
Sample records for afectados por sales

  1. Enfermedad cardiovascular en pacientes cubanos afectados por Ataxia de Friedreich.


    Tania Cruz Mariño; Ana Luz Portelles Caminero; William Áreas Zalazar; Luís Velázquez Pérez


    Al describir la ataxia de Friedreich, Nicholaus hizo referencia a la patología cardiaca. Esta enfermedad autosómica recesiva se debe a una mutación dinámica en el gen FRDA, codificándose deficientemente la proteína Frataxina, conduciendo a estrés oxidativo y muerte celular cardiaca. La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de describir las anomalías cardiovasculares presentes en los pacientes cubanos afectados por ataxia de Friedreich. A los individuos con diagnóstico molecular...

  2. Estado nutricional de niños afectados por fisuras labiopalatinas

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    Carlos Evaristo Zamora Linares

    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de malnutrición en niños afectados por fisuras del labio asociadas a paladar hendido. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal. La muestra consistió en 86 pacientes de edad comprendida entre 1 y 15 años, que fueron atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico "Hermanos Cordové" de Manzanillo, Cuba, entre 1995 y 2010. Resultados: predominó la desnutrición moderada, y los mayores índices se observaron en el grupo de menor edad. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de desnutrición en este grupo resultó menor que la encontrada en otras muestras tomadas de poblaciones "normales".

  3. Indemnización de perjuicios a los afectados por acuerdos de cartel y las investigaciones por violación al régimen de competencia: concurrencia de acciones civiles y administrativas


    López Corzo, Juan Fernando


    El régimen jurídico de la competencia y en especial, la regulación sobre conductas anticompetitivas afronta la dualidad de penalizar la conducta y el resarcimiento de los afectados. Es claro que el mayor beneficiado de la competencia en el mercado es el consumidor, y el mayor afectado cuando se viola dicho régimen. Las investigaciones para su penalización son realizadas por la SIC como autoridad residual, pero no tiene la capacidad de resarcir a los afectados, la cual debe ser llevada ante la...

  4. Efectividad de la acupuntura con tachuela en afectados por epicondilitis

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    Mercedes Gay Muguercia


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención terapéutica en 20 pacientes con epicondilitis, remitidos de la consulta de Ortopedia al Departamento de Medicina Natural Tradicional del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, de septiembre a diciembre de 2012, con vistas a determinar la efectividad de la acupuntura con tachuela en ellos. Los afectados fueron valorados y, de forma aleatoria, se les distribuyó en 2 grupos de 10 integrantes cada uno: el de estudio, que recibió acupuntura (agujas de 0,2 mm de forma permanente en los puntos Ashi y en el IG-11, y el de control, tratado convencionalmente con antiinflamatorios y analgésicos. Luego de aplicadas las terapias, los pacientes fueron valorados a los 5, 10 y 15 días, teniendo en cuenta el cuadro clínico dado por dolor, inflamación e impotencia funcional. La regresión de los síntomas se evaluó por la escala visual analógica, y se obtuvo una efectividad marcada del tratamiento con acupuntura en relación con el medicamentoso

  5. Actividad biológica y enzimática en suelos afectados por sales del Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén Biological and enzymatic activities in salts affected soils from Alto Valle de Río Negro and Neuquén

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    P. Gili


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estudiaron los cambios que provocó el lavado de cinco suelos afectados por sales sobre la actividad biológica (número de bacterias g-1y producción de CO2 y enzimática (catalasa, deshidrogenasa, ureasa y fosfotriesterasa de los mismos. El lavado disminuyó la conductividad eléctrica (CE y modificó el tipo de sales dominantes en los suelos. La producción de CO2 y la actividad de la fosfotriesterasa fue significativamente mayor (pChanges in the biological activity (number of bacteria g-1and CO2 production and in the enzymatic activity (catalase, deshidrogenase, urease and phosphotriesterase caused by the leaching of five soils affected by salts have been studied. The leaching decreased the electric conductivity (CE and modified the type of dominant salts in the soils. Production of CO2and the activity of the phosphotriesterase was significantly higher (p<0,05 in a leached soil (Torrifluventes Typical Centennial; the increment were 88% and 71%, respectively. The results showed that the decrease of the salinity by leaching did not produce significantly different results in most of the biotic parameters analised.

  6. Indicadores del estrés oxidativo en pacientes afectados por VIH/sida con manifestaciones reumatológicas

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    Olga Pomier Suárez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el estrés oxidativo se ha reconocido como cofactor en la progresión de la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH y en las manifestaciones reumatológicas. Objetivo: valorar los indicadores del estrés oxidativo en los pacientes afectados por VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas. Métodos: se estudiaron 31 pacientes VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas y se compararon los índices evaluados con un grupo control, 31 individuos aparentemente sanos. Los pacientes fueron clasificados según los siguientes criterios de actividad: escala de actividad de la enfermedad para manifestaciones reumatológicas, e índice de actividad de enfermedad y la escala visual analógica de dolor nocturno para manifestaciones reumatológicas. Las concentraciones plasmáticas de los indicadores de estrés oxidativo fueron cuantificadas mediante técnicas espectrofotométricas y el análisis estadístico realizado, mediante el programa estadístico SPSS 13. Resultados: los pacientes VIH evaluados presentaron un estrés oxidativo de moderado a severo, caracterizado por aumento significativo de los parámetros indicadores de daño oxidativo y disminución de los sistemas antioxidantes (p< 0,05, con respecto a lo evaluado en un grupo de pacientes supuestamente sanos relacionado en edad y género. No se encontró significación estadística en los estudios de asociación de las manifestaciones reumatológicas, el tiempo transcurrido desde el diagnóstico confirmado de la infección por el VIH y género, conteo de linfocitos T CD4+ ni la carga viral. Conclusiones: los datos muestran que los indicadores del proceso de estrés oxidativo empleados en los pacientes afectados por VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas, podrían ser útiles en su seguimiento y tratamiento.

  7. Enfermedad cardiovascular en pacientes cubanos afectados por Ataxia de Friedreich.

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    Tania Cruz Mariño


    Full Text Available Al describir la ataxia de Friedreich, Nicholaus hizo referencia a la patología cardiaca. Esta enfermedad autosómica recesiva se debe a una mutación dinámica en el gen FRDA, codificándose deficientemente la proteína Frataxina, conduciendo a estrés oxidativo y muerte celular cardiaca. La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de describir las anomalías cardiovasculares presentes en los pacientes cubanos afectados por ataxia de Friedreich. A los individuos con diagnóstico molecular confirmatorio de la enfermedad se les realizó electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma, así como evaluación clínica mediante escalas validadas internacionalmente: ICARS y SARA. Los trastornos de repolarización ventricular difusos, los trastornos de conducción intraauricular, así como los trastornos de la función diastólica resultaron hallazgos frecuentes. El patrón restrictivo apreciado provee evidencia invivo de que la enfermedad conduce a disfunción diastólica del ventrículo izquierdo. La ocurrencia de un Infarto Agudo del Miocardio silente indica la importancia de identificar formas incipientes de afectación miocárdica.

  8. Diente más afectado por la celulitis facial de origen odontogénico en niños venezolanos

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    Gabriel Zambrano


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de celulitis facial de origen odontogénica e identifi el diente más afectado en niños con diagnóstico de celulitis facial hospitalizados en el Servicio de Infectología Pediátrica del Hospital Universitario de Caracas en el periodo 20062014. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio documental, descriptivo y retrospectivo en niños entre 1-6 años de edad hospitalizados con diagnóstico de celulitis facial odontogénica en el Servicio de Infectología Pediátrica del Hospital Universitario de Caracas en el periodo 2006-2014. Se tomó una muestra no probabilística a conveniencia, la cual quedó conformada por 310 niños quienes cumplieron los criterios de inclusión de la investigación. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de las historias clínicas de dicho servicio. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, epidemiológico y comparativo/ analítico para cumplir con los objetivos de la investigación. Resultados: la prevalencia de celulitis facial de origen odontogénico fue de 5,27% con respecto a la muestra total. El segundo molar primario fue el diente más afectado con una frecuencia del 49,5%. CONCLUSIÓN: la prevalencia de celulitis facial de origen odontogénico en comparación con otras infecciones que requieren hospitalización fue baja, el género masculino fue el más afectado, el rango de edad más involucrado con la entidad se ubicó entre los 4 y 6 años. Los dientes primarios fueron los más afectados y el diente más asociado con esta afección fue el segundo molar primario.

  9. Viviendo con VIH/SIDA: Las voces ocultas de los niños y niñas afectados


    Luz Adriana Aristizábal Becerra


    El VIH/SIDA no es solamente un problema de salud, sino también un problema social. Los primeros casos de VIH/SIDA en niños se describen en 1982 en Estados Unidos, y desde entonces el número de niños infectados y afectados continúa incrementándose, hasta convertirse en lo que en la actualidad se denota como una pandemia. Objetivo. Posibilitar un espacio para que los niños y niñas afectados por el VIH/SIDA, puedan expresar sus vivencias en torno al padecimiento propio y/o de sus padres. Metodol...

  10. Delimitación de zonas federales y áreas de amortiguamiento en ríos afectados por el crecimiento urbano como estrategia para prevenir inundaciones

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    Adrián Leonardo Ferriño Fierro


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, debido al crecimiento de las zonas urbanas y la ocupación de las márgenes de los ríos en las ciudades, vivimos en constante riesgo, invirtiendo enormes cantidades de recursos económicos en reconstrucciones y apoyo a damnificados por las inundaciones. Si bien las inundaciones son eventos naturales que se presentan en todo el mundo, sus consecuencias pueden variar según características de desarrollo histórico, socioeconómicas y culturales de las ciudades, y del respeto de las áreas hidráulicas y zonas de amortiguamiento de sus corrientes de agua. En la presente investigación, se desarrolló una propuesta para determinar áreas de amortiguamiento en ríos afectados por el crecimiento urbano para prevenir inundaciones, basada en aspectos técnicos, legales y ambientales. El caso de estudio fue el río Pesquería dentro de la zona metropolitana de Monterrey al cruzar por los municipios de García, Monterrey, General Escobedo, Apodaca, y Pesquería, Nuevo León.

  11. Micetoma por Nocardia brasiliensis: reporte de caso

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    Miriam Guevara R


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente peruano, agricultor, con una infección cutánea de origen traumático causada por Nocardia brasiliensis, que evolucionó hacia la amputación del miembro inferior afectado. El diagnóstico se realizó por examen directo y cultivo del espécimen.

  12. Estudio molecular de pacientes colombianos afectados por enanismo esencial


    Navarrete Vargas, Julie Viviana


    Los síndromes de enanismo esencial microcefálico son un grupo de enfermedades monogénicas infrecuentes que se caracterizan principalmente por talla baja extrema proporcionada de inicio prenatal y microcefalia severa. En los pacientes que formaron parte del presente estudio se investigaron variantes en el gen PCNT debido a que presentaban hallazgos clínicos compatibles con el síndrome MOPD II (enanismo esencial osteodisplásico microcefálico tipo II). Posteriormente, se amplió el estudio con...





    Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable, en una mezcla de sal con 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 700ºC - 850ºC. Los resultados de las pruebas gravimétricas mostraron una deficiente protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento protector, debido a que las temperaturas de exposición fueron mayores que las temperaturas de fusión de...

  14. Diente más afectado por la celulitis facial de origen odontogénico en niños venezolanos


    Gabriel Zambrano; Rosa Rondón; María Elena Guerra


    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de celulitis facial de origen odontogénica e identifi el diente más afectado en niños con diagnóstico de celulitis facial hospitalizados en el Servicio de Infectología Pediátrica del Hospital Universitario de Caracas en el periodo 20062014. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio documental, descriptivo y retrospectivo en niños entre 1-6 años de edad hospitalizados con diagnóstico de celulitis facial odontogénica en el Servicio de Infectología Pediátric...

  15. Estrés y afrontamiento en pacientes afectados de esclerosis múltiple. Estudio comparativo con población comunitaria


    Lara, Silvia; Kirchner, Teresa


    La Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que lleva implícita no sólo limitaciones físicas, sino también numerosos estresores psicosociales. Los objetivos de este estudio son: 1) analizar los problemas más comúnmente narrados por afectados de EM, la intensidad de estrés que les generan, el grado de control percibido sobre ellos y las estrategias de afrontamiento que utilizan para minimizar su impacto 2) contrastar el nivel de estrés, de control sobre el estresor y el uso...

  16. Dos lienzos firmados por Alonso del Arco en la parisina iglesia Saint-François de Sales

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    Delenda, Odile


    Full Text Available El inventario detallado realizado en las iglesias de París por los conservadores des Oeuvres d'Art Religieuses et Civiles del ayuntamiento de la capital francesa, puede reservar gratas sorpresas. Muy recientemente Guénola Groud, conservateur du Patrimoine y su equipo, pudieron localizar en la «Salle des mariages» de la nueva iglesia de Saint-François-de-Sales (Paris, XVIIème dos importantes lienzos de medio punto, la Adoración de los Pastores (Fig. 2 y la Adoración de los Magos (Fig. 1 firmados por el pintor Alonso del Arco (1635-1704 colaborador y discípulo de Antonio Pereda. Existen en efecto dos iglesias Saint-François-de-Sales. La más antigua, de 1873, está situada en la calle Brémontier mientras que la más reciente, construida entre 1911 y 1913, tiene su entrada principal en la calle Ampère…

  17. Caracterización fenotípica y transcripcional de mutantes afectados en la N-glicosilación de proteínas en el patógeno Candida albicans


    Cívicos Villa, Carlos


    [ES]Candida albicans es un organismo eucariota diploide que presenta reproducción asexual por gemación y un uso de codones diferente al de Saccharomyces cerevisiae (el codón CUG es traducido por serina en lugar de leucina). A pesar de no ser tan sencilla de manipular como S. cerevisiae, se han desarrollado en los últimos años las herramientas que permiten llevar a cabo en C. albicans estudios a nivel de Biología Molecular. Nuestro estudio se centra en mutantes de Candida albicans afectados...

  18. Restauración ambiental y revegetación de los terrenos afectados por una obra civil lineal. Breve análisis del control de calidad realizado

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    Canga Cabañes, José Luis


    Full Text Available The report presents the results of an experience involving quality control for the environmental restoration and revegetation of the area affected by construction of a gas pipeline over 140 km long with an execution cost of 8,000 million pesetas. A brief account is given of the most relevant details of the work and the Revegetation Project. Most of the report centers on a description of the functions of the Environmental Control and Monitoring Team, discussing the main aspects of these functions, the advantages derived from them as regards the satisfactory result of the project and the economic profitability provided by the team's presence. The most important matters to be supervised in quality control are highlighted and illustrated by the experience gained on this project.

    Se exponen los resultados de una experiencia de control de calidad de los trabajos de restauración ambiental y revegetación de los terrenos afectados por la construcción de un gasoducto de más de 140 km de longitud y 8.000 millones de pesetas de coste de ejecución. Se indican brevemente los datos más relevantes de la obra y las principales magnitudes del Proyecto de Revegetación. La mayor parte del articulo se centra en explicar las funciones desempeñadas por el Equipo de Control y Vigilancia Ambiental, comentando sus aspectos esenciales, las ventajas que de ellas se han derivado para un buen resultado de las obras y la rentabilidad económica obtenida con su presencia. Se resaltan también las cuestiones más importantes a supervisar en un control de calidad, ilustrándolas con la experiencia obtenida.

  19. La espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica (EIS aplicada al estudio del mecanismo de la corrosión en caliente por sales fundidas

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    Sandro Báez P.


    Full Text Available Las técnicas electroquímicas son empleadas para evaluar las reacciones de corrosión en sistemas acuosos, simulando condiciones reales. En la actualidad no existe un monitoreo en tiempo real del desgaste corrosivo por sales fundidas en los componentes de las calderas; por lo que se hace necesario investigar la utilización de la técnica de EIS para evaluar la corrosión por sales fundidas. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se construyó una celda de ensayos electroquímicos para corrosión en caliente y se evaluó la velocidad de corrosión de los aceros AISI-304H y T22 en un electrolito 80%V2O5-20%Na2SO4 entre 550°C y 800°C, y con la adición de inhibidores de corrosión como el MgO y el CaO, por medio de las técnicas Extrapolación de Tafel y EIS. Los resultados mostraron que los aceros, por debajo de 750°C, presentan control por difusión en la película de óxido y sobre 750°C, control por difusión en el fundido.

  20. Meningitis por Streptococcus suis


    Geffner Sclarsky, D. E.; Moreno Muñoz, R.; Campillo Alpera, Mª.S.; Pardo Serrano, F.J.; Gómez Gómez, A.; Martínez-Lozano, Mª.D.


    La infección humana por Streptococcus suis (S. suis) es una zoonosis, con un riesgo ocupacional conocido y que suele presentarse como meningitis purulenta, que tiene baja mortalidad y frecuentes secuelas de hipoacusia y ataxia. Se han publicado menos de 150 casos humanos desde el informe original de hace 30 años. Hay una reconocida distribución geográfica viviendo la mayoría de los afectados en el norte de Europa y el sudeste Asiático. En España se han comunicado dos pacientes con enfermedad ...

  1. Protector bucal por laminado a presión en paciente deportista


    Corral, Camila; Mercado, Montserrat; Latapiat, André; Veliz, Andrea; Garrido, Mauricio; de Oliveira Jr, Osmir Batista


    RESUMEN: El traumatismo dentoalveolar incluye un conjunto de lesiones que afectan a los dientes y/o estructuras de soporte a consecuencia de un impacto violento directo o indirecto. Debido a que por lo general comprometen el sector anterior generan cambios físicos, fonéticos, psicológicos y dietarios, que pueden afectar significativamente la calidad de vida de pacientes afectados por este traumatismo. Los protectores bucales son considerados la principal medida para minimizar y/o evitar estos...

  2. Increased Growth and Changes in Wheat Mineral Composition through Calcium Silicate Fertilization under Normal and Saline Field Conditions Aumento de Crecimiento y Cambios en la Composición Mineral de Trigo por Fertilización con Silicato de Calcio bajo Condiciones de Campo Normales y Afectadas por Sales

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    Ali Anser


    Full Text Available Salinity stress is a major and ever-present threat to crop production, especially where irrigation is necessary for agriculture. Two independent field experiments were carried out in natural non-saline (site-I; electrical conductivity [EC] El estrés salino es un riesgo importante y siempre presente para la producción de cultivos, especialmente donde el riego es una inevitable ayuda a la agricultura. Se realizaron dos experimentos de campo independientes en campos no salino natural (sitio I; conductividad eléctrica [EC] < 4 dS m-1 y salino (sitio II; EC = 10-13.8 dS m-1 para probar la eficacia de diferentes dosis de Si (0, 75, y 150 mg kg-1 en dos cultivares de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. difiriendo en susceptibilidad a sales: 'Auqab-2000' (sensible a sales y 'SARC-5' (tolerante a sales. El cultivo se cosechó a la madurez y se registraron varios parámetros iónicos y de rendimiento. Se observó que el aumento concomitante en número de macollas, número de granos por espiga, rendimiento de grano, y rendimiento biológico se debió a aplicación de Si bajo condiciones de campo óptimas y afectadas por sales. Se concluyó que 'SARC-5' rinde mejor que 'Auqab-2000' bajo condiciones de estrés salino. Efectos casi similares por aplicación de Si se observaron para ambos cultivares independiente de la sensibilidad a sales y su inclusión en el campo ya sea salino o no salino aumentó el crecimiento del trigo mejorando la relación K+:Na+ adversamente influenciada por el estrés salino.

  3. Tendinitis cálcica del manguito rotador y su lavado por ultrasonido


    Guiloff P, Stefan; Niedmann E, Juan Pablo; Hebel N, Esteban; Villacres C, Fabián


    Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio es describir la técnica de lavado y aspirado de calcificaciones bajo ultrasonido en pacientes afectados por esta entidad y evaluar sus resultados a corto plazo. Diseño experimental: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, con aprobación del Comité de Ética de la Institución. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda retrospectiva de los pacientes sometidos a lavado más aspirado de hombro bajo ultrasonido por tendinitis cálcica en Clínica Alemana de Santiag...

  4. Brote de faringo-amigdalítis por estreptococo ?-hemolítico grupo A


    Culqui,Dante R; Manzanares-Laya,Sandra; Van Der Sluis,Sarah Lafuente; Fanlo,Albert Anton; Comas,Rosa Bartolomé; Rossi,Marcello; Caylá,Joán A


    El objetivo fue describir un brote de faringo-amigdalitis causado por estreptococos β-hemolíticos del grupo A (EGA) en profesionales de la salud. El estudio que se transmite de persona-persona o por vía alimentaria. El estudio transversal descriptivo se realizó en 17 clientes, localizados en la misma mesa, que participaron de una cena en restaurante de Barcelona, España, en julio de 2012. Se analizaron, la frecuencia de síntomas de los afectados, el tiempo y la s...

  5. Indicadores del estrés oxidativo en pacientes afectados por VIH/sida con manifestaciones reumatológicas Oxidative stress indicators for HIV/AIDS patients with rheumatologic manifestations

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    Olga Pomier Suárez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el estrés oxidativo se ha reconocido como cofactor en la progresión de la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH y en las manifestaciones reumatológicas. Objetivo: valorar los indicadores del estrés oxidativo en los pacientes afectados por VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas. Métodos: se estudiaron 31 pacientes VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas y se compararon los índices evaluados con un grupo control, 31 individuos aparentemente sanos. Los pacientes fueron clasificados según los siguientes criterios de actividad: escala de actividad de la enfermedad para manifestaciones reumatológicas, e índice de actividad de enfermedad y la escala visual analógica de dolor nocturno para manifestaciones reumatológicas. Las concentraciones plasmáticas de los indicadores de estrés oxidativo fueron cuantificadas mediante técnicas espectrofotométricas y el análisis estadístico realizado, mediante el programa estadístico SPSS 13. Resultados: los pacientes VIH evaluados presentaron un estrés oxidativo de moderado a severo, caracterizado por aumento significativo de los parámetros indicadores de daño oxidativo y disminución de los sistemas antioxidantes (pIntroduction: the oxidative stress has been recognized as a cofactor in the progression of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection and in the rheumatologic manifestations. Objective: to assess the oxidative stress indicators in those HIV patients with rheumatologic manifestations. Methods: thirty one HIV patients with rheumatologic manifestations were studied and the evaluated indexes were compared to those of a control group made up of 31 apparently healthy individuals. The patients were classified according to the following activity criteria: scale of the disease activity for the rheumatologic manifestations, and index of disease activity and the analogical visual scale of pain at night in terms of the rheumatologic manifestations. The

  6. Evaluación de tecnologías para la recuperación de suelos degradados por salinidad.


    Zúñiga Escobar, Orlando; Osorio Saravia, Juan Carlos; Cuero Guependo, Ramiro; Peña Ospina, Julián Andrés


    La presencia de salinidad y sodio en los suelos interfiere en el crecimiento adecuado de la mayoría de los cultivos y por lo tanto constituye uno de los problemas más serios que enfrenta la agricultura sostenible. Se evaluaron una serie de tecnologías no convencionales utilizadas en recuperación de suelos afectados por salinidad según la respuesta agronómica de un cultivo de maíz. Se planteó la aplicación de 3 tratamientos alternativos: 1) Biofertilizantes, 2) Biopolimeros y 3) Electromagneti...

  7. Implicaciones de la Intoxicación por Mercurio.

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    Myriam Gutiérrez de Salazar


    Full Text Available


    El mercurio puede encontrarse en diversidad de minerales, yacimientos y en una gran variedad de estados físicos y químicos, cada uno de ellos tiene toxicidad diferente y sus aplicaciones en la industria, la agricultura y la medicina requiere de distintas evaluaciones. En Colombia es de gran importancia su estudio por el uso indiscriminado que se hace del mercurio metálico durante los procesos de “amalgamación” del oro durante la actividad minera de extracción de oro en varias zonas de nuestro país, constituyendo un riesgo tóxico para los seres humanos y todos los ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos. Estados del mercurio

    • Mercurio metálico o elemental, es usado en la extracción de oro y plata, en amalgamas dentales y en una gran variedad de elementos de medición de temperatura y presión en medicina y en la industria.

    • Mercurio inorgánico o Sales de Mercurio son utilizadas como antiséptico en quemaduras, y fueron alguna vez utilizadas como diuréticos.

    • Organomercuriales, han sido utilizados como fungicidas y antisépticos. El más importante desde el punto de vista tóxico es el metilmercurio, el cual puede acumularse en las especies acuáticas debido a la contaminación ambiental. En los años cincuenta una planta química cercana a la Bahía de Minamata (Japón descargó alta cantidad de residuos mercuriales en el mar, lo cual contaminó el plancton y el pescado que fue consumido posteriormente por los habitantes locales, originando una intoxicación masiva de características catastróficas, con 121 afectados, 46 muertos y muchos niños con daños severos en el sistema nervioso central...

  8. Evaluación de la recuperación de suelos contaminados por el vertido de aznalcóllar


    Sarria Carabalí, Margarita María; Cortés Páez, Luis Enrique; Martin Peinado, Francisco José


    Los suelos afectados por el accidente de la mina de Aznalcóllar, Sevilla (España) en 1998 fueron remediados para disminuir la contaminación generada principalmente por As, Cu, Pb y Zn. Para evaluar la recuperación de los suelos, especialmente los que se sometieron a medidas de remediación, se hizo un muestreo en tres perfiles: suelo contaminado (SC), suelo remediado (SR) y suelo no contaminado (SNC) en el sector ‘Puente de las Doblas’, 10 años después de ocurrido el accidente. Se determinaro...


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    Patricia Hernández Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se diseñó un ensayo de PCR múltiplex (6-plex que amplifica simultáneamente 6 exones del gen de la distrofina, estos exones son los que presentan mayor frecuencia de mutación. La proporción de deleciones observada en este estudio mediante el sistema 6-plex correspondió al31,25%, además el60% del total de las deleciones involucró los exones 44 al 52. Con el fin de identificar mujeres portadoras de DMD y DMB se utilizó el cálculo de dosis génica, a través de esta metodología fueron identificadas 7 mujeres como portadoras y 15 como no portadoras de deleción para los exones analizados, en este estudio no se encontró ninguna mujer como portadora de duplicación. Con la utilización de polimorfismos dinucleotídicos (CAn localizados en el interior del gen fue posible establecer inforrnación sobre el cromosoma X que posiblemente está afectado en el 63% de las mujeresanalizadas.

  10. Síntesis y caracterización análitica de algunas sales de amonio cuaternario

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    Germán Bermúdez


    Full Text Available Se describen los métodos para la preparación de las sales de amonio cuaternario correspondientes a las series Me3,  BuNI,Me2 Bu2NI, MeBu3NI, BU4NI. Las sales se prepararona partir de las aminas terciarias correspondientes y del yoduro de alquilo apropiado, usando etanol como solvente para la reacción. Los productos fueron purificados por cristalizaciones a partir de soluciones en solventes orgánicos y se secaron a temperatura controlada. Se estableció la pureza por análisis del haluro y por un método novedoso para determinar cuantitativamente el contenido del catión, por precipitación con tetrafenil borato de sodio

  11. ¿Envenenamiento por consumo de Asclepias curassavica o nematodiasis gastrointestinal en ovinos en pastoreo? Hallazgos de un estudio de caso


    Macedo Barragán, Rafael; Arredondo Ruiz, Victalina; Ramírez Rodríguez, Julia; García Márquez, Luis Jorge


    Se realizó un estudio de caso con el objetivo de documentar la posible ocurrencia de envenenamiento por el consumo de Asclepias curassavica o de casos agudos de nematodiasis gastrointestinal en ovinos en pastoreo. Se registró la densidad de población, la ubicación espacial de la maleza y el tipo de vegetación; además, se observaron los hábitos de pastoreo del rebaño y la semiología mostrada por los ovinos afectados. Posteriormente se realizó una necropsia con la finalidad de describir hallazg...

  12. Asociación entre relaciones románticas y la calidad de sueño percibida por jóvenes universitarios


    EcheverrÍa-Palacio, Carlos-Mario


    Introducción: Uno de los aspectos con mayor variación durante la adolescencia es el sueño, el cual se ve afectado por factores biológicos así como por los estados afectivos y emocionales. En esta etapa, los individuos establecen sus primeras relaciones sentimentales románticas, vínculos esenciales para la maduración de las relaciones sociales y psicosexuales. Este trabajo busca determinar la asociación existente entre las relaciones sentimentales románticas y sus características, con la calid...

  13. Factores para el escalado del proceso de producción de celulosa por fermentación estática


    Caicedo, Luis Alfonso; Da França, F. P.; Lopez, L.


    En la producción de celulosa bacteriana por el método estático, el factor de rendimiento Yp/s es afectado por la concentración de glucosa inicial y el tiempo de fermentación. Bajas concentraciones dan valores altos de Yp/s al inicio de la fermentación, mientras que altas concentraciones requieren tiempos largos para lograr valores comparables. El área superficial aumenta la producción de celulosa, pero existe una relación (área interfacial/volumen de medio) límite a partir de la cual la celul...

  14. Detección de la expansión del triplete (CTGn, en personas sanas y en familias afectadas por Distrofia Miotónica

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    Y. Gómez


    Full Text Available La Distrofia Miotónica (DM es una enfermedad de herencia autosómica dominante causada por la expansión inestable de un triplete (CTGn en la región 3' no traducida (3'UTR, del gen de la miotonin protein kinasa (MPK que mapea en 19q13.3. Es un desorden multisistémico, caracterizado por miotonía, debilidad muscular, cataratas, defectos en la conducción cardiaca, retardo mental y atrofia testicular. La forma más común es la del adulto, cuya incidencia es de 1 en 8.000, de expresión es variable, anticipación e impronta genética y cuya prevención es difícil porque al inicio de los síntomas, se tiene descendencia en la mayoría de los casos. El triplete (CTGn presenta de 5 a 30 repeticiones en la población normal, los afectados presentan más de 50 repeticiones y la severidad de la DM se correlaciona con el número de tripletas presentes. Se diseñó un protocolo para el análisis de hasta 100 repeticiones CTG, basado en PCR, para realizar el tamizaje para detectar los alelos normales en la población y pequeñas expansiones en individuos afectados por DM.

  15. Análisis de los cambios epigenéticos en la metilación del DNA inducidos por la diabetes y sus posibles mecanismos


    Perna Chaux, Angelina


    Los cambios epigenéticos son responsables de la aparición de muchas patologías humanas y sus causas son debido a factores ambientales como genéticos. Se ha descrito en enfermedades crónicas como la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (T2DM) que se caracteriza por los estados de hiperglucemia y el incremento en el estrés oxidativo que conlleva a complicaciones micro y macro vasculares, asociado a una desmetilación global del genoma. Nuestra hipótesis corresponde a que los órganos diana son afectados por ...

  16. Enfermedad por Mycobacterium simiae y "Mycobacterium sherrisii" en la Argentina

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    Lucía Barrera


    Full Text Available Se presenta información reunida retrospectivamente sobre casos de micobacteriosis originados por Mycobacterium simiae (n = 4 y "M. sherrisii" (n = 6. Los casos ocurrieron entre pacientes con sida (n = 6, historia de silicosis (n = 2 o tuberculosis previa (n = 1. Un caso se perdió luego de diagnosticado y nueve fueron tratados con esquemas terapéuticos basados en claritromicina, etambutol y quinolonas. La respuesta fue muy pobre: cinco pacientes fallecieron (cuatro eran HIV positivos, tres permanecieron crónicos y sólo uno curó. Estas micobacterias originaron 2.1% de los casos de micobacteriosis registrados en un período de ocho años. La distinción de estas micobacterias raras de otras más frecuentes por métodos moleculares rápidos, parece ser clínicamente útil para advertir sobre la dificultad que puede presentar el tratamiento. Sin embargo, la diferenciación genotípica entre M. simiae y "M. sherrisii" parecería no ser clínicamente relevante, dado que no quedaron expuestas características que distingan a los pacientes afectados por los dos microorganismos tan estrechamente relacionados.

  17. Oil sales up, gasoline sales down

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tusa, J.


    Sales of petroleum products rose by 4.3 % in 1998 compared to 1997, and totalled 9.15 million tonnes. Sales of traffic fuels increased by 1.1 %, and those of heating and fuel oil by 3.7 %. The last time sales of petroleum products were at an equivalent level was back in 1990

  18. Riesgos antrópicos generados por la actividad minera

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    Ana Violeta Argüello Mejía


    Full Text Available Las actividades productivas generan riesgos antrópicos [1] a mediano y largo plazo. La zona de estudio se ubica en las Parroquias de Pomasqui, San Antonio y Calacalí, donde se han producido riesgos debido a las actividades humanas, en este caso, por la explotación de las canteras para abastecer el mercado de la construcción del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito. La investigación propone determinar los riesgos antrópicos generados por la actividad minera. Los pobladores de la zona identifican que la minería artesanal en sus inicios constituyó una fuente de trabajo, donde sus familias también se involucraban. Actualmente, se observa que en la mayoría de las canteras se utiliza maquinaria especializada y no participan los trabajadores de la zona. Los taludes de las canteras son de 80o y 90o grados, generando amenazas para los trabajadores y moradores de las viviendas aledañas. Uno de los mayores impactos es la contaminación del aire, sin embargo, el suelo y los cursos de agua están siendo afectados por los desperdicios que produce la actividad minera. La población, que está expuesta permanentemente al polvo ocasionado por las canteras y al transporte de material, acusa enfermedades de tipo respiratorio. Así mismo, el ruido ocasionado por el transporte constituye una molestia constante para los pobladores.

  19. Procesos de evolución de la descontaminación "in situ" de suelos afectados por hidrocarburos


    Maroto Arroyo, Esther


    El objetivo de la tesis doctoral es la determinación de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa de aquellos parámetros o variables que afectan directa o indirectamente en el proceso de descontaminación de un acuífero contaminado por hidrocarburos, empleando técnicas de descontaminación "in situ", estableciendo los parámetros que definirán el rendimiento y la eficacia del sistema, optimizando en un futuro las obras de descontaminación. Se ha propuesto un modelo de descontaminación basado en las tres ...

  20. Consumo Voluntario de Forraje por Rumiantes en Pastoreo Consumo Voluntario de Forraje por Rumiantes en Pastoreo

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    José Mejía Haro


    Full Text Available The variation in voluntary forage intake is undoubtedly the major dietary factor determining level and efficiency of ruminant production. This variation is bigger and least predictable for grazing ruminants. Range ruminant productivity and efficiency is relatively low due, partly, to intake limitations; productivity could probably be increased most by increasing intake. Distension of the reticulo-rumen wall is the primary intake regulation mechanism of low-quality roughages in range ruminants, digestibility and rate of ingest passage also affect voluntary intake. Body size and metabolic bodysize as well affect intake of grazing animals. Kind and amount of supplementation, forage availability, and grazing intensity have been related to voluntary forage intake. La variación en el consumo voluntario de forraje es indudablemente el principal factor dietario que determina el nivel y eficiencia de producción en un rumiante. Esta variación es mayor y muy difícil de predecir bajo condiciones de pastoreo. La productividad y eficiencia de rumiantes en pastoreo es relativamente baja debido, en parte, a las limitaciones en el consumo; la productividad probablemente se podrá incrementar si se incrementa el consumo. La distensión de la pared del rumenretículo es el principal mecanismo de regulación del consumo de forrajes de baja calidad en rumiantes en pastoreo, aunque la digestibilidad y la tasa de pasaje también afectan el consumo voluntario. Igualmente, el consumo se ve afectado por el tamaño corporal y peso metabólico del animal, por la cantidad y tipo de suplemento ofrecido, por la disponibilidad de forraje y por la intensidad del pastoreo.

  1. Sales of diesel fuel up, gasoline sales down

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nupponen, J.


    The combined sales of petroleum products in Finland during 1999 totalled more than nine million tonnes, which was little changed from the figure for 1998. Sales of traffic fuels increased, while those of fuel oil fell. Diesel fuel sales reached a record level, while sales of gasoline continued their downward trend

  2. 21 CFR 1314.100 - Sales limits for mail-order sales. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sales limits for mail-order sales. 1314.100 Section 1314.100 Food and Drugs DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RETAIL SALE OF SCHEDULED LISTED CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Mail-Order Sales § 1314.100 Sales limits for mail-order sales. (a) Each...

  3. Caracterización molecular de la cadena gama común y Jak3 en un individuo afectado con inmunodeficiencia severa combinada

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    Pablo Javier Patiño Grajales


    Full Text Available

    La Inmunodeficiencia Severa Combinada (IDSC es una enfermedad
    de origen genético, que se puede heredar de forma autosómica
    recesiva o ligada al cromosoma X. La IDSC se caracteriza por un
    defecto en el número y la diferenciación de los linfocitos T y NK. Los
    individuos afectados desarrollan diarrea crónica, infecciones persistentes y severas como neumonía, septicemia e infecciones fúngicas.
    Estos pacientes presentan retardo en el crecimiento y pueden morir a
    temprana edad si no se realiza una terapia de corrección genética o un
    trasplante de células hematopoyéticas. Las mutaciones responsables
    de la IDSC comprometen principalmente el gen de la cadena gama
    común (γc y la proteína Jak3 que son proteínas fundamentales en la
    transducción de señales de los receptores para varias citoquinas esenciales en la diferenciación y activación de células del sistema inmune, las cuales incluyen IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9 e IL-15 (1,2.



  4. Commercial sales: the Common European Sales Law compared to the Vienna Sales Convention

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Loos, M.B.M.; Schelhaas, H.


    If the Common European Sales Law (CESL) is adopted, commercial parties will have the opportunity to choose between two international legal instruments for the regulation of their international commercial sales contracts. Whereas CESL is available to both consumer and commercial sales contracts, the

  5. Sales Education Efficacy: Examining the Relationship between Sales Education and Sales Success (United States)

    Bolander, William; Bonney, Leff; Satornino, Cinthia


    Sales education is on the rise and for good reason. Statistics say that sales jobs will continue to grow at a rapid rate over the next few years. Many universities are preparing their students to start their careers in the professional selling function through the inclusion of sales education in their business curriculum. Yet little research…


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    L. Ugaz-Soto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Gentianella alborosea como tratamiento contra esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembras. Métodos: Diseño: Estudio experimental incompleto. Lugar: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Ratas Holtzman hembras. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 32 ratas repartidas en 4 grupos (n=8 distribuidos aleatoriamente: grupo control negativo, control positivo con dieta hiperlipídica, dosis 1 (35 mg/kg y dosis 2 (70 mg/kg. Se indujo EHNA con dieta hiperlipídica (Carbohidratos: 26%, Lípidos: 59% y Proteínas: 15% Calorías durante un período de 21 días, ad libitum. Luego, se administró el extracto acuoso de Gentianella alborosea por 4 días. Finalmente, se extrajeron los hígados para evaluar las alteraciones histopatológicas del parénquima hepático. Principales medidas de resultados: Se realizó el conteo microscópico de hepatocitos afectados con macrovacuolas, y los resultados fueron comparados mediante las pruebas de ANOVA (p<0,05 y HSD de Tukey (p<0,05. Resultados: Se encontró diferencias significativas (p<0.05 en el porcentaje de hepatocitos afectados entre los grupos dosis 1 (3.25 ± 2.27 y el control positivo (7.50 ± 3.76. Además, no se encontró diferencia significativa entre los grupos dosis 1 y dosis 2. Conclusiones: No se pudo determinar el efecto de Gentianella alborosea sobre la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembra, por lo que se recomiendan estudios posteriores.

  7. Diseño de un banco de pruebas para el estudio de daños causados por fod’s - Design of a Test Bench for the Study of Damage Caused by Fod’s


    Fabio Alejandro Merchán Rincón; David Steven Bocarejo Ibáñez; Jhoham Josué Rojas Pulido


    La industria Aeronáutica Colombiana actualmente está enfocada en la reparación de componentes, afectados por el impacto de objetos extraños durante su ciclo normal de vuelo, con el propósito de mantener una aeronavegabilidad continuada; por ello, es importante conocer los daños posibles que pueden ocurrir en la aeronave producto de su impacto con el objeto extraño (foD). por lo anterior, se diseñó un banco de pruebas que recreará los daños y afectaciones en la estructura, simulando el impacto...

  8. Sales de calcio mejoran vida de anaquel y aceptabilidad general de papaya (Carica papaya L. var. Maradol fresca cortada

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    Nayely Leyva López


    Full Text Available Las tendencias actuales de los consumidores por alimentos sanos y de conveniencia promueven un mayor consumo de frutas y hortalizas, donde destacan productos frescos cortados. Sin embargo, por su naturaleza estos productos pueden ser muy susceptibles a diferentes alteraciones que afectan su calidad. El uso de aditivos como sales de calcio representa una alternativa tecnológica para mantener, o incluso mejorar, la calidad durante su vida de anaquel. Por lo anterior el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de sales de calcio en papaya fresca cortada sobre la calidad física, química, microbiológica, nutracéutica y sensorial. Cubos de papaya, variedad Maradol (2 cm de arista fueron tratados con lactato y cloruro de calcio al 1,0 y 3,0 %, bajo condiciones de inmersión por 2 min a 40 °C. Las muestras tratadas fueron colocadas en vasos de polietileno tereftalato (PET de 500 mL tapa, y almacenadas por 8 días a 5 °C. En comparación con los frutos testigo, los tratamientos a base de calcio demostraron mejorar la firmeza (~ 8 N, principalmente los frutos tratados con cloruro de calcio al 3,0 %. Por otra parte, la calidad nutracéutica (fenólicos totales no se vio afectada por el uso de sales de calcio, mientras que las evaluaciones microbiológicas demuestran condiciones de inocuidad conforme a normatividad. Se sugiere el uso de cloruro de calcio para fines de comercializar papaya fresca cortada.

  9. Sales de calcio mejoran vida de anaquel y aceptabilidad general de papaya (Carica papaya L. var. Maradol fresca cortada

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    Nayely Leyva López


    Full Text Available Las tendencias actuales de los consumidores por alimentos sanos y de conveniencia promueven un mayor consumo de frutas y hortalizas, donde destacan productos frescos cortados. Sin embargo, por su naturaleza estos productos pueden ser muy susceptibles a diferentes alteraciones que afectan su calidad. El uso de aditivos como sales de calcio representa una alternativa tecnológica para mantener, o incluso mejorar, la calidad durante su vida de anaquel. Por lo anterior el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de sales de calcio en papaya fresca cortada sobre la calidad física, química, microbiológica, nutracéutica y sensorial. Cubos de papaya, variedad Maradol (2 cm de arista fueron tratados con lactato y cloruro de calcio al 1,0 y 3,0 %, bajo condiciones de inmersión por 2 min a 40 °C. Las muestras tratadas fueron colocadas en vasos de polietileno tereftalato (PET de 500 mL con tapa, y almacenadas por 8 días a 5 °C. En comparación con los frutos testigo, los tratamientos a base de calcio demostraron mejorar la firmeza (~ 8 N, principalmente los frutos tratados con cloruro de calcio al 3,0 %. Por otra parte, la calidad nutracéutica (fenólicos totales no se vio afectada por el uso de sales de calcio, mientras que las evaluaciones microbiológicas demuestran condiciones de inocuidad conforme a normatividad. Se sugiere el uso de cloruro de calcio para fines de comercializar papaya fresca cortada.

  10. La ocupación laboral de los convivientes con afectados por discapacidades. Un análisis multivariable

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    Spijker, Jeroen


    Full Text Available As a result of deep demographic, health and social changes, as well as adjustments to public health policy that now seeks the maximum involvement of family members, the relationship between the role of caregiver and employment has observed many changes during the past decades. using the Spanish Survey on Disability, Deficiency and Health Status we investigate the relationship between co-residing with or caring for people with disabilities and employment using multivariate logistic regression analysis. results indicate that it is not gender but the role as caregiver that is the main determinant of being employed. it is also found that both roles become more burdensome at the expense of gender equality in homes that have to cope with the disability of one of its members.

    La relación entre el rol de cuidador y la actividad laboral ha cambiado mucho durante las últimas décadas, influida por la evolución del contexto demográfico, sanitario y sociológico, pero también por una política sociosanitaria que persigue la máxima implicación de los familiares. utilizando la Encuesta sobre Discapacidades, Deficiencias y Estado de Salud, y mediante el análisis de regresión logística multivariable, investigamos cómo se relacionan en los hogares la convivencia o cuidado de personas con discapacidad y la ocupación laboral de los convivientes. los resultados confirman que el determinante principal es la asunción del rol de cuidador y no el sexo, pero también se comprueba que los roles complementarios, masculinos y femeninos, se hacen más intensos en los hogares que deben afrontar la discapacidad de alguno de sus miembros, en detrimento de la igualación entre hombres y mujeres.

  11. Factores de riesgo asociados a la mortalidad por enterocolitis necrotizante

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    Vivian R. Mena Miranda

    Full Text Available La enterocolitis necrotizante es una urgencia gastrointestinal de causa multifactorial muy relacionada con el neonato pretérmino. Su elevada mortalidad radica en la falta de prevención por el médico a cualquier nivel de atención y a su diagnóstico tardío en los grupos de riesgo. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de los 63 pacientes fallecidos por enterocolitis necrotizante durante un período de 25 años en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente de Centro Habana, donde se encontró que el 71,4 % de los afectados era de la raza blanca y el 68,2 % del sexo masculino. La edad más frecuente se encontró en los menores de 3 meses de edad (36,5 % y el 46 % del total de la muestra estudiada tuvo un peso al nacer inferior a los 1 500 g. La prematuridad apareció asociada en el 55,5 % de los fallecidos y el 65 % tuvo lactancia mixta desde el momento de nacimiento.

  12. Factores de riesgo asociados a la mortalidad por enterocolitis necrotizante

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    Vivian R. Mena Miranda

    Full Text Available La enterocolitis necrotizante (ECN es una urgencia gastrointestinal de causa multifactorial muy relacionada con el neonato pretérmino. Su elevada mortalidad radica en la falta de prevención por el médico a cualquier nivel de atención y a su diagnóstico tardío en los grupos de riesgo. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de los 63 pacientes fallecidos por ECN durante un período de 25 años en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Centro Habana", donde se encontró que 71,4 % de los afectados eran de la raza blanca y el 68,2 % del sexo masculino. La edad más frecuente se halló en los menores de 3 meses de edad (36,5 % y el 46 % del total de la muestra estudiada tuvo un peso al nacer inferior a los 1 500 g. La prematuridad apareció asociada en el 55,5 % de los fallecidos y el 65 % tuvo lactancia mixta desde el momento de nacimiento.

  13. Marketing/Sales Students' Understanding of What Counts as Sales (United States)

    Hoshower, Leon; Gupta, Ashok K.


    Improper sales revenue recognition is the single largest issue contributing to financial restatements. Understanding and applying the rules of sales revenue recognition is not just an accounting problem; it is a marketing problem, too. Thus, it is important that the sales force has a basic understanding of the rules of sales recognition and be…

  14. Indultos concedidos por la Cámara de Castilla en tiempos de los Austrias

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    José Luis de las HERAS SANTOS


    Full Text Available Maquiavelo aconsejaba a los príncipes que se reservaran para sí la disposición de las materias de gracia. Este principio nunca fue olvidado por los reyes castellanos que consideraron el derecho de perdonar como una regalía. A lo largo del Antiguo Régimen se concedieron perdones reales por motivos diversos: políticos, religiosos, acontecimientos cortesanos, triunfos militares de la monarquía, o merced especial que el soberano deseó hacer a algún subdito. Por el número de afectados pueden clasificarse en generales, si absuelven a un colectivo de reos, o particulares, cuando el agraciado es uno solo. Los generales se regulaban por cédula específica que el rey despachaba al efecto. Su cumplimiento era vigilado por comisiones formadas por miembros de la Cámara, y los aspirantes a sus beneficios no necesitaban presentar solicitud personal ante ningún consejo regio, sino que siendo el caso de los incluidos en la cédula, las justicias de la causa se encargaban de su ejecución. Por está razón este tipo de indultos no han dejado huella en los archivos centrales, salvo las cédulas de concesión. Por el contrario, los individuales eran despachados por la Cámara en nombre del rey después de estudiar los autos procesales y han dejado en los archivos de la corona miles de testimonios. Estos van a ser el objeto de nuestro estudio.

  15. Identificación de mutaciones puntuales del gen de la 21-hidroxilasa en pacientes afectados con hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita.

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    Dora Fonseca


    Full Text Available lntroducción. La hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita es un trastorno autosómico recesivo debido a la inadecuada secreción de cortisol. Mas del 95% de los casos de hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita son causados por defectos del gen de la 21 hidroxilasa, CYP21A2 . Las manifestaciones clínicas incluyen la forma clásica y la forma no clásica. Objetivos. Determinar la frecuencia de las mutaciones puntuales P30L, IVS2-12AIC-G, Del 8pb, I172N, cluster Ex 6, V281L, Q318X, R356W y P453S en pacientes con hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita. Materiales y métodos. Se estudiaron 58 pacientes, de los cuales, 48 fueron clásicos y 10 no clásicos. Mediante PCR alelo-especifica y ACRS (Amplified Creation Restriction Sites, se analizaron 9 mutaciones puntuales del gen CYP21A2 y se determinó la frecuencia en la población analizada. Resultados. Los alelos afectados se identificaron en el 82,8% de los cromosomas. Las mutaciones mas frecuentes fueron: IVS2-12AIC-G (26,7%, Q318X (21,5%, V281L (12,1% e I172N (12,1%. Conclusiones. Las mutaciones mas frecuentes en Colombia son similares a las de otros países del mundo, excepto para Q318X que presentó una mayor frecuencia, pero similar a la de otros países latinoamericanos. Este hallazgo y la existencia de 17,2% de alelos no identificados puede indicar diferencia entre el acervo genético de las poblaciones. En la forma clásica perdedora de sal predominaron las mutaciones Q318X e IVS2-12AIC-G; en la virilizante simple, IVS2-12AIC-G e I172N y en la no clásica , V281L, lo cual esta relacionado con el grado de actividad enzimática. En la forma no clásica, se encontraron alelos severos en el 66,7% de los casos, lo que determina el riesgo de tener hijos afectados con la forma grave virilizante simple o perdedora de sal. Los resultados reportados permiten ofrecer asesoramiento genético y diagnóstico prenatal.

  16. La competencia comunicativa intercultural en la enseñanza de E/LE a través de la videocomunicación por web

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    Jenny García Devís


    Full Text Available En estas últimas décadas estamos asistiendo a una revolución tecnológica que ha cambiado nuestra forma de percibir y enfrentarnos al mundo que nos rodea. Todos los aspectos de nuestra vida cotidiana se han visto afectados por la aparición de Internet y el acceso masivo al ordenador personal, herramientas que han facilitado y agilizado las transacciones comerciales, las relaciones comunicativas, la investigación científica, etc.

  17. Variabilidad estacional de hospitalizaciones por varicela en el INSN, Lima-Perú

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    Edwin Miranda-Choque


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar las variabilidad estacional de hospitalizaciones por varicela. Diseño: Serie de casos. Institución: Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño (INSN del Perú. Participantes: Niños hospitalizados por varicela. Intervenciones: Se estudió las hospitalizaciones por varicela de niños atendidos en el INSN del Perú desde el año 2001 hasta el 2011, país sin implementación de la vacunación contra la varicela; se identificó a los pacientes de la oficina de estadística. Principales medidas de resultados: Variabilidad estacional de hospitalizaciones de los niños atendidos por varicela. Resultados: Se estudió a 1 566 niños hospitalizados por varicela, siendo la mediana de edad de 2 años 6 meses, 46,4% (727/1 466 de sexo femenino, mediana de estancia hospitalaria seis días (RIQ:9,4. El grupo etario más afectado fue de 0 a 2 años, correspondiendo al 55% (864/1 566. En la curva de frecuencias de hospitalizaciones por varicela por meses evidenciamos la distribución estacional, con una tendencia al incremento cada vez mayor por año. Las hospitalizaciones por varicelas con al menos alguna complicación correspondieron a 68,5%(1 073/1 566. El porcentaje de fallecidos fue 0,83% (13/1 493. Conclusiones: Las hospitalizaciones por varicela en el INSN es una causa importante de morbilidad, con una tendencia estacional, siendo más frecuente en los meses de noviembre a febrero, con el incremento cada vez mayor por año y supone una importante carga económica.

  18. Efecto de Gentianella alborosea en esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas holtzman hembras

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    L Ugaz-Soto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Gentianella alborosea como tratamiento contra esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA  inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembras. Métodos: Diseño: Estudio experimental incompleto. Lugar: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Ratas Holtzman hembras. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 32 ratas repartidas en 4 grupos (n=8 distribuidos aleatoriamente: grupo control negativo, control positivo con dieta hiperlipídica, dosis 1 (35 mg/kg y dosis 2 (70 mg/kg. Se indujo EHNA con dieta hiperlipídica (Carbohidratos: 26%, Lípidos: 59% y Proteínas: 15% Calorías durante un período de 21 días, ad libitum. Luego, se administró el extracto acuoso de Gentianella alborosea por 4 días. Finalmente, se extrajeron los hígados para evaluar las alteraciones histopatológicas del parénquima hepático. Principales medidas de resultados: Se realizó el conteo microscópico de hepatocitos afectados con macrovacuolas, y los resultados fueron comparados mediante las pruebas de ANOVA (p<0,05 y HSD de Tukey (p<0,05. Resultados: Se encontró diferencias significativas (p<0.05 en el porcentaje de hepatocitos afectados entre los grupos dosis 1 (3.25 ± 2.27 y el control positivo (7.50 ± 3.76. Además, no se encontró diferencia significativa entre los grupos dosis 1 y dosis 2. Conclusiones: No se pudo determinar el efecto de Gentianella alborosea sobre la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembra, por lo que se recomiendan estudios posteriores.



    Sipilä, Marjo


    The aim of this action based thesis was to create new sales material in English for international sales of Holiday Club Katinkulta. The material concentrates on the services offered in the spa hotel side. The spa hotel was sold to its former owner Holiday Club Resorts ltd during the thesis writing process and all sales material required updating after the ownership change. The new sales material is produced for the aid of daily sales work of sales representatives in the field of internati...

  20. Impact of Maryland's 2011 alcohol sales tax increase on alcoholic beverage sales. (United States)

    Esser, Marissa B; Waters, Hugh; Smart, Mieka; Jernigan, David H


    Increasing alcohol taxes has proven effective in reducing alcohol consumption, but the effects of alcohol sales taxes on sales of specific alcoholic beverages have received little research attention. Data on sales are generally less subject to reporting biases than self-reported patterns of alcohol consumption. We aimed to assess the effects of Maryland's July 1, 2011 three percentage point increase in the alcohol sales tax (6-9%) on beverage-specific and total alcohol sales. Using county-level data on Maryland's monthly alcohol sales in gallons for 2010-2012, by beverage type, multilevel mixed effects multiple linear regression models estimated the effects of the tax increase on alcohol sales. We controlled for seasonality, county characteristics, and national unemployment rates in the main analyses. In the 18 months after the tax increase, average per capita sales of spirits were 5.1% lower (p sales were 3.2% lower (p sales were 2.5% lower (p sales trends in the 18 months prior to the tax increase. Overall, the alcohol sales tax increase was associated with a 3.8% decline in total alcohol sold relative to what would have been expected based on sales in the prior 18 months (p increased alcohol sales taxes may be as effective as excise taxes in reducing alcohol consumption and related problems. Sales taxes also have the added advantages of rising with inflation and taxing the highest priced beverages most heavily.

  1. Escala de Estrés y Afrontamiento para familias con hijos afectados de Parálisis Cerebral


    Badia Corbella, Marta; Aguado Díaz, Antonio-León


    La evaluación del estrés en las familias con hijos que tienen alguna discapacidad resulta una tarea compleja y difícil. La Escala de Estrés y Afrontamiento para familias con hijos afectados de Parálisis Cerebral (EEAF–PC) ha sido diseñada para dar respuesta a la necesidad de ofrecer un instrumento de medición del estrés para tales familias. La EEAF–PC consta de 42 ítems y el análisis factorial ha proporcionado seis factores: características de la Discapacidad, Protección, Riesgo, Retraso Ment...

  2. Sales skills for health-care professionals: the emotional side of sales. (United States)

    Nigon, D L


    Health-care sales continues to be an area of opportunity for many laboratory professionals. For those who possess the necessary skills and the desire to enthusiastically embrace the unique challenges of a sales career, a new CLMA publication by CLMR contributor Donna L. Nigon, MT(ASCP), titled Sales Skills for Health-Care Professionals, will provide the knowledge of sales structure and techniques needed to succeed. This Sales Skills excerpt, "The Emotional Side of Sales," describes many of the emotional aspects of sales and selling, including how to handle the transition from a technical or medical role to that of sales representative, relationship building, maintaining personal and professional support systems, dealing with rejection, avoiding burnout, time management, and customer concerns. For more information about this book, please see the order form that accompanies this excerpt, or visit

  3. Ensayo piloto de biorremediación de suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos. Fase ll

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    Gloria Lucía Camargo Millán


    Full Text Available  El estudio de la biodegradación de los hidrocarburos compuestos,altamente contaminantes y tóxicos, es de interéspara la descontaminación de ambientes afectados por derramesde petróleo. Aunque este proceso se presenta demanera natural, es demasiado lento, razón por la que sehace necesario el uso de técnicas de biorremediación parafacilitar la acción microbiana sobre los contaminantes. Anivel experimental este proceso se realiza por etapas o ensayos,ya sean de laboratorio, pilotos, de campo oimplementación. Previamente a este estudio se trabajó unaetapa a nivel de laboratorio, donde se observó la remociónde hidrocarburo en un suelo contaminado de manera inducida,aislándose bacterias capaces de su degradación, loque mostró que el proceso es factible. El presente estudiocorresponde a la etapa a nivel piloto, cuyo objetivo eracuantificar la tasa de remoción de hidrocarburo en muestrasde suelo contaminadas con crudo de castilla provenientede diez terrarios, a los cuales se les inoculó bacteriastotales y bacterias Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  4. Análisis sobre la percepción y participación de los profesores de carrera y de planta de la facultad de administración en el plan de desarrollo profesoral ofertada por la Universidad del Rosario


    Luque Molano, Sonia María; Mondragón Herrera, Diana Milena; Pinzón Zambrano, Nicolás; Castro Mahecha, Javier Mauricio


    En los últimos años, la educación superior ha sufrido cambios que han influenciado directamente en la calidad educativa y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Estos procesos se han visto afectados en una evolución metodológica gracias al avance tecnológico a servicio de los estudiantes que es orientada por el cuerpo docente que a su vez ha sido partícipe en dicha evolución. Por su parte la Universidad del Rosario se ha preocupado por darle relevancia a la opinión de los estudiantes, quienes...

  5. De compras por el supermercado genético

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    Singer, Peter


    Full Text Available Should we say that selective abortion is a “powerful message that we seek to eliminate future persons”? When deaf parents want to have a deaf children, Are they crazy? Are they advocates of a culture –the Deaf culture? If genetic engineering can give us health, intelligent, and athletic childrens, why say not to this advantages? The aim of this article is not to deal with all objections that could be urged against these options; the purpose is developing a clear understanding of the central values at stake.

    ¿Estamos eliminando una cultura, la de los sordos, cuando tratamos de evitar que nazcan niños sordos? El aborto terapéutico, ¿significa que, por ejemplo, creemos que las vidas de los afectados por síndrome de Down son vidas de menor valor que las vidas “normales”? Si se permitiera la manipulación genética de los embriones ¿sería poco ético encargar hijos guapos y altos? Este artículo no aporta respuestas a estas preguntas, pero sí que plantea los términos para dar cuenta de ellas y eleva acta de lo difícil que es dar una respuesta concluyente.

  6. Sales Force Recruitment


    Flaviu MEGHISAN


    The sales plan is put into practice through the tasks associated with sales plan implementation. Whereas sales plan formulation focuses on "doing the right things," implementation emphasizes "doing things right." The three major tasks involved in implementing a sales plan are (1) salesforce recruitment and selection, (2) salesforce training, and (3) salesforce motivation and compensation.

  7. Sistema de vigilancia adaptativo basado en la coordinación de UAVs en entornos afectados por catástrofes


    Pérez Ramos, Juan Manuel


    En este proyecto se analizan los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (más comúnmente conocidos como drones) como parte fundamental para la ayuda, a los equipos de emergencia, en labores relacionadas con situaciones de catástrofe, bien sea natural o artificial. Las situaciones de desastre pueden ser el escenario ideal para trabajar con drones, debido a las ventajas que proporcionan en este tipo de entornos. Por esta razón, se diseña y desarrolla un sistema adaptativo que permita la c...

  8. Auction Sale Data (United States)

    General Services Administration — This dataset contains sale data information for Agency reported items sold via GSA Auctions® Sales. The data is for closed sales during FY2009. GSA Auctions® offers...

  9. Desarrollo de una metodología de infestación artificial de plantas de tomate con el pasador del fruto

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    Nelson Enrique Casas Leal


    Full Text Available En un diseño de bloques completos al azar se confinaron en jaulas (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.8 m dos plantas de tomate (S. lycopersicum cv. Maravilla, podadas a dos tallos, con hembras de Neoleucinodes elegantalis (una, dos, cuatro y seis adultos, y el testigo. Los tratamientos se repitieron cuatro veces. Se evaluaron por planta las variables frutos afectados por pasador (% y número promedio de orificios de entrada del pasador por fruto. Se presentaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos solo para la variable frutos afectados por pasador (%. Con la introducción de una hembra en el interior de la jaula se incrementaron en 5.29% los frutos afectados. Para obtener pérdida de frutos similar a la que se presenta en lotes comerciales muy susceptibles (50-60% se requirió la introducción de seis hembras en la jaula.


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    Roxana L. IONESCU


    Full Text Available Companies operating in a global economy that is constantly changing and developming, especially during the financial crisis and political instability. It is necessary to adapt and develop sales methods in such environment. For large companies who base their activity on sales it has become a necessity to learn different types of sales approaches because their knowledge enables them to grow the number of customers and therefore the sales and the turnover. This paper aims to exame the most effective sales methods used on the highly sensitive economic and social environment – the insurance market. In the field of insurances, the sales process is even more important because sellers need to sell an intangible product that may materialize in the future, but there is no certainty.

  11. Resultados finales del programa cubano con niños de territorios afectados por el accidente de Chernóbil


    Medina, Julio; García, Omar


    Cuba organizó y desarrolló desde 1990 hasta 2011 un programa de atención médica integral masivo y gratuito destinado a niños de áreas afectadas por el accidente de Chernóbil. Este trabajo recoge los resultados finales de este programa, al cual estuvieron vinculados cientos de trabajadores de la salud y la ciencia en Cuba y que permitió, durante más de 21 años, que se trataran y rehabilitaran en la isla un total de 26 114 pacientes, el 84 % de los cuales eran niños, procedentes fundamentalment...

  12. Sistema de alcantarillado por vacío en la Avenida de Valencia y adyacentes de Santa Pola


    Navarro Brotóns, Manuel


    Sustitución de sistema de alcantarillado común por el tipo por vacío para eliminar problemas endémicos de pueblos con alto nivel freático marino que transmiten a la EDAR, afectando el alto contenido en sales al reactor biológico.

  13. Brote de faringo-amigdalítis por estreptococo ?-hemolítico grupo A

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    Dante R Culqui


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue describir un brote de faringo-amigdalitis causado por estreptococos β-hemolíticos del grupo A (EGA en profesionales de la salud. El estudio que se transmite de persona-persona o por vía alimentaria. El estudio transversal descriptivo se realizó en 17 clientes, localizados en la misma mesa, que participaron de una cena en restaurante de Barcelona, España, en julio de 2012. Se analizaron, la frecuencia de síntomas de los afectados, el tiempo y la severidad de los síntomas, variables demográficas y alimentos ingeridos, entre otros factores. La tasa de ataque (TA en los comensales fue del 58,8% (10/17. El 60,0% (6/10 de los comensales fueron positivos para EGA. El 46,2% (6/13 de los manipuladores de alimentos suministrados en la cena presentaron síntomas. No se identificó asociación con los alimentos ingeridos. Existen evidencias epidemiológicas de la transmisión alimentaria del EGA, pero no podría descartarse la transmisión respiratoria.

  14. Editorial: Sales Strategy (2010

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    Chris McPhee


    Full Text Available The editorial theme for this issue of the OSBR is Sales Strategy. While "marketing" is everything a company does to build interest in its offers, "sales" consists of converting these offers into cash. By "sales strategy," we refer to all sales planning and process development activities leading up to the actual selling of a product or service. In his recent blog post at MaRS Discovery District, Mark Zimmerman answered a question he is frequently asked by the founders of startups: "How do we find a good sales person?" In short, his answer is "Don't." This is not meant as a slight to sales professionals, but rather, Zimmerman is advocating that companies should not equate having sales professionals to having a sales strategy. Sales professionals have a critical role to play in a company's success, but they are being given an impossible task if asked to sell something that has not been validated with customers. Zimmerman explains that sales professionals should be hired only once a company has validated that the value proposition resonates with customers and that the sales model will be effective. This lesson also applies to established companies, where existing sales staff require this same foundation to be effective. So how does a company determine whether its value proposition resonates with customers? The answer, of course, is to talk to customers. In the OSBR and elsewhere, the need for early customer input is a dominant theme in recent discussions of product development, marketing, and now sales strategy. By talking to customers, listening to how they describe their needs, and interpreting how their needs could be met, a value proposition can tested and refined. It is far more efficient and effective to iteratively refine a value proposition before attempting to sell than to attempt a salvage operation in response to slumping sales. Customer input is also a critical ingredient in developing an effective sales strategy. In this issue of the

  15. revenue management–sales relationship


    Noone, B. M; Hultberg, T.


    Revenue management and sales staffs collaborate substantially in making decisions regarding rate setting, accepting group business, and forecasting. However, according to a survey of 82 sales and revenue management executives at three hotel chains (47 revenue managers and 35 sales executives), hotels could foster even better coordination between revenue management and sales by educating each group regarding the other group’s responsibilities. This might reduce sales staff frustrations about t...

  16. Fire Sales and House Prices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Steffen; Meisner Nielsen, Kasper

    We exploit a natural experiment in Denmark to investigate when forced sales lead to fire sale discounts. Forced sales result from sudden deaths of house owners in an institutional environment in which beneficiaries are forced to settle the estate, and hence sell the house, within 12 months. We...... and the urgency of the sale also affect the average discount: Discounts are larger when house prices contract, in thin markets where demand is lower, and when the sale is more likely to be a fire sale because of financial or liquidity constraints. Late fire sales are more likely when the house price...... forced sales lead to fire sale discounts....

  17. Simulación de los shocks estructurales y coyunturales del sector turístico ern un destino canario afectado por estancamiento y declive

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    González Rodríguez, José Manuel


    Full Text Available En este artículo modelizamos la tendencia de la oferta turística en un área de la isla de Tenerife, en las Islas Canarias, cuyo crecimiento en los últimos años ha sido afectada por la conocida como fase de declive según la terminología de Butler. Utilizamos una versión modificada del “Point Matching Method” para resolver el problema deidentificación de parámetros en las ecuaciones logísticas y hemos obtenido una nueva versión de la ecuación de Bass que nos simula la tendencia real de la citada variable. Tal metodología se corresponde con la particular evolución de los diferentes destinos de atracción turística en el Archipiélago, que han completado sus ciclos de vida a despecho de intereses exógenos, asociados con la “particular” vinculación histórica de Canarias con la conocida Expansión Atlántica de ciertos países europeos. En concreto, basándonos en estudios previos podemos afrontar nuestro estudio al modo de la Teoría de la Lucha por Recursos Escasos, tal como fuera formulada por Vito Volterra. Por lo demás, los shocks de etiología coyuntural han sido enfrentados con un tratamiento de carácter estocástico, que nos ha permitido diferenciar la estructura epistemológica inicial de aquellos efectos puntuales, que habremos de asignar a la coyuntura económica de los países emisores de visitantes a nuestras Islas

  18. Role of the Sales Manager and it's Intersection with Sales Technology


    Kennelly, Stephen


    The area of sales management and technology is an expanding and dynamic field of research. Examining the impact and facets of technology in the arena of sales management has been steadily increasing over the past few decades as sales managers and industry seek to benefit from the multiple uses of technology. Large scale quantitative sales research itself in Ireland has been limited over the past 15 years and not since De Burca and Lambkin (1991) performed an analysis of the industry has there...

  19. 76 FR 174 - International Business Machines (IBM), Global Sales Operations Organization, Sales and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-74,575; TA-W-74,575D] International Business Machines (IBM), Global Sales Operations Organization, Sales and Distribution Business Manager Roles; One Teleworker Located in Charleston, WV; International Business Machines (IBM), Global Sales Operations Organization, Sales and...

  20. Morbilidad oculta por parasitismo intestinal en Lagunita, municipio Girardot, Venezuela

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    Yanelis Núñez Gómez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo de corte transversal, con el objetivo de determinar la morbilidad oculta por parasitismo intestinal en Lagunita, municipio Girardot, Venezuela; en el período de enero a octubre de 2009. El universo fue de 286 niños, lo que se corresponde con la población total del grupo de edad de menores de 15 años. De estos se seleccionaron por muestreo aleatorio simple 43 pacientes, a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario y se confeccionó una guía de observación, para describir los factores epidemiológicos que influyen en la infestación por parasitismo intestinal. Además, se les realizaron análisis de las heces fecales seriadas para el diagnóstico del parasitismo. El método estadístico fue el cálculo de las frecuencias absolutas y relativas. A través del estudio de las heces fecales seriadas se obtuvo que 27 pacientes tenían parasitosis intestinal, para una morbilidad de 62,79%, con una mayor incidencia en los niños de cinco a nueve años de edad. El sexo femenino fue el más afectado. Los factores epidemiológicos que más influyeron fueron: los malos hábitos higiénicos personales, el entorno desfavorable y el consumo de agua no potable; existió relación entre el nivel socioeconómico, los factores epidemiológicos y la morbilidad por parasitismo intestinal. Predominó la parasitosis por Entamoeba Histolytica, con 11 casos, para un 40,74%. La diarrea, las molestias abdominales y la pérdida de apetito constituyeron los principales síntomas



    Anna Galik


    This article describes sales documents in purchase and sale transactions of steam coal in Poland. In relation to introducing the excise tax on steam coal at the beginning in 2012, additional requirements appeared in documents during the sale of goods. Now the seller is obliged to issue various documents depending on the type of the buyer and the destination of goods. The article presents the coal sales documents for households, companies with no tax payment and companies with tax payment. The...

  2. Sales Role-Plays and Mock Interviews: An Investigation of Student Performance in Sales Competitions (United States)

    Mani, Sudha; Kothandaraman, Prabakar; Kashyap, Rajiv; Ashnai, Bahar


    Sales competitions provide students with opportunities to apply their understanding of sales. Despite a long tradition of scholarship on sales role-plays, the answer to what drives student performance in sales competitions remains elusive. In this research, we examine how motivation (work engagement) and ability (cognitive aptitude and…

  3. Better sales networks. (United States)

    Ustüner, Tuba; Godes, David


    Anyone in sales will tell you that social networks are critical. The more contacts you have, the more leads you'll generate, and, ultimately, the more sales you'll make. But that's a vast oversimplification. Different configurations of networks produce different results, and the salesperson who develops a nuanced understanding of social networks will outshine competitors. The salesperson's job changes over the course of the selling process. Different abilities are required in each stage of the sale: identifying prospects, gaining buy-in from potential customers, creating solutions, and closing the deal. Success in the first stage, for instance, depends on the salesperson acquiring precise and timely information about opportunities from contacts in the marketplace. Closing the deal requires the salesperson to mobilize contacts from prior sales to act as references. Managers often view sales networks only in terms of direct contacts. But someone who knows lots of people doesn't necessarily have an effective network because networks often pay off most handsomely through indirect contacts. Moreover, the density of the connections in a network is important. Do a salesperson's contacts know all the same people, or are their associates widely dispersed? Sparse networks are better, for example, at generating unique information. Managers can use three levers--sales force structure, compensation, and skills development--to encourage salespeople to adopt a network-based view and make the best possible use of social webs. For example, the sales force can be restructured to decouple lead generation from other tasks because some people are very good at building diverse ties but not so good at maintaining other kinds of networks. Companies that take steps of this kind to help their sales teams build better networks will reap tremendous advantages.


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    Fánor Casierra-Posada


    Full Text Available Dado que el agua es muy buen solvente, las aguas que se usan para riego contienen algunas sales disueltas. La salinidad restringe la disponibilidad de este líquido para las plantas mediante la reducción del potencial hídrico en el suelo. La salinidad también tiene un impacto sobre la fisiología de la producción de las plantas. Es posible observar lesiones en plantas expuestas a niveles altos de salinidad. Este ensayo fue realizado para evaluar la relación entre la salinidad por NaCl, la producción y la calidad de fruta, en los cultivares de fresa ‘Chandler’, ‘Sweet Charlie’ y ‘Camarosa’ cultivados en invernadero, en materas con suelo salinizado. Se compararon cinco niveles de la sal (0, 20, 40, 60 y 80 mM de NaCl los cuales indujeron diferentes valores de conductividad eléctrica (EC (2,68; 6,08; 8,24; 9,98 y 12,62 dS.m-1, respectivamente. Los diversos niveles de EC se obtuvieron agregando el NaCl al suelo, progresivamente. La producción y la calidad de la fruta fueron afectadas negativamente, por los tratamientos probados. De igual manera, el contenido de azúcares en los frutos fue influido por los diferentes niveles de sal. Los contenidos de sólidos solubles totales y la acidez titulable en frutas se incrementaron con el aumento en la EC. Mientras que la acumulación de la materia seca en las raíces mostró un aumento proporcional con el nivel del NaCl en el substrato, los frutos presentaron una tendencia opuesta. Aunque los síntomas típicos del estrés tales como retraso del crecimiento y la producción reducida de fruta fueron observados en los cultivares de fresa evaluados, ‘Sweet Charlie’ fue menos sensible a la salinidad.Since water is a very good solvent, all irrigation waters contain some dissolved salts. Salinity restricts the availability of water to plants by lowering the total water potential in the soil. Salinity also has an impact on crop physiology and yield. Visible injury can occur at high salinity

  5. Selling Sales: Factors Influencing Undergraduate Business Students' Decision to Pursue Sales Education (United States)

    Allen, Concha; Kumar, Poonam; Tarasi, Crina; Wilson, Holt


    With a better understanding of the typical sales student, sales educators can design and deliver curriculum with a more customer-oriented approach. In order to better understand the decision to pursue sales education, more than 500 undergraduate business students at a large Midwestern university participated in a survey that examined the factors…

  6. Influence of change in sales networks on a firm’s sales strategy


    Sandau, A. (Alexander)


    Abstract This research revolves around two major theoretical topics: international network and international sales. The study aims to combine both distinct research areas in order to understand how changes in the sales network influence the sales strategy of the firm. The focus is hereby on born global companies respectively international new ventures. ...


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    Ioana Olariu


    Full Text Available Building an effective sales force starts with selecting good salespeople, but good salespeople are very difficult to find. The reason for this is that most sales jobs are very demanding and require a great deal from the salesperson. There are many different types of sales jobs. Before it can hire salespeople, each company must do a careful job analysis to see what particular types of selling and other skills are necessary for each sales job. One task of the market planner is to establish clear objectives each year for the entire sales force, for each region, each sales office, and each salesperson. Sales jobs are different from in-house jobs in some significant ways. Nevertheless, each company must continually work on building and maintaining an effective sales force using the following steps: recruitment, selection, training, compensation and evaluation of each salesperson.


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    Anna Galik


    Full Text Available This article describes sales documents in purchase and sale transactions of steam coal in Poland. In relation to introducing the excise tax on steam coal at the beginning in 2012, additional requirements appeared in documents during the sale of goods. Now the seller is obliged to issue various documents depending on the type of the buyer and the destination of goods. The article presents the coal sales documents for households, companies with no tax payment and companies with tax payment. The purpose of this article is to present complicated and time-consuming procedures during the sale of goods, as a result of the current excise tax on steam coal. In conclusion the author identify new solutions that are beneficial for the seller and the buyer.

  9. Assessing the Potential for Interstate Conflict Between Chile and Peru: A Political Economy Approach (United States)


    Militares Peru-Chile no Se Han Afectado por Diferendo,” El Comercio , April 6, 2008. 329 Chile/Peru: Tensions Flare on Maritime Border Change.” 330 “FF...Relaciones Militares Peru-Chile no Se Han Afectado por Diferendo.” El Comercio , April 6, 2008. “Relations Falter for Peru, Chile.” Chicago Tribune...América Latina y el Mediterráneo (Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Militares: Santiago, 2000), 82. 129 “A. P. Bureau Chief in Peru is Ordered out of

  10. An Analysis of Lost Sales

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    Jeffrey E. Jarrett


    Full Text Available The purpose of this manuscript is to shed light on problems associated with lost sales and the incurring of cost associated with lost sales. An investigation is made to determine if seasonality in sales and lost sales have effects on the efficient operations of supply chains. Optimization is always a goal of management supply chains, but cost increases due to insufficient inventory, low-quality product and the like lead to customers not returning. These are lost sales that occur for many reasons. We study a data set to determine if the ignoring of time series component also has an effect on the variation in lost sales. If so, can we measure the magnitude of the effects of seasonal variation in lost sales, and what are their consequences?

  11. Fire Sales and House Prices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Steffen; Meisner Nielsen, Kasper


    This study investigates when forced sales of real estate turn into fire sales by using a natural experiment that allows us to separate supply and demand effects: Forced sales result from sudden death of house owners and are thus unrelated to current market conditions. We find that forced sales...

  12. A Sales Representative Is Made: An Innovative Sales Course (United States)

    Levin, Michael A.; Peterson, Lori T.


    Job openings for nonscientific business-to-business sales professionals will increase over the next 10 years. A small private university in the Midwest has developed an innovative sales course to help create professionals who are ready to fill this need. This article addresses the challenges of creating a meaningful, hands-on, experiential course…

  13. Editorial: Sales Strategy (2010)


    Chris McPhee


    The editorial theme for this issue of the OSBR is Sales Strategy. While "marketing" is everything a company does to build interest in its offers, "sales" consists of converting these offers into cash. By "sales strategy," we refer to all sales planning and process development activities leading up to the actual selling of a product or service. In his recent blog post at MaRS Discovery District, Mark Zimmerman answered a question he is frequently asked by the founders of startups: "How do we f...

  14. Estudio electrofisiologico en la neuropatia por Vincristina

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    Olga P. Sanz


    Full Text Available Diez pacientes afectados por diversas patologías que requerían tratamiento crónico con Vincristina, fueron sometidos a estudios electrofisiológicos en los que se valoró: el número de unidades motoras (UM funcionantes en los músculos de la eminencia tenar, los valores de los incrementos medios de UM, velocidad de conducción motora y su latencia residual en el nervio mediano, la velocidad de conducción sensitiva del mismo nervio y el estado de la transmisión neuromuscular. Los valores obtenidos fueron comparados con grupos controles. Los resultados mostraron disminución del número de UM; las UM remanentes presentaron amplitud reducida junto a otras cuyo tamaño no superaba el del grupo control, hecho que sugiere la incapacidad de lograr una reinervación adecuada. Las velocidades de conducción motora y sensitiva mostraron valores diminuídos, con mayor compromiso en los segmentos distales. Junto a estos datos se halló respuesta miasteniforme al estímulo repetitivo. Todos estos resultados permiten postular la existencia de un compromiso de la unidad motora, abarcando todos sus segmentos, en pacientes intoxicados con Vincristina.

  15. 27 CFR 11.22 - Consignment sales. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Consignment sales. 11.22... OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS CONSIGNMENT SALES Unlawful Sales Arrangements § 11.22 Consignment sales. Consignment sales are arrangements wherein the trade buyer is under no obligation to pay for distilled spirits...

  16. 32 CFR 644.544 - Negotiated sales. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Negotiated sales. 644.544 Section 644.544... ESTATE HANDBOOK Disposal Sale Procedure § 644.544 Negotiated sales. (a) To private parties. Negotiated sales to private parties are not viewed with favor. Generally, such negotiated sales will be approved...

  17. Sales promotions and food consumption. (United States)

    Hawkes, Corinna


    Sales promotions are widely used to market food to adults, children, and youth. Yet, in contrast to advertising, practically no attention has been paid to their impacts on dietary behaviors, or to how they may be used more effectively to promote healthy eating. This review explores the available literature on the subject. The objective is to identify if and what literature exists, examine the nature of this literature, and analyze what can be learned from it about the effects of sales promotions on food consumption. The review finds that while sales promotions lead to significant sales increases over the short-term, this does not necessarily lead to changes in food-consumption patterns. Nevertheless, there is evidence from econometric modeling studies indicating that sales promotions can influence consumption patterns by influencing the purchasing choices of consumers and encouraging them to eat more. These effects depend on the characteristics of the food product, sales promotion, and consumer. The complexity of the effects means that sales promotions aiming to encourage consumption of nutritious foods need to be carefully designed. These conclusions are based on studies that use mainly sales data as a proxy for dietary intake. The nutrition (and economics) research communities should add to this existing body of research to provide evidence on the impact of sales promotions on dietary intake and related behaviors. This would help support the development of a sales promotion environment conducive to healthy eating.

  18. Sales Training for Army Recruiter Success: Modeling the Sales Strategies and Skills of Excellent Recruiters (United States)


    strategies used by excellent Army recruiters. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) was used as the protocol for modeling performance and acquiring...Behavioral and Social Sciences 3001 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22333-5600 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT. TASK ARE* 4 WORK UNIT...Modeling ’Expert knowledge,, Neurolinguistics Knowledge engineering; Recruiting Sales, &’ Sales cycle Sales skills Sales strategies 20

  19. AORN sales professional course. (United States)

    Moss, R; Thompson, J


    The sales professional course "Introduction to the Operating Room" offered by the AORN Center for Nursing Practice, Health Policy, and Research is an introductory program in OR etiquette. Its purpose is to provide sales professionals a working knowledge of OR protocol for them to function appropriately in OR settings. Sales professionals who have completed this course establish mutually beneficial perioperative partnerships with OR personnel. Sales professionals' effectiveness is strengthened as a result of their newly acquired knowledge of OR protocol, and patient safety is protected. An AORN Certificate of Recognition is awarded on completion of the course.

  20. 29 CFR 779.327 - Wholesale sales. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Wholesale sales. 779.327 Section 779.327 Labor Regulations... Particular Industryâ § 779.327 Wholesale sales. A wholesale sale, of course, is not recognized as a retail sale. If an establishment derives more than 25 percent of its annual dollar volume from sales made at...

  1. Tracking sales activities in agribusiness


    Li, Jiayu


    Decisions in the sales area, including customer and product selection and margin discipline, shape profits for companies in agribusiness. Management of the sales function takes place at the organizational, managerial, and practitioner level, each of which requires data about the process. Individual salespeople benefit from better knowledge of customers (Dixon & Adamson, 2011), and sales managers benefit from understanding the activities of salespeople. Organizationally, data on sales activiti...

  2. 13 CFR 120.433 - What are SBA's other requirements for sales and sales of participating interests? (United States)


    ... for sales and sales of participating interests? 120.433 Section 120.433 Business Credit and Assistance... requirements for sales and sales of participating interests? SBA requires the following: (a) The Lender must be... include, but are not limited to, on-site review/examination assessments, historical performance measures...

  3. Intoxicación ocupacional por mercurio


    Augusto V Ramírez


    El mercurio, metal pesado ampliamente utilizado por el hombre, es muy tóxico; produce daño al sistema nervioso central, perturbaciones del comportamiento y lesiones renales. Se acumula en todos los seres vivos y no es esencial para ningún proceso biológico. La toxicidad del mercurio está directamente relacionada con su estado químico. El metilmercurio es la forma más dañina, con efectos neurotóxicos en adultos y en fetos de madres expuestas. El mercurio metálico no es menos tóxico. Las sales ...

  4. Determinants and antecedents of sales organization effectiveness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Razum


    Full Text Available The fundamental objective of this paper was to identify and analyze the main antecedents of sales organization effectiveness in order to offer the guidelines for improving the standard sales practice. In addition to the customary challenges of achieving anticipated sales results, rising pressures of the contemporary business environment underscore the importance of establishing a more effective sales organization. The aim of the empirical research was to identify the sources of effectiveness of sales organizations based on the comparison between two groups of organizations, namely, the relatively high and low performing ones. The concept of sales performance was observed through five distinct factors: sales management activities, sales force characteristics, sales organization design and sales force effectiveness with regard to the sales outcome of these organizations and their behavior. The analysis of the results led to the conclusion that the most important sources of sales effectiveness are the activities of sales managers targeted towards monitoring and rewarding. Moreover, sales managers in relatively more effective organizations reported much higher satisfaction with the design of sales territories. Sales people in effective companies are highly motivated and committed to the organization. In addition, they are also considerably better at achieving high levels of outcome performance. The research presents an addition to a number of similar studies conducted worldwide but, more importantly, it contributes to the exceptionally small number of sales management studies carried out in Croatia. For a more complete analysis it would be necessary to include the variables of the external environment and examine the potential moderating impact of product type and industry on the overall sales effectiveness.

  5. Electric sales and revenue: 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Electric Sales and Revenue is prepared by the Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration (EIA); US Department of Energy. This publication provides information about sales of electricity, its associated revenue, and the average revenue per kilowatthour sold to residential, commercial, industrial, and other consumers throughout the United States. The sales, revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour data provided in the Electric Sales and Revenue are based on annual data reported by electric utilities for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993. Operating revenue includes energy charges, demand charges, consumer service charges, environmental surcharges, fuel adjustments, and other miscellaneous charges. The revenue does not include taxes, such as sales and excise taxes, that are assessed on the consumer and collected through the utility. Average revenue per kilowatthour is defined as the cost per unit of electricity sold and is calculated by dividing retail sales into the associated electric revenue. Because electric rates vary based on energy usage, average revenue per kilowatthour are affected by changes in the volume of sales. The sales of electricity, associated revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour data provided in this report are presented at the national, Census division, State, and electric utility levels.

  6. Sales-as-Practice: An Introduction and Methodological Outline to Study Sales Work


    Geiger, Susi; Kelly, Séamas


    There are strong indications that sales practices are currently being redefined from the ground up and that many of the inherited conceptual models of selling will not hold into a future that is defined by new selling techniques and technologies. This paper introduces a research perspective that can provide an important source of insight into how sales work and salespeople are currently being reconstituted: the sales-as-practice approach. In common with 'practice turns' evident in other busin...

  7. Enhancing the Professional Mindset of Future Sales Professionals: Key Insights from a Master in Sales Transformation (United States)

    Marcos-Cuevas, Javier; Critten, Peter; Squire, Phil; Speakman, James I. F.


    Sales education has grown in importance, particularly throughout the last decade, with an increasing number of university sales centers offering programs to prepare new generations of sales professionals. In this article, we describe how work-based learning, action research, and reflective practice used in a sales master program can be used in…

  8. Sales Territory Alignment: A Review and Model


    Andris A. Zoltners; Prabhakant Sinha


    The sales territory alignment problem may be viewed as the problem of grouping small geographic sales coverage units into larger geographic clusters called sales territories in a way that the sales territories are acceptable according to managerially relevant alignment criteria. This paper first reviews sales territory alignment models which have appeared in the marketing literature. A framework for sales territory alignment and several properties of a good sales territory alignment are devel...

  9. Variations in the sales and sales patterns of veterinary antimicrobial agents in 25 European countries. (United States)

    Grave, Kari; Torren-Edo, Jordi; Muller, Arno; Greko, Christina; Moulin, Gerard; Mackay, David


    To describe sales and sales patterns of veterinary antimicrobial agents in 25 European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) countries for 2011. Data on the sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents from 25 EU member states and EEA countries for 2011 were collected at package level (name, formulation, strength, pack size, number of packages sold) according to a standardized protocol and template and presented in a harmonized manner. These data were calculated to express amounts sold, in metric tonnes, of active ingredient of each package. A population correction unit (PCU) was applied as a proxy for the animal biomass potentially treated with antimicrobial agents. The indicator used to express sales was milligrams of active substance per PCU. Substantial variations in the sales patterns and in the magnitude of sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents, expressed as mg/PCU, between the countries were observed. The proportion of sales, in mg/PCU, of products applicable for treatment of groups or herds of animals (premixes, oral powders and oral solution) varied considerably between the countries. Some countries reported much lower sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents than others, when expressed as mg/PCU. Sales patterns varied between countries, particularly with respect to pharmaceutical forms. Further studies are needed to understand the factors that explain the observed differences. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  10. Desarrollo de una metodología de infestación artificial de plantas de tomate con el pasador del fruto

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    Estrada Salazar Edgar Iván


    Full Text Available En un diseño de bloques completos al azar se confinaron en jaulas (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.8 m dos plantas de tomate (S. lycopersicum cv. Maravilla, podadas a dos tallos, con hembras de Neoleucinodes elegantalis (una, dos, cuatro y seis adultos, y el testigo. Los tratamientos se repitieron cuatro veces. Se evaluaron por planta las variables frutos afectados por pasador (% y número promedio de orificios de entrada del pasador por fruto. Se presentaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos solo para la variable frutos afectados por pasador (%. Con la introducción de una hembra en el interior de la jaula se incrementaron en 5.29% los frutos afectados. Para obtener pérdida de frutos similar a la que se presenta en lotes comerciales muy susceptibles (50-60% se requirió la introducción de seis hembras en la jaula.

  11. Caracterización clínico epidemiológica de pacientes afectados por pie diabético

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    Dania Núñez Álvarez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el pie diabético constituye un problema de salud en los pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus y se registra como la primera causa de amputación no traumática de los miembros. El conocimiento de sus particularidades clínico-epidemiológicas resulta de sumo interés. Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a los pacientes con pie diabético neuroinfeccioso en el Hospital "Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany" de Santiago de Cuba. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. El universo estuvo constituido por 96 pacientes diagnosticados con pie diabético durante el periodo comprendido entre el 2011 y el 2015. Se emplearon variables demográficas y relacionadas con factores de riesgo generales y específicos del pie diabético. Resultados: el pie diabético predominó entre la cuarta y sexta décadas de vida (24,7 % y en pacientes del sexo femenino (59,7 %. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 estuvo representada en el 52,5 %. Mientras el factor de riesgo general de pie diabético más frecuente fue la obesidad (56,7 %, la neuropatía diabética, como factor de riesgo específico se presentó en el 98,9 % de los enfermos estudiados. Conclusiones: el pie diabético predominó en la cuarta y sexta décadas de la vida y en el sexo femenino. El mayor porcentaje de los pacientes era portador de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. La obesidad, la neuropatía diabética periférica, el sobrepeso, y la hiperglucemia constituyeron los factores de riesgo prevalecientes.

  12. 48 CFR 245.7306 - Sales services. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Sales services. 245.7306... OF DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Sale of Surplus Contractor Inventory 245.7306 Sales services. When sale services are needed, the plant clearance officer will document the reasons in...

  13. 24 CFR 290.13 - Negotiated sales. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Negotiated sales. 290.13 Section... DEVELOPMENT HUD-OWNED PROPERTIES DISPOSITION OF MULTIFAMILY PROJECTS AND SALE OF HUD-HELD MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGES Disposition of Multifamily Projects § 290.13 Negotiated sales. When HUD conducts a negotiated sale...

  14. 24 CFR 1715.25 - Misleading sales practices. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 5 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Misleading sales practices. 1715.25... URBAN DEVELOPMENT (INTERSTATE LAND SALES REGISTRATION PROGRAM) PURCHASERS' REVOCATION RIGHTS, SALES PRACTICES AND STANDARDS Sales Practices and Standards § 1715.25 Misleading sales practices. Generally...

  15. 40 CFR 73.72 - Direct sales. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 16 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Direct sales. 73.72 Section 73.72... ALLOWANCE SYSTEM Auctions, Direct Sales, and Independent Power Producers Written Guarantee § 73.72 Direct sales. Allowances that were formerly part of the direct sale program, which has been terminated under...

  16. 30 CFR 256.12 - Supplemental sales. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Supplemental sales. 256.12 Section 256.12..., General § 256.12 Supplemental sales. (a) The Secretary may conduct a supplemental sale in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Supplemental sales shall be governed by the regulations in this...

  17. 24 CFR 291.90 - Sales methods. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sales methods. 291.90 Section 291....90 Sales methods. HUD will prescribe the terms and conditions for all methods of sale. HUD may, in... following methods of sale: (a) Future REO acquisition method. The Future Real Estate-Owned (REO) acquisition...

  18. 10 CFR 625.3 - Standard sales provisions. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Standard sales provisions. 625.3 Section 625.3 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (CONTINUED) SALES REGULATION PRICE COMPETITIVE SALE OF STRATEGIC PETROLEUM RESERVE PETROLEUM § 625.3 Standard sales provisions. (a) Contents. The Standards Sales Provisions shall contain...

  19. 31 CFR 56.2 - Sales price. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sales price. 56.2 Section 56.2 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance DOMESTIC GOLD AND SILVER OPERATIONS SALE OF SILVER § 56.2 Sales price. Sales of silver will be at prices offered through the competitive...

  20. Fuel oil and kerosene sales 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication contains the 1994 survey results of the ''Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report'' (Form EIA-821). This is the sixth year that the survey data have appeared in a separate publication. Prior to the 1989 report, the statistics appeared in the Petroleum Marketing Annual (PMA)for reference year 1988 and the Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM) for reference years 1984 through 1987. The 1994 edition marks the 11th annual presentation of the results of the ongoing ''Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report'' survey. Distillate and residual fuel oil sales continued to move in opposite directions during 1994. Distillate sales rose for the third year in a row, due to a growing economy. Residual fuel oil sales, on the other hand, declined for the sixth year in a row, due to competitive natural gas prices, and a warmer heating season than in 1993. Distillate fuel oil sales increased 4.4 percent while residual fuel oil sales declined 1.6 percent. Kerosene sales decreased 1.4 percent in 1994


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    Orlando Zúñiga Escobar


    Full Text Available La presencia de salinidad y sodio en los suelos interfiere en el crecimiento adecuado de la mayoría de los cultivos y por lo tanto constituye uno de los problemas más serios que enfrenta la agricultura sostenible. Se evaluaron una serie de tecnologías no convencionales utilizadas en recuperación de suelos afectados por salinidad según la respuesta agronómica de un cultivo de maíz. Se planteó la aplicación de 3 tratamientos alternativos: 1 Biofertilizantes, 2 Biopolimeros y 3 Electromagnetismo comparados frente a la propuesta: 4 Convencional con base en la teoría del USDA (United States Departament of Agriculture de enmiendas químicas (yeso - azufre. Además de un testigo absoluto (Sólo drenaje. Los tratamientos más efectivos en cuanto respuesta fisiológica y productividad fueron los biológicos con uso de microorganismos (biofertlizantes y electromagnetismo, se incluyó la estimulación electromagnética la cual acelera la actividad microbiana para disminuir el tiempo de recuperación de suelos afectados por salinidad del suelo.Salinity and sodium content in soils interferes with proper growth of most crops and therefore constitutes a serious problem facing sustainable agriculture. The objective of this research was to evaluate a series of unconventional technologies used in recovery of salt-affected soils according to the agronomic response of a maize crop. The application of three alternative treatments with Biofertilizers, Biopolymers and Electromagnetism were proposed to make a comparison with the USDA-based conventional theory approach (United States Department of Agriculture of chemical amendments (gypsum - sulfur. In addition to an absolute control (drainage only. The most effective treatments in terms of physiological response and productivity were the biological using microorganisms (biofertilizers and electromagnetism, clarifying that electromagnetic stimulation was included to accelerate microbial activity and lower soil

  2. Drivers of peak sales for pharmaceutical brands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fischer, Marc; Leeflang, Peter S. H.; Verhoef, Peter C.


    Peak sales are an important metric in the pharmaceutical industry. Specifically, managers are focused on the height-of-peak-sales and the time required achieving peak sales. We analyze how order of entry and quality affect the level of peak sales and the time-to-peak-sales of pharmaceutical brands.

  3. Key personality traits of sales managers. (United States)

    Lounsbury, John W; Foster, Nancy A; Levy, Jacob J; Gibson, Lucy W


    Sales managers are crucial for producing positive sales outcomes for companies. However, there has been a relative dearth of scholarly investigations into the personal attributes of sales managers. Such information could prove important in the recruitment, selection, training needs identification, career planning, counseling, and development of sales managers. Drawing on Holland's vocational theory, we sought to identify key personality traits that distinguish sales managers from other occupations and are related to their career satisfaction. The main sample was comprised of a total of 978 sales managers employed in a large number of companies across the United States (along with a comparison sample drawn from 79,512 individuals from other professional occupations). Participants completed an online version of Resource Associates' Personal Style Inventory as well a measure of career satisfaction. Our sample of 978 sales managers had higher levels of Assertiveness, Customer Service Orientation, Extraversion, Image Management, Optimism, and Visionary Style; and lower levels of Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Intrinsic Motivation, Openness, and Tough-Mindedness than a sample of 79,512 individuals in a variety of other occupations. Nine of these traits were significantly correlated with sales managers' career satisfaction. Based on the results, a psychological profile of sales managers was presented as were implications for their recruitment, selection, training, development, and mentoring.

  4. 40 CFR 73.73 - Delegation of auctions and sales and termination of auctions and sales. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 16 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Delegation of auctions and sales and termination of auctions and sales. 73.73 Section 73.73 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION... Independent Power Producers Written Guarantee § 73.73 Delegation of auctions and sales and termination of...

  5. Electric sales and revenue, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Electric Sales and Revenue is prepared by the Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration (EIA); US Department of Energy. This publication provides information about sales of electricity, its associated revenue, and the average revenue per kilowatthour sold to residential, commercial, industrial, and other consumers throughout the United States. Previous publications presented data on typical electric bills at specified consumption levels as well as sales, revenues, and average revenue. The sales, revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour provided in the Electric Sales and Revenue are based on annual data reported by electric utilities for the calendar year ending December 31, 1990. The electric revenue reported by each electric utility includes the revenue billed for the amount of kilowatthours sold, revenue from income, unemployment and other State and local taxes, energy or demand charges, consumer services charges, environmental surcharges, franchise fees, fuel adjustments, and other miscellaneous charges. Average revenue per kilowatthour is defined as the cost per unit of electricity sold and is calculated by dividing retail sales into the associated electric revenue. The sales of electricity, associated revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour provided in this report are presented at the national, Census division, State, and electric utility levels

  6. Understanding community norms surrounding tobacco sales. (United States)

    McDaniel, Patricia A; Malone, Ruth E


    In the US, denormalizing tobacco use is key to tobacco control; less attention has been paid to denormalizing tobacco sales. However, some localities have placed limits on the number and type of retailers who may sell tobacco, and some retailers have abandoned tobacco sales voluntarily. Understanding community norms surrounding tobacco sales may help accelerate tobacco denormalization. We conducted 15 focus groups with customers of California, New York, and Ohio retailers who had voluntarily discontinued tobacco sales to examine normative assumptions about where cigarettes should or should not be sold, voluntary decisions to discontinue tobacco sales, and government limits on such sales. Groups in all three states generally agreed that grocery stores that sold healthy products should not sell tobacco; California groups saw pharmacies similarly, while this was a minority opinion in the other two states. Convenience stores were regarded as a natural place to sell tobacco. In each state, it was regarded as normal and commendable for some stores to want to stop selling tobacco, although few participants could imagine convenience stores doing so. Views on government's role in setting limits on tobacco sales varied, with California and New York participants generally expressing support for restrictions, and Ohio participants expressing opposition. However, even those who expressed opposition did not approve of tobacco sales in all possible venues. Banning tobacco sales entirely was not yet normative. Limiting the ubiquitous availability of tobacco sales is key to ending the tobacco epidemic. Some limits on tobacco sales appear to be normative from the perspective of community members; it may be possible to shift norms further by problematizing the ubiquitous presence of cigarettes and drawing connections to other products already subject to restrictions.

  7. Amputación corporal por accidente de trabajo en auxiliar de enfermería

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    Alexander Finol Muñoz


    Full Text Available Los auxiliares de enfermería son un rango profesional expuesto a múltiples riesgos por las actividades inherentes a su trabajo, expuestos constantemente a sustancias desinfectantes que sin el uso apropiado de equipos de protección individual, puede provocar efectos adversos y lesiones en el trabajador. Caso Clínico: Mujer de 51 años de edad, auxiliar de enfermería, con antecedentes de Diabetes Mellitus tipo I y Síndrome de Túnel Carpiano. Presenta derrame accidental de líquido mientras llenaba envase de Biguanid®, cayéndole en todo el cuerpo, por lo que decide cambiarse el uniforme entero, conservando calcetines y zapatos por el resto del turno. Posteriormente presenta lesiones en región dorsal de 4tº dedo de pie izquierdo, las cuales reciben tratamiento médico y seguimiento, con evolución tórpida, se evidencia edema y osteomielitis de la falange por lo que se decide amputar el dedo afectado. Una vez recuperada, fue estudiada con pruebas de provocación, evidenciando la susceptibilidad de la trabajadora a dicho desinfectante. Se propone al Instituto Nacional de Seguridad Social (INSS como accidente de trabajo y una indemnización por lesión permanente no invalidante, ambas peticiones con respuesta favorable para la trabajadora. Actualmente sigue desempeñando sus funciones como auxiliar en el hospital. El cumplimiento y vigilancia de las normas de prevención, basados en los riesgos laborales permitirá evitar este tipo de incidentes en la población laboral, evitando a largo plazo lesiones corporales, discapacidades y bajas laborales que alteran la calidad de vida del trabajador y de su entorno profesional.

  8. Metodologías educativas para la prevención de las úlceras por presión: estudio piloto en las islas Azores*

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    Ana Paula Rocha


    Full Text Available Las úlceras por presión representan un importante problema de salud pública de gran repercusión, que entraña numerosos costes y sufrimiento, no solamente en los pacientes afectados, sino también en su entorno familiar. Según datos del Estudio de Prevalencia de úlceras por Presión, llevado a cabo por el Grupo de Investigación Científica en Enfermería (ICE en 2006, es en el ámbito de la atención primaria donde la prevalencia es más alta. Con el fin de contribuir a su disminución, se realizó un estudio piloto con el objetivo de desarrollar y evaluar una sesión de educación para la salud destinada a los cuidadores informales. Este estudio piloto es de tipo descriptivo-exploratorio, y en su elaboración se tienen en cuenta cuatro grandes áreas de intervención. Los resultados de este estudio se presentan en función del perfil del paciente, el perfil del cuidador y la evaluación de las sesiones de educación para la salud.

  9. 13 CFR 120.546 - Loan asset sales. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Loan asset sales. 120.546 Section....546 Loan asset sales. (a) General. Loan asset sales are governed by § 120.545(b)(4) and by this... consented to SBA's sale of the loan (guaranteed and unguaranteed portions) in an asset sale conducted or...

  10. 18 CFR 292.305 - Rates for sales. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Rates for sales. 292... § 292.305 Rates for sales. (a) General rules. (1) Rates for sales: (i) Shall be just and reasonable and... to rates for sales to other customers served by the electric utility. (2) Rates for sales which are...

  11. 14 CFR 381.9 - Sales. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sales. 381.9 Section 381.9 Aeronautics and... SPECIAL EVENT TOURS § 381.9 Sales. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section: (1) No... booking must be returned within 3 business days. (2) Upon acceptance of the money for a sale, the operator...

  12. 48 CFR 245.7302 - Competitive sales. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Competitive sales. 245..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Sale of Surplus Contractor Inventory 245.7302 Competitive sales. ...

  13. Estimating light-vehicle sales in Turkey

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    Ufuk Demiroğlu


    Full Text Available This paper is motivated by the surprising rapid growth of new light-vehicle sales in Turkey in 2015. Domestic sales grew 25%, dramatically surpassing the industry estimates of around 8%. Our approach is to inform the sales trend estimate with the information obtained from the light-vehicle stock (the number of cars and light trucks officially registered in the country, and the scrappage data. More specifically, we improve the sales trend estimate by estimating the trend of its stock. Using household data, we show that an important reason for the rapid sales growth is that an increasing share of household budgets is spent on automobile purchases. The elasticity of light-vehicle sales to cyclical changes in aggregate demand is high and robust; its estimates are around 6 with a standard deviation of about 0.5. The price elasticity of light-vehicle sales is estimated to be about 0.8, but the estimates are imprecise and not robust. We estimate the trend level of light-vehicle sales to be roughly 7 percent of the existing stock. A remarkable out-of-sample forecast performance is obtained for horizons up to nearly a decade by a regression equation using only a cyclical gap measure, the time trend and obvious policy dummies. Various specifications suggest that the strong 2015 growth of light-vehicle sales was predictable in late 2014.

  14. Understanding community norms surrounding tobacco sales.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia A McDaniel

    Full Text Available In the US, denormalizing tobacco use is key to tobacco control; less attention has been paid to denormalizing tobacco sales. However, some localities have placed limits on the number and type of retailers who may sell tobacco, and some retailers have abandoned tobacco sales voluntarily. Understanding community norms surrounding tobacco sales may help accelerate tobacco denormalization.We conducted 15 focus groups with customers of California, New York, and Ohio retailers who had voluntarily discontinued tobacco sales to examine normative assumptions about where cigarettes should or should not be sold, voluntary decisions to discontinue tobacco sales, and government limits on such sales.Groups in all three states generally agreed that grocery stores that sold healthy products should not sell tobacco; California groups saw pharmacies similarly, while this was a minority opinion in the other two states. Convenience stores were regarded as a natural place to sell tobacco. In each state, it was regarded as normal and commendable for some stores to want to stop selling tobacco, although few participants could imagine convenience stores doing so. Views on government's role in setting limits on tobacco sales varied, with California and New York participants generally expressing support for restrictions, and Ohio participants expressing opposition. However, even those who expressed opposition did not approve of tobacco sales in all possible venues. Banning tobacco sales entirely was not yet normative.Limiting the ubiquitous availability of tobacco sales is key to ending the tobacco epidemic. Some limits on tobacco sales appear to be normative from the perspective of community members; it may be possible to shift norms further by problematizing the ubiquitous presence of cigarettes and drawing connections to other products already subject to restrictions.

  15. Fuel oil and kerosene sales 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales 1997 report provides information, illustrations and state-level statistical data on end-use sales of kerosene; No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 distillate fuel oil; and residual fuel oil. State-level kerosene sales include volumes for residential, commercial, industrial, farm, and all other uses. State-level distillate sales include volumes for residential, commercial, industrial, oil company, railroad, vessel bunkering, military, electric utility, farm, on-highway, off highway construction, and other uses. State-level residual fuel sales include volumes for commercial, industrial, oil company, vessel bunkering, military, electric utility, and other uses. 24 tabs.

  16. Fuel oil and kerosene sales 1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales 1997 report provides information, illustrations and state-level statistical data on end-use sales of kerosene; No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 distillate fuel oil; and residual fuel oil. State-level kerosene sales include volumes for residential, commercial, industrial, farm, and all other uses. State-level distillate sales include volumes for residential, commercial, industrial, oil company, railroad, vessel bunkering, military, electric utility, farm, on-highway, off highway construction, and other uses. State-level residual fuel sales include volumes for commercial, industrial, oil company, vessel bunkering, military, electric utility, and other uses. 24 tabs

  17. Degradación de barreras térmicas por sales fundidas

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    Utrilla, M. V.


    Full Text Available Thermal barrier coatings (TBC are frequently used to provide thermal insulation to metallic components. The material used in this investigation comprises a ceramic top layer, ZrO2 8Y2O3 (Y-PSZ, and an overlay coating, Ni22Cr10Al1Y, air plasma sprayed on to a nickel base alloy Inconel 600 substrate. Yttria stabilizes the cubic phase zirconia, but it can react with S, V and Na contaminants contained in many low-quality industrial fuels. A decrease in the yttria content promotes the transformation to monoclinic ZrO2. The materials were subjected to an isothermal air furnace test under 40% Na2SO4 - 60% V2O5 mixtures at 800 ºC for 48 and 144h. The degradation of the coating was analyzed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS. The microstructure was characterized by enviromental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM, X-ray microanalysis (EDX and x ray diffracction (XRD.

    Las barreras térmicas son sistemas multicapa que se aplican a sustratos metálicos para mejorar su resistencia a la temperatura. El material utilizado en el trabajo es un sustrato base níquel (Inconel 600 con recubrimiento multicapa de NiCrAlY y ZrO2 parcialmente estabilizada con Y2O3 (Y-PSZ depositado por plasma atmosférico. La presencia de contaminantes, como S, V o Na presentes en combustibles de baja calidad, puede dar lugar a reacciones con este óxido estabilizador de la circona (Y2O3, originando una desestabilización estructural de la circona por disminución del contenido en itria. En esta comunicación se ha realizado un estudio sistemático de la degradación del material frente a determinados agentes corrosivos a elevada temperatura. Sobre la superficie de las muestras se añadieron mezclas de 40% Na2SO4-60% V2O5 y se trataron isotérmicamente a 800 ºC durante 48 y 144 horas. Finalmente, se evaluó la modificación de las propiedades por efecto de los agentes agresivos. Mediante la técnica de espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica (EIS se estimó la

  18. Perfil epidemiológico de la discapacidad por accidentes de tránsito en el Perú, 2012

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    César Gutiérrez

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Describir el perfil epidemiológico de las personas discapacitadas por accidentes de tránsito (AT en Perú. Materiales y métodos. Análisis secundario de la Encuesta Nacional Especializada Sobre Discapacidad (ENEDIS del año 2012. Además, se realizó un análisis ecológico con los registros de AT del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones. Resultados. 49 036 personas reportaron algún tipo de discapacidad por accidentes de tránsito (DAT; 81,3% de los discapacitados reside en zonas urbanas. La discapacidad reportada más frecuente fue limitación en la locomoción y destreza (77,4%, seguida de la discapacidad visual (22,9%. Se reporta dependencia en 44,7% de las personas con discapacidad. Las regiones con mayor prevalencia de AT presentan mayor prevalencia de discapacidad por accidente de tránsito (Coeficiente de Spearman: 0,426, p=0,034. Conclusiones. La mayor parte de los discapacitados por AT proceden de la zona urbana, son varones y se encuentran en la edad económicamente productiva. La forma más común de limitación es la de locomoción. Gran parte de los afectados no reciben ningún tipo de rehabilitación, lo que acentúa la inequidad en salud relacionada a los accidentes de tránsito

  19. Effect Of Sales Promotion On The Volume Of Sales Of Agroproduct ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of sales promotion on the volume of sales of Royco in Onitsha Urban city of Anambra State for the years 1998 and 1999. Data for the study was collected from 40 respondents (20 staff of UniLever Nig. Plc, producers of Royco and 20 Distributors of Royco) who were ...

  20. 26 CFR 1.338-4 - Aggregate deemed sale price; various aspects of taxation of the deemed asset sale. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Aggregate deemed sale price; various aspects of taxation of the deemed asset sale. 1.338-4 Section 1.338-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE... Aggregate deemed sale price; various aspects of taxation of the deemed asset sale. (a) Scope. This section...

  1. 41 CFR 109-45.304-2.50 - Negotiated sales and negotiated sales at fixed prices by designated contractors. (United States)


    ... suitable advertised sale; (2) Personal property is of such small value that the proceeds to be derived... fair market value of the personal property and other satisfactory terms of disposal are obtained by... PERSONAL PROPERTY 45.3-Sale of Personal Property § 109-45.304-2.50 Negotiated sales and negotiated sales at...

  2. Electric sales and revenue 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Electric Sales and Revenue is prepared by the Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration (EIA); US Department of Energy. This publication provides information about sales of electricity, its associated revenue, and the average revenue per kilowatthour sold to residential, commercial, industrial, and other consumers throughout the United States. Previous publications presented data on typical electric bills at specified consumption levels as well as sales, revenue, and average revenue. The sales of electricity, associated revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour provided in this report are presented at the national, Census division, State, and electric utility levels

  3. Terms of payment in the sales contract


    Harmáčková, Iva


    This thesis makes an analysis of price and terms of payment in the sales contract. Both elements are conceived in terms of legal framework and in terms of importance for the parties to an international sales contract. The theoretical part deals with the role of the sales contract in business relations, structure and legal norms of the international sales contract. The practical part includes an analysis of specific international sales contract.

  4. Structuring a Multiproduct Sales Quota-Bonus Plan for a Heterogeneous Sales Force: A Practical Model-Based Approach


    Murali K. Mantrala; Prabhakant Sinha; Andris A. Zoltners


    This paper presents an agency theoretic model-based approach that assists sales managers in determining the profit-maximizing structure of a common multiproduct sales quota-bonus plan for a geographically specialized heterogeneous sales force operating in a repetitive buying environment. This approach involves estimating each salesperson's utility function for income and effort and using these models to predict individual sales achievements and the associated aggregate profit for the firm und...

  5. Understanding Sex for Sale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This book Understanding Sex for Sale: Meanings and Moralities of Sexual Commerce is dedicated to the exploration of the ways in which sex prostitution, sex work or sex for sale are taken for granted by particularly looking at how the relation between sex and money is interpreted and enacted....... This interdisciplinary book aims to understand how prostitution, sex work or sex for sale are defined, delineated, contested and understood in different places and times. The book offers contributions from a number of scholars who, based on their on their own research, discuss on going theoretical issues and analytical...... challenges Some chapters focuses on how prostitution, sex work or sex for sale have been regulated by the authorities and what understandings this regulation builds on. Other chapters investigate the experiences of the sex workers and sex buyers asking how these actors adjust to or resist the categorisation...

  6. The Role of Demographics as Predictors of Successful Performance of Sales Professionals in Business-to-Business Sales Organizations (United States)

    Frino, Michael G.; Desiderio, Katie P.


    The purpose of this study was to examine the impact demographic variables of gender and sales experience have on the performance of business-to-business (B2B) sales professionals. If a deeper understanding can be established of how gender and sales experience variables relate to B2B sales performance, human resource development (HRD) and human…

  7. Improving sales management of agricultural enterprises

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    Balko S. V.


    Full Text Available the article discusses the effective sales of agricultural products. The authors recommend the directions of improving sales management system. Moreover, the research proves that sales and production activity should be based on complex analysis and monitoring of the market conditions.

  8. Algunas Estrategias Utilizadas por Familias Peruanas para Afrontar la Crisis Económica Actual

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    Alegria Majluf


    Full Text Available Con el fin de explorar las estrategias utilizadas por madres de CSE media y baja para afrontar la crisis económica actual se entrevistaron a 20 madres de cada estrato económico y se les administraron trespequeñas encuestas y la Escala F-Copes "Escala de Evaluación Personal del Funcionamiento Familiar en Situaciones de Crisis". Los resultados evidenciaron que ambos grupos económicos se vieron seriamente afectados económicamente debiendo reducir sus gastos en actividades virales tales como alimentación, vestuario y recreación. Las madres de CSE media recurrieron más a una estrategia de reestructuración del problema para hacerlo más manejable y las madres de CSE baja a la movilización familiar para obtener ayuda y a la evaluación pasiva. No difieren ambos grupos en la búsqueda de apoyo espiritual y social.

  9. Inventories and sales uncertainty\\ud


    Caglayan, M.; Maioli, S.; Mateut, S.


    We investigate the empirical linkages between sales uncertainty and firms´ inventory investment behavior while controlling for firms´ financial strength. Using large panels of manufacturing firms from several European countries we find that higher sales uncertainty leads to larger stocks of inventories. We also identify an indirect effect of sales uncertainty on inventory accumulation through the financial strength of firms. Our results provide evidence that financial strength mitigates the a...

  10. Marketing-sales interface and organizational competitiveness

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    George J. Avlonitis


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the effectiveness of marketing-sales interfaces in B2B firms. As the body of knowledge on this domain is scarce, there is a greater need to investigate the specific aspects of marketing-sales configurations in such firms. The objective of this paper is to expand existing knowledge regarding marketing-sales interfaces in B2B firms, in order to identify the effectiveness of each configuration. Based on quantitative data collected from marketing or sales managers of 98 B2B firms, the study identifies the most effective marketing-sales interface in terms of smooth relationships and enhanced performance. The implications of the study are discussed.


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    afectados por una urbanización acelerada y no planificada. Según datos recientes ... incluyendo factores económicos, sociales y de conducta. • Determinar la ... conjuntamente por el IDRC y el Departamento para el Desarrollo. Internacional ...

  12. 7 CFR 930.16 - Sales constituency. (United States)


    ... Definitions § 930.16 Sales constituency. Sales constituency means a common marketing organization or brokerage... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sales constituency. 930.16 Section 930.16 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Marketing Agreements...


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    Aristizábal Edier


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los desastres de origen natural y antrópico han afectado un gran número de personas alrededor del mundo, en especial, las que habitan en aquellos países en vía de desarrollo localizados en el trópico, como Colombia. Por ésta y otras razones, se hace necesario construir detalladas bases de datos de desastres que evalúen los impactos humanos y económicos, de tal manera que se pueda desarrollar políticas para la prevención y evaluación del riesgo. Desde esta perspectiva, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá ha implementado una base de datos sobre desastres, utilizando el software DesInventar, el cual ha sido desarrollado por LA RED, Red de Estudios Sociales en Prevención de Desastres en América Latina. La metodología de DesInventar consiste en dos módulos. El modulo DesInventar permite la entrada de datos tanto espaciales como temporales, de acuerdo al tipo, causas y fuentes; y el modulo DesConsultar posibilita el acceso y consulta a la base de datos en términos de figuras, gráficos y mapas temáticos. Esta base de datos ha sido construida a partir de estudios anteriores realizados por la Universidad EAFIT, el Sistema Municipal para la Prevención y Atención de Desastre del municipio de Medellín, SIMPAD, y los trabajos de Hormaza (1991 y Saldarriaga (2002. El presente artículo se enfoca en la evaluación de los impactos humanos y económicos generados por los desastres de origen natural y antrópico en el Valle de Aburrá, territorio que ha sido afectado por una gran cantidad de eventos de magnitud media y moderada, principalmente. Durante el período 1880 a 2007 se registraron 6750 eventos, de los cuales las inundaciones corresponden al 42%, los movimientos en masa al 35% y los incendios forestales al 15%. Los desastres originados por la intervención antrópica son pequeños. Sin embargo, han aumentado en las últimas décadas. Las ciudades más pobladas son aquellas que presentan las mayores

  14. Sales promotion strategies in Procter&Gamble


    Šebesta, Miroslav


    The thesis gives comprehensive overview on the topic of sales promotions. The special focus is devoted to activities of Procter & Gamble on the Czech market. With increasing importance of sales promotions on the Czech market, the thesis aims to introduce main academic findings concerning sales promotions and test them on brands of Procter & Gamble. The next goal is to find out whether sales promotion strategies of Procter & Gamble provide a competitive advantage for the company on the Czech m...

  15. Social Networks and Sales Performance

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    Danny Pimentel Claro


    Full Text Available This paper argues that an informal network can itself be a basis for the increase in a sales manager’s performance. Informal networks create a structure that surpasses the formal hierarchical structure defined by the firm. We concentrated on the advice network and considered two different views of network structure that claim to have impact on performance. To explore this claim, we examined whether sales managers develop either a highly cohesive network structure (i.e. Coleman’s view or one containing structural holes (i.e. Burt’s view in order to achieve higher sales. We also investigated the matter of tie strength put forward by Granovetter in his seminal 1973 work. Census data was collected from about 500 personnel from an agricultural input retailer having 23 divisions. Estimates from a sample of 101 sales managers showed the importance of a highly cohesive structure (degree centrality for the three measures of sales manager’s performance. The strong ties have a positive impact on performance, suggesting the importance of building up strong bonds with network contacts. Sales managers’ age, time within the retailer and education also influence performance. These results imply that firms should stimulate contacts among personnel to spread technical and commercial information.

  16. Towards context aware food sales prediction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zliobaite, I.; Bakker, J.; Pechenizkiy, M.


    Sales prediction is a complex task because of a large number of factors affecting the demand. We present a context aware sales prediction approach, which selects the base predictor depending on the structural properties of the historical sales. In the experimental part we show that there exist

  17. 24 CFR 291.210 - Direct sales procedures. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Direct sales procedures. 291.210... URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD-OWNED PROPERTIES DISPOSITION OF HUD-ACQUIRED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY Sales Procedures § 291.210 Direct sales procedures. When HUD conducts the sales listed in § 291.90(c), it will sell...

  18. El Reglamento Sanitario Internacional, la enfermedad por el virus del Ébola y las enfermedades infecciosas emergentes en América Latina y el Caribe

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    Marcos Espinal

    Full Text Available RESUMEN La determinación por parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud de que el brote de enfermedad por el virus del Ébola constituía un evento de salud pública de importancia internacional llevó a los países que no estaban afectados a aplicar medidas para prevenir y detectar la introducción del virus en sus territorios y para reaccionar frente a ella. El brote brindó la oportunidad de evaluar la aplicación operativa de las capacidades básicas del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional y la preparación de los sistemas de salud para hacer frente a un caso posible o confirmado de enfermedad por el virus del Ébola. Un marco rector de salud pública aplicado en los países de América Latina y el Caribe, que abarca autoevaluaciones preparatorias, visitas a los propios países y seguimiento, sugiere que esa región debe aumentar sus esfuerzos por consolidar y mantener los progresos en las capacidades básicas y en la preparación del sistema de salud para hacer frente a eventos de salud pública que tengan repercusiones a escala nacional o internacional.


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    Jamile de Souza Pacheco


    Full Text Available Las quemaduras son lesiones potencialmente graves, pues además de tener altos niveles de morbilidad y mortalidad, pueden acarrear secuelas psicológicas y sociales. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los casos de intento de suicidio debido a quemaduras ocurridas en mujeres, en un Centro de Tratamiento de Quemados; describir el perfil social — económico de esas mujeres y evaluar los factores relacionados a la tentativa de suicidio debida a quemaduras en mujeres. El enfoque metodológico de este estudio es de investigación, de tipo cualitativo y prospectivo. Se utilizó como técnica para la recogida de los datos, el cuestionario, así como un plan de entrevista, realizados a cuatro mujeres en el Centro de Tratamiento de Quemados (CTQ del hospital en estudio. El grupo de edad más afectado fue de adolescentes y adultas jóvenes, que no tenían unión estable. Se indicaron como motivos de la tentativa de suicidio la depresión, los conflictos conyugales y el luto. La tentativa de suicidio es un acto que es más cometido por mujeres, porque son consideradas más vulnerables, son más propensas a tomar tal decisión.

  20. 25 CFR 152.35 - Deferred payment sales. (United States)


    ... desire, a sale may be made or approved on the deferred payment plan. The terms of the sale will be... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Deferred payment sales. 152.35 Section 152.35 Indians..., CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY, REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS, AND SALE OF CERTAIN INDIAN LANDS Mortgages and Deeds of...

  1. 26 CFR 52.4682-2 - Qualifying sales. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 17 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Qualifying sales. 52.4682-2 Section 52.4682-2... TAXES (CONTINUED) ENVIRONMENTAL TAXES § 52.4682-2 Qualifying sales. (a) In general—(1) Special rules applicable to certain sales. Special rules apply to sales of ODCs in the following cases: (i) Under section...

  2. 7 CFR 1955.148 - Auction sales. (United States)


    ... complexity of the sale. When the services of a professional auctioneer are advisable, the services will be... 7 Agriculture 14 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Auction sales. 1955.148 Section 1955.148 Agriculture... REGULATIONS (CONTINUED) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Disposal of Inventory Property General § 1955.148 Auction sales...

  3. Ending the war between Sales & Marketing. (United States)

    Kotler, Philip; Rackham, Neil; Krishnaswamy, Suj


    Sales departments tend to believe that marketers are out of touch with what's really going on in the marketplace. Marketing people, in turn, believe the sales force is myopic--too focused on individual customer experiences, insufficiently aware of the larger market, and blind to the future. In short, each group undervalues the other's contributions. Both stumble (and organizational performance suffers) when they are out of sync. Yet few firms seem to make serious overtures toward analyzing and enhancing the relationship between these two critical functions. Curious about the misalignment between Sales and Marketing, the authors interviewed pairs of chief marketing officers and sales vice presidents to capture their perspectives. They looked in depth at the relationship between Sales and Marketing in a variety of companies in different industries. Their goal was to identify best practices that could enhance the joint performance and increase the contributions of these two functions. Among their findings: The marketing function takes different forms in different companies at different product life cycle stages. Marketing's increasing influence in each phase of an organization's growth profoundly affects its relationship with Sales. The strains between Sales and Marketing fall into two main categories: economic (a single budget is typically divided, between Sales and Marketing, and not always evenly) and cultural (the two functions attract very different types of people who achieve success by spending their time in very different ways). In this article, the authors describe the four types of relationships Sales and Marketing typically exhibit. They provide a diagnostic to help readers assess their companies' level of integration, and they offer recommendations for more closely aligning the two functions.

  4. 36 CFR 223.32 - Timber sale operating plan. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Timber sale operating plan... SALE AND DISPOSAL OF NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM TIMBER Timber Sale Contracts Contract Conditions and Provisions § 223.32 Timber sale operating plan. Sale contracts with a term of 2 years or more shall provide...

  5. Schedule Sales Query Raw Data (United States)

    General Services Administration — Schedule Sales Query presents sales volume figures as reported to GSA by contractors. The reports are generated as quarterly reports for the current year and the...

  6. 7 CFR 929.13 - Sales history. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sales history. 929.13 Section 929.13 Agriculture... LONG ISLAND IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK Order Regulating Handling Definitions § 929.13 Sales history. Sales history means the number of barrels of cranberries established for a grower by the committee...

  7. 36 CFR 223.227 - Sale advertisement. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sale advertisement. 223.227... DISPOSAL OF NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM TIMBER Special Forest Products Advertisement and Bids § 223.227 Sale advertisement. (a) The Forest Service shall advertise any special forest products sales with an appraised value...

  8. 7 CFR 929.149 - Determination of sales history. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Determination of sales history. 929.149 Section 929... Determination of sales history. A sales history for each grower shall be computed by the Committee in the following manner. (a) For each grower with acreage with 7 or more years of sales history, a new sales...

  9. Brechas en bordos de arcilla formadas por desbordamiento


    Orozco Rivas, Ricardo; Berezowsky, Moisés


    Se describe un método para calcular el mecanismo de formación de una brecha en un bordo o dique de tierra como consecuencia de su falla por desbordamiento. La brecha se va formando conforme el flujo erosiona el bordo; este proceso, sumamente complejo, se incluye en el modelo numérico que aquí se describe mediante una relación empírica entre el esfuerzo cortante actuante y la tasa de erosión en un suelo cohesivo. Con la metodología propuesta se obtiene simultáneamente el hidrograma que sale po...

  10. The sale of alcohol in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    laCour, Lisbeth; Milhøj, Anders


    How do prices affect the choice of types of alcohol in Denmark? We study the Danish sale of alcoholic beverages in a time series framework. First, we look at annual data from 1980 investigating the hypothesis of a fairly stable level of sales. We conclude stationarity of sales and we also find...

  11. 21 CFR 203.20 - Sales restrictions. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sales restrictions. 203.20 Section 203.20 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS: GENERAL PRESCRIPTION DRUG MARKETING Sales Restrictions § 203.20 Sales restrictions. Except as provided in § 203.22 or...

  12. La escoba de bruja del cacao [Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel Singer] en la región del Piedemonte Llanero de Colombia: perfil de pérdidas de frutos de cacao por marchitamiento de pepinos, agentes criptogámicos e insectos

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    Tovar Germán


    Full Text Available

    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la perdida de frutos de cacao debidas a la infección ocasionada por C. perniciosa, en el contexto de las pérdidas totales a causa de diferentes factores. Se encontró que el 10,5% de los frutos se perdió por los ataques de escoba de bruja y que las mayores pérdidas registradas eran debidas al marchitamiento fisiológico. Los frutos fueron más susceptibles a la enfermedad en el transcurso de sus dos primeros meses de edad, con una pérdida del 88% del total de los frutos afectados por la escoba de bruja. La distribución de frutos enfermos de acuerdo con el estrato del árbol no mostró diferencias importantes, siendo proporcional a tres estratos diferenciados en el árbol.

  13. Sales Rebate Contracts in Fashion Supply Chains

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    Chun-Hung Chiu


    Full Text Available We explore in this paper the performance of sales rebate contracts in fashion supply chains. We conduct both analytical and numerical analyses via a mean-variance framework with reference to real empirical data. To be specific, we evaluate the expected profits and variance of profits (risk of the fashion supply chains, fashion retailers, and manufacturers under (1 the currently implemented sales rebate practices, (2 the case without sales rebate, and (3 the theoretical coordination situation (if target sales rebate is adopted. In addition, we analyze how sales effort affects the performances of the supply chain and its agents. Our analysis indicates that the rebate contracts may hurt the retailer and the manufacturer of a fashion supply chain when it is inappropriately set. Moreover, a properly designed sales rebate contract not only can coordinate the supply chain (with retail sales effort but can also improve expected profits and lower the levels of risk for both the manufacturer and the retailer.

  14. 7 CFR 929.48 - Sales history. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sales history. 929.48 Section 929.48 Agriculture... LONG ISLAND IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK Order Regulating Handling Regulations § 929.48 Sales history. (a) A sales history for each grower shall be computed by the committee in the following manner: (1) For...

  15. 14 CFR 212.7 - Direct sales. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Direct sales. 212.7 Section 212.7... REGULATIONS CHARTER RULES FOR U.S. AND FOREIGN DIRECT AIR CARRIERS § 212.7 Direct sales. (a) Certificated and foreign air carriers may sell or offer for sale, and operate, as principal, Public Charter flights under...

  16. 27 CFR 6.71 - Quota sales. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Quota sales. 6.71 Section 6.71 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS âTIED-HOUSEâ Unlawful Inducements Quota Sales § 6.71 Quota sales. The act by an...

  17. Third quarter 2005 sales figures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With manufacturing facilities in over 40 countries and a sales network in over 100, AREVA offers customers technological solutions for nuclear power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. The group also provides interconnect systems to the telecommunications, computer and automotive markets. This document presents the sales figures of the group for the third quarter of 2005: sales revenues in the front end division, in the reactor and services division, in the back end division and in the transmission and distribution division

  18. The new science of sales force productivity. (United States)

    Ledingham, Dianne; Kovac, Mark; Simon, Heidi Locke


    For years, sales managers at many companies have relied on top performers and sheer numbers of sales reps to stay competitive. But while they may have squeaked by on this wing-and-a-prayer technique, their sales teams haven't thrived the way they once did. Today's most successful sales leaders are taking a more scientific approach. Savvy managers are reshaping their tactics in response to changing markets. They are reaching out to new customers in innovative ways. And they are increasing productivity by helping the reps they already have make the most of their skills and resources. Leaders who take a scientific approach to sales force effectiveness have learned to use four levers to boost their reps' productivity in a predictable and manageable way. First, they systematically target their firms' offerings, matching the right products with the right customers. Second, they optimize the automation, tools, and procedures at their disposal, providing reps with the support they need to boost sales.Third, they analyze and manage their reps' performance, measuring both internal processes and results to determine where their teams' strengths and weaknesses are. Fourth, they pay close attention to sales force deployment--how well sales, support, marketing, and delivery resources are matched to customers. These four levers can help sales leaders increase productivity across the board, the authors say, though they have the greatest impact on lower-ranked performers. The overall effect of increasing the average sales per employee can be exponential; it means a company won't have to rely on just a few talented individuals to stay competitive. This is especially important because finding and keeping star salespeople is more difficult than ever. What's more, managers who optimize the sales forces they already have can see returns they never thought possible.


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    Lidieth Uribe-Lor\\u00EDo


    Full Text Available Pudrición basal causada por Phytophthora capcisi en plantas de chile tratadas con vermicompost. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar a nivel de invernadero el efecto de vermicompost sobre la incidencia y severidad de Phytophthora capcisi en plantas de chile (Capsicum annuum. Esta investigación se realizó entre febrero y marzo del 2012 en el Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas, Sabanilla, San José, Costa Rica. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones y ocho plantas por unidad experimental en un arreglo factorial con los factores de dosis (0, 25% y 50% v/v vermicompost:suelo e inoculación (0 y 500 zoosporas por gramo de suelo. Se trasplantaron plántulas de 35 días, que fueron inoculadas dos semanas después del trasplante. La aplicación de vermicompost provocó un aumento significativo del peso fresco foliar y del peso seco foliar y radical; a mayor dosis, mayor fue el incremento. Las plantas de todos los tratamientos que incluyeron inoculación con P. capsici presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad en la raíz. Los valores de incidencia y severidad fueron mayores para el tratamiento con 50% de abono. En este tratamiento se presentaron síntomas de marchitez. La ausencia de diferencias en las variables de peso fresco y seco entre los tratamientos inoculados y sin inocular, a los que se adicionó abono al 25%, sugiere que esta dosis podría compensar el daño causado por el patógeno. Se observó una menor concentración de nutrimentos en los tejidos de las plantas inoculadas lo que indica que el daño causado a la raíz pudo haber afectado la adquisición de nutrimentos.

  20. Single Family Loan Sale Initiative - National Offering (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — The FHA Office of Housing is conducting a series of mortgage loan sales under the Single Family Loan Sale (SFLS) Initiative. The current sales structure consists of...

  1. 48 CFR 245.7307 - Non-competitive sales. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Non-competitive sales. 245..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Sale of Surplus Contractor Inventory 245.7307 Non-competitive sales. ...

  2. 76 FR 21033 - International Business Machines (IBM), Sales and Distribution Business Unit, Global Sales... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-74,364] International Business Machines (IBM), Sales and Distribution Business Unit, Global Sales Solution Department, Off-Site Teleworker in Centerport, New York; Notice of Affirmative Determination Regarding Application for Reconsideration By application dated November 29, 2011,...

  3. Decomposing the sales promotion bump with store data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Heerde, H.J.; Leeflang, P.S.H.; Wittink, D.R.


    Sales promotions generate substantial short-term sales increases. To determine whether the sales promotion bump is truly beneficial from a managerial perspective, we propose a system of store-level regression models that decomposes the sales promotion bump into three parts: cross-brand effects

  4. Gasoline sales post minimal gain in 1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Despite the continuing emphasis on conservation and the growing trend to smaller sized automobiles, sales of motor gasoline across Canada posted a gain of 0.4% in 1986. Figures are included in this survey for Canadian motor gasoline sales categorized by province, type of gasoline, and months of 1985 and 1986. Sales of refiners' diesel fuel oil are also categorized by province and by months of 1985 and 1986. Motor gasoline disposition for 1983-1986 is categorized into retail pump sales, road and urban transport, agriculture, public administration, and commercial and other institutional markets. Also included are figures for refiners' propane sales for 1983-1986 by province.

  5. Electric sales and revenue 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Electric Sales and Revenue is prepared by the Electric Power Division; Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration (EIA); US Department of Energy. Information is provided on electricity sales, associated revenue, average revenue per kilowatthour sold, and number of consumers throughout the US. The data provided in the Electric Sales and Revenue are presented at the national, Census division, State, and electric utility levels. The information is based on annual data reported by electric utilities for the calendar year ending December 31, 1997. 16 figs., 17 tabs.

  6. Electric sales and revenue 1994

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Electric Sales and Revenue is prepared by the Coal and Electric Data and Renewables Division; Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration (EIA); US Department of Energy. Information is provided on electricity sales, associated revenue, average revenue per kilowatthour sold, and number of consumers throughout the United States. The data provided in the Electric Sales and Revenue are presented at the national, Census division, State, and electric utility levels. The information is based on annual data reported by electric utilities for the calendar year ending December 31, 1994.

  7. Effective Retail Sales Techniques. (United States)

    Canei, Robert A.

    The manual is a 12-hour program for adults who are working or preparing to work as retail salespeople. It can also be used as a summarization manual for high school students. The manual consists of five sessions which take the individual from the human aspect of sales to the related sales technique. The sessions are entitled: employee and customer…

  8. Effects of yearling sale purchase price, exercise history, lameness, and athletic performance on purchase price of Thoroughbreds at 2-year-old in-training sales. (United States)

    Preston, Stephanie A; Brown, Murray P; Chmielewski, Terese L; Trumble, Troy N; Zimmel, Dana N; Hernandez, Jorge A


    To determine the effects of yearling sale purchase price, exercise history, lameness, and athletic performance (speed) on purchase price of 2-year-old in-training Thoroughbreds and to compare the distance exercised within 60 days prior to 2-year-old in-training sales between horses with high yearling sale purchase prices versus those with low yearling sale purchase prices and between horses with lameness during training and those without lameness during training. Prospective study. 51 Thoroughbreds. Thoroughbreds purchased at a yearling sale were trained prior to resale at 2-year-old in-training sales. Amount of exercise and lameness status during training and speed of horses at 2-year-old in-training sales were determined. Data were analyzed via the Wilcoxon rank sum test and ANOVA. Median purchase price of horses at 2-year-old in-training sales was $37,000. The 2-year-old in-training sale purchase price was associated with yearling sale purchase price and distance galloped within 60 days prior to and speed recorded at 2-year-old in-training sales. Horses with high yearling sale purchase prices typically had high 2-year-old in-training sale purchase prices, had low distances galloped within 60 days prior to 2-year-old in-training sales, and were classified as fast at 2-year-old in-training sales. Lameness alone was not associated with 2-year-old in-training sales purchase price. However, lameness was associated with a low distance galloped before 2-year-old in-training sales, particularly for horses with a high yearling sale purchase price; this finding suggested that yearling sale purchase price can affect training management decisions for horses with lameness.

  9. The Sale of Alcohol in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    la Cour, Lisbeth; Milhøj, Anders


    the reader that the total sale of alcohol has been fairly constant we will present graphs and various indicators and tests of the degree of temporal dependence in this series. The overall impression from this analysis is that our first hypothesis seems to be supported -at least not contradicted - by the data...... are: First we want to convince the reader that the total sale of alcohol in Denmark since 1980 has been fairly stable. By total sale we mean the total sale of 100% alcohol so the three categories - beer, wine and spirits are measured in litres of 100% alcohol equivalents. In order to convince...

  10. Efecto de las sales fundidas en la termofluencia del acero inoxidable tipo 304

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González-Rodríguez, G.


    Full Text Available Problems caused by both hot corrosion and creep type-damage occurring on superheater and reheater tubes of power plants using heavy oil as fuel shorten their design lives. The acceleration of hot corrosion attack of boilers is caused by the presence of fuel ash deposits containing mainly vanadium, sodium and sulphur, in the form of Na2SO4 y V2O5 and V2O5 which form low melting point compounds. In addition to this, the tubes are exposed to the action of both high stresses and high temperatures, producing the so called creep damage. In this work, creep rupture tests were carried out in the temperature range of 620 to 660 °C in static air and in corrosive environments. The corrosive environments included 100 % Na2SO4, 100 % V2O5 and a 80 % V2O5 + 20 % Na2SO4 mixture.

    Los problemas causados tanto por la corrosión por sales fundidas, así como por la termofluencia en los tubos de los sobrecalentadores y recalentadores de una planta de potencia que usa combustibles fósiles, reducen su vida prevista en diseño. La aceleración de la corrosión por sales fundidas es causada por la presencia de cenizas que contienen principalmente vanadio, sodio y azufre en la forma de Na2SO4 y V2O5, los cuales forman mezclas con eutécticos de bajo punto de fusión. Adicionalmente, los tubos están expuestos a la acción de altos esfuerzos y altas temperaturas, lo cual propicia la termofluencia del material. En este trabajo, se han realizado ensayos de termofluencia hasta la rotura en aire y en ambientes corrosivos en el rango de temperaturas de 620 a 660 °C. Los ambientes corrosivos fueron 100 % Na2SO4, 100 % V2O5, y una mezcla 20 % Na2SO4-80 % V2O5.

  11. 25 CFR 163.14 - Sale of forest products. (United States)


    ... recognized tribal government, open market sales of Indian forest products may be authorized. Such sales... the owners of a majority Indian interest on individually owned lands. Open market sales of forest... Management and Operations § 163.14 Sale of forest products. (a) Consistent with the economic objectives of...

  12. Short sales, differences of opinion and fundamental value

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brounen, Dirk; Porras Prado, M.; Ling, D.C.


    This study explores the role of short sale constraints in explaining the variation in premiums to Net Asset Value (NAV) in REIT pricing. We use proprietary information on short sales between June 2006 and September 2008 to examine how short sales and short sale constraints affect the variation in

  13. Cigarette sales in pharmacies in the USA (2005-2009). (United States)

    Seidenberg, Andrew B; Behm, Ilan; Rees, Vaughan W; Connolly, Gregory N


    Several US jurisdictions have adopted policies prohibiting pharmacies from selling tobacco products. Little is known about how pharmacies contribute to total cigarette sales. Pharmacy and total cigarette sales in the USA were tabulated from AC Nielsen and Euromonitor, respectively, for the years 2005-2009. Linear regression was used to characterise trends over time, with observed trends extrapolated to 2020. Between 2005 and 2009, pharmacy cigarette sales increased 22.72% (p=0.004), while total cigarette sales decreased 17.43% (p=0.015). In 2005, pharmacy cigarette sales represented 3.05% of total cigarette sales, increasing to 4.54% by 2009. Extrapolation of these findings resulted in estimated pharmacy cigarette sales of 14.59% of total US cigarette sales by 2020. Cigarette sales in American pharmacies have risen in recent years, while cigarette sales nationally have declined. If current trends continue, pharmacy cigarette market share will, by 2020, increase to more than four times the 2005 share.

  14. Atención médica de lesiones intencionales provocadas por la violencia familiar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Híjar-Medina Martha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir y analizar las características de la demanda provocada por lesiones intencionales, en especial las provocadas por violencia familiar en los servicios de urgencias de hospitales públicos de la Ciudad de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal, en el cual se incluyeron variables relacionadas con el agresor, el agredido y con la atención médica. Se diseñó un cuestionario, que se aplicó durante los meses de enero a abril de 1998 en cuatro hospitales seleccionados. Se realizó un análisis con base en frecuencias simples, ji cuadrado, razón de momios con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza de 95%, y se aplicó modelo de regresión logística ajustado por las variables asociadas con este tipo de demanda. RESULTADOS: De los 598 casos que presentaron lesiones intencionales, 16% correspondió a violencia familiar. Los más afectados fueron el sexo femenino (76%, y jóvenes entre 15 y 29 años de edad (46%. Las variables que se encontraron asociadas con la demanda por lesiones provocadas por violencia familiar, en comparación con otro tipo de violencia, fueron: edad mayor de 30 años (RM 2.36, IC 95% 1.13-4.90, sexo femenino (RM 8.60, IC 95%/4.25-17.40 antecedentes de lesiones previas (RM 4.93, IC 95% 2.03-11.95, el hogar como lugar de ocurrencia (RM 36.25, IC 95% 16.598-79.18 y escolaridad primaria o menos (RM 2.33, IC 95% 1.03-5.26. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados encontrados coinciden con reportes de otros estudios sobre el tema, y son de gran utilidad como antecedentes para la aplicación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana para la Atención Médica de la Violencia Familiar, que entró en vigencia en marzo de 2000.

  15. The Role of Self-Efficacy in Sales Education (United States)

    Knight, Peter; Mich, Claudia C.; Manion, Michael T.


    Sales education programs are undergoing rapid growth and dynamic change as more business and other undergraduate students pursue sales jobs as desirable career entry points. The number of collegiate sales programs has grown dramatically over the past decade, and sales educators today are increasingly focused on teaching experientially. That is,…

  16. 18 CFR 284.142 - Sales by intrastate pipelines. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sales by intrastate... AUTHORITIES CERTAIN SALES AND TRANSPORTATION OF NATURAL GAS UNDER THE NATURAL GAS POLICY ACT OF 1978 AND RELATED AUTHORITIES Certain Sales by Intrastate Pipelines § 284.142 Sales by intrastate pipelines. Any...

  17. 21 CFR 1314.35 - Training of sales personnel. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Training of sales personnel. 1314.35 Section 1314.35 Food and Drugs DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RETAIL SALE OF SCHEDULED LISTED CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Sales by Regulated Sellers § 1314.35 Training of sales personnel. Each regulated...

  18. 21 CFR 1314.20 - Restrictions on sales quantity. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Restrictions on sales quantity. 1314.20 Section 1314.20 Food and Drugs DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RETAIL SALE OF SCHEDULED LISTED CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Sales by Regulated Sellers § 1314.20 Restrictions on sales quantity. (a) Without...

  19. 77 FR 16768 - Export Sales Reporting Requirements (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Office of the Secretary 7 CFR Part 20 RIN 0551-AA70 Export Sales... Sales Reporting Requirements, is being withdrawn. The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is currently...: Contact Peter W. Burr, Branch Chief, Export Sales Reporting Branch, Import Policies and Export Reporting...

  20. ¿Por qué es necesario frenar la epidemia de la inactividad en los más pequeños? [Why do we need to stop the physical inactivity epidemic in children?].

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarita Pérez


    Full Text Available Estudios epidemiológicos americanos alertan de la creciente inactividad mundial y predicen que los niños de hoy son la primera generación que tiene una expectativa de vida menor que sus padres. (Designed to Move, 2014 La inactividad física es el cuarto factor de riesgo de mortalidad en la población actual dentro del mundo desarrollado, origina el 6% de las defunciones a nivel mundial. España es uno de los países del mundo más afectados por la epidemia de la inactividad, lo que aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, de diabetes, de obesidad, de síndrome metabólico descendiendo la expectativa de vida (Gennuso, Gangnon, Matthews y Thraen-Borowski, 2013. Esta conducta inactiva aumenta con la edad y es mayor en aquellas personas que padecen alguna patología crónica. Actualmente los niños y jóvenes también se ven afectados por esta conducta lo que realmente anuncia un futuro lamentable para la edad adulta ya que la enfermedad cardiovascular se gesta desde la juventud y progresa durante mucho tiempo afectada por la suma de las malas conductas adquiridas. Permanecer inactivo, disminuye la condición física, siendo la baja condición física un factor de riesgo de mortalidad mayor que fumar, tener un alto índice de masa corporal, padecer hipercolesterolemia, padecer diabetes o hipertensión (Blair, S.N. 2009. La Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que la inactividad física causa en conjunto 1,9 millones de defunciones a nivel mundial, en torno a un 10% - 16% de los casos de cáncer de mama, cáncer colorrectal y diabetes mellitus, y aproximadamente un 22% de los casos de cardiopatía isquémica (OMS 2002.

  1. Gestación por sustitución: más cerca de un estatuto jurídico común europeo

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    Jesús Flores Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En Europa convive una multitud de regímenes jurídicos diferentes respecto del reconocimiento de efectos de la filiación del menor determinada en el extranjero a partir de un contrato de gestación por sustitución. Buena parte de esos derechos mantienen una estricta prohibición del contrato. La ausencia de reconocimiento tiene importantes consecuencias sobre el menor, sobre su vida privada y familiar, como ha puesto de manifiesto el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos. Al no ver reconocida la filiación en relación con sus padres de intención sus derechos políticos, civiles y sociales pueden verse gravemente afectados. Resulta así necesario establecer un estatuto jurídico homogéneo que permita resolver los problemas que plantea esta situación.

  2. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico: recomendaciones de la Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología

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    F. Huerta-Iga


    Full Text Available Los nuevos conceptos en la fisiopatología de la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE y los constantes avances tecnológicos aplicados al diagnóstico y el tratamiento de esta condición clínica hacen necesarias la revisión frecuente y la actualización de guías clínicas, recomendaciones y posturas oficiales de los principales organismos académicos a nivel mundial. La Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología, consciente de esta responsabilidad, reúne a los expertos nacionales de este tema para analizar la evidencia científica más reciente y construir una serie de recomendaciones prácticas para orientar y facilitar el proceso diagnóstico y el tratamiento eficaz de los pacientes afectados por esta enfermedad. Se incluyen algoritmos, diagramas de flujo, cuadros y tablas que concentran estas recomendaciones y se agregan opiniones sobre el manejo de la ERGE en poblaciones sensibles como las mujeres embarazadas y las personas de la tercera edad.

  3. 12 CFR 16.6 - Sales of nonconvertible debt. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sales of nonconvertible debt. 16.6 Section 16.6... RULES § 16.6 Sales of nonconvertible debt. (a) The OCC will deem offers or sales of bank issued... grade; (5) Prior to or simultaneously with the sale of the debt, each purchaser receives an offering...

  4. 26 CFR 48.4041-16 - Sales for export. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 16 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Sales for export. 48.4041-16 Section 48.4041-16... TAXES MANUFACTURERS AND RETAILERS EXCISE TAXES Special Fuels § 48.4041-16 Sales for export. (a) General rule. In order for a sale to be exempt from tax under section 4041 as a sale for export, it is...

  5. 7 CFR 1402.2 - Sales of inventory. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sales of inventory. 1402.2 Section 1402.2 Agriculture... AGRICULTURE GENERAL REGULATIONS AND POLICIES POLICY FOR CERTAIN COMMODITIES AVAILABLE FOR SALE § 1402.2 Sales... owned by CCC, including those commodities that are marketed through commercial, Internet-based marketing...

  6. 24 CFR 203.370 - Pre-foreclosure sales. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Pre-foreclosure sales. 203.370...-foreclosure sales. (a) General. HUD will pay FHA insurance benefits to mortgagees in cases where, in accordance with all regulations and procedures applicable to pre-foreclosure sales, the mortgaged property is...


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    Full Text Available Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono tipo hot rolled, rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable tipo 312, con el equipo Rototec, en una mezcla de sal 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 400ºC - 600ºC, durante tiempos de 1-7-22 horas. Los resultados mostraron una moderada protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento a 600ºC. Se concluyó que la velocidad de corrosión aumenta con la temperatura y disminuye con el tiempo de exposición.

  8. Export dynamics and sales at home


    Nicolas Berman; Antoine Berthou; Jérôme Héricourt


    How do firms’ sales interact across markets? Are foreign and domestic sales complements or substitutes? Using a large French firm-level database that combines balance-sheet and product-destination specific export information over the period 1995-2001, we study the interconnections between exports and domestic sales. We identify exogenous shocks that affect the firms’ demand on foreign markets to instrument yearly variations in exports. We use alternatively as instruments product-destination s...

  9. New Rules on Consumer Sales

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møgelvang-Hansen, Peter; Lando, Henrik; Kristensen, Bo


    The project described in this report was carried out with support from The Ministry of Justice's Research Pool. The aim of the project is to examine the effects of Amending Act no. 213/2002, amending the rules on consumer sales in the Danish Sale of Goods Act. The amendments were part of Denmark......'s implementation of Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees. The Amending Act came into force on 24 April 2002, having effect on consumer sales made on and after 1 January 2002. At the time of completion...... of this report, the Amending Act had been in force for more than two and a half years. In the planning of this project, we assumed that at this point in time sufficient experience with the new rules would be available, enabling us to get an impression of its practical consequences for businesses. Also, we...

  10. Developing and Evaluating a Virtual Reality-Based Navigation System for Pre-Sale Housing Sales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yi-Kai Juan


    Full Text Available Virtual reality (VR technologies have advanced rapidly in the past few years, and many industries have adopted these cutting-edge technologies for diverse applications to improve their industrial competitiveness. VR has also received considerable recognition in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries, because it can potentially reduce project costs, delivery time, and quality risks, by allowing users to experience unbuilt spaces before breaking ground, resolving construction conflicts virtually, and reviewing complex details in immersive environments. In the real estate market, VR can also play an important role in affecting buyers’ housing purchasing decisions, especially for housing markets in Asia, where the pre-sale system is extremely common. Applying VR to the pre-sale housing system is promising, because the concept of pre-sale refers to a strategy adopted by developers that sell housing through agreements on residential units that have not been constructed yet, and VR at this stage could be a useful tool for visual communication in a true-to-scale environment. However, does VR really benefit sales in the housing market? Can clients accept using VR, instead of using traditional materials (i.e., paper-based images and physical models, to navigate and experience housing projects? The objective of this study is to develop a VR-based navigation system for a pre-sale housing project in Taiwan. We invited 30 potential clients to test the system and explore the implications of using it for project navigation. The results reveal that VR enhances the understandings of a project (perceived usefulness and increases clients’ intention to purchase, while the operation of VR (perceived ease-of-use is still the major challenge to affect clients’ satisfaction and the developer’s acceptance with respect to applying it to future housing sales.

  11. 7 CFR 1955.118 - Processing cash sales or MFH credit sales on NP terms. (United States)


    ...) Credit sales. The following provisions apply to MFH credit sales on NP terms: (1) Offers. Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1955-45 or FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1955-46, as appropriate, will be used to document the offer and acceptance. Contract...


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    Full Text Available Value Added Tax (VAT is a tax imposed on the value added to a product at each stage of the production and distribution process. Value added is never taxed twice under VAT and thus cascading (tax on tax effects do not occur. It is a single tax on goods and services but the tax is collected multiple stages. At each of these stages, the amount of tax payable is computed by subtracting the tax previously paid on purchases from the tax charged on sales by the traders for each taxation period. In last three decades, VAT, a relatively new and better commodity taxation, has been introduced in many countries. It has replaced different types of sales taxes in such countries. This article attempts to evaluate VAT by comparing with other sales taxes.

  13. Global Sales Training's Balancing Act (United States)

    Boehle, Sarah


    A one-size-fits-all global sales strategy that fails to take into account the cultural, regulatory, geographic, and economic differences that exist across borders is a blueprint for failure. For training organizations tasked with educating globally dispersed sales forces, the challenge is adapting to these differences while simultaneously…

  14. Síndrome de Burnout en estudiantes internos durante su estancia por el Hospital Pediátrico del Cerro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ramón Acosta-Torres


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la presencia del síndrome de Burnout en su orientación unidimensional entre los estudiantes internos del sexto año de la carrera de Medicina durante su rotación por Pediatría. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo mediante la aplicación de la Escala Unidimensional del Burnout Estudiantil de Barraza Macías a una muestra de 230 alumnos del sexto año de la carrera de Medicina, durante su rotación por el Hospital Docente Pediátrico del Cerro, previo consentimiento informado; se indagó la presencia del mismo, sus características y se relacionó la entidad con las variables de la edad y el sexo de los estudiantes. Una vez obtenidos los datos, éstos se almacenaron en una página Excel y se procesaron por el programa XLSTAT 9, mediante la aplicación del método porcentual y el estadígrafo X2, con una significación de p < 0,05. Resultados: Se observó una incidencia del síndrome de Burnout con un nivel leve (83,91% y moderado (13,42% en la población estudiada. Su predominio se identificó en el sexo femenino, con significación estadística e independiente de la edad. Conclusiones: Los alumnos internos en su rotación por la asignatura de Pediatría se encuentran afectados en su mayoría por el síndrome de Burnout en un nivel leve, observándose dependencia del mismo en relación con el sexo femenino.

  15. Schedule Sales Query Report Generation System (United States)

    General Services Administration — Schedule Sales Query presents sales volume figures as reported to GSA by contractors. The reports are generated as quarterly reports for the current year and the...

  16. Change in the terpenoid profile and secondary growth in declining stands of Pinus sylvestris L. under mediterranean influence as a response to local factors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanz, M. A.


    Full Text Available The terpenoid profile could give information about the water status in Scots pine, especially for trees growing in the same geographical area but under contrasting local environmental conditions. Terpenes were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in needles, twigs and wood of ten affected and ten unaffected Scots pines in the southern “Sistema Ibérico” range (Teruel, Spain, where forest decline has been recently reported. Soil depth and secondary growth was also studied in both types of trees. Needles and twigs total resin acids were significantly higher in affected trees. The pimarane type resin acids were also higher in the twigs of affected trees. Secondary growth was lower in affected trees and it showed higher climate sensitivity. The use of the terpenoid profile may be used as an additional tool for the estimation of the water status, especially for situations inducing moderate but relatively prolonged stress conditions.El perfil terpénico podría dar información sobre el estado hídrico en el pino albar, especialmente cuando se comparen especímenes de una zona geográfica concreta afectados por factores ambientales locales. Los terpenos de acículas, brotes del año y madera fueron analizados en diez ejemplares afectados y otros tantos no afectados por el decaimiento mediante cromatografía de masas acoplada a espectrometría de masas. La serie de crecimiento secundario en ambos tipos de ejemplares fue también estudiada. La concentración total de ácidos resínicos aumentó de modo significativo en los árboles afectados tanto en brotes del año como en acículas. La cantidad de ácidos de tipo pimarano también aumentó en los brotes de los árboles afectados. La profundidad del suelo y el crecimiento secundario era menor en este tipo de ejemplares, que muestran una mayor sensibilidad en términos dendrocronológicos. El perfíl terpénico podría utilizarse como una herramienta adicional a la estimación del estado

  17. Electric sales and revenue 1992, April 1994

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Electric Sales and Revenue is prepared by the Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration (EIA); US Department of Energy. This publication provides information about sales of electricity, its associated revenue, and the average revenue per kilowatthour sold to residential, commercial, industrial, and other consumers throughout the United States. The sales, revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour provided in the Electric Sales and Revenue are based on annual data reported by electric utilities for the calendar year ending December 31, 1992. The electric revenue reported by each electric utility includes the applicable revenue from kilowatthours sold; revenue from income; unemployment and other State and local taxes; energy, demand, and consumer service charges; environmental surcharges; franchise fees; fuel adjustments; and other miscellaneous charges. The revenue does not include taxes, such as sales and excise taxes, that are assessed on the consumer and collected through the utility. Average revenue per kilowatthour is defined as the cost per unit of electricity sold and is calculated by dividing retail sales into the associated electric revenue. The sales of electricity, associated revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour provided in this report are presented at the national, Census division, State, and electric utility levels.

  18. Electric sales and revenue 1992, April 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Electric Sales and Revenue is prepared by the Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels; Energy Information Administration (EIA); US Department of Energy. This publication provides information about sales of electricity, its associated revenue, and the average revenue per kilowatthour sold to residential, commercial, industrial, and other consumers throughout the United States. The sales, revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour provided in the Electric Sales and Revenue are based on annual data reported by electric utilities for the calendar year ending December 31, 1992. The electric revenue reported by each electric utility includes the applicable revenue from kilowatthours sold; revenue from income; unemployment and other State and local taxes; energy, demand, and consumer service charges; environmental surcharges; franchise fees; fuel adjustments; and other miscellaneous charges. The revenue does not include taxes, such as sales and excise taxes, that are assessed on the consumer and collected through the utility. Average revenue per kilowatthour is defined as the cost per unit of electricity sold and is calculated by dividing retail sales into the associated electric revenue. The sales of electricity, associated revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour provided in this report are presented at the national, Census division, State, and electric utility levels

  19. Financing Asset Sales and Business Cycles


    Arnold, Marc; Hackbarth, Dirk; Puhan, Tatjana-Xenia


    This paper analyzes the decision of firms to sell assets to fund investments (financing asset sales). For a sample of U.S. manufacturing firms during the 1971-2010 period, we document new stylized facts about financing asset sales that cannot be explained by traditional motives for selling assets, such as financial distress or financing constraints. Using a structural model of financing, investment, and macroeconomic risk, we show that financing asset sales attenuate the debt overhang problem...

  20. SAMHSA Synar Reports: Youth Tobacco Sales (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — 1997-2014. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Synar Reports: Youth Tobacco Sales. Policy – Youth Tobacco Sales. SAMHSA’s Synar...

  1. Lange-termijneffecten van sales promotion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spijkerman, F.M.; Snelders, H.M.J.J.


    Sales promotion wordt binnen de marketing gehanteerd als instrument om op de korte termijn direct koopgedrag in de gewenste richting te beïnvloeden. Daarbij wordt vaak voorbijgegaan aan de mogelijke effecten op de langere termijn. F.M. Spijkerman en H.M.J.J. Snelders geven evenwel aan dat sales

  2. 32 CFR 644.507 - Sales. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Sales. 644.507 Section 644.507 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (CONTINUED) REAL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE HANDBOOK Disposal Disposal of Standing Timber, Crops, and Embedded Gravel, Sand and Stone § 644.507 Sales. DEs will...

  3. 19 CFR 127.25 - Advertisement of sale. (United States)


    ... § 127.25 Advertisement of sale. (a) Regular advertising. Except as prescribed in § 127.28 (c), (d), and... given for three successive weeks, immediately preceding the sale, in one newspaper of extensive circulation published at the port where the sale is to be held. The newspaper is to be selected by the port...

  4. 25 CFR 163.15 - Advertisement of sales. (United States)


    ..., and 163.26 of this part, sales of forest products shall be made only after advertising. (a) The advertisement shall be approved by the officer who will approve the instrument of sale. Advertised sales shall... value exceeds $15,000, the advertisement shall also be made in at least one edition of a newspaper of...

  5. 33 CFR 72.05-5 - Sales agencies. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sales agencies. 72.05-5 Section 72.05-5 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY AIDS TO NAVIGATION MARINE INFORMATION Light Lists § 72.05-5 Sales agencies. Each volume of the Light List is for sale...

  6. Sale

    CERN Document Server


    On Tuesday 28 November, a sale in aid of the animal protection society 'SOS Animaux Pays de Gex' will be held at the entrance to Restaurant 1 from 9 am to 5 pm. Mr Montagnel, a balloon sculptor, will also be on hand to create whatever kind of characters or animals your heart may desire.

  7. Sales Training for Army Recruiter Success: Sales Strategies and Skills Used by Excellent U. S. Army Recruiters (United States)


    Army recruiters. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) was used as the protocol for modeling performance and acquiring information on the communication...kills -Linguistic pattern~ Sales cycle, Communica tion s trategies Mode-H.R-g. Sales skills, {:( ~Expert kn0\\vlc dge1 ’ Neurolinguist ic~ Sales...describe s a program of r esearch on the communicat ion st rate - gies a nd skills use d by excellen t Army r ecrui t e rs. Information to be used to

  8. A Sales Execution Strategy Guide for Technology Startups

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ian Gilbert


    Full Text Available The majority of startups fail to consider sales execution as part of their overall strategy. This article demonstrates how a sales execution strategy can help a company take a product or service to market more efficiently and effectively by focusing on the customers that are key to generating revenue. Combined with techniques for recruiting effectively and measuring sales outcomes, a sales execution strategy helps technology startups exceed growth aspirations and potentially reduce or even eliminate the requirement for external investment. In this article, we first describe the focus of assistance currently given to startups and the reasons why sales execution strategies are often overlooked. Next, we outline recommendations for developing, implementing, and supporting a sales execution strategy. Finally, we summarize the key points presented in the article.

  9. 16 CFR 455.5 - Spanish language sales. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Spanish language sales. 455.5 Section 455.5... § 455.5 Spanish language sales. If you conduct a sale in Spanish, the window form required by § 455.2... vehicle both an English language window form and a Spanish language translation of that form. Use the...

  10. Precious Coral Sales Report Data Set (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This is a federally mandated sales log which collects information on sales of raw coral, including weight and revenue. Also includes seller and buyer information....

  11. The influence of sales management control, sales management support and satisfaction with manager on salespeople’s job satisfaction

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    Erik Ružić


    Full Text Available Salesperson’s job satisfaction is of particular interest to companies because it has been linked to performance and customer retention. Contemporary sales workplace is becoming increasingly complex, but sales managers still, and more than ever, play a significant role in shaping attitudes of their salespeople. Thus, it is important to understand the influence of different sales management practices on salespeople’s satisfaction which leads to better personal and organizational results. The main aim of this paper is to explore the influence of three types of sales management control (behavior-based, knowledge-based and outcome-based control, sales management support and satisfaction with sales manager on salespeople’s job satisfaction. The research was conducted among salesforce in Croatia and Italy and the data were analyzed by the PLS-SEM method. The study shows that knowledge-based control, manager support and satisfaction with manager positively impact salespeople’s job satisfaction. An influence of behavior-based control and outcome-based control was not demonstrated. The findings are partly in line with previous researches, but also provide new insights into aspects of manager-seller relations. The results can help sales managers to shape the target behavior and practices, and make them aware of the importance of their role in achieving job satisfaction among their subordinates. Top and human resource (HR managers can also hire appropriate managers that can be encouraged to implement desired practices.

  12. Sale

    CERN Document Server


    On Tuesday 28 November, a sale in aid of the animal protection society 'SOS Animaux Pays de Gex' will be held at the entrance to Restaurant No. 1 from 9 am to 5 pm. Mr Mpntagnel, a balloon sculptor, will also be on hand to create whatever kind of characters or animals your heart may desire.

  13. Likelihood of illegal alcohol sales at professional sport stadiums. (United States)

    Toomey, Traci L; Erickson, Darin J; Lenk, Kathleen M; Kilian, Gunna R


    Several studies have assessed the propensity for illegal alcohol sales at licensed alcohol establishments and community festivals, but no previous studies examined the propensity for these sales at professional sport stadiums. In this study, we assessed the likelihood of alcohol sales to both underage youth and obviously intoxicated patrons at professional sports stadiums across the United States, and assessed the factors related to likelihood of both types of alcohol sales. We conducted pseudo-underage (i.e., persons age 21 or older who appear under 21) and pseudo-intoxicated (i.e., persons feigning intoxication) alcohol purchase attempts at stadiums that house professional hockey, basketball, baseball, and football teams. We conducted the purchase attempts at 16 sport stadiums located in 5 states. We measured 2 outcome variables: pseudo-underage sale (yes, no) and pseudo-intoxicated sale (yes, no), and 3 types of independent variables: (1) seller characteristics, (2) purchase attempt characteristics, and (3) event characteristics. Following univariate and bivariate analyses, we a separate series of logistic generalized mixed regression models for each outcome variable. The overall sales rates to the pseudo-underage and pseudo-intoxicated buyers were 18% and 74%, respectively. In the multivariate logistic analyses, we found that the odds of a sale to a pseudo-underage buyer in the stands was 2.9 as large as the odds of a sale at the concession booths (30% vs. 13%; p = 0.01). The odds of a sale to an obviously intoxicated buyer in the stands was 2.9 as large as the odds of a sale at the concession booths (89% vs. 73%; p = 0.02). Similar to studies assessing illegal alcohol sales at licensed alcohol establishments and community festivals, findings from this study shows the need for interventions specifically focused on illegal alcohol sales at professional sporting events.

  14. The ultimately accountable job: leading today's sales organization. (United States)

    Colletti, Jerome A; Fiss, Mary S


    In recent years, sales leaders have had to devote considerable time and energy to establishing and maintaining disciplined processes. The thing is, many of them stop there--and they can't afford to, because the business environment has changed. Customers have gained power and gone global, channels have proliferated, more product companies are selling services, and many suppliers have begun providing a single point of contact for customers. Such changes require today's sales leaders to fill various new roles: Company leader. The best sales chiefs actively help formulate and execute company strategy, and they collaborate with all functions of the business to deliver value to customers. Customer champion. Customers want C-level relationships with suppliers in order to understand product strategy, look at offerings in advance, and participate in decisions made about future products--and sales leaders are in the best position to offer that kind of contact. Process guru. Although sales chiefs must look beyond the sales and customer processes they have honed over the past decade, they can't abandon them. The focus on process has become only more important as many organizations have begun bundling products and services to meet important customers' individual needs. Organization architect. Good sales leaders spend a lot of time evaluating and occasionally redesigning the sales organization's structure to ensure that it supports corporate strategy. Often, this involves finding the right balance between specialized and generalized sales roles. Course corrector. Sales leaders must watch the horizon, but they can't take their hands off the levers or forget about the dials. If they do, they might fail to respond when quick adjustments in priorities are needed.

  15. Problems of sales force turnover and possible solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tihana Poljak


    Full Text Available Fluctuation poses an extremely important problem in the field of sales management and, therefore, it is necessary to research continually its impact on the company as a whole. The aim of this paper is to determine the frequency of fluctuation among the sales staff and sales managers through empirical research while also determining the key factors contributing to a decision to leave the company. Results of research conducted on a sample of sales managers show their belief in the honesty of reasons reported by the sales staff for leaving the company, the importance of financial factors as well as numerous material and non-material instruments of motivation employed in order to keep the fluctuation under control because it creates expenses for the company and increases their own workload, among other reasons. Most sales staff reported a wish for career advancement as their primary motivation for changing jobs, claiming that they are prepared to inform their superiors of that decision without hiding the real reasons etc. From this research it is possible to observe both perspectives – that of sales managers as well as that of the sales staff they manage. Their perspectives contain certain differences, which are understandable considering their respective position within the organization but also reflect human bias.

  16. Distribution network strengthens sales systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janoska, J.


    Liberalisation of the electricity market pushes Slovak distribution companies to upgrade their sale technologies. The first one to invest into a complex electronic sales system will be Stredoslovenska energetika, a.s., Zilina. The system worth 200 million Sk (4,83 million Euro) will be supplied by Polish software company Winuel. The company should also supply a software that would allow forecasting and planning of sales. The system should be fully operational by 2006. TREND has not managed to obtain information regarding plans Zapadoslovenska energetika - the largest and most active distribution company - might have in this area. In eastern Slovakia distribution company Vychodoslovenska energetika, a.s., Kosice has also started addressing this issue. (Author)

  17. U.S. Arms Sales to Pakistan

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Grimmett, Richard F


    This report briefly reviews the issue of U.S. arms sales to Pakistan. It provides background details regarding recent major weapons transactions between the United States and Pakistan, as well as the rationale given for such sales...

  18. U.S. Arms Sales to Pakistan

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Grimmett, Richard F


    This report briefly reviews the issue of U.S. arms sales to Pakistan. It provides background details regarding recent major weapons transactions between the United States and Pakistan, as well as the rationale given for such sales...

  19. 27 CFR 53.95 - Constructive sale price; basic rules. (United States)


    ... to influence the sale price, or (2) The sale is made pursuant to special arrangements between a... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Constructive sale price... AMMUNITION Special Provisions Applicable to Manufacturers Taxes § 53.95 Constructive sale price; basic rules...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Djoni Djoni


    Full Text Available This study discusses the factors that affect the performance of sales in the direct selling business in PT Srirara Kanaka Pratama (PT SKP. Direct selling is part of a growing sector of small and medium businesses, especially in creating alternative jobs. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the main factors that affect the performance of sales in PT SKP in Jabodetabek area and formulate its managerial implications. This study used a descriptive analysis to look at the characteristics of the respondent and a multiple linear regression analysis to identify factors that affect the sales performance in PT SKP. The number of respondents in this study is 60 active members. The study results showed that the factors affecting the sales performance in PT SKP are incentives and rewards from sold products. For the managerial implementation in order to improve the sales performance of its members, PT SKP will provide more interesting incentives or bonuses and increase the number of members who receive bonuses as well as the amount of bonuses by creating programs and activities supporting such a condition. It will also create more attractive products of higher selling power as a reward to increase the motivation of members in order to increase sales.Keywords: direct selling, sales performance, multiple linear regression, PT SKP

  1. Short-sale Constraints and Credit Runs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Venter, Gyuri

    ), creditors with high private signals are more lenient to roll over debt, and a bank with lower asset quality remains solvent. This leads to higher allocative efficiency in the real economy. My result thus implies that the decrease in average informativeness due to short-sale constraints can be more than......This paper studies how short-sale constraints affect the informational efficiency of market prices and the link between prices and economic activity. I show that under short-sale constraints security prices contain less information. However, short-sale constraints increase the informativeness...... the price of an asset the bank holds. I show that short-selling constraints in the financial market lead to the revival of self-fulfilling beliefs about the beliefs and actions of others, and create multiple equilibria. In the equilibrium where agents rely more on public information (i.e., the price...

  2. 17 CFR 250.44 - Sales of securities and assets. (United States)


    ... not require prior Commission approval. (c) Sales pursuant to order or plan under section 11. No... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sales of securities and assets... Various Financial Transactions 2 § 250.44 Sales of securities and assets. (a) Sales of utility securities...



    Zlatko Sehanovic; Giorgio Cadum; Igor Sehanovic


    Every tourist destination should make and implement a destination’s marketing and sales strategy. A very important part of destination’s sales and marketing strategy is the e-marketing and sales strategy. The cooperation of specialized regional development agencies, regional tourist board, local (city and county) tourist boards, hoteliers, tourist agencies, conservators, entertainment and cultural program developers, private accommodation owners and others involved in creation of destination’...

  4. Impact of income management on store sales in the Northern Territory. (United States)

    Brimblecombe, Julie K; McDonnell, Joseph; Barnes, Adam; Dhurrkay, Joanne Garnggulkpuy; Thomas, David P; Bailie, Ross S


    To examine the impact of a government income management program on store sales. An interrupted time series analysis of sales data in 10 stores in 10 remote Northern Territory communities during 1 October 2006 to 30 September 2009, which included an 18-month period before income management; a 4-6-month period after the introduction of income management; a 3-month period that coincided with a government stimulus payment; and the remaining income-management period. Trends in (i) total store sales; (ii) total food and beverage sales; (iii) fruit and vegetables sales; (iv) soft drink sales; and v) tobacco sales. Modest monthly increases indicative of inflation were found for all outcome measures before the introduction of income management, except for soft drink sales, which remained constant. No change from the increasing rate of monthly sales before income management was seen in the first 4-6 months of income management or for the income-management period thereafter for total store sales, food and beverage sales, fruit and vegetable sales and tobacco sales. The rate of soft drink sales declined significantly with the introduction of income management and then increased significantly thereafter. The 3-month government stimulus payment period (during the period of income management) was associated with a significant increase in the rate of sales for all outcome measures. Income management independent of the government stimulus payment appears to have had no beneficial effect on tobacco and cigarette sales, soft drink or fruit and vegetable sales.

  5. The relationship of point-of-sale tobacco advertising and neighborhood characteristics to underage sales of tobacco. (United States)

    Widome, Rachel; Brock, Betsy; Noble, Petra; Forster, Jean L


    Our objective was to determine how point-of-sale tobacco marketing may relate to sales to minors. The authors used data from a 2007 cross-sectional study of the retail tobacco marketing environments in the St. Paul, MN metropolitan area matched with a database of age-of-sale compliance checks (random, covert test purchases by a minor, coordinated by law enforcement) of tobacco retailers and U.S. Census data to test whether certain characteristics of advertising or neighborhoods were associated with compliance check failure. The authors found that tobacco stores were the most likely type of store to fail compliance checks (44% failure), supermarkets were least likely (3%). Aside from a marginally significant association with Hispanic population proportion, there was no other association between either store advertising characteristics or neighborhood demographics and stores' compliance check failure. Though our findings were null, the relationship between advertising and real youth sales may be more nuanced as compliance checks do not perfectly simulate the way youth attempt to purchase cigarettes.




  7. An analysis of psychotropic drug sales. Increasing sales of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are closely related to number of products. (United States)

    Nielsen, Margrethe; Gøtzsche, Peter


    Prescribing of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) has increased dramatically. To compare the sales of benzodiazepines and SSRIs within the primary care sector in Denmark and relate changes in usage to number of indications and products on the market. We used data from various sources to establish the sales curves of psychotropic drugs in the period 1970 to 2007, based on the Anatomic Therapeutic Classification system and Defined Daily Doses. Fluctuations in sales of psychotropic drugs that cannot be explained by disease prevalence were caused by changes in sales of the benzodiazepines and SSRIs. We found a decline in the sales of benzodiazepines after a peak in 1986, likely due to the recognition that they cause dependence. From a low level in 1992, we found that the sales of SSRIs increased almost linearly by a factor of 18, up to 44 DDD per 1000 inhabitants, which was closely related to the number of products on the market that increased by a factor of 16. Sales of antidepressant drugs are mainly determined by market availability of products indicating that marketing pressures are playing an important role. Thus the current level of use of SSRIs may not be evidence-based, which is supported by studies showing that the effect of SSRIs has been overestimated.

  8. Increasing supplemental nutrition assistance program/electronic benefits transfer sales at farmers' markets with vendor-operated wireless point-of-sale terminals. (United States)

    Buttenheim, Alison M; Havassy, Joshua; Fang, Michelle; Glyn, Jonathan; Karpyn, Allison E


    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly Food Stamp Program) participants can use their benefits at many farmers' markets. However, most markets have only one market-operated wireless point-of-sale (POS) card swipe terminal for electronic benefits transfer (EBT) transactions. It is not known whether providing each farmer/vendor with individual wireless POS terminals and subsidizing EBT fees will increase SNAP/EBT purchases at farmers' markets. To evaluate the effects of multiple vendor-operated wireless POS terminals (vs a single market-operated terminal) on use of SNAP benefits at an urban farmers' market. Time-series analyses of SNAP/EBT sales. The Clark Park farmers' market in West Philadelphia, PA, which accounts for one quarter of all SNAP/EBT sales at farmers' markets in Pennsylvania. Vendors were provided with individual wireless POS terminals for 9 months (June 2008-February 2009.) The pilot program covered all equipment and wireless service costs and transaction fees associated with SNAP/EBT, credit, and debit sales. Monthly SNAP/EBT sales at the Clark Park farmers' market. SNAP/EBT sales data were collected for 48 months (January 2007-December 2010). Time-series regression analysis was used to estimate the effect of the intervention period (June 2008-February 2009) on SNAP/EBT sales, controlling for seasonal effects and total SNAP benefits issued in Philadelphia. The intervention was associated with a 38% increase in monthly SNAP/EBT sales. Effects were greatest during the busy fall market seasons. SNAP/EBT sales did not remain significantly higher after the intervention period. Providing individual wireless POS terminals to farmers' market vendors leads to increased sales. However, market vendors indicated that subsidies for equipment costs and fees would be needed to break even. Currently, SNAP provides some support for these services for supermarket and other SNAP retailers with landline access, but not for farmers' markets. Copyright

  9. 3. quarter 2006 sales revenue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document presents the sales revenue of the 3. quarter 2006 for the Group AREVA. The sales revenues for the first nine months of 2006 are up by 8,1% to 7,556 millions euros; the nuclear operations are up by 5,2% reflecting strong performance in the front end division; the transmission and distribution division is up by 14%. (A.L.B.)

  10. Take time to make time : What to consider when managing multi-channel sales systems with the objective to increase sales efficiency




    Traditional sales systems have been disrupted by technological developments. In order to  adapt, companies are changing the way they interact with their customers in business-to-business markets. In the last three decades, multi-channel strategies have spurred the proliferation of different sales channels and new ways of managing sales systems. The purpose of this research was to investigate what should be considered when managing multi-channel sales systems with the objective of increasing s...

  11. Analysing and Improving the Sales Strategy and Process


    Kuosa, Samuel


    In this thesis the intention is to identify and analyze the sales strategy and sales process of Robert Bosch Oy, which is a subsidiary of the multinational Robert Bosch GmbH. This thesis focuses on the mobility solutions business sector. The reason behind this research is to illuminate the problems the organization faces in implementing their sales strategy and sales process, and then offer improvement ideas on how they could be implemented in the Finnish market. The literature review giv...

  12. Optimal Sales Schemes for Network Goods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Parakhonyak, Alexei; Vikander, Nick

    consumers simultaneously, serve them all sequentially, or employ any intermediate scheme. We show that the optimal sales scheme is purely sequential, where each consumer observes all previous sales before choosing whether to buy himself. A sequential scheme maximizes the amount of information available...

  13. 75 FR 51934 - Telemarketing Sales Rule (United States)


    ... FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 16 CFR Part 310 Telemarketing Sales Rule AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission. ACTION: Final rule; correction. SUMMARY: The Federal Trade Commission (``Commission'') published a final rule on August 10, 2010, adopting amendments to the Telemarketing Sales Rule that address the...

  14. Economic Value of Army Foreign Military Sales (United States)


    USASAC leads the AMC Security Assistance Enterprise, develops and manages security assistance programs and foreign military sales cases to build...that leads to cost savings and cost avoidance. The Shadow’s FMS sales are currently 1.6% of the total units in operation and accounts for the same...SPONSORED REPORT SERIES Economic Value of Army Foreign Military Sales December 2015 MAJ James P. Allen, USA MAJ Scott A. Bailey, USA CPT

  15. Impact of Rainfall, Sales Method, and Time on Land Prices


    Stephens, Steve; Schurle, Bryan


    Land prices in Western Kansas are analyzed using regression to estimate the influence of rainfall, sales method, and time of sale. The estimates from regression indicate that land prices decreased about $27 for each range that was farther west which can be converted to about $75 per inch of average rainfall. In addition, the influence of method of sale (private sale or auction) is estimated along with the impact of time of sale. Auction sales prices are approximately $100 higher per acre than...

  16. Significance and Differences of Marketing and Sales Controlling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karel Havlicek


    Full Text Available Small and medium-sized companies usually perceive controlling in connection with financial management. However, it is a serious mistake which may have very unpleasant consequences for businesses. Such consequences are usually connected with a failure to achieve operational and strategic aims in the area of sales, production, innovation or marketing. For companies, a failure of marketing and sales controlling means that achieving the aims in the area of customer relations management is threatened, which subsequently results in the company´s sales not being fulfilled. This may result in a failure of the corporate strategy in the medium-term, which tends to be followed by a failure of sales and a threat to liquidity. Absence of marketing and sales controlling is usually the most frequent cause of a crisis. Therefore, the aim of the article is to describe the main areas of marketing and sales controlling and its relation to risk management.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glenda Sogo Fanrensen


    Full Text Available The existing system of PT. X used to insert sales data manually. While in field, Sales Force noted of the order from dealer/customer manually, then later insert it into company’s database. The repetitive data copying causes bigger risk of mistyping and unreliability, because Sales Force travels for weeks. Other problem is that too many paper wasted on Sales Order and Invoice. Furthermore, PT. X needs comprehensive document support for Sales Force to fulfill customer’s need of information. In this research, Sales Force Automation (SFA software that works online is chosen to meet the expectations. For document supply, due to the amount of documents needed, business taxonomy is made. Because the software is demanded to be easily accessed from wherever and whenever, Android is chosen as the hardware. The results obtained are various features for sales data management, such as view, add, edit, delete, and verification. The admin program supports the Sales Force work appraisal, notification, calculating Sales Force’s earnings per target ratio, Sales Force’s commission, et cetera. The SFA program supports the making of Sales Order, which is to be verified through SMS Gateway before inserted into company’s database, scheduling, et cetera.

  18. 12 CFR 208.37 - Government securities sales practices. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Government securities sales practices. 208.37... Securities-Related Activities § 208.37 Government securities sales practices. (a) Scope. This subpart is... dealer. (d) Recommendations to customers. In recommending to a customer the purchase, sale or exchange of...

  19. 13 CFR 125.4 - Government property sales assistance. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Government property sales... CONTRACTING PROGRAMS § 125.4 Government property sales assistance. (a) The purpose of SBA's Government property sales assistance program is to: (1) Insure that small businesses obtain their fair share of all...

  20. 26 CFR 15a.453-1 - Installment method reporting for sales of real property and casual sales of personal property. (United States)


    ... seller's basis in the property which was the subject of the installment sale, increased by the amount of... ($700,000) increased by the gain recognized by G in the year of sale ($400,000) reduced by the cash... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Installment method reporting for sales of real...


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    Full Text Available Las cirugía de reemplazo total de cadera (RTC ,utiliza una serie de instrumentos llamados separadores que permiten visualizar el campo quirúrgico (área acetabular [1]. El tiempo, espacio y campo quirúrgico son factores relevantes en el desarrollo de este tipo de cirugías que se ven afectados por el uso de separadores, con diseños diferentes, que requieren ser sostenidos por una o varias personas para retraer los tejidos de la pierna por tiempo prolongado, generando mayor morbilidad en el paciente y estrés en el equipo quirúrgico (equipo entendido como el grupo compuesto por el médico cirujano, anestesiólogo, instrumentador y auxiliar que desarrolla la cirugía. El instrumental actualmente utilizado, en cirugías de RTC, no satisface los requerimientos ergonómicos y minimizan las condiciones óptimas de trabajo. El uso de herramientas computacionales ha generado en las últimas décadas una solución rápida y segura a muchos problemas ingenieríles, facilitando así el desarrollo de procesos y productos. El análisis por elementos fi nitos es uno de los métodos más utilizados en problemas de tenso- deformaciones, con un componente predictivo, aplicado al diseño y desarrollo de instrumental que optimizan las condiciones de trabajo del equipo quirúrgico. El propósito de este estudio fue mejorar las condiciones de trabajo del equipo quirúrgico, minimizando las complicaciones post-quirúrgicas del paciente, a partir del estudio del instrumental quirúrgico, especialmente separadores, utilizados para cirugía RTC, incorporando criterios de diseño y analizando la distribución de tensiones generadas en el modelo, sin perder de vista los niveles de funcionalidad clínica y mecánica requeridas.

  2. Sales-marketing encroachment effects on innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keszney, Tamara; Biemans, Wim

    The role of sales-has changed dramatically during the last two decades, with sales becoming increasingly strategic and encroaching on domains that traditionally belong to marketing. Many studies address the role of marketing in new product development (NPD) success, but research on the increasing

  3. 76 FR 58716 - Telemarketing Sales Rule (United States)


    ... FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 16 CFR Part 310 Telemarketing Sales Rule AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission... Telemarketing Sales Rule in the Federal Register on August 10, 2010 (75 FR 48458), with new provisions to..., Division of Marketing Practices, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC...

  4. Fuel oil and kerosene sales 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication contains the 1995 survey results of the ''Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report'' (Form EIA-821). This is the seventh year that the survey data have appeared in a separate publication. Except for the kerosene and on-highway diesel information, data presented in Tables 1 through 12 (Sales of Fuel Oil and Kerosene) present results of the EIA-821 survey. Tables 13 through 24 (Adjusted Sales of Fuel Oil and Kerosene) include volumes that are based on the EIA-821 survey but have been adjusted to equal the product supplied volumes published in the Petroleum Supply Annual (PSA). 24 tabs

  5. Fuel oil and kerosene sales 1995

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This publication contains the 1995 survey results of the ``Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report`` (Form EIA-821). This is the seventh year that the survey data have appeared in a separate publication. Except for the kerosene and on-highway diesel information, data presented in Tables 1 through 12 (Sales of Fuel Oil and Kerosene) present results of the EIA-821 survey. Tables 13 through 24 (Adjusted Sales of Fuel Oil and Kerosene) include volumes that are based on the EIA-821 survey but have been adjusted to equal the product supplied volumes published in the Petroleum Supply Annual (PSA). 24 tabs.

  6. El periodismo televisivo, las fuentes periodísticas y la comunicación por redes sociales en el noticiero de televisión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estefany Morales Blanco


    Full Text Available La presente investigación permite conocer la relación entre el periodismo televisivo, las fuentes periodísticas y la comunicación por redes sociales y explica la forma en que la producción del noticiero de televisión se nutre por el contacto con las fuentes que, a su vez, han cambiado gracias al uso de plataformas virtuales como Facebook y Twitter. Es un estudio no experimental, aplicativo, descriptivo, correlacional y multivariable, que abordó una muestra de 30 periodistas del noticiero “ATV Noticias” de la Empresa Andina de Radiodifusión de la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Entre las principales conclusiones, se comprobó que la masificación de la Internet y las redes sociales han afectado la producción de los contenidos audiovisuales del noticiero, desde la selección de los temas que abordarán las noticias, el contacto con las fuentes periodísticas y la labor del reportero de televisión, hasta la elaboración del minutado y la retroalimentación generada en el entorno virtual de las redes sociales.

  7. Electric sales and revenue 1996

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Information is provided on electricity sales, associated revenue, average revenue per kilowatthour sold, and number of consumers throughout the US. The data provided in the Electric Sales and Revenue are presented at the national, Census division, State, and electric utility levels. The information is based on annual data reported by electric utilities for the calendar year ending December 31, 1996. 16 figs., 20 tabs.

  8. Western Gulf of Mexico lease sale draws weak response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koen, A.D.


    This paper reports that puny participation in the federal lease sale for the western Gulf of Mexico reflected a lack of open acreage on attractive prospects and the crisis sweeping the U.S. offshore oil and gas industry. Thirty-eight companies participating in the Minerals Management Service's Outer Continental Shelf Sale 141 offered 81 bids for 61 tracts in the western gulf planning area. That was the fewest bids offered in a western gulf sale since operators offered 52 bids for 41 tracts at Sale 105 in August 1986. The only Gulf of Mexico minerals sale to attract less bonus money was the MMS sulfur and salt sale in the central gulf in February 1988 in which $20.8 million was exposed

  9. 24 CFR 30.55 - Interstate Land Sales violations. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Interstate Land Sales violations... Sales violations. (a) General. The Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, or his... materially violates any provision of the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (15 U.S.C. 1701 et seq...

  10. Modifying sales summaries can aid forest products industries (United States)

    G. B. Harpole


    This Note illustrates how a sales summary can be modified to separately identify changes in sales realization caused by changes in market prices and by changes in the product mix sold. With this information, a sales summary can become a helpful record to gage effects of past production and marketing decisions.

  11. Success Factors for Personal Sale - Transaction Oriented


    Daniel Mihai Vasiliu


    This paper aims to demonstrate that a complex of factors, which I called “the success factors", which decisively influence the sale process. Currently, companies spend significant amounts of money each year to train sales representatives in the art sale. Banking institutions are designed to successfully meet the financial needs of the customers, to identify new needs, to reshape banking products and services, to create and launch new products and services on market.

  12. Success Factors for Personal Sale - Transaction Oriented

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Mihai Vasiliu


    Full Text Available This paper aims to demonstrate that a complex of factors, which I called “the successfactors", which decisively influence the sale process. Currently, companies spend significant amountsof money each year to train sales representatives in the art sale. Banking institutions are designed tosuccessfully meet the financial needs of the customers, to identify new needs, to reshape bankingproducts and services, to create and launch new products and services on market.

  13. The persistence of marketing effects on sales


    Dekimpe, Marnik; Hanssens, DM


    Are marketing efforts able to affect long-term trends in sales or other performance measures? Answering this question is essential for the creation of marketing strategies that deliver a sustainable competitive advantage. This paper introduces persistence modeling to derive long-term marketing effectiveness from time-series observations on sales and marketing expenditures. First, we use unit-root tests to determine whether sales are stable or evolving (trending) over time. If they are evolvin...

  14. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lookofsky, Joseph

    Also sometimes referred to as the Vienna Sales Convention, the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention, which first entered into effect in 1988, is the first sales law treaty to win...... with international sales contracts and sales contract disputes will obtain an excellent overview of the Convention, as well as valuable information as to all its 101 Articles, compromising key topic areas such as the following: • Determining when the CISG applies; • Freedom of contract under Article 6...

  15. Decomposing Firm-level Sales Variation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Jakob Roland; Nguyen, Daniel Xuyen

    , and that for the median product it drives 31% of the sales variation. When we remove first-time exports from our sample, the median value increases to 40%, implying that firm-destination-specific effects are most important the first year. We conclude that while firm-specific productivity can account for some......We measure the contribution of firm-specific effects to overall sales variation within a destination and find it remarkably low. Our empirical decomposition is structurally motivated by a heterogeneity model of exporting involving destination-specific, firm-specific, and firm......-destination-specific latent effects with incidental truncation. We use a highly detailed dataset with exports by products and destinations for all Danish manufacturing fi…rms. We fi…nd the contribution of firm-specific heterogeneity to within-destination sales variation varies greatly across HS6 products...

  16. Fuel oil and kerosene sales 1992

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication contains the 1992 survey results of the ''Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report'' (Form EIA-821). This is the fourth year that the survey data have appeared in a separate publication. Prior to the 1989 report, the statistics appeared in the Petroleum Marketing Annual (PMA) for reference year 1988 and the Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM for reference years 1984 through 1987. The 1992 edition marks the ninth annual presentation of the results of the ongoing ''Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report'' survey. Except for the kerosene and on-highway diesel information, data presented in Tables 1 through 12 (Sales of Fuel Oil and Kerosene) present results of the EIA-821 survey. Tables 13 through 24 (Adjusted Sales of Fuel Oil and Kerosene) include volumes that are based on the EIA-821 survey but have been adjusted to equal the products supplied volumes published in the Petroleum Supply Annual (PSA)

  17. 29 CFR 779.117 - Salesmen and sales clerks. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Salesmen and sales clerks. 779.117 Section 779.117 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATEMENTS OF GENERAL... sales clerks. A salesman or a sales clerk who regularly and recurrently takes orders for, or sells, or...

  18. Evaluación de la recuperación de suelos contaminados por el vertido de Aznalcóllar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarita María Sarria Carabalí


    Full Text Available Los suelos afectados por el accidente de la mina de Aznalcóllar, Sevilla (España en 1998 fueron remediados para disminuir la contaminación generada principalmente por As, Cu, Pb y Zn. Para evaluar la recuperación de los suelos, especialmente los que se sometieron a medidas de remediación, se hizo un muestreo en tres perfiles: suelo contaminado (SC, suelo remediado (SR y suelo no contaminado (SNC en el sector 'Puente de las Doblas', 10 años después de ocurrido el accidente. Se determinaron las propiedades físico-químicas y se realizaron bioensayos con la bacteria Vibrio fischeri y Lactuca sativa (lechuga, para valorar la toxicidad generada por dichos metales. El SR presentó propiedades similares a las del SNC, pero con una mayor concentración de metales totales que no superan el nivel crítico para parques naturales y zonas forestales. Las concentraciones de Cu y Zn en fase soluble eran superiores a los valores máximos deseables en la solución del suelo; además, ambos metales generaron toxicidad en Vibrio fischeri, entre 40 y 50 cm de profundidad, asociada con pH ácido. Se sugiere continuar los seguimientos periódicos con el fin de evaluar la evolución y la dispersión potencial de la toxicidad detectada en los suelos recuperados, y efectuar las actuaciones necesarias para la recuperación ambiental.

  19. Increased sales and thefts of candy as a function of sales promotion activities: Preliminary findings. (United States)

    Carter, N; Kindstedt, A; Melin, L


    We used an A-B-A design to evaluate the effects of two commonly used promotional activities-price reduction and increased exposure, in combination and separately-on sales and thefts of candy at a grocery store. The combination of activities and the increased exposure condition produced the greatest increases in sales. The combination of activities was also associated with the greatest increase in thefts.

  20. 12 CFR 563g.12 - Securities sale report. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Securities sale report. 563g.12 Section 563g.12 Banks and Banking OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY SECURITIES OFFERINGS § 563g.12 Securities sale report. (a) Within 30 days after the first sale of the securities, every six...

  1. 5 CFR 3601.106 - Limitation on solicited sales. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Limitation on solicited sales. 3601.106... FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE § 3601.106 Limitation on solicited sales. A DoD employee shall not knowingly solicit or make solicited sales to DoD personnel who are junior in rank, grade or...

  2. The Enhancing Impact of Friendship Networks on Sales Managers’ Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danny Pimentel Claro


    Full Text Available This paper examines how relationships with friends moderate the impact of professional networks on sales performance. Based on a sample of 204 sales managers in a professional service company, this study presents evidence that friendship networks amplify the effect of sales forces’ professional networks on new product sales as well as on prospecting and converting new deals. Our results offer important insights into the socio-cognitive perspective of sales management literature and suggest that firms should encourage managers to improve their friendships in order to access valuable information that will enhance customer knowledge and support their sales efforts.

  3. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lookofsky, Joseph

    Also sometimes referred to as the Vienna Sales Convention, the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention, which first entered into effect in 1988, is the first sales law treaty to win....... With this monograph as their guide, lawyers and scholars who deal with international sales contracts and sales contract disputes will obtain an excellent overview of the Convention, as well as valuable information as to all its 101 Articles, compromising key topic areas such as the following: • Determining when...

  4. 30 CFR 772.14 - Commercial use or sale. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Commercial use or sale. 772.14 Section 772.14... REQUIREMENTS FOR COAL EXPLORATION § 772.14 Commercial use or sale. (a) Except as provided under §§ 772.14(b... operations is required for the sale or commercial use of coal extracted during exploration operations if such...

  5. 26 CFR 148.1-5 - Constructive sale price. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 17 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Constructive sale price. 148.1-5 Section 148.1... § 148.1-5 Constructive sale price. (a) Purpose of this section. The purpose of this section is to set forth temporary rules to be used in determining a constructive sale price under section 4216(b) of the...

  6. Changes in colloid solution sales in Nordic countries. (United States)

    Kongsgaard, U E; Holtan, A; Perner, A


    Administration of resuscitation fluid is a common intervention in the treatment of critically ill patients, but the right choice of fluid is still a matter of debate. Changes in medical practice are based on new evidence and guidelines as well as traditions and personal preferences. Official warnings against the use of hydroxyl-ethyl-starch (HES) solutions have been issued. Nordic guidelines have issued several strong recommendations favouring crystalloids over colloids in all patient groups. Our objective was to describe the patterns of colloid use in Nordic countries from 2012 to 2016. The data were obtained from companies that provide pharmaceutical statistics in different countries. The data are sales figures from pharmaceutical companies to pharmacies and health institutions. We found a 56% reduction in the total sales of all colloids in Nordic countries over a 5-year period. These findings were mainly related to a 92% reduction in the sales of HES solutions. A reduction in sales of other synthetic colloids has also occurred. During the same period, we found a 46% increase in albumin sales, but these numbers varied between Nordic countries. The general reduction in colloid sales likely reflects the recommendation that colloids should be used only in special circumstances. The dramatic reduction in the sales of HES solutions was expected given evidence of harm and the official warnings. The steady increase in albumin sales and the notable differences between the five Nordic countries cannot be explained. © 2018 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Gold sales forecasting: The Box-Jenkins methodology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johannes Tshepiso Tsoku


    Full Text Available The study employs the Box-Jenkins Methodology to forecast South African gold sales. For a resource economy like South Africa where metals and minerals account for a high proportion of GDP and export earnings, the decline in gold sales is very disturbing. Box-Jenkins time series technique was used to perform time series analysis of monthly gold sales for the period January 2000 to June 2013 with the following steps: model identification, model estimation, diagnostic checking and forecasting. Furthermore, the prediction accuracy is tested using mean absolute percentage error (MAPE. From the analysis, a seasonal ARIMA(4,1,4×(0,1,112 was found to be the “best fit model” with an MAPE value of 11% indicating that the model is fit to be used to predict or forecast future gold sales for South Africa. In addition, the forecast values show that there will be a decrease in the overall gold sales for the first six months of 2014. It is hoped that the study will help the public and private sectors to understand the gold sales or output scenario and later plan the gold mining activities in South Africa. Furthermore, it is hoped that this research paper has demonstrated the significance of Box-Jenkins technique for this area of research and that they will be applied in the future.

  8. Point of sale tobacco advertisements in India. (United States)

    Chaudhry, S; Chaudhry, S; Chaudhry, K


    The effect of any legislation depends on its implementation. Limited studies indicate that tobacco companies may tend to use such provision for surrogate advertising. The point of sale advertisement provision has been placed in the Indian Tobacco Control legislation. The study was undertaken to assess the Indian scenario in this regard. To assess if there are any violations related to provision of point of tobacco sale advertisements under India's comprehensive tobacco Control legislation in different parts of India. Boards over various shops showing advertisements of tobacco products were observed in the cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Trivandrum and Jaipur, between September 2005 and March 2006. The point of sale advertisements mushroomed after the implementation of 2004 tobacco control legislation. Tobacco advertisement boards fully satisfying the point of sale provision were practically non-existent. The most common violation of point of sale advertisements was the larger size of the board but with tobacco advertisement equal to the size indicated in the legislation and remaining area often showing a picture. Invariably two boards were placed together to provide the impression of a large single repetitive advertisement. More than two boards was not common. Tobacco advertisement boards were also observed on closed shops/ warehouses, shops not selling tobacco products and on several adjacent shops. The purpose of the point of sale advertisements seems to be surrogate advertisement of tobacco products, mainly cigarettes.

  9. The enhancing impact of friendship networks on sales managers' performance


    Claro, Danny Pimentel; Laban Neto, Silvio Abrahão; Claro, Priscila Borin de Oliveira


    This paper examines how relationships with friends moderate the impact of professional networks on sales performance. Based on a sample of 204 sales managers in a professional service company, this study presents evidence that friendship networks amplify the effect of sales forces’ professional networks on new product sales as well as on prospecting and converting new deals. Our results offer important insights into the socio-cognitive perspective of sales management literature and suggest th...

  10. 7 CFR 1962.45 - Reporting sales. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 14 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Reporting sales. 1962.45 Section 1962.45 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) RURAL HOUSING SERVICE, RURAL BUSINESS-COOPERATIVE... sales. Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1955-3, “Advice of Property Acquired...

  11. 29 CFR 541.500 - General rule for outside sales employees. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false General rule for outside sales employees. 541.500 Section... REGULATIONS DEFINING AND DELIMITING THE EXEMPTIONS FOR EXECUTIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE, PROFESSIONAL, COMPUTER AND OUTSIDE SALES EMPLOYEES Outside Sales Employees § 541.500 General rule for outside sales employees. (a...

  12. Forecasting Nike’s Sales using Facebook Data


    Boldt, Linda Camilla; Vinayagamoorthy, Vinothan; Winder, Florian; Schnittger, Melanie; Ekram, Mats; Mukkamala, Raghava Rao; Lassen, Niels Buus; Flesch, Benjamin; Hussain, Abid; Vatrapu, Ravi


    This paper tests whether accurate sales forecasts for Nike are possible from Facebook data and how events related to Nike affect the activity on Nike’s Facebook pages. The paper draws from the AIDA sales framework (Awareness, Interest, Desire,and Action) from the domain of marketing and employs the method of social set analysis from the domain of computational social science to model sales from Big Social Data. The dataset consists of (a) selection of Nike’s Facebook pages with the number of ...

  13. Brote de faringoamigdalitis de origen alimentario por estreptococo betahemolítico A

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    Juan Nieto Vera


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Aunque no son frecuentes, algunos autores han comunicado brotes de faringoamigdalitis de origen alimentario. El 11 de mayo de 2010 se notificó a la Red de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Andalucía (SVEA que había personas con cuadro de faringoamigdalitis que tenían en común haber asistido a una comunión celebrada el día 8. El objetivo de este trabajo es la caracterización epidemiológica del brote. Método: Estudio observacional descriptivo de casos notificados y análisis de casos control por exposición a los alimentos implicados. Se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, sintomatología y fecha de inicio de síntomas. Fuentes de información fueron los registros del SVEA e historia digital individual (DIRAYA. Se calcularon frecuencias, tasas de ataque, y análisis bayesiano de comparación de diferencia de proporciones de enfermar para un intervalo de probabilidad o credibilidad (IP del 95%. Resultados: De 130 asistentes a una celebración se detectaron 41 casos de faringoamigdalitis (tasa ataque 31,5% y se aisló en frotis Estreptococo betahemolítico A. El grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 25-44 años: 16 (39,0%;hubo más afectación de las mujeres 24 (68,6% mujeres. La ensaladilla de huevo presentó una probabilidad mayor del 80% P(Δ>0,10 y Δ>0,15 para un IP del 95% de enfermar tras su consumo y la probabilidad de tener menos riesgo de no enfermar. Conclusiones: Se trató de un brote por estreptococo betahemolítico A. El análisis epidemiológico evidenció exposición a fuente única y común, siendo plausible la hipótesis del origen alimentario, posiblemente por la ensaladilla de huevo contaminada por algún manipulador de alimentos. Como factores contribuyentes se identificaron inadecuadas medidas higiénico-sanitarias en la manipulación y conservación de los alimentos.

  14. 16 CFR 238.4 - Switch after sale. (United States)


    .... Among acts or practices which will be considered in determining if the initial sale was in good faith..., unusable or impractical for the purpose represented or implied in the advertisement. [Guide 4] Note: Sales...

  15. Cuidadores de crianças com câncer: aspectos da vida afetados pela atividade de cuidador Cuidantes de niños con cáncer: aspectos de la vida afectados por la actividad de cuidar Caregivers of children with cancer: aspects of life affectcet by the caregiver role

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    Ana Raquel Medeiros Beck


    Full Text Available Pretendeu-se, neste estudo, descrever como as atividades relacionadas ao cuidar afetam a vida de cuidadores de crianças com câncer, o grau de dependência da criança para desempenhar as atividades de vida diária (AVD, o grau de ajuda recebida de outros e o quanto alguns aspectos da vida do cuidador são afetados pela atividade de cuidar. O estudo foi descritivo, comparativo e transversal. Foram entrevistados 50 cuidadores de crianças entre três e dez anos num hospital infantil, referência no tratamento de doenças onco-hematológicas, em Campinas, SP. As atividades relacionadas ao cuidar ocasionaram sérios prejuízos na vida dos cuidadores. Portanto, avaliar estes aspectos pode auxiliar o enfermeiro a evidenciar, amenizar e planejar a assistência aos cuidadores de crianças com câncer.Se pretendió en este estudio describir de que forma las actividades relacionadas al cuidar afectan la vida de los cuidantes de niños con cáncer, el grado de dependencia del niño para desempeñar las actividades de la vida diaria (AVD, el grado de ayuda recibida de otros, y en que medida algunos aspectos da la vida del cuidante eran afectados por la actividad de cuidar. El estudio fué descriptivo, comparativo y transversal. Fueron entrevistados 50 cuidantes de niños entre 3 y 10 años en un hospital infantil modelo en el tratamiento de dolencias onco-hematológicas, en Campinas, SP. Las actividades relacionadas al cuidar ocasionaron serios daños en la vida de los cuidantes. Por lo tanto, evaluar estos aspectos puede auxiliar al enfermero a identificar, amenizar y planear la asistencia a los cuidantes de niños con cáncer.This study aimed at demonstrating that the caregiving role affected the lives of caregivers of children with cancer, the child's degree of dependence regarding the performance of daily life activities (DLA, the degree of help offered by others and the degree to which some aspects of the caregiver's life were affected by caregiving

  16. Drivers of Sales Innovation in Business-To-Business Firms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritter, Thomas; Geersbro, Jens


    This paper defines the term sales innovation, offers an operationalization of the concept, and discusses antecedents of sales innovation in terms of important internal and external drivers. An empirical analysis of 409 B2B firms identifies the internal drivers of sales innovation as increased top...... management focus and increased resource allocation as well as increasing customer and competitor dynamics as external drivers. Despite the suggested positive impact of the degree of competitive pressure on sales innovation, the empirical results suggest a significant negative impact, i.e. competitive...... pressure leads to less innovation in sales. Finally the paper suggests managerial implications as well as avenues of further research in this area....

  17. Déficit en Habilidades Sociales en Niños con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención- Hiperactividad, Evaluados con la Escala BASC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Se analizaron las Habilidades Sociales ( HS de 159 niños de ambos sexos, escolarizados, con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad ( TDAH , entre los 6 y los 11 años de edad. La valo - ración de las HS se realizó con la escala Behavioral Assessment System for Children para padres y maestros. Los resultados mostraron que los niños con TDAH presentan puntajes más bajos en las dimensiones de habilidades sociales como escu - char, esperar turnos, reconocer señales sociales y tener capacidad de adaptabilidad. Sin embargo, en compañerismo, los participantes con TDAH combinado poseen habilidades semejantes a los no afectados. Esto replantea lo encontrado en la mayoría de los estudios en donde únicamente se evidencian deficiencias.

  18. Central Gulf of Mexico lease sale draws weak industry response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koen, A.D.


    This paper reports that interest in oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico continued spiraling downward at the latest Minerals Management Service offshore sale. Companies participating in Outer Continental Shelf Sale 139 last week in New Orleans offered 196 bids for 151 blocks in the central Gulf of Mexico. MMS offered 5,213 blocks for lease. The number of tracts receiving bids was the fewest at a central gulf lease sale since 114 tracts garnered high bids totaling $146.4 million at Sale 104 in April 1986. Apparent high bids in Sale 139 totaled $56,195,552, and all bids offered totaled just $65,300,864. Both bidding totals were the lowest in a Gulf of Mexico lease sale since MMS began area-wide gulf leasing at Sale 72 in May 1983. Only 64 of 93 qualified companies participated in Sale 139. Fifty-five companies offered apparent winning bids. By comparison, 123 companies at central gulf lease Sale 131 in March 1991 offered 637 bids totaling $320.5 million for 464 tracts. Apparent high bids last spring totaled $259.9 million. At central gulf lease Sale 123 in March 1990, high bids totaled $427.4 million for 538 tracts. In that sale, BP Exploration Inc. led all bidders, exposing $78 million in 79 high bids, including 60 for deepwater tracts. Since then, interest in deepwater tracts has waned in part because of sagging oil and gas prices as U.S. operators sought bigger prospects outside the U.S. Ironically, Sale 139 was dominated by the U.S. subsidiary of an Italian holding company

  19. Understanding the Sales Process by Selling (United States)

    Bussière, Dave


    Experiential projects bring students closer to real-world situations. This is valuable in sales education because the complexities of the sales process are difficult to learn from a textbook. A student project was developed that involved the selling of advertising space in a one-time newspaper insert. The project included a substantial minimum…

  20. 15 CFR 904.505 - Summary sale. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Summary sale. 904.505 Section 904.505 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade (Continued) NATIONAL OCEANIC... and Forfeiture Procedures § 904.505 Summary sale. (a) In view of the perishable nature of fish, any...

  1. Increasing sales by reducing procrastination


    Gjedrem, William Gilje


    Master's thesis in Finance In this paper I analyze whether an intervention program increases productivity and sales, by reducing potential procrastination problems that employees face at work. The intervention was introduced to stores in a large retail chain in Norway, and contained different tools that could lead to lower perceived costs of higher effort. In a difference-in-differences analysis I find that the intervention increases sales after a 14 weeks long implementation period. Fu...


    CERN Multimedia

    Division SPL, groupe logistique; A. Notar


    From 3 January 2000 there will be a security barrier in front of the storage-recycling area in bldg 133, which will be accessible only to authorised staff and contractors.You are reminded that the equipment delivered to this area must be unpolluted and non-radioactive. The cost of recycling the equipment will be debited to the budget code of the Division concerned, with the prior approval of the Group Leader.Reminder relating to equipment salesThe Sales Section is open on Thursdays from 13.30 to 15.00 hours only.SPL DivisionLogistics GroupA. Notari

  3. Por daños y perjuicios: reclamaciones de españoles en el Perú, siglos XIX-XX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martínez Riaza, Ascensión


    Full Text Available In the second half of the 19th century Spanish residents in Peru managed to get wealthy and integrated in the economic power circles. They were traders and owners seeking profit through speculation in guano fertilizer, saltpeter and finance. They were affected by internal instability and the war with Chile, so that their expectations were not met and they made claims individually and collectively before Peruvian and Chilean authorities. As a last resort they used mediation by the Spanish government through its diplomatic representation in Lima. The article recovers especially significant cases of this claiming process.

    A lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX españoles residentes en el Perú lograron hacer fortuna y se integraron en los circuitos de poder económico. Comerciantes y propietarios, buscando beneficios, entraron en actividades especulativas en relación con el guano, el salitre y las finanzas. Afectados por la inestabilidad interna y por la guerra con Chile, no vieron cumplidas sus expectativas y reclamaron individual y colectivamente ante instancias peruanas y chilenas. Como último recurso acudieron a la mediación del gobierno español a través de la representación diplomática en Lima. El artículo rescata casos especialmente significativos.

  4. What can sales managers learn from coaches of professional sport teams?


    G. Troilo; P. Guenzi


    Sales organizations are increasing their use of sales teams, but team selling is an under- researched area. In this perspective, the role of sales teams’ leaders deserves special attention. Sales teams have many characteristics in common with sport teams. Hence, sales managers often look to sport for inspirational examples and useful models of teamwork. Based on interviews with 31 coaches of professional sport teams, we developed a conceptual model providing sales managers with some useful le...

  5. On the Importance of Sales for Aggregate Price Flexibility


    Nicolas Vincent; Oleksiy Kryvtsov


    Macroeconomists have traditionally ignored the behavior of temporary price markdowns ("sales") by retailers. Although sales are common in the micro price data, they are assumed to be unrelated to macroeconomic phenomena and generally filtered out. We challenge this view. First, using the 1996 - 2012 data set of the U.K. CPI monthly price quotes, we document a roughly twofold increase in the frequency of sales during the Great Recession. We also present evidence of countercyclical sales in the...

  6. Sales compensation governance: the last frontier of corporate reform. (United States)

    Gundy, Peter R; Gaeta, Elizabeth C


    The area of sales compensation has remained relatively untouched by recent pressures for compensation reform. This article highlights some of the ways that sales organizations stumble in managing their compensation programs, and why it takes more than a simple tactical fix to address these problems effectively. The authors describe a more structured governance framework that not only identifies and resolves key sales compensation issues, but ultimately safeguards the effectiveness and financial integrity of the sales organization itself.

  7. Match your sales force structure to your business life cycle. (United States)

    Zoltners, Andris A; Sinha, Prabhakant; Lorimer, Sally E


    Although companies devote considerable time and money to managing their sales forces, few focus much thought on how the structure of the sales force needs to change over the life cycle of a product or a business. However, the organization and goals of a sales operation have to evolve as businesses start up, grow, mature, and decline if a company wants to keep winning the race for customers. Specifically, firms must consider and alter four factors over time: the differing roles that internal salespeople and external selling partners should play, the size of the sales force, its degree of specialization, and how salespeople apportion their efforts among different customers, products, and activities. These variables are critical because they determine how quickly sales forces respond to market opportunities, they influence sales reps' performance, and they affect companies' revenues, costs, and profitability. In this article, the authors use timeseries data and cases to explain how, at each stage, firms can best tackle the relevant issues and get the most out of their sales forces. During start-up, smart companies focus on how big their sales staff should be and on whether they can depend upon selling partners. In the growth phase, they concentrate on getting the sales force's degree of specialization and size right. When businesses hit maturity, companies should better allocate existing resources and hire more general-purpose salespeople. Finally, as organizations go into decline, wise sales leaders reduce sales force size and use partners to keep the business afloat for as long as possible.

  8. Reducing the illegal sale of cigarettes to minors. (United States)

    Altman, D G; Foster, V; Rasenick-Douss, L; Tye, J B


    This study reports on an effort to stop the illegal sale of cigarettes to minors. In Santa Clara County, Calif, 412 stores and 30 vending machines were visited by 18 minors aged 14 through 16 years with the intent to purchase cigarettes; they were successful at 74% of the stores and 100% of the vending machines. After an aggressive six-month campaign using communitywide media, direct merchant education, contact with the chief executive officers of chain stores and franchise operations owned by major companies, and grassroots work with community organizations, the percentage of stores with illegal over-the-counter sale of cigarettes to minors was reduced to 39%. Sales from vending machines were not reduced. While much remains to be accomplished in stopping the illegal sale of tobacco to minors, data from this study illustrate that a well-designed community and merchant education campaign can significantly reduce such sales.

  9. Reparación de hernias inguinales recidivantes por vía preperitoneal con el uso de mallas protésicas

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    Manuel Espinel González


    Full Text Available Se analizaron los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de 17 pacientes, afectados de hernias inguinales con 2 o más recidivas, en 3 de ellos las hernias eran bilaterales. Se utilizó para su reparación mallas sintéticas de polyester (mersilene y de polipropilene (marlex, las que fueron colocadas por vía abdominal preperitoneal. Después de un período de seguimiento de 1 a 4 años no se ha detectado recidiva herniaria en ningún pacienteResult of the surgical treatment on 17 patients presenting with inguinal hernia with two or more recurrences were analyzed. In 3 of them the hernia was bilateral. Synthetic polyester surgical mesh (mersilene and a polypropilene mesh (marlex were used for the repair. The surgical mesh was placed by preperitoneal abdominal via. After a follow-up period of 1-4 years no recurrence has been found in none of the patients

  10. Internet pharmaceutical sales: attributes, concerns, and future forecast. (United States)

    Bruckel, Katy; Capozzoli, Ernest A


    Internet pharmaceutical sales continue to skyrocket as healthcare providers and consumers are increasingly relying on the efficiencies and convenience that is available via such transactions. Managed care companies, increasing demands to reduce healthcare inefficiencies while maximizing the quality of patient care is a significant contributing factor to the expanding utilization and success of online pharmaceutical sales. However, with the expansion of Internet pharmaceutical sales, healthcare providers, pharmacy benefit management and insurance companies, and consumers realize new opportunities and risks. This paper will review the attributes and concerns associated with online pharmaceutical sales, discussing current and pending legislation intended to more effectively manage these parameters.

  11. 36 CFR 228.58 - Competitive sales. (United States)


    ... cubic yards must be advertised on the same day once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the material is located, and in a trade or industrial newspaper when... other access to the sale area which is available to anyone qualified to bid. (b) Advertising—(1) Sales...

  12. Intoxicaciones agudas por baclofeno consultadas al Centro Nacional de Toxicología en cinco años

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    Sonia Pérez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el baclofeno se indica como relajante muscular para el alivio de espasticidad grave y ejerce sus efectos como agonista selectivo del receptor GABA-B. Objetivo: caracterizar las intoxicaciones por baclofeno según reportes al Servicio de Información de Urgencia del Cenatox entre 2011 y 2015. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo con un universo de 16 notificaciones, en las que se estudiaron: el centro de salud que asistió al paciente, provincia de procedencia por año de estudio, grupo de edad, sexo, circunstancias del evento, manifestaciones clínicas y severidad de la intoxicación. Resultados: el año 2014 aportó la mayor cantidad de reportes y los niños las mayores frecuencias absolutas, no hubo diferencias en relación al sexo, aunque entre los hombres predominó la causa accidental y entre las féminas las intencionales suicidas. Todas las notificaciones procedieron de atención secundaria, aunque cinco de los pacientes habían sido previamente asistidos en áreas de salud. Todos los afectados presentaron manifestaciones neurológicas, la mayoría fueron reportados de grave y la mitad de los casos presentaron alteraciones cardiorrespiratorias con inestabilidad hemodinámica que llevó a la asistencia ventilatoria. La recuperación fue completa en todos los pacientes y no se reportaron fallecidos por esta causa durante el período de estudio. Conclusiones: la sobredosis de baclofeno es más común en niños y cursa con manifestaciones de neurotoxicidad e inestabilidad hemodinámica.

  13. Effects of Internet Sales Promotion on a Differential Advertising Model

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    Hui Jiang


    Full Text Available Advertising and sales promotion are two important specific marketing communications tools. In this paper, Internet sales promotion is introduced into a differential advertising model and investigated quantitatively. The conditions for the existence and stability of periodic solutions are obtained. Flip bifurcation of periodic solution is investigated analytically. The results show that the sales promotion parameter can modify the stability of the differential advertising model and lead to chaos through flip bifurcation, the sales level will eventually be no less than a given value by adjusting the value of the sales promotion parameter, and the optimal sales promotion strategy can lead to maximum profit. Numerical results for periodic solutions, bifurcation diagrams, and the effects of sales promotion strategies, which are illustrated with an example, are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis. These results have certain significant theoretical and practical value in related markets.

  14. Tratamiento psicológico de los trastornos por estrés derivados de los atentados del 11-M: De la psicología clínica basada en la evidencia a la práctica profesional

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    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados terapéuticos obtenidos en la Unidad de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud de la UCM con 40 personas afectadas por los atentados del 11-M que presentaban distintos problemas psicopatológicos, en la mayoría de los casos (80% trastornos por estrés, y que fueron atendidas con programas de intervención psicológica basados en las técnicas con mayor apoyo empírico para los trastornos por estrés (técnicas de control de la ansiedad, reestructuración cognitiva y exposición. En el 90% de los pacientes se consiguió un éxito terapéutico, elevándose esta cifra al 100% en aquellos con trastorno por estrés agudo y bajando al 67% en los que sufrían trastorno por estrés postraumático. Estos resultados sugieren que las intervenciones basadas en los tratamientos que han mostrado su eficacia para los trastornos por estrés en las condiciones ideales de los estudios experimentales, también son útiles en la práctica clínica habitual con pacientes afectados por atentados terroristas. Para ilustrar esta conclusión, se presentan además dos estudios de caso único en los que se aplicó el programa de intervención a un niño y a un adulto que sufrían trastorno por estrés postraumático.

  15. How you slice it: smarter segmentation for your sales force. (United States)

    Waaser, Ernest; Dahneke, Marshall; Pekkarinen, Michael; Weissel, Michael


    Three years ago, 70-year-old Hill-Rom Incorporated was in a position familiar to many mature businesses: The company was strong but needed to be stronger. It was a top producer of hospital beds and specialty mattresses, its core product lines. It also had competitive complementary lines of stretchers, furniture, and architectural equipment. It had an extensive customer base, a respected sales force, and solid profit margins. But by the time Ernest Waaser took over as chief executive in early 2001, revenue growth had been slowing, and competition was on the rise. To secure Hill-Rom's place in the market, Waaser decided to focus first on the sales organization--partly because the cost of sales had risen gradually over the past five years and partly because acquisitions and other initiatives had made the sales organization more complex. The CEO took several steps to restructure the sales force. First, the company changed its customer segments to better reflect customers' demands and financial status, ultimately targeting two main groups: key and prime customers. It then changed the overall structure of the sales organization so it could tailor its approach to these two segments; key customers received more specialized service than prime customers. Finally, Hill-Rom adjusted the sales force after the company took an in-depth look at historical data on products and services and sales completed. Reasons for staffing changes were carefully communicated to the sales force. Because of Hill-Rom's initiatives, the cost of sales is down, short-term revenue growth is up, the outlook for long-term revenue growth looks bright, sales and profit margins are up, and customer satisfaction has increased. Best practice, indeed.

  16. Autoagresión por quemaduras

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    Iris Montes de Oca


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico transversal en los casos de autoagresión por quemaduras, que acudieron al Cuerpo de Guardia del Servicio de Quemados del Hospital "Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna", durante el período comprendido entre los meses de febrero de 1993 y febrero de 1994, con la finalidad de determinar el comportamiento de algunas variables de interés en estos casos. El universo de estudio lo constituyeron 57 casos, cuya información se recolectó de la gráfica general del paciente quemado (Modelo 71-05 y de los registros estadísticos del Servicio de Quemados del Hospital. Como fundamentales resultados y conclusiones se obtienen las siguientes: la mayor frecuencia de casos se encontró en las edades comprendidas entre 15 y 24 años; el sexo femenino resultó ser el más afectado en todos los grupos de edades. La cocina fue el lugar donde se efectuó el acto con mayor frecuencia. Se encontró un alto grado de asociación entre la supervivencia y la presencia de antecedentes de intentos suicidas. Presentaron la mayor incidencia por municipios los de Puerto Padre y Jobabo; el alcohol y el kerosene fueron los agentes causales más utilizados. En la casuística predominaron los grandes quemados.A transversal epidemiological study of the cases of self-aggression by burns, who received medical attention at the Emergency Department of the Burns Service of the "Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna" Hospital from February, 1993 to February, 1994, was carried out aimed at determining the behaviour of some variables of interest in these cases. Fifty seven cases were studied and the information was collected from the general graph of the burn patient (Model 71-05, and from the statistical records of the Burns Service of the hospital. The main results and conclusions reached are the following: the highest frequency of cases was found in ages between 15 and 24; women were the most affected in all age groups; and kitchen was the place where the

  17. 25 CFR 163.16 - Forest product sales without advertisement. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Forest product sales without advertisement. 163.16... FORESTRY REGULATIONS Forest Management and Operations § 163.16 Forest product sales without advertisement. (a) Sales of forest products may be made without advertisement to Indians or non-Indians with the...

  18. Marketing-sales interface configurations in B2B firms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Biemans, Wim G.; Brencic, Maja Makovec; Malshe, Avinash; Makovec Brenciv, M.

    As the body of knowledge on marketing-sales interface expands, there is a greater need to investigate the specific aspects of marketing-sales configurations in B2B firms. Using a qualitative methodology and interview data collected from over 100 sales and marketing professionals from the US, The

  19. 76 FR 60455 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 10-71] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... support. (iv) Military Department: Army (UJT). (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. (vi) Sales...

  20. 77 FR 12037 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-11] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... support. (iv) Military Department: Navy (SAF). (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. (vi) Sales...

  1. Applying conceptual design to B2B sales negotiations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Illi, Mikko; Ylirisku, Salu

    This paper addresses the challenge of perceiving B2B sales negotiation in a manner that would open up new possibilities for the improvement of the practice. B2B sales agents work under high pressure in developing relevant and appealing proposals when negotiating for a deal with a customer. The key...... problem that will be addressed is the building of understanding of a customer’s current needs and requirements, and then trying to devise an appropriate proposal to match these. The work of the sales agents in B2B sales negotiations is highly complex, as they need to understand both the modular machinery...... on the ways in which design sense making artefacts may drive also B2B sales agents’ work....

  2. Protección constitucional del derecho a la salud mental y su aplicación en el caso de los afectados por el conflicto armado interno


    Castellón Torrico, María Roxana


    La presente tesis tiene como finalidad presentar los resultados y conclusiones obtenidos por la tesista en base a un estudio jurídico que permite caracterizar el amparo como un recurso de importancia y necesidad fundamental para poder hacer exigible el Derecho a la Salud Física y Mental. Para ello fue necesario considerar la actualidad jurídica, social y política de la nación con la finalidad de entregar una propuesta jurídicamente viable, que se sustenta en la doctrina y la jurisprudencia di...

  3. Customer-sales employee encounters: a dyadic perspective.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dolen, van W.; Lemmink, J.G.A.M.; Ruyter, de J.C.; Jong, de A.


    Although researchers have suggested that the performance of the salesperson during sales encounters is critical, many of the underlying mechanisms that govern the interaction between salespersons and customers are still unclear. In this research, we investigate sales encounters from a new approach

  4. What have we learned from asset sales?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Falk, J.


    The author has created a database of 33 sales of generating assets and has the characteristics of those sales to estimate the value of generating assets. The authors conclusion so far is negative: the sales observed to date have varied so widely in characteristics and price that observed sales data cannot be usefully employed to forecast with any reliability the price at which some other asset is likely to sell in a subsequent auction. The author concludes this does not mean that the auction method is in any way inferior to an administrative method for determining stranded costs. It simply means that there are at present no reliable inferences which can be drawn from this process to inform the administrative process. While this situation might change as more and more assets are auctioned, there are reasons to think that this may not be the case

  5. Forecasting Nike’s Sales using Facebook Data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boldt, Linda Camilla; Vinayagamoorthy, Vinothan; Winder, Florian


    the method of social set analysis from the domain of computational social science to model sales from Big Social Data. The dataset consists of (a) selection of Nike’s Facebook pages with the number of likes, comments, posts etc. that have been registered for each page per day and (b) business data in terms......This paper tests whether accurate sales forecasts for Nike are possible from Facebook data and how events related to Nike affect the activity on Nike’s Facebook pages. The paper draws from the AIDA sales framework (Awareness, Interest, Desire,and Action) from the domain of marketing and employs...... of quarterly global sales figures published in Nike’s financial reports. An event study is also conducted using the Social Set Visualizer (SoSeVi). The findings suggest that Facebook data does have informational value. Some of the simple regression models have a high forecasting accuracy. The multiple...

  6. 78 FR 62590 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-43] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None (vii) Sensitivity of...

  7. 76 FR 43662 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 11-15] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...) Military Department: Navy (AAR) (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc...

  8. 77 FR 37884 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-19] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... Department: Navy (LAN). (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid...

  9. 78 FR 26324 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-20] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... Gasoline). (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: Numerous cases dating back to 1995. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee...

  10. 78 FR 76114 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-66] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None (vii) Sensitivity of Technology...

  11. 78 FR 42051 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-26] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... any: None (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None (vii...

  12. 78 FR 62600 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-47] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...: None (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed To Be Paid: None (vii) Sensitivity of...

  13. 77 FR 51780 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-42] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... support. (iv) Military Department: Air Force (QAZ). (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. (vi) Sales...

  14. 77 FR 70151 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-56] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...: Army (UAK). (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or...

  15. 77 FR 13564 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 11-53] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This..., if any: None (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None (vii...

  16. 78 FR 62588 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-53] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None (vii) Sensitivity of Technology...

  17. 76 FR 60467 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 11-34] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...: a Foreign Military Sales Order II (FMSO II) to provide funds for blanket order requisitions, under...

  18. 78 FR 69073 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-59] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...) Military Department: Air Force (QAH) (v) Prior Related Cases: None (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid...

  19. Vendor compliance with Ontario's tobacco point of sale legislation. (United States)

    Dubray, Jolene M; Schwartz, Robert M; Garcia, John M; Bondy, Susan J; Victor, J Charles


    On May 31, 2006, Ontario joined a small group of international jurisdictions to implement legislative restrictions on tobacco point of sale promotions. This study compares the presence of point of sale promotions in the retail tobacco environment from three surveys: one prior to and two following implementation of the legislation. Approximately 1,575 tobacco vendors were randomly selected for each survey. Each regionally-stratified sample included equal numbers of tobacco vendors categorized into four trade classes: chain convenience, independent convenience and discount, gas stations, and grocery. Data regarding the six restricted point of sale promotions were collected using standardized protocols and inspection forms. Weighted estimates and 95% confidence intervals were produced at the provincial, regional and vendor trade class level using the bootstrap method for estimating variance. At baseline, the proportion of tobacco vendors who did not engage in each of the six restricted point of sale promotions ranged from 41% to 88%. Within four months following implementation of the legislation, compliance with each of the six restricted point of sale promotions exceeded 95%. Similar levels of compliance were observed one year later. Grocery stores had the fewest point of sale promotions displayed at baseline. Compliance rates did not differ across vendor trade classes at either follow-up survey. Point of sale promotions did not differ across regions in any of the three surveys. Within a short period of time, a high level of compliance with six restricted point of sale promotions was achieved.

  20. 5 CFR 6701.102 - Prohibition on solicited sales to subordinates. (United States)


    ... solicited sales to subordinates. A GSA employee shall not engage in solicitation of sales, on or off duty... to, solicitation for the sale of insurance, stock, mutual funds, real estate, computer equipment and...

  1. Convenience store sales forecasting - art before science?


    Wood, SM; Browne, S


    The science of store location decision making and sales forecasting has received a huge degree of attention throughout retail management and retail geography research. This literature has focused on the conceptualisation of techniques for determining the optimal location and sales, primarily of the food supermarket.

  2. 24 CFR 401.480 - Sale or transfer of project. (United States)


    ... PROGRAM (MARK-TO-MARKET) Restructuring Plan § 401.480 Sale or transfer of project. (a) May the owner request a Restructuring Plan that includes a sale or transfer of the property? The owner may request a... that is eligible for a Restructuring Plan. (b) When must the restructuring plan include sale or...

  3. 78 FR 78939 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-68] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...-$98M (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: N/A (vii) Sensitivity of...

  4. 77 FR 42709 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-24] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... Cases, if any: None (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None (vii...

  5. 78 FR 26326 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-09] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...-20Feb08. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. (vii) Sensitivity of...

  6. 76 FR 60459 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 11-19] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...-$280 million-29Nov07. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. (vii...

  7. Single Family Loan Sale Initiative - Neighborhood Stabilization Outcome Pool Offering (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — The FHA Office of Housing is conducting a series of mortgage loan sales under the Single Family Loan Sale (SFLS) Initiative. The current sales structure consists of...

  8. Sales Education beyond the classroom: Building participative learning experiences in Sales Management through the CMGS Method (Case Method with Guest Speakers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Ruizalba Robledo


    Full Text Available The overarching goal of working through the CMGSMethod (Case Method with GuestSpeakers in Sales Management courses is toprovide Marketing students with practical knowledge about how a sales managercan deal with a wide variety of possible professional scenarios. Even when thecase method itself is an excellent way to equip students for their prospectiveemployment, the potential of this method can be enhanced with innovativepedagogical tools. Firstly, eight sales managers were invited to the SalesManagement Course as guest speakers. Students were required to prepare forthese sessions, gathering information about the speaker’s sector andidentifying areas of special interest. Each speaker shared their hands-onexperience and offered an overview of their field in a workshop, whileanswering the students’ questions. These sessions increased the interaction ofstudents with sales professionals, who presented their insights into a careerin sales management. The learning experiences built through these workshopswere narrated by the students in the course blog. Secondly, students were askedto present a scientific paper with the aim of bridging the gap between highereducation and cutting-edge research. This article portrays the reasoning behindthe course as well as the different steps followed during the process. Thecourse finished with encouraging results, suggesting the desirability ofincorporating PL (participative learning experiences into any marketingcourse.

  9. An Innovative, Experiential-Learning Project for Sales Management and Professional Selling Students (United States)

    Chapman, Joseph; Schetzsle, Stacey; Wahlers, Russell


    This article presents an innovative, experiential-learning project that incorporates students from two different courses: sales management and professional selling. Sales management students actually manage sales students on an outside sales project. Students apply classroom knowledge to a real-life sales project for a local community…

  10. 7 CFR 1488.4 - Submission of requests for sale registrations. (United States)


    ... registered under a sale shall not exceed the sale contract value, including the upward tolerance, if any. (d... of destination. (3) The port value of the commodity to be exported and the sale contract tolerance...

  11. "People over profits": retailers who voluntarily ended tobacco sales. (United States)

    McDaniel, Patricia A; Malone, Ruth E


    Tobacco retailers are key players in the ongoing tobacco epidemic. Tobacco outlet density is linked to a greater likelihood of youth and adult smoking and greater difficulty quitting. While public policy efforts to address the tobacco problem at the retail level have been limited, some retailers have voluntarily ended tobacco sales. A previous pilot study examined this phenomenon in California, a state with a strong tobacco program focused on denormalizing smoking and the tobacco industry. We sought to learn what motivated retailers in other states to end tobacco sales and how the public and media responded. We conducted interviews with owners, managers, or representatives of six grocery stores in New York and Ohio that had voluntarily ended tobacco sales since 2007. We also conducted unobtrusive observations at stores and analyzed media coverage of each retailer's decision. Grocery store owners ended tobacco sales for two reasons, alone or in combination: health or ethics-related, including a desire to send a consistent health message to employees and customers, and business-related, including declining tobacco sales or poor fit with the store's image. The decision to end sales often appeared to resolve troubling contradictions between retailers' values and selling deadly products. New York retailers attributed declining sales to high state tobacco taxes. All reported largely positive customer reactions and most received media coverage. Forty-one percent of news items were letters to the editor or editorials; most (69%) supported the decision. Voluntary decisions by retailers to abandon tobacco sales may lay the groundwork for mandatory policies and further denormalize tobacco. Our study also suggests that high tobacco taxes may have both direct and indirect effects on tobacco use. Highlighting the contradictions between being a responsible business and selling deadly products may support voluntary decisions by retailers to end tobacco sales.

  12. Analysis of the Sales Promotion in Choice Retail Outlet


    HUMPOLCOVÁ, Michaela


    My bachelor thesis is aimed at sales promotion in a retail outlet. The main aim of this thesis is evaluate the current state of sales promotion in a selected retail outlet and based on the analysis of the current state of sales promotion in the outlet to try to propose some measures of improve.

  13. 78 FR 46579 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-30] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...: FMS case YAD-$22M-16Jan10. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None...

  14. 78 FR 78941 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-70] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... any: FMS Case GAC--$82M--12Mar10 (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be Paid...

  15. 76 FR 72686 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 11-47] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This..., if any: FMS Case FAL-$73M-6Apr11 (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed To Be...

  16. 76 FR 60461 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 11-27] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... any: FMS Case JAH-$402 million-11Dec91. FMS Case ZUF-$375 million-22Dec08. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee...

  17. 77 FR 42711 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-20] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This..., Amd 3). (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: FMS case ULJ-$46M-15Jan10. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc...

  18. 78 FR 32632 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-28] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...-31Dec06. FMS case NZU-$93 million-19Aug10. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to...

  19. 78 FR 26328 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-06] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...) Prior Related Cases, if any: FMS case QAA-$301M-3Dec08. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered...

  20. 77 FR 46417 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-39] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...: USA (UAF) (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: FMS case UAD-$95M-23Jan12 (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc...

  1. 48 CFR 225.7303-1 - Contractor sales to other foreign customers. (United States)


    ... foreign customers. 225.7303-1 Section 225.7303-1 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE... for Foreign Military Sales 225.7303-1 Contractor sales to other foreign customers. If the contractor has made sales of the item required for the foreign military sale to foreign customers under...

  2. Unlocking the condoms: The effect on sales and theft

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashwood D


    Full Text Available Community pharmacies may place condoms in locked displays or behind glass, thereby reducing access and consequent use.Objective: Quantify sales and theft of condoms when condoms were unlocked and removed from behind glass in grocery pharmaciesMethods: Design. In this pilot study, condom displays were unlocked in selected pharmacies for three months. Participants. Eight grocery pharmacies in central Iowa agreed to participate. Intervention. Stores provided inventory at baseline, sales/theft thereafter in three monthly reports and sales for the same period one-year earlier. Outcome measures. Descriptive statistics quantified condom theft and sales. Number of pharmacies leaving condoms unlocked after the intervention was determined.Results: Theft varied by pharmacy and ranged from an average of 1.33 boxes (units per month to 27.33 per month. All stores experienced some increase in sales during the intervention. Two locations decided to re-lock their displays, only one indicated theft as the reason.Conclusion: After removing condoms from locked displays, more condoms were purchased and stolen from the study pharmacies. Sales outweighed theft in all pharmacies.

  3. State tobacco control expenditures and tax paid cigarette sales (United States)

    Tauras, John A.; Xu, Xin; Huang, Jidong; King, Brian; Lavinghouze, S. Rene; Sneegas, Karla S.; Chaloupka, Frank J.


    This research is the first nationally representative study to examine the relationship between actual state-level tobacco control spending in each of the 5 CDC’s Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program categories and cigarette sales. We employed several alternative two-way fixed-effects regression techniques to estimate the determinants of cigarette sales in the United States for the years 2008–2012. State spending on tobacco control was found to have a negative and significant impact on cigarette sales in all models that were estimated. Spending in the areas of cessation interventions, health communication interventions, and state and community interventions were found to have a negative impact on cigarette sales in all models that were estimated, whereas spending in the areas of surveillance and evaluation, and administration and management were found to have negative effects on cigarette sales in only some models. Our models predict that states that spend up to seven times their current levels could still see significant reductions in cigarette sales. The findings from this research could help inform further investments in state tobacco control programs. PMID:29652890

  4. Unlocking the condoms: The effect on sales and theft. (United States)

    Ashwood, Daniel; Farris, Karen B; Campo, Shelly; Aquilino, Mary L; Losch, Mary


    Community pharmacies may place condoms in locked displays or behind glass, thereby reducing access and consequent use. Quantify sales and theft of condoms when condoms were unlocked and removed from behind glass in grocery pharmacies. Design. In this pilot study, condom displays were unlocked in selected pharmacies for three months. Participants. Eight grocery pharmacies in central Iowa agreed to participate. Intervention. Stores provided inventory at baseline, sales/theft thereafter in three monthly reports and sales for the same period one-year earlier. Outcome measures. Descriptive statistics quantified condom theft and sales. Number of pharmacies leaving condoms unlocked after the intervention was determined. Theft varied by pharmacy and ranged from an average of 1.33 boxes (units) per month to 27.33 per month. All stores experienced some increase in sales during the intervention. Two locations decided to re-lock their displays, only one indicated theft as the reason. After removing condoms from locked displays, more condoms were purchased and stolen from the study pharmacies. Sales outweighed theft in all pharmacies.

  5. Optimal Portfolio Choice with Wash Sale Constraints

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Astrup Jensen, Bjarne; Marekwica, Marcel


    We analytically solve the portfolio choice problem in the presence of wash sale constraints in a two-period model with one risky asset. Our results show that wash sale constraints can heavily affect portfolio choice of investors with unrealized losses. The trading behavior of such investors...

  6. Predicting sales performance: Strengthening the personality – job performance linkage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T.B. Sitser (Thomas)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Many organizations worldwide use personality measures to select applicants for sales jobs or to assess incumbent sales employees. In the present dissertation, consisting of four independent studies, five approaches to strengthen the personality-sales performance

  7. Forest owners' timber sales satisfaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pammo, R.; Ripatti, P.


    The TTS Institute has carried out a study concerning forest owners' timber sales. The material was collected in 2002 via a mail inquiry that targeted forest owners who sold timber during the years 1997-1999 and 1999-2002. Three quarters of the forest owners sold timber to the same timber buying company during both periods of 1997-1999 and 1999-2002. The most important reasons for selling to the same buyer were that they purchased all timber assortments, reliability and good timber price. Mainly the same reasons also applied when changing the timber buying company. The most sensitive groups to changing timber buyer were 60-69 year old, entrepreneurs, men, and owners of forest holdings between 20-29 hectares, owners of inherited forests and joint forest ownerships. The forest owners assessed the timber buying company's operations and its staff on the basis of the last timber sale. The forest owners gave best values for the timber buyer's reliability, the purchase of all timber assortments and the timber buyers' reputation. The worst values were given for cross-cutting and response to complaints. No less than 95 percent of forest owners were prepared to recommend their timber trade partner to acquaintances, friends or other forest owners. Yet only half of the forest owners recognized that their last timber sale experience would not affect which company will be selected for the nest timber sale process

  8. Innovation in Hospital Revenues: Developing Retail Sales Channels. (United States)

    Wright, Edward W; Marvel, Jon; Wright, Matthew K

    Hospitals are facing increasing cost pressures due to cutbacks by Medicare, Medicaid, and managed-care organizations. There are also rising concerns that public policy may exacerbate the problem. In lieu of these concerns, nascent innovative ways of generating increased revenues are beginning to appear. In particular, a few hospitals have adopted retail sales practices to generate significant nonmedical services revenues. The hospital retail sales opportunity has been compared with that of the airport industry where nearly 50% of revenues are generated by sales of retail products as opposed to aeronautical-related transactions. This initial investigation included a qualitative interview of a health care retail sales expert and a pilot survey of 100 hospital senior executives to gauge the current state of this phenomenon. The industry expert suggested that only 2% of US hospitals have pursued this initiative in a meaningful way. Of the 44 survey responses, only 9 institutions were engaged in e-commerce or retail sales activities. Questions remain as to why this opportunity remains unrealized, and additional research is proposed.

  9. Diversification Models of Sales Activity for Steady Development of an Enterprise

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    Nestor Shpak


    Full Text Available The paper substantiates the importance of the optimal directionality choice of sales activity as one of the main lines of enterprise activity, the functioning of which should be complete, synchronous and complementary. Diversification is one of the powerful instruments to ensure the steady development of the sales activity of an enterprise. Three models of sales activity diversification of an enterprise are developed. The first model is based on unveiling the potential of sales channels and allows us to show the peculiarities of their use. The second model of the optimal quantitative distribution of production between sales channels is based on profit maximization. This approach not only takes into account the evaluation of the prescribed parameters of sales channels, but also provides the high profitability of each assortment item and of the whole enterprise. The third model of the optimal distribution of production between sales channels accounts for the experience of collaboration between the enterprise and sales channels during the past period and ensures the minimal risk and appropriate profitability for each sales channel. The proposed models are tested and compared to actual data of the enterprise; the advantages and peculiarities of each model are discussed.

  10. 7 CFR 1955.122 - Method of sale (chattel). (United States)


    ... public auction. An established public auction is an auction that is widely advertised and held on a... provided through a credit sale, this method has advantages over auction sales. It requires, however...

  11. Déficit en Habilidades Sociales en Niños con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad, Evaluados con la Escala basc/ Social Skills Deficits in Children Diagnosed With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Evaluated With the BASC Escale/ Déficit em Habilidades Sociais em Crianças com Transtorno por Déficit de Atenção-Hiperatividade, Avaliados com a Escala BASC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Puentes Rozo


    Full Text Available Se analizaron las Habilidades Sociales (HS de 159 niños de ambos sexos, escolarizados, con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención-Hiperactividad (TDAH, entre los 6 y los 11 años de edad. La valoración de las HS se realizó con la escala Behavioral Assessment System for Children para padres y maestros. Los resultados mostraron que los niños con TDAH presentan puntajes más bajos en las dimensiones de habilidades sociales como escuchar, esperar turnos, reconocer señales sociales y tener capacidad de adaptabilidad. Sin embargo, en compañerismo, los participantes con TDAH combinado poseen habilidades semejantes a los no afectados. Esto replantea lo encontrado en la mayoría de los estudios en donde únicamente se evidencian deficiencias.

  12. 27 CFR 10.24 - Sales promotion contests. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sales promotion contests. 10.24 Section 10.24 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS COMMERCIAL BRIBERY Commercial Bribery § 10.24 Sales promotion contests...

  13. Goal-oriented Balancing: a New Model of Contemporary Sales Management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars-Johan Åge


    Full Text Available This study focuses on the substantive area of sales management and it suggests that the main concern of a sales manager is to reach the sales and economical goals of the sales organization. The social process by which this main concern is resolved is called goal-oriented balancing and it describes two complementary organizational dimensions, frame development and individual development that are continuously balanced against each other. That is, the sales manager must establish effective organizational processes and structures as well as find the keys to maximum individual performance. These two processes have to be in balance and supportive of each other.

  14. Grassroots Japanese Sales Management : Implications for Salesperson-driven Strategy Formation


    Tsuye,Kenneth Ichiro


    Japanese sales sections are usually called Eigyo-bu (Eigyo department). Eigyo literally means sales. But, Eigyo does not mean sales only, rather Eigyo refers to conducting business. Because of this, Eigyo personnel play a bigger role than regularly titled sales personnel. We will introduce the concept of Eigyo and what roles and implications of a typical Eigyo department plays within a firm. Eigyo departments sometimes incorporate functions implemented by the other departments within their co...

  15. Choosing between CISG and CESL: a comparison between the Common European Sales Law and the Vienna Sales Convention from the perspective of commercial parties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Loos, M.B.M.; Jurčová, M.; Štefanko, J.


    If the Common European Sales Law (CESL) is adopted, commercial parties will have the opportunity to choose between this instrument and the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) to regulate their cross-border commercial sales contracts. In this paper, a comparison is made between the two international legal

  16. Evaluating Educational Practices for Positively Affecting Student Perceptions of a Sales Career (United States)

    Cummins, Shannon; Peltier, James W.; Pomirleanu, Nadia; Cross, James; Simon, Rob


    Despite demand for new graduates seeking a sales position, student reticence toward pursuing a sales career remains. While all students will not choose a sales career, diminishing the existence of sales-related misconceptions among the student population should establish sales as a viable career path for a larger number of students. We test six…

  17. Estrategia de genotipado del gen FMR1: Método de diagnóstico alternativo para el Síndrome X Frágil y otras enfermedades por expansión de trinucleotidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saúl Lindo-Samanamud


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Diseñar una estrategia alternativa por PCR para el genotipado de secuencias ricas en citosinas, basada en modificación nucleotídica. Material y métodos: Se modificó el gen FMR1 nativo de ocho individuos clínicamente no afectados por el Síndrome X frágil, cambiando las citosinas por uracilos, empleando bisulfito de sodio. El ADN modificado fue purificado y cuantificado por espectrofotometría. Las estructuras alternativas y potenciales islas CpG que adopta el microsatélite inestable fueron simuladas con los programas MFOLD y CpGplot. Se generaron cebadores específicos que hibriden tanto con el microsatélite modificado (Primer T y con una secuencia modificada de las islas CpG (Primer M, utilizando el programa MethPrimer. Finalmente, ambas secuencias fueron amplificadas por PCR y los amplicones fueron separados por electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida (PAGE por sus siglas en inglés al 6% y visualizados con tinción de nitrato de plata. Resultados: La modificación del ADN fue evidenciada por espectrofotometría al uracilo. Las estructuras observadas en la simulación fueron las horquillas encontrándose dos potenciales islas CpG. La amplificación con los cebadores T, confirmó el diseño in silico desarrollado para abordar la estructura en horquillas. La amplificación con los cebadores M permitió detectar metilación de la primera isla CpG del gen FMR1.Conclusión: Se propone un diseño alternativo para amplificación de secuencias de microsatélite que contengan citosinas metiladas y no metiladas. Se requieren estudios posteriores con muestras de ADN que contengan microsatélites muy expandidos para validar su aplicación para diagnóstico molecular.

  18. 31 CFR 317.8 - Remittance of sales proceeds and registration records. (United States)


    ... on an issuing agent's late remittance of proceeds from payroll savings plan sales or thrift, savings, vacation, or similar plan sales accumulates to less than $50 for each type of sales, the interest assessed... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Remittance of sales proceeds and...

  19. Business Potential of Halloween: Sales and Trends

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wadim Strielkowski


    Full Text Available The paper assesses the business potential of Halloween by estimating the profits stemming from the sales of Halloween-related goods and activities. It also estimates two empirical models of Halloween spending with macroeconomic variables, using the sales data for the most traditional Halloween paraphernalia, the Halloween pumpkins, as well as for the three groups of products (candies, costumes and decorations, and finds that the share of more “consumer-oriented” products increases in relation to the share of “traditional” Halloween products. It comes to the conclusion that, as to its business potential, overall sales and economic significance, Halloween can now be only compared to Christmas.

  20. Sales Simulation Games: Student and Instructor Perceptions (United States)

    Beuk, Frederik


    This study combines the perspective of students (n = 137) and sales instructors (n = 248). It compares how well selling and sales management simulation games, case discussions, and traditional lectures are perceived to conform to the seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. The study further compares each method's performance…

  1. 78 FR 76112 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 13-63] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... case LAJ-$22M--8Mar07 FMS case GAU-$45M--25Jul08 FMS case LAL-$293M--5Jan09 (vi) Sales Commission, Fee...

  2. 77 FR 46413 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-29] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This...-$131.7M-15Jun10 FMS case ZUM-$32.1M-15Jun10 FMS case ULU-$150.3M-20Oct10 (vi) Sales Commission, Fee...

  3. The Role of Promotion in Milling and Bakery Products Sales


    Sergiu-Bogdan Constantin


    Irrespective of the avenue chosen for the retail of milling and bakery products, a key role in sales growth is the one played by promotion, information of the future customers as to the characteristics of the products, the execution and sale conditions. Such information process takes place by means of the promotional mix, consisting of a blend of advertising, sales promotion, public relations tools, trademarks, promotional events, and sales forces. The milling and baking industry uses, to cer...

  4. The production and sales of anti-tuberculosis drugs in China. (United States)

    Huang, Yang-Mu; Zhao, Qi-Peng; Ren, Qiao-Meng; Peng, Dan-Lu; Guo, Yan


    Tuberculosis (TB) is a major infectious disease globally. Adequate and proper use of anti-TB drugs is essential for TB control. This study aims to study China's production capacity and sales situation of anti-TB drugs, and to further discuss the potential for China to contribute to global TB control. The production data of anti-TB drugs in China from 2011 to 2013 and the sales data from 2010 to 2014 were extracted from Ministry of Industry and Information Technology database of China and IMS Health database, respectively. The number of drugs was standardized to the molecular level of the key components before calculating. All data were described and analyzed by Microsoft Excel. First-line drugs were the majority in both sales (89.5 %) and production (92.3 %) of anti-TB drugs in China. The production of rifampicin held the majority share in active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished products, whilst ethambutol and pyrazinamide were the top two sales in finished products. Fixed-dose combinations only held small percentages in total production and sales weight, though a slight increase was observed. The production and sales of streptomycin showed a tendency of decrease after 2012. The trends and proportion of different anti-TB drugs were similar in production and sales, however, the production weight was much larger than that of sales, especially for rifampicin and isoniazid. First-line drugs were the predominant medicine produced and used in China. While the low production and sales of the second-line TB drugs and FDCs rose concerns for the treatment of multiple drug resistant TB. The redundant production amount, as well as the prompt influence of national policy on drug production and sales, indicated the potential for China to better contribute to global TB control.

  5. BA Sales Training. (United States)

    Coutts-Clay, Jennifer


    Describes the programs and courses of the sales training department at British Airways from induction to management level. The staff uses one of the largest commercial computer facilities in the world to provide seat reservations, fare quotations and tickets, hotel reservations, and tours. (MF)

  6. The Role of Promotion in Milling and Bakery Products Sales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergiu-Bogdan Constantin


    Full Text Available Irrespective of the avenue chosen for the retail of milling and bakery products, a key role in sales growth is the one played by promotion, information of the future customers as to the characteristics of the products, the execution and sale conditions. Such information process takes place by means of the promotional mix, consisting of a blend of advertising, sales promotion, public relations tools, trademarks, promotional events, and sales forces. The milling and baking industry uses, to certain extent, all the components of the promotional mix. Product promotion is central both to sales growth, as well as to educating, advising and informing consumers as to how they can select quality milling and bakery products.

  7. 30 CFR 256.32 - Notice of sale. (United States)


    ... bids shall be filed, and the place, date and hour at which bids shall be opened. The notice shall... conditions of the sale. (b) Tracts shall be offered for lease by competitive sealed bidding under conditions specified in the notice of lease sale and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. A...

  8. 76 FR 78545 - Guidance Regarding Foreign Base Company Sales Income (United States)


    ... Regarding Foreign Base Company Sales Income AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Final... provide guidance relating to foreign base company sales income when personal property sold by a controlled... sales income (FBCSI) rules. Written comments were received in response to the notice of proposed...

  9. Sales Forecasting for Fashion Retailing Service Industry: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Na Liu


    Full Text Available Sales forecasting is crucial for many retail operations. It is especially critical for the fashion retailing service industry in which product demand is very volatile and product’s life cycle is short. This paper conducts a comprehensive literature review and selects a set of papers in the literature on fashion retail sales forecasting. The advantages and the drawbacks of different kinds of analytical methods for fashion retail sales forecasting are examined. The evolution of the respective forecasting methods over the past 15 years is revealed. Issues related to real-world applications of the fashion retail sales forecasting models and important future research directions are discussed.

  10. Factors for a successful sales force during the corporate life cycle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrian Gelu LUPU


    Full Text Available The organisations, like all living organisms, have a lifecycle and undergo very predictable and repetitive patterns of behaviour as they grow and develop. Although companies devote considerable time and money to managing their sales forces, few focus much on how the sale forces needs to change over the life cycle of an organisation. In this article, the authors explain how, at each stage, company can best tackle the relevant issues and get the most out of their sales forces, how to develop the best sales force structures for each of the four stages of the business life cycle. Specifically, companies must alter four factors over time: the roles that the sales force and selling partners play, the size of the sales force, the sales force’s degree of specialization, and how salespeople apportion their efforts among different customers, products and activities.

  11. 18 CFR 284.284 - Blanket certificates for unbundled sales services. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Blanket certificates for unbundled sales services. 284.284 Section 284.284 Conservation of Power and Water Resources... Sales by Interstate Pipelines § 284.284 Blanket certificates for unbundled sales services. (a...

  12. 32 CFR 507.8 - Articles authorized for manufacture and sale. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Articles authorized for manufacture and sale. 507... CIVIL AUTHORITIES AND PUBLIC RELATIONS MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF DECORATIONS, MEDALS, BADGES, INSIGNIA, COMMERCIAL USE OF HERALDIC DESIGNS AND HERALDIC QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM Manufacture and Sale of Decorations...

  13. Does legislation to prevent alcohol sales to drunk individuals work? Measuring the propensity for night-time sales to drunks in a UK city. (United States)

    Hughes, Karen; Bellis, Mark A; Leckenby, Nicola; Quigg, Zara; Hardcastle, Katherine; Sharples, Olivia; Llewellyn, David J


    By measuring alcohol retailers' propensity to illegally sell alcohol to young people who appear highly intoxicated, we examine whether UK legislation is effective at preventing health harms resulting from drunk individuals continuing to access alcohol. 73 randomly selected pubs, bars and nightclubs in a city in North West England were subjected to an alcohol purchase test by pseudo-drunk actors. Observers recorded venue characteristics to identify poorly managed and problematic (PMP) bars. 83.6% of purchase attempts resulted in a sale of alcohol to a pseudo-intoxicated actor. Alcohol sales increased with the number of PMP markers bars had, yet even in those with no markers, 66.7% of purchase attempts resulted in a sale. Bar servers often recognised signs of drunkenness in actors, but still served them. In 18% of alcohol sales, servers attempted to up-sell by suggesting actors purchase double rather than single vodkas. UK law preventing sales of alcohol to drunks is routinely broken in nightlife environments, yet prosecutions are rare. Nightlife drunkenness places enormous burdens on health and health services. Preventing alcohol sales to drunks should be a public health priority, while policy failures on issues, such as alcohol pricing, are revisited.

  14. Kidney sales and the analogy with dangerous employment. (United States)

    Malmqvist, Erik


    Proponents of permitting living kidney sales often argue as follows. Many jobs involve significant risks; people are and should be free to take these risks in exchange for money; the risks involved in giving up a kidney are no greater than the risks involved in acceptable hazardous jobs; so people should be free to give up a kidney for money, too. This paper examines this frequently invoked but rarely analysed analogy. Two objections are raised. First, it is far from clear that kidney sales and dangerous jobs involve comparable risks on an appropriately broad comparison. Second, and more importantly, even if they do involve comparable risks it does not follow that kidney sales must be permitted because dangerous jobs are. The analogy assumes that kidney sales are banned for paternalistic reasons. But there may be other, non-paternalistic reasons for the ban. And paternalists, too, can consistently defend the ban even if kidney sales are no riskier than occupations that they find acceptable. Soft paternalists may want to protect would-be vendors from harms that they have not voluntarily chosen. Egalitarian hard paternalists may want to protect already badly off vendors from further worsening their situation. For neither species of paternalist is the size of the risk prevented decisive. I conclude that the analogy with dangerous jobs, while rhetorically powerful, pulls little real argumentative weight. Future debates on living kidney sales should therefore proceed without it.

  15. Desarrollo de una metodología de infestación artificial de plantas de tomate con el pasador del fruto Development of an artificial infestation methodology of tomato plants with the fruit borer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nelson Enrique Casas Leal


    Full Text Available En un diseño de bloques completos al azar se confinaron en jaulas (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.8 m dos plantas de tomate (S. lycopersicum cv. Maravilla, podadas a dos tallos, con hembras de Neoleucinodes elegantalis (una, dos, cuatro y seis adultos, y el testigo. Los tratamientos se repitieron cuatro veces. Se evaluaron por planta las variables frutos afectados por pasador (% y número promedio de orificios de entrada del pasador por fruto. Se presentaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos solo para la variable frutos afectados por pasador (%. Con la introducción de una hembra en el interior de la jaula se incrementaron en 5.29% los frutos afectados. Para obtener pérdida de frutos similar a la que se presenta en lotes comerciales muy susceptibles (50-60% se requirió la introducción de seis hembras en la jaula.Two tomato plants (S. lycopersicum cv. Maravilla pruned to two stems with females of Neoleucinodes elegantalis (one, two, four, six adults, and the control were enclosed in cages (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.8 m under the randomized complete block design. The treatments were replicated four times. The variables fruit by fruit borer (% and mean number of entrance holes of fruit borer per fruit were evaluated per plant. Only the variable affected fruit by fruit borer (% presented significant differences between treatments. The affected fruits were increased in 5.29% by every female introduced into the cage. If it is needed to get fruits losses similar to those seen in very susceptible commercial plots (50-60% six female must be introduced into the cage.

  16. 17 CFR 270.24b-3 - Sales literature deemed filed. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sales literature deemed filed... (CONTINUED) RULES AND REGULATIONS, INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT OF 1940 § 270.24b-3 Sales literature deemed filed. Any advertisement, pamphlet, circular, form letter or other sales literature addressed to or intended...

  17. First quarter 2005 sales data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This press release brings information on the AREVA group sales data. First quarter 2005 sales for the group were 2,496 millions of euros, up 3,6% year-on-year from 2,41 millions. The change in foreign exchange rates between the two periods show a negative impact of 22 millions euros, which is much lower than in the first quarter of 2004. It analyzes also in more details the situation of the front end, the reactors and service division, the back end division, the transmission and distribution division and the connectors division. (A.L.B.)

  18. Women's club - Christmas Sale - Solidarité Femmes

    CERN Document Server

    CERN Women's club


    Thursday, 25 November from 9am to 3pm Main Building 60, Ground floor All proceeds from the sale will be given to the charity Solidarité Femmes Numerous items for sale: Christmas wreaths, Cakes and Biscuits, Coffee, Preserves, Paintings, Books, Embroidery, Patchwork, Painting on porcelain... Tombola! Win a patchwork quilt, handmade by CWC members. All are welcome!

  19. 33 CFR 211.109 - Contract of sale. (United States)


    ... Navigation Project in Oklahoma, to Former Owners § 211.109 Contract of sale. Upon determination of the price... and deliver it to the applicant for acceptance. The contract of sale shall provide for the deposit of earnest money equal to twenty (20) percent of the price at which the land will be sold or the estimated...

  20. Advanced Selling: A Comprehensive Course Sales Project (United States)

    Yarrington-Young, Susan; Castleberry, Stephen B.; Coleman, Joshua T.


    A comprehensive project for the Advanced Selling course that has been tested at three universities is introduced. After selecting an industry and a company, students engage in a complete industry analysis, a company sales analysis, a sales-specific SWOT analysis, complete a ride day with a salesperson in that firm, then present their findings in a…

  1. Ecología trófica de Girella laevifrons (Pisces: Kyphosidae en zonas intermareales rocosas del norte de Chile afectadas y no afectadas por contaminantes derivados de la minería del cobre Trophic ecology of Girella laevifrons (Pisces: Kyphosidae in rocky intertidal zones of northern Chile affected an non-affected by copper mine tailings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La zonas intermareales de localidades de la costa norte de Chile afectadas por contaminantes derivados de la minería del cobre, presentan una diversidad de especies sésiles menor que las localidades no afectadas. Girella laevifrons es un pez altamente representado en zonas intermareales rocosas del norte de Chile. En el presente trabajo se analiza y compara la ecología trófica de esta especie, en relación con las diferencias en la composición de especies sésiles de sitios contaminados y no contaminados. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en la composición trófica de los ejemplares presentes en los sitios afectados y no afectados. Dentro de los sitios afectados, se observan diferencias en los tamaños y en las concentraciones de cobre corporales, las cuales pueden estar relacionadas directamente con la disponibilidad de alimento e indirectamente con interacciones con otros organismos intermarealesThe intertidal zone at several sites of the northern Chilean coast affected by copper mine tailings, shows a lower diversity of sessile species than the non-affected ones. Girella laevifrons is a fish highly represented in rocky intertidal shores of these sites. In this study we analized and compared, the dietary composition of this species and its relation with the intertidal sessile assemblages of contaminated and non-contaminated sites. The results show significant differences in the dietary composition of the fishes occurring in contaminated and non-contaminated sites. Within the contaminated sites, the differences in body sizes and in the body concentrations of copper could be related directly to the food availability and indirectly to the interactions with other intertidal species

  2. An analysis of psychotropic drug sales. Increasing sales of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors anre closely related to number of products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Margrethe; Gøtzsche, Peter C.


    used data from various sources to establish the sales curves of psychotropic drugs in the period 1970 to 2007, based on the Anatomic Therapeutic Classification system and Defined Daily Doses. RESULTS: Fluctuations in sales of psychotropic drugs that cannot be explained by disease prevalence were caused...

  3. Genotipificación de HLA-B en pacientes colombianos afectados por el síndrome Stevens-Johnson y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica


    León Ruiz, Maria Juliana


    Las reacciones alérgicas a medicamentos cutáneas severas (RAM) como el Síndrome Stevens Johnson (SJS) y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica (NET),caracterizadas por exantema, erosión de la piel y las membranas mucosas, flictenas, desprendimiento de la piel secundario a la muerte de queratinocitos y compromiso ocular. Son infrecuentes en la población pero con elevada morbi-mortalidad, se presentan luego de la administración de diferentes fármacos. En Asia se ha asociado el alelo HLA-B*15:02 como m...

  4. Developing a Stakeholder Approach for Recruiting Top-Level Sales Students (United States)

    Agnihotri, Raj; Bonney, Leff; Dixon, Andrea Leigh; Erffmeyer, Robert; Pullins, Ellen Bolman; Sojka, Jane Z.; West, Vicki


    With growing industry demand for sales professionals, recruitment at colleges and universities that have a sales education focus has increased remarkably over the past few years. However, results indicate that hiring organizations face an uphill task in filling sales positions. Recruiters and students struggle to build critical person-job fit…

  5. 27 CFR 70.332 - Unauthorized use or sale of stamps. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Unauthorized use or sale....332 Unauthorized use or sale of stamps. Any person who buys, sells, offers for sale, uses, transfers... Code or in regulations made pursuant thereto, any stamp, coupon, ticket, book, or other device...

  6. Repos, fire sales, and bankruptcy policy


    Antinolfi, Gaetano; Carapella, Francesca; Kahn, Charles; Martin, Antoine; Mills, David; Nosal, Ed


    The events from the 2007-2009 financial crisis have raised concerns that the failure of large financial institutions can lead to destabilizing fire sales of assets. The risk of fire sales is related to exemptions from bankruptcy's automatic stay provision enjoyed by a number of financial contracts, such as repo. An automatic stay prohibits collection actions by creditors against a bankrupt debtor or his property. It prevents a creditor from liquidating collateral of a defaulting debtor since ...

  7. Design innovativeness and product sales' evolution


    Rubera, Gaia


    In the last decade, design innovation has gained increasing prominence in the marketplace, with a growing number of firms innovating not only through technology but also through novel product forms (i.e., design). However, while the effect of technological innovation on product sales is a heavily studied topic, a defining theory of how design innovation influences product sales is still missing. This paper provides demand- and supply-side theories to formulate a set of coherent hypothes...

  8. Conformity of Goods in International Sales

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henschel, Rene Franz

    The Conformity of Goods in International Sales gives a systematic analysis of Article 35 in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Based on a detailed analysis of the most important cases and leading academic writing, Article 35 is described...... 9 CISG and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. The relation to domestic rules competing with Article 35, for instance the rules on validity and the rules on non-contractual liability, are analysed and so is the relation to selected domestic sales law, e.g. the United...... as a historical compromise between caveat emptor and caveat venditor and it is shown that the Article is to be supplemented by the general rules of contract law inside and outside the convention, such as the principle of good faith in Article 7 CISG, the rules of interpretation and usage in Article 8 and Article...

  9. The temporal relationship between advertising and sales of low-tar cigarettes. (United States)

    Reed, Mark B; Anderson, Christy M; Burns, David M


    To determine whether a temporal relationship exists between the advertising and sales of low-tar cigarettes. It was hypothesised that increases in the advertising of low-tar cigarettes would precede increases in sales for these cigarettes. The themes of cigarette advertisements were reviewed and coded for 20 low-tar cigarette brands advertised in 13 widely read magazines in the US between 1960 and 1996. These 20 brands represented most of the low-tar cigarette advertisements and cigarette sales from 1967 to 1996. Cigarette sales data were obtained from the 1994 Maxwell report that summarises all cigarette sales from 1925 to 1990. If the advertisement referred to the low-tar attributes of the cigarette advertised, the advertisement was coded as having a low-tar theme and was included in the analysis. Five different graphical presentations of the relationship between the advertising and sales of the 20 low-tar cigarette brands showed a temporal relationship between low-tar advertising and sales for these brands. This relationship was observed for brands that introduced a low-tar alternative into an existing brand family (eg, Marlboro Light) and for new exclusively low-tar brands (eg, Carlton). Despite large increases in the advertising for the exclusively low-tar brands, sales of these brands remained low relative to sales of the low-tar alternative brands. Increases in print advertising of 20 of the most popular low-tar cigarette brands were followed by increases in sales for these cigarettes. Despite increases in the advertising of exclusively low-tar brands in the mid-1970s and early 1980s, the sales of these brands never matched the sales of the low-tar alternative brands. This suggests that it may have been easier to get smokers to switch to low-tar brands within a brand family compared with entirely new low-tar brands. Over the past 30 years, the marketing of low-tar cigarettes as a healthier alternative to higher-tar cigarettes has resulted in these brands

  10. Epidemiología de las lesiones por quemaduras Epidemiology of lesions provoked by burns

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José A Viñas Díaz


    Full Text Available Las quemaduras son una causa importante de muerte accidental, solo superadas por los accidentes de automóviles. Con el objetivo de conocer algunos aspectos de la epidemiología de las quemaduras en Pediatría en la provincia de Pinar del Río (Cuba, se realizó una investigación transversal, descriptiva que abarcó 26 casos con edades comprendidas entre 0-18 años, ingresados con el diagnóstico de quemaduras no intencionales en el Servicio de Caumatología del Hospital "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" Pinar del Río. (Cuba, durante el año 2006. Se revisaron las historias clínicas y para el tratamiento de la información se utilizó la estadística descriptiva, determinando la relación entre las variables estudiadas. Se encontró que el grupo más afectado era el menor de 15 años (96.2 %, en la cocina (42.3 %por escaldadura, por líquidos calientes (53,8%. No hubo fallecidos. La prevención es un aspecto decisivo para evitar este tipo de accidente.Burns are one of the most important causes of accidental death, only exceeded by traffic accidents. This paper is aimed at knowing issues related to the epidemiology of burns in pediatric ages in Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba. A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted with 26 burned children (0-18 years old admitted to the Caumatology Service at "Abel Santamaria" General University Hospital, during 2006. Clinical records were the source of information and descriptive statistics for showing frequencies and X² at 95 % of certainty was used for homogeneity. The group of ages younger than 15 years old was the most affected (96.2 %. Burns were mainly produced at the kitchen (42, 3 % by hot liquids (scalds (53.8 %, among other causes without mortality. Prevention is a decisive action to avoid this type of accident.

  11. Sales-marketing interface and company performance. Is information use the missing link?


    Keszey, Tamara


    Over the last couple of years there has been an ongoing debate on how sales managers contribute to organizational value. Direct measures between sales-marketing interface quality and company performance are compromised, as company performance is influenced by a plethora of other factors. We advocate that the use of sales information is the missing link between sales-marketing relationship quality and organizational outcomes. We propose and empirically test a model on how sales-mar...

  12. 30 CFR 208.4 - Royalty oil sales to eligible refiners. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Royalty oil sales to eligible refiners. 208.4... MANAGEMENT SALE OF FEDERAL ROYALTY OIL General Provisions § 208.4 Royalty oil sales to eligible refiners. (a... and defense. The Secretary will review these items and will determine whether eligible refiners have...

  13. Matched conversion sales in the nuclear fuel market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuller, D.M.


    The negotiations leading up to the Suspension Agreement with Russia focused solely on uranium and SWU, leaving conversion in its traditional role as the overlooked constituent of the fuel cycle. In fact, the initial agreement did not even distinguish U 3 O 8 from UF 6 ; it effectively ignored the conversion component contained in UF 6 and the possibility of matched conversion sales. After some criticism from ConverDyn and others, The US Department of Commerce issued a clarification, confirming that all three major components of the fuel cycle can be sold under matched sales agreements. However, matched conversion sales remain somewhat of an enigma as few have been done and the logistics are poorly understood. Nonetheless, in a conversion market where supply and demand are closely balanced, secondary supplies, including those from matched sales, will likely play an important role in the evolution of conversion prices

  14. Mechanisms Linking Ethical Leadership to Ethical Sales Behavior. (United States)

    Wu, Yu-Chi


    This study investigated the relationship between ethical leadership and ethical sales behavior. A total of 248 matched surveys with participant responses from insurance agents and their customers were collected. The insurance agents were asked to rate the ethical leadership of their leaders, the ethical climate in their organization, and their individual moral identity. Customers were asked to rate the perceived ethical sales behavior of the insurance agents. This empirical study utilized moderated mediation techniques to analyze the data. Results indicated that ethical climate mediated the relationship between ethical leadership and ethical sales behavior when moral identity was high, however, did not when moral identity was low. The research framework including contextual effects (i.e., ethical climate) and individual differences in moral judgment (i.e., moral identity) can provide a comprehensive picture of how ethical leadership influences ethical sales behavior. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are also discussed.

  15. Influence of psychotherapist density and antidepressant sales on suicide rates. (United States)

    Kapusta, N D; Niederkrotenthaler, T; Etzersdorfer, E; Voracek, M; Dervic, K; Jandl-Jager, E; Sonneck, G


    Antidepressant sales and suicide rates have been shown to be correlated in industrialized countries. The aim was to study the possible effects of psychotherapy utilization on suicide rates. We assessed the impact of antidepressant sales and psychotherapist density on suicide rates between 1991 and 2005. To adjust for serial correlation in time series, three first-order autoregressive models adjusted for per capita alcohol consumption and unemployment rates were employed. Antidepressant sales and the density of psychotherapists in the population were negatively associated with suicide rates. This study provides evidence that decreasing suicide rates were associated with both increasing antidepressant sales and an increasing density of psychotherapists. The decrease of suicide rates could reflect a general improvement in mental health care rather than being caused by antidepressant sales or psychotherapist density alone.

  16. Gross Sales Tax Collections (United States)

    City of Jackson, Mississippi — This data is captured directly from the MS Department of Revenue and specific to the City of Jackson. It is compiled from Gross Sales Tax reported by taxpayers each...

  17. Enriched uranium sales: effect on supply industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersen, R.K.


    The subject is covered in sections: introduction (combined effect of low-enriched uranium (LEU) inventory sales and utility services enrichment contract terms); enrichment market overview; enrichment market dynamics; the reaction of the US Department of Energy; elimination of artificial demand; draw down of inventories; purchase and sale of LEU inventories; tails assay option; unfulfilled requirements for U 3 O 8 ; conclusions. (U.K.)

  18. “People over Profits”: Retailers Who Voluntarily Ended Tobacco Sales (United States)

    McDaniel, Patricia A.; Malone, Ruth E.


    Background Tobacco retailers are key players in the ongoing tobacco epidemic. Tobacco outlet density is linked to a greater likelihood of youth and adult smoking and greater difficulty quitting. While public policy efforts to address the tobacco problem at the retail level have been limited, some retailers have voluntarily ended tobacco sales. A previous pilot study examined this phenomenon in California, a state with a strong tobacco program focused on denormalizing smoking and the tobacco industry. We sought to learn what motivated retailers in other states to end tobacco sales and how the public and media responded. Methods We conducted interviews with owners, managers, or representatives of six grocery stores in New York and Ohio that had voluntarily ended tobacco sales since 2007. We also conducted unobtrusive observations at stores and analyzed media coverage of each retailer’s decision. Results Grocery store owners ended tobacco sales for two reasons, alone or in combination: health or ethics-related, including a desire to send a consistent health message to employees and customers, and business-related, including declining tobacco sales or poor fit with the store’s image. The decision to end sales often appeared to resolve troubling contradictions between retailers’ values and selling deadly products. New York retailers attributed declining sales to high state tobacco taxes. All reported largely positive customer reactions and most received media coverage. Forty-one percent of news items were letters to the editor or editorials; most (69%) supported the decision. Conclusion Voluntary decisions by retailers to abandon tobacco sales may lay the groundwork for mandatory policies and further denormalize tobacco. Our study also suggests that high tobacco taxes may have both direct and indirect effects on tobacco use. Highlighting the contradictions between being a responsible business and selling deadly products may support voluntary decisions by retailers

  19. 75 FR 40763 - Federal Management Regulation; Sale of Personal Property (United States)


    ... to read as follows: Sec. 102-38.130 Must we publicly advertise sales of Federal personal property... Sec. Sec. 102- 38.365 and 102-38.370 must report quarterly sales performance measures to the GSA... designated by GSA as an SC. To select a sales solution, an executive agency must review the effectiveness of...

  20. The Effects of the International Contract for Sale of Goods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Berlingher Daniel


    Full Text Available The contracts are the indispensable legal instruments for any economic transaction. The international sale contract is the main legal instrument by which international commerce is carried out and through which the movement of goods from producer to consumer is ensured within cross-border relations. The sale contract in international commerce is the legal act by which the parties, the seller and the buyer, belonging to different states, commit each other to transfer the property of a good in return for payment of a price. Regarding the general rules applicable to the contract of international sale of goods, they are regulated by the “United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods from Vienna”. The Convention has adopted uniform rules to govern the international sale of goods contract, if the parties have not chosen expressly for the application of other rules. In this study I present the effects of international sale of goods in the light of the rules of the Vienna Convention of 1980.

  1. Surveillance of gastrointestinal disease in France using drug sales data. (United States)

    Pivette, Mathilde; Mueller, Judith E; Crépey, Pascal; Bar-Hen, Avner


    Drug sales data have increasingly been used for disease surveillance during recent years. Our objective was to assess the value of drug sales data as an operational early detection tool for gastroenteritis epidemics at national and regional level in France. For the period 2008-2013, we compared temporal trends of drug sales for the treatment of gastroenteritis with trends of cases reported by a Sentinel Network of general practitioners. We benchmarked detection models to select the one with the best sensitivity, false alert proportion and timeliness, and developed a prospective framework to assess the operational performance of the system. Drug sales data allowed the detection of seasonal gastrointestinal epidemics occurring in winter with a distinction between prescribed and non-prescribed drugs. Sales of non-prescribed drugs allowed epidemic detection on average 2.25 weeks earlier than Sentinel data. These results confirm the value of drug sales data for real-time monitoring of gastroenteritis epidemic activity. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. El trastorno obsesivo compulsivo


    Navarro Miranda, María José


    El trastorno obsesivo compulsivo y su tr atamiento se ve altamente dificultado porque a menudo los propios afectados no solicitan ayuda terapéutica por vergüenza o miedo a ser rechazados; incluso muchos de ellos ni siquiera comunican el problema a sus familiares más próximos . Por ello, los expertos se refieren al trastorno obsesivo como la “enfermedad secreta

  3. A model of the prescription-pharmaceutical sales process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Stros


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors in marketing most relevant to achieving pharmaceutical sales success and their interrelations, as well as providing a prescription-pharmaceuticals sales process model. This will enable scholars to obtain a better understanding of the marketing process for prescription pharmaceuticals, as well as enabling marketers to apply more efficient marketing approaches. The study uses a unique data set, combining primary data and secondary data from the Swiss prescription-pharmaceuticals market. The data is analysed using a multiple-regression based model. A multi-level data structure is found, suggesting that factors concerning the specific brand and also the pharmaceutical substance itself are relevant to sales success. It is revealed that the factors most relevant to sales success are: order of market entry, perceived product-quality, average price, and marketing expenditures, leading to practical recommendations for scholars and marketing professionals. The study focuses only on the Swiss prescription-pharmaceuticals market, investigating five medical drug classes. The assumption is made that these results can be generalised to similar markets and drug classes. The study develops a conceptual prescription-pharmaceuticals sales-process model; offers practical guidelines and a good basis for further scholarly research are provided; and identifies several research gaps by giving proposals for future research.

  4. Strong sales growth in 2006: + 21 per cent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Paris, February 14, 2007 - The Gaz de France group today reported record consolidated sales of euro 27,642 million in 2006, up 21 per cent compared with 2005. Under average weather conditions and comparable accounting methods, sales increased by 24 per cent versus 2005. This growth results primarily from an overall increase in European energy prices notwithstanding the slight decrease in prices towards the end of the year. The group also benefited from an increase in volumes and from the integration of new operations. After a colder first half of the year compared to that of the previous year, the autumn of 2006 was particularly warm. This had a negative impact on sales growth (there was a 12 billion kWh decrease between 2005 and 2006). The sales generated by the group's international activities increased by 33 per cent to a total of euro 10,839 m in 2006 and now account for almost 40 per cent of the group's overall sales. In this context, the group confirmed at the board meeting held on January 23, 2007 that it would reach the targets set for 2006, namely: - Growth in EBITDA above 20 per cent, e.g. in excess of euro 5 billion, - Net income of more than euro 2.2 billion

  5. Strong sales growth in 2006: + 21 per cent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Paris, February 14, 2007 - The Gaz de France group today reported record consolidated sales of euro 27,642 million in 2006, up 21 per cent compared with 2005. Under average weather conditions and comparable accounting methods, sales increased by 24 per cent versus 2005. This growth results primarily from an overall increase in European energy prices notwithstanding the slight decrease in prices towards the end of the year. The group also benefited from an increase in volumes and from the integration of new operations. After a colder first half of the year compared to that of the previous year, the autumn of 2006 was particularly warm. This had a negative impact on sales growth (there was a 12 billion kWh decrease between 2005 and 2006). The sales generated by the group's international activities increased by 33 per cent to a total of euro 10,839 m in 2006 and now account for almost 40 per cent of the group's overall sales. In this context, the group confirmed at the board meeting held on January 23, 2007 that it would reach the targets set for 2006, namely: - Growth in EBITDA above 20 per cent, e.g. in excess of euro 5 billion, - Net income of more than euro 2.2 billion.

  6. The Personal Selling Ethics Scale: Revisions and Expansions for Teaching Sales Ethics (United States)

    Donoho, Casey; Heinze, Timothy


    The field of sales draws a large number of marketing graduates. Sales curricula used within today's marketing programs should include rigorous discussions of sales ethics. The Personal Selling Ethics Scale (PSE) provides an analytical tool for assessing and discussing students' ethical sales sensitivities. However, since the scale fails to address…

  7. Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH en adolescentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. Eliana Rodillo, Dra.


    Full Text Available El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH es un trastorno neurobiológico frecuente asociado a un importante impacto funcional, personal y social. Posee un fuerte componente genético, con múltiples genes involucrados, que interactúan con factores ambientales y neurobiológicos, aumentando la susceptibilidad genética y heterogeneidad del cuadro clínico. Los hallazgos más consistentes apuntan a una dismorfología, disfunción y baja conectividad de múltiples redes, fronto-estriatal, fronto-parietal y fronto-cerebelar, lo que refleja los distintos dominios cognitivos afectados en TDAH, como inhibición, atención, percepción del tiempo y aversión a la demora. Contrario a lo que se pensaba el TDAH no se resuelve en la adolescencia, pero cambian sus manifestaciones, su complejidad y potencial de daño. El diagnóstico de TDAH es complejo dada su alta heterogeneidad clínica y la ausencia de un marcador biológico. En esta revisión se describen las conductas propias del adolescente y los desafíos que plantea en este contexto el diagnóstico de TDAH y su tratamiento.

  8. 1997 survey of residential direct sales of natural gas in Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bacalso, N.; Given, G.


    This report comments on the prevailing state of direct sales of natural gas in Canada and shows how the situation has changed since the Canadian Energy Research Institute initiated its first survey in 1994. The report describes current regulations relating to direct sales and quantifies direct sales activity in each of the provinces. Information on direct sales volumes and the number of direct sales customers contained in the report was gathered through interviews with local distribution companies, provincial regulatory commissions and many natural gas brokers and marketers. It was noted that Ontario and Quebec (where the industry is self-regulating) were the two provinces with the highest volumes of residential direct sales. The need for regular monitoring was recommended in view of the current climate of rapid changes in the energy market. 7 tabs., 1 fig

  9. Factores de riesgo asociados a la mortalidad por enterocolitis necrotizante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vivian R. Mena Miranda


    Full Text Available La enterocolitis necrotizante (ECN es una urgencia gastrointestinal de causa multifactorial muy relacionada con el neonato pretérmino. Su elevada mortalidad radica en la falta de prevención por el médico a cualquier nivel de atención y a su diagnóstico tardío en los grupos de riesgo. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de los 63 pacientes fallecidos por ECN durante un período de 25 años en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente "Centro Habana", donde se encontró que 71,4 % de los afectados eran de la raza blanca y el 68,2 % del sexo masculino. La edad más frecuente se halló en los menores de 3 meses de edad (36,5 % y el 46 % del total de la muestra estudiada tuvo un peso al nacer inferior a los 1 500 g. La prematuridad apareció asociada en el 55,5 % de los fallecidos y el 65 % tuvo lactancia mixta desde el momento de nacimiento.Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC is a multifactorial caused gastrointestinal urgency closely related to the preterm newborn. Its high mortality has roots in the lack of prevention by the physician at any level of care, and due to a late diagnosis in risk groups. A retrospective study was carried out about 63 deceased patients as a result of NEC, along a 25 years period at the Centro Habana Teaching Pediatric Hospital, and it was found that 71,4 % of the affected infants were white, and that 68,2 % were masculin. The most frequent age was found in infants less than 3 months old (36,5 %, and 46 % of the total sample investigated had a birth weight lower than 1 500 g. Prematurity appeared associated in 55,5 % of the deceased, and 65 % had mixed lactation from the birth on.

  10. Factores de riesgo asociados a la mortalidad por enterocolitis necrotizante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vivian R. Mena Miranda


    Full Text Available La enterocolitis necrotizante es una urgencia gastrointestinal de causa multifactorial muy relacionada con el neonato pretérmino. Su elevada mortalidad radica en la falta de prevención por el médico a cualquier nivel de atención y a su diagnóstico tardío en los grupos de riesgo. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de los 63 pacientes fallecidos por enterocolitis necrotizante durante un período de 25 años en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente de Centro Habana, donde se encontró que el 71,4 % de los afectados era de la raza blanca y el 68,2 % del sexo masculino. La edad más frecuente se encontró en los menores de 3 meses de edad (36,5 % y el 46 % del total de la muestra estudiada tuvo un peso al nacer inferior a los 1 500 g. La prematuridad apareció asociada en el 55,5 % de los fallecidos y el 65 % tuvo lactancia mixta desde el momento de nacimiento.Necrotizing enterocolitis is a gastrointestinal urgency of multifactorial cause taht is closely connected with the preterm neonatus. Its high mortality results from the lack of prevention on the part of the physician at any level of attention and from its late diagnosis in the risk groups. A retrospective study of 63 patients who died of necrotizing enterocolitis during a period of 25 years at the Pediatric Teaching Hospital of Central Havana was conducted. It was found that 71.4 % of the affected were white and 68.2 % were males. It was more frequent among those under 3 months (36.5 %. 46 % of the total of the sample studied had a birth weight of less than 1 500 g. Prematurity appeared associated in 55 % of the dead, whereas 65 % had a mixed lactation since their birth.

  11. 25 CFR 152.23 - Applications for sale, exchange or gift. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Applications for sale, exchange or gift. 152.23 Section..., Exchanges and Conveyances of Trust Or Restricted Lands § 152.23 Applications for sale, exchange or gift. Applications for the sale, exchange or gift of trust or restricted land shall be filed in the form approved by...

  12. Research on opinions and attitudes of bookseller and increasing retail sales in the sales of books, through staff training


    Hristina Mihaleva


    During the economic crisis, retail sales in the book sales dropped sharply. Businesses are not many options. Costs must be reduced quickly, due to reduced turnover. Very often this means the release of personnel and cost reduction benefits and salary. This analysis aims to explore attitudes, professional competence and motivation of staff and to provide evidence of the need to further their education.

  13. Moderating Effects of Sales Promotion Types

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando de Oliveira Santini


    Full Text Available This paper aims to analyze the influence sales promotion types have on the relationship between perception of financial risk and perception of utilitarian and hedonic value on consumer purchase intentions. To this end, an experiment was conducted involving 589 participants divided into two groups defined by distinct scenarios in which the sales promotion type (monetary vs. non-monetary was manipulated. The working hypotheses predicted a direct and positive relationship between the perception of (hedonic and utilitarian consumption value and purchase intention for a promoted product and a negative relationship between the perception of consumption value and the perception of financial risk. In addition, it was supposed that the sales promotion type would moderate these direct relationships and that a monetary promotion would have a stronger effect on the relationship between purchase intention and perceived product utility, whereas a non-monetary promotion would have a stronger effect on the other relationships (hedonic value and financial risk perceptions. Analysis of the outcomes supported the proposed hypotheses.

  14. 29 CFR 541.501 - Making sales or obtaining orders. (United States)


    ..., or other disposition. (c) Exempt outside sales work includes not only the sales of commodities, but... selling of time on radio or television, the solicitation of advertising for newspapers and other...

  15. Standardisation of the Selling Process in Franchising : A Take on Sales Funnel Management


    Arpi Ekblom, Björn; Göransson, Ulla


    This paper addresses the two opposing extremes of standardisation in franchising and the dynamics of sales in search of a juncture point in order to reduce franchisees’ uncertainties in sales and improve sales performance. A conceptual framework is developed based on both theory and practice in order to investigate the sales process of a specific franchise network. The research is conducted over a period of six weeks in form of a customised sales report considering the sales funnel concept an...

  16. Considering lost sale in inventory routing problems for perishable goods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mirzaei, Samira; Seifi, Abbas


    , the average optimality gaps are less than 10.9% and 13.4% using linear and exponential lost sale functions, respectively. Furthermore, we show that the optimality gaps found by CPLEX grow exponentially with the problem size while those obtained by the proposed meta-heuristic algorithm increase linearly....... is considered as lost sale. The proposed model balances the transportation cost, the cost of inventory holding and lost sale. In addition to the usual inventory routing constraints, we consider the cost of lost sale as a linear or an exponential function of the inventory age. The proposed model is solved...

  17. Norwegian gas sale in an international perspective - future-directed organization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saga, B.P.


    This paper deals with future organization of the Norwegian gas sale. The author gives at first a brief review of the Norwegian gas sale, and then a discussion on which type of criteria being based on by evaluation of models for the Norwegian gas sale. A comparison on which type of criteria used in other gas supplying countries is discussed. The author discusses tendencies of development in the international market including Europe, and is questioning if the existing system of gas sale is prepared to meet future challenges. Several types of proposals are presented to solve these challenges. 5 figs

  18. Allegheny County Sheriff Sales (United States)

    Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center — List of properties up for auction at a Sheriff Sale. Datasets labeled "Current" contain this month's postings, while those labeled "Archive" contain a running list...

  19. Sales promotion strategies and youth drinking in Australia. (United States)

    Pettigrew, Simone; Biagioni, Nicole; Jones, Sandra C; Daube, Mike; Kirby, Gary; Stafford, Julia; Chikritzhs, Tanya


    This study employed an exploratory approach to generate detailed information about how in-store shopping experiences and exposure to sales promotion activities feature in the alcohol choices of Australian 18-21 year old drinkers. The qualitative methods of interviews, focus groups, and emailed narratives were used during 2014 to collect relevant data. The findings suggest that young drinkers' in-store shopping experiences and exposure to sales promotions influence the type, range, and quantity of alcohol purchased. In particular, the role of sales staff can be critical in increasing the amount of alcohol purchased by drawing drinkers' attention to and encouraging their participation in sales promotions. There thus appears to be an important interaction between promotional practices and young drinkers purchasing substantially larger quantities of alcohol than originally intended. Such practices need review in light of the high risk of alcohol-related harm experienced by many members of this age group. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Evasión molecular de la activación del macrófago bovino por Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    René Ramírez G.


    Full Text Available El Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis (MAP es el agente causal de una enfermedad granulomatosica crónica, que afecta el tracto gastrointestinal de rumiantes domesticos y salvajes, conocida como la enfermedad de Johne o paratuberculosis. MAP es un microorganismo de crecimiento lento en cultivo, no obstante sobrevive in vivo en células fagocíticas mononucleares de los rumiantes, bajo condiciones de susceptibilidad individual, virulencia de la cepa infectante y estado inmune del individuo afectado. Una vez MAP es fagocitado por el macrófago bovino, tanto el macrófago como MAP activan: el uno para tratar de destruir a MAP y luego sufrir apoptosis y el otro para evadir su destrucción dentro del fagolisosoma del macrófago. El balance de dicha confrontación molecular determina el curso inicial de la infección hacia la eliminación eficiente del microorganismo o hacia el establecimiento de la infección, que culminará en los estadios III (clínico intermitente y IV (clínica terminal de la enfermedad de Johne. En la presente revisión se discuten los diferentes mecanismos moleculares por los cuales MAP evade la respuesta inmune, con énfasis en su comportamiento dentro de la vacuola fagocítica y como el agente establece mecanismos de sobrevivencia intracelular y altera la activación de los macrófagos del hospedero y de la respuesta inmune específica.

  1. Influencia del tratamiento térmico en la cristalización y rugosidad de películas delgadas de LiNbO3 depositadas por el método “Spin Coating”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zaghete, M. A.


    Full Text Available Lithium niobate (LiNbO3 thin films with 1/1 stoichiometry were prepared by a spin-coating from polymeric precursor method. The films deposited on silicon (100 substrates, were thermally treated from 400° to 600°C for 3 hours in order to study the influence of thermal treatment on the crystallinity, microstructure, grain size and roughness. X-ray diffraction (XRD results showed that LiNbO3 phase crystallizes at low temperature (400°C. It was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM that it is possible to obtain dense thin films at temperatures around 500°C. The atomic force microscopy (AFM results showed that the grain size and roughness are strongly influenced by the annealing temperature.Películas delgadas de niobato de litio (LiNbO3 con estequiometria 1/1 han sido preparadas por el proceso “spin-coating” utilizándose precursores poliméricos. Las capas depositadas en sustratos de silicio (100 han sido tratadas térmicamente entre 400°C y 600°C durante 3 horas. El objetivo ha sido estudiar como el tratamiento térmico influye en la cristalinidad, microestructura, tamaño de granos y rugosidad de as películas. La cristalización de la fase LiNbO3 ocurre a bajas temperaturas (400ϒC, como demuestran los resultados de análisis por difracción de rayos-X (DRX obtenidos para las películas. Los resultados por MEB posibilitaron la conclusión de que a temperaturas alrededor de 500°C se obtienen películas delgadas densas. Por su turno, el tamaño de granos y rugosidad son muy afectados por la temperatura de calentamiento, siendo esta conclusión posible por los análisis por MFA.

  2. 31 CFR 12.3 - Sale of tobacco products in vending machines prohibited. (United States)


    ... RESTRICTION OF SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS § 12.3 Sale of tobacco products in vending machines prohibited. The sale of tobacco products in vending machines located in or around any Federal building under... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sale of tobacco products in vending...

  3. Sales Application Online of Design Furniture on Mitra Karya Furniture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The development of the business world characterized by the increasing number of established companies, both of which are engaged in industry, trade and services. The role of computers use in a company or organization is not a layman anymore but is a must. With the computerized system in the company or organization, all the processes ranging from data processing to making reports and another important documents can be neatly arranged so that can facilitate the process of data storage and retrieval. The sales processing system are running still manually. They are still using flyers to find consumers so that ineffective and inefficient. The sales program is the design research proposed of information systems. By utilizing the technology of computer and internet in order word is to try making the facility of sales better. By creating an online sales system to make the working process does not spread the time so that the sale can run well and be good service. The designs created by using Dreamweaver CS5 and using the MySQL for database so the database stored neatly. The main function of the online sales system is to assist in facilitating the resources to get the latest product sales at MitraKarsa Furniture, so that the customer can buy the latest products easily, anytime and anywhere they want to.

  4. CERN Running Club – Sale of Items

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Running club


    The CERN Running Club is organising a sale of items  on 26 June from 11:30 – 13:00 in the entry area of Restaurant 2 (504 R-202). The items for sale are souvenir prizes of past Relay Races and comprise: Backpacks, thermos, towels, gloves & caps, lamps, long sleeve winter shirts and windproof vest. All items will be sold at 5 CHF.

  5. Evaluation of Results from Sales Promotion Activities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olimpia Ban


    Full Text Available An essential element of the sales promotion strategy and not only is the evaluation of the results obtained from the activities performed. Due to their nature and applicability, the evaluation of the sales promotion is much easier to be achieved, but it raises some problems. Using a hypothetical example, we have tried to develop a "classic" evaluation model of the specialty literature.

  6. The temporal relationship between advertising and sales of low‐tar cigarettes (United States)

    Reed, Mark B; Anderson, Christy M; Burns, David M


    Objective and hypothesis To determine whether a temporal relationship exists between the advertising and sales of low‐tar cigarettes. It was hypothesised that increases in the advertising of low‐tar cigarettes would precede increases in sales for these cigarettes. Methods The themes of cigarette advertisements were reviewed and coded for 20 low‐tar cigarette brands advertised in 13 widely read magazines in the US between 1960 and 1996. These 20 brands represented most of the low‐tar cigarette advertisements and cigarette sales from 1967 to 1996. Cigarette sales data were obtained from the 1994 Maxwell report that summarises all cigarette sales from 1925 to 1990. If the advertisement referred to the low‐tar attributes of the cigarette advertised, the advertisement was coded as having a low‐tar theme and was included in the analysis. Results Five different graphical presentations of the relationship between the advertising and sales of the 20 low‐tar cigarette brands showed a temporal relationship between low‐tar advertising and sales for these brands. This relationship was observed for brands that introduced a low‐tar alternative into an existing brand family (eg, Marlboro Light) and for new exclusively low‐tar brands (eg, Carlton). Despite large increases in the advertising for the exclusively low‐tar brands, sales of these brands remained low relative to sales of the low‐tar alternative brands. Conclusions Increases in print advertising of 20 of the most popular low‐tar cigarette brands were followed by increases in sales for these cigarettes. Despite increases in the advertising of exclusively low‐tar brands in the mid‐1970s and early 1980s, the sales of these brands never matched the sales of the low‐tar alternative brands. This suggests that it may have been easier to get smokers to switch to low‐tar brands within a brand family compared with entirely new low‐tar brands. Over the past 30 years, the marketing of low

  7. A study on the effects of sales related factors on brand equity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naser Azad


    Full Text Available This paper presents an empirical investigation to study the effects of sales related factors on brand equity. The study designs a questionnaire and distributes it among all 353 sales representatives who work for a dairy producer in province of Mazandaran, Iran. Using principal component analysis, seven variables including qualification criteria, motivation, personality, empowering sales representative, information size, personal characteristics and sales interest in job on brand equity are extracted. The implementation of structural equation modeling has confirmed that there were positive and meaningful relationships between seven factors and brand equity. The highest impact belongs to empowering sales representative followed by qualification criteria, quantity of information, personality and sales motivation.

  8. Does Advertising Spending Improve Sales Performance?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Assaf, A. George; Josiassen, Alexander; Mattila, Anna S.


    Hotel managers and investors commonly analyze the impact of advertising spending on firm performance. This paper investigates such an impact using a comprehensive framework incorporating the moderating effects of hotel size and star ratings. We estimated sales performance via dynamic, stochastic...... frontier modelling. Using longitudinal data from a sample of Slovenian and Croatian hotels, we demonstrate that advertising spending has a positive impact on hotel sales performance, and that the relationship strengthens for larger hotels and hotels with higher star ratings. Theoretical and managerial...

  9. Diversification Models of Sales Activity for Steady Development of an Enterprise


    Nestor Shpak; Tamara Kyrylych; Jolita Greblikaitė


    The paper substantiates the importance of the optimal directionality choice of sales activity as one of the main lines of enterprise activity, the functioning of which should be complete, synchronous and complementary. Diversification is one of the powerful instruments to ensure the steady development of the sales activity of an enterprise. Three models of sales activity diversification of an enterprise are developed. The first model is based on unveiling the potential of sales channels and a...

  10. Molecular diagnostic of the philadelphia chromosome; Diagnostico molecular del cromosoma filadelfia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos Rudin, M [Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud (INISA), Costa Rica (Costa Rica) and Escuela de Biologia; Cuenca Berger, P [Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud (INISA), Costa Rica (Costa Rica) and Escuela de Biologia; Gutierrez Espeleta, G [Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud (INISA), Costa Rica (Costa Rica) and Escuela de Biologia; Jimenez Cruz, G [Hospital Mexico, Costa Rica (Costa Rica). Seccion Hematologia; Montero Umana, C [Hospital Mexico, Costa Rica (Costa Rica). Seccion Hematologia; Vazquez Castillo, L [Hospital San Juan de Dios, Costa Rica (Costa Rica). Seccion de Hematologia; Ramon Ortiz, M [Hospital San Juan de Dios, Costa Rica (Costa Rica). Seccion de Hematologia


    The importance that has to confirm the presence or absence of the chromosome Philadelphia in the diagnostic and follow up of the patient affected with chronic myeloid leukemia and other leukemia. It is considered necessary to implement the molecular diagnostic in Costa Rica. They studied 32 patient affected by Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, 7 by other Myeloproliferative Chronic Disorders and 2 by Myelodysplastic Syndrome. It utilized the sound Trans probe-1 (Oncogene Science, Inc), which was marked with radioactivity ({sup 32}P) or chemiluminescence (digoxigenin). Of the 32 cases affected by L mc, in 28 it was possible to carry out the molecular analysis detecting the characteristic translocation of the chromosome Philadelphia among the Mbcr/c-ABL genes in 21 (75%) of the patients, in 7 (25%) the rearrangement was not found. In seven of the nine affected by other sufferings it was possible to obtain results, 3 that turned out to be positive for the rearrangement among Mbcr/c-ABL and 4 normal. In all the cases, they obtained results marking the sound with radioactivity. However, they tested the marks with digoxigenin in seven of the patients, as an methodological alternative for the laboratories that lacks the requirements to work with radiation. The results obtained were identical. (S. Grainger) [Spanish] La relevancia que tiene confirmar la presencia o ausencia del cromosoma Filadelfia en el diagnostico y seguimiento de los pacientes afectados con leucemia mieloide cronica y otras leucemias, se considero necesario implementar el diagnostico molecular en Costa Rica. Se estudiaron 32 pacientes afectados por Leucemia Mieloide Cronica, 7 por otros Desordenes Mieloproleferativos Cronicos y 2 por Sindromes Mielodisplasicos. Se utilizo la sonda Transprobe-1 (Oncogene Science, Inc), la cual fue marcada con radioactividad ({sup 32}P) o quimioluminiscencia (digoxigenina). De los 32 casos afectados por LMC, en 28 se logro realizar el analisis molecular detectandose la

  11. New trends in electricity sales on deregulated markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svercek, M.


    An analysis of the influence of the e-sales on the market is made. Seven critical factors for the success are outlined, namely: community offerings, connectivity, customer care, communication, convenience, content, customization. Examples for the application of the e-sales in Europe are given and expected trends are discussed

  12. 5 CFR 2634.303 - Purchases, sales, and exchanges. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Purchases, sales, and exchanges. 2634.303 Section 2634.303 Administrative Personnel OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT ETHICS GOVERNMENT ETHICS EXECUTIVE BRANCH....303 Purchases, sales, and exchanges. (a) In general. Except as indicated in § 2634.308(b) of this...

  13. New trends in electricity sales on deregulated markets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Svercek, M [AT Kearney, (Czech Republic)


    An analysis of the influence of the e-sales on the market is made. Seven critical factors for the success are outlined, namely: community offerings, connectivity, customer care, communication, convenience, content, customization. Examples for the application of the e-sales in Europe are given and expected trends are discussed.

  14. Travel ticket sales optimization at Prague Main Railway Station


    Kuběnová, Eva


    This Master's Thesis concerns the travel ticket sales at Prague Main Railway Station. Based on a detailed analysis of provided data, its aim is to put forward suggestions on how to optimize travel ticket sales. Through evaluating the volume of travel tickets sold within the given time period and the number of open cash-desks, along with a cost analysis of sales channels, this thesis reaches its final conclusions. Microsoft Excel was the main analysis tool for compiling graphs. A sound knowled...


    CERN Multimedia


    The Recuperation and Sales Service wishes to recall that obsolete or surplus equipment which is no longer needed at CERN may be sold to outside institutes, members of the personnel, companies, etc. For this purpose an 'on-line sales and purchase tool' has been developed and installed on the web: consult the 'Recuperation and Sales Service' site on the CERN homepage. Users wishing to eliminate or sell obsolete or surplus equipment are invited to use the tool to issue an 'on-line sales request' and users who are looking for cheap 2nd hand equipment may consult the 'on-line sales catalogue' and make 'on-line purchase bids'. The direct sale of low value equipment, which takes place Thursdays 13h30 ­ 15h30 in the Recuperation Centre, building 133, will continue as before. For more information contact the Recuperation & Sales Service, tel. 75782 or 78665.

  16. Model of medicines sales forecasting taking into account factors of influence (United States)

    Kravets, A. G.; Al-Gunaid, M. A.; Loshmanov, V. I.; Rasulov, S. S.; Lempert, L. B.


    The article describes a method for forecasting sales of medicines in conditions of data sampling, which is insufficient for building a model based on historical data alone. The developed method is applicable mainly to new drugs that are already licensed and released for sale but do not yet have stable sales performance in the market. The purpose of this study is to prove the effectiveness of the suggested method forecasting drug sales, taking into account the selected factors of influence, revealed during the review of existing solutions and analysis of the specificity of the area under study. Three experiments were performed on samples of different volumes, which showed an improvement in the accuracy of forecasting sales in small samples.


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    Nur Afta Lestari


    Full Text Available Terjadi perubahan posisi perempuan yang semula hanya berada di sektor domestik, kini beralih ke sektor publik. Kondisi di perkotaan yang relatif lebih heterogen membuka peluang perempuan untuk bekerja di berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah sales promotion girls (SPG. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengeksplorasi bagaimana profil SPG dan eksploitasi yang dialaminya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dalam pengambilan datanya. Penampilan cantik dan menarik menjadi modal utama dalam pekerjaan ini. Sales Promotion Girls pada industri rokok dan minuman  berumur sekitar 21-30 tahun dengan jam kerja sekitar 5-7 jam perhari. Alasan bekerja di bidang ini adalah bahwa bidang ini merupakan pekerjaan ringan dan tidak memerlukan pendidikan yang tinggi, walaupun di sisi lain mereka hanya mendapatkan upah yang rendah. Perempuan dalam pekerjaan ini seringkali mengalami eksploitasi fisik berupa pelecehan seksual dan eksploitasi ekonomi berupa waktu kerja yang sampai malam hari dan tidak terpenuhinya hak-hak pekerja perempuan seperti faktor keselamatan dan hak untuk cuti. Dengan kondisi seperti ini, maka perlindungan terhadap perempuan bekerja pada umumnya dan sales promotion girls pada khususnya menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan.A change in economic condition in Indonesia brings about a change of woman position, from formerly domestic sector to recently public sector. Urban areas that is relatively more heterogeneous than rural ones open opportunities for women to work in various fields, one of which is sales promotion girls (SPG. In this study, the author seeks to explore the SPG profile and the exploitation they experienced. The method used in this study are qualitative approach, with observation, interviews, and documentation. The research uncovered the following facts. Beautiful and attractive appearance becomes a priority in this work. Sales promotion girls on cigarettes

  18. Caracterización de la calidad de sedimentos afectados por vertidos de petróleo: comparación entre casos de vertidos accidentales (impacto agudo) frente a derrames continuos (impacto crónico)


    Morales Caselles, Carmen


    La tesis presenta un estudio integral para carácterizar la calidad de sedimentos de dos áreas dél litoral españól afectadas por vertidos¿ de hidrocarburos. A finales del 2002 el accidente del petrolero monocasco Prestige provocó un vertido de 63000 toneladas de fuel oil pesado que se esparció en manchas, más o menos compactas y que supuso un impacto agudo de contaminación provocando una de las "mareas negras' más dañinas de las ocurridas en Galicia en los, últimos años Por-otra parte, la Babi...

  19. Exercise in Thoroughbred yearlings during sales preparation: a cohort study. (United States)

    Bolwell, C F; Rogers, C W; French, N P; Firth, E C


    There is increasing evidence suggesting that early exercise in Thoroughbred racehorses may be beneficial to the development of the musculoskeletal system. At present, information on the exercise programmes and health problems of individual yearlings during a sales preparation is scant. To describe the exercise and health problems of Thoroughbred yearlings during preparation for sales, and to identify variations in exercise between and within farms. A prospective cohort study was used to collect exercise and health information from 18 farms across New Zealand. Daily exercise records for individual horses were recorded during the studfarms' preparation for the annual national yearling sales in January 2009. Data were collected from 319 yearlings, of which 283 (88.7%) were exercised (hand walking, mechanical walker and lungeing) during their preparations. Sales preparation lasted a median of 69 days (interquartile range 61-78) and differed significantly between farms (Psale (P = 0.14) or category of sales price (P = 0.12). Within certain farms, daily exercise differed between horses as did total exercise by gender and the number of days spent in the sales preparation. Lameness was the most common condition affecting yearlings and the overall incidence rate of lameness was 0.08 per 100 horse days (95% confidence interval 0.05-0.13). Incidence rates of lameness varied significantly between farms (P = 0.02), but not by age (P = 0.77), sales type (P = 0.58) or month of the preparation (P = 0.53). Yearling exercise programmes varied between and within farms. Since exercise is already being tailored for each individual horse, there may be an opportunity to allow for modifications to sales preparation with the future career in mind. © 2011 EVJ Ltd.

  20. Relationship between performance measurements and sale price of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Abstract. The sale prices of 1 609 Dorper rams sold between 1990 and 1999 were compared with their measured performances. An analysis of variance was carried out in order to determine which variables influenced sale price. The most importance factors were classification (stud vs. commercial), auction weight and coat ...

  1. 36 CFR 223.3 - Sale of seized material. (United States)


    ... AND DISPOSAL OF NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM TIMBER General Provisions § 223.3 Sale of seized material. Seized material (trees, portions of trees or other forest products cut in trespass from National Forest... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sale of seized material. 223...

  2. 24 CFR 235.320 - Limitation of sales price. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Limitation of sales price. 235.320 Section 235.320 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development... Payments-Homes for Lower Income Families § 235.320 Limitation of sales price. To qualify for assistance...


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    Victoria Eugenia Vallejo Quintero


    Full Text Available El presente estudio evaluó el desempeño de dos sales de tetrazolio, una tradicional: INT y una de nueva generación: XTT, para estimar la densidad de microorganismos degradadores de hidrocarburos (HCs en suelos empleando la técnica del Número Más Probable (NMP. Se analizaron 96 muestras de suelo con diferente historia de uso en la Ecorregión Cafetera de Colombia. Los microorganismos fueron recuperados en agar mínimo en atmósfera saturada de HCs y la capacidad degradadora fue confirmada por repiques sucesivos utilizando diesel como fuente de carbono. No se observaron diferencias en los recuentos de microorganismos degradadores obtenidos con las dos sales (t de Student, p

  4. Pielonefritis Xantogranulomatosa en la infancia: una rara enfermedad en niños menores de un año, reporte de un caso


    Ortiz Cabrera, Rosa Magola; Prada Rico, Mayerly; Bonilla Jassir, Juan C.; Lozano, Alfonso


    La pielonefritis xatogranulomatosa es una inflamación crónica del riñón caracterizada por destrucción y sustitución de su parénquima por tejido granulomatoso cargado de células espumosas. Fue descrita por primera vez en 1916 por Schlagenhaufer y reportada en niños solo hasta 1963 por Avnet y Friedenberg. A la fecha se han reportado en la literatura alrededor de 300 casos de los cuales al año 2007 121 correspondían a la edad pediátrica. El grupo etáreo principalmente afectado en...

  5. Sales revenue and data for the first quarter of 2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document presents the Areva Group sales revenue and data for the first quarter of 2007: sales revenue stable at 2.47 billion Euro and anticipation of a significant increase in sales revenue for 2007. Other information concerns: the business trends (reform of the nuclear sector in Russia, Toshiba's acquisition of Westinghouse, reopening of the debate on the need to build new nuclear reactors by more than 60 countries), key events concerning Areva's operations during the first quarter (major marketing events, contracts and agreements, strategic developments), and detailed first quarter 2007 sales revenues (front-end division, reactors and services, back-end division, transmission and distribution division). (J.S.)

  6. 17 CFR 250.52 - Exemption of issue and sale of certain securities. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Exemption of issue and sale of... sale of any security, of which it is the issuer if: (1) The issue and sale of the security are solely.... 79f(a)) and related rules with respect to the issue and sale of any security of which it is the issuer...

  7. 32 CFR 507.9 - Articles not authorized for manufacture or sale. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Articles not authorized for manufacture or sale... CIVIL AUTHORITIES AND PUBLIC RELATIONS MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF DECORATIONS, MEDALS, BADGES, INSIGNIA, COMMERCIAL USE OF HERALDIC DESIGNS AND HERALDIC QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM Manufacture and Sale of Decorations...


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    Gherman Cristina


    Full Text Available More recently, direct sales business is stimulated by the difficult market conditions. While retailers hardly bear fixed costs such as rent, administrative costs and tend to raise prices, customers fall back to products offered by direct sale. In addition, labour market conditions made more and more Romanians (who were left without incomes to move towards this system. On the other hand, the direct sales field doesnt concern only those who remained without a job, but rather those who want to round their incomes.

  9. 19 CFR 148.46 - Sale of exempted articles. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sale of exempted articles. 148.46 Section 148.46... exempted articles. (a) Sale resulting in forfeiture. The following articles or their value (to be recovered... paragraph (b) of this section is followed: (1) Any jewelry or similar articles of personal adornment having...

  10. 32 CFR 736.3 - Sale of personal property. (United States)


    ....S.C. 7305). (b) Sales are by sealed bid, auction, spot bid or, under limited conditions prescribed by law, negotiated method. A deposit, generally 20 percent of the amount bid, is normally required of... bidder to remove the property within the time limit prescribed in the invitation to bid or sales contract...


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    Stofor Ovidiu-Ilie


    Full Text Available Insurance system in Romania is carried out with a constant natural activity, evolving quite honorably these times. This is largely due to the difficulty with which insurance is sold in normal economic conditions when it comes to prosperity. Although psychologists, led by Maslow believes that the protection needs are basic needs, along with the physiological one, on the priority list regarding procurement, insurance needs are for some Romanians, of minimum or no importance, so that they are either pushed to the bottom of the list, or even, as it most often happens, they are non existent. Current economic conditions and climate, urges caution on most fields, especially in terms of individual properties, including, how somewhat forced, life and physical integrity which are still considered property, if this aspect is not debated in terms of Christian or other religious dogma. In other words, many Romanians see insurance as a product that “is not up their alley” including it in the luxury category. Furthermore, the media shows, sometimes amplify certain cases of doubt in relations between insurance company - customer. Appropriate marketing, allied with the information technology can improve the complete relationship between the two entities - the offeror and the consumer. Through this study we aim to identify important issues that facilitate the sale of insurance, using information technology, given that the sales of these financial products through the "ancestral" methods are effective but not very efficient. We will follow, byanchoring to the current reality, the insurance utility and how to use information technologies in support of marketing (sales. The study itself was done by observing the results in practical work, from an insurance agency, but also related to what the literature offers. Because this study is currently underway, there are certainly some limitations of accuracy of results, which are adjusted "on the fly". Realizing

  12. 18 CFR 284.285 - Pregrant of abandonment of unbundled sales services. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Pregrant of abandonment of unbundled sales services. 284.285 Section 284.285 Conservation of Power and Water Resources... Sales by Interstate Pipelines § 284.285 Pregrant of abandonment of unbundled sales services. Abandonment...

  13. 77 FR 42707 - 36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary [Transmittal Nos. 12-35] 36(b)(1) Arms Sales... Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text of a section 36(b)(1) arms sales notification. This... Force (DAY) [[Page 42709

  14. Analysis performed in cooperation with the SALE program, (1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tuboya, Takao; Wada, Yukio; Suzuki, Takeshi


    One of the objects of the SALE (Safeguard Analytical Laboratory Evaluation) program is a development of technique in safeguard and accountability. The SALE program was established by the United States Atomic Energy Commission's New Brunswick Laboratory in 1970. Six years later, SALE program has grown into a worldwide quality control program, receiving analysis results from about 60 laboratories that includes 19 non-U.S. laboratories. All laboratories, participating at present or in the past in the SALE program are listed in Table 1. By 1973, the program was expanded to include six different materials; uranium dioxide (UO 2 ), uranyl nitrate (U-NO 3 ), plutonium dioxide (PuO 2 ), plutonium nitrate (Pu-NO 3 ), uranium-plutonium mixed oxides [(Pu,U)O 2 ], and uranium-plutonium mixed nitrates (Pu-U-NO 3 ). PNC has joined in this program in 1975 for the analysis of samples shown in Table 2. SALE program participants analyze, on a bimonthly basis, materials supplied by the New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL) and report measurement results to NBL for evaluation and inclusion in the bimonthly reports. Present paper describes analysis result and evaluations for these samples which were measured in 1975 -- 1976. (author)

  15. Possession divestment by sales in later life. (United States)

    Ekerdt, David J; Addington, Aislinn


    Residential relocation in later life is almost always a downsizing, with many possessions to be divested in a short period of time. This article examines older movers' capacities for selling things, and ways that selling attenuates people's ties to those things, thus accomplishing the human dis-possession of the material convoy. In qualitative interviews in 79 households in the Midwestern United States, older adults reported their experience with possession sales associated with residential relocation. Among this group, three-quarters of the households downsized by selling some belongings. Informal sales seemed the least fraught of all strategies, estate sales had mixed reviews, and garage sales were recalled as laborious. Sellers' efforts were eased by social relations and social networks as helpers and buyers came forward. As selling proceeded, sentiment about possessions waned as their materiality and economic value came to the fore, easing their detachment from the household. Possession selling is challenging because older adults are limited in the knowledge, skills, and efforts that they can apply to the recommodification of their belongings. Selling can nonetheless be encouraged as a divestment strategy as long as the frustrations and drawbacks are transparent, and the goal of ridding is kept in view. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. After-sales service to manufactured goods on technological basis

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    Miriam Borchardt


    Full Text Available This theoretical and exploratory paper aims to build a critical analysis on after-sales services, mainly regarded to manufactured goods on technological basis. The purpose of the research is to achieve some better understanding about the essential elements that are to be taken into account in conceiving such a service, after different approaches. After-sales service is a member of the service package and it can influence customer satisfaction. The studied issues can integrate policies to guiding firms in designing after-sales services. They are: definition of the service itself; strategic issues; the facilities and premises; and the operation management. We aim this theoretical research to be a pre-requisite to launch further empirical researches, mainly in the field of inter-organizational relationships. Key-words: service management; after-sales service; service operations; goods associated to services; inter-organizational relationships.

  17. Developing soft skill training for salespersons to increase total sales (United States)

    Mardatillah, A.; Budiman, I.; Tarigan, U. P. P.; Sembiring, A. C.; Hendi


    This research was conducted in the multilevel marketing industry. Unprofessional salespersons behavior and responsibility can ruin the image of the multilevel marketing industry and distrust to the multilevel marketing industry. This leads to decreased company revenue due to lack of public interest in multilevel marketing products. Seeing these conditions, researcher develop training programs to improve the competence of salespersons in making sales. It was done by looking at factors that affect the level of salespersons sales. The research analyzes several factors that influence the salesperson’s sales level: presentation skills, questioning ability, adaptability, technical knowledge, self-control, interaction involvement, sales environment, and intrapersonal skills. Through the analysis of these factors with One Sample T-Test and Multiple Linear Regression methods, researchers design a training program for salespersons to increase their sales. The developed training for salespersons is basic training and special training and before training was given, salespersons need to be assessed for the effectivity and efficiency reasons.

  18. El Crossumer: la evolución del consumidor mediada por las tecnologías sociales y la hiperconectividad móvil

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    Macías-Alegre, Adrián


    Full Text Available La Web 2.0, término acuñado por Tim O’Really a principios del siglo XXI, ha sido definida como la web en las que las personas tienen opinión y voto, y la comunicación se produce de forma bidireccional entre productores y consumidores de contenidos. En este artículo se reflexiona sobre cómo ha afectado el cambio social de la web a la relación de los consumidores con las empresas en la sociedad de la información y del conocimiento, y se describen como las empresas están fidelizando al cliente a través de las redes sociales y los dispositivos móviles. Se utiliza la definición de prosumer y crossumer para señalar que las formas de consumo en la era digital, están comenzando a depender en mayor medida de factores como la actitud proactiva y la cultura de la colaboración.

  19. 7 CFR 46.21 - Returns, rejections, or credit memorandums on sales. (United States)


    ..., a credit memorandum showing the buyer's name, sales ticket number, lot number, date of the granting... notation shall be made on the original sales ticket referring to the adjustment and showing where the... sales ticket or invoice properly completed to show the facts and shall be approved by a duly authorized...

  20. 27 CFR 53.91 - Charges to be included in sale price. (United States)


    ... or display of the article, for sales promotion programs, or otherwise. With respect to the rules... sale price. 53.91 Section 53.91 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND... AMMUNITION Special Provisions Applicable to Manufacturers Taxes § 53.91 Charges to be included in sale price...

  1. 16 CFR 455.2 - Consumer sales-window form. (United States)


    ... the dealer does not make any specific promises to fix things that need repair when you buy the vehicle... complaints arise after sale. (f) Optional Signature Line. In the space provided for the name of the individual to be contacted in the event of complaints after sale, you may include a signature line for a...

  2. Theoretical and methodological aspects of strategic sales management of enterprise


    Hurzhiy, N.


    In the article existing approaches to strategic management are analyzed, features and a concept of strategic sales management are defined. Also in the article there is encouraged to use processdesign approach in the implementation of strategic management. Also the principles which should be carried out by strategic management of sales activities are identified in relation to the elements of the systemsales activities, as consumers, state infrastructure software sales, competition and enterprise.

  3. Automated interactive sales processes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T.B. Klos (Tomas); D.J.A. Somefun (Koye); J.A. La Poutré (Han)


    htmlabstractWhen we look at successful sales processes occurring in practice, we find they combine two techniques which have been studied separately in the literature. Recommender systems are used to suggest additional products or accessories to include in the bundle under consideration, and

  4. AREVA - first half 2005 sales figures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    First half 2005 sales for the AREVA group were up 1.1% to 5,396 million euros and 2.6% like-for-like, compared with 5,339 million euros for the same period in 2004.The change in foreign exchange rates had a negative impact of nearly (34) million euros between these two periods, which was much less than between the first half of 2003 and the same period in 2004. Sales are up 1.1% compared with the first half of 2004 (up 2.6% like-for-like); the euros (17.3) M impact of IFRS adoption is limited to the Front End division; Energy is up: Nuclear Power: up 4.4% (up 5.5% like-for-like), driven by the Front End and Reactors and Services divisions; T and D: down 3.9% (-2.1% like-for-like) due to the one time peak observed in early 2004; Connectors sales are stable (+0.3% like-for-like): Automotive performed well, while the communication market continued to be a difficult one


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    Full Text Available One of the most important problems of the Ukrainian economy is the formation of a civilized land market. We have to admit that the process of formation of private ownership of land in Ukraine entered into a protracted and uncertain nature. Another introduction in Ukraine of the moratorium on sale of agricultural land due to the lack of resolution of many land issues and not sformovat market infrastructure. Because for the majority of producers of agricultural products the sale of lease rights is an innovation. On the sale of lease rights still they are almost not heard, and especially not used in practice, although the possibility of disposal of property rights, which is owned and leasehold, provided by norms of the Civil code of Ukraine. The issue of land bidding (auction is relevant, because the law of Ukraine set the priority of this method of trading in the sale or lease of land. The auction is open and transparent way the exclusion of land resources of the territorial community, that is, eliminates the influence of corruption and receipt of funds in local budgets adds the ability to invest in the economy of human settlements and agriculture. Among the economic benefits to the development industry is not only improving the investment climate, replenishment of budgets of all levels and approaching the level of EU countries in matters of land. Holding of auctions is very attractive from the point of view of filling the local budget, the sale of land has its advantages, namely a quick and significant revenue. The lease right may be alienated in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and some legislative solution is not needed. The procedure of land auctions includes the following steps: 1. The organizer of land sales (public authority or local authority determines the list of land plots of state or municipal property and rights thereto, which are exposed at the land auction as separate lots. 2. The decision of a public authority or

  6. 26 CFR 48.4216(b)-2 - Constructive sale price; basic rules. (United States)


    ... there is common control, whether or not such control is actually exercised to influence the sale price... 26 Internal Revenue 16 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Constructive sale price; basic rules. 48.4216(b... to Manufacturers Taxes § 48.4216(b)-2 Constructive sale price; basic rules. (a) In general. Section...

  7. An Investigation of the Evocation of Persuasive Strategies in Personal Sales. (United States)

    Sprowl, John Parrish

    Prompted by the fact that personal sales is an area of human communication that has received little attention from communication scholars, this paper integrates previous sales research relevant to communication inquiry into a foundation for future research. The first section of the paper discusses the importance of personal sales, while the second…

  8. 31 CFR 92.3 - Manufacture and sale of “proof” coins. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Manufacture and sale of âproofâ coins... MINT OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES Numismatic Operations § 92.3 Manufacture and sale of “proof” coins... additional expense of their manufacture and sale. Their manufacture and issuance are contingent upon the...

  9. 27 CFR 6.72 - “Tie-in” sales. (United States)


    ... OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS âTIED-HOUSEâ Unlawful Inducements Quota Sales § 6.72 “Tie-in” sales. The act by an industry member of requiring that a retailer purchase one product (as defined in § 6.11) in... and not individually. However, an industry member is not precluded from selling two or more kinds or...

  10. Sales Education beyond the Classroom: Building Participative Learning Experiences in Sales Management through the CMGS Method (Case Method with Guest Speakers) (United States)

    Ruizalba Robledo, José Luis; Almenta López, Estefanía; Vallespín Arán, María


    The overarching goal of working through the CMGS Method (Case Method with Guest Speakers) in Sales Management courses is to provide Business and marketing learners with practical knowledge about how a sales manager can deal with a wide variety of possible professional scenarios. Even when the case method itself is an excellent way to equip…

  11. When Theory Meets Practice: A New Approach for Teaching Undergraduate Sales Management Courses (United States)

    O'Reilly, Kelley A.


    Most sales management undergraduate courses teach students about sales management rather than how to successfully manage a sales team. A desire to change this paradigm resulted in a newly designed hands-on, skill-based sales management course that uses business case studies in combination with students developing, practicing, and performing the…

  12. Multiple "buy buttons" in the brain: Forecasting chocolate sales at point-of-sale based on functional brain activation using fMRI. (United States)

    Kühn, Simone; Strelow, Enrique; Gallinat, Jürgen


    We set out to forecast consumer behaviour in a supermarket based on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Data was collected while participants viewed six chocolate bar communications and product pictures before and after each communication. Then self-reports liking judgement were collected. fMRI data was extracted from a priori selected brain regions: nucleus accumbens, medial orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, inferior frontal gyrus, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex assumed to contribute positively and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and insula were hypothesized to contribute negatively to sales. The resulting values were rank ordered. After our fMRI-based forecast an instore test was conducted in a supermarket on n=63.617 shoppers. Changes in sales were best forecasted by fMRI signal during communication viewing, second best by a comparison of brain signal during product viewing before and after communication and least by explicit liking judgements. The results demonstrate the feasibility of applying neuroimaging methods in a relatively small sample to correctly forecast sales changes at point-of-sale. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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    Titin RULIANA


    Full Text Available Tax revenue today become the backbone of the State reception in the State Budget ( Budget . One of the tax revenue is land and building tax . Basis of property tax is the Sales Value of Object Tax. Sales Value of Object Tax is the average price obtained from the market price , and the price is based on the Decree of the Mayor [3]. Determination Sales Value of Object Tax based on Laws number 12 of 1985 amended by Laws number 12 of 1994 [1]. Determination Sales Value of Object Tax based Formulation of the problem in this paper is as follows : "Is it the Sales Value of Object Tax on Land and Building Tax in Year 2012 in accordance with Laws number 12 of year 1994". This research used a sample of fifty one taxpayers from Income Tax Payable in 2012. Target of research is Sales Value of Object Tax on land and building by comparing the Sales Value of Object Tax contained in the Notification Letter of Tax Payable to the actual situation. Based on the background and formulation of the problem, that : "Calculation Sales Value of Object Tax on Land and Building of 2012 in the District Palaran of Samarinda City not in accordance with Law Number 12 of 1994" . I was concluded that the calculation Sales Value of Object Tax on Land and Buildings in the District Palaran been calculated in accordance with Law on number 12 of 1994 . Difference in the amount of Land and Building Tax to be paid based on The Notification Letter of Tax Payable with the results of research in the field due to lack of public understanding about The Land and Building Tax, so that the taxpayer did not immediately report the wide changes to the tax object owned by the Office of Tax services

  14. A Hybrid Model for Forecasting Sales in Turkish Paint Industry


    Alp Ustundag


    Sales forecasting is important for facilitating effective and efficient allocation of scarce resources. However, how to best model and forecast sales has been a long-standing issue. There is no best forecasting method that is applicable in all circumstances. Therefore, confidence in the accuracy of sales forecasts is achieved by corroborating the results using two or more methods. This paper proposes a hybrid forecasting model that uses an artificial intelligence method (AI) w...

  15. Advertising and alcohol sales: a legal impact study. (United States)

    Makowsky, C R; Whitehead, P C


    According to the single distribution theory increases in the availability of alcoholic beverages in the general population are associated with increases in average consumption and increases in alcohol-related damage. If it can be demonstrated that advertising contributes to availability, perhaps in the form of what has been called social or subjective availability, then advertising could be considered an appropriate target of prevention. A 58-year ban on advertising of alcoholic beverages was lifted in Saskatchewan in 1983. Data on monthly sales of beer, wine and distilled spirits were examined for the years 1981 to 1987. Box-Jenkins time series techniques were used to estimate the statistical relationship between the policy change and volume of sales of alcoholic beverages. The results revealed that sales of beer increased and sales of spirits decreased following the change in legislation that permitted alcohol advertising in Saskatchewan. The main finding is that there was no impact on wine and total alcohol sales from the introduction of alcohol advertising. Alcohol advertising may have produced a substitution effect with respect to beer and spirits, but this was not predicted. This evaluation suggests that alcohol advertising is not a contributory force that influences the overall level of alcohol consumption. The place of advertising in the single distribution theory remains not proven, and the place of advertising as an instrument of public policy with respect to the prevention of alcohol-related damage remains in question.

  16. Combining SKU-level sales forecasts from models and experts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ph.H.B.F. Franses (Philip Hans); R. Legerstee (Rianne)


    textabstractWe study the performance of SKU-level sales forecasts which linearly combine statistical model forecasts and expert forecasts. Using a large and unique database containing model forecasts for monthly sales of various pharmaceutical products and forecasts given by about fifty experts, we


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    Full Text Available Direct sale represents a modern product distribution system directly to consumers, generally, directly to their homes, to their workplace or other places, beside retail shops. The best known type of direct sale, the Network Marketing or Multilevel Marketing implies the existence of a network of distributors which earn income from selling on commission, to which they add the trade markup. This paper is based upon the analysis of these types of sales starting with the study of specialized literature especially by foreign authors, mainly Americans, with the analysis of statistical data presented by several organizations such as SELDIA (The European Direct Selling Association, MLM International Romania, ACVD (Association of Direct Selling Companies in Romania, as well as the legal regulations within this field. In conclusion, the paper presents an interesting comparison of the sales and structure volume between the Europe and Romania.

  18. Decoupling Revenue from Energy Sales

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potocnik, V.


    Energy sector based on the fossil fuels combustion has the largest greenhouse gases emissions, causing the actual climate change with numerous negative impacts. Therefore, different measures for the climate change mitigation are performed, mostly by increasing ENEF-energy efficiency (saving), and by substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy (RE), mainly with limited results. One of the most serious obstacles for implementation of these measures is an opposition of the energy utilities (power and natural gas), whose energy sales, revenue and profit are thus reduced. Consequently, new solutions are asked to decouple utilities revenues from energy sales. Decoupling has started in the US, where most states have at least one utility with some decoupling experience. California has pioneering role since 1982., with impressive results. (author)

  19. AREVA first half 2007 sales revenue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The AREVA group's backlog as of June 30, 2007 was euros 33.5 billion, up 31% compared with that of December 31, 2006. On average, the Group's backlog increased by more than 20% annually over the last three years. It is now at the highest level since AREVA was established in 2001. All divisions contributed to this performance: - The Front End division signed in particular a major enrichment contract with KHNP (South Korea), a fuel supply contract with EDF covering the 2008-2012 period and other significant contracts with Japanese and Swedish utilities. - The Reactors and Services division added the Flamanville 3 EPR, ordered by EDF, to the backlog. Flamanville 3 is AREVA's 100. reactor order. - The Back End division also concluded a major contract with Sogin to treat used fuel stored at Italian nuclear sites. - The Transmission and Distribution division continued to record strong growth. New orders were up 24% compared with the first half of 2006 (+25.1% like-for-like). Important contracts were signed in the Middle East, Russia and with large industrial users of electricity. First half 2007 sales revenue was up 6.7% (+6.4% like-for-like) to euros 5373 million, compared with euros 5036 million for the first half of 2006. Major developments in the first half of 2007 include: - Sales revenue was down 2.8% to euros 1342 million in the Front End division (-3.6% like-for- like) due to uneven distribution of deliveries in the Fuel business unfavorable during the period. This timing issue has no impact on projected annual growth. The division continues to benefit from a gradual price increase for long-term uranium supply contracts. - Sales revenue was up 4.8% to euros 1154 million in the Reactors and Services division (+3% like-for-like). The Services business unit, especially, was a major contributor to growth on all its markets after a 2006 fiscal year marked by a weak demand. The start of construction of a second EPR reactor for EDF, Flamanville 3, also contributed to

  20. 11 CFR 100.138 - Sale of food and beverages by vendor. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sale of food and beverages by vendor. 100.138...) Exceptions to Expenditures § 100.138 Sale of food and beverages by vendor. The sale of any food or beverage..., is not an expenditure, provided that the charge is at least equal to the cost of such food or...