discussion about chronic versus episodic presentations of mood dysregulation. The validity of the diagnosis of BD in youths is also evaluated based on traditional criteria including associated demographic characteristics, family environmental features, genetic bases, longitudinal studies of youths at risk of developing BD as well as youths already manifesting symptoms on the bipolar spectrum, treatment studies and pharmacologic dissection, neurobiological findings (including morphological and functional data), and other related laboratory findings. Additional sections review impairment and quality of life, personality and temperamental correlates, the clinical utility of a bipolar diagnosis in youths, and the dimensional versus categorical distinction as it applies to mood disorder in youths. Results A schema for diagnosis of BD in youths is developed, including a review of different operational definitions of `bipolar not otherwise specified.' Principal areas of disagreement appear to include the relative role of elated versus irritable mood in assessment, and also the limits of the extent of the bipolar spectrum – when do definitions become so broad that they are no longer describing `bipolar' cases? Conclusions In spite of these areas of disagreement, considerable evidence has amassed supporting the validity of the bipolar diagnosis in children and adolescents. PMID:18199237

  18. Modelo de geração de viagens de carga em áreas urbanas: um estudo para bares, restaurantes e supermercados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leise Kelli de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A distribuição urbana de mercadorias está diretamente relacionada ao desenvolvimento econômico, apesar dos impactos negativos relacionados a esta atividade. Uma forma de minimizar tais impactos é utilizando-se políticas públicas e, para isto, os modelos de geração de viagens de carga podem ser uma estratégica para conhecer o comportamento do fluxo de carga no meio urbano. Nesse contexto, este trabalho revisa os modelos de geração de viagens de carga no contexto brasileiro e propõe modelos para importantes setores em Belo Horizonte: Bares, Restaurantes, Mercados e Supermercados. Para tanto, utilizou-se de pesquisa de campo para coleta de informações nos segmentos analisados, cujos dados foram analisados buscando determinar a melhor correlação entre as variáveis que descrevem a geração de viagens. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a taxa de geração de viagens em relação à área do estabelecimento comercial foi o modelo que apresentou o melhor ajuste. Além disso, o desenvolvimento de modelos para as diferentes regionais da cidade, além do modelo geral, indicou a importância de análises locais para a avaliação da movimentação da carga. Por fim, a comparação dos modelos obtidos com os modelos encontrados na literatura brasileira indicou semelhanças e divergências e reforçou a necessidade de modelos locais, especializados para os diferentes setores econômicos.





    Esta tesis apunta a entregar las bases para el desarrollo de los algoritmos de balance de carga para el modelo de objetos activos definido por ProActive en el contexto de las redes a gran escala (grillas). ProActive es un middleware implementado en lenguaje Java, de código abierto, para la programación concurrente, paralela, distribuida, y móvil; basado en el modelo de objeto-activo. En ProActive, cada objeto activo tiene su propio hilo de control y puede decidir independientemente e...

  20. Improving the Recognition of Borderline Personality Disorder in a Bipolar World. (United States)

    Zimmerman, Mark


    Both bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD) are serious mental health disorders resulting in significant psychosocial morbidity, reduced health-related quality of life, and excess mortality. Yet research on BPD has received much less funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH) than has bipolar disorder during the past 25 years. Why hasn't the level of NIH research funding for BPD been commensurate with the level of psychosocial morbidity, mortality, and health expenditures associated with the disorder? In the present article, the author illustrates how the bipolar disorder research community has done a superior job of "marketing" their disorder. Studies of underdiagnosis, screening, diagnostic spectra, and economics are reviewed for both bipolar disorder and BPD. Researchers of bipolar disorder have conducted multiple studies highlighting the problem with underdiagnosis, developed and promoted several screening scales, published numerous studies of the operating characteristics of these screening measures, attempted to broaden the definition of bipolar disorder by advancing the concept of the bipolar spectrum, and repeatedly demonstrated the economic costs and public health significance of bipolar disorder. In contrast, researchers of BPD have almost completely ignored each of these four issues and research efforts. Although BPD is as frequent as (if not more frequent than) bipolar disorder, as impairing as (if not more impairing than) bipolar disorder, and as lethal as (if not more lethal than) bipolar disorder, it has received less than one-tenth the level of funding from the NIH and has been the focus of many fewer publications in the most prestigious psychiatric journals. The researchers of BPD should consider adopting the strategy taken by researchers of bipolar disorder before the diagnosis is eliminated in a future iteration of the DSM or the ICD.

  1. Influencia de Las Cargas Térmicas Sobre Flujos de Aire Generados en Una Habitación

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olmedo, Inés; de Adana, Manuel Ruiz; Nielsen, Peter V.

    La distribución de aire generada por los difusores en recinto interiores es crucial para obtener las características de aire y confort térmico deseadas. Los difusores de baja velocidad son altamente recomendados para muchas aplicaciones por sus numerosas ventajas. Sin embargo las cargas térmicas...

  2. Does bipolar electrocoagulation time affect vessel weld strength? (United States)

    Harrison, J D; Morris, D L


    The value of the bipolar electrocoagulator in the haemostasis of bleeding ulcers is controversial. We have therefore investigated the effect of different coagulation times on vessel weld strength achieved by the bipolar device. Welds were then made in vessels of known diameter using a standard 10F endoscopic haemostatic probe at coagulation times of two and 20 seconds. The intravascular temperature achieved at each time was measured. Vessel weld strength achieved by bipolar electrocoagulation was much greater at 20 seconds (approximately twice that at two seconds) and was highly significantly greater at all vessel diameters. There was a gradual reduction in weld strength with increasing vessel diameter, an effect that was seen for both two and 20 seconds of electrocoagulation. Intravascular temperature was significantly higher at 20 seconds than at two seconds. We conclude that vessel weld strength is related to coagulation time and that any future studies comparing the bipolar electrocoagulator with other haemostatic devices should use longer periods of bipolar electrocoagulation and record the coagulation time in order to optimise the clinical value of the device. PMID:1864540

  3. A different perspective on bipolar disorder? : epidemiology, consequences, concept, and recognition of bipolar spectrum disorder in the general population

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Regeer, Eline Janet


    Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive illness, is a mood disorder in which episodes of mania, hypomania and depression occur in alternation with intervals of normal mood. Bipolar disorder is typically a recurrent illness and may have serious consequences such as poor social and occupational

  4. Determinação do ponto de carga zero em solos Determination of the zero point of charge in soils

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo van Raij


    Full Text Available São apresentados os fundamentos e dois métodos de determinação do ponto de carga zero (PCZ em solos. Por um dos métodos o PCZ foi determinado como sendo o pH do ponto de cruzamento de curvas de titulação dos solos em soluções de NaCl 1; 0.1; 0 01; c 0,001N. Pelo outro método o PCZ foi determinado por extrapolação ou interpolação da carga líquida dos solos, determinada por retenção de íons em soluções de NaCl 0,2N, CaCl2 0,01N e MgSO4 0,01N, ao valor de pH em que a carga líquida era nula.The zero point of charge (ZPC of soils was determined by the crossing point of acid-base potenciometric titration curves in different concentrations of NaCl. Alternatively, the ZPC was found by extrapolating or interpolating the net electric charge of soils, determined by direct adsorption of ions from solution of NaCl, CaCl2 and MgSO4, to the pH of charge zero.

  5. Is impulsivity a common trait in bipolar and unipolar disorders? (United States)

    Henna, Elaine; Hatch, John P; Nicoletti, Mark; Swann, Alan C; Zunta-Soares, Giovana; Soares, Jair C


      Impulsivity is increased in bipolar and unipolar disorders during episodes and is associated with substance abuse disorders and suicide risk. Impulsivity between episodes predisposes to relapses and poor therapeutic compliance. However, there is little information about impulsivity during euthymia in mood disorders. We sought to investigate trait impulsivity in euthymic bipolar and unipolar disorder patients, comparing them to healthy individuals and unaffected relatives of bipolar disorder patients.   Impulsivity was evaluated by the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11A) in 54 bipolar disorder patients, 25 unipolar disorder patients, 136 healthy volunteers, and 14 unaffected relatives. The BIS-11A mean scores for all four groups were compared through the Games-Howell test for all possible pairwise combinations. Additionally, we compared impulsivity in bipolar and unipolar disorder patients with and without a history of suicide attempt and substance abuse disorder.   Bipolar and unipolar disorder patients scored significantly higher than the healthy controls and unaffected relatives on all measures of the BIS-11A except for attentional impulsivity. On the attentional impulsivity measures there were no differences among the unaffected relatives and the bipolar and unipolar disorder groups, but all three of these groups scored higher than the healthy participant group. There was no difference in impulsivity between bipolar and unipolar disorder subjects with and without suicide attempt. However, impulsivity was higher among bipolar and unipolar disorder subjects with past substance use disorder compared to patients without such a history.   Questionnaire-measured impulsivity appears to be relatively independent of mood state in bipolar and unipolar disorder patients; it remains elevated in euthymia and is higher in individuals with past substance abuse. Elevated attentional and lower non-planning impulsivity in unaffected relatives of bipolar disorder

  6. Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder: Characteristics and Outcomes in the Clinic. (United States)

    Connor, Daniel F; Ford, Julian D; Pearson, Geraldine S; Scranton, Victoria L; Dusad, Asha


    To assess patient characteristics and clinician-rated outcomes for children diagnosed with early-onset bipolar disorder in comparison to a depressive disorders cohort from a single clinic site. To assess predictors of bipolar treatment response. Medical records from 714 consecutive pediatric patients evaluated and treated at an academic tertiary child and adolescent psychiatry clinic between 2006 and 2012 were reviewed. Charts of bipolar children (n = 49) and children with depressive disorders (n = 58) meeting study inclusion/exclusion criteria were compared on variables assessing clinical characteristics, treatments, and outcomes. Outcomes were assessed by using pre- and post-Clinical Global Impressions (CGI)-Severity and Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) scores, and a CGI-Improvement score ≤2 at final visit determined responder status. Bipolar outcome predictors were assessed by using multiple linear regression. Clinic prevalence rates were 6.9% for early-onset bipolar disorder and 1.5% for very early-onset bipolar disorder. High rates of comorbid diagnoses, symptom severity, parental stress, and child high-risk behaviors were found in both groups. The bipolar cohort had higher rates of aggression and higher lifetime systems of care utilization. The final CGI and CGAS outcomes for unipolar depression patients differed statistically significantly from those for the bipolar cohort, reflecting better clinical status and more improvement at outcome for the depression patients. Both parent-reported Child Behavior Checklist total T-score at clinic admission and the number of lifetime systems-of-care for the child were significantly and inversely associated with improvement for the bipolar cohort. Early-onset bipolar disorder is a complex and heterogeneous psychiatric disorder. Evidence-based treatment should emphasize psychopharmacology with adjunctive family and individual psychotherapy. Strategies to improve engagement in treatment may be especially

  7. Clinical practice recommendations for bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Malhi, G S; Adams, D; Lampe, L; Paton, M; O'Connor, N; Newton, L A; Walter, G; Taylor, A; Porter, R; Mulder, R T; Berk, M


    To provide clinically relevant evidence-based recommendations for the management of bipolar disorder in adults that are informative, easy to assimilate and facilitate clinical decision-making. A comprehensive literature review of over 500 articles was undertaken using electronic database search engines (e.g. MEDLINE, PsychINFO and Cochrane reviews). In addition articles, book chapters and other literature known to the authors were reviewed. The findings were then formulated into a set of recommendations that were developed by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians who routinely deal with mood disorders. These preliminary recommendations underwent extensive consultative review by a broader advisory panel that included experts in the field, clinical staff and patient representatives. The clinical practice recommendations for bipolar disorder (bipolar CPR) summarise evidence-based treatments and provide a synopsis of recommendations relating to each phase of the illness. They are designed for clinical use and have therefore been presented succinctly in an innovative and engaging manner that is clear and informative. These up-to-date recommendations provide an evidence-based framework that incorporates clinical wisdom and consideration of individual factors in the management of bipolar disorder. Further, the novel style and practical approach should promote their uptake and implementation.

  8. Intervenções psicossociais no transtorno bipolar Psychosocial interventions for bipolar disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Pereira Justo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, os autores, através de revisão bibliográfica narrativa, situam as intervenções psicossociais dentro do panorama terapêutico para o transtorno bipolar e constatam que ainda são insuficientes os estudos primários feitos com metodologia adequada para a obtenção de informações científicas de boa qualidade. São sucintamente descritos os trabalhos mais relevantes.In this paper, the authors review the status of psychosocial interventions within the general treatment for bipolar disorder. They have verified the scantiness of studies performed with adequate methodology to obtain scientific information of good quality. The more relevant studies are briefly described.

  9. El papel del pastoreo en la reducción de la carga de combustible en los bosques de la Vall d'Alinyà


    Forestalia (Grup de recerca)


    Títol variant: The role of extensive ranching in reducing fuel loads in the forests of the Alinyà Valley Este estudio pretende mostrar como una gestión mediante pastura extensiva puede ayudar entre otros beneficios ecológicos y sociales a disminuir la carga de combustible forestal, reducir el riesgo de incendios y mejorar la biodiversidad. El objetivo principal es determinar si la ganadería extensiva es una opción viable como método reductor de la carga combustible en los bosques de la Val...

  10. Aggression and substance abuse in bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Grunebaum, Michael F; Galfalvy, Hanga C; Nichols, C Matthew; Caldeira, Nathilee A; Sher, Leo; Dervic, Kanita; Burke, Ainsley K; Mann, J John; Oquendo, Maria A


    The goal of this retrospective study was to examine factors differentiating persons with bipolar disorder who did or did not have comorbid lifetime substance use disorders (SUD) at an index assessment. We also explored the chronology of onset of mood and SUD. We studied 146 subjects with DSM-defined bipolar disorder. Subgroups with and without lifetime SUD were compared on demographic and clinical measures. Substance abuse disorders in this bipolar sample were associated with male sex, impulsive-aggressive traits, comorbid conduct and Cluster B personality disorders, number of suicide attempts and earlier age at onset of a first mood episode. In a multivariable logistic regression analysis, male sex and aggression and possibly earlier age at mood disorder onset were associated with SUD. In those with or without SUD, the first mood episode tended to be depressive and to precede the onset of SUD. In persons with bipolar disorder, an earlier age of onset and aggressive traits appear to be factors associated with later development of comorbid SUD.

  11. Validity and reliability of the Cognitive Complaints in Bipolar Disorder Rating Assessment (COBRA) in Japanese patients with bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Toyoshima, Kuniyoshi; Fujii, Yutaka; Mitsui, Nobuyuki; Kako, Yuki; Asakura, Satoshi; Martinez-Aran, Anabel; Vieta, Eduard; Kusumi, Ichiro


    In Japan, there are currently no reliable rating scales for the evaluation of subjective cognitive impairment in patients with bipolar disorder. We studied the relationship between the Japanese version of the Cognitive Complaints in Bipolar Disorder Rating Assessment (COBRA) and objective cognitive assessments in patients with bipolar disorder. We further assessed the reliability and validity of the COBRA. Forty-one patients, aged 16-64, in a remission period of bipolar disorder were recruited from Hokkaido University Hospital in Sapporo, Japan. The COBRA (Japanese version) and Frankfurt Complaint Questionnaire (FCQ), the gold standard in subjective cognitive assessment, were administered. A battery of neuropsychological tests was employed to measure objective cognitive impairment. Correlations among the COBRA, FCQ, and neuropsychological tests were determined using Spearman's correlation coefficient. The Japanese version of the COBRA had high internal consistency, good retest reliability, and concurrent validity-as indicated by a strong correlation with the FCQ. A significant correlation was also observed between the COBRA and objective cognitive measurements of processing speed. These findings are the first to demonstrate that the Japanese version of the COBRA may be clinically useful as a subjective cognitive impairment rating scale in Japanese patients with bipolar disorder. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Clinical status of comorbid bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. (United States)

    Parker, Gordon; Bayes, Adam; McClure, Georgia; Del Moral, Yolanda Romàn Ruiz; Stevenson, Janine


    The status and differentiation of comorbid borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder is worthy of clarification. To determine whether comorbid borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder are interdependent or independent conditions. We interviewed patients diagnosed with either a borderline personality disorder and/or a bipolar condition. Analyses of participants grouped by DSM diagnoses established that those with comorbid conditions scored similarly to those with a borderline personality disorder alone on all key variables (i.e. gender, severity of borderline personality scores, developmental stressors, illness correlates, self-injurious behaviour rates) and differed from those with a bipolar disorder alone on nearly all non-bipolar item variables. Similar findings were returned for groups defined by clinical diagnoses. Comorbid bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder is consistent with the formal definition of comorbidity in that, while coterminous, individuals meeting such criteria have features of two independent conditions. © The Royal College of Psychiatrists 2016.

  13. Aberrant cerebellar connectivity in bipolar disorder with psychosis. (United States)

    Shinn, Ann K; Roh, Youkyung S; Ravichandran, Caitlin T; Baker, Justin T; Öngür, Dost; Cohen, Bruce M


    The cerebellum, which modulates affect and cognition in addition to motor functions, may contribute substantially to the pathophysiology of mood and psychotic disorders, such as bipolar disorder. A growing literature points to cerebellar abnormalities in bipolar disorder. However, no studies have investigated the topographic representations of resting state cerebellar networks in bipolar disorder, specifically their functional connectivity to cerebral cortical networks. Using a well-defined cerebral cortical parcellation scheme as functional connectivity seeds, we compared ten cerebellar resting state networks in 49 patients with bipolar disorder and a lifetime history of psychotic features and 55 healthy control participants matched for age, sex, and image signal-to-noise ratio. Patients with psychotic bipolar disorder showed reduced cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity in somatomotor A, ventral attention, salience, and frontoparietal control A and B networks relative to healthy control participants. These findings were not significantly correlated with current symptoms. Patients with psychotic bipolar disorder showed evidence of cerebro-cerebellar dysconnectivity in selective networks. These disease-related changes were substantial and not explained by medication exposure or substance use. Therefore, they may be mechanistically relevant to the underlying susceptibility to mood dysregulation and psychosis. Cerebellar mechanisms deserve further exploration in psychiatric conditions, and this study's findings may have value in guiding future studies on pathophysiology and treatment of mood and psychotic disorders, in particular.

  14. Assessment of sleep quality in bipolar euthymic patients. (United States)

    Keskin, Necla; Tamam, Lut; Ozpoyraz, Nurgul


    Sleep quality is affected in bipolar disorder even in euthymic episodes. The aim of this study was to assess sleep quality in bipolar euthymic patients, determine related clinical characteristics and evaluate its effects on functionality. A total of 122 outpatients were included. Scales were used to confirm that patients were euthymic. Mini Mental Test was performed to exclude patients with a diagnosis of dementia. A data form for socio-demographic features and clinical characteristics of bipolar disorder have been completed. SCID-I and SCID II were used. The general features of sleep were investigated by General Sleep Questionnaire. All patients completed Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Bipolar Disorder Functioning Questionnaire. 56.5% of our sample had poor sleep quality. Patients with poor sleep had a longer time to fall asleep and more frequent waking after sleep onset. Caffeine use and smoking, history of suicide attempts, seasonality, comorbidity of lifetime anxiety, somatoform and impulse control disorders, using antidepressant medication and administration of electroconvulsive therapy were significantly higher; emotional and intellectual functioning, household relations, taking initiative, self-sufficiency and total functionality were lower in bipolar patients with poor sleep quality (p<0.05). The strongest predictor of sleep quality problem was seasonality, recording an odds ratio of 3.91. Sleep quality is closely related with clinical features of bipolar disorder. Sleep quality is affected negatively in euthymic episodes of bipolar disorder and poor sleep quality cause loss in functionality. Assessment of sleep disturbances routinely in psychiatric interviews and dealing with sleep problems regardless mood episodes may improve sleep quality, thereby functionality and quality of life. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Dose enhancement effects of X ray radiation in bipolar transistors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Panxun


    The author has presented behaviour degradation and dose enhancement effects of bipolar transistors in X ray irradiation environment. The relative dose enhancement factors of X ray radiation were measured in bipolar transistors by the experiment methods. The mechanism of bipolar device dose enhancement was investigated

  16. Assessing and addressing cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Miskowiak, K W; Burdick, K E; Martinez-Aran, A


    OBJECTIVES: Cognition is a new treatment target to aid functional recovery and enhance quality of life for patients with bipolar disorder. The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Targeting Cognition Task Force aimed to develop consensus-based clinical recommendations on whether, when...... in Bipolar Disorder Rating Assessment, and (III) evaluate the impact of medication and comorbidity, refer patients for comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation when clinically indicated, and encourage patients to build cognitive reserve. Regarding question (IV), there is limited evidence for current...

  17. People-Things and Data-Ideas: Bipolar Dimensions? (United States)

    Tay, Louis; Su, Rong; Rounds, James


    We examined a longstanding assumption in vocational psychology that people-things and data-ideas are bipolar dimensions. Two minimal criteria for bipolarity were proposed and examined across 3 studies: (a) The correlation between opposite interest types should be negative; (b) after correcting for systematic responding, the correlation should be…

  18. Nanosecond bipolar pulse generators for bioelectrics. (United States)

    Xiao, Shu; Zhou, Chunrong; Yang, Enbo; Rajulapati, Sambasiva R


    Biological effects caused by a nanosecond pulse, such as cell membrane permeabilization, peripheral nerve excitation and cell blebbing, can be reduced or cancelled by applying another pulse of reversed polarity. Depending on the degree of cancellation, the pulse interval of these two pulses can be as long as dozens of microseconds. The cancellation effect diminishes as the pulse duration increases. To study the cancellation effect and potentially utilize it in electrotherapy, nanosecond bipolar pulse generators must be made available. An overview of the generators is given in this paper. A pulse forming line (PFL) that is matched at one end and shorted at the other end allows a bipolar pulse to be produced, but no delay can be inserted between the phases. Another generator employs a combination of a resistor, an inductor and a capacitor to form an RLC resonant circuit so that a bipolar pulse with a decaying magnitude can be generated. A third generator is a converter, which converts an existing unipolar pulse to a bipolar pulse. This is done by inserting an inductor in a transmission line. The first phase of the bipolar pulse is provided by the unipolar pulse's rising phase. The second phase is formed during the fall time of the unipolar pulse, when the inductor, which was previously charged during the flat part of the unipolar pulse, discharges its current to the load. The fourth type of generator uses multiple MOSFET switches stacked to turn on a pre-charged, bipolar RC network. This approach is the most flexible in that it can generate multiphasic pulses that have different amplitudes, delays, and durations. However, it may not be suitable for producing short nanosecond pulses (<100 ns), whereas the PFL approach and the RLC approach with gas switches are used for this range. Thus, each generator has its own advantages and applicable range. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Quality of web-based information on bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Morel, Vincent; Chatton, Anne; Cochand, Sophie; Zullino, Daniele; Khazaal, Yasser


    To evaluate web-based information on bipolar disorder and to assess particular content quality indicators. Two keywords, "bipolar disorder" and "manic depressive illness" were entered into popular World Wide Web search engines. Websites were assessed with a standardized proforma designed to rate sites on the basis of accountability, presentation, interactivity, readability and content quality. "Health on the Net" (HON) quality label, and DISCERN scale scores were used to verify their efficiency as quality indicators. Of the 80 websites identified, 34 were included. Based on outcome measures, the content quality of the sites turned-out to be good. Content quality of web sites dealing with bipolar disorder is significantly explained by readability, accountability and interactivity as well as a global score. The overall content quality of the studied bipolar disorder websites is good.

  20. Religiosidade e espiritualidade no transtorno bipolar do humor Religiosity and spirituality in bipolar disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Stroppa


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: Nos últimos vinte anos, estudos sistematizados têm identificado uma relação positiva entre espiritualidade/religiosidade (R/E e saúde, notadamente saúde mental. Entretanto, são escassas as informações sobre R/E e transtorno bipolar do humor (TBH. Este artigo objetiva revisar as evidências disponíveis sobre estas relações. MÉTODOS: Foram cruzadas as palavras "bipolar", "mania" e "manic" com as palavras "religio*" e "spiritu*" nas bases de dados PubMed e PsychINFO em novembro de 2008. Foram encontrados 122 artigos publicados entre os anos de 1957 e 2008. RESULTADO: Os estudos apontam que pacientes bipolares tendem a apresentar maior envolvimento religioso/espiritual, maior frequência de relatos de conversão e experiências de salvação e uso mais frequente de coping religioso e espiritual (CRE que pessoas com outros transtornos mentais. Indicam ainda, uma relação frequente e significativa entre sintomas maníacos e experiências místicas. Os estudos mais relevantes encontrados na literatura foram agrupados nesta revisão em cinco tópicos: delírios místicos, religiosidade e espiritualidade, coping religioso-espiritual, recursos comunitários e comunidades tradicionais. CONCLUSÃO: O TBH e a R/E possuem intensa e complexa inter-relação. Estudos sobre práticas religiosas saudáveis, espiritualidade e recursos de coping merecem ser ampliados, bem como sua relação com o cumprimento do tratamento e as recorrências da doença, as intervenções psicoterápicas e a psicoeducação de base espiritual.BACKGROUND: Over the past twenty years, systematic studies have identified a positive relationship between spirituality/religiosity (S/R and health, especially mental health. Although there is only scant information about S/R and BipolarDisorder. METHODS: The words "bipolar", "mania" and "manic" were crossed with the words "religio*" and "spiritu*" in the databases PubMed and PsychINFO in November 2008. It was found 122

  1. Group interpersonal and social rhythm therapy for bipolar depression. (United States)

    Hoberg, Astrid A; Ponto, Julie; Nelson, Pamela J; Frye, Mark A


    To evaluate the feasibility of 2-week interpersonal and social rhythm therapy group (IPSRT-G) for bipolar depression. Participants with bipolar depression received two individual sessions, six IPSRT-G sessions, and a 12-week telephone call. The Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Clinician Rated (IDS-C), Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS), and Clinical Global Impressions-Bipolar Version (CGI-BP) were used. IDS-C and SDS scores improved significantly at 12 weeks. YMRS and CGI-BP scores improved but did not reach statistical significance. The promising antidepressive response supports further study of IPSRT-G for bipolar depression. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Using the mood disorder questionnaire and bipolar spectrum diagnostic scale to detect bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder among eating disorder patients (United States)


    Background Screening scales for bipolar disorder including the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) and Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS) have been plagued by high false positive rates confounded by presence of borderline personality disorder. This study examined the accuracy of these scales for detecting bipolar disorder among patients referred for eating disorders and explored the possibility of simultaneous assessment of co-morbid borderline personality disorder. Methods Participants were 78 consecutive female patients who were referred for evaluation of an eating disorder. All participants completed the mood and eating disorder sections of the SCID-I/P and the borderline personality disorder section of the SCID-II, in addition to the MDQ and BSDS. Predictive validity of the MDQ and BSDS was evaluated by Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis of the Area Under the Curve (AUC). Results Fifteen (19%) and twelve (15%) patients fulfilled criteria for bipolar II disorder and borderline personality disorder, respectively. The AUCs for bipolar II disorder were 0.78 (MDQ) and 0.78 (BDSD), and the AUCs for borderline personality disorder were 0.75 (MDQ) and 0.79 (BSDS). Conclusions Among patients being evaluated for eating disorders, the MDQ and BSDS show promise as screening questionnaires for both bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. PMID:23443034

  3. Factores de riesgo desencadenantes de patologías comunes y laborales en conductores de carga en una empresa transportadora de hidrocarburos en Colombia 2016


    Ovalle Izquierdo, Ingrid Nathalia; Sotelo Zalamea, Luis Daniel


    RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN En Colombia y el mundo entero el personal de transporte de carga es numeroso, y un grupo importante para la economía de cada país por su demandante trabajo, por lo que es necesario mejorar las condiciones del puesto de trabajo de los transportadores, para prevenir enfermedades o lesiones y controlar los factores de riesgo. Algunos de los riesgos que se han asociado a los conductores de carga son gases de escape, ruido por encima de los niveles permisibles, vibracion...

  4. Evidence for genetic association of RORB with bipolar disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mick Eric


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Bipolar disorder, particularly in children, is characterized by rapid cycling and switching, making circadian clock genes plausible molecular underpinnings for bipolar disorder. We previously reported work establishing mice lacking the clock gene D-box binding protein (DBP as a stress-reactive genetic animal model of bipolar disorder. Microarray studies revealed that expression of two closely related clock genes, RAR-related orphan receptors alpha (RORA and beta (RORB, was altered in these mice. These retinoid-related receptors are involved in a number of pathways including neurogenesis, stress response, and modulation of circadian rhythms. Here we report association studies between bipolar disorder and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in RORA and RORB. Methods We genotyped 355 RORA and RORB SNPs in a pediatric cohort consisting of a family-based sample of 153 trios and an independent, non-overlapping case-control sample of 152 cases and 140 controls. Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents is characterized by increased stress reactivity and frequent episodes of shorter duration; thus our cohort provides a potentially enriched sample for identifying genes involved in cycling and switching. Results We report that four intronic RORB SNPs showed positive associations with the pediatric bipolar phenotype that survived Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons in the case-control sample. Three RORB haplotype blocks implicating an additional 11 SNPs were also associated with the disease in the case-control sample. However, these significant associations were not replicated in the sample of trios. There was no evidence for association between pediatric bipolar disorder and any RORA SNPs or haplotype blocks after multiple-test correction. In addition, we found no strong evidence for association between the age-at-onset of bipolar disorder with any RORA or RORB SNPs. Conclusion Our findings suggest that clock genes in

  5. Bipolar nickel-hydrogen battery development - A program review (United States)

    Manzo, Michelle; Lenhart, Stephen; Hall, Arnold


    An overview of spacecraft power system design trends, focusing on higher power bus voltages and improved energy storage systems, is followed by a discussion of bipolar Ni/H2 battery development efforts. Several 10-cell batteries and one 50-cell battery are described, and performance results are presented. A comparison of individual-pressure-vessel and bipolar Ni/H2 technologies is used to suggest a new direction for bipolar Ni/H2 battery development efforts, toward a large number of passively cooled cells in parallel.

  6. A review of factors associated with greater likelihood of suicide attempts and suicide deaths in bipolar disorder: Part II of a report of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide in Bipolar Disorder. (United States)

    Schaffer, Ayal; Isometsä, Erkki T; Azorin, Jean-Michel; Cassidy, Frederick; Goldstein, Tina; Rihmer, Zoltán; Sinyor, Mark; Tondo, Leonardo; Moreno, Doris H; Turecki, Gustavo; Reis, Catherine; Kessing, Lars Vedel; Ha, Kyooseob; Weizman, Abraham; Beautrais, Annette; Chou, Yuan-Hwa; Diazgranados, Nancy; Levitt, Anthony J; Zarate, Carlos A; Yatham, Lakshmi


    Many factors influence the likelihood of suicide attempts or deaths in persons with bipolar disorder. One key aim of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide was to summarize the available literature on the presence and magnitude of effect of these factors. A systematic review of studies published from 1 January 1980 to 30 May 2014 identified using keywords 'bipolar disorder' and 'suicide attempts or suicide'. This specific paper examined all reports on factors putatively associated with suicide attempts or suicide deaths in bipolar disorder samples. Factors were subcategorized into: (1) sociodemographics, (2) clinical characteristics of bipolar disorder, (3) comorbidities, and (4) other clinical variables. We identified 141 studies that examined how 20 specific factors influenced the likelihood of suicide attempts or deaths. While the level of evidence and degree of confluence varied across factors, there was at least one study that found an effect for each of the following factors: sex, age, race, marital status, religious affiliation, age of illness onset, duration of illness, bipolar disorder subtype, polarity of first episode, polarity of current/recent episode, predominant polarity, mood episode characteristics, psychosis, psychiatric comorbidity, personality characteristics, sexual dysfunction, first-degree family history of suicide or mood disorders, past suicide attempts, early life trauma, and psychosocial precipitants. There is a wealth of data on factors that influence the likelihood of suicide attempts and suicide deaths in people with bipolar disorder. Given the heterogeneity of study samples and designs, further research is needed to replicate and determine the magnitude of effect of most of these factors. This approach can ultimately lead to enhanced risk stratification for patients with bipolar disorder. © The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2015.

  7. A review of factors associated with greater likelihood of suicide attempts and suicide deaths in bipolar disorder: Part II of a report of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide in Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Schaffer, Ayal; Isometsä, Erkki T; Azorin, Jean-Michel; Cassidy, Frederick; Goldstein, Tina; Rihmer, Zoltán; Sinyor, Mark; Tondo, Leonardo; Moreno, Doris H; Turecki, Gustavo; Reis, Catherine; Kessing, Lars Vedel; Ha, Kyooseob; Weizman, Abraham; Beautrais, Annette; Chou, Yuan-Hwa; Diazgranados, Nancy; Levitt, Anthony J; Zarate, Carlos A; Yatham, Lakshmi


    Objectives Many factors influence the likelihood of suicide attempts or deaths in persons with bipolar disorder. One key aim of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide was to summarize the available literature on the presence and magnitude of effect of these factors. Methods A systematic review of studies published from 1 January 1980 to 30 May 2014 identified using keywords ‘bipolar disorder’ and ‘suicide attempts or suicide’. This specific paper examined all reports on factors putatively associated with suicide attempts or suicide deaths in bipolar disorder samples. Factors were subcategorized into: (1) sociodemographics, (2) clinical characteristics of bipolar disorder, (3) comorbidities, and (4) other clinical variables. Results We identified 141 studies that examined how 20 specific factors influenced the likelihood of suicide attempts or deaths. While the level of evidence and degree of confluence varied across factors, there was at least one study that found an effect for each of the following factors: sex, age, race, marital status, religious affiliation, age of illness onset, duration of illness, bipolar disorder subtype, polarity of first episode, polarity of current/recent episode, predominant polarity, mood episode characteristics, psychosis, psychiatric comorbidity, personality characteristics, sexual dysfunction, first-degree family history of suicide or mood disorders, past suicide attempts, early life trauma, and psychosocial precipitants. Conclusion There is a wealth of data on factors that influence the likelihood of suicide attempts and suicide deaths in people with bipolar disorder. Given the heterogeneity of study samples and designs, further research is needed to replicate and determine the magnitude of effect of most of these factors. This approach can ultimately lead to enhanced risk stratification for patients with bipolar disorder. PMID:26175498

  8. Avanços no diagnóstico do transtorno do humor bipolar Advances in the diagnosis of bipolar mood disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igor Alcantara


    Full Text Available Atualmente, vemos transformações no diagnóstico do Transtorno de Humor Bipolar (THB. A prática clínica exige conhecimento mais detalhado da correlação THB - outras doenças psiquiátricas. Nessa revisão não-sistemática, foram abordados aspectos diagnósticos do THB: a histórico, b Espectro Bipolar, c Depressão Atípica (DeA e Disforia Histeróide, d Estados Mistos, e relação THB-Transtornos de Ansiedade, f relação com o diagnóstico de Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline (TPB, g contraponto ao conceito de espectro bipolar. A doença é conhecida desde a Grécia Antiga. Os estudos baseados nas publicações de Hagop Akiskal expandem o diagnóstico para além dos critérios usualmente utilizados, criando o conceito de espectro bipolar. A alta prevalência de comorbidade entre THB e Transtornos de Ansiedade corroboram que ambos compartilham o mesmo substrato neurobiológico. O debate demonstra que não há consenso, expondo a fragilidade dos nossos métodos diagnósticos. Entretanto, a revisão mostra a utilidade de sempre considerar o THB como diagnóstico diferencial.Nowadays, the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder (BD have been changed. We need a better awareness about BD-another psychiatry diseases correlation for a good clinical practice. The authors conducted a non-systematic review about some diagnostic topics in BD: a history, b bipolar spectrum, c atypical depression and hysterical disforia, d mixed states, e BD and anxious disorders comorbidity, f BD and borderline personality disorder relationship, g bipolar spectrum contest. The BD has been investigated since Hypocrites time. The studies based on Akiskal's ideas put the BD diagnostic beyond the common diagnostics criteria, establishing a new entity called bipolar spectrum. The high prevalence of comorbidity between BD and anxious disorders perhaps confirm the evidence that they share a same neurobiological substratum. There is no consensus and we realize that

  9. O transtorno bipolar como experiência: a perspectiva dos filhos

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    Lia Keuchguerian Silveira Campos

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo Compreender o transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB e suas implicações pela perspectiva dos filhos adultos de mães que receberam o diagnóstico quando eles eram crianças. Métodos Pesquisa qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas de questões abertas em profundidade com 21 filhos de pacientes do Ambulatório de Psiquiatria Geral de Adultos do HC/Unicamp. A técnica de tratamento de dados foi feita por meio da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas transcritas na íntegra e categorização. Resultados Os significados psicológicos atribuídos pelos filhos à experiência de ter uma mãe com TAB possibilitaram a elaboração de um esquema da infância, adolescência à vida adulta. Os achados revelam que na infância a instabilidade da mãe, característica do TAB, gera sentimentos de culpa e desamparo nos filhos, pela percepção da introspecção materna nos períodos dos episódios em contraste com os momentos de remissão, nos quais percebem envolvimento emocional e disponibilidade para a maternidade. Na adolescência, os filhos contestam as demandas de suas mães. Demonstram identificação com os sintomas maternos. Na vida adulta, há percepção de melhora na relação mãe-filho diante da abdicação das escolhas pessoais para a dedicação aos cuidados à mãe. Os achados revelam que a compreensão do TAB feita por meio da experiência dos filhos com suas mães fica apenas na racionabilidade, pois eles não conseguem manejá-la de forma efetiva e sentem-se aprisionados. Conclusões A equipe de saúde pode auxiliar os filhos desde o manejo de questões cotidianas até o diagnóstico precoce de psicopatologias ao se dedicar ao acolhimento deles quando da vinda de suas mães ao tratamento.

  10. Differences in clinical presentation between bipolar I and II disorders in the early stages of bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinberg, Maj; Mikkelsen, Rie Lambaek; Kirkegaard, Thomas


    Aim In a naturalistic clinical study of patients in the early stages of bipolar disorders the aim was to assess differences between patients with bipolar I (BD I) and bipolar II (BD II) disorders on clinical characteristics including affective symptoms, subjective cognitive complaints, functional...... level, the presence of comorbid personality disorders and coping strategies. Methods Diagnoses were confirmed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Disorders. Clinical symptoms were rated with the Young Mania Rating Scale and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, and functional status using...... Inventory for Stressful Situations. Results In total, 344 patients were included (BD I (n=163) and BD II (n=181). Patients with BD II presented with significantly more depressive symptoms, more cognitive complaints, lower overall functioning, and a higher prevalence of comorbid personality disorders...

  11. Cytokines in bipolar disorder vs. healthy control subjects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munkholm, Klaus; Braüner, Julie Vestergaard; Kessing, Lars Vedel


    Bipolar disorder may be associated with peripheral immune system dysfunction; however, results in individual studies are conflicting. Our aim was to systematically review evidence of peripheral cytokine alterations in bipolar disorder integrating findings from various affective states....

  12. CarbonNanoTubes (CNT) in bipolar plates for PEM fuel cell applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grundler, M.; Derieth, T.; Beckhaus, P.; Heinzel, A. [centre for fuel cell technology ZBT GmbH (Germany)


    Using standard mass production techniques for the fabrication of fuel cell components, such as bipolar plates, is a main issue for the commercialisation of PEM fuel cell systems. Bipolar plates contribute significantly to the cost structure of PEM stacks. In an upcoming fuel cell market a large number of bipolar plates with specific high-quality standards will be needed. At the Centre for Fuel Cell Technology (ZBT) together with the University of Duisburg-Essen fuel cell stacks based on injection moulded bipolar plates have been developed and demonstrated successfully [1]. This paper focuses on the interactions between carbon filling materials (graphite, carbon black and carbon nanotubes (CNT)) in compound based bipolar plates and especially the potential of CNTs, which were used in bipolar plates for the first time. The entire value added chain based on the feedstock, the compounding and injection moulding process, the component bipolar plate, up to the operation of a PEM single fuel cell stack with CNT-based bipolar plates is disclosed. (orig.)

  13. Correlates of current suicide risk among Thai patients with bipolar I disorder: findings from the Thai Bipolar Disorder Registry

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    Suttajit S


    Full Text Available Sirijit Suttajit,1 Suchat Paholpak,2 Somrak Choovanicvong,3 Khanogwan Kittiwattanagul,4 Wetid Pratoomsri,5 Manit Srisurapanont1On behalf of the Thai Bipolar Registry Group1Department of Psychiatry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 2Department of Psychiatry, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 3Srithanya Hospital, Nonthaburi, 4Khon Kaen Rajanagarindra Psychiatric Hospital, Khon Kaen, 5Chachoengsao Hospital, Chachoengsao, ThailandBackground: The Thai Bipolar Disorder Registry was a prospective, multisite, naturalistic study conducted in 24 hospitals across Thailand. This study aimed to examine the correlates of current suicide risk in Thai patients with bipolar I disorder.Methods: Participants were adult inpatients or outpatients with bipolar disorder, based on the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition. All were assessed by using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI, version 5. The severity of current suicide risk was determined by using the total score of the MINI suicidality module. Mood symptoms were assessed by using the Young Mania Rating Scale and the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale.Results: The data of 383 bipolar I disorder patients were included in the analyses. Of these, 363 (94.8% were outpatients. The mean (standard deviation of the MINI suicide risk score was 1.88 (5.0. The demographic/clinical variables significantly associated with the MINI suicide risk scores included age, number of overall previous episodes, the Young Mania Rating Scale score, the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale scores, and the Clinical Global Impression Severity of Illness Scale for Bipolar Disorder mania score, depression score, and overall score. The variables affecting the differences of suicide risk scores between or among groups were type of first mood episode, a history of rapid cycling, anxiety disorders, and alcohol use disorders. The stepwise multiple linear regression model revealed

  14. Anticonvulsivantes e antipsicóticos no tratamento do transtorno bipolar Anticonvulsants and antipsychotics in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Alberto Moreno


    Full Text Available O transtorno bipolar é uma condição médica complexa e até o momento não há um tratamento único comprovadamente eficaz no controle de todos aspectos da doença. Foram revisadas a literatura disponível sobre o uso de anticonvulsivantes (valproato, carbamazepina, oxcarbazepina, lamotrigina, gabapentina, topiramato, clonazepam e antipsicóticos atípicos (clozapina, risperidona, olanzapina, quetiapina, ziprasidona e aripiprazole no tratamento agudo e profilático do transtorno bipolar. Existe um acúmulo de evidências acerca da eficácia do lítio na profilaxia e de ser melhor no tratamento da mania aguda do que nos episódios depressivos. Outros dados indicam que a carbamazepina e o valproato são eficazes na mania aguda. A lamotrigina parece reduzir ciclagem e ser eficaz em episódios depressivos. Baseado nas informações disponíveis, as evidências apontam a olanzapina como o antipsicótico atípico mais apropriado no tratamento de pacientes bipolares em mania, embora existam estudos sugerindo a eficácia da risperidona, aripiprazol e da clozapina. Resultados preliminares avaliando a eficácia de ziprasidona e quetiapina no transtorno bipolar ainda são bastante limitadas. Não há dados consistentes apoiando o uso profilático dos novos antipsicóticos.Bipolar disorder is a complex medical condition, and up to the date there is no single treatment with proven efficacy in the control of all aspects of the illness. The available literature on the use of anticonvulsants (valproate, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate, clonazepam and atypical antipsychotics (clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, ziprasidone, and aripiprazole for acute and prophylactic treatment of bipolar disorder was reviewed. There is a large amount of evidence that lithium is efficacious in the prophylaxis of episodes and better for acute mania than for depressive episodes. Other data show that carbamazepine and valproate are

  15. Swimming in Deep Water: Childhood Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Senokossoff, Gwyn W.; Stoddard, Kim


    The authors focused on one parent's struggles in finding a diagnosis and intervention for a child who had bipolar disorder. The authors explain the process of identification, diagnosis, and intervention of a child who had bipolar disorder. In addition to the personal story, the authors provide information on the disorder and outline strategies…

  16. Bipolar Disorder and Cognitive Therapy: A Commentary (United States)

    Riskind, John H.


    This article comments on the three articles (Leahy, 2005; Newman, 2005; and Reilly-Harrington & Knauz, 2005) that deal with the applications of cognitive therapy to treatment of bipolar disorder. They focus on the uses of cognitive therapy in treating three important facets of the special problems of bipolar patients: rapid cycling, severe…

  17. Cognitive processes and attitudes in bipolar disorder: a study into personality, dysfunctional attitudes and attention bias in patients with bipolar disorder and their relatives. (United States)

    Jabben, Nienke; Arts, Baer; Jongen, Ellen M M; Smulders, Fren T Y; van Os, Jim; Krabbendam, Lydia


    Research in cognitive processes and attitudes in bipolar disorder is scarce and has provided mixed findings, possibly due to differences in current mood state. It is unclear whether alterations in cognitive processes and attitudes are only related to the depressive mood states of bipolar patients or also represent a vulnerability marker for the development of future (depressive) episodes. This was investigated in the current study. Both implicit (attentional bias for emotional words) and explicit (dysfunctional attitudes and personality characteristics) measures of cognitive processes and attitudes were assessed in 77 bipolar patients with varying levels of depressive symptoms (depressed=17, euthymic n=60), their healthy first-degree relatives (n=39) and a healthy control group (n=61). Analyses of variance were used to investigate differences between groups. Mildly depressed patients with bipolar disorder demonstrated an attentional bias away from positive emotional words and showed increased dysfunctional attitudes and higher levels of neuroticism. Euthymic patients were largely comparable to healthy controls and only differed from controls in higher levels of neuroticism. Relatives were similar to controls on all measures, although they significantly differed from bipolar patients in displaying less neuroticism and more extraversion. No firm conclusions regarding causality can be drawn from the associations that were found between cognitive processes and attitudes and the evolution of mood symptoms in bipolar disorder. Alterations in cognitive processes and attitudes in bipolar patients appear to be mostly related to the expression of mood symptomatology rather than to the vulnerability for bipolar disorder. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Diagnosis, Epidemiology and Management of Mixed States in Bipolar Disorder. (United States)

    Fagiolini, Andrea; Coluccia, Anna; Maina, Giuseppe; Forgione, Rocco N; Goracci, Arianna; Cuomo, Alessandro; Young, Allan H


    Approximately 40% of patients with bipolar disorder experience mixed episodes, defined as a manic state with depressive features, or manic symptoms in a patient with bipolar depression. Compared with bipolar patients without mixed features, patients with bipolar mixed states generally have more severe symptomatology, more lifetime episodes of illness, worse clinical outcomes and higher rates of comorbidities, and thus present a significant clinical challenge. Most clinical trials have investigated second-generation neuroleptic monotherapy, monotherapy with anticonvulsants or lithium, combination therapy, and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Neuroleptic drugs are often used alone or in combination with anticonvulsants or lithium for preventive treatment, and ECT is an effective treatment for mixed manic episodes in situations where medication fails or cannot be used. Common antidepressants have been shown to worsen mania symptoms during mixed episodes without necessarily improving depressive symptoms; thus, they are not recommended during mixed episodes. A greater understanding of pathophysiological processes in bipolar disorder is now required to provide a more accurate diagnosis and new personalised treatment approaches. Targeted, specific treatments developed through a greater understanding of bipolar disorder pathophysiology, capable of affecting the underlying disease processes, could well prove to be more effective, faster acting, and better tolerated than existing therapies, therefore providing better outcomes for individuals affected by bipolar disorder. Until such time as targeted agents are available, second-generation neuroleptics are emerging as the treatment of choice in the management of mixed states in bipolar disorder.

  19. Bipolar Cell-Photoreceptor Connectivity in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Retina (United States)

    Li, Yong N.; Tsujimura, Taro; Kawamura, Shoji; Dowling, John E.


    Bipolar cells convey luminance, spatial and color information from photoreceptors to amacrine and ganglion cells. We studied the photoreceptor connectivity of 321 bipolar cells in the adult zebrafish retina. 1,1'-Dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) was inserted into whole-mounted transgenic zebrafish retinas to label bipolar cells. The photoreceptors that connect to these DiI-labeled cells were identified by transgenic fluorescence or their positions relative to the fluorescent cones, as cones are arranged in a highly-ordered mosaic: rows of alternating blue- (B) and ultraviolet-sensitive (UV) single cones alternate with rows of red- (R) and green-sensitive (G) double cones. Rod terminals intersperse among cone terminals. As many as 18 connectivity subtypes were observed, 9 of which – G, GBUV, RG, RGB, RGBUV, RGRod, RGBRod, RGBUVRod and RRod bipolar cells – accounted for 96% of the population. Based on their axon terminal stratification, these bipolar cells could be further sub-divided into ON, OFF, and ON-OFF cells. The dendritic spread size, soma depth and size, and photoreceptor connections of the 308 bipolar cells within the 9 common connectivity subtypes were determined, and their dendritic tree morphologies and axonal stratification patterns compared. We found that bipolar cells with the same axonal stratification patterns could have heterogeneous photoreceptor connectivity whereas bipolar cells with the same dendritic tree morphology usually had the same photoreceptor connectivity, although their axons might stratify on different levels. PMID:22907678

  20. Social stress response in adolescents with bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Casement, Melynda D; Goldstein, Tina R; Gratzmiller, Sarah M; Franzen, Peter L


    Theoretical models posit that stressors contribute to the onset and maintenance of bipolar disorder in adolescence through disruptions in stress physiology, but physiological response to stressors has not been evaluated in adolescents with bipolar illness. The present study tests the hypothesis that adolescents with bipolar disorder will have greater reactivity to a laboratory social stress task than healthy adolescents. Adolescents with bipolar illness (n = 27) and healthy adolescents (n = 28) completed a modified version of the Trier Social Stress Task. Stress response was assessed using high frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV), heart rate (HR), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), salivary cortisol, and subjective stress. Multilevel models were used to test for group differences in resting-state physiology, and stress reactivity and recovery. Adolescents with bipolar disorder had greater reactivity in HF-HRV (z = 3.32), but blunted reactivity in MAP (z = -3.08) and cortisol (z = -2.60), during the stressor compared to healthy adolescents. They also had lower resting HF-HRV (z = -3.49) and cortisol (z = -2.86), and higher resting HR (z = 3.56), than healthy adolescents. These results indicate that bipolar disorder is associated with disruptions in autonomic and endocrine response to stress during adolescence, including greater HF-HRV reactivity. Further research should evaluate whether these individual differences in stress physiology precede and predict the onset of mood episodes. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Bipolar Disorder and Heart Transplantation: A Case Report. (United States)

    Ramírez-Giraldo, Ana María; Restrepo, Diana

    Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent mood disease that includes symptoms that fluctuate from euphoria to depression. As a mood disorder, itis one of the main contraindications for transplantation procedures. The case is presented of a patient with bipolar disorder who had a heart transplant after a cardiac arrest. Heart transplantation is the treatment of choice in patients with heart failure and arrhythmias that do not respond to conventional treatment. Case report and narrative review of literature. A 34-year-old woman with bipolar disorder diagnosed when she was 13, treated with lithium and aripiprazole. She required a heart transplant as the only therapeutic option, after presenting with ventricular tachycardia refractory to conventional treatment. The patient did not suffer an emotional decompensation with the removal of the lithium and aripiprazole that were associated with prolonged QTc interval, and remained eurhythmic throughout the process. Heart transplantation can be performed safely and successfully in patients with bipolar disorder, when suitably followed-up by a liaison psychiatry group. Bipolar disorder should not be considered as an absolute contraindication for heart transplantation. Copyright © 2017 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  2. The relationship between borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder


    Zimmerman, Mark; Morgan, Theresa A.


    It is clinically important to recognize both bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD) in patients seeking treatment for depression, and it is important to distinguish between the two. Research considering whether BPD should be considered part of a bipolar spectrum reaches differing conclusions. We reviewed the most studied question on the relationship between BPD and bipolar disorder: their diagnostic concordance. Across studies, approximately 10% of patients with BPD had bi...

  3. La carga física de los trabajadores: estrategia administrativa en la mejora de procesos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grether Lucía Real Pérez


    Full Text Available La administración surge cuando existe la necesidad de manejar recursos. Los administradores deben planificar, organizar, dirigir y controlar todos los elementos de los procesos, considerando los medios de trabajo, los objetos de trabajo y las personas. Este último es el eslabón fundamental del proceso productivo o de servicio. Se debe considerar además el entorno y su relación con el medio ambiente, permitiendo ser a las empresas responsables con los tres pilares fundamentales: la sociedad, el medio ambiente, y la economía. La Ergonomía, como ciencia aplicada, permite garantizar las condiciones de seguridad, salud y bienestar a sus trabajadores, logrando ser más productivos, eficientes, eficaces y competitivos. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer las implicaciones de la carga física en los trabajadores, utilizando una herramienta de diagnóstico que permitió, como resultado fundamental, el establecimiento de programas de mejoras ajustados a cada una de las realidades de los puestos de trabajo. Palabras clave: Ergonomía, Administración, Carga física, Factores de riesgo, Programa de mejoras

  4. Retinal bipolar cells: elementary building blocks of vision. (United States)

    Euler, Thomas; Haverkamp, Silke; Schubert, Timm; Baden, Tom


    Retinal bipolar cells are the first ‘projection neurons’ of the vertebrate visual system—all of the information needed for vision is relayed by this intraretinal connection. Each of the at least 13 distinct types of bipolar cells systematically transforms the photoreceptor input in a different way, thereby generating specific channels that encode stimulus properties, such as polarity, contrast, temporal profile and chromatic composition. As a result, bipolar cell output signals represent elementary ‘building blocks’ from which the microcircuits of the inner retina derive a feature-oriented description of the visual world.

  5. El trastorno bipolar


    Freaza Rodríguez, Paula


    Se exponen los aspectos más relevantes del trastorno bipolar, entender qué significa este concepto, conocer los tipos que existen, qué otros trastornos suelen aparecer al mismo tiempo y qué tratamientos son los que dan mejores resultados

  6. Comorbidity of bipolar disorder and eating disorders. (United States)

    Álvarez Ruiz, Eva M; Gutiérrez-Rojas, Luis


    The comorbidity of bipolar disorder and eating disorders has not been studied in depth. In addition, clinical implications involved in the appearance of both disorders are very important. A systematic literature review of MEDLINE published up to September 2013 was performed, analyzing all the articles that studied the comorbidity of both conditions (bipolar disorder and eating disorders) and others research that studied the efficacy of pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy to improve these illnesses. In this review we found a high comorbidity of bipolar disorder and eating disorders, especially of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Studies show that lithium and topiramate are 2 of the more effective pharmacological agents in the treatment of both disorders. There are a lot of studies that show evidence of comorbidity of bipolar disorder and eating disorders. However, further research is needed on assessment and treatment when these conditions co-exist, as well as study into the biopsychological aspects to determine the comorbid aetiology. Copyright © 2014 SEP y SEPB. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  7. Oxide bipolar electronics: materials, devices and circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grundmann, Marius; Klüpfel, Fabian; Karsthof, Robert; Schlupp, Peter; Schein, Friedrich-Leonhard; Splith, Daniel; Yang, Chang; Bitter, Sofie; Von Wenckstern, Holger


    We present the history of, and the latest progress in, the field of bipolar oxide thin film devices. As such we consider primarily pn-junctions in which at least one of the materials is a metal oxide semiconductor. A wide range of n-type and p-type oxides has been explored for the formation of such bipolar diodes. Since most oxide semiconductors are unipolar, challenges and opportunities exist with regard to the formation of heterojunction diodes and band lineups. Recently, various approaches have led to devices with high rectification, namely p-type ZnCo 2 O 4 and NiO on n-type ZnO and amorphous zinc-tin-oxide. Subsequent bipolar devices and applications such as photodetectors, solar cells, junction field-effect transistors and integrated circuits like inverters and ring oscillators are discussed. The tremendous progress shows that bipolar oxide electronics has evolved from the exploration of various materials and heterostructures to the demonstration of functioning integrated circuits. Therefore a viable, facile and high performance technology is ready for further exploitation and performance optimization. (topical review)


    Fenchel, Daphna; Levkovitz, Yechiel; Kotler, Moshe


    Bipolar disorder is a chronic condition, characterized by high distress in patients and high suicide rates (30%). Most patients suffer from medical and other psychiatric comorbidities, which worsen the psychiatric symptoms and decrease the likelihood of remission. More than 70% of bipolar patients have cardio-metabolic symptoms, with higher rates compared to other psychiatric disorders. Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of high mortality rates in these patients, with 1.5-2 fold increased risk of mortality, compared to the general population without psychiatric symptoms. The rates of cardiovascular risk factors and their resulting increased mortality rates are similar to those found in schizophrenia. In addition to cardio-metabolic conditions, 50% of patients with bipolar disorder suffer from other medical symptoms, which are also associated with worse outcomes. Therefore, the current perspective is that bipolar disorder is not only a psychiatric disorder, but rather a multi-system illness, affecting the entire body. The optimal treatment for these patients should include diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of both psychiatric and physical symptoms, which would improve their prognosis.

  9. Cardiovascular risk factors in outpatients with bipolar disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klumpers, U.M.H.; Boom, K.; Janssen, F.M.G.; Tulen, J.H.M.; Loonen, Anton J. M.


    Background: The mortality due to cardiovascular diseases in bipolar patients is much higher than in the general population. It is unclear whether lithium treatment contributes to this cardiovascular morbidity. Methods: The cardiovascular risk factors in outpatients with bipolar disorder on

  10. Saline-enhanced hepatic radiofrequency ablation using a perfused-cooled electrode: comparison of dual probe bipolar mode with monopolar and single probe bipolar modes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jeong Min; Han, Joon Koo; Kim, Se Hyung; Lee, Jae Young; Kim, Dae Jin; Lee, Min Woo; Cho, Gyung Goo; Han, Chang Jin; Choi, Byung Ihn


    To determine whether saline-enhanced dual probe bipolar radiofrequency ablation (RFA) using perfused-cooled electrodes shows better in-vitro efficiency than monopolar or single probe bipolar RFA in creating larger coagulation necrosis. RF was applied to excised bovine livers in both bipolar and monopolar modes using a 200W generator (CC-3; Radionics) and the perfused-cooled electrodes for 10 mins. After placing single or double perfused-cooled electrodes in the explanted liver, 30 ablation zones were created at three different regimens: group A; saline-enhanced monopolar RFA, group B; saline-enhanced single probe bipolar RFA, and group C; saline-enhanced dual probe bipolar RFA. During RFA, we measured the tissue temperature at 15mm from the electrode. The dimensions of the ablation zones and changes in the impedance currents and liver temperature during RFA were then compared between the groups. The mean current values were higher for monopolar mode (group A) than for the bipolar modes (group B and C): 1550 ± 25 mA in group A, 764 ±189 mA in group B and 819 ± 98 mA in group C(ρ 3 in group A, 23.7 ±3.8 cm 3 in group B, and 34.2 ± 5.1 cm 3 in group C(ρ 0.05). The temperature at 15 mm from the electrode was higher in group C than in the other groups: 70 ± 18 .deg. C in group A, 59 ± 23 .deg. C in group B and 96 ± 16 .deg. C in group C (ρ < 0.05). Saline-enhanced bipolar RFA using dual perfused-cooled electrodes increases the dimension of the ablation zone more efficiently than monopolar RFA or single probe bipolar RFA

  11. Bipolar disorder and the pseudoautosomal region: An association study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parsian, A.; Todd, R.D. [Washington Univ. School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (United States)


    From family, adoption, and twin studies it is clear that genetic factors play an important role in the etiology of bipolar disorder (McGuffin and Katz: The Biology of Depression, Gaskell, London, 1986). Recently Yoneda et al. reported an association between an allele (A4) of a VNTR marker (DXYS20) for the pseudoautosomal region and bipolar disorder in a Japanese population. In order to test for this association in a Caucasian population, we have typed a sample of 52 subjects with bipolar disorder and 61 normal controls. The bipolar subjects are probands of multiple incidence families. The normal controls are an epidemiologically ascertained sample of middle-aged, unrelated individuals. The two groups were matched for sex and ethnic background. There were no significant differences in the allele or genotype frequencies of DXYS20 between the two groups. In particular, there was no significant difference in the frequency of the A4 allele in normal controls and bipolar patients (0.377 vs. 0.317, respectively). The prevalence of the A4 allele in bipolar patients and normal controls was 0.567 and 0.622, respectively. We were not able to replicate the results of the 1992 Yoneda et al. study. 15 refs., 2 tabs.

  12. Hyperthyroidism and risk for bipolar disorders: a nationwide population-based study. (United States)

    Hu, Li-Yu; Shen, Cheng-Che; Hu, Yu-Wen; Chen, Mu-Hong; Tsai, Chia-Fen; Chiang, Huey-Ling; Yeh, Chiu-Mei; Wang, Wei-Shu; Chen, Pan-Ming; Hu, Tsung-Ming; Chen, Tzeng-Ji; Su, Tung-Ping; Liu, Chia-Jen


    Thyroid disorders have long been associated with psychiatric illness, often with symptoms suggestive of mood disorders. The most common clinical features associated with hyperthyroidism are anxiety and depression. The risk of bipolar disorders, especially bipolar mania, among patients with thyroid disorders has not been well characterized. We explored the relationship of hyperthyroidism and the subsequent development of bipolar disorders, and examined the risk factors for bipolar disorders in patients with hyperthyroidism. We identified patients who were diagnosed with hyperthyroidism between 2000 and 2010 in the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. A comparison cohort without hyperthyroidism was matched based on age, sex, and comorbidities. The occurrence of bipolar disorders was evaluated in both cohorts based on diagnosis and the use of mood stabilizer drugs. The hyperthyroidism cohort consisted of 21, 574 patients, and the comparison cohort consisted of 21, 574 matched control patients without hyperthyroidism. The incidence of bipolar disorders (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 2.31, 95% CI 1.80-2.99, Phyperthyroidism patients than the control patients. Multivariate, matched regression models showed that women (HR 2.02, 95% CI 1.34-3.05, P = .001), patients with alcohol use disorders (HR 3.03, 95% CI 1.58-5.79, P = .001), and those with asthma (HR 1.70, 95% CI 1.18-2.43, P = .004) were independent risk factors for the development of bipolar disorders in hyperthyroidism patients. Although a possibility that the diagnosis of bipolar disorders in this study actually includes "bipolar disorders due to hyperthyroidism" cannot be excluded, this study suggests that hyperthyroidism may increase the risk of developing bipolar disorders.

  13. Hyperthyroidism and Risk for Bipolar Disorders: A Nationwide Population-Based Study (United States)

    Hu, Yu-Wen; Chen, Mu-Hong; Tsai, Chia-Fen; Chiang, Huey-Ling; Yeh, Chiu-Mei; Wang, Wei-Shu; Chen, Pan-Ming; Hu, Tsung-Ming; Chen, Tzeng-Ji; Su, Tung-Ping; Liu, Chia-Jen


    Background Thyroid disorders have long been associated with psychiatric illness, often with symptoms suggestive of mood disorders. The most common clinical features associated with hyperthyroidism are anxiety and depression. The risk of bipolar disorders, especially bipolar mania, among patients with thyroid disorders has not been well characterized. Objective We explored the relationship of hyperthyroidism and the subsequent development of bipolar disorders, and examined the risk factors for bipolar disorders in patients with hyperthyroidism. Methods We identified patients who were diagnosed with hyperthyroidism between 2000 and 2010 in the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. A comparison cohort without hyperthyroidism was matched based on age, sex, and comorbidities. The occurrence of bipolar disorders was evaluated in both cohorts based on diagnosis and the use of mood stabilizer drugs. Results The hyperthyroidism cohort consisted of 21, 574 patients, and the comparison cohort consisted of 21, 574 matched control patients without hyperthyroidism. The incidence of bipolar disorders (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 2.31, 95% CI 1.80–2.99, Phyperthyroidism patients than the control patients. Multivariate, matched regression models showed that women (HR 2.02, 95% CI 1.34–3.05, P = .001), patients with alcohol use disorders (HR 3.03, 95% CI 1.58–5.79, P = .001), and those with asthma (HR 1.70, 95% CI 1.18–2.43, P = .004) were independent risk factors for the development of bipolar disorders in hyperthyroidism patients. Conclusions Although a possibility that the diagnosis of bipolar disorders in this study actually includes "bipolar disorders due to hyperthyroidism" cannot be excluded, this study suggests that hyperthyroidism may increase the risk of developing bipolar disorders. PMID:24023669

  14. Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder in Adults: A Review of the Evidence (United States)

    Swartz, Holly A.; Swanson, Joshua


    Although pharmacotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for bipolar disorder, medication offers only partial relief for patients. Treatment with pharmacologic interventions alone is associated with disappointingly low rates of remission, high rates of recurrence, residual symptoms, and psychosocial impairment. Bipolar-specific therapy is increasingly recommended as an essential component of illness management. This review summarizes the available data on psychotherapy for adults with bipolar disorder. We conducted a search of the literature for outcome studies published between 1995 and 2013 and identified 35 reports of 28 randomized controlled trials testing individual or group psychosocial interventions for adults with bipolar disorder. These reports include systematic trials investigating the efficacy and effectiveness of individual psychoeducation, group psychoeducation, individual cognitive-behavioral therapy, group cognitive-behavioral therapy, family therapy, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, and integrated care management. The evidence demonstrates that bipolar disorder-specific psychotherapies, when added to medication for the treatment of bipolar disorder, consistently show advantages over medication alone on measures of symptom burden and risk of relapse. Whether delivered in a group or individual format, those who receive bipolar disorder-specific psychotherapy fare better than those who do not. Psychotherapeutic strategies common to most bipolar disorder-specific interventions are identified. PMID:26279641

  15. Role of extended release quetiapine in the management of bipolar disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rayan K Al Jurdi


    Full Text Available Rayan K Al Jurdi1,2, Lena A Dixit1, Martha Sajatovic3 1Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Houston, Texas, USA; 2South Central Mental Illness Research and Clinical Core, Department of Veterans Affairs, Houston, Texas; 3Department of Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio, USAAbstract: Atypical antipsychotics have become a widely utilized component of the bipolar disorder treatment armamentarium, with approximately 45% of bipolar patients prescribed atypicals. Over the last decade all atypical drugs except for clozapine have received a Food and Drug Administration (FDA bipolar indication. In October 2008, the FDA approved quetiapine XR monotherapy for the treatment of acute depressive episodes of bipolar disorder and acute manic or mixed episodes in bipolar I disorder based on two placebo-control trials. Quetiapine was also approved as adjunct therapy with lithium and divalproex for the treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes as well as maintenance of bipolar I disorder. In contrast to immediate release quetiapine which may require a twice-daily regimen, the XR formulation is intended for once-daily administration. This drug profile of quetiapine XR will address chemistry, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, metabolism, safety and tolerability and clinical trials in bipolar disorder.Keywords: quetiapine XR, bipolar disorder

  16. Dissecting disease entities out of the broad spectrum of bipolar-disorders. (United States)

    Levine, Joseph; Toker, Lilach; Agam, Galila


    The etiopathology of bipolar disorders is yet unraveled and new avenues should be pursued. One such avenue may be based on the assumption that the bipolar broad spectrum includes, among others, an array of rare medical disease entities. Towards this aim we propose a dissecting approach based on a search for rare medical diseases with known etiopathology which also exhibit bipolar disorders symptomatology. We further suggest that the etiopathologic mechanisms underlying such rare medical diseases may also underlie a rare variant of bipolar disorder. Such an assumption may be further reinforced if both the rare medical disease and its bipolar clinical phenotype demonstrate a] a similar mode of inheritance (i.e, autosomal dominant); b] brain involvement; and c] data implicating that the etiopathological mechanisms underlying the rare diseases affect biological processes reported to be associated with bipolar disorders and their treatment. We exemplify our suggested approach by a rare case of autosomal dominant leucodystrophy, a disease entity exhibiting nuclear lamin B1 pathology also presenting bipolar symptomatology. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Creativity and bipolar disorder: Touched by fire or burning with questions?☆ (United States)

    Johnson, Sheri L.; Murray, Greg; Fredrickson, Barbara; Youngstrom, Eric A.; Hinshaw, Stephen; Bass, Julie Malbrancq; Deckersbach, Thilo; Schooler, Jonathan; Salloum, Ihsan


    Substantial literature has linked bipolar disorder with creative accomplishment. Much of the thinking in this area has been inspired by biographical accounts of poets, musicians, and other highly accomplished groups, which frequently document signs of bipolar disorder in these samples. A smaller literature has examined quantitative measures of creativity among people with bipolar disorder or at risk for the disorder. In this paper, we provide a critical review of such evidence. We then consider putative mechanisms related to the link of bipolar disorder with creativity, by drawing on literature outside of bipolar disorder on personality, motivational, and affective predictors of creativity. Because so little research has directly evaluated whether these factors could help explain the elevations of creativity in bipolar disorder, we conclude with an agenda for future research on the theoretically and clinically compelling topic of creativity in bipolar disorder. PMID:22088366

  18. Differential pattern of semantic memory organization between bipolar I and II disorders. (United States)

    Chang, Jae Seung; Choi, Sungwon; Ha, Kyooseob; Ha, Tae Hyon; Cho, Hyun Sang; Choi, Jung Eun; Cha, Boseok; Moon, Eunsoo


    Semantic cognition is one of the key factors in psychosocial functioning. The aim of this study was to explore the differences in pattern of semantic memory organization between euthymic patients with bipolar I and II disorders using the category fluency task. Study participants included 23 euthymic subjects with bipolar I disorder, 23 matched euthymic subjects with bipolar II disorder and 23 matched control subjects. All participants were assessed for verbal learning, recall, learning strategies, and fluency. The combined methods of hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling were used to compare the pattern of semantic memory organization among the three groups. Quantitative measures of verbal learning, recall, learning strategies, and fluency did not differ between the three groups. A two-cluster structure of semantic memory organization was identified for the three groups. Semantic structure was more disorganized in the bipolar I disorder group compared to the bipolar II disorder. In addition, patients with bipolar II disorder used less elaborate strategies of semantic memory organization than those of controls. Compared to healthy controls, strategies for categorization in semantic memory appear to be less knowledge-based in patients with bipolar disorders. A differential pattern of semantic memory organization between bipolar I and II disorders indicates a higher risk of cognitive abnormalities in patients with bipolar I disorder compared to patients with bipolar II disorder. Exploring qualitative nature of neuropsychological domains may provide an explanatory insight into the characteristic behaviors of patients with bipolar disorders. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Gender and Depressive Symptoms in 711 Patients With Bipolar Disorder Evaluated Prospectively in the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Treatment Outcome Network

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Altshuler, Lori L.; Kupka, Ralph W.; Hellemann, Gerhard; Frye, Mark A.; Sugar, Catherine A.; McElroy, Susan L.; Nolen, Willem A.; Grunze, Heinz; Leverich, Gabriele S.; Keck, Paul E.; Zermeno, Melanie

    Objective: The authors assessed gender differences in the proportion of clinical visits spent depressed, manic, or euthymic in patients with bipolar disorder. Method: Data were analyzed from 711 patients with bipolar I or II disorder who were followed prospectively over 7 years (13,191 visits). The

  20. Hypersexuality and couple relationships in bipolar disorder: A review. (United States)

    Kopeykina, Irina; Kim, Hae-Joon; Khatun, Tasnia; Boland, Jennifer; Haeri, Sophia; Cohen, Lisa J; Galynker, Igor I


    Although change in sexual behavior is recognized as an integral part of bipolar disorder, most of the relevant literature on sexual issues in patients with this illness concerns medication side effects and does not differentiate bipolar disorder from other serious mental disorders. Surprisingly, little has been published on mania-induced hypersexuality and the effects of mood cycling on couple relationships. In this review, we examine the extant literature on both of these subjects and propose a framework for future research. A search of PsycINFO and PubMed was conducted using keywords pertaining to bipolar disorder, hypersexuality and couple relationships. A total of 27 articles were selected for review. Despite lack of uniformity in diagnosis of bipolar disorder and no formal definition of hypersexuality, the literature points to an increased incidence of risky sexual behaviors in bipolar patients during manic episodes compared to patients with other psychiatric diagnoses. Further, it appears that bipolar patients are more similar to healthy controls than to other psychiatric patients when it comes to establishing and maintaining couple relationships. Nonetheless, the studies that examined sexuality in couples with one bipolar partner found decreased levels of sexual satisfaction associated with the diagnosis, varying levels of sexual interest across polarities, increased incidence of sexual dysfunction during depressive episodes, and disparate levels of satisfaction in general between patients and their partners. Due to changes in diagnostic criteria over time, there is a lack of uniformity in the definition of bipolar disorder across studies. Hypersexuality is not systematically defined and therefore the construct was not consistent across studies. Some of the older articles date back more than 30 years, making them subject to the biases of sexual and gender norms that have since become outdated. Finally, the heterogeneity of the samples, which include patients

  1. Mapping bipolar worlds: lived geographies of 'madness' in autobiographical accounts. (United States)

    Chouinard, Vera


    This article aims to advance our understanding of women's and men's experiences of negotiating bipolar 'madness' in society and space. It addresses gaps in the clinical literature on life with bipolar and geographic accounts of 'madness' and psycho-emotional distress by considering altered ways of being in place that bipolar 'madness' entails and how narrative sense is made of these. Conceptually, I build on Cosgrove's (2000) approach to psycho-emotional distress and geographic insights about being 'mad' in place. Methodologically and empirically, I draw on thematic narrative analysis of autobiographies of living with bipolar. Key findings include altered paradoxically (dis)embodied ways of being-in-place, 'fractured' or 'whole' senses of self and ways of relating to people/places, 'straddling' 'real' and 'delusional' worlds and bipolar ways of negotiating places are not straightforwardly 'irrational'. While narrative accounts most often invoke dominant discourses about bipolar, sometimes these are challenged through 'rescripting' and 'revaluing mad' identities and ways of being in place. In conclusion, key findings and avenues for future geographical research are discussed. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. PHARMAC and treatment of bipolar depression--the limits of utilitarianism. (United States)

    Ellis, Pete; Mulder, Roger; Porter, Richard


    Bipolar disorder affects 1.6% of the population. The majority of the burden of illness for people with bipolar disorder is due to depression. Suicide rates for people with bipolar disorder are 15 times higher than in the general population, and the majority of these deaths occur during depressive episodes. More effective prevention of such depressive episodes is important. Lamotrigine is an anticonvulsant and a mood stabiliser that is more effective at preventing depressive relapses than most other mood stabilising drugs. Its use for this purpose has been recommended by English language treatment guidelines since 2002. Lamotrigine is approved for use in the prophylaxis of depression in bipolar disorder and for epilepsy. PHARMAC subsidises its use in treatment-resistant epilepsy (subject to a 'special authority' application) but not in bipolar disorder. The New Zealand Mental Health Strategy and the imminent New Zealand Suicide Strategy identify reducing suicide as a key goal. Among other initiatives, this requires effective treatment of bipolar depression, yet a treatment likely to support this is not currently subsidised.

  3. Correlación de la financiación de la investigación sanitaria en el ámbito del Sistema Nacional de Salud con la carga de enfermedad de la población española

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferrán Catalá López


    Conclusiones: Se observa la existencia de una asociación positiva moderada-alta de las medidas de carga de enfermedad con la financiación de la investigación, si bien existen categorías de enfermedad sobre- o infrafinanciadas en relación con la carga que provocan. En planificación sanitaria, la carga de enfermedad aporta información útil a los debates sobre establecimiento de prioridades en investigación.

  4. Differential Patterns of Abnormal Activity and Connectivity in the Amygdala-Prefrontal Circuitry in Bipolar-I and Bipolar-NOS Youth (United States)

    Ladouceur, Cecile D.; Farchione, Tiffany; Diwadkar, Vaibhav; Pruitt, Patrick; Radwan, Jacqueline; Axelson, David A.; Birmaher, Boris; Phillips, Mary L.


    Objective: The functioning of neural systems supporting emotion processing and regulation in youth with bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (BP-NOS) remains poorly understood. We sought to examine patterns of activity and connectivity in youth with BP-NOS relative to youth with bipolar disorder type I (BP-I) and healthy controls (HC). Method:…

  5. Olfactocentric paralimbic cortex morphology in adolescents with bipolar disorder


    Wang, Fei; Kalmar, Jessica H.; Womer, Fay Y.; Edmiston, Erin E.; Chepenik, Lara G.; Chen, Rachel; Spencer, Linda; Blumberg, Hilary P.


    The olfactocentric paralimbic cortex plays a critical role in the regulation of emotional and neurovegetative functions that are disrupted in core features of bipolar disorder. Adolescence is thought to be a critical period in both the maturation of the olfactocentric paralimbic cortex and in the emergence of bipolar disorder pathology. Together, these factors implicate a central role for the olfactocentric paralimbic cortex in the development of bipolar disorder and suggest that abnormalitie...

  6. Carbon dioxide induces erratic respiratory responses in bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Mackinnon, Dean F; Craighead, Brandie; Lorenz, Laura


    CO(2) respiration stimulates both anxiety and dyspnea ("air hunger") and has long been used to study panic vulnerability and respiratory control. High comorbidity with panic attacks suggests individuals with bipolar disorder may also mount a heightened anxiety response to CO(2). Moreover, problems in the arousal and modulation of appetites are central to the clinical syndromes of mania and depression; hence CO(2) may arouse an abnormal respiratory response to "air hunger". 72 individuals (34 bipolar I, 25 depressive and bipolar spectrum, 13 with no major affective diagnosis) breathed air and air with 5% CO(2) via facemask for up to 15 min each; subjective and respiratory responses were recorded. Nearly half the subjects diverged from the typical response to a fixed, mildly hypercapneic environment, which is to increase breathing acutely, and then maintain a hyperpneic plateau. The best predictors of an abnormal pattern were bipolar diagnosis and anxiety from air alone. 25 individuals had a panic response; panic responses from CO(2) were more likely in subjects with bipolar I compared to other subjects, however the best predictors of a panic response overall were anxiety from air alone and prior history of panic attacks. Heterogeneous sample, liberal definition of panic attack. Carbon dioxide produces abnormal respiratory and heightened anxiety responses among individuals with bipolar and depressive disorders. These may be due to deficits in emotional conditioning related to fear and appetite. Although preliminary, this work suggests a potentially useful test of a specific functional deficit in bipolar disorder.

  7. Transtorno bipolar de início tardio: uma variedade orgânica do transtorno de humor? Bipolar disorder with late onset: an organic variety of mood disorder?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osvaldo P Almeida


    Full Text Available Transtorno bipolar (TB é comumente associado à fase final da adolescência ou idade adulta jovem, embora em uma proporção substancial dos pacientes a doença comece em fases mais tardias da vida. Os resultados de várias investigações clínicas sugerem que casos de transtorno bipolar com início tardio têm, mais freqüentemente, uma "causa orgânica" e que isso justificaria a subdivisão do transtorno bipolar entre "início precoce" e "início tardio". Este artigo revê a literatura sobre a hipótese orgânica do transtorno bipolar de início tardio e conclui que essa subdivisão é artificial e carece de suporte clínico e epidemiológico.Bipolar disorder (BD is commonly associated with late adolescence or early adulthood, although a substantial proportion of patients develops the condition in later life. The results of early clinical investigations suggested that cases of bipolar disorder with onset in later life were more often associated with 'organic causes', and could potentially justify the distinction between early and late onset bipolar disorder. This paper reviews currently available evidence in support of the organic hypothesis for late onset bipolar disorder. It concludes that the split of bipolar disorder according to age at onset is artificial, and lacks clinical significance and epidemiological support.

  8. Are "social drugs" (tobacco, coffee and chocolate) related to the bipolar spectrum? (United States)

    Maremmani, Icro; Perugi, Giulio; Rovai, Luca; Maremmani, Angelo Giovanni Icro; Pacini, Matteo; Canonico, Pier Luigi; Carbonato, Paolo; Mencacci, Claudio; Muscettola, Giovanni; Pani, Luca; Torta, Riccardo; Vampini, Claudio; Akiskal, Hagop S


    Across all ages and cultures, mankind has always used substances in order to induce pleasurable sensations or desirable psychophysical states. These substances, notably caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and chocolate, can be labeled 'social drugs'. We analyzed the social drug habits of 562 patients suffering from mood disorders, according to DSM-IV-R criteria (major depressive episode, recurrent depression, bipolar type I and II disorders and depression not otherwise specified). The sample was also divided into bipolar and non-bipolar according to Hypomania Check-list 32 (HCL-32), which proposes a broader concept of hypomania and soft bipolarity, comprising the spectrum of bipolar disorders proper, along with other, "softer" expressions of bipolarity intermediate between bipolar disorder and normality. Using HCL-32 criteria, but DSM-IV-R criteria, a link was confirmed between bipolar spectrum and substance use including social drugs such as tobacco and coffee. Observational correlational study. This study is in support of earlier theoretical formulations within the framework of the Pisa-San Diego collaboration. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Revisiting the wandering womb: Oxytocin in endometriosis and bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Dinsdale, Natalie L; Crespi, Bernard J


    Hippocrates attributed women's high emotionality - hysteria - to a 'wandering womb'. Although hysteria diagnoses were abandoned along with the notion that displaced wombs cause emotional disturbance, recent research suggests that elevated levels of oxytocin occur in both bipolar disorder and endometriosis, a gynecological condition involving migration of endometrial tissue beyond the uterus. We propose and evaluate the hypothesis that elevated oxytocinergic system activity jointly contributes to bipolar disorder and endometriosis. First, we provide relevant background on endometriosis and bipolar disorder, and then we examine evidence for comorbidity between these conditions. We next: (1) review oxytocin's associations with personality traits, especially extraversion and openness, and how they overlap with bipolar spectrum traits; (2) describe evidence for higher oxytocinergic activity in both endometriosis and bipolar disorder; (3) examine altered hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis functioning in both conditions; (4) describe data showing that medications that treat one condition can improve symptoms of the other; (5) discuss fitness-related impacts of endometriosis and bipolar disorder; and (6) review a pair of conditions, polycystic ovary syndrome and autism, that show evidence of involving reduced oxytocinergic activity, in direct contrast to endometriosis and bipolar disorder. Considered together, the bipolar spectrum and endometriosis appear to involve dysregulated high extremes of normally adaptive pleiotropy in the female oxytocin system, whereby elevated levels of oxytocinergic activity coordinate outgoing sociality with heightened fertility, apparently characterizing, overall, a faster life history. These findings should prompt a re-examination of how mind-body interactions, and the pleiotropic endocrine systems that underlie them, contribute to health and disease. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Algoritmo para el cálculo de cargas de trabajo

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    Mauricio Becerra Fernández


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el desarrollo un algoritmo para el cálculo de cargas de trabajo, soportado en el análisis de estudios similares y la teoría del estudio de métodos y tiempos. El algoritmo se propone como un elemento de soporte para el análisis del nivel trabajo asignado a un cargo específico o a un grupo de trabajadores en un área determinada, ya sea en la industria de manufactura o de servicios, lo que permita nivelar el volumen de trabajo asignado mediante la definición de diversas alternativas que promuevan el aumento de la productividad, favorezcan la mejora en el clima y las condiciones laborales.


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    Hendrikus Gede Surya Adhi Putra


    Full Text Available Gangguan bipolar merupakan gangguan yang terdiri dari afek yang meningkat, dan jugaaktivitas yang berlebih (mania atau hipomania, dan dalam jangka waktu yang berbedaterjadi penurunan afek yang disertai dengan penurunan aktivitas (depresi. Kejadianpada  gangguan  bipolar  berkisar  antara  0,3-1,5%.  Prevalensi  serupa  pada  pria  danwanita.Gejala gangguan bipolar episode manik meliputi perasaan sensitif, kurangistirahat, harga diri melonjak naik, dan pada episode depresi meliputi kehilanganminat, tidur lebih atau kurang dari normal, gelisah, merasa tidak berharga, dan kurangkonsentrasi. Laporan ini membahas kasus gangguan bipolar episode kini manik yangterjadi pada seorang laki-laki berusia 45 tahun. Pasien ini mendapatkan psikoterapi,haloperidol 1 x 5 mg, dan trihexyphenidyl 1 x 2 mg per oral.

  12. Genetic utility of broadly defined bipolar schizoaffective disorder as a diagnostic concept (United States)

    Hamshere, M. L.; Green, E. K.; Jones, I. R.; Jones, L.; Moskvina, V.; Kirov, G.; Grozeva, D.; Nikolov, I.; Vukcevic, D.; Caesar, S.; Gordon-Smith, K.; Fraser, C.; Russell, E.; Breen, G.; St Clair, D.; Collier, D. A.; Young, A. H.; Ferrier, I. N.; Farmer, A.; McGuffin, P.; Holmans, P. A.; Owen, M. J.; O’Donovan, M. C.; Craddock, N.


    Background Psychiatric phenotypes are currently defined according to sets of descriptive criteria. Although many of these phenotypes are heritable, it would be useful to know whether any of the various diagnostic categories in current use identify cases that are particularly helpful for biological–genetic research. Aims To use genome-wide genetic association data to explore the relative genetic utility of seven different descriptive operational diagnostic categories relevant to bipolar illness within a large UK case–control bipolar disorder sample. Method We analysed our previously published Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) bipolar disorder genome-wide association data-set, comprising 1868 individuals with bipolar disorder and 2938 controls genotyped for 276 122 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that met stringent criteria for genotype quality. For each SNP we performed a test of association (bipolar disorder group v. control group) and used the number of associated independent SNPs statistically significant at Pschizoaffective disorder, bipolar type; DSM–IV: bipolar I disorder; bipolar II disorder; schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. Results The RDC schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type (v. controls) stood out from the other diagnostic subsets as having a significant excess of independent association signals (Pschizoaffective features have either a particularly strong genetic contribution or that, as a group, are genetically more homogeneous than the other phenotypes tested. The results point to the importance of using diagnostic approaches that recognise this group of individuals. Our approach can be applied to similar data-sets for other psychiatric and non-psychiatric phenotypes. PMID:19567891

  13. Bipolar dislocation of the clavicle

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    Wei Jiang


    Full Text Available Bipolar dislocation of the clavicle at acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joint is an uncommon traumatic injury. The conservative treatments adopted in the past is associated with redislocation dysfunction and deformity. A 41 years old lady with bipolar dislocation of right shoulder is treated surgically by open reduction and internal fixation by oblique T-plate at sternoclavicular joint and Kirschner wire stabilization at acromioclavicular joint. The patient showed satisfactory recovery with full range of motion of the right shoulder and normal muscular strength. The case reported in view of rarity and at 2 years followup.

  14. Neuronal migration, apoptosis and bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Uribe, Ezequiel; Wix, Richard


    Bipolar disorder, like the majority of psychiatric disorders, is considered a neurodevelopment disease of neurodevelopment. There is an increased rate of neuronal birth and death during this development period. In the particular case of the processes that determine neuronal death, it is known that those neurons that establish connections have to be removed from the central nervous system. There is a deficit of GABAergic interneurons in the cerebral cortex in bipolar disorder, accompanied by overexpression of proapoptic genes. There is also an alteration in the expression of molecules that mediate in the migration of these neurons and their inclusion in functional synapsis during the foetal stage. The role of these molecules in the neuronal death pathways by apoptosis will be reviewed here in an attempt to establish biological hypotheses of the genesis of bipolar disorder. Copyright © 2011 SEP y SEPB. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  15. Unipolar and bipolar diffusion charging of ultrafine particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adachi, Motoaki; Okuyama, Kikuo; Kousaka, Yasuo.


    Unipolar and bipolar diffusion charging of monodisperse ultrafine particles of 4 - 100 nm in diameter has been studied experimentally and theoretically. The particles were charged by unipolar and bipolar ions generated by α-ray irradiation and the charge distribution of particles was directly observed in the electric field after the growth of them by condensation of di-butyl phthalate vapor. In both cases of unipolar and bipolar charging, the experimental results have been found in good agreement with the solution of basic equations where Fuchs' formula is used as the combination probability of an ion with a particle. (author)

  16. Diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder in the course of bipolar disorder

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    Maciej Żerdziński


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the coexistence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms with bipolar disorder (during the manic phase, depressive phase and remission. Method: The subjects were 70 patients previously diagnosed with and treated for bipolar disorder. For the purposes of this study, three subgroups were created: patients in the manic phase, depressive phase and in remission. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Young Mania Rating Scale and Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale were diagnostic tools used for the evaluation of patients’ mental health. Results: The data indicate high likelihood of co-occurrence of obsessive-compulsive disorder (28.6% and obsessive-compulsive syndromes (32.8% with bipolar disorder. Obsessions and compulsions were observed irrespectively of the type of bipolar disorder (type 1 and 2 and phase of the illness (depression, mania, remission. The results in the three subgroups were similar. The severity of anankastic symptoms depended both on the severity of depression and mania. The subjects confirmed the presence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in the interview, although they were usually undiagnosed and untreated. Conclusions: Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms often coexist with bipolar disorder, both in its two phases and in remission. The severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in the course of bipolar condition varies, ranging from mild to extremely severe forms. The obsessive-compulsive disorder presentation in the course of bipolar disorder increases with the severity of depressive and manic symptoms. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be primary to bipolar disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder coexisting with bipolar disorder is not diagnosed or treated properly.

  17. Prevalence and correlates of bipolar disorders in patients with eating disorders. (United States)

    Tseng, Mei-Chih Meg; Chang, Chin-Hao; Chen, Kuan-Yu; Liao, Shih-Cheng; Chen, Hsi-Chung


    To investigate the prevalence and correlates of bipolar disorders in patients with eating disorders (EDs), and to examine differences in effects between major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder on these patients. Sequential attendees were invited to participate in a two-phase survey for EDs at the general psychiatric outpatient clinics. Patients diagnosed with EDs (n=288) and controls of comparable age, sex, and educational level (n=81) were invited to receive structured interviews for psychiatric co-morbidities, suicide risks, and functional level. All participants also completed several self-administered questionnaires assessing general and eating-related pathology and impulsivity. Characteristics were compared between the control, ED-only, ED with major depressive disorder, and ED with bipolar disorder groups. Patients with all ED subtypes had significantly higher rates of major depressive disorder (range, 41.3-66.7%) and bipolar disorder (range, 16.7-49.3%) than controls did. Compared to patients with only EDs, patients with comorbid bipolar disorder and those with comorbid major depressive disorder had significantly increased suicidality and functional impairments. Moreover, the group with comorbid bipolar disorder had increased risks of weight dysregulation, more impulsive behaviors, and higher rates of psychiatric comorbidities. Participants were selected in a tertiary center of a non-Western country and the sample size of individuals with bipolar disorder in some ED subtypes was small. Bipolar disorders were common in patients with EDs. Careful differentiation between bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder in patients with EDs may help predict associated psychopathology and provide accurate treatment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Perisylvian GABA levels in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Atagün, Murat İlhan; Şıkoğlu, Elif Muazzez; Soykan, Çağlar; Serdar Süleyman, Can; Ulusoy-Kaymak, Semra; Çayköylü, Ali; Algın, Oktay; Phillips, Mary Louise; Öngür, Dost; Moore, Constance Mary


    The aim of this study is to measure GABA levels of perisylvian cortices in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients, using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H-MRS). Patients with schizophrenia (n=25), bipolar I disorder (BD-I; n=28) and bipolar II disorder (BD-II; n=20) were compared with healthy controls (n=30). 1 H-MRS data was acquired using a Siemens 3T whole body scanner to quantify right and left perisylvian structures' (including superior temporal lobes) GABA levels. Right perisylvian GABA values differed significantly between groups [χ 2 =9.62, df: 3, p=0.022]. GABA levels were significantly higher in the schizophrenia group compared with the healthy control group (p=0.002). Furthermore, Chlorpromazine equivalent doses of antipsychotics correlated with right hemisphere GABA levels (r 2 =0.68, p=0.006, n=33). GABA levels are elevated in the right hemisphere in patients with schizophrenia in comparison to bipolar disorder and healthy controls. The balance between excitatory and inhibitory controls over the cortical circuits may have direct relationship with GABAergic functions in auditory cortices. In addition, GABA levels may be altered by brain regions of interest, psychotropic medications, and clinical stage in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Prevalences of autoimmune diseases in schizophrenia, bipolar I and II disorder, and controls. (United States)

    Cremaschi, Laura; Kardell, Mathias; Johansson, Viktoria; Isgren, Anniella; Sellgren, Carl M; Altamura, A Carlo; Hultman, Christina M; Landén, Mikael


    Previous studies on the relationship between autoimmune diseases, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder are mainly based on hospital discharge registers with insufficient coverage of outpatient data. Furthermore, data is scant on the prevalence of autoimmune diseases in bipolar subgroups. Here we estimate the self-reported prevalences of autoimmune diseases in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder type I and II, and controls. Lifetime prevalence of autoimmune diseases was assessed through a structured interview in a sample of 9076 patients (schizophrenia N = 5278, bipolar disorder type I N = 1952, type II N = 1846) and 6485 controls. Comparative analyses were performed using logistic regressions. The prevalence of diabetes type 1 did not differ between groups. Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism regardless of lithium effects, rheumatoid arthritis, and polymyalgia rheumatica were most common in bipolar disorder. Systemic lupus erythematosus was less common in bipolar disorder than in the other groups. The rate of autoimmune diseases did not differ significantly between bipolar subgroups. We conclude that prevalences of autoimmune diseases show clear differences between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but not between the bipolar subgroups. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Cognitive functions in the euthymic patients with bipolar disorder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozdel, O.; Karadag, F.; Atesci, Figen C.; Oguzhanoglu, N.K.; Cabuk, T.


    Recent studies have focused on the nature of dysfunction in bipolar patients. The purpose of the current study was to investigate cognitive performance of individuals with bipolar disorder compared to healthy control subjects during a well-established euthymic period. The sample consisted of 27 bipolar euthymic patients and 21 control subjects. Verbal and visual memory performance, attention, executive functions and psychological functions were evaluated for each participant. Bipolar patients showed significant attentional deficit and executive dysfunction and also poor performance on verbal and visual memory tasks compared to the controls. Illness duration and lifetime total episode number and previous episode with psychotic features was associated with worsened performance on attention, executive and memory tasks. Psychological functioning was not associated with cognitive deficit. The present study showed persistent cognitive impairment on inhibitory control and selective attention as well as poor performance on verbal and visual memory tests in a group of bipolar euthymic patients. The impaired neuropsychological performance was associated with psychotic features. Attentional dysfunction seemed to be a trait abnormality for the sample studied. (author)

  1. Peripheral immune abnormalities in two high-risk populations for bipolar disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Snijders, G.; Schiweck, C.; Brouwer, R.; Mesman, E.; Grosse, L.; de Wit, H; Nolen, W. A.; Drexhage, H. A.; Hillegers, M. H. J.

    Objective: Mounting data support the hypothesis for a role of the immune system in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to examine immune alterations in two unique familial high-risk cohorts for bipolar disorder. Methods: The study population comprised bipolar

  2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with increased risk of bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Su, Vincent Yi-Fong; Hu, Li-Yu; Yeh, Chiu-Mei; Chiang, Huey-Ling; Shen, Cheng-Che; Chou, Kun-Ta; Chen, Tzeng-Ji; Lu, Ti; Tzeng, Cheng-Hwai; Liu, Chia-Jen


    Epidemiological studies have identified a trend in the development of depressive and anxiety disorders following a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, the relationship between COPD and subsequent bipolar disorder remains unclear. From January 1, 2000, we identified adult patients with COPD from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. A nationwide population-based study was conducted; 46,778 COPD patients and 46,778 age-, sex-, and comorbidity-matched subjects between 2000 and 2011 were enrolled. The two cohorts were followed up till December 31, 2011 and observed for occurrence of bipolar disorder. We observed the COPD and comparison cohorts for 263,020 and 267,895 person-years, respectively, from 2000 to 2011. The incidence rate for bipolar disorder was 1.6/1000 person-years in the COPD cohort and 1.2/1000 person-years in the comparison cohort ( p bipolar disorder among the COPD patients was 1.42 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.22-1.64; p bipolar disorder development (HR = 1.83, 95% CI = 1.25-2.69, p = 0.002). Other COPD medications were not associated with the risk of bipolar disorder development. The study results indicate that COPD may be an independent risk factor for the development of bipolar disorder. The regular use of SABAs might increase the risk of bipolar disorder in COPD patients.

  3. Carga inmediata con implantes en maxilar superior Immediate loading of implants in the maxilla

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    F. Monje Gil


    Full Text Available La carga inmediata en la mandíbula se ha incorporado a la práctica clínica en primer lugar y, por las características del hueso, se realiza de forma protocolizada. Sin embargo, en el maxilar superior no hay evidencia científica para realizarlo de forma cotidiana. Las razones son debidas a que el maxilar superior, en general, alberga una masa ósea de menor densidad. Por otro lado, en el maxilar superior pueden coexistir diferentes densidades óseas (según la clasificación de Misch en el mismo individuo. Además, por las características anatómicas del maxilar superior (reabsorción labiopalatina el alineamiento axial es asumible pero, sin embargo, el paralelismo de los implantes es difícil.16,17 El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la información científica de la que disponemos para confirmar si es posible la carga inmediata sobre el maxilar superior. Para ello estudiaremos varios aspectos de la carga inmediata en el maxilar superior: • Sobredentaduras • Prótesis fija completa • Prótesis parcial fija • Prótesis unitaria fija • Requerimientos protésicos • ContraindicacionesImmediate loading in the mandible has been introduced into clinical practice taking first place and, and because of the characteristics of the bone, this is carried out following a protocol. However, in the maxilla there is no scientific evidence for routinely carrying this out. This is because the maxilla, in general, has a lower bone mass density. Moreover, in the maxilla various densities may coexist (according to Misch’s classification in the same individual. In addition, given the anatomic characteristics of the maxilla (lip and palate resorption, axial alignment can be carried out, but implant parallelism is difficult.16,17 The aim of this paper is to analyze the scientific information that we have at our disposal in order to confirm whether immediate loading in the maxilla is possible. For this we will study various aspects of

  4. Conductivity-limiting bipolar thermal conductivity in semiconductors (United States)

    Wang, Shanyu; Yang, Jiong; Toll, Trevor; Yang, Jihui; Zhang, Wenqing; Tang, Xinfeng


    Intriguing experimental results raised the question about the fundamental mechanisms governing the electron-hole coupling induced bipolar thermal conduction in semiconductors. Our combined theoretical analysis and experimental measurements show that in semiconductors bipolar thermal transport is in general a “conductivity-limiting” phenomenon, and it is thus controlled by the carrier mobility ratio and by the minority carrier partial electrical conductivity for the intrinsic and extrinsic cases, respectively. Our numerical method quantifies the role of electronic band structure and carrier scattering mechanisms. We have successfully demonstrated bipolar thermal conductivity reduction in doped semiconductors via electronic band structure modulation and/or preferential minority carrier scatterings. We expect this study to be beneficial to the current interests in optimizing thermoelectric properties of narrow gap semiconductors. PMID:25970560

  5. The functional neuroanatomy of bipolar disorder: a consensus model (United States)

    Strakowski, Stephen M; Adler, Caleb M; Almeida, Jorge; Altshuler, Lori L; Blumberg, Hilary P; Chang, Kiki D; DelBello, Melissa P; Frangou, Sophia; McIntosh, Andrew; Phillips, Mary L; Sussman, Jessika E; Townsend, Jennifer D


    Objectives Functional neuroimaging methods have proliferated in recent years, such that functional magnetic resonance imaging, in particular, is now widely used to study bipolar disorder. However, discrepant findings are common. A workgroup was organized by the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH, USA) to develop a consensus functional neuroanatomic model of bipolar I disorder based upon the participants’ work as well as that of others. Methods Representatives from several leading bipolar disorder neuroimaging groups were organized to present an overview of their areas of expertise as well as focused reviews of existing data. The workgroup then developed a consensus model of the functional neuroanatomy of bipolar disorder based upon these data. Results Among the participants, a general consensus emerged that bipolar I disorder arises from abnormalities in the structure and function of key emotional control networks in the human brain. Namely, disruption in early development (e.g., white matter connectivity, prefrontal pruning) within brain networks that modulate emotional behavior leads to decreased connectivity among ventral prefrontal networks and limbic brain regions, especially amygdala. This developmental failure to establish healthy ventral prefrontal–limbic modulation underlies the onset of mania and ultimately, with progressive changes throughout these networks over time and with affective episodes, a bipolar course of illness. Conclusions This model provides a potential substrate to guide future investigations and areas needing additional focus are identified. PMID:22631617

  6. Bipolar electrocautery: A rodent model of Sunderland third-degree nerve injury. (United States)

    Moradzadeh, Arash; Brenner, Michael J; Whitlock, Elizabeth L; Tong, Alice Y; Luciano, Janina P; Hunter, Daniel A; Myckatyn, Terence M; Mackinnon, Susan E


    To determine the Sunderland classification of a bipolar electrocautery injury. Twenty-two rats received crush (a reproducible Sunderland second-degree injury) or bipolar electrocautery injury and were evaluated for functional, histomorphometric, and immunohistochemical recovery at 21 or 42 days. Animal experiments were performed between July 3 and December 12, 2007. Axonal regeneration and end plate reinnervation were evaluated in double transgenic cyan fluorescent protein-conjugated Thy1 and green fluorescent protein-conjugated S100 mice. Compared with crush injury, bipolar electrocautery injury caused greater disruption of myelin and neurofilament architecture at the injury site and decreased nerve fiber counts and percentage of neural tissue distal to the injury (P =.007). Complete functional recovery was seen after crush but not bipolar electrocautery injury. Serial live imaging demonstrated axonal regeneration at week 1 after crush and at week 3 after bipolar electrocautery injury. Qualitative assessment of motor end plate reinnervation at 42 days demonstrated complete neuromuscular end plate reinnervation in the crush group and only limited reinnervation in the bipolar electrocautery group. Bipolar electrocautery injury in a rodent model resulted in a Sunderland third-degree injury, characterized by gradual, incomplete recovery without intervention.

  7. Análisis de tensiones en árboles de geometría compleja bajo cargas debido al efecto giroscópico.

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    M. Sánchez Noa


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados del análisis realizado en árboles de compleja geometríapertenecientes a un multiplicador planetario tipo 2KH-A destinado a emplearse en aerogeneradores deelectricidad. En el mismo, se presentan los modelos físico-matemáticos de dichos árboles para seranalizados mediante el método de los elementos finitos, considerando el estado de carga que surge alfuncionar el mecanismo y contemplando el efecto adicional de las cargas giroscópicas. Se muestran laszonas de conflicto de tensiones y se analizan propuestas de diseño que permitan, garantizando laresistencia y rigidez, realizar variaciones dimensionales y mejorar la compacidad de los elementos,disminuyendo a la vez el peso de los mismos.

  8. O papel dos estados afetivos sobre os processos cognitivos de assimilação e acomodação

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    Maura Ribeiro Alves


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetivou investigar se o humor positivo induz ativação de conhecimento prévio (função assimilativa e se o humor negativo aciona processos cognitivos dirigidos pelos dados (função acomodativa. A amostra foi composta de 32 participantes, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 17 e 38 anos. O experimento testou o efeito de geração ativa de conhecimento. Induziram-se inicialmente humores positivos e negativos nos participantes. A tarefa final consistiu em recordar livremente uma lista de palavras completas (favorecendo processos dirigidos pelos dados ou incompletas (favorecendo processos cognitivos dirigidos por conhecimento prévio via geração ativa, apresentadas anteriormente. Sob humor positivo, os participantes recordaram mais palavras completadas por eles durante a fase de codificação (efeito de geração ativa, sugerindo prevalência de funções assimilativas. Sob estado de humor negativo, recordaram mais palavras completas oferecidas pelo experimentador, indicando predomínio de funções acomodativas. Conclui-se que os estados afetivos atuam sobre a seleção e regulação dos processos cognitivos de assimilação e acomodação.

  9. [Search association between cannabis abuse and bipolar disorder: A study on a sample of patients hospitalized for bipolar disorder]. (United States)

    Kazour, F; Awaida, C; Souaiby, L; Richa, S


    Cannabis use is very frequent in bipolar disorder and has been found to increase the duration and frequency of manic symptoms while decreasing those of depression. Bipolar patients who use cannabis were shown to have poorer compliance to treatment, more symptoms that are psychotic and a worse prognosis than patients who do not. In this study, we have evaluated the importance of cannabis use among bipolar patients admitted to the Psychiatric Hospital of the Cross, Lebanon (Hôpital Psychiatrique de la Croix [HPC]) as well as the clinical differences between cannabis users and non-users. Over a period of 13 months, we recruited the patients admitted to HPC for bipolar disorder according to the MINI DSM-IV criteria. These patients were screened for substance abuse/dependence and were accordingly divided into 2 groups: cannabis users and cannabis non-users. Both groups were interviewed by a medical student and asked to answer the following questionnaires: the MINI DSM-IV, the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) for evaluating manic episodes, the Montgomery and Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) for evaluating depressive episodes, the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) to assess psychotic symptoms associated to the bipolar disorder, and the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST) for evaluating the importance of cannabis consumption. The study's exclusion criteria were the following: diagnosis of a confusional state, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, dementia, age less than 18 years old or superior to 85 years old, and non-cooperation. Among the 100 bipolar patients included in the study, 27 (27 %) were cannabis users. Eight of these 27 patients were first admitted to HPC for substance abuse and then included in the study after a bipolar disorder was diagnosed according to the MINI DSM-IV criteria. Cannabis use was found to be more prevalent in young males with a mean age of 20.3 years old at the first contact with the substance

  10. Data mining approach to bipolar cognitive map development and decision analysis (United States)

    Zhang, Wen-Ran


    A data mining approach to cognitive mapping is presented based on bipolar logic, bipolar relations, and bipolar clustering. It is shown that a correlation network derived from a database can be converted to a bipolar cognitive map (or bipolar relation). A transitive, symmetric, and reflexive bipolar relation (equilibrium relation) can be used to identify focal links in decision analysis. It can also be used to cluster a set of events or itemsets into three different clusters: coalition sets, conflict sets, and harmony sets. The coalition sets are positively correlated events or itemsets; each conflict set is a negatively correlated set of two coalition subsets; and a harmony set consists of events that are both negatively and positively correlated. A cognitive map and the clusters can then be used for online decision analysis. This approach combines knowledge discovery with the views of decision makers and provides an effective means for online analytical processing (OLAP) and online analytical mining (OLAM).

  11. Are working memory deficits in bipolar disorder markers for psychosis? (United States)

    Allen, Daniel N; Randall, Carol; Bello, Danielle; Armstrong, Christina; Frantom, Linda; Cross, Chad; Kinney, Jefferson


    Working memory deficits have been identified in bipolar disorder, but there is evidence suggesting that these deficits may be markers for psychosis rather than affective disorder. The current study examined this issue by comparing two groups of individuals with bipolar disorder, one with psychotic features and one without psychotic features, with a group of normal controls. Working memory was conceptualized as a multicomponent system that includes auditory and visuospatial short-term stores, executive control processes, and an episodic buffer that allows for communication between short- and long-term memory stores (Baddeley & Logie, 1999). Results indicated that only executive control processes significantly differentiated the psychotic and nonpsychotic bipolar groups, although visuospatial working memory differentiated both bipolar groups from controls. The results support the idea that some aspects of working memory performance are markers for psychosis, while others may be more general markers for bipolar disorders. Copyright 2010 APA, all rights reserved

  12. Early Maladaptive Schemas Related to Unipolar and Bipolar Depression: Similarities and Differences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nergis LAPSEKİLİ


    Full Text Available Objective and methodology: Cognitive theory of depression has begun to examine the difference between bipolar and unipolar depression in the context of thinking features. Yet, little is known about the same and seperated points of bipolar and unipolar depression. The objective is evaluating relationship between cognitive schemas of bipolar and unipolar patients. Bipolar and unipolar depression patients and a control group were enrolled in the study. Beck Depression Inventory, Young Mania Scale and Young Schema Questionnaire were administered to the groups. Results: There was significant difference between unipolar and control groups in “Abandonment/instability”. In “mistrust/ abuse” significant difference was between unipolar and bipolar and between unipolar and control groups. ln “entitlement/self-centeredness” difference was between unipolar and control groups. In all other schemas, difference was between unipolar and control and bipolar and control groups. In these schemas, control group had significantly lower scores than others. Unipolar and bipolar groups were similar. Conclusion: In patient groups, schemas like defectiveness, incompetence, failure, vulnerability to danger and undeveloped self were indicative of low self-perception. This case draws attention to distortions in self-perception. When the absence of difference between bipolar and controls in “mistrust/abuse” and “abandonment/instability” schemas is evaluated in terms of cognitive triad, it is suggested that environmental perspective in this group of patients did not exhibit pessimistic features. The only significantly different schema between unipolar and bipolar groups was “mistrust/ abuse”. This suggests that bipolar group didn’t have negative thoughts like unipolar patients about the perception of the enviroment.

  13. Comparação de parâmetros biomecânicos obtidos na análise da influência da carga transportada: backpack, doublebackpack


    Vieira, Paula Maria Neto


    A utilização da mochila durante a marcha tem provocado um grande interesse em muitos investigadores, pois o uso de carga nas mochilas e os problemas que isso pode acarretar tem gerado algumas discussões. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a marcha ao utilizar carga em mochilas bilaterais de modo a verificar se compensa ou não aos indivíduos andar com este tipo de mochilas. Para isso recorreu-se a métodos de análise como a termografia, cinemática e eletromiografia. Para a realização deste...

  14. International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaffer, Ayal; Isometsä, Erkki T; Tondo, Leonardo


    significantly associated with suicide attempts were: female gender, younger age at illness onset, depressive polarity of first illness episode, depressive polarity of current or most recent episode, comorbid anxiety disorder, any comorbid substance use disorder, alcohol use disorder, any illicit substance use......OBJECTIVES: Bipolar disorder is associated with a high risk of suicide attempts and suicide death. The main objective of the present study was to identify and quantify the demographic and clinical correlates of attempted and completed suicide in people with bipolar disorder. METHODS: Within...... the framework of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide, a systematic review of articles published since 1980, characterized by the key terms bipolar disorder and 'suicide attempts' or 'suicide', was conducted, and data extracted for analysis from all eligible articles...

  15. Risk Factors of Attempted Suicide in Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Cassidy, Frederick


    Suicide rates of bipolar patients are among the highest of any psychiatric disorder, and improved identification of risk factors for attempted and completed suicide translates into improved clinical outcome. Factors that may be predictive of suicidality in an exclusively bipolar population are examined. White race, family suicide history, and…

  16. The poor prognosis of childhood-onset bipolar disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leverich, Gabriele S.; Post, Robert M.; Keck, Paul E.; Altshuler, Lori L.; Frye, Mark A.; Kupka, Ralph W.; Nolen, Willem A.; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L.; Grunze, Heinz; Denicoff, Kirk; Moravec, Maria K. M.; Luckenbaugh, David

    Objective We examined age of onset of bipolar disorder as a potential course-of-iflness modifier with the hypothesis that early onset will engender more severe illness. Study design A total of 480 carefully diagnosed adult outpatients with bipolar disorder (mean age, 42.5 +/- 11.6 years) were

  17. Storm in My Brain: Kids and Mood Disorders (Bipolar Disorder and Depression) (United States)

    ... Brain Kids and Mood Disorders (Bipolar Disorder and Depression) What is a mood disorder? Everyone feels sad, ... one part of bipolar disorder, also called manic depression. In bipolar disorder, moods change between mania (excited ...

  18. The validity and internal structure of the Bipolar Depression Rating Scale: data from a clinical trial of N-acetylcysteine as adjunctive therapy in bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Berk, Michael; Dodd, Seetal; Dean, Olivia M; Kohlmann, Kristy; Berk, Lesley; Malhi, Gin S


    Berk M, Dodd S, Dean OM, Kohlmann K, Berk L, Malhi GS. The validity and internal structure of the Bipolar Depression Rating Scale: data from a clinical trial of N-acetylcysteine as adjunctive therapy in bipolar disorder. The phenomenology of unipolar and bipolar disorders differ in a number of ways, such as the presence of mixed states and atypical features. Conventional depression rating instruments are designed to capture the characteristics of unipolar depression and have limitations in capturing the breadth of bipolar disorder. The Bipolar Depression Rating Scale (BDRS) was administered together with the Montgomery Asberg Rating Scale (MADRS) and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) in a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial of N-acetyl cysteine for bipolar disorder (N = 75). A factor analysis showed a two-factor solution: depression and mixed symptom clusters. The BDRS has strong internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.917), the depression cluster showed robust correlation with the MADRS (r = 0.865) and the mixed subscale correlated with the YMRS (r = 0.750). The BDRS has good internal validity and inter-rater reliability and is sensitive to change in the context of a clinical trial.

  19. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in bipolar disorder


    Rydén, Eleonore


    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder, i.e., it is by definition present from childhood. The main features characterizing ADHD are the difficulties to regulate attention, activity level, and impulses. The hallmark of bipolar disorder is episodic mood alterations with restitution between episodes. Although debut in childhood may occur, bipolar disorder typically debuts in late adolescence or early adulthood. The overarching aim with this ...

  20. What is Bipolar Disorder? (United States)

    ... down” Have trouble sleeping Think about death or suicide Can someone have bipolar disorder along with other problems? Yes. Sometimes people having very strong mood episodes may have psychotic symptoms. Psychosis affects thoughts ...

  1. Is 'subthreshold' bipolar II disorder more difficult to differentiate from borderline personality disorder than formal bipolar II disorder? (United States)

    Bayes, Adam; Graham, Rebecca K; Parker, Gordon B; McCraw, Stacey


    Recent research indicates that borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be diagnostically differentiated from the bipolar disorders. However, no studies have attempted to differentiate participants with sub-threshold bipolar disorder or SubT BP (where hypomanic episodes last less than 4 days) from those with a BPD. In this study, participants were assigned a SubT BP, bipolar II disorder (BP II) or BPD diagnosis based on clinical assessment and DSM-IV criteria. Participants completed self-report measures and undertook a clinical interview which collected socio-demographic information, a mood history, family history, developmental history, treatment information, and assessed cognitive, emotional and behavioural functioning. Both bipolar groups, whether SubT BP or BP II, differed to the BPD group on a number of key variables (i.e. developmental trauma, depression correlates, borderline personality scores, self-harm and suicide attempts), and compared to each other, returned similar scores on nearly all key variables. Borderline risk scores resulted in comparable classification rates of 0.74 (for BPD vs BP II) and 0.82 (for BPD vs sub-threshold BP II). Study findings indicate that both SubT BP and BP II disorder can be differentiated from BPD on a set of refined clinical variables with comparable accuracy. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Determinación en túnel aerodinámico de las cargas de viento sobre tres marquesinas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blanco, Pedro Juan


    Full Text Available Not available.

    Las marquesinas de las graderías de los estadios son estructuras sometidas básicamente a tres tipos de cargas: las debidas a su propio peso, las debidas a la nieve y las debidas a la acción del viento. La determinación de las dos primeras es relativamente sencilla y no expuesta a error; sin embargo, la determinación de las cargas producidas por la acción del viento es prácticamente inabordable por métodos teóricos y muy propensa a error si se hace por métodos simplificados, por lo que resulta casi imprescindible recurrir a su determinación práctica mediante ensayos en modelos a escala en túnel aerodinámico. Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos en cuatro ensayos en modelo de tres marquesinas distintas, comparándolos con la estimación que se hubiera realizado si se hubiera atendido a los métodos simplificados de las normas en vigor.

  3. Modelado de la demanda de carga lenta y rápida de vehículos eléctricos para el estudio de impacto en la red de distribución


    Olivella Rosell, Pol


    El presente proyecto se ha desarrollado para proponer una metodología de modelización de la demanda de carga lenta y rápida de vehículos eléctricos para el estudio de impacto en la red de distribución. El capítulo 1 es la memoria del análisis del estado del arte de esta temática. En el capítulo 2 se desarrolla el modelo para carga lenta, en el capítulo 3 se añade la carga rápida y en el capítulo 4 se aplica a un caso de estudio. En los últimos años el desarrollo de los vehículos eléctri...

  4. [Prescribed drug use for bipolar disorder type I and II in clinical practice]. (United States)

    Persson, Charlotte; Kardell, Mathias; Karanti, Alina; Isgren, Anniella; Annerbrink, Kristina; Landen, Mikael


    Prescribed drug use for bipolar disorder type I and II in clinical practice Practice guidelines based on available evidence and clinical consensus are available for the treatment of bipolar disorder. We surveyed to which extent those guidelines are implemented in clinical practice in Sweden. We analysed pharmacological treatment in patients with bipolar disorder in 2015 using the national quality register for bipolar disorder (BipoläR). We compared bipolar disorder type I (BDI) with type bipolar disorder type II (BDII). The vast majority of patients were prescribed a mood stabilizer either as monotherapy or as a part of combination therapy (BDI 87%, BDII 83%, pbipolar disorder.

  5. Stacks with TiN/titanium as the bipolar plate for PEMFCs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ren, Zhijun; Zhang, Dongming; Wang, Zaiyi


    Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a potential alternative for the internal combustion engine. But many problems, such as metallic bipolar plate instead of graphite bipolar plate to decrease the cost, should be solved before its application. Based on the previous results that single cell with TiN/Ti as bipolar plates shows high performance and enough long-time durability, the progress on the stacks with TiN/Ti as bipolar plates is reported in this manuscript. Till now seldom report is focused on stacks because of the complicated processing technique, especially for that with TiN/Ti as bipolar plate. The flow field in the plate is punched from titanium deformation, and two plates are welded by laser welding to form one piece of bipolar plate. The adopted processing techniques for stacks with TiN/Ti as bipolar plate exhibit advantage and feasibility in industry. The power density by weight for the stack is as high as 1353 W kg −1 , although it still has space to be improved. Next work should be focused on the design of flow channel parameters and flow field type based on plastic deformation of metal materials. -- Highlights: ► The progress on the stacks with TiN/Ti as bipolar plates is reported. ► The adopted processing techniques exhibit feasibility in industry. ► The power density by weight for the stack is as high as 1353 W kg −1 .

  6. Deficits in social cognition and response flexibility in pediatric bipolar disorder. (United States)

    McClure, Erin B; Treland, Julia E; Snow, Joseph; Schmajuk, Mariana; Dickstein, Daniel P; Towbin, Kenneth E; Charney, Dennis S; Pine, Daniel S; Leibenluft, Ellen


    Little is known about neuropsychological and social-cognitive function in patients with pediatric bipolar disorder. Identification of specific deficits and strengths that characterize pediatric bipolar disorder would facilitate advances in diagnosis, treatment, and research on pathophysiology. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that youths with bipolar disorder would perform more poorly than matched healthy comparison subjects on measures of social cognition, motor inhibition, and response flexibility. Forty outpatients with pediatric bipolar disorder and 22 comparison subjects (no differences in age, gender, and IQ) completed measures of social cognition (the pragmatic judgment subtest of the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, facial expression recognition subtests of the Diagnostic Analysis of Nonverbal Accuracy Scale, the oral expression subtest of the Test of Language Competence), inhibition and response flexibility (stop and stop-change tasks), and motor inhibition (continuous performance tasks). Pediatric bipolar disorder patients performed more poorly than comparison subjects on social-cognitive measures (pragmatic judgment of language, facial expression recognition) and on a task requiring response flexibility. These deficits were present in euthymic patients. Differences between patients and comparison subjects could not be attributed to comorbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Findings of impaired social cognition and response flexibility in youths with pediatric bipolar disorder suggest continuity between pediatric bipolar disorder and adult bipolar disorder. These findings provide a foundation for neurocognitive research designed to identify the neural mechanisms underlying these deficits.

  7. Theory of mind and functionality in bipolar patients with symptomatic remission. (United States)

    Barrera, Angeles; Vázquez, Gustavo; Tannenhaus, Lucila; Lolich, María; Herbst, Luis


    Functional deficits are commonly observed in bipolar disorder after symptomatic remission. Social cognition deficits have also been reported, which could contribute to dysfunction in patients with bipolar disorder in remission. Twelve bipolar disorder patients in symptomatic remission (7 patients with bipolar disorder type I and 5 with bipolar disorder type II) and 12 healthy controls completed the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test and the Faux Pas Test to evaluate theory of mind (ToM). Both groups also completed the Functional Assessment Short Test (FAST). The performance of the bipolar patients in the cognitive component of ToM was below normal, although the difference between the control group was not statistically significant (P=.078), with a trend to a worse performance associated with a higher number of depressive episodes (P=.082). There were no statistically significant differences between groups for the emotional component of ToM. Global functionality was significantly lower in bipolar patients compared to the control group (P=.001). Significant differences were also observed between both groups in five of the six dimensions of functionality assessed. No significant correlation was found between functionality and theory of mind. Bipolar patients in symptomatic remission exhibit impairments in several areas of functioning. Cognitive ToM appears more affected than emotional ToM. Deficits in ToM were not related to functional impairment. Copyright © 2012 SEP y SEPB. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  8. A genetic deconstruction of neurocognitive traits in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla P D Fernandes

    Full Text Available Impairments in cognitive functions are common in patients suffering from psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Cognitive traits have been proposed as useful for understanding the biological and genetic mechanisms implicated in cognitive function in healthy individuals and in the dysfunction observed in psychiatric disorders.Sets of genes associated with a range of cognitive functions often impaired in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were generated from a genome-wide association study (GWAS on a sample comprising 670 healthy Norwegian adults who were phenotyped for a broad battery of cognitive tests. These gene sets were then tested for enrichment of association in GWASs of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The GWAS data was derived from three independent single-centre schizophrenia samples, three independent single-centre bipolar disorder samples, and the multi-centre schizophrenia and bipolar disorder samples from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.The strongest enrichments were observed for visuospatial attention and verbal abilities sets in bipolar disorder. Delayed verbal memory was also enriched in one sample of bipolar disorder. For schizophrenia, the strongest evidence of enrichment was observed for the sets of genes associated with performance in a colour-word interference test and for sets associated with memory learning slope.Our results are consistent with the increasing evidence that cognitive functions share genetic factors with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Our data provides evidence that genetic studies using polygenic and pleiotropic models can be used to link specific cognitive functions with psychiatric disorders.

  9. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder (United States)

    Reilly-Harrington, Noreen A.; Knauz, Robert O.


    This article describes the application of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to the treatment of rapid cycling bipolar disorder. Between 10% and 24% of bipolar patients experience a rapid cycling course, with 4 or more mood episodes occurring per year. Characterized by nonresponse to standard mood-stabilizing medications, rapid cyclers are…

  10. Depressive and bipolar disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kessing, Lars Vedel; Hansen, Hanne Vibe; Demyttenaere, Koen


    of the patients (40-80%) had erroneous views as to the effect of antidepressants. Older patients (over 40 years of age) consistently had a more negative view of the doctor-patient relationship, more erroneous ideas concerning the effect of antidepressants and a more negative view of antidepressants in general....... Moreover, their partners agreed on these negative views. Women had a more negative view of the doctor-patient relationship than men, and patients with a depressive disorder had a more negative view of antidepressants than patients with bipolar disorder. The number of psychiatric hospitalizations......BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that attitudes and beliefs are important in predicting adherence to treatment and medication in depressive and bipolar disorders. However, these attitudes have received little study in patients whose disorders were sufficiently severe to require...

  11. Use of bipolar radiofrequency catheter ablation in treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. (United States)

    Soucek, Filip; Starek, Zdenek


    Background Arrhythmia management is a complex process involving both pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. Radiofrequency ablation is the pillar of non-pharmacological arrhythmia treatment. Unipolar ablation is considered to be the gold standard in the treatment of the majority of arrhythmias; however, its efficacy is limited to specific cases. In particular, the creation of deep or transmural lesions to eliminate intramurally originating arrhythmias remains inadequate. Bipolar ablation is proposed as an alternative to overcome unipolar ablation boundaries. Results Despite promising results gained from in vitro and animal studies showing that bipolar ablation is superior in creating transmural lesions, the use of bipolar ablation in daily clinical practice is limited. Several studies have been published showing that bipolar ablation is effective in the treatment of clinical arrhythmias after failed unipolar ablation, however there is inconsistency regarding safety of bipolar ablation within the available research papers. According to research evidence the most common indications for bipolar ablation use are ventricular originating rhythmic disorders in patients with structural heart disease resistant to standard radiofrequency ablation. Conclusions To allow wider clinical application the efficiency and safety of bipolar ablation need to be verified in future studies. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  12. State-dependent alterations of lipid profiles in patients with bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Huang, Yu-Jui; Tsai, Shang-Ying; Chung, Kuo-Hsuan; Chen, Pao-Huan; Huang, Shou-Hung; Kuo, Chian-Jue


    Objective Serum lipid levels may be associated with the affective severity of bipolar disorder, but data on lipid profiles in Asian patients with bipolar disorder and the lipid alterations in different states of opposite polarities are scant. We investigated the lipid profiles of patients in the acute affective, partial, and full remission state in bipolar mania and depression. Methods The physically healthy patients aged between 18 and 45 years with bipolar I disorder, as well as age-matched healthy normal controls were enrolled. We compared the fasting blood levels of glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein of manic or depressed patients in the acute phase and subsequent partial and full remission with those of their normal controls. Results A total of 32 bipolar manic patients (12 women and 20 men), 32 bipolar depressed participants (18 women and 14 men), and 64 healthy control participants took part in this study. The mean cholesterol level in acute mania was significantly lower than that in acute depression (p bipolar mania. Conclusion Circulating lipid profiles may be easily affected by affective states. The acute manic state may be accompanied by state-dependent lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels relative to that in other mood states.

  13. Bipolar Disorder: What Can Psychotherapists Learn From the Cognitive Research?


    Johnson, Sheri; Tran, Tanya


    Randomized controlled trials of psychological treatment, principally cognitive therapy, for bipolar disorder have yielded inconsistent results. Given the status of this evidentiary base, we provide a more fine-grained analysis of the cognitive profiles associated with bipolar disorder to inform clinical practice. In this practice-friendly review, we consider evidence that both negative and positive cognitive styles are related to bipolar disorder. Cross-sectional and prospective evidence sugg...

  14. Identifying Functional Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Bipolar Disorder: Toward DSM-V


    Phillips, Mary L.; Vieta, Eduard


    Bipolar disorder is one of the most debilitating and common illnesses worldwide. Individuals with bipolar disorder frequently present to clinical services when depressed but are often misdiagnosed with unipolar depression, leading to inadequate treatment and poor outcome. Increased accuracy in diagnosing bipolar disorder, especially during depression, is therefore a key long-term goal to improve the mental health of individuals with the disorder. The attainment of this goal can be facilitated...

  15. Personality traits in bipolar disorder and influence on outcome. (United States)

    Sparding, Timea; Pålsson, Erik; Joas, Erik; Hansen, Stefan; Landén, Mikael


    The aim was to investigate the personality profile of bipolar disorder I and II, and healthy controls, and to study whether personality influences the course of bipolar disorder. One hundred ten patients with bipolar disorder I, 85 patients with bipolar disorder II, and 86 healthy individuals had their personality profile assessed using the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP), an instrument developed to explore personality-related vulnerabilities and correlates of psychiatric disorders. Patients were followed prospectively for 2 years. To assess the impact of Neuroticism, Aggressiveness, and Disinhibition on illness course, we performed logistic regressions with the outcome variables mood episodes (depressive, hypo/manic, mixed), suicide attempts, violence, and the number of sick leave days. Bipolar disorder I and II demonstrated higher global measures of Neuroticism, Aggressiveness, and Disinhibition as compared with healthy controls. A third of the patients scored ≥1 SD above the population-based normative mean on the global neuroticism measure. The two subtypes of bipolar disorder were, however, undistinguishable on all of the personality traits. In the unadjusted model, higher neuroticism at baseline predicted future depressive episodes and suicide attempts/violent behavior, but this association disappeared when adjusting for baseline depressive symptoms as assessed with MADRS. A significant minority of the patients scored ≥1 SD above the population mean on the global measures of Neuroticism, Aggressiveness and Disinhibition; scores this high are usually evident clinically. Yet, the personality profile does not seem to have prognostic value over a 2-year period.

  16. Bipolar disorder: an update | Outhoff | South African Family Practice

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Bipolar disorder, characterised by alternating discrete episodes of (hypo)mania and depression, provides unique diagnostic and treatment challenges. Updated diagnostic (DSM-5) and current pharmacological treatment recommendations are briefly reviewed here. Keywords: bipolar disorder; diagnosis; evidence-based ...

  17. Family Care giving in Bipolar disorder: Experiences of Stigma.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farshid Shamsaei


    Full Text Available Stigma is a serious impediment to the well-being of those who experience it. Many family- caregivers are challenged by the stereotypes and prejudice that result from misconceptions about bipolar disorder.The purpose of this study was to explore the stigma experienced by family caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder.This was a qualitative and phenomenological study. In this study, we selected the family caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder in a psychiatric hospital (Iran using purposive sampling in 2011. By reaching data saturation, the number of participant was 12. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews and analyzed by the "Collaizi" method.Stigma was a pervasive concern to almost all participants. Family caregivers of patients with Bipolar disorders reported feelings and experiences of stigma and were most affected by them. Analysis of the interviews revealed 3 themes: Negative judgment, Shame, Stigmatization and Social Isolation.For a person with bipolar disorder, this illness is associated with the following problems: worse recovery, difficulty accessing health services, receiving poor treatment and support, and difficulty gaining community acceptance. Rejection of people with mental illness might also affect their family caregivers at various levels.

  18. Pivotal roles of Fezf2 in differentiation of cone OFF bipolar cells and functional maturation of cone ON bipolar cells in retina. (United States)

    Suzuki-Kerr, Haruna; Iwagawa, Toshiro; Sagara, Hiroshi; Mizota, Atsushi; Suzuki, Yutaka; Watanabe, Sumiko


    During development of the retina, common retinal progenitor cells give rise to six classes of neurons that subsequently further diversify into more than 55 subtypes of neuronal subtypes. Here, we have investigated the expression and function of Fezf2, Fez zinc finger family of protein, in the developing mouse retina. Expression of Fezf2 transcripts was strongly observed in the embryonic retinal progenitors at E14.5 and declined quickly in subsequent development of retina. Then, in postnatal stage at around day 8, Fezf2 was transiently expressed then declined again. Loss-of-function analysis using retinas from mice in which Fezf2 coding region was substituted with β-galactosidase showed that Fezf2 is expressed in a subset of cone OFF bipolar cells and required for their differentiation. Using electroretinogram, we found that Fezf2 knockout retina exhibited significantly reduced photopic b-wave, suggesting functional abnormality of cone ON bipolar cells. Furthermore, reduced expression of synaptic protein Trpm1 and structural alteration of ON bipolar cell invagination, both of which affected cone photoreceptor terminal synaptic activity, was identified by transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Taken together, our results show that Fezf2 is indispensable in differentiation of bipolar precursors into cone OFF bipolar cells and in functional maturation of cone ON bipolar cells during development of mouse retina. These results contribute to our understanding of how diversity of neuronal subtypes and hence specificity of neuronal connections are established in the retina by intrinsic cues. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Cognitive Impairment in Bipolar Disorder: Treatment and Prevention Strategies (United States)

    Solé, Brisa; Jiménez, Esther; Torrent, Carla; Reinares, Maria; Bonnin, Caterina del Mar; Torres, Imma; Varo, Cristina; Grande, Iria; Valls, Elia; Salagre, Estela; Sanchez-Moreno, Jose; Martinez-Aran, Anabel; Carvalho, André F


    Abstract Over the last decade, there has been a growing appreciation of the importance of identifying and treating cognitive impairment associated with bipolar disorder, since it persists in remission periods. Evidence indicates that neurocognitive dysfunction may significantly influence patients’ psychosocial outcomes. An ever-increasing body of research seeks to achieve a better understanding of potential moderators contributing to cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder in order to develop prevention strategies and effective treatments. This review provides an overview of the available data from studies examining treatments for cognitive dysfunction in bipolar disorder as well as potential novel treatments, from both pharmacological and psychological perspectives. All these data encourage the development of further studies to find effective strategies to prevent and treat cognitive impairment associated with bipolar disorder. These efforts may ultimately lead to an improvement of psychosocial functioning in these patients. PMID:28498954

  20. The role of estrogen in bipolar disorder, a review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meinhard, Ninja; Kessing, Lars Vedel; Vinberg, Maj


    hormones, e.g. estrogen, are fluctuating and particularly postpartum there is a steep fall in the levels of serum estrogen. The role of estrogen in women with bipolar disorder is, however, not fully understood. Aim: The main objective of this review is to evaluate the possible relation between serum...... estrogen levels and women with bipolar disorder including studies of the anti manic effects of the selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen. Method: A systematically literature search on PubMed was conducted: two studies regarding the connection between serum estrogen levels and women with bipolar...... tamoxifen studies found that tamoxifen was effective in producing antimanic effects. Conclusion: These results indicate that estrogen fluctuations may be an important factor in the etiology of bipolar disorder and it is obvious that more research on this topic is needed to clarify the role of estrogen...

  1. The role of estrogen in bipolar disorder, a review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meinhard, Ninja; Kessing, Lars Vedel; Vinberg, Maj


    hormones, e.g. estrogen, are fluctuating and particularly postpartum there is a steep fall in the levels of serum estrogen. The role of estrogen in women with bipolar disorder is, however, not fully understood. AIM: The main objective of this review is to evaluate the possible relation between serum...... estrogen levels and women with bipolar disorder including studies of the anti manic effects of the selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen. METHOD: A systematically literature search on PubMed was conducted: two studies regarding the connection between serum estrogen levels and women with bipolar...... tamoxifen studies found that tamoxifen was effective in producing antimanic effects. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that estrogen fluctuations may be an important factor in the etiology of bipolar disorder and it is obvious that more research on this topic is needed to clarify the role of estrogen...

  2. State-related alterations of gene expression in bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munkholm, Klaus; Vinberg, Maj; Berk, Michael


    Munkholm K, Vinberg M, Berk M, Kessing LV. State-related alterations of gene expression in bipolar disorder: a systematic review. Bipolar Disord 2012: 14: 684-696. © 2012 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objective:  Alterations in gene expression in bipolar disorder...... have been found in numerous studies. It is unclear whether such alterations are related to specific mood states. As a biphasic disorder, mood state-related alterations in gene expression have the potential to point to markers of disease activity, and trait-related alterations might indicate...... vulnerability pathways. This review therefore evaluated the evidence for whether gene expression in bipolar disorder is state or trait related. Methods:  A systematic review, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guideline for reporting systematic reviews, based...

  3. Urbanicity during upbringing and bipolar affective disorders in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Carsten Bøcker; Mortensen, Preben Bo


    It has been suggested that known or suspected risk factors for schizophrenia may also be of importance for other psychoses, but the empirical evidence regarding this is limited. Urbanicity of place of birth and during upbringing has been shown to be related to the risk of schizophrenia. Few studies...... of urbanicity in relation to bipolar affective disorder exist. Objective: To investigate the potential association between urbanicity at birth and during upbringing and the risk of bipolar affective disorder. Method: Using data from the Danish Civil Registration System, we established a population-based cohort...... of 2.04 million people born in Denmark during 1956-1986, which included information on place of residence during upbringing. Bipolar affective disorder in cohort members was identified by linkage with the Danish Psychiatric Central Register. Results: Overall, 2232 people developed bipolar affective...

  4. A report on older-age bipolar disorder from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force (United States)

    Sajatovic, Martha; Strejilevich, Sergio A; Gildengers, Ariel G; Dols, Annemiek; Al Jurdi, Rayan K; Forester, Brent P; Kessing, Lars Vedel; Beyer, John; Manes, Facundo; Rej, Soham; Rosa, Adriane R; Schouws, Sigfried NTM; Tsai, Shang-Ying; Young, Robert C; Shulman, Kenneth I


    Objectives In the coming generation, older adults with bipolar disorder (BD) will increase in absolute numbers as well as proportion of the general population. This is the first report of the International Society for Bipolar Disorder (ISBD) Task Force on Older-Age Bipolar Disorder (OABD). Methods This task force report addresses the unique aspects of OABD including epidemiology and clinical features, neuropathology and biomarkers, physical health, cognition, and care approaches. Results The report describes an expert consensus summary on OABD that is intended to advance the care of patients, and shed light on issues of relevance to BD research across the lifespan. Although there is still a dearth of research and health efforts focused on older adults with BD, emerging data has brought some answers, innovative questions, and novel perspectives related to the notion of late onset, medical comorbidity, and the vexing issue of cognitive impairment and decline. Conclusions Improving our understanding of the biological, clinical, and social underpinnings relevant to OABD is an indispensable step in building a complete map of BD across the lifespan. PMID:26384588

  5. Recent advances in understanding total-dose effects in bipolar transistors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schrimpf, R.D.


    Gain degradation in irradiated bipolar transistors can be a significant problem, particularly in linear integrated circuits. In many bipolar technologies, the degradation is greater for irradiation at low dose rates than it is for typical laboratory dose rates. Ionizing radiation causes the base current in bipolar transistors to increase, due to the presence of net positive charge in the oxides covering sensitive device areas and increases in surface recombination velocity. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for radiation-induced gain degradation in bipolar transistors is important in developing appropriate hardness assurance methods. This paper reviews recent modeling and experimental work, with the emphasis on low-dose-rate effects. A promising hardness assurance method based on irradiation at elevated temperatures is described

  6. Prevalência dos sintomas musculoesqueléticos em movimentadores de mercadorias com carga Prevalence of muscle-skeletal symptoms for load workers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Concepción Batiz


    Full Text Available A atividade do trabalhador que manuseia cargas o predispõe a riscos decorrentes dos fatores biomecânicos, excesso de força, posturas inadequadas e dos fatores organizacionais que, quando utilizados de forma inadequada, sua aplicação repercute na saúde dos trabalhadores e na produção. O presente trabalho foi realizado em 3 comércios atacadistas e tem como objetivo identificar os fatores de risco que podem provocar a prevalência dos sintomas musculoesqueléticos. Aplicaram-se à amostra selecionada de 134 trabalhadores um questionário organizacional, questionário nórdico de sintomas osteomusculares e o guia para avaliação e prevenção dos riscos relativos à manipulação manual de cargas. Ressalta-se que pela carga que carregam, pelas posturas que adotam e pelos sintomas de dor (63,4% da amostra associados aos fatores anteriores, a atividade se constitui em um risco para a saúde. Os resultados corroboram com os estudos, estabelecendo fortes indícios entre a carga física do trabalho e os sintomas musculoesqueléticos.Handling load is an activity that predisposes the worker to risks due to biomechanical factors, excess of force, inadequate positions and organizational factors. These organizational factors may reflect injuries to workers' health and production when used in an inadequate way. This study was carried out using 3 wholesale businesses, aiming to identify the risk factors that could lead to the prevalence of muscle-skeletal symptoms. An organizational questionnaire, a Nordic questionnaire for musculoskeletal symptoms and a guide for assessment and prevention of risks related to handling load was applied to a select sample of 134 workers. It was possible to notice that the loading, the adopted positions and the pain symptoms (63.4% of the sample, associated to the previous factors, may represent a health risk. The results supported the studies, establishing strong indications between physical load of work and muscle

  7. Prevalência dos sintomas musculoesqueléticos em movimentadores de mercadorias com carga Prevalence of muscle-skeletal symptoms for load workers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Concepción Batiz


    Full Text Available A atividade do trabalhador que manuseia cargas o predispõe a riscos decorrentes dos fatores biomecânicos, excesso de força, posturas inadequadas e dos fatores organizacionais que, quando utilizados de forma inadequada, sua aplicação repercute na saúde dos trabalhadores e na produção. O presente trabalho foi realizado em 3 comércios atacadistas e tem como objetivo identificar os fatores de risco que podem provocar a prevalência dos sintomas musculoesqueléticos. Aplicaram-se à amostra selecionada de 134 trabalhadores um questionário organizacional, questionário nórdico de sintomas osteomusculares e o guia para avaliação e prevenção dos riscos relativos à manipulação manual de cargas. Ressalta-se que pela carga que carregam, pelas posturas que adotam e pelos sintomas de dor (63,4% da amostra associados aos fatores anteriores, a atividade se constitui em um risco para a saúde. Os resultados corroboram com os estudos, estabelecendo fortes indícios entre a carga física do trabalho e os sintomas musculoesqueléticos.Handling load is an activity that predisposes the worker to risks due to biomechanical factors, excess of force, inadequate positions and organizational factors. These organizational factors may reflect injuries to workers' health and production when used in an inadequate way. This study was carried out using 3 wholesale businesses, aiming to identify the risk factors that could lead to the prevalence of muscle-skeletal symptoms. An organizational questionnaire, a Nordic questionnaire for musculoskeletal symptoms and a guide for assessment and prevention of risks related to handling load was applied to a select sample of 134 workers. It was possible to notice that the loading, the adopted positions and the pain symptoms (63.4% of the sample, associated to the previous factors, may represent a health risk. The results supported the studies, establishing strong indications between physical load of work and muscle

  8. Immune activation by casein dietary antigens in bipolar disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Severance, E.G.; Dupont, D.; Dickerson, F.B.; Stallings, C.R.; Origoni, A.E.; Krivogorsky, B.; Yang, S.; Haasnoot, W.; Yolken, R.H.


    Objectives: Inflammation and other immune processes are increasingly linked to psychiatric diseases. Antigenic triggers specific to bipolar disorder are not yet defined. We tested whether antibodies to bovine milk caseins were associated with bipolar disorder, and whether patients recognized

  9. CRY2 is associated with rapid cycling in bipolar disorder patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louise K Sjöholm


    Full Text Available Bipolar disorder patients often display abnormalities in circadian rhythm, and they are sensitive to irregular diurnal rhythms. CRY2 participates in the core clock that generates circadian rhythms. CRY2 mRNA expression in blood mononuclear cells was recently shown to display a marked diurnal variation and to respond to total sleep deprivation in healthy human volunteers. It was also shown that bipolar patients in a depressive state had lower CRY2 mRNA levels, nonresponsive to total sleep deprivation, compared to healthy controls, and that CRY2 gene variation was associated with winter depression in both Swedish and Finnish cohorts.Four CRY2 SNPs spanning from intron 2 to downstream 3'UTR were analyzed for association to bipolar disorder type 1 (n = 497, bipolar disorder type 2 (n = 60 and bipolar disorder with the feature rapid cycling (n = 155 versus blood donors (n = 1044 in Sweden. Also, the rapid cycling cases were compared with bipolar disorder cases without rapid cycling (n = 422. The haplotype GGAC was underrepresented among rapid cycling cases versus controls and versus bipolar disorder cases without rapid cycling (OR = 0.7, P = 0.006-0.02, whereas overrepresentation among rapid cycling cases was seen for AAAC (OR = 1.3-1.4, P = 0.03-0.04 and AGGA (OR = 1.5, P = 0.05. The risk and protective CRY2 haplotypes and their effect sizes were similar to those recently suggested to be associated with winter depression in Swedes.We propose that the circadian gene CRY2 is associated with rapid cycling in bipolar disorder. This is the first time a clock gene is implicated in rapid cycling, and one of few findings showing a molecular discrimination between rapid cycling and other forms of bipolar disorder.

  10. Bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia overlap: a new comorbidity index. (United States)

    Laursen, Thomas Munk; Agerbo, Esben; Pedersen, Carsten Bøcker


    Growing evidence of an etiologic overlap between schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder has become increasingly difficult to disregard. We investigated the magnitude of the overlap between the clinical diagnoses of bipolar affective disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia over a 35-year period based on the entire Danish population. We established a register-based prospective cohort study of more than 2.5 million persons born in Denmark after 1954. Risks for the 3 psychiatric disorders were estimated by survival analysis using the Aalen-Johansen method. Cohort members were followed from 1970 to 2006. We introduced a new comorbidity index measuring the magnitude of the overlap between the 3 disorders. Overall, 12,734 patients were admitted with schizophrenia, 4,205 with bipolar disorder, and 1,881 with schizoaffective disorder. A female bipolar patient's risk of also being admitted with a schizoaffective disorder by the age of 45 years was approximately 103 times higher than that of a woman at the same age in the general population. Thus, we defined the comorbidity index between schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder at age 45 years to be 103. At age 45 years, the index between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder was 80 and between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder was 20. Similar large comorbidity indexes were found for men. A large comorbidity index between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder was found, as well as a large index between bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder. But, more surprisingly, it was clear that a substantial comorbidity index between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia was present. This study supports the existence of an overlap between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and thus challenges the strict categorical approach used in both DSM-IV and ICD-10 classification systems. Copyright 2009 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.

  11. Generation of metal composition gradients by means of bipolar electrodeposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tisserant, Gwendoline; Fattah, Zahra; Ayela, Cédric; Roche, Jérome; Plano, Bernard; Zigah, Dodzi; Goudeau, Bertrand; Kuhn, Alexander; Bouffier, Laurent


    Highlights: • A bipolar electrochemistry approach for the preparation of surface gradients is reported. • Several metals are simultaneously deposited on a bipolar electrode. • The elemental composition and thickness of the deposit varies alongside the bipolar electrode. • The deposit affects the surface properties and exhibits a barcode feature. - Abstract: Bipolar electrochemistry is an unconventional technique that currently encounters a renewal of interest due to modern applications in the fields of analytical chemistry or materials science. The approach is particularly relevant for the preparation of asymmetric objects or surfaces such as Janus particles for example. Bipolar electrochemistry allows spatially controlled deposition of various layers from electroactive precursors, selectively at one side of a bipolar electrode. We report here the concomitant cathodic deposition of up to three different metals at the same time in a single experiment. The deposits were characterized by optical and electron microscopy imaging as well as profilometry and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. As a result, the deposited layer is composed of several areas exhibiting both a composition and a thickness gradient. Such a variation directly modifies the optical and electronic properties alongside the surface and gives access to the design of composite surfaces exhibiting a visual gradient feature.

  12. A current-controlled PWM bipolar power supply for a magnet load

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Y.G.; McGhee, D.G.


    The Advanced Photon Source, at Argonne National Laboratory will produce the world's brightest x-ray beams when it is complete. A number of correction magnets are used to maintain proper beam position. Basically, two different types of bipolar power supplies are used for all the correction magnets: one requires dc correction only, and the other requires dc and ac correction. Normally linear-mode power amplifiers would be used for the bipolar power supplies. However, linear-mode power amplifiers dissipate a substantial amount of power as heat, resulting in poor efficiency for their large size. In addition, most commercial bipolar power supplies are linear-mode and available for lower power levels. Therefore, for higher power levels it was necessary to design a bipolar power supply that uses switch-mode power conversion. This paper describes a control technique for a pulse-width-modulatcd bipolar power supply, which can deliver a controlled current, dc plus ac to a correction magnet. A design example of a 150A bipolar power supply is presented

  13. Risk of sexual transmitted infection following bipolar disorder: a nationwide population-based cohort study. (United States)

    Lee, Shyh-Chyang; Hu, Chang-Kuo; Hung, Jeng-Hsiu; Yang, Albert C; Tsai, Shih-Jen; Huang, Min-Wei; Hu, Li-Yu; Shen, Cheng-Che


    Bipolar disorder is a severe mental disorder associated with functional and cognitive impairment. Numerous studies have investigated associations between sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and psychiatric illnesses. However, the results of these studies are controversial. We explored the association between bipolar disorder and the subsequent development of STIs, including human immunodeficiency virus infection; primary, secondary, and latent syphilis; genital warts; gonorrhea; chlamydial infection; and trichomoniasis. The bipolar cohort consisted of 1293 patients, and the comparison cohort consisted of 5172 matched control subjects without bipolar disorder. The incidence of subsequent STIs (hazard ratio (HR) = 2.23, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.68-2.96) was higher among the patients with bipolar disorder than in the comparison cohort. Furthermore, female gender is a risk factor for acquisition of STIs (HR = 2.36, 95% CI 1.73-4.89) among patients with bipolar disorder. For individual STIs, the results indicated that the patients with bipolar disorder exhibited a markedly higher risk for subsequently contracting syphilis, genital warts, and trichomoniasis. Bipolar disorder might increase the risk of subsequent newly diagnosed STIs, including syphilis, genital warts, and trichomoniasis. Clinicians should pay particular attention to STIs in patients with bipolar disorder. Patients with bipolar disorder, especially those with a history of high-risk sexual behaviors, should be routinely screened for STIs. We identified patients who were diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. A comparison cohort was constructed of patients without bipolar disorder who were matched with the bipolar cohort according to age and gender. The occurrence of subsequent new-onset STIs was evaluated in both cohorts.

  14. Cortisol exposure, cognition and clinical course of bipolar disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spijker, Anne Titia


    In this dissertation, we aimed to identify the influence of cortisol exposure and cognitive performance on the clinical course of bipolar disorder. Data regarding sociodemographics, disease characteristics and genetic analysis of the cortisol receptors, were collected of 366 patients with bipolar

  15. Add-on treatment with N-acetylcysteine for bipolar depression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellegaard, Pernille Kempel; Licht, Rasmus Wentzer; Poulsen, Henrik Enghusen


    BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress and inflammation may be involved in the development and progression of mood disorders, including bipolar disorder. Currently, there is a scarcity of useful treatment options for bipolar depressive episodes, especially compared with the efficacy of treatment for acute ...

  16. Therapy of a couple with a bipolar spouse. (United States)

    Witusik, Andrzej; Pietras, Tadeusz


    Qualitative analysis of therapy of a couple with a partner who has bipolar disorder is an important research paradigm in contemporary psychotherapy of mental disorders.The qualitative method of the study is important both from the cognitive point of view and for the evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy in the individual, idiographical aspect. The aim of the study is a qualitative analysis of the therapeutic process of a couple in which one partner suffers from bipolar affective disorder. The study of the couple therapy process utilized the qualitative research methodology using variouspsychotherapeutic paradigms indicating the interrelationships that exist between relapses of the disease and functioning of the couple. The importance of triangulation processes, inheritance of transgenerational myths and dysfunctional cognitive patterns in the functional destabilization of a couple with one partner suffering from bipolar affective disorder was indicated. The study of the couple therapy process utilized the qualitative research methodology using variouspsychotherapeutic paradigms indicating the interrelationships that exist between relapses of the disease and functioning of the couple. The importance of triangulation processes, inheritance of transgenerational myths and dysfunctional cognitive patterns in the functional destabilization of a couple with one partner suffering from bipolar affective disorder was indicated. The dysfunctionality of the discussed couple is largely due to the effects of bipolar disorder and related disturbances on marital functioning. The spectrum of autism in the child is probably related both to the genetic strain of predisposition to psychiatric disorders and to the dysfunctionality of the parental dyad. The presence of bipolar affective disorder in the partner's family is also a genetic burden. The wife's aggression represents probably a syndrome of adaptation to disease in the family. Aggression plays a morphostatic role in the couple

  17. Avaliação econômico-financeira de empresas de transporte rodoviário de carga: uma metodologia de análise de eficiência


    Xavier, Milton


    Trata de uma metodologia de avaliação de eficiência de empresas de transporte rodoviário de cargas, incluindo estudos de casos com empresas de diferentes portes. O transporte rodoviário de cargas, ao contrário do transporte de passageiros, mereceu, até agora, poucos estudos existindo poucas informações a respeito de seu desempenho. Este assunto somente tornou-se relevante recentemente em função da política de racionalização do uso de combustíveis derivados de petróleo, preconizada pelo ...

  18. Neural Correlates of Irritability in Disruptive Mood Dysregulation and Bipolar Disorders. (United States)

    Wiggins, Jillian Lee; Brotman, Melissa A; Adleman, Nancy E; Kim, Pilyoung; Oakes, Allison H; Reynolds, Richard C; Chen, Gang; Pine, Daniel S; Leibenluft, Ellen


    Bipolar disorder and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) are clinically and pathophysiologically distinct, yet irritability can be a clinical feature of both illnesses. The authors examine whether the neural mechanisms mediating irritability differ between bipolar disorder and DMDD, using a face emotion labeling paradigm because such labeling is deficient in both patient groups. The authors hypothesized that during face emotion labeling, irritability would be associated with dysfunctional activation in the amygdala and other temporal and prefrontal regions in both disorders, but that the nature of these associations would differ between DMDD and bipolar disorder. During functional MRI acquisition, 71 youths (25 with DMDD, 24 with bipolar disorder, and 22 healthy youths) performed a labeling task with happy, fearful, and angry faces of varying emotional intensity. Participants with DMDD and bipolar disorder showed similar levels of irritability and did not differ from each other or from healthy youths in face emotion labeling accuracy. Irritability correlated with amygdala activity across all intensities for all emotions in the DMDD group; such correlation was present in the bipolar disorder group only for fearful faces. In the ventral visual stream, associations between neural activity and irritability were found more consistently in the DMDD group than in the bipolar disorder group, especially in response to ambiguous angry faces. These results suggest diagnostic specificity in the neural correlates of irritability, a symptom of both DMDD and bipolar disorder. Such evidence of distinct neural correlates suggests the need to evaluate different approaches to treating irritability in the two disorders.

  19. Estimación de la carga de enfermedad por incapacidad laboral permanente en España durante el período 2009-2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Andrée López


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La incapacidad laboral permanente (IP supone una importante carga social y económica. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la carga de enfermedad debida a la IP en España. Métodos: A partir de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL se imputó como diagnóstico de la IP (2009-2012 el de la incapacidad temporal (IT iniciada en 2009 en los individuos que cumplieron dos criterios: larga duración de la IT y corta duración del período entre la IT y la IP. Para los casos con diagnóstico imputado se calculó la carga de enfermedad por IP a partir de los años potenciales de vida laboral perdidos (APVLP, definidos como la diferencia entre la edad de jubilación (65 años y la edad de inicio de la IP. Resultados: Según la MCVL, 163.135 (13,6% personas sufrieron de IT en 2009, de las cuáles a 4.738 (0,39% se le reconoció una IP entre 2009-2012. Se pudo establecer el diagnóstico de IP en 3.073 (64,9% casos. Las causas más frecuentes de IP fueron los trastornos musculo-esqueléticos (27,4% y mentales (11,6% que, asimismo, produjeron mayor cantidad de APVLP por IP: 11.086 (26,5% y 7.052 (16,9%, respectivamente. Los trastornos mentales destacaron por producir IP a edades más jóvenes (mediana=49 años. Conclusiones: Los trastornos mentales y los musculo-esqueléticos representaron la mayor carga de enfermedad en individuos en situación de IP.

  20. Evaluation of Electrostatic Force on Bipolar Charged Electret

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sonoda, K; Minami, K; Miwatani, N; Fujita, T; Kanda, K; Maenaka, K


    This paper presents an evaluation of an electrostatic vibration energy harvester with the bipolar charged electret. The energy harvester with the size of 13 × 12 × 1.2 mm 3 was fabricated. The output power of the bipolar charged with ±250 V harvester was 9 μW when the acceleration was 1.4 g at 352 Hz with 0.9 MΩ load resistance. The effectiveness against the velocity-damped resonant-generator (VDRG) limit was 2.5%. The electrostatic forces of the actual device with DC bias, which simulates charged electret with monopolar and bipolar were experimentally and numerically verified. We estimated the electrostatic force by measuring the vibration amplitude versus applied acceleration of the electret mass. As a result, we investigated the bipolar charged device can reduce the effect of electrostatic force as low as no bias condition. The numerical model of the energy harvester considering the electrostatic force by FEM static analysis was also established. The comparison between the numerical model and the measurement results showed a similar inclination

  1. [Psychoeducation and interpersonal and social rhythm therapy for bipolar disorder]. (United States)

    Mizushima, Hiroko


    In treating bipolar disorder, specific psychotherapies in adjunct to pharmacotherapy have been shown to be effective in preventing new episodes and treating depressive episodes. Among those, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) developed by Frank, amalgamation of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) with behavioral therapy focused on social rhythm has been shown to be an efficacious adjunct to mediation in preventing new episodes in bipolar I patients and in treating depression in bipolar I arid II disorder. IPSRT has also been shown to enhance total functioning, relationship functioning and life satisfaction among patients with bipolar disorder, even after pretreatment functioning and concurrent depression were covaried. IPSRT was designed to directly address the major pathways to recurrence in bipolar disorder, namely medication nonadherence, stressful life events, and disruptions in social rhythms. IPT, originated by Klerman et al., is a strategic time-limited psychotherapy focused on one or two of four current interpersonal problem areas (ie, grief, interpersonal role disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal dificits). In IPSRT, the fifth problem area "grief for the lost healthy self" has been added in order to promote acceptance of the diagnosis and the need for life-long treatment. Social rhythm therapy is a behavioral approach aiming at increasing regularity of social rhythms using the Social Rhythm Metric (SRM), a chart to record daily social activities including how stimulating they were, developed from observation that disruptions in social rhythms often trigger affective episodes in patients with bipolar disorder. IPSRT also appears to be a promising intervention for a subset of individuals with bipolar II depression as monotherapy for the acute treatment.

  2. The Reciprocal Relationship between Bipolar Disorder and Social Interaction: A Qualitative Investigation. (United States)

    Owen, Rebecca; Gooding, Patricia; Dempsey, Robert; Jones, Steven


    Evidence suggests that social support can influence relapse rates, functioning and various clinical outcomes in people with bipolar disorder. Yet 'social support' is a poorly defined construct, and the mechanisms by which it affects illness course in bipolar disorder remain largely unknown. Key aims of this study were to ascertain which facets of social interaction affect mood management in bipolar disorder, and how symptoms of bipolar disorder can influence the level of support received. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 20 individuals with bipolar disorder. Questions were designed to elicit: the effects of social interaction upon the management and course of bipolar disorder; and the impact of bipolar disorder upon social relationships. An inductive thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Empathy and understanding from another person can make it easier to cope with bipolar disorder. Social interaction can also provide opportunities to challenge negative ruminative thoughts and prevent the onset of a major mood episode. The loss of social support, particularly through bereavement, creates a loss of control and can trigger mania or depression. Hypomanic symptoms can facilitate new social connections, whereas disinhibited and risky behaviour exhibited during mania can cause the breakdown of vital relationships. An in-depth clinical formulation of an individual's perceptions of how their illness affects and is affected by social interaction is crucial to understanding psychosocial factors which influence mood management. These results have clear application in interventions which aim to promote improved wellbeing and social functioning in bipolar disorder. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The relationship between bipolar-related experiences and social interaction is complex and multi-faceted. Bipolar disorder can damage social relationships and create a loss of social control via extreme mood states, but it can also offer a

  3. Bipolar disorder: Evidence for a major locus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spence, M.A.; Flodman, P.L. [Univ. of California, Irvine, CA (United States); Sadovnick, A.D.; Ameli, H. [Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada)] [and others


    Complex segregation analyses were conducted on families of bipolar I and bipolar II probands to delineate the mode of inheritance. The probands were ascertained from consecutive referrals to the Mood Disorder Service, University Hospital, University of British Columbia and diagnosed by DSM-III-R and Research Diagnostic Criteria. Data were available on over 1,500 first-degree relatives of the 186 Caucasian probands. The purpose of the analyses was to determine if, after correcting for age and birth cohort, there was evidence for a single major locus. Five models were fit to the data using the statistical package SAGE: (1) dominant, (2) recessive, (3) arbitrary mendelian inheritance, (4) environmental, and (5) no major effects. A single dominant, mendelian major locus was the best fitting of these models for the sample of bipolar I and II probands when only bipolar relatives were defined as affected (polygenic inheritance could not be tested). Adding recurrent major depression to the diagnosis {open_quotes}affected{close_quotes} for relatives reduced the evidence for a major locus effect. Our findings support the undertaking of linkage studies and are consistent with the analyses of the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) Collaborative Study data by Rice et al. and Blangero and Elston. 39 refs., 4 tabs.

  4. Social dysfunction in bipolar disorder: pilot study. (United States)

    de Almeida Rocca, Cristiana Castanho; de Macedo-Soares, Marcia Britto; Gorenstein, Clarice; Tamada, Renata Sayuri; Issler, Cilly Kluger; Dias, Rodrigo Silva; Schwartzmann, Angela Maria; Lafer, Beny


    The purpose of the present study was to assess the social skills of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. A group of 25 outpatients with bipolar disorder type I were evaluated in comparison with a group of 31 healthy volunteers who were matched in terms of level of education, age, sex and intelligence. Both groups were assessed using a self-report questionnaire, the Brazilian Inventario de Habilidades Sociais (IHS, Social Skills Inventory). Two Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale subtests (Picture Arrangement and Comprehension) were also used in order to assess subject ability to analyse social situations and to make judgements, respectively. Patients with bipolar disorder had lower IHS scores for the domains that assessed conversational skills/social self-confidence and social openness to new people/situations. Patients with anxiety disorders had high scores for the domain that assessed self-confidence in the expression of positive emotions. No differences were found between patients and controls in performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Picture Arrangement and Comprehension subtests. Euthymic patients with bipolar disorder present inhibited and overattentive behaviour in relation to other people and their environment. This behaviour might have a negative impact on their level of social functioning and quality of life.

  5. N-acetyl Aspartate Levels in Adolescents With Bipolar and/or Cannabis Use Disorders (United States)

    Bitter, Samantha M.; Weber, Wade A.; Chu, Wen-Jang; Adler, Caleb M.; Eliassen, James C.; Strakowski, Stephen M.; DelBello, Melissa P.


    Objective Bipolar and cannabis use disorders commonly co-occur during adolescence, and neurochemical studies may help clarify the pathophysiology underlying this co-occurrence. This study compared metabolite concentrations in the left ventral lateral prefrontal cortex among: adolescents with bipolar disorder (bipolar group; n=14), adolescents with a cannabis use disorder (cannabis use group, n=13), adolescents with cannabis use and bipolar disorders (bipolar and cannabis group, n=25), and healthy adolescents (healthy controls, n=15). We hypothesized that adolescents with bipolar disorder (with or without cannabis use disorder) would have decreased N-acetyl aspartate levels in the ventral lateral prefrontal cortex compared to the other groups, and that the bipolar and cannabis group would have the lowest N-acetyl aspartate levels of all groups. Methods N-acetyl aspartate concentrations in the left ventral lateral prefrontal cortex were obtained using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Results Adolescents with bipolar disorder showed significantly lower left ventral lateral prefrontal cortex N-acetyl aspartate levels, but post-hoc analyses indicated that this was primarily due to increased N-acetyl aspartate levels in the cannabis group. The cannabis use disorder group had significantly higher N-acetyl aspartate levels compared to the bipolar disorder and the bipolar and cannabis groups (p=0.0002 and p=0.0002, respectively). Pearson correlations revealed a significant positive correlation between amount of cannabis used and N-acetyl aspartate concentrations. Conclusions Adolescents with cannabis use disorder showed higher levels of N-acetyl aspartate concentrations that were significantly positively associated with the amount of cannabis used; however, this finding was not present in adolescents with comorbid bipolar disorder. PMID:24729763

  6. Elevated left mid-frontal cortical activity prospectively predicts conversion to bipolar I disorder (United States)

    Nusslock, Robin; Harmon-Jones, Eddie; Alloy, Lauren B.; Urosevic, Snezana; Goldstein, Kim; Abramson, Lyn Y.


    Bipolar disorder is characterized by a hypersensitivity to reward-relevant cues and a propensity to experience an excessive increase in approach-related affect, which may be reflected in hypo/manic symptoms. The present study examined the relationship between relative left-frontal electroencephalographic (EEG) activity, a proposed neurophysiological index of approach-system sensitivity and approach/reward-related affect, and bipolar course and state-related variables. Fifty-eight individuals with cyclothymia or bipolar II disorder and 59 healthy control participants with no affective psychopathology completed resting EEG recordings. Alpha power was obtained and asymmetry indices computed for homologous electrodes. Bipolar spectrum participants were classified as being in a major/minor depressive episode, a hypomanic episode, or a euthymic/remitted state at EEG recording. Participants were then followed prospectively for an average 4.7 year follow-up period with diagnostic interview assessments every four-months. Sixteen bipolar spectrum participants converted to bipolar I disorder during follow-up. Consistent with hypotheses, elevated relative left-frontal EEG activity at baseline 1) prospectively predicted a greater likelihood of converting from cyclothymia or bipolar II disorder to bipolar I disorder over the 4.7 year follow-up period, 2) was associated with an earlier age-of-onset of first bipolar spectrum episode, and 3) was significantly elevated in bipolar spectrum individuals in a hypomanic episode at EEG recording. This is the first study to identify a neurophysiological marker that prospectively predicts conversion to bipolar I disorder. The fact that unipolar depression is characterized by decreased relative left-frontal EEG activity suggests that unipolar depression and vulnerability to hypo/mania may be characterized by different profiles of frontal EEG asymmetry. PMID:22775582

  7. Ion transport Modeling in a Bipolar Membrane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jung Soo; Park, Kwang Heon; Kim, Kwang Wook


    The COL(Carbonate-based Oxidative Leaching) process is an environmentally-friendly technique for collecting only uranium from spent fuel with oxidation leaching/ precipitation of carbonate solution. The bipolar membrane used for the electrolyte circulation of the salt used in the COL process is a special form of ion exchange membrane which combines CEM(cation exchange membrane) and AEM(anion exchange membrane). After arranging positive ion exchange layer toward negative terminal and positive ion exchange layer toward positive terminal, then supply electricity, water molecules are decomposed into protons and hydroxyl ions by a strong electric field in the transition region inside bipolar membrane.1) In this study, a theoretical approach to increase the efficiency of Na + and NO3 - ion collecting device using bipolar membrane was taken and simulating using the COMSOL program was tried. The details of results are also discussed

  8. Concurrent hypokalemic periodic paralysis and bipolar disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chia-Lin Lin


    Full Text Available Primary periodic paralysis is a rare autosomal dominant disorder of ion-channel dysfunction, manifested by episodic flaccid paresis secondary to abnormal sarcolemma excitability. Membrane destabilization involving Na, K-ATPase has been hypothesized to be a biological etiology of the bipolar disorder (BD and the mechanisms underlying lithium therapy have been linked to it. To date, there has been only one reported case of BD comorbid with periodic paralysis. Herein, we reported another case of concurrent bipolar mania and hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HPP, one special form of periodic paralysis. Consistent with the previous case, our patient responded well to lithium treatment for both bipolar mania and HPP. This might provide some support to the hypothesis that the therapeutic effects of lithium in both BD and HPP could be due to the correction of the underlying common pathophysiology.

  9. Estudo do comportamento de materiais não convencionais utilizados como revestimento de paredes, visando à redução da carga térmica.


    Sousa, Vívian Aparecida Lima


    A presente dissertação estudou o compartamento térmico, físico e mecânico das argamassas de revestimentos compostas por gesso puro, gesso/EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer) e gesso/vermiculita aplicadas nas superficies das paredes de edificação visando à redução da carga térmica relativamente às paredes convencionais constituídas de tijolos de cerâmica e argamassas de cimento-areia, tomadas como referência. O objetivo foi obter um material capaz de reduzir a carga térmica e, por conseguin...

  10. Avaliação de ensaio molecular para determinação de carga viral em indivíduos sorologicamente negativos para o HIV-1


    Pereira,José Moreira; Silva,Cirley Santos da; Porto,Luís Fernando Bruzzi; Póvoa,Luiz Gallotti; Moreira,Aline Santos; Alves,Jorge Roberto


    O teste de carga viral foi concebido para acompanhar a evolução e o tratamento do paciente com diagnóstico confirmado de HIV-1. Contudo, sua especificidade diagnóstica não foi ainda avaliada em pessoas que apresentam um teste sorológico negativo. Mesmo assim, ele tem sido erroneamente utilizado para o diagnóstico da infecção primária pelo HIV-1. Este trabalho relata quatro pacientes em que a carga viral plasmática NucliSens (Organon Teknika) foi repetidamente positiva na ausência de anticorpo...

  11. Recognizing thyrotoxicosis in a patient with bipolar mania: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lee Catherine


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A thyroid stimulating hormone level is commonly measured in patients presenting with symptoms of mania in order to rule out an underlying general medical condition such as hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis. Indeed, many cases have been reported in which a patient is initially treated for bipolar mania, but is later found to have a thyroid condition. Several case reports have noted the development of a thyroid condition in bipolar patients either on lithium maintenance treatment or recently on lithium treatment. Case presentation We review a case in which a patient with a long history of bipolar disorder presents with comorbid hyperthyroidism and bipolar mania after recent discontinuation of lithium treatment. Conclusion Physicians should consider a comorbid hyperthyroidism in bipolar manic patients only partially responsive to standard care treatment with a mood stabilizer and antipsychotic.

  12. The Dutch Bipolar Offspring Study : 12-Year Follow-Up

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mesman, Esther; Nolen, Willem A.; Reichart, Catrien G.; Wals, Marjolein; Hillegers, Manon N. J.

    Objective: Offspring of bipolar parents have a genetically increased risk of developing mood disorders. In a longitudinal study, the authors followed a bipolar offspring cohort from adolescence into adulthood to determine the onset, prevalence, and early course of mood disorders and other

  13. The complexity of bipolar and borderline personality: an expression of 'emotional frailty'? (United States)

    McDermid, Joanna; McDermid, Robert C


    The purpose of this article is to review recent findings regarding the comorbidity of bipolar disorder with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The conceptualization of the comorbid condition is explored in the context of complexity theory. Recent studies highlight distinguishing features between the two disorders. The course of illness of the comorbid condition is generally considered to be more debilitating than bipolar disorder alone. Some of the differentiating features of bipolar disorder and BPD are highlighted. It is also crucial to consider a co-morbid diagnosis as worse outcomes may be anticipated than for bipolar disorder alone. The concept of 'emotional frailty' is introduced and the comorbid bipolar disorder-BPD condition is considered an expression of this syndrome.

  14. Oxcarbazepine in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Vasudev, A; Macritchie, K; Watson, S; Geddes, J R; Young, A H


    Some studies have suggested that oxcarbazepine has a role in preventing episode recurrence in bipolar affective disorder. This review attempted to investigate the existing evidence from randomised controlled trials for its use in the maintenance treatment of this illness. To review the efficacy of oxcarbazepine, relative to placebo and other agents, in the prevention of affective episodes of bipolar affective disorder. The efficacy of oxcarbazepine was considered in terms of episode recurrence, general and social functioning. Adverse effects, overall acceptability to participants and mortality were also considered. CCDANCTR-Studies and CCDANCTR-References were searched on 7/11/2007. Medline, CENTRAL, EMBASE and PsycINFO were searched in March 2007. Specialist journals and conference proceedings were handsearched. Reference lists of relevant papers and major textbooks of affective disorder were checked. Authors, experts in the field and pharmaceutical companies were contacted requesting information on published or unpublished trials. Randomised controlled trials comparing oxcarbazepine with placebo or alternative agents, where the stated intent of intervention was the maintenance treatment of bipolar affective disorder were sought. Participants with bipolar disorder, male and female, of all ages, were included. Data were extracted from the original reports individually by two review authors. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed individually by two review authors. The main outcomes were the efficacy of oxcarbazepine maintenance treatment in preventing or attenuating further episodes of bipolar affective disorder (including its efficacy in rapid cycling disorder), the acceptability of oxcarbazepine treatment to participants, the prevalence of side-effects, and mortality, if any, on oxcarbazepine treatment. Where appropriate, data concerning outcome measures and adverse effects were to be extracted from the studies and analysed using Review

  15. [Creativity and bipolar disorder]. (United States)

    Maçkalı, Zeynep; Gülöksüz, Sinan; Oral, Timuçin


    The relationship between creativity and bipolar disorder has been an intriguing topic since ancient times. Early studies focused on describing characteristics of creative people. From the last quarter of the twentieth century, researchers began to focus on the relationship between mood disorders and creativity. Initially, the studies were based on biographical texts and the obtained results indicated a relationship between these two concepts. The limitations of the retrospective studies led the researchers to develop systematic investigations into this area. The systematic studies that have focused on artistic creativity have examined both the prevalence of mood disorders and the creative process. In addition, a group of researchers addressed the relationship in terms of affective temperaments. Through the end of the 90's, the scope of creativity was widened and the notion of everyday creativity was proposed. The emergence of this notion led researchers to investigate the associations of the creative process in ordinary (non-artist) individuals. In this review, the descriptions of creativity and creative process are mentioned. Also, the creative process is addressed with regards to bipolar disorder. Then, the relationship between creativity and bipolar disorder are evaluated in terms of aforementioned studies (biographical, systematic, psychobiographical, affective temperaments). In addition, a new model, the "Shared Vulnerability Model" which was developed to explain the relationship between creativity and psychopathology is introduced. Finally, the methodological limitations and the suggestions for resolving these limitations are included.

  16. The continuum between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. (United States)

    Elisei, Sandro; Anastasi, Serena; Verdolini, Norma


    Several studies have been carried out regarding the possible overlap between Bipolar Disorder and borderline personality disorder. Up to now, it is not possible to provide a definitive picture. In fact, there is currently significant debate about the relationship between Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. MEDLINE searches were performed to identify the latest studies of these disorders, considering psychodynamic aspects. Bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder share common clinical features, namely affective instability and impulsivity which however differ in quality. Consequently, to better understand these aspects, it is necessary to trace the stages of childhood psychological development. It has been claimed that Bipolar Disorder Type II can be divided into two subtypes: one stable and functional between episodes and one unstable between episodes which is related to Borderline Personality Disorder. However, better diagnostic theories, psychiatrist's empathy and patience remain the essential tool to understand and to face human suffering.

  17. Prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in 875 patients with bipolar disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    McElroy, Susan L.; Frye, Mark A.; Hellemann, Gerhard; Altshuler, Lori; Leverich, Gabriele S.; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E.; Nolen, Willem A.; Kupka, Ralph; Post, Robert M.

    Objective: Relatively little is known about the co-occurrence of bipolar and eating disorders. We therefore assessed the prevalence and clinical correlates of eating disorders in 875 patients with bipolar disorder. Method: 875 outpatients with DSM-IV bipolar I or II disorder were evaluated with

  18. Neurofunctional changes in adolescent cannabis users with and without bipolar disorder. (United States)

    Bitter, Samantha M; Adler, Caleb M; Eliassen, James C; Weber, Wade A; Welge, Jeffrey A; Burciaga, Joaquin; Shear, Paula K; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P


    To compare regional brain activation among adolescents with bipolar disorder and co-occurring cannabis use disorder. Cross-sectional study. Cincinnati, OH, USA. Adolescents with bipolar disorder (BP, n = 14), adolescents with cannabis use disorder (MJ, n = 13), adolescents with co-occurring cannabis use and bipolar disorders (BPMJ, n = 25) and healthy adolescents (HC, n = 15). Cannabis craving, substance use, Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) signal assessed by the Marijuana Craving Questionnaire (MCQ), Teen-Addiction Severity Index (T-ASI) and a cannabis cue-reactivity task during a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) session, respectively. The BP group exhibited significantly greater brain activation than the BPMJ group in the right amygdala (F = 4.14, P = 0.046), left nucleus accumbens (F = 3.8, P = 0.02), left thalamus (F = 3.8, P adolescents with comorbid cannabis use do not exhibit the same over-activation of the regions involved in emotional processing as seen in adolescents with bipolar disorder alone. The absence of these findings in patients with comorbid bipolar and cannabis use disorders suggests that these individuals may have a unique endophenotype of bipolar disorder or that cannabis use may alter brain activation uniquely in bipolar disorder patients who use cannabis. © 2014 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  19. Voice analysis as an objective state marker in bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faurholt-Jepsen, M.; Busk, Jonas; Frost, M.


    Changes in speech have been suggested as sensitive and valid measures of depression and mania in bipolar disorder. The present study aimed at investigating (1) voice features collected during phone calls as objective markers of affective states in bipolar disorder and (2) if combining voice...... features, automatically generated objective smartphone data on behavioral activities and electronic self-monitored data were collected from 28 outpatients with bipolar disorder in naturalistic settings on a daily basis during a period of 12 weeks. Depressive and manic symptoms were assessed using...... and electronic self-monitored data increased the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of classification of affective states slightly. Voice features collected in naturalistic settings using smartphones may be used as objective state markers in patients with bipolar disorder....

  20. Increased risk of hyperthyroidism among patients hospitalized with bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Anders F; Kessing, Lars V


    OBJECTIVES: Hyperthyroidism has been associated with affective disorder in many cross-sectional studies, but longitudinal studies in this connection are scarce. We assessed whether hospitalization with depressive disorder or bipolar disorder was a risk factor for development of hyperthyroidism....... METHODS: We conducted a historical cohort study using the Danish register data. The observational period was 1977--99. Three study cohorts were identified: all patients with a first hospital admission with resulting index discharge diagnoses of depression, bipolar disorder, or osteoarthritis. The risks...... with depressive disorder did not have an increased risk of hyperthyroidism, whereas patients with bipolar disorder had an increased of risk on the margin of statistical significance, when compared to patients with osteoarthritis. Patients with bipolar disorder had a significantly increased risk of hyperthyroidism...