
Sample records for adyacente al litoral

  1. Impacto de la expansion urbana sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental del litoral de la bahia de huanchaco - peru


    Bocanegra García, Carlos Alfredo


    Se presenta resultados del “Impacto de la expansión urbana sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental del litoral de la Bahía de Huanchaco-Perú“; los cuales están referidos a mostrar los principales indicadores de deterioro ambiental generado por el crecimiento poblacional y la presión urbana. Los resultados evidencian crecimiento acelerado de la población humana principalmente urbana la que mayormente se instaló en el litoral en desmedro de las áreas adyacentes caracterizadas por condiciones precari...


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    Mario Fabián Marini


    Full Text Available Se determinó el incremento de la superficie agrícola en el área adyacente al Sistema Sierras de la Ventana (Buenos Aires, Argentina. Para ello se emplearon imágenes satelitales Landsat 5 TM de diversas fechas, realizándose una comparación entre la campaña agrícola 1998/ 1999 con respecto a la 2006/ 2007. El análisis llevado a cabo demuestra que existe un incremento en la superficie dedicada a la actividad agrícola que asciende a 55572 has, lo que representa en un aumento del 27,97 %. El mismo es originado principalmente por la propagación de los cultivos de verano, principalmente de la soja, de significativa expansión en la República Argentina en las últimas dos décadas.


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    Full Text Available El comportamiento ecológico de las comunidades macroalgales en el Caribe cordobés es desconocido, por lo tanto para determinar la diversidad, la abundancia y la distribución de las especies se evaluó la estructura de las comunidades macrolagales asociadas a litoral rocoso del departamento de Córdoba durante los meses de mayo de 2004 hasta octubre de 2005, estableciendo siete puntos de muestreo; cuatro en la ecorregión Morrosquillo y tres en la ecorregión Darién. Para establecer la cobertura de las macroalgas, se utilizó un cuadrante de 625 cm2 con cinco repeticiones dispuestas al azar en cada punto de muestreo. Se reportaron 50 especies de algas bentónicas, de las cuales 27 son rodofitas, 17 clorofitas y 12 feofitas; de las 20 familias encontradas, Dictyotaceae presentó el mayor número de especies (10, seguida por Gracilariaceae (7 y Rhodomelaceae (7 y Halymeniaceae (4. Los géneros con mayor número de especies fueron Gracilaria (6, Padina (5 y Caulerpa (4. La composición de las comunidades macroalgales asociadas al sector comprendido entre Punta Bolívar y Punta Mestizos estuvo integrada por tres divisiones, siendo las rodofitas las que presentaron mayor porcentaje de cobertura (78%, seguida por las clorofitas (14% y finalmente las feofitas (9%. En el sector que comprende el litoral que va desde Punta Broqueles hasta Puerto Escondido, las rodofitas mostraron el mayor porcentaje de cobertura (62%, seguida por las feofitas (23% y finalmente las clorofitas (15%. El análisis de clasificación (UPGMA, registró un coeficiente de afinidad del 57%, indicando que la estructura y la composición de las comunidades algales asociadas se comportaron de manera similar en las dos ecorregiones; este comportamiento mostró la conformación de unidades estables en cada punto de muestreo, manifestando cierta homogeneidad espacial, lo cual puede estar relacionado con el tipo de sustrato y las perturbaciones ambientales propias de cada estación.

  4. Stratigraphy of Guichon Formation (lower cretaceous) in litoral basin, Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, C.; Perea, D.; Perinotto, J.


    This report is about the stratigraphic al analysis of the Guichon Formation (lower cretaceous, litoral basin in Uruguay). The facies association is represented by conglomerates mainly fine sandstones and mud stones wi ch is interpreted as an alluvial system. A regional palaeogeography and a new geochronological alternative are established for this formation. (author).

  5. Morfodinámica del litoral caribe y amenazas naturales

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    Antonio Flórez


    especialmente el retroceso de la línea de costa debido al evento transgresivo menor de los últimos 150 años, durante el cual se estima un ascenso del nivel del medio del mar de aproximadamente 20cm, como consecuencia del calentamiento. La erosión y retroceso de la línea de costa está afectando los asentamientos humanos ubicados en el litoral, tanto en sus obras de infraestructura como en sus actividades. El estudio muestra que la tendencia es hada el aumento del problema, con los consiguientes impactos sodo-ambientales.

  6. Turismo residencial en el litoral alicantino: los casos de Denia, Altea, Benidorm, Santa Pola y Torrevieja


    Mazón Martínez, Tomás; Huete Nieves, Raquel


    Analizamos en este artículo cinco localidades del litoral de la provincia de Alicante cuyos modelos de desarrollo turístico están centrados, básicamente, en el turismo residencial, con la excepción de Benidorm, que sirve de contrapunto en este análisis y cuyo modelo podemos definir como mixto, al combinar una expansión de segundas residencias, generalmente apartamentos en grandes torres en altura -con mayor impacto visual pero mucho menos consumidoras de suelo que las urbanizaciones-, y una p...

  7. Influencia del evento el niño-oscilacion del sur sobre las precipitaciones en cinco ciudades del litoral ecuatoriano


    Espol; Rodriguez Aguilar, Jose Antonio; Luna Rodriguez, Javier Alejandro


    La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar la influencia del fenómeno enos, caracterizado por los índices oni e icen, sobre las precipitaciones ocurridas en el período de 1975-2016 en ciudades del litoral ecuatoriano, con la finalidad de que contribuya al diseño de lineamientos para mejorar la respuesta de la población ante la posible presencia del evento Guayaquil MAGISTER EN CAMBIO CLIMATICO

  8. Presencia de hidrocarburos en el litoral ecuatoriano, crucero de prospección pesquera T03/10/02D


    Chalén, F.


    Los hidrocarburos fueron investigados en el área costera del Litoral Ecuatoriano bajo el proyecto ODEPLAN del INP. La información evaluada corresponde al mes de octubre del 2003. Se programaron un total de 42 sitios para el muestreo de sedimentos de fondo, los cuales fueron demarcados con un GPS (Global Positional System). Las muestras de sedimentos fueron colectadas utilizando draga Van Veen, las mismas que fueron analizadas de acuerdo a la metodología señalada por UNIESCO/COI/PNUMA y leídas...

  9. Contribució al coneixement de les algues epifítiques en llacunes litorals

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    Cambra, Jaume


    Full Text Available The results or a study on epiphytic algae in coastal lagoans are presented. Usually, the algal epiphytic assemblages on macrophytes are very diversified. The most important algal group are diatoms, with less abundance can appear green and blue-green algae. The aquatic plants shaw a very rich epiphytic flora. However, the Phragmttes australis stems are covered by dense populations or Cladophora glomerata v. crassior and Rhizoclonium riparium, as well as with a high number or subordinate species.

    Es presenten els resultats sobre les algues epifítiques d'hidròfits i helòfits en llacunes litorals. En general, les poblacions d'algues són força diversificades, destacant el grup de les diatomees, seguides de lluny per les cloroficies y les cianoficies. En general totes les plantes aquàtiques es troben força epifitades. No obstant, les tiges de Phragmites australis presenten unes poblacions d'algues epifítiques molt importants. Que es troben dominades per Cladophora glomerata v. crassior o Rhizoclonium riparium, acompanyades per un gran nombre d'espècies subordinades.

  10. Fragilidad de los espacios litorales: Lineamientos para comprender la erosión costera inducida en el litoral marítimo bonaerense. El caso de la localidad de Mar del Tuyú

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    Gabriela D'Amico


    Full Text Available El litoral atlántico bonaerense asiste en la actualidad a numerosas problemáticas ambientales, derivadas principalmente de un proceso de organización territorial que se ha llevado a cabo paralelamente al desarrollo y la creciente masificación de la actividad turística en nuestro país. La ausencia de un ordenamiento en cuanto al avance de la actividad, y el impacto que esta pudiera tener a futuro, avasallada por la lógica de acumulación de capital, han sido los factores desencadenantes de distintos conflictos, entre ellos la erosión costera. En el presente trabajo se hará un abordaje de la problemática en la localidad de Mar del Tuyú, cabecera del Partido de la Costa, enfatizando en indagar cómo se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de organización del espacio litoral, para intentar desentrañar las herencias territoriales que han inducido la problemática mencionada.

  11. Determinantes del uso de los servicios de salud materna en el Litoral Pacífico Colombiano

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    Luis Fernando Aguado Quintero


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo analizamos determinantes (individuales y de contexto que inciden en el uso de servicios de atención en salud por parte de las madres, antes, durante y después del parto, en el Litoral Pacífico Colombiano. Para este objetivo construimos indicadores estadísticos y estimamos modelos de regresión binaria a partir de microdatos de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud 2005 y del Registro Especial de Prestadores de Servicios de Salud del Ministerio de la Protección Social de Colombia. Los indicadores calculados y los modelos estimados muestran que las variables que más inciden en el uso —por parte de las madres— de los servicios de atención prenatal calificada, parto institucional y atención posparto son, en orden de importancia: la afiliación a un régimen de seguridad social en salud, el orden de nacimiento de los hijos e hijas, el nivel de educación y el lugar de residencia de la madre. De otra parte, se hace visible en este trabajo la profunda inequidad territorial que exhibe el litoral pacífico colombiano, cuando se analiza en forma específica su situación frente al promedio nacional en cuanto a la provisión y acceso a servicios sociales básicos.

  12. Determinantes del uso de los servicios de salud materna en el Litoral Pacífico Colombiano

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    Luis Fernando Aguado Quintero


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo analizamos determinantes (individuales y de contexto que inciden en el uso de servicios de atención en salud por parte de las madres, antes, durante y después del parto, en el Litoral Pacífico Colombiano. Para este objetivo construimos indicadores estadísticos y estimamos modelos de regresión binaria a partir de microdatos de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud 2005 y del Registro Especial de Prestadores de Servicios de Salud del Ministerio de la Protección Social de Colombia. Los indicadores calculados y los modelos estimados muestran que las variables que más inciden en el uso —por parte de las madres— de los servicios de atención prenatal calificada, parto institucional y atención posparto son, en orden de importancia: la afiliación a un régimen de seguridad social en salud, el orden de nacimiento de los hijos e hijas, el nivel de educación y el lugar de residencia de la madre. De otra parte, se hace visible en este trabajo la profunda inequidad territorial que exhibe el litoral pacífico colombiano, cuando se analiza en forma específica su situación frente al promedio nacional en cuanto a la provisión y acceso a servicios sociales básicos.


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    Érika Cardoso da Silva Baptista


    Full Text Available Desastres associados ao transporte marinho e terrestre de hidrocarbonetos causam sérios impactos aos ambientes costeiros, afetando a fauna e a flora marinha, além de prejudicar diversas atividades econômicas, inclusive àquelas tradicionais, como é o caso da pesca artesanal. Assim, faz-se necessário conhecer a geologia e a geomorfologia da costa, em especial as praias devido à elevada dinâmica e vulnerabilidade desses ambientes. A construção de megaempreendimentos na zona costeira e o tráfego de navios petroleiros e pequenas embarcações, ou mesmo a implantação de dutos, localizados junto à linha de costa, representam uma ameaça ao equilíbrio dos ecossistemas. Para tal, foram analisados diversos aspectos da geomorfologia costeira de Maricá, para posterior identificação do grau de sensibilidade deste litoral a eventos de derramamento de óleo, a partir do Índice de Sensibilidade Ambiental (ISA proposto pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente. O litoral de Maricá, ao longo de 34 km de extensão entre Itaipuaçú (no extremo oeste e Ponta Negra (a leste, apresenta quatro áreas distintas quanto à sensibilidade à poluição decorrente de derramamento de óleo, sendo: ISA1, para as áreas de costões rochosos localizados nas extremidades leste e oeste deste litoral; ISA4, para a quase totalidade das praias, formadas por areias quartzosas grossa e média, exceto o extremo-oeste de Itaipuaçú, que possui areia muito grossa e cascalhos sendo, portanto, representada pelo ISA5; e ISA10, para as lagoas costeiras e canais na retaguarda das barreiras arenosas, sujeitas à contaminação por meio dos canais e por transposição por grandes ondas de tempestades. Os índices compreendem os extremos dessa classificação, devido à grande variedade de elementos na paisagem costeira de Maricá e mostra a elevada sensibilidade deste litoral, frente à ameaça de desastres causados por derramamento de óleo.

  14. Revisión de la distribución de Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) en la Patagonia e islas adyacentes


    De los Ríos-Escalante,Patricio; Mansilla,Andrés; Anderson,Christopher B


    Se realiza una revisión de las especies de anfípodos del género Hyalella en aguas continentales de la Patagonia, isla Tierra del Fuego, Reserva de la Biosfera de Cabo de Hornos e islas adyacentes (38-54°S). Esta zona austral presenta numerosos tipos de ambientes acuáticos continentales como lagos, humedales y arroyos, y las principales especies en ambientes bentónicos corresponden a anfípodos del género Hyalella. La bibliografía menciona la presencia de H. costera, H. chiloensis, H. falklande...

  15. Textos en contexto: activismo de las mujeres afrocolombianas en el litoral pacífico colombiano

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    Kiran Asher Traducción Adriana Escobar


    Full Text Available Este documento recorre la línea divisoria entre teóricos feministas y expertos de género que se orientan hacia la praxis, con el fin de apoyar una lectura más adecuada de las críticas feministas poscoloniales en torno al género y al desarrollo.Inspirándose en el activismo de las mujeres afrocolombianas del Litoral Pacífico de Colombia, este texto argumenta que el «lenguaje teórico denso» de feministas poscoloniales no está dirigido a las mujeres del Tercer Mundo. Así mismo, fundamenta el hecho de que las mujeres de esta región poseen una habilidad independiente para actuar y reflexionar sobre su propia realidad y afirma que tales enfoques exhortan a los investigadores, académicos, activistas y expertos en género del Norte y el Sur a hacer una reflexión crítica de sus deseos y métodos para mejorar la vida de las mujeres del Tercer Mundo, así como a comprometerse con políticas feministas estratégicas más inclusivas.

  16. Variations in DNA synthesis and mitotic indices in hepatocytes and sinusoid litoral cells of adult intact male mouse along a circadian time span. (United States)

    Surur, J M; Moreno, F R; Badrán, A F; Llanos, J M


    Variations of DNA synthesis (DNAS) and mitotic indices along a circadian time span are described in the hepatocyte and sinusoid litoral cell populations of adult intact male mouse liver. Standardized (light from 0600 to 1800) mice were killed in groups of six to nine animals, every 2-4 hr along a circadian time span. Hepatocytes show significant peaks in the synthesis of DNA and the mitotic activity at 0200 and 1400, respectively. These results correspond to those previously described by us in young immature liver, regenerating liver and hepatomas. The phase differences between these peaks and the differences between their absolute values are discussed. Also considered are the practical consequences of our findings for experimental design. The curve of DNA synthesis of sinusoid litoral cells show a peak at 0200. The mitotic index show a bimodal waveform with peaks at 0800 and 2000. The existence of four different cell populations composing the so called sinusoid litoral cells and also the migration into and out of the liver of some macrophages considered as litoral (Kupffer) cells in our counts, makes interpretation of the curves somewhat complicated and deserves further analysis.


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    Claudio Roberto Braghini


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute de forma preliminar a gestão territorial das unidades de conservação do litoral sergipano: Reserva Biológica (REBIO Santa Isabel, em Pirambu, Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA Morro do Urubu, em Aracaju e a Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN do Caju, em Itaporanga D’Ajuda. As unidades de conservação configuram-se em novos elementos nos espaços litorâneos e trazem à dinâmica territorial uma complexidade, inclusive para o gerenciamento costeiro. O território compreendido como espaço social em transformação tende a um olhar sobre a totalidade, delimitado pela interação entre sistemas de objetos e de ações, na concepção de Milton Santos. A paisagem expõe a materialidade em um determinado território, a partir de objetos e marcas que coexistem e estabelecem certo grau de relação. Dessa maneira, discutiu-se teoricamente a gestão territorial e as imbricações com a gestão ambiental, bem como o perfil das unidades de conservação elencadas. No caráter ambiental o litoral de Sergipe abrange áreas com alto grau de prioridade na conservação da biodiversidade devido à presença de ecossistemas costeiros de grande fragilidade. Para a conservação observa-se uma complexidade na configuração territorial, nas relações de poder, que implicam níveis diferentes de indução da gestão, seja na esfera estadual, federal ou iniciativa privada. As ações podem estabelecer sinergias e conflitos de interesses sobre um mesmo espaço geográfico e por conseqüência para a governança.

  18. Clasificación, estructura y diversidad del matorral submontano adyacente a la planicie costera del Golfo Norte en el Noreste de México


    Estrada-Castillón, Eduardo; Villarreal-Quintanilla, José A.; Jurado-Ybarra, Enrique; Cantú-Ayala, César; García-Aranda, Mario Alberto; Sánchez-Salas, Jaime; Jiménez-Pérez, Javier; Pando-Moreno, Marisela


    Se estudió el matorral submontano adyacente a la Llanura Costera del Golfo en el estado de Nuevo León. Se registraron los valores de cobertura, densidad, altura, frecuencia y valor de importancia de todas las arbustivas presentes en los 39 sitios de muestreo. Se registraron 233 taxa, que incluyen 55 familias, 150 géneros y 228 especies de plantas vasculares. Del total de especies, 39 de ellas definen cerca del 95% de las diferentes asociaciones vegetales del matorral submontano. Se registran ...

  19. Minería de datos en la encuesta permanente de hogares 2009, universidad nacional del litoral, argentina

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    Denis Lizazo Torres


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se aplicó por primera vez la Minería de Datos a la información generada por la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares del año 2009, del Observatorio Social de la Universi-dad del Litoral en Santa Fe, Argentina. El objetivo fue utilizar algoritmos de clasificación que poseen enfoques descriptivos, y es una de las tareas más utilizada en Minería de Datos para obtener nuevos conocimientos sobre la familia santafecina. La base de datos fue confeccio-nada con la información en el relevamiento de 2009, denominado Onda 2009, y se procesó con el software de minería de datos Weka 3.6.2. Los algoritmos de clasificación que mejores resultados aportaron fueron: ZeroR, Ridor y J48, pertenecientes a los grupos de Reglas y Árboles de Decisión, siendo el algoritmo de clasificación J48 el que mejor clasifica a la En-cuesta Permanente de Hogares 2009 del Observatorio Social de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. In this work it was applied the Data Mining for the first time, to the information generated by the Permanent Survey of Homes of the year 2009, of the Social Observatory of the University of the Litoral in Santa Fe, Argentina. The objective was to use classification algorithms that possess descriptive focuses and it is one of the tasks more used in Data Mining, to obtain new knowledge on the family of Santa Fe. The database was made with the information of the Permanent Survey of Homes of the year 2009 and it was processed with the software of data mining Weka 3.6.2. The classification algorithms that better results contributed were: ZeroR, Ridor and J48, belonging to the groups of Rules and Trees of Decision, being the classifica-tion algorithm J48 the one that better it classifies to the Permanent Survey of Homes 2009, of the Social Observatory of the National University of the Litoral.

  20. Productivity and adaptation of Pinus in the north litoral of Bahia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barros Ferraz, E.S. de; Rezende, M.A.


    The productivity and climatic adaptation of two species of Pinus in the north litoral of Bahia State has been studied through the variability of wood density in a comercial plantation. The gamma-ray attenuation method of the 100 mCi 241-Am source, 59,6 KeV, was used for density variability analysis. The results show that Pinus caribaea hondurensis is better adapted to the region than Pinus caribaea caribaea, with a superior mean productivity of 26% at 8 years. (Author) [pt

  1. Registros nuevos y notables de aves acuáticas en Querétaro y estados adyacentes

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    Rubén Pineda-López


    Full Text Available Como resultado de muestreos mensuales durante un año en embalses de Querétaro y zonas adyacentes de estados vecinos, así como de visitas a la Sierra de Lobos en Guanajuato, presentamos nuevos registros estatales de aves acuáticas para los estados de Querétaro (Bucephala albeola, Fregata magnificens, Numenius americanus, Hidalgo (Charadrius semipalmatus, Leucophaeus atricilla, Hydroprogne caspia y Guanajuato (Pelecanus occidentalis; además de registros notables de especies poco conocidas en zonas alejadas de las costas mexicanas. Estos registros muestran que los embalses de zonas semiáridas altas de México son más utilizados por especies poco frecuentes que lo que se ha pensado, y elevan a 70 las especies observadas en la zona semiárida de Querétaro, lo que confirma la importancia de los cuerpos de agua artificiales de esta región para la conservación de las aves acuáticas.

  2. Biomarkers of Canadian High Arctic Litoral Sediments for Assessment of Organic Matter Sources and Degradation (United States)

    Pautler, B. G.; Austin, J.; Otto, A.; Stewart, K.; Lamoureux, S. F.; Simpson, M. J.


    Carbon stocks in the High Arctic are particularly sensitive to global climate change, and investigation of variations in organic matter (OM) composition is beneficial for the understanding of the alteration of organic carbon under anticipated future elevated temperatures. Molecular-level characterization of solvent extractable compounds and CuO oxidation products of litoral sedimentary OM at the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago was conducted to determine the OM sources and decomposition patterns. The solvent extracts contained a series of aliphatic lipids, steroids and one triterpenoid primarily of higher plant origin and new biomarkers, iso- and anteiso-alkanes originating from cerastium arcticum (Arctic mouse-ear chickweed, a native angiosperm) were discovered. Carbon preference index (CPI) values for the n-alkanes, n-alkanols and n-alkanoic acids suggests that the OM biomarkers result from fresh material input in early stage of degradation. The CuO oxidation products were comprised of benzyls, lignin phenols and short-chain diacids and hydroxyacids. High abundance of terrestrial OM biomarkers observed at sites close to the river inlet suggests fluvial inputs as an important pathway to deliver OM into the lake. The lignin phenol vegetation index (LPVI) also suggests that the OM origin is mostly from non-woody angiosperms. A relatively high degree of lignin alteration in the litoral sediments is evident from the abundant ratio of acids and aldehydes of the vanillyl and syringyl monomers. This suggests that the lignin contents have been diagenetically altered as the result of a long residence time in this ecosystem. The molecular-level characterization of litoral sedimentary OM in Canadian High Arctic region provides insight into current OM composition,potential responses to future disturbances and the biogeochemical cycling of carbon in the Arctic.

  3. Mimosoideae (Leguminosae do litoral paraense Mimosoideae (Leguminose on the coast of Pará

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    Julio dos Santos de Sousa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consiste no tratamento taxonômico de Mimosoideae nas restingas do litoral paraense, uma vez que estas são pouco conhecidas sob esse aspecto. Esse estudo abrangeu a análise do material proveniente de coletas e exsicatas dos herbários MG e IAN, além de literatura especializada. São apresentadas chave de identificação, descrições e ilustrações dos táxons, bem como dados adicionais sobre distribuição geográfica, comentários, período de floração e frutificação e hábitat das mesmas. O fruto foi o caráter de maior destaque na separação dos táxons. Os resultados evidenciaram a presença de sete espécies, três variedades e uma subespécie, distribuídas em seis gêneros. Inga thibaudiana subsp. thibaudiana e Mimosa candollei, são novos registros para o litoral do Pará. O gênero Inga Mill. foi o mais representativo com cinco espécies. Entada polystachya var. polystachya e principalmente Chloroleucon acacioides apresentaram distribuição mais ampla e a formação floresta de restinga foi o ecossistema que apresentou o maior número de espécie.This study deals with the taxonomic treatment of Mimosoideae on the coastal sandbanks of Pará, since they are poorly known under this aspect. That study includes the analysis of botanical material from new collections and specimens of the MG and IAN herbariums, besides that found in specialized literature. Are given identification key, descriptions, and illustrations of the taxa, as well as data concerning geographical distribution, additional comments, flowering and fructification period, and habitat of the species. The fruit has the quality of great prominence in the separation of taxa. The results pointed out the presence of seven species, three varieties and one subspecies, distributed in six genera. Inga thibaudiana subsp. thibaudiana e Mimosa candollei are new records for the sand coast of Pará. The genus Inga Mill. was the most representative with five species

  4. Litoral pacífico colombiano y cuenca del Atrato: clima y uso de la tierra

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    Mario Mejía


    Full Text Available El autor ha sostenido una cierta preocupación por el Litoral Pacífico Colombiano: en 1953 participó en una excursión organizada por el Instituto Universitario de Caldas en Manizales, actuando como auxiliar de Geólogo de las escenadas de Cuevita-Cabo Corrientes y de Utría; en 1957 hizo el recorrido Medellín-Bolívar-Quibdó-Lloró; en 1958 trabajó para sus tesis de pregrado un transecto ecológico entre la bahía de Buenaventura y la cima de la cordillera Central; en 1978 actuó como Director Científico del grupo, que a nombre de la Sociedad de Mejoras Públicas de Manizales, promovió por vía terrestre la construcción de la carretera Santa Cecilia-Tadó-Nuquí, excursión que finalizó en Bahía Solano; en 1982 fue designado Representante de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Seccional Palmira, en el Grupo Asesor al cuerpo de redacción de PLADEICOP-PLAN DE DESARROLLO INTEGRAL PARA LA COSTA PACÍFICA COLOMBIANA.

  5. Torredembarra: un modelo de hábitat mediterráneo. Paisaje, arquitectura y jardín en el proyecto de los apartamentos de J. M. Sostres en Torredembarra

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    Rodrigo Almonacid C


    Full Text Available El análisis de la evolución del proyecto y la obra de las cuatro viviendas unifamiliares adosadas de Josep María Sostres en Torredembarra (1954-57 revela una reflexión profunda acerca del sentido del “proyecto arquitectónico” en plena crisis del Movimiento Moderno. Partiendo de las características específicas del lugar, Sostres construye una obra modélica que refleja una personalidad repleta de modestia y sabiduría, sintetizando ciertas claves formales y espaciales herederas de la primera generación de las vanguardias (principalmente aquí Le Corbusier y los arquitectos catalanes del GATEPAC con otras plenamente contemporáneas (las de Jacobsen en Dinamarca y las de Neutra en California vinculadas a la incorporación del paisaje y del ser humano al discurso arquitectónico de posguerra. Sin caer en la retórica del Funcionalismo internacional ni en la mímesis de la arquitectura vernácula del litoral catalán, propone una arquitectura subordinada al paisaje mediterráneo del entorno sin renunciar a experimentar con la forma de habitar y disfrutar del espacio, en el interior de una pequeña casa que se asoma al mar y en un jardín doméstico lleno de vida, donde la brisa, las sombras, el agua y las especies vegetales humanizan el espacio exterior adyacente a cada vivienda.

  6. Contribuição para o estudo do manejo de dunas : caso das praias de Osório e Xangrilá, litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul


    Luana Carla Portz


    Os litorais dos municípios de Osório e Xangri-Lá estão inseridos no litoral Norte do RS, e formam uma faixa contínua de aproximadamente 13 km de extensão de praia. A ocupação desordenada desta área e substituição das dunas frontais por projetos urbanísticos, além de afetar o balanço de sedimentos praia-duna, vem acarretando problemas cíclicos de manutenção e retirada de areia das vias públicas e residências. Para que estes problemas não comprometam seu crescimento econômico, é necessário conc...

  7. Estado de la contaminación marina en litoral peruano en 1994 y 1995


    Sánchez Rivas, Guadalupe; Orozco Moreyra, Rita; Jacinto Tayco, María Elena


    Se da a conocer el estado de la contaminación marina en el periodo comprendido entre 1994 a 1995 en diferentes áreas del litoral peruano. En el trabajo se consideraron las principales fuentes terrestres de contaminación provenientes de los desechos domésticos e industriales, plaguicidas organoclorados, hidrocarburos de petróleo y metales pesados. Así mismo se evaluaron los efectos de ellos sobre el macrobentos en las áreas estudiadas, contrastando con ensayos de corta duración de toxicidad le...

  8. Nuevos registros de hongos marinos en el litoral sur de Guantánamo, Cuba


    Samón Legrá, E.; Enríquez Lavandera, D.


    Por primera vez se realizó la identificación de hongos marinos filamentosos aislados en cuatro playas del litoral sur de la provincia de Guantánamo, Cuba. Para el aislamiento de los hongos se empleó el método indirecto de incubación de sustratos vegetales en cámara húmeda. Se describieron 25 especies de hongos marinos: 18 ascomicetes, seis hongos mitospóricos y un basidiomiceto. De las especies descritas, seis constituyen nuevos registros para el país. Con estos resultados, el número total de...


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    Eider Olivindo Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Até os finais da década de 1970, que marcaram a propagação dos conflitos com especuladores imobiliários e grileiros, o litoral do Ceará representava um sinônimo de liberdade para remanescentes indígenas e outros agrupamentos humanos que historicamente habitaram o litoral ou que decidiram migrar, fugindo de conflitos agrários e de outros processos que funcionalizavam fortemente outras particularidades do estado. Entretanto, no contexto da busca de novos territórios e setores para a acumulação capitalista, como também da subordinação do tempo livre e das demais relações sociais que escapavam à lógica da (reprodução das relações sociais de produção capitalistas, o litoral passou a ser fortemente funcionalizado. Nesse contexto, destacou-se a localidade do Cumbuco — histórica comunidade pesqueira marítima localizada no município de Caucaia — enquanto recorte espacial, procurando analisar a mudança do modo de vida no/do Cumbuco, modo que até décadas passadas era caracterizado pelo tempo lento, pelas atividades ligadas a pesca artesanal, confecção de bordados, labirintos e crochês, cultivo de vazante, religiosidade, e por todo um leque de práticas e representações de mundo. No desenrolar histórico, entretanto, esse modus vivendi foi subordinado à lógica da mercadoria e estilhaçado em vários percursos e atrações para turistas, veranistas e investidores. As relações concretas construídas pelos cumbuqueiros com o território de uso foram substituídas por uma série de relações simuladas e abstratas, reguladas em prol das atividades econômicas ali instaladas.

  10. El sustento ambiental de la actividad turística de los centros del litoral


    Ferraro, Rosana; Echechuri, Héctor


    La base económico-productiva de los centros urbanos del litoral marítimo bonaerense es la actividad turística, en su modalidad de sol y playa. La base de sustentación de dicha actividad socioeconómica es la presencia de un sistema natural de gran riqueza paisajística. El presente trabajo identifica unidades homogéneas de paisaje, basadas en la selección de tres indicadores claves del mismo, la geomorfología, la vegetación y el uso del suelo para posteriormente ponderar dichas unidades en su c...

  11. Adaptações e percepção da população a eventos de ressaca do mar no litoral de Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


    Lins-de-Barros, Flavia Moraes; Zeidan, Felipe; Lima, Rafael de França


    O presente artigo destaca a importância do estudo da percepção e das adaptações das pessoas e do poder público local frente ao impacto de eventos de ressaca do mar tendo como estudo de caso o litoral de Maricá, Rio de Janeiro. Este município situado a 60 km a leste da Baía de Guanabara é formado por duplos cordões litorâneos e lagunas à retaguarda. A orla estudada apresenta-se de modo geral muito exposta às fortes ondulações do quadrante sul. Três fortes ressacas desde a década 1990 causaram ...

  12. La construcción del espacio litoral. Una aproximación desde el marco legal


    Rodríguez Alonso, Raquel


    A lo largo del siglo XIX, y coincidiendo con la disminución de su valor estratégico militar, el litoral resurge como fuente de recursos económicos y productivos y como elemento de ocio y disfrute personal. Es también por estas fechas cuando vuelve a recuperarse el concepto de dominio público marítimo terrestre ya recogido por el derecho romano y las Partidas del Rey Alfonso X ?el Sabio?. La Ley de Aguas de 1866, que regula tanto las aguas terrestres como las marinas, incluye dentro del domini...

  13. Ingreso y permanencia en estudiantes de Licenciatura en Nutrición de la Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Estudio de la cohorte 2011


    Dezar, Gimena Valeria Alfonsina


    Fil: Dezar, Gimena Valeria Alfonsina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias; Argentina. La problemática del ingreso y la permanencia ocupa un lugar central en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL). Uno de los aspectos que se plantea es la necesidad de desarrollar acciones diversificadas y coordinadas que atiendan la heterogeneidad del alumnado que ingresa a la Universidad. La Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas (FBCB) con su conjunto de carreras,...


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    Carlos Añó Vidal


    Full Text Available Uno de los principales procesos de degradación del edafosistema en la Comunidad Valenciana es el sellado antropogénico producido por la urbanización, tanto residencial como comercial-industrial, y los sistemas de comunicaciones e infraestructuras. Proceso muy incidente en los llanos litorales, donde se localizan los suelos más fértiles de nuestro entorno, en la mayoría de sus expresiones provoca la pérdida irrecuperable del recurso edáfico. En este trabajo, basado en una metodología con Sistemas de Información Geográfica, se ha procedido al análisis de las tasas de sellado artificial y la capacidad de uso de los suelos en los municipios costeros de la provincia de Castellón. Los resultados muestran que el sellado artificial, en 1991, es particularmente acusado en la franja litoral, donde el 76% del territorio comprendido entre la línea de costa y la cota de 100 metros presenta muy elevada o elevada capacidad de uso, por tanto con unas características idóneas para implantar cualquier tipo de aprovechamiento agrario.

  15. Impactos ambientais urbanos nos municípios do setor norte do litoral gaúcho


    Aline Vicente Kunst


    Atualmente percebe-se, cada vez mais, a valorização e a ocupação das áreas costeiras do Rio Grande do Sul. A procura de espaços longe de grandes centros urbanos, no litoral, faz com que áreas de recente ocupação rarefeita tornem-se novos centros urbanos. Este tipo de ocupação não almeja domicílios de ocupação fixa por parte dos proprietários, mas sim uma segunda residência para o período de férias, principalmente nos meses de veraneio. A pesquisa realizada teve como grande objetivo a identifi...

  16. Caracterização de argilas plásticas do tipo "ball clay" do litoral paraibano

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    Menezes R. R.


    Full Text Available Os depósitos de argilas plásticas para cerâmica branca ("ball clays" de alta qualidade não são comuns, estando localizados basicamente nos Estados Unidos e no Reino Unido. As "ball clays" são utilizadas em uma série de indústrias que vão desde a indústria cerâmica à de cosméticos. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar argilas do tipo "ball clay" extraídas do litoral paraibano, realizando sua caracterização para fins cerâmicos. Sua caracterização foi realizada por meio da determinação da massa específica real, CTC, área superficial (BET, distribuição granulométrica, composição química, ATD/ATG, DRX e MET. Após caracterização, foram conduzidos ensaios tecnológicos para fins cerâmicos com as amostras. Com base nos resultados pode-se concluir que as amostras são argilas basicamente cauliníticas com queima branca em temperaturas de 1250 ºC e 1450 ºC. Além disso, apresentaram propriedades físico-mecânicas dentro das faixas indicadas na literatura para "ball clays" utilizadas em tecnologia cerâmica.

  17. Fertirrigação potássica na cultura do morango no litoral Cearense

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    Geocleber Gomes de Sousa


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar efeitos de doses de potássio aplicadas via fertirrigação no acúmulo de biomassa e desempenho produtivo de cultivares de morangueiro no litoral cearense. O experimento foi conduzido a pleno sol, no período de abril a agosto de 2012, em Fortaleza, Ceará. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5×2, referente a cinco doses de potássio (0,65 g; 0,97 g; 1,29 g; 1,61 g e 1,93 g por planta, semanalmente aplicadas via fertirrigação e duas cultivares de morangueiro (Oso grande e Verão, em cinco repetições. Aos 40 dias após o transplantio iniciou-se a colheita dos frutos, que foram avaliados semanalmente quanto ao seu número por planta, ao diâmetro, ao comprimento, ao peso médio e à produtividade. A adubação potássica estimula a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e da raiz para as cultivares de morango Oso grande e Verão. A dose de potássio 0,65 g por planta foi a mais eficiente para o número de frutos por planta para a cultivar Oso grande e para o peso médio de fruto com a Verão. O aumento da concentração de potássio reduz a produtividade das cultivares de morango Oso grande e Verão. A cultivar Oso grande apresenta maior adaptabilidade às condições climáticas do litoral cearense do que a Verão.


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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available Resumen En el Ecuador, el cultivo de arroz (Oriza sativa L. es la principal fuente alimenticia, principalmente formando parte de la dieta básica de los habitantes de la costa ecuatoriana. Entre los factores bióticos adversos al cultivo, está la enfermedad denominada piricularia o quemado del arroz, producida por Pyricularia oryzae Cav., la misma que puede causar daños desde el 59.6% hasta el 100%. El objetivo de esta investigación, fue cuantificar la severidad (número de lesiones por hoja en 39 materiales (líneas y variedades de arroz de pequeño y mediano porte, divididos en dos experimentos establecidos en la zona central del litoral ecuatoriano. La severidad de piricularia se evaluó en hojas de los estratos inferior, medio y superior de las plantas de arroz, una vez por semana totalizando ocho ocasiones. Se empleó un diseño experimental de Bloques Completos al Azar (DBCA con 3 repeticiones. Los valores obtenidos fueron integralizados en el Área abajo la curva de progreso de la quemazón del arroz (AACPQA. Para la comparación entre las medias de los tratamientos se empleó la prueba de T al 5% de probabilidad de error. Existió comportamiento sanitario diferenciado entre los genotipos evaluados en los dos experimentos. Los materiales sobresalientes fueron la variedad INIAP-16 (9.9, y la línea INIAP-14-7 (11.2 en el primer experimento; mientras que en el segundo fueron la variedad Caluma (17.4 y la línea CC-05-27 (18.8, por haber obtenido una menor AACPQA.

  19. Síndrome adyacente Síndrome adjacente Adjacent segment disease

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    Gustavo Martin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudiamos la incidencia de SDA quirúrgico de localización lumbar y los factores relacionados con el mismo. MÉTODO: Estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal. RESULTADOS: Encontramos 50 casos operados por SDA en 1662 cirugías realizadas, 530 en columna lumbar; incidencia 9,4%. Edad promedio 62 años. Síntoma principal: claudicación radicular (80%. Las Rx previas a la primera cirugía del nivel que sufrirá SDA: UCLA 1 (45% y 2 (27%; lordosis prerrevisión: 36° promedio y pos 44°. Prerrevisión: IP55°, VP26°, PS29° y posoperatoria IP56°, VP22° y PS34°. Desequilibrio sagital prerrevisión 60% y posoperatorio 27%, equilibrio coronal recuperado en los 2 casos. IRM previa a la primera intervención mostró 83% con Pfirmann IV. Tipos de SDA: estenosis lumbar monosegmentaria agravada por antelistesis en 20 y por retrolistesis en 14; estenosis multisegmentaria 4, hernia discal 4, fractura por aplastamiento 4, estenosis sin listesis 4. Período entre las 2 cirugías: 6 años promedio. CONCLUSIÓN: Una incidencia de 9,4% de reintervenciones a causa de un Síndrome Adyacente, hace de esta patología un importante problema a largo plazo, lo que obligaría al cirujano a tomar las medidas que sean posibles para evitarlo. Con los resultados de este estudio retrospectivo solo podríamos decir que tendrían más posibilidades de desarrollar un SDA los segmentos con Pfirmann IV en la IRM y que se debería tener en cuenta las relaciones VP (20% y PS (80% pre y pos operatorias para devolver las condiciones mecánicas ideales al raquis. Se necesitarían estudios clínicos prospectivos para tener conclusiones más firmes.OBJETIVO: Estudamos a incidência de SA de localização lombar tratada por cirurgia e fatores associados. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal retrospectivo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 50 casos de SA em 1.662 casos operados, 530 na coluna lombar, incidência de 9,4%. A média de idade foi 62 anos. Principais sintomas: claudica

  20. Diversidade e distribuição do gênero Alvania (Mollusca, Gastropoda: Rissoidae) no litoral brasileiro


    SILVA, Luciana Soares da


    Os Rissoidae Gray, 1847 são compostos por conchas pequenas ou micro-conchas, abundantes nos mares de todo mundo. Uma grande diversidade das espécies desse grupo é encontrada nas zonas de maré baixa e ao longo do litoral, onde há a maior ocorrência de algas, rochas, corais e outros locais que fornecem abrigo, todavia muitos ocorrem também em zonas de mar profundo. Em Rissoidae, Alvania é um dos mais diversos quanto ao número de espécies, sendo frequentes as descrições ou re-descrições de...


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    Álvaro Francisco Morote Seguido


    Full Text Available El intenso proceso de urbanización que ha vivido la costa mediterránea española con la instalación de la actividad turística ha llevado consigo una serie de repercusiones territoriales. Una de ellas ha sido el incremento del consumo de agua gracias al aumento de la urbanización de baja densidad caracterizada por la presencia de nuevas naturalezas urbanas como son jardines y piscinas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo conocer y analizar el uso del agua en el exterior de los hogares de las urbanizaciones del litoral de Alicante. La metodología llevada a cabo ha consistido en la realización de diferentes entrevistas a los propietarios de estas viviendas, para de esta manera, conocer de primera mano el uso que hacen del recurso hídrico en el exterior de la vivienda. La principal conclusión extraída ha sido que los residentes han adoptado en los últimos años diferentes estrategias y cambios en el uso del agua en los espacios ajardinados con el objetivo de reducir el consumo de agua.

  2. Expansão e interiorização das universidades federais: uma análise do processo de implementação do Campus do Litoral Norte da Universidade Federal da Paraíba

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    Francivaldo dos Santos Nascimento


    Full Text Available O governo federal, desde 2004, tem se preocupado em expandir e interiorizar as universidades públicas federais. Diante desse contexto, a partir de 2005, a UFPB retomou o seu processo de interiorização, por meio da criação do Campus IV (Litoral Norte, localizado nas cidades de Rio Tinto e Mamanguape. Este artigo analisa o processo de implementação do Campus do Litoral Norte da UFPB. A fundamentação teórica abordou o ciclo de política pública, em particular a etapa de implementação, destacando o modelo de Smith (1973, e as políticas públicas de educação superior nos governos de FHC e Lula. A pesquisa foi descritiva e qualitativa, realizada por meio de estudo de caso. Os dados foram primários coletados por meio de entrevistas realizadas com nove pessoas, docentes e técnico-administrativos, que participaram diretamente do processo de implementação. Foram utilizados ainda dados secundários, tais como documentos institucionais, além de matérias jornalísticas publicadas na imprensa local. Na análise dos dados foi a de conteúdo. Os dados permitiram analisar o processo de implementação na perspectiva institucional, os aspectos político-institucionais; na perspectiva material, os aspectos técnico-administrativos; e na perspectiva processual, as relações com a sociedade. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que o processo de implementação do Campus do Litoral Norte teve uma influência política, principalmente na escolha das cidades que receberiam o campus. A implementação do Campus IV foi uma ação estratégica de enorme relevância educacional, social e econômica, levada a cabo, contudo, a partir de alguns equívocos como falta de planejamento adequado e dificuldades na execução das obras.

  3. Revisión de la distribución de Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) en la Patagonia e islas adyacentes Revision of the distribution of Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in Patagonia and adjacent islands


    Patricio De los Ríos-Escalante; Andrés Mansilla; Christopher B Anderson


    Se realiza una revisión de las especies de anfípodos del género Hyalella en aguas continentales de la Patagonia, isla Tierra del Fuego, Reserva de la Biosfera de Cabo de Hornos e islas adyacentes (38-54°S). Esta zona austral presenta numerosos tipos de ambientes acuáticos continentales como lagos, humedales y arroyos, y las principales especies en ambientes bentónicos corresponden a anfípodos del género Hyalella. La bibliografía menciona la presencia de H. costera, H. chiloensis, H. falklande...

  4. Registros notáveis de répteis de áreas abertas naturais do planalto e litoral do Estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil

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    Ivo Rohling Ghizoni-Junior


    Full Text Available A composição e a distribuição dos répteis em Santa Catarina são pouco conhecidas, particularmente em suas áreas abertas naturais do planalto (estepe ombrófila e do litoral (faixa litorânea de restingas com dunas. Visando contribuir com o conhecimento dos répteis nestas áreas, são apresentados registros de dezesseis espécies anteriormente desconhecidas ou com poucos registros para Santa Catarina: Acanthochelys spixii, Anops kingii, Cnemidophorus lacertoides, C. vacariensis, Leptotyphlops munoai, Mastigodryas b. bifossatus, Tantilla aff. melanocephala, Atractus reticulatus, Gomesophis brasiliensis, Lygophis flavifrenatus, Oxyrhopus r. rhombifer, Phalotris reticulatus, Philodryas agassizii, Xenodon dorbignyi, Micrurus altirostris e Bothrops pubescens. São discutidos brevemente aspectos sobre a distribuição e a conservação destas espécies.

  5. Reformulation of Engineering Education at Undergraduate Level in the Faculdad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Hidricas Universidad Nacional del Litoral--Water Resources and Engineering Degrees. (United States)

    Theiler, Julio; Isla, Miguel; Arrillaga, Hugo; Ceirano, Eduardo; Lozeco, Cristobal

    This paper explains the educational changes in the Water Resources Engineering program offered by the Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Santa Fe, Argentina, for the last 20 years at the undergraduate level. The need for modernizing the engineering teaching program occurred due to changes in the social system in which the concepts of development…

  6. Minería de datos en la encuesta permanente de hogares 2009, universidad nacional del litoral, argentina


    Denis Lizazo Torres; Roberto Delfor Meyer; Verena Torres Cárdenas


    En este trabajo se aplicó por primera vez la Minería de Datos a la información generada por la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares del año 2009, del Observatorio Social de la Universi-dad del Litoral en Santa Fe, Argentina. El objetivo fue utilizar algoritmos de clasificación que poseen enfoques descriptivos, y es una de las tareas más utilizada en Minería de Datos para obtener nuevos conocimientos sobre la familia santafecina. La base de datos fue confeccio-nada con la información en el relevamie...

  7. Fases de programación y evolución morfosedimentaria de la flecha litoral de Calahonda (Granada durante el Holoceno

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    Goy, J. L.


    Full Text Available The spit bar of Calahonda (Granada, together with that one from Roquetas (Almería, constitutes one of the best examples in south-eastern Spain. Its development is associated to the different Holocene sea-level oscillations occurred since the last eustatic maximum. Progradation of these spit bars occurs under certain climatic conditions, which have repeated cyclically during Holocene times, giving place to different morphosedimentary units recognized along the whole southern peninsular littoral. In Calahonda, the main development of the spit bar is associated to the second progradation phase, which takes place since ca. 2,400 years.La flecha litoral de Calahonda (Granada constituye, junto con la de Roquetas (Almería, uno de los mejores ejemplos del sureste peninsular. Su desarrollo está asociado a las distintas oscilaciones del nivel del mar ocurridas durante el Holoceno, una vez alcanzado el máximo eustático. En general, se ha visto que la progradación de estas flechas se produce en unas condiciones favorables determinadas, que se han repetido cíclicamente durante el Holoceno, y han quedado reflejadas como diferentes unidades morfosedimentarias, cuyo patrón de formación es reconocible en todo el sur peninsular. En Calahonda, el principal crecimiento de la flecha litoral está asociado a la segunda fase de progradación, desarrollada en los últimos 2.400 años.


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    Renê Lepiani Dias


    Full Text Available As regiões litorâneas no território brasileiro caracterizam-se pela dinâmica dos processos naturais associados à conformação do relevo que podem vir a representar zonas de risco à ocorrência de eventos tais como movimento gravitacional ou enchentes. O intenso processo de ocupação humana ao longo do tempo assistida nessas áreas vem fragilizar em muito a organização de todo o sistema natural que rege esses espaços resultando em quadros catastróficos. Em virtude da fragilidade ambiental e a pressão de uso das terras observado na região do Litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo este trabalho teve com proposta apresentar uma discussão sobre as unidades de relevo, através da compartimentação geomorfológica dos municípios localizados na zona de influência costeira, como os municípios de Iguape, Ilha Comprida e Cananéia. Considera-se que os resultados deste trabalho possam auxiliar na discussão de planejamento territorial de uso da terra, buscando assim um maior entendimento da dinâmica dos agentes físicos da área de estudo.

  9. Crustáceos decápodos asociados a ensamblajes macroalgales en el litoral rocoso de Córdoba, Caribe colombiano

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    Néstor Hernando Campos


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la estructura de las poblaciones de crustáceos decápodos asociados a ensamblajes algales en el litoral rocoso del departamento de Córdoba. Materiales y métodos. Para la recolección de los especímenes se delimitó con un cuadrante de 625 cm2, un área con cinco repeticiones dispuestas al azar en cada estación. Para la separación de las macroalgas desde su disco de fijación en el sustrato, se empleó una espátula metálica. En un recipiente plástico se separaron los crustáceos decápodos del resto del material y se conservaron en alcohol al 70%. Resultados. Se identificaron representantes de 50 especies asociadas a los céspedes algales, agrupadas en 16 familias y 29 géneros. Especies como Acanthonyx petiverii, Epialtus bituberculatus, Eurypanopeus abbreviatus y Pachycheles serratus, presentaron un rango amplio de distribución, siendo características en las dos ecorregiones de estudio. Los cambios en cobertura de algas rojas como Gracilaria mammillaris, Hypnea musciformis y Acanthophora muscoides, determinaron la mayor asociación de crustáceos decápodos en la ecorregión Morrosquillo, mientras que los cambios en cobertura de G. damaecornis y Padina gymnospora, fueron las que determinaron la mayor asociación de crustáceos decápodos en el Darién cordobés. Conclusiones. Los resultados indicaron que las especies de crustáceos decápodos asociados a ensamblajes macroalgales, no se encontraron distribuidas de forma similar en las dos ecorregiones estudiadas, siendo P. armatus la especie con mayor porcentaje de abundancia en la ecorregión Morrosquillo, y E. bituberculatus en el sector comprendido entre los municipios de Moñitos y Los Córdobas.

  10. Consultorios adyacentes a farmacias privadas en México: infraestructura y características del personal médico y su remuneración

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    Veronika J Wirtz


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar las características del personal médico y su remuneración, así como la infraestructura, apego a la regulación y servicios ofrecidos en consultorios adyacentes a farmacias (CAF, y compararlos con consultorios médicos independientes (CMI. Material y métodos. Cuestionario aplicado a 239 médicos generales en 18 entidades federativas, incluido el Distrito Federal, en México en 2012. Resultados. Los médicos en CAF tenían menor experiencia profesional (5 vs 12 años, menos estudios de posgrado (61.2% vs 81.8% y menor salario base promedio mensual (MXN 5 500 vs MXN 8 500 que en CMI. En CAF hubo menor cumplimiento de la regulación en relación con la historia clínica y la receta médica. Conclusiones. Los aspectos laborales explorados de médicos en CAF son más precarios que en CMI. Es necesario fortalecer la aplicación de la regulación vigente para consultorios y generar políticas a partir del monitoreo de su funcionamiento, particularmente, pero no de forma exclusiva, en CAF.

  11. Ingestão de resíduos antropogênicos por tartarugas marinhas no litoral norte do estado da Bahia, Brasil


    Macedo,Gustavo Rodamilans; Pires,Thaís Torres; Rostán,Gonzalo; Goldberg,Daphne Wrobel; Leal,Danielle Custódio; Garcez Neto,Américo Fróes; Franke,Carlos Roberto


    Este trabalho descreve a presença de resíduos antropogênicos no trato digestório de tartarugas marinhas no Litoral Norte da Bahia, Brasil. Foram realizadas necropsias no trato digestório de 45 tartarugas marinhas encontradas mortas (Chelonia mydas n=36; Eretmochelys imbricata n=9), no período de janeiro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Em 60% (27/45) das tartarugas necropsiadas foram encontrados resíduos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à atividade de pesca. Os resíduos encontravam-se ao longo d...

  12. Ingestão de resíduos antropogênicos por tartarugas marinhas no litoral norte do estado da Bahia, Brasil


    Macedo, Gustavo Rodamilans; Pires, Thaís Torres; Rostán, Gonzalo; Goldberg, Daphne Wrobel; Leal, Danielle Custódio; Garcez Neto, Américo Fróes; Franke, Carlos Roberto


    p.1938-1943 Este trabalho descreve a presença de resíduos antropogênicos no trato digestório de tartarugas marinhas no Litoral Norte da Bahia, Brasil. Foram realizadas necropsias no trato digestório de 45 tartarugas marinhas encontradas mortas (Chelonia mydas n=36; Eretmochelys imbricata n=9), no período de janeiro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Em 60% (27/45) das tartarugas necropsiadas foram encontrados resíduos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à atividade de pesca. Os resíduos enc...

  13. Del modelo extractivista a las dinámicas de desarrollo local en contextos de conflicto: distrito minero litoral pacífico (2008-2012)


    Pardo Durán, Joan Sebastián


    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, analizar las dinámicas de desarrollo local del distrito minero Litoral Pacífico durante el periodo 2008-2012 a partir del modelo extractivista, con el fin de demostrar que, a pesar del auge minero durante estos gobiernos, el crecimiento de la actividad y la entrada de capital a estos municipios, el desarrollo local es escaso ante las dinámicas del conflicto armado interno y el abandono estatal que ha existido por excelencia en esta zona...

  14. Moluscos Poliplacóforos del litoral atlántico del sur de la Península Ibérica

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    Carmona Zalvide, M. P.


    Full Text Available In this paper, an updated check-list of the polyplacophoran species from Sagres (Portugal to Strait of Gibraltar is present. Twenty taxa are recorded in this area: Lepidopleurus cajetanus, Leptochiton cancellatus, Leptochiton algesirensis, Leptochiton scabridus, Callochiton septemvalvis, Callochiton euplaeae, Lepidochitona cinerea, Lepidochitona corrugata, Lepidochitona canariensis, Lepidochitona monterosatoi, Lepidochitona kaasi, Lepidochitona severianoi, Chaetopleura angulata, Ischnochiton rissoi, Chiton olivaceus, Chiton corallinus, Chiton phaesolinus, Acanthochitona fascicularis and Acanthochitona crinita. From these species, Lepidochitona canariensis, L simrothi, Callochiton septemvalvis and Lepidochitona monterosatoi amplify their geographical distribution to Southern Atlantic coast of southern Iberian Peninsula.

    Se aporta el catálogo de los Moluscos Poliplacóforos de las costas atlánticas del sur de la Península Ibérica, desde Sagres (Portugal hasta Gibraltar. Se cita un total de 20 taxones (Lepidopleurus cajetanus, Leptochiton cancellatus, Leptochiton algesirensis, Leptochiton scabridus, Callochiton septemvalvis, Callochiton euplaeae, Lepidochitona cinerea, Lepidochitona corrugata, Lepidochitona canariensis, Lepidochitona monterosatoi, Lepidochitona kaasi, Lepidochitona severianoi, Chaetopleura angulata, Ischnochiton rissoi, Chiton olivaceus, Chiton corallinus, Chiton phaesolinus, Acanthochitona fascicularis y Acanthochitona crinita todos ellos pertenecientes al dominio litoral. La captura de Lepidochitona canariensis y L. simrothi en aguas atlánticas ibéricas constituye la primera cita para el suratlántico ibérico. A su vez se amplía la distribución a esta zona de Callochiton septemvalvis y de Lepidochitona monterosatoi.

  15. A estrutura da paisagem do mosaico de unidades de conservaçao do litoral norte do Paraná


    Grise, Mayssa Mascarenhas


    A elevada taxa de extinções de espécies no Planeta deve-se principalmente à perda, fragmentação e degradação de hábitats naturais. A melhor maneira de se evitar a extinção de espécies é a preservação in situ, que se faz pela proteção de áreas naturais. O Estado do Paraná possui a maior área contínua de remanescente de Floresta Atlântica do país, bioma este entre os mais ameaçados do mundo. Esta área abrange o litoral norte do Estado e compreende uma série de unidades de conservação de diferen...

  16. Expansión del rango de la Paloma Coroniblanca Columba leucocephala al territorio continental de Colombia

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    Moreno José Gregorio


    Full Text Available Entre las 32 especies de la familia Columbidae anotadas para Colombia, Hilty & Brown (1986 incluyeron a la Paloma Coroniblanca Columba leucocephala L. como restringida al archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia. Esta especie, de amplia distribución en las Antillas, ha sido registrada en algunas islas continentales o localidades costeras en el sur de la Florida, Costa Rica y Panamá (Bond 1950, 1961, Wetmore 1968, Stiles & Skutch 1989. En Colombia C leucocephala fue encontrada en las islas de San Bernardo, a menos de 30 km del litoral Caribe del Departamento de Sucre (9° 40'Norte, 75° 45'Oeste en 1980 y 1981 por Moreno & López (1982, hallazgo que no fue reseñado en la literatura ornitológica de amplia circulación. En esta nota formalizamos la ampliación del rango geográfico de esta especie al territorio continental colombiano, agregando registros adicionales recientes.

  17. Alternativas de propagação na produção de óleo essencial de Mentha canadensis L. no Litoral Norte Catarinense


    Santos,V.M.C.S.; Schneider,T.R.; Bizzo,H.R.; Deschamps,C.


    O gênero Mentha é cultivado mundialmente para a produção de óleo essencial, com ênfase no constituinte mentol, amplamente utilizado nas indústrias farmacêutica, cosmética, alimentícia e de higiene pessoal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da utilização de diferentes estruturas de propagação e épocas de colheita de Mentha canadensis L. no Litoral Norte Catarinense. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 4x2, comparando quatro estruturas de propa...

  18. Florística e fitossociologia em um trecho de restinga no Litoral Norte do Estado da Bahia

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    Christiano Marcelino Menezes


    Full Text Available As restingas são ambientes geologicamente recentes e as espécies que as habitam são típicas de ecossistemas adjacentes como as Florestas Ombrófilas, as Matas de Tabuleiro e a Caatinga, sendo este, o aspecto mais importante na sua composição de espécies, que é composta por diversas formas biológicas, tais como árvores, arbustos, herbáceas eretas e reptantes. O estudo foi realizado no Município de Mata de São João na vila de Praia do Forte, localizada ao longo do Litoral Norte do Estado da Bahia. Com o objetivo de avaliar se há existência de diferentes comunidades vegetais em um trecho de restinga, foram locadas quatro transecções de 200m com cinco unidades amostrais de 100m2 cada. Ao final do estudo foram amostrados 1.640 indivíduos distribuídos em 68 espécies. Os dados florísticos e fitossociológicos associados à análise de Cluster apontam a existência de duas comunidades vegetais distintas, sendo elas uma Mata de Restinga (Transecções 3 e 4 e uma Restinga em Moitas (Transecções 1 e 2. Uma elevada diversidade de espécies foi detectada nas transecções 1 e 2 (H’ = 3,882 e 3 e 4 (H’ =3,835, além de uma diferença significativa na composição das espécies entre elas (p < 0,001. As famílias mais representativas em número de espécies foram: Myrtaceae, Rubiaceae e Malpighiaceae.


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    Reinaldo Martins Lemos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho buscou avaliar a efetividade da aplicação da Lei de Crimes Ambientais e o andamento dos processos administrativos e judiciais no Litoral Sul da Bahia, como forma de proteção ambiental. Esta região é de grande importância ecológica, onde possui várias Unidades de Conservação, por isso, é uma parte importante no Corredor Central da Mata Atlântica – CCMA – Brasil. Foram analisados 136 autos de infrações ambientais emitidos pelo IBAMA em Ilhéus/BA, no ano de 2010, para avaliar a eficácia da aplicação da Lei de Crimes Ambientais e seu andamento, situação e duração nos processos administrativo, civil e penal. O presente estudo mostrou que há a necessidade de criar iniciativas para aperfeiçoar e responsabilizar os infratores para coibir ou diminuir os crimes ambientais no Litoral Sul da Bahia, com a localização e identificação dos crimes e seus responsáveis, bem como, uma maior agilidade nos processos administrativos, civis e penais, para punir os infratores e aumentar a eficácia, eficiência e efetividades dos órgãos ambientais e das Leis de Crimes Ambientais.  

  20. Comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo

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    Carmen Moreno Glasser


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Em região de alta incidência de dengue, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, selecionaram-se 9 áreas, com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti. MÉTODOS: As 9 áreas foram agrupadas em 4 estratos, diferenciados pelo uso e ocupação do solo. Foram coletadas larvas e pupas numa amostra de cerca de 500 imóveis em cada área. RESULTADOS: Apesar do pneu e lona apresentarem as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti, o ralo, juntamente com outros recipientes fixos nas edificações foram altamente predominantes entre os recipientes positivos (32 a 76% dos recipientes positivos. As áreas coletivas de prédios e os imóveis não residenciais de grande porte apresentaram as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti enquanto os apartamentos, as menores. Os níveis de infestação foram maiores na área residencial com predominância de prédios de apartamentos, onde 76% dos criadouros detectados foram recipientes fixos nas edificações. CONCLUSÕES: Esses conhecimentos são importantes subsídios para a estratégia de controle, pois reforçam a necessidade de atenção especial para determinados tipos de imóveis, bem como da adequação da norma técnica de ralo de água pluvial e da melhoria de manutenção das edificações. Além disso, são necessárias observações sistemáticas que permitam acompanhar a dinâmica de ocupação de diferentes imóveis e recipientes por Aedes aegypti e a incorporação desses conhecimentos nas ações de controle do vetor na região.

  1. Composição de ácidos graxos do leite materno em mulheres residentes em área distante da costa litorânea brasileira

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    Renata Y. Nishimura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a composição de ácidos graxos do leite humano maduro de mulheres residentes em área distante da costa litorânea brasileira. MÉTODOS: Amostras de leite materno maduro foram obtidas de 47 mulheres lactantes com idade entre 18 e 35 anos, que tiveram partos a termo e em aleitamento exclusivo ou predominante. A coleta de leite se deu a partir da 5ª semana pós-parto, por meio de ordenha manual. A composição de ácidos graxos do leite foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a concentração de eicosapentaenoico (0,08% foi superior ao observado em estudos brasileiros prévios. Entretanto, o teor de docosahexaenoico (0,09% encontrado no leite humano foi um dos menores já verificados no mundo. O teor de ácidos graxos trans (2,05% foi similar ao relatado em estudos nacionais prévios à obrigatoriedade de declaração do teor deste em rótulos de alimentos, sugerindo que esta medida não surtiu efeito na redução de seu teor na dieta habitual das mulheres. CONCLUSÕES: Baixo teor de docosahexaenoico e elevada concentração de ácidos graxos trans foram verificados no leite materno maduro de mulheres residentes em área distante da costa litorânea brasileira.

  2. A ocupação urbana no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e suas implicações no turismo de segunda residência

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    Eduardo Baptista Lopes


    Full Text Available Resumo O Litoral Norte do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no Brasil, é uma região que tem presenciado diversas transformações em suas formas de ocupação e expansão urbana, ao longo da história. Desde as primeiras ocupações por estâncias e fazendas até as modalidades atuais, predominantemente turísticas, os municípios desta região passaram por uma série de modificações de usos e de formas, ao longo do tempo. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar os períodos de ocupação do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul e sua relação com o turismo de segunda residência, delimitados através da identificação dos usos, da análise das formas de crescimento urbano, do traçado e das tipologias das edificações, verificados na região. Na pesquisa realizada, foi possível identificar, delimitar e analisar quatro períodos no processo de ocupação da região: estâncias e fazendas (até 1888, turismo de saúde (1888-1940, loteamentos balneários (1940-1995 e condomínios horizontais (1995-2016.

  3. Amenazas naturales asociadas al ascenso del nivel del mar en Caribe Colombiano

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    Kim Gregory Robertson


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de recientes investigaciones sobre el impacto del ascenso del nivel del mar en la Costa Caribe colombiana, bases para el primer informe de Colombia a la Convención Internacional de Cambio Climático, adelantado en convenio con elIDE..-\\.1f. Con base en el estudio de las geoformas litorales, los procesos dinámicos asociados y su evolución reciente, se evaluó la amenaza por inundación y erosión asociada al actual ascenso del nivel del mar, proyectado por IP(C (panel Intergubemamcntal de Expertos de Cambio Climático en un metro pata el año 2100. A partir de la interpretación de imágenes de satélite y fotografias aéreas, apoyada en información secundaria y verificación de campo, se identificaron 15 unidades geomorfológicas básicas de origen estructural, fluvial y marino. Con base las características geomorfológicas y criterios de resiliencia frente a la acción del oleaje y la inundación litoral, se generó un modelo morfodinámico que pronostica el impacto del ascenso del nivel marino para el litoral Caribe colombiano. De acuerdo con este análisis, se estima que las unidades geomorfológicas recientes desarrolladas durante los últimos 2.500 años podrían ser reactivadas por el actual ascenso del nivel del mar, afectando numerosos centros urbanos tales como Cartagena, Santa Marta, Puerto Colombia y Turbo y actividades económicas de-importancia como el comercio portuario y el turismo. Para los 1.819 Km. de línea de costa del Caribe Colombiano, se estima que el 33.7% presenta alta susceptibilidad a la erosión marina, representado por geoformas que presentan grari fragilidad ante los procesos erosivos. En la linea de costa restante, 31,2% presenta susceptibilidad mec!ia y 35.1% susceptibilidad baja y muy baja, en una linea de costa caracterizada por geoformas con fragilidad y mecanismos de resiliencia variables. Por inundación, se pronostica que 1192 Km2 de costa baja serán anegados, 2331 Km2

  4. Estudio del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Licenciatura en Nutrición de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral que comenzaron en el año 2008, y su relación con los factores motivacionales y las expectativas que tuvieron al ingreso en la carrera – Santa Fe, año 2011


    Henaín, Yamile


    Fil: Henaín, Yamile. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias; Argentina. Los estudiantes universitarios con creencias motivacionales positivas y altas expectativas de aprendizaje y autoeficacia, pondrían en juego estrategias con un mayor compromiso cognitivo. Existen multiplicidad de factores que inciden sobre el rendimiento académico de los alumnos y sobre los distintos patrones de funcionamiento de la relación entre motivación y cognición. El prese...

  5. La visibilidad mediática de los soldados argentinos durante la Guerra de Malvinas en los diarios correntinos Época y El Litoral

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    Luis Daniel Chao


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo parte de la categoría régimen escópico de Martin Jay, para poder articularla con otras teorías que nos permitan entender el fenómeno de la visibilidad y abordar un caso particular.Una vez construido el entramado teórico, se propone una lectura centrada en la visibilidad de los soldados argentinos durante la Guerra de Malvinas en los periódicos correntinos Época y El Litoral, en los meses que van de abril a junio de 1982. Una vez establecidas algunas regularidades, se intentará ligarlas a determinadas condiciones discursivas que puedan generarlas.

  6. Modelos basados en grafos: una aplicación al estudio del gasto de cruceristas en Uruguay || Graph-Based Models: An Application to the Study of Cruise Passengers' Expenditure in Uruguay

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    Brida, Juan Gabriel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo introduce el uso de grafos en el análisis de los determinantes del gasto de los turistas y lo aplica al estudio del comportamiento de los pasajeros de cruceros que desembarcan en Uruguay en los puertos de Montevideo y Punta del Este. Este enfoque ofrece un abordaje alternativo a los usualmente empleados para analizar los determinantes del gasto turístico al introducir una representación gráfica que permite sintetizar y visualizar las relaciones entre el conjunto de variables que caracterizan a los turistas o grupos de turistas y los determinantes de su nivel de gasto. En particular, la metodología permite representar las relaciones de dependencia entre variables (entre nodos adyacentes e independencias condicionadas (entre nodos no adyacentes. Para su aplicación, se consideran datos individuales de las encuestas realizadas a cruceristas correspondientes a la temporada de cruceros comprendida entre noviembre de 2014 y abril de 2015, ambos incluidos, en Uruguay. Se estudia la existencia de dependencias de las variables relativas a registrar el gasto de los cruceristas con otras variables (sociodemográficas, de contexto, etc.. El estudio muestra que las variables que mejor explican el comportamiento de los visitantes son las vinculadas al puerto de desembarco y al gasto. Asimismo, los resultados muestran que las variables socioeconómicas no están vinculadas al gasto en forma directa. || This paper introduces the use of graphs in the analysis of the determinants of tourists' expenditure, providing an alternative approach to the methods usually employed. Graph-based analysis is applied to study the behavior of cruise passengers arriving at the ports of Montevideo and Punta del Este in Uruguay. The graphical representation allows to synthesize and visualize the relationships between the set of variables that characterize tourists or tourist groups and the determinants of their level of spending. The graph-based methodology is

  7. Cuando los muiscas diversificaron la agricultura y crearon el intercambio

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    Carl Henrik Langebaek


    Full Text Available Al comienzo del siglo XVI y de la conquista del centro de la actual Colombia, los españoles encontraron un grupo indígena, los muiscas, que habitaban en los valles interandinos fríos y en las tierras adyacentes de la cordillera Oriental. Su territorio abarcaba una amplia porción del ramal andino, desde los páramos de Sumapaz, al sur, hasta el valle transversal del Chicamocha, al norte, en los actuales departamentos de Cundinamarca y Boyacá.

  8. Tipos de tiempo para el turismo de sol y playa en el litoral alicantino

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    Martínez Ibarra, Emilio


    Full Text Available In this article the author proposes a series of weather types, with the purpose of evaluating the climatic-tourist potencial for the tourism of sun and beach in the coast of Alicante. The method, analysis of the frequency of the density of use of the practice the suntan and swin, the type of consulted source (webcam images, as well as the diversity of distinguished types, make of this work a novel contribution, in a branch of the knowledge relatively little cultivated although emergent: the Tourist Climatology.

    En el presente trabajo se proponen una serie de tipos de tiempo, con la finalidad de evaluar el potencial climático-turístico para el turismo de sol y playa en el litoral alicantino. El método, análisis de la frecuentación de la densidad de uso de la práctica del bronceado y baño, el medio a partir del cual se ha obtenido la información (imágenes webcam, así como la diversidad de tipos distinguidos, hacen de este trabajo una aportación novedosa, en una rama del conocimiento relativamente poco cultivada aunque emergente: la Climatología Turística.

  9. Nota sobre leishmaniose tegumentar no litoral sul do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil Cutaneous leishmaniasis at the South Coastal region of the S. Paulo State, Brazil

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    Oswaldo Paulo Forattini


    Full Text Available Relata-se a existência de área endêmica de leishmaniose tegumentar na região Sul do litoral do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Descrevem-se 17 casos a maioria dos quais foram diagnosticados parasitologicamente. As características observadas permitem supor a possibilidade de transmissão intradomiciliar.An endemic area of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in the South Coastal region of S. Paulo State, Brazil, is reported. Seventeen cases were found and diagnostic was made mainly through parasitologic evidences. Probability of local intradomiciliary transmission is suspected.

  10. Evaluación de medidas técnicas introducidas en las redes del litoral de Ciudad de La Habana. Parte I

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    Olga Susana Suárez


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se reportan los primeros resultados alcanzados en la evaluación de las medidas técnicas introducidas en las redes del litoral de Ciudad de la Habana en el proceso de rehabilitación de las redes de distribución que tiene lugar dentro de la Revolución Energética. Estas medidas fueron, principalmente, la sustitución de aisladores deporcelana por poliméricos y el cambio de las crucetas de maderas por crucetas de hierro. En esta primera parte, los resultados de un exhaustivo ciclo de ensayos de laboratorio de los parámetros eléctricos del aislador polimérico ISOELECTRIC, ciclos de ensayos de contaminación natural y contaminación artificial así como los resultados de la inspección de campo después de entre 3 y 6 meses de instalación permiten recomendar la suspensión de la instalación de este tipo de aisladores en el litoral habanero y realizar un estricto control de los ya instalados paraevitar situaciones complejas de operación. In this paper are reported the first achieved results in relation to the technical procedures applied in the littoral distribution network of Havana City in the process of distribution network rehabilitation that takes place inside the Energetic Revolution. These procedures were mainly the substitution of the porcelain for polymeric insulator. In thisfirst part, the results of the an exhaustive laboratorial test cycles of the electric parameters of ISOELECTRIC polymeric insulator, natural and artificial contamination test cycles, as well as visual inspection results after three and six moths of installation, have allowed to suggest the suspension of the installation of this type of insulators in thiszone and to carry out a strict control of those previously installed in order to avoid complex situations of operation.

  11. Estudio y cartografía de los peligros naturales costeros de la región de Murcia


    Seisdedos, J.; Mulas, J.; González de Vallejo, Luis I.; Rodríguez Franco, J.A.; Gracia, F.J.; Río, L. del; Garrote Revilla, Julio


    A pesar de la importancia e implicaciones de los riesgos asociados a la dinámica litoral en las zonas costeras, son escasos los trabajos centrados en su estudio y cartografía a escala regional, de manera sistemática e integrada. En este trabajo se presenta una metodología basada en el análisis detallado de los peligros naturales que pueden afectar al litoral: inundaciones, erosión costera, subida del nivel del mar, tsunamis, movimientos de ladera, etc., y en el estudio y cartografía de los fa...

  12. Redes de migración y la transnacionalización del capital social: la migración de Cornualles hacia el litoral del Pacífico


    Sharron Schwartz


    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel de las contribuciones migratorias regionales a la expansión industrial británica durante el siglo XIX. Se cuestiona la homogeneidad del movimiento de población británica hacia el Litoral Pacífico, destacándose la migración de mineros de Cornualles a través de los registros documentales disponibles. Además, se identificará patrones de migración usando la localidad de Tocopilla (Chile) como estudio de caso. Asimismo, se estudiará cómo el “capita...

  13. Mobilidade e vulnerabilidade no litoral Norte de São Paulo: articulações escalares entre o lugar e a região na urbanização contemporânea

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    Eduardo Marandola Jr


    Full Text Available Na urbanização brasileira, assistimos a contínua metropolização e a formação de aglomerações urbanas que extrapolam a dimensão do intraurbano, formando regiões de urbanização maiores e interligadas, cúmplices dos processos de produção de riscos. Nesse sentido, a escala regional torna-se fundamental para integrar processos locais (que se manifestam no lugar e aqueles de ordem maior, como a distribuição espacial da população e as mudanças ambientais. Exploramos esta discussão no Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, região que passa por mudanças ambientais de toda ordem, ao mesmo tempo em que presencia processos de mudança populacional, com grandes empreendimentos, intensa urbanização e consequências à recente Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte, criada em 2012. A partir da análise de lugares específicos, problematizamos a relação vulnerabilidade do lugar, contextualizados na escala regional da aglomeração urbana de Caraguatatuba e São Sebastião, área de maior conurbação na região.

  14. Conversaciones sobre el litoral cordillerano


    Browne,Enrique; Browne,Tomás


    Dos arquitectos dialogan sobre los Andes desde su propia vivencia. El territorio de Chile se entiende como límite natural entre mar y cordillera, donde suceden apretadamente una serie de eventos particulares: fallas geológicas, cerros que penetran en las ciudades y torrentes que bajan al mar caracterizan y diferencian sus paisajes.

  15. TURISMO Y CUERPOS DESNUDOS Moda y culto al sol en el litoral marítimo argentino

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    Regina Schlüter


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Resumen: Los cambios en la estructura social que se observaron en Argentina después de la Primera Guerra Mundial le dieron a la mujer una mayor libertad de acción permitiéndole ingresar en el campo laboral, practicar deportes y participar del turismo. Esto tuvo un gran impacto en la moda de la época y modificó las formas de socialización lo que se observa en los destinos de sol y playa de la época. La vestimenta femenina que se caracterizaba por una extrema formalidad que no dejaba nada al descubierto fue dejando a la vista cada vez mayores partes del cuerpo y se comenzó a priorizar la comodidad. También la moda del bronceado jugó un rol preponderante en las costumbres de la época ya que se convirtió en un elemento importante de diferenciación social.

  16. Percepção ambiental e narrativas visuais da transformação da paisagem e suas relações com o turismo na Ilha Comprida (SP)


    Carmacio Junior, Izaias; Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André, Santo André, SP; Rodrigues, Diogo Fernando; Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André, Santo André, SP; Vaz de Figueiredo, Luiz Afonso; Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André, Santo André, SP


    O município de Ilha Comprida está localizado na região do baixo Vale do Ribeira e Litoral Sul do estado de São Paulo, sendo emancipado politicamente em 1992. Possui vegetação nativa de Mata Atlântica, associada com manguezais, restingas e dunas, além de extensa faixa litorânea, incluído em 1987 em uma Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA). A localidade está sujeita às atividades de turismo e segunda residência, sofrendo problemas socioambientais com o processo de urbanização e construção da ponte ...

  17. Avaliação de extratos de macroalgas bênticas do litoral catarinense utilizando o teste de letalidade para Artemia salina

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    Cintia Lhullier

    Full Text Available Foram coletadas amostras de algas marinhas de 19 espécies (sendo 4 pertencentes ao filo Chlorophyta, 5 ao filo Phaeophyta e 10 ao filo Rhodophyta em dois locais do litoral catarinense. Os extratos etanólicos foram submetidos ao teste de letalidade para larvas de Artemia salina com objetivo de realizar uma triagem das espécies. Dos 26 extratos testados, 25 apresentaram toxicidade significativa em pelo menos uma das 3 concentrações testadas. O grupo de algas vermelhas (Rhodophyta foi o que obteve maior porcentagem de extratos com resultados estatisticamente significativos pelo método do qui-quadrado e também menores valores de CL50, com destaque para Acanthophora spicifera, Hypnea musciformis e Pterocladiella capillacea. Observaram-se diferenças entre as espécies de um mesmo gênero (Codium decorticatum e Codium isthmocladium e também a influência de fatores ambientais (Hypnea musciformis na toxicidade dos extratos.

  18. Los cementos de ionómero vítreo de alta viscosidad para el éxito del tratamiento restaurador atraumático.


    Brain Lascano, Laura C.


    Objetivo: Evaluar mediante un estudio in vitro las propiedades: Resistencia Compresiva (RC), Resistencia Flexural (RF), Resistencia al Desgaste (RD), Rugosidad Superficial (RS), Dureza Vickers (HV) y Remineralizacion de los Tejidos Adyacentes (RTA), de diversos CIV de alta viscosidad usados en el TRA con diversos materiales de recubrimiento superficial. Materiales y Métodos: Se analizaron 5 CIV: EQUIA FIL, Fuji IX, Ketac Molar Easymix, Ionofil Molar, Vitremer, combinados con diferen...

  19. Futuro del turismo de masas sol y playa del litoral mediterráneo español / Future mass tourism of sun and beach Spanish Mediterranean littoral

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    Marta Collado Lara


    Full Text Available ResumenLa situación problemática de los destinos maduros de demanda masiva sol y playa del litoral español y las medidas encaminadas, por las políticas turísticas, a la mejora de la pérdida de competitividad del sector, requieren un nuevo modelo de desarrollo turístico para estos destinos. El objetivo del trabajo, es aportar valor añadido al diseño de nuevos modelos de desarrollo turístico de futuro mediante la aplicación de las herramientas de prospectiva territorial, como instrumento capaz de reforzar procesos de planificación. Para mostrar la viabilidad de estas herramientas se lleva a cabo una valoración de similitudes o brechas entre dos modelos de desarrollo turístico; por un lado, un modelo de desarrollo hipotético de un destino maduro del litoral mediterráneo [utilizando las herramientas de prospectiva territorial] y, por otro, el modelo de desarrollo de un Proyecto Piloto de un caso real de planeamiento urbanístico. Los resultados de la valoración revelan que los dos modelos presentan muchas similitudes, lo que permite mostrar el potencial de la prospectiva territorial como instrumento para hacer frente a los problemas de desarrollo turístico plagados de complejidad e incertidumbre, así como su capacidad para reducir el análisis de los desafíos globales a las implicaciones locales y espaciales.Palabras claveDestinos maduros, prospectiva, demanda masiva sol y playa, incertidumbre, desarrollo turísticoAbstractThe problematic situation of the mature destinations of massive demand of sun and beach of the Spanish littoral and the measures directed to the improvement of the loss of competitiveness of the sector, demand a new model of tourist development for these destinations. The aim of the work is to supply added value to the design of new models of future tourist development by means of the application of the territorial foresight tools, as a tool able to reinforce planning processes. To demonstrate the viability of

  20. Ingestão de resíduos antropogênicos por tartarugas marinhas no litoral norte do estado da Bahia, Brasil Anthropogenic debris ingestion by sea turtles in the northern coast of Bahia, Brazil

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    Gustavo Rodamilans Macedo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho descreve a presença de resíduos antropogênicos no trato digestório de tartarugas marinhas no Litoral Norte da Bahia, Brasil. Foram realizadas necropsias no trato digestório de 45 tartarugas marinhas encontradas mortas (Chelonia mydas n=36; Eretmochelys imbricata n=9, no período de janeiro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Em 60% (27/45 das tartarugas necropsiadas foram encontrados resíduos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à atividade de pesca. Os resíduos encontravam-se ao longo de todo o trato gastrointestinal, com predominância no intestino grosso. A ingestão de resíduos pelas tartarugas marinhas do Litoral Norte da Bahia pode levar a debilidade e até mesmo provocar a morte destes animais.This study investigates the presence of anthropogenic debris in the digestive tract of sea turtles in the Northern Coast of Bahia, Brazil. Necropsies were performed on 45 turtles, 36 green turtles (Chelonia mydas and 9 hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricata, found dead between january 2006 and october 2007. Debris was found in 60% of the animals, especially those related to fishing activities. Litter could be found throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract, but it was found predominantly in the large intestine (47.53%. The ingestion of debris by turtles from the Northern coast of Bahia may lead these animals to starvation, weakness and even death.

  1. Turismo, direito ambiental e conflitos na produção do espaço: o caso da reserva Imbassaí e seu entorno, na APA Litoral norte da Bahia


    MACHADO, Cláudia Novaes


    Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo de caso referente ao Complexo Turístico-Hoteleiro Reserva Imbassaí e seu entorno - Imbassaí, Barro Branco e Sucuiu - na Área de Proteção Ambiental Litoral Norte do Estado da Bahia considerando a aplicação do Direito Ambiental na produção do espaço para o turismo. A fundamentação teórico-conceitual foi embasada nas categorias geográficas de análise forma, função, estrutura e processo - Santos (1985), turismo - Rodrigues (1997), produção do espaço - Harvey (200...

  2. Estudio de la relación entre acuífero y humedales en el área Mimbrales La Vera del Manto Eólico Litoral de Doñana, Huelva


    Higueras García, Horacio Luis


    [ESP] El presente estudio ha sido realizado en una zona del sistema acuífero de Doñana, en el SO de España, conocido como Manto Eólico Litoral de Doñana (MELD). Se trata de un área de unos 400 km2 de superficie formados por arenas eólicas de mediana permeabilidad en su parte más somera. El estudio ha sido llevado a cabo a dos escalas espaciales: 1) escala regional, que ha consistido en estudiar todo el MELD como base para el estudio de detalle, y en el cual los objetivos han sido el estudio d...

  3. Diseño de la instalación del sistema de gestión y mantenimiento del túnel de Colón de la Ronda Litoral (B- 10) de Barcelona


    Martínez Peñuelas, Miguel Ángel


    Este trabajo consiste en el diseño de un nuevo sistema de gestión y mantenimiento del túnel de Colón en la ronda litoral de Barcelona. El túnel se construyó en 1991, y es necesario actualizar el sistema de gestión del túnel. Con este fin, se diseñará: La parte eléctrica de la instalación, modificando la instalación con mejoras, tanto económicas como medio ambientales. Por ejemplo, se intenta reducir el pico de consumo del arranque de los ventiladores mediante la instalación ...

  4. O litoral do Nordeste do Brasil como objeto científico darwinista: as prospecções de John Casper Branner, 1899-1911

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    Almir Leal de Oliveira


    Full Text Available John Casper Branner, geólogo norte-americano, desenvolveu uma longa história de investigação no Brasil. Analisa-se, aqui, como ele tratou a geologia do litoral do Nordeste na Branner-Agassiz Expedition (1899 e na Stanford Expedition (1911. As expedições indicam como a geomorfologia das bacias sedimentares, dos recifes de arenito e dos recifes de corais foi caracterizada sob uma perspectiva evolutiva darwinista. Branner integrou o modelo de pesquisa de campo da história natural com as práticas da biologia moderna e da geologia dinâmica, e interpretou a evolução da formação geológica a partir dos fatores físico-químicos. Os estudos zoológicos identificaram o lugar da variação e das adaptações evolutivas das espécies marinhas isoladas como fator auxiliar da seleção natural.

  5. Levantamento de estoques da ostra Crassostrea sp. em bancos naturais no litoral paranaense

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    Euler Batista Erse


    Full Text Available A importância econômica de diversas espécies de ostras nativas, em especial a Crassostrea sp., torna atrativa a exploração desta espécie pelas comunidades litorâneas. A explotação deste recurso natural, baseada somente no extrativismo não sustentável acaba por ameaçar os estoques naturais com a sobrepesca. Baseado neste fato, uma avaliação das condições dos estoques naturais desse animal torna-se importante para futuros projetos de conservação e manejo sustentáveis do recurso. Neste trabalho foram levantados dados referentes aos estoques da ostra Crassostrea sp. de três bancos naturais distintos, sendo estes, um na Ilha da Cotinga, na foz do Rio Maciel e outro na foz do Rio Biguaçú. Em cada banco, foram feitas três amostragens aleatórias durante a maré baixa sizígia utilizando-se de um quadrado de amostragem com dimensão de 30x30 cm. Observamos também neste trabalho que, dos locais de estoques naturais da ostra nativa Cras- sostrea sp. presentes na Baía de Paranaguá, o da Ilha da Cotinga apresenta signifi cativamente os maiores valores quanto ao tamanho se comparados com a o Rio Maciel e o Rio Biguaçú, sendo que, entre os dois últimos, o primeiro apresentou maiores valores. Porém, não houve diferenças signifi cativas nos valores biométricos encontrados entre os bancos amostrados nos respectivos bosques.

  6. Las pinturas murales de S. Cebrián de Mudá

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    Santiago Manzarbeitia Valle


    Full Text Available Al norte de la provincia de Falencia, lindando con Cantabria, en un reducido espacio geográfico en torno a la comarca del Alto Campeo y a algunos de sus pequeños valles adyacentes, existe un amplio conjunto de iglesias que tienen en común, además de su tipología arquitectónica románica de transición al gótico, el estar decoradas con pinturas murales realizadas en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XV, y posiblemente por un mismo taller ambulante de origen local.

  7. Shoreline Variation between Puerto Chicama and Puémape, La Libertad, Perú (1961-2006 Variación de la línea de litoral entre puerto Chicama y Puémape, La Libertad, Perú (1961-2006

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    Carlos Tavares Correa


    Full Text Available A spatial -temporal analysis was made by using cartographic material and Geographic Information Systems techniques. Here we compared the setting of the littoral line of a sector minimally affected by human occupation (Puémape–Puerto Chicama with other sectors with moderate occupation (La Chira–Lurín to strongly modified (Salaverry–Las Delicias and the Miraflores Bay. During the period 1961-2006 in the sector Puémape – Puerto Chicama, we identified the predominance of the advance or stability of the coastal line. The sector La Chira – Lurín presented a setting similar, with the tendency to stability and, the sectors strongly intervened showed a setting openly erosive. To the contrary as expected, the rising of sea level due to global warming doesn’t seem to be the principal cause of beach erosion in Perú. This is mainly due to the strong human intervention in the coast because at undisturbed sectors the predominance is stability or advance of the littoral line.Mediante el empleo de material cartográfico y sistema de información geográfica (SIG, se realizó un análisis espacio-temporal, donde se comparó el comportamiento de la línea de litoral de un sector costero mínimamente afectado por la ocupación humana (Puémape–Puerto Chicama con otros sectores costeros con ocupación moderada (La Chira–Lurín a fuertemente modificada (Salaverry–Las Delicias y la bahía de Miraflores. Durante el período comprendido entre 1961 y 2006 para el sector Puémape–Puerto Chicama, se identificó el predominio del avance o estabilidad de la línea de costa. El sector La Chira–Lurín presentó un comportamiento similar, con tendencia a la estabilidad y los sectores fuertemente intervenidos presentaron un comportamiento netamente erosivo. Al contrario de lo esperado, la elevación del nivel del mar debido el calentamiento global no parece ser la causa principal de la erosión de playas en el Perú. Esta se debe principalmente a la

  8. Análisis de estabilidad para el rendimiento de híbridos de maíz (Zea mays en la Región Central del Litoral Ecuatoriano

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    Daniel Vera Aviles


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la estabilidad de híbridos experimentales y comerciales de maíz en la Región Central del Litoral Ecuatoriano. Durante el periodo de diciembre de 2010 a abril de 2011 se evaluaron ensayos uniformes de rendimiento en cuatro localidades con ambientes contrastantes. El material genético estuvo constituido por cinco híbridos experimentales y tres comerciales. El diseño experimental utilizado fue bloques completo al azar con cuatro repeticiones, las parcelas experimentales consistieron en dos surcos de 5,0 m de largo, separados a 0,90 m. El análisis de varianza combinado propuesto por Eberhart y Russell, se encontró significancia estadística tanto como para genotipo e interacción. El rendimiento promedio mostró que entre los híbridos experimentales se destacaron el (SM45 x SSD08SV39 y (SM45 x SV15SV39 con promedios superiores a la 7,0 t ha-1, mientras que el híbrido comercial que sobresalió fue el AG-003 con rendimiento de 7,48 t ha-1. Los mejores rendimientos y los mejores índices ambientales, se registraron para las localidades de Quevedo y Vinces, los índices ambientales más bajos fueron para Balzar y Ventanas. En relación a las tendencias de respuesta de genotipos sobresalientes en los cuatro ambientes de evaluación, particularmente se observó que los genotipos son deseables, en virtud de los resultados sobresalientes tanto en los ambientes favorables como en los desfavorables.

  9. Redes de migración y la transnacionalización del capital social: la migración de Cornualles hacia el litoral del Pacífico

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    Sharron Schwartz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel de las contribuciones migratorias regionales a la expansión industrial británica durante el siglo XIX. Se cuestiona la homogeneidad del movimiento de población británica hacia el Litoral Pacífico, destacándose la migración de mineros de Cornualles a través de los registros documentales disponibles. Además, se identificará patrones de migración usando la localidad de Tocopilla (Chile como estudio de caso. Asimismo, se estudiará cómo el “capital social” de los migrantes en la conformación de comunidades y redes sociales contribuyeron a dar heterogeneidad a la migración sobre la región de estudio.

  10. Levantamento de registros dos acidentes com cnidários em algumas praias do litoral de Pernambuco (Brasil Survey of cnidarian accident records in some beaches of the coast of Pernambuco (Brazil

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    Ricardo F. Neves


    Full Text Available Os cnidários estão entre os organismos mais peçonhentos que se conhecem. Caracterizam-se por possuir células urticantes denominadas cnidócitos, e diversas espécies, como as chamadas caravelas e águas-vivas, podem ocasionar danos ao homem. Apesar da pouca atenção dada a este tipo de acidente no litoral brasileiro, os estudos existentes mostram que sua ocorrência é significativa. O presente estudo teve como principais objetivos levantar os acidentes causados por cnidários nos banhistas de algumas praias do litoral de Pernambuco e investigar o conhecimento referente a este tema por parte de profissionais de áreas relevantes. Assim, visitou-se arquivos de hospitais, postos praieiros e grupamento salva-vidas para o levantamento de registros, e foram entrevistados 17 profissionais. Foram levantados registros de 35 acidentes para um período de dois anos na Praia de Boa Viagem (Recife, além de registros informais de uma média de quatro a cinco casos por semana na Praia de Piedade e dois a três casos por semana na Praia de Pontas de Pedras. Em relação ao conhecimento dos profissionais entrevistados, a maioria das respostas está, de forma geral, de acordo com a literatura existente, apesar de ainda haver certo nível de informações inadequadas ou insuficientes em relação ao tema estudado.Cnidarians are among the most venomous organisms known to man. They are characterized by stinging cells called cnidocytes, and several species, such as the Portuguese-man-of-war and the jellyfish, can cause harm to human beings. Despite not attracting ( much attention on the Brazilian coast, the studies that have been carried out to date show that the occurrence of this kind of accident is significant. The aim of this study was to survey cnidarian related accidents with beach goers on some beaches of the state of Pernambuco, as well as to investigate the knowledge of relevant professions on this theme. ( Archives of hospitals and life guard posts

  11. Identificação da comunidade componente de helmintos, gastrointestinais hepáticos, pulmonares, cardíacos e renais de Otaria flavescens (Leão-marinho-do-sul), no litoral sul do Brasil


    PEREIRA, Eliane Machado


    Este estudo analisou os helmintos parasitos gastrointestinais, pulmonares, cardíacos e renais do O. flavescens no litoral sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram necropsiados 29 leões-marinhos, cujas carcaças apresentavam baixo estado de decomposição. Os órgãos coletados mediante necropsia a campo para análise em laboratório foram 24 intestinos delgado e grosso, 24 fígados incluindo parênquima e vesícula biliar e 29 estômagos, 24 corações e 24 pares de rins. Os órgãos foram congelados a 2...

  12. Estructura de la comunidad de moluscos y relaciones tróficas en el litoral rocoso del estado Sucre, Venezuela

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    Johanna Fernández


    Full Text Available Se analizó la estructura de la comunidad de moluscos y sus relaciones tróficas en seis localidades del litoral rocoso con diferentes grados de exposición al oleaje (área expuesta y área protegida, en el Estado Sucre, Venezuela. El muestreo se llevó a cabo durante el período de marzo 2003 a febrero 2004. La recolección del material biológico se realizó de forma manual con ayuda de una espátula, dentro de una cuadrícula de 0.25 m², estableciéndose tres zonas: supra, medio e infralitoral. Los organismos fueron preservados en frascos con formalina al 10% para su posterior análisis. En el laboratorio fueron identificados, contados, y pesados en una balanza de 0.001g de precisión. Se determinó la abundancia total de especies, biomasa, constancia específica y por medio de una revisión bibliográfica se le asignó a cada especie su categoría trófica, clasificándolos en: herbívoros, filtradores, carnívoros y herbívoros -filtradores. Se obtuvo un total de 14 581 individuos (6 397.945 g representado por 68 especies correspondientes a las clases Gastropoda (39, Bivalvia (23 y Polyplacophora (6; contenidas en nueve órdenes y 31 familias. Los herbívoros fueron el grupo dominante (49%, seguido por filtradores (37%, carnívoros (13 % y herbívoros-filtradores (1%. Las especies herbívoras y herbívoras-filtradoras dominaron en el área protegida, mientras que en el área expuesta, fueron las carnívoras y filtradoras. Las especies constantes en las seis localidades durante el período de estudio fueron Planaxis nucleus, Mitrella ocellata, M. nycteis, Littorina interrupta, Tegula fasciata, Acmaea leucopleura, Ostrea equestris y Chiton squamosus. La distribución de los moluscos y los diferentes grupos tróficos, pueden estar controlados por adaptaciones morfológicas, así como el nivel de exposición al oleaje y composición del sustrato.Mollusc community structure and trophic relations in the rochy littoral zone in Sucre State

  13. Impacto da responsabilidade social sob a óptica empresarial do norte litoral de Portugal

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    Valentin Alejandro Martínez Fernández


    Full Text Available La responsabilidad social surge en la literatura del siglo XIX y desde entonces ha ganado una mayor expresión, atención e interés de los estudiosos, empresarios y público en general, debido a su impacto en particular. Por lo tanto, la responsabi- lidad social ha tenido en las últimas décadas una fuerte expansión que ha llevado a su aplicabilidad en la estrategia empresarial. Hoy, académicos y hombres de negocios van juntos tratando nuevas estrategias que incluyen nuevas variables en un estudio propiciado por la aparición de nuevas formas de actividad empresarial y por la creación de redes sociales. Ante esta nueva situación, el propósito de este artículo es comprobar si hay un impacto en la adopción de prácticas de respon- sabilidad social de las empresas de Maia y, en caso afirmativo, si afecta positiva o negativamente a la imagen corporativa de las empresas en el litoral norte de Portugal. Este artículo se estructura en dos secciones. La primera consiste en una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema, presentando el tema principal de los marcos conceptuales para el análisis. La segunda parte consiste en un estudio empírico que utiliza un análisis multivariado factorial que permite la activación de las primeras conclusiones sobre el impacto de la responsabilidad social en Portugal, sobre todo en las empresas objeto de estudio. Se encontró en el estudio que la práctica de la responsabilidad social crea impacto en las acciones de las empresas, pero no se produce de manera significativa en sus resultados económicos.


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    Marcelo Moreira Carvalho


    Full Text Available O litoral de Caiçara do Norte é considerado uma área de maior produção pesqueira artesanal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a frequência de ocorrência, as características morfológicos externos de peixes marinhos de Caiçara do Norte, RN. Durante o período de julho de 2012 a agosto de 2013, foi registrada a ocorrência de cinco ordens (Beloniformes, Clupeiformes, Mugiliformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes, 13 famílias (Ariidae, Exocoetidae, Carangidae, Clupeidae, Coryphaenidae, Haemulidae, Hemiramphidae, Istiophoridae, Lutjanidae, Mugilidae, Sparidae, Serranidae,  Scombridae e 29 espécies de peixes marinhos. Os resultados do presente trabalho podem enriquecer o conhecimento da ictiofauna das águas costeiras de Caiçara do Norte, além de fornecer informações para o futuro planejamento da gestão e conservação dos recursos pesqueiros do litoral do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Palavras chave: Águas costeiras; pesca artesanal; recursos pesqueiros; litoral norte do RN. DOI:

  15. La península de Paraguaná: Un paisaje natural para la enseñanza de la morfología litoral en Ciencias de la Tierra

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    Belmary Cecilia Barreto Pineda


    Full Text Available Esta investigación busca proponer el paisaje natural de la Península de Paraguaná como recurso didáctico en la asignatura Ciencias de la Tierra en la U.E.P John Wycliff. Con una metodología descriptiva, de proyecto factible, incluyendo una fase documental y diseño de campo no experimental. En relación al diagnóstico de los “Recursos Didácticos”, el 79% de los encuestados afirman que no se utilizan paisajes para impartir clases de Ciencias de la Tierra debido a la falta de motivación de los docentes por implementar recursos que se relacionen con el paisaje natural. Se generó una propuesta representada por un paquete didáctico constituido por la sección preliminar, fundamentos teóricos, video educativo, catálogo fotográfico, referencias bibliográficas e itinerario geográfico pedagógico que interrelacionan al estudiante con el entorno. Se recomienda su aplicación para los contenidos sobre Morfología litoral en Ciencias de la Tierra. Palabras Clave:  Recurso didáctico, paisaje natural, ciencias de la tierra, educación Paraguaná's Peninsula: A Natural Landscape for Teaching Coastal Morphology in Sciences of the Earth Abstract This investigation will propose the natural landscape of Paraguaná's Peninsula as a didactic resource in the subject Earth Sciences in the U.E.P John Wycliff. It was made using a descriptive methodology and a feasible project, with a documentary phase and non-experimental design field. In relation to the diagnosis of the “Didactic Resources", 79% of the respondents affirmed that landscapes are not used as part of the Teaching Program for Earth Sciences, due to the lack of motivation of teachers to implement resources that relate to the natural landscape. It was generated an offer based on the natural landscape of Paraguaná's Peninsula as a resource for teaching Earth Sciences, represented by a didactic package, structured with a preliminary section, theoretical foundations, educational video


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    Full Text Available La evolución reciente del Caribe colombiano está asociada, entre otras causas, a una marcada influencia antropogénica sobre la morfología litoral. A lo largo de los 30 municipios costeros que conforman esta región, se encuentran áreas intervenidas por el hombre que al mismo tiempo son afectadas por retrocesos significativos en su línea de costa. La tendencia erosiva predominante es influenciada y multiplicada, en muchos de los casos, por una expansión humana desorganizada y los fenómenos que ésta trae consigo. Un análisis general en algunas áreas permitió identificar acciones realizadas por el hombre, su influencia e sus impactos negativos sobre la geomorfofogía y evolución reciente del sistema litoral

  17. Encefalite no litoral paulista: a emergência da epidemia e a reação da mídia impressa Encephalitis on the south coast of the State of São Paulo: the emergence of the epidemic and the response of the written media

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    Edlaine Faria De Moura Villela


    Full Text Available No litoral sul do estado de São Paulo, ocorreu uma epidemia de encefalite pelo arbovírus Rocio de 1975 a 1978. As altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade causaram impacto social. Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi apresentar um estudo sobre como a mídia impressa relatou os acontecimentos sociais relacionados ao surgimento da epidemia no primeiro semestre de 1975. Reportagens sobre a epidemia no litoral sul foram obtidas do banco de dados dos jornais A Tribuna, Folha de S.Paulo e Jornal da Tarde. Foram analisadas as notícias até o mês de julho de 1975, fase inicial e de maior impacto da epidemia. Com a identificação de casos de encefalite, de causa desconhecida, a Secretaria de Estado da Saúde desaconselhou a ida de turistas para o litoral, utilizando a mídia como veículo de divulgação. Diante das notícias, ocorreu a fuga dos turistas e, consequentemente, a crise do comércio. Observou-se a revolta dos comerciantes, que geraram embates contra a mídia, no que tange à forma de divulgação da epidemia. Alguns prefeitos alegaram inveracidade de notícias publicadas. A proibição feita pelas autoridades sanitárias foi relatada pela mídia de forma abrangente, englobando sujeitos envolvidos nesse discurso. Assim, foram reveladas ao público as tensões geradas entre os detentores do conhecimento científico e o poder econômico local. Os jornais realizaram cobertura abrangente, abordando vários temas, entretanto disseminaram incertezas e fizeram uso de imagens sensacionalistas, além de desarticular acontecimentos biológicos e sociais. Os temas chegaram aos leitores de forma fragmentada e com sentidos sociais comprometidos.On the south coast of the State of São Paulo, there was an encephalitis epidemic due to the arbovirus Rocio from 1975 to 1978. High rates of morbidity and mortality caused a social impact. There was a decrease in tourism and a commercial crisis, which caused turmoil among traders and reactions against the media

  18. Aspectos generales del régimen de los bienes del litoral marítimo. Competencias y limitaciones sobre el Derecho de propiedad

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    Sebastián Barreto Cifuentes


    Full Text Available El concepto de “propiedad”, tradicionalmente estudiado con la lógica del Derecho privado, ha sufrido cambios internos (la función social como núcleo esencial y externos (las limitaciones administrativas que hacen necesario estudiarlo con herramientas lógicas y metodológicas del Derecho público. Se debe considerar que un derecho absoluto e ilimitado no requiere mayor atención por parte de la disciplina del Derecho público. La armonización y articulación de los derechos del propietario con las competencias asignadas a las autoridades administrativas, exige una particular atención para proteger los derechos ciudadanos. En desarrollo de lo mencionado, se ha realizado un corto estudio sobre los bienes del litoral marítimo, en particular de las competencias asignadas a las autoridades administrativas sobre estas áreas, así como el límite de estas competencias. También se presentará el análisis de algunos casos reales y potenciales en los cuales se hace necesaria la aplicación de garantías procesales y sustanciales para el respeto de los derechos de los propietarios.

  19. Los valores del urbanismo en Chile

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    Waldo López Moya


    Full Text Available En el mes de junio de 2004 fue presentado al Senado de Chile un proyecto de ley destinado a modificar la Ley General de Urbanismo y Construcciones (LGUC, con el fin de adecuarla para permitir la formación y edificación de «áreas urbanas condicionadas» (AUC. Esto es, conjuntos residenciales urbanos, construidos fuera del límite urbano convencional. Unos, en áreas rurales ubicadas inmediatamente adyacentes al mismo, llamadas «áreas de extensión urbana condicionada» (AEUC, y otros, ubicados en áreas rurales segregadas, denominadas «áreas de desarrollo urbano condicionado» (ADUC.



    Patricia Almeida Silva; Paula Vilhena Carnevale Vianna; Paulo Roxo Barja


    Análises da vulnerabilidade das mulheres para o câncer de mama revelam que, no Brasil, mulheres negras e menos instruídas têm menor acesso à mamografia de rastreamento, exame que permite a detecção precoce do câncer. Desde 2006, o controle do câncer de mama é política prioritária no SUS. Este estudo analisa a série histórica de exames de mamografia de rastreamento realizados pelo SUS no período de 2010 a 2014, na Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte – RMVale, para investiga...

  1. El proyecto minero Cobre Mirador y su relación con el plan de ordenamiento territorial de la I. Municipalidad de El Pangui y El Plan Nacional del buen vivir (Sumak Kawsay)


    Cordero Farfán, María Fernanda


    El proyecto minero “Cobre Mirador” constituye el primer ejemplo de explotación a gran escala en el Ecuador. Se ubica al sureste del país, a lo largo del valle del río Zamora en la provincia de Zamora Chinchipe, cantón El Pangui, adyacente a la frontera del Ecuador con el Perú. Su explotación debería estar integrada dentro del Plan de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial (2011) propuesto por la I. Municipalidad de El Pangui en concordancia con el Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir (Suma...

  2. Hemograma e bioquímica sérica de tartarugas cabeçudas (Caretta caretta de vida livre e mantidas em cativeiro, no litoral norte da Bahia

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    Thaís Torres Pires


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de se obter dados que auxiliem na rotina clínica de tartarugas marinhas, realizou-se o hemograma e a determinação de alguns parâmetros bioquímicos séricos de fêmeas de tartarugas cabeçudas (Caretta caretta de vida livre (n = 22, animais que desovam no Litoral Norte da Bahia, e em cativeiro (n = 5, animais mantidos no Centro de Visitantes do Projeto Tamar-ICMBio, na Praia do Forte, Brasil. Os valores obtidos para os dois grupos foram comparados, onde se observou diferença estatística significativa (p<0,05 para as contagens relativas e absolutas de eosinófilos e contagem relativa de monócitos dentre as variáveis do hemograma e, para a proteína total, globulina, glicose, colesterol e aspartato aminotransferase. Possivelmente, diferenças nas condições ambientais, nutricionais e reprodutivas, as quais estes animais foram submetidos, influenciaram nos resultados.

  3. Rodados bioerosionados en depósitos marinos holocenos del estuario de Bahía Blanca, Argentina: consideraciones paleoambientales y procedencia

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    Jorge O Spagnuolo


    Full Text Available En la costa norte del estuario de Bahía Blanca, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, se presentan cordones litorales compuestos por arena conchilífera y elevada proporción de rodados de origen sedimentario. Muchos de estos clastos muestran importantes signos de bieorosión. La procedencia de este material se vincula con las extensas plataformas de abrasión presentes al este del estuario (costas de Pehuén Co. Se determinaron dos icnofacies: la icnofacies de Trypanites integrada por Gastrochaenolites, Maeandropolydora, Trypanites, Gnathichnus y Radulichnus, propia de sustratos duros y la icnofacies de Skolithos representada por galerías de Ophiomorpha desarrollada en sustratos blandos. Ambas, caracterizan un ambiente litoral somero. Durante la transgresión holocena, los sustratos costeros se vieron afectados por el avance marino y los fragmentos erosionados fueron transportados por deriva litoral hacia el interior del estuario. Finalmente, eventos de tormenta depositaron en los cordones litorales el material con signos de bioerosión. En la actualidad, muchos de estos rodados que presentan gradación en tamaño hacia el interior del estuario, se hallan en tránsito en las playas por deriva litoral este-oeste.

  4. Approach of physiotherapy in collective health in a fishing community - paraná state litoral area: a learning project whitin the Federal Universtiy of Paraná -

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    Regina Célia da CRUZ


    Full Text Available A fisioterapia no campo da Saúde Coletiva revela crescentes possibilidades de atuação profissional. A população do Litoral do Paraná que vive em pequenas comunidades isoladas encontra-se à margem das políticas públicas de atenção à saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a experiência da aproximação de uma realidade pouco conhecida, permeando uma abordagem inovadora da fisioterapia na Saúde Coletiva em uma comunidade, denominada “Tromomô”, do município de Guaraqueçaba, litoral paranaense. Nela residem trinta famílias, geograficamente isoladas que se deparam com a inexistência de políticas públicas que respeitem seu modo de vida e sua história. O acesso é somente pela baia e a atenção à saúde depende de outras localidades situadas a mais de 30 minutos de barco, em boas condições de maré. A metodologia utilizada abordou aspectos quali e quantitativos. Estabelecendo um vínculo com a comunidade, foram aplicadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas aos moradores, seguidas de formulário de investigação sócio-econômica e de saúde acompanhados de registro etnográfico. Observou-se a falta de atendimento de equipes de saúde, de coleta de resíduos, de tratamento da água e de um trapiche de acesso às embarcações. A etapa de campo ainda identificou ausência de saneamento básico e, algumas casas, sem energia elétrica. A partir da aplicação do Questionário Nórdico para mapear as condições osteomusculares, observou-se prevalência de algias, especialmente em região lombar. Cruzando-se os dados deste instrumento com a abordagem qualitativa, observou-se que grande parte desses sintomas emerge das atividades laborais relacionadas à pesca, coleta e atividades domésticas. Elaborouse então uma proposta de interação interdisciplinar em saúde que constou de oficinas e rodas de conversa abordando aspectos como promoção à saúde, cidadania, sustentabilidade e meio ambiente. Observamos a importância da

  5. Avaliação Quantitativa do Patrimônio Geológico: Aplicação aos Geossítios de São Sebastião, Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo

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    Fernanda Coyado Reverte


    Full Text Available Este trabalho discute a abordagem metodológica utilizada no inventário e na quantificação do patrimônio geológico do município de São Sebastião, litoral norte de São Paulo. As áreas selecionadas são importantes para a pesquisa científica e correspondem a nove geossítios, sendo seis afloramentos em costões distribuídos pelo município, um arquipélago distante do continente cerca de 50 km e um ponto de interpretação geológica, que funcionará como um mirante. Em virtude da ausência de um método específico para análise quantitativa de zonas costeiras, para o presente trabalho foram adaptadas duas metodologias idealizadas para atender geossítios brasileiros, sendo uma delas específica à Chapada Diamantina – BA. Seguindo um critério de relevância, os resultados obtidos, além de revelar geossítios científicos, com potenciais didáticos e turísticos, orientaram na escolha de ações prioritárias votadas à preservação do referido patrimônio e sugeriram possíveis ações para a atuação futura de instituições públicas e/ou privadas na gestão, conservação e divulgação destas áreas de importante interesse científico, colaborando com o desenvolvimento sustentável da região.

  6. 161. Necrosis por presión del septo de salida ventricular causado por dos implantes adyacentes

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    A. González Calle


    Conclusiones: Esta complicación ilustra que los tejidos entre dos dispositivos duros y con movimiento uno conrespecto al otro pueden desarrollar necrosis por presión y fricción y, consecuentemente, perforación. Probablemente, hubiera sido preferible sustituir el homoinjerto pulmonar con stent en el momento de la sustitución valvular aórtica.

  7. Repensar la urbanización del litoral. El plan director urbanístico del sistema costero de cataluña

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    Oriol Nel-lo Colon


    Full Text Available La urbanización de las áreas costeras constituye, sin duda, uno de los rasgos más característicos de la transformación del territorio en los países del sur de Europa durante las últimas décadas.  La contención y ordenación de este proceso, que genera costes ambientales, urbanísticos y económicos, requiere de la adopción de nuevos instrumentos de planeamiento y gestión urbanística. El artículo analiza esta problemática a partir del ejemplo del Plan Director Urbanístico del Sistema Costero de Cataluña (PDUSC en vigor desde el año 2005. El trabajo se divide en 4 apartados: en el primero se describe el proceso de urbanización del litoral catalán, en el segundo se expone la necesidad de disponer de instrumentos de planeamiento supramunicipal para orientar y corregir este proceso, en el tercero se detallan los objetivos y el método del PDUSC y en el cuarto se analizan cuáles han sido sus resultados tras cuatro años de vigencia. Unas conclusiones de carácter metodológico sobre la utilidad de los instrumentos de planeamiento supramunicipal en la fase actual del proceso de urbanización cierran el artículo.

  8. Littoral Fauna of Oligochaeta (Annelida of Lake Eğirdir (Isparta.

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    Naime Arslan


    Full Text Available Egirdir Gölü (Isparta litoral Oligochaeta (Annelida faunası. Bu çalışma Türkiye’nin güney batısında 918 m yükseklikte yer alan (38°00'N, 30°54'E ve önemli bir kuş alanı olan Eğirdir Gölü’nün litoral Oligochaeta faunasını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Örnekler Mayıs 2002 ile Ekim 2002 tarihleri arasında 17 istasyondan toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda 17 istasyondan 15 cinse ait 22 tür; Lumbriculidae familyasından 1, Haplotaxidae familyasından 1, Tubificidae familyasından 9 ve Naididae familyasından 11 tür belirlenmiştir. Eğirdir Gölü’nün litoral Oligochaeta faunası geniş dağılım gösteren tubificid ve naidid taxalarından oluşmaktadır. Çalışma alanında Tubifex tubifex (%19.2, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (%17.9, ve Potamothrix hammoniensis (%11.3 ve Ophidonais serpentina (%9.3 en yüksek bolluğa sahip türler olarak belirlenmiştir. Shannon-Wiener çeşitlilik indeksine göre, Eğirdir Gölü 1.45 zenginliğe sahip olarak bulunmuş, 5. istasyon en yüksek çeşitliliği gösterirken (1.93, 11. istasyon en düşük çeşitliliğe sahip (0.97 olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma alanında Tubificidae populasyonunun yüksek olması ve gölün 1, 45 oranında düşük bir Oligochaeta tür çeşitliliğine sahip olması, gölün geleceğinin belirlenmesi için benzer çalışmaların periyodik olarak yapılması gerektiğini göstermektedir

  9. Filtración ribereña: una tecnología eficiente y económica para el tratamiento de agua potable.


    Jaramillo Uribe, Marcela


    La tecnología de filtración ribereña (FRB) consiste en extraer agua de corrientes superficiales mediante el bombeo de pozos ubicados en el acuífero aluvial adyacente al río. En el trayecto se presentan procesos físicos, químicos y biológicos que mejoran la calidad del agua superficial, sustituyendo o reduciendo los tratamientos convencionales de agua para consumo humano. A pesar de su extensivo uso en Europa y su reciente utilización en Estados Unidos, no existe ninguna publicación científica...

  10. Virus de rabia en cultivos de neuronas sensoriales de ratón adulto


    H. Hurtado; Jaime E. Castellanos; R. Pérez


    Introducción: Las neuronas sensoriales de los ganglios de la raíz dorsal (GRD) del ratón adulto, son un modelo interesante en el estudio de la infección in vitro por virus de rabia. Su importancia radica puesto que es una de las vías que tiene el virus para llegar a sistema nervioso central. El virus de la rabia usualmente entra por la mordedura de un animal infectado, inicialmente llega al músculo, replicándose localmente, pasa a terminales nerviosas adyacentes, sube a través del sistema ner...

  11. Sistema de alcantarillado por vacío en la Avenida de Valencia y adyacentes de Santa Pola


    Navarro Brotóns, Manuel


    Sustitución de sistema de alcantarillado común por el tipo por vacío para eliminar problemas endémicos de pueblos con alto nivel freático marino que transmiten a la EDAR, afectando el alto contenido en sales al reactor biológico.

  12. Risco de erosão no litoral Norte de Portugal: uma questão de ordenamento do território / Risk of erosion on the northern coast of Portugal: a question of territorial planning

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    António Sousa Pedrosa


    Full Text Available Grande parte da costa noroeste de Portugal Continental compreende várias áreas em erosão acentuada, fato que tem vindo a contribuir para um agravamento da vulnerabilidade do território. Entendendo a faixa costeira uma área de interface entre os subsistemas terra-mar, constitui uma área dotada de grande mutabilidade, que se encontra em conflito com o atual cariz permanente da presença humana, pelo que a fragilidade tem a sua maior expressão na erosão e no recuo da linha de costa, fenómeno que tem vindo a resultar na perda de áreas de valor ecológico-ambiental e económico. Esta situação resulta de diversos fatores naturais que se relacionam com a subida do nível médio das águas do mar, mas também da atuação do homem sobre o território. A atuação antrópica nas áreas litorais nem sempre obedece a princípios de sustentabilidade ambiental e económica, fato explicado pela inexistência de uma estratégia bem definida de ordenamento do território. Apresentando-se como áreas de forte sensibilidade à ação antrópica, em especial relacionado com a pressão urbanística e, à implantação de infraestruturas relacionadas com o turismo e lazer, para além de estarem sujeitas a uma forte suscetibilidade de erosão provocada pelo avanço do mar, a forma de mitigação dos riscos seria a existência de planos de ordenamento que definissem uma estratégia de desenvolvimento não agressiva para as zonas de litoral em Portugal.

  13. Familia Ellobiidae (Gastropoda: Archaeopulmonata en el litoral peruano

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    Carlos Paredes


    Full Text Available Se reportan 8 especies de Ellobiidae para la Costa Peruana, pertenecientes a las subfamilias Ellobiinae: Ellobium stagnale (Orbigny, 1835 y Sarnia frumentum Petit, 1842; Melampodinae: Melampus carolianus (Lesson, 1842, Melampus olivaceus Carpenter, 1857 y Detracia graminea Morrison, 1846; y Pedipedinae: Marinula acuta (Orbigny, 1835, Marinula concinna (C.B Adams, 1852 y Marinula pepita King, 1831. Seis especies viven asociadas al bosque de manglar en el departamento de Tumbes, y dos en las playas de canto rodado en los límites de la Provincia Peruana. Cuatro especies tropicales se registran por primera vez para el mar peruano: E. stagnale, M. olivaceus, D. graminea y M. acuta.


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    Miguel Ángel Sánchez Celada


    Full Text Available Este artículo determina una tipología de riesgos para el municipio de Centro Habana, ubicado en la parte norte central de la provincia La Habana, la misma puede ser una herramienta para los decisores y planificadores, al permitir identificar zonas prioritarias de intervención. Se definen los peligros que afectan a este territorio, vinculándolos con la vulnerabilidad estructural de su patrimonio construido, estableciendo que los peligros principales son las inundaciones marinas en el litoral norte, las inundaciones pluviales al sur y el peligro de derrumbe de los inmuebles en todo el espacio estudiado.

  15. Episode of Low Level Jets in the north and northeast coast of state of Para: a case study of 2002 april 21st to 22nd Episódio de jatos de baixos níveis no litoral norte e nordeste do estado do Pará: um estudo de caso de 21-22 de abril de 2002

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    Adriano Marlisom Leão Sousa


    Full Text Available In this study the characteristics of the vertical structure of an episode of Low Level Jets (LLJ occurring in the coast of Para is described. Radiosonde data of Ajuruteua city in Bragança collected during the DESMATA Experiment (Impact of the Deforestation the Atlantic Coast of the Amazonian, taking place in 2002, from April 08th to 22th, are used. Among the detected cases during the rainy period, one specific case with 12 hours duration, average velocity of 15m/s and directed from NE to E in the point of maximum velocity was selected. The observational results have indicated that this LLJ located in the coast of Para was due to the combined action of two factors: (1 inertial oscillation and (2 superficial baroclinicity. These two combined factors sustained this LLJ with velocities between 10 and 13m/s during the day and between 14 and 16m/s during the night, at an average altitude of 800m above surface.Neste estudo descreve-se as características da estrutura vertical de um episódio de Jatos de Baixos Níveis (JBN ocorrido no litoral do Pará, utilizando-se para tal, dados das radiossondagens de Ajuruteua, Município de Bragança coletados durante o experimento DESMATA (Impacto do Desmatamento Junto ao Litoral Atlântico da Amazônia realizado no período de 08 a 22 de abril de 2002. Dentre os casos detectados no período chuvoso, selecionou-se um que se manteve por 12 horas com velocidade média de 15m/s e que estava direcionado de Nordeste para Leste, no ponto de máxima velocidade. Os resultados observacionais indicaram que, este JBN localizado no litoral Paraense foi resultado da ação combinada de dois fatores: (1 oscilação inercial e (2 baroclinia superficial. Estes dois fatores combinados sustentaram este JBN com intensidades entre 10 e 13m/s durante o dia e entre 14 e 16m/s durante a noite, localizado a uma altitude média de 800m acima da superfície.

  16. Relação entre Ciclo de Vida do Produto Turístico e Estratégias de Cooperação na Faixa Litorânea Urbana do Município de Natal

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    Anette Santiago Pereira


    Full Text Available Resumo Com a concretização das ações estruturantes para o turismo em Natal, se expandem as ações baseadas na cooperação e a formalização de instâncias de governança. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre o ciclo de vida do produto turístico ‘Litoral Urbano de Natal’ e as estratégias de cooperação em uma perspectiva histórica. A teoria está constituída de uma revisão sobre ciclo de vida, ecologia populacional, sistema de turismo, estratégias de cooperação e novas formas de gestão. Os resultados apontaram que o gráfico do ciclo de vida do produto ‘Litoral Urbano de Natal’, encontra-se migrando de uma fase de crescimento para uma fase de maturidade. As estratégias de cooperação identificadas foram o consórcio, estratégia coletiva e aglomerados, que se relacionam ao ciclo de vida do Produto Turístico através do alcance da eficiência coletiva. Palavras-chave: turismo; ciclo de vida do produto; cooperação. Abstract With the completion of tourism structuring actions, it was spread actions based on cooperation and formalization of governance institutions. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the tourism product life cycle 'Coastal Range of Natal” and the cooperation strategies in a historical perspective. The theoretical support is a revision about Resort Life Cycle, Theory of Population Ecology, System of Tourism, Co-operation Strategies and Management New Forms. Results showed that the life cycle graph of product 'Coastal Range of Natal’ is moving from one stage of growth to a stage of maturity. The co-operation strategies identified were consortium, collective strategy and clusters, which are related to the life cycle of the tourism product ‘Coastal Range of Natal’ when the efficiency of collective actions is achieved. Keywords: tourism; product life cycle; co-operation.

  17. Mapas temáticos de isolíneas de sequía Meteorológica para el municipio Florencia (Ciego de Ávila, Cuba)


    Yurisbel Gallardo Ballat; Oscar Brown Manrique; Lizander Martínez Santos


    Se presentan los resultados de un estudio desarrollado en el municipio Florencia de la provincia Ciego de Ávila en el período comprendido desde el año 1970 al 2010, a partir de la elaboración de mapas temáticos de isolíneas de sequías meteorológicas, con la utilización de 11 equipos pluviométricos distribuidos dentro del área de estudio y en zonas adyacentes. Se demuestra que es posible la elaboración de mapas de ocurrencia de sequías con la utilización del índice de Déficit de Precipitación ...

  18. Determinación de la emisión de sustancias tóxicas gaseosas en el relleno sanitario Curva de Rodas de la ciudad de Medellín

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    Francisco Fernando García Rentería


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la investigación realizada en el relleno sanitario de Curva de Rodas, el cual recibe los desechos sólidos producidos en el Valle de Aburrá, dirigida a determinar la emisión y migración de sustancias tóxicas gaseosas presentes en el biogás. Se encontraron trazas de benceno, tolueno, cloruro de vinilo y xileno. En ningún caso la concentración de estas sustancias sobrepasó los valores umbrales límite y su concentración desaparece antes de llegar a las zonas pobladas adyacentes al relleno sanitario.

  19. Estimativa do balanço de energia utilizando imagens TM - Landsat 5 e o algoritmo SEBAL no litoral sul de Pernambuco

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    Célia Cristina Machado


    Full Text Available As trocas de energia na interface solo-planta-atmosfera, por meio das componentes do balanço de radiação (Rn e dos fluxos de calor no solo (G, sensível (H e latente (LE, são essenciais para a modelagem climática e hidrológica que, por sua vez, afetam toda a biosfera. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa teve por objetivos: (1 estimar e comparar o comportamento dos componentes do balanço de energia, usando o algoritmo SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land, em diferentes tipos de uso e cobertura do solo e (2 validar o algoritmo. Para isso, foram usadas três imagens TM - Landsat 5 de órbita e ponto 214/066, com datas de passagem em 26 de agosto de 2006, 6 de setembro de 2010 e 28 de janeiro de 2011, todas recortadas para enquadrar o litoral sul de Pernambuco. Os resultados mostraram a capacidade do SEBAL de estimar a variabilidade espacial dos diferentes componentes do balanço de energia, com capacidade de distinguir diferentes ocupações do solo. O cômputo do balanço de energia possibilita observar as formas diferenciadas do uso da energia pelos diferentes tipos de cobertura do solo e verificar aqueles que propiciam melhor conforto térmico. As estimativas da evapotranspiração obtidas pelo algoritmo SEBAL apresentaram uma boa concordância com os resultados obtidos pelo método da FAO-Penman-Monteith demonstrando, dessa forma, a potencialidade da abordagem metodológica escolhida.

  20. Algunos aspectos bio-ecológicos del "Muy Muy" Emerita analoga (Stimpson, 1857) (DECAPODA: ANOMURA) en playas al sur de Lima


    Sánchez Rivas, Guadalupe


    Da a conocer algunos parámetros de la dinámica - poblacional de este crustáceo en la zona central del litoral peruano, tales como: estructura poblacional, densidad, crecimiento, reproducción, ciclo sexual y comportamiento. Así mismo, referir la comunidad biótica de la Playa arenosa estudiada y dar a conocer el valor nutritivo de la especie en cuestión. Tesis (Dr.). -- Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Facultad de Biología

  1. Un nuevo significado del topónimo España

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    Derek W. Lomax


    Full Text Available Durante la Edad Media, muchos cronistas y notarios de ios reinos cristianos de la Península ibérica solían emplear el topónimo Híspanla o España con dos significados diferentes, refiriéndose a veces a la Península entera, con sus islas adyacentes, y a veces al al-Andalus, es decir, a la región peninsular dominada por los musulmanes. Fue el Padre Flórez el primero en observar esta curiosa costumbre lingüística, y después varios historiadores la han analizado o la han tomado como base para especulaciones metahistóricas. Hoy por hoy, el mejor estudio se encuentra en las páginas que le dedicó al asunto el profesor J.A. Maravall hace un cuarto de siglo en su magistral libro sobre el concepto de España en la Edad Media.

  2. Identificação de enfermidades agudas causadas por animais e plantas em ambientes rurais e litorâneos: auxílio à prática dermatológica Identification of acute diseases caused by animals and plants in wild environments: contribution to dermatologic practice

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    Vidal Haddad Junior


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: Nos últimos anos, existe um aumento progressivo do contato de moradores urbanos com ambientes selvagens devido a atividades de lazer. Com isso, algumas dermatites pouco conhecidas podem ser observadas nas clínicas privadas e ambulatórios dermatológicos, especialmente nos inícios de semana e finais de férias. OBJETIVOS: Obter e fornecer informações para dermatologistas sobre o problema. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: O autor observou, em adultos e crianças, dermatites agudas associadas a plantas ou animais em Ubatuba, cidade litorânea de São Paulo, por dois meses (junho/julho de 2006 e na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, também por dois meses (junho/julho de 2007. RESULTADOS: Foram observados 25 pacientes na área rural e 43 na área litorânea nas condições estabelecidas. Em áreas rurais, foram mais observadas fitofotodermatites e picadas de insetos, enquanto em áreas litorâneas traumas por ouriços-do-mar e fitofotodermatites predominaram; entretanto, em ambas as áreas ocorreram outros acidentes de difícil identificação na prática diária. CONCLUSÕES: Devemos estar atentos ao fato de o paciente procurar o dermatologista somente após as fases agudas dos acidentes. Informações sobre as enfermidades mais comuns e suas características podem ser muito úteis para a prática nos consultórios. O autor sugere uma tabela algorítmica para auxílio diagnóstico.BACKGROUND: In recent years, there has been increasing contact between human beings that live in urban regions and the wild environment due to a series of activities. As a result, some poorly known dermatitis may present in private and dermatological clinics, especially early in the week and at the end of vacation periods. OBJECTIVES: To obtain and provide information for dermatologists on the problem. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The author observed adult and pediatric patients with acute dermatitis associated with plants or animals in Ubatuba, coastal city of Sao Paulo

  3. Regeneración de Celtis tala Gill ex Planch en el noreste de la provincia de Buenos Aires


    Arturi, Marcelo Fabián


    Objetivos: - Relevar las características topográficas y freatimétricas y evaluar su relación con los cambios fisonómicos del paisaje (pastizal-bosque). - Determinar la densidad de plántulas en el bosque y los pastizales de intercordones adyacentes y su relación con la cobertura arbórea y herbácea. - Determinar la densidad y distribución de tamaños de los renovales de C. tala en el bosque, pastizales de intercordón adyacentes, claros producidos por caída de árbol...

  4. Extrusión de cemento sellador endodóntico al espacio periapical

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    Landy Solanyi Diaz Canedo


    Full Text Available Resumen La realización de un tratamiento endodóntico tiene como finalidad lograr un buen sellado del conducto para evitar el transporte de contaminantes hacia y desde el conducto radicular, con materiales que presenten en sus características la bioco-mpatibilidad con los tejidos adyacentes. A pesar del uso de localizadores apicales, radiografías y demás elementos auxiliares para un buen diagnóstico y tratamiento por parte del endodoncista, ocasionalmente se presentan situaciones en donde no se respeta el objetivo de mantenimiento de la longitud de trabajo como es el caso de sobre instrumentaciones cuando se intenta retirar instrumentos separados dentro del conducto. Estas permiten la extrusión de materiales de obturación, principalmente cementos selladores causando complicaciones pos-tratamiento como reacciones inflamatorias, afección de las estructuras vecinas (dolor orbital, daño al dentario inferior, dolor de cabeza, etc., e incluso, algunos producen infecciones por aspergilosis en los senos maxilares. Cementos como el AH Plus parecen mostrar resultados favorables aun en casos donde se presenta extrusión de pequeñas cantidades al espacio periapical. Esto se debe a la adición en su composición de aminas epóxicas, que le permiten minimizar la liberación de toxinas y según algunos autores, los posibles efectos citotóxicos cesan una vez se endurece el material. (DUAZARY 2011, 88 - 92AbstractThe importance of endodontic treatment is to achieve a complete filling and sealing of the root canal to prevent the transport of contaminants to and from root canal, with materials compatible with the surrounding tissues. Occasionally a situation may arise in which the purpose of the maintenance of working length is compromised such as overenlargement. This situation allows the extrusion of filling materials, mainly sealer cements, causing post treatment complications such as inflammatory reactions, injury to adjacent structures (orbital

  5. Juan Grela en el umbral de lo americano: del realismo mágico al errante Gauguin


    Fantoni, Guillermo Augusto


    Las propuestas del realismo, del constructivismo, del surrealismo, junto a la gravitación de las culturas precolombinas son algunas de las tendencias y sugestiones más operantes en la prolífica obra Juan Grela. Por la producción realizada y por su actuación en las más significativas agrupaciones artísticas de la ciudad como la Mutualidad Popular de Estudiantes y Artistas Plásticos liderada por Berni, la Agrupación de Plásticos Independientes o el célebre Grupo Litoral, Grela constituye una de...

  6. La política sexual y la segregación ocupacional en las sociedades pesqueras

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    Esmeralda Broullón Acuña


    Full Text Available El siguiente texto es el resultado de una investigación en el sector de las pesqueríasdonde abordamos la pesca como sistema cultural, incidiendo en los procesos cognitivos delas poblaciones marítimas. Al mismo tiempo que mostramos el éxodo propio de los colectivosque viven de los recursos del mar, hacemos visible el trabajo femenino en el litoral occidentalespañol.

  7. La iglesia de San Jorge en Shipcka (Albania**

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    Kliti Kallamata


    Full Text Available El artículo narra la restauración de una pequeña iglesia albanesa condenada al abandono y al olvido a causa de la desidia y la emigración rural. El texto aborda previamente la historia y la tipología de la basílica para describir posteriormente el penoso estado de conservación del conjunto, con graves problemas de estabilidad estructural y zonas completamente arruinadas. La intervención acometió la consolidación estructural, la reconstrucción tipológica de las partes arruinadas, la restauración de las pinturas murales y la recuperación del iconostasio, los iconos y elementos de madera del naos, además de la capilla adyacente, el entorno de la iglesia con su granero histórico y sus muros de cerca.

  8. Evolución geomorfológica de la planicie lodosa de La Macolla, Península de Paraguaná, Estado Falcón, Venezuela

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    Sara Lara


    Full Text Available El área de La Macolla se localiza al SW del faro homónimo en la costa NW de Paraguaná, Estado Falcón, Venezuela. El objetivo del trabajo es abordar una posible explicación de evolución geomorfológica, a partir de los indicadores disponibles en el campo, tales como terraza marina, manglar y barrera o cordón litoral, además de caracterizar los ambientes sedimentológicos distintivos. Se trata de una antigua bahía bordeada por un escarpe de terraza constituido por calizas fosilíferas con un promedio de altura de 80 cm. Este escarpe domina un área de 9.6 ha de planicie lodosa o “mud flat” y una barrera litoral de 3.5 ha. La fracción limosa predominante en los sedimentos de la planicie lodosa y del área de manglar se interpretan como evidencias de condiciones más húmedas que las actuales, que permitieron la meteorización de las calizas circundantes, una escorrentía superficial y el consiguiente transporte hasta las partes más bajas, donde la vegetación halófita se instaló. La evolución de la bahía a llanura cenagosa se atribuye a fluctuaciones del nivel marino y al cierre de cordones litorales por transporte sedimentario.

  9. Occurrence of the family Pinnotheridae De Haan (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura on the coast of Ceará State, Brazil Ocorrência da família Pinnotheridae De Haan (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura no litoral do Ceará, Brasil

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    Luis Ernesto A. Bezerra


    Full Text Available This study reports the occurrence of Austinixa bragantina Coelho, 2005; A. leptodactyla (Coelho, 1997 and Zaops ostreum (Say, 1817 for the State of Ceará, Northeast Brazil. These records represent the first account of the family Pinnotheridae de Haan, 1883 for the coast of Ceará. A. bragantina was collected on May and June 1995 at Futuro Beach, municipality of Fortaleza (3°42'S, 38°27'W. This species was previously known only for the type locality, Canela Island, Bragança, Pará, Brazil. A. leptodactyla was collected on November 2004 at Baleia Beach, municipality of Itapipoca (3°08'S, 39°27'W and Z. ostreum was obtained from the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae Guilding, 1828, collected on November 2005 at the Jaguaribe River estuary, municipality of Fortim (4°24'S, 37°46'W. Biogeographic considerations regarding the three species and an updated list of all known Brazilian pinnotherid species along with their_geographic distribution are also provided.Este trabalho reporta a ocorrência de Austinixa bragantina Coelho, 2005; A. leptodactyla (Coelho, 1997 e Zaops ostreum (Say, 1817 para o litoral do Estado do Ceará, sendo estes os primeiros registros de representantes da família Pinnotheridae De Haan, 1883 para a costa cearense. A. bragantina foi coletada em maio e junho de 1995, na praia do Futuro, município de Fortaleza (3°42'S, 38°27'W. Esta espécie era conhecida, até o momento, apenas de sua localidade tipo, Ilha Canela, município de Bragança, Pará. A. leptodactyla foi coletada em novembro de 2004, na praia da Baleia, município de Itapipoca (3°08'S, 39°27'W e Z. ostreum foi obtido a partir do exame de ostras da espécie Crassostrea rhizophorae Guilding, 1828, coletadas em novembro de 2005 no estuário do Rio Jaguaribe, município de Fortim (4°24'S, 37°46'W. São apresentadas considerações biogeográficas sobre as três espécies assim como uma lista atualizada de todos os pinoterídeos do litoral brasileiro e sua

  10. Transformações no sistema tradicional de roça itinerante na Mata Atlântica do litoral sul brasileiro

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    Nicole Rodrigues Vicente


    Full Text Available Este artigo visa compreender as mudanças ocorridas no sistema tradicional de roça itinerante no litoral de Santa Catarina ao longo das últimas quatro décadas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida junto a agricultores tradicionais moradores de duas microbacias hidrográficas do município de Biguaçu-SC. A unidade amostral foi a propriedade onde reside o informante-chave, selecionado via Bola-de-Neve. Foram conduzidas entrevistas semiestruturadas, observações participante e turnês-guiadas para coleta de dados. A análise de dados se deu por meio do software Atlas.ti, de estatística descritiva e análise multivariada de Componentes Principais. Os dados foram interpretados com base na linha histórica de ocorrência. A pesquisa diagnosticou que o manejo realizado pela população local se fundamenta na condução periódica de cultivos agrícolas e florestais, num sistema de rotação com períodos de pousio. As principais culturas agrícolas utilizadas eram a mandioca, a banana, o milho, o café e a cana-de-açúcar, mas atualmente apenas a mandioca tem forte expressão. Para todas as fases de desenvolvimento do manejo os agricultores apresentam conhecimentos específicos de leitura da paisagem e da dinâmica florestal. Mudanças nas políticas agrícolas e gestão das florestas nativas têm afetado diretamente o sistema de roça itinerante nas microbacias estudadas. A população local apresenta relação intrínseca com os recursos florestais nativos devendo ter seu modo de vida respeitado e seu sistema tradicional valorizado.

  11. Epidemiología y bioinformática en el estudio de la leucemia linfoma de células t del adulto asociada a la infección con vlht-1


    Salcedo-Cifuentes, Mercedes; Restrepo, Oscar; García-Vallejo, Felipe


    Objetivos Establecer la relación entre el número de provirus VLHT-1 y las características de la cromatina adyacente en casos de Leucemia Linfoma de Células T del Adulto. Metodología Se realizó una revisión sistemática y un metaanálisis de la literatura publica que considero como variables de estudio los provirus por cromosoma y características estructurales y funcionales de la cromatina adyacente a los sitios de integración. La concordancia entre los resultados de la evaluación que emitieron ...

  12. Enseñanza de la anatomía orientada al desarrollo de competencias en la carrera de Bioingeniería


    Castañeda, Liliana Alelí


    Fil: Castañeda, Liliana Alelí. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas; Argentina. La enseñanza por competencias surge como una alternativa de enseñanza tendiente a la superación del aprendizaje puramente memorístico por uno más profundo y funcional. Este trabajo se desarrolló sobre la base de entender las competencias como capacidades complejas, que integran saberes teóricos, procedimentales y del contexto, y que permiten adquirir y aplicar distinto...

  13. Precificação de Opções com Volatilidade EstocásticaOption pricing with stochastic volatilityPrecificación de Opciones con Volatilidad Estocástica

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    MARTIN, Diógenes Manoel Leiva


    Full Text Available RESUMOEntre as suposições subjacentes do modelo Black-Scholes-Merton, as maiores polarizações empíricas são causadas por aquelas com uma volatilidade fixa do recurso subjacente. Este artigo discute as aproximações principais deste modelo.ABSTRACTAmong the underlying assumptions of the Black-Scholes option pricing model, the largest empirical biases are caused by those with a fixed volatility of the underlying asset. This article discusses the main approaches of this issue.RESUMENEntre las suposiciones subyacentes al modelo Black-Scholes-Merton, las mayores polarizaciones empíricas las provocan las que poseen una volatilidad fija del recurso adyacente.Este artículo trata de las principales aproximaciones a este modelo.

  14. San Sebastian, vista por Paret y Alcázar

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    María Castilla Albisu


    Full Text Available Luis Paret y Alcázar pintó una serie de vistas panorámicas de puertos del litoral Cantábrico, por encargo del rey Carlos III. El objetivo de este trabajo es ahondar en la vida de este pintor para así comprender mejor su obra. A pesar de los estudios realizados por algunos historiadores quedan todavía incógnitas por descubrir relativas a la vida y al trabajo de este artista. Al acercarse a la figura de Paret y Alcázar hay que preguntarse por qué habiendo sido uno de los pintores más prometedores de su tiempo, su figura ha caído en un triste olvido.

  15. Geopolítica fragmentada: interações transfronteiriças entre o Acre (BR), o Peru e a Bolívia


    Lia Osorio Machado; Leticia Parente Ribeiro; Licio Caetano do Rego Monteiro


    El primer objetivo de este artículo es analizar algunas interacciones espaciales en la zona de frontera que comparten Brasil, Perú y Bolivia, en el momento en que se finaliza la Transoceánica que conecta Brasil y Bolivia al litoral del Pacífico en Perú. El segundo objetivo es sugerir que el abordaje de la geopolítica clásica centralizada en grandes espacios (nacionales, subcontinental y continentales) e incentivos gubernamentales debe ser, por lo menos, complementada por el reco...

  16. Manual sobre el desarrollo integral de la Cuenca Pacífica Colombiana


    Cardona, Jose Gerardo


    En el presente documento nos ocupamos en trazar las pautas que consideramos deben seguirse para los trabajos de investigación científica y tecnológica, indispensables para los programas de desarrollo agroforestal y pecuario de la Cuenca del Pacífico Colombiano; advirtiendo que nuestras sugerencias no tienen carácter dogmático, sencillamente constituyen, a nuestro juicio, complemento al diagnóstico y propuestas consignados en el Manual Nº 1 El Litoral Pacífico Colombiano, referentes a los sect...

  17. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    , 74001-970, Goiânia (GO), Brazil; Departamento de Física, Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, and Instituto de Física del Litoral (CONICET-UNL), Güemes 3450, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina ...

  18. Sedimentos marinos superficiales del litoral de Tacna, Perú, 2004


    Velazco Castillo, Federico; Solís Acosta, Juana; Cárdenas, Fredy


    Los sedimentos submarinos colectados a fines de setiembre 2004 a profundidades 60%). El mayor contenido de la fracción fina, de limo y arcilla (±35%), se ubicó en las zonas más profundas del área en estudio y en los extremos norte (frente a Cerro Cortado) y al sur (Los Palos), que incluyen también zonas de menor profundidad. En la zona central, la pendiente tiene la mayor inclinación de toda la zona estudiada, y el tamaño promedio del grano del sedimento es más grande; estas condiciones const...

  19. Notas sobre tres especies de Gigartinaceae (Rhodophyta del litoral peruano

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    Martha Calderón


    Full Text Available La gran variabilidad morfológica de la familia Gigartinaceae ha producido constantes cambios taxonómicos en sus especies miembros. Tradicionalmente su taxonomía ha estado basada en caracteres de la morfología externa; sin embargo, recientes estudios morfológicos, respaldados con trabajos moleculares, han delimitado los géneros en base a al desarrollo del cistocarpo y de los tetrasporangios. El presente trabajo revisa y comenta sobre las estructuras morfológicas vegetativas y reproductivas de tres especies presentes en Perú: Chondracanthus chamissoi, Mazzaella denticulata y Chondrus canaliculatus.

  20. cuarto del siglo XX

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    José Antonio Nieto Calmaestra


    Full Text Available Los últimos 25 años del siglo XX han supuesto un sustancial cambio en el modelo de crecimiento de la población andaluza. Así, mientras la caída de la fecundidad y la estabilización de las tasas de mortalidad han contribuido a un progresivo retroceso de la vitalidad natural, la masiva emigración de antaño ha dado paso al papel de Andalucía como incipiente foco de inmigración y al creciente protagonismo de movimientos internos de relocalización de la población. Desde el punto de vista territorial estas afirmaciones quedan matizadas por los notables contrastes que se producen entre los distintos ámbitos que conforman la región y que contraponen al medio rural con el urbano, al litoral con el interior o a las grandes ciudades con sus periferias.

  1. Evidências da evolução dos sistemas de paleodrenagens na plataforma continental da região de São Sebastião (litoral norte do estado de São Paulo

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    Luis Américo Conti


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta aspectos da relação entre a evolução da paleodrenagem e evolução do nível do mar pós Ultimo Máximo Glacial (UMG para a região da plataforma continental da região de São Sebastião, Litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo – Brasil. Para tal, foram analisados modelos topográficos de detalhe da região de Plataforma Continental a partir de Modelos Digitais de Terreno além de dados de subsuperfície obtidos a partir de linhas sísmicas de alta resolução. Dois grandes sistemas de paleodrenagens foram identificados e descritos para a área. Ambos os sistemas fluviais apresentam boas evidencias de preservação tanto em topografia de fundo (ainda que recoberto por sedimentos transgressivos marinhos quanto em subsuperfície, associado a feições de corte e preenchimento (escavação de superfície regressiva erosiva. O conjunto de evidencias do estabelecimento de paleodrenagens foi denominado neste trabalho como Sistemas Canal/Vale (SCV. No caso da região estudada, é possível observar que os registros dos SCVs apresentam dimensões consideravelmente grandes (tamanho dos vales/canais em relação à atual rede de drenagem costeira na área. Modelos descritos na literatura sugerem que rápidas transgressões marinhas tendem a amplificar o efeito erosivo da passagem da linha de costa e afogamento dos canais o que poderia explicar a incongruência entre as características dos sistemas hidrológicos atuais e os registros geológicos e geomorfológicos, sugerindo que os processos de subida do nível do mar pós UMG deve ter sido rápido o suficiente, na região estudada para que pequenos canais fluviais (como o Rio Juqueriquerê tenham sido fortemente erodidos, formando feições como vales e canais escavados de dimensões consideráveis


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    Pedro Enrico Salamim Fonseca Spanghero


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como objetivo elaborar um mapeamento hidrográfico de detalhe e análise morfométrica comparativa das bacias dos rios Tijuípe e Tijuipinho, situadas no litoral sul da Bahia. Para tal, foram realizadas análises por meio de fotointerpretação, sensoriamento remoto e pesquisas de campo, nos quais restituímos as redes hidrográficas e delineamos os divisores de água das bacias, processando estas informações em um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG, que utilizamos na edição dos mapas e na leitura digital dos dados lineares, de superfície e altimétricos. No geral, constatou-se que a área da bacia do Tijuípe é de 74,66 km2, enquanto que a área do Tijuipinho é de 41,27 km2 e possuem densidade de drenagem de 3,74 km de canais/km² para a bacia do Tijuípe e 2,67 km de canais/km² para a bacia do Tijuipinho. Constatou-se que as bacias estudadas possuem formas relativamente alongadas, influenciadas pelos lineamentos estruturais da região que determinaram a formação de dois vales paralelos, o do Tijuípe e do Tijuipinho, na direção SO-NE. Conclui-se que a abordagem apresentada tenha o potencial de orientar a demarcação de importantes mananciais e de áreas de recarga dos aquíferos, bem como a delimitação de áreas sujeitas a desequilíbrios morfodinâmicos.

  3. Optimización de los procesos de obtención y concentración de pectina de naranja


    Bogdanoff, Nicolás Mauricio


    La variedad de naranja Valencia Midknight es de gran importancia en el Litoral Argentino, y es usada fundamentalmente para la producción de jugo. La extracción industrial de jugo de naranja produce 108.000 tn de desperdicio sólido, que consiste primariamente en cáscara. Debido al hecho que por cada tonelada de naranja se genera la mitad de desecho, la cantidad de éstos que son generados por esta industria representa un serio desafío para el manejo de residuos. Las sustancias péctica...

  4. Els transports i les infraestructures hidràuliques del Maresme


    Vergés, Robert


    La linealidad orográfica y la proximidad de la Sierra Litoral al mar han condicionado la dotación de infraestructuras en la comarca del Maresme. Por un lado, han potenciado la aparición de vías de comunicación lineales (y no es por casualidad que el primer ferrocarril y la primera autopista de la Península apareciesen precisamente aquí); por otro, han hecho necesario acometer importantes obras para hacer frente a los riesgos naturales. El artículo analiza el estado actual de estas infraestruc...

  5. Mucilage-secreting structures of Hibiscus pernambucensis Arruda (Malvaceae): distribution, morphoanatomical and histochemical characterization


    Rocha, Joecildo Francisco; Pimentel, Rafael Ribeiro; Machado, Silvia Rodrigues [UNESP


    No presente trabalho foram estudadas as estruturas secretoras de mucilagem de Hibiscus pernambucensis aos microscópios de luz e de varredura. Conhecida como guaxima-do-mangue e algodão-do-brejo, é espécie nativa encontrada no litoral brasileiro, vegetando áreas de manguezal e restinga, tendo grande importância ecológica nestes ecossistemas. É importante produtora de fibras têxteis e celulose, fornece abundante mucilagem suscetível das mesmas aplicações medicinais de outras malváceas, além da ...

  6. Estruturas secretoras de mucilagem em Hibiscus pernambucensis Arruda (Malvaceae): distribuição, caracterização morfoanatômica e histoquímica


    Rocha,Joecildo Francisco; Pimentel,Rafael Ribeiro; Machado,Silvia Rodrigues


    No presente trabalho foram estudadas as estruturas secretoras de mucilagem de Hibiscus pernambucensis aos microscópios de luz e de varredura. Conhecida como guaxima-do-mangue e algodão-do-brejo, é espécie nativa encontrada no litoral brasileiro, vegetando áreas de manguezal e restinga, tendo grande importância ecológica nestes ecossistemas. É importante produtora de fibras têxteis e celulose, fornece abundante mucilagem suscetível das mesmas aplicações medicinais de outras malváceas, além da ...

  7. Desinfección de aguas, utilizando un agente oxidante y su combinación con UV. Estudio cinético


    Flores, Marina Judith


    Fil: Flores, Marina Judith. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química; Argentina. El acceso al agua potable es primordial para la salud, uno de los derechos humanos básicos y un componente de las políticas eficaces de protección de la salud. En esta Tesis de Doctorado se aborda uno de los aspectos vacantes como es la determinación de la cinética de la inactivación para un contaminante microbiológico modelo (Escherichia coli) en aguas claras con desinfectantes alterna...

  8. Enfermedades bacterianas del periodonto y tejidos adyacentes en el paciente portador de SIDA

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    Elena Morán López


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA es una de las enfermedades más devastadoras del sistema inmune del hombre. En la cavidad bucal de estos pacientes se observan formas no comunes de enfermedades periodontales y gingivales parecidas a la GUNA, presentan dolores agudos, encías hiperémicas, hemorragias espontáneas y una rápida progresión de la enfermedad que causa extensa destrucción de tejidos blandos y óseos. La importancia clínica de esta condición es que está asociada con una supresión severa del sistema inmune con recuento celular de CD4 por debajo de 100 células/mm3. Resulta necesario que todo estomatólogo conozca las manifestaciones bucales del SIDA para ayudar al diagnóstico y tratamiento de estos pacientes y evitar convertirse en portadores y a la vez trasmisores de esta epidemia, que a diferencia de las demás, es en gran medida prevenible, más aún, cuando la responsabilidad de su prevención recae no sólo sobre las autoridades sanitarias del país, sino también y fundamentalmente, sobre todas las personas.Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is one of the most devastating diseases for the man´s immune system. In the oral cavity of these patients, we may observe uncommon forms of GUNA-like periodontal and gingival diseases, acute pain, hypernemic gums, spontaneous hemorrhage and rapid development of the disease that cause extensive damage to soft and bone tissues. The clinical importance of this condition lies in its linking with a severe suppression of the immune system, with a CD4 cell count under 100 cell/mm3. It is necessary that every dentist recognize the oral manifestations of AIDS in order to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of these patients and to avoid becoming both carriers and transmitters of thes epidemic that, unlike the others, is preventable to a great extent because the responsability for its prevention falls not only on the sanitary authorities but also on every person fundamentally.


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    Silvia Palotti Polizel


    Full Text Available A costa leste brasileira apresenta uma sucessão de sistemas deltaicos, sendo o delta do rio Doce, localizado no Estado do Espírito Santo, um dos mais expressivos. A progradação principal deste delta, de geometria cuspidada típica de deltas de onda, tem sido atribuída à queda do nível do mar que se seguiu à transgressão holocênica média. Análises preliminares de novos produtos de sensoriamento remoto disponibilizados nesses últimos anos mostraram o potencial de aprimoramento do mapa geomorfológico desse delta, que pode contribuir para a melhor reconstituição paleoambiental e evolução desse sistema deposicional. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo fornecer um mapa geomorfológico detalhado para a planície costeira do rio Doce com base em dados multissensores integrando Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE do Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM, Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR do Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS, imagens TM/Landsat, além de imagens óticas de alta resolução extraídas do Google EarthTM. O mapeamento geomorfológico feito por interpretação visual resultou no estabelecimento de seis classes principais, designadas de: 1 drenagem atual; 2 cordão litorâneo/spit; 3 paleocanal; 4 planície interdistributária; 5 flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso; e 6 terraço fluvial. De maneira geral, o emprego combinado dos produtos de sensoriamento produziu resultados satisfatórios para a separação dessas classes. O MDE-SRTM contribuiu para a identificação somente da classe paleocanais. As imagens PALSAR foram úteis na identificação das classes cordão litorâneo/spit, paleocanal, flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso e terraço fluvial. As imagens TM/Landsat possibilitaram o reconhecimento das classes drenagem atual, cordão litorâneo/spit, planície interdistributária e flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso. O mapa geomorfológico contribuiu na caracterização mais

  10. Al-Qurû’ fi Al-Qur’an ‘Inda Al-Anbary fi Al-Adhdâd

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    Raushani Azza


    Full Text Available This study examines about the term al-Qurû in the Qur’an. Al-Qurû is one of the most popular discussions among muslim scholars and mufasir, both in terms of language and fiqh. However, there is a bate among muslim scholar and mufasir about the meaning of al-Qurû. It’s because al-Qurû is one of the sentence of al-Adhdâd wich has two meaning, especially in the Qur’an, namely haid (menstruation and thahr. One of the most popular muslim scholar who concern in Qur’an and Arabic is al-Anbari with his book al-Adhdâd. Al-Anbari explains that Qurû has two meanings, First, al-Qurû in etymology is the form of Jama’ from aqra and qurû. Second, al-Qurû has a meaning of menstruation, thahr, or the period of iddah as a sign of being allowed to remarry after certain period of time.

  11. Al-Âyah al-Mutasyâbihât al-Lafzhiyyah fi Sûrah al-An’âm ‘Inda al-Kirmâny

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    Hikmatiar Pasya


    Full Text Available This paper discusses about the verses of mutasyâbihât in the Quran. The debate of this verses caused various opinions. The meaning of the mutasyâbihât in this paper is the similarity and difference of the words in the Qur'an. Mufasir have different opinion about the meaning of the verse of mutasyâbihât al-lafdzi. In addition, many Hufadz of the Quran who are confused from one verse to another, or one chapter to another. It’s because similarity of verses in the Qur'an with other verses. So the writer wants to explain the verses mutasyâbihât al-lafdzi in the perspective of Hamzh al-Karmani in Surah al-An'âm. In this discussion the author discovers some passages in mutasyâbihât al-lafdzi, namely Asrâru al-balaghah fi mutasyabih al-lafdzi, Asrar al-balaghah fi mutasyabih al-hurf, and murâ'ah al-ikhtilâfmurâd bi al-lafdzi al-mukarrar.

  12. Crímenes de Estado, espacialidad y memorias en la Argentina: el caso del Hospital Posadas, Buenos Aires

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    Emilio Ariel Crenzel


    Full Text Available En este artículo se examinarán las transformaciones espaciales operadas en el Hospital Posadas y sus barrios adyacentes durante el ciclo de violencia política y dictadura militar en Argentina y su inscripción en las memorias de sus trabajadores y habitantes. El Hospital Posadas, ubicado en la localidad de Haedo, en la provincia de Buenos Aires, fue epicentro de un proceso de radicalización política hasta el golpe de Estado de 1976. Tras el golpe, funcionó en sus dependencias un centro clandestino de detención donde estuvieron personas cautivas en condición de desaparecidas mientras se seguían desarrollando las prácticas habituales relativas al centro de salud. Simultáneamente, en sus barrios adyacentes se desenvolvió una intensa represión política. Se considera aquí que el espacio constituye uno de los marcos sociales fundamentales de la memoria colectiva y que en sus permanencias y transformaciones se materializan, a la vez, las memorias sociales de los actores que luchan por dotar de sentido el pasado. Se entiende que, por ello, este análisis permitirá historizar y comprender el proceso de violencia política en la zona a partir de los cambios operados en la topografía del Hospital y del barrio y de su impacto en las memorias de sus trabajadores y habitantes. URN:

  13. Reference values for urinary oxalate, calcium, citrate, uric acid, phosphate, magnesium, sulphate and sodium in biochemistry students at Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina

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    Verónica Fernández


    Full Text Available Introduction: Urolithiasis (UL is a common disease whose incidence increased in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Metabolic evaluation is necessary for diagnosis, which requires the establishment of reference values (RV for the population in question. Objective: To determine the RV for calcium, oxalate, citrate, uric acid, phosphate, magnesium, sulphate and sodium in 24-hour urine belonging to students from the School of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences at Universidad Nacional del Litoral, province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Once RV were established, a frequency of alterations was determined and then compared with literature data. Methods: The NCCLSC28-A3 guideline (2008 was used. The study group included 69 students. The enzymatic colorimetric method, a Metrolab 1600 plus spectrophotometer and a DIESTRO ionselective electrode were also employed. Results: The RV found (95 % CI were the following: oxalate, 1.96-45.08; calcium, 20.65-250.74; citrate, 112.78-666.01; uric acid, 58.73-782.17; phosphate, 238.37-1051.44; magnesium, 28.7-146.67, all these values expressed as mg/24h; sulphate, 3.15-25.18 mmol/24h, and sodium, 42.81-285.3 mEq/24h. These findings emerged as well: hyperoxaluria, 3 %; hypercalciuria 12 %; hypocitraturia, 3 %; hyperuricosuria, 6 %; hyperphosphaturia, 6 %; hypomagnesuria, 6 %; hypernatriuria, 7 %, and hypersulphaturia, 0 %. When RV were compared, some analyte levels were similar and others showed a considerable difference. Conclusions: The diagnosis of UL through the study of metabolic changes is different according to the reference value used. Applying reference values established for other populations, including those of commercial kits manufacturers, may lead to a diagnosis which does not match the clinical condition of the patient.

  14. Estudo taxonômico de Sapotaceae Juss. do litoral Paraense The taxonomic study of the Sapotaceae Juss. on the coast of Pará

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    Deyvid Marques Valente


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consiste no tratamento taxonômico de Sapotaceae Juss. nas restingas do litoral paraense. Com auxilio de estereomicroscópio foram feitas as descrições morfológicas das partes vegetativas e reprodutivas. Utilizou-se literatura especializada, coleções identificadas por especialistas para confirmar as características diferenciais dos táxons e montada uma chave de identificação para as espécies. Foram descritas cinco espécies e quatro subespécies, distribuídas em quatro gêneros: Manilkara bidentata subsp. bidentata, M. bidentata subsp. surinamensis, M. triflora, M. paraensis; Micropholisvenulosa, M. gnaphaloclados; Pouteria ramiflora, P. reticulata subsp. reticulata and Pradosia schomburgkiana subsp. schomburgkiana. O gênero Manilkara Adans.foi o mais representativo com duas espécies e duas subespécies. A formação floresta de restinga foi o ecossistema que apresentou o maior número de táxons.This study deals with the taxonomic treatment of Sapotaceae Juss. on the coastal sandbanks of Pará State. With the aid of a stereomicroscopy, there were made morphological descriptions of reproductive and vegetative parts. We used literature and collections identified by specialists to confirm the different characteristics of the taxa. We also constructed an identification key for species. We described five species and four subspecies, distributed into four genera: Manilkara bidentata subsp. bidentata, M. bidentata subsp. surinamensis, M. triflora, M. paraensis; Micropholisvenulosa, M. gnaphaloclados; Pouteria ramiflora, P. reticulata subsp. reticulata and Pradosia schomburgkiana subsp. schomburgkiana. The genus Manilkara Adans. was the most representative with two species and two subspecies. The sandbank forest formation was the ecosystem with the largest number of taxa.

  15. Diffusion-induced quadrupole relaxation of 27Al nuclei in dilute Al-Ti, Al-Cr, Al-Mn, and Al-Cu alloys at high temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bottyan, L.; Beke, D.L.; Tompa, K.


    The temperature dependence of the laboratory frame spin-lattice relaxation time of 27 Al nuclei is measured in 5N Al and in dilute Al-Ti, Al-Cr, Al-Mn, and Al-Cu alloys at 5.7 and 9.7 MHz resonance frequencies. The relaxation in pure aluminium is found to be purely due to the conduction electrons. An excess T 1 -relaxation contribution is detected in all Al-3d alloys investigated above 670 K. The excess relaxation rate is proportional to the impurity content and the temperature dependence of the excess contribution is of Arrhenius-type with an activation energy of (1.3 +- 0.3) eV for all of the investigated alloys. The relaxation contribution is found to be quadrupolar in origin and is caused by the relative diffusional jumps of solute atoms and Al atoms relatively far from the impurity. (author)

  16. Interfacial phenomena in the reactions of Al-B, Al-Ti-B, and Al-Zr-B alloys with KF-AlF3 and NaF-AlF3 melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, M.S.; Terry, B.S.; Grieveson, P.


    The interfacial phenomena occurring during the contacting of liquid Al-B, Al-Ti-B, and Al-Zr-B melts with KF-AlF 3 liquid fluxes have been investigated by optical examination of quenched metal drops previously immersed in the liquid fluxes. Reactions in the Al-B/KF-AlF 3 system involve the formation of metastable AlB 12 at the metal/flux interface. At high KBF 4 levels in the flux, the AlB 12 is dispersed in the flux and also at low KBF 4 levels in the metal. Reactions in the Al-Ti-B/KF-AlF 3 system involve the formation of TiB 2 , which may be dispersed in either the metal or the flux depending upon the composition of the flux. The results obtained for the Al-Ti-B/NaF-AlF 3 and Al-Zr-B/KF-AlF 3 systems were similar to those observed for the Al-Ti-B/KF-AlF 3 system

  17. Synthesizing (ZrAl3 + AlN)/Mg-Al composites by a 'matrix exchange' method (United States)

    Gao, Tong; Li, Zengqiang; Hu, Kaiqi; Han, Mengxia; Liu, Xiangfa


    A method named 'matrix exchange' to synthesize ZrAl3 and AlN reinforced Mg-Al composite was developed in this paper. By inserting Al-10ZrN master alloy into Mg matrix and reheating the cooled ingot to 550 °C, Al and Mg atoms diffuse to the opposite side. As a result, liquid melt occurs once the interface areas reach to proper compositions. Then dissolved Al atoms react with ZrN, leading to the in-situ formation of ZrAl3 and AlN particles, while the Al matrix is finally replaced by Mg. This study provides a new insight for preparing Mg composites.

  18. Valorización de la naturaleza y disputa por el territorio en la Provincia de Santa Cruz


    Godoy, Pablo; Fasioli, Enzo; Valiente, Silvia; Schweitzer, Alejandro


    Desde los inicios de la colonización europea, la historia de la Patagonia es la trayectoria de la ocupación para la puesta en valor de la riqueza de sus bienes naturales en el suelo, subsuelo y en su extenso litoral marítimo. Asentados primero en la explotación del ovino, luego del petróleo, el gas y el carbón y recientemente de la pesca, la minería metalífera y el turismo internacional, los territorios de las actuales provincias de Santa Cruz, del Chubut y de Tierra del Fuego, al igual que s...

  19. Caracterización constitutiva de las arenas limosas de Diagonal Mar


    Sánchez Rodríguez, Raúl


    La construcción del centro comercial Diagonal Mar en el extremo este del litoral de Barcelona, sobre el depósito deltaico del río Besòs, requirió la ejecución de una gran excavación en arenas limosas saturadas, que alcanzara la cota -18.00 metros con respecto al nivel del mar, protegida por pantallas de unos 60 metros de profundidad. Desde las primeras fases de su ejecución, la instrumentación instalada detectó un comportamiento no esperado por parte del conjunto pantalla/terreno que poní...

  20. Clasificación de datos y manejo de información usando un modelo de red neuronal


    Cabello, Jorge


    La Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, en su afán de establecer un mecanismo de pago de matrículas, que permita asignar valores más justos de acuerdo al nivel económico de los estudiantes, ha implantado una fórmula que contempla el promedio de calificaciones y el nivel socioeconómico del estudiante. El nivel socioeconómico que se refleja en un valor o factor que permite a la Universidad evaluar los ingresos económicos del estudiante y su familia y el entorno social en el que se ...

  1. Movilidad y vida cotidiana : la construcción del espacio doméstico en las comunidades de la prehistoria reciente del nordeste de Iberia


    Gonzalez Marcén, Paloma; Montón Subías, Sandra; Picazo Gurina, Marina


    En aquest article s'analitzen els canvis que experimentà l'organització de les activitats de manteniment en els assentaments litorals i prelitorals del nord-est de la península Ibèrica, des del segle VIII fins el segle III aC, i el que implicaren aquestes transformacions en les pautes de mobilitat de les dones. Amb aquest objectiu, es considera l'evidència arqueològica dels assentaments del Bronze final i de l'Edat del Ferro al Vallès i l'Empordà. Aquests canvis es posen en relació amb el mar...

  2. Algumas considerações em torno de um estudo do Visconde de Lagoa sobre a história da Geografia da expansão portuguesa

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    Thomaz Oscar Marcondes de Souza


    Full Text Available Subordinado ao título Achegas para o estudo do planisfério dito de Cantino e das primeiras explorações portuguesas do litoral brasileiro, publicou o Ministério do Ultramar de Portugal no volume VIII, tomo I dos Anais da Junta de Investigações, ano de 1953, avantajado trabalho de 310 páginas da lavra do erudito historiador visconde de Lagoa que, além de um prólogo, compreende VII capítulos, o que tudo passaremos a apreciar dentro dos limites impostos a uma ligeira crítica de revista.

  3. Biomasa desovante de la anchoveta y condiciones oceanográficas. Crucero 9408- 10 BIC SNP-1 y bolicheras


    Guzmán Cárdenas, Soledad; Ayón Dejo, Patricia; Pizarro Pereyra, Luis


    Describe las actividades realizadas en el crucero de evaluación de biomasa desovante de anchoveta y sardina, realizadas desde el 11 de agosto al 4 de octubre de 1994, con el objetivo de evaluar a las poblaciones desovantes de la anchoveta y sardina del litoral, para lo cual exploró el área comprendida entre los 10°00 'S y 17°30 'S, llegando hasta las 102 mm de la costa. Los registros acústicos mostraron que la distribución de la anchoveta fue amplia, desde las 02 hasta las 102 millas de la...

  4. Coupled growth of Al-Al2Cu eutectics in Al-Cu-Ag alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hecht, U; Witusiewicz, V; Drevermann, A


    Coupled eutectic growth of Al and Al 2 Cu was investigated in univariant Al-Cu-Ag alloys during solidification with planar and cellular morphology. Experiments reveal the dynamic selection of small spacings, below the minimum undercooling spacing and show that distinct morphological features pertain to nearly isotropic or anisotropic Al-Al 2 Cu interfaces.


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    Misbakhudin Misbakhudin


    Full Text Available One of the most precious achievement in qur’anic studies was the book of Al-Ittijâhât al-Munharifah fî al-Tafsîr: Dawâfi’uha wa Daf’uha written by A great Islamic scholar, Muhammad Husein al-Dzahabî. He was succeeded in discussing several issues of corruptions of the exegesis of the holy Qur’an. This article is aimed to explain and to describe his analysis toward several corrupted linguist interpretations in their originations and such corrupted linguistic interpretations of the holy Qur’an which are ignoring Arabic structures and grammers

  6. Are biologics useful for nail psoriasis?

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    Andrea Antúnez-Lay


    Full Text Available Además de comprometer la piel, la psoriasis puede comprometer las uñas y las estructuras adyacentes. Si bien se dispone de diversas alternativas de terapia existe gran interés por la terapia biológica, aunque no existe consenso sobre su rol. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos dos revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen tres estudios aleatorizados. Extrajimos los datos relevantes y realizamos tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que no está claro si la terapia biológica es superior al placebo en el tratamiento de psoriasis ungueal porque la certeza de la evidencia existente es muy baja.

  7. Estudo de toposseqüência da Baixada Litorânea Fluminense: efeitos do material de origem e posição topográfica

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    M. B. Silva


    Full Text Available A influência dos materiais de origem, rochas do Pré-Cambriano e sedimentos coluviais e aluvionares delas derivados, e da posição topográfica na gênese de solos foi estudada em uma toposseqüência representativa das feições geomorfológicas da Baixada Litorânea Fluminense (RJ, no campus da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ. Foram analisados seis perfis de solo, localizados no terço superior (P1 e P2, médio (P3 e inferior da encosta (P4 e P5, e na baixada (P6. Os processos pedogenéticos e as características dos solos foram relacionados com as unidades geomorfológicas e litoestratigráficas descritas na região. Os perfis P1 e P2, formados 'in situ' a partir do regolito do gnaisse, têm elevada saturação por bases, textura média/argilosa e minerais primários facilmente intemperizáveis na fração areia (micas e feldspatos. O P3, relacionado com uma rampa de colúvio, difere dos anteriores pela elevada saturação por alumínio e ausência de minerais primários facilmente intemperizáveis. P4 e P5, também formados de colúvio, diferem do P3 pela textura superficial arenosa e presença de horizonte E sobrejacente a fragipã. O P6, originado de sedimentos colúvio-aluvionais, tem cores cinzentas, estrutura maciça, textura argilosa e baixa saturação por bases. Os perfis foram classificados como Argissolo (P1, P2 e P3, Planossolo (P4 e P5 e Gleissolo (P6.


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    Maria de Fatima Alves de Matos


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados da aplicação do modelo numérico Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN com análises comparativas das medidas obtidas a partir dos resultados de modelagem e de medições durante as campanhas de campo em 2010 e 2012 no Litoral Setentrional do Rio Grande do Norte (NE do Brasil. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi aplicar e validar o modelo numérico SWAN na determinação do clima de ondas, avaliar seus pontos fortes e limitações para a região de interesse. Os dados de campo realizados em dois pontos próximo da costa em profundidades de 3 m (PT_1 e 6 m (PT_2 por meio do uso de dois adcp: AWAC e AQUADOPP. Os dados adquiridos com estes equipamentos foram processados e permitiram a realização de análises espectrais de altura significativa, HS (m, período médio, Tmed (s, e direção média, DIR (º. Para a implementação do modelo SWAN foram empregados para as condições de contorno os dados de agitação a partir do modelo de 3ª geração de escala oceânica Wavewatch III. Para o refinamento e aplicabilidade do modelo, foram introduzidos dados de ventos e maré locais, corrigidos com base no Manual de Engenharia Costeira (CEM, permitindo assim, melhor ajuste dos resultados da modelagem. O domínio de cálculo foi referenciado para as dimensões da carta náutica 720, com três malhas regulares de diferentes dimensões e resolução: externa, intermediária e interna, sendo esta última, utilizada para fornecer os parâmetros de propagação da onda ao longo da costa. As configurações usadas para o SWAN foram as padrões em modo estacionário, com as formulações KOMEN, a dissipação devido à rebentação induzida pelo fundo com atrito de fundo usando a formulação JONSWAP com coeficiente de atrito С = 0.015m2s-3 em condições wind sea, e a formulação whitecapping ou excesso de declividade, as interações entre tríades de ondas e interações onda-onda quádrupla. As estat

  9. Puente sobre el Maracaibo

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    Equipo Editorial


    Full Text Available Para salvar el lago de Maracaibo (Venezuela, el conocido ingeniero italiano Riccaido Morandi ha presentado un proyecto de puente para ferrocarril y carretera, de hormigón pretensado, de tramos independientes, constituyendo un sistema Gerber, que tiene una longitud total de 8.720 m y un vano central de 400 m de luz. Este último tramo, en unión de los dos adyacentes al mismo, constituirán, una vez terminada la obra, un conjunto continuo. El tablero del puente se halla a una altura de 45 m sobre el nivel del agua en la zona del canal, con objeto de permitir la navegación. El tablero, de 20,90 m de anchura total, se ha subdividido en tres partes, dos simétricas respecto al eje, laterales, de 7,20 m de anchura, para la circulación en sentidos opuestos por carretera, una plataforma central, de 5 m de ancho, para el ferrocarril y dos andenes para el paso de peatones y servicios.

  10. Mapas temáticos de isolíneas de sequía Meteorológica para el municipio Florencia (Ciego de Ávila, Cuba

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    Yurisbel Gallardo Ballat


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de un estudio desarrollado en el municipio Florencia de la provincia Ciego de Ávila en el período comprendido desde el año 1970 al 2010, a partir de la elaboración de mapas temáticos de isolíneas de sequías meteorológicas, con la utilización de 11 equipos pluviométricos distribuidos dentro del área de estudio y en zonas adyacentes. Se demuestra que es posible la elaboración de mapas de ocurrencia de sequías con la utilización del índice de Déficit de Precipitación Normalizado (DPN a partir de los cuales se pueden determinar áreas proclives a soportar de forma frecuente este peligro de origen natural. Los mapas elaborados brindan a los usuarios agrícolas facilidades para la toma de decisiones con vista al desarrollo más seguro de los cultivos en sistemas agrícolas de secano.

  11. Primer registro de Elachistocleis skotogaster Lavilla, Vaira & Ferrari, 2003 (Anura: Microhylidae para la provincia de Formosa, Argentina

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    Kehr, Arturo Ignacio


    Full Text Available Entre el 4 de marzo y el 25 de abril de 2011, en 6 sistemas de trampas instalados en la Provinciade Formosa, Ciudad de Las Lomitas, Departamento Patiño, Ruta Nacional N° 81, Establecimiento Sumayen 2000 (24°39'49,4" S; 60°38'29,9" O; 137 m.s.n.m.; datum WGS84, fueron colectados 32 microhílidos con vientre gris manchado de blanco, y características franjas y manchas de color naranja endiferentes partes de las patas, axilas e ingle. Dichos ejemplares, correspondientes al género Elachistocleis se encuentran depositados en la colección herpetológica del Laboratorio de Herpetología del Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Luego de analizar los ejemplares colectados (fijados y preservados en formol al 10% consideramos que se trata de E. skotogaster por presentarlas siguientes características morfológicas externas especificadas por Lavilla et al. (2003.


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    Carlos Javier Baños Castiñeira


    Full Text Available El grado de madurez alcanzado por los destinos turísticos clásicos adscritos al mode- lo de sol y playa masivo, aconseja el desarrollo de medidas de política turística que permitan la redefinición de los productos turísticos litorales. En este sentido, se plantea el aspecto de la introducción de elementos de la denominada oferta turística complementa- ria como un argumento adecuado en pro de la diversificación de los mismos. Asimismo, la importancia otorgada por la demanda turística a nuevas fórmulas de ocio, señala al turismo como una actividad susceptible de incorporar políticas territoriales orientadas al reequilibrio socioeconómico de espacios regionales, en una dialéctica litoral-interior basada en la complementariedad de las ofertas turísticas desarroll adas a partir de las potencialidades endógenas locales.

  13. Familial ALS (United States)

    Boylan, Kevin


    Synopsis Genes linked to ALS susceptibility are being identified at an increasing rate owing to advances in molecular genetic technology. Genetic mechanisms in ALS pathogenesis appear to exert major effects in ~10% of patients, but genetic factors at some level may be important components of disease risk in most ALS patients. Identification of gene variants associated with ALS has informed concepts of the pathogenesis of ALS, aided the identification of therapeutic targets, facilitated research to develop new ALS biomarkers, and supported the establishment of clinical diagnostic tests for ALS-linked genes. Translation of this knowledge to ALS therapy development is ongoing. PMID:26515623

  14. Malamih al-Ashwat al-'Arabiyyah wa Makharijaha

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    Amrah Muhammad Kasim


    Full Text Available This writing discusses on al-ashwat al-‘arabiyyah that is known with “phonetic” term. It talks and interprets makharij al-huruf or place for producing sounds and also processing production of sounds by parts of mouth in Arabic language. The problems of sounds and its systems in Arabic language have been conducted by the scholars of al-ashwat al-‘arabiyyah attractively, neatly, and detail and gotten ahead the phonetic western scholars. Part of their analysis results formulate the study about al-ashwat al-sakinah (al-Shamit is known with vocal and consonant sounds in research questions shawait – shawamit. Ibnu Jinni has formulated “harakat”(wowel in Arabic language and dimension of letter  mad and liyn on alif  letter - waw - ya’ (ا و ي, from these letters create  harakat fathah, dammah, and kasrah. Moreover, in this writing also exist the description of hija’i letters and its makhraj that are correct from parts of mouth and the unity of coordinative sounds that produce sounds in morphemes arrangement, in one word that produces meaning. The result of phonological study has divided al-ashwat to be kinds of sound like the pronounced sounds, produced sounds from mouth, and heard sound.

  15. Transient oxidation of Al-deposited Fe-Cr-Al alloy foil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andoh, A.


    The oxide phases formed on an Al-deposited Fe-Cr-Al alloy foil and an Fe-Cr-Al alloy foil of the same levels of Al and (La+Ce) contents, and their oxidation kinetics have been studied in air at 1173 and 1373 K using TGA, XRD and SEM. Al deposition promotes the growth of metastable aluminas (θ-Al 2 O 3 , γ-Al 2 O 3 ). Scales consisting of θ-Al 2 O 3 and a small amount of α-Al 2 O 3 develop on the Al-deposited foil at 1173 K and exhibit the whisker-type morphology. In the early stage of oxidation at 1373 K, thick scales consisting of θ-Al 2 O 3 and α-Al 2 O 3 grow rapidly on the Al-deposited foil. The transformation from θ-Al 2 O 3 to α-Al 2 O 3 is very fast, and the scales result in only α-Al 2 O 3 . In contrast, α-Al 2 O 3 scales containing a minor amount of FeAl 2 O 4 develop on the alloy foil. The growth rate of α-Al 2 O 3 scales on the Al-deposited foil is smaller than that on the alloy foil and very close to that on NiAl at 1373 K. (orig.)

  16. Publications | Page 232 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    O cerco flutuante e os caiçaras do litoral norte de São Paulo, com ênfase à pesca de trindade, RJ (open access). O cerco flutuante, armadilha fixa de pesca, é utilizado por caiçaras do litoral sudeste do Brasil na pesca artesanal. Essa técnica faz parte de um conjunto de influências históricas que formou a cultura caiçara e ...

  17. La implantación neolítica en la Bahía de Gijón desde las postrimerías del V milenio A. C.: enfoque arqueológico y paleoambiental y notas sobre la monumentalidad megalítica

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    Miguel Ángel de BLAS CORTINA


    Full Text Available Los primeros indicios antropogénicos en la bahía de Gijón pudieran delatar una precoz actividad pastoril c. 7300 cal BP, mientras que la agricultura de cereales se documenta en 4700-4500 cal BC en Monte Areo, donde poco después serían erigidos los túmulos más antiguos, en paralelo con la consolidación de la economía agropecuaria. Hacia 5000 cal BC el mar alcanzó un nivel cercano al actual, sumergiendo una franja litoral en la que hubo de transcurrir parte de la vida mesolítica. Los estudios arqueobotánicos descubren durante ese tiempo la alta potencialidad alimenticia del medio vegetal. El litoral aportaba además cuantiosos recursos piscícolas y malacológicos. Todo ello justifica la concentración humana y la permanencia de gentes cuyo vínculo con un ámbito rico y reducido las abocaría a su explotación intensiva, generando condiciones materiales que favorecerían el arraigo de la economía campesina. La erección de megalitos a partir de 4000 a. C. denuncia tanto la tensión territorial derivada del conflicto entre el modelo ancestral de caza/recolección y las formas paleocampesinas como la presumible ruptura de una dominante horizontalidad social. Al mismo tiempo, del número de monumentos y de ciertos rasgos de los mismos, se infiere un hábitat disperso, organizado en grupos compuestos por pocos individuos, circunstancia extrapolable a buena parte del territorio cantábrico.

  18. Las bioconstrucciones de corales y sus facies asociadas durante el Malm en la Cordillera Ibérica Central (provincia de Zaragoza

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    Meléndez, A.


    Full Text Available The differents types of bioconstructions and associated facies in the Central Iberian Chain (Higueruelas Formation, Upper Kimmeridgian have been studied. Biohermes of different thickness (decimetric to metric and less lateral continuity are developped, highly colonized by corals, that are associated to oncolitic, bioclastic and oolitic of high energy facies, in marginal areas, near the litoral developpment. At the same time takes place an important set up of mud mounds, with a small coral colonisation, in protected arcas in a inner shelf, or in outer areas, where the action of the waves is not so effective. The environment protection is been generated in some places due to the appearance of oolitic barrier islands.Se estudian los diferentes tipos de bioconstrucciones de corales, y sus facies asociadas, presentes en el sector central de la rama aragonesa de la Cordillera Ibérica, en la Formación Higueruelas (Kimmeridgiense superior. Se desarrollan biohermos de potencias métricas a decimétricas y escasa continuidad lateral, intensamente colonizados por corales coloniales, que se encuentran asociados a facies oncolíticas, bioclásticas y oolíticas de alta energía en zonas marginales, próximas al desarrollo litoral. Al mismo tiempo tiene lugar una importante instalación de mud mounds, con escasa colonización de corales, en zonas protegidas dentro de la plataforma interna o en zonas más externas, donde la acción del oleaje no es efectiva. La protección del medio viene condicionada en algunos puntos por la aparición de islas barrera oolíticas.

  19. Las facies Keuper al SW de la provincia de Soria

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    Hernando, S.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the sedimentological analysis of the materials that correspond to the Keuper facies in the area situated between the Iberian Ranges and the Central System. Acording to the obtained data, two main aspects are emphasized: - During the Upper Triassic, a c1ear retreat of the roast line towards the East took place, since this area constituted the litoral zone during the sedimentation of the Rot and Muschelkalk. - Facies change lateraly from West to East as proximal alluvial Can sediments pass into facies interpreted as distal alluvial fans and continental sabkha environment.Se analizan, desde el punto de vista sedimentológico, unos materiales correspondientes a las facies Keuper entre la Cordillera Ibérica y el Sistema Central. Dos aspectos resaltan tras este análisis: - Desplazamiento de la línea de costa (que durante la sedimentación del Rot y del Muschelkalk estaba situada en esta zona hacia el Este. - Marcado cambio lateral de facies desde el Oeste hacia el Este, pasando de unas facies proximales-medias de abanico aluvial a unas facies distales y ambiente de sabkha continental.

  20. Proton irradiation studies on Al and Al5083 alloy (United States)

    Bhattacharyya, P.; Gayathri, N.; Bhattacharya, M.; Gupta, A. Dutta; Sarkar, Apu; Dhar, S.; Mitra, M. K.; Mukherjee, P.


    The change in the microstructural parameters and microhardness values in 6.5 MeV proton irradiated pure Al and Al5083 alloy samples have been evaluated using different model based techniques of X-ray diffraction Line Profile Analysis (XRD) and microindendation techniques. The detailed line profile analysis of the XRD data showed that the domain size increases and saturates with irradiation dose both in the case of Al and Al5083 alloy. The corresponding microstrain values did not show any change with irradiation dose in the case of the pure Al but showed an increase at higher irradiation doses in the case of Al5083 alloy. The microindendation results showed that unirradiated Al5083 alloy has higher hardness value compared to that of unirradiated pure Al. The hardness increased marginally with irradiation dose in the case of Al5083, whereas for pure Al, there was no significant change with dose.


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    Zaenuddin Mansyur


    Full Text Available Abstract:   In order to answer a variety of issues faced by human being in the current era, such as human rights abuses, social disintegration, and terrorism, the renewal of Islamic law in the level of theoretical and practical aspects is very urgent. This paper aims to examine one of the Islamic legal reform efforts, namely to build a more technical understanding of the concept of maṣlaḥah contained in the maqāṣīd sharī‘ah, called the al-kulliyat al-khamsah. Therefore, the concept of maṣlaḥah in ḥifẓ al-dīn is technically defined as al-ḥurriyah al-i‘tiqād (freedom of religion and schools; in ḥifẓ al-nafs as al-karamat al-insān (human being breeding; in ḥifẓ al-nasl as ḥifẓ al-usrah (wholeness and harmony of the family; in ḥifẓ al-māl as al-taḍammun al-insān (social solidarity , and in ḥifẓ al-‘aql as al-ḥuqūq as al-tarbiyāt (increasing human resources quality.Abstrak: Demi menjawab aneka persoalan zaman yang dihadapi manusia era sekarang, seperti penyelewengan terhadap HAM, disintegrasi sosial, dan terorisme, maka pembaharuan hukum Islam dalam tataran teoretis dan praktis urgen dilakukan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji salah satu upaya pembaruan hukum Islam, yaitu membangun pemahaman yang lebih teknis terhadap konsep maṣlaḥah yang terkandung dalam maqāṣīd sharī‘ah, yang disebut dengan al-kulliyāt al-khamsah. Oleh karena itu, konsep maṣlaḥah dalam ḥifẓu al-dīn secara teknis dimaknai sebagai ḥurriyah al-i‘tiqād (kebebasan untuk beragama dan beraliran; dalam ḥifẓu al-nafs sebagai al-karāmāt al-insān (pemuliaan kemanusiaan; dalam ḥifẓu al-nasl sebagai ḥifẓu al-usrah (keutuhan dan keharmonisan keluarga; dalam ḥifẓu al-māl sebagai al-taḍammun al-insān (solidaritas sosial; dan dalam ḥifẓu al-‘aql sebagai al-ḥuqūq al-tarbiyāt (peningkatan sumber daya manusia.

  2. Combustion synthesis of AlB2-Al2O3 composite powders with AlB2 nanowire structures (United States)

    Yang, Pan; Xiao, Guoqing; Ding, Donghai; Ren, Yun; Yang, Shoulei; Lv, Lihua; Hou, Xing


    Using of Al and B2O3 powders as starting materials, and Mg-Al alloy as additives, AlB2-Al2O3 composite powders with AlB2 nanowire structures were successfully fabricated via combustion synthesis method in Ar atmosphere at a pressure of 1.5 MPa. The effect of different amount of Mg-Al alloy on the phase compositions and morphology of the combustion products was investigated. The results revealed that AlB2 and Al2O3 increased, whereas Al decreased with the content of Mg-Al alloy increasing. The impurities MgAl2O4 and AlB12 would exist in the sample with adding of 18 wt% Mg-Al alloy. Interestingly, FESEM/TEM/EDS results showed that AlB2 nanowires were observed in the products when the content of Mg-Al alloy is 6 wt% and 12 wt%. The more AlB2 nanowires can be found as the content of Mg-Al alloy increased. And the yield of AlB2 nanowires with the diameter of about 200 nanometers (nm) and the length up to several tens of micrometers (μm) in the combustion product is highest when the content of Mg-Al alloy is 12 wt%. The vapor, such as Mg-Al (g), B2O2 (g), AlO (g) and Al2O (g), produced during the process of combustion synthesis, reacted with each other to yield AlB2 nanowires by vapor-solid (VS) mechanism and the corresponding model was also proposed.

  3. The effects of boron in TiAl/Ti3Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng, C.R.; Michel, D.J.; Crowe, C.R.


    The authors discuss the TiAl/Ti 3 Al interfacial misfit dislocations structures investigated by TEM in Ti-45Al alloy and Ti-45Al/TiB 2 composite. For TiAl with c/a = 1.02, only a single set of misfit dislocation arrays are crystallographically possible; these were observed in Ti-45Al alloy. However, the observation of three sets of misfit dislocation arrays in the Ti-45Al/TiB 2 composite suggests that the occupation of octahedral sites in the TiAl structure by excess boron was responsible for a decrease in the c/a ratio leading to an increased fcc character of the TiAl at the TiAl/Ti 3 Al interface

  4. El espacio, el silencio y la sugestión del pasado. El santuario de Ise en Japón

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    Fernando Vegas


    Full Text Available El Santuario de Ise en Japón está formado por un conjunto de 109 templos con formas primitivas que, cada veinte años, son destruidos para ser reconstruidos en un solar adyacente. Este curioso fenómeno relacionado con el animismo shintoísta se viene repitiendo de manera documentada al menos desde el siglo VIII. El artículo trata de desvelar el significado subyacente en este proceso, descubrir las eventuales implicaciones y consecuencias de este peculiar trajín deconstructor y constructor en la disciplina de la restauración en Japón y Occidente, así como evidenciar las razones de la fascinación que despertaron las formas humildes de este santuario sobre algunos protagonistas del Movimiento Moderno.

  5. Efecto de la mortalidad por pesca y la variabilidad climática en la pesquería del abulón


    Ponce Díaz, Germán


    La pesquería de abulón en México se inició a finales del siglo XIX por pescadores extranjeros en la región de la costa occidental de la península de Baja California. Con la formación de cooperativas pesqueras, a finales de los años treintas en el siglo pasado, la captura de abulón se llevó a cabo por pescadores mexicanos y se fortaleció la actividad pesquera al grado de originar y formalizar asentamientos humanos en este litoral, particularmente en las zonas más aisladas e inhóspitas de la pa...

  6. In Situ Fabrication of AlN Coating by Reactive Plasma Spraying of Al/AlN Powder

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    Mohammed Shahien


    Full Text Available Reactive plasma spraying is a promising technology for the in situ formation of aluminum nitride (AlN coatings. Recently, it became possible to fabricate cubic-AlN-(c-AlN based coatings through reactive plasma spraying of Al powder in an ambient atmosphere. However, it was difficult to fabricate a coating with high AlN content and suitable thickness due to the coalescence of the Al particles. In this study, the influence of using AlN additive (h-AlN to increase the AlN content of the coating and improve the reaction process was investigated. The simple mixing of Al and AlN powders was not suitable for fabricating AlN coatings through reactive plasma spraying. However, it was possible to prepare a homogenously mixed, agglomerated and dispersed Al/AlN mixture (which enabled in-flight interaction between the powder and the surrounding plasma by wet-mixing in a planetary mill. Increasing the AlN content in the mixture prevented coalescence and increased the nitride content gradually. Using 30 to 40 wt% AlN was sufficient to fabricate a thick (more than 200 µm AlN coating with high hardness (approximately 1000 Hv. The AlN additive prevented the coalescence of Al metal and enhanced post-deposition nitriding through N2 plasma irradiation by allowing the nitriding species in the plasma to impinge on a larger Al surface area. Using AlN as a feedstock additive was found to be a suitable method for fabricating AlN coatings by reactive plasma spraying. Moreover, the fabricated coatings consist of hexagonal (h-AlN, c-AlN (rock-salt and zinc-blend phases and certain oxides: aluminum oxynitride (Al5O6N, cubic sphalerite Al23O27N5 (ALON and Al2O3. The zinc-blend c-AlN and ALON phases were attributed to the transformation of the h-AlN feedstock during the reactive plasma spraying. Thus, the zinc-blend c-Al

  7. Ocorrência e atividade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em plantios de eucalipto (eucalyptus sp. no litoral norte da Bahia, Brasil Occurrence and activity arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in eucalypt (eucalyptus sp. plantations in the northern coast of Bahia, Brazil

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    Francisco de Sousa Lima


    Full Text Available Nas últimas décadas, tecnologias alternativas vêm sendo estudadas visando tornar o cultivo do eucalipto (Eucalyptus sp. mais econômico e sustentável. Entre estas, as associações micorrízicas merecem destaque devido aos inúmeros benefícios que proporcionam às plantas hospedeiras. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência e atividade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em plantios de eucalipto utilizados comercialmente pela Copener Florestal Ltda. no litoral norte da Bahia. Foi observada grande variabilidade na densidade de esporos (36,2 a 203,2 esporos em 50 g de solo, colonização micorrízica (10,6 a 57,8% e nos teores de glomalina facilmente extraível e total (0,34 a 1,92 mg g de solo-1 e 0,48 a 3,88 mg g de solo-1 nos plantios de eucalipto. Os resultados neste estudo permitiram concluir que, embora os clones apresentem suscetibilidade à micorrização em condições de campo, variações nas características do solo afetam aspectos ecológicos dos fungos micorrízicos arbusculares nos plantios de eucalipto da Copener Florestal Ltda. no litoral norte da Bahia.In recent decades, alternative technologies have been studied in order to make the cultivation of eucalyptus more economical and sustainable. Among these, the mycorrhizal associations deserve mention because of the many benefits they provide to host plants. Mycorrhizal fungi (AMF form mutualistic association with plant roots, promoting greater uptake of nutrients to the host, which in turn yields products of photosynthesis to the fungus. With the establishment of the association, the plants become more resistant to adverse conditions such as nutrient-poor soil, low pH, high temperature, water stress, decreased microbial activity, among other biotic and abiotic stresses. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence and activity of mycorrhizal fungi in eucalypt plantations used commercially by Copener Florestal Ltda. northern coast of Bahia. A high variability in

  8. Instability of TiC and TiAl3 compounds in Al-10Mg and Al-5Cu alloys by addition of Al-Ti-C master alloy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The performance of Al-Ti-C master alloy in refining Al-10Mg and A1-5Cu alloys was studied by using electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD) analysis.The results indicate that there are obvious fading phenomena in both Al-10Mg and Al-5Cu alloys with the addition of Al-5Ti-0.4C refiner which contains TiC and TiAl3 compounds.Mg element has no influence on the stability of TiC and TiAl3, while TiC particles in Al-10Mg alloy react with Al to form Al4C3 particles, resulting in the refinement fading.However, TiC particles are relatively stable in Al-5Cu alloy, while TiAl3 phase reacts with Al2Cu to produce a new phase Ti(Al, Cu)2, which is responsible for the refinement fading in Al-5Cu alloy.These indicate that the refinement fading will not occur only when both the TiC particles and TiAl3 compound of Al-Ti-C refiner are stable in Al alloys.


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    Benny Afwadzi


    Full Text Available This paper explores the understanding of tarbawi (education hadith from one of the major influential clerics in the Islamic educational system, especially in pesantren. He is Burhan al Islam al Zarnuji with his landmark book Ta’lim al Muta’allim. The conclusion that can be drawn is that al Zarnuji has shades of sufistical view in understanding tarbawi hadith. This can be seen in his understanding of hadith on obligation to seek knowledge (thalab al ilmi faridhatun ‘ala kulli muslimin wa muslimatin, which is interpreted as ilm al hal, the science concerning the condition of the human religious or simplistically said as the religious sciences; and the hadith of intention of studying (innama al a’malu bi al niyyat with the intention for the sake of the hereafter and religion, not mundane. Such an understanding is not something taken for granted, but it can be reinterpreted and perfected in accordance with the spirit of the times of context.

  10. The Brazilian Malaria Vector Anopheles (Kerteszia) Cruzii: Life Stages and Biology (Diptera: Culicidae) (United States)


    Mosquitos no litoral paranaense. I - Idade fisioldgica de no Parque National da Serra dos Orgaos, Anopheles cruzii (Diptera, Culicidae). Arq. Estado Parque National da Peryassii, A.G. 1908. OS culicideos do Brazil. Serra dos Grgaos, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Inst. de Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro...Kerteszia no litoral Guimar%es, A.E. and V.N.M. Victoria. 1986. do estado de Santa Catarina. Rev. Bras. Mosquitos no Parque National da Serra dos

  11. Calculation of Gibbs energy of Zr-Al-Ni, Zr-Al-Cu, Al-Ni-Cu and Zr-Al-Ni-Cu liquid alloys based on quasiregular solution model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, H.Q.; Yang, Y.S.; Tong, W.H.; Wang, Z.Y.


    With the effects of electronic structure and atomic size being introduced, the mixing enthalpy as well as the Gibbs energy of the ternary Zr-Al-Cu, Ni-Al-Cu, Zr-Ni-Al and quaternary Zr-Al-Ni-Cu systems are calculated based on quasiregular solution model. The computed results agree well with the experimental data. The sequence of Gibbs energies of different systems is: G Zr-Al-Ni-Cu Zr-Al-Ni Zr-Al-Cu Cu-Al-Ni . To Zr-Al-Cu, Ni-Al-Cu and Zr-Ni-Al, the lowest Gibbs energy locates in the composition range of X Zr 0.39-0.61, X Al = 0.38-0.61; X Ni = 0.39-0.61, X Al = 0.38-0.60 and X Zr = 0.32-0.67, X Al = 0.32-0.66, respectively. And to the Zr-Ni-Al-Cu system with 66.67% Zr, the lowest Gibbs energy is obtained in the region of X Al = 0.63-0.80, X Ni = 0.14-0.24

  12. Bipolar characteristics of AlGaN/AlN/GaN/AlGaN double heterojunction structure with AlGaN as buffer layer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, Enchao; Wang, Xiaoliang; Xiao, Hongling; Wang, Cuimei; Yin, Haibo; Chen, Hong; Feng, Chun; Jiang, Lijuan; Hou, Xun; Wang, Zhanguo


    Highlights: •2DEG and 2DHG coexist in the AlGaN/AlN/GaN/AlGaN DH-structure. •The sheet densities of 2DEG and 2DHG vary with buffer Al content and GaN thickness. •The conditions for the disappearance of 2DHG are discussed. •Increasing buffer Al content provides better electron confinement. •Dislocation scattering is reduced in the DH-structure. -- Abstract: This is a theoretical study of AlGaN/AlN/GaN/AlGaN double heterojunction (DH) structure with AlGaN as buffer layer. Our calculation shows that as the buffer Al content increases, though two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) sheet density decreases, the channel back-barrier caused by polarization-induced electric field in GaN provides better electron confinement. And under certain conditions the DH-structure shows bipolar characteristics, with an additional two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) formed at GaN/AlGaN interface. The influence of the buffer Al content and GaN channel thickness on the 2DEG and 2DHG sheet densities are investigated, and the conditions for the disappearance of 2DHG are discussed. Also, the mobility inhibited by dislocation scattering is enhanced in DH-structure due to the enhancement of screening effect of the 2DEG

  13. The code of light: al-ghazali and al-suhrawardi


    Gediminaitė, Barbora


    The Code of Light: Al-Ghazali and Al-Suhrawardi The Bachelor’s thesis The Code of Light in Islam: al-Ghazali and al-Suhrawardi presents a comparative study of light. The study analyses the philosophical systems of al-Ghazali and al-Suhrawardi through the reconstruction of the image of light and its operation principles. The main subject of the thesis are the attributes of light. The main problem of the research is the semantics and contextuality of light in Islamic theology and philosophy. Th...

  14. Proyecto de inversión para la creación de un criadero de iguanas en el Ecuador para la exportación de su carne al mercado colombiano


    Galarza Carrera, Kelly; Solis Moncada, Jahaira; Mejia Coronel, Marco Tulio


    El presente proyecto fue elaborado con el objetivo de incrementar fuentes de trabajo en zonas rurales de la provincia del guayas, incentivando de esta manera a que la población conozca del cuidado de ciertas especies y su forma de vida, además, las utilidades que se le puede dar a este reptil (IGUANA), resultan una buena inversión a largo plazo. Tomando en consideración, la extensa población de iguanas que existe en el litoral ecuatoriano, y la gran demanda de este producto en nuestro país ve...

  15. Pemikiran Filosofis Sadra Dalam Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-Karim : Surah Al-’A‘la

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kerwanto Kerwanto


    Full Text Available Abstrak : Dalam tafsir atas Surah al-’A‘lā, Mulla Sadra, melalui karyanya Tafsīr al Qur’ān al-Karīm, mengajak jiwa kita berpetualang menuju lapisan makna terdalam untuk mengenali realitas ketauhidan (al- mabdā’, kenabian (shirāth atau nubuwwah dan kebangkitan (ma‘ād dan mengulasnya secara filosofis. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk menggali manfaat dari aspek-aspek penting dari sumber-sumber keagamaan yang tergali dari petunjuk al Qur’an yang berpadu dengan prinsip- prinsip rasional filosofis dan pengalaman mistik (intuitif Sadra. Setiap bab pada tafsir ini diberikan judul dengan tasbīḥ (pernyataan pemujian dan pensucian, dengan tetap memaparkan beragam pokok persoalan terkait metafisika al-Qur’an. Prinsip-prinsip filosofis yang digunakan dalam risalah tafsir ini bisa menjadi salah satu bukti ketidakberjarakan antara filsafat dengan teks-teks keagamaan. Sadra menggunakan metode tafsir yang tetap menerima sisi lahiriah al-Qur’an, dan selanjutnya mencari misteri-misteri, rahasia-rahasia, dan dengan bantuan intelek (akal, intuisi dan iluminasi Tuhan untuk memperoleh realitas-realitas dan makna- makna dibalik selaput ekternalnya (aspek literalnyaKata kunci : Ḥikmah Muta’āliyah, irfan, al-mabdā’, kebangkitan setelah mati, nubuwwah, takwīl, gerak substansial (ḥarakah jawhariyyah, denotasi utama (al-maqshūd al-ashlī, penyempurnaan diri (takammul, tasbīḥ.  Abstract : In his commentary on Surah al-’ A‘lā, Mulla Sadra, through his Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-Karīm invites our souls to ventureinto the deepest layers of meaning to recognize the reality of Divinity (al- mabdā’, prophethood (Ṣirāṭ or nubuwwah and resurrection (ma‘ād and discusses it in a more philosophical manner. This study is an attempt to explore the benefits of these important aspects of religious sources unearthed from Qur’anic injunctions combined with rational principles of philosophical and mystical experiences

  16. A united refinement technology for commercial pure Al by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Xiaoguang; Liu Xiangfa; Ding Haimin


    Because flake-like TiAl 3 particles in Al-Ti-C master alloys prepared in a melt reaction method dissolve slowly when they are added into Al melt at 720 deg. C, Ti atoms cannot be released rapidly to play the assistant role of grain refinement, leading to a poor refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys. A united refinement technology by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys was put forward in this paper. The rational combination of fine blocky TiAl 3 particles in Al-10Ti and TiC particles in Al-Ti-C can improve the nucleation rate of α-Al. It not only improves the grain refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys, but also reduces the consumption

  17. Liquidus projection of the Nb-Cr-Al system near the Al3(Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, S.A.; Ferrandini, P.L.; Nunes, C.A.; Coelho, A.A.; Caram, R.


    The system Nb-Cr-Al was investigated in the region near the Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic and the liquidus projection of that region was determined based on the microstructural characterization of arc melted alloys. The characterization utilized scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results allowed one to determine three primary solidification liquidus surfaces ((Cr,Al) 2 Nb, Cr(Al,Nb) and Al 3 (Nb,Cr)), that are originated from the binary systems Cr-Nb, Cr-Al and Al-Nb. It is proposed the occurrence of the invariant reaction L + (Cr,Al) 2 Nb ↔ Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) and of a point of minimum, which involves a three phase reaction, L ↔ Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb). All alloys studied showed formation of the Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic as the last solidification step with Al(Nb)Cr 2 precipitating from Cr(Al,Nb)

  18. A united refinement technology for commercial pure Al by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma Xiaoguang [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China); Liu Xiangfa [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China)], E-mail:; Ding Haimin [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China)


    Because flake-like TiAl{sub 3} particles in Al-Ti-C master alloys prepared in a melt reaction method dissolve slowly when they are added into Al melt at 720 deg. C, Ti atoms cannot be released rapidly to play the assistant role of grain refinement, leading to a poor refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys. A united refinement technology by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys was put forward in this paper. The rational combination of fine blocky TiAl{sub 3} particles in Al-10Ti and TiC particles in Al-Ti-C can improve the nucleation rate of {alpha}-Al. It not only improves the grain refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys, but also reduces the consumption.

  19. Ocorrência de vetores da esquistossomose mansônica no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil Occurrence of schistosomiasis mansoni vectors on the Northern coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horacio Manuel Santana Teles


    Full Text Available Seguem detalhes da descoberta de exemplares de Biomphalaria tenagophila (d’Orbigny, 1835, infectados por Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907, em Caraguatatuba, e da introdução de Biomphalaria straminea (Dunker, 1848 em Ilha Bela, dois municípios da Região do Litoral Norte do território paulista. O novo foco da esquistossomose situa-se no Bairro Olaria; a presença de B. straminea foi detectada em um córrego da localidade de Barra Velha, juntamente com B. tenagophila. Esses registros motivaram a discussão dos riscos da expansão da esquistossomose, em conseqüência das más condições do saneamento básico predominantes na região.This article comments on the detection of Biomphalaria tenagophila (d’Orbigny, 1835 infected with Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907 in Caraguatatuba and the introduction of Biomphalaria straminea (Dunker, 1848 in Ilha Bela, two municipalities on the Northern coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Infected snails were collected from a ditch located in the Olaria district. B. straminea and B. tenagophila were living in syntopy in a stream situated in Barra Velha. Such epidemiological findings indicate the risk of spread of schistosomiasis mansoni in the region, a consequence of inadequate basic sanitation.

  20. United modification of Al-24Si alloy by Al-P and Al-Ti-C master alloys

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    韩延峰; 刘相法; 王海梅; 王振卿; 边秀房; 张均艳


    The modification effect of a new type of Al-P master alloy on Al-24Si alloys was investigated. It is foundthat excellent modification effect can be obtained by the addition of this new type of A1-P master alloy into Al-24Simelt and the average primary Si grain size is decreased below 47 μm from original 225 μm. It is also found that theTiC particles in the melt coming from Al8Ti2C can improve the modification effect of the Al-P master alloy. Whenthe content of TiC particles in the Al-24Si melt is 0.03 %, the improvement reaches the maximum and keeps steadywith increasing content of TiC particles. Modification effect occurs at 50 min after the addition of the Al-P master al-loy and TiC particles, and keeps stable with prolonging holding time.

  1. Nanoporous Al sandwich foils using size effect of Al layer thickness during Cu/Al/Cu laminate rolling (United States)

    Yu, Hailiang; Lu, Cheng; Tieu, A. Kiet; Li, Huijun; Godbole, Ajit; Kong, Charlie


    The roll bonding technique is one of the most widely used methods to produce metal laminate sheets. Such sheets offer interesting research opportunities for both scientists and engineers. In this paper, we report on an experimental investigation of the 'thickness effect' during laminate rolling for the first time. Using a four-high multifunction rolling mill, Cu/Al/Cu laminate sheets were fabricated with a range of thicknesses (16, 40, 70 and 130 μm) of the Al layer. The thickness of the Cu sheets was a constant 300 μm. After rolling, TEM images show good bonding quality between the Cu and Al layers. However, there are many nanoscale pores in the Al layer. The fraction of nanoscale pores in the Al layer increases with a reduction in the Al layer thickness. The finite element method was used to simulate the Cu/Al/Cu rolling process. The simulation results reveal the effect of the Al layer thickness on the deformation characteristics of the Cu/Al/Cu laminate. Finally, we propose that the size effect of the Al layer thickness during Cu/Al/Cu laminate rolling may offer a method to fabricate 'nanoporous' Al sandwich laminate foils. Such foils can be used in electromagnetic shielding of electrical devices and noisy shielding of building.


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    Fernando Vera Rebollo


    Full Text Available El agua es, sin lugar a dudas, el motor impulso r del desarrollo socioeconómico de las tierras del sureste peninsular ibérico; pero su escasez ha im puesto tradicionalmente una utilización razonada del recurso, al tiempo que se aseguraba su uso fuera de los espacios próximos a los cauces naturales, para lo que se hacía necesaria la construcción de una gran red de distribuci ón. Con la creación de la Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla cristaliza la vieja aspiración de garantizar el abastecimiento de núcleos urbanos y entidades estatales. Es así como se sientan las bases que impulsarían el desarrollo industrial, a partir del decenio de los cincuenta y, desde los años sesenta, el despegue de la actividad turística en el litoral. Los resultados conseguidos merced a este sistema de abastecimiento son evidentes, pero el actual ritmo de desarrollo urbano y demográf ico de las principales ciudades y la nueva etapa expansionista que vive la franja litoral han puesto de relieve las limitaciones del Organismo, condicionado por la disponibilidad de recursos, por lo que este trabajo trata de esclar ecer su situación actual y perspectivas de futuro.


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    José Manuel Mateo Rodriguez


    Full Text Available La irrupción, a partir de comienzos de la década de los años 1960 de un proyecto socialista en Cuba, constituyó un cambio radical en la forma de gobernar las sociedades en el hemisferio occidental. Por primera vez en América Latina, un país se proponía cambiar de manera estructural los fundamentos de organización de la sociedad capitalista, y construir un proyecto de sociedad basada en el socialismo. El presente artículo, pretende exponer como se han llevado a cabo los cambios en la organización de los espacios litorales de Ciudad de La Habana, en la construcción del estilo socialista de desarrollo. Pretende en particular reflexionar sobre los desafíos, que en los inicios del siglo XXI enfrenta la sociedad cubana, para pasar a la conquista de la sostenibilidad, como fundamento para hacer más eficiente y duradera la gobernabilidad. Al final se ha realizado una síntesis de los problemas ambientales y las posibles soluciones, vinculada a un abordaje integrado con la dinámica litoral y las distintas formas de utilización. Las sugerencias acciones a medio y largo plazo, incluso con ejemplos de acciones ya desarrolladas en otros tramos del litoral cubano.

  4. Structural stability and electronic properties of AlCu3, AlCu2Zr in AlZr3: Stabilnost strukture in elektronske lastnosti AlCu3, AlCu2Zr in AlZr3:


    Cheng, Rong; Wu, Xiao-Yu


    First-principles calculations were performed to study the alloying stability and electronic structure of the Al-based intermetallic compounds AlCusub3, AlCusub{2}Zr and AlZrsub3. The results show that the lattice parameters obtained after the full relaxation of the crystalline cells are consistent with the experimental data, and these intermetallics have a strong alloying ability and structural stability due to their negative formation energies and their cohesive energies. A further analysis ...


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    Múcio Luiz Banja Fernandes


    Full Text Available As tartarugas marinhas compõem o grupo dos répteis mais ameaçados de extinção do mundo, pois além de parâmetros intrínsecos de sua biologia, a influência humana nos sítios de desova é considerada a principal causa da diminuição de suas populações, seja pela caça dos adultos, roubo dos ovos ou influência no processo de desenvolvimento e nascimento dos filhotes, em especial no que se refere a Eretmochelys imbricata, que apresenta seus sítios de reprodução em áreas tropicais com alta frequência humana. Diante do exposto, este trabalho investiga a influência dos diferentes níveis de impacto ambiental na escolha da praia para desova da espécie E. imbricata. A pesquisa foi realizada no município de Ipojuca, litoral sul do estado de Pernambuco, nas praias de Merepe e Porto de Galinhas. Para coleta de dados, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico referente as atividades de monitoramento de desovas no litoral, visita as áreas de estudo para observação com realização de fotografias e foi construído um check-list para analisar os parâmetros de impactos antrópicos percebidos na região. Após realizada análise dos dados de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos no check-list, e feito o levantamento do número de desovas nas praias investigadas, comprovou-se que a praia de Porto de Galinhas apresentou os menores registros de desovas de tartarugas e as maiores ações modificadoras sobre o ambiente costeiro. Esse resultado está diretamente ligado a forte especulação imobiliária daquele ambiente praial. Por outro lado, a praia de Merepe possui melhores condições para desovas naquele litoral. Palavras-chave: tartaruga marinha, Merepe, Porto de Galinhas, nidificação.

  6. /Cu-Al System (United States)

    Kish, Orel; Froumin, Natalya; Aizenshtein, Michael; Frage, Nachum


    Wettability and interfacial interaction of the Ta2O5/Cu-Al system were studied. Pure Cu does not wet the Ta2O5 substrate, and improved spreading is achieved when relatively a high fraction of the active element (~40 at.% Al) was added. The Al2O3 and AlTaO4 phases were observed at the Ta2O5/Cu-Al interface. A thermodynamic evaluation allowed us to suggest that the lack of wetting bellow 40 at.% Al is due to the presence of a native oxide, which covers the drop. The conditions of the native oxide decomposition and the formation of the volatile Al2O suboxide strongly depend on the vacuum level during sessile drop experiments and the composition of the Cu-Al alloy. In our case, Al contents greater than 40% provides thermodynamic conditions for the formation of Al2O (as a result of Al reaction with Al2O3) and the drop spreading. It was suggested that the final contact angle in the Ta2O5/Cu-Al system (50°) is determined by Ta adsorption on the newly formed alumina interlayer.

  7. Metodologi Kitab Ma‘alim al-Tanzil Karya Al-Bagawiy

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    M. Rusydi Khalid


    This study aims to describe the metodology of Ma'a> lim al-tanzi>l book by al-Bagawi. The book is one of the books of exegesis written on the basis of hadith, which by the commentary scholars recognized avoided from heresy and weak hadith. The author of this book is Imam Abu Humaid Hussein bin Mas‘u>d al-Farra>’ Al-Bagawi al-Syafi‘i>, died in the year 510 H. This exegesis book combines the interpretation of the companions, tabi‘i>n, and tabi‘i> tabi‘i>n. Interpretation is broken down with easy, simple, and concise diction choices. The stoning of the interpretation of the salaf scholars without mentioning the sanad as already mentioned in the introduction to his book. This book was first printed in one edition with the exegesis book of Ibn Kas}i>r and al-kha>zin. This book interprets the Qur'an analytically from the beginning to the end of the surah by using the method of interpretation based on the hadith, namely by mentioning the arguments of the hadith sahih, the fatwa of the companions and the tabi‘i>n. The characteristic or purpose of this book is fiqh oriented, which tends to the Shafi‘i fiqh.   Abstrak Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan metode penafsiran dalam kitab Ma’a>lim al-tanzi>l karya al-bagawi. Kitab tafsir ini merupakan salah satu di antara kitab-kitab tafsir yang ditulis berdasarkan riwayat, yang oleh para ulama tafsir diakui terhindar dari bid’ah dan hadis dhaif (lemah. Penulis buku ini adalah Imam Abu Muhammad Husain bin Mas‘u>d al-Farra>‘ al-Bagawi al-Syafi‘i>, wafat pada tahun 510 H. Kitab ini adalah kitab pertengahan yang mengutip penafsiran para Sahabat, ta>bi‘i>n, dan tabi‘i ta>bi‘i>n. Penafsiran diuraikan dengan pilihan diksi yang mudah, sederhana, dan ringkas. Penukilan dari interpretasi ulama salaf tanpa menyebutkan sanad karena telah disebutkan dalam pendahuluan bukunya. Buku ini pertama kali dicetak dalam satu edisi dengan tafsir Ibn Kas\\i>r dan tafsir al-Kha>zin. Kitab ini menafsirkan al-Qur’an secara

  8. ALS Association (United States)

    ... toward a world without ALS! Walk to Defeat ALS® Walk to Defeat ALS® draws people of all ... We need your help. I Will Advocate National ALS Registry The National ALS Registry is a congressionally ...

  9. AlN nanoparticle-reinforced nanocrystalline Al matrix composites: Fabrication and mechanical properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Y.Q.; Cong, H.T.; Wang, W.; Sun, C.H.; Cheng, H.M.


    To improve the specific strength and stiffness of Al-based composites, AlN/Al nanoparticles were in-situ synthesized by arc plasma evaporation of Al in nitrogen atmosphere and consolidated by hot-pressing to fabricate AlN nanoparticle-reinforced nanocrystalline Al composites (0-39 vol.% AlN). Microstructure characterization shows that AlN nanoparticles homogeneously distribute in the matrix of Al nanocrystalline, which forms atomically bonded interfaces of AlN/Al. The hardness and the elastic modulus of the nanocomposite have been improved dramatically, up to 3.48 GPa and 142 GPa, respectively. Such improvement is believed to result from the grain refinement strengthening and the interface strengthening (load transfer) between the Al matrix and AlN nanoparticles

  10. Comparison of one and two-neutron transfer near the Coulomb barrier for the 27Al(18O, 16O)29Al, 27Al(18O, 17O)28Al and 27Al(13C, 12C)28Al reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schiller, S.A.; Eck, J.S.


    Total reaction cross sections for the transfer reactions 27 Al( 18 O, 16 O) 29 Al, 27 Al( 18 O, 17 O) 28 Al and 27 Al( 13 C, 12 C) 28 Al are reported for center-of-mass energies between 13 and 20 MeV for 18 O projectiles and between 11 and 17.5 MeV for 13 C projectiles. The reaction products, 29 Al, and 28 Al, beta decay to 29 Si and 28 Si, respectively, and the subsequent γ decays of 29 Si and 28 Si were measured. Due to the relatively long beta decay half lives, data were taken in a beam-off mode, resulting in very clean spectra. Total cross sections were calculated and compared with a theoretical model for barrier penetration proposed by C.Y. Wong. Differences between 18 O induced one and two-neutron total transfer reaction cross sections are discussed. (orig.) [de

  11. Al-matrix composite materials reinforced by Al-Cu-Fe particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonneville, J; Laplanche, G; Joulain, A; Gauthier-Brunet, V; Dubois, S


    Al-matrix material composites were produced using hot isostatic pressing technique, starting with pure Al and icosahedral (i) Al-Cu-Fe powders. Depending on the processing temperature, the final reinforcement particles are either still of the initial i-phase or transformed into the tetragonal ω-Al0 0.70 Cu 0.20 Fe 0.10 crystalline phase. Compression tests performed in the temperature range 293K - 823K on the two types of composite, i.e. Al/i and Al/ω, indicate that the flow stress of both composites is strongly temperature dependent and exhibit distinct regimes with increasing temperature. Differences exist between the two composites, in particular in yield stress values. In the low temperature regime (T ≤ 570K), the yield stress of the Al/ω composite is nearly 75% higher than that of the Al/i composite, while for T > 570K both composites exhibit similar yield stress values. The results are interpreted in terms of load transfer contribution between the matrix and the reinforcement particles and elementary dislocation mechanisms in the Al matrix.

  12. Piezo-tunnel effect in Al/Al2O3/Al junctions elaborated by atomic layer deposition (United States)

    Rafael, R.; Puyoo, E.; Malhaire, C.


    In this work, the electrical transport in Al/Al2O3/Al junctions under mechanical stress is investigated in the perspective to use them as strain sensors. The metal/insulator/metal junctions are elaborated with a low temperature process (≤200 °C) fully compatible with CMOS back-end-of-line. The conduction mechanism in the structure is found to be Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, and efforts are made to extract the relevant physical parameters. Gauge factors up to -32.5 were found in the fabricated devices under tensile stress. Finally, theoretical mechanical considerations give strong evidence that strain sensitivity in Al/Al2O3/Al structures originates not only from geometrical deformations but also from the variation of interface barrier height and/or effective electronic mass in the tunneling oxide layer.

  13. Generation and evolution of nanoscale AlP and Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} particles in Al-Fe-P system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qiao, Huan; Gao, Tong; Zhu, Xiangzhen; Wu, Yuying; Qian, Zhao; Liu, Xiangfa, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Diffusion and gradual solid reactions between Al and Fe{sub x}P phases in Al-Fe-P alloy were investigated. • Nanoscale AlP clusters are in-situ generated and evolve during the whole process. • This novel Al-Fe-P alloy has an excellent low-temperature refining performance on hypereutectic Al-Si alloy. - Abstract: In this paper, the gradual solid reactions between Al and Fe{sub x}P phases in Al-Fe-P alloy were investigated. The results show that the whole reaction process undergoes four main stages: the diffusion of Al atom, the generation of (Al, Fe, P) intermediate compound, the precipitation of nano AlP and Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} clusters and their growth to submicron particles. The microstructure of Fe-P particles evolves from the “egg-type”, the “sponge-type” to the “sesame-cake” structure. AlP and Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} nano phases have in-situ generated and evolved during the whole process. The gradual reaction mechanism has been discussed. Furthermore, a novel Al-Fe-P alloy which contains (Al, Fe, P) intermediate compounds and nano AlP particles has been synthesized and its low-temperature refining performance on A390 alloy has also been investigated.

  14. Glaucoma facomórfico y ultrabiomicroscopia

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    María Cristina González González


    Conclusiones: La ultrabiomicroscopia es un herramienta útil ya que permite una valoración completa del segmento anterior, aun en presencia de medios opacos y ayuda a determinar la relación del cristalino con las estructuras adyacentes y el probable mecanismo del glaucoma.

  15. Japanese version of the ALS-FTD-Questionnaire (ALS-FTD-Q-J). (United States)

    Watanabe, Yasuhiro; Beeldman, Emma; Raaphorst, Joost; Izumi, Yuishin; Yoshino, Hiide; Masuda, Michihito; Atsuta, Naoki; Ito, Satoru; Adachi, Tadashi; Adachi, Yoshiki; Yokota, Osamu; Oda, Masaya; Hanashima, Ritsuko; Ogino, Mieko; Ichikawa, Hiroo; Hasegawa, Kazuko; Kimura, Hideki; Shimizu, Toshio; Aiba, Ikuko; Yabe, Hayato; Kanba, Makoto; Kusumi, Kimiyoshi; Aoki, Tetsuya; Hiroe, Yu; Watanabe, Hirohisa; Nishiyama, Kazutoshi; Nomoto, Masahiro; Sobue, Gen; Nakashima, Kenji


    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) share common clinical, genetic and neuropathological features. Some ALS patients have behavioral/personality changes, which could result in significant obstacles in the care provided by family members and caregivers. An easy screening tool would contribute greatly to the evaluation of these symptoms. We translated the ALS-FTD-Questionnaire, developed in the Netherlands, into Japanese (ALS-FTD-Q-J) and examined the clinimetric properties (internal consistency, construct and clinical validity). Patients with ALS and/or behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD) were evaluated alongside healthy controls in this multicenter study. All ALS patients, regardless of bvFTD status, were further evaluated by the frontal behavioral inventory (FBI) and for frontal/executive function, cognition, anxiety/depression, and motor functions. Data from 146 subjects were analyzed: ALS (92), ALS-bvFTD (6), bvFTD (16), and healthy controls (32). The internal consistency of the ALS-FTD-Q-J was good (Cronbach α=0.92). The ALS-FTD-Q-J showed construct validity as it exhibited a high correlation with the FBI (r=0.79). However, correlations were moderate with anxiety/depression and low with cognitive scales, in contrast to the original report, i.e. a moderate correlation with cognition and a low correlation with anxiety/depression. The ALS-FTD-Q-J discriminated ALS patients from (ALS-)bvFTD patients and controls. Thus, the ALS-FTD-Q-J is useful for evaluating Japanese ALS/FTD patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Radiation detection with Nb/Al-AlOx/Al/Nb superconducting tunnel junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumura, Atsuki; Takahashi, Toru; Kurakado, Masahiko


    Superconductor radiation detectors have the possibility of 20-30 times better energy resolution than that of a high resolution Si detector. We fabricated Nb/Al-AlOx/Al/Nb superconducting tunnel junctions with low leakage current. X rays were detected with large area junctions of 178x178 μm 2 . High energy resolution of 160 eV for 5.9 keV was obtained. We also fabricated series connected junctions which covers a rather large area of 4x4 mm 2 . α particles injected into the rear substrate were detected using nonthermal phonons induced by the radiations in the substrate. (author)


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    Xulio X. Pardellas


    Full Text Available Desde principios de 2000, la UE mantiene una línea de ayudas a proyectos de turismo pesquero. En esta década fueron desarrollados diversos proyectos de turismo pesquero en regiones de España que tuvieron una evolución desigual. En la comunicación se describen los principales rasgos de su demanda y al mismo tiempo se presenta un avance de los resulta- dos y los efectos de los proyectos, inicialmente complementarios de la oferta de sol y playa, pero relacionados con la reducción del esfuerzo pesquero, así como los impactos de esta oferta en el desarrollo local.

  18. ALS-Plus Syndrome: Non-Pyramidal Features in a Large ALS Cohort (United States)

    McCluskey, Leo; Vandriel, Shannon; Elman, Lauren; Van Deerlin, Vivianna M.; Powers, John; Boller, Ashley; Wood, Elisabeth McCarty; Woo, John; McMillan, Corey T.; Rascovsky, Katya; Grossman, Murray


    Objective Autopsy studies show widespread pathology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but clinical surveys of multisystem disease in ALS are rare. We investigated ALS-Plus syndrome, an understudied group of patients with clinical features extending beyond pyramidal and neuromuscular systems with or without cognitive/behavioral deficits. Methods In a large, consecutively-ascertained cohort of 550 patients with ALS, we documented atypical clinical manifestations. Genetic screening for C9orf72 hexanucleotide expansions was performed in 343 patients, and SOD1, TARDBP, and VCP were tested in the subgroup of patients with a family history of ALS. Gray matter and white matter imaging was available in a subgroup of 30 patients. Results Seventy-five (13.6%) patients were identified with ALS-Plus syndrome. We found disorders of ocular motility, cerebellar, extrapyramidal and autonomic functioning. Relative to those without ALS-Plus, cognitive impairment (8.0% vs 2.9%, p=0.029), bulbar-onset (49.3% vs 23.2%, pALS-Plus. Survival was significantly shorter in ALS-Plus (29.66 months vs 42.50 months, p=0.02), regardless of bulbar-onset or mutation status. Imaging revealed significantly greater cerebellar and cerebral disease in ALS-Plus compared to those without ALS-Plus. Conclusions ALS-Plus syndrome is not uncommon, and the presence of these atypical features is consistent with neuropathological observations that ALS is a multisystem disorder. ALS-Plus syndrome is associated with increased risk for poor survival and the presence of a pathogenic mutation. PMID:25086858

  19. Tailoring ultrafine grained and dispersion-strengthened Ti 2 AlC/TiAl ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In situ Ti 2 AlC/TiAl composite was fabricated by hot-pressing method via the reaction system of Ti 3 AlC 2 and Ti-Al pre-alloyed powders at low temperature of 1150 ∘ C. The composite mainly consisted of TiAl, Ti 3 Al and Ti 2 AlC phases. Fine Ti 2 AlC particles were homogeneously distributed and dispersed in the matrix.

  20. Assessing behavioural changes in ALS: cross-validation of ALS-specific measures. (United States)

    Pinto-Grau, Marta; Costello, Emmet; O'Connor, Sarah; Elamin, Marwa; Burke, Tom; Heverin, Mark; Pender, Niall; Hardiman, Orla


    The Beaumont Behavioural Inventory (BBI) is a behavioural proxy report for the assessment of behavioural changes in ALS. This tool has been validated against the FrSBe, a non-ALS-specific behavioural assessment, and further comparison of the BBI against a disease-specific tool was considered. This study cross-validates the BBI against the ALS-FTD-Q. Sixty ALS patients, 8% also meeting criteria for FTD, were recruited. All patients were evaluated using the BBI and the ALS-FTD-Q, completed by a carer. Correlational analysis was performed to assess construct validity. Precision, sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy of the BBI when compared to the ALS-FTD-Q, were obtained. The mean score of the whole sample on the BBI was 11.45 ± 13.06. ALS-FTD patients scored significantly higher than non-demented ALS patients (31.6 ± 14.64, 9.62 ± 11.38; p ALS-FTD-Q was observed (r = 0.807, p ALS-FTD-Q. Good construct validity has been further confirmed when the BBI is compared to an ALS-specific tool. Furthermore, the BBI is a more comprehensive behavioural assessment for ALS, as it measures the whole behavioural spectrum in this condition.


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    Full Text Available La fauna de anfibios propia de los páramos colombianos en sentido estricto incluyeúnicamente 39 especies. Los taxa excluidos de listas previas son considerados aquícomo entidades más afines a los bosques andinos que pueden ocupar tambiénhábitats paramizados por intervención humana. La composición de la fauna en lospáramos de Colombia es notablemente diferente a la del país en conjunto, probablementeporque sólo algunos modos reproductivos pueden persistir en el ambienteparamuno. En general, podemos concluir que el número de especies en los páramosde las diferentes regiones ecogeográficas es proporcional al tamaño y grado defragmentación de las islas paramunas, haciendo la salvedad de que los inventariosen la Cordillera Occidental están incompletos. Podemos señalar también en estafauna un componente filogenético recurrente: las especies relacionadas se distribuyensobre el mismo piso térmico o en pisos térmicos adyacentes, es decir, la faunaparamuna parece ser autóctona y no alóctona.

  2. De la cooperación a la competición: la inteligencia económica en el marco de la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional 2013

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    Gustavo Díaz


    Full Text Available España está sufriendo el impacto de la falta de confianza de los mercados internacionales y ha tenido serios problemas en el acceso al crédito. Por lo que no descubrimos nada nuevo al afirmar que la economía es un factor transversal que condiciona, de forma directa e indirecta, nuestras alternativas en otros asuntos y es clave para la seguridad y el bienestar de un Estado. El cómo acomodar las estructuras nacionales de inteligencia para dar respuesta a las amenazas relacionadas con los asuntos económicos será un punto importante en las distintas estrategias de seguridad publicadas en España en 2011 y 2013. En este trabajo de investigación trataremos de arrojar luz sobre la situación actual de la llamada inteligencia económica en España y de cómo las distintas estrategias de seguridad nacional y documentos adyacentes de los distintos gobiernos, recogen y articulan esta importante herramienta (la inteligencia económica para la protección y la promoción de los intereses de España en materia económica.

  3. Plastic deformation of Al13Fe4 particles in Al-Al13Fe4 by high-speed compression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoneyama, N.; Mizoguchi, K.; Kumai, S.; Sato, A.; Kiritani, M.


    Spray-formed Al-Fe alloys having undergone high-speed deformation were examined under a high-voltage electron microscope. Two types of specimens were examined; one containing fine Al 13 Fe 4 particles, and the other containing large particles. In the former specimen, deformation is found to proceed in three patterns, depending on specimen thickness and strain rate: (1) without deformation of the Al 13 Fe 4 ; (2) breaking of the Al 13 Fe 4 ; or (3) melting of the Al 13 Fe 4 . Local melting is found to alter some of the Al 13 Fe 4 particles, to impart five-fold symmetry in diffraction or an amorphous structure. In the latter specimen, introduction of glide dislocations enabled us to determine a shear system in the mc102 monoclinic c2/m crystal of Al 13 Fe 4 . On the bases of these observations, the mechanism of high-speed deformation is discussed while taking into account the highly stressed and/or heated states of Al 13 Fe 4 embedded in Al matrix

  4. Synthesis and characterization of pillared bentonite with Al, AL/Fe and impregnated with Pd; Sintese e caracterizacao de bentonitas pilarizadas com Al, AL/Fe e impregnadas com Pd

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Marcus Vinicius Costa; Pizarro, Alejandro Herrero; Molina, Carmen Belen, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Belem, PA (Brazil). Instituto de Tecnologia. Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica; Seccion de Ingenieria Quimica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma de Madri (Spain)


    In this work, a north american bentonite was pillared with Al and Al/Fe, creating the Al-PILC and Al-Fe-PILC, respectively. Then the Pd was impregnated in the materials, generating Pd-Al-PILC and Pd-Al-Fe-PILC, respectively. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric and N{sub 2} adsorption at 77 K to determine the specific surface area by BET method (Brunauer - Emmett - Teller). There was an increase in the basal spacing of bentonite from 12.4Å in the original sample to 17.81Å in the Al-Fe-PILC, 17.20Å in Pd-Al-PILC and 17.05Å in the Pd-Al-Fe-PILC. The specific surface area increased from 19.05m{sup 2}/g in the original sample to 173.49m{sup 2}/g in Al-Fe-PILC, 101.31m{sup 2}/g to Pd-Al-PILC and 92m{sup 2}/g in Pd-Al-Fe-PILC. The pillaring process was successful and the synthesized materials have great potential for use as catalysts. (author)

  5. Electrodeposition of Al from a 1-butylpyrrolidine-AlCl3 ionic liquid

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    Giridhar Pulletikurthi


    Full Text Available The addition of 1-butylpyrrolidine to AlCl3 results in the formation of an electrolyte that is suited to Al deposition. The feasibility of electrodepositing Al from the synthesized electrolyte was investigated. Several compositions of AlCl3 and 1-butylpyrrolidine were prepared for this purpose. These mixtures show a different phase behavior at various compositions of AlCl3 and 1-butylpyrrolidine. IR, Raman and NMR spectroscopy were employed to characterize the synthesized liquids. Among the prepared compositions, 1:1.2 mol ratio of 1-butylpyrrolidine:AlCl3 and the upper phase of 1:1.3 mol ratio of 1-butylpyrrolidine:AlCl3 were found to be suitable for Al electrodeposition at room temperature (RT. Uniform and thick (~µm thick layers of Al were obtained on copper at RT. Al deposition occured from the cationic species of AlCl3−xLy+ (where x≤2, y=1–2, and L=1-butylpyrrolidine in this electrolyte. This behavior is contrary to the well investigated classic AlCl3 based ionic liquids, where the deposition of Al occurs mainly from anionic Al2Cl7− ions.

  6. Orientation of Al3Ti platelets in Al-Al3Ti functionally graded material manufactured by centrifugal method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Y.; Fukui, Y.


    Al-Al 3 Ti functionally graded materials (FGMs) were manufactured by the centrifugal method with a commercial ingot of Al-5 mass% Ti master alloy. The alloy was melted at a liquid/solid coexisting temperature, at which Al 3 Ti remains as a solid, and then it was cast into a thick-walled ring. It was found that the Al-Al 3 Ti functionally graded material can be successfully fabricated by the centrifugal method. It was also found that the volume fraction of the Al 3 Ti can be increased by repetition of the centrifugal method. Since the shape of Al 3 Ti particles in a commercial alloy ingot is that of a platelet, the Al 3 Ti particles are arranged with their platelet planes nearly perpendicular to the radial direction. The orientation effects become stronger when the G number becomes larger. Although the final centrifugal casting was conducted under a very large centrifugal force for the specimen cast three times, the orientation effects were weaker than those in the specimen cast one time. From these observations, it is concluded that the origin of orientation of Al 3 Ti platelets can be attributed to the angular velocity gradient of the melt along the radial direction produced by the difference in the viscosity. (orig.)

  7. In situ synthesis of Ti{sub 2}AlC–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/TiAl composite by vacuum sintering mechanically alloyed TiAl powder coated with CNTs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Jian [Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tianjin University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Composite and Functional Materials, Tianjin 300072 (China); Zhao, Naiqin, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin (China); Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tianjin University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Composite and Functional Materials, Tianjin 300072 (China); Nash, Philip [Thermal Processing Technology Center, Illinois Institute of Technology, IL (United States); Liu, Enzuo; He, Chunnian; Shi, Chunsheng; Li, Jiajun [Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tianjin University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Composite and Functional Materials, Tianjin 300072 (China)


    Highlights: •Using zwitterionic surfactant to enhance the dispersion of the CNTs on the powder surface. •CNTs as carbon source decreased the formation temperature of Ti{sub 2}AlC. •Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} was generated in situ from the oxygen atoms introduced in the drying procedure. •Nanosized Ti{sub 3}Al was precipitated at 1250 °C and distribute in the TiAl matrix homogeneously. •Ti{sub 2}AlC–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/TiAl composite was synthesized in situ by sintering pre-alloy Ti–Al coated with CNTs. -- Abstract: Bulk Ti{sub 2}AlC–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/TiAl composites were in situ synthesized by vacuum sintering mechanically alloyed Ti–50 at.% Al powders coated with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The pre-alloyed Ti–50 at.% Al powder was obtained by ball milling Ti and Al powders. The multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the carbon resource were covered on the surface of the pre-alloyed powders by immersing them into a water solution containing the CNTs. A zwitterionic surfactant was used to enhance the dispersion of the CNTs on the powder surface. The samples were cold pressed and sintered in vacuum at temperatures from 950 to 1250 °C, respectively. The results show that the reaction of forming Ti{sub 2}AlC can be achieved below 950 °C, which is 150 °C lower than in the Ti–Al–TiC system and 250 °C lower than for the Ti–Al–C system due to the addition of CNTs. Additionally, the reinforcement of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} particles was introduced in situ in Ti{sub 2}AlC/TiAl by the drying process and subsequent sintering of the composite powders. Dense Ti{sub 2}AlC–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/TiAl composites were obtained by sintering at 1250 °C and exhibited a homogeneous distribution of Ti{sub 2}AlC, Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and precipitated Ti{sub 3}Al particles and a resulting high hardness.

  8. 27Al NMR studies of NpPd5Al2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chudo, H.; Sakai, H.; Tokunaga, Y.; Kambe, S.; Aoki, D.; Homma, Y.; Shiokawa, Y.; Haga, Y.; Ikeda, S.; Matsuda, T.D.; Onuki, Y.; Yasuoka, H.


    We present 27 Al NMR studies for a single crystal of the Np-based superconductor NpPd 5 Al 2 (T c =4.9K). We have observed a five-line 27 Al NMR spectrum with a center line and four satellite lines separated by first-order nuclear quadrupole splittings. The Knight shift clearly drops below T c . The temperature dependence of the 27 Al nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate shows no coherence peak below T c , indicating that NpPd 5 Al 2 is an unconventional superconductor with an anisotropic gap. The analysis of the present NMR data provides evidence for strong-coupling d-wave superconductivity in NpPd 5 Al 2 .

  9. Magnetic tunnel junctions with AlN and AlNxOy barriers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwickert, M. M.; Childress, J. R.; Fontana, R. E.; Kellock, A. J.; Rice, P. M.; Ho, M. K.; Thompson, T. J.; Gurney, B. A.


    Nonoxide tunnel barriers such as AlN are of interest for magnetic tunnel junctions to avoid the oxidation of the magnetic electrodes. We have investigated the fabrication and properties of thin AlN-based barriers for use in low resistance magnetic tunnel junctions. Electronic, magnetic and structural data of tunnel valves of the form Ta (100 Aa)/PtMn (300 Aa)/CoFe 20 (20 Aa - 25 Aa)/barrier/CoFe 20 (10 - 20 Aa)/NiFe 16 (35 - 40 Aa)/Ta (100 Aa) are presented, where the barrier consists of AlN, AlN x O y or AlN/AlO x with total thicknesses between 8 and 15 Aa. The tunnel junctions were sputter deposited and then lithographically patterned down to 2 x 2μm 2 devices. AlN was deposited by reactive sputtering from an Al target with 20% - 35% N 2 in the Ar sputter gas at room temperature, resulting in stoichiometric growth of AlN x (x=0.50±0.05), as determined by RBS. TEM analysis shows that the as-deposited AlN barrier is crystalline. For AlN barriers and AlN followed by natural O 2 oxidation, we obtain tunnel magnetoresistance >10% with specific junction resistance R j down to 60Ωμm 2 . [copyright] 2001 American Institute of Physics

  10. A study of the Al-rich part of the Al-Re alloy system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balanetskyy, S.; Grushko, B.


    The Al-rich part of the Al-Re phase diagram was reinvestigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis. The earlier reported Al 12 Re, Al 6 Re, and Al 11 Re 4 phases were confirmed. Close to the Al 4 Re composition a high-temperature h-Al 4 Re and a low-temperature l-Al 4 Re phase were found to be formed at slightly different compositions. Both exhibited compositional ranges. A new phase was revealed close to the Al 3 Re composition. The Al 11 Re 4 phase is formed congruently at 1650 deg. C, Al 3 Re peritectically at 1610 deg. C, h-Al 4 Re peritectically at 1410 deg. C, l-Al 4 Re peritectically at ∼1000 deg. C, Al 6 Re peritectically at 813 deg. C and Al 12 Re peritectically at 746 deg. C. Finally, the Al 12 Re-(Al) eutectic is formed at 658 deg. C. The Al 3 Re and h-Al 4 Re are decomposed by eutectoid reactions at ∼946 and 833 deg., respectively. The structure of the h-Al 4 Re phase has not yet been clarified, but it is distinctly different from the Al 4 W phase suggested earlier. The structure of l-Al 4 Re was confirmed. The Al 3 Re phase was found to have a monoclinic structure with a = 0.5180(4) nm, b = 3.97641(9) nm, c = 0.4955(3) nm and β = 99.55(7) o

  11. Abu al-Layth al-Libi (United States)


    success. As an Arab participant acknowledged very early on, “the situation was really harsh. All the brothers were tired,” as they lacked food and... glorious battles that occurred during the early Islamic period.133 He stressed the importance of the battlefield as the path to achieve honor and dignity...diaspora in Waziristan. In the words of Walid Othmani, a French jihadi trained by al-Qa`ida in Waziristan in 2008, “[Al-Libi] was someone well-known and

  12. SAP-like ultrafine-grained Al composites dispersion strengthened with nanometric AlN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balog, M.; Krizik, P.; Yan, M.; Simancik, F.; Schaffer, G.B.; Qian, M.


    This paper reports the development of novel Sinter-Aluminum-Pulver (SAP)-like Al–AlN nanocomposites via replacing the native Al 2 O 3 thin films on fine Al powder with a large volume fraction of in situ formed nanometric AlN dispersoids. Fine gas-atomized Al powder (d 50 =1.3 µm) compacts were first partially nitrided at 590 °C in flowing nitrogen, controlled by a small addition of Sn (0.3–0.4 wt%), and subsequently consolidated by hot direct extrusion. The resulting Al–AlN composites consisted of submicrometric Al grains reinforced with nanometric AlN dispersoids together with some nanometric Al 2 O 3 dispersoids. An Al–13 vol% AlN nanocomposite fabricated this way achieved exceptional ultimate tensile strength of 227 MPa, yield strength of 195 MPa and Young's modulus of 66 GPa at 300 °C, superior to typical SAP materials and coarse grained Al–AlN composites. In addition, the Al–13 vol% AlN nanocomposite exhibited good thermal stability up to 500 °C. The strengthening mechanism is discussed

  13. Analisis Kecenderungan Manhaj Akidah Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera’i

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    Full Text Available Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i is a very great and respected scholar during 16th and 17th century of Acheh. His knowledge in various fields recognized by local and international scholars. He had been a Qadi Malik al-’Adil, a religious leader, who became a referred by communities and country during the reign of the three Sultans of Aceh. He has authored nearly 40 pieces of books related to the theology and sufism. This study focuses on the methods used by Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i in his theological writings. This study found that Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i had used six methods in the such writings.

  14. Ultrasonic spot welding of Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macwan, A.; Patel, V.K.; Jiang, X.Q.; Li, C.; Bhole, S.D.; Chen, D.L.


    Highlights: • The optimal welding condition is achieved at 100 J and 0.1 s. • Failure load first increases and then decreases with increasing welding energy. • The highest failure load after welding is close to that of the clad sheets. • At low energy levels failure occurs in the mode of interfacial failure. • At high energy levels failure takes place at the edge of nugget region. - Abstract: Solid-state ultrasonic spot welding (USW) was used to join Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets, aiming at exploring weldability and identifying failure mode in relation to the welding energy. It was observed that the application of a low welding energy of 100 J was able to achieve the optimal welding condition during USW at a very short welding time of 0.1 s for the tri-layered clad sheets. The optimal lap shear failure load obtained was equivalent to that of the as-received Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets. With increasing welding energy, the lap shear failure load initially increased and then decreased after reaching a maximum value. At a welding energy of 25 J, failure occurred in the mode of interfacial failure along the center Al/Al weld interface due to insufficient bonding. At a welding energy of 50 J, 75 J and 100 J, failure was also characterized by the interfacial failure mode, but it occurred along the Al/Mg clad interface rather than the center Al/Al weld interface, suggesting stronger bonding of the Al/Al weld interface than that of the Al/Mg clad interface. The overall weld strength of the Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets was thus governed by the Al/Mg clad interface strength. At a welding energy of 125 J and 150 J, thinning of weld nugget and extensive deformation at the edge of welding tip caused failure at the edge of nugget region, leading to a lower lap shear failure load


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    Zakiyah Zakiyah


    Tulisan ini mereview buku yang berjudul al-Sanī al-Maṭālib yang ditulis oleh Kiai Nur Iman Mlangi Yogyakarta. Buku ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab yang me­ngandung interkoneksi antara ilmu Nahwu (tata bahasa Arab dengan mis­tisis­me. Buku ini sangat menarik karena kenyataan bahwa kedua pengetahuan tersebut memiliki aturan sendiri-sendiri. Selain itu, sangat sedikit penulis yang menulis dengan gaya seperti itu. Salah satunya adalah Syaikh Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Kuhany dengan karyanya yang berjudul Manniyat al-Fāqir al-Munjarid wa Sayrat al-Murīd al-Mutafarrid. Buku al-Saniy al-Muthalib diduga telah ditulis pada akhir abad ke-18 atau awal abad ke-19, menurut periode kehidupan Kiai Nur Iman yaitu sekitar pertengahan abad ke-18. Aturan Nahwu dalam buku ini dijelaskan secara teosofi yang dimulai dengan penjelasan mengenai tauhid (keesaan Tuhan sebagai kajian dasar bagi orang Islam, yang diikuti dengan makna dari masing-masing aturan bahasa Arab dalam aspek mistiknya.

  16. Rekonstruksi Konsep Ijtihad: Studi Pemikiran Ben’umar tentang al-Ijtihad fi al-Waqi’

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    Duski Ibrahim


    Full Text Available This paper is the result of a research that evaluating the reconstruction the concept of ijtihad, by discuss the idea of al-Ijtihad Ben'umar fi al-waqi’. This paper concludes that Al-Ijtihad fi al-waqi’ is actually a form of collective ijtihad (al ijtihad al-jama'i, by gathering the experts of shari'ah law (fuqaha` ash-shar'i and experts Researchers and scientists (khubara` al-'ashr. Because experts know the nash purposes, while researchers and scientists (al-khubara` know the reality (al-waqi’, the effects in the future (ma'alat = future effect and challenges (tahaddiyat. The idea of formulating the concept of al-ijtihad fi al-waqi’ emerged based on a premise that ijtihad is a creation of experts to implement Islamic law in society. Therefore, the concept of ijtihad experienced a significant development, start from using the nash from the language aspects, continue to the using of logic. At the moment when the situation people are increasingly develop, then the creation of ijtihad become a necessary to developed, for example in the form of al-ijtihad fi al-waqi’ . About the source of the formation of the concept of al -ijtihad fi al-waqi’ comes from theory about the functions of nash, al-manath theory in Islamic law, and supported by the theory of al-mashlalah al-mursalah.

  17. Informe preliminar de negocio: obtención de subproductos de alto valor agregado a partir del descarte de zanahorias.


    López Cuesta, Soledad; Modesto, María Florencia; Tottereau, Luciana; Di Paolo, Clarisa; Varisco, Javier


    La Secretaría de Vinculación Tecnológica y Desarrollo Productivo de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) ha instrumentado, desde hace 20 años, políticas concretas de gestión de la innovación, a fin de promover la transferencia de resultados de la investigación, con la finalidad de asegurar su apropiación por parte del tejido económico y social. El Centro para la Transferencia de Resultados de la Investigación (CETRI-Litoral) ha formado re...

  18. Inventaire et aperçu bio-écologique de la malacofaune retrouvée ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mésogée. Volumes 64/2008 et 65/2009. pp. 47-57. [10] - B. GOMEZ, « Estudio sistematico y biogeografico de los Moluscos terrestres del Suborden. Orthurethra (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) del Pais Vasco y regiones adyacentes, y catalago de las especias ibericas ». Tesis Doctoral. Universitat Pais Vasco.

  19. Study of the 26Al(n,p)26Mg and 26Al(n,α)23Na reactions using the 27Al(p,p')27Al inelastic scattering reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benamara, S; De Séréville, N; Hammache, F; Stefan, I; Roussel, P; Ancelin, S; Assié, M; Guillot, J; Le Crom, B; Lefebvre, L; Adsley, P; Laird, A M; Barton, C; Diget, C; Fox, S; Coc, A; Deloncle, I; Hamadache, C; Kiener, J; Lefebfre-Schuhl, A


    26 Al was the first cosmic radioactivity ever detected in the galaxy as well as one of the first extinct radioactivity observed in refractory phases of meteorites. Its nucleosynthesis in massive stars is still uncertain mainly due to the lack of nuclear information concerning the 26 Al(n,p) 26 Mg and 26 Al(n,α) 23 Na reactions. We report on a single and coincidence measurement of the 27 Al(p,p') 27 Al(p) 26 Mg and 27 Al(p,p') 27 Al(α) 23 Na reactions performed at the Orsay TANDEM facility aiming at the spectroscopy study of 27 Al above the neutron threshold. Fourteen states are observed for the first time within 350 keV above the 26 Al+n threshold. (paper)

  20. AlN/Al dual protective coatings on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Jinlong; Mao Shoudong; Sun Kefei [Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China); Li Xiaomin [Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Song Zhenlun [Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China)], E-mail:


    AlN/Al dual protective coatings were prepared on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering in a home-made industrial apparatus. Comparing with Al coating, AlN/Al coatings have a denser structure of an outmost AlN amorphous layer following an inner Al columnar crystal layer. The coatings and NdFeB substrate combine well, and moreover, there is occurrence of metallurgy bonding in the interface layer. Both Al and AlN/Al coatings have a good protective ability to NdFeB. Especially, the corrosion resistance of AlN/Al coated NdFeB is improved largely. AlN/Al and Al protective coatings not only do not deteriorate the magnetic properties of NdFeB, but contribute to their slight increase.

  1. AlN/Al dual protective coatings on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jinlong; Mao Shoudong; Sun Kefei; Li Xiaomin; Song Zhenlun


    AlN/Al dual protective coatings were prepared on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering in a home-made industrial apparatus. Comparing with Al coating, AlN/Al coatings have a denser structure of an outmost AlN amorphous layer following an inner Al columnar crystal layer. The coatings and NdFeB substrate combine well, and moreover, there is occurrence of metallurgy bonding in the interface layer. Both Al and AlN/Al coatings have a good protective ability to NdFeB. Especially, the corrosion resistance of AlN/Al coated NdFeB is improved largely. AlN/Al and Al protective coatings not only do not deteriorate the magnetic properties of NdFeB, but contribute to their slight increase.

  2. Al-Si/Al2O3 in situ composite prepared by displacement reaction of CuO/Al system

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    Zhang Jing


    Full Text Available Al2O3 particle-reinforced ZL109 composite was prepared by in situ reaction between CuO and Al. The microstructure was observed by means of OM, SEM and TEM. The Al2O3 particles in sub-micron sizes distribute uniformly in the matrix, and the Cu displaced from the in situ reaction forms net-like alloy phases with other alloy elements. The hardness and the tensile strength of the composites at room temperature have a slight increase as compared to that of the matrix. However, the tensile strength at 350 ℃ has reached 90.23 MPa, or 16.92 MPa higher than that of the matrix. The mechanism of the reaction in the CuO/Al system was studied by using of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC and thermodynamic calculation. The reaction between CuO and Al involves two steps. First, CuO reacts with Al to form Cu2O and Al2O3 at the melting temperature of the matrix alloy, and second, Cu2O reacts with Al to form Cu and Al2O3 at a higher temperature. At ZL109 casting temperature of 750–780 ℃, the second step can also take place because of the effect of exothermic reaction of the first step.

  3. AlGaN nanocolumns and AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN nanostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ristic, J.; Sanchez-Garcia, M.A.; Ulloa, J.M.; Calleja, E. [Departamento de Ingenieria Electronica, ETSI Telecomunicacion, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Sanchez-Paramo, J.; Calleja, J.M. [Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Jahn, U.; Trampert, A.; Ploog, K.H. [Paul-Drude-Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin (Germany)


    This work reports on the characterization of hexagonal, single crystal AlGaN nanocolumns with diameters in the range of 30 to 100 nm grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(111) substrates. The change of the flux ratio between the Al and the total III-element controls the alloy composition. The Al composition trend versus the Al flux is consistent both with the E{sub 2} phonon energy values measured by inelastic light scattering and the luminescence emission peaks position. High quality low dimensional AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN heterostructures with five GaN quantum discs, 2 and 4 nm thick, embedded into the AlGaN columns, were designed in order to study the quantum confinement effects. (Abstract Copyright [2002], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)


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    Muhammad Ardy Zaini


    Full Text Available Islam hadir dengan beberapa tujuan, diantaranya adalah terciptanya khoirul ummah dan rahmatan lil’alamin dengan al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits sebagai penuntun umat Islam demi tercapainya tujuan tersebut. Sebagai pedoman hidup, al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits memberikan berbagai petunjuk tentang keteraturan dan permasalahan hidup, termasuk didalamnya mengenai perbankan yang telah memenuhi hampir separuh sisi-sisi kehidupan manusia. Untuk memaksimal ajaran syariah secara kaffah, maka nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam al-Quran harus mampu diturunkan pada tataran praktis. Salah satu usaha dan langkah dalam rangka menemukan formula perbankan masa depan, al-Quran dan Hadits memiliki konsepsi dalam kegiatan operasional Bank Syariah. Hal ini dilakukan untuk membentuk sikap mental atau watak yang terjabarkan dalam pola berpikir, cara berbicara, dan etika bertingkah laku, sebagai ekspresi jiwa dari manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Allah Swt. Agar umat Islam mampu menjadi umat yang unggul (khayr ummah.

  5. Fabrication of AlN-TiC/Al composites by gas injection processing

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    YU Huashun; CHEN Hongmei; MA Rendian; MIN Guanghui


    The fabrication of AlN-TiC/Al composites by carbon-and nitrogen-containing gas injection into Al-Mg-Ti melts was studied. It was shown that AlN and TiC particles could be formed by the in situ reaction of mixture gas (N2+C2H2+NH3) with Al-Mg-Ti melts. The condition for the formation of AlN was that the treatment temperature must be higher than 1373 K, and the amounts of AlN and TiC increased with the increase of the treatment temperature and the gas injection time.It was considered that AlN was formed by the direct reaction of Al with nitrogen-containing gas at the interface of the gas bubble and the melt. However, the mechanism of TiC formation is a combination mechanism of solution-precipitation and solid-liquid reaction.

  6. The formation of AlB2 in an Al-B master alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiaoming


    The formation of borides in an Al-3 wt.%B master alloy, produced via chemical reactions of KBF 4 and aluminium has been investigated. The chemical reactions produce boron, which dissolves into molten aluminium and subsequently forms aluminium borides. Backscattered electron imaging (BEI) of the Al-3 wt.%B master alloy under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed the presence of two types of phases that contain different levels of boron. Combined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) results, the two types of phases are identified as AlB 2 on AlB 12 . This gives a direct evidence for a peritectic reaction of AlB 12 and aluminium, which produces AlB 2 . The thermodynamic properties of the reactions that may be involved are examined, and the presence of AlB 12 phase in the master alloy explained. The observed microstructure is explained according to the peritectic reaction in an Al-B phase diagram. The stability of AlB 2 and AlB 12 at lower temperature than 975 deg. C is clarified

  7. Construction and evaluation of multi-component Zn-Al based bearing alloys (Zn-Al-Si, Zn-Al-Cu)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahmiri, M.; Shahin, K.


    Zn-Al based alloys, with excellent mechanical properties, are finding increasing applications in various industries, especially bearing and bushing fields. Observed dimensional instabilities, in their multicomponent systems, (e. g. Zn-Al-Si and, Zn-Al Si-Cu), is believed to be as the result of some kinds of phase transformation, due to the temperature variations, while in service. Profound understanding of the phase transformations due to the temperature variation, requires detailed evaluations of the isothermal sections of the multi-components phase diagrams of Zn-Al-Si and, Zn-Al-Si-Cu alloy systems. In the present article, the isothermal sections of the aforementioned ternary and quaternary systems in the solid state regions have been investigated and observed phase transitions have been critically evaluated

  8. The Existence of a Designer Al=Al Double Bond in the LiAl2 H4- Cluster Formed by Electronic Transmutation. (United States)

    Lundell, Katie A; Zhang, Xinxing; Boldyrev, Alexander I; Bowen, Kit H


    The Al=Al double bond is elusive in chemistry. Herein we report the results obtained via combined photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio studies of the LiAl 2 H 4 - cluster that confirm the formation of a conventional Al=Al double bond. Comprehensive searches for the most stable structures of the LiAl 2 H 4 - cluster have shown that the global minimum isomer I possesses a geometric structure which resembles that of Si 2 H 4 , demonstrating a successful example of the transmutation of Al atoms into Si atoms by electron donation. Theoretical simulations of the photoelectron spectrum discovered the coexistence of two isomers in the ion beam, including the one with the Al=Al double bond. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Characterization of N-polar AlN in GaN/AlN/(Al,Ga)N heterostructures grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (United States)

    Li, Haoran; Mazumder, Baishakhi; Bonef, Bastien; Keller, Stacia; Wienecke, Steven; Speck, James S.; Denbaars, Steven P.; Mishra, Umesh K.


    In GaN/(Al,Ga)N high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMT), AlN interlayer between GaN channel and AlGaN barrier suppresses alloy scattering and significantly improves the electron mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas. While high concentrations of gallium were previously observed in Al-polar AlN interlayers grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, the N-polar AlN (Al x Ga1-x N) films examined by atom probe tomography in this study exhibited aluminum compositions (x) equal to or higher than 95% over a wide range of growth conditions. The also investigated AlN interlayer in a N-polar GaN/AlN/AlGaN/ S.I. GaN HEMT structure possessed a similarly high x content.

  10. KRITIK ATAS KRITIK EPISTEMOLOGI TAFSIR M. ABIED AL JABIRI: Studi Kritis atas Madkhal ila al Quran al Karim

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    Ahmad Fawaid


    Full Text Available This paper critically views the epistemology of Muhammad Abid al Jabiri’s interpretation in his book, Madkhal ila al Quran al Karim. His latest work is projected to make the Quran relevant to mankind today and with certainly critiquing classical Quranic studies that have been constructed by previous scholars. Starting from Arab criticism, which is expected to synergize the gap between Turath and modernity, al Jabiri tried out his theory in the realm of Quranic studies oriented to maintain its originality and interpretation from sectarian influence. Focusing on al Jabiri’s review on the Quran, this paper examines and associates some of the problems with the epistemology of critique in Arab reasoning. Finally, it is inferred that the epistemologic offer of al Jabiri used in Turath is not fully applicable in Quranic studies for several reasons. First, the Quranic studies existed within the chain of sanad in its formation. Secondly, at the application stage, al Jabri often overlooked the sanad and narrations from the companions.

  11. La ciudad de Tarraco y las repercusiones hispánicas de la rebelión de Magnencio: Un problema histórico- arrqueológico

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Entre los años 1926 y 1930, J. Serra Vilaro excavó en Tarragona lo que consideró en aquél momento como el foro de la ciudad, así como algunas estructuras arquitectónicas correspondientes a otros edificios, todas ellas situadas en una zona en la cual se habían efectuado diversos hallazgos a lo largo del siglo pasado. Recientes estudios (Mar-Ruiz de Arbulo, 1986 y 1987 han demostrado que el espacio porticado que en un principio se consideró como foro, corresponde en realidad a una basílica adyacente al mismo. Junto a la misma existía un espacio descubierto en el que se hallaron in situ varios pedestales de estatuas con dedicatorias imperiales. Todo este complejo arquitectónico estuvo activo hasta el Bajo Imperio; nos interesa especialmente analizar con detenimiento las causas del abandono de estas construcciones.


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    Carlos Henríquez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar posibles cambios en la capacidad de sorción y desorción de P en un Andisol debidos al efecto de diferentes usos del suelo. Se tomó muestras de 3 lotes adyacentes de un Typic Hapludands ubicado en Juan Viñas, Costa Rica, dedicados al cultivo de café (Coffea arabica var Catuai, caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. var H61 y bosque por más de 25 años. Se determinaron las isotermas de sorción de P para cada uno de ellos y se aplicó la ecuación de Langmuir para su representación.También se determinó la desorción de P a través de extracciones sucesivas con membranas aniónicas de intercambio (MIA durante un período de 192 horas. Debido a su origen volcánico y su mineralogía predominantemente alofánica, se encontró que la capacidad de sorción de P fue muy alta en los 3 suelos (97%. Con relación a las constantes de la ecuación de Langmuir, se encontró que los valores máximos de sorción de P (K1 fueron de 284, 208 y 200 mg P kg-1 y las constantes de enlace (K2 fueron de 3,18, 2,00 y 1,85 para los suelos dedicados a caña de azúcar, café y bosque, respectivamente. En ese mismo orden de tratamientos, el estimado de las cantidades totales desorbidas de P fue 20, 32 y 40 mg kg-1. De esta forma se encontró una relación inversa entre la cantidad máxima sorbida y la fuerza de sorción con la cantidad de P desorbido. Las cantidades desorbidas fueron superiores al P disponible determinado en el análisis de rutina, mostrando así una liberación significativa del elemento en los 3 suelos. Lo anterior sugiere que aunque los niveles de P en el suelo fueron bajos, sumado a una adsorción alta, el proceso de desorción puede mantener un suplemento significativo de P. Los resultados también sugieren que la dinámica de cambios que ocurre entre las formas disponibles y no disponibles de P es muy rápida. Se concluye que existe un importante efecto debido a las prácticas de manejo agronómico del

  13. Lubrication performance and mechanisms of Mg/Al-, Zn/Al-, and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide nanoparticles as lubricant additives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Shuo; Bhushan, Bharat


    Highlights: • Mg/Al-, Zn/Al- and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide were synthesized. • Mg/Al-LDH had superior tribological performance compared to other LDHs. • The best thermal stability of Mg/Al-LDH was responsible for its friction property. - Abstract: Solid lubricant particles are commonly used as oil additives for low friction and wear. Mg/Al-, Zn/Al-, and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxides (LDH) were synthesized by coprecipitation method. The benefits of LDH nanoparticles are that they can be synthesized using chemical methods where size and shape can be controlled, and can be modified organically to allow dispersal in fluids. The LDH nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, thermogravimetry, and differential scanning calorimetry. A pin-on-disk friction and wear tester was used for evaluating the friction and wear properties of LDH nanoparticles as lubricant additives. LDH nanoparticles have friction-reducing and anti-wear properties compared to oil without LDHs. Mg/Al-LDH has the best lubrication, possibly due to better thermal stability in severe conditions.

  14. Lubrication performance and mechanisms of Mg/Al-, Zn/Al-, and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide nanoparticles as lubricant additives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Shuo [School of Materials Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), 29 Xueyuan Road, Haidian Distract, Beijing 100083 (China); Nanoprobe Laboratory for Bio- & Nanotechnology and Biomimetics (NLBB), The Ohio State University, 201 W. 19th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1142 (United States); Bhushan, Bharat, E-mail: [Nanoprobe Laboratory for Bio- & Nanotechnology and Biomimetics (NLBB), The Ohio State University, 201 W. 19th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1142 (United States)


    Highlights: • Mg/Al-, Zn/Al- and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide were synthesized. • Mg/Al-LDH had superior tribological performance compared to other LDHs. • The best thermal stability of Mg/Al-LDH was responsible for its friction property. - Abstract: Solid lubricant particles are commonly used as oil additives for low friction and wear. Mg/Al-, Zn/Al-, and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxides (LDH) were synthesized by coprecipitation method. The benefits of LDH nanoparticles are that they can be synthesized using chemical methods where size and shape can be controlled, and can be modified organically to allow dispersal in fluids. The LDH nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, thermogravimetry, and differential scanning calorimetry. A pin-on-disk friction and wear tester was used for evaluating the friction and wear properties of LDH nanoparticles as lubricant additives. LDH nanoparticles have friction-reducing and anti-wear properties compared to oil without LDHs. Mg/Al-LDH has the best lubrication, possibly due to better thermal stability in severe conditions.

  15. Dakwah Kultural Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Kayu Khas Melayu Palembang

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    Reza Pahlevi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap berbagai fenomena yang menggambarkan serangkaian kegiatan dakwah kultural Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang. Sehingga dapat diperoleh sejumlah informasi mengenai berbagai upaya penerapan program yang dimaksud. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan, pertama kontribusi Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang terhadap perkembangan metode dakwah kultural adalah dakwah melalui seni. Kedua, Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang sebagai tempat Wisata Religi yang sangat signifikan.   This research tries to reveal the various phenomenon that describe a series of cultural propaganda activities Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang. In order to obtain some informations about the efforts of the implementation of the program in question. It can be concluded, the first contribution of Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang on the development of methods of cultural propaganda is propaganda through art. Second Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang as a very significant Religious Tourism.

  16. Optical phonon scattering on electronic mobility in Al2O3/AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures (United States)

    Zhou, X. J.; Qu, Y.; Ban, S. L.; Wang, Z. P.


    Considering the built-in electric fields and the two-mode property of transverse optical phonons in AlGaN material, the electronic eigen-energies and wave functions are obtained by solving Schrödinger equation with the finite difference method. The dispersion relations and potentials of the optical phonons are given by the transfer matrix method. The mobility of the two dimensional electron gas influenced by the optical phonons in Al2O3/AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures is investigated based on the theory of Lei-Ting force balance equation. It is found that the scattering from the half-space phonons is the main factor affecting the electronic mobility, and the influence of the other phonons can be ignored. The results show that the mobility decreases with increasing the thicknesses of Al2O3 and AlN layers, but there is no definite relationship between the mobility and the thickness of AlGaN barrier. The mobility is obviously reduced by increasing Al component in AlGaN crystal to show that the effect of ternary mixed crystals is important. It is also found that the mobility increases first and then decreases as the increment of the fixed charges, but decreases always with increasing temperature. The heterostructures constructed here can be good candidates as metal-oxide-semiconductor high-electron-mobility-transistors since they have higher electronic mobility due to the influence from interface phonons weakened by the AlN interlayer.

  17. Al2O3 adherence on CoCrAl alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kingsley, L.M.


    Adherence of protective oxides on NiCrAl and CoCrAl superalloys has been promoted by a dispersion of a highly oxygen reactive element or its oxide being produced within the protection system. Two aspects of this subject are investigated here: the use of Al 2 O 3 as both the dispersion and protective oxide; and the production of an HfO 2 dispersion while simultaneously aluminizing the alloy. It was found that an Al 2 O 3 dispersion will act to promote the adherence of an external scale of Al 2 O 3 to a degree comparable to previously tested dispersions and an HfO 2 dispersion comparable to that produced by a Rhines pack treatment is produced during aluminization

  18. Tracing Al Shabaab’s Decision to Cooperate with Al Qaeda in Somalia (2008

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    Adlini Ilma Ghaisany Sjah


    Full Text Available 'Al Shabaab, a Somali insurgent with predominantly nationalistic causes (alongside transnational [global Jihad] and Islamic goals made the choice to fight on behalf of Al Qaeda in 2008. The decision to do so contrasted with Al Shabaab’s previous behaviour of actively denying cooperation and distancing itself from Al Qaeda. This study aims to uncover factors that contributed to Al Shabaab’s decision through the use of process-tracing. The results show that Al Shabaab’s declaration of cooperation with Al Qaeda in August 2008 was brought about by a series of events that traced back to four factors: public reactions to the implementation of a Salafi ideology, the shift to a radical leadership, Al Shabaab’s inability to maintain stability in areas under its control and its increasing attacks by Al Shabaab on the Somali public. Al Shabaab pursued cooperation with Al Qaeda after realizing that their nationalistic preference was no longer achievable in the near future.' ' '

  19. All About ALS (United States)

    ... Subscribe August 2015 Print this issue All About ALS Understanding a Devastating Disorder En español Send us ... Sports Concussions Wise Choices How Can I Help ALS Research? If you have ALS, join the National ...

  20. Atomistic simulations of diffusion mechanisms in off-stoichiometric Al-rich Ni3Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan, Jinsong


    This paper presents dynamics simulation results of diffusion in off-stoichiometric Al-rich Ni 3 Al (Ni 73 Al 27 ) at temperature ranging from 1300 to 1550 K. The interatomic forces are described by the Finnis-Sinclair type N-body potentials. Particular attention is devoted to the effect of the extra 2% of Al atoms sitting on the Ni sublattice as antisite point defects (Al Ni ) on diffusion. Simulation results show that Ni atoms mainly diffuse through the Ni sublattice at the temperatures investigated. Al atoms diffuse via both the intrasublattice and antistructure bridge (ASB) mechanisms. The contribution to Al diffusion from the ASB mechanism decreases at the lower temperature (T Ni ) enhances both Al and Ni diffusion in Ni 73 Al 27 . The Ni-Al coupled diffusion effect is observed and understood at the atomic level for the first time

  1. Methodology and Characteristics of Zad al-masir fi ‘ilm al-tafsirby AllamaIbn al-Jawzī (Urdu

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    Dr. Muhammad Riaz al Azhari


    Full Text Available This article describes the methodology and characteristics of Zad al-masir fi ‘ilm al-tafsir. This is one the finest work of AllamaIbn al-Jawzī, a 6th century prominent Interpreter. Several editions of this Tafsir have been published. However, the edition of dar al-kitab al-‘arbi, Beirut published in four volumes is selected for this study. This exegesis is based on conventional narrations, authentic quotations from the Islamic Scholars and lingual & grammatical discussions. As a witness, causes of verses (asbabal-Nuz┴l,Makki and MadaniSurah’s (chapters, the abrogating and abrogated verses (al-nasikhwal-mans┴kh and Islamic jurisprudence have been discussed in it where needed. The quality of this translation which is admirable is that mostly authentic Ahadith from original sources, and references to well known basic books in relevant discussions have been described. `

  2. Phenotypic and genotypic studies of ALS cases in ALS-SMA families. (United States)

    Corcia, Philippe; Vourc'h, Patrick; Blasco, Helene; Couratier, Philippe; Dangoumau, Audrey; Bellance, Remi; Desnuelle, Claude; Viader, Fausto; Pautot, Vivien; Millecamps, Stephanie; Bakkouche, Salah; Salachas, FranÇois; Andres, Christian R; Meininger, Vincent; Camu, William


    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) are the most frequent motor neuron disorders in adulthood and infancy, respectively. There is a growing literature supporting common pathophysiological patterns between those disorders. One important clinical issue for that is the co-occurrence of both diseases within a family. To collect families in which ALS and SMA patients co-exist and describe the phenotype and the genotype of ALS patients. Nine families with co-occurrence of SMA and ALS have been gathered over the last 15 years. Epidemiological, phenotype and genetic status were collected. Out of the nine families, six corresponded to the criteria of familial ALS (FALS). Clinical data were available for 11 patients out of the 15 ALS cases. Mean age of onset was 58.5 years, site of onset was lower limbs in nine cases (81.8%), median duration was 22 months. Four ALS patients carried a mutation: three mutations in SOD1 gene (G147N in two cases and one with E121G) and one repeat expansion in the C9ORF72 gene. Three patients had abnormal SMN1 copy numbers. While the high proportion of familial history of ALS cases in these ALS-SMA pedigrees could have suggested that these familial clusters of the two most frequent MND rely on a genetic background, we failed to exclude that this occurred by chance.


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    Luz García Cruzatty


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó en la Cuenca Media del Río Guayas, Ecuador, en el área correspondiente a los cantones Mocache y Palenque. El inventario de las especies se obtuvo mediante recorridos participativos. Las especies se clasificaron de acuerdo al Sistema Filogenético de Cronquist. Los datos sobre el uso de las especies se obtuvieron mediante charlas y entrevistas no formales. Se determinó que los agricultores de la Cuenca Media del Río Guayas conocen y utilizan 262 especies vegetales que pertenecen a 67 familias y 164 géneros. Las familias vegetales más comunes fueron: Anacardiaceae, Papilonaceae, Solanaceae, Rutaceae, Musaceae y Lamiaceae, con más de diez especies cada una. Se documentaron 21 tipos de usos, de los cuales los más importantes son: alimenticio, medicinal y construcción, lo que demuestra la preocupación de las familias por satisfacer sus necesidades básicas. La mayoría de las especies utilizadas son árboles, seguido por hierbas y arbustos. Entre las especies de mayor importancia por los múltiples usos y productos que se obtienen están: Persea americana Mill. (aguacate, Artocarpus altilis Fosberg (fruta de pan, Musa sp. (plátano, Manguifera sp. (mango, Phythelephas aequatoriales Spruce (cade, Inga edulis Matius (guaba de bejuco, entre otros.

  4. Eutectic microstructures of Al-ThA13 and Al-UA14 alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vieira, R.R.; Ambrozio Filho, F.


    This paper deals on the microstructures of systems Al-ThAl3 and Al-UAL4, which are composed by a non faceted phase (aluminium) and an intermetallic phase (ThAl3 or UAL4) which is normally faceted phase. (C.M.)

  5. Interface reactions in the Al-Si-SiC and Mg-Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composite systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnson, P.K. [Commission of the European Communities, Petten (Netherlands). Inst. for Advanced Materials; Fazal-Ur-Rehman [Imperial Coll. of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (United Kingdom). Dept. of Materials; Fox, S. [Imperial Coll. of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (United Kingdom). Dept. of Materials; Flower, H.M. [Imperial Coll. of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (United Kingdom). Dept. of Materials; West, D.R.F.


    Structural and compositional observations are reported on the influence of the interfaces on the mechanisms and kinetics of liquid metal-ceramic reactions in Al-SiC, Al-Si-SiC, Mg-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and Mg-Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composites. The aluminium based materials contained up to 20 vol% SiC in particulate form, and were produced by a spray casting process; subsequently the interface reactions were studied in samples heated to temperatures up to 1100 C. The reaction product was Al{sub 4}C{sub 3} in both Al-SiC and Al-Si-SiC composites. The influence of the crystallography and topology of the SiC particle surfaces on the nucleation of the Al{sub 4}C{sub 3} has been demonstrated; surface asperities play an important role. Growth of nuclei proceeds to form continuous reaction product layers which control the subsequent kinetics. The magnesium based composites contained 5 vol% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} fibres (3 {mu}m in diameter), and were produced by a liquid infiltration process. SD Safimax fibres with relatively low and high porosity, and also RF Saffil fibres, with a silica binder, were investigated. Fibre porosity plays a major role in accelerating the penetration of Mg into the fibres with reaction to form MgO. Silica binder on the fibre surface transforms to MgO. The reaction rate was reduced by the presence of aluminium in the matrix. The factors controlling the reactions in the aluminium and magnesium based composites are compared. (orig.)

  6. O Complexo Vegetacional da Zona Litorânea no Ceará: Pecém, São Gonçalo do Amarante The vegetation complex of the coastal zone of Ceará: Pecém, São Gonçalo do Amarante

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    Antônio Sérgio Farias Castro


    Full Text Available O Litoral Setentrional do Nordeste (LSN por sua localização geográfica apresenta clima mais quente e seco do que na costa leste do Brasil. Por sua proximidade com a caatinga e o cerrado, o LSN permite a co-existência de espécies destes Domínios conjuntamente com espécies de restinga, em diferentes formações, constituindo um Complexo Vegetacional. Apesar da grande importância ecológica e botânica deste ecótono, existem poucos estudos sobre a flora regional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a composição florística e fitossociológica da região. Para isso, fizemos um levantamento florístico na área (entre 2007-2011, bem como consultas a registros de herbário na região e um levantamento fitossociológico em um trecho da floresta estacional semidecídua costeira (mata de tabuleiro. Foram inventariadas 382 espécies vegetais, pertencentes a 96 famílias. Na parcela fitossociológica (0,32 ha foram registrados 2.970 indivíduos de 52 espécies, sendo as mais abundantes as arbóreas Manilkara triflora, Chamaecrista ensiformis e Guapira nitida e as arbustivas Cordiera sessilis e Maytenus erythroxyla (altura média 3,8 m, diâmetro médio 6,2 cm, área basal 39,28 m²/ha. A flora local inclui elementos florísticos de caatinga, cerrado e restinga, sugerindo que a comunidade vegetal na região costeira do Ceará possui natureza ecotonal.Due to its geographical location, the northeastern Coast of Brazil (Litoral Setentrional do Nordeste - LSN is a hotter and drier climate than the eastern coast. In addition, because of its proximity to caatinga and cerrado, the LSN contains species from these vegetation biomes and from the restinga on the coast, which comprise different plant formations and creates a vegetation complex. Despite the great importance of this ecotone, there are few studies about its flora. The objective of this work was to contribute to what is known about the floristic and phytosociological


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    Abdul Sattar


    Popularitas Imam Bukhari sebagai penyusun kitab Hadits memiliki posisi yang tinggi di kalangan masyarakat muslim. Kitab Al-Jami ‘al-Shahih karya Imam  Bukhari dianggap sebagai koleksi hadits terbaik setelah Quran. Namun, tidak ada banyak informasi tentang kemampuannya di bidang Hukum Islam (fiqh. Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang dapat diajukan dalam hal tersebut;  pertama, apakah pemikiran Imam Bukhari dipengaruh salah satu dari empat fuqaha Sunni saat menulis al-Jami ‘al-Shahih?. Kedua, apa yang diupayakan Imam Bukhari untuk mengartikulasikan pemikirannya tentang hukum Islam? Dengan menggunakan pendekatan eksploratif, verifikatif dan hermenetical, artikel ini akan mengungkapkan bahwa Imam Bukhari tidak berada di bawah pengaruh madhab tertentu dalam mengartikulasikan pemikirannya tentang hukum Islam. Dia mengartikulasikan pandangannya dengan cara yang unik dan execelent berdasarkan kapasitasnya sebagai muhaddits.

  8. La "historia de los omeyas de al-Andalus" en los Masalik al-Absar


    Molina, Luis


    [ES]Los Masalik al-absar de Ibn Fadl Allah al-`Umari incluyen un breve resumen de la Historia de los omeyas de al-Andalus. En este trabajo se analizan las relaciones textuales entre ese pasaje y el Muqtabis de Ibn Hayyan, crónica que resulta ser la fuente casi única utilizada por al-`Umari para redactar ese capítulo. [EN]The Masalik al-absar by Ibn Fadl Allah al-`Umari contains a brief summary of the Umayyad history in al-Andalus. In this article, the textual relationship between this p...

  9. Culicídeos em bromélias: diversidade de fauna segundo influência antrópica, litoral de São Paulo Culícidos en bromelias: diversidad de fauna según influencia antrópica, litoral de Brasil Culicidae in bromeliads: diversity of species by anthropic environments, coastal area of Southeastern Brazil

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    Gisela R A M Marques


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a diversidade da fauna de culicídeos em bromélias de solo segundo ambientes urbano, periurbano e mata primitiva. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no município de Ilhabela, litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, em tanques de bromélias de ambientes urbano, periurbano e mata. Realizaram-se coletas de imaturos quinzenalmente, de março de 1998 a julho de 1999. A presença e freqüência de espécies nos diferentes ambientes foram comparadas com base em estimativas da diversidade para medir a riqueza, dominância e análise de variância (ANOVA. RESULTADOS: Coletaram-se 31.134 formas imaturas de mosquitos nas bromélias, distribuídas em sete gêneros e 37 espécies. O ambiente urbano registrou maior abundância, 14.575 indivíduos, seguido do periurbano com 10.987, e a mata, com o menor número de exemplares, 5.572. Foram coletadas 30 espécies no habitat urbano, 32 no periurbano e 33 na mata. As espécies dominantes foram Culex (Microculex pleuristriatus nos ambientes urbano e periurbano, e Culex ocellatus na mata. De acordo com teste ANOVA a freqüência de mosquitos em bromélias não foi diferente entre os ambientes pesquisados (F=0,5564; p=0,5769. A diversidade de espécies na mata foi maior, e semelhante entre periurbano e urbano. CONCLUSÕES: A composição específica de culicídeos em bromélias de solo mostrou-se diversificada, sendo maior naquelas de ambiente de mata. As espécies dominantes foram Cx. (Mcx. pleuristriatus e Cx. ocellatus.OBJETIVO: Comparar la diversidad de la fauna de culícidos en bromelias de suelo según ambientes urbano, periurbano y selva virgen. MÉTODOS: El estudio fue realizado en el municipio de Ilhabela, litoral norte del estado de Sao Paulo (Sureste de Brasil, en tanques de bromelias de ambientes urbano, periurbano y selva virgen. Se realizaron colectas de inmaduros quincenalmente, de marzo de 1998 a julio de 1999. La presencia y frecuencia de especies en los diferentes ambientes fueron

  10. Spatial and temporal variation of Peridinium umbonatum F. Stein, 1883 (Dinophyceae and its relationship with total phytoplankton of a shallow, oligotrophic lake in central Brazil (Lagoon Bonita, Distrito Federal Variação especial e temporal de Peridinium umbonatum F. Stein, 1883 (Dinophyceae e sua relação com o fitoplâncton total de uma lagoa rasa e oligotrófica no Brasil Central (Lagoa Bonita, Distrito Federal

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    Patrícia Pereira Gomes


    Full Text Available AIM: The main goal of this study was to investigate the temporal and spatial distribution of Peridinium umbonatum and its relationship with the physical and chemical water variables of the pelagic and littoral zones of Lagoon Bonita, located in Brasília, Distrito Federal; METHODS: Samples were collected at three stations: two in the littoral zone and one in the pelagic zone, every 15 days from April 2005 through March 2006; RESULTS: P. umbonatum was the only member of class Dinophyceae recorded during the entire seasonal cycle, with few exceptions, in both the littoral and pelagic zones of Lagoon Bonita. The highest biovolume (7.5 mm³.L-1 of this alga occurred near shore at the beginning of the rainy season, in November 2005. Smaller values of P. umbonatum biovolume were recorded in May and June 2005, typical dry months; CONCLUSIONS: P. umbonatum and the phytoplankton community as a whole had higher biovolumes in the two littoral zone sites, at the end of the dry season and the beginning of the rains. Both, the temporal and spatial scales were relevant in the presence of P. umbonatum, and the spatial heterogeneity was the dominant factor along the study period. The plant community structure, mainly submersed macrophytes, has affected the P. umbonatum population dynamics that took place at shallow, nutrient-poor conditions, small-size lake, which matches with habitat template described to Lo functional classification established by Reynolds et al. (2002.OBJETIVOS: O principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a distribuição temporal e espacial de Peridinium umbonatum e sua relação com as variáveis físicas e químicas da água das zonas pelágica e litorânea da Lagoa Bonita, localizada em Brasília, Distrito Federal; MÉTODOS: As amostras foram coletadas em três estações: duas na zona litorânea e uma na zona pelágica, a cada 15 dias, de abril de 2005 a março de 2006; RESULTADOS: P. umbonatum foi o único membro da classe

  11. Cryptanalysis of Lin et al.'s Efficient Block-Cipher-Based Hash Function

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liu, Bozhong; Gong, Zheng; Chen, Xiaohong; Qiu, Weidong; Zheng, Dong


    Hash functions are widely used in authentication. In this paper, the security of Lin et al.'s efficient block-cipher-based hash function is reviewed. By using Joux's multicollisions and Kelsey et al.'s expandable message techniques, we find the scheme is vulnerable to collision, preimage and second

  12. From Kitāb al-ḥadā’iq to Kitāb al-dawā’ir: Reconsidering Ibn al-Sīd al-Batalyawsī’s Philosophical Treatise

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    Eliyahu, Ayala


    Full Text Available The philosophical treatise known as Kitāb al-ḥadā’iq is generally ascribed to the 12th century Andalusian author Ibn al-Sīd al-Batalyawsī, although this attribution is sometimes contested. This paper offers a new interpretation of the title, textual history, authorship, sources, and literary genre of this treatise, on the basis of new textual evidence, a reexamination of known evidence, and a comparison between the treatise and Batalyawsī’s works. The conclusions of this study are first, that Kitāb al-ḥadā’iq was not the treatise’s original title, and therefore it should be renamed Kitāb al-dawā’ir; second, that Kitāb al-dawā’ir was originally part of (one of the versions of Batalyawsī’s Kitāb al-masā’il; and third, that the textual and stylistic similarities between this treatise and Batalyawsī’s other works prove the authenticity of the treatise’s attribution to Batalyawsī. In addition, new findings regarding Batalyawsī’s use of formulas from the Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Safā, in Kitāb al-dawā’ir and Kitāb al-masā’il provide further evidence for the deep impact of the Ikhwān on Batalyawsī’s thought, as well as for the close connection between Kitāb al-dawā’ir and Kitāb al-masā’il. This connection is further highlighted according to the attribution of both treatises to the genre of questions and answers in Arabic literature. The evidence gathered in this paper supports the claim that Batalyawsī’s Kitāb al-dawā’ir should be seen as an integral part of his literary oeuvre, as well as of Andalusian philosophical literature in general.Generalmente el tratado filosófico conocido como Kitāb al-ḥadā’iq se asocia al autor andalusí del siglo XII Ibn al-Sid al-Batalyawsī, aunque esta atribución ha sido discutida en ocasiones. Este artículo ofrece una nueva interpretación del título, la historia del texto, la autoría, las fuentes e incluso del género literario al que se

  13. Theory and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Aluminum Coordination Complexes – Al K-Edge Studies of Charge and Bonding in (BDI)Al, (BDI)AlR2, and (BDI)AlX2 Complexes. (United States)

    Altman, Alison B; Pemmaraju, C D; Camp, Clément; Arnold, John; Minasian, Stefan G; Prendergast, David; Shuh, David K; Tyliszczak, Tolek


    Polarized aluminum K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy and first-principles calculations were used to probe electronic structure in a series of (BDI)Al, (BDI)AlX2, and (BDI)AlR2 coordination compounds (X = F, Cl, I; R = H, Me; BDI = 2,6-diisopropylphenyl-β-diketiminate). Spectral interpretations were guided by examination of the calculated transition energies and polarization-dependent oscillator strengths, which agreed well with the XANES spectroscopy measurements. Pre-edge features were assigned to transitions associated with the Al 3p orbitals involved in metal-ligand bonding. Qualitative trends in Al 1s core energy and valence orbital occupation were established through a systematic comparison of excited states derived from Al 3p orbitals with similar symmetries in a molecular orbital framework. These trends suggested that the higher transition energies observed for (BDI)AlX2 systems with more electronegative X(1-) ligands could be ascribed to a decrease in electron density around the aluminum atom, which causes an increase in the attractive potential of the Al nucleus and concomitant increase in the binding energy of the Al 1s core orbitals. For (BDI)Al and (BDI)AlH2 the experimental Al K-edge XANES spectra and spectra calculated using the eXcited electron and Core-Hole (XCH) approach had nearly identical energies for transitions to final state orbitals of similar composition and symmetry. These results implied that the charge distributions about the aluminum atoms in (BDI)Al and (BDI)AlH2 are similar relative to the (BDI)AlX2 and (BDI)AlMe2 compounds, despite having different formal oxidation states of +1 and +3, respectively. However, (BDI)Al was unique in that it exhibited a low-energy feature that was attributed to transitions into a low-lying p-orbital of b1 symmetry that is localized on Al and orthogonal to the (BDI)Al plane. The presence of this low-energy unoccupied molecular orbital on electron-rich (BDI)Al distinguishes


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    Ronaldo dos Santos Barbosa


    Full Text Available O estado do Maranhão teve seu processo de ocupação iniciado pelo litoral na primeira metade do século XVII, pelos franceses, com a fundação de São Luís, em 1612. Em seguida os portugueses comandaram o processo de ocupação, sendo que a primeira frente de ocupação portuguesa foi denominada por Cabral (1992 de “frente litorânea”, em seguida, no século XVIII, a segunda frente denominado por Cabral (1992 de “frente do interior” se expande pelo sul do estado. Uma terceira frente denominada de “frente de expansão agrícola” ou “corrente de fugitivos da seca”. O presente artigo tem como objetivo caracterizar o processo de ocupação da bacia do Açaizal, localizado na Microrregião de Imperatriz e Messorregião oeste do Maranhão. A bacia em estudo tem uma área de 181,5 Km2, conta com quatro povoados a saber Cumaru, Olho D’água, Jenipapo e Açaizal Grande. A partir da década de 1960 a microrregião de Imperatriz e, logo em seguida, a bacia do Açaizal, passaram por um processo de ocupação rápida, em virtude da abertura da Rodovia BR 010 (Belém- Brasília. Utilizou-se de um vasto referencial bibliográfico sobre o tema em estudo, além de entrevistas padronizadas com os moradores pioneiros em cada um dos quatro povoados da bacia. Dentre as correntes de povoamento do Maranhão podemos destacar três: a litorânea, a do interior e a dos nordestinos fugitivos da seca, sendo a terceira responsável pala ocupação da bacia. No decorrer do processo de ocupação vale destacar três momentos importantes, primeiro a abertura da BR 010, segundo o avanço de lavoura temporária com destaque para a cultura do arroz e terceiro o avanço da pecuária. Grande parte dos moradores ocupantes vieram do leste maranhense em busca de terras para a agricultura.

  15. Indigestió: Buscando otro modo de pensar la música


    Oliveras, Jordi


    El presente artículo nos habla sobre la organización profesional Indigestió, creada con la intención de hacer de puente entre los grupos musicales incipientes y los organismos públicos. Está especializada en atender los procesos musicales y es capaz de gestionar las actividades y servicios adyacentes.

  16. [Morphogenetic processes and seasonal changes in the anatomic and histological organization of the Barents Sea sponge Halichondria panicea (Pallas)]. (United States)

    Ivanova, L V


    As a result of histological investigations of seasonal dynamics in the anatomical-tissue organization of the litoral sponge Halichondria panicea (Pallas), morphogenetical processes during different periods of its life cycle are described in detail. Correlations between different phases of sexual reproduction and conditions of anatomical and tissue organization in the maternal organism are stated. It is noted that tissue reduction of the definitive sponge Halichondria panicea during autumn--winter season is a natural phenomenon, regularly repeating in the life of the litoral sponge investigated, as a result of the maternal organism's "exhaustion" in the period of sexual embryogenesis.

  17. Turismo balnear e dinâmicas territoriais: casos de estudo - Praia de Mira e Praia da Tocha


    Miranda, Paulo Manuel Maranhão de


    Tese de doutoramento em Geografia, no ramo de Geografia Humana, apresentada ao Departamento de Geografia e Turismo da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra Os territórios do litoral oferecem um campo permanente para a investigação geográfica. Descrever as dinâmicas territoriais da paisagem litoral é descobrir as reações dos sistemas naturais à ação do ser humano, bem como, colocar em evidência a formação das complexas formas de vivenciar o espaço marítimo, de que somos todos herde...

  18. Composição florística e estrutural da vegetação de restinga do Estado do Piauí


    Francisco Soares Santos Filho


    Restinga é vegetação assentada sobre neossolos quartzarênicos do Quaternário e sua composição florística é considerada uma extensão da floresta atlântica ou de ecossistemas adjacentes. A presente tese traz dois trabalhos realizados nas restingas do estado do Piauí, cujo litoral pertence à porção setentrional do litoral nordestino. Este estudo foi composto por dois capítulos. O primeiro tratou de verificar se as restingas do Piauí apresentam composição florística originada em seus ecossiste...

  19. Thermodynamic properties of Al-Mn, Al-Cu, and Al-Fe-Cu melts and their relations to liquid and quasicrystal structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaitsev, A I; Zaitseva, N E; Shimko, R Yu; Arutyunyan, N A; Dunaev, S F; Kraposhin, V S; Lam, Ha Thanh


    Thermodynamic properties of molten Al-Mn, Al-Cu and Al-Fe-Cu alloys in a wide temperature range of 1123-1878 K and the whole range of concentrations have been studied using the integral effusion method and Knudsen mass spectrometry. Thermodynamic functions of melts were described by the associated solution model. The possibility of icosahedral quasicrystal (i-QC) precipitation from liquid Al-Mn and Al-Cu-Fe alloys was found to be a consequence of the existence in liquid associates (clusters). A geometric model is suggested for the structure of associates in liquid

  20. Sintering Behavior of CNT Reinforced Al6061 and Al2124 Nanocomposites

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    Nouari Saheb


    Full Text Available Ball milling and spark plasma sintering were successfully used to produce carbon nanotube reinforced Al6061 and Al2124 nanocomposites which have potential applications in the fields of aerospace, automotive, electronics, and high precision instrumentation. Al2124 and Al6061 nanocomposite powders containing 0.5 to 2 wt.% CNTs prepared through sonication and wet ball milling were spark plasma sintered at 400, 450, and 500°C for 20 minutes under a pressure of 35 MPa. CNTs were better dispersed, and less agglomerated and had good adhesion to the matrix in composites containing 1 wt.% CNTs. The increase of CNT content to 2 wt.% led to the formation of CNT clusters which resulted in less uniform and homogenous composite powders. Almost full densification of Al6061 reinforced with CNTs was achieved at 500°C. Also, CNTs reinforced Al2124 nanocomposites reached very high densities at 500°C. Composites reinforced with 1 wt.% CNTs displayed better densification compared to composites containing 2 wt.% CNTs. The increase of CNTs content from 0.5 to 1 wt.% increased the hardness of the Al6061 and Al2124 alloys to maximum values. Further increase of CNTs content to 2 wt.% decreased the hardness to values lower than that of the monolithic alloys.

  1. Comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo Behavior of immatures Aedes aegypti in the coast State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Carmen Moreno Glasser


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Em região de alta incidência de dengue, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, selecionaram-se 9 áreas, com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti. MÉTODOS: As 9 áreas foram agrupadas em 4 estratos, diferenciados pelo uso e ocupação do solo. Foram coletadas larvas e pupas numa amostra de cerca de 500 imóveis em cada área. RESULTADOS: Apesar do pneu e lona apresentarem as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti, o ralo, juntamente com outros recipientes fixos nas edificações foram altamente predominantes entre os recipientes positivos (32 a 76% dos recipientes positivos. As áreas coletivas de prédios e os imóveis não residenciais de grande porte apresentaram as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti enquanto os apartamentos, as menores. Os níveis de infestação foram maiores na área residencial com predominância de prédios de apartamentos, onde 76% dos criadouros detectados foram recipientes fixos nas edificações. CONCLUSÕES: Esses conhecimentos são importantes subsídios para a estratégia de controle, pois reforçam a necessidade de atenção especial para determinados tipos de imóveis, bem como da adequação da norma técnica de ralo de água pluvial e da melhoria de manutenção das edificações. Além disso, são necessárias observações sistemáticas que permitam acompanhar a dinâmica de ocupação de diferentes imóveis e recipientes por Aedes aegypti e a incorporação desses conhecimentos nas ações de controle do vetor na região.INTRODUCTION: In a region of high dengue incidence, on the coast of the State of São Paulo, 9 areas were selected to evaluate the behavior of immature Aedes aegypti. METHODS: The 9 areas were grouped into 4 strata according to soil use and occupation. Larvae and pupas were collected in a sample of approximately 500 buildings in each area. RESULTS: Although tires and canvas presented the highest positive rates for

  2. Tetragonal phase in Al-rich region of U-Fe-Al system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meshi, L.; Zenou, V.; Ezersky, V.; Munitz, A.; Talianker, M.


    A new ternary aluminide U 2 FeAl 20 with the approximate composition Al-4.2at% Fe-8.5at% U was observed in the Al-rich corner of the U-Al-Fe system. Transmission electron microscopy and electron microdiffraction technique were used for characterization of the structure of this phase. It has a tetragonal unit cell with the parameters a=12.4A and c=10.3A and can be described by the space group I4-bar 2m

  3. Ilhaq al-Masa'il bi Nazairiha dan Penerapannya dalam Bahth al-Masa'il

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    Luthfi Hadi Aminuddin


    Full Text Available Abstract: Ilh}a>q al-Masa>’il bi Naz}a>iriha is one of the methods used by Nahdlatul Ulama in resisting the opinion based on (manhaji analytical concept of Islamic jurisprudence (the solution for complex social problems as the main purpose of Islamic shari’ah. As known that, up to now, ilh}a>q has been understood as a process of answering a new case by the way of equating to the old one which is written in the book called al-mu’tabarah. Such ilh}a>q has got many criticisms both from the definitions, procedures and its epistemogical footing. This paper is about to reveal how the NU clerics of Islam understand the concept of Ilh}a>q}, what its epistemological footing was and how the concept was applied in discussing many cases (bah}th al-masa>’il. Based on the writer’s study to several documents of decision results of NU that Ilh}a>q did not only simplify to equate the new cases with the old ones that have been freely discussed in the books of al-mu’tabarah, but both cases should have similar legal substance, that is, both should be under the decrees of laws of al-qawa> ‘id al-fiqhi>yah. Thus, Ilh}a>q is actually answering the problem by applying al-qawa>‘id al-fiqhi>yah, whereas the formulation al-qawa>‘id al-fiqhi>yah itself was set off from the examination of a number of furu>’ generated by qiya> s. This paper also found three variations of the implementation of Ilh}a>q in bah}th al-masa>’il. First, the application of Ilh}a>q was without mentioning al-qawa> ‘id al-fiqhi>yah which covered new cases (mulh}aq and the old case law that has been known in the books of fiqh (mulh}aq bih/attached to. Second, the application of Ilh}a>q was accompanied by mentioning mulh}aq bih and al-qawa> ‘id al-fiqhi>yah. Third, the application of Ilh}a>q, was only by the mentioning al-qawa> ‘id al-fiqhi>yah.

  4. Nanoindentation studies of ex situ AlN/Al metal matrix nanocomposites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fale, Sandeep; Likhite, Ajay; Bhatt, Jatin


    Highlights: • Formation of in-situ phases nucleated on AlN particles strengthens the matrix. • Formation of in-situ phases increases with AlN content in nanocomposites. • Stronger in-situ phases results in increased hardness and modulus of elasticity. - Abstract: Nanocrystalline Aluminium nitride (AlN) powder is dispersed in different weight ratio in Aluminum matrix to fabricate metal matrix nanocomposite (MMNC) using ex situ melt metallurgy process. The synthesized Al–AlN nanocomposites are studied for phase analysis using high resolution scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) and for hardness behavior using microindentation and nanoindentation tests. Quantitative analysis of the oxide phases is calculated from thermodynamic data and mass balance equation using elemental data obtained from energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) results. Role of oxide phases in association with AlN particles is investigated to understand the mechanical behavior of composites using nanoindentation tester. Load–displacement profile obtained from nanoindentation test reveals distribution of oxide phases along with AlN particle and their effect on indent penetration

  5. Isothermal cross-sections of Sr-Al-Ge and Ba-Al-Ge systems at 673 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutsenok, N.L.; Yanson, T.I.


    X-ray and microstructural analyses are used to study phase equilibria in Sr-Al-Ge and Ba-Al-Ge systems. Existence of SrAl 2 Ge 2 , Sr(Al, Ge) 2 Ba(Al, Ge) 2 , Sr 3 Al 2 Ge 2 , Ba 3 Al 2 Ge 2 ternary compounds is confirmed, a new BaGe 4 binary compound and also new ternary compounds of approximate composition Sr 57 Al 30 Ge 13 and Ba 20 Al 40 Ge 40 , which crystal structure is unknown, are detected. Aluminium solubility in SrAl 4 and BaAl 4 binary compounds (0.05 atomic fraction) is determined. Ba(Al, Ge) 2 compound homogeneity region is defined more exactly (aluminium content varies from 0.27 to 0.51 at. fractions)

  6. Production of 26Al by spallation of Fe, Si, Al nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paillard, P.


    Cross sections for 7 Be, 10 Be and 26 Al formation in Al, Si and Fe targets bombarded with 0.6 and 24GeV protons have been measured by using highly selective chemical separation and low level background counters. Results for 26 Al at 0.6GeV are in mb: 17.9 + or - 2.7 in Al, 12.5 + or - 2.5 in Si and 0.45 + or - 0.14 in Fe; at 24GeV 2.6 + or - 0.5mb in Fe. Results for 10 Be are not valid on account of experimental difficulties. It is deduced from these values of aluminium in cosmic ray propagation that 26 Al is not yet cosmic ray chronometer [fr

  7. 143 - 148_Makeri et al.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 1, 2015 ... Yuan et al., 2003), antimicrobial activity (Sundarrao et al., 1993; Betancur-Galvis et al., 1999; Takashi et al., 2006), anti-parasitic, anti-malarial activities (Alali et al., 1998; Jaramillo et al., 2000; Luna et al.,. 2005). This study evaluates the antibacterial activity of extract of stem –bark and leaf extracts of Annona.

  8. Phase relationships in the Al-rich region of the Al-Cu-Er system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ligang; Masset, Patrick J.; Cao Fuyong; Meng Fangui; Liu Libin; Jin Zhanpeng


    Research highlights: → One ternary phase τ 1 -Al 8 Cu 4 Er in Al-rich region with a composition of 59.4-60.4 at.% Al, 32.2-33.8 at.% Cu, and 6.4-7.7 at.% Er is observed in both as-cast and annealed alloys. At 673 K, the binary Al 3 Er phase dissolves about 3.51 at.% Cu. → The calculated solidification paths (based on the CALPHAD method) of as-cast alloys are in agreement with the experimental results. → It can be found that the resultant thermodynamic database can be applied to case studies of as-cast alloys, showing that the literature thermodynamic description of the Al-Cu-Er system is reliable as a working basis for computer-assisted alloy design. - Abstract: The Al-rich region of the ternary Al-Cu-Er system is investigated using the method of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Phase equilibria in the Al-rich region of the Al-Cu-Er system at 673 K have been obtained, and the microstructures of as-cast alloys in the Al-rich region are also investigated. One ternary phase τ 1 -Al 8 Cu 4 Er with a composition of 59.4-60.4 at.% Al, 32.2-33.8 at.% Cu, and 6.4-7.7 at.% Er is observed in both as-cast and annealed alloys. At 673 K, the binary Al 3 Er phase dissolves about 3.51 at.% Cu. The calculated solidification paths (based on the CALPHAD method) of as-cast alloys are in agreement with the experimental results.

  9. Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of Al/Al7075, two-phase material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sherafat, Z.; Paydar, M.H.; Ebrahimi, R.; Sohrabi, S.


    In the present study, mechanical properties and deformation behavior of Al/Al7075, two-phase material were investigated. The two-phase materials were fabricated by mixing commercially pure Al powder with Al7075 chips and consolidating the mixture through hot extrusion process at 500 o C. Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of the fabricated samples were evaluated using tensile and compression tests. A scanning electron microscope was used to study the fracture surface of the samples including different amount of Al powder, after they were fractured in tensile test. The results of the tensile and compression tests showed that with decreasing the amount of Al powder, the strength increases and ductility decreases. Calculation of work hardening exponent (n) indicated that deformation behavior does not follow a regular trend. In a way that the n value was approved to be variable and a strong function of strain and Al powder wt% of the sample. The results of the fractography studies indicate that the type of fracture happened changes from completely ductile to nearly brittle by decreasing the wt% of Al powder from 90% to 40%.

  10. A Scholar from Saray: Mawlana Zada al-Sarayi (754/1353–791/1389 in the Biographical Dictionary of Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi (766/1365–845/1441 “Kitab al-Muqaffa al-Kabir” (The Great Rhymed Book

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    D.R. Zaynuddinov


    Full Text Available Research objective: to introduce into academic circulation previously unknown source on the Golden Horde history. Research materials: biographical dictionary of Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi (766/1365 – 845/1441 “Kitab al-Muqaffa al-Kabir” (The Great Rhymed Book. Results and novelty of the research: This article contains materials from the works of historians engaged in the narrative biography, which V.G. Tiesenhausen did not include in his “Collection of Materials on the Golden Horde history (extract from Arab writings”, although their writings contain very valuable information about the Golden Horde History. Research novelty consists in the fact that the author of this article presents one paragraph from biographical dictionary of Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi, whose article number 421 provides information about a scholar from Saray – Mawlana Zada al-Sarayi. The author provides its translation and commentary referring to the more than ten medieval Arab sources. After receiving basic education at home, Mawlana Zada al-Sarayi traveled to many Eastern countries in search of knowledge and after having received high recognition he settled in Cairo as a teacher of Sharia Sciences. Despite the fact that his life was interrupted at an early age (36 years, he left a deep mark in science. His son Muhibbu al-Din (Cairo, 791/1389 – Mecca, Friday, the 3rd of Dhu al-Hijjah 859/13 November 1455 also became a great scholar as well as an imam of Sultan al-Ashraf Barsbay himself and other sultans after him. Nisba al-Sarayi sounded on the lips of the Ulema of the East as a symbol of learnedness and high temper. As a result of research it must be said that the study of life of Mawlana Zada al-Sarayi (754/1353 – 791/1389 and the number of migrants from Desht-i Kipchak in Egypt will help researchers in a deeper and more detailed study of the Golden Horde history.

  11. Improved AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Grown on Si Substrates Using Stacked AlGaN/AlN Interlayer by MOCVD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yong; Yu Nai-Sen; Li Ming; Lau Kei-May


    AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are grown on 2-inch Si (111) substrates by MOCVD. The stacked AlGaN/AlN interlayer with different AlGaN thickness and indium surfactant doped is designed and optimized to relieve the tensile stress during GaN epitaxial growth. The top 1.0μm GaN buffer layer grown on the optimized AlGaN/AlN interlayer shows a crack-free and shining surface. The XRD results show that GaN(002) FWHM is 480 arcsec and GaN(102) FWHM is 900 arcsec. The AGaN/GaN HEMTs with optimized and non-optimized AlGaN/AlN interlayer are grown and processed for comparison and the dc and rf characteristics are characterized. For the dc characteristics of the device with optimized AlGaN/AlN interlayer, maximum drain current density I dss of 737mA/mm, peak transconductance G m of 185mS/mm, drain leakage current density I ds of 1.7μA/mm, gate leakage current density I gs of 24.8 μA/mm and off-state breakdown voltage V BR of 67 V are achieved with L g /W g /L gs /L gd = 1/10/1/1 μm. For the small signal rf characteristics of the device with optimized AlGaN/AlN interlayer, current gain cutoff frequency f T of 8.3 GHz and power gain cutoff frequency f max of 19.9 GHz are achieved with L g /W g /L gs /L gd = 1/100/1/1 μm. Furthermore, the best rf performance with f T of 14.5 GHz and f max of 37.3 GHz is achieved with a reduced gate length of 0.7μm. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  12. Konsepsi Ibnu Jarir Al-Tabari Tentang Al-Qur’an, Tafsir Dan Ta’wil

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    A.M Ismatulloh


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to describe the concept of Ibnu Jarir al-Tabari about al-Qur’an, tafsir and ta’wil. Ibn Jarir al-Tabari is an outstanding expert in the classic Islamic tradition. His knowledge in hadits, fiqh, lughah, history, and tafseer is unquestionable. This study uses an analytical descriptive design. The findings show that: Firstly, in defining al-Qur’an, al-Tabari focused on the al-Qur’an as an Arabic language text, not in other language. Secondly, al-Qur’an is written in sab’ah ahruf. It means that there are 7 different kinds of language with the same meaning. Thirdly, al-Qur’an comes from seven heaven’s door. Fourthly, there is no different word between tafseer and ta’wil. They have same meaning. These concepts are different to other concepts proposed by other ulama.

  13. Structure of bee-flower system in the coastal sand dune of Abaeté, northeastern Brazil Estrutura do sistema abelha-flor nas dunas litorâneas de Abaeté, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Blandina F. Viana


    Full Text Available For twelve months (from January to December of 1996 we investigated bee-flower interactions in a sea coastal ecosystem in Bahia, Brazil. Samples were taken three times each month. 3983 individuals belonging to 49 bee species, grouped in 13 morph-functional categories, visited 66 plant species belonging to 39 botanic families. It was observed 310 interactions between bees and plants at species level. The use of floral resources by bees was not homogeneous; most of the plant species received a low number of visitors. No restricted plant-bee species relationship in resource use concerning the subset of analyzed interactions was detected. In Abaeté the generalist relationships predominated.As interações entre abelhas e flores foram investigadas três vezes por mês, durante doze meses (entre janeiro a dezembro de 1996 em um ambiente de dunas litorâneas com vegetação de restinga no Nordeste do Brasil. Foram amostrados 3983 indivíduos de abelhas pertencentes a 49 espécies, agrupadas em 13 categorias morfo-funcionais. Essas visitaram 66 espécies de plantas pertencentes a 39 famílias vegetais. Trezentos e dez (310 interações entre abelhas e plantas, em nível de espécie foram observadas. O uso de recursos florais por abelhas não foi homogêneo, a maioria das espécies de plantas recebeu um baixo número de visitantes. Não foi notada nenhuma relação especializada, em nível de espécie, entre plantas e abelhas no subconjunto de interações analisadas. Em Abaeté, houve predominância de relações de generalistas.


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    Hurtado Alejandra


    Full Text Available La colonización de los potreros por especies vegetales diferentes a los pastos está limitada por la escasez de dispersores primarios y la poca disponibilidad de sitios adecuados para la germinación de las plantas. Las hormigas generalistas de potrero podrían promover la dispersión secundaria de árboles de interés para la rehabilitación ecológica mediante la manipulación y el transporte de semillas hacia sus nidos. En este estudio se examinó la necesidad de la escarificación mecánica para la germinación de semillas de tres especies de árboles de interés para la rehabilitación ecológica: Guazuma ulmifolia, Pithecellobium dulce y Senna spectabilis en condiciones de laboratorio. La escarificación potenció la germinación de G. ulmifolia (5% vs. 37% y S. spectabilis (0% vs. 98.5% y disminuyó la germinación de P. dulce (94% vs. 87%. Se concluye que la escarificación mecánica es necesaria para la germinación de S. spectabilis y G. ulmifolia. Con el objeto de explorar si las hormigas inciden en la germinación, en el laboratorio se ofrecieron semillas de S. spectabilis sin escarificar a colonias de la hormiga de fuego Solenopsis geminata. No se obtuvo germinación, lo que sugiere que esta especie de hormiga no realiza escarificación mecánica ni química a las semillas, pero tampoco hubo evidencia de daño físico a las semillas. Finalmente, se comparó la germinación de semillas escarificadas de S. spectabilis en suelo de nidos inactivos de S. geminata y en suelo adyacente al nido, en invernadero y campo. En invernadero la germinación fue mayor en suelo de nidos que en suelo adyacente (98% vs. 86%, respectivamente pero en el campo sucedió lo contrario (24% vs. 43%, respectivamente. No se encontró evidencia que los cambios provocados al suelo por S. geminata favorezcan la germinación de S. spectabilis. Se recomienda evaluar la contribución del suelo de nidos en etapas post-germinación de establecimiento, supervivencia y

  15. Epidemiología genómica y paraparesia espástica tropical asociada a la infección por el virus linfotrópico humano de células T tipo 1 Genome epidemiology and tropical spastic paraparesis associated with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1

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    Mercedes Salcedo-Cifuentes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Caracterizar el ambiente genómico de las secuencias adyacentes al virus linfotrópico humano de células T tipo 1 (HTLV-1 en pacientes con paraparesia espástica tropical y mielopatía asociada a la infección con HTLV-1 (PET/MAH de diferentes regiones de Colombia y del Japón. MÉTODOS: Se enfrentaron 71 clones recombinantes con secuencias del genoma humano adyacentes al 5'-LTR de pacientes con PET/MAH, a las bases de datos del Genome Browser y del Gen-Bank. Se identificaron y analizaron estadísticamente 16 variables genómicas estructurales y composicionales mediante el programa informático R, versión 2.8.1, en una ventana de 0,5 Mb. RESULTADOS: El 43,0% de los provirus se localizaron en los cromosomas del grupo C; 74% de las secuencias se ubicaron en regiones teloméricas y subteloméricas (P OBJECTIVE: Characterize the genomic environment of the sequences adjacent to human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1 in patients with HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP in different regions of Colombia and Japan. METHODS: A total of 71 recombinant clones with human genome sequences adjacent to 5' LTR in patients with HAM/TSP were compared to the Genome Browser and GenBank databases. Sixteen structural and compositional genome variables were identified, and statistical analysis was conducted in the R computer program, version 2.8.1, in a 0.5 Mb window. RESULTS: A total of 43.0% of the proviruses were located in the group C chromosomes; 74% of the sequences were located in the telomeric and subtelomeric regions (P < 0.05. A cluster analysis was used to establish the hierarchical relations between the genome characteristics included in the study. The analysis of principal components identified the components that defined the preferred genome environments for proviral integration in cases of HAM/TSP. CONCLUSIONS: HTLV-1 was integrated more often in chromatin regions rich in CpG islands with a high density

  16. Predicting glass-forming compositions in the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gargarella, P.; de Oliveira, M.F.; Kiminami, C.S.; Pauly, S.; Kuehn, U.; Bolfarini, C.; Botta, W.J.; Eckert, J.


    Research highlights: → The glass-forming ability of the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems was studied using the λ* and the λ.Δe criteria. → Both criteria predicted with just 1% at. of error the best glass-former verified so far in the Al-La system. → Four new glass-former compositions could be predicted in the Al-La-Ni system using the λ.Δe criterion. → The best glass-former reported so far in the Al-La-Ni system was found. - Abstract: In this work, a criterion considering the topological instability (λ) and the differences in the electronegativity of the constituent elements (Δe) was applied to the Al-La and Al-Ni-La systems in order to predict the best glass-forming compositions. The results were compared with literature data and with our own experimental data for the Al-La-Ni system. The alloy described in the literature as the best glass former in the Al-La system is located near the point with local maximum for the λ.Δe criterion. A good agreement was found between the predictions of the λ.Δe criterion and literature data in the Al-La-Ni system, with the region of the best glass-forming ability (GFA) and largest supercooled liquid region (ΔT x ) coinciding with the best compositional region for amorphization indicated by the λ.Δe criterion. Four new glassy compositions were found in the Al-La-Ni system, with the best predicted composition presenting the best glass-forming ability observed so far for this system. Although the λ.Δe criterion needs further refinements for completely describe the glass-forming ability in the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems, the results demonstrated that this criterion is a good tool to predict new glass-forming compositions.

  17. Electric quadrupole moments of neutron-rich nuclei {sup 32}Al and {sup 31}Al

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kameda, D., E-mail:; Ueno, H. [RIKEN Nishina Center (Japan); Asahi, K.; Nagae, D.; Takemura, M.; Shimada, K. [Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Physics (Japan); Yoshimi, A.; Nagatomo, T.; Sugimoto, T. [RIKEN Nishina Center (Japan); Uchida, M.; Arai, T.; Takase, K.; Suda, S.; Inoue, T. [Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Physics (Japan); Murata, J.; Kawamura, H. [Rikkyo University, Department of Physics (Japan); Watanabe, H. [Australian National University, Department of Nuclear Physics (Australia); Kobayashi, Y.; Ishihara, M. [RIKEN Nishina Center (Japan)


    The electric quadrupole moments for the ground states of {sup 32}Al and {sup 31}Al have been measured by the {beta} ray-detected nuclear quadrupole resonance method. Spin-polarized {sup 32}Al and {sup 31}Al nuclei were obtained from the fragmentation of {sup 40}Ar projectiles at E/A = 95 MeV/nucleon, and were implanted in a single crystal {alpha}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} stopper. The measured Q moment of {sup 32}Al, |Q({sup 32}Al)| = 24(2) mb, is in good agreement with a conventional shell-model calculation with a full sd model space and empirical effective charges, while that of {sup 31}Al is considerably smaller than the sd calculations.

  18. The constitution of alloys in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markoli, B.; Spaic, S.; Zupanic, F.


    The constitution of alloys and the liquidus surface in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system were determined by the examination of controlled heated and cooled specimens, as well as heat-treated specimens by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction. The Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system comprises five regions of primary crystallisation (α Al , β Si , Al 3 Sm, Al 2 Si 2 Sm and AlSiSm) with following characteristic invariant reaction sequences: ternary eutectic reaction L → α Al + β Si + Al 2 Si 2 Sm, and two liquidus transition reactions, i. e., L + Al 3 Sm → α Al + AlSiSm, and L + AlSiSm → α Al + Al 2 Si 2 Sm. Along with the position of ternary eutectic and both interstitial points in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system, the temperatures for each reaction were determined. (orig.)

  19. Disordered crystal structure of 20H-AlON, Al10O3N8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banno, Hiroki; Funahashi, Shiro; Asaka, Toru; Hirosaki, Naoto; Fukuda, Koichiro


    The disordered crystal structure of 20H-AlON (Al 10 O 3 N 8 ) was determined by combined use of X-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The title compound is hexagonal with space group P6 3 /mmc (Z=2) and the unit-cell dimensions are a=0.307082(5) nm, c=5.29447(8) nm and V=0.432376(12) nm 3 . The structural model showed the positional disordering of three of the six Al sites in the unit cell. The reliability indices calculated from the Rietveld method were R wp =6.97%, S (=R wp /R e )=1.68, R p =5.45%, R B =5.13% and R F =4.56%. We interpreted the disordered structure of 20H-AlON as a statistical average of six different types of ordered structural configurations, which are composed of an octahedral [Al(O, N) 6 ] layer and tetrahedral [Al(O, N) 4 ] layers. We demonstrated the high correlations between the hexagonal unit-cell dimensions and the octahedral layer concentrations for AlON and SiAlON polytypoids. - Graphical abstract: Variations of a and c/(n O +n T ) with n O /(n O +n T ). The a and c are the hexagonal unit-cell dimensions of AlON, SiAlON and AlN. The n O and n T are, respectively, the numbers of octahedral and tetrahedral layers in the unit cells. The unit-cell dimensions in literature are plotted in black plus for AlON and black cross for SiAlON. The unit-cell dimensions of AlN are a=0.3110 nm and c=0.4980 nm. - Highlights: • Crystal structure of Al10O3N8 is determined by laboratory X-ray powder diffraction. • The atom arrangements are represented by the split-atom model. • Six types of ordered atom arrangements are derived from the disordered structure. • Hexagonal unit-cell dimensions changed systematically for AlON and SiAlON compounds

  20. Prinsip Pendidikan Karakter dalam Islam: Studi Komparasi Pemikiran Al-Ghazali dan Burhanuddin Al-Zarnuji

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    Agus Setiawan


    Full Text Available The impelemtantion of character education that is done by the Indonesian government recently has been provoked by al-Ghazali and Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji long ago. It was proven by some written thoughts of al-Ghazali and Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji. They were very famous scientists in their era and widely welknown as educational experts who produced some phenomenal thoughts many people use today. Al-Ghazali and Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji lived in the era of Bani Abbasiyah monarchy, but Both of them lived in different era. Al-Ghazali was born first, then Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji. They had different mazhab, al-Ghazali went to the traditional principle of mazhab Syafi’I and Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji went to the modern principle of mazhab Hanafi. The differences, of course, would create a different thought. Still, they might have a similar principle of Islamic character education. The thoughts of character education of al-Ghazali have been poured in the “Ayyuha Walad” focusing to the students’ character building characterized by religiously obedient, skillfull of general and religious knowledge, socially helpful, affectionate, generous, good citizen, and coloring the society. Some applicable thoughts of character education of Ayyuha al-Walad of al-Gazhali to the contemporary education are: the balance of the happiness purposes of the recent life and the life after death, qana’ah and tawakal, affectionate, caring other, patience, honesty, philanthrophy, social works, generousity, democratic, peace makers, and patriotic. Those characters are also directed in the islamic character education nowdays. So that, the thoughts of al-Ghazali positively and responsively are absorbed by the Indonesian government to build the national character widely implementing in the national curriculum based on the local wisdom and the Islamic values. In the end, the students are able to live happily based on the Islamic rules by implementing the good behavior. Similar to the al


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    M. S. Kaiser


    Full Text Available The evaluation of texture as a function of recrystallization has been characterized for directly cold rolled Al-6Mg, Al-6Mg-0.4Sc and Al-6Mg-0.4Sc-0.2Zr alloys. Samples were annealed isothermally at 400 °C for 1 to 240 minutes to allow recrystallization. Recrystallization kinetics of the alloys is analyzed from the micro-hardness variation. Isothermally annealed samples of aluminum alloys were also studied using JMAK type analysis to see if there exists any correlation between the methods. Recrystallization fraction behavior between two methods the scandium added alloys show the higher variation due to precipitation hardening and higher recrystallization behavior. The scandium and zirconium as a combined shows the more variation due to formation of Al3(Sc, Zr precipitate. From the microstructure it is also observed that the base Al-Mg alloy attained almost fully re-crystallized state after annealing at 400 °C for 60 minutes

  2. Chemical failure modes of AlQ3-based OLEDs: AlQ3 hydrolysis. (United States)

    Knox, John E; Halls, Mathew D; Hratchian, Hrant P; Schlegel, H Bernhard


    Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum(III), AlQ3, is used in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) as an electron-transport material and emitting layer. The reaction of AlQ3 with trace H2O has been implicated as a major failure pathway for AlQ3-based OLEDs. Hybrid density functional calculations have been carried out to characterize the hydrolysis of AlQ3. The thermochemical and atomistic details for this important reaction are reported for both the neutral and oxidized AlQ3/AlQ3+ systems. In support of experimental conclusions, the neutral hydrolysis reaction pathway is found to be a thermally activated process, having a classical barrier height of 24.2 kcal mol(-1). First-principles infrared and electronic absorption spectra are compared to further characterize AlQ3 and the hydrolysis pathway product, AlQ2OH. The activation energy for the cationic AlQ3 hydrolysis pathway is found to be 8.5 kcal mol(-1) lower than for the neutral reaction, which is significant since it suggests a role for charge imbalance in promoting chemical failure modes in OLED devices.

  3. Study on Mg/Al Weld Seam Based on Zn–Mg–Al Ternary Alloy

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    Liming Liu


    Full Text Available Based on the idea of alloying welding seams, a series of Zn–xAl filler metals was calculated and designed for joining Mg/Al dissimilar metals by gas tungsten arc (GTA welding. An infrared thermography system was used to measure the temperature of the welding pool during the welding process to investigate the solidification process. It was found that the mechanical properties of the welded joints were improved with the increasing of the Al content in the Zn–xAl filler metals, and when Zn–30Al was used as the filler metal, the ultimate tensile strength could reach a maximum of 120 MPa. The reason for the average tensile strength of the joint increasing was that the weak zone of the joint using Zn–30Al filler metal was generated primarily by α-Al instead of MgZn2. When Zn–40Al was used as the filler metal, a new transition zone, about 20 μm-wide, appeared in the edge of the fusion zone near the Mg base metal. Due to the transition zones consisting of MgZn2- and Al-based solid solution, the mechanical property of the joints was deteriorated.

  4. Optical, structural, and nuclear scientific studies of AlGaN with high Al composition (United States)

    Lin, Tse Yang; Chung, Yee Ling; Li, Lin; Yao, Shude; Lee, Y. C.; Feng, Zhe Chuan; Ferguson, Ian T.; Lu, Weijie


    AlGaN epilayers with higher Al-compositions were grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) on (0001) sapphire. Trimethylgallium (TMGa), trimethylaluminium (TMAl) and NH3 were used as the source precursors for Ga, Al, and N, respectively. A 25 nm AlN nucleation layer was first grown at low-temperature of 590 °C at 300 Torr. Followed, AlxGa1-xN layers were grown at 1080 °C on low-temperature AlN nucleation layers. The heterostructures were characterized by a series of techniques, including x-ray diffraction (XRD), Rutherford backscattering (RBS), photoluminescence (PL), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman scattering. Precise Al compositions were determined through XRD, RBS, and SEM combined measurements. Room Temperature Raman Scattering spectra shows three major bands from AlGaN alloys, which are AlN-like, A1 longitudinal optical (LO) phonon modes, and E2 transverse optical (TO) band, respectively, plus several peak comes from the substrate. Raman spectral line shape analysis lead to an optical determination of the electrical property free carrier concentration of AlGaN. The optical properties of AlGaN with high Al composition were presented here.

  5. Ion-beam mixing and thermal annealing of Al--Nb and Al--Ta thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rai, A.K.; Bhattacharya, R.S.; Mendiratta, M.G.; Subramanian, P.R.; Dimiduk, D.M.


    Ion-beam mixing and thermal annealing of thin, alternating layers of Al and Nb, as well as Al and Ta, were investigated by selected area diffraction and Rutherford backscattering. The individual layer thicknesses were adjusted to obtain the overall compositions as Al 3 Nb and Al 3 Ta. The films were ion mixed with 1 MeV Au + ions at a dose of 1 x 10 16 ions cm/sup -2/ . Uniform mixing and amorphization were achieved for both Al--Nb and Al--Ta systems. Equilibrium crystalline Al 3 Nb and Al 3 Ta phases were formed after annealing of ion mixed amorphous films at 400 0 C for 6 h. Unmixed films, however, remained unreacted at 400 0 C for 1 h. Partial reaction was observed in the unmixed film of Al--Nb at 400 0 C for 6 h. After annealing at 500 0 C for 1 h, a complete reaction and formation of Al 3 Nb and Al 3 Ta phases in the respective films were observed. The influence of thermodynamics on the phase formation by ion mixing and thermal annealing is discussed

  6. Effect of elevated Al and pH on the growth and root morphology of Al-tolerant and Al-sensitive wheat seedlings in an acid soil

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    Md. Toufiq Iqbal


    Full Text Available Aluminium ion (Al3+ toxicity and hydrogen ion (H+ activity are the major constraints for plant growth in acid soil. This study was undertaken to determine the effect of pH and Al on the growth response and changes in root morphology of Al-tolerant (ET8 and Al-sensitive (ES8 wheat seedlings. Different levels of AlCl3 and CaCO3 were added to the soils to manipulate soil pH and extractable Al. The results showed that the bulk soil pH remained constant at pH 4.1 with further applications of AlCl3, and that the seedlings died at the 200 mg AlCl3/kg treatments. The ET8 seedlings responded better than the ES8 seedlings in both low and high Al and pH. The ET8 seedlings had higher root surface areas and root tip numbers than the ES8 seedlings in the Al treatment. In contrast, the ES8 had higher root diameters than the ET8 seedlings due to the elevated Al supply. Apoplast Al increased with the increase of soil available extractable Al, and declined with the decrease of soil extractable Al. The ET8 seedlings accumulated more Al in their apoplast than the ES8 seedlings. This study concluded that accumulation of Al in the apoplast is also involved in Al tolerance mechanism with the addition of organic acid exudation.

  7. Information of “Nukhbat al-dahr fi ‘aja’ib al-barr wa-al-bahr” by ad-Dimashqi about the Turkic Tribes of Dasht-i Kipchak »

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    Z.S. Ilyasova


    Full Text Available This article introduced into academic circulation information of such a historical source as “Nukhbat al-dahr fi ‘aja’ib al-barr wa-al-bahr” (Excerpts of Time on the Marvels of the Land and Sea on Kipchak clans and Turkic tribes of Dasht-i Kipchak. The material of the study is drawn from this source. Main scientific result of this work was the source’s translation into Russian accompanied by scientific comments. Sheikh Shams al-Din Abu Abdallah Muhammad Abu Talib al-Ansari al-Sufi al-Dimashqi was the author of this work. Some scholars have mistakenly confuse him with another chronicler named Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Yahya Ibn Fadlallah al-Omari al-Dimashqi. There is a widespread misconception that while writing on Kipchak clans and Turkic tribes al-Dimashqi used the data of such an author as Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Yahya al-Ansari al-Qutub al-Warraq al-Vatvat, also known as Ahmad al-Tini. After had studying the manuscripts of al-Tini and al-Dimashqi, we did not notice the connection between these two authors regarding their information about Kipchak clans and Turkic tribes of Dasht-i Kipchak. After had studying the information about Kipchak clans and Turkic tribes of Dasht-i Kipchak, we put forward the theory that 16 ethnonyms previously identified as Kipchak clans, are actually the etnonyms of eight Kipchak clans and eight Turkic tribes. The article also contains the extraction from “Nukhbat al-dahr fi ‘aja’ib al-barr wa-al-bahr” regarding the geography of Dasht-i Kipchak and the countries inhabited by the Turks. The following data are unique in this source: 1. The text describes such rivers as Ceyhun (Amu Darya, Seyhun (Syr Darya, Itil (Volga, as well as Khorezm and Khazar Seas (Aral and Caspian Seas. 2. Additionally, this text lists the following Turkic peoples: al-Kharlukhiya (Karluks, al-Khirgaziya (Kyrgyz, al-Kaymakiya (Kimaks, al-Guzziya (Oguz, al-Bazhanakiya (Pechenegs, al-Tuguzguziya (Uighurs, al-Khulkhiya (?, al

  8. Studies on SiC(p) reinforced Al-Al sub 3 Ni eutectic matrix composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masrom, A.K.; Foo, L.C.; Ismail, A.B.


    An investigation on processing of Al-5.69wt% Ni eutectic with SiC particulate composites is reported. The intermetallic composites are prepared by elemental powder metallurgy route and sintered at two different temperatures, i.e., 600 degree C and 620 degree C. Results show that the metal matrix was Al-Al sub 3 Ni eutectic. The phase analysis by XRD identified the presence of Al sub 3 Ni and Al as dominant phases together with silicon and Al sub 4 C sub 3 phase as minor phases. The Al sub 4 C sub 3 and Si phases are formed during sintering due to SiC-Al interface reaction. SEM micrographs also reveal the formation of microvoid surrounding the SiC particle

  9. The constitution of alloys in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markoli, B.; Spaic, S. [Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering; Zupanic, F. [Maribor Univ. (Slovenia). Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


    The constitution of alloys and the liquidus surface in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system were determined by the examination of controlled heated and cooled specimens, as well as heat-treated specimens by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction. The Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system comprises five regions of primary crystallisation ({alpha}{sub Al}, {beta}{sub Si}, Al{sub 3}Sm, Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm and AlSiSm) with following characteristic invariant reaction sequences: ternary eutectic reaction L {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + {beta}{sub Si} + Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm, and two liquidus transition reactions, i. e., L + Al{sub 3}Sm {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + AlSiSm, and L + AlSiSm {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm. Along with the position of ternary eutectic and both interstitial points in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system, the temperatures for each reaction were determined. (orig.)

  10. Electronic Structures and Bonding Properties of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    MIN Xinmin; REN Yi


    The relation among electronic structure, chemical bond and property of Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC2 and doping Si into Ti2AlC was studied by density function and the discrete variation (DFT-DVM) method. After adding Si into Ti2AlC, the interaction between Si and Ti is weaker than that between Al and Ti, and the strengths of ionic and covalent bonds decrease both. The ionic and covalent bonds in Ti3AlC2, especially in Ti-Al, are stronger than those in Ti2AlC. Therefore, in synthesis of Ti2AlC, the addition of Si enhances the Ti3AlC2 content instead of Ti2AlC. The density of state (DOS) shows that there is mixed conductor characteristic in Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2. The DOS of Ti3AlC2 is much like that of Ti2AlC. Ti2SixAl1-x C has more obvious tendency to form a semiconductor than Ti2AlC, which is seen from the obvious difference of partial DOS between Si and Al3p.

  11. Pornographie als Metapher

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Schubarth


    Full Text Available In diesem Artikel werden unterschiedliche metaphorische Verwendungen des Pornografiebegriffs und deren Implikationen untersucht. Während die Existenz von Pornografie der feministischen Anti-Porno-Bewegung als Erklärung für die anhaltende Diskriminierung von Frauen in westlichen Gesellschaften dient, nutzen rechtskonservative Kräfte den Pornografievorwurf als Rechtfertigung für die Zensur von als deviant empfundenen Identitäten und sexuellen Praktiken.

  12. Deletion of ALS5, ALS6 or ALS7 increases adhesion of Candida albicans to human vascular endothelial and buccal epithelial cells




    C. albicans yeast forms deleted for ALS5, ALS6 or ALS7 are more adherent than a relevant control strain to human vascular endothelial cell monolayers and buccal epithelial cells. In the buccal and vaginal reconstituted human epithelium (RHE) disease models, however, mutant and control strains caused a similar degree of tissue destruction. Deletion of ALS5 or ALS6 significantly slowed growth of the mutant strain; this phenotype was not affected by addition of excess uridine to the culture medi...

  13. Alpha and beta stabilizer character of Al in Zr-Nb-Al alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peruzzi Bardella, A.; Bolcich, J.C.


    The T β/α+β of Zr5Nb and Zr5Nb2Al (weight %) were determined in order to observe the alpha-stabilizer character of Al in ternary Zr-Nb-Al alloys. Techniques employed were change of resistivity with temperature in dynamic experiences, and metallography of samples quenched to room temperature after isothermal annealings. The T β/α+β of the ternary resulted 17 ± 8 deg C higher than that of the binary alloy. In addition, taking into account the results of previous investigations of the transformation of beta on quenching Zr-Nb-Al alloys from the beta field to room temperature, it is concluded that the beta-stabilizer character of Nb is stronger than the alpha-stabilizer character of Al in these Zr alloys, and that the Al can have important influence on the mechanical properties by the appearance of TRIP effect. (Author) [es

  14. Insulator-semiconductor interface fixed charges in AlGaN/GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor devices with Al2O3 or AlTiO gate dielectrics (United States)

    Le, Son Phuong; Nguyen, Duong Dai; Suzuki, Toshi-kazu


    We have investigated insulator-semiconductor interface fixed charges in AlGaN/GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) devices with Al2O3 or AlTiO (an alloy of Al2O3 and TiO2) gate dielectrics obtained by atomic layer deposition on AlGaN. Analyzing insulator-thickness dependences of threshold voltages for the MIS devices, we evaluated positive interface fixed charges, whose density at the AlTiO/AlGaN interface is significantly lower than that at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface. This and a higher dielectric constant of AlTiO lead to rather shallower threshold voltages for the AlTiO gate dielectric than for Al2O3. The lower interface fixed charge density also leads to the fact that the two-dimensional electron concentration is a decreasing function of the insulator thickness for AlTiO, whereas being an increasing function for Al2O3. Moreover, we discuss the relationship between the interface fixed charges and interface states. From the conductance method, it is shown that the interface state densities are very similar at the Al2O3/AlGaN and AlTiO/AlGaN interfaces. Therefore, we consider that the lower AlTiO/AlGaN interface fixed charge density is not owing to electrons trapped at deep interface states compensating the positive fixed charges and can be attributed to a lower density of oxygen-related interface donors.

  15. Riesgo de transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas por intrusión de triatominos y mamíferos silvestres en Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia

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    Marlene Reyes


    Conclusiones. El hallazgo de especies de triatominos intrusivas y de mamíferos con T. cruzi en el domicilio y el peridomicilio, así como en los bosques periurbanos, demuestra el riesgo de infección en las poblaciones que habitan en viviendas urbanas adyacentes a los ecótopos donde se mantiene el ciclo silvestre.

  16. Effects of Al(III and Nano-Al13 Species on Malate Dehydrogenase Activity

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    Rong Fu Chen


    Full Text Available The effects of different aluminum species on malate dehydrogenase (MDH activity were investigated by monitoring amperometric i-t curves for the oxidation of NADH at low overpotential using a functionalized multi-wall nanotube (MWNT modified glass carbon electrode (GCE. The results showed that Al(III and Al13 can activate the enzymatic activity of MDH, and the activation reaches maximum levels as the Al(III and Al13 concentration increase. Our study also found that the effects of Al(III and Al13 on the activity of MDH depended on the pH value and aluminum speciation. Electrochemical and circular dichroism spectra methods were applied to study the effects of nano-sized aluminum compounds on biomolecules.

  17. Effects of Al(III) and nano-Al13 species on malate dehydrogenase activity. (United States)

    Yang, Xiaodi; Cai, Ling; Peng, Yu; Li, Huihui; Chen, Rong Fu; Shen, Ren Fang


    The effects of different aluminum species on malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activity were investigated by monitoring amperometric i-t curves for the oxidation of NADH at low overpotential using a functionalized multi-wall nanotube (MWNT) modified glass carbon electrode (GCE). The results showed that Al(III) and Al(13) can activate the enzymatic activity of MDH, and the activation reaches maximum levels as the Al(III) and Al(13) concentration increase. Our study also found that the effects of Al(III) and Al(13) on the activity of MDH depended on the pH value and aluminum speciation. Electrochemical and circular dichroism spectra methods were applied to study the effects of nano-sized aluminum compounds on biomolecules.

  18. Fracture toughness of Ti-Al3Ti-Al-Al3Ti laminate composites under static and cyclic loading conditions (United States)

    Patselov, A. M.; Gladkovskii, S. V.; Lavrikov, R. D.; Kamantsev, I. S.


    The static and cyclic fracture toughnesses of a Ti-Al3Ti-Al-Al3Ti laminate composite material containing at most 15 vol % intermetallic compound are studied. Composite specimens are prepared by terminating reaction sintering of titanium and aluminum foils under pressure. The fracture of the titanium layers is quasi-cleavage during cyclic crack growth and is ductile during subsequent static loading.

  19. Data supporting Al-Abed et al., Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2016, (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Data files representing each of the Figures and Tables published in Al-Abed et al., Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2016, 3, 593. The data file names identify the Figure or...

  20. Ti, Al

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In the present study, authors report on the effect that substrate bias voltage has on the microstructure and mechanical properties of (Ti, Al)N hard coatings deposited with cathodic arc evaporation (CAE) technique. The coatings were deposited from a Ti0.5Al0.5 powder metallurgical target in a reactive nitrogen atmosphere at ...

  1. Growth of CdTe: Al films; Crecimiento de peliculas de CdTe: Al

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez A, M.; Zapata T, M. [CICATA-IPN, 89600 Altamira, Tamaulipas (Mexico); Melendez L, M. [CINVESTAV-IPN, A.P. 14-740, 07000 Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Pena, J.L. [CINVESTAV-IPN, A.P. 73 Cordemex, 97310 Merida, Yucatan (Mexico)


    CdTe: AI films were grown by the close space vapor transport technique combined with free evaporation (CSVT-FE). The Aluminum (Al) evaporation was made by two kinds of sources: one made of graphite and the other of tantalum. The films were deposited on glass substrates. The Al source temperature was varied maintaining the CdTe source temperature fixed as well as the substrate temperature. The films were characterized by x-ray energy dispersive analysis (EDAX), x-ray diffraction and optical transmission. The results showed for the films grown with the graphite source for Al evaporation, the Al did not incorporate in the CdTe matrix, at least to the level of EDAX sensitivity; they maintained the same crystal structure and band gap. For the samples grown with the tantalum source, we were able to incorporate the Al. The x-ray diffraction patterns show that the films have a crystal structure that depends on Al concentration. They were cubic up to 2.16 at. % Al concentration; for 19.65 at. % we found a mixed phase; for Al concentration higher than 21 at. % the films were amorphous. For samples with cubic structure it was found that the lattice parameter decreases and the band gap increases with Al concentration. (Author)

  2. First-principles study of L10 Ti-Al and V-Al alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chubb, S.R.; Papaconstantopoulos, D.A.; Klein, B.M.


    As a first step towards understanding the reduced embrittlement of L1 0 Ti-Al alloys which accompanies the introduction of small concentrations of V, we have determined from first principles, using full-potential linearized--augmented-plane-wave calculations, the equilibrium values of the structural parameters and the associated electronic structure for the stoichiometric (L1 0 ) Ti-Al (tetragonal) compound. Our calculated values of c/a and a are in good agreement with experiment. Using the same method of calculation, we have also studied the electronic structure associated with the (hypothetical) L1 0 V-Al alloy that would form when V is substituted for Ti. We find that (1) the electronic structures of these V-Al alloys are relatively insensitive to variations of c/a and a; (2) near the Ti-Al equilibrium geometry, the electronic structures of the V-Al and Ti-Al alloys are very similar; and (3) that a rigid-band model involving substitution of V for Ti can be used to gain a qualitative understanding of the reduction in c/a which accompanies the introduction of small concentrations of V. We relate the reduction in c/a to important changes in the bonding that accompany the occupation of bands immediately above the Fermi level of the stoichiometric Ti-Al compound

  3. Kinetic studies of oxidation of MgAlON and a comparison of the oxidation behaviour of AlON, MgAlON, O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2}, and BN-ZCM ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Xidong; Seetharaman, S. [Div. of Metallurgy, Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden); Li Wenchao [Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Univ. of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), Beijing, BJ (China)


    The kinetics and morphology of the oxidation process of magnesium-aluminium oxynitride (MgAlON), aluminium oxynitride (AlON), O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2}, and BN-ZCM have been studied in the temperature range 1373-1773 K (ZCM=30 wt% ZrO{sub 2}, 52 wt% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and 18 wt% 3 Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}.2 SiO{sub 2}). Oxidation experiments with powder and plate samples of the above materials have been carried out in air. MgAlON shows the best resistance to oxidation at lower temperatures (< 1473 K), whereas at higher temperatures ({proportional_to} 773 K), AlON shows the best resistance. O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2} shows very good oxidation resistance up to 1673 K. But its oxidation rate increases strongly above 1673 K, presumably due to the formation of liquid phase. BN-ZCM has the poorest oxidation resistance due to the evaporation of B{sub 2}O{sub 3}. The activation energies for the chemical oxidation reaction of AlON, MgAlON, and O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2} are 214, 330 and 260 kJ/mol, respectively. The overall diffusion activation energies for AlON, MgAlON, O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2} and BN-ZCM are 227, 573, 367 and 289 kJ/mol, respectively. (orig.)

  4. Circulations in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea with Reference to Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Near the Indian Coasts; Les Circulations dans les Eaux du Golfe du Bengale et de la Mer d'Oman et l'Elimination sans Danger des Dechets Radioactifs pres des Cotes Indiennes; 0426 0418 0420 0414 ; Circulaciones en el Golfo de Bengala e en el Mar Arabico con Relacion a la Evacuacion sin Riesgos de Desechos Radiactivos Frente al Litoral Indio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rama Sastry, A. A. [Meteorological Office, Poona 5 (India)


    cours desquelles les mouvements verticaux sont les plus prononces le long des cotes, ainsi que les regions interessees. Les courants ascendants sont plus intenses le long de la cote ; a cette epoque, il se produit un brassage complet de l'eau au-dessus du plateau continental. En profondeur, les masses d'eau sont - par ordre d'abondance decroissante - celles de la partie equatoriale de l'ocean Indien, les masses intermediaires de l'Antarctique et les eaux de la mer Rouge, puis un melange d'eaux de la region centrale de l'ocean Indien, d'eaux profondes de l'ocean Indien et du fond de l'Antarctique. L'auteur indique la repartition de ces masses d'eau et la circulation des eaux profondes, au nord de l'Equateur. Depuis 60 ans, les eaux du fond de .l'Antarctique semblent avancer au nord de l'Equateur, vers le golfe du Bengale et la mer d'Oman. De ce fait, on enregistre une baisse de la concentration saline, tant dans le golfe du Bengale que dans la mer d'Oman. En conclusion, l'auteur suggere un programme d'etudes oceanographiques plus poussees, du point de vue de l'elimination sans danger des dechets radioactifs, dans la mer d'Oman en particulier. (author) [Spanish] En esta memoria se resumen brevemente los conocimientos de oceanografia relativos al golfo de Bengala y al mar Arabigo. Con los datos proporcionados en los ultimos anos por varios centros oceanograficos del litoral indio, el autor examina las relaciones entre las condiciones oceanograficas y la evacuacion sin riesgos de desechos radiactivos en el mar. Trata asimismo, segun los datos recogidos por diferentes expediciones al Oceano Indico, de la oceanografia fisica de la region situada al norte del ecuador. Tanto en el golfo de Bengala como en el mar Arabigo existen, hasta una profundidad de 200 metros, por lo menos tres tipos distintos de masas de agua. En el golfo de Bengala, debido al elevado indice de dilucion, podrian distinguirse mas tipos de masas de agua superficiales. Fundandose en la distribucion

  5. Grain refining mechanism of Al-containing Mg alloys with the addition of Mn-Al alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin, Gaowu W.; Ren Yuping; Huang Wei; Li Song; Pei Wenli


    Graphical abstract: Display Omitted Research highlights: The ε-AlMn phase acts as the heterogeneous nucleus of α-Mg phase during the solidification of the AZ31 Mg alloy, not the γ-Al 8 Mn 5 phase. The grain refinement effect is very clear with the addition of only 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy (pure ε-AlMn). The grain refinement does not deteriorate up to the holding time of 60 min at 740 o C. - Abstract: The effect of manganese on grain refinement of Al-containing AZ31 Mg alloy has been investigated by designing a series of Mn-Al alloys composed of either pure ε-AlMn, γ 2 -Al 8 Mn 5 or both of them using optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is experimentally clarified that the grain refinement of the AZ31 Mg alloy is due to the existence of the ε-AlMn phase in the Mn-Al alloys, not the γ 2 -Al 8 Mn 5 phase. The grain size of AZ31 Mg alloy is about 91 μm without any addition of Mn-Al alloys, but remarkably decreases to ∼55 μm with the addition of either Mn-34 wt% Al or Mn-28 wt% Al. With a minor addition of 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy, the grain size of AZ31 alloy decreases to ∼53 μm, and the Mn-28Al alloy can be active as grain refiner for holding time up to 60 min for the melt AZ31 alloy at 750 o C.

  6. Ibn Qutayba en al-Andalus. La préface à I 'Adab al-Kātib dans le commentaire d'Ibn al-Sīd al-Baṭalyawsī

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soravia, Bruna


    Full Text Available Ibn Qutayba's preface to his Adab al-kātib has been considered for centuries the most important section of this work and it has been the object of many commentaries, both in the Muslim East and West. This paper deals with Ibn al-Sīd al-Baṭalyawsī´s commentary al-Iqtiḍāb, trying to show the peculiar way in which Ibn al-Sīd develops his own critique of Ibn Qutayba's controversial thesis on the relation between orthodoxy, falsafa and kalām. At the same time, the Andalusi author works out his own conception of adab, deeply influenced by his biographical experience. Finally a full translation of Ibn Qutayba's preface is proposed, half a century after G. Lecomte's partial one.

    El prefacio de Ibn Qutayba a su Adab al-Kātib ha sido considerado durante siglos como el fragmento más importante de su obra, y ha sido objeto de muchos comentarios, tanto orientales como occidentales. Este artículo trata del comentario que Ibn al-Sīd al-Baṭalyawsī hizo de ese texto de Ibn Qutayba, e intenta mostrar la forma peculiar en que Ibn al-Sīd desarrolla su propia crítica a la polémica tesis de Ibn Qutayba sobre la relación entre ortodoxia, falsafa y kalām. Al mismo tiempo, el autor andalusí elabora su propia concepción del adab, profundamente influida por su experiencia biográfica. Para concluir, se presenta una traducción completa del prefacio de Ibn Qutayba, medio siglo después de la parcial realizada por G. Lecomte.

  7. Interview als Text vs. Interview als Interaktion

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    Arnulf Deppermann


    Full Text Available Das Interview ist nach wie vor das beliebteste sozialwissenschaftliche Verfahren des Datengewinns. Ökonomie der Erhebung, Vergleichbarkeit und die Möglichkeit, Einsicht in Praxisbereiche und historisch-biografische Dimensionen zu erhalten, die der direkten Beobachtung kaum zugänglich sind, machen seine Attraktivität aus. Zugleich mehren sich Kritiken, die seine Leistungsfähigkeit problematisieren, indem sie auf die begrenzte Reichweite der Explikationsfähigkeiten der Befragten, die Reaktivität der Erhebung oder die Differenz zwischen Handeln und dem Bericht über Handeln verweisen. Im Beitrag wird zwischen Ansätzen, die das Interview als Text, und solchen, die es als Interaktion verstehen, unterschieden. Nach dem Text-Verständnis werden Interviews unter inhaltlichen Gesichtspunkten analysiert und als Zugang zu einer vorgängigen sozialen oder psychischen Wirklichkeit angesehen. Das Interaktions-Verständnis versteht Interviews dagegen als situierte Praxis, in welcher im Hier und Jetzt von InterviewerInnen und Befragten gemeinsam soziale Sinnstrukturen hergestellt werden. Anhand ubiquitärer Phänomene der Interviewinteraktion – Fragen, Antworten und die Selbstpositionierung von InterviewerInnen und Befragten – werden Praktiken des interaktiv-performativen Handelns im Interview dargestellt. Ihre Relevanz für die Interviewkonstitution und ihre Erkenntnispotenziale für die Interviewauswertung werden aufgezeigt. Es wird dafür plädiert, die interaktive Konstitutionsweise von Interviews empirisch zu erforschen und methodisch konsequent zu berücksichtigen. URN:

  8. Roça-de-toco: uso de recursos florestais e dinâmica da paisagem rural no litoral de Santa Catarina Slash-and-burn agriculture: use of forest resources and dynamics of rural landscape in Santa Catarina State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Siminski


    Full Text Available Os fragmentos florestais nas pequenas propriedades agrícolas de Santa Catarina fazem parte de um ciclo de cultivo de espécies anuais, através da agricultura de pousio (roça-de-toco. Neste estudo, procurou-se analisar o sistema de cultivo praticado pelos agricultores do município de São Pedro de Alcântara, litoral de Santa Catarina, utilizando a abordagem qualitativa. Como resultados, observou-se que em 65% das propriedades houve redução da área de cultivo nos últimos 10 anos, o tempo de repouso foi reduzido e as roças passaram a ser menos itinerantes. As restrições ao uso dos recursos florestais têm promovido alterações na composição da paisagem das propriedades agrícolas da região de estudo, onde se constata uma diminuição das áreas destinadas à agricultura de pousio e um aumento crescente das áreas com formações florestais secundárias, além do aumento da proporção de formações mais avançadas no processo de sucessão natural. Entretanto, uma simulação do uso da terra revelou que é possível, do ponto de vista da disponibilidade de áreas ao longo do tempo, a continuidade do sistema de pousio, principalmente quando este destina-se à subsistência.The secondary forests in the small farms of Santa Catarina State are traditionally used as a component of the slash-and-burn agriculture. The purpose of this study was to analyze the agricultural system in the municipality of São Pedro de Alcântara, on the coast zone of the State, using the qualitative research approach. The results showed that there was a reduction of the cultivated area in 65% of the farms in the last 10 years, the fallow period was reduced, and the rotation time of each field plot was shortened. The restrictions imposed by regulations on forest resources use have contributed to a change in the composition of the landscape of the study area, where a shrinkage of the area used for traditional agriculture in favor of a larger area of with

  9. Structure and phase composition of Al-Ce-Cu system alloys in range of quasi-binary Al-Al8CeCu4 section

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belov, N.A.; Khvan, A.V.


    The phase diagram of the Al-Cu-Ce system in the quasibinary section area of Al-Al 8 CeCu 4 has been investigated by metallographic, thermal, micro-X-ray spectral and X-ray structural analyses. The parameters of the eutectic reaction L→(Al)+CeCu 4 Al 8 : T=610 Deg C were found out; the composition was 14% Cu and 7% Ce. This eutectics is of a disperse structure and the ternary compound contained is capable of fragmentation and spheroidizing in the heating process (starting from 540 Deg C). It was demonstrated that the area of optimal (Al)+CeCu 4 Al 8 eutectics-based alloy compositions was within the narrow limits. That is related to the fact that at a comparatively little variation of the Cu:Ce=2 ratio solidus sharply decreases and, as a result, the crystallization interval considerably extends [ru

  10. Description and characteristics of 81 patients attending the Reference Center for Multiple Sclerosis of the coastal region of the state of São Paulo-Brazil. (United States)

    Fragoso, Yara Dadalti; Fiore, Ana Patricia Perez


    To register multiple sclerosis (MS) patients residing in the coastal region of the State of São Paulo (CEREM Litoral Paulista). Individual interviews with identified cases of MS. 81 individuals with diagnosis of MS agreed to come for registration (62 females [76.5%], 19 males [23.5%]). 65% of all patients were residents of the city of Santos. The mean age of these patients was 43 years (14 to 74 years), and the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) was Litoral Paulista for prescription of immunomodulators. There is a clear need to identify other cases in the region and to allow other forms of treatment to be put into practice.

  11. .


    Luna, Fábia de Oliveira; Araújo, Janaina Pauline de; Lima, Régis Pinto de; Pessanha, Marisol Menezes; Soavinski, Ricardo José; Passavante, José Zanon de Oliveira

    2008-01-01 mamífero aquático mais ameaçado de extinção no Brasil é o peixe-boi marinho (Trichechus manatus manatus). Durante os anos de 1992 e 1993, foram percorridos 3000km do litoral dos Estados do MA, PA e AP, onde foram  visitadas 145 localidades e realizadas 262 entrevistas com o objetivo de identificar a pressão de caça do peixe-boi marinho e sua utilização pelas comunidades litorâneas do norte do Brasil. Os entrevistados foram pessoas envolvidas ...

  12. Structural and electrical characterization of AuPtAlTi ohmic contacts to AlGaN/GaN with varying annealing temperature and Al content


    Fay, Mike W.; Han, Y.; Brown, Paul D.; Harrison, Ian; Hilton, K.P.; Munday, A.; Wallis, D.; Balmer, R.S.; Uren, M.J.; Martin, T.


    The effect of varying annealing temperature and Al layer thickness on the structural and electrical characteristics of AuPtAlTi/AlGaN/GaN ohmic contact structures has been systematically investigated. The relationship between annealing temperature, Al content, interfacial microstructure, surface planarity and contact resistance is\\ud examined. In particular, the presence of a detrimental low temperature Pt-Al reaction is identified. This is implicated in both the requirement for a higher Al:T...

  13. Especies bentónicas de Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda presentes en el litoral del norte peruano

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    Katia Nakamura


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo muestra las especies bentónicas de Opisthobranchia registradas para el norte del Perú. El trabajo se basa en la recopilación de la literatura científica disponible para el área de interés. Se presentan las 17 especies reportadas para dicha zona, clasificadas dentro del Grupo Informal Opisthobranchia en 6 clados, 12 familias y 14 géneros. A pesar del alto potencial de diversidad que se le otorga a la costa norte peruana, el número de especies registradas es bajo, debido principalmente al escaso número de exploraciones e investigaciones realizadas.

  14. Grain refining mechanism of Al-containing Mg alloys with the addition of Mn-Al alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qin, Gaowu W., E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Wenhu Road 3-11, Heping District, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning Province (China); Ren Yuping; Huang Wei; Li Song; Pei Wenli [Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Wenhu Road 3-11, Heping District, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning Province (China)


    Graphical abstract: Display Omitted Research highlights: The {epsilon}-AlMn phase acts as the heterogeneous nucleus of {alpha}-Mg phase during the solidification of the AZ31 Mg alloy, not the {gamma}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} phase. The grain refinement effect is very clear with the addition of only 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy (pure {epsilon}-AlMn). The grain refinement does not deteriorate up to the holding time of 60 min at 740 {sup o}C. - Abstract: The effect of manganese on grain refinement of Al-containing AZ31 Mg alloy has been investigated by designing a series of Mn-Al alloys composed of either pure {epsilon}-AlMn, {gamma}{sub 2}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} or both of them using optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is experimentally clarified that the grain refinement of the AZ31 Mg alloy is due to the existence of the {epsilon}-AlMn phase in the Mn-Al alloys, not the {gamma}{sub 2}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} phase. The grain size of AZ31 Mg alloy is about 91 {mu}m without any addition of Mn-Al alloys, but remarkably decreases to {approx}55 {mu}m with the addition of either Mn-34 wt% Al or Mn-28 wt% Al. With a minor addition of 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy, the grain size of AZ31 alloy decreases to {approx}53 {mu}m, and the Mn-28Al alloy can be active as grain refiner for holding time up to 60 min for the melt AZ31 alloy at 750 {sup o}C.

  15. AYAT-AYAT WAH}DAT AL-WUJUd dalam Kitab Tanbi>h al-Ma>shi Karya ‘Abdurrauf al-Sinkili

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    Asep Nahrul Musadad


    Full Text Available Abstract: One of the key moments in discussing the history of Indonesian Islam is a polemic related to the negotiation on the doctrine of wahdat al-wujud that occured in Aceh in 17th century between the followers of Hamzah al-Fansuri and Nuruddin al-Raniri. This article focuses on analyzing several Qur’anic verses used by ‘Abdurrauf as the confirmation of his argument. In the polemical context, Abdurrauf al-Sinkili appeared to be an actor of reconciliation between two opposite sides. He tried to respond to the disputed issues through his book called “Tanbi>h al-Mashi”. As an exponent of the so-called moderate sufism (mysticism, he built the argument concerning wah}dat al-wujud based on the Quranic text. After making a thematic classification chronologically, his interpretation on these verses is analyzed by using Hussain al-Dhahaby’s theory of sufistic exegesis. In conclusion, it shows that ‘Abdurrauf’s commentary is “sufi-nazari type”, featured by his exegeses pattern. This, of course, represents his attitude as a reconciler who then needs to seek confirmation to the Qur’anic verses in evaluating wah}dat al-wujud doctrine, through which such a polemical issues occurred at that time. الملخص: إن من المرحلة الأساسية التي مرّ بها تاريخ الإسلام في اندونيسيا الجدل و النزاع حول عقيدة وحدة الوجود فى أتشيه (Aceh حول قرن السابع عشر بين أتباع حمزة الفنسوري و نور الدين الرانيري. ففي ذلك الخطاب النزاعي جاء عبد الرؤوف السنكيلي مصلحا بين الجانبين المعاكسين. وعلى مقتضى الظروف، كتب كتاب " تنبيه الماشي" الذي تطرّق فيه طريق التوسّط، ممثّلا للتصوّف المعتدل. اعتمد عبد الرؤوف على النصوص القرآنية فى تحقيق آراءه حول ت

  16. Reviewing Medical Education in KamelAl-Senaat Al-Tebieh

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    Shahla Moradi


    Full Text Available Background and Objective: Among the human sciences, medicine is superior to all other sciences. One of the effective factors in education, especially in medical education is using appropriate textbooks. This study aims to consider a classic book of medical education and find its relevance to modern medicine. Materials and Methods: Reviewing and analyzing parts of Kamel Al-Senaat Al-Tebieh medical textbook. Results: This book has about four hundred thousand words and it was divided into twenty articles, each consisting of several chapters, first ten topics of which are about theoretical medicine, and others are information related to practical medicine. Conclusion: One of the most important obligations of every nation is to protect and preserve written and unwritten cultural and scientific resources Kamel Al-Senaat Al-Tebieh was written in one of the glorious periods of Iranian Medical History by Ali Ibn Abbas. It has a dignified position because of its recording method. This method is one of the best methods that is used after Ahvazi. Even today it is a valuable source of medical education.

  17. Density and atomic volume in liquid Al-Fe and Al-Ni binary alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plevachuk, Yu. [Ivan Franko National Univ., Lviv (Ukraine). Dept. of Metal Physics; Egry, I.; Brillo, J.; Holland-Moritz, D. [Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt, Koeln (Germany). Inst. fuer Raumsimulation; Kaban, I. [Chemnitz Univ. of Technolgy (Germany). Inst. of Physics


    The density of liquid Al-Fe and Al-Ni binary alloys have been determined over a wide temperature range by a noncontact technique combining electromagnetic levitation and optical dilatometry. The temperature and composition dependences of the density are analysed. A negative excess volume correlates with the negative enthalpy of mixing, compound forming ability and chemical short-range ordering in liquid Al-Fe and Al-Ni alloys. (orig.)

  18. TEM characterization of Al-C-Cu-Al2O3 composites produced by mechanical milling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos-Beltran, A.; Gallegos-Orozco, V.; Estrada-Guel, I.; Bejar-Gomez, L.; Espinosa-Magana, F.; Miki-Yoshida, M.; Martinez-Sanchez, R.


    Novel Al-based composites (Al-C-Cu-Al 2 O 3 ) obtained by mechanical milling (MM), were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Analyses of composites were carried out in both, the as-milled and the as-sintered conditions. C nanoparticles were found in the as-milled condition and Al 2 O 3 nanofibers were found in as-sintered products, as determined by EELS. C and Cu react with Al to crystallize in Al 3 C 4 and Al 2 Cu structures, respectively

  19. Formation of AlFeSi phase in AlSi12 alloy with Ce addition

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    S. Kores


    Full Text Available The influence of cerium addition on the solidification sequence and microstructure constituents of the Al-Si alloys with 12,6 mass % Si was examined. The solidification was analyzed by a simple thermal analysis. The microstructures were examined with conventional light and scanning electron microscopy. Ternary AlSiCe phase was formed in the Al-Si alloys with added cerium during the solidification process. AlSiCe and β-AlFeSi phases solidified together in the region that solidified the last. Cerium addition influenced on the morphology of the α-AlFeSi phase solidification.

  20. Compressive performance and crack propagation in Al alloy/Ti{sub 2}AlC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanaor, D.A.H., E-mail: [School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Hu, L. [Ames Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Ames, Iowa 50011 (United States); Kan, W.H.; Proust, G. [School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Foley, M. [Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Karaman, I.; Radovic, M. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Texas A& M University, College Station, TX 77843 (United States)


    Composite materials comprising a porous Ti{sub 2}AlC matrix and Al 6061 alloy were fabricated by a current-activated pressure assisted melt infiltration process. Coarse, medium and fine meso-structures were prepared with Al alloy filled pores of differing sizes. Materials were subjected to uniaxial compressive loading up to stresses of 668 MPa, leading to the failure of specimens through crack propagation in both phases. As-fabricated and post-failure specimens were analysed by X-ray microscopy and electron microscopy. Quasi-static mechanical testing results revealed that compressive strength was the highest in the fine structured composite materials. While the coarse structured specimens exhibited a compressive strength of 80% relative to this. Reconstructed micro-scale X-ray tomography data revealed different crack propagation mechanisms. Large planar shear cracks propagated throughout the fine structured materials while the coarser specimens exhibited networks of branching cracks propagating preferentially along Al alloy-Ti{sub 2}AlC phase interfaces and through shrinkage pores in the Al alloy phase. Results suggest that control of porosity, compensation for Al alloy shrinkage and enhancement of the Al alloy-Ti{sub 2}AlC phase interfaces are key considerations in the design of high performance metal/Ti{sub 2}AlC phase composites.

  1. Phase equilibria and crystalline structure of compounds in the Lu-Al and Lu-Cu-Al systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Stel'makhovich, B.M.; Galamushka, L.I.


    Phase equilibria and crystal structure of compounds in Lu-Al and Lu-Cu-Al systems were studied. Existence of Lu 2 Al compound having the structure of the PbCl 2 type is ascertained. Diagram of phase equilibria of Lu-Cu-Al system at 870 K is plotted. Compounds Lu 2 (Cu,Al) 17 (the Th 2 Zn 17 type structure), Lu(Cu,Al) 5 (CaCu 5 type structure), Lu 6 (Cu,Al) 23 (Th 6 Mn 23 type structure) and ∼ LuCuAl 2 have been prepared for the first time. Investigation of component interaction in Lu-Cu-Al system shows that the system is similar to previously studied systems Dy-Cu-Al and Er-Cu-Al. The main difference consists in the absence of LuCuAl 3 compound with rhombic structure of the CeNi 2+x Sb 2-x type in the system investigated

  2. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP): An Al Qaeda Affiliate Case Study (United States)


    Villarosa, Al-Qaeda in Yemen, Carnegie Endowment, July 7, 2009, event-1372. 53 Brian Whitaker...73 Khaled Fattah, “Yemen’s Insecurity Dilemma,” Yemen Times, February 11, 2014, http:// carnegie, and Shari Villarosa, “Al-Qaeda in Yemen.” Carnegie Endowment. July 7, 2009. yemen-event

  3. Formation of epitaxial Al 2O 3/NiAl(1 1 0) films: aluminium deposition (United States)

    Lykhach, Y.; Moroz, V.; Yoshitake, M.


    Structure of epitaxial Al 2O 3 layers formed on NiAl(1 1 0) substrates has been studied by means of reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The elucidated structure was compared to the model suggested for 0.5 nm-thick Al 2O 3 layers [K. Müller, H. Lindner, D.M. Zehner, G. Ownby, Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 25 (1990) 1130; R.M. Jaeger, H. Kuhlenbeck, H.J. Freund, Surf. Sci. 259 (1991) 235]. The stepwise growth of Al 2O 3 film, involving deposition and subsequent oxidation of aluminium onto epitaxial 0.5 nm-thick Al 2O 3 layers, has been investigated. Aluminium was deposited at room temperature, whereas its oxidation took place during annealing at 1070 K. The Al 2O 3 thickness was monitored by means of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). It was found that Al 2O 3 layer follows the structure of 0.5 nm thick Al 2O 3 film, although a tilting of Al 2O 3(1 1 1) surface plane with respect to NiAl(1 1 0) surface appeared after Al deposition.

  4. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (United States)

    Lou Gehrig disease; ALS; Upper and lower motor neuron disease; Motor neuron disease ... One out of 10 cases of ALS is due to a genetic defect. The cause is unknown in most other cases. In ALS, motor nerve cells (neurons) waste away ...

  5. Pemikiran Politik al-Shawkânî dalam Fath al-Qadîr

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    Yusuf Hanafi


    Full Text Available Muhammad b. ‘Alî Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allâh al-Shawkânî al-San‘ânî. He was born in the Hijrah in Shawkân village, Yemen on Monday 28 Dhû al-Qa‘dah 1172 H and died on Tuesday, 27 Jumâd al-Akhîr 1250 H at the age about 78 years. Al-Shawkânî grew up in the San‘a city, it is the capital of the republic of Yemen now. He study first time about religion from his father, then from renowed scholars in San‘a and its surrounding, he was known as a scolar who mastered the various branches of religious sciences. Such as tafsîr, h}adîth, fiqh, us}ûl al-fiqh, history, science of kalâm, philosophy, balâghah, mant}iq etc. the main issue in this article is how political thought in the book of tafsir Fath al-Qadîr is the work of Shawkânî. At the end of article, the authors found that the intended political thinking in the study of Fath al-Qadîr is about constitutional ideas. These ideas about the constitution is limited to the concept of leadership and deliberation, the concept of the right of citizen to obtain justice, and the concept pf the right of citizens to live association and assembly

  6. Influência das precipitações na produtividade agrícola no Estado da Paraíba Influence of precipitations on agricultural productivity in Paraíba State

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    Lindenberg L. da Silva


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, realizado em quatro microrregiões da Paraíba no período de 1990 a 2005, objetivou-se determinar as correlações entre as precipitações pluviais durante a safra para as culturas de cana-de-açúcar e abacaxi, nas microrregiões do Litoral e Brejo, e as correlações entre as precipitações durante o período chuvoso e as produtividades de algodão herbáceo, na microrregião do Sertão e do sisal, no Cariri/Curimataú. Os testes realizados com as equações de regressões polinomiais utilizando-se apenas a precipitação pluvial da pré-estação chuvosa ou do período chuvoso como variável independente, não foram suficientes para estimar a produtividade da cana-de-açúcar no Litoral, vez que pequenos volumes de precipitação não suprem as necessidades hídricas da cultura. A produtividade do abacaxi não mostrou correlações significativas com as precipitações pluviais nas microrregiões do Litoral e Brejo. Obtiveram-se fortes correlações entre as precipitações pluviais durante o período chuvoso e as produtividades de algodão herbáceo no Sertão paraibano e, para o sisal no Cariri/Curimataú. Com a estimativa da precipitação durante o período chuvoso poder-se-á decidir plantar, ou não, em determinada microrregião.This study was carried out in four homogeneous pluviometric micro regions of Paraíba State between 1990 and 2005. The aims were to determine the relationships between crops of sugar-cane and pineapple productivity and production season rainfall in the Litoral and 'Brejo' micro regions, the relationships between the rainy season precipitations and herbecious cotton productivity in the Sertão, and sisal in the Cariri/Curimataú micro regions. Tests accomplished with polinomial regression equations, using only early rainy season or rainy season as the independent variable were not sufficient to estimate sugar-cane productivity in the Litoral, therefore small rainfall quantities do not supply the

  7. Oxidation behavior of Al/Cr coating on Ti2AlNb alloy at 900 °C (United States)

    Yang, Zhengang; Liang, Wenping; Miao, Qiang; Chen, Bowen; Ding, Zheng; Roy, Nipon


    In this paper, the Al/Cr coating was fabricated on the surface of Ti2AlNb alloy via rf magnetron sputtering and double glow treatment to enhance oxidation resistance. The protective coating with an outer layer of Al and inner layer of Cr has great bonding strength due to the in-diffusion of Cr and the inter-diffusion between Al and Cr to form Al-Cr alloyed layer which has great hardness. Acoustic emission curve which was detected via WS-2005 scratch tester indicates the bonding strength between Al/Cr coating and substrate is great. Morphology of Ti2AlNb alloy with Al/Cr coating after scratch test shows that the scratch is smooth without disbanding, and the depth and breadth of scratch are changed uniformly. The mass change was reduced after oxidation test due to the Al/Cr protective coating. Isothermal oxidation test at 900 °C was researched. Results indicate that Al/Cr coating provided oxidation resistance of Ti2AlNb alloy with prolonged air exposure at 900 °C. Al2O3 was detected by XRD patterns and SEM images, and was formed on the surface of Ti2AlNb alloy to protect substrate during oxidation test. A certain content of Cr is beneficial for the formation of Al2O3. Besides, Cr2O3 was produced under Al2O3 by outward diffusion of Cr to protect substrate sequentially, no cracks were discovered on Al/Cr protective coating. The process of Ti outward diffusion into surface was suppressive due to integration of Cr-Ti and Al-Ti intermetallics. A steady, adherent and continuous coated layer of Al/Cr on Ti2AlNb alloy increases oxidation resistance.


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    Luis Alberto Girón Murillo


    Full Text Available Es complejo para gestores y administradores conocer las implicaciones que la adopción de modelos de desarrollo de software tendría para una región. Este artículo ofrece una evaluación de las implicaciones dinámicas que para el desarrollo de software de una región tendría el apostar de forma excluyente al software libre, al software de fuente abierta y al software propietario. Se desarrolló un modelo de simulación en Vensim de la dinámica de sistemas en donde se evaluaron 3 escenarios: uno en donde se adopta de forma excluyente el software libre, uno en donde se adopta el software propietario y uno en donde se adopta el software de fuente abierta. Se ofrecen descripciones y explicaciones de los resultados que sugieren las potencialidades de cada uno de los modelos de desarrollo evaluados.

  9. Investigation of annealing treatment on the interfacial properties of explosive-welded Al/Cu/Al multilayer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honarpisheh, M.; Asemabadi, M.; Sedighi, M.


    Highlights: ► We studied explosive-welded Al/Cu/Al multilayer. ► We investigated heat treatment influence on the bond properties of Al/Cu/Al. ► Intermetallic compounds were studied using the SEM, OM and EDS analysis. ► Variations of hardness in the thickness were investigated using micro-hardness. ► Intermetallic phases such as AlCu 3 and Al 2 C create at the interface of Al/Cu/Al. -- Abstract: In this study, an Al/Cu/Al multilayer sheet was fabricated by explosive welding process and the effects of annealing temperature on the interfacial properties of explosively bonded Al/Cu bimetal have been investigated. For this purpose, hardness changes along the thickness of the samples have been measured, and the thickness and type of intermetallic compounds formed at the joining interface have been explored by means of optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and also energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The obtained results indicate that, with the increase of the annealing temperature, the thickness of intermetallic compounds has increased and the amount of hardness along the thickness of the joining interface has diminished. In the annealed sample at 400 °C for 30 min, it was observed that intermetallic layers have formed at the interface of Al/Cu bimetals. These layers consist of the intermetallic compounds AlCu 3 , Al 2 Cu and AlCu, and their thickness gets to about 5 μm at some points. The examinations performed by the SEM, following the Vickers micro-hardness test, indicated the existence of a number of microcracks at the top and bottom interface of the sample annealed at 400 °C. This shows the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds at the joining interface, and also indicates the low ductility of these compounds.

  10. NMR evidence for Co-Al-Co molecular groups trapped in cages of Co4Al13

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeglic, P.; Heggen, M.; Feuerbacher, M.; Bauer, B.; Gille, P.; Haarmann, F.


    We present the results of 27 Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on the phase Co 4 Al 13 . These results are compared to a recent structure model [1], which demonstrates a unique bonding for Al atoms in the Co-Al-Co molecular groups. In our measurement, two 27 Al signals were identified. The first one originates from Al atoms forming cages. The second signal corresponds to Al sites with exceptionally large almost axially symmetric quadrupole coupling. This finding is in perfect agreement with isolated Co-Al-Co molecular groups in accordance to Ref. [1].

  11. The Y-Cu-Al system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krachan, T.; Stel'makhovych, B.; Kuz'ma, Yu.


    The phase diagram of the Y-Cu-Al system at 820 K has been constructed using X-ray powder diffraction. The existence of earlier known ternary aluminides has been confirmed and their homogeneity regions and atomic distributions in the structures have been determined: YCu 4.6-4.0 Al 7.4-8.0 (ThMn 12 -type R I =0.049), Y 2 Cu 12.0-10.5 Al 5.0-6.5 (Th 2 Zn 17 -type R I =0.092), YCu 1.0-1.1 Al 1.0-0.9 (Fe 2 P-type R I =0.068). It has been shown that the structure of Y(Cu,Al) 3 is characterized by an ordered distribution of the Cu and Al atoms and it should be referred as Ca 3 Cu 2 Al 7 structure type (R I =0.060) besides the PuNi 3 structure type with statistical occupancies of the smaller atoms. At the investigated temperature the compound YCu 1.0-0.25 Al 3.0-3.75 (BaAl 4 -type) was not observed. However, we found the ternary aluminide with composition Y 3 Cu 2.7-2.0 Al 8.3-9.0 and related La 3 Al 11 -type (space group Immm, a=0.4192-0.4228, b=1.2423-1.2557, c=0.9812-0.9895 nm, R I =0.069). The compounds YCu 6.8 Al 4.2 (space group Fddd, Tb(Cu 0.58 Al 0.42 ) 11 -type, a=1.42755, b=1.48587, c=0.65654 nm, R I =0.062) and YCu 6.5 Al 4.5 (space group I4 1 /amd, BaCd 11 -type, a=1.02774, c=0.65838 nm, R I =0.071) have been found and structurally refined for the first time

  12. Preparation, deformation, and failure of functional Al-Sn and Al-Sn-Pb nanocrystalline alloys (United States)

    Noskova, N. I.; Vil'Danova, N. F.; Filippov, Yu. I.; Churbaev, R. V.; Pereturina, I. A.; Korshunov, L. G.; Korznikov, A. V.


    Changes in the structure, hardness, mechanical properties, and friction coefficient of Al-30% Sn, Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb (wt %) alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation by equal-channel angular pressing (with a force of 40 tonne) and by shear at a pressure of 5 GPa have been studied. The transition into the nanocrystalline state was shown to occur at different degrees of plastic deformation. The hardness exhibits nonmonotonic variations, namely, first it increases and subsequently decreases. The friction coefficient of the Al-30% Sn, Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb alloys quenched from the melt was found to be 0.33; the friction coefficients of these alloys in the submicrocrystalline state (after equal-channel angular pressing) equal 0.24, 0.32, and 0.35, respectively. The effect of disintegration into nano-sized powders was found to occur in the Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb alloys after severe plastic deformation to ɛ = 6.4 and subsequent short-time holding.

  13. Characterization of Al/Ni multilayers and their application in diffusion bonding of TiAl to TiC cermet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, J.; Song, X.G.; Wu, L.Z.; Qi, J.L.; Feng, J.C.


    The Al/Ni multilayers were characterized and diffusion bonding of TiAl intermetallics to TiC cermets was carried out using the multilayers. The microstructure of Al/Ni multilayers and TiAl/TiC cermet joint was investigated. The layered structures consisting of a Ni 3 (AlTi) layer, a Ni 2 AlTi layer, a (Ni,Al,Ti) layer and a Ni diffusion layer were observed from the interlayer to the TiAl substrate. Only one AlNi 3 layer formed at the multilayer/TiC cermet interface. The reaction behaviour of Al/Ni multilayers was characterized by means of differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and X-ray diffraction. The initial exothermic peak of the DSC curve was formed due to the formation of Al 3 Ni and Al 3 Ni 2 phases. The reaction sequence of the Al/Ni multilayers was Al 3 Ni → Al 3 Ni 2 → AlNi → AlNi 3 and the final products were AlNi and AlNi 3 phases. The shear strength of the joint was tested and the experimental results suggested that the application of Al/Ni multilayers improved the joining quality. - Highlights: ► Diffusion bonding of TiAl to TiC cermet was realized using Al/Ni multilayer. ► The reaction sequence of the Al/Ni multilayers was Al 3 Ni → Al 3 Ni 2 → AlNi → AlNi 3 . ► The interfacial microstructure of the joint was clarified. ► The application of Al/Ni multilayers improved the joining quality.

  14. Hot Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel with Al-Si/Al-Si-Cr Coating (United States)

    Fu, Guangyan; Wu, Yongzhao; Liu, Qun; Li, Rongguang; Su, Yong


    The 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel with Al-Si/Al-Si-Cr coatings is prepared by slurry process and vacuum diffusion, and the hot corrosion behavior of the stainless steel with/without the coatings is studied under the condition of Na2SO4 film at 950 °C in air. Results show that the corrosion kinetics of stainless steel, the stainless steel with Al-Si coating and the stainless steel with Al-Si-Cr coating follow parabolic laws in several segments. After 24 h corrosion, the sequence of the mass gain for the three alloys is the stainless steel with Al-Si-Cr coating coating coating. The corrosion products of the three alloys are layered. Thereinto, the corrosion products of stainless steel without coating are divided into two layers, where the outside layer contains a composite of Fe2O3 and FeO, and the inner layer is Cr2O3. The corrosion products of the stainless steel with Al-Si coating are also divided into two layers, of which the outside layer mainly consists of Cr2O3, and the inner layer is mainly SiO2. The corrosion film of the stainless steel with Al-Si-Cr coating is thin and dense, which combines well with substrate. Thereinto, the outside layer is mainly Cr2O3, and the inside layer is Al2O3. In the matrix of all of the three alloys, there exist small amount of sulfides. Continuous and protective films of Cr2O3, SiO2 and Al2O3 form on the surface of the stainless steel with Al-Si and Al-Si-Cr coatings, which prevent further oxidation or sulfide corrosion of matrix metals, and this is the main reason for the much smaller mass gain of the two alloys than that of the stainless steel without any coatings in the 24 h hot corrosion process.

  15. Gate length scaling effect on high-electron mobility transistors devices using AlGaN/GaN and AlInN/AlN/GaN heterostructures. (United States)

    Liao, S Y; Lu, C C; Chang, T; Huang, C F; Cheng, C H; Chang, L B


    Compared to AlGaN/GaN HEMT with 0.15 μm T-gate length, the AlInN/AlN/GaN one exhibits much higher current density and transconductance of 1558 mA/mm at Vd = 2 V and 330 mS/mm, respectively. The high extrinsic ft and fmax of 82 GHz and 70 GHz are extracted from AlInN/AlN/GaN HEMT. Besides, we find that the transconductance roll-off is significant in AlGaN/GaN, but largely improved in AlInN/AlN/GaN HEMT, suggesting that the high carrier density and lattice-matched epitaxial heterostructure is important to reach both large RF output power and high operation frequency, especially for an aggressively gate length scaling.

  16. Some aspects of anelastic and microplastic creep of pure Al and two Al-alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sgobba, S. (Lab. de Metallurgie Mecanique, Dept. des Materiaux, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)); Kuenzi, H.U. (Lab. de Metallurgie Mecanique, Dept. des Materiaux, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)); Ilschner, B. (Lab. de Metallurgie Mecanique, Dept. des Materiaux, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland))


    Anelastic creep of pure Al, commercial Al-Cu and a binary Al-Cu alloy has been measured at room temperature by means of a high resolution laser interferometer. The irreversible component of the deformation was also quantified from measurements of the anelastic creep recovery. The dependence of the deformation-time curves on thermal treatment and cold work is analyzed. The mechanisms responsible for the room temperature anelastic creep are discussed. Materials loaded below their elastic limit can present either a pure anelastic behavior (commercial Al-Cu) or additional viscoelastic creep (pure Al, high purity Al-Cu). For commercial Al-Cu, the presence of an irreversible deformation appears to be mainly related to the state of the surface. A viscoelastic after effect has been measured for this alloy after a Cu-electroplating treatment. As a typical result for room temperature creep, the irreversible deformation depends logarithmically on load time. (orig.).

  17. Some aspects of anelastic and microplastic creep of pure Al and two Al-alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sgobba, S.; Kuenzi, H.U.; Ilschner, B.


    Anelastic creep of pure Al, commercial Al-Cu and a binary Al-Cu alloy has been measured at room temperature by means of a high resolution laser interferometer. The irreversible component of the deformation was also quantified from measurements of the anelastic creep recovery. The dependence of the deformation-time curves on thermal treatment and cold work is analyzed. The mechanisms responsible for the room temperature anelastic creep are discussed. Materials loaded below their elastic limit can present either a pure anelastic behavior (commercial Al-Cu) or additional viscoelastic creep (pure Al, high purity Al-Cu). For commercial Al-Cu, the presence of an irreversible deformation appears to be mainly related to the state of the surface. A viscoelastic after effect has been measured for this alloy after a Cu-electroplating treatment. As a typical result for room temperature creep, the irreversible deformation depends logarithmically on load time. (orig.)

  18. A study of ion damage in Al, Al/Cu and Al/Ag

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marikar, P.


    Specimens of pure aluminium, aluminium-copper and aluminium-silver have been irradiated with 20 keV helium ions and/or 100 keV aluminium ions and the nature of the damage assessed using transmission electron microscopy. Irradiation with 20 keV helium ions to a dose of 2.7 x 10 15 ions cm -2 results in the formation of interstitial loops and helium gas bubbles. The helium bubbles were detectable only after annealing at a high temperature following irradiation. When the helium preinjected aluminium specimens were irradiated with 100 keV Al + ions to a dose of 84 dpa at temperatures above 150 0 C, voids were observed to form. At a lower dose of 64 dpa, only a high density of dislocation loops was observed. Al-1 wt% Cu alloy containing partially coherent theta' precipitates resists void formation to a considerable extent, and Al-10 wt% Ag alloy containing coherent G.P. zones offers complete resistance to both dislocation loop nucleation and void formation. The experimental results are discussed in the light of the current theories of irradiation induced damage in metals. The importance of the dislocation-sink efficiency for point defects, the gaseous impurity and the alloying elements in determining void formation is highlighted. (author)

  19. Interdiffusion between U(Mo,Pt) or U(Mo,Zr) and Al or Al A356 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komar Varela, C.; Mirandou, M.; Arico, S.; Balart, S.; Gribaudo, L.


    Solid state reactions in chemical diffusion couples U-7 wt.%Mo-0.9 wt.%Pt/Al at 580 deg. C and U-7 wt.%Mo-0.9 wt.%Pt/Al A356 alloy, U-7 wt.%Mo-1 wt.%Zr/Al and U-7 wt.%Mo-1 wt.%Zr/Al A356 alloy at 550 deg. C were characterized. Results were obtained from optical and scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis and X-ray diffraction. The UAl 3, UAl 4 and Al 20 Mo 2 U phases were identified in the interaction layers of γU(Mo,Pt)/Al and γU(Mo,Zr)/Al diffusion couples. Al 43 Mo 4 U 6 ternary compound was also identified in γU(Mo,Zr)/Al due to the decomposition of γU(Mo,Zr) phase. The U(Al,Si) 3 and U 3 Si 5 phases were identified in the interaction layers of γU(Mo,Pt)/Al A356 and γU(Mo,Zr)/Al A356 diffusion couples. These phases are formed due to the migration of Si to the interaction layer. In the diffusion couple U(Mo,Zr)/Al A356, Zr 5 Al 3 phase was also identified in the interaction layer. The use of synchrotron radiation at Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS, CNPq, Campinas, Brazil) was necessary to achieve a complete crystallographic characterization.

  20. CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 thin films obtained by stacking Cu and Al films using physical vapor deposition (United States)

    Castillo-Hernández, G.; Mayén-Hernández, S.; Castaño-Tostado, E.; DeMoure-Flores, F.; Campos-González, E.; Martínez-Alonso, C.; Santos-Cruz, J.


    CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 thin films were synthesized by the deposition of the precursor metals using the physical vapor deposition technique and subsequent annealing. Annealing was carried out for 4-6 h in open and nitrogen atmospheres respectively at temperatures of 900-1000 °C with control of heating and cooling ramps. The band gap measurements ranged from 3.3 to 4.5 eV. Electrical properties were measured using the van der Pauw technique. The preferred orientations of CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 were found to be along the (1 1 2) and (3 1 1) planes, respectively. The phase percentages were quantified using a Rietveld refinement simulation and the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicated that the composition is very close to the stoichiometry of CuAlO2 samples and with excess of aluminum and deficiency of copper for CuAl2O4 respectively. High resolution transmission electron microscopy identified the principal planes in CuAlO2 and in CuAl2O4. Higher purities were achieved in nitrogen atmosphere with the control of the cooling ramps.

  1. Three-Dimensional FIB/EBSD Characterization of Irradiated HfAl3-Al Composite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hua, Zilong; Guillen, Donna Post; Harris, William; Ban, Heng


    A thermal neutron absorbing material, comprised of 28.4 vol% HfAl3 in an Al matrix, was developed to serve as a conductively cooled thermal neutron filter to enable fast flux materials and fuels testing in a pressurized water reactor. In order to observe the microstructural change of the HfAl3-Al composite due to neutron irradiation, an EBSD-FIB characterization approach is developed and presented in this paper. Using the focused ion beam (FIB), the sample was fabricated to 25µm × 25µm × 20 µm and mounted on the grid. A series of operations were carried out repetitively on the sample top surface to prepare it for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). First, a ~100-nm layer was removed by high voltage FIB milling. Then, several cleaning passes were performed on the newly exposed surface using low voltage FIB milling to improve the SEM image quality. Last, the surface was scanned by Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD) to obtain the two-dimensional image. After 50 to 100 two-dimensional images were collected, the images were stacked to reconstruct a three-dimensional model using DREAM.3D software. Two such reconstructed three-dimensional models were obtained from samples of the original and post-irradiation HfAl3-Al composite respectively, from which the most significant microstructural change caused by neutron irradiation apparently is the size reduction of both HfAl3 and Al grains. The possible reason is the thermal expansion and related thermal strain from the thermal neutron absorption. This technique can be applied to three-dimensional microstructure characterization of irradiated materials.

  2. The Genyornis Egg: Response to Miller et al.'s commentary on Grellet-Tinner et al., 2016 (United States)

    Grellet-Tinner, Gerald; Spooner, Nigel A.; Handley, Warren D.; Worthy, Trevor H.


    Williams (1981) and Williams and Rich (1991) attributed Australian Quaternary fossil eggshell that differed from that of emu Dromaius novaehollandiae to the extinct bird Genyornis newtoni without any osteological or embryonic support. Such association by proximity or abundance mirrors the case of the mistaken association of oviraptor eggs to Protoceratops in the 1920's by Andrews (Grellet-Tinner and Makovicky, 2006). No other candidate species was considered, and this attribution has been unchallenged and followed by everyone thereafter. Much research has been done on this Australian eggshell, with one result being that the extinction of the parent of this eggshell is the most well documented for a taxon in Australia (e.g., Miller et al., 1999, 2005). Grellet-Tinner et al. (2016) raised several problems with the identity of the eggshell Williams (1981) attributed to Genyornis newtoni and suggested that extinct megapodes of the genus Progura were the more likely layer of this eggshell type, therein referred to as ;putative Genyornis oological material; (PGOM). Miller et al. (2017) challenged our hypothesis stating that ;Based on the dimensions of the reconstructed Spooner Egg,Grellet-Tinner et al. (2016)argue that PGOM is too small for a bird with the body mass estimated for Genyornis (168-275 kg) … …[and] …. None of the additional PGOM observations reported byGrellet-Tinner et al. (2016)are inconsistent with a Genyornis parent;. Here we take the opportunity to respond to their critique, the basis of which resolves into a few points, which we address in turn.

  3. Characterization of Al/Ni multilayers and their application in diffusion bonding of TiAl to TiC cermet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cao, J., E-mail: [State Key Lab of Advanced Welding Production Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China); Center for Composite Materials and Structures, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China); Song, X.G. [State Key Lab of Advanced Welding Production Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China); Wu, L.Z. [Center for Composite Materials and Structures, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China); Qi, J.L.; Feng, J.C. [State Key Lab of Advanced Welding Production Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China)


    The Al/Ni multilayers were characterized and diffusion bonding of TiAl intermetallics to TiC cermets was carried out using the multilayers. The microstructure of Al/Ni multilayers and TiAl/TiC cermet joint was investigated. The layered structures consisting of a Ni{sub 3}(AlTi) layer, a Ni{sub 2}AlTi layer, a (Ni,Al,Ti) layer and a Ni diffusion layer were observed from the interlayer to the TiAl substrate. Only one AlNi{sub 3} layer formed at the multilayer/TiC cermet interface. The reaction behaviour of Al/Ni multilayers was characterized by means of differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and X-ray diffraction. The initial exothermic peak of the DSC curve was formed due to the formation of Al{sub 3}Ni and Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2} phases. The reaction sequence of the Al/Ni multilayers was Al{sub 3}Ni {yields} Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2} {yields} AlNi {yields} AlNi{sub 3} and the final products were AlNi and AlNi{sub 3} phases. The shear strength of the joint was tested and the experimental results suggested that the application of Al/Ni multilayers improved the joining quality. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Diffusion bonding of TiAl to TiC cermet was realized using Al/Ni multilayer. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The reaction sequence of the Al/Ni multilayers was Al{sub 3}Ni {yields} Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2} {yields} AlNi {yields} AlNi{sub 3}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The interfacial microstructure of the joint was clarified. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The application of Al/Ni multilayers improved the joining quality.


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    Naoki Yamamoto


    Full Text Available This paper tries to present a new perspective on Islamic faith and Muslim identity to Muslim minorities who are challenged in practicing or following Islamic law in non-Islamic countries or non-Muslims in the contemporary world. It will uncover the multidimensional perspective of the concept of faith based on sin (dhanb and repentance (tawbah through the mystical philosophy of a Syrian scholar, Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (d. 1143/1741 of the 18th century Ottoman Damascus who contributed to the field of Sufism particularly based on Ibn ‘Arabi’s thought of wahdat al-wujud (oneness of being and insan kamil (the perfect man. Nabulusi believes that anyone who lived during the inexistence of prophet’s revelation, inhabited an isolated place cut off from information about Islam, or lived in dar al-harb and did not make a hijra to dar al-islam could not be regarded as sinful in their deeds. However, faith in Allah is essential and infidelity is not forgiven regardless whether or not they live in dar al-islam or dar al-harb. Further, Nabulusi insists that true faith can be achieved by understanding the sin of existence; the ignorance of the difference of existence between Allah and men.  [Artikel ini menjelaskan identitas keberagamaan umat Islam minoritas yang dituntut untuk menerapkan syariat, namun harus hidup di negara non-muslim, dengan mendiskusikan perspektif multidimensional terhadap konsep dosa dan tobat seperti dikembangkan oleh Abd al-Ghanī al-Nabulusī (1143/1741, seorang sufi pemikir Syria, khususnya  wahdat al-wujūd dan insan kamil, yang hidup di masa kesultanan Usmani di Damaskus. Nabulusī berkeyakinan bahwa siapa saja yang hidup sebelum turunnya wahyu di masa Nabi, hidup di daerah terpencil yang tidak mengenal Islam, atau hidup di dar al-harb dan tidak hijrah ke dar al-islam, tidaklah dibebani dosa atas perbuatannya. Namun demikian, iman kepada Allah amatlah penting dan kekufuran tidaklah dimaafkan, baik seseorang tersebut hidup


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    W.H. Tian; K. Ohishi; M. Nemoto


    Microstructural variations and correlated hardness changes in B2-ordered NiAl containing fine precipitation of Ni2AlTi have been investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and hardness tests. The amount of age hardening is not large as compared to the large microstructural variations during aging. TEM observations have revealed that the L21-type Ni2AlTi precipitates keep a lattice coherency with the NiAl matrix at the beginning of aging. By longer periods of aging Ni2AlTi precipitates lose their coherency and change their morphology to the globular ones surrounded by misfit dislocations. The temperature dependence of the yield strength of precipitate-containing B2-ordered NiAl was investigated by compression tests over the temperature range of 873-1273K. The fine precipitation of Ni2AlTi was found to enhance greatly the yield strength and the high-temperature strength is comparison with that of superalloy Mar-M200.``

  6. Crecimiento y mortalidad de la madreperla Pinctada mazatlanica en poblaciones naturales del litoral oriental de Baja California Sur, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Humberto Wright-López


    Full Text Available La madreperla Pinctada mazatlanica esta en veda desde 1939 y considerada en peligro de extinción, cambiando su categoría a protección especial en 1994. El presente estudio estima su crecimiento y mortalidad en bancos naturales en el periodo 1992-93 y 1997-99. Se registró el alto de la concha de ostras en poblaciones desde el paralelo 28º a 23º LN del litoral oriental de Baja California Sur, abarcando 38 estaciones, 2 bahías y 6 islas. La longitud máxima estimada fue 187.22mm (179.83-195.81mm, P > 0.95. Las frecuencias de longitud se ordenaron en un "año virtual". Los parámetros de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy estimados con el programa ELEFAN I fueron: o = 193.31mm, k=0.54año-1, t0= -0.1805 años, C=0.49 y WP=0.75; el índice de desempeño del crecimiento fue’=4.305. La mortalidad total fue de Z=2.03 año-1 por longitud convertida a curva de captura. La regresión peso total y la altura tuvo la expresión W(i=0.0005418 * L(i2.7301. Los parámetros de crecimiento fueron similares a los de Pinctada margaritifera de bancos de mar abierto y diferentes a aquellos de ostras perleras en repoblamiento en bahía de La Paz. La mortalidad mostró valores parecidos a los estimados para Pinctada radiata del Mar Rojo.Growth and mortality of the mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica in natural populations of the east coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. The Mexican Pacific mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica was placed in forbidden fisheries status for the Mexican Federal Government and considered in extinction danger since 1939. This decree was modified in 1994 to allow the capture of spat for research or marine culture. We estimated the growth and mortality of mother-of-pearl from the eastern littoral of South Baja California wild stock in the periods 1992-93 and 1997-99. We used 38 sample stations at 2 bays and 6 insular complexes. The maximum length was 187.22 mm (179.83-195.81 mm, P > 0.95. Seasonal von Bertalanffy growth (ELEFAN I routine

  7. Rupture of Al matrix in U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel by fission induced creep

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Gwan Yoon; Sohn, Dong Seong [UNIST, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Yeon Soo [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonnge (United States); Lee, Kyu Hong [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    This phenomenon was found specifically in the dispersion fuel plate with Si addition in the Al matrix to suppress interaction layer (IL) formation between UMo and Al. It is known that the stresses induced by fission induced swelling in U-Mo fuel particles are relieved by creep deformation of the IL, surrounding the fuel particles, that has a much higher creep rate than the Al matrix. Thus, when IL growth is suppressed, the stress is instead exerted on the Al matrix. The observed rupture in the Al matrix is believed to be caused when the stress exceeded the rupture strength of the Al matrix. In this study, the possibility of creep rupture of the Al matrix between the neighboring U-Mo fuel particles was examined using the ABAQUS finite element analysis (FEA) tool. The predicted rupture time for a plate was much shorter than its irradiation life indicating a rupture during the irradiation. The higher stress leads Al matrix to early creep rupture in this plate for which the Al matrix with lower creep strain rate does not effectively relieve the stress caused by the swelling of the U-Mo fuel particles. For the other plate, no rupture was predicted for the given irradiation condition. The effect of creeping of the continuous phase on the state of stress is significant.

  8. Effect of Al and AlP on the microstructure of Mn-30 wt.%Si alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu Yuying [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 73, Jinan 250061 (China); Liu Xiangfa [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 73, Jinan 250061 (China)], E-mail:


    Effect of Al and AlP particles on the microstructure of near eutectic Mn-Si alloy (Mn-30 wt.%Si) was studied by Electron Probe Micro-analyzer (EPMA) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). Crystal lattice correspondence analyses show that both Al and AlP have good lattice matching coherence relationships with MnSi phase, and the addition of Al and AlP particles results in an abnormal eutectic structure, i.e. the eutectic constitution MnSi and Mn{sub 5}Si{sub 3} precipitate separately: MnSi precipitates firstly, and then the Mn{sub 5}Si{sub 3} phase.

  9. Elastocaloric effect in CuAlZn and CuAlMn shape memory alloys under compression


    Qian, Suxin; Geng, Yunlong; Wang, Yi; Pillsbury, Thomas E.; Hada, Yoshiharu; Yamaguchi, Yuki; Fujimoto, Kenjiro; Hwang, Yunho; Radermacher, Reinhard; Cui, Jun; Yuki, Yoji; Toyotake, Koutaro; Takeuchi, Ichiro


    This paper reports the elastocaloric effect of two Cu-based shape memory alloys: Cu68Al16Zn16 (CuAlZn) and Cu73Al15Mn12 (CuAlMn), under compression at ambient temperature. The compression tests were conducted at two different rates to approach isothermal and adiabatic conditions. Upon unloading at a strain rate of 0.1 s−1 (adiabatic condition) from 4% strain, the highest adiabatic temperature changes (ΔTad) of 4.0 K for CuAlZn and 3.9 K for CuAlMn were obtained. The maximum stress and hystere...

  10. Formation of Al3Ti/Mg composite by powder metallurgy of Mg-Al-Ti system. (United States)

    Yang, Zi R; Qi Wang, Shu; Cui, Xiang H; Zhao, Yu T; Gao, Ming J; Wei, Min X


    An in situ titanium trialuminide (Al 3 Ti)-particle-reinforced magnesium matrix composite has been successfully fabricated by the powder metallurgy of a Mg-Al-Ti system. The reaction processes and formation mechanism for synthesizing the composite were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), x-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Al 3 Ti particles are found to be synthesized in situ in the Mg alloy matrix. During the reaction sintering of the Mg-Al-Ti system, Al 3 Ti particles are formed through the reaction of liquid Al with as-dissolved Ti around the Ti particles. The formed intermetallic particles accumulate at the original sites of the Ti particles. As sintering time increases, the accumulated intermetallic particles disperse and reach a relatively homogeneous distribution in the matrix. It is found that the reaction process of the Mg-Al-Ti system is almost the same as that of the Al-Ti system. Mg also acts as a catalytic agent and a diluent in the reactions and shifts the reactions of Al and Ti to lower temperatures. An additional amount of Al is required for eliminating residual Ti and solid-solution strengthening of the Mg matrix.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciane Peter Grillo


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar los riesgos nutricionales de los escolares entre 5 y 12 años de edad de las familias de clase baja pertenecientes a la red de enseñanza pública de la ciudad de Camboriú - SC. Fueron evaluados 819 escolares (579 niños y 240 adolescentes. Los riesgos nutricionales fueron verificados mediante la clasificación antropométrica y se constató que el 78% estaban eutróficos, 13% desnutridos y 9% con sobrepeso. La ingestión alimenticia indicó un consumo excesivo de proteínas (48% e insuficiente en azúcares (96%, vegetales (80%, grasas (68%, cereales (68% y frutas (48%. Los datos socio-económicos demonstraron que la clase predominante fue la D (43%, seguida de la C (30%, E (22% y B (5%. Se encontró que un 46% de escolares presentavan anemia ferropriva. El estudio sugiere que por medio de la identificación y el análisis de los factores nutricionales será posible la construcción de estrategias de intervención más eficaces para la promoción de la salud, siendo la cuestión nutricional un elemento primordial.

  12. Al-‘Alāqah baina Ushūl al-Fiqh wa Maqāshidi al-Sharīah wa al-Da’wah ilā Ta’sīsi ‘Ilmi al-Maqāshid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anggraini Binti Ramli


    Full Text Available The study of Maqāshid sharīa is an important point in the discussion of Islamic legal theory (ushūl al-fiqh. Serious debates began to emerge in the 19th century among Islamic jurists concerning the position of maqāshid sharīa. At least, there are three important debates in the history; first, whether maqāshid is part of the discussion ushūl al-fiqh; second, is maqāshid sharīa built upon a foundation of classical Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh; and third, whether the maqāshid sharīa study is able to become an independent science that is separated from the study of classical Islamic jurisprudence. This article tries to present a discussion of the three paradigms by employing a descriptive-analytic method. The results of this study uncover that the study of maqāshid sharīa is like two sides of one coin; theoretically it is a distinctive study from ushūl al-fiqh, but it cannot be separated from one another. Ushūl al-fiqh has become the foundation to find out more details about the study of maqashid sharia. The separation between classical Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh and maqāshid sharīa study conducted by Islamic jurists is a relative separation.

  13. Solutional Landforms of Gabal Al-Qaraha, the Oasis of Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia


    Embabi, Nabil S.


    Jabal Al-Qarah is one of the small outlier hills at the Oasis of Al-Hasa, lying at about lOkm ENE of Al-Hafuf Town. The solutional forms of Al-Qarah hill discussed in this paper are as follows : 1. A calcareous duricrust which covers the top and some of the slopes of the hill. 2. Rock Pillars which are long columns of white lime-stone. 3. Huge crevasses which are wide erosional openings along vertical joints. 4. Narrow, sinuous caves inside the hill. 5. Pedestal rocks with mushroo...

  14. Comparison on the interaction of Al3+/nano-Al13 with calf thymus DNA /salmon sperm DNA (United States)

    Ma, Fei; Ma, Yue; Du, Changwen; Yang, Xiaodi; Shen, Renfang


    The conformation change, binding mode and binding site between Al3+/nano-Al13 and calf thymus DNA/salmon sperm DNA were investigated by UV-vis absorption, FTIR spectra, Raman spectroscopy and CD spectra, as well as melting curves measurement. The UV-vis spectra and circular dichroism spectra results suggested that the phosphate group structure was changed when Al3+ interacted with DNA, while the double-helix was distorted when nano-Al13 interacted with DNA. The FTIR and Raman spectroscopy revealed that the binding sites were Al3+ … PO2, Al3+ … N7/guanine PO2 … Al13 … N7-C8/guanine with calf thymus DNA, and Al3+ … N3-O2/cytosine, Al3+ … N7-C8/guanine, PO2 … Al13 … N7-C8/guanine, PO2 … Al13 … N1/adenine with salmon sperm DNA, respectively. The electrostatic binding was existed between Al3+ and DNA, and the electrostatic binding and complexing were found between nano-Al13 and DNA.

  15. Bukti Kebenaran Al-quran


    Aliyah, Sri


    Al Quran is the greatest miracles of Muhammad SAW as the direction of humankind in order to reach eternal happiness. Scientific evidences show that Al Quran has the truth massages, although it was released far before the finding of modern sciences. The researches continue to study the truth of Al Quran an it revealed the historical fact.

  16. Sintering of (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 Materials and their Corrosion Process in Na3AlF6-AlF3-K3AlF6 Electrolyte (United States)

    Xu, Yibiao; Li, Yawei; Yang, Jianhong; Sang, Shaobai; Wang, Qinghu


    The application of ledge-free sidewalls in the Hall-Héroult cells can potentially reduce the energy requirement of aluminum production by about 30 pct (Nightingale et al. in J Eur Ceram, 33:2761-2765, 2013). However, this approach poses great material challenges since such sidewalls are in direct contact with corrosive electrolyte. In the present paper, (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 materials were prepared using fused magnesia, reactive alumina, nickel oxide, and iron oxide powders as the starting materials. The sintering behaviors of specimens as well as their corrosion resistance to molten electrolyte have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The results show that after firing at temperature ranging from 1673 K (1400 °C) up to 1873 K (1600 °C), all the specimens prepared are composed of single-phase (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel, the lattice parameter of which increases with increasing Fe3+ ion concentration. Increasing the iron oxide content enhances densification of the specimens, which is accompanied by the formation of homogeneously distributed smaller pores in the matrix. The corrosion tests show that corrosion layers consist of fluoride and Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel grains are produced in specimens with Fe/Al mole ratio no more than 1, whereas dense Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel layers are formed on the surface of the specimens with Fe/Al mole ratio more than 1. The dense Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel layers formed improve the corrosion resistance of the specimens by inhibiting the infiltration of electrolyte and hindering the chemical reaction between the specimen and electrolyte.

  17. Synthesis of Al(OH3 Nanostructures from Al(OH3 Microagglomerates via Dissolution-Precipitation Route

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bo Yu


    Full Text Available A facile method was developed to synthesize Al(OH3 nanostructures from Al(OH3 microagglomerates by dissolution in 9.0 mol·L−1 NaOH at 115°C followed by dilution and aging of the solution at room temperature. The influence of Al(OH3 nanoseed and surfactants as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG6000, and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB on the formation of the Al(OH3 nano-structures was investigated. The experimental results indicated that the Al(OH3 microspheres composed of nanoparticles were prepared in the blank experiment, while dispersive Al(OH3 nano-particles with a diameter of 80–100 nm were produced in the presence of Al(OH3 nano-seed and CTAB.

  18. Effects of Al content on structure and mechanical properties of hot-rolled ZrTiAlV alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, S.X.; Yin, L.X.; Che, H.W.; Jing, R.; Zhou, Y.K.; Ma, M.Z.; Liu, R.P.


    Highlights: • Phase structure is greatly dependent on the Al content. • Intermetallic compound will precipitates while Al content is over 6.9 wt%. • Equiaxed α-phase grains present in the hot-rolled alloy with 6.9 wt% Al. • Alloys with Al content from 3.3 wt% to 5.6 wt% have good mechanical properties. - Abstract: Zirconium alloys show attractive properties for astronautic applications where the most important factors are anti-irradiation, corrosion resistance, anti-oxidant, very good strength-to-weight ratio. The effects of Al content (2.2–6.9 wt%) on structure and mechanical properties of the hot-rolled ZrTiAlV alloy samples were investigated in this study. Each sample of the hot-rolled ZrTiAlV alloys with Al contents from 2.2 wt% to 5.6 wt% is composed of the α phase and β phase, meanwhile, the relative content of the α phase increased with the Al content. However, the (ZrTi) 3 Al intermetallic compound was observed as the Al content increased to 6.9 wt%. Changes of phase compositions and structure with Al content distinctly affected mechanical properties of ZrTiAlV alloys. Yield strength of the alloy with 2.2 wt% Al is below 200 MPa. As Al content increased to 5.6 wt%, the yield strength, tensile strength and elongation of the examined alloy are 1088 MPa, 1256 MPa and 8%, respectively. As Al content further increased to 6.9 wt%, a rapid decrease in ductility was observed as soon as the (ZrTi) 3 Al intermetallic compound precipitated. Results show that the ZrTiAlV alloys with Al contents between 3.3 wt% and 5.6 wt% have excellent mechanical properties

  19. Relationship between Al content and substitution mechanism of Al-bearing anhydrous bridgmanites (United States)

    Noda, M.; Inoue, T.; Kakizawa, S.


    It is considered that two substitution mechanisms, Tschermak substitution and oxygen vacancy substitution, exist in MgSiO3 bridgmanite for the incorporation of Al in anhydrous condition. Kubo and Akaogi (2000) has conducted the phase equilibrium experiment in the system MgSiO3-Al2O3, and established the phase diagram up to 28 GPa. However the careful observation in the bridgmanite shows that the chemical compositions are slightly deviated from Tschermak substitution join. The same tendency can be also observed in the run products by Irifune et al. (1996). This result indicates that pure Tschermak substitution bridgmanite cannot be stable even in the MgSiO3-Al2O3 join experiment. However, the previous studies used powder samples as the starting materials, so the absorbed water may affect the results. Therefore, we tried to conduct the experiment in the join MgSiO3-Al2O3 in extremely anhydrous condition to clarify whether the pure Tschermak substitution bridgmanite can be stable or not. In addition, we also examined the stability of oxygen vacancy bridgmanite in the extremely anhydrous condition for the comparison. The high pressure synthesis experiments were conducted at 28 GPa and 1600-1700° for 1hour using a Kawai-type multi-anvil apparatus. Four different Al content samples were prepared as the starting materials along the ideal substitution line of Tschermak (Al=0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 mol) and oxygen-vacancy (Al=0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 mol) substitutions, respectively (when total cation of 2). The glass rods were used as the starting materials to eliminate the absorbed water on the sample surface. The chemical compositions of the synthesized bridgmanite could not be measured by EPMA because of small grain size less than submicron. Therefore the chemical compositions were estimated from the result of the XRD pattern by subtracting the amount of the other phases. The estimated chemical compositions of Tschermak substitution bridgmanites were consistent with the

  20. Desarrollo Urbano en el Litoral a Escala Mundial. Método de Estudio para su Cuantificación

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    María de Andrés


    Full Text Available La investigación llevada a cabo está orientada a cuantificar la importancia de las ciudades costeras en el mundo. Se ha realizado un detallado análisis de todas las ciudades del mundo con más de 100.000 habitantes, desde 1945 a la actualidad. Se han diferenciado aquellas que pueden considerarse costeras de otras situadas más al interior. Para ello, se han utilizado dos fuentes de información de distinta naturaleza: análisis de las bases de datos de Naciones Unidas y sensores remotos de Google Earth. Estas dos fuentes cuando se relacionan permiten un estudio bastante preciso del panorama mundial urbano costero. La visión de este trabajo es dinámica porque se ha prestado mucha atención al carácter evolutivo del fenómeno urbanizador en las costas del mundo. El resultado es de gran importancia para la gestión integrada de áreas litorales. El aumento del número de ciudades y de la población en la zona costera ejerce una enorme presión sobre los ecosistemas costeros y marinos. Es posible que el nuevo escenario que se observa en las costas del mundo exija también nuevos enfoques de gestión.

  1. Burden of rare variants in ALS genes influences survival in familial and sporadic ALS. (United States)

    Pang, Shirley Yin-Yu; Hsu, Jacob Shujui; Teo, Kay-Cheong; Li, Yan; Kung, Michelle H W; Cheah, Kathryn S E; Chan, Danny; Cheung, Kenneth M C; Li, Miaoxin; Sham, Pak-Chung; Ho, Shu-Leong


    Genetic variants are implicated in the development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but it is unclear whether the burden of rare variants in ALS genes has an effect on survival. We performed whole genome sequencing on 8 familial ALS (FALS) patients with superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) mutation and whole exome sequencing on 46 sporadic ALS (SALS) patients living in Hong Kong and found that 67% had at least 1 rare variant in the exons of 40 ALS genes; 22% had 2 or more. Patients with 2 or more rare variants had lower probability of survival than patients with 0 or 1 variant (p = 0.001). After adjusting for other factors, each additional rare variant increased the risk of respiratory failure or death by 60% (p = 0.0098). The presence of the rare variant was associated with the risk of ALS (Odds ratio 1.91, 95% confidence interval 1.03-3.61, p = 0.03), and ALS patients had higher rare variant burden than controls (MB, p = 0.004). Our findings support an oligogenic basis with the burden of rare variants affecting the development and survival of ALS. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Influence of Al grain boundaries segregations and La-doping on embrittlement of intermetallic NiAl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovalev, Anatoly I., E-mail:; Wainstein, Dmitry L.; Rashkovskiy, Alexander Yu.


    Highlights: • We investigated Al grain boundaries segregations in ordered pure and La-doped NiAl. • Structural segregation of Al decreases critical strain for brittle cracks nucleation. • La alloying sharply improves plasticity of NiAl intermetallic. • Metallicity of interatomic bonds on grain boundaries increases at La alloying. • We have experimentally measured by EELFS that La atoms are located in Al sublattice. - Abstract: The microscopic nature of intergranular fracture of NiAl was experimentally investigated by the set of electron spectroscopy techniques. The paper demonstrates that embrittlement of NiAl intermetallic compound is caused by ordering of atomic structure that leads to formation of structural aluminum segregations at grain boundaries (GB). Such segregations contain high number of brittle covalent interatomic bonds. The alloying by La increases the ductility of material avoiding Al GB enrichment and disordering GB atomic structure. The influence of La alloying on NiAl mechanical properties was investigated. GB chemical composition, atomic and electronic structure transformations after La doping were investigated by AES, XPS and EELFS techniques. To qualify the interatomic bonds metallicity the Fermi level (E{sub F}) position and electrons density (n{sub eff}) in conduction band were determined in both undoped and doped NiAl. Basing on experimental results the physical model of GB brittleness formation was proposed.

  3. Heterogeneous nucleation of solid Al from the melt by Al 3 Ti : Molecular dynamics simulations

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Junsheng; Horsfield, Andrew; Lee, Peter D.; Brommer, Peter


    It has been known experimentally for some time that Al3 Ti is a powerful nucleant for the solidification of aluminum from the melt; however, a full microscopic understanding is still lacking. To develop this understanding, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleation and early stages of growth using published embedded atom method potentials for Al-Ti, but modified by us to stabilize the D 022 structure. We discover that Al3 Ti can indeed be very effective in promoting the growth of solid Al but the manner in which growth takes place depends sensitively on the surface on which the Al nucleates. In particular, complete growth of solid Al from the liquid on the (001) and (110) surfaces of Al3 Ti occurs at a lower temperature than on the (112) surface. This anisotropy agrees with observations in previous experiments. We explain this observation in terms of interfacial energies. On the preferential (111) surface of Al the solid-liquid interfacial energy is highest while the solid-vacuum energy is lowest. Our simulations also show that the extent of ordering taking place in liquid Al close to the Al 3 Ti substrate above the melting point correlates well with the effectiveness of the substrate as a nucleant below the melting temperature: this could provide a computationally efficient scheme to identify good nucleants. © 2010 The American Physical Society.

  4. Heterogeneous nucleation of solid Al from the melt by Al 3 Ti : Molecular dynamics simulations

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Junsheng


    It has been known experimentally for some time that Al3 Ti is a powerful nucleant for the solidification of aluminum from the melt; however, a full microscopic understanding is still lacking. To develop this understanding, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleation and early stages of growth using published embedded atom method potentials for Al-Ti, but modified by us to stabilize the D 022 structure. We discover that Al3 Ti can indeed be very effective in promoting the growth of solid Al but the manner in which growth takes place depends sensitively on the surface on which the Al nucleates. In particular, complete growth of solid Al from the liquid on the (001) and (110) surfaces of Al3 Ti occurs at a lower temperature than on the (112) surface. This anisotropy agrees with observations in previous experiments. We explain this observation in terms of interfacial energies. On the preferential (111) surface of Al the solid-liquid interfacial energy is highest while the solid-vacuum energy is lowest. Our simulations also show that the extent of ordering taking place in liquid Al close to the Al 3 Ti substrate above the melting point correlates well with the effectiveness of the substrate as a nucleant below the melting temperature: this could provide a computationally efficient scheme to identify good nucleants. © 2010 The American Physical Society.

  5. Genetic analyses, phenotypic adaptability and stability in sugarcane genotypes for commercial cultivation in Pernambuco. (United States)

    Dutra Filho, J A; Junior, T C; Simões Neto, D E


    In the present study, we assessed the agro-industrial performance of 22 sugarcane genotypes adaptable to edaphoclimatic conditions in production microregions in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, and we recommended the commercial cultivation of select genotypes. The variables analyzed were as follows: sucrose percentage in cane juice, tonnage of saccharose per hectare (TPH), sugarcane tonnage per hectare (TCH), fiber, solid soluble contents, total recoverable sugar tonnage (ATR), and total recoverable sugar tonnage per hectare (ATR t/ha). A randomized block design with 4 repeats was used. Combined variance of the experiments, genetic parameter estimates, and environment stratification were analyzed. Phenotypic adaptability and stability were analyzed using the Annicchiarico and Wricke methods and analysis of variance. Genetic gain was estimated using the classic index and sum of ranks. Genotype selection was efficient for TPH, TCH, and ATR t/ha. Genotypes presented a great potential for improvement and a similar response pattern in Litoral Norte and Mata Sul microregions for TPH and TCH and Litoral Norte and Litoral Sul microregions for ATR t/ha. Genotypes SP78-4764, RB813804, and SP79-101 showed better productivity and phenotypic adaptability and stability, according to the Wricke and Annicchiarico methods. These genotypes can be recommended for cultivation in the sugarcane belt in the State of Pernambuco.

  6. Panorama da violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes em municípios cearenses

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    Poliana Hilário Magalhães


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever o panorama da violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes em municípios do litoral e do sertão do estado do Ceará, Brasil. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo realizado em 2014 com análise de dados secundários do “Disque 100” relacionados aos casos de violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes nos municípios do estado do Ceará, Brasil, referentes ao triênio 2011-2013. Resultados: Foram analisados 210 municípios do sertão cearense, dentre eles o município de Acopiara com 18 (10,8% denúncias, sendo destaque para casos de denúncias por abuso sexual contra crianças e adolescentes. Dentre os municípios litorâneos, Caucaia representa o maior número de denúncias, com 112 (35.07% casos de abuso sexual. Conclusão: O estudo é uma alerta às autoridades e à comunidade para atentarem aos casos de violência sexual (exploração e abuso contra crianças e adolescentes que estão ocorrendo nos diversos municípios cearenses, principalmente na região litorânea.

  7. Strength of Al and Al-Mg/alumina bonds prepared using ultrahigh vacuum diffusion bonding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, W.E.; Campbell, G.H.; Wien, W.L.; Stoner, S.L.


    The authors have measured the cross-breaking strength of Al and Al-Mg alloys bonded with alumina. Diffusion bonding of Al and Al-Mg alloys requires significantly more bonding time than previously thought to obtain complete bonding. In contrast to previous diffusion bonding studies, fracture morphologies are similar to those obtained in bonds formed by liquid phase reaction; i.e., bonds are as strong or stronger than the ceramic; and fracture tends to propagate in the metal for pure Al and near the interface in the ceramic for the alloys. There are indications that the fracture morphology depends on Mg content and therefore on plasticity in the metal

  8. Wear protection in cutting tool applications by PACVD (Ti,Al)N and Al2O3 coatings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kathrein, M.; Heiss, M.; Rofner, R.; Schleinkofer, U.; Schintlmeister, W.; Schatte, J.; Mitterer, C.


    Various (Ti,Al)N-, Al 2 O 3 -, and (Ti,Al)N/Al 2 O 3 multilayer coatings were deposited onto cemented carbide cutting tool inserts by a plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD) technique. Al 2 O 3 coatings were deposited using the gaseous mixture AlCl 3 , Ar, H 2 , and O 2 . (Ti,Al)N intermediate layers were deposited in the same device using the process mentioned and the gases AICl 3 , Ar, H 2 , TiCl 4 and N 2 . The unique properties of (Ti,Al)N/Al 2 O 3 multilayer coatings result in superior wear protection for cutting inserts applied in severe multifunction cutting processes. The influence of different deposition temperatures an structure and properties of the coatings like crystallographic phases, chemical composition, mechanical and technological properties is shown. PACVD (Ti,Al)N/Al 2 O 3 coated cutting inserts with fine grained crystalline α/κ-Al 2 O 3 offer performance advantages which are superior with respect to coatings deposited by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) due to the low deposition temperature applied. (author)

  9. Current transport mechanism in graphene/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with various Al mole fractions (United States)

    Pandit, Bhishma; Seo, Tae Hoon; Ryu, Beo Deul; Cho, Jaehee


    The current transport mechanism of graphene formed on AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures with various Al mole fractions (x = 0.15, 0.20, 0.30, and 0.40) is investigated. The current-voltage measurement from graphene to AlGaN/GaN shows an excellent rectifying property. The extracted Schottky barrier height of the graphene/AlGaN/GaN contacts increases with the Al mole fraction in AlGaN. However, the current transport mechanism deviates from the Schottky-Mott theory owing to the deterioration of AlGaN crystal quality at high Al mole fractions confirmed by reverse leakage current measurement.

  10. Current transport mechanism in graphene/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with various Al mole fractions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhishma Pandit


    Full Text Available The current transport mechanism of graphene formed on AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures with various Al mole fractions (x = 0.15, 0.20, 0.30, and 0.40 is investigated. The current–voltage measurement from graphene to AlGaN/GaN shows an excellent rectifying property. The extracted Schottky barrier height of the graphene/AlGaN/GaN contacts increases with the Al mole fraction in AlGaN. However, the current transport mechanism deviates from the Schottky-Mott theory owing to the deterioration of AlGaN crystal quality at high Al mole fractions confirmed by reverse leakage current measurement.

  11. Assessment of phase constitution on the Al-rich region of rapidly solidified Al-Co-Fe-Cr alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolf, W.; Bolfarini, C.; Kiminami, C.S.; Botta, W.J.


    The formation of quasicrystalline approximants in rapidly solidified Al-Co-Fe-Cr alloys was investigated. Alloys of atomic composition Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 , Al 77 Co 11 Fe 6 Cr 6 and Al 76 Co 19 Fe 4 Cr 1 were produced using melt spinning and arc melting methods and their microstructural characterization was carried out by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Up to the present there is no consensus in the literature regarding the formation of quasicrystalline phase or quasicrystalline approximants in the Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 alloy. This work presents, for the first time, a detailed structural characterization of selected alloys in the Al-Co-Fe-Cr system close to the atomic composition Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 . The results indicated the samples to be composed, mostly, by two intermetallic phases, which are quaternary extensions of Al 5 Co 2 and Al 13 Co 4 and are quasicrystalline approximants. Although the Al 5 Co 2 phase has already been reported in the Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 alloy, the presence of the monoclinic Al 13 Co 4 is now identified for the first time in the as cast state. In the binary Al-Co system a quasicrystalline phase is known to form in a rapidly solidified alloy with composition close to the monoclinic and orthorhombic Al 13 Co 4 phases. This binary quasicrystalline phase presents an average valence electron per atom (e/a) between 1.7 and 1.9; thus, in addition to the Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 alloy, the compositions Al 77 Co 11 Fe 6 Cr 6 and Al 76 Co 19 Fe 4 Cr 1 were chosen to be within the region of formation of the quaternary extension of the Al 13 Co 4 phase and also within the (e/a) of 1.7 to 1.9. However, no quasicrystalline phase is present in any of the studied alloys. The Al-Co-Fe-Cr system, around the compositions studied, is composed of quaternary extensions of Al-Co intermetallic phases, which present solubility of Fe and Cr at Co atomic sites. - Highlights: •The Al rich region of the Al

  12. Comparison of ALS functionality and plant growth in ALS-inhibitor susceptible and resistant Myosoton aquaticum L. (United States)

    Liu, Weitang; Bai, Shuang; Jia, Sisi; Guo, Wenlei; Zhang, Lele; Li, Wei; Wang, Jinxin


    Herbicide target-site resistance mutations may cause pleiotropic effects on plant ecology and physiology. The effect of several known (Pro197Ser, Pro197Leu Pro197Ala, and Pro197Glu) target-site resistance mutations of the ALS gene on both ALS functionality and plant vegetative growth of weed Myosoton aquaticum L. (water chickweed) have been investigated here. The enzyme kinetics of ALS from four purified water chickweed populations that each homozygous for the specific target-site resistance-endowing mutations were characterized and the effect of these mutations on plant growth was assessed via relative growth rate (RGR) analysis. Plants homozygous for Pro197Ser and Pro197Leu exhibited higher extractable ALS activity than susceptible (S) plants, while all ALS mutations with no negative change in ALS kinetics. The Pro197Leu mutation increased ALS sensitivity to isoleucine and valine, and Pro197Glu mutation slightly increased ALS sensitivity to isoleucine. RGR results indicated that none of these ALS resistance mutations impose negative pleiotropic effects on relative growth rate. However, resistant (R) seeds had a lowed germination rate than S seeds. This study provides baseline information on ALS functionality and plant growth characteristics associated with ALS inhibitor resistance-endowing mutations in water chickweed. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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    Talqis Nurdianto


    Full Text Available Miftāhul ‘Ulūm, written by al-Sakākī, especially the third part, was the beginning of a new phase in the development of Arabic rhetoric. Al-Sakākī divided the rhetoric into three fields of study, which are  (1 Ma’ānī, (2 Bayān, (3 Badī’. However, his style is influenced by philosophers, theologians and their verbal lexicon, which are difficult to take, especially for the ordinary recipient. Al-Sakākī described that his book containing several types of literature, namely, ‘ilm ṣarf in complete version and its conclusion, derivation science, and the grammatical study in the completeness of Ma’ānī and Bayān. The meaning of Makna is the study of completeness and conclusion. Therefore, books and prose, and poem require al-‘Arūḍ and al-Qawāfī include Ṣarf, Grammar, Ma’ānī, Bayān, limitation, reasoning, al’Arūḍ, and al-Qawāfī. He argued that the fields of study were influential in delivering knowledge to the student in order to reach the goal of the author towards his book.This research was an analytical descriptive study of al-Sakākī rhetoric that focused on the normative aspect represented by rhetorical rule and aesthetic aspects. Those aspects were shown by the feeling. Al-Sakākī rhetoric thought is a method based on mental division and has conducted in the construction of many factors, which the most important of them are philosophy and logic. Keywords: thought, rhetoric, meanings, sakkaki, study

  14. A study on wear resistance and microcrack of the Ti3Al/TiAl + TiC ceramic layer deposited by laser cladding on Ti-6Al-4V alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jianing; Chen Chuanzhong; Squartini, Tiziano; He Qingshan


    Laser cladding of the Al + TiC alloy powder on Ti-6Al-4V alloy can form the Ti 3 Al/TiAl + TiC ceramic layer. In this study, TiC particle-dispersed Ti 3 Al/TiAl matrix ceramic layer on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy by laser cladding has been researched by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, electron probe micro-analyzer, energy dispersive spectrometer. The main difference from the earlier reports is that Ti 3 Al/TiAl has been chosen as the matrix of the composite coating. The wear resistance of the Al + 30 wt.% TiC and the Al + 40 wt.% TiC cladding layer was approximately 2 times greater than that of the Ti-6Al-4V substrate due to the reinforcement of the Ti 3 Al/TiAl + TiC hard phases. However, when the TiC mass percent was above 40 wt.%, the thermal stress value was greater than the materials yield strength limit in the ceramic layer, the microcrack was present and its wear resistance decreased.

  15. Study of the 27Al(n,2,)26Al reaction via accelerator mass spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallner, A.


    The excitation function for the 27 Al(n,2n) 26 Al reaction is expected to show a strongly non-linear behavior in the neutron-energy region around 14 MeV, the neutron energy in D-T plasmas; thus the production rate of 26 Al (t 1/2 =7.2*10 5 a) in D-T fusion environments can in principle be used to measure the temperature of such plasmas. Existing measurements, however, are strongly discordant. Therefore, a new accurate measurement of the 27 Al(n,2n) 26 Al cross sections in the near threshold region (E n =13.5-14.8 MeV) was performed with the goal to achieve relative cross sections with the highest accuracy possible. In addition, the measurements were also designed to provide good absolute cross-section values, as absolute cross sections are important for radioactive waste predictions. Samples of Al metal were irradiated with neutrons in the energy range near threshold (E th =13.55 MeV) at the Radiuminstitutes of both Vienna and St. Petersburg, and in Tokai-mura, Japan. In Tuebingen irradiations with neutrons of higher energies (17 and 19 MeV) were performed. The amount of 26 Al produced during the irradiations was measured via accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA). This work represents the first 26 Al measurements for this new facility. With this system, a background as low as 3*10 -15 for 26 Al/ 27 Al isotope ratios was obtained, corresponding to a (n,2n) cross section of 0.04 mb. Utilizing AMS, cross sections with much higher precision and considerably closer to the threshold than in previous investigations could be measured. The prerequisite for its application as a temperature monitor, namely a very well known shape of the excitation function was met. A quantitative prediction of the sensitivity of this method for monitoring the temperature in a D-T fusion plasma was therefore possible. For thermal plasmas temperature changes in the order of 5 to 15 % should be detectable. An even higher sensitivity was found

  16. Magnetostrictive properties of FeAl/polyester and FeAl/silicone composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riesgo, G. [Dpto. de Ciencias y Técnicas de la Navegación, Universidad de Oviedo, Campus universitario de Gijón, 33203 Gijón (Spain); Carrizo, J. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Elbaile, L., E-mail: [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Crespo, R.D. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Sepúlveda, R. [Dpto. de Ingeniería Mecánica y de los Materiales, Universidad de Sevilla, Isla Cartuja, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); García, J.A. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain)


    Highlights: • Nanocrystalline powders of FeAl have been obtained from the Fe{sub 81}Al{sub 19} ribbon produced by melt spinning. • The method allows the obtainment of a FeAl solid solution from the starting process. • The microstructure and magnetic properties of the powders were investigated. • Composites with a magnetostriction of 45 ppm have been obtained. - Abstract: Ribbons of composition Fe{sub 81}Al{sub 19} obtained by the melt spinning method have been used to yield powder by mechanical milling. Using this method, a rapid nanocrystallization and a FeAl solid solution phase was obtained from the start of the process. The microstructural and magnetic properties as well as the XRD patterns of the powders were studied in function of the milling time. Grain refinement and an increase of the coercive field were the main transformations resulting from increasing the milling time. Two sets of magnetostrictive composites were produced from the 100 h-milled powder. In one of them polyester was used as matrix and in the other one silicone. In the case of the silicone composites cured in a magnetic field of 140 mT in the longitudinal direction a saturation magnetostriction as high as 45 ppm was obtained.

  17. Thermodynamic calculation of Al-Gd and Al-Gd-Mg phase equilibria checked by key experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Groebner, J.; Kevorkov, D.; Schmid-Fetzer, R.


    The binary Al-Gd and the ternary Al-Gd-Mg systems were calculated using the Calphad method. It is demonstrated that previous interpretation of ternary liquidus temperatures below 700 C must be related to other phase equilibria. The actual ternary liquidus temperatures are much higher, up to some 600 C above the previous interpretation in literature. They are widely governed by the high-melting compounds Al 2 Gd and Al 3 Gd with liquidus surfaces stretching far into the ternary system. A small number of key experiments in this work confirmed the calculated liquidus temperature and the phase relations. The available experimental data in literature fit excellently with the calculation in the binary Al-Gd system. In the ternary Al-Gd-Mg system, which is shown in several sections of the phase diagram, a good agreement can be observed too, considering the necessary reinterpretation of the liquidus temperatures suggested by Rokhlin et al. Ternary solubilities were not found experimentally. The ternary compound Al 4 GdMg (τ) forms in a ternary peritectic reaction at 761 C. (orig.)

  18. Forged HITEMAL: Al-based MMCs strengthened with nanometric thick Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} skeleton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Balog, Martin, E-mail: [Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Racianska 75, 83102 Bratislava (Slovakia); Krizik, Peter; Nosko, Martin; Hajovska, Zuzana [Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Racianska 75, 83102 Bratislava (Slovakia); Victoria Castro Riglos, Maria [Centro Atómico Bariloche, Av. Bustillo 9.500, 8400 Bariloche, Río Negro (Argentina); Rajner, Walter [New Materials Development GmbH, Römerstrasse 28, 83410 Laufen, Leobendorf (Germany); Liu, De-Shin [National Chung Cheng University, 168 University Rd., Min-Hsiung, 62102 Chia-Yi, Taiwan (China); Simancik, Frantisek [Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Racianska 75, 83102 Bratislava (Slovakia)


    Bulk Al–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} metal matrix composites (MMCs) named HITEMAL (high temperature aluminum) were fabricated in situ by forging compaction of five different types of gas-atomized commercial purity Al powders with a mean particle size in the range of 1–9 µm. As-forged HITEMAL consisted of (sub)micrometric Al grains (matrix) decorated with nanometric thick amorphous Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} (a-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}) skeleton. Low-angle grain boundaries (LAGBs) free of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} were located in the Al grain interior. The Al grain size and the portion of LAGBs increased with the increase in the relative powder surface area. As-forged HITEMAL shows excellent thermal stability up to 400 °C for 24 h. Annealing at temperatures ≥450 °C led to crystallization and morphological transformation from a-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} skeleton to nanometric γ-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} particles. Owing to the pinning effect of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} phase, no Al grain growth took place during annealing up to 500 °C. HITEMAL showed attractive mechanical properties especially when tested at 300 °C (yield strength up to 220 MPa, Young's modulus up to 58 GPa). Despite the presence of a nearly continuous a-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} skeleton along adjacent Al grains, forged HITEMAL materials had reasonable room temperature elongation of 7–26%. HITEMAL's elongation decreased as the Al grain size decreased and with increased testing temperature. The loss in elongation (uniform and total) was attributed to the inhomogeneous flow, which occurred due to high densities of high angle grain boundaries (dislocation sinks) and small content of LAGBs. The strength of HITEMAL stemmed from grain boundary mediated strengthening mechanisms. The results showed a positive deviation from the Hall–Petch plot, which is typical behavior of ultrafine-grained metals. Transformation of a-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} skeleton to γ-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} particles led to deterioration of the HITEMAL strength and Young's modulus.

  19. Determination of Al concentration in Al doped ZnO using Auger spectra excited by Mo X-rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toth, J.; Koever, L.; Cserny, I.; Varga, D.


    Complete text of publication follows. A good conductor with excellent transparency is of crucial importance for the window layer of CIGS solar cells. Al doped ZnO is a good candidate for this purpose, its conductivity depends on the concentration and chemical state of the Al dopant atoms. It was demonstrated that the non-conventional XPS using Mo X-rays for excitation is a very sensitive tool for the detection of Al, P, Si [1, 2, 3]. The present paper compares the experimental ratios for Zn/Al photoinduced peak intensity ratios obtained using both Al and Mo X-ray excitations. The Mo excited Zn/Al intensity ratios can be determined with higher selectivity and sensitivity than the Zn/Al intensity ratios excited by Al X-rays. The experiments were performed with a hemispherical deflector electron spectrometer [4]. The chemical state of the Al was identified to be close to that in Al 2 O 3 . The atomic concentrations were determined using a calibration curve based on ZnO/Al samples with known composition of Al. The energy dependent efficiency of the electron spectrometer was determined comparing REELS spectra of Cu specimen to standard spectra measured by K. Goto (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan). For evaluation of the Al atomic concentrations from the measured photoelectron intensities the photoionisation cross-sections of Band et al [5] and the IMFP data of S. Tanuma et al [6] and C.J. Powell and A. Jablonski [7] were used. (author)

  20. Experimental evidences for reducing Mg activation energy in high Al-content AlGaN alloy by MgGa δ doping in (AlN)m/(GaN)n superlattice (United States)

    Wang, Xiao; Wang, Wei; Wang, Jingli; Wu, Hao; Liu, Chang


    P-type doping in high Al-content AlGaN alloys is a main challenge for realizing AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet optoelectronics devices. According to the first-principles calculations, Mg activation energy may be reduced so that a high hole concentration can be obtained by introducing nanoscale (AlN)5/(GaN)1 superlattice (SL) in Al0.83Ga0.17N disorder alloy. In this work, experimental evidences were achieved by analyzing Mg doped high Al-content AlGaN alloys and Mg doped AlGaN SLs as well as MgGa δ doped AlGaN SLs. Mg acceptor activation energy was significantly reduced from 0.378 to 0.331 eV by using MgGa δ doping in SLs instead of traditional doping in alloys. This new process was confirmed to be able to realize high p-type doping in high Al-content AlGaN.

  1. Al-Shebab: An Al-Qaeda Affiliate Case Study (2Rev) (United States)


    deputies responsible for finance , administration, and security. Coordination among regional groups is common.10 The deputy leader of al-Shebab, Mukhtar...Maaliya (Ministry of Finance ) controlled taxation. A complex court system also emerged. Multiple training camps were built that focused on hand-to-hand...Nathan Chandler, Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency in Somalia: Assessing the Campaign Against Al Shabaab, Rand Corporation , 2016, accessed 6/5

  2. Experimental evidences for reducing Mg activation energy in high Al-content AlGaN alloy by MgGa δ doping in (AlN)m/(GaN)n superlattice


    Xiao Wang; Wei Wang; Jingli Wang; Hao Wu; Chang Liu


    P-type doping in high Al-content AlGaN alloys is a main challenge for realizing AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet optoelectronics devices. According to the first-principles calculations, Mg activation energy may be reduced so that a high hole concentration can be obtained by introducing nanoscale (AlN)5/(GaN)1 superlattice (SL) in Al0.83Ga0.17N disorder alloy. In this work, experimental evidences were achieved by analyzing Mg doped high Al-content AlGaN alloys and Mg doped AlGaN SLs as well as MgG...

  3. Tadris Al Mufradat Li Tathbiq Maharah Al Kalam Fi Madrasah Al Muallimin Al Islamiyyah Li Mahad Bait Al Arqam Balong Jember

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    Muhammad Ardy Zaini


    Full Text Available There are four  skills in teaching Arabic. Ie listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Among these four, speaking considered one of the most important objectives of learning foreign language. In order to speak properly, one must know the vocabulary and apply it in a sentence. The aims of this research is to describe the teaching of vocabulary to apply the speaking skill in the school of Islamic teachers in the Institute of Bait al Arqom Balong Jember. This study used qualitative approach. The data collection was taken trough observation, personal interview, history and documentation. The teaching of vocabulary to apply the speaking skill at the Islamic Teachers' School at the Institute of Bait Al Arqam Balong Jember has gone well in terms of planning (general objectives and specific objectives, implementation (materials, use of the teaching method and teaching aids, and evaluation (assessment and evaluation. This teaching is to apply the speaking skill in terms of conversation or dialogue and lecture.

  4. NEK1 genetic variability in a Belgian cohort of ALS and ALS-FTD patients. (United States)

    Nguyen, Hung Phuoc; Van Mossevelde, Sara; Dillen, Lubina; De Bleecker, Jan L; Moisse, Matthieu; Van Damme, Philip; Van Broeckhoven, Christine; van der Zee, Julie


    We evaluated the genetic impact of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) risk gene never in mitosis gene a-related kinase 1 (NEK1) in a Belgian cohort of 278 patients with ALS (n = 245) or ALS with frontotemporal dementia (ALS-FTD, n = 33) and 609 control individuals. We identified 2 ALS patients carrying a loss-of-function (LOF) mutation, p.Leu854Tyrfs*2 and p.Tyr871Valfs*17, that was absent in the control group. A third LOF variant p.Ser1036* was present in 2 sibs with familial ALS but also in an unrelated control person. Missense variants were common in both patients (3.6%) and controls (3.0%). The missense variant, p.Arg261His, which was previously associated with ALS risk, was detected with a minor allele frequency of 0.90% in patients compared to 0.33% in controls. Taken together, NEK1 LOF variants accounted for 1.1% of patients, although interpretation of pathogenicity and penetrance is complicated by the observation of occasional LOF variants in unaffected individuals (0.16%). Furthermore, enrichment of additional ALS gene mutations was observed in NEK1 carriers, suggestive of a "second hit" model were NEK1 variants may modify disease presentation of driving mutations. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. The effect of ammonia flow in the AlN spacer on the electrical properties of InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMT structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gamarra, Piero; Lacam, Cedric; Magis, Michelle; Tordjman, Maurice; Di Forte Poisson, Marie-Antoinette


    During the past few years it has been reported that a thin AlN spacer of few nanometers needs to be inserted in InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) to obtain high 2DEG carrier mobility. This work presents a systematic study of the effects of varying the ammonia flow in the AlN spacer of InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs grown by low pressure metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (LP-MOVPE). The strain state, the surface roughness and the growth rate of AlN were found to be dependent on the V/III ratio. In addition the ammonia flow in the interlayer has a strong impact on the structural properties of the subsequent InAlN barrier layer and on the electrical properties of the structure. A sheet resistance as low as 327 Ω/□ with a sheet carrier density of 1.5 x 10 13 cm -2 has been obtained at room temperature. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  6. The effect of ammonia flow in the AlN spacer on the electrical properties of InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMT structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gamarra, Piero; Lacam, Cedric; Magis, Michelle; Tordjman, Maurice; Di Forte Poisson, Marie-Antoinette [III-V Lab., Marcussis (France)


    During the past few years it has been reported that a thin AlN spacer of few nanometers needs to be inserted in InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) to obtain high 2DEG carrier mobility. This work presents a systematic study of the effects of varying the ammonia flow in the AlN spacer of InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs grown by low pressure metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (LP-MOVPE). The strain state, the surface roughness and the growth rate of AlN were found to be dependent on the V/III ratio. In addition the ammonia flow in the interlayer has a strong impact on the structural properties of the subsequent InAlN barrier layer and on the electrical properties of the structure.istance as low as 327 {omega}/{open_square} with a sheet carrier density of 1.5 x 10{sup 13} cm{sup -2} has been obtained at room temperature. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  7. Assessment of phase constitution on the Al-rich region of rapidly solidified Al-Co-Fe-Cr alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wolf, W., E-mail: [Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz, Km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos, SP (Brazil); Bolfarini, C., E-mail: [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz, Km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos, SP (Brazil); Kiminami, C.S., E-mail: [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz, Km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos, SP (Brazil); Botta, W.J., E-mail: [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz, Km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos, SP (Brazil)


    The formation of quasicrystalline approximants in rapidly solidified Al-Co-Fe-Cr alloys was investigated. Alloys of atomic composition Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8}, Al{sub 77}Co{sub 11}Fe{sub 6}Cr{sub 6} and Al{sub 76}Co{sub 19}Fe{sub 4}Cr{sub 1} were produced using melt spinning and arc melting methods and their microstructural characterization was carried out by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Up to the present there is no consensus in the literature regarding the formation of quasicrystalline phase or quasicrystalline approximants in the Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8} alloy. This work presents, for the first time, a detailed structural characterization of selected alloys in the Al-Co-Fe-Cr system close to the atomic composition Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8}. The results indicated the samples to be composed, mostly, by two intermetallic phases, which are quaternary extensions of Al{sub 5}Co{sub 2} and Al{sub 13}Co{sub 4} and are quasicrystalline approximants. Although the Al{sub 5}Co{sub 2} phase has already been reported in the Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8} alloy, the presence of the monoclinic Al{sub 13}Co{sub 4} is now identified for the first time in the as cast state. In the binary Al-Co system a quasicrystalline phase is known to form in a rapidly solidified alloy with composition close to the monoclinic and orthorhombic Al{sub 13}Co{sub 4} phases. This binary quasicrystalline phase presents an average valence electron per atom (e/a) between 1.7 and 1.9; thus, in addition to the Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8} alloy, the compositions Al{sub 77}Co{sub 11}Fe{sub 6}Cr{sub 6} and Al{sub 76}Co{sub 19}Fe{sub 4}Cr{sub 1} were chosen to be within the region of formation of the quaternary extension of the Al{sub 13}Co{sub 4} phase and also within the (e/a) of 1.7 to 1.9. However, no quasicrystalline phase is present in any of the studied alloys. The Al-Co-Fe-Cr system

  8. Corrosion analysis of AlMg2 and AlMgSi using electrochemical method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dian A; Maman Kartaman; Rosika K; Yanlinastuti


    Corrosion test of cladding materials and structures of research reactor fuel, AlMgSi and AlMg2 have been performed in demineralized water of pH 2 and 6.7 using an electrochemical method. Corrosion phenomenon is affected by several factor such as composition and condition of solution. The purpose of this activity is to investigate the corrosion phenomena through the determination of the parameters of corrosion and polarization curve. The materials used are AlMg2 and AlMgSi alloy in circular dish shape with an area of 1 Cm"2. Preparation of the test sample is performed through several stages polishing, cleaning and drying procedures followed ASTM G3. The electrochemical method is done by measuring the open circuit potential (OCP), polarization resistance and potentiodynamic in demineralized water of pH 2 and pH 6.7 at temperature of 25°C. The results of the OCP is the corrosion potential (Ecorr) of AlMg2 and AlMgSi each of -906.1 mV and -619.8 mV at pH 2 and -868.6 and -756.7 mV at pH 6.7 mV. The results of measurements by polarization resistance technique showed that the corrosion rate of AlMg2 and AlMgSi in safe category (<2 mpy) at pH 6.7 and at pH 2 corrosion rate increased significantly, but still in the lightweight category (<20 mpy). Potentiodynamic curves showed that the passivation at pH 6.7 is very low while the passivation at pH 2 occurs within a relatively short range potential and followed events corroded. (author)

  9. Catalytic effect of Al and AlN interlayer on the growth and properties of containing carbon films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, Bing; Liu, Zhubo; Tang, Bin; Rogachev, A.V.


    Highlights: • DLC and CN x bilayers with Al (AlN) interlayer were fabricated by cathode arc technique. • Complete diffusion of Al and C atoms occurs at the interface of Al/DLC (CN x ) bilayer. • Al/CN x bilayer presents a higher content of Csp 3 /Csp 2 bonds. • The hardness of Al/DLC bilayer decreases but increases for the other bilayers. • Morphology of the bilayers was explained by growth mechanism of DLC and surface state of substrate. - Abstract: Diamond-like carbon (DLC) and carbon nitride (CN x ) bilayer films with Al and AlN interlayer were fabricated by pulse cathode arc technique. The structure, composition, morphology and mechanical properties of the films were investigated by Raman, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Knoop sclerometer and surface profilometer. The results indicated that the complete diffusion between C and Al atoms occurs in the Al/DLC and Al/CN x bilayer. Al interlayer induces the increase of the size and ordering of Csp 2 clusters in the films but AlN interlayer increases the disordering degree of Csp 2 clusters. XPS results showed that a higher content of Csp 3 /Csp 2 bonds presents in the Al/CN x bilayer, and Al and AlN interlayer decreases the atomic ratio of N/C. AFM with phase contrast mode illustrated the morphologic characteristics of the bilayer films. All the bilayers show a nano-structural surface. The morphology changes of the bilayer were well explained by the surface state of the substrate and the growth mechanism of DLC films. The hardness of Al/DLC bilayer decreases but it increases for the other bilayers compared to the corresponding DLC (CN x ) monolayer. The internal stress of the bilayer is significantly lower than that of the monolayer except for the AlN/CN x bilayer. These studies could make the difference at the time of choosing a suitable functional film for certain application

  10. Characteristics in AlN/AlGaN/GaN Multilayer-Structured High-Electron-Mobility Transistors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gui-Zhou, Hu; Ling, Yang; Li-Yuan, Yang; Si, Quan; Shou-Gao, Jiang; Ji-Gang, Ma; Xiao-Hua, Ma; Yue, Hao


    A new multilayer-structured AlN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) is demonstrated. The AlN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT exhibits the maximum drain current density of 800 mA/mm and the maximum extrinsic transconductance of 170 mS/mm. Due to the increase of the distance between the gate and the two-dimensional electron-gas channel, the threshold voltage shifts slightly to the negative. The reduced drain current collapse and higher breakdown voltage are observed on this AlN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT. The current gain cut-off frequency and the maximum frequency of oscillation are 18.5 GHz and 29.0 GHz, respectively. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  11. 60Co gamma radiation effect on AlGaN//AlN/GaN HEMT devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yanping; Luo Yinhong; Wang Wei; Zhang Keying; Guo Hongxia; Guo Xiaoqiang; Wang Yuanming


    The testing techniques and experimental methods of the 60 Co gamma irradiation effect on AlGaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are established. The degradation of the electrical properties of the device under the actual radiation environment are analyzed theoretically, and studies of the total dose effects of gamma radiation on AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMTs at three different radiation bias conditions are carried out. The degradation patterns of the main parameters of the AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMTs at different doses are then investigated, and the device parameters that were sensitive to the gamma radiation induced damage and the total dose level induced device damage are obtained. (authors)

  12. Cu-segregation at the Q'/α-Al interface in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Kenji; Teguri, Daisuke; Uetani, Yasuhiro; Sato, Tatsuo; Ikeno, Susumu


    Cu segregation was detected at the Q ' /α-Al interface in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy by energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy. By contrast, in a Cu-free Al-Mg-Si alloy no segregation was observed at the interface between the matrix and Type-C precipitate

  13. Effect of Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce Master Alloy on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Commercial Pure Al and Hypoeutectic Al-8Si Alloy

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    Wanwu Ding


    Full Text Available Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy was synthesized by a method of thermal explosion reaction in pure molten aluminum and used to modify commercial pure Al and hypoeutectic Al-8Si alloy. The microstructure and tensile properties of commercial pure Al and hypoeutectic Al-8Si alloy with different additions of Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy were investigated. The results show that the Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce alloy was composed of α-Al, granular TiC, lump-like TiAl3 and block-like Ti2Al20Ce. Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (0.3 wt %, 5 min can significantly refine macro grains of commercial pure Al into tiny equiaxed grains. The Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (0.3 wt %, 30 min still has a good refinement effect. The tensile strength and elongation of commercial pure Al modified by the Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (0.3 wt %, 5 min increased by roughly 19.26% and 61.83%, respectively. Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (1.5 wt %, 10 min can significantly refine both α-Al grains and eutectic Si of hypoeutectic Al-8Si alloy. The dendritic α-Al grains were significantly refined to tiny equiaxed grains. The morphology of the eutectic Si crystals was significantly refined from coarse needle-shape or lath-shape to short rod-like or grain-like eutectic Si. The tensile strength and elongation of hypoeutectic Al-8Si alloy modified by the Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (1.5 wt %, 10 min increased by roughly 20.53% and 50%, respectively. The change in mechanical properties corresponds to evolution of the microstructure.

  14. Tailoring ultrafine grained and dispersion-strengthened Ti2AlC/TiAl ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    and Ti-Al pre-alloyed powders at low temperature of 1150◦C. The composite mainly consisted ... Metal–matrix composites; mechanical properties; microstructures; sintering. 1. Introduction γ-TiAl-based intermetallic alloys have been extensively.

  15. Stagnation of the exploitation of Al ores and the depression of world prices of Al

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    Slavkovský Jozef


    Full Text Available In the contribution, data on Al – a metal of the 20th century are compiled together with the problems of genesis of the Al mineral raw ma-terials as well as types of bauxite and Al-laterite deposits. Furthermore, an overview of the world exploitation of bauxite during 1935-1980 is given along with the prognoses to 2000 and present situation (1992-1996. Overviews of the production of Al follows, providing its rela-tion to the bauxite exploitation. Contrary to the prognoses, a stabilization or stagnation has been observed in the exploitation of bauxite and production of Al during nineties, which a tendency is directly reflected in the world price of this commodity. When analyzing the Al prices for a longer period, some serious deviations can be noticed, that however presently represent a long-term minimum. We hope the stagnation of the production and the price decline are only temporary and new possibilities of the utilization of Al will be found soon.

  16. A study on preparation and hydriding of β-Mg2Al3 and γ-Mg17Al12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadi Suwarno


    The mechanism of the synthetic formation of β-Mg 2 Al 3 and γ-Mg 17 Al 12 has been studied. Mechanical alloying of Mg and Al powders with the atomic ratio of Mg:Al = 2:3 in toluene solution yields β-Mg 2 Al 3 compound after milling for 30 h. The γ-Mg 17 Al 12 can be formed by heating the β-Mg 2 Al 3 at 430°C under high vacuum. The measured hydrogen capacities of β-Mg 2 Al 3 and γ-Mg 17 Al 12 as hydride at 300°C are 3.2 and 4.9 wt%, respectively. Microstructure of the Mg-Al specimen shows that on hydriding at 300°C the polygonal shape of the γ-Mg 17 Al 12 changes into irregular shapes which are composed of γ-MgH 2 and Al. (author)


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    René O. Güemes


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se buscó detectar y comparar dificultades presentadas en la comprensión de los temas “Sustancias” y “Reacciones Químicas” en alumnos ingresantes a la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina implementando dos estrategias didácticas diferentes durante el dictado del “Curso de Ingreso de Química”. Se trabajó con dos grupos de alumnos; uno de los grupos utilizó un libro de texto, mientras que el otro trabajó con material multimedia en un aula de informática. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados al inicio y final del curso con la misma evaluación de opciones múltiples. Pudo comprobarse que el grupo que trabajó con el material multimedia alcanzó una mayor comprensión de los conceptos abstractos.

  18. Euphorbiaceae Juss: espécies ocorrentes nas restingas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Arline Souza de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho relaciona as espécies da família Euphorbiaceae Juss. encontradas nas restingas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As coletas foram realizadas no período de 1983 a 1988 em vários trechos do litoral fluminense, nas diferentes faixas de vegetação. Além da listagem contendo 31 espécies de 16 gêneros, aborda-se também a forma biológica (porte destes taxa, para uma melhor compreensão desta famflia na composição florística das restingas.This work presents a list of the species of the Euphorbiaceae Juss., which are signalled for the sandy coastal plains - restinga - of the Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The life-forms of the taxa are registred.

  19. Marinbiologisk optegnelse i NUḪBAT AL-DAHR FĪ ʿAǦ ʾIB AL-BARR WA-AL-BAḤR


    Provencal, Philippe


    I det arabiske geografiske værk NUḪBAT AL-DAHR FĪ ʿAǦ ʾIB AL-BARR WA-AL-BAḤR (færdigskrevet mellem 1324 og 1327) fra omtales seks dyr fra Adenbugten. Det dreje sig om savrokke, kuglefisk, pilrokke, pindsvinefisk og hvalhaj. Det sidste dyr har ikke kunnet bestemmes. Artiklen bringer en oversættelse af optegnelsen til engelsk samt både en filologisk som en biologisk kommentar. The aim of this article is to present a medieval Arabic report regarding sixanimals from the Gulf of Aden, to provid...

  20. MOSQUE ARCHITECTURE AS A SUSTAINABLE BUILDING IN URBAN (Case Study: Al Markas Al Islamic Mosque Makassar

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    Imriyanti Imriyanti


    Full Text Available Abstract Mosque Architecture is a part of Islamic architecture. Mosque should be fused with elements of nature because its function as a place to pray to God who created the universe. Al Markas Al Islamic Makassar mosque is used as a center of Islamic aspirations of the people and the government to accommodate all the activities of moslems in Makassar. Through this function, the provision of Al Markas Al Islamic mosque began from the desire of Islamic societies in Makassar, which wants the Islamic center to be equipped with facilities and infrastructure as well as architectural, monumental buildings and structures that can be last for hundreds of years (continuous, blend with the environment, and also can be used by the public. Having regard to the function of a mosque especially at the Al Markas Al Islamic Makassar mosque, then the problem that arise is how the Al Markas Al Islamic mosque can be survived/sustainable  in order  to function  as a place  of worship  and  as a center  of Islam.  This research  is a descriptive qualitative research that is trying to generate data in the form of systematic and accurate picture of the object of study. The sustaiprophetlity  of Al Markas AL Islamic mosque can be known through the concept of Islam  in accordance with the view of Islam as well as the sustaiprophetlity of the buildings that seen in the spatial pattern of the mosque, appearance, natural lighting, natural ventilation, and user behavior of the mosque. Keywords: mosque architecture, sustaiprophetlity, view of Islam     Abstrak Arsitektur masjid merupakan bagian dari arsitektur Islam. Bangunan masjid sebaiknya dapat menyatu dengan unsur alam karena masjid difungsikan sebagai wadah dalam bersujud/sembahyang  kepada Allah SWT yang menciptakan alam semesta ini. Masjid Al Markas Al Islamic Makassar merupakan kompleks kegiatan Islam yang digunakan sebagai pusat aspirasi masyarakat  dan pemerintahan  yang dapat menampung

  1. Adhesive and tribocorrosive behavior of TiAlPtN/TiAlN/TiAl multilayers sputtered coatings over CoCrMo (United States)

    Canto, C. E.; Andrade, E.; Rocha, M. F.; Alemón, B.; Flores, M.


    The tribocorrosion resistance and adherence of multilayer coatings of TiAlPtN/TiAlN/TiAl synthesized by PVD reactive magnetron sputtering over a CoCrMo alloy substrate in 10 periods of 30 min each were analyzed and compared to those of the substrate alone and to that of a TiAlPtN single layer coating of the same thickness. The objective of the present work was to create multilayers with different amounts of Pt in order to enhance the tribocorrosion resistance of a biomedical alloy of CoCrMo. Tribocorrosion tests were performed using Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) at typical body temperature with a tribometer in a pin on disk test. The elemental composition and thickness of the coating which behave better at the tribocorrosion tests were evaluated by means of RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy) IBA (Ion Beam Analysis) technique, using an alpha particles beam of 1.8 MeV, before and after the reciprocating motion in the tribocorrosion test. In order to simulate the elemental profile of the samples, the SIMNRA simulation computer code was used. Measurements of the adhesion of the coatings to the substrate were carried on by means of a scratch test using a tribometer. By taking micrographs of the produced tracks, the critical loads at which the coatings are fully separated from the substrate were determined. From these tests it was observed that a coating with 10 min of TiAlPtN in a TiAlPtN/TiAl period of 30 min in multilayers of 10 periods and with an average thickness of 145 nm for the TiAlPtN nanolayers had the best tribocorrosion resistance behavior, compared to that of the CoCrMo alloy. The RBS experiments showed a reduction of the thickness of the films along with some loss of the multilayer structure after the reciprocating motion. The adhesion tests indicated that the multilayer with the average TiAlPtN thickness of 145 nm displayed the highest critical load. These results indicate a high correlation between the adherence and the tribocorrosion behavior.

  2. Microstructure of Reaction Zone Formed During Diffusion Bonding of TiAl with Ni/Al Multilayer (United States)

    Simões, Sónia; Viana, Filomena; Koçak, Mustafa; Ramos, A. Sofia; Vieira, M. Teresa; Vieira, Manuel F.


    In this article, the characterization of the interfacial structure of diffusion bonding a TiAl alloy is presented. The joining surfaces were modified by Ni/Al reactive multilayer deposition as an alternative approach to conventional diffusion bonding. TiAl substrates were coated with alternated Ni and Al nanolayers. The nanolayers were deposited by dc magnetron sputtering with 14 nm of period (bilayer thickness). Joining experiments were performed at 900 °C for 30 and 60 min with a pressure of 5 MPa. Cross sections of the joints were prepared for characterization of their interfaces by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), high resolution TEM (HRTEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Several intermetallic compounds form at the interface, assuring the bonding of the TiAl. The interface can be divided into three distinct zones: zone 1 exhibits elongated nanograins, very small equiaxed grains are observed in zone 2, while zone 3 has larger equiaxed grains. EBSD analysis reveals that zone 1 corresponds to the intermetallic Al2NiTi and AlNiTi, and zones 2 and 3 to NiAl.

  3. Al-quran dalam Perspektif Budaya


    Sudrajat, Ajat


    Al-Quran merupakan kitab suci terakhir yang diturunkan kepada manusia. Tujuan utama diturunkannya al-Quran adalah sebagai kitab petunjuk yang meliputi bidang akidah, syariah, dan akhlak. Akan tetapi di luar ketiga petunjuk tersebut, al-Quran telah memberikan motivasi dan inspirasi kepada umat Islam dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan sehingga melahirkan jenis budaya tertentu. Dialog intelektual yang dilakukan secara kreatif oleh umat Islam terhadap al-Quran ternyata telah menghasilkan lahirnya ge...


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    Himmah Istomah


    Full Text Available One of human personalities is humanist. Based on the understanding of Maslow’s theory of motivation, researcher seeks to uncover kinds of motivational needs of Muhammad Saw contained in Maulid Al-Barzanjiy (the work of Ja 'far bin Hasan al-Barzanji (d. 1763 M. The goal is realized through a descriptive qualitative approach with  text analysis  about Psycholiterature of Endraswara. The results of this study indicate that in Maulid Al-Barzanji there are Muhammad Saw’s five needs and how their satisfying perfectly,  namely: physiological needs, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Thus, it can be interpreted that Muhammad SAW as an ordinary human having motivational needs. His prophetic and apostleship honor is not a direct blessing from Allah, but he had been through some complicated processes in life. This can be applied by his followers, so they can complete their motivational needs to reach the satiation as a caliph and to be useful person in this world.

  5. Microstructure and bonding mechanism of Al/Ti bonded joint using Al-10Si-1Mg filler metal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Woong H.; Bong, Ha H.; Hong, Soon H.


    The microstructures and liquid state diffusion bonding mechanism of cp-Ti to 1050 Al using an Al-10.0wt.%Si-1.0wt.%Mg filler metal with 100 μm in thickness have been investigated at 620 deg. C under 1x10 -4 Torr. The effects of bonding process parameters on microstructure of bonded joint have been analyzed by using an optical microscope, AES, scanning electron microscopy and EDS. The interfacial bond strength of Al/Ti bonded joints was measured by the single lap shear test. The results show that the bonding at the interface between Al and filler metal proceeds by wetting the Al with molten filler metal, and followed by removal of oxide layer on surface of Al. The interface between Al and filler metal moved during the isothermal solidification of filler metal by the diffusion of Si from filler metal into Al layer. The interface between Al and filler metal became curved in shape with increasing bonding time due to capillary force at grain boundaries. The bonding at the interface between Ti and filler metal proceeds by the formation of two different intermetallic compound layers, identified as Al 5 Si 12 Ti 7 and Al 12 Si 3 Ti 5 , followed by the growth of the intermetallic compound layers. The interfacial bond strength at Al/Ti joint increased with increasing bonding time up to 25 min at 620 deg. C. However, the interfacial bond strength of Al/Ti joint decreased after bonding time of 25 min at 620 deg. C due to formation of cavities in Al near Al/intermetallic interfaces

  6. Micromechanisms of fracture and fatigue in Ti3Al based and TiAl based intermetallics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    James, A.W.; Chave, R.A.; Hippsley, C.A.; Bowen, P.


    Micromechanisms of fracture and fatigue crack growth resistance in specific Ti 3 Al based and TiAl based intermetallics are reviewed. Effects of test temperature, environment and microstructure on crack growth resistance are considered in detail for several Ti 3 Al and Ti'Al based intermetallic systems under development. The implications of these studies for the structural reliability of these materials is also addressed briefly. (orig.)

  7. Core electron binding energy shifts of AlBr3 and Al2Br6 vapor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, Astrid M.; Plenge, Juergen; Leone, Stephen R.; Canton, Sophie E.; Rude, Bruce S.; Bozek, John D.


    The Al 2p and Br 3d inner-shell photoelectron spectra of aluminum tribromide monomer and dimer vapor were measured at 90 and 95 eV photon energy, respectively, to determine the core electron binding energies of the atoms in the two molecular species. While AlBr 3 has three identical Br atoms, Al 2 Br 6 exhibits four terminal and two bridging Br atoms. The species are identified by their distinct valence photoelectron spectra. Comparison of the observed Al 2p 1/2 and Al 2p 3/2 electron binding energies of AlBr 3 with those of Al 2 Br 6 shows that there is a chemical shift of (0.15 ± 0.03) eV to lower energy in the dimer. In Al 2 Br 6 , an assignment is proposed in which the Br 3d 3/2 and Br 3d 5/2 binding energies of terminal Br atoms are (1.18 ± 0.03) eV lower than those of bridging Br atoms. This assignment assumes that both types of Br atoms have similar cross-sections for ionization. With this result, the Br 3d 3/2 and Br 3d 5/2 binding energies of Br atoms in AlBr 3 are (0.81 ± 0.03) eV lower than those of bridging Br atoms of the dimer but (0.37 ± 0.03) eV higher than those of terminal Br atoms of the dimer. The obtained chemical shifts are considered in terms of the binding relations and electron density distributions in both molecules. Chemical shifts that are larger than a few hundred millielectron volts, as observed in the Al 2 Br 6 /AlBr 3 system, offer potential to study the dissociation dynamics of the dimer in a femtosecond visible or ultraviolet-pump/XUV-probe experiment

  8. Desarrollo de cultivares de soja mejorados con alto potencial de rendimiento para la región litoral

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    Diana M. Fresoli


    Full Text Available La soja (Glycine max (L. Merrill es, a nivel mundial, uno de los principales productos vegetales por su potencial de productividad, adaptabilidad y rentabilidad, por lo que es importante disponer de variantes genotípicas que permitan elevados y estables rendimientos en diferentes latitudes, fechas de siembra, tipo de suelo, etc. El objetivo general de este proyecto fue desarrollar nuevos recombinantes genéticos de soja adaptados a la zona, con elevados rendimientos, buena calidad de semilla, seguridad de cosecha, e indiferencia al fotoperíodo. El mejoramiento genético tradicional de la especie se inició con la introducción de genotipos desde sus centros de origen, seguidos por la hibridación y posterior selección, utilizando el método de descendencia de semilla única (SSD. Para la evaluación del comportamiento agronómico, fenológico y sanitario se implementaron ensayos comparativos de rendimientos durante cuatro campañas. Como resultado, se inscribieron en el Registro Nacional de la Propiedad de Cultivares y en el Registro de Fiscalización de Cultivares tres nuevas creaciones fitogenéticas de soja: Mercurio FCA, Iridio FCA y Platino FCA, que presentaron en los años de evaluación excelentes rendimientos, calidad de semilla, carácter juvenil y resistencia a campo al cancro del tallo de la soja producido por Diaporthe phaseolorum f sp. Meridionalis.

  9. PENDEKATAN HERMENEUTIK DALAM PEMAHAMAN HADIS (Kajian Kitab Fath al-Bari Karya Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agusni Yahya


    Full Text Available The hadith explanation book of Sahih al-Bukhari written by Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, is one of the most pupular books in Moslem ummah. Is widely used by Moslem scholars to meet the meanings of hadiths compiled by the imam al-Bukhari in his Sahih al-Bukhari. Fath al-Bari is considered significant to do the research on it in order to develop the science of hadith, mainly through the hermeneutic method. By using this method, the research questions are: 1. How does Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani explain the matans (hadith texts of Sahih al Bukhari in connection with hermeneutic method? 2. What are the hermeneutic principles used by Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani in his explanations of hadith? This research is expected to respond the research questions above so that it can be implimented the field of hadith in relation to develop hadith methodology. Finally, the research uncover that in his explanations of hadiths,  Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani is oriented his world views to the classical Islam, the era of Prophet’s companions and their successors, the Salaf al-Salih. He does not express the Islamic world issues available in his time in his explanations of the hadiths. He is considered a normative ‘ulama since he is not influenced by the emerging cases situated his time in Egypt, Mecca and Madina. He tends to be textual to explain the matans of hadiths although to some extent he uncovers the historical contexts of the hadiths he explains. This is common for a muhadith  whose main jobs is to collect and narrate the whole data on Prophet's sayings, acts and permissions either on sanads (narrators or matans (texts.Keywords:  Fath al-Bari; sharh al-hadith; hermeneutik.

  10. O litoral do Rio Grande do Norte: dinâmica e modelo espacial

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    Andrea de Castro Panizza


    zones occupées engendrant des problèmes environnementaux et sociaux.The northeastern brazillian coast is experiencing rapid land cover changes. The growth of cities, tourism and some prawn fisheries are responsible of these changes, which alter the natural systems and can affect the quality of human life. This work brings part of the research results developed during a post-doctoral position conducted in the laboratory COSTEL (Climat et du Sol Occupation par Télédétection of the University of Rennes 2 (France and funded by the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, during the years 2005 and 2006. We propose a study of the dynamic of the landscape of the municipalities of Extremoz, Natal and Parnamirim (State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The images of the satellites Landsat TM5 and ETM +7 are the main sources used to generate spatial data. We use multi-temporal image, years 1992, 2001 and 2003 to detect land cover changes. We see that the urban and residential has continued to grow during the period study, which represented an expansion of 62 km². Opposite behavior occurred with the classes that represent the vegetalized areas, which have suffered reductions of their areas. This information has been applied in the construction of a spatial model (Brunet, 1980 and 1990 to highlight the basic structures of the geographical area. The graphic representation proposal for the model space highlights the forms and spatial structures, as well as its duties and tries to explain the land cover changes of this area. We note that a fragmented arc surrounding the areas of human occupation, which generate environmental and social problems.O litoral nordeste brasileiro vem sofrendo rápidas mudanças de uso e cobertura da terra. O crescimento das cidades, a atividade turística e a carcinicultura são alguns indutores destas transformações, que alteram os sistemas naturais e podem afetar a qualidade de vida das populações. Este trabalho traz parte dos

  11. Thermophysical properties of αAl2O3, MgAl2O4 and AlN at low tempertures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burghartz, S.


    A possibility for producing energy in future might be the nuclear fusion. The process of nuclear fusion is characterized by melting nuclei of hydrogen atoms (deuterium and tritium) which yield to the production of helium atom nuclei. For this process extremely high temperatures of the deuterium-tritium-gas plasma are necessary. The additional heating of the plasma by microwaves requires materials with low diaelectric losses and high thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity can be increased by cooling the windows which lead to the plasma chambre. Experimental investigations with the aim to check the influence of liquid nitrogen (T=70 K) on the cooling of the windows were performed in the temperature region 70 K 2 O 3 , MgAl 2 O 4 and AlN were measured. The thermal conductivity can be calculated using the equation λ=αc p ρ λ=thermal conductivity α=thermal diffusivity c p =specific heat (at constant pressure) ρ=density. Furthermore a theoretical method to calculate the thermal conductivity at low temperatures is presented; this is done by using a model modification of heat transport in electric insulators. As result the influence of intrinsic parameters (crystal structure, interatomar binding, anharmonicity) and extrinsic parameters (point defects, dislocations, boundary areas) upon thermal conductivity of α-Al 2 O 3 , MgAl 2 O 4 and AlN are achieved. (orig.)

  12. Grain refinement of Al wrought alloys with newly developed AlTiC master alloys; Kornfeinung von Al-Knetlegierungen mit neu entwickelten AlTiC-Vorlegierungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schneider, W. [Vereinigte Aluminium-Werke AG, Bonn (Germany). Forschung und Entwicklung


    AlTiC master alloys are a new grain refiner type to produce an equiaxed grain structure of cast extrusion and rolling ingots. These master alloys contain Ti carbides which act as nucleants of the {alpha} solid solution during solidification. The TiC content is lower than the TiB{sub 2} content of the industrial proved AlTiB master alloys. Benefits of the AlTiC master alloys are the low agglomeration tendency of the Ti carbides in the melt and that no Zr poisoning takes place. Despite of the low Ti carbide content the grain refinement performance can be very efficient, if low melt temperatures during casting will be used and as result of this a sufficient constitutional supercooling at the solidification front is achieved. (orig.)

  13. Advanced life support (ALS) instructors experience of ALS education in Western Australia: a qualitative exploratory research study. (United States)

    Taplin, John; McConigley, Ruth


    When cardiac arrest occurs, timely competent advanced life support (ALS) interventions by nursing staff can influence patient outcomes. Ongoing ALS education influences maintenance of competency and avoids skill decay. To explore the methods of ALS education delivery for nurses in the workplace; describe the issues relating to maintaining ALS competency; explore ALS competency decay for nurses and develop recommendations for the provision of continuing ALS education. A qualitative exploratory design was used to study ALS education provision in the workplace. Data were collected from ALS nurse experts in Western Australia by face-to-face and phone interviews. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and organised around a set of predetermined questions. Two major themes were identified; the first theme Demand and Supply describes the increasing demand for ALS education for nurses and the challenges with providing timely cost effective traditional face-to-face ALS education. The second theme, Choosing The Best Education Options describes new ways to provide ALS education using emerging technologies. The study suggested that using e-learning methods would assist with educating the maximum amount of nurses in a timely manner and e-learning and teleconferencing offer opportunities to reach nurses in distant locations. Delivering ALS education more frequently than annually would increase skills maintenance and lessen skill decay. Further research is required to explore which blended e-learning model is best suited to ALS education. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Al-Qaeda-Syria (AQS): An Al-Qaeda Affiliate Case Study (United States)


    Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict CT Counterterrorism FF Foreign Fighter FSA Free Syrian Army GEC Global Engagement Center HTS Hay’at...war as an opportunity for the global jihadist movement, an opportunity that paralleled the one Iraq had offered a decade earlier.11 He was initially...Zawahiri’s vision of Al-Qaeda franchises oriented toward winning popular support. When al-Zawahiri published his “General Guidelines for Jihad” in

  15. Mechanochemical synthesis of Cu-Al and methyl orange intercalated Cu-Al layered double hydroxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qu, Jun; He, Xiaoman; Chen, Min; Hu, Huimin; Zhang, Qiwu; Liu, Xinzhong


    In this study, a mechanochemical route to synthesize a Cu-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) and a methyl orange (MO) intercalated one (MO-LDH) was introduced, in which basic cupric carbonate (Cu_2(OH)_2CO_3) and aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)_3) with Cu/Al molar ratio at 2/1 was first dry ground for 2 h and then agitated in water or methyl orange solution for another 4 h to obtain the LDH and MO-LDH products without any heating operation. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Thermogravimetry (TG), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The products showed high crystallinity phase of Cu-Al and MO intercalated Cu-Al LDH with no evident impurities, proving that the craft introduced here was facile and effective. The new idea can be applied in other fields to produce organic-inorganic composites. - Highlights: • A facile mechanochemical route to synthesize Cu-Al and MO intercalated Cu-Al LDH. • The products possesses high crystalline of LDH phase with no impure phases. • The dry milling process induces the element substitution between the raw materials. • The agitation operation helps the grain growth of LDH.

  16. Mechanochemical synthesis of Cu-Al and methyl orange intercalated Cu-Al layered double hydroxides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qu, Jun, E-mail: [School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Luoshi Road 122, Wuhan, Hubei 430070 (China); He, Xiaoman; Chen, Min; Hu, Huimin [School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Luoshi Road 122, Wuhan, Hubei 430070 (China); Zhang, Qiwu, E-mail: [School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Luoshi Road 122, Wuhan, Hubei 430070 (China); Liu, Xinzhong [College of Ecological Environment and Urban Construction, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118 China (China)


    In this study, a mechanochemical route to synthesize a Cu-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) and a methyl orange (MO) intercalated one (MO-LDH) was introduced, in which basic cupric carbonate (Cu{sub 2}(OH){sub 2}CO{sub 3}) and aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH){sub 3}) with Cu/Al molar ratio at 2/1 was first dry ground for 2 h and then agitated in water or methyl orange solution for another 4 h to obtain the LDH and MO-LDH products without any heating operation. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Thermogravimetry (TG), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The products showed high crystallinity phase of Cu-Al and MO intercalated Cu-Al LDH with no evident impurities, proving that the craft introduced here was facile and effective. The new idea can be applied in other fields to produce organic-inorganic composites. - Highlights: • A facile mechanochemical route to synthesize Cu-Al and MO intercalated Cu-Al LDH. • The products possesses high crystalline of LDH phase with no impure phases. • The dry milling process induces the element substitution between the raw materials. • The agitation operation helps the grain growth of LDH.

  17. Superstructure formation in PrNi_2Al_3 and ErPd_2Al_3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eustermann, Fabian; Hoffmann, Rolf-Dieter; Janka, Oliver; Oldenburg Univ.


    The intermetallic phase ErPd_2Al_3 was obtained by arc-melting of the elements and subsequent annealing for crystal growth. The sample was studied by X-ray diffraction on powders and single crystals. The structure of ErPd_2Al_3 was refined from X-ray diffraction data and revealed a superstructure of PrNi_2Al_3 - a CaCu_5 derivative (P6/m, a=1414.3(1), c=418.87(3) pm wR=0.0820, 1060 F"2 values, 48 variables). The same superstructure was subsequently found for PrNi_2Al_3 (P6/m, a=1407.87(4), c=406.19(2) pm, wR=0.0499, 904 F"2 values, 47 variables). In the crystal structure, the aluminium and transition metal atoms form a polyanionic network according to [T_2Al_3]"δ"-, while rare earth atoms fill cavities within the networks. They are coordinated by six transition metal and twelve aluminum atoms. In contrast to the PrNi_2Al_3 type structure reported so far, two crystallographic independent rare-earth sites are found of which one (1b) is shifted by 1/2 z, causing a distortion in the structure along with a recoloring of the T and Al atoms in the network.

  18. Derecho humano al agua y al saneamiento: derechos estrechamente vinculados al derecho a la vida


    Fernández Aller, Maria Celia; Luis Romero, Elena de; Guzmán Acha, Cristina


    Los derechos humanos al agua y al saneamiento están íntimamente relacionados con otros derechos esenciales para la vida, como la alimentación o la salud. Su reconocimiento como derechos humanos en 2010 marca un hito importante en el respeto, protección y realización de estos derechos, que se encuentran seriamente vulnerados para una mayoría de población más vulnerable y empobrecida, sobre todo en el ámbito rural. Mucho camino queda aún para conseguir no sólo la disponibilidad de agua y saneam...

  19. Deformation mechanisms of nanotwinned Al

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Xinghang [Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States)


    The objective of this project is to investigate the role of different types of layer interfaces on the formation of high density stacking fault (SF) in Al in Al/fcc multilayers, and understand the corresponding deformation mechanisms of the films. Stacking faults or twins can be intentionally introduced (via growth) into certain fcc metals with low stacking fault energy (such as Cu, Ag and 330 stainless steels) to achieve high strength, high ductility, superior thermal stability and good electrical conductivity. However it is still a major challenge to synthesize these types of defects into metals with high stacking fault energy, such as Al. Although deformation twins have been observed in some nanocrystalline Al powders by low temperature, high strain rate cryomilling or in Al at the edge of crack tip or indentation (with the assistance of high stress intensity factor), these deformation techniques typically introduce twins sporadically and the control of deformation twin density in Al is still not feasible. This project is designed to test the following hypotheses: (1) Certain type of layer interfaces may assist the formation of SF in Al, (2) Al with high density SF may have deformation mechanisms drastically different from those of coarse-grained Al and nanotwinned Cu. To test these hypotheses, we have performed the following tasks: (i) Investigate the influence of layer interfaces, stresses and deposition parameters on the formation and density of SF in Al. (ii) Understand the role of SF on the deformation behavior of Al. In situ nanoindentation experiments will be performed to probe deformation mechanisms in Al. The major findings related to the formation mechanism of twins and mechanical behavior of nanotwinned metals include the followings: 1) Our studies show that nanotwins can be introduced into metals with high stacking fault energy, in drastic contrast to the general anticipation. 2) We show two strategies that can effectively introduce growth twins in

  20. Deformation mechanisms of nanotwinned Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Xinghang


    The objective of this project is to investigate the role of different types of layer interfaces on the formation of high density stacking fault (SF) in Al in Al/fcc multilayers, and understand the corresponding deformation mechanisms of the films. Stacking faults or twins can be intentionally introduced (via growth) into certain fcc metals with low stacking fault energy (such as Cu, Ag and 330 stainless steels) to achieve high strength, high ductility, superior thermal stability and good electrical conductivity. However it is still a major challenge to synthesize these types of defects into metals with high stacking fault energy, such as Al. Although deformation twins have been observed in some nanocrystalline Al powders by low temperature, high strain rate cryomilling or in Al at the edge of crack tip or indentation (with the assistance of high stress intensity factor), these deformation techniques typically introduce twins sporadically and the control of deformation twin density in Al is still not feasible. This project is designed to test the following hypotheses: (1) Certain type of layer interfaces may assist the formation of SF in Al, (2) Al with high density SF may have deformation mechanisms drastically different from those of coarse-grained Al and nanotwinned Cu. To test these hypotheses, we have performed the following tasks: (i) Investigate the influence of layer interfaces, stresses and deposition parameters on the formation and density of SF in Al. (ii) Understand the role of SF on the deformation behavior of Al. In situ nanoindentation experiments will be performed to probe deformation mechanisms in Al. The major findings related to the formation mechanism of twins and mechanical behavior of nanotwinned metals include the followings: 1) Our studies show that nanotwins can be introduced into metals with high stacking fault energy, in drastic contrast to the general anticipation. 2) We show two strategies that can effectively introduce growth twins in

  1. Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hypereutectic Al-18Si Alloy Modified with Al-3B. (United States)

    Gong, Chunjie; Tu, Hao; Wu, Changjun; Wang, Jianhua; Su, Xuping


    An hypereutectic Al-18Si alloy was modified via an Al-3B master alloy. The effect of the added Al-3B and the modification temperature on the microstructure, tensile fracture morphologies, and mechanical properties of the alloy were investigated using an optical microscope, Image-Pro Plus 6.0, a scanning electron microscope, and a universal testing machine. The results show that the size of the primary Si and its fraction decreased at first, and then increased as an additional amount of Al-3B was added. When the added Al-3B reached 0.2 wt %, the fraction of the primary Si in the Al-18Si alloy decreased with an increase in temperature. Compared with the unmodified Al-18Si alloy, the tensile strength and elongation of the alloy modified at 850 °C with 0.2 wt % Al-3B increased by 25% and 81%, respectively. The tensile fracture of the modified Al-18Si alloy exhibited partial ductile fracture characteristics, but there were more areas with ductile characteristics compared with that of the unmodified Al-18Si alloy.

  2. 26Mg(p,n)26Al and 23Na(α,n)26Al reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skelton, R.T.


    Cross sections for the 26 Mg(p,n) 26 Al reaction were measured from threshold at 4.988 MeV to 5.820 MeV. Cross sections for the 23 Na(α,n) 26 Al reaction were measured from threshold at 3.483 MeV to 4.597 MeV. In each case, separate measurements were to the ground state and to the first and second excited states of 26 Al. Cross sections for the inverse reactions were calculated and reaction rate factors relating to the destruction of 26 Al in a supernova environment were determined. Astrophysical implications relating to the observation of live and extinct 26 Al are discussed. Excitation functions for several additional exit channels for the 26 Mg + rho and 23 Na + α reactions are reported

  3. Comunidad bentónica del chanque Concholepas concholepas en el litoral de Tacna, Perú. 2007


    Castillo Rojas, Carlos Raúl; Tejada Cáceres, Alex; González Vargas, Alejandro; Pastor Cuba, Ruslan; Lucero Pérez, Stevens


    El estudio se realizó en octubre 2007, en el banco natural Meca-Las Lozas al norte de la Región Tacna. La longitud peristomal de C. concholepas varió de 27 a 109 mm, promedio 53,96 mm y moda principal 54 mm; 98,8% de los ejemplares menores a la talla comercial; proporción sexual de 1,0♂♂:1,1♀♀; IGS de 1,53%. Población estimada en 4.821.922 individuos; con densidad media de 4 ind/m2. Biomasa total estimada en 254,1 t, biomasa media de 0,218 kg/m². La macrofauna bentónica de invertebrados as...

  4. effect of the parameters of AlN/GaN/AlGaN and AlN/GaN/InAlN heterostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas on their electrical properties and the characteristics of transistors on their basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsatsulnikov, A. F., E-mail: [Russian Academy of Sciences, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center (Russian Federation); Lundin, V. W.; Zavarin, E. E.; Yagovkina, M. A.; Sakharov, A. V. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Ioffe Physical–Technical Institute (Russian Federation); Usov, S. O. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center (Russian Federation); Zemlyakov, V. E.; Egorkin, V. I. [National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET) (Russian Federation); Bulashevich, K. A.; Karpov, S. Yu. [“Soft-Impact” Ltd. (Russian Federation); Ustinov, V. M. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center (Russian Federation)


    The effect of the layer thickness and composition in AlGaN/AlN/GaN and InAlN/AlN/GaN transistor heterostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas on their electrical and the static parameters of test transistors fabricated from such heterostructures are experimentally and theoretically studied. It is shown that the use of an InAlN barrier layer instead of AlGaN results in a more than twofold increase in the carrier concentration in the channel, which leads to a corresponding increase in the saturation current. In situ dielectric-coating deposition on the InAlN/AlN/GaN heterostructure surface during growth process allows an increase in the maximum saturation current and breakdown voltages while retaining high transconductance.

  5. Fabrication and thermal characterization of amorphous and nanocrystalline Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti compound

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tavoosi, Majid, E-mail:


    In this study, the fabrication and structural characterization of amorphous/nanocrystalline Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti phase has been performed. In this regards, milling and annealing processes were applied on Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} (at. %) powder mixture for different periods of time. The prepared samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and differential scanning calorimetery (DSC). According to the results, supersaturated solid solution, nanocrystalline Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti (with average crystallite size of about 7 nm) and amorphous phases indicated three different microstructures which can be formed in Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} system during milling process. The formed supersaturated solid solution and amorphous phases were unstable and transformed to Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti intermetallic compound during annealing process. It is shown that, Al{sub 9}FeNi phase in Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti intermetallic compound can decompose into Al{sub 3}Ni, Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} and liquid phases during a reversible peritectic reaction at 809 °C. - Highlights: • We study the effect of milling process on Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} alloy. • We study the effect of annealing on Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} supersaturated solid solution phase. • We study the effect of annealing on Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} amorphous phase. • We study the thermal behaviour of Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti compound.

  6. Computer aided cooling curve analysis for Al-5Si and Al-11Si alloys ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effect of grain refiner, modifier, and combination of grain refiner cum modifier was studied on Al-5Si and Al-11Si alloys using computer aided cooling curve analysis. For combined grain refinement and modification effect, Al-Ti-B-Sr single master alloy was developed that acted as both grain refiner and modifier.

  7. AL-USRCRN Station Information (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Documentation of United States Alabama Regional Climate Reference Network (AL-USRCRN) installations in 2006. Installations documented are for AL-USRCRN pilot project...

  8. Gd3+-ESR and magnetic susceptibility of GdCu4Al8 and GdMn4Al8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coldea, R.; Coldea, M.; Pop, I.


    Gd ESR of GdCu 4 Al 8 and GdMn 4 Al 8 and magnetic susceptibility of GdCu 4 Al 8 , GdMn 4 Al 8 , and YMn 4 Al 8 were measured in the temperature range of 290K--460K and 90K--1050K, respectively. The occurrence of the Mn moment in YMn 4 Al 8 and GdMn 4 Al 8 is strongly correlated with the critical value of d∼2.6 angstrom of the Mn-Mn distance below which the Mn moment is not stable. The experimental data for GdMn 4 Al 8 , compared with the data for the isostructural compounds GdCu 4 Al 8 and YMn 4 Al 8 , show that near the critical value of d, the existence of Mn moment depends not only on the value of d, but also on the local magnetic surroundings. It has been revealed that the magnetic character of Mn moment in YMn 4 Al 8 and GdMn 4 Al 8 changes from an itinerant electron type to a local-moment type with increasing temperature

  9. Effect of AlB2-Mg interaction on the mechanical properties of Al-based composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calderon, Hermes E.; Hidalgo, Ruth G.I.; Melgarejo, Z. Humberto; Suarez, O. Marcelo


    A series of Al-based composites with a matrix containing 2.5 wt.%Cu and 1 wt.%Mg, and reinforced with Al diborides was manufactured and characterized via microscopy and mechanical testing. The impact resistance of the composites revealed interaction between AlB 2 dispersoids and Mg originally present in the Al matrix. An unexpected increase in the absorbed impact energy of composites with diborides prompted complementary experiments leading to this finding. Hardness tests were correlated to those results and provided further evidence of the interaction between Mg and the dispersoids. Additional energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis and X-ray diffraction tests supported with crystal modeling demonstrated that Mg effectively diffused into the AlB 2 crystal producing a doped structure with an Al 1-x Mg x B 2 formula where x lies between 0.08 and 0.15.

  10. Potential skin involvement in ALS: revisiting Charcot's observation - a review of skin abnormalities in ALS. (United States)

    Paré, Bastien; Gros-Louis, François


    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting motor neurons of the brain and spinal cord, leading to progressive paralysis and death. Interestingly, many skin changes have been reported in ALS patients, but never as yet fully explained. These observations could be due to the common embryonic origin of the skin and neural tissue known as the ectodermal germ layer. Following the first observation in ALS patients' skin by Dr Charcot in the 19th century, in the absence of bedsores unlike other bedridden patients, other morphological and molecular changes have been observed. Thus, the skin could be of interest in the study of ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. This review summarizes skin changes reported in the literature over the years and discusses about a novel in vitro ALS tissue-engineered skin model, derived from patients, for the study of ALS.

  11. Effects of O in a binary-phase TiAl-Ti3Al alloy: from site occupancy to interfacial energetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Ye; Xu Huibin; Zhou Hongbo; Zhang Ying; Lu Guanghong


    We have investigated site occupancy and interfacial energetics of a TiAl-Ti 3 Al binary-phase system with O using a first-principles method. Oxygen is shown to energetically occupy the Ti-rich octahedral interstitial site, because O prefers to bond with Ti rather than Al. The occupancy tendency of O in TiAl alloy from high to low is α 2 -Ti 3 Al to the γ-α 2 interface and γ-TiAl. We demonstrate that O can largely affect the mechanical properties of the TiAl-Ti 3 Al system. Oxygen at the TiAl-Ti 3 Al interface reduces both the cleavage energy and the interface energy, and thus weakens the interface strength but strongly stabilizes the TiAl/Ti 3 Al interface with the O 2 molecule as a reference. Consequently, the mechanical property variation of TiAl alloy due to the presence of O not only depends on the number of TiAl/Ti 3 Al interfaces but also is related to the O concentration in the alloy.

  12. A study on wear resistance and microcrack of the Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl + TiC ceramic layer deposited by laser cladding on Ti-6Al-4V alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Jianing, E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution and Processing of Materials (Ministry of Education), Department of Materials Science, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 17923, Jinan 250061, Shandong (China); Chen Chuanzhong [Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution and Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Department of Materials Science, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 17923, Jinan 250061, Shandong (China); Squartini, Tiziano [INFM-Department of Physics, Siena University, Siena 53100 (Italy); He Qingshan [Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution and Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Department of Materials Science, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 17923, Jinan 250061, Shandong (China)


    Laser cladding of the Al + TiC alloy powder on Ti-6Al-4V alloy can form the Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl + TiC ceramic layer. In this study, TiC particle-dispersed Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl matrix ceramic layer on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy by laser cladding has been researched by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, electron probe micro-analyzer, energy dispersive spectrometer. The main difference from the earlier reports is that Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl has been chosen as the matrix of the composite coating. The wear resistance of the Al + 30 wt.% TiC and the Al + 40 wt.% TiC cladding layer was approximately 2 times greater than that of the Ti-6Al-4V substrate due to the reinforcement of the Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl + TiC hard phases. However, when the TiC mass percent was above 40 wt.%, the thermal stress value was greater than the materials yield strength limit in the ceramic layer, the microcrack was present and its wear resistance decreased.

  13. Expressões ecofisiológicas de germoplasma de Hancornia speciosa Gomes cultivado no Litoral de Pernambuco Physiological expressions in Hancornia speciosa Gomes germoplasm from the coastal region, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Rejane Jurema Mansur Custódio Nogueira


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar in loco as relações hídricas e respectivas correlações em quatro acessos de mangaba (M-UFRPE 1, M-UFRPE 2, M-UFRPE 3 e M-UFRPE 4 cultivados na região litorânea do Estado de Pernambuco. As medidas foram tomadas em folhas adultas, completamente expandidas, em duas situações de exposição à luminosidade: exposição solar plena e sombreamento natural. As variáveis analisadas foram: temperatura foliar (Tf, transpiração (E e resistência difusiva (Rs. Verificou-se que as folhas sombreadas de M-UFRPE 2 transpiraram mais do que as expostas diretamente ao sol, diferindo do comportamento dos demais acessos. A Rs em folhas expostas ao sol variou de 1,1 a 4,, enquanto que nas folhas sombreadas, essa variação foi de 1,7 a 3, Os efeitos de ExRs foram inversos e altamente significativos para ambos os tratamentos estudados. Para as folhas expostas ao sol, a Tf, e a E foram influenciadas muito mais pela umidade relativa do que pela radiação fotossinteticamente ativa.A study was carried out with tropical fruit germoplasm (Hancornia speciosa Gomes to evaluate "in loco" water relations and their respectives correlations in four acesses (M-UFRPE 1, M-UFRPE 2, M-UFRPE 3 and M-UFRPE 4 cultivated at the coastal region, in Brazil. The datas were taken from fully expanded adults leaves. Two treatments were studied: leaves fully exposed to the sun and shadow leaves. The following characters were analized: leaf temperature (Tf, transpiration (E and diffusive resistance (Rs. The shadow leaves of the M-UFRPE 2 showed higher transpiration rate than fully exposed leaves to the sun. This behaviour was different compared to the other treatment. The variation between fully exposed leaves to the sun and shadow leaves for Rs was 1.1 to and 1.7 to, respectively. The ExRs correlation was more significant and negative. The Tf and E correlation was longer influenced by relative humidity than photosynthetically

  14. Synthesis behavior of nanocrystalline Al-Al2O3 composite during low time mechanical milling process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alizadeh, Mostafa; Aliabadi, Morteza Mirzaei


    Research highlights: → In the low time milling the effect of Al 2 O 3 amount is investigated → Al 2 O 3 particles are distributed uniformly in the Al matrix → In the low time milling it is possible to produce nanostructured composite powder → Median size and bulk density measurements demonstrate reaching the steady state. - Abstract: In this work, four different volume fractions of Al 2 O 3 (10, 20, 30 and 40 vol.%) were mixed with the fine Al powder and the powder blends were milled for 5 h. Scanning electron microscopy analysis, particle size analysis and bulk density measurements were used to investigate the morphological changes and achieving the steady state conditions. The results showed that increasing the Al 2 O 3 content can provide the steady state particle size in 5 h milling process. It was found that increasing the volume fraction of Al 2 O 3 leads to increasing the uniformity of Al 2 O 3 . Standard deviations of microhardness measurements confirmed this result. The XRD pattern and XRF investigations depicted that increasing the Al 2 O 3 content causes an increase in the crystal defects, micro-strain and Fe contamination during 5 h milling process of nanocrystalline composite powders while the grain size is decreased. To investigate the effect of milling time, Al-30 vol.% Al 2 O 3 (which achieved steady state during 5 h milling process) was milled for 1-4 h. The results depicted that the milling time lower than 5 h, do not achieve to steady state conditions.

  15. Study of the ternary alloy systems Al-Ni-Fe and Al-Cu-Ru with special regard to quasicrystalline phases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemmerz, U.


    Two ternary alloy-systems, the Al-Ni-Fe system and the Al-Cu-Ru system were studied with special regard to quasicrystalline phases. Isothermal sections were established in both systems in the stoichiometric area of the quasicrystalline phase. In the Al-Ni-Fe system a new stable decagonal phase was found. Its stoichiometric range is very small around Al 71.6 Ni 23.0 Fe 5.4 . The temperature range in which it is stable lies between 847 and 930 C. The decagonal phase undergoes a eutectoid reaction to the three crystalline phases Al 3 Ni 2 , Al 3 Ni and Al 13 Fe 4 at 847 C. It melts peritectically at 930 C forming Al 13 Fe 4 , Al 3 Ni 2 and a liquid. The investigations in the Al-Cu-Ru system concentrated on the phase equilibria between the icosahedral phase and its neighbouring phases in a temperature range between 600 and 1000 C. The icosahedral phase was observed in the whole temperature range. The investigated stoichiometric area extends down to Al contents of 45%, which allows the fields of existence to be determined for the ternary phases α-AlCuRu, the icosahedral phase and Al 7 Cu 2 Ru. Binary phases were determined down to the upper (high Al content) border of AlRu. No hitherto unknown phase was observed in the investigated area. Rietveld analyses were carried out on α-AlCuRu and Al 7 Cu 2 Ru showing some discrepancies from the α-AlMnSi structure taken as a base for α-AlCuRu and confirming the Al 7 Cu 2 Fe structure for Al 7 Cu 2 Ru. (orig.)

  16. Al-Cu-Li and Al-Mg-Li alloys: Phase composition, texture, and anisotropy of mechanical properties (Review) (United States)

    Betsofen, S. Ya.; Antipov, V. V.; Knyazev, M. I.


    The results of studying the phase transformations, the texture formation, and the anisotropy of the mechanical properties in Al-Cu-Li and Al-Mg-Li alloys are generalized. A technique and equations are developed to calculate the amounts of the S1 (Al2MgLi), T1 (Al2CuLi), and δ' (Al3Li) phases. The fraction of the δ' phase in Al-Cu-Li alloys is shown to be significantly higher than in Al-Mg-Li alloys. Therefore, the role of the T1 phase in the hardening of Al-Cu-Li alloys is thought to be overestimated, especially in alloys with more than 1.5% Li. A new model is proposed to describe the hardening of Al-Cu-Li alloys upon aging, and the results obtained with this model agree well with the experimental data. A texture, which is analogous to that in aluminum alloys, is shown to form in sheets semiproducts made of Al-Cu-Li and Al-Mg-Li alloys. The more pronounced anisotropy of the properties of lithium-containing aluminum alloys is caused by a significant fraction of the ordered coherent δ' phase, the deformation mechanism in which differs radically from that in the solid solution.

  17. Pornographie als Metapher

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Schubarth


    Full Text Available In diesem Artikel werden unterschiedliche metaphorische Verwendungen des Pornografiebegriffs und deren Implikationen untersucht. Während die Existenz von Pornografie der feministischen Anti-Porno-Bewegung als Erklärung für die anhaltende Diskriminierung von Frauen in westlichen Gesellschaften dient, nutzen rechtskonservative Kräfte den Pornografievorwurf als Rechtfertigung für die Zensur von als deviant empfundenen Identitäten und sexuellen Praktiken.This article examines different metaphorical uses of the term pornography and the resulting implications. While the existence of pornography for the feminist anti-porno movement serves as factor in the continuing discrimination of women in western societies, conservative powers on the right use the allegation of pornography as a justification for censorship of those identities and sexual practices deemed deviant.

  18. Strain Balanced AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN nanomembrane HEMTs. (United States)

    Chang, Tzu-Hsuan; Xiong, Kanglin; Park, Sung Hyun; Yuan, Ge; Ma, Zhenqiang; Han, Jung


    Single crystal semiconductor nanomembranes (NM) are important in various applications such as heterogeneous integration and flexible devices. This paper reports the fabrication of AlGaN/GaN NMs and NM high electron mobility transistors (HEMT). Electrochemical etching is used to slice off single-crystalline AlGaN/GaN layers while preserving their microstructural quality. A double heterostructure design with a symmetric strain profile is employed to ensure minimal residual strain in freestanding NMs after release. The mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), formed by the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure, is noticeably superior to previously reported values of many other NMs. AlGaN/GaN nanomembrane HEMTs are fabricated on SiO 2 and flexible polymeric substrates. Excellent electrical characteristics, including a high ON/OFF ratio and transconductance, suggest that III-Nitrides nanomembranes are capable of supporting high performance applications.

  19. Validated thermodynamic prediction of AlP and eutectic (Si) solidification sequence in Al-Si cast alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, S M; Schmid-Fetzer, R


    The eutectic microstructure in hypoeutectic Al-Si cast alloys is strongly influenced by AlP particles which are potent nuclei for the eutectic (Si) phase. The solidification sequence of AlP and (Si) phases is, thus, crucial for the nucleation of eutectic silicon with marked impact on its morphology. This study presents this interdependence between Si- and P-compositions, relevant for Al-Si cast alloys, on the solidification sequence of AlP and (Si). These data are predicted from a series of thermodynamic calculations. The predictions are based on a self-consistent thermodynamic description of the Al-Si-P ternary alloy system developed recently. They are validated by independent experimental studies on microstructure and undercooling in hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys. A constrained Scheil solidification simulation technique is applied to predict the undercooling under clean heterogeneous nucleation conditions, validated by dedicated experimental observations on entrained droplets. These specific undercooling values may be very large and their quantitative dependence on Si and P content of the Al alloy is presented. (paper)

  20. Phase diagrams of aluminium alloys of Al-Cu-Mg, Al-Mg-Si-Cu, and Al-Mg-Li system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ber, L.B.; Kaputkin, E.Ya.


    Isothermal diagrams of phase transformations (DPT) and temperature-time charts (TTC) of variation of electric conductivity and of mechanical features at tension were plotted following thermal treatment according to the pattern of direct hardening and ageing and according to the pattern of normal aging for D16 commercial alloy, Al-Cu-Mg model alloy of the same system, AD37 commercial alloys of Al-Mg-Si-Cu and 1424 one of Al-Li-Mg system. Phase transformations were studied by means of fluorescence electron microscopy, micro-X-ray spectral analysis, X-ray phase analysis of single crystals and polycrystals and differential scanning calorimetry. For every alloy comparison of TTC and DPT enables to clarity the mechanism of phase composition effect on features and to optimize conditions of hardening cooling and ageing [ru

  1. Superhydrophobic ZnAl double hydroxide nanostructures and ZnO films on Al and glass substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De, Debasis, E-mail: [Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, Dr. B C Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, West Bengal 713206 (India); Sarkar, D.K. [Centre Universitaire de Recherche sur l' Aluminium (CURAL), L' Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555 Blvd. Université, Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Québec G7H 2B1 (Canada)


    Superhydrophobic nanostructured ZnAl: layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and ZnO films have been fabricated on Al and glass substrates, respectively, by a simple and cost effective chemical bath deposition technique. Randomly oriented hexagonal patterned of ZnAl: LDHs thin nanoplates are clearly observed on Al-substrate in the scanning electron microscopic images. The average size of these hexagonal plates is ∼4 μm side and ∼30 nm of thickness. While on the glass substrate, a oriented hexagonal patterned ZnO nanorods (height ∼5 μm and 1 μm diameter) are observed and each rod is further decorated throughout the top few nanometers with several nanosteps. At the top of the nanorod, a perfectly hexagonal patterned ZnO surface with ∼250 nm sides is observed. The tendency to form hexagonal morphological features is due to the hexagonal crystal structure of ZnO confirmed from X-ray diffraction patterns and transmission electron microscopy image. The ZnAl: LDHs and/or ZnO coated substrates have been passivated by using stearic acid (SA) molecules. Infrared spectra of passivated ZnAl: LDHs coated substrates confirm the presence of SA. X-ray diffraction pattern also corroborates the results of infrared spectrum. The contact angle of the as prepared samples is zero. The superhydrophobicity is achieved by observing contact angle of ∼161° with a hysteresis of ∼4° for Al-substrate. On the glass substrate, a higher contact angle of ∼168° with a lower hysteresis of ∼3° is observed. A lower surface roughness of ∼4.93 μm is measured on ZnAl: LDHs surface layer on the Al substrate as compare to a higher surface roughness of 6.87 μm measured on ZnO layer on glass substrate. The superhydrophobicity of passivated nanostructured films on two different substrates is observed due to high surface roughness and low surface energy. - Highlights: • ZnAl: layered double hydroxides (LDHs) nanoplates are fabricated on Al substrate. • ZnO nanorods are fabricated on

  2. Formation of Nb3Al in powder processed Nb-Al superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, P.E.


    In high magnetic fields, the critical current density is strongly dependent on the upper critical field, which is determined primarily by the stoichiometry of the Nb 3 Al. The critical temperature (T/sub c/), like the upper critical field, is considered to be a measure of the ''intrinsic'' quality of the superconductor, indicating the stoichiometry, order, and strain. If the A15 phase is stoichiometric and well ordered, a high T/sub c/ (and high H/sub C 2 /) is expected, regardless of the volume fraction of superconductor. On the other hand, if sigma phase is present with the A15, the resultant composition gradient across the sigma-A15 interface(s) requires that some of the A15 be off-stoichiometric, and therefore that the T/sub c/ (and H/sub C 2 /) be low. Thus the extent of the A15 (Nb 3 Al) reaction and the quality of the A15 formed are interdependent. This work focuses on the factors that control the extent of Nb 3 Al formation in Nb/Al powder wires. The morphology and content of the reacted and unreacted wires are studied in optical, SEM, and TEM micrographs. Critical current density data and its dependence on processing are explained in terms of the unreacted microstructure and its effect on the extent of Nb 3 Al formation. As a method of improving the critical current density, a new variation of the conventional powder process for wire manufacturing is developed and tested

  3. Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite coatings on Al-Si substrate by plasma spray technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarikaya, Ozkan [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Anik, Selahaddin [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Aslanlar, Salim [Sakarya University, Faculty of Technical Education, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Cem Okumus, S. [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Celik, Erdal [Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Buca, Izmir 35160 (Turkey)]. E-mail:


    Plasma-sprayed coatings of Al-Si/B{sub 4}C have been prepared on Al-Si piston alloys for diesel engine motors. The Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite powders including 5-25 wt% B{sub 4}C were prepared by mixing and ball-milling processes. These powders were deposited on Al-Si substrate using an atmospheric plasma spray technique. The coatings have been characterised with respect to phase composition, microstructure, microhardness, bond strength and thermal expansion. It was found that Al, Si, B{sub 4}C and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} phases were determined in the coatings with approximately 600 {mu}m thick by using X-ray diffraction analysis. Scanning electron microscope observation revealed that boron carbide particles were uniformly distributed in composite coatings and B{sub 4}C particles were fully wetted by Al-Si alloy. Also, no reaction products were observed in Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite coatings. It was found that surface roughness, porosity, bond strength and thermal expansion coefficient of composite coatings decreased with increasing fraction of the boron carbide particle. It was demonstrated that the higher the B{sub 4}C content, the higher the hardness of coatings because the hardness of B{sub 4}C is higher than that of Al-Si.

  4. Fluctuations of charge variance and interaction time for dissipative processes in 27 Al + 27 Al collision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berceanu, I.; Andronic, A.; Duma, M.


    The systematic studies of dissipative processes in light systems were completed with experiments dedicated to the measurement of the excitation functions in 19 F + 27 Al and 27 Al + 27 Al systems in order to obtain deeper insight on DNS configuration and its time evolution. The excitation function for 19 F + 27 Al system evidenced fluctuations larger than the statistical errors. Large Z and angular cross correlation coefficients supported their non-statistical nature. The energy dependence of second order observables, namely the second moment of the charge distribution and the product ω·τ (ω - the angular velocity of the DNS and τ its mean lifetime) extracted from the angular distributions were studied for 19 F + 27 Al case. In this contribution we are reporting the preliminary results of similar studies performed for 27 Al + 27 Al case. The variance of the charge distribution were obtained fitting the experimental charge distribution with a Gaussian centered on Z = 13 and the product ω·τ was extracted from the angular distributions. The results for 19 F + 27 Al case are confirmed by a preliminary analysis of the data for 27 Al + 27 Al system. The charge variance and ω·τ excitation functions for Z = 11 fragment are represented together with the excitation function of the cross section. One has to mention that the data for 27 Al + 27 Al system were not corrected for particle evaporation processes. The effect of the evaporation corrections on the excitation function was studied using a Monte Carlo simulation. The α particle evaporation was also included and the evaluation of the particle separation energies was made using experimental masses of the fragments. The excitation functions for 27 Al + 27 Al system for primary and secondary fragments were simulated. No structure due to particle evaporation was observed. The correlated fluctuations in σ Z and ω·τ excitation functions support a stochastic exchange of nucleons as the main mechanism for

  5. Unprecedented Al supersaturation in single-phase rock salt structure VAlN films by Al+ subplantation (United States)

    Greczynski, G.; Mráz, S.; Hans, M.; Primetzhofer, D.; Lu, J.; Hultman, L.; Schneider, J. M.


    Modern applications of refractory ceramic thin films, predominantly as wear-protective coatings on cutting tools and on components utilized in automotive engines, require a combination of excellent mechanical properties, thermal stability, and oxidation resistance. Conventional design approaches for transition metal nitride coatings with improved thermal and chemical stability are based on alloying with Al. It is well known that the solubility of Al in NaCl-structure transition metal nitrides is limited. Hence, the great challenge is to increase the Al concentration substantially while avoiding precipitation of the thermodynamically favored wurtzite-AlN phase, which is detrimental to mechanical properties. Here, we use VAlN as a model system to illustrate a new concept for the synthesis of metastable single-phase NaCl-structure thin films with the Al content far beyond solubility limits obtained with conventional plasma processes. This supersaturation is achieved by separating the film-forming species in time and energy domains through synchronization of the 70-μs-long pulsed substrate bias with intense periodic fluxes of energetic Al+ metal ions during reactive hybrid high power impulse magnetron sputtering of the Al target and direct current magnetron sputtering of the V target in the Ar/N2 gas mixture. Hereby, Al is subplanted into the cubic VN grains formed by the continuous flux of low-energy V neutrals. We show that Al subplantation enables an unprecedented 42% increase in metastable Al solubility limit in V1-xAlxN, from x = 0.52 obtained with the conventional method to 0.75. The elastic modulus is 325 ± 5 GPa, in excellent agreement with density functional theory calculations, and approximately 50% higher than for corresponding films grown by dc magnetron sputtering. The extension of the presented strategy to other Al-ion-assisted vapor deposition methods or materials systems is straightforward, which opens up the way for producing supersaturated single

  6. Erudición y nostalgia. Al-Hanīn ilà l-awtān en el editor de al-Faraŷ ba,d al-šidda de al-Tanūjī

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    Garulo, Teresa


    Full Text Available If you want to read a book, a medieval Arabic book, that talks to you about man and his relation with power (God’s power or any kind of worldly power, or about daily life in 10th century Basra or Baghdad, you will probably choose al-Tanūkhī’s works. His Nishwār al-muhādara wa-l-mudhākara or al-Faraj ba,d al-shidda are so widely and so well provided with stories, anecdotes, historical narratives, etc., that you won’t be able to drop it and probably will forget to read the many comments and marginal notes by, Abbūd al-Shāljī, its editor. But if you are wise enough, you will read everything he writes, because you will find in his remarks not only a sustained scholarliness but a fascinating evocation of his life in Irak, mostly in the thirties, with its cooking, manners and customs, and a pang of nostalgia that deserves, I think, at least a note or a friendly comment. In this paper I try to analyse some of his nostalgic memories of Baghdad and its people and places.Uno de los temas clásicos de la literatura árabe, casi desde sus comienzos, es la nostalgia de la tierra natal (al-hanīn ilà l-awtān. Experiencia dolorosa de extrañamiento, que se nutre de las crisis políticas, la nostalgia ha dado lugar a obras que buscan recrear un pasado o unos lugares amados, que sólo la memoria es capaz de recuperar. En este artículo trato de mostrar cómo se articula la nostalgia de Iraq, y, más concretamente, de Bagdad, dentro del aparato crítico de al-Faraŷ ba,da l-šidda de al-Tanūjī (329-384/941-994 (con el apoyo de Nišwār al-muhādara, también de dicho autor en la edición de, Abbūd al-Šālŷī, publicada en los años setenta. La representación que hace al-Tanūjī de la vida cotidiana de la capital abbasí, expresada a través de un lenguaje claro y natural, en el que tienen cabida expresiones populares, suscita en al-Šālŷī toda una serie de remembranzas, sobre todo de sus años juveniles, que se desbordan en sus notas, e

  7. Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) (United States)

    ... disease. Who Gets ALS? Although this disease can strike anyone, ALS is extremely rare in kids. According ... home to provide care that the family cannot handle alone. Living With Lou Gehrig's Disease Living with ...

  8. Difficulties on study of ISM 26Al and a possible new way to nucleosynthesize 26Al-SNIa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Qiuhe


    Some observational results of the 1.809 MeV gamma-ray emitted by decay of the interstellar medium (ISM) 26 Al, which are obtained by spacecraft during (1979-1992) are firstly introduced. Secondly, both Mg-Al chain and Ne-Na cycle of nuclear reactions are discussed. Thirdly, some new experiments of nuclear physics, which are related with the question of the ISM 26 Al(e.g. measurements of the cross section of the nuclear reactions in the MgAl chain and in the NeNa cycle) are introduced. Then, comparing some experiments of nuclear physics, some difficulties confronted on various models responsible for the ISM 26 Al are discussed. The conclusions are: 1) all of hydrostatic H-burning models and all current nova models are hard to provide enough ISM 26 Al to be detected; 2) SN II + SN I b models are promising on responsibility for the half of ISM 26 Al, although current SN II + SN I b models should be improved, besides. Proposal of a new way to nucleosynthesizse 26 Al, 14 N + 16 O→ 26 Al + α, is suggested. SNI a as a possible source of the ISM 26 Al is discussed (63 refs.)

  9. Effect of the interface in laminated composites of Al-1100 and Al-2024

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godefroid, L.B.


    Laminated composites consisting of alternating layers of Al-1100 and Al-2024 were produced by hot rolling, with 45% Al-2024 volume fraction. These composites were subjected to cyclic thermal treatment (various numbers of cycles) and to isothermal treatment (various numbers of cycles) and to isothermal treatment (at peak temperature and for times equivalent to those of the thermal cycles. Microhardness, tensile and fatigue crack arrester modes) were studied in the initial state and after treatments. (E.G.) [pt

  10. AlGaN-Based Deep-Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes Fabricated on AlN/sapphire Template

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li-Wen, Sang; Zhi-Xin, Qin; Hao, Fang; Yan-Zhao, Zhang; Tao, Li; Zheng-Yu, Xu; Zhi-Jian, Yang; Bo, Shen; Guo-Yi, Zhang; Shu-Ping, Li; Wei-Huang, Yang; Hang-Yang, Chen; Da-Yi, Liu; Jun-Yong, Kang


    We report on the growth and fabrication of deep ultraviolet (DUV) light emitting diodes (LEDs) on an AlN template which was grown on a pulsed atomic-layer epitaxial buffer layer. Threading dislocation densities in the AlN layer are greatly decreased with the introduction of this buffer layer. The crystalline quality of the AlGaN epilayer is further improved by using a low-temperature GaN interlayer between AlGaN and AlN. Electroluminescences of different DUV-LED devices at a wavelength of between 262 and 317 nm are demonstrated. To improve the hole concentration of p-type AlGaN, Mg-doping with trimethylindium assistance approach is performed. It is found that the serial resistance of DUV-LED decreases and the performance of DUV-LED such as EL properties is improved. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  11. Surface study and thickness control of thin Al2O3 film on Cu-9%Al(111) single crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamauchi, Yasuhiro; Yoshitake, Michiko; Song Weijie


    We were successful in growing a uniform flat Al 2 O 3 film on the Cu-9%Al(111) surface using the improved cleaning process, low ion energy and short time sputtering. The growth of ultra-thin film of Al 2 O 3 on Cu-9%Al was investigated using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The Al 2 O 3 film whose maximum thickness was about 4.0 nm grew uniformly on the Cu-9%Al surface. The Al and O KLL Auger peaks of Al 2 O 3 film shifted toward low kinetic energy, and the shifts were related to Schottky barrier formation and band bending at the Al 2 O 3 /Cu-9%Al interface. The thickness of Al 2 O 3 film on the Cu-9%Al surface was controlled by the oxygen exposure

  12. Evaluación de metales pesados en los suelos del coto minero manganesífero Cristo -Barrancas

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    Pedro S. Bergues-Garrido


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron muestras de suelo de la antigua mina de manganeso Cristo-Barrancas y áreas adyacentes para evaluar el contenido de metales pesados (Cd, Ni, Pb, Co, Zn, Cu y Cr atendiendo a que, en la actualidad, algunos de estos suelos se dedican al cultivo de plantaciones para el consumo humano y animal. Se calcularon los índices de geoacumulación y de carga de polución, así como el factor de enriquecimiento y el grado de contaminación. Los resultados revelaron contaminación moderada por Cd, Co y Cu en ambas zonas y una ligera contaminación por Ni en el área de la mina. El empleo adicional de los estándares holandeses (lista ABC corroboró los niveles de contaminación obtenidos, al encontrarse los valores resultantes para el Cd, Co, Cu y Ni entre el nivel de referencia A y el nivel de contenido máximo admisible B; asimismo los resultados de la evaluación de los índices y estándares holandeses indicaron que, prácticamente, no existe contaminación por Pb, Cr y Zn. La contaminación moderada, principalmente por Cd, puede invalidar los suelos para el cultivo de hortalizas y viandas debido a la capacidad que tienen estos vegetales para absorber y acumular el cadmio en sus hojas, bulbos y tubérculos, los que al ser ingeridos pueden ocasionar daños a la salud.

  13. Microstructural and mechanical properties of Al-Mg/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite prepared by mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Safari, J., E-mail: [Department of Material Science and Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Akbari, G.H. [Department of Material Science and Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Research Center for Mineral Industries, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Shahbazkhan, A. [Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Saveh (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Delshad Chermahini, M. [Materials and Energy Research Center, Karaj (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Highlights: > The presence of Mg has remarkable effects on crystallite size and lattice strain. > The solution of Mg in the Al matrix accelerates the mechanical milling stages. > The microhardness increased in the presence of Mg. > The presence of Mg has significant effect on lattice parameter. > Steady-state situation was occurred in presence of Mg. - Abstract: The effect of milling time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al and Al-10 wt.% Mg matrix nanocomposites reinforced with 5 wt.% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} during mechanical alloying was investigated. Steady-state situation was occurred in Al-10Mg/5Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite after 20 h, due to solution of Mg into Al matrix, while the situation was not observed in Al/5Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite at the same time. For the binary Al-Mg matrix, after 10 h, the predominant phase was an Al-Mg solid solution with an average crystallite size 34 nm. Up to 10 h, the lattice strain increased to about 0.4 and 0.66% for Al and Al-Mg matrix, respectively. The increasing of lattice parameter due to dissolution of Mg atom into Al lattice during milling was significant. By milling for 10 h the dramatic increase in microhardness (155 HV) for Al-Mg matrix nanocomposite was caused by grain refinement and solid solution formation. From 10 to 20 h, slower rate of increasing in microhardness may be attributed to the completion of alloying process, and dynamic and static recovery of powders.

  14. Different magnetic behaviour of the Kondo compounds Al3Ce and Al11Ce3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benoit, A.; Flouquet, J.; Palleau, J.; Buevoz, J.L.


    Neutron diffraction experiments on the Al 3 Ce and Al 11 Ce 3 compounds have been performed on the multidetector of the I.L.L. high flux reactor. No magnetic structure has been detected on the Al 3 Ce compound down to 20 mK. This confirms the non magnetic ground state of Al 3 Ce. For Al 11 Ce 3 , two magnetic structures have been observed: a ferromagnetic one at 4.2 K and an antiferromagnetic one at 2 K. The antiferromagnetic structure, which corresponds to a propagation vector (0,0,1/3), implies a strong reduction of the magnetic moment of determined sites; this reflects the Kondo character of the compounds

  15. Cast AlSi9Cu4 alloy with hybride strenghtened by Fe{sub x}Al{sub y}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composite powder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piatkowski, J [Department of Materials Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Krasinskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice (Poland); Formanek, B, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science, Silesian University of Technology, Krasinskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice (Poland)


    The main objective of the study was to develop a technology of dispersion strenghtened hypoeutectic Al-Si alloy. The article presented the materials and technology conception for producing aluminium matrix composite AlSi9Cu4Fe alloy with hybride reinforcement of Al{sub x}Fe{sub y} intermetallic and aluminium oxide powders. Composite powder obtained in mechanical agllomerisation mixture of elemental powders. Changes in the structure were confirmed by TA and ATD thermal analyses plotting the solidification curves, which showed a decrease in temperature T{sub liq} compared to the unmodified alloy and an exothermic effect originating from the crystallisation of eutectics with alloying elements. The examinations carried out by SEM and BSE as well as the determination of local chemical composition by EDX technique have characterised the structure of the alloy as containing some binary Al-Si-Al-Cu and Al-Fe eutectics and multicomponent eutectics.

  16. Optical microcavities and enhanced electroluminescence from electroformed Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Ag diodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hickmott, T. W. [Department of Physics, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York 12222 (United States)


    Electroluminescence (EL) and electron emission into vacuum (EM) occur when a non-destructive dielectric breakdown of Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Ag diodes, electroforming, results in the development of a filamentary region in which current-voltage (I-V) characteristics exhibit voltage-controlled negative resistance. The temperature dependence of I-V curves, EM, and, particularly, EL of Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Ag diodes with anodic Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thicknesses between 12 nm and 30 nm, has been studied. Two filters, a long-pass (LP) filter with transmission of photons with energies less than 3.0 eV and a short-pass (SP) filter with photon transmission between 3.0 and 4.0 eV, have been used to characterize EL. The voltage threshold for EL with the LP filter, V{sub LP}, is ∼1.5 V. V{sub LP} is nearly independent of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thickness and of temperature and is 0.3–0.6 V less than the threshold voltage for EL for the SP filter, V{sub SP}. EL intensity is primarily between 1.8 and 3.0 eV when the bias voltage, V{sub S} ≲ 7 V. EL in the thinnest diodes is enhanced compared to EL in thicker diodes. For increasing V{sub S}, for diodes with the smallest Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thicknesses, there is a maximum EL intensity, L{sub MX}, at a voltage, V{sub LMX}, followed by a decrease to a plateau. L{sub MX} and EL intensity at 4.0 V in the plateau region depend exponentially on Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thickness. The ratio of L{sub MX} at 295 K for a diode with 12 nm of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} to L{sub MX} for a diode with 25 nm of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} is ∼140. The ratio of EL intensity with the LP filter to EL intensity with the SP filter, LP/SP, varies between ∼3 and ∼35; it depends on Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thickness and V{sub S}. Enhanced EL is attributed to the increase of the spontaneous emission rate of a dipole in a non-resonant optical microcavity. EL photons interact with the Ag and Al films to create surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) at the metal-Al{sub 2}O

  17. Microstructure and Properties of Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x Composite Prepared by Reactive Liquid Processing (United States)

    Verona, Maria Nalu; Setti, Dalmarino; Paredes, Ramón Sigifredo Cortés


    A Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x composite was prepared using reactive liquid processing (RLP) through controlled mixture of carbon steel and aluminum in the liquid state. The microstructure and phases of the composite were assessed using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, optical microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. In addition, the density, hardness, microhardness, and elastic modulus were evaluated. The Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x composite consisted of 65 vol pct Fe3Al and 35 vol pct Fe3AlC x ( κ). The κ phase contained 10.62 at. pct C, resulting in the stoichiometry Fe3AlC0.475. The elastic modulus of the Fe3Al-Fe3AlC0.475 composite followed the rule of mixtures. The RLP technique was shown to be capable of producing Fe3Al-Fe3AlC0.475 with a microstructure and properties similar to those achieved using other processing techniques reported in the literature.

  18. Appiah-Adjei et al

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ing, sale of automobile spare parts, and metal fabrication. Some of these activities generate huge ... Keywords: Groundwater quality, pollution, waste disposal, Suame, Ghana ... of fertilizers (Chen et al., 2007; Parris, 2011;. Shen et al., 2011), ...


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    Chasnak Najidah


    Full Text Available One discourse which is receiving considerable attention from scholars of Islam is about the objectives of Islamic law (maqasid al-shari'ah. Taha Jabir al-'Alwānī as one reviewer of Maqasid al-shari'ah contemporary formulate the concept of maqasid al-shari'ah different from previous scholars. This article describes the concept of maqasid al-shari'ah by Taha Jabir al-'Alwānī. According to him, there are three levels of hierarchical of Maqasid al-Sharia. The highest value of maqasid al-shari'ah says is what he describes as al-Maqasid al-'ulyā al-Hakimah (intentions of the highest shari'ah and a legal basis, which consists of three main elements, namely al-Tawhid ( Onesess of God, al-Tazkiyah (purification and al-'umrān (prosperity. The position of the second al-shari'ah Maqasid are universal values such as justice, freedom, and equality. While the third position is the formulation of the previous scholars regarding maqasid al-shari'ah consisting of ḍarūriyyat, ḥājiyyāt, and taḥsīniyyāt. In terms of methodological, Taha Jabir al-'Alwānī basing the new system for Maqasid al-syarī'ahnya on the methods of al-jam'u Baina al-qirā'atain, a reading of the two entities: the revelation of God and the universe. With this basis, he argues that the maqasid al-shari'ah formulations are qaṭ'ī, so it can be a reference to the scholars in solving the problems of contemporary law.   [Salah satu diskursus yang mendapat perhatian cukup besar dari para akademisi Islam adalah seputar tujuan-tujuan hukum islam  (maqāṣid al-syarī'ah. Ṭāhā Jābir al-‘Alwānī sebagai salah satu ulama pengkaji maqāṣid asy-syarī’ahkontemporer merumuskan konsep maqāṣid asy-syarī’ahyang berbeda dari ulama sebelumnya. Artikel ini mendeskripsikan konsep maqāṣid asy-syarī’ahmenurut Ṭāhā Jābir al-‘Alwānī. Menurutnya, ada tiga tingkatan hierarkis maqāṣid al-syarī'ah. Nilai tertinggi maqāṣid asy-syarī’ahmenurutnya adalah apa

  20. Measurement of the d({sup 26}Al{sup m},p){sup 27}Al reaction for nuclear astrophysics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roeder, B.T.; Trache, L.; Iacob, V.E.; McCleskey, M.; Simmons, E.; Spiridon, A.; Tribble, R.E. [Texas A and M Univ., TX (United States); Davinson, T.; Lotay, G.; Woods, P.J. [University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom); La Cognata, M.; Pizzone, R.G.; Rapisarda, G.G.; Sparta, R.; Spitaleri, C. [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (LNS/INFN), Catania (Italy). Lab. Nazionali del Sud


    Full text: The detection of gamma rays from the decay of the {sup 26}Al ground state in the galaxy gives evidence that nucleosynthesis is occurring in present-day stars, but its origin is not yet clear. This implies that reactions involving {sup 26}Al are important for astrophysical processes. In a recent experiment at the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A and M University, reactions with the ground state and isomeric state of {sup 26}Al were investigated with the Texas A and M-Edinburgh-Catania Silicon detector Array (TECSA). TECSA is a collaborative effort to build a high-efficiency detector Si array useful for measuring reactions of interest for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. The array consists of up to 16 Micron Semiconductor YY1 detectors that are each 300 μm thick. Each detector has 16 annular ring sectors to measure the energy and the scattering angle of the detected particles. Using TECSA, we measured d({sup 26}Al{sup g},p){sup 27}Al and d({sup 26}Al{sup m},p){sup 27}Al with a {sup 26}Al secondary beam prepared in-flight with the MARS spectrometer. First, the composition of the {sup 26}Al beam was determined by measuring the ratio of beta-decays to {sup 26}Al ions produced. It was found that at different spectrometer rigidities, beams of 2/3 isomer to ground state ratio or vice-versa could be obtained. Then, in the second part of the experiment, angular distributions were measured for both reactions at backward angles with TECSA. The protons were measured in TECSA in coincidence with timing signals from the beam detected by a scintillator and with the cyclotron radio-frequency. Details of the experiment and preliminary results from the analysis of the d({sup 26}Al{sup m},p){sup 27}Al and d({sup 26}Al{sup g},p){sup 27}Al data will be presented. They will give information about the proton capture reactions {sup 26}Al{sup m}(p,γ){sup 27}Si and {sup 26}Al{sup g}(p,γ){sup 27}Si taking place in stars. (author)

  1. Khajeh Nasir al-Din al-Tusi’s Role in the Interaction of Triple Paradigms of Islamic Philosophy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    r Mohammadzadeh


    Full Text Available Our aim in this article is to investigate Khajeh Nasir`s effective role in emergence, growth and development of triple paradigms of Islamic philosophy, that are, Masha’, Ishraq and al-Hekmah al-Motealiyeh. Thus, first we present a summary of the meaning of “paradigm” and then discuss Tusi`s role in the development of triple paradigms of Islamic philosophy. We believe that, by using an interactive approach, Khajeh Nasir has attained a new approach to understand the paradigms. He is the first thinker in Islamic world who created a constructive and effective interaction between two paradigms of Masha’ and Ishraq, and paved the way for the emergence of al-Hekmah al-Motealiyeh. This can be explained with regard to either the conceptualization of al-Hekmat al-Motealiyeh or epistemological approach. Al-Hekmah Al-Motealiyah was influenced a lot by Tusi.

  2. Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AlMg5- Al_2O_3 nanocomposites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babu, N. Kishore; Kallip, Kaspar; Leparoux, Marc; AlOgab, Khaled A.; Reddy, G.M.; Talari, M.K.


    In the present study, powder metallurgy processed unmilled AlMg5, milled AlMg5 and milled AlMg5-0.5 vol% Al_2O_3 nanocomposite have been successfully friction stir welded (FSW). The effect of friction stir welding on the evolution of weld microstructures; hardness and tensile properties were studied and discussed in detail. FSW of unmilled AlMg5 resulted in significant grain refinement and strain hardening in the nugget zone induced by the thermo-mechanical processing, thereby increasing the stir zone hardness and tensile strengths to 100 HV and 324 MPa when compared to 80 HV and 300 MPa of base metal, respectively. In contrast, the FSW of milled AlMg5 and milled AlMg5-0.5 vol% Al_2O_3 samples showed a reduction in UTS values to 375 MPa and 401 MPa in the stir zone compared to 401 MPa and 483 MPa of respective base metal values. Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) investigation of weld stir zones revealed the homogenous distribution of Al_4C_3 nanophases in milled AlMg5 and Al_2O_3 nanoparticles in milled AlMg5-0.5 vol% Al_2O_3 samples throughout the aluminium matrix. It was revealed that the pre-stored energy from the prior ball milling and hot pressing processes, higher deformation energy and grain boundary pinning effect due to the presence of reinforcement particles has resulted in a higher recrystallization tendency and retarded grain growth during FSW of milled samples. The welds prepared with milled AlMg5-0.5 vol% Al_2O_3 exhibited higher hardness and tensile strength in the stir zone when compared to all other conditions which was attributed to Hall Petch effect due to fine grain size and Orowan strengthening effect due to Al_2O_3 reinforcements.

  3. Experimental investigation of the Al-Y phase diagram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Shuhong; Du Yong; Xu Honghui; He Cuiyun; Schuster, Julius C.


    The Al-Y phase diagram has been reinvestigated with 16 key alloys over its whole composition range by means of differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray techniques. The existence of five intermetallic phases, Al 3 Y, Al 2 Y, AlY, Al 2 Y 3 , and AlY 2 , has been confirmed. Al 2 Y and Al 2 Y 3 melt congruently at 1490 ± 2 and 1105 ± 2 deg. C, respectively. Al 3 Y, AlY, and AlY 2 are formed via the peritectic reactions L + Al 2 Y ↔ Al 3 Y at 980 ± 2 deg. C, L + Al 2 Y ↔ AlY at 1138 ± 2 deg. C, and L + Al 2 Y 3 ↔ AlY 2 at 977 ± 2 deg. C, respectively. Three eutectic reactions L ↔ (Al) + Al 3 Y at 637 ± 2 deg. C, L ↔ AlY + Al 2 Y 3 at 1081 ± 2 deg. C, and L ↔ AlY 2 + (αY) at 955 ± 2 deg. C , are observed. The previously reported Al 3 Y 5 , AlY 3 compounds were not found. A revised Al-Y phase diagram is presented mainly based on the present experimental results

  4. The corrosion and mechanical behaviour of Al, FeCrAlY, and CoCrAlY coatings in aggressive environments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haanappel, V.A.C.; Haanappel, V.A.C.; Geerdink, Bert; Fransen, T.; Gellings, P.J.


    The mechanical and chemical behaviours of aluminide coatings applied by pack cementation, FeCrAlY coatings applied by plasma spraying and CoCrAlY coatings applied by electrodeposition were studied. The coatings were pretreated for 0.5 h in argon at 1373 K to improve the adhesion and structural

  5. Precipitation and strengthening phenomena in Al-Si-Ge and Al-Cu-Si-Ge alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitlin, D.; Morris, J.W.; Dahmen, U.; Radmilovic, V.


    The objective of this work was to determine whether Al rich Al-Si-Ge and 2000 type Al-Cu-Si-Ge alloys have sufficient hardness to be useful for structural applications. It is shown that in Al-Si-Ge it is not possible to achieve satisfactory hardness through a conventional heat treatment. This result is explained in terms of sluggish precipitation of the diamond-cubic Si-Ge phase coupled with particle coarsening. However, Al-Cu-Si-Ge displayed a uniquely fast aging response, a high peak hardness and a good stability during prolonged aging. The high hardness of the Cu containing alloy is due to the dense and uniform distribution of fine θ' precipitates (metastable Al 2 Cu) which are heterogeneously nucleated on the Si-Ge particles. High resolution TEM demonstrated that in both alloys all the Si-Ge precipitates start out, and remain multiply twinned throughout the aging treatment. Since the twinned section of the precipitate does not maintain a low index interface with the matrix, the Si-Ge precipitates are equiaxed in morphology. Copyright (2000) AD-TECH - International Foundation for the Advancement of Technology Ltd

  6. Mortandad de aves marinas durante "El Niño 1997-98" en el litoral sur de San Juan de Marcona, Ica -Perú


    Manuel Apaza; Aída Figari


    Entre agosto de 1997 y abril de 1998, se evaluó, al sur de la punta guanera de San Juan de Marcona, la mortandad de las poblaciones de aves marinas. Especies de alimentación exclusivamente pelágica y de distribución restringida al ámbito de la Corriente Peruana, como las aves guaneras Pelecanus thagus, Sula variegata y Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, el pingüino Spheniscus humboldti y el zarcillo Larosterna inca, mostraron una correlación significativa en el comportamiento mensual, relacionados ...

  7. Bankole et al (2)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Relationships of Clay-filled Channels on the Delta Flanks (Modified after Doust and Omatsola, 1990 and Lawrence et al., 2002). ... and in the Indo-Malaysian area (Germeraad et al.,. 1968). The genus ..... Upper Cretaceous of British Guiana.

  8. Aussprache als motorische Fertigkeit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonner, Maria


    Authentische Aussprache gilt im Fremdsprachenunterricht als schwer erreichbares Ziel, fremdsprachlicher Akzent wird als nahezu unvermeidbar gesehen. Weder die Hypothese einer kritischen Periode für den Erwerb einer authentischen Aussprache noch das Konzept der Fossilierung im Sprachlernprozess...

  9. The removal of bisphenol A from aqueous solutions by MIL-53(Al) and mesostructured MIL-53(Al). (United States)

    Zhou, Meimei; Wu, Yi-Nan; Qiao, Junlian; Zhang, Jing; McDonald, Amanda; Li, Guangtao; Li, Fengting


    In this work, metal-organic framework MIL-53(Al){Al(OH)[O2C-C6H4-CO2]} and MIL-53(Al)-F127{Al(OH)[O2C-C6H4-CO2]} were synthesized and used as sorbents to remove bisphenol A (BPA) from aqueous system. The sorption kinetics data of BPA were found to be in agreement with the pseudo-second-order model. The equilibrium sorption amounts of BPA on MIL-53(Al) and MIL-53(Al)-F127 reached 329.2±16.5 and 472.7±23.6 mg g(-1), respectively, far more than that of commercial activated carbons (ranging from 129.6 to 263.1 mg g(-1)). Both MIL-53(Al) and MIL-53(Al)-F127 could remove BPA fast from aqueous solutions, and the required contact time to reach equilibrium was approximately 90 min for MIL-53(Al) and 30 min for MIL-53(Al)-F127, respectively. The optimum pH levels for the removal of BPA using MIL-53 (Al) and MIL-53(Al)-F127 were 4 and 6 separately. The optimum temperature for the sorption behavior of BPA on the two sorbents was 20 °C. The results performed show that the resulting products, as one kind of MOFs, can be regarded as a new class of sorbents for water treatment and could find great applications in the fields of environmental water pollution control and resources reuse. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Hyperfine fields and spin relaxation of Ce in GdAl2 and DyAl2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waeckelgaard, E.; Karlsson, E.; Lindgren, B.; Mayer, A.


    We have investigated the ferromagnetic state of the cubic intermetallic compounds GdAl 2 and DyAl 2 with the 140 Ce nuclei using DPAC. The local fields of Ce are for the lowest measured temperatures B eff (30 K) = 54(2) T for GdAl 2 and B eff (12.5 K) = 27(1) T for DyAl 2 which are considerably lower than the hyperfine field measured for a free Ce ion (183 T). By introducing a crystal field, of cubic symmetry, a lower hyperfine field is obtained which is in quantitative agreement with the local field of Ce in GdAl 2 . For DyAl 2 an additional effect, represented by a non-magnetic level below the lowest magnetic level, may explain a further reduction of the hyperfine field. Two models relating to a Kondo non-magnetic state of Ce are discussed. Spin relaxation in the paramagnetic state are also studied and compared with observations of the same systems measured with μSR. (authors)

  11. Experimental evidence of structural transition at the crystal-amorphous interphase boundary between Al and Al2O3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Z.Q.; He, L.L.; Zhao, S.J.; Ye, H.Q.


    High-resolution transmission electron microscopy observations on the structure of the interphase boundary between crystalline Al and amorphous Al 2 O 3 coating reveal that an interfacial melting transition of Al occurs at 833 K, which is distinctly lower than the bulk melting point of Al. The crystalline lattice planes of Al near the interface bend or small segments of crystalline Al deviated from the matrix Al grains are formed. Stand-off dislocations formed at the interphase boundary are also observed. The amorphous Al 2 O 3 coating plays an important role in retaining the evidence for structural transition at high temperature to room temperature, which makes it possible to make experimental observations. (author)

  12. Room-Temperature Quantum Ballistic Transport in Monolithic Ultrascaled Al-Ge-Al Nanowire Heterostructures. (United States)

    Sistani, Masiar; Staudinger, Philipp; Greil, Johannes; Holzbauer, Martin; Detz, Hermann; Bertagnolli, Emmerich; Lugstein, Alois


    Conductance quantization at room temperature is a key requirement for the utilizing of ballistic transport for, e.g., high-performance, low-power dissipating transistors operating at the upper limit of "on"-state conductance or multivalued logic gates. So far, studying conductance quantization has been restricted to high-mobility materials at ultralow temperatures and requires sophisticated nanostructure formation techniques and precise lithography for contact formation. Utilizing a thermally induced exchange reaction between single-crystalline Ge nanowires and Al pads, we achieved monolithic Al-Ge-Al NW heterostructures with ultrasmall Ge segments contacted by self-aligned quasi one-dimensional crystalline Al leads. By integration in electrostatically modulated back-gated field-effect transistors, we demonstrate the first experimental observation of room temperature quantum ballistic transport in Ge, favorable for integration in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor platform technology.

  13. The effectiveness of ERC advanced life support (ALS) provider courses for the retention of ALS knowledge. (United States)

    Fischer, Henrik; Strunk, Guido; Neuhold, Stephanie; Kiblböck, Daniel; Trimmel, Helmut; Baubin, Michael; Domanovits, Hans; Maurer, Claudia; Greif, Robert


    Out-of-hospital emergency physicians in Austria need mandatory emergency physician training, followed by biennial refresher courses. Currently, both standardized ERC advanced life support (ALS) provider courses and conventional refresher courses are offered. This study aimed to compare the retention of ALS-knowledge of out-of-hospital emergency physicians depending on whether they had or had not participated in an ERC-ALS provider course since 2005. Participants (n=807) from 19 refresher courses for out-of-hospital emergency physicians answered eight multiple-choice questions (MCQ) about ALS based on the 2005 ERC guidelines. The pass score was 75% correct answers. A multivariate logistic regression analyzed differences in passing scores between those who had previously participated in an ERC-ALS provider course and those who had not. Age, gender, regularity of working as an out-of-hospital emergency physician and the self-reported number of real resuscitation efforts within the last 6months were entered as control variables. Out-of-hospital emergency physicians who had previously attended an ERC-ALS provider course had a significantly higher chance of passing the MCQ test (OR=1.60, p=0.015). Younger age (OR=0.95, pERC-ALS provider course since 2005 had a higher retention of ALS knowledge compared to non-ERC-ALS course participants. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. X-ray study of rapidly cooled ribbons of Al-Cr-Zr and Al-Ni-Y-Cr-Zr alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Betsofen, S.Ya.; Osintsev, O.E.; Lutsenko, A.N.; Konkevich, V.Yu.


    One investigated into phase composition, lattice spacing and structure of rapidly cooled 25-200 μm gauge strips made of Al-4,1Cr-3,2Zr and Al-1,5Cr-1,5Zr-4Ni-3Y alloys, wt. %, produced by melt spinning to a water-cooled copper disk. In Al-4,1Cr-3,2Zr alloy one detected intermetallic phases: Al 3 Zr and two Al 86 Cr 14 composition icosahedral phases apart from aluminium solid solution with 4.040-4.043 A lattice spacing. In Al-1,5Cr-1,5Zr-4Ni-3Y alloy one identified two Al 86 Cr 14 icosahedral phases and two AlNiY and Al 3 Y yttrium-containing ones, lattice spacing of aluminium solid solution was equal to 4.052-4.053 A [ru

  15. The Influence of the Asymmetric Arb Process on the Properties of Al-Mg-Al Multi-Layer Sheets / Wpływ Asymetrii W Procesie Arb Na Właściwości Wielowarstwowych Blach Al-Mg-Al

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wierzba A.


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of the experimental study of the three-layer Al-Mg-Al sheets rolling process by the ARB method. The tests carried out were limited to single-pass symmetric and asymmetric rolling processes. An Al-Mg-Al package with an initial thickness of 4 mm (1-2-1 mm was subjected to the process of rolling with a relative reduction of 50%. To activate the shear band in the strip being deformed, an asymmetry factor of av=2 was applied. From the test results, an increase in the tensile strength of the multi-layer Al-Mg-Al sheets obtained from the asymmetric process was observed. Microhardness tests did not show any significant differences in aluminium layer between respective layers of sheets obtained from the symmetric and the asymmetric process. By contrast, for the magnesium layer, an increase in microhardness from 72 HV to 79 HV could be observed for the asymmetric rolling. The analysis of the produced Al-Mg-Al sheets shows that the good bond between individual layers and grain refinement in the magnesium layer contributed to the obtaining of higher mechanical properties in the multi-layer sheets produced in the asymmetric process compared to the sheets obtained from the symmetric process.

  16. The investigation of Al0.29Ga0.71N/GaN/AlN and AlN/GaN/AlN thin films grown on Si (111) by RF plasma-assisted MBE (United States)

    Yusoff, Mohd Zaki Mohd; Mahyuddin, Azzafeerah; Hassan, Zainuriah; Hassan, Haslan Abu; Abdullah, Mat Johar


    Recently, gallium nitride (GaN) and its related compounds involving Al and In have attracted much attention because of their potential to be used as high-efficiency UV light emitting devices, and as high frequency and high power electronic devices. Consequently, the growth and physics of GaN-based materials have attracted remarkable scientific attention. In this work, the growth and characterization of epitaxial Al0.29Ga0.71N and AlN layers grown on Si (111) by RF-plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are described. The Al mole fraction was derived from the HR-XRD symmetric rocking curve (RC) ω/2θ scans of (0002) plane as x = 0.29. For AlN/GaN/AlN sample, the maximum Raman intensity at 521.53 cm-1 is attributed to crystalline silicon. It was found that the allowed Raman optical phonon mode of GaN, the E1 (high) is clearly visible, which is located at 570.74 cm-1. Photoluminscence (PL) spectrums of both samples have shown sharp and intense band edge emission of GaN without the existence of yellow emission band, showing good crystal quality of the samples have been successfully grown on Si substrate.

  17. Field ion microscopy and 3-D atom probe analysis of Al3Zr particles in 7050 Al alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sha, G.; Cerezo, A.


    Full text: For high strength 7xxx series Al alloys, Zr is an important trace alloy element which is often added to optimise properties, having effects such as refining grain size, inhibiting recrystallization, and improving stress corrosion cracking resistance and quench sensitivity. In addition, it has been reported recently that Zr addition also has a significant influence on early stage ageing behaviour of a 7xxx series Al alloy. Zr equilibrium solubility in solid Al is extremely low. After solution or ageing treatment, most Zr is present as small spherical Ai 3 Zr dispersoids approximately 20 nm in diameter, distributed at grain boundaries as well as within the Al matrix. The crystallographic nature of intermetallic phase Al 3 Zr has been well studied in the literatures. So far, no direct measurement of the chemistry of the Al 3 Zr particles in 7xxx series Al alloys has been published. It is unclear if there is significant Zn, Mg or Cu included in the particles. In this research, 3DAP has been employed for the first time to investigate ionisation behaviour of Al 3 Zr particles and determine the chemistry of the particles in 7050 Al alloy. Using field ion microscopy, the local evaporation radius of the Al 3 Zr particle has been measured to be equivalent to 36 nm for a 10 kV tip, less than the equivalent tip radius for the Al matrix of ∼68 nm. Using the matrix Al evaporation field (19 V/nm) as a reference, this allows the evaporation field of Al 3 Zr to be calculated as 35 V/nm, the same as the field calculated for evaporation of Al as Al 2+ (35 V/nm), and that of Zr as Zr 3+ (35 V/nm). This result is consistent with Al 2+ and Zr 3+ being the main species observed in the mass spectrum during analysis of Al 3 Zr particles. Using 3DAP, the chemical compositions of Al 3 Zr particles are determined to be 64.8∼67.7 at% Al, 23.6∼24.8 at% Zr, 6.9∼9.1 at% Zn, 0.4∼0.7 at% Cu, 0.5∼1.2 at% Mg, with a (Al+Zn)/Zr ratio close to 3. Choice of specimen temperature of

  18. Synthesis and structural transformations of hydrotalcite-like materials Mg-Al and Zn-Al

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prihod'ko, R.V.; Sychev, M.V.; Astrelin, I.M.; Erdmann, K.; Mangel, A.; Santen, van R.A.


    Mg-Al and Zn-Al hydrotalcite-like layered double hydroxides of various compositions were synthesized and characterized. A detailed comparative analysis of the structure and composition of starting and reconstructed layered double hydroxides was made

  19. Natural radioactivity survey in Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Mountain Region Libya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Askouri, N.A.; Hussain, M.O.; Al-Ojaily, A.S.


    The measurement of natural radioactivity in a given region or country is essential to provide a reference base-line map to follow up a possible variation in future. In order to perform such measurement, the natural radioactivity was measured in different locations. The locations (50 sites) were distributed over Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Mountain, starting from the city Al-Azeeziah in the eastern part to Wazen on the Tunisian border in the west. The measurements showed obvious variation from one site to another. The levels were fluctuating from (12.8 counts/minute) in Bir-Ayad to (45.7 counts/minute) in Gherian. In order to investigate the cause for such variation, samples were collected from (27) sites for detailed study. The levels of natural radioactivity were determined in the laboratory, and were ranging from (58.7 Bq/kg) in Bir-Ayad to (102.1 Bq/kg) in Gherian. The variation in measured radioactivity was related to the geological structures taken in six perpendicular sections, namely, Gharian, Yevren, Zintan, Nalut, Wazen and Al-Azeeziah taking the naturally occurred radioisotopes concentration of 4 0K, 232 Th and 238 U present in consideration.

  20. Phase constituents and microstructure of laser cladding Al2O3/Ti3Al reinforced ceramic layer on titanium alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jianing; Chen Chuanzhong; Lin Zhaoqing; Squartini, Tiziano


    Research highlights: → In this study, Fe 3 Al has been chosen as cladding powder due to its excellent properties of wear resistance and high strength, etc. → Laser cladding of Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 pre-placed alloy powder on Ti-6Al-4V alloy substrate can form the Ti 3 Al/Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 ceramic layer, which can increase wear resistance of substrate. → In cladding process, Al 2 O 3 can react with TiB 2 leading to formation of Ti 3 Al and B. → This principle can be used to improve the Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 laser-cladded coating. - Abstract: Laser cladding of the Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 pre-placed alloy powder on Ti-6Al-4V alloy can form the Ti 3 Al/Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 ceramic layer, which can greatly increase wear resistance of titanium alloy. In this study, the Ti 3 Al/Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 ceramic layer has been researched by means of electron probe, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and micro-analyzer. In cladding process, Al 2 O 3 can react with TiB 2 leading to formation of amount of Ti 3 Al and B. This principle can be used to improve the Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 laser cladded coating, it was found that with addition of Al 2 O 3 , the microstructure performance and micro-hardness of the coating was obviously improved due to the action of the Al-Ti-B system and hard phases.