
Sample records for actores suprimidos desde

  1. Los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje como estrategia de aprendizaje desde la Teoría del Actor-Red


    Meza Cano, José Manuel; Cejas León, Roberto


    Este trabajo pretende visualizar los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje desde el punto de vista de la Teoría del Actor-Red. En primer lugar, se describen los elementos centrales de la Teoría del Actor-Red, la visión de aprendizaje desde este enfoque, así como el concepto de actante y de simetría generalizada. Posteriormente se exponen los elementos clave de las definiciones sobre Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje y la visión del aprendizaje que defienden, centrada principalmente en el estudi...

  2. La prostitución, una mirada desde sus actores

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    Luisa Fernanda Montoya Restrepo


    Full Text Available Este artículo surge de la investigación Aspectos sociales y familiares que conllevan al ejercicio de la prostitución a 14 jóvenes de la ciudad de Medellín, a partir de sus relatos de vida, que en su proceso de generación de información implementó entre otras estrategias, una serie de talleres con población –hombres y mujeres– en ejercicio de la prostitución y con el equipo profesional que les brinda atención psicosocial, como parte del desarrollo del diseño metodológico planteado para la generación de información. Con esta publicación se pretende reflexionar sobre las diferentes concepciones y significados que se le ha dado a la palabra prostitución, estigmatizada no solo desde el imaginario social, sino también desde la religión. Se retoman para ello algunas posturas disciplinares y especialmente las voces de los actores que participaron como fuentes originales en el proceso de investigación; por ende, se realizará un breve recorrido que recoja las connotaciones más comunes de las personas que ejercen cotidianamente la prostitución.





    El presente documento tiene por finalidad presentar el trabajo de tesis para magíster, denominada "Una Mirada desde el Género al Discurso de Jueces/zas y otros Actores del Sistema Procesal Penal' E/interés por el tema en cuestión se remite a anteriores investigaciones realizadas a lo largo de tiempo, las cuales desde una perspectiva de género, han estado vinculadas con el consumo de drogas y delictualidad, criminalidad y mundo intrapenitenciario, sexualidad de las mujeres intramuros, y fin...

  4. La desamortización eclesiástica y el destino de los conventos suprimidos en Murcia

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    Joaquín Martínez Pino


    Full Text Available En este artículo se atiende la normativa desamortizadora del siglo XIX y su vinculación con la aparición de una conciencia de tipo patrimonial en España. Se trata igualmente el destino de los conventos suprimidos, con especial atención la ciudad de Murcia.

  5. La Movilización De Los Actores Locales En Los Territorios De Fronteras. Una Perspectiva Transfronteriza Desde Centroamérica

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    Lucile Medina


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo propone analizar las dinámicas de movilización de los actores locales que surgen en los territorios de fronteras, considerados como espacios claves de interrelaciones transfronterizas. El análisis moviliza varios casos de fronteras en Centroamérica para centrarse en las asociaciones transfronterizas surgidas de la sociedad civil o de municipios. Examinar las dinámicas fronterizas a través de las estrategias de los actores locales permite proponer un enfoque “desde abajo” de los procesos de cooperación transfronteriza y de integración regional, y captar la afirmación de nuevas categorías de actores, locales como transnacionales, en las reconfiguraciones territoriales. Palabras claves : frontera, transfronterizo, movilización, actores locales  *** Abstract: This article aims to analyze the dynamics of mobilization of local actors that arise in the border territories, which are considered as key areas of cross-border relationships. The analysis is based on several cases of Central America borders and focus especially on cross-border partnerships emerging from the civil society or municipalities. Analyze the border dynamics through those local actors allows to highlight a "bottom up" approach of cross-border cooperation and regional integration processes. It shows that new categories of actors assert oneself, at local and transnational scales, in the territorial transformations affecting border spaces. Key-words : boundary, cross-border, rallying, local actors  *** Resumo: Este artigo propõe analisar as dinâmicas de mobilização dos atores locais que surgem nos territórios de fronteiras, considerados como espaços chaves de inter-relações transfronteiriças. Análise mobiliza vários casos de fronteiras na América Central, para se centrar nas associações transfronteiriças surgidas na sociedade civil ou em municípios. Examinar as dinâmicas fronteiriças através das estratégias dos atores locais

  6. Actores sin sistema y sistemas sin actores: Apuntes para una lectura de la epistemología social desde el pensamiento de la complejidad

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    Juan Miguel Aguado Terrón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda una revisión genealógica de las implicaciones epistemológicas del pensamiento sobre lo social, planteando su articulación a partir de la dicotomía entre actores y sistemas, por una parte, y entre intra-determinación y extra-determinación de los sujetos sociales, por otra. La inclusión de las capacidades cognitivas de los sujetos en la teoría social plantea, además de un debate teórico en torno a la complementariedad individuo/colectividad, un problema epistemológico vinculado a la recursividad observacional. Desde esta perspectiva, el pensamiento de la complejidad aporta una vía conceptual de solución para las paradojas epistemológicas del pensamiento sobre lo social en la forma de una teoría general de la organización compleja capaz de englobar coherentemente al observador, la acción observadora y los fenómenos observados.The present paper poses a genealogical approach to the epistemological debate on social theory, departing from its configuration upon a dichotomy between systems and actors, on one side, and between intra-determination and extra-determination of social subject, on the other side. The insertion of social subject’s cognitive capabilities into the theoretical reflection on social phenomena poses, beyond the conceptual debate on the complementarity between individual and collectivity, a deep epistemological problem related to observational recursiveness. From this point of view, the complexity paradigm offers a theoretical path that allows solving some of the epistemological paradoxes in the Social Sciences. It makes this possible by posing a general theory of organizational phenomena that coherently involves the observer, the action of observing and the observed phenomena

  7. en las iniciativas de Paz que construyen las bases desde lo local

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    Esperanza Hernández Delgado


    Full Text Available El artículo destaca, desde los hallazgos de la investigación para la paz, los significados y alcances propios que comunidades indígenas, negras y campesinas, han dado a la paz y la no violencia en Colombia. Estas comunidades, no conocían la propuesta pacifista de Gandhi, Matin Luther King o Mandela, y sin embargo, desde sus necesidades y procesos propios, han generado, apropiado y jalonado, en forma perfectible, iniciativas de paz desde la base, en las que la paz ha sido concebida como defensa de la vida, resistencia civil al conflicto armado, protección de la autonomía y autodeterminación de las comunidades frente a los actores armados, participación política, desarrollo desde las bases, profundización de la democracia y defensa de la cultura, entre otras. En igual forma, estas comunidades han demostrado que Colombia también es escenario de paz y que esta no sólo se construye desde el Estado y los actores armados, sino desde las bases, que se organizan sin recurrir a las armas, en escenarios locales, para darle significados propios.

  8. Los actores sociales y el territorio: elementos a tener en cuenta en un plan de ordenamiento territorial

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    Enrique Hugo Fabregat


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar como los actores sociales y la sociedadintervienen en un determinado territorio, en este caso el Valle Inferior del RíoNegro, a partir de transformar y organizar al mismo a través de cambios tanto desde lo temporal como desde lo espacial e identificar a los mismos como elementos a tener en cuenta en un proceso de ordenamiento territorial.El territorio es una construcción social, por lo tanto intervienen en él, diferentes actores que actúan en distintas escalas y hacen que el escenario adquiera mayor o menor complejidad en forma permanente, de acuerdo a las acciones que estos actores realizan.En el caso del Valle Inferior del Río Negro, estos actores sociales, vienenconstruyendo este territorio desde hace mucho tiempo. Es posible hacer unseguimiento de sus trayectorias de construcción del territorio, desde lapresencia de los pueblos originarios en la zona hasta nuestros días.Las acciones que cada uno de los grupos de actores sociales hicieron sobreeste territorio dejaron marcas, que hasta el día de hoy es posible observar,como por ejemplo los cementerios de pueblos Tehuelches, localizados en lallanura del valle del río.Hay que destacar que todos estos procesos, sirven además para poder pensar, discutir y elaborar Políticas Públicas que colaboren en un Plan deOrdenamiento Territorial para el Valle Inferior del Río Negro.En cuanto a los aspectos metodológicos, el trabajo se realizo a partir delanálisis del territorio y la identificación en el mismo de las diferentes unidadesde paisaje, las que surgen del proceso de construcción social. Para ello se tuvo en cuenta en primer lugar las características más relevantes y significativas de cada sector y, en segundo lugar se describió la parte visible del espacio que es el paisaje actual del valle.

  9. Análisis cualitativo del concepto y praxis de rehabilitación integral percibido por distintos actores involucrados

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    Marisol Moreno-Angarita


    Full Text Available Introducción. La rehabilitación integral es un concepto de difícil consenso, dado que es resultado de una evolución histórica. Objetivo. Presentar los hallazgos del estudio “Acceso a los servicios de rehabilitación integral en Colombia: una aproximación desde los conceptos y las prácticas de distintos actores sociales” y describir las comprensiones de la rehabilitación integral de parte de diversos actores desde una perspectiva comprensiva de la discapacidad. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, cualitativo y de múltiples fuentes de evidencia para identificar las percepciones de actores responsables de formular e implementar políticas públicas (FP, académicos (A, profesionales (P, representantes de organizaciones sociales (OS, gestores de servicios (GS, gestores y profesionales de servicios de educación inclusiva (EI, personas con discapacidad (PCD y cuidadores (C, involucrados en la rehabilitación integral en una ciudad colombiana. Se realizaron entrevistas a 18 actores y se desarrollaron seis grupos focales. Para el análisis de datos, se usó el Atlas ti®, el acuerdo entre jueces y el análisis de las narrativas. Resultados. La rehabilitación integral es percibida de distintas maneras por los actores, entre las que priman tres concepciones de ella: como resultado de un proceso de rehabilitación funcional, como derecho y como garante de inclusión social. Conclusiones. Mientras exista diversidad y dispersión acerca de la rehabilitación integral, será difícil concebir, implementar, evaluar y participar activamente en dicho proceso. En consecuencia, las barreras de acceso a ella se incrementarán y estará lejos de entenderse como un derecho que se ejerce desde una visión integral de ser humano. Dicho esto, se enuncian implicaciones para la academia, los prestadores de servicios y las políticas públicas.

  10. Nociones del conflicto en actores escolares

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    Carlos Eduardo Valderrama H


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca contribuir a la reflexión sobre la problemática del conflicto escolar a partir de algunas nociones que ciertos actores escolares tienen sobre el mismo, sus manifestaciones, sus causas u orígenes y las maneras como afirman se resuelve en sus instituciones. Desde una perspectiva que pretende inscribirse en el campo de la comunicación-educación, se describe la heterogeneidad de las posturas manifestadas por estudiantes, docentes y directivos y se intentan comprender éstas a partir de algunos postulados teóricos planteados por la sociología del conflicto y la pedagogía crítica.This essay contributes to an ongoing debate on the problematic of school conflict, working from certain concepts that some of the actors in schools have about conflict, its manifestations, causes or origins, and the manners in which they manifest that they are resolved. From a perspective that wants to inscribe itself in the field of communication-education, it describes the heterogeneity of the different views put forward by students, teaches, and school directors, and searches to understand these based on certain theoretical postulates derived from the fields of sociology of conflict and critical pedagogy.

  11. El Sistema Integral de Desarrollo Profesional Educativo (SíPROFE): Una mirada desde los involucrados en el sistema


    Portaluppi Castro, Carolina


    El estudio aborda la calidad del Sistema Nacional de Desarrollo Profesional Educativo -SíPROFE- desde la perspectiva de los actores involucrados y sus distintos roles: decisor político, decisor técnico, operador de la política en el territorio, experto, instructor y docentes participantes que ejercen su práctica en contextos urbanos y rurales del cantón Guayaquil. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio y cualitativo desde la mirada de la teoría fundamentada en los datos (TFD) cuyo instrumento pr...

  12. La dimensión social del actor local en el talento territorial

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    Juan Carlos Delgado Barrios


    Full Text Available Esta investigación parte de la definición del actor local en los planteamientos expuestos por García (2007, Fernández (2008 y Arocena (2002. Los actores locales con su capacidad asociativa ligada a decisiones y acciones, a influencias de poder o de experticia para el desarrollo territorial. Este artículo estudia la dimensión social, -el capital social -, del actor local, dentro del talento territorial. Esta dimensión está vinculada con la exigencia a los actores locales involucrados en el desarrollo territorial de contar con altos niveles de organización social para la producción, participación social protagónica, auto dependencia, confianza en los sistemas e instituciones de la participación, capacidad de articulación con otros actores organizados o encomunidades, así como, con otros territorios y con redes territoriales del desarrollo. Metodológicamente es una investigación exploratoria, de análisis de un territorio como laboratorio vivencial a partir de un enfoque sistémico procesal, desde la metodología sistémica interpretativa, sustentada en referencias bibliográficas y electrónicas dando apoyo a las reflexiones y experiencias del autor sobre el tema abordado de manera inductiva y constructivista. Como resultado se presentan la conceptualización de la dimensión social del actor local y su rol en el desarrollo territorial a partir de un territorio referencial bajo investigación (Zona Sur del Lago de Maracaibo. Concluyendo con la identificación de tres escenarios de actuación del actor local dentro dela dimensión social del talento territorial.

  13. El contexto: reflexiones desde siete experiencias locales de educación popular en Colombia

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    Claudia Bermúdez Peña


    aparece como dada, de manera que no suele ser objeto de reflexión. Esta situación ha llevado a que se asuma en múltiples formas: desde la descripción a partir de datos estadísticos, datos socio-demográficos, datos geográficos hasta datos históricos o de infraestructura física. Por esta razón, el presente artículo se propone definir contexto como la interpretación del entorno por los diversos actores sociales. Esta manera de entender el contexto se presenta desde seis experiencias locales de educación popular y desarrollo en Colombia

  14. Los significados de la reconciliación desde las voces de las víctimas

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    Esperanza Hernández Delgado


    Full Text Available El artículo recoge desde el trabajo de investigación para la paz, la manifestación directa de comunidades afectadas por la violencia política en Colombia y los aportes de analistas de experiencias internacionales de reconciliación, sobre los significados de la reconciliación desde las voces de las víctimas. Plantea que la reconciliación no puede seguir siendo considerada sólo desde el Estado y los actores armados en procesos de negociación de conflictos armados internos, sino que necesariamente debe consultar las voces de sus víctimas como requisito indispensable para el cierre del ciclo de la violencia y la edificación de las bases de una paz estable y duradera. Desde la perspectiva de las víctimas de la violencia, la reconciliación equivale a derecho a la verdad, superación de la impunidad y reparación integral.


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    Raúl Conrado Sánchez Cortina


    Full Text Available La teoría vigotskiana y sus ideas esenciales sobre la formación de la personalidad humana son tomadas como punto de partida en el presente artículo, en el cual se realiza un análisis de esas ideas, las que van dando sustento a diversas teorías referidas a la enseñanza de idiomas extranjeros desde el llamado “Enfoque cognitivo, comunicativo y sociocultural”, o desde los matices que a esta enseñanza se ofrece a partir de la “Didáctica interactiva”. En el presente artículo se revelan otras concepciones que intervienen en el proceso de la enseñanza de idiomas y que están estrechamente vinculadas con la identidad cultural de los actores del proceso y los valores que llegan desde la nueva lengua que se estudia.

  16. La implementación de TICs desde la pedagogía rural


    Carvajal Jiménez, Vivian


    El desarrollo tecnológico y la posibilidad de nuevas modalidades educativas contribuyen con el desarrollo de las poblaciones más excluidas en tanto los sistemas, modelos pedagógicos y estrategias de mediación, sean pensadas desde y para los grupos hacia los que se dirigen. Particularmente, en el caso de las poblaciones rurales centroamericanas, es necesario considerar las características y demandas de los actores sociales que los conforman, las características de la nueva ruralida...


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    Full Text Available Physical activity is the main element of the nonverbal expressiveness of the actor. Th e nonpsychological theatre of Europe in the second half of the 20th century was looking for the actor`s possibility of physical action for revealing the archetypal image of the character. Expressing the meanings similar among themselves in diff erent Nations, they connect the actors and spectators at the level of feelings, of the subconscious. Destroying the barriers in people’s minds which divides them into Europeans and Asians, or French and Germans, they are understandable to any audience regardless of their cultural or linguistic affiliation.

  18. La cultura política desde la frontera norte de México

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    Tonatiuh Guillén López


    Full Text Available El objetivo del ensayo es analizar las principales tendencias de la cultura política en México, relacionándola con el proceso de transición democrática y desde la experiencia política electoral de la frontera norte durante los últimos diez años. Se parte de un concepto histórico de la cultura, que permite plantear como objetos de análisis tanto su contenido como, particularmente, a sus actores sociales, sujetos ambos a una dinámica de evolución. Con esta perspectiva, el ensayo argumenta que en el país los contenidos liberales de la cultura política y sus actores todavía se encuentran en proceso de construcción y sujetos a una interacción conflictiva con los contenidos culturales, prácticas e instituciones tradicionales del poder político.

  19. Actores Secundarios

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    Manuel Gárate


    Full Text Available Cámara digital en mano y provistos de los recuerdos y una sesuda investigación de 3 años, los realizadores de “Actores Secundarios” nos transportan al último periodo de la dictadura militar chilena. Pero esta vez no se trata de un relato épico sobre los actores tradicionales de la lucha por la democracia, sino de una generación prácticamente olvidada y que movilizó a miles de adolescentes contra un régimen que los ahogaba. “Actores Secundarios” es una crónica construida de los fragmentos de ...

  20. Efficient Actor Recovery Paradigm for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks. (United States)

    Mahjoub, Reem K; Elleithy, Khaled


    The actor nodes are the spine of wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs) that collaborate to perform a specific task in an unverified and uneven environment. Thus, there is a possibility of high failure rate in such unfriendly scenarios due to several factors such as power consumption of devices, electronic circuit failure, software errors in nodes or physical impairment of the actor nodes and inter-actor connectivity problem. Therefore, it is extremely important to discover the failure of a cut-vertex actor and network-disjoint in order to improve the Quality-of-Service (QoS). In this paper, we propose an Efficient Actor Recovery (EAR) paradigm to guarantee the contention-free traffic-forwarding capacity. The EAR paradigm consists of a Node Monitoring and Critical Node Detection (NMCND) algorithm that monitors the activities of the nodes to determine the critical node. In addition, it replaces the critical node with backup node prior to complete node-failure which helps balancing the network performance. The packets are handled using Network Integration and Message Forwarding (NIMF) algorithm that determines the source of forwarding the packets; either from actor or sensor. This decision-making capability of the algorithm controls the packet forwarding rate to maintain the network for a longer time. Furthermore, for handling the proper routing strategy, Priority-Based Routing for Node Failure Avoidance (PRNFA) algorithm is deployed to decide the priority of the packets to be forwarded based on the significance of information available in the packet. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed EAR paradigm, the proposed algorithms were tested using OMNET++ simulation.

  1. Calidad de los servicios universitarios: Una percepción desde sus actores en una escuela de negocios (Quality of services university: A perception from their actors in a business school

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    Araiza, Maria


    Full Text Available Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the quality of university services in business school at a public university of Mexico from the perspective of its actors (students and teachers. To get to their results, a SERVQUAL scale was used with some adjustments, which is an instrument of multiple items that were originally developed to measure customer insights regarding the quality of service. The instrument consists of 22 phrases that measure customer expectations and 22 similar phrases that measure customer perception and service quality is established by the difference of scores that the customer assigns to their expectations and perceptions. Questions that serve to other aspects of the university service were incorporated to this instrument, they are related with the conciliation of programs, learning assessment and the effectiveness of administrative processes. The scale of 42 variables that measure the quality of services and conditions of the institution to offer them, was applied to a sample of 446 students and 64 teachers, they reflect the efforts and resources invested by the faculty in teacher training and equipment offered in learning practices are highly valued by students. Besides, on differences in perceptions between students and teachers, it is shown that the students are claimant protagonists of quality in services and the raison d’etre of any educational institution. Resumen: Este estudio apuntó hacia la evaluación de la calidad de los servicios universitarios en una escuela de negocios de una universidad pública de México desde la óptica de sus actores (estudiantes y docentes. Para llegar a sus resultados se utilizó escala de SERVQUAL con adecuaciones, el cual es un instrumento de ítems múltiples que se elaboró originalmente para medir las apreciaciones del cliente en relación a la calidad del servicio. El instrumento se compone de 22 frases que miden las expectativas del cliente y 22 frases similares que miden la

  2. El clima organizacional en universidades de Bogotá desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes

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    José Javier Bermudez-Aponte


    Full Text Available Esta investigación planteó como objetivo caracterizar el clima organizacional de seis universidades, localizadas en la ciudad de Bogotá Distrito Capital (D.C., Colombia, a partir de las percepciones expresadas por algunos de sus estudiantes. La metodología se abordó desde el enfoque cualitativo, con alcance descriptivo, busca comprender el fenómeno objeto de análisis desde la visión de conjunto, las posibilidades de análisis de lo subyacente y el sentido de construcción del objeto. Los hallazgos fueron agrupados en cuatro categorías: académica, socio- afectiva, administrativa y ética. Los resultados evidenciaron, desde la percepción de los estudiantes, que el clima organizacional universitario es el conjunto de factores tangibles (infraestructura, recursos, etc. e intangibles (valores, relaciones interpersonales, situaciones, etc., que se viven a diario en la universidad. La dinámica entre estos factores es bidireccional, es decir, cada uno de ellos puede ser actor u objeto de afectación en relación con otro.

  3. Self-Recovering Sensor-Actor Networks

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    Maryam Kamali


    Full Text Available Wireless sensor-actor networks are a recent development of wireless networks where both ordinary sensor nodes and more sophisticated and powerful nodes, called actors, are present. In this paper we formalize a recently introduced algorithm that recovers failed actor communication links via the existing sensor infrastructure. We prove via refinement that the recovery is terminating in a finite number of steps and is distributed, thus self-performed by the actors. Most importantly, we prove that the recovery can be done at different levels, via different types of links, such as direct actor links or indirect links between the actors, in the latter case reusing the wireless infrastructure of sensors. This leads to identifying coordination classes, e.g., for delegating the most security sensitive coordination to the direct actor-actor coordination links, the least real-time constrained coordination to indirect links, and the safety critical coordination to both direct actor links and indirect sensor paths between actors. Our formalization is done using the theorem prover in the RODIN platform.

  4. Moral actor, selfish agent. (United States)

    Frimer, Jeremy A; Schaefer, Nicola K; Oakes, Harrison


    People are motivated to behave selfishly while appearing moral. This tension gives rise to 2 divergently motivated selves. The actor-the watched self-tends to be moral; the agent-the self as executor-tends to be selfish. Three studies present direct evidence of the actor's and agent's distinct motives. To recruit the self-as-actor, we asked people to rate the importance of various goals. To recruit the self-as-agent, we asked people to describe their goals verbally. In Study 1, actors claimed their goals were equally about helping the self and others (viz., moral); agents claimed their goals were primarily about helping the self (viz., selfish). This disparity was evident in both individualist and collectivist cultures, attesting to the universality of the selfish agent. Study 2 compared actors' and agents' motives to those of people role-playing highly prosocial or selfish exemplars. In content (Study 2a) and in the impressions they made on an outside observer (Study 2b), actors' motives were similar to those of the prosocial role-players, whereas agents' motives were similar to those of the selfish role-players. Study 3 accounted for the difference between the actor and agent: Participants claimed that their agent's motives were the more realistic and that their actor's motives were the more idealistic. The selfish agent/moral actor duality may account for why implicit and explicit measures of the same construct diverge, and why feeling watched brings out the better angels of human nature.

  5. Las principales políticas públicas de Formación Docente desde las voces de los actores. El caso de los Polos de Desarrollo (2000-2001

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    Luis Porta


    Full Text Available En la historia reciente de la formación docente de nuestro país han sucedido diversos procesos que pretendieron generar y construir proyectos de formación diferenciados y con alto recupero pedagógico. En este artículo expondremos, las principales políticas públicas para el sector de la formación docente no universitario que a nuestro criterio merecen ser destacadas y recuperadas. Consideramos que el Magisterio de Educación Básica (MEB, el Programa de Transformación de la Formación Docente (PTFD, el Proyecto Polos de Desarrollo, el Programa de Renovación Pedagógica y la creación del Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente (INFOD, vertebran el esqueleto de políticas públicas más importante desde la restitución democrática en materia de formación docente y cuyas huellas hoy se reconocen sedimentadas de maneras diversas en las instituciones y en el subsistema formador argentino. Recuperaremos particularmente el proyecto “Polos de Desarrollo (2000-2001” a partir de los testimonios de los propios actores y de referentes del campo de la formación docente.

  6. Cómo educar en bioética: lenguajes, actores y posturas

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    Mário Antônio Sanches


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es abordar la problemática de la enseñanza de la bioética en el estricto sentido de los cursos de maestría-doctorado en el contexto Latinoamericano. Las dificultades específicas al hablar de ética en nuestros días se derivan del hecho de que ahora se debe dialogar desde diversas perspectivas que anteriormente eran ignoradas o reprimidas; por lo tanto, un análisis adecuado de las condiciones actuales requiere de una visión más precisa de los actores que están en escena: el papel de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, los protagonistas del proceso educativo, las transformaciones de la educación contemporánea y las diversas posiciones frente al proceso educativo. Es necesario tener una postura definida, de diálogo, para que este desafío sea adecuadamente enfrentado; los diferentes actores involucrados en el proceso educativo necesitan mejorar en términos de coherencia, honestidad intelectual, autenticidad y humildad.

  7. Determinants of Actor Rationality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellegaard, Chris

    Industrial companies must exercise influence on their suppliers (or supplier actors). Actor rationality is a central theme connected to this management task. In this article, relevant literature is studied with the purpose of shedding light on determinants of actor rationality. Two buyer-supplier...... relations are investigated in a multiple case study, leading to the proposal of various additional factors that determine and shape actor rationality. Moreover a conceptual model of rationality determinants in the buyer-supplier relation is proposed, a model that may help supply managers analyse...

  8. Actor-Network Procedures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pavlovic, Dusko; Meadows, Catherine; Ramanujam, R.; Ramaswamy, Srini


    In this paper we propose actor-networks as a formal model of computation in heterogenous networks of computers, humans and their devices, where these new procedures run; and we introduce Procedure Derivation Logic (PDL) as a framework for reasoning about security in actor-networks, as an extension

  9. Guide Actor-Critic for Continuous Control


    Tangkaratt, Voot; Abdolmaleki, Abbas; Sugiyama, Masashi


    Actor-critic methods solve reinforcement learning problems by updating a parameterized policy known as an actor in a direction that increases an estimate of the expected return known as a critic. However, existing actor-critic methods only use values or gradients of the critic to update the policy parameter. In this paper, we propose a novel actor-critic method called the guide actor-critic (GAC). GAC firstly learns a guide actor that locally maximizes the critic and then it updates the polic...

  10. Memoria y testimonios: el pasado dictatorial visto desde el presente de los actores sociales en Argentina

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    Rubén Isidoro KOTLER


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Tres generaciones que recuerdan el pasado reciente de la provincia argentina de Tucumán. Los militantes de importantes movimientos de protesta tanto obreras como estudiantiles de fines de los años ‘60 y comienzo de los ‘70, generación que ha sido víctima de la represión ilegal y clandestina desde 1974 hasta 1983; los familiares directos de los represaliados, quienes con el transcurrir de la última dictadura conformaron los organismos de familiares de detenidos y desaparecidos, en todas sus vertientes: Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Familiares de Detenidos por Razones Políticas y Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, organizaciones que actuaban a la par de otros organismos de Derechos Humanos como la Asamblea Permanente, el Movimiento Ecuménico o la Liga de los Derechos del Hombre (surgidos todos en distintas épocas, respondiendo cada uno a criterios muchas veces muy disímiles de acción; y finalmente la generación hija de aquella, víctima de la represión: los H.I.J.O.S. de desaparecidos o nacidos en el exilio, quienes conformaron con fuerza un organismo propio con identidades particulares desde 1995. Atravesadas todas estas generaciones por un denominador común en la provincia de Tucumán: el Bussismo. Es aquí donde el presente trabajo pretende rastrear no solo el pasado reciente que se intenta desentrañar, sino el propio presente desde el cual los testigos recuerdan y narran sus experiencias.ABSTRACT: Three generations make us remember the recent past of Tucumán in Argentina: a the militants of important protest movements, the working class as well as students from the late ‘60s and the beginning of the ‘70s, a generation victim of the illegal and clandestine repression from 1974 to 1983; b direct family of the reprisaled, who formed the disappeared and under arrest families organism during the last dictatorship: Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Familiares de Detenidos por Razones Políticas and Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, organizations

  11. You're a What? Voice Actor (United States)

    Liming, Drew


    This article talks about voice actors and features Tony Oliver, a professional voice actor. Voice actors help to bring one's favorite cartoon and video game characters to life. They also do voice-overs for radio and television commercials and movie trailers. These actors use the sound of their voice to sell a character's emotions--or an advertised…



    Torregroza Fuentes, Edilbert; Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia).; Llamas Chávez, Jorge; Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia).; Borja Barrera, Francisco; Universidad de Huelva (España).


    La percepción y las actitudes de los actores sociales presentes en un determinado territorio son vitales para su adecuada gestión. Tales aspectos fueron evaluados para el caso cuenca de la Ciénaga de la Virgen (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia), en relación a doce especies vegetales presentes en el territorio, considerando la cuenca desde un enfoque socioecosistémico, desde el que se recalca la interacción y adaptación entre los sistemas sociales y ecológicos. El estudio aborda aspectos como el ...

  13. Teoria de sistemas autopoiéticos y la “actor network theory”: ¿Hacia una convergencia posestructuralista?

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    Josep Pont Vidal


    Full Text Available Desde hace unos años se manifiesta un creciente interés entre los sociólogos en establecer un nexo entre la Teoría de sistemas sociales autorreferenciales de Niklas Luhmann con los marcos teóricos que componen la filosofía social posestructuralista. Aunque existe una autodefinición común estructural-funcionalista aparecen insoslayables diferencias entre la teoría sistémica de Luhmann y el constructivismo de la Actor Network Theory.

  14. Pensar e intervenir el territorio a traves de la Teoria del Actor-Red

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    Juan E. Cabrera


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las coincidencias entre la forma de ver el territorio como red, algunas posturas teóricas sobre su concepto y la teoría del actor-red. Sobre lo anterior se centra en proponer una forma de entender las relaciones entre actores cuando se va a intervenir el territorio a través de políticas públicas como la planificación utilizando un modelo de gestión territorial a través de las orientaciones de la TAR.   

  15. What is a conservation actor?

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    Paul Jepson


    Full Text Available As a crisis-oriented discipline, conservation biology needs actions to understand the state of nature and thwart declines in biodiversity. Actors-traditionally individuals, institutions, and collectives-have been central to delivering such goals in practice. However, the definition of actors within the discipline has been narrow and their role in influencing conservation outcomes inadequately conceptualised. In this paper, we examine the question ′What is a conservation actor?′ Who or what creates the capacity to influence conservation values and actions? Drawing from theoretical developments in Actor-Network Theory and collective governance, we argue that the concept of an actor in conservation biology should be broadened to include non-humans, such as species and devices, because they have the agency and ability to influence project goals and outcomes. We illustrate this through four examples: the Asian elephant, International Union for Conservation of Nature red lists, the High Conservation Value approach, and an Integrated Conservation and Development Project. We argue that a broader conceptualisation of actors in conservation biology will produce new forms of understanding that could open up new areas of conservation research, enhance practice and draw attention to spheres of conservation activity that might require stronger oversight and governance.

  16. Actores sociales y ambitos de construccion de politicas ambientales Social actors and scenarios in the generation of environmental politics

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    Eduardo Gudynas


    Full Text Available Se analiza el concepto de "actores claves" en la generación de políticas ambientales. Independientemente de la definición de actor social que se maneje, el asumir la existencia de actores claves ofrece limitaciones conceptuales y prácticas, ya que éstos son coyunturales a cada situación específica. Todos pueden ser actores claves en generar políticas ambientales cumpliendo papeles diferenciales. Como alternativa se utiliza el término de "actores destacados" y se revisan aspectos sobresalientes de varios de ellos en América Latina. Seguidamente se postula que el análisis se debe centrar en los escenarios sociales donde esos actores se pueden manifestar. Se ofrece una distinción preliminar de escenarios que permite integrar a nuevos y viejos movimientos sociales y establecer relaciones de articulación y equivalencia.The concept of "key actors" in the field of environmental politics is analyzed. Beyond the definition of social actor, the assumption of the existence of key actors implies conceptual and practical limitations, as it depends of each specific situation. Everyone could be a key actor under differential roles in the generation of environmental politics. As an alternative, the term "noteworthy actors" is used and a brief review of them in Latin America is presented. The relevant question should address the social scenarios from where these actors can express themselves. A preliminary distinction of scenarios is presented, in which old and new social movements could be integrated and relationships of articulation and equivalence could be established.

  17. Trail-Based Search for Efficient Event Report to Mobile Actors in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks. (United States)

    Xu, Zhezhuang; Liu, Guanglun; Yan, Haotian; Cheng, Bin; Lin, Feilong


    In wireless sensor and actor networks, when an event is detected, the sensor node needs to transmit an event report to inform the actor. Since the actor moves in the network to execute missions, its location is always unavailable to the sensor nodes. A popular solution is the search strategy that can forward the data to a node without its location information. However, most existing works have not considered the mobility of the node, and thus generate significant energy consumption or transmission delay. In this paper, we propose the trail-based search (TS) strategy that takes advantage of actor's mobility to improve the search efficiency. The main idea of TS is that, when the actor moves in the network, it can leave its trail composed of continuous footprints. The search packet with the event report is transmitted in the network to search the actor or its footprints. Once an effective footprint is discovered, the packet will be forwarded along the trail until it is received by the actor. Moreover, we derive the condition to guarantee the trail connectivity, and propose the redundancy reduction scheme based on TS (TS-R) to reduce nontrivial transmission redundancy that is generated by the trail. The theoretical and numerical analysis is provided to prove the efficiency of TS. Compared with the well-known expanding ring search (ERS), TS significantly reduces the energy consumption and search delay.

  18. Think about and intervene in the territory through the Actor Network Theory Pensar e intervenir el territorio a traves de la Teoria del Actor-Red

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan E. Cabrera


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to think about the similarities between the ways of seeing the territory as a network, some theoretical positions about the territory concept and actor network theory.
    After focusing on proposing a way of understanding the relationships between actors when they will intervene in the territory through the public policies and territorial planning, i ll try to apply the ANT model of public policy management through the guidance of ANT El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las coincidencias entre la forma de ver el territorio como red, algunas posturas teóricas sobre su concepto y la teoría del actor-red.
    Sobre lo anterior se centra en proponer una forma de entender las relaciones entre actores cuando se va a intervenir el territorio a través de políticas públicas como la planificación utilizando un modelo de gestión territorial a través de las orientaciones de la TAR.   

  19. Aportes para pensar la participación comunitaria en salud/salud mental desde la perspectiva de redes

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    Claudia Bang


    Full Text Available Desde la declaración de Alma-Ata, en 1978, múltiples experiencias han incluido en sus prácticas en salud/salud mental dispositivos basados en la participación comunitaria. En ellas se han reproducido sentidos globales y abstractos que artificialmente homogeneizan las características comunitarias y participativas, reproduciendo modelos normativos que dieron origen a la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar algunos de los principales aportes de la teoría de redes que, desde una perspectiva compleja, permitan redimensionar la participación comunitaria en salud. Se indagan las lógicas en que son entendidas la comunidad y la participación comunitaria en un estudio de caso. Se concluye que considerar a la población como actor potencial y generar canales efectivos de participación sigue siendo un gran desafío.

  20. La producción de arroz del estado de Morelos: una aproximación desde el enfoque SIAL

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    Jessica Mariela Tolentino Martínez


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se analiza el caso del arroz del estado de Morelos desde el enfo - que de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Loca - lizados ( SIAL , que se enfoca en la interrela - ción entre los territorios y la producción y consumo de los alimentos. Se presta parti - cular importancia a la organización de los actores locales para conseguir la Denomina - ción de Origen ( DO como una estrategia competitiva dentro de un mercado que pri - vilegia las importaciones.

  1. Cambiemos la percepción social hacia las personas con discapacidad desde el Servicio Comunitario

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    Zuleima Corredor Ponce


    Full Text Available Este artículo da cuenta de una experiencia desarrollada en la Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA, Centro Local Zulia, relativa al diseño e implementación de un proyecto socioeducativo, cuyo objetivo fue promover un cambio en la percepción social hacia las personas con discapacidad, desde la actividad de Servicio Comunitario, para configurar una cultura inclusiva. El proyecto fue propuesto desde la UNA y se implementó una primera experiencia mediante una alianza estratégica con estudiantes de Servicio Comunitario de la Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín (URBE. Se concluye que las alianzas entre universidades son una valiosa oportunidad para contribuir a la resolución de problemáticas sociales complejas, mediante proyectos de alto impacto; se observó un desplazamiento conductual en relación al tema en los estudiantes prestadores del servicio y se logró formar y sensibilizar a la comunidad. Se espera identificar nuevos nodos y consolidar una red interinstitucional en la que las personas con discapacidad sean actores fundamentales.

  2. Reflexiones críticas, desde los márgenes, sobre la producción de conocimientos para una acción transformadora

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    Juan Carlos Gimeno Martín


    Full Text Available Desde la perplejidad de un académico que habita una Europa en crisis, en este artículo se exploran, en forma de conversación, algunas perspectivas críticas que se han ido consolidando en América Latina sobre el mundo en que vivimos y sobre lo que nos ha traído hasta él, reivindicando la producción del conocimiento desde los márgenes, desde las fronteras, desde los sujetos negados por la “historia”. El enfoque utilizado, que valora la existencia, la resistencia, las luchas de mujeres y hombres por conquistar un lugar en el mundo, y para construir un mundo que les reconozca en su particularidad, parte de la convicción de que la teoría es un proceso que implica redefinir constantemente conceptos, dejar de pensar de cierto modo y empezar a pensar de otros modos, más adecuados a nuestro contexto. Ese proceso constituye un reto para las ciencias sociales, en particular, que debieran indisciplinarse, y para las instituciones académicas y universidades, en general, cuyo papel podría redefinirse como un actor de retaguardia: responsable de la producción rigurosa de conocimiento desde múltiples lugares, y comprometido en acompañar procesos de transformación social impulsados en las luchas por construir un mundo humano.  

  3. Actors of the hydrogen sector in France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document proposes brief presentations (web site address, activities) of actors operating in the hydrogen sector in France. These actors are public actors who can be incentive or financing actors (ADEME, ANR) or research institutions (CNRS, CEA, university and engineering schools, IFP, INERIS, INRETS), private actors like industrial groups (Air Liquide, AREVA, GDF Suez, Total, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault, Saint-Gobain, SNECMA, ST Microelectronics, 3M, Veolia Environnement) or small companies (Alca Torda Applications, Axane, CETH2, Helion, MaHytec, N-GHY, PaxiTech, Sertronic, ULLIT). It also presents the HyPAC platform created by the AFH2 and ADEME), the AFH2 (the French Association for Hydrogen), and regional initiatives

  4. Guess Where? Actor-Supervision for Spatiotemporal Action Localization

    KAUST Repository

    Escorcia, Victor


    This paper addresses the problem of spatiotemporal localization of actions in videos. Compared to leading approaches, which all learn to localize based on carefully annotated boxes on training video frames, we adhere to a weakly-supervised solution that only requires a video class label. We introduce an actor-supervised architecture that exploits the inherent compositionality of actions in terms of actor transformations, to localize actions. We make two contributions. First, we propose actor proposals derived from a detector for human and non-human actors intended for images, which is linked over time by Siamese similarity matching to account for actor deformations. Second, we propose an actor-based attention mechanism that enables the localization of the actions from action class labels and actor proposals and is end-to-end trainable. Experiments on three human and non-human action datasets show actor supervision is state-of-the-art for weakly-supervised action localization and is even competitive to some fully-supervised alternatives.

  5. Guess Where? Actor-Supervision for Spatiotemporal Action Localization

    KAUST Repository

    Escorcia, Victor; Dao, Cuong D.; Jain, Mihir; Ghanem, Bernard; Snoek, Cees


    This paper addresses the problem of spatiotemporal localization of actions in videos. Compared to leading approaches, which all learn to localize based on carefully annotated boxes on training video frames, we adhere to a weakly-supervised solution that only requires a video class label. We introduce an actor-supervised architecture that exploits the inherent compositionality of actions in terms of actor transformations, to localize actions. We make two contributions. First, we propose actor proposals derived from a detector for human and non-human actors intended for images, which is linked over time by Siamese similarity matching to account for actor deformations. Second, we propose an actor-based attention mechanism that enables the localization of the actions from action class labels and actor proposals and is end-to-end trainable. Experiments on three human and non-human action datasets show actor supervision is state-of-the-art for weakly-supervised action localization and is even competitive to some fully-supervised alternatives.

  6. Non-state actors in control of territory as 'actors of protection' in international refugee law

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karavias, M.


    This article examines the concept of non-state ‘actors of protection’ in international refugee law. This concept breaks with traditional State-centric readings of international law, as it connotes that a non-state actor may offer ‘protection’ against persecution, comparable to that normally offered

  7. La Iglesia chilena desde 1973 a 1993: De buenossamaritanos, antiguos contrahentes y nuevos aliados. Un análisis politológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.A. Veit Strassner


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza desde un punto de vista politológico el rol de la Iglesia católica chilena en los procesos políticos de los años 1973 a 1993. En un primer paso propone un marco analítico para el estudio de la Iglesia como actor político, poniendo énfasis tanto en el carácter de actor sui generis de la Iglesia como en el contexto sociopolítico donde se desarrolla la acción de la Iglesia. En el segundo paso el artículo muestra el desarrollo paulatino y continuado de la oposición de la Iglesia a la dictadura: Desde la precaución de los comienzos hasta la ayuda sintomática a las víctimas, que fue acompañada por la denuncia de los abusos, la propuesta de alternativas al sistema y la mediación política activa. Así, la Iglesia se convirtió en uno de los actores políticos centrales de la redemocratización. Una vez recuperadas las condiciones democráticas, la Iglesia hizo nuevas alianzas con fuerzas reaccionarias y no democráticas para ver representados sus intereses en determinados campos de la políticaThe article analises, from a political perspective, the role of the Chilean Catholic Church in the political processes of the years 1973-1993. It first offers an analytic frame for the study of the Church as a political actor, emphasizing both its role as sui generis agent, and the sociopolitical context in which the Church operates. Secondly the article shows the gradual but constant development of the Church's opposition to the Dictatorship: From the caution of the beginnings to the overt help to the victims, together with the condemnation of the abuses, the proposal of alternative systems, and active political mediation. Thus the Church turned into one of the key agents of the re-democratization. Once the democratic conditions were recorvered, the Church created new partnerships with reactive and non-democratic forces to see its interests represented in certain fields of the politics

  8. The Management of Political Actors in Institutions

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    Peter Odion Omoijiade


    Full Text Available The argument that the minimization of the dysfunctional consequences of organizational politics is no longer dependent on self-equilibrating mechanism remains valid. This inquiry is therefore framed with a view to establishing suitable strategies for managing political actors. There is a nexus between the diagnosis typology of political actors and the qualitative classes of political actors and their management strategies. In the management of mixed blessing, supportive, non-supportive and marginal political actors; collaborative, involvement, defensive and information strategies respectively were found suitable. This research is based on existing theoretical knowledge on organizational politics and stakeholders management. Data was collected from the literature by means of critical analysis and dialectic reflection on the emerging themes. The study will enhance capability in contexts where the scientific management of political actors is yet to be exemplified.

  9. A Low-cost System for Generating Near-realistic Virtual Actors (United States)

    Afifi, Mahmoud; Hussain, Khaled F.; Ibrahim, Hosny M.; Omar, Nagwa M.


    Generating virtual actors is one of the most challenging fields in computer graphics. The reconstruction of a realistic virtual actor has been paid attention by the academic research and the film industry to generate human-like virtual actors. Many movies were acted by human-like virtual actors, where the audience cannot distinguish between real and virtual actors. The synthesis of realistic virtual actors is considered a complex process. Many techniques are used to generate a realistic virtual actor; however they usually require expensive hardware equipment. In this paper, a low-cost system that generates near-realistic virtual actors is presented. The facial features of the real actor are blended with a virtual head that is attached to the actor's body. Comparing with other techniques that generate virtual actors, the proposed system is considered a low-cost system that requires only one camera that records the scene without using any expensive hardware equipment. The results of our system show that the system generates good near-realistic virtual actors that can be used on many applications.

  10. La violencia en la región noroeste de Chihuahua. Experiencias e impactos desde la comunidad educativa

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    Marcos J. Estrada Ruiz


    Full Text Available La violencia escolar ha sido un tema explorado de manera importante en los últimos años desde la investigación educativa en México, sin embargo, en contextos de alta violencia no se han mostrado los impactos de la violencia extraescolar y estructural, en la escuela y en otros espacios comunitarios. El artículo presenta resultados de una investigación que tuvo por objetivo reconstruir el impacto de la violencia en la región noroeste de Chihuahua, desde la comunidad educativa (docentes, padres, estudiantes de dos municipios en particular. A la manera de estudios en caso y recurriendo al análisis de contenido, se analizanlos impactos en la percepción del incremento de la violencia a partir de la experiencia directa; la modificación de la dinámica de las escuelas; el abandono de los espacios públicos y el señalamiento de “nuevos” actores, aparentemente ajenos a la comunidad, que aparecen a priori por su condición social, como los responsables de la violencia.

  11. Hacia una redefinición de los movimientos sociales: macro-actores proxémicos

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    Ignacio Mendiola Gonzalo


    Full Text Available La conceptualización de los movimientos sociales que aquí se presenta no se establece tanto en el marco de las principales teorizaciones realizadas en torno a los movimientos sociales sino que pretende articular otro escenario teórico desde el que arrojar una nueva mirada a las prácticas de los movimientos. Así, se establecerá un recorrido construido sobre la base de tres premisas fundamentales. La primera de ellas enfatiza la dimensión paradójica de la identidad al poner de manifiesto una heterogeneidad constitutiva en toda práctica identitaria que no puede ser subsumida en una única dimensión o plano semiótico. La segunda premisa desarrolla esta dimensión paradójica de la identidad en el campo de los movimientos sociales, lo que nos lleva a formular una propuesta de definición de los movimientos sociales sobre la base de una paradoja constitutiva que pondrá en relación la teoría del actor-red con la socialidad proxémica. Por último, la reflexión analiza la forma que adquiere la (reproducción de la mencionada paradoja constitutiva, planteando que dicha (reproducción adquiere, en su desarrollo, una configuración irónica.

  12. Trail-Based Search for Efficient Event Report to Mobile Actors in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks † (United States)

    Xu, Zhezhuang; Liu, Guanglun; Yan, Haotian; Cheng, Bin; Lin, Feilong


    In wireless sensor and actor networks, when an event is detected, the sensor node needs to transmit an event report to inform the actor. Since the actor moves in the network to execute missions, its location is always unavailable to the sensor nodes. A popular solution is the search strategy that can forward the data to a node without its location information. However, most existing works have not considered the mobility of the node, and thus generate significant energy consumption or transmission delay. In this paper, we propose the trail-based search (TS) strategy that takes advantage of actor’s mobility to improve the search efficiency. The main idea of TS is that, when the actor moves in the network, it can leave its trail composed of continuous footprints. The search packet with the event report is transmitted in the network to search the actor or its footprints. Once an effective footprint is discovered, the packet will be forwarded along the trail until it is received by the actor. Moreover, we derive the condition to guarantee the trail connectivity, and propose the redundancy reduction scheme based on TS (TS-R) to reduce nontrivial transmission redundancy that is generated by the trail. The theoretical and numerical analysis is provided to prove the efficiency of TS. Compared with the well-known expanding ring search (ERS), TS significantly reduces the energy consumption and search delay. PMID:29077017

  13. Lone Actors: Challenges and Opportunities for Countering Violent Extremism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spaaij, R.; Richman, A.; Sharan, Y.


    This paper explores some of the key challenges and opportunities concerning the prevention and control of lone actor terrorism. It is argued that lone actors do not operate in a social vacuum and that the interaction points between lone actors and their social environments can render lone actors

  14. Actor/Character Dualism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riis, Johannes


    Our perception of agency may be inherently fallible, and this may explain not only our general awareness of actors when engaged in fictional characters but also the specific case of paradoxical characters...

  15. Multicultural Monologues for Young Actors. The Young Actors Series. (United States)

    Slaight, Craig, Ed.; Sharrar, Jack, Ed.

    This book presents 62 monologue selections from diverse cultures for young actors to perform. The book's selections offer "quality literature by significant writers." Some of the writers represented in the book are George C. Wolfe, Miguel Pinero, Lorraine Hansberry, Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones), John M. Synge, Yukio Mishima, Reynolds…

  16. Using actor-network theory to study an educational situation: an ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Actor-network theory allows a researcher to analyse a complex social setting involving both human and non-human actors. An actor network can be used to model a dynamic and complex set of relationships between these actors. This article describes actor-network theory and shows how it was applied to study and model ...

  17. Discursos y prácticas agroempresariales. Un aporte desde la sociología pragmática

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    Diego Taraborrelli


    Full Text Available El sector agropecuario argentino, desde mediados de la década de 1970, ha comenzado un ciclo de profundas transformaciones en los aspectos técnicos, organizacionales y tecnológicos que dan forma al modelo hegemónico de producción agropecuaria: el agribusiness. Dicho modelo ofrece un marco normativo que cristaliza la nueva estructura del sector rural y de aquellos vinculados al mismo, donde ante la desaparición de algunos actores, aparecen nuevos y se reconvierten otros. Como hipótesis estructural consideramos que aquellos que han logrado adaptarse al nuevo marco normativo impuesto por el modelo del agribusiness, serán los que salgan airosos del proceso de reconversión sectorial. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se propone indagar el presente del sector agropecuario, desde dos vertientes distintas, pero complementarias: el plano de lo discursivo y la formación de competencias, a través del análisis de los posgrados en agronegocios argentinos y por el otro, mediante el accionar concreto de los productores agropecuarios de la localidad bonaerense de Junín.

  18. International Political Actorness of the European Union: Evaluation Criteria

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    Full Text Available The European Union is a completely new international entity which is hard to evaluate using traditional criteria of political actorness. Its active international presence stimulates the modeling of international actor features beyond the scope of “state-international organization” scheme. The concept of international actorness serves as a starting point for the development of appropriate analytical model. Unlike the traditional state-centered approaches which define an international actor through its affiliation witch the international system, this concept operates at the internal level of international entity and at the international structure level. Furthermore, both of these levels are treated as ontologically neutral and mutually constitutive. This basic theoretical scheme is used for elaboration of evaluation criteria of political actorness. The proposed system of criteria is based on drawing, synthesizing and developing the main writings on “new international actors” since the times of classic work by Carol A. Cosgrove and Kenneth J. Twitchett. The key elements of actorness assessed in this article include defining of capacity to act on the global scene as well as the acceptance by other actors and by international system as a whole. At the internal level, the EU’s actor capacity is measured by assessing its core elements ranging from core aspects, such as autonomy, authority, actor capability, coherence and cohesion to identity aspects. On the external level, the decisive criteria are recognition and acceptance by others which reflect expectations and perceptions of the EU. The proposed approach of evaluating the international actorness enables us to consider the political activity of the EU on the basis of coordinated system of interaction between the variables of international and domestic levels of the analysis. Furthermore, this contributes to the development of cumulative, coherent, and comprehensive theory of international

  19. Enfoque desde la ciencia post-normal de la epizootia fiebre aftosa

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    Schütz Gabriel Eduardo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende analizar la epizootia de fiebre aftosa del invierno británico de 2001 desde el enfoque de la ciencia post-normal. Serán analizadas las participaciones de los diferentes actores sociales y las interacciones de las categorías: confianza, gobernanza, incertidumbre, valores e intereses. Todos estos factores formaron parte de una crisis que, por un lado, conjugó los intereses políticos de un gobierno en campaña electoral junto con los intereses económicos de un estado miembro de la Unión Europea y por el otro, los intereses de la población afectada junto con todos aquellos problemas relacionados con la salud y el medio ambiente. Las medidas tomadas para detener esta enfermedad 'económica' se transformaron en un verdadero experimento heterogéneo a gran escala social, un fenómeno típico de la modernidad que exige nuevas formas de abordar la ciencia y los procesos decisorios.

  20. Modos de abordar las humillaciones entre estudiantes. Un estudio desde la perspectiva de alumnos de educación secundaria

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    Agustina Mutchinick


    Full Text Available En el marco de una investigación sobre las relaciones de humillación entre estudiantes desde la perspectiva de alumnos de educación secundaria se indagaron los modos en que los actores escolares abordan estas modalidades de vinculación. Se analizaron, por un lado, las maneras de responder a las humillaciones por parte de los alumnos que son humillados y, por otro, las intervenciones que realiza la escuela (docentes, directivos, preceptores. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de entrevistas en profundidad a estudiantes de dos escuelas de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Los resultados revelan que existe por parte de los estudiantes que sufren estas prácticas una escasa demanda de la mediación de los docentes y directivos; lo cual se complementa con una baja intervención de las autoridades de la escuela ante estas formas de sociabilidad. De este modo, las maneras de actuar de los diversos actores componen un escenario que dificulta un abordaje institucional que permita dar soluciones a esta problemática.

  1. Exploration of a Vision for Actor Database Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shah, Vivek

    of these services. Existing popular approaches to building these services either use an in-memory database system or an actor runtime. We observe that these approaches have complementary strengths and weaknesses. In this dissertation, we propose the integration of actor programming models in database systems....... In doing so, we lay down a vision for a new class of systems called actor database systems. To explore this vision, this dissertation crystallizes the notion of an actor database system by defining its feature set in light of current application and hardware trends. In order to explore the viability...... of the outlined vision, a new programming model named Reactors has been designed to enrich classic relational database programming models with logical actor programming constructs. To support the reactor programming model, a high-performance in-memory multi-core OLTP database system named REACTDB has been built...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jhon Boza


    Full Text Available En la presente investigacion se aborda los sistemas empresariales desde los predios universitarios, fundamentos teóricos de las incubadoras de empresas y el análisis de los emprendimientos que contribuyen al desarrollo local del cantón Quevedo, Provincia de Los Rios en Ecuador. El cantón Quevedo cuenta con centros de estudio a nivel superior donde se potencia en el caso de la Unioversidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo la iniciativas productivas, desarrollando programas con el fin de mejorar la situacion económica de la localidad. Es importante señalar que en la constitucion del Ecuador del año 2008 se incluyen de forma decidida la proteccion a la familia, primulgando la articulac.ion de actores y recursos de la economia mixta enmarcada en el Buen Vivir(SumakKawsay, orientado a desarrollar sistemas productivos a todo nivel desde las economia precaria apoyadas a través de la Ley de Económia Popular y Solidaria a través del fomento productivo, tambien desde los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados locales y provinciales que en su presupuesto deben innluir un porcentaje para el engranaje productivo local orientados por estas instituciones internacionales. El sector público tiene la capacidad de ejercer como motot orientado a un modelo económico más productivo sostenible en el tiempo. En el trabajo se demuestra la necesidad de identificar nuevos emprendimientos locales que impulsan proyectos económicos que contribuyan al desarrollo local sostenible. A través de este sistema se procura el "buen vivir" convirtiendose en una herramienta necesaria para el desarrollo, manifestando la importancia que tiene el diseño, aplicacion y evaluacion de las politicas públicas en el crecimiento regional.

  3. Actors with Multi-Headed Message Receive Patterns

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sulzmann, Martin; Lam, Edmund Soon Lee; Van Weert, Peter


    style actors with receive clauses containing multi-headed message patterns. Patterns may be non-linear and constrained by guards. We provide a number of examples to show the usefulness of the extension. We also explore the design space for multi-headed message matching semantics, for example first-match......The actor model provides high-level concurrency abstractions to coordinate simultaneous computations by message passing. Languages implementing the actor model such as Erlang commonly only support single-headed pattern matching over received messages. We propose and design an extension of Erlang...... and rule priority-match semantics. The various semantics are inspired by the multi-set constraint matching semantics found in Constraint Handling Rules. This provides us with a formal model to study actors with multi-headed message receive patterns. The system can be implemented efficiently and we have...

  4. Co-evolution of social networks and continuous actor attributes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niezink, Nynke M.D.; Snijders, Tom A.B.


    Social networks and the attributes of the actors in these networks are not static; they may develop interdependently over time. The stochastic actor-oriented model allows for statistical inference on the mechanisms driving this co-evolution process. In earlier versions of this model, dynamic actor

  5. Actores sociales y relaciones de poder: la globalización como proceso y fenómeno socio-político

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    Luis Paulino Vargas


    Full Text Available La idea dominante acerca de la globalización -así elaborada desde la ideología neoliberal- la presenta como un proceso inevitable, que se despliega y avanza al margen de toda voluntad humana. Esta concepción, sin embargo, posee un estatuto metafísico, no científico. En cambio, admitir el carácter social y político de la globalización, es decir, el hecho de que ésta es simplemente resultante del pensamiento, las acciones y decisiones de seres humanos que interactúan de forma compleja, implica admitir que la globalización no es más evitable o inevitable de lo pueda ser cualquier fenómeno humano. Este artículo diserta teóricamente sobre esta problemática, e intenta desarrollar, en sus aspectos más generales, una elaboración teórica que haga inteligibles las categorías principales de actores y el entramado sistémico a que las interrelaciones entre esos actores da lugar, todo lo cual constituye, a fin de cuentas, las fuerzas sociales -y por lo tanto humanas- que subyacen a la globalización.

  6. Institutional and Actor-Oriented Factors Constraining Expert-Based Forest Information Exchange in Europe: A Policy Analysis from an Actor-Centred Institutionalist Approach

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    Tanya Baycheva-Merger


    Full Text Available Adequate and accessible expert-based forest information has become increasingly in demand for effective decisions and informed policies in the forest and forest-related sectors in Europe. Such accessibility requires a collaborative environment and constant information exchange between various actors at different levels and across sectors. However, information exchange in complex policy environments is challenging, and is often constrained by various institutional, actor-oriented, and technical factors. In forest policy research, no study has yet attempted to simultaneously account for these multiple factors influencing expert-based forest information exchange. By employing a policy analysis from an actor-centred institutionalist perspective, this paper aims to provide an overview of the most salient institutional and actor-oriented factors that are perceived as constraining forest information exchange at the national level across European countries. We employ an exploratory research approach, and utilise both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyse our data. The data was collected through a semi-structured survey targeted at forest and forest-related composite actors in 21 European countries. The results revealed that expert-based forest information exchange is constrained by a number of compound and closely interlinked institutional and actor-oriented factors, reflecting the complex interplay of institutions and actors at the national level. The most salient institutional factors that stand out include restrictive or ambiguous data protection policies, inter-organisational information arrangements, different organisational cultures, and a lack of incentives. Forest information exchange becomes even more complex when actors are confronted with actor-oriented factors such as issues of distrust, diverging preferences and perceptions, intellectual property rights, and technical capabilities. We conclude that expert-based forest information

  7. Actors' portrayals of depression to test interrater reliability in clinical trials. (United States)

    Rosen, Jules; Mulsant, Benoit H; Bruce, Martha L; Mittal, Vikas; Fox, Debra


    This study determined if actors could portray depressed patients to establish the interrater reliability of raters using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). Actors portrayed depressed patients using scripts derived from HDRS assessments obtained at three points during treatment. Four experienced raters blindly viewed videotapes of two patients and two actors. They guessed if each interviewee was a patient or an actor and rated the certainty of their guesses. For each interview, they also rated the realism of the portrayal and completed the HDRS. Experienced raters could not distinguish actors and patients better than chance and were equally certain of their right and wrong guesses. Actors and patients received high scores on the realism of their portrayals. The HDRS scores of the actor-patient pairs were correlated. Actors can effectively portray depressed patients. Future studies will determine if actors can accurately portray patients with anxiety and psychosis.

  8. Compositional schedulability analysis of real-time actor-based systems. (United States)

    Jaghoori, Mohammad Mahdi; de Boer, Frank; Longuet, Delphine; Chothia, Tom; Sirjani, Marjan


    We present an extension of the actor model with real-time, including deadlines associated with messages, and explicit application-level scheduling policies, e.g.,"earliest deadline first" which can be associated with individual actors. Schedulability analysis in this setting amounts to checking whether, given a scheduling policy for each actor, every task is processed within its designated deadline. To check schedulability, we introduce a compositional automata-theoretic approach, based on maximal use of model checking combined with testing. Behavioral interfaces define what an actor expects from the environment, and the deadlines for messages given these assumptions. We use model checking to verify that actors match their behavioral interfaces. We extend timed automata refinement with the notion of deadlines and use it to define compatibility of actor environments with the behavioral interfaces. Model checking of compatibility is computationally hard, so we propose a special testing process. We show that the analyses are decidable and automate the process using the Uppaal model checker.

  9. An Actor and His Suitcase


    Williams, Maurice


    The idea of the actor as journeyman is as old as the profession itself. The travel troupes of yesteryear laid the groundwork for the theatres of Shakespeare and the regional theatre circuit here in America. So if there is one thing an actor must have: it's a good suitcase. Or two. One for the rags and trinkets he, or she, holds dear; and another for all the skills he, or she, brings to every project.When I left the east coast for San Diego I brought with me those two suitcases. Luckily for me...

  10. Actors at work

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nobakht, Behrooz


    The core contributions of this thesis target the intersection of object orientation, actor model, and concurrency. We choose Java as the main target programming language and as one of the mainstream object-oriented languages. We formalize a subset of Java and its concurrency API to facilitate formal

  11. ACToR - Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Judson, Richard; Richard, Ann; Dix, David; Houck, Keith; Elloumi, Fathi; Martin, Matthew; Cathey, Tommy; Transue, Thomas R.; Spencer, Richard; Wolf, Maritja


    ACToR (Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource) is a database and set of software applications that bring into one central location many types and sources of data on environmental chemicals. Currently, the ACToR chemical database contains information on chemical structure, in vitro bioassays and in vivo toxicology assays derived from more than 150 sources including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), state agencies, corresponding government agencies in Canada, Europe and Japan, universities, the World Health Organization (WHO) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). At the EPA National Center for Computational Toxicology, ACToR helps manage large data sets being used in a high-throughput environmental chemical screening and prioritization program called ToxCast TM

  12. An Erlang Implementation of Multiparty Session Actors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simon Fowler


    Full Text Available By requiring co-ordination to take place using explicit message passing instead of relying on shared memory, actor-based programming languages have been shown to be effective tools for building reliable and fault-tolerant distributed systems. Although naturally communication-centric, communication patterns in actor-based applications remain informally specified, meaning that errors in communication are detected late, if at all. Multiparty session types are a formalism to describe, at a global level, the interactions between multiple communicating entities. This article describes the implementation of a prototype framework for monitoring Erlang/OTP gen_server applications against multiparty session types, showing how previous work on multiparty session actors can be adapted to a purely actor-based language, and how monitor violations and termination of session participants can be reported in line with the Erlang mantra of "let it fail". Finally, the framework is used to implement two case studies: an adaptation of a freely-available DNS server, and a chat server.

  13. El "régimen dual" en Israel desde 1967

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    Lev Grinberg


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el establecimiento del peculiar régimen de dominación dual de Israel desde 1967, argumentando que la estructura de este régimen convierte a las élites militares en un actor político crucial. El régimen dual se basa en la separación geográfi ca entre dos regímenes diferentes de control y legitimación. Argumentaré aquí que la guerra de 1967 fue un parteaguas histórico, ya que acarreó un desdibujamiento de las fronteras israelíes y la llegada de un régimen dual que legitima la división del poder político entre las élites militares y civiles que gobiernan Israel-Palestina. Mi objetivo es mostrar las contradicciones inherentes de este régimen dual de “ocupación democrática” y así arrojar luz sobre la dinámica de los espacios políticos de acuerdo a la población ocupada: su apertura, por reconocimiento y negociación, y su cancelación, por el uso de la violencia.

  14. The moral problem of worse actors

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    Scott Wisor


    Full Text Available Individuals and institutions sometimes have morally stringent reasons to not do a given action. For example, an oil company might have morally stringent reasons to refrain from providing revenue to a genocidal regime, or an engineer might have morally stringent reasons to refrain from providing her expertise in the development of weapons of mass destruction. But in some cases, if the agent does not do the action, another actor will do it with much worse consequences. For example, the oil company might know their assets will be bought by a company with worse environmental and labor practices. Or the engineer might know her position will be filled by a more ambitious and amoral engineer. I call this the moral problem of worse actors (MPWA. MPWA gives reason, at least some of the time, to consider otherwise morally impermissible actions permissible or even obligatory. On my account, doing the action in the circumstances of MPWA remains morally objectionable even if permissible or obligatory, and this brings additional moral responsibilities and obligations to the actor. Similarly, not doing the action in the circumstances of MPWA may also bring additional (but different moral responsibilities and obligations. Acknowledging MPWA creates considerable challenges, as many bad actors may appeal to it to justify morally objectionable action. In this paper, I develop a set of strategies for individuals and institutions to handle MPWA. This includes appeals to integrity and the proper attribution of expressive responsibility, regulatory responsibility, and compensatory responsibility. I also address a set of related concerns, including worries about incentivizing would-be bad actors, concerns about epistemic uncertainty, and the problem of mala in se exceptions.

  15. Actor/Actant-Network Theory as Emerging Methodology for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 31, 2005 ... to trace relationships, actors, actants and actor/actant-networks .... associated with a particular type of social theory (Latour, 1987; ..... the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Organised Business and Organised.

  16. Las violencias entre estudiantes desde el punto de vista de sus actores. Una narrativa de la sociabilidad juvenil

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    Marina Tomasini


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata sobre las violencias entre estudiantes y las aborda como constitutivas de la conformación de un entramado de vinculación juvenil en la escuela media; allí donde se juegan cotidianamente procesos identitarios que implican la tensión entre identificación y diferenciación, a través de la re-constitución de taxonomías sociales. Dentro de la tradición de investigación cualitativa nos centramos en la perspectiva narrativa de análisis, en base a la cual construimos un esquema analítico que fue aplicado a micro relatos de situaciones conflictivas entre jóvenes de primer año de escuelas secundarias de Córdoba, Argentina. Este proceso de análisis nos ha permitido diferenciar contextos relacionales de emergencia de violencias así como caracterizar distintas formas de manifestación y sentidos que adquiere para los actores que la vivencian, ya sea como protagonistas o como espectadores.

  17. Efficient model learning methods for actor-critic control. (United States)

    Grondman, Ivo; Vaandrager, Maarten; Buşoniu, Lucian; Babuska, Robert; Schuitema, Erik


    We propose two new actor-critic algorithms for reinforcement learning. Both algorithms use local linear regression (LLR) to learn approximations of the functions involved. A crucial feature of the algorithms is that they also learn a process model, and this, in combination with LLR, provides an efficient policy update for faster learning. The first algorithm uses a novel model-based update rule for the actor parameters. The second algorithm does not use an explicit actor but learns a reference model which represents a desired behavior, from which desired control actions can be calculated using the inverse of the learned process model. The two novel methods and a standard actor-critic algorithm are applied to the pendulum swing-up problem, in which the novel methods achieve faster learning than the standard algorithm.

  18. A false dichotomy? Mental illness and lone-actor terrorism. (United States)

    Corner, Emily; Gill, Paul


    We test whether significant differences in mental illness exist in a matched sample of lone- and group-based terrorists. We then test whether there are distinct behavioral differences between lone-actor terrorists with and without mental illness. We then stratify our sample across a range of diagnoses and again test whether significant differences exist. We conduct a series of bivariate, multivariate, and multinomial statistical tests using a unique dataset of 119 lone-actor terrorists and a matched sample of group-based terrorists. The odds of a lone-actor terrorist having a mental illness is 13.49 times higher than the odds of a group actor having a mental illness. Lone actors who were mentally ill were 18.07 times more likely to have a spouse or partner who was involved in a wider movement than those without a history of mental illness. Those with a mental illness were more likely to have a proximate upcoming life change, more likely to have been a recent victim of prejudice, and experienced proximate and chronic stress. The results identify behaviors and traits that security agencies can utilize to monitor and prevent lone-actor terrorism events. The correlated behaviors provide an image of how risk can crystalize within the individual offender and that our understanding of lone-actor terrorism should be multivariate in nature.

  19. Using attractiveness model for actors ranking in social media networks. (United States)

    Qasem, Ziyaad; Jansen, Marc; Hecking, Tobias; Hoppe, H Ulrich


    Influential actors detection in social media such as Twitter or Facebook can play a major role in gathering opinions on particular topics, improving the marketing efficiency, predicting the trends, etc. This work aims to extend our formally defined T measure to present a new measure aiming to recognize the actor's influence by the strength of attracting new important actors into a networked community. Therefore, we propose a model of the actor's influence based on the attractiveness of the actor in relation to the number of other attractors with whom he/she has established connections over time. Using an empirically collected social network for the underlying graph, we have applied the above-mentioned measure of influence in order to determine optimal seeds in a simulation of influence maximization. We study our extended measure in the context of information diffusion because this measure is based on a model of actors who attract others to be active members in a community. This corresponds to the idea of the IC simulation model which is used to identify the most important spreaders in a set of actors.

  20. An Actor's Approach to Management Conceptual framework and company practices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    of Contents Foreword: Actor-based managemet - long-term and sustainable management (Bo Prangsgaard) Chapter 1. Introduction (Morten Jakobsen, Inga-Lill Johansson & Hanne Nørreklit) Chapter 2. Actors and reality: a conceptual framework for creative governance (Lennart Nørreklit) Chapter 3. An actor...

  1. Recollection and unitization in associating actors with extrinsic and intrinsic motions. (United States)

    Kersten, Alan W; Earles, Julie L; Berger, Johanna D


    Four experiments provide evidence for a distinction between 2 different kinds of motion representations. Extrinsic motions involve the path of an object with respect to an external frame of reference. Intrinsic motions involve the relative motions of the parts of an object. This research suggests that intrinsic motions are represented conjointly with information about the identities of the actors who perform them, whereas extrinsic motions are represented separately from identity information. Experiment 1 demonstrated that participants remembered which actor had performed a particular intrinsic motion better than they remembered which actor had performed a particular extrinsic motion. Experiment 2 replicated this effect with incidental encoding of actor information, suggesting that encoding intrinsic motions leads one to automatically encode identity information. The results of Experiments 3 and 4 were fit by Yonelinas's (1999) source-memory model to quantify the contributions of familiarity and recollection to memory for the actors who carried out the intrinsic and extrinsic motions. Successful performance with extrinsic motion items in Experiment 3 required participants to remember in which scene contexts an actor had appeared, whereas successful performance in Experiment 4 required participants to remember the exact path taken by an actor in each scene. In both experiments, discrimination of old and new combinations of actors and extrinsic motions relied strongly on recollection, suggesting independent but associated representations of actors and extrinsic motions. In contrast, participants discriminated old and new combinations of actors and intrinsic motions primarily on the basis of familiarity, suggesting unitized representations of actors and intrinsic motions. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. The Grand Strategy of Nonstate Actors: Theory and Implications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Garrett Pierman


    Full Text Available This article addresses the Realist assumption that only actors that are states can be considered to have a strategic culture. The primary issue raised is the question of the ability of non-state actors to have a strategic culture. Al-Qaida is used as a theoretical case study. Ultimately this article rejects the idea of territoriality in strategic culture formulation and calls for academics and policymakers alike to adopt a broader conception of actors on the international, stage. This broader conception of actors would necessitate rich case studies to be done in the future in order to seek an understanding of the strategic culture of the non-state actors which academics and policymakers must deal with in the modern security environment. In particular, the article finds that the assumptions held about al-Qaida thus far are wrong and, in reality, the group has ambitions that are cosmic in nature, which will necessitate change in the strategies used to fight against terrorism.

  3. New Actors and Alliances in Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Richey, Lisa Ann; Ponte, Stefano


    ‘New actors and alliances in development’ brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars exploring how development financing and interventions are being shaped by a wider and more complex platform of actors than usually considered in the existing literature. The contributors also trace...... a changing set of key relations and alliances in development – those between business and consumers; ngos and celebrities; philanthropic organisations and the state; diaspora groups and transnational advocacy networks; ruling elites and productive capitalists; and ‘new donors’ and developing country...

  4. Optimal Placement of Actors in WSANs Based on Imposed Delay Constraints

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    Chunxi Yang


    Full Text Available Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs refer to a group of sensors and actors linked by wireless medium to probe environment and perform specific actions. Such certain actions should always be taken before a deadline when an event of interest is detected. In order to provide such services, the whole monitor area is divided into several virtual areas and nodes in the same area form a cluster. Clustering of the WSANs is often pursued to give that each actor acts as a cluster-head. The number of actors is related to the size and the deployment of WSANs cluster. In this paper, we find a method to determine the accurate number of actors which enables them to receive data and take actions in an imposed time-delay. The k-MinTE and the k-MaxTE clustering algorithm are proposed to form the minimum and maximum size of cluster, respectively. In those clustering algorithms, actors are deployed in such a way that sensors could route data to actors within k hops. Then, clusters are arranged by the regular hexagon. At last, we evaluate the placement of actors and results show that our approach is effective.

  5. Games as Actors - Interaction, Play, Design, and Actor Network Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jessen, Jari Due; Jessen, Carsten


    When interacting with computer games, users are forced to follow the rules of the game in return for the excitement, joy, fun, or other pursued experiences. In this paper, we investigate how games a chieve these experiences in the perspective of Actor Network Theory (ANT). Based on a qualitative......, and by doing so they create in humans what in modern play theory is known as a “state of play”...

  6. Technology strategy as macro-actor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tryggestad, Kjell


    -human entities to the explanatory repertoire of strategy research, another line of inquiry is pursued. The performative perspective thus proposed, is inspired by the classical work of Von Clausewitz and the recent anthropology of science, technology and organizational identities. In the proposed perspective...... case account for how the strategic technology and the strategic collective emerge and co-produce each other as a macro-actor, only to become transformed in unexpected ways - as common technology and reflective human subjects.In the concluding section, it is argued that the humanity of the reflective...... outcomes, as providers of explanations and observations. The expression `technological strategy as macro-actor' summarizes these findings and the associated implications for research and practice....

  7. Engaging Actors in Co-Designing Heterogeneous Innovations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Ulrik; Lindegaard, Hanne; Rosenqvist, Tanja Schultz


    In this paper we share and analyze our experiences staging a co-design process in which we through different interventions engage important actors in designing. Our experiences are taking from an innovation and research project about user-involvement in textile design processes. As the project...... in our project’s agenda by going through the different stages of translation. The paper is finalized with reflections on the difficulties in engaging actors in a co-design process and transporting results into the existing framed context of design and architectural work....... related to translating and transporting the results of these different events due to the institutional and professional framing of projects and design processes. We are analyzing these through an actor network approach and use the translation term to describe how the participants slowly became engaged...

  8. Research on virtual actor action editing and movement control

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Wenhu QIN; Yuhui WU; Zhengxu ZHAO


    To directly use a virtual surface model for action editing and movement control, a general method for creating virtual actor skeleton models and controlling movement is presented. The method includes judging borderlines of the block virtual surface model, calculat-ing the joints, confirming the above block, and using the block hierarchical layout to create the skeleton model. Then, according to the virtual actor model and move-ment restriction, the study focuses on the generation of movement animation using the key frame technique and smoothing movement technique by automatically adding animation and adjusting the actor's pose by different weights on movement amplitude. Finally, movement control of the actor in the virtual environment is implemented by real-time control and path point control, which achieve a good result.

  9. Transnational Diaspora and Civil Society Actors Driving MNE Internationalisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rana, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Elo, Maria


    Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are viewed as proactive global economic actors that enter new and emerging markets with intentional strategies, building on their inherent resources and firm-specific advantages. However, an international joint venture involves numerous actors in the market entry...... and civil society actors. It provides evidence of the reactive internationalisation of an MNE, showing how the transnational diaspora drove the MNE’s internationalisation and how a civil society actor, in conjunction with a diaspora member, facilitated the creation of an international joint venture (IJV...... and organisational capability base for this process, which would not have happened without their market-driving and enabling influence. The findings illustrate the central role of transnational diaspora entrepreneurship and the related innovation, motivation, contextual intelligence, networking and funding...

  10. Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource (ACTOR) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource (ACTOR) is a database on environmental chemicals that is searchable by chemical name and other identifiers, and by...

  11. The Political Context for Transnational Actor Soft Power

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø


    There is growing awareness and understanding of the role of non-state actors for the smart power of states. However, there is not yet a clear understanding of the impact of the political context and the state for non-state actors and their soft power. We look at American missionary universities...

  12. Analysing Personal Characteristics of Lone-Actor Terrorists: Research Findings and Recommendations


    Roy, de, van Zuijdewijn J.; Bakker, E.


    This Research Note presents the outcome of a project that looked at the personal characteristics of lone-actor terrorists. It is part of the larger Countering Lone-Actor Terrorism (CLAT) project. The project described here aimed to improve understanding of, and responses to, the phenomenon of (potentially) violent lone-actors based on an analysis of 120 cases from across Europe. The Research Note focuses on the personal characteristics of lone-actor terrorists.[1] First of all, it presents th...

  13. Counter-terrorism and the protection of civilians: Armed non-state actors


    Munive, Jairo; Somer, Jonathan


    Recent events in the Middle East present the latest and undoubtedly not the last challenge to international engagement with armed non-state actors. Over the last many years international humanitarian law has increasingly regulated the behaviour of armed non-state actors with regard to the protection of civilians. At the same time, counter-terror measures have increasingly addressed such conduct, as well as controlled the extent to which other actors may interact with armed non-state actors. Y...

  14. 'Special' non-human actors in the 'inclusive' early childhood classroom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Watson, Karen; Millei, Zsuzsa; Petersen, Eva Bendix


    of classrooms. In this article, we pay attention to ‘special’ non-human actors present in an ‘inclusive’ early childhood classroom. These ‘special’ non-human actors are so named as they operate in the classroom as objects specific for the child with a diagnosis. The ‘special’ non-human actors, in the specific...... case the wrist band, the lock and the scooter board, take on meaning within discourses in the ‘inclusive’ classroom. We illuminate how these non-human actors contribute to the constitution of the ‘normal’ and the regulation of educators and children. To trouble the working of power and the control...

  15. De la informalidad a los grados de cumplimiento normativo en las curtiembres de Villapinzón y Chocontá. Análisis de la interacción entre actores gubernamentales y unidades productivas


    Briceño Moreno, Leonardo


    Este estudio busca identificar la relación entre las acciones gubernamentales y las de los actores locales, sobre el cumplimiento normativo de las curtiembres de Villapinzón y Chocontá. Los objetivos del trabajo son: analizar las características cualitativas de las curtiembres informales e ilegales desde la visión dual (exclusión y escape); presentar la relación histórica entre las curtiembres, las asociaciones y la autoridad ambiental para el cumplimiento normativo; y desarrollar un análisis...

  16. Caracterización de prácticas con TIC por actores diferenciados en cuatro comunas de la ciudad de Medellín Identification of ICT practices over different actors in four districts of the city of Medellin: an approach to the recognition of the technological appropiation

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    Patiño Lemos María Ruth


    Full Text Available Este artículo, cuyo origen ha sido un proyecto de investigación con objetivos de largo alcance como el diseño, pilotaje e implementación de una propuesta comunicativo-pedagógica de formación en usos de las TIC (Tecnologías de comunicación e información, presenta los resultados del análisis cuantitativo concerniente a la caracterización de la población estudiada en términos de usos y prácticas cotidianas con las TIC digitales. Dicha población, abordada en las comunas 1, 7, 8 y 13 de la ciudad de Medellín, se agrupó por actores (estudiantes, docentes, emprendedores y empresarios con el ánimo de dar cuenta, en este aparte de la investigación, del impacto de las estrategias del programa de Medellín digital y de las transformaciones que, según las prácticas cotidianas diferenciadas por la actividad propia de la naturaleza del actor, pudieran reconocerse desde su relación con las TIC y desde éstas identificar características básicas de la apropiación. This article, which started as a research project with a long term goals scope, including the design and implementation of a communicative – pedagogical educational pilot program on the uses of the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies, depicts the statistical analysis characterization of the population understudy about their ICT everyday utilization and practices. The sample, taken from 1, 7, 8, and 13 districts “comunas” of Medellin (low income neighborhoods was classified according to category (students, teachers, business people, and entrepreneurs, with the intention of illustrating the impact of the Medellin Digital program strategies in transforming the everyday life of each and every person according to their roles and practices, as well as identifying their relation to the ICT and their own appropriation needs.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Signe; Brodersen, Søsser


    of diverse actors in what we term prototyping spaces. In these prototyping spaces, prototypes play an important role in visualising controversies, enabling matters of concern to be negotiated, and making knowledge transparent throughout the design process. Based on a case study of a pilot program to make...... of temporary prototyping spaces, which are to be staged and facilitated to allow various actors to negotiate matters of concern. Designers then translate the resulting knowledge and insights into pro-totypes for use in subsequent spaces and eventually into an actor-network com-prising the final solution....

  18. Actor-network Theory and cartography of controversies in Information Science


    LOURENÇO, Ramon Fernandes; TOMAÉL, Maria Inês


    Abstract The present study aims to discuss the interactions between the Actor-network Theory and the Cartography of Controversies method in Information Science research. A literature review was conducted on books, scholarly articles, and any other sources addressing the Theory-Actor Network and Cartography of Controversies. The understanding of the theoretical assumptions that guide the Network-Actor Theory allows examining important aspects to Information Science research, seeking to identif...

  19. Bombing alone: tracing the motivations and antecedent behaviors of lone-actor terrorists,. (United States)

    Gill, Paul; Horgan, John; Deckert, Paige


    This article analyzes the sociodemographic network characteristics and antecedent behaviors of 119 lone-actor terrorists. This marks a departure from existing analyses by largely focusing upon behavioral aspects of each offender. This article also examines whether lone-actor terrorists differ based on their ideologies or network connectivity. The analysis leads to seven conclusions. There was no uniform profile identified. In the time leading up to most lone-actor terrorist events, other people generally knew about the offender's grievance, extremist ideology, views, and/or intent to engage in violence. A wide range of activities and experiences preceded lone actors' plots or events. Many but not all lone-actor terrorists were socially isolated. Lone-actor terrorists regularly engaged in a detectable and observable range of activities with a wider pressure group, social movement, or terrorist organization. Lone-actor terrorist events were rarely sudden and impulsive. There were distinguishable behavioral differences between subgroups. The implications for policy conclude this article. © 2013 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  20. Identifying and Mapping Linkages between Actors in the Climate ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Promoting innovations in climate change requires innovation partnerships and linkages and also creating an enabling environment for actors. The paper reviewed available information on the identification and mapping of linkages between actors in the climate change innovation system. The findings showed different ...

  1. UNA DIÁSPORA EN BUSCA DE SU REPERTORIO. ACTORES, TRAMAS SOCIALES Y ESPACIO URBANO DEL LIBRO JUDÍO EN BUENOS AIRES ENTRE LAS DÉCADAS DE 1910 Y 1960 / The diaspora in press. Actors, frames and spaces of Jewish books in Buenos Aires, 1910-1960

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Dujovne


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza desde un punto de vista social y material la producción y circulación de libros en la vida judía de Buenos Aires, como un aspecto clave de su  historia cultural. El texto identifica y explora el papel desplegado por librerías, bibliotecas, centros culturales, ferias de libros, editoriales e imprentas en la configuración del mundo del libro judío de Buenos Aires entre 1910 y 1960. A través de la localización de estos actores en un plano de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, el artículo estudia y propone una hipótesis para pensar la relación entre vida social y cultural y espacio urbano. Abstract This article analyzes from a social and material perspective the production and circulation of books in the Jewish life in Buenos Aires, as a key aspect of its cultural history. The text identifies and explores the role undertaken by bookstores, libraries, cultural centers, book fairs, publishing and printing presses in the shaping of the Jewish book world of Buenos Aires between 1910 and 1960. Through the localization of these actors in a map of the city of Buenos Aires, the article studies and proposes a hypothesis to think the relationship between social and cultural life and urban space.

  2. Learning to Run with Actor-Critic Ensemble


    Huang, Zhewei; Zhou, Shuchang; Zhuang, BoEr; Zhou, Xinyu


    We introduce an Actor-Critic Ensemble(ACE) method for improving the performance of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient(DDPG) algorithm. At inference time, our method uses a critic ensemble to select the best action from proposals of multiple actors running in parallel. By having a larger candidate set, our method can avoid actions that have fatal consequences, while staying deterministic. Using ACE, we have won the 2nd place in NIPS'17 Learning to Run competition, under the name of "Megvii-hzw...

  3. Homicidios en Medellín, Colombia, entre 1990 y 2002: actores, móviles y circunstancias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cardona Marleny


    Full Text Available En Medellín, Colombia, el homicidio es la primera causa de morbimortalidad desde hace 20 años y sus tasas de mortalidad superan las de grandes capitales de América Latina. Se describen los actores, las circunstancias y los móviles de los homicidios en Medellín entre 1990 y 2002. De los 55.365 homicidios del período se estudiaron aleatoriamente 1.394, el 93,6% (IC95%: 92,2%-94,8% eran hombres, el 77,0% (IC95%: 75,0%-79,5% menores de 35 años, una cuarta parte estaban ebrios y en 9 de cada 10 fueron muertos con armas de fuego. Los principales móviles del homicidio fueron los ajustes de cuentas y los atracos. El 37,0% (IC95%: 34,0%-41,0% de los muertos provenían de los estratos más bajos de la ciudad y el riesgo de homicidio fue mayor a medida que el estrato socioeconómico era menor. Las características de los asesinatos en Medellín han permanecido invariables desde la década de los ochenta, cuando se inició el período de violencia más alto en la historia de la ciudad. Los grupos más afectados son los hombres jóvenes que viven y mueren en los barrios de estratos socioeconómicos más bajos, en hechos individuales que no dejan heridos.

  4. Postdecisional counterfactual thinking by actors and readers. (United States)

    Girotto, Vittorio; Ferrante, Donatella; Pighin, Stefania; Gonzalez, Michel


    How do individuals think counterfactually about the outcomes of their decisions? Most previous studies have investigated how readers think about fictional stories, rather than how actors think about events they have actually experienced. We assumed that differences in individuals' roles (actor vs. reader) can make different information available, which in turn can affect counterfactual thinking. Hence, we predicted an effect of role on postdecisional counterfactual thinking. Reporting the results of eight studies, we show that readers undo the negative outcome of a story by undoing the protagonist's choice to tackle a given problem, rather than the protagonist's unsuccessful attempt to solve it. But actors who make the same choice and experience the same negative outcome as the protagonist undo this outcome by altering features of the problem. We also show that this effect does not depend on motivational factors. These results contradict current accounts of counterfactual thinking and demonstrate the necessity of investigating the counterfactual thoughts of individuals in varied roles.

  5. Discursos, actores y estrategias en la disputa por el significado de la vida y los derechos reproductivos

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    Elizabeth Maier


    Full Text Available Este artículo sitúa algunos ejemplos locales de Baja California en la disputa contemporánea por los significados culturales que posicionan el cuerpo de la mujer, la sexualidad, la reproducción y la(s familia(s en el centro de contención. A través del caso histórico Paulina y el proceso reciente de aprobación de la reforma constitucional, que garantiza el derecho a la vida desde la concepción, el texto identifica las tendencias discursivas en tensión, los contextos productores de dichos discursos, los procesos de constitución y consolidación de los actores en contención y la evolución de sus estrategias en momentos precisos. Y pretende ofrecer elementos locales que ayuden a comprender la dinámica de una disputa discursiva, que cada vez más define una de las franjas de la contienda ideológica del nuevo siglo.

  6. Linkage Mechanisms among key Actors in Rice Innovation System ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In assessment of linkage mechanisms among key actors in rice innovation system in southeast Nigeria, actors were classified into six major groups according to their main activity in the system namely research agency, policy personnel, technology transfer agencies, farmers, marketers and consumers. These constituted the ...

  7. Soft Power in Central Asia: Actors and Its Activities

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    Marina M. Lebedeva


    Full Text Available Article considers theoretical aspects of soft power concept and its use by various actors in Central Asia. It is noted that scholars as well as practitioners are paying insufficient attention to such key concepts position J. Nye, as an attraction. As a result the efficiency of the use of soft power is significantly reduced. It also shows that the attractiveness is not a universal characteristic. For this reason, attractiveness and hence soft power of different actors are different and aimed at different segments of the population. These differences lead to competition of actors, but they do not reduce interaction in the region to zero-sum game. Specific forms and directions of the soft power of Russia, the U.S., the EU and China in Central Asia are discussed. The article emphasizes that the Central Asian states are not just recipients of soft power of external actors, but also themselves form behavioral strategies that are attractive to others.

  8. The role of social actors in times of crisis / El papel de los actores sociales en tiempos de crisis

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    Iván Medina Iborra


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to analyze the performance of the two main trade unions (UGT and CCOO and the employers’ association CEOE during the economic crisis. The analysis focuses on their position on major reforms, on their ideological differences over various public policies, as well as on their ability to negotiate collective bargaining agreements. We depart from the command of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, which in its seventh article gives trade unions and business associations a prominent role in representing economic interests, to suggest that social actors would be likely to reduce their chances of veto in times of economic crisis given the exceptional situation. However, the article confirms a gap in the approaches of social actors and the few options for a strong social dialogue. This leads to a greater distance between the social actors and the public opinion, as evidenced by the results derived from the survey on ‘Culture and Political Representation in Spain’.

  9. Balancing influence between actors in healthcare decision making

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    Babad Yair M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Healthcare costs in most developed countries are not clearly linked to better patient and public health outcomes, but are rather associated with service delivery orientation. In the U.S. this has resulted in large variation in healthcare availability and use, increased cost, reduced employer participation in health insurance programs, and reduced overall population health outcomes. Recent U.S. healthcare reform legislation addresses only some of these issues. Other countries face similar healthcare issues. Discussion A major goal of healthcare is to enhance patient health outcomes. This objective is not realized in many countries because incentives and structures are currently not aligned for maximizing population health. The misalignment occurs because of the competing interests between "actors" in healthcare. In a simplified model these are individuals motivated to enhance their own health; enterprises (including a mix of nonprofit, for profit and government providers, payers, and suppliers, etc. motivated by profit, political, organizational and other forces; and government which often acts in the conflicting roles of a healthcare payer and provider in addition to its role as the representative and protector of the people. An imbalance exists between the actors, due to the resources and information control of the enterprise and government actors relative to the individual and the public. Failure to use effective preventive interventions is perhaps the best example of the misalignment of incentives. We consider the current Pareto efficient balance between the actors in relation to the Pareto frontier, and show that a significant change in the healthcare market requires major changes in the utilities of the enterprise and government actors. Summary A variety of actions are necessary for maximizing population health within the constraints of available resources and the current balance between the actors. These actions include

  10. Balancing influence between actors in healthcare decision making. (United States)

    Kaplan, Robert M; Babad, Yair M


    Healthcare costs in most developed countries are not clearly linked to better patient and public health outcomes, but are rather associated with service delivery orientation. In the U.S. this has resulted in large variation in healthcare availability and use, increased cost, reduced employer participation in health insurance programs, and reduced overall population health outcomes. Recent U.S. healthcare reform legislation addresses only some of these issues. Other countries face similar healthcare issues. A major goal of healthcare is to enhance patient health outcomes. This objective is not realized in many countries because incentives and structures are currently not aligned for maximizing population health. The misalignment occurs because of the competing interests between "actors" in healthcare. In a simplified model these are individuals motivated to enhance their own health; enterprises (including a mix of nonprofit, for profit and government providers, payers, and suppliers, etc.) motivated by profit, political, organizational and other forces; and government which often acts in the conflicting roles of a healthcare payer and provider in addition to its role as the representative and protector of the people. An imbalance exists between the actors, due to the resources and information control of the enterprise and government actors relative to the individual and the public. Failure to use effective preventive interventions is perhaps the best example of the misalignment of incentives. We consider the current Pareto efficient balance between the actors in relation to the Pareto frontier, and show that a significant change in the healthcare market requires major changes in the utilities of the enterprise and government actors. A variety of actions are necessary for maximizing population health within the constraints of available resources and the current balance between the actors. These actions include improved transparency of all aspects of medical decision

  11. Using social network analysis to understand actor participation and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Peripheral actors advocate issues of compensation and land grabbing from buffer zone establishment and wetland resources uses for livelihoods, but are unable to influence the central actors's agenda. SNA E-I Index reveals that government organisations are more cohesive and able to form strong ties with donors to ...

  12. The semiotic actor : From signs to socially constructed meaning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Helmhout, M.; Jorna, R.J.J.M.; Gazendam, H.W.M.

    A semiotic actor creates, uses and transfers or communicates meaning with the help of signs in order to interact with other actors and society. For a complete understanding of the cognitive and social phenomena related to this process, we state that social science and cognitive science cannot stay

  13. A human resources project implementation. An actor-network theory perspective

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    Gibrán Rivera González


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene dos objetivos principales. Primero, sugerir el uso de la Teoría del Actor-Red (ANT por sus siglas en inglés como una teoría que puede ser utilizada para analizar la implementación de un proyecto de recursos humanos (llamado ModeCo, Modelo de Competencias; y, segundo, proveer un entendimiento inicial sobre algunos de los principales eventos y situaciones que dieron forma al ritmo de la implementación de este proyecto. Este artículo se basa en una investigación cualitativa, la cual toma una perspectiva informada por la Teoría del Actor-Red (Callon, 1986; Latour, 1987; Law, 1992 que es utilizada como mecanismo de entendimiento para describir cómo un proyecto es implementado en una Universidad con múltiples campus en México. En este trabajo se ofrecen, primero, una serie de enunciados que capturan la manera en cómo la Teoría del Actor-Red fue útil para entender el proceso de implementación; y, segundo, se exponen los principales eventos y situaciones que afectaron dicho proceso de implementación. En esta investigación adoptamos un modelo interpretativo (Walsham, 1995; Walsham, 2006, mismo que se vale del uso de una batería de métodos, principalmente el uso de doce entrevistas semiestructuradas con diferentes actores del proyecto, documentos del proyecto y asistencia virtual a reuniones del Comité Directivo de recursos humanos. En términos de análisis nuestra investigación está basada en los principios propuestos por Klein and Myers (1999 para estudios interpretativos.

  14. Actor-critic-based ink drop spread as an intelligent controller


    SAGHA, Hesam; AFRAKOTI, Iman Esmaili Paeen; BAGHERISHOURAKI, Saeed


    This paper introduces an innovative adaptive controller based on the actor-critic method. The proposed approach employs the ink drop spread (IDS) method as its main engine. The IDS method is a new trend in soft-computing approaches that is a universal fuzzy modeling technique and has been also used as a supervised controller. Its process is very similar to the processing system of the human brain. The proposed actor-critic method uses an IDS structure as an actor and a 2-dimensional...


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    Mireya Barón Pulido


    Full Text Available Este artículo es un reporte de caso que presenta los resultados finales del proyecto 1 “Tendencias del Periodismo Local Universitario UPZ 99 Chapinero” realizado durante 8 meses en las 4 universidades del sector que cuentan con programas de comunicación social. Se trabajó con los respectivos emisores y audiencias de los periódicos: Expresio- nes (Politécnico Grancolombiano, Fe de Erratas (Javeriana, Gaceta Libertadora (Los Libertadores y Escenario (Santo Tomás. Se evidenció que el interés de este ejercicio periodístico universitario se centra en hacer visible las narrativas de los ciudadanos del común, sin embargo la prelación en cuanto a los actores se ciñe a la población estudiantil- docente; el grupo focal lector, por su parte, considera que este ejercicio periodístico aún es incipiente y que se debe superar “lo banal” y la actitud de denuncia. El uso de fuentes de la “ciudadanía del común”, que busca un mecanis- mo de participación y lo puede hallar en el periodismo universitario, es aún tímido, si bien se percibe una preocupa- ción por trabajar un periodismo desde el “estar ahí antropológicamente”.

  16. Estudios de caso de la política exterior española hacia el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán: actores subestatales y no-gubernamentales

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    Aurélia Mañé Estrada


    Full Text Available El presente texto pretende arrojar nuevas hipótesis de trabajo sobre el papel de los actores y de los intereses subestatales y no-gubernamentales en la política exterior de España hacia los países del Magreb. A partir de la información obtenida en la Base de Datos de Política Exterior (BDPEX se observa, en primer lugar, si existe una correlación entre el objetivo y el destino de la Ayuda Oficial al Desarrollo (AOD descentralizada y la “agenda de política exterior” de los diputados en la Cámara baja, clasificados por su circunscripción provincial. En segundo lugar se ofrece una modesta tipología de las Comunidades Autónomas como actores, con intereses propios en la política exterior hacia el Norte de África. Y, por último, se discute si esta actuación descentralizada converge o diverge con la que se lleva a cabo desde el ámbito de la administración central del Estado. This paper aims to shed new hypotheses on the role and goals of both subnational and non-governmental actors in Spanish foreign policy towards the Maghreb countries. Taking information from the BDPEX, the paper tests first if there is a correlation between the goals and final destination of the decentralized Official Development Assistance (ODA and the decentralized "policy agenda” of the members of the Spanish “Congreso de los Diputados” (lower chamber of Parliament, classified by provincial constituency. Second, it provides a sort of classification of the “Comunidades Autónomas” (regional governments as actors, with their own interests in foreign policy towards North Africa. Finally, we discuss whether this decentralised action converges or diverges with that taking place within the central state administration.

  17. The Eu as a strategic global policy actor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chatzopoulou, Sevasti; Ansell, Christopher

    that shapes and is being shaped by the EU strategic choices. This process is facilitated by the existing EU institutions and structures, the administrative and technical expertise capacity when it responds to the internal and external challenges (environment, sustainable development climate and circular......This article aims to complement the existing literature on the EU as a global actor and demonstrates that the EU’s entrepreneurship on policy, ideas and knowledge production contributes to the evolution of the EU as a strategic global policy actor. While the number of significant studies on the EU...... as a global actor proliferated the last decades, these studies concentrate on the EU’s role in a fragmented manner, focusing either on specific normative or more economic and trade issues, and thus often competing between themselves. This article acknowledges these contributions and aims to take them further...

  18. Actor roles in transition: Insights from sociological perspectives


    Wittmayer, Julia; Avelino, Flor; van Steenbergen, F.; Loorbach, Derk


    textabstractTo date, the field of transition research lacks a suitable vocabulary to analyse the (changing) interactions and relations of actors as part of a sustainability transition. This article addresses this knowledge gap by exploring the potential of the concept of 'roles' from social interaction research. The role concept is operationalized for transition research to allow the analysis of (changing) roles and relations between actor roles as indicative of changes in the social fabric a...

  19. Importance of Actors and Agency in Sustainability Transitions: A Systematic Exploration of the Literature

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    Lisa-Britt Fischer


    Full Text Available This article explores the role of actors and agency in the literature on sustainability transitions. We reviewed 386 journal articles on transition management and sustainability transitions listed in Scopus from 1995 to 2014. We investigate the thesis that actors have been neglected in this literature in favor of more abstract system concepts. Results show that this thesis cannot be confirmed on a general level. Rather, we find a variety of different approaches, depending on the systemic level, for clustering actors and agency as niche, regime, and landscape actors; the societal realm; different levels of governance; and intermediaries. We also differentiate between supporting and opposing actors. We find that actor roles in transitions are erratic, since their roles can change over the course of time, and that actors can belong to different categories. We conclude by providing recommendations for a comprehensive typology of actors in sustainability transitions.

  20. Application of the actor model to large scale NDE data analysis (United States)

    Coughlin, Chris


    The Actor model of concurrent computation discretizes a problem into a series of independent units or actors that interact only through the exchange of messages. Without direct coupling between individual components, an Actor-based system is inherently concurrent and fault-tolerant. These traits lend themselves to so-called "Big Data" applications in which the volume of data to analyze requires a distributed multi-system design. For a practical demonstration of the Actor computational model, a system was developed to assist with the automated analysis of Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) datasets using the open source Myriad Data Reduction Framework. A machine learning model trained to detect damage in two-dimensional slices of C-Scan data was deployed in a streaming data processing pipeline. To demonstrate the flexibility of the Actor model, the pipeline was deployed on a local system and re-deployed as a distributed system without recompiling, reconfiguring, or restarting the running application.

  1. Understanding Regional Actors: A Case Study

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Harden, James


    .... It is possible the estimation process could improve if greater attention was given to the interests, challenges, and opportunities of the regional actors involved, rather than concentrating on U.S. interests...

  2. A Multi-Actor Dynamic Integrated Assessment Model (MADIAM)


    Weber, Michael


    The interactions between climate and the socio-economic system are investigated with a Multi-Actor Dynamic Integrated Assessment Model (MADIAM) obtained by coupling a nonlinear impulse response model of the climate sub-system (NICCS) to a multi-actor dynamic economic model (MADEM). The main goal is to initiate a model development that is able to treat the dynamics of the coupled climate socio-economic system, including endogenous technological change, in a non-equilibrium situation, thereby o...

  3. ACToR Chemical Structure processing using Open Source ... (United States)

    ACToR (Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource) is a centralized database repository developed by the National Center for Computational Toxicology (NCCT) at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Free and open source tools were used to compile toxicity data from over 1,950 public sources. ACToR contains chemical structure information and toxicological data for over 558,000 unique chemicals. The database primarily includes data from NCCT research programs, in vivo toxicity data from ToxRef, human exposure data from ExpoCast, high-throughput screening data from ToxCast and high quality chemical structure information from the EPA DSSTox program. The DSSTox database is a chemical structure inventory for the NCCT programs and currently has about 16,000 unique structures. Included are also data from PubChem, ChemSpider, USDA, FDA, NIH and several other public data sources. ACToR has been a resource to various international and national research groups. Most of our recent efforts on ACToR are focused on improving the structural identifiers and Physico-Chemical properties of the chemicals in the database. Organizing this huge collection of data and improving the chemical structure quality of the database has posed some major challenges. Workflows have been developed to process structures, calculate chemical properties and identify relationships between CAS numbers. The Structure processing workflow integrates web services (PubChem and NIH NCI Cactus) to d

  4. HPV vaccine introduction at the local level in a developing country: attitudes and criteria among key actors Introducción de la vacuna contra el VPH en niveles locales de un país en vías de desarrollo: actitudes y criterios de actores clave

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    Marion Piñeros


    Full Text Available In most developing countries, HPV vaccines have been licensed but there are no national policy recommendations, nor is it clear how decisions on the introduction of this new vaccine are made. Decentralization processes in many Latin American countries favor decision-making at the local level. Through a qualitative study we explored knowledge regarding the HPV vaccine and the criteria that influence decision-making among local health actors in four regions of Colombia. We conducted a total of 14 in-depths interviews with different actors; for the analysis we performed content analysis. Results indicate that decision-making on the HPV vaccine at the local level has mainly been driven by pressure from local political actors, in a setting where there is low technical knowledge of the vaccine. This increases the risk of initiatives that may foster inequity. Local decisions and initiatives need to be strengthened technically and supported by national-level decisions, guidelines and follow-up.En gran parte de los países en vías de desarrollo, las vacunas contra el VPH tienen aprobación para su comercialización. Sin embargo, no hay recomendaciones y tampoco hay claridad sobre la forma en la que se toman las decisiones para su introducción. La reforma del sistema de salud en muchos países latinoamericanos permite la toma de decisiones en el nivel local. Mediante un estudio cualitativo con actores claves del sector salud en cuatro regiones de Colombia, exploramos el conocimiento sobre la vacuna del VPH y los criterios que influyen en la toma de decisiones. Se realizaron 14 entrevistas en profundidad y análisis de contenido. Los resultados indican que en el nivel local la toma de decisiones sobre la introducción de la vacuna está determinada en gran parte por la presión ejercida por figuras políticas locales. Esto, sumado a un bajo nivel de conocimiento técnico, incrementa la posibilidad de iniciativas con implicaciones éticas considerables

  5. Lone Actor Terrorist Attack Planning and Preparation: A Data-Driven Analysis. (United States)

    Schuurman, Bart; Bakker, Edwin; Gill, Paul; Bouhana, Noémie


    This article provides an in-depth assessment of lone actor terrorists' attack planning and preparation. A codebook of 198 variables related to different aspects of pre-attack behavior is applied to a sample of 55 lone actor terrorists. Data were drawn from open-source materials and complemented where possible with primary sources. Most lone actors are not highly lethal or surreptitious attackers. They are generally poor at maintaining operational security, leak their motivations and capabilities in numerous ways, and generally do so months and even years before an attack. Moreover, the "loneness" thought to define this type of terrorism is generally absent; most lone actors uphold social ties that are crucial to their adoption and maintenance of the motivation and capability to commit terrorist violence. The results offer concrete input for those working to detect and prevent this form of terrorism and argue for a re-evaluation of the "lone actor" concept. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Forensic Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  6. Exploración sobre las decisiones estratégicas desde el pensamiento complejo.

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    Luz María Rivas Montoya


    Full Text Available La racionalidad, las decisiones estratégicas y el pensamiento complejo motivaron la construcción del problema de esta investigación, planteado en términos del carácter limitado y reduccionista de los criterios y referentes de decisión en la visión gerencial tradicional frente a una visión compleja de la realidad humana. La exploración de este problema se realizó desde y para el campo académico de la estrategia, con el propósito de mostrar algunas de las dificultades que se presentan en la definición e implementación de una estrategia corporativa en particular. El trabajo de campo se realizó en una empresa multinegocio del sector asegurador colombiano; los datos se obtuvieron a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas adiversos actores de la organización. El pensamiento complejo desde la perspectiva de Edgar Morin (1990 se constituyó en el marco de referencia teórica.   La hermenéutica de la acción de Ricœur (2010 iluminó la interpretación de los datos cualitativos; para su análisis se utilizó el sistema de codificación abierta, axial, selectiva y de procesoque proponen Strauss y Corbin (2002. En términos generales, tres fueron las categorías que emergieron de los datos: sinergia, como decisión estratégica relevante; des-humanización,como uno de los efectos de la decisión estratégica en los individuos, y rupturas de tejidos relacionales, como uno de los impactos que deja la sinergia en la organización bajo estudio.

  7. Movimiento estudiantil chileno de 2011 y su influencia en las reivindicaciones ciudadanas desde los márgenes regionalistas

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    Javier Ramos Galleguillos


    Full Text Available Uno de los conflictos sociales más significativos del año 2011 en Chile, fue el movimiento estudiantil, que en conjunto con diversos actores sociales, promovieron la consigna de una educación pública, democrática y de calidad. Bajo este argumento, la presente ponencia pretende analizar y describir de qué manera el Movimiento Estudiantil chileno iniciado en 2011, gatilla un empoderamiento ciudadano contra el régimen político y económico en favor de un Estado de Bienestar transversal a los distintos sectores sociales. Se indaga además, en las repercusiones que tuvo este Movimiento para la formulación de nuevas demandas desde los márgenes regionalistas, con el fin de interpretar el creciente descontento ciudadano y su necesidad de organización orientado a romper con la brecha de desigualdad existente en Chile.

  8. Necessity for Consistent and Understandable Engagement Policies with Non-State Actors

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Fitzpatrick, Andrew P


    How does a nonstate actor, namely a recognized armed insurgent group, transition to the political realm from insurgent to state actor, and what are the implications of such transitions for U.S. foreign policy...

  9. EU–Hamas actors in a state of permanent liminality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pace, Michelle; Pallister-Wilkins, Polly


    This article contributes to the debate on liminality within International Relations (IR) theory by focusing on the actorness of the European Union (EU) and Hamas. The concept of liminality as a transitional process is applied to frame the situation of both the EU and Hamas as political actors in......-between socially established categories. This article explores how the liminal identity of these two actors impacts, on the one hand, their relations with each other and, on the other hand, their relations of ‘self’. Exploring the procedural relations of the EU and Hamas, it argues for the necessity of recognising...... liminal categories in IR theory and practice, while, at the same time, it highlights the limits of such in-between categories in a world order still structured around the state....

  10. Literacy testing objects as co-actors in framing bilingual childrens literacy development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Lars

    Literacy testing objects as co-actors in framing bilingual children´s literacy development Based on Latour´s theoretical perspective that human beings delegate roles and responsibility to artifacts, it becomes important to track and research the objects that circulate within and between “sites...... of human social interaction” (Latour, 2005). Latour argues that objects – e.g. a literacy testing instrument – play a central role through the meaning, human beings delegate to objects. In this way objects become co-actors in a network through the agency human actors delegate to them, and objects mediate...... categories and artifacts based on the local context. The second is termed “globalising connects” that brings local actors in line with bigger and remote networks. In order to understand the semiotic function of artifacts in a meaning making network an ethnographic oriented approach with a focus on actor...

  11. Articulación del actor-red: análisis de las mediaciones en torno a la Ley 975 de 2005 de Colombia (Ley de Justicia y Paz

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    Jennifer Del Toro-Granados


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretendió reflexionar a partir de la teoría del actor-red en las mediaciones que hicieron posible y determinaron la proclamación de la ley 975 de 2005 o ley de justicia y paz. Se concluye que existieron diversos actores humanos y no humanos que fueron enrolados con el objetivo de expedir una ley que derivó en un proceso de impunidad y legitimación de la escalada paramilitar en Colombia; además se establece el plano jurídico como un espacio de disputas donde los intereses de los victimarios se enfrentan con los intereses de las víctimas en un juego político que ubica a estos últimos actores en nuevas situaciones de victimización.

  12. GAVE multi-actor process. A exemplified study with recommendations for a follow-up traject; GAVE multi-actor proces. Een voorbeeldstudie met aanbevelingen voor het vervolgtraject

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diepenmaat, H.B. [Actors Procesmanagement, Zeist (Netherlands)


    The focus is on GAVE as an integral multi-actor process, as a collaboration process in which the parties have to find each other. The reason for this multi-actor approach is that the parties themselves have to realise the importance of sustainable energy. A multi-actor approach uses this crucial fact as the starting point. By means of the use of specific multi-actor methods and insights, it is possible during the collaboration process to develop a clear idea of the content of the joint path and the intended collaborative future, while paying specific attention to the individual roles of the players. Based on this, a well- considered and promising realisation path can be followed. The objective of this study is to illustrate - on the basis of two GAVE options - how the multi-actor approach can support the GAVE programme. In doing this, emphasis is placed on examples, the demonstration of added value of such an approach, and making recommendations for the future. Two experiments have been carried out on the basis of the Trinity approach. The Trinity approach is a set of methods specifically developed for supporting change processes which involve many parties (i.e. multi-actor processes). Trinity helps those involved to obtain a clear picture of both the route to be followed and the future situation to be aimed at. The term 'picture' must be understood literally: an important aspect of Trinity is the collaboration and communication with multi-actor models (also referred to as actorprints). By means of a diagram technique (figures and arrows) these models demonstrate the cohesion between the roles and activities of the various parties involved. The modelling process is instrumental in this; the actual result is that the image that is developed is formed and backed up by the participants in the process. Within these experiments, we have, so far, worked mainly in the shadow of the current GAVE process. A forceful participative use of the actor approach is

  13. Imaginario social y construcción de subjetividad desde el entorno telemático: hacia una investigación posible

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    Etcheverry, Patricia


    Full Text Available El imaginario social, asiento de valores, usos y costumbres, preceptos y preferencias actúa, a partir de una comunidad dada, como regulador de hábitos y conductas. Señala tendencias e ideales hacia los cuales tender a modo de parámetros epocales. Las Tecnologías de la Informática y la Comunicación (TICs han ido influenciando las prácticas sociales configurando un nuevo espacio social ya de características telemáticas-la conectividad-. A partir de la implementación de una investigación cualitativa piloto en terreno, se intenta dilucidar el entramado singular en la construcción del imaginario social desde los mismos actores sociales, los estudiantes del Nivel Medio Superior de Colegios de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

  14. Emotional labor actors: a latent profile analysis of emotional labor strategies. (United States)

    Gabriel, Allison S; Daniels, Michael A; Diefendorff, James M; Greguras, Gary J


    Research on emotional labor focuses on how employees utilize 2 main regulation strategies-surface acting (i.e., faking one's felt emotions) and deep acting (i.e., attempting to feel required emotions)-to adhere to emotional expectations of their jobs. To date, researchers largely have considered how each strategy functions to predict outcomes in isolation. However, this variable-centered perspective ignores the possibility that there are subpopulations of employees who may differ in their combined use of surface and deep acting. To address this issue, we conducted 2 studies that examined surface acting and deep acting from a person-centered perspective. Using latent profile analysis, we identified 5 emotional labor profiles-non-actors, low actors, surface actors, deep actors, and regulators-and found that these actor profiles were distinguished by several emotional labor antecedents (positive affectivity, negative affectivity, display rules, customer orientation, and emotion demands-abilities fit) and differentially predicted employee outcomes (emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and felt inauthenticity). Our results reveal new insights into the nature of emotion regulation in emotional labor contexts and how different employees may characteristically use distinct combinations of emotion regulation strategies to manage their emotional expressions at work. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved.

  15. Cognitively Central Actors and Their Personal Networks in an Energy Efficiency Training Program (United States)

    Hytönen, Kaisa; Palonen, Tuire; Hakkarainen, Kai


    This article aims to examine cognitively central actors and their personal networks in the emerging field of energy efficiency. Cognitively central actors are frequently sought for professional advice by other actors and, therefore, they are positioned in the middle of a social network. They often are important knowledge resources, especially in…

  16. Two-actor conflict with time delay: A dynamical model (United States)

    Qubbaj, Murad R.; Muneepeerakul, Rachata


    Recent mathematical dynamical models of the conflict between two different actors, be they nations, groups, or individuals, have been developed that are capable of predicting various outcomes depending on the chosen feedback strategies, initial conditions, and the previous states of the actors. In addition to these factors, this paper examines the effect of time delayed feedback on the conflict dynamics. Our analysis shows that under certain initial and feedback conditions, a stable neutral equilibrium of conflict may destabilize for some critical values of time delay, and the two actors may evolve to new emotional states. We investigate the results by constructing critical delay surfaces for different sets of parameters and analyzing results from numerical simulations. These results provide new insights regarding conflict and conflict resolution and may help planners in adjusting and assessing their strategic decisions.

  17. Logistics Performance of Actors in the Wine Supply Chain


    Chandes , Jerôme; Estampe , Dominique


    International audience; In an environment marked by ever-greater international competition, wine sector companies have been seriously questioning the structure of their entire logistics chain. This is due to the emergence of new actors (i.e., large retailers); the diversification of service providers' product offers; and the different rapprochements between actors in this branch. These are all signals that have caused companies to question their logistics strategies as shown in the ISLI survey.


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    Fco. Alfredo Caminos


    Full Text Available Los avatares políticos de España y Argentina en diferentes épocas han traído como resultado el flujo migratorio entre ambos países. Las consecuencias en lo personal son visibles y fáciles de describir, sin embargo, en lo que respecta a la producción cinematográfica, se han logrado complejas derivaciones acerca de la identidad y de la definición de la nacionalidad. De la observación de las últimas películas realizadas en ambas naciones, se deduce que estas apreciaciones narrativas responden, en su mayoría, a acuerdos de coproducción. Desde el punto de vista argumental, aparece un concepto de pérdida de identidad tanto en los actores como en los personajes que representan. Intérpretes de Argentina y España asumen características nacionales que no siempre se corresponden con las de su país de origen. Por otra parte, aparecen hijos de inmigrantes que, habiendo nacido en un país, representan papeles de individuos oriundos del otro lado del Océano, llegando incluso a perderse las formas típicas de hablar del lugar de nacimiento. Sirven de ejemplo algunas de las películas de los últimos años: “Roma” de Adolfo Aristarain, “Lifting de corazón” de Eliseo Subiela y “Tocar el cielo” de Marcos Carnevale.

  19. The European Union as a Comprehensive Police Actor

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    Stephen Anthony Rozée


    Full Text Available The European Union (EU has responded to changing security threats by seeking to increase cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of the Member States, granting further powers to Europol and other intelligence-sharing institutions, and by undertaking police missions beyond EU borders. The literature relating to EU policing is generally focused on the ‘internal’ and ‘external’ dimensions, or on specific aspects of police activity. This tendency to concentrate on narrow or isolated areas of policing has led to a significant gap regarding the broader analysis of the EU as a comprehensive police actor. Important questions about the nature of EU policing as a whole, as well as the contribution of policing activities to the EU’s security agenda, remain unexplored in the literature. This article aims to define what is meant by ‘comprehensive policing’ and to indentify criteria by which the comprehensiveness of EU-level policing may be measured. In addition to this, an integrated actorness/police comprehensiveness framework will be presented as a tool for assessing the EU as a comprehensive police actor.

  20. Social movements and the construction of crisis actors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bourne, Angela; Chatzopoulou, Sevasti


    of social movements occurs when they collaborate with similar movements in other countries, claim a European identity, invoke Europe-wide solidarity, contest authorities beyond the state and ascribe responsibility for solving the crisis to European Union (EU). By targeting EU authorities, social movements......This article examines the Europeanization of social movements following the European sovereign debt crisis. It develops a theoretical framework to measure degrees of social movement Europeanization, incorporating targets, participants, and issue frame dimensions of mobilization. Europeanization...... may contribute to the construction of the EU as a crisis actor and through deliberative processes define the roles and identities of such actors....

  1. The role of institutions as actors influencing Uganda’s cassava sector

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    Cedric Mutyaba


    Full Text Available We aim at mapping out a detailed framework that reveals the proportionate flow of cassava and its products along the value chain (VC. Furthermore, we aim at establishing the role of institutions and the linkages between institutions and other VC actors that influence the cassava VC in Uganda. We use both primary and secondary data obtained from four regions in Uganda. Results show that farmers, processors, transporters, traders, consumers and institutions are the major actors. There are four categories of institutions, viz, government, non-government, community based organisations and international agencies. Roles performed by institutions include: development and enforcement of policies, Research and Development (R&D, capacity building, and creation of market access linkages for cassava and its products. Findings reveal that there is no clear nexus and no coordination among farmers/producers, processors, traders, transporters and consumers. However, institutions are well coordinated and play various roles along the VC to influence the dynamics of actors. Policy-wise it is important to establish strong private-public partnerships to bridge the impaired linkages between the actors (farmers/producers, processors, traders, transporters, and consumers and institutions. Strong partnerships are envisaged to reduce the associated transaction costs amongst the actors.

  2. Iranian Sanctions: An Actor-Centric Analysis (United States)


    cultivated to counterbalance other actors in the system who opposed Khamenei’s ascension, based on his weak religious credentials.42 These security...trumped up religious infraction.256 The bonyads are the Iranian economy’s dominating revenue generating entity outside the oil sector,257 mushrooming in

  3. El espacio público como potencia. Controversias sociológicas desde la experiencia participativa de Medellín

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    Franklin Ramírez Gallegos


    Full Text Available Este artículo discute la categoría habermasiana de espacio público en el marco de la expansión de las prácticas participativas en América Latina. A través de un contrapunto entre los lineamientos normativos de la democracia deliberativa y ciertos abordajes sociológicos de los dispositivos de participación, el trabajo describe el proceso de planeación participativa en la ciudad de Medellín desde mediados de los 90. Esta experiencia, desplegada en un contexto de hostigamiento paramilitar a las organizaciones populares, permite observar las operaciones concretas que los actores sociales efectúan en el marco de específicas interacciones públicas. Allí, aunque el potencial democratizador del proceso queda en entredicho, se observa las potencialidades de los espacios públicos participativos para ampliar la disposición a la reflexividad y a la movilización ciudadana.

  4. Elementos para una Política Pública desde la Percepción del Suicidio en Nariño

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    (Colombia. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a partir de grupos focales y entrevistas individuales con diversos sectores poblacionales en los municipios de Pasto, La Unión, Tumaco e Ipiales. Se analizaron los factores percibidos de protección y de riesgo en los niveles individual, familiar, sociocultural y político, y los resultados se validaron con la población participante. Desde la percepción de los actores sociales, el suicidio es una problemática multideterminada que involucra aspectos cognitivos, relacionales, educativos, económicos, políticos y culturales. Se destaca la necesidad de implementar políticas sociales integradas dirigidas a fomentar factores protectores como el soporte social, la educación integral y la oferta de actividades para el uso del tiempo, e implementar programas que promuevan habilidades y competencias personales, junto con el diseño de estrategias conjuntas para reducir los factores de riesgo.

  5. Lone Actor Terrorist Attack Planning and Preparation : A Data-Driven Analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schuurman, B.W.; Bakker, E.; Gill, P.; Bouhana, N.


    This article provides an in-depth assessment of lone actor terrorists’ attack planning and preparation. A codebook of 198 variables related to different aspects of pre-attack behavior is applied to a sample of 55 lone actor terrorists. Data were drawn from open-source materials and complemented

  6. Analysing Personal Characteristics of Lone-Actor Terrorists : Research Findings and Recommendations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roy, de van Zuijdewijn J.; Bakker, E.


    This Research Note presents the outcome of a project that looked at the personal characteristics of lone-actor terrorists. It is part of the larger Countering Lone-Actor Terrorism (CLAT) project. The project described here aimed to improve understanding of, and responses to, the phenomenon of

  7. Not My Problem: Vicarious Conflict Adaptation with Human and Virtual Co-Actors

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    Michiel M. Spapé


    Full Text Available The Simon effect refers to an incompatibility between stimulus and response locations resulting in a conflict situation and, consequently, slower responses. Like other conflict effects, it is commonly reduced after repetitions, suggesting an executive control ability, which flexibly rewires cognitive processing and adapts to conflict. Interestingly, conflict is not necessarily individually defined: the Social Simon effect refers to a scenario where two people who share a task show a conflict effect where a single person does not. Recent studies showed these observations might converge into what could be called vicarious conflict adaptation, with evidence indicating that observing someone else’s conflict may subsequently reduce one’s own. While plausible, there is reason for doubt: both the social aspect of the Simon Effect, and the degree to which executive control accounts for the conflict adaptation effect, have become foci of debate in recent studies. Here, we present two experiments that were designed to test the social dimension of the effect by varying the social relationship between the actor and the co-actor. In Experiment 1, participants performed a conflict task with a virtual co-actor, while the actor-observer relationship was manipulated as a function of the similarity between response modalities. In Experiment 2, the same task was performed both with a virtual and with a human co-actor, while heart-rate measurements were taken to measure the impact of observed conflict on autonomous activity. While both experiments replicated the interpersonal conflict adaptation effects, neither showed evidence of the critical social dimension. We consider the findings as demonstrating that vicarious conflict adaptation does not rely on the social relationship between the actor and co-actor.

  8. Towards Feature Selection in Actor-Critic Algorithms

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Rohanimanesh, Khashayar; Roy, Nicholas; Tedrake, Russ


    .... They demonstrate that two popular representations for value methods -- the barycentric interpolators and the graph Laplacian proto-value functions -- can be used to represent the actor so as to satisfy these conditions...

  9. Bombing Alone: Tracing the Motivations and Antecedent Behaviors of Lone-Actor Terrorists*,†,‡ (United States)

    Gill, Paul; Horgan, John; Deckert, Paige


    This article analyzes the sociodemographic network characteristics and antecedent behaviors of 119 lone-actor terrorists. This marks a departure from existing analyses by largely focusing upon behavioral aspects of each offender. This article also examines whether lone-actor terrorists differ based on their ideologies or network connectivity. The analysis leads to seven conclusions. There was no uniform profile identified. In the time leading up to most lone-actor terrorist events, other people generally knew about the offender’s grievance, extremist ideology, views, and/or intent to engage in violence. A wide range of activities and experiences preceded lone actors’ plots or events. Many but not all lone-actor terrorists were socially isolated. Lone-actor terrorists regularly engaged in a detectable and observable range of activities with a wider pressure group, social movement, or terrorist organization. Lone-actor terrorist events were rarely sudden and impulsive. There were distinguishable behavioral differences between subgroups. The implications for policy conclude this article. PMID:24313297

  10. Significados del trabajo desde la profesión docente


    Zapata Calderón, Gustavo Adolfo; Marín López, Alexander


    Tesis (Maestría en Gerencia del Talento Humano). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2013 El objetivo principal de esta investigación es describir y comprender la relación de sentidos y categorías que subyacen desde las nuevas condiciones de trabajo y que permiten significar el trabajo como profesión docente. El diseño de la investigación está fundamentado desde el estudio de caso en el cual se demarca un enfoque mixto de investigación, desde lo cualitativo s...

  11. Biomass markets. Growth strategy and challenges for French actors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This study comprises three reports. The first one is an executive summary which focuses on the main aspects of the evolution of the activity in the biomass sector, and highlights factors of change and their strategic consequences. The second one proposes an overview of the situation of biomass French markets, analyses growth strategies adopted by actors of the biomass sector (development of new production capacities, international growth, development of strategies based on several energies, diversification of prospects, innovation and improvement of installation efficiency), and discusses the main strategic challenges on the medium term. The third report proposes a presentation of the context of French biomass markets (political, regulatory and energetic framework, energetic assessment and assessment of the waste-based sector, economic context, housing stock, and other contextual factors), a presentation of the biomass French market (data for 2005-2013, dynamics of three specific segments: solid biomass, renewable urban wastes, and biogas), and a description of the competitive landscape (economic structure, actors) and of the 15 main actors

  12. Third Level of International Relations: Characteristics of Sub-State Actors

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    Sergey P. Arteev


    Full Text Available The article is in the genre of the review for textbook O. V. Plotnikova and O. Y. Dubrovina International relations of the regions States: characteristics and features (Moscow: Norma; INFRA-M, 2016. 192 p.. Textbook on international activities of sub-state/subnational actors in international relations. Under the sub-state/subnational actors refers to the regions of the States. The authors propose an along with interstate relations (first level and supranational organizations (second level to distinguish a third level of international relations - international relations of the regions in Federal and unitary States. The topic is very relevant due to the ongoing restructuring of the architecture of international relations and world politics. In addition, these processes lead to involvement in international relations new actors. The resulting configuration and the role of traditional players. In addition to long-term evolutionary processes, we should not forget about the position of Russia in the last few years. It is obvious that the current tensions around the Russian Federation may not be fully resolved with the old methods. At the same time, sub-state/ subnational actors as subjects of a combined nature, the role played by regions of the Russian Federation, able to combine harmoniously in its international activities as the techniques characteristic of the traditional actors - States and developments in the tools of non-traditional actors - international non-governmental and non-profit organizations etc. As a result of positive results can be achieved faster and at the interstate level. The review considers the subject and the relevance of the topic, presents the analysis of the content of the work. Marked strengths of the textbook, including those associated with the consideration of the diagonal ties and the political components in the international activities of the regions. In addition to the advantages, attention is paid to the analysis of

  13. The Psychological Self as Actor, Agent, and Author. (United States)

    McAdams, Dan P


    The psychological self may be construed as a reflexive arrangement of the subjective "I" and the constructed "Me," evolving and expanding over the human life course. The psychological self begins life as a social actor, construed in terms of performance traits and social roles. By the end of childhood, the self has become a motivated agent, too, as personal goals, motives, values, and envisioned projects for the future become central features of how the I conceives of the Me. A third layer of selfhood begins to form in the adolescent and emerging adulthood years, when the self as autobiographical author aims to construct a story of the Me, to provide adult life with broad purpose and a dynamic sense of temporal continuity. An integrative theory that envisions the psychological self as a developing I-Me configuration of actor, agent, and author helps to synthesize a wide range of conceptions and findings on the self from social, personality, cognitive, cultural, and developmental psychology and from sociology and other social sciences. The actor-agent-author framework also sheds new light on studies of self-regulation, self-esteem, self-continuity, and the relationship between self and culture. © The Author(s) 2013.

  14. Who Needs What? Some Thoughts on the Possibility of Using Psychology in Actor Training. (United States)

    Vulova, Marina


    Contends that the aim of professional actor training is to reveal and develop an actor's individuality. Proposes that the responsibility of drama teachers is to lead training in such away that students feel accepted, understood, and respected. Proposes that psychodrama is the most appropriate method for student and professional actors' personal…

  15. Multi-actor decision making using mixed reality technologies Urban projects and multi-actor collaboration


    Basile,, Maria; Ozdirlik, Burcu; Terrin,, Jean-Jacques


    International audience; This paper is based on the results of an ongoing research project, IPCity, on the application of mixed reality technologies in urban environments. It questions the relevance of traditional language and communication medium such as drawings, perspectives and 3D models in the co-production of urban projects in multi-actor working environments. It then discusses the possible use of “mixed reality technologies” as alternative medium through five workshops organised within ...

  16. Escultores académicos del siglo XVIII en el Diccionario de Ceán Bermúdez. Nuevas adiciones (II

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    Albarrán Martín, Virginia


    Full Text Available In A.E.A. number 310 we presented Ceán Bermúdez's information on sculptors whose surnames begin with the letters A through E, entries which were finally not included in his Diccionario de los más ilustres profesores de las Bellas Artes en España (1800. In this second part, we continue from F to Z. The scarcity of bibliography concerning some of these artists means that these documents are of prime importance, given that they frequently include unpublished information.

    En el número 310 de A.E.A. dimos a conocer aquellos artículos relativos a los escultores académicos desde la letra A hasta la E que fueron suprimidos en el momento de publicación del Diccionario de los más ilustres profesores de las Bellas Artes en España de Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez. Continuamos en esta segunda entrega con los correspondientes desde la letra F hasta el final. La escasez de bibliografía sobre algunos de los artistas mencionados convierte a estos documentos en fuentes de primer orden al contener datos en gran parte inéditos.

  17. Descripción de las interrelaciones entre actores y funciones del sistema general de seguridad social en salud colombiano: una mirada desde el derecho fundamental a la salud


    Rivera Jiménez, Viviana Paola; Vargas Aldana, Emilia; Moreno Casasbuenas, Rafael Enrique


    El objetivo de las reformas del Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud Colombiana (SGSSS) es generar mayor accesibilidad, cobertura y crear mayor solidez, estabilidad y garantía para la prestación de servicios de salud a la población en general, Derecho fundamental para la salud. Se utilizaron entrevistas estructuradas para compilar el funcionamiento, actores, funciones e interrelaciones del SGSSS, identificando así los puntos fragmentados en las relaciones descritas, tomando como refer...

  18. Neuroimaging of the joint Simon effect with believed biological and non-biological co-actors. (United States)

    Wen, Tanya; Hsieh, Shulan


    Performing a task alone or together with another agent can produce different outcomes. The current study used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural underpinnings when participants performed a Go/Nogo task alone or complementarily with another co-actor (unseen), whom was believed to be another human or a computer. During both complementary tasks, reaction time data suggested that participants integrated the potential action of their co-actor in their own action planning. Compared to the single-actor task, increased parietal and precentral activity during complementary tasks as shown in the fMRI data further suggested representation of the co-actor's response. The superior frontal gyrus of the medial prefrontal cortex was differentially activated in the human co-actor condition compared to the computer co-actor condition. The medial prefrontal cortex, involved thinking about the beliefs and intentions of other people, possibly reflects a social-cognitive aspect or self-other discrimination during the joint task when believing a biological co-actor is present. Our results suggest that action co-representation can occur even offline with any agent type given a priori information that they are co-acting; however, additional regions are recruited when participants believe they are task-sharing with another human.

  19. The influence of socio cultural dynamics on convergence communication of aquaculture agribusiness actors (United States)

    Oktavia, Y.


    This research aims to: (1) Analyze the level of socio-cultural dynamics of agibusiness aquaculture actors. (2) Analyze the influence of socio-cultural dynamics on convergence communication of capacity development of aquaculture agribusiness actors.Data was collected by questionnaire and interview of group members on agribusiness. Data analyze was done by descriptive and inferential statistics with using SEM method. The result of descriptive statistics on 284 agribusiness members showed that: Socio-cultural dynamics of agibusiness aquaculture actors was in low category, as shown by lack of the role of customary institutions and quality of local leadership.The communication convergence is significantly and positively influenced by the communication behavior of agribusiness actors in access information.

  20. Actors of the hydrogen sector in France; Les acteurs de l'hydrogene en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document proposes brief presentations (web site address, activities) of actors operating in the hydrogen sector in France. These actors are public actors who can be incentive or financing actors (ADEME, ANR) or research institutions (CNRS, CEA, university and engineering schools, IFP, INERIS, INRETS), private actors like industrial groups (Air Liquide, AREVA, GDF Suez, Total, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault, Saint-Gobain, SNECMA, ST Microelectronics, 3M, Veolia Environnement) or small companies (Alca Torda Applications, Axane, CETH2, Helion, MaHytec, N-GHY, PaxiTech, Sertronic, ULLIT). It also presents the HyPAC platform created by the AFH2 and ADEME), the AFH2 (the French Association for Hydrogen), and regional initiatives

  1. La recepción de la radio dramática en España (desde la posguerra a 1971

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    Elena Ayuso Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Durante la posguerra y hasta la llegada de la televisión la radio dramática española vivió su particular edad de oro. De la mano de una ingente producción de emisiones, desde seriales a zarzuelas pasando por radioteatros o cuentos infantiles, la comunicación de masas dio sus primeros pasos en España. Los actores de radio, principalmente los de Radio Madrid, se convirtieron en los ídolos y se metieron en los hogares de miles de españoles que, durante unas horas, olvidaban la miseria en la que estaba sumido el país. La publicidad aseguró la producción de emisiones dramáticas que fueron seguidas por una audiencia importante. Audiencia que es el objeto de estudio de este artículo, que se basa en la investigación de los primeros sondeos realizados en la época.

  2. Fractal actors and infrastructures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøge, Ask Risom


    -network-theory (ANT) into surveillance studies (Ball 2002, Adey 2004, Gad & Lauritsen 2009). In this paper, I further explore the potential of this connection by experimenting with Marilyn Strathern’s concept of the fractal (1991), which has been discussed in newer ANT literature (Law 2002; Law 2004; Jensen 2007). I...... under surveillance. Based on fieldwork conducted in 2008 and 2011 in relation to my Master’s thesis and PhD respectively, I illustrate fractal concepts by describing the acts, actors and infrastructure that make up the ‘DNA surveillance’ conducted by the Danish police....

  3. Proposal for Requirement Validation Criteria and Method Based on Actor Interaction (United States)

    Hattori, Noboru; Yamamoto, Shuichiro; Ajisaka, Tsuneo; Kitani, Tsuyoshi

    We propose requirement validation criteria and a method based on the interaction between actors in an information system. We focus on the cyclical transitions of one actor's situation against another and clarify observable stimuli and responses based on these transitions. Both actors' situations can be listed in a state transition table, which describes the observable stimuli or responses they send or receive. Examination of the interaction between both actors in the state transition tables enables us to detect missing or defective observable stimuli or responses. Typically, this method can be applied to the examination of the interaction between a resource managed by the information system and its user. As a case study, we analyzed 332 requirement defect reports of an actual system development project in Japan. We found that there were a certain amount of defects regarding missing or defective stimuli and responses, which can be detected using our proposed method if this method is used in the requirement definition phase. This means that we can reach a more complete requirement definition with our proposed method.

  4. Action adaptation during natural unfolding social scenes influences action recognition and inferences made about actor beliefs. (United States)

    Keefe, Bruce D; Wincenciak, Joanna; Jellema, Tjeerd; Ward, James W; Barraclough, Nick E


    When observing another individual's actions, we can both recognize their actions and infer their beliefs concerning the physical and social environment. The extent to which visual adaptation influences action recognition and conceptually later stages of processing involved in deriving the belief state of the actor remains unknown. To explore this we used virtual reality (life-size photorealistic actors presented in stereoscopic three dimensions) to see how visual adaptation influences the perception of individuals in naturally unfolding social scenes at increasingly higher levels of action understanding. We presented scenes in which one actor picked up boxes (of varying number and weight), after which a second actor picked up a single box. Adaptation to the first actor's behavior systematically changed perception of the second actor. Aftereffects increased with the duration of the first actor's behavior, declined exponentially over time, and were independent of view direction. Inferences about the second actor's expectation of box weight were also distorted by adaptation to the first actor. Distortions in action recognition and actor expectations did not, however, extend across different actions, indicating that adaptation is not acting at an action-independent abstract level but rather at an action-dependent level. We conclude that although adaptation influences more complex inferences about belief states of individuals, this is likely to be a result of adaptation at an earlier action recognition stage rather than adaptation operating at a higher, more abstract level in mentalizing or simulation systems.

  5. El proceso de reforma al Código Procesal Laboral: legislación laboral, actores sociales y lenguajes de valoración. Tres elementos clave de la política socio-laboral en Costa Rica, 1998-2016

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    Ronny Viales Hurtado


    Full Text Available En este artículo, concebido como “historia del tiempo presente”, analizamos las relaciones entre política socio-laboral y poder para identificar cuáles son los actores y actoras sociales y cuáles son los grupos de interés que participan en el proceso de formulación del problema y del planteamiento de políticas públicas, desde un enfoque relacional. Planteamos que una arena política en la que se debaten los actores y actoras y las posiciones del desarrollismo y del neoliberalismo en Costa Rica, es la de las reformas de la institucionalidad laboral. Por eso se estudiarán las redes y los lenguajes de valoración presentes en los procesos de construcción de legislación laboral en Costa Rica. Para ello, se utiliza como caso de estudio las etapas clave en la construcción de la Ley de Reforma Procesal Laboral, proyecto de ley aprobado en diciembre de 2015.


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    César Augusto Pérez Jiménez


    Full Text Available Pensar en educación conlleva pensar en actores, escenarios y contextos sociales. La sexualidad, la enseñanza, el aprendizaje, la vivencia y la corporeidad juegan un papel preponderante en la formación de la conciencia ciudadana para la participación en una sociedad plural y diversa. Ante la urgente necesidad de reflexionar sobre los discursos educativos es decisivo valorar la subjetividad como una forma de comprensión de la vida cotidiana y, en consecuencia, de la sexualidad, la ciudadanía y la inclusión. Esto conduce a repensar la educación sobre la sexualidad, a partir de las dinámicas intersubjetivas desde las cuales emerge el reto que apunta a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de valores humanos sustentados en la crítica reflexiva sobre la vida misma. Así, los educadores y educadoras están convocados a discernir sobre la sexualidad, como un asunto cotidiano y encarnado en saberes socialmente productivos, establecidos en la comprensión subjetiva de las relaciones materiales, éticas y radicales con el mundo circundante. Este es el propósito del análisis del Sistema Educativo Bolivariano venezolano, que se hace en el artículo.

  7. Actor-specific contributions to the deforestation slowdown in the Brazilian Amazon. (United States)

    Godar, Javier; Gardner, Toby A; Tizado, E Jorge; Pacheco, Pablo


    Annual deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon fell by 77% between 2004 and 2011, yet have stabilized since 2009 at 5,000-7,000 km(2). We provide the first submunicipality assessment, to our knowledge, of actor-specific contributions to the deforestation slowdown by linking agricultural census and remote-sensing data on deforestation and forest degradation. Almost half (36,158 km(2)) of the deforestation between 2004 and 2011 occurred in areas dominated by larger properties (>500 ha), whereas only 12% (9,720 km(2)) occurred in areas dominated by smallholder properties (deforestation rates fell during this period by 68-85% for all actors, the contribution of the largest landholders (>2,500 ha) to annual deforestation decreased over time (63% decrease between 2005 and 2011), whereas that of smallholders went up by a similar amount (69%) during the same period. In addition, the deforestation share attributable to remote areas increased by 88% between 2009 and 2011. These observations are consistent across the Brazilian Amazon, regardless of geographical differences in actor dominance or socioenvironmental context. Our findings suggest that deforestation policies to date, which have been particularly focused on command and control measures on larger properties in deforestation hotspots, may be increasingly limited in their effectiveness and fail to address all actors equally. Further reductions in deforestation are likely to be increasingly costly and require actor-tailored approaches, including better monitoring to detect small-scale deforestation and a shift toward more incentive-based conservation policies.

  8. Characteristics of pornography film actors: self-report versus perceptions of college students. (United States)

    Griffith, James D; Hayworth, Michelle; Adams, Lea T; Mitchell, Sharon; Hart, Christian


    The assumed characteristics of individuals in the adult entertainment industry have been used to advocate positions for and against pornography. Although prior studies have investigated perceptions of porn actors, no data on the actual characteristics of this group exist. The present study compared the self-reports of 105 male and 177 female porn actors to the perceptions of 399 college students on childhood sexual abuse (CSA), self-esteem, work and non-work sexual behaviors, and safe sex issues. College students were asked to identify the characteristics associated with either a male or female porn star. College students provided underestimates for both female and male porn actors on self-esteem, age of first intercourse, lifetime number of partners outside of work, ideal experience in a romantic partner, concerns regarding sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), enjoyment of sex, and condom use during a first time sexual encounter, but overestimated earnings. Additional differences among male porn stars included an underestimate of the number of partners at work. For female porn stars, college students underestimated their enjoyment of work, the probability of catching an STD, and having unprotected sex. Although there were no significant differences on perceived rates of childhood abuse of porn actors, the incidence of CSA among the porn actor participants were within the ranges of the general population. The majority of college student stereotypes were not supported regarding the perceptions of porn actors. These findings were discussed within the context of attributing unfounded characteristics of individuals to an entire industry.

  9. The legislative actor in the Nobel era: Quo Vadis EU?

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    Ana Isabel Xavier


    Full Text Available The idea of a political union, as well as an economic union of Europe, beyond free circulation of persons, goods and services, has always been included in the ideals of the building of Europe. However, its de jure formalization only occurs on November 1, 1993, when the Treaty of Maastricht is in force and a new political and strategic actor is in place: the European Union (EU. Since then, literature has "defined" the European Union in order to clearly establish what this UPO - Unidentified Political Object (an expression by Jacques Delors in the 1990s - is or what it can be. One of the ideas which has been a focus of discussion is that of "legislative actor" (Manners, 2001; 2002, which claims that the European Union has progressed towards normativity, both internally as well as externally, to its close neighbors and its relations with the rest of the world. This paper aims to contribute to the discussion on Europe's quality or condition to impose rules. We will begin by systematizing a series of achievements which, according to Manners, lead to the triangle democracy, Human Rights and good governance in the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon on December 13, 2007 and its entering in full force on December 1, 2009. However, this paper does not disregard the fact that the concept "legislative actor" has been (reworked and perfected by its author and other scholars due to criticism and empirical studies and has thus been altered, enhanced and argued against. Therefore, some concepts will be studied whose arguments will allow us to question the internal and external dimension of the actor European Union. We will also explore the symbolic power of the Union in the development of tools and capacity to be acknowledged as an actor able to face current threats and challenges but whose profile may not be different from other actors in international relations. Finally, we will discuss the impact of the EU having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 on

  10. Political actors playing games: Theory and experiments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamm, A.


    Political actors exert enormous influence over our daily lives. Their influence on economic activities cannot be underestimated. Voters determine the distribution of political power, political candidates choose policy platforms that they intend to enact if elected, and legislators bargain to arrive

  11. [Indicators of governance in mental health policies and programmes in Mexico: a perspective of key actors]. (United States)

    Díaz-Castro, Lina; Arredondo, Armando; Pelcastre-Villafuerte, Blanca Estela; Hufty, Marc

    To analyse the role of Mexico's mental health system governance in the development of mental health policies and programmes, from the perspective of its own actors. A map was developed for identifying the actors in Mexico's mental health system. A guide was designed for in-depth interviews, which were recorded and arranged in categories for their analysis. The Atlas-ti v.7 software was used for the organisation of qualitative data and Policy Maker v.4 was used to determine the position and influence of actors within the health system. The actors were identified according to their level of influence in mental health policies: high, medium and low. Actors with a high level of influence participate in national policies, actors with medium influence are involved in regional or local policies and the participation of actors with a low level of influence is considered marginal. This study facilitated understanding of governance in mental health. The level of influence of the actors directly affects the scope of governance indicators. Relevant data were obtained to improve policies in mental health care. Copyright © 2016 SESPAS. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  12. Innovation barriers originating from the differing logics of network actors:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aarikka-Stenroos, Leena; Alaranta, Mar


    The recent IMP and innovation network research has highlighted that diverse aspects of actors' heterogeneity such as differing goals, knowledge bases, capabilities and competences, perceptions, power, position, and culture play a role in the development of collaborative innovation....../organization, inter-organizational and ecosystem levels. Our results advance knowledge on the diversity of barriers in collaborative innovation and commercializing science and how they relate to the different actors: a body of knowledge that is increasingly discussed among IMP stream....

  13. La Universidad del Zulia frente al proceso de transformación organizacional. Perspectiva de algunos actores del proceso

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    Juliana Ferrer


    Full Text Available La gerencia universitaria de hoy, requiere asumir un proceso de transformación organizacional, que le permita describir un equilibrio entre su identidad institucional y los cambios sustanciales exigidos desde todos sus ámbitos, a fin de mejorar los procesos académicos, cohesionar con éxito las funciones básicas y por ende lograr la calidad académica deseada. Surge como inquietud el presente artículo el cual pretende indagar sobre algunos esfuerzos que la Universidad del Zulia ha adelantado en este sentido, pero sobre todo hacer énfasis en la perspectiva de algunos actores del proceso, representados por el personal docente y de investigación, que para el período 2000-2001 se desempeño como personal directivo Para la recolección de los datos se asumió en primer término la técnica cualitativa del grupo focal, permitiendo así lograr suficiente información para aplicar luego, una muestra probabilística que arrojó un tamaño de 39 unidades con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Se concluye que los gerentes universitarios están conscientes de los problemas de carácter operativo que obstaculizan el proceso de cohesión exitosa de las funciones básicas. Sin embargo, no evidencian conocimiento exhaustivo sobre el desarrollo de procesos gerenciales, para el logro de los cursos de acción enunciados por esos mismos actores. Se recomienda sobre la necesidad de formar una gerencia universitaria sólida, en el compromiso de la labor constante en materia de información y conocimiento, de tal forma que los cambios implantados sean percibidos de manera objetiva, internalizados y compartidos por la comunidad universitaria, en la búsqueda de que ellos se conviertan en piezas del proceso de cambio institucional.

  14. Competing actors in the climate change arena in Mexico: A network analysis. (United States)

    Ortega Díaz, Araceli; Gutiérrez, Erika Casamadrid


    This paper analyzes the actors in the climate change arena and their influence in directing Mexico toward policies that decrease greenhouse gas emissions, such as the carbon tax and climate change law. The network analysis of the agreement of these laws and public policies in Mexico is a lesson for any country that is in the process of designing and adopting environmental laws. The research is performed using a network analysis that is derived from interviews with various main actors and a discourse analysis of the media. Results show that actors do not coordinate their efforts-they meet frequently but in different inter-ministerial commissions-and do not enforce the same policies. The actors in the industry have formed strong coalitions against the carbon tax and the General Law on Climate Change, whereas international institutions have formed coalitions that support these policies and laws. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. La Prostitución desde la Perspectiva de la Demanda: Amarres Enunciativos para su Conceptualización (Prostitution from the Perspective of Demand: Declarative Moorings for Conceptualization

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    Esther Torrado Martín-Palomino


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the phenomenon of prostitution from the perspective of one of its multiple stakeholders and today is the most invisible and polo national system: the client-user. For this, a theoretical review game where the phenomenon of prostitution in general terms is conceptualized, analyzing the legal framework of Western Europe from the comparative analysis of the different regulatory models that attempt to regulate prostitution, finally has, and from the gender perspective, make an approach to user prostitution, exposing the need to insist on his figure, his motivations and opinions to the phenomenon. Este artículo analiza el fenómeno de la prostitución desde la perspectiva de uno de sus múltiples actores y que en la actualidad constituye el polo más invisibilizado y naturalizado del sistema: el cliente-usuario. Para ello, se ha partido de una revisión teórica donde se conceptualiza el fenómeno de la prostitución de un modo general, analizando el marco jurídico de parte de Europa Occidental desde el análisis comparativo de los diferentes modelos normativos que intentan regular la prostitución, para finalmente, y desde la perspectiva de género, realizar un acercamiento al usuario de prostitución, exponiendo la  necesidad de insistir en la su figura,  sus motivaciones y su opinión ante el fenómeno.  DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  16. Examining actors into boosting the provision of universal service in the Vietnamese context

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Do Manh, Thai; Williams, Idongesit


    are very important in formulating and implementing universal service policy. Originality/value - There have been a few studies applying actor network theory in analysing the formulation of policy, especially in universal service. The paper wants to close this gap.......Purpose - The paper looks at the formulation of the BMGF-VN project to examine which actors participated in the formulation of this project, how their interests were translated into this project, and what lessons may be drawn for the formulation and implementation of universal service policy...... in Vietnam in general. Design/methodology/approach - The paper recruits the actor network theory and qualitative analysis to analyse the BMGF-VN project. Findings - the involvement of non-government actors in formulating and implementing the project, the focus not only on the supply side but also demand side...

  17. Extended mind and after: socially extended mind and actor-network. (United States)

    Kono, Tetsuya


    The concept of extended mind has been impressively developed over the last 10 years by many philosophers and cognitive scientists. The extended mind thesis (EM) affirms that the mind is not simply ensconced inside the head, but extends to the whole system of brain-body-environment. Recently, some philosophers and psychologists try to adapt the idea of EM to the domain of social cognition research. Mind is socially extended (SEM). However, EM/SEM theory has problems to analyze the interactions among a subject and its surroundings with opposition, antagonism, or conflict; it also tends to think that the environment surrounding the subject is passive or static, and to neglect the power of non-human actants to direct and regulate the human subject. In these points, actor-network theory (ANT) proposed by Latour and Callon is more persuasive, while sharing some important ideas with EM/SEM theory. Actor-network is a hybrid community which is composed of a series of heterogeneous elements, animate and inanimate for a certain period of time. I shall conclude that EM/SEM could be best analyzed as a special case of actor-network. EM/SEM is a system which can be controlled by a human agent alone. In order to understand collective behavior, philosophy and psychology have to study the actor-network in which human individuals are situated.

  18. Corporate actors in Western European television news

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, P.


    News about corporations can be understood as an interdependent relationship among the public relations function, organizational logic and the logic of the media. This research addresses the visibility and role of corporate actors in Western European public television news. A quantitative content

  19. Mujeres con VIH y SIDA y su adherencia: un análisis de la política pública desde los determinantes sociales de la salud.

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    Catalina Méndez Ávila


    Full Text Available El presente artículo objetiva analizar la gestión de la política pública dirigida a la atención de los determinantes sociales de la salud, que inciden en la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en mujeres con VIH/SIDA de la Clínica del Hospital San Juan de Dios. Para lo anterior se planteó el siguiente problema de investigación: ¿Cómo se gestiona la política pública dirigida a la atención de los determinantes sociales de la salud, que inciden en la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en mujeres con VIH-SIDA atendidas en el Hospital San Juan de Dios? La investigación fue de tipo cualitativa, y se realizaron como técnicas de investigación la revisión documental, la entrevista no estructurada y el grupo focal, aplicados a actores sociales vinculados con la política pública en VIH y mujeres seropositivas atendidas en el Hospital San Juan de Dios. El análisis se realizó desde la Teoría Fundamentada. Resultados: la descripción de la política pública en VIH/SIDA, el análisis de la política (las acciones y omisiones por parte de los actores sociales y el planteamiento de lineamientos para los diferentes actores sociales que participan en la gestión de la política. Conclusiones: la metodología utilizada fue acertada para acercarse al problema de investigación y generó nuevas estrategias metodológicas para análisis de política pública en general. En Costa Rica se cuenta con una política en VIH, pero la misma no incluye de manera directa el abordaje de los determinantes sociales de la salud en la adherencia de las mujeres. Las brechas encontradas corresponden a un problema de gestión de los actores sociales.

  20. Burst Diplomacy The Diplomacies of Foreign Policy: Actors and Methods

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    Guillaume Devin


    Full Text Available Approaches to diplomacy tend to be restrictive because of an exclusively interstate insight. Indeed, historically, the state monopoly over diplomacy has always been challenged by private actors. Today, it is defied both from the inside because of growing public fragmentation (every ministry tends to lead its own foreign policy; subnational authorities develop their diplomatic relations and from the outside (the business sector and civil society play a growing role on the international scene. This proliferation of actors has transformed diplomatic methods. Beyond the binary division between “old diplomacy” – bilateral, secret and resident – and “new diplomacy” – multilateral, public and itinerant – this article shows that diplomacy has to adapt to number and complexity. Therefore a more global conception need now be considered. Diplomacy today is a system of multiple actors using diverse methods in order to coordinate positions of common interest in a competitive and sometimes hostile environment.

  1. Stochastic actor-oriented models for network change

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Snijders, T.A.B.


    A class of models is proposed for longitudinal network data. These models are along the lines of methodological individualism: actors use heuristics to try to achieve their individual goals, subject to constraints. The current network structure is among these constraints. The models are continuous

  2. Participar en la gestión local: los actores urbanos y el control fiscal cívico en Bogotá

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    Thierry Lulle


    descentralización y democratización. Desde entonces se afirma un discurso consensual en torno a la participación ciudadana, en especial en materia de planeación y gestión del desarrollo urbano. Sin embargo, si bien se multiplicaron experiencias en este sentido, no siempre fueron exitosas. Este artículo ofrece un análisis de estos nuevos procesos a través de la presentación y evaluación de una experiencia de control fiscal cívico que se llevó a cabo en Bogotá entre 1997 y 1999, y cuyo objetivo era propiciar la participación de los habitantes en el control de la cabal ejecución de los fondos públicos invertidos en proyectos de desarrollo local. Se trata de mostrar cómo el discurso de la participación puede servir no tanto para lograr una gestión más racional y equitativa, sino para la reorganización del sistema tradicional de actores socio-políticos urbanos.

  3. Neuroimaging of the joint Simon effect with believed biological and non-biological co-actors

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    Tanya eWen


    Full Text Available Performing a task alone or together with another agent can produce different outcomes. The current study used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI to investigate the neural underpinnings when participants performed a Go/Nogo task alone or complementarily with another co-actor (unseen, whom was believed to be another human or a computer. During both complementary tasks, reaction time data suggested that participants integrated the potential action of their co-actor in their own action planning. Compared to the single-actor task, increased parietal and precentral activity during complementary tasks as shown in the fMRI data further suggested representation of the co-actor’s response. The superior frontal gyrus of the medial prefrontal cortex was differentially activated in the human co-actor condition compared to the computer co-actor condition. The medial prefrontal cortex, involved thinking about the beliefs and intentions of other people, possibly reflects a social-cognitive aspect or self-other discrimination during the joint task when believing a biological co-actor is present. Our results suggest that action co-representation can occur even offline with any agent type given a priori information that they are co-acting; however additional regions are recruited when participants believe they are task-sharing with another human.

  4. Neuroimaging of the joint Simon effect with believed biological and non-biological co-actors (United States)

    Wen, Tanya; Hsieh, Shulan


    Performing a task alone or together with another agent can produce different outcomes. The current study used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural underpinnings when participants performed a Go/Nogo task alone or complementarily with another co-actor (unseen), whom was believed to be another human or a computer. During both complementary tasks, reaction time data suggested that participants integrated the potential action of their co-actor in their own action planning. Compared to the single-actor task, increased parietal and precentral activity during complementary tasks as shown in the fMRI data further suggested representation of the co-actor’s response. The superior frontal gyrus of the medial prefrontal cortex was differentially activated in the human co-actor condition compared to the computer co-actor condition. The medial prefrontal cortex, involved thinking about the beliefs and intentions of other people, possibly reflects a social-cognitive aspect or self-other discrimination during the joint task when believing a biological co-actor is present. Our results suggest that action co-representation can occur even offline with any agent type given a priori information that they are co-acting; however, additional regions are recruited when participants believe they are task-sharing with another human. PMID:26388760

  5. Effect of Acting Experience on Emotion Expression and Recognition in Voice: Non-Actors Provide Better Stimuli than Expected. (United States)

    Jürgens, Rebecca; Grass, Annika; Drolet, Matthis; Fischer, Julia

    Both in the performative arts and in emotion research, professional actors are assumed to be capable of delivering emotions comparable to spontaneous emotional expressions. This study examines the effects of acting training on vocal emotion depiction and recognition. We predicted that professional actors express emotions in a more realistic fashion than non-professional actors. However, professional acting training may lead to a particular speech pattern; this might account for vocal expressions by actors that are less comparable to authentic samples than the ones by non-professional actors. We compared 80 emotional speech tokens from radio interviews with 80 re-enactments by professional and inexperienced actors, respectively. We analyzed recognition accuracies for emotion and authenticity ratings and compared the acoustic structure of the speech tokens. Both play-acted conditions yielded similar recognition accuracies and possessed more variable pitch contours than the spontaneous recordings. However, professional actors exhibited signs of different articulation patterns compared to non-trained speakers. Our results indicate that for emotion research, emotional expressions by professional actors are not better suited than those from non-actors.

  6. Adversarial Advantage Actor-Critic Model for Task-Completion Dialogue Policy Learning


    Peng, Baolin; Li, Xiujun; Gao, Jianfeng; Liu, Jingjing; Chen, Yun-Nung; Wong, Kam-Fai


    This paper presents a new method --- adversarial advantage actor-critic (Adversarial A2C), which significantly improves the efficiency of dialogue policy learning in task-completion dialogue systems. Inspired by generative adversarial networks (GAN), we train a discriminator to differentiate responses/actions generated by dialogue agents from responses/actions by experts. Then, we incorporate the discriminator as another critic into the advantage actor-critic (A2C) framework, to encourage the...

  7. The key role of supply chain actors in groundwater irrigation development in North Africa (United States)

    Lejars, Caroline; Daoudi, Ali; Amichi, Hichem


    The role played by supply chain actors in the rapid development of groundwater-based irrigated agriculture is analyzed. Agricultural groundwater use has increased tremendously in the past 50 years, leading to the decline of water tables. Groundwater use has enabled intensification of existing farming systems and ensured economic growth. This "groundwater economy" has been growing rapidly due to the initiative of farmers and the involvement of a wide range of supply chain actors, including suppliers of equipment, inputs retailers, and distributors of irrigated agricultural products. In North Africa, the actors in irrigated production chains often operate at the margin of public policies and are usually described as "informal", "unstructured", and as participating in "groundwater anarchy". This paper underlines the crucial role of supply chain actors in the development of groundwater irrigation, a role largely ignored by public policies and rarely studied. The analysis is based on three case studies in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, and focuses on the horticultural sub-sector, in particular on onions and tomatoes, which are irrigated high value crops. The study demonstrates that although supply chain actors are catalyzers of the expansion of groundwater irrigation, they could also become actors in adaptation to the declining water tables. Through their informal activities, they help reduce market risks, facilitate credit and access to subsidies, and disseminate innovation. The interest associated with making these actors visible to agricultural institutions is discussed, along with methods of getting them involved in the management of the resource on which they depend.

  8. African Initiated Churches’ potential as development actors

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    Philipp Öhlmann


    Full Text Available African Initiated Churches (AICs are not yet recognised as relevant actors of community development interventions. While it has been acknowledged that many of them provide coping mechanisms in adverse environments, support in social transformation and social capital, little information is available on their role as development actors. In this article, we evaluate the potential of AICs as partners of international development agencies for community development. We draw on interviews and focus group discussions with leaders of various AICs conducted in South Africa in February and March 2016. In particular, we examine the churches’ understanding of development, their view on the separation of spiritual and development activities and their priorities. Moreover, we outline the development activities which they are currently engaged in and analyse the structures they have in place to do so. Our findings indicate that AICs are increasingly active in community development and offer various entry points for possible cooperation.

  9. Actor Network Theory Approach and its Application in Investigating Agricultural Climate Information System

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    Maryam Sharifzadeh


    Full Text Available Actor network theory as a qualitative approach to study complex social factors and process of socio-technical interaction provides new concepts and ideas to understand socio-technical nature of information systems. From the actor network theory viewpoint, agricultural climate information system is a network consisting of actors, actions and information related processes (production, transformation, storage, retrieval, integration, diffusion and utilization, control and management, and system mechanisms (interfaces and networks. Analysis of such systemsembody the identification of basic components and structure of the system (nodes –thedifferent sources of information production, extension, and users, and the understanding of how successfully the system works (interaction and links – in order to promote climate knowledge content and improve system performance to reach agricultural development. The present research attempted to introduce actor network theory as research framework based on network view of agricultural climate information system.

  10. Understanding Obstacles to Peace: Actors, Interests, and Strategies ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Feb 24, 2011 ... Understanding Obstacles to Peace: Actors, Interests, and Strategies in Africa's ... The case studies all employ methods of “thick description” process tracing ... Addressing Africa's unmet need for family planning by intensifying ...

  11. Interface Between Research, Development and Local Actors in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Interface Between Research, Development and Local Actors in Enhancing ... Open Access DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT ... Environmental sustainability is a key area of focus in academic and development circles mainly because of the role that the ...


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    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como propósito fundamental identificar los motivos por los cuales trabajan los niños y niñas ocupados en México. Se buscá generar una reflexión desde la perspectiva de las unidades domésticas como oferentes de fuerza de trabajo y al mismo tiempo como el espacio en que se concreta, organiza y materializa el trabajo de niños y niñas. La metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa, pues se revisán los datos arrojados por el Módulo de Trabajo Infantil incluido en la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo 2011. Se llega a la conclusión de que los niños y niñas ocupados en México lo hacen debido a dos causas principales: en primer lugar que en tanto unidades económicas productivas los hogares hacen uso del recurso fuerza de trabajo en la que los niños y las niñas, son actores centrales, y en segundo lugar por la insuficiencia de los ingresos de los hogares para sufragar los gastos personales y costos escolares.

  13. Modelling the lay expert for first-year medical students: the actor-patient as teacher. (United States)

    Nestel, Debra; Muir, Elizabeth; Plant, Marilyn; Kidd, Jane; Thurlow, Sue


    Actors are widely used in medical education as simulated patients. In this session, the role of actors was extended to 'simulated students' and facilitators in an introductory communication session. After an initial activity with the entire cohort of first-year students, groups of 20 students worked with either an actor or medical teacher in three activities. The activities aimed to raise students' awareness of the range of communication challenges in medical education and practice. After the session, students completed evaluation forms based on their experiences in the session. The results revealed no difference between students who were facilitated by actors or medical teachers in relation to meeting the learning objectives and their ratings of the usefulness of the activities to support learning. The actors who participated in this session were experienced in working with medical students. Their enhanced role provides students with an opportunity to identify with and reflect on the expertise of a lay teacher and to consider extending their definition of a learning opportunity to more informal encounters.

  14. The actors and privatization of sanitation services in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua

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    Gustavo Córdova Bojórquez


    Full Text Available This document offers an analysis about possibilities to implement a concession system in the recollection and disposal of non-hazardous trash collection service in Ciudad Juarez. The recognition of view points from different actors in the timeframe, applying a survey to home heads and interviews to opinion leaders, as actors key in city´s production, let us to identify a high politized item that keep off efficient and transparent public participation.


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    A. E. Rudakova


    Full Text Available The author examines the reputational characteristics of the formation of political actors at the expense of the state budget, the specificity of the mechanism of implementation of government procurement and modern Russian practice.

  16. Revitalizing REDD+ Policy Processes in Vietnam: The Roles of State and Non-State Actors

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    Thu Ba Huynh


    Full Text Available Vietnam was one of the first countries to introduce the National REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Action Program in 2012. The country has recently revised the Program to aim for a more inclusive 2016–2020 strategy and a vision to 2030. This study explores how Vietnam policy actors view REDD+ policy development and their influence in these processes. The results can contribute to the discussion on how policy actors can effectively influence policy processes in the evolving context of REDD+ and in the types of political arrangements represented in Vietnam. We examined the influence of state and non-state actors on the 2012 National REDD+ Action Program (NRAP processes, and explored factors that may have shaped this influence, using a combination of document analysis and semi-structured interviews with 81 policy actors. It was found that non-state actors in REDD+ are still on the periphery of decision making, occupying “safe” positions, and have not taken either full advantage of their capacities, or of recent significant changes in the contemporary policy environment, to exert stronger influence on policy. We suggest that REDD+ policy processes in Vietnam need to be revitalized with key actors engaging collectively to promote the possibilities of REDD+ within a broader view of social change that reaches beyond the forestry sector.

  17. La figura del consum’actor justo francés: ¿consumidor y ciudadano?

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    Gabriela Parodi∗


    Full Text Available El neologismo consum’actor (consumidor-actor es utilizado en diferentes espacios sociales para dirigirse a los consumidores susceptibles de ejercer una forma de compromiso través del consumo. El artículo muestra cómo la figura del consum’actor cumple una función de tipo ideal en la promoción del consumo de productos del comercio justo para el caso de promotores y consumidores franceses entrevistados en el marco de una investigación sociológica. Observando el mecanismo de recalificación del consumidor en consum’actor analizamos cómo se fabrica una argumentación tendiente a politizar ese acto de compra, interrogando la lógica de acción de los promotores. La reflexividad de los consumidores justos sobre las prácticas asociadas con el consum’actor permitió conocer los límites en la apropiación de esta figura. La porosidad de campos (mercado, consumo, política movilizados en la argumentación para su caracterización explica la distancia entre aquella función y los límites de su apropiación como figura social del compromiso ciudadano


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    Gheorghe MINCULETE


    Full Text Available Nowadays, the world seems to be in a transition from the current system founded on the liberal social, economic and political model to a more diverse and heterogeneous model in which the determinant role is played by a number of state and non-state actors. The step from the Western system of cultural, political and predominant economic values to a more diverse and heterogeneous system makes the actors involved defend not only their visions, but also promote their own interests. The differences between visions gain relevance and clarity because the countries supporting them obtain increased power, and that is more than obvious. All this leads to a symmetric allocation of different means, which generates uncertainties and diminishes unilateral actions This transition process impacts global security especially through the asymmetric, unconventional and hybrid risks and threats manifesting worldwide.

  19. Environmental assessment for sustainable development: process, actors and practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andre, P.; Delisle, C.E.; Reveret, J.-P.


    Multiple environmental problems afflict our contemporary world and have been the subject of discussions during many international meetings. All declarations resulting from these meetings insist on including environmental problems and on environmental assessment (EA) as an important tool to achieve this. This book aims to reach three objectives. First, it introduces EA to people from different disciplines, and therefore it opens up the perspective of new disciplinary horizons. Second, the authors discuss EA as a socio-political process rather than emphasizing methodologies. Third, this book draws mainly on the experience in Francophone countries which is still poorly disseminated. This book focusses on process and actors. Thus, the subject matter is divided into five major parts: the history and major issues of EA from a sustainable development perspective (Chapters 1 to 3); the actors, i.e. the Project Proponent and consulting firms, the public, the decision maker and international actors (Chapters 4 to 7); methods and tools including public participation (Chapters 8 and 9); processes in practice through step by step processes in practice and case studies (Chapters 10 and 11); and, finally, recent and upcoming developments in EA, including elements of strategic environmental assessment (Chapters 12 and 13). An index facilitates searching for information. The reader is also invited to consult the book's website

  20. El productor silencioso: destino del gran actor de la modernización de los años 1960-70 en la actual copresencia de agriculturas de la región pampeana argentina // The silent farmer: destiny of the great actor of the modernization of the years 1960–70 in the current copresence of agricultures in the Argentina Pampa

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    Christophe Albaladejo


    Full Text Available En la región pampeana argentina, pese a las declaraciones de muchos actores y afirmaciones en la literatura, estimamos que el modelo de agricultura del agribusiness representado por los “nuevos productores” de la soja no puede ser considerado como una profundización del modelo de modernización anterior, de los años 1960-70, sino que debe ser entendido como un proceso nuevo en ruptura con dicha modernización. ¿Cuál es entonces el destino de los actores que eran la base del modelo de modernización anterior y en particular del productor moderno convencional? Surgió paralelamente al agribusiness, y desde los años 2000, un nuevo sujeto social en lo rural argentino: el “productor familiar”. Pero ninguno de los dos sujetos, agricultor familiar y agribusiness, representa lo esencial del productor “moderno” autónomo que estuvo en el centro de la modernización “clásica” de los años 1960-70.  En este trabajo mostramos el carácter heurístico de centrar el foco de la atención sobre el destino de la base social de la modernización anterior, y la importancia oculta de su rol actual en los territorios y el agro, pese a su repentina desaparición de los discursos y de las representaciones sociales, así como de las políticas públicas.

  1. Policy Actors: Doing Policy Work in Schools (United States)

    Ball, Stephen J.; Maguire, Meg; Braun, Annette; Hoskins, Kate


    This paper considers the "policy work" of teacher actors in schools. It focuses on the "problem of meaning" and offers a typology of roles and positions through which teachers engage with policy and with which policies get "enacted". It argues that "policy work" is made up of a set of complex and…

  2. Innovation in the plural of the alpine cre-actors

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    Andréa Finger-Stich


    Full Text Available The capacity to innovate for a sustainable development of alpine territories cannot depend only on economic, legal and political conditions defined by the State at national and international levels. It depends also on local conditions that situate historically and geographically the actors in a continuity of social and ecological relationships. This approach highlights the collective – thus organisational – dimensions of the innovation process, including the imagination, the development, the implementation and even the diffusion of a new practice. Our point of view is that for contributing to the sustainable development of the Alps, innovations need to change the ecological, political, social and cultural relationships engaging the actors in these territories. This change affects as much the object territory as the subject actor of the territory. This is why innovating in the Alps means also innovating the Alps and the alpine actors (Cosalp, 2008. Based on a research about local people’s participation in the management of alpine communal forests, the article shows the importance of local interactions involving actors of diverse occupation, gender, age and origins1.La capacité d’innovation pour un développement durable des territoires alpins ne peut dépendre uniquement de conditions économiques, légales et politiques définies par les Etats aux échelles nationale et internationale. Elle dépend aussi de conditions locales, qui situent historiquement et géographiquement les acteurs dans une continuité de relations sociales et écologiques. Cette perspective accentue l’importance de la dimension collective, donc organisationnelle, du processus d’innovation, allant de l’imagination, puis au développement, à la réalisation – voire la diffusion – d’une nouvelle pratique. Le point de vue de cet article est qu’une innovation, pour contribuer au développement durable des Alpes, doit changer les relations

  3. Children's Moral Judgments as a Function of Intention, Damage, and an Actor's Physical Harm. (United States)

    Suls, Jerry; Kalle, Robert J.


    Examines children's moral judgments of story characters who accidently harm themselves. Children in kindergarten and in grades 3 and 5 rated actors in stories which varied in terms of intention, damage, and harm to the actor. (SS)

  4. Actor bonds after relationship dissolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skaates, Maria Anne


    Most of the presented papers at the 1st NoRD Workshop can be classified as belonging to the business marketing approach to relationship dissolution. Two papers were conceptual, and the remaining six were empirical studies. The first conceptual study by Skaates (2000) focuses on the nature...... of the actor bonds that remain after a business relationship has ended. The study suggests that an interdisciplinary approach would provide a richer understanding of the phenomenon; this could be achieved by using e.g. Bourdieu's sociological concepts in dissolution research....

  5. The Plurilingual Social Actor. Language, Citizenship and Education (United States)

    Coste, Daniel; Simon, Diana-Lee


    The paper critically discusses key theoretical concepts and definitions attached to the notion of a "plurilingual social actor", and assesses their impact and implications for European language policies and for the development of plurilingualism and citizenship in schools. (Contains 11 notes.)


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    Elena Viktorovna Tsalko


    Full Text Available In this paper on the basis of the notions of competence, forecasting, prognostical competence the author’s definition of future actors-teachers’ prognostical competence is developed. Under prognostic competence of future actors-teachers we understand a special competence that allows the subject, engaged in professional activities as a performer of roles in the theater (movies, TV, as well as performing teaching activities in the field of arts, to receive the necessary anticipatory information about the phenomenon under investigation (on performing roles in the theatre, films, and television, on the learning process and actors-teachers training. Components of prognostical competence as a type of competencies (cognitive, instrumental and operational and motivational-value are singled out. The feature of the future actor-teacher’s professional activities in the context of prognostical competence is viewed. It is the simultaneous solving the artistic-creative, organizational and teaching-upbringing problems.Purpose. The purpose of the paper is the definition of prognostical competence of future teachers-actors.Methodology. In the research the methods of theoretical level are used: comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, concretization; analytical methods; idealization and modeling.Result. The result of the research is the development of the author’s concept of «prognostical competence of the future teachers-actors».Practical implications. Application of the results: The results may be applied to the work of teachers-actors’ trainers as well as the researchers in Pedagogy.

  7. El autismo desde una perspectiva neuropsicológica


    Justo Rodríguez, Marta


    En la presente revisión bibliográfica se pretende dar una aproximación al autismo. Se revisarán diversos abordajes que atraviesa este trastorno desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. Se tienen en cuenta los rasgos fundamentales del autismo revisando el conocimiento de la etiología de dicha enfermedad en la que la tríada la conformarían la ausencia de relaciones sociales, las dificultades para la comunicación, el comportamiento rutinario y obsesivo. Desde una perspectiva neuropsicológica se an...

  8. El servicio de inteligencia: un actor político en la transición española

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Todos los regímenes políticos no democráticos cuentan con unas organizaciones encargadas de suministrar información que ayuda a garantizar la seguridad del régimen y de sus élites. Durante los períodos de transición a la democracia estas organizaciones cobran gran autonomía ante la debilidad del aparato político. Así se acaban convirtiendo en quienes orientan el rumbo que debe tomar el régimen transmutándose en un actor político más de las transiciones. El presente artículo pretende detallar cómo surge en el seno de la Administración española una agencia de este tipo y cómo se comporta conforme a este patrón desde 1968 hasta 1982, al mismo tiempo que la democracia española vive su proceso de nacimiento y consolidación. Este artículo está confeccionado a base de testimonios de los miembros de los servicios de inteligencia y responsables políticos de aquella época entrevistados por el autor. ABSTRACT: Every non-democratic political regime has some organizations responsible for gathering and supplying information to the policy makers for its duty of guaranteeing the security of the state and of its elites. During the periods of transition to the democracy these organizations charge great autonomy before the weakness of the political apparatus. Thus they are who finally orient the course that should take the state and they transmuted into another political actor of the democracy transition period. The present article intends to detail how in the breast of the Spanish Administration arises an agency of this kind and how it behaves according to this pattern since 1968 until 1982, at the same time that the Spanish democracy lives its process of birth and consolidation. This article is based on testimonies of the members of the intelligence services and policy makers of that epoch interviewed by the author.


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    Muhammad Saad


    Full Text Available This article is the result of research on the analysis of the policy making of the budget revenues and shopping area of Makassar city fiscal year 2009. One part of this research use approach to the actors and the relationships between actors in policy making. Within the framework of the system of policy making of Budget income and Expenditure area (Budgets Makassar city, this research is the description of the analysis of the local government and actors People’s Representative Council District Makassar city as policy makers in making Grant Makassar city

  10. Las reacciones adversas a medicamentos: una aproximación desde el punto de vista económico.

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    Omar Segura


    Full Text Available La farmacovigilancia, en cuanto disciplina y actividad de las ciencias de salud dedicada a la recolección de información, análisis y ayuda a la toma de decisiones sobre reacciones adversas a medicamentos (RAM, ha tenido expansión conceptual y práctica desde la década de 1960. No obstante, muy pocos estudios han analizado en profundidad cuánto puede costarle este problema a un sistema de salud. El presente artículo pretende ofrecer un análisis de la literatura disponible, orientado hacia el costo generado por la atención de eventos adversos frente a medicamentos en la práctica médica - basado en datos de la literatura internacional - y ofrece un ejercicio hipotético de extrapolación sobre futuros costos de las RAM en Colombia. La finalidad última del presente artículo es sensibilizar y llamar a la reflexión a los diferentes actores del sector salud sobre el impacto económico y la necesidad de apoyar la implementación y desarrollo de un sistema nacional de farmacovigilancia.

  11. New market actors: economic social movements and politicized consumers

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    Fátima Portilho


    Full Text Available This article presents reflections on new market actors, and economic social movements in particular - that is, those in which actors build a new culture of political action that seeks to reappropriate the economy through their own values. Some examples of this are the movements organized around “solidarity economics”, fair trade, geographic indications, “slow food” and consumer organization. This interface of social movements and the market may be the most marked, differentiated and polemic trait of contemporary political mobilizations. Nonetheless, beyond economic social movements, this article simultaneously emphasizes and problematizes political action within the sphere of individual consumption, that is, that which has been referred to as “political consumption”. Keywords: economic social movements, consumer movements, political consumption.

  12. Actors and Practices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Lars

    Actors and practices – An institutional study on management accounting change in Air Greenland My former CEO was one of the first executives in Greenland to formally implement an extensive commercial strategy to identify the contradictory forces of social obligations and commercial strivings...... societal obligation. He noted that: “…there is some inherent conflict in having the type of ownership we have, one in which the commercial owner demands higher profits or they will sell their shares, and the other two government owners, where one wishes to have the lowest possible fares and better...... infrastructure and the other one just wants less trouble. Well! This is the ongoing inherent conflict of the owner composition we just have to deal with.” He emphasized that SAS, the more “commercial oriented” owner and private shareholder, wanted higher profits and gains, whereas the Government of Greenland...

  13. Passenger Rail SOEs as Domestic Institutional Market Actors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tolstrup Christensen, Lene


    sectorial challenges. In Sweden, this role has a new public governance form as the monopoly over time is fully dismantled. In Denmark, over time marketization is put on hold due to problems with the SOE as a market actor, but the SOE is nevertheless safeguarded in a new Weberian model as a sector......Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to make an empirical-based conceptualization of the contemporary domestic state-owned enterprises (SOEs) as domestic institutional market actors (IMAs) in the marketization of public service delivery. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based...... on a qualitative comparative case study of the SOEs in passenger rail in Denmark and Sweden from 1990 to 2015. Findings: The paper shows how marketization results in a layered institutional set-up of public service delivery based on both competition and monopoly where the SOE becomes what we call an IMA bridging...


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    Intan Soeparna


    Full Text Available Economic actors are the main trade player in the World Trade Organization, although, the relation between WTO and economic actor is built by trade regulation that is negotiated among the WTO Members. Nothing in the WTO regulates economic actors to involve directly in the WTO, especially in the WTO dispute settlement system. Nevertheless, the debate amongst experts regarding the involvement of economic actors in the WTO dispute settlement system is unavoidable. This article therefore discusses the possibility of the involvement of economic actors in the WTO dispute settlement system, whether there is legal and political point of views

  15. Lógicas territoriales y relaciones de poder en el espacio de los actores armados: un aporte desde la geografía política al estudio de la violencia y el conflicto armado en Colombia, 1990-2012

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    Luis Gabriel Salas Salazar


    Full Text Available The article analyzes the territorial logics and power relations of the actors of the Colombian armed conflict between 1990 and 2012, from the perspective of political geography. These factors are made evident in armed, military actions, coercion and violence against civilians, and efforts to seize control of local power. On the basis of the analysis of the spatial densities of the events of the armed conflict, the study shows that the differential spatial impact of the armed conflict and the violence registered in Colombia can be explained by the geostrategic importance of the territories for the actors involved: presence of illicit crops, natural resources, and illegal economies, or their location in areas that facilitate communication both within the country and abroad.

  16. Elegant Coercion and Iran: Beyond the Unitary Actor Model

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Moss, J. C


    .... At its core, then, coercion is about state decision-making. Most theories of coercion describe states as if they were unitary actors whose decision-making results from purely rational cost-benefit calculations...

  17. Resenha: Power, Interdependence and Nonstate Actors in World Politics

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    Katiuscia Moreno Galhera Espósito


    Full Text Available Resenha do livro: Moravcsik, Andrew; Milner, Helen V. (org.. Power, Interdependence and Nonstate Actors in World Politics. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-691-14027-8

  18. Searching for realism, structure and agency in Actor Network Theory. (United States)

    Elder-Vass, Dave


    Superficially, Actor Network Theory (ANT) and critical realism (CR) are radically opposed research traditions. Written from a realist perspective, this paper asks whether there might be a basis for finding common ground between these two traditions. It looks in turn at the questions of realism, structure, and agency, analysing the differences between the two perspectives and seeking to identify what each might learn from the other. Overall, the paper argues that there is a great deal that realists can learn from actor network theory; yet ANT remains stunted by its lack of a depth ontology. It fails to recognize the significance of mechanisms, and of their dependence on emergence, and thus lacks both dimensions of the depth that is characteristic of critical realism's ontology. This prevents ANT from recognizing the role and powers of social structure; but on the other hand, realists would do well to heed ANT's call for us to trace the connections through which structures are constantly made and remade. A lack of ontological depth also underpins ANT's practice of treating human and non-human actors symmetrically, yet this remains a valuable provocation to sociologists who neglect non-human entities entirely.

  19. Huincúl Kimvn. Mirando la Historia "desde arriba".

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    Pedro Canales Tapia


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo es una proposición histórica regional, de carácter etnográfica, que amparada en las técnicas y propuestas emanadas desde la historia oral y los estudios de la memoria, presentan una descripción de la situación vivencial de dos ancianos mapuche. Este relato muestra, a partir de la oralidad de los sujetos, la conexión, disociación y conflicto entre historia de vida e historia nacional - hegemónica, dando cuenta del sitial marginal y pauperizado, que la población mapuche experimenta de manera estructural, desde la pérdida de su territorio y la desarticulación de éste en el siglo XIX en adelante. De este modo, la historia mapuche se articula a partir de los dispositivos de la memoria y su vínculo con la alteridad, desde posiciones marcadas por la colonialidad de las relaciones sociales entre sí y con otros/as. De esta forma, rescatar la memoria histórica de dos  ancianos mapuche, nos adentra en la discusión acerca dela construcción constante de identidad étnica y despliegue de la etnicidad entre los miembros de un grupo determinado, emergiendo de allí discursos culturales, políticos y demandas sociales,que interpelan a la sociedad colonizadora y hegemónica, desde ámbitos tan diversos como laritualidad, el medio ambiente y la relación hombre – naturaleza.

  20. Effects of Actor-Network Theory in Accounting Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Justesen, Lise Nederland; Mouritsen, Jan


    Purpose – This paper aims to discuss how Bruno Latour's version of actor-network theory has influenced accounting research. It also seeks to show that Latour's writings contain unexplored potential that may inspire future accounting research. Design/methodology/approach – The paper takes the form...

  1. Actor/Actant-Network Theory as Emerging Methodology for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper deliberates on actor/actant-network theory (AANT) as methodology for policy research in environmental education (EE). Insights are drawn from work that applied AANT to research environmental policy processes surrounding the formulation and implementation of South Africa's Plastic Bags Regulations of 2003.

  2. Consumer culture theory (re)visits actor-network theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bajde, Domen


    The vocabulary and tactics developed by actor-network theory (ANT) can shed light on several ontological and epistemological challenges faced by consumer culture theory. Rather than providing ready-made theories or methods, our translation of ANT puts forward a series of questions and propositions...

  3. Actor roles in transition: Insights from sociological perspectives

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.M. Wittmayer (Julia); F. Avelino (Flor); F. van Steenbergen; D.A. Loorbach (Derk)


    textabstractTo date, the field of transition research lacks a suitable vocabulary to analyse the (changing) interactions and relations of actors as part of a sustainability transition. This article addresses this knowledge gap by exploring the potential of the concept of 'roles' from social

  4. Private actors, global health and learning the lessons of history. (United States)

    Youde, Jeremy


    Private business and philanthropic organizations have played a prominent role in the response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the support of global health governance more broadly. While this involvement may appear to be novel or unprecedented, this article argues that this active role for private actors and philanthropies actually mirrors the historical experience of cross-border health governance in the first half of the twentieth century. By examining the experiences, roles and criticisms of the Rockefeller Foundation's International Health Division and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it is possible to identify potential opportunities for better cooperation between public and private actors in global health governance.

  5. Comparisons of Multilevel Modeling and Structural Equation Modeling Approaches to Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. (United States)

    Hong, Sehee; Kim, Soyoung


    There are basically two modeling approaches applicable to analyzing an actor-partner interdependence model: the multilevel modeling (hierarchical linear model) and the structural equation modeling. This article explains how to use these two models in analyzing an actor-partner interdependence model and how these two approaches work differently. As an empirical example, marital conflict data were used to analyze an actor-partner interdependence model. The multilevel modeling and the structural equation modeling produced virtually identical estimates for a basic model. However, the structural equation modeling approach allowed more realistic assumptions on measurement errors and factor loadings, rendering better model fit indices.

  6. The Rights of Private Economic Actors Under the World Trade Organization Agreements in Indonesia

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    Intan Soeparna


    Full Text Available Nothing in the Uruguay Round mentions directly about rights of private economic actors. It seems that the relationship to private economic actors (or may be individual does not exist within the WTO Agreements, because as a general rule, private parties are not legal subjects of the international legal order. However, this article will prevail upon this situation, by looking closer at the essence of the WTO Agreements to discern the rights of private economic actors that derive from the WTO. The main question of this article is to what extent then Indonesia is dealing with the rights of private economic actors under the WTO Agreements? The background of this questionis because four years after ratifying the WTO Agreements, Indonesia has been facing what is arguably the most serious multidimensional crisis in 1997, some difficult situations have arisen from the crisis; therefore, the society hesitated to accept the open world trading system. The society seemed look askance to the implementation of the WTO Agreements. But Indonesian Government took major step to reduce the skepticism of society toward liberalization, by readjusting its national laws conform to the WTO Agreements with the intention to support the rights of national economic actors under the WTO Agreements in order to achieve total benefits of the WTO rules.

  7. Lone-Actor Terrorism. Toolkit Paper 1: Practical Guidance for Mental Health Practitioners and Social Workers


    Bakker, E.; Roy, de, van Zuijdewijn J.


    The aim of this paper is to draw out practical implications for mental health practitioners and social workers in dealing with Lone-Actor Terrorism. It is not intended to provide a profile of lone-actor terrorists, but rather to offer guidance that may be of use to practitioners in Europe (and beyond), supporting the development of strategies to detect and deal with potential lone-actor terrorists and to understand the possible risk posed by persons of interest. This paper presents three sets...

  8. The Roles and Movements of Actors in the Deforestation of Brazilian Amazonia


    Philip M. Fearnside


    Containing the advance of deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia requires understanding the roles and movements of the actors involved. The importance of different actors varies widely among locations within the region, and also evolves at any particular site over the course of frontier establishment and consolidation. Landless migrants have significant roles in clearing the land they occupy and in motivating landholders to clear as a defense against invasion or expropriation. Colonists in offic...

  9. Las relaciones laborales en ECOPETROL: un análisis desde las teorías sociológicas de la organización

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    Carlos González-Campo


    Full Text Available El poder y la confianza en los conflictos entre grupos hacen parte fundamental del análisis y comprensión. La implicación conceptual se ha transformado con la evolución de las teorías sociológicas de la organización, específicamente desde los desarrollos de Luhmann (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998. Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación descriptiva con metodología cualitativa de un estudio caso, mediante observación participante en el proceso de la negociación de una Convención Colectiva de Trabajo (CCT en la Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos (ECOPETROL, trata sobre las relaciones entre la dirección de ésta y su sindicato, la Unión Sindical Obrera (USO. Los hallazgos son contrastados con teorías sociológicas de la organización como las expuestas por Luhmann (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, Durkheim (1893 y Dahrendorf (1959, desde los conceptos de poder y confianza. Como resultado de la investigación se caracterizan los actores y los principales cambios en el proceso de transformación de las relaciones laborales de ECOPETROL. Se concluye que factores como la confianza y el poder, permiten entender cambios entre el uso de la autoridad o la aparición de relaciones de colaboración, la cooperación y la solidaridad, durante el período analizado en la empresa caso de estudio.

  10. Actor modelling and its contribution to the development of integrative strategies for management of pharmaceuticals in drinking water. (United States)

    Titz, Alexandra; Döll, Petra


    Widespread presence of human pharmaceuticals in water resources across the globe is documented. While some, but certainly not enough, research on the occurrence, fate and effect of pharmaceuticals in water resources has been carried out, a holistic risk management strategy is missing. The transdisciplinary research project "start" aimed to develop an integrative strategy by the participation of experts representing key actors in the problem field "pharmaceuticals in drinking water". In this paper, we describe a novel modelling method, actor modelling with the semi-quantitative software DANA (Dynamic Actor Network Analysis), and its application in support of identifying an integrative risk management strategy. Based on the individual perceptions of different actors, the approach allows the identification of optimal strategies. Actors' perceptions were elicited by participatory model building and interviews, and were then modelled in perception graphs. Actor modelling indicated that an integrative strategy that targets environmentally-responsible prescription, therapy, and disposal of pharmaceuticals on one hand, and the development of environmentally-friendly pharmaceuticals on the other hand, will likely be most effective for reducing the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in drinking water (at least in Germany where the study was performed). However, unlike most other actors, the pharmaceutical industry itself does not perceive that the production of environmentally-friendly pharmaceuticals is an action that helps to achieve its goals, but contends that continued development of highly active pharmaceutical ingredients will help to reduce the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the water cycle. Investment in advanced waste or drinking water treatment is opposed by both the wastewater treatment company and the drinking water supplier, and is not mentioned as appropriate by the other actors. According to our experience, actor modelling is a useful method to suggest effective

  11. earGram Actors: An Interactive Audiovisual System Based on Social Behavior

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    Peter Beyls


    Full Text Available In multi-agent systems, local interactions among system components following relatively simple rules often result in complex overall systemic behavior. Complex behavioral and morphological patterns have been used to generate and organize audiovisual systems with artistic purposes. In this work, we propose to use the Actor model of social interactions to drive a concatenative synthesis engine called earGram in real time. The Actor model was originally developed to explore the emergence of complex visual patterns. On the other hand, earGram was originally developed to facilitate the creative exploration of concatenative sound synthesis. The integrated audiovisual system allows a human performer to interact with the system dynamics while receiving visual and auditory feedback. The interaction happens indirectly by disturbing the rules governing the social relationships amongst the actors, which results in a wide range of dynamic spatiotemporal patterns. A performer thus improvises within the behavioural scope of the system while evaluating the apparent connections between parameter values and actual complexity of the system output.

  12. Putting Gino's lesson to work: Actor-network theory, enacted humanity, and rehabilitation. (United States)

    Abrams, Thomas; Gibson, Barbara E


    This article argues that rehabilitation enacts a particular understanding of "the human" throughout therapeutic assessment and treatment. Following Michel Callon and Vololona Rabeharisoa's "Gino's Lesson on Humanity," we suggest that this is not simply a top-down process, but is cultivated in the application and response to biomedical frameworks of human ability, competence, and responsibility. The emergence of the human is at once a materially contingent, moral, and interpersonal process. We begin the article by outlining the basics of the actor-network theory that underpins "Gino's Lesson on Humanity." Next, we elucidate its central thesis regarding how disabled personhood emerges through actor-network interactions. Section "Learning Gino's lesson" draws on two autobiographical examples, examining the emergence of humanity through rehabilitation, particularly assessment measures and the responses to them. We conclude by thinking about how rehabilitation and actor-network theory might take this lesson on humanity seriously. © The Author(s) 2016.

  13. Bridging centrality: A new indicator to measure the positioning of actors in R&D networks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scherngell, T.; Wanzenboeck, I.; Berge, L.


    In the recent past, we can observe growing interest in the STI community in the notion of positioning indicators, shifting emphasis to actors in the innovation process and their R&D inter-linkages with other actors. In relation to this, we suggest a new approach for assessing the positioning of actors relying on the notion of bridging centrality (BC). Based on the concept of bridging paths, i.e. a set of two links connecting three actors across three different aggregate nodes (e.g. organisations, regions or countries), we argue that triangulation in networks is a key issue for knowledge recombinations and the extension of an actor's knowledge base. As bridges are most often not empirically observable at the individual level of research teams, we propose an approximated BC measure that provides a flexible framework for dealing with the aggregation problem in positioning actors. Hereby, BC is viewed as a function of an aggregate node's (i) participation intensity in the network, (ii) its openness to other nodes (i.e. the relative outward orientation of network links), and iii) the diversification of links to other nodes. In doing so, we provide an integrative perspective that enables us to achieve a better understanding of the positioning of certain actors in R&D networks. An illustrative example on the co-patent network of European regions demonstrates the performance and usefulness of our BC measure for networks constructed at the aggregated level, i.e. regions in our example. A region's outward orientation and the diversification of its network links moderates the influence of regional scale on network centrality. This is a major strength of the measure, and it paves the way for future studies to examine the role of certain aggregate node's, and, by this, contributes to the debate on positioning indicators in the STI context. (Author)

  14. Getting acquainted: Actor and partner effects of attachment and temperament on young children's peer behavior. (United States)

    McElwain, Nancy L; Holland, Ashley S; Engle, Jennifer M; Ogolsky, Brian G


    Guided by a dyadic view of children's peer behavior, this study assessed actor and partner effects of attachment security and temperament on young children's behavior with an unfamiliar peer. At 33 months of age, child-mother attachment security was assessed via a modified Strange Situation procedure, and parents reported on child temperament (anger proneness and social fearfulness). At 39 months, same-sex children (N = 114, 58 girls) were randomly paired, and child dyads were observed during 3 laboratory visits occurring over 1 month. Actor-partner interdependence models, tested via multilevel modeling, revealed that actor security, partner anger proneness, and acquaintanceship (e.g., initial vs. later visits) combined to predict child behavior. Actor security predicted more responsiveness to the new peer partner at the initial visit, regardless of partner anger proneness. Actor security continued to predict responsiveness at the 2nd and 3rd visits when partner anger was low, but these associations were nonsignificant when partner anger was high. Actor security also predicted a less controlling assertiveness style at the initial visit when partner anger proneness was high, yet this association was nonsignificant by the final visit. The findings shed light on the dynamic nature of young children's peer behavior and indicate that attachment security is related to behavior in expected ways during initial interactions with a new peer, but may change as children become acquainted. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  15. Tierra, palma africana y conflicto armado en el Bajo Atrato chocoano, Colombia. Una lectura desde el cambio en los órdenes de extracción

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    Paola García Reyes


    Full Text Available Desde la década de 1990 la región del Pacífico colombiano vive un proceso inédito de agudización del conflicto armado interno. Algunos estudios han descrito este hecho como una consecuencia no intencionada del reconocimiento de las poblaciones negras de la región como grupos étnicos propietarios de los territorios en los que habitan. En este artículo me pregunto de qué forma resultaron modificadas las dinámicas de conflicto en la subregión del Bajo Atrato chocoano (1985-2005 en Colombia, si esto se vincula con la explotación de sus recursos naturales, en particular la palma de aceite y cuál fue el papel que jugó en estas dinámicas el cambio en el régimen de propiedad de la tierra. Para responder a estas preguntas me baso en los estudios sobre la economía política de los conflictos armados e introduzco el concepto de órdenes de extracción con el fin de analizar las acciones de los actores del conflicto, los empresarios de la palma, el Estado como agente regulador y las poblaciones negras. Mi conclusión principal es que el cambio en la estructura de propiedad de la tierra no fue causa del conflicto y que el tipo de actor involucrado es una variable relevante.

  16. The Interactive Constitution of Actors in Industrial Networks: The Case of the Norwegian City of Alesund


    Frans Prenkert


    The actor-dimension of the Activitiy-Resource-Actor (ARA)-model has not gained the same attention among Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) scholars as the resource and activity dimensions. However, the issue of what an actor actually is, in the sense of its interactive constitution, is important from an industrial marketing and purchasing perspective that emphasizes the interactive character of the business landscape. This is adressed in this paper. As a concequence of their interactiv...

  17. Demystifying facilitation of multi-actor learning processes


    Groot, A.E.


    This thesis aims to demystify the facilitation of participatory processes in order to improve the performance of the facilitation professional. As our society is increasingly recognised as pluralistic, characterised by multiple actors with different interests, values and perceptions, participation has become a popular means of bringing about social and technical change. Across the globe, whether in agricultural devel...

  18. Beyond Pain: Coercing Violent Non-State Actors (United States)


    same collection by Abraham Maslow , “A Theory of Motivation,” 174- 175, taken from Psychological Review, 50 (1943). 15 For excellent study of global...utility now? Despite a persistent threat, contemporary theory and practice are not oriented on the VNSA problem. Focus remains on inter-state...actors make imperfect decisions resulting in unexpected behaviors. This is contrary to the underlying premise of classical coercion theory , which

  19. Humanoids Learning to Walk: A Natural CPG-Actor-Critic Architecture. (United States)

    Li, Cai; Lowe, Robert; Ziemke, Tom


    The identification of learning mechanisms for locomotion has been the subject of much research for some time but many challenges remain. Dynamic systems theory (DST) offers a novel approach to humanoid learning through environmental interaction. Reinforcement learning (RL) has offered a promising method to adaptively link the dynamic system to the environment it interacts with via a reward-based value system. In this paper, we propose a model that integrates the above perspectives and applies it to the case of a humanoid (NAO) robot learning to walk the ability of which emerges from its value-based interaction with the environment. In the model, a simplified central pattern generator (CPG) architecture inspired by neuroscientific research and DST is integrated with an actor-critic approach to RL (cpg-actor-critic). In the cpg-actor-critic architecture, least-square-temporal-difference based learning converges to the optimal solution quickly by using natural gradient learning and balancing exploration and exploitation. Futhermore, rather than using a traditional (designer-specified) reward it uses a dynamic value function as a stability indicator that adapts to the environment. The results obtained are analyzed using a novel DST-based embodied cognition approach. Learning to walk, from this perspective, is a process of integrating levels of sensorimotor activity and value.

  20. Humanoids Learning to Walk: a Natural CPG-Actor-Critic Architecture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CAI eLI


    Full Text Available The identification of learning mechanisms for locomotion has been the subject of much researchfor some time but many challenges remain. Dynamic systems theory (DST offers a novel approach to humanoid learning through environmental interaction. Reinforcement learning (RL has offered a promising method to adaptively link the dynamic system to the environment it interacts with via a reward-based value system.In this paper, we propose a model that integrates the above perspectives and applies it to the case of a humanoid (NAO robot learning to walk the ability of which emerges from its value-based interaction with the environment. In the model,a simplified central pattern generator (CPG architecture inspired by neuroscientific research and DST is integrated with an actor-critic approach to RL (cpg-actor-critic. In the cpg-actor-critic architecture, least-square-temporal-difference (LSTD based learning converges to the optimal solution quickly by using natural gradient and balancing exploration and exploitation. Futhermore, rather than using a traditional (designer-specified reward it uses a dynamic value function as a stability indicator (SI that adapts to the environment.The results obtained are analyzed and explained by using a novel DST embodied cognition approach. Learning to walk, from this perspective, is a process of integrating sensorimotor levels and value.

  1. Semantics for Communicating Actors with Interdependent Real-Time Deadlines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knoll, Istvan; Ravn, Anders Peter; Skou, Arne


    on the results, these tools must use consistent semantics for the model. Yet, a monolithic semantic model is just as complex as the entity it describes. In order to circumvent this issue, we define a three level semantics giving independent definitions of the functionality of actors, the temporal properties...... of communications, and finally imposing deadlines on the timing of dependent actors. With this approach the semantics is used directly in developing a simulator supporting the nondeterminism of the abstract semantics such that e.g. potential race conditions can be detected. The layers are also planned to underpin...... independent specialized verification tools. The verification task for timed, hybrid systems can thus be divided into the continuous, discrete, and timing domains with automated translation to specialized tools, and this promises better scalability than simulation or model checking of one complex model....

  2. Chinas carbon-intensity target: climate actors and policy developments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stensdal, Iselin


    China has become the largest GHG emitting country, and announced in 2009 its first policy objective measured in carbon emissions. The carbon-intensity target is to reduce the carbon intensity by 40-45 % by 2020 compared to 200 levels. Since then there has been further policy developments in order to attain the reduction carbon intensity and steer China towards a low-carbon development. The 12th 5-year plan (2011-2015) is strong on incentives for reducing China's carbon intensity such as energy conservation measures and the establishment of new market-based mechanisms. While the central government forms the policies, the implementation is dependent on a range of actors. In addition to the climate change bureaucracy, the positive forces and actors on GHG mitigation is presented. All in all, there are promising developments in China for the years to come.(auth)

  3. Sovereign Wealth Funds as Global Economic and Political Actors: Defining of Notions

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    Андрей Алексеевич Кинякин


    Full Text Available The article devoted to consideration of sovereign wealth funds (SWF as economic and political actors as well as analysis of different forms of their activity in the contemporary global economics and politics. The author comes to the conclusion, that sovereign wealth funds play not only the role of providers of interests of the national states, but being the special purpose vehicles (SPV, designated to fulfill the different tasks, turn out to be the new type of global actors.

  4. Hugh Grant's Image Restoration Discourse: An Actor Apologizes. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.


    Examines the strategies used by actor Hugh Grant (in his appearances on talk shows) to help restore his reputation after he was arrested for lewd behavior with a prostitute. Uses this case as a springboard to contrast entertainment image repair with political and corporate image repair, arguing that important situational differences can be…

  5. Renewable energy sources. Non-traditional actors on the international market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Five of Sweden's technical attaches have investigated the non-traditional actors activity within the field of renewable energy sources. Countries studied are USA, Japan, France, Germany and Great Britain

  6. El cultivo del trigo en Nueva Galicia durante el siglo XVII

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    René de León Meza


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia los factores que determinaron el desarrollo y consolidación del cultivo del trigo en varias comarcas del reino de Nueva Galicia durante el siglo xvii tomando como referencia la última fundación de Guadalajara. Destaca lo vital que fue para esta industria la mano de obra indígena a través del sistema de repartimiento forzado y la vigencia de este hasta el siglo xviii en contraste con Nueva España donde fue suprimido desde 1633. La hipótesis aquí planteada es que la escasez de trigo y harina que constantemente sufrieron los habitantes de la ciudad de Guadalajara se debió a la confabulación de las autoridades del Cabildo con los comerciantes y productores para acapararlos, esconderlos y luego venderlos a precios elevados. La política que los regidores implementaron de no instalar una alhóndiga que concentrara y regulara la venta de esos productos confirma el anterior aserto.

  7. Actor-Network Theory and Tourism : Ordering, materiality and multiplicity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Duim, van der V.R.; Ren, C.; Jóhannesson, G.T.


    The recent surfacing of actor-network theory (ANT) in tourism studies correlates to a rising interest in understanding tourism as emergent thorough relational practice connecting cultures, natures and technologies in multifarious ways. Despite the widespread application of ANT across the social

  8. The Social Construction of Transgenic Corn: Relevant Social Actors in Chihuahua

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    Marco Antonio Fernández Nava


    Full Text Available According to the socio-technical perspective, the meaning of a technological artefact does not lie within the artefact itself. Analyzing transgenic corn from a socio-technical perspective means taking one’s research beyond the artefact itself. To do this, it is necessary to overcome and avoid determinist positions, be they social or technological. This work takes as it point of departure the Social Construction of Technology Focus (SCOT. In this sense, transgenic corn is an unfinished object that is affected by an onslaught of struggles, opinions, agreements, disagreements, designs and redefinitions of the relevant social actors. These groups, the Democratic Campesino Front, El Barzón, National Agro-dynamic and Regional Agricultural Union of Yellow Corn Producers (UNIPRO, demonstrate how technological development is a social process. The deconstruction of transgenic corn according to the perspectives of these different social actors is key to the process of constructivist analysis: to take the artefacts just as each social actor views them. The objective of this study then is to describe how the different social groups, through their actions, construct and deconstruct the meaning of transgenic corn in Chihuahua, Mexico.

  9. Managing Actors, Resources, and Activities in Innovation Ecosystems – A Design Science Approach


    Valkokari , Katri; Amitrano , Cristina ,; Bifulco , Francesco; Valjakka , Tiina


    Part 13: Design Science and Business Models - Design Science Research; International audience; Through a design science approach, the paper explores how actors in a network create and sustain competitive advantage independently and through participation in a system of actors (i.e., a collaborative network) who are not hierarchically managed but, rather, act toward their own goals within the innovation ecosystem. In accordance with design studies, the relevance of research and its quality are ...

  10. Branching points for transition pathways: assessing responses of actors to challenges on pathways to a low carbon future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foxon, Timothy J.; Pearson, Peter J.G.; Arapostathis, Stathis; Carlsson-Hyslop, Anna; Thornton, Judith


    This paper describes initial analysis of branching points on a set of transition pathways to a UK low carbon electricity future by 2050. As described in other papers in this special issue, we are exploring and analysing a set of core transition pathways, based on alternative governance patterns in which the ‘logics’ of market actors, government actors and civil society actors, respectively dominate. This core pathway analysis is enhanced by analyses of branching points within and across the pathways, which informs how competition between different logics plays out at key decision points. Branching points are defined as key decision points at which choices made by actors, in response to internal or external stresses or triggers, determine whether and in what ways the pathway is followed. A set of initial branching points for our three core transition pathways is identified through project and stakeholder workshops, and drawing on analysis of actors’ choices and responses at past branching points in energy system transitions. The potential responses of the actors are identified at these branching points, and risk mitigation strategies are formulated for the dominant actors to reinforce that pathway, as well as opportunities for actors to move away from the pathway. - Highlights: Transition Pathways is analysing three potential pathways to a low carbon future. ► Stresses lead to branching points, where actors make choices, creating pathways. ► These choices may lead to path-dependency. ► Differences in governance logics within transition pathways are also analysed. ► Studying branching points adds theoretical understanding and policy relevance to TP.

  11. Policy analysis of multi-actor systems

    CERN Document Server

    Enserink, Bert; Kwakkel, Jan; Thissen, Wil; Koppenjan, Joop; Bots, Pieter


    Policy analysts love solving complex problems. Their favorite problems are not just technically complex but also characterized by the presence of many different social actors that hold conflicting interests, objectives, and perceptions and act strategically to get the best out of a problem situation. This book offers guidance for policy analysts who want to assess if and how their analysis could be of help, based on the premise that problem formulation is the cornerstone in addressing complex problems. This book positions policy analysis within the theories on processes of policy making, and f

  12. Counterterrorism in the Russian Arctic: legal framework and central actors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingvill M. Elgsaas


    Full Text Available Russia’s strategic interests in the Arctic coupled with a complex and diffuse terrorist threat has produced a niche topic: Arctic counterterrorism. Arctic counterterrorism is a new and underdeveloped topic that has received only limited attention. This article contributes a discussion of the legal framework and the main actors involved in countering terrorism in the Russian Arctic. The author finds that the legal framework for counterterrorism is extensive yet centered in core documents. Similarly, counterterrorism involves many and varied actors united in a relatively simple and streamlined national system for counterterrorism. Current legal regulation and organisation provide a solid base that may support efficient management of counterterrorism, also in the Arctic. A notable strength is the concentration of coordination responsibilities in the hands of one central actor, the FSB. Another important characteristic is that the system is symmetrical and follows Russia’s federal organisation with coordinating bodies for all regions including those in the Arctic. Counterterrorism legislation is kept up to date and the trend is towards tougher punishments and a wide understanding of terrorist offenses. A potential weak spot is the unclear role of the newly formed National Guard. The uncertainty surrounding the role of the National Guard in the fight against terrorism may challenge the FSB and weaken coordination of the system for counterterrorism in the future.

  13. Living Labs as boundary-spanners between Triple Helix actors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Geenhuizen, M.S.


    Living labs are an increasingly popular methodology to enhance innovation. Living labs aim to span boundaries between different organizations, among others Triple helix actors, by acting as a network organization typically in a real-life environment to foster co-creation by user-groups. This paper

  14. El Rol de la Comunicacion en la Co-Construcción de Conocimiento y de Redes de Vinculación y Transferencia en Nanotecnología


    Perez , Constanza; Vinck , Dominique


    International audience; El propósito de este trabajo es responder la pregunta:¿Cuál es el rol de los procesos de comunicación en lagestión de conocimiento en nanotecnología? El acercamiento a esta indagación se realiza desde la noción de redes de vinculación y transferencia. Se estudian, desde la perspectiva de actor red, cuatro casos de producción de conocimiento científico y tecnológico en nanotecnología. La estrategia metodológica adoptada es el seguimiento de los actores humanos y no huma...

  15. An irresponsible biography of the actor Laurence Harvey: motion pictures, white wine, older women & long thin cigarettes


    Brannon, Matthew


    Tiré du site Internet de Onestar Press: "Pocket edition of Laurence Harvey's "irresponsible" biography by Matthew Brannon. From the back cover of the book : Call yourself an actor ? You're not even a bad actor. You can't act at all, you fucking stupid hopeless sniveling little cunt-faced cunty fucking shit-faced arse-hole ... LAURENCE OLIVIER to Laurence Havery from Robert Stephen's "Knight errant : memoirs of a vagabond actor", Hodder and Stoughton, 1995.".

  16. A climate game based on a Multi-Actor Dynamic Integrated Assessment Model (MADIAM) (United States)

    Weber, M.; Hasselmann, K.


    In November 2002 a special exhibition on climate issues opened in the German Museum for Science and Techniques ('Deutsches Museum') in Munich. Within this exposition we present an interactive game in which visitors control future climate policy by adopting the role of either the government, a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of a global company or a typical private household of an industrialized country. The players endeavor to maintain a sustainable climate in the future (global goal) while pursuing their own individual welfare goals. Task of the exhibition visitor is to combine the personal interests of the actor he is adopting with the global goal. The individual goal of government is maintain economic growth while avoiding conflicts due to inter-regional or societal inequalities. The CEO seeks to maximize total profits (business earnings). The goal of households is to maximize wages and interest earnings. The evolution of the economic system and climate is governed by the decisions of the actors. Government sets economic side conditions in terms of carbon taxes, subsidies for R&D or market infusion support for climate-friendly technologies, and transfers development aid to less advanced regions. The CEOs decide how much to invest in a number of alternative investment options and in which region. Households influences the economy by their purchasing and savings decisions. The model considers four regions, three real actors (mentioned above) and two different goods (climate-adverse and a climate-friendly). We introduce four different kinds of energy (coal, oil/gas, nuclear, renewable). A World Bank handles money flows. At different points in time the actors can cooperate with other actors in order to reach the global goal Stochastic elements regarding future technology and future climate are included. A touch-screen monitor with user friendly interface is used to present animations and videos. An animated climate scientist uses a climate simulator to compute future

  17. Lone-Actor Terrorism. Toolkit Paper 1 : Practical Guidance for Mental Health Practitioners and Social Workers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, E.; Roy, de van Zuijdewijn J.


    The aim of this paper is to draw out practical implications for mental health practitioners and social workers in dealing with Lone-Actor Terrorism. It is not intended to provide a profile of lone-actor terrorists, but rather to offer guidance that may be of use to practitioners in Europe (and

  18. Male and Female Social Actor Representation in Four Corners 4: A Critical Discourse Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Roohani


    Full Text Available This study aims at investigating the linguistic representation of male and female social actors in the Four Corners 4 textbook, drawing on CDA. More specifically, van Leeuwen’s (1996 framework, which highlights the connection of linguistic and social practices, is used as the analytical framework to examine gendered social actors in this English language teaching (ELT textbook. To this end, content analysis was done to explore the frequency and proportion of each social actor. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis showed that there were some differences, though not statistically significant, between males and females regarding substitution, individualization, and activation. Males, in contrast with females, were included more as active and famous actors in social circumstances and they were more individualized. In addition, they were more activated through circumstantialization and participation. On the other hand, the case of formalization was mostly observed for males. Moreover, males and females were distributed equally in the textbook in terms of classification, genericization, and collectivization. The results reveal that the gender bias still exists, though to a small degree, in this ELT textbook, which is taught as a substitution for the previous ELT textbooks in many language schools in Iran.

  19. The actor set-up of TV advertising. A new process for hybrid formats


    von Rimscha, M Bjørn; Rademacher, Patrick


    The paper introduces a basic description of the advertising process in TV advertising and discusses how this process might be altered when 30 second spots are replaced by hybrid advertising formats such as sponsoring and placements. For each actor in the process the potential benefit of hybrid advertising is identified and the respective interest in changing the process is deduced. A qualitative interview study with representatives from each actor in the process is used to illustrate that con...

  20. Widening the scope? How intermediary actors can shape energy consumption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maneschi, Davide


    This paper deals with energy consumption in the residential sector and with the implementation of measures to reduce it. While most research dealing with energy consumption has targeted factors and drivers at the individual user level, more recent works have highlighted collective aspects...... of (energy) consumption, both to explain the resilience of consumption patterns and to identify leverage points for the reduction of energy use. One understudied aspect of this discussion is the way “intermediary” actors – those actors who are neither policy makers, nor users, nor energy providers...... – influence energy consumption. This paper presents a review of the literature on intermediaries, providing an overview of their roles and contextualizing their functions in energy efficiency improvements. The review shows how the concept of intermediaries has been used in research dealing with innovation...

  1. A Poor Man's Nuclear Deterrent: Assessing the Value of Radiological Weapons for State Actors (United States)

    Donohue, Nathan

    The threat of weapons of mass destruction is an issue which remains at the forefront on national security. Nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons are all considered very dangerous by both state and non-state actors. Radiological weapons exist in that same category yet are not held in the same regard; the reason that is given is that these types of weapons are not the weapons of mass destruction that the other three are. Instead, radiological weapons are better considered weapons of mass disruption. Accordingly, in the academic and policy literature there has been very little perceived value associated with such weapons for use by state actors. However the historical focus on the military efficacy of radiological weapons has obscured the obvious truth that they may pose significant value for state actors. What this research shows is that the explosion of a radiological weapon could disrupt a target area in ways which could cripple the economy of an adversary state and promote widespread fear concerning exposure to radiation. Any such attack would not only necessitate large scale evacuation, but cleanup, decontamination, demolition, territory exclusion, and relocation. Moreover, the effects of such an attack would be unlikely to remain an isolated event as evacuated and displaced citizens spread across the nation carrying both fear and residual radiation. All of these factors would only be compounded by a state actor's ability to not only develop such weapons, but to manufacture them in such a composition that contemporary examples of such weapons grossly underestimate their impact. Accordingly, radiological weapons could hold great value for any state actor wishing to pursue their development and to threaten their use. Moreover, "while RDDs may not be well suited as "military weapons" in the classic sense, the use of RDDs could be powerfully coercive."1 In that sense, state actors could even acquire radiological weapons for their deterrent value. 1James L. Ford

  2. [Who is against prevention? A map of policy actors favoring smoking in Spain]. (United States)

    Granero, Lluís; Villalbí, Joan Ramón; Gallego, Raquel


    For a comprehensive approach to policies on smoking, the map of actors related to tobacco and their political ties needs to be identified. The present article constitutes the first attempt at this task in Spain. Analysis of the press, industry publications, and interviews with key people. Active actors favoring smoking in Spain were identified and classified according to their characteristics, the sphere in which they act, and their preferred territorial arena. We identified tobacco companies (Altadis and Philip Morris dominate the market), tobacco trade organizations (tobacconists), front-line organizations created by the tobacco industry (The Smokers for Tolerance Club), organizations of tobacco growers, and processing companies. Distribution to retailers is dominated by Logista, owned by Altadis. Other sectors to take into account are vending companies and those manufacturing related products (cigarette paper, matches or lighters). The contacts of these actors with the public administration are reviewed, notable among which are the role of the Commissioner for the Tobacco Market, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Economy. Ties were also found with employers' organizations, some political parties, and unions, as well as with other sectors with social influence such as the media and advertising sectors. The map of actors favoring smoking in Spain is complex and goes beyond the confines of the tobacco industry. Understanding this web is crucial to promoting comprehensive prevention policies.

  3. Percepción de actores involucrados en el estado de conservación del Humedal Torca-Guaymaral, Bogotá-Colombia (Perception of actors involved in the conservation status of the Torca-Guaymaral wetland, Bogotá-Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ellie Anne López Barrera


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El Humedal Torca-Guaymaral se localiza en un territorio estratégico de conectividad ecológica del borde norte de la ciudad de Bogotá en Colombia. Sin embargo, la complejidad relacionada con los actores y la gobernanza del territorio, han impedido que el sistema socio-ecológico se desarrolle hacia un proceso de preservación de los componentes ambientales que lo conforman, generándose un deterioro en la calidad ambiental del territorio. En este contexto, el objetivo del presente estudio es aproximarse a la percepción de los actores involucrados en la conservación del humedal, y al mismo tiempo generar un espacio de intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos entre estos, que conlleve a la apropiación y formulación de soluciones conjuntas para mejorar la gestión del sistema socio-ecológico. Metodologías aplicadas como la cartografía social y el diálogo de actores, permiten identificar la percepción de actores involucrados en el estado de conservación del Humedal Torca-Guaymaral, para obtener un diagnóstico inicial de la situación ambiental actual del ecosistema. ABSTRACT The Torca-Guaymaral wetland is located in a strategic area of ecological connectivity in the northern region of Bogota city. However, the complexity related to the actors and the governance of the territory, have prevented the socio-ecological system development towards a process of environmental preservation, thus resulting in the deterioration of environmental quality. In this context, the objective of this study is to approach the perception of actors involved in the wetland conservation process, while creating a space for exchange of experiences and knowledge between them, formulating joint solutions and improve the management of the socio-ecological system. Methodologies involve the use of social cartography and stakeholder dialogue, to identify the perception of actors involved in the conservation status of the Torca-Guaymaral wetland, for an

  4. Actors of Columbian drug trade : development and transformation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soňa Smolíková


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to portray the main shifts which have been taking place in Colombian drug scene since the 70’s up to the present especially in relation to actors of this business and form of their activity. At first the development of Colombian drug trade till the 80’s when two big cartels centered in Medellín and Cali arose will be briefly outlined. These cartels were able to control a great part of domestic drug trade and due to their enormous power represented serious threat to Colombian state. Thus the cartels declared open warfare with the state in the 80’s. After the cartels’ elimination in the middle of 90’s new actors represented by small drug organizations arose in Colombian drug scene. These small groups were dependent upon cooperation with foreign partners, especially with Mexican cartels. Ever more important role in drug business is played by Colombian left-wing guerilla groups which will be described in the next part of the article. The problem of right-wing paramilitary groups and their participation in Colombian drug trade will be mentioned as well.

  5. Commercial Actors and the Governing of Education: The Case of Academy School Sponsors in England (United States)

    Papanastasiou, Natalie


    This article explores the ways in which commercial actors are operating in state education by focusing on the case study of England's academies policy. First of all the discussion outlines the development of academies over time and the way in which the policy has provided opportunities for private actors to become involved in the state schooling…

  6. Level of implementation of best practice policies for creating healthy food environments: assessment by state and non-state actors in Thailand. (United States)

    Phulkerd, Sirinya; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; Lawrence, Mark; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Sacks, Gary


    To determine and compare the level of implementation of policies for healthy food environments in Thailand with reference to international best practice by state and non-state actors. Data on the current level of implementation of food environment policies were assessed independently using the adapted Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) by two groups of actors. Concrete actions were proposed for Thai Government. A joint meeting between both groups was subsequently held to reach consensus on priority actions. Thailand. Thirty state actors and twenty-seven non-state actors. Level of policy implementation varied across different domains and actor groups. State actors rated implementation levels higher than non-state actors. Both state and non-state actors rated level of implementation of monitoring of BMI highest. Level of implementation of policies promoting in-store availability of healthy foods and policies increasing tax on unhealthy foods were rated lowest by state and non-state actors, respectively. Both groups reached consensus on eleven priority actions for implementation, focusing on food provision in public-sector settings, food composition, food promotion, leadership, monitoring and intelligence, and food trade. Although the implementation gaps identified and priority actions proposed varied between state and non-state actors, both groups achieved consensus on a comprehensive food policy package to be implemented by the Thai Government to improve the healthiness of food environments. This consensus is a platform for continued policy dialogue towards cross-sectoral policy coherence and effective actions to address the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and obesity in Thailand.

  7. Actor proliferation and the fragmentation of violent groups in conflict

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    Caitriona Dowd


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a novel application of a measure of actor fragmentation drawn from electoral studies to the growing field of conflict event data. The application facilitates comparison of conflict environments over time and across cases, while enabling researchers to take account of the relative activity levels of diverse actors. Analysis of the measure suggests that a fragmentation index diverges from a simple count of active conflict agents in important instances, including in providing a more accurate measure of dominant and weaker conflict agents, capturing dynamics of escalation and continuation of conflict over time and across country cases, and reflecting the coalescence of conflict agents around dominant conflict cleavages. The findings suggest that future research may benefit from combining measures of the discrete count of groups and their relative activity levels in order to accurately capture evolving conflict dynamics.

  8. Of International Actors, Nodal Governance and the African Peer ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Based on the recent political unrest in Kenya, I argue that one way in which the. African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) can improve governance in Africa and indeed see through the implementation of its review recommendations is to form networks with other international actors. These networks will be constituted by ...

  9. Lone-actor Terrorism and Impulsivity. (United States)

    Meloy, J Reid; Pollard, Jeffrey W


    In some recent cases of lone-actor terrorism, there is evidence the subject acted impulsively, often in response to a triggering event which contained a loss and humiliation. Evidence suggests the subjects acted precipitously, despite planning and preparation carried out in the preceding weeks or months, and their attacks failed to include the often considerable preparation that had been done. The pathway became a runway. The authors recommend the traditional assessment of impulsivity in persons of concern for lone acts of terrorism, as well as other proximal warning behaviors for targeted violence. Both indirect and direct assessment guidelines are proposed, with an emphasis upon self-report, psychological testing, collateral data gathering, and historical records. © 2017 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  10. The Grenelle de l'Environnement - actors, discourses, effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boy, Daniel; Brugidou, Mathieu; Halpern, Charlotte; Lascoumes, Pierre


    This document proposes an abstract of a collective publication which aimed at assessing the effects of the French environmental policy 'Grenelle de l'Environnement', its methodological originality and its consequences in terms of environmental public policies. The authors propose a sociological analysis of the about thousand five hundred involved actors, a thorough analysis of discourses, and an inventory of effects in three specific fields

  11. Dispositional Traits versus the Content of Experience: Actor/Observer Differences in Judgments of the "Authentic Self." (United States)

    Johnson, Joel T.; Boyd, Kenneth R.


    Investigated whether actors and observers differ in their beliefs about what features of an individual best reflect his/her "authentic self." Results indicate that actors' views differed significantly from observers'. Friend raters believed that their friends' dispositional traits were better indicators than what their friends actually did,…

  12. 1968 en América Latina: aparición de nuevos actores

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    Alvar De la Llosa


    Full Text Available Más allá de reivindicaciones y protestas semejantes a las que se desarrollan en Europa y en el mundo, el año 1968 en América Latina se caracteriza por la aparición de nuevos actores (jóvenes, clases medias, feminismo, Iglesia, sindicatos. Los nuevos actores tienden a ocupar el hueco dejado por actores tradicionales que, en el seno de sociedades debilitadas por la crisis económica, ya no consiguen desempeñar su papel de actores democráticos. La organización de las Olimpiadas en México y la visita papal en Colombia prueban hasta qué punto la región es integrada al mundo moderno. Pero en México como en Argentina la prepotencia de gobiernos que se niegan al diálogo provoca choques violentos. 1968 está también marcado por opciones represivas que anuncian la acción violenta de los estados terroristas que 5 años más tarde conquistarán el poder mediante golpes de estado.____________________ABSTRACT:More than just voicing demands and protestations similar to those heard in Europe and around the world, the Americas in 1968 were mainly characterized by new articulate social groups (young people, middle class, feminists, church, trade-unions forefront. Within societies affected by an economic crisis, theses new social actors emerged upon a scene abandoned by other groups who, due to economical crisis, were no longer able or willing to take on their democratic duty. The choice of Mexico for the Olympic Games and the Pope's visit to Colombia are certainly evidence that Latin America was now integrated to the modern world. In Mexico and Argentina, however, authoritarian governments turned a deaf ear to demands put forth by their citizens thus creating a climate of social violence and upheaval. In 1968, an increase in repression as the sole response by the State, announced the brutality that future terrorist governments were soon to practise from 1973 on when the military juntas took over state control through putsches.

  13. Camus' Actor as Tom Stoppard's Player; A Key to Interpreting "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead." (United States)

    Zivanovic, Judith

    An examination of Albert Camus' definition of the actor in "The Myth on Sisyphus" helps to illuminate the character and role of The Player in Tom Stoppard's play and, hence, to bring light to an understanding of the philosophy of the play itself. The actor, for Camus, reveals our mortality in the face of the absurdity of our mortality,…

  14. Influence of Diaspora and Civil Society Actors on the Internationalisation of MNEs in Emerging Market

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rana, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Elo, Maria


    influence. The findings illustrate the central role of diaspora related innovation, motivation, knowledge, network and funding that supported this emerging market INV development. The study contributes to internationalization research, transnational diaspora entrepreneurship and civil society research......Multinational enterprises (MNE) are viewed as proactive global economic actors that enter new and emerging markets with an intentional strategy, building on their inherent resources and firm-specific advantages. However, there are numerous actors involved at market entry-level who may constitute...... thresholds for the entry. Emerging markets tend to possess complex institutional contexts and thus may incorporate idiographic entry challenges. Our study presents two under-examined types of stakeholders as distinct actors related to emerging market entry process: diaspora and civil society. We illustrate...

  15. Finding The Most Important Actor in Online Crowd by Social Network Analysis (United States)

    Yuliana, I.; Santosa, P. I.; Setiawan, N. A.; Sukirman


    Billion of people create trillions of connections through social media every single day. The increasing use of social media has led to dramatic changes in the of way science, government, healthcare, entertainment and enterprise operate. Large-scale participation in Technology-Mediated Social Participation (TMSP) system has opened up incredible new opportunities to deploy online crowd. This descriptive-correlational research used social network analysis (SNA) on data gathered from Fanpage Facebook of Greenpeace Indonesia related to important critical issues, the bushfires in 2015. SNA identifies relations on each member by sociometrics parameter such as three centrality (degree, closeness and betweenesse) for measuring and finding the most important actor in the online community. This paper use Fruchterman Rein-gold algorithm to visualize the online community in a graph, while Clauset-Newman-Moore is a technique to identify groups in community. As the result found 3735 vertices related to actors, 6927 edges as relation, 14 main actors in size order and 22 groups in Greenpeace Indonesia online community. This research contributes to organize some information for Greenpeace Indonesia managing their potency in online community to identify human behaviour.


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    Enrique Pastor Seller


    Full Text Available El artículo profundiza en las contribuciones de la formación en competencias que ha supuesto la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y en las aportaciones que ha supuesto la integración del Grado en Trabajo Social en España. Se presenta de manera sistemática los resultados de una investigación acerca de los ámbitos de actuación profesional y las capacidades, habilidades y destrezas que el estudiante adquiere en las prácticas profesionales en organizaciones sociales. Un complejo e integrado mapa competencial que proporciona al alumnado un aprendizaje sistemático desde y para la práctica profesional que le permite construir, gestionar y evaluar un conocimiento valioso desde la propia experiencia. Un conocimiento aplicado que se convierte en un capital científico y profesional intangible que dota de autonomía y desarrollo al estudiante para enfrentarse con éxito al entorno profesional y laboral.

  17. Actor-Network Theory and methodology: Just what does it mean to say that nonhumans have agency? (United States)

    Sayes, Edwin


    Actor-Network Theory is a controversial social theory. In no respect is this more so than the role it 'gives' to nonhumans: nonhumans have agency, as Latour provocatively puts it. This article aims to interrogate the multiple layers of this declaration to understand what it means to assert with Actor-Network Theory that nonhumans exercise agency. The article surveys a wide corpus of statements by the position's leading figures and emphasizes the wider methodological framework in which these statements are embedded. With this work done, readers will then be better placed to reject or accept the Actor-Network position - understanding more precisely what exactly it is at stake in this decision.

  18. The Revival of Non-Traditional State Actors' Interests in Africa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragelund, Peter


    credit ratings make external finance available for African governments. This article examines how non-traditional state actors affect the possibility of African governments setting and funding their own development priorities. It argues that while the current situation may increase the policy autonomy...

  19. Scholars in the Nineties: Actors, Subjects, Spectators or Hostages?

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    Manuel Gil Antón


    Full Text Available Dr. Gil questions the role played by Mexican university academics in the transformation of higher education during the nineties. After outlining the general context of change and its importance, the author proposes avoiding the false dichotomy between restoring the past or installing, without reflective mediation, a schematic future. He suggests taking into consideration the current national academic body composed of several generations of scholars. Three phases are established in terms of the modification of academic activities during the last decades of the twentieth century, and the changes in the level of higher education are considered. Dr. Gil asks if the academics have been actors, subjects, spectators or hostages-both in regard to regulations governing their activity and in the modifications of university processes and structure. The essay ends by proposing a general agenda for research in the field of university studies, and emphasizes two problems: the need for a detailed description of the type and depth of changes, and the definition of the academic as a central actor in institutional life. 

  20. Environmental governance in China: Interactions between the state and "nonstate actors". (United States)

    Guttman, Dan; Young, Oran; Jing, Yijia; Bramble, Barbara; Bu, Maoliang; Chen, Carmen; Furst, Kathinka; Hu, Tao; Li, Yifei; Logan, Kate; Liu, Lingxuan; Price, Lydia; Spencer, Michael; Suh, Sangwon; Sun, Xiaopu; Tan, Bowen; Wang, Harold; Wang, Xin; Zhang, Juan; Zhang, Xinxin; Zeidan, Rodrigo


    In the West, limited government capacity to solve environmental problems has triggered the rise of a variety of "nonstate actors" to supplement government efforts or provide alternative mechanisms for addressing environmental issues. How does this development - along with our efforts to understand it - map onto environmental governance processes in China? China's efforts to address environmental issues reflect institutionalized governance processes that differ from parallel western processes in ways that have major consequences for domestic environmental governance practices and the governance of China "going abroad." China's governance processes blur the distinction between the state and other actors; the "shadow of the state" is a major factor in all efforts to address environmental issues. The space occupied by nonstate actors in western systems is occupied by shiye danwei ("public service units"), she hui tuanti ("social associations") and e-platforms, all of which have close links to the state. Meanwhile, international NGOs and multinational corporations are also significant players in China. As a result, the mechanisms of influence that produce effects in China differ in important ways from mechanisms familiar from the western experience. This conclusion has far-reaching implications for those seeking to address global environmental concerns, given the importance of China's growing economy and burgeoning network of trade relationships. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Multi-actor involvement for integrating ecosystem services in strategic environmental assessment of spatial plans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozas-Vásquez, Daniel; Fürst, Christine; Geneletti, Davide; Muñoz, Francisco


    Integrating an ecosystem services (ES) approach into Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of spatial plans potentially enhances the consideration of the value of nature in decision making and policy processes. However, there is increasing concern about the institutional context and a lack of a common understanding of SEA and ecosystem services for adopting them as an integrated framework. This paper addresses this concern by analysing the current understanding and network relations in a multi-actor arrangement as a first step towards a successful integration of ES in SEA and spatial planning. Our analysis focuses on a case study in Chile, where we administered a questionnaire survey to some of the main actors involved in the spatial planning process. The questionnaire focused on issues such as network relations among actors and on conceptual understanding, perceptions and challenges for integrating ES in SEA and spatial planning, knowledge on methodological approaches, and the connections and gaps in the science-policy interface. Our findings suggest that a common understanding of SEA and especially of ES in a context of multiple actors is still at an initial stage in Chile. Additionally, the lack of institutional guidelines and methodological support is considered the main challenge for integration. We conclude that preconditions exist in Chile for integrating ES in SEA for spatial planning, but they strongly depend on appropriate governance schemes that promote a close science-policy interaction, as well as collaborative work and learning. - Highlights: • Linking ecosystem services in SEA is an effective framework for sustainability. • Multi-actor understanding and networks in ecosystem services and SEA were analyzed. • Understanding of SEA and especially of ES is still in an initial stage in Chile. • A lack of institutional guidelines is one of the key challenges for this link.

  2. Multi-actor involvement for integrating ecosystem services in strategic environmental assessment of spatial plans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rozas-Vásquez, Daniel, E-mail: [Center for Development Research, Dept. Ecology and Natural Resources Management, University of Bonn, Walter Flex Str. 3, 53113 Bonn (Germany); Laboratorio de Planificación Territorial, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Rudecindo ortega, 02950 Temuco (Chile); Fürst, Christine [Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Dept. Natural Sciences III, Institute for Geosciences and Geography, Von Seckendorff-Platz 4, 06120 Halle-Saale (Germany); Geneletti, Davide [University of Trento, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, via Mesiano, 77, Trento 38123 (Italy); Muñoz, Francisco [Laboratorio de Planificación Territorial, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Rudecindo ortega, 02950 Temuco (Chile)


    Integrating an ecosystem services (ES) approach into Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of spatial plans potentially enhances the consideration of the value of nature in decision making and policy processes. However, there is increasing concern about the institutional context and a lack of a common understanding of SEA and ecosystem services for adopting them as an integrated framework. This paper addresses this concern by analysing the current understanding and network relations in a multi-actor arrangement as a first step towards a successful integration of ES in SEA and spatial planning. Our analysis focuses on a case study in Chile, where we administered a questionnaire survey to some of the main actors involved in the spatial planning process. The questionnaire focused on issues such as network relations among actors and on conceptual understanding, perceptions and challenges for integrating ES in SEA and spatial planning, knowledge on methodological approaches, and the connections and gaps in the science-policy interface. Our findings suggest that a common understanding of SEA and especially of ES in a context of multiple actors is still at an initial stage in Chile. Additionally, the lack of institutional guidelines and methodological support is considered the main challenge for integration. We conclude that preconditions exist in Chile for integrating ES in SEA for spatial planning, but they strongly depend on appropriate governance schemes that promote a close science-policy interaction, as well as collaborative work and learning. - Highlights: • Linking ecosystem services in SEA is an effective framework for sustainability. • Multi-actor understanding and networks in ecosystem services and SEA were analyzed. • Understanding of SEA and especially of ES is still in an initial stage in Chile. • A lack of institutional guidelines is one of the key challenges for this link.

  3. Global Surgery 2030: a roadmap for high income country actors (United States)

    Greenberg, Sarah L M; Abdullah, Fizan; Amado, Vanda; Anderson, Geoffrey A; Cossa, Matchecane; Costas-Chavarri, Ainhoa; Davies, Justine; Debas, Haile T; Dyer, George S M; Erdene, Sarnai; Farmer, Paul E; Gaumnitz, Amber; Hagander, Lars; Haider, Adil; Leather, Andrew J M; Lin, Yihan; Marten, Robert; Marvin, Jeffrey T; McClain, Craig D; Meara, John G; Meheš, Mira; Mock, Charles; Mukhopadhyay, Swagoto; Orgoi, Sergelen; Prestero, Timothy; Price, Raymond R; Raykar, Nakul P; Riesel, Johanna N; Riviello, Robert; Rudy, Stephen M; Saluja, Saurabh; Sullivan, Richard; Tarpley, John L; Taylor, Robert H; Telemaque, Louis-Franck; Toma, Gabriel; Varghese, Asha; Walker, Melanie; Yamey, Gavin; Shrime, Mark G


    The Millennium Development Goals have ended and the Sustainable Development Goals have begun, marking a shift in the global health landscape. The frame of reference has changed from a focus on 8 development priorities to an expansive set of 17 interrelated goals intended to improve the well-being of all people. In this time of change, several groups, including the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, have brought a critical problem to the fore: 5 billion people lack access to safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia care when needed. The magnitude of this problem and the world's new focus on strengthening health systems mandate reimagined roles for and renewed commitments from high income country actors in global surgery. To discuss the way forward, on 6 May 2015, the Commission held its North American launch event in Boston, Massachusetts. Panels of experts outlined the current state of knowledge and agreed on the roles of surgical colleges and academic medical centres; trainees and training programmes; academia; global health funders; the biomedical devices industry, and news media and advocacy organisations in building sustainable, resilient surgical systems. This paper summarises these discussions and serves as a consensus statement providing practical advice to these groups. It traces a common policy agenda between major actors and provides a roadmap for maximising benefit to surgical patients worldwide. To close the access gap by 2030, individuals and organisations must work collectively, interprofessionally and globally. High income country actors must abandon colonial narratives and work alongside low and middle income country partners to build the surgical systems of the future. PMID:28588908

  4. Food Safety Perceptions and Practices among Smallholder Pork Value Chain Actors in Hung Yen Province, Vietnam. (United States)

    Dang-Xuan, Sinh; Nguyen-Viet, Hung; Meeyam, Tongkorn; Fries, Reinhard; Nguyen-Thanh, Huong; Pham-Duc, Phuc; Lam, Steven; Grace, Delia; Unger, Fred


    Pork safety is an important public health concern in Vietnam and is a shared responsibility among many actors along the pork value chain. We examined the knowledge, perceptions, and practices regarding food safety, disease, and health risk among selected pork value chain actors (slaughterhouse owners and workers, people living around slaughterhouses, pork sellers, consumers, and veterinary and public health staff) in three districts in Hung Yen Province, Vietnam. We randomly selected 52 pork value chain actors to be surveyed through questionnaires, observation checklists, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. Most slaughterhouse workers acquired knowledge and experience of food safety through "learning by doing" rather than from training by a veterinary or public health professional. Both slaughterhouse worker and pork seller groups had some accurate perceptions about pig diseases and foodborne diseases; however, misperceptions of risk and, especially, of zoonoses were present. Furthermore, while workers and sellers often use cloths to dry the meat and clean equipment, they did not think this was a risk for meat contamination. Moreover, when sellers wear protective equipment, such as gloves, masks, or hats, consumers perceive that the sellers may have health issues they are trying to conceal and so consumers avoid buying from them. The perceived freshness of pork, along with trust in the seller and in the pork production process, were strong indicators of consumer preference. And yet, pork value chain actors tend to trust their own individual food safety practices more, rather than the practices of other actors along the chain. Veterinary and public health staff emphasized the gap between regulations and food safety practices. Education and training on food safety risks and proper handling are priorities, along with integrated and intensive efforts to improve food safety among pork value chain actors.

  5. The population-development tangle. Aspects and actors. (United States)

    Sen, G


    Since the 1974 Population Conference, the population field has become of interest to members of the fundamentalist right wing, feminists, and environmentalists. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the areas of agreement and disagreement among each set of actors as well as how they define the issues. Currently, development discourse is characterized by considerations of: 1) economic growth, 2) the provision of livelihoods, 3) the provision of basic needs, 4) ecological sustainability and renewability, and 5) political participation. The actors who define the terms of this discourse include: 1) corporate interests, which concentrate on economic growth; 2) international and national agencies, which place primary importance on economic growth and some importance on basic needs and ecological sustainability; 3) popular organizations and social movements, which concentrate on livelihoods, basic needs, and political participation; and 4) environmentalists, who focus on ecological sustainability, economic growth, and (occasionally) political participation. The field of population, on the other hand, is dominated by traditional populationists, whose primary focus is economic growth; developmentalists; the fundamentalist right, who are most concerned with family and control over reproduction; environmentalists; and the women's movement, which is most concerned with reproductive rights and reproductive health. When the perspective of poor women is considered, it can be seen that economic growth and ecological sustainability must support the securing of livelihoods, basic needs, political participation, and reproductive rights, and that reproductive health programs must be part of an overall health agenda.

  6. Violencia física contra la mujer: una propuesta de abordaje desde un servicio de salud

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    María Fernanda Rivadeneira Guerrero


    Full Text Available Introducción: La violencia física contra la mujer es un problema de salud pública y una necesidad sentida por la comunidad, que exige una respuesta desde los servicios de salud. El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar un modelo de abordaje a partir del servicio de salud que permita la detección, apoyo y seguimiento de estos casos. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación-acción en un servicio de primer nivel de atención. Participaron personal de salud. Inicialmente se realizó un diagnóstico situacional para evaluar: percepción de violencia física contra la mujer, calidad del servicio y organización funcional ante casos de violencia. Se desarrolló un modelo de abordaje para enfrentar este problema a partir de: formación del personal de salud, reorganización funcional del servicio de salud y diseño de herramientas de detección y seguimiento. Se evaluó la intervención a partir de indicadores operativos y evaluación de su impacto a corto plazo. Resultados: Se logró que el personal se capacite y empodere del problema; se introdujeron elementos operativos para la reorganización funcional de la unidad operativa: tamizaje para violencia intrafamiliar, flujograma de atención y hoja de seguimiento. En las tres semanas siguientes a la implementación de estos instrumentos, tres casos de violencia fueron detectados y abordados por el servicio de salud. Discusión y Conclusiones: La metodología de investigación-acción permitió que los actores se empoderen del problema de violencia física contra la mujer, diseñen y apliquen herramientas para abordarlo. Es necesaria una evaluación posterior para determinar su impacto. Cómo citar este artículo: Rivadeneira MF. Violencia física contra la mujer: una propuesta de abordaje desde un servicio de salud. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(2: 1656-67.

  7. The Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in Senegal: Untangling the Interactions Between International Institutions and National Actors (United States)

    Ferraro, Gianluca; Brans, Marleen; Dème, Moustapha; Failler, Pierre


    International institutions, understood as sets of rules contained in international agreements, are aimed at orienting national governments towards specific policy options. Nevertheless, they can determine a change in national policies and practices only if states are willing and capable of incorporating international obligations into their national legislations and ensuring their application and enforcement in areas that follow completely under national jurisdiction. The establishment of marine protected areas promoted by international agreements as a tool for the protection of marine resources represents an interesting case for revealing the complex interactions between international institutions and national actors. Particularly, the establishment of these areas in Senegal shows the salience of domestic constellations of actors who may support or undercut national commitments to international regimes: political elites, bureaucracies, the general public and target groups. By anchoring the empirical analysis to an actor-centred institutionalist perspective, the article explains how dynamic constellations of actors can distort the penetration of international objectives in the national policy framework. Different constellations of national actors can indeed bend international institutions at different moments: during the formulation of a new law in line with international obligations; in the definition of its implementation framework; and in the enforcement of national policies.

  8. The high-level and long life radioactive wastes management in France: inquiry near the actors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Dars, A.


    This document presents talks carried out near various actors of the radioactive wastes management in France. These talks have been realized in the framework of an inquiry aiming at supporting the developments of an economic sciences thesis, relative to the sustainable management of the nuclear wastes. This inquiry aimed to better determine the actors stakes, the controversies on the technical choices, but also the possible cooperation. (A.L.B.)

  9. Cyberspace: Malevolent Actors, Criminal Opportunities, and Strategic Competition (United States)


    local wireless network to in- form the doctor, relatives, or other caregivers that the medications have been taken. In this way, computer chips have...labeled this phenomenon BlackFor, or Black Force, defined as a “postmodern form of societal cancer ,” and as “a confederation of illicit non-state actors...psychedelics, pre- 298 scription, precursors, opioids, ecstasy, cannabis , and steroids.61 Once these products were purchased, they were shipped in

  10. Non-State Actors in Global Governance. Three Faces of Power

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arts, B.J.M.


    The political power of non-state actors (NSAs) remains a contested issue, as the continuing debates between neo-realists and transnationalists within the Study of International Relations (SIR) show. This paper builds on as well as tries to transcend this debate. Its objective is to bring more

  11. Effects of main actor, outcome and affect on biased braking speed judgments

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    Ola Svenson


    Full Text Available Subjects who judged speed in a driving scenario overestimated how fast they could decelerate when speeding compared to when keeping within the speed limit (Svenson, 2009. The purpose of the present studies were to replicate studies conducted in Europe with subjects in the U.S., to study the influence of speed unit (kph vs. mph, affective reactions to outcome (collision and identity of main actor (driver on braking speed judgments. The results replicated the European findings and the outcome affective factor (passing a line/killing a child and the actor factor (subject/driver in general had significant effects on judgments of braking speed. The results were related to psychological theory and applied implications were discussed.

  12. Application of actor level social characteristic indicator selection for the precursory detection of bullies in online social networks (United States)

    White, Holly M.; Fields, Jeremy; Hall, Robert T.; White, Joshua S.


    Bullying is a national problem for families, courts, schools, and the economy. Social, educational, and professional lives of victims are affected. Early detection of bullies mitigates destructive effects of bullying. Our previous research found, given specific characteristics of an actor, actor logics can be developed utilizing input from natural language processing and graph analysis. Given similar characteristics of cyberbullies, in this paper, we create specific actor logics and apply these to a select social media dataset for the purpose of rapid identification of cyberbullying.

  13. The social network of actors influencing age discrimination in the human resources recruiting process

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    Aurelian SOFICĂ


    Full Text Available The aim of the paper is to map the area where the social construction of age discrimination in the recruiting process is perceived as taking place, especially those individuals or organized groups with enough power and interest to influence this unethical reality. The research was carried out in 2010 and 2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania; it uses multiple qualitative methods (focus-group and interviews and covers three layers of perception: candidate’s perception, employer’s perception and recruiter’s perception. Usually, the main social actors publically perceived as influencing age discrimination in the recruiting process are the employers (as the main responsible, some public institutions (as guardians and the candidates (as victims. The findings of the paper show that the number of social actors perceived as interested and with power by the main social actors (employers and candidates is much higher than the number classically targeted by researchers, reaching 20 or more

  14. Action recognition is sensitive to the identity of the actor. (United States)

    Ferstl, Ylva; Bülthoff, Heinrich; de la Rosa, Stephan


    Recognizing who is carrying out an action is essential for successful human interaction. The cognitive mechanisms underlying this ability are little understood and have been subject of discussions in embodied approaches to action recognition. Here we examine one solution, that visual action recognition processes are at least partly sensitive to the actor's identity. We investigated the dependency between identity information and action related processes by testing the sensitivity of neural action recognition processes to clothing and facial identity information with a behavioral adaptation paradigm. Our results show that action adaptation effects are in fact modulated by both clothing information and the actor's facial identity. The finding demonstrates that neural processes underlying action recognition are sensitive to identity information (including facial identity) and thereby not exclusively tuned to actions. We suggest that such response properties are useful to help humans in knowing who carried out an action. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Expectations as a key to understanding actor strategies in the field of fuel cell and hydrogen vehicles. (United States)

    Budde, Björn; Alkemade, Floortje; Weber, K Matthias


    Due to its environmental impact, the mobility system is increasingly under pressure. The challenges to cope with climate change, air quality, depleting fossil resources imply the need for a transition of the current mobility system towards a more sustainable one. Expectations and visions have been identified as crucial in the guidance of such transitions, and more specifically of actor strategies. Still, it remained unclear why the actors involved in transition activities appear to change their strategies frequently and suddenly. The empirical analysis of the expectations and strategies of three actors in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology indicates that changing actor strategies can be explained by rather volatile expectations related to different levels. Our case studies of the strategies of two large car manufacturers and the German government demonstrate that the car manufacturers refer strongly to expectations about the future regime, while expectations related to the socio-technical landscape level appear to be crucial for the strategy of the German government.

  16. Market structure and performance of value chain actors in hides and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Market structure and performance of value chain actors in hides and skins processing and marketing in Nigeria. ... There was high performance in hides and skins processing and marketing in Nigeria. ... EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT


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    Celia Viviana Torrens


    Full Text Available Moquehue is a small mountain settlement located in Aluminé department, Neuquén, Argentina. It aroses in the 40's, as a product of the development of cattle raising and forestation. Since these activities began, the permanent settlement and first commercial activities appeared, in order to cover the new demands. Nature has given the region a beautiful landscape that acquires value since the 70's, when the population of nearby localities began to usufruct tourism in the region. Even though the lands belong to the Provincial State, since 1984 they are under the control of the Pulmarí Interstate Corporation (PIC, which regulates their use. In 1980, tourism was stimulated by state politics that lead to the growth and expansion of Villa Pehuenia and Moquehue, defining a new territorial configuration, in which different social actors have an active role. In the last decade, this dynamism was accentuated in Moquehue, a zone without regulation of the occupation and in an area with limited provision of services. The objective of this paper was the analysis of territorial transformations promoted by social actors that established the current uses of the land and its environmental consequences, considering the role of municipal and provincial government in these transformations. Research includes compilation of information, interviews and field survey of new occupations. This information was digitized. Four relevant social actors are recognized in the development and growth of Moquehue, linked especially to tourism activity: the municipality, that defines parcels for permanent residential use and services; private actors, that increase accommodation supply; historical local people who subdivide and sell land irregularly, and new actors who settle in the area with permanent residence, linked to other activities that made them choose this place because of its environmental values. As a result, zones with different types of transformation are identified, in


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    Colin C. Williams


    Full Text Available In recent years, participants in the informal economy have started to be viewed less as rational economic actors who engage in the informal economy when the pay-off is greater than the expected cost of being caught and punished, and more as social actors who engage when their tax morale (i.e., motivation to pay taxes is low. To evaluate this new social actor approach and the implications for tackling the informal economy, this paper reports evidence from 41,689 face-to-face interviews conducted across the European Union. Multilevel logistic regression analysis reveals a strong association between participation in the informal economy and the level of tax morale. Finding that higher tax morale (and thus lower participation in the informal economy is strongly correlated at the country-level with greater levels of state intervention and at the individual-level with characteristics such as gender, age, education and employment status, the outcome is to confirm a structuralist political economy explanation and refute the modernization and neo-liberal explanations and remedies, as well as to uncover the importance of some policy solutions not considered until now, including older citizens mentoring of younger people, and improving women’s participation in the labour force.

  19. [Social and political actors in the formulation of health reform in Spain]. (United States)

    Etviti, J E; Leyva, R F


    An analysis of the participation of social and political actors in the process of formulating health policy allows one to understand the specific characteristics of the organization and operation of a health system. This study analyzes the drafting process for the General Health Act (LGS) in Spain with the purpose of establishing the relationship between social, political, and economic actors in both the formulation of the Act itself and the organization of the Spanish Health System. A case study was carried out from 1982 through 1986. Documentary parliamentary data, the medical press, national magazines and journals, and press reports by political, social, and public health actors were analyzed. The first version of the General Health Act presented by the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) proposed a health system with funding and public administration aimed at achieving universal health coverage, integrated care, community participation, and health education. This proposal was submitted to a complex negotiating process with business groups, unions, and health professionals. The General Health Act as finally approved excludes the principles of equity and incorporates private interests in health: "free choice of doctor and hospital", public funding and private administration of the health system, and the establishment of Social Security as the core of the entire health system.

  20. Riding the Hype: The Role of State-Owned Enterprise Elite Actors in the Promotion of Jatropha in Indonesia

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    Deasy Simandjuntak


    Full Text Available Within a few years following its ambitious promotion in 2006, the development of jatropha in Indonesia came to a halt. Claimed as a potential solution to problems in energy and poverty, the introduction of jatropha in Indonesia’s energy policy had been triggered by the high oil prices in 2005. While studies by biofuel scholars have generally focused on what brought the end of the “miracle crop” hype by underlining various technical problems and the absence of market structure as the cause of its failure, few have examined jatropha as part of a policy-making trajectory, which began with, and was influenced by, the development narratives disseminated by individual actors. This article sheds light on the role of elite actors in the making of biofuel energy policy in Indonesia. Taking the case of the promotion of jatropha in 2005–2007, the article illustrates the role of the director of Indonesia’s leading sugar state-owned enterprise (SOE, Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI, whose decision in promoting jatropha became influential in forwarding its narratives into the national energy and development policy in 2006. In order to discover why a specific elite actor decided to promote jatropha, the article relies on data, including the SOE’s documents and interviews with key actor(s. The analysis is conducted using an actor-oriented approach, which underlines the discrepancy between the ideals and the operational practice of developmental goals.

  1. Bridging the gap between non-state actors and the state in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    State Actors (NSAs) particularly, Civil Society Organizations' (CSOs) in public policy process in Nigeria. Using library retrieval technique, the paper argues that the state and NSAs have different but coordinate roles to play within the limit ...

  2. Experiencias y vivencias del embarazo en adolescentes explicadas desde lo social

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    Full Text Available Describir y explicar desde lo social las experiencias y vivencias de las adolescentes embarazadas, como el contexto para una provisión de cuidado integral, individualizado y contextualizado, es necesario para la práctica de enfermería, y tratar este fenómeno como hecho social exige asimilar las realidades del mundo social a las del mundo exterior, adoptando el principio de que se ignora por completo lo que son, reconociendo que el hecho social no puede ser modificado por un simple decreto de la voluntad, sino que exige un esfuerzo laborioso, considerando la experiencia desde los ámbitos interno y externo. Presentar un marco conceptual y referencial desde lo social, interpretando la experiencia y la vivencia, permitirá a la enfermera comprender este fenómeno cuando dichas experiencias involucran o ponen en riesgo la salud de la adolescente gestante, máxime que la práctica clínica de enfermería se ha estudiado primariamente desde una perspectiva sociológica, pues comparte una importancia social destacada y un fin social, centrada en facilitar, apoyar y atender a los individuos, familias, comunidades y/o sociedades para realzar, mantener y recuperar la salud, y reducir y aliviar los efectos de la enfermedad, con el resultado explícito de promover la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud dentro de contextos ambientales inmediatos y más amplios.

  3. Ética policial: una aproximación desde la agencia*

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    Nidian Johana Sanabria Cárdena


    Full Text Available El presente texto se propone mostrar la posibilidad de la agencia desde un curso de ética en el marco de la formación ejecutiva del cuerpo policial. Se partede los avances logrados en las discusiones sobre el concepto de agencia, en particular en la sociología norteamericana. Seguido, se procede a presentar las prácticas desarrolladas con los estudiantes, con el propósito de sugerir posibilidades para dicha agencia desde sí mismos. Y finalmente, se reflexiona sobre las posibilidades de que esta propuesta pueda resultar útil en el desarrollo institucional de la Policía Nacional de Colombia.

  4. Pensar la violencia desde las mediaciones: retos epistemológicos en comunicación

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    Johandry Alberto Hernández


    Full Text Available El objetivo es plantear el análisis de la violencia desde la comunicación a partir de una doble perspectiva: indagar qué rol ocupan los medios en las violencias y qué rol las violencias en los medios. Se concentra en el estudio de la violencia desde la subjetividad y por eso se recurre al concepto de las mediaciones de Martín- Barbero (2002, 2003, los estudios de recepción de Orozco (1997 y los trabajos de Imbert (2003, 2004. La violencia reclama una validez de interpretación en términos simbólicos, desde las representaciones mediáticas hasta su construcción en el imaginario colectivo. Esta discusión se perfila como una urgencia académica, pues hace falta constatar si efectivamente los ciudadanos han terminado por naturalizar y legitimar —desde la mediación— la violencia y el crimen en América Latina.

  5. La competitividad desde el mercadeo social: conjunción estratégica para el fortalecimiento de la pequeña industria zuliana

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    Juliana Ferrer


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene por finalidad analizar la Competitividad desde el Mercadeo Social de la Pequeña Industria Zuliana. Basada en una investigación descriptiva, de campo se procedió a recolectar la información mediante un muestreo aleatorio, en relación al número de empresas transformadoras. El universo de estudio fue de 487 pequeñas empresas, a partir de donde se obtuvo un tamaño muestral de 59 empresas pequeñas de origen nacional, seleccionadas aleatoriamente. Se concluye que las pequeñas empresas nacionales poseen un incipiente nivel competitivo que se manifiesta en el bajo desarrollo tecnológico, alta capacidad ociosa, sistemas de producción ineficiente y estrategias empresariales convencionales y relaciones con los actores sociales restringidos. Se recomienda aprovechar los resultados para iniciar un proceso de transformación competitiva que permita integrar las iniciativas empresariales con políticas de incentivos concertadas con los agentes sociales involucrados, contribuyendo así al desarrollo endógeno a través de la búsqueda de estrategias que fortalezcan la vida futura del sector.

  6. Actor-networking ceta-sociality, or, what is sociological about contemporary whales?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blok, Anders


    theory (ANT) allows for the inclusion of non-human ‘actants' (like whales) into the fabric of sociality. In the ontology of ANT, sociality emerges as semiotic-material configurations of humans, animals and technologies. Starting from a critical review of the work by Adrian Franklin on growing......In contemporary urban Euro-American societies, whales have become hugely popular and iconic creatures, arousing controversies more intense than most other instances of animal politics. How to account sociologically, however, for the dramatic social transformation of whales, from natural resource...... to near-sacrosanct agent, is far from self-evident. This article advocates a change of theoretical perspective, inspired by the work of actor-network theorists Bruno Latour and Michel Callon. Rather than focussing solely on the ‘humanity' of human-animal relations, as does most of sociology, actor-network...

  7. American Long-Distance Locomobility and the Spaces of Actor-Network Theory

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    Michael Minn


    Full Text Available Much of the discourse surrounding national intercity passenger rail service in the United States revolves around why it has lagged so far behind European and Asian counterparts. However, a more interesting question might be why it has survived despite competition from faster, more nimble transport modes, discriminatory public policy, and the ascension of neoliberal discourse hostile to public endeavor. This paper uses the concept of durability in actor-network theory to offer some insights into how the system has achieved a remarkable but problematic stability, and how that durability relates to an imagined role for national intercity passenger rail in a future of increasingly constrained material resources. This paper also demonstrates the application of actor-network theory (ANT in a way that can serve as a useful introduction to and template for the use of that methodology.

  8. E-learning objects and actor-networks as configuring information literacy teaching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schreiber, Trine Louise


    Introduction. With actor-network theory (ANT) as the theoretical lens the aim of the paper is to examine attempts to build network for shaping information literacy teaching. Method. The paper is based on a study of a project in 2014-2016 where information professionals representing ten educational...... libraries produced and implemented e-learning objects in information literacy teaching. The material was collected through interviews, observations, documents and feedback sessions. Analysis. Latour´s concept of translation and Callon´s four translation moments are used to analyze the network building...... that a network configuring information literacy teaching based on new interactive roles has not been stabilized. Conclusion. The paper concludes that the strength of ANT is first of all the mediation of an overview of different kinds of actors involved in network building. Further, the paper proposes to combine...

  9. Identidades de Trabajo Social: interrogaciones desde las historias de configuración profesional


    Lera, Carmen Inés; Ludi, María del Carmen; Bugdhal, Susana; Angeramo, Luciana


    Este trabajo toma aspectos del Proyecto de Investigación: “Identidad profesional de Trabajo Social. Principales rasgos de su configuración en distintos actores del campo profesional”. Partimos de entender a la identidad como devenir, como movimiento, alejada de esencialismos. Consecuentemente ello nos habilita a constituir-nos en actores que deliberadamente propiciamos alteraciones sobre aquellas dimensiones que cuestionamos, siendo muchas de ellas dominantes. Aquí radica la potencia de pe...

  10. Analysis of Three Actors: Roles of Government, Private Sector, and University toward Startup Growth in Yogyakarta

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    Cinintya Audori Fathin


    Full Text Available Information, communication, and technology advancements in 21st century encourage startups to innovate and develop their business further. Because it’s an ICT based business which is supported by the existence of internet, this kind of business starts to become borderless. As a result, the distributions of the products start to become unlimited. The conveniences offered by these advancements invite more ICT based product developers. The positive impact as a result of that such as more new jobs, easier way to access the markets, and also cheaper production cost with guaranteed profits. In addition to that, this of course also becomes an added value to the country because it increases Network Readiness Index and nation’s income from taxes. This research aims to analyze startup’s growth, in addition to its relation with related actors such as government, private sectors, and universities. Analysis on every actor will emphasize on their contribution to startup developments in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta directly or indirectly. In conclusion, there will be an illustration about how big the contributions and how close the actors are between startups and the three actors.

  11. Actor Diversity and Interactions in the Development of Banana Hybrid Varieties in Uganda: Implications for Technology Uptake (United States)

    Sanya, Losira Nasirumbi; Sseguya, Haroon; Kyazze, Florence Birungi; Baguma, Yona; Kibwika, Paul


    Purpose: We examine the nature of networks through which new hybrid banana varieties (HBVs) in Uganda are developed, and how different actors engage in the technology development process. Design/methodology/approach: We collected the data through 20 key informant interviews and 5 focus group discussions with actors involved in the process. We…

  12. La emigración cubana a Estados Unidos desde una perspectiva econométrica


    Cobas Valdés, Aleida


    220 p. Se estima que cerca de 244 millones de personas, en el año 2015, vivían en un país diferente al que les vio nacer. Dentro de este flujo migratorio creciente, han estado presentes, desde los años 30 del siglo pasado, los cubanos. La migración desde Cuba ha estado orientada históricamente hacia Estados Unidos, país donde viven más de 2 millones de personas de origen cubano.Para lograr entender la emigración cubana, desde el momento de la toma de la decisión de emigrar hasta la integra...

  13. Actor networks in strategic niche management : insights from social network theory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Caniëls, M.C.J.; Romijn, H.A.


    This paper contributes to Strategic Niche Management (SNM), an analytical technique designed to facilitate the introduction and diffusion of radically new sustainable technologies through societal experiments. According to SNM, intensive networking among social actors is a crucial process for the

  14. Construyendo la Barcelona creativa: nuevos actores, nuevas estrategias

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    Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway


    Full Text Available Building A creative Barcelona: new actors, new strategies.Barcelona is under the international spotlight. The city that triumphed with the organisation of the Olympic Games in 1992 now wants to become a 21st Century creative city. In order to achieve this goal, the city must establish conditions that facilitate the emergence of a shared discourse around its ability to become an attractive city for creative talent and for businesses. The recognition of the historical-economic heritage, as a starting point for the creative city, along with the driving role played by culture in the generation of a exclusive and distinctive experience, turnBarcelona into a unique city. However, this is not sufficient. The participation and involvement of all the actors in a shared strategy pose significant challenges to Barcelona, as does the need to minimise the negative effects that inevitably accompany success. Companies, institutions and citizens constitute the city’s best assets: they must work in partnership and take advantage of the synergies generated amongst them. Consensus and participation are more than mere utopias in Barcelona: they have become requirements for the city of tomorrow. Moreover, leadership in Barcelona is largely left to public initiative: the emergence of linkages across the needs of the various creative sectors, based on public intervention mechanisms is the best way to ensure success.

  15. Uncovering the most effective active ingredients of antismoking public service announcements: the role of actor and message characteristics. (United States)

    Shadel, William G; Fryer, Craig S; Tharp-Taylor, Shannah


    This study examined whether the appeal of actors (i.e., their likeability and attractiveness) used in antismoking public service announcements (PSAs) interacts with adolescents' risk of future smoking to predict adolescents' smoking resistance self-efficacy and whether the antismoking messages in the PSAs further moderate this relationship. We used a 2 (future smoking risk: low, high) x 2 (actor appeal: low, high) x 3 (PSA antismoking message: tobacco industry manipulation, short-term smoking effects, long-term smoking effects) study design. A diverse sample of 110 adolescents (aged 11-17 years), with varying levels of experience with smoking, rated their smoking resistance self-efficacy after viewing each of the PSAs in each design cell. Overall, PSAs that used long-term smoking effects messages were associated with the strongest smoking resistance self-efficacy, followed in turn by PSAs that used short-term smoking effects messages and by tobacco industry manipulation messages. We found a significant interaction of actor appeal and PSA antismoking message. The use of more appealing actors was associated with stronger smoking resistance self-efficacy only in long-term smoking effects PSAs. The use of less appealing actors was associated with stronger smoking resistance self-efficacy for tobacco industry manipulation PSAs and short-term smoking effects PSAs. Future smoking risk did not moderate any of these findings. Antismoking PSAs that emphasize long-term smoking effects are most strongly associated with increased smoking resistance self-efficacy. The effect of these PSAs can be strengthened by using actors whom adolescents perceive to be appealing.

  16. Neoliberalism and political actors in contemporary Argentina

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    Juan Manuel Reynares


    Full Text Available In this paper we set out a critical reading of the literature on political neoliberal actors in Argentina. We consider that the concentration of these studies in the national level has to do with a definition of neoliberalism as a set of economical and structural macro politics. We propose to define neoliberalism as a technology of government that intends to hegemonize an “enterprise form” in different social spheres, articulating a symbolical framework in a contingent and contentious way. This insight allows analyzing neoliberal identification processes as heterogeneous trajectories with diverse geographic and temporal scopes.

  17. La Disfasia desde el enfoque de la Comunicación

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    Nely del Milagro Puebla Caballero

    Full Text Available La disfasia es un término que conceptualiza una entidad gnoseológica relacionada con la organización del lenguaje en su evolución. Es un trastorno grave y de prolongada duración que afecta a niños desde el inicio del desarrollo del lenguaje, se extiende a toda la infancia y la adolescencia y puede dejar secuelas en el estado adulto. En esta revisión bibliográfica se propone un acercamiento a la comprensión de sus dimensiones, concepto, síntomas y pautas para el diagnóstico e intervención desde el enfoque de la Comunicación.

  18. Actor Bonds in Situations of Discontinuous Business Activities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skaates, Maria Anne


    Demand in many industrial buying situations, e.g. project purchases or procurement related to virtual organizations, is discontinuous. In situations of discontinuity, networks are often more of an ad hos informational and social nature, as strong activity and resource links are not present....... Furthermore the governance structure of markets characterized by discontinuous business activities is either that of the "socially constructed market" (Skaates, 2000) or that of the (socially constructed) network (Håkansson and Johanson, 1993). Additionally relationships and actor bonds vary substantially...

  19. Shaping the midwifery profession in Nepal - Uncovering actors' connections using a Complex Adaptive Systems framework. (United States)

    Bogren, Malin Upper; Berg, Marie; Edgren, Lars; van Teijlingen, Edwin; Wigert, Helena


    To explore how actors connect in a system aiming at promoting the establishment of a midwifery profession in Nepal. A qualitative explorative study based on the framework of Complex Adaptive Systems. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 key people representing eight different organisations (actors) promoting the development of the midwifery profession. The actors' connections can be described with a complex set of facilitators for and barriers to promoting the establishment of a midwifery profession. The identified facilitators for this establishment in Nepal are (1) a common goal and (2) a desire to collaborate, whilst the barriers are (1) different political interests and priorities, (2) competing interests of the nursing profession and societal views, (3) divergent academic opinions on a midwifery profession, and (4) insufficient communication. The results also showed that Nepalese society cannot distinguish between nursing and midwifery and that the public support for a midwifery profession was hence minimal. The move of midwifery from an occupation to a profession in Nepal is an on-going, challenging process. The study indicates the importance of understanding the motivations of, and barriers perceived by, actors that can promote or obstruct the establishment of the midwifery profession. It also points to the importance of informing the wider public about the role and responsibility of an autonomous midwifery profession. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Assessing and accounting for time heterogeneity in stochastic actor oriented models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lospinoso, Joshua A.; Schweinberger, Michael; Snijders, Tom A. B.; Ripley, Ruth M.

    This paper explores time heterogeneity in stochastic actor oriented models (SAOM) proposed by Snijders (Sociological methodology. Blackwell, Boston, pp 361-395, 2001) which are meant to study the evolution of networks. SAOMs model social networks as directed graphs with nodes representing people,

  1. The European Union as a Security Actor: Moving Beyond the Second Pillar

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    Kamil Zwolski


    Full Text Available It is suggested in this article that there is a discrepancy between, on the one hand, literature that focuses on the European Union (EU as a security actor and, on the other, contemporary security studies literature. This difference concerns the fact that the literature on the EU as a security actor treats security in a narrower sense than how it is approached in the literature on security studies. Over the past few decades, security studies literature has begun to fully acknowledge that the concept of security has broadened beyond traditional ‘hard’ security concerns and can encompass many different issues, for example the security implications of climate change. However, the literature on the EU as a security actor very often associates security only with the second pillar of the EU’s organisational structure; in particular the intergovernmental cooperation embodied by the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP. The main purpose of this article is to utilise the broader security studies approach to security as a means to expand the understanding of security in the context of the EU’s performance on the international stage. This is important because it allows the Union’s �����actorness’ in the field of security to be examined in a more holistic manner.

  2. Creating Inquiry Between Technology Developers and Civil Society Actors: Learning from Experiences Around Nanotechnology. (United States)

    Krabbenborg, Lotte


    Engaging civil society actors as knowledgeable dialogue partners in the development and governance of emerging technologies is a new challenge. The starting point of this paper is the observation that the design and orchestration of current organized interaction events shows limitations, particularly in the articulation of issues and in learning how to address the indeterminacies that go with emerging technologies. This paper uses Dewey's notion of 'publics' and 'reflective inquiry' to outline ways of doing better and to develop requirements for a more productive involvement of civil society actors. By studying four novel spaces for interaction in the domain of nanotechnology, this paper examines whether and how elements of Dewey's thought are visible and under what conditions. One of the main findings is that, in our society, special efforts are needed in order for technology developers and civil society actors to engage in a joint inquiry on emerging nanotechnology. Third persons, like social scientists and philosophers, play a role in this respect in addition to external input such as empirically informed scenarios and somewhat protected spaces.

  3. La administración que se espera para después de la crisis

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    Ramió-Matas, Carles


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este escrito es presentar y analizar los actores, las fuerzas y las tendencias que van a jugar en este proceso de cambio. La conclusión final de este ensayo es demostrar que los actores y fuerzas en liza no están en condiciones de dibujar una Administración pública de futuro con unas mínimas garantías de éxito. En nuestro sistema político, administrativo y en la sociedad española en general se detectan, desde hace tiempo, unas tendencias negativas que sólo pueden pronosticar un modelo de futuro de Administración pública defectuoso. Sólo desde la conciencia de esta pérfida tendencia se puede lograr que los actores y fuerzas modifiquen sus convicciones y sus estrategias y logren puntos de complicidad y de acuerdo para construir entre todos un modelo de Administración acorde con los retos que nos aguarda el futuro.

  4. Entretejiendo los aprendizajes: desde el programa de perfeccionamiento de la Pasantía PENTA UC a la práctica pedagógica

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    Elsa Piedad Cabrera-Murcia


    Full Text Available El presente artículo da cuenta de un estudio realizado con el objeto de conocer la reflexión de tres profesores que recibieron formación en las pasantías PENTA UC e hicieron la posterior transferencia a su práctica pedagógica. La metodología utilizada fue cualitativa y se usó el estudio de caso como método que permitió describir el alcance del programa y la interconexión de los significados compartidos por los tres actores observados y entrevistados. Aunque estos trabajan en diferentes campos disciplinarios y con estudiantes no diagnosticados como talentosos, todos ellos coinciden en dar relevancia a los cambios y aprendizajes significativos incorporados a su formación y transferidos a su práctica pedagógica en el aula regular, luego de cursar este perfeccionamiento, en (a concepción de docencia, (b conocimientos de base, (c planificación y, (d elementos clave para una educación diferenciada. Estos conforman los saberes y saberes hacer transferidos desde la educación de talentos al aula regular.

  5. La percepción de los actores de la seguridad alimentaria

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    Ponce, Gloria


    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of a survey on the Spanish food safety system carried out in order to ascertain the perceptions of the food and biotechnology industry, with special attention to the transgenic food debate. Regarding the efficiency of the food safety system, the industry holds an ambivalent vision, altough it tends to confer to the European area and the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority greater levels of confidence and effectiveness than to the AESA (Spanish Food Safety Agency. A comparison with other surveys shows that consumer perception is also ambivalent, pointing to a significant lack of acceptation of the food safety system among the relevant social actors.

    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta sobre el funcionamiento del sistema de seguridad alimentaria en España, con especial atención al tema de los alimentos transgénicos (a causa del debate social que suscitaron. La encuesta muestra que la valoración que la industria alimentaria española hace del sistema de seguridad alimentaria, tanto a nivel de España como a nivel de la Unión Europea, es ambivalente, especialmente por las dudas sobre la independencia y eficacia en su funcionamiento. Una comparación con datos de otras encuestas revela que la percepción de otros actores, especialmente de los consumidores, es igualmente ambivalente, indicando una importante falta de aceptación entre diferentes actores sociales relevantes para el sistema.

  6. La subjetividad desde la perspectiva histórico cultural: un tránsito desde el pensamiento dialéctico al pensamiento complejo

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    Oscar G. Hernández


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se expone conceptualmente la categoría de la subjetividad y los elementos que la sustentan desde las propuestas provenientes de la psicología histórico cultural. Para ello se hizo una revisión de las principales ideas de la filosofía del materialismo dialéctico, y de los elementos en la obra de L.Vigotsky que se relacionan con su develamiento. Adicionalmente, se realizó una breve exposición de las contribuciones más destacadas que desde la psicología soviética, facilitaron una concepción particular de la subjetividad humana. Finalmente, se muestran los principios del pensamiento complejo propuesto por E. Morin y su articulación respecto a la propuesta actual de la subjetividad como campo de investigación psicológica.

  7. Multi-actor governance of sustainable biofuels in developing countries: The case of Mozambique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schut, Marc; Cunha Soares, Núria; Ven, Gerrie van de; Slingerland, Maja


    This paper describes and analyses the multi-actor governance process that made Mozambique the first African nation-state to develop a national policy framework for sustainable biofuels. The paper draws on findings from action research conducted in Mozambique between December 2008 and July 2012. We analyse interactions between the changing governance context, the course of the multi-actor governance process, and the choices in relation to governance framework characteristics and content for four successive stages of governance framework development. This provides the basis for reflection on the competences required for effective multi-actor sustainability governance, and a discussion about the role of the nation-state in sustainability governance of global economies such as biofuels. The governance framework for sustainable biofuels has contributed to a more transparent and secure investment climate for biofuels in Mozambique. Key factors for success were (1) the presence of different types of competences during the various stages of the governance framework development, (2) closing the gap between ‘licences to sell’ and ‘licences to produce’ across different governance levels, and (3) balancing between the short- and long-term objectives for biofuel production in Mozambique and requirements of global biofuel markets. Developing-country nation-states can provide an essential contribution to these success-factors for global governance of sustainable biofuels. - Highlights: • Mozambique is the first African country that developed a national governance framework for sustainable biofuels. • Independence, representation, expertise and operational capacity are essential competences in multi-actor sustainability governance. • Developing country's nation-states play an essential role in harmonizing short- and long-term objectives across different governance levels. • Synergies between licences to sell and licences to produce biofuels sustainably should

  8. The Roles and Movements of Actors in the Deforestation of Brazilian Amazonia

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    Philip M. Fearnside


    Full Text Available Containing the advance of deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia requires understanding the roles and movements of the actors involved. The importance of different actors varies widely among locations within the region, and also evolves at any particular site over the course of frontier establishment and consolidation. Landless migrants have significant roles in clearing the land they occupy and in motivating landholders to clear as a defense against invasion or expropriation. Colonists in official settlements and other small farmers also are responsible for substantial amounts of clearing, but ranchers constitute the largest component of the region's clearing. This group is most responsive to macroeconomic changes affecting such factors as commodity prices, and also receives substantial subsidies. Ulterior motives, such as land speculation and money laundering, also affect this group. Drug trafficking and money laundering represent strong forces in some areas and help spread deforestation where it would be unprofitable based only on the legitimate economy. Goldminers increase the population in distant areas and subsequently enter the ranks of other groups. Work as laborers or debt slaves provides an important entry to the region for poor migrants from northeast Brazil, providing cheap labor to large ranches and a large source of entrants to other groups, such as landless farmers and colonists. Capitalized farmers, including agribusiness for soy production, have tremendous impact in certain areas, such as Mato Grosso. This group responds to commodity markets and provides justification for major infrastructure projects. Landgrabbers, or grileiros, are important in entering public land and beginning the process of deforestation and transfer of land to subsequent groups of actors. These include sawmill owners and loggers, who play an important role in generating funds for clearing by other groups, ranging from landless migrants to large ranchers. They

  9. Ecosystem services for connecting actors – lessons learnt from a symposium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Opdam, P.F.M.; Albert, Chr.; Fürst, C.; Grêt-Regamey, A.; Kleemann, J.; Parker, D.; Rosa, La D.; Schmidt, K.; Villamor, G.; Walz, A.


    This paper is a communication from the corresponding symposium at the Global Land Project Open Science Meeting, Berlin, March 2014. We explored the assumption that the ecosystem services-(ES) concept has the potential to support communication and collaboration between actors in land use planning.



    Carlos Andrés Arroyave Bernal


    Este ensayo pretende hacer una reflexión teórico-critica sobre la eugenesia {en Colombia} para sugerir desde la perspectiva de los Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y Tecnología algunas contribuciones, para -desde “otros lentes”- proponer nuevos análisis y/o problemas en torno a esta temática tan significativa en la Medicina en América Latina. En tal sentido, revisamos bibliografía relevante sobre la eugenesia desde la historiografía de la ciencia poniéndola en discusión con algunas categorías ...

  11. Actors: A Model of Concurrent Computation in Distributed Systems. (United States)


    Artificial Intelligence Labora- tory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Support for the labora- tory’s aritificial intelligence research is...RD-A157 917 ACTORS: A MODEL OF CONCURRENT COMPUTATION IN 1/3- DISTRIBUTED SY𔃿TEMS(U) MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CRMBRIDGE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ...Computation In Distributed Systems Gui A. Aghai MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Thsdocument ha. been cipp-oved I= pblicrelease and sale; itsI

  12. The relationship between the political authorities and the commercial actors in the European natural gas market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mjelde, Jarle Christian


    In summarizing the reasons for the fall of the Roman empire one has found about 210 significant ones. Without too much comparison the Roman empire and the EU natural gas market have similarities in connections between political authorities and the commercial actors in the European natural gas market. The area has consisted of several independent markets with different solutions that from 1988 has been tried integrated in an inner energy market. Several governmental and private actors have interest in this sector and both inhabitants and businesses are affected by alterations in a national natural gas market. This process is not yet finished. The thesis gives a broad description of the topic by including as many as possible of the EU member states. The topic is large and complex and the author has had to make a choice which parts to emphasize. There are chapters on the theoretical basis, the natural gas industry, what factors may explain the relationship between the political authorities and the commercial actors in the national natural gas market in each EU member and how does the EU Commission goals regarding free competition in the energy market affect the relationship between the political authorities and commercial actors in the national natural gas market

  13. New actors in environmental management: The case of the civil society in Ensenada

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    Nain Martínez


    Full Text Available The environment is a complex space where multiple interests converge, so the traditional government has been insufficient to respond to the new demands of the environmental management. In this sense, the theory governance suggests a bigger role for social actors in decision-making for a more effective resolution of environmental problems. This article focuses on the Civil Society Organizations (cso’s of Ensenada, due to its relevance in the public sphere and the ecological value of the area. Twenty two csos, its participants and the network of actors were characterized through a survey. It was found that three types of csos are focusing on the conservation agenda and urban sustainability.

  14. Actor, creación colectiva y dramaturgia nacional

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    Enrique Buenaventura Alder


    Full Text Available El teatro no es un género literario. Esta afirmación, que hace algunos años resultó -en un seminario, en Caracas- polémica y hasta escandalosa, es hoy un punto de partida en los estudios de semiótica teatral. Dentro de este orden de cosas se dice que el teatro no es ni más ni menos que el momento efímero en el cual se produce una relación entre actores y espectadores.

  15. Book Review: A Liberal Actor in a Realist World the European Union ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abstract. Book Title: A Liberal Actor in a Realist World the European Union Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy. Book Author: Andreas Goldthau & Nick Sitter. Oxford University Press Oxford 2015. ISBN 9780198719595 ...

  16. The European Neighbourhood Policy and Islamist actors in the southern neighbourhood

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pace, Michelle; Wolff, Sarah


    EU policies towards the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have increasingly focused on how the EU can engage with so called “moderate” Islamist movements. Starting with some reflections about definitions of Islamist actors in the region, this chapter briefly traces the role that Islamist...

  17. Understanding Health Information Seeking from an Actor-Centric Perspective

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    Simon Batchelor


    Full Text Available This paper presents a conceptual approach for discussing health information seeking among poor households in Africa and Asia. This approach is part of a larger research endeavor aimed at understanding how health systems are adapting; with possibilities and constraints emerging. These health systems can be found in a context of the changing relationships between states, markets and civil society in low and middle income countries. The paper starts from an understanding of the health sector as a “health knowledge economy”, organized to provide people with access to knowledge and advice. The use of the term “health knowledge economy” draws attention to the ways the health sector is part of a broader knowledge economy changing the way individuals and households obtain and use specialist information. The paper integrates an actor centric approach with the theory of planned behavior. It seeks to identify the actors engaged in the health knowledge economy as a precursor to longer term studies on the uptake of innovations integrating health services with mobile phones, commonly designated as mHealth, contributing to an understanding of the potential vulnerabilities of poor people, and highlighting possible dangers if providers of health information and advice are strongly influenced by interest groups.

  18. Spain and Mediterranean Security Governance: Neighbours, Spaces and Actors

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    Sarah Wolff


    Full Text Available The 1999 Tampere Summit marked the start of the development of the external dimension of the European Union’s policy of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA. This external dimension has been reflected in the inclusion of JHA in agreements with third countries, and particularly with Mediterranean countries. Furthermore, the European NeighbourhoodPolicy (ENP, in addition to bilateral and multilateral programmes, confirmed the transformation of the JHA policy into one of the EU’s foreign policy objectives. In the light of this evolution, this article examines Spain’s role in the development of the Mediterraneandimension of the JHA policy: firstly, it covers the stance of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero’s government toward the JHA policy and its external dimension; secondly, it explores the new parameters of governance in the area of security and the Spanish case through three main factors: the neighbours, spaces and actors that define this governance. Lastly, and within a context of a multiplicity of governance actors on security, it focuses on the Canary Islands,which have acquired a central importance with respect to the management of borders and the policy of development for Africa. The analysis of this period helps to explain the new security perceptions that define Spain’s policy in the Mediterranean.

  19. Edgar Buchanan: dentist and popular character actor in movies and television. (United States)

    Christen, A G; Christen, J A


    Edgar Buchanan, D.D.S., pursued a diverse mix of careers during his lifetime: as he practiced dentistry, he also worked as a popular film and television actor. Although he eventually relinquished a full-time dental practice for acting, he continued his commitment to clinical dentistry. Acting in 100 films and four television series across a 35-year span (1939-1975). He personified a scheming, yet well-meaning rustic who specialized in "cracker-barrel" philosophy. Typically, he was cast in classic western movies as a bewhiskered character actor. In several films he played a frontier dentist who was always portrayed in a sympathetic and authentic manner. His unique gravelly voice, subtle facial expressions, folksy mannerisms and portly build enabled Buchanan to step into a wide variety of character roles. His most memorable television role was in the classic situation comedy, "Petticoat Junction," (1963-1970), where he played Uncle Joe, a folksy, lovable, free-loader whose many entertaining schemes created chaos.

  20. El cuidado desde una perspectiva psicosocial


    Carbelo Baquero, Begoña; Romero Llort, Marta; Casas Martínez, Francisca; Ruiz Ureña, Teresa; Rodríguez de la Parra, Sonsoles


    Este trabajo pretende hacer un análisis reflexivo de las aportaciones de distintas disciplinas en la proyección psicosocial de los cuidados enfermeros. La enfermería psicosocial es algo más que unos conocimientos psicológicos para profesionales de enfermería; las Ciencias Psicosociales, nos permiten abordar al ser humano desde el punto de vista holístico. Las distintas escuelas o tendencias en enfermería, profundizan en el cuidado del ser humano y del entorno como componentes esen...

  1. El mapeo de actores y conformación de cuerpos de participación pesquera

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    José Alberto Zepeda Domínguez


    Full Text Available El manejo de pesquerías implica a múltiples sectores con intereses distintos, para conciliarlos se plantea establecer cuerpos de comanejo; su conformación comienza con la selección de actores representativos de los sectores involucrados, pero esto no se ha reglamentado, lo que dificulta su implementación generalizada. Aquí se evalúa un método eficaz y trasparente para identificar a los actores clave de cuatro pesquerías, y probarlo en contextos distintos. Con el fin de identificar el esfuerzo necesario para conocer a estos actores, se combinaron técnicas de las ciencias sociales y de las naturales. En cada caso se encontró que dos informantes, con veinte años de experiencia en el manejo pesquero, identificaron a los cuatro sectores incluidos aquí, y que otros diez, provenientes de otros ámbitos, hicieron lo propio con la mayoría de los actores clave. El método no puede utilizarse a priori para calcular el tamaño de muestra, está enfocado para aplicarse después de terminado el muestreo o bien durante las entrevistas. En contraste con la metodología tradicional, es posible definir, de una manera trasparente, en qué momento detener el proceso de recolección de datos. Estos resultados comprueban que el método se puede estandarizar e implementar, para facilitar la conformación de cuerpos de comanejo.

  2. The Urban Decision Room : A multi actor design engineering simulation system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Loon, P.P.J.; Barendse, P.; Duerink, S.


    This paper deals with the definition and construction of a decision based multi actor urban design model which enables the integration of the allocation of a variety of urban land uses with the distribution of different urban functions: the Urban Decision Room. Urban design (and planning) is, among

  3. The Corporation as a Political Actor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasche, Andreas


    . On the other hand, European scholars have recently promoted an understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR) emphasizing that firms often assume a political role because they increasingly provide public goods and become involved in multi-actor governance processes. This article contrasts both......This article distinguishes two approaches to study the political role of corporations. On the one hand, North American scholars have primarily understood the link between business and politics through the lens of corporate political activity (CPA) looking at how firms influence government policy...... approaches and suggests that differences in the way the political role of corporations are understood can at least, in part, be explained by the distinct nature of European/North American management scholarship as well as by the political environment in both regions. It is also suggested that both...

  4. Actor and partner effects of coping on adjustment in couples undergoing assisted reproduction treatment

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    Aleksandra Kroemeke


    Full Text Available Background Infertility is a shared experience as it affects both partners. However, mutual dependencies between coping and adjustment at the couple level remain to be fully elucidated. The study attempted to address this issue using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM to examine the actor effect (the extent to which an individual’s score on coping predicted their own level of depressive symptoms and life purpose and the partner effect (the extent to which an individual’s score on coping predicted the level of adjustment in the partner in couples undergoing assisted reproduction treatment (ART. Participants and procedure Coping strategies, depressive symptoms, and life purpose were assessed among 31 married couples (aged 27-38 years undergoing ART. The Brief COPE, CES-D, and PIL questionnaires were used. Data were analyzed by multilevel modeling (MLM. Results The results of MLM indicated that focus on positive and active coping had an actor effect with depressive symptoms and life purpose, respectively. The actor effect of evasive coping on depression was moderated by gender and significant only in women. The partner effect was demonstrated for evasive coping, social support seeking, and substance use – the first two were gender moderated and significant in men. Conclusions Coping efforts in the couple during infertility treatment are not only associated with the individual but also the partner’s adjustment to that situation. Although the focus on positive and active coping was associated with individual benefits, other coping strategies which have the function of a protective buffer may also result in the occurrence of side effects, especially in females.

  5. Intra-Diegetic Cameras as Cinematic Actor Assemblages in Found Footage Horror Cinema

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rødje, Kjetil


    that comprises what is commonly known as human actors as well as material entities that play an active part in motion picture images. The use of intra-diegetic cameras in contemporary found footage horror films constitutes a particular case of such cinematic actor assemblages. Through a dynamic relational...... performance, cameras here take on roles as active agents with the potential to affect other elements within the images as well as the films’ audiences. In found footage horror the assemblage mode of operation creates suspense, since the vulnerability of the camera threatens the viewer's access to the depicted...... events. While human characters and individual entities making up the camera assemblage are disposable, the recording is not. Found footage horror crucially hinges upon the survival of the footage. I will further suggest that these films allow filmmakers to experiment with the acting capabilities of intra...

  6. La educación artística desde una triple perspectiva : memoria, crítica y práctica


    Canales Alonso, Irene


    El presente trabajo realiza una revisión de la educación artística desde tres ópticas distintas: desde la historia, ofreciendo la evolución de la educación artística desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad tanto a nivel internacional como a nivel nac

  7. Metropolises in emerging countries: actors in energy transitions? Lessons from Cape Town (South Africa)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaglin, Sylvy


    The role of cities, as places and drivers of the energy transition is increasingly recognized. The research project Termos tested the robustness of this assumption in four cities of emerging countries by asking two questions: to what extent do urban local actors really drive an urban energy transition and of what kind? To what extent are their actions supporting an urban territorialisation of energy systems? The paper first presents the findings of this comparative research, which he then extends with the case study of Cape Town. It analyzes why, despite their energy and environmental voluntarism, the municipality have little room of manoeuvre, while the changes observed seem to strengthen the stranglehold of the 'central sphere' in the energy system. Analyzing this as the expression of a conflict between a strong national electricity sector and an alternative approach to energy issues carried by urban actors, it highlights the resulting tensions and their impact on the municipal actions, both limited by resistance but also 'swallowed up' by actors from the central sphere. The paper finally draws lessons from this example to enrich the general analysis of dynamics observed in other cities of emerging countries

  8. Transcended power of the state: the role of actors in Pierre Bourdieu's sociology of the state

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnholtz, Jens; Hammerslev, Ole


    Pierre Bourdieu's writings on the state consist of a series of more or less coherent investigations approaching the state from different angles. His writings on the state may seem to contain internal ambiguities. On the one hand, they argue for an actor-centered approach to the state while......, on the other hand, elaborating the power of the state as an institution transcending these actors. The purpose of this article is to reconstruct Bourdieu's understanding of the state in order to examine if the opposition between these two apparently opposite approaches are in as sharp contention as they first...... appear. The article starts out by discussing how Bourdieu has approached the state through his broader sociological approach and concepts. Afterwards it outlines the state formation processes lying at the foundation of the state's power. Next it focuses on his special emphasis on the actor strategies...


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    Juan de Dios Vial Correa


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo reflexiona sobre el concepto de "dignidad" desde sus orígenes y la evolución del término, en búsqueda de un sustrato filosófico y antropológico que fundamente el concepto, con el fin de que se respete la persona humana desde la fecundación hasta la muerte y la reflexión bioética tenga una base desde la cual proceder.O presente trabalho reflete sobre o conceito de "dignidade" desde suas origens e a evolução do termo. Busca um substrato filosófico e antropológico que fundamente o conceito, com a finalidade de que se respeite a pessoa humana desde a fecundação até a morte e que a reflexão bioética tenha uma base de ação.This work contemplates the concept of "dignity" from its origins and the evolution of the term, in search of a philosophical and anthropological substrate that grounds the concept, with the objective of the respect of the human being from its conception until death and the provision of a basis from which bioethical reflection may proceed.

  10. Representación de los actores armados en conflicto en la prensa colombiana

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    Pardo Abril Neyla Graciela


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, la reflexión sobre la responsabilidad social de los medios es fundamental para comprender su papel dentro de la construcción de la realidad y, en consecuencia, se hace necesario desentrañar sus significados. En esta dirección, el artículo presenta los resultados parciales de dos investigaciones que han permitido una primera reflexión sobre las representaciones de los actores armados del conflicto colombiano en cuatro periódicos. Los resultados del análisis crítico del discurso indican que existen diversas formas de nominación de los distintos actores sociales que están asociadas con la construcción de sus identidades colectivas.

  11. Side Effects: An Analysis of Mind the Gap's "Boo" and the Reception of Theatre Involving Learning Disabled Actors (United States)

    Hargrave, Matt


    This article analyses Mind the Gap's Boo, a re-imagining of Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird", which features a cast of learning disabled actors. It is concerned with the public reception of the work, particularly the "effect" of an all-disabled cast. What are the consequences, both ethical and aesthetic, for these actors to tell this story on…

  12. Actor-Network Theory as a sociotechnical lens to explore the relationship of nurses and technology in practice: methodological considerations for nursing research. (United States)

    Booth, Richard G; Andrusyszyn, Mary-Anne; Iwasiw, Carroll; Donelle, Lorie; Compeau, Deborah


    Actor-Network Theory is a research lens that has gained popularity in the nursing and health sciences domains. The perspective allows a researcher to describe the interaction of actors (both human and non-human) within networked sociomaterial contexts, including complex practice environments where nurses and health technology operate. This study will describe Actor-Network Theory and provide methodological considerations for researchers who are interested in using this sociotechnical lens within nursing and informatics-related research. Considerations related to technology conceptualization, levels of analysis, and sampling procedures in Actor-Network Theory based research are addressed. Finally, implications for future nursing research within complex environments are highlighted. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Actor-network-theory perspective on a forestry decision support system design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boerboom, L.G.J.; Ferritti, V.


    Use of decision support systems (DSS) has thus far been framed as a social process of adoption or technical process of usability. We analyze the development of a DSS as a process of institutionalization of new as well as drift of existing practices. We write an Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) account,

  14. ¿Quién se opone a la prevención?: Un mapa de los actores pro tabaco en España Who is against prevention?: A map of policy actors favoring smoking in Spain

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    Lluís Granero


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Para poder realizar un abordaje integral de las políticas referidas al tabaquismo hay que conocer el mapa de los actores relacionados con el tabaco y sus vínculos políticos. En este trabajo se pretende presentar una primera aproximación en España. Métodos: Análisis de la prensa, publicaciones de la industria y entrevistas con personas clave. Se identifican los actores pro tabaco activos en España, que se han podido clasificar según su naturaleza, la esfera en que se mueven y su ámbito territorial preferente. Resultados: Se identifican las empresas tabaqueras, entre las que destacan Altadis y Philip Morris por su dominio del mercado, las organizaciones del comercio minorista (estanqueros, las organizaciones «pantalla» creadas por la industria (Club de Fumadores por la Tolerancia, las de cultivadores y las empresas de transformación. La distribución está dominada por Logista, filial de Altadis. Hay que tener en cuenta también las empresas de vending y de productos complementarios (mecheros, fósforos y papel. Se identifican los vínculos de estos actores con la Administración pública, donde destaca el papel que desempeña el Comisionado para el Mercado de Tabacos, así como los Ministerios de Agricultura, Hacienda y Economía. Se identifican también las relaciones con la patronal, algunos partidos políticos y sindicatos, así como con otros sectores empresariales con gran influencia social, como los medios de comunicación y la publicidad. Conclusiones: El mapa de los actores pro tabaco en España es complejo y supera los límites de la estricta industria tabaquera. La comprensión de este entramado es fundamental para poder plantear políticas integrales de prevención.Objectives: For a comprehensive approach to policies on smoking, the map of actors related to tobacco and their political ties needs to be identified. The present article constitutes the first attempt at this task in Spain. Methodology: Analysis of

  15. Wave Energy and Actor-Network Theory: The Irish Case


    Cunningham, William


    This paper examines the role of the wave energy sector in Ireland using theories from the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). Theoretical divisions within the field of STS are examined, particularly the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) and Actor-Network Theory (ANT). Any conflicts which these two theories present to each other are examined through the empirical findings of the Irish wave energy sector. In particular, ANT s rejection of macro and micro distinctions when analy...

  16. La orientación profesional en la infancia preescolar. Actualidad y perspectiva desde el juego de roles

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    Liudmila Mengana-Lorenzo


    Full Text Available En el artículo se aborda el proceso de orientación profesional visto desde la infancia preescolar, lo que responde a la necesidad social de orientar profesionalmente a los estudiantes desde las edades más tempranas. Se analizan las insuficiencias en la dirección pedagógica del juego como favorecedor de orientación profesional desde esta etapa de la vida y se se propone un sistema de actividades que contribuye a erradicarlas.

  17. Actividad Solar Desde EL Espacio (United States)

    Rovira, M. G.


    RESUMEN. Se describen los principales descubrimientos realizados por los arti+iciales con instrumentos dedicados a la observaci6n del Sol, durante los dos ultimos ciclos de su acti vi dad. La observaci6n el espacio ha permitido cubrir todas las zonas del espectro no observables desde tierra1 desde el ultravioleta hasta la radiaci6n gamma. Se hace referencia, en particular, a los resultados producidos por los dos grandes observatorios: el Skylab y el SMM. Este ultimo incluy6 un conjunto de instrumentos especialmente coordinados para observar en detalle las fulguraciones solares. Es un resumen para astr6nomos no especializados en la fisica solar, en el que se muestra que la gran riqueza del material observacional acumulado ha resuelto problemas preexistentes y, al mismo tiempo, ha abierto numerosos interrogantes a los que se buscar respuesta con la instrumentaci6n en desarrollo. Finalmente, se mencionan las caracteristicas de los proyectados para la pr6xima decada. : The main discoveries performed by artificial satellites instrumented for the observation of the Sun, during the last two cycles of its activity, are described. The space observations allowed of almost all the spectral regions which are not observable from the ground, from the ultraviolet to the gamma radiation. In particular, we ref er' to the two large solar space observatories: the Skylab and the SMM. The last one included a set 0+ coordinated instruments to observe in detail the solar flares. This is a summary for astronomers not dedicated to solar physics, where we show that the of observational material have solv# d many of the preexistent problems but, at the ame time, it opened many new questions to which the improved instrumentation will try to answer. , the characteristics of the satellites planned the next decade are mentioned. Key : SUN-ACTIVITY - SUN-CORONA - SUN-X-RAYS

  18. Otras visualidades: crear y enseñar fotografía desde la percepción invidente


    Peña Sánchez, Noemí


    Esta tesis aborda las relaciones entre fotografía y ceguera desde una perspectiva teórica, educativa y artística. La búsqueda de vínculos entre obras fotográficas creadas desde la percepción invidente ha servido para plantear un enfoque didáctico sobre la creación fotográfica en personas con discapacidad visual y entender otros modos de concebir la imagen desde el ejercicio creador. La tesis se estructura en cuatro bloques: El primero define el diseño de esta investigación en el que s...

  19. Inside the Actors' Studio: Exploring Dietetics Education Practices through Dialogical Inquiry (United States)

    Fox, Ann L.; Gingras, Jacqui


    Two colleagues, Ann and Jacqui, came together, within the safety of an imagined actors' studio, to explore the challenges that Ann faced in planning a new graduate program in public health nutrition. They met before, during, and after program implementation to discuss Ann's experiences, and audio-taped and transcribed the discussions. When all…

  20. Social health insurance without corporate actors: changes in self-regulation in Germany, Poland and Turkey. (United States)

    Wendt, Claus; Agartan, Tuba I; Kaminska, Monika Ewa


    Social health insurance in Western Europe has for many years been characterized by self-regulation in which specific conditions of healthcare financing and provision have been regulated by social-insurance institutions through mutual self-governance. However, the principle of self-regulation has recently been weakened by increased state regulation and market competition, which were introduced in response to economic and social changes. Even in Germany, which has been regarded as an "ideal-type" health insurance system and in which self-regulation remains at the core of healthcare governance, more direct state intervention has gained in importance. On the other hand, in countries such as Poland and Turkey, where this tradition of self-regulation is missing, social health insurance is deemed a financing instrument but not an instrument of governance and corporate actors are not accorded a significant role in regulation. This article investigates how social health insurance systems are regulated in contexts in which corporate actors' role is either diminishing or absent by focusing on three crucial areas of regulation: financing, the remuneration of medical doctors, and the definition of the healthcare benefit package. In Germany, state regulation has increased in healthcare financing and remuneration while the role of corporate actors has grown in the definition of the benefits package. In Poland and Turkey, on the other hand, reforms have maintained the status quo in terms of the strong regulatory, budgetary, and managerial powers of the state and very limited involvement of corporate actors. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. You are so kind – and I am kind and smart: Actor – Observer Differences in the Interpretation of On-going Behavior

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    Abele Andrea E.


    Full Text Available : The dual perspective model of agency and communion predicts that observers tend to interpret a target’s behavior more in terms of communion than agency, whereas actors interpret their behavior more in terms of agency. The present research for the first time tests this model in real interactions. Previously unacquainted participants had a short conversation and afterwards rated their own behavior (actor perspective and their interaction partner’s behavior (observer perspective in terms of agency(self-confident, assertive and communion(trustworthy, empathic. Supporting the dual perspective model, observers rated the actor’s behavior higher on communion than on agency, and higher on communion than actors themselves did. Findings for actors were more complex: Actors rated their own behavior as more agentic than observers did. However, they also rated their behavior high on communion. We discuss implications for the dual perspective model as well as for (misunderstandings in social interactions.

  2. A novel approach to locomotion learning: Actor-Critic architecture using central pattern generators and dynamic motor primitives. (United States)

    Li, Cai; Lowe, Robert; Ziemke, Tom


    In this article, we propose an architecture of a bio-inspired controller that addresses the problem of learning different locomotion gaits for different robot morphologies. The modeling objective is split into two: baseline motion modeling and dynamics adaptation. Baseline motion modeling aims to achieve fundamental functions of a certain type of locomotion and dynamics adaptation provides a "reshaping" function for adapting the baseline motion to desired motion. Based on this assumption, a three-layer architecture is developed using central pattern generators (CPGs, a bio-inspired locomotor center for the baseline motion) and dynamic motor primitives (DMPs, a model with universal "reshaping" functions). In this article, we use this architecture with the actor-critic algorithms for finding a good "reshaping" function. In order to demonstrate the learning power of the actor-critic based architecture, we tested it on two experiments: (1) learning to crawl on a humanoid and, (2) learning to gallop on a puppy robot. Two types of actor-critic algorithms (policy search and policy gradient) are compared in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different actor-critic based learning algorithms for different morphologies. Finally, based on the analysis of the experimental results, a generic view/architecture for locomotion learning is discussed in the conclusion.

  3. A Novel Approach to Locomotion Learning: Actor-Critic Architecture using Central Pattern Generators and Dynamic Motor Primitives

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    Cai eLi


    Full Text Available In this article, we propose an architecture of a bio-inspired controller that addresses the problem of learning different locomotion gaits for different robot morphologies. The modelling objective is split into two: baseline motion modelling and dynamics adaptation. Baseline motion modelling aims to achieve fundamental functions of a certain type of locomotion and dynamics adaptation provides a ``reshaping function for adapting the baseline motion to desired motion. Based on this assumption, a three-layer architecture is developed using central pattern generators (CPGs, a bio-inspired locomotor center for the the baseline motion and dynamic motor primitives (DMPs, a model with universal ``reshaping functions. In this article, we use this architecture with the actor-critic algorithms for finding a good ``reshaping function. In order to demonstrate the learning power of the actor-critic based architecture, we tested it on two experiments: 1 learning to crawl on a humanoid and, 2 learning to gallop on a puppy robot. Two types of actor-critic algorithms (policy search and policy gradient are compared in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different actor-critic based learning algorithms for different morphologies. Finally, based on the analysis of the experimental results, a generic view/architecture for locomotion learning is discussed in the conclusion.


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    Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel


    Full Text Available In the era of after reformation, Indonesia has developed rapidly enough in political sector and mass media freedom. In the local level such as in Bangli Regency, Bali Province, the fight among political actors on the printed mass media took place when the general election to vote for the regent was held. The general election which was held to vote for the regent was full of dynamism in which the candidates fought against one another on the longer mass media. The problems of the present study are as follows: (1 what was the fight among political actors on the printed media when the general election was held to vote the regent of Bangli Regency in 2010 like?; (2 the factors leading to it?; and (3 what was the impact and meaning of the fight among the political actors on the printed media? The theories used in the present study were the theory of discourse of relation of knowledge and power, the theory of the impact of media such as the agenda setting, the theory of framing, the theory of media text analysis, the theory of hegemony, and the theory of capital. The research method used was the qualitative approach with critical paradigm.  The forms of the fight among political actors took place in the arenas of news articles, advertorials, advertisements, and paid articles. The fight taking place in these arenas started from the fight for the self-image of the actors to the political issue. The factors leading to it was political factor, economic factor, and mass media. The fight among the political actors affected political sector, economic sector, and cultural sector. The fight among the political actors on the printed media contained pragmatic meaning of the media and political actors, the image, popular life style, and change of political culture in Bangli. 


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    Yohann Rech


    Full Text Available Actor-network theory (ANT shows how scientific and technical innovations may take the form of a socio-technical network, by the aggregation of humans and non-humans (Callon, 1986; Latour, 1989. This article reflects on the contributions and limits of ANT to examine a particular object of research presenting regular innovations: the outdoor recreation. Firstly, the integration of non-humans to the analysis (Latour, 2006 is relevant in the study of nature sports because physical entities transform the action and involve specific associations. Then it is a particular epistemological positioning that shakes the dichotomies up and givesimportance to the reflexive activity of actors. Finally, understanding the development of collectives is useful for the study of nature sports. The construction of a social coexistence between different activities (sports activities and other activities strongly questions the political transformation of contemporary democracy, including the establishment of a participatory management.

  6. Podemos como un acontecimiento o no: lo que vemos desde Manchester

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    Ian Parker


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza a Podemos desde la noción de “acontecimiento” teorizada por Alain Badiou y sobre la base de dos cuestiones que se relacionan con Podemos como fenómeno anti-político. En primer lugar, en lo relativo a la relación entre discurso académico y acontecimientos políticos, llegando a la conclusión de que tanto Badiou como el grupo de la Complutense que rodea a Iglesias intervinieron con éxito sobre el mundo real, desde la Universidad, desde un marco académico. La segunda cuestión tiene que ver con el modo en que nos relacionamos con acontecimientos que aun no han ocurrido. Parker concluye que el futuro de Podemos está íntimamente ligado a lo que pueda ocurrir en Grecia tras la victoria de Syriza. En este artículo se describe el impacto positivo que ha tenido Podemos para el “Left Unity” en Manchester y se aboga por un compromiso con ambas formaciones más allá de lo puramente académico. Podemos y Syriza son posibles acontecimientos cuyo carácter está aún por determinar, y cuyas implicaciones traspasan incluso las fronteras de Europa.

  7. Framing REDD+ at National Level: Actors and Discourse around Nepal’s Policy Debate

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    Rishi R. Bastakoti


    Full Text Available Forests and carbon sequestration have become fundamental themes in climate change mitigation. The idea of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+ has generated significant interest in forest governance from United Nations (UN climate strategies over the past decade. REDD+ was initially hailed as a smart and cost-effective way to mitigate climate change. As it is rolling out, ambiguities and controversies are increasingly surfacing to the stakeholders at different levels. Examining the forest governance of Nepal in detail, this research examines how relationships between national and local forest actors have changed, and how REDD+ discourses have evolved among them at the interface between global interests in carbon commodification on one hand, and local realities of community forestry on the other hand. To better understand these competing positions, the study uses a post-structural political ecology perspective with elements of discourse analysis. Using data from interviews with policy actors and members of three local community forest user groups, focus group discussions, policy event observations, and document reviews, this paper highlights how global forest carbon commodification has been affecting community forestry governance. It also illustrates different storylines that actors employ to influence policy discourse and REDD+ debates, indicating a considerable range of problem definitions and policy solutions of climate change among the actors. The analysis highlights the connection between power relationships and the evolution of discourses surrounding REDD+, and how an external discourse can reinforce or challenge local governance and the centralization of forest authority. As such, the research also offers a new application of discursive storylines to climate change discourse analysis across national and local scales. The findings emphasize the importance of a more open and transparent dialogue across Nepal

  8. Intermediaries as Innovating Actors in the Transition to a Sustainable Energy System

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    Julia Backhaus


    Full Text Available In transitions of large sociotechnical systems, intermediary organisations can emerge as mediators in between several actor groups and facilitate communication and collaboration towards common goals. They can support the establishment of new actor networks and the articulation and alignment of interests to bring about desired changes. In this article, current efforts towards a more sustainable energy system serve as an exemplary context of intermediary work. The field under scrutiny, demand side management, aims to decrease energy consumption. Unfortunately, the role and work of intermediaries as implementers of demand side management projects often remains underappreciated.
    Research into the reasons of successes and failures of intermediary work and a theoretical corroboration for their practical work can help intermediaries to improve their programme designs and implementation strategies. The EC FP7-funded Changing Behaviour project aims to support intermediaries with strategic activities to improve demand side management programmes and bring about lasting behavioural changes. Paying more attention to context, stakeholders, monitoring, evaluation and learning enables the development of tailor-made, widely supported projects with higher chances of success.
    In addition to practical support for their work, intermediaries can benefit from stronger policy support. Understanding and appreciation of their work as contribution to policy implementation, e.g. towards energy saving targets, could motivate such support. A stable policy and financial environment with long-term implementation plans and funding schemes provides a fertile ground for intermediary activities. Active participation of policy actors in demand side management programmes can create networks sustaining longer-lasting change.

  9. Experimenting with International Collaborative Governance for Climate Change Mitigation by Private Actors: Scaling up Dutch Co-Regulation


    TELESETSKY, Anastasia


    For the past two decades, international climate policy has been handled as a matter for State to State deliberation. Non-state actors have played at best marginal roles in making and implementing international policy. This paper argues that climate change remains an intractable transnational problem because State to State deliberations failed to acknowledge that both climate mitigation and adaptation require ongoing collaborative governance with non-State actors to shift normative behavior. T...

  10. Actors and processes behind urban fringe development: Mechanism to guide urban land management. Study on Dhaka, Bangladesh


    Masum, Fahria


    This thesis has attempted to analyze and resolve urban fringe problems in Dhaka by incorporating different roles and interests of actors in land development processes. The research has revealed that these different actors have different interests, norms and ideologies which are playing an active role in guiding or regulating urban land development process. This situation is deploying existing rules and regulations in form of politics and affecting urban fringe management negatively. The resea...

  11. Actor groups, related needs, and challenges at the climate downscaling interface (United States)

    Rössler, Ole; Benestad, Rasmus; Diamando, Vlachogannis; Heike, Hübener; Kanamaru, Hideki; Pagé, Christian; Margarida Cardoso, Rita; Soares, Pedro; Maraun, Douglas; Kreienkamp, Frank; Christodoulides, Paul; Fischer, Andreas; Szabo, Peter


    At the climate downscaling interface, numerous downscaling techniques and different philosophies compete on being the best method in their specific terms. Thereby, it remains unclear to what extent and for which purpose these downscaling techniques are valid or even the most appropriate choice. A common validation framework that compares all the different available methods was missing so far. The initiative VALUE closes this gap with such a common validation framework. An essential part of a validation framework for downscaling techniques is the definition of appropriate validation measures. The selection of validation measures should consider the needs of the stakeholder: some might need a temporal or spatial average of a certain variable, others might need temporal or spatial distributions of some variables, still others might need extremes for the variables of interest or even inter-variable dependencies. Hence, a close interaction of climate data providers and climate data users is necessary. Thus, the challenge in formulating a common validation framework mirrors also the challenges between the climate data providers and the impact assessment community. This poster elaborates the issues and challenges at the downscaling interface as it is seen within the VALUE community. It suggests three different actor groups: one group consisting of the climate data providers, the other two groups being climate data users (impact modellers and societal users). Hence, the downscaling interface faces classical transdisciplinary challenges. We depict a graphical illustration of actors involved and their interactions. In addition, we identified four different types of issues that need to be considered: i.e. data based, knowledge based, communication based, and structural issues. They all may, individually or jointly, hinder an optimal exchange of data and information between the actor groups at the downscaling interface. Finally, some possible ways to tackle these issues are

  12. Reinforcement learning for a biped robot based on a CPG-actor-critic method. (United States)

    Nakamura, Yutaka; Mori, Takeshi; Sato, Masa-aki; Ishii, Shin


    Animals' rhythmic movements, such as locomotion, are considered to be controlled by neural circuits called central pattern generators (CPGs), which generate oscillatory signals. Motivated by this biological mechanism, studies have been conducted on the rhythmic movements controlled by CPG. As an autonomous learning framework for a CPG controller, we propose in this article a reinforcement learning method we call the "CPG-actor-critic" method. This method introduces a new architecture to the actor, and its training is roughly based on a stochastic policy gradient algorithm presented recently. We apply this method to an automatic acquisition problem of control for a biped robot. Computer simulations show that training of the CPG can be successfully performed by our method, thus allowing the biped robot to not only walk stably but also adapt to environmental changes.

  13. Developing Integrated Rural Tourism: Actor Practices in the English/Welsh Border (United States)

    Saxena, Gunjan; Ilbery, Brian


    This paper examines community attitudes and distinctive practices that shape local responses to integrated rural tourism (IRT) development in the lagging rural region of the English/Welsh border area. The focus is on how actors acquire attributes as a result of their relations with others and how these assumed identities are performed in, by and…

  14. Assessing Mediation in Dyadic Data Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (United States)

    Ledermann, Thomas; Macho, Siegfried; Kenny, David A.


    The assessment of mediation in dyadic data is an important issue if researchers are to test process models. Using an extended version of the actor-partner interdependence model the estimation and testing of mediation is complex, especially when dyad members are distinguishable (e.g., heterosexual couples). We show how the complexity of the model…

  15. Los actores políticos y sociales en la formulación de la reforma sanitaria, en España Social and political actors in the formulation of health reform in Spain

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    Joaquina E. Etviti


    Full Text Available Estudiar la participación de los actores sociales y políticos en el proceso de formulación de la politica de salud, permite comprender las características específicas de organización y funcionamiento de un sistema de salud. Este trabajo analiza el proceso de formulación de la Ley General de Salud (LGS en España con el propósito de conocer la relación entre la participación de actores sociales, políticos y económicos en la formulación de la LGS y la conformación del sistema sanitario español. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de caso durante 1982-1986. Se analizó información documental parlamentaria y prensa médica, principales diarios y revistas e informes y prensa de los actores políticos, sociales y sanitarios. La primera versión de LGS presentada por el PSOE propuso un sistema de salud con financiamiento y gestión pública para lograr cobertura universal, atención integral, participación comunitaria y educación sanitaria. Esta propuesta fue sometida a compleja negociación con grupos empresariales, sindicatos, profesionales de salud. La LGS aprobada excluye las principios de equidad e incorpora los intereses económicos privados alrededor de la salud: "libre elección" médico-hospitalaria, financiamiento público y la gestión privada del sistema de salud, y establece a la Seguridad Social como rector del sistema.An analysis of the participation of social and political actors in the process of formulating health policy allows one to understand the specific characteristics of the organization and operation of a health system. This study analyzes the drafting process for the General Health Act (LGS in Spain with the purpose of establishing the relationship between social, political, and economic actors in both the formulation of the Act itself and the organization of the Spanish Health System. A case study was carried out from 1982 through 1986. Documentary parliamentary data, the medical press, national magazines and

  16. Geriatría y cine: una mirada desde la salud

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    Beatriz OGANDO DÍAZ


    Full Text Available Envejecer no implica enfermar. La OMS en “Salud y envejecimiento” plantea una visión positiva bajo el concepto de “envejecimiento activo” para superar el papel pasivo que se ha otorgado a las personas mayores. La vejez se acompaña de estereotipos que cambian conforme cambia la sociedad. El cine es un buen vehículo para detectarlos y reflexionar sobre ellos.El cine contribuye a la construcción de la representación social de la mirada sobre la vejez. En las últimas décadas muchas películas han mostrado el lugar del anciano en el mundo. Existe un interés creciente por el llamado gerontocine. Muchas películas presentan aspectos relacionados con la enfermedad pero otras enfocan la vejez desde esa visión de envejecimiento activo positivo que promueve la OMS.La intención de este artículo es enfatizar la mirada del envejecimiento desde la salud a partir de tres películas de momentos temporales y geográficos dispares: Cuentos de Tokio/Tokyo monogatari (1953 de Yasujiro Ozu, En el estanque dorado/On Golden Pond (1981 de Mark Rydell, y Up (2009 de Pete Docter. En ellas se muestran distintos modos de envejecer desde una perspectiva “libre de enfermedad”, aunque su amenaza y la presencia de la muerte ronden a sus protagonistas.

  17. The Barcelona Mobile Cluster: Actors, Contents and Trends

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    Carlos Alberto Scolari


    Full Text Available Communication mediated by mobile devices is one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy and is transforming different aspects of our lives, including our ways of relating and our cultural production, distribution and consumption models. Media studies should not ignore these transformations. This paper presents the results of a study carried out during 2008 to determine the actors, contents produced and trends of the mobile communication companies in Barcelona. The study outlines an initial map of the situation, proposes a series of analysis categories and lays the foundations for more specific future studies on mCommunication.

  18. Conceptual Models for Ecosystem Management through the Participation of Local Social Actors: the Río Cruces Wetland Conflict

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    Luisa E. Delgado


    Full Text Available In 2004, the emigration and death of black-necked swans (Cygnus melancoryphus from the Río Cruces wetland (Valdivia, Chile triggered one of the largest ecosocial conflicts in Chilean history. The main local social actors of this still unsolved conflict are the Chilean government, a pulp-mill company, and a local nongovernmental organization. The central issues of the conflict are disagreement over the reason for the swans' migration, the need to restore the black-necked swan population in the wetland, and the relationship between economic development and wetland conservation. We applied a physical, ecological, and social system approach to generate conceptual or qualitative ecosystem models representing the perceptions of all social actors. Our results showed that each actor group perceived the ecosystem in a different and, in some cases, divergent way. Furthermore, all of them carried only partial representations of the wetland and the conflict. We linked all the models to generate an integrated view of the Río Cruces wetland ecosystem. We propose that this approach can be replicated as a tool for generating synthetic, integrated conceptual models of ecosystems, even in the presence of strong divergence and a lack of consensus among social actors.

  19. Including threat actor capability and motivation in risk assessment for Smart GRIDs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rossebo, J.E.Y.; Fransen, F.; Luiijf, H.A.M.


    The SEGRID (Security for Smart Electricity GRIDs) collaboration project, funded by the EU under the FP7 program investigates risk assessment methodologies and their possible need for enhancement. In this paper we discuss the need to include threat actor analysis in threat, vulnerability and risk

  20. Uncivil actors and violence systems in the Latin American urban domain

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    Dirk Kruijt


    Full Text Available The character and quality of Latin America’s democracy is in dispute. Uncertainties about its nature and future prevail in the development debate. In the early 2000s the UNDP (2004 coined the terms “low-intensity citizenship” and “low-intensity democracy” to describe the post-dictatorship democracy in the region. When in the 1980s the military establishment withdrew from the political arena and democracy was restored, a severe economic crisis affected the region, producing long lasting effects in terms of mass poverty, informality and social exclusion. In the urban domain, and especially in territories where the representatives of law and order are relatively absent, “uncivil” nonstate actors surfaced, including local drug lords and their small territorial armies; youth gangs; organised crime and the so-called “dark forces”, joined by former belligerent actors of the Andean and Central American civil wars. In this article, I will analyse and typify this erosion of formal social order and the emergence of parallel and informal structures and hierarchies throughout Latin America.


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    Silvia Alvarado Cordero


    Full Text Available Este trabajo busca brindar un aporte a la disciplina de Orientación al proponer una forma de incorporar el paradigma de la complejidad al quehacer profesional. Se incluye una revisión de la injerencia de diferentes teorías en el desarrollo histórico de esta disciplina y se ejemplifica la aplicación de los principios de auto organización, interdependencia y sustentabilidad a la práctica de la Orientación. Sustentada en estos fundamentos teóricos, se diseñó e implementó una propuesta pedagógica en un centro educativo de Educación Primaria. Se realizó un trabajo de campo con 22 docentes y 380 estudiantes de una escuela pública en donde, durante un mes, se generaron espacios de participación y expresión creativa, con acciones a nivel de aula y de institución. En las acciones realizadas se subrayó constantemente la importancia de iniciar con el cambio individual en pequeños actos, como el ahorro energético, el manejo de desechos, la armonía en las relaciones interpersonales, se desplegó un abanico de posibilidades que emergió de las personas participantes. Los resultados y conclusiones evidencian importantes alcances y aportes que realiza la Orientación a la calidad de vida personal y social desde el contexto educativo, desde donde se convierte en una experiencia pedagógica exitosa, que puede ser homologada en otros contextos.

  2. Minority stress and relationship functioning among young male same-sex couples: An examination of actor-partner interdependence models. (United States)

    Feinstein, Brian A; McConnell, Elizabeth; Dyar, Christina; Mustanski, Brian; Newcomb, Michael E


    In different-sex couples, individual and partner stress can both have a negative impact on relationship functioning (actor and partner effects). Gay and bisexual men experience unique stress (sexual minority stress), but few studies have examined the effects of this stress on relationship functioning among young male couples. The current study examined (a) actor and partner effects of general and minority stress (internalized stigma, microaggressions, victimization, and outness) on relationship functioning (relationship quality and negative relationship interactions), (b) interactions between individual and partner stress as predictors of relationship functioning, and (c) dyadic coping and relationship length as moderators of actor and partner effects. Actor-partner interdependence models were tested using data from 153 young male couples. There was strong support for actor effects. Higher general stress and internalized stigma were associated with lower relationship quality, but only for those in longer relationships. Additionally, higher general stress, internalized stigma, and microaggressions, and lower outness, were associated with more negative relationship interactions. There was limited support for partner effects. Having a partner with higher internalized stigma was associated with more negative relationship interactions, but none of the other partner effects were significant. There was no support for individual and partner stress interacting to predict relationship functioning or for dyadic coping as a stress buffer. Findings highlight the influence of one's own experiences of general and minority stress on relationship functioning, but raise questions about how partner stress influences relationship functioning among young male couples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  3. Crisis vital desde una perspectiva de género


    Castro, Eva; Flores López, Olga


    A continuación se presenta el caso de una mujer de 55 años que presenta una crisis de identidad, abordado desde una perspectiva de género y un modelo explicativo y terapéutico que incluye elementos del análisis transaccional y la terapia constructivista.


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    Carlos Andrés Arroyave Bernal


    Full Text Available Este ensayo pretende hacer una reflexión teórico-critica sobre la eugenesia {en Colombia} para sugerir desde la perspectiva de los Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y Tecnología algunas contribuciones, para -desde “otros lentes”- proponer nuevos análisis y/o problemas en torno a esta temática tan significativa en la Medicina en América Latina. En tal sentido, revisamos bibliografía relevante sobre la eugenesia desde la historiografía de la ciencia poniéndola en discusión con algunas categorías de los ESCT2, para de esta forma replantear teóricamente el tema de la eugenesia en el ámbito colombiano..

  5. Orchestrating Information Sharing among Intra- And Inter-Organisational Core Actors in a Large New Product Development Project - The Particular Role of The Project Manager

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jepsen, Lisbeth Brøde

    The success of NPD projects of high-cost, engineering-intensive, and customized development products is largely dependent on information sharing with actors from customers regarding their specific requirements (Von Hippel, 1986). But information sharing is also necessary among actors from different...... information sharing among other intra- or inter-organisational actors during the progression of an NPD project. In other words, this study emphasises the importance of the PM’s relationships on a day-to-day basis in information sharing among intra- and inter-organisational actors during the phases of an NPD...... organisations. Further, the findings show that to orchestrate the information sharing during the NPD project, the PM relies on relationships with several core intra-organisational actors who are particularly important to the orchestrating of information sharing during the early phases of the NPD project...

  6. The Master model on multi-actor and multilevel social responsibilities


    Ashley, P.A.


    This working paper contributes to a collective discussion in a workshop occurring in January 2011 at the International Institute of Social Studies, bringing scholars from Europe and Brazil and aiming inter-university research collaboration on linking policies on social responsibility to development and equity. The paper serves as an introductory discussion for reframing the concept of corporate social responsibility into a broader umbrella concept of multi-actor and multilevel social responsi...

  7. Mastering the struggle : gender, actors and agrarian change in a Mexican ejido

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brunt, D.


    Actors and the Socio-Political and Symbolic Order

    In this thesis I have shown how women and men, all part of a small ejido in Western Mexico, are actively engaged in struggling to manage the social constraints and conditions they encounter. We have

  8. Local energy governance in vermont: an analysis of energy system transition strategies and actor capacity (United States)

    Rowse, Tarah

    While global, national, and regional efforts to address climate and energy challenges remain essential, local governments and community groups are playing an increasingly stronger and vital role. As an active state in energy system policy, planning and innovation, Vermont offers a testing ground for research into energy governance at the local level. A baseline understanding of the energy planning and energy organizing activities initiated at the local level can support efforts to foster a transition to a sustainable energy system in Vermont. Following an inductive, applied and participatory approach, and grounded in the fields of sustainability transitions, energy planning, and community energy, this research project identifies conditions for change, including opportunities and challenges, within Vermont energy system decision-making and governance at the local level. The following questions are posed: What are the main opportunities and challenges for sustainable energy development at the town level? How are towns approaching energy planning? What are the triggers that will facilitate a faster transition to alternative energy systems, energy efficiency initiatives, and localized approaches? In an effort to answer these questions two studies were conducted: 1) an analysis of municipal energy plans, and 2) a survey of local energy actors. Study 1 examined Vermont energy planning at the state and local level through a review and comparison of 40 municipal plan energy chapters with the state 2011 Comprehensive Energy Plan. On average, municipal plans mentioned just over half of the 24 high-level strategies identified in the Comprehensive Energy Plan. Areas of strong and weak agreement were examined. Increased state and regional interaction with municipal energy planners would support more holistic and coordinated energy planning. The study concludes that while municipalities are keenly aware of the importance of education and partnerships, stronger policy mechanisms

  9. Adaptive Inverse Optimal Control for Rehabilitation Robot Systems Using Actor-Critic Algorithm

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    Fancheng Meng


    Full Text Available The higher goal of rehabilitation robot is to aid a person to achieve a desired functional task (e.g., tracking trajectory based on assisted-as-needed principle. To this goal, a new adaptive inverse optimal hybrid control (AHC combining inverse optimal control and actor-critic learning is proposed. Specifically, an uncertain nonlinear rehabilitation robot model is firstly developed that includes human motor behavior dynamics. Then, based on this model, an open-loop error system is formed; thereafter, an inverse optimal control input is designed to minimize the cost functional and a NN-based actor-critic feedforward signal is responsible for the nonlinear dynamic part contaminated by uncertainties. Finally, the AHC controller is proven (through a Lyapunov-based stability analysis to yield a global uniformly ultimately bounded stability result, and the resulting cost functional is meaningful. Simulation and experiment on rehabilitation robot demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.

  10. La Cultura de la Inteligencia desde la Perspectiva de la Investigación Histórica


    Goberna Falque, Juan


    Desde las más altas instancias del Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI) se viene proponiendo desde hace algunos años la creación y difusión de algo que se ha dado en llamar la «cultura de la inteligencia». Como miembro de un equipo de investigaci

  11. Elementos históricos sobre la prostitución femenina en Costa Rica. El caso del Valle Central Noroccidental.

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    Rodolfo Fernández Carballo


    Con base en diversas fuentes e investigaciones recientes y desde luego, testimonios personales procuramos reconstruir una actividad que estuvo y está fraguado por los diferentes actores sociales del pasado y el presente costarricense.

  12. Prospect Theory: Contributions to Understanding Actors, Causes and Consequences of Conflict in Africa

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    Wendy Trott


    Full Text Available Despite many recognized shortcomings, Rational Choice Theory remains the dominant perspective on decision-making in the literature on African conflict, whether overtly acknowledged or not. Prospect Theory, originally derived from the field of behavioural economics, can complement and advance this perspective not only by explaining the behaviour of actors, but also by allowing for predictions and the devising of strategies to avoid or end on-going conflicts based on a set of systematic biases that influence how actors make decisions. After a brief definition of Prospect Theory, this work will begin with an overview of the existing literature on decision-making as it relates to conflict, examine how Rational Choice is inadequate in explaining much human behaviour and thus how Prospect Theory can fill this gap. It will then move on to give a fuller definition of the various hypotheses derived from Prospect Theory that pertain to the study of conflict. An example of the application of Prospect Theory to a related field in which thorough research has been conducted, Deterrence Theory, will be used to demonstrate the model’s potential for study in other areas. This will be followed by a more in-depth analysis of the ways in which Prospect Theory can contribute to understanding the behaviour of actors in war, the causes of conflict, and the consequences in the African context. It will conclude with a summary and proposition for further research that can advance this analysis.

  13. Protecting the environment for future generations. Principles and actors in international environmental law

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Proelss, Alexander (ed.) [Trier Univ. (Germany). Inst. of Environmental and Technology Law


    This book compiles the written versions of presentations held at the occasion of an international symposium entitled ''Protecting the Environment for Future Generations - Principles and Actors in International Environmental Law''. The symposium was organized by the Institute of Environmental and Technology Law of Trier University (IUTR) on the basis of a cooperation scheme with the Environmental Law Institute of the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, and took place in Trier on 29-30 October 2015. It brought together a distinguished group of experts from Europe and abroad to address current issues of international and European environmental law. The main objective of the symposium was to take stock of the actors and principles of international and European environmental law, and to analyze how and to what extent these principles have been implemented on the supranational and domestic legal levels.

  14. Scientific Journals of Universities of Chile, Colombia, and Venezuela: Actors and Roles (United States)

    Delgado, Jorge Enrique


    A qualitative study was carried out to identify the roles of actors associated with the publication of scientific journals in Chilean, Colombian, and Venezuelan universities. Twenty-four semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with journal editors, university authorities, and other experts. The categories of analysis included university…

  15. Rol de actores mediáticos y políticos en la representación de los conflictos socioambientales en el espacio público: estudio comparativo de dos conflictos

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    Sandro Macassi


    Full Text Available Este estudio busca discutir si la representación que hacen los medios de los conflictos socioambientales contribuye a la transformación de los conflictos o por el contrario colaboran con el escalamiento de la polarización. El estudio se basa en un análisis cuantitativo de 933 noticias de noticieros regionales y nacionales de dos casos de conflictos, el de Tía María y el de Conga ocurridos en 2011. Los resultados muestran que la cobertura de conflictos se concentra en la fase de crisis y en los hechos de violencia. Además, los medios al escenificar los conflictos generan un espacio donde se reproduce y amplía la conflictividad, presentando noticias desde un enmarcamiento de confrontación y de responsabilidad. En cuanto a los hechos cubiertos predominan los discursos que contribuyen a una mayor confrontación, en lugar de hechos que muestran acciones a favor de la resolución del conflicto. Finalmente en las noticias predominan roles parcializados en contra de los actores de las protestas siendo muy pocas las noticias que son construidas para contribuir a la resolución de los conflictos.

  16. Abordando la problemática del Dengue desde una perspectiva ambiental

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    Claudia Zuñiga Vega


    Full Text Available El Dengue es una enfermedad viral que genera danos cuantiosos en los países donde se desarrolla, afectando la economía, las actividades productivas y el turismo, entre otros. El principal transmisor de esta enfermedad es el mosquito Aedes aegypti y las campanas para erradicar este vector se han dirigido principalmente hacia la eliminación de sus larvas y adultos por medio de plaguicidas y hacia la reducción del mal manejo de los desechos. Sin embargo, no se ha realizado esfuerzos para determinar las razones por las que las poblaciones de este mosquito han sido tan exitosas, ni se ha aplicado enfoques integrales para luchar contra esta pandemia. Este artículo trata de explicar el incremento de los casos de Dengue desde la perspectiva del descontrol y desinterés ambiental y la falta de apoyo a las comunidades en muchos campos. Es por esto que los autores proponen abordar esta problemática desde una perspectiva ambiental integral, abarcando desde el control químico y biológico hasta la integración de todos los sectores involucrados (Gobierno, médicos y comunidad.


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    Ronaldo Zwicker


    Full Text Available ERP systems are now an important component of information technology architecture in most large and medium sized companies. As such, it is inevitable that the activities undertaken to align this component to business requirements, conduct its evolution and ensure its performance and availability become increasingly important to companies’ IT areas. Success of these activities relies upon knowledge and participation of various actors inside and outside the IT area, imposing challenges not observed in internally developed systems. This paper proposes a model for the analysis of ERP systems management based on a previous work on the subject with the inclusion of the IT capabilities model and a description of the actors (stakeholders involved in the process of using an ERP system in a company. The proposed model is the basis for an exploratory survey conducted with 85 Brazilian companies whose results also comprise this text. The results suggest that only part of the capabilities is present and only part of the actors effectively participates on the ERP systems management effort.

  18. Romania – an International Actor in the Context of the Extensive Region of the Black Sea

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    Florin Iftode


    Full Text Available In the globalized world of the 21st century, the international relations are presented as a mandatory element for maintaining the balance of world power and peace. Although the international actors, such as states or international organizations, are trying to establish as many relationships as possible of various kinds (economic, political, military through diplomacy, all over the world, at macro level, the international actors should first achieve a harmony or a general state of good understanding at the micro level, i.e. in a certain geographic region to which they belong. Romania, as an actor of international relations, has as own purpose, and also imposed upon accession to the European Union, maintaining the diplomatic relations in the region of Central-Eastern Europe, both with its neighbors and with the states in the proximity of the Black Sea region. The article aims at outlining better the role that they have, in the geopolitical context, the countries from the extensive region of the Black Sea, in the consolidation of economic and political cooperation relationships, which would lead to stability in the region.

  19. Pathways of undue influence in health policy-making: a main actor's perspective. (United States)

    Hernández-Aguado, Ildefonso; Chilet-Rosell, Elisa


    It is crucial to know the extent to which influences lead to policy capture-by which the policy-making process is shifted away from the public interest towards narrow private interests. Using the case study of Spain, our aim was to identify interactions between public administration, civil society and private companies that could influence health policies. 54 semistructured interviews with key actors related to health policy. The interviews were used to gather information on main policy actors as well as on direct and subtle influences that could modify health policies. The analysis identified and described, from the interviewed persons' experiences, both the inappropriate influences exerted on the actors and those that they exerted. Inappropriate influences were identified at all levels of administration and policy. They included actions for personal benefits, pressure for blocking health policies and pressure from high levels of government in favour of private corporations. The private sector played a significant role in these strategies through bribery, personal gifts, revolving doors, negative campaigns and by blocking unfavourable political positions or determining the knowledge agenda. The interviewees reported subtle forms of influence (social events, offers of technical support, invitations, etc) that contributed to the intellectual and cultural capture of health officials. The health policy decision-making processes in Spain are subject to influences by stakeholders that determine a degree of policy capture, which is avoidable. The private sector uses different strategies, from subtle influences to outright corruption, taking advantage in many cases of flexible legislation. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  20. Low cost drip irrigation in Burkina Faso : unravelling actors, networks and practices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wanvoeke, M.J.V.


    Title: Low cost drip irrigation in Burkina Faso: Unravelling Actors, Networks and Practices

    In Burkina Faso, there is a lot of enthusiasm about Low Cost Drip Irrigation (LCDI) as a tool to irrigate vegetables, and thus improve food security,

  1. A Critical Copenhagen Reflection on the European Union as a Global Actor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manners, Ian James


    a Copenhagen reflection on the EU as a global actor within the context of the Normative Power Approach (NPA). The chapter engages in a critical Copenhagen reflection, which means that it takes seriously the insights of critical social theory and the role of cultural hegemony. The chapter argues that the NPA...

  2. Visualising Actor Network for Cooperative Systems in Marine Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pan, Yushan; Finken, Sisse


    Awareness is a concept familiar to specialists within the field of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). It is superior for analysing and describing some of the ad hoc work activities that unfold in cooperation. Such informal activities are outside the scope of engineers’ formal models, whi...... that shape computer systems. The aim, thus, is to portray cooperative work in a way that can be valuable for engineers implementing marine technology. We do so by way of presenting a transferring technique (2T) using insights from the CSCW field and Actor Network Theory (ANT)....

  3. Manufacturers-Retailers: The New Actor in the U.S. Furniture Industry. Characteristics and Implications for the Chinese Industry


    Lidia Martínez Murillo


    Since the 1990s the American furniture industry faces a transition period. Manufacturers, one of its most important actors made its entrance into the retail industry. This shift has had deep consequences not only for the American furniture industry as a whole, but also for other international furniture industries, especially the Chinese. The present work aims to analyze this actor based on the distinction provided by the Global Commodity Chain Theory. It stresses its char...

  4. Exploring agency beyond humans: the compatibility of Actor-Network Theory (ANT and resilience thinking

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    Angga Dwiartama


    Full Text Available At first glance, the compatibility of social theory and resilience thinking is not entirely evident, in part because the ontology of the former is rooted in social interactions among human beings rather than ecological process. Despite this difference, resilience thinking engages with particular aspects of social organization that have generated intense debates within social science, namely the role of humans as integral elements of social-ecological systems and the processes through which given social structures (including material relations are either maintained or transformed. Among social theoretical approaches, Actor-Network Theory (ANT is noted for its distinctive approach to these aspects. ANT proposes that human and nonhuman components (both referred to as actants have the same capacity to influence the development of social-ecological systems (represented as actor-networks by enacting relations and enrolling other actors. We explore the notion of agency that is employed in resilience thinking and ANT in order to extend our understandings of human-environment relationships through complementary insights from each approach. The discussion is illustrated by reference to ongoing assessment of resilience as it is experienced and expressed in two distinctive agricultural production systems: Indonesian rice and New Zealand kiwifruit. We conclude by establishing the potential for ANT to provide more profound theoretical conceptualizations of agency, both human and nonhuman, in analyses of social ecological systems.

  5. The Final Beneficiaries are Actors Active Little and Influential in Decisions on Public Policy in Brazil

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    Diolina Rodrigues Santiago Silva


    Full Text Available Public policies are government programs that directly influence the citizens' lives. In the formulation and implementation of these policies, there is the presence of political and private actors. The final beneficiaries are between different types of private actors. Some laws require the government listen to society at the time of decision-making in public policy and in national conferences and public consultations. The final beneficiaries, actual users of these public policies have to reach some mechanisms of direct participation in the formulation of these policies, but the number of participants is smaller and doesn't influence in making government decisions.

  6. Desde el compromiso de las transferencias

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    Bonet Bertomeu, Josep María


    Full Text Available En Enero de 2002, los Servicios Sanitarios gestionados por el INSALUD fueron transferidos a las diez Comunidades Autónomas que todavía no los habían recibido. Se completó así el mapa territorial de Servicios de Salud Autonómicos, si exceptuamos Ceuta y Melilla que siguen gestionados por la Administración Central. Habiendo transcurrido más de tres años desde aquella fecha se puede ver con cierta perspectiva aquel proceso, algunos de sus componentes y aportar así algo al momento que vive nuestro sistema, siempre con ánimo de enriquecer el debate.…

  7. A European classification of services for long-term care—the EU-project eDESDE-LTC (United States)

    Weber, Germain; Brehmer, Barbara; Zeilinger, Elisabeth; Salvador-Carulla, Luis


    Purpose and theory The eDESDE-LTC project aims at developing an operational system for coding, mapping and comparing services for long-term care (LTC) across EU. The projects strategy is to improve EU listing and access to relevant sources of healthcare information via development of SEMANTIC INTER-OPERABILITY in eHEALTH (coding and listing of services for LTC); to increase access to relevant sources of information on LTC services, and to improve linkages between national and regional websites; to foster cooperation with international organizations (OECD). Methods This operational system will include a standard classification of main types of care for persons with LTC needs and an instrument for mapping and standard description of services. These instruments are based on previous classification systems for mental health services (ESMS), disabilities services (DESDE) and ageing services (DESDAE). A Delphi panel made by seven partners developed a DESDE-LTC beta version, which was translated into six languages. The feasibility of DESDE-LTC is tested in six countries using national focal groups. Then the final version will be developed by the Delphi panel, a webpage, training material and course will be carried out. Results and conclusions The eDESDE-LTC system will be piloted in two EU countries (Spain and Bulgaria). Evaluation will focus primarily on usability and impact analysis. Discussion The added value of this project is related to the right of “having access to high-quality healthcare when and where it is needed” by EU citizens. Due to semantic variability and service complexity, existing national listings of services do not provide an adequate framework for patient mobility.

  8. Structuring an integrated care system: interpreted through the enacted diversity of the actors involved – the case of a French healthcare network

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    Corinne Grenier


    Full Text Available Research question: We are looking at the process of structuring an integrated care system as an innovative process that swings back and forth between the diversity of the actors involved, local aspirations and national and regional regulations. We believe that innovation is enriched by the variety of the actors involved, but may also be blocked or disrupted by that diversity. Our research aims to add to other research, which, when questioning these integrated systems, analyses how the actors involved deal with diversity without really questioning it. Case study: The empirical basis of the paper is provided by case study analysis. The studied integrated care system is a French healthcare network that brings together healthcare professionals and various organisations in order to improve the way in which interventions are coordinated and formalised, in order to promote better detection and diagnosis procedures and the implementation of a care protocol. We consider this case as instrumental in developing theoretical proposals for structuring an integrated care system in light of the diversity of the actors involved. Results and discussion: We are proposing a model for structuring an integrated care system in light of the enacted diversity of the actors involved. This model is based on three factors: the diversity enacted by the leaders, three stances for considering the contribution made by diversity in the structuring process and the specific leading role played by those in charge of the structuring process.  Through this process, they determined how the actors involved in the project were differentiated, and on what basis those actors were involved. By mobilizing enacted diversity, the leaders are seeking to channel the emergence of a network in light of their own representation of that network. This model adds to published research on the structuring of integrated care systems.

  9. Structuring an integrated care system: interpreted through the enacted diversity of the actors involved – the case of a French healthcare network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corinne Grenier


    Full Text Available Research question: We are looking at the process of structuring an integrated care system as an innovative process that swings back and forth between the diversity of the actors involved, local aspirations and national and regional regulations. We believe that innovation is enriched by the variety of the actors involved, but may also be blocked or disrupted by that diversity. Our research aims to add to other research, which, when questioning these integrated systems, analyses how the actors involved deal with diversity without really questioning it.Case study: The empirical basis of the paper is provided by case study analysis. The studied integrated care system is a French healthcare network that brings together healthcare professionals and various organisations in order to improve the way in which interventions are coordinated and formalised, in order to promote better detection and diagnosis procedures and the implementation of a care protocol. We consider this case as instrumental in developing theoretical proposals for structuring an integrated care system in light of the diversity of the actors involved.Results and discussion: We are proposing a model for structuring an integrated care system in light of the enacted diversity of the actors involved. This model is based on three factors: the diversity enacted by the leaders, three stances for considering the contribution made by diversity in the structuring process and the specific leading role played by those in charge of the structuring process.  Through this process, they determined how the actors involved in the project were differentiated, and on what basis those actors were involved. By mobilizing enacted diversity, the leaders are seeking to channel the emergence of a network in light of their own representation of that network. This model adds to published research on the structuring of integrated care systems.

  10. Following the actors and avatars of massively multi-user online role-playing games

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Sisse Siggaard


    held in high esteem by a group, or guild, of avatars and actors, these are activities, which may be conceived of as being complex, reflective practices. To become a skilled, professional, high-level avatar is hard work, it may take months, and only then, can the avatar perform without the many......’ conceptions of the virtual worlds, 2) their choices and constructions of mediating avatars, 3) the diversity of social interactions, 4) the constructions of self experienced and expressed while reflecting on action and communication, and 5) the interplay between the virtual worlds and the actors’ life worlds......In the massively multi-user online role-playing games of e.g. EverQuest I & II and the World of Warcraft, millions of actors inhabit and create new places and spaces for communication and social interaction (Castranova 2001, Gee, 2003, Goffman 1974/86, Jensen 2006a, Qvortrup 2001, 2002). Some...

  11. Power structure among the actors of financial support to the poor to access health services: Social network analysis approach. (United States)

    Etemadi, Manal; Gorji, Hasan Abolghasem; Kangarani, Hannaneh Mohammadi; Ashtarian, Kioomars


    The extent of universal health coverage in terms of financial protection is worrisome in Iran. There are challenges in health policies to guarantee financial accessibility to health services, especially for poor people. Various institutions offer support to ensure that the poor have financial access to health services. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship network among the institutions active in this field. This study is a policy document analysis. It evaluates the country's legal documents in the field of financial support to the poor for healthcare after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The researchers looked for the documents on the related websites and referred to the related organizations. The social network analysis approach was chosen for the analysis of the documents. Block-modelling and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) was used to determine the network structures. The UCINET software was employed to analyse the data. Most the main actors of this network are chosen from the government budget. There is no legal communication and cooperation among some of the actors because of their improper position in the network. Seven blocks have been clustered by CONCOR in terms of the actor's degree of similarity. The social distance among the actors of the seven blocks is very short. Power distribution in the field of financial support to the poor has a fragmented structure; however, it is mainly run by a dominant block consisting of The Supreme Council of Welfare and Social Security, Health Insurance Organization, and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The financial support for the poor network involves multiple actors. This variety has created a series of confusions in terms of the type, level, and scope of responsibilities among the actors. The weak presence legislative and regulatory institutions and also non-governmental institutions are the main weak points of this network. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Ramiro Rodríguez López


    Full Text Available Se considera que el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, promulgado por las Naciones Unidas en 1966, determinó la necesidad de garantizar a las personas el derecho a beneficiarse tanto de los intereses morales como de los materiales sobre las creaciones del intelecto, denominadas propiedad intelectual. Al respecto, se considera posible plantear su estudio desde una perspectiva humanista, iniciando el análisis desde la precisión de derechos de autor. Para ello, se estudia su consagración normativa en las constituciones políticas de 1886 y 1991; la importancia de los instrumentos internacionales a los cuales ha adherido el Estado colombiano y su desarrollo en la jurisprudencia nacional, donde se ha hecho una clara referencia del derecho de autor como un derecho contenido en el artículo 27 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de 1948.

  13. Reining China's industrial energy-Challenges of promoting expedient measures in a Chinese actor environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nordqvist, Joakim


    This article aims to illuminate the complexities involved in efforts to influence China's energy future. It brings forth three observations. First: China's authoritarian appearance is deceptive. Second: learning about concealed but pivotal actors and their motivations is not easy but important. Third: technology diffusion is obstructed by differences in expectations. Three summarising messages conclude the presentation, noting that in order to progress one needs to (i) look beyond official consensus, (ii) address differences in technology perceptions and (iii) be watchful of the inconclusiveness of synthesised information-such as projections of the future. These findings are the result of an analytic and China-oriented exploration of three adjoining fields, i.e. of actors and their different roles in decision-making, of two recent energy futures studies, and of conceptual frameworks for understanding technology

  14. Los mediadores: Actores "clave" en las políticas públicas

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    Pierre Muller


    Full Text Available Se examina la génesis y el fundamento del análisis de políticas públicas y la producción de las mismas, caracteriza, a partir de ejemplos franceses ampliamente analizados, el rol "clave" que cumplen unos actores que él llama los "mediadores" en la formulación y la puesta en marcha de dichas políticas.

  15. The roles of actors in the host society in the integration of inmigrants associations: a social networks analysis approach

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    José Manuel Gaete Fiscella


    Full Text Available This article explores the stages of integration of immigrant associations in Spain according to stock of social capital, specifically, given the relationships established with actors in the environment, and consequently this role is derived for each type of counterpart. The data are drawn from a representative sample consisting of 225 immigrant associations around the country. The results suggest that immigrant associations play cohesive and specific roles with their peers, even achieve certain asymmetries in their favor with certain actors in the host society. On the other hand, native actors host society are distributed in a continuum ranging from the development of specific roles to other multiple, and even contradictory, which, as a whole, ends up drawing a map of complex and diverse opportunities for integration of associations.

  16. Road pricing policy process : The interplay between policy actors, the media and public

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ardiç, O.


    Although road pricing policies are generally seen as an effective measure to deal with transport related problems (e.g. congestion), the number of implemented road pricing schemes is relatively limited. The thesis aims to gain insights into complex interplay between policy actors, media and public

  17. "Global Human Resource Development" and Japanese University Education: "Localism" in Actor Discussions (United States)

    Yoshida, Aya


    The aim of this paper is to analyse the actions of various actors involved in "global human resource development" and to clarify whether discussions on global human resources are based on local perspectives. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1) after the year 2000 began, industry started discussions on global human resources in…

  18. The radioactivity measurement in the Loire catchment basin. Actors, networks, data inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objective of this report on the Loire watershed was to broaden at all the nuclear installations of the watershed the method of synthesis made for Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux nuclear power plant, by resting on the whole of actors doing the radioactivity measurements in environment. This report shows that these actors are numerous. The measurement plans implemented have for objective to establish the radiological situation of environment, near or not the nuclear facilities, to detect the abnormal increase of radioactivity, to evaluate the exposure of populations to the ambient radioactivity, or to check the conformity of practices (nuclear activities) and products. This assessment enlightens the lack of a real global strategy in the organisation of the radioactivity measurement at the level of the watershed. The inventory of available data for the Loire watershed allowed to show the diversity of measurements realised. The I.R.S.N. is face to a complex situation of data return in the frame of the implementation of an information system of the national network of radioactivity measurement in environment. (N.C.)


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    Dra. Claudia R Albornoz G


    Full Text Available Medir la calidad de vida relacionada a salud y los síntomas de los pacientes es un problema difícil. Las medición de los problemas de salud mediante escalas o cuestionarios se ha desarrollado para crear los Instrumentos de Evaluación desde la Perspectiva del Paciente o PRO's por su nombre en inglés: Patient-reported outcomes. Los PROs evalúan la calidad de vida en forma genérica o específica en un continuo, entregando instrumentos que pueden evaluar la gravedad de una enfermedad o el impacto de una intervención desde la perspectiva del paciente en frecuentes escenarios clínicos. El objetivo de la presente revisión es entregar a clínicos e investigadores una introducción hacia los PROs y resumir sus principales propiedades.

  20. Priorización y análisis de problemas de salud con una mirada desde la equidad: experiencia en el nivel local en Venezuela Approaches to determine priorities and to analyze problems of health with a look from the equity: experience in the local level in Venezuela

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    Henny Heredia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la aplicación del momento explicativo de la Planificación Estratégica Situacional (PES y el Análisis de la Situación de Salud (ASIS, como enfoques que conjugados permiten priorizar con una mirada desde la equidad problemas de salud en el nivel local factibles de intervención. A través del estudio de un caso desarrollado en la parroquia Zuata del Estado Aragua, Venezuela, se presenta la aplicación de ambos enfoques. Los actores claves de dicha parroquia priorizaron la baja cobertura de agua potable, como problema de salud. Al analizar el problema se seleccionaron las siguientes causas claves para elaborar la propuesta de acción: escasa participación comunitaria, debilidad de planes gubernamentales, ausencia de políticas urbanísticas, inadecuada administración de los recursos públicos y poca conciencia en el uso racional del agua. Al final se concluye que la articulación PES-ASIS contribuye a generar insumos que concretizados por los actores en un plan de acción, pueden contribuir en la reducción de inequidades. Asimismo, la participación activa de los actores permite evidenciar los problemas reales de la población y construir un plan de demandas.This article analyzes the application of the explanatory moment of the Strategic Situational Planning (SSP and the Analysis of the Situation of Health (ASIS, as approaches that together, allow to prioritize with a look from the equity problems of health in the local level feasible of intervention. By using the case study developed in the parish Zuata of Aragua State, Venezuela, it can be observed the application of both approaches The main actors of the above mentioned parish prioritized the low coverage of drinkable water, like a health problem. On having analyzed the problem, the following causes were selected to prepare the proposed action: scarce community participation, weakness of governmental plans, absence of political town-planning, inadequate

  1. La construcción política de los pueblos desde el posicionamiento moderno

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    Gerardo Lépore


    Full Text Available Kant y Rawls representan el pensamiento moderno erigido desde la racionalidad. Los pueblos y los ciudadanos de este mundo se construyen políticamente desde una serie de leyes que definen nuestra condición como sujetos. Esa arquitectura política está en crisis, puesta en tela de juicio por los relativismos actuales. La concepción liberal supone la paz de los pueblos como naturaleza propia. Sostener dicha posición implica el desafío utópico y realista que nos compromete como humanos.

  2. Migración interna indígena desde el Istmo veracruzano: nuevas articulaciones regionales


    Velázquez-Hernández, Emilia


    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las nuevas articulaciones regionales que se crean a través de las migraciones internas. Para ello, se toma como estudio de caso las migraciones que desde mediados de la década de 1990 se realizan desde el Istmo veracruzano hacia la frontera norte de México y los campos de agricultura intensiva de Sinaloa. Se muestra que, a través de la migración laboral de trabajadores nahuas y popolucas de la Sierra de Santa Marta, regiones antes inconexas se articulan...

  3. Role of Actors and Gender Factor in Disaster Management (United States)

    Gundogdu, Oguz; Isik, Ozden; Ozcep, Ferhat; Goksu, Goksel


    In Turkey, the discussions in the modern sense about disaster management begun after the 1992 Erzincan and the 1995 Dinar earthquakes, faulting in terms of features and effects. These earthquakes are "Urban Earthquakes'' with effects and faulting charectristics, and have led to radical changes in terms of disaster and disaster management. Disaster Management, to become a science in the world, but with the 1999 Izmit and Duzce earthquakes in Turkey has begun to take seriously on the agenda. Firstly, such as Civil Defense and Red Crescent organizations, by transforming its own, have entered into a new organizing effort. By these earthquakes, NGO's have contributed the search-rescue efforts in the field and to the process of normalization of life. Because "the authority and responsibilities" of NGO's could not be determined, and could not be in planning and scenario studies, we faced the problems. Thus, to the citizens of our country-specific "voluntary" has not benefited enough from the property. The most important development in disaster management in 2009, the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) has been the establishment. However, in terms of coordination and accreditation to the target point has been reached yet. Another important issue in disaster management (need to be addressed along with disaster actors) is the role of women in disasters. After the Golcuk Earthquake, successful field works of women and women's victimization has attracted attention in two different directions. Gender-sensitive policies should be noted by the all disaster actors due to the importance of the mitigation, and these policies should take place in laws, regulations and planning.

  4. The need of a multi-actor perspective to understand expectations from virtual presence: managing elderly homecare informatics. (United States)

    Mettler, Tobias; Vimarlund, Vivian


    Different studies have analysed a wide range of use cases and scenarios for using IT-based services in homecare settings for elderly people. In most instances, the impact of such services has been studied using a one-dimensional approach, either focusing on the benefits for the patient or health service provider. The objective of this contribution is to explore a model for identifying and understanding outcomes of IT-based homecare services from a multi-actor perspective. In order to better understand the state of the art in homecare informatics, we conducted a literature review. We use experiences from previous research in the area of informatics to develop the proposed model. The proposed model consists of four core activities 'identify involved actors', 'understand consequences', 'clarify contingencies', 'take corrective actions', and one additional activity 'brainstorming IT use'. The primary goal of innovating organisations, processes and services in homecare informatics today, is to offer continued care, better decision support both to practitioners and patients, as well as effective distribution of resources. A multi-actor analysis perspective is needed to understand utility determination for the involved stakeholders.


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    Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo


    Full Text Available A lo largo de este artículo se presenta, en primer lugar, la producción científica sobre la familia en Chile a partir de las categorías género y pa - rentesco. Desde este recorrido teórico respecto a los estudios significativos en este ámbito, se muestran cómo estas categorías son fundamentales para comprender las relaciones de poder de parentesco; en segundo lugar, se hace una propuesta concreta “el trabajo de parentesco para el análisis de las constelaciones familiares desde un enfoque de género” para analizar el género y el parentesco como construcciones sociales de la realidad familiar, todo ello desde la crítica feminista.


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    Isabel Banos-González


    Full Text Available La bahía de Portmán representa uno de los casos de contaminación más importantes en el Mediterráneo. En este trabajo se analizan las posiciones de los diferentes actores sociales, así como las principales fortalezas-debilidades y oportunidades-amenazas que existen en las posibilidades de un planteamiento estratégico de regeneración de la bahía y de la Sierra Minera. Desde una perspectiva socio-ecológica, los análisis realizados ponen de manifiesto las potencialidades para el desarrollo de un turismo ambiental y cultural de este entorno. Sin embargo, las propias debilidades y amenazas podrían superar esas potencialidades si no se lleva a cabo una gestión cuidadosa y una apuesta clara por un modelo de desarrollo sensible en extremo con el patrimonio natural, paisajístico y cultural. Un modelo de turismo ligado a la restauración ambiental y al consenso con los agentes sociales locales debe constituir un elemento básico para la adaptación del territorio como producto turístico, y así debe reflejarse en las futuras decisiones.

  7. Dimensiones de la violencia urbana en la región metropolitana de Rio de Janeiro desde la práctica de una organización que lucha por la paz (2010-2014

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    Santiago Galar


    Full Text Available El artículo explora el problema de la violencia urbana en la región metropolitana de Rio de Janeiro desde la práctica pública de una ONG local. Reparamos en particular en las formas de conceptualizar y accionar por parte de la organización Rio de Paz con relación a homicidios ocurridos en la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta lo realizado por otros actores en el más amplio registro de la acción pública. Con este fin analizamos información institucional y publicaciones en redes sociales de la Organización No Gubernamental, llevamos a cabo observaciones en su sede y nos remitimos a la prensa escrita local de circulación nacional. Como resultado evidenciamos por parte de la ONG operaciones de generalización y de clasificación de las muertes a través de las cuales se manifiestan dimensiones simbólicas y materiales contenidas actualmente en el problema de la violencia urbana en esa ciudad brasileña.

  8. The gender of science: reflections on the actor-network theory and the feminist perspective

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    Gabriel Pugliese Cardoso


    Full Text Available This article discusses some of the principles that guide the descriptive forms of the actor-network theory (ANT of Bruno Latour and feminist standpoint theory formulated by Sandra Harding and Evelyn Fox Keller, through my research on the "Marie Curie Case". As a singular case between gender and science, the goal of thispaper is to play with ANT certainties against feminist perspective uncertainties. In the other hand, the certainties of feminist perspective are put against the uncertainties of ANT. With this counterpoint we intend to promote a reaction - in the chemical sense of the word – to the descriptive forms of the actor-network theory and feminist perspective taking away the obviousness of some of their assumptions. Doing that, we explore the moves of those reactions and their effects to the description which we do about science.

  9. El tabaco como reto educativo. una revisión desde una perspectiva sociopedagógica

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    Juan Agustín Morón Marchena


    Full Text Available El tabaco es la primera causa aislada de mortalidad prematura (de enfermedad evitable, invalidez y muerte prematura. En el marco de la Educación para la Salud, es una cuestión que debe tratarse desde un planteamiento de carácter sociopedagógico –como tantos otros ámbitos de la Promoción de la Salud-, por cuanto: a su consumo tiene efectos muy perjudiciales para la salud, pero debe abordarse desde una perspectiva social, superando la meramente médica. Conlleva aspectos económicos, fiscales, legislativos... b Por otro lado, cada vez somos más conscientes de que la educación es el “arma” más importante par enfrentarse de manera preventiva al consumo del tabaco. Desde esta visión, la prevención del tabaco es, pues, una tarea eminentemente social y comunitaria, y la educación es la herramienta primordial par afrontar este tema. Pero para conocer la realidad del tabaco, hay que conocer todos los aspectos que lo rodean: relevancia e incidencia social, efectos, consecuencias para la salud, datos estadísticos, legislación, fiscalidad, el marco escolar, etc. El artículo pretende, desde un ángulo informativo y divulgativo, acercarnos a estas cuestiones

  10. Oleotourism: Local Actors for Local Tourism Development

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    Marco Tregua


    Full Text Available Olive oil consumption has grown substantially in recent years, due in part to the fact that olive oil is healthy. Much of the global olive oil production comes from the rural areas of Jaén in southern Spain. Surrounding this industry, services such as oleotourism are increasing. This paper aims to identify the key elements supporting the development of oleotourism. After a preliminary exploratory analysis of the existing data, a qualitative analysis was performed with actors directly involved in the industry in Jaén. The results helped us define the level of the stakeholders’ involvement and the sustainability, the opportunities, and the constraints affecting oleotourism in this area. The practical implications of this investigation can be useful for governing agencies, local firms, and the tourism industry in support of oleotourism development.

  11. Informal value chain actors' knowledge and perceptions about zoonotic diseases and biosecurity in Kenya and the importance for food safety and public health. (United States)

    Nyokabi, Simon; Birner, Regina; Bett, Bernard; Isuyi, Linda; Grace, Delia; Güttler, Denise; Lindahl, Johanna


    Zoonotic diseases, transmitted from animals to humans, are a public health challenge in developing countries. Livestock value chain actors have an important role to play as the first line of defence in safeguarding public health. However, although the livelihood and economic impacts of zoonoses are widely known, adoption of biosecurity measures aimed at preventing zoonoses is low, particularly among actors in informal livestock value chains in low and middle-income countries. The main objective of this study was to investigate knowledge of zoonoses and adoption of biosecurity measures by livestock and milk value chain actors in Bura, Tana River County, in Kenya, where cattle, camels, sheep and goats are the main livestock kept. The study utilised a mixed methods approach, with a questionnaire survey administered to 154 value chain actors. Additional information was elicited through key informant interviews and participatory methods with relevant stakeholders outside the value chain. Our results found low levels of knowledge of zoonoses and low levels of adherence to food safety standards, with only 37% of milk traders knowing about brucellosis, in spite of a sero-prevalence of 9% in the small ruminants tested in this study, and no slaughterhouse worker knew about Q fever. Actors had little formal education (between 0 and 10%) and lacked training in food safety and biosecurity measures. Adoption of biosecurity measures by value chain actors was very low or non-existent, with only 11% of butchers wearing gloves. There was a gendered dimension, evidenced by markedly different participation in value chains and lower adoption rates and knowledge levels among female actors. Finally, cultural and religious practices were shown to play an important role in exposure and transmission of diseases, influencing perceptions and attitudes to risks and adoption of biosecurity measures.

  12. Las potencialidades del institucionalismo histórico centrado en los actores para el análisis de la política pública. Contingentes de trabajadores extranjeros en España The Potential of Historical Institutionalism Centered on Actors for the Analysis of the Public Policies. Contingents of Foreign Workers in Spain

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    María Rocío Bedoya Bedoya


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es responder a la pregunta sobre las potencialidades que ofrece el institucionalismo histórico centrado en los actores para el análisis de las políticas públicas. Se argumenta que el enfoque centrado en los actores permite un mejor ajuste entre perspectiva teórica y realidad observada en la interacción política. Atendiendo al enfoque, se analizarán las premisas del institucionalismo centrado en los actores y su modelo de explicación y se describirán los principales rasgos de la política de contingentes en el marco del contexto de la globalización, el ingreso de España a la Unión Europea y el aumento visible de los flujos migratorios hacia España. Se destaca la potencialidad del enfoque para explicar los cambios en el sistema de interacción de la política pública de contingentes y para determinar la influencia de las instituciones y del entorno en el comportamiento de los actores.The purpose of this article is to respond to the question of the potential that historical institutionalism centered on actors offers for public policy analysis. It is argued that the focus centered on actors permits for a better adjustment between theoretical perspectives and observed reality in political interactions. Following this focus, the premises of institutionalism centered on actors and its model of explanation will be analyzed and the main characteristics of politics of contingents will be described in the framework of the context of globalization, the entrance of Spain into the European Union and the visible increase of the migratory flows to Spain. The potential of the focus is emphasized to explain the changes in the system of interaction of public policies of contingents and to determine the influence of the institutions and the environment on the behavior of actors.

  13. ACToR Chemical Structure processing using Open Source ChemInformatics Libraries (FutureToxII) (United States)

    ACToR (Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource) is a centralized database repository developed by the National Center for Computational Toxicology (NCCT) at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Free and open source tools were used to compile toxicity data from ove...


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    José Arlés Gómez Arévalo


    Full Text Available Como fruto de la reflexión entorno al tema de "ciencia y espiritualidad", se ha venido indagando, en este trabajo investigativo, por las conexiones que se pueden establecer entre el mundo de la ciencia occidental y la espiritualidad oriental. Este trabajo ha sido elaborado desde los presupuestos de la física cuántica y la teoría de la complejidad, en contraste con las antiguas tradiciones espirituales del lejano Oriente, concretamente, por el aporte del budismo zen, ya que desde sus fundamentos teórico-prácticos proporciona elementos básicos en la comprensión de las problemáticas del hombre contemporáneo a nivel del conocimiento, el arte, la ciencia y la espiritualidad. Las eternas preguntas, que han sido explicadas por las antiguas tradiciones espirituales y otras veces por las filosofías convencionales, hoy por hoy conducidas por la mano de científicos altamente reconocidos por la comunidad científica occidental, arrojan resultados tales que pareciera ser que la brecha entre ciencia y espiritualidad, que comenzó desde tiempos remotos, se está cuestionando a la luz de las nuevas teorías de la física cuántica, la teoría sistémica, la psiconeuroinmunología, la neuroteología y muchas otras derivadas de las reflexiones, los experimentos y las tecnologías que se han implementado en los últimos tiempos y que pretenden dar respuesta a los problemas ya planteados.

  15. Aproximación al desarrollo rural desde la nueva ruralidad

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    Luz Adriana Pita-Morales


    Full Text Available El desarrollo rural ha sido objeto de distintas aproximaciones conceptuales, en función del momento socioeconómico espacial imperante; se destacan el estructuralismo y la modernización, que tuvieron influencia desde la década de los cincuenta hasta mediados de la de los sesenta; la dependencia, desde mediados de los años sesenta y hasta el final de los setenta; el neoliberalismo, desde los ochenta; el neoestructuralismo y las estrategias de vida rural, a partir de los noventa (1, y el enfoque territorial (2. La nueva ruralidad, que puede ubicarse en el enfoque de estrategias de vida, ha tenido un amplio desarrollo y estudio en América Latina; con esta orientación se intenta entender la complejidad y la dinámica del espacio rural, que trasciende su tradicional concepción de sector productor y abastecedor de alimentos; dentro de este marco es pertinente su estudio, si se tiene en cuenta que el contexto rural es precisamente el nicho de trabajo de los profesionales del sector agrario. Con esta revisión se pretende contribuir a la construcción del concepto de nueva ruralidad, como herramienta para el análisis del sector rural, a través de la compilación y análisis de los aportes de diferentes autores. Los resultados indican que este enfoque se corresponde con la adaptación de la población rural a fenómenos económicos, sociales y culturales, reconociendo que la multidimensionalidad del espacio rural es una aproximación pertinente que permite comprender e intervenir en los problemas del desarrollo rural.

  16. Migración interna indígena desde el Istmo veracruzano: nuevas articulaciones regionales

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    Emilia Velázquez Hernández


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las nuevas articulaciones regionales que se crean a través de las migraciones internas. Para ello, se toma como estudio de caso las migraciones que desde mediados de la década de 1990 se realizan desde el Istmo veracruzano hacia la frontera norte de México y los campos de agricultura intensiva de Sinaloa. Se muestra que, a través de la migración laboral de trabajadores nahuas y popolucas de la Sierra de Santa Marta, regiones antes inconexas se articulan actualmente de manera desigual.

  17. Reflexiones críticas, desde los márgenes, sobre la producción de conocimientos para una acción transformadora


    Juan Carlos Gimeno Martín


    Desde la perplejidad de un académico que habita una Europa en crisis, en este artículo se exploran, en forma de conversación, algunas perspectivas críticas que se han ido consolidando en América Latina sobre el mundo en que vivimos y sobre lo que nos ha traído hasta él, reivindicando la producción del conocimiento desde los márgenes, desde las fronteras, desde los sujetos negados por la “historia”. El enfoque utilizado, que valora la existencia, la resistencia, las luchas de mujeres y hombres...

  18. Manufacturers-Retailers: The New Actor in the U.S. Furniture Industry. Characteristics and Implications for the Chinese Furniture Industry


    Lidia Martínez Murillo


    Since the 1990s the American furniture industry faces a transition period. Manufacturers, one of its most important actors made its entrance into the retail industry. This shift has had deep consequences not only for the American furniture industry as a whole, but also for other international furniture industries, especially the Chinese. The present work aims to analyze this actor based on the distinction provided by the Global Commodity Chain Theory. It stresses its characteristics, structur...

  19. In a moral dilemma, choose the one you love: Impartial actors are seen as less moral than partial ones. (United States)

    Hughes, Jamie S


    Although impartiality and concern for the greater good are lauded by utilitarian philosophies, it was predicted that when values conflict, those who acted impartially rather than partially would be viewed as less moral. Across four studies, using life-or-death scenarios and more mundane ones, support for the idea that relationship obligations are important in moral attribution was found. In Studies 1-3, participants rated an impartial actor as less morally good and his or her action as less moral compared to a partial actor. Experimental and correlational evidence showed the effect was driven by inferences about an actor's capacity for empathy and compassion. In Study 4, the relationship obligation hypothesis was refined. The data suggested that violations of relationship obligations are perceived as moral as long as strong alternative justifications sanction them. Discussion centres on the importance of relationships in understanding moral attributions. © 2017 The British Psychological Society.

  20. desde los residuos industriales peligrosos

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    Yunia Sidney Rentería Castro


    Full Text Available Las actuales tendencias cambian los riesgos y los factores ambientales deterioran la salud en la frontera México-Estados Unidos. El objetivo es analizar la salud ambiental a partir de 26 factores ambientales, educativos, laborales y de salud, tomando las percepciones de salud y la respuesta social organizada de actores sociales e instancias involucradas. De los resultados se destaca la inefi ciente e inefi caz gestión ambiental de las autoridades respecto al manejo de residuos industriales peligrosos, sitios abandonados y padecimientos relacionados con exposición a tóxicos. Asimismo, se pudo identifi car la inexistencia de programas específi cos de salud pública para atender la problemática y la vulnerabilidad de las mujeres en edad reproductiva y la población infantil, quienes presentan padecimientos relacionados con exposición a residuos peligrosos que actúan de agente sinérgico agravando el estado de salud.

  1. La disciplina entre las disposiciones legales y los actores escolares

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    Nancy Palacios Mena


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una descripción del funcionamiento de la disciplina escolar en una institución educativa de secundaria en Colombia. Tiene como objetivo explicar el origen del conflicto disciplinario, las situaciones que lo generan, la forma como la institución trata de lograr y mantener la disciplina, las explicaciones que cada uno de los actores da a las situaciones conflictivas y la manera como son vividas por ellos. El diseño metodológico de la investigación combinó una encuesta, entrevistas y el análisis de documentos de la institución educativa. El análisis de los datos se hace a la luz de planteamientos sociológicos que reconocen la enorme importancia que ejercen las estructuras sociales sobre la forma de pensar y actuar de los individuos, pero también resaltan la gran capacidad de los actores sociales para amoldarse a dichas estructuras y a través de sus ideas y acciones darle una dinámica propia al tipo de relaciones que establecen entre individuos en sus entornos de vida más inmediatos. Se pudo concluir que sobre la disciplina escolar no hay unidad de criterio entre los docentes, los directivos y los estudiantes, ni en su definición, ni en su importancia, ni en los medios para conseguirla; dichas diferencias producen tensiones y desacuerdos entre los miembros de la comunidad educativa.

  2. Complex New Product Development projects - How the Project Manager’s Information Sharing With Core Actors Changes Over Time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jepsen, Lisbeth Brøde


    A heavily burdened project manager must ensure effective information sharing with actors inside and outside the organization because this is a necessary condition for a new product development (NPD) project to achieve its objectives. Knowledge, however, on who actually assists a project manager...... with the information sharing during NPD projects is limited; therefore, this study of longitudinal objective email data (4658 emails) during a NPD project contributes to theory and practice by advancing our understanding of when and how the project manager establishes relationships with different core actors inside...

  3. Digital Cities in the making: exploring perceptions of space, agency of actors and heterotopia

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    Asne Kvale Handlykken


    Full Text Available

    This paper is an attempt to explore how we imagine, sense and experience spaces in digital cities by a study of the hybrid relations between digital media, users' bodies, architecture and the city. Digital and physical spaces of the city are intertwined, the city and urban places and things become sentient, embedded with sensors and digital infrastructure, challenging traditional notions of space, and how we perceive and experience urban space.  Crucial issues to explore are how interactions and agency operating amongst actors in these spaces; between sentient non-human actors, places and people?  How are spaces of interaction embedded in the city, what characterizes these spaces, can they be explored as heterotopias (Foucault? These processes are a mutual shaping of society and technology, where the role of the imaginary, of mental representations and creation are being transformed.


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    Alejandro Sánchez Lopera


    Full Text Available Este artículo buscó poner en tensión la relación entre programas de posgrado en ciencias sociales de carácter disciplinar y transdisciplinar, tanto en Colombia como en América Latina, a través de la pregunta por la producción de conocimiento y por algunos de los efectos sociales del discurso producido desde las universidades.

  5. Study of Mobile Payment Services in India : Distribution of the roles, responsibilities and attitudes amongst actors of the payment systems


    Singh Sambhy, Gurpreet


    Information technology and payment systems have witnessed the introduction, acceptance and wide scale deployment of electronic payment systems. The payment system ecosystem has now witnessed the introduction of mobile payment systems and their associated services. Major actors involved in mobile payment systems include telecom operators, banks, merchants and consumers. They need to aggregate their resources and develop a coherent ecosystem which would help the individual actors while also ben...

  6. Exchange Studies as Actor-Networks: Following Korean Exchange Students in Swedish Higher Education (United States)

    Ahn, Song-ee


    This article explores how Korean exchange students organized their studies during exchange programs in Swedish higher education. For most students, the programs became a disordered period in relation to their education. The value of exchange studies seems mainly to be extra-curricular. Drawing upon actor network theory, the article argues that the…

  7. Report: Information Meeting / Awareness of Actors on the Chemical Information Exchange Network (CIEN)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senghor, Cheikh


    As part of the implementation of the Stockholm Convention, Senegal has established a Chemical Information Exchange Network. The overall objective of this meeting was to identify the various actors involved in the management of chemicals information and to study the modalities for the implementation of the chemical information exchange network in Senegal.

  8. The Design of Migrant Integration Policies in Spain: Discourses and Social Actors

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    Belén Fernández Suárez


    Full Text Available Spain is one of the countries with the lowest social spending within the EU-15, and its welfare state has developed later and with less intensity. At the end of the 20th century, Spain became an immigration country, reaching 5.7 million immigrants in 2011. This article explores how the definition of migrant ‘integration’ is based more on a concept of universal rights and social cohesion by the main actors (political parties, trade unions, third sector organizations and immigrant associations than on a notion of a cultural type. We will also analyze how the influence of European policies and restrictive liberalism have led to the implementation of programmes which aim to make civic integration compulsory for the renewal of residence and work permits. The empirical evidence for this article stems from 60 qualitative interviews with social actors in migrant integration policies during 2010 and 2011. The impact of the economic crisis on the foreign population, especially regarding its position in the labor market, will also be considered, explaining the reduction of specific and general policies targeting the migrant population. This cut in social spending has involved a deinstitutionalization of this particular policy field.

  9. Actor-critic-based optimal tracking for partially unknown nonlinear discrete-time systems. (United States)

    Kiumarsi, Bahare; Lewis, Frank L


    This paper presents a partially model-free adaptive optimal control solution to the deterministic nonlinear discrete-time (DT) tracking control problem in the presence of input constraints. The tracking error dynamics and reference trajectory dynamics are first combined to form an augmented system. Then, a new discounted performance function based on the augmented system is presented for the optimal nonlinear tracking problem. In contrast to the standard solution, which finds the feedforward and feedback terms of the control input separately, the minimization of the proposed discounted performance function gives both feedback and feedforward parts of the control input simultaneously. This enables us to encode the input constraints into the optimization problem using a nonquadratic performance function. The DT tracking Bellman equation and tracking Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) are derived. An actor-critic-based reinforcement learning algorithm is used to learn the solution to the tracking HJB equation online without requiring knowledge of the system drift dynamics. That is, two neural networks (NNs), namely, actor NN and critic NN, are tuned online and simultaneously to generate the optimal bounded control policy. A simulation example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  10. Environmental governance as inclusion and exclusion of actors and issues

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard


    The chapter analyses recent governance in Denmark of the interaction between climate, energy and land use. Governance is seen as inclusion and exclusion of actors and their perspectives in decisions about problems and solutions. Inclusion and exclusion are discussed as decisions about members...... and focus of public commissions. Furthermore, inclusion and exclusion are discussed as an aspect of NGOs’ development of climate plans and the societal role of such plans. The chapter concludes that governance of this field is balancing the interests of established and polluting sectors and the interest...

  11. The position of international political actors towards the Prague spring

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    Andrei Tinu


    Full Text Available The intervention of the USSR, Poland, Bulgaria, the German Democratic Republic and Hungary in Czechoslovakia on the night of 20 to 21 August 1968 produced a huge shock in the international community, but also a deepening of cleavage of relationships between the countries from the socialist camp. This study is an analysis of „hot“ reactions of key actors on the world political stage. The main source of information was the Agerpres Archive: unpublished documents (news, letters, analysis, translations of editorials in Western media and the external news flow.

  12. El fenómeno de la infoxicación visto desde la neurociencia : ¿Qué hay de nuevo?


    Orgaz Camacho, Alexandra


    El fenómeno de la infoxicación desde un punto de vista psicológico podemos definirlo como un estado percibido negativo, caracterizado por síntomas de estrés psicológico, alteración del proceso de toma de decisiones y en general pérdida de la capacidad de procesar y utilizar información de manera eficiente. A pesar de que el concepto como tal es de reciente uso, esta descripción de sintomatología ha sido ampliamente estudiada tanto desde la psicología como desde la neurociencia,...

  13. Partnerships as panacea for addressing global problems? On rationale, context, actors, impact and limitations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kolk, A.; Seitanidi, M.M; Crane, A.


    This chapter examines partnerships and their peculiarities, based on recent research from various disciplines, in the context of the large problems faced by (global) society. These problems are very complex, often cross national boundaries, and cannot easily be 'solved' by one single actor. Previous

  14. Top-down, Bottom-up and Sideways: The Multilayered Complexities of Multi-level Actors Shaping Forest Governance and REDD+ Arrangements in Madre de Dios, Peru. (United States)

    Rodriguez-Ward, Dawn; Larson, Anne M; Ruesta, Harold Gordillo


    This study examines the role multilevel governance plays in the adoption of sustainable landscape management initiatives in emerging arrangements aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). It sheds light on the challenges these multiple layers of actors and interests encounter around such alternatives in a subnational jurisdiction. Through transcript analysis of 93 interviews with institutional actors in the region of Madre de Dios, Peru, particularly with regard to five sites of land-use change, we identified the multiple actors who are included and excluded in the decision-making process and uncovered their complex interactions in forest and landscape governance and REDD+ arrangements. Madre de Dios is a useful case for studying complex land-use dynamics, as it is home to multiple natural resources, a large mix of actors and interests, and a regional government that has recently experienced the reverberations of decentralization. Findings indicate that multiple actors shaped REDD+ to some extent, but REDD+ and its advocates were unable to shape land-use dynamics or landscape governance, at least in the short term. In the absence of strong and effective regional regulation for sustainable land use alternatives and the high value of gold on the international market, illegal gold mining proved to be a more profitable land-use choice. Although REDD+ created a new space for multilevel actor interaction and communication and new alliances to emerge, the study questions the prevailing REDD+ discourse suggesting that better coordination and cooperation will lead to integrated landscape solutions. For REDD+ to be able to play a role in integrated landscape governance, greater attention needs to be paid to grassroots actors, power and authority over territory and underlying interests and incentives for land-use change.

  15. La experiencia vinculante afectiva del adolescente infractor a la ley penal en las tipificaciones de hurto agravado, calificado y homicidio


    Sánchez Agudelo, Paula Vanessa


    Tesis (Maestría en Desarrollo Infantil). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. Esta investigación comprende la experiencia vinculante afectiva del adolescente infractor respecto a actores que intervienen en su socialización: figuras parentales, cuidadores, profesores, territorios (barrio – escuela). El sustento teórico esta construido a partir de los Vínculos Afectivos desde el planteamiento de Jhon Bowlby, y a su vez desde la concepción de que los víncul...

  16. El proceso electoral del 7 de febrero de 2010 y sus actores

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    Mario Seing Jiménez


    Full Text Available La participación ciudadana de una importante cantidad de personas en organización y jornada electoral garantiza la pureza del voto. El presente ensayo ofrece una breve descripción de las funciones, que amparadas en el Código Electoral, cumplieron cada uno de los actores que participaron en la jornada electoral costarricense del 7 de febrero de 2010.

  17. El proceso electoral del 7 de febrero de 2010 y sus actores

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    Mario Seing Jiménez


    Full Text Available La participación ciudadana de una importante cantidad de personas en organización y jornada electoral garantiza la pureza del voto. El presente ensayo ofrece una breve descripción de las funciones, que amparadas en el Código Electoral, cumplieron cada uno de los actores que participaron en la jornada electoral costarricense del 7 de febrero de 2010

  18. Static Safety for an Actor Dedicated Process Calculus by Abstract Interpretation


    Garoche, Pierre-Loïc; Pantel, Marc; Thirioux, Xavier


    International audience; The actor model eases the definition of concurrent programs with non uniform behaviors. Static analysis of such a model was previously done in a data-flow oriented way, with type systems. This approach was based on constraint set resolution and was not able to deal with precise properties for communications of behaviors. We present here a new approach, control-flow oriented, based on the abstract interpretation framework, able to deal with communication of behaviors. W...

  19. Territorial Climate-Energy Plan - Le Mans region. Complete file + synthesis + Action sheets + Actor file + Appendices + Territory file

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boulard, Jean-Claude


    A first document presents the meaning, objectives and implementation of the Territorial Climate Energy Plan (PCET) for Le Mans region, and then its five main steps: definition, diagnosis, actors, roadmap, assessment. A synthetic version is provided. Twenty action sheets are proposed, first in synthetic and general way, and then in terms of projects. These actions deal with transport and mobility, with building and development, with agriculture, forest and nature, with consumption and wastes, and with the mobilisation of actors. A document proposes sheets which describe good practices performed by Le Mans region 'syndicat mixte', by the city of Le Mans and its metropolitan body. Appendices contain some organisational information

  20. «Nomen est omen»: pseudonyms in actor society of Dnieper Ukraine late XIX – early XX century

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    I. V. Yeremeyeva


    Full Text Available In the article on the memoirs and archival material basis of Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kyiv and State Archives of Kharkiv Region the etymology of some actor’s pseudonyms on the Dnieper Ukraine territory in late XIX – early XX century was analysed. The pseudonyms’ place and role in desired professional actor image formation were determined. In particular the fact that pseudonyms borrowed or transformed from the famous literary character names used to transfer the character’s moral qualities and exterior to the artist was defined. The stage name creation specificity depending on the affiliation of the actor to the Russian or Ukrainian repertoire was shown. Also the basic motives for fictional anthroponym using in actors’ society were depicted. The main reason for the actor’s name-change among ones originated from the nobility and clergy was shown. Besides the recognition of pseudonym as the important part of professional success not only among the actors, but also among entrepreneurs of Dnieper Ukraine in late XIX – early XX century was explored.

  1. The Influence of the Actor Network on the Innovative Process of Transgenic Soybean in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

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    Doriana Daroit


    Full Text Available Rio Grande do Sul was the first Brazilian state to plant genetically modified soybean. The sowing occurred in 1998 with Roundup Ready soybean seeds from Monsanto smuggled from Argentina. The aim of this study is to investigate how this innovative process of planting transgenic soybean came about in Rio Grande do Sul based on the actor network involved in the period 1998 to 2003. Although the innovative process has been discussed in the literature on innovation management since the work of Schumpeter, there is still no clear understanding of the issues of interests and power that involve the innovative process. Given this, from within the literature we have sought a perspective that would understand the innovative process as being political. We adopted Actor Network Theory as a base for the discussion of the primary and secondary data obtained regarding the controversy surrounding transgenic soybean in RS. The results point to the existence of two translation chains that contribute towards the formation of actor networks.

  2. System of Interactions of Social Actors in Public Communication of Science and Technology

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    Miriam Graciela Miquilena


    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of a research aimed at explaining the system of interactions of social actors in Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST, in the context of a social web defined by the novel systems of communication sustained on informational and communication technologies. The study’s theoretical framework highlights the strategic importance of a Public Communication  which focuses on promoting public appropriation of Science and Technology, going beyond the role of Journalism and Science Communication that informs a qualified public, to one that stablishes a bond with policies and decision making in the area, made with participation of international agencies, governments, producers of science and technology, journalists’ associations, educational institutions, and citizens. The research relies on Explicative Methodology. A revision of pertinent bibliography leads to the conclusion that the system of social interactions mediated by personal, interpersonal and grupal global communications, define the relationships in the communicational exchange of the social actor with regard to public communication of science and technology and policies aimed at its appropriation.

  3. The Role of Triple Helix Actors for Agro-Tourism Development in West Sumatera

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    Widya Fitriana


    Full Text Available Agricultural sector as a main contributor to GDP formation in West Sumatera is required to be able to diversify its business in order to highest achieving economic and social development. One diversified agricultural business prospective to be developed is agro-tourism. The development of agro-tourism requires collaboration and synergy between academician, businessman and government as known as triple helix actors. This study is designed with aim to (i map the agro-tourism potential in west Sumatera; (ii analyze the role of each actors, so they may take action in accelerating Agro-tourism development. This research uses observation, depth interview method, literature study and focus group discussion. The result shows that agro-tourism in West Sumatra is more prominent of great natural and cultural value, small scale and lack of local facilities. It also requires relatively high level of investment relative to its return. Therefore government support is likely an essential element of agro-tourism development and the effort may be better directed toward consolidating with intellectual and business also.

  4. A Model of Social Responsibility of Actors in the State Sector of Economy

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    Krutova Anzhelika S.


    Full Text Available The article is aimed at developing a conceptual model of social responsibility of actors in the State sector of economy and elaborating directions for its improvement. It has been determined that social responsibility of the State and actors in the State sector of economy, as managers of the budget, is to determine and reconcile positions on the achievement of joint agreements and adoption of agreed decisions by the parties to the social dialog. A conceptual model of the socially responsible State has been developed, where the functions of moderator of principles of social responsibility at all levels of socio-economic relations are vested in the State sector of economy. It has been substantiated that the main tool for the creation of a social State is the auditing of social responsibility, the basic information base for controlling the level of social responsibility is the integrated reporting of companies. To disseminate the ideas of integrated reporting, creation of a «Single portal of integrated reporting for enterprises and organizations of Ukraine» has been proposed.

  5. The actors of energy transition financing in France and in Germany. Situation: August 2014 - memorandum by the French-German Office for renewable energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathieu, Audrey


    This report first presents and describes the main public financing tools used at the national level in France (purchase tariffs, investment program, tax credits) and in Germany (the Renewable Energy Law or EEG, the EKF or Energy and Climate fund). Then, it gives a comparative overview of the commitment of local communities (regions in France, Lander in Germany), notably based on legal entities (SEM, SCIC, PPP, and so on in France, Kommunalunternehmen and local energy companies in Germany). It focuses on public financial institutions: Caisse des Depots and the Public Investment Bank in France, the German investment bank or KfW, an agricultural bank, and local banks in Germany, and European actors and tools such as European public banks, the Marguerite Fund, the Horizon 2020 program for research. It discusses the evolution of private actors in France and in Germany: traditional actors in private financing (private banks, private equity), and companies committed in development, manufacturing, exploitation, providing or consultancy activities, and also many new eco-citizen actors

  6. Gobernanza climática: Actores sociales en la mitigación y adaptación en el estado de Coahuila, México

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    Gustavo Córdova Bojórquez


    Full Text Available Se presenta una evaluación de las capacidades de actores sociales de Coahuila de Zaragoza para enfrentar el cambio climático a partir de tres indicadores: 1 Social, con base en experiencias y prácticas de los actores; 2 Político, se refiere al diálogo y la legitimación del proceso político de los actores, y 3 Ambiental, con base en acciones de sustenta - bilidad ambiental. Los resultados indican que en materia social persiste la vulnerabilidad; en materia política, hay instituciones con acciones para enfrentar el cambio climático, pero sin acciones de consenso entre los actores y sectores; en materia ambiental, la agenda verde aparece avanzada, no así las agendas azul y gris las cuales deben reforzar los procesos de gobernanza para lograr anticiparse a los efectos del cambio climático por medio del incremento de medidas de mitigación y adap - tación a partir de instrumentos de gestión pública como el Programa Estatal de Cambio Climático.

  7. Comparación de la actividad psíquica humana desde una perspectiva evolutiva


    Rosalía Montealegre


    Se parte de la teoría de la evolución de Darwin y se plantea: l. La acción de lo biológico y lo cultural en el desarrollo, analizada desde la psicología historicocultural, la etología humana, la sociobiología. Al centrarse este trabajo en la posición de la psicología historicocultural, se enfatiza lo cultural y el proceso de asimilación del desarrollo histórico de la sociedad por parte del individuo. 2. La actividad psíquica en primates, analizando lo psíquico desde la psicología ...

  8. ¿Poder material o poder social? Reflexiones sobre las negociaciones multilaterales y el poder climático de la Argentina (2003-2015

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    María del Pilar Bueno


    Full Text Available La presente contribución aborda la cuestión del poder climático de Argentina en el contexto de las negociaciones multilaterales en la materia, durante las presidencias de Néstor Kirchner y Cristina Fernández (2003-2015. Tal objeto es analizado a partir de dos enfoques teóricos de las Relaciones Internacionales. El primer enfoque propone una perspectiva materialista y racionalista que busca analizar la acumulación de poder del actor estatal y sus implicancias en la posición internacional de Argentina en la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático. El segundo enfoque, desde una perspectiva constructivista, propone comprender la construcción del poder climático social en la Argentina desde el proceso de internalización de las identidades y los intereses de diversos actores.

  9. Harnessing the plurality of actor frames in social-ecological systems : Ecological sanitation in Bolivia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eelderink, M.; Vervoort, J.; Snel, D.; de Castro, F.


    This article uses a case study on ecological sanitation as a basis for lessons on identifying and harnessing the plurality of actor frames in social-ecological systems, thereby moving beyond the advocacy positions often taken by implementing NGOs. The study aimed to explore how perspectives between

  10. Indicadores Estructurales y Conglomerados de Actores en la Red Social de una Subcultura Urbana

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    José Hernando Ávila-Toscano


    Full Text Available Este estudio buscó identificar la estructura de socialización de una subcultura urbana con la medición de indicadores estructurales de su red social e identificación de subagrupaciones. Se empleó el instrumento Arizona Social Support Interview Schedule (ISSIS con 11 miembros de la subcultura roqueros. Se procesaron los datos mediante el análisis de redes sociales (ARS con el software Ucinet, para detectar conjuntos de actores con el procedimiento de conglomerados jerárquicos; y los gráficos de la red se crearon con NetDraw. Se identificaron niveles moderados de indicadores estructurales y las agrupaciones presentaron un número amplio de actores según el criterio de atracción por similaridad. Los subgrupos en la red fueron escasos, lo que muestra a la subcultura como una unidad social cuya integración se da por vinculaciones estrechas entre sus miembros.

  11. The EU as an actor at the WTO: its strengths and weaknesses throughout history

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    Full Text Available During the last decade, many reforms took place in the European Union legal and policy framework. Some of those reforms were motivated by the participation of the European Union and its member States in the World Trade Organization. This paper aims to analyze the role of the European Union as an actor in that organization, paying special attention to its mixed legal nature – EU and Member States. With that purpose, the evolution of the relationship between the EU member States and the EU itself as simultaneous actors at the WTO is studied. The division of competences is also reviewed. Finally, the analysis of the EU position in different negotiation rounds (Uruguay, Doha for the agricultural sector is reviewed as an example of the evolution in the protection of European interests. The paper shows that some changes in the Treaty of Lisbon have strengthened the legal framework for the EU to be heard with a unique voice in the WTO

  12. Local authorities and electricity: territories, actors and issues within the local public service in France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouvier, G.


    In France, the role of local authorities in the organization of the electricity supply system is largely unknown mainly due to the size of the state-owned utility Electricite de France (EDF). Local authorities and their groupings played a major role in the electrification of the national territory and have kept important prerogatives as conceding authorities of this service of general interest. These groupings also became the tools of the soft power of local actors. The geopolitical analysis of the relationships between local municipalities and electric power stakeholders shows the diversity of actors and opinions. Stuck between market liberalization issues and decentralization to local authorities, these groupings tend to reinforce their competencies. Furthermore, decentralization goes along with a reinforcement of the political involvement in local energy policy and with conflicts on the adequate territorial scale for theses policies. (author)

  13. Investigar-crear desde la visualidad: los secuædros del viernes santo de Alangasí

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    Alex Schlenker


    Full Text Available Este artículo sistematiza una serie de reflexiones y gestos estéticos surgidos en el marco del proyecto Turbantes, una aproximación transdisciplinar a la dimensión cultural/estética/política de la fiesta del Viernes Santo de Alangasí (Ecuador a la que asistí durante consecutivamente entre 2010 y 2015. Se trata de una celebración que desarrolla, desde sus respectivas especificidades (geográficas/de territorio, sociales y culturales, determinadas estrategias de articulación entre lo religioso/espiritual, lo comunitario, la autoridad religiosa/política, entre otras. Como artista visual e investigador, situado simultáneamente en la práctica artística/cinematográfica y la academia, desarrollé una metodología combinada, útil para revisar la relación arte-cultura. Esto desde la idea de unos estudios artísticos como campo crítico que problematice el mismo concepto de cultura desplegado por la Modernidad-colonialidad, proponiendo rutas de investigación desde el quehacer artístico.

  14. El significado de las actividades acuáticas del bebé desde una perspectiva evolutiva

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    Gil Pla Campàs


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende profundizar desde una perspectiva evolutiva en el estudio y análisis de las actividades acuáticas del bebé. A partir de aquí, el artículo interpreta desde la óptica filogenética y ontogenética de las actividades acuáticas de los be¬bés qué significado tendrán estas actividades en su desarrollo general. Para alcanzar los objetivos fijados se utiliza un enfoque fenomenológico (Husserl, 1996 que se sustentará conceptualmente en el abordaje filogenético del desarrollo psicomotor de Fonseca (1998. Partiendo de esta estructura, se estudiarán las razones filogenéticas y ontogenéticas que nos pueden significar las actividades acuáticas del bebé a fin de que, en última instancia, y desde la línea más existencial de la fenomenología (Sartre, 1999; Merleau-Ponty, 2000, podamos argumentar la significación evolutiva de estas actividades.

  15. Robust Actor-Critic Contextual Bandit for Mobile Health (mHealth) Interventions


    Zhu, Feiyun; Guo, Jun; Li, Ruoyu; Huang, Junzhou


    We consider the actor-critic contextual bandit for the mobile health (mHealth) intervention. State-of-the-art decision-making algorithms generally ignore the outliers in the dataset. In this paper, we propose a novel robust contextual bandit method for the mHealth. It can achieve the conflicting goal of reducing the influence of outliers while seeking for a similar solution compared with the state-of-the-art contextual bandit methods on the datasets without outliers. Such performance relies o...

  16. A Study on Main Actor for Sustainable Forest Management in Korea


    Choi, Soo Im; Oh, Seung Won; Sato, Noriko


    According to the estableshment period (1998 to 2007) for sustaineble forest management, the forest basic plan in Korea indicated that a long-term forest management is required to realize the sustainable forest management. In this conditions, most of private forest owners have abandoned or ignored to do the individual management of their forests even through the private forests occupied 70% of total forest land areas, which mean is that the private forest can be the most important main actor f...


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    Ana Elvira Castañeda Cantillo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación buscó hacer una descripción de las comprensiones, estrategias y prácticas que identifican el proceso de orientación vocacional / profesional / laboral en la familia y la escuela. Para ello se identificaron los niveles de participación de cada uno de los actores de la organización escolar: estudiantes, docentes, orientadores y padres de familia, se evaluó el impacto de los procesos de orientación profesional, especificando las acciones que se realizan para ello y el papel de los profesionales que lideran el proceso de orientación vocacional / profesional / laboral en las organizaciones escolares. Mediante un estudio de tipo descriptivo, se aplicó como instrumento una encuesta a orientadores, estudiantes, docentes y padres de familia; las categorías a evaluar fueron: prácticas y nivel de participación en el proceso de orientación, comprensiones y puntuaciones sobre la orientación vocacional / profesional / laboral, efectos e impactos de la orientación, valoración del proceso de orientación, fuentes de influencia en el joven, valoración y recomendaciones de actividades de orientación. Con una muestra de 70 docentes, 35 orientadores, 130 padres de familia y 150 estudiantes de 35 colegios de Bogotá. Se encontró que los procesos y procedimientos realizados en la orientación vocacional / profesional / laboral están relacionados con presupuestos y acciones fundamentalmente dirigidas a la toma de decisión del estudiante sobre la elección de una carrera universitaria, desde sus intereses individuales, factores económicos e información sobre la oferta; no se observa que haya un acompañamiento para la movilización de los sistemas y contextos familiares, escolares y amplios que involucren procesos pedagógicos, psicológicos, sociales y culturales de los jóvenes con la escuela, la familia y el desarrollo del país.

  18. Las Relaciones Internacionales desde la perspectiva de Hardt y Negri en su obra Multitud

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    Rossella Petrolati


    Full Text Available Este trabajo quiere considerar el mecanismo de las RI desde la perspectiva de Hardt y Negri, así como planteada en la primera parte de la obra Multitud, que podemos considerar una reflexión sobre el capitalismo global. Los autores consideran que hoy no hay más un protagonismo del trabajo material sino de un trabajo inmaterial, plan de creación de lo común, que sería trasversal a los sectores sociales y geograficos. Esta fuerza creatiba sería la principal enemiga de los Estados de hoy, cuya politica, definida biopolitica, tiene como objetivo el mantenimiento del orden actual. La biopolitica se realizaría a traves de una componente destructiva, la guerra permanente, y de una creatiba: el fuerte control, por ejemplo policial, sobre la vida de los ciudadanos. Se afirma que hay una jerarquía internacional de Estados, con distintos niveles de poderes, y que estos participan a la guerra permanete para mantener-defender su posición en la jerarquía o para mejorarla. También se aclara que para entender el actual equilibrio mundial nuestros autores consideran necesario entender la excepcionalidad de los Estados Unidos, el Estado actualmente más poderoso. Finalmente se concluye que el mundo contemporaneo se puede definir como un Imperio, y que resultaría inapropriada tanto la visión unilateral que la multilateral, tanto el proamericanismo cuanto el antiamericanismo. El mundo de hoy sería el resultado de relaciones complejas, el sistema Internet bién representaría la imagen de la flexibilidad, de los cambios rápidos, de las posibilidades de extención y deformación de las situaciones. Entre los actores de las RI no habría que considerar solo los Estados, sino también las grandes Multinacionales, ONGs, las redes sociales, etc.

  19. How large are actor and partner effects of personality on relationship satisfaction? The importance of controlling for shared method variance. (United States)

    Orth, Ulrich


    Previous research suggests that the personality of a relationship partner predicts not only the individual's own satisfaction with the relationship but also the partner's satisfaction. Based on the actor-partner interdependence model, the present research tested whether actor and partner effects of personality are biased when the same method (e.g., self-report) is used for the assessment of personality and relationship satisfaction and, consequently, shared method variance is not controlled for. Data came from 186 couples, of whom both partners provided self- and partner reports on the Big Five personality traits. Depending on the research design, actor effects were larger than partner effects (when using only self-reports), smaller than partner effects (when using only partner reports), or of about the same size as partner effects (when using self- and partner reports). The findings attest to the importance of controlling for shared method variance in dyadic data analysis.

  20. Reassembling the Information Technology Innovation Process: An Actor Network Theory Method for Managing the Initiation, Production, and Diffusion of Innovations (United States)

    Zendejas, Gerardo; Chiasson, Mike

    This paper will propose and explore a method to enhance focal actors' abilities to enroll and control the many social and technical components interacting during the initiation, production, and diffusion of innovations. The reassembling and stabilizing of such components is the challenging goal of the focal actors involved in these processes. To address this possibility, a healthcare project involving the initiation, production, and diffusion of an IT-based innovation will be influenced by the researcher, using concepts from actor network theory (ANT), within an action research methodology (ARM). The experiences using this method, and the nature of enrolment and translation during its use, will highlight if and how ANT can provide a problem-solving method to help assemble the social and technical actants involved in the diffusion of an innovation. Finally, the paper will discuss the challenges and benefits of implementing such methods to attain widespread diffusion.


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    Henry Mora Jiménez


    Full Text Available Resumen Analizar la coyuntura económica, social y ambiental desde la perspectiva de una economía para la vida exige objetividad científica y un compromiso político con el bien común. Además, no es un análisis desde “lo económico” o desde “lo social”. Se trata de un análisis desde los efectos (directos e indirectos, intencionales y no intencionales que las tendencias hacia la irracionalidad del sistema capitalista provocan sobre el ser humano y el medio ambiente. Hablamos de estos efectos como “desequilibrios”. Desequilibrios en las relaciones humanas, el empleo, la distribución, el consumo, la personalidad, la sustentabilidad ambiental, las amenazas globales o planetarias, etc. En resumen, un análisis que se centra en los efectos de la dinámica socioeconómica en el ser humano y la naturaleza.   Abstract Monitoring the economic, social and environmental conjuncture from a Life Economics perspective requires both, scientific objectivity and a political commitment with the common good. Moreover, it is not an analysis from a particular economic or social view. It is an analysis from the effects (direct, indirect, intentional and non-intentional that irrationality trends of capitalism cause on human being and nature. We talk about these effects as “disequilibriums”. These are disequilibriums in human relationships, employment, income distribution, consumption, personality, development, environment, and global or planetary threats, and so on. As a summary, we suggest an analysis focused on the social dynamic effects upon human being and nature.

  2. Los autores como actores en el teatro experimental español de los años veinte

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    Fraga Fernández-Cuevas, María Jesús


    Full Text Available During the attempts for theatrical renewal in the twenties, several playwrights worked also as actors. The Baroja’s acted in the company ‘El Mirlo Blanco’; D. Pío participation was enthusiastic although brief, while his brother Ricardo was better recognized for his work as stage designer. Rivas Cherif participated in numerous performances and his coherence with the new theatre model that he defended was unanimously praised. Eusebio de Gorbea was considered the best actor among the playwrights, although his more appreciated characteristics like tone, gesture and roughness approached him to naturalism. The interpretative work of these authors as components of a group, whose nucleus remained amongst successive renovation attempts, is also recognized by its discipline, renounce to individual success and subordination to scenic treatment.En los ensayos de renovación teatral de los años veinte, varios dramaturgos intervinieron como actores. Los hermanos Baroja actuaron en la compañía ‘El Mirlo Blanco’: la participación de D. Pío fue entusiasta pero breve; de su hermano Ricardo se recuerda con mayor interés su labor de escenógrafo. Las numerosas actuaciones de Rivas Cherif fueron unánimemente valoradas por su coherencia con los presupuestos del nuevo teatro que tanto defendió. Eusebio de Gorbea fue el dramaturgo más reconocido en su labor de actor, si bien sus rasgos más destacados, tono, ademán, rudeza le sitúan cercano al naturalismo. La labor interpretativa de estos autores como componentes de un grupo, cuyo núcleo se mantiene en los sucesivos intentos renovadores, es también alabada por su disciplina, renuncia al lucimiento y supeditación al tratamiento escénico.

  3. Contextualización teórica al tema de las juventudes: una mirada desde las ciencias sociales a la juventud

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    Sara Victoria Alvarado


    Full Text Available Presentamos una aproximación a las teorías sociológicas contemporáneas desde la temática de las juventudes, a partir de algunos conceptos desde los cuales las ciencias sociales, y la sociología de manera específica, han entendido las dinámicas juveniles. En este articulo resaltamos la esencia problemática y compleja del concepto de juventud, hecho que evidencia su necesario abordaje desde una perspectiva transdisciplinaria que permita delimitar las especificidades de lo juvenil, y con ello una mejor comprensión de sus mundos de vida, que no conlleven necesariamente la adopción de miradas panópticas como únicas formas de abordaje. Se estudian las dinámicas juveniles entre la proscripción social y la anticipación moral, y las formas de comprensión del sujeto joven, desde el adultocentrismo (considerado como la hegemonía de la interpretación del mundo desde la postura del sujeto adulto/masculino/occidental, el tiempo panóptico (como alusión a la intención de las sociedades del control y autocontrol, de poder vigilar los cursos vitales de los sujetos, operando para ello desde la particularización de momentos en sus vidas, tendiente a la atomización del ¿espacio-tiempo vital¿ en relación con el mundo social y su condición de cronotopo, es decir, de su capacidad constructora de espacios vitales.

  4. Posiciones periféricas en la revitalización del Judaísmo Ortodoxo en Buenos Aires

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    Damián Setton


    Full Text Available El trabajo analiza las diferentes formas en que actores sociales autodefinidos como judíos se relacionan con las instituciones del campo judaico. Enmarcado en el debate acerca de la revitalización de la ortodoxia, se propone como objetivo dar cuenta de cómo los actores sociales experimentan el espacio de lo judío. De este modo, toma en cuenta a una franja de individuos que se relacionan con la ortodoxia desde posiciones periféricas a las instituciones. Analizando las trayectorias de los actores, se observa que el proceso de revitalización de la ortodoxia puede ser analizado en términos de experiencias de descomunitarización.

  5. Economía del turismo : Un enfoque desde la teoría del comercio internacional


    Porto, Natalia


    Desde sus inicios y por largo tiempo, la teoría del comercio internacional estuvo centrada en la explicación de los flujos de comercio de bienes entre países. Al mismo tiempo, la política económica también se ha ocupado de esta problemática. Desde la teoría de la ventaja comparativa de Ricardo a principios del siglo XIX y los modelos de dotaciones factoriales de Heckscher y Ohlin a principios del siglo XX hasta la integración de la competencia imperfecta en la teoría del comercio a fines del ...

  6. Bruno Latour, actor-networks, and the critique of critical sociology

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    Spasić Ivana


    Full Text Available The paper analyzes the theoretical opus of Bruno Latour and his treatment of the concept of critique. In the first section "actor-network theory" is presented through its key notions (actant, network, translation, associations together with Latour’s theory of modernity. In the second section various aspects of the relation between Latour and critique are discussed - first his own criticism of others (standard sociology and especially "critical", i.e. Bourdieu’s sociology, then the criticisms aimed at his work, to conclude with the political ambivalences of Latour’s attempt to develop an "acritical" social theory. .


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    Thais Gutiérrez Briceño


    Full Text Available In this paper we study the ideas that underpin social policy agendas and public social practices implemented in Venezuela during 1989-2007, as well as those actors involved in its design and execution. Two periods are defined: 1989-1998 y 1999-2007, which correspond to overrides in the themes considered. This paper is bibliographic and hemerographic, with emphasis on those relating official discourse on the subject. The conclusion of this paper indicates the presence of substantive changes in the periods mentionated, both in the representations of social policies that guide social actions, and those involved in the process.

  8. Private actor accountability on international regimes

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    Wahyudi Purnomo


    Full Text Available Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs have emerged along with the growing role of corporations in global development. One of the largest forms of PPP today is the UN Global Compact. The UN Global Compact involves of companies, NGOs, IGOs and state governments. All of them are trying to realize globalization with a more humanist face with attention to the protection of human rights, environment, labor standards and anti-corruption. Engaging private actors in global governance, The UN Global Compact raises many issues such as power, authority, and legitimacy. The effort to tackle it all is to increase PPP accountability. This research seeks to describe what efforts can be made to enhance private accountability within the international regime. The research undertaken is a descriptive study, focuses on public-private partnerships in the UN Global Compact regime. The study found that there were two attempts that could be done. First, by involving the stakeholders in the development of procedures, mechanisms, reporting and monitoring associated with trying to improve the company’s reputation. Second, by looking at corporate relations as agent and UN Global Compact as principal in principal-agent relation in the international regime.

  9. Cuerpo, Emociones y Discapacidad: la experiencia de un “desahucio” vital

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    Miguel Ferreyra


    Full Text Available La modernidad nos ha constituido como “individuos”: individuos políticos, dotados de derechos y deberes, e individuos económicos, portadores de un interés egoísta instrumental. Es una individualidad contradictoria, dado que su primera dimensión ha de orientarse hacia el bien común, lo público, y la segunda hacia el privado. Son conjugables porque, además de individuos, somos sujetos dotados de racionalidad. A través de nuestro pensamiento racional podemos evaluar y decidir a qué darle prioridad, desde una racionalidad weberiana de carácter finitista más bien que instrumental, en cada momento. Ese individuo-sujeto moderno no tiene cuerpo ni emociones, actúa bajo principios neutros, asépticos, de carácter deliberativo, es un ser abstracto dotado de voluntarismo racional. Pero lo cierto es que muchas veces no pensamos lo que hacemos. Las personas con discapacidad han quedado excluidas de esa doble imputación y revelan, desde la “desnudez” de su pura condición de personas, la fisura entre la imputación y la existencia real. Tomando como referencia dos historias de vida veremos como emerge en ellas una condición emocional y corporal en situación de “desahucio”. Suprimidos el voluntarismo y el egoísmo del individuo moderno, así como la racionalidad del sujeto moderno, las emociones quedan bloqueadas y los cuerpos manifiestan, en su condición ineficiente (no por serlo de hecho, sino habérseles adscrito dicha asignación, la precaria condición de nuestra existencia. Cuerpos y emociones, doblegados por el capitalismo neoliberal-global, a través de la discapacidad indican las claves estructurales de nuestro cotidiano sometimiento.

  10. Cuerpo, Emociones y Discapacidad: la experiencia de un “desahucio” vital

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    Miguel A. V. Ferreira


    Full Text Available La modernidad nos ha constituido como “individuos”: individuos políticos, dotados de derechos y deberes, e individuos económicos, portadores de un interés egoísta instrumental. Es una individualidad contradictoria, dado que su primera dimensión ha de orientarse hacia el bien común, lo público, y la segunda hacia el privado. Son conjugables porque, además de individuos, somos sujetos dotados de racionalidad. A través de nuestro pensamiento racional podemos evaluar y decidir a qué darle prioridad, desde una racionalidad weberiana de carácter finitista más bien que instrumental, en cada momento. Ese individuo-sujeto moderno no tiene cuerpo ni emociones, actúa bajo principios neutros, asépticos, de carácter deliberativo, es un ser abstracto dotado de voluntarismo racional. Pero lo cierto es que muchas veces no pensamos lo que hacemos. Las personas con discapacidad han quedado excluidas de esa doble imputación y revelan, desde la “desnudez” de su pura condición de personas, la fisura entre la imputación y la existencia real. Tomando como referencia dos historias de vida veremos cómo emerge en ellas una condición emocional y corporal en situación de “desahucio”. Suprimidos el voluntarismo y el egoísmo del individuo moderno, así como la racionalidad del sujeto moderno, las emociones quedan bloqueadas y los cuerpos manifiestan, en su condición ineficiente (no por serlo de hecho, sino por habérseles adscrito dicha asignación, la precaria condición de nuestra existencia. Cuerpos y emociones, doblegados por el capitalismo neoliberal-global, a través de la discapacidad indican las claves estructurales de nuestro cotidiano sometimiento.

  11. La búsqueda de justicia desde los microespacios de la política: organizaciones de mujeres desplazadas en Colombia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Britto Ruiz, D.A.


    ‘La búsqueda de justicia desde los microespacios de la política: organizaciones de mujeres desplazadas en Colombia’ es una investigación que ha explorado el proceso organizativo de las mujeres en situación de desplazamiento forzado en Colombia, desde un amplio espectro que incluye el análisis de la

  12. Algunas reflexiones desde la Psicología

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    Valeria Llobet


    Full Text Available Se presenta una reflexión sobre la institucionalización de políticas de ampliación de derechos para la infancia en situación de vulnerabilidad, desde la perspectiva de considerar la interioridad institucional como el espacio en el que los postulados de las políticas públicas encuentran su concreción. De este modo, se propone aquí una modalidad analítica que incluye dimensiones raramente puestas en juego para pensar las políticas para la infancia en su especificidad. Es utilizado para ello un recorrido teórico que articula los problemas de la representación y el cuidado para cuestionar las prácticas cuyo objetivo es concretar la ciudadanía infantil. La particularidad de las políticas para la infancia, es que en todos los casos se despliegan articulando significaciones y representaciones que configuran a los niños y niñas, con quienes tratan como casos (sociales, psicológicos, en riesgo, y consideran la desigualdad y la asimetría como naturales y objetivas. Por lo tanto, no son cuestionadas como obstáculos para la consecución de objetivos de ampliación de derechos. El análisis se desarrolla con base en la experiencia argentina, en particular en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires desde finales de los años 90. Intenta contribuir al debate relativo a los obstáculos específicos con que lidiará toda política pública basada en la Convención Internacional de Derechos del Niño (CDN para avanzar en la concreción de derechos de la infancia en situación de extrema vulnerabilidad.

  13. Solid waste management and recycling : actors, partnerships and policies in Hyderabad, India and Nairobi, Kenya

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Post, J.; Baud, I.S.A.; Furedy, C.


    Solid waste management and recycling : actors, partnerships and policies in Hyderabad, India and Nairobi, Kenya / ed. by Isa Baud, Johan Post and Christine Furedy Author: Isabelle Suzanne Antoinette Baud; Johan Post Year: cop. 2004 Publisher: Dordrecht [etc.] : Kluwer Academic Publishers Series: The

  14. La narrativa psicopatológica desde el enfoque de la complejidad. The psychopathology narration since the complexity focus.

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    Leonardo Yovany Álvarez Ramírez, Psicól*


    Full Text Available En la posmodernidad, el lenguaje y la narrativa se constituyeron en la base de la intervención psicoterapéutica, sin embargo las relaciones entre estos y la manera como los individuos estructuran y definen sus actos, creencias, sentimientos e interacciones se ha hecho desde un enfoque basado en valores de armonía, predicción y perfección propios de las ciencias modernas. El objetivo de este trabajo es señalar cómo la realidad desde la cual los individuos construyen su salud emocional puede entenderse desde estos valores pero también y al mismo tiempo, desde sus contrarios al plantear que su realidad personal y social implica la contradicción, la borrosidad, la impredicción, la incertidumbre (elementos del enfoque de la complejidad. Se utiliza el análisis hermenéutico mediante el cual se concluye que la salud mental basada en la intervención desde lo narrativo implica considerar el comportamiento individual y social como realidad compleja. [Álvarez LY. La narrativa psicopatológica desde el enfoque de la complejidad. MedUNAB 2011; 14:103-107].______________________________________________________________________In postmodern age, the language and the narration have become into the base of the psychotherapeutic intervention, however, the relationships between them and the way, individuals structure and define their behaviors, beliefs, feelings and interactions has been done since a focus based on values of harmony, prediction and perfection, which belong to modern sciences. The objective of this work is positing how the reality since the people builds their emotional health should be understand from another and complementary values like contradiction, blurring, impredictiveness, uncertainty (complexity model components. Hermeneutic is used to the analysis through it is concluded that mental health intervention from a narration intervention implies reckoning the individual´s behavior as a complex reality. [Álvarez LY. The

  15. Is carbon lock-in blocking investments in the hydrogen economy? A survey of actors' strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bento, Nuno


    The difficulty of introducing hydrogen and fuel cells in the market stems from the fact that they are not an evolutionary innovation such as biofuels or hybrid cars. Instead they create a disruption in technological utilization. The domination of oil technologies sets a socio-economical context favoring actors involved in the current paradigm, and gives less opportunity to alternative fuels to develop and challenge the status quo. If this hypothesis is correct, then companies interested in the hydrogen economy would not become active because of an unstable context or contradictory interests concerning the replacement of the present system. A review of actions and announcements of main actors shows that technology readiness and the absence of infrastructure are the major justifications to delay investments. Some measures are discussed, which could be deployed in order to reduce uncertainties, such as regulation of carbon emissions from cars, technological subvention, and partnerships for infrastructure implementation.

  16. The international right to health: state obligations and private actors in the health care system. (United States)

    O'Brien, Paula


    Most health systems have historically used a mix of public and private actors for financing and delivering care. But the last 30 years have seen many rich and middle-income countries moving to privatise parts of their health care systems. This phenomenon has generated concerns, especially about equitable access to health care. This article examines what the international right to the highest attainable standard of health in Art 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights says about the obligations of states which use private actors in health care. The article involves a close study of the primary documents of the key institutions responsible for interpreting and promoting Art 12. From this study, the article concludes that in mixed public-private health care systems, states not only retain primary responsibility for fulfilling the right to health but are subject to a range of additional specific responsibilities.

  17. Las formas de resistencia política del sindicalismo no menemista y la ausencia de una hegemonía alternativa en los ´90. Contribuciones para el análisis de la dinámica política desde la perspectiva de Laclau

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    Hernán Fair


    Full Text Available El trabajo analiza las formas de resistencia sindical a la hegemonía menemista, tomando como base las herramientas de la teoría de la hegemonía de Ernesto Laclau. Se busca contribuir a comprender y explicar, desde el análisis político del discurso, la ausencia de una contrahegemonía al orden neoliberal en los actores sindicales, durante los años ´90. En ausencia de una hoja de ruta para aplicar las categorías de la teoría del discurso al análisis empírico, el texto elabora una propuesta original, que complejiza sus principales herramientas para el estudio de la dinámica política. Mediante esta conceptualización, se procura contribuir al desarrollo de un método útil y válido para el análisis sociopolítico del discurso y la construcción de hegemonías.

  18. 'Two clicks and I'm in!' Patients as co-actors in managing health data through a personal health record infrastructure. (United States)

    Zanutto, Alberto


    One of the most significant changes in the healthcare field in the past 10 years has been the large-scale digitalization of patients' healthcare data, and an increasing emphasis on the importance of patients' roles in cooperating with healthcare professionals through digital infrastructures. A project carried out in the North of Italy with the aim of creating a personal health record has been evaluated over the course of 5 years by means of mixed method fieldwork. Two years after the infrastructure was put into regular service, the way in which patients are represented in the system and patient practices have been studied using surveys and qualitative interviews. The data show that, first, patients have become co-actors in describing their clinical histories; second, that they have become co-actors in the diagnosis process; and finally, they have become co-actors in the management of time and space as regards their specific state of health.

  19. The key actor: a qualitative study of patient participation in the handover process in Europe (United States)

    Flink, Maria; Hesselink, Gijs; Pijnenborg, Loes; Wollersheim, Hub; Vernooij-Dassen, Myrra; Dudzik-Urbaniak, Ewa; Orrego, Carola; Toccafondi, Giulio; Schoonhoven, Lisette; Gademan, Petra J; Johnson, Julie K; Öhlén, Gunnar; Hansagi, Helen; Olsson, Mariann; Barach, Paul


    Background Patient safety experts have postulated that increasing patient participation in communications during patient handovers will improve the quality of patient transitions, and that this may reduce hospital readmissions. Choosing strategies that enhance patient safety through improved handovers requires better understanding of patient experiences and preferences for participation. Objective The aim of this paper is to explore the patients’ experiences and perspectives related to the handovers between their primary care providers and the inpatient hospital. Methods A qualitative secondary analysis was performed, based on individual and focus group patient interviews with 90 patients in five European countries. Results The analysis revealed three themes: patient positioning in the handover process; prerequisites for patient participation and patient preferences for the handover process. Patients’ participation ranged from being the key actor, to sharing the responsibility with healthcare professional(s), to being passive participants. For active participation patients required both personal and social resources as well as prerequisites such as information and respect. Some patients preferred to be the key actor in charge; others preferred their healthcare professionals to be the key actors in the handover. Conclusions Patients’ participation is related to the healthcare system, the activity of healthcare professionals’ and patients’ capacity for participation. Patients prefer a handover process where the responsibility is clear and unambiguous. Healthcare organisations need a clear and well-considered system of responsibility for handover processes, that takes into account the individual patient's need of clarity, and support in relation to his/hers own recourses. PMID:23112290

  20. The actors of the photovoltaic sector in France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Houot, G.


    The author reviews the 192 actors in the French photovoltaic sector, they are classified into 9 categories: 1) the solar plant owner, 2) the developer: he sets projects and his role stops when the project is ready to be sold to an investor, 3) the design office: it leads technical studies and manages the construction works), 4) the installer: he fits the solar panels, 5) the operator of the solar plant, 6) the wholesaler of equipment, 7) the manufacturer of solar panels and photovoltaic systems, 8) the provider or manufacturer of components and materials for the photovoltaic industry, and 9) the provider of specialized services such as insurance, staff training, the follow-up of legal issues... For each company, a brief historical account, the range of activities, the strength of manpower and the turnover are reported. (A.C.)