
Sample records for acero duplex tipo

  1. Passivation of duplex stainless steel in solutions simulating chloride-contaminated concrete

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    Takenouti, H.


    Full Text Available Most studies published to date on the corrosion behaviour of stainless reinforcing steel are based on austenitic steel. The market presence of corrugated duplex steel is growing, however. The present study compared passivity in 2205 type duplex and 304 type austenitic stainless steel. Polarization tests in chloride-containing Ca(OH2 solutions confirmed the exceptional performance of duplex steels. X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy (XPS showed that the passive layer generated on duplex stainless steel in media simulating concrete pore solutions had a higher Cr content than the layer formed on steel in contact with the air. The XPS results also revealed that in duplex steel the form adopted by the passive layer Fe oxides was Fe3O4 in the solutions simulating concrete, rather than Fe2O3, as in duplex steel exposed to air. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS can be used to monitor the transformations taking place in the passive layer and analyze the factors involved.La mayoría de los estudios publicados hasta el momento sobre el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de armaduras de acero inoxidable se basan en aceros austeníticos. Sin embargo, la presencia en el mercado de aceros corrugados dúplex es cada vez más importante. En este trabajo se analiza la pasividad de un acero inoxidable dúplex tipo 2205 en comparación con la de un inoxidable austenítico tipo 304. Los ensayos de polarización en disoluciones de Ca(OH2 con cloruros confirman el excepcional comportamiento de los aceros dúplex. La espectroscopía fotoelectrónica de rayos X (XPS informa de que la capa pasiva generada en aceros inoxidables dúplex en medios que simulan la disolución de los poros del hormigón posee mayor contenido en óxidos de Cr que la formada en aire. También se puede deducir de los resultados de XPS que los óxidos de Fe de la capa pasiva de los aceros dúplex se encuentran en forma de Fe3O4 en las disoluciones que simulan el hormigón en vez de en


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    Francisco Javier Bolívar Osorio

    Full Text Available El acero AISI 4140 es un acero de baja aleación al cromo/molibdeno de elevada resistencia mecánica y buena tenacidad, el cual se utiliza para la fabricación de piezas de maquinaria como piñones, cigüeñales, ejes de levas, etc. Sin embargo, su resistencia al desgaste es bastante limitada y suele ser mejorada mediante el tratamiento superficial de la nitruración. El propósito de este trabajo consistió en mejorar las propiedades mecánicas e incrementar la resistencia al desgaste del acero 4140 mediante la aplicación de un tratamiento superficial DUPLEX consistente en la nitruración líquida (conocida como Teniffer seguido del depósito de un recubrimiento duro de nitruro de titanio (TiN. La microestructura cristalina fue evaluada mediante difracción de rayos X, la morfología y la composición química fue determinada por microscopía SEM y espectroscopía de energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDS, las propiedades tribológicas fueron analizadas mediante mediciones en un tribómetro de tipo esfera sobre disco y la microdureza se determinó por el método Vickers. Las muestras tratadas con el recubrimiento dúplex mostraron una resistencia al desgaste 4 veces mayor que la muestra en estado bonificado, lo cual demuestra la aplicación potencial que tiene el acero 4140 sometido a este tratamiento dúplex.

  3. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  4. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  5. Influencia de la soldadura sobre la rotura por tensiones en tubos de acero inoxidable austenitico del tipo 18-11NB(TP347

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    Gutiérrez de Saiz-Solabarria, S.


    Full Text Available This work has been undertaken to study the stress cracking failure in various 18Cr11Ni [TP347 (18-11Nb, TP 321 (18-11 Ti, TP304 (18-11 and TP316 (18-11-2] types austenitic stainless steel tubes. The material used was produced hot-rolling at 76,2 mm φ (3"φ x 2,54 mm (1/10" thickness. The study was carried out at 593ºC and applied stress of 50 Ton/in2.

    Se estudia el efecto de la soldadura sobre la rotura por tensiones en tubos de acero inoxidable austenítico estabilizado con Nb o Ti de los tipos 18-11Nb (TP 347 y 18-11Ti (TP 321 así como sin estabilizar del tipo 18-11 (TP 304 y con Mo del tipo 18-11-2 (TP 316. Los tubos, en todos los casos, son de dimensiones 76,2 mm (3” φ x 2,54 mm (1/10” de espesor y la tensión aplicada (σ de 10 Ton/in2, para una temperatura de servicio de 593ºC.


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    Full Text Available Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono tipo hot rolled, rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable tipo 312, con el equipo Rototec, en una mezcla de sal 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 400ºC - 600ºC, durante tiempos de 1-7-22 horas. Los resultados mostraron una moderada protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento a 600ºC. Se concluyó que la velocidad de corrosión aumenta con la temperatura y disminuye con el tiempo de exposición.

  7. Transformaciones Microestructurales en Soldaduras Disímiles de Acero Inoxidable Austenítico con Acero Inoxidable Ferrítico

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    Sara María Aguilar-Sierra


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudian los fenómenos metalúrgicos que ocurren en la soldadura SMAW de un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430 con un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 316L. Para el estudio se utilizaron dos tipos de electrodos: austenítico AWS E309L y dúplex AWS E2209-16, ambos con un diámetro de 3,2 mm. Las uniones soldadas se realizaron con un solo pase y se variaron simultáneamente la corriente y la velocidad de soldadura; las condiciones fueron 49 A y 2,4 mm.s–1como valores bajos y 107 A y 4,3 mm.s–1como valores altos. Se evaluó la influencia del tipo de electrodo y de los parámetros de soldadura en la evolución microestructural de las zonas afectadas por el calor y de las zonas de fusión, encontrando diferencias en la morfología y cantidad de ferrita delta para todas las condiciones estudiadas. Se evidenció crecimiento y refinación de grano ferrítico y formación de martensita en la zona afectada por el calor del metal base ferrítico. Se evaluó también la resistencia a la tensión hallando similitudes en todas las soldaduras.

  8. El refractario en la fabricación de acero inoxidable

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    Ferrer, F. J.


    Full Text Available The influence of the steelmaking process on the quality and the performance of refractory materials used on stainless steel production was described. The most important technical and design parameters of the processing units were explained and related with the slag chemical composition and the qualities of the refractories used.

    Se describe la influencia del proceso siderúrgico sobre el tipo y rendimiento del material refractario utilizado en la producción de acero inoxidable. Tras describir las distintas unidades implicadas en el proceso metalúrgico se hace especial énfasis en la importancia que ejercen el diseño de las distintas unidades y el tipo y control de la escoria sobre la calidad del tipo de refractario a utilizar.

  9. Fenómenos de corrosión galvánica en las uniones aluminio y acero


    Domínguez Parra, Alberto


    La corrosión es un proceso de degradación de un material al interactuar con el ambiente que le rodea. El presente proyecto trata de la corrosión galvánica de aceros y fundiciones, en contacto con aleaciones de aluminio. Su experimentación se ha realizado con acero AE 275 B, y fundición EN-GS 400 12. Se utilizó lingote de aluminio A356 obtenido por colada por gravedad, y dos tipos de muestras, con y sin tratamiento térmico T6, de A 356 producidas por el procedimiento de sub-liquidus casting...

  10. Efectos del tratamiento térmico en la fractura de aceros

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    Héctor Hernández A.


    Full Text Available No obstante de los avances logrados en otros tipos de aleaciones, los aceros se siguen utilizando en forma extensiva en la construcción de elementos estructurales, porque con una adecuada selección y tratamiento técnico, los aceros permiten obtener una conveniente combinación de propiedades mecánicas ante unas exigencias específicas de servicio. La fractura en elementos de máquinas frecuentemente se encuentra asociada a una discontinuidad, la cual provoca una concentración de esfuerzo, lo que puede originar sitios de iniciación de una falla por fractura. La carga límite de fractura es afectada por parámetros geométricos, naturaleza y tipo de carga y propiedades mecánicas del material. La mayoría de fallas por fractura de elementos de máquinas son fallas por fatiga; por lo general una fractura por fatiga tiene lugar por una progresiva generación y crecimiento de grietas hasta obtenerse una condición crítica de fractura súbita de la sección residual resistente. Frecuentemente en una fractura por fatiga se observan marcas de playa, las cuales son evidencias de la posición del frente de grietas antes que se alcance la condición de fractura súbita final. En este trabajo se muestra como el tratamiento térmico de temple y revenido de los aceros afecta el esfuerzo límite de falla por fractura para carga de tracción estática y carga de fatiga uniaxial con la presencia de una entalla severa. También se estudia el efecto del tratamiento térmico en la tenacidad de fractura, propiedad que cuantifica la resistencia al crecimiento súbito de una grieta bajo carga estática.

  11. Combinación de fibras de acero de última generación para el refuerzo de hormigón autocompactante


    Alberti, Marcos; Enfedaque, Alejandro; Galvez, Jaime; Cortez, Adriana


    [ES] Dado que la mayor desventaja mecánica del hormigón son sus propiedades en tracción, las fibras normalmente se utilizan para mejorar la respuesta frente a solicitaciones de tracción y flexión, siendo las fibras de acero las más comúnmente utilizadas. Este tipo de fibras se ha utilizado con éxito en aplicaciones estructurales en los últimos 50 años y, como consecuencia, se han desarrollado nuevas fibras de acero de última generación de las que existe una bibliografía muy lim...

  12. Influencia de la fase sigma en la laminación en frío de los aceros inoxidables dúplex

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    Fargas, G.


    Full Text Available One of the steps in the industrial rolling process of duplex stainless steels is the annealing heat treatment after hot rolling. If this annealing is performed in a temperature range that favours the precipitation of intermetallic phases, the mechanical properties can be modified considerably. The formation of these precipitates has a detrimental effect on the DSS ductility and toughness, so it will be a drawback for further cold rolling. In the present investigation, the effect of the sigma phase during cold rolling of a duplex stainless steel type EN 1.4462 has been studied. To simulate this process, compression tests up to a thickness reduction similar to that performed at industrial level have been done. The testing samples were studied by optical microscopy, SEM (scanning electronic microscopy and TEM (transmission electronic microscopy. Afterwards, some of the annealing conditions were selected in order to carry out cold rolling, using a laboratory scale machine, with the aim to observe if they offered a similar behaviour as that experienced in the compression tests. The results show that only the annealing condition at 975ºC during 10 minutes allows to produce sheets without rolling defects.

    Una de las etapas en el proceso de fabricación industrial de los aceros inoxidables dúplex laminados es el tratamiento térmico de recocido posterior a la laminación en caliente. Si dicho recocido se efectúa en un rango de temperaturas que favorezca la formación de fases intermetálicas, las propiedades mecánicas del material pueden modificarse notablemente. La presencia en la microestructura bifásica de dichos precipitados provoca efectos muy perjudiciales sobre la ductilidad y la tenacidad del material, pudiendo llegar a hacer inviable la posterior etapa de laminación en frío. En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado el efecto sobre el proceso de laminación en frío de la presencia de fase sigma en un acero dúplex tipo E.N. 1

  13. Propiedades mecánicas de las uniones por láser de aceros inoxidables dúplex

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    Amigó, V.


    Full Text Available The welded joints of stainless steels always present problems for the microstructural modifications that occur in the heat affected zone. Particularly, duplex stainless steels present very important changes when the weld pool solidifies forming fundamentally ferritic structures with some austenite in grain boundaries. These microstructural modifications, and those which occur in the HAZ, justify the mechanical properties of the joint and mainly those of plasticity, being all of them influenced by the processing conditions. In this work the influence of the laser welding speed on the tensile behaviour of duplex stainless steel welded joints is presented. The microstructure of the obtained seams and of the heat affected zone will be evaluated by means of optic and scanning electron microscopy. Also, different microhardness profiles have been obtained to evaluate the modifications in the mechanical properties both in the seam and the zone of thermal affection.

    Las uniones soldadas de aceros inoxidables siempre presentan problemas por las modificaciones microestructurales que suceden en la zona afectada por el calor. Particularmente, los aceros inoxidables dúplex presentan cambios microestructurales muy importantes al solidificar el cordón y formar estructuras, fundamentalmente ferríticas, con formación de austenita en borde de grano. Estas modificaciones microestructurales, junto a las que suceden en la ZAC, son las que justifican las propiedades mecánicas de la unión y fundamentalmente las de plasticidad. Y todo ello en función de las condiciones de procesado. En este trabajo se presenta la influencia de la velocidad de soldeo en las propiedades a tracción de uniones soldadas por láser de chapas de acero inoxidables dúplex. La microestructura de los cordones obtenidos y de la zona afectada por el calor se ha evaluado mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido, y se han obtenido diferentes perfiles de microdureza que

  14. Profundidad del surco gingival en dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo

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    Rubén Muñoz Delgado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre el ajuste marginal y la profundidad del surco gingival en dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo. Métodos: Se midió la profundidad del surco gingival de 114 dientes primarios restaurados con coronas de acero cromo en 67 niños, ambos sexos, de 3 a 6 años de edad de la clínica de Estomatología Pediátrica de la UATx, México. La población en estudio fue dividida en tres grupos: a experimental (n=30, b control (n=8, y c control negativo (n=29. Previo consentimiento informado se tomaron los índices de placa (LöeSilness 1967 e índice gingival en seis superficies; se midió el surco gingival con sonda periodontal y las coronas de acero cromo fueron evaluadas clínica y radiográficamente según su ajuste marginal y longitud cervical. Resultados: Los índices de placa y gingival no mostraron diferencias significativas para los grupos experimental y control negativo. El 34% de las coronas mostraron buen ajuste marginal, 33% un mal ajuste, 10.5% cortas, 7.9% largas y el 14% otro tipo de mal ajuste. La profundidad del surco gingival fue estadísticamente significativa para el primer y segundo molar inferior derechos y en los caninos inferiores (p >0.05; la superficie disto-vestibular presentó la mayor profundidad del surco gingival (2.34 mm, siendo estadísticamente significativa (p>0.05. Conclusiones: La profundidad del surco gingival fue mayor en los dientes rehabilitados con coronas de acero cromo mal ajustadas y sobre contorneadas (largas. La presencia de placa bacteriana y gingivitis estuvo relacionada con las coronas de acero cromo mal ajustadas.

  15. Consideraciones teórico prácticas acerca de la soldadura de los aceros al carbono

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    Osmundo Héctor Rodríguez Pérez


    Full Text Available Se analizan los tres tipos de aceros al carbono y su clasificación desde el punto de vista de su soldabilidad. Se pueden observar los aspectos físico - químicos en la zona fundida, zona de transición y zona afectada por el calor. Existen varios aspectos en la tecnología de la soldadura de los aceros al carbono, tales como: preparación de los bordes, limpieza superficial, posición relativa de las piezas, precalentamiento, selección del material de aporte, deposición de los cordones, postcalentamiento, tratamiento térmico posterior y el control de la calidad de las uniones soldadas a tomar en cuenta para realizar la soldadura.

  16. Aceros aluminotérmicos. Nuevas aplicaciones

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    Duart Blay, J. M.


    . Particular aplicación o interés presentan en la tecnología de los ferrocarriles para la obtención del carril continuo, prácticamente implantado en todo el mundo y en soldaduras cable de cobre-carril de acero empleadas en las señalizaciones para control de tráfico. En este trabajo se aportan las bases termodinámicas de la aluminotermia del hierro y su aplicación a la soldadura compleja de cruzamientos, juntas de dilatación y desvíos en FF.CC, que combinan aceros Hadfield, aceros inoxidables y aceros perlíticos de diferentes propiedades mecánicas. Las uniones deben ser compactas, resistentes y duras en los niveles que se citan en el trabajo, según requisitos exigidos por la circulación en líneas de alta velocidad (350 km/h., actualmente en construcción en España, pero que resultan generalizables a otro tipo de líneas menos exigentes y a ferrocarriles mineros.

  17. Modelación numérica con validación experimental aplicada al estudio del comportamiento de conectores tipo perno de estructuras compuestas de hormigón y acero

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    Jorge Bonilla


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realiza un estudio del comportamiento de conectores tipo perno de estructuras compuestas de hormigón y acero mediante la simulación numérica del ensayo push out en sección viga-losa maciza de hormigón. Se analiza el comportamiento de los materiales en régimen no lineal, empleándose en un primer caso un modelo bilineal con criterio de rotura de Von Mises para el acero y el hormigón, y en un segundo caso un Modelo de Daño Plástico para el hormigón. Como herramienta para la modelación numérica se emplea el programa computacional ABAQUS. Se aborda el procedimiento metodológico de modelación numérica del ensayo de conectores. Se observa una buena correspondencia existente entre los resultados numéricos y experimentales, evidenciándose la efectividad del uso del Método de Elementos Finitos para el estudio del comportamiento de conectores. Finalmente, respaldado por los estudios numéricos y experimentales, se realiza una valoración de precisión en la estimación de la capacidad resistente de los conectores obtenida a partir de las normativas: AISC-LRFD (2005, Eurocódigo 4 (2004 y la Normativa Ramal Cubana NR-080-2004, observando que dichas normativas sobreestiman este valor en muchos casos.

  18. Evaluación de diferentes aceros para la evolución de hidrógeno en KOH

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    Falk Michel Julke


    Full Text Available Se estudió el comportamiento electroquímico de los diferentes tipos de aceros comerciales de bajo costo (A36, 430 y 304 como electrodos para la obtención de hidrógeno. El propósito de este trabajo fue estudiar la evolución de hidrógeno, para lo cual se utilizaron técnicas electroquímicas como cronoamperometría y curvas voltamperométricas, en diferentes concentraciones de KOH (5% y 25% m/m. El acero inoxidable 304 en una concentración de 25%m/m tuvo el mejor desempeño, pues en estas condiciones el inicio de liberación de hidrógeno disminuyó y presentó el menor requerimiento de potencial para su uso como placa bipolar.

  19. Comportamiento a la Corrosión del Acero API X70 Soldado por el Proceso de Doble Arco Sumergido Inmerso en Diferentes Medios Corrosivos


    Montes, Omar Francisco; Garcés, Rocío Saldaña; Reyes, Felipe A. Reyes; Robledo, Patricia del Carmen Zambrano; López, Francisco H. Estupiñán; Calderón, Facundo Almeraya


    Resumen Los aceros API X70 son aplicados en fabricación y construcción de tuberías para el transporte de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, a un lapso de tiempo se degradan debido al medio ambiente al cual están expuestos; influyendo en la velocidad y tipo de corrosión sobre las superficies del metal base (MB), zona afectada por el calor (ZAC) y zona de fusión (ZF). A fin de conocer y evaluar la susceptibilidad a la corrosión en uniones del acero API X70 sometido a diferentes medios corrosivos, vari...

  20. Corrosión microbiológica en aceros de bajo carbono


    Medina-Custodio, O; Ortiz-Prado, A; Jacobo-Armendáriz, V.H.; Schouwenaars-Franssens, R


    La corrosión microbiológica es un tipo común de deterioro que afecta diversas industrias, una de ellas es la petrolera en la que se estiman que el 20% o 30% de fallas en las tuberías de trasporte de hidrocarburos es favorecida por microorganismos. Las reacciones químicas que sustentan éstos, generan transferencia de iones, lo que justifica el empleo de técnicas electroquímicas para su análisis. En este trabajo, se estudiaron probetas de acero de bajo carbono SAE 1018, sumergidas en un medio n...

  1. Influencia del tipo de hormigón y de acero, y de las características geométricas de la estructura, en los costes de materiales y en la superficie ocupada por los pilares en estructuras de edificios de hormigón armado con forjado unidireccional

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    Gómez Hermoso, J.


    Full Text Available The project and construction experience of building structures permit to affirm that greatest part of this structures usually are concrete frames with one way slab. This is the reason to develop this systematic study about the influence that concrete and steel used have in this structures. The aim is to give some criteria to geometric structure definition and the materials choice. We have calculated 80 structure buildings modified the height (small, intermediate and tall, with 5,12 and 20 tipical flats over ground, respectively, the concrete class (HI 75, H200, H250, H300, H400 y H500, the steel types (AEH400 and AEH500, the distance between columns (short and long, 5,00 and 6,00 m, respectively and the slab depth (24. 26 and 29 cm. When the calculation results were obtained (as shown on a set of tables and graphs, we made an analysis of materials cost (concrete and steel and the surface occupied for the columns.

    La experiencia en el proyecto y ejecución de estructuras de edificación permite afirmar que, en un porcentaje muy elevado de ocasiones, se encuentran constituidas por pórticos de hormigón armado y forjados unidireccionales. Este hecho ha sido la causa fundamental que ha motivado el desarrollo de este estudio sistemático sobre la influencia que en estas estructuras puede tener el tipo de hormigón y acero utilizados, persiguiendo como objetivo final facilitar unos criterios para la definición geométrica de la estructura y la elección de materiales. Se ha procedido al cálculo de 80 edificios clasificados en función de la altura (bajo, medio y alto, con 5, 12 y 20 plantas tipo sobre rasante, respectivamente, el tipo de hormigón (H175, H200, H250, H300, H400 y H500, el tipo de acero (AEH400 y AEH500, la luz entre pilares (corta y larga, con 5,00 y 6,00 m, respectivamente y el canto del forjado (24, 26 y 29 cm, siendo la viga plana. Tras la obtención de los resultados (presentados en una serie de tablas y gráficos, se

  2. Soldadura TIG de los aceros inoxidables dúplex del tipo 22-05 (Uranus 45N y Avesta. Estudio de la microestructura y de las propiedades mecánicas

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    Gómez de Salazar, J. M.


    Full Text Available TIG welding of two different duplex stainless steels is carried out. Arc-discharge on base-material plates by means of the TIG technique without filler metal and varying the energetic conditions (E.N.A. has been performed, A comparative study concerning the microstructural evolution as well as mechanical properties is carried out, The relation between hardness profiles, the microstructural variations and the ferrita δ concentration is established. Further, the above mentioned properties are related to the E.N.A. for each welded joint.

    Se estudia la soldadura TIG de dos aceros inoxidables dúplex. Para ello, se ha descargado un arco sobre las chapas de material base mediante la técnica TIG, sin aportación de material y variando las E.N.A. Se realiza un estudio comparativo de la evolución microestructural, así como de las propiedades mecánicas. Se establece la relación entre los perfiles de dureza obtenidos y la variación microestructural y de la concentración de ferrita δ, así como estas propiedades con el E.N.A, de cada cordón.

  3. Procesos de conversión de acero y efecto de variables en convertidores tipo L.B.E.

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    Blanco, C.


    Full Text Available In order to determine control equations based on qualitative and quantitative changes of the raw materials, an analysis of the efficiency of the steel production process was carried out in converters under specified operation conditions. Empirical equations to obtain the final composition of the steel as a function of the additives, the initial concentrations of the hot metal and the blowing oxygen patterns are established. The resulting relationships depend on the considered variables and therefore could be used to determine operational strategies in order to obtain steels of a certain quality.

    Se analiza la eficacia de los procesos de transformación en convertidores en condiciones de trabajo determinadas, para deducir relaciones aplicables al control basadas en la modificación de cantidades y composiciones de las materias primas. Se plantean ecuaciones empíricas para determinar la composición final del acero como función de los aditivos y de las concentraciones iniciales del arrabio tratado, así como el patrón de soplado de oxígeno. Las relaciones obtenidas establecen las dependencias entre cada una de las variables consideradas y, por tanto, permiten determinar estrategias de operación para obtener aceros con unas calidades finales dadas.


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    Héctor Herrera-Hernández


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estudiaelectroquímicamente un GELextracto de las hojas de ALOE VERAcomo un posible inhibidor de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo estructuraldel concreto.Los estudiosde corrosiónse llevaron a cabo en 1M de HCl y utilizando la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EISse evaluó la resistencia a la corrosión en presencia y ausencia del GEL.Los diagramas de impedancia mostraronque la adición en diferentes proporcionesdel GELinhibe notablemente el proceso de la corrosión del acero inmerso en la solución ácida. También se determinó que las moléculas del GEL obedecena un mecanismo de fisisorciónsobre la superficie del metal de acuerdo con el modelo de isoterma de Langmuircon unG°adsde alrededor de 14.17 kJ/mol. El GEL se clasificócomo un inhibidor orgánico del tipo mixto.

  5. Análisis de la resistencia a la corrosión de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable en medios acuosos que simulan el hormigón

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    Belzunce, F. J.


    Full Text Available The corrosion behaviour of stainless steel reinforced bars used in civil engineering was studied. Different electrochemical tests were performed using several stainless steel bars (austenitic and duplex, hot and cold rolled, in the presence of a solution, which simulates the contact with salt contaminated concrete. The corrosion rates were determined and also their behaviour against localized corrosion (pitting.

    Se ha realizado un estudio sobre la resistencia a la corrosión de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable utilizadas en construcción civil para armar el hormigón. Con este objeto se han realizado diferentes ensayos electroquímicos en presencia de un medio acuoso básico, que simula el contacto con hormigón contaminado con sal, y se ha determinado la velocidad de corrosión y la resistencia a la formación de picaduras de diferentes calidades de aceros inoxidables (austeníticos y dúplex, tanto conformadas en caliente como en frío.

  6. Análisis de soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables con aceros de medio y bajo carbono por SMAW

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de la soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI 304 y AISI 316 con aceros de bajo y medio carbono AISI 1020 – AISI 1045, empleando como materiales de aporte los electrodos EutecTrode® 52 NG, 54 NG y 57 NG, mediante el proceso de arco eléctrico con electrodo revestido (SMAW. Para analizar la soldabilidad de estos electrodos cuando se realiza la unión de aceros inoxidables con aceros al carbono, se practicaron pruebas metalográficas y ensayos mecánicos de dureza, doblez y tracción, con el fin de observar el comportamiento tanto de la zona afectada térmicamente como del cordón de soldadura, a partir del cambio en las propiedades mecánicas y metalúrgicas en las diferentes regiones de las uniones soldadas. Durante el proceso de soldadura se siguió una especificación del procedimiento de soldadura (WPS, para que los resultados fueran repetibles, minimizando los problemas de agrietamiento en caliente, agrietamiento en frío, formación de fase sigma y precipitación de carburos.

  7. Relationship between mechanical and surface properties of a stainless steels duplex UNS S31803 (45N) nitriding at high temperature


    Mesa Grajales, Dairo Hernán; Garzón Ospina, Carlos Mario; Tschiptschin, André Paulo


    Se estudió la relación entre dureza, resistencia a la cavitación (en sus primeras etapas), y la textura cristalográfica de un acero inoxidable duplex (UNS S31803 llamado de 45N), transformado en inoxidable austenítico por tratamiento térmoquímico de nitruración gaseosa a alta temperatura. Usando la técnica de difracción de electrones retroproyectados (Electron Backscattering Diffraction - EBSD), fue posible generar un patrón de textura del material (mapa EBSD), el cual se utilizó pa...

  8. Modelos de pérdida de masa de acero por corrosión atmosférica en Colombia usando inteligencia computacional

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    Esteban Velilla


    Full Text Available Con el fin de clasificar la corrosividad de las diferentes atmósferas colombianas, como parte de un proyecto de investigación extenso [1], se expusieron placas de acero al carbono en 21 estaciones distribuidas a lo largo de la infraestructura eléctrica del país (líneas de transmisión y subestaciones. En estas estaciones se midieron entre otros, el tiempo de humectación y la deposición de sulfatos y cloruros durante 12 meses; además, bimensualmente se tomaban placas de acero para medir en laboratorio la pérdida de masa sufrida por estas durante el tiempo de exposición. La clasificación de las 21 estaciones se hizo en 4 grupos, considerando: el tiempo de humectación, contenidos de cloruros y sulfatos, la altura sobre el nivel del mar y el tiempo de exposición de las placas; variables consideradas linealmente independientes según la técnica de descomposición en valores singulares (SVD realizada. El criterio utilizado para la clasificación fue el de similitud de las variables utilizando la norma Euclidiana considerada en la red neuronal no supervisada tipo Kohonen. Adicionalmente, se implementaron modelos para la pérdida de masa del acero para cada uno de los grupos usando redes neuronales (RN tipo Feed-Forward, definiéndose como entradas las variables antes mencionadas y como única salida la pérdida de masa. Complementariamente se presenta una comparación entre el modelo de RN para el grupo 1, con otros modelos obtenidos usando Algoritmos Genéticos (AG y el método Simplex.

  9. Influencia de la temperatura de austenización y tiempo de permanencia sobre el tamaño de grano en aceros ferrítico-martensíticos del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb utilizados en calderas supercríticas

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    Gutiérrez-Urrutia, L.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work is to determine the influence of austenitizing temperature holding time and heating velocity on grain size of ferritic-martensitic type 9CrlMoVNb steels developed for Oak Ridge National Laboratories & Combustion Engineering, T91/P91[1] Steels (USA and X10CrMoVNb 9.1 (Europe. The potential benefits of this material, in term of high resistance, good ductily and oxidation resistance, weldability and in particular good high temperature creep strength, are now widely acknowledged, particulary by supercritical boilers (P = 300 bar, T = 550±50 °C. The studied steels have been produced in, high frecuency induction vacum furnaces and hot-rolled.

    Se estudia la influencia de la temperatura de austenización, tiempo de permanencia a esta temperatura y velocidad de calentamiento sobre el tamaño de grano de varios aceros ferrítico-martensíticos de última generación del tipo 9CrlMoVNb, desarrollados por Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL conjuntamente con Combustion Enginering en USA, conocidos por ASME/ASTM por las designaciones T91/P91[1] y en Europa como X10CrMoVNb9.1. Son aceros ductiles y tenaces que presentan muy buenas propiedades de resistencia a fluencia, soldabilidad y conductividad térmica. Son cada vez más utilizados como tubos de alta temperatura (550±50 °C y presión (300 bar en calderas supercríticas para centrales térmicas avanzadas. Los aceros estudiados se han fabricado en hornos de inducción de alta frecuencia al vacío y laminados en caliente.

  10. Relaciones cuantitativas entre los contenidos de azufre y de sulfuros en los aceros inoxidables tipo AISI 303: influencia de la composición química de los sulfuros

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    Botella, J.


    Full Text Available The work has been done with ten AISI 303 stainless steel rods which have similar chemical compositions, except for sulphur which varies between 0.25 and 0.36%. These steels are studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDX. The sulphides are chemically microanalysed and the occupied volume determined by automatic image analysis. It can be inferred that the chemical composition of sulphides in AISI 303 steels is variable to some extent even though the steel chemistry is almost invariable. This could mean that solidification conditions and thermomechanical transformations are able to affect resulting in variations of sulphide compositions. Quantitative relations between sulphur and sulphide contents are established and the influence of sulphide chemical compositions on those relations is studied. The experimental results are compared with those obtained from theoretical calculations. A good approach is obtained when the difference between chemical compositions of real sulphides and the theoretical one, MnS, is taken into account.

    Se trabaja con una serie de diez redondos de aceros inoxidables tipo AISI 303 de composiciones químicas prácticamente iguales a excepción del azufre que varía entre 0,25 y 0,36%. Se examinan los aceros mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (MEB y Espectrometría de Dispersión de Energías de Rayos X (EDX acoplada al MEB, analizándose químicamente los sulfuros y determinando, mediante análisis automático de imágenes, los volúmenes ocupados por los sulfuros. Parece deducible que la composición química de los sulfuros en el AISI 303 puede ser discretamente variable aún siendo prácticamente invariable la composición química del acero. Ello podría significar que las condiciones de solidificación y las transformaciones termomecánicas pueden influir, dando como resultado variaciones en la composición química de los sulfuros. Se establecen

  11. The possibilities for reuse of steel scrap in order to obtain blades for knives; Posibilidades de reutilización de la chatarra de acero para la obtención de cuchillas para cortar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Štrbaca, N.; Markovića, I.; Mitovskia, A.; Balanovića, L.; Živkovića, D.; Grekulović, V.


    The purpose of this study is to determine fracture toughness of Resistance Spot Welded (RSW) Dual Phase (DP) steels. RSW of galvanized and ungalvanized DP 450 steel sheets was carried out on spot welding machine. Fracture toughness of RSW joints of galvanized and ungalvanized DP 450 steel sheets was calculated from tensile-shear tests. New empirical equations were developed using Least Squares Method (LSM) between energy release rate, fracture toughness and critical crack size depending on the relationship between hardness and fracture toughness values. Results indicated that fracture toughness of joints welded by using RSW increased exponentially while the hardness decreased. In addition, fracture toughness and energy release rate of RSW galvanized DP 450 steel sheets were lower compared to RSW ungalvanized DP 450 steel sheets which had approximately the same hardness. [Spanish] El trabajo presenta los resultados de la caracterización de diversos tipos de aceros que han llegado al final de su ciclo de vida útil, y de los que se desconocía su composición química, propiedades mecánicas y tratamiento termomecánico aplicado previamente. El estudio se realizó con el objetivo de analizar las posibilidades de reutilización de algunos de estos materiales en aplicaciones agrícolas e industriales, obteniendo hojas de corte. Las formas exigidas a las hojas de corte se consiguieron aplicando diversos tipos de tratamientos termomecánicos. El análisis químico de la chatarra de acero de acero se realizó utilizando Energías Dispersivas de Rayos X. La microestructura se estudió utilizando Microscopía Óptica y Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido. La dureza de la chatarra de acero y de las cuchillas obtenidas se midió utilizando la escala Rockwell C. Los valores de dureza de las cuchillas obtenidas indican una buena selección de los productos finales de acero.

  12. Estudio de microestructura y composición de la oxidación en vapor a 700 y 750oC de los aceros austeníticos AISI 304, 316 y 317

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    José Luddey Marulanda


    Full Text Available Se ha investigado la oxidación de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI SAE: 304, 316 y 317; a temperaturas de 700 y 750oC, en una atmósfera próxima al 100% de vapor de agua, y de 10 a 1000h de exposición. La finalidad es comprobar la calidad de los aceros austeníticos y estudiar la morfología, composición y estructura de la fases de las capas formadas en la cascarilla del óxido de las muestras por Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM, Análisis de Rayos X por Dispersión de Energía (EDAX y Difracción de Rayos X (XRD, respectivamente. Así como también, se ha realizado a diferentes tiempos un estudio sistemático de termogravimetría de las muestras oxidadas, donde se ha observado que el acero AISI 304 presentó la menor ganancia de masa y el acero AISI 316 fue el de mayor de masa respecto a los tres aceros del trabajo. Adicionalmente fue realizado un estudio teórico de simulación termodinámica de oxidación en vapor de los tres aceros, en las mismas condiciones experimentales y mediante el programa Thermo-calc. En estos aceros oxidados se han comprobado la presencia de estructuras de fases de óxidos como: Fe2O3, espinelas protectoras Fe3O4 y Cr2NiO4, y óxidos mixtos de tipo (CrxFey2O3, (Fe,Cr,Mn3O4 y Ni6MnO8. Finalmente, se discute un posible mecanismo de la formación de las capas de óxidos de las muestras ensayadas.

  13. Caracterización mecánica de aceros empleados en el sector de la construcción de Almería

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    Senoboua, A. J.


    Full Text Available Various tests have been conducted on the steel bars used in the construction of civil works in Almería (Spain during the period 18 January 2000-7 May 2001, with the aim of mechanically characterizing the different types of steel (weldable: B400S, B500S and ductile weldable: B400SD to determine whether there is a technical reason for the increase in the use of ductile weldable steel. For this, we have used a hydraulic machine to break by traction all the test samples that arrived to the laboratory, following the specifications of the UNE 7474-1:1992 and the UNE 7474-2:1992. The results indicate that only in 86 % of the cases does the steel B400SD satisfy the limits specified by the UNE 36065:1999-EX, as opposed to 95 and 94 % of the B400S and B500S steels. In addition, the ductile weldable steel registered mean values lower than those of B400S. This finding disagrees with expectations set by the specifications.

    Se realizaron varios ensayos sobre las barras de acero utilizadas en la construcción de obra civil en Almería, durante el período comprendido entre 18/1/2000 y 7/05/2001, con el fin de caracterizar, mecánicamente, los diferentes tipos de aceros (soldables: B400S, B500S y soldable dúctil: B400SD y, de esta forma, determinar si existe alguna razón técnica para un incremento del consumo del acero soldable dúctil. Para ello, se ensayaron a tracción todas las muestras que llegaron al laboratorio, siguiendo las normas UNE 7474-1:1992 y UNE 7474-2:1992. Los resultados indican que el acero B400SD cumple, sólo, en un 86 % los límites especificados en la norma UNE 36065:1999 -EX, frente al 95 y 94 % de los aceros B400S y B500S. Además, el acero soldable dúctil muestra unos valores medios inferiores al B400S. Este hecho discrepa de lo que se podría esperar según la norma que lo regula.

  14. Desarrollo de aceros reforzados con carburos primarios vía metalurgia líquida

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    Agote, I.


    Full Text Available The steel reinforcement by means of the addition of primary carbides via liquid metallurgy needs to fulfill two essential requirements to be technically viable: the development of a solid reinforcing product which is appropriate to be mixed with the steel and the optimization of the metallurgic addition of these reinforcing particles into the liquid steel. Besides, the improvement of the reinforced alloy characteristics is directly related to the particles' nature of reinforcing particles, their homogeneous and uniform distribution in the matrix and their size and morphology. The manufacture of these carbides by SHS ('Self propagating High temperature Synthesis' and their addition before steel is poured into moulds allows achieving the above-mentioned conditions.

    Para que el reforzamiento de los aceros con carburos primarios vía metalurgia líquida sea técnicamente viable se requiere del desarrollo de un tipo de producto reforzante sólido, adecuado para su incorporación al acero, así como de la optimización de dicha vía metalúrgica de adición del producto reforzante al material base en estado líquido. Además, la mejora de características de la aleación reforzada es función directa de la naturaleza de las partículas, de su homogénea y uniforme distribución en la matriz y del tamaño y morfología regular de las mismas. Estas condiciones se consiguen cuando las partículas de carburo se elaboran previamente mediante la técnica SHS (selfpropagating high temperature synthesis y se añaden al baño de acero líquido previo a su colada en moldes o lingoteras.

  15. Comportamiento del acero de baja aleación SA-508 y del acero al carbono A-410b en las condiciones de operación y parada del circuito primario de los reactores de agua ligera tipo PWR

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    García-Redondo, María del Sol


    Full Text Available The corrosion rate of low alloy steel SA-508 and carbon steel A-410b in simulated operation and shutdown conditions of pressurized water reactor has been determined. Moreover potentiodynamic polarization curves and galvanic effect through coupling of AISI-304 have been carried out under shutdown simulated condition.

    En este trabajo se ha determinado la cinética de corrosión del acero de baja aleación SA-508 y del acero al carbono A-410b en condiciones que simulan la operación y la parada de los reactores de agua ligera a presión. También se han realizado curvas de polarización potenciodinámica y se ha estudiado el acoplamiento galvánico con AISI-304 en condiciones de parada de los reactores de agua ligera a presión.

  16. Corrosión en caliente de un acero inoxidable 304h para calderas en presencia de sales fundidas de vanadatos y sulfatos

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    Sonia Rincón


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo busca indagar y establecer el tipo de mecanismo de daño que sufre el acero inoxidable 304H en contacto con depósitos de sal fundida, junto con un estudio preliminar de la cinética de la corrosión. Para ello, se analizarán los depósitos fundidos, la composición química de éstos y se medirá la pérdida de material luego de ser sometido a períodos continuos de ataque, con el uso de la técnica gravimétrica en crisol. Con esto se pretende conocer las variables que influyen directamente sobre el deterioro del acero 304H, para en un futuro, adoptar medidas predictivas y/o preventivas que incrementen su vida útil, aumentando de ésta manera la eficiencia de las calderas y disminuyendo el tiempo entre paradas programadas.

  17. Estudio para la optimización de la composición de un HACFRA (hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero estructural

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    Orbe, A.


    Full Text Available The interest of HACFRA (self compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers, is the combination of the residual strength increase and cracking decrease compared to plain concrete by the introduction of steel fibers in the mass with the advantages of the self-compacting. The paper presents an analysis of the influence of different components of the HACRFA and provides their selection, refered to the granular skeleton and to different steel fiber types and amount, in order to obtain an optimization of its features and structural behavior.El interés de un HACFRA (Hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero, radica en la combinación del incremento de capacidad resistente con respecto al hormigón y disminución de la fisuración, aportada por la introducción de fibras de acero, con las ventajas de la puesta en obra que supone la autocompactación. El artículo analiza la influencia de los diferentes componentes que integran el HACRFA, proponiendo una selección de los mismos, referidos tanto al esqueleto granular como a los diferentes tipos y densidades de fibras de acero, en base a la obtención de sus características y de un comportamiento estructural optimizado.

  18. Elasto-plastic hardening models adjustment to ferritic, austenitic and austenoferritic Rebar; Ajuste de los aceros corrugados ferríticos, austeníticos y austenoferríticos a los modelos de endurecimiento elastoplástico por deformación

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    Hortigóna, B.; Gallardo, J.M.; Nieto-García, E.J.; López, J.A.


    The elastoplastic behaviour of steel used for structural member fabrication has received attention to facilitate a mechanical-resistant design. New Zealand and South African standards have adopted various theoretical approaches to describe such behaviour in stainless steels. With respect to the building industry, describing the tensile behaviour of steel rebar used to produce reinforced concrete structures is of interest. Differences compared with the homogenous material described in the above mentioned standards and related literatures are discussed in this paper. Specifically, the presence of ribs and the TEMPCORE® technology used to produce carbon steel rebar may alter the elastoplastic model. Carbon steel rebar is shown to fit a Hollomon model giving hardening exponent values on the order of 0.17. Austenitic stainless steel rebar behaviour is better described using a modified Rasmussen model with a free fitted exponent of 6. Duplex stainless steel shows a poor fit to any previous model. [Spanish] Uno de los principales factores tenidos en cuenta en la fabricación de aceros estructurales es su comportamiento durante la fase elastoplástica o de endurecimiento por deformación. Normas neozelandesas y sudafricanas plantean diversas aproximaciones teóricas para describir dicho comportamiento en el caso de los aceros inoxidables. En el campo de la construcción resulta de interés la descripción del comportamiento tenso-deformacional de los aceros corrugados utilizados en las estructuras de hormigón armado. En este artículo se discuten los modelos planteados en las normas citadas anteriormente así como los existentes en la literatura tanto para los aceros corrugados inoxidables como para los aceros al carbono fabricados mediante el proceso denominado TEMPCORE® Los aceros TEMPCORE® analizados arrojan un valor del exponente de endurecimiento por deformación según el modelo de Hollomon de 0.17. Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos se ajustan mejor al modelo

  19. Lubricación del contacto aluminio-acero con líquidos iónicos en atmósfera controlada


    Llopis Morales, Miguel


    El objetivo del presente proyecto es estudiar el comportamiento tribológico de diferentes líquidos iónicos en el contacto aluminio-acero y las interacciones superficiales que se producen. Para realizar el estudio tribológico, se llevará a cabo un estudio de corrosión previo por lo que será necesario realizar ensayos de corrosión y tribológicos. En cuanto a los objetivos de los ensayos de corrosión, el objetivo que se quiere alcanzar con este ensayo es comprobar si se produce algún tipo de cor...

  20. Recubrimiento de acero con polidopamina


    Carrasco Rodríguez, Javier


    Se ha obtenido recubrimientos de polidopamina en acero mecánicamente resistentes y con tiempos de obtención relativamente pequeños a través de la polimerización de la dopamina bajo diferentes condiciones.

  1. Cinéticas de transformación de fases a 850 ºC de aceros inoxidables dúplex clásicos (2205 y 2507 y de uno nuevo de bajo contenido en níquel y alto en manganeso (DBNi

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    Rodríguez, M. P.


    Full Text Available Austenitic-ferritic stainless steels are formed by ferrite and austenite in a variable proportion between 30 % and 70 %. Their chemical composition conditions the ageing processes that can happen during heat treatments, where phases that hardens and brittles the material can be generated. Evolution of a new duplex stainless steel with lower nickel and higher nitrogen and manganese content maintained at 1123 K (critical precipitation temperature up to 8 hours compared to classical ones (2205 and 2507 is presented. The study, done by magnetic measurements, XRD, optical and scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis, revealed a roughly similar behaviour for the three steels. The new one presents a higher initial stability, probably due to the high nitrogen and manganese contents; however, it also produces the higher final transformation due to the higher initial ferrite. A fine comparative analysis was done to correctly identify any phase; an accurate microanalysis in every generated phase was performed. All the steels tested are initially made on ferrite and austenite. After the ageing treatment, 8 hours at 1123 K, in the 2205 duplex steel a strong precipitation of sigma phase is observed, austenite and some of the original ferrite are also present; ferrite completely transforms in the 2507 duplex and austenite, sigma, secondary austenite and chromium nitride can be found; regarding the new duplex steel DBNi, austenite, ferrite, sigma, chi and chromium nitrides are detected.

    Los aceros dúplex austeno-ferríticos están constituidos por ferrita y austenita en proporciones variables del 30 % al 70 %. Su composición química condiciona los procesos de envejecimiento que sufren durante los tratamientos térmicos, cuando se generan fases que endurecen y fragilizan el material. Este trabajo estudia la evolución de un nuevo inoxidable dúplex con bajo contenido en níquel y alto en nitrógeno y manganeso a 1123 K (temperatura crítica de

  2. Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia


    Victoria González Quintana; Juan Carlos Botero; Roberto Rochel; Julián Vidal; Martha Cecilia Alvarez Uribe


    Se presentan resultados del análisis estadístico aplicado al estudio experimental que de- termina las propiedades mecánicas de aceros colombianos sometidos a cargas monotónicas de tracción. Se obtienen curvas típicas de esfuerzo-deformación que permiten caracterizar aceros nacionales estudiados haciendo énfasis en las variables que determinan el cambio de comportamiento del materialA statistical analysis applied to a experimental study that determines the mechanical properties of steels produ...

  3. Influencia del Calor Aportado y Metal de Aporte Sobre las Propiedades Mecánicas y la Microestructura de Juntas Soldadas por FCAW de Acero Microaleado de Alta Resistencia

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    César Marconi


    Full Text Available ResumenActualmente, los aceros microaleados son ampliamente utilizados en reemplazo de los aceros al C y C-Mn por sus ventajas en cuanto a propiedades mecánicas, resistencia a la corrosión y soldabilidad, permitiendo una reducción de peso de los vehículos y estructuras sin detrimento de su resistencia. Cuando estos aceros son soldados, el ciclo térmico de la soldadura provoca cambios microestructurales que modifican sus propiedades originales. El calor aportado (HI: heat input es una de las principales variables a tener en cuenta cuando se evalúan estas modificaciones. Las propiedades finales de la unión soldada también se definen por el tipo de consumible utilizado. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las propiedades mecánicas y la microestructura de juntas soldadas a tope de un acero microaleado con dos grados de metal de aporte y diferentes HI. Como resultado del trabajo se observó un aumento considerable de tamaño de grano en la ZAC adyacente a la línea de fusión para todas las condiciones, siendo este efecto más marcado cuando se soldó con alto HI; y un ablandamiento en la ZAC de grano fino. Prácticamente se mantuvieron los valores de resistencia a la tracción al soldar con ambos consumibles, con un mejor desempeño cuando se soldó con bajo HI. La tenacidad en la ZAC mejoró con la disminución del HI.

  4. Probabilistic Medium Access Control for Full-Duplex Networks with Half-Duplex Clients


    Chen, Shih-Ying; Huang, Ting-Feng; Lin, Kate Ching-Ju; Hong, H. -W. Peter; Sabharwal, Ashutosh


    The feasibility of practical in-band full-duplex radios has recently been demonstrated experimentally. One way to leverage full-duplex in a network setting is to enable three-node full-duplex, where a full- duplex access point (AP) transmits data to one node yet simultaneously receives data from another node. Such three-node full-duplex communication however introduces inter-client interference, directly impacting the full-duplex gain. It hence may not always be beneficial to enable three-nod...

  5. Selección automatizada de electrodos para la soldadura manual de los aceros al carbono

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    Alexander Velázquez Font


    Full Text Available Se aborda lo relativo a un sistema para la selección automatizada de electrodos en la soldadura de los aceros al carbono. Se inicia con una breve revisión de los problemas que presentan estos en su soldabilidad y los factores concernientes a la selección correcta del electrodo en los mismos. En el mismo se expone el fundamento teórico sobre el diseño del sistema el cual da solución a lo anteriormente expuesto. En la elaboración del software se tiene en cuenta los siguientes principios: propiedades mecánicas de la unión soldada, tipo de revestimiento, posición de la soldadura, etc. Se tienen en cuenta en el trabajo diferentes firmas y normas de fabricantes de electrodos y países que mas se utilizan en la industria mecánica en Cuba. El software tiene la ventaja de ser sencillo, rápido y seguro, garantizando la selección correcta de los electrodos para cada caso y situación. El software supone que el usuario no tenga que tener conocimientos profundos de soldadura, debido a que el sistema se encarga de la mayor parte de las decisiones para la selección del electrodo, procedimiento que con métodos convencionales, exigen del usuario una determinada experiencia en la selección de estos materiales para la soldadura de los aceros al carbono.

  6. Evaluación del comportamiento estructural y de resistencia a la corrosión de armaduras de acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 304 y dúplex AISI 2304 embebidas en morteros de cemento Pórtland

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    Medina, E.


    Full Text Available The mechanical and structural behaviour of two stainless steels reinforcements, with grades austenitic EN 1.4301 (AISI 304 and duplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304 have been studied, and compared with the conventional carbon steel B500SD rebar. The study was conducted at three levels: at rebar level, at section level and at structural element level. The different mechanical properties of stainless steel directly influence the behaviour at section level and structural element level. The study of the corrosion behaviour of the two stainless steels has been performed by electrochemical measurements, monitoring the corrosion potential and the lineal polarization resistance (LPR, of reinforcements embedded in ordinary Portland cement (OPC mortar specimens contaminated with different amount of chloride over one year time exposure. Both stainless steels specimens embedded in OPC mortar remain in the passive state for all the chloride concentration range studied after one year exposure.

    Se ha evaluado el comportamiento mecánico y estructural de dos aceros inoxidables corrugados, el austenítico EN 1.4301 (AISI 304 y el dúplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304, y se han comparado con el tradicional acero al carbono B500SD. El estudio se ha realizado en tres niveles: a nivel de barra, de sección y de pieza. Las diferentes características mecánicas de los aceros inoxidables condicionan el comportamiento a nivel de sección y de pieza estructural. El estudio del comportamiento frente a la corrosión de los dos aceros inoxidables se ha realizado mediante mediciones electroquímicas monitorizando el potencial de corrosión y la resistencia de polarización de armaduras embebidas en probetas de mortero contaminado con diferentes concentraciones de cloruros durante un tiempo de exposición de un año. Ambos aceros inoxidables permanecen en estado pasivo en las probetas para todos los contenidos de cloruros.

  7. Influencia del material de aporte en la resistencia a corrosión por picadura en uniones soldadas de un acero inoxidable dúplex 2205

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    Múnez, C. J.


    Full Text Available In this work, it has been studied the pitting corrosion resistance of welding duplex stainless steel 2205. Unions were made by GMAW process with different fillers: duplex ER 2209 and two austenitic (ER 316LSi and ER 308LSi. The microstructure obtained with the duplex ER 2209 filler is similar to the duplex 2205 base material, but the unions produced with the austenitic fillers cause a decrease of the phases relation a/g. To evaluate the influence of the filler on the weld, the pitting corrosion resistance was determined by electrochemical critical pitting temperature test (TCP and the mechanical properties by the hardness. The phases imbalance produced for the dissimilar fillers bring out a variation of the pitting corrosion resistance and the mechanical properties.

    En este trabajo se ha estudiado la resistencia a la corrosión localizada por picadura, de soldaduras realizadas sobre un acero inoxidable dúplex 2205. Se hicieron uniones mediante el proceso GMAW, utilizando como material de aporte un hilo dúplex ER 2209 y dos austeníticos ER 316LSi y ER 308LSi. Metalúrgicamente, se observa como para el hilo ER 2209 las microestructuras que se obtienen son similares a la del dúplex 2205, mientras que en las uniones con hilo austenítico, pueden verse microestructuras muy diferentes en las que la relación de fases a/g disminuye. Al evaluar la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura, mediante la Temperatura Crítica de Picadura (TCP, se comprobó como el desequilibrio entre las fases, generado por el aporte, provoca la variación en la resistencia a la corrosión localizada por picadura. También, se estudió la variación en las propiedades mecánicas del material mediante ensayos de dureza.

  8. Comportamiento a la Corrosión del Acero API X70 Soldado por el Proceso de Doble Arco Sumergido Inmerso en Diferentes Medios Corrosivos

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    Omar Francisco Montes

    Full Text Available Resumen Los aceros API X70 son aplicados en fabricación y construcción de tuberías para el transporte de hidrocarburos, sin embargo, a un lapso de tiempo se degradan debido al medio ambiente al cual están expuestos; influyendo en la velocidad y tipo de corrosión sobre las superficies del metal base (MB, zona afectada por el calor (ZAC y zona de fusión (ZF. A fin de conocer y evaluar la susceptibilidad a la corrosión en uniones del acero API X70 sometido a diferentes medios corrosivos, varias pruebas se llevaron a cabo por el proceso de soldadura de doble arco sumergido (DSAW, por sus siglas en inglés, las cuales fueron inmersas en diferentes electrolitos: Cloruro de Sodio (NaCl al 3,5% y Agua (H2O a temperatura ambiente para conocer su comportamiento. Se utilizaron técnicas electroquímicas de ruido electroquímico (RE y curvas de polarización cíclica (CPC para obtener velocidad y tipo de corrosión producida en cada una de las muestras analizadas, incluyendo las tres zonas: MB, ZAC y ZF. Además, se utilizaron técnicas de caracterización como microscopía óptica (MO y microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB para el análisis superficial. La mayoría de las soldaduras presentan corrosión mixta, con mayores velocidades de corrosión en 3,5% de NaCl.

  9. Efecto de la imidazolina [IM-NH17] en el proceso de corrosión del acero api5l-x52 en salmueras acidificadas


    Reynaud-Morales, A.G.; Casales-Díaz, M.; Chacón-Nava, J.G.; Martínez-Gómez, L.; Martínez-Villafañe, A.; González-Rodríguez, J.G.


    Se estudia la eficiencia de inhibición del compuesto Imidazolina Aminoetil Oleica [IM-NH17]) en la corrosión de un acero API5L-X52 en tres soluciones de salmuera acidificada a pH 3 a una temperatura de 50°C, empleando pruebas de polarización potenciodinámica y mediciones de resistencia de polarización. Bajo las condiciones de prueba, los resultados de curvas de polarización indicaron que el inhibidor se comporta como un inhibidor de tipo mixto. Los resultados de resistencia de polarización li...

  10. Formación de fase sigma en uniones soldadas de acero inoxidable súper dúplex fundido

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    Garin, J. L.


    Full Text Available This paper decribes the microstructural characteristics of weldments of cast super duplex stainless steel (J93404, being subjected to annealing processes to induce formation of sigma-phase at high temperatures. The influence of heating time at 1073 K, 1123 K and 1173 K upon precipitation of sigma in the heat affected zone, base metal and fusion zone of the weldments was analyzed. The experimental results revealed the formation of this intermetallic compound throughout decomposition of the ferritic phase into austenite and sigma. At earlier stages of the transformation the phase rapidly nucleates and growth along the ferrite-austenite grain boundaries, and then massively advances towards the bulk of the ferritic zone with greater effectiveness as temperature increases. The formation of sigma-phase in all weldments resembles the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami’s mechanism stated for nucleation and growth.

    El presente trabajo describe las características microestructurales de uniones soldadas de acero súper dúplex fundido (J93404, al ser sometidas a procesos de recocido para inducir la formación de fase sigma a altas temperaturas. Se analizó la influencia del tiempo de calentamiento a 1.073 K, 1.123 K y 1.173 K sobre la precipitación de fase sigma en la zona afectada térmicamente, metal base y zona de fusión de los conjuntos soldados. Los resultados experimentales evidenciaron la formación de este compuesto intermetálico por descomposición de la fase ferrítica en austenita y sigma. Al comienzo de la transformación la fase nuclea y crece rápidamente en los bordes de grano austenita-ferrita, extendiéndose luego masivamente hacia el seno de la zona ferrítica, con mayor efectividad en términos del aumento de la temperatura de proceso. La formación de sigma en todas las uniones soldadas obedece a un mecanismo de nucleación y crecimiento del tipo Jonson-Mehl-Avrami.

  11. Comportamiento frente al desgaste y fricción de aceros empleados en líneas de manutención aérea ensayados con y sin lubricación

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    Castro Regal, G.


    Full Text Available The sliding friction and wear behaviour of different steel qualities were investigated with and without lubrication conditions. Steel qualities tested are normally used in the overhead conveyor system of many industrial fields, like the automotive sector. Sliding wear tests have been conducted by means of a pin-on-disk machine. A 100Cr6 steel similar to that used within the overhead conveyor trolleys has been employed as a pin. Friction coefficient values obtained under lubrication conditions were three times smaller than those obtained without lubrication. The mechanism that controls wear behaviour under lubrication conditions is an abrasive one and the wear values obtained are almost worthless. On the other hand, mechanism controlling wear during non lubrication tests, was a combination of abrasion and adhesion

    Se ha evaluado el comportamiento frente a fricción y el desgaste de distintas calidades de acero ensayadas bajo condiciones de lubricación y sin lubricación. Las calidades de acero seleccionadas son las que normalmente se emplean en los sistemas de manutención aérea de numerosos procesos de producción, como la fabricación de automóviles. Se han realizado ensayos de desgaste tipo punzón-disco mediante un punzón de acero de calidad100Cr6, empleado en los carros que circulan por las líneas de manutención aérea. Se ha observado que el valor del coeficiente de fricción obtenido bajo condiciones de lubricaciones, aproximadamente, tres veces menor que el obtenido sin lubricación. Por otro lado, el mecanismo que controla el proceso de desgaste de los aceros ensayados con lubricación es un mecanismo de desgaste abrasivo y los valores de desgaste obtenidos son prácticamente despreciables. El desgaste de los aceros ensayados sin lubricación se produjo por combinación de dos mecanismos de desgaste: abrasión y adhesión.

  12. Mecanismos de fractura a alta temperatura en aceros eléctricos no-orientados

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    García-Sánchez, E. O.


    Full Text Available In this research work the effect of deformation temperature on the hot ductility of non-oriented electrical steels (0.6 % Si-0.3 Al % was studied using high temperature tensile tests. The specimens were machined from two thin slabs (50 mm thickness produced by CSP process (Compact Strip Process, one of them using 100 % sponge iron and the other using 67 % scrap and 33 % sponge iron. The tensile tests were carried out at constant strain rate (5×1010–4 s–1, and a temperature range from 850 to 1,200 °C. The results showed that the ductility decreased with the increment in the temperature until approximately 1,000 °C. At higher temperatures, a ductility recovery was observed only in the steel fabricated without scrap. Scanning Electron Microscopy on fracture surfaces showed that the loss of ductility is associated with intergranular cracking promoted by the austenitic transformation and AlN grain boundaries precipitation.

    Se investigó el efecto de la temperatura de deformación sobre la ductilidad de aceros eléctricos de grano no-orientado (0,6 % Si-0,3 % Al mediante ensayos de tracción uniaxial. Las probetas se obtuvieron de planchones delgados (50 mm de espesor tipo CSP (Continuous Strip Processing fabricados a partir de 100 % hierro esponja y una mezcla de 67 % chatarra y 33 % de hierro esponja. El rango de temperatura de estudio fue de 850 a 1.200 °C y los ensayos se llevaron a cabo a una velocidad de deformación constante de 5×10–4 s–1. Los resultados experimentales demostraron que la ductilidad (% RA disminuye con el aumento en la temperatura hasta un mínimo a ~1.000 °C. A temperaturas mayores, la ductilidad del acero fabricado a partir de 100 % hierro esponja se recupera. Este efecto no fue observado en el acero fabricado a partir de chatarra. La caracterización de las superficies de fractura mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido demostró que la pérdida de

  13. Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia Propiedades mecánicas del acero de refuerzo utilizado en Colombia

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    Victoria González Quintana


    Full Text Available Se presentan resultados del análisis estadístico aplicado al estudio experimental que de- termina las propiedades mecánicas de aceros colombianos sometidos a cargas monotónicas de tracción. Se obtienen curvas típicas de esfuerzo-deformación que permiten caracterizar aceros nacionales estudiados haciendo énfasis en las variables que determinan el cambio de comportamiento del materialA statistical analysis applied to a experimental study that determines the mechanical properties of steels produced in Colombia subjected to monotonic loads of tension is presented. Typical stress-strain diagram that allow to characterize these steels making emphasis in the variables that determine the change of behaviour of the materia are presented.

  14. Mejora de la tenacidad de un acero de ultraalto contenido en carbono nnediante unión por laminación con un acero al cromo y molibdeno

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    Pozuelo, M.


    Full Text Available Laminated composite materials containing five layers of ultrahigh carbon steel, 1.35%C, and five layers of a Cr-Mo steel were processed by roll bonding. The rolling procedure improves the bonding of layers and refines the microstructure, diminishing grain size and removing the pearlitic zones. Charpy impact tests were carried out to evaluate the impact properties. Toughness of the laminated composite was highly improved respect to the ultrahigh carbon steel. Moreover, it was double than that of the Cr-Mo steel in the arrester orientation. These results reveal the important role of the interfaces in the mechanical properties of the composite materials.

    Se procesaron mediante unión por laminación, dos materiales compuestos laminados de 10 capas: cinco capas de un acero de ultraalto contenido en carbono con 1,35 % C, alternadas con otras cinco de un acero al cromo y molibdeno. La laminación en caliente consolida la unión entre las capas y afina la microestructura, reduciendo el tamaño de grano y eliminando las zonas de perlita presentes inicialmente. Se realizaron ensayos de impacto Charpy para evaluar su resistencia al impacto. El material compuesto laminado mejoró sustancialmente la tenacidad del acero de ultraalto carbono, además de duplicar la resiliencia del acero al cromo y molibdeno en la orientación "en serie". Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las intercaras en las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales compuestos.

  15. Vesicoureteral Reflux and Duplex Systems


    Thomas, John C.


    Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is the most common anomaly associated with duplex systems. In addition to an uncomplicated duplex system, reflux can also be secondary in the presence of an ectopic ureterocele with duplex systems. Controversy exists in regard to the initial and most definitive management of these anomalies when they coexist. This paper will highlight what is currently known about duplex systems and VUR, and will attempt to provide evidence supporting the various surgical approa...

  16. Hormigones de alta resistencia con nano-adiciones y fibras de acero


    Alizo Mirabal, Manuel Arturo


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster consistió en determinar la influencia que pueden poseer las nano-adiciones de Sílice y Alúmina y fibras de acero en un Hormigón de Alta Resistencia. Partiendo de una dosificación de Hormigón de Alta Resistencia conocida, que contenía humo de Sílice (10%) y fibras de poliolefina (3kg/m3), se les procedió a sustituir por la incorporación de nano-adiciones de Sílice y Alúmina (7% y 3% respectivamente) y añadiendo fibras de acero en lugar de poliolefina. En el pr...

  17. Análisis comparativo de la calidad del acero de refuerzo distribuido en Boyacá

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    Jimmy Vergara Silva, Óscar Javier Gutiérrez Junco


    Full Text Available Presenta  los  resultados  del  análisis  comparativo  de barras de acero de refuerzo, según las exigencias de la Norma Técnica Colombiana NTC 2289 [1], realizado a cinco marcas diferentes distribuidas para la industria de  la  construcción  en  Boyacá.  Inicialmente  se caracterizaron  las barras de  acero mediante  ensayos, para  determinar  su  composición  química  y  sus propiedades físicas y mecánicas; las características de la fractura del acero de refuerzo se observaron con el microscopio  electrónico  de  barrido  (MEB. Adicionalmente,  se  analizaron  muestras  conmicroscopio óptico, con  técnicas de espectrometría paraobservar y determinar las características del metal base de  las probetas. Los resultados  indican que la calidad del acero de refuerzo distribuido en Boyacá cumple en un alto  porcentaje con las exigencias sismo-resistentes para construcción; sin embargo, es importante que los constructores realicen control de calidad.

  18. Acero de alto silicio producido por inmersión en Al-Si y recocido de difusión

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    Ros-Yáñez, Tanya


    Full Text Available It is difficult to process steel sheet with a high Si content (>3.5%Si, mainly because of its brittleness and the appearance of cracks during rolling and oxidation. However, there is a market for this steel in electrical applications because of the favourable influence of Si on magnetostriction and electrical resistivity. As an alternative process, 3% Si-steel substrates were coated with hypereutectic Al-Si-alloys in a "hot-dip simulator" using different preheating and dipping times. The obtained layers were characterised by SEM and EDS analysis. Diffusion annealing experiments were performed to obtain sufficient amount of Si in the steel. It was observed that:

    • intermetallic phases appear in the coating layers as according to the ternary Fe-Si-Al diagram
    • with a double dipping primary silicon crystals are formed in the surface layer
    • the ordered DO3 structure is present if the dipping and/or diffusion time is long enough
    • homogeneous silicon gradients in the whole substrate thickness have not yet been achieved
    • theoretic calculations show that Si-gradient, also have beneficial effects on magnetic behaviour

    Es difícil procesar aceros eléctricos de alto contenido en silicio (>3,5 % Si. Esto se debe principalmente, a problemas de fragilidad, aparición de grietas durante la laminación y oxidación. Sin embargo, existe un importante mercado para este tipo de acero en aplicaciones eléctricas debido a la favorable influencia que ejerce el Si sobre la magnetoestricción, las pérdidas eléctricas y la resistividad eléctrica. Como proceso alternativo, se sumergieron substratos de acero con 3 % de silicio en una aleación hipereutéctica Al-25 % Si, en un simulador de recubrimiento por inmersión en caliente. En los ensayos se utilizaron diferentes tiempos de precalentamiento y de inmersión. En la segunda fase de la investigación se llevaron a cabo recocidos de difusión en el

  19. Ductilidad en caliente y mecanismos de fractura de un acero de construcción

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    Calvo, J.


    Full Text Available The hot ductility of a structural steel produced from scrap recycling has been studied to determine the origin of the transverse cracks in the corners that appeared in some billets. Samples extracted both from a billet with transverse cracks and from a billet with no external damage were tested. To evaluate the influence of residual elements and inclusions, the steel was compared to another one impurity free. Reduction in area of the samples tensile tested to the fracture was taken as a measure of the hot ductility The tests were carried out at temperatures ranging from 1000ºC to 650ºC and at a strain rate of 1·10- 3 s-1. The fracture surfaces of the tested samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy in order to determine the embrittling mechanisms that could be acting. The steel with residuals and impurities exhibited lower ductility values for a wider temperature range than the clean steel. The embrittling mechanisms also changed as compared to the impurity free steel.

    Se evaluó la ductilidad en caliente de un acero de construcción procedente del reciclaje de chatarra con el fin de determinar el origen de las grietas transversales que aparecen en las esquinas de algunas palanquillas. Para ello, se extrajeron probetas de dos palanquillas de una misma calidad de acero. Una de las palanquillas había presentado agrietamiento transversal al ser colada y, la otra, no. Para conocer la influencia de los elementos residuales e inclusiones en la ductilidad en caliente, otro acero, con la misma composición pero sin impurezas, se fabricó en laboratorio y fue sometido al mismo análisis que los aceros comerciales. La ductilidad en caliente se midió como la reducción del área de las probetas ensayadas a tracción hasta la rotura. Las condiciones a las que se realizaron los ensayos fueron temperaturas de 1.000 a 650 ºC y a una velocidad de deformación de 1·10-3 s-1. Las superficies de fractura de las probetas ensayadas se

  20. Reparación por soldadura de rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros al Cr-Mo-V

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    Mazur, Z.


    Full Text Available An analysis of typical steam turbine and gas turbine rotor failures is carried out. On the base of the rotors different failure causes and their mode of occurring, an evaluation of the weldability of the Cr-Mo-V steels and the classification of the common turbine rotors repair possibilities is presented. The developing of specific in-situ welding repair process of the damaged 20.65 MW gas turbine rotor is described. After repair, the rotor was put back into service.

    Se presenta un análisis de daños típicos en rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros de baja aleación al Cr-Mo-V. Partiendo de las causas y modos de presentación de los fallos y el deterioro del material de los rotores durante la operación de la turbina, se lleva a cabo un análisis de la soldabilidad de los aceros al Cr-Mo-V y se presenta una clasificación de los posibles tipos de reparaciones de los rotores de turbinas. Con base en los daños presentados en el rotor de la turbina de gas de 20,65 MW, se presenta el desarrollo de la tecnología de reparación por soldadura llevada a cabo in situ. El rotor fue puesto nuevamente en servicio después del proceso de reparación.

  1. Técnicas para revelar el borde de grano austenítico en aceros microaleados

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    García de Andrés, Carlos


    Full Text Available The prior austenite grain size (PAGS exerts an important influence on the microstructures forged by continuous cooling in the steel and on their mechanical properties. Since microalloyed steels have received considerable attention in the last years and enormous difficulties have been repetitively to reveal the austenite grain boundaries in these steels, this work analyzes the different techniques effective in that sense, which enable thus an accurate determination of the PAGS. This paper presents results obtained applying different conventional techniques such us chemical etching of quenched microstructures, the application of thermal cycles that enable the formation of phases around the prior austenite grain boundaries or oxidation etching which reveals the austenite grain boundaries by the preferential accumulation of oxides. Finally, an innovative and effective technique to reveal the prior austenite grain boundaries is presented. This technique is based on the preferential transfer of matter from the grain boundaries to the surrounding austenite by complicated mechanisms such as evaporation-condensation and volume and surface diffusion of atoms.

    El tamaño de grano austenítico (TGA tiene una gran influencia sobre la microestructura final y sobre las propiedades mecánicas de los productos obtenidos por transformación anisotérmica del acero. Debido a la considerable atención que se está prestando a los aceros microaleados en los últimos años y a las dificultades que se encuentran en muchos casos para poder revelar los bordes de grano austenítico de estos aceros, en este trabajo se han analizado las técnicas que lo hacen posible, permitiendo así la determinación fiable del TGA. En este sentido, se presentan los resultados obtenidos al aplicar aislada y combinadamente distintas técnicas tradicionales, como el ataque químico de microestructuras obtenidas directamente por temple, la aplicación de diferentes tipos de ciclos t

  2. Welding of duplex and super-duplex stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Nassau, L.; Meelker, H.; Hilkes, J.


    After a recall of the commercial designation of duplex or super-duplex steels (22-27% Cr, 4-8% Ni, 0.1-0.3% N with or without Mo (1.5-4%)) and of some metallurgical properties (phase diagrams, microstructure, ferrite determination, heat treatment and aging), welding technologies are synthetically presented (advantages-disadvantages of each process, metals filler, parameters of the welding processes, heat treatments after welding, cleaning, passivation, properties (mechanical, corrosion resistance) of the welded pieces). (A.B.). 28 refs. 5 figs., 15 tabs., 1 annexe

  3. Backbone conformation affects duplex initiation and duplex propagation in hybridisation of synthetic H-bonding oligomers. (United States)

    Iadevaia, Giulia; Núñez-Villanueva, Diego; Stross, Alexander E; Hunter, Christopher A


    Synthetic oligomers equipped with complementary H-bond donor and acceptor side chains form multiply H-bonded duplexes in organic solvents. Comparison of the duplex forming properties of four families of oligomers with different backbones shows that formation of an extended duplex with three or four inter-strand H-bonds is more challenging than formation of complexes that make only two H-bonds. The stabilities of 1 : 1 complexes formed between length complementary homo-oligomers equipped with either phosphine oxide or phenol recognition modules were measured in toluene. When the backbone is very flexible (pentane-1,5-diyl thioether), the stability increases uniformly by an order of magnitude for each additional base-pair added to the duplex: the effective molarities for formation of the first intramolecular H-bond (duplex initiation) and subsequent intramolecular H-bonds (duplex propagation) are similar. This flexible system is compared with three more rigid backbones that are isomeric combinations of an aromatic ring and methylene groups. One of the rigid systems behaves in exactly the same way as the flexible backbone, but the other two do not. For these systems, the effective molarity for formation of the first intramolecular H-bond is the same as that found for the other two backbones, but additional H-bonds are not formed between the longer oligomers. The effective molarities are too low for duplex propagation in these systems, because the oligomer backbones cannot adopt conformations compatible with formation of an extended duplex.

  4. Aplicabilidad de un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente como material protector del acero de refuerzo

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    Robinson de Jesús Torres Gómez, William A. Aperador Ch., Enrique Vera López,Rubi Mejía de Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados del análisis electroquímico de las  barras  de  acero  embebidas  en  un  concreto  no convencional usado internacionalmente para reparación de estructuras. Este concreto utiliza materiales de desecho de otros procesos; en este caso específico se empleó escoria siderúrgica de  la empresa Acerías Paz del Río S.A. Se estudio el comportamiento frente a la corrosión generada por  los iones cloruro, con el uso de la técnica de resistencia lineal a la polarización LPR y pulso galvanostático GPT. Simultáneamente, se compararon los resultados con otras probetas  fabricadas  con  cemento  Portland  tipo  I.  Se realizaron mediciones con  intervalos de veinte días durante nueve  meses  y  finalmente  se  establecieron  las características protectoras del concreto.


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    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de barras de acero de refuerzo de un concreto de escoria activado alcalinamente. La escoria de alto horno fue activada mediante el uso de silicato sódico al 5% obteniéndose un material con buenas propiedades cementantes. Las probetas de concreto fueron fabricadas a partir de este cemento, después de mezclar con los agregados fueron reforzadas con barras de acero sismoresistente ASTMA706. Las probetas de concreto reforzado estuvieron sometidas en ambientes contaminados con iones cloruro para simular condiciones marinas. La evaluación electroquímica se realizo aplicando las técnicas de resistencia a la polarización lineal (LPR y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS. Se logra determinar el comportamiento de la capa pasiva del acero y electroquímico del metal cuando está inmerso en estos materiales cerámicos novedosos.

  6. Full Duplex Emulation via Spatial Separation of Half Duplex Nodes in a Planar Cellular Network

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Henning; Kim, Dong Min; Popovski, Petar


    A Full Duplex Base Station (FD-BS) can be used to serve simultaneously two Half-Duplex (HD) Mobile Stations (MSs), one working in the uplink and one in the downlink, respectively. The same functionality can be realized by having two interconnected and spatially separated Half Duplex Base Stations...... (HD-BSs), which is a scheme termed CoMPflex (CoMP for In-Band Wireless Full Duplex). A FD-BS can be seen as a special case of CoMPflex with separation distance zero. In this paper we study the performance of CoMPflex in a two-dimensional cellular scenario using stochastic geometry and compare...

  7. Fragilización por hidrógeno en tuberías de acero


    Gutiérrez-Solana Salcedo, Federico


    Se pretende analizar el comportamiento en presencia de hidrogeno de las tuberías de acero de sistemas de transporte de combustibles gaseosos en uso para ello: 1.- Se estudia la sensibilidad a la fragilización por hidrogeno del acero de estas tuberías por dos métodos diferentes: polarización catódica y ambiente de hidrogeno gaseoso diseñando y construyendo una cámara para ensayos mecánicos en hidrogeno a presión primera de su genero en España. 2.- Se determina la tenacidad a fractura kic de es...



    Béjar, L; Hernández, C. A


    Se ha desarrollado un modelo matemático para la predicción de la curva de fluencia de la austenita deformada en aceros de baja aleación. Las ecuaciones constitutivas tienen en cuenta los mecanismos gobernantes durante la deformación plástica -responsables de la forma de la curva- y emplea las variables de proceso y la composición química del acero. Para una demostración de su precisión, el modelo propuesto se ha comparado con las curvas de fluencia clásicas de Cook en condiciones hasta dos ór...

  9. Harvesting full-duplex rate gains in cellular networks with half-duplex user terminals

    KAUST Repository

    Alammouri, Ahmad; Elsawy, Hesham; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    Full-Duplex (FD) transceivers may be expensive in terms of complexity, power consumption, and price to be implemented in all user terminals. Therefore, techniques to exploit in-band full-duplex communication with FD base stations (BSs) and half

  10. Tensiones residuales generadas en acero F-522 por distintos tipos de mecanizado

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    García-Navas, V.


    , como en el interior del material. En este trabajo se han medido, mediante difracción de rayos-X, las tensiones residuales en un acero F-522 templado y revenido, generadas por dos procesos de torneado (torneado duro convencional y torneado duro asistido por láser y dos procesos de rectificado (de afino y de producción. Asimismo, se ha estudiado la evolución a lo largo de la profundidad de la fracción volumétrica de austenita retenida, de la microestructura y de nanodureza con el objetivo de relacionar estos resultados con los estados de tensiones obtenidos para cada mecanizado. Se ha observado que el torneado genera fuertes tensiones de tracción en la superficie y el rectificado tensiones de compresión. Inmediatamente, bajo la superficie, el rectificado genera tensiones ligeramente tractivas o nulas, mientras que el torneado genera tensiones fuertemente compresivas. Estos resultados indican que el proceso óptimo de mecanizado (prescindiendo de consideraciones económicas sería aquel que combinase un torneado duro con un ligero rectificado final

  11. Achieving single channel, full duplex wireless communication

    KAUST Repository

    Choi, Jung Il; Jain, Mayank; Srinivasan, Kannan; Levis, Phil; Katti, Sachin


    This paper discusses the design of a single channel full-duplex wireless transceiver. The design uses a combination of RF and baseband techniques to achieve full-duplexing with minimal effect on link reliability. Experiments on real nodes show the full-duplex prototype achieves median performance that is within 8% of an ideal full-duplexing system. This paper presents Antenna Cancellation, a novel technique for self-interference cancellation. In conjunction with existing RF interference cancellation and digital baseband interference cancellation, antenna cancellation achieves the amount of self-interference cancellation required for full-duplex operation. The paper also discusses potential MAC and network gains with full-duplexing. It suggests ways in which a full-duplex system can solve some important problems with existing wireless systems including hidden terminals, loss of throughput due to congestion, and large end-to-end delays. Copyright 2010 ACM.

  12. Structural Properties of G,T-Parallel Duplexes

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    Anna Aviñó


    Full Text Available The structure of G,T-parallel-stranded duplexes of DNA carrying similar amounts of adenine and guanine residues is studied by means of molecular dynamics (MD simulations and UV- and CD spectroscopies. In addition the impact of the substitution of adenine by 8-aminoadenine and guanine by 8-aminoguanine is analyzed. The presence of 8-aminoadenine and 8-aminoguanine stabilizes the parallel duplex structure. Binding of these oligonucleotides to their target polypyrimidine sequences to form the corresponding G,T-parallel triplex was not observed. Instead, when unmodified parallel-stranded duplexes were mixed with their polypyrimidine target, an interstrand Watson-Crick duplex was formed. As predicted by theoretical calculations parallel-stranded duplexes carrying 8-aminopurines did not bind to their target. The preference for the parallel-duplex over the Watson-Crick antiparallel duplex is attributed to the strong stabilization of the parallel duplex produced by the 8-aminopurines. Theoretical studies show that the isomorphism of the triads is crucial for the stability of the parallel triplex.

  13. Duplex gall bladder: bystander or culprit. (United States)

    Kumar, Jogender; Yadav, Arushi


    Gall bladder (GB) duplication is a rare anatomical malformation, which can be detected by preoperative imaging study. We present a case of duplex gall bladder in a 14-year-old boy who presented with abdominal pain. On ultrasound, he had right nephrolithiasis and duplex gall bladder. Duplex gall bladder was confirmed on MR cholangiopancreatography. There was a dilemma for surgical management of duplex gall bladder; however, he became asymptomatic after conservative treatment. Prophylactic surgery is not recommended for asymptomatic incidentally detected duplex gall bladder. Radiologists and paediatric surgeons should be sensitised about the exact anatomy of this entity. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  14. Overall performance of the duplex Stirling refrigerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erbay, L. Berrin; Ozturk, M. Mete; Doğan, Bahadır


    Highlights: • Overall performance coefficient of duplex Stirling refrigerator was investigated. • A definite region for the coefficient of performance of the refrigerator in duplex Stirling is identified. • A definite region for the thermal efficiency of the heat engine in duplex Stirling is identified. • Benchmark values and design bounds of the duplex Stirling refrigerator were obtained. - Abstract: The duplex Stirling refrigerator is an integrated refrigerator consists of Stirling cycle engine and Stirling cycle refrigerator used for cooling. The equality of the work generation of the heat engine to the work consumption of the refrigerator is the primary constraint of the duplex Stirling. The duplex Stirling refrigerator is investigated thermodynamically by considering the effects of constructional and operational parameters which are namely the temperature ratios for heat engine and refrigerator, and the compression ratios for both sides. The primary concern is given to the parametric effects on the overall coefficient of performance of the duplex Stirling refrigerator. The given diagrams provide a design bounds and benchmark results that allows seeing the big picture about the cooling load and heat input relation. Moreover they ease to determine the corresponding work rate to the target cooling load. As regard to the obtained results, a definite region for coefficient of performance of the refrigerator and a definite region for the thermal efficiency of the heat engine of the duplex Stirling are identified.

  15. Buffer management in wireless full-duplex systems

    KAUST Repository

    Bouacida, Nader


    Wireless full-duplex radios can simultaneously transmit and receive using the same frequency. In theory, this can double the throughput. In fact, there is only little work addressing aspects other than throughput gains in full-duplex systems. Over-buffering in today\\'s networks or the so-called “bufferbloat” phenomenon creates excessive end-to-end delays resulting in network performance degradation. Our analysis shows that full-duplex systems may suffer from high latency caused by bloated buffers. In this paper, we address the problem of buffer management in full-duplex networks by using Wireless Queue Management (WQM), which is an active queue management technique for wireless networks. Our solution is based on Relay Full-Duplex MAC (RFD-MAC), an asynchronous media access control protocol designed for relay full-duplexing. We compare the performance of WQM in full-duplex environment to Drop Tail mechanism over various scenarios. Our solution reduces the end-to-end delay by two orders of magnitude while achieving similar throughput in most of the cases.

  16. Efecto del contenido de azufre y del grado de desoxidación sobre la ductilidad en caliente de aceros inoxidables austeníticos resulfurados en estado de solidificación

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    Botella, J.


    Full Text Available The manufacture of free machining austenitic stainless steels features a specific drawback derived from their high sulphur content, which is needed for generating, into the austenitic matrix, inclusions to optimize the different machining operations. However, sulphur has a harmful effect on hot workability. This paper deals with assessing the effect of sulphur content and deoxidation level on the hot ductility of resulphurized austenitic stainless steels in as cast condition. Hot tensile tests were conducted on a Gleeble machine, at temperatures between 1,150 and 1,250°C, studying a ductility factor as a function of sulphur content, deoxidation degree, as well as type, size and distribution of sulfides. Results point out the harmful effect of increasing sulphur and oxygen contents on the hot workability of resulphurized austenitic stainless steels, and the need to control carefully the level of oxides of these steels.

    La fabricación de aceros inoxidables austeníticos de alta maquinabilidad presenta una problemática específica derivada de su elevado contenido de azufre; elemento necesario para generar en la matriz austenítica inclusiones que faciliten las diferentes operaciones de mecanizado, pero perjudicial en cuanto al deterioro que produce en la deformabilidad en caliente. Este artículo describe el estudio realizado para evaluar el efecto del contenido de azufre y el grado de desoxidación sobre la ductilidad en caliente de aceros inoxidables austeníticos resulfurados, partiendo de una estructura de solidificación (as cast condition. Se realizaron ensayos de tracción en un sistema Gleeble, a temperaturas entre 1.150 y 1.250°C, analizándose el parámetro de ductilidad en función del contenido de azufre, nivel de desoxidación, y del tipo, tamaño y distribución de los sulfuros presentes. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto el efecto perjudicial de los contenidos de azufre y oxígeno sobre la deformabilidad en

  17. Practical, real-time, full duplex wireless

    KAUST Repository

    Jain, Mayank; Choi, Jung Il; Kim, Taemin; Bharadia, Dinesh; Seth, Siddharth; Srinivasan, Kannan; Levis, Philip; Katti, Sachin; Sinha, Prasun


    This paper presents a full duplex radio design using signal inversion and adaptive cancellation. Signal inversion uses a simple design based on a balanced/unbalanced (Balun) transformer. This new design, unlike prior work, supports wideband and high power systems. In theory, this new design has no limitation on bandwidth or power. In practice, we find that the signal inversion technique alone can cancel at least 45dB across a 40MHz bandwidth. Further, combining signal inversion cancellation with cancellation in the digital domain can reduce self-interference by up to 73dB for a 10MHz OFDM signal. This paper also presents a full duplex medium access control (MAC) design and evaluates it using a testbed of 5 prototype full duplex nodes. Full duplex reduces packet losses due to hidden terminals by up to 88%. Full duplex also mitigates unfair channel allocation in AP-based networks, increasing fairness from 0.85 to 0.98 while improving downlink throughput by 110% and uplink throughput by 15%. These experimental results show that a re- design of the wireless network stack to exploit full duplex capability can result in significant improvements in network performance. © 2011 ACM.

  18. Rietveld and impedance analysis of cold and hot rolled duplex and lean duplex steels for application in paper and pulp industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Esteves, Luiza; Lins, Vanessa de Freitas Cunha, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Departamento de Engenharia Quimica; Paiva, Paulo Renato Perdigao [Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica de Minas Gerais (CEFET), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Viana, Adolfo Kalergis do Nascimento [APERAM South America, Timoteo, MG (Brazil)


    In this study, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld Refinement were performed to identify and quantify the ferrite and austenite phase of cold and hot rolled duplex stainless steels (UNS S31803) and lean duplex stainless steels (UNS S32304). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was applied to evaluate the chemical behavior of duplex and lean duplex stainless steels in white, green, and black liquors of paper and pulp industry. Rietveld analysis results showed a higher austenite content than the standard limit for duplex steels in the hot rolled condition. The hot rolling condition plays a major role in improving corrosion resistance in white liquor mainly for the lean duplex steel. (author)

  19. Rietveld and impedance analysis of cold and hot rolled duplex and lean duplex steels for application in paper and pulp industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esteves, Luiza; Lins, Vanessa de Freitas Cunha; Viana, Adolfo Kalergis do Nascimento


    In this study, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld Refinement were performed to identify and quantify the ferrite and austenite phase of cold and hot rolled duplex stainless steels (UNS S31803) and lean duplex stainless steels (UNS S32304). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was applied to evaluate the chemical behavior of duplex and lean duplex stainless steels in white, green, and black liquors of paper and pulp industry. Rietveld analysis results showed a higher austenite content than the standard limit for duplex steels in the hot rolled condition. The hot rolling condition plays a major role in improving corrosion resistance in white liquor mainly for the lean duplex steel. (author)

  20. Thermal stability of DNA quadruplex-duplex hybrids. (United States)

    Lim, Kah Wai; Khong, Zi Jian; Phan, Anh Tuân


    DNA has the capacity to adopt several distinct structural forms, such as duplex and quadruplex helices, which have been implicated in cellular processes and shown to exhibit important functional properties. Quadruplex-duplex hybrids, generated from the juxtaposition of these two structural elements, could find applications in therapeutics and nanotechnology. Here we used NMR and CD spectroscopy to investigate the thermal stability of two classes of quadruplex-duplex hybrids comprising fundamentally distinct modes of duplex and quadruplex connectivity: Construct I involves the coaxial orientation of the duplex and quadruplex helices with continual base stacking across the two components; Construct II involves the orthogonal orientation of the duplex and quadruplex helices with no base stacking between the two components. We have found that for both constructs, the stability of the quadruplex generally increases with the length of the stem-loop incorporated, with respect to quadruplexes comprising nonstructured loops of the same length, which showed a continuous drop in stability with increasing loop length. The stability of these complexes, particularly Construct I, can be substantially influenced by the base-pair steps proximal to the quadruplex-duplex junction. Bulges at the junction are largely detrimental to the adoption of the desired G-quadruplex topology for Construct I but not for Construct II. These findings should facilitate future design and prediction of quadruplex-duplex hybrids.

  1. Prolonged CT urography in duplex kidney. (United States)

    Gong, Honghan; Gao, Lei; Dai, Xi-Jian; Zhou, Fuqing; Zhang, Ning; Zeng, Xianjun; Jiang, Jian; He, Laichang


    Duplex kidney is a common anomaly that is frequently associated with multiple complications. Typical computed tomography urography (CTU) includes four phases (unenhanced, arterial, parenchymal and excretory) and has been suggested to considerably aid in the duplex kidney diagnosi. Unfortunately, regarding duplex kidney with prolonged dilatation, the affected parenchyma and tortuous ureters demonstrate a lack of or delayed excretory opacification. We used prolonged-delay CTU, which consists of another prolonged-delay phase (1- to 72-h delay; mean delay: 24 h) to opacify the duplicated ureters and affected parenchyma. Seventeen patients (9 males and 8 females; age range: 2.5-56 y; mean age: 40.4 y) with duplex kidney were included in this study. Unenhanced scans did not find typical characteristics of duplex kidney, except for irregular perirenal morphology. Duplex kidney could not be confirmed on typical four-phase CTU, whereas it could be easily diagnosed in axial and CT-3D reconstruction using prolonged CTU (prolonged-delay phase). Between January 2005 and October 2010, in this review board-approved study (with waived informed consent), 17 patients (9 males and 8 females; age range: 2.5 ~ 56 y; mean age: 40.4 y) with suspicious duplex kidney underwent prolonged CTU to opacify the duplicated ureters and confirm the diagnosis. Our results suggest the validity of prolonged CTU to aid in the evaluation of the function of the affected parenchyma and in the demonstration of urinary tract malformations.

  2. Zoster duplex: a clinical report and etiologic analysis. (United States)

    Zhang, Feng; Zhou, Jin


    Herpes zoster (HZ) duplex is a rare disease presentation. The mechanisms of varicella zoster virus (VZV) reactivation in multiple dermal regions are unknown. To present a HZ duplex case occurring in an immunocompetent woman and to analyze the possible underlying causes of HZ duplex. We present a HZ duplex case in an immunocompetent woman and analyzed the possible contributing factors in 36 HZ duplex cases. Continuously distributed variables were categorized by numbers and percentages. In our study, 24 cases (66.7%) were from Asia, 16 cases (44.4%) were in individuals ≥ 50 years of age, and 17 cases (47.2%) occurred in immunocompromised patients. Of the 36 cases, 23 involved women (63.9%) and 13 involved men. Eighteen patients suffering from HZ duplex, 13 of which were women (72.2%), did not suffer from any chronic systemic disease or have a long history of taking drugs. HZ duplex is a rare event that can occur in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed individuals. HZ duplex might be associated with the Asia region, advanced age, immunosuppression, and being female.

  3. Metodología para el cálculo de espesores límite libres de fase sigma durante el hipertemple en piezas de aceros dúplex de gran sección

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    Jimbert, P.


    Full Text Available To achieve the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance desired by duplex stainless steels used by the petrochemical and nuclear industry, parts are subjected to a hiperquenching heat treatment from about 1050 °C. This avoids the risk of intermetallic precipitation which drastically reduces the properties of these materials. However with increasing depth to which the deposits are present, the thicknesses for such pipes have been increased, resulting in higher levels of demand on all its manufacturing process, including the heat treatment. To avoid the precipitation of intermetallic phases such as sigma phase it is necessary to know the cooling profile in the center of the workpiece and for this purpose to know the value of the Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (h is essential. This coefficient changes during the hiperquenching and its value is determined experimentally as it depends on several process parameters. Studies reveal that its value is stabilized within a few seconds. We can then assume that to know the cooling profile in the center of large sections it is only necessary to know the stabilized value of h. However, all the studies found in the literature are referred to diameters smaller than 100 mm. This paper has developed a methodology to predict the precipitation of intermetallic phases in duplex stainless steel parts with large thicknesses in industrial facilities from the calculation of h. This methodology allows us to calculate the cooling profiles without wasting any workpiece using one or more sensorized patterns with thermocouples and a subsequent simulation with ANSYS.Para conseguir las propiedades mecánicas y de corrosión deseadas en los aceros dúplex utilizados por la industria petro-química y nuclear se les somete a un tratamiento de hipertemple desde unos 1.050 °C. Con ello se evita el riesgo de aparición de precipitados intermetálicos que reducen drásticamente las propiedades de estos materiales. Sin

  4. Maximizing synchronizability of duplex networks (United States)

    Wei, Xiang; Emenheiser, Jeffrey; Wu, Xiaoqun; Lu, Jun-an; D'Souza, Raissa M.


    We study the synchronizability of duplex networks formed by two randomly generated network layers with different patterns of interlayer node connections. According to the master stability function, we use the smallest nonzero eigenvalue and the eigenratio between the largest and the second smallest eigenvalues of supra-Laplacian matrices to characterize synchronizability on various duplexes. We find that the interlayer linking weight and linking fraction have a profound impact on synchronizability of duplex networks. The increasingly large inter-layer coupling weight is found to cause either decreasing or constant synchronizability for different classes of network dynamics. In addition, negative node degree correlation across interlayer links outperforms positive degree correlation when most interlayer links are present. The reverse is true when a few interlayer links are present. The numerical results and understanding based on these representative duplex networks are illustrative and instructive for building insights into maximizing synchronizability of more realistic multiplex networks.

  5. On the Secrecy Degrees of Freedom with Full-Duplex Communication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahmood, Nurul Huda; Mogensen, Preben Elgaard


    of such an application. The potential of full duplex nodes in improving the physical layer security of a communication link is investigated in this contribution. We specifically derive the information theoretic secrecy degrees of freedom measure for a pair of nodes communicating in full duplex mode. Moreover, closed...... and the delay reduction of full duplex communication are somewhat limited in realistic network settings, leading researchers to study other possible applications of full duplex communication which can provide significantly higher gains over half duplex communication. Physical layer security is an example...... form expressions for the instantaneous and ergodic throughput gain of full duplex communication over conventional half duplex is derived. The secrecy degrees of freedom with full duplex is shown to be two as opposed to that of zero in half duplex mode....

  6. Full-Duplex Relay Selection in Cognitive Underlay Networks

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim; Aissa, Sonia


    In this work, we analyze the performance of full-duplex relay selection (FDRS) in spectrum-sharing networks. Contrary to half-duplex relaying, full-duplex relaying (FDR) enables simultaneous listening/forwarding at the secondary relay(s), thereby

  7. Procesos metalúrgicos de aceros microaleados de alta resistencia 450 EMZ tipo II en la zona afectada térmicamente debido al efecto multipasada en soldaduras por arco sumergido

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    González-Palma, R.


    Full Text Available A considerable number of crack tip opening displacement tests in the heat affected zone (HAZ of multipass welds, performed in accordance with standards BS 5762 and EEMUA, are rejected since the crack is not inside the coarse grain region at 0.5 mm from the fusion border, as well as the quantity of the crack length in percentage, that the crack goes through the intercritical region instead of in the grain coarse region as it would correspond. This circumstance make advisable to carry out a metallographic study of the intercritical zone in the HAZ as well as the corresponding tests, in order analyze the intercritical region brittleness reasons. The study is performed on a HSLA 75 mm thick panel 450 EMZ type II, welded under a SAW process with heat input and welded parameters controlled, without any post weld heat treatment

    La falta de cumplimiento de las normas BS 5762 y EEMUA, en considerables casos, invalida los ensayos de mecánica de la fractura, al no encontrarse la grieta en la región de grano grueso a 0,5 mm de la línea de fusión, así como en la cantidad expresada en porcentaje de longitud de grieta que atraviesa la región intercrítica, en lugar de hacerlo en la región de grano grueso. Esta circunstancia, conduce a realizar un estudio metalográfico de dicha región intercrítica de la zona afectada térmicamente así como los correspondientes ensayos, con objeto de analizar las causas de su fragilidad. Este estudio se realiza sobre un panel de chapa de acero microaleado de alto límite elástico, calidad EMZ 450 tipo II, de 75 mm de espesor, soldado bajo un proceso por arco sumergido, con energía calorífica aportada y parámetros de soldadura controlados, sin tratamiento térmico post-soldeo.


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    Full Text Available El acero ferrítico T91 ha sido ampliamente utilizado en plantas de generación de energía eléctrica, calderas y plantas nucleares. Sin embargo, su resistencia a la oxidación se ve gravemente afectada a temperaturas superiores a los 600ºC. En esta investigación se empleó la técnica de cementación empacada para aluminizar un acero T91 y se encontraron las condiciones óptimas para la formación de un recubrimiento libre de porosidad y con espesor uniforme (300 micras. Se evaluó la capa de óxido formada luego de una exposición a 800ºC en atmósfera de aire. La caracterización del recubrimiento y de la capa de óxido (Al2O3 se llevó a cabo empleando un microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM, Espectroscopia de Rayos X (EDX y mapping. Se comprobó una buena resistencia a la oxidación del acero T91 aluminizado, debido a la formación de una fina capa continua de óxido de aluminio de aproximadamente 6 micras de espesor luego de una exposición de 7 días.

  9. Aumento en la resistencia a la corrosión de un acero t91 aluminizado




    El acero ferrítico T91 ha sido ampliamente utilizado en plantas de generación de energía eléctrica, calderas y plantas nucleares. Sin embargo, su resistencia a la oxidación se ve gravemente afectada a temperaturas superiores a los 600ºC. En esta investigación se empleó la técnica de cementación empacada para aluminizar un acero T91 y se encontraron las condiciones óptimas para la formación de un recubrimiento libre de porosidad y con espesor uniforme (300 micras). Se evaluó la capa de óxido f...

  10. Estudio experimental del comportamiento a compresión de hormigones autocompactantes reforzados con fibras de acero = Experimental study of performance self-compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. L. Sánchez


    Full Text Available El hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero presenta simultáneamente las ventajas de los hormigones autocompactantes y de los reforzados con fibras. Se consigue un material de altas prestaciones en cuanto a su colocación en obra, tenacidad y ductilidad. En este trabajo se ha estudiado el comportamiento mecánico de un hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero. Se han realizado ensayos a compresión a distintas edades, así como ensayos no destructivos (medida de la velocidad de ultrasonidos e índice esclerométrico. Los resultados muestran la variación de la respuesta del hormigón con el tiempo, la diferencia existente con los hormigones tradicionales y la viabilidad del empleo de técnicas no destructivas para el control de este tipo de hormigones.Abstract Self-compacting steel fibers reinforced concrete simultaneously has the advantages of self-compacting concrete and reinforced with fibers. A material of high performance in their laying on site, toughness and ductility is achieved. This paper has studied the mechanical behavior of a self-compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers. Have been made compression tests, as well as non-destructive testing (measuring the speed of ultrasound and sclerometer test. The results show the variation of the response of concrete with time, the difference with the traditional concrete and the feasibility of using non-destructive techniques for controlling this type of concrete.

  11. "Estudio tribologico de aceros para moldes. Aplicacion al moldeo por inyeccion de polibutilentereftalato reforzado con fibra de vidrio" (United States)

    Martinez Mateo, Isidoro Jose

    fabricacion del molde, tienen una gran influencia sobre su comportamiento en servicio a lo largo de la vida util del molde. En la primera parte del presente estudio, a partir de ensayos punzon sobre disco, se ha determinado la relacion entre la resistencia al desgaste y la dureza de aceros para moldes obtenidos a partir de bloques de gran espesor, estudiando los principales mecanismos de desgaste que tienen lugar. A continuacion, con el fin de determinar el dano superficial que sufren los aceros para moldes en condiciones reales de inyeccion, se han estudiado distintos tipos de aceros utilizados comercialmente en moldes de inyeccion de polimeros y materiales compuestos, seleccionando las condiciones de operacion para determinar la variacion de la rugosidad superficial del acero en funcion del material inyectado, del numero de operaciones sucesivas de inyeccion y de la orientacion del flujo de inyeccion, mediante tecnicas de perfilometria optica y microscopia electronica de barrido. Ademas del dano superficial sufrido por el acero con el numero de piezas inyectadas, tambien se ha determinado la evolucion de la rugosidad superficial de los materiales inyectados, polibutilentereftalato (PBT) puro y materiales compuestos derivados de PBT por adicion de un 20 o un 50% en peso de fibra de vidrio. En el caso de las piezas inyectadas, se ha caracterizado su microestructura en funcion del flujo de inyeccion y de la densidad de fibra, se han determinado sus propiedades termicas y dinamico-mecanicas, asi como la variacion de la rugosidad superficial de las piezas inyectadas con el numero de operaciones de inyeccion y con la geometria de las distintas secciones de las piezas. Finalmente, se ha evaluado la resistencia a la abrasion de PBT reforzado con un 50% de fibra, en funcion del numero de piezas inyectadas y de la direccion de rayado con respecto a la orientacion del flujo de inyeccion.

  12. Harvesting full-duplex rate gains in cellular networks with half-duplex user terminals

    KAUST Repository

    AlAmmouri, Ahmad


    Full-Duplex (FD) transceivers may be expensive in terms of complexity, power consumption, and price to be implemented in all user terminals. Therefore, techniques to exploit in-band full-duplex communication with FD base stations (BSs) and half-duplex (HD) users\\' equipment (UEs) are required. In this context, 3-node topology (3NT) has been recently proposed for FD BSs to reuse the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) channels with HD terminals within the same cell. In this paper, we present a tractable mathematical framework, based on stochastic geometry, for 3NT in cellular networks. To this end, we propose a design paradigm via pulse-shaping and partial overlap between UL and DL channels to maximize the harvested rate gains in 3NT. The results show that 3NT achieves a close performance to networks with FD BSs and FD UEs, denoted by 2-node topology (2NT) networks. A maximum of 5% rate loss is reported when 3NT is compared to 2NT with efficient self-interference cancellation (SIC). If the SIC in 2NT is not efficient, 3NT highly outperforms 2NT. Consequently, we conclude that, irrespective to the UE duplexing scheme, it is sufficient to have FD BSs to harvest FD rate gains.

  13. Identificación de aceros por espectroscopia de rompimiento inducido por láser (LIBS) y análisis de componentes principales


    Contreras, U.; Meneses-Nava, M.A.; Torres-Armenta, D.; Robles-Camacho, J.; Barbosa-García, O.


    En la actualidad existe una producción de mas de 100 000 aceros diferentes de acuerdo a su composición química y propiedades mecánicas; sin embargo, una vez en el mercado, no existe técnica alguna capaz de identificar y clasificar cualquier acero según su clase o grado. En este trabajo se describe un método capaz de identificar y clasificar aceros a través de la determinación de su composición química. El método propuesto se basa en un análisis de espectroscopia atómica procedente de la técni...

  14. Estudio del comportamiento a fluencia en caliente de un acero avanzado de alta resistencia de bajo contenido en carbono NiCrVCu microaleado con boro


    González Sala, Sara


    Una de las líneas de investigación prioritarias en el contexto internacional es el desarrollo de aceros avanzados de alta resistencia (AHSS) con excelentes propiedades de resistencia y tenacidad para aplicaciones en la industria automotriz, naval, aeronáutica y de generación de energía, que permitan disminuir el peso de los componentes y sustituyan aceros tradicionales de contenidos mayores de carbono. Los aceros AHSS microaleados al boro, debido a sus cualidades, tecnología de...

  15. Duplex kidney: not just a drooping lily. (United States)

    Doery, Ashlea J; Ang, Eileen; Ditchfield, Michael R


    Duplex kidneys are common, mostly asymptomatic and of no clinical significance. However, they can be associated with significant pathology, often with long-term morbidity. There is minimal literature on the review of the duplex kidney, its associated anomalies and complications. The purpose of this paper is to review our experience of imaging the spectrum of abnormalities associated with duplex kidneys in the paediatric population and correlate this with contemporary literature. A retrospective review of the radiology database in a tertiary paediatric centre was performed. A word search of the Radiology Information System for 'duplex' of patients under the age of 16 was undertaken and limited to studies performed between 2006 and 2013. Two hundred seventy-four patients were identified (age range 0-16, median 3 years, gender 59.9% female) who had 836 studies: ultrasound 598/836 (71.6%), nuclear medicine 180/836 (21.5%), micturating cystourethrogram 52/836 (6.2%), MRI 5/836 (duplex and no complication (151/274 = 55.1%), upper moiety obstruction, lower moiety reflux/scarring, multicystic dysplastic kidney, abnormal ureteric insertion and other pathology. Duplex kidneys are common and often not clinically significant. However, this study demonstrates almost 50% of paediatric patients investigated for duplex kidneys had complications requiring treatment. The most common complications were upper moiety obstruction associated with a ureterocele and lower moiety vesicoureteric reflux. Ultrasound was the most common modality for early detection of these complications. © 2015 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

  16. Full Duplex Communications in 5G Small Cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahmood, Nurul Huda; Gatnau, Marta; Berardinelli, Gilberto


    Full duplex communication promises system performance improvement over conventional half duplex communication by allowing simultaneous transmission and reception. However, such concurrent communication results in strong self interference and an increase in the overall network interference, and can...... only be exploited when traffic is available in both directions. The potential throughput gains of full duplex communication over conventional half duplex transmission in a small cell network with asymmetric traffic conditions is investigated in this contribution. The throughput performance gains...... are analysed using tools from stochastic geometry, and further confirmed through extensive system level simulations. Our findings explicitly quantify how the gains from full duplex communication depend on the traffic profile and the inter-cell interference coupling. The demonstrated throughput gains and delay...

  17. Aceros para embutido profundo: fabricación, caracterización, microestructura y texturas

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    Sipos, K.


    las curvas de deformación límite permite a las empresas que producen piezas de diseños particulares evaluar sus diseños y la conveniencia o no del uso de diferentes tipos de aceros para su fabricación. Se muestra como ejemplo el caso de cubiertas de enceradoras.

  18. Comportamiento frente a la corrosión de los aceros inoxidables AISI 430L P/M

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    Corpas, F. A.


    Full Text Available In this paper we have studied the resistance to corrosion of the 430L ferritic stainless steels, manufactured by powder metallurgy. We have compared the behaviour of the different series of 430L stainless steels sintered, tempered and annealing, in different corrosive environments. Finally, the microstructure of the steels was determined by means of scanning electron microscopy. The better resistance to corrosion are produced in the steel annealing to 300ºC and 600ºC.

    En este trabajo hemos estudiado la resistencia a la corrosión que presentan los aceros inoxidables ferríticos 430L fabricados por procedimientos pulvimetalúrgicos. Hemos evaluado y comparado distintas series de aceros inoxidables 430L sinterizados, templados y madurados a diferentes temperaturas en atmósfera de nitrógeno, introduciéndolos en varios medios corrosivos de distinta naturaleza. Por último, se determinó la microestructura, mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los mejores valores de resistencia a la corrosión se encuentran para los aceros tratados a 300ºC y 600ºC.

  19. Influencia sobre los tratamientos térmicos del contenido de aluminio de aceros no aleados

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    Carreras, L.


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this article is to determine the optimal level of aluminum content in plain steels to have the optimal mechanical properties by means of surface heat treatments. Various plain steels with different aluminium content have been studied. The importance of treatment temperature is analyzed. The influence of other factors, like nitrogen content or the homogenous distribution of particles, is evaluated. It is concluded that the aluminum composition of plain steels that are subjected to heat treatments should not exceed 0.02 %.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el intervalo óptimo de contenidos de aluminio en aceros no aleados para los que se consiguen las propiedades mecánicas óptimas mediante tratamientos térmicos de superficie. Se estudian diferentes coladas de acero en las que varía el contenido de aluminio y las temperaturas de tratamiento. Se evalúa la importancia de otros factores tales como el contenido de nitrógeno y la homogeneidad en la distribución de partículas endurecedoras. Se llega a la conclusión de que los aceros no aleados destinados a tratamientos térmicos no deben tener un contenido de aluminio superior al 0,02 %.

  20. Desgaste por deslizamiento en seco de aceros perlíticos y bainíticos

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    Cristian Camilo Viáfara Arango


    Full Text Available El desgaste por deslizamiento tiene una gran influencia sobre el desempeño de los sistemas rueda-riel, en particular, por el deslizamiento de la pestaña de la rueda sobre la parte interna del riel en una pista curva. Dado que el deslizamiento entre la rueda y el riel involucra efectos de adhesión, altos porcentajes de deslizamiento/rodadura afectan fuertemente el desgaste por fatiga de contacto por rodadura, que actúa en las superficies de contacto. En una máquina Pin sobre Disco se llevaron a cabo ensayos de desgaste por deslizamiento para estudiar el comportamiento del acero perlítico AISI 1070 y el bainítico AISI 15B30. La velocidad de deslizamiento fue 1 ms-1 para todas las pruebas y se utilizaron cargas normales de 10, 30 y 50 N. La resistencia al desgaste fue relacionada con la pérdida de masa medida después de las pruebas y las superficies desgastadas, al igual que las partículas removidas, fueron analizadas por medio de los microscopios óptico y electrónico. Se realizaron perfiles de microdureza bajo las superficies de contacto para analizar el efecto del endurecimiento por deformación. El acero perlítico mostró mayor resistencia al desgaste que el acero bainítico, debido al excelente comportamiento de endurecimiento por deformación de la perlita comparado con el de la bainita. En el acero perlítico se observaron regímenes de desgaste oxidativo, mientras que en el bainítico el principal mecanismo de remoción de material fue el adhesivo, llevando a un daño mucho más fuerte en la superficie. De hecho, el régimen de desgaste para las probetas bainíticas fue siempre severo, aún con la menor carga normal aplicada.

  1. Análisis de falla en cable de acero Análisis de falla en cable de acero

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    E. A. Ossa


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el análisis de falla realizado en dos muestras de cables de acero que sufrieron falla súbita bajo condiciones de carga de trabajo normales. La falla fue causada por una carga menor a la capacidad nominal. Luego de inspección óptica se evidenció que la falla fue ocasionada por fatiga del material de uno de los cables.This paper describes the failure analysis of two wire ropes fractured during normal working conditions. The failure was caused by a load well below the nominal maximum resistance of the ropes. Optical microscopy indicated fatigue failure of one of the cables.

  2. Propuesta de un nuevo indicador para definir la ductilidad aplicada a la corrosión del acero de refuerzo en estructuras de hormigón = Proposal of a new indicator to define ductility applied to corroded steel reinforcement on concrete structures

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    E. Moreno


    Full Text Available La carbonatación del hormigón o la intrusión de cloruros en suficiente cantidad para alcanzar el nivel de las barras, es desencadenante de la corrosión de la armadura. Uno de los efectos más significativos de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo en estructuras de hormigón armado es la disminución de las propiedades relacionadas con la ductilidad del acero. El reforzamiento tiene un efecto decisivo en la ductilidad global de las estructuras de hormigón armado. Se utilizan diferentes códigos para clasificar el tipo de acero en función de su ductilidad usando los valores mínimos de varios parámetros. El uso de indicadores de ductilidad asociados a diferentes propiedades puede ser ventajoso en muchas ocasiones. Se considera necesario para definir la ductilidad por medio de un solo parámetro que tiene en cuenta los valores de resistencia y deformación simultáneamente. Hay una serie de criterios para definir la ductilidad del acero mediante un único parámetro. El presente estudio experimental se ocupa de la variación en la ductilidad de las barras de acero embebido en hormigón cuando se expone a la corrosión acelerada. Este trabajo analiza la idoneidad de un nuevo indicador de la ductilidad utilizado en barras corroídas. Abstract The carbonation of concrete or the chlorides ingress in such quantity to reach the level of bars is triggers of reinforcement corrosion. One of the most significant effects of reinforcing steel corrosion on reinforced concrete structures is the decline in the ductility-related properties of the steel. Reinforcement ductility has a decisive effect on the overall ductility of reinforced concrete structures. Different Codes classify the type of steel depending on their ductility defined by the minimum values of several parameters. Using indicators of ductility associating different properties can be advantageous on many occasions. It is considered necessary to define the ductility by means of a single

  3. Aplicación del ensayo miniatura de embutido para la evaluación de la tenacidad a temperaturas criogénicas de aceros inoxidables austeníticos envejecidos isotérmicamente

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    Saucedo-Muñoz, M. L.


    Full Text Available Two types of austenitic stainless steels JJl and JNl were isothermally aged at temperatures from 873 to 1173 K for 10 to 1000 min in order to study the microstructural evolution and its effect on fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures. The Charpy V-Notch (CVN and Small-Punch (SPTesting methods were conducted at 77 K to evaluate the toughness of both solution treated and aged specimens. The fracture energy at 77 K determined for both methods showed a significant decrease with aging time for both steels. A linear correlation between the fracture energies of both methods was found. The intergranular precipitation of carbides and nitrides was responsible for the fracture toughness deterioration. The scanning electron microscope fractographs showed an intergranular brittle fracture and its fraction also increased with aging time and temperature. The presence of a more abundant intergranular precipitation resulted in a more rapid decrease in fracture toughness with aging time in JNl steel due to its higher content of C and N, compared to that of JJl steel.

    Dos tipos de aceros inoxidables austeníticos, JJl y JNl, se envejecieron isotérmicamente a temperaturas entre 873 y 1.173 K por tiempos de 10 a 1.000 min, para estudiar la evolución microestructural y su efecto sobre la tenacidad a la fractura a temperaturas criogénicas. Los métodos de ensayo de impacto Charpy y el ensayo miniatura de embutido se llevaron a cabo a 77 K para evaluar la tenacidad de las muestras tratadas térmicamente. La energía de fractura determinada por ambos métodos mostró una disminución con el tiempo de envejecido para ambos aceros. Se encontró una relación lineal entre ambos valores de energía. La precipitación intergranular de carburos y nitruros fue la responsable de la pérdida de la tenacidad en las muestras envejecidas. La fractografía indicó que la fractura intergranular se incrementa con la temperatura y el tiempo de envejecido. La presencia

  4. Soldadura de recargue con aceros inoxidables dúplex


    Zappa, Sebastián; Martínez, Juan; Svoboda, Hernán Gabriel; Surian, Estela


    Los aceros inoxidables dúplex se caracterizan por poseer una estructura dual constituida por ferrita y austenita en iguales proporciones. Poseen una combinación de buenas propiedades mecánicas y resistencia a la corrosión, que dependen de la composición química y de la relación entre las fases mencionadas. Son ampliamente utilizados en las industrias de procesos químicos y, fundamentalmente, del petróleo y gas. La soldadura de recargue, es utilizada en las industrias de fabricación y reparaci...

  5. Estudio mediante difracción de Rayos-X de las tensiones residuales generadas por diferentes tipos de mecanizado

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    García, V.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work is the measurement of residual stresses using X-ray diffraction in materials subjected to different kinds of machining, to show the relevance of an adequate choice of machining type and parameters on the quality of the generated surface, especially in the residual stress final state. Different materials (stainless steel 17/7 PH, Ti-6Al-4V and F-521 tool steel subjected to hard-turning and grinding have been investigated. In each case the evolution of the residual stress with distance to surface has been obtained. An integral method has been applied to determine the residual stress state by measuring the changes in the diffraction angle position. This method provides the full stress tensor and the stress gradient tensor in the longitudinal and transversal directions and in depth. X-ray diffraction measurements have allowed the evaluation of both macroscopic and microscopic residual stresses (the latter only qualitatively.

    El propósito de este trabajo es la medición de tensiones residuales mediante difracción de rayos‑X en materiales sometidos a diferentes tipos de mecanizado, con el fin de mostrar la importancia que tiene una correcta elección del tipo y parámetros del mecanizado en la calidad de la superficie creada, especialmente en el estado final de tensiones residuales. Se han realizado mediciones sobre distintos materiales (acero inoxidable 17/7 PH, Ti-6Al-4V y acero de herramienta F-521, mecanizados mediante torneado duro o rectificado. En cada caso se ha obtenido la evolución del estado de tensiones con la distancia a la superficie. Se ha aplicado un método integral para deducir las tensiones residuales a partir de medidas de la variación en la posición del pico de difracción. Este método proporciona el tensor de tensiones completo, así como los tensores gradientes de tensiones en dirección longitudinal, transversal y en profundidad. Las medidas de difracción de rayos-X han permitido la

  6. Identificación metalográfica de fases en una junta soldada de acero estructural microaleado y su influencia en el mecanismo de fractura

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    Porras-Arévalo, G. O.


    Full Text Available This study seeks to characterize the present phases through welded joint zones of structural steel and to describe the fracture mechanism, offering a support to the metallic construction industry. In most cases, structural designers associate weldments in this construction type with the brittleness in its structure, with the drop toughness and with a high collapse risk for the ductile-brittle transition.

    Este estudio pretende caracterizar las fases presentes a través de las zonas de una junta soldada de acero estructural y describir el mecanismo de fractura, ofreciendo un soporte a la industria de la construcción metálica. En la mayoría de los casos, la utilización de la soldadura en este tipo de construcción se asocia, por los diseñadores estructurales, con la fragilidad de su estructura, con la baja tenacidad y con un alto riesgo de colapso por la transición dúctil-frágil.


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    Full Text Available En este trabajo de investigación se estudió el efecto del precalentamiento y la severidad de temple sobre la resistencia al desgaste adhesivo del acero austenítico al manganeso ASTM A 128 grado C. El material se sometió a ciclos térmicos de temple y revenido con y sin precalentamiento con el fin de evaluar su influencia sobre la resistencia al desgaste. Posteriormente el material fue sometido a prueba según norma ASTM G83 y se determinó que el acero Austenítico al manganeso, es un material que presenta una microestructura metaestable en condiciones estables y no debe ser sometido a tratamiento térmico de revenido a altas temperaturas debido que favorece la descomposición de esta a ferrita (fase blanda de los acero y por ende disminuye su resistencia al desgaste.

  8. Mejoramiento de la resistencia a la corrosión del acero AISI 4140 utilizando multicapas de titanio/nitruro de titanio

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    Faber Correa


    Full Text Available El acero 4140 se utiliza ampliamente en la fabricación de partes de máquinas con durezas entre 25-35 Rockwell C. Sin embargo, su vida útil se ve limitada por su baja resistencia al desgaste y a la corrosión. Con el fin de mejorar su comportamiento frente a la corrosión se depositaron multicapas de Titanio/Nitruro de Titanio (Ti/TiN sobre substratos de acero 4140 mediante un sistema multi-blanco d.c. magnetrón sputtering a partir de un blanco de Ti de alta pureza (99,99% en una atmósfera de Ar/N2. Con el objeto de estudiar el efecto del número de capas sobre la velocidad de corrosión de las películas depositadas, se crecieron multicapas con 1, 5, 10, 15, y 20 bicapas de [Ti /TiN], manteniendo un espesor total constante de 3 um en todas ellas. Las fases existentes y composición química de los recubrimientos fueron analizados mediante espectroscopía de difracción de rayos X (XRD y espectroscopía de energía dispersiva de rayos X (EDX respectivamente. Las muestras de acero sin y con recubrimiento se caracterizaron además por Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS y curvas de polarización Tafel. Se encontró que la velocidad de corrosión tuvo una disminución alrededor del 87% en el acero recubierto con 20 bicapas de Ti/TiN en comparación al acero sin recubrir y del 25% respecto a la muestra recubierta con 1 bicapa, lo cual evidencia el efecto positivo del incremento del período en las películas delgadas basadas en multicapas de Ti/TiN.

  9. Buffer management in wireless full-duplex systems

    KAUST Repository

    Bouacida, Nader; Showail, Ahmad; Shihada, Basem


    , we address the problem of buffer management in full-duplex networks by using Wireless Queue Management (WQM), which is an active queue management technique for wireless networks. Our solution is based on Relay Full-Duplex MAC (RFD

  10. Energy balance and deformation mechanisms of duplexes (United States)

    Mitra, Gautam; Boyer, Steven E.

    A duplex consists of a series of imbricate faults that are asymptotic to a roof thrust and a floor thrust. Depending on the final orientations of the imbricate faults and the final position of the branch lines, a duplex may be hinterland-dipping, foreland-dipping, or an antiformal stack. The exact geometry depends on various factors such as the initial dimensions of the individual slices (horses), their lithology, the amount of displacement (normalized to size of horse) on each fault, and the mechanics of movement along each fault. The energy required in duplex formation can be determined by calculating the total work involved in emplacing each horse: this is given by where W t=W p+W b+W g+W iWp is the work involved in initiating and propagating a fracture. Wb is the work involved in basal sliding, which may be frictional or some form of ductile flow, Wg is the work done against gravity during the emplacement of the horse, and Wi is the work involved in the internal deformation of the horse. By calculating and comparing these work terms it is possible to predict the conditions under which the different types of duplexes will form. Normally, the development of a hinterland-dipping duplex is most likely. However, if deformation conditions are favorable, displacements on individual imbricate faults may be very large compared to the size of the horses, leading to the formation of either antiformal stacks or foreland-dipping duplexes.

  11. Duplex ultrasound surveillance after carotid artery endarterectomy. (United States)

    Al Shakarchi, Julien; Lowry, Danielle; Nath, Jay; Khawaja, Aurangzaib Z; Inston, Nicholas; Tiwari, Alok


    After carotid endarterectomy (CEA), patients have been regularly followed up by duplex ultrasound imaging. However, the evidence for long-term follow-up is not clear, especially if the results from an early duplex scan are normal. This study assessed and systematically reviewed the evidence base for long-term surveillance after CEA and a normal early scan. Electronic databases were searched for studies assessing duplex surveillance after CEA in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The primary outcome for this study was the incidence of restenosis after a normal early scan. The secondary outcome was the number of reinterventions after a normal early scan. The review included seven studies that reported 2317 procedures. Of those patients with a normal early scan, 2.8% (95% confidence interval, 0.7%-6%) developed a restenosis, and 0.4% (95% confidence interval, 0%-0.9%) underwent a reintervention for their restenosis during the follow-up period. This review confirms that routine postoperative duplex ultrasound surveillance after CEA is not necessary if the early duplex scan is normal. Copyright © 2016 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Optimización del acero usado como soporte y gancho de sujeción del acero de refuerzo en cimentaciones de concreto


    Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan; Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan; Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan


    Para el proceso constructivo de cimentaciones de concreto se usan diversos accesorios, algunos estandarizados y otros no; uno de los no estandarizados es el acero usado como soporte y gancho de sujeción de las barras de refuerzo, (comúnmente llamado "burro", "burrito" o "silletas" de soporte), pues en los planos estructurales no se detalla la forma de colocar y sostener las barras de refuerzo y en obra las silletas se colocan de forma empírica según las experiencias previas de los encargados ...





    Se evaluó la corrosión por sales fundidas mediante la técnica gravimétrica en un acero de bajo carbono rociado térmicamente con una aleación de acero inoxidable, en una mezcla de sal con 20% Na2SO4 - 80% V2O5, entre 700ºC - 850ºC. Los resultados de las pruebas gravimétricas mostraron una deficiente protección de la capa rociada térmicamente y se presentó alta degradación en el recubrimiento protector, debido a que las temperaturas de exposición fueron mayores que las temperaturas de fusión de...

  14. On the Performance of In-Band Full-Duplex Cooperative Communications

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal


    -duplex potentials. Full-duplex relaying (FDR), where intermediate nodes may now support source-destination communication via simultaneous listening/forwarding, represents one of two full-duplex settings currently recommended for deployment in future fifth

  15. Influencia de diferentes tratamientos termoquímicos en aceros sinterizados base molibdeno

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    Candela, N.


    Full Text Available Prealloyed steel powders with different amount of Mo-Cu-Ni-C were compacted at 700 MPa and sintered at 1120 °C in 95 % N2-5 % H2. After sinterizing, these materials were treated by carburizing. For materials characterization radial crushing strength were preformed, density was calculated and a complete study of fracture surfaces was carried out using scanning electron microscopy. The results of radial crushing strength show that resistance after carburizing is higher than in sintered materials. The fracture surfaces give an idea of materials briteless and the treatment depth. In sintered materials, a dúctil surface was observed, with the characteristic dimples. The fracture surfaces after different treatments show britelessnes in the outer zone, while inside appears a mix of dúctil and briteles fracture.

    Polvos prealeados de aceros con diferentes contenidos de Mo-Cu-Ni -C se compactaron a 700 MPa y se sinterizaron a 1.120 °C en atmósfera de 95 % N2-5 % H2. Después de la sinterización, los materiales se trataron termoquímicamente para su cementación (proceso endogas. Para la caracterización de todos los materiales se realizaron ensayos de compresión del tipo radial crushing strength, se calculó la densidad y se hizo un completo estudio de las superficies de fracturas a través de microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados de resistencia a compresión muestran, después de la cementación, valores superiores a los encontrados en el estado sintetizado. La superficie de fractura da idea de la fragilidad del material y de la profundidad del tratamiento. En estado sintetizado, se observa una superficie de fractura totalmente dúctil, donde aparecen las características cavidades. Las superficies de fractura, tras distintos tipos de cementación, reflejan un comportamiento frágil en el exterior, mientras que el interior aparece una mezcla de fractura dúctil con frágil.

  16. Full-Duplex MIMO Small-Cell Networks: Performance Analysis


    Atzeni, Italo; Kountouris, Marios


    Full-duplex small-cell relays with multiple antennas constitute a core element of the envisioned 5G network architecture. In this paper, we use stochastic geometry to analyze the performance of wireless networks with full-duplex multiple-antenna small cells, with particular emphasis on the probability of successful transmission. To achieve this goal, we additionally characterize the distribution of the self-interference power of the full-duplex nodes. The proposed framework reveals useful ins...

  17. Influencia de la composición y tratamiento térmico sobre el comportamiento a fluencia de aceros ferrítico-martensíticos del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb utilizados en calderas supercríticas

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    Gutiérrez Urrutia, I.


    Full Text Available In the present investigation, creep behaviour on various ferritic-martensitic steels (type 9Cr1MoVNb from last generation were studied. They’re amply used as high pressure and temperature tubes in supercritical boilers for advanced thermoelectric plant. The material used was produced with vacuum high frecuency induction furnace hot-rolling followed by normalizing plus and tempering heat treatments. Creep testing carry out with different stress (also constant lower than yield strength (σ < Re and temperatures at 600±50ºC. Influence by variation of some chemical elements (B, Ti, V, Nb, V, C, as well assessment Larson-Miller, Manson-Haferd and Orr-Sherby-Dorn parameters, they’re likewise studied.

    Se estudia el comportamiento a fluencia de varios aceros ferrítico-martensíticos de última generación, del tipo 9Cr1MoVNb, que son ampliamente utilizados como tubos presurizados de alta temperatura en calderas supercríticas para centrales térmicas avanzadas de producción de energía eléctrica. El material utilizado fue fabricado en hornos de inducción de alta frecuencia y al vacío, laminado en caliente y posteriormente aplicado diferentes tratamientos térmicos de Normalizado y Revenido. En los ensayos de fluencia se aplicaron diferentes y ctes. σ < Re y temperaturas de 550, 600 y 650º C. La influencia de la variación de determinados elementos (C, N, V, Nb, Ti, B de su composición química así como observar los valores que toman los parámetros de Larson-Miller, Manson-Haferd y Orr-Sherby-Dorn, son asimismo contemplados.

  18. Joint duplex mode selection, channel allocation, and power control for full-duplex cognitive femtocell networks

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    Mingjie Feng


    Full Text Available In this paper, we aim to maximize the sum rate of a full-duplex cognitive femtocell network (FDCFN as well as guaranteeing the quality of service (QoS of users in the form of a required signal to interference plus noise ratios (SINR. We first consider the case of a pair of channels, and develop optimum-achieving power control solutions. Then, for the case of multiple channels, we formulate joint duplex model selection, power control, and channel allocation as a mixed integer nonlinear problem (MINLP, and propose an iterative framework to solve it. The proposed iterative framework consists of a duplex mode selection scheme, a near-optimal distributed power control algorithm, and a greedy channel allocation algorithm. We prove the convergence of the proposed iterative framework as well as a lower bound for the greedy channel allocation algorithm. Numerical results show that the proposed schemes effectively improve the sum rate of FDCFNs.

  19. Improper Signaling for Virtual Full-Duplex Relay Systems

    KAUST Repository

    Gaafar, Mohamed; Amin, Osama; Schaefer, Rafael F.; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    Virtual full-duplex (VFD) is a powerful solution to compensate the rate loss of half-duplex relaying without the need to full-duplex capable nodes. Inter-relay interference (IRI) challenges the operation of VFD relaying systems. Recently, improper signaling is employed at both relays of the VFD to mitigate the IRI by imposing the same signal characteristics for both relays. To further boost the achievable rate performance, asymmetric time sharing VFD relaying system is adopted with different improper signals at the half-duplex relays. The joint tuning of the three design parameters improves the achievable rate performance at different ranges of IRI and different relays locations. Extensive simulation results are presented and analyzed to show the achievable rate gain of the proposed system and understand the system behavior.

  20. Improper Signaling for Virtual Full-Duplex Relay Systems

    KAUST Repository

    Gaafar, Mohamed


    Virtual full-duplex (VFD) is a powerful solution to compensate the rate loss of half-duplex relaying without the need to full-duplex capable nodes. Inter-relay interference (IRI) challenges the operation of VFD relaying systems. Recently, improper signaling is employed at both relays of the VFD to mitigate the IRI by imposing the same signal characteristics for both relays. To further boost the achievable rate performance, asymmetric time sharing VFD relaying system is adopted with different improper signals at the half-duplex relays. The joint tuning of the three design parameters improves the achievable rate performance at different ranges of IRI and different relays locations. Extensive simulation results are presented and analyzed to show the achievable rate gain of the proposed system and understand the system behavior.

  1. Comportamiento al desgaste por deslizamiento en aceros inoxidables: ferrítico, austenítico, dúplex y martensítico.


    Renedo Rouco, Jordi


    En este proyecto se estudia el comportamiento al desgaste por deslizamiento de cuatro aceros representativos de las cuatro grandes familias de aceros inoxidables: ferrítico (AISI 446), austenítico (AISI 316), dúplex (AISI 2205) y martensítico (AISI 420). Para cada uno de ellos se han realizado: caracterización metalográfica, determinación de dureza, densidad y rugosidad, y ensayos de tribología mediante la técnica de bola sobre disco. Esta técnica consiste en deslizar una bola ...


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    J. Yépez


    Full Text Available Se presenta en este artículo el estudio de reforzamiento estructural para una edificación de uso educativo, conocida como “Tipo Antiguo II”. La escuela fue construida antes de la creación de la Norma Venezolana Sismorresistente Covenin 1756. Los resultados del análisis estructural demostraron insuficiente capacidad de respuesta ante las solicitaciones de servicio, alta vulnerabilidad ante la acción sísmica y deficiencias en la cantidad y distribución del acero de refuerzo. Por tal motivo se planteó el reforzamiento de la superestructura mediante la construcción de muros tipo panel, verificando su acción sobre el sistema de pilotaje existente. Para el modelaje se emplearon los valores de resistencia del concreto obtenidos en los ensayos destructivos realizados por el laboratorio de materiales del Decanato de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, y los parámetros del suelo provenientes del estudio geotécnico. This article presents the study of structural reinforcement for a building of educational use, known as "Old Type II". The school was built before the creation of the Venezuelan Seismoresistant Covenin 1756. The results of the structural analysis showed insufficient responsiveness to service requests, high vulnerability to seismic action and deficiencies in the quantity and distribution of reinforcing steel. For this reason, the reinforcement of the superstructure was proposed by the construction of panel walls, verifying their action on the existing piloting system. For the modeling, the values of resistance of the concrete obtained in the destructive tests made by the materials laboratory of the School of Civil Engineering of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado and the soil parameters from the geotechnical study were used.

  3. Ultra-short silicon MMI duplexer (United States)

    Yi, Huaxiang; Huang, Yawen; Wang, Xingjun; Zhou, Zhiping


    The fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) systems are growing fast these days, where two different wavelengths are used for upstream and downstream traffic, typically 1310nm and 1490nm. The duplexers are the key elements to separate these wavelengths into different path in central offices (CO) and optical network unit (ONU) in passive optical network (PON). Multimode interference (MMI) has some benefits to be a duplexer including large fabrication tolerance, low-temperature dependence, and low-polarization dependence, but its size is too large to integrate in conventional case. Based on the silicon photonics platform, ultra-short silicon MMI duplexer was demonstrated to separate the 1310nm and 1490nm lights. By studying the theory of self-image phenomena in MMI, the first order images are adopted in order to keep the device short. A cascaded MMI structure was investigated to implement the wavelength splitting, where both the light of 1310nm and 1490nm was input from the same port, and the 1490nm light was coupling cross the first MMI and output at the cross-port in the device while the 1310nm light was coupling through the first and second MMI and output at the bar-port in the device. The experiment was carried on with the SOI wafer of 340nm top silicon. The cascaded MMI was investigated to fold the length of the duplexer as short as 117μm with the extinct ratio over 10dB.

  4. Influencia de la transformación austenita-martensita en la estabilidad dimensional de un nuevo acero para herramientas aleado con niobio (0,08% y vanadio (0,12%

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    Conejero Ortega, Gerardo


    Full Text Available Austenite-martensite transformation influence on the dimensional stability of a new experimental tool steel alloyed with niobium (0.08% wt. and vanadium (0.12% wt. has been studied. The dimensional stability of this new steel was compared with the dimensional stability of commercial steel, after and before two thermal treatments, T1 (860 °C and T2 (900 °C. The thermal treatments consisted on heating and cooling, at 1 atmosphere of pressure, in N2 atmosphere furnace, fol lowing by heating in a conventional furnace at 180 °C during 1 hour. Initially, the experimental steel composition and Ac1 and Ac3 transformation temperatures were determined by glow-discharge luminescence (GDL and dilatometric tests, respectively, in order to select the austenization temperatures of T1 and T2 treatments. After hardness measurement, the microstructure of both steels was characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD and optical metallography, before and after of T1 and T2 thermal treatments. Finally, longitudinal and angular dimensional stability analyses were realized for both commercial and experimental steels. After a contrastive hypothesis analysis, the results showed that the longitudinal relative variation of the experimental steel calculated was around 0.2% and the angular relative variation was not significantSe ha estudiado la influencia de la transformación de austenita a martensita en la estabilidad dimensional de un acero experimental para herramientas aleado con niobio (0,08% en peso y vanadio (0,12% en peso. La estabilidad dimensional del acero experimental fue comparada con la de un acero comercial antes y después de ser sometidos, ambos aceros, a dos tratamientos térmicos diferentes. Los tratamientos térmicos consistieron en un calentamiento y mantenimiento durante una hora a temperaturas de 860 °C (T1 y 900 °C (T2 y un enfriamiento final en horno con nitrógeno (N2 a 1 atmósfera de presión. Inicialmente, se determinaron las composiciones del

  5. Chemical and microstructural diversity of steel grades

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    Zorc, B.


    Full Text Available The aim of the paper is to show, using theoretical and practical analyses, chemical and microstructural differences among individual types of steel grades 355 found in the market. The mechanical properties required for these steels are achieved by alloying or thermomechanical treatment. It was found that the individual types of this steel are poorly weldable, particularly those of large thickness.

    El objetivo del artículo es presentar, en base a un análisis teórico y práctico, las diferencias químicas y microestructurales entre los diferentes tipos de aceros calidad 355 que pueden encontrarse en el mercado. Las características mecánicas requeridas en estos aceros se consiguen con aleaciones, o bien a través de tratamientos termo-mecánicos.Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que determinados tipos de acero son más difíciles de soldar, en especial cuando se trata de espesores grandes.

  6. Full-duplex optical communication system (United States)

    Shay, Thomas M. (Inventor); Hazzard, David A. (Inventor); Horan, Stephen (Inventor); Payne, Jason A. (Inventor)


    A method of full-duplex electromagnetic communication wherein a pair of data modulation formats are selected for the forward and return data links respectively such that the forward data electro-magnetic beam serves as a carrier for the return data. A method of encoding optical information is used wherein right-hand and left-hand circular polarizations are assigned to optical information to represent binary states. An application for an earth to low earth orbit optical communications system is presented which implements the full-duplex communication and circular polarization keying modulation format.

  7. l-Proline and RNA Duplex m-Value Temperature Dependence. (United States)

    Schwinefus, Jeffrey J; Baka, Nadia L; Modi, Kalpit; Billmeyer, Kaylyn N; Lu, Shutian; Haase, Lucas R; Menssen, Ryan J


    The temperature dependence of l-proline interactions with the RNA dodecamer duplex surface exposed after unfolding was quantified using thermal and isothermal titration denaturation monitored by uv-absorbance. The m-value quantifying proline interactions with the RNA duplex surface area exposed after unfolding was measured using RNA duplexes with GC content ranging between 17 and 83%. The m-values from thermal denaturation decreased with increasing GC content signifying increasingly favorable proline interactions with the exposed RNA surface area. However, m-values from isothermal titration denaturation at 25.0 °C were independent of GC content and less negative than those from thermal denaturation. The m-value from isothermal titration denaturation for a 50% GC RNA duplex decreased (became more negative) as the temperature increased and was in nearly exact agreement with the m-value from thermal denaturation. Since RNA duplex transition temperatures increased with GC content, the more favorable proline interactions with the high GC content duplex surface area observed from thermal denaturation resulted from the temperature dependence of proline interactions rather than the RNA surface chemical composition. The enthalpy contribution to the m-value was positive and small (indicating a slight increase in duplex unfolding enthalpy with proline) while the entropic contribution to the m-value was positive and increased with temperature. Our results will facilitate proline's use as a probe of solvent accessible surface area changes during biochemical reactions at different reaction temperatures.

  8. Estudio mediante difracción de rayos X de las tensiones residuales producidas durante el depósito de películas delgadas de TiN sobre sustratos metálicos

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    Mónica Monsalve


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizó la influencia que tiene el espesor de la película y el tipo de sustrato en el nivel y tipo de esfuerzos residuales generados en recubrimientos de TiN obtenidos por dos técnicas de deposición física en fase vapor: pulverización catódica con magnetrón e implantación iónica. Los sustratos utilizados fueron un acero inoxidable AISI 304 y un acero de herramientas AISI M2. Las tensiones residuales, las fases presentes y la orientación cristalográfica de las películas depositadas fueron obtenidas mediante análisis de difracción de rayos X por incidencia rasante. Se encontró que los esfuerzos residuales fueron mayores en las películas depositadas por la técnica de pulverización catódica con magnetrón que en las depositadas por la técnica de implantación iónica. En ambos casos estos esfuerzos son de compresión y disminuyen en la medida que aumenta el espesor de la película. Esto se debe a la forma como se entrega la energía, la capa en crecimiento y el momentum de las partículas ionizadas, lo que influye directamente en la microestructura y aumento o disminución de los esfuerzos residuales. En cuanto al tipo de sustrato se obtuvieron esfuerzos mayores en las películas depositadas sobre el acero AISI 304 que en las depositadas sobre el acero AISI M2, lo cual se debe posiblemente a que este último acero tiene un menor coeficiente de expansión térmica.

  9. The role of duplex stainless steels for downhole tubulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Francis, R.


    In sour conditions there is an increasing trend to turn to corrosion resistant alloys for downhole tubulars. The most commonly used CRA tubular is 13Cr, and there are thousands of feet in service. However, there are limits to the use of 13Cr, ie., the risk of sulphide stress corrosion cracking at high H 2 S levels, and the possibility of pitting or high corrosion rates in waters with high chloride contents. Where the service conditions are felt to be too severe for 13Cr alloys it has been traditional to switch to nickel base alloys such as alloys 825 and C-276 (UNS N08825 and N10276). The alloys are much more expensive than 13Cr, and in recent years the duplex stainless steels have been selected as alloys with superior corrosion and SSCC resistance compared with 13Cr, and having lower cost than nickel alloys. Originally the 22Cr duplex alloy (UNS 31803) was used, but more recently the 25Cr super duplex alloys (UNS S32760 and S32750) have become more available. The present paper reviews the data available for 13Cr and the limits of applicability. Data is also presented for laboratory tests for both the 22Cr and 25Cr super duplex alloys. There is extensive service experience with both 22Cr and 25Cr super duplex in the North Sea, covering both downhole tubulars, manifold and post wellhead equipment. Data is presented showing some of the sour condition being experienced in the North Sea by super duplex alloys. These results show that there is a substantial gap between the limits of use for 13Cr and the 25Cr super duplex stainless steel alloys. This means that in many sour environments super duplex stainless steel provides a cost effective alternative to nickel-base alloys

  10. Transcranial Duplex Sonography Predicts Outcome following an Intracerebral Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Camps-Renom, P; Méndez, J; Granell, E; Casoni, F; Prats-Sánchez, L; Martínez-Domeño, A; Guisado-Alonso, D; Martí-Fàbregas, J; Delgado-Mederos, R


    Several radiologic features such as hematoma volume are related to poor outcome following an intracerebral hemorrhage and can be measured with transcranial duplex sonography. We sought to determine the prognostic value of transcranial duplex sonography in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. We conducted a prospective study of patients diagnosed with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. Transcranial duplex sonography examinations were performed within 2 hours of baseline CT, and we recorded the following variables: hematoma volume, midline shift, third ventricle and lateral ventricle diameters, and the pulsatility index in both MCAs. We correlated these data with the CT scans and assessed the prognostic value of the transcranial duplex sonography measurements. We assessed early neurologic deterioration during hospitalization and mortality at 1-month follow-up. We included 35 patients with a mean age of 72.2 ± 12.8 years. Median baseline hematoma volume was 9.85 mL (interquartile range, 2.74-68.29 mL). We found good agreement and excellent correlation between transcranial duplex sonography and CT when measuring hematoma volume ( r = 0.791; P duplex sonography measurements showed that hematoma volume was an independent predictor of early neurologic deterioration (OR, 1.078; 95% CI, 1.023-1.135) and mortality (OR, 1.089; 95% CI, 1.020-1.160). A second regression analysis with CT variables also demonstrated that hematoma volume was associated with early neurologic deterioration and mortality. When we compared the rating operation curves of both models, their predictive power was similar. Transcranial duplex sonography showed an excellent correlation with CT in assessing hematoma volume and midline shift in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. Hematoma volume measured with transcranial duplex sonography was an independent predictor of poor outcome. © 2017 by American Journal of Neuroradiology.

  11. Corrosión a alta temperatura de acero al carbono y acero inoxidable austenítico en atmósferas contaminadas por CO2


    Proy Pérez, Manuel


    Los efectos a veces catastróficos producidos por los procesos de corrosión a alta temperatura en atmósferas contaminadas por agentes agresivos, poseen la suficiente relevancia para ser objeto de estudio en los próximos años, debido a que en muchas ocasiones no están definidos claramente. Los aceros al carbono y los inoxidables austeníticos son materiales potencialmente utilizables en condiciones de elevada temperatura gracias a su excelente relación entre sus propiedades est...

  12. A most spectrum-efficient duplexing system: CDD (United States)

    Lee, William C. Y.


    The game to play in wireless communications when it comes to increasing spectrum efficiency is to eliminate interference. Currently, all cellular systems use FDD (Frequency Division Duplexing) in an attempt to eliminate the interference from the adjacent cells. Through the use of many technologies only one type of interference remains and that is the adjacent base-tohome mobile interference. TDD (Time Division Duplexing) has not been used for mobile cellular systems, not only because of the adjacent base-to-home mobile interference, but also because of the additional adjacent base-to-home base interference, and adjacent mobile-to-home mobile interference. Therefore, TDD can only be used for small, confined area systems. CDD (Code Division Duplexing) can eliminate all three kinds of interference; the adjacent base-to-home mobile, the adjacent baseto-home base, and the adjacent mobile- to- home in cellular systems. Eliminating each of these interferences makes CDD the most spectrum efficient duplexing system. This talk will elaborate on a set of smart codes, which will make an efficient CDD system a reality.

  13. Transferencia de calor en la colada continua de aceros. I parte. El molde

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    Cicutti, C.


    Full Text Available The continuous casting mold plays the important role of receiving the liquid steel and allowing an uniform and defect free solidified skin to be developed. In this work, the different heat transfer mechanisms which are present from the liquid steel to the mold cooling water are reviewed. The effect of operating variables on heat extraction and the relationship between global and distributed heat flux are also analyzed.

    El molde de colada continua cumple la importante función de recibir el acero líquido y permitir que se desarrolle una capa solidificada uniforme y libre de defectos. En este trabajo se revisan los distintos mecanismos implicados en el proceso de transferencia de calor, desde el acero líquido hasta el agua de refrigeración del molde. Se analiza también el efecto de las distintas variables de funcionamiento en la extracción calórica producida y la relación entre el flujo global de calor y su distribución a lo largo del molde.

  14. Reducing duplex examinations in patients with iatrogenic pseudoaneurysms. (United States)

    Stone, Patrick A; Aburahma, Ali F; Flaherty, Sarah K


    Ultrasound-guided thrombin injection has become the initial treatment of choice for femoral access-related pseudoaneurysms. Patients typically undergo serial duplex examinations to assess for spontaneous resolution of small iatrogenic pseudoaneurysms (IPSAs) (IPSAs (>2.5 cm). We evaluated the impact of a revised treatment algorithm that includes primary treatment of both small (2.5 cm), rather than observation of smaller ones, and attempts to establish a single duplex examination via a point-of-care treatment strategy. We reviewed 105 consecutive patients treated with ultrasound-guided thrombin injection from July 2001 through September 2004. Patient, IPSAs, characteristics, and treatment methods were examined. The number of duplex examinations per patient was evaluated over the treatment interval. Also, published cost data were used to compare primary treatment of small ISPAs vs observation with serial duplex examinations. Successful thrombosis occurred in 103 (98.1%) of 105 treated pseudoaneurysms. No minor or major complications occurred after thrombin injection in either small or large ISPAs, and both failures requiring operation were in the large aneurysm group. The recurrence rate for the series was 1.9% (2/105), and both recurrences were successfully treated with an additional thrombin injection. A single injection was successful in treating 43 (97.7%) of 44 small (IPSAs, and one required a second injection. Patients had an average of 3.3 duplex examinations in our first year of treatment experience, which declined to 1.5 by our third year with the institution of a point-of-care service model for all pseudoaneurysms. Based on this decreased use of duplex examination and an average treatment cohort of 35 IPSA patients per year our institution, we determined this results in a reduction of 35 hours of laboratory time and nearly 70 ultrasounds per year. Similarly for small pseudoaneurysms, a point-of-service primary treatment program rather than observation

  15. Force-Induced Rupture of a DNA Duplex: From Fundamentals to Force Sensors. (United States)

    Mosayebi, Majid; Louis, Ard A; Doye, Jonathan P K; Ouldridge, Thomas E


    The rupture of double-stranded DNA under stress is a key process in biophysics and nanotechnology. In this article, we consider the shear-induced rupture of short DNA duplexes, a system that has been given new importance by recently designed force sensors and nanotechnological devices. We argue that rupture must be understood as an activated process, where the duplex state is metastable and the strands will separate in a finite time that depends on the duplex length and the force applied. Thus, the critical shearing force required to rupture a duplex depends strongly on the time scale of observation. We use simple models of DNA to show that this approach naturally captures the observed dependence of the force required to rupture a duplex within a given time on duplex length. In particular, this critical force is zero for the shortest duplexes, before rising sharply and then plateauing in the long length limit. The prevailing approach, based on identifying when the presence of each additional base pair within the duplex is thermodynamically unfavorable rather than allowing for metastability, does not predict a time-scale-dependent critical force and does not naturally incorporate a critical force of zero for the shortest duplexes. We demonstrate that our findings have important consequences for the behavior of a new force-sensing nanodevice, which operates in a mixed mode that interpolates between shearing and unzipping. At a fixed time scale and duplex length, the critical force exhibits a sigmoidal dependence on the fraction of the duplex that is subject to shearing.

  16. Downlink Error Rates of Half-duplex Users in Full-duplex Networks over a Laplacian Inter-User Interference Limited and EGK fading

    KAUST Repository

    Soury, Hamza; Elsawy, Hesham; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    This paper develops a mathematical framework to study downlink error rates and throughput for half-duplex (HD) terminals served by a full-duplex (FD) base station (BS). The developed model is used to motivate long term pairing for users that have

  17. Capturing a DNA duplex under near-physiological conditions (United States)

    Zhang, Huijuan; Xu, Wei; Liu, Xiaogang; Stellacci, Francesco; Thong, John T. L.


    We report in situ trapping of a thiolated DNA duplex with eight base pairs into a polymer-protected gold nanogap device under near-physiological conditions. The double-stranded DNA was captured by electrophoresis and covalently attached to the nanogap electrodes through sulfur-gold bonding interaction. The immobilization of the DNA duplex was confirmed by direct electrical measurements under near-physiological conditions. The conductance of the DNA duplex was estimated to be 0.09 μS. We also demonstrate the control of DNA dehybridization by heating the device to temperatures above the melting point of the DNA.

  18. Electrochemical noise transient analysis for 316 and Duplex 2205 stainless steels in NaCl and FeCl; Analisis de los transitorios de ruido electroquimico para aceros inoxidables 316 Y - DUPLEX 2205 en NaCl Y FeCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeraya-Calderaon, F.; Estupinan, F.; Zambrano, P.; Martinez-Villafane, A.; Borunda, A.; Colas, R.; Gaona-Tiburcio, C.


    This work shows the results obtained from electrochemical noise measurements for different materials exhibiting pitting corrosion. The transients presented in the potential and current time, correlates with the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) surface analysis. Electrochemical measurements were made at different exposure times to obtain the correlation. The materials used were stainless steel austenitic 316 and duplex 2205, immersed in ferric chloride (FeCl3) and sodium chloride (NaCl) electrolytes. SEM analysis shows that the transients observed in the time series, really correspond to the activity of pit nucleation developed over the surface of the electrodes. (Author) 31 refs.

  19. Full-duplex wireless communications systems self-interference cancellation

    CERN Document Server

    Le-Ngoc, Tho


    This book introduces the development of self-interference (SI)-cancellation techniques for full-duplex wireless communication systems. The authors rely on estimation theory and signal processing to develop SI-cancellation algorithms by generating an estimate of the received SI and subtracting it from the received signal. The authors also cover two new SI-cancellation methods using the new concept of active signal injection (ASI) for full-duplex MIMO-OFDM systems. The ASI approach adds an appropriate cancelling signal to each transmitted signal such that the combined signals from transmit antennas attenuate the SI at the receive antennas. The authors illustrate that the SI-pre-cancelling signal does not affect the data-bearing signal. This book is for researchers and professionals working in wireless communications and engineers willing to understand the challenges of deploying full-duplex and practical solutions to implement a full-duplex system. Advanced-level students in electrical engineering and computer ...

  20. Tensile properties of duplex UNS S32205 and lean duplex UNS S32304 steels and the influence of short duration 475 ºC aging

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    Sérgio Souto Maior Tavares


    Full Text Available Duplex stainless steels are high strength and corrosion resistant steels extensively used in the petrochemical and chemical industries. The aging at 475 ºC for long periods of time provokes embrittlement and deterioration of corrosion resistance. However, short duration aging at 475 ºC may be used as heat treatment to improve mechanical resistance with small decrease in the other properties. In this work the flow stress curves of lean duplex UNS S32304 and duplex UNS S32205 steels were modeled with Hollomon's equation and work hardening exponents (n were determined. The analyses were conducted in specimens annealed and heat treated at 475 ºC for short periods of time. The aging at 475 ºC for 4 hours, 8 hours and 12 hours promoted significant hardening with small decrease of ductility. The work hardening exponents of both steels were compared, being higher in the duplex steel than in the lean duplex grade.

  1. Tratamiento térmico del acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L sinterizado en atmósfera de N2-H2

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    Ruiz-Prieto, J. M.


    Full Text Available In this Work the influence of sintering AISI 430L stainless steel in N2-H2 atmosphere on its properties and microstructure have been studied. The presence of nitrogen in the sintering atmosphere leads to complex nitrides formation the AISI 430L sintered steel microstructure. A subsequent heat treatment was applied to modify this microstructure in order to improve the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of these ferritic stainless steels.Los aceros inoxidables ferríticos, son aceros que contienen esencialmente cromo (12-30 % junto con níquel y molibdeno en cantidades que, en general, no sobrepasan el 1 % y, en ocasiones, se les adicionan otros elementos como son el aluminio, silicio, titanio o niobio. En el presente trabajo de investigación se ha evaluado la influencia del nitrógeno presente en la atmósfera de sinterización sobre la microestructura y propiedades del acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430L. Además, se ha realizado un tratamiento térmico posterior de hipertemple y maduración con el objeto de incrementar las propiedades mecánicas y a corrosión de este acero inoxidable, mediante la modificación microestructural de los nitruros complejos de hierro y cromo precipitados durante la etapa de sinterización.

  2. Clinical utility of carotid duplex ultrasound prior to cardiac surgery. (United States)

    Lin, Judith C; Kabbani, Loay S; Peterson, Edward L; Masabni, Khalil; Morgan, Jeffrey A; Brooks, Sara; Wertella, Kathleen P; Paone, Gaetano


    Clinical utility and cost-effectiveness of carotid duplex examination prior to cardiac surgery have been questioned by the multidisciplinary committee creating the 2012 Appropriate Use Criteria for Peripheral Vascular Laboratory Testing. We report the clinical outcomes and postoperative neurologic symptoms in patients who underwent carotid duplex ultrasound prior to open heart surgery at a tertiary institution. Using the combined databases from our clinical vascular laboratory and the Society of Thoracic Surgery, a retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent carotid duplex ultrasound within 13 months prior to open heart surgery from March 2005 to March 2013 was performed. The outcomes between those who underwent carotid duplex scanning (group A) and those who did not (group B) were compared. Among 3233 patients in the cohort who underwent cardiac surgery, 515 (15.9%) patients underwent a carotid duplex ultrasound preoperatively, and 2718 patients did not (84.1%). Among the patients who underwent carotid screening vs no screening, there was no statistically significant difference in the risk factors of cerebrovascular disease (10.9% vs 12.7%; P = .26), prior stroke (8.2% vs 7.2%; P = .41), and prior transient ischemic attack (2.9% vs 3.3%; P = .24). For those undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), 306 (17.8%) of 1723 patients underwent preoperative carotid duplex ultrasound. Among patients who had carotid screening prior to CABG, the incidence of carotid disease was low: 249 (81.4%) had minimal or mild stenosis (duplex scanning and those who did not. Primary outcomes of patients who underwent open heart surgery also showed no difference in the perioperative mortality (5.1% vs 6.9%; P = .14) and stroke (2.6% vs 2.4%; P = .85) between patients undergoing preoperative duplex scanning and those who did not. Operative intervention of severe carotid stenosis prior to isolated CABG occurred in 2 of the 17 patients (11.8%) identified who

  3. Perancangan dan Implementasi Duplexer Mikrostrip untuk Frekuensi LTE pada band ke-7

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    The necessary of mobile communication has increased in technology, now it released the new of technology is Long Term Evolution (LTE. Type of duplex is Frequency Division Duplex (FDD, designed a duplexer which it is capable for transmitting and receiving process at the same time with the different of frequency between uplink and downlink. Research of designed and implemented a duplexer using Hybrid Coupler and Bandstop filters based on Split Ring Resonators for the frequency band 7th on LTE technology at Base Transceiver Station (BTS. Duplexer is made by combining two coupler and two bandstop filter. The results of duplexer measurements, when Tx port transmit the signal to antenna port with attenuation at the downlink frequency center at 3.168 dB. Attenuation from antenna port to Rx port about 6 dB. Isolation between Tx port and Rx port about 15 dB. Keywords: Duplexer, Bandstop Filter, Split Ring Resonator, Hybrid Coupler, and Long Term Evolution.

  4. Efecto de la precipitación de nitruros de aluminio en la recristalización de aceros de bajo carbono recocidos convencionalmente

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    Monsalve, A.


    Full Text Available An important feature of aluminium killed steels is the strong influence that aluminium nitride precipitates produce in both the mechanical properties and the final microstructural characteristics of the steel. This influence is related to the different stages of the fabrication process. This paper deals with a study of the effects of aluminium nitrides on the kinetics of recrystallisation. Different heat treatments were carried out, in one case to dissolve AIN, and in the other in order to precipitate AIN. These steels were subjected to cold rolling, followed by a batch annealing process. The recrystallised fraction was measured, thus obtaining the kinetic curves. The activation energy for recrystallisation was computed in each case. The results showed that AIN precipitation during recrystallisation produces a delay in recrystallisation kinetics through a change in the activation energy value.

    Los aceros calmados con aluminio presentan como característica importante, la gran influencia que ejercen los nitruros de aluminio en las propiedades mecánicas y características microestructurales finales. Esta influencia está, a su vez, relacionada con cada una de la etapas del proceso de fabricación. En el presente trabajo se ha abordado el estudio del efecto de los nitruros de aluminio sobre la cinética de recristalización. Para ello, se han llevado a cabo diversos tipos de tratamientos térmicos, con el objeto de disolver todo el AIN y, en el otro caso, de precipitar todo el AIN. A continuación, los aceros estudiados se deformaron en frío y se les realizó un recocido convencional. Se midió la fracción recristalizada evaluando la energía de activación para la recristalización. Los resultados mostraron que la precipitación de AIN durante la recristalización produce un retraso en la cinética de recristalización, a través del cambio en el valor de la energía de activación

  5. Electron Beam Welding of Duplex Steels with using Heat Treatment (United States)

    Schwarz, Ladislav; Vrtochová, Tatiana; Ulrich, Koloman


    This contribution presents characteristics, metallurgy and weldability of duplex steels with using concentrated energy source. The first part of the article describes metallurgy of duplex steels and the influence of nitrogen on their solidification. The second part focuses on weldability of duplex steels with using electron beam aimed on acceptable structure and corrosion resistance performed by multiple runs of defocused beam over the penetration weld.

  6. Perancangan dan Implementasi Duplexer Mikrostrip untuk Frekuensi LTE pada band ke-7

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    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kebutuhan akan komunikasi bergerak semakin mengalami peningkatan dalam dunia teknologi yang ada saat ini, maka hadirlah teknologi terbaru yaitu Long Term Evolution (LTE. Dengan teknik duplex jenis Frequency Division Duplex (FDD, dirancanglah duplexer yang mampu melakukan proses pengiriman dan penerimaan dalam satu waktu dengan frekuensi yang berbeda antara uplink dan downlink. Pada penelitian ini dirancang dan diimplementasikan sebuah duplekser dengan menggunakan metoda Hybrid Coupler dan Bandstop Filter berbasis Split Ring Resonator untuk band frekuensi ke-7 pada teknologi LTE di sisi Base Transceiver Station (BTS. Duplekser dibuat dengan menggabungkan dua buah hybrid Coupler dan dua buah Bandstop Filter. Hasil pengukuran duplexer saat port Tx mengirimkan sinyal ke antena dengan nilai redaman pada frekuensi tengah downlink sebesar 3.168 dB. Lalu pada saat antena menerima sinyal untuk diteruskan ke Rx terdapat redaman di frekuensi tengah uplink sebesar 6 dB. Sedangkan untuk isolasi dari port Tx-port Rx dihasilkan sebesar 15 dB. Kata kunci: Duplexer, Bandstop Filter, Split Ring Resonator, Hybrid Coupler, dan Long Term Evolution. ABSTRACT The necessary of mobile communication has increased in technology, now it released the new of technology is Long Term Evolution (LTE. Type of duplex is Frequency Division Duplex (FDD, designed a duplexer which it is capable for transmitting and receiving process at the same time with the different of frequency between uplink and downlink. Research of designed and implemented a duplexer using Hybrid Coupler and Bandstop filters based on Split Ring Resonators for the frequency band 7th on LTE technology at Base Transceiver Station (BTS. Duplexer is made by combining two coupler and two bandstop filter. The results of duplexer measurements, when Tx port transmit the signal to antenna port with attenuation at the downlink frequency center at 3.168 dB. Attenuation from antenna port to Rx port about 6 d

  7. Influencia de la microestructura en el comportamiento a fatiga de aceros inoxidables austeníticos con alto contenido en molibdeno

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    Oñoro, J.


    Full Text Available Austenitic stainless steels with molybdenum present high mechanical properties and corrosion resistance to aggressive environments. These steels have been used to tank and vessel components for high corrosive liquids as phosphoric, nitric and sulphuric acids. These materials with low carbon and nitrogen addition have been proposed candidates as structural materials for the international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER in-vessel components. Molybdenum addition in austenitic stainless steel improves mechanical and corrosion properties, but with it can produce the presence of nitrogen microstructure modifications by presence or precipitation of second phases. This paper summarises the fatigue and corrosion fatigue behaviour of two 317LN stainless steels with different microstructure. Fully austenitic steel microstructure show better fatigue, corrosion fatigue resistance and better ductility than austenitic steel with delta ferrite microstructure, mainly at low stresses.

    Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos con elevados contenidos en molibdeno presentan alta resistencia mecánica y resistencia a los medios corrosivos. Se utilizan en la construcción de depósitos y recipientes para el almacenamiento y transporte de líquidos altamente corrosivos, tales como ácido fosfórico, nítrico o sulfúrico. Estos materiales con bajo carbono y adiciones de nitrógeno han sido propuestos como candidatos para materiales estructurales en la fabricación de la vasija del reactor experimental termonuclear internacional (ITER. La adición de molibdeno mejora las propiedades frente a la corrosión de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos. Sin embargo, este aumento del contenido en molibdeno, junto con la presencia de nitrógeno, puede producir modificaciones microestructurales, por la aparición de fases precipitadas o segundas fases. En este trabajo, se analiza el comportamiento la fatiga y corrosión-fatiga de dos aceros inoxidables austen






  9. The Duplex Society. (United States)

    Schorr, Alvin L.


    The duplex society, in which the poor live in close proximity to others but in a separate compartment, is already with us. Unless something deeply changes about family income, more than one-third of future generations will come to adulthood having spent a portion of their childhood in official poverty. (RM)

  10. On the Performance of In-Band Full-Duplex Cooperative Communications

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal


    In-band full-duplex, by which radios may simultaneously transmit and receive over the same channel, has been always considered practically-unfeasible due to the prohibitively strong self-interference. Indeed, a freshly-generated transmit signal power is typically ten orders of magnitude higher than that of a naturally-attenuated received signal. While unable to manage such an overwhelming interference, wireless communications resorted to half-duplex operation, transmitting and receiving over orthogonal channel resources. Recent research has demonstrated the practical feasibility of full-duplexing via successive sophisticated stages of signal suppression/cancellation, bringing this long-held assumption down and reviving the promising full-duplex potentials. Full-duplex relaying (FDR), where intermediate nodes may now support source-destination communication via simultaneous listening/forwarding, represents one of two full-duplex settings currently recommended for deployment in future fifth-generation (5G) systems. Theoretically, it has been widely accepted that FDR potentially doubles the channel capacity when compared to its half-duplex counterpart. Although FDR doubles the multiplexing gain, the effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be significantly degraded due to the residual self-interference (RSI) if not properly handled. In this work, efficient protocols are devised for different FDR settings. Selective cooperation is proposed for the canonical three-terminal FDR channel with RSI, which exploits the cooperative diversity offered by the independently fading source/relay message replicas arriving at the destination. Closed-form expressions are derived for the end-to-end SNR cumulative distribution function (CDF) under Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading. Further, the offered diversity gain is presented as a function of the RSI scaling trend with the relay power. We show that the existing diversity problem in simple FDR protocols can be considerably fixed via

  11. On full duplex Gaussian relay channels with self-interference

    KAUST Repository

    Behboodi, Arash; Chaaban, Anas; Mathar, Rudolf; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    Self interference (SI) in full duplex (FD) systems is the interference caused by the transmission stream on the reception stream. Being one of the main restrictive factors for performance of practical full duplex systems, however, not too much

  12. Distance-dependent duplex DNA destabilization proximal to G-quadruplex/i-motif sequences (United States)

    König, Sebastian L. B.; Huppert, Julian L.; Sigel, Roland K. O.; Evans, Amanda C.


    G-quadruplexes and i-motifs are complementary examples of non-canonical nucleic acid substructure conformations. G-quadruplex thermodynamic stability has been extensively studied for a variety of base sequences, but the degree of duplex destabilization that adjacent quadruplex structure formation can cause has yet to be fully addressed. Stable in vivo formation of these alternative nucleic acid structures is likely to be highly dependent on whether sufficient spacing exists between neighbouring duplex- and quadruplex-/i-motif-forming regions to accommodate quadruplexes or i-motifs without disrupting duplex stability. Prediction of putative G-quadruplex-forming regions is likely to be assisted by further understanding of what distance (number of base pairs) is required for duplexes to remain stable as quadruplexes or i-motifs form. Using oligonucleotide constructs derived from precedented G-quadruplexes and i-motif-forming bcl-2 P1 promoter region, initial biophysical stability studies indicate that the formation of G-quadruplex and i-motif conformations do destabilize proximal duplex regions. The undermining effect that quadruplex formation can have on duplex stability is mitigated with increased distance from the duplex region: a spacing of five base pairs or more is sufficient to maintain duplex stability proximal to predicted quadruplex/i-motif-forming regions. PMID:23771141

  13. Optimization of welding variables for duplex stainless steel by GTAW and SMAW

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ajmal, M.; Anwar, M.Y.; Nawaz, A.


    The main problems faced during the welding of duplex stainless steels are cleanliness and slag inclusions. In the present work the methods to eliminate these problems were studied during the welding of duplex stainless steel by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) and Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). Since the duplex stainless steel is an expensive material, the initial experiments for optimization of welding variables were. carried out on low carbon steel (CS) plates with duplex consumables. Welding of butt groove joints on CS plates was carried with various sets of welding variables i.e. current, voltage and arc energy using duplex consumables. The. radiographic inspection, micro-structural observations and hardness testing of the welds suggested the welding variables that will produce a sound weld on CS plate. These optimized variables were then used for the welding of edge groove joint and T -joint on duplex stainless steel by GTAW and SMAW processes. The hardness and micro-structural study of the joints produced on duplex stainless steel by GTAW and SMAW with duplex consumables were also studied. No slag inclusions and porosity were observed in the microstructure of these weldments and their properties were found similar to the parent metal. (author)

  14. Duplex/quadruplex oligonucleotides: Role of the duplex domain in the stabilization of a new generation of highly effective anti-thrombin aptamers. (United States)

    Russo Krauss, Irene; Napolitano, Valeria; Petraccone, Luigi; Troisi, Romualdo; Spiridonova, Vera; Mattia, Carlo Andrea; Sica, Filomena


    Recently, mixed duplex/quadruplex oligonucleotides have attracted great interest for use as biomedical aptamers. In the case of anti-thrombin aptamers, the addition of duplex-forming sequences to a G-quadruplex module identical or very similar to the best-known G-quadruplex of the Thrombin Binding Aptamer (HD1) results in new or improved biological properties, such as higher activity or different recognition properties with respect to HD1. Remarkably, this bimodular fold was hypothesized, based on its sequence, for the only anti-thrombin aptamer in advanced clinical trial, NU172. Whereas cation modulation of G-quadruplex conformation and stability is well characterized, only few data from similar analysis on duplex/quadruplex oligonucleotides exist. Here we have performed a characterization of structure and stability of four different duplex/quadruplex anti-thrombin aptamers, including NU172, in the presence of different cations and in physiological-mimicking conditions in comparison to HD1, by means of spectroscopic techniques (UV and circular dichroism) and differential scanning calorimetry. Our data show a strong reciprocal influence of each domain on the stability of the other and in particular suggest a stabilizing effect of the duplex region in the presence of solutions mimicking the physiological conditions, strengthening the idea that bimodular aptamers present better therapeutic potentialities than those containing a single G-quadruplex domain. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



    Prabhu Paulraj; Rajnish Garg


    Duplex Stainless Steels (DSS) and Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS) have excellent integration of mechanical and corrosion properties. However, the formation of intermetallic phases is a major problem in their usage. The mechanical and corrosion properties are deteriorated due to the presence of intermetallic phases. These phases are induced during welding, prolonged exposure to high temperatures, and improper heat treatments. The main emphasis of this review article is on intermetallic pha...

  16. Comparación de la microestructura y propiedades de impacto de dos materiales compuestos laminados de acero de ultraalto contenido de carbono

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    Pozuelo, M.


    Full Text Available Two ferrous laminated composites containing six layers have been processed by roll bonding. One of them consists of three layers of an ultrahigh carbon steel (1.3%C UHCS interlayered with other three layers of a microalloyed steel. The other composite consists of three layers of UHCS and three layers of a mild steel. Microstructure, Vickers hardness and impact properties have been studied. The absorbed energy values of the two laminated composites were higher than that of the UHCS.

    Se procesaron mediante laminación en caliente dos materiales compuestos laminados de acero de ultraalto contenido de carbono (AUAC, 1,3%C de seis capas cada uno: El primero está compuesto por tres capas de AUAC alternadas con tres capas de un acero microaleado, y el segundo con tres del mismo AUAC alternadas con tres de un acero suave. Se ha realizado un estudio de sus microestructuras, dureza Vickers y propiedades de impacto. Se han mejorado los valores de energía absorbida de los dos materiales compuestos laminados respecto al del AUAC.

  17. Evaluación de las transformaciones estructurales en recubrimientos de WC10Ni depositados por laser cladding sobre acero para herramienta EN 12379

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    Candel, J. J.


    diferencia de propiedades entre el metal base y la cerámica, puede producir una gran cantidad de defectos tales como grietas, poros, gran dilución de carburos, falta de adherencia, etc. El objetivo de este trabajo, es estudiar las transformaciones metalúrgicas que aparecen durante el procesado por láser de recubrimientos tipo cermet de WC10Ni, sobre acero de herramienta para trabajo en frío (EN 12379. Además se ha relacionado los parámetros de proceso con la generación de defectos. Para ello, se analiza su microestructura, composición y se obtienen perfiles de dureza en el recubrimiento y en el acero afectado por el calor. Los resultados muestran, que aunque el control de los parámetros del proceso reduce la generación de defectos, al depositar recubrimientos por solape de cordones, se produce gran cantidad de transformaciones debido a la disolución masiva de las partículas de WC y la difusión de elementos de aleación, desde el sustrato hacia el recubrimiento.

  18. S-N Curves of high resistance steels in the gigacyclic regime; Curvas S-N de aceros de alta resistencia dentro del regimen gigaciclico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marinez G, I [Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers-Institut des Technologies et des Materiaux Avances (CNAM-ITMA), Paris (France); Dominguez A, G [Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya, Guanajuato (Mexico); Bathias, C [Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers-Institut des Technologies et des Materiaux Avances (CNAM-ITMA), Paris (France)


    In this paper, the fatigue behavior of high strength steel used for mechanical parts has been investigated in the gigacycle fatigue regime. An experimental study has been carried out with both: R = 0.1 (perlitic-ferritic steel) and R = -1 (perlitic-ferritic steel, bainitic steel, martensitic steels) loads, at a high frequency of 20 khz up to 1010 cycles, to determine the S-N curves when fatigue life is more than 107 cycles. Comparison of experimental results at frequencies of 20 khz and 30 Hz with R = -1, shows that the S-N curve has a good agreement between 105 and 107 cycles for the high strength steels, Furthermore, fracture surface observations are made by SEM; the transition of crack initiation site is described. The generalization of gigacycle fatigue behavior is analyzed. More often initiation of fatigue crack at 109 cycles is a bulk phenomenon with an important effect of stress concentration due to mineral inclusions or perlitic platelets. Thus, the Murakami model is efficient when we can measure the defects associated with fracture, but it can not take into account the microstructure effect related to platelets phenomenon. [Spanish] En este trabajo se investigo el comportamiento en fatiga gigaciclica de varios aceros de alta resistencia utilizados en la industria automotriz. El estudio experimental se llevo a cabo utilizando dos diferentes valores de carga: R = 0.1 (acero perlitoferritico) y R = -1 (acero perlito-ferritico, acero bainitico, aceros martensiticos), a una frecuencia de ensayo de 20 kHz y hasta 1010 ciclos, para determinar las curvas S-N arriba de 107 ciclos. La comparacion de resultados experimentales obtenidos utilizando frecuencias de ensayo de 20 kHz y 30 Hz con la relacion de carga R = - 1, muestran la continuidad de las curvas S-N entre 105 y 107 ciclos para estos aceros de alta resistencia. Por otro lado, observaciones de la superficie de fractura se efectuaron utilizando el microscopio electronico de barrido; se describe la transicion

  19. Water-evaporation reduction by duplex films: application to the human tear film. (United States)

    Cerretani, Colin F; Ho, Nghia H; Radke, C J


    Water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films is especially important to understand the physiology of the human tear film. Secreted lipids, called meibum, form a duplex film that coats the aqueous tear film and purportedly reduces tear evaporation. Lipid-layer deficiency is correlated with the occurrence of dry-eye disease; however, in-vitro experiments fail to show water-evaporation reduction by tear-lipid duplex films. We review the available literature on water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films and outline the theoretical underpinnings of spreading and evaporation kinetics that govern behavior of these systems. A dissolution-diffusion model unifies the data reported in the literature and identifies dewetting of duplex films into lenses as a key challenge to obtaining significant evaporation reduction. We develop an improved apparatus for measuring evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films including simultaneous assessment of film coverage, stability, and temperature, all under controlled external mass transfer. New data reported in this study fit into the larger body of work conducted on water-evaporation reduction by duplex-oil films. Duplex-oil films of oxidized mineral oil/mucin (MOx/BSM), human meibum (HM), and bovine meibum (BM) reduce water evaporation by a dissolution-diffusion mechanism, as confirmed by agreement between measurement and theory. The water permeability of oxidized-mineral-oil duplex films agrees with those reported in the literature, after correction for the presence of mucin. We find that duplex-oil films of bovine and human meibum at physiologic temperature reduce water evaporation only 6-8% for a 100-nm film thickness pertinent to the human tear film. Comparison to in-vivo human tear-evaporation measurements is inconclusive because evaporation from a clean-water surface is not measured and because the mass-transfer resistance is not characterized. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Physical-Layer Security of a Buffer-Aided Full-Duplex Relaying System

    KAUST Repository

    El Shafie, Ahmed


    This letter proposes a novel hybrid half-/full-duplex relaying scheme to enhance the relay channel security. A source node (Alice) communicates with her destination node (Bob) in the presence of a buffer-aided full-duplex relay node (Rooney) and a potential eavesdropper (Eve). Rooney adopts two different relaying, namely randomize-and-forward and decode-andforward relaying strategies, to improve the security of the legitimate system. In the first relaying strategy, Rooney uses a codebook different from that used at Alice. In the second relaying strategy, Rooney and Alice use the same codebooks. In addition, Rooney switches between half-duplex and full-duplex modes to further enhance the security of the legitimate system. The numerical results demonstrate that our proposed scheme achieves a significant average secrecy end-to-end throughput improvement relative to the conventional bufferless full-duplex relaying scheme.

  1. Physical-Layer Security of a Buffer-Aided Full-Duplex Relaying System

    KAUST Repository

    El Shafie, Ahmed; Salem, Ahmed Sultan; Al-Dhahir, Naofal


    This letter proposes a novel hybrid half-/full-duplex relaying scheme to enhance the relay channel security. A source node (Alice) communicates with her destination node (Bob) in the presence of a buffer-aided full-duplex relay node (Rooney) and a potential eavesdropper (Eve). Rooney adopts two different relaying, namely randomize-and-forward and decode-andforward relaying strategies, to improve the security of the legitimate system. In the first relaying strategy, Rooney uses a codebook different from that used at Alice. In the second relaying strategy, Rooney and Alice use the same codebooks. In addition, Rooney switches between half-duplex and full-duplex modes to further enhance the security of the legitimate system. The numerical results demonstrate that our proposed scheme achieves a significant average secrecy end-to-end throughput improvement relative to the conventional bufferless full-duplex relaying scheme.

  2. Characterization of thermal aging of duplex stainless steel by SQUID

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isobe, Y.; Kamimura, A.; Aoki, K.; Nakayasu, F.


    Thermal aging is a growing concern for long-term-aged duplex stainless steel piping in nuclear power plants. Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) was used for the detection of thermal aging of SUS329 rolled duplex stainless steel and SCS16 cast duplex stainless steel. It was found that the SQUID output signal pattern in the presence of AC magnetic field applied to the specimen was sensitive to the changes in electromagnetic properties due to thermal aging

  3. Métodos electroquímicos semicuantitativos de estudio de lo corrosión por picaduras del acero para armaduras de hormigón

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    Andrade Perdrix, M. C.


    Full Text Available El acero embebido en el hormigón se encuentra sometido a un medio de elevada alcalinidad (pH comprendido entre 12 y 13, debido a la cal libre, a los álcalis que contiene el cemento, y al Ca(0H2 que se forma durante la hidratación de los silicatos. En esta situación, el acero se halla recubierto por una capa de óxidos e hidróxidos estables que lo mantienen pasivado, interponiendo una barrera entre él y los agentes agresivos.

  4. Repair by weld of steam and gas turbine rotors made of Cr-Mo-V steel; Reparacion por soldadura de rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros al Cr-Mo-V

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazur C, Zdzislaw; Hernandez R, Alejando [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Orozco S, Julian; Banuelos P, Jose E. [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    In this article an analysis is presented of the typical damages in steam and gas turbine rotors made of Cr-Mo-V low alloy steels. An analysis of the weldability of the Cr-Mo-V steel is carried out and a classification of the possible types of repairs of the turbine rotors is presented, starting off from the causes and ways of presentation of the faults/deterioration of the rotor materials during the operation of the turbine. With base on the damages detected in the rotor of a gas turbine of 20.65 MW, the development of the repairing technology carried out by weld in site is presented. After the repair process, the rotor was put again in operation. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta un analisis de los danos tipicos en rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros de baja aleacion al Cr-Mo-V. Se lleva a cabo un analisis de la soldabilidad de los aceros al Cr-Mo-V y se presenta una clasificacion de los posibles tipos de reparaciones de los rotores de turbinas, partiendo de las causas y modos de presentacion de las fallas/deterioro del material de los rotores durante la operacion de la turbina. Con base en los danos detectados en el rotor de una turbina de gas de 20.65 MW, se presenta el desarrollo de la tecnologia de reparacion por soldadura llevada a cabo en sitio. Despues del proceso de reparacion, el rotor fue puesto nuevamente en servicio.

  5. Influencia de la termodependencia de las propiedades físicas del acero en la simulación por elementos finitos del proceso de soldadura

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    Félix Ramos Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un modelo de elementos finitos para simular la unión a tope, con electrodo E 7018 de 3,2 mm de diámetro, de dos placas de acero con bajo contenido de carbono y baja aleación. Adicionalmente, se estudia la influencia sobre la distribución de temperaturas en la placa al considerar la termo-dependencia de diferentes propiedades físicas del acero (conductividad térmica y calor específico.

  6. Soldadura de aceros dual phase en chapa fina: GMAW, PAW y RSW


    Svoboda,Hernán; Lorusso,Hernán N.; Burgueño,Alejandro


    Los aceros Dual Phase (DP) han encontrado recientemente una fuerte aplicación en elementos estructurales en la industria automotriz, debido a la necesidad de disminuir peso. La soldadura de estos materiales cobra particular importancia considerando su aplicación estructural y los procesos relacionados en su fabricación. En particular la soldadura de resistencia por punto (RSW) y semiautomática con alambre macizo y protección gaseosa (GMAW) son ampliamente utilizados en la industria automotriz...

  7. Conformado por vía coloidal de recubrimientos en la cara interna de un tubo de acero

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    Ferrari, B.


    Full Text Available The development of new coating processes has important limitations related to the films thickness and the geometry of the coating substrates. In this work, two colloidal forming processes are proposed for manufacturing ceramic and metallic coatings on the inner surface of a steel pipe. Ceramic coatings of CaCO3 have been formed by electrophoretic deposition (EPD. Aqueous stable suspensions were prepared and a electrophoretic cell was designed, in which the steel tube to be coated acted simultaneously as container and working electrode. Nickel films were prepared by filling the pipe with the suspension and rotating to fully wet the steel surface. Nickel suspensions were formulated focusing an improved wettability and adherence to the steel surface by using binders. From these processes, ceramic and metallic coatings with 300- 350 μm in thickness, homogeneous and strongly adhered to the inner surface of the steel pipe have been obtained.

    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de fabricación de recubrimientos presenta importantes limitaciones relativas a los espesores de las capas fabricadas y a la geometría de los substratos a recubrir. En este trabajo se proponen dos procesos de conformado coloidal de revestimientos cerámicos y metálicos en la cara interna de un tubo de acero. El revestimiento cerámico (CaCO3 se ha conformado por deposición electroforética (EPD. Para ello se han preparado suspensiones estables de CaCO3 en agua, y se ha diseñado una célula electroforética en la que el tubo es a la vez el contenedor y el electrodo de trabajo. El revestimiento metálico (níquel se ha fabricado por vertido de una suspensión estable sobre el propio tubo de acero. Para ello se han acondicionado las suspensiones con el objetivo de mejorar el mojado y la adherencia sobre el acero. A partir de los procesos de EPD y vertido se han obtenido revestimientos cerámicos y metálicos, respectivamente, con espesores de 300-350 μm, homogéneos y

  8. Efecto de los ciclos térmicos sobre la ZAT de una soldadura multipasos de un acero inoxidable superdúplex SAF 2507 Effect of thermal cycles on the HAZ of a stainless steel multipass weld of superduplex SAF 2507

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    D. Villalobos


    Full Text Available Los ciclos térmicos de una soldadura multipasos que experimenta un acero inoxidable superdúplex SAF 2507, pueden promover la precipitación de fases secundarias reduciendo significativamente las propiedades mecánicas y la resistencia a la corrosión. Debido a su aplicación en la industria petroquímica, el estudio de las aleaciones superdúplex es de suma importancia para predecir su comportamiento en servicio cuando están involucrados procesos de soldadura por arco eléctrico. En este trabajo, se estudia el cambio microestructural de la zona afectada térmicamente correspondiente al primer cordón depositado de una unión multipasos de acero inoxidable superdúplex SAF 2507 mediante el proceso GTAW y bajo tres temperaturas de interpasos. Los resultados muestran que la temperatura de interpasos tiene una influencia sobre la precipitación de fase sigma en la zona afectada térmicamente del primer cordón depositado.Thermal cycles experienced by a superduplex stainless steel SAF 2507 when is welded, can promote the precipitation of secondary phases which decrease the mechanical properties as well as the corrosion resistance. Due to the application of the duplex alloys in the petrochemical industry, the study of these alloys has become very important in order to predict its service behavior. The aim of this work is to study the microstructural changes in the superduplex stainless steel weld joint after applying the GTAW process under three interpass temperatures after the deposition of every single pass. The results showed that slow cooling rates promoted by the deposition of the subsecuent passes and the higher interpass temperature, promote the precipitation of sigma phase in the HAZ while rapid cooling rates promoted by the lower interpass temperature do not promote the sigma phase precipitation.

  9. Duplex ultrasound: Indications and findings in a newly created ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Duplex ultrasound: Indications and findings in a newly created facility at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar. ... It is recommended that timely referrals be made, and mobile Doppler units be acquired to save more lives and limbs in the developing world. Keywords: Calabar, deep venous thrombosis, duplex ...

  10. Mejora de la calidad del acero obtenido por colada continua mediante influencias electrofísicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shklyar, V.


    Full Text Available Laboratory tests with tin smelted in a crucible and industrial tests with crude steel poured in moulds had been carried out. These metals were subjected to electrophysical influences. As a result of the applied electric field, it is observed in tin that during the solidification, the crystalization temperature and the solidification time are changed. Crystal growth in the electric field direction and an increase of the fracture limit in the steel ingot are observed.

    Se han realizado ensayos de laboratorio con estaño fundido en crisol y a escala industrial con acero líquido vertidos en moldes, sometiendo estos metales a influencias electrofísicas. Como resultado del campo aplicado, en el estaño se observa que durante la solidificación varía la temperatura de cristalización y el tiempo de solidificación. En el lingote de acero se observa un crecimiento de los cristales en dirección del campo eléctrico y un aumento del límite de rotura.

  11. Inorganic inhibitor study in the steel corrosion in the mixture of LiBr+Etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O; Estudio de inhibidores inorganicos en la corrosion de aceros en la mezcla de LiBr+Etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarmiento Bustos, Estela


    develop this work. Fourth chapter is the results presentation and discussion divided in four sections: each one for material electrochemically tested in the LiBr+ etilene glycol+ H{sub 2}O solution. Also presents the results obtained for the extended study made to carbon steel under different temperature and electrochemical test conditions. This includes the EIS and electrochemical noise Hurst results analysis and simulations. Finally, the fifth chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations of this work. An appendix with the solution preparation is included. [Spanish] En esta tesis doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos de cinetica electroquimica de la corrosion de 4 aceros: acero al carbon, 304, 316 y 316L, en una solucion de LiBr+ etilenglicol+H{sub 2}O. Estos sistemas son utilizados en bombas de calor por absorcion para la recuperacion de calor de desecho a la salida de procesos industriales. Sin embargo, la solucion absorbente es altamente corrosiva en este tipo de equipos. Por lo anterior se evaluaron tres diferentes inhibidores inorganicos: nitrato de litio, molibdato de litio y cromato de litio los cuales son fuertes oxidantes y promueven la formacion de la capa pasiva de los aceros y se aplicaron a diferentes temperaturas: 25, 50 y 80 grados dentigrados. A traves de tecnicas electroquimicas como curvas de polarizacion, ruido electroquimico, impedancia electroquimica, resistencia a la polarizacion lineal y mediciones de potencial de corrosion a circuito abierto en el tiempo. Se determino el compuesto inhibidor mas adecuado obteniendo su eficiencia bajo las diferentes condiciones, de los tres inhibidores considerados el que presento el mejor comportamiento y eficiencia para el acero al carbon fue el nitrato de litio a 50 ppm; para el 304 el cromato de litio a 5 ppm; para el acero 316 molibdato de litio a 5 ppm y para el 316L el cromato de litio a 5 ppm. Debido a que el acero al carbon es el material mas economico y presento una mejor respuesta por

  12. An unusual mode of DNA duplex association: Watson-Crick interaction of all-purine deoxyribonucleic acids. (United States)

    Battersby, Thomas R; Albalos, Maria; Friesenhahn, Michel J


    Nucleic acid duplexes associating through purine-purine base pairing have been constructed and characterized in a remarkable demonstration of nucleic acids with mixed sequence and a natural backbone in an alternative duplex structure. The antiparallel deoxyribose all-purine duplexes associate specifically through Watson-Crick pairing, violating the nucleobase size-complementarity pairing convention found in Nature. Sequence-specific recognition displayed by these structures makes the duplexes suitable, in principle, for information storage and replication fundamental to molecular evolution in all living organisms. All-purine duplexes can be formed through association of purines found in natural ribonucleosides. Key to the formation of these duplexes is the N(3)-H tautomer of isoguanine, preferred in the duplex, but not in aqueous solution. The duplexes have relevance to evolution of the modern genetic code and can be used for molecular recognition of natural nucleic acids.

  13. Two-dimensional 1H and 31P NMR spectra of a decamer oligodeoxyribonucleotide duplex and a quinoxaline ([MeCys3, MeCys7]TANDEM) drug duplex complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powers, R.; Olsen, R.K.; Gorenstein, D.G.


    Assignment of the 1H and 31P NMR spectra of a decamer oligodeoxyribonucleotide duplex, d(CCCGATCGGG), and its quinoxaline ([MeCys3, MeCys7]TANDEM) drug duplex complex has been made by two-dimensional 1H-1H and heteronuclear 31P-1H correlated spectroscopy. The 31P chemical shifts of this 10 base pair oligonucleotide follow the general observation that the more internal the phosphate is located within the oligonucleotide sequence, the more upfield the 31P resonance occurs. While the 31P chemical shifts show sequence-specific variations, they also do not generally follow the Calladine rules previously demonstrated. 31P NMR also provides a convenient monitor of the phosphate ester backbone conformational changes upon binding of the drug to the duplex. Although the quinoxaline drug, [MeCys3, MeCys7]TANDEM, is generally expected to bind to duplex DNA by bis-intercalation, only small 31P chemical shift changes are observed upon binding the drug to duplex d(CCCGATCGGG). Additionally, only small perturbations in the 1H NMR and UV spectra are observed upon binding the drug to the decamer, although association of the drug stabilizes the duplex form relative to the other states. These results are consistent with a non-intercalative mode of association of the drug. Modeling and molecular mechanics energy minimization demonstrate that a novel structure in which the two quinoxaline rings of the drug binds in the minor groove of the duplex is possible

  14. Criteria for the Segmentation of Vowels on Duplex Oscillograms. (United States)

    Naeser, Margaret A.

    This paper develops criteria for the segmentation of vowels on duplex oscillograms. Previous vowel duration studies have primarily used sound spectrograms. The use of duplex oscillograms, rather than sound spectrograms, permits faster production (real time) at less expense (adding machine paper may be used). The speech signal can be more spread…

  15. Evaluación del trabajo esencial de fractura en chapa de un acero de alta resistencia de fase dual

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    Gutiérrez, D.


    Full Text Available Fracture toughness of advanced high strength steels (AHSS, can be used to optimize crash behavior of structural components. However it cannot be readily measured in metal sheet because of the sheet thickness. In this work, the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF methodology is proposed to evaluate the fracture toughness of metal sheets. It has been successfully applied in polymers films and some metal sheets. However, their information about the applicability of this methodology to AHSS is relatively scarce. In the present work the fracture toughness of a Dual Phase (strength of 800 MPa and drawing steel sheets has been measured by means of the EWF. The results show that the test requirements are met and also show the clear influence of notch radii on the measured values, specially for the AHSS grade. Thus, the EWF is postulated as a methodology to evaluate the fracture toughness in AHSS sheets.

    La tenacidad de fractura de aceros de alta resistencia (AHSS, es una propiedad interesante para optimizar el comportamiento a impacto, pero su caracterización experimental en chapas metálicas es compleja debido a su espesor. En este trabajo se plantea el método del Trabajo Esencial de Fractura (TEF, como alternativa al cálculo de la tenacidad. Este método ya ha sido utilizado con éxito en polímeros y aceros dúctiles, aunque la información sobre su aplicación en AHSS es escasa. Se ha evaluado la tenacidad en un acero de fase dual de 800 MPa de resistencia y se ha comparado con la de un acero de embutición. Los resultados muestran que se cumplen los requisitos del método y ponen en evidencia la influencia del radio de entalla en el valor obtenido de TEF, especialmente para AHSS. Con todo ello, el método TEF se puede usar para caracterizar la tenacidad de AHSS en formato chapa.

  16. Duplex-guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in iliac arterial occlusive disease. (United States)

    Krasznai, A G; Sigterman, T A; Welten, R J; Heijboer, R; Sikkink, C J J M; van de Akker, L H J M; Bouwman, L H


    Chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) is a growing global problem. PTA can be performed without nephrotoxic contrast, utilizing Doppler-ultrasound (Duplex) guidance. Duplex-guided infra-inguinal interventions and access-related interventions have been reported. Duplex-guided iliac interventions have not been performed to any extent because of the anatomic location. In our study we evaluated the safety and efficacy of Duplex-guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (DuPTA) in iliac arteries. From June 2012 until February 2013, 31 patients (35 iliac lesions), underwent DuPTA. Indications ranged from Rutherford 3 to 5. Preoperative evaluation included Ankle Brachial Index (ABI), Duplex and MRA. Procedural success was defined as crossing the lesion with a guidewire and dilating or stenting the lesion. Clinical success was defined as 50% reduction in peak systolic velocity (PSV) or clinical improvement. PSV was evaluated after PTA, then at 2 weeks. Clinical results were assessed 2 weeks after the procedure. Procedural success was achieved in 94% of patients (33/35), all of whom also had clinical success. Post-procedural PSV reduction showed an average improvement of 63% (431 cm/s to 153 cm/s). Mean preoperative ABI was 0.72 and improved to 0.88 postoperatively. PTA using Duplex-guidance in significant iliac stenosis is a safe method with major advantages in patients at high risk for developing contrast-induced nephropathy. Copyright © 2013 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. A Full-Duplex MAC Tailored for 5G Wireless Networks

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    Lucas de Melo Guimarães


    Full Text Available The increasing demands for high-data rate traffic stimulated the development of the fifth-generation (5G mobile networks. The envisioned 5G network is expected to meet its challenge by devising means to further improve spectrum usage. Many alternatives to enhance spectrum usage are being researched, such as massive MIMO, operation in mmWave frequency, cognitive radio, and the employment of full-duplex antennas. Efficient utilization of the potential of any of these technologies faces a set of challenges related to medium access control (MAC schemes. This work focuses on MAC schemes tailored for full-duplex antennas, since they are expected to play a major role in the foreseeable 5G networks. In this context, this paper presents a MAC layer technique to improve total transmission time when full-duplex antennas are employed. Several evaluations in different scenarios are conducted to assess the proposed MAC scheme. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme provides gains up to 156% when compared to a state-of-the-art full-duplex antenna MAC protocol. Compared to traditional half-duplex antenna MAC protocols, the proposed scheme yields gain up to 412%.

  18. Analysing Self Interference Cancellation in Full Duplex Radios

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahmood, Nurul Huda; Shafique Ansari, Imran; Berardinelli, Gilberto


    Full duplex communication promises a theoretical $100\\%$ throughput gain by doubling the number of simultaneous transmissions. Such compelling gains are conditioned on perfect cancellation of the self interference power resulting from simultaneous transmission and reception. Generally, self...... interference power is modelled as a noise-like constant level interference floor. However, experimental validations have shown that the self interference power is in practice a random variable depending on a number of factors such as the surrounding wireless environment and the degree of interference...... cancellation. In this study, we derive an analytical model for the residual self interference power, and demonstrate various applications of the derived model in analysing the performance of a Full Duplex radio. In general, full duplex communication is found to provide only modest throughput gains over half...

  19. Nanopore Analysis of the 5-Guanidinohydantoin to Iminoallantoin Isomerization in Duplex DNA. (United States)

    Zeng, Tao; Fleming, Aaron M; Ding, Yun; Ren, Hang; White, Henry S; Burrows, Cynthia J


    In DNA, guanine oxidation yields diastereomers of 5-guanidinohydantoin (Gh) as one of the major products. In nucleosides and single-stranded DNA, Gh is in a pH-dependent equilibrium with its constitutional isomer iminoallantoin (Ia). Herein, the isomerization reaction between Gh and Ia was monitored in duplex DNA using a protein nanopore by measuring the ionic current when duplex DNA interacts with the pore under an electrophoretic force. Monitoring current levels in this single-molecule method proved to be superior for analysis of population distributions in an equilibrating mixture of four isomers in duplex DNA as a function of pH. The results identified Gh as a major isomer observed when base paired with A, C, or G at pH 6.4-8.4, and Ia was a minor isomer of the reaction mixture that was only observed when the pH was >7.4 in the duplex DNA context. The present results suggest that Gh will be the dominant isomer in duplex DNA under physiological conditions regardless of the base-pairing partner in the duplex.

  20. Development of oxide dispersion strengthened 2205 duplex stainless steel composite

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    Oladayo OLANIRAN


    Full Text Available Composites of duplex stainless steel were produced by oxide dispersion strengthening with comparatively improved mechanical properties by hot press sintering of partially stabilized Zirconia (PSZ, 3% yttria, mole fraction dispersion in 2205 duplex stainless steels. Ceramic oxide was added as reinforcement, while chromium (Cr and Nickel (Ni were incorporated to maintain the austenitic/ferritic phase balance of the duplex stainless steel. The powders and sintered were characterized in detail using scanning electron microscopy (SEM and X-ray diffraction (XRD. The microstructural evolution and phase formation during oxide dispersion strengthening of duplex stainless steel composites were investigated. The influence of composition variation of the reinforcements on the microstructural and corrosion behaviour in simulated mine water of the composites were investigated. In this manuscript, it was established that composition has great influence on the structure/properties relationship of the composites developed.

  1. Influencia de la adición de cobre y de bronce sobre las propiedades de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos sinterizados

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    Velasco, F.


    Full Text Available The effect that, on AISI 316L and 304L stainless steels alloyed with copper and bronze in different percentages up to a maximun of 20 % wt, produce both the alloying content and the sintering temperature over physical and mechanical properties and over the microstructure of sintered stainless steels are studied. Alloying with copper and bronze improves the density of sintered steels at the two sintering temperatures used. Copper and bronze promote liquid phase sintering (transitory or permanent, that activates sintering process. Tensile strength of stainless steel is highly improved for higher alloying contents. Moreover, tensile strength presents greater values alloying with bronze than with copper.

    Partiendo de los aceros inoxidables AISI 316L y 304L a los que se añadió cobre y bronce en diferentes porcentajes hasta el 20 % en peso, se estudia el efecto que la cantidad de aleante y la temperatura de sinterización tienen sobre las propiedades físicas y mecánicas y sobre la microestructura de los aceros inoxidables sinterizados. La aleación con cobre y con bronce aumenta la densidad de los aceros sinterizados para las dos temperaturas de sinterización utilizadas. El cobre y el bronce provocan la aparición de fase líquida (transitoria o permanente que activa el proceso de sinterización. La resistencia a la tracción del acero inoxidable experimenta un fuerte incremento para los contenidos más elevados de aleante. Además, la resistencia a la tracción alcanza mayores valores para la aleación con bronce que con cobre.

  2. Measuring secondary phases in duplex stainless steels (United States)

    Calliari, I.; Brunelli, K.; Dabalà, M.; Ramous, E.


    The use of duplex stainless steels is limited by their susceptibility to the formation of dangerous intermetallic phases resulting in detrimental effects on impact toughness and corrosion resistance. This precipitation and the quantitative determinations of the phases have received considerable attention and different precipitation sequences (σ phase, χ phase, and carbides) have been suggested. This study investigates the phase transformation during continuous cooling and isothermal treatments in commercial duplex stainless steel grades and the effects on alloy properties, and compares the most common techniques of analysis.

  3. Analysis of Structural Flexibility of Damaged DNA Using Thiol-Tethered Oligonucleotide Duplexes.

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    Masashi Fujita

    Full Text Available Bent structures are formed in DNA by the binding of small molecules or proteins. We developed a chemical method to detect bent DNA structures. Oligonucleotide duplexes in which two mercaptoalkyl groups were attached to the positions facing each other across the major groove were prepared. When the duplex contained the cisplatin adduct, which was proved to induce static helix bending, interstrand disulfide bond formation under an oxygen atmosphere was detected by HPLC analyses, but not in the non-adducted duplex, when the two thiol-tethered nucleosides were separated by six base pairs. When the insert was five and seven base pairs, the disulfide bond was formed and was not formed, respectively, regardless of the cisplatin adduct formation. The same reaction was observed in the duplexes containing an abasic site analog and the (6–4 photoproduct. Compared with the cisplatin case, the disulfide bond formation was slower in these duplexes, but the reaction rate was nearly independent of the linker length. These results indicate that dynamic structural changes of the abasic site- and (6–4 photoproduct-containing duplexes could be detected by our method. It is strongly suggested that the UV-damaged DNA-binding protein, which specifically binds these duplexes and functions at the first step of global-genome nucleotide excision repair, recognizes the easily bendable nature of damaged DNA.

  4. Methodology for calculating the thickness free of sigma phase in duplex stainless steels large section parts during hiperquenching; Metodologia para el calculo de espesores limite libres de fase sigma durante el hipertemple en piezas de aceros duplex de gran seccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jimbert, P.; Guraya, T.; Torregary, A.; Bravo, P.


    To achieve the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance desired by duplex stainless steels used by the petrochemical and nuclear industry, parts are subjected to a hiperquenching heat treatment from about 1050 degree centigrade. This avoids the risk of intermetallic precipitation which drastically reduces the properties of these materials. However with increasing depth to which the deposits are present, the thicknesses for such pipes have been increased, resulting in higher levels of demand on all its manufacturing process, including the heat treatment. To avoid the precipitation of intermetallic phases such as sigma phase it is necessary to know the cooling profile in the center of the work piece and for this purpose to know the value of the Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (h) is essential. This coefficient changes during the hiperquenching and its value is determined experimentally as it depends on several process parameters. Studies reveal that its value is stabilized within a few seconds. We can then assume that to know the cooling profile in the center of large sections it is only necessary to know the stabilized value of h. However, all the studies found in the literature are referred to diameters smaller than 100 mm. This paper has developed a methodology to predict the precipitation of intermetallic phases in duplex stainless steel parts with large thicknesses in industrial facilities from the calculation of h. This methodology allows us to calculate the cooling profiles without wasting any work piece using one or more sensorized patterns with thermocouples and a subsequent simulation with ANSYS. (Author)

  5. Duplex tab exhaust nozzle (United States)

    Gutmark, Ephraim Jeff (Inventor); Martens, Steven (nmn) (Inventor)


    An exhaust nozzle includes a conical duct terminating in an annular outlet. A row of vortex generating duplex tabs are mounted in the outlet. The tabs have compound radial and circumferential aft inclination inside the outlet for generating streamwise vortices for attenuating exhaust noise while reducing performance loss.

  6. Caracterización de los aceros sinterizados obtenidos a partir de polvos prealeados Fe-1,5% Mo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Torralba, J. M.


    Full Text Available Sintered molybdenum-, copper-, nickel- alloyed steels, have been studied through the influence of the Chemical composition on different mechanical and physical properties. In all the studied steels, a constant percentage of carbon has been used, as well Fe-Mo prealloyed powders, with a 1,5% Mo content. Selected sintering conditions were close to those used in the P/M industry, potential consumer of the studied steels.

    Se estudian los aceros aleados sinterizados con molibdeno, cobre, níquel y grafito, a partir de la influencia de su composición sobre distintas propiedades mecánicas y físicas. En todos los aceros, se utilizó una composición de carbono constante, así como polvos prealeados de Fe-Mo, con 1,5% Mo. Las condiciones de sinterización elegidas han sido las más próximas a las utilizadas en la industria pulvimetalúrgica, que es el usuario potencial de los materiales estudiados.

  7. Qualitative comparison of duplex Stirling and absorption refrigerators in domestic applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shao, H. [Global Cooling BV, Zutphen (Netherlands)


    A qualitative comparison has been carried out between the duplex Stirling and the absorption refrigerator for domestic applications. The duplex Stirling has many advantages over the absorption refrigerator on efficiency, modulation, suitability, operating costs, pollution reduction. Based on the state of the art of free-piston gas-bearing and linear-motor Stirling engines and coolers, it appears technically and economically feasible to develop the duplex Stirling to compete with the absorption refrigerator for heat-driven domestic refrigeration. (orig.)





    Los sistemas concreto-acero de refuerzo son considerados estructuras durables y resistentes; sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo se ven afectados por problemas de corrosión, la cual, se desarrolla cuando los cloruros se encuentran más allá de un cierto nivel umbral, en el que se inicia la despasivación o la ruptura la capa pasiva que protege al acero de refuerzo. Para contrarrestar los daños ocasionados por la corrosión, se han propuestos varios métodos para disminuir y/o preve...

  9. El acero que nunca se fundió. Una reseña sobre Stalin

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    Iñaki Oneca Agurruza


    Full Text Available Era el 5 de marzo de 1953 cuando murió el fetiche, el gurú, el símbolo. Stalin significa “acero”, y precisamente una de las cosas que se reprochó al joven revolucionario, tras la adopción de este apodo, era que el acero era duro pero también frío. Así iniciamos esta breve nota sobre la figura de uno de los personajes clave del siglo XX.


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    Lina P. Gallo-Arciniegas


    Full Text Available En Colombia, el uso del concreto reforzado con fibras de acero (CRFA es muy limitado, debido a que en el país no existe suficiente evidencia experimental y requisitos reglamentarios al respecto. En el artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación experimental y analítica sobre el comportamiento del CRFA elaborado con fibras ZP-306, sometidas a esfuerzos de compresión. El estudio involucra la revisión y discusión de los modelos disponibles en la literatura, así como un programa experimental que incluye el ensayo de 48 especímenes. A partir de un análisis de regresión de los datos medidos, se proponen ecuaciones para estimar las principales propiedades mecánicas del CRFA, tales como resistencia a compresión, módulo de elasticidad y relación de Poisson. Las ecuaciones correlacionan las propiedades mecánicas con las principales características de las fibras de acero, tales como dosificación y relación de aspecto.

  11. Fuego y acero

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    Sfintesco, D.


    Full Text Available In a brief and appealing manner the author analysis the basic considerations which should be taken into account to deal effectively with the safety of steel structures in case of fire. He makes it clear that the safety measures must not be the result of a rather intuitive and hasty reaction to the possibility of a fire: for example, the costly covering of steel columns with fire resisting material, which in most cases is not necessary. A careful assessment of possible risks must be made, available means to reduce these must be adopted, and the potential losses in case of fire must be taken into account. The article is completed with a brief commentary on the new Italian Regulations, which are probably the most modern and advanced on this matter.El autor expone en este trabajo, en forma breve y llamativa, las bases en que conviene apoyarse para poder resolver racionalmente el problema de la seguridad de las estructuras de acero frente al fuego. Su lectura hace comprender claramente que no puede constituir esta base el temor irreflexivo, con sus secuelas de revestimientos y precauciones onerosos, e innecesarios la mayor parte de las veces, sino la ponderación prudente de los riesgos posibles, de los medios disponibles para combatir el peligro y de los daños probables que del incendio se puedan derivar. Termina el artículo con un rápido comentario del nuevo Reglamento italiano, probablemente el más moderno y avanzado de todos los existentes sobre esta materia de protección contra el fuego.

  12. A Dual-Specific Targeting Approach Based on the Simultaneous Recognition of Duplex and Quadruplex Motifs. (United States)

    Nguyen, Thi Quynh Ngoc; Lim, Kah Wai; Phan, Anh Tuân


    Small-molecule ligands targeting nucleic acids have been explored as potential therapeutic agents. Duplex groove-binding ligands have been shown to recognize DNA in a sequence-specific manner. On the other hand, quadruplex-binding ligands exhibit high selectivity between quadruplex and duplex, but show limited discrimination between different quadruplex structures. Here we propose a dual-specific approach through the simultaneous application of duplex- and quadruplex-binders. We demonstrated that a quadruplex-specific ligand and a duplex-specific ligand can simultaneously interact at two separate binding sites of a quadruplex-duplex hybrid harbouring both quadruplex and duplex structural elements. Such a dual-specific targeting strategy would combine the sequence specificity of duplex-binders and the strong binding affinity of quadruplex-binders, potentially allowing the specific targeting of unique quadruplex structures. Future research can be directed towards the development of conjugated compounds targeting specific genomic quadruplex-duplex sites, for which the linker would be highly context-dependent in terms of length and flexibility, as well as the attachment points onto both ligands.

  13. Full-Duplex opportunistic relay selection in future spectrum-sharing networks

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim; Aï ssa, Sonia


    We propose and analyze the performance of full-duplex relay selection in primary/secondary spectrum-sharing networks. Contrary to half-duplex relaying, full-duplex relaying (FDR) enables simultaneous listening/forwarding at the secondary relay, thereby allowing for a higher spectral efficiency. However, since the source and relay simultaneously transmit in FDR, their superimposed signal at the primary receiver should now satisfy the existing interference constraint which can considerably limit the secondary network throughput. In this regard, relay selection can offer an adequate solution to boost the secondary throughput while satisfying the imposed interference limit. We first analyze the performance of opportunistic relay selection among a cluster of full-duplex decode-and-forward relays with self-interference by deriving the exact cumulative distribution function of its end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. Second, we evaluate the end-to-end performance of relay selection with interference constraints due to the presence of a primary receiver. Finally, the presented exact theoretical findings are verified by numerical simulations.

  14. Full-Duplex opportunistic relay selection in future spectrum-sharing networks

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal


    We propose and analyze the performance of full-duplex relay selection in primary/secondary spectrum-sharing networks. Contrary to half-duplex relaying, full-duplex relaying (FDR) enables simultaneous listening/forwarding at the secondary relay, thereby allowing for a higher spectral efficiency. However, since the source and relay simultaneously transmit in FDR, their superimposed signal at the primary receiver should now satisfy the existing interference constraint which can considerably limit the secondary network throughput. In this regard, relay selection can offer an adequate solution to boost the secondary throughput while satisfying the imposed interference limit. We first analyze the performance of opportunistic relay selection among a cluster of full-duplex decode-and-forward relays with self-interference by deriving the exact cumulative distribution function of its end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. Second, we evaluate the end-to-end performance of relay selection with interference constraints due to the presence of a primary receiver. Finally, the presented exact theoretical findings are verified by numerical simulations.

  15. [A Duplex PCR Method for Detection of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi]. (United States)

    Zhang, Yang; Zhang, Yu-ting; Wang, Zhen-bao; Bolati; Li, Hai; Bayinchahan


    To develop a duplex PCR assay for detection of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi. Two pairs of primers were designed according to the BC48 gene of B. caballi and 18 s rRNA gene of T. equi, and a duplex PCR assay was developed by the optimization of reaction conditions. The specificity, sensitivity and reliability of the method were tested. The horse blood samples of suspected cases were collected from Yili region, and detected by the duplex PCR, microspopy, conventional PCR, and fluorescence quantitative PCR, and the results were compared. Using the duplex PCR assay, the specific fragments of 155 bp and 280 bp were amplified from DNA samples of B. caballi and T. equi, respectively. No specific fragment was amplified from DNA samples of B. bigemina, Theilerdia annulata, Theilerdia sergenti, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Trypanosoma evansi. The limit of detection was 4.85 x 10(5) copies/L for B. caballi DNA and 4.85 x 10(4) copies/µl for T. equi DNA, respectively. Among the 24 blood samples, 11 were found B. caballi-positive by the duplex PCR assay, and 18 were T. equi-positive. The coincidence rate of microscopy, conventional PCR, and fluorescence quantitative PCR with duplex PCR was 91.7% (22/24), 95.8% (23/24), and 95.8% (23/24), respectively. A duplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of B. caballi and T. equi is established.

  16. Duplex Ultrasonography Has Limited Utility in Detection of Postoperative DVT After Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty. (United States)

    Vira, Shaleen; Ramme, Austin J; Alaia, Michael J; Steiger, David; Vigdorchik, Jonathan M; Jaffe, Frederick


    Duplex ultrasound is routinely used to evaluate suspected deep venous thrombosis after total joint arthroplasty. When there is a clinical suspicion for a pulmonary embolism, a chest angiogram (chest CTA) is concomitantly obtained. Two questions were addressed: First, for the population of patients who receive duplex ultrasound after total joint arthroplasty, what is the rate of positive results? Second, for these patients, how many of these also undergo chest CTA for clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolus and how many of these tests are positive? Furthermore, what is the correlation between duplex ultrasound results and chest CTA results? A retrospective chart review was conducted of total joint replacement patients in 2011 at a single institution. Inclusion criteria were adult patients who underwent a postoperative duplex ultrasonography for clinical suspicion of deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Demographic data, result of duplex scan, clinical indications for obtaining the duplex scan, and DVT prophylaxis used were recorded. Additionally, if a chest CTA was obtained for clinical suspicion for pulmonary embolus, results and clinical indication for obtaining the test were recorded. The rate of positive results for duplex ultrasonography and chest CTA was computed and correlated based on clinical indications. Two hundred ninety-five patients underwent duplex ultrasonography of which only 0.7% were positive for a DVT. One hundred three patients underwent a chest CTA for clinical suspicion of a pulmonary embolism (PE) of which 26 revealed a pulmonary embolus, none of which had a positive duplex ultrasound. Postoperative duplex scans have a low rate of positive results. A substantial number of patients with negative duplex results subsequently underwent chest CTA for clinical suspicion for which a pulmonary embolus was found, presumably resulting from a DVT despite negative duplex ultrasound result. A negative duplex ultrasonography should not rule out the presence of a

  17. Development of a lean duplex stainless steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liljas, M.; Johansson, P.; Liu Hui-Ping; Olsson, C.O.A. [Avesta Research Centre, Avesta (Sweden). Outokumpu Stainless


    The classic series of duplex stainless steels shows very high corrosion resistance and can be used for very demanding applications. A new lean duplex steel, LDX 2101 {sup registered} (EN 1.4162, UNS S32101), has been developed with corrosion resistance on a par with standard austenitic grades. Application areas include: structural components, chemical industry, tanks and containers. The steel was designed to have equal amounts of ferrite and austenite in annealed condition and with an austenite that is stable against strain-induced martensite. Thanks to its high nitrogen content, the steel has a fast austenite reformation when subjected to thermal cycling, e.g. welding. Unlike conventional duplex grades, the formation of intermetallic phase is very sluggish, although precipitation of nitrides and carbides has a certain impact on material properties after exposure in the temperature range 600 to 800 C. The precipitation behaviour after different isothermal treatments is described and its influence on different product properties is shown. A good agreement was found between impact toughness and corrosion resistance for a wide range of thermal treatments. (orig.)

  18. Full-Duplex Communications in Large-Scale Cellular Networks

    KAUST Repository

    AlAmmouri, Ahmad


    In-band full-duplex (FD) communications have been optimistically promoted to improve the spectrum utilization and efficiency. However, the penetration of FD communications to the cellular networks domain is challenging due to the imposed uplink/downlink interference. This thesis presents a tractable framework, based on stochastic geometry, to study FD communications in multi-tier cellular networks. Particularly, we assess the FD communications effect on the network performance and quantify the associated gains. The study proves the vulnerability of the uplink to the downlink interference and shows that the improved FD rate gains harvested in the downlink (up to 97%) comes at the expense of a significant degradation in the uplink rate (up to 94%). Therefore, we propose a novel fine-grained duplexing scheme, denoted as α-duplex scheme, which allows a partial overlap between the uplink and the downlink frequency bands. We derive the required conditions to harvest rate gains from the α-duplex scheme and show its superiority to both the FD and half-duplex (HD) schemes. In particular, we show that the α-duplex scheme provides a simultaneous improvement of 28% for the downlink rate and 56% for the uplink rate. We also show that the amount of the overlap can be optimized based on the network design objective. Moreover, backward compatibility is an essential ingredient for the success of new technologies. In the context of in-band FD communication, FD base stations (BSs) should support HD users\\' equipment (UEs) without sacrificing the foreseen FD gains. The results show that FD-UEs are not necessarily required to harvest rate gains from FD-BSs. In particular, the results show that adding FD-UEs to FD-BSs offers a maximum of 5% rate gain over FD-BSs and HD-UEs case, which is a marginal gain compared to the burden required to implement FD transceivers at the UEs\\' side. To this end, we shed light on practical scenarios where HD-UEs operation with FD-BSs outperforms the

  19. Ultrasensitive Detection of RNA and DNA Viruses Simultaneously Using Duplex UNDP-PCR Assay.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yong Huang

    Full Text Available Mixed infection of multiple viruses is common in modern intensive pig rearing. However, there are no methods available to detect DNA and RNA viruses in the same reaction system in preclinical level. In this study, we aimed to develop a duplex ultrasensitive nanoparticle DNA probe-based PCR assay (duplex UNDP-PCR that was able to simultaneously detect DNA and RNA viruses in the same reaction system. PCV2 and TGEV are selected as representatives of the two different types of viruses. PCV2 DNA and TGEV RNA were simultaneously released from the serum sample by boiling with lysis buffer, then magnetic beads and gold nanoparticles coated with single and/or duplex specific probes for TGEV and PCV2 were added to form a sandwich-like complex with nucleic acids released from viruses. After magnetic separation, DNA barcodes specific for PCV2 and TGEV were eluted using DTT and characterized by specific PCR assay for specific DNA barcodes subsequently. The duplex UNDP-PCR showed similar sensitivity as that of single UNDP-PCR and was able to detect 20 copies each of PCV2 and TGEV in the serum, showing approximately 250-fold more sensitivity than conventional duplex PCR/RT-PCR assays. No cross-reaction was observed with other viruses. The positive detection rate of single MMPs- and duplex MMPs-based duplex UNDP-PCR was identical, with 29.6% for PCV2, 9.3% for TGEV and 3.7% for PCV2 and TGEV mixed infection. This duplex UNDP-PCR assay could detect TGEV (RNA virus and PCV2 (DNA virus from large-scale serum samples simultaneously without the need for DNA/RNA extraction, purification and reverse transcription of RNA, and showed a significantly increased positive detection rate for PCV2 (29% and TGEV (11.7% preclinical infection than conventional duplex PCR/RT-PCR. Therefore, the established duplex UNDP-PCR is a rapid and economical detection method, exhibiting high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility.

  20. Ultrasensitive Detection of RNA and DNA Viruses Simultaneously Using Duplex UNDP-PCR Assay (United States)

    Wang, Zengguo; Zhang, Xiujuan; Zhao, Xiaomin; Du, Qian; Chang, Lingling; Tong, Dewen


    Mixed infection of multiple viruses is common in modern intensive pig rearing. However, there are no methods available to detect DNA and RNA viruses in the same reaction system in preclinical level. In this study, we aimed to develop a duplex ultrasensitive nanoparticle DNA probe-based PCR assay (duplex UNDP-PCR) that was able to simultaneously detect DNA and RNA viruses in the same reaction system. PCV2 and TGEV are selected as representatives of the two different types of viruses. PCV2 DNA and TGEV RNA were simultaneously released from the serum sample by boiling with lysis buffer, then magnetic beads and gold nanoparticles coated with single and/or duplex specific probes for TGEV and PCV2 were added to form a sandwich-like complex with nucleic acids released from viruses. After magnetic separation, DNA barcodes specific for PCV2 and TGEV were eluted using DTT and characterized by specific PCR assay for specific DNA barcodes subsequently. The duplex UNDP-PCR showed similar sensitivity as that of single UNDP-PCR and was able to detect 20 copies each of PCV2 and TGEV in the serum, showing approximately 250-fold more sensitivity than conventional duplex PCR/RT-PCR assays. No cross-reaction was observed with other viruses. The positive detection rate of single MMPs- and duplex MMPs-based duplex UNDP-PCR was identical, with 29.6% for PCV2, 9.3% for TGEV and 3.7% for PCV2 and TGEV mixed infection. This duplex UNDP-PCR assay could detect TGEV (RNA virus) and PCV2 (DNA virus) from large-scale serum samples simultaneously without the need for DNA/RNA extraction, purification and reverse transcription of RNA, and showed a significantly increased positive detection rate for PCV2 (29%) and TGEV (11.7%) preclinical infection than conventional duplex PCR/RT-PCR. Therefore, the established duplex UNDP-PCR is a rapid and economical detection method, exhibiting high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility. PMID:26544710

  1. Ultrasensitive Detection of RNA and DNA Viruses Simultaneously Using Duplex UNDP-PCR Assay. (United States)

    Huang, Yong; Xing, Na; Wang, Zengguo; Zhang, Xiujuan; Zhao, Xiaomin; Du, Qian; Chang, Lingling; Tong, Dewen


    Mixed infection of multiple viruses is common in modern intensive pig rearing. However, there are no methods available to detect DNA and RNA viruses in the same reaction system in preclinical level. In this study, we aimed to develop a duplex ultrasensitive nanoparticle DNA probe-based PCR assay (duplex UNDP-PCR) that was able to simultaneously detect DNA and RNA viruses in the same reaction system. PCV2 and TGEV are selected as representatives of the two different types of viruses. PCV2 DNA and TGEV RNA were simultaneously released from the serum sample by boiling with lysis buffer, then magnetic beads and gold nanoparticles coated with single and/or duplex specific probes for TGEV and PCV2 were added to form a sandwich-like complex with nucleic acids released from viruses. After magnetic separation, DNA barcodes specific for PCV2 and TGEV were eluted using DTT and characterized by specific PCR assay for specific DNA barcodes subsequently. The duplex UNDP-PCR showed similar sensitivity as that of single UNDP-PCR and was able to detect 20 copies each of PCV2 and TGEV in the serum, showing approximately 250-fold more sensitivity than conventional duplex PCR/RT-PCR assays. No cross-reaction was observed with other viruses. The positive detection rate of single MMPs- and duplex MMPs-based duplex UNDP-PCR was identical, with 29.6% for PCV2, 9.3% for TGEV and 3.7% for PCV2 and TGEV mixed infection. This duplex UNDP-PCR assay could detect TGEV (RNA virus) and PCV2 (DNA virus) from large-scale serum samples simultaneously without the need for DNA/RNA extraction, purification and reverse transcription of RNA, and showed a significantly increased positive detection rate for PCV2 (29%) and TGEV (11.7%) preclinical infection than conventional duplex PCR/RT-PCR. Therefore, the established duplex UNDP-PCR is a rapid and economical detection method, exhibiting high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility.

  2. Considerations in Duplex Investment. (United States)

    Wright, Arthur; Goen, Tom

    Problems of duplex investment are noted in the introduction to this booklet designed to provide a technique by which the investment decision can be approached, develop estimates of typical costs and returns under differing conditions, and encourage investors to analyze objectives and conditions before the decision to buy or build is made. A…

  3. Effect of Cavity Size of Mesoporous Silica on Short DNA Duplex Stability. (United States)

    Masuda, Tsubasa; Shibuya, Yuuta; Arai, Shota; Kobayashi, Sayaka; Suzuki, Sotaro; Kijima, Jun; Itoh, Tetsuji; Sato, Yusuke; Nishizawa, Seiichi; Yamaguchi, Akira


    We studied the stabilities of short (4- and 3-bp) DNA duplexes within silica mesopores modified with a positively charged trimethyl aminopropyl (TMAP) monolayer (BJH pore diameter 1.6-7.4 nm). The DNA fragments with fluorescent dye were introduced into the pores, and their fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) response was measured to estimate the structuring energies of the short DNA duplexes under cryogenic conditions (temperature 233-323 K). The results confirmed the enthalpic stability gain of the duplex within size-matched pores (1.6 and 2.3 nm). The hybridization equilibrium constants found for the size-matched pores were 2 orders of magnitude larger than those for large pores (≥3.5 nm), and this size-matching effect for the enhanced duplex stability was explained by a tight electrostatic interaction between the duplex and the surface TMAP groups. These results indicate the requirement of the precise regulation of mesopore size to ensure the stabilization of hydrogen-bonded supramolecular assemblies.

  4. Renal pelvis urothelial carcinoma of the upper moiety in complete right renal duplex: a case report. (United States)

    Zhang, Yiran; Yu, Quanfeng; Zhang, Zhihong; Liu, Ranlu; Xu, Yong


    Urothelial carcinoma (UC) originated from renal pelvis is the common tumor of the urinary system, however, neoplasia of the renal pelvis in duplex kidneys is extremely rare, especially in the complete renal and ureteral duplex cases. We present the first case of renal pelvis UC of the upper moiety in a complete right renal duplex. This male patient has bilateral complete renal and ureteral duplex. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of renal pelvis UC in a complete renal duplex system. After this experience we feel that the diagnosis of renal pelvis UC in duplex kidneys is not so easy, and once the diagnosis is determined, the whole renal duplex units and bladder cuff or ectopic orifice should be excised radically.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zulema A. Mahmud


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, las texturas de depósitos de zinc en acero templado se correlacionan con la resistencia de corrosión del metal base. Se estudian por difracción de rayos X las texturas de electrodepósitos de zinc. Los depósitos de zinc se realizaron simulando las condiciones industriales de temperatura, tiempo y densidad de corriente, utilizando soluciones de electrodeposición de ZnCl2 + NH4Cl en presencia y ausencia de tiourea. Según se ha reportado, los depósitos de Zn con una alta intensidad en la textura de los planos basales (0,0,2 y bajas intensidades en la textura de planos piramidales (del tipo (1,0,3, (1,1,2, (2,0,1 presentan mayor resistencia a la corrosión. Para tiempos de electrodeposición bajos, los cincados obtenidos desarrollan una textura (1,0,3 y las densidades de corriente de corrosión son altas. Mientras que, para tiempos de deposición altos (10 minutos, los cincados tienen una textura (0,0,2 y el valor de la corriente de corrosión disminuye notablemente. La preponderancia de la textura (0,2,2 en los planos basales y la baja intensidad de DRX para la textura (0,0,3 en los planos piramidales, están asociados a los depósitos que presentan una alta resistencia a la corrosión.

  6. Full-Duplex Relay Selection in Cognitive Underlay Networks

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal


    In this work, we analyze the performance of full-duplex relay selection (FDRS) in spectrum-sharing networks. Contrary to half-duplex relaying, full-duplex relaying (FDR) enables simultaneous listening/forwarding at the secondary relay(s), thereby allowing for a higher spectral efficiency. However, since the source and relay simultaneously transmit in FDR, their superimposed signal at the primary receiver should now satisfy the existing interference constraint, which can considerably limit the secondary network throughput. In this regard, relay selection can offer an adequate solution to boost the secondary throughput while satisfying the imposed interference limit. We first analyze the performance of opportunistic FDRS with residual self-interference (RSI) by deriving the exact cumulative distribution function of its end-to-end signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio under Nakagami-m fading. We also evaluate the offered diversity gain of relay selection for different full-duplex cooperation schemes in the presence/absence of a direct source-destination link. When the adopted RSI link gain model is sublinear in the relay power, which agrees with recent research findings, we show that remarkable diversity gain can be recovered even in the presence of an interfering direct link. Second, we evaluate the end-to-end performance of FDRS with interference constraints due to the presence of a primary receiver. Finally, the presented exact theoretical findings are verified by numerical simulations.



    Zita Iždinská; František Kolenič


    The duplex stainless steel is two-phase steel with the structure composed of austenite and ferrite with optimum austenite/ferrite proportion 50%. At present, classical arc processes for welding duplex steels are generally regarded as acceptable. On the other hand electron and laser beam welding is up to now considered less suitable for welding duplex steels. The submitted work presents the results of testing various thermal conditions at welding duplex stainless steel with electron beam. It w...

  8. In-Band α-Duplex Scheme for Cellular Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach

    KAUST Repository

    Alammouri, Ahmad


    In-band full-duplex (FD) communications have been optimistically promoted to improve the spectrum utilization and efficiency. However, the penetration of FD communications to the cellular networks domain is challenging due to the imposed uplink/downlink interference. This paper presents a tractable framework, based on stochastic geometry, to study FD communications in cellular networks. Particularly, we assess the FD communications effect on the network performance and quantify the associated gains. The study proves the vulnerability of the uplink to the downlink interference and shows that FD rate gains harvested in the downlink (up to 97%) come at the expense of a significant degradation in the uplink rate (up to 94%). Therefore, we propose a novel fine-grained duplexing scheme, denoted as -duplex scheme, which allows a partial overlap between the uplink and the downlink frequency bands. We derive the required conditions to harvest rate gains from the -duplex scheme and show its superiority to both the FD and half-duplex (HD) schemes. In particular, we show that the -duplex scheme provides a simultaneous improvement of 28% for the downlink rate and 56% for the uplink rate. Finally, we show that the amount of the overlap can be optimized based on the network design objective.

  9. An evaluation of nuclear design characteristics of duplex burnable poison rods for extended cycle core

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, D. J.; Kim, M. H.; Song, K. W.


    Nuclear design characteristics of duplex burnable poison rod were evaluated for three integral type burnable absorbers; Gadolinia, Erbia and IFBA. Inter-comparison was done for both 12 and 24 month cycle for Korean Standard Nuclear Plant. Fuel assemblies with duplex BP was designed to the equivalent assembly with 8 and 16 gadolinia BP 2 . Duplex BP is composed of inner region of natural U-Gd 2 O 3 , and outer shell of, UO 2 -Er2O 3 . In order to evaluate the duplex BP, assemblies with erbia and IFBA were compared with alternative options. A sensitivity studies were performed to the size of region, compositions and location of duplex BPs. It was shown that duplex BP gave favorable k-infinite curve to burnup, but IFBA provided the least residual reactivity penalty as EOC. Erbia was good for more negative MTCs. IFBA and erbia had better neutronic performance than gadolinia od duplex BP in the aspect of pin power peaking

  10. Ecuaciones constitutivas de la fluencia en caliente de aceros microaleados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cabrera, J. M.


    Full Text Available Over centuries, the hot forming has been employed to provide shape to metáis. Nowadays, the deformation at high temperatures gives also the required final mechanical properties. From this point of view, the obtention of a constitutive equation describing the hot flow behaviour of microalloyed steels in particular is a very important task. The main difficulty in modelling the high temperature flow arises from the simultaneity of two opposite phenomena, namely, work hardening and dynamic softening due to recovery and recrystallization. In this is work a review of constitutive equations (including the effect of the chemical composition describing the flow behaviour of microalloyed steels deformed under high temperature conditions.

    Durante siglos el conformado en caliente se ha utilizado para proporcionar a los metales la forma deseada. Hoy en día la deformación en caliente no sólo genera la geometría deseada sino las características mecánicas requeridas. Así, la obtención de una ecuación constitutiva para la fluencia en caliente de un acero en particular, es una tarea ineludible para efectuar simulaciones por ordenador de procesos industriales. La complicación de la modelización de la fluencia a alta temperatura proviene de la simultaneidad de dos fenómenos contrapuestos durante la deformación, a saber, endurecimiento por deformación y ablandamiento por recuperación de la estructura. Este último a su vez puede constar de restauración y recristalización dinámicas. En este trabajo se revisan y plantean las ecuaciones constitutivas que describen las curvas de fluencia bajo condiciones de deformación en caliente, y se presenta una aplicación de las mismas a aceros microaleados.

  11. CMOS serial link for fully duplexed data communication (United States)

    Lee, Kyeongho; Kim, Sungjoon; Ahn, Gijung; Jeong, Deog-Kyoon


    This paper describes a CMOS serial link allowing fully duplexed 500 Mbaud serial data communication. The CMOS serial link is a robust and low-cost solution to high data rate requirements. A central charge pump PLL for generating multiphase clocks for oversampling is shared by several serial link channels. Fully duplexed serial data communication is realized in the bidirectional bridge by separating incoming data from the mixed signal on the cable end. The digital PLL accomplishes process-independent data recovery by using a low-ratio oversampling, a majority voting, and a parallel data recovery scheme. Mostly, digital approach could extend its bandwidth further with scaled CMOS technology. A single channel serial link and a charge pump PLL are integrated in a test chip using 1.2 micron CMOS process technology. The test chip confirms upto 500 Mbaud unidirectional mode operation and 320 Mbaud fully duplexed mode operation with pseudo random data patterns.

  12. Estudio de inteligencia de mercados para la importación de tubería de acero carbón para PSA Colombia S.A.S.



    Estudio de inteligencia de mercados para la importación de tuberia de acero carbon para PSA Colombia S.A.S, SCH 40 de 2" revisar la viabilidad de la compra local versus la compra en el exterior analizando tres proveedores Estados Unidos, China y Brasil. En el presente trabajo se estudian los mercados para la importación de tubería de Acero Carbón SCH40, se realiza el análisis de cada área del proceso de comercialización y se establece en términos técnicos, comerciales, financieros, logísticos...





    En este trabajo, se propone un tratamiento de conversión química base cerio sobre acero de bajo carbono para obtener un incremento en las propiedades de protección y ser utilizado como una preparación de superficie para un pintado posterior. El nitrato de cerio fue elegido como precursor y se utilizaron tres métodos para la obtención de películas sobre la superficie de acero al carbono. Las películas son formadas utilizando o no el H2O2, sin embargo, el papel del H2O2 es el de ...

  14. Crescimento de genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. C. Veloso


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se com este trabalho comparar o padrão de crescimento, mediante ajustes das respectivas curvas de crescimento por modelos não lineares, bem como estudar o desenvolvimento de cortes de carcaça em relação ao peso da carcaça em diferentes genótipos de frangos tipo caipira. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos da linhagem Redbro: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. As aves foram alojadas em 28 boxes, sendo 30 aves/boxe, em galpão de alvenaria com acesso a um piquete de 45m², com quatro repetições. O peso corporal individual dos frangos foi medido ao nascer, aos 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 e 84 dias de idade. Para a determinação das curvas de crescimento do peso corporal das aves, os dados coletados foram avaliados por meio dos modelos não lineares: Brody, Gompertz, Logístico, Richards e von Bertalanffy. Foi empregado o PROC NLIN do SAS, utilizando-se o método interativo de Gauss-Newton. Os critérios usados para escolha do modelo de melhor ajuste da curva de crescimento foram o coeficiente de determinação, o desvio padrão assintótico, o desvio médio absoluto dos resíduos e o índice assintótico. As análises para obtenção dos coeficientes alométricos foram realizadas por meio do PROC GLM do SAS para os genótipos Carijó, Colorpak, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Foram avaliados os pesos da carcaça, do peito, das coxas, das sobrecoxas, das pernas e das asas das aves abatidas aos 85 dias de idade. Apenas as equações propostas por Gompertz, von Bertalanffy e Logístico atingiram a convergência, e o modelo proposto por von Bertalanffy foi o mais adequado para descrever o crescimento dos genótipos de frangos caipiras. Todos os cortes avaliados apresentaram crescimento tardio em relação ao peso da carcaça em genótipos de frangos tipo caipira.

  15. Producción de aceros al carbono en hornos de arco eléctrico en condiciones de mineral de manganeso.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. E. Navas Medina


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye una segunda etapa de investigación relacionada con la producción de acero en hornos de arco eléctrico con revestimiento básico en condiciones de utilización de mineral de manganeso como sustituto del ferro-manganeso. En la investigación se caracteriza el acero producido utilizando el mineral de manganeso en dos variantes tecnológicas diferentes y se determinan parámetros importantes, tales como la estructura del acero obtenido, la influencia de la composición química y la temperatura en la reducción del Mn. Adicionalmente, se determina la composición química de la escoria, su basicidad e influencia en el aprovechamiento del Mn del mineral, así como, lo que significa la sustitución del FeMn en la problemática medioambiental. This present work constitutes the second stage of investigation in relation with the steel production by means of electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese ores as a substitute of the ferromanganese. In the investigation, the steel manufactured is analyzed the manganese ore in two different technological variants and some important parameters are determined such as: the chemical composition's structure of the steel, the influence of temperature in the reduction of Mn. Moreover, an analysis of the chemical composition of the slag and the influence in the environmental is realized.

  16. Optimisation of welding procedures for duplex and superduplex stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westin, Elin M.


    Austenitic stainless steels are increasingly being replaced by duplex grades that can offer similar corrosion resistance with far higher strength. This increased strength makes it possible to reduce material consumption whilst also decreasing transport and construction costs. Although established welding methods used for austenitic steels can be used for duplex steels, modification of the procedures can lead to improved results. This paper reviews the welding of duplex stainless steel and examines precautions that may be required. The advantages and disadvantages of different welding methods are highlighted and some high productivity solutions are presented. The application of a more efficient process with a high deposition rate (e.g. flux- cored arc welding) can decrease labour costs. Further close control of heat input and interpass temperature can result in more favourable microstructures and final properties. Although welding adversely affects the corrosion resistance of austenitic and duplex stainless steels, particularly the pitting resistance, relative to the parent material, this problem can be minimised by proper backing gas protection and subsequent pickling.

  17. Precisiones sobre la corrosión del acero en contacto con hormigón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrade, C.


    Full Text Available In this paper, we emphasize that now it is possible to use some electrochemical non-destructive techniques for measuring the corrosion rate of the metals. Also, it is possible to use the gravimetric determinations if the appropriate instrumentation is not available. The simple visual observation is a good complementary technique but it must not be used alone because of its subjectivity. Also, we stress some aspects, such as the influence of the alkalinity and the humidity, about the corrosion, that the bare and galvanized steel, can suffer in contact with construction materials. We analyze mainly, the influence of the type of cement on the risk of corrosion of both kinds of metals.

    En los presentes comentarios se insiste en que, para evaluar la velocidad de corrosión de los metales, en la actualidad se pueden utilizar técnicas electroquímicas no destructivas que permiten seguir la evolución del proceso diariamente, o bien, en el caso de no contar con los aparatos apropiados, se puede acudir a una determinación gravimétrica de la pérdida de metal. La simple observación visual es una valiosa indicación complementaria de las técnicas antes mencionadas, pero no debe utilizarse como técnica de medida única por la subjetividad que conlleva. También se precisan algunos aspectos sobre la corrosión que el acero desnudo y el galvanizado pueden sufrir por estar en contacto con materiales de construcción, como son la influencia de la alcalinidad y de la humedad del medio y, fundamentalmente, se analiza la influencia que puede ejercer el tipo de cemento en el riesgo de corrosión de ambas clases de metales.

  18. Features of residual stresses in duplex stainless steel butt welds (United States)

    Um, Tae-Hwan; Lee, Chin-Hyung; Chang, Kyong-Ho; Nguyen Van Do, Vuong


    Duplex stainless steel finds increasing use as an alternative to austenitic stainless steel, particularly where chloride or sulphide stress corrosion cracking is of primary concern, due to the excellent combination of strength and corrosion resistance. During welding, duplex stainless steel does not create the same magnitude or distribution of weld-induced residual stresses as those in welded austenitic stainless steel due to the different physical and mechanical properties between them. In this work, an experimental study on the residual stresses in butt-welded duplex stainless steel is performed utilizing the layering technique to investigate the characteristics of residual stresses in the weldment. Three-dimensional thermos-mechanical-metallurgical finite element analysis is also performed to confirm the residual stress measurements.

  19. Estudio de la resistencia a la abrasión de capas vitrocerámicas depositadas sobre acero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gómez de Salazar, J. M.


    Full Text Available Wear test has been completed on two types of layered materials: a non-reinforced enamel plate and a ceramic reinforced enamel plate. The latter has been tested in two forms: with 10 wt. % and 20 wt. % ceramic particles reinforcement. For comparison the same test has also been completed on polished steel. Wear resistance was measure using a tribometer, equipped with a chromium steel sphere of 6 mm diameter. The sphere-plate surface contact area increases with distance covered, which in the polished steel provokes exponential increments in wear values. This exponential behaviour was not observed in the enamel plates due to their greater wear resistance. The reinforcement of the enamel plates with ceramic particles increases the wear resistance. A higher percentage of ceramic reinforcement results in a greater wear resistance of the plates.

    Se han realizado ensayos de desgaste, tanto en placas esmaltadas sin refuerzo como en esmaltes con distinto porcentaje de carga cerámica (10 y 20% en peso, y se han comparado frente al del acero base pulido. Las medidas de resistencia a la abrasión se han obtenido utilizado un tribómetro con bola de acero al cromo de 6 mm de diámetro. El aumento de la superficie de contacto bola-placa a medida que aumenta la distancia recorrida, provoca aumentos exponenciales en los desgastes en el caso del acero pulido. Sin embargo, en el caso de las chapas esmaltadas no se observa este comportamiento, debido a la mayor resistencia al desgaste de las mismas. Cuando las capas esmaltadas están reforzadas con cargas cerámicas, la resistencia al desgaste aumenta con el porcentaje de refuerzo cerámico.

  20. Micromechanics of base pair unzipping in the DNA duplex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volkov, Sergey N; Paramonova, Ekaterina V; Yakubovich, Alexander V; Solov’yov, Andrey V


    All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of DNA duplex unzipping in a water environment were performed. The investigated DNA double helix consists of a Drew-Dickerson dodecamer sequence and a hairpin (AAG) attached to the end of the double-helix chain. The considered system is used to examine the process of DNA strand separation under the action of an external force. This process occurs in vivo and now is being intensively investigated in experiments with single molecules. The DNA dodecamer duplex is consequently unzipped pair by pair by means of the steered MD. The unzipping trajectories turn out to be similar for the duplex parts with G⋅C content and rather distinct for the parts with A⋅T content. It is shown that during the unzipping each pair experiences two types of motion: relatively quick rotation together with all the duplex and slower motion in the frame of the unzipping fork. In the course of opening, the complementary pair passes through several distinct states: (i) the closed state in the double helix, (ii) the metastable preopened state in the unzipping fork and (iii) the unbound state. The performed simulations show that water molecules participate in the stabilization of the metastable states of the preopened base pairs in the DNA unzipping fork. (paper)

  1. Fabricación aditiva mediante sinterizado láser de polvos de acero inoxidable martensítico AISI 420


    Vega Nava, Sergio


    Busqueda de los parámetros de fabricación adecuados y los tratamientos térmicos a realizar, con el fin de alcanzar durezas de 50 HRC y una adecuada porosidad, en el acero inoxidable AISI 420 obtenido mediante sinterizado láser.

  2. Diseño de conexiones mecánicas tipo canal en vigas compuestas bajo fuego//Design of channel mechanical connections in composite beam in

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yisel Larrua‐Pardo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propusieron dos métodos, uno simplificado y otro gráfico alternativo para el diseño de la conexión mecánica tipo canal en vigas compuestas de hormigón y acero en situación de incendio, a partir del estudio de su comportamiento. Se utilizó como herramienta la modelación numérica. El método simplificado desarrollado considera temperaturas definidas a través de la modelación térmica del ensayo push-out en situación de incendio y es coherente con las expresiones de diseño de las conexiones mecánicas tipo canal a temperatura ambiente y la formulación existente para el diseño de las conexiones tipo perno a elevadas temperaturas. El método gráfico alternativopropuesto constituye una opción que permite obtener de una forma directa y rápida, la resistencia a elevadas temperaturas de la conexión mecánica tipo canal para un tiempo de resistencia al fuego, en función de su resistencia a temperatura ambiente.Palabras claves: conexión mecánica tipo canal, método simplificado, método gráfico alternativo, modelación numérica, incendio._______________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn this paper two methods to design of channel mechanical connection are proposed, a simplified one and graphical alternative another, both using the numerical analysis for the study of the mechanical connection behavior. The developed simplified method considers temperatures defined through thethermal modelling of the push-out test in fire and it is coherent with the design expressions of the channel mechanical connections to ambient temperature, and the current formulation for the design of the stud connections al elevated temperatures. The proposed alternative graphical method constitutes an option that allows obtaining, in a direct and quick way, the resistance to elevatedtemperatures of the channel mechanical connections for a determined time of resistance to the fire, according to its

  3. Characterization of microstructure and texture across dissimilar super duplex/austenitic stainless steel weldment joint by super duplex filler metal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eghlimi, Abbas, E-mail: [Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Shamanian, Morteza [Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Eskandarian, Masoomeh [Department of Materials Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71348-51154 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Zabolian, Azam [Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Szpunar, Jerzy A. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK S7N 5A9 (Canada)


    In the present paper, microstructural changes across an as-welded dissimilar austenitic/duplex stainless steel couple welded by a super duplex stainless steel filler metal using gas tungsten arc welding process is characterized with optical microscopy and electron back-scattered diffraction techniques. Accordingly, variations of microstructure, texture, and grain boundary character distribution of base metals, heat affected zones, and weld metal were investigated. The results showed that the weld metal, which was composed of Widmanstätten austenite side-plates and allotriomorphic grain boundary austenite morphologies, had the weakest texture and was dominated by low angle boundaries. The welding process increased the ferrite content but decreased the texture intensity at the heat affected zone of the super duplex stainless steel base metal. In addition, through partial ferritization, it changed the morphology of elongated grains of the rolled microstructure to twinned partially transformed austenite plateaus scattered between ferrite textured colonies. However, the texture of the austenitic stainless steel heat affected zone was strengthened via encouraging recrystallization and formation of annealing twins. At both interfaces, an increase in the special character coincident site lattice boundaries of the primary phase as well as a strong texture with <100> orientation, mainly of Goss component, was observed. - Graphical abstract: Display Omitted - Highlights: • Weld metal showed local orientation at microscale but random texture at macroscale. • Intensification of <100> orientated grains was observed adjacent to the fusion lines. • The austenite texture was weaker than that of the ferrite in all duplex regions. • Welding caused twinned partially transformed austenites to form at SDSS HAZ. • At both interfaces, the ratio of special CSL boundaries of the primary phase increased.

  4. Comportamiento termomecánico de un acero microaleado al Nb-V


    Cartaya, E. A.; Varela, G.; Cabrera Marrero, José M.; Prado Pozuelo, José Manuel


    Empleando ensayos de compresión simple en ca- liente y relajación de tensiones después de la de - formación en un dilatómetro modelo DIL805T, se obtuvieron las curvas de fluencia y relajación de dos aceros, el primero de ellos al C – Mn y otro HS- LA con idéntica composición química base, micro- aleado con Nb – V. Los ensayos de compresión simple fueron efectua- dos a temperaturas en el rango austenítico, desde 900 – 1.200 ºC y velocidades de deformación de 0....

  5. Analyzing the Potential of Full Duplex in 5G Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gatnau, Marta; Berardinelli, Gilberto; Mahmood, Nurul Huda


    Full duplex technology has become an attractive solution for future 5th Generation (5G) systems for accommodating the exponentially growing mobile traffic demand. Full duplex allows a node to transmit and receive simultaneously in the same frequency band, thus, theoretically, doubling the system...... throughput over conventional half duplex systems. A key limitation in building a feasible full duplex node is the self-interference, i.e., the interference generated by the transmitted signal to the desired signal received on the same node. This constraint has been overcome given the recent advances...... in the self-interference cancellation technology. However, there are other limitations in achieving the theoretical full duplex gain: residual self-interference, traffic constraints and inter-cell and intra-cell interference. The contribution of this article is twofold. Firstly, achievable levels of self...

  6. Duplex-tube sodium-indication steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matal, O.; Martoch, J.


    The steam generator with duplex tubes and sodium indication is connected to the main sodium input and output via the inlet and outlet chambers and has indication spaces connected to the interspaces of the duplex tubes. The first indication space is linked with the auxiliary inlet pipe to the inlet chamber and the second indication space is connected with the auxiliary pipe to the outlet chamber. Mounted to the auxiliary inlet pipe is at least one closure, i.e., a valve or electromagnetic stop. Mounted on the auxiliary outlet pipe is an indication sensor, e.g., a sodium flow sensor. At least one indication space is provided with an alarm sensor, e.g., a thermocouple, a pressure gauge and one sensor to monitor the hydrogen content of sodium. (J.P.)

  7. Probing of miniPEGγ-PNA-DNA Hybrid Duplex Stability with AFM Force Spectroscopy. (United States)

    Dutta, Samrat; Armitage, Bruce A; Lyubchenko, Yuri L


    Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) are synthetic polymers, the neutral peptide backbone of which provides elevated stability to PNA-PNA and PNA-DNA hybrid duplexes. It was demonstrated that incorporation of diethylene glycol (miniPEG) at the γ position of the peptide backbone increased the thermal stability of the hybrid duplexes (Sahu, B. et al. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 5614-5627). Here, we applied atomic force microscopy (AFM) based single molecule force spectroscopy and dynamic force spectroscopy (DFS) to test the strength and stability of the hybrid 10 bp duplex. This hybrid duplex consisted of miniPEGγ-PNA and DNA of the same length (γ(MP)PNA-DNA), which we compared to a DNA duplex with a homologous sequence. AFM force spectroscopy data obtained at the same conditions showed that the γ(MP)PNA-DNA hybrid is more stable than the DNA counterpart, 65 ± 15 pN vs 47 ± 15 pN, respectively. The DFS measurements performed in a range of pulling speeds analyzed in the framework of the Bell-Evans approach yielded a dissociation constant, koff ≈ 0.030 ± 0.01 s⁻¹ for γ(MP)PNA-DNA hybrid duplex vs 0.375 ± 0.18 s⁻¹ for the DNA-DNA duplex suggesting that the hybrid duplex is much more stable. Correlating the high affinity of γ(MP)PNA-DNA to slow dissociation kinetics is consistent with prior bulk characterization by surface plasmon resonance. Given the growing interest in γ(MP)PNA as well as other synthetic DNA analogues, the use of single molecule experiments along with computational analysis of force spectroscopy data will provide direct characterization of various modifications as well as higher order structures such as triplexes and quadruplexes.

  8. The value and economic analysis of routine postoperative carotid duplex ultrasound surveillance after carotid endarterectomy. (United States)

    AbuRahma, Ali F; Srivastava, Mohit; AbuRahma, Zachary; Jackson, Will; Mousa, Albeir; Stone, Patrick A; Dean, L Scott; Green, Jason


    Several studies have reported on the role of postoperative duplex ultrasound surveillance after carotid endarterectomy (CEA) with varying results. Most of these studies had a small sample size or did not analyze cost-effectiveness. We analyzed 489 of 501 CEA patients with patch closure. All patients had immediate postoperative duplex ultrasound examination and were routinely followed up both clinically and with duplex ultrasound at regular intervals of 1 month, 6 months, 12 months, and every 12 months thereafter. A Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to estimate the rate of ≥50% and ≥80% post-CEA restenosis over time and the time frame of progression from normal to ≥50% or ≥80% restenosis. The cost of post-CEA duplex surveillance was also estimated. Overall, 489 patients with a mean age of 68.5 years were analyzed. Ten of these had residual postoperative ≥50% stenosis, and 37 did not undergo a second duplex ultrasound examination and therefore were not included in the final analysis. The mean follow-up was 20.4 months (range, 1-63 months), with a mean number of duplex ultrasound examinations of 3.6 (range, 1-7). Eleven of 397 patients (2.8%) with a normal finding on immediate postoperative duplex ultrasound vs 4 of 45 (8.9%) with mild stenosis on immediate postoperative duplex ultrasound progressed to ≥50% restenosis (P = .055). Overall, 15 patients (3.1%) had ≥50% restenosis, 9 with 50% to duplex ultrasound), which equals $1,408,320, to detect only four patients with ≥80% to 99% restenosis who may have been potential candidates for reintervention. This study shows that the value of routine postoperative duplex ultrasound surveillance after CEA with patch closure may be limited, particularly if the finding on immediate postoperative duplex ultrasound is normal or shows minimal disease. Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Estudio de electrodeposición de cobre sobre electrodos porosos de grafito y acero inoxidable vía SEM-DRX y análisis de imagen


    Constanzo-R., Robinson; Pagliero-N., Antonio; Vergara-G., Froilán


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativo de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el interior de electrodos porosos (EP) de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de laboratorio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme al i...

  10. Impact of Duplex arterial mapping on decision making in non-acute ischemic limb patients. (United States)

    Elbadawy, A; Aly, H; Ibrahim, M; Bakr, H


    The aim of this study was to demonstrate the impact of Duplex arterial mapping on decision making in non-acute ischemic limb patient group reporting pain onset between 15 days and 3 months. We prospectively evaluated patients presented with critical limb ischemia who reported pain onset of duration between 15 days and 3 months in one-year period. Our series included thirty cases (mean age=61.3 years old), as Duplex arterial mapping was the sole preoperative imaging tool performed in all of them. All patients, in whom duplex indicated thrombosis in long occluded segments, were candidates for fluoroscopically guided thrombectomy. When Duplex defined chronic arterial occlusions, patients underwent endovascular or bypass revascularisation procedures. Impact of Duplex wall interrogation on decision-making between the two groups (subacute and chronic) was measured. Duplex arterial mapping categorized correctly all 30 patients into either subacute ischemia with removable clot (N.=14) or chronic ischemia (N.=16). Fluoroscopic guided thrombectomy was performed in 14 cases when Duplex advised long occluded arterial segments as indicted by intact intima with echogenic thrombus inside. Bypass surgery was performed in 8 patients. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) was done in 7 cases and thrombendartrectomy of common femoral artery in a single case. One-year patency rate in our series was 86.6%. It was 71.4% in thrombosis group. Limb salvage rate was 93.3%. Duplex arterial mapping could be used to differentiate the subacute ischemia with removable thrombus and chronic arterial occlusions guiding for the best revascularization procedure accordingly.

  11. On the Potential of Full Duplex Performance in 5G Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gatnau, Marta; Fleischer, Marko; Berardinelli, Gilberto


    inter-cell interference and traffic constraints. In this paper, we first study the self-interference cancellation capabilities by using a real demonstrator. Results show that achieving ~110 dB of cancellation is already possible with the current available technology, thus providing the required level...... of isolation to build an operational full duplex node. Secondly, we investigate the inter-cell interference and traffic constraints impact on the full duplex performance in 5th generation systems. System level results show that both the traffic and the inter-cell interference can significantly reduce...... the potential gain of full duplex with respect to half duplex. However, for large traffic asymmetry, full duplex can boost the performance of the lightly loaded link....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zita Iždinská


    Full Text Available The duplex stainless steel is two-phase steel with the structure composed of austenite and ferrite with optimum austenite/ferrite proportion 50%. At present, classical arc processes for welding duplex steels are generally regarded as acceptable. On the other hand electron and laser beam welding is up to now considered less suitable for welding duplex steels. The submitted work presents the results of testing various thermal conditions at welding duplex stainless steel with electron beam. It was shown, that application of suitable postheat made possible to reduce the ferrite content in weld metal.

  13. Quality assurance of lower limb venous duplex scans performed by vascular surgeons. (United States)

    Kordowicz, A; Ferguson, G; Salaman, R; Onwudike, M


    Duplex scanning is the gold standard for investigating venous reflux; increasingly surgeons perform these scans themselves. There has been no data published analysing the accuracy of Duplex scans performed by vascular surgeons. We aimed to evaluate an objective method of comparing the results of lower limb Duplex scans performed by one consultant vascular surgeon with those performed by a vascular technologist. We assessed 100 legs with symptomatic varicose veins. Each patient underwent two lower limb venous Duplex scans; one performed by a consultant vascular surgeon and one by a vascular technologist. Scan results were randomised and sent to two consultant vascular surgeons blinded to the identity and experience of the sonographer. They were asked to recommend treatment. A k score was calculated in each case to assess the level of agreement between the scans performed by the consultant and the technologist. Eighty-one patients were studied (53 females). The kappa score for assessor 1 was 0.60 (95%CI:0.44-0.75) and for assessor 2 was 0.62 (95%CI:0.48-0.75). k scores >0.60 represent a substantial strength of agreement. Duplex scans performed by this surgeon were comparable to those performed by a vascular technologist. It is possible to quality-assure duplex performed by vascular surgeons without directly observing the scanning process or reviewing digitally recorded images. We propose standardisation of training, assessment and quality assurance for vascular surgeons wishing to perform ultrasound scans.

  14. Selection of patients with infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with duplex scanning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bostroem Ardin, A.; Hellberg, A.; Ljungman, C.; Logason, K.; Karacagil, S.; Loefberg, A.M.; Andren, B.


    Aim: To evaluate the role of duplex scanning in the selection of patients with infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA). Material and Methods: From January 1995 through May 2000, 702 patients (952 limbs), with chronic lower extremity ischemia due to infrainguinal atherosclerotic disease diagnosed by duplex scanning, were retrospectively studied. Diagnostic angiography (130 limbs) or infrainguinal PTA (108 limbs) was performed in 238 limbs. Two investigators retrospectively analyzed the duplex examinations and angiographies in a blinded manner and used similar criteria for the interpretation of lesions suitable or not suitable for PTA. Results: The superficial femoral, popliteal and crural artery lesions were correctly selected for PTA in 85%, 66% and 32%, respectively. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value and positive predictive value of duplex scanning to appropriately categorize femoropopliteal lesions as suitable or unsuitable for PTA were 89%, 83%, 92%, 94% and 78%, respectively. The accuracy of duplex scanning for predicting the performance of infrainguinal PTA was 83%. Conclusion: Duplex scanning has an important impact on the selection of treatment modalities in limbs with infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease. Femoropopliteal lesions can be reliably selected to PTA according to duplex scan findings

  15. Duplex evaluation following femoropopliteal angioplasty and stenting: criteria and utility of surveillance. (United States)

    Baril, Donald T; Marone, Luke K


    Surveillance following lower extremity bypass, carotid endarterectomy, and endovascular aortic aneurysm repair has become the standard of care at most institutions. Conversely, surveillance following lower extremity endovascular interventions is performed somewhat sporadically in part because the duplex criteria for recurrent stenoses have been ill defined. It appears that duplex surveillance after peripheral endovascular interventions, as with conventional bypass, is beneficial in identifying recurrent lesions which may preclude failure and occlusion. In-stent stenosis following superficial femoral artery angioplasty and stenting can be predicted by both peak systolic velocity and velocity ratio data as measured by duplex ultrasound. Duplex criteria have been defined to determine both ≥50% in-stent stenosis and ≥80% in-stent stenosis. Although not yet well studied, it appears that applying these criteria during routine surveillance may assist in preventing failure of endovascular interventions.

  16. Templated Chemistry for Sequence-Specific Fluorogenic Detection of Duplex DNA (United States)

    Li, Hao; Franzini, Raphael M.; Bruner, Christopher; Kool, Eric T.


    We describe the development of templated fluorogenic chemistry for detection of specific sequences of duplex DNA in solution. In this approach, two modified homopyrimidine oligodeoxynucleotide probes are designed to bind by triple helix formation at adjacent positions on a specific purine-rich target sequence of duplex DNA. One fluorescein-labeled probe contains an α-azidoether linker to a fluorescence quencher; the second (trigger) probe carries a triarylphosphine, designed to reduce the azide and cleave the linker. The data showed that at pH 5.6 these probes yielded a strong fluorescence signal within minutes on addition to a complementary homopurine duplex DNA target. The signal increased by a factor of ca. 60, and was completely dependent on the presence of the target DNA. Replacement of cytosine in the probes with pseudoisocytosine allowed the templated chemistry to proceed readily at pH 7. Single nucleotide mismatches in the target oligonucleotide slowed the templated reaction considerably, demonstrating high sequence selectivity. The use of templated fluorogenic chemistry for detection of duplex DNAs has not been previously reported and may allow detection of double stranded DNA, at least for homopurine-homopyrimidine target sites, under native, non-disturbing conditions. PMID:20859985

  17. Podiatry Ankle Duplex Scan: Readily Learned and Accurate in Diabetes. (United States)

    Normahani, Pasha; Powezka, Katarzyna; Aslam, Mohammed; Standfield, Nigel J; Jaffer, Usman


    We aimed to train podiatrists to perform a focused duplex ultrasound scan (DUS) of the tibial vessels at the ankle in diabetic patients; podiatry ankle (PodAnk) duplex scan. Thirteen podiatrists underwent an intensive 3-hour long simulation training session. Participants were then assessed performing bilateral PodAnk duplex scans of 3 diabetic patients with peripheral arterial disease. Participants were assessed using the duplex ultrasound objective structured assessment of technical skills (DUOSATS) tool and an "Imaging Score". A total of 156 vessel assessments were performed. All patients had abnormal waveforms with a loss of triphasic flow. Loss of triphasic flow was accurately detected in 145 (92.9%) vessels; the correct waveform was identified in 139 (89.1%) cases. Participants achieved excellent DUOSATS scores (median 24 [interquartile range: 23-25], max attainable score of 26) as well as "Imaging Scores" (8 [8-8], max attainable score of 8) indicating proficiency in technical skills. The mean time taken for each bilateral ankle assessment was 20.4 minutes (standard deviation ±6.7). We have demonstrated that a focused DUS for the purpose of vascular assessment of the diabetic foot is readily learned using intensive simulation training.

  18. A comparison of tensile, fracture and fatigue mechanical behaviour of structural reinforcing bars made with different steels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez, C.


    Full Text Available The use of austenitic stainless steels as rebar is an option increasingly used in reinforced concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments and especially those that have to work in marine environments. The same is true for duplex stainless steel rebars, although nowadays they have a lower use, mainly due to the fact that their inclusion in the reinforced concrete standards was delayed 10 years compared to austenitic stainless steel ones, and consequently their in-service behavior is not as well known. A study of the mechanical properties, including fracture toughness, fatigue behaviour and corrosion resistance in saline alkaline environments of austenitic (AISI 304LN and 316LN and duplex (D2205 stainless steel reinforcing bars was performed in this work. Bars made on a high ductility carbon steel (B500SD that are normally used to reinforce concrete were also characterized and used as a comparison. Stainless steel reinforcing bars show mechanical properties at least similar but usually higher than one of the best carbon steel re-bars (B500SD, along with a significantly higher ductility and, of course, much better corrosion behaviour in saline alkaline environments.El uso de aceros inoxidables austeníticos como armaduras de refuerzo es una opción cada vez más utilizada en estructuras de hormigón armado expuestas a ambientes agresivos y especialmente en las que han de trabajar en ambientes marinos. Lo mismo cabe decir de las armaduras de acero inoxidable dúplex, si bien su uso es menor, debido sobre todo a que su inclusión en la normativa aplicable al armado de hormigón se retrasó 10 años con respecto a los inoxidables austeníticos y, consecuentemente, su comportamiento en servicio es menos conocido. En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento mecánico, incluyendo fractura y fatiga, así como la resistencia a la corrosión en medios que simulan un hormigón contaminado de cloruros, de armaduras fabricadas tanto con

  19. Toughness and other mechanical properties of the duplex stainless steel 2205

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sieurin, H.; Sandstroem, R.


    The use and range of potential applications of duplex stainless steel continuously increase. An overview of the mechanical properties of duplex stainless steel 2205 is presented with focus on toughness properties. Impact and fracture toughness as well as strength results from the European research project, EcoPress, are presented. (orig.)

  20. Comportamiento parabólico del crecimiento de capas boradas en los aceros Y8A y X12M // Parabolic behavior of boriding layers growth in Y8A and X12M steels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Figueroa Hernández


    Full Text Available Se determina la influencia que tienen los principales parámetros tecnológicos del borado en el crecimiento de las capas y secorrobora el cumplimiento de la ley parabólica para predecir este comportamiento en los aceros Y8A y X12M.El proceso de borado se aplica en una mezcla de carburo de silicio y bórax (70 y 30 % a la temperatura de 850, 900 y 950 oCdurante un tiempo de 2, 4 y 6 horas. Como variable dependiente se seleccionó la profundidad del recubrimiento, a partir de lacual se obtuvieron los coeficientes del crecimiento parabólico y la energía de activación en función de la temperatura, el tiempodel proceso y el tipo de acero.La caracterización metalográfica reveló la presencia de la fase Fe2BPalabras claves: Borado, recubrimiento superf icial , t ecnología de recubrimiento.__________________________________________________________________________AbstractIt was determined the influence of the main technological parameters of the boriding process, and a mathematical model thatallows to predict this conduct on the steels Y8A and X12M steels was obtained.The boriding process is applied in a mixture of silicon carbide and borax (70 and 30% at 850, 900 and 950 oC temperatureduring a period of time 2, 4 and 6 hours. As an independent variable the depth of the coat was selected.It was obtained the parabolic growth coefficients, and the activation energy according to temperature, time and the chemicalcomposition of steel.Metallografic analysis reveals the presence of Fe2B phase.Key words: Boriding process, superf icial coat , coat technology.

  1. Base Pair Opening in a Deoxynucleotide Duplex Containing a cis-syn Thymine Cyclobutane Dimer Lesion (United States)

    Wenke, Belinda B.; Huiting, Leah N.; Frankel, Elisa B.; Lane, Benjamin F.; Núñez, Megan E.


    The cis-syn thymine cyclobutane dimer is a DNA photoproduct implicated in skin cancer. We compared the stability of individual base pairs in thymine dimer-containing duplexes to undamaged parent 10-mer duplexes. UV melting thermodynamic measurements, CD spectroscopy, and 2D NOESY NMR spectroscopy confirm that the thymine dimer lesion is locally and moderately destabilizing within an overall B-form duplex conformation. We measured the rates of exchange of individual imino protons by NMR using magnetization transfer from water and determined the equilibrium constant for the opening of each base pair Kop. In the normal duplex Kop decreases from the frayed ends of the duplex toward the center, such that the central TA pair is the most stable with a Kop of 8×10−7. In contrast, base pair opening at the 5’T of the thymine dimer is facile. The 5’T of the dimer has the largest equilibrium constant (Kop =3×10−4) in its duplex, considerably larger than even the frayed penultimate base pairs. Notably, base pairing by the 3’T of the dimer is much more stable than by the 5’T, indicating that the predominant opening mechanism for the thymine dimer lesion is not likely to be flipping out into solution as a single unit. The dimer asymmetrically affects the stability of the duplex in its vicinity, destabilizing base pairing on its 5’ side more than on the 3’ side. The striking differences in base pair opening between parent and dimer duplexes occur independently of the duplex-single strand melting transitions. PMID:24328089

  2. Effects of trimethylamine N-oxide and urea on DNA duplex and G-quadruplex. (United States)

    Ueda, Yu-Mi; Zouzumi, Yu-Ki; Maruyama, Atsushi; Nakano, Shu-Ichi; Sugimoto, Naoki; Miyoshi, Daisuke


    We systematically investigated effects of molecular crowding with trimethylamine N -oxide (TMAO) as a zwitterionic and protective osmolyte and urea as a nonionic denaturing osmolyte on conformation and thermodynamics of the canonical DNA duplex and the non-canonical DNA G-quadruplex. It was found that TMAO and urea stabilized and destabilized, respectively, the G-quadruplex. On the other hand, these osmolytes generally destabilize the duplex; however, it was observed that osmolytes having the trimethylamine group stabilized the duplex at the lower concentrations because of a direct binding to a groove of the duplex. These results are useful not only to predict DNA structures and their thermodynamics under physiological environments in living cells, but also design of polymers and materials to regulate structure and stability of DNA sequences.

  3. Influence of the filler material on the pitting corrosion in welded duplex stainless

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Munez, C. J.; Utrilla, M. V.; Urena, A.; Otero, E.


    In this work, it has been studied the pitting corrosion resistance of welding duplex stainless steel 2205. Unions were made by GMAW process with different fillers: duplex ER 2209 and two austenitic (ER 316LSi and ER 308LSi). the microstructure obtained with the duplex ER 2209 filler is similar to the duplex 2205 base material, but the unions produced with the austenitic fillers cause a decrease of the phases relationα/γ. To evaluate the influence of the filler on the weld, the pitting corrosion resistance was determined by electrochemical critical pitting temperature test (TCP) and the mechanical properties by the hardness. The phases imbalance produced for the dissimilar fillers bring out a variation of the pitting corrosion resistance and the mechanical properties. (Author)

  4. Duplex sonography of the near-surface leg veins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendoza, E.


    The book contains the following contributions: The ultrasonograph, selection of the ultrasonic transducer, anatomy of the near-surface vein system, physiology of the near-surface vein system, varicose status classification, systematics of the duplex sonography of near-surface leg veins, provocational maneuver for the duplex sonographic varicose diagnostics, exploration of vena saphena parva, perforans veins, side branches, phlebitis, sonography for varicose therapy, postsurgical sonography, deep leg veins, examination of near-surface leg veins for the pathology of the deep vein system, differential diagnostic clarification of leg oedema from the phlebologic-lymphological view, diagnostic side features along the near-surface leg veins

  5. Dwell-Time Distribution, Long Pausing and Arrest of Single-Ribosome Translation through the mRNA Duplex. (United States)

    Xie, Ping


    Proteins in the cell are synthesized by a ribosome translating the genetic information encoded on the single-stranded messenger RNA (mRNA). It has been shown that the ribosome can also translate through the duplex region of the mRNA by unwinding the duplex. Here, based on our proposed model of the ribosome translation through the mRNA duplex we study theoretically the distribution of dwell times of the ribosome translation through the mRNA duplex under the effect of a pulling force externally applied to the ends of the mRNA to unzip the duplex. We provide quantitative explanations of the available single molecule experimental data on the distribution of dwell times with both short and long durations, on rescuing of the long paused ribosomes by raising the pulling force to unzip the duplex, on translational arrests induced by the mRNA duplex and Shine-Dalgarno(SD)-like sequence in the mRNA. The functional consequences of the pauses or arrests caused by the mRNA duplex and the SD sequence are discussed and compared with those obtained from other types of pausing, such as those induced by "hungry" codons or interactions of specific sequences in the nascent chain with the ribosomal exit tunnel.

  6. Duplex Healing of Selectively Thiolated Guanosine Mismatches through a Cd2+ Chemical Stimulus. (United States)

    Lunn, Samantha M L; Hribesh, Samira; Whitfield, Colette J; Hall, Michael J; Houlton, Andrew; Bronowska, Agnieszka K; Tuite, Eimer M; Pike, Andrew R


    The on-column selective conversion of guanosine to thioguanosine (tG) yields modified oligomers that exhibit destabilisation over the fully complementary duplex. Restoration to a stabilised duplex is induced through thio-directed Cd 2+ coordination; a route for healing DNA damage. Short oligomers are G-specifically thiolated through a modified on-column protocol without the need for costly thioguanosine phosphoramidites. Addition of Cd 2+ ions to a duplex containing a highly disrupted tG central mismatch sequence, 3'-A 6 tG 4 T 6 -5', suggests a (tG) 8 Cd 2 central coordination regime, resulting in increased base stacking and duplex stability. Equilibrium molecular dynamic calculations support the hypothesis of metal-induced healing of the thiolated duplex. The 2 nm displacement of the central tG mismatched region is dramatically reduced after the addition of a chemical stimuli, Cd 2+ ions, returning to a minimized fluctuational state comparable to the unmodified fully complementary oligomer. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Refuerzo de elementos estructurales de hormigón armado mediante encolado de bandas de acero con adhesivos epoxídicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernández Cánovas, Manuel


    Full Text Available The strengthening of structural elements of reinforced concrete submitted to bending, by means of sticking with an epoxy-adhesive of the precise structure in shape of, steel bands is a more and more used system. But, however, in many cases the strengthening to not runs properly or is no more effective after awhile due to a bad knowledge of its technig, causing the structure to sink. In this report the author resumes part of the work carried out by the Eduardo Torroja Institute from the Higher Scientific Research Council, and studies the different parameters that could influence on the efficacity of this kind of strengthening.El refuerzo de elementos estructurales de hormigón armado, sometidos a flexión, mediante el encolado con un adhesivo epoxi de la armadura precisa en forma de bandas de acero, es un sistema cada día más utilizado y que, sin embargo, en muchos casos, por un mal conocimiento de su técnica, el refuerzo no funciona como debiera o deja de ser eficaz al cabo de cierto tiempo, provocando incluso el hundimiento de la estructura. En este artículo el autor resume una parte del trabajo llevado a cabo en el Instituto Eduardo Torroja del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, y en el que se estudian los diferentes parámetros que pueden influir en la eficacia de este tipo de refuerzos.

  8. Divergência genética entre genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. C. Veloso


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se com este trabalho verificar a divergência genética entre sete genótipos de frangos tipo caipira da linhagem Redbro utilizando as características de desempenho por meio de técnicas de análise multivariada. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Após a consistência dos dados, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: ganho em peso médio diário, consumo de ração médio diário e conversão alimentar, para os períodos: 1 a 28, 1 a 56, 1 a 70 e 1 a 84 dias de idade; peso corporal ao nascimento, aos 28, 56, 70 e aos 84 dias de idade. O desempenho dos genótipos foi avaliado por meio da análise de variância multivariada e da função discriminante linear de Fisher, usando os testes do maior autovalor de Roy e da união-interseção de Roy para as comparações múltiplas. O estudo da divergência genética foi feito por meio da análise por variáveis canônicas e pelo método de otimização de Tocher. Os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram médias canônicas diferentes dos demais genótipos. As duas primeiras variáveis canônicas explicaram 97,41% da variação entre os genótipos. A divergência genética entre os genótipos avaliados permitiu a formação de quatro grupos com os seguintes genótipos: grupo 1 - Colorpak; grupo 2 - Pesadão Vermelho e Pescoço Pelado; grupo 3 - Carijó e Tricolor; e grupo 4 - Caboclo e Gigante Negro.

  9. Breaking the Transmitter-Receiver Isolation Barrier in Mobile Handsets with Spatial Duplexing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alrabadi, Osama; Tatomirescu, Alexandru; Knudsen, Mikael


    In full-duplex radio communication systems like eUTRAN, CDMA-2000, the radio transmitter (Tx) is active at the same time as the radio receiver (Rx). The Tx and the Rx will be using separate dedicated frequency bands and the Tx-Rx isolation is ensured by duplex filters. However, agile duplexers...... required for multiband operation are almost non-existent while dedicating a bank of narrowband filters is bulky and incurs considerable switching losses. In this article we propose an approach that dramatically reduces the complexity of the RF frontend, first by replacing the duplex filter with a spatial...... frequency bands as long as the antennas are made tunable. Moreover, the spatial filter may directly benefit from the balanced architecture of the power amplifiers (PAs) thus reducing the total system complexity and insertion loss. Finally, simulation and initial measurement results are provided...

  10. Can Full Duplex reduce the discovery time in D2D Communication?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gatnau, Marta; Berardinelli, Gilberto; Mahmood, Nurul Huda


    Device-to-device (D2D) communication is considered as one of the key technologies to support new types of services, such as public safety and proximity-based applications. D2D communication requires a discovery phase, i.e., the node awareness procedure prior to the communication phase. Conventional...... half duplex transmission may not be sufficient to provide fast discovery and cope with the strict latency targets of future 5G services. On the other hand, in-band full duplex, by allowing simultaneous transmission and reception, may complete the discovery phase faster. In this paper, the potential...... of full duplex in providing fast discovery for the next 5th generation (5G) system supporting D2D communication is investigated. A design for such system is presented and evaluated via simulations, showing that full duplex can accelerate the discovery phase by supporting a higher transmission probability...

  11. On full duplex Gaussian relay channels with self-interference

    KAUST Repository

    Behboodi, Arash


    Self interference (SI) in full duplex (FD) systems is the interference caused by the transmission stream on the reception stream. Being one of the main restrictive factors for performance of practical full duplex systems, however, not too much is known about its effect on the fundamental limits of relaying systems. In this work, we consider the full duplex three-node relay channel with SI where SI is modeled as an additive Gaussian noise whose variance is dependent on instantaneous input power. The classical achievable rates and upper bounds for the single three-node relay channel no longer apply due to the structure of SI. Achievable rates for Decode-and-Forward (DF) and Compress-and-Forward (CF) and upper bounds on the capacity are derived assuming Gaussian inputs and SI. The deterministic model is also introduced and its capacity is characterized. The optimal joint source-relay distributions is discussed. Numerical results are provided comparing the achievable rates and upper bound. © 2016 IEEE.

  12. Duplex recombinase polymerase amplification assays incorporating competitive internal controls for bacterial meningitis detection. (United States)

    Higgins, Owen; Clancy, Eoin; Forrest, Matthew S; Piepenburg, Olaf; Cormican, Martin; Boo, Teck Wee; O'Sullivan, Nicola; McGuinness, Claire; Cafferty, Deirdre; Cunney, Robert; Smith, Terry J


    Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) is an isothermal nucleic acid amplification technology that provides rapid and robust infectious disease pathogen detection, ideal for point-of-care (POC) diagnostics in disease-prevalent low-resource countries. We have developed and evaluated three duplex RPA assays incorporating competitive internal controls for the detection of leading bacterial meningitis pathogens. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae singleplex RPA assays were initially developed and evaluated, demonstrating 100% specificity with limits of detection of 4.1, 8.5 and 3.9 genome copies per reaction, respectively. Each assay was further developed into internally controlled duplex RPA assays via the incorporation of internal amplification control templates. Clinical performance of each internally controlled duplex RPA assay was evaluated by testing 64 archived PCR-positive clinical samples. Compared to real-time PCR, all duplex RPA assays demonstrated 100% diagnostic specificity, with diagnostic sensitivities of 100%, 86.3% and 100% for the S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis and H. influenzae assays, respectively. This study details the first report of internally controlled duplex RPA assays for the detection of bacterial meningitis pathogens: S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis and H. influenzae. We have successfully demonstrated the clinical diagnostic utility of each duplex RPA assay, introducing effective diagnostic technology for POC bacterial meningitis identification in disease-prevalent developing countries. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Sigma phase morphologies in cast and aged super duplex stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martins, Marcelo; Casteletti, Luiz Carlos


    Solution annealed and water quenched duplex and super duplex stainless steels are thermodynamically metastable systems at room temperature. These systems do not migrate spontaneously to a thermodynamically stable condition because an energy barrier separates the metastable and stable states. However, any heat input they receive, for example through isothermal treatment or through prolonged exposure to a voltaic arc in the welding process, cause them to reach a condition of stable equilibrium which, for super duplex stainless steels, means precipitation of intermetallic and carbide phases. These phases include the sigma phase, which is easily identified from its morphology, and its influence on the material's impact strength. The purpose of this work was to ascertain how 2-hour isothermal heat treatments at 920 deg. C and 980 deg. C affect the microstructure of ASTM A890/A890M GR 6A super duplex stainless steel. The sigma phase morphologies were found to be influenced by these two aging temperatures, with the material showing a predominantly lacy microstructure when heat treated at 920 deg. C and block-shaped when heat treated at 980 deg. C.

  14. Tricriticality in the q-neighbor Ising model on a partially duplex clique. (United States)

    Chmiel, Anna; Sienkiewicz, Julian; Sznajd-Weron, Katarzyna


    We analyze a modified kinetic Ising model, a so-called q-neighbor Ising model, with Metropolis dynamics [Phys. Rev. E 92, 052105 (2015)PLEEE81539-375510.1103/PhysRevE.92.052105] on a duplex clique and a partially duplex clique. In the q-neighbor Ising model each spin interacts only with q spins randomly chosen from its whole neighborhood. In the case of a duplex clique the change of a spin is allowed only if both levels simultaneously induce this change. Due to the mean-field-like nature of the model we are able to derive the analytic form of transition probabilities and solve the corresponding master equation. The existence of the second level changes dramatically the character of the phase transition. In the case of the monoplex clique, the q-neighbor Ising model exhibits a continuous phase transition for q=3, discontinuous phase transition for q≥4, and for q=1 and q=2 the phase transition is not observed. On the other hand, in the case of the duplex clique continuous phase transitions are observed for all values of q, even for q=1 and q=2. Subsequently we introduce a partially duplex clique, parametrized by r∈[0,1], which allows us to tune the network from monoplex (r=0) to duplex (r=1). Such a generalized topology, in which a fraction r of all nodes appear on both levels, allows us to obtain the critical value of r=r^{*}(q) at which a tricriticality (switch from continuous to discontinuous phase transition) appears.

  15. Magnetic resonance urography in duplex kidney with ectopic ureteral insertion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Conjeevaram Rajendrarao Thambidorai


    Full Text Available This is a report on the use of magnetic resonance urography (MRU in a 6-year-old girl who presented with urinary incontinence. She had a left duplex kidney with poorly functioning upper moiety and ectopic insertion of the dilated upper pole ureter. MRU has been shown to be superior to conventional imaging techniques in delineating poorly functioning moieties of duplex kidneys and ectopic ureters.

  16. Caracterización y propiedades mecánicas a alta temperatura de un acero inoxidable dúplex

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiménez, J. A.


    Full Text Available The microstructure and mechanical behavior at high temperature of a thermomechanical processed duplex stainless steel have been studied. Recrystalization of the material takes place during heating to test temperature, and a microstructure consisting of islands of austenitic grains of about 10-15 μm in size included in a more or less continuous matrix of ferrite is observed. Tensile tests at temperatures above 1,000°C and at low strain rates show a stress exponent of about 2 and elongations to failure up to 290 %. These values suggest that deformation is controlled by a grain boundary sliding mechanism, which causes a decrease in the size of the islands during deformation. Finally, an activation energy for plastic deformation of 167 kJ/mol was observed that was related to the activation energy for grain boundary diffusion of iron.

    Se ha estudiado la microestructura y el comportamiento mecánico a alta temperatura de un acero inoxidable dúplex procesado termomecánicamente. Durante el calentamiento a la temperatura de ensayo, el material recristaliza y se obtiene una microestructura de granos austeníticos de tamaños comprendidos entre 10 y 15 μm agrupados en islas incluidas en una matriz más o menos continua de ferrita. Ensayos de tracción a temperaturas superiores a 1.000°C y bajas velocidades de deformación muestran un exponente de la tensión igual a 2 y alargamientos a rotura de hasta 290 %. Estos valores permiten asociar el mecanismo de deformación al deslizamiento de fronteras de grano, el cual determina la desaparición progresiva de las islas de granos austeníticos durante la deformación. Finalmente, se encontró un valor de 167 kJ/mol para la energía de activación de la deformación plástica, la cual se relacionó con la energía de autodifusión del hierro a lo largo de las fronteras de grano.

  17. Venous filling time using air-plethysmography correlates highly with great saphenous vein reflux time using duplex. (United States)

    Lattimer, C R; Azzam, M; Kalodiki, E; Geroulakos, G


    Venous filling time (VFT90) is the time taken to reach 90% of the venous volume in the calf. It is recorded by air-plethysmography (APG(®)) and is assumed to measure global venous reflux duration. However, this has never been confirmed by duplex. The aim of the study was to compare VFT on APG to venous reflux time/duration (RT) measured simultaneously with duplex on the same patients. Twenty-six consecutive patients, M:F = 16:10, age (25-78), C1 = 1, C2 = 4, C3 = 8, C4a = 6, C4b = 4, C5 = 2, C6 = 1, underwent simultaneous APG with duplex. The venous filling index (VFI, mL/second), VFT90 (seconds), great saphenous vein (GSV) RT on duplex, averaged thigh GSV diameter and thigh length (length) between the APG sensor air-cuff and duplex transducer were recorded. The VFT100 was calculated by VFT90/0.9. The additional time taken to fill the thigh was achieved using the VFI, length and deep vein diameter (d), to determine the corrected reflux duration: CRD = VFT100 + (length × πd(2)/4 (1/VFI)). Twenty-five patients are presented. One patient with very mild reflux (VFT90 = 55.9 seconds) had an indeterminate endpoint on duplex and was excluded. The median (range) VFI and GSV diameter was 4.9(1.3-15.5) mL/second and 7(4-17) mm, respectively. The VFT90 and VFT100 both correlated with RT on duplex (Spearman, P duplex RT at 24 (16.9) versus 28 (20) seconds respectively, P duplex by performing simultaneous measurements. There was an excellent correlation between the VFT90 versus duplex RT, thereby comparing reverse flow in a single superficial vein against the legs overall venous haemodynamic status. These tests can both be used in the quantification of reflux.

  18. Evaluation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Dissimilar Austenitic/Super Duplex Stainless Steel Joint (United States)

    Rahmani, Mehdi; Eghlimi, Abbas; Shamanian, Morteza


    To study the effect of chemical composition on microstructural features and mechanical properties of dissimilar joints between super duplex and austenitic stainless steels, welding was attempted by gas tungsten arc welding process with a super duplex (ER2594) and an austenitic (ER309LMo) stainless steel filler metal. While the austenitic weld metal had vermicular delta ferrite within austenitic matrix, super duplex stainless steel was mainly comprised of allotriomorphic grain boundary and Widmanstätten side plate austenite morphologies in the ferrite matrix. Also the heat-affected zone of austenitic base metal comprised of large austenite grains with little amounts of ferrite, whereas a coarse-grained ferritic region was observed in the heat-affected zone of super duplex base metal. Although both welded joints showed acceptable mechanical properties, the hardness and impact strength of the weld metal produced using super duplex filler metal were found to be better than that obtained by austenitic filler metal.

  19. Efecto de la Composición Química del Metal de Aporte y del Calor Aportado Sobre la Microestructura y las Propiedades Mecánicas de Juntas Soldadas de Aceros Inoxidables Dúplex

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián Zappa

    Full Text Available Resumen Los aceros inoxidables dúplex poseen una microestructura dual (ferrita y austenita con contenidos aproximadamente iguales y se caracterizan por tener buena soldabilidad, buenas propiedades mecánicas y una alta resistencia a la corrosión generalizada y localizada. Gracias a estas características, estos aceros son los principales materiales a emplear en cañerías con altas exigencias, ampliamente utilizados en varias industrias, principalmente la petroquímica. Dichas propiedades están controladas por la composición química, el equilibrio microestructural y la ausencia de compuestos intermetálicos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la influencia de la composición química del metal de aporte y el calor aportado sobre la microestructura y las propiedades mecánicas en juntas soldadas de cañerías de acero inoxidable dúplex. El metal base utilizado fue un acero inoxidable dúplex UNS S31803 de 8” de diámetro y 8,18 mm de espesor y los metales de aporte fueron dos alambres tubulares que depositan aceros inoxidables dúplex y lean dúplex (AWS A5.22: E2209T1-1 y E2209T1-G, mediante el proceso de soldadura semi-automático bajo protección gaseosa, soldados con alto y bajo calor aportado. De cada probeta se extrajeron muestras donde se determinó la composición química, se realizó la caracterización microestructural y se determinaron las propiedades mecánicas (dureza, tracción y Charpy-V.

  20. La fatiga en las barras de acero corrugado para refuerzo de hormigón


    Avila Kildal, Francisco


    Para conseguir aprovechar los recursos que la sociedad invierte en infraestructuras de manera óptima es imprescindible, para la ingeniería civil, un buen conocimiento de los materiales y de sus propiedades. Partiendo de esta premisa, el objetivo de esta tesina es aportar conocimiento a la caracterización de las barras de acero corrugado para refuerzo de hormigón en su funcionamiento frente a la fatiga. Definimos fatiga como la alteración mecánica de los materiales bajo el ef...

  1. Color-coded duplex sonography in the study of thyroid pathologic conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anguissola, R.; Bozzini, A.; Campani, R.; Bottinelli, O.; Genovese, E.; Guglielmoni, B.; Fulle, I.; Bandi, G.


    The authors examined 110 patients with suspected pathologic conditions of the thyroid by means of color-coded duplex US. In addition to the information yielded by conventional US, this technique allows organ vascularization to be demonstrated. Five normal patients were considered as a control group: no tissue vascularization was demonstrated in these cases. In 8 patients presenting with carcinoma or recurrences, vascularization was markedly increased both peripheral and central to the nodule. A few doubts are still to be solved as to the diagnostic value of color-coded duplex US in the evaluation of non-carcinomas nodular pathologic conditions. As a matter of fact, non-functioning avascular adenomas can be demonstrated only in a very low percentage of cases (66%). Color-coded duplex US proved extremely sensitive and specific in depicting malignant neoplasms. Moreover, the use of fine.needle biopsy could be optimized and subsequently reduced. Color-coded duplex US proved to be markedly superior to othe rmethods and techniques in the study of thyroid diseases, especially thyroiditis and multiple pathologic conditions. The simultaneous presence of hypocapture at scintigraphy and peripheral and central vascularization in a single nodule or within multinodular struma at color-Doppler was highly suggestive of malignant thyroid neoplasm. Color-coded duplex US is a low-cost technique, which can be performed on an outpatient basis. Moreover, it is not invasive, nor does it damage the thyroid. That is why its use is almost mandatory in the study of pathologic conditions of the thyroid

  2. Development of a panel of seven duplex real-time PCR assays for detecting 13 streptococcal superantigens. (United States)

    Yang, Peng; Peng, Xiaomin; Cui, Shujuan; Shao, Junbin; Zhu, Xuping; Zhang, Daitao; Liang, Huijie; Wang, Quanyi


    Streptococcal superantigens (SAgs) are the major virulence factors of infection in humans for group A Streptococcus (GAS) bacteria. A panel consisting of seven duplex real-time PCR assays was developed to simultaneously detect 13 streptococcal SAgs and one internal control which may be important in the control of GAS-mediated diseases. Primer and probe sequences were selected based on the highly conserved region from an alignment of nucleotide sequences of the 13 streptococcal SAgs. The reaction conditions of the duplex real-time PCR were optimized and the specificity of the duplex assays was evaluated using SAg positive strains. The limit of detection of the duplex assays was determined by using 10-fold serial dilutions of the DNA of 13 streptococcal SAgs and compared to a conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for evaluating the duplex assays sensitivity. Using the duplex assays, we were able to differentiate between 13 SAgs from Streptococcus strains and other non-Streptococcus bacteria without cross-reaction. On the other hand, the limit of detection of the duplex assays was at least one or two log dilutions lower than that of the conventional PCR. The panel was highly specific (100%) and the limit of detection of these duplex groups was at least ten times lower than that obtained by using a conventional PCR method.

  3. Microbiological corrosion in low carbon steels; Corrosion microbiologica en aceros de bajo carbono

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medina-Custodio, O; Ortiz-Prado, A; Jacobo-Armendariz, V. H; Schouwenaars-Franssens, R [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;;;


    The Microbiologically Induced Corrosion affects several industries, such as oil industry where it is estimated that 20% to 30% pipes failures are related with microorganism. The chemical reactions generate ions transfer, this validate the use of electrochemical technique for its analysis. Coupons submerged in a nutritional medium with presence and absence of three different microorganisms during two periods, 48 hours and 28 days were studied. Polarization resistance (Rp) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) techniques were applied to determine the corrosively of the systems. The results show a greater corrosive effect of abiotic systems, this indicates a microorganisms protection effect to the metal, opposite to the first hypothesis. This result was ratified observing surface coupons by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique. A possible mechanism based on Evans - Tafel graph is proposed to explain inhibitor microorganism effect. [Spanish] La corrosion microbiologica es un tipo comun de deterioro que afecta diversas industrias, una de ellas es la petrolera en la que se estiman que el 20% o 30% de fallas en las tuberias de trasporte de hidrocarburos es favorecida por microorganismos. Las reacciones quimicas que sustentan estos, generan transferencia de iones, lo que justifica el empleo de tecnicas electroquimicas para su analisis. En este trabajo, se estudiaron probetas de acero de bajo carbono SAE 1018, sumergidas en un medio nutritivo rico en cloruros en presencia y ausencia de tres diferentes cargas microbianas, en tiempos de exposicion de 48 horas y 28 dias. Se realizaron ensayos de resistencia a la polarizacion (Rp) y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquimica (EIS) para determinar el efecto corrosivo de los diferentes sistemas. Los resultados muestran que el medio abiotico causa el mayor efecto corrosivo, lo que indica un efecto protector de los microorganismos al metal contradiciendo la hipotesis inicialmente propuesta. La observacion

  4. Numerical simulation of hydrogen-assisted crack initiation in austenitic-ferritic duplex steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mente, Tobias


    Duplex stainless steels have been used for a long time in the offshore industry, since they have higher strength than conventional austenitic stainless steels and they exhibit a better ductility as well as an improved corrosion resistance in harsh environments compared to ferritic stainless steels. However, despite these good properties the literature shows some failure cases of duplex stainless steels in which hydrogen plays a crucial role for the cause of the damage. Numerical simulations can give a significant contribution in clarifying the damage mechanisms. Because they help to interpret experimental results as well as help to transfer results from laboratory tests to component tests and vice versa. So far, most numerical simulations of hydrogen-assisted material damage in duplex stainless steels were performed at the macroscopic scale. However, duplex stainless steels consist of approximately equal portions of austenite and δ-ferrite. Both phases have different mechanical properties as well as hydrogen transport properties. Thus, the sensitivity for hydrogen-assisted damage is different in both phases, too. Therefore, the objective of this research was to develop a numerical model of a duplex stainless steel microstructure enabling simulation of hydrogen transport, mechanical stresses and strains as well as crack initiation and propagation in both phases. Additionally, modern X-ray diffraction experiments were used in order to evaluate the influence of hydrogen on the phase specific mechanical properties. For the numerical simulation of the hydrogen transport it was shown, that hydrogen diffusion strongly depends on the alignment of austenite and δ-ferrite in the duplex stainless steel microstructure. Also, it was proven that the hydrogen transport is mainly realized by the ferritic phase and hydrogen is trapped in the austenitic phase. The numerical analysis of phase specific mechanical stresses and strains revealed that if the duplex stainless steel is


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    Prabhu Paulraj


    Full Text Available Duplex Stainless Steels (DSS and Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS have excellent integration of mechanical and corrosion properties. However, the formation of intermetallic phases is a major problem in their usage. The mechanical and corrosion properties are deteriorated due to the presence of intermetallic phases. These phases are induced during welding, prolonged exposure to high temperatures, and improper heat treatments. The main emphasis of this review article is on intermetallic phases and their effects on corrosion and mechanical properties. First the effect of various alloying elements on DSS and SDSS has been discussed followed by formation of various intermetallic phases. The intermetallic phases affect impact toughness and corrosion resistance significantly. Their deleterious effect on weldments has also been reviewed.

  6. Mechanical properties of welded joints of duplex steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawiak, M.; Nowacki, J.


    The paper presents the study results of mechanical properties of duplex steels UNS S31803 welded joints as well as duplex and NV A36 steels welded joints. They have ben welded by FCAW method in CO 2 using FCW 2205-H flux-cored wire. The joints have been subjected: tensile tests, impact tests, bending tests, hardness tests and metallographic investigations. The influence of welding parameters and mechanical properties of the joints was appreciated. The welding method assured high tensile strength of the joints (approximately 770 MPa) and high impact strength of the welds (approximately 770 J). All samples were broken outside of welds. (author)

  7. Preoperative Duplex Scanning is a Helpful Diagnostic Tool in Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. (United States)

    Orlando, Megan S; Likes, Kendall C; Mirza, Serene; Cao, Yue; Cohen, Anne; Lum, Ying Wei; Freischlag, Julie A


    To evaluate the diagnostic role of venous and arterial duplex scanning in neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (NTOS). Retrospective review of patients who underwent duplex ultrasonography prior to first rib resection and scalenectomy (FRRS) for NTOS from 2005 to 2013. Abnormal scans included ipsilateral compression (IC) with abduction of the symptomatic extremity (>50% change in subclavian vessel flow), contralateral (asymptomatic side) compression (CC) or bilateral compression (BC). A total of 143 patients (76% female, average age 34, range 13-59) underwent bilateral preoperative duplex scanning. Ipsilateral compression was seen in 44 (31%), CC in 12 (8%), and BC in 14 (10%). Seventy-three (51%) patients demonstrated no compression. Patients with IC more often experienced intraoperative pneumothoraces (49% vs. 25%, P duplex ultrasonography can assist in NTOS diagnosis. Ipsilateral compression on abduction often correlates with Adson testing. © The Author(s) 2016.

  8. Microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de dos aceros para herramientas con ultra alto contenido de boro

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    Jiménez, J. A.


    Full Text Available In the present work, two selected tool steels have been modified by a boron addition of 0.5 and 1 mass %. Both steels were processed by powder metallurgy methods, including argon atomization and hot isostatic pressing. The Consolidated materials presented a microstructure consisting of a fine and homogeneous distribution borocarbides M23(C,B6 in a ferrite-martensite matrix. No changes are observed in the microstructure after deformation by compression-strain-rate-change tests at temperatures ranging from 700 to 1,100 °C. For the Fe-lB-lC steel, a stress exponent of 4.5 was obtained, that suggests that slip creep is the controlling deformation mechanism. On the other hand, a stress exponent between 2 and 3 was obtained for the Fe-0.5B-1.5C steel that suggests that grain boundary sliding is the controlling deformation mechanism. In both cases, the activation energy for creep was related to the activation energy for iron self-diffusion.

    En el presente trabajo se han modificado dos aceros para herramientas convencionales por la presencia de un contenido de boro entre 0,5 y 1 % en masa. Ambos aceros se procesaron por la ruta pulvimetalúrgica, incluyendo atomización por argón y compactación isostática en caliente. El material compactado presentó una microestructura caracterizada por una distribución de partículas de borocarburos M23(C,B6 fina y homogénea en una matriz de ferrita-martensita. Esta microestructura permanece prácticamente inalterada tras los ensayos de cambios en la velocidad de deformación durante el ensayo de compresión a temperaturas entre 750 y 1.000 °C. En el caso del acero Fe-lB-lC se obtuvo un valor para el exponente de la tensión de 4,5, que sugiere que la deformación plástica está controlada por un mecanismo de fluencia por movimiento de dislocaciones. Por otro lado, para el acero Fe-0,5B-1,5C, se obtuvieron valores para el exponente de la tensión comprendidos

  9. Triple helical DNA in a duplex context and base pair opening (United States)

    Esguerra, Mauricio; Nilsson, Lennart; Villa, Alessandra


    It is fundamental to explore in atomic detail the behavior of DNA triple helices as a means to understand the role they might play in vivo and to better engineer their use in genetic technologies, such as antigene therapy. To this aim we have performed atomistic simulations of a purine-rich antiparallel triple helix stretch of 10 base triplets flanked by canonical Watson–Crick double helices. At the same time we have explored the thermodynamic behavior of a flipping Watson–Crick base pair in the context of the triple and double helix. The third strand can be accommodated in a B-like duplex conformation. Upon binding, the double helix changes shape, and becomes more rigid. The triple-helical region increases its major groove width mainly by oversliding in the negative direction. The resulting conformations are somewhere between the A and B conformations with base pairs remaining almost perpendicular to the helical axis. The neighboring duplex regions maintain a B DNA conformation. Base pair opening in the duplex regions is more probable than in the triplex and binding of the Hoogsteen strand does not influence base pair breathing in the neighboring duplex region. PMID:25228466

  10. Interference alignment for degrees of freedom improvement in 3-relay half-duplex systems

    KAUST Repository

    Park, Seongho; Ko, Youngchai; Park, Kihong; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    In a half-duplex relaying, the capacity pre-log factor is a major drawback in spectral efficiency. This paper proposes a linear precoding scheme and an alternate relaying protocol in a dual-hop half-duplex system where three relays help

  11. Value of Duplex scanning in the selection of patients for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Heijden, F. H.; Legemate, D. A.; van Leeuwen, M. S.; Mali, W. P.; Eikelboom, B. C.


    Duplex scanning is becoming increasingly important in the diagnosis and follow-up of arterial lesions, though most surgeons and radiologists currently still prefer diagnostic angiography prior to percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA). We performed PTA based on Duplex scanning alone in 31

  12. Caracterización termomecánica de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI-304


    El Wahabi, Mohammed


    El control de la microestructura necesita la optimización de las condiciones del conformado en caliente. La recristalización dinámica es el fenómeno protagonista durante un proceso termomecánico, por lo que tiene un interés industrial, permitiendo mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los aceros inoxidables mediante el afinamiento de grano, y al mismo tiempo aumentar la resistencia a la fragilización y a la corrosión. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar el comportamiento termomec...

  13. Oxide thickness measurement technique for duplex-layer Zircaloy-4 cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McClelland, R.G.; O'Leary, P.M.


    Siemens Nuclear Power Corporation (SNP) is investigating the use of duplex-layer Zircaloy-4 tubing to improve the waterside corrosion resistance of cladding for high-burnup pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel designs. Standard SNP PWR cladding is typically 0.762-mm (0.030-in.)-thick Zircaloy-4. The SNP duplex cladding is nominally 0.660-mm (0.026-in.)-thick Zircalloy-4 with an ∼0.102-mm (0.004-in.) outer layer of another, more corrosion-resistant, zirconium-based alloy. It is common industry practice to monitor the in-reactor corrosion behavior of Zircaloy cladding by using an eddy-current 'lift-off' technique to measure the oxide thickness on the outer surface of the fuel cladding. The test program evaluated three different cladding samples, all with the same outer diameter and wall thickness: Zircaloy-4 and duplex clad types D2 and D4

  14. Renal duplex Doppler ultrasound findings in diabetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shim, Hyang Yee; Kim, Young Geun; Kook, Cheol Keu; Yoon, Chong Hyun; Lee, Shin Hyung; Lee, Chang Joon


    The correlation between clinical-laboratory findings and renal duplex Doppler ultrasound findings was studied in 45 patients with diabetes mellitus to see the role of duplex Doppler ultrasound in the detection of diabetic nephropathy. The resistive indices in patients with elevated serum creatinine, BUN, proteinuria, and systolic blood pressure levels were statistically significantly higher than those in patients with normal levels (p<0.05). Also resistive indics in patients with retinopathy were higher than that in patients without retinopathy (p<0.05). But the ultrasound morphologic changes of kidney such as renal length, cortical eye-catching, and corticomedullarycontrast were not well correlated with clinical-laboratory data and resistive index. The resistive index of the kidney in conjunction with clinical-laboratory data in diabetics may be helpful in the evaluation of diabetic nephropathy

  15. Renal duplex Doppler ultrasound findings in diabetics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shim, Hyang Yee; Kim, Young Geun; Kook, Cheol Keu; Yoon, Chong Hyun; Lee, Shin Hyung; Lee, Chang Joon [National Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The correlation between clinical-laboratory findings and renal duplex Doppler ultrasound findings was studied in 45 patients with diabetes mellitus to see the role of duplex Doppler ultrasound in the detection of diabetic nephropathy. The resistive indices in patients with elevated serum creatinine, BUN, proteinuria, and systolic blood pressure levels were statistically significantly higher than those in patients with normal levels (p<0.05). Also resistive indics in patients with retinopathy were higher than that in patients without retinopathy (p<0.05). But the ultrasound morphologic changes of kidney such as renal length, cortical eye-catching, and corticomedullarycontrast were not well correlated with clinical-laboratory data and resistive index. The resistive index of the kidney in conjunction with clinical-laboratory data in diabetics may be helpful in the evaluation of diabetic nephropathy

  16. Simulación de la precipitación de inclusiones en diferentes etapas del procesamiento del acero líquido

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    Carreño, V.


    Full Text Available Steelmaking processes are continuously improved in order to attend the increasing requirements of the cleanness of the liquid metal. At the refining stages, as deoxidation and desulphuration, the formation of inclusions of oxides and sulphides is promoted, which on the other hand, are the most frequent inclusions. In this work a mathematical simulator of the precipitation and chemical composition of non-metallic inclusions at different steps of the steelmaking process is presented. To this purpose, it is assumed that inclusions formed by reoxidation can be simulated by increasing arbitrarily the oxygen levels consumed by the residual elements (aluminium, calcium, etc. and starting the chemical reaction with less powerful deoxidants (silicium and manganese. Accordingly, different operative conditions can be simulated. Numerical predictions are compared with experimental results of industrial trials, as well as results included in the bibliography.

    Los procesos de fabricación de acero se mejoran constantemente en respuesta a las demandas del consumidor que exige un mayor control de limpieza del metal líquido en las diversas etapas de su elaboración. En las etapas de refinación, como son desoxidación y desulfuración, se promueve la formación de inclusiones de óxidos y sulfuros, que por otra parte son las más frecuentes en el acero líquido. En este trabajo se presenta un simulador matemático que predice la precipitación y composición de las inclusiones no metálicas que se encuentran en el acero líquido en diferentes etapas de su procesamiento, asumiendo que las inclusiones formadas por reoxidación también se pueden simular al incrementar arbitrariamente los niveles de oxígeno que deberán consumir los elementos residuales altamente oxidables (Al, Ca, y empezar la reacción con los desoxidantes menores (Si y Mn. De esta manera se simulan diferentes condiciones de operación. Las predicciones numéricas se comparan con los

  17. Circularly polarized luminescence of helically assembled pyrene π-stacks on RNA and DNA duplexes. (United States)

    Nakamura, Mitsunobu; Ota, Fuyuki; Takada, Tadao; Akagi, Kazuo; Yamana, Kazushige


    In this report, we describe the circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) of the RNA duplexes having one to four 2'-O-pyrene modified uridines (Upy) and the DNA duplexes having two, four, and six pyrene modified non-nucleosidic linkers (Py). Both the pyrene π-stack arrays formed on the RNA and DNA double helical structures exhibited pyrene excimer fluorescence. In the pyrene-modified RNA systems, the RNA duplex having four Upys gives CPL emission with g lum value of <0.01 at 480 nm. The structure of pyrene stacks on the RNA duplex may be rigidly regulated with increase in the Upy domains, which resulted in the CPL emission. In the DNA systems, the pyrene-modified duplexes containing two and four Pys exhibited CPL emission with g lum values of <0.001 at 505 nm. The pyrene π-stack arrays presented here show CPL emission. However, the g lum values are relatively small when compared with our previous system consisting of the pyrene-zipper arrays on RNA. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Cy3 and Cy5 dyes attached to oligonucleotide terminus stabilize DNA duplexes: predictive thermodynamic model. (United States)

    Moreira, Bernardo G; You, Yong; Owczarzy, Richard


    Cyanine dyes are important chemical modifications of oligonucleotides exhibiting intensive and stable fluorescence at visible light wavelengths. When Cy3 or Cy5 dye is attached to 5' end of a DNA duplex, the dye stacks on the terminal base pair and stabilizes the duplex. Using optical melting experiments, we have determined thermodynamic parameters that can predict the effects of the dyes on duplex stability quantitatively (ΔG°, Tm). Both Cy dyes enhance duplex formation by 1.2 kcal/mol on average, however, this Gibbs energy contribution is sequence-dependent. If the Cy5 is attached to a pyrimidine nucleotide of pyrimidine-purine base pair, the stabilization is larger compared to the attachment to a purine nucleotide. This is likely due to increased stacking interactions of the dye to the purine of the complementary strand. Dangling (unpaired) nucleotides at duplex terminus are also known to enhance duplex stability. Stabilization originated from the Cy dyes is significantly larger than the stabilization due to the presence of dangling nucleotides. If both the dangling base and Cy3 are present, their thermodynamic contributions are approximately additive. New thermodynamic parameters improve predictions of duplex folding, which will help design oligonucleotide sequences for biophysical, biological, engineering, and nanotechnology applications. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. Losas de concreto reforzadas con acero inoxidable de desecho Reinforced concrete slabs with stainless steel waste

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Alberto Pérez González


    Full Text Available Se muestran los resultados de un programa experimental que explora la reutilización de materiales de desecho industrial (específicamente láminas de acero inoxidable producto de la acuñación de moneda como refuerzo en losas de concreto. Para ello se elaboraron 23 especímenes tipo viga-losa a escala natural con dicho refuerzo a fin de determinar su comportamiento en términos de resistencia, ductilidad y formas de falla; el análisis experimental de modelos ensayados con diferentes cantidades de refuerzo muestra que en algunos casos, bajo ciertas condiciones de cuantías y colocación del mismo, es posible alcanzar capacidades de carga y formas de falla similares a las de especímenes de control con refuerzo tradicional. En base a estos resultados se concluye en la factibilidad de utilizar el material arriba descrito como refuerzo alternativo en elementos estructurales de concreto, tratando de encontrar alternativas más económicas en la construcción de vivienda popular.The results from an experimental program that explores the use of industrial waste materials (specifically sheets of stainless steel that result of the currency coinage as reinforcement for concrete slabs are presented. Twenty three full size beam-deck specimens were built in order to measure resistance, ductility and failure modes; the experimental analysis in models with reinforcement in different quantities shows that in some cases, under certain quantities and location, it is possible to reach similar load capacities and failure modes as specimens with traditional reinforcement. Based on these results, it is concluded the feasibility of using the material described above as alternative reinforcement in structural concrete elements, as an economic option in the construction of social housing.

  20. Assessing the effect of different operation techniques on postoperative duplex ultrasound quality after carotid endarterectomy. (United States)

    Grambow, E; Heller, T; Wieneke, P; Weiß, C; Klar, E; Weinrich, M


    Duplex ultrasound is the first choice in diagnostics and surveillance of stenoses of the internal carotid arteries before and even after surgery. Therefore, the quality of duplex ultrasound is crucial to investigate these vascular pathologies. Aim of this study was the evaluation whether different surgical techniques affect the postoperative quality of duplex ultrasound. In a time period from January to May 2015 duplex ultrasound of the cervical vessels was performed in 75 patients after unilateral endarterectomy of the internal carotid artery at our department between 2006 and 2012. Thereby, the non-operated contralateral side served as a control. Study groups were defined by the surgical techniques of eversion- or thrombendarterectomy with patch plasty using different patch materials and/or a haemostatic sealant. Duplex ultrasound analysis included acoustic impedance, extinction of ultrasound, thickness of skin and individual anatomic aspects of the patients. Carotid endarterectomy itself reduced intravascular grey levels, skin thickness and increased extinction of duplex ultrasound when compared to the non-operated side of the neck. In contrast, neither the kind of chosen operative technique nor the use of different patch materials or the application of a haemostatic sealant showed an effect in this regards. Whereas carotid endarterectomy per se worsens the quality of postoperative duplex ultrasound, the different analysed surgical techniques as well as used patches and the application of a haemostatic sealant can be assumed to be equal regarding the quality of postoperative ultrasound.

  1. Efeito da energia de soldagem sobre a microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas da zona afetada pelo calor de juntas de aço inoxidável duplex Effect of the welding heat input on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the heat affected zone of multipass welded joints of duplex stainless steel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Everton Barbosa Nunes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a influência da energia de soldagem na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC, de juntas soldadas do aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803. Foram realizadas soldagens com eletrodo revestido AWS E2209-17 em junta tipo V de Aço Inoxidável Duplex UNS S31803, com dois níveis de energia (15 e 20 kJ/cm. A condição soldada com energia mais elevada apresentou uma ZAC mais extensa e microestrutura mais grosseira nos passes de acabamento. No entanto, nos passes de enchimento e de raiz, as ZAC's destas regiões foram mais refinadas e menos extensa. Em relação à microdureza, a condição soldada com energia de 15 kJ/cm apresentou níveis menores. Em relação à tenacidade, não foi verificada diferença significativa nos resultados.The aim this work is to evaluate the influence of multipass welding heat input on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the heat affected zone (HAZ of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel multipass welded joints. The shielded metal arc welding process using as filler metal the AWS E2209-17 covered electrode were employed had been carried through V joint groove UNS S31803 DSS, so that two levels of energy (15 and 20 kJ/cm had been used in this experiment. The condition welded with higher energy higher a HAZ extensive and coarser microstructure in the finishing passes. On the other hand, in the wadding passes and root pass, the HAZ this region was more refined and less extensive. In respect of microhardness, the condition welded with energy of 15 kJ/cm got lower levels. In relation to toughness, it was not observed significant differences.

  2. Plastomes of the green algae Hydrodictyon reticulatum and Pediastrum duplex (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyceae

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    Hilary A. McManus


    Full Text Available Background Comparative studies of chloroplast genomes (plastomes across the Chlorophyceae are revealing dynamic patterns of size variation, gene content, and genome rearrangements. Phylogenomic analyses are improving resolution of relationships, and uncovering novel lineages as new plastomes continue to be characterized. To gain further insight into the evolution of the chlorophyte plastome and increase the number of representative plastomes for the Sphaeropleales, this study presents two fully sequenced plastomes from the green algal family Hydrodictyaceae (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyceae, one from Hydrodictyon reticulatum and the other from Pediastrum duplex. Methods Genomic DNA from Hydrodictyon reticulatum and Pediastrum duplex was subjected to Illumina paired-end sequencing and the complete plastomes were assembled for each. Plastome size and gene content were characterized and compared with other plastomes from the Sphaeropleales. Homology searches using BLASTX were used to characterize introns and open reading frames (orfs ≥ 300 bp. A phylogenetic analysis of gene order across the Sphaeropleales was performed. Results The plastome of Hydrodictyon reticulatum is 225,641 bp and Pediastrum duplex is 232,554 bp. The plastome structure and gene order of H. reticulatum and P. duplex are more similar to each other than to other members of the Sphaeropleales. Numerous unique open reading frames are found in both plastomes and the plastome of P. duplex contains putative viral protein genes, not found in other Sphaeropleales plastomes. Gene order analyses support the monophyly of the Hydrodictyaceae and their sister relationship to the Neochloridaceae. Discussion The complete plastomes of Hydrodictyon reticulatum and Pediastrum duplex, representing the largest of the Sphaeropleales sequenced thus far, once again highlight the variability in size, architecture, gene order and content across the Chlorophyceae. Novel intron insertion sites and unique

  3. Stainless-Steel-Gadolinium Alloys; Alliages Acier Inoxydable-Gadolinium; Splavy iz nerzhaveyushchej stali i gadoliniya; Aleaciones de Acero Inoxidable-Gadolinio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Copeland, M.; Kato, H. [Albany Metallurgy Research Center, Bureau Of Mines, United States Department of the Interior, Albany, OR (United States)


    mineures ont une grande influence sur les structures resultant de traitements equilibrants et sur les possibilites de transformation des aciers. Lorsque le gadolinium est melange a de l 'acier au chrome et au nickel, deux phases mineures, Fe{sub 9}Gd et Ni{sub 7}Gd, fondent a 1080 Degree-Sign C, ce qui impose une limite superieure aux temperatures de traitement a chaud et de transformation. Les auteurs ont pu facilement transformer des alliages comprenant jusqu'a 5 Degree-Sign Io en poids de gadolinium et determiner leurs caracteristiques mecaniques et leur resistance a la corrosion. Ils n'ont observe aucun changement dans les caracteristiques mecaniques de l'acier ou sa resistance a la corrosion par l'eau chaude, lorsqu'ils lui ont ajoute'jusqu'a 3% en poids de gadolinium. En raison des limites imposees aux temperatures de transformation des aciers au chrome et au nickel par le point de fusion des phases mineures, les auteurs ont etudie les effets du gadolinium sur des aciers au chrome. Ils ont releve une seule phase mineure qui fond a 1320 Degree-Sign C en etudiant l 'isoplethe du gadolinium a 10% en poids dans l 'alliage chrome-fer-gadolinium. Cette propriete permettrait d'equilibrer et de transformer ces aciers au gadolinium aux temperatures auxquelles on opere normalement. (author) [Spanish] En vista de la excelente resistencia a la corrosion de los aceros inoxidables y del interes que presenta el gadolinio como veneno nuclear, se han estudiado aleaciones de esos dos metales. El gadolinio fue aleado con aceros inoxidables de tipo AISI-304 y al cromo, y se estudiaron las relaciones de fase, la facilidad de trabajo y las propiedades de estas aleaciones. Se observo que en las aleaciones que contienen bajos porcentajes de gadolinio, los puntos de fusion de las fases menores ejercen un efecto muy marcado sobre las estructuras resultantes de los tratamientos de equilibracion y sobre la facilidad de trabajo de los afceros. Cuando se alea el gadolinio con acerce al cromo

  4. Microestructura de una unión disímil AISI 321 y una aleación A 351 grado HK-40 obtenida mediante soldadura manual por arco eléctrico

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    Reilis Fuentes-Guilarte


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue establecer el comportamiento microestructural de una unión disímil de acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 321 y de la aleación A 351 grado HK 40 obtenida por fundición mediante soldadura manual por arco eléctrico y electrodos revestidos del tipo E 309 L-16. La estructura ferrita–austeníta que se forma en la unión del acero con la aleación es resultado del elevado contenido de carbono de la segunda. La baja velocidad de enfriamiento del cordón de soldadura revela ausencia de discontinuidades en el retículo cristalino de la zona afectada térmicamente y atenúa la formación de carburos de cromo del tipo Cr23C6, que puede formar la aleación A 351 grado HK 40 durante la difusión del volumen de fracción en masa del cromo.

  5. Validation of a novel duplex ultrasound objective structured assessment of technical skills (DUOSATS) for arterial stenosis detection. (United States)

    Jaffer, U; Singh, P; Pandey, V A; Aslam, M; Standfield, N J


    Duplex ultrasound facilitates bedside diagnosis and hence timely patient care. Its uptake has been hampered by training and accreditation issues. We have developed an assessment tool for Duplex arterial stenosis measurement for both simulator and patient based training. A novel assessment tool: duplex ultrasound assessment of technical skills was developed. A modified duplex ultrasound assessment of technical skills was used for simulator training. Novice, intermediate experience and expert users of duplex ultrasound were invited to participate. Participants viewed an instructional video and were allowed ample time to familiarize with the equipment. Participants' attempts were recorded and independently assessed by four experts using the modified duplex ultrasound assessment of technical skills. 'Global' assessment was also done on a four point Likert scale. Content, construct and concurrent validity as well as reliability were evaluated. Content and construct validity as well as reliability were demonstrated. The simulator had good satisfaction rating from participants: median 4; range 3-5. Receiver operator characteristic analysis has established a cut point of 22/ 34 and 25/ 40 were most appropriate for simulator and patient based assessment respectively. We have validated a novel assessment tool for duplex arterial stenosis detection. Further work is underway to establish transference validity of simulator training to improved skill in scanning patients. We have developed and validated duplex ultrasound assessment of technical skills for simulator training.

  6. Four-Tap RF Canceller Evaluation for Indoor In-Band Full-Duplex Wireless Operation (United States)


    I. INTRODUCTION In-band full-duplex (IBFD) wireless operation can help alleviate the frequency spectrum congestion issues faced by current system...Valkama, “Wideband self-adaptive rf cancellation circuit for full- duplex radio: Operating principle and measurements,” in 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular

  7. Interactions Between Fibroblast Cells and Laser Beam Welded AISI 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ceyhun KÖSE


    Full Text Available Because of their high mechanical strength, excellent corrosion resistance and good weldability, duplex stainless steels are mostly used in industries such as oil, chemistry, petrochemistry, food and occasionally used in medical industry. These properties have enabled us to use duplex stainless steels in biomedical applications recently. Accordingly, duplex stainless steel material can be highly important to examine the toxic effect on the cells. In this study, the effect of the AISI 2205 duplex stainless steels which are joined by CO2 laser beam welding on viability of L929 fibroblast cells has been studied in vitro for the first time. For this aim, the cells were kept in DMEM/F-12 (Thermofisher Scientific 31331-028 medium for 7 days. The viability study was experimentally studied using the MTT (Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide method for 7 days. The cell viability of the laser beam welded sample has been detected to be higher than that of the base metal and the control based on 7th day data. According to the obtained results, it was revealed that laser beam welded and base metal AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel has been found suitable to study for biomedical applications. DOI:

  8. Electroless Ni-P/Ni-B duplex coatings: preparation and evaluation of microhardness, wear and corrosion resistance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narayanan, T.S.N. Sankara; Krishnaveni, K.; Seshadri, S.K.


    The present work deals with the formation of Ni-P/Ni-B duplex coatings by electroless plating process and evaluation of their hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance. The Ni-P/Ni-B duplex coatings were prepared using dual baths (acidic hypophosphite- and alkaline borohydride-reduced electroless nickel baths) with both Ni-P and Ni-B as inner layers and with varying single layer thickness. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to assess the duplex interface. The microhardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of electroless nickel duplex coatings were compared with electroless Ni-P and Ni-B coatings of similar thickness. The study reveals that the Ni-P and Ni-B coatings are amorphous in their as-plated condition and upon heat-treatment at 450 deg. C for 1 h, both Ni-P and Ni-B coatings crystallize and produce nickel, nickel phosphide and nickel borides in the respective coatings. All the three phases are formed when Ni-P/Ni-B and Ni-B/Ni-P duplex coatings are heat-treated at 450 deg. C for 1 h. The duplex coatings are uniform and the compatibility between the layers is good. The microhardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of the duplex coating is higher than Ni-P and Ni-B coatings of similar thickness. Among the two types of duplex coatings studied, hardness and wear resistance is higher for coatings having Ni-B coating as the outer layer whereas better corrosion resistance is offered by coatings having Ni-P coating as the outer layer

  9. Effect of ultrafine grain on tensile behaviour and corrosion resistance of the duplex stainless steel. (United States)

    Jinlong, Lv; Tongxiang, Liang; Chen, Wang; Limin, Dong


    The ultrafine grained 2205 duplex stainless steel was obtained by cold rolling and annealing. The tensile properties were investigated at room temperature. Comparing with coarse grained stainless steel, ultrafine grained sample showed higher strength and plasticity. In addition, grain size changed deformation orientation. The strain induced α'-martensite was observed in coarse grained 2205 duplex stainless steel with large strain. However, the grain refinement inhibited the transformation of α'-martensite;nevertheless, more deformation twins improved the strength and plasticity of ultrafine grained 2205 duplex stainless steel. In addition, the grain refinement improved corrosion resistance of the 2205 duplex stainless steel in sodium chloride solution. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Inclusion of methoxy groups inverts the thermodynamic stabilities of DNA-RNA hybrid duplexes: A molecular dynamics simulation study. (United States)

    Suresh, Gorle; Priyakumar, U Deva


    Modified nucleic acids have found profound applications in nucleic acid based technologies such as antisense and antiviral therapies. Previous studies on chemically modified nucleic acids have suggested that modifications incorporated in furanose sugar especially at 2'-position attribute special properties to nucleic acids when compared to other modifications. 2'-O-methyl modification to deoxyribose sugars of DNA-RNA hybrids is one such modification that increases nucleic acid stability and has become an attractive class of compounds for potential antisense applications. It has been reported that modification of DNA strands with 2'-O-methyl group reverses the thermodynamic stability of DNA-RNA hybrid duplexes. Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on two hybrid duplexes (DR and RD) which differ from each other and 2'-O-methyl modified counterparts to investigate the effect of 2'-O-methyl modification on their duplex stability. The results obtained suggest that the modification drives the conformations of both the hybrid duplexes towards A-RNA like conformation. The modified hybrid duplexes exhibit significantly contrasting dynamics and hydration patterns compared to respective parent duplexes. In line with the experimental results, the relative binding free energies suggest that the introduced modifications stabilize the less stable DR hybrid, but destabilize the more stable RD duplex. Binding free energy calculations suggest that the increased hydrophobicity is primarily responsible for the reversal of thermodynamic stability of hybrid duplexes. Free energy component analysis further provides insights into the stability of modified duplexes. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Follow-up of renal and mesenteric artery revascularization with duplex ultrasonography (United States)

    Taylor, David C.; Houston, Gordon T.M.; Anderson, Caroline; Jameson, Margot; Popatia, Shelley


    Objective To evaluate the long-term anatomic results of renal revascularization procedures using duplex ultrasonography. Design A case series. Setting A university-affiliated hospital. Patients Twenty-five patients who had undergone renal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) (18 arteries), renal bypass (10 arteries) and mesenteric bypass (6 arteries). The mean follow-up was 22 months (range from 3 to 48 months) for those who underwent renal PTA, 23 months (range from 1.5 to 70 months) for those who underwent renal bypass and 34 months (range from 8 to 144 months) for those who underwent mesenteric bypass. Main Outcome Measures Patency rates for the three procedures as assessed by duplex ultrasonography. Results Duplex ultrasonography demonstrated patency without stenosis after renal and mesenteric artery revascularization in 14 arteries subjected to renal PTA, 9 arteries subjected to renal bypass and 6 arteries subjected to mesenteric bypass. Three arteries that had renal PTA had recurrent vessel stenosis and one had occlusion. One artery that had renal bypass showed occlusion. Conclusions Renal PTA, renal bypass and mesenteric bypass are durable procedures at 2 years of follow-up, and duplex ultrasonography is a valuable method for assessing the patency of arteries after renal and mesenteric revascularization. PMID:8599785

  12. Characterization of duplex stainless steel weld metals obtained by hybrid plasma-gas metal arc welding


    Yurtisik,Koray; Tirkes,Suha; Dykhno,Igor; Gur,C. Hakan; Gurbuz,Riza


    Despite its high efficiency, autogenous keyhole welding is not well-accepted for duplex stainless steels because it causes excessive ferrite in as-welded duplex microstructure, which leads to a degradation in toughness and corrosion properties of the material. Combining the deep penetration characteristics of plasma arc welding in keyhole mode and metal deposition capability of gas metal arc welding, hybrid plasma - gas metal arc welding process has considered for providing a proper duplex mi...

  13. Diseño de puesto de trabajo para la fabricación de eslingas de cable de acero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Téllez Chavarro Luz Ángela


    Full Text Available Introducción: Para la realización de eslingas se demanda alto nivel físico y adopción de diferentes posturas en largas jornadas laborales. Los desórdenes músculo esqueléticos relacionados con el trabajo son comunes, potencialmente discapacitantes y evitables. Objetivos: Proponer un diseño de puesto de trabajo que facilite la tarea de armado de eslingas de cable de acero bajo condiciones ergonómicas para el trabajador, luego identificar las características sociodemográficas, determinar las condiciones de salud de los trabajadores, establecer las dimensiones antropométricas de los trabajadores y del puesto de trabajo y evaluar el riesgo ergonómico del puesto actual. Metodología: Estudio cuali-cuantitativo, transversal descriptivo con dos trabajadores que fabricaban eslingas de cable de acero. Criterios de inclusión: desarrollo de su labor diaria únicamente en área, más de 12 meses trabajando con la empresa. La recolección de datos se hizo a través de videos, entrevistas y fotografías. Para la evaluación del riesgo ergonómico se aplicó el método REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment y la herramienta antropométrica "Dimensiones de Puesto de Trabajo". Este fue validado por expertos. Posteriormente se realizó la propuesta del diseño de puesto de trabajo en AutoCad®. Resultados: La puntuación total de REBA para el grupo A fue 9, del grupo B fue 9, para una puntuación final de 11. Conclusiones: La manipulación del cable de acero es un factor de riesgo mecánico. Para la implementación del puesto de trabajo se debería realizar: definición del modelo de prueba, documentación del proceso productivo, capacitación a los trabajadores, seguimiento permanente y ajustes al proceso.

  14. Effects of chitosan inhibitor on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel (United States)

    Yang, Se-fei; Wen, Ying; Yi, Pan; Xiao, Kui; Dong, Chao-fang


    The effects of chitosan inhibitor on the corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel were studied by electrochemical measurements, immersion tests, and stereology microscopy. The influences of immersion time, temperature, and chitosan concentration on the corrosion inhibition performance of chitosan were investigated. The optimum parameters of water-soluble chitosan on the corrosion inhibition performance of 2205 duplex stainless steel were also determined. The water-soluble chitosan showed excellent corrosion inhibition performance on the 2205 duplex stainless steel. Polarization curves demonstrated that chitosan acted as a mixed-type inhibitor. When the stainless steel specimen was immersed in the 0.2 g/L chitosan solution for 4 h, a dense and uniform adsorption film covered the sample surface and the inhibition efficiency (IE) reached its maximum value. Moreover, temperature was found to strongly influence the corrosion inhibition of chitosan; the inhibition efficiency gradually decreased with increasing temperature. The 2205 duplex stainless steel specimen immersed in 0.4 g/L water-soluble chitosan at 30°C displayed the best corrosion inhibition among the investigated specimens. Moreover, chitosan decreased the corrosion rate of the 2205 duplex stainless steel in an FeCl3 solution.

  15. A morphological evaluation of a duplex stainless steel processed by high energy Ball Mill

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yonekubo, Ariane Emi; Cintho, Osvaldo Mitsuyuki; Aguiar, Denilson Jose Marcolino de; Capocchi, Jose Deodoro Trani


    The duplex stainless steels are formed by a ferrite and austenite mixture, giving them a combination of properties. Commercially, these steels are hot rolled, developing an anisotropic, alternated ferrite and austenite elongated lamellae microstructure. In this work, a duplex stainless steel was produced by the mixture of elementary powders with the composition Fe-19.5Cr-5Ni processed in an ATTRITOR ball mill during periods up to 15 hours. The powders obtained were compressed in specimens and were heat treated in the temperatures of 900, 1050 and 1200 °C during 1 hour and analysed by x ray diffraction, optic microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersion spectroscopy. An optimized microstructure with ultrafine, equiaxial and regular duplex microstructure was obtained in the 15 hour milling and 1200 °C heat treatment. Afterwards, a commercially super duplex stainless steel UNS S32520 was aged at 800 °C aiming the precipitation of σ phase in order to reduce its toughness and then, milled in SPEX mill. The resulting microstructure was a very fine duplex type with irregular grain boundary morphology duo to the grain growth barrier promoted by the renascent σ phase particles during sintering process. (author)

  16. Corrosion behavior of duplex and reference cladding in NPP Grohnde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Besch, O.A.; Yagnik, S.K.; Eucken, C.M.; Bradley, E.R.


    The Nuclear Fuel Industry Research (NFIR) Group undertook a lead test assembly (LTA) program in NPP Grohnde PWR in Germany to assess the corrosion performance of duplex and reference cladding. Two identical 16 by 16 LTAs, each containing 32 peripheral test rods, completed four reactor cycles, reaching a peak rod burnup of 46 MWd/kgU. The results from poolside examinations performed at the end of each cycle, together with power histories and coolant chemistry, are reported. Five different cladding materials were characterized during fabrication. The corrosion performance of the cladding materials was tracked in long-term tests in high-pressure, high-temperature autoclaves. The relative ranking of corrosion behavior in such tests corresponded well with the in-reactor corrosion performance. The extent and distribution of hydriding in duplex and reference specimens during the autoclave testing has been characterized. The in-reactor corrosion data indicate that the low-tin Zircaloy-4 reference cladding, R2, had an improved corrosion resistance compared to high-tin Zircaloy-4 reference cladding, R1. Two types of duplex cladding, D1 (Zr-2.5% Nb) and D2 (Zr-0.4% Fe-0.5% Sn), showed an even further improvement in corrosion resistance compared to R2 cladding. The third duplex cladding, D3 (Zr-4 + 1.0% Nb), had significantly less corrosion resistance, which was inferior to R1. The in-reactor and out-reactor corrosion performances have been ranked

  17. Approximation methods for the stability analysis of complete synchronization on duplex networks (United States)

    Han, Wenchen; Yang, Junzhong


    Recently, the synchronization on multi-layer networks has drawn a lot of attention. In this work, we study the stability of the complete synchronization on duplex networks. We investigate effects of coupling function on the complete synchronization on duplex networks. We propose two approximation methods to deal with the stability of the complete synchronization on duplex networks. In the first method, we introduce a modified master stability function and, in the second method, we only take into consideration the contributions of a few most unstable transverse modes to the stability of the complete synchronization. We find that both methods work well for predicting the stability of the complete synchronization for small networks. For large networks, the second method still works pretty well.

  18. Standard test methods for characterizing duplex grain sizes

    CERN Document Server

    American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia


    1.1 These test methods provide simple guidelines for deciding whether a duplex grain size exists. The test methods separate duplex grain sizes into one of two distinct classes, then into specific types within those classes, and provide systems for grain size characterization of each type. 1.2 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to consult appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to its use.

  19. Estudio de la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura de aceros inoxidables austeníticos: influencia de la adición de manganeso en solución sólida


    José Wilmar Calderón-Hernández; Lara Beatriz Braga Luz; Duberney Hincapie-Ladino; Neusa Alonso-Falleiros


    Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la influencia del Mn en solución sólida sobre la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura de dos aceros inoxidables austeníticos, uno denominado 17Cr6Mn5Ni y un acero comercial UNS S304L utilizado como material de referencia. Fueron usadas soluciones electrolíticas de 0,6M NaCl en tres diferentes condiciones de concentración de oxígeno (solución desaireada, naturalmente aireada y aireada artificialment...

  20. Comportamiento a fatiga del acero sae 4140 usando alta rugosidad superficial y ambiente corrosivo




    En este artículo se presenta el estudio del comportamiento a fatiga del acero SAE 4140 en condiciones diferentes: superficie pulida (acabado espejo), ambiente corrosivo (jugo de caña de azúcar), alta rugosidad superficial (superficie equivalente a la encontrada típicamente en los ejes de molino de caña) y una condición que involucra la combinación de las dos últimas. Las anteriores condiciones están presentes en los ejes de maza de molino de caña de azúcar durante el proceso de molienda. Se r...





    En este artículo se presenta el estudio del comportamiento a fatiga del acero SAE 4140 en condiciones diferentes: superficie pulida (acabado espejo), ambiente corrosivo (jugo de caña de azúcar), alta rugosidad superficial (superficie equivalente a la encontrada típicamente en los ejes de molino de caña) y una condición que involucra la combinación de las dos últimas. Las anteriores condiciones están presentes en los ejes de maza de molino de caña de azúcar durante el proceso de molienda. Se r...

  2. Problems in repair-welding of duplex-treated tool steels

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    T. Muhič


    Full Text Available The present paper addresses problems in laser welding of die-cast tools used for aluminum pressure die-castings and plastic moulds. To extend life cycle of tools various surface improvements are used. These surface improvements significantly reduce weldability of the material. This paper presents development of defects in repair welding of duplex-treated tool steel. The procedure is aimed at reduction of defects by the newly developed repair laser welding techniques. Effects of different repair welding process parameters and techniques are considered. A microstructural analysis is conducted to detect defect formation and reveal the best laser welding method for duplex-treated tools.

  3. NMR studies of abasic sites in DNA duplexes: Deoxyadenosine stacks into the helix opposite acyclic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalnik, M.W.; Chang, Chienneng; Johnson, F.; Grollman, A.P.; Patel, D.J.


    Proton and phosphorus NMR studies are reported for two complementary nonanucleotide duplexes containing acyclic abasic sites. The first duplex, d(C-A-T-G-A-G-T-A-C)·d(G-T-A-C-P-C-A-T-G), contains an acyclic propanyl moiety, P, located opposite a deoxyadenosine at the center of the helix (designated AP P 9-mer duplex). The second duplex, d(C-A-T-G-A-G-T-A-C-)·d(G-T-A-C-E-C-A-T-G), contains a similarly located acyclic ethanyl moiety, E (designated AP E 9-mer duplex). The ethanyl moiety is one carbon shorter than the natural carbon-phosphodiester backbone of a single nucleotide unit of DNA. The majority of the exchangeable and nonexchangeable base and sugar protons in both the AP P 9-mer and AP E 9-mer duplexes, including those at the abasic site, have been assigned by recording and analyzing two-dimensional phase-sensitive NOESY data sets in H 2 O and D 2 O solution between -5 and 5 degree C. These spectroscopic observations establish that A5 inserts into the helix opposite the abasic site (P14 and El14) and stacks between the flanking G4·C15 and G6·C13 Watson-Crick base pairs in both the AP P 9-mer and AP E 9-mer duplexes. Proton NMR parameters for the Ap P 9-mer and AP E 9-mer duplexes are similar to those reported previously. These proton NMR experiments demonstrate that the structures at abasic sites are very similar whether the five-membered ring is open or closed or whether the phosphodiester backbone is shortened by one carbon atom. Phosphorus spectra of the AP P 9-mer and AP E 9-mer duplexes (5 degree C) indicate that the backbone conformation is similarly perturbed at three phosphodiester backbone torsion angles

  4. Surgical retroperitoneoscopic and transperitoneoscopic access in varicocelectomy: duplex scan results in pediatric population. (United States)

    Mancini, Stefano; Bulotta, Anna Lavinia; Molinaro, Francesco; Ferrara, Francesco; Tommasino, Giulio; Messina, Mario


    This is a retrospective study to compare duplex scan results of laparoscopic Palomo's technique through retroperitoneal and transperitoneal approach for varicocelectomy in children. We statistically analyzed recurrence, testicular volume growth and complications. Surgical intervention was performed utilizing transperitoneoscopic (group A) or retroperitoneoscopic access (group B). Duplex scan control was performed after 12 months (T1), after 2 years (T2) and the last one at 18 years old in most patients. Statistical analysis was performed using the t-test for parametric data. Differences in proportions were evaluated using χ2 or Fisher's exact test. We treated 120 children (age range 10-17 years) who presented an asymptomatic IV grade of reflux, Coolsaet 1, associated with a left testicular hypotrophy in 36.6% of the cases (44 patients). No post-operative complications were verified. Duplex scan exam showed an increase of left testicular growth in both groups, with complete hypotrophy disappear in patients in both groups after 24 months. Hydrocele, diagnosed clinically and confirmed with duplex scan, was the most frequent post-operative complication (22/120 cases; 18.3%). This study showed the importance of duplex scan at all steps of this vascular pathology in children, and that there is no significantly difference in results between the two surgical techniques except for hydrocele in transperitoneoscopic access. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Estudio de la corrosión producida en aceros inoxidables 304 en procesos de soldadura

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    G. Terán


    Full Text Available En este trabajo de investigación se analizan las probetas de aceros inoxidables 304 que después de haber sido soldadas mediante los procesos de soldadura SMAW, GMAW y GTAW, se sometieron a un ambiente corrosivo propio de las condiciones de trabajo. Se estudió la microestructura del cordón de soldadura utilizando microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM, la interfase entre el material base y el de aporte se estudió utilizando un microscopio óptico y analizador de imágenes.

  6. Duplex ultrasound for identifying renal artery stenosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zachrisson, Karin; Herlitz, Hans; Lönn, Lars


    Background Renal artery duplex ultrasound (RADUS) is an established method for diagnosis of renal artery stenosis (RAS), but there is no consensus regarding optimal RADUS criteria. Purpose To define optimal cutoff values for RADUS parameters when screening for RAS using intra-arterial trans...

  7. Duplex Design Project: Science Pilot Test. (United States)

    Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing, Los Angeles, CA.

    Work is reported towards the completion of a prototype duplex-design assessment instrument for grade-12 science. The student course-background questionnaire and the pretest section of the two-stage instrument that was developed were administered to all 134 12th-grade students at St. Clairsville High School (Ohio). Based on the information obtained…

  8. Electrolytic pickling of duplex stainless steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ipek, N.; Holm, B.; Pettersson, R. [Swedish Institute for Metals Research, Drottning Kristinas vaeg 48, 11428 Stockholm (Sweden); Runnsjoe, G.; Karlsson, M. [Outokumpu Stainless AB, 77422 Avesta (Sweden)


    Pickling of duplex stainless steels has proved to be much more difficult than that of standard austenitic grades. Electrolytic pre-pickling is shown to be a key process towards facilitating the pickling process for material annealed both in the production-line and in laboratory experiments. The mechanism for the neutral electrolytic process on duplex 2205 and austenitic 316 steels has been examined and the oxide scale found to become thinner as a function of electrolytic pickling time. Spallation or peeling of the oxide induced by gas evolution did not play a decisive role. A maximum of about 20% of the current supplied to the oxidised steel surface goes to dissolution reactions whereas about 80% of the current was consumed in oxygen gas production. This makes the current utilisation very poor, particularly against the background of reports that in indirect electrolytic pickling only about 30% of the total current, supplied to the process, actually goes into the strip. A parametric study was therefore carried out to determine whether adjustment of process variables could improve the current utilisation. (Abstract Copyright [2005], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  9. Molecular architecture: construction of self-assembled organophosphonate duplexes and their electrochemical characterization. (United States)

    Cattani-Scholz, Anna; Liao, Kung-Ching; Bora, Achyut; Pathak, Anshuma; Hundschell, Christian; Nickel, Bert; Schwartz, Jeffrey; Abstreiter, Gerhard; Tornow, Marc


    Self-assembled monolayers of phosphonates (SAMPs) of 11-hydroxyundecylphosphonic acid, 2,6-diphosphonoanthracene, 9,10-diphenyl-2,6-diphosphonoanthracene, and 10,10'-diphosphono-9,9'-bianthracene and a novel self-assembled organophosphonate duplex ensemble were synthesized on nanometer-thick SiO(2)-coated, highly doped silicon electrodes. The duplex ensemble was synthesized by first treating the SAMP prepared from an aromatic diphosphonic acid to form a titanium complex-terminated one; this was followed by addition of a second equivalent of the aromatic diphosphonic acid. SAMP homogeneity, roughness, and thickness were evaluated by AFM; SAMP film thickness and the structural contributions of each unit in the duplex were measured by X-ray reflection (XRR). The duplex was compared with the aliphatic and aromatic monolayer SAMPs to determine the effect of stacking on electrochemical properties; these were measured by impedance spectroscopy using aqueous electrolytes in the frequency range 20 Hz to 100 kHz, and data were analyzed using resistance-capacitance network based equivalent circuits. For the 11-hydroxyundecylphosphonate SAMP, C(SAMP) = 2.6 ± 0.2 μF/cm(2), consistent with its measured layer thickness (ca. 1.1 nm). For the anthracene-based SAMPs, C(SAMP) = 6-10 μF/cm(2), which is attributed primarily to a higher effective dielectric constant for the aromatic moieties (ε = 5-10) compared to the aliphatic one; impedance spectroscopy measured the additional capacitance of the second aromatic monolayer in the duplex (2ndSAMP) to be C(Ti/2ndSAMP) = 6.8 ± 0.7 μF/cm(2), in series with the first.

  10. Duplex Schemes in Multiple Antenna Two-Hop Relaying

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    Anja Klein


    Full Text Available A novel scheme for two-hop relaying defined as space division duplex (SDD relaying is proposed. In SDD relaying, multiple antenna beamforming techniques are applied at the intermediate relay station (RS in order to separate downlink and uplink signals of a bi-directional two-hop communication between two nodes, namely, S1 and S2. For conventional amplify-and-forward two-hop relaying, there appears a loss in spectral efficiency due to the fact that the RS cannot receive and transmit simultaneously on the same channel resource. In SDD relaying, this loss in spectral efficiency is circumvented by giving up the strict separation of downlink and uplink signals by either time division duplex or frequency division duplex. Two novel concepts for the derivation of the linear beamforming filters at the RS are proposed; they can be designed either by a three-step or a one-step concept. In SDD relaying, receive signals at S1 are interfered by transmit signals of S1, and receive signals at S2 are interfered by transmit signals of S2. An efficient method in order to combat this kind of interference is proposed in this paper. Furthermore, it is shown how the overall spectral efficiency of SDD relaying can be improved if the channels from S1 and S2 to the RS have different qualities.

  11. Internal Carotid Artery Hypoplasia: Role of Color-Coded Carotid Duplex Sonography. (United States)

    Chen, Pei-Ya; Liu, Hung-Yu; Lim, Kun-Eng; Lin, Shinn-Kuang


    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of color-coded carotid duplex sonography for diagnosis of internal carotid artery hypoplasia. We retrospectively reviewed 25,000 color-coded carotid duplex sonograms in our neurosonographic database to establish more diagnostic criteria for internal carotid artery hypoplasia. A definitive diagnosis of internal carotid artery hypoplasia was made in 9 patients. Diagnostic findings on color-coded carotid duplex imaging include a long segmental small-caliber lumen (52% diameter) with markedly decreased flow (13% flow volume) in the affected internal carotid artery relative to the contralateral side but without intraluminal lesions. Indirect findings included markedly increased total flow volume (an increase of 133%) in both vertebral arteries, antegrade ipsilateral ophthalmic arterial flow, and a reduced vessel diameter with increased flow resistance in the ipsilateral common carotid artery. Ten patients with distal internal carotid artery dissection showed a similar color-coded duplex pattern, but the reductions in the internal and common carotid artery diameters and increase in collateral flow from the vertebral artery were less prominent than those in hypoplasia. The ipsilateral ophthalmic arterial flow was retrograde in 40% of patients with distal internal carotid artery dissection. In addition, thin-section axial and sagittal computed tomograms of the skull base could show the small diameter of the carotid canal in internal carotid artery hypoplasia and help distinguish hypoplasia from distal internal carotid artery dissection. Color-coded carotid duplex sonography provides important clues for establishing a diagnosis of internal carotid artery hypoplasia. A hypoplastic carotid canal can be shown by thin-section axial and sagittal skull base computed tomography to confirm the final diagnosis. © 2015 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el mejoramiento frente a la corrosión de los recubrimientos multicapas de [TiN/AlTiN]n con periodos de 2, 6, 12 y 24 bicapas depositados mediante la técnica de PVD magnetrón Sputtering sobre acero al carbono AISI 1045. La evaluación electroquímica se realizó mediante las técnicas espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS y curvas de polarización Tafel, en una solución de 0.5M de H2SO4 + 3.5% wt. de NaCl. La resistencia a la corrosión aumentó de forma gradual en función del número de bicapas en comparación al sustrato encontrando valores de velocidad de corrosión de 18.51 mpy para el sustrato sin recubrir y de 1x10 6 mpy para la muestra con 24 bicapas. Los resultados electroquímicos revelan el efecto positivo en cuanto a la protección superficial del acero 1045 con el incremento del periodo en las multicapas de [TiN /AlTiN]n.

  13. Development and properties of duplex MgF2/PCL coatings on biodegradable magnesium alloy for biomedical applications. (United States)

    Makkar, Preeti; Kang, Hoe Jin; Padalhin, Andrew R; Park, Ihho; Moon, Byoung-Gi; Lee, Byong Taek


    The present work addresses the performance of polycaprolactone (PCL) coating on fluoride treated (MgF2) biodegradable ZK60 magnesium alloy (Mg) for biomedical application. MgF2 conversion layer was first produced by immersing Mg alloy substrate in hydrofluoric acid solution. The outer PCL coating was then prepared using dip coating technique. Morphology, elements profile, phase structure, roughness, mechanical properties, invitro corrosion, and biocompatibility of duplex MgF2/PCL coating were then characterized and compared to those of fluoride coated and uncoated Mg samples. The invivo degradation behavior and biocompatibility of duplex MgF2/PCL coating with respect to ZK60 Mg alloy were also studied using rabbit model for 2 weeks. SEM and TEM analysis showed that the duplex coating was uniform and comprised of porous PCL film (~3.3 μm) as upper layer with compact MgF2 (~2.2 μm) as inner layer. No significant change in microhardness was found on duplex coating compared with uncoated ZK60 Mg alloy. The duplex coating showed improved invitro corrosion resistance than single layered MgF2 or uncoated alloy samples. The duplex coating also resulted in better cell viability, cell adhesion, and cell proliferation compared to fluoride coated or uncoated alloy. Preliminary invivo studies indicated that duplex MgF2/PCL coating reduced the degradation rate of ZK60 Mg alloy and exhibited good biocompatibility. These results suggested that duplex MgF2/PCL coating on magnesium alloy might have great potential for orthopedic applications.

  14. Funcionalización electroquímica y tribológica de películas de quitosano en fosfato tricálcico depositados en acero 316L

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexis Mina Escobar


    Full Text Available Se depositaron recubrimientos de fosfato tricálcico-β/quitosano sobre sustratos de acero 316L vía electrodeposición, a una temperatura de 60 °C, aplicando una corriente de 260 mA. Con el fin de estudiar el efecto del contenido de quitosano en la velocidad de corrosión y la respuesta tribológica de los aceros recubiertos, se utilizaron seis concentraciones de quitosano en la mezcla acuosa. Los enlaces químicos presentes en las capas fueron estudiados mediante Espectroscopia de Infrarrojo con Transformada de Fourier (FTIR; la cristalinidad de los depósitos fue examinada mediante difracción de rayos-X (DRX; la resistencia a la corrosión del TCP-β/quitosano depositado sobre los aceros se estudió mediante Espectroscopia de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS y curvas anódicas Tafel, encontrándose una disminución del 54% en la velocidad de corrosión para la relación 50-50, con respecto a 100% TCP. La respuesta tribológica se analizó mediante pin-on-disc, evidenciando una reducción del 73% en el coeficiente de fricción con mayor concentración de quitosano.

  15. Modelación de fenómenos metalúrgicos en laminación en caliente de acero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zambrano, P.


    Full Text Available Modelling of hot rolling of steel strip involves metallurgical phenomena such as restoration of deformed structures, transformation to ferrite and growth of the oxide layer on top of the steel strip. The effect of composition is taken into account when restoration and phase transformation is considered, whereas it is assumed that the chemical composition of the steel substrate does not affect the oxide crust, being common place to consider the oxide just as a thermal barrier and to assume sticking conditions within the roll-gap. Observations indicate that elements such as silicon and manganese, more susceptible to oxidize than iron, affect the growth kinetics, adhesion and the behaviour during deformation of the oxide layer. This work deals with the way used to model various superficial and metallurgical phenomena, and how this knowledge is used to simulate hot rolling of steel strip.

    La modelación del proceso de laminación en caliente de acero incorpora fenómenos metalúrgicos como son la restauración de la estructura deformada, la trasformación de fase y el crecimiento de la capa de óxido sobre la superficie del acero. Se reconoce el efecto de la composición química sobre la transformación de fase y la restauración, sin embargo se considera que el crecimiento del óxido no es afectado por la presencia de elementos aleantes en el acero y es común que se maneje a la costra de óxido como una barrera térmica y que se supongan condiciones de fricción adhesivas en el entrehierro. Determinadas observaciones indican que elementos como el silicio y el manganeso, más susceptibles a oxidarse que el hierro, afectan la cinética de crecimiento, la adhesión y el comportamiento de la costra al ser deformada. En este trabajo se presenta la forma en que diversos fenómenos metalúrgicos y de superficie se modelan y se utilizan para simular el proceso de laminación en caliente.

  16. Potential of duplex fuel in prebreeder, breeder, and power reactor designs: tests and analyses (AWBA Development Program)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chao, T.L.; Brennan, J.J.; Duncombe, E.; Schneider, M.J.; Johnson, R.G.R.


    Dual region fuel pellets, called duplex pellets, are comprised of an outer annular region of relatively high uranium fuel enrichment and a center pellet of fertile material with no enrichment. UO 2 and ThO 2 are the fissile and fertile materials of interest. Both prebreeders and breeders are discussed as are the performance advantages of duplex pellets over solid pellets in these two pressurized water reactor types. Advantages of duplex pellets for commercial reactor fuel rods are also discussed. Both irradiation test data and analytical results are used in comparisons. Manufacturing of duplex fuel is discussed

  17. Can duplex Doppler ultrasound replace computerized tomography in staging patients with renal cell carcinoma?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, SD; Mensink, HJA

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of duplex Doppler ultrasound (US) and computerized tomography (CT) in staging patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Sixty-six patients were evaluated pre-operatively with duplex Doppler ultrasound and CT. The results were

  18. miRNA-like duplexes as RNAi triggers with improved specificity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan G. Betancur


    Full Text Available siRNA duplexes, the most common triggers of RNA interference, are first loaded into an Argonaute (Ago protein and then undergo unwinding via passenger strand cleavage, which requires the slicer activity of the Ago protein. In mammals, only Ago2 out of the four Ago proteins possesses such slicer activity. In contrast, miRNA/miRNA* duplexes often contain central mismatches that prevent slicer-dependent unwinding. Instead, mismatches in specific regions (seed and 3´-mid regions promote efficient slicer-independent unwinding by any of the four mammalian Ago proteins. Both slicer-dependent and slicer-independent unwinding mechanisms produce guide-containing RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC, which silences target mRNAs by cleavage, translational repression, and/or deadenylation that leads to mRNA decay. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of the RISC assembly pathways, and describe a simple method to rationally design artificial miRNA/miRNA*-like duplexes and highlight its benefits to reduce the unwanted off-target effects without compromising the specific target silencing activity.

  19. Duplex System with Ectopic Ureter Opens into the Posterior Urethra: Case Report. (United States)

    Milicevic, Snjezana; Bijelic, Radojka; Krivokuca, Vladimir; Jakovljevic, Branislava


    Duplicated ureter or Duplex Collecting System is a congenital condition in which the ureteric bud, the embryological origin of the ureter, arises twice, resulting in two ureters draining a single kidney. This congenital anomaly is rare, and even rarer when the duplex system with ectopic ureter is present. This type of congenital anomaly is even more rarely diagnosed and surgically treated in adulthood. This case report presents a case of a 32-year-old male, who had a duplex collecting system with two ureters on the left side. Ectopic ureter, draining the upper pole of the left kidney, opened into the posterior urethra. In our patient, taking into account the clinical perspective, the renal tissue damaging of the upper pole which was not functional, partial nephrectomy and ureterectomy was successfully performed.

  20. Duplex investigations in children: Are clinical signs in children with venous disorders relevant? (United States)

    Birgitte Maessen-Visch, M; Smeets, L; van Vleuten, C


    Ultra sound colored duplex sonography is the preferred method in diagnosing chronic venous disease. Data in children on incidence, indications, and results are lacking. From the total of 9180 duplex investigations performed in our hospital from 2009 to 2012, data on indication and results of the investigation as well as patient characteristics were evaluated retrospectively for the proportion of pediatric patients. Duplex investigations were performed 49 times in 38 children (6-18 years), with an average of 1.3 times (1-6 times) per child. Forty percent showed abnormalities: 17 times deep venous thrombosis was suspected; deep venous thrombosis was objectified in 18%. In the 21 investigations performed for varicosis-related complaints, varicose veins or venous malformations were objectified in 57%. Edema was never a symptom of chronic venous disease. Duplex investigation is not often performed in children. In children with established deep venous thrombosis, a family history with deep venous thrombosis is common. In general, edema was not seen in children with varicose veins and, therefore, does not seem a reliable clinical sign at young age. © The Author(s) 2014.

  1. The Cementation of Boron to Steels by the Method of Electrolytic Deposition; Cementation Electrolytique d'Aciers par le Bore; Tsementirovanie bora v stali putem ehlektroliticheskogo osazhdeniya; Cementacion de Aceros con Boro por Deposito Electrolitico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawakami, M. [Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)


    This report describes a fabricating method for cementation of a control rod with boron. The cementing is carried out by electrolysis of fused borax at about 900 Degree-Sign C, the steel rod to be cemented acting as a cathode, and the graphite electrode as an anode. As the electrolysis progresses, boron is deposited on/the steel rod and diffused into it. When suitable conditions of electrolysis exist, a case of the steel rod with as much as 20% boron content can easily be obtained. The kinds of steel investigated were carbon steel, stainless steels, high chrome steel etc., and each of them showed good results. (author) [French] L'auteur expose une methode de fabrication d'une barre de commande en acier cemente par le bore. La cementation est effectuee par l'electrolyse de borax fondu a environ 900 Degree-Sign C, la barre d'acier a cementer formant cathode et une electrode en graphite constituant l'anode. Au cours du processus d 'electrolyse, le bore se depose sur la barre d'acier et est diffuse dans le metal. Lorsque l'electrolyse s'effectue dans les conditions requises, on peut obtenir facilement une barre d'acier dont la teneur en bore atteint jusqu'a 20%. Les recherches ont porte sur des aciers tels que les aciers au carbone ordinaires, les aciers inoxydables, les aciers refractaires au chrome, etc. et on a obtenu de bons resultats pour chacun de ces aciers. (author) [Spanish] La memoria describe un metodo de obtencion de barras de control cementadas con boro. La cementacion se efectua por electrolisis de borax fundido a unos 900 Degree-Sign C. Como catodo se emplea la barra de acero que se desea cementar y como anodo, un electrodo de grafito. Conforme progresa la electrolisis, el boro se deposita sobre la barra de acero y penetra en la misma por difusion. Si las condiciones en que se efectua la electrolisis son adecuadas, se logra facilmente la cementacion de la barra de acero, que alcanza un contenido de hasta 20% de boro. Entre los aceros investigados, figuran

  2. Reproducing crucible steel: a practical guide and a comparative analysis to persian manuscripts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moshtagh Khorasani, Manouchehr


    Full Text Available Different terms are used in old Persian manuscripts, such as Ta’id Besârat, to define and refer to crucible or watered steel and different types of swords. However, there are few manuscripts that describe the way crucible steel cakes and blades were made such as the manuscript Gŏharnâme. The present article deals with the making of crucible steel as described in Persian manuscripts and also with a new reproduction process of making crucible steel as conducted by the Finnish smith Niko Hynninen.Los antiguos manuscritos persas, tales como Ta’id Besârat, emplean diversos términos para definir y referirse al acero de crisol o acero de Damasco y a diversos tipos de espada. Sin embargo, existen pocos manuscritos que describan el modo en que se elaboraban los lingotes y hojas de acero de crisol, entre ellos el manuscrito Gŏharnâme. El presente artículo describe el proceso de elaboración del acero de crisol tal y como lo refieren los manuscritos persas, así como una moderna reproducción del mismo realizada por el forjador finlandés Niko Hynninen.

  3. Development of duplex RT-PCR-ELISA for the simultaneous detection of hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus. (United States)

    Tahk, Hongmin; Lee, Min Hwa; Lee, Kang Bum; Cheon, Doo-Sung; Choi, Changsun


    This study aimed to develop a specific and sensitive duplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (duplex RT-PCR-ELISA) for hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV). Duplex RT-PCR-ELISA could detect and differentiate HAV and HEV with specific probes. When ELISA technique was used to detect probe-bound RT-PCR products, duplex RT-PCR-ELISA could detect as little as 0.1 ng/μL HAV and HEV from clinical samples. Human norovirus, enterovirus, poliovirus, murine norovirus and feline calicivirus were used for the specificity test; all were negative. Therefore duplex RT-PCR-ELISA can be used for the simultaneous detection of HAV and HEV in contaminated fecal samples. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Fatigue crack propagation behavior and acoustic emission characteristics of the heat affected zone of super duplex stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Do, Jae Yoon; Kim, Jin Hwan; Ahn, Seok Hwan; Park, In Duck; Kang, Chang Yong; Nam, Ki Woo


    Because duplex stainless steel shows the good strength and corrosion resistance properties, the necessity of duplex stainless steel, which has long life in severe environments, has been increased with industrial development. The fatigue crack propagation behavior of Heat Affected Zone(HAZ) has been investigated in super duplex stainless steel. The fatigue crack propagation rate of HAZ of super duplex stainless steel was faster than that of base metal of super duplex stainless steel. We also analysed acoustic emission signals during the fatigue test with time-frequency analysis method. According to the results of time-frequency analysis, the frequency ranges of 200-400 kHz were obtained by striation and the frequency range of 500 kHz was obtained due to dimple and separate of inclusion

  5. Weld oxide formation on lean duplex stainless steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Westin, E.M. [Outokumpu Stainless, Avesta Research Centre, P.O. Box 74, SE-774 22 Avesta (Sweden)], E-mail:; Olsson, C.-O.A. [Outokumpu Stainless, Avesta Research Centre, P.O. Box 74, SE-774 22 Avesta (Sweden); Hertzman, S. [Outokumpu Stainless Research Foundation, Brinellvaegen 23, SE-100 44 Stockholm (Sweden)


    Weld oxides have a strong influence on corrosion resistance, but have hitherto only been studied to a limited extent for duplex stainless steels. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has here been used to study heat tint formed on gas tungsten arc (GTA) welds on the commercial duplex grades LDX 2101 (EN 1.4162/UNS S32101) and 2304 (EN 1.4362/UNS S32304) welded with and without nitrogen additions to the shielding gas. The process of heat tint formation is discussed in terms of transport phenomena to explain the effect of atmosphere, temperature and composition. The oxides formed were found to be enriched in manganese and corrosion testing shows that nitrogen has a strong influence on the weld oxide. A mechanism is proposed including evaporation from the weld pool and subsequent redeposition.

  6. Weld oxide formation on lean duplex stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westin, E.M.; Olsson, C.-O.A.; Hertzman, S.


    Weld oxides have a strong influence on corrosion resistance, but have hitherto only been studied to a limited extent for duplex stainless steels. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has here been used to study heat tint formed on gas tungsten arc (GTA) welds on the commercial duplex grades LDX 2101 (EN 1.4162/UNS S32101) and 2304 (EN 1.4362/UNS S32304) welded with and without nitrogen additions to the shielding gas. The process of heat tint formation is discussed in terms of transport phenomena to explain the effect of atmosphere, temperature and composition. The oxides formed were found to be enriched in manganese and corrosion testing shows that nitrogen has a strong influence on the weld oxide. A mechanism is proposed including evaporation from the weld pool and subsequent redeposition

  7. Investigation of hot cracking resistance of 2205 duplex steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adamiec, J; Scibisz, B, E-mail: [Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy, ul. Krasinskiego 8, PL-40019 Katowice (Poland)


    Austenitic duplex steel of the brand 2205 according to Avesta Sheffield is used for welded constructions (pipelines, tanks) in the petrol industry, chemical industry and food industry. It is important to know the range of high-temperature brittleness in designing welding technology for constructions made of this steel type. There is no data in literature concerning this issue. High-temperature brittleness tests using the simulator of heat flow device Gleeble 3800 were performed. The tests results allowed the evaluation of the characteristic temperatures in the brittleness temperature range during the joining of duplex steels, specifically the nil-strength temperature (NST) and nil-ductility temperatures (NDT) during heating, the strength and ductility recovery temperatures (DRT) during cooling, the R{sub f}parameter (R{sub f} = (T{sub liquidus} - NDT)/NDT) describing the duplex steel inclination for hot cracking, and the brittleness temperature range (BTR). It has been stated that, for the examined steel, this range is wide and amounts to ca. 90 deg. C. The joining of duplex steels with the help of welding techniques creates a significant risk of hot cracks. After analysis of the DTA curves a liquidus temperature of T{sub L} = 1465 deg. C and a solidus temperature of T{sub S} = 1454 deg. C were observed. For NST a mean value was assumed, in which the cracks appeared for six samples; the temperature was 1381 deg. C. As the value of the NDT temperature 1367 deg. C was applied while for DRT the assumed temperature was 1375 deg. C. The microstructure of the fractures was observed using a Hitachi S-3400N scanning electron microscope (SEM). The analyses of the chemical composition were performed using an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), Noran System Six of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Essential differences of fracture morphology type over the brittle temperature range were observed and described.

  8. Investigation of hot cracking resistance of 2205 duplex steel (United States)

    Adamiec, J.; Ścibisz, B.


    Austenitic duplex steel of the brand 2205 according to Avesta Sheffield is used for welded constructions (pipelines, tanks) in the petrol industry, chemical industry and food industry. It is important to know the range of high-temperature brittleness in designing welding technology for constructions made of this steel type. There is no data in literature concerning this issue. High-temperature brittleness tests using the simulator of heat flow device Gleeble 3800 were performed. The tests results allowed the evaluation of the characteristic temperatures in the brittleness temperature range during the joining of duplex steels, specifically the nil-strength temperature (NST) and nil-ductility temperatures (NDT) during heating, the strength and ductility recovery temperatures (DRT) during cooling, the Rfparameter (Rf = (Tliquidus - NDT)/NDT) describing the duplex steel inclination for hot cracking, and the brittleness temperature range (BTR). It has been stated that, for the examined steel, this range is wide and amounts to ca. 90 °C. The joining of duplex steels with the help of welding techniques creates a significant risk of hot cracks. After analysis of the DTA curves a liquidus temperature of TL = 1465 °C and a solidus temperature of TS = 1454 °C were observed. For NST a mean value was assumed, in which the cracks appeared for six samples; the temperature was 1381 °C. As the value of the NDT temperature 1367 °C was applied while for DRT the assumed temperature was 1375 °C. The microstructure of the fractures was observed using a Hitachi S-3400N scanning electron microscope (SEM). The analyses of the chemical composition were performed using an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), Noran System Six of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Essential differences of fracture morphology type over the brittle temperature range were observed and described.

  9. Investigation of hot cracking resistance of 2205 duplex steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adamiec, J; Scibisz, B


    Austenitic duplex steel of the brand 2205 according to Avesta Sheffield is used for welded constructions (pipelines, tanks) in the petrol industry, chemical industry and food industry. It is important to know the range of high-temperature brittleness in designing welding technology for constructions made of this steel type. There is no data in literature concerning this issue. High-temperature brittleness tests using the simulator of heat flow device Gleeble 3800 were performed. The tests results allowed the evaluation of the characteristic temperatures in the brittleness temperature range during the joining of duplex steels, specifically the nil-strength temperature (NST) and nil-ductility temperatures (NDT) during heating, the strength and ductility recovery temperatures (DRT) during cooling, the R f parameter (R f = (T liquidus - NDT)/NDT) describing the duplex steel inclination for hot cracking, and the brittleness temperature range (BTR). It has been stated that, for the examined steel, this range is wide and amounts to ca. 90 deg. C. The joining of duplex steels with the help of welding techniques creates a significant risk of hot cracks. After analysis of the DTA curves a liquidus temperature of T L = 1465 deg. C and a solidus temperature of T S = 1454 deg. C were observed. For NST a mean value was assumed, in which the cracks appeared for six samples; the temperature was 1381 deg. C. As the value of the NDT temperature 1367 deg. C was applied while for DRT the assumed temperature was 1375 deg. C. The microstructure of the fractures was observed using a Hitachi S-3400N scanning electron microscope (SEM). The analyses of the chemical composition were performed using an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), Noran System Six of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Essential differences of fracture morphology type over the brittle temperature range were observed and described.



    Héctor Herrera-Hernández


    En el presente trabajo se estudiaelectroquímicamente un GELextracto de las hojas de ALOE VERAcomo un posible inhibidor de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo estructuraldel concreto.Los estudiosde corrosiónse llevaron a cabo en 1M de HCl y utilizando la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS)se evaluó la resistencia a la corrosión en presencia y ausencia del GEL.Los diagramas de impedancia mostraronque la adición en diferentes proporciones...

  11. Influencia de la ductilidad de las armaduras de acero en el comportamiento y la seguridad de losas de hormigón armado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ortega, H.


    Full Text Available This work is based on the results and basic conclusions of author's doctoral thesis, directed by Professor José Calavera. On the one hand, a new form to measure the ductility of those steels used like reinforcement of concrete, is proposed, in order to be compared and classified in accordance with this one. On the other hand it has been studied the results of the tests on 12 continuous slabs of two equal spans, reinforced with four different steel types chosen so that, in the more requested section the steel will reach, in first place, its collapse (situation in the 2 domain, A pivot. The reinforcement to allow the mentioned extent, is provided with same nominal resistance steels and same diameter, but with - different ductility. The results of this experimental study, reveals the importance of the steel ductility concerning the behaviour and real security of the structure in front of the collapse, and furnish a group of conclusions and proposals concerning this interesting subject.

    Este trabajo se basa en los resultados y conclusiones básicas de la tesis doctoral del autor, dirigida por el Profesor D. José Calavera. Se propone, por un lado, una forma de medir mediante un único parámetro la ductilidad de los aceros utilizados como armaduras para hormigón armado, de forma que se puedan comparar y clasificar con arreglo al mismo. Por otro, se estudian los resultados de los ensayos sobre 12 losas continuas de dos vanos, de sección maciza, armadas con cuatro cuantías diferentes elegidas de forma que, en la sección más solicitada, sea el acero el que alcance, en primer lugar, su agotamiento (situación en el dominio 2, pivote A . El armado para conseguir las citadas cuantías se realiza con aceros de la misma resistencia nominal y del mismo diámetro, pero con distinta ductilidad. Los resultados de este estudio experimental, ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la ductilidad del acero en relación con el comportamiento, as

  12. The Contribution of the Activation Entropy to the Gas-Phase Stability of Modified Nucleic Acid Duplexes (United States)

    Hari, Yvonne; Dugovič, Branislav; Istrate, Alena; Fignolé, Annabel; Leumann, Christian J.; Schürch, Stefan


    Tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA) is a sugar-modified analogue of DNA currently tested for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in an antisense approach. Tandem mass spectrometry plays a key role in modern medical diagnostics and has become a widespread technique for the structure elucidation and quantification of antisense oligonucleotides. Herein, mechanistic aspects of the fragmentation of tcDNA are discussed, which lay the basis for reliable sequencing and quantification of the antisense oligonucleotide. Excellent selectivity of tcDNA for complementary RNA is demonstrated in direct competition experiments. Moreover, the kinetic stability and fragmentation pattern of matched and mismatched tcDNA heteroduplexes were investigated and compared with non-modified DNA and RNA duplexes. Although the separation of the constituting strands is the entropy-favored fragmentation pathway of all nucleic acid duplexes, it was found to be only a minor pathway of tcDNA duplexes. The modified hybrid duplexes preferentially undergo neutral base loss and backbone cleavage. This difference is due to the low activation entropy for the strand dissociation of modified duplexes that arises from the conformational constraint of the tc-sugar-moiety. The low activation entropy results in a relatively high free activation enthalpy for the dissociation comparable to the free activation enthalpy of the alternative reaction pathway, the release of a nucleobase. The gas-phase behavior of tcDNA duplexes illustrates the impact of the activation entropy on the fragmentation kinetics and suggests that tandem mass spectrometric experiments are not suited to determine the relative stability of different types of nucleic acid duplexes.

  13. Microstructure and Antiwear Property of Laser Cladding Ni-Co Duplex Coating on Copper. (United States)

    Wang, Yiyong; Liang, Zhipeng; Zhang, Junwei; Ning, Zhe; Jin, Hui


    Ni-Co duplex coatings were cladded onto Cu to improve the antiwear properties of Cu products. Prior to laser cladding, n-Al₂O₃/Ni layers were introduced as interlayers between laser cladding coatings and Cu substrates to improve the laser absorptivity of these substrates and ensure defect-free laser cladding coatings. The structure and morphology of the coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy, and the phases of the coatings were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. Their hardness was measured using a microhardness tester. Experimental results showed that defect-free composite coatings were obtained and that the coatings were metallurgically bonded to the substrates. The surface of the Ni-Co duplex coatings comprised a Co-based solid solution, Cr₇C₃, (Fe,Ni) 23 C₆, and other strengthening phases. The microhardness and wear resistance of the duplex coatings were significantly improved compared with the Cu substrates. The average microhardness of the cladded coatings was 845.6 HV, which was approximately 8.2 times greater than that of the Cu substrates (102.6 HV). The volume loss of the Cu substrates was approximately 7.5 times greater than that of the Ni-Co duplex coatings after 60 min of sliding wear testing. The high hardness of and lack of defects in the Ni-Co duplex coatings reduced the plastic deformation and adhesive wear of the Cu substrates, resulting in improved wear properties.

  14. Microstructure and Antiwear Property of Laser Cladding Ni–Co Duplex Coating on Copper (United States)

    Wang, Yiyong; Liang, Zhipeng; Zhang, Junwei; Ning, Zhe; Jin, Hui


    Ni–Co duplex coatings were cladded onto Cu to improve the antiwear properties of Cu products. Prior to laser cladding, n-Al2O3/Ni layers were introduced as interlayers between laser cladding coatings and Cu substrates to improve the laser absorptivity of these substrates and ensure defect-free laser cladding coatings. The structure and morphology of the coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy, and the phases of the coatings were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. Their hardness was measured using a microhardness tester. Experimental results showed that defect-free composite coatings were obtained and that the coatings were metallurgically bonded to the substrates. The surface of the Ni–Co duplex coatings comprised a Co-based solid solution, Cr7C3, (Fe,Ni)23C6, and other strengthening phases. The microhardness and wear resistance of the duplex coatings were significantly improved compared with the Cu substrates. The average microhardness of the cladded coatings was 845.6 HV, which was approximately 8.2 times greater than that of the Cu substrates (102.6 HV). The volume loss of the Cu substrates was approximately 7.5 times greater than that of the Ni–Co duplex coatings after 60 min of sliding wear testing. The high hardness of and lack of defects in the Ni–Co duplex coatings reduced the plastic deformation and adhesive wear of the Cu substrates, resulting in improved wear properties. PMID:28773755

  15. Microstructure and Antiwear Property of Laser Cladding Ni–Co Duplex Coating on Copper

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yiyong Wang


    Full Text Available Ni–Co duplex coatings were cladded onto Cu to improve the antiwear properties of Cu products. Prior to laser cladding, n-Al2O3/Ni layers were introduced as interlayers between laser cladding coatings and Cu substrates to improve the laser absorptivity of these substrates and ensure defect-free laser cladding coatings. The structure and morphology of the coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy, and the phases of the coatings were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. Their hardness was measured using a microhardness tester. Experimental results showed that defect-free composite coatings were obtained and that the coatings were metallurgically bonded to the substrates. The surface of the Ni–Co duplex coatings comprised a Co-based solid solution, Cr7C3, (Fe,Ni23C6, and other strengthening phases. The microhardness and wear resistance of the duplex coatings were significantly improved compared with the Cu substrates. The average microhardness of the cladded coatings was 845.6 HV, which was approximately 8.2 times greater than that of the Cu substrates (102.6 HV. The volume loss of the Cu substrates was approximately 7.5 times greater than that of the Ni–Co duplex coatings after 60 min of sliding wear testing. The high hardness of and lack of defects in the Ni–Co duplex coatings reduced the plastic deformation and adhesive wear of the Cu substrates, resulting in improved wear properties.

  16. A duplex DNA-gold nanoparticle probe composed as a colorimetric biosensor for sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. (United States)

    Ahn, Junho; Choi, Yeonweon; Lee, Ae-Ree; Lee, Joon-Hwa; Jung, Jong Hwa


    Using duplex DNA-AuNP aggregates, a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, SQUAMOSA Promoter-binding-Like protein 12 (SPL-12), was directly determined by SPL-12-duplex DNA interaction-based colorimetric actions of DNA-Au assemblies. In order to prepare duplex DNA-Au aggregates, thiol-modified DNA 1 and DNA 2 were attached onto the surface of AuNPs, respectively, by the salt-aging method and then the DNA-attached AuNPs were mixed. Duplex-DNA-Au aggregates having the average size of 160 nm diameter and the maximum absorption at 529 nm were able to recognize SPL-12 and reached the equivalent state by the addition of ∼30 equivalents of SPL-12 accompanying a color change from red to blue with a red shift of the maximum absorption at 570 nm. As a result, the aggregation size grew to about 247 nm. Also, at higher temperatures of the mixture of duplex-DNA-Au aggregate solution and SPL-12, the equivalent state was reached rapidly. On the contrary, in the control experiment using Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), no absorption band shift of duplex-DNA-Au aggregates was observed.

  17. The Role of Duplex Scanning in the Selection of Patients with Critical Lower-Limb Ischemia for Infrainguinal Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loefberg, Anne-Marie; Karacagil, Sadettin; Hellberg, Anders; Bostroem, Annika; Ljungman, Christer; Ostholm, Goerel


    Purpose: To investigate the role of duplex scanning in the selection of patients with critical lower-limb ischemia (CLI) for infrainguinal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA).Methods: One hundred and sixty-two limbs with CLI (150 patients) that underwent duplex scanning within 3 months prior to conventional diagnostic angiography (n = 88) or infrainguinal PTA (n = 74) were retrospectively studied. The findings obtained from duplex scanning and angiography were analyzed in a masked fashion by two different investigators.Results: The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and negative and positive predictive values of duplex scanning in the selection of patients for infrainguinal PTA were 86%, 84%, 89%, 86%, and 87% respectively. Forty-two procedures (57%) were performed at multiple arterial segments. The accuracy of duplex scanning in the selection of femoropopliteal and crural lesions for PTA was over 85%. However, the sensitivity of duplex scanning in the selection of popliteal and crural lesions for PTA was 49% and 38% respectively, compared with 80% for superior femoral artery lesions. In 39% of patients who were correctly selected for PTA, duplex scanning misdiagnosed one of the multiple lesions treated by PTA.Conclusion: Duplex scanning can safely be used for the selection of patients for infrainguinal PTA. The sensitivity of duplex scanning in the selection of lesions for PTA was less satisfactory in the popliteal and crural arteries compared with the femoropopliteal arteries

  18. Desarrollo de los procesos de moldeo por inyección y extrusión de polvos para la obtención de piezas de aceros inoxidables dúplex y ferríticos


    Sotomayor Lozano, María Eugenia


    En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha desarrollado el proceso de moldeo por inyección de polvos (pIM) para la obtención de piezas de acero inoxidable dúplex con aplicaciones en ortodoncia. Por otro lado, se ha desarrollado el proceso de moldeo por extrusión de polvos (PEM) para la obtención de láminas y tubos porosos de acero inoxidable ferrítico con aplicaciones en pilas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFCs). En primer lugar, se prepararon y caracterizaron térmica y reológicamente las mezclas...

  19. Duplex geometry: an example from the Moine Thrust Belt (United States)

    Bowler, S.


    The geometry and microstructure of a small duplex formed in one bed from the Moine Thrust Belt of northwest Scotland is reported. The structure is seen in oblique section, within the Cambrian Pipe-rock, in an area of low strain. A range of movement direction indicators are present in the structure. An early grain shape fabric developed close to the roof thrust is taken as the best estimate of the overall movement direction towards 287°. Slickensides in the gouge developed on movement planes within the duplex show varied orientations on a given plane, and are not considered useful indicators of thrust transport direction. Branch lines exposed converge and diverge, suggesting little lateral continuity of the exposed structure. The microstructures present within the structure indicate an increase in localised deformation, and in cataclastic behavior as the duplex evolved. Early layer parallel shear is ubiquitous, giving rise to an elongate grain shape fabric close to bedding surfaces. In early formed horses, a layer-parallel, oblate grain shape fabric, which shows localised slip zones, is overprinted by gouge formation. Later formed horses show only fracturing and gouge development. This sequence is attributed to stick-slip behavior in the propagation or displacement of the original fault, now the floor thrust.

  20. Microstructures and mechanical properties of duplex low carbon steel (United States)

    Alfirano; Eben, U. S.; Hidayat, M.


    The microstructures behavior of duplex cold-rolled low carbon steel for automotive applications has been investigated. Intercritical annealing treatment is commonly used to develop a duplex low carbon steel containing ferrite and martensite. To get a duplex phase ferrite and martensite, the specimens were heated at inter-critical annealing temperature of 775°C - 825°C, for heating time up to 20 minutes, followed by water-quenched. The hardness of specimens was studied. The optical microscopy was used to analyze the microstructures. The optimal annealing conditions (martensite volume fraction approaching 20%) at 775°C with a heating time of 10 minutes was achieved. The highest hardness value was obtained in cold-rolled specimens of 41% in size reduction for intercritical annealing temperature of 825°C. In this condition, the hardness value was 373 HVN. The correlation between intercritical annealing temperature and time can be expressed in the transformation kinetics as fγ/fe = 1-exp(-Ktn) wherein K and n are grain growth rate constant and Avrami’s exponent, respectively. From experiment, the value of K = 0.15 and n = 0.461. Using the relationship between temperatures and heating time, activation energy (Q) can be calculated that is 267 kJ/mol.

  1. Design of duplex low carbon steels for improved strength: weight applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koo, J.


    Duplex ferrite-martensite (DFM) steels with excellent combinations of strength and formability have been selected from first principles, and their microstructure-property relationships established through a systematic investigation of a series of ternary Fe/X/0.1 C steels (X being varying amount of Cr and Si). Duplex processing consists of initial austenitization and quenching to form 100% martensite, followed by annealing in the (..cap alpha.. + ..gamma..) range and subsequent quenching. The resultant DFM morphology is controlled by the type and amount of alloying element X.

  2. Efecto de las variables del procedimiento de soldadura sobre las propiedades mecánicas y la resistencia a la corrosión en depósitos de soldadura de aceros inoxidables supermartensíticos


    Zappa, Sebastián


    La soldadura de los aceros inoxidables martensíticos ha presentado ciertas dificultades y el uso de tratamientos térmicos es normalmente obligatorio. Las razones son diferentes para cada grado de acero, pero en general, es común obtener alta dureza y baja tenacidad en la zona afectada por el calor. Este hecho está asociado con la estructura martensítica en sí misma y el contenido de carbono. Una posible solución a este problema y para alcanzar determinadas propiedades en condición como soldad...

  3. Residual stresses and fatigue in a duplex stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johansson, Johan


    Duplex stainless steels, consisting of approximately equal amounts of austenite and ferrite, often combine the best features of austenitic and ferritic stainless steels. They generally have good mechanical properties, including high strength and ductility, and the corrosion resistance is often better than conventional austenitic grades. This has lead to a growing use of duplex stainless steels as a material in mechanically loaded constructions. However, detailed knowledge regarding its mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms are still lacking. In this thesis special emphasis has been placed on the residual stresses and their influence on mechanical behaviour of duplex stainless steels. Due to the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between the two phases, tensile microstresses are found in the austenitic phase and balancing compressive microstresses in the ferritic phase. The first part of this thesis is a literature survey, which will give an introduction to duplex stainless steels and review the fatigue properties of duplex stainless steels and the influence of residual stresses in two-phase material. The second part concerns the evolution of the residual stress state during uniaxial loading. Initial residual stresses were found to be almost two times higher in the transverse direction compared to the rolling direction. During loading the absolute value of the microstresses increased in the macroscopic elastic regime but started to decrease with increasing load in the macroscopic plastic regime. A significant increase of the microstresses was also found to occur during unloading. Finite element simulations also show stress variation within one phase and a strong influence of both the elastic and plastic anisotropy of the individual phases on the simulated stress state. In the third part, the load sharing between the phases during cyclic loading is studied. X-ray diffraction stress analysis and transmission electron microscopy show that even if

  4. Residual stresses and fatigue in a duplex stainless steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johansson, Johan


    Duplex stainless steels, consisting of approximately equal amounts of austenite and ferrite, often combine the best features of austenitic and ferritic stainless steels. They generally have good mechanical properties, including high strength and ductility, and the corrosion resistance is often better than conventional austenitic grades. This has lead to a growing use of duplex stainless steels as a material in mechanically loaded constructions. However, detailed knowledge regarding its mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms are still lacking. In this thesis special emphasis has been placed on the residual stresses and their influence on mechanical behaviour of duplex stainless steels. Due to the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between the two phases, tensile microstresses are found in the austenitic phase and balancing compressive microstresses in the ferritic phase. The first part of this thesis is a literature survey, which will give an introduction to duplex stainless steels and review the fatigue properties of duplex stainless steels and the influence of residual stresses in two-phase material. The second part concerns the evolution of the residual stress state during uniaxial loading. Initial residual stresses were found to be almost two times higher in the transverse direction compared to the rolling direction. During loading the absolute value of the microstresses increased in the macroscopic elastic regime but started to decrease with increasing load in the macroscopic plastic regime. A significant increase of the microstresses was also found to occur during unloading. Finite element simulations also show stress variation within one phase and a strong influence of both the elastic and plastic anisotropy of the individual phases on the simulated stress state. In the third part, the load sharing between the phases during cyclic loading is studied. X-ray diffraction stress analysis and transmission electron microscopy show that even if

  5. Microestructuras producidas en la soldadura de unión de aceros para tuberías de gran diámetro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salazar, M.


    Full Text Available This is an evaluation of the microstructure in the heat affected zone (HAZ of steel weldings used in pipe lines. The welding was made by shielding metal are welding. This is a welding process with multiple run and low heat input, however local brittle zones are present in the HAZ. These are originated by a complex mechanism that is influenced by welding parameters and chemical composition of the steel. The welding sequences that help to eliminate the local brittle zones are studied.

    En este trabajo se estudian las microestructuras producidas en la zona afectada por el calor (HAZ de la soldadura de unión en aceros utilizados en la construcción de poliductos. Se analizan las juntas obtenidas mediante soldadura manual con electrodo revestido. A pesar de que este es un proceso de soldadura con un bajo aporte térmico, se encuentran zonas frágiles locales que se originan por un mecanismo complejo influido por parámetros de soldadura y composición química del acero. Se analizan secuencias de soldaduras que ayuden a la desaparición de las mismas.

  6. Producción de aceros al carbono en hornos de arco eléctrico en condiciones de mineral de manganeso. // Steel production in electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. E. Navas Medina


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo constituye una segunda etapa de investigación relacionada con la producción de acero en hornos de arcoeléctrico con revestimiento básico en condiciones de utilización de mineral de manganeso como sustituto del ferromanganeso.En la investigación se caracteriza el acero producido utilizando el mineral de manganeso en dos variantes tecnológicasdiferentes y se determinan parámetros importantes, tales como la estructura del acero obtenido, la influencia de lacomposición química y la temperatura en la reducción del Mn. Adicionalmente, se determina la composición química de laescoria, su basicidad e influencia en el aprovechamiento del Mn del mineral, así como, lo que significa la sustitución delFeMn en la problemática medioambiental.Palabras claves: Producción de aceros al carbono, hornos de arco eléctricos, mineral de manganeso.______________________________________________________________________________Abstract:This present work constitutes the second stage of investigation in relation with the steel production bymeans of electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese ores as a substitute of theferromanganese. In the investigation, the steel manufactured is analyzed the manganese ore in twodifferent technological variants and some important parameters are determined such as: the chemicalcomposition's structure of the steel, the influence of temperature in the reduction of Mn. Moreover, ananalysis of the chemical composition of the slag and the influence in the environmental is realized.Key words: Carbon steel production, electric arc furnaces, manganese mineral.

  7. Phase transformations evaluation on a UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel based on nondestructive testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macedo Silva, Edgard de; Costa de Albuquerque, Victor Hugo; Pereira Leite, Josinaldo; Gomes Varela, Antonio Carlos; Pinho de Moura, Elineudo; Tavares, Joao Manuel R.S.


    Duplex stainless steel presents special mechanical properties such as, for example, mechanical and corrosion strength, becoming competitive in relation to the other types of stainless steel. One of the great problems of duplex stainless steel microstructural changes study is related to embrittlement above 300 deg. C, with the precipitation of the α' phase occurring over the ferritic microstructure. Aiming to characterise embrittlement of duplex stainless steel, hardening kinetics, from 425 to 475 deg. C, was analysed through the speed of sound, Charpy impact energy, X-ray diffraction, hardness and microscopy parameters. The presence of two hardening stages, detected through the speed of sound, was observed, one being of brittle characteristic and the other ductile. Moreover, the speed of sound showed a direct correlation with the material's hardness. Thus, it is concluded that the speed of sound is a promising nondestructive parameter to follow-up embrittlement in duplex stainless steel.

  8. Increased Y-chromosome detection by SRY duplexing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Høgh; Clausen, Frederik Banch; Dziegiel, Morten Hanefeld


    Determining fetal sex noninvasively is dependent of a robust assay. We designed a novel SRY assay and combined it with a SRY assay from literature forming a duplex assay with the same fluorescent dye to increase detection of Y-chromosome at low cell-free fetal DNA or chimeric DNA concentrations....

  9. Mechanical Deformation Behavior of Lean Duplex 329LA Steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Byung-Jun [Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Jeom-Yong [POSCO Technical Research Lab., Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Park, Kyung-Tae [Hanvat National University, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Ho Seong [Kyungpook National University, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    The tensile response of Lean Duplex 329LA stainless steel was investigated over various strain rates. It was observed that the mechanical response, including in particular the total elongation of the tested alloy, was strongly affected by the strain rate. As the strain rate decreased from 10-1 s-1 to 10-4 s-1, the elongation increased. As the strain rate increased, the deformation mode in an austenite phase was dominated by dislocation glide, resulting in deterioration of the elongation. The substructure of the ferritic phase showed a dislocation cell structure, independent of the applied strain rate. The optimum mechanical properties of lean duplex stainless steel thus can be obtained by controlling the deformation mode in the austenitic phase.

  10. Mechanical Deformation Behavior of Lean Duplex 329LA Steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Byung-Jun; Choi, Jeom-Yong; Park, Kyung-Tae; Lee, Ho Seong


    The tensile response of Lean Duplex 329LA stainless steel was investigated over various strain rates. It was observed that the mechanical response, including in particular the total elongation of the tested alloy, was strongly affected by the strain rate. As the strain rate decreased from 10-1 s-1 to 10-4 s-1, the elongation increased. As the strain rate increased, the deformation mode in an austenite phase was dominated by dislocation glide, resulting in deterioration of the elongation. The substructure of the ferritic phase showed a dislocation cell structure, independent of the applied strain rate. The optimum mechanical properties of lean duplex stainless steel thus can be obtained by controlling the deformation mode in the austenitic phase.

  11. Aging behaviour of 25Cr-17Mn high nitrogen duplex stainless steel


    Machado, I. F.; Padilha, A. F.


    The precipitation behaviour of a nickel free stainless steel containing 25% chromium, 17% manganese and 0.54% nitrogen, with duplex ferritic-austenitic microstructure, was studied using several complementary techniques of microstructural analysis after aging heat treatments between 600 and 1 000 degrees C for periods of lime between 15 and 6 000 min. During aging heat treatments, ferrite was decomposed into sigma phase and austenite by a eutectoid reaction, like in the Fe-Cr-Ni duplex stainle...

  12. Comparison of simulated and measured quantities of a duplex reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koskela, M.; Kajava, M. [ABB Marine, Helsinki (Finland)


    The purpose of this article is to illustrate the use of an analog simulator as a design tool when designing new power electric equipment. The purpose of simulation is to predict the functionality of electrical equipment to be constructed. Duplex reactor is an electromagnetic device designed to reduce voltage harmonics and short circuit currents in the ship electrical network. In this report a comparison between simulated and measured electrical quantities of a duplex reactor has been made. The purpose of the measurements was to show the correct functioning of the reactor. The simulation results and the measured waveforms corresponds well to each other. (orig.) 4 refs.

  13. Characterization of duplex stainless steel weld metals obtained by hybrid plasma-gas metal arc welding

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koray Yurtisik


    Full Text Available Despite its high efficiency, autogenous keyhole welding is not well-accepted for duplex stainless steels because it causes excessive ferrite in as-welded duplex microstructure, which leads to a degradation in toughness and corrosion properties of the material. Combining the deep penetration characteristics of plasma arc welding in keyhole mode and metal deposition capability of gas metal arc welding, hybrid plasma - gas metal arc welding process has considered for providing a proper duplex microstructure without compromising the welding efficiency. 11.1 mm-thick standard duplex stainless steel plates were joined in a single-pass using this novel technique. Same plates were also subjected to conventional gas metal arc and plasma arc welding processes, providing benchmarks for the investigation of the weldability of the material. In the first place, the hybrid welding process enabled us to achieve less heat input compared to gas metal arc welding. Consequently, the precipitation of secondary phases, which are known to be detrimental to the toughness and corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steels, was significantly suppressed in both fusion and heat affected zones. Secondly, contrary to other keyhole techniques, proper cooling time and weld metal chemistry were achieved during the process, facilitating sufficient reconstructive transformation of austenite in the ferrite phase.

  14. Concurrent infections of pseudorabies virus and porcine bocavirus in China detected by duplex nanoPCR. (United States)

    Luo, Yakun; Liang, Lin; Zhou, Ling; Zhao, Kai; Cui, Shangjin


    Nanoparticle-assisted polymerase chain reaction (nanoPCR) is a novel method for the simple, rapid, and specific amplification of DNA and has been used to detect viruses. A duplex nanoPCR molecular detection system was developed to detect pseudorabies virus (PRV) and porcine bocavirus (PBoV). Primers were selected to target conserved regions within the PRV gE gene and the PBoV NS1 gene. Under optimized nanoPCR reaction conditions, two specific fragments of 316 bp (PRV) and 996 bp (PBoV) were amplified by the duplex nanoPCR with a detection limit of 6 copies for PRV and 95 copies for PBoV; no fragments were amplified when other porcine viruses were used as template. When used to test 550 clinical samples, the duplex nanoPRC assay and a conventional duplex PCR assay provided very similar results (98.1% consistency); single PRV infections, single PBoV infections, and concurrent PRV and PBoV infections were detected in 37%, 15%, and 9% of the samples, respectively. The results indicate that the novel duplex nanoPCR assay is useful for the rapid detection of PRV and PBoV in pigs. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Interference alignment for degrees of freedom improvement in 3-relay half-duplex systems

    KAUST Repository

    Park, Seongho


    In a half-duplex relaying, the capacity pre-log factor is a major drawback in spectral efficiency. This paper proposes a linear precoding scheme and an alternate relaying protocol in a dual-hop half-duplex system where three relays help the communication between the source and the destination. In our proposed scheme, we consider a phase incoherent method in relays in which the source alternately transmits message signals to the different relays. In addition, we propose a linear interference alignment scheme which can eliminate the inter-relay interference resulted from the phase incoherence of relaying. Based on our analysis of degrees of freedom and our simulation results, we show that our proposed scheme achieves additional degrees of freedom compared to the conventional half-duplex relaying. © 2011 IEEE.

  16. Structural Insights into the Quadruplex-Duplex 3' Interface Formed from a Telomeric Repeat: A Potential Molecular Target. (United States)

    Russo Krauss, Irene; Ramaswamy, Sneha; Neidle, Stephen; Haider, Shozeb; Parkinson, Gary N


    We report here on an X-ray crystallographic and molecular modeling investigation into the complex 3' interface formed between putative parallel stranded G-quadruplexes and a duplex DNA sequence constructed from the human telomeric repeat sequence TTAGGG. Our crystallographic approach provides a detailed snapshot of a telomeric 3' quadruplex-duplex junction: a junction that appears to have the potential to form a unique molecular target for small molecule binding and interference with telomere-related functions. This unique target is particularly relevant as current high-affinity compounds that bind putative G-quadruplex forming sequences only rarely have a high degree of selectivity for a particular quadruplex. Here DNA junctions were assembled using different putative quadruplex-forming scaffolds linked at the 3' end to a telomeric duplex sequence and annealed to a complementary strand. We successfully generated a series of G-quadruplex-duplex containing crystals, both alone and in the presence of ligands. The structures demonstrate the formation of a parallel folded G-quadruplex and a B-form duplex DNA stacked coaxially. Most strikingly, structural data reveals the consistent formation of a TAT triad platform between the two motifs. This triad allows for a continuous stack of bases to link the quadruplex motif with the duplex region. For these crystal structures formed in the absence of ligands, the TAT triad interface occludes ligand binding at the 3' quadruplex-duplex interface, in agreement with in silico docking predictions. However, with the rearrangement of a single nucleotide, a stable pocket can be produced, thus providing an opportunity for the binding of selective molecules at the interface.

  17. Development of duplex real-time PCR for the detection of WSSV and PstDV1 in cultivated shrimp. (United States)

    Leal, Carlos A G; Carvalho, Alex F; Leite, Rômulo C; Figueiredo, Henrique C P


    The White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and Penaeus stylirostris penstyldensovirus 1 (previously named Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus-IHHNV) are two of the most important viral pathogens of penaeid shrimp. Different methods have been applied for diagnosis of these viruses, including Real-time PCR (qPCR) assays. A duplex qPCR method allows the simultaneous detection of two viruses in the same sample, which is more cost-effective than assaying for each virus separately. Currently, an assay for the simultaneous detection of the WSSV and the PstDV1 in shrimp is unavailable. The aim of this study was to develop and standardize a duplex qPCR assay for the simultaneous detection of the WSSV and the PstDV1 in clinical samples of diseased L. vannamei. In addition, to evaluate the performance of two qPCR master mixes with regard to the clinical sensitivity of the qPCR assay, as well as, different methods for qPCR results evaluation. The duplex qPCR assay for detecting WSSV and PstDV1 in clinical samples was successfully standardized. No difference in the amplification of the standard curves was observed between the duplex and singleplex assays. Specificities and sensitivities similar to those of the singleplex assays were obtained using the optimized duplex qPCR. The analytical sensitivities of duplex qPCR were two copies of WSSV control plasmid and 20 copies of PstDV1 control plasmid. The standardized duplex qPCR confirmed the presence of viral DNA in 28 from 43 samples tested. There was no difference for WSSV detection using the two kits and the distinct methods for qPCR results evaluation. High clinical sensitivity for PstDV1 was obtained with TaqMan Universal Master Mix associated with relative threshold evaluation. Three cases of simultaneous infection by the WSSV and the PstDV1 were identified with duplex qPCR. The standardized duplex qPCR was shown to be a robust, highly sensitive, and feasible diagnostic tool for the simultaneous detection of the

  18. The first example of a Hoogsteen base-paired DNA duplex in dynamic equilibrium with a Watson-Crick base-paired duplex--a structural (NMR), kinetic and thermodynamic study. (United States)

    Isaksson, J; Zamaratski, E; Maltseva, T V; Agback, P; Kumar, A; Chattopadhyaya, J


    A single-point substitution of the O4' oxygen by a CH2 group at the sugar residue of A6 (i.e. 2'-deoxyaristeromycin moiety) in a self-complementary DNA duplex, 5'-d(C1G2C3G4A5A6T7T8C9G10C11G12)2(-3), has been shown to steer the fully Watson-Crick basepaired DNA duplex (1A), akin to the native counterpart, to a doubly A6:T7 Hoogsteen basepaired (1B) B-type DNA duplex, resulting in a dynamic equilibrium of (1A)(1B): Keq = k1/k(-1) = 0.56+/-0.08. The dynamic conversion of the fully Watson-Crick basepaired (1A) to the partly Hoogsteen basepaired (1B) structure is marginally kinetically and thermodynamically disfavoured [k1 (298K) = 3.9 0.8 sec(-1); deltaHdegrees++ = 164+/-14 kJ/mol; -TdeltaS degrees++ (298K) = -92 kJ/mol giving a deltaG degrees++ 298 of 72 kJ/mol. Ea (k1) = 167 14 kJ/mol] compared to the reverse conversion of the Hoogsteen (1B) to the Watson-Crick (1A) structure [k-1 (298K) = 7.0 0.6 sec-1, deltaH degrees++ = 153 13 kJ/mol; -TdeltaSdegrees++ (298K) = -82 kJ/mol giving a deltaGdegrees++(298) of 71 kJ/mol. Ea (k-1) = 155 13 kJ/mol]. Acomparison of deltaGdegrees++(298) of the forward (k1) and backward (k-1) conversions, (1A)(1B), shows that there is ca 1 kJ/mol preference for the Watson-Crick (1A) over the double Hoogsteen basepaired (1B) DNA duplex, thus giving an equilibrium ratio of almost 2:1 in favour of the fully Watson-Crick basepaired duplex. The chemical environments of the two interconverting DNA duplexes are very different as evident from their widely separated sets of chemical shifts connected by temperature-dependent exchange peaks in the NOESY and ROESY spectra. The fully Watson-Crick basepaired structure (1A) is based on a total of 127 intra, 97 inter and 17 cross-strand distance constraints per strand, whereas the double A6:T7 Hoogsteen basepaired (1B) structure is based on 114 intra, 92 inter and 15 cross-strand distance constraints, giving an average of 22 and 20 NOE distance constraints per residue and strand, respectively. In addition

  19. Base pairing and structural insights into the 5-formylcytosine in RNA duplex (United States)

    Wang, Rui; Luo, Zhipu; He, Kaizhang; Delaney, Michael O.; Chen, Doris; Sheng, Jia


    Abstract 5-Formylcytidine (f5C), a previously discovered natural nucleotide in the mitochondrial tRNA of many species including human, has been recently detected as the oxidative product of 5-methylcytidine (m5C) through 5-hydroxymethylcytidine (hm5C) in total RNA of mammalian cells. The discovery indicated that these cytosine derivatives in RNA might also play important epigenetic roles similar as in DNA, which has been intensively investigated in the past few years. In this paper, we studied the base pairing specificity of f5C in different RNA duplex contexts. We found that the 5-formyl group could increase duplex thermal stability and enhance base pairing specificity. We present three high-resolution crystal structures of an octamer RNA duplex [5′-GUA(f5C)GUAC-3′]2 that have been solved under three crystallization conditions with different buffers and pH values. Our results showed that the 5-formyl group is located in the same plane as the cytosine base and forms an intra-residue hydrogen bond with the amino group in the N4 position. In addition, this modification increases the base stacking between the f5C and the neighboring bases while not causing significant global and local structure perturbations. This work provides insights into the effects of 5-formylcytosine on RNA duplex. PMID:27079978

  20. Phase transformations evaluation on a UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel based on nondestructive testing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macedo Silva, Edgard de, E-mail: [Centro federal de Educacao Tecnologica da Paraiba (CEFET PB), Area da Industria, Avenida 1o de Maio, 720 - 58015-430 - Joao Pessoa/PB (Brazil); Costa de Albuquerque, Victor Hugo, E-mail: [Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica (DEM), Cidade Universitaria, S/N - 58059-900 - Joao Pessoa/PB (Brazil); Pereira Leite, Josinaldo, E-mail: [Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica (DEM), Cidade Universitaria, S/N - 58059-900 - Joao Pessoa/PB (Brazil); Gomes Varela, Antonio Carlos, E-mail: [Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica (DEM), Cidade Universitaria, S/N - 58059-900 - Joao Pessoa/PB (Brazil); Pinho de Moura, Elineudo, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC), Departamento de Engenharia Metalurgica e de Materiais, Campus do Pici, Bloco 715, 60455-760 - Fortaleza/CE (Brazil); Tavares, Joao Manuel R.S., E-mail: [Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica e Gestao Industrial (DEMEGI)/Instituto de Engenharia Mecanica e Gestao Industrial - INEGI, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n, 4200-465 Porto (Portugal)


    Duplex stainless steel presents special mechanical properties such as, for example, mechanical and corrosion strength, becoming competitive in relation to the other types of stainless steel. One of the great problems of duplex stainless steel microstructural changes study is related to embrittlement above 300 deg. C, with the precipitation of the {alpha}' phase occurring over the ferritic microstructure. Aiming to characterise embrittlement of duplex stainless steel, hardening kinetics, from 425 to 475 deg. C, was analysed through the speed of sound, Charpy impact energy, X-ray diffraction, hardness and microscopy parameters. The presence of two hardening stages, detected through the speed of sound, was observed, one being of brittle characteristic and the other ductile. Moreover, the speed of sound showed a direct correlation with the material's hardness. Thus, it is concluded that the speed of sound is a promising nondestructive parameter to follow-up embrittlement in duplex stainless steel.

  1. Influencia del acabado superficial en la permeación de hidrógeno del acero API 5L-X52

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Réquiz, R.


    Full Text Available The influence of surface roughness on the corrosion and hydrogen permeation behaviour was evaluated on a type API 5L-X52 steel in deaerated 0.1 M Na2SO4 at pH=2. Potentiodynamic polarization curves were employed to determine the electrochemical behaviour of the steel, while the Devanathan-Stachurski technique was used to estimate the hydrogen permeation rate. Additionally, the surface roughness profiles were obtained in order to correlate the changes in the hydrogen permeation rate with different metal surface finishings. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that when the roughness parameters have larger values, the cathodic current of hydrogen evolution increases while the hydrogen entry rate decreases. This effect can be attributed to the microstructural defects induced at the steel surface, such as dislocations, which increase the catalytic activity of the atomic hydrogen favouring its recombination. Also, these defects could allow the atomic hydrogen to remain adsorbed on the steel surface. Both effects could hinder the hydrogen diffusion into the metal since the possibility for this atom of becoming absorbed has been reduced

    En el presente trabajo de investigación se evalúa la influencia del acabado superficial, tanto en la corrosión generalizada como en la permeación de hidrógeno del acero API 5L-X52 en solución de Na2SO4 0,1M, a pH=2. El comportamiento electroquímico del acero se estudió mediante las curvas de polarización potenciodinámicas, mientras que la susceptibilidad al daño por hidrógeno se evaluó mediante la técnica de permeación de Devanathan- Stachurski. Además, se determinaron los parámetros de rugosidad a las muestras de acero con diferentes acabados superficiales, para luego correlacionarlos con los cambios en las corrientes de permeación de hidrógeno. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran, claramente, que, cuando la rugosidad superficial del acero

  2. Development and test evaluation of duplex steam reformer tube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, D.C.; Meyer, D.J.; Pflasterer, G.R.


    For HTR applications involving a steam reformer (SR), it is uncertain whether an intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) is required. There are several system configurations that could be developed for the application of nuclear heat using the steam reformer reaction. The considerations (advantages vs. disadvantages) for each of the system configurations are summarized. The approach that technically and economically appears to be the most attractive, in studies conducted by General Electric, combines the SR process heat exchanger and the IHX in a single component using a duplex tube. A central question concerning the duplex tube concept is whether the design would provide adequate leak monitoring capability and significant reduction in tritium and hydrogen diffusion, while introducing only a small increase in overall temperature difference from the helium to the process gas. A cooperative GE-KFA effort was undertaken to develop, fabricate, test, and evaluate a duplex steam reformer tube. GE was responsible for the development and fabrication of the tube, and KFA was responsible for testing the tube in the EVA I facility at Juelich. Both GE and KFA are evaluating the thermochemical and metallurgical test data. Actual fabrication of the tube was performed by Foster-Wheeler in accordance with the GE design. This paper reviews the highlights of the fabrication development and preliminary evaluation of the test data

  3. Listen and talk full-duplex cognitive radio networks

    CERN Document Server

    Liao, Yun; Han, Zhu


    This brief focuses on the use of full-duplex radio in cognitive radio networks, presenting a novel spectrum sharing protocol that allows the secondary users to simultaneously sense and access the vacant spectrum. This protocol, called “Listen-and-talk” (LAT), is evaluated by both mathematical analysis and computer simulations in comparison with other existing protocols, including the listen-before-talk protocol. In addition to LAT-based signal processing and resource allocation, the brief discusses techniques such as spectrum sensing and dynamic spectrum access. The brief proposes LAT as a suitable access scheme for cognitive radio networks, which can support the quality-of-service requirements of these high priority applications. Fundamental theories and key techniques of cognitive radio networks are also covered. Listen and Talk: Full-duplex Cognitive Radio Networks is designed for researchers, developers, and professionals involved in cognitive radio networks. Advanced-level students studying signal pr...

  4. Interference Management in Full-Duplex Cellular Networks with Partial Spectrum Overlap

    KAUST Repository

    Randrianantenaina, Itsikiantsoa


    Full-duplex (FD) communication is promoted to double the spectral efficiency when compared to the halfduplex (HD) counterpart. In the context of cellular networks, however, FD communication exacerbates the aggregate uplink and downlink interference, which diminishes the foreseen FD gains. This paper considers a flexible duplex system, denoted by -duplex (-D) system, wherein a fine-grained bandwidth control for each uplink/downlink channel pair in each base station (BS) is allowed, which also leads to partial spectrum overlap between the uplink and downlink channels. The paper addresses the resulting interference management problem by maximizing a network-wide rate-based utility function subject to uplink/downlink power constraints, so as to determine userto- BS association, user-to-channel scheduling, the UL and DL transmit powers, and the fraction of spectrum overlap between UL and DL for every user, under the assumption that the number of available channels and users are equal. The paper solves such a non-convex mixed-integer optimization problem in an iterative way by decoupling the problem into several subproblems. Particularly, the user-to-BS association problem is solved using a matching algorithm that is a generalization of the stable marriage problem. The scheduling problem is solved by iterative Hungarian algorithm. The power and spectrum overlap problem is solved by successive convex approximation. The proposed iterative strategy guarantees an efficient one-toone user to BS and channel assignment. It further provides optimized flexible duplexing and power allocation schemes for all transceivers. Simulations results show appreciable gains when comparing the proposed solution to different schemes from the literature.

  5. Hybrid recursive active filters for duplexing in RF transmitter front-ends (United States)

    Gottardo, Giuseppe; Donati, Giovanni; Musolff, Christian; Fischer, Georg; Felgentreff, Tilman


    Duplex filters in modern base transceiver stations shape the channel in order to perform common frequency division duplex operations. Usually, they are designed as cavity filters, which are expensive and have large dimensions. Thanks to the emerging digital technology and fast digital converters, it is possible to transfer the efforts of designing analog duplex filters into digital numeric algorithms applied to feedback structures, operating on power. This solution provides the shaping of the signal spectrum directly at the output of the radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs) relaxing the transmitter design especially in the duplexer and in the antenna sections. The design of a digital baseband feedback applied to the analog power RF amplifiers (hybrid filter) is presented and verified by measurements. A model to describe the hybrid system is investigated, and the relation between phase and resonance peaks of the resulting periodic band-pass transfer function is described. The stability condition of the system is analyzed using Nyquist criterion. A solution involving a number of digital feedback and forward branches is investigated defining the parameters of the recursive structure. This solution allows the closed loop system to show a periodic band pass with up to 500 kHz bandwidth at the output of the RF amplifier. The band-pass magnitude reaches up to 17 dB selectivity. The rejection of the PA noise in the out-of-band frequencies is verified by measurements. The filter is tested with a modulated LTE (Long Term Evolution) signal showing an ACPR (Adjacent Channel Power Ratio) enhancement of 10 dB of the transmitted signal.

  6. Interference Management in Full-Duplex Cellular Networks with Partial Spectrum Overlap

    KAUST Repository

    Randrianantenaina, Itsikiantsoa; Dahrouj, Hayssam; Elsawy, Hesham; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    Full-duplex (FD) communication is promoted to double the spectral efficiency when compared to the halfduplex (HD) counterpart. In the context of cellular networks, however, FD communication exacerbates the aggregate uplink and downlink interference, which diminishes the foreseen FD gains. This paper considers a flexible duplex system, denoted by -duplex (-D) system, wherein a fine-grained bandwidth control for each uplink/downlink channel pair in each base station (BS) is allowed, which also leads to partial spectrum overlap between the uplink and downlink channels. The paper addresses the resulting interference management problem by maximizing a network-wide rate-based utility function subject to uplink/downlink power constraints, so as to determine userto- BS association, user-to-channel scheduling, the UL and DL transmit powers, and the fraction of spectrum overlap between UL and DL for every user, under the assumption that the number of available channels and users are equal. The paper solves such a non-convex mixed-integer optimization problem in an iterative way by decoupling the problem into several subproblems. Particularly, the user-to-BS association problem is solved using a matching algorithm that is a generalization of the stable marriage problem. The scheduling problem is solved by iterative Hungarian algorithm. The power and spectrum overlap problem is solved by successive convex approximation. The proposed iterative strategy guarantees an efficient one-toone user to BS and channel assignment. It further provides optimized flexible duplexing and power allocation schemes for all transceivers. Simulations results show appreciable gains when comparing the proposed solution to different schemes from the literature.

  7. Bainitic transformation in steel under continuous cooling conditions


    Higuera Cobos, Oscar Fabián; Tristancho Reyes, José Luís; Flórez García, Luís Carlos


    En esta investigación se evalúo el cambio microestructural que presenta el acero AISI –SAE 4140 al ser sometido a condiciones de enfriamiento continuo con el fin de analizar la transformación bainítica. Se determinó que la microestructura a distancias de 0.2 a 2mm es martensítico y a distancias mayores de 30mm se observó un comportamiento bainítico. El tipo de bainita encontrada fue del tipo nodular o globular. In this research were evaluates the change microestructural that presents the ...

  8. Diseño, fabricación, caracterización y aplicaciones constructivas de hormigones de consistencia seca con adiciones de materiales de procedencia orgánica e inorgánica de neumáticos fuera de uso (NFUs)


    Flores Medina, Darío


    La siguiente investigación está centrada en establecer las diferencias en la reutilización, en los hormigones de consistencia seca, de dos tipos de caucho obtenidos en el proceso del reciclado del neumático, caucho reciclado del neumático (CRN): los tamaños del granulado (4-8 mm) de caucho reciclado de alta calidad (CR: Caucho Limpio) y el desecho del proceso del reciclado: fibra textil y de acero con trazas de caucho (desecho del caucho reciclado, IR: Caucho de impurezas). Ambos tipos fueron...

  9. Duplex-assisted carotid artery stenting without administration of contrast medium for patients with chronic kidney disease or allergic reaction. (United States)

    Mizowaki, Takashi; Fujita, Atsushi; Imahori, Taichiro; Uyama, Atsushi; Inoue, Satoshi; Kohta, Masaaki; Hamaguchi, Hirotoshi; Sasayama, Takashi; Hosoda, Kohkichi; Kohmura, Eiji


    We aimed to investigate the safety and feasibility of duplex-assisted carotid artery stenting (CAS) without administration of contrast medium for the prevention of adverse reactions. Fifteen patients (9 % of all CASs) with severe carotid stenosis (≥70 %) associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) (stage ≥3) or allergy to contrast medium underwent duplex-assisted CAS without administration of contrast medium over 4 years. The procedural success rate and perioperative complication rates were compared between the duplex-assisted CAS (n = 15) and conventional CAS (n = 153) groups. The technical success rate was 100 % in both groups. Combined stroke or death rates during the post-procedural period did not differ significantly between the duplex-assisted CAS group (0/15, 0 %) and conventional CAS group (4/153, 2.6 %). None of the 14 patients with CKD in the duplex-assisted CAS group experienced further deterioration of renal function. The mean surface radiation dose of participants in the duplex-assisted CAS group (n = 13, 312 ± 131 mGy) was significantly lower than that of the conventional CAS group (n = 31, 1036 ± 571 mGy) (p duplex-assisted CAS group (156 ± 39.7 min) and the conventional CAS group (156 ± 37.4 min). Duplex-assisted CAS without administration of contrast medium could be an alternative option in selected patients deemed to be at high risk for renal failure from nephrotoxic contrast medium or who have an allergy to contrast medium.

  10. Thermal ageing of duplex stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massoud, J.P.; Van Duysen, J.C.; Zacharie, G.; Auger, P.; Danoix, F.


    The evolution of the mechanical properties of Mobearing anf Mo-free cast duplex stainless steels, induced by long term ageing in the range 300-400 deg C, has been studied in relation with the evolution of their microstructure. The unmixing of the ferritic Fe-Cr-Ni, solid solution by three-dimensional (sponge-like) spinodal decomposition and the precipitation of intermetallic G-phase particles are the main characteristics of this microstructural evolution

  11. Comments on process of duplex coatings on aluminum alloys

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Samir H.A.; QIAN Han-cheng(钱翰城); XIA Bo-cai(夏伯才); WU Shi-ming(吴仕明)


    Despite the great achievements made in improvement of wear resistance properties of aluminum alloys,their applications in heavy surface load-bearing are limited. Single coating is insufficient to produce the desired combination of surface properties. These problems can be solved through the duplex coatings. The aim of the present study is to overview the research advances on processes of duplex coatings on aluminum alloys combined with micro plasma oxidation process and with other modern processes such as physical vapour deposition and plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition and also to evaluate the performance of micro plasma oxidation coatings in improving the load-bearing, friction and wear resistance properties of aluminum alloys in comparison with other coatings. Wherein, a more detailed presentation of the processes and their performances and disadvantages are given as well.

  12. Duplex surface treatment of AISI 1045 steel via plasma nitriding of chromized layer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hakami, F.; Sohi, M. Heydarzadeh; Ghani, J. Rasizadeh


    In this work AISI 1045 steel were duplex treated via plasma nitriding of chromized layer. Samples were pack chromized by using a powder mixture consisting of ferrochromium, ammonium chloride and alumina at 1273 K for 5 h. The samples were then plasma-nitrided for 5 h at 803 K and 823 K, in a gas mixture of 75%N 2 + 25%H 2 . The treated specimens were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and Vickers micro-hardness test. The thickness of chromized layer before nitriding was about 8 μm and it was increased after plasma nitriding. According to XRD analysis, the chromized layer was composed of chromium and iron carbides. Plasma nitriding of chromized layer resulted in the formation of chromium and iron nitrides and carbides. The hardness of the duplex layers was significantly higher than the hardness of the base material or chromized layer. The main cause of the large improvement in surface hardness was due to the formation of Cr x N and Fe x N phases in the duplex treated layers. Increasing of nitriding temperature from 803 to 823 K enhanced the formation of CrN in the duplex treated layer and increased the thickness of the nitrided layer.

  13. Development of dansyl-modified oligonucleotide probes responding to structural changes in a duplex. (United States)

    Suzuki, Yoshio; Kowata, Keiko; Komatsu, Yasuo


    We have synthesized a nonnucleoside amidite block of dansyl fluorophore to prepare dansyl-modified oligonucleotides (ONTs). The fluorescence intensities of dansyl-ONT specifically increased by the presence of adjacent guanosine residues but, significantly reduced in a dansyl-flipping duplex. These changes were caused by solvatochromism effect due to the number of guanine which is hydrophobic functional group and the external environment of dansyl group. The fluorescence intensities could be plotted as a function of the ONTs concentrations and the increase in the fluorescence was observed to equimolar concentrations of target DNA. This duplex exhibited higher melting temperature relative to the corresponding duplexes containing other base pairs. Similar changes in fluorescence could be detected upon hybridization with complementary RNAs. Thus, the dansyl-modified ONTs provide sequence specific fluorescent probe of DNA and RNA. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Análisis por el método de elementos finitos del comportamiento de las pastillas de freno ABS con base de acero y zinc discretizando el elemento continuo utilizando software CAE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nelson Gutierrez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se realizó el estudio del comportamiento de las pastillas de freno de un sistema ABS utilizando el método de análisis por elementos finitos. Este método esta basado en la transformación de un cuerpo de naturaleza continua en un modelo discreto aproximado, esta transformación se conoce como la discretización del modelo. Por esta razón, una de las acciones más críticas es la de realizar un mallado de calidad, de manera que esto permite mejorar la convergencia de resultados optimizando la carga computacional, lo cual posibilita que el problema pueda ser resuelto en un menor tiempo. El uso de herramientas de software para realizar este tipo de estudio tiene la ventaja de que en el pos procesamiento se puede escoger el tipo de parámetros que se quiere estudiar, en este caso se analizaron variables mecánicas y térmicas que permitieron caracterizar el comportamiento de los materiales de las pastillas. El estudio se efectuó para dos materiales: Trimat MN 1081 que está compuesto de acero y filamentos no ferrosos y Trimat GZC compuesto de fibras de zinc, de esta manera se obtuvieron características importantes de estos materiales, como son el esfuerzo, la deformación, penetración, flujo de calor y energía. En base al método desarrollado y a los resultados obtenidos, se realizará un estudio con materiales alternativos, lo cual permitirá determinar la viabilidad de usarlos en busca de obtener resultados óptimos tanto en características mecánicas como en costos.

  15. Law of mixture used to model the flow behavior of a duplex stainless steel at high temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Momeni, A.; Dehghani, K.; Poletti, M.C.


    In this investigation the flow curves of a duplex stainless steel were drawn by performing hot compression tests over a wide temperature range of 950–1200 °C and strain rates of 0.001–100 s −1 . The flow curves of ferrite and austenite phases in the duplex structure were depicted by conducting similar hot compression tests on two steels that were cast and prepared with the same chemical compositions. The flow curves of the austenitic steel were found typical of dynamic recrystallization. They were successfully modeled by using the experimental exponential equation proposed by Cingara and McQueen. The flow curves of the ferritic steel were typical of dynamic recovery. They were modeled by the dislocation density evolution function proposed by Estrin and Meckning. Comparing the flow curves of three studied steels, it was found that the flow curves of the duplex steel were very similar and close to those of the ferrite steel. It was understood that in a duplex structure of ferrite and austenite the flow behavior is mostly controlled by the softer phase, i.e. ferrite. The law of mixture was modified to consider the strain partitioning between ferrite and austenite. The distribution coefficients of ferrite and austenite were described and determined at different deformation conditions. The results of modeling satisfactorily predicted the experimental curves. It was shown that the influence of austenite on the flow behavior of the duplex structure is almost low. However, it increases as strain rate or temperature rises. - Highlights: ► Flow curves of austenite and ferrite in the duplex steel were modeled separately. ► The flow behavior of the duplex steel is mostly controlled by ferrite. ► The effect of austenite on flow curve increases with temperature and strain rate. ► The flow curve of the duplex steel is modeled by the modified law of mixture

  16. Contribution to the metallurgy of welding processes in stainless ferritic-austenitic (duplex) steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perteneder, E.; Toesch, J.; Rabensteiner, G.


    Duplex steels have a ferritic austenitic structure. Therefore, to obtain a successful welding, special metallurgical regulations must be observed. The effect of energy per unit length and plate thickness onto the heat influence zone in case of manual arc welding is examined. Practice-oriented instructions for the welding technique to be applied are deduced from the results. Finally, the effect of the alloy composition onto the welding capacity of duplex steels is examined. (orig.) [de

  17. Structural studies of the 5'-phenazinium-tethered matched and G-A-mismatched DNA duplexes by NMR spectroscopy. (United States)

    Maltseva, T; Sandström, A; Ivanova, I M; Sergeyev, D S; Zarytova, V F; Chattopadhyaya, J


    The mechanism through which modified oligo-DNA analogues act as antisense repressors at the transcriptional and translational level of gene expression is based on the information content in the nucleotide sequence which is determined by the specific base pairing. The efficiency of such action is largely determined by the stability of the duplex formed between the oligonucleotide reagent and the target sequence and also by the mismatched base pairing, such as G-A, that occurs during replication or recombination. We herein report that the phenazinium (Pzn)-tethered matched duplex p(d(TGTTTGGC)):(Pzn)-p(d(CCAAACA)) (III) (Tm = 50 degrees C) has a much larger stability than the parent matched duplex p(d(TGTTTGGC)):p(d(CCAAACA)) (I) (Tm = 30 degrees C). On the other hand, the Pzn-tethered G-A-mismatched duplex p(d(TGTTTGGC)):(Pzn)-p(d(ACAAACA)) (IV) (Tm = 34 degrees C) is only slightly more stable than its parent mismatched duplex p(d(TGTTTGGC)):p(d(ACAAACA)) (Tm = 25 degrees C). A detailed 500 MHz NMR study and constrained MD refinements of NMR-derived structures have been undertaken for the DNA duplexes (I), (II), (III) and (IV) in order to understand the structural basis of stabilization of Pzn-tethered matched DNA duplex (delta Tm = 20 degrees C) compared to mismatched duplex (delta Tm = 9 degrees C). Assignment of the 1H-NMR (500 MHz) spectra of the duplexes has been carried out by 2D NOESY, HOHAHA and DQF-COSY experiments. The torsion angles have been extracted from the J-coupling constants obtained by simulation of most of the DQF-COSY cross-peaks using program SMART. The solution structure of the duplexes were assessed by an iterative hybride relaxation matrix method (MORASS) combined with NOESY distances and torsion angles restrained molecular dynamics (MD) using program Amber 4.0. The standard Amber 4.0 force-field parameters were used for the oligonucleotide in conjunction with the new parameters for Pzn residue which was obtained by full geometry

  18. A full-duplex CATV/wireless-over-fiber lightwave transmission system. (United States)

    Li, Chung-Yi; Lu, Hai-Han; Ying, Cheng-Ling; Cheng, Chun-Jen; Lin, Che-Yu; Wan, Zhi-Wei; Chen, Jian-Hua


    A full-duplex CATV/wireless-over-fiber lightwave transmission system consisting of one broadband light source (BLS), two optical interleavers (ILs), one intensity modulator, and one phase modulator is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The downstream light is optically promoted from 10Gbps/25GHz microwave (MW) data signal to 10Gbps/100GHz and 10Gbps/50GHz millimeter-wave (MMW) data signals in fiber-wireless convergence, and intensity-modulated with 50-550 MHz CATV signal. For up-link transmission, the downstream light is phase-remodulated with 10Gbps/25GHz MW data signal in fiber-wireless convergence. Over a 40-km single-mode fiber (SMF) and a 10-m radio frequency (RF) wireless transport, bit error rate (BER), carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), composite second-order (CSO), and composite triple-beat (CTB) are observed to perform well in such full-duplex CATV/wireless-over-fiber lightwave transmission systems. This full-duplex 100-GHz/50-GHz/25-GHz/550-MHz lightwave transmission system is an attractive alternative. This transmission system not only presents its advancement in the integration of fiber backbone and CATV/wireless feeder networks, but also it provides the advantages of a communication channel for higher data rates and bandwidth.

  19. Determinación de los parámetros de corrosión y desgaste del par acero/aluminio en presencia de líquidos iónicos


    Jerez Mesa, Ramón


    El presente proyecto presenta resultados obtenidos en ensayos utilizando LI combinados con aluminio 2011 y acero F-1310, tanto en ensayos de corrosión como de tribología. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial

  20. Aplicabilidad de un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente como material protector del acero de refuerzo


    Robinson de Jesús Torres Gómez, William A. Aperador Ch., Enrique Vera López,Rubi Mejía de Gutiérrez


    Se presentan los resultados del análisis electroquímico de las  barras  de  acero  embebidas  en  un  concreto  no convencional usado internacionalmente para reparación de estructuras. Este concreto utiliza materiales de desecho de otros procesos; en este caso específico se empleó escoria siderúrgica de  la empresa Acerías Paz del Río S.A. Se estudio el comportamiento frente a la corrosión generada por  los iones cloruro, con el uso de la técnica de resistencia lineal a la polarización LPR y ...

  1. Yield stress of duplex stainless steel specimens estimated using a compound Hall–Petch equation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noriaki Hirota, Fuxing Yin, Tsukasa Azuma and Tadanobu Inoue


    Full Text Available In this study, the 0.2% yield stress of duplex stainless steel was evaluated using a compound Hall–Petch equation. The compound Hall–Petch equation was derived from four types of duplex stainless steel, which contained 0.2–64.4 wt% δ-ferrite phase, had different chemical compositions and were annealed at different temperatures. Intragranular yield stress was measured with an ultra-microhardness tester and evaluated with the yield stress model proposed by Dao et al. Grain size, volume fraction and texture were monitored by electron backscattering diffraction measurement. The kγ constant in the compound equation for duplex stainless steel agrees well with that for γ-phase SUS316L steel in the temperature range of 1323–1473 K. The derived compound Hall–Petch equation predicts that the yield stress will be in good agreement with the experimental results for the Cr, Mn, Si, Ni and N solid-solution states. We find that the intragranular yield stress of the δ-phase of duplex stainless steel is rather sensitive to the chemical composition and annealing conditions, which is attributed to the size misfit parameter.

  2. Study of Sigma Phase in Duplex SAF 2507 (United States)

    Fellicia, D. M.; Sutarsis; Kurniawan, B. A.; Wulanari, D.; Purniawan, A.; Wibisono, A. T.


    Super duplex stainless steel is one of the stainless steel which has a combination between high strength properties and excellent corrosion resistance. However, the resistance can decrease by precipitation of sigma phase which is formed at high temperature, for example after welding processes. A series of experiments has been performed to study the effect of solution annealing to existence of sigma phase on super duplex SAF 2507. Variations of solution-annealing temperatures were 1000 °C, 1065 °C and 1125 °C with holding time of 15 and 30 minutes for each temperature. Effect of solution annealing process was characterized by using XRD, SEM, and Optical Microscopy. The result showed precipitation of sigma phase completely dissolved at 1065 °C and 1125 °C because it reformed to austenite. After it was heated at 1065 °C, chromium carbide appeared in ferrite site and grain boundary. The amount of chromium carbide increased with the increasing of solution annealing temperature.

  3. Some pitfalls in welding of duplex stainless steels Algumas armadilhas na soldagem de aços inoxidáveis duplex

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Demian J. Kotecki


    Full Text Available Duplex stainless steels (DSS, including super duplex stainless steels {SDSS} have proven to be very useful engineering materials, albeit with somewhat different welding requirements than those of the more familiar austenitic stainless steels. Despite a generally good track record in welding of duplex stainless steels, certain pitfalls have been encountered with enough frequency that they deserve review. Inappropriate base metal specification often leads to unsuitable heat affected zone (HAZ properties. Autogenous fusion zones are also of concern. This issue centers around nitrogen limits. The most frequently encountered is applying the UNS S31803 composition for 2205 DSS, instead of the S32205 composition. Inappropriate welding heat input arises most frequently with SDSS. While 0.5 to 1.5 kJ/mm is a normal heat input recommendation for SDSS, either a root pass or many small beads towards the low end of this heat input range tends to result in precipitation and/or secondary austenite formation in weld metal subjected to repeated thermal cycles from multiple weld passes. Inappropriate PWHT occurs when the enhanced nickel filler metals (typically 9% Ni are used. DSS are not normally given PWHT, but extensive forming of heads, for example, or repair welding of castings, may require a postweld anneal. Specifications such as ASTM A790 and A890 call for annealing at 1040ºC minimum, and the fabricator tends to use temperatures close to that minimum. However, the enhanced nickel filler metals require higher temperatures to dissolve sigma phase that forms during heating to the annealing temperature.Aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID, incluindo os aços super duplex, AISD provaram ser materiais de engenharia muito úteis, embora com requerimentos de soldagem em alguma medida diferentes daqueles dos aços inoxidáveis austeníticos mais usuais. Apesar do histórico geralmente bom dos aços inoxidáveis duplex quanto a soldagem, algumas dificuldades têm sido

  4. The effects of laser welding parameters on the microstructure of ferritic and duplex stainless steels welds (United States)

    Pekkarinen, J.; Kujanpää, V.

    This study is focused to determine empirically, which microstructural changes occur in ferritic and duplex stainless steels when heat input is controlled by welding parameters. Test welds were done autogenously bead-on-plate without shielding gas using 5 kW fiber laser. For comparison, some gas tungsten arc welds were made. Used test material were 1.4016 (AISI 430) and 1.4003 (low-carbon ferritic) type steels in ferritic steels group and 1.4162 (low-alloyed duplex, LDX2101) and 1.4462 (AISI 2205) type steels in duplex steels group. Microstructural changes in welds were identified and examined using optical metallographic methods.

  5. Dilution and Ferrite Number Prediction in Pulsed Current Cladding of Super-Duplex Stainless Steel Using RSM (United States)

    Eghlimi, Abbas; Shamanian, Morteza; Raeissi, Keyvan


    Super-duplex stainless steels have an excellent combination of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance at relatively low temperatures and can be used as a coating to improve the corrosion and wear resistance of low carbon and low alloy steels. Such coatings can be produced using weld cladding. In this study, pulsed current gas tungsten arc cladding process was utilized to deposit super-duplex stainless steel on high strength low alloy steel substrates. In such claddings, it is essential to understand how the dilution affects the composition and ferrite number of super-duplex stainless steel layer in order to be able to estimate its corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. In the current study, the effect of pulsed current gas tungsten arc cladding process parameters on the dilution and ferrite number of super-duplex stainless steel clad layer was investigated by applying response surface methodology. The validity of the proposed models was investigated by using quadratic regression models and analysis of variance. The results showed an inverse relationship between dilution and ferrite number. They also showed that increasing the heat input decreases the ferrite number. The proposed mathematical models are useful for predicting and controlling the ferrite number within an acceptable range for super-duplex stainless steel cladding.

  6. The design and analysis of AVTMR (all voting triple modular redundancy) and dual-duplex system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyunki; Lee, Hyeuntae; Lee, Keyseo


    In this paper, we design AVTMR (All Voting Triple Modular Redundancy) and dual-duplex system which have a fault-tolerant characteristic, and two systems are compared in the evaluation of RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) and MTTF (Mean Time To Failure). AVTMR system is designed in a triplicated voter technique and dual-duplex system in a comparator, and two systems are based on MC68000. To evaluate system characteristic, Markov modeling method is designed for reliability, availability, safety and MTTF (Mean Time To Failure), and RELEX6.0 tool is used for the calculation of failure rate of electrical components that is based on MILSPEC-217F. In this paper, we can see two systems are more high dependability than a single system, and AVTMR or dual-duplex system can be selected for a specific application system. Especially, because AVTMR and dual-duplex system have high RAMS better than a single system, they can be applied to life critical system such as an airplane and a high-speed railway system

  7. Estimation of brachial artery volume flow by duplex ultrasound imaging predicts dialysis access maturation. (United States)

    Ko, Sae Hee; Bandyk, Dennis F; Hodgkiss-Harlow, Kelley D; Barleben, Andrew; Lane, John


    This study validated duplex ultrasound measurement of brachial artery volume flow (VF) as predictor of dialysis access flow maturation and successful hemodialysis. Duplex ultrasound was used to image upper extremity dialysis access anatomy and estimate access VF within 1 to 2 weeks of the procedure. Correlation of brachial artery VF with dialysis access conduit VF was performed using a standardized duplex testing protocol in 75 patients. The hemodynamic data were used to develop brachial artery flow velocity criteria (peak systolic velocity and end-diastolic velocity) predictive of three VF categories: low (800 mL/min). Brachial artery VF was then measured in 148 patients after a primary (n = 86) or revised (n = 62) upper extremity dialysis access procedure, and the VF category correlated with access maturation or need for revision before hemodialysis usage. Access maturation was conferred when brachial artery VF was >600 mL/min and conduit imaging indicated successful cannulation based on anatomic criteria of conduit diameter >5 mm and skin depth 800 mL/min was predicted when the brachial artery lumen diameter was >4.5 mm, peak systolic velocity was >150 cm/s, and the diastolic-to-systolic velocity ratio was >0.4. Brachial artery velocity spectra indicating VF 800 mL/min. Duplex testing to estimate brachial artery VF and assess the conduit for ease of cannulation can be performed in 5 minutes during the initial postoperative vascular clinic evaluation. Estimation of brachial artery VF using the duplex ultrasound, termed the "Fast, 5-min Dialysis Duplex Scan," facilitates patient evaluation after new or revised upper extremity dialysis access procedures. Brachial artery VF correlates with access VF measurements and has the advantage of being easier to perform and applicable for forearm and also arm dialysis access. When brachial artery velocity spectra criteria confirm a VF >800 mL/min, flow maturation and successful hemodialysis are predicted if anatomic criteria

  8. Throughput maximization for buffer-aided hybrid half-/full-duplex relaying with self-interference

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal


    In this work, we consider a two-hop cooperative setting where a source communicates with a destination through an intermediate relay node with a buffer. Unlike the existing body of work on buffer-aided half-duplex relaying, we consider a hybrid half-/full-duplex relaying scenario with loopback interference in the full-duplex mode. Depending on the channel outage and buffer states that are assumed available at the transmitters, the source and relay may either transmit simultaneously or revert to orthogonal transmission. Specifically, a joint source/relay scheduling and relaying mode selection mechanism is proposed to maximize the end-to-end throughput. The throughput maximization problem is converted to a linear program where the exact global optimal solution is efficiently obtained via standard convex/linear numerical optimization tools. Finally, the theoretical findings are corroborated with event-based simulations to provide the necessary performance validation.

  9. Importance of diastolic velocities in the detection of celiac and mesenteric artery disease by duplex ultrasound

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perko, M J; Just, S; Schroeder, T V


    To assess the predictive value of ultrasound duplex scanning in the detection of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and celiac artery (CA) occlusive disease.......To assess the predictive value of ultrasound duplex scanning in the detection of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and celiac artery (CA) occlusive disease....

  10. Alternate transmission relaying based on interference alignment in 3-relay half-duplex MIMO systems

    KAUST Repository

    Park, Seongho; Park, Kihong; Ko, Youngchai; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    In a half-duplex relaying, the capacity pre-log factor 1/2 is a major drawback in spectral efficiency. This paper proposes a linear precoding/decoding scheme and an alternate relaying protocol in a dual-hop half-duplex system where three relays help the communication between the source and the destination. In our proposed scheme, we consider a phase incoherent method in relays in which the source alternately transmits message signals to the different relays. In addition, we propose a linear interference alignment scheme which can suppress the inter-relay interference resulting from the phase incoherence of relaying. Based on our analysis of degrees of freedom and our simulation results, we show that our proposed scheme achieves additional degrees of freedom compared to the conventional half-duplex relaying. © 2012 IEEE.

  11. Alternate transmission relaying based on interference alignment in 3-relay half-duplex MIMO systems

    KAUST Repository

    Park, Seongho


    In a half-duplex relaying, the capacity pre-log factor 1/2 is a major drawback in spectral efficiency. This paper proposes a linear precoding/decoding scheme and an alternate relaying protocol in a dual-hop half-duplex system where three relays help the communication between the source and the destination. In our proposed scheme, we consider a phase incoherent method in relays in which the source alternately transmits message signals to the different relays. In addition, we propose a linear interference alignment scheme which can suppress the inter-relay interference resulting from the phase incoherence of relaying. Based on our analysis of degrees of freedom and our simulation results, we show that our proposed scheme achieves additional degrees of freedom compared to the conventional half-duplex relaying. © 2012 IEEE.

  12. Una herramienta para la selección automatizada de aceros en el contexto // A tool for the automated selection of steels in the Mechanical Engineering´s context

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Dumitrescu


    Full Text Available ResumenEl diseno de Ingenieria de un producto o componente constituye una actividad dificil, compleja ymultidisciplinaria, enfocada a la resolucion de problemas. En el presente trabajo se muestra eldesarrollo de una herramienta automatizada para la seleccion de los aceros mas utilizados en laconstruccion de maquinarias. La herramienta constituye una ayuda para la seleccion de losmateriales desde la etapa conceptual del proceso de diseno, donde se identifican las diferentescategorias de materiales a utilizar. La herramienta comprende las caracteristicas y propiedades masrelevantes de los aceros de Ingenieria disponibles en seis normas internacionales: Japonesa (JIS,Alemana (DIN, Vbn, DIN-Vbn, Rusa (GOST, Americana (AISI, SAE, AISI-SAE, ASTM, Inglesa (BS, EN,GB, Francesa (AFNOR y la Norma Cubana (NC vigente.Palabras claves: materiales, automatizada, aceros, ingenieria.____________________________________________________________AbstractThe product or component design constitutes a difficult, complex and multidisciplinary activity,focused to the resolution of problems. Presently work show the development of an automated toolfor the selection of the more used steels in the construction of machineries. The tool constitute ahelp for the selection of the materials from the conceptual stage of the design process, where thedifferent categories of materials are identified to use. The tool analyze the characteristics and morecommon properties of the available steels in six international standards: JIS (Japan, DIN, Vbn, DINVbn(Germany, GOST (Russia, AISI, SAE, AISI-SAE, ASTM (USA, BS, IN, GB (England, AFNOR(France and NC (Cuba.Key words: materials, automated, steels, engineering.

  13. Estereótipos e mulheres na cultura marroquina




    Estereótipos sobre as mulheres no Marrocos podem ser caracterizados como crenças culturais incompletas e inexatas mantidas por algumas pessoas e que se encontram inscritos em expressões lingüísticas ou em discursos subliminares. A cultura popular marroquina emprega representações poderosas para transmitir e sustentar tais estereótipos. Embora existam alguns estereótipos positivos, a maioria dos estereótipos sobre as mulheres no Marrocos é negativa e reflete ditames patriarcais subliminares qu...

  14. A full-duplex working integrated optoelectronic device for optical interconnect (United States)

    Liu, Kai; Fan, Huize; Huang, Yongqing; Duan, Xiaofeng; Wang, Qi; Ren, Xiaomin; Wei, Qi; Cai, Shiwei


    In this paper, a full-duplex working integrated optoelectronic device is proposed. It is constructed by integrating a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) unit above a resonant cavity enhanced photodetector (RCE-PD) unit. Analysis shows that, the VCSEL unit has a threshold current of 1 mA and a slop efficiency of 0.66 W/A at 849.7 nm, the RCE-PD unit obtains its maximal absorption quantum efficiency of 90.24% at 811 nm with a FWHM of 4 nm. Moreover, the two units of the proposed integrated device can work independently from each other. So that the proposed integrated optoelectronic device can work full-duplex. It can be applied for single fiber bidirectional optical interconnects system.

  15. Diseño de redes neuronales con aprendizaje combinado de retropropagación y búsqueda aleatoria progresiva aplicado a la determinación de austenita retenida en aceros TRIP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Capdevila, C.


    Full Text Available At the beginning of the decade of the nineties, the industrial interest for TRIP steels leads to a significant increase of the investigation and application in this field. In this work, the flexibility of neural networks for the modelling of complex properties is used to tackle the problem of determining the retained austenite content in TRIP-steel. Applying a combination of two learning algorithms (backpropagation and creeping-random-search for the neural network, a model has been created that enables the prediction of retained austenite in low-Si / low-Al multiphase steels as a function of processing parameters.

    A partir de los años noventa, el interés que los aceros TRIP despiertan en la industria ha producido un incremento considerable de su estudio y aplicación. En este trabajo, aprovechando la flexibilidad que las redes neuronales proporcionan para la modelización de propiedades complejas, se ha abordado el problema de la determinación de la austenita retenida en los aceros TRIP. Una combinación de dos algoritmos de aprendizaje (retropropagación y búsqueda aleatoria progresiva de la red neuronal ha permitido crear un modelo que predice la cantidad de austenita retenida en aceros multifase con bajo contenido en aluminio y silicio en función de los parámetros de procesado.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMO O norte de Minas Gerais é grande produtor de banana ‘Prata-Anã’ irrigada, cultura altamente suscetível ao Mal-do-Panamá. O uso de genótipos resistentes é uma alternativa, mas os frutos devem apresentar características pós-colheita o mais próximo possível da ‘Prata-Anã’, para melhor aceitação pelos consumidores. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar frutos em pós-colheita, identificar a preferência e a intenção de compra de diferentes genótipos de bananeira tipo Prata. Os genótipos Prata-Anã, BRS Platina e Fhia-18. foram caracterizados no ponto de colheita (verdes e maduros (estádio seis de maturação, por avaliações químicas, físicas e sensoriais. Quando verde, ‘BRS Platina’ apresentou maior massa fresca e tamanho que ‘Fhia-18’ e ‘Prata-Anã’. ‘Fhia-18.’ teve a tonalidade verde da casca mais intensa que a dos demais genótipos. Madura, ‘BRS Platina’ foi mais firme, mas com a mesma resistência ao despencamento que ‘Fhia-18’ e superior à ‘Prata-Anã’. ‘Fhia-18’ apresentou cor da casca com amarelo mais clara e tão brilhante quanto da ‘Prata-Anã’, mas ‘BRS Platina’ teve a tonalidade de amarelo mais intensa. Bananas ‘Fhia-18’ foram mais ácidas, ‘BRS Platina’, com menor acidez titulável, e ‘Prata-Anã’, o maior teor de sólidos solúveis. Os genótipos Prata-Anã e BRS Platina tiveram maior preferência e intenção de compra pelos consumidores, sendo as bananas ‘Prata-Anã’ em dedos e ‘BRS Platina’ e ‘Fhia-18’ em dedos, buquê e penca, as mais preferidas. Entretanto, a maioria compraria bananas ‘Prata-Anã’ em buquê e ‘BRS Platina’ e ‘Fhia-18’ em penca. Enquanto verdes, os genótipos foram semelhantes à ‘Prata-Anã’, e maiores diferenças químicas e físicas ocorreram quando maduros.

  17. Modelado de Control de Nivel en Molde para Vaciado Continuo de Palanquillas de Acero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo González Yero


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta un modelo del sistema de control de nivel en molde de una máquina de vaciado continuo de palanquillas de acero. El objetivo fue realizar el modelado de cada elemento del sistema incluyendo las perturbaciones y transformaciones de la planta que más afectan la calidad del control. Se obtuvo y validó un modelo aproximado, utilizando leyes físicas, la identificación experimental mediante señales especiales e identificación paramétrica fuera de línea. En el modelo se incluyen de forma explícita los fenómenos de obstrucción y erosión en la válvula, que tienen una incidencia significativa en el funcionamiento de la planta. Para el servosistema hidráulico de la instalación se logró un modelo de caja gris que contribuye a un mejor entendimiento del comportamiento del proceso y a evaluar la incidencia de una implementación multifrecuencia bajo esquema convencional. Con el modelo obtenido es posible estudiar la operación del sistema a escala de simulación y la efectividad de soluciones de control avanzadas. El trabajo desarrollado es parte de un proceso de I+D que en el transcurso de más de 10 años ha contribuido a que en la acería donde se realiza la investigación, exista un sistema de control de nivel en molde que tiene impacto positivo sobre la calidad del acero producido. Abstract: This paper presents a model of system for the mould level control in a continuous casting machine for steel billets. The objective was to carry out the modeling of each element of the system including disturbances and transformations of the plant that affect the quality of control in the installation study object. It was obtained and validated an approximate model of the control system using physical laws governing the same one, experimental identification by special signals and parametric identification off- line. The model explicitly includes the phenomena of obstruction and erosion of the valve which have a

  18. Efficient Cooperative Protocols for Full-Duplex Relaying over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal


    In this work, efficient protocols are studied for full-duplex relaying (FDR) with loopback interference over Nakagami-m block fading channels. Recently, a selective decodeand- forward (DF) protocol was proposed for FDR, and was shown to outperform existing protocols in terms of outage over Rayleigh-fading channels. In this work, we propose an incremental selective DF protocol that offers additional power savings, yet yields the same outage performance. We evaluate their outage performance over independent non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading links, and study their relative performance in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio cumulative distribution function via closed-form expressions. The offered diversity gain is also derived. In addition, we study their performance relative to their half-duplex counterparts, as well as known non-selective FDR protocols. We corroborate our theoretical results with simulation, and confirm that selective cooperation protocols outperform the known non-selective protocols in terms of outage. Finally, we show that depending on the loopback interference level, the proposed protocols can outperform their half-duplex counterparts when high spectral efficiencies are targeted.

  19. Efficient Cooperative Protocols for Full-Duplex Relaying over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    KAUST Repository

    Khafagy, Mohammad Galal; Tammam, Amr; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim; Aissa, Sonia


    In this work, efficient protocols are studied for full-duplex relaying (FDR) with loopback interference over Nakagami-m block fading channels. Recently, a selective decodeand- forward (DF) protocol was proposed for FDR, and was shown to outperform existing protocols in terms of outage over Rayleigh-fading channels. In this work, we propose an incremental selective DF protocol that offers additional power savings, yet yields the same outage performance. We evaluate their outage performance over independent non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading links, and study their relative performance in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio cumulative distribution function via closed-form expressions. The offered diversity gain is also derived. In addition, we study their performance relative to their half-duplex counterparts, as well as known non-selective FDR protocols. We corroborate our theoretical results with simulation, and confirm that selective cooperation protocols outperform the known non-selective protocols in terms of outage. Finally, we show that depending on the loopback interference level, the proposed protocols can outperform their half-duplex counterparts when high spectral efficiencies are targeted.

  20. Standard duplex criteria overestimate the degree of stenosis after eversion carotid endarterectomy. (United States)

    Benzing, Travis; Wilhoit, Cameron; Wright, Sharee; McCann, P Aaron; Lessner, Susan; Brothers, Thomas E


    The eversion technique for carotid endarterectomy (eCEA) offers an alternative to longitudinal arteriotomy and patch closure (pCEA) for open carotid revascularization. In some reports, eCEA has been associated with a higher rate of >50% restenosis of the internal carotid when it is defined as peak systolic velocity (PSV) >125 cm/s by duplex imaging. Because the conformation of the carotid bifurcation may differ after eCEA compared with native carotid arteries, it was hypothesized that standard duplex criteria might not accurately reflect the presence of restenosis after eCEA. In a case-control study, the outcomes of all patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy by one surgeon during the last 10 years were analyzed retrospectively, with a primary end point of PSV >125 cm/s. Duplex flow velocities were compared with luminal diameter measurements for any carotid computed tomography arteriography or magnetic resonance angiography study obtained within 2 months of duplex imaging, with the degree of stenosis calculated by the methodology used in the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) and the European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST) as well as cross-sectional area (CSA) reduction. Simulations were generated and analyzed by computational model simulations of the eCEA and pCEA arteries. Eversion and longitudinal arteriotomy with patch techniques were used in 118 and 177 carotid arteries, respectively. Duplex follow-up was available in 90 eCEA arteries at a median of 16 (range, 2-136) months and in 150 pCEA arteries at a median of 41 (range, 3-115) months postoperatively. PSV >125 cm/s was present at some time during follow-up in 31% of eCEA and pCEA carotid arteries, each, and in the most recent duplex examination in 7% after eCEA and 21% after pCEA (P = .003), with no eCEA and two pCEA arteries occluding completely during follow-up (P = .29). In 19 carotid arteries with PSV >125 cm/s after angle correction (median, 160 cm/s; interquartile range

  1. Empleo de la cáscara de arroz en la fundición de piezas de acero al carbono//Using of rice husk in the carbon steel casting parts process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Cruz-Pérez


    Full Text Available Los materiales auxiliares desempeñan un papel importante en el aumento de la eficiencia tecnológica del proceso de fundición de piezas de acero al carbono. En este artículo se exponen los primeros resultados del empleo de la cáscara de arroz como material termoaislante en la obtención de piezas fundidas de acero al carbono. En los experimentos se evaluó la influencia  de seis combinaciones de las variables espesor de pared del casquillo y capa de cobertura. En la confección de los casquillos se utilizó cáscara de arroz triturada, la que posteriormente fue aglutinada con silicato de sodio, apisonada y endurecida con CO2, mientras que la cobertura se utilizó sin procesamiento previo. El mayor nivel de entrega de acero se obtuvo al emplear un espesor de casquillo de 65 mm y una altura de cobertura de 85 mm. El valor del ASAF generado por las variantes experimentales resultó igual o inferior a 0,48. Palabras claves: casquillo termoaislante, polvo de cobertura, cáscara de arroz, acero fundido.______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Feeding auxiliary materials perform a very important role in improves technological efficiency of carbon steel casting parts process. In this article are exposing the first results in the rice husk using as an insulating material in such process. The variables sleeve thickness and covering thickness’ influence were evaluated in six combinations by means of experiments. In sleeves preparation was used crushed rice husk, which was agglutinated with sodium silicate, compacted and hardened with CO2, meanwhile as covering it was uses without previous preparation. The mayor liquid steel delivering level was get employing 65 mm sleeve thickness and 85 mm covering thickness. The ASAF value generated for experimental variants was equal or inferior to 0.48. Key words: insulating sleeve, riser sleeve, hot topping, rice husk, steel cast.

  2. Estudio de los mecanismos de degradación de la interfase acero (limpio u oxidado-recubrimiento clorocaucho en su exposición al ensayo de condensación de humedad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chico, B.


    Full Text Available The effect of time of exposure to the humidity on the behaviour of the system chlorinated rubber paint-steel substrate (cleaned or pre-rusted is investigated from the interfacial chemistry and adhesion points of view. After one day of humidity exposure, the paint-rust free steel substrate system shows an increase of adhesion. A maximum adhesion value is obtained after 15 days of exposure. This behaviour is similar to that previously described for a pre-rusted steel substrate. After 30-60 days of exposure, the adhesion strength values show an important reduction and the locus of adhesion loss shifts from the paint inside to the interphase between the metallic substrate and the paint.

    En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto de la exposición a la humedad de un recubrimiento orgánico de clorocaucho aplicado a un sustrato de acero (únicamente limpio o previamente oxidado sobre los valores de adherencia del sistema y la composición química de la interfase metal-pintura. Se ha intentado establecer posibles relaciones entre la degradación de la interfase acero-recubrimiento clorocaucho en su exposición a condiciones de alta humedad y la presencia o ausencia de una capa de óxido sobre el sustrato original. Después de 1 día de exposición a la humedad, se observó un aumento en los valores de adherencia del sistema pintura-acero sin oxidar. Sorprendentemente, estos valores alcanzan un máximo después de 15 días de exposición. Este mismo comportamiento se había encontrado ya en el sistema acero preoxidado-recubrimiento clorocaucho. Tiempos de exposición a la humedad suficientemente largos (30-60 días producen una acusada disminución en los valores de adherencia y un desplazamiento del lugar donde ocurre el fallo desde el seno de la pintura a la región interfacial entre la pintura y el sustrato.

  3. Role of magnetic resonance urography in diagnosis of duplex renal system: Our initial experience at a tertiary care institute

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milind P Joshi


    Full Text Available Aim: To determine diagnostic value of magnetic resonance urography in cases of duplex renal system. Method: Twenty cases between five month to nine years with suspected or known duplex renal system were evaluated by ultrasound (USG, micturating cystourethrography (MCU, intravenous urography (IVU and magnetic resonance urography (MRU. The findings of these diagnostic imaging studies were then compared with each other and against the results of final diagnosis established at surgery. Results: Duplex renal system could be identified in two of these cases on USG, was diagnosed in four in IVU and could be diagnosed in all cases with MRU. Conclusion: MRU is superior and far accurate than IVU, MCU and USG in diagnosing duplex renal system.

  4. Fabricación de matrices de corte con aceros rápidos para herramientas mediante metalurgia de polvos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Talacchia, S.


    Full Text Available The present work summarizes the results obtained by compacting water atomized powders of T42 modified carbon and vanadium, M3/2 and M2 high speed steels. The powders were compacted under complex forms (cut off dies and sintered under a 90 N2-9 H2-I CH4 industrial atmosphere. Heat treatments in different severity media were performed. Hardness of 1,100 HV can be obtained in the case of T42 modified steel. Also, the shrinking of the sintered specimens was study.

    Se estudia la fabricación de matrices de corte de aceros rápidos para herramientas mediante procesos de metalurgia de polvos. Los polvos de los aceros T42 con contenidos de carbono y vanadio modificados, M3/2 y M2, obtenidos por atomización en agua, se compactaron de tal modo que quedaron dotados de formas geométricas complejas. Después de sinterizados en una atmósfera industrial 90 N2-9 H2-I CH4, se trataron térmicamente en medios de distintas severidades. Tras el temple desde temperaturas de austenización cercanas a la temperatura óptima de sinterizado, se lograron durezas de hasta 1.100 HV. Se determinaron, también, las contracciones sufridas por las piezas sinterizadas.

  5. In-Band Full-Duplex Communications for Cellular Networks with Partial Uplink/Downlink Overlap

    KAUST Repository

    Alammouri, Ahmad; Elsawy, Hesham; Amin, Osama; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    In-band full-duplex (FD) communications have been optimistically promoted to improve the spectrum utilization in cellular networks. However, the explicit impact of spatial interference, imposed by FD communications, on uplink and downlink transmissions has been overlooked in the literature. This paper presents an extensive study of the explicit effect of FD communications on the uplink and downlink performances. For the sake of rigorous analysis, we develop a tractable framework based on stochastic geometry toolset. The developed model accounts for uplink truncated channel inversion power control in FD cellular networks. The study shows that FD communications improve the downlink throughput at the expense of significant degradation in the uplink throughput. Therefore, we propose a novel fine-grained duplexing scheme, denoted as α-duplex scheme, which allows a partial overlap between uplink and downlink frequency bands. To this end, we show that the amount of the overlap can be optimized via adjusting α to achieve a certain design objective.

  6. In-Band Full-Duplex Communications for Cellular Networks with Partial Uplink/Downlink Overlap

    KAUST Repository

    AlAmmouri, Ahmad


    In-band full-duplex (FD) communications have been optimistically promoted to improve the spectrum utilization in cellular networks. However, the explicit impact of spatial interference, imposed by FD communications, on uplink and downlink transmissions has been overlooked in the literature. This paper presents an extensive study of the explicit effect of FD communications on the uplink and downlink performances. For the sake of rigorous analysis, we develop a tractable framework based on stochastic geometry toolset. The developed model accounts for uplink truncated channel inversion power control in FD cellular networks. The study shows that FD communications improve the downlink throughput at the expense of significant degradation in the uplink throughput. Therefore, we propose a novel fine-grained duplexing scheme, denoted as α-duplex scheme, which allows a partial overlap between uplink and downlink frequency bands. To this end, we show that the amount of the overlap can be optimized via adjusting α to achieve a certain design objective.

  7. Microstructure and properties of duplex (Ti:N)-DLC/MAO coating on magnesium alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Wei; Ke, Peiling [Ningbo Key Laboratory of Marine Protection Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China); Fang, Yong [Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhe Jiang University, Zhejiang 310016 (China); Zheng, He [Ningbo Key Laboratory of Marine Protection Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China); Wang, Aiying, E-mail: [Ningbo Key Laboratory of Marine Protection Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China)


    Ti and N co-doped diamond-like carbon ((Ti:N)-DLC) film was deposited on the MAO coated substrate using a hybrid beam deposition system, which consists of a DC magnetron sputtering of Ti target and a linear ion source (LIS) with C{sub 2}H{sub 2} and N{sub 2} precursor gas. The microstructure and properties of the duplex (Ti:N)-DLC/MAO coating were investigated. Results indicate that the (Ti:N)-DLC top film with TiN crystalline phase was formed. Ti and N co-doping resulted in the increasing I{sub D}/I{sub G} ratio. The significant improvement in the wear and corrosion resistance of duplex (Ti:N)-DLC/MAO coating was mainly attributed to the increased binding strength, lubrication characteristics and chemical inertness of (Ti:N)-DLC top film. The superior low-friction and anti-corrosion properties of duplex (Ti:N)-DLC/MAO coating make it a good candidate as protective coating on magnesium alloy.

  8. Formación de maclas durante el enfriamiento en aceros inoxidables superferríticos envejecidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salán, M. N.


    Full Text Available Superferritic stainless steels show a BCC structure free of austenite at any temperature. Intermediate ageing temperatures, close to 475 °C, induce a-chromium content modulation and only after long periods of time, it is possible to detect chromium rich α' phase, which is responsible for embrittlement (475 °C embrittlement. In this work, ageing thermal treatments at intermediate temperatures in the superferritic stainless steel DIN 1.4575, have allowed to relate the associated hardness increase with time and temperature by means of a relationship that is compatible with a thermally activated process. After quenching from ageing temperature, twinning formation has been observed, and the extent of twinning is proportional to the increase in hardness, showing in this way that twinning density is proportional to embrittlement level.

    Los aceros inoxidables superferríticos se caracterizan por su estructura cúbica centrada, libre de austenita a cualquier temperatura. Sometidos a temperaturas intermedias, próximas a 475 °C, revelan una modulación del contenido en Cr de la red. Después de tiempos prolongados se forma fase α', fragilizante y rica en cromo, fenómeno conocido como fragilización a 475 °C. En este trabajo, los tratamientos de envejecimiento realizados a temperaturas intermedias para un superferrítico DIN 1.4575 han permitido relacionar el incremento de dureza asociado a éstos con el tiempo de tratamiento, mediante una expresión coherente con un proceso térmicamente activado. Por otra parte, se ha detectado la presencia de maclas en el acero envejecido y templado en agua, siendo proporcional su densidad al grado de endurecimiento provocado por el tratamiento.

  9. Duplex sonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the clarification of nephrological complications after renal transplant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gueckel, C.; Krestin, G.P.; Wienand, P.


    A prospective study compared Duplex sonography and magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating renal transplant. Hundred and two Duplex sonographic and 24 MR examinations were performed and correlated with clinical course or biopsy. All normal renal allografts, 6 transplants with acute tubular necrosis and 2 cases of cyclosporin toxicity had normal Doppler waveforms, whereas 9 renal transplants with evidence of interstitial rejection by biopsy showed an obliteration or reversal of diastolic flow. MR imaging was less specific in identifying allograft rejection. There were false positive results in normal renal transplants, allografts with acute tubular necrosis and after rejection therapy. With regard to cost, accessibility and specificity, Duplex sonography is the method of choice for the evaluation of renal allografts. (orig.) [de

  10. Reliability Capacity of Half-Duplex Channels with Strict Deadlines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Costa, Rui; Roetter, Daniel Enrique Lucani; Vinhoza, Tiago


    A fundamental characterization of a half-duplex wireless system with packet losses under traffic with hard deadlines is instrumental to understanding and developing efficient, coding aware policies for real-time applications. We set forth the concept of reliability capacity with a limited number ...



    Garcia, Afrânio; UERJ


    O professor Adilson Citelli, em seu excelente livro Linguageme persuasão, apresenta cinco tipos de discurso:§ discurso dominante§ discurso autorizado§ discurso polêmico,§ discurso lúdico§ discurso autoritário.

  12. Duplex sonography of the near-surface leg veins; Duplexsonographie der oberflaechlichen Beinvenen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendoza, E.


    The book contains the following contributions: The ultrasonograph, selection of the ultrasonic transducer, anatomy of the near-surface vein system, physiology of the near-surface vein system, varicose status classification, systematics of the duplex sonography of near-surface leg veins, provocational maneuver for the duplex sonographic varicose diagnostics, exploration of vena saphena parva, perforans veins, side branches, phlebitis, sonography for varicose therapy, postsurgical sonography, deep leg veins, examination of near-surface leg veins for the pathology of the deep vein system, differential diagnostic clarification of leg oedema from the phlebologic-lymphological view, diagnostic side features along the near-surface leg veins.

  13. Characterization of Duplex steel Uranus 76N during deformation and heat treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lecomte-Beckers, J.; Carton, M. [ASMA Department - Sector, Special Metallic Materials, University of Liege, Chemin des Chevreuils 1, 4000 Liege 1 (Belgium); Moureaux, P.; Habraken, A.M. [M and S Department - Sector, Mechanic of Solids and Material, University of Liege, Chemin des Chevreuils 1, 4000 Liege 1 (Belgium)


    Duplex Uranus 76N is characterized by metallography, thermal and mechanical analysis. The investigation shows that the microstructure of such a Duplex strongly depends on the cooling conditions determining the quantity of austenite formed in the ferrite matrix. Numerical simulations of 76N behavior during the rolling process and service life require the knowledge of the recrystallization state during rolling steps at high temperature, thermal parameters such as dilatation, density, specific heat, thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and mechanical constitutive laws. These material parameters are determined and presented in this study. (copyright 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  14. Determinación de los indicadores de deformación bajo tensiones multiaxiales de embutición. Aplicación al acero electrocincado DC-05 (UNE en ISO 10130

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel, V.


    Full Text Available In this work a methodology to investigate deep drawing quality steel sheets deformation tendency under multiaxial deep drawing stresses has been proposed. The method consists in assaying a sheet in a wedge die in order to introduce a pure shear estate in the material. 0º, 45º and 90º rolling directions are selected in the assays, and transversal strain is the variable considered in them. A strain coefficient ‰ has been defined in order to evaluate thickness variations in the test. Almost no changes in thickness have been registered and this indicates that strain carried out in the test is similar to that taking place in deep drawing. The stress necessary for practice a certain plastic deformation is obtained too and a potential function between them is formulated. Indicators presented in this work are compared to anisotropy and strength coefficients obtained in normalized tensile tests. These results allow us to justify the steel behaviour in the cup deep drawing processes related to ear forming.

    En este trabajo se establece una metodología para la investigación de la tendencia a la deformación de chapa de acero de alta embutibilidad bajo tensiones multiaxiales de embutición. El método consiste en ensayar chapa en una matriz con forma de cuña produciendo en el material un estado de deformación típico de embutición (pure shear. Se seleccionan tres direcciones de laminación (0º, 45º y 90º y se establece la deformación en anchura como variable de ensayo. Se ha definido un coeficiente de deformación con el fin de evaluar las variaciones obtenidas en el espesor del material constatándose la no existencia de cambios significativos en éste. También, se obtiene la tensión necesaria para realizar distintas deformaciones estableciendo correlaciones de tipo potencial tensión-deformación. Se contrastan los indicadores obtenidos con el índice de anisotropía y el de endurecimiento del material bajo condiciones normalizadas

  15. Automatización del proceso de curvado de flejes de acero para el conformado de sierras de corona


    Guerrero González, Edgar


    El documento que se presenta a continuación es la Memoria del Proyecto de Final de Carrera titulado “Automatización del curvado de flejes de acero para el conformado de sierras de corona”. Proyecto solicitado por la empresa SAEGEN IBERICA, dedicada a la fabricación de coronas de sierra entre otros productos, y motivada por la incapacidad de su sistema productivo y de los procesos existentes, de alcanzar la calidad y la producción exigidas por el mercado. El proyecto queda enmarcado d...



    Aperador, Willian; Mejía, Aura S; Caicedo, Julio


    Se depositaron películas delgadas de nitruro de titanio/nitruro de zirconio sobre acero AISI 4140 mediante un sistema multi-blanco magnetrón pulverización (sputtering) con radiofrecuencia. El proceso se desarrolló bajo el sistema de rotación del sustrato que permitió situar el sustrato de frente a los blancos de titanio y zirconio, generando la super-red con periodos de 1, 50, 100 y 200 bicapas. Las multicapas fueron evaluadas frente a la sinergia corrosión-erosión en una solución compuesta p...

  17. The value of pre-discharge Duplex scanning in infrainguinal graft surveillance. (United States)

    Wilson, Y G; Davies, A H; Currie, I C; McGrath, C; Morgan, M; Baird, R N; Lamont, P M


    Protocols and criteria for Duplex-based graft surveillance programmes (GS) vary widely as to the optimum regimens for maximising detection of "at risk" grafts. Few centres recommend starting GS before discharge. The aim of this study was to audit our experience with respect to early scanning. Vascular Studies Unit, Bristol Royal Infirmary. The records of 123 patients entering GS from January 1992 were reviewed. Patients were scanned at 1 week, 6 weeks and 3, 6, 9 and 12 months post-bypass. Haemodynamic criteria used were a peak mean velocity (PMV) less than 45 cm/s and a focal velocity disturbance with a V2/V1 ratio of 1.5 or more. Forty-six abnormalities (37% detection rate) were identified on scans within one week. In all cases, on-table completion studies with either arteriography and/or flow measurements had failed to identify the anomalies subsequently detected by Duplex. At 1 week, six grafts had occluded, 27 had a focal PMV increase (mean V2/V1 ratio: 2.6; range 1.5-4.3), four had low flow velocities, four had arteriovenous fistulae, one contained mobile thrombus, two had retained cusps and two had hamstring entrapment. Of 40 patent, but compromised grafts, 18 warranted immediate investigation. Of the 27 patients with velocity disturbances on Duplex, 25 were simply observed but, eight have since required intervention for definitive stenoses at these sites which, in retrospect, were evident within the first postoperative week. Pre-discharge scanning is a useful modality for detecting technical problems. Intrinsic graft abnormalities, possibly the sites of future definitive stenoses, have been visualised even at 1 week and once identified, can be more closely scrutinised thereafter. Pre-discharge colour Duplex is recommended as standard practice for quality control after infrainguinal bypass.

  18. Diseño óptimo de tableros de puentes mixtos de carretera hormigón-acero


    Taveras Mendoza, Carlos Tomás


    El desarrollo de la nanotecnología de los materiales, la búsqueda de la optimización en los proyectos de ingeniería, ha emergido una verdadera evolución en el diseño de los puentes a nivel mundial. Europa surge como el génesis de los puentes mixtos en el mundo, grandes puentes y viaductos se hacen con la tipología de viga cajón y viga bijácena mixta. España, concibe la tipología de la doble acción mixta, como alternativa de optimizar los costes del acero. En este trabajo de fin...

  19. 99Tcm-DTPA renography in evaluating the function of duplex kidneys in pediatric patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Lixia; Wang Xiaoming; Chen Jinyan; Su Junmei


    Objective: To study the value of 99 Tc m -DTPA dynamic renography in evaluating the function of duplex kidneys in pediatric patients. Methods: Twenty-five pediatric patients with duplex kidneys diagnosed by ultrasound or MR urography (MRU) were included (9 males, 16 females; mean age:(23.80 ± 20.97) months, range: 2-72 months). Twenty patients (9 males,11 females; mean age: (32.95 ± 23.58) months, range: 2-72 months) with urinary tract infection but without duplex kidneys confirmed by ultrasound or MRU were chosen as control group during the same period of this study. All patients and controls were divided into two subgroups according to their ages (group Ⅰ, 0-24 months; group Ⅱ, 25-72 months). The research was approved by the ethics committee, and all patients' parents (or guardians) signed informed consents. The time-activity curve was generated on the dynamic imaging data automatically with GFR calculated. The uptake rates of the upper and lower moieties were measured by drawing the corresponding ROIs in the duplex kidney. Dunnett-t test was used for statistical analysis. Results: There were 25 patients with 26 duplex kidneys (1 case bilateral), 16 on the left and 10 on the right. The time-activity curve of 6 cases was normal, 9 with continuously upward type, 4 with high level plateau type, 2 with parabolic type and 5 with low level plateau type. There were 19 abnormal kidneys in group Ⅰ and 7 in group Ⅱ, and 20 kidneys in each control subgroup. The GFR of patients with normal renography was (78.81 ± 15.97) ml/min (group Ⅰ) and (64.68 ± 11.15) ml/min (group Ⅱ), continuously upward type was (72.11 ±22.76) ml/min (group Ⅰ) and (63.41 ± 16.42) ml/min (group Ⅱ), high level plateau and parabolic types were (68.74 ± 16.17) ml/min and (65.26 ± 15.27) ml/min in group Ⅰ, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the GFR of different renography type groups and that of the controls (group Ⅰ: (79.35 ±13.31) ml

  20. A Commentary on "Updating the Duplex Design for Test-Based Accountability in the Twenty-First Century" (United States)

    Brandt, Steffen


    This article presents the author's commentary on "Updating the Duplex Design for Test-Based Accountability in the Twenty-First Century," in which Isaac I. Bejar and E. Aurora Graf propose the application of a test design--the duplex design (which was proposed in 1988 by Bock and Mislevy) for application in current accountability assessments.…

  1. Three-dimensional shuffling of horses in a strike-slip duplex: an example from the Lambertville sill, New Jersey (United States)

    Laney, Stephen E.; Gates, Alexander E.


    Detailed analysis of a dextral strike-slip duplex within the relatively isotropic rocks of the Lambertville sill, New Jersey indicates that horses have experienced vertical, horizontal and oblique movements resulting from extrusional shuffling within a restraining bend. This is the first documentation of the three-dimensional movement of horses within a strike-slip duplex. Deformation within the duplex shows a complex system of early synthetic fractures and reverse faults followed by antithetic fractures which dissect previously continuous slab-shaped horses into diamond-shaped lenses. Most faults are oblique slip. Antithetic fault movements and clockwise rigid rotation of horses dominate the south half of the duplex and synthetic movements and counterclockwise rotations dominate the north half. Slickenline plunges on curved horse-bounding fault surfaces within the duplex range from nearly horizontal to 40° resulting in both lateral movements (middle) to normal movements (tails) on a single horse. Curved slickensides commonly have opposite senses of movement on either side of individual horses indicating relative emergence or submergence. Such a geometry could also result from a group of horses moving in the same oblique direction but at different rates. These complex extrusional-type movements were observed in both cross-sectional and plan views. The net result of the movements is a contraction or flattening of the duplex normal to the bounding faults. The horses shifted to accommodate this flattening as overall displacement was transferred between the bounding faults along curved internal faults.

  2. NMR and molecular modeling evidence for a G·A mismatch base pair in a purine-rich DNA duplex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Ying; Wilson, W.D.; Zon, G.


    1 H NMR experiments indicate that the oligomer 5'-d(ATGAGCGAATA) forms an unusual 10-base-pair duplex with 4 G·A base pairs and a 3' unpaired adenosine. NMR results indicate that guanoxine imino protons of the F·A mismatches are not hydrogen bonded but are stacked in the helix. A G→ I substitution in either G·A base pair causes a dramatic decrtease in duplex stability and indicates that hydrogen bonding of the guanosine amino group is critical. Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) and two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy (COSY) results indicate that the overall duplex conformation is in the B-family. Cross-strand NOEs in two-dimensional NOESY spectra between a mismatched AH2 and an AH1' of the other mismatched base pair and between a mismatched GH8 and GNH1 of the other mismatch establish a purine-purine stacking pattern, adenosine over adenosine and guanosine over guanosine, which strongly stabilizes the duplex. A computer graphics molecular model of the ususual duplex was constructed with G·A base pairs containing A-NH 2 to GN3 and G-NH 2 to AN7 hydrogen bonds and B-form base pairs on both sides of the G·A pairs [5'-d(ATGAGC)]. The energy-minimized duplex satisfies all experimental constraints from NOESY and COSY results. A hydrogen bond from G-NH 2 of the mismatch to a phosphate oxygen is predicted

  3. Caracterización dinámica de los cambios microestructurales en barras de aceros dúplex SAF 2205 utilizando la dimensión de información

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez, Edda


    Full Text Available This study evaluates the ultrasonic signals behavior of a duplex stainless steel SAF 2205 (UNS S31803 after aging treatments at 875 and 950 °C. The first treatment promotes the precipitation of the sigma phase and the second, its dissolution. The microstructural evaluation was carried out by optical microscopy. The results showed an increase of the sigma phase fraction and the secondary austenite with the time of aging treatment at 875 °C. On the other hand, increasing the time of treatment at 950 °C promotes a reduction of the sigma phase and the corresponding increase of the ferrite phase fraction. The study proposed to evaluate in the dynamical system field the influence of microstructural phases in the signals behavior and their dependence on the energy losses occurring in system during heat treatment, by deterministic chaos theory. To accomplish characterization, algorithm employs the representation of dynamic phase space and the information dimension estimate. The results show a higher correlation between the information dimension and the attenuation coefficient in comparison with the phase fractions. However, the efficiency of this type of study will depend on the frequency selected for the evaluation of the material.En el presente estudio se evalúa el comportamiento dinámico de las señales ultrasónicas de muestras de acero dúplex SAF 2205 (UNS31803, sometidos a tratamientos de envejecimiento a 875 y 950 °C. En el primer tratamiento se promueve la precipitación de la fase sigma y en el segundo su disolución. Los resultados obtenidos por microscopía óptica indican que la cantidad relativa de la fase sigma aumenta progresivamente con el tiempo de envejecimiento a 875 °C, observándose la transformación de la fase ferrita en fase sigma y en austenita secundaria. Por otra parte, a medida que se aumenta el tiempo de tratamiento a 950 °C, se observa una reducción del porcentaje de fase sigma y un aumento de la fase ferr

  4. Block compressed sensing for feedback reduction in relay-aided multiuser full duplex networks

    KAUST Repository

    Elkhalil, Khalil


    Opportunistic user selection is a simple technique that exploits the spatial diversity in multiuser relay-aided networks. Nonetheless, channel state information (CSI) from all users (and cooperating relays) is generally required at a central node in order to make selection decisions. Practically, CSI acquisition generates a great deal of feedback overhead that could result in significant transmission delays. In addition to this, the presence of a full-duplex cooperating relay corrupts the fed back CSI by additive noise and the relay\\'s loop (or self) interference. This could lead to transmission outages if user selection is based on inaccurate feedback information. In this paper, we propose an opportunistic full-duplex feedback algorithm that tackles the above challenges. We cast the problem of joint user signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the relay loop interference estimation at the base-station as a block sparse signal recovery problem in compressive sensing (CS). Using existing CS block recovery algorithms, the identity of the strong users is obtained and their corresponding SNRs are estimated. Numerical results show that the proposed technique drastically reduces the feedback overhead and achieves a rate close to that obtained by techniques that require dedicated error-free feedback from all users. Numerical results also show that there is a trade-off between the feedback interference and load, and for short coherence intervals, full-duplex feedback achieves higher throughput when compared to interference-free (half-duplex) feedback. © 2016 IEEE.

  5. Block compressed sensing for feedback reduction in relay-aided multiuser full duplex networks

    KAUST Repository

    Elkhalil, Khalil; Eltayeb, Mohammed; Kammoun, Abla; Al-Naffouri, Tareq Y.; Bahrami, Hamid Reza


    Opportunistic user selection is a simple technique that exploits the spatial diversity in multiuser relay-aided networks. Nonetheless, channel state information (CSI) from all users (and cooperating relays) is generally required at a central node in order to make selection decisions. Practically, CSI acquisition generates a great deal of feedback overhead that could result in significant transmission delays. In addition to this, the presence of a full-duplex cooperating relay corrupts the fed back CSI by additive noise and the relay's loop (or self) interference. This could lead to transmission outages if user selection is based on inaccurate feedback information. In this paper, we propose an opportunistic full-duplex feedback algorithm that tackles the above challenges. We cast the problem of joint user signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the relay loop interference estimation at the base-station as a block sparse signal recovery problem in compressive sensing (CS). Using existing CS block recovery algorithms, the identity of the strong users is obtained and their corresponding SNRs are estimated. Numerical results show that the proposed technique drastically reduces the feedback overhead and achieves a rate close to that obtained by techniques that require dedicated error-free feedback from all users. Numerical results also show that there is a trade-off between the feedback interference and load, and for short coherence intervals, full-duplex feedback achieves higher throughput when compared to interference-free (half-duplex) feedback. © 2016 IEEE.

  6. Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex AF and DF Relaying with Energy-Harvesting in Log-Normal Fading

    KAUST Repository

    Rabie, Khaled M.


    Energy-harvesting (EH) and wireless power transfer in cooperative relaying networks have recently attracted a considerable amount of research attention. Most of the existing work on this topic however focuses on Rayleigh fading channels, which represent outdoor environments. In contrast, this paper is dedicated to analyze the performance of dual-hop relaying systems with EH over indoor channels characterized by log-normal fading. Both half-duplex (HD) and full-duplex (FD) relaying mechanisms are studied in this work with decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying protocols. In addition, three EH schemes are investigated, namely, time switching relaying, power splitting relaying and ideal relaying receiver which serves as a lower bound. The system performance is evaluated in terms of the ergodic outage probability for which we derive accurate analytical expressions. Monte Carlo simulations are provided throughout to validate the accuracy of our analysis. Results reveal that, in both HD and FD scenarios, AF relaying performs only slightly worse than DF relaying which can make the former a more efficient solution when the processing energy cost at the DF relay is taken into account. It is also shown that FD relaying systems can generally outperform HD relaying schemes as long as the loop-back interference in FD is relatively small. Furthermore, increasing the variance of the log-normal channel has shown to deteriorate the performance in all the relaying and EH protocols considered.

  7. Counterpart synchronization of duplex networks with delayed nodes and noise perturbation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, Xiang; Wu, Xiaoqun; Lu, Jun-an; Zhao, Junchan


    In the real world, many complex systems are represented not by single networks but rather by sets of interdependent ones. In these specific networks, nodes in one network mutually interact with nodes in other networks. This paper focuses on a simple representative case of two-layer networks (the so-called duplex networks) with unidirectional inter-layer couplings. That is, each node in one network depends on a counterpart in the other network. Accordingly, the former network is called the response layer and the latter network is the drive layer. Specifically, synchronization between each node in the drive layer and its counterpart in the response layer (counterpart synchronization (CS)) in these kinds of duplex networks with delayed nodes and noise perturbation is investigated. Based on the LaSalle-type invariance principle, a control technique is proposed and a sufficient condition is developed for realizing CS of duplex networks. Furthermore, two corollaries are derived as special cases. In addition, node dynamics within each layer can be varied and topologies of the two layers are not necessarily identical. Therefore, the proposed synchronization method can be applied to a wide range of multiplex networks. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the results. (paper)

  8. X-Ray diffraction technique applied to study of residual stresses after welding of duplex stainless steel plates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monin, Vladimir Ivanovitch; Assis, Joaquim Teixeira de; Lopes, Ricardo Tadeu; Turibus, Sergio Noleto; Payao Filho, Joao C.


    Duplex stainless steel is an example of composite material with approximately equal amounts of austenite and ferrite phases. Difference of physical and mechanical properties of component is additional factor that contributes appearance of residual stresses after welding of duplex steel plates. Measurements of stress distributions in weld region were made by X-ray diffraction method both in ferrite and austenite phases. Duplex Steel plates were joined by GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) technology. There were studied longitudinal and transverse stress components in welded butt joint, in heat affected zone (HAZ) and in points of base metal 10 mm from the weld. Residual stresses measured in duplex steel plates jointed by welding are caused by temperature gradients between weld zone and base metal and by difference of thermal expansion coefficients of ferrite and austenite phases. Proposed analytical model allows evaluating of residual stress distribution over the cross section in the weld region. (author)

  9. Detection of 12 respiratory viruses by duplex real time PCR assays in respiratory samples. (United States)

    Arvia, Rosaria; Corcioli, Fabiana; Ciccone, Nunziata; Della Malva, Nunzia; Azzi, Alberta


    Different viruses can be responsible for similar clinical manifestations of respiratory infections. Thus, the etiological diagnosis of respiratory viral diseases requires the detection of a large number of viruses. In this study, 6 duplex real-time PCR assays, using EvaGreen intercalating dye, were developed to detect 12 major viruses responsible for respiratory diseases: influenza A and B viruses, enteroviruses (including enterovirus spp, and rhinovirus spp), respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, coronaviruses group I (of which CoV 229E and CoV NL63 are part) and II (including CoV OC43 and CoV HKU1), parainfluenza viruses type 1, 2, 3 and 4, human adenoviruses and human bocaviruses. The 2 target viruses of each duplex reaction were distinguishable by the melting temperatures of their amplicons. The 6 duplex real time PCR assays were applied for diagnostic purpose on 202 respiratory samples from 157 patients. One hundred fifty-seven samples were throat swabs and 45 were bronchoalveolar lavages. The results of the duplex PCR assays were confirmed by comparison with a commercial, validated, assay; in addition, the positive results were confirmed by sequencing. The analytical sensitivity of the duplex PCR assays varied from 10(3) copies/ml to 10(4) copies/ml. For parainfluenza virus 2 only it was 10(5) copies/ml. Seventy clinical samples (35%) from 55 patients (30 children and 25 adults) were positive for 1 or more viruses. In adult patients, influenza A virus was the most frequently detected respiratory virus followed by rhinoviruses. In contrast, respiratory syncytial virus was the most common virus in children, followed by enteroviruses, influenza A virus and coronavirus NL63. The small number of samples/patients does not allow us to draw any epidemiological conclusion. Altogether, the results of this study indicate that the 6 duplex PCR assays described in this study are sensitive, specific and cost-effective. Thus, this assay could be

  10. There is no benefit to universal carotid artery duplex screening before a major cardiac surgical procedure. (United States)

    Adams, Brian C; Clark, Ross M; Paap, Christina; Goff, James M


    Perioperative stroke is a devastating complication after cardiac surgery. In an attempt to minimize this complication, many cardiac surgeons routinely preoperatively order carotid artery duplex scans to assess for significant carotid stenosis. We hypothesize that the routine screening of preoperative cardiac surgery patients with carotid artery duplex scans detects few patients who would benefit from carotid intervention or that a significant carotid stenosis reliably predicts stroke risk after cardiac surgery. A retrospective review identified 1,499 patients who underwent cardiac surgical procedures between July 1999 and September 2010. Data collected included patient demographics, comorbidities, history of previous stroke, preoperative carotid artery duplex scan results, location of postoperative stroke, and details of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) procedures before, in conjunction with, or after cardiac surgery. Statistical methods included univariate analysis and Fisher's exact test. Twenty-six perioperative strokes were identified (1.7%). In the 21 postoperative stroke patients for whom there is complete carotid artery duplex scan data, 3 patients had a hemodynamically significant lesion (>70%) and 1 patient underwent unilateral carotid CEA for bilateral disease. Postoperative strokes occurred in the anterior cerebral circulation (69.2%), posterior cerebral circulation (15.4%), or both (15.4%). Patient comorbidities, preoperative carotid artery duplex scan screening velocities, or types of cardiac surgical procedure were not predictive for stroke. Thirteen patients (0.86%) underwent CEA before, in conjunction with, or after cardiac surgery. Two of these patients had symptomatic disease, 1 of whom underwent CEA before and the other after his cardiac surgery. Of the 11 asymptomatic patients, 2 underwent CEA before, 3 concurrently, and 6 after cardiac surgery. Left main disease (≥50% stenosis), previous stroke, and peripheral vascular disease were found to be

  11. Lesao óssea em leucemias agudas linfoblásticas tipo T e TIPO nao T / nao B


    Martins, Fernando Lopes



  12. Revisión del empleo de fibras de acero en hormigones autocompactantes = Review of the steel fibers use in concrete self-compacting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Vega


    Full Text Available En la actualidad el hormigón es un material indispensable en la construcción. Tiene muchas ventajas, entre las que destaca su alta resistencia a compresión, pero a su vez presenta algunas deficiencias sobre las que se va a centrar este documento. Entre las deficiencias más destacables están la baja resistencia a tracción del material y su comportamiento frágil. Por ello desde sus orígenes se ha intentado cubrir esas deficiencias utilizando diferentes tipos de materiales para reforzar y complementar las capacidades estructurales del hormigón. La incorporación de fibras en este material ha ido implantándose en el mercado ya que gracias a sus características ayudan a abaratar los costos de ejecución y a una sustitución parcial o total de la armadura. En este trabajo se hará un repaso a al uso de los hormigones autocompactantes en la construcción y a las diferentes tipos de fibras que pueden aplicarse al hormigón convencional para la mejora de la tenacidad, control de fisuración y resistencia a flexotracción, con el fin de elaborar un hormigón autocompactante con fibras de acero que reúna las características propias del hormigón y que optimice algunos aspectos del mismos. Abstract Concrete is now an indispensable material in construction. It has many advantages, including its high resistance to compression, but in turn presents some deficiencies on which this document will be focused. Among the most notable deficiencies are the low tensile strength of the material and its brittle behavior. Therefore, from the outset, attempts have been made to cover these deficiencies by using different types of materials to reinforce and complement the structural capacities of concrete. The incorporation of fibers in this material has been implanted in the market since, thanks to their characteristics, they help to reduce the execution costs and to a partial or total replacement of the armature. This work will review the use of self

  13. Heat treatment temperature influence on ASTM A890 GR 6A super duplex stainless steel microstructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martins, Marcelo; Casteletti, Luiz Carlos


    Duplex and super duplex stainless steels are ferrous alloys with up to 26% chromium, 8% nickel, 5% molybdenum and 0.3% nitrogen, which are largely used in applications in media containing ions from the halogen family, mainly the chloride ion (Cl - ). The emergence of this material aimed at substituting Copper-Nickel alloys (Cupro-Nickel) that despite presenting good corrosion resistance, has mechanical properties quite inferior to steel properties. The metallurgy of duplex and super duplex stainless steel is complex due to high sensitiveness to sigma phase precipitation that becomes apparent, due to the temperatures they are exposed on cooling from solidification as well as from heat treatment processes. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of heat treating temperatures on the microstructure and hardness of ASTM A890/A890M Gr 6A super duplex stainless steel type. Microstructure control is of extreme importance for castings, as the chemical composition and cooling during solidification inevitably provide conditions for precipitation of sigma phase. Higher hardness in these materials is directly associated to high sigma phase concentration in the microstructure, precipitated in the ferrite/austenite interface. While heat treatment temperature during solution treatment increases, the sigma phase content in the microstructure decreases and consequently, the material hardness diminishes. When the sigma phase was completely dissolved by the heat treatment, the material hardness was influenced only due to ferrite and austenite contents in the microstructure

  14. A ready-to-use duplex qPCR to detect Leishmania infantum DNA in naturally infected dogs. (United States)

    Rampazzo, Rita de Cássia Pontello; Solcà, Manuela da Silva; Santos, Liliane Celestino Sales; Pereira, Lais de Novaes; Guedes, José Carlos Oliveira; Veras, Patrícia Sampaio Tavares; Fraga, Deborah Bittencourt Mothé; Krieger, Marco Aurélio; Costa, Alexandre Dias Tavares


    Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a systemic disease caused by Leishmania infantum. A precise CVL diagnosis would allow for a faster and more specific treatment. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is a sensitive and specific technique that can diagnose CVL and also monitor parasite load in the animal during the course of the infection or treatment. The aim of this study was to develop a ready-to-use (gelified and freezer-free) duplex qPCR for the identification of infected animals. We combined a new qPCR protocol that detects the canine 18S rRNA gene with an existing protocol for L. infantum kDNA detection, creating a duplex qPCR. This duplex method was then developed into a ready-to-use format. The performance of the duplex and singleplex reactions were compared in the traditional format (liquid and freezer-stored). Furthermore, the duplex qPCR performance was compared between the ready-to-use and traditional formats. The singleplex and new duplex qPCR exhibited the same detection limit in the traditional format (0.1 parasites/reaction). The ready-to-use format showed a detection limit of 1 parasite/reaction without affecting the reaction efficiency. The performance of the new qPCR protocol in the two formats was assessed using canine tissue samples from 82 dogs in an endemic CVL area that were previously characterized by standard serological and parasitological protocols. Splenic aspirates provided a higher rate of positivity (92.9%) followed by skin (50%) and blood (35.7%). The reported detection limits were observed for all tissues studied. Our results show that the amplification of L. infantum kDNA and canine DNA in a single tube, using either the traditional or ready-to-use format, exhibited the same diagnostic performance as amplification of the parasite kDNA alone. The detection of the host gene strengthens the qPCR results by confirming the presence and quality of DNA in the samples and the absence of polymerase inhibitors. The ready-to-use duplex qPCR format

  15. Tribological behavior of duplex coating improved by ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kakas, D.; Skoric, B.; Rakita, M.


    In the present paper the tribological behavior of the coatings are discussed. Duplex coatings were applied on cold working steel 100Cr6. Samples were plasma nitrided at different thickness of plasma surface layers. TiN was deposited with a classic BALZERS PVD equipment and subsequent ion implantation. Ion implantation was provided with N 5+ ions. The other samples were produced with IBAD technology in DANFYSIK chamber. Wear resistance and exchanges of friction coefficient were measured with on-line test using special designed tribology equipment. Following the tests, the wear zone morphology and characteristics of surface layer structure as well as important properties were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Scratch adhesion testing was performed using commercially available equipment. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) of the wear-scars on pins provided essential information on the wear characteristics. In this paper some results related to influence of duplex coating production methodology on tribological behavior for cold working steel was presented

  16. Uncomplicated duplex kidney and DMSA scintigraphy in children with urinary tract infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stokland, Eira; Jodal, Ulf; Swerkersson, Svante; Hansson, Sverker; Sixt, Rune


    Renal duplication is the most common malformation of the urinary tract and is frequently seen among children with urinary tract infection (UTI). To evaluate problems in the interpretation of dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy and to establish the range of relative function in uncomplicated unilateral duplication. Retrospective analysis of 303 children less than 2 years of age with first time non-obstructive urinary tract infection investigated by both urography and DMSA scintigraphy. At DMSA scintigraphy, renal lesions and/or relative function below 45% was considered abnormal. Urography was used as reference for the diagnosis of duplication. Duplex kidneys were found in 22 of 303 patients (7%). Of the 16 children with unilateral duplication, 10 had bilaterally undamaged kidneys with a range of relative function varying between 51% and 57% in the duplex kidney. In two of the children with unilateral duplication the imaging results were discordant. There was risk of underdiagnosis as well as overdiagnosis of renal damage at scintigraphy. Although it is important to be aware of this risk, the rate of misinterpretation was low. A range of 51% to 57% can be used as the limit for normality of the relative function of a unilateral duplex kidney. (orig.)

  17. Uncomplicated duplex kidney and DMSA scintigraphy in children with urinary tract infection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stokland, Eira [The Sahlgrenska Academy at Goeteborg University, Department of Paediatric Radiology, Goeteborg (Sweden); The Queen Silvia Children' s Hospital, Department of Paediatric Radiology, Goeteborg (Sweden); Jodal, Ulf; Swerkersson, Svante; Hansson, Sverker [The Sahlgrenska Academy at Goeteborg University, Department of Paediatrics, Goeteborg (Sweden); Sixt, Rune [The Sahlgrenska Academy at Goeteborg University, Department of Paediatric Clinical Physiology, Goeteborg (Sweden)


    Renal duplication is the most common malformation of the urinary tract and is frequently seen among children with urinary tract infection (UTI). To evaluate problems in the interpretation of dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy and to establish the range of relative function in uncomplicated unilateral duplication. Retrospective analysis of 303 children less than 2 years of age with first time non-obstructive urinary tract infection investigated by both urography and DMSA scintigraphy. At DMSA scintigraphy, renal lesions and/or relative function below 45% was considered abnormal. Urography was used as reference for the diagnosis of duplication. Duplex kidneys were found in 22 of 303 patients (7%). Of the 16 children with unilateral duplication, 10 had bilaterally undamaged kidneys with a range of relative function varying between 51% and 57% in the duplex kidney. In two of the children with unilateral duplication the imaging results were discordant. There was risk of underdiagnosis as well as overdiagnosis of renal damage at scintigraphy. Although it is important to be aware of this risk, the rate of misinterpretation was low. A range of 51% to 57% can be used as the limit for normality of the relative function of a unilateral duplex kidney. (orig.)

  18. Effect of welding processes on corrosion resistance of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiu, Liu Ho; Hsieh, Wen Chin


    An attractive combination of corrosion resistance and mechanical properties in the temperature range -50 to 250 .deg. C is offered by duplex stainless steel. However, undesirable secondary precipitation phase such as σ, γ 2 and Cr 2 N may taken place at the cooling stage from the welding processes. Therefore, this paper describes the influence of different welding procedures such as manual metal arc welding (MMA), tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) and vacuum brazing on corrosion resistance of the welded joint for UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel. Microstructure and chemical compositions of the welded joint were examined. The weight loss of specimens immersed in 6% FeCl 3 solution at 47.5 .deg. C for 24-hours was determined and used to evaluate the pitting resistance of duplex stainless steel and their welds. The region of heat-affected zone of specimen obtained by the MMA is much wider than that resulted from TIG, therefore, the weight loss of welds by MMA was larger than that of weld by TIG. The weight loss of brazed specimens cooled from slow cooling rate was larger than those of specimens cooled from high cooling rate, because the precipitation of σ phase. Beside that, the weight loss of brazed specimen is greater than those of the welded specimens. The galvanic corrosion was observed in brazed duplex stainless steel joints in the chloride solution

  19. Funcionamiento psicofisiológico y susceptibilidad a la sintomatología premenstrual en mujeres Tipo A y Tipo B

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    Francesc Palmero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se centra en explorar el papel que juega el componente emocional del Patrón de Conducta Tipo A (PCTA en diversas áreas relacionadas con la salud. En este contexto nuestra investigación desarrolla dos objetivos diferenciados. El primero trata de constatar la relación entre determinadas características del PCTA y el mecanismo psicofisiológico en una tarea experimental de estrés real (situación de examen, considerando si existen diferencias entre los dos grupos de personas, Tipo A y Tipo B, tanto en la dimensión tónica como en la dimensión fásica de la tasa cardiaca. El segundo de nuestros objetivos trata de establecer la relación existente entre determinadas características del PCTA y la experiencia de sintomatología relacionada con el ciclo menstrual, considerando tanto la sintomatología premenstrual global, como la sintomatología premenstrual específica, diferenciando tres grandes grupos de síntomas: fisiológicos, psicológicos y conductuales. La muestra final estuvo conformada por 28 mujeres Tipo A y 29 mujeres Tipo B. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el inventario de Actividad de Jenkins (JAS, el calendario menstrual de síntomas de registro diario (CMSRD y un polígrafo que permitió registrar la tasa cardiaca. En cuanto a nuestro primer objetivo, los datos hacen pensar en la existencia de distintos perfiles psicofisiológicos en ambos grupos de mujeres; en el segundo objetivo, parece que las mujeres Tipo A experimentan de forma clara más síntomas psicológicos que las mujeres Tipo B.

  20. Tribological properties of duplex MAO/DLC coatings on magnesium alloy using combined microarc oxidation and filtered cathodic arc deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang Jun; Wang Peng; Hu Litian; Hao Jingcheng


    The combined microarc oxidation (MAO) and filtered cathode arc deposition process was used to deposit duplex MAO/DLC coating on AM60B magnesium alloy. The microstructure and composition of the resulting duplex coating were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscope (XPS) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The tribological behaviors of the duplex coating were studied by ball-on-disk friction testing. It is found that the Ti-doped DLC thin film could be successfully deposited onto the polished MAO coating. The duplex MAO/DLC coating exhibits a better tribological property than the DLC or MAO monolayer on Mg alloy substrate, owing to the MAO coating served as an intermediate layer provides improved load support for the soft Mg alloy substrate and the DLC top coating exhibits low friction coefficient

  1. Duplex tube steam reformer development program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewe, C.K.; Nieto, J.M.; Papadopoulos, A.


    Work done in partial fulfillment of Task 7 of the Duplex Steam Reformer Development Program is described. The DSR concept acts as a double barrier between a process heat high temperature reactor plant (PNP) and a closed loop chemical heat pipe (CHP) for the long distance transport of chemical energy to a remote industrial user. The current state of the DSR design is described as well as related systems and equipment. The PNP concept presented is based upon work currently underway in the Federal Republic of Germany

  2. High-temperature fracture toughness of duplex microstructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    French, J.D.; Chan, H.M.; Harmer, M.P.; Miller, G.A.


    The temperature dependence of the fracture toughness of ceramics exhibiting duplex microstructures was studied relative to their single-phase constituents using two test methods: bend testing of chevron-notched beams, and the indentation-crack-length technique. The two materials systems studied were Al 2 O 3 :c-ZrO 2 (Y) and Al 2 O 3 :Y 3 Al 5 O 12 (YAG), and the testing temperature ranged from room temperature to 1,200 C. The study showed that in both systems the duplex materials showed higher toughness values than their single-phase constituents above 800 C. This result was attributed to the contribution of low-energy interphase boundaries to the overall composite toughness. Indentation crack length measurements gave toughness values and trends comparable to those determined by the chevron-notched beam method. By comparing the results of the two test methods it was possible to demonstrate that the indentation calibration constant (ξ) shows no significant temperature or material dependence. For the zirconia-containing materials, however, indentation at elevated temperatures is accompanied by significant localized plasticity, which suppressed the radial cracking. Under such conditions, some caution is warranted, since localized plasticity can lead to an overestimation of the fracture toughness

  3. On phase equilibria in duplex stainless steels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wessman, S. [Swerea KIMAB AB, Stockholm (Sweden); Pettersson, R. [Outokumpu Stainless AB, Avesta Research Centre, Avesta (Sweden); Hertzman, S. [Outokumpu Stainless Research Foundation, Stockholm (Sweden)


    The equilibrium conditions of four duplex stainless steels; Fe-23Cr-4.5Ni-0.1N, Fe-22Cr-5.5Ni-3Mo-0.17N, Fe-25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-0.27N and Fe-25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-1W-1.5Cu-0.27N were studied in the temperature region from 700 to 1000 C. Phase compositions were determined with SEM EDS and the phase fractions using image analysis on backscattered SEM images. The results showed that below 1000 C the steels develop an inverse duplex structure with austenite and sigma phase, of which the former is the matrix phase. With decreasing temperature, the microstructure will be more and more complex and finely dispersed. The ferrite is, for the higher alloyed steels, only stable above 1000 C and at lower temperatures disappears in favour of intermetallic phases. The major intermetallic phase is sigma phase with small amounts of chi phase, the latter primarily in high Mo and W grades. Nitrides, not a focus in this investigation, were present as rounded particles and acicular precipitates at lower temperatures. The results were compared to theoretical predictions using the TCFE5 and TCFE6 databases. (Abstract Copyright [2010], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  4. Reação de resistência tipo I e tipo II a Giberela em cultivares de trigo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Hansen Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as reações de resistência tipo I e tipo II à giberela em 28 cultivares de trigo em casa de vegetação. A inoculação de Fusarium graminearum foi realizada no estádio de florescimento. Para a resistência tipo I, a avaliação foi feita 21 dias após a inoculação. Foi determinada a severidade no estádio de espiga seca e a porcentagem de grãos giberelados. A avaliação da severidade foi feita pela porcentagem de espiguetas infectadas, no estádio de espiga verde atribuindo-se uma nota em uma escala linear de zero (nenhuma infecção a 100 (100% de espiguetas infectadas. Para a resistência tipo II, as avaliações foram realizadas aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após a inoculação, contando-se as espiguetas com sintomas da doença, excluindo as duas espiguetas que foram inoculadas. As cultivares Frontana, BRS 177, BRS 179, BRS Umbu, BRS Camboim, Abalone, Ônix, Pampeano e Fundacep 30 apresentaram menor severidade da doença e menor porcentagem de grãos giberelados, demonstrando serem fontes de resistência tipo I. As cultivares BRS Guamirim, CD 120, Onix, Rubi, Fundacep 50, BRS 179, Pampeano, Abalone, CD 114, IPR 85, Safira, BRS Louro, CD 117, CDF 2002116, CD 115, BRS 177, CD 0529 e BRS Camboim apresentaram a menor área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença, demonstrando a presença da resistência do tipo II.

  5. Influencia del precalentamiento en las propiedades de uniones soldadas de acero API 5L-X80 soldadas con alambre tubular autoprotegido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cooper, R.


    Full Text Available The present work refers to the characterization of API 5L-X80 pipeline joints welded with self-shielded flux cored wire. This process was evaluated under preheating conditions, with an uniform and steady heat input. All joints were welded in flat position (IG, with the pipe turning and the torch still. Tube dimensions were 762 mm in external diameter and 16 mm in thickness. Welds were applied on single V-groove, with six weld beads, along with three levels of preheating temperatures (room temperature, 100 °C, 160 °C. These temperatures were maintained as interpass temperature. The filler metal E71T8-K6 with mechanical properties different from parent metal was used in undermatched conditions. The weld characterization is presented according to the mechanical test results of tensile strength, hardness and impact test. The mechanical tests were conducted according to API 1104, AWS and ASTM standards. API 1104 and API 51 were used as screening criteria. According to the results obtained, it was possible to remark that it is appropriate to weld API 5L-X80 steel ducts with Self-shielded Flux Cored wires, in conformance to the API standards and no preheat temperature is necessary.

    Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre la caracterización de las propiedades mecánicas de uniones soldadas con alambre tubular autoprotegido, de acero API 5L-X80. En este sentido, se evalúa la influencia de la temperatura de precalentamiento, manteniendo el aporte de calor uniforme. Todas las uniones soldadas se realizaron en la posición plana (IG, con la antorcha fíja y la tubería girando. Se utilizó un tubo de 762 mm de diámetro exterior y 16 mm de espesor. Las soldaduras se aplicaron sobre una unión de tope con bisel en V simple, utilizando 6 pasadas, con tres niveles de temperatura de precalentamiento (ambiente, 100 °C y 160 °C. Estas temperaturas se mantuvieron como temperatura entre pasadas. El metal de aporte, del tipo E71T8-K6, se utilizó en la

  6. Aortoiliac reconstructive surgery based upon the results of duplex scanning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Zaag, E. S.; Legemate, D. A.; Nguyen, T.; Balm, R.; Jacobs, M. J.


    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether duplex scanning can replace angiography in patients operated for aortoiliac obstructive disease. DESIGN: Retrospective. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 1995 and October 1996, 44 patients underwent vascular surgery of the aortoiliac tract. The study population

  7. Surveillance Duplex Ultrasonography of Stent Grafts for Popliteal Aneurysms. (United States)

    Pineda, Danielle M; Troutman, Douglas A; Dougherty, Matthew J; Calligaro, Keith D


    Stent grafts, also known as covered stents, have become an increasingly acceptable treatment for popliteal artery aneurysms. However, endovascular exclusion confers lower primary patency compared to traditional open bypass and exclusion. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether duplex ultrasonography (DU) can reliably diagnose failing stent grafts placed for popliteal artery aneurysms prior to occlusion. Between June 5, 2007, and March 11, 2014, 21 stent grafts (Viabahn; Gore, Flagstaff, Arizona) were placed in 19 patients for popliteal artery aneurysms. All patients had at least 1 follow-up duplex scan postoperatively. Mean follow-up was 28.9 months (9-93 months). Postoperative DU surveillance was performed in our Intersocietal Accreditation Commission noninvasive vascular laboratory at 1 week postprocedure and every 6 months thereafter. Duplex ultrasonography measured peak systolic velocities (PSVs) and ratio of adjacent PSVs (Vr) every 5 cm within the stent graft and adjacent arteries. We retrospectively classified the following factors as "abnormal DU findings": focal PSV > 300 cm/s, uniform PSVs 3.0. These DU criteria were derived from laboratory-specific data that we previously published on failing stent grafts placed for lower extremity occlusive disease. Four of the 21 stent grafts presented with symptomatic graft thrombosis within 6 months of a normal DU. Three of these 4 patients presented with rest pain and underwent thrombectomy (2) or vein bypass (1), and 1 elected for nonintervention for claudication. Our results suggest that surveillance DU using criteria established for grafts placed for occlusive disease may not be useful for predicting stent graft failure in popliteal artery aneurysms. © The Author(s) 2016.

  8. Relationship between microstructure and fracture types in a UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Victoria Biezma


    Full Text Available Duplex stainless steels are susceptible to the formation of sigma phase at high temperature which could potentially be responsible for catastrophic service failure of components. Thermal treatments were applied to duplex stainless steels in order to promote the precipitation of different fractions of sigma phase into a ferrite-austenite microstructure. Quantitative image analysis was employed to characterize the microstructure and Charpy impact tests were used in order to evaluate the mechanical degradation caused by sigma phase presence. The fracture morphology of the Charpy test specimens were thoroughly observed in SEM, looking for a correlation between the microstructure and the fracture types in UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel. The main conclusion is the strong embrittlement effect of sigma phase since it is possible to observe a transition from transgranular fracture to intergranular fracture as increases the percentage of sigma phase. Thus, the mixed modes of fracture are predominant in the present study with high dependence on sigma phase percentages obtained by different thermal treatments.

  9. Chirality- and sequence-selective successive self-sorting via specific homo- and complementary-duplex formations (United States)

    Makiguchi, Wataru; Tanabe, Junki; Yamada, Hidekazu; Iida, Hiroki; Taura, Daisuke; Ousaka, Naoki; Yashima, Eiji


    Self-recognition and self-discrimination within complex mixtures are of fundamental importance in biological systems, which entirely rely on the preprogrammed monomer sequences and homochirality of biological macromolecules. Here we report artificial chirality- and sequence-selective successive self-sorting of chiral dimeric strands bearing carboxylic acid or amidine groups joined by chiral amide linkers with different sequences through homo- and complementary-duplex formations. A mixture of carboxylic acid dimers linked by racemic-1,2-cyclohexane bis-amides with different amide sequences (NHCO or CONH) self-associate to form homoduplexes in a completely sequence-selective way, the structures of which are different from each other depending on the linker amide sequences. The further addition of an enantiopure amide-linked amidine dimer to a mixture of the racemic carboxylic acid dimers resulted in the formation of a single optically pure complementary duplex with a 100% diastereoselectivity and complete sequence specificity stabilized by the amidinium–carboxylate salt bridges, leading to the perfect chirality- and sequence-selective duplex formation. PMID:26051291

  10. The effect of fiber laser parameters on microhardness and microstructure of duplex stainless steel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammed Ghusoon R.


    Full Text Available An investigation was implement to study the influence of laser power, and speed of the welding on hardness, microstructure, and penetration of laser welding bead on plate duplex stainless steel, which is not exhibited so far. A fiber laser was selected for welding duplex stainless steel sheet with 2 mm thickness. Then, optical microscope (OM was used in the morphologic observation of cross section, penetration depth, and bead width. Microhardness of the welded sheet was measured using Vickers hardness. Profiles of hardness and microstructure were utilized to discriminate welding line and to propose superior welding parameters. The experimental results displayed that, a good quality of duplex steel welds can be acquired when a suitable fiber laser welding parameters were selected. It was found that microhardness profiles showed a rise in the hardness of the weld and heat-affected zones as the solidification process proceeds rapidly. Additionally, the crystal solidification process induced by the fiber laser welding was schematically clarified and systematically exposed.

  11. Evaluación de la adherencia del biofilm sobre salivaderas dentales de acero inoxidable, cerámica y opalina


    Butler, Teresa Adela


    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue estudiar el desarrollo de la biopelícula depositada sobre las salivaderas dentales de tres materiales diferentes (acero inoxidable, cerámica y opalina), de equipos odontológicos correspondientes a dos zonas diferentes del casco urbano de la ciudad de La Plata (Z1 y Z2). Para ello se realizaron 38 cortes de salivaderas dentales de los tres materiales, de cada zona En primer lugar se realizó el análisis de la microbiota planctónica y sé...

  12. Influence of nucleotide modifications at the C2' position on the Hoogsteen base-paired parallel-stranded duplex of poly(A) RNA. (United States)

    Copp, William; Denisov, Alexey Y; Xie, Jingwei; Noronha, Anne M; Liczner, Christopher; Safaee, Nozhat; Wilds, Christopher J; Gehring, Kalle


    Polyadenylate (poly(A)) has the ability to form a parallel duplex with Hoogsteen adenine:adenine base pairs at low pH or in the presence of ammonium ions. In order to evaluate the potential of this structural motif for nucleic acid-based nanodevices, we characterized the effects on duplex stability of substitutions of the ribose sugar with 2'-deoxyribose, 2'-O-methyl-ribose, 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-ribose, arabinose and 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-arabinose. Deoxyribose substitutions destabilized the poly(A) duplex both at low pH and in the presence of ammonium ions: no duplex formation could be detected with poly(A) DNA oligomers. Other sugar C2' modifications gave a variety of effects. Arabinose and 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-arabinose nucleotides strongly destabilized poly(A) duplex formation. In contrast, 2'-O-methyl and 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-ribo modifications were stabilizing either at pH 4 or in the presence of ammonium ions. The differential effect suggests they could be used to design molecules selectively responsive to pH or ammonium ions. To understand the destabilization by deoxyribose, we determined the structures of poly(A) duplexes with a single DNA residue by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The structures revealed minor structural perturbations suggesting that the combination of sugar pucker propensity, hydrogen bonding, pKa shifts and changes in hydration determine duplex stability. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  13. Método predictivo de volatilidad tipo cambio

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    Jeffrey Viales Abellán


    Full Text Available Las series temporales descritas por precios de ciertos activos financieros tales como el de las acciones y divisas presentan dos principales características, excesos de kurtosis y clustering de volatilidad. Para recoger estas características se han utilizado modelos no lineales tales como los modelos Garch o Volatilidad Condicionada y los modelos de Volatilidad Estocástica, ambos tipos de modelo son empleados para la gestión del riesgo cambiario a corto plazo; el primer tipo de modelos definen la volatilidad en función de la misma volatilidad rezagada y de los shocks (innovaciones de volatilidad; el segundo tipo de modelos son similares a los modelos Garch con la variante de que la volatilidad incluye por si misma un término aleatorio de tipo proceso Wienner2; estos modelos son empleados para simular caminatas aleatorias del tipo de cambio con volatilidades simuladas por las ecuación estocásticas de volatilidad.En el presente trabajo se analizará el desempeño del modelo Garch en comparación a las medidas de volatilidad utilizadas actualmente para la gestión del riesgo cambiario; sus implicaciones para la gestión de riesgos.

  14. Duplex correlation phlebography in venous mapping of the upper limbs for artery venous fistulas for hemodialysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esperon Percovich, A.; Lopez Chapuis, D.; Velverdu, M.; Curi, J.; Sciuto, F.; Velverdu, M.; Curi, J.


    When clinical evaluation is not enough,the evaluation of the venous condition of the upper limbs for the realization of angio access for hemodialysis is classically based on phlebography,an invasive,risky method.the appear rance of non invasive techniques such as eco Doppler(duplex) makes it necessary to do research in order to determine the utility of the method and define its indications.The authors analyse 35 venous mappings of the upper limbs by phlebography and duplex and compare its results for the different venous regions.They come to the conclusion that duplex presented the best performance for the hum ero axillary subclavian region,detecting thrombosis with a sensitivity of 100% a specificity of 97% positive predictive value of 50% and negative predictive value of 100%.For superficial axis (radial and superficial ulnar,basilic and cephalic)there is low sensitivity for the determination of presence and permeability of the axis but 100% specificity.Duplex was not useful for the description of veins in order to determine utility for Avf.Finally,the authors make recommendations as regards indications of these para clinical tests [es

  15. Comprehensive Educational Assessment for the States: The Duplex Design. (United States)

    Bock, R. Darrell; Mislevy, Robert

    State testing programs often attempt to provide annual information for use in student guidance and qualification, school and program evaluation, and broad policy decisions. With the development of a new type of assessment instrument, the "duplex design," the several functions of state testing programs can be served in a single test…

  16. Análisis termodinámico de la descarburación de aceros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gómez-Acebo, T.


    Full Text Available It is necessary to study both the equilibrium and the kinetics of gas-solid reaction in order to control the carbon content of powder metallurgy steels during sintering. In this paper a thermodynamic study is given. Several atmospheres are used in industrial practice, that can contain CO, CO2, CH4 or H2. With the aid of powerful software for thermodynamic calculations as Thermo-Calc, it is possible to do estimations of complex equilibria. It has been proved that representations of the phase diagram of a steel in the potentials space carbon activity vs. 1/T can help to select gas atmospheres. Here both a graphical and an analytical method are presented for calculating carbon activity as a function of the partial pressures ratios p(CO/ p(CO2 and p(CH4/p(H2. As an example, the decarburation control in pure iron and in certain Fe-Cu and Fe-Cr alloys is studied.

    El control del contenido en carbono en aceros pulvimetalúrgicos durante el tratamiento de sinterización requiere plantear el equilibrio y la cinética de la reacción del metal con la fase gaseosa. En este artículo se aborda el estudio termodinámico. En la práctica industrial se suelen emplear diferentes atmósferas, que pueden contener CO, CO2, CH4 ó H2. Con ayuda de programas de cálculos termodinámicos como Thermo-Calc, es posible realizar estimaciones complejas de equilibrio. Se ha comprobado que la representación del diagrama de fases de un acero en el espacio de coordenadas potenciales actividad de carbono frente a 1/T facilita la selección de las atmósferas gaseosas de reacción. Se presenta también el modo de calcular analítica y gráficamente la actividad de carbono en función de la relación de presiones parciales p(CO/p(CO2 y p(CH4/ p(H2. Como ejemplo, se ha estudiado el control de la descarburación en el hierro puro y en las aleaciones Fe-Cu y Fe-Cr.

  17. Control de la descomposición anisotérmica de la austenita en ferrita acicular buscando la combinación óptima de propiedades mecánicas en un acero microaleado de forja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García de Andrés, C.


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to study the anisothermal decomposition of austenite at two different austenisation conditions in a medium carbon microalloyed steel. In this sense, continuous cooling transformation diagrams (CCT have been obtained for both austenisation conditions to determine the continuous cooling that allows the formation of a microstructure mainly formed of acicular ferrite with the best mechanical properties.The knowledge of the anisothermal decomposition oí austenite in this steel has allowed to propose continuous cooling cycles for industrial aplication. That produce high volume fraction of acicular ferrite.

    El propósito del presente trabajo es estudiar la descomposición anisotérmica de la austenita de un acero microaleado de contenido medio en carbono para dos diferentes condiciones de austenización. Con este objeto se han construido los diagramas CCT del acero para ambos estados de austenización y se han establecido las condiciones de enfriamiento que permiten la formación de microestructuras constituidas mayoritariamente por ferrita acicular con propiedades mecánicas óptimas. El conocimiento de la evolución de las transformaciones anisotérmicas de este acero, ha permitido encontrar ciclos de enfriamiento continuo, aplicables en procesos industriales, para obtener directamente microestructuras con un alto porcentaje de ferrita acicular.

  18. Crystal structure of metallo DNA duplex containing consecutive Watson-Crick-like T-Hg(II)-T base pairs. (United States)

    Kondo, Jiro; Yamada, Tom; Hirose, Chika; Okamoto, Itaru; Tanaka, Yoshiyuki; Ono, Akira


    The metallo DNA duplex containing mercury-mediated T-T base pairs is an attractive biomacromolecular nanomaterial which can be applied to nanodevices such as ion sensors. Reported herein is the first crystal structure of a B-form DNA duplex containing two consecutive T-Hg(II)-T base pairs. The Hg(II) ion occupies the center between two T residues. The N3-Hg(II) bond distance is 2.0 Å. The relatively short Hg(II)-Hg(II) distance (3.3 Å) observed in consecutive T-Hg(II)-T base pairs suggests that the metallophilic attraction could exist between them and may stabilize the B-form double helix. To support this, the DNA duplex is largely distorted and adopts an unusual nonhelical conformation in the absence of Hg(II). The structure of the metallo DNA duplex itself and the Hg(II)-induced structural switching from the nonhelical form to the B-form provide the basis for structure-based design of metal-conjugated nucleic acid nanomaterials. Copyright © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Fluidos iónicos en lubricación de contactos aluminio-acero : interacciones superficiales y triboquímicas


    Jiménez Ballesta, Ana Eva


    Los líquidos iónicos (LI) son fluidos de altas prestaciones con un amplio rango de estabilidad térmica. Actualmente están siendo objeto de estudio en una gran variedad de contactos, siendo una de sus aplicaciones tribológicas más interesante la lubricación del contacto aluminio-acero. En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de la longitud de la cadena lateral del catión y de la naturaleza del anión sobre la capacidad lubricante de 6 LI derivados del catión imidazolio, un derivado de piridini...

  20. A duplex endpoint PCR assay for rapid detection and differentiation of Leptospira strains. (United States)

    Benacer, Douadi; Zain, Siti Nursheena Mohd; Lewis, John W; Khalid, Mohd Khairul Nizam Mohd; Thong, Kwai Lin


    This study aimed to develop a duplex endpoint PCR assay for rapid detection and differentiation of Leptospira strains. Primers were designed to target the rrs (LG1/LG2) and ligB (LP1/LP2) genes to confirm the presence of the Leptospira genus and the pathogenic species, respectively. The assay showed 100% specificity against 17 Leptospira strains with a limit of detection of 23.1pg/µl of leptospiral DNA and sensitivity of 103 leptospires/ml in both spiked urine and water. Our duplex endpoint PCR assay is suitable for rapid early detection of Leptospira with high sensitivity and specificity.

  1. Oxidación en vapor de agua del acero inoxidable aisi 317 a 700 y 750ºc




    Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI SAE 317, a temperaturas de 700 y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento a la corrosión. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) y difracción de rayos X (DRX), para observar cómo se forman las capas de óxidos y discutir el posible mecanismo de oxidación en vapor de agua. Se encontró que el mecanismo de...



    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo; Aduljay Remolina Millan; Jairo Alberto Barón


    Se realizó la oxidación del acero inoxidable austenítico AISI SAE 317, a temperaturas de 700 y 750ºC, en un ambiente con 100% vapor de agua, para evaluar su comportamiento a la corrosión. Se realizaron curvas de ganancia de masa y las películas de óxidos se analizaron por medio de Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) y difracción de rayos X (DRX), para observar cómo se forman las capas de óxidos y discutir el posible mecanismo de oxidación en vapor de agua. Se encontró que el mecanismo de...

  3. Parâmetros de desempenho e carcaça de genótipos de frangos tipo caipira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.C. Veloso


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar as características de desempenho e de carcaça de sete genótipos de frangos tipo caipira da linhagem Redbro. Foram utilizados 840 pintos de um dia, machos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, dos seguintes genótipos: Caboclo, Carijó, Colorpak, Gigante Negro, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor. Os frangos foram alojados em 28 boxes, sendo 30 frangos por boxe, em galpão de alvenaria com acesso a um piquete de 45m², em quatro repetições. As características de desempenho (conversão alimentar, ganho em peso médio diário, consumo de ração médio diário foram avaliadas nos períodos: um a 28, um a 56, um a 70 e um a 84 dias de idade. O peso corporal foi avaliado aos 28, 56, 70 e 84 dias de idade. As características de carcaça (peso e rendimento de carcaça, peito e pernas foram obtidas a partir do abate de dois frangos por boxe, aos 85 dias de idade. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o "proc glm" do SAS. Verificou-se que, em todos os períodos, os frangos do genótipo Colorpak apresentaram maior peso corporal, consumo de ração médio diário, ganho em peso médio diário e melhor conversão alimentar. Entretanto, os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram menores consumo de ração médio diário, ganho de peso médio diário e pior conversão alimentar. Quanto ao rendimento de cortes, observou-se que os genótipos Caboclo e Gigante Negro apresentaram os menores valores, e o Carijó, Colorpak, Pesadão Vermelho, Pescoço Pelado e Tricolor obtiveram os melhores rendimentos de pernas. Para o rendimento de peito, o Carijó e o Pesadão Vermelho obtiveram os maiores valores. A escolha do genótipo deve ser feita de acordo com o interesse do mercado, pois há diferenças no desempenho e no rendimento de carcaça e dos cortes.

  4. Microstructural characterization of thermally-aged duplex stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nomoto, A.; Hamaoka, T.; Nishida, K.; Dohi, K.; Soneda, N.


    The embrittlement of duplex stainless steels is of concern for the long term operation of light water reactors. The objectives of this work was to characterize solute atom distribution in ferrite phase of thermally aged duplex stainless steels by using atom tomography probe and to measure the hardness of ferrite phase by using nano-indentation technique. This series of slides highlights 4 main conclusions. First, phase separation quickly evolves and then slows down during the thermal ageing. Secondly, precipitates are formed after ageing for 1000 hr at 400 C and 2000 hr at 350 C. The clusters become larger with time at 400 C. Chemical composition of the clusters do not change very much with cluster size and ageing time at 400 C. Thirdly, no cluster formation is observed in the materials aged at 450 C. It is likely that precipitation occurs faster than phase separation at lower temperatures. Fourthly, hardness changes are well described by combining the contributions of phase separation and G phase formation. 'Variation' is a good parameter to describe hardness change due to phase separation. Contribution of G-phase needs to be considered separately

  5. Effect of solution treatment on microstructure and properties of duplex stainless steel (United States)

    Wang, X. Y.; Luo, J. M.; Huang, L. Q.; Wang, H. B.; Ma, C. W.


    The influence of solution treatment on microstructure and properties of 2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) was studied. The microstructure, precipitates and corrosion resisting property were observed and analyzed by means of optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical methods. The results showed that a large number of brittle σ-phase precipitates, which deteriorate the plasticity and corrosion resistance of the material, were easy to produce in the duplex stainless steel under the low temperature. The precipitation of σ-phase can be decreased and the plasticity and corrosion resistance can be improved by increasing solution temperature. In addition, the ferrite content increases with the increase of solution temperature, while less affected by cooling rate.

  6. An Optimal Analysis in Wireless Powered Full-duplex Relaying Network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.-T. Nguyen


    Full Text Available Wireless-powered cellular networks (WPCNs are currently being investigated to exploit the reliability and improve battery lifetime of mobile users. This paper investigates the energy harvesting structure of the full-duplex relaying networks. By using the time switching based relaying (TSR protocol and Amplify-and-Forward (AF model in delay-limited transmission scheme, we propose the closed-form expression of the outage probability and then calculate the optimal throughput. An important result can be taken obviously that the time fraction in TSR, the position of relay, the noise as well as the energy conversation impacting on the outage probability as well as the optimal throughput. By Monte Carlo simulation, the numerical results indicate an effective relaying strategy in full-duplex cooperative systems. Finally, we provide fundamental design guidelines for selecting time fraction in TSR that satisfies the requirements of a practical relaying system.

  7. Hsc70/Hsp90 chaperone machinery mediates ATP-dependent RISC loading of small RNA duplexes. (United States)

    Iwasaki, Shintaro; Kobayashi, Maki; Yoda, Mayuko; Sakaguchi, Yuriko; Katsuma, Susumu; Suzuki, Tsutomu; Tomari, Yukihide


    Small silencing RNAs--small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or microRNAs (miRNAs)--direct posttranscriptional gene silencing of their mRNA targets as guides for the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Both siRNAs and miRNAs are born double stranded. Surprisingly, loading these small RNA duplexes into Argonaute proteins, the core components of RISC, requires ATP, whereas separating the two small RNA strands within Argonaute does not. Here we show that the Hsc70/Hsp90 chaperone machinery is required to load small RNA duplexes into Argonaute proteins, but not for subsequent strand separation or target cleavage. We envision that the chaperone machinery uses ATP and mediates a conformational opening of Ago proteins so that they can receive bulky small RNA duplexes. Our data suggest that the chaperone machinery may serve as the driving force for the RISC assembly pathway. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Overall model of the dynamic behaviour of the steel strip in an annealing heating furnace on a hot-dip galvanizing line

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernández, R.


    Full Text Available Predicting the temperature of the steel strip in the annealing process in a hot-dip galvanizing line (HDGL is important to ensure the physical properties of the processed material. The development of an accurate model that is capable of predicting the temperature the strip will reach according to the furnace’s variations in temperature and speed, its dimensions and the steel’s chemical properties, is a requirement that is being increasingly called for by industrial plants of this nature. This paper presents a comparative study made between several types of algorithms of Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence for the design of an efficient and overall prediction model that will allow determining the strip’s variation in temperature according to the physico-chemical specifications of the coils to be processed, and fluctuations in temperature and speed that are recorded within the annealing process. The ultimate goal is to find a model that is effectively applicable to coils of new types of steel or sizes that are being processed for the first time. This model renders it possible to fine-tune the control model in order to standardise the treatment in areas of the strip in which there is a transition between coils of different sizes or types of steel.La predicción de la temperatura de la banda de acero dentro del proceso de recocido de una planta de galvanizado continuo en caliente es importante para garantizar las propiedades físicas del material procesado. El desarrollo de un modelo preciso que sea capaz de predecir la temperatura que va a alcanzar la banda según las variaciones de temperaturas y velocidades del horno, y sus dimensiones y propiedades químicas del acero, es una necesidad cada vez más demandada por este tipo de plantas industriales. En el presente estudio se muestra una comparativa realizada entre diversos tipos de algoritmos deMinería de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial para el desarrollo de un modelo de predicci

  9. Fracture mechanics evaluation of cast duplex stainless steel after thermal aging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tujikura, Y.; Urata, S.


    For the primary coolant piping of PWRs in Japan, cast duplex stainless steel, which is excellent in terms of strength, corrosion resistance and weldability, has conventionally been used. Cast duplex stainless steel contains the ferrite phase in the austenite matrix, and thermal aging after long-term service is known to decrease fracture toughness. Therefore, we evaluated the integrity of the primary coolant piping for an initial PWR plant in Japan by means of elastic plastic fracture mechanics. The evaluation results show that the crack will not grow into an unstable fracture and the integrity of the piping will be secure, even when such through-wall crack length is assumed to be as large as the fatigue crack length grown for a service period of up to 60 years. (orig.)

  10. Fracture mechanics evaluation of cast duplex stainless steel after thermal aging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tujikura, Y.; Urata, S. [Kansai Electr. Power Co., Inc., Osaka (Japan). General Office of Nucl. and Fossil Power Production


    For the primary coolant piping of PWRs in Japan, cast duplex stainless steel, which is excellent in terms of strength, corrosion resistance and weldability, has conventionally been used. Cast duplex stainless steel contains the ferrite phase in the austenite matrix, and thermal aging after long-term service is known to decrease fracture toughness. Therefore, we evaluated the integrity of the primary coolant piping for an initial PWR plant in Japan by means of elastic plastic fracture mechanics. The evaluation results show that the crack will not grow into an unstable fracture and the integrity of the piping will be secure, even when such through-wall crack length is assumed to be as large as the fatigue crack length grown for a service period of up to 60 years. (orig.)

  11. Downlink Error Rates of Half-duplex Users in Full-duplex Networks over a Laplacian Inter-User Interference Limited and EGK fading

    KAUST Repository

    Soury, Hamza


    This paper develops a mathematical framework to study downlink error rates and throughput for half-duplex (HD) terminals served by a full-duplex (FD) base station (BS). The developed model is used to motivate long term pairing for users that have non-line of sight (NLOS) interfering link. Consequently, we study the interferer limited problem that appears between NLOS HD users-pair that are scheduled on the same FD channel. The distribution of the interference is first characterized via its distribution function, which is derived in closed form. Then, a comprehensive performance assessment for the proposed pairing scheme is provided by assuming Extended Generalized- $cal{K}$ (EGK) fading for the downlink and studying different modulation schemes. To this end, a unified closed form expression for the average symbol error rate is derived. Furthermore, we show the effective downlink throughput gain harvested by the pairing NLOS users as a function of the average signal-to-interferenceratio when compared to an idealized HD scenario with neither interference nor noise. Finally, we show the minimum required channel gain pairing threshold to harvest downlink throughput via the FD operation when compared to the HD case for each modulation scheme.

  12. Avaliação da soldagem multipasse de chapas espessas de aços inoxidáveis lean duplex UNS S32304 soldadas pelos processos SMAW, GMAW e FCAW: parte 1: propriedades mecânicas Evaluation of multipass welding of thick lean duplex stainless steel UNS S32304 plates welded by SMAW, GMAW and FCAW: part 1: Mechanical Properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronaldo Cardoso Junior


    Full Text Available Os aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID vêm se apresentando como uma excelente alternativa para aplicações em que alta resistência à corrosão e alta resistência mecânica são requeridas. Contudo, os AID, incluindo os aços inoxidáveis lean duplex, apresentam soldabilidade inferior em relação aos aços inoxidáveis austeníticos. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação da soldagem multipasse de chapas 22 mm de espessura da liga inoxidável lean duplex UNS S32304, utilizando-se os processo SMAW, GMAW e FCAW e consumíveis com dois tipos de composição química, 22%Cr9%Ni3%Mo e 23%Cr7%Ni, totalizando seis experimentos. Foram empregados chanfros em V com 60º e suporte cerâmico para soldagem do passe de raiz, sendo que o aporte térmico foi mantido praticamente constante em 1,6 Determinou-se os tempos de soldagem e a seqüência de passes, objetivando uma análise de produtividade, em seguida as juntas soldadas foram submetidas à END por raios x. Foram extraídos corpos de prova para ensaios de tração, dobramento, Charpy a -30 ºC e microdureza. A produtividade dos processos semi-automáticos se mostrou pelo menos 63 % maior que a do processo SMAW, enquanto o processo FCAW se mostrou de 6 a 18% mais rápido que o GMAW. Foram encontradas descontinuidades (porosidade consideradas aceitáveis segundo ASME B31.3 em alguns dos experimentos, que não influenciaram negativamente os resultados mecânicos, os quais se apresentaram acima requerimento do metal de base e especificado por normas de fabricação.The duplex stainless steels (DSS's have been placed as an excellent alternative for applications where high corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength are required. However, DSS's, including the lean duplex, present lower weldability than the austenitic stainless steels. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the multipass welding of 22 mm plates of lean duplex stainless steel alloy UNS S32304, using the process

  13. Implementation of real-time duplex synthetic aperture ultrasonography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hemmsen, Martin Christian; Larsen, Lee; Kjeldsen, Thomas


    This paper presents a real-time duplex synthetic aperture imaging system, implemented on a commercially available tablet. This includes real-time wireless reception of ultrasound signals and GPU processing for B-mode and Color Flow Imaging (CFM). The objective of the work is to investigate the im...... and that the required bandwidth between the probe and processing unit is within the current Wi-Fi standards....

  14. Numerical modeling and optimization of machining duplex stainless steels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rastee D. Koyee


    Full Text Available The shortcomings of the machining analytical and empirical models in combination with the industry demands have to be fulfilled. A three-dimensional finite element modeling (FEM introduces an attractive alternative to bridge the gap between pure empirical and fundamental scientific quantities, and fulfill the industry needs. However, the challenging aspects which hinder the successful adoption of FEM in the machining sector of manufacturing industry have to be solved first. One of the greatest challenges is the identification of the correct set of machining simulation input parameters. This study presents a new methodology to inversely calculate the input parameters when simulating the machining of standard duplex EN 1.4462 and super duplex EN 1.4410 stainless steels. JMatPro software is first used to model elastic–viscoplastic and physical work material behavior. In order to effectively obtain an optimum set of inversely identified friction coefficients, thermal contact conductance, Cockcroft–Latham critical damage value, percentage reduction in flow stress, and Taylor–Quinney coefficient, Taguchi-VIKOR coupled with Firefly Algorithm Neural Network System is applied. The optimization procedure effectively minimizes the overall differences between the experimentally measured performances such as cutting forces, tool nose temperature and chip thickness, and the numerically obtained ones at any specified cutting condition. The optimum set of input parameter is verified and used for the next step of 3D-FEM application. In the next stage of the study, design of experiments, numerical simulations, and fuzzy rule modeling approaches are employed to optimize types of chip breaker, insert shapes, process conditions, cutting parameters, and tool orientation angles based on many important performances. Through this study, not only a new methodology in defining the optimal set of controllable parameters for turning simulations is introduced, but also

  15. Duplex-imprinted nano well arrays for promising nanoparticle assembly (United States)

    Li, Xiangping; Manz, Andreas


    A large area nano-duplex-imprint technique is presented in this contribution using natural cicada wings as stamps. The glassy wings of the cicada, which are abundant in nature, exhibit strikingly interesting nanopillar structures over their membrane. This technique, with excellent performance despite the nonplanar surface of the wings, combines both top-down and bottom-up nanofabrication techniques. It transitions micro-nanofabrication from a cleanroom environment to the bench. Two different materials, dicing tape with an acrylic layer and a UV optical adhesive, are used to make replications at the same time, thus achieving duplex imprinting. The promise of a large volume of commercial manufacturing of these nanostructure elements can be envisaged through this contribution to speeding up the fabrication process and achieving a higher throughput. The contact angle of the replicated nanowell arrays before and after oxygen plasma was measured. Gold nanoparticles (50 nm) were used to test how the nanoparticles behaved on the untreated and plasma-treated replica surface. The experiments show that promising nanoparticle self-assembly can be obtained.

  16. Efficacy of duplex ultrasound surveillance after infrainguinal vein bypass may be enhanced by identification of characteristics predictive of graft stenosis development. (United States)

    Tinder, Chelsey N; Chavanpun, Joe P; Bandyk, Dennis F; Armstrong, Paul A; Back, Martin R; Johnson, Brad L; Shames, Murray L


    Controversy regarding the efficacy of duplex ultrasound surveillance after infrainguinal vein bypass led to an analysis of patient and bypass graft characteristics predictive for development of graft stenosis and a decision of secondary intervention. Retrospective analysis of a contemporary, consecutive series of 353 clinically successful infrainguinal vein bypasses performed in 329 patients for critical (n = 284; 80%) or noncritical (n = 69; 20%) limb ischemia enrolled in a surveillance program to identify and repair duplex-detected graft stenosis. Variables correlated with graft stenosis and bypass repair included: procedure indication, conduit type (saphenous vs nonsaphenous vein; reversed vs nonreversed orientation), prior bypass graft failure, postoperative ankle-brachial index (ABI) < 0.85, and interpretation of the first duplex surveillance study as "normal" or "abnormal" based on peak systolic velocity (PSV) and velocity ratio (Vr) criteria. Overall, 126 (36%) of the 353 infrainguinal bypasses had 174 secondary interventions (endovascular, 100; surgery, 74) based on duplex surveillance; resulting in 3-year Kaplan-Meier primary (46%), assisted-primary (80%), and secondary (81%) patency rates. Characteristics predictive of duplex-detected stenosis leading to intervention (PSV: 443 +/- 94 cm/s; Vr: 8.6 +/- 9) were: "abnormal" initial duplex testing indicating moderate (PSV: 180-300 cm/s, Vr: 2-3.5) stenosis (P < .0001), non-single segment saphenous vein conduit (P < .01), warfarin drug therapy (P < .01), and redo bypass grafting (P < .001). Procedure indication, postoperative ABI level, statin drug therapy, and vein conduit orientation were not predictive of graft revision. The natural history of 141 (40%) bypasses with an abnormal first duplex scan differed from "normal" grafts by more frequent (51% vs 24%, P < .001) and earlier (7 months vs 11 months) graft revision for severe stenosis and a lower 3-year assisted primary patency (68% vs 87%; P < .001). In 52

  17. Duplex ultrasonography in the hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome; Correlation with laboratory findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Chun Hee; Cho, K. S.; Auh, Y. h.; Park, C. S.; Park, S. K.; Kim, S. B.


    Assuming that the duplex Doppler sonography might be useful in predicting the disease evolution of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, we compared the resistive index (RI) with the clinical and laboratory findings in 18 patients. We underwent 30 duplex Doppler examinations in 18 patients: one examination in nine, two examinations in six, and three examinations in three patients. Duplex Dopper waveforms were obtained from the main, segmental,interlobar, and arcuate arteries of both kidneys, and the RI was calculated for each study. In oliguric phase, the mean RI was high (average, 0.94), and the serum BUN(averate, 92.3mg/dl) and creatinine(average, 10.4mg/dl) levels were elevated. In diuretic phase the mean RI was normalized (average, 0.7), and the serum BUN(average, 31.1mg/dl)and serum creatinine (average, 2.9mg/dl) levels were low. There was statistically significant correlation between the mean RI and the serum levels of BUN and creatinine and 24 hour urine output (P<0.001). We conclude that the mean RI is a useful indicator in predicting the disease evolution in patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

  18. Effects of fabrication conditions on mechanical properties and microstructure of duplex β″-Al2O3 solid electrolyte

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canfield, Nathan L.; Kim, Jin Y.; Bonnett, Jeff F.; Pearson, R.L.; Sprenkle, Vincent L.; Jung, Keeyoung


    Highlights: • The concept of duplex BASEs is presented as a method to lower the ASR for NBBs. • Duplex BASEs consist of thin dense electrolyte and porous support. • Strength of converted BASEs shows a different trend from as-sintered samples. • Cell orientation gives significant impact on strength of duplex BASEs. - Abstract: Na-beta batteries are an attractive technology as a large-scale electrical energy storage for grid applications. However, additional improvements in performance and cost are needed for wide market penetration. To improve cell performance by minimizing polarizations, reduction of electrolyte thickness was attempted using a duplex structure consisting of a thin dense electrolyte layer and a porous support layer. In this paper, the effects of sintering conditions, dense electrolyte thickness, and cell orientation on the flexural strength of duplex BASEs fabricated using a vapor phase approach were investigated. It is shown that sintering at temperatures between 1500 and 1550 °C results in fine grained microstructures and the highest flexural strength after conversion. Increasing thickness of the dense electrolyte has a small impact on flexural strength, while the orientation of load such that the dense electrolyte is in tension instead of compression has major effects on strength for samples with a well-sintered dense electrolyte

  19. Validation of a novel venous duplex ultrasound objective structured assessment of technical skills for the assessment of venous reflux. (United States)

    Jaffer, Usman; Normahani, Pasha; Lackenby, Kimberly; Aslam, Mohammed; Standfield, Nigel J


    Duplex ultrasound measurement of reflux time is central to the diagnosis of venous incompetence. We have developed an assessment tool for Duplex measurement of venous reflux for both simulator and patient-based training. A novel assessment tool, Venous Duplex Ultrasound Assessment of Technical Skills (V-DUOSATS), was developed. A modified DUOSATS was used for simulator training. Participants of varying skill level were invited to viewed an instructional video and were allowed ample time to familiarize with the Duplex equipment. Attempts made by the participants were recorded and independently assessed by 3 expert assessors and 5 novice assessors using the modified V-DUOSATS. "Global" assessment was also done by expert assessors on a 4-point Likert scale. Content, construct, and concurrent validities as well as reliability were evaluated. Content and construct validity as well as reliability were demonstrated. Receiver operator characteristic analysis-established cut points of 19/22 and 21/30 were most appropriate for simulator and patient-based assessment, respectively. We have validated a novel assessment tool for Duplex venous reflux measurement. Further work is required to establish transference validity of simulator training to improve skill in scanning patients. We have developed and validated V-DUOSATS for simulator training. Copyright © 2015 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Molecular detection of infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease viruses in broiler chickens with respiratory signs using Duplex RT-PCR. (United States)

    Saba Shirvan, Aylar; Mardani, Karim


    Infectious bronchitis (IB) and Newcastle disease (ND) are highly contagious and the most economically important diseases of the poultry affecting respiratory tract and causing economic losses in poultry industry throughout the world. In the present study, the simultaneous detection and differentiation of causative agents of these diseases were investigated using duplex-RT-PCR. RNA was extracted from vaccinal and reference strains of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and then cDNA was synthesized. Using two universal primer sets for detection of IBV and NDV, the duplex-RT-PCR was developed. In order to assess the efficiency of the developed duplex RT-PCR, a number of 12 broiler farms with the symptoms of respiratory tract infection was sampled (trachea, lung and kidney were sampled from affected birds suspicious for IBV and NDV infections). After RNA extraction from tissues and cDNA synthesis, the presence of IBV and NDV genome were investigated using duplex-PCR. The results showed that three of twelve examined broiler farms were positive for IBV and two farms were positive for NDV and IBV. The results revealed that the duplex-RT-PCR is a quick and sensitive procedure for simultaneously detecting IBV and NDV in birds with respiratory infections.

  1. Role of routine pre-operative screening venous duplex ultrasound in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P Praveen Raj


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: It is well established that obesity is a strongly associated risk factor for post-operative deep vein thrombosis (DVT. Physical effects and pro-thrombotic, pro-inflammatory and hypofibrinolytic effects of severe obesity may predispose to idiopathic DVT (pre-operatively because of which bariatric patients are routinely screened before surgery. The aim of this study was to audit the use of routine screening venous duplex ultrasound in morbidly obese patients before undergoing bariatric surgery. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 180 patients who underwent bariatric surgery from August 2013 to August 2014 who had undergone pre-operative screening bilateral lower-extremity venous duplex ultrasound for DVT. Data were collected on patient's demographics, history of venous thromboembolism, prior surgeries and duplex ultrasound details of the status of the deep veins and superficial veins of the lower limbs. Results: No patients had symptoms or signs of DVT pre-operatively. No patient gave history of DVT. No patient was found to have iliac, femoral or popliteal vein thrombosis. Superficial venous disease was found in 17 (8%. One patient had a right lower limb venous ulcer. Conclusion: Thromboembolic problems in the morbidly obese before bariatric surgery are infrequent, and screening venous duplex ultrasound can be done in high-risk patients only.

  2. O oraloma da diabetes melitos tipo 1 vs diabetes melitos tipo 2 - um estudo comparativo


    Brás, Vítor Daniel Moreira


    A Diabetes Melitos é uma doença de grande prevalência a nível mundial e os seus mecanismos fisiopatológicos não são ainda totalmente conhecidos. Actualmente, a terapêutica seguida em casos de Diabetes Melitos é eminentemente sintomática consistindo na administração de insulina nos casos de Diabetes Melitos tipo 1 ou quando se verifica a falência das células beta do pâncreas de pacientes com Diabetes Melitos tipo 2, ou no controlo da glicemia nos casos de Diabetes Melitos ...

  3. A sensitive duplex nanoparticle-assisted PCR assay for identifying porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus from clinical specimens. (United States)

    Zhu, Yu; Liang, Lin; Luo, Yakun; Wang, Guihua; Wang, Chunren; Cui, Yudong; Ai, Xia; Cui, Shangjin


    In this study, a novel duplex nanoparticle-assisted polymerase chain reaction (nanoPCR) assay was developed to detect porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) and porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV). Two pairs of primers were designed based on the conserved region within the N gene of PEDV and TGEV. In a screening of 114 clinical samples from four provinces in China for PEDV and TGEV, 48.2 and 3.5 % of the samples, respectively, tested positive. Under optimized conditions, the duplex nanoPCR assay had a detection limit of 7.6 × 10 1 and 8.5 × 10 1 copies μL -1 for PEDV and TGEV, respectively. The sensitivity of the duplex nanoPCR assay was ten times higher than that of a conventional PCR assay. Moreover, no fragments were amplified when the duplex nanoPCR assay was used to test samples containing other porcine viruses. Our results indicate that the duplex nanoPCR assay described here is useful for the rapid detection of PEDV and TGEV and can be applied in clinical diagnosis.

  4. Long-Range Vibrational Dynamics Are Directed by Watson-Crick Base Pairing in Duplex DNA. (United States)

    Hithell, Gordon; Shaw, Daniel J; Donaldson, Paul M; Greetham, Gregory M; Towrie, Michael; Burley, Glenn A; Parker, Anthony W; Hunt, Neil T


    Ultrafast two-dimensional infrared (2D-IR) spectroscopy of a 15-mer A-T DNA duplex in solution has revealed structure-dependent vibrational coupling and energy transfer processes linking bases with the sugar-phosphate backbone. Duplex melting induces significant changes in the positions of off-diagonal peaks linking carbonyl and ring-stretching vibrational modes of the adenine and thymine bases with vibrations of the phosphate group and phosphodiester linkage. These indicate that Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding and helix formation lead to a unique vibrational coupling arrangement of base vibrational modes with those of the phosphate unit. On the basis of observations from time-resolved 2D-IR data, we conclude that rapid energy transfer processes occur between base and backbone, mediated by additional modes located on the deoxyribose moiety within the same nucleotide. These relaxation dynamics are insensitive to duplex melting, showing that efficient intramolecular energy relaxation to the solvent via the phosphate groups is the key to excess energy dissipation in both single- and double-stranded DNA.

  5. Environmental Degradation of Dissimilar Austenitic 316L and Duplex 2205 Stainless Steels Welded Joints

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Topolska S.


    Full Text Available The paper describes structure and properties of dissimilar stainless steels welded joints between duplex 2205 and austenitic 316L steels. Investigations were focused on environmentally assisted cracking of welded joints. The susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC and hydrogen embrittlement was determined in slow strain rate tests (SSRT with the strain rate of 2.2 × 10−6 s−1. Chloride-inducted SCC was determined in the 35% boiling water solution of MgCl2 environment at 125°C. Hydrogen assisted SCC tests were performed in synthetic sea water under cathodic polarization condition. It was shown that place of the lowest resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking is heat affected zone at duplex steel side of dissimilar joins. That phenomenon was connected with undesirable structure of HAZ comprising of large fractions of ferrite grains with acicular austenite phase. Hydrogen assisted SCC tests showed significant reduction in ductility of duplex 2205 steel while austenitic 316L steel remains almost immune to degradation processes. SSR tests of dissimilar welded joints revealed a fracture in the area of austenitic steel.



    S. C. Dutta; Sudha Singh; D. K. Singh


    This paper is to establish Ad Hoc network in mobile phones and start fully secured full duplex communication in any situation. This type of communication will be cost effective and it will be fastest way of communication in case of any server failure or server error.

  7. Estudo da soldagem de tubos de aço inoxidável duplex e superduplex na posição 5G Study of the welding of duplex and superduplex stainless steel pipes in the 5G position

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Ivo Guimarães de Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available Os aços inoxidáveis duplex e superduplex possuem uma microestrutura austeno-ferrítica com fração média de cada fase de cerca 50%. A microestrutura duplex é responsável pelas excelentes propriedades mecânicas, especialmente o limite de escoamento e a tenacidade, e pela elevada resistência a corrosão por pites e sob tensão em meios contendo cloretos. A soldagem destes aços é frequentemente uma operação crítica. Neste trabalho, um tubo de superduplex SAF 2207 foi soldado pelo processo TIG (GTAW no passe de raiz e eletrodo revestido (SMAW nos passes de enchimento, e um tubo de duplex SAF 2205 foi todo soldado pelo processo GTAW. A microestrutura do metal base, zona afetada termicamente (ZTA e metal de solda foi caracterizada e quantificada. As propriedades de tenacidade, resistência a corrosão e composição química foram avaliadas e correlacionadas. Os valores de tenacidade ao impacto Charpy-V foram considerados adequados. Não foi observada a precipitação de intermetálicos, carbonetos e nitretos. O melhor resultado no teste de corrosão da junta soldada de aço inox superduplex, comparado ao duplex, foi atribuído ao baixo teor de ferrita delta na solda e ZTA, e composição química da solda enriquecida em Cr, Mo, W e N.The duplex and superduplex stainless steels have an austenitic-ferritic microstructure with an average fraction of each phase of approximately 50%. This duplex microstructure is responsible for the excellent mechanical properties, specially the yield strength and toughness, and for the improved pitting and stress corrosion cracking resistance in chloride environments. Welding of these steels is often a critical operation. In this work, a superduplex stainless steel SAF 2507 pipe was welded by the GTAW process in the root pass and by SMAW process on filler passes, and one pipe of duplex SAF 2205 was entirely welded by the GTAW process. The microstructure of the base metal, heat affected zone (HAZ and weld

  8. Nitride alloy layer formation of duplex stainless steel using nitriding process (United States)

    Maleque, M. A.; Lailatul, P. H.; Fathaen, A. A.; Norinsan, K.; Haider, J.


    Duplex stainless steel (DSS) shows a good corrosion resistance as well as the mechanical properties. However, DSS performance decrease as it works under aggressive environment and at high temperature. At the mentioned environment, the DSS become susceptible to wear failure. Surface modification is the favourable technique to widen the application of duplex stainless steel and improve the wear resistance and its hardness properties. Therefore, the main aim of this work is to nitride alloy layer on the surface of duplex stainless steel by the nitriding process temperature of 400°C and 450°C at different time and ammonia composition using a horizontal tube furnace. The scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction analyzer are used to analyse the morphology, composition and the nitrided alloy layer for treated DSS. The micro hardnesss Vickers tester was used to measure hardness on cross-sectional area of nitrided DSS. After nitriding, it was observed that the hardness performance increased until 1100 Hv0.5kgf compared to substrate material of 250 Hv0.5kgf. The thickness layer of nitride alloy also increased from 5μm until 100μm due to diffusion of nitrogen on the surface of DSS. The x-ray diffraction results showed that the nitride layer consists of iron nitride, expanded austenite and chromium nitride. It can be concluded that nitride alloy layer can be produced via nitriding process using tube furnace with significant improvement of microstructural and hardness properties.

  9. G-quadruplexes Significantly Stimulate Pif1 Helicase-catalyzed Duplex DNA Unwinding* (United States)

    Duan, Xiao-Lei; Liu, Na-Nv; Yang, Yan-Tao; Li, Hai-Hong; Li, Ming; Dou, Shuo-Xing; Xi, Xu-Guang


    The evolutionarily conserved G-quadruplexes (G4s) are faithfully inherited and serve a variety of cellular functions such as telomere maintenance, gene regulation, DNA replication initiation, and epigenetic regulation. Different from the Watson-Crick base-pairing found in duplex DNA, G4s are formed via Hoogsteen base pairing and are very stable and compact DNA structures. Failure of untangling them in the cell impedes DNA-based transactions and leads to genome instability. Cells have evolved highly specific helicases to resolve G4 structures. We used a recombinant nuclear form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 to characterize Pif1-mediated DNA unwinding with a substrate mimicking an ongoing lagging strand synthesis stalled by G4s, which resembles a replication origin and a G4-structured flap in Okazaki fragment maturation. We find that the presence of G4 may greatly stimulate the Pif1 helicase to unwind duplex DNA. Further studies reveal that this stimulation results from G4-enhanced Pif1 dimerization, which is required for duplex DNA unwinding. This finding provides new insights into the properties and functions of G4s. We discuss the observed activation phenomenon in relation to the possible regulatory role of G4s in the rapid rescue of the stalled lagging strand synthesis by helping the replicator recognize and activate the replication origin as well as by quickly removing the G4-structured flap during Okazaki fragment maturation. PMID:25627683

  10. Effect of structure variation of the aptamer-DNA duplex probe on the performance of displacement-based electrochemical aptamer sensors. (United States)

    Pang, Jie; Zhang, Ziping; Jin, Haizhu


    Electrochemical aptamer-based (E-AB) sensors employing electrode-immobilized, redox-tagged aptamer probes have emerged as a promising platform for the sensitive and quick detection of target analytes ranging from small molecules to proteins. Signal generation in this class of sensor is linked to change in electron transfer efficiency upon binding-induced change in flexibility/conformation of the aptamer probe. Because of this signaling mechanism, signal gains of these sensors can be improved by employing a displacement-based recognition system, which links target binding with a large-scale flexibility/conformation shift from the aptamer-DNA duplex to the single-stranded DNA or the native aptamer. Despite the relatively large number of displacement-based E-AB sensor samples, little attention has been paid to the structure variation of the aptamer-DNA duplex probe. Here we detail the effects of complementary length and position of the aptamer-DNA duplex probe on the performance of a model displacement-based E-AB sensor for ATP. We find that, greater background suppression and signal gain are observed with longer complementary length of the aptamer-DNA duplex probe. However, sensor equilibration time slows monotonically with increasing complementary length; and with too many target binding sites in aptamer sequence being occupied by the complementary DNA, the aptamer-target binding does not occur and no signal gain observed. We also demonstrate that signal gain of the displacement-based E-AB sensor is strongly dependent on the complementary position of the aptamer-DNA duplex probe, with complementary position located at the electrode-attached or redox-tagged end of the duplex probe, larger background suppression and signal increase than that of the middle position are observed. These results highlight the importance of rational structure design of the aptamer-DNA duplex probe and provide new insights into the optimization of displacement-based E-AB sensors. Copyright

  11. Alternate transmission with half-duplex relaying in MIMO interference relay networks

    KAUST Repository

    Park, Seongho


    In this paper, we consider an alternate transmission scheme for a multiple-input multiple-output interference relay channel where multiple sources transmit their own signals to their corresponding destinations via one of two relaying groups alternately every time phase. Each of the relaying groups has arbitrary number of relays, and each relay operates in half-duplex amplify-and-forward mode. In our scheme, the received signals at the relay nodes consist of desired signals and two different interference signals such as the inter-source interferences and the inter-group interferences which are caused by the phase incoherence of relaying. As such, we propose an iterative interference alignment algorithm to mitigate the interferences. We show that our proposed scheme achieves additional degrees of freedom compared to the conventional half-duplex relaying system in the interference relay channels. © 2013 IEEE.

  12. 5' modification of duplex DNA with a ruthenium electron donor-acceptor pair using solid-phase DNA synthesis (United States)

    Frank, Natia L.; Meade, Thomas J.


    Incorporation of metalated nucleosides into DNA through covalent modification is crucial to measurement of thermal electron-transfer rates and the dependence of these rates with structure, distance, and position. Here, we report the first synthesis of an electron donor-acceptor pair of 5' metallonucleosides and their subsequent incorporation into oligonucleotides using solid-phase DNA synthesis techniques. Large-scale syntheses of metal-containing oligonucleotides are achieved using 5' modified phosporamidites containing [Ru(acac)(2)(IMPy)](2+) (acac is acetylacetonato; IMPy is 2'-iminomethylpyridyl-2'-deoxyuridine) (3) and [Ru(bpy)(2)(IMPy)](2+) (bpy is 2,2'-bipyridine; IMPy is 2'-iminomethylpyridyl-2'-deoxyuridine) (4). Duplexes formed with the metal-containing oligonucleotides exhibit thermal stability comparable to the corresponding unmetalated duplexes (T(m) of modified duplex = 49 degrees C vs T(m) of unmodified duplex = 47 degrees C). Electrochemical (3, E(1/2) = -0.04 V vs NHE; 4, E(1/2) = 1.12 V vs NHE), absorption (3, lambda(max) = 568, 369 nm; 4, lambda(max) = 480 nm), and emission (4, lambda(max) = 720 nm, tau = 55 ns, Phi = 1.2 x 10(-)(4)) data for the ruthenium-modified nucleosides and oligonucleotides indicate that incorporation into an oligonucleotide does not perturb the electronic properties of the ruthenium complex or the DNA significantly. In addition, the absence of any change in the emission properties upon metalated duplex formation suggests that the [Ru(bpy)(2)(IMPy)](2+)[Ru(acac)(2)(IMPy)](2+) pair will provide a valuable probe for DNA-mediated electron-transfer studies.

  13. Determination of the chromium concentration of phase decomposition products in an aged duplex stainless steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuwano, Hisashi; Imamasu, Hisanao


    A commercial duplex stainless steel has been aged at 673 K for up to 55,000 h. The aging results in the phase decomposition of the ferrite in duplex stainless steel. The end products of the phase decomposition are a Fe-rich and a Cr-rich phase. The chromium concentration of these phases is determined by measuring the hyperfine magnetic field and the isomer shift using Moessbauer effect. The experimental results are compared with a phase diagram calculated for Fe-Cr-Ni ternary system at 673 K.

  14. Genótipos de haptoglobina e hipertensão refratária em pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2

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    Vânia Pereira Albuquerque Wobeto


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Tem sido sugerido que o polimorfismo da haptoglobina pode influenciar na patogênese das complicações microvasculares e macrovasculares em pacientes diabéticos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo principal deste estudo transversal foi de realizar uma investigação da existência ou não de uma associação entre os genótipos de haptoglobina e a prevalência de eventos isquêmicos cardiovasculares (angina estável, angina instável e infarto agudo do miocárdio, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, hipertensão refratária, obesidade e dislipidemia em 120 pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2, seguidos no Hospital Universitário da Unicamp, em Campinas, Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: A genotipagem da haptoglobina foi realizada por reações em cadeia da polimerase alelo-específicas. As frequências dos genótipos de haptoglobina foram comparadas com a presença/ausência de doença cardiovascular, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, hipertensão refratária, obesidade e dislipidemia; medições de pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica; glicemia, colesterol (total, lipoproteínas de alta densidade - HDL e lipoproteínas de baixa densidade - LDL e triglicerídeos; assim como níveis de creatinina sérica. RESULTADOS: Embora nenhuma associação entre o genótipo de haptoglobina e a presença de doença cardiovascular tenha sido identificada, encontramos um excesso significativo de pacientes com o genótipo Hp2-1 entre as pessoas com hipertensão refratária, que também apresentavam uma maior pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica e níveis de colesterol total e LDL. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados sugerem que os pacientes com diabete melito tipo 2 com o genótipo Hp2-1 podem apresentar uma maior chance de desenvolver hipertensão refratária. Estudos adicionais em populações diabéticas são necessários para confirmar esses achados.

  15. [Analysis of Conformational Features of Watson-Crick Duplex Fragments by Molecular Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics Methods]. (United States)

    Poltev, V I; Anisimov, V M; Sanchez, C; Deriabina, A; Gonzalez, E; Garcia, D; Rivas, F; Polteva, N A


    It is generally accepted that the important characteristic features of the Watson-Crick duplex originate from the molecular structure of its subunits. However, it still remains to elucidate what properties of each subunit are responsible for the significant characteristic features of the DNA structure. The computations of desoxydinucleoside monophosphates complexes with Na-ions using density functional theory revealed a pivotal role of DNA conformational properties of single-chain minimal fragments in the development of unique features of the Watson-Crick duplex. We found that directionality of the sugar-phosphate backbone and the preferable ranges of its torsion angles, combined with the difference between purines and pyrimidines. in ring bases, define the dependence of three-dimensional structure of the Watson-Crick duplex on nucleotide base sequence. In this work, we extended these density functional theory computations to the minimal' fragments of DNA duplex, complementary desoxydinucleoside monophosphates complexes with Na-ions. Using several computational methods and various functionals, we performed a search for energy minima of BI-conformation for complementary desoxydinucleoside monophosphates complexes with different nucleoside sequences. Two sequences are optimized using ab initio method at the MP2/6-31++G** level of theory. The analysis of torsion angles, sugar ring puckering and mutual base positions of optimized structures demonstrates that the conformational characteristic features of complementary desoxydinucleoside monophosphates complexes with Na-ions remain within BI ranges and become closer to the corresponding characteristic features of the Watson-Crick duplex crystals. Qualitatively, the main characteristic features of each studied complementary desoxydinucleoside monophosphates complex remain invariant when different computational methods are used, although the quantitative values of some conformational parameters could vary lying within the

  16. Adhesive wear of iron chromium nickel silicon manganese molybdenum niobium alloys with duplex structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lugscheider, E.; Deppe, E.; Ambroziak, A.; Melzer, A.


    Iron nickel chromium manganese silicon and iron chromium nickel manganese silicon molybdenum niobium alloys have a so-called duplex structure in a wide concentration range. This causes an excellent resistance to wear superior in the case of adhesive stress with optimized concentrations of manganese, silicon, molybdenum and niobium. The materials can be used for welded armouring structures wherever cobalt and boron-containing alloy systems are not permissible, e.g. in nuclear science. Within the framework of pre-investigations for manufacturing of filling wire electrodes, cast test pieces were set up with duplex structure, and their wear behavior was examined. (orig.) [de

  17. O6-ethylguanine carcinogenic lesions in DNA: An NMR study of O6etG·T pairing in dodecanucloetide duplexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalnik, M.W.; Li, B.F.L.; Swann, P.F.; Patel, D.J.


    High-resolution two-dimensional NMR studies are reported on the self-complementary d-(C1-G2-C3-O 6 etG4-A5-G6-C7-T8-T9-G10-C11-G12) duplex (designated O 6 etG·T 12-mer) containing two symmetrically related O 6 etG·T lesion sites located four base pairs in from either end of the duplex. Parallel studies were undertaken on a related sequence containing O 6 meG·T lesion sites (designated O 6 meG·T 12-mer) in order to evaluate the influence of the size of the alkyl substituent on the structure of the duplex and were undertaken on a related sequence containing G·T mismatch sites (designated G·T 12-mer duplex), which served as the control duplex. The exchangeable and nonexchangeable proton and the phosphorus nuclei have been assigned from an analysis of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) and correlated spectra of the O 6 etG·T 12-mer, O 6 meG·T 12-mer, and G·T 12-mer duplexes in H 2 O and D 2 O solutions. The distance connectivities observed in the NOESY spectra of the O 6 alkG·T 12-mer duplexes establish that the helix is right-handed and all of the bases adopt an anti conformation of the glycosidic torsion angle including the O 6 alkG4 and T9 bases at the lesion site. These observations establish that the O 6 alkG4 and T9 residues are stacked into the duplex and that the O 6 CH 3 and O 6 CH 2 CH 3 groups of O 6 alkG4 adopt a syn orientation with respect to the N 1 of the alkylated guanine. Since the O 6 -alkyl group adopts a syn orientation, the separation between the O 6 of O 6 alkG4 and the O 4 of T9 in the major groove is increased, preventing the formation of a short hydrogen bond between the N 1 ring nitrogen of O 6 alkG4 and the imino proton of T9

  18. Non-thrombotic Abnormalities on Lower Extremity Venous Duplex Ultrasound Examinations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adhikari, Srikar


    Full Text Available Introduction: Emergency physician-performed compression ultrasonography focuses primarily on the evaluation of the proximal veins of the lower extremity in patients with suspected deep venous thrombosis (DVT. A detailed sonographic evaluation of lower extremity is not performed. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of non-thrombotic findings on comprehensive lower extremity venous duplex ultrasound (US examinations performed on emergency department (ED patients. Methods: We performed a retrospective six-year review of an academic ED’s records of adult patients who underwent a comprehensive lower extremity duplex venous US examination for the evaluation of DVT. The entire US report was thoroughly reviewed for non-thrombotic findings. Results: We detected non-thrombotic findings in 263 (11%, 95% CI [9.5-11.9%] patients. Among the non-thrombotic findings, venous valvular incompetence (81, 30% was the most frequent, followed by cyst/mass (41, 15%, lymphadenopathy (33, 12%, phlebitis (12, 4.5%, hematoma (8, 3%, cellulitis (1, 0.3% and other (6, 2.2%. Conclusion: In our study, we detected a variety of non-thrombotic abnormalities on comprehensive lower extremity venous duplex US examinations performed on ED patients. Some of these abnormalities could be clinically significant and potentially be detected with point-of-care lower extremity US examinations if the symptomatic region is evaluated. In addition to assessment of the proximal veins for DVT, we recommend sonographic evaluation of the symptomatic area in the lower extremity when performing point-of-care ultrasound examinations to identify non-thrombotic abnormalities that may require immediate intervention or close follow up. [West J Emerg Med. 2015;16(2:250–254.

  19. Development of a Duplex Ultrasound Simulator and Preliminary Validation of Velocity Measurements in Carotid Artery Models. (United States)

    Zierler, R Eugene; Leotta, Daniel F; Sansom, Kurt; Aliseda, Alberto; Anderson, Mark D; Sheehan, Florence H


    Duplex ultrasound scanning with B-mode imaging and both color Doppler and Doppler spectral waveforms is relied upon for diagnosis of vascular pathology and selection of patients for further evaluation and treatment. In most duplex ultrasound applications, classification of disease severity is based primarily on alterations in blood flow velocities, particularly the peak systolic velocity (PSV) obtained from Doppler spectral waveforms. We developed a duplex ultrasound simulator for training and assessment of scanning skills. Duplex ultrasound cases were prepared from 2-dimensional (2D) images of normal and stenotic carotid arteries by reconstructing the common carotid, internal carotid, and external carotid arteries in 3 dimensions and computationally simulating blood flow velocity fields within the lumen. The simulator displays a 2D B-mode image corresponding to transducer position on a mannequin, overlaid by color coding of velocity data. A spectral waveform is generated according to examiner-defined settings (depth and size of the Doppler sample volume, beam steering, Doppler beam angle, and pulse repetition frequency or scale). The accuracy of the simulator was assessed by comparing the PSV measured from the spectral waveforms with the true PSV which was derived from the computational flow model based on the size and location of the sample volume within the artery. Three expert examiners made a total of 36 carotid artery PSV measurements based on the simulated cases. The PSV measured by the examiners deviated from true PSV by 8% ± 5% (N = 36). The deviation in PSV did not differ significantly between artery segments, normal and stenotic arteries, or examiners. To our knowledge, this is the first simulation of duplex ultrasound that can create and display real-time color Doppler images and Doppler spectral waveforms. The results demonstrate that an examiner can measure PSV from the spectral waveforms using the settings on the simulator with a mean absolute error

  20. Study on the wear of TiN/Ti duplex and multilayer coatings in microabrasion tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flores, M; De Las Heras, E; Ruelas, R; Rodriguez, E; Bautista, A; Pazos, L; Corengia, P


    Ionic nitriding, on steels, is used to harden the surface of components improving resistance to corrosion and wear and increasing the stress life. Duplex treatments are an alternative for resolving the limitations of very hard coatings on less hard substrates. In this case the duplex treatment consists of an ionic nitriding treatment followed by a single or multilayer coatings deposited by means of the PVD technique. This work presents the influence of the variation in the severity of contact on the kind of wear present in the microabrasion test used to measure the wear coefficient of duplex coatings, consisting of a layer nitrided by DC-pulsed plasma plus TiN coatings and multilayers of TiN/Ti deposited on non-nitrided and nitrided AISI 316L stainless steel and H13 steel. The severity of contact was modified by varying the charge (0.25 to 1 N). The abrasives used were a suspension of 0.1μm diameter diamond particles and a suspension of an average 5 μm diameter aluminum particles. The influence of the presence of relatively soft metallic layers on the determination of the wear coefficient was analyzed in the metal-ceramic multilayers. Two sphere revolving speeds of de 0.05 and 0.154 m/s were used on two microabrasion machines: one commercial and the other built in the UdeG laboratory. The wear marks were photographed and measured with an optic microscope. The value of the critical charge at which the transition occurs between the methods of wear of the substrates and the nitrited samples was determined. Resistance to the AISI 316L steel's microabrasive wear increases with the ionic nitriding treatment. The duplex coatings increase resistance to the wear from the nitrited samples. The wear resistance of the samples with multilayer coatings surpassed that of the duplex samples with multilayer coatings. The greater resistance of the multilayers may be explained by an increase in the resistance to the fracture and not by a increase in surface hardness. The transition