
Sample records for aceros 2cr 1molow

  1. Estudio del comportamiento del acero 2.25Cr-1Mo frente a los fenómenos de oxidación cíclica e isoterma

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    Proy, Manuel


    Full Text Available Cyclic and isothermal oxidation of chromium-molybdenum steel 2.25Cr-1Mo were analyzed at 550 °C and 650 °C during 360 hours in air atmospheres. The cycles were performed with two stages; one of heating in furnace during 90 minutes and then the sample were cooled to 50 °C by air flow. Thermogravimetric analyses were performed to obtain high temperature corrosion kinetics. Several characterization techniques have been used to identify the corrosion mechanism, as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD, Optical Microscopy (OM and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM. Thermal cycling tests can changes the corrosion mechanism, due cracks propagation in oxide scale, that witch can favors the access of oxidant agent to the substrate.La resistencia del acero aleado con cromo y molibdeno 2.25Cr-1Mo frente a la oxidación isotérmica y cíclica, fue evaluada a 550 °C y 650 °C durante 360 horas en aire. Los ciclos consistieron en el mantenimiento durante 90 minutos dentro del horno a la temperatura de ensayo y un periodo de enfriamiento forzado hasta 50 °C mediante la aplicación de un flujo de aire. Se realizó un estudio termogravimétrico para calcular las cinéticas de oxidación. Para conocer el mecanismo de degradación, se emplearon diversas técnicas de caracterización microestructural, como Difracción de Rayos (DRX, Microscopía Óptica (MO y Electrónica de Barrido (MEB. El ciclado térmico cambia el mecanismo de degradación, debido a la propagación de grietas en la película de óxido formada, que favorece el acceso del agente agresivo al sustrato.

  2. Mejora de la tenacidad de un acero de ultraalto contenido en carbono nnediante unión por laminación con un acero al cromo y molibdeno

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    Pozuelo, M.


    Full Text Available Laminated composite materials containing five layers of ultrahigh carbon steel, 1.35%C, and five layers of a Cr-Mo steel were processed by roll bonding. The rolling procedure improves the bonding of layers and refines the microstructure, diminishing grain size and removing the pearlitic zones. Charpy impact tests were carried out to evaluate the impact properties. Toughness of the laminated composite was highly improved respect to the ultrahigh carbon steel. Moreover, it was double than that of the Cr-Mo steel in the arrester orientation. These results reveal the important role of the interfaces in the mechanical properties of the composite materials.

    Se procesaron mediante unión por laminación, dos materiales compuestos laminados de 10 capas: cinco capas de un acero de ultraalto contenido en carbono con 1,35 % C, alternadas con otras cinco de un acero al cromo y molibdeno. La laminación en caliente consolida la unión entre las capas y afina la microestructura, reduciendo el tamaño de grano y eliminando las zonas de perlita presentes inicialmente. Se realizaron ensayos de impacto Charpy para evaluar su resistencia al impacto. El material compuesto laminado mejoró sustancialmente la tenacidad del acero de ultraalto carbono, además de duplicar la resiliencia del acero al cromo y molibdeno en la orientación "en serie". Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las intercaras en las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales compuestos.

  3. Reparación por soldadura de rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros al Cr-Mo-V

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    Mazur, Z.


    Full Text Available An analysis of typical steam turbine and gas turbine rotor failures is carried out. On the base of the rotors different failure causes and their mode of occurring, an evaluation of the weldability of the Cr-Mo-V steels and the classification of the common turbine rotors repair possibilities is presented. The developing of specific in-situ welding repair process of the damaged 20.65 MW gas turbine rotor is described. After repair, the rotor was put back into service.

    Se presenta un análisis de daños típicos en rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros de baja aleación al Cr-Mo-V. Partiendo de las causas y modos de presentación de los fallos y el deterioro del material de los rotores durante la operación de la turbina, se lleva a cabo un análisis de la soldabilidad de los aceros al Cr-Mo-V y se presenta una clasificación de los posibles tipos de reparaciones de los rotores de turbinas. Con base en los daños presentados en el rotor de la turbina de gas de 20,65 MW, se presenta el desarrollo de la tecnología de reparación por soldadura llevada a cabo in situ. El rotor fue puesto nuevamente en servicio después del proceso de reparación.

  4. Efectos gammágenos del cobre en los aceros inoxidables 18Cr8Ni

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    Botella, J.


    Full Text Available From a series of 22 typical 18Cr8Ni stainless steel 40 kg ingots, with copper variable concentrations from 0.6 to 3.0 weight %, δ-ferrite is measured with a ferrite-meter device, calculating a nickel equivalent of 0.27 for copper. Some differences between the 8-ferrite and that on calculated by DeLong -excluding the copper γ-gene action- have been found because of different solidification and cooling regimes in ingot and weld cases.

    A partir de una serie de 22 lingotes de 40 kg de aceros inoxidables típicos 18Cr8Ni, con concentraciones variables de cobre entre 0,6 y 3,0 % en masa, se mide la ferrita δ mediante un medidor de ferrita y se deduce para el cobre un equivalente en níquel de 0,27, a la vez que se establecen ciertas diferencias entre los contenidos de ferrita δ medida y la deducida según DeLong -excluida la acción gammágena del cobre- por el hecho de solidificar en lingotes en vez de la típica solidificación de soldaduras.

  5. Influencia de la temperatura de austenización y tiempo de permanencia sobre el tamaño de grano en aceros ferrítico-martensíticos del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb utilizados en calderas supercríticas

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    Gutiérrez-Urrutia, L.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work is to determine the influence of austenitizing temperature holding time and heating velocity on grain size of ferritic-martensitic type 9CrlMoVNb steels developed for Oak Ridge National Laboratories & Combustion Engineering, T91/P91[1] Steels (USA and X10CrMoVNb 9.1 (Europe. The potential benefits of this material, in term of high resistance, good ductily and oxidation resistance, weldability and in particular good high temperature creep strength, are now widely acknowledged, particulary by supercritical boilers (P = 300 bar, T = 550±50 °C. The studied steels have been produced in, high frecuency induction vacum furnaces and hot-rolled.

    Se estudia la influencia de la temperatura de austenización, tiempo de permanencia a esta temperatura y velocidad de calentamiento sobre el tamaño de grano de varios aceros ferrítico-martensíticos de última generación del tipo 9CrlMoVNb, desarrollados por Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL conjuntamente con Combustion Enginering en USA, conocidos por ASME/ASTM por las designaciones T91/P91[1] y en Europa como X10CrMoVNb9.1. Son aceros ductiles y tenaces que presentan muy buenas propiedades de resistencia a fluencia, soldabilidad y conductividad térmica. Son cada vez más utilizados como tubos de alta temperatura (550±50 °C y presión (300 bar en calderas supercríticas para centrales térmicas avanzadas. Los aceros estudiados se han fabricado en hornos de inducción de alta frecuencia al vacío y laminados en caliente.

  6. Repair by weld of steam and gas turbine rotors made of Cr-Mo-V steel; Reparacion por soldadura de rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros al Cr-Mo-V

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazur C, Zdzislaw; Hernandez R, Alejando [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Orozco S, Julian; Banuelos P, Jose E. [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    In this article an analysis is presented of the typical damages in steam and gas turbine rotors made of Cr-Mo-V low alloy steels. An analysis of the weldability of the Cr-Mo-V steel is carried out and a classification of the possible types of repairs of the turbine rotors is presented, starting off from the causes and ways of presentation of the faults/deterioration of the rotor materials during the operation of the turbine. With base on the damages detected in the rotor of a gas turbine of 20.65 MW, the development of the repairing technology carried out by weld in site is presented. After the repair process, the rotor was put again in operation. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta un analisis de los danos tipicos en rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros de baja aleacion al Cr-Mo-V. Se lleva a cabo un analisis de la soldabilidad de los aceros al Cr-Mo-V y se presenta una clasificacion de los posibles tipos de reparaciones de los rotores de turbinas, partiendo de las causas y modos de presentacion de las fallas/deterioro del material de los rotores durante la operacion de la turbina. Con base en los danos detectados en el rotor de una turbina de gas de 20.65 MW, se presenta el desarrollo de la tecnologia de reparacion por soldadura llevada a cabo en sitio. Despues del proceso de reparacion, el rotor fue puesto nuevamente en servicio.

  7. Caracterización de soldaduras circunferenciales de aceros avanzados 9Cr: parte 1

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    Mabel Ramini


    Full Text Available Os aços 9%Cr são amplamente utilizados à alta temperatura, principalmente em aplicações relacionadas à geração de energia. Ultimamente têm sido desenvolvidas variantes desses materiais incorporando B, W e Co, entre outros elementos, ao sistema de liga. Devido à escassez de informação sobre a influência do procedimento de soldagem sobre a junta soldada, neste trabalho se estudou o comportamento do metal base e do metal de solda em juntas circunferências soldadas com dois consumíveis diferentes pelo processo de soldagem semi-automático FCAW, sob proteção gasosa de Ar/20%CO2. Realizaram-se tratamentos térmicos pós-soldagem a 760ºC durante 4 e 2 horas. Utilizaram-se dois arames tubulares de escória rutílica, ligados ao 9Cr1Mo e 9Cr0,5Mo1WCo. Analisou-se a microestrutura nas zonas do metal de solda, afetada pelo calor (zonas de grão grosso, grão fino, intercrítica e subcrítica e metal base. Determinaram-se a composição química do metal de solda e as propriedades de tração transversal da junta, e realizaram levantamento do perfil de microdureza. Em todos os casos se observaram valores máximos de dureza na zona correspondente ao metal de soldadura e uma diminuição na zona afetada pelo calor desde a zona de grão grosso até o metal base, obtendo se valores mínimos na zona intercrítica, inferiores aos correspondentes ao aço base. Tanto a dureza como a resistência à tração aumentaram quando foi utilizado o arame 9Cr0,5Mo1W. O tratamento térmico mais curto permitiu alcançar maior resistência em todos os casos. Numa próxima etapa se fará as medições de tenacidade e de resistência ao creep.

  8. Estudio de microestructura y composición de la oxidación en vapor a 700 y 750oC de los aceros austeníticos AISI 304, 316 y 317

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    José Luddey Marulanda


    Full Text Available Se ha investigado la oxidación de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI SAE: 304, 316 y 317; a temperaturas de 700 y 750oC, en una atmósfera próxima al 100% de vapor de agua, y de 10 a 1000h de exposición. La finalidad es comprobar la calidad de los aceros austeníticos y estudiar la morfología, composición y estructura de la fases de las capas formadas en la cascarilla del óxido de las muestras por Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM, Análisis de Rayos X por Dispersión de Energía (EDAX y Difracción de Rayos X (XRD, respectivamente. Así como también, se ha realizado a diferentes tiempos un estudio sistemático de termogravimetría de las muestras oxidadas, donde se ha observado que el acero AISI 304 presentó la menor ganancia de masa y el acero AISI 316 fue el de mayor de masa respecto a los tres aceros del trabajo. Adicionalmente fue realizado un estudio teórico de simulación termodinámica de oxidación en vapor de los tres aceros, en las mismas condiciones experimentales y mediante el programa Thermo-calc. En estos aceros oxidados se han comprobado la presencia de estructuras de fases de óxidos como: Fe2O3, espinelas protectoras Fe3O4 y Cr2NiO4, y óxidos mixtos de tipo (CrxFey2O3, (Fe,Cr,Mn3O4 y Ni6MnO8. Finalmente, se discute un posible mecanismo de la formación de las capas de óxidos de las muestras ensayadas.

  9. Residual stresses in 2 1/4Cr1Mo welds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fidler, R.; Jerram, K.


    Two separate investigations, initiated in an attempt to explain the large amount of residual stress scatter previously observed in the weld metal of eighteen nominally identical thick-section 2 1/4Cr1Mo butt welds, are described in this paper. The first examined the detailed surface residual stress distributions in 2 1/4Cr1Mo manual arc circumferential butt welds in 80mm and 100mm thick 1/2Cr1/2Mo1/4V steam pipe. High residual stresses were found in the regions of overlap between adjacent weld beads, with low values in virgin weld metal. The second utilised single pass manual metal arc bead-in-groove welds to investigate the effects of preheat and weld metal composition on weld metal residual stresses. In four weld metals, mild steel, 1/2Cr1/2Mo1/4V, 1Cr1/2Mo, and 2 1/4Cr1Mo, the residual stresses were very similar, becoming less tensile (or more compressive) with increase of preheat, while the residual stresses in the fifth weld metal (12Cr) were significantly different, being compressive and less affected by preheat. In both investigations the effects have been described in terms of the basic metallurgical phenomena occurring in the weld metal. (author)


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    Juan P. Bortolozzi


    Full Text Available Se obtuvo un catalizador estructurado por recubrimiento de Pt/Al2O3 sobre las paredes de una espuma de acero inoxidable AISI 314. Para estabilizar térmicamente e incrementar la rugosidad de la superficie de la espuma original se realizó un tratamiento a 900°C por 2 h. El soporte, Al2O3, y el metal activo, Pt, se incorporaron por inmersión. Las técnicas de caracterización aplicadas, XRD, LRS y SEM-EDX, permiten concluir que el tratamiento térmico previo indujo la formación de óxido de cromo y de las espinelas Mn1+xCr2-xO4-x y FeCr2O4 como fases principales en las paredes del sustrato. El espesor de la capa formada es cercano a 1 μm y los cristales producidos tienen forma octaédrica. El cubrimiento de alúmina presentó en general una apariencia homogénea, sin interacción con los óxidos formados durante el tratamiento. El Pt se distribuyó de manera uniforme, resultando un catalizador muy activo para la reacción test elegida: oxidación de monóxido de carbono.

  11. Tratamiento térmico del acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L sinterizado en atmósfera de N2-H2

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    Ruiz-Prieto, J. M.


    Full Text Available In this Work the influence of sintering AISI 430L stainless steel in N2-H2 atmosphere on its properties and microstructure have been studied. The presence of nitrogen in the sintering atmosphere leads to complex nitrides formation the AISI 430L sintered steel microstructure. A subsequent heat treatment was applied to modify this microstructure in order to improve the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of these ferritic stainless steels.Los aceros inoxidables ferríticos, son aceros que contienen esencialmente cromo (12-30 % junto con níquel y molibdeno en cantidades que, en general, no sobrepasan el 1 % y, en ocasiones, se les adicionan otros elementos como son el aluminio, silicio, titanio o niobio. En el presente trabajo de investigación se ha evaluado la influencia del nitrógeno presente en la atmósfera de sinterización sobre la microestructura y propiedades del acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L. Además, se ha realizado un tratamiento térmico posterior de hipertemple y maduración con el objeto de incrementar las propiedades mecánicas y a corrosión de este acero inoxidable, mediante la modificación microestructural de los nitruros complejos de hierro y cromo precipitados durante la etapa de sinterización.

  12. Análisis termodinámico de la descarburación de aceros

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    Gómez-Acebo, T.


    Full Text Available It is necessary to study both the equilibrium and the kinetics of gas-solid reaction in order to control the carbon content of powder metallurgy steels during sintering. In this paper a thermodynamic study is given. Several atmospheres are used in industrial practice, that can contain CO, CO2, CH4 or H2. With the aid of powerful software for thermodynamic calculations as Thermo-Calc, it is possible to do estimations of complex equilibria. It has been proved that representations of the phase diagram of a steel in the potentials space carbon activity vs. 1/T can help to select gas atmospheres. Here both a graphical and an analytical method are presented for calculating carbon activity as a function of the partial pressures ratios p(CO/ p(CO2 and p(CH4/p(H2. As an example, the decarburation control in pure iron and in certain Fe-Cu and Fe-Cr alloys is studied.

    El control del contenido en carbono en aceros pulvimetalúrgicos durante el tratamiento de sinterización requiere plantear el equilibrio y la cinética de la reacción del metal con la fase gaseosa. En este artículo se aborda el estudio termodinámico. En la práctica industrial se suelen emplear diferentes atmósferas, que pueden contener CO, CO2, CH4 ó H2. Con ayuda de programas de cálculos termodinámicos como Thermo-Calc, es posible realizar estimaciones complejas de equilibrio. Se ha comprobado que la representación del diagrama de fases de un acero en el espacio de coordenadas potenciales actividad de carbono frente a 1/T facilita la selección de las atmósferas gaseosas de reacción. Se presenta también el modo de calcular analítica y gráficamente la actividad de carbono en función de la relación de presiones parciales p(CO/p(CO2 y p(CH4/ p(H2. Como ejemplo, se ha estudiado el control de la descarburación en el hierro puro y en las aleaciones Fe-Cu y Fe-Cr.

  13. Cyclic and isothermal oxidation behavior of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel; Estudio del comportamiento del acero 2.25Cr-1Mo frente a los fenomenos de oxidacion ciclica e isoterma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Proy, M.; Utrilla, M. v.; Otero, E.


    Cyclic and isothermal oxidation of chromium-molybdenum steel 2.25Cr-1Mo were analyzed at 550 degree centigrade and 650 degree centigrade during 360 hours in air atmospheres. The cycles were performed with two stages; one of heating in furnace during 90 minutes and then the sample were cooled to 50 degree centigrade by air flow. Thermogravimetric analyses were performed to obtain high temperature corrosion kinetics. Several characterization techniques have been used to identify the corrosion mechanism, as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Optical Microscopy (OM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Thermal cycling tests can changes the corrosion mechanism, due cracks propagation in oxide scale, that witch can favors the access of oxidant agent to the substrate. (Author)

  14. Aceros aluminotérmicos. Nuevas aplicaciones

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    Duart Blay, J. M.


    Full Text Available The metallothermy is a process based on physical ' chemistry possibility of metallic oxides reduction (Fe, Cr, Mn, Cu for oxygen strong affinity metals, like Al, Mg and Ti. The reaction is highly exothermic giving place to a metallic phase and slag separation by refining and reduction process simultaneously. The technological developed patent initially by Thermit - and improved for other Companies - works well by more than 50 years; today it is employed almost exclusively for obtaining steels and coppers for complex welded joints unions. Particular application or interest presents in the Railways technology for building continuous tracks, practically implanted in all the word and in welding copper cable rope - steel rail employed for traffic signals control. This work displays the fundamental thermodynamic principles of the aluminothermics of iron and their application to the complex weld of crossrail, dilation joints and bypass in Railways, that combine Hadfield steels, stainless steels and pearlitic steels of different mechanical properties. The unions should be compact, with strength and hardness in the levels that are cited in the work, according to requirements demanded by high speed (350 km/ h. lines, now in construction in Spain, but they result of general use to whatever class of less demanding lines and to mining railroads.

    La metalotermia es un proceso físicoquímico basado en la posibilidad de reducción de óxidos metálicos (hierro, cromo, manganeso, cobre por metales altamente afines por el oxígeno, como son aluminio, magnesio y titanio. La reacción es altamente exotérmica dando lugar a un caldo metálico separado de su escoria, por un proceso de reducción y afino combinados. La patente tecnológica, desarrollada inicialmente por Thermit y perfeccionada por otras Compañías, lleva en vigor más de 50 años; se aplica hoy, casi exclusivamente, a la obtención de aceros y cobres para uniones soldadas complejas

  15. Estudio del comportamiento a fluencia en caliente de un acero avanzado de alta resistencia de bajo contenido en carbono NiCrVCu microaleado con boro


    González Sala, Sara


    Una de las líneas de investigación prioritarias en el contexto internacional es el desarrollo de aceros avanzados de alta resistencia (AHSS) con excelentes propiedades de resistencia y tenacidad para aplicaciones en la industria automotriz, naval, aeronáutica y de generación de energía, que permitan disminuir el peso de los componentes y sustituyan aceros tradicionales de contenidos mayores de carbono. Los aceros AHSS microaleados al boro, debido a sus cualidades, tecnología de...

  16. CrN coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering: Mechanical and tribological properties

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    Alexander Ruden-Muñoz


    Full Text Available Se analizaron las propiedades mecánicas y tribológicas de recubrimientos de CrN crecidos sobre sutratos de aceros AISI 203 y AISI 4140 usando la técnica de pulverización catódica con magnetrón. Los recubrimietos fueron crecidos a dos presiones de trabajo, 0.4 y 4.0 Pa. Las películas crecidas sobre acero AISI 304 a 0.4 Pa mostraron la dureza más alta debido a que ésta presenta gran tamaño de grano y baja rugosidad. Para los recubrimientos sinterizados a o.4 Pa, el daño superficial fue bajo durante la prueba tribológica. Se realizaron estudios de adherencia, obteniéndose Lc1 y Lc2 para los recubrimietos producidos con ambas presiones y en abos sustratos. Se observó una mejor adherencia en las películas crecidas a baja presión debido a su mayor espesor (~890 nm.

  17. Complement receptors type 1 (CR1, CD35) and 2 (CR2, CD21) cooperate in the binding of hydrolyzed complement factor 3 (C3i) to human B lymphocytes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leslie, Robert Graham Quinton; Prodinger, Wolfgang Maria; Nielsen, Claus Henrik


    The C3b-binding receptor, CR1/CD35, supports CR2/CD21-mediated activation of complement by human B lymphocytes, possibly by associating with CR2 to promote or stabilize the binding of hydrolyzed C3 (C3i), the primary component of the AP convertase, C3i-Bb. To evaluate this hypothesis, we examined...... the uptake kinetics and binding equilibria for C3i dimer interaction with human blood cells in the absence and presence of CR1- and CR2-blocking mAb. C3i displayed dual uptake kinetics to B lymphocytes, comprising of rapid binding to CR1 and slower binding to CR2. The forward rate constants (k(1)) for CR1...... and CR2, operating independently, differed ca. 9-fold (k(1)=193+/-9.4 and 22.2+/-6.0 x 10(3) M(-1)s(-1), respectively). Equilibrium binding of C3i to B lymphocytes was also complex, varying in strength by ca. 13-fold over the C3i concentration range examined. The maximum association constant (K(a, max...

  18. Análisis de soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables con aceros de medio y bajo carbono por SMAW

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de la soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI 304 y AISI 316 con aceros de bajo y medio carbono AISI 1020 – AISI 1045, empleando como materiales de aporte los electrodos EutecTrode® 52 NG, 54 NG y 57 NG, mediante el proceso de arco eléctrico con electrodo revestido (SMAW. Para analizar la soldabilidad de estos electrodos cuando se realiza la unión de aceros inoxidables con aceros al carbono, se practicaron pruebas metalográficas y ensayos mecánicos de dureza, doblez y tracción, con el fin de observar el comportamiento tanto de la zona afectada térmicamente como del cordón de soldadura, a partir del cambio en las propiedades mecánicas y metalúrgicas en las diferentes regiones de las uniones soldadas. Durante el proceso de soldadura se siguió una especificación del procedimiento de soldadura (WPS, para que los resultados fueran repetibles, minimizando los problemas de agrietamiento en caliente, agrietamiento en frío, formación de fase sigma y precipitación de carburos.

  19. Fragilización por hidrógeno en tuberías de acero


    Gutiérrez-Solana Salcedo, Federico


    Se pretende analizar el comportamiento en presencia de hidrogeno de las tuberías de acero de sistemas de transporte de combustibles gaseosos en uso para ello: 1.- Se estudia la sensibilidad a la fragilización por hidrogeno del acero de estas tuberías por dos métodos diferentes: polarización catódica y ambiente de hidrogeno gaseoso diseñando y construyendo una cámara para ensayos mecánicos en hidrogeno a presión primera de su genero en España. 2.- Se determina la tenacidad a fractura kic de es...

  20. Effect of niobium on the embrittlement of 2.25 Cr and 2.25 Cr-1Mo steels by phosphous

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antunes, J.L.B.


    The influence of niobium on the temper embrittlement of 2.25Cr and 2.25 Cr-1Mo steels doped with phosphorus is evaluated. The transition temperatures of the samples tempered at 650 0 C and aged at different temperatures for niobium steels. (M.J.C.) [pt

  1. Influencia de la transformación austenita-martensita en la estabilidad dimensional de un nuevo acero para herramientas aleado con niobio (0,08% y vanadio (0,12%

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    Conejero Ortega, Gerardo


    Full Text Available Austenite-martensite transformation influence on the dimensional stability of a new experimental tool steel alloyed with niobium (0.08% wt. and vanadium (0.12% wt. has been studied. The dimensional stability of this new steel was compared with the dimensional stability of commercial steel, after and before two thermal treatments, T1 (860 °C and T2 (900 °C. The thermal treatments consisted on heating and cooling, at 1 atmosphere of pressure, in N2 atmosphere furnace, fol lowing by heating in a conventional furnace at 180 °C during 1 hour. Initially, the experimental steel composition and Ac1 and Ac3 transformation temperatures were determined by glow-discharge luminescence (GDL and dilatometric tests, respectively, in order to select the austenization temperatures of T1 and T2 treatments. After hardness measurement, the microstructure of both steels was characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD and optical metallography, before and after of T1 and T2 thermal treatments. Finally, longitudinal and angular dimensional stability analyses were realized for both commercial and experimental steels. After a contrastive hypothesis analysis, the results showed that the longitudinal relative variation of the experimental steel calculated was around 0.2% and the angular relative variation was not significantSe ha estudiado la influencia de la transformación de austenita a martensita en la estabilidad dimensional de un acero experimental para herramientas aleado con niobio (0,08% en peso y vanadio (0,12% en peso. La estabilidad dimensional del acero experimental fue comparada con la de un acero comercial antes y después de ser sometidos, ambos aceros, a dos tratamientos térmicos diferentes. Los tratamientos térmicos consistieron en un calentamiento y mantenimiento durante una hora a temperaturas de 860 °C (T1 y 900 °C (T2 y un enfriamiento final en horno con nitrógeno (N2 a 1 atmósfera de presión. Inicialmente, se determinaron las composiciones del

  2. Efectos del tratamiento térmico en la fractura de aceros

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    Héctor Hernández A.


    Full Text Available No obstante de los avances logrados en otros tipos de aleaciones, los aceros se siguen utilizando en forma extensiva en la construcción de elementos estructurales, porque con una adecuada selección y tratamiento técnico, los aceros permiten obtener una conveniente combinación de propiedades mecánicas ante unas exigencias específicas de servicio. La fractura en elementos de máquinas frecuentemente se encuentra asociada a una discontinuidad, la cual provoca una concentración de esfuerzo, lo que puede originar sitios de iniciación de una falla por fractura. La carga límite de fractura es afectada por parámetros geométricos, naturaleza y tipo de carga y propiedades mecánicas del material. La mayoría de fallas por fractura de elementos de máquinas son fallas por fatiga; por lo general una fractura por fatiga tiene lugar por una progresiva generación y crecimiento de grietas hasta obtenerse una condición crítica de fractura súbita de la sección residual resistente. Frecuentemente en una fractura por fatiga se observan marcas de playa, las cuales son evidencias de la posición del frente de grietas antes que se alcance la condición de fractura súbita final. En este trabajo se muestra como el tratamiento térmico de temple y revenido de los aceros afecta el esfuerzo límite de falla por fractura para carga de tracción estática y carga de fatiga uniaxial con la presencia de una entalla severa. También se estudia el efecto del tratamiento térmico en la tenacidad de fractura, propiedad que cuantifica la resistencia al crecimiento súbito de una grieta bajo carga estática.

  3. Transformaciones Microestructurales en Soldaduras Disímiles de Acero Inoxidable Austenítico con Acero Inoxidable Ferrítico

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    Sara María Aguilar-Sierra


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudian los fenómenos metalúrgicos que ocurren en la soldadura SMAW de un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430 con un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 316L. Para el estudio se utilizaron dos tipos de electrodos: austenítico AWS E309L y dúplex AWS E2209-16, ambos con un diámetro de 3,2 mm. Las uniones soldadas se realizaron con un solo pase y se variaron simultáneamente la corriente y la velocidad de soldadura; las condiciones fueron 49 A y 2,4 mm.s–1como valores bajos y 107 A y 4,3 mm.s–1como valores altos. Se evaluó la influencia del tipo de electrodo y de los parámetros de soldadura en la evolución microestructural de las zonas afectadas por el calor y de las zonas de fusión, encontrando diferencias en la morfología y cantidad de ferrita delta para todas las condiciones estudiadas. Se evidenció crecimiento y refinación de grano ferrítico y formación de martensita en la zona afectada por el calor del metal base ferrítico. Se evaluó también la resistencia a la tensión hallando similitudes en todas las soldaduras.

  4. Creep Rupture Analysis and Life Estimation of 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, 2.25Cr-1Mo and Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel: A Comparative Study (United States)

    Roy, Prabir Kumar


    This paper highlights a comparative assessment of creep life of 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, 2.25Cr-1Mo and modified 9Cr-1Mo steels based on accelerated creep rupture tests. Creep rupture test data have been analysed and creep life of the above mentioned materials have been assessed using Larson Miller parameter at the stress levels of 60 and 42 MPa for different temperatures. Limiting steam temperatures for minimum design life of 105 h at 42 and 60 MPa for the above mentioned steels have also been calculated. Microstructural studies for the three above mentioned steels are also done.

  5. Estudio de la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos: influencia de la adición de manganeso en solución sólida


    José Wilmar Calderón-Hernández; Lara Beatriz Braga Luz; Duberney Hincapie-Ladino; Neusa Alonso-Falleiros


    Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la influencia del Mn en solución sólida sobre la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura de dos aceros inoxidables austeníticos, uno denominado 17Cr6Mn5Ni y un acero comercial UNS S304L utilizado como material de referencia. Fueron usadas soluciones electrolíticas de 0,6M NaCl en tres diferentes condiciones de concentración de oxígeno (solución desaireada, naturalmente aireada y aireada artificialment...

  6. Caracterización de los aceros sinterizados obtenidos a partir de polvos prealeados Fe-1,5% Mo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Torralba, J. M.


    Full Text Available Sintered molybdenum-, copper-, nickel- alloyed steels, have been studied through the influence of the Chemical composition on different mechanical and physical properties. In all the studied steels, a constant percentage of carbon has been used, as well Fe-Mo prealloyed powders, with a 1,5% Mo content. Selected sintering conditions were close to those used in the P/M industry, potential consumer of the studied steels.

    Se estudian los aceros aleados sinterizados con molibdeno, cobre, níquel y grafito, a partir de la influencia de su composición sobre distintas propiedades mecánicas y físicas. En todos los aceros, se utilizó una composición de carbono constante, así como polvos prealeados de Fe-Mo, con 1,5% Mo. Las condiciones de sinterización elegidas han sido las más próximas a las utilizadas en la industria pulvimetalúrgica, que es el usuario potencial de los materiales estudiados.

  7. Thermodynamic properties of the solid solutions CuCr/sub 2/S/sub 4/ in Cu/sub 1///sub 2/M/sub 1///sub 2/Cr/sub 2/S/sub 4/ (M=Ga, In)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Titov, V.V.; Gordeev, I.V.; Kesler, Y.A.; Shchelkotunov, V.A.; Tret' yakov, Y.D.


    Using an adiabatic calorimeter and a quartz dilatometer, the temperature dependences of the heat capacity for the solid solutions CuCr/sub 2/S/sub 4/ in Cu/sub 1///sub 2/M/sub 1///sub 2/Cr/sub 2/S/sub 4/ (M - Ga, In) were determined, the different components of the heat capacity were evaluated, and the thermodynamic parameters of the magnetic transformation were calculated.

  8. Resistencia a la oxidación de aleaciones Ni-Cr-Al plaqueadas por láser sobre aceros al carbono e inoxidables austeníticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    de Damborenea, J.


    Full Text Available Laser surface cladding has been carried out by means of a 5 kW CO2 continuous wave laser on both a mild and a stainless steel. A powder injection technique has been used to deliver a Ni-Cr-Al alloy onto the steel molten pool. After processing, samples were analyzed by optical and scanning electron microscopy in order to know the microstructure and composition of present phases. High temperature corrosion resistance tests were done in an oxidant environment at temperatures of 950 °C. Phase transformations and corrosion behaviour are discussed. A general conclusion is the suitability of these alloys to bear oxidation due to the formation of protective oxide layers on their surface.

    Se realiza un estudio sobre la obtención de recubrimientos de superficie mediante un láser continuo de CO2 de 5 kW de potencia de salida. Mediante la técnica de inyección de partículas, se realizaron plaqueados en superficie de Ni-Cr-Al sobre un acero suave y otro inoxidable de tipo 316. Tras el procesado, se estudió la microestructura de las probetas obtenidas. Posteriormente, se procedió a su ensayo en atmósfera oxidante a 950 °C, observándose la evolución de la microestructura, la formación de las capas de óxido y la cinética del proceso. Como conclusión general, destaca, independientemente de la base sobre la que se obtienen los recubrimientos, la gran resistencia del material a la oxidación, seguramente debida a la formación de capas de alúmina que actúan como barreras frente al ataque del oxidante.

  9. Expression pattern of Ccr2 and Cx3cr1 in inherited retinal degeneration. (United States)

    Kohno, Hideo; Koso, Hideto; Okano, Kiichiro; Sundermeier, Thomas R; Saito, Saburo; Watanabe, Sumiko; Tsuneoka, Hiroshi; Sakai, Tsutomu


    Though accumulating evidence suggests that microglia, resident macrophages in the retina, and bone marrow-derived macrophages can cause retinal inflammation which accelerates photoreceptor cell death, the details of how these cells are activated during retinal degeneration (RD) remain uncertain. Therefore, it is important to clarify which cells play a dominant role in fueling retinal inflammation. However, distinguishing between microglia and macrophages is difficult using conventional techniques such as cell markers (e.g., Iba-1). Recently, two mouse models for visualizing chemokine receptors were established, Cx3cr1 (GFP/GFP) and Ccr2 (RFP/RFP) mice. As Cx3cr1 is expressed in microglia and Ccr2 is reportedly expressed in activated macrophages, these mice have the potential to distinguish microglia and macrophages, yielding novel information about the activation of these inflammatory cells and their individual roles in retinal inflammation. In this study, c-mer proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase (Mertk) (-/-) mice, which show photoreceptor cell death due to defective retinal pigment epithelium phagocytosis, were employed as an animal model of RD. Mertk (-/-) Cx3cr1 (GFP/+) Ccr2 (RFP/+) mice were established by breeding Mertk (-/-) , Cx3cr1 (GFP/GFP) , and Ccr2 (RFP/RFP) mice. The retinal morphology and pattern of inflammatory cell activation and invasion of Mertk (-/-) Cx3cr1 (GFP/+) Ccr2 (RFP/+) mice were evaluated using retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) flat mounts, retinal sections, and flow cytometry. Four-week-old Mertk (-/-) Cx3cr1 (GFP/+) Ccr2 (RFP/+) mice showed Cx3cr1-GFP-positive microglia in the inner retina. Cx3cr1-GFP and Ccr2-RFP dual positive activated microglia were observed in the outer retina and subretinal space of 6- and 8-week-old animals. Ccr2-RFP single positive bone marrow-derived macrophages were observed to migrate into the retina of Mertk (-/-) Cx3cr1 (GFP/+) Ccr2 (RFP/+) mice. These invading cells were still observed in the

  10. Comportamiento frente al desgaste y fricción de aceros empleados en líneas de manutención aérea ensayados con y sin lubricación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Castro Regal, G.


    Full Text Available The sliding friction and wear behaviour of different steel qualities were investigated with and without lubrication conditions. Steel qualities tested are normally used in the overhead conveyor system of many industrial fields, like the automotive sector. Sliding wear tests have been conducted by means of a pin-on-disk machine. A 100Cr6 steel similar to that used within the overhead conveyor trolleys has been employed as a pin. Friction coefficient values obtained under lubrication conditions were three times smaller than those obtained without lubrication. The mechanism that controls wear behaviour under lubrication conditions is an abrasive one and the wear values obtained are almost worthless. On the other hand, mechanism controlling wear during non lubrication tests, was a combination of abrasion and adhesion

    Se ha evaluado el comportamiento frente a fricción y el desgaste de distintas calidades de acero ensayadas bajo condiciones de lubricación y sin lubricación. Las calidades de acero seleccionadas son las que normalmente se emplean en los sistemas de manutención aérea de numerosos procesos de producción, como la fabricación de automóviles. Se han realizado ensayos de desgaste tipo punzón-disco mediante un punzón de acero de calidad100Cr6, empleado en los carros que circulan por las líneas de manutención aérea. Se ha observado que el valor del coeficiente de fricción obtenido bajo condiciones de lubricaciones, aproximadamente, tres veces menor que el obtenido sin lubricación. Por otro lado, el mecanismo que controla el proceso de desgaste de los aceros ensayados con lubricación es un mecanismo de desgaste abrasivo y los valores de desgaste obtenidos son prácticamente despreciables. El desgaste de los aceros ensayados sin lubricación se produjo por combinación de dos mecanismos de desgaste: abrasión y adhesión.

  11. Estudio del comportamiento del acero 2.25Cr-1Mo frente a los fenómenos de oxidación cíclica e isoterma


    Proy, Manuel; Victoria Utrilla, M; Otero, Enrique


    Cyclic and isothermal oxidation of chromium-molybdenum steel 2.25Cr-1Mo were analyzed at 550 °C and 650 °C during 360 hours in air atmospheres. The cycles were performed with two stages; one of heating in furnace during 90 minutes and then the sample were cooled to 50 °C by air flow. Thermogravimetric analyses were performed to obtain high temperature corrosion kinetics. Several characterization techniques have been used to identify the corrosion mechanism, as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Optical...

  12. Neutron investigation of Ru-doped Nd1/2Ca1/2MnO3. Comparison with Cr-doped Nd1/2Ca1/2MnO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moritomo, Yutaka; Nonobe, Toshihiko; Machida, Akihiko; Ohoyama, Kenji


    Lattice and magnetic properties are investigated for 3% Ru- and Cr-doped Nd 1/2 Ca 1/2 MnO 3 . The parent Nd 1/2 Ca 1/2 MnO 3 is a charge-ordered insulator (T CO =250K). With decreasing temperature below ≅210K, these compounds are separated into two perovskite phases, that is, the long-c and short-c phases. The long-c region shows a ferromagnetic transition at T C ≅210K for the Ru-doped compound and ≅130K for the Cr-doped compound, while the short-c region shows antiferromagnetic transition at T N ≅150K for Ru and ≅110K for Cr. We discuss the origin of the enhanced T C for the Ru-doped compound in terms of the effective one-electron bandwidth W of the e g -band. (author)

  13. Influencia de la composición y tratamiento térmico sobre el comportamiento a fluencia de aceros ferrítico-martensíticos del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb utilizados en calderas supercríticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gutiérrez Urrutia, I.


    Full Text Available In the present investigation, creep behaviour on various ferritic-martensitic steels (type 9Cr1MoVNb from last generation were studied. They’re amply used as high pressure and temperature tubes in supercritical boilers for advanced thermoelectric plant. The material used was produced with vacuum high frecuency induction furnace hot-rolling followed by normalizing plus and tempering heat treatments. Creep testing carry out with different stress (also constant lower than yield strength (σ < Re and temperatures at 600±50ºC. Influence by variation of some chemical elements (B, Ti, V, Nb, V, C, as well assessment Larson-Miller, Manson-Haferd and Orr-Sherby-Dorn parameters, they’re likewise studied.

    Se estudia el comportamiento a fluencia de varios aceros ferrítico-martensíticos de última generación, del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb, que son ampliamente utilizados como tubos presurizados de alta temperatura en calderas supercríticas para centrales térmicas avanzadas de producción de energía eléctrica. El material utilizado fue fabricado en hornos de inducción de alta frecuencia y al vacío, laminado en caliente y posteriormente aplicado diferentes tratamientos térmicos de Normalizado y Revenido. En los ensayos de fluencia se aplicaron diferentes y ctes. σ < Re y temperaturas de 550, 600 y 650º C. La influencia de la variación de determinados elementos (C, N, V, Nb, Ti, B de su composición química así como observar los valores que toman los parámetros de Larson-Miller, Manson-Haferd y Orr-Sherby-Dorn, son asimismo contemplados.

  14. The electronic structure of the metastable layer compound 1T-CrSe2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fang, C.M.; Groot, R.A. de; Wiegers, G.A.; Haas, C.; vanBruggen, C.F.; deGroot, R.A.


    The electronic structure of the metastable compound 1T-CrSe2 (a = 3.399 Å, c = 5.911 Å, space group P_3m1) was calculated with and without spin polarization using the LSW method. The energy is 0.29 eV/mol CrSe2 lower for the spin-polarized calculation. The total magnetic moment of +2.44 μB on Cr

  15. Recubrimiento de acero con polidopamina


    Carrasco Rodríguez, Javier


    Se ha obtenido recubrimientos de polidopamina en acero mecánicamente resistentes y con tiempos de obtención relativamente pequeños a través de la polimerización de la dopamina bajo diferentes condiciones.

  16. Ductilidad en caliente y mecanismos de fractura de un acero de construcción

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    Calvo, J.


    Full Text Available The hot ductility of a structural steel produced from scrap recycling has been studied to determine the origin of the transverse cracks in the corners that appeared in some billets. Samples extracted both from a billet with transverse cracks and from a billet with no external damage were tested. To evaluate the influence of residual elements and inclusions, the steel was compared to another one impurity free. Reduction in area of the samples tensile tested to the fracture was taken as a measure of the hot ductility The tests were carried out at temperatures ranging from 1000ºC to 650ºC and at a strain rate of 1·10- 3 s-1. The fracture surfaces of the tested samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy in order to determine the embrittling mechanisms that could be acting. The steel with residuals and impurities exhibited lower ductility values for a wider temperature range than the clean steel. The embrittling mechanisms also changed as compared to the impurity free steel.

    Se evaluó la ductilidad en caliente de un acero de construcción procedente del reciclaje de chatarra con el fin de determinar el origen de las grietas transversales que aparecen en las esquinas de algunas palanquillas. Para ello, se extrajeron probetas de dos palanquillas de una misma calidad de acero. Una de las palanquillas había presentado agrietamiento transversal al ser colada y, la otra, no. Para conocer la influencia de los elementos residuales e inclusiones en la ductilidad en caliente, otro acero, con la misma composición pero sin impurezas, se fabricó en laboratorio y fue sometido al mismo análisis que los aceros comerciales. La ductilidad en caliente se midió como la reducción del área de las probetas ensayadas a tracción hasta la rotura. Las condiciones a las que se realizaron los ensayos fueron temperaturas de 1.000 a 650 ºC y a una velocidad de deformación de 1·10-3 s-1. Las superficies de fractura de las probetas ensayadas se

  17. Crystal and magnetic structures of Cr{sub 1∕3}NbSe{sub 2} from neutron diffraction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gubkin, A. F., E-mail:; Baranov, N. V. [M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 620990 Yekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Institute of Natural Sciences, Ural Federal University, 620083 Yekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Proskurina, E. P.; Sherokalova, E. M.; Selezneva, N. V. [Institute of Natural Sciences, Ural Federal University, 620083 Yekaterinburg (Russian Federation); Kousaka, Y.; Akimitsu, J. [Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Center for Chiral Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Miao, P.; Lee, S.; Ishikawa, Y.; Torii, S. [Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK, Tokai, Ibaragi 319-1106 (Japan); Zhang, J. [Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK, Tokai, Ibaragi 319-1106 (Japan); China Spallation Neutron Source, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dongguan 523803, Guangdong (China); Kamiyama, T. [Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK, Tokai, Ibaragi 319-1106 (Japan); Sokendai (Graduate University for Advanced Studies), KEK, Tokai, Ibaragi 319-1106 (Japan); Campo, J. [Aragón Materials Science Institute (CSIC - University of Zaragoza), 50009 Zaragoza (Spain)


    Neutron diffraction measurements of the Cr intercalated niobium diselenide Cr{sub 1∕3}NbSe{sub 2} together with magnetization measurements have revealed that this compound exhibits ferromagnetic ordering below T{sub C} = 96 K unlike a chiral helimagnetic order observed in the sulfide compound Cr{sub 1∕3}NbS{sub 2}. As derived from neutron diffraction data, the Cr magnetic moments μ{sub Cr} = 2.83 ± 0.03 μ{sub B} in Cr{sub 1∕3}NbSe{sub 2} are aligned within basal plane. The discrepancy in the magnetic states of Cr{sub 1∕3}NbS{sub 2} and Cr{sub 1∕3}NbSe{sub 2} is ascribed to the difference in the preferential site occupation of Cr ions in crystal lattices. In Cr{sub 1∕3}NbSe{sub 2}, the Cr ions are predominantly distributed over 2b Wyckoff site, which determines a centrosymmetric character of the crystal structure unlike Cr{sub 1∕3}NbS{sub 2}, where the Cr ions are mainly located in 2c position and the crystal structure is non-centrosymmetric.

  18. Comparison of low-cycle fatigue data of 2 1/4%CrMo steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanderson, S.J.; Petrequin, P.; Nieuwland, H.C.D.

    Data files have been produced on international strain-controlled fatigue information available for 2 1/4%CrMo steels; data assessment from these files is treated in three categories viz: annealed and isothermally annealed 2 1/4%Cr1%Mo steel; normalised and tempered and quenched and tempered 2 1/4%Cr1%Mo steel; and 2 1/4%CrMo variants. The available data have been considered generally in terms of total strain range vs. cycles to failure (Nsub(f)), tensile stress at Nsub(f)/2 vs. cycles to failure and time to failure vs. cycles to failure. Where possible the continuous cycling data have been statistically analysed in terms of the elastic and plastic strain components and cycles to failure to yield best-fit equations over defined temperature (T) regimes viz: T <= 427 deg. C, 427 deg. C < T <= 550 deg. C. and 550 deg. C < T <= 600 deg. C. The behaviour of the steels within the various classifications is discussed. (author)

  19. Phase diagram of ZnCr2pA12-2pS(Se)4 and Zn1-pCdpCr2S(Se)4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Afif, K.; Benyoussef, A.; Hamedoun, M.; Hourmatallah, A.


    We compute the phase diagram of the nonmetallic compounds ZnCr2 p A1 2-2p S(Se) 4 (I[S,Se]) and Zn 1-p Cd p Cr 2 S(Se) 4 (II[S,Se]). We consider the bond-diluted Ising model on the spinel B site (S.B.S.) lattice with competitive exchange interactions, i.e. the ferromagnetic exchange interaction J 1 between nearest neighbours (n.n.) and the antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction J 2 between next-nearest neighbours' (n.n.n.) (and/or the more distant superexchange interactions J i (i > 1). Dilution and competition are found to be responsible for the spill glass phase and the percolation behaviour. (author)

  20. The role of complement receptors type 1 (CR1, CD35) and 2 (CR2, CD21) in promoting C3 fragment deposition and membrane attack complex formation on normal peripheral human B cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Claus Henrik; Pedersen, Morten Løbner; Marquart, Hanne Vibeke Hansen


    Normal human B lymphocytes are known to activate the alternative pathway (AP) of complement, leading to C3-fragment deposition and membrane attack complex (MAC) formation. The process is mediated via complement receptor type 2 (CR2, CD21), with complement receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35) playing...... a subsidiary role. In this study, we examine the relative contributions of CR1 and CR2 to the deposition of C3 fragments and MAC on B lymphocytes under circumstances where all complement pathways are operational. C3-fragment deposition and MAC formation were assessed on human peripheral B lymphocytes...... in the presence of 30% autologous serum. Blocking the CR2 ligand-binding site with monoclonal antibody (mAb) FE8 resulted in significant reduction (37.9+/-11.9%) in C3-fragment deposition, whereas MAC formation was only marginally affected (12.1+/-22.2% reduction). Blocking the CR1 binding-site resulted...


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    Full Text Available Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono tipo hot rolled, rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable tipo 312, con el equipo Rototec, en una mezcla de sal 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 400ºC - 600ºC, durante tiempos de 1-7-22 horas. Los resultados mostraron una moderada protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento a 600ºC. Se concluyó que la velocidad de corrosión aumenta con la temperatura y disminuye con el tiempo de exposición.

  2. Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia


    Victoria González Quintana; Juan Carlos Botero; Roberto Rochel; Julián Vidal; Martha Cecilia Alvarez Uribe


    Se presentan resultados del análisis estadístico aplicado al estudio experimental que de- termina las propiedades mecánicas de aceros colombianos sometidos a cargas monotónicas de tracción. Se obtienen curvas típicas de esfuerzo-deformación que permiten caracterizar aceros nacionales estudiados haciendo énfasis en las variables que determinan el cambio de comportamiento del materialA statistical analysis applied to a experimental study that determines the mechanical properties of steels produ...

  3. Ba 3 (Cr 0.97(1) Te 0.03(1) ) 2 TeO 9 : in Search of Jahn–Teller Distorted Cr(II) Oxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Man-Rong; Deng, Zheng; Lapidus, Saul H.; Stephens, Peter W.; Segre, Carlo U.; Croft, Mark; Paria Sena, Robert; Hadermann, Joke; Walker, David; Greenblatt, Martha


    A novel 6H - type hexagonal perovskite Ba 3 (Cr 0.97(1) Te 0.03 (1 ) ) 2 TeO 9 was prepared at high pressure (6 GPa) and temperature ( 1 773 K). Both transmission electron microscopy and synchrotron powder x - ray diffraction data demonstrate that Ba 3 (Cr 0.97(1) Te 0.03(1) ) 2 TeO 9 crystallize s in P6 3 / mmc with face - shared (Cr 0.97(1) Te 0.03(1) )O 6 octahedral pairs interconnected with TeO 6 octahedra via corner - sharing. Structure analysis shows a mixed Cr 2+ /Cr 3+ valence state with ~ 10% Cr 2+ . The existence of Cr 2+ in Ba 3 (Cr 2+ 0.10(1) Cr 3+ 0.87(1) Te 6+ 0.03 ) 2 TeO 9 is further evidenced by x - ray absorption near edge spectr oscopy . Magnetic properties measurements show a paramagnetic response down to 4 K and a small glassy - state curvature at low temperature. In this work, the o ctahedral Cr 2+ O 6 component is stabilized in an oxide material for the first time ; the expected Jahn - Teller distortion of high - spin ( d 4 ) Cr 2+ is not found , which is attributed to the small proportion of Cr 2+ (~ 10%) and the face - sharing arrangement of CrO 6 octahedral pairs, that structu rally dis favor axial distortion.

  4. CX3CL1/CX3CR1 and CCL2/CCR2 Chemokine/Chemokine Receptor Complex in Patients with AMD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Falk, Mads Krüger; Singh, Amardeep; Faber, Carsten


    PURPOSE: The chemokine receptors CX3CR1 and CCR2 have been implicated in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The evidence is mainly derived from experimental cell studies and murine models of AMD. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between expression...... of CX3CR1 and CCR2 on different leukocyte subsets and AMD. Furthermore we measured the plasma levels of ligands CX3CL1 and CCL2. METHODS: Patients attending our department were asked to participate in the study. The diagnosis of AMD was based on clinical examination and multimodal imaging techniques...... positive correlation between CCR2 and CX3CR1 expression on CD8+ cells (r = 0.727, p = 0.0001). We found no difference in plasma levels of CX3CL1 and CCL2 among the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show a down regulation of CX3CR1 on CD8+ cells; this correlated to a low expression of CCR2 on CD8+ cells...

  5. Toughness of 2,25Cr-1Mo steel and weld metal (United States)

    Acarer, Mustafa; Arici, Gökhan; Acar, Filiz Kumdali; Keskinkilic, Selcuk; Kabakci, Fikret


    2,25Cr-1Mo steel is extensively used at elevated temperature structural applications in fossil fire power plants for steam pipes, nozzle chambers and petrochemical industry for hydrocracking unit due to its excellent creep resistance and good redundant to oxidation. Also they should have acceptable weldability and toughness. The steels are supplied in quenched and tempered condition and their welded components are subjected to post-weld heat treatment (PWHT). Tempering process is carried out at 690-710°C to improve toughness properties. However they are sensitive to reheat cracking and temper embrittlement. To measure temper embrittlement of the steels and their weld metal, temper embrittlement factor and formula (J factor - Watanabe and X formula- Bruscato) are used. Step cooling heat treatment is also applied to determine temper embrittlement. In this study, toughness properties of Cr Mo (W) steels were reviewed. Also transition temperature curves of 2,25Cr-1Mo steel and its weld metal were constructed before and after step cool heat treatment as experimental study. While 2,25Cr-1Mo steel as base metal was supplied, all weld metal samples were produced in Gedik Welding Company. Hardness measurements and microstructure evaluation were also carried out.

  6. High-Temperature Corrosion of AlCrSiN Film in Ar-1%SO2 Gas

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    Poonam Yadav


    Full Text Available AlCrSiN film with a composition of 29.1Al-17.1Cr-2.1Si-51.7N in at. % was deposited on a steel substrate by cathodic arc ion plating at a thickness of 1.8 μm. It consisted of nanocrystalline hcp-AlN and fcc-CrN, where a small amount of Si was dissolved. Corrosion tests were carried out at 800 °C for 5–200 h in Ar-1%SO2 gas. The major corrosion reaction was oxidation owing to the high oxygen affinity of Al and Cr in the film. The formed oxide scale consisted primarily of (Al,Cr2O3, within which Fe, Si, and S were dissolved. Even after corrosion for 200 h, the thickness of the scale was about 0.7–1.2 μm, indicating that the film had good corrosion resistance in the SO2-containing atmosphere.

  7. Caracterización mecánica de aceros empleados en el sector de la construcción de Almería

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    Senoboua, A. J.


    Full Text Available Various tests have been conducted on the steel bars used in the construction of civil works in Almería (Spain during the period 18 January 2000-7 May 2001, with the aim of mechanically characterizing the different types of steel (weldable: B400S, B500S and ductile weldable: B400SD to determine whether there is a technical reason for the increase in the use of ductile weldable steel. For this, we have used a hydraulic machine to break by traction all the test samples that arrived to the laboratory, following the specifications of the UNE 7474-1:1992 and the UNE 7474-2:1992. The results indicate that only in 86 % of the cases does the steel B400SD satisfy the limits specified by the UNE 36065:1999-EX, as opposed to 95 and 94 % of the B400S and B500S steels. In addition, the ductile weldable steel registered mean values lower than those of B400S. This finding disagrees with expectations set by the specifications.

    Se realizaron varios ensayos sobre las barras de acero utilizadas en la construcción de obra civil en Almería, durante el período comprendido entre 18/1/2000 y 7/05/2001, con el fin de caracterizar, mecánicamente, los diferentes tipos de aceros (soldables: B400S, B500S y soldable dúctil: B400SD y, de esta forma, determinar si existe alguna razón técnica para un incremento del consumo del acero soldable dúctil. Para ello, se ensayaron a tracción todas las muestras que llegaron al laboratorio, siguiendo las normas UNE 7474-1:1992 y UNE 7474-2:1992. Los resultados indican que el acero B400SD cumple, sólo, en un 86 % los límites especificados en la norma UNE 36065:1999 -EX, frente al 95 y 94 % de los aceros B400S y B500S. Además, el acero soldable dúctil muestra unos valores medios inferiores al B400S. Este hecho discrepa de lo que se podría esperar según la norma que lo regula.

  8. Análisis comparativo de la calidad del acero de refuerzo distribuido en Boyacá

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    Jimmy Vergara Silva, Óscar Javier Gutiérrez Junco


    Full Text Available Presenta  los  resultados  del  análisis  comparativo  de barras de acero de refuerzo, según las exigencias de la Norma Técnica Colombiana NTC 2289 [1], realizado a cinco marcas diferentes distribuidas para la industria de  la  construcción  en  Boyacá.  Inicialmente  se caracterizaron  las barras de  acero mediante  ensayos, para  determinar  su  composición  química  y  sus propiedades físicas y mecánicas; las características de la fractura del acero de refuerzo se observaron con el microscopio  electrónico  de  barrido  (MEB. Adicionalmente,  se  analizaron  muestras  conmicroscopio óptico, con  técnicas de espectrometría paraobservar y determinar las características del metal base de  las probetas. Los resultados  indican que la calidad del acero de refuerzo distribuido en Boyacá cumple en un alto  porcentaje con las exigencias sismo-resistentes para construcción; sin embargo, es importante que los constructores realicen control de calidad.

  9. Effects of sodium environment on the mechanical properties of Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chopra, O.K.


    Mechanical property data on isothermally annealed, thermally aged, and sodium-exposed Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel are analyzed to evaluate the influence of the sodium environment as well as the effects of the microstructural and compositional changes that occur in the steel during long-term exposure to sodium. Correlations are developed to predict the environmental effects on tensile, creep, fatigue, and creep-fatigue properties of Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel in sodium. The results indicate that at temperatures 0 C), degradation of mechanical properties is essentially due to thermal aging. Loss of carbon from the steel reduces both the tensile and creep-rupture strength, but has little or no effect on the fatigue properties. The cyclic properties of Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel in sodium are superior to those in air. The creep-fatigue behavior in sodium is significantly different from that in an air environment. The creep-fatigue data are analyzed using the interactive damage rate equations to predict the time-dependent fatigue behavior of isothermally annealed Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel in sodium. 15 references, 7 figures, 1 table

  10. Homogeneous and Heterogeneous (Fex, Cr1-x)(OH)3 Precipitation: Implications for Cr Sequestration. (United States)

    Dai, Chong; Zuo, Xiaobing; Cao, Bo; Hu, Yandi


    The formation of (Fe, Cr)(OH)3 nanoparticles determines the fate of aqueous Cr in many aquatic environments. Using small-angle X-ray scattering, precipitation rates of (Fe, Cr)(OH)3 nanoparticles in solution and on quartz were quantified from 0.1 mM Fe(III) solutions containing 0-0.25 mM Cr(III) at pH = 3.7 ± 0.2. Concentration ratio of aqueous Cr(III)/Fe(III) controlled the chemical composition (x) of (Fex, Cr1-x)(OH)3 precipitates, solutions' supersaturation with respect to precipitates, and the surface charge of quartz. Therefore, the aqueous Cr(III)/Fe(III) ratio affected homogeneous (in solution) and heterogeneous (on quartz) precipitation rates of (Fex, Cr1-x)(OH)3 through different mechanisms. The sequestration mechanisms of Cr(III) in precipitates were also investigated. In solutions with high aqueous Cr(III)/Fe(III) ratios, surface enrichment of Cr(III) on the precipitates occurred, resulting in slower particle growth in solutions. From solutions with 0-0.1 mM Cr(III), the particles on quartz grew from 2 to 4 nm within 1 h. Interestingly, from solution with 0.25 mM Cr(III), particles of two distinct sizes (2 and 6 nm) formed on quartz, and their sizes remained unchanged throughout the reaction. Our study provided new insights on homogeneous and heterogeneous precipitation of (Fex, Cr1-x)(OH)3 nanoparticles, which can help determine the fate of Cr in aquatic environments.

  11. Effects of sodium environment on the mechanical properties of Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chopra, O.K.

    Mechanical property data on isothermally annealed, thermally aged, and sodium-exposed Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel are analyzed to evaluate the influence of the sodium environment as well as the effects of the microstructural and compositional changes that occur in the steel during long-term exposure to sodium. Correlations are developed to predict the environmental effects on tensile, creep, fatigue, and creep-fatigue properties of Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel in sodium. The results indicate that at temperatures <823 K (550 deg. C), degradation of mechanical properties is essentially due to thermal aging. Loss of carbon from the steel reduces both the tensile and creep-rupture strength, but has little or no effect on the fatigue properties. The cyclic properties of Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel in sodium are superior to those in air. The creep-fatigue behaviour in sodium is significantly different from that in an air environment. The creep-fatigue data are analyzed using the interactive damage rate equations to predict the time-dependent fatigue bahaviour of isothermally annealed Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel in sodium. (author)

  12. Profundidad del surco gingival en dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo

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    Rubén Muñoz Delgado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre el ajuste marginal y la profundidad del surco gingival en dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo. Métodos: Se midió la profundidad del surco gingival de 114 dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo en 67 niños, ambos sexos, de 3 a 6 años de edad de la clínica de Estomatología Pediátrica de la UATx, México. La población en estudio fue dividida en tres grupos: a experimental (n=30, b control (n=8, y c control negativo (n=29. Previo consentimiento informado se tomaron los índices de placa (LöeSilness 1967 e índice gingival en seis superficies; se midió el surco gingival con sonda periodontal y las coronas de acero cromo fueron evaluadas clínica y radiográficamente según su ajuste marginal y longitud cervical. Resultados: Los índices de placa y gingival no mostraron diferencias significativas para los grupos experimental y control negativo. El 34% de las coronas mostraron buen ajuste marginal, 33% un mal ajuste, 10.5% cortas, 7.9% largas y el 14% otro tipo de mal ajuste. La profundidad del surco gingival fue estadísticamente significativa para el primer y segundo molar inferior derechos y en los caninos inferiores (p >0.05; la superficie disto-vestibular presentó la mayor profundidad del surco gingival (2.34 mm, siendo estadísticamente significativa (p>0.05. Conclusiones: La profundidad del surco gingival fue mayor en los dientes rehabilitados con coronas de acero cromo mal ajustadas y sobre contorneadas (largas. La presencia de placa bacteriana y gingivitis estuvo relacionada con las coronas de acero cromo mal ajustadas.

  13. Influencia de la soldadura sobre la rotura por tensiones en tubos de acero inoxidable austenitico del tipo 18-11NB(TP347

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    Gutiérrez de Saiz-Solabarria, S.


    Full Text Available This work has been undertaken to study the stress cracking failure in various 18Cr11Ni [TP347 (18-11Nb, TP 321 (18-11 Ti, TP304 (18-11 and TP316 (18-11-2] types austenitic stainless steel tubes. The material used was produced hot-rolling at 76,2 mm φ (3"φ x 2,54 mm (1/10" thickness. The study was carried out at 593ºC and applied stress of 50 Ton/in2.

    Se estudia el efecto de la soldadura sobre la rotura por tensiones en tubos de acero inoxidable austenítico estabilizado con Nb o Ti de los tipos 18-11Nb (TP 347 y 18-11Ti (TP 321 así como sin estabilizar del tipo 18-11 (TP 304 y con Mo del tipo 18-11-2 (TP 316. Los tubos, en todos los casos, son de dimensiones 76,2 mm (3” φ x 2,54 mm (1/10” de espesor y la tensión aplicada (σ de 10 Ton/in2, para una temperatura de servicio de 593ºC.

  14. Mejoramiento de la resistencia a la corrosión del acero AISI 4140 utilizando multicapas de titanio/nitruro de titanio

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    Faber Correa


    Full Text Available El acero 4140 se utiliza ampliamente en la fabricación de partes de máquinas con durezas entre 25-35 Rockwell C. Sin embargo, su vida útil se ve limitada por su baja resistencia al desgaste y a la corrosión. Con el fin de mejorar su comportamiento frente a la corrosión se depositaron multicapas de Titanio/Nitruro de Titanio (Ti/TiN sobre substratos de acero 4140 mediante un sistema multi-blanco d.c. magnetrón sputtering a partir de un blanco de Ti de alta pureza (99,99% en una atmósfera de Ar/N2. Con el objeto de estudiar el efecto del número de capas sobre la velocidad de corrosión de las películas depositadas, se crecieron multicapas con 1, 5, 10, 15, y 20 bicapas de [Ti /TiN], manteniendo un espesor total constante de 3 um en todas ellas. Las fases existentes y composición química de los recubrimientos fueron analizados mediante espectroscopía de difracción de rayos X (XRD y espectroscopía de energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDX respectivamente. Las muestras de acero sin y con recubrimiento se caracterizaron además por Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS y curvas de polarización Tafel. Se encontró que la velocidad de corrosión tuvo una disminución alrededor del 87% en el acero recubierto con 20 bicapas de Ti/TiN en comparación al acero sin recubrir y del 25% respecto a la muestra recubierta con 1 bicapa, lo cual evidencia el efecto positivo del incremento del período en las películas delgadas basadas en multicapas de Ti/TiN.

  15. The mercury chromates Hg6Cr2O9 and Hg6Cr2O10-Preparation and crystal structures, and thermal behaviour of Hg6Cr2O9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weil, Matthias; Stoeger, Berthold


    The basic mercury(I) chromate(VI), Hg 6 Cr 2 O 9 (=2Hg 2 CrO 4 .Hg 2 O), has been obtained under hydrothermal conditions (200deg. C, 5 days) in the form of orange needles as a by-product from reacting elemental mercury and K 2 Cr 2 O 7 . Hydrothermal treatment of microcrystalline Hg 6 Cr 2 O 9 in demineralised water at 200deg. C for 3 days led to crystal growth of red crystals of the basic mercury(I, II) chromate(VI), Hg 6 Cr 2 O 10 (=2Hg 2 CrO 4 .2HgO). The crystal structures were solved and refined from single crystal X-ray data sets. Hg 6 Cr 2 O 9 : space group P2 1 2 1 2 1 , Z=4, a=7.3573(12), b=8.0336(13), c=20.281(3)A, 3492 structure factors, 109 parameters, R[F 2 >2σ(F 2 )]=0.0371, wR(F 2 all)=0.0517; Hg 6 Cr 2 O 10 : space group Pca2 1 , Z=4, a=11.4745(15), b=9.4359(12), c=10.3517(14)A, 3249 structure factors, 114 parameters, R[F 2 >2σ(F 2 )]=0.0398, wR(F 2 all)=0.0625. Both crystal structures are made up of an intricate mercury-oxygen network, subdivided into single building blocks [O-Hg-Hg-O] for the mercurous compound, and [O-Hg-Hg-O] and [O-Hg-O] for the mixed-valent compound. Hg 6 Cr 2 O 9 contains three different Hg 2 2+ dumbbells, whereas Hg 6 Cr 2 O 10 contains two different Hg 2 2+ dumbbells and two Hg 2+ cations. The Hg I -Hg I distances are characteristic and range between 2.5031(15) and 2.5286(9)A. All Hg 2 2+ groups exhibit an unsymmetrical oxygen environment. The oxygen coordination of the Hg 2+ cations is nearly linear with two tightly bonded O atoms at distances around 2.07A. For both structures, the chromate(VI) anions reside in the vacancies of the Hg-O network and deviate only slightly from the ideal tetrahedral geometry with average Cr-O distances of ca. 1.66A. Upon heating at temperatures above 385deg. C, Hg 6 Cr 2 O 9 decomposes in a four-step mechanism with Cr 2 O 3 as the end-product at temperatures above 620 deg. C

  16. Adsorption of 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene in nano- and microsized crystals of MIL-101(Cr): static and dynamic gravimetric studies. (United States)

    Bullot, Laetitia; Vieira-Sellaï, Ludivine; Chaplais, Gérald; Simon-Masseron, Angélique; Daou, Toufic Jean; Patarin, Joël; Fiani, Emmanuel


    This work aims to highlight the promising adsorption capacity and kinetic of (poly)chlorobenzene pollutants in the hybrid MIL-101(Cr) type material for technological uses in industrial waste exhaust decontamination. The influence of the MIL-101(Cr) crystal size (nano- and microcrystals) on the adsorption behavior was studied in static and dynamic modes. For this purpose, crystals of MIL-101(Cr) in nano- and micrometric sizes were synthesized and fully characterized. Their sorption properties regarding 1,2-dichlorobenzene were examined using gravimetric method in dynamic (p/p° = 0.5) and static (p/p° = 1) modes at room temperature. 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene adsorption was only performed under static mode because of its too low vapor pressure. 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene were used to mimic 2,3-dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, respectively, and more largely dioxin compounds. Adsorptions of these probes were successfully carried out in nano- and microcrystals of MIL-101(Cr). Indeed, in static mode (p/p° = 1) and at room temperature, nanocrystals adsorb 2266 molecules of 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 2093 molecules of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene per unit cell, whereas microcrystals adsorb 1871 molecules of 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1631 molecules of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene per unit cell. In dynamic mode, the 1,2-dichlorobenzene adsorbed amounts are substantially similar to those obtained in static mode. However, the adsorption kinetics are different because of a different scheme of diffusivity of the adsorbate between the two modes. To the best of our knowledge, these adsorption capacities of MIL-101(Cr) as adsorbent for polychlorobenzenes trapping have never been referenced. MIL-101(Cr) appears as a promising material for technological uses in industrial waste exhaust decontamination.

  17. Magnetic and transport properties of Cu1.05Cr0.89 Mg0.05O2 and Cu0.96Cr0.95 Mg0.05Mn0.04O2 films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Qingyu; Schmidt, Heidemarie; Zhou Shengqiang; Potzger, Kay; Helm, Manfred; Hochmuth, Holger; Lorenz, Michael; Meinecke, Christoph; Grundmann, Marius


    We prepared conductive, polycrystalline or amorphous Cu 1.05 Cr 0.89 Mg 0.05 O 2 films on a-plane sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition under different O 2 partial pressure and substrate temperature. Hall measurements were performed to study the majority carrier type in these films. Polycrystalline Cu 1.05 Cr 0.89 Mg 0.05 O 2 is n-type conducting at 290 K, while in amorphous Cu 1.05 Cr 0.89 Mg 0.05 O 2 the type of majority charge carriers changes from electrons to holes at around 270 K. Interestingly, the structure has little influence on the magnetic properties of the films. A clear antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition was observed in both polycrystalline and amorphous Cu 1.05 Cr 0.89 Mg 0.05 O 2 films at 25 K. Similar electrical properties to Cu 1.05 Cr 0.89 Mg 0.05 O 2 film were observed for Cu 0.96 Cr 0.95 Mg 0.05 Mn 0.04 O 2 in dependence on the structure, while only paramagnetic without antiferromagnetic ordering was observed down to 5 K. Large negative magnetoresistance of 27% at 20 K was observed at 6 T in amorphous Cu 1.05 Cr 0.89 Mg 0.05 O 2 film

  18. Formación de maclas durante el enfriamiento en aceros inoxidables superferríticos envejecidos

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    Salán, M. N.


    Full Text Available Superferritic stainless steels show a BCC structure free of austenite at any temperature. Intermediate ageing temperatures, close to 475 °C, induce a-chromium content modulation and only after long periods of time, it is possible to detect chromium rich α' phase, which is responsible for embrittlement (475 °C embrittlement. In this work, ageing thermal treatments at intermediate temperatures in the superferritic stainless steel DIN 1.4575, have allowed to relate the associated hardness increase with time and temperature by means of a relationship that is compatible with a thermally activated process. After quenching from ageing temperature, twinning formation has been observed, and the extent of twinning is proportional to the increase in hardness, showing in this way that twinning density is proportional to embrittlement level.

    Los aceros inoxidables superferríticos se caracterizan por su estructura cúbica centrada, libre de austenita a cualquier temperatura. Sometidos a temperaturas intermedias, próximas a 475 °C, revelan una modulación del contenido en Cr de la red. Después de tiempos prolongados se forma fase α', fragilizante y rica en cromo, fenómeno conocido como fragilización a 475 °C. En este trabajo, los tratamientos de envejecimiento realizados a temperaturas intermedias para un superferrítico DIN 1.4575 han permitido relacionar el incremento de dureza asociado a éstos con el tiempo de tratamiento, mediante una expresión coherente con un proceso térmicamente activado. Por otra parte, se ha detectado la presencia de maclas en el acero envejecido y templado en agua, siendo proporcional su densidad al grado de endurecimiento provocado por el tratamiento.

  19. Review of time-dependent fatigue behavior and life prediction for 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Booker, M.K.; Majumdar, S.


    Available data on creep-fatigue life and fracture behavior of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel are reviewed. Whereas creep-fatigue interaction is important for Type 304 stainless steel, oxidation effects appear to dominate the time-dependent fatigue behavior of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel. Four of the currently available predictive methods - the Linear Damage Rule, Frequency Separation Equation, Strain Range Partitioning Equation, and Damage Rate Equation - are evaluated for their predictive capability. Variations in the parameters for the various predictive methods with temperature, heat of material, heat treatment, and environment are investigated. Relative trends in the lives predicted by the various methods as functions of test duration, waveshape, etc., are discussed. The predictive methods will need modification in order to account for oxidation and aging effects in the 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel. Future tests that will emphasize the difference between the various predictive methods are proposed

  20. Magnetic phase diagram of Co(Cr1-xA lx) 2O4 (x = 0.0-1.0) (United States)

    Padam, R.; Sarkar, T.; Mathieu, R.; Thota, S.; Pal, D.


    We report the role of Al substitution in the magnetic properties of spinel CoCr2O4 by means of temperature dependent dc and ac magnetization and heat capacity measurements. Various compositions (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) of polycrystalline Co(Cr1-xAlx)2O4 samples have been prepared by sol-gel processing and their crystal structure was investigated by X-ray diffraction which was found to crystallize in the normal cubic spinel structure. For x ≤ 0.1, the system exhibits multiple magnetic orderings (long range ferrimagnetic ordering TC, spin-spiral ordering TS, and lock-in transition TL), similar to that of the parent compound, CoCr2O4. However, all the compositions between x = 0.1 and 0.5 exhibit long range ferrimagnetic ordering below TC and also a short range order at low temperature. Spin-glass like ordering was noticed between x = 0.6 and 0.8 due to the diluted B-site occupancy, whereas the end compound CoAl2O4 (x = 1.0) shows antiferromagnetic behavior. On the basis of these results, we propose a magnetic phase diagram for the Co(Cr1-xAlx)2O4 series as a function of the Al content (x) and measuring temperature (T).

  1. Corrosion critique of the 2 1/4 Cr--1 Mo steel for LMFBR steam generation system applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zima, G.E.


    The unstabilized ferritic steel of nominal composition, 2 1 / 4 Cr-1Mo, has been proposed for critical structural assignments in LMFBR powerplants, specifically: the tubing, tubesheet and shell of the evaporator and superheater components. The interest in this steel has been based on a presumably favorable general corrosion property spectrum, acceptable mechanical properties and fabricability, and certain economies associated with the low alloy content. This report is an attempt at a general corrosion assessment for the 2 1 / 4 Cr-1Mo steel and an identification of corrosion problem areas potential to this steel from the sodium and water/steam systems of the proposed working environment. There is a considerable area of uncertainty in the sodium-side response of 2 1 / 4 Cr-1Mo steel, centered in the loss and redisposition of carbon during long-term exposure to sodium of various impurity backgrounds. It is submitted that present evidence relating to the water/steam-side corrosion behavior of the 2 1 / 4 Cr-1Mo steel, under nominal and conceivable perturbed environmental conditions, constitutes the principal concern for the proposed LMFBR powerplant applications of this steel. It is suggested that this unfavorable corrosion aspect represents an inherent limitation of the low alloy content of this steel, probably largely independent of melting and processing recourses, and it is a sufficient basis to question the incentive for a continuation of the collateral studies of this steel for the proposed LMFBR steam generation system assignments

  2. The CrIIL reduction of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins and site of attachment of CrIII using 1H NMR and site-directed mutagenesis. (United States)

    Im, S C; Worrall, J A; Liu, G; Aliverti, A; Zanetti, G; Luchinat, C; Bertini, I; Sykes, A G


    The recently reported NMR solution structure of FeIIIFeIII parsley FdI has made possible 2D NOESY NMR studies to determine the point of attachment of CrIIIL in FeIIIFeIII...CrIIIL. The latter Cr-modified product was obtained by reduction of FeIIIFeIII parsley and spinach FdI forms with [Cr(15-aneN4) (H2O)2]2+ (15-aneN4 = 1,4,8,12-tetraazacyclopentadecane), referred to here as CrIIL, followed by air oxidation and chromatographic purification. From a comparison of NMR cross-peak intensities of native and Cr-modified proteins, two surface sites designated A and B, giving large paramagnetic CrIIIL broadening of a number of amino acid peaks, have been identified. The effects at site A (residues 19-22, 27, and 30) are greater than those at site B (residues 92-94 and 96), which is on the opposite side of the protein. From metal (ICP-AES) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (EIMS) analyses on the Cr-modified protein, attachment of a single CrIIIL only is confirmed for both parsley and spinach FdI and FdII proteins. Electrostatic interaction of the 3+ CrIIIL center covalently attached to one protein molecule (charge approximately -18) with a second (like) molecule provides an explanation for the involvement of two regions. Thus for 3-4 mM FeIIIFeIII...CrIIIL solutions used in NMR studies (CrIIIL attached at A), broadening effects due to electrostatic interactions at B on a second molecule are observed. Experiments with the Cys18Ala spinach FdI variant have confirmed that the previously suggested Cys-18 at site A is not the site of CrIIIL attachment. Line broadening at Val-22 of A gives the largest effect, and CrIIIL attachment at one or more adjacent (conserved) acidic residues in this region is indicated. The ability of CrIIL to bind in some (parsley and spinach) but not all cases (Anabaena variabilis) suggests that intramolecular H-bonding of acidic residues at A is relevant. The parsley and spinach FeIIFeIII...CrIIIL products undergo a second stage of reduction

  3. "Hormigón y Acero": una crónica de la ingeniería estructural española en los últimos 60 años

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    López Palanco, Rafael


    Full Text Available The complete history of Hormigón y Acero (Journal of the spanish technical and scientifi c association of structural concrete, Ache is revised in this paper. The origins from issue n. 1, with a different title, as well as the reasons for its later name change and the various vicissitudes suffered during its almost 60 years of existence, are analized. All persons having collaborated through its Editorial Committee are detailed. Its role played in the chronicle of the spanish structural engineering along that period is confirmed. Specific details on its contents and on the evolution of their different sources are given.En este artículo se revisa la historia completa de Hormigón y Acero, revista de la Asociación Técnico- científica del Hormigón Estructural (Ache. Se analizan tanto su nacimiento desde el nº 1 con otro nombre y las razones de su posterior cambio de nombre al actual, como las vicisitudes sufridas durante los casi 60 años de existencia. Se detallan las personas que han colaborado en ella a través de su Comité de Redacción y se constata su papel como cronista de la ingeniería estructural española durante todo ese periodo, especificando detalles de algunos de sus contenidos y de la evolución de las fuentes de procedencia de los mismos.


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    Full Text Available Peliculas de nitruro de cromo (CrN se han aplicado como recubrimientos protectores contra el desgaste y la corrosion debido a sus excelentes propiedades mecanicas y alta resistencia a la corrosion, y en el campo electronico debido a su baja resistividad. Sin embargo, se ha encontrado que las multicapas que combinan peliculas metal/ceramico podrian mejorar las propiedades en comparacion a sus contrapartes en monocapa debido al aumento e interaccion entre interfaces. En este trabajo se produjeron nano-multicapas de Cr/CrN a traves de la tecnica de sputtering con magnetron desbalanceado con tres grados de desbalanceo diferentes para estudiar la influencia de este parametro en las propiedades electricas. Se crecieron multicapas con un espesor total de aproximadamente 1 microm y un periodo de bicapa (A de 200 nm, 100 nm y 20 nm. Las multicapas se produjeron a temperatura ambiente sobre acero H13 y silicio (100 y se estudio su microestructura y las propiedades electricas en funcion del campo magnetico. La formacion de fases se caracterizo a traves de Difraccion de Rayos X y los resultados muestran las orientaciones (111 y (200 para todas las multicapas. Se obtuvieron imagenes de la seccion transversal a traves de Microscopia Electronica de Barrido y los resultados muestran la formacion de una estructura en multicapas.

  5. The influence of heating rate on reheat-cracking in a commercial 2 1/4Cr1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hippsley, C.A.


    The effects of elevated heating rate on stress-relief cracking in a commercial 2 1/4 Cr1Mo steel have been investigated. A SEN bend-specimen stress-relaxation test was used to assess reheat cracking susceptibility and fracture mechanisms for an initial post-weld heating rate of 1000 Kh - 1 . Two factors controlling the influence of heating rate on the final severity of cracking were identified, i.e. the rate of stress-relaxation with respect to temperature, and the time available for crack-growth. The factors were found to counteract each other, but in the case of commercial 2 1/4 Cr1Mo steel, the crack-growth factor outweighed the relaxation factor, resulting in a reduction in the propensity to stress-relief cracking at the elevated heating rate. However, by reference to the results of a separate investigation concerning A508/2 MnMoNiCr steel it was demonstrated that the balance between these two factors may be reversed in other alloy systems, with the consequence that reheat cracking is exacerbated by increasing the initial heating rate. A computer model was addressed to the stress-relaxation test conditions using data from the commercial 2 1/4 Cr1Mo steel. The model predictions exhibited reasonable agreement with experimental test results for both 100 Kh - 1 and 1000 Kh - 1 heating rates. (author)

  6. Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victoria González Quintana


    Full Text Available Se presentan resultados del análisis estadístico aplicado al estudio experimental que de- termina las propiedades mecánicas de aceros colombianos sometidos a cargas monotónicas de tracción. Se obtienen curvas típicas de esfuerzo-deformación que permiten caracterizar aceros nacionales estudiados haciendo énfasis en las variables que determinan el cambio de comportamiento del materialA statistical analysis applied to a experimental study that determines the mechanical properties of steels produced in Colombia subjected to monotonic loads of tension is presented. Typical stress-strain diagram that allow to characterize these steels making emphasis in the variables that determine the change of behaviour of the materia are presented.

  7. Corrosión a alta temperatura de acero al carbono y acero inoxidable austenítico en atmósferas contaminadas por CO2


    Proy Pérez, Manuel


    Los efectos a veces catastróficos producidos por los procesos de corrosión a alta temperatura en atmósferas contaminadas por agentes agresivos, poseen la suficiente relevancia para ser objeto de estudio en los próximos años, debido a que en muchas ocasiones no están definidos claramente. Los aceros al carbono y los inoxidables austeníticos son materiales potencialmente utilizables en condiciones de elevada temperatura gracias a su excelente relación entre sus propiedades est...

  8. Thermodynamic properties of CuCr2S4 solid solutions in Cusub(1/2)Msub(1/2)Crsub(2)Ssub(4) (M - Ga, In)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Titov, V.V.; Kesler, Ya.A.; Shelkotunov, V.A.; Gordeev, I.V.; Tret'yakov, Yu.D.


    By means of an adiabatic calorimeter and quartz dilatometer for CuCr 2 S 4 in Cusub(1/2)Msub(1/2)Crsub(2)Ssub(4) (M-Ga, In) temperature dependences of heat capacity are determined. The contribution of various components into heat capacity is estimated, thermodynamic parameters of magnetic transformation are calculated

  9. Phase stability predictions of Cr1−x, Mx)2(Al1−y, Ay)(C1−z, Xz) (M = Ti, Hf, Zr; A = Si, X = B)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shang, Lin; Music, Denis; Baben, Moritz to; Schneider, Jochen M


    The phase stability of (Cr 1−x , M x ) 2 (Al 1−y , A y )(C 1−z , X z ) (M = Ti, Hf, Zr; A = Si, X = B, space group P6 3 /mmc, prototype Cr 2 AlC) was studied using ab initio calculations. Based on the energy of mixing data as well as the density of states (DOS) analysis, (Cr 1−x , Zr x ) 2 AlC and (Cr 1−x , Hf x ) 2 AlC are predicted to be unstable, whereas (Cr 1−x , Ti x ) 2 AlC, Cr 2 (Al 1−y , Si y )C and Cr 2 Al(C 1−z , B z ) are predicted to be stable or metastable. The density of states analysis reveals that small differences in the position of the Fermi level alters the phase stability: (Cr 1−x , Zr x ) 2 AlC and (Cr 1−x , Hf x ) 2 AlC are predicted to be unstable or metastable as the Fermi level lies at a peak position. While the Cr dominated DOS for (Cr 1−x , Ti x ) 2 AlC plateaus at the Fermi level indicating stability. Implications of these results for the vapour phase condensation of self-healing Cr 2 AlC based materials are discussed. (paper)

  10. Carbon transfer between 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo alloy and austenitic steels (experiments in anisothermal loops)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baque, P.; Besson, M.; Champeix, L.; Donati, J.R.; Oberlin, C.; Saint-Paul, P.


    Studies on carbon transfer between the ferritic steel 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo and the austenitic steels 316L and 321H have shown that there is not any measurable carbon transfer in the operating conditions of the secondary circuit of PHENIX (475 deg C was the maximal temperature of the 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo steel). A significant carbon transfer has been observed between the ferritic steel and the 316L steel when the 321H was replaced by the 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo steel in the same thermohydraulic conditions (the ferritic steel was then used up to 545 deg C). This experiment has demonstrated the importance of the temperature and the initial carbon content of the ferritic steel as parameters in the decarburization process. It appears that decarburization may not be sensitive to the thermohydraulic conditions at least in the range investigated in those experiments. In the other hand the 316L steel is observed to have been carburized, the degree of carburization remaining appreciably constant and independent on the temperature between 400 deg C and 550 deg C [fr

  11. Susceptibility of 2 1/4 Cr-1Mo steel to liquid metal induced embrittlement by lithium-lead solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eberhard, B.A.; Edwards, G.R.


    An investigation has been conducted on the liquid metal induced embrittlement susceptibility of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel exposed to lithium and 1a/o lead-lithium at temperatures between 190 0 C and 525 0 C. This research was part of an ongoing effort to evaluate the compatibility of liquid lithium solutions with potential fusion reactor containment materials. Of particular interest was the microstructure present in a weld heat-affected zone, a microstructure known to be highly susceptible to corrosive attack by liquid lead-lithium solutions. Embrittlement susceptibility was determined by conducting tension tests on 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel exposed to an inert environment as well as to a lead-lithium liquid and observing the change in tensile behavior. The 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel was also given a base plate heat treatment to observe its embrittlement susceptibility to 1a/o lead-lithium. The base plate microstructure was severely embrittled at temperatures less than 500 0 C. Tempering the base plate was effective in restoring adequate ductility to the steel





    Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable, en una mezcla de sal con 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 700ºC - 850ºC. Los resultados de las pruebas gravimétricas mostraron una deficiente protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento protector, debido a que las temperaturas de exposición fueron mayores que las temperaturas de fusión de...

  13. Recubrimientos de aluminio-silicio realizados por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado sobre el acero inoxidable AISI 316

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Los recubrimientos de aluminio-silicio fueron depositados sobre el acero inoxidable AISI 316 mediante deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado (CVD-FBR, en el rango de temperaturas de 540 a 560 ºC, utilizando un lecho formado por 2,5 g de silicio y 7,5 g de aluminio en polvo, y 90 g de lecho inerte (Alúmina, el cual se hizo fluidizar con Ar. Como gases activadores se usó una mezcla de HCl/H2, en relaciones de 1/10 a 1/16. Además, se varió el tiempo de deposición de los recubrimientos de 45 minutos a 1.5 horas, con una relación en volumen de 50% de gases activos y 50% de gases neutros. Se realizó una simulación termodinámica con la ayuda del programa informático Thermocalc, para obtener información de la posible composición y cantidad de material depositado, para las condiciones seleccionadas. En los recubrimientos se encuentran FeAl2Si, Fe2Al5 y FeAl2. Los recubrimientos aluminio-silicio fueron tratados térmicamente, para mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas y su comportamiento frente a la oxidación, por la interdifusión de los elementos de aleación, ya que el tratamiento térmico hace que el aluminio difunda hacia el substrato, y el hierro difunda hacia la superficie del recubrimiento, logrando la transformación de los compuestos anteriores en FeAl, Al2FeSi, Cr3Si, AlCrFe y AlFeNi.

  14. Efficient Pd@MIL-101(Cr) hetero-catalysts for 2-butyne-1,4-diol hydrogenation exhibiting high selectivity

    KAUST Repository

    Yin, Dongdong


    Pd@MIL-101(Cr) hetero-catalysts have been successfully prepared using the metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) approach, by choosing [Pd(η-CH)(η-CH)] as a volatile precursor, and the hydrothermally stable metal-organic framework, MIL-101(Cr) as a support. The prepared Pd@MIL-101(Cr) hetero-catalysts characterized with various analytical techniques, exhibited highly monodispersed immobilized Pd nanoparticles in the MIL-101(Cr) cavities, while retaining the pristine crystallinity and porosity. The intact hybrid Pd@MIL-101(Cr) has been demonstrated to be an efficient catalyst for 2-butyne-1,4-diol hydrogenation with excellent activity, stability and selectivity (2-butene-1,4-diol (>94%)).

  15. X-ray fluorescence analysis of Cr6+ component in mixtures of Cr2O3 and K2CrO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tochio, Tatsunori; Sakakura, Shusuke; Oohashi, Hirofumi


    X-ray fluorescence analysis using Cr K α spectra was applied to the determination of the mixing ratio of Cr 6+ to (Cr 6+ + Cr 3+ ) in several mixtures of K 2 CrO 4 and Cr 2 O 3 . Because the powder of K 2 CrO 4 contained large particles that were more than 50 μm in diameter, it was ground between a pestle and a mortar for about 8 h. The coarse particles still remaining were removed by using a sieve with 325-mesh (44 μm) in order to reduce the difference in absorption effects between emissions from Cr 6+ and those from Cr 3+ . The mixing ratio, K 2 CrO 4 /(K 2 CrO 4 + Cr 2 O 3 ), of the five mixtures investigated is 0.50, 0.40, 0.20, 0.10, and 0.05 in weight, respectively. Each spectrum obtained was analyzed by decomposing it into two reference spectra, those of the two pure materials, K 2 CrO 4 and Cr 2 O 3 , with a constant background. The results for the mixtures containing K 2 CrO 4 of more than 20 wt% are that the relative deviation from the true value is less than ∼5%. On the other hand, when the content of K 2 CrO 4 decreases to less than 10 wt%, the relative deviation gets so large as 20 - 25%. The error coming from a peak separation of spectrum involved in our results were estimated by applying our method to five sets of data for each mixture computationally generated, taking into account the uncertainty in total counts of real measurements. (author)

  16. X-ray fluorescence analysis of Cr(6+) component in mixtures of Cr(2)O(3) and K(2)CrO(4). (United States)

    Tochio, Tatsunori; Sakakura, Shusuke; Oohashi, Hirofumi; Mizota, Hirohisa; Zou, Yanhui; Ito, Yoshiaki; Fukushima, Sei; Tanuma, Shigeo; Shoji, Takashi; Fujimura, Hajime; Yamashita, Michiru


    X-ray fluorescence analysis using Cr K(alpha) spectra was applied to the determination of the mixing ratio of Cr(6+) to (Cr(6+) + Cr(3+)) in several mixtures of K(2)CrO(4) and Cr(2)O(3). Because the powder of K(2)CrO(4) contained large particles that were more than 50 microm in diameter, it was ground between a pestle and a mortar for about 8 h. The coarse particles still remaining were removed by using a sieve with 325-mesh (44 microm) in order to reduce the difference in absorption effects between emissions from Cr(6+) and those from Cr(3+). The mixing ratio, K(2)CrO(4)/(K(2)CrO(4) + Cr(2)O(3)), of the five mixtures investigated is 0.50, 0.40, 0.20, 0.10, and 0.05 in weight, respectively. Each spectrum obtained was analyzed by decomposing it into two reference spectra, those of the two pure materials, K(2)CrO(4) and Cr(2)O(3), with a constant background. The results for the mixtures containing K(2)CrO(4) of more than 20 wt% are that the relative deviation from the true value is less than approximately 5%. On the other hand, when the content of K(2)CrO(4) decreases to less than 10 wt%, the relative deviation gets so large as 20 - 25%. The error coming from a peak separation of spectrum involved in our results were estimated by applying our method to five sets of data for each mixture computationally generated, taking into account the uncertainty in total counts of real measurements.

  17. Structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of multiferroic Co1-xMgxCr2O4 nanoparticles (United States)

    Kamran, M.; Ullah, A.; Rahman, S.; Tahir, A.; Nadeem, K.; Anis ur Rehman, M.; Hussain, S.


    We examined the structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of Co1-xMgxCr2O4 nanoparticles with composition x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 in detail. X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed normal spinel structure for all the samples. Rietveld refinement fitting results of the XRD showed no impurity phases which signifies the formation of single phase Co1-xMgxCr2O4 nanoparticles. The average crystallite size showed a peak behaviour with maxima at x = 0.6. Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy also confirmed the formation of single phase normal spinel for all the samples and exhibited dominant vibrational changes for x ≥ 0.6. For x = 0 (CoCr2O4), zero field cooled/field cooled (ZFC/FC) magnetization curves showed paramagnetic (PM) to ferrimagnetic (FiM) transition at Tc = 97 K and a conical spiral magnetic order at Ts = 30 K. The end members CoCr2O4 (x = 0) and MgCr2O4 (x = 1) are FiM and antiferromagnetic (AFM), respectively. Tc and Ts showed decreasing trend with increasing x, followed by an additional AFM transition at TN = 15 K for x = 0.6. The system finally stabilized and changed to highly frustrated AFM structure at x = 1 due to formation of pure MgCr2O4. High field FC curves (5T) depicted nearly no effect on spiral magnetic state, which is attributed to strong exchange B-B magnetic interactions at low temperatures. Dielectric parameters showed a non-monotonous behaviour with Mg concentration and were explained with the help of Maxwell-Wagner model and Koop's theory. Dielectric properties were improved for nanoparticles with x = 0.6 and is attributed to their larger average crystallite size. In summary, Mg doping has significantly affects the structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of CoCr2O4 nanoparticles, which can be attributed to variations in local magnetic exchange interactions and variation in average crystallite size of these chromite nanoparticles.

  18. Preparation of fluorinated Cr2O3 hexagonal prism and catalytic performance for the dehydrofluorination of 1,1-difluoroethane to vinyl fluoride (United States)

    Han, Wenfeng; Li, Xiaojuan; Tang, Haodong; Wang, Zhikun; Xi, Miao; Li, Ying; Liu, Huazhang


    A Cr2O3 hexagonal prism structure synthesized via the reaction of aqueous CrCl3 solution with NaBH4 solution at room temperature followed by calcination of the precipitate in N2 atmosphere at 500 °C is investigated as an efficient catalyst for dehydrofluorination of 1,1-difluoroethane producing vinyl fluoride. With the assistance of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, experimental results revealed that the uniform hexagonal prism has a prism length of 285 ± 43 nm and width of 233 ± 33 nm. It is in the form of loose and net-like aggregation of nano-Cr2O3 with diameter less than 3-5 nm with polycrystalline structure. NH3 temperature programmed desorption and chlorodifluoromethane dismutation experiments confirm the existence of relatively abundant and strong acidic sites. As a catalyst for dehydrofluorination of 1,1-difluoroethane, compared with commercial Cr2O3, much higher activity and stability were observed due to the evolution of CrO x F y species and much higher surface area and mesoporous structure. No significant morphology changes or sintering of the catalyst are observed after 70-h reaction. Compared with the commercial Cr2O3, we suggest that the much smaller size of Cr2O3 crystalline which possesses higher surface energy, lower strength, and more abundant Lewis acidity and the formation of CrO x F y during reaction over hexagonal prism catalyst probably contributes to the activity and stability difference between these two catalysts.

  19. Structure and microstructure of the high pressure synthesised misfit layer compound [Sr2O2][CrO2]1.85

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castillo-Martinez, E.; Schoenleber, A.; Smaalen, S. van; Arevalo-Lopez, A.M.; Alario-Franco, M.A.


    The strontium chromium oxide [Sr 2 O 2 ][CrO 2 ] 1.85 misfit layer compound has been synthesised at high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. Electron diffraction patterns and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images along [001] show the misfit character of the different layers composing the structure with a supercell along the incommensurate parameter b∼7b 1 ∼13b 2 . The modulated crystal structure has been refined within the superspace formalism against single-crystal X-ray diffraction data, employing the (3+1)-dimensional superspace group C'nmb(0σ 2 0)0 0 s. The compound has a composite structure with lattice parameters a 1 =5.182(1) A, b 1 =5.411(1) A, c 1 =18.194(3) A for the first, SrO, subsystem and the same a and c, but with b 2 =2.925(1) A for the second, CrO 2 , subsystem. The layer stacking is similar to that of orthorhombic PbS(TiS 2 ) 1.18 , but with a much stronger intersubsytem bonding in the case of the oxide. The intersubsystem lattice mismatch is mainly handled by displacement modulations of the Sr atoms, correlated with modulations of the valence, the coordination and the anisotropic displacement parameters. - Graphical abstract: A strontium chromium oxide, [Sr 2 O 2 ][CrO 2 ] 1.85 , with an orthorhombic misfit layer structure has been synthesised under high pressure. Mainly modulations on the Sr position, ADPs and coordination save the subsystems lattice mismatch

  20. Structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of multiferroic Co1−xMgxCr2O4 nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamran, M.; Ullah, A.; Rahman, S.; Tahir, A.; Nadeem, K.; Anis ur Rehman, M.; Hussain, S.


    Highlights: • Properties of multiferroic Co 1−x Mg x Cr 2 O 4 nanoparticles have been studied. • XRD showed that CoCr 2 O 4 and MgCr 2 O 4 are cubic normal spinel structure. • Rietveld refinement of XRD showed no impurity phases. • T c and T s showed decreasing trend with increasing Mg concentration. • Dielectric properties were improved for x = 0.6 Mg concentration. - Abstract: We examined the structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of Co 1−x Mg x Cr 2 O 4 nanoparticles with composition x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 in detail. X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed normal spinel structure for all the samples. Rietveld refinement fitting results of the XRD showed no impurity phases which signifies the formation of single phase Co 1−x Mg x Cr 2 O 4 nanoparticles. The average crystallite size showed a peak behaviour with maxima at x = 0.6. Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy also confirmed the formation of single phase normal spinel for all the samples and exhibited dominant vibrational changes for x ≥ 0.6. For x = 0 (CoCr 2 O 4 ), zero field cooled/field cooled (ZFC/FC) magnetization curves showed paramagnetic (PM) to ferrimagnetic (FiM) transition at T c = 97 K and a conical spiral magnetic order at T s = 30 K. The end members CoCr 2 O 4 (x = 0) and MgCr 2 O 4 (x = 1) are FiM and antiferromagnetic (AFM), respectively. T c and T s showed decreasing trend with increasing x, followed by an additional AFM transition at T N = 15 K for x = 0.6. The system finally stabilized and changed to highly frustrated AFM structure at x = 1 due to formation of pure MgCr 2 O 4 . High field FC curves (5T) depicted nearly no effect on spiral magnetic state, which is attributed to strong exchange B-B magnetic interactions at low temperatures. Dielectric parameters showed a non-monotonous behaviour with Mg concentration and were explained with the help of Maxwell-Wagner model and Koop’s theory. Dielectric properties were improved for


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    Full Text Available El acero ferrítico T91 ha sido ampliamente utilizado en plantas de generación de energía eléctrica, calderas y plantas nucleares. Sin embargo, su resistencia a la oxidación se ve gravemente afectada a temperaturas superiores a los 600ºC. En esta investigación se empleó la técnica de cementación empacada para aluminizar un acero T91 y se encontraron las condiciones óptimas para la formación de un recubrimiento libre de porosidad y con espesor uniforme (300 micras. Se evaluó la capa de óxido formada luego de una exposición a 800ºC en atmósfera de aire. La caracterización del recubrimiento y de la capa de óxido (Al2O3 se llevó a cabo empleando un microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM, Espectroscopia de Rayos X (EDX y mapping. Se comprobó una buena resistencia a la oxidación del acero T91 aluminizado, debido a la formación de una fina capa continua de óxido de aluminio de aproximadamente 6 micras de espesor luego de una exposición de 7 días.

  2. Preparation of fluorinated Cr2O3 hexagonal prism and catalytic performance for the dehydrofluorination of 1,1-difluoroethane to vinyl fluoride

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Wenfeng; Li, Xiaojuan; Tang, Haodong; Wang, Zhikun; Xi, Miao; Li, Ying; Liu, Huazhang


    A Cr 2 O 3 hexagonal prism structure synthesized via the reaction of aqueous CrCl 3 solution with NaBH 4 solution at room temperature followed by calcination of the precipitate in N 2 atmosphere at 500 °C is investigated as an efficient catalyst for dehydrofluorination of 1,1-difluoroethane producing vinyl fluoride. With the assistance of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, experimental results revealed that the uniform hexagonal prism has a prism length of 285 ± 43 nm and width of 233 ± 33 nm. It is in the form of loose and net-like aggregation of nano-Cr 2 O 3 with diameter less than 3–5 nm with polycrystalline structure. NH 3 temperature programmed desorption and chlorodifluoromethane dismutation experiments confirm the existence of relatively abundant and strong acidic sites. As a catalyst for dehydrofluorination of 1,1-difluoroethane, compared with commercial Cr 2 O 3 , much higher activity and stability were observed due to the evolution of CrO x F y species and much higher surface area and mesoporous structure. No significant morphology changes or sintering of the catalyst are observed after 70-h reaction. Compared with the commercial Cr 2 O 3 , we suggest that the much smaller size of Cr 2 O 3 crystalline which possesses higher surface energy, lower strength, and more abundant Lewis acidity and the formation of CrO x F y during reaction over hexagonal prism catalyst probably contributes to the activity and stability difference between these two catalysts.

  3. Exfoliation and van der Waals heterostructure assembly of intercalated ferromagnet Cr1/3TaS2 (United States)

    Yamasaki, Yuji; Moriya, Rai; Arai, Miho; Masubuchi, Satoru; Pyon, Sunseng; Tamegai, Tsuyoshi; Ueno, Keiji; Machida, Tomoki


    Ferromagnetic van der Waals (vdW) materials are in demand for spintronic devices with all-two-dimensional-materials heterostructures. Here, we demonstrate mechanical exfoliation of magnetic-atom-intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide Cr1/3TaS2 from its bulk crystal; previously such intercalated materials were thought difficult to exfoliate. Magnetotransport in exfoliated tens-of-nanometres-thick flakes revealed ferromagnetic ordering below its Curie temperature T C ~ 110 K as well as strong in-plane magnetic anisotropy; these are identical to its bulk properties. Further, van der Waals heterostructure assembly of Cr1/3TaS2 with another intercalated ferromagnet Fe1/4TaS2 is demonstrated using a dry-transfer method. The fabricated heterojunction composed of Cr1/3TaS2 and Fe1/4TaS2 with a native Ta2O5 oxide tunnel barrier in between exhibits tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR), revealing possible spin injection and detection with these exfoliatable ferromagnetic materials through the vdW junction.

  4. Hormigones de alta resistencia con nano-adiciones y fibras de acero


    Alizo Mirabal, Manuel Arturo


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster consistió en determinar la influencia que pueden poseer las nano-adiciones de Sílice y Alúmina y fibras de acero en un Hormigón de Alta Resistencia. Partiendo de una dosificación de Hormigón de Alta Resistencia conocida, que contenía humo de Sílice (10%) y fibras de poliolefina (3kg/m3), se les procedió a sustituir por la incorporación de nano-adiciones de Sílice y Alúmina (7% y 3% respectivamente) y añadiendo fibras de acero en lugar de poliolefina. En el pr...

  5. The structure, magnetism, and electrical-transport properties of the Heusler alloys Co2Cr1-xFexAl (x=0.2-0.6)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ming; Wolf, Anne L.; Zhang, L.; Tegus, O.; Brueck, Ekkes; Wu Guangheng; Boer, Frank R. de


    We synthesize the polycrystalline Heusler compounds Co 2 Cr 1-x Fe x Al (x=0.2-0.6). The x-ray diffraction patterns show A2 structure rather than L2 1 structure. The magnetic moment and the Curie temperature increase with increasing x. The electrical resistivity characterizes the Co 2 Cr 1-x Fe x Al compounds to be not typical metals and the temperature dependence of the resistivity changes from metallic to semiconductinglike behavior with increasing Cr concentrations. We attribute the fact, which we observe for most of the compounds smaller magnetic moments than the theoretical values and the low magnetoresistance in these alloys, to the considerably high level of Co-(Cr, Fe)-type disorder

  6. Characterizing and improving the toughness of thick-sectioned 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo electroslag weldments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edwards, G.R.; Frost, R.H.


    Efforts to improve the toughness of electroslag weldments consisted of four endeavors: process control, changes caused in 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel by electroslag welding and post-weld heat treatment, electrochemical reactions during the electroslag welding, and toughness testing.

  7. Desgaste por deslizamiento en seco de aceros perlíticos y bainíticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristian Camilo Viáfara Arango


    Full Text Available El desgaste por deslizamiento tiene una gran influencia sobre el desempeño de los sistemas rueda-riel, en particular, por el deslizamiento de la pestaña de la rueda sobre la parte interna del riel en una pista curva. Dado que el deslizamiento entre la rueda y el riel involucra efectos de adhesión, altos porcentajes de deslizamiento/rodadura afectan fuertemente el desgaste por fatiga de contacto por rodadura, que actúa en las superficies de contacto. En una máquina Pin sobre Disco se llevaron a cabo ensayos de desgaste por deslizamiento para estudiar el comportamiento del acero perlítico AISI 1070 y el bainítico AISI 15B30. La velocidad de deslizamiento fue 1 ms-1 para todas las pruebas y se utilizaron cargas normales de 10, 30 y 50 N. La resistencia al desgaste fue relacionada con la pérdida de masa medida después de las pruebas y las superficies desgastadas, al igual que las partículas removidas, fueron analizadas por medio de los microscopios óptico y electrónico. Se realizaron perfiles de microdureza bajo las superficies de contacto para analizar el efecto del endurecimiento por deformación. El acero perlítico mostró mayor resistencia al desgaste que el acero bainítico, debido al excelente comportamiento de endurecimiento por deformación de la perlita comparado con el de la bainita. En el acero perlítico se observaron regímenes de desgaste oxidativo, mientras que en el bainítico el principal mecanismo de remoción de material fue el adhesivo, llevando a un daño mucho más fuerte en la superficie. De hecho, el régimen de desgaste para las probetas bainíticas fue siempre severo, aún con la menor carga normal aplicada.

  8. Moldeo por inyección del acero rápido M2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruiz-Román, J. M.


    Full Text Available The purpose of this work is to study the feasibility of Powder Injection Molding in order to obtain M2 High Speed Steels with higher performances than those obtained by conventional P/M. With this object trials have been carried out in order to optimize all the process steps (mixing, injection, debinding and sintering, and to evaluate the mechanical properties (hardness and transverse tensile strengh of the manufactured M2 HSS sample.

    Se estudia la viabilidad de la tecnología de Moldeo por Inyección de Polvos (MIM en la fabricación con acero rápido M2 a fin de obtener componentes de este material de prestaciones superiores a las que se consiguen mediante métodos convencionales pulvimetalúrgicos. Los ensayos realizados se han dirigido a optimizar los parámetros de la eliminación del ligante y de la sinterización, con objeto de controlar el contenido de carbono y la densidad final de las piezas, así como evitar la aparición de los defectos típicos de esta tecnología.

  9. Structural relaxation and colour in the spinel-magnesiochromite (MgAl2O4-MgCr2O4) and gahnite-zincochromite (ZnAl2O4-ZnCr2O4) solid solution series (United States)

    Hålenius, U.; Andreozzi, G. B.; Skogby, H.


    Recent studies on binary mineral solid solution series utilising synchrotron based x-ray absorption spectroscopies have indicated strong structural relaxation. For instance, it has been suggested that the real Cr-O bond distances remain nearly constant (relaxation parameter (ɛ) of 0.85, where ɛ=1 equals full relaxation) over the entire compositional range of the MgAl2O4-MgCr2O4 series (Juhin et al. 2007). In the present study we have measured room temperature optical absorption spectra of synthetic single crystals of the ZnAl2-2xCr2xO4 (0.03?x?1) and MgAl2-2xCr2xO4(0.02?x?1) series with the aim to explore the real architecture of the structure and in particular the Cr-O distance as function of composition. Our crystals were synthesized by means of flux-growth methods under atmospheric pressure and temperature profiles resulting in an estimated cation ordering temperature of ca 850 °C. Crystals close to the spinel (sensu stricto) and gahnite end-member compositions were faintly red in colour. With increasing Cr-content the crystals become more intensely red-coloured and at the higher Cr-contents there is a distinct shift towards a dark greenish colouration. These colour changes are reflected in the measured optical spectra by the position and intensity of the two spin-allowed electronic d-d transitions in octahedrally coordinated Cr3+ at ca 18000 (4A2g -4T2g (4F) transition) and 25000 cm-1(4A2g -4T1g (4F) transition). The energy of the first transition (?1-band) is ca 1200 cm-1 lower in magnesiochromite than in weakly Cr-doped spinel (x=0.02) and ca 1400 cm-1 lower in zincochromite than in gahnite with the lowest Cr-content (x=0.03). Concomitantly the energy of the second transition (?2-band) decreases with increasing Cr-content in both series by ca. 1800 cm-1. From the position of the ?1-band, a decrease in crystal field splitting, 10Dq, for six-coordinated Cr3+ with increasing Cr-content in the MgAl2-2xCr2xO4 and ZnAl2-2xCr2xO4 series of 6.5 and 7

  10. Solid solutions on the base of CuCr2Se4 and CUsUb(1/2)Insub(1/2)Crsub(2)Sesub(4)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnov, S.G.; Rozantsev, A.V.; Kesler, Ya.A.; Gordeev, I.V.; Tret'yakov, Yu.D.


    The CuCr 2 Se 4 interaction with Cusub(1/2)Insub(1/2)Crsub(2)Sesub(4) for determining the fields of solid solutions existence and studying their crystallochemical properties is investigated. Solid solutions of the (1-x)Cusub(1/2)Insub(1/2)Crsub(2)Sesub(4)xxCuCrsub(2)Sesub(4) are prepared, two limited regions of solid solutions of spinel type at 0 <= x <= 0.2 and 0.8 <= x <= 1 are determined. X-ray radiography investigation of synthesized solid solutions is carried out. It has been found that at 0 <= x <= 0.2 solid solutions are crystallized in the ordered spinel structure F anti 43m

  11. Thermodynamic properties of CuCr/sub 2/S/sub 4/ solid solutions in Cusub(1/2)Msub(1/2) Crsub(2)Ssub(4) (M - Ga, In)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Titov, V.V.; Kesler, Ya.A.; Shelkotunov, V.A.; Gordeev, I.V.; Tret' yakov, Yu.D.


    By means of an adiabatic calorimeter and quartz dilatometer for CuCr/sub 2/S/sub 4/ in Cusub(1/2)Msub(1/2) Crsub(2)Ssub(4) (M-Ga, In) temperature dependences of heat capacity are determined. The contribution of various components into heat capacity is estimated, thermodynamic parameters of magnetic transformation are calculated.

  12. Mechanical properties of irradiated 9Cr-2WVTa steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klueh, R.L.; Alexander, D.J.; Rieth, M.


    An Fe-9Cr-2W-0.25V-0.07Ta-0.1C (9Cr-2WVTa) steel has excellent strength and impact toughness before and after irradiation in the Fast Flux Test Facility and the High Flux Reactor (HFR). The ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) increased only 32 C after 28 dpa at 365 C in FFTF, compared to a shift of ∼60 C for a 9Cr-2WV steel--the same as the 9Cr-2WVTa steel but without tantalum. This difference occurred despite the two steels having similar tensile but without tantalum. This difference occurred despite the two steels having similar tensile properties before and after irradiation. The 9Cr-2WVTa steel has a smaller prior-austenite grain size, but otherwise microstructures are similar before irradiation and show similar changes during irradiation. The irradiation behavior of the 9Cr-2WVTa steel differs from the 9Cr-2WV steel and other similar steels in two ways: (1) the shift in DBTT of the 9Cr-2WVTa steel irradiated in FFTF does not saturate with fluence by ∼28 dpa, whereas for the 9Cr-2WV steel and most similar steels, saturation occurs at <10 dpa, and (2) the shift in DBTT for 9Cr-2WVTa steel irradiated in FFTF and HFR increased with irradiation temperature, whereas it decreased for the 9Cr-2WV steel, as it does for most similar steels. The improved properties of the 9Cr-2WVTa steel and the differences with other steels were attributed to tantalum in solution

  13. On the sintering behaviour of steel bonded TiC-Cr3C2 and TiC-Cr3C2-WC mixed carbides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stojanov, L.G.; Exner, H.E.


    Powder mixtures of TiC+Cr 3 C 2 and TiC+Cr 3 C 2 + WC were hot pressed to nearly full density. The lattice parameter of the resulting cubic mixed crystal decreases linearly with increasing additions of Cr 3 C 2 and (Cr 3 C 2 +WC 1:1). Microhardness increases with Cr 3 C 2 content up to 20 wt.%. By addition of WC, microhardness is increased further and reaches a maximum value of approx. 38 000 MN/m 2 for 20 wt.% Cr 3 C 2 and 20 wt.% WC. From these solid solutions powder compositions of Ferro-TiC type were produced by milling with 55 wt.% Fe and 0.4 wt.% C. The sintering behaviour of these powders was studied in a vacuum dilatometer. The pronounced increase of shrinkage by Cr 3 C 2 and higher amounts of Cr 3 C 2 +WC dissolved in TiC previous to binder phase melting is attributed to the increased solubility of the carbide in solid iron. Presintering at 700 0 C in hydrogen has a negative influence on sintering activity and requires much higher temperatures for complete densification during subsequent vacuum sintering. (orig.) [de

  14. Hydrogen induced plastic damage in pressure vessel steel of 2.25Cr-1Mo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, G.W.; Song, Y.J.


    2.25Cr-1Mo steel is generally employed as a hydrogenation reaction vessel material used at elevated temperature and in a hydrogen containing environment. During service of the reaction vessel, a large number of hydrogen atoms would enter its wall. When the reaction vessel is shutdown and the temperature reduces to about ambient temperature, the hydrogen atoms remaining in the wall would induce plastic damage in the steel. The mechanism of hydrogen induced plastic damage is different for various materials with different microstructures. Investigations have demonstrated that the hydrogen induced plastic damage in carbide annealed carbon steels is caused by hydrogen accelerating the initiating and growing of microvoids from the carbide particles. However, SEM examination on the fracture surface of hydrogen charged tensile specimen of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel show that a large number of fisheyes appear on the fracture surface. This indicates that hydrogen induced plastic damage in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel is related to the occurrence of fisheye cracks during plastic deformation. By means of micro-fracture mechanics to analyze fisheye crack occurrence from the first generation microvoid, the mechanism of hydrogen induced plastic damage in the pressure vessel steel is investigated

  15. Evaluation of environmental effect on creep-fatigue of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Beinan; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi; Asada, Yasuhide.


    In the present study, a trial evaluation was made to evaluate the environmental effect of air separately from the behavior of material origin. Data with 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel at 550degC in air were subjected to the evaluation based on data of the steel in high vacuum with a newly developed procedure using the overstress concept. An empirical expression was proposed to describe the environmental effect of air on the creep-fatigue behavior. Following conclusions were obtained in the present study on a separation of the environmental effect of air on a creep-fatigue behavior of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel at 550degC. 1) The environmental effect of air reduces a fatigue life, that is, it increases the time-independent damage component of the creep-fatigue. 2) The environmental effect of air brings on the frequency effect which is mainly dependent upon a strain rate or time in a compression going stroke. Other environmental effect on F-S or compression hold-time cycles depends upon the strain rate in compression. 3) The rate-time dependent damage component, that is, the creep damage is reduced by the environmental effect of air. That means a creep-fatigue life recovers in air environment. (author)

  16. Development of improved HP/IP rotor material 2% CrMoNiWV (23 CrMoNiWV 88)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiemann, W.


    The new 2% CrMoNiWV steel has a sufficient strength level, a very good creep (rupture) behaviour and an excellent toughness behaviour for a creep resistant steel. Even after long time high temperature exposure the toughness degradation is so small that it is still better than this of best 1% CrMo(Ni)V steels. The fatigue behaviour is well comparable to this of 1% CrMo(Ni)V. The 2% CrMoNiWV steel has the capability to substitute the traditional 1% CrMo(Ni)V. (orig.) With 26 annexes

  17. The effect of microstructure and temperature on the oxidation behavior of two-phase Cr-Cr2X (X=Nb,Ta) alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brady, M.P.; Tortorelli, P.F.


    The oxidation behavior of Cr(X) solid solution (Cr ss ) and Cr 2 X Laves phases (X = Nb, Ta) was studied individually and in combination at 950--1,100 C in air. The Cr ss phase was significantly more oxidation resistant than the Cr 2 X Laves phase. At 950 C, two-phase alloys of Cr-Cr 2 Nb and Cr-Cr 2 Ta exhibited in-situ internal oxidation, in which remnants of the Cr 2 X Laves phase were incorporated into a growing chromia scale. At 1,100 C, the Cr-Cr 2 Nb alloys continued to exhibit in-situ internal oxidation, which resulted in extensive O/N penetration into the alloy ahead of the alloy-scale interface and catastrophic failure during cyclic oxidation. IN contrast, the Cr-Cr 2 Ta alloys exhibited a transition to selective Cr oxidation and the formation of a continuous chromia scale. The oxidation mechanism is interpreted in terms of multiphase oxidation theory

  18. Ca2Cr0.5Ga1.5O5—An extremely redox-stable brownmillerite phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, Kun; Amano Patino, Midori; Hayward, Michael A.


    Investigation of the Ca 2 Cr x Ga 2−x O 5 compositional series reveals a maximum chromium solubility of 25%. The most chromium rich composition, Ca 2 Cr 0.5 Ga 1.5 O 5 , adopts a brownmillerite-type anion deficient perovskite structure described in space group Pnma (a=5.368 Å, b=14.547 Å, c=5.593 Å). Neutron powder diffraction data reveals rigorous B-site cation order, with all of the tetrahedral coordination sites occupied exclusively by gallium and the octahedral coordination sites occupied by gallium or chromium. Annealing studies reveals Ca 2 Cr 0.5 Ga 1.5 O 5 is stable in both oxidizing (100% O 2 ) and reducing (5% H 2 in N 2 ) conditions up to 800 °C, suggesting it could find application as a stable host lattice for fuel cell electrodes or electrolytes with suitable doping to enhance catalytic behaviour and/or anionic conductivity. - Graphical abstract: Ca 2 Cr 0.5 Ga 1.5 O 5 , adopts a brownmillerite-type anion deficient perovskite structure yet it is stable in both oxidizing (100% O 2 ) and reducing (5% H 2 in N 2 ) conditions up to 800 °C. - Highlights: • Anion deficient oxide stable to both oxidation and reduction up to 800 °C. • Cation-ordered brownmillerite structure determined by powder neutron diffraction. • Low solubility of Cr 3+ in framework due to spherical d 3 electron configuration

  19. Type IIIa cracking at 2CrMo welds in 1/2CrMoV pipework

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brett, S J; Smith, P A [National Power plc, Swindon (United Kingdom)


    The most common form of in-service defect found today on the welds of National Power`s 1/2CrMoV pipework systems is Type IV cracking which occurs in intercritically transformed material at the edge of the heat affected zone. However an alternate form of cracking, termed IIIa, which occurs close to the weld fusion line in fully grain refined heat affected zones, has also been observed. The incidence of Type IIIa cracking has increased in recent years and these defects now constitute a significant part of the total recorded crack population. This presentation describes Type IIIa cracking and compares and contrasts it with the better documented Type IV cracking. Particular reference is made to the role of carbon diffusion at the weld fusion line in promoting Type IIIa damage in preference to Type IV. (orig.) 5 refs.

  20. Type IIIa cracking at 2CrMo welds in 1/2CrMoV pipework

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brett, S.J.; Smith, P.A. [National Power plc, Swindon (United Kingdom)


    The most common form of in-service defect found today on the welds of National Power`s 1/2CrMoV pipework systems is Type IV cracking which occurs in intercritically transformed material at the edge of the heat affected zone. However an alternate form of cracking, termed IIIa, which occurs close to the weld fusion line in fully grain refined heat affected zones, has also been observed. The incidence of Type IIIa cracking has increased in recent years and these defects now constitute a significant part of the total recorded crack population. This presentation describes Type IIIa cracking and compares and contrasts it with the better documented Type IV cracking. Particular reference is made to the role of carbon diffusion at the weld fusion line in promoting Type IIIa damage in preference to Type IV. (orig.) 5 refs.

  1. Improvements in the susceptibility to hydrogen attack and stress-relief cracking of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imanaka, T.; Sato, S.; Shimomura, J.; Aso, K.


    The influence of sulphur content at extremely low level on the susceptibility to hydrogen attack and stress-relief cracking in 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steels was studied. The reduction of sulphur content and/or the addition of REM (rare earth metal) or Ca in accordance with sulphur content remarkably improve the resistivity against hydrogen attack and stress-relief cracking. Micro-structural examination has showed that there exist Mn-REM-S-Al-O complex particles in the REM-added steels. It is concluded that the effect of REM on hydrogen attack and stress-relief cracking is to reduce ''the free sulphur'' in 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steels


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    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de barras de acero de refuerzo de un concreto de escoria activado alcalinamente. La escoria de alto horno fue activada mediante el uso de silicato sódico al 5% obteniéndose un material con buenas propiedades cementantes. Las probetas de concreto fueron fabricadas a partir de este cemento, después de mezclar con los agregados fueron reforzadas con barras de acero sismoresistente ASTMA706. Las probetas de concreto reforzado estuvieron sometidas en ambientes contaminados con iones cloruro para simular condiciones marinas. La evaluación electroquímica se realizo aplicando las técnicas de resistencia a la polarización lineal (LPR y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS. Se logra determinar el comportamiento de la capa pasiva del acero y electroquímico del metal cuando está inmerso en estos materiales cerámicos novedosos.

  3. Crystal structure, Raman scattering and magnetic properties of CuCr2-xZrxSe4 and CuCr2-xSnxSe4 selenospinels (United States)

    Pinto, C.; Galdámez, A.; Barahona, P.; Moris, S.; Peña, O.


    Selenospinels, CuCr2-xMxSe4 (M = Zr and Sn), were synthesized via conventional solid-state reactions. The crystal structure of CuCr1.5Sn0.5Se4, CuCr1.7Sn0.3Se4, CuCr1.5Zr0.5Se4, and CuCr1.8Zr0.2Se4 were determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. All the phases crystallized in a cubic spinel-type structure. The chemical compositions of the single-crystals were examined using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS). Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of CuCr1.3Sn0.7Se4 and CuCr1.7Sn0.3Se4 were consistent with phases belonging to the Fd 3 bar m Space group. An analysis of the vibrational properties on the single-crystals was performed using Raman scattering measurements. The magnetic properties showed a spin glass behavior with increasing Sn content and ferromagnetic order for CuCr1.7Sn0.3Se4.

  4. Thermal fatigue strength estimation of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel under creep-fatigue interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuwahara, Kazuo; Nitta, Akihito; Kitamura, Takayuki


    A 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel is one of principal materials for high temperature equipments in nuclear and thermal power plants. The authors experimentally analyzed the high temperature fatigue strength and creep strength of a 2-1/4 Cr-1Mo steel main steam pipe which had been used in a thermal plant for operation up to 130,000 hours, and pointed out that the strain-range vs. life curves crossed each other due to the difference of temperature-strain phase in thermal fatigue. This suggests that it is difficult to estimate thermal fatigue life of steel materials having been subjected to different temperature-strain phase on the basis of isothermal low-cycle fatigue life at the upper limit temperature of thermal fatigue, and that it is urgently required to establish an appropriate method of evaluating thermal fatigue life. The authors attempted to prove that the strain range partitioning method used for the evaluation of thermal fatigue life in SUS 304 steels is applicable to this 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel. Consequently, it was found that the thermal fatigue life could be estimated within a factor of 2.5 by the application of this method. (author)

  5. Doping effects on structural and magnetic properties of Heusler alloys Fe2Cr1-xCoxSi (United States)

    Liu, Yifan; Ren, Lizhu; Zheng, Yuhong; He, Shikun; Liu, Yang; Yang, Ping; Yang, Hyunsoo; Teo, Kie Leong


    In this work, 30nm Fe2Cr1-xCoxSi (FCCS) magnetic films were deposited on Cr buffered MgO (100) substrates by sputtering. Fe2Cr0.5Co0.5Si exhibits the largest magnetization and optimal ordered L21 cubic structure at in-situ annealing temperature (Tia) of 450°C. The Co composition dependence of crystalline structures, surface morphology, defects, lattice distortions and their correlation with the magnetic properties are analyzed in detail. The Co-doped samples show in-plane M-H loops with magnetic squareness ratio of 1 and increasing anisotropy energy density with Co composition. Appropriate Co doping composition promotes L21 phase but higher Co composition converts L21 to B2 phase. Doping effect and lattice mismatch both are proved to increase the defect density. In addition, distortions of the FCCS lattice are found to be approximately linear with Co composition. The largest lattice distortion (c/a) is 0.969 for Fe2Cr0.25Co0.75Si and the smallest is 0.983 for Fe2CrSi. Our analyses suggest that these tetragonal distortions mainly induced by an elastic stress from Cr buffer account for the large in-plane anisotropy energy. This work paves the way for further tailoring the magnetic and structural properties of quaternary Heusler alloys.

  6. Spin reorientation and magnetic anisotropy in Y2Co17-xCr x (x 1.17-3.0) compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuquan, B.; Tegus, O.; Dagula, W.; Brueck, E.; Boer, F.R. de; Buschow, K.H.J.


    Spin reorientation transitions and magnetic anisotropy in Y 2 Co 17-x Cr x (x = 1.17-3.0) compounds have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and magnetization measurements. The powder X-ray diffraction patterns show that most samples crystallize as a single phase with the rhombohedral Th 2 Zn 17 -type structure. However, in the compound Y 2 Co 14 Cr 3 the Th 2 Zn 17 phase coexist with the hexagonal Th 2 Ni 17 -type phase. The lattice parameters a and c hardly change and the unit cell volume V increases slightly with increasing Cr content. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the aligned powder of the samples have confirmed that at room temperature the compound with x = 1.17 has planar anisotropy, but the compounds with x = 1.76, 2.34 and 3.00 have uniaxial anisotropy. Spin reorientation phenomena occur in all of the compounds. With increasing Cr content, the Curie temperature, the spin reorientation temperature, the spontaneous magnetization, and the anisotropy constant K 2 of the Y 2 Co 17-x Cr x (x = 1.17-3.0) compounds decrease strongly while the anisotropy constant K 1 increases in the range of x from 1.17 to 2.34 and then decreases in the range of x from 2.34 to 3.00

  7. Microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de dos aceros para herramientas con ultra alto contenido de boro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiménez, J. A.


    Full Text Available In the present work, two selected tool steels have been modified by a boron addition of 0.5 and 1 mass %. Both steels were processed by powder metallurgy methods, including argon atomization and hot isostatic pressing. The Consolidated materials presented a microstructure consisting of a fine and homogeneous distribution borocarbides M23(C,B6 in a ferrite-martensite matrix. No changes are observed in the microstructure after deformation by compression-strain-rate-change tests at temperatures ranging from 700 to 1,100 °C. For the Fe-lB-lC steel, a stress exponent of 4.5 was obtained, that suggests that slip creep is the controlling deformation mechanism. On the other hand, a stress exponent between 2 and 3 was obtained for the Fe-0.5B-1.5C steel that suggests that grain boundary sliding is the controlling deformation mechanism. In both cases, the activation energy for creep was related to the activation energy for iron self-diffusion.

    En el presente trabajo se han modificado dos aceros para herramientas convencionales por la presencia de un contenido de boro entre 0,5 y 1 % en masa. Ambos aceros se procesaron por la ruta pulvimetalúrgica, incluyendo atomización por argón y compactación isostática en caliente. El material compactado presentó una microestructura caracterizada por una distribución de partículas de borocarburos M23(C,B6 fina y homogénea en una matriz de ferrita-martensita. Esta microestructura permanece prácticamente inalterada tras los ensayos de cambios en la velocidad de deformación durante el ensayo de compresión a temperaturas entre 750 y 1.000 °C. En el caso del acero Fe-lB-lC se obtuvo un valor para el exponente de la tensión de 4,5, que sugiere que la deformación plástica está controlada por un mecanismo de fluencia por movimiento de dislocaciones. Por otro lado, para el acero Fe-0,5B-1,5C, se obtuvieron valores para el exponente de la tensión comprendidos

  8. Study on structural and optical properties of α-(AlxCr1-x)2O3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) solid solutions (United States)

    Jangir, Ravindra; Kumar, Dharmendra; Srihari, Velaga; Ganguli, Tapas


    We report on structural and optical properties for ternary α-(AlxCr1-x)2O3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) solid solutions synthesized by using solid sate reaction method. Single R-3c phase was obtained for the Aluminum composition of 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Due to difference in the ionic radia of Al3+ and Cr3+, in plane lattice parameter showed deviation from the vegard's law. Optical absorption spectra for the solid solutions showed a blue shift of ˜ 0.5 eV in the optical gap. It has also been observed that Cr 3d level shifted towards the O 2p level in the valance band which indicates the enhancement of hybridization in the d and p levels, which is related to the delocalization of hole states, responsible for p-type conduction in wide band gap semiconductors. The results suggests that ternary α-(AlxCr1-x)2O3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) can be useful in the field of UV transparent electronics and UV photodetectors.



    Béjar, L; Hernández, C. A


    Se ha desarrollado un modelo matemático para la predicción de la curva de fluencia de la austenita deformada en aceros de baja aleación. Las ecuaciones constitutivas tienen en cuenta los mecanismos gobernantes durante la deformación plástica -responsables de la forma de la curva- y emplea las variables de proceso y la composición química del acero. Para una demostración de su precisión, el modelo propuesto se ha comparado con las curvas de fluencia clásicas de Cook en condiciones hasta dos ór...

  10. S-N Curves of high resistance steels in the gigacyclic regime; Curvas S-N de aceros de alta resistencia dentro del regimen gigaciclico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marinez G, I [Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers-Institut des Technologies et des Materiaux Avances (CNAM-ITMA), Paris (France); Dominguez A, G [Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya, Guanajuato (Mexico); Bathias, C [Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers-Institut des Technologies et des Materiaux Avances (CNAM-ITMA), Paris (France)


    In this paper, the fatigue behavior of high strength steel used for mechanical parts has been investigated in the gigacycle fatigue regime. An experimental study has been carried out with both: R = 0.1 (perlitic-ferritic steel) and R = -1 (perlitic-ferritic steel, bainitic steel, martensitic steels) loads, at a high frequency of 20 khz up to 1010 cycles, to determine the S-N curves when fatigue life is more than 107 cycles. Comparison of experimental results at frequencies of 20 khz and 30 Hz with R = -1, shows that the S-N curve has a good agreement between 105 and 107 cycles for the high strength steels, Furthermore, fracture surface observations are made by SEM; the transition of crack initiation site is described. The generalization of gigacycle fatigue behavior is analyzed. More often initiation of fatigue crack at 109 cycles is a bulk phenomenon with an important effect of stress concentration due to mineral inclusions or perlitic platelets. Thus, the Murakami model is efficient when we can measure the defects associated with fracture, but it can not take into account the microstructure effect related to platelets phenomenon. [Spanish] En este trabajo se investigo el comportamiento en fatiga gigaciclica de varios aceros de alta resistencia utilizados en la industria automotriz. El estudio experimental se llevo a cabo utilizando dos diferentes valores de carga: R = 0.1 (acero perlitoferritico) y R = -1 (acero perlito-ferritico, acero bainitico, aceros martensiticos), a una frecuencia de ensayo de 20 kHz y hasta 1010 ciclos, para determinar las curvas S-N arriba de 107 ciclos. La comparacion de resultados experimentales obtenidos utilizando frecuencias de ensayo de 20 kHz y 30 Hz con la relacion de carga R = - 1, muestran la continuidad de las curvas S-N entre 105 y 107 ciclos para estos aceros de alta resistencia. Por otro lado, observaciones de la superficie de fractura se efectuaron utilizando el microscopio electronico de barrido; se describe la transicion

  11. High-pressure BaCrO_3 polytypes and the 5H–BaCrO_2_._8 phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arévalo-López, Angel M.; Paul Attfield, J.


    Polytypism of BaCrO_3 perovskites has been investigated at 900–1100 °C and pressures up to 22 GPa. Hexagonal 5H, 4H, and 6H perovskites are observed with increasing pressure, and the cubic 3C perovskite (a=3.99503(1) Å) is observed in bulk form for the first time at 19–22 GPa. An oxygen-deficient material with limiting composition 5H–BaCrO_2_._8 is synthesised at 1200 °C under ambient pressure. This contains double tetrahedral Cr"4"+ layers and orders antiferromagnetically below 260 K with a (0 0 1/2) magnetic structure. - Graphical abstract: Hexagonal 5H, 4H, and 6H perovskites polytypes of BaCrO_3 are observed with increasing pressure and the cubic 3C perovskite is stabilised in bulk form for the first time at 19–22 GPa. Oxygen-deficient 5H–BaCrO_2_._8 synthesised at ambient pressure contains double tetrahedral Cr"4"+ layers and orders antiferromagnetically below 260 K with a (0 0 1/2) magnetic structure.

  12. Application of 2-1/4 Cr-1 Mo as a structural material in saturated steam cycle LMFBR systems. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Licina, G.J.; Busboom, H.J.; Ring, P.J.; Roy, P.; Schmidt, C.G.; Spalaris, C.N.


    The suitability and incentives were examined for using 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel as a structural material for the entire primary and secondary sodium systems in a 1000 MWe pool-type Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor. The critical properties, advantages and disadvantages of 2-1/4Cr-1Mo, and data needed for design were described for each major component in the reactor. The relative importance of alloy properties to the successful use of ferritics in LMFBR was identified. Licensing issues, likely to surface if ferritic alloys were to be used for critical reactor components, were discussed

  13. The effects of minor alloy modifications and heat treatment on the microstructure and creep rupture behavior of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Todd, J.A.; Chung, D.W.; Parker, E.R.


    The effects of alloy additions on the microstructure of simulated cooled and tempered 2.25Cr-1Mo steels have been studied using transmission electron microscopy. Carbide precipitation sequences have been identified in the modification 3Cr-1Mo-1Mn-1Ni and compared to those in 2.25Cr-1Mo steels modified with Mn and Ni and also with Ti, V and B. The influence of minor compositional changes on the creep rupture behavior of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel has been studied at 500 C, 560 C, and 600 C. The most significant effect of alloy modifications on creep properties resulted from additions of Mn and Cr. Preliminary studies show that 1% Mn and 0.5Mn + 1Ni + 0.75Cr additions significantly reduce creep strength at all three temperatures for tests up to 2000 hours duration. The 3Cr-1Mo-1Mn-1Ni steel showed improvements in rupture ductility at all temperatures when compared with the base 2.25Cr-1Mo steel and the manganese-nickel modifications. Plots of the Larson-Miller parameter for both these modifications lay within the scatter band for commercial 2.25Cr-1Mo steels

  14. Optical and EPR spectra of the thionitrosyl complex [Cr(OH2)5(NS)]2+

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Døssing, Anders Rørbæk; Dethlefsen, Johannes Wied


    . The optical data indicate that the NS ligand is a weaker p-acceptor than the NO ligand. The EPR parameters of [Cr(OH2)5(NS)]2+ were determined: giso, g¦ and g-: 1.96515, 1.92686(5) and 1.986860(8); Aiso(53Cr), A¦(53Cr) and A-(53Cr): 25.3´10-4, 38´10-4 and 18.5´10-4cm-1; Aiso(14N), A¦(14N) and A-(14N): 6...

  15. Fabricación de matrices de corte con aceros rápidos para herramientas mediante metalurgia de polvos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Talacchia, S.


    Full Text Available The present work summarizes the results obtained by compacting water atomized powders of T42 modified carbon and vanadium, M3/2 and M2 high speed steels. The powders were compacted under complex forms (cut off dies and sintered under a 90 N2-9 H2-I CH4 industrial atmosphere. Heat treatments in different severity media were performed. Hardness of 1,100 HV can be obtained in the case of T42 modified steel. Also, the shrinking of the sintered specimens was study.

    Se estudia la fabricación de matrices de corte de aceros rápidos para herramientas mediante procesos de metalurgia de polvos. Los polvos de los aceros T42 con contenidos de carbono y vanadio modificados, M3/2 y M2, obtenidos por atomización en agua, se compactaron de tal modo que quedaron dotados de formas geométricas complejas. Después de sinterizados en una atmósfera industrial 90 N2-9 H2-I CH4, se trataron térmicamente en medios de distintas severidades. Tras el temple desde temperaturas de austenización cercanas a la temperatura óptima de sinterizado, se lograron durezas de hasta 1.100 HV. Se determinaron, también, las contracciones sufridas por las piezas sinterizadas.

  16. Structural, optical, and thermal properties of MAX-phase Cr2AlB2 (United States)

    Li, Xiao-Hong; Cui, Hong-Ling; Zhang, Rui-Zhou


    First-principles calculations of the structural, optical, and thermal properties of Cr2AlB2 are performed using the pseudopotential plane-wave method within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Calculation of the elastic constant and phonon dispersion indicates that Cr2AlB2 is mechanically and thermodynamically stable. Analysis of the band structure and density of states indicates that Cr2AlB2 is metallic. The thermal properties under increasing temperature and pressure are investigated using the quasi-harmonic Debye model. The results show that anharmonic effects on Cr2AlB2 are important at low temperature and high pressure. The calculated equilibrium primitive cell volume is 95.91 Å3 at T = 300 K, P = 0 GPa. The ability of Cr2AlB2 to resist volume changes becomes weaker with increasing temperature and stronger with increasing pressure. Analysis of optical properties of Cr2AlB2 shows that the static dielectric function of Cr2AlB2 is 53.1, and the refractive index n 0 is 7.3. If the incident light has a frequency exceeding 16.09 eV, which is the plasma frequency of Cr2AlB2, Cr2AlB2 changes from metallic to dielectric material.

  17. Kinetic stable Cr isotopic fractionation between aqueous Cr(III)-Cl-H2O complexes at 25 °C: Implications for Cr(III) mobility and isotopic variations in modern and ancient natural systems (United States)

    Babechuk, Michael G.; Kleinhanns, Ilka C.; Reitter, Elmar; Schoenberg, Ronny


    The stable Cr isotope fractionation preserved in natural substances has been attributed predominantly to Cr(III)-Cr(VI) redox transformations. However, non-redox reaction pathways (e.g., ligand-promoted dissolution, ligand exchange, adsorption of Cr(III)) are liable to contribute to isotopic fractionation in natural systems given that soluble Cr(III)-ligands have been directly documented or modeled in several marine, continental, and hydrothermal environments. This study isolates the stable Cr isotope fractionation accompanying Cl-H2O ligand exchange during the transformation of three aqueous species in the Cr(III)-Cl-H2O system, [CrCl2(H2O)4]+aq (abr. CrCl2+ or S1), [CrCl(H2O)5]2+aq (abr. CrCl2+ or S2), and [Cr(H2O)6]3+aq (abr. Cr3+ or S3), at low pH (≤2). In dilute HCl (0.01 to 1 M), Cr3+ is the kinetically favoured species and transformation of CrCl2+ to CrCl2+ to Cr3+ via 2 steps of dechlorination/hydrolyzation begins immediately upon dissolution of a Cr(III)-Cl solid. Individual species are separated with cation exchange chromatography at different stages of transformation and inter- and intra-species (across an elution peak of one species) isotopic fractionation of up to 1 and 2‰ (δ53/52Cr), respectively, is documented. Comparison of peak elution characteristics with Cr-Cl-H-O isotopologue mass abundances suggests mass-dependent sorting of isotopologues alone cannot explain intra-species fractionation, supporting a previously published proposal that preferential adsorption of light Cr isotopes on the resin is driven by vibrational energy effects. The transformation of CrCl2+ to CrCl2+ is faster than CrCl2+ to Cr3+ and the rates of both transformations increase with solution pH. Preferential reaction of light Cr(III) isotopes into product species occurs during each transformation, consistent with closed-system, kinetic fractionation during Cl-H2O ligand exchange. Inter-species fractionation is assessed using time-series experiments beginning from the

  18. A first-principles study on the structural, mechanical, electronic and optical properties of the Cr2(AlxGe1−x)C alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao-Yong, Jiao; Shu-Hong, Ma; Xiao-Fen, Huang


    Highlights: • The structural, mechanical and optical properties of Cr 2 (Al x Ge 1−x )C are studied. • The sound velocity and the Debye temperatures for the Cr 2 (Al x Ge 1−x )C are predicted. • Results classify the Cr 2 (Al x Ge 1−x )C (x ⩽ 0.5) as ductile while (x = 0.75, 1) as brittle. • Cr 2 (Al x Ge 1−x )C are predicted to be promising good coating materials. -- Abstract: According to the new experimentally discovered Cr 2 (Al x Ge 1−x )C (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) alloys, we have studied the structural, mechanical, electronic and optical properties based on the first-principles calculation. Obtained structural parameters and distortion parameters are in good agreement with experimental results. It is shown that all the considered compounds are elastically stable and present results classify the Cr 2 (Al x Ge 1−x )C (x ⩽ 0.5) alloys as ductile while the Cr 2 (Al 0.75 Ge 0.25 )C and Cr 2 AlC as brittle. Electronic and optical properties demonstrate that all the considered M 2 AX compounds have a metallic character, and they are predictive of promising good coating materials

  19. Effect of Cr-sources on performance of Li1.05Cr0.04Mn1.96O4 cathode materials prepared by slurry spray drying method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, Z.D.; Jiang, Q.L.; Du, K.; Wang, W.G.; Hu, G.R.; Liu, Y.X.


    The effect of Cr-sources on the performance of Li 1.05 Cr 0.04 Mn 1.96 O 4 prepared by slurry spray drying method was studied by adopting three different chromic compounds, Cr 2 O 3 , Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 and Cr(CH 3 COO) 3 , respectively. The prepared powder materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), laser particle size analyzer and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area test. Electrochemical performances of these cathode materials were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and charge-discharge tests with Li/LiCr x Mn 2-x O 4 coin-type batteries. The results indicate that porous spherical particles with average particle size of about 24 μm can be obtained by slurry spray drying process. Using Cr(CH 3 COO) 3 as Cr-source resulted in the better mixing properties, which can make the as-prepared CA-Li 1.05 Cr 0.04 Mn 1.96 O 4 having smaller lattice parameter, smaller grain size and better structure stability, and consequently the obtained sample showed low charge transfer impedance and electrochemical polarization, and exhibited good electrochemical performance at elevated temperature.

  20. Comparing Cr, and N only doping with (Cr,N)-codoping for enhancing visible light reactivity of TiO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Yuan; Wang, Wei; Qiu, Xiaofeng; Meyer, Harry M. III; Paranthaman, Mariappan Parans; Eres, Gyula; Zhang, Zhenyu; Gu, Baohua


    The photoreactivity of titania (TiO2) nanoclusters with varying levels of N or Cr-doping, or (Cr,N)-codoping, was systematically investigated using photodegradation of methyl orange in aqueous suspensions. The shifting of the TiO2 absorption edge into the visible spectral region that is primarily attributable to band gap narrowing was found to be a reliable metric for estimating the photoreactivity of the doped nanoclusters. Compared to the weak response with undoped and N-doped TiO2, Cr-doping and (Cr, N)-codoping were found to significantly enhance photodegradation of methyl orange under visible light. The initial reaction rates increase from about 0 to above 1.6 10-2 min-1 when the doping concentration of Cr in TiO2 increases from 0 to 5%. In stark contrast, under UV irradiation, doping is not only ineffective but detrimental to the photoreactivity, and all doping including N or Cr only and (Cr, N)-codoping were found to reduce photoreactivity.

  1. Comparación de la microestructura y propiedades de impacto de dos materiales compuestos laminados de acero de ultraalto contenido de carbono

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pozuelo, M.


    Full Text Available Two ferrous laminated composites containing six layers have been processed by roll bonding. One of them consists of three layers of an ultrahigh carbon steel (1.3%C UHCS interlayered with other three layers of a microalloyed steel. The other composite consists of three layers of UHCS and three layers of a mild steel. Microstructure, Vickers hardness and impact properties have been studied. The absorbed energy values of the two laminated composites were higher than that of the UHCS.

    Se procesaron mediante laminación en caliente dos materiales compuestos laminados de acero de ultraalto contenido de carbono (AUAC, 1,3%C de seis capas cada uno: El primero está compuesto por tres capas de AUAC alternadas con tres capas de un acero microaleado, y el segundo con tres del mismo AUAC alternadas con tres de un acero suave. Se ha realizado un estudio de sus microestructuras, dureza Vickers y propiedades de impacto. Se han mejorado los valores de energía absorbida de los dos materiales compuestos laminados respecto al del AUAC.

  2. Influencia de las adiciones de TaC y NbC en las propiedades de los aceros rápidos pulvimetalúrgicos M3/2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gordo, E.


    Full Text Available Metal matrix composites based on M3/2 high speed steel and reinforced with different percentages of NbC and TaC were manufactured following a conventional powder metallurgy route: mixing, compacting and sintering. Graphite, to compensate carbon losses during sintering, and copper-phosphorous, to promote liquid phase sintering, were added to M3/2 powders to constitute the base material. Carbide and base material powders were dry mixed and uniaxially compacted at 700 MPa. After this, vacuum sintering was carried out at two temperatures: 1190 °C and 1230 °C. The mechanical properties and wear behaviour of all sintered materials were examined, and their characterisation was completed with a broad microstructural study

    Este trabajo plantea la fabricación de materiales compuestos de matriz metálica, basados en el acero rápido M3/2 y reforzados con distintas cantidades de NbC y TaC, mediante técnicas convencionales pulvimetalúrgicas (P/M: mezcla, compactación y sinterización. Al acero rápido se añadió grafito para compensar las pérdidas de carbono durante la sinterización y cupro-fósforo para promover sinterización en fase líquida, constituyendo esta mezcla el material base. Los polvos de carburos y de material base fueron mezclados en seco y compactados uniaxialmente a 700 MPa. Tras esta etapa, se realizó la sinterización en vacío a dos temperaturas: 1.190 °C y 1.230 °C. Todos los materiales sinterizados fueron caracterizados mediante el estudio de las propiedades mecánicas, el comportamiento a desgaste y un amplio análisis microestructural.

  3. Decapado de un acero inoxidable austenítico mediante mezclas ecológicas basadas en H2O2 - H2SO4 - iones F-

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Narváez, L.


    Full Text Available This study reports the pickling of 316L stainless steel using mixtures of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, sulphuric acid (H2SO4 and fluoride ions as hydrofluoric acid (HF, sodium fluoride (NaF and potassium fluoride (KF. The decomposition of H2O2 in the mixtures was assessed at different temperatures 25 °C to 60 °C, with ferric ion contents from 0 to 40 g/l. According to the results obtained, were established the optimal condition pickling at 20 g/l of ferric ions, 25 °C and p-toluensulphonic acid as stabilizer of H2O2. The HF pickling mixture was the only capable to remove totally the oxide layer from the 316L stainless steel after 300 s. The fluoride salts pickling mixtures only remove partially the oxide layer (20 to 40 % aprox. after 300 s. When the pickling time was increased until 1200 s, the removal percentages were around to 80 %.En este estudio se presenta el decapado del acero inoxidable austenítico 316L utilizando mezclas de peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2/ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4/iones fluoruro; los iones fluoruro provienen del ácido fluorhídrico (HF, fluoruro de sodio (NaF y fluoruro de potasio (KF. La estabilidad del H2O2 fue valorada modificando las concentraciones del ión férrico de 0 a 40 g/l y las temperaturas de 25 °C a 60 °C en las mezclas decapantes. Se establecieron las condiciones óptimas de decapado utilizando 20 g/l de iones férrico a 25 °C empleando el ácido p-toluensulfónico como estabilizante del H2O2. La mezcla que contenía HF fue la única capaz de eliminar completamente los óxidos superficiales del acero a tiempos de 300 s. Las mezclas a base de sales fluoradas eliminaron parcialmente los óxidos (20 y 40 % aprox. en 300 s. Al incrementar el tiempo de decapado hasta 1200 s se obtuvieron porcentajes de eliminación alrededor de un 80 %.

  4. Structure and magnetic properties of Cr nanoparticles and Cr2O3 nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, W.S.; Brueck, E.; Zhang, Z.D.; Tegus, O.; Li, W.F.; Si, P.Z.; Geng, D.Y.; Buschow, K.H.J.


    We have synthesized Cr nanoparticles by arc-discharge and Cr 2 O 3 nanoparticles by subsequent annealing the as-prepared Cr nanoparticles. The structure of these nanoparticles is studied by means of X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscope. Most of the particles show a good crystal habit of well-defined cubic or orthorhombic shape, while some small particles show spherical shape. The as-prepared Cr nanoparticles have a BCC Cr core coated with a thin Cr 2 O 3 layer. Cr in the core of the particles heated at 873 K for 4 h is changed to Cr 2 O 3 . The results of magnetic measurements show that the Cr nanoparticles exhibit mainly antiferromagnetic properties, in addition to a weak-ferromagnetic component at lower fields. The weak-ferromagnetic component may be ascribed to uncompensated surface spins. For the field-cooled Cr 2 O 3 nanoparticles, an exchange bias is observed in the hysteresis loops, which can be interpreted as the exchange coupling between the uncompensated spins at the surface and the spins in the core of the Cr 2 O 3 nanoparticles

  5. Tunable regioselectivity in 1,3-butadiene polymerization by using 2,6-bis(dimethyl-2-oxazolin-2-yl)pyridine incorporated transition metal (Cr, Fe and Co) catalysts

    KAUST Repository

    Gong, Dirong; Liu, Wen; Pan, Weijing; Chen, Tao; Jia, Xiaoyu; Huang, Kuo-Wei; Zhang, Xuequan


    Tridentate complexes Cr(III)Cl3L, [L = 2,6-bis(dimethyl-2-oxazolin-2-yl) pyridine], Fe(III)Cl3L, Fe(II)Cl2L and Co(II)Cl2L have been prepared and fully characterized. The solid structures of Cr(III)Cl3L, Fe(III)Cl3L and Co(II)Cl2L have been revealed by single crystal X-ray diffraction, and the Cr(III)Cl3L and Fe(III)Cl3L complexes both exhibit a distorted octahedral geometry, while the Co(II)Cl2L complex has a trigonal bipyramidal conformation. Four complexes have been examined in regioselective polymerization of butadiene in combination with MAO in toluene at room temperature. The trans-1,4, cis-1,4 enchainment of resultant polybutadiene are controlled by the metal center. Activated by MAO, complex Cr(III)Cl3L produces high level of trans-1,4 selectivity (trans-1,4 up to 93.3%) with moderate polymer yield, complexes Fe(III)Cl3L and Fe(II)Cl2L both show equal cis-1,4 and trans-1,4 with minor 1,2 selectivity (<10%), and Co(II)Cl2L catalyst displays predominated cis-1,4 selectivity, which can be shifted to 1,2 selectivity by adding PPh3 as an additive. Thus, tuning of the cis-1,4, trans-1,4 and 1,2 selectivity in full range via central metal and additive chosen by these 2,6-bis(dimethyl-2-oxazolin-2-yl) pyridine supported catalysts has been achieved. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Tunable regioselectivity in 1,3-butadiene polymerization by using 2,6-bis(dimethyl-2-oxazolin-2-yl)pyridine incorporated transition metal (Cr, Fe and Co) catalysts

    KAUST Repository

    Gong, Dirong


    Tridentate complexes Cr(III)Cl3L, [L = 2,6-bis(dimethyl-2-oxazolin-2-yl) pyridine], Fe(III)Cl3L, Fe(II)Cl2L and Co(II)Cl2L have been prepared and fully characterized. The solid structures of Cr(III)Cl3L, Fe(III)Cl3L and Co(II)Cl2L have been revealed by single crystal X-ray diffraction, and the Cr(III)Cl3L and Fe(III)Cl3L complexes both exhibit a distorted octahedral geometry, while the Co(II)Cl2L complex has a trigonal bipyramidal conformation. Four complexes have been examined in regioselective polymerization of butadiene in combination with MAO in toluene at room temperature. The trans-1,4, cis-1,4 enchainment of resultant polybutadiene are controlled by the metal center. Activated by MAO, complex Cr(III)Cl3L produces high level of trans-1,4 selectivity (trans-1,4 up to 93.3%) with moderate polymer yield, complexes Fe(III)Cl3L and Fe(II)Cl2L both show equal cis-1,4 and trans-1,4 with minor 1,2 selectivity (<10%), and Co(II)Cl2L catalyst displays predominated cis-1,4 selectivity, which can be shifted to 1,2 selectivity by adding PPh3 as an additive. Thus, tuning of the cis-1,4, trans-1,4 and 1,2 selectivity in full range via central metal and additive chosen by these 2,6-bis(dimethyl-2-oxazolin-2-yl) pyridine supported catalysts has been achieved. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.





    En este trabajo, se propone un tratamiento de conversión química base cerio sobre acero de bajo carbono para obtener un incremento en las propiedades de protección y ser utilizado como una preparación de superficie para un pintado posterior. El nitrato de cerio fue elegido como precursor y se utilizaron tres métodos para la obtención de películas sobre la superficie de acero al carbono. Las películas son formadas utilizando o no el H2O2, sin embargo, el papel del H2O2 es el de ...

  8. Structural, magnetic and transport properties of Pb{sub 2}Cr{sub 1+x}Mo{sub 1−x}O{sub 6} (−1≤x≤1/3)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, H.F. [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083 (China); Cao, L.P. [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Song, Y.J. [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083 (China); Feng, S.M.; Shen, X. [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Ni, X.D. [School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083 (China); Yao, Y.; Wang, Y.G. [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Wang, R.M. [School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083 (China); Jin, C.Q. [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Yu, R.C., E-mail: [Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 (China)


    Pb{sub 2}Cr{sub 1+x}Mo{sub 1-x}O{sub 6} (−1≤x≤1/3) samples were synthesized via a high pressure and high temperature route. X-ray diffraction results suggest the samples crystallize in a disordered double perovskite structure (Pm-3m). X-ray photoemission spectroscopy results confirm the presence of Mo{sup 4+} for x=−1 and Mo{sup 6+} for x=1/3. The measured magnetic and electrical properties exhibit systematic change with increasing x. - Highlights: • A series of Pb{sub 2}Cr{sub 1+x}Mo{sub 1−x}O{sub 6} samples were synthesized under high pressure. • Magnetic and electrical properties of the series samples were investigated. • Valence states of Cr and Mo were determined through the analyses of XRD and XPS results. • Ground state of PbMoO{sub 3} were determined through the transport study and first-principles calculations.

  9. Neutron diffraction studies of the Na-ion battery electrode materials NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yahia, H. Ben [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar); Essehli, R., E-mail: [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar); Avdeev, M. [Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights NSW 2234 (Australia); Park, J-B.; Sun, Y-K. [Department of Energy Engineering Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791 (Korea, Republic of); Al-Maadeed, M.A. [Center for Advanced Materials (CAM), Qatar University, 2713 Doha (Qatar); Belharouak, I., E-mail: [Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 5825 Doha (Qatar)


    The new compounds NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} were synthesized by sol-gel method and their crystal structures were determined by using neutron powder diffraction data. These compounds were characterized by galvanometric cycling and cyclic voltammetry. NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} crystallize with a stuffed α-CrPO{sub 4}-type structure. The structure consists of a 3D-framework made of octahedra and tetrahedra that are sharing corners and/or edges generating channels along [100] and [010], in which the sodium atoms are located. Of significance, in the structures of NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} a statistical disorder Ni{sup 2+}/Cr{sup 3+} was observed on both the 8g and 4a atomic positions, whereas in NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} the statistical disorder Co{sup 2+}/Cr{sup 3+} was only observed on the 8g atomic position. When tested as negative electrode materials, NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} delivered specific capacities of 352, 385, and 368 mA h g{sup −1}, respectively, which attests to the electrochemical activity of sodium in these compounds. - Highlights: • NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} were synthesized by sol-gel method. • The crystal structures were determined by using neutron powder diffraction data. • The three compounds crystallize with a stuffed α-CrPO{sub 4}-type structure. • The three compounds were tested as anodes in sodium-ion batteries. • Relatively high specific capacities were obtained for these compounds.

  10. Tratamientos térmicos de los aceros sinterizados obtenidos a partir de polvos prealeados Fe-1,5% Mo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Torralba, J. M.


    Full Text Available The influence of several heat treatments on the mechanical and physical properties of three different sintered Ni-Cu-Mo alloyed steels are evaluated. The heat treatments carried out were quenching and tempering at different temperatures. The raw material studied was a Fe-Mo prealloyed powder with an 1.5% Mo content.

    Se estudia la influencia que distintos estados de tratamiento térmico ejercen sobre las propiedades mecánicas y físicas de tres aceros aleados con cobre, níquel y molibdeno sinterizados. Los tratamientos térmicos realizados consisten en temple y revenido a distintas temperaturas. El material de partida utilizado para conseguir la aleación de molibdeno ha sido un polvo prealeado de Fe-1,5% Mo.

  11. Electron transport in all-Heusler Co2CrSi/Cu2CrAl/Co2CrSi device, based on ab-initio NEGF calculations (United States)

    Mikaeilzadeh, L.; Pirgholi, M.; Tavana, A.


    Based on the ab-initio non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism based on the density functional theory (DFT), we have studied the electron transport in the all-Heusler device Co2CrSi/Cu2CrAl/Co2CrSi. Results show that the calculated transmission spectra is very sensitive to the structural parameters and the interface. Also, we obtain a range for the thickness of the spacer layer for which the MR effect is optimum. Calculations also show a perfect GMR effect in this device.

  12. High strain rate tensile properties of annealed 2 1/4 Cr--1 Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klueh, R.L.; Oakes, R.E. Jr.


    The high strain rate tensile properties of annealed 2 1 / 4 Cr-1 Mo steel were determined and the tensile behavior from 25 to 566 0 C and strain rates of 2.67 x 10 -6 to 144/s were described. Above 0.1/s at 25 0 C, both the yield stress and the ultimate tensile strength increased rapidly with increasing strain rate. As the temperature was increased, a dynamic strain aging peak appeared in the ultimate tensile strength-temperature curves. The peak height was a maximum at about 350 0 C and 2.67 x 10 -6 /s. With increasing strain rate, a peak of decreased height occurred at progressively higher temperatures. The major effect of strain rate on ductility occurred at elevated temperatures, where a decrease in strain rate caused an increase in total elongation and reduction in area

  13. Effects of the Cr2O3 Content on the Viscosity of CaO-SiO2-10 Pct Al2O3-Cr2O3 Quaternary Slag (United States)

    Wu, Tuo; Zhang, Yanling; Yuan, Fang; An, Zhuoqing


    The present study experimentally investigates the effect of Cr2O3 on the viscosity of molten slags. The viscosities of CaO-SiO2-10 pct Al2O3-Cr2O3 quaternary slags with two different binary basicities (R, basic slag with R = 1.2 and acidic slag with R = 0.8) were measured by the rotating cylindrical method from 1813 K to 1953 K (1540 °C to 1680 °C). The results showed that the viscosity of both types of slag decreased as the Cr2O3 content increased, but the viscosity of acidic slags exhibited a greater decrease. The slags showed good Newtonian behavior at such high temperatures. Cr2O3 could act as a network modifier to simplify the Si-O-Si tetrahedral structure, as verified by the Raman spectral analysis, which was consistent with the decreasing trend of viscosity. The activation energy of viscous flow decreased slightly with increasing Cr2O3, but increasing the basicity seemed to be more effective in decreasing the viscosity than adding Cr2O3.

  14. In silico CrNF, a half-metallic ferromagnetic nitride–fluoride mimicking CrO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matar, Samir F.


    Isoelectronic with CrO 2 , CrNF is proposed in silico based on rutile derived structures with DFT computations. The ground state structure defined from cohesive energies is of MgUO 4 -type, characterized by short covalent Cr–N and long ionic Cr–F distances. Like CrO 2 it is a half-metallic ferromagnet with M=2 μ B /FU integer magnetization with reduced band gap at minority spins. Major difference of magnetic response to pressure characterizes CrNF as a soft ferromagnet versus hard magnetic CrO 2 . The chemical bonding properties point to prevailing covalent Cr–N versus ionic Cr–F bonding. Different synthesis routes are examined. - Highlights: • DFT identification of CrNF is based on isoelectronicity and rutile derivatives. • Similarly to CrO 2 , CrNF is a half-metallic ferromagnet with reduced band gap. • Strong pressure dependence of magnetization of CrNF oppositely to CrO 2 . • Covalent Cr–N bonding prevails in spite of the presence of ionic Cr–F. • Cohesive energies favor the synthesis for which protocols are proposed

  15. Métodos electroquímicos semicuantitativos de estudio de lo corrosión por picaduras del acero para armaduras de hormigón

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    Andrade Perdrix, M. C.


    Full Text Available El acero embebido en el hormigón se encuentra sometido a un medio de elevada alcalinidad (pH comprendido entre 12 y 13, debido a la cal libre, a los álcalis que contiene el cemento, y al Ca(0H2 que se forma durante la hidratación de los silicatos. En esta situación, el acero se halla recubierto por una capa de óxidos e hidróxidos estables que lo mantienen pasivado, interponiendo una barrera entre él y los agentes agresivos.

  16. The study of Cr3+/Cr2+ redox system by polarographic method

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    S. A. Pokhmyolkina


    Full Text Available Aim. The relevance of the theme is the ability to determine kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the redox system on the example of Сr3/ Cr2in order to explain the reaction mechanism. In this paper, the electrochemical behavior of Cr+3/ Cr+2has been studied by polarography method. Polarogramshave been interpreted using the theory of irreversible polarographic waves and thermodynamically irreversible processes. Experiments have been carried out in a sealed cell with an outer casing for temperature control. Air oxygen removed from the feed solution for 15-20 minutes, purified nitrogen flowing from the cylinder. Characterization of the capillary in a 0.1N solution.H2SO4: mass flowing mercury m = 2,39 mg / sec; droplet formation period τ = 1,25 sec. Sulfate Cr (II was prepared by dissolving an electrolytic chromium 150 cm3 of water and 46 grams of 98 % sulphate acid. Thus a saturated solution formed a blue color. Sulfate salt solutions of two- and trivalent chromium in the medium of 0.1NH2SO4 give one wave. Anodic diffusion current sulfate Cr (II was 4,67μa, and half-wave potential E ½ = -0,44 V. The cathode current diffuse sulfate Cr (III, respectively - 7,65μa and E ½ = - 1,01 V. Inconsistency half-wave potentials of anodic and cathodic processes indicates its irreversibility. Half-wave potentials are given with respect to a saturated calomel electrode. Polarogramshave been investigated in the temperature range of 20-600C every 100C. Temperature coefficients have been calculated by the equation: Β% = idt –id20/ id20Δt, whereidtis diffusion current for a given concentration of the test solution at t0С; id20 is diffusion current for the same concentration at 200C; Δt - temperature change relative to 200C . Irreversibility, obviously due to the change in the electron configuration of chromium electrode is accompanying the redox process.Using the theory of irreversible polarographic waves we have determined the kinetic characteristics

  17. Hydrogen storage study on Ti2CrV and ZrFe1.8V0.2 composite system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banerjee, S.; Kumar, A.; Pillai, C.G.S.; Sudarsan, V.


    Ti 2 CrV is reported to have one of the highest hydrogen storage capacities (more than 4 wt. %) among the bcc phase transition metal alloys. It has been found from the earlier study that Ti 2 CrV alloy shows quite good hydrogen absorption property but the desorption temperature is on the higher side. The in-situ temperature programmed desorption profile shows that the hydrogen desorption starts from 120℃ and the desorption peak comes at 180℃, which is slightly high for the vehicular application. On the other hand ZrFe 1.8 V 0.2 Laves phase alloy has low hydrogen absorption capacity, but at the room temperature it can desorp all its hydrogen. The pressure composition isotherm of ZrFe 1.8 V 0.2 alloy generated during the experiment shows the typical characteristics of the room temperature reversible hydride. The in-situ temperature programmed desorption shows that the hydride can desorb all the hydrogen below room temperature

  18. Effects of alloying and temperature on the high-temperature oxidation of Cr-Cr{sub 2}Nb

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tortorelli, P.F.; DeVan, J.H. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States); Carson, L.J. [Lincoln Univ., PA (United States)


    Effects of alloying additions and temperature on isothermal and cyclic oxidation resistance of Cr-Cr{sub 2}Nb alloys were examined for air exposures. An isothermal exposure temperature of 1100C led to rapid reaction of binary Cr-12 at.% Nb as manifested a high oxidation rate and nonprotective behavior. Generally parabolic kinetics, complicated by some isothermal scale cracking, were observed at 900--1000C. Scale damage was exacerbated by thermal cycling. The addition of 8 at.% Al to Cr-12 at.% Nb did not effect cyclic oxidation resistance, but there was some evidence that scale adherence on Cr-6 at.% Nb-8 at.% Al was better than that for binary Cr-6 at.% Nb. Alloying additions of Al (up to 18 at.%) or Re (2 at.%) did not improve the isothermal oxidation resistance of Cr-12 at.% Nb. However, the tendency for scale damage during both isothermal and thermal cycling exposures suggests that alloying additions that specifically improve scale plasticity or modify growth stresses could be effective for Cr-Nb alloys. 10 refs, 9 figs, 1 tab.


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el mejoramiento frente a la corrosión de los recubrimientos multicapas de [TiN/AlTiN]n con periodos de 2, 6, 12 y 24 bicapas depositados mediante la técnica de PVD magnetrón Sputtering sobre acero al carbono AISI 1045. La evaluación electroquímica se realizó mediante las técnicas espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS y curvas de polarización Tafel, en una solución de 0.5M de H2SO4 + 3.5% wt. de NaCl. La resistencia a la corrosión aumentó de forma gradual en función del número de bicapas en comparación al sustrato encontrando valores de velocidad de corrosión de 18.51 mpy para el sustrato sin recubrir y de 1x10 6 mpy para la muestra con 24 bicapas. Los resultados electroquímicos revelan el efecto positivo en cuanto a la protección superficial del acero 1045 con el incremento del periodo en las multicapas de [TiN /AlTiN]n.

  20. Influencia de la termodependencia de las propiedades físicas del acero en la simulación por elementos finitos del proceso de soldadura

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    Félix Ramos Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un modelo de elementos finitos para simular la unión a tope, con electrodo E 7018 de 3,2 mm de diámetro, de dos placas de acero con bajo contenido de carbono y baja aleación. Adicionalmente, se estudia la influencia sobre la distribución de temperaturas en la placa al considerar la termo-dependencia de diferentes propiedades físicas del acero (conductividad térmica y calor específico.

  1. Preliminary Microstructural and Microscratch Results of Ni-Cr-Fe and Cr3C2-NiCr Coatings on Magnesium Substrate (United States)

    Istrate, B.; Munteanu, C.; Lupescu, S.; Benchea, M.; Vizureanu, P.


    Thermal coatings have a large scale application in aerospace and automotive field, as barriers improving wear mechanical characteristics and corrosion resistance. In present research, there have been used two types of coatings, Ni-Cr-Fe, respectively Cr3C2-NiCr which were deposited on magnesium based alloys (pure magnesium and Mg-30Y master alloy). There have been investigated the microstructural aspects through scanning electronic microscopy and XRD analysis and also a series of mechanical characteristics through microscratch and indentation determinations. The results revealed the formation of some adherent layers resistant to the penetration of the metallic indenter, the coatings did not suffer major damages. Microstructural analysis highlighted the formation of Cr3C2, Cr7C3, Cr3Ni2, Cr7Ni3, FeNi3, Cr-Ni phases. Also, the apparent coefficient of friction for Ni-Cr-Fe coatings presents superior values than Cr3C2-NiCr coatings.

  2. Efecto de la presión de C2H2 sobre las propiedades tribológicas y mecánicas de recubrimientos de CrC depositados por evaporación por arco catódico (EAC

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    Maryory Astrid Gómez Botero


    Full Text Available Se obtuvieron recubrimientos monocapa de CrC por evaporación por arco catódico (EAC. Se investigaron las propiedades tribológicas de los recubrimientos mediante pruebas de deslizamiento en seco usando un tribómetro de bola sobre disco. Las propiedades mecánicas se estudiaron por nanoindentación dinámica. Los valores de los coeficientes de fricción de los recubrimientos monocapa de CrC mostraron buena correlación con el contenido de carbono de estos recubrimientos, presentando el más bajo coeficiente de fricción el recubrimiento con el mayor contenido de carbono. Después de las pruebas de fricción, tanto los recubrimientos como las esferas de acero usadas como contracuerpos presentaron partículas de desgaste de color marrón que sugieren la presencia de productos de reacciones triboquímicas. Las mejores propiedades mecánicas fueron obtenidas para los recubrimientos CrC con el más bajo contenido de carbono.

  3. Wear behavior of 2-1/4 Cr-1Mo tubing against alloy 718 tube-support material in sodium-cooled steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, W.L.


    A series of prototypic steam generator 2-1/4 Cr-1 Mo tube/alloy 718 tube support plate wear tests were conducted in direct support of the Westinghouse Nuclear Components Division -- Breeder Reactor Components Project Large Scale steam Generator design. The initial objective was to verify the acceptable wear behavior of softer, ''over-aged'' alloy 718 support plate material. For all interfaces under all test conditions, resultant wear damage was adhesive in nature with varying amounts of 2-1/4 Cr-1 Mo tube material being adhesively transferred to the alloy 718 tube supports. Maximum tube wear depths exceeded the initially established design allowable limit of 127 μm (.005 in.) at 17 of the 18 interfaces tested. A decrease in contact stresses produced acceptable tube wear depths below a readjusted maximum design allowable value of 381 μm (.015 in.). Additional conservatisms associated with the simulation of a 40-year lifetime of rubbing in a one-week laboratory test provided further confidence that the 381 μm maximum tube wear allowance would not be exceeded in service. Softer, ''over-aged'' alloy 718 material was found to produce slightly less wear damage on 2-1/4 Cr-1 Mo tubing than fully age hardened material. Also, air formed oxide films on the alloy 718 reduced initial tube wear and delayed the onset of adhesive surface damage. However, at high surface stress levels, these films were not sufficiently stable to provide adequate long term protection from adhesive wear. The results of the present work and those of previous test programs suggest that the successful in-sodium tribological performance of 2-1/4 Cr-1 Mo/alloy 718 rubbing couples is dependent upon the presence of lubricative surface films, such as oxides and/or surface reaction or deposition products. 11 refs., 13 figs., 4 tabs

  4. Thermal expansion of Cr2xFe2-2xMo3O12, Al2xFe2-2xMo3O12 and Al2xCr2-2xMo3O12 solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ari, M.; Jardim, P.M.; Marinkovic, B.A.; Rizzo, F.; Ferreira, F.F.


    The transition temperature from monoclinic to orthorhombic and the thermal expansion of the orthorhombic phase were investigated for three systems of the family A 2 M 3 O 12 : Cr 2x Fe 2-2x Mo 3 O 12 , Al 2x Fe 2-2x Mo 3 O 12 and Al 2x Cr 2-2x Mo 3 O 12 . It was possible to obtain a single-phase solid solution in all studied samples (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1). A linear relationship between the transition temperature and the fraction of A 3+ cations (x) was observed for each system. In all orthorhombic solid solutions studied here the observed thermal expansion was anisotropic. These anisotropic thermal expansion properties of crystallographic axes a, b and c result in a low positive or near-zero overall linear coefficient of thermal expansion (α l =α V /3). The relationship between the size of A 3+ cations in A 2 M 3 O 12 and the coefficient of thermal expansion is discussed. Near-zero thermal expansion of Cr 2 Mo 3 O 12 is explained by the behavior of Cr-O and Mo-O bond distances, Cr-Mo non-bond distances and Cr-O-Mo bond angles with increasing temperature, estimated by Rietveld analysis of synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data. - Graphical abstract: In this figure, all published overall linear coefficients of thermal expansion for orthorhombic A 2 M 3 O 12 family obtained through diffraction methods as a function of A 3+ cation radii size, together with dilatometric results, are plotted. Our results indicate that Cr 2 Mo 3 O 12 does not exactly follow the established relationship

  5. Hot Corrosion Behavior of Bare, Cr3C2-(NiCr) and Cr3C2-(NiCr) + 0.2wt.%Zr Coated SuperNi 718 at 900 °C (United States)

    Mudgal, Deepa; Singh, Surendra; Prakash, Satya


    Corrosion in incinerators, power plants, and chemical industries are frequently encountered due to the presence of salts containing sodium, sulphur, and chlorine. To obviate this problem, bare and coated alloys were tested under environments simulating the conditions present inside incinerators and power plants. 0.2 wt.% zirconium powder was incorporated in the Cr3C2-(NiCr) coating powder. The original powder and Zr containing powder was sprayed on Superni 718 alloy by D-gun technique. The bare and coated alloys were tested under Na2SO4 + K2SO4 + NaCl + KCl and Na2SO4 + NaCl environment. The corrosion rate of specimens was monitored using weight change measurements. Characterization of the corrosion products has been done using FE-SEM/EDS and XRD techniques. Bare and coated alloys showed very good corrosion resistance under given molten salt environments. Addition of 0.2wt.%Zr in Cr3C2-25%(NiCr) coating further greatly reduced the oxidation rate as well as improved the adherence of oxide scale to the coating surface during the time of corrosion.

  6. Magnetic properties of CuFe{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 2} nanoparticles surrounded by amorphous SiO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mori, K.; Hachisu, M.; Yamazaki, T.; Ichiyanagi, Y., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, Yokohama 240-8501 (Japan)


    CuFe{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 2} (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) nanoparticles surrounded by amorphous SiO{sub 2} with an average diameter of 30–50 nm were synthesized using a wet chemical method. The annealing temperatures were controlled to yield various sizes of single-phase CuFe{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 2} nanoparticles. CuFeO{sub 2} bulk crystal is known to have a multiferroic delafossite structure with two Néel temperatures of 11 and 14 K; however, the transition temperature shifted higher as the Cr–ion doping level increased. In addition, the lattice constants decreased in accordance with increased Cr-ion doping, which was confirmed by X-ray diffraction measurements. The magnetization curves showed weak ferromagnetic behavior and no coercivity was observed. Hence, frustration in the triangular lattice of the delafossite structure can be released by Cr–ion doping and higher magnetization can be expected. A fine structure analysis through X-ray absorption fine structure measurements was also conducted. It was found that the structure of the Cu ion is similar to that of Cu{sub 2}O, and the c axis of the CuFe{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 2} should be shortened by the Cr–ion doping.

  7. Development of Cr3C2-25(Ni20Cr) nanostructured coatings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cunha, Cecilio Alvares da


    This study is divided in two parts. The first part is about the preparation of nanostructured Cr 3 C 2 -25(Ni20Cr) powders by high energy milling followed by characterization of the milled and the as received powder. Analyses of some of the data obtained were done using a theoretical approach. The second part of this study is about the preparation and characterization of coatings prepared with the nanostructured as well as the as received Cr 3 C 2 -25(Ni20Cr) powders. The high temperature erosion-oxidation (E-O) behavior of the coatings prepared with the two types of powders has been compared based on a technological approach. The average crystallite size of the Cr 3 C 2 -25(Ni20Cr) powder decreased rapidly from 145 nm to 50 nm in the initial stages of milling and thereafter decreased slowly to a steady state value of around 10 nm with further increase in milling time. This steady state corresponds to the beginning of a dynamic recovery process. The maximum lattice strain (ε = 1,17%) was observed in powders milled for 16 hours, and this powders critical crystallite size was 28 nm. In contrast, the lattice parameter attained a minimum for powders milled for 16 hours. Upon reaching the critical crystallite size, the dislocation density attained a steady state regime and all plastic deformation introduced in the material there after was in the form of events occurring at the grain boundaries, due mainly to grain boundary sliding. The deformation energy stored in the crystal lattice of the Cr 3 C 2 -25(Ni20Cr) powders milled for different times was determined from enthalpy variation measurements. These results indicated that the maximum enthalpy variation (δH = 722 mcal) also occurred for powders milled for 16 hours. In a similar manner, the maximum specific heat variation (δC p = 0,278 cal/gK) occurred for powders milled for 16 hours. The following mechanical properties of Cr 3 C 2 -25(Ni20Cr) coatings prepared using the HVOF thermal spray process were determined

  8. MgO–CaO–Cr2O3 composition as a novel refractory brick: Use of Cr2O3 nanoparticles

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    Ghasemi-Kahrizsangi, S.; Dehsheikh, H.G.; Boroujerdnia, M.


    At this study the effect of Cr2O3 nanoparticles (up to 3wt.%) on the physical and mechanical properties of MgO–CaO refractory composition with emphasis on the hydration resistance improvement have been investigated. Specimens pressed at 90MPa then were sintered at 1650°C for 5h in an electric furnace. Properties such as bulk density, apparent porosity, cold crushing strength and hydration resistance were examined. The crystalline phases and microstructure characteristics of sintered specimens were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDS), respectively. Results shown that add of the 1.5wt.% Cr2O3 nanoparticles have the best results i.e. increased the bulk density (3.41g/cm3), cold crushing strength (848kg/cm2), hydration resistance (1.5%) and decreased apparent porosity (5.58%), respectively. The mechanism of specimens hydration resistance improvement are: (i) decreasing the amount of free CaO and MgO with converted to high hydration resistance phases such as CaCr2O4 and MgCr2O4 phases, (ii) promotion of the densification as well as (iii) modification of the microstructure. (Author)

  9. Cell- and stage-specific chromatin structure across the Complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) promoter coincide with CBF1 and C/EBP-beta binding in B cells. (United States)

    Cruickshank, Mark N; Fenwick, Emily; Karimi, Mahdad; Abraham, Lawrence J; Ulgiati, Daniela


    Stringent developmental transcription requires multiple transcription factor (TF) binding sites, cell-specific expression of signaling molecules, TFs and co-regulators and appropriate chromatin structure. During B-lymphopoiesis, human Complement receptor 2 (CR2/CD21) is detected on immature and mature B cells but not on B cell precursors and plasma cells. We examined cell- and stage-specific human CR2 gene regulation using cell lines modeling B-lymphopoiesis. Chromatin accessibility assays revealed a region between -409 and -262 with enhanced accessibility in mature B cells and pre-B cells, compared to either non-lymphoid or plasma cell-types, however, accessibility near the transcription start site (TSS) was elevated only in CR2-expressing B cells. A correlation between histone acetylation and CR2 expression was observed, while histone H3K4 dimethylation was enriched near the TSS in both CR2-expressing B cells and non-expressing pre-B cells. Candidate sites within the CR2 promoter were identified which could regulate chromatin, including a matrix attachment region associated with CDP, SATB1/BRIGHT and CEBP-beta sites as well as two CBF1 sites. ChIP assays verified that both CBF1 and C/EBP-beta bind the CR2 promoter in B cells raising the possibility that these factors facilitate or respond to alterations in chromatin structure to control the timing and/or level of CR2 transcription.

  10. Erosion-oxidation behavior of thermal sprayed Ni20Cr alloy and WC and Cr3C2 cermet coatings

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    Clarice Terui Kunioshi


    Full Text Available An apparatus to conduct high temperature erosion-oxidation studies up to 850 °C and with particle impact velocities up to 15 m.s-1 was designed and constructed in the Corrosion Laboratories of IPEN. The erosion-oxidation behavior of high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF sprayed alloy and cermet coatings of Ni20Cr, WC 20Cr7Ni and Cr3C2 Ni20Cr on a steel substrate has been studied. Details of this apparatus and the erosion-oxidation behavior of these coatings are presented and discussed. The erosion-oxidation behavior of HVOF coated Cr3C2 25(Ni20Cr was better than that of WC 20Cr7Ni, and the erosion-oxidation regimes have been identified for these coatings at particle impact velocity of 3.5 m.s-1, impact angle of 90° and temperatures in the range 500 to 850 °C.

  11. Magnetic interactions in HoCr{sub 1-x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 3} (x = 0, 0.2) investigated by neutron powder diffraction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Xinzhi, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413 (China); Hao, Lijie; Ma, Xiaobai [Department of Nuclear Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413 (China); Wang, Chin-Wei [Neutron Group, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu 30077, Taiwan (China); Klose, Frank [Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, Lucas Heights, New South Wales 2234 (Australia); Department of Physics and Materials Science, The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong); Liu, Yuntao, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413 (China); Sun, Kai; Li, Yuqing [Department of Nuclear Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413 (China); Chen, Dongfeng, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413 (China)


    Highlights: • The temperature dependent magnetism of HoCr{sub 1-x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 3} (x = 0, 0.2) were investigated by neutron diffraction. • Cr{sup 3+} moment follows a mean field theory while Ho{sup 3+} follows a spin 1/2 model. • An magneto-elastic strain was observed accompanying with the ordering of Cr{sup 3+}. - Abstract: The temperature dependent magnetism of Fe-doped rare earth orthochromite HoCr{sub 1-x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 3}(x = 0, 0.2) was investigated by neutron powder diffraction. It is found that the magnetism of Cr(Fe){sup 3+} can be well understood within mean field theory, while the ordering of Ho{sup 3+} was induced by the Cr(Fe){sup 3+} sublattice and can be satisfyingly described by an effective S = 1/2 model. The absences of both the most common G{sub x}F{sub z} configuration of Cr{sup 3+} and the ordering of Ho{sup 3+} caused by Ho-Ho interaction evidence a strong Ho{sup 3+}-Cr{sup 3+} interaction which dominates this system. On the other hand, a remarkable magnetoelastic strain was observed accompanying the Cr(Fe){sup 3+} ordering. An analysis based on the equation of state with a Grüneisen approximation was performed and revealed magnetic origin of this strain.

  12. Aumento en la resistencia a la corrosión de un acero t91 aluminizado




    El acero ferrítico T91 ha sido ampliamente utilizado en plantas de generación de energía eléctrica, calderas y plantas nucleares. Sin embargo, su resistencia a la oxidación se ve gravemente afectada a temperaturas superiores a los 600ºC. En esta investigación se empleó la técnica de cementación empacada para aluminizar un acero T91 y se encontraron las condiciones óptimas para la formación de un recubrimiento libre de porosidad y con espesor uniforme (300 micras). Se evaluó la capa de óxido f...

  13. Mecanismos de fractura a alta temperatura en aceros eléctricos no-orientados

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    García-Sánchez, E. O.


    Full Text Available In this research work the effect of deformation temperature on the hot ductility of non-oriented electrical steels (0.6 % Si-0.3 Al % was studied using high temperature tensile tests. The specimens were machined from two thin slabs (50 mm thickness produced by CSP process (Compact Strip Process, one of them using 100 % sponge iron and the other using 67 % scrap and 33 % sponge iron. The tensile tests were carried out at constant strain rate (5×1010–4 s1, and a temperature range from 850 to 1,200 °C. The results showed that the ductility decreased with the increment in the temperature until approximately 1,000 °C. At higher temperatures, a ductility recovery was observed only in the steel fabricated without scrap. Scanning Electron Microscopy on fracture surfaces showed that the loss of ductility is associated with intergranular cracking promoted by the austenitic transformation and AlN grain boundaries precipitation.

    Se investigó el efecto de la temperatura de deformación sobre la ductilidad de aceros eléctricos de grano no-orientado (0,6 % Si-0,3 % Al mediante ensayos de tracción uniaxial. Las probetas se obtuvieron de planchones delgados (50 mm de espesor tipo CSP (Continuous Strip Processing fabricados a partir de 100 % hierro esponja y una mezcla de 67 % chatarra y 33 % de hierro esponja. El rango de temperatura de estudio fue de 850 a 1.200 °C y los ensayos se llevaron a cabo a una velocidad de deformación constante de 5×10–4 s1. Los resultados experimentales demostraron que la ductilidad (% RA disminuye con el aumento en la temperatura hasta un mínimo a ~1.000 °C. A temperaturas mayores, la ductilidad del acero fabricado a partir de 100 % hierro esponja se recupera. Este efecto no fue observado en el acero fabricado a partir de chatarra. La caracterización de las superficies de fractura mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido demostró que la pérdida de

  14. Structural and magnetic properties of (Co1-xNix)Cr2O4 (x = 0.5, 0.25) nanoparticles (United States)

    Mohanty, P.; Prinsloo, A. R. E.; Doyle, B. P.; Carleschi, E.; Sheppard, C. J.


    Nanoparticles of (Co1-xNix)Cr2O4, with x = 0.5 and 0.25, were prepared utilizing the sol-gel technique, in order to investigate the effect of Ni substitution at the Co site. The crystal structure of the prepared samples was identified using X-ray diffraction. Transmission electron microscopy images indicate a non-uniform distribution in particle sizes. Temperature dependent magnetization measurements as a function of probing field demonstrate different magnetic transition temperatures to that of both the parent compounds. The magnetization as a function of applied magnetic field shows a wasp-waist like feature for (Co0.5Ni0.5)Cr2O4 nanoparticles measured at 10 K, which is absent in both NiCr2O4 and CoCr2O4. This feature diminished for other measurement temperatures below the Curie temperature and was also absent at all temperatures for the (Co0.75Ni0.25)Cr2O4 nanoparticles. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy results show that the Ni cations prefers the 3+ and Co the 2+ oxidation states, while that of Cr was found to be 3+. However, mixed oxidation states were observed for Ni and Co in both samples, which can influence the magnetic properties.

  15. TLR4-dependent internalization of CX3CR1 aggravates sepsis-induced immunoparalysis. (United States)

    Ge, Xin-Yu; Fang, Shang-Ping; Zhou, Miao; Luo, Jing; Wei, Juan; Wen, Xue-Ping; Yan, Xiao-Di; Zou, Zui


    Sepsis, the most severe manifestation of infection, poses a major challenge to health-care systems around the world. Limited ability to clean and remove the pathogen renders difficulty in septic patients to recover from the phase of immunoparalysis. The present study found the vital role of CX3CR1 internalization on sepsis-induced immunoparalysis. A mouse model with cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) and cell model with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were employed to explore the relationship between CX3CR1 internalization and septic immunoparalysis. Immunoparalysis model in mice was established 4 days after CLP with significantly decreased proinflammatory cytokines. Flow cytometry analysis found a decreased surface expression of CX3CR1 during immunoparalysis, which was associated with reduced mRNA level and increased internalization of CX3CR1. G-protein coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) and β-arrestin2 were significantly increased during septic immunoparalysis and involved in the internalization of CX3CR1. TLR4 -/- or TLR4 inhibitor-treated macrophages exhibited an inhibited expression of GRK2 and β-arrestin2, along with reduced internalization of CX3CR1. Moreover, the knockdown of GRK2 and β-arrestin2 inhibited the internalization of CX3CR1 and led to a higher response on the second hit, which was associated with an increased activation of NF-κB. The critical association between internalization of CX3CR1 and immunosuppression in sepsis may provide a novel reference for clinical therapeutics.


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    Héctor Herrera-Hernández


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estudiaelectroquímicamente un GELextracto de las hojas de ALOE VERAcomo un posible inhibidor de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo estructuraldel concreto.Los estudiosde corrosiónse llevaron a cabo en 1M de HCl y utilizando la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EISse evaluó la resistencia a la corrosión en presencia y ausencia del GEL.Los diagramas de impedancia mostraronque la adición en diferentes proporcionesdel GELinhibe notablemente el proceso de la corrosión del acero inmerso en la solución ácida. También se determinó que las moléculas del GEL obedecena un mecanismo de fisisorciónsobre la superficie del metal de acuerdo con el modelo de isoterma de Langmuircon unG°adsde alrededor de 14.17 kJ/mol. El GEL se clasificócomo un inhibidor orgánico del tipo mixto.

  17. Identificación de aceros por espectroscopia de rompimiento inducido por láser (LIBS) y análisis de componentes principales


    Contreras, U.; Meneses-Nava, M.A.; Torres-Armenta, D.; Robles-Camacho, J.; Barbosa-García, O.


    En la actualidad existe una producción de mas de 100 000 aceros diferentes de acuerdo a su composición química y propiedades mecánicas; sin embargo, una vez en el mercado, no existe técnica alguna capaz de identificar y clasificar cualquier acero según su clase o grado. En este trabajo se describe un método capaz de identificar y clasificar aceros a través de la determinación de su composición química. El método propuesto se basa en un análisis de espectroscopia atómica procedente de la técni...

  18. Comportamiento Tribológico y Microestructural en Recubrimientos Aplicados por GTAW y HVOF (Proceso Térmico de Espreado y Usado en Recuperación de Aceros Grado Herramienta AISI/SAE D2

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    Carlos Alberto Guevara Chávez

    Full Text Available Resumen Las aleaciones de Fe-Cr-Mo se utilizan en recubrimientos para proteger componentes que están sometidos a condiciones de desgaste y corrosión. La alta velocidad de deposición del metalizado térmico (HVOF (High Velocity Oxi-Fuel aplicado en aleaciones de acero grado herramienta para trabajo en frío con la aplicación de sustratos Fe-Cr-Mo ha mostrado buenos resultados en los campos de proyección. El HOVF es un método atractivo para aplicar revestimientos y recuperar diámetros que fueron desgastados durante el proceso de operación. Nuevas superficies y materiales pueden ser provistos sin la distorsión causada por los procesos convencionales de soldadura. Para aquellos materiales que son susceptibles a agrietarse gracias a la formación de fases fuera de equilibrio duras con composiciones con altos contenidos de carbono y de cromo, debido a las condiciones del proceso que combinan una temperatura de la flama relativamente baja y con un tiempo de baja exposición. La microestructura las características del recubrimiento son determinadas por las propiedades físicas y químicas de las partículas impregnadas en el sustrato que a su vez dependen de una gran cantidad de parámetros como el diseño de pistola, la relación de oxígeno / combustible, método de inyección, tamaño de partícula y forma, entre otros La presente investigación estudia la influencia de los parámetros de procesamiento sobre las propiedades mecánicas y microestructurales del recubrimiento Diamalloy 1008 (aleación en mezcla de Fe-Cr-Mo revestimiento aplicado con Oxí-combustible de alta velocidad (HVOF y cinco diferentes tipos de electrodos aplicados por soldadura, TIG (GTAW en un acero grado herramienta para trabajo en frio. El objetivo de estos recubrimientos se utiliza habitualmente como una protección contra la corrosión y el desgaste, pero también tienen la capacidad de recuperar las zonas dañadas como es el caso de los dados de estampado de la

  19. Fenómenos de corrosión galvánica en las uniones aluminio y acero


    Domínguez Parra, Alberto


    La corrosión es un proceso de degradación de un material al interactuar con el ambiente que le rodea. El presente proyecto trata de la corrosión galvánica de aceros y fundiciones, en contacto con aleaciones de aluminio. Su experimentación se ha realizado con acero AE 275 B, y fundición EN-GS 400 12. Se utilizó lingote de aluminio A356 obtenido por colada por gravedad, y dos tipos de muestras, con y sin tratamiento térmico T6, de A 356 producidas por el procedimiento de sub-liquidus casting...

  20. Elevated-temperature tensile properties of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel irradiated in the EBR-II, AD-2 experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klueh, R.L.; Vitek, J.M.


    The effect of irradiated on the tensile properties of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel was determined for specimens irradiation in EBR-II at 390 to 550 0 C. Unirradiated control specimens and specimens aged for 5000 h at the irradiation temperatures were also tested. Irradiation to approximately 9 dpa at 390 0 C increased the strength and decreased the ductility compared with the unirradiated and aged specimens. Softening occurred in samples irradiated and tested at 450, 500, and 550 0 C

  1. 53Cr NMR study of CuCrO2 multiferroic (United States)

    Smol'nikov, A. G.; Ogloblichev, V. V.; Verkhovskii, S. V.; Mikhalev, K. N.; Yakubovskii, A. Yu.; Kumagai, K.; Furukawa, Y.; Sadykov, A. F.; Piskunov, Yu. V.; Gerashchenko, A. P.; Barilo, S. N.; Shiryaev, S. V.


    The magnetically ordered phase of the CuCrO2 single crystal has been studied by the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method on 53Cr nuclei in the absence of an external magnetic field. The 53Cr NMR spectrum is observed in the frequency range νres = 61-66 MHz. The shape of the spectrum depends on the delay tdel between pulses in the pulse sequence τπ/2- t del-τπ- t del-echo. The spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxation times have been measured. Components of the electric field gradient, hyperfine fields, and the magnetic moment on chromium atoms have been estimated.

  2. Sintering behaviour and mechanical properties of Cr3C2–NiCr ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    fracture toughness. Keywords. Cermet; Cr3C2–NiCr; sintering; mechanical properties. ... et al investigated the mechanical properties of VC, Cr3C2 and NbC doped ..... Huang S G, Li L, Van der Biest O and Vleugels J 2008 J. Alloys. Compds.

  3. Morphological and structural characterization of CrO2/Cr2O3 films grown by Laser-CVD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sousa, P.M.; Silvestre, A.J.; Popovici, N.; Conde, O.


    This work reports on the synthesis of chromium (III, IV) oxides films by KrF laser-assisted CVD. Films were deposited onto sapphire substrates at room temperature by the photodissociation of Cr(CO) 6 in dynamic atmospheres containing oxygen and argon. A study of the processing parameters has shown that partial pressure ratio of O 2 to Cr(CO) 6 and laser fluence are the prominent parameters that have to be accurately controlled in order to co-deposit both the crystalline oxide phases. Films consistent with such a two-phase system were synthesised for a laser fluence of 75 mJ cm -2 and a partial pressure ratio of about 1

  4. Evaluation of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel for liquid lithium containment. II. Effects of post-weld heat treatment and niobium content. Annual report, 1979

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, T.L.; Edwards, G.R.


    The lithium corrosion resistance of the regular grade of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel can be vastly improved with a proper postweld heat treatment, but even greater improvements are needed. Results indicate that if weldments were tempered sufficiently long at 760C to remove all Mo/sub 2/C from the microstructure, even greater resistance to attack by low nitrogen lithium could be achieved. Corrosion tests should eventually be performed on regular grade 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel weldments which have been given a long-term (> 25 h) post-weld temper at 760C. Lithium corrosion resistance of regular grade 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel may also be improved by employing a quench and temper heat treatment. Quenched microstructures have more homogenous distribution of carbides than isothermally annealed microstructures, and if properly tempered, should provide excellent lithium corrosion resistance. Furthermore, the toughness of such a lower bainite microstructure should be better than that of the ferrite-bainitic microstructure created by an isothermal anneal. Numerous parameters, all potentially deleterious to the lithium corrosion resistance of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel, remain to be investigated; two such variables are velocity effects and lead content in the lithium.

  5. Evaluation of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel for liquid lithium containment. II. Effects of post-weld heat treatment and niobium content. Annual report, 1979

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, T.L.; Edwards, G.R.


    The lithium corrosion resistance of the regular grade of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel can be vastly improved with a proper postweld heat treatment, but even greater improvements are needed. Results indicate that if weldments were tempered sufficiently long at 760C to remove all Mo 2 C from the microstructure, even greater resistance to attack by low nitrogen lithium could be achieved. Corrosion tests should eventually be performed on regular grade 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel weldments which have been given a long-term (> 25 h) post-weld temper at 760C. Lithium corrosion resistance of regular grade 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel may also be improved by employing a quench and temper heat treatment. Quenched microstructures have more homogenous distribution of carbides than isothermally annealed microstructures, and if properly tempered, should provide excellent lithium corrosion resistance. Furthermore, the toughness of such a lower bainite microstructure should be better than that of the ferrite-bainitic microstructure created by an isothermal anneal. Numerous parameters, all potentially deleterious to the lithium corrosion resistance of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel, remain to be investigated; two such variables are velocity effects and lead content in the lithium

  6. MgO–CaO–Cr2O3 composition as a novel refractory brick: Use of Cr2O3 nanoparticles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salman Ghasemi-Kahrizsangi


    Full Text Available At this study the effect of Cr2O3 nanoparticles (up to 3 wt.% on the physical and mechanical properties of MgO–CaO refractory composition with emphasis on the hydration resistance improvement have been investigated. Specimens pressed at 90 MPa then were sintered at 1650 °C for 5 h in an electric furnace. Properties such as bulk density, apparent porosity, cold crushing strength and hydration resistance were examined. The crystalline phases and microstructure characteristics of sintered specimens were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD and scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDS, respectively. Results shown that add of the 1.5 wt.% Cr2O3 nanoparticles have the best results i.e. increased the bulk density (3.41 g/cm3, cold crushing strength (848 kg/cm2, hydration resistance (1.5% and decreased apparent porosity (5.58%, respectively. The mechanism of specimens hydration resistance improvement are: (i decreasing the amount of free CaO and MgO with converted to high hydration resistance phases such as CaCr2O4 and MgCr2O4 phases, (ii promotion of the densification as well as (iii modification of the microstructure.

  7. Development of Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}-25(Ni20Cr) nanostructured coatings; Desenvolvimento de revestimentos nanostruturados de Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}-25(Ni20Cr)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cunha, Cecilio Alvares da


    This study is divided in two parts. The first part is about the preparation of nanostructured Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}-25(Ni20Cr) powders by high energy milling followed by characterization of the milled and the as received powder. Analyses of some of the data obtained were done using a theoretical approach. The second part of this study is about the preparation and characterization of coatings prepared with the nanostructured as well as the as received Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}-25(Ni20Cr) powders. The high temperature erosion-oxidation (E-O) behavior of the coatings prepared with the two types of powders has been compared based on a technological approach. The average crystallite size of the Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}-25(Ni20Cr) powder decreased rapidly from 145 nm to 50 nm in the initial stages of milling and thereafter decreased slowly to a steady state value of around 10 nm with further increase in milling time. This steady state corresponds to the beginning of a dynamic recovery process. The maximum lattice strain ({epsilon} = 1,17%) was observed in powders milled for 16 hours, and this powders critical crystallite size was 28 nm. In contrast, the lattice parameter attained a minimum for powders milled for 16 hours. Upon reaching the critical crystallite size, the dislocation density attained a steady state regime and all plastic deformation introduced in the material there after was in the form of events occurring at the grain boundaries, due mainly to grain boundary sliding. The deformation energy stored in the crystal lattice of the Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}-25(Ni20Cr) powders milled for different times was determined from enthalpy variation measurements. These results indicated that the maximum enthalpy variation ({delta}H = 722 mcal) also occurred for powders milled for 16 hours. In a similar manner, the maximum specific heat variation ({delta}C{sub p} = 0,278 cal/gK) occurred for powders milled for 16 hours. The following mechanical properties of Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}-25(Ni20Cr) coatings

  8. Structural, optical and ferromagnetic properties of Cr doped TiO2 nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choudhury, Biswajit; Choudhury, Amarjyoti


    Graphical abstract: Doping of Cr 3+ distorts the lattice of TiO 2 , generate oxygen vacancies and create d-band states in the mid band gap of TiO 2 . Incorporation of Cr 3+ also imparts magnetism in non-magnetic TiO 2 by undergoing coupling with the neighboring oxygen vacancies. -- Highlights: • Incorporation of Cr 3+ increases the concentration of oxygen vacancies in TiO 2 nanoparticles. • Doped TiO 2 nanoparticles contain absorption peaks corresponding to d–d transition of Cr 3+ into TiO 2 . • Pure and doped TiO 2 nanoparticles contain emission peaks related to oxygen vacancies. • Pure TiO 2 shows diamagnetism while Cr doped TiO 2 shows ferromagnetism. • The ferromagnetism is due to the interaction of Cr 3+ ions via oxygen vacancies. -- Abstract: Cr doped TiO 2 nanoparticles are prepared with three different concentrations of chromium, 1.5%, 3.0% and 4.5 mol% respectively. Doping decreases the crystallinity and increases the width of the X-ray diffraction peak. The Raman active E g peak of TiO 2 nanoparticles become asymmetric and shifted to higher energy on doping of 4.5% chromium. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra reveal the presence of Cr 3+ in the host TiO 2 matrix. The absorption spectra of Cr doped TiO 2 nanoparticles contain absorption peaks corresponding to d–d transition of Cr 3+ in octahedral coordination. Most of the visible emission peaks are due to the electrons trapped in the oxygen vacancy centers. Undoped TiO 2 nanoparticles show diamagnetism at room temperature while all chromium doped samples show ferromagnetism. The magnetization of the doped samples increases at 1.5% and 3.0% and decreases at 4.5%. The ferromagnetism arises owing to the interaction of the neighboring Cr 3+ ions via oxygen vacancies. The decrease of magnetization at the highest doping is possibly due to the antiferromagnetic interactions of Cr 3+ pairs or due to Cr 3+ -O 2− -Cr 3+ superexchange interaction in the lattice

  9. Influencia del acabado superficial en la permeación de hidrógeno del acero API 5L-X52

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Réquiz, R.


    Full Text Available The influence of surface roughness on the corrosion and hydrogen permeation behaviour was evaluated on a type API 5L-X52 steel in deaerated 0.1 M Na2SO4 at pH=2. Potentiodynamic polarization curves were employed to determine the electrochemical behaviour of the steel, while the Devanathan-Stachurski technique was used to estimate the hydrogen permeation rate. Additionally, the surface roughness profiles were obtained in order to correlate the changes in the hydrogen permeation rate with different metal surface finishings. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that when the roughness parameters have larger values, the cathodic current of hydrogen evolution increases while the hydrogen entry rate decreases. This effect can be attributed to the microstructural defects induced at the steel surface, such as dislocations, which increase the catalytic activity of the atomic hydrogen favouring its recombination. Also, these defects could allow the atomic hydrogen to remain adsorbed on the steel surface. Both effects could hinder the hydrogen diffusion into the metal since the possibility for this atom of becoming absorbed has been reduced

    En el presente trabajo de investigación se evalúa la influencia del acabado superficial, tanto en la corrosión generalizada como en la permeación de hidrógeno del acero API 5L-X52 en solución de Na2SO4 0,1M, a pH=2. El comportamiento electroquímico del acero se estudió mediante las curvas de polarización potenciodinámicas, mientras que la susceptibilidad al daño por hidrógeno se evaluó mediante la técnica de permeación de Devanathan- Stachurski. Además, se determinaron los parámetros de rugosidad a las muestras de acero con diferentes acabados superficiales, para luego correlacionarlos con los cambios en las corrientes de permeación de hidrógeno. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran, claramente, que, cuando la rugosidad superficial del acero

  10. Impact properties of 2 1/4 Cr--1 Mo steel after ten years EBR-II service

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shields, J.A.; Server, W.L.; Sheckherd, J.W.; Longua, K.J.


    The material studied in this investigation was obtained from a 2 1 / 4 Cr--1 Mo steel superheated steam line which had been in service for approximately 90,000 hours. Of that 90,000 hours, approximately 40,000 hours were at a temperature of approximately 820 0 F and a pressure of 1250 psi, and 35,000 hours were at a temperature of 500 0 F and 1250 psi. The results of optical metallography and instrumented impact testing performed on the materials are presented

  11. Prediction of half-metallic properties in TlCrS{sub 2} and TlCrSe{sub 2} based on density functional theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hashimzade, F.M.; Huseinova, D.A. [Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, AZ 1143 Baku (Azerbaijan); Jahangirli, Z.A. [Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, AZ 1143 Baku (Azerbaijan); Institute of Radiation Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, AZ 1143 Baku (Azerbaijan); Mehdiyev, B.H., E-mail: [Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, AZ 1143 Baku (Azerbaijan)


    Highlights: • Half-metallic properties of TlCrS2, TlCrSe2 and hypothetical TlCrSSe have been investigated by first-principles all-electron full-potential linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbital (FP-LAPW+lo) method based on density functional theory (DFT). • Total magnetic moment keeps its integer value on a relatively wide range of changes in volume (−10% ÷ 10%) for TlCrS2 and TlCrSSe, while total magnetic moment TlCrSe2 decreases with increasing volume, approaching to integer value 3 μB. • The states at the Fermi level in the case of spin-up channel consist of a hybridization of p-states of the atom S(Se) with d-states of Cr. - Abstract: Half-metallic properties of TlCrS{sub 2}, TlCrSe{sub 2} and hypothetical TlCrSSe have been investigated by first-principles all-electron full-potential linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbital (FP-LAPW+lo) method based on density functional theory (DFT). The results of calculations show that TlCrS{sub 2} and TlCrSSe are half-metals with energy gap (E{sub g}) ∼0.12 eV for spin-down channel. Strong hybridization of p-state of chalchogen and d-state of Cr leads to bonding and antibonding states and subsequently to the appearance of a gap in spin-down channel of TlCrS{sub 2} and TlCrSSe. In the case of TlCrSe{sub 2}, there is a partial hybridization and p-state is partially present in the DOS at Fermi level making this compound nearly half-metallic. The present calculations revealed that total magnetic moment keeps its integer value on a relatively wide range of changes in volume (−10% ÷ 10%) for TlCrS{sub 2} and TlCrSSe, while total magnetic moment of TlCrSe{sub 2} decreases with increasing volume approaching to integer value 3 μB.

  12. Structural, thermal and photomagnetic properties of spin crossover [Fe(bpp)2]2+ salts bearing [Cr(L)(ox)2]- anions. (United States)

    Clemente-León, Miguel; Coronado, Eugenio; Giménez-López, M Carmen; Romero, Francisco M; Asthana, Saket; Desplanches, Cédric; Létard, Jean-François


    This paper is divided into two parts: in the first part, the influence of solvate molecules on the magnetic properties of spin crossover salts of [Fe(bpp)(2)][Cr(L)(ox)(2)]ClO(4) x nS (bpp = 2,6-bis(pyrazol-3yl)pyridine; L = 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) or 1,10-phenanthroline (phen); ox = oxalate dianion; S = solvent) is analyzed. The second part is devoted to the photomagnetic properties of the previously reported [Fe(bpp)(2)][Cr(L)(ox)(2)](2) family of compounds. The study describes the crystal structure, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and magnetic properties of [Fe(bpp)(2)][Cr(bpy)(ox)(2)]ClO(4) x EtOH x 4 H(2)O (1) and [Fe(bpp)(2)][Cr(phen)(ox)(2)]ClO(4) x 1.5 EtOH x 4 H(2)O (2). Both salts are high-spin (HS) compounds. Desolvation of 1 yields a material exhibiting a gradual spin crossover that involves 50% of the Fe(2+) cations. Rehydration of this desolvated salt induces a significant increase in the low-spin (LS) population. Desolvation of 2 affords a material showing a more abrupt spin crossover with thermal hysteresis (T(1/2)(increasing) = 286 K and T(1/2)(decreasing) = 273 K). This material is not very sensitive to rehydration. The anhydrous compounds [Fe(bpp)(2)][Cr(bpy)(ox)(2)](2) (3) and [Fe(bpp)(2)][Cr(phen)(ox)(2)](2) (4) display some quantitative photomagnetic conversion with T(LIESST) values of 41 and 51 K, respectively. Kinetic parameters governing the photo-induced HS-LS relaxation process have been determined and used to reproduce the T(LIESST) curves.

  13. Microstructure and wear behaviors of laser clad NiCr/Cr3C2-WS2 high temperature self-lubricating wear-resistant composite coating (United States)

    Yang, Mao-Sheng; Liu, Xiu-Bo; Fan, Ji-Wei; He, Xiang-Ming; Shi, Shi-Hong; Fu, Ge-Yan; Wang, Ming-Di; Chen, Shu-Fa


    The high temperature self-lubricating wear-resistant NiCr/Cr3C2-30%WS2 coating and wear-resistant NiCr/Cr3C2 coating were fabricated on 0Cr18Ni9 austenitic stainless steel by laser cladding. Phase constitutions and microstructures were investigated, and the tribological properties were evaluated using a ball-on-disc wear tester under dry sliding condition at room-temperature (17 °C), 300 °C and 600 °C, respectively. Results indicated that the laser clad NiCr/Cr3C2 coating consisted of Cr7C3 primary phase and γ-(Fe,Ni)/Cr7C3 eutectic colony, while the coating added with WS2 was mainly composed of Cr7C3 and (Cr,W)C carbides, with the lubricating WS2 and CrS sulfides as the minor phases. The wear tests showed that the friction coefficients of two coatings both decrease with the increasing temperature, while the both wear rates increase. The friction coefficient of laser clad NiCr/Cr3C2-30%WS2 is lower than the coating without WS2 whatever at room-temperature, 300 °C, 600 °C, but its wear rate is only lower at 300 °C. It is considered that the laser clad NiCr/Cr3C2-30%WS2 composite coating has good combination of anti-wear and friction-reducing capabilities at room-temperature up to 300 °C.

  14. Black Cr/α-Cr2O3 nanoparticles based solar absorbers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khamlich, S.; Nemraoui, O.; Mongwaketsi, N.; McCrindle, R.; Cingo, N.; Maaza, M.


    Monodisperse spherical core–shell particles of Cr/α-Cr 2 O 3 with high adhesion were successfully coated on rough copper substrates by a simple self-assembly-like method for the use in solar thermal absorbers. The structure and morphology of the core-shell particles of Cr/α-Cr 2 O 3 were effectively controlled by deposition temperature and the pH of the initial precursor solution. Their characterizations were carried out with X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry and attenuated total reflection, as well as UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The samples aged for more than 40 h at 75 °C exhibit the targeted high absorbing optical characteristic “Black chrome” while those aged for ≤40 h show a significant high UV–vis diffuse reflectance “green color”.

  15. Tensile flow behaviour of 2.25Cr-1Mo ferritic steel base metal an simulated heat affected zone structures of 2.25 Cr-1Mo weld joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laha, K.; Chandravathi, K.S.; Rao, K.B.S.; Mannan, S. L.; Sastry, D.H.


    Tensile tests in the temperature range 298 to 873 K have been performed on 2.25Cr-1Mo base metal and simulated heat affected zone (HAZ) structures of its weld joint, namely coarse grain bainite, fine grain bainite and intercritical structure. Tensile flow behaviour of all the microstructural conditions could be adequately described by the Hollomon equation (σ = K 1 ε n1 ) at higher (>623 K) temperatures. Deviation from the Hollomon equation was observed at low strains and lower ( 1 ε n1 + exp (K 2 + n 2 ε), was found to describe the flow curve. In general, the flow parameters n 1 , K 1 , n 2 and K 2 were found to decrease with increase in temperature except in the intermediate temperature range (423 to 623 K). Peaks/plateaus were observed in their variation with temperature in the intermediate temperature range coinciding with the occurrence of serrated flow in the load-elongation curve. The n 1 value increased and the K 1 value decreased with the type of microstructure in the order: coarse grain bainite, fine grain bainite, base metal and intercritical structure. The variation of n 1 with microstructure has been rationalized on the basis of mean free path (MFP) of dislocations which is directly related to the inter-particle spacing. Larger MFP of dislocations lead to higher strain hardening exponents n 1 . (orig.)

  16. Caracterización mediante HRTEM de un acero AISI4140 nitrurado por postdescarga micro-ondas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Béjar-Gómez, L.


    Full Text Available An analysis of the nitrides formed in an AISI 4140 steel nitrided by postdischarge microwave nitriding treatment was carried out by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM, fast Fourier transform (FFT and nanoanalysis. The steel samples were nitrided below of the eutectoid transformation point (590 °C, after nitriding the samples were cooling slowly inside in the reactor whit an argon atmosphere. The analysis were carried out in a FEG-TEM PHILIPS TECNAI F20 at 200 Kv. The results showed the morphology and size of the nitrides ε-Fe2-3N and γ’-Fe4N, which had coherency whit the matrix. By other hand the following crystallographic relations were determined: (110 Fe-α ║ (1001 ε-Fe2-3N ║ (110 γ’-Fe4N and [1-1 0]Fe-α ║ [1 0-1 0] ε-Fe2-3N ║ [0 1 1] Fe4N.

    Un análisis de las fases de nitruros formados en un acero AISI 4140, nitrurado mediante condiciones de postdescarga micro-ondas, se llevó a cabo por microscopía electrónica de transmisión de alta resolución (HRTEM, rápida transformada de Fourier (FFT y nanoanálisis. Las muestras de acero fueron nitruradas por debajo del punto de transformación eutectoide (590 °C; después del tratamiento de nitruración las piezas fueron enfriadas lentamente dentro del reactor con una atmósfera de argón. Los análisis se realizaron en un microscopio Philips con cañón de emisión de campo Tecnai F20 a 200 Kv (PHILIPS FEG-TEM TECNAI F20. Los resultados mostraron la morfología y tamaño de los nitruros de hierro ε-Fe2-3N y γ’-Fe4N, los cuáles mostraron coherencia con la matriz. Además, se obtuvo la siguiente relación de coherencia entre precipitados y matriz: (110 Fe-α ║ (1001 ε-Fe2-3N ║ (110 γ’-Fe4N y [1-1 0]Fe-α ║ [1 0-1 0] ε-Fe2-3N ║ [0 1 1] Fe4N.

  17. Comportamiento frente a la corrosión de los aceros inoxidables AISI 430L P/M

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corpas, F. A.


    Full Text Available In this paper we have studied the resistance to corrosion of the 430L ferritic stainless steels, manufactured by powder metallurgy. We have compared the behaviour of the different series of 430L stainless steels sintered, tempered and annealing, in different corrosive environments. Finally, the microstructure of the steels was determined by means of scanning electron microscopy. The better resistance to corrosion are produced in the steel annealing to 300ºC and 600ºC.

    En este trabajo hemos estudiado la resistencia a la corrosión que presentan los aceros inoxidables ferríticos 430L fabricados por procedimientos pulvimetalúrgicos. Hemos evaluado y comparado distintas series de aceros inoxidables 430L sinterizados, templados y madurados a diferentes temperaturas en atmósfera de nitrógeno, introduciéndolos en varios medios corrosivos de distinta naturaleza. Por último, se determinó la microestructura, mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los mejores valores de resistencia a la corrosión se encuentran para los aceros tratados a 300ºC y 600ºC.

  18. Influencia sobre los tratamientos térmicos del contenido de aluminio de aceros no aleados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carreras, L.


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this article is to determine the optimal level of aluminum content in plain steels to have the optimal mechanical properties by means of surface heat treatments. Various plain steels with different aluminium content have been studied. The importance of treatment temperature is analyzed. The influence of other factors, like nitrogen content or the homogenous distribution of particles, is evaluated. It is concluded that the aluminum composition of plain steels that are subjected to heat treatments should not exceed 0.02 %.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el intervalo óptimo de contenidos de aluminio en aceros no aleados para los que se consiguen las propiedades mecánicas óptimas mediante tratamientos térmicos de superficie. Se estudian diferentes coladas de acero en las que varía el contenido de aluminio y las temperaturas de tratamiento. Se evalúa la importancia de otros factores tales como el contenido de nitrógeno y la homogeneidad en la distribución de partículas endurecedoras. Se llega a la conclusión de que los aceros no aleados destinados a tratamientos térmicos no deben tener un contenido de aluminio superior al 0,02 %.

  19. Electron spin resonance study of a-Cr2O3 and Cr2O3·nH2O quasi-spherical nanoparticles

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Khamlich, S


    Full Text Available The quasi-spherical nanoparticles of hydrated Cr2O3 · nH2O, and crystalline -Cr2O3, have been synthesized by reduction of the first row (3d) transition metal complex of K2Cr2O7. The temperaturedependence of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum...

  20. Matrix isolation and theoretical study of the photochemical reactions of C{sub 2}H{sub 3}Br and 1,2-C{sub 2}H{sub 2}Br{sub 2} with CrO{sub 2}Cl{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lemon, Christine E. [Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210172, Cincinnati, OH 45221 (United States); Goldberg, Nicola [Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210172, Cincinnati, OH 45221 (United States); Klein-Riffle, Evan T. [Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210172, Cincinnati, OH 45221 (United States); Kronberg, Jon K. [Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210172, Cincinnati, OH 45221 (United States); Ault, Bruce S. [Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210172, Cincinnati, OH 45221 (United States)], E-mail:


    The matrix-isolation technique has been combined with infrared spectroscopy and theoretical calculations to characterize the products of the photochemical reactions of C{sub 2}H{sub 3}Br and 1,2-C{sub 2}H{sub 2}Br{sub 2} with CrO{sub 2}Cl{sub 2}. For these systems, oxygen-atom transfer occurred upon visible-near ultraviolet irradiation, yielding bromoacetaldehyde and CrOCl{sub 2} in the former case and bromoacetyl bromide and CrCl{sub 2}O in the latter. For each system, the products were formed in the same matrix cage and strongly interacted to form a distinct molecular complex. No evidence was obtained for the acetyl bromide derivative in the C{sub 2}H{sub 3}Br system, indicating the occurrence of oxygen-atom attack at the less substituted carbon of vinyl bromide, nor was any evidence obtained for the formation of a possible five-membered metallocycle. Two different modes of interaction were explored computationally: {eta}{sup 1} (end-on) to the oxygen atom and {eta}{sup 2} (side-on) to the C=O bond. Theoretical calculations indicated that the {eta}{sup 1} complex of CH{sub 2}BrCHO-CrCl{sub 2}O was 13 kcal mol{sup -1} more stable than the {eta}{sup 2} complex at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,2p) level of theory. The binding energy of the {eta}{sup 1} complex was found to be 21 kcal mol{sup -1}, compared to 8 kcal mol{sup -1} for the {eta}{sup 2} complex at this level of theory.

  1. Effect of cold work on decarburization of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel in high temperature sodium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aoki, Norichika; Yoshida, Eiichi; Wada, Yusaku.


    It is known that the mechanical properties of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel deteriorated due to the decarburization during immersion in the melt sodium at high temperatures. In low-alloy steel as well as a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, precipitation reactions of carbides are known to be accelerated by cold working and aging. Thus, it may be expected that cold working and aging effectively suppress the decarburization of the mechanical properties of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel because the decarburization will be restrained owing to fixation of carbon as precipitates of the carbides. In the present article, effects of cold-working and heat treatments on the kinetics of the decarburization of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel has been studied experimentally. The annealed, cold-rolled, and normalized and tempered specimens were immersed in the melt of sodium at 500, 600 and 700degC for 425, 437 and 432h, respectively. On the basis of the observations obtained from these specimens, the experiment was also carried out at 450, 500 and 550degC for 2270 and 5465h. The microstructures before and after the immersion were observed with optical and scanning electron microscopes. An average concentration of carbon in each specimen was analyzed by an inert gas fusion method. The carbides extracted from the specimens were identified by X-ray diffraction. At immersion temperatures of 450 and 500degC, a 10% reduction of the decarburization in thickness by cold-working is sufficiently effective for retardation of the decarburization at both 2270 and 5465h. Whereas, at 550degC, more than 30% reduction in thickness by cold-working is needed for it at 2270h but even 80% reduction in thickness by cold-working causes merely slight retardation of the decarburization at 5465h. (author)

  2. Análisis de falla en cable de acero Análisis de falla en cable de acero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. A. Ossa


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el análisis de falla realizado en dos muestras de cables de acero que sufrieron falla súbita bajo condiciones de carga de trabajo normales. La falla fue causada por una carga menor a la capacidad nominal. Luego de inspección óptica se evidenció que la falla fue ocasionada por fatiga del material de uno de los cables.This paper describes the failure analysis of two wire ropes fractured during normal working conditions. The failure was caused by a load well below the nominal maximum resistance of the ropes. Optical microscopy indicated fatigue failure of one of the cables.

  3. Hydrogen storage in TiCr1.2(FeV)x BCC solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, Sydney F.; Huot, Jacques


    The Ti-V-based BCC solid solutions have been considered attractive candidates for hydrogen storage due to their relatively large hydrogen absorbing capacities near room temperature. In spite of this, improvements of some issues should be achieved to allow the technological applications of these alloys. Higher reversible hydrogen storage capacity, decreasing the hysteresis of PCI curves, and decrease in the cost of the raw materials are needed. In the case of vanadium-rich BCC solid solutions, which usually have large hydrogen storage capacities, the search for raw materials with lower cost is mandatory since pure vanadium is quite expensive. Recently, the substitutions of vanadium in these alloys have been tried and some interesting results were achieved by replacing vanadium by commercial ferrovanadium (FeV) alloy. In the present work, this approach was also adopted and TiCr 1.2 (FeV) x alloy series was investigated. The XRD patterns showed the co-existence of a BCC solid solution and a C14 Laves phase in these alloys. SEM analysis showed the alloys consisted of dendritic microstructure and C14 colonies. The amount of C14 phase increases when the amount of (FeV) decreases in these alloys. Concerning the hydrogen storage, the best results were obtained for the TiCr 1.2 (FeV) 0.4 alloy, which achieved 2.79 mass% of hydrogen storage capacity and 1.36 mass% of reversible hydrogen storage capacity

  4. Estudio de inteligencia de mercados para la importación de tubería de acero carbón para PSA Colombia S.A.S.



    Estudio de inteligencia de mercados para la importación de tuberia de acero carbon para PSA Colombia S.A.S, SCH 40 de 2" revisar la viabilidad de la compra local versus la compra en el exterior analizando tres proveedores Estados Unidos, China y Brasil. En el presente trabajo se estudian los mercados para la importación de tubería de Acero Carbón SCH40, se realiza el análisis de cada área del proceso de comercialización y se establece en términos técnicos, comerciales, financieros, logísticos...

  5. Structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of multiferroic Co{sub 1−x}Mg{sub x}Cr{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamran, M.; Ullah, A. [Nanomagnetism and Nanotechnology Laboratory, International Islamic University, Islamabad 44000 (Pakistan); Rahman, S. [Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China); Tahir, A. [Department of Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad 44000 (Pakistan); Nadeem, K., E-mail: [Nanomagnetism and Nanotechnology Laboratory, International Islamic University, Islamabad 44000 (Pakistan); Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, National Laboratory for Superconductivity, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 603, Beijing 100190 (China); Anis ur Rehman, M. [Applied Thermal Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad 44000 (Pakistan); Hussain, S. [Magnetism Laboratory, Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad 44000 (Pakistan)


    Highlights: • Properties of multiferroic Co{sub 1−x}Mg{sub x}Cr{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles have been studied. • XRD showed that CoCr{sub 2}O{sub 4} and MgCr{sub 2}O{sub 4} are cubic normal spinel structure. • Rietveld refinement of XRD showed no impurity phases. • T{sub c} and T{sub s} showed decreasing trend with increasing Mg concentration. • Dielectric properties were improved for x = 0.6 Mg concentration. - Abstract: We examined the structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of Co{sub 1−x}Mg{sub x}Cr{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles with composition x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 in detail. X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed normal spinel structure for all the samples. Rietveld refinement fitting results of the XRD showed no impurity phases which signifies the formation of single phase Co{sub 1−x}Mg{sub x}Cr{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles. The average crystallite size showed a peak behaviour with maxima at x = 0.6. Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy also confirmed the formation of single phase normal spinel for all the samples and exhibited dominant vibrational changes for x ≥ 0.6. For x = 0 (CoCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}), zero field cooled/field cooled (ZFC/FC) magnetization curves showed paramagnetic (PM) to ferrimagnetic (FiM) transition at T{sub c} = 97 K and a conical spiral magnetic order at T{sub s} = 30 K. The end members CoCr{sub 2}O{sub 4} (x = 0) and MgCr{sub 2}O{sub 4} (x = 1) are FiM and antiferromagnetic (AFM), respectively. T{sub c} and T{sub s} showed decreasing trend with increasing x, followed by an additional AFM transition at T{sub N} = 15 K for x = 0.6. The system finally stabilized and changed to highly frustrated AFM structure at x = 1 due to formation of pure MgCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}. High field FC curves (5T) depicted nearly no effect on spiral magnetic state, which is attributed to strong exchange B-B magnetic interactions at low temperatures. Dielectric parameters showed a non-monotonous behaviour with

  6. Characterization of transparent superconductivity Fe-doped CuCrO{sub 2} delafossite oxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taddee, Chutirat [Materials Science and Nanotechnology Program, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002 (Thailand); Kamwanna, Teerasak, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002 (Thailand); Nanotec-KKU Center of Excellence on Advanced Nanomaterials for Energy Production and Storage, Khon Kaen 40002 (Thailand); Integrated Nanotechnology Research Center (INRC), Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002 (Thailand); Amornkitbamrung, Vittaya [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002 (Thailand); Nanotec-KKU Center of Excellence on Advanced Nanomaterials for Energy Production and Storage, Khon Kaen 40002 (Thailand); Integrated Nanotechnology Research Center (INRC), Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002 (Thailand)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Effect of Fe substitution on the physical properties in CuCrO{sub 2} is studied. • The substitution of Cr{sup 3+} by Fe{sup 3+} produces a mixed effect on the magnetic properties. • CuCr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 2} delafossite oxides show transparent superconductivity. - Abstract: Delafossite CuCr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 2} (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) semiconductors were synthesized using a self-combustion urea nitrate process. The effects of Fe concentration on its microstructural, optical, magnetic, and electrical properties were investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis results revealed the delafossite structure in all the samples. The lattice spacing of CuCr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 2} slightly increased with increasing substitution of Fe at the Cr sites. The optical properties measured at room temperature using UV–visible spectroscopy showed a weak absorbability in the visible light and near IR regions. The corresponding direct optical band gap was about 3.61 eV, exhibiting transparency in the visible region. The magnetic hysteresis loop measurements showed that the Fe-doped CuCrO{sub 2} samples exhibited ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature. This indicated that the substitution of Fe{sup 3+} for Cr{sup 3+} produced a mixed effect on the magnetic properties of CuCrO{sub 2} delafossite oxide. The temperature dependent resistivity measurements clearly revealed the presence of superconductivity in the CuCr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 2} with a superconducting transition up to 118 K.

  7. Mechanical and microstructural behavior of oxide dispersion strengthened 8Cr-2W and 8Cr-1W steels during creep deformation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shinozuka, K.; Tamura, M.; Esaka, H. [National Defense Academy, Dept. MS and E, Kanagawa (Japan); Shiba, K.; Nakamura, K. [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai-mura, Naga-gun, Ibaraki-ken (Japan)


    Full text of publication follows: Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel is a promising candidate for fusion reactor material because of excellent mechanical properties. However, the ODS steel exhibits some defects, such as mechanical anisotropy and little elongation . To reveal details of these defects, we investigated correlations between mechanical and microstructural behavior of ODS ferritic steels during creep deformation at high temperature. The materials used in this study are two kinds of hot rolled ODS steels: Fe-8Cr-2W-0.2V-0.1Ta-0.2Ti-0.4Y{sub 2}O{sub 3} (J1) and Fe-8Cr-1W-0.2Ti-0.4Y{sub 2}O{sub 3} (J2). Creep tests was carried out on specimens sampling along both the rolling direction and the cross direction at 670, 700 and 730 deg. C. Microstructural analyses were made on the normalized and tempered condition by using OM, SEM, TEM and XRD. Creep ruptured and interrupted specimens were also investigated. Both J1 and J2 existed two phases, namely martensite and {delta}-ferrite which was elongated in the rolling direction. Y-Ti complex oxide particles were finely dispersed in martensite and {delta}- ferrite phases. Results of creep tests indicated that the time-to-rupture of specimens of J1 were much longer than J2, and the time-to-rupture of specimens sampling along the rolling direction were longer than cross direction. Accordingly, J1 sampling along hot rolling direction was the strongest, for instance, the time-to-rupture was 11400 h at 700 deg. C and 162 MPa. All specimens indicated that elongation was less than 1.3 % and the rupture occurred at steady state creep region from creep curves. Internal cracks were propagated in martensite phase along elongated {delta}-ferrite phase in the direction of hot rolling. On the other hand, {delta}-ferrite phases seemed to prevent combining cracks. These results suggest that elongated {delta}-ferrite and internal clacks in martensite strongly affect on the anisotropy and little elongation of creep. (authors)

  8. Soldadura de recargue con aceros inoxidables dúplex


    Zappa, Sebastián; Martínez, Juan; Svoboda, Hernán Gabriel; Surian, Estela


    Los aceros inoxidables dúplex se caracterizan por poseer una estructura dual constituida por ferrita y austenita en iguales proporciones. Poseen una combinación de buenas propiedades mecánicas y resistencia a la corrosión, que dependen de la composición química y de la relación entre las fases mencionadas. Son ampliamente utilizados en las industrias de procesos químicos y, fundamentalmente, del petróleo y gas. La soldadura de recargue, es utilizada en las industrias de fabricación y reparaci...

  9. Evaluation of ferritic alloy Fe-2 1/4Cr-1Mo after neutron irradiation: Microstructural development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gelles, D.S.


    As part of a program to provide a data base on the bainitic alloy Fe-2-1/4-1Mo for fusion energy applications, microstructural examinations are reported for nine specimen conditions for 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel which had been irradiated by fast neutrons over the temperature range 390 to 510 0 C. Void swelling is found following irradiation at 400 0 C to 480 0 C. Concurrently dislocation structure and precipitation developed. Peak void swelling, void density, dislocation density and precipitate number density formed at the lowest temperature, approximately 400 0 C, whereas mean void size, and mean precipitate size increased with increasing irradiation temperature. The examination results are used to provide interpretation of in-reactor creep, density change and post irradiation tensile behavior

  10. Application of double-spike isotope dilution for the accurate determination of Cr(III), Cr(VI) and total Cr in yeast. (United States)

    Yang, Lu; Ciceri, Elena; Mester, Zoltán; Sturgeon, Ralph E


    A method is presented for the simultaneous determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in yeast using species-specific double-spike isotope dilution (SSDSID) with anion-exchange liquid chromatography (LC) separation and sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric (SF-ICP-MS) detection. Total Cr is quantitated using ID SF-ICP-MS. Samples were digested on a hot plate at 95+/-2 degrees C for 6 h in an alkaline solution of 0.5 M NaOH and 0.28 M Na2CO3 for the determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI), whereas microwave-assisted decomposition with HNO3 and H2O2 was used for the determination of total Cr. Concentrations of 2,014+/-16, 1,952+/-103 and 76+/-48 mg kg-1 (one standard deviation, n=4, 3, 3), respectively were obtained for total Cr, Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in the yeast sample. Significant oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) (24.2+/-7.6% Cr(III) oxidized, n=3) and reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) (37.6+/-6.5% Cr(VI) reduced, n=3) occurred during alkaline extraction and subsequent chromatographic separation at pH 7. Despite this significant bidirectional redox transformation, quantitative recoveries for both Cr(III) and Cr(VI) were achieved using the SSDSID method. In addition, mass balance between total Cr and the sum of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) concentrations was achieved. Method detection limits of 0.3, 2 and 30 mg kg-1 were obtained for total Cr, Cr(VI) and Cr(III), respectively, based on a 0.2-g sub-sample.

  11. Humidity sensitive electrical responce of K2CrO4 doped ZnCr2O4 ceramic sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kavasoglu, N.


    The effects of the addition of various percentages of potassium chromate as a sintering aid on the response to air moisture of ZnCr 2 O 4 ceramic body along with its crystalline structure and surface morphology were studied. The fired ceramic body, which proved to be mainly constructed from about 1μm sized ZnCr 2 O 4 spinel grains, was porous. The humidity sensing behaviour of the sensors reveals that the electrical conduction is due mainly to protonic and is controlled through the thin layers of water, adsorbed on the surface of the grains, with charge transfer to the electrodes. Only the material containing 20% K 2 CrO 4 in ZnCr 2 O 4 exhibited an exponential behaviour to humidity, which shows about three orders change in the d.c. resistance over the relative humidity in the range between 25 and 90%. The addition of CuO resulted in an increase in the conductivity but had a deleterious effect on the humidity. Based on a.c. impedance measurements, an equivalent circuit associated with a net work of RC parallel circuit in series with constant phase elements (CPEs) has been suggested. It can be therefore assumed that such equivalent circuit model of the sensor under moderate moist condition indicates the charge transport processes mediated by proton hopping and diffusion. A homemade prototype of such a humidity sensor has also been successfully demonstrated in door


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    Full Text Available En este trabajo de investigación se estudió el efecto del precalentamiento y la severidad de temple sobre la resistencia al desgaste adhesivo del acero austenítico al manganeso ASTM A 128 grado C. El material se sometió a ciclos térmicos de temple y revenido con y sin precalentamiento con el fin de evaluar su influencia sobre la resistencia al desgaste. Posteriormente el material fue sometido a prueba según norma ASTM G83 y se determinó que el acero Austenítico al manganeso, es un material que presenta una microestructura metaestable en condiciones estables y no debe ser sometido a tratamiento térmico de revenido a altas temperaturas debido que favorece la descomposición de esta a ferrita (fase blanda de los acero y por ende disminuye su resistencia al desgaste.

  13. Evaluación de la adherencia del biofilm sobre salivaderas dentales de acero inoxidable, cerámica y opalina


    Butler, Teresa Adela


    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue estudiar el desarrollo de la biopelícula depositada sobre las salivaderas dentales de tres materiales diferentes (acero inoxidable, cerámica y opalina), de equipos odontológicos correspondientes a dos zonas diferentes del casco urbano de la ciudad de La Plata (Z1 y Z2). Para ello se realizaron 38 cortes de salivaderas dentales de los tres materiales, de cada zona En primer lugar se realizó el análisis de la microbiota planctónica y sé...

  14. Structure and magnetic properties of Co{sub 2}(Cr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x})Al, (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Heusler alloys prepared by mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Srivastava, Yogesh, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering, Ceramic & Powder Metallurgy Laboratory, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462003 (India); Vajpai, Sanjay Kumar, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462003 (India); Srivastava, Sanjay, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462003 (India)


    Highlights: • A series of nanocrystalline Co{sub 2}(Cr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x})Al Heusler alloy by powder metallurgy. • Effect of substitution of Fe for Cr on the microstructure and magnetic properties. • Increasing amounts of B2 type disordered structure with increasing Fe content. • Enhanced Ms, Mr, Hc, and Tc with increasing Fe content. • Relative magnetic anisotropy decreased with increasing Fe content. - Abstract: In the present study, a series of nanocrystalline Co{sub 2}(Cr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x})Al Heusler alloy powders were successfully prepared by high energy ball milling and the effect of substitution of Fe for Cr on the microstructure and magnetic properties was investigated in detail. The Co{sub 2}CrAl alloy powder consisted of only A2 type disordered structure whereas the substitution of Cr by Fe led to the appearance of increasing amounts of B2 type disordered structure along with A2 type structure. All the Co{sub 2}(Cr{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x})Al Heusler alloy powders demonstrated high spontaneous magnetization together with a very small hysteresis losses. The saturation magnetization, remanence, coercivity, and Curie temperature increased with increasing Fe content. The increasing magnetization with increasing Fe content was attributed to the replacement of antiferromagnetic Cr by strongly ferromagnetic Fe and an increasing amounts of relatively more ordered, atomically as well as ferromagnetically, B2 structure as compared to that of A2 phase. The increment in remanence and coercivity with increasing Fe content were associated with the variation in microstructural characteristics, such as grain size, lattice defects, and the presence of small amounts of magnetic/nonmagnetic secondary phases. The increment in Curie temperature with increasing Fe content was attributed to the enhancement of d-d exchange interaction due to the possible occupancy of vacant sites by Fe atoms. All the Heusler alloys indicated extremely low magnetic anisotropy and the

  15. Phase formation in Na2MoO4 - MgMoO4 - Cr2(MoO4)3 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kotova, I.Yu.; Kozhevnikova, N.M.


    Interaction within Na 2 MoO 4 - MgMoO 4 - Cr 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 ternary system is studied by X ray phase and DTA methods. State diagram of NaCr(MoO 4 ) 2 - MgMoO 4 section is plotted. Production of ternary molybdates of Na 1-x Mg 1-x Cr 1+x (MoO 4 ) 3 , where 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3, and NaMg 3 Cr(MoO 4 ) 5 composition is ascertained [ru

  16. Comportamiento termomecánico de un acero microaleado al Nb-V


    Cartaya, E. A.; Varela, G.; Cabrera Marrero, José M.; Prado Pozuelo, José Manuel


    Empleando ensayos de compresión simple en ca- liente y relajación de tensiones después de la de - formación en un dilatómetro modelo DIL805T, se obtuvieron las curvas de fluencia y relajación de dos aceros, el primero de ellos al C – Mn y otro HS- LA con idéntica composición química base, micro- aleado con Nb – V. Los ensayos de compresión simple fueron efectua- dos a temperaturas en el rango austenítico, desde 900 – 1.200 ºC y velocidades de deformación de 0....

  17. Structure and magnetic properties of Gd2Co17-xCr x (1.17 ≤ x ≤ 3.0) compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuquan, B.; Tegus, O.; Dagula, W.; Brueck, E.; Klaasse, J.C.P.; Buschow, K.H.J.


    The structure and magnetic properties of Gd 2 Co 17-x Cr x (1.17 ≤ x ≤ 3.0) compounds have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and magnetization measurements. The powder X-ray diffraction patterns show that all samples crystallize as a single phase with the rhombohedral Th 2 Zn 17 -type structure. The lattice parameters a and the unit cell volume V increases slightly with increasing Cr content, but the c parameter varies in a less simple way with increasing Cr content. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the magnetically aligned samples show that all compounds investigated have uniaxial anisotropy. Spin reorientation phenomena occur in all of the compounds. The Curie temperature T C , the spin reorientation temperature T sr , the spontaneous magnetization M 0 and the saturation magnetization M s decrease with the increasing Cr content. The anisotropy constant K 1 and the anisotropy field B a of the compounds at room temperature reach a maximum for x = 1.76. The M 0 and M s increase with increasing temperature from 5 K to 300 K. The easy-axis anisotropy of all compounds changes to easy-plane anisotropy at low temperatures and the spin reorientation phenomena are more pronounced for low Cr concentration

  18. Efecto de la Composición Química del Metal de Aporte y del Calor Aportado Sobre la Microestructura y las Propiedades Mecánicas de Juntas Soldadas de Aceros Inoxidables Dúplex

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    Sebastián Zappa

    Full Text Available Resumen Los aceros inoxidables dúplex poseen una microestructura dual (ferrita y austenita con contenidos aproximadamente iguales y se caracterizan por tener buena soldabilidad, buenas propiedades mecánicas y una alta resistencia a la corrosión generalizada y localizada. Gracias a estas características, estos aceros son los principales materiales a emplear en cañerías con altas exigencias, ampliamente utilizados en varias industrias, principalmente la petroquímica. Dichas propiedades están controladas por la composición química, el equilibrio microestructural y la ausencia de compuestos intermetálicos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la influencia de la composición química del metal de aporte y el calor aportado sobre la microestructura y las propiedades mecánicas en juntas soldadas de cañerías de acero inoxidable dúplex. El metal base utilizado fue un acero inoxidable dúplex UNS S31803 de 8” de diámetro y 8,18 mm de espesor y los metales de aporte fueron dos alambres tubulares que depositan aceros inoxidables dúplex y lean dúplex (AWS A5.22: E2209T1-1 y E2209T1-G, mediante el proceso de soldadura semi-automático bajo protección gaseosa, soldados con alto y bajo calor aportado. De cada probeta se extrajeron muestras donde se determinó la composición química, se realizó la caracterización microestructural y se determinaron las propiedades mecánicas (dureza, tracción y Charpy-V.

  19. Optimización del acero usado como soporte y gancho de sujeción del acero de refuerzo en cimentaciones de concreto


    Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan; Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan; Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan


    Para el proceso constructivo de cimentaciones de concreto se usan diversos accesorios, algunos estandarizados y otros no; uno de los no estandarizados es el acero usado como soporte y gancho de sujeción de las barras de refuerzo, (comúnmente llamado "burro", "burrito" o "silletas" de soporte), pues en los planos estructurales no se detalla la forma de colocar y sostener las barras de refuerzo y en obra las silletas se colocan de forma empírica según las experiencias previas de los encargados ...

  20. Estudio del desgaste de aceros rápidos pulvimetalúrgicos M3/2 reforzados con carburo de niobio mediante el ensayo pin-on-disk

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    Candela, N.


    Full Text Available In this work, composite materials M3/2 high-speed steel reinforced with 5,10 and 15 %, in volume, of niobium carbide have been obtained to improve the wear behaviour. The materials were prepared by powder metallurgy using steel and carbide powders that were mechanically ball milled in a planetary mill, and then hot isostatically pressed. The wear behaviour was determined by pin-on-disk tests. The materials present a microstructure consisting of grains with a few microns in size and fine MC and M6C particles homogeneously dispersed in its interior. In the case of reinforced materials, reinforcing carbides particles are placed mainly at the surface of the prior steel powder particle boundaries. The wear behaviour was evaluated from friction and wear coefficients, and also from weight loss. The addition of niobium carbide improves the wear properties of the tool steel in both martensitic and tempered conditions. A decrease of the weight loss and the wear coefficient is observed with increasing volume fraction of NbC

    En este trabajo se han preparado materiales compuestos de acero rápido M3/2 reforzado con un 5, un 10 y un 15 % en volumen de carburos de niobio con el objeto de mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas y resistencia al desgaste. La fabricación de los distintos materiales compuestos se realizó mediante molienda mecánica de polvo de acero rápido y carburo en un molino de alta energía, y compactación isostática en caliente. El comportamiento al desgaste se determinó a través de ensayos pin-on-disk. El material de partida presenta una microestructura con un tamaño de grano de pocas mieras y pequeños carburos MC y M6C homogéneamente dispersos en su interior. En el caso de los materiales reforzados, las partículas reforzantes de carburo se sitúan mayoritariamente sobre la superficie de las partículas originales de polvo de acero. El comportamiento al desgaste se evaluó a partir del coeficiente

  1. First-principles investigation of Cr-doped Fe2B: Structural, mechanical, electronic and magnetic properties (United States)

    Wei, Xiang; Chen, Zhiguo; Zhong, Jue; Wang, Li; Wang, Yipeng; Shu, Zhongliang


    The structural, mechanical, electronic and magnetic properties of Fe8-xCrxB4 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) have been investigated by first-principles calculation. It was found that the calculated structural parameters are well consistent with available experimental data. Moreover, all studied compounds are thermodynamically stable phases. On the whole, the moduli of the compounds firstly increase and then decrease with the increase of Cr concentration, whereas the variation of hardness exhibits more fluctuations. All Cr-doped Fe2B have better ductility than Fe2B except Fe2Cr6B4 and Fe5Cr3B4. Interestingly, Fe4Cr4B4 is of not only the slightly larger hardness, but also much better ductility than Fe2B. As the Cr concentration is lower than 20 wt%, the hardness of Cr-doped Fe2B slightly decreases with increasing Cr, whereas the sharply increased hardness of (Fe, Cr)2B in Fe-B alloys or boriding layer should be attributed to the multiple alloying effects resulting from Cr and the other alloying elements. The electronic structures revealed that the Fe-B and/or Cr-B bonds are mainly responsible for their mechanical properties, and the M-N (M = Fe or Cr, N = Fe or Cr) bonds in 〈2 2 0〉 and 〈1 1 3〉 orientations show covalent character. Additionally, the magnetic moments (Ms) of the compounds do not monotonically decrease with increasing Cr.

  2. Creep-fatigue behavior of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel at 5500C in air and vacuum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asayama, T.; Cheng, S.Z.; Asada, Y.; Mitsuhashi, S.; Tachibana, Y.


    Following studies on creep-fatigue behaviors of 304 steel at 650 0 C (Asada et al (1980) and Morishita et al (1984), (1985), (1987)), 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel was studied on its creep-fatigue behaviors at 550 0 C in air and vacuum of 100 and 0.1 μPa. The present study intends to give a base for an evaluation of the environmental effect through obtaining a pure creep-fatigue behavior of this steel which is free from the environmental effect. In the previous studies on 304 steel, tests were conducted in three kinds of environment of air, 100 and 0.1 μPa vacuum. It seemed to be plausible that the 0.1 μPa vacuum shows the pure creep-fatigue behavior of 304 steel at 650 0 C which is almost completely free from the environment. A creep-fatigue life in 0.1 μPa vacuum is almost one order of magnitude higher than that in air. The 100 μPa vacuum suggested that the environmental effect of air still remains but is so small that a creep-fatigue life in 100 μPa is same to that in 0.1 μPa in some strain wave forms. The present study intends to examine if similar observations are obtained with 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel at 550 0 C. This paper describes the analysis of the overstress and damages, in addition to a creep-fatigue result. (orig.GL)

  3. Creep-rupture-strength and creep-behaviour of stainless steel X6CrNi 1811(DIN 1.4948); Comportamiento a la fluencia lenta del acero X6CrNi 1811 (1.4948)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solano, R R; Schirra, M; Rivas, M de la; Seith, B


    The steel X6CrNi 1811 (DIN 1.4948) that will be used as a structure material for the German Fast Breeder Reactor SNR 300 was creep-tested in a temperature range of 550-650 degree centigree under base material condition as well as welded material condition. Tests are foreseen up to 30.000 hours with a continuous measuring of the elongation. The present report describes the test results up to about 4-000 hours. Taking into account the results of other programs carried out with the same material between 550- and 600 degree centigree at similar rupture time, were defined the stresses for the long term tests. The main point of this program (Extrapolation Program) lies in the knowledge of the creep-rupture-strength and creep behaviour of the structure materials up to 3.10{sup 4}h at high temperature in order to extrapolate up to 10{sup 5} h. for reactor operating temperatures. (Author) 14 refs.

  4. Influencia de la microestructura en el comportamiento en fatiga de aceros perlíticos

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    Toledano, M.


    Full Text Available This article accounts the relationship between the microstructure of pearlitic steels (influenced by the cold-drawn manufacturing process and the growing rate of sub critical cracks, produced by a cyclic-constant amplitude load. The microstructural study is performed in two levels: the pearlitic colony (first level and the pearlitic lamellar microstructure (second microstructural level. The analysis of the fatigue behaviour was focused on the region II of the fatigue crack propagation regime, in which the crack growing rate per cicle, da/dN, is controlled by the amplitude of the stress intensity range, as described by Paris law. The enhancement of the fatigue behaviour, in the stable growing zone, is related with the progressive orientation of the pearlitic colonies in the cold drawing direction, showing a linear relation between the intersect parameter of the Paris law (mechanical property and the alignment angle of the microstructure.

    Este artículo pretende poner de manifiesto la influencia que los cambios microestructurales inducidos en un acero hipoeutectoide mediante un proceso de trefilado, tienen sobre la velocidad de crecimiento de fisuras sub-críticas, desarrolladas por solicitación cíclica con amplitud de carga constante. El análisis microestructural ha sido realizado a dos niveles: la colonia perlítica (primer nivel y la microestructura laminar de la perlita (segundo nivel microestructural. El análisis del comportamiento en fatiga se ha centrado en la región II del régimen de propagación de fisuras por fatiga, en donde la velocidad de crecimiento de fisuras, da/dN, está controlada por la amplitud del factor de intensidad de tensiones, K, según queda descrito por la ley de Paris. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la mejora en el comportamiento en fatiga de los aceros, en la zona de crecimiento estable de la fisura, se relaciona con el alineamiento de las colonias perlíticas en la dirección del trefilado

  5. Ca{sub 2}Cr{sub 0.5}Ga{sub 1.5}O{sub 5}—An extremely redox-stable brownmillerite phase

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo, Kun; Amano Patino, Midori; Hayward, Michael A., E-mail:


    Investigation of the Ca{sub 2}Cr{sub x}Ga{sub 2−x}O{sub 5} compositional series reveals a maximum chromium solubility of 25%. The most chromium rich composition, Ca{sub 2}Cr{sub 0.5}Ga{sub 1.5}O{sub 5}, adopts a brownmillerite-type anion deficient perovskite structure described in space group Pnma (a=5.368 Å, b=14.547 Å, c=5.593 Å). Neutron powder diffraction data reveals rigorous B-site cation order, with all of the tetrahedral coordination sites occupied exclusively by gallium and the octahedral coordination sites occupied by gallium or chromium. Annealing studies reveals Ca{sub 2}Cr{sub 0.5}Ga{sub 1.5}O{sub 5} is stable in both oxidizing (100% O{sub 2}) and reducing (5% H{sub 2} in N{sub 2}) conditions up to 800 °C, suggesting it could find application as a stable host lattice for fuel cell electrodes or electrolytes with suitable doping to enhance catalytic behaviour and/or anionic conductivity. - Graphical abstract: Ca{sub 2}Cr{sub 0.5}Ga{sub 1.5}O{sub 5}, adopts a brownmillerite-type anion deficient perovskite structure yet it is stable in both oxidizing (100% O{sub 2}) and reducing (5% H{sub 2} in N{sub 2}) conditions up to 800 °C. - Highlights: • Anion deficient oxide stable to both oxidation and reduction up to 800 °C. • Cation-ordered brownmillerite structure determined by powder neutron diffraction. • Low solubility of Cr{sup 3+} in framework due to spherical d{sup 3} electron configuration.

  6. Experimental Charge Density Study of Trichromium Linear Metal String Complex – Cr3(dpa)4Cl2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Lai-Chin; Cheng, Ming-Chuan; Thomsen, Maja Krüger

    An experimental and theoretical charge density study, based on Bader’s Quantum Theory: Atoms in Molecule (QTAIM), on a trichromium metal string complex, Cr3(dpa)4Cl2(C2H5OC2H5)x(CH2Cl2)1-x (1, dpa- = bis(2-pyridyl)amido)) is performed. The structure and multipole model of 1 are performed by using...... experimental X-ray diffraction data which are collected at both 100 K using conventional X-ray source (DS1) and 15 K using synchrotron source (DS2). The three chromium metal string is bridged by four dpa- ligands. These tri-chromium metal ions are bonded to each other and terminated by two Cl- ions on the both...... ends, forming a [Cl(1)Cr(1)Cr(2)Cr(3)Cl(2)] linear string. Each Cr atoms are coordinated by four N atoms of each dpa- ligand. This metal string is slightly unsymmetrical at both data sets. The bond distance, from DS1 (DS2), of Cr(1)Cr(2), 2.3480(2) (2.3669(1)) Å, is 0.03 (0.003) Å shorter than Cr...

  7. Chemokine receptors CXCR2 and CX3CR1 differentially regulate functional responses of bone-marrow endothelial progenitors during atherosclerotic plaque regression (United States)

    Herlea-Pana, Oana; Yao, Longbiao; Heuser-Baker, Janet; Wang, Qiongxin; Wang, Qilong; Georgescu, Constantin; Zou, Ming-Hui; Barlic-Dicen, Jana


    Aims Atherosclerosis manifests itself as arterial plaques, which lead to heart attacks or stroke. Treatments supporting plaque regression are therefore aggressively pursued. Studies conducted in models in which hypercholesterolaemia is reversible, such as the Reversa mouse model we have employed in the current studies, will be instrumental for the development of such interventions. Using this model, we have shown that advanced atherosclerosis regression occurs when lipid lowering is used in combination with bone-marrow endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) treatment. However, it remains unclear how EPCs home to regressing plaques and how they augment atherosclerosis reversal. Here we identify molecules that support functional responses of EPCs during plaque resolution. Methods and results Chemokines CXCL1 and CX3CL1 were detected in the vascular wall of atheroregressing Reversa mice, and their cognate receptors CXCR2 and CX3CR1 were observed on adoptively transferred EPCs in circulation. We tested whether CXCL1–CXCR2 and CX3CL1–CX3CR1 axes regulate functional responses of EPCs during plaque reversal. We show that pharmacological inhibition of CXCR2 or CX3CR1, or genetic inactivation of these two chemokine receptors interfered with EPC-mediated advanced atherosclerosis regression. We also demonstrate that CXCR2 directs EPCs to regressing plaques while CX3CR1 controls a paracrine function(s) of these cells. Conclusion CXCR2 and CX3CR1 differentially regulate EPC functional responses during atheroregression. Our study improves understanding of how chemokines and chemokine receptors regulate plaque resolution, which could determine the effectiveness of interventions reducing complications of atherosclerosis. PMID:25765938

  8. First-Principles Calculations for Chemical Reaction between Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate and Transition-Metal (Cr) atom to Produce Cr(DDC)3 and Cr(DDC)2ODDC (United States)

    Setiyanto, Henry; Muhida, Rifki; Kishi, Tomoya; Rempillo, Ofelia; Rahman, Mahmudur; Dipojono, Hermawan Kresno; Di\\ {n}o, Wilson Agerico; Matsumoto, Shigeno; Kasai, Hideaki


    We investigate the chemical reaction between a Cr transition-metal atom and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDDC), a complexing agent used to detect and extract Cr in human blood samples. Using density-functional-theory-based calculations, we determine their stable structures of Cr(DDC)2ODDC and Cr(DDC)3 complexes and obtain their dissociation energies. We found dissociation energies of -10.66 and -3.24 eV for Cr(DDC)2ODDC and Cr(DDC)3 complexes, respectively. Hence, on the basis of dissociation energies, we have verified that the reaction of NaDDC with Cr produces Cr(DDC)2ODDC as a major product.

  9. Substitution and diffusion of Cr 2+ and Cr 3+ in synthetic forsterite and natural olivine at 1200–1500 °C and 1 bar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jollands, M. C.; O' Neill, H. St. C.; Van Orman, J.; Berry, A. J.; Hermann, J.; Newville, M.; Lanzirotti, A.


    The diffusion and substitution mechanisms of Cr in forsterite were studied as a function of crystallographic orientation and the chemical potentials of all four components in the system MgO-SiO2-Cr-O. Oxygen fugacity (fO2) was varied over 15.4 log units at 1400 °C and was fixed at the iron-wüstite equilibrium for a temperature series (1200–1500 °C). The valence state changes of Cr along some diffusion profiles was also investigated using X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy.

  10. Evaluation of ferritic alloy Fe-2-1/4Cr-1Mo after neutron irradiation - microstructure development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gelles, D.S.


    Microstructural examinations are reported for nine specimen conditions of 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel which had been irradiated by fast neutrons over the temperature range 390 to 510 0 C. Two heats of material were involved, each with a different preirradiation heat treatment, one irradiated to a peak fluence of 5.1 x 10 22 n/cm 2 (E > 0.1 MeV) or 24 dpa and the other to 2.4 x 10 23 n/cm 2 (E > 0.1 MeV) or 116 dpa. Void swelling is found following irradiation at 400 0 C in both conditions and to 480 0 C in the higher fluence conditions. Concurrently dislocation structure and precipitation formed. Peak void swelling, void density, dislocation density and precipitate number density developed at the lowest temperature, approx. 400 0 C, whereas mean void size, and mean precipitate size increased with increasing irradiation temperature. The examination results are used to provide interpretation of in-reactor creep, density change and post irradiation tensile behavior

  11. Study of 2D MXene Cr{sub 2}C material for hydrogen storage using density functional theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yadav, A. [Department of Physics and National Centre for Nanosciences & Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 098 (India); Dashora, Alpa, E-mail: [UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 098 (India); Patel, N. [Department of Physics and National Centre for Nanosciences & Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 098 (India); Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Trento, I-38123 Povo, Trento (Italy); Miotello, A. [Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Trento, I-38123 Povo, Trento (Italy); Press, M.; Kothari, D.C. [Department of Physics and National Centre for Nanosciences & Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400 098 (India)


    Highlights: • First-principles studies showed that Cr{sub 2}C MXene can store 7.6 wt.% of H{sub 2}. • 6.4 wt.% H{sub 2} can be reversibly stored at ambient temperature. • Charge transfer between H and Cr is responsible for the reversible H{sub 2} adsorption. • H-atom on hollow site between three Cr atoms is the most stable site. - Abstract: Hydrogen storage capacity of 2D MXene Cr{sub 2}C has been studied using density functional theory. Possibility to adsorb H{sub 2} molecule on Cr{sub 2}C surface at various sites has been studied. Among the studied adsorption sites on Cr{sub 2}C surface, few sites were found suitable for chemisorption and physisorption of H{sub 2} molecules. Few of the studied sites are also found to be suitable for Kubas-type interaction, which is useful for reversible hydrogen storage at ambient conditions. Electronic structure calculations and charge transfer analysis have been done to understand the interactions of adsorbed hydrogen with the Cr{sub 2}C layer. It has been found that the total hydrogen storage capacity of Cr{sub 2}C is 7.6 wt.% in which 1.2 wt.% of H is due to the chemisorption, 3.2 wt.% is bonded with Kubas-interaction and remaining 3.2 wt.% is bonded through weak electrostatic interactions (with binding energy of 0.26 eV/H{sub 2} and charge transfer of 0.09 e{sup −} to H atom from Cr atom). Thus the reversible hydrogen storage capacity at ambient conditions (controlled by hydrogen bonded with energies ranging from 0.1 to 0.4 eV/H{sub 2}, in the present case through Kubas and weak electrostatic interactions) is 6.4 wt.% which is greater than the 2017 DoE recommended target value of 5.5 wt.%.

  12. Interface Resistance between FeCr Interconnects and La0.85Sr0.15Mn1.1O3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Lars; Neufeld, Kai; Hendriksen, Peter Vang


    The long term oxidation behaviour and the electrical interface resistance between FeCr interconnects and La0,85Sr0,15Mn1,1O3 plates was studied by a DC four-point method in air at 750{degree sign}C for 10000 h. The tested FeCr alloys were: Crofer 22 APU, Sanergy HT, Plansee IT10, Plansee IT11, an....... Low degradation rates of less than 1 mcm2/1000 h were measured on all interfaces. The microstructure analysis showed that a duplex Cr2O3-(Mn,Co,Cr)3O4 oxide scale with a thickness of 3-5 µm had evolved on the alloys....

  13. Consideraciones teórico prácticas acerca de la soldadura de los aceros al carbono

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    Osmundo Héctor Rodríguez Pérez


    Full Text Available Se analizan los tres tipos de aceros al carbono y su clasificación desde el punto de vista de su soldabilidad. Se pueden observar los aspectos físico - químicos en la zona fundida, zona de transición y zona afectada por el calor. Existen varios aspectos en la tecnología de la soldadura de los aceros al carbono, tales como: preparación de los bordes, limpieza superficial, posición relativa de las piezas, precalentamiento, selección del material de aporte, deposición de los cordones, postcalentamiento, tratamiento térmico posterior y el control de la calidad de las uniones soldadas a tomar en cuenta para realizar la soldadura.

  14. Chemical reduction of rust on 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel surface in sodium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yokota, N.; Shimoyashiki, S.


    Low-alloy Fe-2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo ferritic steel has been favored for the tube material of steam generators in fast breeder reactors (FBRs). However, this material rusts easily due to moisture condensation on its surface when left in air. Therefore, measures to prevent tube materials from rusting have been taken during manufacturing of the steam generators. When rust is present on tube surfaces, its oxygen and iron dissolve into liquid sodium. When the concentration of these impurities in the sodium increases rapidly, the cold traps can become choked locally and lose their removal ability. This work has been done, therefore, to clarify reduction processes of rust in sodium and to select optimum operating temperatures of steam generators in the initial operation

  15. Pancreatic stellate cells and CX3CR1: occurrence in normal pancreas and acute and chronic pancreatitis and effect of their activation by a CX3CR1 agonist. (United States)

    Uchida, Masahiko; Ito, Tetsuhide; Nakamura, Taichi; Hijioka, Masayuki; Igarashi, Hisato; Oono, Takamasa; Kato, Masaki; Nakamura, Kazuhiko; Suzuki, Koichi; Takayanagi, Ryoichi; Jensen, Robert T


    Numerous studies suggest important roles of the chemokine, fractalkine (CX3CL1), in acute/chronic pancreatitis; however, the possible mechanisms of the effects are unclear. Pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) can play important roles in pancreatitis, secreting inflammatory cytokines/chemokines, as well as proliferation. Therefore, we investigated CX3CL1 receptor (CX3CR1) occurrence in normal pancreas and pancreatitis (acute/chronic) tissues and the effects of CX3CL1 on activated PSCs. CX3CR1 expression/localization in normal pancreas and pancreatitis (acute/chronic) tissues was evaluated with immunohistochemical analysis. CX3CR1 expression and effects of CX3CL1 on activated PSCs were examined with real-time polymerase chain reaction, BrdU (5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine) assays, and Western blotting. In normal pancreas, acinar cells expressed CX3CR1 within granule-like formations in the cytoplasm, whereas in acute/chronic pancreatitis, acinar, ductal, and activated PSCs expressed CX3CR1 on cell membranes. With activation of normal PSCs, CX3CR1 is increased. CX3CL1 activated multiple signaling cascades in PSCs. CX3CL1 did not induce inflammatory genes expression in activated PSCs, but induced proliferation. CX3CR1s are expressed in normal pancreas. Expression is increased in acute/chronic pancreatitis, and the CX3CR1s are activated. CX3CL1 induces proliferation of activated PSCs without increasing release of inflammatory mediators. These results suggest that CX3CR1 activation of PSCs could be important in their effects in pancreatitis, especially to PSC proliferation in pancreatitis where CX3CL1 levels are elevated.

  16. Investigation of structural changes in chiral magnet Cr{sub 1∕3}NbS{sub 2} under application of pressure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mito, M., E-mail:; Tsuruta, K.; Deguchi, H. [Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu 804-8550 (Japan); Tajiri, T. [Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka 814-0180 (Japan); Kishine, J. [Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The Open University of Japan, Chiba 261-8586 (Japan); Inoue, K. [Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Institute for Advanced Materials Research, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Center for Chiral Science, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Kousaka, Y. [Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Center for Chiral Science, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Nakao, Y. [Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Sagamihara 229-8558 (Japan); Akimitsu, J. [Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Center for Chiral Science, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Sagamihara 229-8558 (Japan)


    We perform structural analysis experiments on the chiral magnet Cr{sub 1∕3}NbS{sub 2}, in which Cr{sup 3+} ions are inserted between hexagonal NbS{sub 2} layers. The noncentrosymmetrical nature of the inserted Cr{sup 3+} appears as a distorted CrS{sub 6} octahedron. Under the application of hydrostatic pressure, the lattice shrinks significantly along the c-axis rather than the a-axis. However, at a pressure P of approximately 3–4 GPa, a kink in the rate of decrease in the lattice parameters is observed, and the slight movement of a Nb atom along the c-axis brings about a decrease in the distortion of the CrS{sub 6} octahedron. This structural change qualitatively suggests a decrease in the strength of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (D-M) interaction. Under hydrostatic pressure, the magnetic ordering temperature T{sub C} decreases, and dT{sub C}/dP exhibits a slight change at around 3 GPa. A series of experiments indicates that the change in the structural symmetry of the CrS{sub 6} octahedron influences the exchange network between Cr{sup 3+} ions as well as the D-M interaction.

  17. Microwave dielectric properties and microstructure of Ba{sub 6−3x}Nd{sub 8+2x}Ti{sub 18−y}(Cr{sub 1/2}Nb{sub 1/2}){sub y}O{sub 54} ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guo, Xia [State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Jianshe Road, Chengdu 610054 (China); Tang, Bin, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Jianshe Road, Chengdu 610054 (China); Liu, Jiaqin [Sichuan Special Equipment Inspection Institute, Dongfeng Road, Chengdu 610061 (China); Chen, Hetuo; Zhang, Shuren [State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Jianshe Road, Chengdu 610054 (China)


    The microwave dielectric properties and the morphology of Ba{sub 6−3x}Nd{sub 8+2x}Ti{sub 18−y}(Cr{sub 1/2}Nb{sub 1/2}){sub y}O{sub 54} (x = 0.75, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3.0) ceramics prepared under different sintering conditions were investigated in this work. The effects of substitutions on the microstructure and microwave dielectric properties were discussed. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the sintered samples revealed a single-phase formation BaNd{sub 2}Ti{sub 4}O{sub 12} with a tungsten bronze type structure in the system. The results of energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and lattice parameters calculated on XRD data could confirm the substitution at B-site. A small amount of substitutions improved quality factor value (Q × f) and the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τ{sub f}) but led to a decrease of the permittivity. The temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τ{sub f}) was found to decrease with increasing substitutions because of the declination of tolerance factor (t). And the τ{sub f} could be adjusted from +62.4 ppm/°C to −7.3 ppm/°C with increment of substitutions. Finally, excellent dielectric properties were obtained as y was 0.5 sintered at 1400 °C for 2 h in air: ε{sub r} = 88.6, Q × f = 11486 GHz, τ{sub f} = +37.1 ppm/°C. - Graphical abstract: It was evident that the tendency of the τ{sub f} was consistent with the variation of tolerance factor (t). The τ{sub f} was much affected by the titling of Ti–O octahedral that bigger ionic radius of (Cr{sub 1/2}Nb{sub 1/2}){sup 4+} substituted for Ti{sup 4+} would significantly reduce the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency. - Highlights: • (Cr{sub 1/2}Nb{sub 1/2}){sup 4+} substitution for Ti{sup 4+} would low down the τ{sub f} of the samples. • The Cr{sup 3+} substitution for Ti{sup 4+} would promote the quality factor. • (Cr{sub 1/2}Nb{sub 1/2}){sup 4+} substitution for Ti{sup 4+} makes the permittivity maintain a high value. • The high Q × f

  18. Metabolic Effects of CX3CR1 Deficiency in Diet-Induced Obese Mice.

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    Rachana Shah

    Full Text Available The fractalkine (CX3CL1-CX3CR1 chemokine system is associated with obesity-related inflammation and type 2 diabetes, but data on effects of Cx3cr1 deficiency on metabolic pathways is contradictory. We examined male C57BL/6 Cx3cr1-/- mice on chow and high-fat diet to determine the metabolic effects of Cx3cr1 deficiency. We found no difference in body weight and fat content or feeding and energy expenditure between Cx3cr1-/- and WT mice. Cx3cr1-/- mice had reduced glucose intolerance assessed by intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests at chow and high-fat fed states, though there was no difference in glucose-stimulated insulin values. Cx3cr1-/- mice also had improved insulin sensitivity at hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, with higher glucose infusion rate, rate of disposal, and hepatic glucose production suppression compared to WT mice. Enhanced insulin signaling in response to acute intravenous insulin injection was demonstrated in Cx3cr1-/- by increased liver protein levels of phosphorylated AKT and GSK3β proteins. There were no differences in adipose tissue macrophage populations, circulating inflammatory monocytes, adipokines, lipids, or inflammatory markers. In conclusion, we demonstrate a moderate and reproducible protective effect of Cx3cr1 deficiency on glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.

  19. [Cr(N)(acac)2]: A simple chromium nitride complex and its reactivity towards late transition metals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard, Erik Donovan; Schau-Magnussen, Magnus; Bendix, Jesper


    A new simple chromium(V) nitride complex, Cr(N)(acac)2 (1) has been prepared by nitrogen atom transfer. X-ray crystallography shows a short Cr-N bond at 1.5564(11) Å and equatorial Cr-O distances in the range 1.9387(9) – 1.9485(9) Å. 1 reacts as a p-backbonding ligand ......A new simple chromium(V) nitride complex, Cr(N)(acac)2 (1) has been prepared by nitrogen atom transfer. X-ray crystallography shows a short Cr-N bond at 1.5564(11) Å and equatorial Cr-O distances in the range 1.9387(9) – 1.9485(9) Å. 1 reacts as a p-backbonding ligand ...

  20. Inorganic inhibitor study in the steel corrosion in the mixture of LiBr+Etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O; Estudio de inhibidores inorganicos en la corrosion de aceros en la mezcla de LiBr+Etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarmiento Bustos, Estela


    develop this work. Fourth chapter is the results presentation and discussion divided in four sections: each one for material electrochemically tested in the LiBr+ etilene glycol+ H{sub 2}O solution. Also presents the results obtained for the extended study made to carbon steel under different temperature and electrochemical test conditions. This includes the EIS and electrochemical noise Hurst results analysis and simulations. Finally, the fifth chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations of this work. An appendix with the solution preparation is included. [Spanish] En esta tesis doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos de cinetica electroquimica de la corrosion de 4 aceros: acero al carbon, 304, 316 y 316L, en una solucion de LiBr+ etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O. Estos sistemas son utilizados en bombas de calor por absorcion para la recuperacion de calor de desecho a la salida de procesos industriales. Sin embargo, la solucion absorbente es altamente corrosiva en este tipo de equipos. Por lo anterior se evaluaron tres diferentes inhibidores inorganicos: nitrato de litio, molibdato de litio y cromato de litio los cuales son fuertes oxidantes y promueven la formacion de la capa pasiva de los aceros y se aplicaron a diferentes temperaturas: 25, 50 y 80 grados dentigrados. A traves de tecnicas electroquimicas como curvas de polarizacion, ruido electroquimico, impedancia electroquimica, resistencia a la polarizacion lineal y mediciones de potencial de corrosion a circuito abierto en el tiempo. Se determino el compuesto inhibidor mas adecuado obteniendo su eficiencia bajo las diferentes condiciones, de los tres inhibidores considerados el que presento el mejor comportamiento y eficiencia para el acero al carbon fue el nitrato de litio a 50 ppm; para el 304 el cromato de litio a 5 ppm; para el acero 316 molibdato de litio a 5 ppm y para el 316L el cromato de litio a 5 ppm. Debido a que el acero al carbon es el material mas economico y presento una mejor respuesta por

  1. Resistencia a la corrosión atmosférica del recubrimiento Zn-10,2% Fe sobre chapa de acero. Comparación con el recubrimiento de zinc

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    Arnau, G.


    Full Text Available Zn-10.2 % Fe galvanized coating versus hot galvanized coating over carbon steel corrosion performance has been studied. Different periods of atmospheric exposures in various Valencia Community sites, and salt spray accelerated test have been done. Carbon steel test samples have been used simultaneously in order to classify exposure atmosphere corrosivity, and environmental exposure atmosphere characteristics have been analyzed. Corrosion velocity versus environmental parameters has been obtained.

    Se estudia el comportamiento a la corrosión atmosférica de un recubrimiento Zn-10,2 % Fe galvanizado en caliente, comparándolo con el comportamiento ofrecido por la chapa galvanizada, habiéndose aplicado ambos recubrimientos sobre chapa de acero de embutición. Se han realizado ensayos de exposición atmosférica en distintas atmósferas de la Comunidad Valenciana y ensayos acelerados de laboratorio en cámara de niebla salina. Se han empleado simultáneamente probetas testigo de acero con el fin de clasificar la corrosividad de las atmósferas, y se han estudiado las características medioambientales de las atmósferas donde se han llevado a cabo los ensayos. Mediante estos estudios se han obtenido las velocidades de corrosión y se han analizado en función de los parámetros ambientales.

  2. Microglia and Aging: The Role of the TREM2–DAP12 and CX3CL1-CX3CR1 Axes

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    Carmen Mecca


    Full Text Available Depending on the species, microglial cells represent 5–20% of glial cells in the adult brain. As the innate immune effector of the brain, microglia are involved in several functions: regulation of inflammation, synaptic connectivity, programmed cell death, wiring and circuitry formation, phagocytosis of cell debris, and synaptic pruning and sculpting of postnatal neural circuits. Moreover, microglia contribute to some neurodevelopmental disorders such as Nasu-Hakola disease (NHD, and to aged-associated neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD, Parkinson’s disease (PD, and others. There is evidence that human and rodent microglia may become senescent. This event determines alterations in the microglia activation status, associated with a chronic inflammation phenotype and with the loss of neuroprotective functions that lead to a greater susceptibility to the neurodegenerative diseases of aging. In the central nervous system (CNS, Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells 2-DNAX activation protein 12 (TREM2-DAP12 is a signaling complex expressed exclusively in microglia. As a microglial surface receptor, TREM2 interacts with DAP12 to initiate signal transduction pathways that promote microglial cell activation, phagocytosis, and microglial cell survival. Defective TREM2-DAP12 functions play a central role in the pathogenesis of several diseases. The CX3CL1 (fractalkine-CX3CR1 signaling represents the most important communication channel between neurons and microglia. The expression of CX3CL1 in neurons and of its receptor CX3CR1 in microglia determines a specific interaction, playing fundamental roles in the regulation of the maturation and function of these cells. Here, we review the role of the TREM2-DAP12 and CX3CL1-CX3CR1 axes in aged microglia and the involvement of these pathways in physiological CNS aging and in age-associated neurodegenerative diseases.

  3. Hydrogen sulfide corrosion of weld regions in API X52 steel; Corrosion por acido sulfhidrico de las regiones de soldadura en acero API X52

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arenas-Martinez, L.F [Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Coahuila (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Garcia-Cerecero, G. [Corporacion Mexicana de Investigacion en Materiales S.A. de C.V., Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico)


    The corrosion behavior of gas metal arc welding (GMAW) regions has been studied using potentiodynamic polarization and polarization resistance (LPR) techniques. Experiments were conducted in hydrogen sulfide (H{sub 2}S)-containing brine and in H{sub 2}S-free brine. Welds were made on API 5L X52 steel. Due to differences in their microstructure, chemical composition and residual stress level, weld regions exhibited different responses under H{sub 2}S corrosion. Base metal exhibited the highest corrosion rate (CR) and the most cathodic corrosion potential. [Spanish] Se estudio el comportamiento ante la corrosion de las regiones de soldadura de un cordon realizado por arco metalico con gas (GMAW) sobre un acero grado API X52 mediante las tecnicas de polarizacion potencio dinamica y resistencia a la polarizacion (LPR). Los experimentos se realizaron utilizando salmuera con 300 ppm de acido sulfhidrico (H{sub 2}S) y salmuera libre de H{sub 2}S como electrolitos. Debido a las diferencias en su microestructura, composicion quimica y el nivel de esfuerzos residuales, las regiones de soldadura mostraron diferentes respuestas a la corrosion por H{sub 2}S. El metal base exhibio la velocidad de corrosion (VC) mas alta y el potencial de corrosion mas catodico.

  4. Comportamiento al desgaste por deslizamiento en aceros inoxidables: ferrítico, austenítico, dúplex y martensítico.


    Renedo Rouco, Jordi


    En este proyecto se estudia el comportamiento al desgaste por deslizamiento de cuatro aceros representativos de las cuatro grandes familias de aceros inoxidables: ferrítico (AISI 446), austenítico (AISI 316), dúplex (AISI 2205) y martensítico (AISI 420). Para cada uno de ellos se han realizado: caracterización metalográfica, determinación de dureza, densidad y rugosidad, y ensayos de tribología mediante la técnica de bola sobre disco. Esta técnica consiste en deslizar una bola ...

  5. Effect of HTGR helium on fatigue and creep properties of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurumaji, T.; Yamazaki, H.; Kudo, A.


    Low cycle fatigue and creep tests have been carried out on 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel (candidate steel for VHTR reactor pressure vessel) in helium environment containing 200 approx. 300 μatm of H 2 , 100 approx. 150 μatm CO, 7 approx. 10 μatm CH 4 , 7 approx. 10 μatm CO 2 and 1 μatm H 2 O (JAERI B Helium). Fatigue life in helium environment was longer than that in air at 450 0 C. This results can be explained by supposing that oxidation at the crack tip causes the wedge effect to promote crack propagation in air. On the otherhand, creep rupture strength showed no significant difference in both helium and air. Equivalent creep rupture strength in both helium and air may be due to the fact that detrimental internal oxidation and carburization or decarburization hardly occur at 400 approx. 450 0 C

  6. High temperature corrosion behavior of different grain size specimens of 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel in SO2+O2 environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghosh, D.; Mitra, S.K.


    The investigation is primarily aimed at the high temperature corrosion behavior of different grain sizes of 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel at SO 2 +O 2 (mixed oxidation and sulfidation). The various grain sizes (18 μm,26 μm, 48 μm, and 72 μm) are obtained by different annealing treatment. Isothermal corrosion studies are carried out in different grain size specimens at 973K for 8 hours. The corrosion growth rate and the reaction kinetics are studied by weight gain method. The external scales of the post corroded specimen are studied in Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to examine the corrosion products morphology on the scale. X-ray mapping analysis of the different elements (Fe, O, Cr and S) is carried out by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) attached with SEM. The X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) is also carried out to identify the corrosion products in the external scale. Finally, it is concluded that that the corrosion rate of 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel strongly depend on grain sizes of the specimens. The corrosion rate increases with the decreases of grain size. The finer grain (18 μm) show higher corrosion rate than the coarse grains (72 μm). The weight gain kinetics follows the parabolic growth rate which further indicates that the corrosion process is diffusion controlled. The scale analysis shows the thicker scale and extensive scale cracking and spallations in case of finer grain size specimen (18 μm), whereas the coarse grain specimen (72 μm) shows compact and adherent layer. The XRD analysis shows that the corrosion products consist of mixtures of iron oxides( Fe 3 O 4 and Fe 2 O 3 ) and iron sulfides (FeS). The details mechanism of the corrosion is discussed to explain the difference in corrosion rate for different grain sizes. (author)

  7. High Rate Deposition of Thick CrN and Cr2N Coatings Using Modulated Pulse Power (MPP) Magnetron Sputtering (United States)


    AISI 440C steel using a microtribometer (Center for Tribology , Inc) in an ambient air atmosphere without a lubricant (a relative humidity of 251...that the CTE for the 440 C stainless steel substrate is 10.2x10 -6 o C -1 [37],while the CTE values for the CrN and Cr2N coatings are 2.3x10 -6...increased scratch critical load (Fig. 12) as the coating thickness was increased. Since the coating is much harder than the stainless steel substrate

  8. Alternativa de protección contra la corrosión del acero AISI 310S mediante recubrimiento de aluminio bajo condiciones de platos separadores en celdas de combustible de carbonatos fundidos

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    R. Orozco-Cruz


    Full Text Available Introducción: La celda de combustible de carbonatos fundidos (MCFC, por sus siglas en inglés convencional opera a 650°C. Consiste de un cátodo de NiO poroso y litiado, una mezcla eutéctica de carbonato de litio (Li2CO3 y carbonato de potasio (K2CO3 fundido en una matriz electrolitica de óxido de aluminio litiado (LiAlO2 y un ánodo poroso de Ni. Los platos separadores entre cada celda presentan problemas de corrosión. Ante eso, un acero inoxidable AISI 310S con recubrimiento fue estudiado en condiciones de un plato separador en una MCFC. Método: Se utilizó un acero inoxidable AISI 310S como sustrato (muestra A, aplicándole un recubrimiento de Al con (B y sin tratamiento térmico (C. Fueron expuestos en carbonatos fundidos (62 mol% Li2CO3 -38 mol% K2CO3 a 650 °C en crisoles de alúmina. El comportamiento electroquímico fue estudiado mediante la técnica de Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquimica (EIS. Para el análisis de los diagramas de impedancia, se utilizó el software de simulación “Boukamp Equivalent Circuit”. La sección transversal de las muestras corroídas fue caracterizada mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM, por sus siglas en inglés y los productos formados por Difracción de rayos X (XRD, por sus siglas en inglés. Resultados: Los diagramas de EIS presentan aumentos y disminuciones en los semicírculos formados a altas frecuencias indicativo de disolución de la capa externa, aumento y disminución de la resistencia de esta última así como el posible rompimiento de ella. La técnica de XRD presentó fases LiFeO2, LiCrO2, -LiAlO2 y -LiAlO2 así como fases intermetálicas para las distintas condiciones de la muestra. De la misma manera, los análisis de SEM presentaron los espesores de cada una de las capas formadas. Discusión o Conclusión: En la muestra A, se formaron capas de LiFeO2 y LiCrO2 después de 200 horas de exposición. La capa de LiCrO2 aumenta por la difusión de Li hacia el

  9. Enhanced photodegradation activity of methyl orange over Ag2CrO4/SnS2 composites under visible light irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo, Jin; Zhou, Xiaosong; Ma, Lin; Xu, Xuyao; Wu, Jingxia; Liang, Huiping


    Highlights: • Novel visible-light-driven Ag 2 CrO 4 /SnS 2 composites are synthesized. • Ag 2 CrO 4 /SnS 2 exhibits higher photocatalytic activity than pure Ag 2 CrO 4 and SnS 2 . • Ag 2 CrO 4 /SnS 2 exhibits excellent stability for the photodegradation of MO. • The possible photocatalytic mechanism was discussed in detail. - Abstract: Novel Ag 2 CrO 4 /SnS 2 composites were prepared by a simple chemical precipitation method and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The visible light photocatalytic tests showed that the Ag 2 CrO 4 /SnS 2 composites enhanced photocatalytic activities for the photodegradation of methyl orange (MO) under visible light irradiation (λ > 420 nm), and the optimum rate constant of Ag 2 CrO 4 /SnS 2 at a weight content of 1.0% Ag 2 CrO 4 for the degradation of MO was 2.2 and 1.5 times larger than that of pure Ag 2 CrO 4 and SnS 2 , respectively. The improved activity could be attributed to high separation efficiency of photogenerated electrons-hole pairs on the interface of Ag 2 CrO 4 and SnS 2 , which arised from the synergistic effect between Ag 2 CrO 4 and SnS 2 . Moreover, the possible photocatalytic mechanism with superoxide radical anions and holes species as the main reactive species in photocatalysis process was proposed on the basis of experimental results.

  10. Magnetoelectric effect in Cr2O3 thin films (United States)

    He, Xi; Wang, Yi; Sahoo, Sarbeswar; Binek, Christian


    Magnetoelectric materials experienced a recent revival as promising components of novel spintronic devices [1, 2, 3]. Since the magnetoelectric (ME) effect is relativistically small in traditional antiferromagnetic compounds like Cr2O3 (max. αzz 4ps/m ) and also cross- coupling between ferroic order parameters is typically small in the modern multiferroics, it is a challenge to electrically induce sufficient magnetization required for the envisioned device applications. A straightforward approach is to increase the electric field at constant voltage by reducing the thickness of the ME material to thin films of a few nm. Since magnetism is known to be affected by geometrical confinement thickness dependence of the ME effect in thin film Cr2O3 is expected. We grow (111) textured Cr2O3 films with various thicknesses below 500 nm and study the ME effect for various ME annealing conditions as a function of temperature with the help of Kerr-magnetometry. [1] P. Borisov et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 117203 (2005). [2] Ch. Binek, B.Doudin, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 17, L39 (2005). [3] R. Ramesh and Nicola A. Spaldin 2007 Nature Materials 6 21.

  11. Hierarchical Cr_2O_3@OPC composites with octahedral shape for rechargeable nonaqueous lithium-oxygen batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gan, Yongqing; Lai, Yanqing; Zhang, Zhian; Chen, Wei; Du, Ke; Li, Jie


    The development of catalyst materials is the most significant issue that hinders the practical applications of Li-O_2 batteries. Herein we show the design and synthesis of the hierarchical chromic oxide-octahedral porous carbon (Cr_2O_3@OPC) composites catalyst with octahedral shape that derived from Cr-based metal-organic frameworks (MIL-101(Cr)) precursor. When applied as cathode catalysts in rechargeable Li-O_2 batteries, the electrode with Cr_2O_3@OPC composites catalyst exhibits a low charge and discharge over-potential, high discharge capacity and excellent cycling stability. What's more, the electrode with Cr_2O_3@OPC composite shows a discharge capacity up to ∼4800 mAh g_(_c_a_t_a_l_y_s_t _+ _c_a_r_b_o_n_)"−"1 at a current density of 0.1 mA cm"−"2, and exhibits a very stable discharge voltage plateau of 2.7 V and a charge voltage plateau of ∼3.9 V. With the addition of Cr_2O_3@OPC composite, the Li-O_2 batteries can obtain good cycle performance over 50 cycles at a fixed capacity of 800 mAh g_(_c_a_t_a_l_y_s_t _+ _c_a_r_b_o_n_)"−"1. These results indicating that the Cr_2O_3@OPC composite derived from MIL-101(Cr) would be a promising catalyst for Li-O_2 batteries. - Highlights: • The Cr_2O_3@C composites were prepared by the pyrolysis of Cr-MIL-101. • The Cr_2O_3@C composites possess octahedral shape consisted of Cr_2O_3@C nanoparticle. • The Cr_2O_3@C composites have mesoporous structure with large specific area. • The Cr_2O_3@C composites have an excellent intrinsic electrocatalytic activity. • The Cr_2O_3@C electrode exhibits great cycling performance.

  12. Morphology, deformation, and defect structures of TiCr2 in Ti-Cr alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, K.C.; Allen, S.M.; Livingston, J.D.


    The morphologies and defect structures of TiCr 2 in several Ti-Cr alloys have been examined by optical metallography, x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), in order to explore the room-temperature deformability of the Laves phase TiCr 2 . The morphology of the Laves phase was found to be dependent upon alloy composition and annealing temperature. Samples deformed by compression have also been studied using TEM. Comparisons of microstructures before and after deformation suggest an increase in twin, stacking fault, and dislocation density within the Laves phase, indicating some but not extensive room-temperature deformability

  13. ABILITY OF Phanerochaete chrysosporium AND Trametes versicolor TO REMOVE Zn2+, Cr3+, Pb2+ METAL IONS

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    Josué Solís Pacheco


    Full Text Available The use of fungal biomass as an alternative for removing heavy metals has become increasingly important in recent years, replacing conventional methods based on chemical physical processes. In this study, we evaluated the biosorption of Zn2+, Cr3+ and Pb2+, which were analyzed to determine their effect on growth kinetic parameters of Phanerochaete chrysosporium strain ATCC 32629 and Trametes versicolor ATCC 1267. Growth kinetics were performed in four liquid culture media: 1 Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB used as control, 2 YNB medium plus Pb2+ (0.25, 1 and 2 mg L-1, 3 YNB medium plus Zn2+ (5, 10 and 20 mg L-1 and 4 YNB medium plus Cr3+ (0.5, 1 and 2 mg L-1. The flasks were incubated at 25 °C with shaking at 150 rpm. Metal concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES with prior acid digestion of the sample. The results demonstrated that Phanerochaete chrysosporium ATCC 32629 and Trametes versicolor ATCC 12679 are able to grow in the culture medium with Pb2+, Zn2+ and Cr3+ ions at different concentrations. However, P. chrysosporium ATCC 32629 showed greater adaptability and ability to adsorb Cr3+ in the culture medium at concentrations of 0.5 and 1 mg L-1, whereas T. versicolor ATCC 12679 was capable of Pb2+ biosorption at concentrations of 0.25, 1 and 2 mg L-1.

  14. Different roles of ROS and Nrf2 in Cr(VI)-induced inflammatory responses in normal and Cr(VI)-transformed cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roy, Ram Vinod; Pratheeshkumar, Poyil; Son, Yong-Ok; Wang, Lei [Center for Research on Environmental Disease, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Hitron, John Andrew [Center for Research on Environmental Disease, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Divya, Sasidharan Padmaja; Zhang, Zhuo [Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States); Shi, Xianglin, E-mail: [Center for Research on Environmental Disease, University of Kentucky, 1095 VA Drive, Lexington, KY 40536 (United States)


    Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is classified as a human carcinogen. Cr(VI) has been associated with adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. The present study shows that acute Cr(VI) treatment in human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) increased inflammatory responses (TNF-α, COX-2, and NF-кB/p65) and expression of Nrf2. Cr(VI)-induced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are responsible for increased inflammation. Despite the fact that Nrf2 is a master regulator of response to oxidative stress, silencing of Nrf2 in the acute Cr(VI) treatment had no effect on Cr(VI)-induced inflammation. In contrast, in Cr(VI)-transformed (CrT) cells, Nrf2 is constitutively activated. Knock-down of this protein resulted in decreased inflammation, while silencing of SOD2 and CAT had no effect in the expression of these inflammatory proteins. Results obtained from the knock-down of Nrf2 in CrT cells are very different from the results obtained in the acute Cr(VI) treatment. In BEAS-2B cells, knock-down of Nrf2 had no effect in the inflammation levels, while in CrT cells a decrease in the expression of inflammation markers was observed. These results indicate that before transformation, ROS plays a critical role while Nrf2 not in Cr(VI)-induced inflammation, whereas after transformation (CrT cells), Nrf2 is constitutively activated and this protein maintains inflammation while ROS not. Constitutively high levels of Nrf2 in CrT binds to the promoter regions of COX-2 and TNF-α, leading to increased inflammation. Collectively, our results demonstrate that before cell transformation ROS are important in Cr(VI)-induced inflammation and after transformation a constitutively high level of Nrf2 is important. - Highlights: • Cr(VI)-induced ROS increased inflammation, while Nrf2 had no effect. • In the CrT cells knock-down of Nrf2 resulted in decreased inflammation. • Mechanistic differences in regulating Cr(VI)-induced inflammation.

  15. Transferencia de calor en la colada continua de aceros. I parte. El molde

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    Cicutti, C.


    Full Text Available The continuous casting mold plays the important role of receiving the liquid steel and allowing an uniform and defect free solidified skin to be developed. In this work, the different heat transfer mechanisms which are present from the liquid steel to the mold cooling water are reviewed. The effect of operating variables on heat extraction and the relationship between global and distributed heat flux are also analyzed.

    El molde de colada continua cumple la importante función de recibir el acero líquido y permitir que se desarrolle una capa solidificada uniforme y libre de defectos. En este trabajo se revisan los distintos mecanismos implicados en el proceso de transferencia de calor, desde el acero líquido hasta el agua de refrigeración del molde. Se analiza también el efecto de las distintas variables de funcionamiento en la extracción calórica producida y la relación entre el flujo global de calor y su distribución a lo largo del molde.

  16. Stabilization of MgCr2O4 spinel in slags of the
    SiO2-CaO-MgO-Cr2O3 system

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    Arredondo-Torres, V.


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el efecto del contenido de MgO y la basicidad de la escoria sobre la estabilidad de las especies mineralógicas del sistema de escoria SiO2-CaOMgO-
    Cr2O3. Se realizaron ensayos al equilibrio a 1600 °C bajo condiciones reductoras (pO2=10-9atm. El contenido de MgO fue de 0 a 12 % masa, el Cr2O3 de 10% y la basicidad de 1 y 1,5. También se realizó un análisis termodinámico para determinar las fases mineralógicas más estables en la escoria. Los resultados experimentales y calculados muestran que el Cr2O3 se encuentra principalmente ligado en una fase espinela MgCr2O4, incluso a bajos contenidos de MgO. Los resultados obtenidos por microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB-EDS, muestran la evidencia de tres estructuras cristalinas: (A Octaedros, los cuales
    corresponden a la espinela MgCr2O4, (B Cristales alargados que corresponden a la formación de silicatos cálcicos y (C Matriz de silicatos cálcicos con impurezas de Mg y Cr que no cristalizaron por completo.

    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el efecto del contenido de MgO y la basicidad de la escoria sobre la estabilidad de las especies mineralógicas del sistema de escoria SiO2-CaOMgO-Cr2O3. Se realizaron ensayos al equilibrio a 1600 °C bajo condiciones reductoras (pO2=10-9atm. El contenido de MgO fue de 0 a 12 % masa, el Cr2O3 de 10% y la basicidad de 1 y 1,5. También se realizó un análisis termodinámico para determinar las fases mineralógicas más estables en la escoria. Los resultados experimentales y calculados muestran que el Cr2O3 se encuentra principalmente ligado en una fase espinela MgCr2O4, incluso a bajos contenidos de MgO. Los resultados obtenidos por

  17. Gas6 Promotes Inflammatory (CCR2hiCX3CR1lo) Monocyte Recruitment in Venous Thrombosis. (United States)

    Laurance, Sandrine; Bertin, François-René; Ebrahimian, Talin; Kassim, Yusra; Rys, Ryan N; Lehoux, Stéphanie; Lemarié, Catherine A; Blostein, Mark D


    Coagulation and inflammation are inter-related. Gas6 (growth arrest-specific 6) promotes venous thrombosis and participates to inflammation through endothelial-innate immune cell interactions. Innate immune cells can provide the initiating stimulus for venous thrombus development. We hypothesize that Gas6 promotes monocyte recruitment during venous thrombosis. Deep venous thrombosis was induced in wild-type and Gas6-deficient (-/-) mice using 5% FeCl 3 and flow reduction in the inferior vena cava. Total monocyte depletion was achieved by injection of clodronate before deep venous thrombosis. Inflammatory monocytes were depleted using an anti-C-C chemokine receptor type 2 (CCR2) antibody. Similarly, injection of an anti-chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2) antibody induced CCL2 depletion. Flow cytometry and immunofluorescence were used to characterize the monocytes recruited to the thrombus. In vivo, absence of Gas6 was associated with a reduction of monocyte recruitment in both deep venous thrombosis models. Global monocyte depletion by clodronate leads to smaller thrombi in wild-type mice. Compared with wild type, the thrombi from Gas6 -/- mice contain less inflammatory (CCR2 hi CX 3 CR1 lo ) monocytes, consistent with a Gas6-dependent recruitment of this monocyte subset. Correspondingly, selective depletion of CCR2 hi CX 3 CR1 lo monocytes reduced the formation of venous thrombi in wild-type mice demonstrating a predominant role of the inflammatory monocytes in thrombosis. In vitro, the expression of both CCR2 and CCL2 were Gas6 dependent in monocytes and endothelial cells, respectively, impacting monocyte migration. Moreover, Gas6-dependent CCL2 expression and monocyte migration were mediated via JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase). This study demonstrates that Gas6 specifically promotes the recruitment of inflammatory CCR2 hi CX 3 CR1 lo monocytes through the regulation of both CCR2 and CCL2 during deep venous thrombosis. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.


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    Francisco Javier Bolívar Osorio

    Full Text Available El acero AISI 4140 es un acero de baja aleación al cromo/molibdeno de elevada resistencia mecánica y buena tenacidad, el cual se utiliza para la fabricación de piezas de maquinaria como piñones, cigüeñales, ejes de levas, etc. Sin embargo, su resistencia al desgaste es bastante limitada y suele ser mejorada mediante el tratamiento superficial de la nitruración. El propósito de este trabajo consistió en mejorar las propiedades mecánicas e incrementar la resistencia al desgaste del acero 4140 mediante la aplicación de un tratamiento superficial DUPLEX consistente en la nitruración líquida (conocida como Teniffer seguido del depósito de un recubrimiento duro de nitruro de titanio (TiN. La microestructura cristalina fue evaluada mediante difracción de rayos X, la morfología y la composición química fue determinada por microscopía SEM y espectroscopía de energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDS, las propiedades tribológicas fueron analizadas mediante mediciones en un tribómetro de tipo esfera sobre disco y la microdureza se determinó por el método Vickers. Las muestras tratadas con el recubrimiento dúplex mostraron una resistencia al desgaste 4 veces mayor que la muestra en estado bonificado, lo cual demuestra la aplicación potencial que tiene el acero 4140 sometido a este tratamiento dúplex.

  19. Electrooxidation of Cr/sup 3+/ at C/PbO/sub 2/

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haque, I.U.; Khan, A.; Anwar, S.


    Pure and Cu/sup +2/-doped lead dioxide electrodes were prepared by electrodeposition of lead dioxide on carbon-based substrates using lead(II) nitrate bath at 1.5-1.75 V, pH 4-4,5, temperature 60-70 C, and current density 0.0125-0.0175 A/cm/sup 2/. Electrolyses of Cr/sup 3+/ solutions both in divided and undivided cells were used to investigate the electrocatalytic activity. Adhesion and stability of lead dioxide electrodes. Which can serve as industrial electrodes. UV-visible spectrophotometry was used for estimating conversion of Cr/sup 3+/ to Cr/sup 6+/. The electrocatalytic activity of lead dioxide was increased by the doping of copper (II) ions. (author)

  20. The use of CR1aa for ovine in vitro embryo production

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    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the capacity of CR1aa as a simple medium for maturation, fertilization and culture of ovine embryo in vitro. Oocytes were collected by slicing method in Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS supplemented with 5% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS and 100 IU/ml penicillin streptomycin. Oocytes were matured in Tissue Culture Medium (TCM-199 as control or CR1aa as treatment medium. Both maturation medium were supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS, 10 IU/ml Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH, 10 IU/ml Luteinizing Hormone (LH, 1 μg/ml Estradiol and 100 IU/ml penicillin-streptomycin. Oocytes were incubated in 5% CO2 incubator, 38˚C for 24 h. Matured oocytes were fertilized in BO or CR1aa medium, supplemented with 2.5 mM caffeine benzoate and 20 mg /ml heparin. After 18 h in vitro fertilization, oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 or CR1aa medium, both supplemented with 5% FBS, 5 mg/ml insulin and 100 IU/ml penicillin streptomycin. Results showed that the highest maturation rate was found in TCM-199 medium (73.27% and significantly different (P0.05 between cleavage rate of ovine embryos in TCM-199 and CR1aa medium (39.45% vs 50.94%. In conclusion, optimum result on ovine in vitro embryo production can be achieved from a combination of TCM-199 as maturation medium and CR1aa as fertilization and culture medium.

  1. Microstructural origins of high strength and high ductility in an AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Xuzhou; Lu, Yiping; Zhang, Bo; Liang, Ningning; Wu, Guanzhong; Sha, Gang; Liu, Jizi; Zhao, Yonghao


    Recent studies indicate that eutectic high-entropy alloys can simultaneously possess high strength and high ductility, which have potential applications in industrial fields. Nevertheless, microstructural origins of the excellent strength–ductility combination remain unclear. In this study, an AlCoCrFeNi 2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy was prepared with face-centered cubic (FCC)(L1 2 )/body-centered-cubic (BCC)(B2) modulated lamellar structures and a remarkable combination of ultimate tensile strength (1351 MPa) and ductility (15.4%) using the classical casting technique. Post-deformation transmission electron microscopy revealed that the FCC(L1 2 ) phase was deformed in a matter of planar dislocation slip, with a slip system of {111} <110>, and stacking faults due to low stacking fault energy. Due to extreme solute drag, high densities of dislocations are distributed homogeneously at {111} slip plane. In the BCC(B2) phase, some dislocations exist on two {110} slip bands. The atom probe tomography analysis revealed a high density of Cr-enriched nano-precipitates, which strengthened the BCC(B2) phase by Orowan mechanisms. Fracture surface observation revealed a ductile fracture in the FCC(L1 2 ) phase and a brittle-like fracture in the BCC(B2) lamella. The underlying mechanism for the high strength and high ductility of AlCoCrFeNi 2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy was finally analyzed based on the coupling between the ductile FCC(L1 2 ) and brittle BCC(B2) phases.

  2. Cr6+-containing phases in the system CaO-Al2O3-CrO42--H2O at 23 °C (United States)

    Pöllmann, Herbert; Auer, Stephan


    Synthesis and investigation of lamellar calcium aluminium hydroxy salts was performed to study the incorporation of chromate ions in the interlayer of lamellar calcium aluminium hydroxy salts. Different AFm-phases (calcium aluminate hydrate with alumina, ferric oxide, mono-anion phase) containing chromate were synthesized. These AFm-phases belong to the group of layered double hydroxides (LDHs). 3CaO·Al2O3·CaCrO4·nH2O and C3A·1/2Ca(OH)2·1/2CaCrO4·12H2O were obtained as pure phases and their different distinct interlayer water contents and properties determined. Solid solution of chromate-containing phases and tetracalcium-aluminate-hydrate (TCAH) were studied. The uptake of chromate into TCAH from solutions was proven. Chromate contents in solution decrease to <0.2 mg/l.

  3. Structural, thermal, and magnetic study of solvation processes in spin-crossover [Fe(bpp)(2)][Cr(L)(ox)(2)](2).nH(2)O complexes. (United States)

    Clemente-León, Miguel; Coronado, Eugenio; Giménez-López, M Carmen; Romero, Francisco M


    The influence of lattice water in the magnetic properties of spin-crossover [Fe(bpp)2]X2.nH2O salts [bpp = 2,6-bis(pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine] is well-documented. In most cases, it stabilizes the low-spin state compared to the anhydrous compound. In other cases, it is rather the contrary. Unraveling this mystery implies the study of the microscopic changes that accompany the loss of water. This might be difficult from an experimental point of view. Our strategy is to focus on some salts that undergo a nonreversible dehydration-hydration process without loss of crystallinity. By comparison of the structural and magnetic properties of original and rehydrated samples, several rules concerning the role of water at the microscopic level can be deduced. This paper reports on the crystal structure, thermal studies, and magnetic properties of [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(bpy)(ox)2]2.2H2O (1), [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(phen)(ox)2]2.0.5H2O.0.5MeOH (2), and [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(phen)(ox)2]2.5.5H2O.2.5MeOH (3). Salt 1 contains both high-spin (HS) and low-spin (LS) Fe2+ cations in a 1:1 ratio. Dehydration yields the anhydrous spin-crossover compound with T1/2 downward arrow = 353 K and T1/2 upward arrow = 369 K. Rehydration affords the dihydrate [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(bpy)(ox)2]2.2H2O (1r) with 100% HS Fe2+ sites. Salt 2 also contains both HS and LS Fe2+ cations in a 1:1 ratio. Dehydration yields the anhydrous spin-crossover compound with T1/2 downward arrow = 343 K and T1/2 upward arrow = 348 K. Rehydration affords [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(phen)(ox)2]2.0.5H2O (2r) with 72% Fe2+ sites in the LS configuration. The structural, magnetic, and thermal properties of these rehydrated compounds 1r and 2r are also discussed. Finally, 1 has been dehydrated and resolvated with MeOH to give [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(bpy)(ox)2]2.MeOH (1s) with 33% HS Fe2+ sites. The influence of the guest solvent in the Fe2+ spin state can anticipate the future applications of these compounds in solvent sensing.

  4. Combinación de fibras de acero de última generación para el refuerzo de hormigón autocompactante


    Alberti, Marcos; Enfedaque, Alejandro; Galvez, Jaime; Cortez, Adriana


    [ES] Dado que la mayor desventaja mecánica del hormigón son sus propiedades en tracción, las fibras normalmente se utilizan para mejorar la respuesta frente a solicitaciones de tracción y flexión, siendo las fibras de acero las más comúnmente utilizadas. Este tipo de fibras se ha utilizado con éxito en aplicaciones estructurales en los últimos 50 años y, como consecuencia, se han desarrollado nuevas fibras de acero de última generación de las que existe una bibliografía muy lim...

  5. Thermodynamic modeling of La2O3-SrO-Mn2O3-Cr2O3 for solid oxide fuel cell applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Povoden-Karadeniz, E.; Chen, Ming; Ivas, Toni


    The thermodynamic La–Sr–Mn–Cr–O oxide database is obtained as an extension of thermodynamic descriptions of oxide subsystems using the calculation of phase diagrams approach. Concepts of the thermodynamic modeling of solid oxide phases are discussed. Gibbs energy functions of SrCrO4, Sr2.67Cr2O8......, Sr2CrO4, and SrCr2O4 are presented, and thermodynamic model parameters of La–Sr–Mn–Chromite perovskite are given. Experimental solid solubilities and nonstoichiometries in La1xSrxCrO3d and LaMn1xCrxO3d are reproduced by the model. The presented oxide database can be used for applied computational...... thermodynamics of traditional lanthanum manganite cathode with Cr-impurities. It represents the fundament for extensions to higher orders, aiming on thermodynamic calculations in noble symmetric solid oxide fuel cells...

  6. Analysis of CR1 Repeats in the Zebra Finch Genome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    George E. Liu


    Full Text Available Most bird species have smaller genomes and fewer repeats than mammals. Chicken Repeat 1 (CR1 repeat is one of the most abundant families of repeats, ranging from ~133,000 to ~187,000 copies accounting for ~50 to ~80% of the interspersed repeats in the zebra finch and chicken genomes, respectively. CR1 repeats are believed to have arisen from the retrotransposition of a small number of master elements, which gave rise to multiple CR1 subfamilies in the chicken. In this study, we performed a global assessment of the divergence distributions, phylogenies, and consensus sequences of CR1 repeats in the zebra finch genome. We identified and validated 34 CR1 subfamilies and further analyzed the correlation between these subfamilies. We also discovered 4 novel lineage-specific CR1 subfamilies in the zebra finch when compared to the chicken genome. We built various evolutionary trees of these subfamilies and concluded that CR1 repeats may play an important role in reshaping the structure of bird genomes.

  7. Influence of Al2O3 reinforcement on precipitation kinetic of Cu–Cr nanocomposite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheibani, S.; Ataie, A.; Heshmati-Manesh, S.; Caballero, A.; Criado, J.M.


    Highlights: ► Cr precipitation in Cu-1 wt.% Cr solid solution is based on nucleation and growth models. ► The overall ageing process is accelerated by the presence of Al 2 O 3 reinforcement. ► Al 2 O 3 –Cu interfaces act as primary nucleation sites. ► Structural defects act as secondary nucleation sites. - Abstract: In this paper, the kinetic of precipitation process in mechanically alloyed Cu-1 wt.% Cr and Cu-1 wt.% Cr/3 wt.% Al 2 O 3 solid solution was compared using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The ageing kinetics in Cu–Cr and Cu–Cr/Al 2 O 3 can be described using Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (JMA) and Sestak–Berggren (SB) models, respectively. These different behaviors have been discussed in details. It was found that in presence of Al 2 O 3 reinforcement, the ageing activation energy is decreased and the overall ageing process is accelerated. This behavior is probably due to higher dislocation density previously obtained during ball milling and Al 2 O 3 –Cu interface. TEM observations confirm that Al 2 O 3 –Cu interface and structural defects act as a primary and secondary nucleation sites, respectively.

  8. First-principles investigation into the effect of Cr on the segregation of multi-H at the Fe Σ3 (1 1 1) grain boundary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    He, Bingling; Xiao, Wei; Hao, Wei [School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083 (China); Tian, Zhixue, E-mail: [Division of Precision Science and Technology and Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1, Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan)


    First-principles calculations were carried out to investigate the effect of Cr on segregation of multiple H atoms in the Σ3 (1 1 1) grain boundary in bcc Fe. In the absence of Cr, four H atoms can be trapped at the interstitial site of the Fe grain boundary (areal density: 28 nm{sup −2}), and no H{sub 2} molecules are formed. The presence of Cr, however, suppresses the segregation tendency of H and only two H atoms can be trapped at this grain boundary. Although the volume expansion associated with the segregation of Cr to the grain boundary promotes H segregation, such a booting effect is unable to remedy the repulsion of H resulted from charge density increase in the grain boundary core. As a consequence, Cr mitigates H aggregation at the Σ3 (1 1 1) grain boundary in bcc Fe.

  9. Creep and creep fatigue crack behavior of 1Cr- and 9Cr-steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maile, K.; Klenk, A.; Schellenberg, G.; Granacher, J.; Tramer, M.


    A large database for creep crack initiation and propagation under constant load conditions is available on conventional power plant steels of types 1%Cr and 12%Cr. Modern plants are often used in the medium and peak load regime, thus the dominant loading situation in high temperature components is creep fatigue. For life assessment data about crack initiation and growth under creep fatigue loading are required. These characteristics can not be substituted by pure fatigue or creep crack data. Therefore, a comprehensive test programme was started to investigate the creep fatigue crack behaviour of a 1%CrMoNiV turbine rotor steel (30CrMoNiV 4 11) at 550 C and a new 9%CrMoVNb pipe steel (type P 9 1) at 600 C. DENT-specimen with 15 and 60 mm thickness as well as side grooved CT-specimen with 25 and 50 mm thickness have been tested to determine possible influences of geometry and thus to check the transferability of the data to components. The creep fatigue crack growth results of tests with dwell times between t H = 0,32h and 10 h lie in the scatterbands given by creep crack growth results. Nevertheless a higher crack growth rate under creep fatigue conditions can be stated. An increase in crack growth rate due to creep fatigue is clearly visible. Loading situations with frequencies higher than 1.10 -4 Hz should be not assessed with pure creep crack results or sufficient safety margins have to be applied. (orig.)

  10. Effects of hydrostatic pressure on spin-lattice coupling in two-dimensional ferromagnetic Cr2Ge2Te6 (United States)

    Sun, Y.; Xiao, R. C.; Lin, G. T.; Zhang, R. R.; Ling, L. S.; Ma, Z. W.; Luo, X.; Lu, W. J.; Sun, Y. P.; Sheng, Z. G.


    Spin-lattice coupling plays an important role in both formation and understanding of the magnetism in two-dimensional magnetic semiconductors (2DMS). In this paper, the steady pressure effects on the lattice structure, Raman resonances, and magnetization of a 2DMS Cr2Ge2Te6 have been studied by both experiments and first principles calculations. It is found that the bond length of Cr-Cr decreases, the angle of Cr-Te-Cr diverges from 90°, and the Raman modes Eg3 and Ag1 show an increase with the application of external pressure. Consequently, the magnetic phase transition temperature TC decreases from 66.6 K to 60.6 K (˜9%) as the pressure increases from 0 to 1 GPa. These pressure effects not only confirm the existence of strong spin-lattice coupling but also reveal the detailed information about the lattice deformation effect on the magnetic properties in such 2DMS, which would be a benefit for the further understanding and manipulation of the magnetism in 2D materials.

  11. Oxidación cíclica de un acero refractario AISI 310 a alta temperatura en atmósferas con contenidos de oxígeno variables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Higuera-Hidalgo, V.


    Full Text Available High temperature oxidation tests of an AISI 310 stainless steel was performed in two different environments: in an standard atmosphere (21 % oxygen at 704, 800, 884 and 1,000 °C and in the typical environment of a gas turbine and vapor generator of a combined-cycle electric generation unit (10 % oxygen at 800 and 1,000 °C. The oxidation kinetics was determined by means of the measurement of the weight gain per unit surface of the specimen and also determining the thickness of the oxide layer. Comparable results have been obtained using both methodologies and the effect of the oxygen content along with the other experimental differences were determined observing the oxidation kinetics in both environments. The cyclic oxidation of AISI 310 deteriorates at temperatures higher than 1,000 °C.

    Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio experimental sobre la oxidación a altas temperaturas de un acero inoxidable refractario AISI 310, en dos ambientes diferentes: en una atmósfera convencional (21 % de O2, a 704, 800, 884 y 1.000 °C y en un ambiente simulativo de una turbina de gas y del generador de vapor de uña central eléctrica de ciclo combinado (10-11 % de O2, a 800 y 1.000 °C. La cinética de la oxidación del material se ha determinado a partir, tanto de la ganancia de peso por unidad de superficie experimentada por las probetas objeto de ensayo como por la determinación de los espesores de las capas de óxido formados. Se han obtenido resultados comparables con ambas metodologías y se ha puesto de manifiesto el efecto del contenido de oxígeno y de las demás diferencias experimentales a partir de la comparación de las cinéticas de oxidación del acero en los dos medios oxidantes analizados. La oxidación del acero AISI 310 en situaciones térmicas cíclicas empieza ya a ser importante a partir de una temperatura de 1.000 °C.

  12. Welded joint properties of steel 2.25Cr1MoNiNb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gladis, R.; Ivanek, J.; Gottwald, M.


    Welded joints of steel 08Cr2.25Mo1NiNb for fast reactor steam generators made using manual arc welding with electrodes of identical compositions attain short-term mechanical properties and times to fracture when creep tested that match those of the base material. The reduction of the carbidic phase content in the steel and the welded joint metal did not adversely affect the tensile properties of the welded joint while increasing notch toughness of the heat-affected zone. Reduced carbon and niobium contents in the steel and the welded joint resulted in significant reduction in the proportion of carbidic eutectic particles in both the heat-affected zone and the weld metal. (Ha)

  13. Cyclic and isothermal oxidation behavior of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Proy, M.; Utrilla, M. v.; Otero, E.


    Cyclic and isothermal oxidation of chromium-molybdenum steel 2.25Cr-1Mo were analyzed at 550 degree centigrade and 650 degree centigrade during 360 hours in air atmospheres. The cycles were performed with two stages; one of heating in furnace during 90 minutes and then the sample were cooled to 50 degree centigrade by air flow. Thermogravimetric analyses were performed to obtain high temperature corrosion kinetics. Several characterization techniques have been used to identify the corrosion mechanism, as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Optical Microscopy (OM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Thermal cycling tests can changes the corrosion mechanism, due cracks propagation in oxide scale, that witch can favors the access of oxidant agent to the substrate. (Author)

  14. Numerical simulation of Cr2N age-precipitation in high nitrogen stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dai, Q.X.; Yuan, Z.Z.; Luo, X.M.; Cheng, X.N.


    At the temperature raging from 700 to 950 deg. C, the Cr 2 N age-precipitation in high nitrogen austenitic stainless steels Fe24Mn18Cr3Ni0.62N was investigated in this paper. A qualitative mathematical model of Cr 2 N age-precipitation, ln t S = f (Me,1/T), was established based on the thermodynamics and kinetics and phase transformation theories. Satisfactory results were obtained by means of the test of artificial neural network. This mathematical model can be applied to the calculation design and predication of Cr 2 N age-precipitation in high nitrogen stainless steels

  15. Mechanical properties data of 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel for the experimental very high temperature gas-cooled reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oku, Tatsuo; Kikuyama, Toshihiko; Fukaya, Kiyoshi; Kodaira, Tsuneo


    This is a collection of mechanical properties data of 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel necessary for structural design and safety analysis of the pressure vessel of the Experimental Very High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (VHTR). These include physical properties, mechanical properties, temper embrittlement, creep with fatigue, fracture toughness and irradiation effects. A review of the data shows the research areas to be carried out particularly in the future for more data. (author)

  16. The crystal structure of Cu9.1(1)TeSb3, a stuffed derivative of Cr3Si

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søtofte, Inger; Makovicky, E.; Karup-Møller, Sven


    The intermetallic compound Cu9.1(1)TeSb3 prepared at 973 K is an ordered member of the solid solution Cu64Te31Sb5-Cu70Te8Sb22 which also exists, for more limited composition ranges, between 673 K and 1173 K. It is a stuffed derivative of the structure type A15 (Cr3Si). Te is surrounded by twelve 3....../4-occupied Cu-positions in the vertices of a cubically-deformed icosahedron (Cu-Te = 2.614 Å) which itself is nested in an Sb-icosahedron (Cu-Sb = 2.777 Å (x2) and 2.603 Å). The Sb array corresponds to the Cr array in Cr3Si....

  17. The charge transfer induced by Cr doping in MgB2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Huarong; Zhao Jiyin; Shi Lei


    Mg 1-x Cr x B 2 polycrystal bulk samples with 0 x 5% have been synthesized by a solid-state reaction and studied by X-ray diffraction, SEM and Raman spectrum. It is found that the c-axis of the lattice decreases as the Cr content increases, while the a-axis remains unchanged. Moreover, crystal grain size increases apparently with Cr doping concentration increase. The normal-state resistivity increases and the superconducting transition temperature (T c ) decreases from 38.2 K (x = 0) to 35.1 K (x 0.03) with the increase of Cr content. It is suggested that the charge transfer between the Mg-layer and the B-layer causes the decrease of the charge carrier concentration and induces the changes of T c and normal-state resistivity. On the other hand, by the Raman scattering study, it is found that the linewidth of Raman spectrum increases with the increase of Cr content, which is resulted by the competition between the electron-phonon interaction and substitution-induced disorder. The Raman peak has no evident shift due to the countervailing between the effects of the electron-phonon coupling and the grain size

  18. Evaluación de diferentes aceros para la evolución de hidrógeno en KOH

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    Falk Michel Julke


    Full Text Available Se estudió el comportamiento electroquímico de los diferentes tipos de aceros comerciales de bajo costo (A36, 430 y 304 como electrodos para la obtención de hidrógeno. El propósito de este trabajo fue estudiar la evolución de hidrógeno, para lo cual se utilizaron técnicas electroquímicas como cronoamperometría y curvas voltamperométricas, en diferentes concentraciones de KOH (5% y 25% m/m. El acero inoxidable 304 en una concentración de 25%m/m tuvo el mejor desempeño, pues en estas condiciones el inicio de liberación de hidrógeno disminuyó y presentó el menor requerimiento de potencial para su uso como placa bipolar.

  19. Out-of-plane spin-orientation dependent magnetotransport properties in the anisotropic helimagnet CR1/3NbS2 [Spin-Orbit Coupling Induced Anisotropy in the Magnetotransport of the Chiral Helimagnet Cr1=3NbS2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bornstein, Alexander C.; Chapman, Benjamin J.; Ghimire, Nirmal J.; Oak Ridge National Lab.; Technology Div.); Mandrus, David G.; Oak Ridge National Lab.; Technology Div.); Parker, David S.; Technology Div.); Lee, Minhyea


    Understanding the role of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) has been crucial for controlling magnetic anisotropy in magnetic multilayer films. It has been shown that electronic structure can be altered via interface SOC by varying the superlattice structure, resulting in spontaneous magnetization perpendicular or parallel to the plane. In lieu of magnetic thin films, we study the similarly anisotropic helimagnet Cr1/3NbS2 where the spin-polarization direction, controlled by the applied magnetic field, can modify the electronic structure. As a result, the direction of spin polarization can modulate the density of states and in turn affect the in-plane electrical conductivity. In Cr1/3NbS2, we found an enhancement of in-plane conductivity when the spin polarization is out-of-plane as compared to in-plane spin polarization. This is consistent with the increase in density of states near the Fermi energy at the same spin configuration, found from first-principles calculations. We also observe unusual field dependence of the Hall signal in the same temperature range. This is unlikely to originate from the noncollinear spin texture but rather further indicates strong dependence of electronic structure on spin orientation relative to the plane


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    Karna Wijaya


    Full Text Available The synthesis of Cr2O3-pillared montmorillonite (CrPM and its usage for host material of p-nitroaniline have been conducted. The Cr2O3-pillared montmorillonite clays was prepared by a direct ion exchange method. First, the polyhydroxychromium as a pillaring spesies was intercalated into the interlayer region of the montmorillonite clays (purified clay in the monocation form, result in a montmorillonite-polyoxychromium intercalation compound. The precursors/pillaring spesies was not stable, hence it must be stabilized by calcination in order to transform the polyoxychromium via dehydration and dehydroxylation processes into Cr2O3. This oxide constituts the so-called pillar that prop the clay layers apart to a relatively large distance. The Cr2O3-pillared clays as a host material was added into ethanol solution saturated with p-nitroaniline, and mixture was stirred for 24 h at room temperature. The Na-montmorillonite, Cr2O3-pillared clay and p-nitroaniline-Cr2O3-pillared clay (pNA-CrPM were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD, Gas Sorption Analysis, Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR and Activated Neutron Analysis (ANA methods. The result of research showed that basal spacing (d001 of Cr2O3-pillared montmorillonite (CrPM was 18,55 Å, meanwhile the basal spacing of the hydrated Na-montmorillonite was 14,43 Å. The specific surface area of the Cr2O3-pillared montmorillonite was 174,308 m2/g, whereas p-nitroaniline-Cr2O3-pillared clay (pNA-CrPM was 133,331641 m2/g. This fact indicated that p-nitroaniline has been included into the pore of the Cr2O3-pillared clay.   Keyword: montmorillonite, pillared-clay, ion exchange, intercalate.

  1. Influencia de la microestructura en el comportamiento a fatiga de aceros inoxidables austeníticos con alto contenido en molibdeno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oñoro, J.


    Full Text Available Austenitic stainless steels with molybdenum present high mechanical properties and corrosion resistance to aggressive environments. These steels have been used to tank and vessel components for high corrosive liquids as phosphoric, nitric and sulphuric acids. These materials with low carbon and nitrogen addition have been proposed candidates as structural materials for the international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER in-vessel components. Molybdenum addition in austenitic stainless steel improves mechanical and corrosion properties, but with it can produce the presence of nitrogen microstructure modifications by presence or precipitation of second phases. This paper summarises the fatigue and corrosion fatigue behaviour of two 317LN stainless steels with different microstructure. Fully austenitic steel microstructure show better fatigue, corrosion fatigue resistance and better ductility than austenitic steel with delta ferrite microstructure, mainly at low stresses.

    Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos con elevados contenidos en molibdeno presentan alta resistencia mecánica y resistencia a los medios corrosivos. Se utilizan en la construcción de depósitos y recipientes para el almacenamiento y transporte de líquidos altamente corrosivos, tales como ácido fosfórico, nítrico o sulfúrico. Estos materiales con bajo carbono y adiciones de nitrógeno han sido propuestos como candidatos para materiales estructurales en la fabricación de la vasija del reactor experimental termonuclear internacional (ITER. La adición de molibdeno mejora las propiedades frente a la corrosión de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos. Sin embargo, este aumento del contenido en molibdeno, junto con la presencia de nitrógeno, puede producir modificaciones microestructurales, por la aparición de fases precipitadas o segundas fases. En este trabajo, se analiza el comportamiento la fatiga y corrosión-fatiga de dos aceros inoxidables austen

  2. Desarrollo de aceros reforzados con carburos primarios vía metalurgia líquida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agote, I.


    Full Text Available The steel reinforcement by means of the addition of primary carbides via liquid metallurgy needs to fulfill two essential requirements to be technically viable: the development of a solid reinforcing product which is appropriate to be mixed with the steel and the optimization of the metallurgic addition of these reinforcing particles into the liquid steel. Besides, the improvement of the reinforced alloy characteristics is directly related to the particles' nature of reinforcing particles, their homogeneous and uniform distribution in the matrix and their size and morphology. The manufacture of these carbides by SHS ('Self propagating High temperature Synthesis' and their addition before steel is poured into moulds allows achieving the above-mentioned conditions.

    Para que el reforzamiento de los aceros con carburos primarios vía metalurgia líquida sea técnicamente viable se requiere del desarrollo de un tipo de producto reforzante sólido, adecuado para su incorporación al acero, así como de la optimización de dicha vía metalúrgica de adición del producto reforzante al material base en estado líquido. Además, la mejora de características de la aleación reforzada es función directa de la naturaleza de las partículas, de su homogénea y uniforme distribución en la matriz y del tamaño y morfología regular de las mismas. Estas condiciones se consiguen cuando las partículas de carburo se elaboran previamente mediante la técnica SHS (selfpropagating high temperature synthesis y se añaden al baño de acero líquido previo a su colada en moldes o lingoteras.

  3. Determination of thermal properties of Cs2Cr2O7(s,l) by high temperature Calvet calorimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasad, R.; Agarwal, R.; Roy, K.N.; Iyer, V.S.; Venugopal, V.; Sood, D.D.


    Enthalpy increments have been determined for caesium dichromate in the temperature range 335 to 826 K using a high temperature Calvet micro calorimeter. A solid-solid transition has been observed at (620.5±1.5 K) and the melting temperature was found to be (657.0±1.0) K. The corresponding enthalpy values are 15.6±0.2) kJ/mol and 17.0±0.22) kJ/mol. The results thus obtained are utilised for the evaluation of molar heat capacities, standard entropies and free energy functions for Cs 2 Cr 2 O 7 (s,l). The enthalpy increment values were fitted to a polynomial and can be presented by eqs. (1) to (3), respectivley: (1) (H T 0 -H 0 298.15 )(Cs 2 Cr 2 O 7 ,s) (J/mol)=-6.410x10 4 +1.939x10 2 T(K)+7.441x10 -2 T(K) 2 (335 to 620.5 K), (2) (H T 0 -H 0 298.15 )(Cs 2 Cr 2 O 7 ,s) (J/mol)=1.313x10 6 -4.137x10 3 T(K)+3.517T(K) 2 (620.5 to 656 K), (3) (H T 0 -H 0 298.15 )(Cs 2 Cr 2 O 7 ,l) (J/mol)=-1.218x10 5 +3.890x10 2 T(K) (657 to 826 K). (orig.)

  4. Synthesis and magnetotransport studies of CrO2 films grown on TiO2 nanotube arrays by chemical vapor deposition (United States)

    Wang, Xiaoling; Zhang, Caiping; Wang, Lu; Lin, Tao; Wen, Gehui


    The CrO2 films have been prepared on the TiO2 nanotube array template via atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition method. And the growth procedure was studied. In the beginning of the deposition process, the CrO2 grows on the cross section of the TiO2 nanotubes wall, forms a nanonet-like layer. And the grain size of CrO2 is very small. With the increase of the deposition time, the grain size of CrO2 also increases, and the nanonet-like layer changes into porous film. With the further increase of the deposition time, all the nanotubes are covered by CrO2 grains and the surface structure becomes polycrystalline film. The average grain size on the surface of the CrO2 films deposited for 1 h, 2 h and 5 h is about 190 nm, 300 nm and 470 nm. The X-ray diffraction pattern reveals that the rutile CrO2 film has been synthesized on the TiO2 nanotube array template. The CrO2 films show large magnetoresistance (MR) at low temperature, which should originate from spin-dependent tunneling through grain boundaries between CrO2 grains. And the tunneling mechanism of the CrO2 films can be well described by the fluctuation-induced tunneling (FIT) model. The CrO2 film deposited for 2 h shows insulator behavior from 5 k to 300 K, but the CrO2 film deposited for 5 h shows insulator-metal transition around 140 K. The reason is briefly discussed.

  5. Nanometre-scale 3D defects in Cr2AlC thin films. (United States)

    Chen, Y T; Music, D; Shang, L; Mayer, J; Schneider, J M


    MAX-phase Cr 2 AlC containing thin films were synthesized by magnetron sputtering in an industrial system. Nanometre-scale 3D defects are observed near the boundary between regions of Cr 2 AlC and of the disordered solid solution (CrAl) x C y . Shrinkage of the Cr-Cr interplanar distance and elongation of the Cr-Al distance in the vicinity of the defects are detected using transmission electron microscopy. The here observed deformation surrounding the defects was described using density functional theory by comparing the DOS of bulk Cr 2 AlC with the DOS of a strained and unstrained Cr 2 AlC(0001) surface. From the partial density of states analysis, it can be learned that Cr-C bonds are stronger than Cr-Al bonds in bulk Cr 2 AlC. Upon Cr 2 AlC(0001) surface formation, both bonds are weakened. While the Cr-C bonds recover their bulk strength as Cr 2 AlC(0001) is strained, the Cr-Al bonds experience only a partial recovery, still being weaker than their bulk counterparts. Hence, the strain induced bond strengthening in Cr 2 AlC(0001) is larger for Cr d - C p bonds than for Cr d - Al p bonds. The here observed changes in bonding due to the formation of a strained surface are consistent with the experimentally observed elongation of the Cr-Al distance in the vicinity of nm-scale 3D defects in Cr 2 AlC thin films.

  6. Oxidation-resistant Ge-doped silicide coating on Cr-Cr2Nb alloys by pack cementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Yirong


    The halide-activated pack cementation process was modified to produce a Ge-doped silicide diffusion coating on Cr-Cr 2 Nb alloys in a single processing step. The morphology and composition of the coating depended both on the pack composition and processing schedule and also on the composition and microstructure of the substrate. Higher Ge content in the pack suppressed the formation of CrSi 2 and reduced the growth kinetics of the coating. Ge was not homogeneously distributed in the coatings. Under cyclic and isothermal oxidation conditions, the Ge-doped silicide coating protected the Cr-Nb alloys from significant oxidation and from pesting by the formation of a Ge-doped silica film. (orig.)

  7. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1CR9H-1RUPH [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  8. Comparison of low-cycle fatigue data of 2 1/4 % CrMo steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanderson, S.J.; Petrequin, P.; Nieuwland, H.C.D.; Breuer, H.J.


    Data files have been produced on international strain-controlled fatigue information available for 2 1/4 %CrMo steels. The available data have been considered generally in terms of total strain range vs. cycles to failure (Nsub(f)), tensile stress at Nsub(f)/2 vs. cycles to failure and time to failure vs. cycles to failure. Where possible the continuous cycling data been statistically analysed in terms of the elastic and plastic strain components and cycles to failure to yield best-fit equations over defined temperature (T) regime viz: T 0 C, 427 0 C 0 C and 550 0 C 0 C. Increasing test temperatures result in a progressive decrease in continuous cycling fatigue endurance and sustainable stress range

  9. Isotope Effects in the Bonds of beta-CrOOH and beta-CrOOD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørlund Christensen, A.; Hansen, P.; Lehmann, M. S.


    Samples of orthorhombic chromium oxide hydroxide, beta -CrOOH, and the deuterated compound, beta -CrOOD, were prepared hydrothermally. The crystal structures were determined by powder profile refinement technique using neutron diffraction data. Unit cells are: beta -CrOOH: a equals 4. 862(2) A, b...... equals 4. 298(a) A, c equals 2. 995(1) A; beta -CrOOD: a equals 4. 873(5) A, b equals 4. 332(7) A, c equals 2. 963(2) A, with Z equals 2. The space group is P2//1nm or Pnnm....

  10. Selective and sensitive speciation analysis of Cr(VI) and Cr(III), at sub-μgL-1 levels in water samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after electromembrane extraction. (United States)

    Tahmasebi, Zeinab; Davarani, Saied Saeed Hosseiny


    In this work, electromembrane extraction in combination with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ET-AAS) was investigated for speciation, preconcentration and quantification of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) in water samples through the selective complexation of Cr(VI) with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC) as a complexing agent. DPC reduces Cr(VI) to Cr(III) ions and then Cr(III) species are extracted based on electrokinetic migration of their cationic complex (Cr(III)-DPC) toward the negative electrode placed in the hollow fiber. Also, once oxidized to Cr(VI), Cr(III) ions in initial sample were determined by this procedure. The influence of extraction parameters such as pH, type of organic solvent, chelating agent concentration, stirring rate, extraction time and applied voltage were evaluated following a one-at-a-time optimization approach. Under optimized conditions, the extracted analyte was quantified by ETAAS, with an acceptable linearity in the range of 0.05-5ngmL -1 (R 2 value=0.996), and a repeatability (%RSD) between 3.7% and 12.2% (n=4) for 5.0 and 1.0ngmL -1 of Cr(VI), respectively. Also, we obtained an enrichment factor of 110 that corresponded to the recovery of 66%. The detection limit (S/N ratio of 3:1) was 0.02ngmL -1 . Finally, this new method was successfully employed to determine Cr(III) and Cr(VI) species in real water samples. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.



    Héctor Herrera-Hernández


    En el presente trabajo se estudiaelectroquímicamente un GELextracto de las hojas de ALOE VERAcomo un posible inhibidor de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo estructuraldel concreto.Los estudiosde corrosiónse llevaron a cabo en 1M de HCl y utilizando la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS)se evaluó la resistencia a la corrosión en presencia y ausencia del GEL.Los diagramas de impedancia mostraronque la adición en diferentes proporciones...

  12. A continuous damage approach for the analysis of creep-fatigue behavior of 2 1/4 Cr - 1 Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomuc, R.; Biron, A.; Bui-Quoc, T.


    Components made from 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo in thermal and nuclear power plants have usually been designed for lifetimes as long as forty years at service temperatures approaching 593 o C. While several experimental investigations on the creep-fatigue behaviour of such materials have been reported, a detailed analysis of material behavior under these loading conditions is not available, to the authors knowledge. The aim of the present paper is to report the results of an analysis on these experimental data using a recently developed procedure. (author)

  13. Synthesis, macroscopic and local probe characterization of AgCrO$_2$ and CdCr$_2$S$_4$

    CERN Document Server

    Oliveira, Gonçalo; Araujo, J P

    The search of new materials with new and/or enhanced physical properties has, nowadays, a strict relation with the evolution of technology. The hunt for systems exhibiting simultaneous (anti)ferroelectric and (anti)ferromagnetic orders has re-started in the last years, and remains as one of the hot topics for Physic, Chemistry and Materials Science scientific communities. This is triggered by the possibility to apply these materials into, ${e.g.}$, new multiferroic memories that could be written electrically and read magnetically (or vice-versa). This thesis presents an experimental study on two of these so-called multiferroic materials, the AgCrO$_2$ delafossite and CdCr$_2$S$_4$ spinel type compounds. Different methods have been tested for the synthesis of delafossite silver chromium oxide AgCrO$_2$ namely, solid state reaction (ssr) and sol-gel combustion. The processes were optimized regarding complexing/combusting agents, temperature and duration of the heat treatments, as well as the processing atmosphe...

  14. Cr/alpha-Cr2O3 monodispersed spherical core-shell particles based solar absorbers

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Khamlich, S


    Full Text Available as reported. The coated Cr/alpha-Cr2O3 spherical particles on rough copper substrates by a simple self-assembly-like method were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry, Raman spectroscopy, and diffuse reflectance UV...

  15. Evaluación del comportamiento estructural y de resistencia a la corrosión de armaduras de acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 304 y dúplex AISI 2304 embebidas en morteros de cemento Pórtland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Medina, E.


    Full Text Available The mechanical and structural behaviour of two stainless steels reinforcements, with grades austenitic EN 1.4301 (AISI 304 and duplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304 have been studied, and compared with the conventional carbon steel B500SD rebar. The study was conducted at three levels: at rebar level, at section level and at structural element level. The different mechanical properties of stainless steel directly influence the behaviour at section level and structural element level. The study of the corrosion behaviour of the two stainless steels has been performed by electrochemical measurements, monitoring the corrosion potential and the lineal polarization resistance (LPR, of reinforcements embedded in ordinary Portland cement (OPC mortar specimens contaminated with different amount of chloride over one year time exposure. Both stainless steels specimens embedded in OPC mortar remain in the passive state for all the chloride concentration range studied after one year exposure.

    Se ha evaluado el comportamiento mecánico y estructural de dos aceros inoxidables corrugados, el austenítico EN 1.4301 (AISI 304 y el dúplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304, y se han comparado con el tradicional acero al carbono B500SD. El estudio se ha realizado en tres niveles: a nivel de barra, de sección y de pieza. Las diferentes características mecánicas de los aceros inoxidables condicionan el comportamiento a nivel de sección y de pieza estructural. El estudio del comportamiento frente a la corrosión de los dos aceros inoxidables se ha realizado mediante mediciones electroquímicas monitorizando el potencial de corrosión y la resistencia de polarización de armaduras embebidas en probetas de mortero contaminado con diferentes concentraciones de cloruros durante un tiempo de exposición de un año. Ambos aceros inoxidables permanecen en estado pasivo en las probetas para todos los contenidos de cloruros.

  16. [Response of Nostoc flageliforme cell to Cu2+, Cr2+ and Pb2+ stress]. (United States)

    Guo, Jinying; Shi, Mingke; Zhao, Yanli; Ren, Guoyan; Yi, Junpeng; Niu, Leilei; Li, Juan


    This study aimed to investigate the effects of Cu2+, Cr2+ and Pb2+ stress on Nostoc flagelliforme cell. The response of Nostoc flagelliforme cell was analyzed under the stress. The modified BG11 culture medium containing different heavy metal ions of 0, 0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 mg/L was used to cultivate Nostoc flagelliforme cell at 25 degrees C and light intensity of 80 micromol/(m x s). Electrolyte leakage, the activities of superoxide dismutase, the content of malondialdehyde, proline, soluble protein and trehalose were analyzed. Under 1 - 100 mg/L Cu2+, Cr2+ and Pb2+ stress, electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde contents in Nostoc flagelliforme cell were higher than those in the control group during heavy metal ions stress. Meanwhile, superoxide dismutase activity increased slightly under 10 mg/L, but was lower afterwards. The contents of proline, soluble protein and trehalose increased under 10 mg/L heavy metal ions stress, while declined under extreme heavy metal ions stress (100 mg/L). Nostoc flagelliforme cell has resistance to low heavy metal ions stress, but is damaged badly under extreme heavy metal ions stress.

  17. The Influence of Cr3+ on TiO2 Crystal Growth and Photoactivity Properties (United States)

    Wahyuningsih, S.; Hidayatika, W. N.; Sari, P. L.; Sari, P. P.; Hidayat, R.; Munawaroh, H.; Ramelan, A. H.


    The photocatalyst technology is an integrated combination of photochemical processes and catalysis in order to carry out a chemical transformation reaction. One of the semiconductor materials that have good photocatalytic activity is TiO2 anatase. This study aim to determine the effect of the Cr3+ addition on the growth of TiO2 rutile crystal and the increasing of TiO2 photoactivity. Diffractogram X-Ray of the samples showed that the synthesized TiO2 at 400 °C has been produced 100% TiO2 anatase. Synthesis of TiO2 doped Cr3+ composite was using wet impregnation method. The TiO2 doped Cr3+ composites have beed grown by annealed at a temperature of 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 °C, respectively Annealing process have capabled to gain to the TiO2 doped Cr3+ nanocomposite. The result product annealed at 500 °C only appear anatase phase due to the Cr3+ addition influence that was able to suppress the growth of rutile. Identification of TiO2 doped Cr3+ composite using Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FT-IR) showed O-Cr vibration at 2283.72 cm-1. The TiO2 doped Cr3+ photoactivity was studied to degrade Rhodamin B. The best result on photodegradation of Rhodamin B was performed by using TiO2 doped Cr3+ composite which was annealed at 700 °C i.e. 74.71%.

  18. Modification of tribology and high-temperature behavior of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb intermetallic alloy by laser cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xiubo; Wang Huaming


    In order to improve the tribology and high-temperature oxidation properties of the Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb intermetallic alloy simultaneously, mixed NiCr-Cr 3 C 2 precursor powders had been investigated for laser cladding treatment to modify wear and high-temperature oxidation resistance of the material. The alloy samples were pre-placed with NiCr-80, 50 and 20%Cr 3 C 2 (wt.%), respectively, and laser treated at the same parameters, i.e., laser output power 2.8 kW, beam scanning speed 2.0 mm/s, beam dimension 1 mm x 18 mm. The treated samples underwent tests of microhardness, wear and high-temperature oxidation. The results showed that laser cladding with different constitution of mixed precursor NiCr-Cr 3 C 2 powders improved surface hardness in all cases. Laser cladding with NiCr-50%Cr 3 C 2 resulted in the best modification of tribology and high-temperature oxidation behavior. X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) analyses indicated that the formation of reinforced Cr 7 C 3 , TiC and both continuous and dense Al 2 O 3 , Cr 2 O 3 oxide scales were supposed to be responsible for the modification of the relevant properties. As a result, the present work had laid beneficial surface engineering foundation for TiAl alloy applied as future light weight and high-temperature structural candidate materials

  19. Comparative laser-tissue interaction effects at 1.96 and 2.01 um of Cr; Tm:YAG laser (United States)

    Pankratov, Michail M.; Perrault, Donald F., Jr.; Shapshay, Stanley M.; Pinto, Joseph F.; Esterowitz, Dina; Aretz, H. Thomas


    A pulsed spiking and nonspiking Cr; thulium (Tm):YAG flash lamp pumped laser operating at 1.96 and 2.01 μm was investigated in vitro in the clinically relevant power range for its basic laser-tissue interaction with soft, cartilaginous, and bone tissues. Some explanations of the differences and possible medical applications are discussed.

  20. On the excitation spectra of Cr{sup 3+}/Cr{sup 2+} and V{sup 3+} co-doped ZnAl{sub 2}S{sub 4} single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anghel, S., E-mail: [Institute of Applied Physics, Academiei Str 5, Chis,inău MD-2028, Republic of Moldova (Moldova, Republic of); Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Anorganische Chemie III, Universitätsstrasse 150, D-44801 Bochum (Germany); Brik, M.G. [College of Sciences, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065 (China); Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Ravila 14 C, Tartu 50411 (Estonia); Institute of Physics, Jan Dlugosz University, Armii Krajowej 13/15, PL-42200 Czestochowa (Poland); Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw (Poland); Ma, C.-G. [College of Sciences, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065 (China); Sushkevich, K. [State University of Moldova, Mateevici Str 60, Chis,inău MD-2009, Republic of Moldova (Moldova, Republic of); Kulyuk, L. [Institute of Applied Physics, Academiei Str 5, Chis,inău MD-2028, Republic of Moldova (Moldova, Republic of)


    The excitation spectra of the ZnAl{sub 2}S{sub 4} spinel crystals codoped with chromium and vanadium are investigated in order to explain some features of the Cr{sup 3+} ions optical spectra and the inconsistency of the experimental absorption/emission bands position with the Tanabe–Sugano diagram, as well as the “missing” band in the absorption spectrum of V{sup 3+} ion although this band should be present as it is due to a spin allowed transition. The unusual high Racah parameters of the C/B ratio for Cr{sup 3+} ions have been induced to recalculate the Tanabe–Sugano diagram for the d{sup 3} electron configuration and the ratio C/B=8 in order to use it for the experimental results interpretation. The presence of Cr{sup 2+} ions in the low spin electron configurations in the octahedral coordination was confirmed; the temperature dependence of the Cr{sup 2+} emission at about 1.9 eV was studied and the Huang–Rhys factors were estimated for different temperatures. Despite the fact that the V{sup 3+}C/B ratio has a different value compared to the case of Cr{sup 3+} ions, the electron–phonon interaction is similar for both ions, with the Huang–Rhys parameter equal to 10 in both cases. Further research into optimizing the ZnAl{sub 2}S{sub 4}:Cr, V system to get an efficient enhancement of the vanadium emission on account on re-absorbing the chromium emission is suggested. - Highlights: • The spectroscopic properties of Cr and V codoped α-ZnAI{sub 2}S{sub 4} have been investigated. • The crystal field calculations have been performed. • The Huang–Rhys factors have been estimated for different temperatures. • The theoretical calculations have been correlated with the excitation spectra.

  1. Modelos de pérdida de masa de acero por corrosión atmosférica en Colombia usando inteligencia computacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esteban Velilla


    Full Text Available Con el fin de clasificar la corrosividad de las diferentes atmósferas colombianas, como parte de un proyecto de investigación extenso [1], se expusieron placas de acero al carbono en 21 estaciones distribuidas a lo largo de la infraestructura eléctrica del país (líneas de transmisión y subestaciones. En estas estaciones se midieron entre otros, el tiempo de humectación y la deposición de sulfatos y cloruros durante 12 meses; además, bimensualmente se tomaban placas de acero para medir en laboratorio la pérdida de masa sufrida por estas durante el tiempo de exposición. La clasificación de las 21 estaciones se hizo en 4 grupos, considerando: el tiempo de humectación, contenidos de cloruros y sulfatos, la altura sobre el nivel del mar y el tiempo de exposición de las placas; variables consideradas linealmente independientes según la técnica de descomposición en valores singulares (SVD realizada. El criterio utilizado para la clasificación fue el de similitud de las variables utilizando la norma Euclidiana considerada en la red neuronal no supervisada tipo Kohonen. Adicionalmente, se implementaron modelos para la pérdida de masa del acero para cada uno de los grupos usando redes neuronales (RN tipo Feed-Forward, definiéndose como entradas las variables antes mencionadas y como única salida la pérdida de masa. Complementariamente se presenta una comparación entre el modelo de RN para el grupo 1, con otros modelos obtenidos usando Algoritmos Genéticos (AG y el método Simplex.

  2. Robust half-metallicity at the zincblende CrTe(0 0 1) surfaces and its interface with ZnTe(0 0 1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmadian, F.; Abolhassani, M.R.; Hashemifar, S.J.; Elahi, M.


    All electron full potential calculations based on spin density functional theory are performed to study cubic zincblende (ZB) and hexagonal NiAs structures of bulk CrTe, free (0 0 1) surfaces of ZB CrTe, and interface of ZB CrTe with ZnTe(0 0 1). The ferromagnetic NiAs structure is reported to be about 0.26 eV more stable than the ferromagnetic ZB phase while ZB CrTe is found to be a half-metallic ferromagnet with a half-metallic gap of about 2.90 eV. Thermodynamic stability of CrTe(0 0 1) surfaces are studied in the framework of ab-initio thermodynamic. The obtained phase diagram evidences more stability of the Te terminated surface compared with the Cr termination. We discuss that both Te and Cr ideal terminations of CrTe(0 0 1) retain bulk-like half-metallic property but with a reduced half-metallic gap compared with bulk value. The structural, electronic, magnetic, and band alignment properties of the ZB CrTe/ZnTe(0 0 1) interface are computed and a rather large minority valence band offset of about 1.09 eV is observed in this heterojunction.

  3. The two-dimensional thiophosphate CsCrP2S7

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyounghee Kim


    Full Text Available The quaternary title compound, caesium chromium(III heptathiodiphosphate(V, CsCrP2S7, has been synthesized using the reactive halide flux method. It is isotypic with other AMP2S7 (A = alkali metal; M = Cr, V or In structures and consists of two-dimensional ∞2[CrP2S7]− layers extending parallel to (001 which are separated from each other by Cs+ ions (symmetry 2. The layer is built up from slightly distorted octahedral [CrS6] units (symmetry 2 and bent [P2S7] units consisting of two corner-sharing [PS4] tetrahedra. The [CrS6] octahedra share two edges and two corners with the [PS4] tetrahedra. There are only van der Waals interactions present between the layers. The Cs+ ions are located in this van der Waals gap and stabilize the structure through weak ionic interactions. The classical charge balance of the title compound can be expressed as [Cs+][Cr3+][P5+]2[S2−]7.

  4. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of crystallographically aligned CuCr_2Se_4 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esters, Marco; Liebig, Andreas; Ditto, Jeffrey J.; Falmbigl, Matthias; Albrecht, Manfred; Johnson, David C.


    We report the low temperature synthesis of highly textured CuCr_2Se_4 thin films using the modulated elemental reactant (MER) method. The structure of CuCr_2Se_4 is determined for the first time in its thin film form and exhibits cell parameters that are smaller than found in bulk CuCr_2Se_4. X-ray diffraction and precession electron diffraction show a strong degree of crystallographic alignment of the crystallites, where the axis is oriented perpendicular to the substrate surface, while being rotationally disordered within the plane. Temperature and field dependent in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization measurements show that the film is ferromagnetic with a Curie temperature of 406 K CuCr_2Se_4 synthesized utilizing the MER method shows stronger magnetic anisotropy (effective anisotropy: 1.82 × 10"6 erg cm"−"3; shape anisotropy: 1.07 × 10"6 erg cm"−"3), with the easy axis lying out of plane, and a larger magnetic moment (6 μ_B/f.u.) than bulk CuCr_2Se_4. - Highlights: • Crystallographically aligned, phase pure CuCr_2Se_4 were synthesized. • The degree of alignment decreases with annealing time. • The films are ferromagnetic with the easy axis along the direction. • The magnetization is larger than bulk CuCr_2Se_4 or other CuCr_2Se_4 films made to date.

  5. Hierarchical Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@OPC composites with octahedral shape for rechargeable nonaqueous lithium-oxygen batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gan, Yongqing; Lai, Yanqing; Zhang, Zhian, E-mail:; Chen, Wei; Du, Ke; Li, Jie


    The development of catalyst materials is the most significant issue that hinders the practical applications of Li-O{sub 2} batteries. Herein we show the design and synthesis of the hierarchical chromic oxide-octahedral porous carbon (Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@OPC) composites catalyst with octahedral shape that derived from Cr-based metal-organic frameworks (MIL-101(Cr)) precursor. When applied as cathode catalysts in rechargeable Li-O{sub 2} batteries, the electrode with Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@OPC composites catalyst exhibits a low charge and discharge over-potential, high discharge capacity and excellent cycling stability. What's more, the electrode with Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@OPC composite shows a discharge capacity up to ∼4800 mAh g{sub (catalyst} {sub +} {sub carbon)}{sup −1} at a current density of 0.1 mA cm{sup −2}, and exhibits a very stable discharge voltage plateau of 2.7 V and a charge voltage plateau of ∼3.9 V. With the addition of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@OPC composite, the Li-O{sub 2} batteries can obtain good cycle performance over 50 cycles at a fixed capacity of 800 mAh g{sub (catalyst} {sub +} {sub carbon)}{sup −1}. These results indicating that the Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@OPC composite derived from MIL-101(Cr) would be a promising catalyst for Li-O{sub 2} batteries. - Highlights: • The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@C composites were prepared by the pyrolysis of Cr-MIL-101. • The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@C composites possess octahedral shape consisted of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@C nanoparticle. • The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@C composites have mesoporous structure with large specific area. • The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@C composites have an excellent intrinsic electrocatalytic activity. • The Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}@C electrode exhibits great cycling performance.

  6. Structural and Visible-Near Infrared Optical Properties of Cr-Doped TiO2 for Colored Cool Pigments (United States)

    Yuan, Le; Weng, Xiaolong; Zhou, Ming; Zhang, Qingyong; Deng, Longjiang


    Chromium-doped TiO2 pigments were synthesized via a solid-state reaction method and studied with X-ray diffraction, SEM, XPS, and UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy. The incorporation of Cr3+ accelerates the transition from the anatase phase to the rutile phase and compresses the crystal lattice. Moreover, the particle morphology, energy gap, and reflectance spectrum of Cr-doped TiO2 pigments is affected by the crystal structure and doping concentration. For the rutile samples, some of the Cr3+ ions are oxidized to Cr4+ after sintering at a high temperature, which leads to a strong near-infrared absorption band due to the 3A2 → 3 T1 electric dipole-allowed transitions of Cr4+. And the decrease of the band gap causes an obvious redshift of the optical absorption edges as the doping concentration increases. Thus, the VIS and near-infrared average reflectance of the rutile Ti1 - x Cr x O2 sample decrease by 60.2 and 58%, respectively, when the Cr content increases to x = 0.0375. Meanwhile, the color changes to black brown. However, for the anatase Ti1 - x Cr x O2 pigments, only the VIS reflection spectrum is inhibited by forming some characteristic visible light absorption peaks of Cr3+. The morphology, band gap, and NIR reflectance are not significantly affected. Finally, a Cr-doped anatase TiO2 pigment with a brownish-yellow color and 90% near-infrared reflectance can be obtained.

  7. Photon emission produced by Kr+ ions bombardment of Cr and Cr2O3 targets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boujlaidi, A. El; Hammoum, K.; Jadoual, L.; Jourdani, R.; Ait El Fqih, M.; Aouchiche, H.; Kaddouri, A.


    The sputter induced photon spectroscopy technique was used to study the luminescence spectra of the species sputtered from chromium powder and its oxide Cr 2 O 3 , during 5 keV Kr + ions bombardment in vacuum better than 10 −7 torr. The optical spectra recorded between 350 and 470 nm exhibit discrete lines which are attributed to neutral excited atoms of chromium (Cr I lines). The experiments are also performed under 10 −5 torr ultra pure oxygen partial pressure. The results demonstrate that the measured intensities of the emitted photons are always higher in the presence of oxygen and even higher than those obtained for Cr 2 O 3 target. In the presence of oxygen vapor we assume that an oxide film is formed on the chromium surface which is responsible of the increase of photon emission. This variation in the intensities is correctly explained in the model of electron transfer processes between the excited sputtered atom and the bombarded surface. This model suggests that the structure formed on the Cr surface in the case of oxygenated chromium is closer to that of Cr 2 O 3 oxide

  8. Experimental and theoretical study of the electronic and magnetic structures of Mn1-xCr xAu2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsu, L.-S.; Murakawa, T.; Fujiwara, H.; Sekiyama, A.; Suga, S.; Imada, S.; Yano, M.; Miyamachi, T.; Higashimichi, H.; Yamaguchi, J.; Funabashi, G.; Yabashi, M.; Ishikawa, T.; Higashiya, A.


    X-ray photoemission spectra of Mn 1-x Cr x Au 2 (x = 0, 0.05, and 0.13) are presented and compared with theoretical total and partial density of state (DOS) curves. Site- and spin-decomposed partial DOS and magnetism of these materials are also discussed

  9. 1s2p Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Magnetic Circular Dichroism as a probe for the local and non-local orbitals in CrO 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zimmermann, Patric; Bouldi, Nadejda; Hunault, Myrtille O.j.y.; Sikora, Marcin; Ablett, James M.; Rueff, Jean Pascal; Lebert, Blair; Sainctavit, Philippe; De Groot, Frank M.f.; Juhin, Amélie


    We have determined the magnetic ground state of the half-metal CrO2 based on 1s2p Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Magnetic Circular Dichroism (RIXS-MCD) experiments. The two-dimensional RIXS-MCD map displays the 1s X-ray absorption spectrum combined with the 1s2p X-ray emission decay, where

  10. Comportamiento del acero de baja aleación SA-508 y del acero al carbono A-410b en las condiciones de operación y parada del circuito primario de los reactores de agua ligera tipo PWR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García-Redondo, María del Sol


    Full Text Available The corrosion rate of low alloy steel SA-508 and carbon steel A-410b in simulated operation and shutdown conditions of pressurized water reactor has been determined. Moreover potentiodynamic polarization curves and galvanic effect through coupling of AISI-304 have been carried out under shutdown simulated condition.

    En este trabajo se ha determinado la cinética de corrosión del acero de baja aleación SA-508 y del acero al carbono A-410b en condiciones que simulan la operación y la parada de los reactores de agua ligera a presión. También se han realizado curvas de polarización potenciodinámica y se ha estudiado el acoplamiento galvánico con AISI-304 en condiciones de parada de los reactores de agua ligera a presión.

  11. Hardness prediction for the repair welding of 2.25Cr-1Mo pressure vessels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oddy, A.S.; Chandel, R.S.


    Reactor vessels used for the hydrotreating of heavy oils and tar sand bitumen are frequently made of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel in thicknesses of 150 to 300 nm. Defects developed during installation or service are often repaired by welding. For practical reasons, postweld heat treatment of the repair welds is undesirable. This has led to continued effort to develop weld repair techniques that do not involve postweld heat treatment. Recently a six-layer automatic gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) technique has been proposed for the repair welding of nuclear reactor vessels made of SA508 Class 2 Steel. In this technique, the second and third passes refine the microstructure of the first pass, and the last three passes temper the first pass. Alberry has developed a set of empirical rules predicting the hardness after each pass in multipass welds made in SA508 Class 2 Steels. This algorithm has been used to predict the number of layers required to achieve desired hardness. A transformation and tempering algorithm for 2.25Cr-1Mo, similar to that of the above steel, is presented. The tempering algorithm of Alberry suffers from several minor problems and can be improved. A mathematically correct method for the calculation of the tempering occurring in an anisothermal cycle is demonstrated. In addition, the rules used to relate the softening that occurs during temperature are heuristic. Separate rules are proposed for the kinetics of softening depending on the peak temperature. A re-examination of those rules reveals that they can be recast in the form of a single rule for the material examined. Reassessing the basic data presented by Alberry leads to a single softening rule with better theoretical justification

  12. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Cr-doped spiral antiferromagnet BiMnFe2O6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batuk, Dmitry; De Dobbelaere, Christopher; Tsirlin, Alexander A.; Abakumov, Artem M.; Hardy, An; Van Bael, Marlies K.; Greenblatt, Martha; Hadermann, Joke


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • The substitution of Cr for Mn in BiMnFe 2 O 6 is possible by the solution–gel method. • The BiCr x Mn 1−x Fe 2 O 6 solid solution is obtained for the x values up to 0.3. • Increasing Cr content lowers the temperature of the antiferromagnetic ordering. - Abstract: We report the Cr 3+ for Mn 3+ substitution in the BiMnFe 2 O 6 structure. The BiCr x Mn 1−x Fe 2 O 6 solid solution is obtained by the solution–gel synthesis technique for the x values up to 0.3. The crystal structure investigation using a combination of X-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy demonstrates that the compounds retain the parent BiMnFe 2 O 6 structure (for x = 0.3, a = 5.02010(6)Å, b = 7.06594(7)Å, c = 12.6174(1)Å, S.G. Pbcm, R I = 0.036, R P = 0.011) with only a slight decrease in the cell parameters associated with the Cr 3+ for Mn 3+ substitution. Magnetic susceptibility measurements suggest strong similarities in the magnetic behavior of BiCr x Mn 1−x Fe 2 O 6 (x = 0.2; 0.3) and parent BiMnFe 2 O 6 . Only T N slightly decreases upon Cr doping that indicates a very subtle influence of Cr 3+ cations on the magnetic properties at the available substitution rates

  13. Irradiation hardening of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, Woo-Seog; Kim, Sung-Ho; Choo, Kee-Nam; Kim, Do-Sik


    An irradiation test of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel was carried out in the OR5 test hole of HANARO of a 30 MW thermal power at 390±10degC up to a fast neutron fluence of 4.4x10 19 (n/cm 2 ) (E > 1.0 MeV). The dpa of the irradiated specimens was evaluated to be 0.034 - 0.07. Tensile and impact tests of the irradiated Mod.9Cr-1Mo were done in the hot cell of the IMEF. The change of the tensile strength by irradiation was similar to the change of the yield strength. The increase of the yield and tensile strengths was up to 18% and 10% respectively. The elongation reduction of the weldment was up to 65%. (author)

  14. Soldadura de aceros dual phase en chapa fina: GMAW, PAW y RSW


    Svoboda,Hernán; Lorusso,Hernán N.; Burgueño,Alejandro


    Los aceros Dual Phase (DP) han encontrado recientemente una fuerte aplicación en elementos estructurales en la industria automotriz, debido a la necesidad de disminuir peso. La soldadura de estos materiales cobra particular importancia considerando su aplicación estructural y los procesos relacionados en su fabricación. En particular la soldadura de resistencia por punto (RSW) y semiautomática con alambre macizo y protección gaseosa (GMAW) son ampliamente utilizados en la industria automotriz...

  15. Evolución microestructural del acero austenítico al manganeso sometido a tratamiento térmico de temple y revenido Microstructural evolution of manganese austenitic steel submitted to thermal treatments of quenching and tempering

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Óscar Fabián Higuera Cobos


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo de investigación se evaluaron los cambios microestructurales en aceros austeníticos al manganeso con 9 y 13% Mn en presencia de cromo (1.4 - 2.0% . Se evaluó el ciclo térmico de temple y revenido sobre la estabilidad de la fase austenita y la presencia de compuestos de segunda fase como carburos de hierro y cromo del tipo (Fe, Mn3C y (Fe, Cr7C3. La temperatura de austenización fue de 1050 °C, con un tiempo de sostenimiento de 1 hora y el medio de enfriamiento agua. Los tratamientos de revenido se efectuaron en un rango de 200 a 800 °C con intervalos de 200 °C y tiempo de permanencia 2 horas. Para este análisis el material se sometió a pruebas de caracterización tales como: microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM-EDS, espectrometría de emisión óptica y difracción de rayos X, en estado de suministro y bonificado.In this study the microstructural changes in manganese austenitic steel with 9 and 13% Mn in presence of chromium with (1,4-2,0% was evaluated, thermal cycles of quenching and tempering in order to evaluate the influence of kinetic of cooling on the stability of the phase austenite and the presence of composed of second phase like iron and chromium carbides of type (Fe, Mn3C and (Fe, Cr7C3. were also evaluated. The temperature of austenitizing was of 1050 °C, with a time of support of 1 hour and means of cooling water. The tempering treatments took place in a rank of 200 to 800 °C with intervals of 200 °C and dwell time 2 hours. The material was evaluated by electronic microscopy of sweeping (SEM-EDS, spectrometry of optical emission and X-ray diffraction, in state as cast and heat treating.

  16. First principle study of UHTC ternary diboride, Cr2AlB2 (United States)

    Rastogi, Anugya; Rajpoot, Priyanka; Verma, U. P.


    In this paper ab-initio study of the structural, electronic and optical properties of ternary metal boride Cr2AlB2 using full potential linear augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method based on the density functional theory (DFT). The study of structural properties shows that Cr2AlB2 is metallic in nature and have orthorhombic crystal structure. The optical properties show that it possess anisotropic behavior, which have wide applications in electricity production through concentration of solar power (CSP) technology. To the best of our knowledge, theoretical study of the optical properties of Cr2AlB2 is reported for the first time.

  17. Conformado por vía coloidal de recubrimientos en la cara interna de un tubo de acero

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    Ferrari, B.


    Full Text Available The development of new coating processes has important limitations related to the films thickness and the geometry of the coating substrates. In this work, two colloidal forming processes are proposed for manufacturing ceramic and metallic coatings on the inner surface of a steel pipe. Ceramic coatings of CaCO3 have been formed by electrophoretic deposition (EPD. Aqueous stable suspensions were prepared and a electrophoretic cell was designed, in which the steel tube to be coated acted simultaneously as container and working electrode. Nickel films were prepared by filling the pipe with the suspension and rotating to fully wet the steel surface. Nickel suspensions were formulated focusing an improved wettability and adherence to the steel surface by using binders. From these processes, ceramic and metallic coatings with 300- 350 μm in thickness, homogeneous and strongly adhered to the inner surface of the steel pipe have been obtained.

    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de fabricación de recubrimientos presenta importantes limitaciones relativas a los espesores de las capas fabricadas y a la geometría de los substratos a recubrir. En este trabajo se proponen dos procesos de conformado coloidal de revestimientos cerámicos y metálicos en la cara interna de un tubo de acero. El revestimiento cerámico (CaCO3 se ha conformado por deposición electroforética (EPD. Para ello se han preparado suspensiones estables de CaCO3 en agua, y se ha diseñado una célula electroforética en la que el tubo es a la vez el contenedor y el electrodo de trabajo. El revestimiento metálico (níquel se ha fabricado por vertido de una suspensión estable sobre el propio tubo de acero. Para ello se han acondicionado las suspensiones con el objetivo de mejorar el mojado y la adherencia sobre el acero. A partir de los procesos de EPD y vertido se han obtenido revestimientos cerámicos y metálicos, respectivamente, con espesores de 300-350 μm, homogéneos y

  18. NiCr (x) Fe2-x O-4 as cathode materials for electrochemical reduction of NO (x)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bræstrup, Frantz Radzik; Kammer Hansen, Kent


    Solid solutions of spinel-type oxides with the composition NiCr x Fe2-x O4 (x = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0) were prepared with the glycine–nitrate combustion synthesis. Four-point DC resistivity measurements show an increase in the conductivity as more Cr is introduced into the structure, whereas...... dilatometer measurements show that the linear thermal expansion decreases with increasing Cr content. The oxides were used as electrode materials in a pseudo-three-electrode setup in the temperature range of 300–600 °C. Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to characterize...... the electrochemical behavior in 1% NO, 1% NO2, and 10% O2. NiCr2O4 shows high activity in NO and NO2 relative to O2 and can therefore be considered as a possible electrode material. Peaks were detected in the voltammograms recorded on NiCr2O4 in 1% NO. The origin of the peaks seems to be related to the oxidation...

  19. Caustic cracking of 2 1/4 CrMo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowen, H.C.; Thorley, A.W.


    Stress corrosion cracking tests performed on the 21/4 Cr Mo ferritic steel are described. The principal environments studied were strong, aqueous caustic soda, molten anhydrous caustic soda, and caustic soda with an addition of sodium. Emphasis has been placed on material in the quenched-hardened condition. (author)

  20. Pengaruh jumlah Cr2O3 terhadap kelemasan kulit atasan sepatu dari kulit biawak finish natural

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    Mochtar Lutfie


    Full Text Available The study is aimed at detecting the amount of Cr2O3 in percent added in the tanning of lizard skins for natural finished shoe upper leather. The materials used in this study are 36 pieces of dry preservated lizard skins which are tanned to natural finished shoe upper leather, while the tanning agent used are Cr2O3 that added in veried amount as 0,5 %; 1,0 %; 1,5 % and 15 % Basyntan DLX. Using varian’s analysis, it is found that there is a significant difference in the softness of the leather caused by the amount of Cr2O3 added. The use of 1,5% Cr2O3 obviously shows the best result.

  1. Problemas en la reparación por laser cladding de superficies de acero AISI D2 tratado térmicamente

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    Busquets, D.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work is to establish the relationship between laser cladding process parameters (Power, Process Speed and Powder feed rate and AISI D2 tool steel metallurgical transformations, with the objective of optimizing the processing conditions during real reparation. It has been deposited H13 tool steel powder on some steel substrates with different initial metallurgical status (annealed or tempered using a coaxial laser cladding system. The microstructure of the laser clad layer and substrate heat affected zone (HAZ was characterized by Optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM and Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD. Results show that the process parameters (power, process speed, feed rate… determine the dimensions of the clad layer and are related to the microstructure formation. Although it is simple to obtain geometrically acceptable clads (with the right shape and dimensions in many cases occur some harmful effects as carbide dilution and non-equilibrium phases formation which modify the mechanical properties of the coating. Specifically, the presence of retained austenite in the substrate-coating interface is directly related to the cooling rate and implies a hardness diminution that must be avoided. It has been checked that initial metallurgical state of the substrate has a big influence in the final result of the deposition. Tempered substrates imply higher laser absorption and heat accumulation than the ones in annealed condition. This produces a bigger HAZ. For this reason, it is necessary to optimize process conditions for each reparation in order to improve the working behaviour of the component.Se ha depositado polvo de acero de herramienta (H13 sobre diferentes sustratos de acero que se encuentran en estado metalúrgico diferente (recocido o de temple y revenido para comparar los resultados y se ha analizado la microestructura del recubrimiento y de la zona afectada por el calor (ZAC mediante

  2. Doping of Czochralski-grown bulk β-Ga2O3 single crystals with Cr, Ce and Al (United States)

    Galazka, Zbigniew; Ganschow, Steffen; Fiedler, Andreas; Bertram, Rainer; Klimm, Detlef; Irmscher, Klaus; Schewski, Robert; Pietsch, Mike; Albrecht, Martin; Bickermann, Matthias


    We experimentally evaluated segregation of Cr, Ce and Al in bulk β-Ga2O3 single crystals grown by the Czochralski method, as well as the impact of these dopants on optical properties. The segregation of Cr and Ce and their incorporation into the β-Ga2O3 crystal structure strongly depends on O2 concentration in the growth atmosphere which has a noticeable impact on decomposition of Ga2O3 and Cr2O3, as well as on the charge state of Cr and Ce. Effective segregation coefficients for Cr are in the range of 3.1-1.5 at 7-24 vol% O2, while for Ce they are roughly below 0.01 at 1.5-34 vol% O2. The effective segregation coefficient for Al is 1.1 at 1.5-21 vol% O2. Both dopants Ce and Al have a thermodynamically stabilizing effect on β-Ga2O3 crystal growth by supressing decomposition. While Ce has no impact on the optical transmittance in the ultraviolet and visible regions, in Cr doped crystals we observe three absorption bands due to Cr3+ on octahedral Ga sites, one in the ultraviolet merging with the band edge absorption of β-Ga2O3 and two in the visible spectrum, for which we estimate the absorption cross sections. Al doping also does not induce dopant related absorption bands but clearly shifts the absorption edge as one expects for a solid-solution crystal Ga2(1-x)Al2xO3 still in the monoclinic phase. For the highest doping concentration (Ga1.9Al0.1O3) we estimate an increase of the energy gap by 0.11 eV.

  3. Mejora de la calidad del acero obtenido por colada continua mediante influencias electrofísicas

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    Shklyar, V.


    Full Text Available Laboratory tests with tin smelted in a crucible and industrial tests with crude steel poured in moulds had been carried out. These metals were subjected to electrophysical influences. As a result of the applied electric field, it is observed in tin that during the solidification, the crystalization temperature and the solidification time are changed. Crystal growth in the electric field direction and an increase of the fracture limit in the steel ingot are observed.

    Se han realizado ensayos de laboratorio con estaño fundido en crisol y a escala industrial con acero líquido vertidos en moldes, sometiendo estos metales a influencias electrofísicas. Como resultado del campo aplicado, en el estaño se observa que durante la solidificación varía la temperatura de cristalización y el tiempo de solidificación. En el lingote de acero se observa un crecimiento de los cristales en dirección del campo eléctrico y un aumento del límite de rotura.

  4. Antibacterial Effect of CrO and CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles upon Staphylococcus aureus

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    Saber Imani


    Full Text Available Background & Objectives: The use of metal oxide nanoparticles can be effective to eliminate the bacterial infections, as an alternative to antibiotics. In this study, antibacterial properties of nonmaterials of CrO and CoFe2O4 are investigated against Staphylococcus aureus as a major and prevalent pathogenic bacterium to achieve sterile nano-containers. Materials & Methods: Different concentrations of CrO and CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1% of each, were examined with respect to their optical density (OD culture separately. Different percentages of each nanoparticles were also examined together for the best antibacterial combination. Kinetics of Bactericidal of nanoparticles were calculated in two-hour periods and were compared with the power of other common antibiotics. Ratios of MIC/MBC were calculated by Micro dilution method, to demonstrate the bactericidal power of nanoparticles. Results: The best concentration of the nanoparticles with the highest effect of bactericidal was obtained in the presence of 1% concentration of CrO that the OD of S. aureus culture medium had reduced 4/6 times than the control group (p<0/001.Ratio of 70% CrO to 30% CoFe2O4 was the best of the Bacteriostatic properties that OD was reduced 3/3 times than the control group (p<0/05. Best kinetics of bactericidal with survival rate in the presence of 1% CrO and CoFe2O4 were obtained in 24 and 36 hours respectively. In critical concentration of 1% CrO and CoFe2O4 bactericidal power was about 67 and 56 % respectively. The MIC/MBC rate for CrO and CoFe2O4 was obtained 0/2 and 0/4 respectively. Conclusion: The results showed that CrO nanoparticle compared with CoFe2O4 has a higher bactericidal power for S. aureus infection. Therefore, by completion of these experiments and the use of metal oxide nanoparticles complex in sensitive environments such as food storage containers, etc. are suggested.

  5. Cr3+ and Cr4+ luminescence in glass ceramic silica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martines, Marco A.U.; Davolos, Marian R.; Jafelicci, Miguel Junior; Souza, Dione F. de; Nunes, Luiz A.O.


    This paper reports on the effect of glass ceramic silica matrix on [CrO 4 ] 4- and Cr 2 O 3 NIR and visible luminescence. Chromium-containing silica was obtained by precipitation from water-glass and chromium nitrate acid solution with thermal treatment at 1000 deg. C. From XRD results silica and silica-chromium samples are crystalline. The chromium emission spectrum presents two main broad bands: one in the NIR region (1.1-1.7μm) and other in the visible region (0.6-0.7μm) assigned to Cr 4+ and to Cr 3+ , respectively. This thermal treated glass ceramic silica-chromium sample stabilizes the [CrO 4 ] 4- where Cr 4+ substitutes for Si 4+ and also hexacoordinated Cr 3+ group probably as segregated phase in the system. It can be pointed out that luminescence spectroscopy is a powerful tool for detecting the two chromium optical centers in the glass ceramic silica

  6. Effect of boron on the hot ductility of 2.25Cr1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, S.-H.; Guo, A.-M.; Shen, D.-D.; Yuan, Z.-X.; Liu, J.; Xu, T.-D.


    The effect of boron on the hot ductility of 2.25Cr1Mo steel is investigated by means of a Gleeble 2000 thermomechanical simulator. There is a trough in the hot ductility-temperature curve, which is located between 1000 and 700 deg. C. The ductility trough shifts to lower temperatures with increasing boron content and the hot brittle range becomes shallow and narrow. In general, boron may improve the steel hot ductility in that it may retard the formation of pro-eutectoid ferrite and increase grain boundary cohesion. These effects may be related to the segregation of boron to austenite grain boundaries

  7. Short-Range Correlated Magnetic Core-Shell CrO2/Cr2O3 Nanorods: Experimental Observations and Theoretical Considerations

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    Ashish C. Gandhi


    Full Text Available With the evolution of synthesis and the critical characterization of core-shell nanostructures, short-range magnetic correlation is of prime interest in employing their properties to develop novel devices and widespread applications. In this regard, a novel approach of the magnetic core-shell saturated magnetization (CSSM cylinder model solely based on the contribution of saturated magnetization in one-dimensional CrO2/Cr2O3 core-shell nanorods (NRs has been developed and applied for the determination of core-diameter and shell-thickness. The nanosized effect leads to a short-range magnetic correlation of ferromagnetic core-CrO2 extracted from CSSM, which can be explained using finite size scaling method. The outcome of this study is important in terms of utilizing magnetic properties for the critical characterization of core-shell nanomagnetic materials.

  8. Influencia de la ductilidad de las armaduras de acero en el comportamiento y la seguridad de losas de hormigón armado

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    Ortega, H.


    Full Text Available This work is based on the results and basic conclusions of author's doctoral thesis, directed by Professor José Calavera. On the one hand, a new form to measure the ductility of those steels used like reinforcement of concrete, is proposed, in order to be compared and classified in accordance with this one. On the other hand it has been studied the results of the tests on 12 continuous slabs of two equal spans, reinforced with four different steel types chosen so that, in the more requested section the steel will reach, in first place, its collapse (situation in the 2 domain, A pivot. The reinforcement to allow the mentioned extent, is provided with same nominal resistance steels and same diameter, but with - different ductility. The results of this experimental study, reveals the importance of the steel ductility concerning the behaviour and real security of the structure in front of the collapse, and furnish a group of conclusions and proposals concerning this interesting subject.

    Este trabajo se basa en los resultados y conclusiones básicas de la tesis doctoral del autor, dirigida por el Profesor D. José Calavera. Se propone, por un lado, una forma de medir mediante un único parámetro la ductilidad de los aceros utilizados como armaduras para hormigón armado, de forma que se puedan comparar y clasificar con arreglo al mismo. Por otro, se estudian los resultados de los ensayos sobre 12 losas continuas de dos vanos, de sección maciza, armadas con cuatro cuantías diferentes elegidas de forma que, en la sección más solicitada, sea el acero el que alcance, en primer lugar, su agotamiento (situación en el dominio 2, pivote A . El armado para conseguir las citadas cuantías se realiza con aceros de la misma resistencia nominal y del mismo diámetro, pero con distinta ductilidad. Los resultados de este estudio experimental, ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la ductilidad del acero en relación con el comportamiento, as

  9. Gas sensing behaviour of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} and W{sup 6+}: Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles towards acetone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kohli, Nipin, E-mail:; Hastir, Anita; Singh, Ravi Chand [Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005 (India)


    This paper reports the acetone gas sensing properties of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} and 2% W{sup 6+} doped Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles. The simple cost-effective hydrolysis assisted co-precipitation method was adopted. Synthesized samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) techniques. XRD revealed that synthesized nanoparticles have corundum structure. The lattice parameters have been calculated by Rietveld refinement; and strain and crystallite size have been calculated by using the Williamson-Hall plots. For acetone gas sensing properties, the nanoparticles were applied as thick film onto alumina substrate and tested at different operating temperatures. The results showed that the optimum operating temperature of both the gas sensors is 250°C. At optimum operating temperature, the response of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} and 2% W{sup 6+} doped Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} gas sensor towards 100 ppm acetone was found to be 25.5 and 35.6 respectively. The investigations revealed that the addition of W{sup 6+} as a dopant enhanced the sensing response of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles appreciably.

  10. Silicon MIS diodes with Cr2O3 nanofilm: Optical, morphological/structural and electronic transport properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erdogan, Ibrahim Y.; Guellue, O.


    In this work we report the optical, morphological and structural characterization and diode application of Cr 2 O 3 nanofilms grown on p-Si substrates by spin coating and annealing process. X-ray diffraction (XRD), non-contact mode atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM), ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy were used for characterization of nanofilms. For Cr 2 O 3 nanofilms, the average particle size determined from XRD and NC-AFM measurements was approximately 70 nm. Structure analyses of nanofilms demonstrate that the single phase Cr 2 O 3 on silicon substrate is of high a crystalline structure with a dominant in hexagonal (1 1 0) orientation. The morphologic analysis of the films indicates that the films formed from hexagonal nanoparticles are with low roughness and uniform. UV-vis absorption measurements indicate that the band gap of the Cr 2 O 3 film is 3.08 eV. The PL measurement shows that the Cr 2 O 3 nanofilm has a strong and narrow ultraviolet emission, which facilitates potential applications in future photoelectric nanodevices. Au/Cr 2 O 3 /p-Si metal/interlayer/semiconductor (MIS) diodes were fabricated for investigation of the electronic properties such as current-voltage and capacitance-voltage. Ideality factor and barrier height for Au//Cr 2 O 3 /p-Si diode were calculated as 2.15 eV and 0.74 eV, respectively. Also, interfacial state properties of the MIS diode were determined. The interface-state density of the MIS diode was found to vary from 2.90 x 10 13 eV -1 cm -2 to 8.45 x 10 12 eV -1 cm -2 .

  11. /sup 51/Cr-bleomycin, a new oncophilic radiopharmaceutical. Pt. 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rembelska, M J; Liniecki, J


    A method was developed for labelling bleomycin with /sup 51/Cr. The complex was administered to mice (Swiss and C57-B1/6) bearing 5 transplantable tumours: Ehrlich ascites tumour, NK/Ly lymphoma, Lewis lung carcinoma, melanoma B-16, and Sarcoma 180. Activity concentration in neoplasms, blood and numerous organs was determined 12, 24 and 48 hrs after injection. An identical procedure was applied using /sup 58/Co-bleomycin as a reference oncophilic substance. Tumour/non-tumor ratios exceeding substantially unity were found for blood, muscle and bone indicating preferential accumulation of both /sup 58/Co and /sup 51/Cr in all the neoplasms tested. The ratios were lower (by a factor 2-3) for /sup 51/Cr than for /sup 58/Co; however, it is postulated that the gamma-quantum energy of /sup 51/Cr which is higher than that of the commonly used /sup 57/Co, should offset to some degree this difference when scintigraphic tumour detection in a patient is to be attempted. In conclusion, clinical trials with /sup 51/Cr-bleomycin, which is cheaper than its /sup 57/Co-counterpart, appear warranted.

  12. Evaluación del trabajo esencial de fractura en chapa de un acero de alta resistencia de fase dual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gutiérrez, D.


    Full Text Available Fracture toughness of advanced high strength steels (AHSS, can be used to optimize crash behavior of structural components. However it cannot be readily measured in metal sheet because of the sheet thickness. In this work, the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF methodology is proposed to evaluate the fracture toughness of metal sheets. It has been successfully applied in polymers films and some metal sheets. However, their information about the applicability of this methodology to AHSS is relatively scarce. In the present work the fracture toughness of a Dual Phase (strength of 800 MPa and drawing steel sheets has been measured by means of the EWF. The results show that the test requirements are met and also show the clear influence of notch radii on the measured values, specially for the AHSS grade. Thus, the EWF is postulated as a methodology to evaluate the fracture toughness in AHSS sheets.

    La tenacidad de fractura de aceros de alta resistencia (AHSS, es una propiedad interesante para optimizar el comportamiento a impacto, pero su caracterización experimental en chapas metálicas es compleja debido a su espesor. En este trabajo se plantea el método del Trabajo Esencial de Fractura (TEF, como alternativa al cálculo de la tenacidad. Este método ya ha sido utilizado con éxito en polímeros y aceros dúctiles, aunque la información sobre su aplicación en AHSS es escasa. Se ha evaluado la tenacidad en un acero de fase dual de 800 MPa de resistencia y se ha comparado con la de un acero de embutición. Los resultados muestran que se cumplen los requisitos del método y ponen en evidencia la influencia del radio de entalla en el valor obtenido de TEF, especialmente para AHSS. Con todo ello, el método TEF se puede usar para caracterizar la tenacidad de AHSS en formato chapa.

  13. Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Cr doped SnO2 nanoparticles stabilized with polyethylene glycol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Subramanyam, K.; Sreelekha, N.; Murali, G.; Reddy, D. Amaranatha; Vijayalakshmi, R.P.


    Pure and Cr (1, 3, 5 and 7 at%) doped SnO 2 nanoparticles were synthesized in aqueous solution by a simple chemical co-precipitation method using polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a stabilizing agent. The effect of Cr doping on the structural, optical and magnetic properties of SnO 2 nanoparticles was investigated. EDAX spectra confirmed the presence of Sn, O and Cr in near stoichiometry. XRD patterns revealed that particles of all samples were crystallized in single phase rutile type tetragonal crystal structure (P4 2 /mnm) of SnO 2 . The peak positions with Cr concentration shifted to higher 2θ values. Lattice parameters were also decreased with increasing Cr concentration. TEM studies indicated that the particle size is in the range of 8–10 nm. The optical absorption studies indicated that the absorption edge shifted towards lower wavelengths with inclusion of Cr content. FTIR spectrum displays various bands that are due to fundamental overtones of PEG and O–Sn–O entities. Further it revealed that the undoped and as well as Cr doped SnO 2 nanoparticles were capped by PEG. Magnetization measurements at room temperature revealed that all the doped samples were ferromagnetic in nature. Well defined strong room temperature ferromagnetic hysteresis loop was observed for 1% Cr doped SnO 2 nanoparticles

  14. Neuronal Cx3cr1 Deficiency Protects against Amyloid β-Induced Neurotoxicity (United States)

    Dworzak, Jenny; Renvoisé, Benoît; Habchi, Johnny; Yates, Emma V.; Combadière, Christophe; Knowles, Tuomas P.; Dobson, Christopher M.; Blackstone, Craig; Paulsen, Ole; Murphy, Philip M.


    Cx3cr1, the receptor for the chemokine Cx3cl1 (fractalkine), has been implicated in the progression and severity of Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology in mice, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. A complicating factor is that Cx3cr1 has been demonstrated in both neurons and microglia. Here, we have dissected the differences between neuronal and microglial Cx3cr1, specifically by comparing direct amyloid-β-induced toxicity in cultured, mature, microglia-depleted hippocampal neurons from wild-type and Cx3cr1-/- mice. Wild-type neurons expressed both Cx3cl1 and Cx3cr1 and released Cx3cl1 in response to amyloid-β. Knockout of neuronal Cx3cr1 abated amyloid-β-induced lactate dehydrogenase release. Furthermore, amyloid-β differentially induced depression of pre- and postsynaptic components of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents, in a peptide conformation-dependent manner. Knockout of neuronal Cx3cr1 abated effects of both amyloid-β conformational states, which were differentiable by aggregation kinetics and peptide morphology. We obtained similar results after both acute and chronic treatment of cultured neurons with the Cx3cr1 antagonist F1. Thus, neuronal Cx3cr1 may impact Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology by modulating conformational state-dependent amyloid-β-induced synaptotoxicity. PMID:26038823

  15. Neuronal Cx3cr1 Deficiency Protects against Amyloid β-Induced Neurotoxicity.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenny Dworzak

    Full Text Available Cx3cr1, the receptor for the chemokine Cx3cl1 (fractalkine, has been implicated in the progression and severity of Alzheimer's disease-like pathology in mice, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. A complicating factor is that Cx3cr1 has been demonstrated in both neurons and microglia. Here, we have dissected the differences between neuronal and microglial Cx3cr1, specifically by comparing direct amyloid-β-induced toxicity in cultured, mature, microglia-depleted hippocampal neurons from wild-type and Cx3cr1-/- mice. Wild-type neurons expressed both Cx3cl1 and Cx3cr1 and released Cx3cl1 in response to amyloid-β. Knockout of neuronal Cx3cr1 abated amyloid-β-induced lactate dehydrogenase release. Furthermore, amyloid-β differentially induced depression of pre- and postsynaptic components of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents, in a peptide conformation-dependent manner. Knockout of neuronal Cx3cr1 abated effects of both amyloid-β conformational states, which were differentiable by aggregation kinetics and peptide morphology. We obtained similar results after both acute and chronic treatment of cultured neurons with the Cx3cr1 antagonist F1. Thus, neuronal Cx3cr1 may impact Alzheimer's disease-like pathology by modulating conformational state-dependent amyloid-β-induced synaptotoxicity.

  16. Influencia de la adición de cobre y de bronce sobre las propiedades de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos sinterizados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Velasco, F.


    Full Text Available The effect that, on AISI 316L and 304L stainless steels alloyed with copper and bronze in different percentages up to a maximun of 20 % wt, produce both the alloying content and the sintering temperature over physical and mechanical properties and over the microstructure of sintered stainless steels are studied. Alloying with copper and bronze improves the density of sintered steels at the two sintering temperatures used. Copper and bronze promote liquid phase sintering (transitory or permanent, that activates sintering process. Tensile strength of stainless steel is highly improved for higher alloying contents. Moreover, tensile strength presents greater values alloying with bronze than with copper.

    Partiendo de los aceros inoxidables AISI 316L y 304L a los que se añadió cobre y bronce en diferentes porcentajes hasta el 20 % en peso, se estudia el efecto que la cantidad de aleante y la temperatura de sinterización tienen sobre las propiedades físicas y mecánicas y sobre la microestructura de los aceros inoxidables sinterizados. La aleación con cobre y con bronce aumenta la densidad de los aceros sinterizados para las dos temperaturas de sinterización utilizadas. El cobre y el bronce provocan la aparición de fase líquida (transitoria o permanente que activa el proceso de sinterización. La resistencia a la tracción del acero inoxidable experimenta un fuerte incremento para los contenidos más elevados de aleante. Además, la resistencia a la tracción alcanza mayores valores para la aleación con bronce que con cobre.

  17. Thermodynamic properties of CdCr2S4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kesler, Ya.A.; Shchelkotunov, V.A.; Tret'yakov, Yu.D.; Kamyshova, V.K.; Gordeev, I.V.; Alferov, V.A.


    The true thermal capacity of ferromagnetic chromium spinel CdCr 2 S 4 has been measured in the temperature range of 172-673 K. Coefficient of linear expansion has been measured in the temperature range of 173-677 K. A change in heat content of the compound has been found by the mixing method (298-750 K). The lattice contribution into thermal capacity, the contribution of thermal expansion, the values of isothermal compressibility factor, and the Crueneisen constants have been calculated from true and mean heat capacity of CdCr 2 S 4 in a wide temperature range. The lattice energy V has been calculated for CdCr 2 S 4 ; it amounts -4226 kcal/mol

  18. Structure, microstructure and magnetic properties of Sr1-xCaxCrO3 (0≤x≤1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castillo-Martinez, E.; Duran, A.; Alario-Franco, M.A.


    The effect of the calcium concentration on the structural, microstructural and magnetic properties of Sr (1-x) Ca x CrO 3 with 0≤x≤1 has been studied. The compounds were prepared using high pressure and high temperature synthesis. X-ray diffraction shows that the samples evolve from the cubic Pm-3m space group for x=0-0.2 to tetragonal I4/mcm for x=0.4-0.5, then to the orthorhombic Pbnm space group for x=0.6, 0.8 and 1.0. Electron diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy confirmed the respective cells for the end compositions: a p xa p xa p (Pm-3m) for SrCrO 3 ; and the √(2)a p x√(2)a p x2a p (Pbnm) for CaCrO 3 . For intermediate compositions some extra spots appear in the electron diffraction patterns while the electron micrographs indicate the presence of microdomains. Magnetic measurements show Curie-Weiss behaviour at high temperature for all the samples. A sharp antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at about 91.5 K appears for x=0.8-1 together with a weak ferromagnetic ordering below T N . - Graphical abstract: HRTEM image of a crystal of Sr 0.5 Ca 0.5 CrO 3 showing a random distribution of 2a p ∼7.6 A all along the crystal that lacks long range order. Inset shows the FFT of the area of the image and of a tenth of that area showing the influence of the coherence length

  19. Programming MIL-101Cr for selective and enhanced CO2 adsorption at low pressure by postsynthetic amine functionalization. (United States)

    Khutia, Anupam; Janiak, Christoph


    MIL-101Cr fully or partially (p) postsynthetically modified with nitro (-NO2) or amino (-NH2) groups was shown to be a robust, water stable, selective and enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption material with the amine-functionality. The highly microporous amine-modified frameworks (up to 1.6 cm(3) g(-1) total pore volume) exhibit excellent thermal stability (>300 °C) with BET surface areas up to 2680 m(2) g(-1). At 1 bar (at 273 K) the gases CO2, CH4 and N2 are adsorbed up to 22.2 wt%, 1.67 wt% and 2.27 wt%, respectively. The two amine-modified MIL-101Cr-NH2 (4) and MIL-101Cr-pNH2 (5) showed the highest gas uptake capacities in the series with high ratios for the CO2 : N2 and CO2 : CH4 selectivities (up to 119 : 1 and 75 : 1, respectively, at 273 K). Comparison with non-modified MIL-101Cr traces the favorable CO2 adsorption properties of MIL-101Cr-NH2 (4) and MIL-101Cr-pNH2 (5) to the presence of the Lewis-basic amine groups. MIL-101Cr-NH2 (4) has a high isosteric heat of adsorption of 43 kJ mol(-1) at zero surface coverage and also >23 kJ mol(-1) over the entire adsorption range, which is well above the heat of liquefaction of bulk CO2. Large CO2 uptake capacities of amine-functionalized 4 and 5, coupled with high adsorption enthalpy, high selectivities and proven long-term water stability, make them suitable candidates for capturing CO2 at low pressure from gas mixtures including the use as a CO2 sorbent from moist air.

  20. Searching for “LiCrIIPO4”

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mosymow, E.; Glaum, R.; Kremer, R.K.


    The two new phosphates LiCr II 4 (PO 4 ) 3 and Li 5 Cr II 2 Cr III (PO 4 ) 4 are discovered as equilibrium phases (ϑ=800 °C) in the quarternary system Li/Cr/P/O. Their crystal structures have been determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data (LiCr II 4 (PO 4 ) 3 : violet-blue, Pnma (no. 62), Z=4, a=6.175(1) Å, b=14.316(3) Å, c=10.277(2) Å, 100 parameters, R 1 =0.028, wR 2 =0.08, 2060 unique reflections with F o >4σ(F o ); Li 5 Cr II 2 Cr III (PO 4 ) 4 : greyish-green, P1 ¯ (no. 2), Z=1, a=4.9379(7) Å, b=7.917(2) Å, c=8.426(2) Å, α=109.98(2)°, β=90.71(1)°, γ=104.91(1)°, 131 parameters, R 1 =0.022, wR 2 =0.067, 1594 unique reflections with F o >4σ(F o )). Li 5 Cr II 2 Cr III (PO 4 ) 4 adopts an hitherto unknown structure type. The crystal structure of LiCr II 4 (PO 4 ) 3 is isotypic to that of NaCd II 4 (PO 4 ) 3 and related to that of the mineral silicocarnotite Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 2 (SiO 4 ). Significant disorder between Li + and Cr 2+ is observed for both crystal structures. The oxidation states assigned to chromium in these two phosphates are in agreement with UV/vis/NIR absorption spectra and magnetic susceptibility data recorded for both compounds. Instead of “LiCr II PO 4 ” mixtures of LiCr II 4 (PO 4 ) 3 , Li 5 Cr II 2 Cr III (PO 4 ) 4 , Cr 2 O 3 , and CrP are observed at equilibrium. Instead of “Li 2 Cr II P 2 O 7 ” four-phase mixtures consisting of Li 9 Cr III 3 (P 2 O 7 ) 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , Li 3 Cr III 2 (PO 4 ) 3 , LiCrP 2 O 7 , and CrP were obtained. - Graphical abstract: Investigations on the equilibrium relations in the system Li/Cr/P/O revealed the two hitherto unknown phosphates Li 5 Cr II 2 Cr III (PO 4 ) 4 and LiCr II 4 (PO 4 ) 3 . They form instead of “LiCr II PO 4 ”. The crystal structures, magnetic behavior and optical spectra of these phosphates are reported. - Highlights: • The two new phosphates Li 5 Cr II 2 Cr III (PO 4 ) 4 and LiCr II 4 (PO 4 ) 3 have been characterized. • Optical spectra and paramagnetism of

  1. Magnetisation and AC susceptibility studies of La1-xSrxFe0.8Cr0.2O3-δ (0.01.0) perovskites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, L.P.; Cruz, M.M.; Ramos, T.; Sa, M.A.; Carvalho, M.D.; Godinho, M.


    Magnetisation and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements have been performed in the perovskite-type compounds La 1-x Sr x Fe 0.8 Cr 0.2 O 3-δ (x=0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8). All compounds show an overall antiferromagnetic behaviour mainly attributed to predominant Fe 3+ -O-Fe 3+ interactions. For 0.2 ord . The coexistence of AFM and FM interactions leads to reentrant magnetic behaviour for the x=0.4 compound and to spin-glass like behaviour for x=0.8. Between x=0.6 and 0.8, the similar magnetic moments found in the paramagnetic region indicate that the Fe/Cr valences do not change significantly, pointing towards an increased role for oxygen vacancy formation in the charge compensation mechanism

  2. Effect of free Cr content on corrosion behavior of 3Cr steels in a CO2 environment (United States)

    Li, Wei; Xu, Lining; Qiao, Lijie; Li, Jinxu


    The corrosion behavior of 3Cr steels with three microstructures (martensite, bainite, combined ferrite and pearlite) in simulated oil field formation water with a CO2 partial pressure of 0.8 MPa was investigated. The relationships between Cr concentrations in corrosion scales and corrosion rates were studied. The precipitated phases that contained Cr were observed in steels of different microstructures, and free Cr content levels were compared. The results showed that steel with the martensite microstructure had the highest free Cr content, and thus had the highest corrosion resistance. The free Cr content of bainite steel was lower than that of martensite steel, and the corrosion rate of bainite steel was higher than that of martensite steel. Because large masses of Cr were combined in ferrite and pearlite steel, the corrosion rates of ferrite and pearlite steel were the highest. Free Cr content in steel affects its corrosion behavior greatly.

  3. Formation of CrSi2 studied by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tobbeche, S.; Benazzouz, C.; Boussaa, N.; Zilabdi, M.; Benouatas, A.; Bouabellou, A.; Halimi, R.


    Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) is used to study the growth of Cr silicides formed by thin film reactions. Thin films of Cr were deposited on phosphorus-implanted silicon and unimplanted silicon substrates. Thermal annealing was subsequently carried out. The analysis has shown a growth of a CrSi 2 phase and allowed the determination of formation kinetics. A retardation effect of the CrSi 2 growth is observed in the case of the phosphorus-implanted silicon substrate. (Author)

  4. Pancreatic stellate cells and CX3CR1: occurrence in normal pancreas, acute and chronic pancreatitis and effect of their activation by a CX3CR1 agonist (United States)

    Uchida, Masahiko; Ito, Tetsuhide; Nakamura, Taichi; Hijioka, Masayuki; Igarashi, Hisato; Oono, Takamasa; Kato, Masaki; Nakamura, Kazuhiko; Suzuki, Koichi; Takayanagi, Ryoichi; Jensen, Robert T.


    Objectives Numerous studies suggest important roles of the chemokine, fractalkine (CX3CL1) in acute/chronic pancreatitis, however the possible mechanisms of the effects are unclear. Pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) can play important roles in pancreatitis, secreting inflammatory cytokines/chemokines, as well as proliferation. Therefore, we investigated CX3CL1 receptor (CX3CR1) occurrence in normal pancreas and pancreatitis (acute/chronic) tissues, and the effects of CX3CL1 on activated-PSCs. Methods CX3CR1 expression/localization in normal pancreas and pancreatitis (acute/chronic) tissues were evaluated with immunohistochemical analysis. CX3CR1 expression and effects of CX3CL1 on activated-PSCs were examined with realtime-PCR, BrdU assays and Western Blotting. Results In normal pancreas, acinar cells expressed CX3CR1 within granule-like-formations in the cytoplasm, whereas in acute/chronic pancreatitis, acinar, ductal and activated-PSCs expressed CX3CR1 on cell membranes. With activation of normal PSCs, CX3CR1 is increased. CX3CL1 activated multiple signaling cascades in PSCs. CX3CL1, did not induce inflammatory-genes expression in activated-PSCs, but induced proliferation. Conclusions CX3CR1s are expressed in normal pancreas. Expression is increased in acute/chronic pancreatitis and the CX3CR1s are activated. CX3CL1 induces proliferation of activated-PSCs without increasing release of inflammatory-mediators. These results suggest that CX3CR1 activation of PSCs could be important in their effects in pancreatitis, especially to PSCs proliferation in pancreatitis where CX3CL1 levels are elevated. PMID:24681877

  5. Synthesis of (Cr,V){sub 2}(C,N) solid solution powders by thermal processing precursors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Anrui [School of Materials Science & Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065 (China); Liu, Ying [School of Materials Science & Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065 (China); Key Laboratory of Advanced Special Material & Technology, Ministry of Education, Chengdu, 610065 (China); Ma, Shiqing; Qiu, Yuchong; Rong, Pengcheng; Ye, Jinwen [School of Materials Science & Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065 (China)


    The single-phase (Cr,V){sub 2}(C,N) solid solution powders were fabricated via carbothermal reduction-nitridation (CRN) processing technique. The effects of heat treatment temperature, nitrogen pressure and carbon proportion were experimentally studied in detail by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and thermal analysis. The chemical transformations of vanadium and chromium compounds were as follows: precursors → V{sub 2}O{sub 3}, Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} → Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}, Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}, (Cr,V){sub 2}(C,N) → (Cr,V){sub 2}(C,N). When the heat-treated temperature was below 1200 °C, chromium oxides didn’t completely react. However, higher temperature ∼1300 °C could not only lead to the segregation of some nitrides and carbon black, but also to the occurrence of fiber-bridged particles. The system nitrogen pressure over 0.03 MPa would cause a subtle transformation of (Cr,V){sub 2}(C,N) to VCrN{sub 2}. When the carbon proportion was below 15 wt%, the oxides could not be completely reduced, while when the carbon proportion was above 15.5 wt%, some undesired carbides, like Cr{sub 23}C{sub 6} and Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}, would form. Ultimately, the homogeneously distributed pure-phase (Cr,V){sub 2}(C,N) spherical particles with the average size of ∼1.5 μm were obtained at the optimal conditions of the treatment of precursors at 1200 °C for 1 h with the nitrogen pressure of 0.03 MPa and carbon content of 15.5 wt%. The chemical composition of the solid solution with the optimal process could be drawn as (Cr{sub 0.85}V{sub 0.15}){sub 2}(C{sub 0.57}N{sub 0.43}). Thermal processing precursors method shows the advantages of lower synthesis temperature, shorter period and finer particles when comparing with the conventional preparations. - Highlights: • Single phase of (Cr,V){sub 2}(C,N) powders were synthesized for the first time. • Precursors were used to prepared the powders by carbothermal

  6. Fatigue-creep life prediction for a notched specimen of 2[1]/[4]Cr-1Mo steel at 600 C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, Tatsuo; Sakane, Masao; Fukuda, Yoshio; Igari, Toshihide; Miyahara, Mitsuo; Okazaki, Masakazu


    This paper presents the life prediction of 2[1]/[4]Cr-1Mo notched specimens subjected to fast-fast, slow-slow and hold-time loadings at 600 C. The crack initiation lives of notched specimens were estimated based on the local stress-strain calculated by inelastic finite element analyses. For the life prediction, combinations of seven different constitutive models and five fatigue-creep damage laws were used. The applicability of the constitutive model and damage law is discussed. The constitutive models predict similar stress-strain relations at the notch root, leading to similar predicted lives. The damage model, however, has a much larger influence on the life prediction. ((orig.))

  7. 2C-R4WM Spectroscopy of Jet Cooled NO_3 (United States)

    Fukushima, Masaru; Ishiwata, Takashi; Hirota, Eizi


    We have generated NO_3 from pyrolysis of N_2O_5 following supersonic free jet expansion, and carried out two color resonant four wave mixing ( 2C-R4WM ) spectroscopy of the tilde{B} ^2E' - tilde{X} ^2A_2' electronic transition. One laser was fixed to pump NO_3 to a ro-vibronic level of the tilde{B} state, and the other laser ( probe ) was scanned across two levels of the tilde{X} ^2A_2' state lying at 1051 and 1492 cm-1, the ν_1 (a_1') and ν_3 (e') fundamentals, respectively. The 2C-R4WM spectra have unexpected back-ground signal of NO_3 ( stray signal due to experimental set-up is also detected ) similar to laser induced fluorescence ( LIF ) excitation spectrum of the 0-0 band, although the back-ground signal was not expected in considering the 2C-R4WM scheme. Despite the back-ground interference, we have observed two peaks at 1051.61 and 1055.29 cm-1 in the ν_1 region of the spectrum, and the frequencies agree with the two bands, 1051.2 and 1055.3 cm-1, of our relatively higher resolution dispersed fluorescence spectrum, the former of which has been assigned to the ν_1 fundamental. Band width of both peaks, ˜ 0.2 cm-1, is broader than twice the experimental spectral-resolution, 0.04 cm-1 ( because this experiment is double resonance spectroscopy ), and the 1051.61 cm-1 peak is attributed to a Q branch band head ( a line-like Q branch ) of the ν_1 fundamental. The other branches are suspected to be hidden in noise of the back-ground signal. The 1055.29 cm-1 peak is also attributed to a Q band head. The tilde{B} ^2E'1/2 ( J' = 3/2, K' = 1 ) - tilde{X} ^2A_2' ( N'' = 1, K'' = 0 ) ro-vibronic transition was used as the pump transition. The dump ( probe ) transition to both a_1' and e' vibronic levels are then allowed as perpendicular transition. Accordingly, it cannot be determined from present results whether the 1055.29 cm-1 band is attributed to a_1' or e' (ν_3), unfortunately. The 2C-R4WM spectrum of the 1492 cm-1 band region shows one Q head at 1499.79 cm

  8. Fracture characteristic in creep of a 5 Cr-1/2 Mo steel at 600 and 6500C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paiva, R.L.C. de; Monteiro, S.N.; Silveira, T.L.

    The creep behavior of a 5 Cr-1/2 Mo steel was studied at 600 and 650 0 C. The caracteristics of fracture, observed by optical and scanning metallography, displayed a transition from intergranular to transgranular mode of rupture in the range of temperatures and stresses studied. This behavior was dicussed based upon the possible mechanisms for creep deformation taking place in this material [pt

  9. Heat treatment effects on impact toughness of 9Cr-1MoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW steels irradiated to 100 dpa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klueh, R.L.; Alexander, D.J. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States)


    Plates of 9Cr-1MoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW steels were given four different heat treatments: two normalizing treatments were used and for each normalizing treatment two tempers were used. Miniature Charpy specimens from each heat treatment were irradiated to {approx}19.5 dpa at 365{degrees}C and to {approx}100 dpa at 420{degrees}C in the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF). In previous work, the same materials were irradiated to 4-5 dpa at 365{degrees}C and 35-36 dpa at 420{degrees}C in FFTF. The tests indicated that prior austenite grain size, which was varied by the different normalizing treatments, had a significant effect on impact behavior of the 9Cr-1MoVNb but not on the 12Cr-1MoVW. Tempering treatment had relatively little effect on the shift in DBTT for both steels. Conclusions are presented on how heat treatment can be used to optimize impact properties.

  10. Heat treatment effects on impact toughness of 9Cr-1MoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW steels irradiated to 100 dpa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klueh, R.L.; Alexander, D.J.


    Plates of 9Cr-1MoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW steels were given four different heat treatments: two normalizing treatments were used and for each normalizing treatment two tempers were used. Miniature Charpy specimens from each heat treatment were irradiated to ∼19.5 dpa at 365 degrees C and to ∼100 dpa at 420 degrees C in the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF). In previous work, the same materials were irradiated to 4-5 dpa at 365 degrees C and 35-36 dpa at 420 degrees C in FFTF. The tests indicated that prior austenite grain size, which was varied by the different normalizing treatments, had a significant effect on impact behavior of the 9Cr-1MoVNb but not on the 12Cr-1MoVW. Tempering treatment had relatively little effect on the shift in DBTT for both steels. Conclusions are presented on how heat treatment can be used to optimize impact properties

  11. Aceros de baja aleación y alto rendimiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Campos, M.


    Full Text Available A highly demanding automobile market requires an intensification of the efforts on increasing the performance and reducing costs of sintered steels, in order to stay in such a competitive market. Final properties of sintered parts and their cost depend on two main factors, density and the alloying system. The growing interest for Cr and Mn as alloying elements is due to both price, more suitable than Mo, and the excellent level of properties which are achieved in assintered parts as well as after the heat treatments. In this work, the possible techniques which lead to an enhancement of density are discussed, such as warm and high velocity compaction, or high temperature sintering; moreover it is important to study the synergy between the proposed techniques which may be compatible.

    Las nuevas demandas en el sector del automóvil están haciendo que se intensifiquen los esfuerzos en aumentar las prestaciones y reducir los costes de los aceros sinterizados, para poder mantenerse en este mercado tan competitivo. Las propiedades finales de los componentes sinterizados y su coste dependen de dos factores principales, la densidad y el sistema de aleación. El creciente interés por el cromo y el manganeso como elementos de aleación se debe tanto al precio, más ventajoso que, por ejemplo, el molibdeno, como al nivel excelente de propiedades que se pueden conseguir tanto en estado sinterizado como después de los tratamientos térmicos. En este trabajo, se discuten además las posibles técnicas que conducen a una mejora de la densidad del componente, como la compactación de polvos precalentados, la compactación por propagación de ondas de impacto, o la sinterización a alta temperatura; además, es importante estudiar los efectos sinérgicos entre las técnicas propuestas que sean compatibles.

  12. Passivation of duplex stainless steel in solutions simulating chloride-contaminated concrete

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takenouti, H.


    Full Text Available Most studies published to date on the corrosion behaviour of stainless reinforcing steel are based on austenitic steel. The market presence of corrugated duplex steel is growing, however. The present study compared passivity in 2205 type duplex and 304 type austenitic stainless steel. Polarization tests in chloride-containing Ca(OH2 solutions confirmed the exceptional performance of duplex steels. X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy (XPS showed that the passive layer generated on duplex stainless steel in media simulating concrete pore solutions had a higher Cr content than the layer formed on steel in contact with the air. The XPS results also revealed that in duplex steel the form adopted by the passive layer Fe oxides was Fe3O4 in the solutions simulating concrete, rather than Fe2O3, as in duplex steel exposed to air. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS can be used to monitor the transformations taking place in the passive layer and analyze the factors involved.La mayoría de los estudios publicados hasta el momento sobre el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de armaduras de acero inoxidable se basan en aceros austeníticos. Sin embargo, la presencia en el mercado de aceros corrugados dúplex es cada vez más importante. En este trabajo se analiza la pasividad de un acero inoxidable dúplex tipo 2205 en comparación con la de un inoxidable austenítico tipo 304. Los ensayos de polarización en disoluciones de Ca(OH2 con cloruros confirman el excepcional comportamiento de los aceros dúplex. La espectroscopía fotoelectrónica de rayos X (XPS informa de que la capa pasiva generada en aceros inoxidables dúplex en medios que simulan la disolución de los poros del hormigón posee mayor contenido en óxidos de Cr que la formada en aire. También se puede deducir de los resultados de XPS que los óxidos de Fe de la capa pasiva de los aceros dúplex se encuentran en forma de Fe3O4 en las disoluciones que simulan el hormigón en vez de en

  13. Effect of Cr3C2 content on the microstructure and properties of Mo2NiB2-based cermets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xie, Lang; Li, XiaoBo; Zhang, Dan; Yang, ChengMing; Yin, FuCheng; Xiangtan Univ., Hunan; Xiangtan Univ., Hunan; Xiao, YiFeng


    Four series of Mo 2 NiB 2 -based cermets with Cr 3 C 2 addition of between 0 and 7.5 wt.% in 2.5 wt.% increments were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and X-ray diffractometry. The transverse rupture strength and hardness were also measured. It was found that Cr 3 C 2 completely dissolved in Mo 2 NiB 2 -based cermets. Cr 3 C 2 addition improved the wettability of the Ni binder phase on the Mo 2 NiB 2 hard phase, which resulted in a decrease in the porosity and an increase in the phase uniformity. The cermets with 2.5 wt.% Cr 3 C 2 content showed relatively fine grains and almost full density. A high Cr 3 C 2 content resulted in the formation of M 6 C (M = Mo, Cr, Ni) phase. In addition, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy results showed that the content of Mo in the binder decreased with increasing Cr 3 C 2 content. The cermets with 2.5 wt.% Cr 3 C 2 addition exhibited the highest transverse rupture strength of 2210 MPa, whereas the cermets without Cr 3 C 2 addition exhibited the highest hardness.





    Los sistemas concreto-acero de refuerzo son considerados estructuras durables y resistentes; sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo se ven afectados por problemas de corrosión, la cual, se desarrolla cuando los cloruros se encuentran más allá de un cierto nivel umbral, en el que se inicia la despasivación o la ruptura la capa pasiva que protege al acero de refuerzo. Para contrarrestar los daños ocasionados por la corrosión, se han propuestos varios métodos para disminuir y/o preve...

  15. Molecular mapping of the Pinus monticola Cr2 gene using AFLP and SCAR markers

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    A.K.M. Ekramoddoullah


    Full Text Available White pine blister rust (WPBR, caused by Cronartium ribicola, is a devastating disease in five-needle pines. Genetic resistance is an important component of integrated strategies to control WPBR. The major resistance gene Cr2, discovered by Kinloch etal.(1999, is also effective against British Columbia (BC isolates of WPBR (Hunt et al. 2004. Pyramiding Cr2 gene with other resistancegenes is being pursued as a strategy in BC white pine breeding. To facilitate this strategy, we have recently identified a few RAPD markerslinked to Cr2 at one side (Liu et al. 2006. The objective of the present study was to identify amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP markers linked to both sides of Cr2 for its more precise apping. Use of the AFLP technique combined with bulked segregant analysis (BSA and haploid segregation analysis allowed the identification of five AFLP markers. Of these five AFLP markers in the Cr2 linkage, markers EacccMccgat-365, EactgMcccac- 290, and EacagEacag-750 werelinked in coupling and EacagMcccag-160r and EacccMccgat-180r in repulsion. Following cloning and sequencing of the AFLP andRAPD markers, specific PCR primers were designed and used in the amplification of sequence characterized amplified region(SCAR markers at both sides of Cr2. EacccMccgat- 365 and RAPD marker U570-843 reported previously were converted into SCARmarkers. These two SCARs segregated in a 1:1 (presence:absence ratio and the scoring cosegregated with their respective AFLP orRAPD marker. The SCAR marker EacccMccgat- 365-scar was positioned at 3.1 Kosambi cM from one side of Cr2 and U570-843-scarlocalized at 1.4 Kosambi cM from other side. Both SCAR markers can be useful in breeding programs with marker-assisted selection procedureto screen for resistance. This study represents the first report of the development of PCR-based sequence-specific markers linkedto blister rust resistance in five-needle pines. These findings may

  16. Magnetic properties and phase stability of half-metal-type Co2Cr1-xFexGa alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, K.; Umetsu, R.Y.; Fujita, A.; Oikawa, K.; Kainuma, R.; Fukamichi, K.; Ishida, K.


    The magnetic properties and phase stability of half-metal-type Co 2 Cr 1-x Fe x Ga alloys were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), in a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer and in a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), and by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was found that the L2 1 -type single-phase is obtainable for the entire concentration of x and that the value of the saturation magnetic moment M s at 4.2K in the lower composition range of x is in agreement with the generalized Slater-Pauling line, while it is rather larger than the generalized Slater-Pauling line above x=0.6. The Curie temperature T c monotonically increases, whereas the transition temperature from the L2 1 - to B2-type phase T t B2/L2 1 is almost constant at 1082+/-13K with increasing x

  17. El acero que nunca se fundió. Una reseña sobre Stalin

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    Iñaki Oneca Agurruza


    Full Text Available Era el 5 de marzo de 1953 cuando murió el fetiche, el gurú, el símbolo. Stalin significa “acero”, y precisamente una de las cosas que se reprochó al joven revolucionario, tras la adopción de este apodo, era que el acero era duro pero también frío. Así iniciamos esta breve nota sobre la figura de uno de los personajes clave del siglo XX.

  18. Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometric Study of the Kinetics and Mechanism of CO2 Uptake by cis-[Cr(C2O4(BaraNH2(OH22]+ Cation and the Acid-Catalyzed Decomposition of cis-[Cr(C2O4(BaraNH2OCO2]− Anion in Aqueous Solution

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    Lech Chmurzyński


    Full Text Available The kinetics of CO2 uptake by the cis-[Cr(C2O4(BaraNH2(OH22]+ complex cation and the acid hydrolysis of the cis-[Cr(C2O4(BaraNH2OCO2]− complex anion (where BaraNH2 denotes methyl 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-b-D-arabino-hexopyranoside were studied using the stopped-flow technique. The reactions under study were investigated in aqueous solution in the 288–308 K temperature range. In the case of the reaction between CO2 and cis-[Cr(C2O4(BaraNH2(OH22]+ cation variable pH values (6.82–8.91 and the constant ionic strength of solution (H+, Na+, ClO4− = 1.0 were used. Carbon dioxide was generated by the reaction between sodium pyruvate and hydrogen peroxide. The acid hydrolysis of cis-[Cr(C2O4(BaraNH2OCO2]− was investigated for varying concentrations of H+ ions (0.01–2.7 M. The obtained results enabled the determination of the number of steps of the studied reactions. Based on the kinetic equations, rate constants were determined for each step. Finally, mechanisms for both reactions were proposed and discussed. Based on the obtained results it was concluded that the carboxylation (CO2 uptake reactions of cis-[Cr(C2O4(BaraNH2(OH22]+ and the decarboxylation (acid hydrolysis of the cis-[Cr(C2O4(BaraNH2OCO2]− are the opposite of each other.

  19. Comportamiento a la Corrosión del Acero API X70 Soldado por el Proceso de Doble Arco Sumergido Inmerso en Diferentes Medios Corrosivos


    Montes, Omar Francisco; Garcés, Rocío Saldaña; Reyes, Felipe A. Reyes; Robledo, Patricia del Carmen Zambrano; López, Francisco H. Estupiñán; Calderón, Facundo Almeraya


    Resumen Los aceros API X70 son aplicados en fabricación y construcción de tuberías para el transporte de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, a un lapso de tiempo se degradan debido al medio ambiente al cual están expuestos; influyendo en la velocidad y tipo de corrosión sobre las superficies del metal base (MB), zona afectada por el calor (ZAC) y zona de fusión (ZF). A fin de conocer y evaluar la susceptibilidad a la corrosión en uniones del acero API X70 sometido a diferentes medios corrosivos, vari...

  20. Synthesis and structural stability of Cr-doped Li2MnSiO4/C cathode materials by solid-state method (United States)

    Cheng, Hong-Mei; Zhao, Shi-Xi; Wu, Xia; Zhao, Jian-Wei; Wei, Lei; Nan, Ce-Wen


    The crystal structure of the Li2MnSiO4 cathode material would collapse during the charge and discharge process because of that the Mn-O coordination polyhedron changed from [MnO4] into [MnO6] in the process of Mn+2 to Mn+4, but the Cr element could remain [CrO4] crystal ligand from Cr+2 to Cr+4, so Cr element substitution was used to improve the structural stability of the Li2MnSiO4 cathode material. In this work, Li2Mn1-xCrxSiO4/C nanocomposites were synthesized by solid-state method. XRD, SEM and TEM observations show that the as-prepared Li2Mn1-xCrxSiO4/C materials presents an orthorhombic crystal structure (S.G. Pmn21), the particle size of Li2Mn1-xCrxSiO4/C powder ranges from 50 to 100 nm. The XRD and XPS results indicate that Cr+2 is successfully doped into Li2MnSiO4 lattice and has well compatibility with Li2MnSiO4. The electrochemical results display that Li2Mn92.5%Cr7.5%SiO4/C exhibits significantly enhanced cycle stability and discharge capability. The initial discharge capacity of the Li2Mn92.5%Cr7.5%SiO4/C sample is 255 mAh g-1, and the discharge capacity was still about 60 mAh g-1 after 50 cycles. Furthermore, the XRD patterns, TEM images and Raman analysis reveal that the Cr doping enhances the structural stability of Li2Mn1-xCrxSiO4/C and improves the electrochemical activity of the cathode. Thus, the Li2Mn92.5%Cr7.5%SiO4/C have shown potential applications for lithium ion batteries.


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    Lina P. Gallo-Arciniegas


    Full Text Available En Colombia, el uso del concreto reforzado con fibras de acero (CRFA es muy limitado, debido a que en el país no existe suficiente evidencia experimental y requisitos reglamentarios al respecto. En el artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación experimental y analítica sobre el comportamiento del CRFA elaborado con fibras ZP-306, sometidas a esfuerzos de compresión. El estudio involucra la revisión y discusión de los modelos disponibles en la literatura, así como un programa experimental que incluye el ensayo de 48 especímenes. A partir de un análisis de regresión de los datos medidos, se proponen ecuaciones para estimar las principales propiedades mecánicas del CRFA, tales como resistencia a compresión, módulo de elasticidad y relación de Poisson. Las ecuaciones correlacionan las propiedades mecánicas con las principales características de las fibras de acero, tales como dosificación y relación de aspecto.

  2. Fuego y acero

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    Sfintesco, D.


    Full Text Available In a brief and appealing manner the author analysis the basic considerations which should be taken into account to deal effectively with the safety of steel structures in case of fire. He makes it clear that the safety measures must not be the result of a rather intuitive and hasty reaction to the possibility of a fire: for example, the costly covering of steel columns with fire resisting material, which in most cases is not necessary. A careful assessment of possible risks must be made, available means to reduce these must be adopted, and the potential losses in case of fire must be taken into account. The article is completed with a brief commentary on the new Italian Regulations, which are probably the most modern and advanced on this matter.El autor expone en este trabajo, en forma breve y llamativa, las bases en que conviene apoyarse para poder resolver racionalmente el problema de la seguridad de las estructuras de acero frente al fuego. Su lectura hace comprender claramente que no puede constituir esta base el temor irreflexivo, con sus secuelas de revestimientos y precauciones onerosos, e innecesarios la mayor parte de las veces, sino la ponderación prudente de los riesgos posibles, de los medios disponibles para combatir el peligro y de los daños probables que del incendio se puedan derivar. Termina el artículo con un rápido comentario del nuevo Reglamento italiano, probablemente el más moderno y avanzado de todos los existentes sobre esta materia de protección contra el fuego.

  3. Ti{sub 3}CrCu{sub 4}: A possible 2-D ferromagnetic spin fluctuating system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dhar, S. K.; Kulkarni, R.; Goyal, Neeraj [Department of Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, T.I.F.R., Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai, 400005 (India); Provino, A.; Manfrinetti, P. [Department of Chemistry, University of Genova, Via Dodecaneso 31, 16146 Genova (Italy); Paudyal, D. [The Ames Laboratory, US Department of Energy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3020 (United States)


    Ti{sub 3}CrCu{sub 4} is a new ternary compound which crystallizes in the tetragonal Ti{sub 3}Pd{sub 5} structure type. The Cr atoms form square nets in the a-b plane (a = 3.124 Å) which are separated by an unusually large distance c = 11.228 Å along the tetragonal axis, thus forming a -2-D Cr-sublattice. The paramagnetic susceptibility is characterized by a low effective moment, μ{sub eff} = 1.1 μ{sub B}, a low paramagnetic Curie temperature θ{sub P} (below 7 K) and a temperature independent χ{sub 0} = 6.7 x 10{sup −4} emu/mol. The magnetization at 1.8 K increases rapidly with field nearly saturating to 0.2 μ{sub B}/f.u. The zero field heat capacity C/T shows an upturn below 7 K (∼190 mJ/mol K{sup 2} at ∼0.1K) which is suppressed in applied magnetic fields and interpreted as suggesting the presence of spin fluctuations. The resistivity at low temperatures shows non-Fermi liquid behavior. Overall, the experimental data thus reveal an unusual magnetic state in Ti{sub 3}CrCu{sub 4}, which likely has its origin in the layered nature of the Cr sub-lattice and ferromagnetic spin fluctuations. Density functional theoretical calculations reveal a sharp Cr density of states peak just above the Fermi level, indicating the propensity of Ti{sub 3}CrCu{sub 4} to become magnetic.

  4. Study of the V{sup 51} (p,n)Cr{sup 51} reaction and the energy levels in Cr{sup 51}; Etude de la reaction {sup 51}V (p,n){sup 51}Cr et contribution a la spectroscopie de {sup 51}Cr

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cassacnou, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Neutrons and gamma rays from the reaction {sup 51}V(p,n){sup 51}Cr have been studied between 2.3 and 5.1 MeV Energy levels of {sup 51}Cr at 0.75, 1.15, 1.35, 1.47 and 1.56 MeV and unresolved levels at 1.94, 2.4, 2.75 and 2.9 MeV are observed. The gamma ray cascades of the low-lying states of {sup 51}Cr up to 2.5 MeV excitation energy have been completely determined through coincidence measurements. From the cascade ratios and gamma ray yields, excitation functions for the {sup 51}V(p,n){sup 51}Cr reactions, leading to the five lowest levels of {sup 51}Cr have been obtained from reaction threshold to 4.6 MeV. The analysis of cross section fluctuations with good resolution shows they are due to the excitation of unresolved compound nucleus isolated resonances. From the decay scheme and an Hauser-Feshbach calculation of the {sup 51}V(p,n) excitation functions, spin assignments of 3/2{sup -}, or 5/2{sup -} (0.75 MeV), 7/2{sup -} (1.15 MeV), 3/2{sup -} (1.35 MeV), 5/2{sup -} (1.47 MeV) are proposed. (author) [French] La reaction {sup 51}V(p,n){sup 51}Cr a ete etudiee entre 2,3 et 5,1 MeV en detectant les neutrons et le rayonnement gamma de desexcitation des niveaux de {sup 51}Cr a 0,75, 1,15, 1,35, 1,47 et 1,56 MeV et de groupes non resolus de niveaux a 1,94, 2,4, 2,75 et 2,9 MeV. Des mesures de coincidence ont permis de determiner completement les desexcitations en cascade dans {sup 51}Cr jusqu'a 2,5 MeV et d'etablir, a partir des mesures de rayonnement gamma, les fonctions d'excitation des reactions {sup 51}V(p,n){sup 51}Cr formant les cinq premiers niveaux de {sup 51}Cr depuis le seuil jusqu'a 4,6 MeV. L'analyse en bonne resolution des fluctuations observees sur les sections efficaces montrent qu'elles sont dues a des resonances isolees du noyau compose non resolubles dans cette experience. Le schema de desexcitation de {sup 51}Cr et un calcul Hauser-Feshbach des fonctions d'excitation conduisent a proposer les spins suivants: 3/2{sup -} ou 5/2{sup -} pour le niveau

  5. Corrosión microbiológica en aceros de bajo carbono


    Medina-Custodio, O; Ortiz-Prado, A; Jacobo-Armendáriz, V.H.; Schouwenaars-Franssens, R


    La corrosión microbiológica es un tipo común de deterioro que afecta diversas industrias, una de ellas es la petrolera en la que se estiman que el 20% o 30% de fallas en las tuberías de trasporte de hidrocarburos es favorecida por microorganismos. Las reacciones químicas que sustentan éstos, generan transferencia de iones, lo que justifica el empleo de técnicas electroquímicas para su análisis. En este trabajo, se estudiaron probetas de acero de bajo carbono SAE 1018, sumergidas en un medio n...

  6. Recyclable magnetic photocatalysts of Fe2+/TiO2 hierarchical architecture with effective removal of Cr(VI) under UV light from water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, S.C.; Zhang, Y.X.; Pan, S.S.; Ding, H.L.; Li, G.H.


    Highlights: ► Fe 2+ /TiO 2 catalyst has a three-level hierarchical architecture. ► With a removal effectiveness of 99.3% at Cr(VI) concentration of 10 mg L −1 . ► Two-step reduction: TiO 2 photoreduces Fe 2+ to Fe and Fe reduces Cr(VI) to Cr(III). ► Hierarchical architecture serves as both photocatalytic reactor and absorbent. ► Fe 2+ /TiO 2 catalyst can be magnetically separated from wastewater and recycled. - Abstract: We report the synthesis and photocatalytic removal of Cr(VI) from water of hierarchical micro/nanostructured Fe 2+ /TiO 2 tubes. The TiO 2 tubes fabricated by a facile solvothermal approach show a three-level hierarchical architecture assembled from dense nanosheets nearly vertically standing on the surface of TiO 2 microtube. The nanosheets with a thickness of about 20 nm are composed of numerous TiO 2 nanocrystals with size in the range of 15–20 nm. Ferrous ions are doped into the hierarchical architecture by a reduction route. The Fe 2+ /TiO 2 catalyst demonstrates an effective removal of Cr(VI) from water under UV light and the removal effectiveness reaches 99.3% at the initial Cr(VI) concentration of 10 mg L −1 . The ferrous ion in the catalyst serves not as the photo-electron trap but as an intermedium of a two-step reduction. The TiO 2 photoreduces the Fe 2+ ions to Fe atoms firstly, then the Fe atoms reduce the Cr(VI) to Cr(III), and the later is removed by adsorption. The hierarchical architecture of the catalyst serves as a reactor for the photocatalytic reaction of Cr(VI) ions and an effective absorbent for the removal of Cr(III) ions. The catalyst can be easily magnetically separated from the wastewater after photocatalytic reaction and recycled after acid treatment.

  7. Precipitation Kinetics of Cr2N in High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    SHI Feng; WANG Li-jun; CUI Wen-fang; LIU Chun-ming


    The precipitation behavior of Cr2N during isothermal aging in the temperature range from 700℃to 950℃ in Fe-18Cr-12Mn-0.48N(in mass percent)high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel,including morphology and content of precipitate,was investigated using optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy,and transmission electron microscopy.The isothermal precipitation kinetics curve of Cr2N and the corresponding precipitation activation energy were obtained.The results show that Cr2N phase precipitates in a cellular way and its morphology is transformed from initial granular precipitates to lamellar ones in the cell with increasing aging time.The nose temperature of Cr2N precipitation is about 800℃,with a corresponding incubation period of 30 min,and the ceiling temperature of Cr2N precipitation is 950℃.The diffusion activation energy of Cr2N precipitation is 296 kJ/mol.

  8. Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Cr doped SnO{sub 2} nanoparticles stabilized with polyethylene glycol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Subramanyam, K.; Sreelekha, N. [Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati 517502 (India); Murali, G. [Department of BIN Fusion Technology and Department of Polymer-Nano Science and Technology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk (Korea, Republic of); Reddy, D. Amaranatha [Department of Chemistry and Chemical Institute for Functional Materials, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735 (Korea, Republic of); Vijayalakshmi, R.P., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati 517502 (India)


    Pure and Cr (1, 3, 5 and 7 at%) doped SnO{sub 2} nanoparticles were synthesized in aqueous solution by a simple chemical co-precipitation method using polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a stabilizing agent. The effect of Cr doping on the structural, optical and magnetic properties of SnO{sub 2} nanoparticles was investigated. EDAX spectra confirmed the presence of Sn, O and Cr in near stoichiometry. XRD patterns revealed that particles of all samples were crystallized in single phase rutile type tetragonal crystal structure (P4{sub 2}/mnm) of SnO{sub 2}. The peak positions with Cr concentration shifted to higher 2θ values. Lattice parameters were also decreased with increasing Cr concentration. TEM studies indicated that the particle size is in the range of 8–10 nm. The optical absorption studies indicated that the absorption edge shifted towards lower wavelengths with inclusion of Cr content. FTIR spectrum displays various bands that are due to fundamental overtones of PEG and O–Sn–O entities. Further it revealed that the undoped and as well as Cr doped SnO{sub 2} nanoparticles were capped by PEG. Magnetization measurements at room temperature revealed that all the doped samples were ferromagnetic in nature. Well defined strong room temperature ferromagnetic hysteresis loop was observed for 1% Cr doped SnO{sub 2} nanoparticles.

  9. Solid-state e.m.f. and calorimetric measurements on Cs2Cr2O7(I)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venugopal, V.; Iyer, V.S.; Agarwal, R.; Roy, K.N.; Prasad, R.; Sood, D.D.


    The standard molar Gibbs free energy of formation of Cs 2 Cr 2 O 7 (1) has been determined in the temperature range 797 to 874 K, using a solid-oxide-electrolyte galvanic cell. The melting and transition temperatures, molar enthalpies of fusion and of transition of the same caesium compound were determined in the temperature range 662 to 826 K, using a high temperature Calvet microcalorimeter. Results on the standard molar enthalpy of formation of Cs 2 Cr 2 O 7 at 298.15 K are in good agreement with those reported by other workers. (U.K.)

  10. Powder metallurgy Al-6Cr-2Fe-1Ti alloy prepared by melt atomisation and hot ultra-high pressure compaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dam, Karel, E-mail: [Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague 6 (Czech Republic); Vojtech, Dalibor; Prusa, Filip [Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague 6 (Czech Republic)


    Al--6Cr--2Fe--1Ti alloy was prepared by melt atomisation into rapidly solidified powder. The powder was compacted using uniaxial hot compression at an ultra-high pressure (6 GPa). The samples were pressed at 300, 400 and 500 Degree-Sign C. The structure, mechanical properties and thermal stability were examined and compared with those of the commercially available Al--12Si--1Cu--1Mg--1Ni casting alloy, which is considered thermally stable. It was shown that the hot compression at ultra-high pressure results in a compact and pore-free material with excellent mechanical properties. The elevated pressing temperatures were found to be effective at increasing the mechanical stability after applying the ultra-high pressure. The results of thermal stability testing revealed that the mechanical properties do not change significantly at high temperature, even after 100 h of annealing at 400 Degree-Sign C. In addition, the Al--6Cr--2Fe--1Ti alloy exhibited very good creep resistance. A comparison between the commercial Al--12Si--1Cu--1Mg--1Ni alloy and the powder metallurgy alloy shows that this alloy has significantly better mechanical properties and thermal stability.

  11. Recubrimientos de (ti,aln sobre acero aisi 4140 por sputtering reactivo

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    Full Text Available Empleando la técnica de Pulverización catódica con radiofrecuencia y magnetrón (Magnetron Sputtering RF, se prepararon películas de (Ti,AlN sobre sustratos de acero AISI 4140. Se utilizó un blanco formado con polvos metálicos de Ti y Al, con composición nominal 60% Ti y 40% Al (porcentaje en átomos y una razón de presiones parciales de nitrógeno - argón, PN2/PAr de 0,1 aproximadamente; la temperatura del sustrato se varió entre 260 y 330 ºC y el tiempo de deposición entre 2 y 4,5 horas para obtener películas con diferentes espesores. La composición química de las películas se determinó mediante la técnica de energía dispersada de rayos X (EDX, y su topografía mediante microscopía de fuerza atómica (AFM. Igualmente se midió micro dureza, y se determinó su comportamiento electroquímico mediante espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica EIS y ensayos TAFEL. Las películas obtenidas presentaron granos globulares, uniformes y de pequeño diámetro, con características electroquímicas de protección al sustrato frente a procesos de corrosión.

  12. Visible light CrO{sub 4}{sup 2-} reduction using the new CuAlO{sub 2}/CdS hetero-system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brahimi, R. [Centre of Research in Physical and Chemical Analysis (CRAPC), BP 248, RP 16004 Algiers (Algeria); Laboratory of Storage and Valorization of Renewable Energies, Faculty of Chemistry (USTHB), BP 32 16111 Algiers (Algeria); Bessekhouad, Y. [Laboratory of Storage and Valorization of Renewable Energies, Faculty of Chemistry (USTHB), BP 32 16111 Algiers (Algeria); National Veterinary High School, BP 16111 Algiers (Algeria); Nasrallah, N. [Laboratory of Storage and Valorization of Renewable Energies, Faculty of Chemistry (USTHB), BP 32 16111 Algiers (Algeria); Trari, M., E-mail: [Laboratory of Storage and Valorization of Renewable Energies, Faculty of Chemistry (USTHB), BP 32 16111 Algiers (Algeria)


    Graphical abstract: Pseudo-first order kinetic for CrO{sub 4}{sup 2-} photoreduction for various concentrations. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The work deals with the chromium reduction over CuAlO{sub 2}/CdS hetero-system. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The conduction band of CdS (-1.08 V) is more negative than the CrO{sub 4}{sup 2-}/Cr{sup 3+} level. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The sensitizer CuAlO{sub 2} has been synthesized by sol-gel. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The Cr(VI) reduction follows a pseudo first order kinetic with of salicylic acid. - Abstract: In this study, 64% of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) reduction from the initial concentration (10{sup -4} M) is reported under visible light using the (CuAlO{sub 2}/CdS) hetero-system. In this new hetero-system, low doped CuAlO{sub 2} delafossite, synthesized by sol-gel works as an electrons reservoir with a wide space charge region (440 nm). In this case, the electron transfer to chromate is mediated via the hexagonal CdS variety, whose conduction band level is at -1.08 V with respect to the saturated calomel electrode which is more negative than the CrO{sub 4}{sup 2-}/Cr{sup 3+} level. This high reduction rate is achieved under optimized pH and CuAlO{sub 2} percentage. Moreover, salicylic acid gives the best performance among hole scavengers and CuAlO{sub 2} approaches 100% photostability at pH 7.5. The photo-catalytic process follows a pseudo first order kinetic with a half life of 2 h. The reaction products are identified by UV-visible spectrophotometry and linear voltametry at a platinum rotating electrode. The results reveal the presence of Cr{sup 3+} after irradiation.

  13. Dielectric response and room temperature ferromagnetism in Cr doped anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (United States)

    Naseem, Swaleha; Khan, Wasi; Khan, Shakeel; Husain, Shahid; Ahmad, Abid


    In the present work, nanocrystalline samples of Ti1-xCrxO2 (x = 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08) were synthesized in anatase phase through simple and cost effective acid modified sol gel method. The influence of Cr doping on thermal, microstructural, electrical and magnetic properties was investigated in TiO2 host matrix. The surface morphology has revealed less agglomeration and considerable reduction in particle size in case of Cr doped TiO2 as compared to undoped TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs). Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) established high purity, appropriate stoichiometry and oxidation states of the compositions. The dielectric properties of the nanoparticles were altered by the doping concentration, applied frequency as well as temperature variation. The variation in dielectric constant (ε‧), dielectric loss (δ) and ac conductivity as a function of frequency and temperature at different doping concentration of Cr were interpreted in the light of Maxwell Wagner theory, space charge polarization mechanism and drift mobility of charge carriers. Both undoped and Cr doped TiO2 samples exhibit room temperature ferromagnetism (RTFM) that remarkably influenced by means of the Cr content. The significant enhancement in the magnetization was observed at 4% Cr doping. However, decrease in magnetization for higher doping signify antiferromagnetic interactions between Cr ions or superexchange mechanism. These results reveal that the oxygen vacancies play a crucial role to initiate the RTFM. Therefore, the present investigation suggests the potential applications of Cr doped TiO2 nanoparticles for spintronics application.

  14. Electronic, magnetic and thermal properties of Co{sub 2}Cr{sub x}Fe{sub 1−x}X (X=Al, Si) Heusler alloys: First-principles calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guezlane, M. [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Batna, 05000 Batna (Algeria); Baaziz, H., E-mail: [Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of M' sila, 28000 M' sila (Algeria); El Haj Hassan, F., E-mail: [Université Libanaise, Faculté des Sciences (I), Laboratoire de Physique et d’Electronique (LPE), Elhadath, Beirut (Lebanon); Charifi, Z. [Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of M' sila, 28000 M' sila (Algeria); Djaballah, Y. [Laboratoire d’étude Physico-Chimique des Matériaux, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Batna, Rue Chahid Boukhlouf, 05000 Batna (Algeria)


    Density functional theory (DFT) based on the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method is used to investigate the structural, electronic, magnetic and thermal properties of Co{sub 2}Cr{sub x}Fe{sub 1−x}X (X=Al, Si) full Heusler alloys, with L2{sub 1} structure. The structural properties and spin magnetic moments are investigated by the generalized gradient approximations (GGA) minimizing the total energy. For band structure calculations, GGA, the Engel–Vosko generalized gradient approximation (EVGGA) and modified Becke–Johnson (mBJ) schemes are used. Results of density of states (DOS) and band structures show that these alloys are half-metallic ferromagnets (HMFS). A regular-solution model has been used to investigate the thermodynamic stability of the compounds Co{sub 2}Cr{sub x}Fe{sub 1−x}X that indicates a phase miscibility gap. The thermal effects using the quasi-harmonic Debye model are investigated within the lattice vibrations. The temperature and pressure effects on the heat capacities, Debye temperatures and entropy are determined from the non-equilibrium Gibbs functions. - Highlights: • We present electronic, magnetic and thermal properties of Co{sub 2}Cr{sub x}Fe{sub 1−x}X (X=Al, Si) Heusler alloys. • The calculated phase diagram indicates a significant phase miscibility gap. • The computed band structures of ternary compounds using GGA, EVGGA and mBJ schemes indicate an indirect band gap (Γ-X) for the ternary compounds Co{sub 2}FeAl, Co{sub 2}CrAl, Co{sub 2}FeSi and Co{sub 2}CrSi while both alloys have a direct band gap. • The quasi-harmonic Debye model is successfully applied to determine the thermal properties.

  15. [Structure and luminescence properties of Ga2O3 : Cr3+ by Al doping]. (United States)

    Wang, Xian-Sheng; Wan, Min-Hua; Wang, Yin-Hai; Zhao, Hui; Hu, Zheng-Fa; Li, Hai-Ling


    The Al doping gallate phosphor (Ga(1-x)Al(x))2O3 : Cr3+ (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) was synthesized by a high temperature solid-state reaction method. The X-ray diffractions show that the phase of the phosphors remains to be Ga2 O3 structure with increase in the contents of Al3+ ion. Beside, the fact that the X-ray diffraction peak shifts towards big angles with increasing Al3+ ions content shows that Al3+ ions entered the Ga2 O3 lattice. The peaks of the excitation spectra located at 258, 300, 410 and 550 nm are attributed to the band to band transition of the matrix, charge transfer band transition, and 4A2 --> 4T1 and 4A2 --> 4T2 transition of Cr3+ ions, respectively. Those excitation spectrum peak positions show different degrees of blue shift with the increase in the Al3+ ions content. The blue shift of the first two peaks are due to the band gap energy of substrate and the electronegativity between Cr3+ ions and ligands increasing, respectively. The blue shift of the energy level transition of Cr3+ ion is attributed to crystal field strength increasing. The Cr3+ ion luminescence changes from a broadband emission to a narrow-band emission with Al3+ doping, because the emission of Cr3+ ion changed from 4 T2 --> 4A2 to 2E --> 4A2 transition with the crystal field change after Al3+ ions doping. The Al3+ ions doping improved the long afterglow luminescence properties of samples, and the sample showed a longer visible near infrared when Al3+ ions content reaches 0.5. The thermoluminescence curve shows the sample with suitable trap energy level, and this is also the cause of the long afterglow luminescence materials.

  16. Analytical description of the effects of melting practice and heat treatment on the creep properties of a 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Booker, M.K.


    2 1 / 4 Cr-1 Mo steel is used worldwide as an elevated-temperature structural material, particularly in steam generation systems. Since this material is often used at service temperatures up to 600 0 C, successful design requires a consideration of its creep properties. Unfortunately, the development of an analytical description of the creep behavior of 2 1 / 4 Cr-1 Mo steel is complicated by two phenomena. First, the creep strength of this material is quite sensitive to heat treatment. Second, this material tends to exhibit nonclassical creep under some conditions. In addition, especially in nuclear applications, the material used may be air-melted, vacuum-arc remelted (VAR), or electroslag remelted (ESR). Available creep data from air-melted, VAR, and ESR material have been analyzed. Heat treatments included both annealed and isothermally annealed, with and without a subsequent ''postweld'' heat treatment. It has been found that the elevated-temperature ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is a useful indicator of creep strength for a given heat of material regardless of melting practice or heat treatment. Meanwhile, the nonclassical creep behavior has been attributed to a change in creep mechanism which has been mathematically modeled

  17. Combined equilibrium and non-equilibrium phosphorus segregation to grain boundaries in a 2.25Cr1Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, S.-H.; Shen, D.-D.; Yuan, Z.-X.; Liu, J.; Xu, T.-D.; Weng, L.-Q.


    Grain boundary segregation of phosphorus in a P-doped 2.25Cr1Mo steel during ageing at 540 deg. C after quenching from 980 deg. C is examined by Auger electron spectroscopy. The segregation is a combined effect of equilibrium segregation and non-equilibrium segregation. The effect of phosphorus non-equilibrium segregation is to enhance the kinetics of its equilibrium segregation

  18. Ratio dependence of the visible light photocatalytic efficiency for Zn{sub 2}Ti{sub 0.9}Cr{sub y}Fe{sub [0.1-y]}O{sub 4}: Cr/Fe (0.02 < y < 0.08) photocatalyst synthesized by using a solid state reaction method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borse, P. H. [International Advanced Research Center for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, Hyderabad (India); Cho, C. R. [Pusan National University, Miryang (Korea, Republic of); Lim, K. T. [Pukyong National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Y. J.; Bae, J. S.; Jeong, E. D.; Kim, H. G. [Korea Basic Science Institute, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    We synthesized four different photocatalyst systems of Zn{sub 2}TiO{sub 4}, Zn{sub 2}Ti{sub 1-x}Fe{sub x}O{sub 4}, Zn{sub 2}Ti{sub 1-x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 4} (0 {<=} x < 0.8) and Zn{sub 2}Ti{sub 0.9}Cr{sub y}Fe{sub [0.1]-y}O{sub 4} (0.02 < y < 0.08) by using a solid state reaction method. For the first time, the UV-active photocatalyst Zn{sub 2}TiO{sub 4} was converted to a visible light active material by controlled doping/co-doping with Cr and Fe metal-ions at Ti substitutional sites, and investigated the structural, optical and photocatalytic water decomposition properties of that materials. The co-doping induces strong absorption bands (at {lambda} {approx} 480 nm and {lambda} {approx} 620 nm) within the Zn{sub 2}TiO{sub 4} band gap. The optimum system of Zn{sub 2}Ti{sub 0.9}Cr{sub 0.05}Fe{sub 0.05}O{sub 4} yielded maximum H{sub 2} generation. In contrast to the visible light inactivity of Fe- and Cr-doped Zn{sub 2}TiO{sub 4}, the H{sub 2} production from co-doped samples under visible light irradiation increased till the optimum 'y' value. Consequently, here exists an optimal co-dopant concentration for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible light ({lambda} {>=} 420 nm).

  19. Crystallochemical features of solid solutions based on Ga/sub 2/3/Cr/sub 2/S/sub 4/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Titov, V.V.; Kesler, Ya.A.; Gordeev, I.V.; Stupnikov, V.A.


    Ga/sub 2/3/Cr/sub 2/S/sub 4/ shows a rare type of phase transition where increases in temperature and pressure produce the disordered modification. A source of disordering can be isomorphous substitution in the tetrahedral sublattice. The authors therefore made and examined solid solutions of Ga/sub (2/3-2x/3)/M/sub x/(Cr/sub 2/)S/sub 4/ type, where M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. Specimens containing Fe and show a quasi-continuous solid-solution series, where the Fe system obeys Vegard's rule. Specimens containing nickel show a narrow ordering range. The most interesting results have been obtained for specimens containing copper. Cu/sub x/Ga/sub 2/3(1-x)/Cr/sub 2/S/sub 4/ specimens show a transition from a structure ordered on the tetrahedral positions, symmetry F/anti/43m, to the normal-spinel structure, Fd3m.

  20. Facile route for synthesis of mesoporous Cr2O3 sheet as anode materials for Li-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, Zhiqin; Qin, Mingli; Jia, Baorui; Zhang, Lin; Wan, Qi; Wang, Mingshan; Volinsky, Alex A.; Qu, Xuanhui


    Mesoporous Cr 2 O 3 with a high specific surface area of 162 m 2 g −1 is prepared by the solution combustion method. The mesoporous Cr 2 O 3 has a sheet structure, which consists of nanoparticles with an average size of 20 nm. As an anode electrode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, the mesoporous Cr 2 O 3 nanoparticles display enhanced electrochemical performance. Stable and reversible capacity of 480 mA h g −1 after 55 cycles is demonstrated. The enhanced electrochemical performance of the Cr 2 O 3 can be attributed to the high surface area and morphological characteristics of mesoporous materials

  1. 1-ethyl gallate-2-substituted phenoxymethyl benzimidazoles: synthesis, molecular structure, antimicrobial activities and complex with cr(iii)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, L.; Wu, J.; Wu, J.; Wang, Z.; Gu, H.


    The design of gallate and benzimidazole containing derivatives is expected to produce new bioactive molecules with multiple applications. Here the synthesis of eight novel benzimidazole compounds containing ethyl gallate and substituted phenoxymethyl units are reported. Firstly, the ring closure reaction between o-phenylendiamine and substituted phenoxyacetic acids resulted in 2-substituted phenoxymethyl benzimidazoles that were then modified by the N-hydroxyethylation with 2-chloroethyl alcohol under a phase transfer catalysis condition. The obtained 1-hydroxyethyl-2-substituted phenoxymethyl benzimidazoles were finally translated into the target title compounds 8a-h by an indirect esterification method in which three O-H groups of gallic acid were first protected by acetyls and deprotected after the esterification reaction by adding hydrazine hydrate. The structures of the title products 8a-h were fully characterized and confirmed by elemental analysis, MS, IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. Antimicrobial tests by inhibition zones indicated that these compounds exhibited diverse inhibitory effects against the test bacteria and fungi, and the type and position of the substituent groups in the phenoxymethyl moieties had obvious influence on their antimicrobial activities. Furthermore, the Cr(III) complex of 8h was synthesized, and various spectral, elemental and thermal analysis results confirmed that the central Cr(III) atom coordinated with adjacent hydroxyl groups of two 8h ligands, nitrate and H2O, respectively. (author)



    Aperador, Willian; Mejía, Aura S; Caicedo, Julio


    Se depositaron películas delgadas de nitruro de titanio/nitruro de zirconio sobre acero AISI 4140 mediante un sistema multi-blanco magnetrón pulverización (sputtering) con radiofrecuencia. El proceso se desarrolló bajo el sistema de rotación del sustrato que permitió situar el sustrato de frente a los blancos de titanio y zirconio, generando la super-red con periodos de 1, 50, 100 y 200 bicapas. Las multicapas fueron evaluadas frente a la sinergia corrosión-erosión en una solución compuesta p...

  3. Ecuaciones constitutivas de la fluencia en caliente de aceros microaleados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cabrera, J. M.


    Full Text Available Over centuries, the hot forming has been employed to provide shape to metáis. Nowadays, the deformation at high temperatures gives also the required final mechanical properties. From this point of view, the obtention of a constitutive equation describing the hot flow behaviour of microalloyed steels in particular is a very important task. The main difficulty in modelling the high temperature flow arises from the simultaneity of two opposite phenomena, namely, work hardening and dynamic softening due to recovery and recrystallization. In this is work a review of constitutive equations (including the effect of the chemical composition describing the flow behaviour of microalloyed steels deformed under high temperature conditions.

    Durante siglos el conformado en caliente se ha utilizado para proporcionar a los metales la forma deseada. Hoy en día la deformación en caliente no sólo genera la geometría deseada sino las características mecánicas requeridas. Así, la obtención de una ecuación constitutiva para la fluencia en caliente de un acero en particular, es una tarea ineludible para efectuar simulaciones por ordenador de procesos industriales. La complicación de la modelización de la fluencia a alta temperatura proviene de la simultaneidad de dos fenómenos contrapuestos durante la deformación, a saber, endurecimiento por deformación y ablandamiento por recuperación de la estructura. Este último a su vez puede constar de restauración y recristalización dinámicas. En este trabajo se revisan y plantean las ecuaciones constitutivas que describen las curvas de fluencia bajo condiciones de deformación en caliente, y se presenta una aplicación de las mismas a aceros microaleados.

  4. Substitution of modified 9 Cr-1 Mo steel for austentic stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sikka, V.K.


    This report describes the current program to develop a high-strength ferritic-martensitic steel. The alloy is essentially Fe-9% Cr-1% Mo with small additions of V and Nb and is known as modifed 9 Cr-1 Mo steel. Its elevated-temperature properties and design allowable stresses match those of type 304 stainless steel for temperatures up to 600 0 C and exceed those of other ferritic steels by factors of 2 to 3. The improved strength of this alloy permits its use in place of stainless steels for many applications

  5. Characterization of Cr-rich Cr-Sb multilayer films: Syntheses of a new metastable phase using modulated elemental reactants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regus, Matthias; Mankovsky, Sergiy; Polesya, Svitlana; Kuhn, Gerhard; Ditto, Jeffrey; Schürmann, Ulrich; Jacquot, Alexandre; Bartholomé, Kilian; Näther, Christian; Winkler, Markus; König, Jan D.; Böttner, Harald; Kienle, Lorenz; Johnson, David C.; Ebert, Hubert; Bensch, Wolfgang


    The new metastable compound Cr 1+x Sb with x up to 0.6 has been prepared via a thin film approach using modulated elemental reactants and investigated by in-situ X-ray reflectivity, X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, energy dispersive X-ray analysis as well as transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The new Cr-rich antimonide crystallizes in a structure related to the Ni 2 In-type structure, where the crystallographic position (1/3, 2/3, 3/4) is partially occupied by excess Cr. The elemental layers of the pristine material interdiffused significantly before Cr 1+x Sb crystallized. A change in the activation energy was observed for the diffusion process when crystal growth starts. First-principles electronic structure calculations provide insight into the structural stability, magnetic properties and resistivity of Cr 1+x Sb. - Graphical abstract: 1 amorphous multilayered film 2 interdiffused amorphous film 3 metastable crystalline phase 4 thermodynamic stable phase (and by-product). - Highlights: • Interdiffusion of amorphous Cr and Sb occurs before crystallization. • Crystallization of a new metastable phase Cr 1.6 Sb in Ni 2 In-type structure. • The new Cr-rich phase shows half-metallic behavior

  6. Annealing effect on the structural and optical properties of Cr/α-Cr2O3 monodispersed particles based solar absorbers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khamlich, S.; McCrindle, R.; Nuru, Z.Y.; Cingo, N.; Maaza, M.


    Graphical abstract: A cost-effective and environmentally friendly green chemical method, the so-called aqueous chemical growth (ACG) method, was used to deposit chromium/alpha-chromium(III) oxide, Cr/α-Cr 2 O 3 , monodispersed particles, for solar absorbers applications. Highlights: ► Cr/α-Cr 2 O 3 have been deposited by the aqueous chemical growth (ACG) method. ► High temperature annealing affects the optical selectivity of the deposited particles. ► Oxygen diffusion to the interface at high temperature results in the oxidization of the substrate. - Abstract: A cost-effective and environmentally friendly green chemical method, the so-called aqueous chemical growth (ACG) method, was used to deposit chromium/alpha-chromium(III) oxide, Cr/α-Cr 2 O 3 , monodispersed particles, for solar absorbers applications. The deposited particles were annealed at various temperatures in a hydrogen atmosphere for 2 h to study the annealing temperature dependence of the structural, chemical and optical properties of the particles grown on tantalum substrates. The deposited Cr/α-Cr 2 O 3 was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), attenuated total reflection (ATR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and diffuse reflectance UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy. The XRD and ATR analysis indicated that by increasing annealing temperature, the particles crystallinity was improved and Ta 2 O 5 was formed around 600 °C, due to the fast oxygen diffusion from the deposited α-Cr 2 O 3 toward the tantalum substrate. The optical measurements show that samples annealed at 400 and 500 °C exhibit the targeted high absorbing optical characteristics of “Black chrome”, while those annealed below 400 °C and above 500 °C show a significant low absorptivity and high emissivity.

  7. Biochemical and single-molecule analyses of the RNA silencing suppressing activity of CrPV-1A. (United States)

    Watanabe, Mariko; Iwakawa, Hiro-Oki; Tadakuma, Hisashi; Tomari, Yukihide


    Viruses often encode viral silencing suppressors (VSSs) to counteract the hosts' RNA silencing activity. The cricket paralysis virus 1A protein (CrPV-1A) is a unique VSS that binds to a specific Argonaute protein (Ago)-the core of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC)-in insects to suppress its target cleavage reaction. However, the precise molecular mechanism of CrPV-1A action remains unclear. Here we utilized biochemical and single-molecule imaging approaches to analyze the effect of CrPV-1A during target recognition and cleavage by Drosophila Ago2-RISC. Our results suggest that CrPV-1A obstructs the initial target searching by Ago2-RISC via base pairing in the seed region. The combination of biochemistry and single-molecule imaging may help to pave the way for mechanistic understanding of VSSs with diverse functions. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  8. Synthesis of LiMn2O4 and LiCr0.2Mn1.8O4 powders by modified Pechini process

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    Alexandre Urbano


    Full Text Available LiMn2O4 and LiCr0.2Mn1.8O4 powders were synthesized by Pechini process, modified in order to reduce the number of steps and to work at temperatures below or equal to 400oC. Both phases crystallize in the same spinel structure with lattice constants of 8.21 and 8.22 Å respectively. Although the annealing temperature was low, the cristallinity is good and no residual amounts of organic material were detected.

  9. cis-Thioindigo (TI) - a new ligand with accessible radical anion and dianion states. Strong magnetic coupling in the {[TI-(μ2-O),(μ-O)]Cp*Cr}2 dimers. (United States)

    Konarev, Dmitri V; Khasanov, Salavat S; Shestakov, Alexander F; Fatalov, Alexey M; Batov, Mikhail S; Otsuka, Akihiro; Yamochi, Hideki; Kitagawa, Hiroshi; Lyubovskaya, Rimma N


    Reaction of decamethylchromocene (Cp* 2 Cr) with thioindigo (TI) yields a coordination complex {[TI-(μ 2 -O), (μ-O)]Cp*Cr} 2 ·C 6 H 14 (1) in which one Cp* ligand in Cp* 2 Cr is substituted by TI. TI adopts cis-conformation in 1 allowing the coordination of both carbonyl groups to chromium. Additionally, one oxygen atom of TI becomes a μ 2 -bridge for two chromium atoms to form {[TI-(μ 2 -O), (μ-O)]Cp*Cr} 2 dimers with a CrCr distance of 3.12 Å. According to magnetic data, diamagnetic TI 2- dianions and two Cr 3+ atoms with a high S = 3/2 spin state are present in a dimer allowing strong antiferromagnetic coupling between two Cr 3+ spins with an exchange interaction of -35.4 K and the decrease of molar magnetic susceptibility below 140 K. Paramagnetic TI˙ - radical anions with the S = 1/2 spin state have also been obtained and studied in crystalline {cryptand[2,2,2](Na + )}(TI˙ - ) (2) salt showing that both radical anion and dianion states are accessible for TI.

  10. 2nd Gen FeCrAl ODS Alloy Development For Accident-Tolerant Fuel Cladding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dryepondt, Sebastien N. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Massey, Caleb P. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Edmondson, Philip D. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Extensive research at ORNL aims at developing advanced low-Cr high strength FeCrAl alloys for accident tolerant fuel cladding. One task focuses on the fabrication of new low Cr oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) FeCrAl alloys. The first Fe-12Cr-5Al+Y2O3 (+ ZrO2 or TiO2) ODS alloys exhibited excellent tensile strength up to 800 C and good oxidation resistance in steam up to 1400 C, but very limited plastic deformation at temperature ranging from room to 800 C. To improve alloy ductility, several fabrication parameters were considered. New Fe-10-12Cr-6Al gas-atomized powders containing 0.15 to 0.5wt% Zr were procured and ball milled for 10h, 20h or 40h with Y2O3. The resulting powder was then extruded at temperature ranging from 900 to 1050 C. Decreasing the ball milling time or increasing the extrusion temperature changed the alloy grain size leading to lower strength but enhanced ductility. Small variations of the Cr, Zr, O and N content did not seem to significantly impact the alloy tensile properties, and, overall, the 2nd gen ODS FeCrAl alloys showed significantly better ductility than the 1st gen alloys. Tube fabrication needed for fuel cladding will require cold or warm working associated with softening heat treatments, work was therefore initiated to assess the effect of these fabrications steps on the alloy microstructure and properties. This report has been submitted as fulfillment of milestone M3FT 16OR020202091 titled, Report on 2nd Gen FeCrAl ODS Alloy Development for the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy, Advanced Fuel Campaign of the Fuel Cycle R&D program.

  11. Internal-bore-welding of 2 1/4 Cr--1 Mo steel tube-to-tubesheet joints

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moorhead, A.J.; Slaughter, G.M.


    In order to avoid the disadvantages of the conventional face-side tube-to-tubesheet weld, the steam generators for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (a power-producing demonstration LMFBR) will be built using a relatively new technique known as internal-bore-welding (IBW). In IBW the tube does not pass through the tubesheet but rather is welded to a short stub machined on the tube side of the tubesheet. This joint has the important advantages of being inspectable by radiography and eliminating the crevice; however, it is much more difficult to weld than is the face-side design. Because of the close proximity of the tubes, there is not room for an orbiting-arc welding head on the outside of the tube. Consequently, this weld must be made by welding from the inside- or bore-side of the tube. The results are presented of the initial phases of a program undertaken at ORNL to develop improved bore-side welding equipment, to gain further understanding of this technique, and to develop mechanical property data for autogeneous welds in 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel tube and tubesheet materials

  12. Efecto del contenido de azufre y del grado de desoxidación sobre la ductilidad en caliente de aceros inoxidables austeníticos resulfurados en estado de solidificación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Botella, J.


    Full Text Available The manufacture of free machining austenitic stainless steels features a specific drawback derived from their high sulphur content, which is needed for generating, into the austenitic matrix, inclusions to optimize the different machining operations. However, sulphur has a harmful effect on hot workability. This paper deals with assessing the effect of sulphur content and deoxidation level on the hot ductility of resulphurized austenitic stainless steels in as cast condition. Hot tensile tests were conducted on a Gleeble machine, at temperatures between 1,150 and 1,250°C, studying a ductility factor as a function of sulphur content, deoxidation degree, as well as type, size and distribution of sulfides. Results point out the harmful effect of increasing sulphur and oxygen contents on the hot workability of resulphurized austenitic stainless steels, and the need to control carefully the level of oxides of these steels.

    La fabricación de aceros inoxidables austeníticos de alta maquinabilidad presenta una problemática específica derivada de su elevado contenido de azufre; elemento necesario para generar en la matriz austenítica inclusiones que faciliten las diferentes operaciones de mecanizado, pero perjudicial en cuanto al deterioro que produce en la deformabilidad en caliente. Este artículo describe el estudio realizado para evaluar el efecto del contenido de azufre y el grado de desoxidación sobre la ductilidad en caliente de aceros inoxidables austeníticos resulfurados, partiendo de una estructura de solidificación (as cast condition. Se realizaron ensayos de tracción en un sistema Gleeble, a temperaturas entre 1.150 y 1.250°C, analizándose el parámetro de ductilidad en función del contenido de azufre, nivel de desoxidación, y del tipo, tamaño y distribución de los sulfuros presentes. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto el efecto perjudicial de los contenidos de azufre y oxígeno sobre la deformabilidad en

  13. Cr-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 for ultra-long data retention phase change memory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Qing; Xia, Yangyang; Zheng, Yonghui; Zhang, Qi; Liu, Bo; Song, Sannian; Cheng, Yan; Song, Zhitang; Feng, Songlin; Huo, Ruru


    Phase change memory is regarded as one of the most promising candidates for the next-generation non-volatile memory. Its storage medium, phase change material, has attracted continuous exploration. Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 (GST) is the most popular phase change material, but its thermal stability needs to be improved when used in some fields at high temperature (more than 120 °C). In this paper, we doped Cr atoms into GST and obtained Cr 10 (Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 ) 90 (labeled as Cr-GST) with high thermal stability. For Cr-GST film, the sheet resistance ratio between amorphous and crystalline states is high up to 3 orders of magnitude. The crystalline Cr-GST film inherits the phase structure of GST, with metastable face-centered cubic phase and/or stable hexagonal phase. The doped Cr atoms not only bond with other atoms but also help to improve the anti-oxidation property of Cr-GST. As for the amorphous thermal stability, the calculated temperature for 10-year-data-retention of Cr-GST film, based on the Arrhenius equation, is about 180 °C. The threshold current and threshold voltage of a cell based on Cr-GST are about 6 μA and 2.7 V. The cell could be operated by suitable voltages for more than 40 000 cycles. Thus, Cr-GST is proved to be a promising phase change material with ultra-long data retention

  14. Fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1 deficiency sensitizes mice to the behavioral changes induced by lipopolysaccharide

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    Kelley Keith W


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Interactions between fractalkine (CX3CL1 and fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1 regulate microglial activation in the CNS. Recent findings indicate that age-associated impairments in CX3CL1 and CX3CR1 are directly associated with exaggerated microglial activation and an impaired recovery from sickness behavior after peripheral injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which an acute LPS injection causes amplified and prolonged microglial activation and behavioral deficits in CX3CR1-deficient mice (CX3CR1-/-. Methods CX3CR1-/- mice or control heterozygote mice (CX3CR1+/- were injected with LPS (0.5 mg/kg i.p. or saline and behavior (i.e., sickness and depression-like behavior, microglial activation, and markers of tryptophan metabolism were determined. All data were analyzed using Statistical Analysis Systems General Linear Model procedures and were subjected to one-, two-, or three-way ANOVA to determine significant main effects and interactions. Results LPS injection caused a prolonged duration of social withdrawal in CX3CR1-/- mice compared to control mice. This extended social withdrawal was associated with enhanced mRNA expression of IL-1β, indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO and kynurenine monooxygenase (KMO in microglia 4 h after LPS. Moreover, elevated expression of IL-1β and CD14 was still detected in microglia of CX3CR1-/- mice 24 h after LPS. There was also increased turnover of tryptophan, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain 24 h after LPS, but these increases were independent of CX3CR1 expression. When submitted to the tail suspension test 48 and 72 h after LPS, an increased duration of immobility was evident only in CX3CR1-/- mice. This depression-like behavior in CX3CR1-/- mice was associated with a persistent activated microglial phenotype in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Conclusions Taken together, these data indicate that a deficiency of CX3CR1

  15. Fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) deficiency sensitizes mice to the behavioral changes induced by lipopolysaccharide (United States)


    Background Interactions between fractalkine (CX3CL1) and fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) regulate microglial activation in the CNS. Recent findings indicate that age-associated impairments in CX3CL1 and CX3CR1 are directly associated with exaggerated microglial activation and an impaired recovery from sickness behavior after peripheral injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which an acute LPS injection causes amplified and prolonged microglial activation and behavioral deficits in CX3CR1-deficient mice (CX3CR1-/-). Methods CX3CR1-/- mice or control heterozygote mice (CX3CR1+/-) were injected with LPS (0.5 mg/kg i.p.) or saline and behavior (i.e., sickness and depression-like behavior), microglial activation, and markers of tryptophan metabolism were determined. All data were analyzed using Statistical Analysis Systems General Linear Model procedures and were subjected to one-, two-, or three-way ANOVA to determine significant main effects and interactions. Results LPS injection caused a prolonged duration of social withdrawal in CX3CR1-/- mice compared to control mice. This extended social withdrawal was associated with enhanced mRNA expression of IL-1β, indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and kynurenine monooxygenase (KMO) in microglia 4 h after LPS. Moreover, elevated expression of IL-1β and CD14 was still detected in microglia of CX3CR1-/- mice 24 h after LPS. There was also increased turnover of tryptophan, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain 24 h after LPS, but these increases were independent of CX3CR1 expression. When submitted to the tail suspension test 48 and 72 h after LPS, an increased duration of immobility was evident only in CX3CR1-/- mice. This depression-like behavior in CX3CR1-/- mice was associated with a persistent activated microglial phenotype in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Conclusions Taken together, these data indicate that a deficiency of CX3CR1 is permissive to

  16. Producción de aceros al carbono en hornos de arco eléctrico en condiciones de mineral de manganeso.

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    E. E. Navas Medina


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye una segunda etapa de investigación relacionada con la producción de acero en hornos de arco eléctrico con revestimiento básico en condiciones de utilización de mineral de manganeso como sustituto del ferro-manganeso. En la investigación se caracteriza el acero producido utilizando el mineral de manganeso en dos variantes tecnológicas diferentes y se determinan parámetros importantes, tales como la estructura del acero obtenido, la influencia de la composición química y la temperatura en la reducción del Mn. Adicionalmente, se determina la composición química de la escoria, su basicidad e influencia en el aprovechamiento del Mn del mineral, así como, lo que significa la sustitución del FeMn en la problemática medioambiental. This present work constitutes the second stage of investigation in relation with the steel production by means of electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese ores as a substitute of the ferromanganese. In the investigation, the steel manufactured is analyzed the manganese ore in two different technological variants and some important parameters are determined such as: the chemical composition's structure of the steel, the influence of temperature in the reduction of Mn. Moreover, an analysis of the chemical composition of the slag and the influence in the environmental is realized.

  17. Effects of water vapor on protectiveness of Cr2O3 scale at 1073 K (United States)

    Arifin, S. K.; Hamid, M.; Berahim, A. N.; Ani, M. H.


    Fe-Cr alloy is commonly being used as boiler tube’s material. It is subjected to prolonged exposure to water vapor oxidation. The ability to withstand high temperature corrosion can normally be attributed to the formation of a dense and slow growing Cr-rich-oxide scale known as chromia, Cr2O3 scale. However, oxidation may limit the alloy’s service lifetime due to decreasing of its protectiveness capability. This paper is to presents an experimental study of thermo gravimetric and Fourier transform infrared analysis of Cr2O3 at 1073 K in dry and humid environment. Samples were used from commercially available Cr2O3 powder. It was cold-pressed into pellet shape of 12 mm diameter and 3 mm thick with hydraulic press for 40 min at 48 MPa. It then sintered at 1173 K in inert gas environment for 8 h. The samples are cooled and placed in 5 mm diameter platinum pan. It is subjected to reaction in dry and wet environment at 1073 K by applying 100%-Ar and Ar-5%H2 gas. Each reaction period is 48 h utilizing Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer, TGA to quantify the mass changes. After the reaction, the samples then characterized with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FT-IR and Field Emission Electron Scanning Microscopy, FE-SEM. The TGA result shows mass decreasing ratio of Cr2O3 in wet (PH2O = 9.5x105Pa) and dry environment is at a factor of 1.2 while parabolic rate at 1.4. FT-IR results confirmed that water vapor significantly broaden the peaks, thus promotes the volatilization of Cr2O3 in wet sample. FESEM shows mostly packed and intact in dry while in wet sample, slightly porous particle arrangement compare to dry. It is concluded that water vapor species decreased Cr2O3 protectiveness capability.

  18. Structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La{sub 0.7}Ca{sub 0.2}Sr{sub 0.1}Mn{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 3} compounds with x = 0, 0.05 and 0.1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dhahri, Ah., E-mail: [Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, BP 1171, Université de Sfax, 3000 (Tunisia); Jemmali, M. [Laboratoire des Sciences des Matériaux et de l’Environnement, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, BP 1171, Université de Sfax, 3000 (Tunisia); Taibi, K. [Département SDM, FGMGP/USTHB, 16311 (Algeria); Dhahri, E. [Laboratoire de Physique Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, BP 1171, Université de Sfax, 3000 (Tunisia); Hlil, E.K. [Institut Néel, CNRS et Université J. Fourier, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble (France)


    Highlights: • The samples crystallize in the rhombohedral structure with the R3{sup ¯}c space group. • Enhancement of T{sub C} for the rhombohedral samples. • The relative cooling power increases with Cr-doping. • All samples exhibit a large magnetocaloric effect. • High values of the magnetoresistance in all samples. - Abstract: Structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La{sub 0.7}Sr{sub 0.1}Ca{sub 0.2}Mn{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 3} compounds with x = 0, 0.05 and 0.1 have been investigated to shed light on Cr-doping influence. X-ray diffraction studies show that all samples crystallize in the rhombohedral symmetry with R3{sup ¯}c space group. Rietveld refinement structure shows that the insertion of Cr in Mn network modifies the structural parameters such as the volume, Mn–O–Mn angles and the Mn–O bond length. The substitution of Mn by Cr decreases the 2p-3d hybridization between O and Mn ions, reduces the bandwidth and increases the electron–phonon coupling. The investigation of magnetic and magnetocaloric properties reveals that the samples exhibit a paramagnetic(PM)–ferromagnetic (FM) transition with decreasing Curie temperature (T{sub C}) from 294 K to 255 K when Cr doping level increases. The magnetic entropy change (ΔS{sub M}{sup max}) also decreases from 6.20 J kg{sup −1} K{sup −1} for x = 0 to3.80 J kg{sup −1} K{sup −1} for x = 0.1, while the relative cooling power (RCP) increases from 234.5 to 240 J kg{sup −1}, respectively, under a magnetic field of 5 T. These outcomes suggest that Mn-site Cr doping inhibits the enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect in some perovskite manganites. This is explained by the weakening of the ferromagnetic double-exchange interaction between Mn{sup 3+} and Mn{sup 4+} ions.

  19. Empleo de la cáscara de arroz en la fundición de piezas de acero al carbono//Using of rice husk in the carbon steel casting parts process

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    Juan Carlos Cruz-Pérez


    Full Text Available Los materiales auxiliares desempeñan un papel importante en el aumento de la eficiencia tecnológica del proceso de fundición de piezas de acero al carbono. En este artículo se exponen los primeros resultados del empleo de la cáscara de arroz como material termoaislante en la obtención de piezas fundidas de acero al carbono. En los experimentos se evaluó la influencia  de seis combinaciones de las variables espesor de pared del casquillo y capa de cobertura. En la confección de los casquillos se utilizó cáscara de arroz triturada, la que posteriormente fue aglutinada con silicato de sodio, apisonada y endurecida con CO2, mientras que la cobertura se utilizó sin procesamiento previo. El mayor nivel de entrega de acero se obtuvo al emplear un espesor de casquillo de 65 mm y una altura de cobertura de 85 mm. El valor del ASAF generado por las variantes experimentales resultó igual o inferior a 0,48. Palabras claves: casquillo termoaislante, polvo de cobertura, cáscara de arroz, acero fundido.______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Feeding auxiliary materials perform a very important role in improves technological efficiency of carbon steel casting parts process. In this article are exposing the first results in the rice husk using as an insulating material in such process. The variables sleeve thickness and covering thickness’ influence were evaluated in six combinations by means of experiments. In sleeves preparation was used crushed rice husk, which was agglutinated with sodium silicate, compacted and hardened with CO2, meanwhile as covering it was uses without previous preparation. The mayor liquid steel delivering level was get employing 65 mm sleeve thickness and 85 mm covering thickness. The ASAF value generated for experimental variants was equal or inferior to 0.48. Key words: insulating sleeve, riser sleeve, hot topping, rice husk, steel cast.

  20. Neutral complexes as oxidants for the reduced form of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) [2Fe--2S] ferredoxin. Evidence for partial blocking by redox-inactive Cr(III) complexes. (United States)

    Adzamli, I K; Kim, H O; Sykes, A G


    The 1 : 1 reactions of three neutral Co(III) oxidants, Co(acac)3, Co(NH3)3(NO2)3 and Co(acac)2(NH3)(NO2), with reduced parsley (Petroselinum crispum) [2Fe--2S] ferredoxin (which carries a substantial negative charge), have been studied at 25 degrees C, pH 8.0 (Tris/HCl), I0.10 (NaCl). Whereas it has previously been demonstrated that with Co(NH3)6+ as oxidant the reaction if completely blocked by redox-inactive Cr(NH3)63+, the neutral oxidants are only partially blocked by this same complex. The effects of three Cr(III) complexes, Cr(NH3)63+%, Cr(en)33+ and (en)2Cr . mu(OH,O2CCH3) . CR(en)24+ have been investigated. Kinetic data for the response of 3+, neutral, as well as 1--oxidants to the presence of 3+ (and 4+) Cr(III) complexes can now be rationalized in terms of a single functional site on the protein for electron transfer. Electrostatics have a significant influence on association at this site. PMID:7115307

  1. Estudio de la resistencia a la abrasión de capas vitrocerámicas depositadas sobre acero

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    Gómez de Salazar, J. M.


    Full Text Available Wear test has been completed on two types of layered materials: a non-reinforced enamel plate and a ceramic reinforced enamel plate. The latter has been tested in two forms: with 10 wt. % and 20 wt. % ceramic particles reinforcement. For comparison the same test has also been completed on polished steel. Wear resistance was measure using a tribometer, equipped with a chromium steel sphere of 6 mm diameter. The sphere-plate surface contact area increases with distance covered, which in the polished steel provokes exponential increments in wear values. This exponential behaviour was not observed in the enamel plates due to their greater wear resistance. The reinforcement of the enamel plates with ceramic particles increases the wear resistance. A higher percentage of ceramic reinforcement results in a greater wear resistance of the plates.

    Se han realizado ensayos de desgaste, tanto en placas esmaltadas sin refuerzo como en esmaltes con distinto porcentaje de carga cerámica (10 y 20% en peso, y se han comparado frente al del acero base pulido. Las medidas de resistencia a la abrasión se han obtenido utilizado un tribómetro con bola de acero al cromo de 6 mm de diámetro. El aumento de la superficie de contacto bola-placa a medida que aumenta la distancia recorrida, provoca aumentos exponenciales en los desgastes en el caso del acero pulido. Sin embargo, en el caso de las chapas esmaltadas no se observa este comportamiento, debido a la mayor resistencia al desgaste de las mismas. Cuando las capas esmaltadas están reforzadas con cargas cerámicas, la resistencia al desgaste aumenta con el porcentaje de refuerzo cerámico.

  2. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Cr-doped spiral antiferromagnet BiMnFe{sub 2}O{sub 6}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Batuk, Dmitry, E-mail: [Electron Microscopy for Materials Research (EMAT), University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020, Antwerp (Belgium); De Dobbelaere, Christopher [Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Group, Hasselt University, Institute for Materials Research, Agoralaan Building D, B-3590, Diepenbeek (Belgium); Tsirlin, Alexander A. [National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, 12618, Tallinn (Estonia); Abakumov, Artem M. [Electron Microscopy for Materials Research (EMAT), University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020, Antwerp (Belgium); Hardy, An; Van Bael, Marlies K. [Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Group, Hasselt University, Institute for Materials Research, Agoralaan Building D, B-3590, Diepenbeek (Belgium); IMEC vzw, Division IMOMEC, Agoralaan Building D, B-3590, Diepenbeek (Belgium); Greenblatt, Martha [Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, New Jersey, 08854-8087 (United States); Hadermann, Joke [Electron Microscopy for Materials Research (EMAT), University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020, Antwerp (Belgium)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • The substitution of Cr for Mn in BiMnFe{sub 2}O{sub 6} is possible by the solution–gel method. • The BiCr{sub x}Mn{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 6} solid solution is obtained for the x values up to 0.3. • Increasing Cr content lowers the temperature of the antiferromagnetic ordering. - Abstract: We report the Cr{sup 3+} for Mn{sup 3+} substitution in the BiMnFe{sub 2}O{sub 6} structure. The BiCr{sub x}Mn{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 6} solid solution is obtained by the solution–gel synthesis technique for the x values up to 0.3. The crystal structure investigation using a combination of X-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy demonstrates that the compounds retain the parent BiMnFe{sub 2}O{sub 6} structure (for x = 0.3, a = 5.02010(6)Å, b = 7.06594(7)Å, c = 12.6174(1)Å, S.G. Pbcm, R{sub I} = 0.036, R{sub P} = 0.011) with only a slight decrease in the cell parameters associated with the Cr{sup 3+} for Mn{sup 3+} substitution. Magnetic susceptibility measurements suggest strong similarities in the magnetic behavior of BiCr{sub x}Mn{sub 1−x}Fe{sub 2}O{sub 6} (x = 0.2; 0.3) and parent BiMnFe{sub 2}O{sub 6}. Only T{sub N} slightly decreases upon Cr doping that indicates a very subtle influence of Cr{sup 3+} cations on the magnetic properties at the available substitution rates.

  3. Elasto-plastic hardening models adjustment to ferritic, austenitic and austenoferritic Rebar; Ajuste de los aceros corrugados ferríticos, austeníticos y austenoferríticos a los modelos de endurecimiento elastoplástico por deformación

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hortigóna, B.; Gallardo, J.M.; Nieto-García, E.J.; López, J.A.


    The elastoplastic behaviour of steel used for structural member fabrication has received attention to facilitate a mechanical-resistant design. New Zealand and South African standards have adopted various theoretical approaches to describe such behaviour in stainless steels. With respect to the building industry, describing the tensile behaviour of steel rebar used to produce reinforced concrete structures is of interest. Differences compared with the homogenous material described in the above mentioned standards and related literatures are discussed in this paper. Specifically, the presence of ribs and the TEMPCORE® technology used to produce carbon steel rebar may alter the elastoplastic model. Carbon steel rebar is shown to fit a Hollomon model giving hardening exponent values on the order of 0.17. Austenitic stainless steel rebar behaviour is better described using a modified Rasmussen model with a free fitted exponent of 6. Duplex stainless steel shows a poor fit to any previous model. [Spanish] Uno de los principales factores tenidos en cuenta en la fabricación de aceros estructurales es su comportamiento durante la fase elastoplástica o de endurecimiento por deformación. Normas neozelandesas y sudafricanas plantean diversas aproximaciones teóricas para describir dicho comportamiento en el caso de los aceros inoxidables. En el campo de la construcción resulta de interés la descripción del comportamiento tenso-deformacional de los aceros corrugados utilizados en las estructuras de hormigón armado. En este artículo se discuten los modelos planteados en las normas citadas anteriormente así como los existentes en la literatura tanto para los aceros corrugados inoxidables como para los aceros al carbono fabricados mediante el proceso denominado TEMPCORE® Los aceros TEMPCORE® analizados arrojan un valor del exponente de endurecimiento por deformación según el modelo de Hollomon de 0.17. Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos se ajustan mejor al modelo

  4. Photocatalysis of Hg2+ y Cr6+ in waste waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franco, Alexander; Ortiz, Natalia; Mejia, Gloria; Restrepo, Gloria; Penuela, Gustavo


    This work was carried out to propose a treatment for the elimination of Hg 2 + and Cr 6 + ions that are present in wastewaters of the CIA and ISA laboratories. These ions are present in waste waters because in these laboratories analysis of chemical oxygen demand (COD), are performed in which HgSO 4 and K 2 Cr 2 O 7 are used. COD is a parameter very important to evaluate. In this paper water pollution results of chemical reduction of Hg 2 + and Cr 6 + ions using photo catalysis are reported and the elimination of both ions by using an adsorbent

  5. Small water/steam leaks in sodium heated steam generators: Evaluation of the reaction zone - effects on 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo structural material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dumm, K.


    On the basis of experimental data the geometry of a small leak reaction zone can be predicted for given leak sizes and steam generator operation conditions. The effects of small leaks on 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo material have been studied and completed with test results from foreign investigators. The results have to be considered as preliminary ones which have to be further qualified by additional information. (author)

  6. Small water/steam leaks in sodium heated steam generators: Evaluation of the reaction zone - effects on 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo structural material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dumm, K


    On the basis of experimental data the geometry of a small leak reaction zone can be predicted for given leak sizes and steam generator operation conditions. The effects of small leaks on 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo material have been studied and completed with test results from foreign investigators. The results have to be considered as preliminary ones which have to be further qualified by additional information. (author)

  7. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of crystallographically aligned CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Esters, Marco [Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 (United States); Liebig, Andreas [Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg, 86159 Augsburg (Germany); Ditto, Jeffrey J.; Falmbigl, Matthias [Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 (United States); Albrecht, Manfred [Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg, 86159 Augsburg (Germany); Johnson, David C., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 (United States)


    We report the low temperature synthesis of highly textured CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} thin films using the modulated elemental reactant (MER) method. The structure of CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} is determined for the first time in its thin film form and exhibits cell parameters that are smaller than found in bulk CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4}. X-ray diffraction and precession electron diffraction show a strong degree of crystallographic alignment of the crystallites, where the <111> axis is oriented perpendicular to the substrate surface, while being rotationally disordered within the plane. Temperature and field dependent in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization measurements show that the film is ferromagnetic with a Curie temperature of 406 K CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} synthesized utilizing the MER method shows stronger magnetic anisotropy (effective anisotropy: 1.82 × 10{sup 6} erg cm{sup −3}; shape anisotropy: 1.07 × 10{sup 6} erg cm{sup −3}), with the easy axis lying out of plane, and a larger magnetic moment (6 μ{sub B}/f.u.) than bulk CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4}. - Highlights: • Crystallographically aligned, phase pure CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} were synthesized. • The degree of alignment decreases with annealing time. • The films are ferromagnetic with the easy axis along the <111> direction. • The magnetization is larger than bulk CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} or other CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} films made to date.

  8. Formation of CrSi[sub 2] studied by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tobbeche, S.; Benazzouz, C.; Boussaa, N.; Zilabdi, M. (Centre de Developpement des Techniques Nucleaires (CDTN), Algiers (Algeria)); Benouatas, A.; Bouabellou, A.; Halimi, R. (Constantine Univ. (Algeria))


    Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) is used to study the growth of Cr silicides formed by thin film reactions. Thin films of Cr were deposited on phosphorus-implanted silicon and unimplanted silicon substrates. Thermal annealing was subsequently carried out. The analysis has shown a growth of a CrSi[sub 2] phase and allowed the determination of formation kinetics. A retardation effect of the CrSi[sub 2] growth is observed in the case of the phosphorus-implanted silicon substrate. (Author).

  9. Fabricación aditiva mediante sinterizado láser de polvos de acero inoxidable martensítico AISI 420


    Vega Nava, Sergio


    Busqueda de los parámetros de fabricación adecuados y los tratamientos térmicos a realizar, con el fin de alcanzar durezas de 50 HRC y una adecuada porosidad, en el acero inoxidable AISI 420 obtenido mediante sinterizado láser.

  10. ThSi_2 type ytterbium disilicide and its analogues YbT_xSi_2_-_x (T = Cr, Fe, Co)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peter, Sebastian C.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.


    YbSi_2 and the derivatives YbT_xSi_2_-_x (T = Cr, Fe, Co) crystallizing in the α-ThSi_2 structure type were obtained as single crystals from reactions run in liquid indium. All silicides were investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, I4_1/amd space group and the lattice constants are: a = 3.9868(6) Aa and c = 13.541(3) Aa for YbSi_2, a = 4.0123(6) Aa and c = 13.542(3) Aa for YbCr_0_._2_7Si_1_._7_3, a = 4.0142(6) Aa and c = 13.830(3) Aa for YbCr_0_._7_1Si_1_._2_9, a = 4.0080(6) Aa and c = 13.751(3) Aa for YbFe_0_._3_4Si_1_._6_6, and a = 4.0036(6) Aa, c = 13.707(3) Aa for YbCo_0_._2_1Si_1_._7_9. YbSi_2 and YbT_xSi_2_-_x compounds are polar intermetallics with three-dimensional Si and M (T+Si) polyanion sub-networks, respectively, filled with ytterbium atoms. The degree of substitution of transition metal at the silicon site is signficant and leads to changes in the average bond lengths and bond angles substantially. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  11. Microstructural evaluation and non-destructive examination of 2.25 Cr--1 Mo steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Den Avyle, J.A.; Jones, W.B.; Gieske, J.H.


    Specimens of 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel were damaged to various levels by creep and combined creep-fatigue cycling at 886 0 K (1100 0 F) with hold periods. Ultrasonic shear wave velocity measurements were performed and showed small changes with large amounts of creep or fatigue damage; these changes were deemed too small for practical application. Measurements of magnetic properties were unsuccessful in following damage. Optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed on the samples. TEM observations showed that microstructural changes which occurred at 886 0 K (1100 0 F) did not occur homogeneously throughout the matrix; during creep, carbide spheroidization and coarsening began in widely separated regions, with an increasing fraction of the material undergoing the process with time. A precipitate was observed to form during fatigue which did not occur during simple aging or creep

  12. Microstructural evolution in 13Cr-8Ni-2.5Mo-2Al martensitic precipitation-hardened stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ping, D.H.; Ohnuma, M.; Hirakawa, Y.; Kadoya, Y.; Hono, K.


    The microstructure of 13Cr-8Ni-2.5Mo-2Al martensitic precipitation-hardened (PH) stainless steel has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy, three-dimensional atom probe and small-angle X-ray scattering. A high number density (∼10 23-25 m -3 ) of ultra-fine (1-6 nm) β-NiAl precipitates are formed during aging at 450-620 deg. C, which are spherical in shape and dispersed uniformly with perfect coherency with the matrix. As the annealing temperature increases, the size and concentration of the precipitates increase concurrently while the number density decreases. The Mo and Cr segregation to the precipitate-matrix interface has been detected and is suggested to suppress precipitate coarsening. In the sample aged for 500 h at 450 deg. C, the matrix decomposes into Cr-rich (α') and Cr-poor (α) regions. The decrease in the strength at higher temperature (above 550 deg. C) is attributed to the formation of larger carbides and reverted austenite

  13. Selective Oxidation of Glycerol with 3% H2O2 Catalyzed by LDH-Hosted Cr(III Complex

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    Gongde Wu


    Full Text Available A series of layered double hydroxides (LDHs –hosted sulphonato-salen Cr(III complexes were prepared and characterized by various physico-chemical measurements, such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD, transmission electron microscope (TEM, scanning electron microscope (SEM and elemental analysis. Additionally, their catalytic performances were investigated in the selective oxidation of glycerol (GLY using 3% H2O2 as an oxidant. It was found that all the LDH-hosted Cr(III complexes exhibited significantly enhanced catalytic performance compared to the homogeneous Cr(III complex. Additionally, it was worth mentioning that the metal composition of LDH plates played an important role in the catalytic performances of LDH-hosted Cr(III complex catalysts. Under the optimal reaction conditions, the highest GLY conversion reached 85.5% with 59.3% of the selectivity to 1,3-dihydroxyacetone (DHA. In addition, the catalytic activity remained after being recycled five times.

  14. Ferromagnetic-phase transition in the spinel-type CuCr2Te4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuyama, Takeshi; Awaka, Junji; Yamamoto, Hiroki; Ebisu, Shuji; Ito, Masakazu; Suzuki, Takashi; Nakama, Takao; Yagasaki, Katsuma; Nagata, Shoichi


    Ferromagnetic-phase transition in spinel-type CuCr 2 Te 4 has been clearly observed. CuCr 2 Te 4 is a telluride-spinel with the lattice constant a=11.134A, which has been synthesized successfully. The heat capacity exhibits a sharp peak due to the ferromagnetic-phase transition with the Curie temperature T C =326K. This value of T C corresponds exactly to that of the negative peak of dM/dT in low field of 1.0Oe. The magnetic susceptibility shows the Curie-Weiss behavior between 380 and 650K with the effective magnetic moment μ eff =4.14μ B /Cr-ion and the Weiss constant θ=+357K. The low temperature magnetization indicates the spin-wave excitations, where the existence of first term of Bloch T 3/2 law and the next T 5/2 term are verified experimentally. This spin-wave excitation is detected up to approximately 250K which is a fairly high temperature

  15. Oxidación a alta temperatura de un acero ASTM A335 P92 en contacto con una mezcla de sales de


    Jessica Rodríguez Pérez; Eduardo Santos Sánchez; Darío Yesid Peña Ballesteros; Anderson Sandoval Amador; Hugo Armando Estupiñán Durán


    En esta investigación se evaluó la oxidación del acero ASTM A335 P92 en una mezcla de sales 40% K2SO4 - 60% NaCl a temperaturas de 500ºC a 700ºC, a intervalos de 50°C con tiempos de exposición de 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 y 150 horas, utilizando la norma estandarizada por la Federación Europea de Corrosión. Se realizó análisis metalográfico y de dureza antes y después del ensayo para identificar el posible cambio estructural; se realizan pruebas de difracción de rayos X (DRX), microscopía electrónica...

  16. Toxic effect of Cr(VI) in presence of n-TiO2 and n-Al2O3 particles towards freshwater microalgae. (United States)

    Dalai, Swayamprava; Pakrashi, Sunandan; Bhuvaneshwari, M; Iswarya, V; Chandrasekaran, N; Mukherjee, Amitava


    The reactivity and toxicity of the soluble toxicants in the presence of the engineered nanomaterials is not well explored. In this study, the probable effects of TiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles (n-TiO2, n-Al2O3) on the toxicity of Cr(VI) were assessed with the dominant freshwater algae, Scenedesmus obliquus, in a low range of exposure concentrations (0.05, 0.5 and 1μg/mL). In the presence of 0.05μg/mL n-TiO2, the toxicity of Cr(VI) decreased considerably, which was presumably due to the Cr(VI) adsorption on the nanoparticle surface leading to its aggregation and precipitation. The elevated n-TiO2 concentrations (0.5 and 1μg/mL) did not significantly influence Cr(VI) bio-availability, and a dose dependent toxicity of Cr(VI) was observed. On the other hand, n-Al2O3 did not have any significant effect on the Cr(VI) toxicity. The microscopic observations presented additional information on the morphological changes of the algal cells in the presence of the binary toxicants. The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) suggested contribution of oxidative stress on toxicity and LDH release confirmed membrane permeability of algal cells upon stress. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Efeito do citrato e taurina em meio CR2aa no desenvolvimento de embriões bovinos fecundados in vitro Effect of citrate and taurine added to CR2aa medium on the development of in vitro-fertilized bovine embryos

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    L.S.A. Camargo


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o efeito do citrato em meio CR2aa suplementado com soro fetal bovino (SFB ou livre de proteínas séricas e sua associação com taurina no desenvolvimento de embriões bovinos fecundados in vitro. Embriões foram cultivados em CR2aa contendo 0, 0,5, 1,0 e 3,0mM citrato, suplementado com 10% SFB (experimento 1 ou com álcool polivinil (PVA; experimento 2. No terceiro experimento, embriões foram cultivados em meio com 0,5mM citrato, ou 7mM taurina, ou com a associação de ambos, suplementado com SFB. Os cultivos foram realizados com células do cumulus em ambiente a 38,8ºC com 5% de CO2 em ar atmosférico. Melhora no desenvolvimento embrionário foi observado no cultivo de embriões em CR2aa com 0,5 e 1,0mM citrato na ausência de SFB (P0,05 a produção de embriões ou o número de células. Citrato em meio CR2aa pode ser uma alternativa para cultivo embrionário em condições atmosféricas com 5% de CO2 em ar na ausência de proteína sérica.The effect of citrate added to CR2aa medium supplemented with fetal calf serum (FCS or serum-proteinfree and its association with taurine on the development of in vitro-fertilized bovine embryos was evaluated. Embryos were cultured with 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 3.0mM citrate, in CR2aa supplemented with 10% FCS (experiment 1, or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA; experiment 2. In experiment 3, embryos were cultured with 0.5mM citrate, 7.0mM taurine or with association of both, in medium supplemented with FCS. Embryo culture was performed with cumulus cells at 38.8ºC in 5% CO2 under air for all experiments. Positive effect on embryo development was only observed with 0.5 and 1.0mM citrate in FCS-free CR2aa (P0.05 embryo rate nor total cell number. Citrate in CR2aa medium can be an alternative for serumfree embryo culture under 5% CO2 in air, absence of serum protein.

  18. Evaluación de la susceptibilidad a la corrosión por picado del acero API 5L x42 expuesto a un ambiente con cloruros y CO2 mediante la técnica de ruido electroquímico

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    Rodríguez-Vanegas, N.


    Full Text Available The concentration of chloride ions and the partial pressure of CO2 play an important role in the degradation of low-carbon steels used for the construction of pipelines in oil and gas industry. In order to evaluate the susceptibility of carbon steel API 5L X42 to pitting corrosion electrochemical noise and linear polarization resistance measurements were carried out in aqueous solutions containing chloride ions and CO2. The concentration of chloride ions was varied between, 10000 and 18000 ppm, and the CO2 partial pressure between 10 psi and 18 psi. Experimental results pointed out that the formation of protective layer, consisting mainly of FeCO 3, depends on the partial pressure of CO2 in the system. Nevertheless, the stability of this layer was considerably affected by increasing the concentration of chloride ions causing that localized corrosion has taken place in some areas of the surface of API 5L X42, which were detected by electrochemical noise echnique.La concentración de iones cloruro y la presión parcial de CO2, tienen un papel importante en el proceso de degradación de los aceros de bajo carbono empleados en la construcción de líneas de transporte en industrias petroleras. Con el fin de evaluar la susceptibilidad del acero al carbono API 5L X42 a la corrosión por picado, se realizaron medidas de ruido electroquímico y resistencia a la polarización lineal en soluciones acuosas de iones cloruro con concentraciones entre 10.000 y 18.000 ppm, variando la presión parcial de CO2 entre 10 psi y 18 psi. Los resultados indican que la formación de una capa protectora, constituida principalmente por FeCO3, depende de la presión parcial de CO2 del sistema. No obstante, la estabilidad de dicha capa es afectada significativamente por el aumento de la concentración de iones cloruro, que producen fenómenos de corrosión localizada en algunas áreas de la superficie del acero API 5L X42, los cuales fueron detectados por la técnica de

  19. Elevated temperature creep and fatigue damage of a 2.25 Cr--1 Mo steel weldment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Den Avyle, J.A.


    In weldments between dissimilar metals wide variations occur in metallurgical structure and mechanical properties, so that for good structural design it is necessary to understand the mechanical response of individual microstructural segments of the weld. This study investigates elevated temperature properties of a 2.25 Cr--1 Mo ferritic steel base metal welded with Chromenar 382V (Inconel 82) filler metal. Creep and low-cycle fatigue tests at 866 0 K (1100 0 F) show the filler metal and heat affected zone to be much stronger than the base metal. Optical microscopy does not show significant aging effects in the short-term fatigue tests or creep tests of 1180 hour duration

  20. Estudio de electrodeposición de cobre sobre electrodos porosos de grafito y acero inoxidable vía SEM-DRX y análisis de imagen


    Constanzo-R., Robinson; Pagliero-N., Antonio; Vergara-G., Froilán


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativo de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el interior de electrodos porosos (EP) de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de laboratorio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme al i...

  1. Cr2O3 thin films grown at room temperature by low pressure laser chemical vapour deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sousa, P.M.; Silvestre, A.J.; Conde, O.


    Chromia (Cr 2 O 3 ) has been extensively explored for the purpose of developing widespread industrial applications, owing to the convergence of a variety of mechanical, physical and chemical properties in one single oxide material. Various methods have been used for large area synthesis of Cr 2 O 3 films. However, for selective area growth and growth on thermally sensitive materials, laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition (LCVD) can be applied advantageously. Here we report on the growth of single layers of pure Cr 2 O 3 onto sapphire substrates at room temperature by low pressure photolytic LCVD, using UV laser radiation and Cr(CO) 6 as chromium precursor. The feasibility of the LCVD technique to access selective area deposition of chromia thin films is demonstrated. Best results were obtained for a laser fluence of 120 mJ cm -2 and a partial pressure ratio of O 2 to Cr(CO) 6 of 1.0. Samples grown with these experimental parameters are polycrystalline and their microstructure is characterised by a high density of particles whose size follows a lognormal distribution. Deposition rates of 0.1 nm s -1 and mean particle sizes of 1.85 μm were measured for these films.

  2. Defect properties of CuCrO2: A density functional theory calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Zhi-Jie; Zhu Ji-Zhen; Zhou Jiang; Mo Man


    Using the first-principles methods, we study the formation energetics properties of intrinsic defects, and the charge doping properties of extrinsic defects in transparent conducting oxides CuCrO 2 . Intrinsic defects, some typical acceptor-type, and donor-type extrinsic defects in their relevant charge state are considered. By systematically calculating the formation energies and transition energy, the results of calculation show that, V Cu , O i , and O Cu are the relevant intrinsic defects in CuCrO 2 ; among these intrinsic defects, V Cu is the most efficient acceptor in CuCrO 2 . It is found that all the donor-type extrinsic defects have difficulty in inducing n-conductivity in CuCrO 2 because of their deep transition energy level. For all the acceptor-type extrinsic defects, substituting Mg for Cr is the most prominent doping acceptor with relative shallow transition energy levels in CuCrO 2 . Our calculation results are expected to be a guide for preparing promising n-type and p-type materials in CuCrO 2 . (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  3. Reproducibility over a 1-month period of 1H-MR spectroscopic imaging NAA/Cr ratios in clinically stable multiple sclerosis patients. (United States)

    Mostert, J P; Blaauw, Y; Koch, M W; Kuiper, A J; Hoogduin, J M; De Keyser, J


    N-acetylaspartate/creatine (NAA/Cr) ratios, assessed with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, are increasingly used as a surrogate marker for axonal dysfunction and degeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS). The purpose of this study was to test short-time reproducibility of NAA/Cr ratios in patients with clinically stable MS. In 35 MS patients we analysed NAA/Cr ratios obtained with (1)H-MR spectroscopic imaging at the centrum semiovale either with lateral ventricles partially included (group 1; n=15) or more cranially with no ventricles included (group 2; n=20). To test short-term reproducibility of the NAA/Cr measurements, patients were scanned twice 4 weeks apart. We determined mean NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr ratios of 12 grey matter and 24 white matter voxels. Mean NAA/Cr ratios of both the white and grey matter did not change after 4 weeks. Overall 4-week reproducibility of the NAA/Cr ratio, expressed as coefficient of variation, was 4.8% for grey matter and 3.5% for white matter. Reproducibility of cranial scanning of the ventricles was slightly better than with cerebrospinal fluid included. Our study shows good short-term reproducibility of NAA/Cr ratio measurements in the centrum semiovale, which supports the reliability of this technique for longitudinal studies.

  4. Mechanical properties and microstructure changes of low-activation 3Cr-2W-V-Ti ferritic steels developed for nuclear applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asakura, Kentaro; Kohyama, Akira; Yamada, Takemi.


    The effects of alloying elements such as Cr, W, V and Mn on tensile strength at elevated temperatures, creep-rupture properties and toughness of low activation (2.25-3)Cr-(2-2.5)W-V-Ti steels were investigated together with their microstructure change during high temperature exposure. These steels were normalized to produce bainitic structures in the same manner as that for a conventional 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. They presented superior tensile strength at elevated temperatures and creep-rupture strength in comparison with a conventional 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. The creep-rupture strength of the steels at 500degC for 100 000 h demonstrated about twice that of the conventional 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. The 3Cr-2.5W-0.2V-0.01Ti steel is recommended as a potential low activation ferritic steel for nuclear applications with well optimized mechanical properties, such as tensile strength at elevated temperatures, creep-rupture strength and toughness. The effects of alloying elements were discussed with correlating microstructural and mechanical aspects. (author)

  5. Monitoreo mediante EIS del acero embebido en un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente expuesto a carbonatación EIS monitoring of embedded steel in alkali activated concrete exposed to carbonation

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    Willian Aperador


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se utilizó la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS para evaluar la acción del dióxido de carbono sobre la corrosión de un acero estructural ASTM A 706 embebido en un concreto de escoria activado alcalinamente (AAS, el concreto AAS es una mezcla de escoria molida granulada, agregados finos y gruesos y solución alcalina (silicato de sodio en la cantidad requerida para la mezcla de concreto. El estudio se realizó comparativamente con especímenes expuestos a condiciones naturales con una baja concentración de CO2 (0,03% CO2. La carbonatación del concreto se obtuvo de forma acelerada bajo condiciones controladas (3% CO2, 65% de humedad relativa y 20°C de temperatura. Los datos de Impedancia fueron adquiridos en un rango de 1mHz hasta 100kHz. A las frecuencias altas se encontró la respuesta de la interfase medio de exposición-concreto y a frecuencias bajas la respuesta de la interfase correspondiente al concreto - acero. Mediante EIS se estableció la capacidad de lograr la pasivación del acero embebido en concreto AAS, en condiciones ambientales naturales y aceleradas.In this work the technique of impedance spectroscopy electrochemistry (EIS was used to evaluate the effects of carbon dioxide on the corrosion of ASTM A 706 structural steel embedded in concrete with alkali activated slag (AAS, AAS concrete is a mixture of ground granulated slag, fine and coarse aggregates and alkaline solution (sodium silicate in the amount required for the concrete mix. The study was conducted in comparison with specimens exposed to natural conditions with a low concentration of CO2 (0.03% CO2. The carbonation of the concrete was obtained through accelerated carbonation under controlled conditions (3% CO2, 65% of relative humidity and 20°C of temperature. The data of Impedance in the middle frequency region 1mHz - 100KHz. A high frequency response was found using the interface-specific exposure and low frequency

  6. Cr diffusion in MgAl2O4 synthetic spinels: preliminary results (United States)

    Freda, C.; Celata, B.; Andreozzi, G.; Perinelli, C.; Misiti, V.


    Chromian spinel is an accessory phase common in crustal and mantle rocks, including peridotites, gabbros and basalts. Spinel, it has been identified as one of the most effective, sensible, and versatile petrogenetic indicator in mafic and ultramafic rock systems due to the strict interdependence between its physico-chemical properties (chemical composition, cation configuration etc.) and genetic conditions (temperature, pressure, and chemical characteristics of the system). In particular, studies on intra- and inter-crystalline Mg-Fe2+, Cr-Al exchange demonstrated the close relationship between spinel composition and both degree of partial melting and equilibrium temperature of spinel-peridotites. Moreover, studies focused on the chemical zoning of Mg-Fe2+ and/or Cr-Al components in spinel have been used, combined with a diffusion model, to provide quantitative information on peridotites and gabbros pressure-temperature paths and on deformation mechanisms. Although these potentials, most of the experimental studies have been performed on spinels hosting a limited content of divalent iron (sensu stricto, MgAl2O4), whereas the scarce studies on Cr-Al inter-diffusion coefficient have been performed at 3-7 GPa as pressure boundary condition. In order to contribute to the understanding of processes occurring in the lithospheric mantle, we have initiated an experimental research project aiming at determining the Cr-Al inter-diffusion in spinel at 2 GPa pressure and temperature ranging from 1100 to 1250 °C. The experiments were performed in a end-loaded piston cylinder by using a 19 mm assembly and graphite-Pt double capsules. As starting materials we used synthetic Mg-Al spinel (200-300 μm in size) and Cr2O3 powder. Microanalyses of experimental charge were performed on polished carbon-coated mounts by electronic microprobe. Line elemental analyses were made perpendicular to the contact surface between Cr2O3 powder and spinel, at interval of 2 μm. By processing these

  7. Multiaxial fatigue criterion for 2-1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel for use in high-temperature structural design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blass, J.J.


    An improved multiaxial fatigue failure criterion is described that is based on a definition of equivalent inelastic strain range incorporating the shear and normal components of inelastic strain range on the planes of maximum inelastic shear strain range. Optimum values of certain parameters contained in the formulation were obtained by the method of least squares from the results of combined axial-torsional strain cycling test of 2--1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel conducted at 538 degrees C (1000 degrees F). The ability of this criterion to correlate the test results was compared with that of the Mises equivalent inelastic strain range criterion and was found to be superior. A procedure is described for calculating the required shear and normal components of strain range under general multiaxial strain cycling conditions. An improved definition of equivalent total strain range based on these considerations is directly applicable to the method of estimating fatigue damage in ASME Code Case N-47. 17 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab

  8. Reentrant behavior in Cr doped bilayer manganite LaSr{sub 2}Mn{sub 2}O{sub 7}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhatia, S.N., E-mail:; Mohapatra, Niharika


    Highlights: • The FM and the AFM states merge into each other thereby creating an inhomogeneous state. • Cr{sup 3+} creates ferromagnetic moments which behave like FM relaxors. • Electric conduction takes via hopping of small polaron and not by variable range hopping of these polarons. - Abstract: We have studied the effect of replacing Mn{sup 3+} by Cr{sup 3+} on the structure, transport and magnetism in the bilayered manganite LaSr{sub 2}Mn{sub 2}O{sub 7}. Although no structural transition was observed in LaSr{sub 2}Mn{sub 2−y}Cr{sub y}O{sub 7} (0.1 ≤ y ≤ 0.6), the electrical transport and the magnetic properties were found to be affected significantly by this substitution. Substitution of Cr{sup 3+} reduces the conductivity by restricting the hopping of small polarons. Magnetization increases with increasing Cr{sup 3+} concentration suggesting that Cr{sup 3+}-ions induce ferromagnetic moments. The ferromagnetic and an antiferromagnetic phase observed above ∼60 K merge into an inhomogeneous phase below this temperature. Thermopower yields an essentially concentration independent charge density nearly equal to its value for chromium free composition inspite of its expected decrease with this substitution suggesting that the small charge density of the insulating AFM phase is supplemented by the free carriers in the FM phase. The inhomogeneous phase shows a relaxor type behavior which contrasts with the spin glass behavior seen in La{sub 0.46}Sr{sub 0.54}Mn{sub 0.98}Cr{sub 0.02}O{sub 3} having an identical AFM magnetic state. The difference is attributed to the non-JT character of Cr-ions which reduce the distortion of the Mn−O octahedra located within the FM domains. With a higher lattice strain in the surrounding AFM matrix the carriers remain confined within the FM domains leading to the relaxor type behavior.

  9. K4Nb6O17·4.5H2O: A novel dual functional material with quick photoreduction of Cr(VI) and high adsorptive capacity of Cr(III)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, Yuli; Liu, Xiaoqing; Li, Yang; Su, Yiguo; Chai, Zhanli; Wang, Xiaojing


    Graphical abstract: A well crystalline K 4 Nb 6 O 17 ·4.5H 2 O with a wide layer spacing possesses an excellent disposal performance for chromium species of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) as well as the superior recyclability due to its high stability and convenient regeneration process. - Highlights: • A nano-sheet K 4 Nb 6 O 17 ·4.5H 2 O with a large layer spacing was synthesized. • K 4 Nb 6 O 17 ·4.5H 2 O showed a superior photoreduction of Cr(VI) in an acidic solution. • The sample showed a high adsorption capacity of Cr(III) in a near neutral solution. • K 4 Nb 6 O 17 ·4.5H 2 O regenerated conveniently by immersing in a KOH solution. • A complete removal of chromium species was retained after recycling five times. - Abstract: A series of orthorhombic phase K 4 Nb 6 O 17 ·4.5H 2 O was synthesized via a hydrothermal approach. When presented in an acidic pH range, K 4 Nb 6 O 17 ·4.5H 2 O showed a strong ability in quick reduction from Cr(VI) to Cr(III). The resulted Cr(III) ions were removed by an effective adsorption through simply adjusting the solution pH from strong acidity to near neutrality, owing to the sample's unique nano-sheet structure with a wide layer spacing. The Cr(III) ions adsorbed onto samples were released again for reusing by eluting with 1 mol L −1 HCl solution, and K 4 Nb 6 O 17 ·4.5H 2 O regenerated by immersing in a KOH solution. The reduction efficiency of Cr(VI) was still up to 98% after irradiation for 60 min, and the removal efficiency of Cr(III) ions was as high as 83% even after five cycles. Therefore, K 4 Nb 6 O 17 ·4.5H 2 O is clearly demonstrated to be an excellent dual functional material with quick photoreduction of Cr(VI) and high adsorptive capacity of Cr(III). The relevant materials reported herein might be found various environment-related applications

  10. Fingerprints of surface magnetism in Cr2O3 based exchange bias heterostructures (United States)

    He, Xi; Wang, Yi; Binek, Ch.


    Magnetoelectric materials experienced a recent revival as promising components of novel spintronic devices [1, 2, 3]. Since the magnetoelectric (ME) effect is relativistically small in traditional antiferromagnetic (AF) compounds like Cr2O3 (max. αzz 4ps/m) and also cross-coupling between ferroic order parameters is typically small in the modern multiferroics, it is a challenge to electrically induce sufficient magnetization required for the envisioned device applications. In exchange bias systems the bias field depends critically on the AF interface magnetization. Hence, a strong relation between the latter and the surface magnetization of the free Cr2O3 pinning layer can be expected. Our recent research indicates that there are surface magnetic phase transitions in free Cr2O3 (111) films accompanying surface structural phase transitions. Well defined AF interface magnetization is initialized through ME annealing to T=20K. Subsequently, the interface magnetization is thermally driven through phase transitions at T=120 and 210K. Their effects on the exchange bias are studied in Cr2O3 (111)/CoPt films with the help of polar Kerr and SQUID magnetometry. [1] P. Borisov et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 117203 (2005). [2] Ch. Binek, B.Doudin, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 17, L39 (2005). [3] R. Ramesh et al. 2007 Nature Materials 6 21. Financial support by NSF through Career DMR-0547887, MRSEC DMR-0820521 and the NRI.

  11. Separación selectiva de hierro y cromo de las lejías agotadas del decapado de acero inoxidable

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    Gálvez, J. L.


    Full Text Available Stainless steel spent pickling baths are very complex solutions of metals and acids (HNO3 and HF and are a very important environmental concern. Several processes have been developed for acid recovery (free and bounded acid with techniques like acid retardation, solvent extraction, evaporation and dialysis diffusion. In these processes, metallic content is precipitated and treated for its disposal. We have developed a process that permits the separation of metals by means of a selective precipitation, induced by adding free fluoride. Iron (Fe and chromium (Cr precipitate as pentafluorides and nitrogennickel (Ni remains in solution. After this stage, complex fluorides can be hydrolized with alkali to give iron and chromium hydroxides, releasing fluoride in solution

    Los baños ácidos agotados del decapado de acero inoxidable son disoluciones muy complejas debido al alto contenido de metales y ácidos (HNO3 y HF, por lo que constituyen un grave problema medioambiental. Existen tratamientos comerciales para la recuperación del ácido (libre o complejado que se basan en técnicas de retardo ácido, extracción con disolventes, evaporación o membranas. En estos procesos el contenido metálico es precipitado y tratado como un residuo. El grupo de investigación formado por los autores del presente trabajo ha desarrollado un procedimiento que permite el aprovechamiento de dichos metales mediante su recuperación selectiva con una técnica de precipitación modificada inducida por fluoruro libre. Se consigue la precipitación de hierro (Fe y cromo (Cr como pentafluoruros (pH 3-4,5 dejando el níquel en disolución. Posteriormente, los fluoruros complejos son hidrolizados con álcali dando lugar a hidróxidos de hierro y cromo, mientras que el fluoruro es redisuelto.

  12. Inverse Resistance Change Cr2Ge2Te6-Based PCRAM Enabling Ultralow-Energy Amorphization. (United States)

    Hatayama, Shogo; Sutou, Yuji; Shindo, Satoshi; Saito, Yuta; Song, Yun-Heub; Ando, Daisuke; Koike, Junichi


    Phase-change random access memory (PCRAM) has attracted much attention for next-generation nonvolatile memory that can replace flash memory and can be used for storage-class memory. Generally, PCRAM relies on the change in the electrical resistance of a phase-change material between high-resistance amorphous (reset) and low-resistance crystalline (set) states. Herein, we present an inverse resistance change PCRAM with Cr 2 Ge 2 Te 6 (CrGT) that shows a high-resistance crystalline reset state and a low-resistance amorphous set state. The inverse resistance change was found to be due to a drastic decrease in the carrier density upon crystallization, which causes a large increase in contact resistivity between CrGT and the electrode. The CrGT memory cell was demonstrated to show fast reversible resistance switching with a much lower operating energy for amorphization than a Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 memory cell. This low operating energy in CrGT should be due to a small programmed amorphous volume, which can be realized by a high-resistance crystalline matrix and a dominant contact resistance. Simultaneously, CrGT can break the trade-off relationship between the crystallization temperature and operating speed.

  13. Migration of CrSi2 nanocrystals through nanopipes in the silicon cap

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galkin, N.G.; Dozsa, L.; Chusovitin, E.A.; Pecz, B.; Dobos, L.


    CrSi 2 nanocrystals (NC) were grown by reactive deposition epitaxy of Cr at 550 deg. C. After deposition the Cr is localized in about 20-30 nm dots on the Si surface. The NCs were covered by silicon cap grown by molecular beam epitaxy at 700 deg. C. The redistribution of NCs in the silicon cap was investigated by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The NCs are partly localized at the deposition depth, and partly migrate near the surface. A new migration mechanism of the CrSi 2 NCs is observed, they are transferred from the bulk toward the surface through nanopipes formed in the silicon cap. The redistribution of CrSi 2 NCs strongly depends on Cr deposition rate and on the cap growth temperature.

  14. Silicon MIS diodes with Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanofilm: Optical, morphological/structural and electronic transport properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erdogan, Ibrahim Y. [Bingoel University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Chemistry, 12000- Bingoel (Turkey); Guellue, O., E-mail: [Batman University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Physics, 72060- Batman (Turkey)


    In this work we report the optical, morphological and structural characterization and diode application of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanofilms grown on p-Si substrates by spin coating and annealing process. X-ray diffraction (XRD), non-contact mode atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM), ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy were used for characterization of nanofilms. For Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanofilms, the average particle size determined from XRD and NC-AFM measurements was approximately 70 nm. Structure analyses of nanofilms demonstrate that the single phase Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} on silicon substrate is of high a crystalline structure with a dominant in hexagonal (1 1 0) orientation. The morphologic analysis of the films indicates that the films formed from hexagonal nanoparticles are with low roughness and uniform. UV-vis absorption measurements indicate that the band gap of the Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} film is 3.08 eV. The PL measurement shows that the Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanofilm has a strong and narrow ultraviolet emission, which facilitates potential applications in future photoelectric nanodevices. Au/Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}/p-Si metal/interlayer/semiconductor (MIS) diodes were fabricated for investigation of the electronic properties such as current-voltage and capacitance-voltage. Ideality factor and barrier height for Au//Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}/p-Si diode were calculated as 2.15 eV and 0.74 eV, respectively. Also, interfacial state properties of the MIS diode were determined. The interface-state density of the MIS diode was found to vary from 2.90 x 10{sup 13} eV{sup -1} cm{sup -2} to 8.45 x 10{sup 12} eV{sup -1} cm{sup -2}.

  15. El refractario en la fabricación de acero inoxidable

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferrer, F. J.


    Full Text Available The influence of the steelmaking process on the quality and the performance of refractory materials used on stainless steel production was described. The most important technical and design parameters of the processing units were explained and related with the slag chemical composition and the qualities of the refractories used.

    Se describe la influencia del proceso siderúrgico sobre el tipo y rendimiento del material refractario utilizado en la producción de acero inoxidable. Tras describir las distintas unidades implicadas en el proceso metalúrgico se hace especial énfasis en la importancia que ejercen el diseño de las distintas unidades y el tipo y control de la escoria sobre la calidad del tipo de refractario a utilizar.

  16. Propiedades mecánicas de las uniones por láser de aceros inoxidables dúplex

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    Amigó, V.


    Full Text Available The welded joints of stainless steels always present problems for the microstructural modifications that occur in the heat affected zone. Particularly, duplex stainless steels present very important changes when the weld pool solidifies forming fundamentally ferritic structures with some austenite in grain boundaries. These microstructural modifications, and those which occur in the HAZ, justify the mechanical properties of the joint and mainly those of plasticity, being all of them influenced by the processing conditions. In this work the influence of the laser welding speed on the tensile behaviour of duplex stainless steel welded joints is presented. The microstructure of the obtained seams and of the heat affected zone will be evaluated by means of optic and scanning electron microscopy. Also, different microhardness profiles have been obtained to evaluate the modifications in the mechanical properties both in the seam and the zone of thermal affection.

    Las uniones soldadas de aceros inoxidables siempre presentan problemas por las modificaciones microestructurales que suceden en la zona afectada por el calor. Particularmente, los aceros inoxidables dúplex presentan cambios microestructurales muy importantes al solidificar el cordón y formar estructuras, fundamentalmente ferríticas, con formación de austenita en borde de grano. Estas modificaciones microestructurales, junto a las que suceden en la ZAC, son las que justifican las propiedades mecánicas de la unión y fundamentalmente las de plasticidad. Y todo ello en función de las condiciones de procesado. En este trabajo se presenta la influencia de la velocidad de soldeo en las propiedades a tracción de uniones soldadas por láser de chapas de acero inoxidables dúplex. La microestructura de los cordones obtenidos y de la zona afectada por el calor se ha evaluado mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido, y se han obtenido diferentes perfiles de microdureza que

  17. X-ray study of rapidly cooled ribbons of Al-Cr-Zr and Al-Ni-Y-Cr-Zr alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Betsofen, S.Ya.; Osintsev, O.E.; Lutsenko, A.N.; Konkevich, V.Yu.


    One investigated into phase composition, lattice spacing and structure of rapidly cooled 25-200 μm gauge strips made of Al-4,1Cr-3,2Zr and Al-1,5Cr-1,5Zr-4Ni-3Y alloys, wt. %, produced by melt spinning to a water-cooled copper disk. In Al-4,1Cr-3,2Zr alloy one detected intermetallic phases: Al 3 Zr and two Al 86 Cr 14 composition icosahedral phases apart from aluminium solid solution with 4.040-4.043 A lattice spacing. In Al-1,5Cr-1,5Zr-4Ni-3Y alloy one identified two Al 86 Cr 14 icosahedral phases and two AlNiY and Al 3 Y yttrium-containing ones, lattice spacing of aluminium solid solution was equal to 4.052-4.053 A [ru

  18. Luminescence Characteristics of ZnGa2O4 Thick Film Doped with Mn2+ and Cr3+ at Various Sintering Temperatures (United States)

    Cha, Jae Hyeok; Kim, Kyung Hwan; Park, Yong Seo; Kwon, Sang Jik; Choi, Hyung Wook


    ZnGa2O4 phosphor separately doped with Mn2+ and Cr3+ was synthesized by solid-state reaction, and thick films were deposited by screen printing. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of ZnGa2O4 phosphor thick films show a (311) main peak and a spinal phase. Uniform distribution and filled morphology of the doped ZnGa2O4 phosphor thick films were formed at the sintering temperature of 1100 °C. The CL spectrum of Mn2+-doped ZnGa2O4 shows the main peak of 512 nm green emission with the 4T1→6A1 transition of Mn2+ ions and the CL spectrum of Cr3+-doped ZnGa2O4 shows the main peak of 716 nm red emission with the 2E→4A2 transition of Cr3+ ions.

  19. Recyclable colorimetric sensor of Cr3 + and Pb2 + ions simultaneously using a zwitterionic amino acid modified gold nanoparticles (United States)

    Sang, Fuming; Li, Xin; Zhang, Zhizhou; Liu, Jia; Chen, Guofu


    In this work, a rapid, simple and sensitive colorimetric sensor for simultaneous (or respective) detection of Cr3 + and Pb2 + using tyrosine functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPsTyr) has been developed. Tyrosine, a natural and zwitterionic amino acid, could be as a reducing and capping agent to synthesise AuNPs and allow for the simultaneous and selective detection of Cr3 + and Pb2 +. Upon the addition of Cr3 + or Pb2 + (a combination of them), the color of AuNPsTyr solution changes from red to blue grey and the characteristic surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band is red-shifted to 580 nm due to the aggregation of AuNPs. Interestingly, the aggregated AuNPsTyr can be regnerated and recycled by removing Pb2 + and Cr3 +. Even after 3 rounds, AuNPsTyr show almost the same A580 nm / A520 nm value for the assays of Pb2 + and Cr3 +, indicating the good recyclability of the colorimetric sensor. The responding time (within 1 min) and sensitivity of the colorimetric sensor are largely improved after the addition of 0.1 M NaCl. Moreover, the AuNPsTyr aggregated by Cr3 + or Pb2 + (a combination of them) show excellent selectivity compared to other metal ions (Cr3 +, Pb2 +, Fe2 +,Cu2 +,Zn2 +,Cr6 +,Ni2 +,Co2 +,Hg2 +,Mn2 +,Mg2 +,Ca2 +,Cd2 +). More importantly, the developed sensor manifests good stability at room temperature for 3 months, which has been successfully used to determine Cr3 + and Pb2 + in the real water samples with a high sensitivity.

  20. Results obtained so far with the production of turbine and valve casings made of the new 9% Cr cast steel types G-X 12 CrMoWVNbN 10 11 and G-X 12 CrMoVNbN 91; Erfahrungsbericht ueber die Herstellung von Turbinen- und Ventilgehaeusen aus den neuen 9% Cr-Stahlgusssorten G-X 12 CrMoWVNbN 10 1 1 und G-X 12 CrMoVNbN 91

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuster, F.; Buberl, A.; Hanus, R. [VOEST-ALPINE STAHL LINZ GmbH, Linz (Austria); Cerjak, H. [Technische Univ., Graz (Austria)


    In the course of production start-up of new 9-10% Cr cast steel types, and application of R and D results to practice, the following examinations and modifications have been performed: 1. Reduction of average chromium content from 10.5 to 9.5% in order to suppress delta ferrite segregation, and adjustment of austenite and ferrite stabilizing alloying constituents. 2. Analysis of typical defects in castings, and modification of casting and feeding techniques in compliance with the saturation behaviour of the new 9-10% Cr steels. These measures achieved a reduction of feeding-based flaws (shrinkage) in the last few cast pieces. 3. The good weldability was proven of the new 9-10% Cr steels by means of welding tests and crack-free production and construction welds made in cast pieces. (orig./MM) [Deutsch] Im Zuge der Produktionsaufnahme neuer 9-10% Cr-Stahlgusssorten und der Ueberleitung der F and E Ergebnisse in die betriebliche Praxis wurden folgende Untersuchungen und Anpassungen vorgenommen: 1. Um die Deltaferritausscheidung zu unterdruecken, wurde der mittlere Chromgehalt von 10,5 auf 9,5% abgesenkt und die austenit- und ferritstabilisierenden Legierungselemente besser angepasst. 2. Die Analyse typischer Fehlererscheinungen an Gussstuecken machten eine Anpassung der Giess- und Speisungstechnik an das Saettigungsverhalten der neuen 9-10% Cr-Staehle erforderlich. Diese Massnahmen fuehrten zu einer Verringerung der Speisungsfehler (Lunker) bei den zuletzt abgegossenen Gussstuecken. 3. Bei Schweissversuchen und an Gussstuecken rissfrei ausgefuehrten Fertigungs- und Konstruktionsschweissungen konnte die gute Schweisseignung der neuen 9-10% Cr-Staehle nachgewiesen werden. (orig./MM)

  1. properties of Cr(C,N) hard coatings deposited in Ar-C2H2-N2 plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macek, M.; Cekada, M.; Kek, D.; Panjan, P.


    Mechanical properties, microstructure and the average chemical composition of Cr(C,N) hard coatings deposited in Ar-C 2 H 2 -N 2 plasma strongly depends on the partial pressure of the reactive gases (N 2 , C 2 H 2 ) and on the type of the deposition equipment. In this study we report on the properties of Cr(C,N) hard coatings deposited by means of the triode ion plating in the BAI 730 apparatus and those prepared by sputter deposition in Balzers Sputron in the pressure range from 0.12 Pa (pure Ar) up to 0.35 Pa with different ratios (0-100%) between C 2 H 2 and N 2 . At first mechanical properties (microhardness and adhesion) of coatings were analyzed on the common way. Internal stress was measured by the radius of substrate curvature. Chemical composition of coatings was analyzed by means of AES while the Raman and XPS spectroscopy was used to determined the nature of carbon bonding in the Cr(C,N) films. Microstructure was determined by XRD as well as by means of TEM and TED. Chemical state of various elements in the coating has been studied by XPS. The ratio of the carbide bond (C-Cr) against the C-C and C-H bonds was calculated. The existence of the graphite phase in some Cr(C,N) coatings was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. (Authors)

  2. Low-temperature properties of single-crystal CrB.sub.2./sub

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bauer, A.; Regnat, A.; Blum, C.G.F.; Gottlieb-Schönmeyer, S.; Pedersen, B.; Meven, M.; Wurmehl, S.; Kuneš, Jan; Pfleiderer, C.


    Roč. 90, č. 6 (2014), "064414-1"-"064414-14" ISSN 1098-0121 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : CrB 2 * magnetism * transport properties Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 3.736, year: 2014

  3. Acero de alto silicio producido por inmersión en Al-Si y recocido de difusión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ros-Yáñez, Tanya


    Full Text Available It is difficult to process steel sheet with a high Si content (>3.5%Si, mainly because of its brittleness and the appearance of cracks during rolling and oxidation. However, there is a market for this steel in electrical applications because of the favourable influence of Si on magnetostriction and electrical resistivity. As an alternative process, 3% Si-steel substrates were coated with hypereutectic Al-Si-alloys in a "hot-dip simulator" using different preheating and dipping times. The obtained layers were characterised by SEM and EDS analysis. Diffusion annealing experiments were performed to obtain sufficient amount of Si in the steel. It was observed that:

    • intermetallic phases appear in the coating layers as according to the ternary Fe-Si-Al diagram
    • with a double dipping primary silicon crystals are formed in the surface layer
    • the ordered DO3 structure is present if the dipping and/or diffusion time is long enough
    • homogeneous silicon gradients in the whole substrate thickness have not yet been achieved
    • theoretic calculations show that Si-gradient, also have beneficial effects on magnetic behaviour

    Es difícil procesar aceros eléctricos de alto contenido en silicio (>3,5 % Si. Esto se debe principalmente, a problemas de fragilidad, aparición de grietas durante la laminación y oxidación. Sin embargo, existe un importante mercado para este tipo de acero en aplicaciones eléctricas debido a la favorable influencia que ejerce el Si sobre la magnetoestricción, las pérdidas eléctricas y la resistividad eléctrica. Como proceso alternativo, se sumergieron substratos de acero con 3 % de silicio en una aleación hipereutéctica Al-25 % Si, en un simulador de recubrimiento por inmersión en caliente. En los ensayos se utilizaron diferentes tiempos de precalentamiento y de inmersión. En la segunda fase de la investigación se llevaron a cabo recocidos de difusión en el

  4. Estudio para la optimización de la composición de un HACFRA (hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero estructural

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orbe, A.


    Full Text Available The interest of HACFRA (self compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers, is the combination of the residual strength increase and cracking decrease compared to plain concrete by the introduction of steel fibers in the mass with the advantages of the self-compacting. The paper presents an analysis of the influence of different components of the HACRFA and provides their selection, refered to the granular skeleton and to different steel fiber types and amount, in order to obtain an optimization of its features and structural behavior.El interés de un HACFRA (Hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero, radica en la combinación del incremento de capacidad resistente con respecto al hormigón y disminución de la fisuración, aportada por la introducción de fibras de acero, con las ventajas de la puesta en obra que supone la autocompactación. El artículo analiza la influencia de los diferentes componentes que integran el HACRFA, proponiendo una selección de los mismos, referidos tanto al esqueleto granular como a los diferentes tipos y densidades de fibras de acero, en base a la obtención de sus características y de un comportamiento estructural optimizado.

  5. Al{sub 2} O{sub 3}:Cr,Ni: a possible thermoluminescent dosemeter; Al{sub 2} O{sub 3}: Cr, Ni un posible dosimetro termoluminiscente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mariani R, Francisco; Roman B, Alvaro; Saavedra S, Renato [Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Chile, Santiago (Chile). Facultad de Fisica; Ibarra S, Angel [Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain). Seccion Materiales para Fusion


    Results from a study on the thermoluminescent (Tl) emission from Al{sub 2} O{sub 3}:Cr,Ni are presented. The measurements were obtained for evaluation of the Al{sub 2} O{sub 3}:Cr,Ni dosimetric properties. Different crystal batches were exposed to two kind of ionizing radiation (X-ray and {beta}{sup -}). The Tl spectrum has a main peak with high thermal and optical stability, deviating from linearity for doses lower than 3.6 Gy. Furthermore, this material shows advantages (thermal resistance, reusability, multiple heating cycles) compared to TLD-100. Measured Al{sub 2} O{sub 3}:Cr,Ni properties indicate that it could be used as a dosemeter. (author). 5 refs., 4 figs.

  6. Syntheses and crystal structures of two novel alkaline uranyl chromates A2(UO2)(CrO4)2 (A=Rb, Cs) with bidentate coordination mode of uranyl ions by chromate anions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siidra, Oleg I.; Nazarchuk, Evgeny V.; Krivovichev, Sergey V.


    Single crystals of Cs 2 (UO 2 )(CrO 4 ) 2 and Rb 2 (UO 2 )(CrO 4 ) 2 were prepared by solid state reactions. The structures are based upon the [(UO 2 )(CrO 4 ) 2 ] 2− chains. Within the chains, UrO 5 pentagonal bipyramids (Ur=uranyl) form Ur 2 O 8 dimers, which are linked via CrO 4 tetrahedra into one-dimensional chains. The CrO 4 tetrahedra coordinate uranyl ions in both mono- and bidentate fashion, which is unusual for uranyl chromates. The bidentate coordination has a strong influence upon geometrical parameters of both U and Cr coordination polyhedra. The conformation of the chains in 1 and 2 is different due to the different size of the Cs + and Rb + cations. - Graphical abstract: Uranyl chromate chain with monodentate and bidentate coordination mode of uranyl cations by CrO 4 tetrahedra in Cs 2 (UO 2 )(CrO 4 ) 2 . Highlights: ► Single crystals of novel uranyl chromates were prepared by solid state reactions. ► The CrO 4 tetrahedra coordinate uranyl ions in both mono- and bidentate fashion. ►The bidentate coordination has a strong influence upon geometrical parameters.

  7. CrWSKP1, an SKP1-like Gene, Is Involved in the Self-Incompatibility Reaction of "Wuzishatangju" (Citrus reticulata Blanco). (United States)

    Li, Peng; Miao, Hongxia; Ma, Yuewen; Wang, Lu; Hu, Guibing; Ye, Zixing; Zhao, Jietang; Qin, Yonghua


    Plant S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 (SKP1) genes play crucial roles in plant development and differentiation. However, the role of SKP1 in citrus is unclear. Herein, we described a novel SKP1-like gene, designated as CrWSKP1, from "Wuzishatangju" (Citrus reticulata Blanco). The cDNA sequence of CrWSKP1 is 779 base pairs (bp) and contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 477 bp. The genomic sequence of the CrWSKP1 gene is 1296 bp with two exons and one intron. CrWSKP1 has high identity with SKP1-like genes from other plant species within two conserved regions. Approximately 85% of pollen tubes of self-pollinated CrWSKP1 transgenic tobaccos became twisted at four days after self-pollination. Pollen tube numbers of self-pollinated CrWSKP1 transformants entering into ovules were significantly fewer than that of the control. Seed number of self-pollinated CrWSKP1 transformants was significantly reduced. These results suggested that the CrWSKP1 is involved in the self-incompatibility (SI) reaction of "Wuzishatangju".

  8. Electron spin resonance in Cu{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}Cr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} nanoparticles synthesized with the thermal decomposition method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edelman, I.S., E-mail: [Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk 660036 (Russian Federation); Zharkov, S.M.; Pankrats, A.I. [Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk 660036 (Russian Federation); Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk 660041 (Russian Federation); Vorotynov, A.M.; Tugarinov, V.I.; Ivantsov, R.D.; Petrov, D.A. [Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk 660036 (Russian Federation); Velikanov, D.A. [Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk 660036 (Russian Federation); Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk 660041 (Russian Federation); Lin, Chun-Rong; Chen, Chin-Chang; Tseng, Yaw-Teng; Hsu, Hua-Shu [National Pingtung University, Pingtung City, Pingtung County 90003, Taiwan (China)


    Highlights: • Cu{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}Cr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} nanoparticles were synthesized as (1 1 1) nanocrystalline plates. • Nanoparticles tend to form stacks consisting of plates attached “face to face”. • ESR parameters demonstrate unusual temperature dependences with a kink at 120–130 K. - Abstract: In this paper, we present a study of the electron spin resonance (ESR) of nanoparticles (NPs) of Cu{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}Cr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} chalcogenides with x = 0, 0.2, and 0.4. NPs were synthesized via the thermal decomposition of metal chloride salts and selenium powder in a high-temperature organic solvent. According to the XRD and HRTEM data, the NPs were single crystalline nearly hexagonal plates with the structure close to CuCr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} (Fd-3m, a = 10.337 Å). For x = 0 and 0.2, the NPs tend to form long stacks consisting of the plates “face to face” attached to each other due to the magnetostatic interparticle interaction. Only separate NPs were observed in the case of x = 0.4. Peculiarities were revealed in the ESR temperature behavior for the NPs with x = 0 and 0.2 consistent with the features in the temperature dependences of the NPs magnetization. The non-monotonous dependence of the resonance field H{sub res} on the temperature with a kink near 130 K and the energy gap in the resonance spectrum depending on the type of nanoparticle compacting are the distinct peculiarities. One of the main factors is discussed in order to explain the peculiarities: the coexistence of two types of anisotropy in the Cu{sub 1−x}Fe{sub x}Cr{sub 2}Se{sub 4} NPs, in-plain shape anisotropy and magnetocrystalline anisotropy with four easy axes, which increases strongly with the temperature decrease.

  9. Effect of electroacupuncture on the cervicospinal P2X7 receptor/fractalkine/CX3CR1 signaling pathway in a rat neck-incision pain model. (United States)

    Gao, Y H; Li, C W; Wang, J Y; Tan, L H; Duanmu, C L; Jing, X H; Chang, X R; Liu, J L


    Increasing evidence supports that acupuncture intervention is an effective approach for intraoperative and postoperative pain. Neuron-microglia crosstalk, mediated by the purinergic P2X7 receptor (R)/fractalkine/CX3CR1 cascade in the spinal cord dorsal horn, plays a pivotal role in pain processing. However, its involvement in the analgesic effect of electroacupuncture (EA) remains unclear. In this study, a rat neck-incision pain model was established by making a longitudinal incision along the midline of the neck and subsequent repeated mechanical stimulation. EA stimulation was applied to bilateral LI18, LI4-PC6, or ST36-GB34. The thermal pain threshold, cervicospinal ATP concentration, expression levels of purinergic P2XR and P2YR subunits mRNAs, and fractalkine, CX3CR1 and p38 MAPK proteins, were detected separately. The neck incision induced strong thermal hyperalgesia and upregulation of spinal ATP within 48 h. No significant change was found in thermal hyperalgesia after a single session of EA intervention. However, a single session of EA dramatically enhanced the neck incision-induced upregulation of ATP and upregulated the expression of P2X7R, which was reversed by two sessions of EA. Two sessions of EA at bilateral LI18 or LI4-PC6 attenuated hyperalgesia significantly, accompanied with downregulation of P2X7R/fractalkine/ CX3CR1 signaling after three sessions of EA. EA stimulation of LI18 or LI4-PC6 alleviates thermal hyperalgesia in neck-incision pain rats, which may be associated with its effects in regulating the neck incision-induced increase of ATP and P2X7R and subsequently suppressing fractalkine/CX3CR1 signaling in the cervical spinal cord.

  10. High Temperature Behavior of Cr3C2-NiCr Coatings in the Actual Coal-Fired Boiler Environment (United States)

    Bhatia, Rakesh; Sidhu, Hazoor Singh; Sidhu, Buta Singh


    Erosion-corrosion is a serious problem observed in steam-powered electricity generation plants, and industrial waste incinerators. In the present study, four compositions of Cr3C2-(Ni-20Cr) alloy coating powder were deposited by high-velocity oxy-fuel spray technique on T-91 boiler tube steel. The cyclic studies were performed in a coal-fired boiler at 1123 K ± 10 K (850 °C ± 10 °C). X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray analysis and elemental mapping analysis techniques were used to analyze the corrosion products. All the coatings deposited on T-91 boiler tube steel imparted hot corrosion resistance. The 65 pctCr3C2 -35 pct (Ni-20Cr)-coated T-91 steel sample performed better than all other coated samples in the given environment.

  11. Al2 O3:Cr,Ni: a possible thermoluminescent dosemeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mariani R, Francisco; Roman B, Alvaro; Saavedra S, Renato; Ibarra S, Angel


    Results from a study on the thermoluminescent (Tl) emission from Al 2 O 3 :Cr,Ni are presented. The measurements were obtained for evaluation of the Al 2 O 3 :Cr,Ni dosimetric properties. Different crystal batches were exposed to two kind of ionizing radiation (X-ray and β - ). The Tl spectrum has a main peak with high thermal and optical stability, deviating from linearity for doses lower than 3.6 Gy. Furthermore, this material shows advantages (thermal resistance, reusability, multiple heating cycles) compared to TLD-100. Measured Al 2 O 3 :Cr,Ni properties indicate that it could be used as a dosemeter. (author)

  12. Microstructural morphologies of slag based glass-ceramics nucleated with 5 wt% Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} and 5 wt% Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} + 5 wt% TiO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oevecoglu, M.L.; Oezkal, B. [Istanbul Technical Univ. (Turkey). Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Enginering; Catakli, E. [Mimar Sinan Univ., Istanbul (Turkey). Faculty of Science and Literature; Erkmen, Z.E. [Istnabul Univ. (Turkey). Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering


    Glass-ceramic materials were developed from the blast-furnace slags by mixing 5 wt% Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} and 5 wt% Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} + 5 wt% TiO{sub 2}. The samples were nucleated for 18 h at 780 C and crystallized for 20 min. at 905 C, respectively. SEM and SEM/EDS investigations revealed the presence of clover-shaped TiO{sub 2} particles in the glassy matrix of the sample nucleated with 5 wt% Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} + 5 wt% TiO{sub 2} and polygonal-shaped Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} platelets for both samples. XRD scans revealed the presence of akermanite (2CaO.MgO.2SiO{sub 2}) and gehlenite (2CaO.Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}.SiO{sub 2}) peaks indicating the existence of the mellilite solid solution for the crystallized glass-ceramic samples. (orig.)

  13. Cr 3d surface and bulk states in Sn1-xCrxTe/Cr crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guziewicz, E.; Szamota-Sadowska, K.; Kowalski, B.J.; Grodzicka, E.; Story, T.; Orlowski, B.A.; Johnson, R.L.


    We report a new approach to investigate metal-semiconductor interface formation. Photoemission spectroscopy was applied in order to investigate the clean surface of a Sn 0.97 Cr 0.03 Te crystal and to observe its changes under sequential deposition of small amounts of Cr atoms. In order to analyse the Cr 3d contribution to the valence band, the Fano-type resonance tuned to the Cr 3p-3d transmission was used. The experiment was designed to follow the Sn 0.97 Cr 0.03 Te/Cr interface formation process. At the clean Sn 0.97 Cr 0.03 Te surface, the Cr 3d states contribution to the valence band was found to be positioned 0.8 eV below Fermi level. After the Cr deposition processes the contribution shifted to a higher binding energy and another contribution 5.8 eV below the Fermi level also observed. (author)

  14. Fatigue Properties of Aged Mod. 9Cr-1Mo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dae Whan; Kim, Sung Ho; Lee, Chan Bock


    Ferritic/Martensitic steel has a good mechanical properties and a lower thermal expansion coefficient than austenitic stainless steel. Mechanical property of Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel is less than austenitic stainless steel at high temperature. High temperature mechanical properties are affected by precipitation for Mod. 9Cr-1Mo. FMS steel is used for long time at high temperature and the effect of aging on mechanical properties is very important. In this study, low cycle fatigue properties with aging were investigated

  15. En route to the conductivity bottleneck in p-type CuCr1-xMxO2-ySy (M = Li, Mg) (United States)

    Mandal, P.; Mazumder, N.; Akhtar, A. J.; Roy, R.; Chattopadhyay, K. K.


    We extend our material design concept [P. Mandal et al. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49, 275109, (2016); N. Mazumder et al. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 3539, (2013)] further aiming to overcome the conductivity bottleneck (1 Scm-1) in p-type transparent conducting oxide (TCO). In this work, we execute the strategy of simultaneous cationic-anionic hole doping in the prototype p-TCO CuCrO2. CuCr1-xMxO2-ySy (M = Li, Mg) is prepared by solid state heating at 1150 °C. Using Rietveld analysis, the presence of Mgcr•, Licr • and SO×areconfirmed and quantified. The diffuse reflectance (DR) spectra are acquired to determine the dominant optical gap (˜ 3.5 eV) and found to be affected little upon site selective hole doping. From temperature dependence (80 - 300 K) of DC conductivity (σdc), (Licr •+SO×)dopingcan be identified to be the more plausible alternative to reach the bottleneck threshold compared to (Mgcr •+SO×) albeit of smaller σdc at 300 K.

  16. Hot Deformation Behavior of 1Cr12Ni3Mo2VN Martensitic Stainless Steel (United States)

    He, Xiaomao; Jiang, Peng; Zhou, Leyu; Chen, Chao; Deng, Xiaochun


    1Cr12Ni3Mo2VN is a new type of martensitic stainless steel for the last-stage blades of large-capacity nuclear and thermal power turbines. The deformation behavior of this steel was studied by thermal compression experiments that performed on a Gleeble-3500 thermal simulator at a temperature range of 850°C to 1200°C and a strain rate of 0.01s-1 to 20s-1. When the deformation was performed at high temperature and low strain rate, a necklace type of microstructures was observed, the plastic deformation mechanism is grain boundary slip and migration, when at low temperature and lower strain rate, the slip bands were observed, the mechanism is intracrystalline slips, and when at strain rate of 20s-1, twins were observed, the mechanism are slips and twins. The Arrhenius equation was applied to describe the constitutive equation of the flow stress. The accuracy of the equation was verified by using the experimental data and the correlation coefficient R2 = 0.9786, and the equation can provide reasonable data for the design and numerical simulation of the forging process.

  17. Shape matters: Cr(VI) removal using iron nanoparticle impregnated 1-D vs 2-D carbon nanohybrids prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (United States)

    Masud, Arvid; Cui, Yanbin; Atkinson, John D.; Aich, Nirupam


    Iron nanoparticles (Fe NPs) are used for treating water contaminated with metals or organic compounds. One-dimensional (1-D) carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and two-dimensional (2-D) graphenes act as useful nanocarbon (NC) supports for Fe NPs by resisting aggregation and enhancing adsorption and redox activity. However, no study showed how shape difference between tubular CNT and planar graphene structures dictates the physicochemical properties and pollutant removal potential of their iron-based nanohybrids. In this work, ultrasonic spray pyrolysis was used to continuously prepare Fe-CNT and Fe-rGO nanohybrids. Both NC shape and Fe/NC ratio influenced Fe NP size, loading, and oxidation states. High Fe content (precursor Fe/NC mass ratio = 2) resulted Fe NPs with diameters of 30.97 ± 7.00 and 24.11 ± 4.42 nm for Fe-CNT and Fe-rGO, respectively; however, low Fe content (Fe/NC = 0.2) provided more uniformly dispersed Fe NPs of 15.65 ± 3.06 and 9.67 ± 1.49 nm, respectively, while unsupported Fe NPs were 285.71 ± 132.42 nm. The USP-derived nanohybrids, for the first time, were used for removal of pollutant, i.e., chromium (Cr(VI)) from aqueous media. Both CNT and rGO provided synergistic effects to significantly enhance Fe NPs' ability to remove Cr(VI); the effect was more pronounced in Fe-rGO than Fe-CNT and also for low Fe content in both cases. Fe-rGO with low Fe/NC ratio and smallest Fe NPs provided the highest Cr(VI) removal capacity (25 mg/g), which was a multifold improvement over bare Fe NPs and other synthesized nanohybrids (range 7-14 mg/g). Overall, 2-D rGO improved contaminant removal capacity of the nanohybrids more than 1-D CNT indicating towards shape effect of NC supports. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

  18. Structural chemistry and magnetic properties of Pr3-xSr1+xCrNiO8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dutton, Sian E.; Bahout, Mona; Battle, Peter D.; Tonus, Florent; Demange, Valerie


    Polycrystalline samples of the n=1 Ruddlesden-Popper system Pr 3-x Sr 1+x CrNiO 8 have been synthesized over the composition range 0.0 0.1 adopt the tetragonal space group I4/mmm; Pr 2.9 Sr 1.1 CrNiO 8 adopts the orthorhombic space group Fmmm. There is no evidence of Cr/Ni cation ordering in any composition. A maximum in the zero-field cooled magnetic susceptibility is observed at a temperature T f that decreases with increasing Sr content; 52≤T f (K)≤13. The frequency dependence of T f observed in a.c. susceptibility measurements, together with the analysis of neutron diffraction data, suggests that the atomic magnetic moments in these compositions adopt a spin-glass-like state below T f . - Graphical abstract: The n=1 Ruddlesden-Popper system Pr 3-x Sr 1+x CrNiO 8 (0.0< x≤1.0) has been characterized by diffraction methods and magnetometry. There is no evidence of Cr/Ni cation ordering in any composition. The atomic magnetic moments adopt a spin-glass-like state below a transition temperature that decreases from 52 K (x=0.1) to 13 K (x=1.0)

  19. La fatiga en las barras de acero corrugado para refuerzo de hormigón


    Avila Kildal, Francisco


    Para conseguir aprovechar los recursos que la sociedad invierte en infraestructuras de manera óptima es imprescindible, para la ingeniería civil, un buen conocimiento de los materiales y de sus propiedades. Partiendo de esta premisa, el objetivo de esta tesina es aportar conocimiento a la caracterización de las barras de acero corrugado para refuerzo de hormigón en su funcionamiento frente a la fatiga. Definimos fatiga como la alteración mecánica de los materiales bajo el ef...

  20. Magnetic and Moessbauer study of Mg{sub 0.9}Mn{sub 0.1}Cr{sub x}Fe{sub 2-x}O{sub 4} ferrites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elzain, M., E-mail:; Widatallah, H.; Gismelseed, A.; Bouziane, K.; Yousif, A.; Al Rawas, A.; Al-Omari, I.; Sellai, A. [Sultan Qaboos University, Department of Physics, College of Science (Oman)


    The ferrites Mg{sub 0.9}Mn{sub 0.1}Cr{sub x}Fe{sub 2-x}O{sub 4} (0x0.9) were prepared using the conventional double sintering method. The XRD showed that the samples maintain a single spinel cubic phase. The Moessbauer measurements were carried out at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures. From the area ratios of the A and B sites, it was found that the Fe cation population of the A and B sites decreases in proportion to Cr concentration. The contact hyperfine fields at the A and B sites were found to decrease with increasing Cr contents. This was found to be in approximate agreement with the results of magnetization measurement. The distributions of Mg and Mn cations versus Cr concentration were also determined using the Moessbauer and magnetization results. The Curie temperatures were determined and found to agree with the reported values. As the Cr contents increases the relative magnetization, was found to increase at low temperatures and decreases at higher temperatures.

  1. Influencia del Calor Aportado y Metal de Aporte Sobre las Propiedades Mecánicas y la Microestructura de Juntas Soldadas por FCAW de Acero Microaleado de Alta Resistencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Marconi


    Full Text Available ResumenActualmente, los aceros microaleados son ampliamente utilizados en reemplazo de los aceros al C y C-Mn por sus ventajas en cuanto a propiedades mecánicas, resistencia a la corrosión y soldabilidad, permitiendo una reducción de peso de los vehículos y estructuras sin detrimento de su resistencia. Cuando estos aceros son soldados, el ciclo térmico de la soldadura provoca cambios microestructurales que modifican sus propiedades originales. El calor aportado (HI: heat input es una de las principales variables a tener en cuenta cuando se evalúan estas modificaciones. Las propiedades finales de la unión soldada también se definen por el tipo de consumible utilizado. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las propiedades mecánicas y la microestructura de juntas soldadas a tope de un acero microaleado con dos grados de metal de aporte y diferentes HI. Como resultado del trabajo se observó un aumento considerable de tamaño de grano en la ZAC adyacente a la línea de fusión para todas las condiciones, siendo este efecto más marcado cuando se soldó con alto HI; y un ablandamiento en la ZAC de grano fino. Prácticamente se mantuvieron los valores de resistencia a la tracción al soldar con ambos consumibles, con un mejor desempeño cuando se soldó con bajo HI. La tenacidad en la ZAC mejoró con la disminución del HI.

  2. Rapid assessment of Wreathed Hornbill Aceros undulates (Aves: Bucerotidae populations and conservation issues in fragmented lowland tropical forests of Arunachal Pradesh, India

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    C.M. Krishna


    Full Text Available A rapid assessment of Wreathed Hornbills, their distribution and abundance was carried out in fragmented lowland tropical forests of Lower Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India from October 2010 to April 2011 using the total count method. A total of 62km distance was covered on foot to survey four study sites: Horupahar, Delo, Koronu and Injunu. Nine flocks of 172 hornbills were sighted. Aceros undulatus flock size ranged from 8-38 individuals with a mean of about 19.1 plus or minus 2.6. Illegal logging, hunting for bushmeat and other body parts (feathers, beak etc. for decorating the head gear and house interiors by the local tribals were observed as the major threats to the species in the study areas.

  3. Resiliencia, tamaño de grano y microestructura generada en la ZAC de los aceros HSLA 450 EMZ soldados bajo un proceso SMAW

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    González, R.


    Full Text Available In this paper several features of the HAZ between the weld metal and the parent metal, after the heat cycle produced by a SMAW process in 450 N/mm2 HSLA steels are analysed, taking into consideration the temperatures reached in the HAZ as from Rosenthal's equation. The aspects under examination are: grain morphology by means of micrographs obtained with the Scannig Electron Microscopy to check the bands that control the grain size due to the microalloyings of the designed steel, taking into account the temperatures reached and the cooling rate in each of the HAZ regions; fracture toughness, checked by means of CTOD testing; hardness grain size determined by the Ashby and Esterling procedure[1] and based on the values obtained with the Heyn method[2] , ratio between stable growth and heat input; CTOD values which are found to be satisfactory under the welding conditions with a heat input of 1.6 Kj/mm.

    Tras el ciclo térmico producido por un proceso de soldadura manual con electrodo revestido (SMAW, en los aceros HSLA de 450 N/ mm2 y, considerando las temperaturas alcanzadas en la ZAC según la ecuación de Rosenthal, se analizan los siguientes aspectos en esta zona (ZAC, entre el metal de soldadura y el metal base: la morfología del grano mediante micrografías obtenidas en el microscopio electrónico de barrido, comprobando las barreras que pinzan el grano debido a los microaleantes de este acero de diseño, teniendo en cuenta las temperaturas alcanzadas y la velocidad de enfriamiento en cada una de las regiones de la ZAC; la tenacidad a la fractura mediante los ensayos de CTOD; la dureza; el tamaño de grano, mediante el procedimiento de Ashby y Esterling[1] y basado en los valores obtenidos por el método de Heyn[2]; la proporcionalidad entre el crecimiento estable y la energía calorífica aportada; los valores de CTOD, satisfactorios en las condiciones de soldeo con

  4. Change of Cr atoms distribution in Fe85Cr15 alloy caused by 250 keV He+ ion irradiation to different doses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubiel, S.M.; Żukrowski, J.


    Highlights: • Effect of He-ion irradiation dose on Fe 85 Cr 15 alloy. • Irradiation-induced clustering of Cr atoms. • Irradiation-caused reorientation of the surface magnetization vector. • Irradiation-caused increase of Fe-site spin-density. - Abstract: Redistribution of Cr atoms in a Fe 85 Cr 15 alloy caused by its irradiation with 250 keV He + ions to different doses, D = 8 ⋅ 10 16 , 16 ⋅ 10 16 and 48 ⋅ 10 16 ions/cm 2 was investigated by means of conversion electrons Mössbauer spectroscopy. The redistribution was expressed in terms of the Warren–Cowley short-range order parameters α 1 , α 2 and α 12 pertaining to the first (1NN), second (2NN) and both i.e. 1NN + 2NN shells, respectively. Clear evidence was found, both for non-irradiated and irradiated samples that the actual distribution of Cr atoms is characteristic of the shell, and for a given shell it depends on the irradiation dose. In particular, α 1 is positive, hence indicates an under population of Cr atoms in 1NN with respect to the random case, α 2 is negative, giving evidence thereby that 2NN is overpopulated by Cr atoms, and α 12 is weakly positive. Under the applied irradiation the number of Cr atoms in both neighbor shells decreased signifying thereby a clustering of Cr atoms. The underlying decrease of Cr concentration within the 1NN–2NN volume around the probe Fe atoms was estimated at 1.5 at.% ranging between 2.1 for the lowest and 0.8 at.% for the highest dose

  5. Fracture toughness of MgCr2O4-ZrO2 composities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, J.P.


    The effect of unstabilized ZrO 2 inclusions on the fracture surface energy of MgCr 2 O 4 was studied as a function of ZrO 2 content. It was observed that fracture surface energy increases with increasing ZrO 2 content, and reaches the maximum value of 24.5 j/m 2 at 16.5 vol% ZrO 2 . This represents an approx. = fourhold increase in the fracture surface energy of Mg 2 O 4 as a result of ZrO 2 inclusions. It is proposed that this improvement results from the energy absorbed by the microcracks formed in the MgCr 2 O 4 matrix as a result of the tetragonal → monoclinic phase transormation of ZrO 2 and the associated volume expansion

  6. An experimental investigation of ionic transport properties in CuI-Ag2WO4 and CuI-Ag2CrO4 mixed systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suthanthiraraj, S. Austin; Premchand, Y. Daniel


    The phenomenon of ionic transport in the case of two different mixed systems (CuI) (1-x) -(Ag 2 WO 4 ) x (0.15= (1-y) -(Ag 2 CrO 4 ) y (0.15= -3 Scm -1 for the composition (CuI) 0.45 -(Ag 2 WO 4 ) 0.55 and 1.1x10 -4 Scm -1 in the case of (CuI) 0.55 -(Ag 2 CrO 4 ) 0.45 at room temperature has been discussed in terms of the observed characteristics

  7. Phase relations in the systems M2MoO4-Cr2(MoO4)3-Zr(MoO4)2 (M=Li, Na, or Rb)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bazarov, B.G.; Chimitova, O.D.; Bazarova, Ts.T.; Arkhincheeva, S.I.; Bazarova, Zh.G.


    Phase equilibria in the systems M 2 MoO 4 -Cr 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 -Zr(MoO 4 ) 2 (M=Li, Na, or Rb) were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction analysis, DTA, and IR spectroscopy. The subsolidus structure of the phase diagrams of the systems under study was established. Two phases are formed in the Rb 2 MoO 4 -Cr 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 -Zr(MoO 4 ) 2 system with the molar ratios of the starting components equal to 5:1:1 (S 2 ) and 1:1:1 (S 1 ). Proceeding from isostructural character of Rb 5 FeHf(MoO 4 ) 6 and S 2 , the unit cell parameters are determined for S 2 [ru


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    Zulema A. Mahmud


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, las texturas de depósitos de zinc en acero templado se correlacionan con la resistencia de corrosión del metal base. Se estudian por difracción de rayos X las texturas de electrodepósitos de zinc. Los depósitos de zinc se realizaron simulando las condiciones industriales de temperatura, tiempo y densidad de corriente, utilizando soluciones de electrodeposición de ZnCl2 + NH4Cl en presencia y ausencia de tiourea. Según se ha reportado, los depósitos de Zn con una alta intensidad en la textura de los planos basales (0,0,2 y bajas intensidades en la textura de planos piramidales (del tipo (1,0,3, (1,1,2, (2,0,1 presentan mayor resistencia a la corrosión. Para tiempos de electrodeposición bajos, los cincados obtenidos desarrollan una textura (1,0,3 y las densidades de corriente de corrosión son altas. Mientras que, para tiempos de deposición altos (10 minutos, los cincados tienen una textura (0,0,2 y el valor de la corriente de corrosión disminuye notablemente. La preponderancia de la textura (0,2,2 en los planos basales y la baja intensidad de DRX para la textura (0,0,3 en los planos piramidales, están asociados a los depósitos que presentan una alta resistencia a la corrosión.

  9. Liquidus projection of the Nb-Cr-Al system near the Al3(Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, S.A.; Ferrandini, P.L.; Nunes, C.A.; Coelho, A.A.; Caram, R.


    The system Nb-Cr-Al was investigated in the region near the Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic and the liquidus projection of that region was determined based on the microstructural characterization of arc melted alloys. The characterization utilized scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results allowed one to determine three primary solidification liquidus surfaces ((Cr,Al) 2 Nb, Cr(Al,Nb) and Al 3 (Nb,Cr)), that are originated from the binary systems Cr-Nb, Cr-Al and Al-Nb. It is proposed the occurrence of the invariant reaction L + (Cr,Al) 2 Nb ↔ Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) and of a point of minimum, which involves a three phase reaction, L ↔ Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb). All alloys studied showed formation of the Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic as the last solidification step with Al(Nb)Cr 2 precipitating from Cr(Al,Nb)

  10. Random lasing of microporous surface of Cr2+:ZnSe crystal induced by femtosecond laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Xianheng; Feng, Guoying; Yao, Ke; Yi, Jiayu; Zhang, Hong; Zhou, Shouhuan


    We demonstrate a random lasing emission based on microporous surface of Cr 2+ :ZnSe crystal prepared by femtosecond pulsed laser ablation in high vacuum (below 5 × 10 −4 Pa). The scanning electron microscope results show that there are a mass of micropores with an average size of ∼13 μm and smaller ones with ∼1.2 μm on the surface of Cr 2+ :ZnSe crystal. The adjacent micropore spacing of the smaller micropores ranges from 1 μm to 5 μm. Under 1750 nm excitation of Nd:YAG (355 nm) pumped optical parametric oscillator, a random lasing emission with center wavelength of 2350 nm and laser-like threshold of 0.3 mJ/pulse is observed. The emission lifetime of 2350 nm laser reduces from 800 ns to 30 ns as the pump energy increases above threshold. The emission spectra and decay time of smooth surface, groove and microporous surface of Cr 2+ :ZnSe crystal are contrasted. The optional pump wavelength range is from 1500 nm to 1950 nm, which in accordance with the optical absorption property of Cr 2+ :ZnSe crystal. The peak position of excitation spectra is almost identical to the strongest absorption wavelength

  11. A Comparative Physics Study of Commercial PWR Cores using Metallic Micro-cell UO{sub 2}-Cr (or Mo) Pellets with Cr-based Cladding Coating

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Dae Hee; Hong, Ser Gi [Kyung Hee University, Yongin (Korea, Republic of); In, Wang Kee [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    In this work, a comparative neutronic analysis of the cores using ATFs which include metallic micro-cell UO{sub 2}-Cr, UO{sub 2}-Mo pellets and Cr-based alloy coating on cladding was performed to show the effects of the ATF fuels on the core performance. In this study, the cores having different ATFs use the same initial uranium enrichments. The ATF concepts studied in this work are the metallic microcell UO{sub 2} pellets containing Cr or Mo with cladding outer coating composed of Cr-based alloy which have been suggested as the ATF concepts in KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). The metallic micro-cell pellets and Cr-based alloy coating can enhance thermal conductivity of fuel and reduce the production of hydrogen from the reaction of cladding with coolant, respectively. The objective of this work is to compare neutronic characteristics of commercial PWR equilibrium cores utilizing the different variations of metallic micro-cell UO{sub 2} pellets with cladding coating composed of Cr-based alloy. The results showed that the cores using UO{sub 2}-Cr and UO{sub 2}-Mo pellets with Cr-based alloy coating on cladding have reduced cycle lengths by 60 and 106 EFPDs, respectively, in comparison with the reference UO{sub 2} fueled core due to the reduced heavy metal inventories and large thermal absorption cross section but they do not have any significant differences in the core performances parameters. However, it is notable that the core fueled the micro-cell UO{sub 2}-Mo pellet and Cr-based alloy coating has considerably more negative MTC and slightly more negative FTC than the other cases. These characteristics of the core using micro-cell UO{sub 2}-Mo pellet and Cr-based alloy coating is due to the hard neutron spectrum and large capture resonance cross section of Mo isotopes.

  12. Análisis y diseño de la estructura metálica de una planta de producción usando columnas plegadas de acero - Lima


    Ayquipa Martínez, Lidman Dante; Ayquipa Martínez, Lidman Dante


    En el presente Informe de Suficiencia se plantea el análisis y diseño estructural de una planta de producción (nave industrial), ubicado en el distrito de Ventanilla, el proyecto tiene un área construida total de 1,161.00m2. La altura de la nave será de 7.65m en la parte más alta (cumbrera) y 6.00m en la parte más baja, el techo será a dos aguas con 6° de pendiente cada una. El material predominante para la superestructura será acero estructural ASTM A-36, soldadura AWS E-6011. Para una me...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    VANDENBURG, M; DEHOSSON, JTM; Burg, M. van den

    This paper concentrates on the microstructural features of steel containing 22 wt.% Cr, coated with Cr2O3 by laser processing. It turned out that after laser coating the Cr2O3 powder has completely transformed to Fe0.3Cr2.7O4 having the tetragonal distorted spinel structure. Dispersed in the coating

  14. Multiwall carbon nanotubes decorated with FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}, a new selective electrochemical sensor for amoxicillin determination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ensafi, Ali Asghar, E-mail:; Allafchian, Ali Reza; Rezaei, Behzad [Isfahan University of Technology, Department of Chemistry (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles were synthesized and then multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were decorated with FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4} nanoparticles. The new nanoparticles were characterized with different techniques such as vibrating sample magnetometer, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning surface microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The results of the study confirm that the particles are pure FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}-MWCNTs with a cubic structure. No diffraction peaks of other impurities such as FeO or Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} were observed. The diffractive peaks of FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}-MWCNTs are broadened, implying that the crystalline size of FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}-MWCNTs particles is quite small. The mean particle size of FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}-MWCNTs calculated by Scherrer equation is about 25 nm, whereas the existence of particles with less than 30 nm size at FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}-MWCNTs is clearly reflected in 2D and 3D AFM images. The TEM image confirms that the spaghetti-like FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}-MWCNTs formed a porous structure. The synthesized FeCr{sub 2}O{sub 4}-MWCNTs nanoparticles could be used as a new electrocatalysis for voltammetric determination of amoxicillin (AMC). Under the optimized conditions at pH 7.5 and in differential pulse voltammetry, the oxidation peak current of AMC at the surface of the mediator has two linear dynamic ranges including 0.1-10.0 and 10.0-70.0 {mu}mol L{sup -1}. The detection limit of 0.05 {mu}mol L{sup -1} was achieved. The influence of potential interfering compounds on the selectivity was studied. Finally, the modified electrode showed good sensitivity, selectivity, and stability for the determination of AMC in real samples.

  15. Estudio de los mecanismos de degradación de la interfase acero (limpio u oxidado-recubrimiento clorocaucho en su exposición al ensayo de condensación de humedad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chico, B.


    Full Text Available The effect of time of exposure to the humidity on the behaviour of the system chlorinated rubber paint-steel substrate (cleaned or pre-rusted is investigated from the interfacial chemistry and adhesion points of view. After one day of humidity exposure, the paint-rust free steel substrate system shows an increase of adhesion. A maximum adhesion value is obtained after 15 days of exposure. This behaviour is similar to that previously described for a pre-rusted steel substrate. After 30-60 days of exposure, the adhesion strength values show an important reduction and the locus of adhesion loss shifts from the paint inside to the interphase between the metallic substrate and the paint.

    En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto de la exposición a la humedad de un recubrimiento orgánico de clorocaucho aplicado a un sustrato de acero (únicamente limpio o previamente oxidado sobre los valores de adherencia del sistema y la composición química de la interfase metal-pintura. Se ha intentado establecer posibles relaciones entre la degradación de la interfase acero-recubrimiento clorocaucho en su exposición a condiciones de alta humedad y la presencia o ausencia de una capa de óxido sobre el sustrato original. Después de 1 día de exposición a la humedad, se observó un aumento en los valores de adherencia del sistema pintura-acero sin oxidar. Sorprendentemente, estos valores alcanzan un máximo después de 15 días de exposición. Este mismo comportamiento se había encontrado ya en el sistema acero preoxidado-recubrimiento clorocaucho. Tiempos de exposición a la humedad suficientemente largos (30-60 días producen una acusada disminución en los valores de adherencia y un desplazamiento del lugar donde ocurre el fallo desde el seno de la pintura a la región interfacial entre la pintura y el sustrato.

  16. High-pressure X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy of CaFe2O4-type β-CaCr2O4 (United States)

    Zhai, Shuangmeng; Yin, Yuan; Shieh, Sean R.; Shan, Shuangming; Xue, Weihong; Wang, Ching-Pao; Yang, Ke; Higo, Yuji


    In situ high-pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic studies of orthorhombic CaFe2O4-type β-CaCr2O4 chromite were carried out up to 16.2 and 32.0 GPa at room temperature using multi-anvil apparatus and diamond anvil cell, respectively. No phase transition was observed in this study. Fitting a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to the P-V data yields a zero-pressure volume of V 0 = 286.8(1) Å3, an isothermal bulk modulus of K 0 = 183(5) GPa and the first pressure derivative of isothermal bulk modulus K 0' = 4.1(8). Analyses of axial compressibilities show anisotropic elasticity for β-CaCr2O4 since the a-axis is more compressible than the b- and c-axis. Based on the obtained and previous results, the compressibility of several CaFe2O4-type phases was compared. The high-pressure Raman spectra of β-CaCr2O4 were analyzed to determine the pressure dependences and mode Grüneisen parameters of Raman-active bands. The thermal Grüneisen parameter of β-CaCr2O4 is determined to be 0.93(2), which is smaller than those of CaFe2O4-type CaAl2O4 and MgAl2O4.

  17. Synthesis of Cr3+-doped TiO2 nanoparticles: characterization and evaluation of their visible photocatalytic performance and stability. (United States)

    Mendiola-Alvarez, Sandra Yadira; Guzmán-Mar, Jorge Luis; Turnes-Palomino, Gemma; Maya-Alejandro, Fernando; Caballero-Quintero, Adolfo; Hernández-Ramírez, Aracely; Hinojosa-Reyes, Laura


    Cr 3+ -doped TiO 2 nanoparticles (Ti-Cr) were synthesized by microwave-assisted sol-gel method. The Ti-Cr catalyst was characterized by X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, N 2 adsorption-desorption analysis, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and zetametry. The anatase mesoporous Ti-Cr material exhibited a specific surface area of 54.5 m 2 /g. XPS analysis confirmed the proper substitution of Ti 4+ cations by Cr 3+ cations in the TiO 2 matrix. The particle size was of average size of 17 nm for the undoped TiO 2 but only 9.5 nm for Ti-Cr. The Cr atoms promoted the formation of hydroxyl radicals and modified the surface adsorptive properties of TiO 2 due to the increase in surface acidity of the material. The photocatalytic evaluation demonstrated that the Ti-Cr catalyst completely degraded (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy) acetic acid under visible light irradiation, while undoped TiO 2 and P25 allowed 45.7% and 31.1%, respectively. The rate of degradation remained 52% after three cycles of catalyst reuse. The higher visible light photocatalytic activity of Ti-Cr was attributed to the beneficial effect of Cr 3+ ions on the TiO 2 surface creating defects within the TiO 2 crystal lattice, which can act as charge-trapping sites, reducing the electron-hole recombination process.

  18. Caracterización termomecánica de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI-304


    El Wahabi, Mohammed


    El control de la microestructura necesita la optimización de las condiciones del conformado en caliente. La recristalización dinámica es el fenómeno protagonista durante un proceso termomecánico, por lo que tiene un interés industrial, permitiendo mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los aceros inoxidables mediante el afinamiento de grano, y al mismo tiempo aumentar la resistencia a la fragilización y a la corrosión. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar el comportamiento termomec...

  19. Simulación de la precipitación de inclusiones en diferentes etapas del procesamiento del acero líquido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carreño, V.


    Full Text Available Steelmaking processes are continuously improved in order to attend the increasing requirements of the cleanness of the liquid metal. At the refining stages, as deoxidation and desulphuration, the formation of inclusions of oxides and sulphides is promoted, which on the other hand, are the most frequent inclusions. In this work a mathematical simulator of the precipitation and chemical composition of non-metallic inclusions at different steps of the steelmaking process is presented. To this purpose, it is assumed that inclusions formed by reoxidation can be simulated by increasing arbitrarily the oxygen levels consumed by the residual elements (aluminium, calcium, etc. and starting the chemical reaction with less powerful deoxidants (silicium and manganese. Accordingly, different operative conditions can be simulated. Numerical predictions are compared with experimental results of industrial trials, as well as results included in the bibliography.

    Los procesos de fabricación de acero se mejoran constantemente en respuesta a las demandas del consumidor que exige un mayor control de limpieza del metal líquido en las diversas etapas de su elaboración. En las etapas de refinación, como son desoxidación y desulfuración, se promueve la formación de inclusiones de óxidos y sulfuros, que por otra parte son las más frecuentes en el acero líquido. En este trabajo se presenta un simulador matemático que predice la precipitación y composición de las inclusiones no metálicas que se encuentran en el acero líquido en diferentes etapas de su procesamiento, asumiendo que las inclusiones formadas por reoxidación también se pueden simular al incrementar arbitrariamente los niveles de oxígeno que deberán consumir los elementos residuales altamente oxidables (Al, Ca, y empezar la reacción con los desoxidantes menores (Si y Mn. De esta manera se simulan diferentes condiciones de operación. Las predicciones numéricas se comparan con los

  20. Synthesis of S/Cr doped mesoporous TiO2 with high-active visible light degradation property via solid state reaction route

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Shaoyou; Tang Qunli; Feng Qingge


    S/Cr doped mesoporous TiO 2 (S-TiO 2 , Cr-TiO 2 , S-Cr-TiO 2 ) were successfully synthesized via a simple, effective and environmental benign solid state reaction route. The low angle XRD patterns demonstrated that the resulting samples possess mesostructures. The further characterizations via N 2 adsorption-desorption and XPS showed that the typical S/Cr co-doped mesoporous TiO 2 (S-Cr-TiO 2 (5S-5Cr)) possesses mesopore with the high specific surface area of 118.4 m 2 /g and narrow pore size distribution, and both S and Cr have been incorporated into the lattice of TiO 2 with the amounts of 4.16% sulfur and 7.88% chromium, respectively. And Raman spectroscopy shows that the surface of S-Cr-TiO 2 (5S-5Cr) material possesses stretching vibrational peaks at ∼709, ∼793 cm -1 are assignable to the Ti-O-Cr, O-Cr (Ti)-OH bonds, respectively. Interestingly, the UV-vis displayed that the absorption regions of S/Cr doped mesoporous TiO 2 cover the visible light region. As for the series of S-Cr-TiO 2 samples, the absorption region even extends to near infrared region with strong adsorption. Moreover, compared with the pure titanium dioxide (P25-TiO 2 ), the photodegradation properties of bromocresol green (BCG) on the S/Cr doped mesoporous TiO 2 showed excellent photocatalytic properties under visible light irradiation. Within 50 min visible light irradiation, 82.6% of the initial BCG was degraded for the S-Cr-TiO 2 (6S-4Cr) photocatalyst.

  1. Cr2O3-doped MOX fuel: doping and sintering atmosphere optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, R.


    Optimal use of the Mixed Oxide (U,Pu)O 2 nuclear fuel in pressurized water reactors is mainly limited by the behavior of gaseous fission produced during irradiation. Within the MOX microstructure, the probability of fission gas release is increased by the presence of rich localized plutonium areas exhibiting a higher local burn-up. A solution consists in optimizing plutonium distribution within the industrial product and promoting the crystalline growth of the fuel grains. For this purpose, addition of chromium sesquioxide during the manufacturing process is currently considered. A previous thesis has shown that the best results are obtained for a Cr addition slightly greater than the solubility limit of Cr in (U,Pu)O 2 . In order to explain the enhanced plutonium homogeneity, the author highlighted the formation of PuCrO 3 precipitates at grain boundaries. A sintering model under reducing atmosphere, with chromium addition, was proposed. However, several points have to be more thoroughly investigated, especially regarding the solubility limit of chromium, as well as the optimal conditions of PuCrO 3 precipitates formation. In a first part, speciation of solubilized and precipitated chromium in the mixed oxide (U,Pu)O 2 is studied using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). It was shown that the oxidation state and the environment of soluble chromium within the (U,Pu)O 2 matrix do not depend on the oxygen partial pressure during sintering, neither on the plutonium content of the mixed oxide. However, both chemical nature of the precipitates and chromium solubility depend on the thermodynamic variable and on the plutonium content.Based on these results, a chromium solubility model in the mixed oxide (U,Pu)O 2-x was built using the law of mass action governing solubility equilibrium. This model is described as a function of the plutonium content (y) of the solid solution (U 1-y Pu y )O 2-x (y = 0,11; 0,275 et 1) and in the

  2. Development of the 5-HT2CR-Tango System Combined with an EGFP Reporter Gene. (United States)

    Watanabe, Yoshihisa; Tsujimura, Atsushi; Aoki, Miku; Taguchi, Katsutoshi; Tanaka, Masaki


    The serotonin 2C receptor (5-HT2CR) is a G-protein-coupled receptor implicated in emotion, feeding, reward, and cognition. 5-HT2CRs are pharmacological targets for mental disorders and metabolic and reward system abnormalities, as alterations in 5-HT2CR expression, RNA editing, and SNPs are involved in these disturbances. To date, 5-HT2CR activity has mainly been measured by quantifying inositol phosphate production and intracellular Ca(2+) release, but these assays are not suitable for in vivo analysis. Here, we developed a 5-HT2CR-Tango assay system, a novel analysis tool of 5-HT2CR activity based on the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-arrestin interaction. With desensitization of activated 5-HT2CR by arrestin, this system converts the 5-HT2CR-arrestin interaction into EGFP reporter gene signal via the LexA transcriptional activation system. For validation of our system, we measured activity of two 5-HT2CR RNA-editing isoforms (INI and VGV) in HEK293 cells transfected with EGFP reporter gene. The INI isoform displayed both higher basal- and 5-HT-stimulated activities than the VGV isoform. Moreover, an inhibitory effect of 5-HT2CR antagonist SB242084 was also detected by 5-HT2CR-Tango system. This novel tool is useful for in vitro high-throughput targeted 5-HT2CR drug screening and can be applied to future in vivo brain function studies associated with 5-HT2CRs in transgenic animal models.

  3. Mechanical characterization of a reduced activation 9 Cr ferritic/martensitic steel of spanish production; Caracterizacion mecanica de un acero ferritico/martenitico de activacion reducida de produccion espanola

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez, D.; Serrano, M.


    This paper shows the first results concerning the characterization of two heats of a reduced activation 9 Cr ferritic/martensitic steel (RAFM) made in Spain, called AF1B and AF2A. The results of this characterization are compared with their European counterparts, EUROFER97-2, which was chosen as reference material. All activities described were performed in the Structural Materials Unit of CIEMAT, within the national project TECNO-FUS CONSOLIDER INGENIO.The two Spanish heats have the same production process and heat treatment. Both heats have a similar tensile behaviour similar to EUROFER97-2, but on the other hand impact properties are lower. The microstructure of AF1B reveals large biphasic inclusions that affecting its mechanical properties, especially the impact properties. AF2A casting was free of these inclusions. (Author) 24 refs.

  4. Magnetodielectric effect in CoCr2-XFeXO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bao Huixin; Yang Sen; Ren Xiaobing


    Conventional multiferroics show the multiferroic behaviors below two successive transitions (a ferroelectric transition and a ferromagnetic transition). In the present study, we report the magneto-dielectric (MD) effect (both in-plane and out-of-plane) in CoCr 2-X Fe X O 4 which undergoes only a ferromagnetic transition. We found the MD effect in the pure ferromagnetic phase (T S C ) of CoCr 2 O 4 . And such MD effect is temperature dependent. The magnitude of the MD effect gradually decreases with approaching Curie temperature (T C ) and finally becomes zero at T C . With doping Fe into CoCr 2 O 4 , we found the magnitude of MD effect increases and the MD effect exists in a wider temperature region because T C increases and T S decrease with doping Fe. Our results show the coupling between the ferromagnetic and ferroelectric orders. It suggests that both the ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties originate from the same transition.

  5. Reversal magnetization dependence with the Cr and Fe oxidation states in YFe{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 3} (0≤x≤1) perovskites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fabian, F.A., E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Campus Prof. Aloísio Campos, Departamento de Física, 49100−000 São Cristóvão, SE (Brazil); Pedra, P.P. [Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Campus Prof. Aloísio Campos, Departamento de Física, 49100−000 São Cristóvão, SE (Brazil); Moura, K.O. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física “Gleb Wataghin”, 13083−859 Campinas, SP (Brazil); Duque, J.G.S.; Meneses, C.T. [Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Campus Prof. Alberto Carvalho, Departamento de Física, 49500−000 Itabaiana, SE (Brazil)


    In this work, we have carried out a detailed study of the magnetic and structural properties of YFe{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 3} (0≤x≤1) samples with orthorhombic structure obtained by co-precipitation method. Analysis of X-ray diffraction data using Rietveld refinement show that all samples present an orthorhombic crystal system with space group Pnma. Besides, we have observed a reduction of unit cell volume with increasing of the Cr concentration. SEM images show the formation of grains of micrometer order. X-ray Absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) measurements show a shift of absorption edge which can be indicate there is (i) different oxidation states to Fe and Cr ions and/or (ii) a changing in the point symmetry of Fe and Cr ions to the compounds. The magnetization measurements indicate a continuous decreasing of the magnetic transition temperature as function of chromium doping. The reversal magnetization effect was observed to concentrations around x=0.5. Besides, the deviation of the Curie–Weiss law and a weak ferromagnetic behavior observed at room temperature in the M vs H curves can be attributed to the strong magnetic interactions between the transition metals with different oxidation states. - Highlights: • YFe{sub 1−x}Cr{sub x}O{sub 3} (0≤x≤1) samples were synthesized by co-precipitation method. • XRD dates showed a reduction of unit cell volume with addition of Cr. • XANES dates showed difference in the oxidation states to Cr and Fe. • MZFC-MFC indicate a decreasing of the T{sub N} as function of chromium doping. • MFC curve for x=0.5 concentration was observed the reverse magnetization effect.

  6. Mechanical and physical properties of 2 1/4 Cr--1 Mo steel in support of CRBRP steam generator design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brinkman, C.R.; Williams, R.K.; Klueh, R.L.; Hebble, T.L.


    Mechanical and physical property tests on annealed 2 1 / 4 Cr-1 Mo steel were conducted in an effort to define behavior in support of the design of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (CRBRP) steam generator design. Interim empirical expressions and/or data are reported from the results of tensile, creep, fatigue, creep-fatigue, subcritical crack growth, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and thermal expansion tests and analysis. These expressions cover behavior, where appropriate, over a range of temperatures from 25 to as high as 700 0 C. Comparisons between thermal conductivity and diffusivity values and those found in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code indicated that the new values were significantly higher than those found presently in the Code. The importance and complexity of obtaining valid mechanical and physical properties for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (CRBRP) steam generator are discussed. (U.S.)

  7. Preparation of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles for superthermites by the detonation of an explosive nanocomposite material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Comet, Marc, E-mail:; Pichot, Vincent; Siegert, Benny; Fousson, Eric [NS3E, UMR 3208 ISL/CNRS, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL) (France); Mory, Julien; Moitrier, Florence [French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL) (France); Spitzer, Denis [NS3E, UMR 3208 ISL/CNRS, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL) (France)


    This article reports on the preparation of chromium(III) oxide nanoparticles by detonation. For this purpose, a high explosive-hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX)-has been solidified from a solution infiltrated into the macro- and mesoporosity of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} powder obtained by the combustion of ammonium dichromate. The resulting Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}/RDX nanocomposite material was embedded in a cylindrical charge of pure explosive and detonated in order to fragment the metallic oxide into nanoparticles. The resulting soot contains Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles, nanodiamonds, amorphous carbon species and inorganic particles resulting from the erosion by the blast of the detonation tank wall. The purification process consists in (i) removing the carbonaceous species by an oxidative treatment at 500 Degree-Sign C and (ii) dissolving the mineral particles by a chemical treatment with hydrofluoric acid. Contrary to what could be expected, the Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} particles formed during the detonation are twice larger than those of initial Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}. The detonation causes the fragmentation of the porous oxide and the melting of resulting particles. Nanometric droplets of molten Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} are ejected and quenched by the water in which the charge is fired. Despite their larger size, the Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanoparticles prepared by detonation were found to be less aggregated than those of the initial oxide used as precursor. Finally, the Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} synthesized by detonation was used to prepare a superthermite with aluminium nanoparticles. This material possesses a lower sensitivity and a more regular combustion compared to the one made of initial Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}.

  8. Creep-fatigue behavior of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel at 5500C in air and vacuum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asayama, T.; Cheng, S.Z.; Asada, Y.; Mitsuhashi, S.; Tachibana, Y.


    Creep-fatigue tests were conducted with 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel at 550 0 C under various strain wave forms in air and vacuum of 100 and 0.1 μPa. No indication of environmental effect of air was observed in 0.1 μPa vacuum in which a strain rate effect diminished. However, there observed still a time/rate dependent life reduction in a case of wave forms with a longer tension going time than compression. In addition, there observed an effect of mean stress with this steel. An analysis of stress-strain response showed the response is not affected by the test environment. Internal stresses of back and drag stress were obtained with this steel and an overstress was predicted based on phenomenology. A pure creep-fatigue life reduction was predicted based on a damage model composed of the overstress. The prediction showed a scatter of a factor of two. An effect of air environment was evaluated based on the prediction procedure. The method should be improved to include the effect of mean stress on creep-fatigue behavior of this steel

  9. Surface decoration through electrostatic interaction leading to enhanced reactivity: Low temperature synthesis of nanostructured chromium borides (CrB and CrB2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menaka,; Kumar, Bharat; Kumar, Sandeep; Ganguli, A.K.


    The present study describes a novel low temperature route at ambient pressure for the synthesis of nanocrystalline chromium borides (CrB and CrB 2 ) without using any flux or additives. The favorable and intimate mixing of nanoparticles of chromium acetate (Cr source) and boron forms an active chromium–boron precursor which decomposes at much lower temperature (400 °C) to form CrB (which is ∼1000 °C less than the known ambient pressure synthesis). The chromium acetate nanoparticles (∼5 nm) decorate the larger boron particles (150–200 nm) due to electrostatic interactions resulting from opposing surface charges of boron (zeta potential:+48.101 mV) and chromium acetate (zeta potential:−4.021 mV) in ethanolic medium and is evident in the TEM micrographs. The above method leads to the formation of pure CrB film like structure at 400 °C and nanospheres (40–60 nm) at 600 °C. Also, chromium diboride (CrB 2 ) nanoparticles (25 nm) could be obtained at 1000 °C. - Graphical abstract: Variation of surface charge of reactants, precursor and the products, chromium borides (CrB and CrB 2 ). Highlights: ► Novel borothermal reduction process for synthesis of chromium boride. ► Significant lowering of reaction temperature to obtain nanocrystalline chromium boride. ► Enhanced reactivity due to appropriate surface interactions

  10. Photoinduced Spin Disorder in Half-Metal CrO2 films

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    WU Xue-Wei; NIU Dong-Lin; LIU Xiao-Jun


    @@ We investigate the photoinduced effects on the spin state for half-metallic ferromagnet CrO2 (TC~390 K), in which the conducting electrons are totally polarized, by means of the time-resolved pump-probe method at the temperature range from 300K to 470K. A significant negative change △T/T for the transmittance spectrum at 1.55eV under photo-excitation is found. The △T/T value monotonically decreases on approaching to TC from the low temperature side, suggesting a photoinduced spin disorder state. Furthermore, we calculate the saturation magnetization MS of CrO2 in both the ground and photo-excited states by using the local-spin-density approximation plus U (LSDA+U) method, and find a decrease of the MS-value in the photo-excited state. The suppressed MS-value in the photo-excited state is consistent with the experimental data.

  11. Tribological Properties of HVOF-Sprayed TiB2-NiCr Coatings with Agglomerated Feedstocks (United States)

    Zhao, Zichun; Li, Hui; Yang, Tianlong; Zhu, Hongbin


    Boride materials have drawn great attention in surface engineering field, owing to their high hardness and good wear resistance. In our previous work, a plasma-sprayed TiB2-based cermet coating was deposited, but the coating toughness was significantly influenced by the formation of a brittle ternary phase (Ni20Ti3B6) derived from the reaction between TiB2 and metal binder. In order to suppress such a reaction occurred in the high-temperature spraying process, the high-velocity oxygen-fuel spraying technique was applied to prepare the TiB2-NiCr coating. Emphasis was paid on the microstructure, the mechanical properties, and the sliding wearing performance of the coating. The result showed that the HVOF-sprayed coating mainly consisted of hard ceramic particles including TiB2, CrB, and the binder phase. No evidence of Ni20Ti3B6 phase was found in the coating. The mechanical properties of HVOF-sprayed TiB2-NiCr coating were comparable to the conventional Cr3C2-NiCr coating. The frictional coefficient of the TiB2-NiCr coating was lower than the Cr3C2-NiCr coating when sliding against a bearing steel ball.

  12. Tribological Properties of HVOF-Sprayed TiB2-NiCr Coatings with Agglomerated Feedstocks (United States)

    Zhao, Zichun; Li, Hui; Yang, Tianlong; Zhu, Hongbin


    Boride materials have drawn great attention in surface engineering field, owing to their high hardness and good wear resistance. In our previous work, a plasma-sprayed TiB2-based cermet coating was deposited, but the coating toughness was significantly influenced by the formation of a brittle ternary phase (Ni20Ti3B6) derived from the reaction between TiB2 and metal binder. In order to suppress such a reaction occurred in the high-temperature spraying process, the high-velocity oxygen-fuel spraying technique was applied to prepare the TiB2-NiCr coating. Emphasis was paid on the microstructure, the mechanical properties, and the sliding wearing performance of the coating. The result showed that the HVOF-sprayed coating mainly consisted of hard ceramic particles including TiB2, CrB, and the binder phase. No evidence of Ni20Ti3B6 phase was found in the coating. The mechanical properties of HVOF-sprayed TiB2-NiCr coating were comparable to the conventional Cr3C2-NiCr coating. The frictional coefficient of the TiB2-NiCr coating was lower than the Cr3C2-NiCr coating when sliding against a bearing steel ball.

  13. CX3CR1 is a modifying gene of survival and progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alan Lopez-Lopez

    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to investigate the association of functional variants of the human CX3CR1 gene (Fractalkine receptor with the risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, the survival and the progression rate of the disease symptoms in a Spanish ALS cohort. 187 ALS patients (142 sporadic [sALS] and 45 familial and 378 controls were recruited. We investigated CX3CR1 V249I (rs3732379 and T280M (rs3732378 genotypes and their haplotypes as predictors of survival, the progression rate of the symptoms (as measured by ALSFRS-R and FVC decline and the risk of suffering ALS disease. The results indicated that sALS patients with CX3CR1 249I/I or 249V/I genotypes presented a shorter survival time (42.27 ± 4.90 than patients with 249V/V genotype (67.65 ± 7.42; diff -25.49 months 95%CI [-42.79,-8.18]; p = 0.004; adj-p = 0.018. The survival time was shorter in sALS patients with spinal topography and CX3CR1 249I alleles (diff =  -29.78 months; 95%CI [-49.42,-10.14]; p = 0.003. The same effects were also observed in the spinal sALS patients with 249I-280M haplotype (diff =  -27.02 months; 95%CI [-49.57, -4.48]; p = 0.019. In the sALS group, the CX3CR1 249I variant was associated with a faster progression of the disease symptoms (OR = 2.58; 95IC% [1.32, 5.07]; p = 0.006; adj-p = 0.027. There was no evidence for association of these two CX3CR1 variants with ALS disease risk. The association evidenced herein is clinically relevant and indicates that CX3CR1 could be a disease-modifying gene in sALS. The progression rate of the disease's symptoms and the survival time is affected in patients with one or two copies of the CX3CR1 249I allele. The CX3CR1 is the most potent ALS survival genetic factor reported to date. These results reinforce the role of the immune system in ALS pathogenesis.

  14. The oxidation behaviour of Fe-9Cr-1Mo steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowlands, P.C.; Holmes, D.R.; Whittaker, A.; Brierley, R.A.; Garrett, J.C.P.


    The oxidation behaviour of Fe9Cr1Mo steels over a wide range of conditions covering likely operating environments has been determined. In particular the effects of temperature, gas composition and materials variables on production materials have been investigated. From this work the mechanisms of protective and breakaway corrosion have broadly been elucidated. The vital role of carbon deposition in the oxide and carburisation of the metal has been determined. Aspects of the breakaway and protective oxidation mechanisms have been incorporated into a statistical model for predicting breakaway initiation and boiler component life. The results obtained from the tube life calculations indicate very low probabilities of component failure for coolant gas compositions containing up to the equivalent of 825 vppm H 2 O and 1%CO. For a more aggressive gas at the upper limit of CO concentration (2%CO) there is a small probability of failure within 25 years for finned boiler tubes. Current work may in time allow these constraints composition to be relaxed. The information gained has been used in the design of Heysham II/Torness to reduce the probabilities of 9Cr component failure to insignificant levels. (author)

  15. Monoclonal antibody OKB7, which identifies the 14OKd complement receptor type 2 (CR2), also identifies a 72Kd secreted fragment of CR2 that contains the C3d-binding site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myones, B.L.; Ross, G.D.


    CR 2 is a 140-145Kd glycoprotein expressed on B lymphocytes which binds both C3d and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). OKB7, an IgG/sub 2a/ monoclonal antibody to CR 2 , blocks C3d and EBV binding, while HB-5, another monoclonal IgG/sub 2a/ anti-CR 2 , does not. A 72Kd C3d-binding glycoprotein (gp72), isolated from Raji cell media, was previously thought to be CR 2 because a polyclonal rabbit anti-gp72 inhibited EC3d rosettes. ELISA assay demonstrated that OKB7, but not HB-5, bound to purified gp72 fixed to microtiter wells. Insoluble and soluble gp72 blocked Raji cell uptake of 125 I-labeled OKB7, but not labeled anti-B2 or HB-5. Rabbit anti-gp72 immunoprecipitated bands at 140Kd and 72Kd from 125 I-labelled and solubilized B cell membranes. Culture media from Raji cells grown in the presence 3 H-labeled amino acids was sequentially immunoprecipitated by irrelevant antibody, OKB7, and HB-5. A single 72Kd radiolabeled band was demonstrated only with OKB7, and this was identical to that produced by the immunoprecipitation of 125 I-labeled gp72 with rabbit anti-gp72. Thus, OKB7, which identifies the 140Kd CR 2 molecule, also identifies a 72Kd shed fragment of CR 2 isolated from Raji cell media, which contains the C3d-binding site

  16. Heterogeneity of Cr in Mytilus edulis: Implications for the Cr isotope system as a paleo-redox proxy (United States)

    Bruggmann, Sylvie; Klaebe, Robert; Frei, Robert


    Changes in 53Cr/52Cr (δ53Cr) values recorded by biogenic carbonates are emerging as a proxy for variations in the redox state of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere (e.g. [1], [2]). We investigate the ability of modern carbonate shells (Mytilus edulis) to record the δ53Cr composition of ambient seawater in order to assess their utility as a paleo-redox proxy. Samples of cultivated M. edulis from the Kiel Fjord, Germany, were analyzed for their δ53Cr composition and Cr concentrations [Cr] using TIMS. To disentangle the pathway of Cr into the carbonate shell, a series of step-digestions of their organic outer sheaths (periostraca) and their intra-layer composition were performed. Bulk analyses of specimens with intact periostraca returned 16 to 34 ppb Cr with δ53Cr values ranging from 0.28 to 0.65 ± 0.1 (2SE) and thus fall within the range of surface seawater from the Baltic Sea (0.3 - 0.6 \\permil [3]). Partial removal of periostraca resulted in lower [Cr] (5 to 17 ppb) and δ53Cr values (-0.05 ± 0.15 \\permil). These results show a positive correlation between the amount of organic matter present in a sample and both [Cr] and δ53Cr (n = 9). With nearly complete removal of periostraca, the remaining [Cr] is significantly lower (less than 5 ppb) and can only be accessed by incineration of the carbonate shell. The correlation between [Cr], δ53Cr and the amount of periostracum present in bulk samples indicates that a significant proportion of preserved Cr may be associated with the organic outer sheath. The Cr endmember accessed after incineration is less likely associated with the carbonate crystal lattice. Instead, the δ53Cr values obtained after incineration are similar to those reported from terrestrial rocks, suggesting the influence of detrital particles. Alternatively, Cr may be reduced and subsequently re-oxidized during the mineralization of biogenic carbonates [4]. Seasonal changes in primary productivity in seawater may further influence the shell

  17. Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} thin films grown at room temperature by low pressure laser chemical vapour deposition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sousa, P.M. [Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias, Departamento de Fisica and ICEMS, Campo Grande, Ed. C8, 1749-016 Lisboa (Portugal); Silvestre, A.J., E-mail: asilvestre@deq.isel.ipl.p [Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa and ICEMS, R. Conselheiro Emidio Navarro 1, 1959-007 Lisboa (Portugal); Conde, O. [Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias, Departamento de Fisica and ICEMS, Campo Grande, Ed. C8, 1749-016 Lisboa (Portugal)


    Chromia (Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}) has been extensively explored for the purpose of developing widespread industrial applications, owing to the convergence of a variety of mechanical, physical and chemical properties in one single oxide material. Various methods have been used for large area synthesis of Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} films. However, for selective area growth and growth on thermally sensitive materials, laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition (LCVD) can be applied advantageously. Here we report on the growth of single layers of pure Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3} onto sapphire substrates at room temperature by low pressure photolytic LCVD, using UV laser radiation and Cr(CO){sub 6} as chromium precursor. The feasibility of the LCVD technique to access selective area deposition of chromia thin films is demonstrated. Best results were obtained for a laser fluence of 120 mJ cm{sup -2} and a partial pressure ratio of O{sub 2} to Cr(CO){sub 6} of 1.0. Samples grown with these experimental parameters are polycrystalline and their microstructure is characterised by a high density of particles whose size follows a lognormal distribution. Deposition rates of 0.1 nm s{sup -1} and mean particle sizes of 1.85 {mu}m were measured for these films.

  18. Synthesis and characterization of Cr doped CoFe2O4 (United States)

    Verma, Kavita; Patel, K. R.; Ram, Sahi; Barbar, S. K.


    Polycrystalline samples of pure and Cr-doped cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4 and CoCrFeO4) were prepared by solid state reaction route method. X-ray diffraction pattern infers that both the samples are in single phase with Fd3m space group. Slight reduction in the lattice parameter of CoCrFeO4 has been observed as compared to CoFe2O4. The dielectric dispersion has been explained on the basis of Fe2+ ↔ Fe3+ hopping mechanism. The polarizations at lower frequencies are mainly attributed to electronic exchange between Fe2+ ↔ Fe3+ ions on the octahedral site in the ferrite lattice. In the present system a part from n-type charge carrier (Fe3+/Fe2+), the presence of (Co3+/Co2+) ions give rise to p-type charge carrier. Therefore in addition to n-type charge carrier, the local displacement of p-type charge carrier in direction of external electric field also contributes to net polarization. However, the dielectric constant and loss tangent of CoCrFeO4 are found to be lower than CoFe2O4 and is attributed to the availability of ferrous ion. CoCrFeO4 have less amount of ferrous ion available for polarization as compared to that of CoFe2O4. The impedance spectra reveal a grain interior contribution to the conduction process.

  19. Effect of tensile deformation on micromagnetic parameters in 0.2% carbon steel and 2.25Cr-1Mo steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moorthy, V.; Vaidyanathan, S.; Jayakumar, T.; Raj, B. [Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam (India). Metallurgy and Materials Group; Kashyap, B.P. [Indian Inst. of Tech., Bombay (India). Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science


    The influence of prior tensile deformation on the magnetic Barkhausen emission (MBE) and the hysteresis (B-H) curve has been studied in 0.2% carbon steel and 2.25Cr-1Mo steel under different tempered conditions. This study shows that the micromagnetic parameters can be used to identify the four stages of deformation, namely (1) perfectly elastic, (2) microplastic yielding, (3) macroyielding and (4) progressive plastic deformation. However, it is observed that the MBE profile shows more distinct changes at different stages of tensile deformation than the hysteresis curve. It has been established that the beginning of microplastic yielding and macroyielding can be identified from the MBE profile which is not possible from the stress-strain plot. The onset of microplastic yielding can be identified from the decrease in the MBE peak height. The macroyielding can be identified from the merging of the initially present two-peak MBE profile into a single central peak with relatively higher peak height and narrow profile width. The difference between the variation of MBE and hysteresis curve parameters with strain beyond macroyielding indicates the difference in the deformation state of the surface and bulk of the sample.

  20. Correlation of microstructure and low cycle fatigue properties for 13.5Cr1.1W0.3Ti ODS steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He, P.; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Lindau, R.; Seifert, H.J.


    Reduced activation oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels are prospective structural materials for the blanket system and first wall components in Tokamak-type fusion reactors. Under the pulsed operation, these components will be predominantly subjected to cyclic thermal–mechanical loading which leads to inevitable fatigue damage. In this work, strain controlled isothermal fatigue tests were conducted for 13.5Cr1.1W0.3Ti ODS steel at 550 °C. The total strain range varied from 0.54% to 0.9%. After thermomechanical processing, 13.5CrWTi–ODS steel exhibits a remarkable lifetime extension with a factor of 10–20 for strain ranges Δε ⩽ 0.7%. 13.5Cr ODS steel shows no cyclic softening at all during the whole testing process irrespective of the strain range. TEM observations reveal ultrastable grain structure and constant dislocation densities around 10 14 m −2 , independent of the number of cycles or the applied strain amplitude. The presence of the stabilized ultrafine Y–Ti–O dispersoids enhances the microstructural stability and therefore leads to outstanding fatigue resistance for 13.5Cr1.1W0.3Ti–ODS steel

  1. Correlation of microstructure and low cycle fatigue properties for 13.5Cr1.1W0.3Ti ODS steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    He, P., E-mail:; Klimenkov, M.; Möslang, A.; Lindau, R.; Seifert, H.J.


    Reduced activation oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels are prospective structural materials for the blanket system and first wall components in Tokamak-type fusion reactors. Under the pulsed operation, these components will be predominantly subjected to cyclic thermal–mechanical loading which leads to inevitable fatigue damage. In this work, strain controlled isothermal fatigue tests were conducted for 13.5Cr1.1W0.3Ti ODS steel at 550 °C. The total strain range varied from 0.54% to 0.9%. After thermomechanical processing, 13.5CrWTi–ODS steel exhibits a remarkable lifetime extension with a factor of 10–20 for strain ranges Δε ⩽ 0.7%. 13.5Cr ODS steel shows no cyclic softening at all during the whole testing process irrespective of the strain range. TEM observations reveal ultrastable grain structure and constant dislocation densities around 10{sup 14} m{sup −2}, independent of the number of cycles or the applied strain amplitude. The presence of the stabilized ultrafine Y–Ti–O dispersoids enhances the microstructural stability and therefore leads to outstanding fatigue resistance for 13.5Cr1.1W0.3Ti–ODS steel.

  2. Spin correlations in the pyrochlore slab compounds Ba2Sn2Ga10-7pZnCr7pO22

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonnet, P; Payen, C; Mutka, H; Danot, M; Fabritchnyi, P; Stewart, J R; Mellergaard, A; Ritter, C


    The low-temperature properties of a diluted antiferromagnetic pyrochlore slab of S = 3/2 spins are investigated through a study of the frustrated oxides Ba 2 Sn 2 Ga 10-7p ZnCr 7p O 22 (p>0.85). Powder neutron diffraction and 119 Sn Moessbauer absorption show no evidence of long-range magnetic order above 1.5 K. As in SrCr 9q Ga 12-9q O 19 , diffuse magnetic scattering, indicative of short range spin-spin correlations, is observed at low temperature. The dependence of the low-temperature sub-Curie bulk susceptibility to weak site depletion is the inverse of that observed in SrCr 9q Ga 12-9q O 19

  3. Study of fatigue and fracture behavior of NbCr{sub 2}-based alloys: Phase stability in Nb-Cr-Ni ternary system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, J.H.; Liaw, P.K. [Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States). Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering; Liu, C.T. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States). Metals and Ceramics Div.


    Phase stability in a ternary Nb-Cr-Ni Laves phase system was studied in this paper. Their previous study in NbCr{sub 2}-based transition-metal Laves phases has shown that the average electron concentration factor, e/a, is the dominating factor in controlling the phase stability of NbCr{sub 2}-based Laves phases when the atomic size ratios are kept identical. Since Ni has ten out-shell electrons, the substitution of Ni for Cr in NbCr{sub 2} will increase the average electron concentration of the alloy, thus leading to the change of the crystal structures from C15 to C14. In this paper, a number of pseudo-binary Nb(Cr,Ni){sub 2} alloys were prepared, and the crystal structures of the alloys after a long heat-treatment at 1000 C as a function of the Ni content were determined by the X-ray diffraction technique. The boundaries of the C15/C14 transition were determined and compared to their previous predictions. It was found that the electron concentration and phase stability correlation is obeyed in the Nb-Cr-Ni system. However, the e/a ratio corresponding to the C15/C14 phase transition was found to move to a higher value than the predicted one. The changes in the lattice constant, Vickers hardness and fracture toughness were also determined as a function of the Ni content, which were discussed in light of the phase stability difference of the alloys.

  4. Cr2O3 nanoparticle-functionalized WO3 nanorods for ethanol gas sensors (United States)

    Choi, Seungbok; Bonyani, Maryam; Sun, Gun-Joo; Lee, Jae Kyung; Hyun, Soong Keun; Lee, Chongmu


    Pristine WO3 nanorods and Cr2O3-functionalized WO3 nanorods were synthesized by the thermal evaporation of WO3 powder in an oxidizing atmosphere, followed by spin-coating of the nanowires with Cr2O3 nanoparticles and thermal annealing in an oxidizing atmosphere. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the morphological features and X-ray diffraction was used to study the crystallinity and phase formation of the synthesized nanorods. Gas sensing tests were performed at different temperatures in the presence of test gases (ethanol, acetone, CO, benzene and toluene). The Cr2O3-functionalized WO3 nanorods sensor showed a stronger response to these gases relative to the pristine WO3 nanorod sensor. In particular, the response of the Cr2O3-functionalized WO3 nanorods sensor to 200 ppm ethanol gas was 5.58, which is approximately 4.4 times higher that of the pristine WO3 nanorods sensor. Furthermore, the Cr2O3-functionalized WO3 nanorods sensor had a shorter response and recovery time. The pristine WO3 nanorods had no selectivity toward ethanol gas, whereas the Cr2O3-functionalized WO3 nanorods sensor showed good selectivity toward ethanol. The gas sensing mechanism of the Cr2O3-functionalized WO3 nanorods sensor toward ethanol is discussed in detail.

  5. Development of expression vectors for Escherichia coli based on the pCR2 replicon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deb J K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recent developments in metabolic engineering and the need for expanded compatibility required for co-expression studies, underscore the importance of developing new plasmid vectors with properties such as stability and compatibility. Results We utilized the pCR2 replicon of Corynebacterium renale, which harbours multiple plasmids, for constructing a range of expression vectors. Different antibiotic-resistance markers were introduced and the vectors were found to be 100% stable over a large number of generations in the absence of selection pressure. Compatibility of this plasmid was studied with different Escherichia coli plasmid replicons viz. pMB1 and p15A. It was observed that pCR2 was able to coexist with these E.coli plasmids for 60 generations in the absence of selection pressure. Soluble intracellular production was checked by expressing GFP under the lac promoter in an expression plasmid pCR2GFP. Also high level production of human IFNγ was obtained by cloning the h-IFNγ under a T7 promoter in the expression plasmid pCR2-IFNγ and using a dual plasmid heat shock system for expression. Repeated sub-culturing in the absence of selection pressure for six days did not lead to any fall in the production levels post induction, for both GFP and h-IFNγ, demonstrating that pCR2 is a useful plasmid in terms of stability and compatibility. Conclusion We have constructed a series of expression vectors based on the pCR2 replicon and demonstrated its high stability and sustained expression capacity, in the absence of selection pressure which will make it an efficient tool for metabolic engineering and co-expression studies, as well as for scale up of expression.

  6. Microstructural control of Ti-46Al-7Nb-0.7Cr-0.2Ni-0.1Si alloy by heat treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasegawa, Makoto; Nomura, Takuya; Haga, Hideki; Fukutomi, Hiroshi; Dlouhy, Ivo; Brno University of Technology


    The effects of holding temperature, time and cooling rate on the microstructure of Ti-46Al-7Nb-0.7Cr-0.2Ni-0.1Si (at.%) alloys are studied. Three kinds of segregations are found in the as-cast material. In back scattered electron images these segregations are observed as dark regions formed by the solidification process, bright regions with irregular shaped blocks and imaged regions of lighter contrast formed by the cooling process from β phase to α phase and from α phase to (β + γ) two phase or (α + β + γ) three phase, respectively. Addition of small amounts of Cr, Ni and Si to the Ti-45Al-7Nb alloy shifts the (β + γ) two phase state and (α + γ + β) three phase state to a lower Nb concentration range. While cooling from the α single phase state to the (β + γ) two phase or (α + β + γ) three phase states, sequential type phase transformation occurs. The amounts of Cr, Ni and Si are too small to induce the pearlitic mode of transformation. Therefore, the sequential mode of the ternary alloy containing Nb occurs. The microstructures change depending on the cooling rate from α? single phase region. Massive transformation occurs in the range of 300 K s -1 to 50 K s -1 . However, the α phase is partially retained at the cooling rate of 300 K s -1 . A fully lamellar structure appears at cooling rates lower than 10 K s -1 .

  7. Microstructural control of Ti-46Al-7Nb-0.7Cr-0.2Ni-0.1Si alloy by heat treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hasegawa, Makoto; Nomura, Takuya; Haga, Hideki; Fukutomi, Hiroshi [Yokohama National University (Japan). Div. of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering; Dlouhy, Ivo [Institute of Physics of Materials, Brno (Czech Republic); Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). Inst. of Materials Science and Engineering


    The effects of holding temperature, time and cooling rate on the microstructure of Ti-46Al-7Nb-0.7Cr-0.2Ni-0.1Si (at.%) alloys are studied. Three kinds of segregations are found in the as-cast material. In back scattered electron images these segregations are observed as dark regions formed by the solidification process, bright regions with irregular shaped blocks and imaged regions of lighter contrast formed by the cooling process from β phase to α phase and from α phase to (β + γ) two phase or (α + β + γ) three phase, respectively. Addition of small amounts of Cr, Ni and Si to the Ti-45Al-7Nb alloy shifts the (β + γ) two phase state and (α + γ + β) three phase state to a lower Nb concentration range. While cooling from the α single phase state to the (β + γ) two phase or (α + β + γ) three phase states, sequential type phase transformation occurs. The amounts of Cr, Ni and Si are too small to induce the pearlitic mode of transformation. Therefore, the sequential mode of the ternary alloy containing Nb occurs. The microstructures change depending on the cooling rate from α? single phase region. Massive transformation occurs in the range of 300 K s{sup -1} to 50 K s{sup -1}. However, the α phase is partially retained at the cooling rate of 300 K s{sup -1}. A fully lamellar structure appears at cooling rates lower than 10 K s{sup -1}.

  8. Analgesic efficacy of CR4056, a novel imidazoline-2 receptor ligand, in rat models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain

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    Ferrari F


    Full Text Available Flora Ferrari1, Simonetta Fiorentino1, Laura Mennuni1, Paolo Garofalo1, Ornella Letari1, Stefano Mandelli2, Antonio Giordani3, Marco Lanza1, Gianfranco Caselli11Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology; 2Department of Medicinal Chemistry; 3R&D Chemistry Drug Development and OS, Rottapharm S.p.A., Monza (MB, ItalyAbstract: Two decades of investigations have failed to unequivocally clarify the functions and the molecular nature of imidazoline-2 receptors (I2R. However, there is robust pharmacological evidence for the functional modulation of monoamino oxidase (MAO and other important enzyme activities by I2 site ligands. Some compounds of this class proved to be active experimental tools in preventing both experimental pain and opioid tolerance and dependence. Unfortunately, even though these compounds bind with high potency to central I2 sites, they fail to represent a valid clinical opportunity due to their pharmacokinetic, selectivity or side-effects profile. This paper presents the preclinical profile of a novel I2 ligand (2-phenyl-6-(1H-imidazol-1ylquinazoline; [CR4056] that selectively inhibits the activity of human recombinant MAO-A in a concentration-dependent manner. A sub-chronic four day oral treatment of CR4056 increased norepinephrine (NE tissue levels both in the rat cerebral cortex (63.1% ± 4.2%; P<0.05 and lumbar spinal cord (51.3% ± 6.7%; P < 0.05. In the complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA rat model of inflammatory pain, CR4056 was found to be orally active (ED50 = 5.8 mg/kg, by mouth [p.o.]. In the acute capsaicin model, CR4056 completely blocked mechanical hyperalgesia in the injured hind paw (ED50 = 4.1 mg/kg, p.o.; ED100 = 17.9 mg/kg, p.o.. This effect was dose-dependently antagonized by the non-selective imidazoline I22 antagonist idazoxan. In rat models of neuropathic pain, oral administration of CR4056 significantly attenuated mechanical hyperalgesia and allodynia. In summary, the present study suggests a novel

  9. Impact behavior of 9-Cr and 12-Cr ferritic steels after low-temperature irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klueh, R.L.; Vitek, J.M.; Corwin, W.R.; Alexander, D.J.


    Miniature Charpy impact specimens of 9Cr-1MoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW steels and these steels with 1 and 2% Ni were irradiated in the High-Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at 50 0 C to displacement damage levels of up to 9 dpa. Nickel was added to study the effect of transmutation helium. Irradiation caused an increase in the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT). The 9Cr-1MoVNb steels, with and without nickel, showed a larger shift than the 12Cr-1MoVW steels, with and without nickel. The results indicated that helium also increased the DBTT. The same steels were previously irradiated at higher temperatures. From the present and past tests, the effect of irradiation temperature on the DBTT behavior can be evaluated. For the 9Cr-1MoVNb steel, there is a continuous decrease in the magnitude of the DBTT increase up to an irradiation temperature of about 400 0 C, after which the shift drops rapidly to zero at about 450 0 C. The DBTT of the 12Cr-1MoVW steel shows a maximum increase at an irradiation temperature of about 400 0 C and less of an increase at either higher or lower irradiation temperatures

  10. Bulk Kosterlitz-Thouless Type Molecular Superconductor β″-(BEDT-TTF)2[(H2O)(NH4)2Cr(C2O4)3]·18-crown-6. (United States)

    Martin, Lee; Lopez, Jordan R; Akutsu, Hiroki; Nakazawa, Yasuhiro; Imajo, Shusaku


    A new molecular superconductor, β″-(BEDT-TTF) 2 [(H 2 O)(NH 4 ) 2 Cr(C 2 O 4 ) 3 ]·18-crown-6, has been synthesized from the organic donor molecule BEDT-TTF with the anion Cr(C 2 O 4 ) 3 3- . The crystal structure consists of conducting organic layers of BEDT-TTF molecules which adopt the β″ packing motif (layer A), layers of NH 4 + and Λ-Cr(C 2 O 4 ) 3 3- (layer B), layers of (H 2 O)(NH 4 )18-crown-6 (layer C), and layers of NH 4 + and Δ-Cr(C 2 O 4 ) 3 3- (layer D) which produce a superstructure with a repeating pattern of ABCDABCDA. As a result of this packing arrangement, this is the 2D superconductor with the widest gap between conducting layers where only a single donor packing motif is present (β″). Superconducting critical temperatures at ambient pressure observed by electrical transport and magnetic measurements are 4.0-4.9 and 2.5 K, respectively. The strong 2D nature of this system, the broad transition to T zero at 1.8K, and the transition of α of V ∝ I α from 1 to 3 on I-V curves strongly suggest that the superconducting transition is very close to a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The magnetic field dependence of the superconducting critical temperature parallel to the conducting plane gives an upper critical field μ 0 H c2∥ > 8 T, which is over the calculated Pauli-Clogston limit for this material.

  11. Procesos de conversión de acero y efecto de variables en convertidores tipo L.B.E.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blanco, C.


    Full Text Available In order to determine control equations based on qualitative and quantitative changes of the raw materials, an analysis of the efficiency of the steel production process was carried out in converters under specified operation conditions. Empirical equations to obtain the final composition of the steel as a function of the additives, the initial concentrations of the hot metal and the blowing oxygen patterns are established. The resulting relationships depend on the considered variables and therefore could be used to determine operational strategies in order to obtain steels of a certain quality.

    Se analiza la eficacia de los procesos de transformación en convertidores en condiciones de trabajo determinadas, para deducir relaciones aplicables al control basadas en la modificación de cantidades y composiciones de las materias primas. Se plantean ecuaciones empíricas para determinar la composición final del acero como función de los aditivos y de las concentraciones iniciales del arrabio tratado, así como el patrón de soplado de oxígeno. Las relaciones obtenidas establecen las dependencias entre cada una de las variables consideradas y, por tanto, permiten determinar estrategias de operación para obtener aceros con unas calidades finales dadas.

  12. Stress-controlled inelastic behavior of modified 9 Cr-1 Mo steel at elevated temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taguchi, Kosei.


    Interest in the ferritic steels of higher chromium concentration has increased recently because of an economical combination of mechanical and corrosion properties at elevated temperatures. A modified 9 Cr-1 Mo ferritic steel, developed in the United States, has been expected as an alternative structural material for fast breeder reactor components, in which Type 304 stainless steel or 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel is currently used. For application of this material to the structural components, a lot of work has been done to develop evaluation methods for the deformation behavior and strength properties. The authors have studied the inelastic behavior and the creep-fatigue properties of modified 9 Cr-1 Mo steel at elevated temperatures, and proposed a constitutive equation and a creep-fatigue damage equation based on the overstress concept. In this paper, the applicability is discussed of the constitutive equation to stress-controlled inelastic behavior, such as creep strain hardening and stress cycling

  13. Transition Metal Complexes of Cr, Mo, W and Mn Containing η1(S)-2,5-Dimethylthiophene, Benzothiophene and Dibenzothiophene Ligands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reynolds, Michael [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States)


    The UV photolysis of hexanes solutions containing the complexes M(CO)6 (M=Cr, Mo, W) or CpMn(CO)3 (Cp=η5-C5H5) and excess thiophene (T*) (T*=2,5-dimethylthiophene (2,5-Me2T), benzothiophene (BT), and dibenzothiophene (DBT)) produces the η1(S)-T* complexes (CO)5M(η1(S)-T*) 1-8 or Cp(CO)2Mn(η1(S)-T*)9-11, respectively. However, when T*=DBT, and M=Mo, a mixture of two products result which includes the η1(S)-DBT complex (CO)5Mo(η1(S)-DBT) 4a and the unexpected π-complex (CO)3Mo(η{sup 6}-DBT) 4b as detected by 1H NMR. The liability of the η1(S)-T* ligands is illustrated by the rapid displacement of DBT in the complex (CO)5W(η1(S)-DBT) (1) by THF, and also in the complexes (CO)5Cr1(S)-DBT) (5) and CpMn(CO)21(S)-DBT) (9) by CO (1 atm) at room temperature. Complexes 1-11 have been characterized spectroscopically (1H NMR, IR) and when possible isolated as analytically pure solids (elemental analysis, EIMS). Single crystal, X-ray structural determinations are reported for (Cη)5W(η1(S)-DBT) and Cp(CO)2Mn(η1(S)-DBT).

  14. Microstructure and Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Mixture of Cr2O3 and TiO2

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ctibor, Pavel; Píš, I.; Kotlan, J.; Pala, Zdeněk; Štengl, Václav; Homola, P.


    Roč. 22, č. 7 (2013), s. 1163-1169 ISSN 1059-9630 Institutional support: RVO:61389021 ; RVO:61388980 Keywords : bandgap * Cr2O3 * photocatalysis * resistivity * spectroscopy * TiO2 Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics; CA - Inorganic Chemistry (UACH-T) Impact factor: 1.491, year: 2013

  15. Diseño de puesto de trabajo para la fabricación de eslingas de cable de acero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Téllez Chavarro Luz Ángela


    Full Text Available Introducción: Para la realización de eslingas se demanda alto nivel físico y adopción de diferentes posturas en largas jornadas laborales. Los desórdenes músculo esqueléticos relacionados con el trabajo son comunes, potencialmente discapacitantes y evitables. Objetivos: Proponer un diseño de puesto de trabajo que facilite la tarea de armado de eslingas de cable de acero bajo condiciones ergonómicas para el trabajador, luego identificar las características sociodemográficas, determinar las condiciones de salud de los trabajadores, establecer las dimensiones antropométricas de los trabajadores y del puesto de trabajo y evaluar el riesgo ergonómico del puesto actual. Metodología: Estudio cuali-cuantitativo, transversal descriptivo con dos trabajadores que fabricaban eslingas de cable de acero. Criterios de inclusión: desarrollo de su labor diaria únicamente en área, más de 12 meses trabajando con la empresa. La recolección de datos se hizo a través de videos, entrevistas y fotografías. Para la evaluación del riesgo ergonómico se aplicó el método REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment y la herramienta antropométrica "Dimensiones de Puesto de Trabajo". Este fue validado por expertos. Posteriormente se realizó la propuesta del diseño de puesto de trabajo en AutoCad®. Resultados: La puntuación total de REBA para el grupo A fue 9, del grupo B fue 9, para una puntuación final de 11. Conclusiones: La manipulación del cable de acero es un factor de riesgo mecánico. Para la implementación del puesto de trabajo se debería realizar: definición del modelo de prueba, documentación del proceso productivo, capacitación a los trabajadores, seguimiento permanente y ajustes al proceso.

  16. Electron concentration and phase stability in NbCr2-based Laves phase alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, J.H.; Liaw, P.K. [Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States). Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering; Liu, C.T. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States). Metals and Ceramics Div.


    Phase stability in NbCr{sub 2}-based transition-metal Laves phases was studied, based on the data reported for binary X-Cr, Nb-X, and ternary Nb-Cr-X phase diagrams. It was shown that when the atomic size ratios are kept identical, the average electron concentration factor, e/a, is the dominating factor in controlling the phase stability of NbCr{sub 2}-based transition-metal Laves phases. The e/a ratios for different Laves polytypes were determined as followed: with e/a < 5.76, the C15 structure is stabilized; at an e/a range of 5.88--7.53, the C14 structure is stabilized; with e/a > 7.65, the C15 structure is stabilized again. A further increase in the electron concentration factor (e/a > 8) leads to the disordering of the alloy. The electron concentration effect on the phase stability of Mg-based Laves phases and transition-metal A{sub 3}B intermetallic compounds is also reviewed and compared with the present observations in transition-metal Laves phases. In order to verify the e/a/phase stability relationship experimentally, additions of Cu (with e/a = 11) were selected to replace Cr in the NbCr{sub 2} Laves phase. Experimental results for the ternary Nb-Cr-Cu system are reported and discussed in terms of the correlation between the e/a ratio and phase stability in NbCr{sub 2}-based Laves phases. A new phase was found, which has an average composition of Nb-47Cr-3Cu. Within the solubility limit, the electron concentration and phase stability relationship is obeyed in the Nb-Cr-Cu system.

  17. Kinetics of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) removal from water by two floating macrophytes. (United States)

    Maine, M A; Hadad, H R; Sánchez, G; Caffaratti, S; Pedro, M C


    The aim of this work was to compare Cr(III) and Cr(VI) removal kinetics from water by Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia herzogii. The accumulation in plant tissues and the effects of both Cr forms on plant growth were also evaluated. Plants were exposed to 2 and 6 mg L(-1) of Cr(III) or Cr(VI) during 30 days. At the end of the experiment, Cr(VI) removal percentages were significantly lower than those obtained for Cr(III) for both macrophytes. Cr(III) removal kinetics involved a fast and a slow component. The fast component was primarily responsible for Cr(III) removal while Cr(VI) removal kinetics involved only a slow process. Cr accumulated principally in the roots. In the Cr(VI) treatments a higher translocation from roots to aerial parts than in Cr(III) treatments was observed. Both macrophytes demonstrated a high ability to remove Cr(III) but not Cr(VI). Cr(III) inhibited the growth at the highest studied concentration of both macrophytes while Cr(VI) caused senescence. These results have important implications in the use of constructed wetlands for secondary industrial wastewater treatment. Common primary treatments of effluents containing Cr(VI) consists in its reduction to Cr(III). Cr(III) concentrations in these effluents are normally below the highest studied concentrations in this work.

  18. Banana-shaped 1,2,4-oxadiazoles

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    cDipartimento di Fisica and INFM, Politecnico di Torino, C. Duca degli .... with a completely different shape (see figure 4): compound 1 possesses both smectic and ... (J/g). IIa. C7H. 15. Cr–Cr1. 137.8. Cr1–N. 149.5. Cr–N. 149.8. 49.2. N–I.

  19. Aplicación del ensayo miniatura de embutido para la evaluación de la tenacidad a temperaturas criogénicas de aceros inoxidables austeníticos envejecidos isotérmicamente

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    Saucedo-Muñoz, M. L.


    Full Text Available Two types of austenitic stainless steels JJl and JNl were isothermally aged at temperatures from 873 to 1173 K for 10 to 1000 min in order to study the microstructural evolution and its effect on fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures. The Charpy V-Notch (CVN and Small-Punch (SPTesting methods were conducted at 77 K to evaluate the toughness of both solution treated and aged specimens. The fracture energy at 77 K determined for both methods showed a significant decrease with aging time for both steels. A linear correlation between the fracture energies of both methods was found. The intergranular precipitation of carbides and nitrides was responsible for the fracture toughness deterioration. The scanning electron microscope fractographs showed an intergranular brittle fracture and its fraction also increased with aging time and temperature. The presence of a more abundant intergranular precipitation resulted in a more rapid decrease in fracture toughness with aging time in JNl steel due to its higher content of C and N, compared to that of JJl steel.

    Dos tipos de aceros inoxidables austeníticos, JJl y JNl, se envejecieron isotérmicamente a temperaturas entre 873 y 1.173 K por tiempos de 10 a 1.000 min, para estudiar la evolución microestructural y su efecto sobre la tenacidad a la fractura a temperaturas criogénicas. Los métodos de ensayo de impacto Charpy y el ensayo miniatura de embutido se llevaron a cabo a 77 K para evaluar la tenacidad de las muestras tratadas térmicamente. La energía de fractura determinada por ambos métodos mostró una disminución con el tiempo de envejecido para ambos aceros. Se encontró una relación lineal entre ambos valores de energía. La precipitación intergranular de carburos y nitruros fue la responsable de la pérdida de la tenacidad en las muestras envejecidas. La fractografía indicó que la fractura intergranular se incrementa con la temperatura y el tiempo de envejecido. La presencia

  20. Epitaxial Bi2 FeCrO6 Multiferroic Thin Film as a New Visible Light Absorbing Photocathode Material. (United States)

    Li, Shun; AlOtaibi, Bandar; Huang, Wei; Mi, Zetian; Serpone, Nick; Nechache, Riad; Rosei, Federico


    Ferroelectric materials have been studied increasingly for solar energy conversion technologies due to the efficient charge separation driven by the polarization induced internal electric field. However, their insufficient conversion efficiency is still a major challenge. Here, a photocathode material of epitaxial double perovskite Bi(2) FeCrO(6) multiferroic thin film is reported with a suitable conduction band position and small bandgap (1.9-2.1 eV), for visible-light-driven reduction of water to hydrogen. Photoelectrochemical measurements show that the highest photocurrent density up to -1.02 mA cm(-2) at a potential of -0.97 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode is obtained in p-type Bi(2) FeCrO(6) thin film photocathode grown on SrTiO(3) substrate under AM 1.5G simulated sunlight. In addition, a twofold enhancement of photocurrent density is obtained after negatively poling the Bi(2) FeCrO(6) thin film, as a result of modulation of the band structure by suitable control of the internal electric field gradient originating from the ferroelectric polarization in the Bi(2) FeCrO(6) films. The findings validate the use of multiferroic Bi(2) FeCrO(6) thin films as photocathode materials, and also prove that the manipulation of internal fields through polarization in ferroelectric materials is a promising strategy for the design of improved photoelectrodes and smart devices for solar energy conversion. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.