
Sample records for aceh province indonesia

  1. Analysis of Marketing Channels and Price Effect to Rice Marketing Efficiency in Aceh, Indonesia


    Yunus, Mukhlis; Syahputra, Hendra


    The objective of this study is to empirically explore the influence of marketing channels and price to rice marketing efficiency in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Six hundreds farmers' households from six districts of rice production base in Aceh were selected for the samples and analysed using the structural equation modelling (SEM). This study has been successfully documented how inefficient was the marketing of rice in Aceh because the farmers still tended to choose higher level of marketing ch...

  2. Morphometric variations of three species of harvested cephalopods found in northern sea of Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    Full Text Available Muchlisin ZA, Zulkarnaini B, Purnawan S, Muhadjier A, Fadli N, Cheng SH. 2014. Morphometric variations of three species of harvested cephalopods found in northern sea of Aceh Province, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 15: 142-146. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the morphometrics of three harvested cephalopods, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, Sepia officinalis and Uroteuthis sp. found in northern sea of Aceh Province, Indonesia. Sampling was conducted for six months from July to December 2012 in one week interval. A total of 318 cephalopods; 139 Sepioteuthis lessoniana, 139 Uroteuthis sp. and 40 Sepia officinalis were analyzed for morphometric study and 13 anatomical characters were measured to the nearest 0.01 mm using a digital calipers. Morphometric measurements were significantly different between the different species of cephalopods (ANOVA, p<0.05. S. officinalis differed in six morphological characters (head length, head width, tentacles length, gladius width, rancis width and length from the squid species. Fin width and length were significantly greater in S. lessoniana than in S. officinalis and Uroteuthis sp. On the other hand, Uroteuthis sp. had significantly greater mantle lengths, standard lengths and gladius lengths than the other two cephalopod species (Duncan Test, p<0.05. However, fin width was similar between S. lessoniana and Uroteuthis sp., while eye diameter was similar between S. officinalis and Uroteuthis sp. A Discriminant Function Analysis scatter plot successfully discriminated the three species indicating significant differences in morphological variation. This analysis also indicates that morphometrically, S. lessoniana and S. officinalis are more similar to each other despite being in different orders.

  3. The Role of Adat Justice and Its Adat Institutons in Preventing Transnational Crimes in Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    Sri Walny Rahayu


    Lebih dari satu dekade setelah berlakunya Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh, kemampuan adaptif peradilan adat dan lembaga adat Aceh terus bertahan karena memiliki dasar legalitas penormaan yang kuat diatur dalam undang-undang dan peraturan di Indonesia. Di sisi lain jika dikaji, konsekuensi pelaksanaan Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA efektif berlaku 31 Desember 2015 di Indonesia berpotensi menimbulkan ancaman seperti munculnya berbagai bentuk kejahatan transnasional yang melintasi perbatasan suatu negara, dilakukan oleh pelaku dari dua atau lebih negara dengan modus operandi modern. Berlakunya MEA bagi Aceh merupakan tantangan memanfaatkan peluang peradilan adat dan lembaga adat mengantisipasi kejahatan tersebut. Berdasarkan data dari ASEAN Rencana Aksi untuk memerangi kejahatan transnasional terdapat delapan bentuk kejahatan yaitu, perdagangan gelap narkoba, perdagangan manusia, laut-pembajakan, penyelundupan senjata, pencucian uang, terorisme, kejahatan ekonomi internasional dan cyber crimes. Tulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan kemampuan adaptif peradilan adat, lembaga adat Aceh, dan model intervensi peradilan adat di Aceh menghadapi kejahatan transnasional era MEA.

  4. Tsunami evacuation buildings and evacuation planning in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. (United States)

    Yuzal, Hendri; Kim, Karl; Pant, Pradip; Yamashita, Eric

    Indonesia, a country of more than 17,000 islands, is exposed to many hazards. A magnitude 9.1 earthquake struck off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, on December 26, 2004. It triggered a series of tsunami waves that spread across the Indian Ocean causing damage in 11 countries. Banda Aceh, the capital city of Aceh Province, was among the most damaged. More than 31,000 people were killed. At the time, there were no early warning systems nor evacuation buildings that could provide safe refuge for residents. Since then, four tsunami evacuation buildings (TEBs) have been constructed in the Meuraxa subdistrict of Banda Aceh. Based on analysis of evacuation routes and travel times, the capacity of existing TEBs is examined. Existing TEBs would not be able to shelter all of the at-risk population. In this study, additional buildings and locations for TEBs are proposed and residents are assigned to the closest TEBs. While TEBs may be part of a larger system of tsunami mitigation efforts, other strategies and approaches need to be considered. In addition to TEBs, robust detection, warning and alert systems, land use planning, training, exercises, and other preparedness strategies are essential to tsunami risk reduction.

  5. Problem Pengesahan Bendera Aceh dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (Pemetaan Permasalahan

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    Endra Wijaya


    Full Text Available Bendera merupakan objek yang dapat dilekatkan beragam pesan dan makna terhadapnya. Keberadaan bendera bisa juga terkait dengan aspek simbol kedaulatan, sehingga wajar apabila kemudian sebagian pihak menganggap adanya bendera Aceh yang sama dengan bendera Gerakan Aceh Merdeka sebenarnya sudah membiarkan separatisme hidup di dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Saat ini, di Aceh telah disahkan Qanun Aceh Nomor 3 Tahun 2013 tentang Bendera dan Lambang Aceh yang memberlakukan bendera berwarna merah dengan garis putih serta hitam dan gambar bulan sabit serta bintang sebagai bendera Aceh yang memiliki kesamaan dengan bendera GAM. Sejak masa konflik masih berlangsung hingga ke masa setelah ditandatanganinya Memorandum of Understanding antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan GAM, keberadaan bendera Aceh selalu menuai kontroversi dan menjadi isu hangat dalam praktik ketatanegaraan di NKRI. Keadaan ini mendorong pencarian penjelasan dan solusi khususnya dari sisi hukum. Abstract Flag is an object in which many massages and meanings could be attached to. The existence of flag could also relate with sovereignty aspect and for that reason, some parties consider that the existence of Aceh's flag, which is same with Free Aceh Movement's (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka or GAM flag, is conveying separatism in Republic of Indonesia. At present, in Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam, Aceh's Qanun Number 3 Year 2013 on Aceh's Flag and Symbol has been passed and its existence has always rises controversies and has become a problematic issue even after the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Indonesia and GAM. It is thus an importance to discuss and try to find a solution for Aceh's flag problem especially from the law perspective.

  6. Geological Aspect of Slope Failure and Mitigation Approach in Bireun - Takengon Main Road, Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    Ibnu Rusydy


    Full Text Available A soil and rock slope assessment survey was conducted along Bireun – Takengon main road in Aceh Province, Indonesia. The slope assessment survey was carried out to determine the geological condition, verify and identify the potential areas of slope failure and to study what type of slope stability and protection method could be applied to the road. Several research methodologies were conducted in the field such as rock and soil identification, and slope assessment. The survey was conducted in four selected areas along Bireun – Takengon main road. In study area I, soil creep occurred because of a presence of montmorillonite clay. The mitigation methods to reduce soil creeping in this area are building a retaining wall and pile. The shotcrete, wire mesh, net rock bolting, and rock removal method is suitable to apply in study area II. The shotcrete and soil nails were used because the type of rocks in those areas is sedimentary rock such as shale, sandstone, siltstone, and a boulder of a volcanic rock. The same approach shall be applied in study area IV. study area III was the best spot to learn about the mitigation approach for slope stability and provides many lessons learned. Aceh Province experience active tectonic movement, high intensity of rain, geological structures, a high degree of weathering, and high intensity of earthquake,as primary factors which trigger landslides. The techonology of slope stabilizing and protection methods can be applied to mitigate landslides.


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    Asda Rasida


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan partai politik lokal Aceh dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, secara objektif bagaimana peran partai politik local Aceh dalam mewujudkan demokrasi dan hambatan-hambatan yang timbul dan bagaimana penyelesaiannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode empiris yaitu mengumpulkan data primer. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan mewawancarai responden dan informan yang menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedudukan partai politik local Aceh di dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia tidak bertentangan dengan perundang-undangan. Hal tersebut diperkuat dengan pasal 18B UUD 1945 yang menjadi dasar pembentukan partai politik lokal di Aceh dan juga berlaku asas di dalam ilmu hukum yaitu Lex Specialis Derogate Lex General yang maksudnya hukum yang bersifat khusus dapat menyampingkan hukum yang bersifat umum, demikian di Aceh juga menerapkan UU yang bersifat khusus.

  8. Land cover mapping after the tsunami event over Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) province, Indonesia (United States)

    Lim, H. S.; MatJafri, M. Z.; Abdullah, K.; Alias, A. N.; Mohd. Saleh, N.; Wong, C. J.; Surbakti, M. S.


    Remote sensing offers an important means of detecting and analyzing temporal changes occurring in our landscape. This research used remote sensing to quantify land use/land cover changes at the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Nad) province, Indonesia on a regional scale. The objective of this paper is to assess the changed produced from the analysis of Landsat TM data. A Landsat TM image was used to develop land cover classification map for the 27 March 2005. Four supervised classifications techniques (Maximum Likelihood, Minimum Distance-to- Mean, Parallelepiped and Parallelepiped with Maximum Likelihood Classifier Tiebreaker classifier) were performed to the satellite image. Training sites and accuracy assessment were needed for supervised classification techniques. The training sites were established using polygons based on the colour image. High detection accuracy (>80%) and overall Kappa (>0.80) were achieved by the Parallelepiped with Maximum Likelihood Classifier Tiebreaker classifier in this study. This preliminary study has produced a promising result. This indicates that land cover mapping can be carried out using remote sensing classification method of the satellite digital imagery.

  9. Uncovering the factors that can support and impede post-disaster EIA practice in developing countries: The case of Aceh Province, Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gore, Tom; Fischer, Thomas B., E-mail:


    The close relationship between environmental degradation and the occurrence and severity of disaster events has in recent years raised the profile of environmental assessment (EA) in the disaster management field. EA has been identified as a potentially supportive tool in the global effort to reduce disaster risk. As a component of this, attention has been brought specifically to the importance of the application of EA in the aftermath of disaster events in order to help prevent recurrence and promote sustainability. At the same time, however, it has also been recognised that post-disaster environments may be unfavourable to such practices. Looking at the practice of environmental impact assessment (EIA), this paper reports on a study which sought to identify more specifically the factors which can both support and hinder such practice following disaster events in a developing country context. Analysing the situation in Aceh Province, Indonesia, after the impact of two tsunamigenic earthquakes in late 2004 and early 2005, it is concluded that if EIA is to have a central role in the post-disaster period, pre-disaster preparation could be a key. -- Highlights: • Close relationship between environmental degradation and occurrence/severity of disaster events has raised profile of EA. • EA as a potentially supportive tool in the global effort to reduce disaster risk • Application of EA in the aftermath of disaster events to help prevent recurrence and promote sustainability • The paper looks at factors which can both support and hinder EA following disaster events in a developing country context. • We analyse the situation in Aceh Province, Indonesia, after the impact of two tsunamigenic earthquakes in 2004 and 2005.

  10. Relationship between personal, maternal, and familial factors with mental health problems in school-aged children in Aceh province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Saputra, Fauzan; Yunibhand, Jintana; Sukratul, Sunisa


    Recently, mental health problems (MHP) in school-aged children have become a global phenomenon. Yet, the number of children affected remains unclear in Indonesia, and the effects of mental health problems are of concern. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of MHP in school-aged children and its relationship to personal, maternal, and familial factors in Aceh province, Indonesia. Participants were 143 school-aged children with MHP and their mothers. They completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Social Competence Questionnaire, Brief Family Relationship Scale, Parental Stress Scale, Parent's Report Questionnaire, and Indonesian Version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Mainly, children were rated to have emotional symptoms by their mothers (37.8%). Factors such as academic competence, family relationships, and maternal parenting stress are related to MHP. Given the high prevalence of school-aged children that have emotional symptoms, child psychiatric mental health nurses should give special attention to assist them during their school years. Moreover, nurses should aim to improve family relationships and reduce maternal parenting stress. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Genetic diversity of merozoite surface protein-2 in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Aceh province, Indonesia (United States)

    Jamil, K. F.; Supargiyono, S.; Syafruddin, D.; Pratama, N.; Silvy, S.


    Estimated 3.3 million Indonesian population were infected with malaria. However, extensive genetic polymorphism of the field isolates MSP-2 of P. falciparum represents a major obstacle for the development of malaria treatment. The aim of this study to investigate the genetic diversity of MSP-2 genotype in field isolates of P. falciparum collected in Aceh Province. A total of 90 patients enrolled in this study who were selected from positive malaria from eleven district Hospitals in Aceh from 2013-2015. Data was collected by anamnesis, complete physical examination and laboratory tests for MSP-2. All protocol to diagnose malaria assigned following the WHO 2010 guideline. All samples were stored in Eijkman Biology Molecular Institute, Jakarta.Among 90 samples were 57.7% male and 42.3% female with the most cases ages between 21-30 years old. Allele typing analysis displayed the polymorphic nature of P. falciparum. The MSP-2 have two alleles, 62.2% (56/90) for FC27 type and 58.9% (53/90) for 3D7 type and 21.2% (19/90) for mixed FC27 and 3D7 infection were identified. Diverse allele types from Aceh Province was identified in MSP-2 P. falciparum patients; there is the almost similar number of patients infected with both allele. A moderate level of the mixed allele was also observed.

  12. Aceh Conflict Resolution By The Government Of Indonesia

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    Ady Muzwardi


    Full Text Available Aceh peace is a new dynamic on the resolution of conflicts in the region. Eight years have passed and the agreement was signed by the Free Aceh Movement (GAM and the Indonesian Government, while the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding agreed in 2005. The signing of the MoU symbolically ends Aceh conflict which is prolonged for three decades. Moreover the notable occurance that leads to the weakening of GAM strength is that by December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami has devastated the communities in terms of infrastructure and superstructure. While spirit to rebuild Aceh after the disaster emerged, amount of aid coming in the country from as well as foreign institutions such as NGO. The government of Indonesia took this chance to develop Aceh once again and approach GAM to release the tense, to take the path of peace. The government efforts succeed by personalized approach to one of the central figures of GAM. The conflict in Aceh reflects that lobbying skill from the government of Indonesia against GAM is quite excellent. To notice the reconstruction of Aceh peace agreement before, the Cessation of Hostility Agreement (COHA initiated by the Henry Dunant Center (HDC stalled. The struggle embodied in the MoU agreement which is initiated by the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI actually formed by former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari. While it is done further implementation is left to the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM led by Pieter Feith. In this mission AMM successfully carry out their duties in accordance with the agreement so that it runs alltogether. AMM ended its duties on December 15, 2006 and successfully reconcile the peace process (AMM: 2006. Furthermore, Indonesian Government gives freedom of democracy actively for Aceh and GAM combatants. Troop’s withdrawal process also the destruction of non-organic military and police weapons of the GAM runs smoothly. Then the GAM combatants reintegrate into society, this task successfully executed

  13. Substance Use among Muslim Students in Aceh, Indonesia

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    Inda Mariana Harahap


    Full Text Available Background: Illicit substance use is a serious social problem faced by adolescents worldwide, including adolescents in Aceh and has many negative consequences. In addition, illicit substance use does not fit with the values of Islamic teaching, and is strictly prohibited in Islam. Purpose: The aims of this paper are to determine the prevalence of illicit substance use, the stages of substance use, and types of substance used among Muslim students in senior high schools in Aceh, Indonesia. Method: Four hundred and twenty six students who met the inclusion criteria were recruited from four senior high schools in Banda Aceh by using simple random sampling, and of these, 290 returned a completed questionnaire. A self reported questionnaire was used to collect data. Result: The mean age of the subjects was 15.9 years old and the majority of them were female (68.6%. The study found that the prevalence of substance use was 2.4%with a higher number of females than males who had used illicit substances. The common substances that were used by the students were marijuana and dextromethorphon, as well as intentionally inhaled substances. Lastly, out of the students who had used illegal substances the majority was in the regular use stage (1.4%. Conclusion: This study found that substance use among Muslim students in Aceh exists, although prevalence was low. Thus, several preventive programs may be needed in Aceh not only for Muslims students who have used substances but also for students who have not use illegal substances. Keywords: Adolescents, Substance use, Muslim students, Indonesia.

  14. Customer Satisfaction as a Mediator Variable between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty for PT. BNI (Persero Tbk Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    Beby Karina Fawzea SEMBIRING


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality toward satisfaction and customer loyalty for PT. BNI (Persero Tbk, Aceh Province. The article also analyses customer satisfaction as a mediator variable between service quality and customer loyalty. The sampling technique in the study was based on cluster and convenience sampling with corresponding criteria; each respondent has a bank account and saving for at least one year. The primary data were collected from respondents using the structured questionnaires. A total of 220 questionnaires were distributed in five branch offices of PT. BNI (Persero Tbk operating in Aceh Province, namely the branchs of Lhokseumawe, Bireuen, Langsa, Sigli and Meulaboh. The results showed that service quality has a significant and positive effect toward satisfaction and customer loyalty for PT. BNI (Persero Tbk Aceh Province. Meanwhile, the variable of customer satisfaction can mediate the effect of service quality toward customer loyalty. However, the study found that service quality is the important element in increasing satisfaction and customer loyalty in national banking.


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    Iskandar Iskandar


    Full Text Available Knowledge and understanding of mudharabah products in Islamic banking is necessity for the customers. Mudharabah is one of banking products pose a great risk, because this involves both the investors and the costumers. For the case of Bank Muamalat Indonesia, customer’s lack of understanding on the mudharabah contract may elevate disputes related to the financing offered by the bank as investor and consequently to the consensus of profit sharing ratio. This study aims to discuss and identify the link between the understanding and the conflicts that occur in Bank Muamalat Indonesia Banda Aceh branch. This is a field research that utilized a quantitative approach in gathering data. The results obtained are analyzed using the SPSS software. The finding shows that there is a link between the understanding and the conflicts that occur in Bank Muamalat Indonesia Banda Aceh. The higher level of customer’s understanding towards the product, the smaller risk of conflict may occur. Thus, the data analysis concludes that there is a small positive relationship between customers' understanding of the mudharabah contract and the disputes possibility. =========================================== Pengetahuan dan pemahaman nasabah terhadap produk mudharabah dalam perbankan syariah sangat diperlukan oleh semua nasabah. Mudharabah adalah salah satu produk perbankan yang menimbulkan resiko yang besar, ini karena akad ini melibat dua pihak, yaitu investor dan nasabah. Pada kasus Bank Muamalat Indonesia, kurangnya pemahaman nasabah terhadap produk Mudharabah akan mendatangkan kemungkinan timbulnya sengketa berkaitan pembiayaan yang dikeluarkan oleh bank sebagai shahibul maal dan kesepakatan nisbah pembagian keuntungan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membahas dan mengenal pasti kaitan antara kepahaman dengan konflik yang terjadi di Bank Muamalat Indonesia cabang Banda Aceh. Kajian ini merupakan kajian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dalam mendapatkan

  16. Estimating Post-Emergency Fertility Among Disaster-Affected Adolescents: Findings From a Case-Control Study in Aceh Province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Kinoshita, Mari; Suhardan, Suhardan; Danila Danila, Damsyik; Chiang, Chifa; Aoyama, Atsuko


    We aimed to retrospectively estimate adolescent fertility rates before and after a large-scale natural disaster. A case-control study was conducted in Aceh Province, Indonesia, 2 years after the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. The age-specific fertility rates of 15-19-year-old-women (ASFR 15-19) was estimated each year from 2004 to 2006 by creating hypothetical age cohorts. The results were compared with data from the closest edition of the Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS). The pre-disaster ASFR 15-19 (4.4% in 2004) was not significantly different from the 2002-2003 IDHS data (P=0.49), whereas the post-disaster ASFR 15-19 (1.1% in 2005-2006) was significantly lower than the provincial estimation in the 2007 IDHS (Pfertility estimation, however, we suggest excluding data from the 40-week period preceding the disaster, because the data may be biased by excess mortality in childbearing mothers and newborn babies in the disaster.

  17. Cultural meanings of tuberculosis in Aceh Province, Sumatra. (United States)

    Caprara, A; Abdulkadir, N; Idawani, C; Asmara, H; Lever, P; De Virgilio, G


    This paper shows how disease transmission and particularly what biomedicine calls tuberculosis are interpreted in the non-Western context of Aceh Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. It tries also to focus on factors influencing perceptions and health-seeking behaviors. Results show that what biomedicine calls TB is represented by a semantic network of illnesses. Parts of this network are clearly identified as transmissible while others are related to specific phenomena affecting the individual, such as terbuk (poisoning) or trouk (fatigue produced by hard work), and are not considered contagious. Forms of transmission are interpreted mostly through empirical and analogic categories. TB is attributed to four different aspects: (a) biomedical categories such as germ theory; (b) socio-economic conditions; (c) transgression of social rules; and (d) poisoning and the influences of supernatural powers. Health-seeking behaviors are related to the perceived causes of the disease, economic factors, and the accessibility of health services.

  18. The Effect of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Functional Position on Organizational Commitment and Their Impact on the Performance of Internal Auditors in Aceh, Indonesia

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    M. Shabri Abd. Majid


    Full Text Available This study aims at empirically examining the influence of the organizational culture, leadership style, and functional position of an auditor on organizational commitment and their impact on the performance of government internal auditors in Aceh, Indonesia. All 183 of the governmental internal auditors at the district level within the Province of Aceh, Indonesia, were investigated. Data, which are gathered by distributing questionnaires to the entire population, are then analysed by the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM technique.The study found that organizational culture, leadership style, and functional auditor have affected the performance of the governmental internal auditor either directly or indirectly through organizational commitment.Keywords: Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Functional Auditor, Organizational Commitment, Internal Auditor Performance.

  19. Factors influencing mother's participation in Posyandu for improving nutritional status of children under-five in Aceh Utara district, Aceh province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Nazri, Cut; Yamazaki, Chiho; Kameo, Satomi; Herawati, Dewi M D; Sekarwana, Nanan; Raksanagara, Ardini; Koyama, Hiroshi


    Posyandu, or pos pelayanan terpadu (integrated service post), is a community-based activity for health services in Indonesia. According to the Indonesian Basic Health Survey, the prevalence of children under five in Indonesia who suffered from being underweight was 19.6 %. The wasting was 12.1 % and the stunting was 37.2 % in 2013, and these values have not changed greatly from 2007; much greater than the WHO targets of, less than 10 % underweight, 5 % wasting, and 20 % stunting. In Aceh were 26.6, 16.8, and 43.3 %, respectively. Also, the participation percentages of mothers to Posyandu was about 45 %, far below the national target of 100 %. In Aceh Province, the percentage was even lower (34 % in 2013). This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing participation of mothers in Posyandu. This research used a cross-sectional design with sample of mothers who had children under five. They were chosen by multistage random sampling. Sample size was determined by the WHO formula. Face-to-face interviews were carried out using a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of items about socio-demographic characteristics, satisfaction with Posyandu services, attitude towards Posyandu benefits, and intention to attend Posyandu. The collected data were analyzed by using EZR (version 1.21). Fisher's exact test was performed to examine the associations between the socio-demographic factors, attitude, satisfaction, and intention covariates with participation. Logistic regression was used to describe the strength of the relationship between the predictor variables and participation. There were no significant differences in age, marital status, education level, occupation, family size, and distance to Posyandu between low participation group except for the monthly household income. Among the socio-demographic factors, only monthly household income had a significant association with the frequency of mothers' participation. Satisfaction, attitude, and intention were

  20. The genetic polymorphism of merozoite surface protein-1 in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Aceh province, Indonesia (United States)

    Jamil, K. F.; Supargiyono, S.; Syafruddin, D.; Pratama, N.; Silvy, S.


    An estimated of 3.3 million Indonesian population were infected with malaria. However, extensive genetic polymorphism of the field isolates msp-1 of P. falciparum represents a major obstacle for the development of malaria treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of msp-1 genotype in field isolates of P. falciparum collected in Aceh Province. A total of 90 patients with malaria (+) were selected from eleven district hospitals in Aceh from 2013-2015. Data were collected by anamnesis, complete physical examination and laboratory tests for msp-1. All protocols to diagnose malaria followed the WHO 2010 guideline. All samples were stored in Eijkman Biology Molecular Institute, Jakarta. Among 90 samples, 57.7% were male, and 42.3% were female with the most cases found between 21-30 years old. From the allele typing analysis of P. falciparum from Aceh; K1, MAD20, and RO33 allele types were identified. MAD20 type was the highest allele found in this study (57.9%). It was found in single and mixed infection. A moderate level of the mixed allele was also observed.

  1. Agents of Change - Frauenaktivistinnen in Aceh [Agents of Change - Women Activists in Aceh

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    Kristina Großmann


    Full Text Available Aceh befindet sich seit der Dezentralisierungspolitik Indonesiens Ende der 1990er Jahre, der Tsunamikatastrophe 2004 und der Unterzeichnung des Memorandum of Understanding (MoU 2005in einer politischen, kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Transformation. Die Situation der Frauen in Aceh ist geprägt durch Repressionen aufgrund der Einführung der Scharia, durch Einflussnahmevon internationalen Hilfsorganisationen nach dem Tsunami und durch die Neuordnung der Region Acehs seit den Autonomieverhandlungen. Der Transformationsprozess bringt große Herausforderungen für die Frauen in Aceh mit sich und beinhaltet zugleich die Chance zur Mitgestaltung. So entwerfen Frauenaktivistinnen innerhalb des Spannungsfeldes islamische Religiosität, traditionell-kulturelleStrukturen und westliche Wertevorstellungen, Positionen und Strategien, um ihren Wunsch nach Geschlechtergerechtigkeit durchzusetzen. Mein Artikel beleuchtet die Frage, welche Rolle Frauenaktivistinnen innerhalb des Transformationsprozesses einnehmen und welche Chancen, Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse es gibt, um Einfluss auf politische und gesellschaftliche Prozesse zunehmen. ----- Aceh, Indonesia’s westernmost province is in a process of political, social and cultural transformation, which is caused by three main factors. First, the process of decentralisation, launched by the government of Indonesia starting from the end of the 1990s and as a consequence of the implementation of sharia bylaws since 2001, second, the tsunami calamity 2004 and third, the peace process starting with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU 2005 between representatives of the Government of Indonesia and the Acehnese freedom movement GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka. Today’s situation of women in Aceh is infl uenced by repressions due to a conservative interpretation of Islam, by the impact of international aid organisations, which entered Aceh after the tsunami andby the political, social and cultural

  2. Spawning seasons of Rasbora tawarensis (Pisces: Cyprinidae in Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    Musman Musri


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Rasbora tawarensis is an endemic freshwater fish in Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Unfortunately, its status is regarded as critical endangered with populations decreasing in recent years. To date no information on the spawning activities of the fish are available. Therefore, this study provides a contribution to the knowledge on reproductive biology of R. tawarensis especially on spawning seasons as well as basic information for conservation of the species. Methods Monthly sampling was conducted from April 2008 to March 2009 by using selective gillnets. The gonadosomatic index, size composition and sex ratio were assessed. The gonadal development was evaluated based on macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the gonads. Results The gonadosomatic index (GSI varied between 6.65 to 18.16 in female and 4.94 to 8.56 for male. GSI of the female R. tawarensis was higher in March, September and December indicating the onset of reproductive seasons, the GSI and oocyte size being directly correlated with gonadal development stages. Although, a greater proportion of mature male than female was detected during the study, the sex ratio showed that the overall number of female was higher than male. The ovaries had multiple oocyte size classes at every stage of gonadal development, thus R. tawarensis can be classified as a group synchronous spawner or a fractional multiple spawner. Conclusion The spawning seasons of R. tawarensis were three times a year and September being the peak of the reproductive season and the female was the predominant sex. This species is classified as a group synchronous spawner.

  3. Syariah as Heterotopia: Responses from Muslim Women in Aceh, Indonesia

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    Reed Taylor


    Full Text Available In this paper, I argue that the implementation of syariah is best understood as a heterotopia by women in Aceh, Indonesia. The current debates over the role of syariah for women in Acehnese society focus on either a secular human rights critique of non-liberal norms that restrict the rights and freedom of women or a religiously prescribed defense of communal norms that protect women and society. Based on interviews, I identify three variants of how women conceive of and inhabit syariah in Aceh. Two of these variants are underrepresented in the current academic literature on syariah in Aceh. Two key distinctions are drawn between blueprint and iconoclastic utopian thought and state-centric and non-state-centric models of political legitimacy. Rethinking syariah as a “socio-spatial dialectic” allows for all three variants of syariah existing simultaneously as a heterotopia in Acehnese society.

  4. The May 2015 boat crisis: the Rohingya in Aceh

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    Graham Thom


    Full Text Available Abstract In May 2015, Indonesia permitted the disembarkation of approximately 1,800 people who had been stranded at sea. The discovery of mass graves in Thailand’s Sadao district, on the border with Malaysia, led to a crack down on people smugglers by the Thai and Malaysian authorities. This saw thousands of Rohingya left stranded at sea as smugglers abandoned their human cargo. While initially pushed back by the Indonesian navy, after being rescued by Indonesian fishermen the Rohingya, on the three boats rescued, were permitted to stay in Indonesia’s Aceh province and seek protection. As part of an Amnesty International research team, conducting research in Aceh in August 2015, our aim was to document the reasons driving the Rohingya to leave Myanmar and Bangladesh, the human rights abuses they experienced at sea and the conditions they are experiencing in Aceh. The subsequent Amnesty International report primarily documented the abuses suffered by those on board the smuggling/trafficking vessels. It also highlighted a number of issues now facing those allowed to remain in Aceh (Amnesty International, 2015. This article will further examine the human rights situation facing the Rohingya in Aceh, why they have been treated differently from previous Rohingya groups who have arrived in Aceh and the ongoing sustainability of the current model. Significantly, the majority of those that arrived have subsequently escaped from the “sites”[1], having again engaged smugglers to reach Malaysia. Given that a process already exists for refugees arriving in Indonesia, the differing treatment received by the Rohingya arriving in May 2015 raises a number of questions. This paper will conclude that the current situation is not sustainable and the treatment of refugees in Aceh should be included in a broader national approach commensurate to the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers throughout Indonesia. [1] Rather than detention centres or camps, the

  5. Improving health services to displaced persons in Aceh, Indonesia: a balanced scorecard. (United States)

    Chan, Grace J; Parco, Kristin B; Sihombing, Melva E; Tredwell, Susan P; O'Rourke, Edward J


    After the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004, the International Organization for Migration constructed temporary health clinics to provide medical services to survivors living in temporary accommodation centres throughout Aceh, Indonesia. Limited resources, inadequate supervision, staff turnover and lack of a health information system made it challenging to provide quality primary health services. A balanced scorecard was developed and implemented in collaboration with local health clinic staff and district health officials. Performance targets were identified. Staff collected data from clinics and accommodation centres to develop 30 simple performance measures. These measures were monitored periodically and discussed at meetings with stakeholders to guide the development of health interventions. Two years after the tsunami, 34 000 displaced persons continued to receive services from temporary health clinics in two districts of Aceh province. From March to December 2007, the scorecard was implemented in seven temporary health clinics. Interventions stimulated and tracked by the scorecard showed measurable improvements in preventive medicine, child health, capacity building of clinic staff and availability of essential drugs. By enhancing communication, the scorecard also led to qualitative benefits. The balanced scorecard is a practical tool to focus attention and resources to facilitate improvement in disaster rehabilitation settings where health information infrastructure is poor. Introducing a mechanism for rapid improvement fostered communication between nongovernmental organizations, district health officials, clinic health workers and displaced persons.

  6. Granulometric analysis at Lampulo Fishing Port (LFP) substrate, Banda Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Purnawan, S.; Setiawan, I.; Haridhi, H. A.; Irham, M.


    The study of sediment granulometry was completed at Lampulo fishing port (LFP). The LFP is a main fishing port in Aceh Province, Indonesia, located at 5°34’35” N; 95°19’23” E. The purpose of the research is to study and construct the environment condition of the bottom substrate. The data was taken by incorporating coring method at 10 stations using purposive random sampling. The wet sieve method was used to analyze the grain size for geostatistical analysis. The geostatistical parameters analysis in this study is classified as mean, sorting, skewness and kurtosis. The result informs that the types of sediments are sand, sandy clay and clayey sand for all stations. Station 1, however, is found as the coarsest compares to the other stations. All of the sediment collected at each station displays moderately sorted to poor sorted, while kurtosis values may be categorized as very leptokurtic. The results of the sediment parameters indicate that the environment of harbor pool was in a stable state, related to a sheltered condition.


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    Raihan Raihan


    Full Text Available Mohammad Natsir was one of the da’wa figure where his thoughts covered various fields. He was the founder DDII (Dewan Da'wah Islamiyah Indonesia who was assessed consistently carried out the Islamic da’wa until the end of his life. As the result of his struggle, related to the vision and mission of the center of DDII, DDII Aceh should not be much different from that set by the center. But in reality, when it is seen through the aspect of the activities being carried out have not been fully applied by Aceh DDII. The result of this study shows that the struggle of Mohammad Natsir as well as the extension of the center management is related to the vision and the mission developed by the Aceh Provincial DDII is not different from that being set by the center. Similarly, the majority of programs are set by Aceh DDII has much in common with the da’wa activities that had been carried out by Mohammad Natsir when leading DDII, namely to conducted promoting and routine qur’anic recitation, building mosques, hampering the effort to silt the creed as well as other programs aimed at improving the Islamic da’wa quality. However, the performance of Aceh DDII is still seemed less productive due to the involvement of management which some still focus on less da’wa activities. In addition, the Aceh DDII is lack of operational funds in carrying out various activities which bring about some programs have been delayed, or even failure in its implementation.

  8. Characterization and Activation of Indonesian Natural Zeolite from Southwest Aceh District-Aceh Province (United States)

    Yulianis, Y.; Muhammad, S.; Pontas, K.; Mariana, M.; Mahidin, M.


    This study aims to identify the effect of activation processes of Indonesian zeolite from Southwest Aceh District, Aceh Province on the physical characteristics and chemical contents changes. The work was conducted by downsizing of natural zeolite into nano particle size, treating it physically (heated up to 105˚C) and chemically (soaked with 0.5 M HCl for 1 hour), and finally calcining it at the temperature of 350° C for 2 hours. The natural and activated nano zeolites were then characterized by using SEM, BET, XRD, XRF and FTIR in order to examine their characters and chemical contents. The characterization results showed that the activated nano zeolite has better appearances than the natural one. The XRD analysis showed that the main minerals of zeolite are quartz and calcite clinochlore. Further, the XRF analysis showed that there are elements of magnesium, calcium and potassium which can be as a cation exchange with other metal elements. Based on the identified properties, this zeolite showed a good performance to be used as an adsorbent in waste water treatment process, especially after activated.

  9. All projects related to indonesia | Page 2 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Leste. Project. Indonesia's Aceh province and the now independent state of Timor-Leste (formerly East ... Program: Food, Environment, and Health. Total Funding: CA$ 4,000,000.00. Universities and Councils Network on Innovation for Inclusive ...


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    Sarjaini Jamal


    Full Text Available On the 26th December 2004, a big earthquake and tsunami destroyed coastal zones in the Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province. Villages have disappeared all along the coast, especially in Aceh Besar; Aceh Jaya, and West Aceh Districts. The disaster damaged roads, devastated physical and human infrastructures, and also limited air assets posed huge challenges to early aids efforts. The transportation, telecommunication and many other public facilities including Health Centers, Drug warehouses, and Hospitals were damaged and destroyed. The tsunami killed nearly 200,000 people and about 100,000 people lost. In few days many Non Government Organizations (NGOs and non NGOs and also foreign humanitarian organizations or from provinces of Indonesia arrived in Banda Aceh. They come as health teams completed with ambulances, drugs, foods and other medical apparatus and field clinics. At the same time, many drugs had been sent to Banda Aceh and distributed to health facilities. Then the problem was what happened about the drugs? The issues were many of the donated drugs become inappropriate, overstock, expired or not according to EDL. To anticipated the issues, on May to June 2005 a team consists of staffs from PSF-CI in coordination with the Ministry of Health, PHO and FDA of Naggoe Aceh Darussalam Province conducted an assessment to the donated drug in 28 Health Centers, 5 District drug warehouses, and 5 District Hospitals. Results showed many varies of the donated drugs were inappropriate in all the publichealth facilities, 20%-80% were overstock, more than 20 items of the drugs were expired or would be expire within 3-6 moonths. It suggests that health programmers conduct training for prescribers on pharmacologies aspects and how to usethe new and non EDL donated drugs. It should also use drug stock system, and apply the FIFO and FEFO mechanisms indrug inventory. The expired or damaged drugs must be destroyed by incenerator. In future it is suggested that

  11. The Influence of Organizational Commitment and Motivation in the Relationship between Budget Participation and Managerial Performance (Empirical Study on Provincial Government Agencies ( SKPA of Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    Muslim A. Djalil


    Full Text Available The objective of research is to empirically examine the influence of organizational commitment and motivation in the relationship between budget participation and managerialperformance of Provincial Government Agencies (SKPA of Aceh Province.Total samples used in this study were 92 respondents who were in the position of Echelon III and IV in SKPA of Aceh Province. The data source of this study was primary data obtained through the distribution of a questionnaire to the selected respondents. The collected data were analyzed by using Path Analysis Method.The result of the study indicated that the organizational commitment, motivation, and budget participation have a significant influence on the managerial performance both simultaneously and partially. However, the organizational commitment and motivation did not mediate the relationshipbetween budget participation and managerial performance.Keywords: Managerial Performance, Budget Participation, Organizational Commitment, Motivation

  12. Oil palm biomass utilization as an energy source and its possibility use for polygeneration scenarios in Langsa City, Aceh Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Hani, M. R.; Mahidin, M.; Husin, H.; Hamdani, H.; Khairil, K.


    This article deals with the discussion on the recent status of oil palm biomass utilization as an energy source and its possibility use for polygeneration system. The discussion focused only on the energy viewpoint. At this point, many projects and research have been developed in order to utilize the oil palm biomass to meet the energy demand of industries and communities, especially in the largest producing countries: Indonesia and Malaysia; and a few in Thailand, Africa, Latin America and Europe. Through the simulation work in the case study, it is evident that the government of Langsa City can fulfill the fresh water to their community and electricity to Langsa Harbor only by using EFB and PKS from one POM with the generated power of 12 MW, while the desalination plant consumes about 7 MW of electricity. If all potency of biomass from all POMs in Aceh Timur and Aceh Tamiang, without the combination of other primary energy sources is used, Langsa City might earn surplus of energy. The use of the oil palm biomass for polygeneration scenarios is possible and feasible from the technical point of view.

  13. Studi Perencanaan Koordinasi Proteksi Mempertimbangkan Busur Api Pada Sistem Kelistrikan PT. Semen Indonesia Aceh Menggunakan Standar IEEE 1584-2002

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    Dhimas Oktavian Andryana


    Full Text Available PT. Semen Indonesia pabrik Aceh merupakan perusahaan patungan (joint venture company antara PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero bersama PT. Samana Citra Agung. Total daya listrik yang dibutuhkan sebesar 85.8 MW dengan sistem kelistrikan pada sistem tegangan rendah dan menengah. Guna menjaga kontinuitas daya listrik, diperlukan koordinasi proteksi untuk meminimalisir dampak yang ditimbulkan ketika terjadi gangguan. Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah adanya busur api (arc flash. Namun demikian, energi yang dihasilkan oleh busur api setelah dilakukan koordinasi proteksi perlu dipertimbangkan agar tidak melampaui standard yang diizinkan. Analisa busur api dilakukan dengan menggunakan perhitungan standar IEEE 1584-2002. Setelah dilakukan beberapa analisa didapatkan bahwa beberapa daerah di PT. Semen Indonesia pabrik Aceh memiliki nilai insiden energi diatas kategori 4, sehingga diperlukan tambahan peralatan berupa rele differensial sebagai pengaman utama agar nilai insiden energi busur api bisa dikategorikan sesuai standard NFPA 70E.

  14. The Role of University Partners in the Innovation Adoption Process to Rice Seed Farmers in Aceh Province

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    Setia Budi


    Full Text Available The role of university partners in the innovation adoption process in the implementation of agricultural extension is very necessary to get attention to realize the success of empowering rice seed farmers. The purpose of this research is (1 to know the role of universities in the process of adopting innovation in IPB 3S seedling in Aceh Province, (2 to know the perception of farmers toward the characteristics of the innovation of IPB 3S varieties, and (3 to know the role of universities in the implementation process of extension agriculture to rice seed farmers. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach with data measurement using Likert scale. The results showed that in general the universities play significant role in innovation adoption process to rice seed farmers. The role is arranged by sequence; (1 implementing cultivation skill (2 strengthening farmer institution, (3 liaison with the government (4 guidance of transfer of technology, and (5 liaison with production market. Farmers perception on the characteristics of innovation optimum production technology package (IPB-Prima IPB 3S (1 has a relative profitability, (2 easy to try, (3 conformity, (4 observable, and (5 innovation subtly level. The role of partners in the implementation of agricultural extension in sequence (1 conformity of extension materials, (2 intensity of extension, (3 appropriateness of extension method and (4 accuracy of media usage. The university should pay attention on the mechanism of facilitating technology transfer with the use of media and appropriate extension methods to rice seed farmers. The university also should build good communication with private organizations to help farmers in terms of seed price certainty produced by rice seed farmers in Aceh Province, Indonesia.

  15. Review: Miller, Michelle Ann (2009, Rebellion and Reform in Indonesia – Jakarta’s Security and Autonomy Policies in Aceh

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    Antje Missbach


    Full Text Available Review of the monograph: Miller, Michelle Ann, Rebellion and Reform in Indonesia – Jakarta’s Security and Autonomy Policies in Aceh, London/ New York: Routledge, 2009, ISBN 13: 978-0-415-45467-4, 240 pages.


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    Musa Al'ala


    Full Text Available The Aceh province in Indonesia, located around the Sumatra subduction area, was one of the worst hit areas with respect to damage from the impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. A 9.15 Mw earthquake triggered the tsunami. One of the impacts was the disconnection of several areas from their mainland, thus creating new small islands. This happened around Ujong Seudeun village in Aceh Jaya District. Prior to the tsunami, the village had approximately 500 residents. However, after the tsunami, the area was severely eroded and a small strait had been inserted between the village and the Sumatra Island mainland. This study investigates the magnitude of the tsunami wave forces that separated the area to yield a newly deserted small island. This study was conducted by numerical simulations and by coupling the COMCOT (Cornell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model and Delft3D models. These tools have specific advantages, namely, COMCOT’s linear modeling is based on a series of earthquake mechanisms and Delft3D uses non-linear morphological dynamic modeling. Their software includes the explicit leapfrog finite difference scheme (COMCOT and the non-linear shallow water equation (Delft3D. Bathymetry data fromnewly formed coastline and the small island’s shape were digitized using 2005 Quickbird Images. Results from this research reveal the estimated tsunami wave heights and forces that disconnected the small island of Ujong Seuden from the Sumatra Island mainland. These results can be used to further develop the COMCOT model to incorporate sediment modules.

  17. Shallow shear-wave reflection seismics in the tsunami struck Krueng Aceh River Basin, Sumatra

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    U. Polom


    Full Text Available As part of the project "Management of Georisk" (MANGEONAD of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR, Hanover, high resolution shallow shear-wave reflection seismics was applied in the Indonesian province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia, local counterparts, and the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hanover. The investigations were expected to support classification of earthquake site effects for the reconstruction of buildings and infrastructure as well as for groundwater exploration. The study focussed on the city of Banda Aceh and the surroundings of Aceh Besar. The shear-wave seismic surveys were done parallel to standard geoengineering investigations like cone penetrometer tests to support subsequent site specific statistical calibration. They were also partly supplemented by shallow p-wave seismics for the identification of (a elastic subsurface parameters and (b zones with abundance of groundwater. Evaluation of seismic site effects based on shallow reflection seismics has in fact been found to be a highly useful method in Aceh province. In particular, use of a vibratory seismic source was essential for successful application of shear-wave seismics in the city of Banda Aceh and in areas with compacted ground like on farm tracks in the surroundings, presenting mostly agricultural land use areas. We thus were able to explore the mechanical stiffness of the subsurface down to 100 m depth, occasionally even deeper, with remarkably high resolution. The results were transferred into geotechnical site classification in terms of the International Building Code (IBC, 2003. The seismic images give also insights into the history of the basin sedimentation processes of the Krueng Aceh River delta, which is relevant for the exploration of new areas for construction of safe foundations of buildings and for identification of fresh water aquifers in the tsunami

  18. Pengaruh Anggaran Waktu Audit, Kompleksitas Dokumen Audit dan Pengalaman Auditor terhadap Pertimbangan Audit Sampling pada Badan Pemeriksaan Keuangan (Bpk) Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Provinsi Aceh


    Nadirsyah, Nadirsyah; Indriani, Mirna; Usman, Iskandar


    This research is done at BPK branch office Aceh Province which aim to know the influence of time budget audit, complexsity of audit document and audit experience toward judgement audit sampling either simultaneously or partially. Responden of this research is auditors at BPK branch office Aceh Province. The objective of this research is to be able to seek the causality between the time budget audit, complexsity of audit document and audit experience toward judgement audit sampling wi...

  19. Konsepsi Pidana Hudud dalam Qanun Jinayat Aceh-Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam

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    Aharis Mabrur


    ABSTRACT: Although derive from Malay Islam-Sunni Shafeites, the hudud in Islamic Criminal Canon of Aceh and Brunei is indicated to be worded differently, whereas conceptually is known as a “definitive matter”, so it’s interesting to find out how the actual conception is, its implications, as well as things impacting. This normative legal research shows: although showing "red thread" with classical fiqh thought but overall it seems to be more moderate and suit generic of Aceh-Indonesia, so substantively different from KHJB that is purely represent Shafeite thought; the conception has implication on the mixing of hudud and ta’zir in the hudud criminal weighting context of QJA; and the both conceptions is interfered by the existence of paradigm of Islamic law legislation. It is recommended that the substance of QJA is arranged comprehensively and systematically based on its classification; to avoid the mixing of hudud and ta'zir in the crimes wording of hudud, the QJA could find the comparison of a “two-criminal law formulation” in KHJB; and as the living law it is alright that the fiqh of Shafi’i is prevailed in Islamic law process but by persist to prioritize the relevant aspect and without limiting the thought creativity.

  20. The degradation level of mangrove at Lhokseumawe, Aceh (United States)

    Susiloningtyas, D.; Handayani, T.; Amalia, N.; Rachmawati, G. M.


    Aceh is one of the 34 provinces in Indonesia that has the highest population with a high level of hazard. This research was conducted in the Lhokseumawe district, East Coast of Aceh. This paper was based on secondary data of the analyzed SPOT-5 satellite imagery. This study examines the relationship between the level of damage to mangrove with the distribution of mangrove forests that have formed various spatial patterns and spread in the administrative area of Lhokseumawe, distribution of school and location of school. The method performed by descriptive and quantitative analysis method by Pearson product moment statistic method. The degradation level of mangrove is divided into 3 classes such as the good condition, moderate condition, and bad condition. The result is 14 % of the good condition of mangrove extent about more than 60,000 m2, 32 % are mangrove in moderate condition with an area of 30,000-60,000 m2 and 54 % of them are in bad condition about can be found within an area of than 30,000 m2.

  1. [Experience of Handicap International in providing humanitarian relief in region near Aceh, Indonesia from March 1 to 27, 2005]. (United States)

    Gillet, Y


    This report describes the experience of the author in March 2005 during the relief efforts deployed in the region near Aceh, Indonesia (North Sumatra) by Handicap International, one of the 400 NGO that provided humanitarian aid following the tsunami disaster that struck Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004. Working in Banda Aceh and Meulaboh, the author was confronted with the extent of the devastation both in terms of property damage and human suffering. Clinical cases were often severe and rarely encountered in industrialized countries. The tsunami worsened the already poor sanitary conditions: rundown care facilities, poorly trained health care personnel, tropical disease, poor hygiene, and AVP.


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    Sari Budi Moria Sembiring


    Full Text Available Ikan bandeng, Chanos chanos merupakan salah satu ikan ekonomis penting di Asia. Sejak tahun 1995, di Indonesia sebagian besar benih bandeng diproduksi dari hatchery sekitar Dusun Gondol, Bali Utara baik untuk pasar domestik maupun perdagangan internasional. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas benih, perlu dilakukan perbaikan induk secara genetik menggunakan populasi yang unggul. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan data laju pertumbuhan dan variasi genetik induk ikan bandeng yang berasal dari lokasi perairan Aceh, Bali, dan Gorontalo. Pertumbuhan ikan bandeng diamati melalui pengukuran panjang dan bobot benih hingga ukuran 500 g (calon induk, serta variasi genetik diamati menggunakan metode RFLP DNA. Benih dan calon induk masing-masing dianalisis sebanyak 15 ekor. Hasil pengamatan pertumbuhan ikan bandeng mulai dari benih hingga menjadi calon induk, menunjukkan bahwa ikan bandeng dari Aceh dan Bali mempunyai pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot yang relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ikan bandeng dari Gorontalo, walaupun secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata (P0.05 were observed among the populations. The genetic analysis showed five haplotypes composite from four restriction enzymes i.e., Mbo I, Hae III, Hha I, and Nla IV at on cytochrome-b sequen. The average number of restriction site was 1-3 haplotypes. Aceh and Bali populations have lower genetic variations (0.080 and 0.000 compared to Gorontalo (0.115.


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    M. Jafar


    Full Text Available The glory of Aceh Darussalam Kingdom in the past cannot be separated from the complete application of Islamic Sharia (kāffah as the way of life in Aceh. Reflecting the historical past, the implementation of Sharia in Aceh in the present context is absolutely necessary. However, today's enforcement must refer to the three foundations, namely judicial, sociological, and philosophical. The most fundamental of juridical basis is the Constitution of 1945 (UUD 1945 Chapter XI on Religion and paragraph 2 of Article 29, new amendment of Article 18A paragraph 1 and Article 18B paragraph 1. The implementing of Sharia law in Aceh began with the birth law No. 44/1999 regarding the Implementation Features Special of Aceh Province, then refined by law No. 18/2001 on Special Autonomy for Aceh Province as Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province. Then it is continued by the Law Number 11/2006 on the Governing of Aceh (UUPA. The sociological ground is majority Muslim of Acehnese can receive all the products based on Islamic Sharia law. The philosophical foundation, Islamic law, should be enforced based on the Qur'an and Hadith recommended preserving religion, life, property, lineage, and resourceful.

  4. Interaction of Geohazards and Settlements through the Past Millennium, Banda Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Sieh, K.; Daly, P.; Tai, Y. S.; McKinnon, E. E.; Feener, R. M.; Parnell, A. C.; Ismail, N.


    Geo-archaeological fieldwork conducted between 2010-2012 around Banda Aceh, Indonesia revealed stratigraphic evidence for one (possibly two) historic tsunami occurring in the decades after 1366±3. Between 2015 - 2017 we conducted an extensive landscape archaeology survey in 43 coastal villages spanning over 40 km to see if these past tsunamis impacted coastal settlement. In the first major systemic survey of its kind in Indonesia, we found and documented 995 archaeological sites ranging from the late 10th to 20th centuries CE, containing over 5,000 carved gravestones, and 50,000 ceramic sherds. The distribution of ceramic material suggests seven discrete areas of cultural activity before the 14th century CE tsunami. Our working hypothesis is that six of these sites were villages of local inhabitants who utilized imported ceramics. These started at the end of the 10th century and have evidence for activity through present day. However, detailed analysis of the chronology of the ceramics material strongly suggests that there was a notable reduction of activity between 1360 and 1450 CE (Figure 2), supporting the hypothesis that coastal settlements were disrupted by the historic tsunami. The distribution of ceramic material after 1500 CE across the survey area shows a gradual repopulation of pre-tsunami sites, as well as a significant expansion of activity starting at the end of the 16th Century, for all areas but Lamreh. The density of settlements increases during the late-Ming and Qing period, which corresponds to the rise of the Acehnese sultanate and the formation of the urban center of Banda Aceh, when the coastal settlement patterns closely resembled the areas devastated by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. This poster is a detailed accompaniment

  5. A Window of Opportunity for Aceh, Indonesia Post-Tsunami: Historic Continuity, Current Points of Interest, and a Pattern. Output of the Cultural Simulation Model

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ...) for the Situation in Aceh, Indonesia. The CSM uses news filtering, a knowledge acquisition and contextual memory method, which we refer to as a Cultural Construct, as well as interaction by modelers, subject matter experts (SMEs...

  6. Anti-Guerilla Warfare in Aceh, Indonesia from 1980-2005 (United States)


    13 independence, and upon Aceh itself.17 Aceh has a vast array of natural resources including timber, coffee , and palm oil, as well as major oil...remains the issue of control over drug profits from the sale of cannabis . Using revenue from the sale of cannabis , separatists are able to buy

  7. Quality and market chain of Aceh Cocoa Beans (United States)

    Irfan; Sulaiman, I.; Ikhsan, CN; Faizun, N.


    After long-lasting conflict and tsunami on December 26, 2004, some international donors/NGOs supported Aceh on cocoa development. Aceh cocoa sector has experienced tremendous growth in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate quality and market chain of Aceh cocoa beans. The survey was conducted in Pidie District. A number of 21 farmers and 1 exporter were interviewed; the beans from farmer’s warehouses were analyzed and compared to Indonesia National Standard (INS). The result showed that the beans were generally produced from 6 Sub-Districts: Keumala, Titeue, Glumpang Tiga, Padang Tiji, and Tangse. They were not fermented; most were exported to the USA. Based on bean count, quality was mainly included in I/A and II/B. The main quality problem was high moisture content. Presumably, the beans were bought by wholesalers with lower price although not been sufficiently dried. Other quality parameters were good: no moldy bean and contaminant, very low insect damage/hollow-/germinated beans, and tiny broken beans (quality I)

  8. Knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding dengue virus infection among inhabitants of Aceh, Indonesia: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Harapan, Harapan; Rajamoorthy, Yogambigai; Anwar, Samsul; Bustamam, Aslam; Radiansyah, Arsil; Angraini, Pradiba; Fasli, Riny; Salwiyadi, Salwiyadi; Bastian, Reza Akbar; Oktiviyari, Ade; Akmal, Imaduddin; Iqbalamin, Muhammad; Adil, Jamalul; Henrizal, Fenni; Darmayanti, Darmayanti; Pratama, Rovy; Setiawan, Abdul Malik; Mudatsir, Mudatsir; Hadisoemarto, Panji Fortuna; Dhimal, Mandira Lamichhane; Kuch, Ulrich; Groneberg, David Alexander; Imrie, Allison; Dhimal, Meghnath; Müller, Ruth


    The Indonesian region of Aceh was the area most severely affected by the earthquake and tsunami of 26 December 2004. Department of Health data reveal an upward trend of dengue cases in Aceh since the events of the tsunami. Despite the increasing incidence of dengue in the region, there is limited understanding of dengue among the general population of Aceh. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding dengue among the people of Aceh, Indonesia in order to design intervention strategies for an effective dengue prevention program. A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Aceh between November 2014 and March 2015 with a total of 609 participants living in seven regencies and two municipalities. Information on the socio-demographic characteristics of participants and their KAP regarding dengue was collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. The KAP status (good vs. poor) of participants with different socio-demographic characteristics was compared using Chi Square-test, ANOVA or Fisher's exact test as appropriate. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the predictors of each KAP domain. We found that 45% of participants had good knowledge regarding dengue and only 32% had good attitudes and good dengue preventive practices. There was a significant positive correlation between knowledge and attitudes, knowledge and practice, and attitudes and practice. In addition, people who had good knowledge were 2.7 times more likely to have good attitudes, and people who had good attitudes were 2.2 times more likely to have good practices regarding dengue. The level of education, occupation, marital status, monthly income, socioeconomic status (SES) and living in the city were associated with the knowledge level. Occupation, SES, and having experienced dengue fever were associated with attitudes. Education, occupation, SES and type of residence were associated with preventive practices. Our study

  9. Kewenangan Baitul Mal Aceh dalam Pendistribusian Zakat

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    Surya Darma


    ABSTRACT: Aceh is a province in Indonesia that is granted a special authority to govern and manage its own government affairs. One of them is zakat as one of the original source of income. Baitul Mal institution is established by qanun (local law to manage the zakat fund. In regard with its management procedure as the original revenue of the area, which is managed by Baitul Mal, is regulated in qanun and governor regulation. Its expenditure or distribution is in accordance with the guidance of the Islamic Sharia, that is, it may only be the part specified in the Qur'an, not for others. One of the forms of its distributions’ forms is the provision of vocational capital to productive zakat recipients through Productive Zakat Management Units. It is done in the form of interest-free loans. It is slightly different, as the zakat must be divided in full without needing to be returned. Although its interest-free loan is legal, it requires further explanation to avoid negative views. The finding shows that in 2013, 2014 and 2015, Baitul Mal Aceh, gains its funds more than expected. It requires careful handling in order to avoid  any problems in the future.

  10. The Effect of Used Information Technology, Internal Control, and Regional Accounting System on the Performance of City Governance Agency of Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

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    Muslim Djalil


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of utilization of information technology, internal control system, and regional financial accounting system on the performance of city government agencies in Banda Aceh city government, Indonesia.The population of the research is 39 city government agencies (SKPK of Banda Aceh and by using the simple random sampling technique, it is selected 28 agencies within city government as a sample and employed 84 persons as respondents. The primary data of this research arecollected by using questionnaire and analyzed by using the multiple regression regresion method with a SPSS application software.The result shows that perceived by simultaneously statistical test indicated that the utilization of information technology, internal control system and implementation of regionalfinancial accounting system have a significant positive effect on the performance of city government agency. Similarly, tested partially, utilization of information technology, internalcontrol system, and implementation of the regional financial accounting system also have a significant positive effect on the performance of city government agencies in the city government of Banda Aceh, Indonesia.Keywords: Information Technology, Internal Control System, Regional Financial Accounting System, and Performance of City Governance.

  11. Implikasi Hukum Terkait Pertimbangan Majelis Pendidikan Daerah dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Aceh

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    Cut Meutia


    The Implementation of Duty and Function of The Province Education Board in the Aceh Governance ABSTRACT: Article 1 (6 of Qanun Number 3, 2006 on the Organization Arrangement and the Organization Structure and Working Structure of the MPD states that the as one of the governmental organization delaing with the education matters in Aceh  providing the policy and consideration for government in regard with the education policy. This research aims to explore the extent of the role of theProvince Education Board in developing the education and the legal consequence of not using the advise, consideration, and suggestions of the body by the Government of Aceh. This is descriptive analytical research by analyzing the data qualitativelyThe research shows that the MPD role has not been well conducted as the Government of Aceh is only wait the advise, consideration, and suggestion of the MPD and the Government of Aceh has no obligation to conduct them. The legal consequences of the Government of Aceh dose not impose them in the policy made, is there is no sanction for both executive and legislative parties due to disobeying the advice, consideration and suggestion of the MPD.


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    Santi Julita


    Full Text Available Development of globalization impact to a strict competition between the companies. This lead the Human Resources factor into a crucial role in maintaining, directing and developing the company. Therefore, every company needs employees who are bound by their job. One of the things that can encourage the formation of relationship between the employee is perceived organizational support. This study aims to determine the relationship between perceived organizational support by attachment of employees at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero Tbk, Branch of Banda Aceh. The number of samples in this study were 139 permanent employees who were still working or were not taking time off from work with a minimum term of one year and the last education was diploma. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. Collecting the data using the scale adaptation of Survey of Perceived Organizational Support with 17-item version (α= .91 and a scale adaptation of Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES with 17-item version (α= .95. The results of data analysis using pearson product moment correlation technique that showed a positive relationship between perceived organizational support by attachment of employees at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero Tbk, Branch of Banda Aceh (rxy = .30, p < .05. The higher of perceived organizational support to the employee, likewise the higher bound of employee or otherwise.

  13. Distributions of the endemic and threatened freshwater fish depik, Rasbora tawarensis Weber & de Beaufort, 1916 in Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    Zainal A. Muchlisin


    Full Text Available Depik fish, Rasbora tawarensis is an endemic and threatened species in Lake Laut Tawar (Central Aceh, Indonesia,and the population of depik has been decreased drastically over the last two decades. Information about distribution patternsis crucially needed in relation to plan better conservation strategies. Hence, the objective of present study was to evaluate thedistribution patterns (spatial and seasonal distribution based on catch per unit efforts and fish abundance data. Stratifiedrandom sampling was utilized in this study. Two fishing grounds were selected based on information from local fishermen,and a total of 14 fishing sites (seven sites per fishing ground were determined randomly. Sampling was conducted in differentseasons; dry and wet season. The Rasbora tawarensis is widespread in the lake but most abundant in shallow waters andthe near shore, however, the size is small on average for this area. In contrast, bigger fish was found in deep waters offshore,but with lower abundance. In conclusion, the distribution of depik is not seasonally dependent, but more spatially.

  14. The Patronage Behaviour of Islamic Bank’s Customers: Empirical Studies in Aceh

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    M. Shabri Abd. Majid


    Full Text Available This study is aimed at empirically exploring the pertinent factors, which customers and non-customer perceive as germane to their selection of Islamic bank in Aceh, Indonesia. A sample of 300 customers and non-customer of Bank Aceh Syariah were selected based on the convenience sampling technique. Using the logistic regression technique, the study documented that the customers’ selection of the banks were influenced by the factors of banks’ characteristic, services and trust, shari’ah compliance, and physical objects. Of these factors, banks’ characteristic and shari’ah compliance were found to be the most pertinent factors perceived by the customers and non-customer to their selection of Islamic bank in Aceh, Indonesia. These findings imply that to attract more customers, the Islamic bank should enhance their unique characteristics and products’ compliance.DOI:10.15408/aiq.v8i2.3139

  15. OTEC Potential of East Nusa Tenggara Province in Indonesia (United States)

    Widyartono, M.; Rahmadian, R.


    Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world, located between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Indonesia has more than 17000 islands with 70 per cent of the region is ocean. The Growth of the economic and population in Indonesia increasing the demand of the electricity annually, in 2015 alone electricity consumption in Indonesia reaching 200 TWh and will continue increasing every year. However, East Nusa Tenggara Province electrification ratio only around 58.64%, this is the second lowest ratio in Indonesia. This electrification ratio describes the level of availability of electrical energy for the community. Power Plant with renewable source placement in East Nusa Tenggara Province or smaller district need to be prioritise to cope with the low electrification ratio. Renewable sources for power plant have a good potential to work with, in example wind power, solar power, geothermal, or biomass. In addition, another renewable source that not yet known is from the ocean itself. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is one of the renewable source method from ocean. This paper will uncover the potential of OTEC in East Nusa Tenggara province so it will bring possibility to build an OTEC power plant in the future.

  16. The historical and religious approach towards city park design in Banda Aceh, Indonesia Case Study: Krueng Neng Park (Taman Krueng Neng) (United States)

    Safriana, D.; Wulandari, E.


    Banda Aceh has a long history as a coastal city; it had ever been a cosmopolitan maritime city based on Islamic sharia. One of the physical traces of this history is located at the Krueng Neng River, a site which became a Turkish military training area to support the existence of the kingdom of Aceh in the 17th-19th century. Currently, the development of the Banda Aceh city has the goal of making the city as an Islamic tourism destination. One of the ways to achieve this goal is by the arrangement of Islamic open space in historical environments. Therefore, this paper intends to examine historical and religious approaches in the concept of open space arrangement in Krueng Neng, Lamjame Village, Banda Aceh. This is important with regards to the Banda Aceh’s designation as one of the eight heritage cities in Indonesia, as Banda Aceh’s city plan will be developed according to the goals of the heritage program. The study model is in the form of design research that will develop an activity program and pattern of the spatial arrangement based on history and religion, and supported by location-based approach (field condition) incorporating both geographical and socio-cultural contexts. The result of the study is a park design based on Islamic garden principles and incorporating historical aspects from 17th century Turkey in the form of replicas of a Turkish ship and cannon ‘Lada Sicupak’. In summary, one of the options to enhance the goal of Islamic tourism in Banda Aceh is arranging a local park based on its historical aspects and applying Islamic garden principles.

  17. Shoreline change after 12 years of tsunami in Banda Aceh, Indonesia: a multi-resolution, multi-temporal satellite data and GIS approach (United States)

    Sugianto, S.; Heriansyah; Darusman; Rusdi, M.; Karim, A.


    The Indian Ocean Tsunami event on the 26 December 2004 has caused severe damage of some shorelines in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. Tracing back the impact can be seen using remote sensing data combined with GIS. The approach is incorporated with image processing to analyze the extent of shoreline changes with multi-temporal data after 12 years of tsunami. This study demonstrates multi-resolution and multi-temporal satellite images of QuickBird and IKONOS to demarcate the shoreline of Banda Aceh shoreline from before and after tsunami. The research has demonstrated a significant change to the shoreline in the form of abrasion between 2004 and 2005 from few meters to hundred meters’ change. The change between 2004 and 2011 has not returned to the previous stage of shoreline before the tsunami, considered post tsunami impact. The abrasion occurs between 18.3 to 194.93 meters. Further, the change in 2009-2011 shows slowly change of shoreline of Banda Aceh, considered without impact of tsunami e.g. abrasion caused by ocean waves that erode the coast and on specific areas accretion occurs caused by sediment carried by the river flow into the sea near the shoreline of the study area.

  18. Revitalizing the unused urban space, case study: Lhokseumawe, Aceh -Indonesia (United States)

    Wahid, J.; Karsono, B.; Koesmeri, D. R. A.; Indriannisa, S. E.


    The phenomenon of urban decline in the highly industrialized nation is now slowly taking place in the developing world. Deindustrialization as defined as a decline in the manufacturing sectors led to the changes in social, economic and subsequently a shift in urban activities. By taking Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Republic of Indonesia as an example, this paper attempts to uncover the possibilities and opportunities in identifying the causes and tracing back on the decline. Lhokseumawe, Aceh was a well-known industrial region outside Java Island, and it has attracted thousands of workers from northern Sumatera and the nearby regions. After the downturn of the economy and the change in activities, the city slowly showed a decline. Scholars has estimated that one in six of the cities around the world that relied on oil and gas production activities will suffer from this phenomenological impact. Lhokseumawe is a good example of an industrial plants where PT Arun LNG (private limited company) operated since 1974 grew up rapidly and nicknamed “Petrodollar City”. The trickle effect of the activities from the petrodollar business led to a few settlements popping up at the periphery as a result of urban sprawl from Lhokseumawe, however, the glory of the economic growth outlived within a short period. This was resulted from the production of PT Arun NGL which had dropped dramatically in the 2000s and suddenly closed the operation in October 2014. From these perspectives, this paper attempts to investigate the impact of deindustrialization within the urban space and activity in Lhokseumawe which have consequences to urban declining phenomena. By taking one of the revitalized urban space formerly known as Cunda Plaza (CP) as a case study area, the paper will apply synoptic method through observation, space mapping and interview techniques for gathering and examining the data. The findings indicates that Cunda Plaza is a magnet as a central hub of urban activities which can be


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    Durisman Durisman


    Full Text Available Banda Aceh city and Aceh Besar Regency are two of the leading tourism areas located in the province of Aceh. For travelling, there are some important things to be considered, such as determining schedule and distance of tourism. Every tourist certainly chooses the shortest route to reach the destination since it can save time, energy, and money. The purpose of this reserach is to develop a method that can be used in calculating the shortest route and applied to the tourism of Banda Aceh city and Aceh Besar regency. In this reserach, Ant Colony Optimization algorithm is used to determine the shortest route to tourism of Banda Aceh city and Aceh Besar regency. From the analysis made by using both manual calculation and  GUI MATLAB program application test, the shortest route can be obtained with a minimum distance of 120.85 km in one travel. Based on the test result, the application for tourism (in Banda Aceh city and Aceh Besar regency shortest route searching built by utilizing the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm can find optimal route.  Keyword: tourism, the shortest route, Ant Colony Optimization


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    Full Text Available Islamic Development Strategy in Post-Tsunami Aceh towards Establishing Religious Society. Since Indonesian independence to the reformation era the development in Aceh has undergone changable rise and fall. In such history long-lasting conflict, be it vertically between the people and the government of the Republic of Indonesia or horizontally amongst the society had repeatedly happened. The tsunami of 2004 put the burden of Acehnese people even heavier, but at the same time it throw light into the importance of reconstructing Aceh in the framework of Islamic and Indonesian ways of life. In the post tsunami, the reconstruction of Aceh has become the most discussed topic. In this context, this essay extensively discusses the strategy of reconstruction in Aceh which mainly focus on: First, writing the blueprint of the Islamic teaching experience that should become as a guideline for peoples’ daily lives. Second, planning development program based on the Islamic development principles. Third, establishing an accountable and good governance.



    Rosyadi, Khoirul


    The purpose of the present study was to explore and comprehend sexual violence against children in Indonesia using the phenomenological method. The study was conducted in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and West Java Provinces. In-depth interviews were carried out with several informants ranging from government officials, women activists, teachers, and community leaders. Results showed that sexual violence against children was actually perpetrated by the person closest to the victims. The perpetrato...

  2. DISTORSI KAPASITAS PERDAGANGAN INTER-REGIONAL IMT-GT Kasus Provinsi Terpilih di Sumatera Indonesia

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    Benito Rio Avianto


    Full Text Available The objective of the paper was to understand the impact of sub regional economic cooperation, known as the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT, on trade sector in Indonesia. The approach of research based on export macro information by provinces and commodities. The method used in the analytical framework was a fixed effect method. The regional study covered Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatera, West Sumatera, and Riau provinces, and the commodities involved CPO, coffee and rubber, with 1990-2008 data series. Based on pooled regression, there was a significant impact on export from the four provinces to Malaysia and Thailand for all based years. One might focus on commodity level that, in fact, CPO was the only one commodity that had a significant impact within the IMTGT region. In addition, Thai Bath and Malaysian Ringgit, with respect to GDP for both countries, had significant influenced on export, especially after the IMT-GT endorsed.

  3. The Patronage Behaviour of Islamic Bank's Customers: Empirical Studies in Aceh


    Abd. Majid, M. Shabri; Zulhanizar, Said


    This study is aimed at empirically exploring the pertinent factors, which customers and non-customer perceive as germane to their selection of Islamic bank in Aceh, Indonesia. A sample of 300 customers and non-customer of Bank Aceh Syariah were selected based on the convenience sampling technique. Using the logistic regression technique, the study documented that the customers’ selection of the banks were influenced by the factors of banks’ characteristic, services and trust, shari’ah complia...

  4. Comparative Study on the Cost of Building Public House Construction Using Red Brick and Interlock Brick Building Material in the City of Banda Aceh (United States)

    Malahayati, Nurul; Hayati, Yulia; Nursaniah, Cut; Firsa, T.; Fachrurrazi; Munandar, Aris


    Red brick and interlocking brick are the building materials that are often used for wall installation work on houses construction. In the development of building materials technology and cost savings, interlocking brick can be alternative to replace red bricks. In Aceh Province, the use of interlocking bricks is less popular compared to other big cities in Indonesia. Interlocking brick is made from a mixture of clay, concrete sand and compacted cement and one of the environmentally friendly materials because it does not burn the process like red brick material. It is named interlocking brick because the installation method is locked together and it serves as a structural and partition wall of residential buildings. The aims of this study are to compare the cost of building a house in Banda Aceh City using red brick and interlock brick building materials. The data were obtained from interviews and questionnaires distributed to respondents who had built houses in Banda Aceh City. The results concluded that the house construction cost using interlock brick offer lower construction cost at comparable quality rather than using red brick.


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    Hafiizh Maulana


    Syariah. Untuk memperoleh jawaban tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan melalui wawancara secara mendalam dan open kuesioner dan kepustakaan melalui dokumentasi perundang-undangan dan struktur organisasi Bank Aceh Syariah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengawasan DPS berdasarkan perangkat yuridis terdiri dari undang-undang perbankan syariah No. 21 Tahun 2008 Pasal 32, Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007, Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI, Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia (SE BI, dan fatwa-fatwa DSN MUI. Kewenangan DPS berdasarkan struktur organisasi Bank Aceh Syariah memiliki 2 kewenangan, yaitu sebagai staf dan fungsional. Kewenangan staf berhubungan dengan posisi DPS sebagai pemberi nasihat/saran-saran dengan Dewan Komisaris Bank Aceh, sementara kewenangan fungsional berhubungan dengan Divisi Syariah Bank Aceh. Kewenangan DPS mempengaruhi kinerjanya pada aktivitas/kegiatan pengawasan, frekuensi rapat, dan sistem pelaporan. DPS Bank Aceh Syariah masih menjalankan sistem pengawasan tidak langsung (off spot melalui pengkajian, hasil laporan kegiatan, dan opini syariah secara lisan serta tertulis. Sistem pengawasan secara langsung (on spot pada struktural Bank Aceh Syariah belum dilakukan.

  6. Identification of Oxide Compound in Dolomite Mineral from Aceh Tamiang Region

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    Nirmala Sari


    Full Text Available Indonesia has abundant mineral especially carbonate-based mineral, ike dolomite. Particularly in Aceh province's, the largest dolomite deposits is available in Aceh Tamiang district around 1.9 billion tons. Unfortunately, current use of dolomite in the industry and other applications is still limited. In this work we report the advanced preparation of dolomite using calcinations method. Whereas, with this method, the dolomite mineral can be processed into calcium and magnesium oxide which has a very wide field of application and higher values. To obtain optimal results, we also identify the effect of temperature on the formation of oxide compounds. Preliminary study using XRF founded that dolomite in village Selamat is known as the highest concentration of CaO (61.20% followed by MgO (25.28%. It is also showed that the main phase obtained by XRD is dolomite (CaMg(CO32. Furthermore, after the calcinations process at 700 °C, it was founded that the formation of dolomite were CaCO3 and MgO, whereas at temperatures of 900 °C mostly the CaCO3 has decomposed into CaO. SEM observations showed that dolomite has the composition of particles distributed homogeneously along the particle agglomerate when it calcinations.


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    Satria Munawir


    Full Text Available Kafalah is a guarantee of a guarantor, either in the form of self assurance and treasure to the second party in relation to the rights and obligations of both parties that the other party. In banking sector, implementation of the concept is well known as a bank guarantee, which is a guarantee in the form of paper issued by the bank which resulted in the obligation to pay to the party receiving the collateral if the guaranteed party breach the contract. This article aims to study the implementaion of kafalah product at BMI Banda Aceh including strategies in preventing risks related the products. It also examines the implementation of kafalah from an Islamic perspective. In finding the answer, this article employes qualitative approach. Data was collected through field research and library research which was then analized using descriptive analysis method. The results show that the product kafalah undertaken by BMI Branch of Banda Aceh is a form of insurance that includes guaranteed tender, performance bonds, warranties advance, and guarantee maintenance with a deposit of 100% cash collateral to the insurance value is small and a deposit of 60% of fixed asset plus 40% cash collateral for eprtanggungan whose value is greater than the value of the desired assurance customers. Moreover, the client or the insured must enter into cooperation agreements with project leaders to work on a particular project. Tips management undertaken by BMI Branch Banda is analyzing the customer or contractor using character analysis and collateral is more dominant than the overall analysis of 5C, because the BMI-related risks faced by the provision of guarantees / kafalah is credit risk and reputation risk. From the Islamic perspective, the implementation of kafalah has complied with Islamic jurisprudence. Keywords: Analysis, Risk Management, Kafalah, Bank Muamalat Indonesia

  8. Potential Sedimentary Evidence of Two Closely Spaced Tsunamis on the West Coast of Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Monecke, Katrin; Meilianda, Ella; Rushdy, Ibnu; Moena, Abudzar; Yolanda, Irvan P.


    Recent research in the coastal regions of Aceh, Indonesia, an area that was largely affected by the 2004 Sumatra Andaman earthquake and ensuing Indian Ocean tsunami, suggests the possibility that two closely spaced tsunamis occurred at the turn of the 14th to 15th century (Meltzner et al., 2010; Sieh et al., 2015). Here, we present evidence of two buried sand layers in the coastal marshes of West Aceh, possibly representing these penultimate predecessors of the 2004 tsunami. We discovered the sand layers in an until recently inaccessible area of a previously studied beach ridge plain about 15 km North of Meulaboh, West Aceh. Here, the 2004 tsunami left a continuous, typically a few cm thick sand sheet in the coastal hinterland in low-lying swales that accumulate organic-rich deposits and separate the sandy beach ridges. In keeping with the long-term progradation of the coastline, older deposits have to be sought after further inland. Using a hand auger, the buried sand layers were discovered in 3 cores in a flooded and highly vegetated swale in about 1 km distance to the shoreline. The pair of sand layers occurs in 70-100 cm depth and overlies 40-60 cm of dark-brown peat that rests on the basal sand of the beach ridge plain. The lower sand layer is only 1-6 cm thick, whereas the upper layer is consistently thicker, measuring 11-17 cm, with 8-14 cm of peat in between sand sheets. Both layers consist of massive, grey, medium sand and include plant fragments. They show very sharp upper and lower boundaries clearly distinguishing them from the surrounding peat and indicating an abrupt depositional event. A previously developed age model for sediments of this beach ridge plain suggest that this pair of layers could indeed correlate to a nearby buried sand sheet interpreted as tsunamigenic and deposited soon after 1290-1400AD (Monecke et al., 2008). The superb preservation at this new site allows the clear distinction of two depositional events, which, based on a first


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    Dian ASWITA


    Full Text Available One of the existing natural and environmental uses in Aceh (Indonesia is tourism. One of the aspects that determine the development and sustainability of tourism is the institutional and community aspects. Sustainable tourism is a picture of the ecosystem sustainability and socio-economic development of the community. This study aims to reveal and find local wisdom practices and explore local knowledge owned by Sabang Island community in the management and conservation of the environment so as to support the realization of sustainable tourism. This study uses rationalistic paradigm and uses qualitative research method. The data that has been collected is analyzed descriptively. Local wisdom and local knowledge are reflected in how society has a unique way of looking at and understanding nature and interacting with it. In the Aceh community, there are customary institutions that regulate the rules or interactions of the community with the environment, including “panglima laot”, “keujreun blang”, “peutua seuneubok”, “pawang glee or peutua uteun”, “haria peukan” and “syahbanda”. Local wisdom and local knowledge have great potential in maintaining, preserving and sustainability of the environment used by communities to meet their living needs. Ecological, social and religious intelligence formed through local wisdom and local knowledge can be an aspect in maintaining environmental sustainability in order to build sustainable tourism on Sabang Island.

  10. Preliminary study on detection sediment contamination in soil affected by the Indian Ocean giant tsunami 2004 in Aceh, Indonesia using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)

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    Idris, Nasrullah, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Jl. Syech Abdurrauf No. 3 Darussalam, 23111 Banda Aceh, Aceh (Indonesia); Ramli, Muliadi [Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Jl. Syech Abdurrauf No. 3 Darussalam, 23111 Banda Aceh, Aceh (Indonesia); Hedwig, Rinda; Lie, Zener Sukra [Department of Computer Engineering, Bina Nusantara University, 9 K. H. Syahdan, Jakarta 14810 (Indonesia); Kurniawan, Koo Hendrik [Research Center of Maju Makmur Mandiri Foundation, 40 Srengseng Raya, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11630, Jakarta (Indonesia)


    This work is intended to asses the capability of LIBS for the detection of the tsunami sediment contamination in soil. LIBS apparatus used in this work consist of a laser system and an optical multichannel analyzer (OMA) system. The soil sample was collected from in Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia, the most affected region by the giant Indian Ocean tsunami 2004. The laser beam was focused onto surface of the soil pellet using a focusing lens to produce luminous plasma. The experiment was conducted under air as surrounding gas at 1 atmosphere. The emission spectral lines from the plasma were detected by the OMA system. It was found that metal including heavy metals can surely be detected, thus implying the potent of LIBS technique as a fast screening tools of tsunami sediment contamination.

  11. Persepsi E-Learning Berbasis Web pada Program Studi Keperawatan Banda Aceh Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

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    Hermansyah Hermansyah


    Full Text Available The Nursing Institution of Aceh Polytechnic is the most demanded and has the highest number of students every year and supported by 4 Prodi located in several strategic locations within Aceh Province. Required a development effort in the form of learning media design through e-Learning with the object of study that emphasizes on nursing materials and supporting courses because it can give more time and opportunity for students to be able to discuss. The aim of this research is to know the efficacy of teaching and learning activities through the application of e-Learning application. The system was developed at D-IV Nursing Study Program at Banda Aceh for 6 months starting from June to November 2016 is web-based and uses Moodle as its learning software called Internet Enabled Learning. The results of this study show that this system can improve the quality of subject learning in D-IV Nursing Study Program of Banda Aceh so that it can be used as a means to support teaching and learning process and not only implement teaching materials, but also create a mature learning scenario to invite active student involvement And constructive in their learning process. The design model is expected to be developed more widely to be applied of Health Polytechnic at Ministry of Health in Aceh Key words:  Web-based, e-learning, perception Institusi Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh merupakan salah satu Jurusan yang paling banyak peminatnya dan memiliki jumlah mahasiswa terbanyak setiap tahunnya serta didukung 4 Prodi yang berada di beberapa lokasi strategis dalam wilayah Provinsi Aceh. Diperlukan suatu upaya pengembangan berupa perancangan media pembelajaran melalui e-Learning dengan objek kajian yang menitik-beratkan pada materi keperawatan dan mata kuliah pendukung karena dapat memberi lebih banyak waktu dan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk bisa berdiskusi. Penelitian bersifat research and design ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi kegiatan belajar

  12. Willingness to pay for a dengue vaccine and its associated determinants in Indonesia: A community-based, cross-sectional survey in Aceh. (United States)

    Harapan, Harapan; Anwar, Samsul; Bustamam, Aslam; Radiansyah, Arsil; Angraini, Pradiba; Fasli, Riny; Salwiyadi, Salwiyadi; Bastian, Reza Akbar; Oktiviyari, Ade; Akmal, Imaduddin; Iqbalamin, Muhammad; Adil, Jamalul; Henrizal, Fenni; Darmayanti, Darmayanti; Mahmuda, Mahmuda; Mudatsir, Mudatsir; Imrie, Allison; Sasmono, R Tedjo; Kuch, Ulrich; Shkedy, Ziv; Pramana, Setia


    Vaccination strategies are being considered as a part of dengue prevention programs in endemic countries. To accelerate the introduction of dengue vaccine into the public sector program and private markets, understanding the private economic benefits of a dengue vaccine is therefore essential. The aim of this study was to assess the willingness to pay (WTP) for a dengue vaccine among community members in Indonesia and its associated explanatory variables. A community-based, cross-sectional survey was conducted in nine regencies of Aceh province, Indonesia, from November 2014 to March 2015. A pre-tested validated questionnaire was used to facilitate the interviews. To assess the explanatory variables influencing participants' WTP for a dengue vaccine, a linear regression analysis was employed. We interviewed 677 healthy community members; 476 participants (87.5% of the total) were included in the final analysis. An average individual was willing to pay around US-$ 4 (mean: US-$ 4.04; median: US-$ 3.97) for a dengue vaccine. Our final multivariate model revealed that working as a civil servant, living in the city, and having good knowledge on dengue viruses, a good attitude towards dengue, and good preventive practice against dengue virus infection were associated with a higher WTP (P<0.05). Our model suggests that marketing efforts should be directed to community members who are working in the suburbs especially as farmers. In addition, the results of our study underscore the need for low-cost quality vaccines, public sector subsidies for vaccinations, and intensifying efforts to further educate and encourage households regarding other dengue preventive measures, using trusted individuals as facilitators. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Khamami Zada


    Full Text Available The application of Islamic rules in Aceh and Kelantan is also related to the political power. There is a significant difference about political treatment on the application of Islamic law in Aceh and Kelantan. In Aceh, the central government (Indonesia thinks that it is needed to apply jinâyah law in Aceh as a strategy to solve conflicts. This political rule has been applied in the republic of Indonesia since the leadership of Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Soekarno Putri to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The main factor that influences the Indonesian political government rule is the central conflict with the Acehnese in the leadership of Soeharto presidential to the Helsinski Agreement 2005. Some vertical conflicts happened between the central government and the Acehnese were solved by giving special autonomy in applying the Islamic rules. Not only family law and economic law which are given autonomy to be applied in Aceh, but also the autonomy to apply jinâyah Law. In Kelantan, Federal government (Malaysia did not have political wish to apply Jinayah Law in Kelantan since the leadership of Mahathir Muhammad, Abdullah Badawi to Najib Razak. Moreover the federal government made the issue of the application of jinâyah law as the political commodity to get the political sympathy from the people, who are the partner of non Moslem voters in the national ranks and some Moslem voters who are not affiliated with PAS. This political needs factor is kept by the Federal Government to respond the Kelantan’s government wish to apply Islamic rules.Copyright (c 2015 by Al-Ihkam. All right reserved DOI : 10.19105/al-ihkam.v10i1.588 

  14. FLASH Technology: Full-Scale Hospital Waste Water Treatments Adopted in Aceh (United States)

    Rame; Tridecima, Adeodata; Pranoto, Hadi; Moesliem; Miftahuddin


    A Hospital waste water contains a complex mixture of hazardous chemicals and harmful microbes, which can pose a threat to the environment and public health. Some efforts have been carried out in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh), Indonesia with the objective of treating hospital waste water effluents on-site before its discharge. Flash technology uses physical and biological pre-treatment, followed by advanced oxidation process based on catalytic ozonation and followed by GAC and PAC filtration. Flash Full-Scale Hospital waste water Treatments in Aceh from different district have been adopted and investigated. Referring to the removal efficiency of macro-pollutants, the collected data demonstrate good removal efficiency of macro-pollutants using Flash technologies. In general, Flash technologies could be considered a solution to the problem of managing hospital waste water.

  15. Public acceptance of a hypothetical Ebola virus vaccine in Aceh, Indonesia: A hospital-based survey

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    Harapan Harapan


    Full Text Available Objective: To determine the acceptance towards a hypothetical Ebola virus vaccine (EVV and associated factors in a non-affected country, Indonesia. Methods: A hospital-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in four regencies of Aceh, Indonesia. A set of pre-tested questionnaires was used to obtain information on acceptance towards EVV and a range of explanatory variables. Associations between EVV acceptance and explanatory variables were tested using multi-steps logistic regression analysis and the Spearman's rank correlation. Results: Participants who had knowledge on Ebola virus disease (EVD were 45.3% (192/424 and none of the participants achieved 80% correct answers on the knowledge regarding to EVD. About 73% of participants expressed their willingness to receive the EVV. Education attainment, occupation, monthly income, have heard regarding to EVD previously, socioeconomic level, attitude towards vaccination practice and knowledge regarding to EVD were associated significantly with acceptance towards EVV in univariate analysis (P < 0.05. In the final multivariate model, socio-economic level, attitude towards vaccination practice and knowledge regarding to EVD were the independent explanatory variables for EVV acceptance. Conclusions: The knowledge of EVD was low, but this minimally affected the acceptance towards EVV. However, to facilitate optimal uptake of EVV, dissemination of vaccine-related information prior to its introduction is required.

  16. Perubahan Patologi Anatomi Hati dan Saluran Empedu Sapi Aceh Yang Terinfeksi Fasciola gigantica

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    Ummu Balqis


    Full Text Available Pathology anatomy changes in liver and bile duct of Aceh cattle infected with fasciola gigantic ABSTRACT. This study was conducted in Banda Aceh Municipality, Aceh Province to report the pathological changes in liver of Aceh cattle infected with Fasciola gigantica. In this study, livers of male aceh cattles were collected from slaughter area when Qurban in Idul Adha during two years (2011 to 2012. A total of 15 aceh cattle livers were examined. Establishment of F. gigantica were observed, and pathological changes of liver were identified. The result showed that out of 15 male Aceh cattle livers 6 (40% were found infected with F. gigantica. The common pathological changes found in this study were the hepatic damage, and the bile ducts were changes in size and shape with the dilated lumen. The bile ducts were found filled with blackish brown exudate, which contained adult F. gigantica. In conclusion, fascioliasis is greatly responsible for hepatic damage, and currently expanding as an important veterinary public health problem.

  17. The role of students' activities in Indonesian realistic mathematics education in primary schools of Aceh (United States)

    Zubainur, Cut Morina; Veloo, Arsaythamby; Khalid, Rozalina


    This study aims to explore the implementation of the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) in Aceh primary schools, Indonesia. This study investigates the students' mathematics activities involved in the implementation of PMRI and for this purpose; students' mathematics activities in the classroom were observed. Students were observed three times within five weeks during mathematics class, based on PMRI. A total of 25 year five students from a public school participated in this study. Observation check list was used in this study based on ten items. The observation conducted was based on two different time periods which were 105 minutes for group A and 70 minutes for group B. The observation was conducted every 5 minutes. The results show that PMRI is being practised in Aceh, but not completely. This study shows that mathematics activities for those who were taught using PMRI are higher than for those using the traditional approach. Overall, the findings showed that the number of student activities undertaken in PMRI achieved 90.56%. The higher percentage of activities suggests that the Aceh Education Office expands the implementation of PMRI in all primary schools so that learning of mathematics is more effective. This indirectly increases the mathematics achievement of students in Aceh to a higher level on par with Indonesia's national achievement.

  18. The Aplication of Islamic Law in Indonesia: the Case Study in Aceh


    Bustamam-Ahmad, Kamaruzzaman


    This article provides an historical account of the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh and how the issue of Islamic law has been debated. The study will give more emphasis on the dynamics of the implementation of Islamic law, its historical development, typologies of Islamic law, leaders’ opinions regarding this issue, and the governments’ responses. This study argues that Islamic law in Aceh has been misinterpreted merely as h{udu>d law. In addition, it argues that the provincial govern...

  19. Biological control of Black Pod Disease and Seedling Blight of cacao caused by Phytophthora Species using Trichoderma from Aceh Sumatra (United States)

    The cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao L., suffers large yield losses in Aceh Indonesia to the disease black pod rot, caused by Phytophthora spp. Despite having the largest area under cacao production in Sumatra, farmers in the Aceh region have low overall production because of losses to insect pests and b...

  20. Rancang Bangun Transportasi Logistik Kakao Agroindustri Coklat Kabupaten Pidie Jaya Provinsi Aceh

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    Yusriana Yusriana


    Full Text Available Factual problems of the cocoa bean agroindustry at Pidie Jaya District, Aceh Province were large distances between farmers and processor, thus determining the shortest part route, backhaul location and quality risk becomes critically to the assess. The objective this research are to determine shortest route based on the location of suppliers, back location, and risk quality recommendations. Requirement of shortest part route solved by Algorithm Djisktra, Backhaul location with MPE and Risk management quality by Multi Expert Multi Criteria Decision Making, aggregation criteria with OWA. The result of the study shows that the shortest distance suppliers Aceh Timur District was 282km, Aceh Utara District 116km, Bireuen District 57km, Pidie District 24km and Aceh Tenggara District 391km. Backhaul location sat Aceh Tengah District with a value of MPE(6533. Alternative of quality risk management were direct fermentation, improvement of transport facilities and container with a high rating criteria, thus the agroindustry has to focus on this dimension.

  1. A decade of mangrove recovery at affected area by the 2004 tsunami along coast of Banda Aceh city (United States)

    Onrizal; Mansor, M.


    Banda Aceh (BA) is the capital of Aceh Province, Indonesia. It was the most affected areas by the 2004 tsunami. Before the natural catastrophe, most of the BA mangroves disturbed by human activities and remaining mangroves were fragmented and had a low density of trees. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to calculate the impact of the tsunami on mangrove and subsequently to evaluate the mangrove recovery based on spatial and temporal analysis and ground truthing method within the period 11 years in intertidal areas of BA. Three regions of BA coastal areas were selected, namely Kuala Cangkoy, Gampong Jawa and Lambada coasts. Before the tsunami, the mangrove forests in BA were only 13.6% of BA coastlands and fragmented. Approximately 48.9% of the mangroves have destroyed due to the tsunami. The BA mangroves at 5 and 11 years after tsunami were 66.5% and 81.3% relative to the data before tsunami, respectively. It means that the BA is very vulnerable due to the future tsunami occur. Therefore, the mangrove restoration in BA needs to be improved and maintain based on green belt concept for coastal protection as well as productivity of estuarine ecosystem.

  2. A Preliminary Study on Rainfall Interception Loss and Water Yield Analysis on Arabica Coffee Plants in Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia

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    Reza Benara


    Full Text Available Rainfall interception loss from plants or trees can reduce a net rainfall as source of water yield. The amount of rainfall interception loss depends on kinds of plants and hydro-meteorological characteristics. Therefore, it is important to study rainfall interception loss such as from Arabica Coffee plantation which is as main agricultural commodity for Central Aceh Regency. In this study, rainfall interception loss from Arabica Coffee plants was studied in Kebet Village of Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia from January 20 to March 9, 2011. Arabica coffee plants used in this study was 15 years old, height of 1.5 m and canopy of 4.567 m2. Rainfall interception loss was determined based on water balance approach of daily rainfall, throughfall, and stemflow data. Empirical regression equation between rainfall interception loss and rainfall were adopted as a model to estimate rainfall interception loss from Arabica Coffee plantation, which the coefficient of correlation, r is 0.98. In water yield analysis, this formula was applied and founded that Arabica Coffee plants intercept 76% of annual rainfall or it leaved over annual net rainfall 24% of annual rainfall. Using this net rainfall, water yield produced from Paya Bener River which is the catchment area covered by Arabica Coffee plantation was analyzed in a planning of water supply project for water needs domestic of 3 sub-districts in Central Aceh Regency. Based on increasing population until year of 2025, the results showed that the water yield will be not enough from year of 2015. However, if the catchment area is covered by forest, the water yield is still enough until year of 2025

  3. HISTORY, AUTHORITY, AND POWER: A Case of Religious Violence in Aceh

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    Jajat Burhanudin


    Full Text Available This article discusses the way Islam transformed into an ideology that potentially used as justification for violence. By analising the case of the murder of Teungku Ayub, leader of a small circle for basic religious learning (pengajian in Bireun, Aceh, in 2012, the study reveals to the role of Islam as an ideology of mass movement to cleanse deviant tenet (aliran sesat among the Acehnese. This is because of two reasons. First, the term of the veranda of Mecca (serambi Mekkah remains considered as “holy word” in the Acehnese society today, which supports any Islamic agenda of purifying Aceh from aliran sesat. Secondly, the adoption of Islam into a formal body of state (Aceh province represented by the implementation of Islamic law (sharīʻah. Both reasons above strengthen ulama in Aceh to facilitate the mass movement in the name of religion as well as the rationale background of the murder of Teungku Ayub.

  4. Rapid response: email, immediacy, and medical humanitarianism in Aceh, Indonesia. (United States)

    Grayman, Jesse Hession


    After more than 20 years of sporadic separatist insurgency, the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government signed an internationally brokered peace agreement in August 2005, just eight months after the Indian Ocean tsunami devastated Aceh's coastal communities. This article presents a medical humanitarian case study based on ethnographic data I collected while working for a large aid agency in post-conflict Aceh from 2005 to 2007. In December 2005, the agency faced the first test of its medical and negotiation capacities to provide psychiatric care to a recently amnestied political prisoner whose erratic behavior upon returning home led to his re-arrest and detention at a district police station. I juxtapose two methodological approaches-an ethnographic content analysis of the agency's email archive and field-based participant-observation-to recount contrasting narrative versions of the event. I use this contrast to illustrate and critique the immediacy of the humanitarian imperative that characterizes the industry. Immediacy is explored as both an urgent moral impulse to assist in a crisis and a form of mediation that seemingly projects neutral and transparent transmission of content. I argue that the sense of immediacy afforded by email enacts and amplifies the humanitarian imperative at the cost of abstracting elite humanitarian actors out of local and moral context. As a result, the management and mediation of this psychiatric case by email produced a bureaucratic model of care that failed to account for complex conditions of chronic political and medical instability on the ground. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Web-based information system design of agricultural management towards self-sufficiency local food in North Aceh (United States)

    Salahuddin; Husaini; Anwar


    The agricultural sector, especially food crops and horticulture, is one of the sectors driving regional economic pillars in Aceh Utara Regency of Aceh Province. Some agricultural products and food crops that become excellent products in North Aceh regency are: rice, corn, peanuts, long beans, cassava and soybeans. The Local Government of North Aceh Regency has not been optimal in empowering and maximizing the potential of agriculture resources. One of the obstacles is caused by the North Aceh Regency Government does not have an adequate database and web information system/GIS (Geographic Information System) for data management of agricultural centre in North Aceh Regency. This research is expected to assist local government of North Aceh Regency in managing agriculture sector to realize local food independence the region in supporting national food security program. The method in this research is using waterfall method for designing and making information system by conducting sequential process starting from data collection stage, requirement analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation system. The result of this research is a web-based information system for the management of agriculture superior agricultural product centre in North Aceh. This application provides information mapping the location of agricultural superior product producers and mapping of potential locations for the development of certain commodities in North Aceh Regency region in realizing food self-sufficiency in the region.


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    hasan muhammad basri


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to analyse the phenomenon of flypaper effect in Aceh after the implementation of fiscal decentralization. Data used in the study were panel data covering all 23 district/municipalities in Aceh from 20U to 2013. Pooled Least Square was utilized. The results of this study revealed that own- source revenue, sharing revenue, special allocation funds, general allocation funds, and special autonomy funds are statistically significant variables and have a positive relation to regional spending. It was proven that flypaper effect has occured in Aceh as the coefficient of the own-source revenue variabel was smaller than that of sharing revenue variabel. This implied that Aceh has been dependent on the national government in term of regional financing. Based on descriptive analysis, provinces having dominant share of tertiary sector to their regional gross domestic products show fiscally independent. In order to achieve fiscal independence, the phenomenon of flypaper effect could be overcomed by shifting the economic structure from the primary and secondary to the tertiary sectors of the economy. In doing so, the contribution of own-source revenue to regional spending outweigh intergovernment transfer funds from national government

  7. Microtremor survey to investigate seismic vulnerability around the Seulimum Fault, Aceh Besar-Indonesia (United States)

    Simanjuntak, Andrean V. H.; Muksin, Umar; Rahmayani, Febrina


    The Seulimeum Fault has generated inland earthquake with magnitude larger than M 6.5 that destroyed houses in the Lamteuba and Krueng Raya Villages. Earthquakes along the Seulimeum Fault are mostly right lateral strike-slip characterizing the Fault. The understanding of the seismic vulnerability around the highly populated Banda Aceh City and the villages in Aceh Besar is therefore very important since the city, and the villages are very close to the Seulimeum Fault. A microtremor survey has been conducted to investigate seismic vulnerability in the area closed to the Seulimeum Fault. The waveforms of the microtremor have been recorded in Lamteuba and Kreung Raya villages, Aceh Besar at 20 sites for 7 days from August 14, 2017 with the interval of measurement of 1 km. The waveforms recorded for 30 minutes at each site by using one Taurus Seismometer in miniseed format. The data has been analyzing by using Geopsy to obtain the Horizontal-Vertical Spectral Ratio for each site. The seismic vulnerability is considered to be high if the value of the Horizontal-Vertical Spectral Ratio is high. The HVSR values are then interpolated to obtain the seismic vulnerability map. The preliminary result shows high seismic vulnerability in the area around the first site.

  8. Post Tsunami Reconstruction in the Context of War | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    On 26 December 2004, a tsunami decimated much of the coastal regions of Aceh province in Indonesia and the eastern and southern coasts of Sri Lanka. The international response was massive, leading to a considerable influx of aid. In both Aceh and Sri Lanka, the aftermath of the tsunami intersected with ongoing civil ...

  9. Decolonising the Aceh Museum Objects, Histories and their Narratives

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    Ajeng Arainikasih


    Full Text Available The Aceh Museum, one of the oldest museums in Indonesia, was established during Dutch colonial rule. In this article the discussion of three objects of the colonial collections at the Aceh Museum (an ancient metal bell, colonial photographs and an old wooden weaving tool illustrate the complexities of decolonising museums in a previously colonised country. As this practice varies, depending on whether the country was colonised or was a coloniser, this case study shows that in the Indonesian context, decolonising museums means featuring narratives from the local perspective, challenging colonial legacies (such as social segregation and deconstruction of Indonesian postcolonial postcolonial official nationalist history.This article is part of the forum 'Decolonisation and colonial collections: An unresolved conflict'Het Aceh Museum, een van de oudste musea in Indonesië, werd opgericht tijdens het Nederlands koloniaal bewind. In dit artikel wordt aan de hand van verschillende voorwerpen uit de collectie van het Aceh Museum (een oude metalen klok, koloniale foto’s en een oud weefgereedschap ingegaan op de dekolonisatie van musea in vroegere gekoloniseerde landen. Aangezien de dekolonisatie van musea afhankelijk is van het gegeven of een museum in een gekoloniseerd land staat of juist in een land dat koloniseerde, laat deze case study zien hoe het dekoloniseren van musea in Indonesië zou moeten plaatsvinden door middel van narratieven vanuit lokaal perspectief, het ter discussie stellen van koloniale erfenissen (zoals sociale segregatie en het deconstrueren van de Indonesische, postkoloniale en officiële nationalistische geschiedschrijving.Dit artikel is onderdeel van het forum 'Decolonisation and colonial collections: An unresolved conflict'

  10. Management of Artisanal Fishing Port: a Case Study on Labuhanhaji Fishing Port, South Aceh Regency, Aceh Province


    NurJannah, Betri; ', Syaifuddin; Zain, Jonny


    A series survey activity was carried out for evaluating management function atlabuanhaji fishing port, South Aceh regency. This research was emphasis on planning, organizing, action and controlling at management pattern of labuhanhaji fishing port. The facilities of fishing port data and daily activities description of staff at labuhanhaji fishing port was used as additional information and consideration in management of labuhanhaji fishing port. Lack of good management was impact on staff an...


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    Husnawati Husnawati


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the systems and procedures that is applied at Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS Banda Aceh in knowing of its customers. In specific, it aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of Knowing Your Customer (KYC Principle at BAS. This study employs both primary and secondary data which was obtained through field and library research. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results show that in knowing its customers, BAS Banda Aceh taken several steps of customer identification includes the identity check, occupation, source of funds, and the purpose of the use of funds. The implementation of the KYC principle in BAS Banda Aceh has effectively overcome and prevented the banking crimes such as money laundering. The implementation of the principle is intended to embolden the implementation of prudential principles in order to reduce business risks such as operational risk, legal risk, concentration risk, and reputational risk. =========================================== Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sistem dan prosedur yang diterapkan Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS Banda Aceh dalam mengenal nasabah. Secara khusus, penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas penerapan Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah pada BAS. Data untuk penelitian ini bersumber dari data primer melalui kajian lapangan, dan data sekunder melalui kajian kepustakaan. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa sistem dan prosedur yang diterapkan BAS Banda Aceh dalam mengenal nasabah yaitu identifikasi calon nasabah yang meliputi identitas, pekerjaan, sumber dana dan tujuan penggunaan dana yang dilengkapi dokumen pendukung. Penerapan Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah (Know Your Customer Principle pada BAS Banda Aceh efektif dalam mengatasi kejahatan-kejahatan dalam dunia perbankan seperti pencucian uang. Penerapan prinsip tersebut dimaksudkan agar mendorong terselenggaranya prinsip

  12. Analysis of tsunami disaster map by Geographic Information System (GIS): Aceh Singkil-Indonesia (United States)

    Farhan, A.; Akhyar, H.


    Tsunami risk map is used by stakeholder as a base to decide evacuation plan and evaluates from disaster. Aceh Singkil district of Aceh- Indonesia’s disaster maps have been developed and analyzed by using GIS tool. Overlay methods through algorithms are used to produce hazard map, vulnerability, capacity and finally created disaster risk map. Spatial maps are used topographic maps, administrative map, SRTM. The parameters are social, economic, physical environmental vulnerability, a level of exposed people, parameters of houses, public building, critical facilities, productive land, population density, sex ratio, poor ratio, disability ratio, age group ratio, the protected forest, natural forest, and mangrove forest. The results show high-risk tsunami disaster at nine villages; moderate levels are seventeen villages, and other villages are shown in the low level of tsunami risk disaster.


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    Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad


    Full Text Available This article provides an historical account of the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh and how the issue of Islamic law has been debated. The study will give more emphasis on the dynamics of the implementation of Islamic law, its historical development, typologies of Islamic law, leaders’ opinions regarding this issue, and the governments’ responses. This study argues that Islamic law in Aceh has been misinterpreted merely as h{udu>d law. In addition, it argues that the provincial government tends to put heavy emphasis on symbolic religious issues (such as the Islamic dress code and the usage of Arabic signs and letterheads, rather than the substance of Islamic law such as justice and prosperity for all. Finally, the study has made evident that implementing Islamic law is never a good method of attempting to resolve conflict. There is no need to establish Islamic law formally through the political process because, when politics enters in religious arena, it carries with it many interests.

  14. The effect of employment, economic growth, and investment on HDI: In provinces in Indonesia

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    Nur Feriyanto


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the effect of Number of Working People (Employment, Economic Growth Rate (EGR, and Investment on Human Development Index (HDI in Indonesia, partially and simultaneously. This study used investments consisting of Domestic Investment (DI and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI. It used the method of analysis of panel data regression analysis with the data from thirty-three provinces in Indonesia from 2006 to 2013. The results indicate that the employment variables have positive and significant impact to HDI in Indonesia. It shows that EGR does not affect HDI in Indonesia. However, Domestic and foreign direct investments partially have positive and significant effect on HDI in Indonesia. Simultaneously, the variables employment, EGR, domestic and foreign direct investments have a significant effect on the HDI in Indonesia.

  15. Pengaruh Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK), Belanja Langsung, dan Pendapatan Perkapita Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Sebagai Variabel Moderating Jumlah Penduduk Pada Pemerintahan Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Aceh


    Lubis, Imam Rizky Anwar


    The purpose of this study to examine General Allocation Fund, Special Allocation Fund, Direct Expenditure, and Gross Domestic Product with Total Population as the moderating variable to The Effect Of The Economic Growth in District/city Province Aceh from the period 2010-2013. The design research in this minithesis is using causal associative design, with 9 cities as the sample each year of the 18 cities in Province Aceh from the period 2010-2013. This research utilizes secondary data. The...

  16. Search Results | Page 37 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 361 - 370 of 1804 ... Indonesia's Aceh province and the now independent state of Timor-Leste ... poverty, food insecurity, a fragile economy, and social vulnerability. ... Susceptibility to HIV Infection Among Female Sex Workers in Kenya.

  17. The Influence of Islamic Moral Values on the Students' Behavior in Aceh (United States)

    Nuriman; Fauzan


    This study shows the influence and relationship of Islamic moral values to the students' behavior in Aceh Province. Learning Objects are the moral values of Islam achieved in learning in high school and vocational institutions that are assumed to affect the students' behavior. The quantitative methods used in this study and was running by SPSS…

  18. Reactivity improvement of Ca(OH)2 sorbent using diatomaceous earth (DE) from Aceh Province (United States)

    Mariana, M.; Mahidin, M.; Mulana, F.; Agam, T.; Hafdiansyah, F.


    In this study, the diatomaceous earth (DE) from Aceh Province was used to increase the reactivity of Ca(OH)2sorbent. The high silica (SiO2) content of about 97% in the diatomaceous earth allows the increasing reactivity of Ca(OH)2sorbent by forming calcium silicate hydrate (CSH). The CSH improved the porosity characteristic of the sorbent. The improvement process was performed by mixing Ca(OH)2sorbent, diatomaceous earth and water in a beaker glass at the Ca(OH)2/DE weight ratio of 1:10 for 2 hand then dried at 120 °C for 24 h. The dried sorbent was calcined at 500 °C and 800 °C for 2 h. The activated sorbent was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for the morphological properties; X- Ray Diffraction (XRD) for the materials characteristics. The adsorption capacity of thesorbent was tested by methylene blue adsorption. The results showed that the Ca(OH)2/DEsorbent had a higher porosity than the Ca(OH)2 adsorbent.The results also showed that Ca(OH)2/DE which was calcined at higher temperature of 800 °C had a higher adsorption capacity compared to Ca(OH)2/DE which was calcined at lower temperature of 500 °C.


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    Ruslan Ruslan


    Full Text Available Political recruitment is the process of filling positions in political institutions, including political parties. While the Political Party is a vehicle to bring a particular party political interests in the throne of power in order to achieve what is expected. The purpose of this research is to see how the pattern of recruiting candidates for legislative constituency 1 Aceh province conducted by PKS and NasDem Party, criteria to be used in recruiting candidates for legislative constituency 1 Aceh province conducted by PKS and NasDem Party and what the opportunities and challenges in recruiting candidates one electoral district conducted by PKS and NasDem Party. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. The data collection was done by interview and documentation. The result showed that the pattern of recruiting candidates for the electoral district legilatif 1 Aceh province conducted by the PKS and NasDem show that much different. In connection with this, it is an opportunity and a challenge PKS namely the legislative elections of 2014 more challenges than opportunities obtained by the PKS because of money politics so were experienced by the Party NasDem money politics becomes the greatest challenge in the legislative election first times followed by the Party NasDem   DOI :


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    M. Hasbi Amiruddin


    Artikel ini ingin melihat sejauhmana pemikiran radikal merasuk dalam pikiran generasi muda di Aceh. Dengan kondisi Aceh yang baru beberapa tahun meng­alami situasi aman pasca terjadi konflik kembali dikejutkan dengan ditemukan sejumlah teroris yang menjadikan hutan pegunungan Jalin, Aceh Besar, sebagai medan latihan militer. Selain itu ditemukan juga sejumlah buku-buku yang memiliki narasi yang dapat memunculkan inspirasi tindakan radikalisme dan terorisme. Hasil wawancara mendalam terhadap para aktivis muda Aceh, dapat dijelaskan bahwa konsep perjuangan model terorisme tidak dapat diterima oleh aktivis muda di Kota Banda Aceh. Mereka telah memahami ajaran Islam yang relatif komprehensif dan proporsional. Namun cita-cita mereka agar tegaknya syariat Islam di Aceh adalah suatu keniscayaan.

  1. Built urban heritage conservation in Islamic societies: Study case in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Meutia, Z. D.


    This paper aims to find the concept of the built heritage related to Islamic societies with a case study in the city of Banda Aceh through study literature review, with the context of the planning in the era of uncertainty. In this paper will be elaborated and described what it was about heritage and urban heritage and conservation Islamic values in heritage, as well as explain the concept of the built heritage conservation in Islamic societies. Discussion and analysis will be done through its study literature. Literature reviews about built urban heritage conservation and perspective of the Islamic societies in Banda aceh was done using systematic methodology literature review. This methodology summarizes research results earlier that presents the fact that a more comprehensive and balanced. The synthesis of the results conducted using narrative techniques or technique of qualitative. The discovery paper in this paper is to understand the relationship the built heritage conservation of Islamic societies perspective that consider shari’a aspect and local tradition in built urban heritage that can affect to heritage planning.

  2. Muslim Women in Past and Present Governmental Leadership: Case of Rulers of the Sultanate of Aceh and the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia

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    Ita Syamtasiyah Ahyat


    Full Text Available A Muslim woman is a woman who believes in Islam.  In its historical path, Indonesia has been led by Muslim women along with the development of Islam in the Archipelago in the 17th century. A case example among others is the Sultanate of Aceh during the colonial period. During the independence period, Indonesia was also led by a Muslim woman as the fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia around the early 21st century. In these case examples of Muslim women as rulers, they received criticism during their reigns from men who viewed the matter from the perspective of Islam. This made an impact on the ongoing governance and the people.  The article discusses how Muslim women leaders faced these criticisms from men who viewed the matter from the point of view of Islam and how it affected their governmental administration. Therefore, the article is expected to be able to reconstruct how Muslim women leaders face criticism from men who viewed the matter from the perspective of Islam. Research in this paper is conducted through historical method actions, preceded by source collection, selection and interpretation along with the reconstruction of the intended events, which is referred to as historiography. The study is also based on local sources, documents, and writings of related critics on the issue.

  3. Prediction of future urban growth using CA-Markov for urban sustainability planning of Banda Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Achmad, A.; Irwansyah, M.; Ramli, I.


    Banda Aceh experienced rapid growth, both physically, socially, and economically, after the Tsunami that devastated it the end of December in 2004. Hence policy controls are needed to direct the pattern of urban growth to achieve sustainable development for the future. The purpose of this paper is to generate a growth model for Banda Aceh using the CA-Markov process. By knowing the changes in land use between 2005 and 2009 from the results of previous research, simulations for 2013, 2019 and 2029 using the application of Idrisi@Selva. CA-Markov models were prepared to determine the quantity of changes. The simulation results showed that, after the Tsunami, the City of Banda Aceh tended to grow towards the coast. For the control of the LUC, the Banda Aceh City government needs to prepare comprehensive and detailed maps and inventory of LUC for the city to provide basic data and information needed for monitoring and evaluation that can be done effectively and efficiently. An institution for monitoring and evaluation of the urban landscape and the LUC should be formed immediately. This institution could consist of representatives from government, academia, community leaders, the private sector and other experts. The findings from this study can be used to start the monitoring and evaluation of future urban growth. Especially for the coastal areas, the local government should immediately prepare special spatial coastal area plans to control growth in those areas and to ensure that the economic benefits from disaster mitigation and coastal protection are preserved. For the development of the city in the future, it is necessary to achieve a balance between economic development, and social welfare with environmental protection and disaster mitigation. iIt will become a big challenge to achieve sustainable development for the future.



    Kiki Gustryanti; Sunanta Thongpat; Sonthaya Maneerat


    Background: Depression is commonly found in older people. The prevalence of depression among older people, particularly in Indonesia is increasing worldwide. Objective: This study was aimed to identify the factors relating to depression among older people living in Cimahi, West Java Province, Indonesia. Method: A cross sectional design was used with a total of 267 older people aged from 60 to 79 years old. A multi-stage random sampling has been used in five Public Health Centers in Cima...

  5. Social innovation to promote sustainability and independence of small-scale palm oil farmers in the Province of Jambi, Indonesia


    Firman, Anita Nathalia


    The aim of this thesis was to investigate the situation of the independent small-scale palm oil farmers in the Province of Jambi, Indonesia regarding the practices of palm oil production that cause deforestation in Sumatra. The goal of this thesis was to provide sustainable opportunities for the independent small-scale farmers in Jambi through social innovation. The field research took place at the village of Mekar Jaya and Sungai Rotan Village in the Provinces of Jambi, Indonesia. In the fra...


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    Zygmunt Lubkowski


    Full Text Available This paper summarises the findings of two field trips to the Aceh Province, which were made by the authors, in early 2006 and late 2007. The purpose of the trips was to assess and provide guidance to the rebuilding process following the 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami. The paper will discuss the key issues raised and show how the various agencies involved in the rebuilding process have met the challenges encountered.

  7. Complementary Therapies Used Among Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Aceh, Indonesia

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    Niswah Niswah


    Full Text Available Purpose: This study aimed to reveal Complementary Therapies (CT use among adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM in Aceh, Indonesia, and to determine the reasons of using the CT.Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was undertaken using a self-reported questionnaire. One hundred and fifty four adult patients with T2DM has been completed the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data.Results: Herbs as a part of biological based therapies were the most popular of CT use among subjects in this study (100% followed by mind-body intervention (94.2%, manipulation and body based methods (19.5% and alternative medical methods (3.9%. The reasons for using each CT based on the belief in effects of CT on lowering blood sugar (100%, maintaining healthy body (76.6%, and relieving symptoms of DM (35.7%. Relatives and friends (98.7% were main resources to obtain the CT information, and the family members (91.0% were main support of CT use. While, the nature (89.0% was the easiest source to access a CT product, followed by local markets (36.4%.Conclusion: This study found that herbs were believed by all subjects could reducing blood glucose, maintaining healthy body, and relieving symptoms of DM. Family members and easy to access the CT products from nature took the important role in influencing a person to use CT. More experimental studies examining effects of each CT especially herbal medicine and mind-body intervention are needed in the future.

  8. Assessing school disaster preparedness by applying a comprehensive school safety framework: A case of elementary schools in Banda Aceh City (United States)

    Sakurai, A.; Bisri, M. B. F.; Oda, T.; Oktari, R. S.; Murayama, Y.


    The study assessed the depth of school disaster safety at public elementary schools in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia in terms of comprehensive school safety, especially school location, disaster management and disaster education. The findings indicate that 56% of public elementary schools in Banda Aceh City are exposed to high tsunami risk, and most externally driven school disaster preparedness activities were not continued by the schools due to lack of ownership and funding. To realize comprehensive school safety, disaster preparedness programs should neither be brought in by external donors, nor be in a patchwork. Rather, it should be conducted jointly and sustainably by the local school and the community and supported by multi-sectoral support in the city. Comprehensive school safety of public elementary schools in Banda Aceh City could be realized by reviewing, updating and localizing school disaster preparedness programs by all the education partners in the city with strong political will and commitment.

  9. The coral triangle initiative: What are we missing? A case study from Aceh

    KAUST Repository

    Rudi, Edi


    Abstract The Coral Triangle Initiative is an ambitious attempt to conserve the marine biodiversity hotspot known as the Coral Triangle. However, the reef fauna in many nearby regions remains poorly explored and, consequently, the focus on the Coral Triangle risks overlooking other areas of high conservation significance. One region of potential significance, Aceh, Indonesia, has not been visited by coral taxonomists since the Dutch colonial period. Here we document the species richness of scleractinian corals of Pulau Weh, Aceh. We also compare the species richness of the genus Acropora at 3-5 sites in each of nine regions in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Although dominated by widespread Indo-Pacific species, the coral fauna of Pulau Weh is also the eastern and western boundary for many Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean species, respectively. We identified a total of 133 scleractinian species, of which three have been previously recorded only in the western Indian Ocean and five are presently undescribed. The mean species richness of the Acropora at Pulau Weh is similar to regions within the Coral Triangle. This high species richness plus the high proportion of endemics suggests that the Andaman Sea is of similarly high conservation value to the Coral Triangle. We suggest that an international initiative similar to the Coral Triangle Initiative is required to conserve this region, which includes the territorial waters of six countries. © 2012 Fauna & Flora International.

  10. CDM Potential in Palm Solid Waste Cogeneration as an Alternative Energy in Aceh Province

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    Mahidin Mahidin


    Full Text Available Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB as a solid waste in Crude Palm Oil (CPO industry does not utilized yet as an alternative energy source to generate electricity. It is well known that use of solid wate (biomass as an energy source is part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM scheme due to direct reduction of Green House Gases (GHGs emission and provide a direct contribution to sustainable development. Utilization of EFB as a source of energy is very potential to be implemented in Aceh since this province has 25 CPO Mills at the moment which actively produce about 870,000 ton EFB per year. This study is subjected to evaluate the potency of electricity  from EFB theoretically by using primary data (survey data and secondary data. Potency of EFB and number of electricity produced from that EFB are estimated using primary data and direct combustion scenario, respectively. Calculation methods for emission reduction acieved are done by AMS-I.D: Renewable electricity generation to the grid and AMS-III.E: Methane emissions avoided from dumping at a solid waste disposal site. The result of this investigation shows that energy consumption in 25 CPO Mills is 45 GW(eh per year. Evidently, the number of energy/electricity which is potential to be produced by using 75% EFB is 1,047 GWh per year; so that the GHGs emission reduction up to 171,232.21 tCO2e per year.


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    Arfiansyah Arfiansyah


    Full Text Available Dayah is an Islamic educational institutions located in Aceh. This educational institution is similar to the so-called pesantren – an Islamic boarding school in the island of Java, both from the aspect of function and purpose (although there are also some important differences. In 2003, the Government of Aceh through the Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Decree, issued a regulation, numbered 451.2 / 474/2003 on the Criteria Stipulation and Dayah Assistance in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD. One of the subject matter is to make a policy that dayah is divided into several classifications: Type A, Type B, Type C and Non Type. This classification aims to distinguish the type of assistance to be given to dayah. This qualitative study is conducted to see how effective is the government assistance to support the quality of education in dayah. By conducting interviews to four (4 different dayah (2 interviews at traditional dayah and 2 at modern dayah, this research is expected to analyze the management of education and the impact of government assistance. The results of this study concluded that the education management of dayah remain dependent on their leadership figure (teungku, so that the impact of government assistance also varies positively to dayah physical development and improvement of facilities and infrastructure, but this assistance has also interestingly changed teungku’s positive paradigm into a much more negative one.

  12. Acanthaster planci is a major cause of coral mortality in Indonesia

    KAUST Repository

    Baird, Andrew Hamilton


    The corallivorous crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS), Acanthaster planci, is recognised as a major cause of coral reef degradation throughout much of the Pacific Ocean. However, the effects of COTS on the high diversity reefs in Indonesia have been largely overlooked. In 2007, high densities of COTS were observed in two regions of Indonesia: Aceh and Halmahera. Densities of COTS ranged from 0 to 52 starfish 2,000 m2 across 24 sites in Aceh and from 0 to 18 starfish 2,000 m2 at 10 sites in Halmahera. Mortality rates of Acropora spp. were very high at affected sites: over 50 % of colonies had been killed at seven of the 16 affected sites. A review of historical sources going back to 1969 suggests that COTS have damaged many reefs throughout Indonesia, including much activity within the Indonesian section of the Coral Triangle. Furthermore, the data suggest that COTS activity has increased rapidly since 2000. Very little of this activity has been reported in the primary literature, and there is a general lack of awareness in Indonesia of COTS as a potential cause of reef degradation. This lack of awareness, combined with limited monitoring efforts, means that damage caused by COTS is often attributed to other causes, such as destructive fishing, bleaching or tsunami. COTS are clearly a major source of coral mortality in Indonesia of which scientists and government need to be more cognizant. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

  13. The role of school-based dental programme on dental caries experience in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amalia, Rosa; Schaub, Rob M. H.; Widyanti, Niken; Stewart, Roy; Groothoff, Johan W.

    Objectives. To assess the effectiveness of a school-based dental programme (SBDP) in controlling caries by measuring the relationship between the SBDP performance and caries experience in children aged 12 in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, by taking into account influencing factors. Methods. A

  14. Structure analysis of tax revenue and inflation rate in Banda Aceh using vector error correction model with multiple alpha (United States)

    Sofyan, Hizir; Maulia, Eva; Miftahuddin


    A country has several important parameters to achieve economic prosperity, such as tax revenue and inflation rate. One of the largest revenues of the State Budget in Indonesia comes from the tax sector. Meanwhile, the rate of inflation occurring in a country can be used as an indicator, to measure the good and bad economic problems faced by the country. Given the importance of tax revenue and inflation rate control in achieving economic prosperity, it is necessary to analyze the structure of tax revenue relations and inflation rate. This study aims to produce the best VECM (Vector Error Correction Model) with optimal lag using various alpha and perform structural analysis using the Impulse Response Function (IRF) of the VECM models to examine the relationship of tax revenue, and inflation in Banda Aceh. The results showed that the best model for the data of tax revenue and inflation rate in Banda Aceh City using alpha 0.01 is VECM with optimal lag 2, while the best model for data of tax revenue and inflation rate in Banda Aceh City using alpha 0.05 and 0,1 VECM with optimal lag 3. However, the VECM model with alpha 0.01 yielded four significant models of income tax model, inflation rate of Banda Aceh, inflation rate of health and inflation rate of education in Banda Aceh. While the VECM model with alpha 0.05 and 0.1 yielded one significant model that is income tax model. Based on the VECM models, then there are two structural analysis IRF which is formed to look at the relationship of tax revenue, and inflation in Banda Aceh, the IRF with VECM (2) and IRF with VECM (3).

  15. Periodicity analysis of tourist arrivals to Banda Aceh using smoothing SARIMA approach (United States)

    Miftahuddin, Helida, Desri; Sofyan, Hizir


    Forecasting the number of tourist arrivals who enters a region is needed for tourism businesses, economic and industrial policies, so that the statistical modeling needs to be conducted. Banda Aceh is the capital of Aceh province more economic activity is driven by the services sector, one of which is the tourism sector. Therefore, the prediction of the number of tourist arrivals is needed to develop further policies. The identification results indicate that the data arrival of foreign tourists to Banda Aceh to contain the trend and seasonal nature. Allegedly, the number of arrivals is influenced by external factors, such as economics, politics, and the holiday season caused the structural break in the data. Trend patterns are detected by using polynomial regression with quadratic and cubic approaches, while seasonal is detected by a periodic regression polynomial with quadratic and cubic approach. To model the data that has seasonal effects, one of the statistical methods that can be used is SARIMA (Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average). The results showed that the smoothing, a method to detect the trend pattern is cubic polynomial regression approach, with the modified model and the multiplicative periodicity of 12 months. The AIC value obtained was 70.52. While the method for detecting the seasonal pattern is a periodic regression polynomial cubic approach, with the modified model and the multiplicative periodicity of 12 months. The AIC value obtained was 73.37. Furthermore, the best model to predict the number of foreign tourist arrivals to Banda Aceh in 2017 to 2018 is SARIMA (0,1,1)(1,1,0) with MAPE is 26%.

  16. The acid tolerance response and pH adaptation of Enterococcus faecalis in extract of lime Citrus aurantiifolia from Aceh Indonesia. (United States)

    Mubarak, Zaki; Soraya, Cut


    Background:  The objective of the present study was to evaluate the acid tolerance response and pH adaptation when Enterococcus faecalis interacted with extract of lime ( Citrus aurant iifolia ). Methods : We used E. faecalis ATCC 29212 and lime extract from Aceh, Indonesia. The microbe was analyzed for its pH adaptation, acid tolerance response, and adhesion assay using a light microscope with a magnification of x1000. Further, statistical tests were performed to analyze both correlation and significance of the acid tolerance and pH adaptation as well as the interaction activity. Results : E. faecalis was able to adapt to a very acidic environment (pH 2.9), which was characterized by an increase in its pH (reaching 4.2) at all concentrations of the lime extract (p lime extract based on spectrophotometric data (595 nm) (p lime extract was relatively stable within 6 up to 12 hours (p 0.05) based on the mass profiles of its interaction activity. Conclusions : E. faecalis can adapt to acidic environments (pH 2.9-4.2); it is also able to tolerate acid generated by Citrus auranti ifolia extract, revealing a stable interaction in the first 6-12 hours.


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    Yuswalina Yuswalina


    Full Text Available Regional Regulation (Perda which substantially adopts Islamic law (Qanun, began to bloom again debated, and is made in conjunction with the implementation of the idea of broader regional autonomy post-centralized authoritarian Soeharto. This article explores deeply qanun (Islamic law in Aceh Province in pluralism perspective case Indonesian Law.

  18. Effects Of Different Age Groups And Education Towards Consumption Of Traditional Finger Foods In Banda Aceh

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    Cut Nilda


    Full Text Available (Pengaruh Usia dan Pendidikan terhadap Pola Konsumsi Kue Tradisional di Banda Aceh  ABSTRACT. Traditional finger foods are closely related to the culture and habits of the population where the foods are produced and carry a symbolic value. The perception of local citizens towards the consumption of traditional foods will affect the existence and integrity of these foods. Primary research was done by interviewing 263 consumers of traditional finger food in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, between April and May 2011. Demography factors are believed to have strong influence in the consumption pattern of traditional finger food in Banda Aceh. The interviews were performed by using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of dichotomous, multiple-choice questions and scale questions. The sampling technique which was used is a nonprobability with convenience approach in order to select consumers of traditional food. The data analysis was processed by descriptive and bivariate analysis using Chi-square distribution. The results showed that demographic factors, such as age and education, have a correlation with consumer behavior and consumption habits of traditional finger foods. As a side dish, the consumption of these foods is usually related to special occasions and leisure time. Although most of the consumers are satisfied with the traditional finger foods they consume, some improvements are still needed to enhance the quality and appearance of the products based on the respondents demand. These demands, such as improvement in taste and packaging are potential factors in supporting the increase of consumption of traditional finger food in Banda Aceh.

  19. Assessment of post-tsunami disaster recovery of Banda Aceh city of Indonesia as window of opportunities for sustainable development (United States)

    Meilianda, E.; Munadi, K.; Azmeri; Safrida; Direzkia, Y.; Syamsidik; Oktari, R. S.


    Post-tsunami recovery process at Banda Aceh city of Indonesia were assessed in this study. Several actions and programs implemented during the recovery process were exercised and examined through several FGDs, to identify any windows of opportunities to change were captured in the aspects of infrastructure and housing, economic revitalization of the affected community, mental health and psychosocial condition and development, establishment and implementation of disaster risk reduction programs and community preparedness. Subsequently, whether or not those changes fit into the principle criteria of sustainability were examined. The results give insights on the dynamics of recovery process after more than a decade since the tsunami was affected the area. Some success and not-so-success stories of actions and program implementations during the recovery process were captured. On the aspect of livelihoods and public finance, the local government seems to have seen a window of opportunity and subsequently seize the opportunity to revitalize the administrative system of financing the micro-finance for communities. In contrast, on the aspect of socio-ecological systems integrity toward preserving the natural environment, the case of housing development at the coastal areas against the blueprint city masterplan exemplifies the failure in seizing the window of opportunity to “build back better”.

  20. Hubungan Kekerabatan Sapi Aceh dengan Menggunakan Daerah Displacement-loop

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    Mohd. Agus Nashri Abdullah


    Full Text Available Relationship of aceh cattle using displacement-loop region ABSTRACT. The aims of this study were to describe relationship of D-loop of mtDNA Aceh cattle which is useful database for conducting conservation programme. The whole blood samples were collected (8 samples for D-loop analysis from four locations which were Aceh Besar, Pidie, North Aceh regencies and Banda Aceh city. Out group whole blood samples were collected from two samples from Bali cattles (Bali Island, Madura cattle (Madura Island, Pesisir cattle (West Sumatera respectively and one sample from PO cattle (West Java. Amplification of D-loop sequences of mtDNA with BIDLF and BIDLR primary have PCR product 980 bp. The Data were analyzed using Squint 1.02 and MEGA 4.0 programme. Result of analysis indicate that Aceh cattle have nearer relationship with zebu and there is items inset of genetik Bali cattle (Bos javanicus at the end sequences start ke-354 situs up to 483, so that the origin Aceh cattle was from Bos indicus which have hybridization with Bos javanicus.

  1. Aplikasi Proses Pengkelatan untuk Peningkatan Mutu Minyak Nilam Aceh

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    Pocut Nurul Alam


    Full Text Available Industri kecil minyak nilam di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam tersebar di beberapa kabupaten yaitu Aceh Barat, Aceh Selatan, Aceh Jaya, dan beberapa daerah lainnya. Namun perolehan dan mutu minyak nilam yang dihasilkan masih tergolong rendah karena warna minyak coklat kehitaman. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan nilai jualnya, bisa dilakukan dengan beberapa proses pemurnian baik secara fisika maupun secara kimia. Untuk peningkatan kualitas tersebut dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan menurunkan kandungan Fe yang membuat warna minyak menjadi gelap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pemurnian dengan menggunakan senyawa pengkelat Na-EDTA sebagai senyawa pengkelat dalam pemurnian minyak nilam dapat menurunkan kandungan Fe (besi secara signifikan sebesar 60% untuk minyak nilam yang diperoleh dari hasil penyulingan petani di daerah Aceh Barat dan Aceh Selatan. Selain itu, minyak yang dihasilkan berwarna lebih cerah dan karakteristiknya memenuhi persyaratan mutu standar. Kata kunci: minyak nilam, pemurnian, pengkelat

  2. Combined Arms Warfare in the 21st Century: Maximizing the Capability of U.S. Army Future Combat System Equipped Brigade Combat Teams to Conduct Combined Arms Operations (United States)


    defenses, and surf ; a landing from the air but free of the 65 inflexibility, tactical disorder, and disorganization of parachute operations; an...taken place since the Cold War include Aceh province on the island of Sumatra in the country of Indonesia and the Darfur region of western Sudan

  3. Projections of tsunami inundation area coupled with impacts of sea level rise in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Tursina, Syamsidik, Kato, Shigeru


    In a long term, sea level rise is anticipated to give devastating effects on Banda Aceh, as one of the coastal cities in the northern tip of Sumatra. The growth of the population and buildings in the city has come to the stage where the coastal area is vulnerable to any coastal hazard. Some public facilities and settlements have been constructed and keep expanding in the future. According to TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite images, 7 mm/year the sea level has been risen between 1992 and 2015 in this area. It is estimated that in the next 100 years, there will be 700 mm additional sea level rise which will give a setback more over to a rather flat area around the coast. This research is aim at investigating the influence of sea level rise toward the tsunami inundation on the land area particularly the impacts on Banda Aceh city. Cornell Multigrid Coupled Tsunami Model (COMCOT) simulation numerically generated tsunami propagation. Topography and bathymetry data were collected from GEBCO and updated with the available nautical chart (DISHIDROS, JICA, and field measurements). Geological movement of the underwater fault was generated using Piatanesi and Lorito of 9.15 Mw 2004 multi-fault scenario. The inundation area produced by COMCOT revealed that the inundation area was expanded to several hundred meters from the shoreline. To investigate the impacts of tsunami wave on Banda Aceh, the inundation area were digitized and analyzed with Quantum GIS spatial tools. The Quantum GIS analyzed inundations area affected by the projected tsunami. It will give a new tsunami-prone coastal area map induced by sea level rise in 100 years.

  4. Cash grants in humanitarian assistance: a nongovernmental organization experience in Aceh, Indonesia, following the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. (United States)

    Doocy, Shannon; Johnson, Diane; Robinson, Courtland


    Historically, cash interventions, as opposed to material or in-kind aid, have been relatively uncommon in the humanitarian response to emergencies. The widespread implementation of cash-based programs following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami provided an opportunity to examine cash distributions following disasters. The Mercy Corps cash grant program in Aceh, Indonesia, was a short-term intervention intended to assist in recompensing losses from the December 2004 tsunami. An evaluation of the Mercy Corps cash grant program was conducted for the 12-month period following the tsunami using program monitoring data and a systematic survey of cash grant beneficiaries. in 2005, the cash grant program disbursed more than US$3.3 million to more than 53,000 beneficiaries; the average cash grant award was US$6390, which was shared by an average of 108 beneficiaries. In a beneficiary survey, more than 95% of respondents reported the grant allocation processes were fair and transparent and that grant funds were received. The Mercy Corps experience with cash programs suggests that cash interventions in the emergency context, when properly administered, can have an immediate impact and serve as an efficient mechanism for providing assistance. Organizations involved in humanitarian relief, particularly donors and nongovernmental organizations, should consider incorporating cash-based interventions as an element of their response in future emergencies.

  5. BSE Practice and BSE Self-Efficacy among Nursing Students in Aceh, Indonesia

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    Juanita Juanita


    Full Text Available Purpose: To survey the level of BSE practice among female nursing students in Aceh, and the degree of self-efficacy in those who did practice it.Method: Seventy-six nursing students from the Public Nursing College, Syiah Kuala University in Aceh who met the inclusion criteria were recruited. Stratified proportionate random sampling was used to determine the required number of first, second, and third year students. BSE self-efficacy of the students was measured by the BSE Self-Efficacy Questionnaire which was modified from an existing tool developed by Khatun (2010. In addition, the students’ doing BSE or not was measured by BSE Practice Questionnaire which was developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics.Result: Only 39.5% of the students practiced BSE with more than half of the students saying they did not practice BSE (60.5%. The main factors that influenced the students’ performing BSE were not having a family history of breast cancer, single, and no history of breast illness. Among the thirty students who practiced BSE, most of them did not practice it routinely (70%, nor at the correct time (86.7%, and their confidence in performing BSE was at a moderate level overall, with a high level for BSE procedural efficacy and moderate level for barrier management efficacy.Conclusion: A majority of the Acehnese nursing students did not practice BSE, and those who did had only a moderate level of BSE self-efficacy. Therefore, the results of this study suggest emphasizing the need to teach nursing students about BSE in their undergraduate courses, with future follow-up research regarding the success of the educational program.Keywords: practice, self-efficacy, breast self-examination (BSE, nursing students

  6. Search Results | Page 5 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 41 - 50 of 439 ... This Community of Evaluators (CoE) project will build on IDRC-funded work to promote and enhance the quality of the theory and practice of ... Indonesia's Aceh province and the now independent state of Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor) endured decades of conflict and massive human rights ...

  7. The lost pedestrian: Identifying determinant factors of no-pedestrian phenomenon in the area of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Banda Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Nasution, M. A.


    The area of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh has a deep meaning for people of Aceh because it is a historical site, which has many historical heritages. Recently, it is rarely seen people walk along the corridor of the town. People always drive to move along the road and stop right on their destination. Some are still walking, but only for 20-30 meter. On the other hand, a number of the vehicle significantly increase followed by the needs of parking space. The intensity of the traffic is high in day time; in the morning, at noon, and in the late afternoon. The research will be conducted using qualitative and quantitative methods; investigating the change of the environment caused by development, disaster, and conflict, interviewing government as the decision maker and public figure, questionnaires, and finding information from official documents and literature. It is necessary to identify the determinant factors of no-pedestrian phenomenon in the area of Banda Aceh because it is expected to create atmosphere, which encourage people to walk along the city center, revive walking habits to urban community, and strengthen the role of city center as a center of activities; praying, shopping, and engaging in recreation and leisure.

  8. Assessment of groundwater vulnerability using DRASTIC Model and GIS : A case study of two sub-districts in Banda Aceh city, Indonesia (United States)

    Machdar, I.; Zulfikar, T.; Rinaldi, W.; Alfiansyah, Y.


    This present study assessed the groundwater vulnerability to protect aquifer in part of Banda Aceh City (the sub-district of Banda Raya and Lueng Bata), Indonesia. The study provides an additional tool for local planner and manager as for managing and protecting groundwater resources. The study area covers 1,164 ha and total population was estimated around 50,000 inhabitants. DRASTIC model in a GIS (Geographic Information System) environment was used in this study to generate vulnerability maps. The maps were created by applied seven criteria as standard in DRASTIC approach, i.e. depth to groundwater, recharge, aquifer type, soil properties, topography, impact of the vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity. The vulnerability maps provides five categories of vulnerability, i.e. less, low, medium, high, and very high. It was found that the village areas, labelled with the high groundwater pollution potential, are mainly in the area of Lamlagang and the part of Geuce Kaye Jatoe and Geuce Komplek (Banda Raya sub-district) and the part of Batoh and Suka Damai (Lueng Bata sub-distric) This study prompts that the DRASTIC approach is helpful and efficient instrument for assessing groundwater vulnerability. The generated map can be an effective tool for local administrators in groundwater management as well.


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    - Fakhrurrazi


    Full Text Available Badan Reintegrasi Damai Aceh (BRDA didirikan berdasarkan Nota Kesepahaman Helsinki yang ditandatangani 15 Agustus 2005, khususnya pasal 3.2 yang menyatakan tentang reintegrasi bekas anggota GAM. Beragam upaya reintegrasi telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah melalui pendekatan ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik dan keamanan. Namun beragam hambatan muncul dalam proses reintegrasi mantan anggota GAM serta dalam implementasi proses tersebut yang dikawal oleh BRDA.Menggunakan konsep analisis wacana, dalam penelitian ini, penulis berupaya menggambarkan peran BRDA dalam proses reintegrasi mantan anggota GAM kedalam masyarakat serta hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi dalam proses tersebut. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa muncul berbagai hambatan dalam proses reintegrasi mantan anggota GAM yakni hambatan dalam bidang ekonomi; hambatan dalam bidang politik, hukum dan keamanan; serta hambatan dalam bidang sosial budaya. BRDA juga terlihat belum optimal dalam menangani proses reintegrasi, masih terdapat banyak kekurangan.Aceh Peace Reintegration Institution (APRI was established based on Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding signed on August 15, 2005, especially article 3.2 states about reintegration of GAM (Freedom Aceh Movement ex-combatant. Various reintegration efforts have been done by the overnment through economic, social, cultural, political, and security approaches. However, many obstacles appeared in the process of reintegration of ex GAM combatant, and in the management of this process by Aceh Peace Reintegration Institution (BRDA. Using the concept of discourse analysis, in this research, the author attempts to describe the role of BRDA in the reintegration process of GAM ex-combatant to adapt in society and how Aceh Peace Reintegration Institution as the authority board managing the reintegration process play its role. Using the concepts of conflict and integration, the study seeks to describe the process of reintegration of former GAM members into

  10. Utilization of formal health services for children aged 1-5 in Aceh after the 2004 tsunami: Which children did not receive the health care they needed? Implications for other natural disaster relief efforts. (United States)

    Rassekh, Bahie Mary; Santosham, Mathuram


    Aceh, Indonesia, was the hardest-hit area in the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, with more than 500,000 people displaced, 120,000 people dead, and total damages and losses estimated at $4.5 billion. The relief effort following the tsunami was also immense, with billions of dollars of aid pledged to this province alone. Since then, there have been several natural disasters, including Typhoon Haiyan, which have caused great loss of life and displacement and for which these results are applicable. This study aimed to determine and assess utilization patterns of health services for children under the age of five with diarrhea, cough and difficulty breathing, fever, or skin disease and to identify determinants of formal and non-formal healthcare usage. A household survey of 1439 households was administered to caretakers of children aged 1-5 years. A sample of clusters within Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar were selected and those caretakers within the cluster who fit the inclusion criteria were interviewed. In the two weeks prior to the survey, 78.3% of respondents utilized formal health services as the first line of care for their child's illness episode. Factors significantly associated with decreased formal healthcare usage for the sick children were if the children were living in a displaced household, if the children's mother or father were not living, and if the children's caretaker was not the mother. Although utilization of formal health services for children was quite high after the tsunami, there were certain children who received significantly less care, including those who were displaced, those who were being cared for by someone other than their mother, and those for whom one or both parents had died. Among the recommendations are suggestions to target these children to ensure that they receive the health care they need.


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    Mohammad Rizqi


    Full Text Available The study aims to describe the structure and the constituents of phrases, to describe the types of phrases, to explain the sense relation of the phrase constituents, and to illustrate the possibility of the Acehnese phrases to be placed in each syntactic function. This research is a qualitative descriptive research that focuses on phrase study on Acehnese. The written data is taken from primary school books, the spoken data is taken from local news of RRI Banda Aceh and folklore. The results show that there are uniqueness of the constituents which form the coordinative phrase constructions in which they are always related by conjunctions. Numeral phrases which are formed by numeral and noun always use classifier. The structure of noun phrases which is formed of noun and noun is permanent. It means that the position of the modifier is always behind main constituents. The structure of verbal phrases, adjectival phrases, numeral phrases, and pronominal phrases are not permanent. It means that the constituent that become a modifier can be placed before or after the main constituent. The prepositional phrase has a permanent structure.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memerikan struktur dan unsur pembentuk frasa, mendeskripsikan jenis frasa, menjelaskan hubungan makna antarunsur pembentuk frasa, dan menggambarkan kemungkinan frasa dalam bahasa Aceh untuk dapat menduduki setiap fungsi sintaksis. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian linguistik deskriptif kualitatif dengan memusatkan perhatiannya pada telaah frasa dalam bahasa Aceh. Sumber data tulis dalam penelitian ini berupa buku pelajaran tingkat sekolah dasar, sedangkan data lisan diambil dari berita daerah RRI stasiun Banda Aceh dan data dari cerita rakyat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada keunikan dari unsur-unsur yang membentuk konstruksi frasa koordinatif, yaitu selalu dihubungkan oleh konjungsi. Frasa numeralia yang terbentuk atas konstituen numeralia dan nomina selalu

  12. Resistivity structure of Sumatran Fault (Aceh segment) derived from 1-D magnetotelluric modeling (United States)

    Nurhasan, Sutarno, D.; Bachtiar, H.; Sugiyanto, D.; Ogawa, Y.; Kimata, F.; Fitriani, D.


    Sumatran Fault Zone is the most active fault in Indonesia as a result of strike-slip component of Indo-Australian oblique convergence. With the length of 1900 km, Sumatran fault was divided into 20 segments starting from the southernmost Sumatra Island having small slip rate and increasing to the north end of Sumatra Island. There are several geophysical methods to analyze fault structure depending on physical parameter used in these methods, such as seismology, geodesy and electromagnetic. Magnetotelluric method which is one of geophysical methods has been widely used in mapping and sounding resistivity distribution because it does not only has the ability for detecting contras resistivity but also has a penetration range up to hundreds of kilometers. Magnetotelluric survey was carried out in Aceh region with the 12 total sites crossing Sumatran Fault on Aceh and Seulimeum segments. Two components of electric and magnetic fields were recorded during 10 hours in average with the frequency range from 320 Hz to 0,01 Hz. Analysis of the pseudosection of phase and apparent resistivity exhibit vertical low phase flanked on the west and east by high phase describing the existence of resistivity contras in this region. Having rotated the data to N45°E direction, interpretation of the result has been performed using three different methods of 1D MT modeling i.e. Bostick inversion, 1D MT inversion of TM data, and 1D MT inversion of the impedance determinant. By comparison, we concluded that the use of TM data only and the impedance determinant in 1D inversion yield the more reliable resistivity structure of the fault compare to other methods. Based on this result, it has been shown clearly that Sumatra Fault is characterized by vertical contras resistivity indicating the existence of Aceh and Seulimeum faults which has a good agreement with the geological data.

  13. KANUNISASI FIKIH JINAYAT KONTEMPORER Studi Materi Muatan Qānūn Jināyat Aceh dan Brunei Darussalam

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    Samsudin Aziz


    Full Text Available This article will view specifically codification of Islamic Criminal Law in `Muslim community, such as Brunei Darussalam, a country based on Islamic principles, and Aceh is a part of Indonesian territory administratively, granted special autonomy to implement Islamic Sharia. Despite having different qualities, -as a country and a province- both have in common as a political power which apply Islamic Criminal Law. Refer to both qānūn jināyat in Brunei and Aceh, the author’ll explain the substance of the criminal law in both area, while also reinforces the implementation of Islamic Criminal Law in the framework of a modern state. The article concludes that basically the application of Islamic Sharia, particularly the Islamic Criminal Law, is closely related to the situation and socio-political conditions of a community or country. The differences of political system, for example, has contributed to the difference in the output of product or policy made by a particular country or territory. On the other hand, Brunei and the Aceh case show that there has been adjustment Islamic Criminal Law specifically set forth in the books of fiqh (as illustration of the Qur'an and Sunnah with the needs of the community itself

  14. The determinant of household tourism expenditure in Central Java Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Subanti, S.; Respatiwulan; Hakim, A. R.; Handajani, S. S.; Hakim, I. M.


    The purpose of our paper want to determine the factors of household tourism expenditure in Central Java Province, Indonesia. This paper used ordinary least squares regression. The findings from this paper, (1) the significant factors that affecting household tourism expenditure are marital status, sex, household income per capita, education for head of household, education for member of household, number of household, urbanrural, and industrial origin for head of household; (2) For variables which have positive relationship with household tourism expenditure, the variable of marital status has a biggest value from others; and (3) For variables which have negative relationship with household tourism expenditure, the variable of industrial origin for head household has a biggest value from others.

  15. Faktor Risiko Lingkungan dengan Kejadian ISPA pada Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Sofia Sofia


    Full Text Available Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI is still one public health problem that is important to note, because it is an acute illness and can even cause death in infants in developing countries, including Indonesia. In general, there are three the risk factors of ARI namely environmental factors, individual factors of children, and behavioral factors. The aim of research to find out the environmental risk factors with the incidence of  ARI  in Toddlers in Public Health Center of Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar district. This type of research is an analytic survey with cross-sectional study approach. The sample size is calculated using the formula Lemeshow of 100 respondents, samples were taken randomly. Data analysis using Chi-Square test. The results showed that the level of humidity in the home (p= 0,039, smoking habits of family members in the home (p= 0,001, and the habit of using mosquito coils in the home (p= 0,003 as a risk factor for ISPA to children in Region Public Health Center of Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar district. Conclusion, risk factor of ARI in the toddler that is a smoking habit, usage habit of mosquito coil and air humidity. Suggestions, the public in order to maintain air quality in the home environment to avoid various transmission of infectious diseases. Keywords: Air humidity, habits, environment, ARI Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA masih menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting untuk diperhatikan, karena merupakan penyakit akut dan bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian pada balita di berbagai negara berkembang termasuk  Indonesia. Secara umum ada 3 (tiga faktor risiko terjadinya ISPA yaitu faktor lingkungan, faktor individu anak, serta faktor perilaku. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor risiko lingkungan dengan kejadian ISPA pada Balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Jenis penelitian adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan Crossectional study. Besarnya sampel dihitung

  16. Sistem Informasi Geografis Asrama Mahasiswa Aceh Berbasis LBS (Location Based Service “Saweue Syedara” Berbasis Android

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    Alwie Augusra T. A


    Full Text Available Student Dormitory is a desirable place to live for all overseas Aceh students that far from home, Student Dormitory be exclusive if the existence of a dormitory is located very far from the government and from the student's hometown, so the presence of dormitory is felt not exist and far from elegant impression , there are many Aceh students dormitory are not recorded by the Regional Government , that recorded only dormitory under the auspices of the government, when in fact the most dormitory are located under other institutions. Along with the development of, make it even easier people's lives in their daily live. During its development, mobile technology can determine the position of users, find the location you want to target, and provide a route to that location. The use of mobile devices for the Aceh Government, Society, and students in particular is to facilitate them in the course of a visit to Student Dormitory. The geographic information system created using the Java programming language with SDK (Software Development Kit Android and using MySQL and SQLite databases, the system is a client-server. The process of making and development of Geographic Information System using SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle using prototyping life cycle. By using the life cycle of prototyping, the design can be quickly created and tested by users. Users can participate in helping the development of a system to provide feedback on the prototype that has been tried before, so that the system be made better. The result of this application design is the realization of a mobile application that can allow users to find information and search for Aceh Student Dormitory in Java Island, Indonesia. The Geographic Information System uses technology of LBS (Location Based Service, this allows users to find the location of dormitory that wish to visit. This system will be developed on mobile devices using the Android operating system.


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    Miskahuddin Miskahuddin


    Full Text Available Discourse on gender is not depleted as discussed and studied scientifically until now. Debate in academic circles about gender are already accustomed discussed and no longer be something foreign. Even today there are efforts to encourage all of the activities and programs should be concerned with aspects of gender equality. Development of previously unknown information about only the consumption of the current academic has penetrated up to the village level, and unknown to many people , both lay and the learned knowledge. This occurs because of the reality of gender socialization undertaken by various parties, including government agencies through the empowerment of women and children , as well as by non-governmental organizations ( local and international NGOs . Many people received information about the gender , clearly establish its own thinking paradigm for women in Aceh . To see about women thinking about gender Aceh after getting the socialization of NGOs , the research was conducted.Keywords : Influence , Socialization , Gender

  18. Sero- and Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 in Papua Province, Indonesia

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    Muhammad Qushai Yunifiar M


    Full Text Available Background: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS cause serious health problems and affect the Indonesian economy. Papua province has the highest prevalence of HIV infection in the country; however, epidemiological data are limited. Therefore, in order to reveal the current situation of HIV/AIDS in Papua province, sero- and molecular epidemiological studies of HIV were conducted. Methods: serological tests were conducted on 157 healthy individuals from the general population residing in Paniai, Papua. In addition, a molecular epidemiological study was then conducted on HIV type 1 (HIV-1 genes derived from infected individuals. Peripheral blood samples from HIV-1-positive individuals and 15 additionally enrolled, previously confirmed HIV-1-positive individuals were subjected to a genotypic analysis. Results: serological tests revealed that 2 out of 157 (1.27% healthy individuals were HIV-positive. In addition, HIV-1 subtyping revealed that subtype B and CRF01_AE were the major subtype and circulating recombinant form (CRF of HIV-1 prevalent in the region, while subtype A1 and a recombinant form including viral gene fragments of CRF01_AE and subtype B was also detected. In addition, HIV drug resistance-associated major mutations were detected in the reverse transcriptase gene derived from infected individual on antiretroviral therapy. Conclusion: these results provide important information for clearer understanding on the current situation of HIV/AIDS in Papua province in Indonesia.

  19. ISLAM, ADAT, AND THE STATE: Matrifocality in Aceh Revisited

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    Eka Srimulyani


    Full Text Available Matrifocality has been a rooted tradition in the social history of the community in Aceh. The principles of matrifocality have also affected on how women are positioned in the community, and the socio-gender relation within the community. The fact that Aceh has strongly associated to the Islamic values that claimed to support the paternal traditions. Apparently, the Islamic values and the local matrifocality practices juxtaposed through the roles of adat, which considered as inseparable to Islamic law or teaching, or in local term known as zat ngeun sifeut. Another point in revisiting matrifocality in Aceh in Aceh is an examination of how gender state ideology, particularly during the New Order Regime disregarded some local gender practices across some ethnics in the archipelago. Meanwhile, the state also hegemonied and promoted particular gender state ideology such as state ibuism. Nonetheless, the modernity and social changes have also contributed to the shifting of some matrifocality practices in contemporary Acehnese society. However, since the matrifocality has a strong root in the social life of the community, the principles of the matrifocality still survived until currently, although it transformed into ‘new matrifocality’ practices. Keywords: matrifocality, Aceh, gender, shari‘a law


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    Sri Idaiani


    Full Text Available Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD is a region which has faced protracted conflict following by tsunami disarter on December, 26 2004. Surkesda NAD 2006, as post tsunami health survey, was conducted in the middle of 2006 which included Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ to assess mental health problem in NAD province. The identification of stress factors and socio demographic variables in NAD is a further analysis based on SRQ from Surkesda NAD 2006. The analysis covered 1210 people aged 15 years and over spread out in 21 distiricts/cities in NAD. The overall prevalence of neurosis in NAD in 2006 was 22,6% with prevalences by districts/cities ranged from 5% to 59%. Two districts with prevalence above 50% were Aceh Singkil and Gayo Lues, while districts/cities with prevalence below 10% belonged to Sabang and Aceh Jaya. Symptoms that most people reported were headache (51,2%, fatique easy (37%, sleep difficulty (26%, abdominal discomfort (25.6% and loss of appetite (21,1%. Female had risk more than one and a half to neurosis (OR=1.598; 95% CI: 1,121- 1,772. Aged ≥ 55 year had risk almost two times to neurosis (OR=1,923; 95% CI: 1,592-2,323. Divorce status had risk 1.7 times (OR=1,73; 95% CI: 1.082-2.767. Living in rural had risk 1.4 times (OR=1,409; 95% CI: 1,155-1,858. Married with low socioeconomic status had risk 1.7 times (OR=1,790; 95% CI: 1,263-2,539. The study suggests that the most important region to get more attention are Aceh Singkil and Gayo Lues districts. The study also recommend of the need of mental health intervention for old group, community mental health that focus on non psychosis mental disorder identification to prevent serious mental disorder, and availability of some medicines to overcome chronic stress symptoms. Keywords: tsunami, mental health, SRQ

  1. The New Chapter of the United States-Indonesia Defense Relations: Reengagement through IMET (United States)


    influence except during President Sukarno’s administration. U.S. efforts in South Vietnam failed to prevent the North Vietnam communist government...terrorists launched a suicide bombing in Bali which killed over 200 locals and foreigners including Americans.67 This indicated that terrorists also...Indonesia suffered over 250,000 casualties because of this enormous natural disaster which hit Aceh and Nias, the north western tip of Indonesia’s

  2. Pelaksanaan Hygiene Sanitasi Pengolahan dan Pemeriksaan Zat Pewarna Metanil Yellow pada Mie Aceh yang Dijual di Pasar Tradisional Kota Sigli Provinsi Aceh Tahun 2015


    Muhammad, Nur


    Mie aceh classified into a wet noodle,mie aceh is a typical form of food which is not dried noodles and most immediate damage or decay. Mie aceh produced by the domestic industry so that the quality control of food is very hard to do. Metanil Yellow is a synthetic dye used in the textile industry and the paint powder or brownish-yellow solid thus be one option for manufacturers to color food products. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of sanitary hygiene and inspecti...

  3. Prediksi Erosi Kebun Kopi Rakyat di Kecamatan Permata, Kabupaten Bener Meriah, Provinsi Aceh

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    Hairul Basri


    Full Text Available Prediction of Erosion in the Coffee Plantation in Subdistrict of Permata, District of Bener Meriah, Province of Aceh Abstract. This study aimed to determine the level of erosion that occurred on the slopes of plantation of coffee community in sub-district of Permata, district of Bener Meriah, Province of Aceh, conducted from January to August 2011. Coffee plantations of community were located in sub-district of Permata as samples, particularly in the village of Jungke which had 8 percent slope and the village of Seni Antara which had 30 percent slope. This study was conducted by field observation and laboratory analysis to predict the values of erosion using the method of USLE (universal soil loss equation. Further Erosion Hazard Level (TBE was determined by considering the effective depth of soil. The results showed that the value of the actual erosion that occurred in the coffee plantation of community in the village of Seni Antara which had 30 percent slope at 87,711.47 tones ha-1 year-1 greater than the actual value of erosion in the village Jungke which only 8 percent slopes at 21.79 tones ha-1 year-1. Erosion Hazard Rate on slopes of 30 percent (village of Seni Antara classified as very heavy, while TBE at 8 percent slope (Village of Jungke as light. The main factors that affected the value of erosion were the value of LS (long and large slope and the value of K (erodibility. To prevent erosion on coffee plantations advised people to be able to add shade trees, use of litter and planting cover crops.

  4. A controlled trial of trauma-focused therapy versus problem-solving in Islamic children affected by civil conflict and disaster in Aceh, Indonesia. (United States)

    Dawson, Katie; Joscelyne, Amy; Meijer, Catherine; Steel, Zachary; Silove, Derrick; Bryant, Richard A


    To evaluate the relative efficacies of trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy and problem-solving therapy in treating post-traumatic stress disorder in children affected by civil conflict in Aceh, Indonesia. A controlled trial of children with post-traumatic stress disorder ( N = 64) randomized children to either five individual weekly sessions of trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy or problem-solving therapy provided by lay-counselors who were provided with brief training. Children were assessed by blind independent assessors at pretreatment, posttreatment and 3-month follow-up on post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anger, as well as caregiver ratings of the child's post-traumatic stress disorder levels. Intent-to-treat analyses indicated no significant linear time × treatment condition interaction effects for post-traumatic stress disorder at follow-up ( t(129.05) = -0.55, p = 0.58), indicating the two conditions did not differ. Across both conditions, there were significant reductions in post-traumatic stress disorder on self-reported ( t(131.26) = -9.26, p solving: 2.68, 95% confidence interval = [2.07, 3.29]). These findings suggest that trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy and problem-solving approaches are comparably successful in reducing post-traumatic stress disorder and anger in treating mental health in children in a post-conflict setting. This pattern may reflect the benefits of non-specific therapy effects or gains associated with trauma-focused or problem-solving approaches.

  5. The Effects of a Linguistic Tsunami on the Languages of Aceh

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    Zulfadli A. Aziz


    Full Text Available The languages throughout the world are in crisis and it is estimated that 50% to 90% will have disappeared by the end of this century (Grenoble, 2012. Colonisation, nationalism, urbanisation and globalisation have resulted in a linguistic tsunami being unleashed, with a few major world languages swamping others. The rate of language loss today is unprecedented as this small number of dominant languages expands rapidly. Small minority languages are mainly in danger, but even large regional languages, such as Acehnese with millions of speakers, are unsafe. Similar to the case of a tsunami triggered by an earthquake, it is generally too late before speakers are aware of what is happening. In most cases language shift will have already progressed and irreversible before people realize it. This paper examines the early warning signs of impending language shift and what can be done for minority languages to have the best chance of survival. We draw on the local situation in Aceh, as well as other parts of the Austronesian speaking world and Australia, where the record of language loss is the worst in the world. Language shift in Australia is well-progressed; in Indonesia it is more recent. Lessons learned from places such as Australia and Taiwan have relevance for Indonesia today.


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    Supraptini Supraptini


    Full Text Available The 2001 Maternal and child health study (SKIA is a part of the 2001 National Household Health Survey (NHHS and carried out by National Institute of Health Research and Development. Ministry of Health. The NHHS 2001 is the sixth survey. The sample of the study is sub sample of National socio­ economic survey. The study  covers  26 provinces in Indonesia, excluded Aceh, Maluku and Papua provinces. The 2001 Mother and Child study is a nationally representative study of children under five and reproductive age women. A total of 25,072 households, 21,516 reproductive age women 15-49 were interviewed. Information about children under five including vaccination, breastfeeding, food supplement, and assistance  at delivery and place of delivery was also collected. The study found that complete immunization covered only 60-70%, indicating that 30-40% of the children had not received  basic immunization against six diseases: tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and measles. The result showed that only 47% children 0-3 months were exclusive breastfed, and 6% children 6-7 months still had exclusive breastfed without food supplement. There were very importance to improve people knowledge about Posyandu activities include immunization for the children, and improve mothers knowledge about exclusive breastfed and food supplement for the babys.  Keywords: Immunization coverage, execlusive breastfeeding

  7. Indonesian Separatist Movement in Aceh

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Niksch, Larry


    .... Indonesian civilian leaders have been unable to control the Indonesian military, whose aggressive actions in Aceh produce frequent reports of human rights abuses and alienation of the populace...

  8. The continuity of Rumoh Aceh spaces on the development of houses in Gampong Lambheu, Aceh Besar (United States)

    Rizky, S. F.; Loebis, M. N.; Pane, I. F.


    The objective of this research was to find out the continuity of seuramoe keu, tungai/rambat, and seuramoe likeut (three fundamental spaces in rumoh Aceh) in three development stages of houses since 1980 until present time. The development starts from the stilt house (santeut), non-stilt house, up to the contemporary house. In the period in which modern life has an impact in changing people lifestyles and then affects the mindset of the need for spaces, the study of the continuity of the three spaces mentioned reflects how far the culture of the people of Aceh in the past persist today, considering architecture, including spaces, is the reflection of the socio-cultural of inhabitants/community. The study was conducted by observing the spaces on seven sample houses and by interviewing the house owners to find out the factors that affect the existence/non-existence of spaces. The results showed that the three spaces (seuramoe keu, tungai, and seuramoe likeut) undergone the continuity despite the differences occurred in the interior compared to rumoh Aceh, meanwhile the continuity factor was based on the culture of life that is still firmly held by Acehnese.

  9. Ekowisata Leuser (Studi Etnografi Tentang Pengembangan Usaha Ekowisata di Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser Pada Masyarakat di Kecamatan Ketambe, Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara, Provinsi Aceh)


    Caroline FD


    130905105 Penelitian ini membahas tentang Pengembangan Usaha Ekowisasta yang dilakukan masyarakat di desa Ketambe. Peneliti memilih Provinsi Aceh, tepatnya di kabupaten Aceh Tenggara di Desa Ketambe karena lokasi ini masih wilayah Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser sehingga memudahkan penulis memperoleh data penelitian. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi dengan pendekatan kualitatif, serta menggunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara serta analisis data. Observasi ...

  10. Malaria prevalence in Nias District, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia

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    Laowo Idaman


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Nias district of the North Sumatra Province of Indonesia has long been known to be endemic for malaria. Following the economic crisis at the end of 1998 and the subsequent tsunami and earthquake, in December 2004 and March 2005, respectively, the malaria control programme in the area deteriorated. The present study aims to provide baseline data for the establishment of a suitable malaria control programme in the area and to analyse the frequency distribution of drug resistance alleles associated with resistance to chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine. Methods Malariometric and entomology surveys were performed in three subdistricts. Thin and thick blood smears were stained with Giemsa and examined under binocular light microscopy. Blood blots on filter paper were also prepared for isolation of parasite and host DNA to be used for molecular analysis of band 3 (SAO, pfcrt, pfmdr1, dhfr, and dhps. In addition, haemoglobin measurement was performed in the second and third surveys for the subjects less than 10 years old. Results Results of the three surveys revealed an average slide positivity rate of 8.13%, with a relatively higher rate in certain foci. Host genetic analysis, to identify the Band 3 deletion associated with Southeast Asian Ovalocytosis (SAO, revealed an overall frequency of 1.0% among the 1,484 samples examined. One hundred six Plasmodium falciparum isolates from three sub-districts were successfully analysed. Alleles of the dhfr and dhps genes associated with resistance to sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine, dhfr C59R and S108N, and dhps A437G and K540E, were present at frequencies of 52.2%, 82.5%, 1.18% and 1.18%, respectively. The pfmdr1 alleles N86Y and N1042D, putatively associated with mefloquine resistance, were present at 31.4% and 2%, respectively. All but one sample carried the pfcrt 76T allele associated with chloroquine resistance. Entomologic surveys identified three potential anopheline vectors in

  11. Poverty and Environmental Services: Case Study in Way Besai Watershed, Lampung Province, Indonesia

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    S. Suyanto


    Full Text Available Local communities in developing countries are often forbidden to earn their livelihood from state-owned forests, but nonetheless local people commonly manage these lands and depend on them to survive. In these places, community participation is the key to successful conservation programs intended to rehabilitate environmental functions and produce environmental services for beneficiaries outside the area. This paper reviews the relationship between poverty and environmental services and briefly discusses the main ways in which approaches that rely on payment for environmental services are thought likely to alleviate poverty. It also discusses the poverty profile and inequality of upland dwellers in the Sumberjaya watershed in Indonesia's Lampung Province, using income, education, and land-holding indicators. Data related to these three indicators were collected from intensive household surveys and interviews and used via Gini decomposition to measure inequality. In addition, analysis of data on stem at breast height and horizontal root diameter of coffee and other noncoffee trees planted on coffee farms showed that index of root shallowness could be used as an estimator of environmental services. This study revealed that state forest land in Lampung Province, Indonesia, not only provides important income for poor farmers but also leads to a more equitable distribution of income and land holdings. These farmers have also successfully rehabilitated degraded land by establishing coffee-based agroforestry. As found in other recent studies, these findings show that coffee-based agroforestry can perform watershed service functions similar to those of natural, undisturbed forests. This supports the argument that poor farmers who provide environmental services through their activities in state-owned forests should be rewarded with land rights as a policy to alleviate poverty.

  12. Kedudukan Mahkamah Adat setelah Undang-Undang tentang Pemerintahan Aceh

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    Teuku Muttaqin Mansur


    ABSTRACT. Customary institutions in Aceh actually existed before the Law on Government of Aceh. This article examined using normative juridical approach. While the data analysis will be using content analysis techniques. From the discussion it was found that the main support position the Adat Court in Law on Governing Aceh is Article 98 paragraph (1, paragraph (2, and paragraph (3, which regulates the customs agency with the authority to resolve disputes society. The existence of the court then reaffirmed by Qanun No. 9 of 2008 which elaborates on the procedure and device structures customary tribunals, court proceedings in court custom, the types of cases that can be resolved and the type of punishment that can be given

  13. Utilization of Activated Carbon Prepared from Aceh Coffee Grounds as Bio-sorbent for Treatment of Fertilizer Industrial Waste Water (United States)

    Mariana, M.; Mahidin, M.; Mulana, F.; Aman, F.


    The people of Aceh are well known as coffee drinkers. Therefore, a lot of coffee shops have been established in Aceh in the past decade. The growing of coffee shops resulting to large amounts of coffee waste produced in Aceh Province that will become solid waste if not wisely utilized. The high carbon content in coffee underlined as background of this research to be utilized those used coffee grounds as bio-sorbent. The preparation of activated carbon from coffee grounds by using carbonization method that was initially activated with HCl was expected to increase the absorption capacity. The prepared activated carbon with high reactivity was applied to adsorb nitrite, nitrate and ammonia in wastewater outlet of PT. PIM wastewater pond. Morphological structure of coffee waste was analyzed by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The result showed that the adsorption capacity of iodine was equal to 856.578 mg/g. From the characterization results, it was concluded that the activated carbon from coffee waste complied to the permitted quality standards in accordance with the quality requirements of activated carbon SNI No. 06-3730-1995. Observed from the adsorption efficiency, the bio-sorbent showed a tendency of adsorbing more ammonia than nitrite and nitrate of PT. PIM wastewater with ammonia absorption efficiency of 56%.

  14. Indonesia : tous les projets | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le 26 décembre 2004, un tsunami a ravagé la majeure partie des régions côtières de la province d'Aceh, en Indonésie, ainsi que les côtes est et sud du Sri Lanka. Date de début : 12 juillet 2006. End Date: 25 octobre 2009. Sujet: NATURAL DISASTERS, EMERGENCY RELIEF, ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION, AID ...


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    Suyanti Kasimin


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that affect the level of production and horticultural income in Aceh Province. Moreover, some obstacles encountered in the development of agribusiness were analyzed and the relationship of actors in leading horticultural agribusiness development in Aceh was examined. Sample was 81 respondents, consisting of farmers, middlemen, agricultural extensions, community leaders, and researchers. T-test, regression and slices of opinion between the various stakeholders were used in this research. The results showed that horticultural production is influenced by the availability of the means of production and technology, while revenue is affected by the sales price and the cost of marketing. Products linkage appeared to be low due to low farmer access to inputs, high pest and disease, and the low sale price. Linkage between actors was also low due to the high dependence of the upstream actors towards downstream actors, the discontent of upstream actors against the payment system of downstream actors, and distrust of downstream actors towards product quality and continuity. Hence, it is necessary for the improvement of policy development and eradication of pests and assistance the means of production, improved selling prices, product quality, and market information.Keywords: agribusiness development, superior holiticulture, locality and synergicABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat produksi dan pendapatanhortikultura di Provinsi Aceh. Selain itu, juga ditelaah beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam pengembangan agribisnis serta menelaah keterkaitan pelaku dalam pengembangan agribisnis hortikultura unggulan di Aceh. Sampel berjumlah 81 responden, terdiri atas petani, pedagang perantara, penyuluh  pertanian, tokoh masyarakat, dan peneliti. Uji t, regresi berganda dan irisan pendapat antara berbagai pemangku kepentingan digunakan dalam penelitian ini

  16. Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Peradilan Perdamaian Adat di Aceh

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    Nurdin MH Nurdin MH


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Customary law of Aceh has a number of legal principles such as acceptable, accountability, non-discrimination/equality before the law; accessible to the public, win-win solution, consensus, transparency, competent, and presumption of innocence. The principles are not only found in Adat Law of Aceh but also in other civilized legal systems in the world. In practice, the principles are applied strictly (see the case of Sultan Iskandar Muda. Adat guidelines or legal procedure of Adat is badly needed by informal justice providers in order to have legal certainty. There are some reasons why the guide line is necessary; (1 during new order (35 years central government denied the existence of adat law, (2 during the conflict era (30 years Acehnese did not have enough opportunity to practice their customary law, and (3 most of you people today are head of village  and they do not have enough knowledge and experience on guide line of adat.   The Application Guideline of Informal Justice in Aceh

  17. Tax revenue and inflation rate predictions in Banda Aceh using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) (United States)

    Maulia, Eva; Miftahuddin; Sofyan, Hizir


    A country has some important parameters to achieve the welfare of the economy, such as tax revenues and inflation. One of the largest revenues of the state budget in Indonesia comes from the tax sector. Besides, the rate of inflation occurring in a country can be used as one measure, to measure economic problems that the country facing. Given the importance of tax revenue and inflation rate control in achieving economic prosperity, it is necessary to analyze the relationship and forecasting tax revenue and inflation rate. VECM (Vector Error Correction Model) was chosen as the method used in this research, because of the data used in the form of multivariate time series data. This study aims to produce a VECM model with optimal lag and to predict the tax revenue and inflation rate of the VECM model. The results show that the best model for data of tax revenue and the inflation rate in Banda Aceh City is VECM with 3rd optimal lag or VECM (3). Of the seven models formed, there is a significant model that is the acceptance model of income tax. The predicted results of tax revenue and the inflation rate in Kota Banda Aceh for the next 6, 12 and 24 periods (months) obtained using VECM (3) are considered valid, since they have a minimum error value compared to other models.


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    Muhammad Nasir


    Full Text Available This article provides the latest information on how the Ulama Dayah Aceh Tamiang's response to the implementation of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI, particularly related to women's rights regulated in the issue of marriage registration, the validity of divorce, and joint property (gono gini and their views on the KHI as Islamic law legislated by the government. according to some circles as a form of reform of Islamic law in Indonesia which is also claimed as a law that many defend the rights of women, although there are still some who argue that KHI discriminatory against women. This paper departs from research was conducted on Dayah Aceh Tamiang Ulama by using interview and observation method. There are three theories used in analyzing this research data, namely; Theory of Relation State and Religion, Theory of Ulama and State Authority, and Theory of Conservative turn. The finding of this article reveals that the resistance of the Ulama Dayah against KHI can be identified in two levels. Firstly, they disagreed with some aspects of KHI in such as marriage registration, joint property, and divorce legal procedures. Secondly, the fact that Ulama Dayah were not involved in the process of legal drafting of the KHI.

  19. Pendidikan Dayah Setelah Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Aceh

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    Mukhlisuddin Ilyas


    ABSTRACT. Education has not received a special portion in the Law on the Government of Aceh. Differences with the Law on the Implementation of Privileged Aceh which gives a privileged position to education. The existence of education dayah itself as a juridical basis, still to be scrutinized. Some things to consider include the classification dayah, reflecting the Islamic boarding school education intervention by the government. In addition, registration will dayah dayah implies dependence on government excess, since it is done related to the budget. A number of constraints include constraints dayah education curriculum development, management, economics, and constraints regeneration.

  20. The Historical Basis of Aceh Development

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    Mehmet Özay


    Full Text Available Abstract It is vital to see the connection between experiences in history and contemporary developments in almost all corners of the world. Regions which appear as leading powers in economic developments have historically had their own particular dynamics. In the event that the dynamics of the past uncover the true means to go forward, it will trigger the path of progress at an unexpected time, when similar conditions are met. Taking this condition into account with regard to Aceh, we see that Aceh has been a potential candidate for the newly emerging economic development centers in Southeast Asia after the disastrous event on 26th December, 2004, pursuant to which the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU in Helsinki was signed by the related sides on 15th August, 2005. To assess and evaluate the possibilities and opportunities that open up before Aceh Province by virtue of the MoU, the tradition of economic developments in history should be revisited and evaluated. It might be assumed that the reflections from the past will certainly enlighten the future. This article suggests that the economic development of the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam in the past might be a starting point for all parties in Aceh Province to deduce exactly how to deal with prevailing difficulties so as to commence economic progress in the region. It is considered that historical experiences are repetitive. The significance of Aceh was based on several diverse factors, primarily its state structure, economic activities, and geo-strategic position on the extreme northwest of Sumatra, that allowed it to be a part of the international sea trade between the east and the west between the 16th and 19th centuries. These characteristics propelled Aceh to become not only a prominent region, but also gain supremacy in global partnerships in the business of international trade. After the peace agreement celebrations, it is the need of the hour for all social and economic sectors in Aceh


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    Full Text Available The goal of this study is to figure out the model of interactions among various madhabs in Aceh within the current phenomena. This study was a field study with the qualitative method. The data collection techniques were documentation study, observation, in-depth interview, and questionnaire. The method used to analyze the data was descriptive analysis. His findings revealed the dynamic interactions of Islam in Aceh have been shown towards the typology of the madhab interactions in Aceh which are exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism. Which the exclusivism is a polar which believes that the Shâfi‘î madhab is the only truth and thus should be followed. The inclusivism polar, which also highly regards the Shâfi‘î madhab in terms of ‘ibâdah and mu‘âmalah although this does not mean any other madhabs are wrong and should not be followed. The inclusivism could be considered the neutral way to solve the current religious problems in Aceh. The pluralism polar that can be utilized in the future to guide the Acehnese to build the harmony and peace as well as to respect each other in order to reach the ultimate purpose of Islam as rahmat li al-‘âlamîn.

  2. Perkembangan Pendidikan Meunasah dan Dayah di Aceh

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    Mujianto Solichin


    Full Text Available Meunasah dan Dayah dalam masa perjalanannya tumbuh seiring perkembangan kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Aceh yang memiliki peran strategis dalam pembentukan kebudayaan Islam di wilayah kekuasaan mereka masing-masing. Ini membuktikan bahwa kerajaan-kerajaan Melayu baik di Malaka (Malaysia maupun di Aceh (Nangroe Aceh Darussalam memiliki jaringan arkeologi sejarah kebudayaan dan peradaban yang terbentuk berdasarkan motivasi agama dan menjadikan tradisi Melayu sebagai identitas pemersatu mereka. Kehadiran lembaga-lembaga klasik Islam tersebut di atas terus mengalami perluasan secara fungsional, pergeseran sistem karena tuntutan perkembangan zaman, pun juga tuntutan sosial kehidupan masyarakat yang saat ini tidak lagi membutuhkan pemecahan problematika kehidupan melalui ilmu-ilmu agama semata, namun juga integrasi antara agama, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Memodernisasikan Meunasah dan Dayah sebagai upaya menyelamatkan institusi Islam tua ini agar tidak menjadi “cagar budaya”, tentu bisa belajar dari pengalaman model-model modernisasi madrasah berdasarkan pengalaman Mesir (Masjid-Madrasah-Universitas al-Azhar, Turki (Maktab-Sekolah Remaja-Sekolah perempuan-Sekolah Imam-Khatib, dan Saudi Arabia (Madrasah-Sekolah Hasyimiyah. || Meunasah and Dayah in their development along with Islamic kingdoms in Aceh have a strategic role in the formation of Islamic culture in their own territories. This proves that the Malay kingdoms either in Malacca (Malaysia as well as in Aceh (NAD had a network of archaeological history of culture and civilization formed based on religious motivation and made the Malay tradition as their unifying identity. The existence of the classical Islamic institutions mentioned above continue to functionally expand and the system shifted because of the demands of the current time. It was also because of the social demands of the society that is no longer in need of solving the problems of life through a mere religious science, but also

  3. Highly variable recurrence of tsunamis in the 7,400 years before the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. (United States)

    Rubin, Charles M; Horton, Benjamin P; Sieh, Kerry; Pilarczyk, Jessica E; Daly, Patrick; Ismail, Nazli; Parnell, Andrew C


    The devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caught millions of coastal residents and the scientific community off-guard. Subsequent research in the Indian Ocean basin has identified prehistoric tsunamis, but the timing and recurrence intervals of such events are uncertain. Here we present an extraordinary 7,400 year stratigraphic sequence of prehistoric tsunami deposits from a coastal cave in Aceh, Indonesia. This record demonstrates that at least 11 prehistoric tsunamis struck the Aceh coast between 7,400 and 2,900 years ago. The average time period between tsunamis is about 450 years with intervals ranging from a long, dormant period of over 2,000 years, to multiple tsunamis within the span of a century. Although there is evidence that the likelihood of another tsunamigenic earthquake in Aceh province is high, these variable recurrence intervals suggest that long dormant periods may follow Sunda megathrust ruptures as large as that of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

  4. Molecular surveillance of Dengue in Sukabumi, West Java province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Nusa, Roy; Prasetyowati, Heni; Meutiawati, Febrina; Yohan, Benediktus; Trimarsanto, Hidayat; Setianingsih, Tri Yuli; Sasmono, R Tedjo


    Dengue is endemic and affects people in all Indonesian provinces. Increasing dengue cases have been observed every year in Sukabumi in West Java province. Despite the endemicity, limited data is available on the genetic of dengue viruses (DENV) circulating in the country. To understand the dynamics of dengue disease, we performed molecular and serological surveillance of dengue in Sukabumi. A total of 113 patients were recruited for this study. Serological data were obtained using anti-dengue IgM and IgG tests plus dengue NS1 antigen detection. Dengue detection and serotyping were performed using real-time RT-PCR. Viruses were isolated and the envelope genes were sequenced. Phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses were performed to determine the genotype of the viruses and their evolutionary rates. Real-time RT-PCR detected DENV in 25 (22%) of 113 samples. Serotyping revealed the predominance of DENV-2 (16 isolates, 64%), followed by DENV-1 (5 isolates, 20%), and DENV-4 (4 isolates, 16%). No DENV-3 was detected in the samples. Co-circulation of genotype I and IV of DENV-1 was observed. The DENV-2 isolates all belonged to the Cosmopolitan genotype, while DENV-4 isolates were grouped into genotype II. Overall, their evolutionary rates were similar to DENV from other countries. We revealed the distribution of DENV serotypes and genotypes in Sukabumi. Compared to data obtained from other cities in Indonesia, we observed the differing predominance of DENV serotypes but similar genotype distribution, where the infecting viruses were closely related with Indonesian endemic viruses isolated previously.



    Badri M.; Lubis D.P.; Susanto D.; Suharjito D.


    Riau Province is one of the prone areas of forest and land fires in Indonesia. Fires began to grow since the 1980s as deforestation and the clearing of palm oil plantations occured. The peak of a major fire was happened before the study was taken from 2014 to 2015 and caused a smoke haze for months. This study aims to determine the factors causing forest and land fires in Riau in the viewpoint of stakeholders. The research is conducted by using qualitative methods by exploring stakeholder vie...

  6. Current situation of midwives in indonesia: Evidence from 3 districts in West Java Province (United States)


    Background The village midwife is a central element of Indonesia's strategy to improve maternal and child health and family planning services. Recently there has been concern that the midwives were not present in the villages to which they had been assigned. To determine the extent to which this was the case we conducted a field-based census and survey of village midwives in three districts in West Java Province, Indonesia. Findings In June 2009 we interviewed a random sample of village midwives from three districts - Ciamis, Garut and Sukabumi - in West Java Province. Trained interviewers visited all villages represented in the sample to interview the midwives. We also obtained information about the midwives and their professional activities in the last year. Thirty percent of village midwives had moved to another location in the 12 months between the end of 2008, when the sampling frame was constructed, and December 2009 when the survey was conducted; most had moved to a government health center or another village. Of those who were present, there was considerable variation between districts in age distribution and qualifications. The total number of services provided was modest, also with considerable variation between districts. The median number of deliveries assisted in the last year was 64; the amount and mix of family planning services provided varied between districts and were dominated by temporary methods. Conclusions Compared to an earlier survey in an adjacent province, the village midwives in these three districts were younger, had spent less time in the village and a higher proportion were permanent civil servants. A high proportion had moved in the previous year with most moving to a health center or another village. The decision to move, as well as the mix of services offered, seems to be largely driven by opportunities to increase their private practice income. These opportunities are greater in urban areas. As urbanization procedes the forces

  7. Customers’ Switching Behavior In Banking In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta Province Indonesia

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    Rofiul Wahyudi


    Full Text Available This study aims to provide influence on the customer‟s switching behavior in islamic banking in the special region of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. Design/Methodology/Approach Multiple Regression were used to examine the influence of attitude towards switching, subjective norm, financial bonding, social bonding, structural bonding toward switching customers‟ behavior. Findings The result responses the variable of the attitude towards and subjective norm and financial bonding, social bonding, structural bonding significant to the switching intention to a conventional bank. Findings indicated it interaction between switching intention and customer satisfaction for customers‟ switching behavior. Research implication and recommendations Perhaps the most important finding of this research is those banking players particularly improvement customer satisfaction and identifying most factors driving intention to customers‟ switching.

  8. Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Dampak Penambangan Batu Akik (Studi di Kecamatan Panga Kabupaten Aceh Jaya)


    Jamaril, Jamaril; Usman, Saiful; Amirullah, Amirullah


    Penelitian yang berjudul “Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Dampak Penambangan Batu Akik (Studi di Kecamatan Panga Kabupaten Aceh Jaya)” ini membahas tentang persepsi masyarakat Kecamatan Panga Kabupaten Aceh Jaya terhadap dampak penambangan batu akik terhadap lingkungan serta dampak penambangan batu akik terhadap perekonomian dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Kecamatan Panga Kabupaten Aceh Jaya terhadap dampak penambangan batu akik, dan (2) untuk m...


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    Kiki Gustryanti


    Full Text Available Background: Depression is commonly found in older people. The prevalence of depression among older people, particularly in Indonesia is increasing worldwide. Objective: This study was aimed to identify the factors relating to depression among older people living in Cimahi, West Java Province, Indonesia. Method: A cross sectional design was used with a total of 267 older people aged from 60 to 79 years old. A multi-stage random sampling has been used in five Public Health Centers in Cimahi. The instruments comprised socio-demographic questionnaires, General Health Perceptions questionnaire, Chula Activities of Daily Living Index (CADLI, and Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistic, chi-square, and point-biserial. Results: The result revealed that 56.2% respondents was no depression and 43.8% respondents was depression. The results also showed that age, marital status, family history of depression, perceived health status, and activities of daily living was significant relationship with depression a mong older people (p<.01; p<.05. Conclusion: This finding can be used as a reference to implement new strategies to decrease depression among older people.

  10. Sufism Scholars Network in the Middle East, India, and Indonesia

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    Dwi Afrianti


    Full Text Available The history of Islam in Indonesia cannot be separated from the affected of local culture, religion, belief earlier, and culture of the spreader of Islam which are also influenced by religion and beliefs held previously, as well as the entry period into certain areas of different life times, willingness to form the teachings of the scholars/king. All of this shows the complexity of the uniqueness of Islam in Indonesian as the majority religion among diverse religions in Indonesia. Sufism are directly involved in the spread of Islam in Indonesia with a unique teaching that facilitate the engaging of non-Muslim communities into Islam, compromise or blends Islam with religious and beliefs practices rather than local beliefs change from an international network to the local level. The terms and the elements of the pre-Islamic culture are used to explain Islam itself. Islamic history of Sundanese, there is a link in teachings of Wihdat al-Wujud of Ibn al-‘Arabi who Sufism Scholar that connected between the international Islamic networks scholars and Sundanese in Indonesia. It is more popular, especially in the congregation of Thariqat Syattariyah originated from India, and it is widespread in Indonesia such as Aceh, Minangkabau and also Pamijahan-Tasikmalaya that brought by Abdul Muhyi since 17th century ago.


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    Nelson Sula


    Full Text Available Background: Health services are strongly influenced by regional topography. Road infrastructure is a key in access to health services. The geographic information system becomes a tool in modeling access to health services. Objective: To analyze geospatial data of the travel time to medical facilities in Muna Barat district, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Methods: This research used geospatial analysis with classification of raster data then overlaid with raster data such as Digital Elevation Modeling (DEM, Road of Vector data, and the point of Public Health Center (Puskesmas. Results: The result of geospatial analysis showed that the travel time to Puskesmas in Napano Kusambi and Kusambi sub districts is between 90-120 minutes, and travel time to the hospital in Kusambi sub district is required more than 2 hours. Conclusion: The output of this geospatial analysis can be an input for local government in planning infrastructure development in Muna Barat District, Indonesia.

  12. Conservation Management of Agriculture Land using Geospatial Approach (A Case Study in the Bone Watershed, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

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    Maryati Sri


    Full Text Available Bone Watershed is one of the major watersheds in Gorontalo Province. Bone watershed has a very important role for the people of Gorontalo Province. The role of Bone Watershed is mainly related to the providing clean water, producing oxygen, controlling flood, providing habitat for endemic flora fauna and other environmental functions. The role of Bone Watershed for the community’s economic sector is also very important, the Bone watershed provides livelihood for surrounding communities includes fertile land resources for agriculture and plantations, forest products, and livestock feed. This research is important considering the Bone watershed has limited availability of land for agriculture and the high risk of natural disasters such as floods and landslides. Geospatial data includes topography map, landform map, soil map, integrated with field survey results and soil properties were analized to determine conservation management of agriculture land in the Bone Watershed, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. The result of this study shows that based on soil properties and physical land characteristics, land use for agriculture should consider appropriate conservation techniques, land capability and respect to local wisdom.

  13. Conservation Management of Agriculture Land using Geospatial Approach (A Case Study in the Bone Watershed, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia) (United States)

    Maryati, Sri; Eraku, Sunarty; Kasim, Muh


    Bone Watershed is one of the major watersheds in Gorontalo Province. Bone watershed has a very important role for the people of Gorontalo Province. The role of Bone Watershed is mainly related to the providing clean water, producing oxygen, controlling flood, providing habitat for endemic flora fauna and other environmental functions. The role of Bone Watershed for the community's economic sector is also very important, the Bone watershed provides livelihood for surrounding communities includes fertile land resources for agriculture and plantations, forest products, and livestock feed. This research is important considering the Bone watershed has limited availability of land for agriculture and the high risk of natural disasters such as floods and landslides. Geospatial data includes topography map, landform map, soil map, integrated with field survey results and soil properties were analized to determine conservation management of agriculture land in the Bone Watershed, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. The result of this study shows that based on soil properties and physical land characteristics, land use for agriculture should consider appropriate conservation techniques, land capability and respect to local wisdom.


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    Max Joseph Herman


    Full Text Available Abstract A descriptive qualitative study on the implementation of MOH Decrees related to local herbal Traditional Medicine Therapy in Bali, West Java and Central Java, had been conducted cross-sectionally in 2011. Objectives of this study were to identify local licensing policy, perception of professional organization, and supports and obstacles of their implementation. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with one herbal CAM provider, purposively taken from each district, and Head of Health Resources Department of Provincial and District Health Office, whilst RTD participants were professional organizations like Indonesian Association of Herbal Medical Doctor, Indonesian Association of Traditional Therapist, Indonesian Pharmacist Association, Indonesian Association of Midwives and Indonesian National Nurse Union. Results of the study showed that in Bali no Surat Bukti Registrasi-Tenaga Pengobat Komplementer Altenatif had been issued. In West Java it had been given to trained doctor and in Central Java given only to doctors in Puskesmas following Jamu Scientification program. MOH Decree no. 1109 of 2007 which controls CAM providers in health facilities were differently perceived by Provincial Health Offices and as a result, implementation and also local policy differed amongst provinces. There were doctors providing herbal medicine services based on MOH Regulation no. 1076 of 2003. Nonetheless, few doctors had implemented Decree on Use of CAM, because there were no provincial collegiums of herbal medicine yet and no standard of competencies had been developed. The requirements to obtain licence for doctor were more complicated than for traditional provider. Keywords: complementary alternative medicine, herbal traditional medicine, licence, policy Abstrak Telah dilakukan suatu studi kualitatif implementasi peraturan-peraturan tentang pengobatan tradisional herbal secara potong lintang di Bali, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah, pada tahun

  15. Embedded wisdom or rooted problems? Aid workers' perspectives on local social and political infrastructure in post-tsunami Aceh. (United States)

    Daly, Patrick


    This paper analyses the role of local social, cultural, and political institutions in post-disaster reconstruction projects. It contends that such institutions are important considerations within community-driven reconstruction initiatives, but are often viewed with ambivalence by external aid organisations. This paper draws upon in-depth qualitative interviews with aid workers involved in the post-tsunami reconstruction in Aceh, Indonesia, to establish: (i) what roles community institutions were suited to play in the reconstruction; (ii) what were the limitations of community institutions when engaging with external aid agencies; (iii) how did external aid agencies engage with local community institutions; and (iv) how did external aid agencies perceive community institutions. © 2015 The Author(s). Disasters © Overseas Development Institute, 2015.

  16. Hubungan Pola Konsumsi dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 pada Pasien Rawat Jalan di RSUD Dr. Fauziah Bireuen Provinsi Aceh


    nur, abidah; Fitria, Eka; Zulhaida, Andi; Hanum, Sari


    Kebiasaan masyarakat Aceh adalah mengonsumsi makanan manis, asin, dan berlemak. Konsumsikarbohidrat, gula, dan makanan serta minuman manis yang tinggi dalam masyarakat Aceh berisikoterkena diabetes melitus. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola konsumsi masyarakatAceh dengan penyakit diabetes melitus. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan desain kasuskontroldi RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen Provinsi Aceh tahun 2014. Populasi penelitian adalah pasien yangrawat jalan yang berku...

  17. Early-Ming Era tsunami destruction along the Northern Coast of Aceh, Indonesia: New evidence from Archeology (United States)

    Sieh, K.; Daly, P.; McKinnon, E. E.; Tai, Y. S.; Feener, R. M.; Ishmail, N.


    Our colleagues and we have reconstructed partial earthquake and tsunami histories along the coast of Aceh, Sumatra. Chlieh et al (2006) documented and modeled deformation of offshore islands associated with the 2004 rupture. Meltzner et al (2010) found coral evidence of uplifts in 1394±2 and 1450±3 CE. Sieh et al. (2015) documented associated tsunami that destroyed a structure built in 1366±3 CE, 40 km east of Banda Aceh at Lamreh. Since 2015, our landscape archaeology survey of 43 coastal villages over a 40-km reach of the coast has revealed 995 archaeological sites ranging from 10th century to present and containing over 5,000 carved gravestones and 50,000 ceramic sherds. The distribution of ceramic material suggests 7 discrete areas of cultural activity before the 1394 tsunami. Six of these appear to be villages that used imported ceramics and have been populated since the 10th century. However, detailed analysis indicates a clear reduction in activity between 1360 and 1450 CE. This suggests that one or both of the 1394 and 1450 tsunami disrupted the villages. The distribution of post-1500 CE ceramic material shows a gradual repopulation of pre-tsunami sites and a significant expansion of activity starting at the end of the 16th Century, for all areas except Lamreh. Only at on the elevated Lambaro highlands, above modern Lamreh, does material conclusively date between the 1394 and 1450 CE tsunamis. This historic trading site of "Lambri" contains large quantities of ceramics ranging from the early 11th century until the early 16th century, including precisely dated early-Ming (1403-1425 CE) material, some of which is distinctive imperial trade ceramics. We suspect that after the 1394 tsunami destroyed the other coastal settlements, the relatively safe highlands of Lambri were the only areas of the coast utilized for at least 50 years. After about 1450 CE, however, these highlands were abandoned, while the low-lying coastal communities began once again to

  18. Kajian kesesuaian lingkungan untuk pengembangan wisata di Pantai Ganting, Pulau Simeulue, Provinsi Aceh

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    Herdiana Mutmainah


    Full Text Available Abstract. Simeulue Island is situated Indian Ocean in western part of Aceh Province, this is one of the outer island in Indonesia. Simeulue has big potency in marine resources such as  clean waters and beautiful beach, coral reefs and mangrove ecosystems. Therefore, Simeulue is very promising as an ecotourism destination. The objective of present study was to evaluate the condition of the water quality and the potency for a marine ecotourism development. The feasibility study was conducted on August in Ganting Beach, Village of Kuala Makmur, Simeulue Island. The purposive random sampling method was used to determine twelve sampling stations. The measured water quality parameters were pH, temperature, salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, brightness, BOD5, odors, oil and debris. These parameters were analyized and mapped using software ODV, and then compared to the sea water quality standard for marine tourism as well as the characteristics of the coast to the suitability index of recreational area. The results showed that the water quality of Ganting Beach is very suitable for recreational activities (index 77, category S1  andit is suitable for swimming and also for boating tourism activities, banana boats and jet skis (index 16, category S2. Keywords: water quality; marine tourism; Ganting Beach   Abstrak. Pulau Simeulue, merupakan salah satu pulau terdepan sebelah barat Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI, dan terletak di Samudera Hindia.Simeulue memiliki potensi sumberdaya laut yang besar, diantaranya perairan yang besih dan jenih, pantai yang indah, terumbu karang dan hutan bakau, sehingga sangat berpotensi untuk dikembang menjadi tujuan wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kondisi kualitas perairan dan potensi kesesuaian wisata Pulau Simeulue.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2015 bertempat di Pantai Ganting, Kelurahan Kuala Makmur, Kabupaten Simeulue. Sebanyak 12 lokasi pengambilan sampel kualitas air

  19. PARADOKS GENDER (Kajian Feminisme Etis terhadap Kemunculan Inong Balee dalam Kekerasan Politik di Aceh)


    Nugroho, Hastanti Widy; Murtiningsih, Siti


    Abstract This research aims to get understanding about a definition and a concept of Inong Balee in a political violence in Aceh; secondly, to get an evidence of gender paradox in the Inong Balee’s role and existence in Aceh; thirdly, to criticize the concept of Inong Balee’s gender paradox from Ethical Feminism viewpoint; fourthly, all of them are formulated as a recommendation for a resolution of the political violence in Aceh. The result of this research is the Inong Balee is a general ...

  20. Who gets the benefits of geopark establishment? A study of Batur Geopark Area, Bali Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Sagala, S.; Rosyidie, A.; Sasongko, M. A.; Syahbid, M. M.


    As an important contributor to the improvement of economic and social aspects within communities, tourism is a sector whose development must be paid careful attention to. Tourist attractions, especially for nature based tourism, have been proven to provide employment and a significant contribution to both the GDP and GNP of Indonesia. Various areas in Indonesia have natural tourist attractions. A recent popular type of natural tourism attraction in Indonesia are geoparks, which involve protection and utilization of wide geological heritage areas. One of the geoparks that have been recognized by UNESCO within its Global Geopark Network (GGN) is Batur Geopark, in the province of Bali, Indonesia. The development of a geopark should consider the local economic development within its surrounding area. In addition, the further development of a geopark area that is included within the Global Geopark Network must meet the criteria for social and economic aspects prepared by UNESCO. The establishment of these criteria is intended to ensure that the management of the geopark is also beneficiary for the development of local communities as well as contribute positively to their sustainable development. Indonesia has a number of initiatives to promote the establishment of new geoparks, such as Geopark Merangin, Geopark Ciletuh and Geopark Sewu. The most recent one to be considered is Toba Lake Area. Therefore, taking lessons learned from an existing geopark regarding its economic impacts is important. This study explored the positive and negative impacts of Batur Geopark on the local economic development of its surrounding area after its inclusion in the Global Geopark Network of UNESCO. Further recommendations are and formulated in order to enhance the mutual linkage between tourism development and economic benefits to the communities. Prior to the analyses, a literature review on best practices of geoparks was done. Qualitative analyses were conducted by interviewing 41

  1. Integrated study of geophysical and biological anomalies before earthquakes (seismic and non-seismic), in Austria and Indonesia (United States)

    Straka, Wolfgang; Assef, Rizkita; Faber, Robert; Ferasyi, Reza


    Earthquakes are commonly seen as unpredictable. Even when scientists believe an earthquake is likely, it is still hard to understand the indications observed, as well as their theoretical and practical implications. There is some controversy surrounding the concept of using animals as a precursor of earthquakes. Nonetheless, several institutes at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, and Vienna University of Technology, both Vienna, Austria, and Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, as well as Terramath Indonesia, Buleleng, both Indonesia, cooperate in a long-term project, funded by Red Bull Media House, Salzburg, Austria, which aims at getting some decisive step forward from anecdotal to scientific evidence of those interdependencies, and show their possible use in forecasting seismic hazard on a short-term basis. Though no conclusive research has yet been published, an idea in this study is that even if animals do not respond to specific geophysical precursors and with enough notice to enable earthquake forecasting on that basis, they may at least enhance, in conjunction with other indications, the degree of certainty we can get of a prediction of an impending earthquake. In Indonesia, indeed, before the great earthquakes of 2004 and 2005, ominous geophysical as well as biological phenomena occurred (but were realized as precursors only in retrospect). Numerous comparable stories can be told from other times and regions. Nearly 2000 perceptible earthquakes (> M3.5) occur each year in Indonesia. Also, in 2007, the government has launched a program, focused on West Sumatra, for investigating earthquake precursors. Therefore, Indonesia is an excellent target area for a study concerning possible interconnections between geophysical and biological earthquake precursors. Geophysical and atmospheric measurements and behavioral observation of several animal species (elephant, domestic cattle, water buffalo, chicken, rat, catfish) are conducted in three areas

  2. The northern tidal dynamic of Aceh waters: A 3D numerical model (United States)

    Irham, M.; Miswar, E.; Ilhamsyah, Y.; Setiawan, I.


    The northern tidal dynamic of Aceh waters studied by employing three-dimensional (3D) numerical hydrodynamic model. The purpose of this study is to understand the phenomena and the characteristic of the northern tidal dynamic of Aceh waters. The research used the explicit-splitting scheme numerical model of Navier-Stokes formulation. The result displays that the vertical rotation of flow movement (vertical eddy) at a depth of 15 to 25 meter eastern part of the study area. Hence, the result also informs that the current circulation identically to the upwelling in the western region of Aceh during the wet season and vice versa. However, during the transitional season, the flow circulation depends on how the tidal dynamic occurs in the area.

  3. Prevention of Tetanus Outbreak Following Natural Disaster in Indonesia: Lessons Learned from Previous Disasters. (United States)

    Pascapurnama, Dyshelly Nurkartika; Murakami, Aya; Chagan-Yasutan, Haorile; Hattori, Toshio; Sasaki, Hiroyuki; Egawa, Shinichi


    In Indonesia, the Aceh earthquake and tsunami in 2004 killed 127,000 people and caused half a million injuries, while the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006 caused 5,700 deaths and 37,000 injuries. Because disaster-affected areas are vulnerable to epidemic-prone diseases and tetanus is one such disease that is preventable, we systematically reviewed the literature related to tetanus outbreaks following previous two natural disasters in Indonesia. Based on our findings, recommendations for proper vaccination and education can be made for future countermeasures. Using specified keywords related to tetanus and disasters, relevant documents were screened from PubMed, the WHO website, and books. Reports offering limited data and those released before 2004 were excluded. In all, 16 publications were reviewed systematically. Results show that 106 cases of tetanus occurred in Aceh, with a case fatality ratio (CFR) of 18.9%; 71 cases occurred in Yogyakarta, with CFR of 36.6%. For both outbreaks, most patients had been wounded during scavenging or evacuation after the disaster occurred. Poor access to health care because of limited transportation or hospital facilities, and low vaccination coverage and lack of awareness of tetanus risk contributed to delayed treatment and case severity. Tetanus outbreaks after disasters are preventable by increasing vaccination coverage, improving wound care treatment, and establishing a regular surveillance system, in addition to good practices of disaster management and supportive care following national guidelines. Furthermore, health education for communities should be provided to raise awareness of tetanus risk reduction.

  4. Seismic Hazard characterization study using an earthquake source with Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) method in the Northern of Sumatra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yahya, A.; Palupi, M. I. R.; Suharsono


    Sumatra region is one of the earthquake-prone areas in Indonesia because it is lie on an active tectonic zone. In 2004 there is earthquake with a moment magnitude of 9.2 located on the coast with the distance 160 km in the west of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and triggering a tsunami. These events take a lot of casualties and material losses, especially in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra. To minimize the impact of the earthquake disaster, a fundamental assessment of the earthquake hazard in the region is needed. Stages of research include the study of literature, collection and processing of seismic data, seismic source characterization and analysis of earthquake hazard by probabilistic methods (PSHA) used earthquake catalog from 1907 through 2014. The earthquake hazard represented by the value of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and Spectral Acceleration (SA) in the period of 0.2 and 1 second on bedrock that is presented in the form of a map with a return period of 2475 years and the earthquake hazard curves for the city of Medan and Banda Aceh. (paper)

  5. Phenotypic analysis of antibiotic resistant E. coli recovered from urban aquatic environment in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Suhartono, S.; Ismail, Y. S.; Yulvizar, C.; Nursanty, R.; Mahyuddin, M.; Jannah, M.


    Of aquatic environment, antibiotic resistant bacteria, including total coliforms and E. coli disseminate and emerge at an alarming rate. The study aims to determine enumerate, isolate,E. coliand determine their antibiotic resistance and compare between those which were recovered from residentials and home industries in Banda Aceh and its surrounding area. The bacterial density and antibiotic susceptibility of total coliforms and E. coli were determined using Standard Total Coliform Multiple-Tube (MPN) Fermentation method and the disk diffusion method, respectively. Despite there was no significant difference of total coliforms and E. coli population between residentials and home industries (P > 0.05) in this study, their density as well as prevalence remained high in the water sample. This might expose serious health risks since the resistance might be easily spread acquired through horizontal gene transfer within the aquatic environment.

  6. Annual risks of tuberculous infection in East Nusa Tenggara and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia. (United States)

    Bachtiar, A; Miko, T Y; Machmud, R; Besral, B; Yudarini, P; Mehta, F; Chadha, V K; Basri, C; Loprang, F; Jitendra, R


    East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia. To estimate the average annual risk of tuberculous infection (ARTI) among school children aged 6-9 years in each province. Children attending Classes 1-4 in 65 schools in NTT and 79 in Central Java, selected by two-stage sampling, were intradermally administered 2 tuberculin units of purified protein derivative RT23 with Tween 80 on the mid-volar aspect of the left forearm. The maximum transverse diameter of induration was measured 72 h later. The analysis was carried out among 5479 satisfactorily test-read children in NTT and 6943 in Central Java. One hundred and fifty-five new sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) cases (78 in NTT and 77 in Central Java) were also tuberculin tested. Based on the frequency distribution of reaction sizes among the children and PTB cases, the prevalence of infection was estimated by the mirror-image method using the modes of tuberculous reactions at 15 and 17 mm. Using the 15 mm mode, ARTI was estimated at 1% in NTT and 0.9% in Central Java. Using the 17 mm mode, ARTI was estimated at 0.5% in NTT and 0.4% in Central Java. Transmission of tuberculous infection may be further reduced by intensification of tuberculosis control efforts.

  7. Implementasi Pengelolaan Zakat di Aceh

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    Mursyid Djawas


    Full Text Available This article discusses the local provision of Aceh; Qanun No. 7 of 2004 on Zakat Management. Qanun No. 7 of 2004 on Management of Zakat on the managing zakat is an effort to increase and optimize the potential of zakat in Indonesia, which is still far from the expected. Some of the issues discussed in this article are the provisions of Qanun on muzakki (person who obliged to pay zakat, mustahiq (those entitled to receive zakat , Baitul Mal and Conditions ' uqubat (sanctions against deviations from the zakat. This article studied by using Islamic approach and normative juridical with library research. The results show that the discussion in relation to mustahiq zakat, the Qanun has provided a guarantee for people who in Act No. 18 of 2001 established as one of income sources (local revenue. In the provisions of the charity 's Qanun, very clearly stipulated that zakah is only distributed to mustahiq accordance with Shari'ah. This shows that zakat cannot be used for purposes that are not included in one of the senif that has been clearly mentioned in the Qur'an. In relation to sanctions against irregularities of zakat, the existence of this Qanun can be considered as a complement to Law No. 38 of 1999 on Zakat which still has many shortcomings, especially the clauses providing for sanctions for irregularities to the management of zakat. In the Act, the sanctions more set on irregularities for zakat were Qanun zakat management is already include amyl and muzakki. The Qanun is also member of the delegation of authority for management immense charity by Baitul Mal.

  8. A typology of natural resource use for livelihood impact assessments in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia

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    Wayne A. Rochester


    Full Text Available The vulnerability of less developed regions is exacerbated by a lack of information to inform appropriate adaptation planning. We addressed this challenge in the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa (Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia by combining multiple sources of knowledge to develop a typology of natural resource use by communities of the province. This enabled an assessment of future impacts of drivers of change such as population growth and climate change. The typology was developed by cluster analysis of an inventory of the use of ecosystem goods and services (EGS by the 105 rural subdistricts in the province. The data were largely elicited from expert knowledge, augmented by a rapid rural appraisal of communities’ marine resource use in Sumbawa. Exploratory analysis of existing secondary data on livelihoods and land use provided context and skeleton data, which were developed further by experts. Overall, 82 EGS were identified from nine terrestrial, coastal, marine and freshwater habitats. EGS included livestock, cropping, forestry, wildlife hunting, fishing, aquaculture, mining, water (for drinking and agriculture and tourism. The typology comprised seven types that captured 42% of the variation in the data matrix. The types were moderately spatially aggregated and showed some congruence with administrative (district boundaries. We discuss the implications of the results for planning livelihood adaptation strategies, and out-scaling these among subdistricts of matching types.

  9. Public preception on education partnership programs between Indonesia and australia in East Nusa Tenggara Province (United States)

    Lobo, M.; Guntur, R. D.; Nalley, H. M.


    A research about partnership program in education between the government of Indonesia and Australia in East Nusa Tenggara Province (ENTP) has been conducted. The aim is to list the programs between the countries on the region in the last twenty years, together with their implementations to the community based on all the stakeholders’ perspectives. The samples taken by purposive sampling which targeted those who had direct involvement to the programs in the Districts of Sikka, Ende and Ngada. A literature review, questioners and a depth interview were employed in the data collection. The results show that the main partnership projects were NTT-PEP (Nusa Tenggara Timur-Primary Education Partnership), AIBEP (Australia Indonesia Building Education Project) and ProDEP (Professional Development for Education Personal). While the first and the third programs were targeting on human resources development, the second project was more focusing on the infrastructures. The analysis shows that in general, the majority of people think that the program implementation was good. Similar results were also reflected in the group of superintendent and the community. However, totally different feature was found in the group of government officials where all of them perceived that the program was good and need to be continued and sustained.

  10. The Malaysian Orthopaedic Association humanitarian mission to Indonesia and Sri Lanka. (United States)

    Sharaf, I; Saw, A; Hyzan, Y; Sivananthan, K S


    The tsunami which occurred off the west coast of North Sumatra on December 26, 2004 devastated the coastal areas of North Sumatra, South-West Thailand, South-East India and Sri Lanka killing more than a quarter of a million people. The destruction was enormous with many coastal villages destroyed. The other countries affected were Malaysia, Myanmar, Maldives, Bangladesh, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and the Seychelles. In January 2005, volunteers went in weekly rotation to Banda Aceh in collaboration with Global Peace Mission. These were Dr Hyzan Yusof, Dr Suryasmi Duski, Dr Sharaf Ibrahim, Dr Saw Aik, Dr Kamariah Nor and Dr Nor Azlin. In Banda Aceh, the surgical procedures that we could do were limited to external fixation of open fractures and debriding infected wounds at the Indonesian Red Crescent field hospital. In February, a team comprising Dato Dr K S Sivananthan, Dr T Kumar and Dr S Vasan spent a week in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, Dato Sivananthan and his team were able to perform elective orthopaedic operations in Dr Poonambalam Memorial Hospital. We appealed for national and international aid and received support from local hospitals and the orthopaedic industry. International aid bound for Banda Aceh arrived in Kuala Lumpur from the Philippine Orthopaedic Association, the Chiba Children's Hospital in Japan and the Chinese Orthopaedic Association. The COA donated 1.5 tons of orthopaedic equipments. A special handing over ceremony from the COA to the Indonesian Orthopaedic Association was held in Putrajaya in March. Malaysia Airlines flew in the donated equipment to Kuala Lumpur while the onward flight to Aceh was provided by the Royal Malaysian Air Force. In April, Dr Saw Aik and Dr Yong Su Mei joined the Tsu-Chi International Medical Association for volunteer services on Batam Island, Indonesia. The MOA acknowledges the many individuals and organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, for their contributions in the humanitarian efforts.

  11. Etiology and clinical management of adult meningitis in Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rizal Ganiem, A.


    This thesis consists of 8 chapters and addresses the etiology, diagnosis, outcome and treatment of adult meningitis in Indonesia. The studies were conducted in Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, the referral hospital for West Java province, Indonesia between December 2006 and August 2012. In a cohort

  12. Sustainable brooder for supporting local chicken in North Sumatera Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Ginting, N.; Hidayat, R.


    Demand for local chicken has lasted for ages in Sumatera Utara Province, Indonesia. Demand is higher than supply because local chicken has low productivity which caused by several factors, for example heater or brooder for day old chicken (DOC). People who live in villages where mostly local chicken are raised have difficulty in serving brooder as electricity is expensive. In Biological Laboratory, Animal Production Programme Study, University of Sumatera Utara, a study has been conducted from August until November 2016. The objective of this study is to investigate sustainable brooder for local chicken. A study of 300 local DOC with designs: T1) local DOC + electric lamp brooder, T2) local DOC + biogas lamp brooder, T3) local DOC + propane lamp brooder has conducted. The key parameters measured were temperature stability, DOC spread, body weight gain, and mortality. Designs T1, T2 and T3 were almost equal in temperature stability, DOC spread, body weight gain and mortality while T2 was superior as it was environmentally friendly. A recommendation for local people to use biogas brooder instead of electric or LPG brooder.

  13. “Listen, do, repeat, understand and remember”: Teaching English to very young children in Aceh

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    Qismullah Yusuf


    Full Text Available This qualitative study investigated the methods used in teaching English vocabulary to very young children (i.e. toddlers at a bilingual school in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Not much research has been published on teaching English to toddlers in the EFL context; therefore, this research is important as the results can become additional input to L2 teachers who teach very young children because by understanding their conditions of learners, teachers can help them reach their full potential as language learners. An observation sheet and a set of interview questions were used to collect data from an English teacher. There was only one teacher who became the participant because the school under study is thus far the only school that provides an English learning environment for children as young as toddlers in the city of Banda Aceh. The class was observed for three class meetings. The results showed that of the four teaching methods observed, the most commonly employed method was Total Physical Response (TPR, followed by Natural Approach (NA, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT and Suggestopedia (SG as the least. Furthermore, based on the interview with the teacher, it was indicated that TPR and NA were more appropriate for teaching the toddlers English vocabulary. Through TPR, the very young children demonstrated their understanding of commands by responding with simple answers or gestures. In NA, they were situated in a natural environment and not prompted to speak until they felt ready to do so. Additionally, the teacher used no specific textbooks because music, pictures, and authentic materials procured an immense role in supporting the activities in the classroom.

  14. Islamic representation and urban space in Banda Aceh: Linking the social and spatial (United States)

    Istiqamah; Herlily


    Post conflict and tsunami; the city of Banda Aceh is experiencing a massive development as an effort to represent an Islamic city. Some strategic points have been chosen by the municipality to build architectural objects that are considered to represent Islam in the urban space. The issue of such representational practice is the development of neglecting the activities of local communities as users of urban public spaces. The purpose of this design study is to provide an alternative to the urban design of Banda Aceh to represent Islam that is not moving from physical development but by involving community activities. Establish and rediscover the relationship between Islam and urban life in Banda Aceh. This design study uses mental maps of 50 inhabitants of Banda Aceh city of various ages who live in 10 villages around the city center. We use mental maps as a tool to read the daily activities of the community and determine the familiar urban territory with the community. The results of this study will be used to form a Muslim community and present community activities to represent Islam in the urban space.

  15. Gampong Jawa Landfill of Banda Aceh: a Case Study of Dumpsite Rehabilitation to a Sustainable Landfill


    Mirzayanto; Yulian Gressando


    Gampong Jawa dumpsite was established in 1994 as part of Banda Aceh Municipality (BAM) efforts to participate in Adipura Award for the category of clean and green city. The 12 ha area was a dumpsite for most of wastes from BAM and Aceh Besar District. When earthquake/tsunami hit Banda Aceh in December 2004, it was completely destroyed and all the wastes were swept away. This paper is aimed to present the lessons of how a dumpsite is rehabilitated to a landfill. Some issues and ...

  16. Expansion of oil palm and other cash crops causes an increase of the land surface temperature in the Jambi province in Indonesia

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    C. R. Sabajo


    Full Text Available Indonesia is currently one of the regions with the highest transformation rate of land surface worldwide related to the expansion of oil palm plantations and other cash crops replacing forests on large scales. Land cover changes, which modify land surface properties, have a direct effect on the land surface temperature (LST, a key driver for many ecological functions. Despite the large historic land transformation in Indonesia toward oil palm and other cash crops and governmental plans for future expansion, this is the first study so far to quantify the impacts of land transformation on the LST in Indonesia. We analyze LST from the thermal band of a Landsat image and produce a high-resolution surface temperature map (30 m for the lowlands of the Jambi province in Sumatra (Indonesia, a region which suffered large land transformation towards oil palm and other cash crops over the past decades. The comparison of LST, albedo, normalized differenced vegetation index (NDVI and evapotranspiration (ET between seven different land cover types (forest, urban areas, clear-cut land, young and mature oil palm plantations, acacia and rubber plantations shows that forests have lower surface temperatures than the other land cover types, indicating a local warming effect after forest conversion. LST differences were up to 10.1 ± 2.6 °C (mean ± SD between forest and clear-cut land. The differences in surface temperatures are explained by an evaporative cooling effect, which offsets the albedo warming effect. Our analysis of the LST trend of the past 16 years based on MODIS data shows that the average daytime surface temperature in the Jambi province increased by 1.05 °C, which followed the trend of observed land cover changes and exceeded the effects of climate warming. This study provides evidence that the expansion of oil palm plantations and other cash crops leads to changes in biophysical variables, warming the land surface and thus

  17. Weights of Evidence Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Takengon, Central Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Pamela; Sadisun, Imam A.; Arifianti, Yukni


    Takengon is an area prone to earthquake disaster and landslide. On July 2, 2013, Central Aceh earthquake induced large numbers of landslides in Takengon area, which resulted in casualties of 39 people. This location was chosen to assess the landslide susceptibility of Takengon, using a statistical method, referred to as the weight of evidence (WoE). This WoE model was applied to indicate the main factors influencing the landslide susceptible area and to derive landslide susceptibility map of Takengon. The 251 landslides randomly divided into two groups of modeling/training data (70%) and validation/test data sets (30%). Twelve thematic maps of evidence are slope degree, slope aspect, lithology, land cover, elevation, rainfall, lineament, peak ground acceleration, curvature, flow direction, distance to river and roads used as landslide causative factors. According to the AUC, the significant factor controlling the landslide is the slope, the slope aspect, peak ground acceleration, elevation, lithology, flow direction, lineament, and rainfall respectively. Analytical result verified by using test data of landslide shows AUC prediction rate is 0.819 and AUC success rate with all landslide data included is 0.879. This result showed the selective factors and WoE method as good models for assessing landslide susceptibility. The landslide susceptibility map of Takengon shows the probabilities, which represent relative degrees of susceptibility for landslide proneness in Takengon area.

  18. Prakiraan Beban Listrik Jangka Pendek Kota Banda Aceh Berbasis Logika Fuzzy


    Syukriyadin,; Syahputra, Rio


    One of the technical aspects that support the optimal operation planning of a power plant when viewed in terms of system reliability and economic is about short-term load forecasting. The objective of this research is to forcasting hourly short-term electric load peak (17:30 to 22:30 GMT) at loading area of Transmission Distribution Banda Aceh Unit of PT. PLN P3B Aceh 150-20 kV by using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) method. The toolbox used to predict short-term electric load ...

  19. Risk Factors of Orofacial Pain: A Population-Based Study in West Java Province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Rikmasari, Rasmi; Yubiliana, Gilang; Maulina, Tantry


    The management of orofacial pain in Indonesia has not been well performed, which consequently led to an increase in the orofacial pain occurrences and a decreased quality of life. One of the possible reasons for this particular matter is the lack of evaluation on the risk factors that might induce orofacial pain in some individuals. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the risk factors of orofacial pain on productive age population in West Java province, Indonesia. One thousand and fifty-six participants (522 males; 534 females) were recruited for the study. A questionnaire that consists of demographic questions and questions evaluating several assumed risk factors for orofacial pain was used in a single interview. All data was analyzed by using Chi Square test to test the significance, Odds Ratio (OR), as well as Relative Risk (RR) by using SPSS version 23 (IBM Statistic, USA). The result of the current study revealed that bruxism ( p orofacial pain. It was also found that participants who performed multitude of heavy liftings at work have an increased risk (RR=1.19: 95% CI: 1.04 - 1.35) of having orofacial pain compared to those who do not. Risk factors for the occurrence of orofacial pain on productive age population in Indonesian sample consisted of oral parafunctional habits and non-parafunctional habits, such as heavy lifting. Further study in this particular topic is of importance.

  20. Why Not Genocide? Anti-Chinese Violence in Aceh, 1965–1966

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    Jess Melvin


    Full Text Available This article provides an account of anti-Chinese violence in Aceh between 1 October 1965 and 17 August 1966. Drawing upon original oral history evidence and previously unknown documentary sources, this article builds upon current scholarly understandings that two phases of violence involving members of the ethnic Chinese community can be identified in Aceh during this period, to explain how a third explicitly ethnic-based phase of violence directed against members of the ethnic Chinese community in Aceh can also be identified. Based on this research and a reflection on the precedent set by the Cambodian genocide as to how the current legal definition of genocide can be applied, this article argues that the assessment that the Indonesian killings should not be understood as genocide is premature.

  1. Kontinuitäten im Wandel: Handlungskoordinationen von Frauenrechtsaktivistinnen in Aceh

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    Kristina Großmann


    Full Text Available Muslim women activists in Aceh play a central role in eliminating social and political ills and promoting women’s rights. In their visions of a new Aceh, they situate themselves between their Islamic belief and Acehnese identity as well as between the nation state and international conventions. The central question presented in this article relates to experiences and factors which influence the aspirations, goals, strategies, and implementation of women’s rights work among women activists in Aceh. Based on an 11-month ethnographic field research and biographic interviews, the author argues that Muslim women activists do not perceive their work for the advancement of women as a result of their own experiences of discrimination by existing patriarchal structures. Rather, the source of their engagement lies within their empathy and solidarity with physically and psychologically suffering female conflict victims. Due to the increasing institutionalization and commodification of reconstruction and development aid after the tsunami of 2004, women activists recognize large discrepancies between the aims of foreign donors and those of local organizations and emphasize a return to women’s needs at the grassroot level.

  2. Studi Efisiensi Perbankan Syariah di Kota Lhokseumawe dan Aceh Utara

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    Iskandar Iskandar


    Full Text Available The development of Islamic banking in Aceh should have get more attention because its existence is not only as complement of thenational banking system, but also as an attempt to fill the Islamic Shari ’a with the Islamic financial institutions. The issue becomes important to investigate since the efficiency of banking institutions urgently need to this performance. Thus, in this study, the efficiency of Islamic banking will be viewed from two aspects: Firstly, the ability of the bank in generating output, in this case the low cost of financing. Secondly, efficiency can also be observed by looking at the bank’s performance in minimizing the risk of financing. This study concluded that the main difficulty of Aceh Islamic banks is not the lack of cheap enough money so that the efficiency becomes less when it is compared with the required cost. However, the annual report shows that the assets of Islamic banks have developed positively and good. Likewise, the ratio of Non Performing Ratio (NPF of Islamic banks is efficient. The study recommends enhancing the cheap fundraising (al-wadi <’ah to increase the economic growth in the northern coastal area of Aceh.


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    Tin Afifah


    Full Text Available Trend and Disparity of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR, Child Mortality Rate (CMR and Under Five Mortality Rate (USMR and Social Economic Statusin Indonesia in 1998, 2001 and 2003.Infant Mortality Rate (IMR, Child Mortality Rate (CMR and Under Five Mortality rate(U5MR, especially IMR, are important as welfare indicators. IMR and U5MR are The Healthy Indonesia 2010 Indicators (IS 2010. The IMR and CMR are the MDG indicators. Due to inadequate registration system in Indonesia, estimation of various parameters of population, still rely upon survey data. Frequently,IMR and U5MR are estimated indirectly from population Census (SP, the Intercensal Population Survey (Supas, The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas, and the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI. The analysis objectives are to find the trend of IMR. CMR and U5MR, and its pattern by the social economic background and as well as the disparities. The Source data are the 1998, 2001 and2003 Susenas. The data cover all provinces except Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Maluku and Papua. The variables are children survival (mean of children ever born and mean of children survival, urban rural, regional, education background and quintile of strata economics. Analyses were done with indirect technique analysis with Brass-Trussel Method West Model. The analysis shows that trends of all indicators are fluctuative. The estimates of IMR and U5MR for the five-year period prior to the survey indicated aslightly increase from the I998 Susenas (49 and 65 to the 2001 Susenas (51 and 65, then decreased in the 2003 Susenas (42 and 52. All indicators show that the mortality by social economics background are highest in the poorest family, less educated mothers, live in the rural area and in the East of Indonesia Region. The results also show that the 2003 Susenas U5MR is exceeding the IS 2010 target (58/1000 and almost reach the IMR IS 2010 target (40/1000.Keywords: trend, disparity, infant mortality rate


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    Mursyid Mursyid


    Full Text Available Ketentuan UU Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam tentang harta bersama mengatur bahwa sebelum warisan dibagi kepada ahli waris, maka harta bersama antara suami dan istri dibagi dengan cara 50% bagi suami dan 50% istri. Namun bagaimana dengan praktik pembagian harta bersama pada Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh dalam penyelesaian perkara harta bersama di Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh para apakah hakim hanya mendasarkan putusannya pada UU Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam saja ataukah juga mempertimbangkan hukum Islam yang hidup dalam masyarakat Aceh. Hal inilah yang menjadi fokus kajian dari penelitian ini dengan arah utama pembahasan diarahkan pada dua pertanyaan pokok, yaitu Perkara apa saja yang ditangani oleh Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh dalam kaitannya dengan harta bersama? Dan Bagaimana ijtihad hakim dalam penyelesaian perkara harta bersama pada Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh, apakah para hakim hanya mendasarkan putusannya pada UU Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam saja atau juga mempertimbangkan praktek pembagian harta bersama dalam masyarakat Aceh? Untuk membahas permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan dan metode penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk data lapangan, penulis lebih dominan menggunakan metode wawancara (indepth interview dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil Pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa Perkara harta bersama yang masuk ke Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh pada tahun 2010 terdapat 4 perkara harta bersama dari 550 perkara secara umum. Pada tahun 2011 terdapat 5 perkara harta bersama dari 815 perkara secara umum dan pada tahun 2012 terdapat 10 perkara harta bersama dari 433 perkara secara umum. Adapun Ijtihad Hakim dalam penyelesaian perkara harta bersama pada Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh didasarkan pada pada pertimbangan ketentuan tentang harta bersama yang diatur dalam UU Perkawinan No. 1 Tahun 1974

  5. Directives for Mangrove Forest and Coastal Forest Rehabilitation in Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Area in the Provinces of Manggroe Aceh Darussalam and Sumatera Utara (Nias Island, Indonesia

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    Cecep Kusmara


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Peristiwa gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD dan Pulau Nias Sumatera Utara pada bulan Desember 2004 telah mengakibatkan rusaknya sebagian besar hutan mangrove dan hutan pantai di kedua wilayah tersebut. Berhubung kedua tipe hutan tersebut sangat penting untuk menopang kelangsungan hidup penduduk pantai, maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan arahan rehabilitasi hutan mangrove dan pantai yang rusak akibat tsunami di NAD dan Pulau Nias. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah pantai yang tanahnya berupa tanah mineral yang bukan lumpur dengan salinitas yang tinggi (di atas 10 0/00 seyogyanya ditanami oleh jenis mangrove eklusif (Rhizophora stylosa, R. apiculata, Sonneratia alba, Ceriops tagal dan Aegeciros floridum dan mangrove asosiat (Osbornea octodonta dan Scyphiphora sp., tanah bukan lumpur dengan salinitas rendah oleh berbagai jenis pohon hutan pantai (Casuarina equisetifolia, dan lain-lain, tanah lumpur bersalinitas tinggi oleh Avicenia spp. dan R. Mucronata; dan tanah gambut seyogyanya ditanami oleh Bruguiera gymnorrizha. Adapun lebar  jalur hijau vegetasi yang disarankan adalah minimal 225 m untuk wilayah NAD dan 211 m untuk wilayah pulau Nias. Untuk merealisasikan kegiatan rehabilitasi vegetasi pantai yang bersifat multitahun di NAD dan Nias maka kegiatan rehabilitasi tersebut harus ditempatkan dalam rangka pembangunan daerah Kata kunci: hutan mangrove, hutan pantai, jalur hijau, mangrove asosiat, mangrove eksklusif

  6. Challenges to the implementation of the integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) at community health centres in West Java province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Titaley, C R; Jusril, H; Ariawan, I; Soeharno, N; Setiawan, T; Weber, M W


    The integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) is a comprehensive approach to child health, which has been adopted in Indonesia since 1997. This study aims to provide an overview of IMCI implementation at community health centres (puskesmas) in West Java province, Indonesia. Data were derived from a cross-sectional study conducted in 10 districts of West Java province, from November to December 2012. Semi-structured interviews were used to obtain information from staff at 80 puskesmas, including the heads (80 informants), pharmacy staff (79 informants) and midwives/nurses trained in IMCI (148 informants), using semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data were analysed using frequency tabulations and qualitative data were analysed by identifying themes that emerged in informants' responses. Almost all (N = 79) puskesmas implemented the IMCI strategy; however, only 64% applied it to all visiting children. Several barriers to IMCI implementation were identified, including shortage of health workers trained in IMCI (only 43% of puskesmas had all health workers in the child care unit trained in IMCI and 40% of puskesmas conducted on-the-job training). Only 19% of puskesmas had all the essential drugs and equipment for IMCI. Nearly all health workers acknowledged the importance of IMCI in their routine services and very few did not perceive its benefits. Lack of supervision from district health office staff and low community awareness regarding the importance of IMCI were reported. Complaints received from patients'families were generally related to the long duration of treatment and no administration of medication after physical examination. Interventions aiming to create local regulations endorsing IMCI implementation; promoting monitoring and supervision; encouraging on-the-job training for health workers; and strengthening training programmes, counselling and other promotional activities are important for promoting IMCI implementation in West Java province

  7. 3D virtual environment of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in a web (United States)

    Wardijono, B. A.; Wardhani, I. P.; Chandra, Y. I.; Pamungkas, B. U. G.


    Taman Mini Indonesia Indah known as TMII is a largest recreational park based on culture in Indonesia. This park has 250 acres that consist of houses from provinces in Indonesia. In TMII, there are traditional houses of the various provinces in Indonesia. The official website of TMII has informed the traditional houses, but the information was limited to public. To provide information more detail about TMII to the public, this research aims to create and develop virtual traditional houses as 3d graphics models and show it via website. The Virtual Reality (VR) technology was used to display the visualization of the TMII and the surrounding environment. This research used Blender software to create the 3D models and Unity3D software to make virtual reality models that can be showed on a web. This research has successfully created 33 virtual traditional houses of province in Indonesia. The texture of traditional house was taken from original to make the culture house realistic. The result of this research was the website of TMII including virtual culture houses that can be displayed through the web browser. The website consists of virtual environment scenes and internet user can walkthrough and navigates inside the scenes.

  8. Analysis of risk factors for acute respiratory tract infections (ARI) of Toddlers in Ingin Jaya community health centre of Aceh Besar district (United States)

    Safitri, Faradilla; Hayati, Risna; Marniati


    Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) is a disease in developing countries 25% that caused the death of children under five. In Aceh province disease is always on the list of 10 biggest disease each year which amounted to 47.258 cases. In Ingin Jaya Community Health Centre cases of acute respiratory tract infections in infants in 2014 were 112 cases, while in 2015 an increase of as many as 123 cases. Objective: To analyze the risk factors of acute respiratory diseases in health centers of Toddlers Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar district. Analytical research the design of case control, case-control comparison of 1: 1 ie the sample of 60 cases and 60 control, retrieval of data taken from the register space IMCI Health Center. The study was conducted in 2016. Results: Factor toddler age (OR=11.811), gender (OR=3.512), birth weight (OR=8.805), immunization status (OR=4.846), exclusive breastfeeding (OR=2.529). Conclusions and Recommendations: Toddlers aged>2 years has the opportunity 11.811 times of acute respiratory tract infections. Male Toddler has a chance 3.512 times of acute respiratory tract infections. Toddlers are born with a normal weight does not have a chance of 8.805 times of acute respiratory tract infections. Toddlers who do not get complete immunization has the opportunity 4.846 times of acute respiratory tract infections. Toddlers who did not receive exclusive breastfeeding has 2,529 times greater chance of respiratory tract infections. Health workers and the Aceh Provincial Health Office can provide information through health education each month for each work area of health centers, or create a billboard on the causes of the ispa in infants.

  9. Perilaku Inflasi 33 Propinsi di Indonesia

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    Birgitta Dian Saraswati


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the effect of food prices and the factors of demand side on the inflation rate in the 33 provinces in Indonesia. Using fixed effect panel data regression model, our result show that inflation in 33 provinces in Indonesia are caused by demand-side factors ( gross regional domestik product and government expenditure as well as supply-side factors, namely food prices in this case the price of rice. The policy implication of this study is that monetary policy by controlling the money supply is still effective for achieving the goal of price stability. However, monetary policy alone will not be effective to achieve the inflation target. Required policy coordination among agencies or departments in order to ensure the availability of basic necessities such as rice commodities.


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    Hendra Koesmara


    Full Text Available This research identified the forms of share market, to calculate the price received by farmers and middlemen, and analyze marketing margins of beef cattle market. This research was conducted in June to August 2011, in Aceh Besar regency of Aceh province. The method used in this study was a survey method and field direct observations and interviews using questionnaires to farmers, middlemen (mugge and meat traders respondent. The number of samples were 420 respondents, including 270 respondents of livestock farmers,105 respondents of middlemen (mugee and 45 respondents of meat traders (final consumerfrom the three districts. This study used regression analysis to determine the effect of variables simultaneously observed the marketing margin. The results showed there were 2 channel marketings, channel marketing I of farmers to the final consumer through two market participants were mugee and meat traders,while the marketing channel II from farmers to consumers through one market participants that was meat traders. In marketing channels I mugee get income share 24.89% with 10.38% share of the cost, while the meat traders got incomeshare 47.70% with 17.03% share of the cost. In marketing channels II meat tradersgot income share 83.00% with17.00% share of the cost. In marketing channels I mugee marketing margin of Rp1,026,293.10/head and the meat traders of Rp1,883,045.98/head, while the meat traders of Rp2,944,838.00/head. The coefficient ofdetermination (R2 equalto 0.337321, which means cattle marketing margin could be explained jointly by 33.73% by the marketing costs, the price at the farmer level and the number of middlemen. The test results of the marketing costs (x1 significantly (P<0.05 on the marketing margin, the price at the farmer level (x2 was highly significant (P<0.01 on the marketing margin and the number of middlemen (x3 didnot affect the marketing margin. (Keywords: Cattle, District of Aceh Besar, Market share

  11. Late Triassic granites from Bangka, Indonesia: A continuation of the Main Range granite province of the South-East Asian Tin Belt (United States)

    Ng, Samuel Wai-Pan; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Roselee, Muhammad H.; Teschner, Claudia; Murtadha, Sayed; Oliver, Grahame J. H.; Ghani, Azman A.; Chang, Su-Chin


    The South-East Asian Tin Belt is one of the most tin-productive regions in the world. It comprises three north-south oriented granite provinces, of which the arc-related Eastern granite province and the collision-related Main Range granite province run across Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia. These tin-producing granite provinces with different mineral assemblages are separated by Paleo-Tethyan sutures exposed in Thailand and Malaysia. The Eastern Province is usually characterised by granites with biotite ± hornblende. Main Range granites are sometimes characterised by the presence of biotite ± muscovite. However, the physical boundary between the two types of granite is not well-defined on the Indonesian Tin Islands, because the Paleo-Tethyan suture is not exposed on land there. Both hornblende-bearing (previously interpreted as I-type) and hornblende-barren (previously interpreted as S-type) granites are apparently randomly distributed on the Indonesian Tin Islands. Granites exposed on Bangka, the largest and southernmost Tin Island, no matter whether they are hornblende-bearing or hornblende-barren, are geochemically similar to Malaysian Main Range granites. The average ɛNd(t) value obtained from the granites from Bangka (average ɛNd(t) = -8.2) falls within the range of the Main Range Province (-9.6 to -5.4). These granites have SIMS zircon U-Pb ages of ca. 225 Ma and ca. 220 Ma, respectively that are both within the period of Main Range magmatism (∼226-201 Ma) in the Peninsular Malaysia. We suggest that the granites exposed on Bangka represent the continuation of the Main Range Province, and that the Paleo-Tethyan suture lies to the east of the island.


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    Ridwan Nurdin


    Full Text Available Zakat Management in the Post Declaration of Islamic Syariah in Aceh. One of the most noted consequences of declaration of the implementation of Syariat Islam in Aceh has been a spirit for the management of zakat which was resulted in the introduction of several regulations. The author argues that by referring to these laws and qanun there is a tendency that the management of zakat are being managed by the government. However, such system is not similar to that of the BAZIS (Badan Amil Zakat Infaq and Shadaqah. This article is an attempt to analyze the management of zakat focusing on systems applied in Baitul Mal and in the BAZIS, the extent to which they are similar or different. The author maintains that the system used in Baitul Mal is more effective and as such makes such institution closer to society and cuts down bureaucratic complexity.

  13. Survey Potensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro di Kuta Malaka Kabupaten Aceh Besar Propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    Ridwan Arief Subekti


    Full Text Available Generator set is one of the devices able to produces electrics. Generator set used when electrics supply of PLN insufficient or even there no. This matter experienced in Kuta Malaka, Aceh Besar, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam there will be developed a tour area. Because electrical supply from PLN not yet, power electric to support the area used generator set. Future, that tour area apply hydro power station for electrical energy requirement. From that background, the purpose of water potential survey was conducted to get beginning data and information of water power potential as reference to develop PLTMH. The potential survey cover determination of location and head measurement use global positioning system Garmin GPSMAP 76CSx. The other using altimeter, head also was measure manually used the meter by spirit level and string method. The river rate of flow measurement within measuring to speed of rivers flow use propeller devices or current meters brand Flowatch. From data of PLTMH potential survey in Kuta Malaka area known that there are three potential locations able to be developed as PLTMH with effective head 5 until 16 meter and output power 3.7 until 9.1 kW.

  14. The Historical Basis of Aceh Socio-Economics Development (1511-1904

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    Mehmet Özay


    Full Text Available Abstract It is vital to see the connection between experiences in history and contemporary developments in almost all corners of the world. Regions which appear as leading powers in economic developments have historically had their own particular dynamics. In the event that the dynamics of the past uncover the true means to go forward, it will trigger the path of progress at an unexpected time, when similar conditions are met. Taking this condition into account with regard to Aceh, we see that Aceh has been a potential candidate for the newly emerging economic development centers in Southeast Asia after the disastrous event on 26th December, 2004, pursuant to which the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU in Helsinki was signed by the related sides on 15th August, 2005. To assess and evaluate the possibilities and opportunities that open up before Aceh Province by virtue of the MoU, the tradition of economic developments in history should be revisited and evaluated. It might be assumed that the reflections from the past will certainly enlighten the future. This article suggests that the economic development of the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam in the past might be a starting point for all parties in Aceh Province to deduce exactly how to deal with prevailing difficulties so as to commence economic progress in the region. It is considered that historical experiences are repetitive. The significance of Aceh was based on several diverse factors, primarily its state structure, economic activities, and geo-strategic position on the extreme northwest of Sumatra, that allowed it to be a part of the international sea trade between the east and the west between the 16th and 19th centuries. These characteristics propelled Aceh to become not only a prominent region, but also gain supremacy in global partnerships in the business of international trade. After the peace agreement celebrations, it is the need of the hour for all social and economic sectors in Aceh

  15. Fossilization History of Fossil Resin from Jambi Province (Sumatra, Indonesia Based on Physico-Chemical Studies

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    Beata Naglik


    Full Text Available A unique specimen of fossil resin originating from the Dipterocarpaceae tree family found in Miocene brown coal deposits in Jambi Province (Sumatra, Indonesia was investigated via microscopic observations, microhardness testing and infrared and Raman spectroscopic methods. Its form is rare in nature, being an aggregate of three varieties of resin differing in colour, transparency and internal structure. This suggests the formation of the resins at different stages. Further alteration processes, including fossilization and maturation of the resin in a swamp environment resulted in stepwise aromatization of the cyclohexane ring in steroids and cross-linking through formation of ester bonds as well as carbon–carbon bonds between steroid molecules. The various environmental and geological conditions affecting the formation processes of the resins were recorded in their physico-chemical properties. Additionally, heating conditions accelerated by volcanism were proposed as a factor determining the maturation grade of the resin.

  16. Capacity Development and Strengthening for Energy Policy formulation and implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in Indonesia CASINDO. Deliverable No. 22. Energy Profile of Yogyakarta Province 2007. Regional CASINDO Team of Yogyakarta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al Hasibi, R.A. [Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta PUSPER-UMY, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)


    The overall objective of the CASINDO programme is to establish a self-sustaining and self-developing structure at both the national and regional level to build and strengthen human capacity to enable the provinces of North Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua to formulate sound policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency and to develop and implement sustainable energy projects. This report gives an overview of the province Yogyakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the energy balance in 2007.

  17. Capacity Development and Strengthening for Energy Policy formulation and implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in Indonesia CASINDO. Deliverable No. 23. Energy Profile of Yogyakarta Province 2008. Regional CASINDO Team of Yogyakarta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al Hasibi, R.A. [Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta PUSPER-UMY, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)


    The overall objective of the CASINDO programme is to establish a self-sustaining and self-developing structure at both the national and regional level to build and strengthen human capacity to enable the provinces of North Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua to formulate sound policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency and to develop and implement sustainable energy projects. This report gives an overview of the province Yogyakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the energy balance in 2008.

  18. Capacity Development and Strengthening for Energy Policy formulation and implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects in Indonesia CASINDO. Deliverable No. 21. Energy Profile of Yogyakarta Province 2006. Regional CASINDO Team of Yogyakarta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The overall objective of the CASINDO programme is to establish a self-sustaining and self-developing structure at both the national and regional level to build and strengthen human capacity to enable the provinces of North Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua to formulate sound policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency and to develop and implement sustainable energy projects. This report gives an overview of the province Yogyakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the energy balance in 2006.

  19. Improving agricultural commodity supply-chain to promote economic activities in rural area (United States)

    Padjung, R.


    Long supply chain of agricultural commodities has become concern to governments particularly in large countries such as Indonesia as it causes high price disparity between farm-gate and retailer. Policies to overcome such problem are usually by shortening the chain, by which farmers sell the products directly to retailers. Using an action research in AEDEF (Aceh Economic Development Financing Facilities) Program, conducted in the province of Nangro Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Indonesia, the paper shows that shortening the commodity supply chain is not the best solution to such problem, as it causes loss of jobs in the villages. High price disparity between farm-gate and retailer is not necessary brought about by long supply-chain but by the efficiency of the chain instead. Efficiency of the chain can be improved by creating enabling business environment such that every actors and players work in a fair manner. This can be achieved by transparency in price and quality grade. With development achieved in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), having a good and reliable flow of such information is not difficult. In addition to information flow, the availability and quality of infrastructure to support flow of goods from farm-gate to end-user is of reasonably important.

  20. Model of slums rejuvenation in Telaga Tujuh village: the case of Langsa city, Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Irwansyah, Mirza; Caisarina, Irin; Solehati, Dini


    Telaga Tujuh village is the only island inhabited compared to other islands in Langsa City, Aceh. Most of the houses are on stilts with very limited infrastructure such as lack of road facilities, local drainage, drinking water, wastewater, and garbage disposals. In determining the model of the slum settlements arrangement of Telaga Tujuh Village, there are some things to know that the characteristics of slums themselves and the causes of slum settlement. The aim of this study is to determine model of slum settlement arrangement that is suitable to be applied in the location. The method used is qualitative with sampling technique and qualitative analysis. To obtain the primary data used observation method, questionnaires, and interview. Secondary data obtained from agencies related to slum settlement arrangement. Based on characteristic analysis found that 365 residential buildings are irregular with the percentage of 100%, 365 residential buildings do not have safe drinking water supply, 365 residential buildings do not have waste water management. From the analysis shows that the appropriate model to be applied to Telaga Tujuh village is the rejuvenation model with the land consolidation system through the re-arrangement divided by two, 60% for the existing residential development and 40% for commercial development.

  1. ṢUwar Al-ḥaḍānah Ba‘da Al-ṭalāq Fī Aceh Al-Wusṭá


    Fauzi, Fauzi


    The divorce rate occurred in post-tsunami Aceh have increased sharply, especially in Central Aceh district by 2015. This research was conducted in order to figure out the causes of divorce, the patterns of ḥaḍānah (child custody) and the parent’s attention towards their children after the divorce. The selection of Central Aceh as the object of research was because this district has been occupying the highest position of divorce rate when compared to other districts/cities. The results of this...

  2. Maintaining Identity Political Culture In Indonesia (United States)

    Fauzi, AM; Sudrajat, A.; Affandi, A.; Raditya, A.


    This study investigates the portrayal of traditional political cultures in West Kalimantan Province, a growing of election process. Results showed that Political life in Indonesia leads to modern political culture after experiencing a change of paradigm of political life. Political life in Indonesia leads to modern political culture after experiencing a change of paradigm of political life. Beginning Indonesia’s independence in the Old Order Phase, the politics used using the ideological paradigm, subsequent to the New Order Period used the political paradigm of unification and simplification of political parties but in practice it became the strategy of the State’s rulers to facilitate subjugating its citizens. After entering the reform era, several phenomena of political culture are displayed, some are using modern paradigm by giving women the widest possible role in political parties, and so on. Besides that there is the opposite of displaying and practicing traditional political culture, this is as it runs in West Borneo Province. The change of political culture in the modern direction is different from the political culture of the citizens in terms of who will be chosen, most West Borneo Province residents determine their political choice by using traditional patterns.


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    syukri syukri


    Full Text Available This study aims at examining the various methods of teaching akidah in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Banda Aceh 1, as well as the suitability of its implementation with RPP documentation. This research used a qualitative approach. Hence, several techniques to collect the data including interview, observation and documentation, while data analysis using Miles and Huberman model. The results of this study indicate that the various methods of teaching akidah in MAN Banda Aceh 1 were group discussion, question and answer, inquiry, lecture, working group, training and rewarding. This study also found that methods used in teaching akidah in this school, some are in line with the RPP and some are not.

  4. Beyond sexual desire and curiosity: sexuality among senior high school students in Papua and West Papua Provinces (Indonesia) and implications for HIV prevention. (United States)

    Diarsvitri, Wienta; Utomo, Iwu Dwisetyani; Neeman, Teresa; Oktavian, Antonius


    When it comes to sexuality and norms, young Indonesians are becoming more open. Concern about this is related to the rapid increase in HIV prevalence in Indonesia, especially in Papua and West Papua Provinces. While much research has been conducted among youth who have left school, little is known about senior high school students' sexuality and sexual practices in these provinces. Using qualitative and quantitative data, we explore perspectives on and experiences of sexuality, contraceptive use, unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion among 1082 Year 11 students from 16 senior high schools in both provinces. Findings suggest that around 38.3% of students reported having had sexual intercourse and 36.5% of these having had their first sexual encounter before they were 15 years old. Furthermore, contraceptive use among sexually active students was very low. Around 32% of female students who reported having had sexual intercourse also reported having an unintended pregnancy and the majority of them had had unsafe abortions. The paper points to the implications of students' high-risk sexual behaviours for HIV prevention.


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    Kamariah Tambunan


    Full Text Available This study tries to know the map of special libraries and information sources in Indonesia. Publication which examined are Directory of Special Libraries and Information Sources in Indonesia which published in 1981, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. Data was collected by rewrite of each title of the library, address or city also province, field or subject, and established year. Total of the special libraries base on city (libraries address, field or subject, and established year then calculated and presented in form of tables and hystograms. The result shows that total of special libraries and information sources in Indonesia increase year by year. The last publication in 2005 registered as many as 994 of libraries which reside in 32 provinces (136 cities in Indonesia. Base on the total that registered, 668 libraries are in Jawa Island (62 cities, and others 326 libraries are in outside Jawa Island (74 cities. The most of special libraries with subject of religion (143 libraries and economics (140 libraries, then social, agriculture, education, law, and medicine. The author also found that there are 3 oldest special libraries which were established in 1842, 1886, and 1887, while the youngest library was established in 2004.

  6. Forests, Trees, and Micronutrient-Rich Food Consumption in Indonesia. (United States)

    Ickowitz, Amy; Rowland, Dominic; Powell, Bronwen; Salim, Mohammad Agus; Sunderland, Terry


    Micronutrient deficiency remains a serious problem in Indonesia with approximately 100 million people, or 40% of the population, suffering from one or more micronutrient deficiencies. In rural areas with poor market access, forests and trees may provide an essential source of nutritious food. This is especially important to understand at a time when forests and other tree-based systems in Indonesia are being lost at unprecedented rates. We use food consumption data from the 2003 Indonesia Demographic Health Survey for children between the ages of one and five years and data on vegetation cover from the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry to examine whether there is a relationship between different tree-dominated land classes and consumption of micronutrient-rich foods across the archipelago. We run our models on the aggregate sample which includes over 3000 observations from 25 provinces across Indonesia as well as on sub-samples from different provinces chosen to represent the different land classes. The results show that different tree-dominated land classes were associated with the dietary quality of people living within them in the provinces where they were dominant. Areas of swidden/agroforestry, natural forest, timber and agricultural tree crop plantations were all associated with more frequent consumption of food groups rich in micronutrients in the areas where these were important land classes. The swidden/agroforestry land class was the landscape associated with more frequent consumption of the largest number of micronutrient rich food groups. Further research needs to be done to establish what the mechanisms are that underlie these associations. Swidden cultivation in is often viewed as a backward practice that is an impediment to food security in Indonesia and destructive of the environment. If further research corroborates that swidden farming actually results in better nutrition than the practices that replace it, Indonesian policy makers may need to

  7. Macrozoobenthos Community Structure In The Estuary of Donan River, Cilacap, Central Java Province, Indonesia

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    Taufik Fakih Hakiki


    Full Text Available Estuary of Donan Riverwhich is adjacent to Segara Anakan Lagoon in Cilacap, Central Java Province (Indonesia has been used for a number of activities such asfishieries, agriculture, industry, harbor, and tourism activities.  The aim of this study is to analyze the ecosystem condition based on mazcrozoobenthos community structure. This study was conducted from Augustus 2015 to January 2016. Samples were collected monthly at five stations from the river close area to the ocean close area. The study was conducted to identify kinds of generaand densityof themacrozoobenthos, and analyze substrates and water quality.Data analysis was performed onabundance, diversity, evenness and dominance indexes.Based on the study, macrozoobenthos at the estuary of Donan River consists of three classes i.e Gastropod (12 genera, Bivalvia(9 genera, and Polychaeta (6 genera. Based on the sampling location, Gastropod and Bivalvia are the largest composition found at five stations. Based on the sampling location, the macrozoobenthos density, diversity index, evennes index,and dominance index can be inferred that the estuary of Donan River is classified to be moderately ecological polluted.


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    Tamrin Talebe


    Full Text Available This article discusses Tafsīr Pase, a local exegesis of the Qur'an. The tafsīr was written in Aceh in pre independence day, brought about by the unstable social conditions (conflict. These conditions have implications on the pattern of this tafsīr, so that the contains cover the ideas on the empowerment of Acehnese, expected to increase the unity and the brotherhood among them. Tafsīr Pase compiled by a team of five people. The name “Pase”, which is used as the name of this tafsīr, was taken from one of the oldest kingdoms in Aceh. It is interesting that this quranic exegesis begins with the study of 'Ulūm al-Qur'ān before entering the discussion of tafsīr using cultural approach.


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    Gindo Simanjuntak


    Full Text Available Some important zoonotic diseases in Indonesia are Rabies, Plague, Anthrax, Taeniasis/Cysticercosis and Japanese encephalitis. These diseases are geographycally distributed in some provinces in Indonesia and each disease have its control program. Other zoonoses which are under intensive surveillance are Toxoplasmosis, Leptospirosis, Brucellosis, bovine Tuberculosis and Haemorrhagic Hanta virosis. These diseases have epidemic potential. Plague known foci are in Boyolali Central Java dan Sleman Yogyakarta. In 1987 after 30 years of dormant period an outbreack of plague occured in Pasuruan, East Java with 48 number of cases and 21 deaths. Intensive surveillance on human, rodent and fleas were conducted in three plague foci. Since 1988 no human case of plague is found in Indonesia eventhough antibody against Y. pestis were found positive in human as well as in rodents. Anthrax is distributed geographycally in Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, West and East Nusa Tenggara and Timor Timur. Skin and intestinal Anthrax types are to be found in Indonesia. In 1990 on outbreak of anthrax occured in Central Java and 7 out of 98 cases were fatal. Of 154 (27.9% out 553 human sera collected from the provinces of West Sumatera, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North Sumatera and North Sulawesi were found positive against toxoplasmosis during the survey conducted in 1995. From the same provinces 152 (19.2% out of 792 animal sera also were found antibody positive against Toxoplasma gondii. There are about 170 Leptospirosis serotypes known in Indonesia. Leptospirosis is geographycally distributed in Central Java, Yogyakarta, West Java, North Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatera, Bengkulu, East Kalimantan. Sporadic outbreaks occured in some provinces related to the lack of washing and drinking water in the dry season. Of 10 (1.8% out 154 serum specimens taken from humans in West Sumatera, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North

  10. Barriers to utilization of postnatal care at village level in Klaten district, central Java Province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Probandari, Ari; Arcita, Akhda; Kothijah, Kothijah; Pamungkasari, Eti Poncorini


    Maternal health remains a persisting public health challenge in Indonesia. Postnatal complications, in particular, are considered as maternal health problems priority that should be addressed. Conducting adequate care for postnatal complications will improve the quality of life of mothers and babies. With the universal health coverage implementation, the Indonesian government provides free maternal and child health services close to clients at the village level, which include postnatal care. Our study aimed to explore barriers to utilization of postnatal care at the village level in Klaten district, Central Java Province, Indonesia. A qualitative study was conducted in March 2015 - June 2016 in Klaten district, Central Java, Indonesia. We selected a total of 19 study participants, including eight mothers with postnatal complications, six family members, and five village midwives for in-depth interviews. We conducted a content analysis technique on verbatim transcripts of the interviews using open code software. This study found three categories of barriers to postnatal care utilization in villages: mother and family members' health literacy on postnatal care, sociocultural beliefs and practices, and health service responses. Most mothers did not have adequate knowledge and skills regarding postnatal care that reflected how they lacked awareness and practice of postnatal care. Inter-generational norms and myths hindered mothers from utilizing postnatal care and from having adequate nutritional intake during the postnatal period. Mothers and family members conducted unsafe self-treatment to address perceived minor postnatal complication. Furthermore, social power from extended family influenced the postnatal care health literacy for mother and family members. Postnatal care in the village lacked patient-centered care practices. Additionally, midwives' workloads and capacities to conduct postnatal information, education and counseling were also issues. Despite the

  11. Challenges for control of taeniasis/cysticercosis in Indonesia. (United States)

    Suroso, Thomas; Margono, Sri S; Wandra, Toni; Ito, Akira


    Taeniasis/cysticercosis has been reported from several provinces of Indonesia: Papua (=former Irian Jaya), Bali, North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara, South East Sulawesi, Lampung, North Sulawesi, Jakarta, West Kalimantan, and East Java. The highest level of endemicity of taeniasis/cysticercosis has been found in Papua. Recent surveys in Jayawijaya District of Papua in 2000 and 2001 showed that 5 of 58 local people (8.6%) harbored the adult tapeworm, Taenia solium, whereas 44 of 96 people (45.8%), 50 of 71 pigs (70.4%), and 7 of 64 local dogs (10.9%) were seropositive for T. solium cysticercosis. Current surveys in Bali and Samosir District, North Sumatra during 2002-2005 revealed that Taenia saginata taeniasis has increased in incidence whereas T. solium cysticercosis is now rather rare compared to one-two decades ago in Bali. Taenia asiatica taeniasis is still common in Samosir District. Data from other provinces of Indonesia are very limited or unavailable. Control of these diseases is not a priority in the health or veterinary services, neither at central or local government levels. However, limited efforts toward control of the diseases have been implemented such as training of health personnel, community education on disease prevention, and provision of anthelminthics. A working group for control of the disease in Indonesia and an international collaboration have been established among Ministry of Health, Indonesia; University of Indonesia; and Asahikawa Medical College, Asahikawa, Japan since 1996. Future goals include implementation of active case finding (active surveillance) and treatment of tapeworm carriers, sustainable public health education, establishment of a system to check the quality of beef/pork and determine the distribution of infected animals and strengthening of laboratory capacity. Efforts to motivate provinces and districts should be implemented in developing the strategic plan to control of the disease. Given the considerable differences in



    Kamariah Tambunan


    This study tries to know the map of special libraries and information sources in Indonesia. Publication which examined are Directory of Special Libraries and Information Sources in Indonesia which published in 1981, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. Data was collected by rewrite of each title of the library, address or city also province, field or subject, and established year. Total of the special libraries base on city (libraries address), field or subject, and established year then calcula...

  13. How Communities Deal with Traumatic Memory: Lessons from Aceh ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This comparative research analyzes reparation processes underway in Aceh and Timor-Leste. It aims to foster a deeper understanding of how communities and individual victims of massive human rights abuses can deal with their traumatic past, while seeking justice on issues such as population displacement and political ...

  14. Project on Strengthening Sulawesi Rural Community Development to Support Poverty Alleviation Programs in Indonesia




    -- There is a rising concern of imbalance development and economic growth amongst provinces in Indonesia particularly between Java Island and other part of Indonesia, which called Eastern Part of Indonesia. nowadays. The fact that economic growth and development in Java faster and sophisticated than other island in Indonesia has addressed some social and economic problem not only to the population but also to the government itself. The economic development rises as equal as the number of p...


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    Oberlin Silalahi


    Full Text Available Partisipasi perempuan dalam perencaanaan pembangunan dan penganggaran dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang selama ini ternyata masih memiliki hambatan. Sebagai upaya penyelesaiannya, Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh merumuskan strategi baru berupa Musyawarah Rencana Aksi Perempuan (Musrena yang memberikan kesempatan partisipasi penuh pada perempuan sebagai upaya pengarusutamaan gender (PUG dan Anggaran Responsif Gender (ARG dari tingkat yang paling rendah yaitu desa/gampong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi secara komprehensif tentang inovasi Musrena di Kota Banda Aceh. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dari Focused Group Discussion (FGD, wawancara mendalam (Indepth-interview dan desk-study (studi dokumen/dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1. Tumbuhnya motivasi dan kesadaran wanita di tingkat Gampong, kota/kabupaten untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam perencaanaan pembangunan dan penganggaran yang responsif gender. 2. Musrena berbasis prinsip kesetaraan, anggaran yang berkeadilan gender, musyawarah dialogis, anti dominasi, keberpihakan kepada kelompok rentan, anti diskriminasi, dan pembangunan secara holistik.   Based on the lack of women participation in development planning and budgeting within the Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang, the government of Banda Aceh formulate a new strategy in the form of Council Action Plan for Women (Musrena which provides an opportunity and full participation for women as gender mainstreaming (PUG and the Gender Responsive Budgeting (ARG on the lowest level; the village (gampong. This study aims to elaborate comprehensively on innovation of Musrena in Banda Aceh. Through a qualitative approach, the data in this study was obtained from Focused Group Discussion (FGD, interview (in depth-interview and desk-study (documentation. The results of this study are: 1. Growth of motivation and awareness level of women in the village, city /county to

  16. Spatial Collaboration Model among Local Governments in Ratubangnegoro Region in the Boundary Area of Central Java and East Java Provinces, Indonesia (United States)

    Wahyono, H.; Wahdah, L.


    In Indonesia, according to Law No. 23/2014 on Local Government, a local government can conduct cooperation with other local governments that are based on considerations of efficiency and effectiveness of public services and mutual benefit, in order to improve people's welfare. Such cooperation can be categorized into mandatory and voluntary cooperation. Cooperation shall be developed jointly between the adjacent areas for the implementation of government affairs which have cross-local government externalities; and the provision of public services more efficient if managed together. One of the parts of the area that is directly related to the implementation of the policy liabilities of inter-local government cooperation which is mandated is the he province boundary areas. The public management of the provincial boundary areas is different from the central province area. While the central province area considers only their own interests, the management of boundary development must consider the neighboring regions. On one hand, the area is influenced only by its own province policy, while on the other influenced by neighboring regions. Meanwhile, a local government tends to resist the influence and intervention of neighboring regions. Likewise, neighboring local governments also tend to resist the influence and intervention of other local governments. Therefore, when interacting on the boundary, inter-local government interaction is not only the potential for cooperation, but also conflict-prone regions. One of the boundary area provinces attempt to implement the collaborative planning approach is the boundary area of Central Java Province and East Java Province, which is known as Ratubangnegoro Region. Ratubangnegoro region is one of the strategic areas of both provinces. In order to the interaction between the region could take place, there are regencies in the region have formed and joined the Inter-Local Government Cooperation Agency (BKAD-Badan Kerjasama Antar

  17. Tsunamis as geomorphic crises: Lessons from the December 26, 2004 tsunami in Lhok Nga, West Banda Aceh (Sumatra, Indonesia) (United States)

    Paris, Raphaël; Wassmer, Patrick; Sartohadi, Junun; Lavigne, Franck; Barthomeuf, Benjamin; Desgages, Emilie; Grancher, Delphine; Baumert, Philippe; Vautier, Franck; Brunstein, Daniel; Gomez, Christopher


    Large tsunamis are major geomorphic crises, since they imply extensive erosion, sediment transport and deposition in a few minutes and over hundreds of kilometres of coast. Nevertheless, little is known about their geomorphologic imprints. The December 26, 2004 tsunami in Sumatra (Indonesia) was one of the largest and deadliest tsunamis in recorded human history. We present a description of the coastal erosion and boulder deposition induced by the 2004 tsunami in the Lhok Nga Bay, located to the West of Banda Aceh (northwest Sumatra). The geomorphological impact of the tsunami is evidenced by: beach erosion (some beaches have almost disappeared); destruction of sand barriers protecting the lagoons or at river mouths; numerous erosion escarpments typically in the order of 0.5-1.5 m when capped by soil and more than 2 m in dunes; bank erosion in the river beds (the retreat along the main river is in the order of 5-15 m, with local retreats exceeding 30 m); large scars typically 20-50 cm deep on slopes; dislodgement of blocks along fractures and structural ramps on cliffs. The upper limit of erosion appears as a continuous trimline at 20-30 m a.s.l., locally reaching 50 m. The erosional imprints of the tsunami extend to 500 m from the shoreline and exceed 2 km along riverbeds. The overall coastal retreat from Lampuuk to Leupung was 60 m (550,000 m 2) and locally exceeded 150 m. Over 276,000 m 3 of coastal sediments were eroded by the tsunami along the 9.2 km of sandy coast. The mean erosion rate of the beaches was ~ 30 m 3/m of coast and locally exceeded 80 m 3/m. The most eroded coasts were tangent to the tsunami wave train, which was coming from the southwest. The fringing reefs were not efficient in reducing the erosional impact of the tsunami. The 220 boulders measured range from 0.3 to 7.2 m large (typically 0.7-1.5 m), with weights from over 50 kg up to 85 t. We found one boulder, less than 1 m large, at 1 km from the coastline, but all the others were

  18. Women`s Leadership and Gender Equality in Aceh: A Socio-historical Perspective

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    Widia Munira


    Full Text Available This research analyzes the problems of women`s leadership and gender equality in Aceh. The analysis is focused on the basic philosophical of women`s leadership in Aceh. The qualitative-descriptive was used as the research approach. The primary data were collected by interview and observation to the informants. The secondary data were taken from journals, books, and other reliable resources. The results of the research show that the spiritual and intellectual values of Islam and adat (custom become the basic philosophical of Acehnese women`s leadership. Woman and man have equal roles, opportunities, rights, and responsibility to be a leader in the society based on Al-Qur`an and Sunnah, which are aligned with the Acehnese`s culture.

  19. Disposal of household burned garbage and risk of low birth weight in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

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    Puti Sari Hidayangsih


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang: Pembakaran sampah di dalam rumah tanggadapat mempengaruhi berat badan bayi lahir rendah (BBLR. Pada tulisan ini disajikan pembakaran sampah di rumah tangga terhadap risiko BBLR.Metode: Analisis data menggunakan sebagian data studi potong lintang Riskesdas 2013 di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Data yang dianalisis ialah data bayi berusia 0-11 bulan. Berat badan bayi waktu lahir berdasarkan catatan berat bayi saat lahir yang tercatat dalam kuesioner Riskesdas. Bayi dikategorikan BBLR jika berat badan waktu lahir kurang dari 2500 gram. Hasil: Di antara 281 bayi yang mempunyai catatan berat badan lahir terdapat 10,6% (23 bayi yang BBLR. Bayi yang tinggal di rumah tangga dengan perilaku pengelolaan sampah dengan cara dibakar dibandingkan dengan selain dibakar mempunyai risiko 2,3 kali lipat mengalami BBLR (RRa=2,28; 95% CI=1,18-8,61. Kesimpulan: Bayi yang tinggal di rumah tangga dengan sampah dibakar dibandingkan dengan tanpa sampah dibakar mempunyai risiko lebih tinggi BBLR di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:89-93Kata kunci: berat badan lahir rendah, pembakaran sampahAbstractBackground: The management of household waste by burning can affect the incidence of low birth weight (LBW. This paper aims to identify the burning of garbage at home and risk of low birth weight. Methods: This analysis used a part of Riskesdas 2013 data in the Central Sulawesi Province. Subjects analyzed were infants aged 0-11 months. Baby’s weight was based on the baby’s birth weightwhich was recorded in the questionnaire of Riskesdas. The infants were categorized as LBW, if the recorded birth weight was less than 2500 grams. Results: Out of 392 babies,  281 babies had recorded birth weightswhich could be proved by documentary evidence. The majority of babies were boys (50.9% and lived in rural areas (58.7%. The proportion of babies who had LBW was 10.6% (23 infants. The babies who were living in households with

  20. A cross-sectional analysis of traditional medicine use for malaria alongside free antimalarial drugs treatment amongst adults in high-risk malaria endemic provinces of Indonesia. (United States)

    Suswardany, Dwi Linna; Sibbritt, David W; Supardi, Sudibyo; Pardosi, Jerico F; Chang, Sungwon; Adams, Jon


    The level of traditional medicine use, particularly Jamu use, in Indonesia is substantial. Indonesians do not always seek timely treatment for malaria and may seek self-medication via traditional medicine. This paper reports findings from the first focused analyses of traditional medicine use for malaria in Indonesia and the first such analyses worldwide to draw upon a large sample of respondents across high-risk malaria endemic areas. A sub-study of the Indonesia Basic Health Research/Riskesdas Study 2010 focused on 12,226 adults aged 15 years and above residing in high-risk malaria-endemic provinces. Logistic regression was undertaken to determine the significant associations for traditional medicine use for malaria symptoms. Approximately one in five respondents use traditional medicine for malaria symptoms and the vast majority experiencing multiple episodes of malaria use traditional medicine alongside free antimalarial drug treatments. Respondents consuming traditional medicine for general health/common illness purposes every day (odds ratio: 3.75, 95% Confidence Interval: 2.93 4.79), those without a hospital in local vicinity (odds ratio: 1.31, 95% Confidence Interval: 1.10 1.57), and those living in poorer quality housing, were more likely to use traditional medicine for malaria symptoms. A substantial percentage of those with malaria symptoms utilize traditional medicine for treating their malaria symptoms. In order to promote safe and effective malaria treatment, all providing malaria care in Indonesia need to enquire with their patients about possible traditional medicine use.

  1. Analysis of Implementation The Policy on Malaria Elimination in Indonesia

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    Betty Roosihermiatie


    Full Text Available Background: As a tropic country Indonesia still faces malaria problems. In Asean, indonesia is one of three countries with the highest malaria morbidity. In 2007, 396 (80% of 495 districts/municipalities in indonesia are malaria. In 2009 the government issued a decree of the minister of health No 293 on malaria elimination. The study aimed to analyze the implementation decree of Ministry of Health No. 293/2009 on malaria elimination. Methods: It was a descriptive study. The study was conducted in 4 provinces, and 4 districts based on malaria elimination stages as in Bali province and Karangasem district, Riau islands province and Bintan district, West Nusa Tenggara province and west Lombok district, and Maluku province and South Halmahera district. The stakeholders were Heads and malaria programmers at province/district Health Offices and the related programs. Data were collected by focus group discussion and secondary data were taken. Data were collected by focus group discussion and secondary data. Analysis for Ministry of Health decree No.293 year 2009 on 1 Comphrehend, 2 Implementation, and, 3 Comittment, 4 Innovation intervension to support malaria elimination, 5 Sustainability of activity community empowerment, 6 Proportion of budget. Results: showed there was district that had not issued local policy on malaria elimination, the implementation with comittment especially that health centers in areas under study corfi rm diagnose by laboratory examination and malaria treatment by Artemisin Combined Therapy (ACT, although there were still treatment to clinical malaria, innovation activities were of bersifat local spesifi c, and reward for Juru Malaria Desa or malaria cadre to increase malaria suspect case detection, and with district budget for malaria program ranged 0,95-5,6% of the total budget. Recomendations: It suggested to advocate all malaria endemic areas to issue local policy on malaria elimination, decide intervension of the


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    Ibnu Mujib Mujib


    Full Text Available This paper highlights the perspective of dialog in the negotiation of Aceh identity. If observed, the context of the tsunami followed by the development of Aceh is not without impact at all on the Acehnese entity, but in fact it has triggered a strong clash especially between local identities and influences of global construction. Among the important things offered in this paper is an attempt to reproduce and create “public space” as a productive social capital, that is, a space that is expected to build an atmosphere of openness, egalitarianism, inclusivism of many diverse groups. Therefore, in responding to the wider variety of cultural plurality which penetrates through ethnic clusters, religions, political parties, and all forms of interests, it can be managed through the deliberations of dialog. Therefore, the “public space” that can serve to discuss, hold dialog, and even negotiate the clash of the Acehnese identity forms the modus operandi of the discussion of this article, especially in the context of the development of Aceh that is currently taking place. Keywords: Islam, locality, globality, public space, dialog, negotiation of identity, diversity of Islamic groups, the other.

  3. The Future of Indonesia as a Unitary State: Separatism and Decentralization (United States)


    evident in GOI positions on negotiations with GAM representatives. On 4 January 2002 the minister of home affairs, retired general Hari Sabarno...that the civilian authorities have not been able to end the violence in the province. Minister of Home Affairs Hari Sabarno, a retired three-star...not actually proclaim independence; Peter King, “Morning Star Rising? Indonesia Raya and the New Papuan Nationalism,” Indonesia, No. 73 (April 2002


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    Emiliana Tjitra


    Full Text Available Some sensitivity tests of antimalarial drugs had been done by National Institute of Health Research and Development in collaboration with Directorate General of Communicable Disease Control and Environment Health, Naval Medical Research Unit No.2 and Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. In-vivo and or in-vitro Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance was reported from 11 provinces : Aceh, North Sumatera, Riau, Lampung, West Java, Jakarta (imported case, Central Java, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara and Irian Jaya. Only quinine had a good response for treatment of falciparum malaria resistant to multidrug. R falciparum resistant to mefloquine or halofantrine was found although it was not available in Indonesia yet. Chloroquine prophylaxis using standard dose was still effective in Tanjung Pinang and Central Java. To support the successfulness of treatment in malaria control programme, further studies on alternative antimalaria drugs is needed.

  5. Pengaruh Praktik Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Terhadap Status Gizi Balita Di Kecamatan Meureubo Kabupaten Aceh Barat Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam




    The implementation of healthy life behavior at Meureubo Sub-district, West Aceh district, were still low so that it influenced the nutrition status of children under-five years old and the high-level of diarrhea disease on children under-five years old in 2007. Those children whom had diarrhea diseases were worried to be facing dehydration, anorexia and having malnutrition or even death. This research was intended to analyze the influence of knowledge,attitude and practice of healthy life...


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    Badri M.


    Full Text Available Riau Province is one of the prone areas of forest and land fires in Indonesia. Fires began to grow since the 1980s as deforestation and the clearing of palm oil plantations occured. The peak of a major fire was happened before the study was taken from 2014 to 2015 and caused a smoke haze for months. This study aims to determine the factors causing forest and land fires in Riau in the viewpoint of stakeholders. The research is conducted by using qualitative methods by exploring stakeholder viewpoint through semi-structured interviews on actors representing government, companies, research institutions, NGOs, mass media and community groups. The results show that all stakeholders have the same viewpoint regarding the cause of human-fire perpetrators. Burning is largely done intentionally in open access areas, disputes, concessions, corporate land, and community lands. Fires continue to occur due to lack of oversight by authorities, massive peatland clearance, deforestation, increased permission for forest or land management for political costs, land disputes, human negligence and weak law enforcement.

  7. Public perspective towards marine litter in West Aceh City (United States)

    Kusumawati, I.; Setyowati, M.; Riana, E.; Prartono, T.


    Marine litter or marine debris is a man-made solid material discarded, abandoned or lost in coastline or into the sea. To reduce the amount of marine litter in the ocean, raising public awareness is an important way. One of the contributing factors on marine litter is the lack of understanding within the community, but to identify how people notice the problem is required adequate research literature. The purpose of this study is to examine the awareness of West Aceh community on marine litter along western coastal area. The research objectives; 1) to evaluate societal perception towards marine litter; 2) to examine the urgent indicator of public awareness in West Aceh City. This study will employ a survey approach by distributing questionnaires to 383 respondents. It was found that respondents show low awareness on marine litter according to statistical data, but there are some rooms to manage in order to raise the level of public awareness. It concludes that sense of responsibility could be enhanced by involving public in any activities for preventing and eradicating marine litter. Education aspect is also important to increase public understanding about the threats of marine debris on environment, human health and economic income.

  8. Characterization of refractory brick based on local raw material from Lampung Province - Indonesia (United States)

    Amin, Muhammad; Suryana, Yayat I.; Isnugroho, Kusno; Aji, Bramantyo B.; Birawidha, David C.; Hendronursito, Yusup


    Refractories are non-metallic inorganic materials that are difficult to melt at high temperatures and used in high-temperature casting industries. Refractories are classified into their constituent mineral feed stocks, refractories having typical plot properties commonly called fire bricks. In the manufacture of refractory bricks that exist in the market during the use of mangrove materials derived from abroad that is from China. In this research the refractory brick materials used are quartz sand, feldspart, kaolin, bentonite, and ball clay. All materials come from local Lampung Province - Indonesia. The experiment, there are 7 kinds of experimental composition, made of plot shape with size 230 mm, 65 mm in thickness, 114 mm height mould using manual press machine with 10 tons power and burning at 1400°C for 5 hours. Refractory brick product is done by physical test in the form of porosity, specific gravity, compressive strength and XRF and SEM characteristics. The result of XRF characteristic of refractory brick composition of 1 to 5 compared to the refractory brick type SK 34 in the market and the result of composition 1 is a composition close to refractory brick composition type SK 34 namely SiO2 is 54.21 %, Al2O3 is 25.38 % and test Physical of Bulk density is 2.25 g/cm3, porosity is 18.98 % and compressive strength is 325 kg/cm2.

  9. Pelaksanaan Pencegahan Tindak Pidana Korupsi oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi di Indonesia


    Halim, Azimu; Efendi, Erdianto; Indra, Mexsasai


    Corruption is a serious problem that is being faced in Indonesia, particularlythe province of Riau. In law enforcement is not only necessary enforcement action butalso preventive measures. Therefore, corruption must be addressed in a rational way.One rational business is to do prevention. The purpose of this study, for to know theimplementation of prevention of corruption by the Corruption EradicationCommission in Indonesia, to know the constraints prevention of corruption by theCorruption Er...

  10. Geochemistry of hot springs in the Ie Seu’um hydrothermal areas at Aceh Besar district, Indonesia (United States)

    Idroes, R.; Yusuf, M.; Alatas, M.; Subhan; Lala, A.; Saiful; Suhendra, R.; Idroes, G. M.; Marwan


    Indonesia geothermal resources are the largest in the world, about 40 percent of the total geothermal resources worldwide with a potential energy of 28,617 MW. Geothermal energy is one of the renewable energy in the world that can be developed sustainably. This kind of energy is not only environmentally friendly but also highly prospective compared to fossil energy. One of the potential geothermal energy in Indonesia is Seulawah Agam geothermal field with some manifestation areas. The fluid type of Ie Seu’um manifestation was chloride (Cl-) obtained from the ternary diagram Cl--SO4 2--HCO3 -, using UV-Vis spectrophotometry, argentometry and acidimetry method. The reservoir range temperature was 188,7 ± 9,3°C calculated using geothermometer Na-K-Ca, Na-K Fournier and Na-K Giggenbach by applying Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy method. This data processing was carried out using liquid chemistry plotting spreadsheet version 3 powell geoscience Ltd.3 September 2012 by Powell & Cumming. The potential in the geothermal manifestation of Ie Seu’um was estimated about 50-100 MW (medium enthalpy).

  11. Perbedaan Penggunaan Standar Baru Antropometri WHO-2006 terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Penilaian Status Gizi pada Tenaga Gizi Pelaksana di Kota Banda Aceh Tahun 2009

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    Alfridsyah Alfridsyah


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Pada tahun 2003, WHO merumuskan konsep Multicenter Growth References Study (MGRS yang dilakukan di 6 negara dengan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 8440 anak hidup di lingkungan sehat yang memungkinkan tumbuh sesuai potensi genetik. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas yang dilakukan secara serentak di 33 provinsi di Indonesia pada tahun 2007 dalam penilaian status gizi balita telah mengacu pada WHO 2006. Secara keseluruhan Provinsi NAD termasuk ke dalam 10 besar yang mempunyai masalah gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan standar baru antropometri 2006 terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan penilaian status gizi pada Tenaga GiziPelaksana (TGP di Kota Banda Aceh tahun 2009. Metode: Rancangan penelitian ini merupakan metode analitik eksploratif dengan pendekatan Quasi Experimental Design, yang dilakukan pada 70 TGP dan dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan Independent T-Test dan DependentT-Test pada CI: 95%. Hasil: Hasil analisis Independent T-Test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan (p = 0,000, sikap (p = 0,004, perilaku (p = 0,005 dan peningkatan PSG (p = 0,031 antara post test pada kelompok ceramah disertai diskusi dengan ceramah disertai praktik. Sedangkan hasil analisis Dependent T-Test menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifi kan dari pre tes ke post tes terhadap kedua kelompok pada TGP dalam wilayah kerja Kota Banda Aceh. Kesimpulan: Metode ceramah disertai praktik dan metode ceramah disertai diskusi dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, perilaku dan penilaian status gizi oleh TGP, pendidikan kesehatan penilaian status gizimenggunakan standar antropometri baru WHO-2006 dengan metode ceramah disertai praktik lebih efektif dibandingkan metode ceramah disertai diskusi, dan ada pengaruh yang signifi kan penggunaan standar antropometri baru WHO-2006 terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan

  12. Work motivation and leadership on the performance of employees as predictors of organizational culture in broadcasting commission of FIAU islands province, Indonesia

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    Chablullah Wibisono


    Full Text Available This paper presents a survey to measure the effects of work motivation and leadership on the performance of employees as predictors of organizational culture in broadcasting commission of Riau islands province, Indonesia. There are two dependent variables namely mediating variables (moderating variable consisting of Cultural Organization, and the dependent variable (dependent variable consisting of Employee Performance. Using a questionnaire designed in Likert scale, the survey distributes 120 questionnaires among the surveyed people and manage to collect 101 properly filled ones. Using structural equation modeling, the survey has confirmed the effect of work motivation to latent variable, Cultural Organization. The survey also confirms that the performance changes were affected by Motivation, Leadership, and Organizational Culture.


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    Muhammad Abdul Samad


    Full Text Available Islamic business ethics is one that should be the practice of Muslim traders, because Islam promotes this method for fairness, honesty and the benefit of people. Ethical values of Islam must be known and understood by all Muslim traders to avoid cheating that may oppress customers. This study uses qualitative methods and obtains data from the interviewers and observations. The study found that the majority of Aceh traders has understood the ethical businessmen in Islam which can be seen from the activities they are doing in each of its business practices. Aceh dealers are usually honest, fair, occupying commitment, hardworking and making efforts in business.

  14. [Estimates of the availability of energy and protein by province for the period 1985-2000]. (United States)

    Jus'at, I; Idrus, D


    An attempt is made to estimate the availability of adequate per capita food supplies and protein in the provinces of Indonesia over the period 1985 to 2000. The estimates are based on official population projections. Variations in food supply by province are discussed. (summary in ENG)

  15. CONCEPTUALIZING ISLAMIC BASED EDUCATION: An attempt toward Islamization of Educational System in Aceh

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    Hasan Basri


    Full Text Available This study proves that Islam has a unique concept of education and constructive values that can be applied in educational system. Discussion on Islamic education has not ended yet; that is why to reveal the Islamic educational values deriving from the primary sources of Islam, the Qur’an and Sunna (prophetic tradition, is not insignificant in the context of educational system in Aceh. Since Aceh has specific privilege in the fields of education, religion, and culture, it is crucial to break up earth the Islamic values and apply them into education programs. Realizing such programs should take accurate and strategic steps through islamization of education, integration of values, and internationalization of way of thinking. Besides, curriculum, method, system, policy, and dichotomy of educational system must be reformed concurrently.

  16. The Current Observation and Challenges of Tourism Development in Batur Global Geopark Area, Bali Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Rosyidie, A.; Sagala, S.; Syahbid, M. M.; Sasongko, M. A.


    Geopark is a designated physical landscape with a geological heritage value. It is one of the approaches to combine both conservation and sustainable economic development. Geopark aims to attract tourists that ultimately bring impacts to the development, especially to the local governments and communities. The first global geopark in Indonesia, which is recognized by UNESCO, is Batur Geopark. Batur Geopark is in Kintamani, Bangli District, Bali Province. The main purpose of Batur Global Geopark development is to balance between the geology, environment, social-culture, economic, and conservation. Creating geoparks as tourism destination would achieve not only scientific and natural resource preservation, but also the development of tourism. Since Geopark is considered as a new concept in Indonesia, the main question is: does geopark indeed boost tourism? If so, how significant is it compared to other tourism in a particular area, such as Bali? What are the challenges faced in the development of geopark? Having the above questions, this study selects Batur Geopark as a case study and assesses to what extent Batur Geopark contributes to the tourism development in Bangli District and Bali Province. A framework to do this assessment is set up using geopark criteria developed by UNESCO as well as trend analysis since the establishment of Batur Geopark in 2012. To get a comprehensive picture, we conducted a field survey in Batur Geopark and asked questions to the local community, local champions, businessmen, tourism actors, local government agencies and scholars in tourism development, and we also explored the potential and the challenges of the tourism development of Batur Global Geopark. The findings indicate that developing Geopark as ecotourism is a complicated issue. Geopark is seen in various and different perspectives by different actors. While the aim of geopark is to trigger tourism development, some contra-geopark and tourism activities exist, such as sand


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    Etty Soesilowati


    Full Text Available The research aimed to synchronize inters sectors, which uses Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah  as main guide. Scope of the discussion consist of comparison between the exixting and should condition. The locus of this research was in direct Aceh Singkil by focusing on housing and settlement, business and post disater infrastructure. The secondary data resources collected from BRR (Badan Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi, The local Government of province and county and the identified funding institution. The primary data resources collected from interview, observation, focus group discussion and stakeholders meeting forum. The data analyzed by participative planning analysis, policy analysis, scale of priority and budget analysis. The result of this research showed: (1 there was overlapping program found on housing and settlement sectors; (2 some program that should be required but in fact they didn’t appear, even In infrastructure, housing and settlement sector and economics; (3 most of the program proposed to BRR expected to get financial support from BRR. The recommendations are: (1 they should organize completely definite RTRW program includes the amount of budget needed for the coming 20 years; (2 they should allocate the budget for maximum 40% of APBD for routine and 60% for development, because after year of 2009 BRR and NGO’s will be no longer work there; (3 the patterns of coordination should gradually do from Musrenbang/Musbangdes/Musbang to sub district/county and another communication forum.  

  18. Analysis of Factors That Affects the Investors in Conducting Business in Indonesia

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    Rini Kurnia Sari


    Full Text Available Investment is needed in the development of the economy. With the decentralization of investment is expected to evolve as a whole in every province in Indonesia. Local governments need to improve the quality of economic (GDP / Capita, social (HDI and the infrastructure to attract domestic and foreign investors. Fromthe test results showed that factors affecting investors conducting business in Indonesia is still influenced by GDP/capita, HDI and Infrastructure instead of natural resources.This study uses descriptive analysis and correlation analysis methods to look at the correlation factors that affect investors doing business in Indonesia.

  19. Data envelopment analysis with upper bound on output to measure efficiency performance of departments in Malaikulsaleh University (United States)

    Abdullah, Dahlan; Suwilo, Saib; Tulus; Mawengkang, Herman; Efendi, Syahril


    The higher education system in Indonesia can be considered not only as an important source of developing knowledge in the country, but also could create positive living conditions for the country. Therefore it is not surprising that enrollments in higher education continue to expand. However, the implication of this situation, the Indonesian government is necessarily to support more funds. In the interest of accountability, it is essential to measure the efficiency for this higher institution. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a method to evaluate the technical efficiency of production units which have multiple input and output. The higher learning institution considered in this paper is Malikussaleh University located in Lhokseumawe, a city in Aceh province of Indonesia. This paper develops a method to evaluate efficiency for all departments in Malikussaleh University using DEA with bounded output. Accordingly, we present some important differences in efficiency of those departments. Finally we discuss the effort should be done by these departments in order to become efficient.

  20. Being Woman in the Land of Shari‘a: Politics of the Female Body, Piety, and Resistance in Langsa, Aceh


    Muhammad Ansor


    This study investigates the dynamic of institutionalization of Shari’a in Aceh, which focuses on analysis of the patterns of Langsa women’s resistance against religious leaders and state interpretations of the dress standards in the public space. This matter emerged because the implementation of Shari’a has been supported by local people, but the standard of Islamic dress that should be applied is still debatable among various groups in Aceh that have varied understandings and different relig...

  1. Phylogenetic Analysis of Dengue Virus in Bangkalan, Madura Island, East Java Province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Sucipto, Teguh Hari; Kotaki, Tomohiro; Mulyatno, Kris Cahyo; Churrotin, Siti; Labiqah, Amaliah; Soegijanto, Soegeng; Kameoka, Masanori


    Dengue virus (DENV) infection is a major health issue in tropical and subtropical areas. Indonesia is one of the biggest dengue endemic countries in the world. In the present study, the phylogenetic analysis of DENV in Bangkalan, Madura Island, Indonesia, was performed in order to obtain a clearer understanding of its dynamics in this country. A total of 359 blood samples from dengue-suspected patients were collected between 2012 and 2014. Serotyping was conducted using a multiplex Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction and a phylogenetic analysis of E gene sequences was performed using the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. 17 out of 359 blood samples (4.7%) were positive for the isolation of DENV. Serotyping and the phylogenetic analysis revealed the predominance of DENV-1 genotype I (9/17, 52.9%), followed by DENV-2 Cosmopolitan type (7/17, 41.2%) and DENV-3 genotype I (1/17, 5.9%) . DENV-4 was not isolated. The Madura Island isolates showed high nucleotide similarity to other Indonesian isolates, indicating frequent virus circulation in Indonesia. The results of the present study highlight the importance of continuous viral surveillance in dengue endemic areas in order to obtain a clearer understanding of the dynamics of DENV in Indonesia.

  2. Quantitative Interpretation of Gravity Anomaly Data in Geothermal Field Seulawah Agam, Aceh Besar

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    Aprillino Wangsa


    Keywords: Gravity Method, Density, Grav2DC, Geothermal System, Seulawah Agam REFERENSI Bennett, J.D., dkk. 1981. Peta Geologi Lembar Banda Aceh, Sumatera. Bandung: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi. Hidayat, N dan Basid, A. 2011. Analisis Anomali Gravitasi Sebagai Acuan Dalam Penentuan Struktur Geologi Bawah Permukaan dan Potensi Geothermal, Jurnal Neutrino, 4.1,p-36. Muzakir. 2014. Investigasi Struktur 2D Lapangan Panasbumi Seulawah Agam Berdasarkan Data Pengukuran Magnetotellurik. Skripsi. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. Saptadji, N. M. 2001. Teknik Panas Bumi. Departemen Teknik Perminyakan Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral. Institut Teknologi Bandung: Bandung. Yu, G., He, Z. X., Hu, Z.Z., borbergsdottir, I. M., Strack, K. –M., dan Tulinius, H.2009. Geothermal Exploration Using MT and Gravity Techniques at Szentlorinc Area in Hungary - SEG 2009 International Expoloration and Annuad Meeting. Houston. P-4333

  3. Hubungan sosial ekonomi, pola asuh, pola makan dengan stunting pada siswa sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Lut Tawar, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah

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    Basri Aramico


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTBackground: High prevalence of stunted children that indicates nutrition problem in Indonesia is a chronic problem associated with poverty, low education, and lack of service and environmental health. The low birth weight infant will have an impact on growth disorders in children.      Objectives: To identify association between social economic aspect of the family, rearing pattern, eating pattern and stunting in elementary school children in Lut Tawar Subditrict Central Aceh Regency.Methods: The study were analytic observational with cross sectional design and qualitative method. Data were obtained through observation and interview using questionnaire. Samples were 378 children from 11 elementary school in Lut Tawar Subdistrict Central Aceh Regency. Samples were selected by proportional random sampling. Analysis used chi-square at confi dence interval 95%. Number of samples were 378 children.Results: There were association between maternal education and nutritional status (p<0.001 OR=4.06; father education and nutritional status (p<0.001 OR=3.37; number of underfi ves with nutritional status (p=0.007 OR=2.71; income of parent and nutritional status (p<0.001 OR=7.8; rearing pattern and nutritional status (p<0.001 OR=8.07; eating pattern and nutritional status (p<0.001 OR=6.01. There were dominant association between rearing pattern and nutritional status with OR 8, between eating patern,income of parent and nutritional status with OR of 6.01 There were no association between acces and utilization of health service and nutritional status (p=0,78 OR=0,93.Conclusions: There were signifi cant association between rearing pattern, eating pattern, and nutritional status.KEYWORDS: stunting, rearing pattern, eating patternABSTRAKLatar belakang: Tingginya prevalensi anak pendek yang menunjukkan masalah gizi di Indonesia merupakan masalah kronis yang berkaitan dengan kemiskinan, rendahnya pendidikan, dan kurang memadainya pelayanan

  4. The Spatial Distribution of Bed Sediment on Fluvial System: A Mini Review of the Aceh Meandering River

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    Muhammad Irham


    Full Text Available Dynamic interactions of hydrological and geomorphological processes in the fluvial system result in accumulated deposit on the bed because the capacity to carry sediment has been exceeded. The bed load of the Aceh fluvial system is primarily generated by mechanical weathering resulting in boulders, pebbles, and sand, which roll or bounce along the river bed forming temporary deposits as bars on the insides of meander bends, as a result of a loss of transport energy in the system. This dynamic controls the style and range of deposits in the Aceh River. This study focuses on the spatial distribution of bed-load transport of the Aceh River. Understanding the spatial distribution of deposits facilitates the reconstruction of the changes in controlling factors during accumulation of deposits. One of the methods can be done by sieve analysis of sediment, where the method illuminates the distribution of sediment changes associated with channel morphology under different flow regimes. Hence, the purpose of this mini review is to investigate how the sediment along the river meander spatially dispersed. The results demonstrate that channel deposits in the Aceh River are formed from four different type of materials: pebble deposited along upstream left bank; sand located on the upstream, downstream, and along meander belts; and silt and clay located along the cut bank of meander bends. Because of different depositional pattern, the distribution of the sediment along the river can be used as a surrogate to identify bank stability, as well as to predict critical geometry for meander bend initiation

  5. [Demographic characteristics of consumers in Indonesia?]. (United States)

    Ananta, A


    "This paper presents a mosaic of business opportunities arising from the different demographic characteristics of the provinces in the western part of Indonesia. The author discusses the total number of population, density, and per capita income to [shed] some light on the volume of the market. He also presents the business impact of the [changes] in fertility, mortality, and style of those aged 40-64." (SUMMARY IN ENG) excerpt

  6. Kajian Potensi Produksi Hijauan Pakan pada Lahan Eksisting dan Potensial untuk Meningkatkan Populasi Ternak Ruminansia di Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Mira Delima


    ABSTRACT. The purpose of this research was to find out the width and scattered location of existing land use which its land capability class suitable for pastures; forage production prospective, and land carrying capacity. The combination of survey and evaluation method was used in this study. The primary data were obtained by field observation and compiling documents, while the secondary data were obtained from various sources, including Bappeda Aceh, and Dinas Peternakan Aceh Besar. Land capability classification was defined based on a modified USDA method and land capability class mapping was prepared based on overlay method by geoprocessing of Geographic Information Systems. The attributes delineating land capability classification included slope, erosion potential and soil depth. Spatial and attributes data were processed using ArcGIS 9.3. Interpretation of land use map derived from satellite imagery analysis results. Brachiaria humidicola green production (tons/year was determined by assumption-based on obtaining data from various sources. Present livestock population and increasing of population target up to 2017 were obtained from Dinas Peternakan Aceh Besar. The results showed that the existing land use area was 28,632.23 ha (59.03 %, whereas the potential land use area was 19,875.73 ha (40.97%. Land use area for pastures in the district of Aceh Besar, both existing and potential, were sufficient to support the achievement of livestock population increasing program.


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    Yusnidar Yusnidar


    Full Text Available School head master is one of factors in encouraging the school to reach its vision, mission, aim and target through the planned implemented program. The aim of the study is to know the leadership of the head master of the school in improving the teachers’ commitment, work motivation and obstacles experiencing by the school head master in improving the teachers’ performance at MAN Model Banda Aceh. The study used descriptive method. The data collection techniques were observations, interviews, and documentations. The subjects of this research were the head master of the school and the teachers of MAN Model Banda Aceh. The data analysis of this qualitative analysis shows that: (1 the leadership of the head master of the school in improving working commitment is through empowerment of the training teacher in accordance with their field, class supervision evaluation and interns routinely madrasah supervision, and give reward to outstanding teacher; ( 2 the school head master leadership in improving work motivation is through professionalism work guiding, evaluate the teacher learning program, consensus agreement in time discipline, and intern cooperation with the school head master and guiding teachers; (3 the head master leadership in improving discipline is through applying self discipline of school head master in order to be followed by teachers as the discipline being conducted by the school head master in fully self awareness without any coercion; (4 the obstacles faced by the school head master in improving the teacher performance is because of time restriction in carrying out classroom supervision, guiding professional teachers and evaluate the teachers teaching-learning process, as well as restricted fund allocation in MAN Model Banda Aceh.

  8. The burden and treatment of HIV in tuberculosis patients in Papua Province, Indonesia: a prospective observational study

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    Price Ric N


    Full Text Available Abstract Background New diagnoses of tuberculosis (TB present important opportunities to detect and treat HIV. Rates of HIV and TB in Indonesia's easternmost Papua Province exceed national figures, but data on co-infection rates and outcomes are lacking. We aimed to measure TB-HIV co-infection rates, examine longitudinal trends, compare management with World Health Organisation (WHO recommendations, and document progress and outcome. Methods Adults with newly-diagnosed smear-positive pulmonary TB managed at the Timika TB clinic, Papua Province, were offered voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in accordance with Indonesian National Guidelines, using a point-of-care antibody test. Positive tests were confirmed with 2 further rapid tests. Study participants were assessed using clinical, bacteriological, functional and radiological measures and followed up for 6 months. Results Of 162 participants, HIV status was determined in 138 (85.2%, of whom 18 (13.0% were HIV+. Indigenous Papuans were significantly more likely to be HIV+ than Non-Papuans (Odds Ratio [OR] 4.42, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.38-14.23. HIV prevalence among people with TB was significantly higher than during a 2003-4 survey at the same TB clinic, and substantially higher than the Indonesian national estimate of 3%. Compared with HIV- study participants, those with TB-HIV co-infection had significantly lower exercise tolerance (median difference in 6-minute walk test: 25 m, p = 0.04, haemoglobin (mean difference: 1.3 g/dL, p = 0.002, and likelihood of cavitary disease (OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.12-1.01, and increased occurrence of pleural effusion (OR 3.60, 95% CI 1.70-7.58, higher rates of hospitalisation or death (OR 11.80, 95% CI 1.82-76.43, but no difference in the likelihood of successful 6-month treatment outcome. Adherence to WHO guidelines was limited by the absence of integration of TB and HIV services, specifically, with no on-site ART prescriber available. Only six people

  9. Livelihood and Rural Tourism Development in Coastal Area North Maluku Province Indonesia (United States)

    Afrianto Singgalen, Yerik; Maxwell Simange, Silvanus


    The livelihood of the people who live in the villages in coastal and remote areas can be developed into tourism area based on local wisdom to achieve sustainable tourism. Tunuo village is a village that has a wealth of Natural Resources and the Cultural Resources to support tourism. Nevertheless, Tunuo Village has problems related to Human Resources to support tourism. Meanwhile, the livelihood of Tunuo Village as producers of copra have constraints, namely access to economic capital. The gain from copra sale is erratic and prone to change, it encourages people to seek income from other options to meet their needs. These economic pressures encourage the development of environmentally damaging activities, such as fishing using homemade bombs so that reefs may be damaged. There are also other activities, such as the production, distribution, and consumption of traditional liquor made from palm tree sap, locally known as Saguer. Therefore, the present tourism as a sector that could provide opportunities for the villagers of Tunuo to earn extra income as well as efforts to preserve the environment, and culture. This research was conducted in the village of Tunuo, North Kao District, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku province, Indonesia. The method is qualitative Participatory Action Research (PAR). The results indicate that people have a desire and a strong motivation to develop, so that the process of forming the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) and its seven charms (saptapesona) can take place properly. As of the socialization of tourism awareness, as well as capacity building seminar for Pokdarwiswould be able to mobilize the community to clean up trash on the beach and to encourage communities to develop local knowledge into a leading tourism product.


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    Muhammad Aries


    Full Text Available 800x600 Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";} The study was aimed to estimate  GDP lost due to Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM among under five children at various provinces in Indonesia. It was a descriptive study used secondary data.  Data analysis was conducted in Bogor, from January to March 2006. The data uses are prevalence of PEM among under five children in various provinces in 2003, Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP of provinces in Indonesia by industrial origin 2000 - 2004, population by province, sex and age group 2003, composite Consumers Price Index (CPI of 45 cities (2002 = 100. The study showed that the economic lost due to malnutrition (PEM among under five children in Indonesia was ranged from 0.27% to 1.21% GDP. Keyword: economic lost, Protein Energy Malnutrition, cost of food supplementation.

  11. The impact of sharing arrangement institution on beef cattle breeding performance in Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Nono, O. H.; Natawidjaja, R.; Arief, B.; Suryadi, D.; Kapa, M. M. J.


    The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of sharing arrangement systems to performance of beef cattle breeding. This research was conducted in Kupang Regency - East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The study used multi stage cluster random sampling method to determine the sample area and respondents. The sample areas consisted of 2 sub-districts and 6 villages, while the total respondents were 117 people comprised 74 Participant Farmers (PF) of sharing arrangement systems (SAS) and 43 non-participant farmers (NPF). 23 investors were selected for the survey. The result of the study indicated that the performance of NPF in terms of revenue, net profit, and return on investment (ROI) was better than PF respondents. The value of ROI was between 16.69-32.23 %. This indicated that utilization of farm asset was not optimum yet. It was found that farm efficiency was 1.73 which indicated that SAS does not increase farm productivity.

  12. Qanun Man’i al-Maysir fi Wilayati Aceh: Dirasatun Tahliliyatun fi Dhaui Maqasid al-Syari’ah

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    Maisyarah Rahmi Hasan


    Full Text Available This research aims to study the prevention law of gambling in Aceh. Which has applied since 2003 M. The problem appears from this study is miss understanding of some Achiness society. Some of them accept that the gambling law is applied according to the purpose of Islam on the prohibit gambling. On another perception some of the community in Aceh do not accept it. they argue that the law of prevention gambling in Aceh is just from government not from Syari’. The explanation of appropriation between the purpose of government on applying this law and the purpose of maqashid al- syariah on prevention gambling. And discuss the reason of miss understanding society. So, this research will analyse the problems deal from this law, the solution, and finding out the wisdom of forbid gambling, and the relation prevention gambling law and the maqashid al – syariah on keep the wealth, because the command of preserve wealth is one of the purpose of syariah that Muslim should watch over it.thus, The researcher adopted the inductive methodology and the analytical approach to reach the solution on it. The most important result finding in this study is firm relation between the prevention gambling law in Aceh and maqashid al- syariah. Gambling is prohibited by many evidences and propositions from al-qur’an and hadits. In addition There are many kind of gambling renowned, the punishment for violate the gambling law is ta’ziriah. This forbidden relate to the command on keeping the wealth. Since that is one of the purpose of shariah. If the prevention of gambling law is approved and applied so that the purpose of shariah is reached as well. Futhermore, the law must be holdout on all Muslims to avoid gambling .

  13. Ekonomi Politik Perminyakan Indonesia: Analisis Kebijakan Liberalisasi Sektor Hulu Migas Indonesia pasca-1998

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    Ahmad Rizky Mardhatillah Umar


    Full Text Available In the early of 2012, The Government of Indonesia launched a policy proposal remove fuel price subsidy and raise its price up to Rp 6.000. This proposal was followed by mass protests from student, labor, and civil society movement in many provinces. These protest, which was supported by opposition party in parliament (PDIP, Gerindra, and Hanura, ended up with a political compromy at the House of Representative plenary session: The government has opportunity to adjust fuel prices with ‘international oil price’ of Indonesian Crude Price (ICP rises or falls around 15% in 6 months. Why do the fuel pricing scheme become very dependent with international oil price which is very oligopolistic (Berger dkk, 1988? Is it a part of the oligarchy consolidation in Indonesia (Robison dkk, 2004? This paper will try to answer this question by analyzing the political economy of Post-1998 Indonesian oil sector management.


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    Akhyar Rinaldi


    Full Text Available The objective of this article is to analyze the implementation of after sales service on used photocopy machine in Banda Aceh from an Islamic economic perspective. The analysis is conducted through the exploration of the mechanism of sale and purchase transactions and after-sales service system of the used photocopy machine. Data for this study was gathered through interviews and observations. Due to wide coverage area, the sample for this study was limited to eight units, which consist of four sellers and four buyers. The selection was determined by cluster sampling technique. The gathered data was then analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The findings showed that the implementation of the after sales service on the used photocopy machine in Banda Aceh was indicating to contain fraud such as gharar (uncertainty element, price manipulation element, and the 'coercion' element causing the unhappiness so that it can harm customers which impact on the loss of the maslahah values in muamalah. In other words, the practice of after-sales service of used copier machines in Banda Aceh not fully comply with Islamic economic principles. =========================================== Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk menganalisis praktik after sales service (layanan purna jual mesin fotocopy bekas pakai di Kota Banda Aceh dari perspektif ekonomi Islam. Analisis tersebut dilakukan melalui eksplorasi terhadap mekanisme transaksi jual beli dan sistem jasa layanan purna jual mesin fotocopy bekas pakai tersebut. Data untuk penelitian dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Karena wilayah populasi penelitian yang terlalu besar, maka penulis memilih delapan sampel penelitian, yakni empat sampel toko yang menjual mesin fotocopy bekas pakai, dan empat sampel toko yang menjadi konsumen mesin fotocopy bekas pakai. Pemilihan tersebut dilakukan dengan teknik cluster sampling. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analisis


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    Bernada Meterai


    Full Text Available This study is the phenomenon of "problem Indonesian Papuans" often questionable when the "conflict-torn Papua." LIPI in 2007 questioned why it's been 62 years of independent Indonesia, Papua Indonesia nationalism began to be questioned again. We all know that Papua is the province of the very rich natural resources, beautiful panoramic views both on land and at sea to original culture from a number of ethnic groups. the Papua origin ball players like Boaz Salosa, Patrik Wanggai, Ferdinando Pahabol and Riki Kayame continued fighting defend their self-esteem as a nation of Indonesia in the field that when dealing with other countries. However, when the conflict in Papua occurred, appeared a wide pernyataantentang of Papua New Guinea such as: dark, human resources is relatively low, people are still poor and primitive, and the flag frequently offered up morning, arcane, the shooting of human rights violations, the referendum and the independence of the territory of a unitary State the Republic of Indonesia

  16. Decision Model for Planning and Scheduling of Seafood Product Considering Traceability (United States)

    Agustin; Mawengkang, Herman; Mathelinea, Devy


    Due to the global challenges, it is necessary for an industrial company to integrate production scheduling and distribution planning, in order to be more efficient and to get more economics advantages. This paper presents seafood production planning and scheduling of a seafood manufacture company which produces simultaneously multi kind of seafood products, located at Aceh Province, Indonesia. The perishability nature of fish highly restricts its storage duration and delivery conditions. Traceability is a tracking requirement to check whether the quality of the product is satisfied. The production and distribution planning problem aims to meet customer demand subject to traceability of the seafood product and other restrictions. The problem is modeled as a mixed integer linear program, and then it is solved using neighborhood search approach.

  17. Prospect on desalination by using nuclear energy in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sunaryo, G.R.; Rusli, A.; Nurdin, M.; Titiresmi; Prawiranata, H.; Theresia


    Due to the population growth and its effect on the environment and hydrological cycle make the need of water in drinking water, hydro power, household water etc., increase. Not only in eastern parts of Indonesia with low wetness level compare with other part, but also in many provinces with high population, the lack of water becomes a serious problem. Based on this, a suitable method of desalination plant that converts sea water into fresh water as a method with a good promising will be described. A probable future method of coupling a small nuclear power with desalination plants in Indonesia also will be explained. (author). 11 refs, 4 figs, 1 tab


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    Widya P. B. P


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hasil seleksi pada calon induk (heifer dan calon pejantan (bull sapi Aceh menggunakan metode nilai pemuliaan (NP dan indeks seleksi (IS terhadap performans berat badan. Data sekunder yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data recording ternak dari tahun 2010 sampai 2014 yang meliputi data silsilah ternak, data kelahiran dan dan data berat badan di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul (BPTU-Hijauan Pakan Ternak (HPT Sapi Aceh Indrapuri. Data recording ternak yang diperoleh digunakan untuk mengestimasi heritabilitas, korelasi genetik dan korelasi fenotip. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa heritabilitas berat sapih (BS, berat setahunan (BY dan berat akhir (BAtermasuk kategori tinggi. Korelasi genetik BS dengan BY dan BS dengan BA termasuk kategori positifsedang. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat 14 ekor heifer (48%dan bull (53%yang memiliki peringkat NPBA dan IS yang sama dari masing-masing 29dan 26 ekorsapi yang diuji.Metode IS dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu kriteria seleksi ternak yang lebih akurat.

  19. Being Woman in the Land of Shari‘a: Politics of the Female Body, Piety, and Resistance in Langsa, Aceh

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    Muhammad Ansor


    Full Text Available This study investigates the dynamic of institutionalization of Shari’a in Aceh, which focuses on analysis of the patterns of Langsa women’s resistance against religious leaders and state interpretations of the dress standards in the public space. This matter emerged because the implementation of Shari’a has been supported by local people, but the standard of Islamic dress that should be applied is still debatable among various groups in Aceh that have varied understandings and different religious visions. The regulation of dress code has been an issue for religious leaders, intellectuals, and Moslem activists. The resistance of Langsa women against the politics of body discipline could be open and secret. To analyze the forms of women’s resistance, the researcher applied James C. Scott’s hidden transcripts theory. Inspired by this theoretical framework, the researcher found that Langsa women, intellectuals, and religious leaders expressed their resistance over how women should dress in public space. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. Accordingly, the research shows how Langsa women express their resistance towards religious hegemony and state interpretation of Islam.[Tulisan ini membahas dinamika pelembagaan syariat Islam di Aceh dengan fokus resistensi tersembunyi perempuan Langsa terhadap penafsiran elite agama dan pemerintah perihal pembakuan standar pakaian di ruang publik. Meskipun implementasi syariat Islam Aceh mendapat dukungan masyarakat setempat, tetapi ketika sebuah tafsir tertentu tentang pakaian Islami dibakukan dalam regulasi (Qanun, muncul perdebatan dari sebagian muslim yang berpola pemikiran dan visi keagamaan berbeda. Bukan hanya perdebatan di kalangan elite agama, intelektual, maupun aktivis, perempuan di berbagai daerah di Aceh pun mengekspresikan resistensi, baik secara terbuka maupun tersembunyi. Peneliti menggunakan teori hidden transcripts

  20. Hydrological Response Unit Analysis Using AVSWAT 2000 for Keuliling Reservoir Watershed, Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    . Azmeri


    Full Text Available Sediments deposition derived from the erosion in upstream areas can lead to river siltation or canals downstream irrigation. According to the complexity of erosion problem at Keuliling reservoir, it is essential that topography, hydrology, soil type and land use to be analyzed comprehensively. Software used to analyze is AVSWAT 2000 (Arc View Soil and Water Assessment Tools-2000, one of the additional tool of ArcView program. The results obtained are the watershed delineation map, soil type map to produce soil erodibility factor (K which indicates the resistance of soil particles toward exfoliation, land use map to produce crop management factor (C and soil conservation and its management factors (P. Hydrology analysis includes soil type, land use and utility for the erosion rate analysis through Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU. The biggest HRU value of sub-basin is on area 5 and the lowest one is on area 10. All four HRU in sub-basin area 5 are potentially donating high value for HRU. In short, this area has the longest slope length so that it has a large LS factor. About 50% of the land was covered by bushes which gain higher C factor rather than forest. Moreover, it has contour crop conservation technique with 9-20 % declivity resulting in having dominant factor of P. Soil type is dominated by Meucampli Formation which has soil erodibility factor with high level of vulnerable toward the rainfall kinetic energy. All in all, the vast majority of HRU parameters in this sub-basin area obtain the highest HRU value. Hydrology analysis, soil type, and use-land are useful for land area analysis that is susceptible to erosion which was identified through Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU using GIS. As the matter of fact, spatially studies constructed with GIS can facilitate the agency to determine critical areas which are needed to be aware or fully rehabilitated.

  1. Strengthening Laboratory Capacity for Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) in Indonesia


    Kandel, Nirmal; Hapsari, Ratna Budi; Riana, Dyah Armi; Setiawaty, Vivi; Larasati, Wita; Wulandari, Endang; Purwanto, Edy


    Background: Establishment of Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) in Indonesia was initiated since 2009 in few selected provinces and government was planning to roll out in other provinces. Before initiating this roll out the assessment of performance of EWARS in 2012 was conducted. The aim of the assessment is to strengthen laboratory for supporting to EWARS for alerts testing. Methods: Laboratory capacity mapping tool and laboratory algorithm for twenty two priority diseases of ...

  2. Epidemiology of leprosy on five isolated islands in the Flores Sea, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, Mirjam I.; Hatta, Mochammad; Kwenang, Agnes; Klatser, Paul R.; Oskam, Linda


    We conducted a population-based survey on five small islands in South Sulawesi Province (Indonesia) to collect baseline data previous to a chemoprophylactic intervention study aiming at interrupting the transmission of Mycobacterium leprae . Here we describe the present leprosy epidemiology on these


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    Santoso Santoso


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTFilariasis is still a public health problem in Indonesia. Over 10 years (2000-2009 the spread of filariasis inIndonesia are increasing in all over Indonesia. The numbers of clinical cases found were 6,233 cases in 2000 and increased in 2009 to 11,914 cases scattered throughout 33 provinces. Some factors that led to thehigher number of filariasis cases in Indonesia were poor sanitation and limited access to health carefacilities. The data for this analysis was derived from Basic Health Research 2007. The results showedthere were statistically significant relationship between the characteristics of respondents, the type andcondition of the waste water reservoirs, sewerage conditions, the presence of medium and large livestock, classification of areas and the incidence of filariasis.Keywords: Filariasis, characteristics, waste water disposal ABSTRAKFilariasis masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Selama 10 tahun (2000-2009 penyebaranfilariasis di Indonesia terus meningkat yang meliputi hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Jumlah kasusklinis yang ditemukan tahun 2000 sebanyak 6.233 kasus dan meningkat pada tahun 2009 menjadi 11.914kasus yang tersebar di 33 provinsi. Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan masih tingginya kasus filariasis diIndonesia diantaranya kondisi sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik dan sulitnya akses ke sarana pelayanankesehatan. Data yang digunakan dalam analisis ini adalah data hasil Riskesdas tahun 2007. Hasil analisismenunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara karekateristik responden, jenis dankondisi penampungan air limbah, kondisi saluran air limbah, keberadaan ternak sedang dan besar, dan klasifikasi daerah dengan kejadian filariasis.Kata kunci: Filariasis, karakteristik, pembuangan air limbah

  4. Rule of Law and Human Rights Challenges in South East Asia: A Case Study of Legal Pluralism in Indonesia

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    Saldi Isra


    Full Text Available It has been over 72 years since Indonesia proclaimed her independence on 17 August 1945. However, the 350 years of the Dutch colonization is still impacting the lives of the Indonesian people. The difficulties faced by the Indonesian legal system as the government tries to accommodate adat (custom and religion principles within the national law and the extent to which this legal mechanism affects the everyday life of the Indonesian people. In a nation where customs and religion are so preeminent, setting up an all-inclusive document meant to be the foundation of the state’s legal system at the dawn of independence was no easy task. This paper discusses the practice of legal pluralism in Indonesia and its struggle to implement rule of law and human rights principles after a half-century of authoritarian regimes. The study involves socio-legal research drawing on empirical data. Survey research was conducted between September 2014 and February 2015 at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, as well as in 5 cities in Indonesia (Aceh, Bali, Batam, Medan, and Padang to collect data. The research reveals that legal pluralism is not helping to strengthen the Indonesian legal system, and that the foreignness of the Western law along with the neglect of the Indonesian customary and Islamic laws, totalitarianism and military involvement in politics, corruption within the state apparatus and unsynchronized laws weaken the legal system in Indonesia and hinder its effort to implement rule of law and human rights principles.

  5. Assessment Of Carbon Leakage In Multiple Carbon-Sink Projects: ACase Study In Jambi Province, Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boer, Rizaldi; Wasrin, Upik R.; Hendri, Perdinan; Dasanto,Bambang D.; Makundi, Willy; Hero, Julius; Ridwan, M.; Masripatin, Nur


    Rehabilitation of degraded forest land throughimplementation of carbon sink projects can increase terrestrial carbonstock. However, carbon emissions outside the project boundary, which iscommonly referred to as leakage, may reduce or negate the sequestrationbenefits. This study assessed leakage from carbon sink projects thatcould potentially be implemented in the study area comprised of elevensub-districts in the Batanghari District, Jambi Province, Sumatra,Indonesia. The study estimates the probability of a given land use/coverbeing converted into other uses/cover, by applying a logit model. Thepredictor variables were: proximity to the center of the land use area,distance to transportation channel (road or river), area of agriculturalland, unemployment (number of job seekers), job opportunities, populationdensity and income. Leakage was estimated by analyzing with and withoutcarbon sink projects scenarios. Most of the predictors were estimated asbeing significant in their contribution to land use cover change. Theresults of the analysis show that leakage in the study area can be largeenough to more than offset the project's carbon sequestration benefitsduring the period 2002-2012. However, leakage results are very sensitiveto changes of carbon density of the land uses in the study area. Byreducing C-density of lowland and hill forest by about 10 percent for thebaseline scenario, the leakage becomes positive. Further data collectionand refinement is therefore required. Nevertheless, this study hasdemonstrated that regional analysis is a useful approach to assessleakage.

  6. Factors associated to referral of tuberculosis suspects by private practitioners to community health centres in Bali Province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Artawan Eka Putra, I Wayan Gede; Utami, Ni Wayan Arya; Suarjana, I Ketut; Duana, I Made Kerta; Astiti, Cok Istri Darma; Putra, I W; Probandari, Ari; Tiemersma, Edine W; Wahyuni, Chatarina Umbul


    The contrast between the low proportion of tuberculosis (TB) suspects referred from private practitioners in Bali province and the high volume of TB suspects seeking care at private practices suggests problems with TB suspect referral from private practitioners to the public health sector. We aimed to identify key factors associated with the referral of TB suspects by private practitioners. We conducted a case-control study conducted in Bali province, Indonesia. The cases were private practitioners who had referred at least one TB suspect to a community health centre between 1 January 2007 and the start of data collection, while the controls were private practitioners who had not referred a single TB suspect in the same time. The following factors were independently associated with referral of TB suspects by private practitioners: having received information about the directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS) strategy (OR 2.0; 95% CI 1.1-3.8), ever having been visited by a district TB program officer (OR 2.1; 95% CI 1.0-4.5), availability of TB suspect referral forms in the practice (OR 2.8; 95% CI 1.5-5.2), and less than 5 km distance between the private practice and the laboratory for smear examination (OR 2.2; 95% CI 1.2-4.0). Education and exposure of private practitioners to the TB program improves referral of TB suspects from private practitioners to the national TB program. We recommend that the TB program provides all private practitioners with information about the DOTS strategy and TB suspect referral forms, and organizes regular visits to private practitioners.


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    Siti Herni Rochana


    Full Text Available Since the implementation of Law 22/1999 and Law 25/1999 of 2001, has been an increase in the implementation of fiscal decentralization with a phenomenon called Big Bang. The study was conducted to determine the degree of decentralization of expenditure covering the period before and after the implementation of regional autonomy. The research data is a panel data drawn from 30 provinces between 1994 to 2007. The results showed that in Indonesia there has been a significant increase in expenditure decentralization since 2001. Significant increases occurred mainly on the expenditure side, especially the decentralization of authority be spending more than doubled from the previous. On a national scale, the degree of decentralization of authority expenditure increased from 10.48% in the year 2000 to 25.45% in 2001. And the average for each province, the degree of decentralization of spending authority increased from 0.40% in 2000 to 0, 85% in 2001DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v2i2.2423

  8. Klasifikasi Kecamatan Berdasarkan Nilai Akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Menggunakan Analisis Diskriminan

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    Fitriana A.R.


    Full Text Available Analisis diskriminan merupakan bagian dari analisis peubah ganda. Analisis diskriminan digunakan untuk memodelkan variabel tak bebas yang bersifat kualitatif dengan variabel bebas yang bersifat kuantitatif. Pada penelitian ini, analisis diskriminan lebih dari dua kelompok diterapkan pada data nilai akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model untuk pengklasifikasian kecamatan. Pengklasifikasian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan kualitas siswa SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan berdasarkan data nilai akhir. Variabel tak bebas yang digunakan berupa klasifikasi kecamatan berdasarkan rata-rata jumlah nilai akhir SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan yang dibentuk dengan K-Means Cluster. Sedangkan variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah data rata-rata nilai akhir SMA/MA untuk setiap mata pelajaran yang diujiankan pada masing-masing jurusan setiap kecamatan. Model yang didapatkan adalah dua model diskriminan untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS.

  9. Why did Aceh lose its Nineteenth Century Independence? Comparisons with Siam and other states

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    Anthony John S. Reid


    Full Text Available By the middle of the 19th century fully independent states in Southeast Asia were few, and all felt threatened by the advance of competitive European imperialisms. By 1900 only Siam (Thailand had retained its full formal independence, though arguably by yielding key levers of control to the British. Siam’s success is often compared with the failure of Burma and Viet Nam, conquered by Britain and France respectively in the late 19th century.  Archipelago states have seldom entered this comparison, although Aceh had unique advantages in the ability to play off British and Dutch. The argument here is that the Aceh leadership did have vital agency, and made some crucial choices that could be considered mistakes from a Siam perspective. Dutch and British choices and mistakes have been better studied, but Acehnese ones also deserve to be. 

  10. Profil Protein Trypanosoma evansi dari Daerah Geografis Berbeda di Indonesia Tahun 2012-2014 dengan Sodium Dodecil Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (TRYPANOSOMA EVANSI PROTEIN PROFILE OF DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS ORIGIN IN INDONESIA

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    Fitrine Ekawasti


    Full Text Available Surra outbreak in 2012 has led to more than 1,700 animals have died in the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT Indonesia. Surra case sporadically continues throughout the year in various areas, especially Kalimantan, Banten as well as other areas. Some reports reveal differences in protein profiles among multiple isolates of T. evansi. Therefore the purpose of this research were to find out the protein profile of each isolate T. evansi in Indonesia and the possible biological differences among them. Eleven isolates originating from the province of East Nusa Tenggara, South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, Banten, Lampung and Bengkulu has been isolated and purified Using DEAE. Trypanosoma isolate were frezeethawing repeatedly to obtain soluble protein. Furthermore, soluble protein is treated with heating or without heating and then each was run on SDS PAGE with Coomassie Blue staining. The protein profiles of all isolates were compared each other. The results showed that eleven isolates of T. evansi in Indonesia has a very diverse protein profile. Then for the purposes of development of diagnostic kit can be used whole lysate cell (WCL as stock antigen in serological test process.

  11. Peace education in the Moluccas, Indonesia: between global models and local interests

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amirrachman, R.A.


    This book examines the impact of peace education projects supported by foreign agencies on the selected schools in the conflict-affected province of the Moluccas, Indonesia. This study reveals that the culturally exclusive orientation of the peace education curriculum - which favors one group over

  12. Performance of a 34 kWp grid-connected PV system in Indonesia - A comparison of tropical and European PV systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veldhuis, A.J.; Reinders, Angelina H.M.E.


    We analysed a monitored grid-connected PV system of 34 kWp in Indonesia to investigate the performance of PV systems in tropical climates. The PV system has been installed in Jayapura, the capital of the Province of Papua, Indonesia, by the beginning of 2012. Due to the aged gensets and frequent



    and Shalihuddin Djalal Tandjung, Muh. Hisjam Adi Djoko Guritno


    Wooden furniture industry is an important industry sector in Indonesia, because many people’s welfare relyon this industry sector and the industry has a big social and environmental impacts. Many wooden furnitureindustries in Indonesia, especially in Central Java Province face problems related to the sustainability. The relationbetween wood suppliers and furniture industry is studied in this paper. A sustainable supply chain management (s-SCM) model is proposed as an approach for solutions fo...

  14. The Identity and the Dilemma of the Malay Music-Culture of the Urang Pulo Islanders of the Banyak Archipelago, Sumatra: An Ethnographic, Socio-Historical and Music-Analytical Study


    Palawi, Ari


    This thesis investigates the music-cultural identity and conservational dilemma of the hitherto un-researched music-culture of the Islanders (Urang Pulo) of the Banyak Archipelago in Aceh-Singkil Regency off the west coast of Aceh, Indonesia. The Islanders’ dominant concept of identity is coloured by their dominant sikambang music, dance and legend, history of cultural contact with west-coastal Sumatran Malay and offshore island area, Niasan and Simeulue immigration to th...

  15. Conflict Resolution in Aceh in Light of Track One and a Half Diplomacy

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    Robert M. Heiling


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the role of mediators in the resolution of the Aceh conflict within the framework of a three-step process. Two separate mediation efforts, one conducted by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue from 1999 until 2003 and a second one led by Martti Ahtisaari and his Crisis Management Initiative in 2004/2005, attempted to solve the Aceh confl ict. The author shows that beside contextual factors such as ripeness of the conflict and advantageous relations between and characteristics of the conflict parties, the success of Ahtisaari’s engagement can be further explained by procedural factors. These include mediator behaviour and mediation strategies. Furthermore the mediator’s ability to use contacts with official track one actors was crucial in securing the signing as well as the implementation of the present peace agreement. ----- Der Artikel analysiert die Rolle von Mediatoren in der Lösung des Aceh Konfl ikts mittels eines drei-Phasen Modells von Konfliktlösung. Zwei voneinander unabhängige Mediationsverfahren, jenes des Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue von 1999 bis 2003, und ein weiteres geleitet durch Martti Ahtisaari und seiner Crisis Management Initiative in 2004/2005, zielten darauf ab den Konflikt zu lösen. Der Autor zeigt, dass neben kontextuellen Faktoren wie einer “ripeness” des Konflikts sowie günstigen Veränderungen auf Seite der Konfliktparteien, prozedurale Faktoren für den Erfolg Ahtisaaris entscheidend waren. Diese Faktoren beziehen sich auf das Agieren und die Strategien des Mediators. Die Fähigkeit des Mediators, Kontakte zu offiziellen “track one” Akteuren aktiv während des Mediationsprozesses zu nutzen, bildete einen Schlüsselfaktor darin einen Friedensschluss und im weiteren Verlauf eine weitgehend erfolgreiche Umsetzung des aktuellen Abkommens zwischen den ehemaligen Konfliktparteien zu erreichen.

  16. Distribusi Syzygium cumini (L Skeels di Aceh Besar

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    Afridah Afridah Rosannah


    Full Text Available The jamblang distribution has been studied in the southern part of  Aceh Besara, which is in the South of Jhanto district, Northern Krueng Raya, Southern Masjid Raya and Ujung Pancu district. The aims ofthis study was to determine the distribution area of jamblang based on rainfall, soil type, and lands cover . The data were collectedby observation. Distribution data are presented in the  form of map using ArcView 3.3 Software. The results of the analysis showed that the common jamblang was distributedin the rainfall region of 1500-2500 mm/year in dryland farming and the chromic luvisols, humic acricols, dystric fluvisols, dan rendzinas.

  17. Local communities and tourists’ perception towards to PLTD Apung sites as tsunami disaster tourism in Banda Aceh City (United States)

    Fahmi, U.; Ginting, N.; Sitorus, R.


    Earthquake and tsunami disasters that hit Banda Aceh city a few years ago, it can be classified as the most terrible natural disasters in the history of the world. Natural disasters were considered as a scary incident, also leave a lot of losses, both regarding moral and material for victims. The establishment of the tourism as media of preservation disaster could be something interesting and demand by the community, especially in the preservation of disaster that usually contains a different perspective. One of the silent witness the awesomeness of tsunami wave that preserves as disaster tourism is tsunami education park, PLTD Apung sites that located in the sub-district of Punge Blang Cut, District of Meuraxa, Banda Aceh city. The community and tourists that interact to tourism object can give the impression, assessment, opinion, felt and interpret something toward to information that displayed. The existence of development experience, ability to think, terms of reference are not the same for each in the community as well as tourists, make it possible to generate a different perception of development. The purpose of this research is to know Community and Tourists Perceptions towards to PLTD Apung sites as Tsunami Disaster Tourism in the sub-district of Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh city. This research will conduct by using the descriptive-qualitative method. The research goal is to be recommendations include development activity areas and participation are supposed to do by local community and tourists. In the recommendation is defined procedures development of PLTD Apung sites that considered to community and Tourists Perception. It is expected to optimize the development of PLTD Apung sites that can be an identity of tsunami disaster tourism in Banda Aceh city.

  18. Keamanan Susu Fermentasi Yang Beredar Di Banda Aceh Berdasarkan Nilai Gizi dan Jumlah Bakteri Pathogen

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    Yusdar Zakaria


    Full Text Available Safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in banda aceh based on nutritive value and pathogenic bacteria ABSTRACT. Fermented milk has much value primarily for the health of digestive system. However without hygienically and sterilized treatment it can become toxic to consumers. This research was conducted to observe nutritive value, the present of pathogenic bacteria, and the safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in Banda Aceh. Samples of commercial fermented milk tested were obtained from recognized retailers in Banda Aceh. Factorial completely randomized design with six replications was applied in this research. Variety of fermented milk products (yoghurt and drink yoghurt was the first factor to be analyzed, and the second one was expired date of the products (the date of production and the date of by expired. The amount of crude protein and lipid, pH level, and the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus were the parameter determined. The variety and the expired date of the products influenced the amount of crude protein and lipid, the pH level, the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus in the level of highly significant different (P<0,01. There was also found in highly significant interaction (P<0,01 between factors that influenced the amount of lactic acid bacteria and Staphilococcus aureus. On the other hand, the amount of Coliform was not influenced by those factors. The study also results in decreasing of the amount of crude protein and lipid as well as lactic acid bacteria caused by the ongoing time of storing. The longer fermented milk was stored, the lower the level of crude protein, lipid and lactic acid bacteria presented. The lipid level of fermented milk products those put on the market in Banda Aceh have been complied with the requirement standard of SNI 01-2981-1992. However, crude protein level has not achieved the

  19. Students' Understanding of Conservation of Matter, Stoichiometry and Balancing Equations in Indonesia (United States)

    Agung, Salamah; Schwartz, Marc S.


    This study examines Indonesian students' understanding of conservation of matter, balancing of equations and stoichiometry. Eight hundred and sixty-seven Grade 12 students from 22 schools across four different cities in two developed provinces in Indonesia participated in the study. Nineteen teachers also participated in order to validate the…


    KAUST Repository

    Novianti, Putri Wikie


    There are some events which are expected effecting CPI’s fluctuation, i.e. financial crisis 1997/1998, fuel price risings, base year changing’s, independence of Timor-Timur (October 1999), and Tsunami disaster in Aceh (December 2004). During re-search period, there were eight fuel price risings and four base year changing’s. The objective of this research is to obtain multi input intervention model which can des-cribe magnitude and duration of each event effected to CPI. Most of intervention re-searches that have been done are only contain of an intervention with single input, ei-ther step or pulse function. Multi input intervention was used in Indonesia CPI case because there are some events which are expected effecting CPI. Based on the result, those events were affecting CPI. Additionally, other events, such as Ied on January 1999, events on April 2002, July 2003, December 2005, and September 2008, were affecting CPI too. In general, those events gave positive effect to CPI, except events on April 2002 and July 2003 which gave negative effects.

  1. Rainwater Quality Measurements in the Area of Bricks Manufacturing at Kajhu Aceh Besar

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    Sarina .


    Full Text Available The study of rainwater quality measurement has been done in brick manufacturing area of Kajhu, Aceh Besar. The measurements are taking place in the three different places when the rain fall from the sky in Kajhu area. The physical parameters that will be measured are pH, TDS, conductivity and potential of electricity.

  2. Faktor-Faktor Mempengaruhi Ketimpangan Wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia

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    Fitrah Sari Islami


    Abstract Regional inequalities are one of the most common issues in developing countries including in Indonesia. East Java is the pro vince with the quiet high  inequalities value compared to the other provinces in Java Island. This study aims to: 1 to calculate the inequality value in East Java Province, 2 to classify the regions in East Java Province using Klassen Typology, 3 to determine factors that affect inequalities value in East Java Province. The methods used in this study were 1 Williamson Index to calculate the inequalities values, 2 Multiple linear regression analysis (Ordinary Least Square during 2001 – 2015 using Eviews 9 software. The result of the study showed that the level of regional inequalities in East Java Province tends to increase with the Williamson index value more than 1. The result of  multiple linear regression analysis, the variable of  investment, labor forced and HDI were resulted to significant and it affect to the regional inequalities, meanwhile the variable of economic growth, and government expenditure were insignificant. Keyword: inequalities, Williamson Index, Klassen Typology, East Java


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    Santri E. P. Djahimo


    Full Text Available This writing is about management of innovation in language teaching and it is reflected by a case study of managing innovation in rural schools in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT Province, Indonesia. The content of this writing mostly discusses about how to manage innovation in language teaching. However, there are several minor parts describe about the case study conducted in rural schools in Nil Province. Innovation in education is not a totally new thing to be discussed. Many researchers as well as writers have given great attention to this topic for many years. Innovation in this study means a new way of doing something to make an improvement to someone or something. In this case, an innovation in the form of teaching methodology has been implemented to create a better atmosphere in the classroom and an improvement in the students1 performance in vocabulary acquisition in EFL classroom. It has been expected that through this innovation, the students' performance would be better in vocabulary acquisition and so a better output could be achieved. Through this writing, the writer would like to show that educational innovation needs to be applied, especially by those who want better changes in order to improve themselves and achieve better results in education. The success and failure of this kind of innovation will be determined by several essential factors included in the three big category, namely Knowledge and Skill factors; Resource and Support factors; and Human and Social factors, as well as characteristics and attributes. These factors determine whether or not an innovation in education can be adopted.

  4. Listening as Translation: Reflections on Professional Development Work in a Cross-Cultural Setting (United States)

    Schultz, Katherine; Smulyan, Lisa


    As part of a campus-wide response by the University of Pennsylvania to the large-scale disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunami in South Asia, a team of teacher educators and graduate students worked with teachers, teacher educators, and administrators in Banda Aceh, Indonesia during July of 2005 and 2006. Working in Indonesia highlighted for…

  5. Conceptual Model for Mitigating Human - Wildlife Conflict based on System Thinking (United States)

    Patana, Pindi; Mawengkang, Herman; Silvi Lydia, Maya


    In conservation process it is unavoidably that conflict incidents may occur among the people and wild-life in the surrounding of the conservation area. Mitigating conflict between wildlife and people is considered a top conservation priority, particularly in landscapes where high densities of people and wildlife co-occur. This conflict is also happened in Leuser conservation area located in the border of North Sumatra and Aceh province, Indonesia. Easing the conflict problem is very difficult. This paper proposes a conceptual model based on system thinking to explore factors that may have great influence on the conflict and to figure out mitigating the conflict. We show how this conceptual framework can be utilized to analyze the conflict occur and further how it could used to develop a multi- criteria decision model.


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    A. Hadi Arifin


    Full Text Available Reconstruction and rehabilitation is urgently needed by Aceh, both in terms of infrastructure and its development of the economic sector. Acehnese need to face this challenge to not only reconstruct the economics of Aceh but also to reconstruct the infrastructure and to build the social life of the Acehnese people. After the tsunami, Acehnese have lost their family member and also their property. It has been three years and the reconstruction for the transformation is still going on. The primary task of transformation projects should be further intensified and the education system, infrastructure, health, social, cultural, and economic development of Acehnese need to be reconstructed. This paper tries to elaborate the political economy related to the acute problems faced by BRR and Aceh Local Government and other agencies in the region.

  7. Sailing to Komodo: Contradictions of Tourism and Development in Eastern Indonesia

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    Maribeth Erb


    Full Text Available Tourism is often pinpointed as a sector of growth for countries in the developing world, and this perspective has been readily accepted in Indonesia. Government officials in poorer sections of the country, such as Nusa Tenggara Timur province (NTT in eastern Indonesia, have high hopes for the role that tourism can play in developing these poorer regions. This is not surprising, given the increasing renown of the Komodo National Park, just west of the island of Flores, where the world famous Komodo dragons reside. However, how exactly tourism is supposed to raise the standard of living and aid in development in NTT province is often unclear. In this paper I want to critically look at ideas about tourism and development in NTT, by focusing on the ‘Sail Komodo’ yacht rally, a major tourism event that took place from August to September 2013. Sail Komodo was as a marine tourism event expected to boost tourist numbers, lift the standard of living of people in this province and lower poverty levels. I critically analyze this event within the context of a ‘mega event’, and show how the contradictory ideas about how the event was meant to lead to prosperity for the poor can indicate the sometimes misguided relationship posited between tourism and development.

  8. Macro patterns of internal migration in Indonesia, 1971-1990. (United States)

    Alatas, S


    Indonesia's population mobility rate is still relatively low. In 1990 only 8.25% of Indonesians lived outside the provinces where they were born. In contrast, according to the US censuses, since the 1870s no fewer than 20% of Americans did. The level of population mobility is even lower for inter-island and interregional migration. In 1990 only 4.29% of Indonesians lived outside their home islands or regions. The level of urbanization has also had an impact, with rural-urban migration increasing from 17.18% in 1971 to 22.38% in 1980, and to 30.93% in 1990. Between 1971 and 1990 the increase amounted to 20.34% in Jakarta, Surbaya, Bandung, Medan, and Semarang. Migration occurs because people want to improve their lives. The reasons for migration include: 1) to continue education, 2) to search for a better job, 3) to obtain better wages or income, 4) to accompany parents or spouse, 5) to secure political support, and 6) to escape from unpleasant conditions. The 1990 census data on migration were derived from 1) province of birth, 2) province of previous residence, 3) duration of residence at the current province, and 4) province of residence 5 years prior to the census. Interprovincial life time migration increased in Indonesia from 5.8 million in 1971 to 10.2 million in 1980 and to 14.8 million in 1990. Most of the provinces of Sumatra and Kalimantan experienced net positive migration in which in-migration exceeded out-migration. On the other hand, migrants from Jakarta to West Java accounted for 75.6% or 794,987 out of the 1,052,234 people who moved out of the capital city. In 1971 as much as 31.18% of migration across provincial borders headed for DKI Jakarta. In 1990 DKI Jakarta and West Java accommodated 37.75% of the interprovincial migrants. Recent in, out, and net migration declined 2.8 million between 1980 and 1985, but it went up to 5.3 million between 1985 and 1990. Between 1985 and 1990 interprovincial migration towards urban areas amounted to 3.2 million


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    Hamdani Hamdani


    Full Text Available The study in general aims to study the procedure of bank guarantee in Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM Banda Aceh. In specific, this article analyzes the implementation of kafalah concept in resolving counter-guarantee for construction sector in the BSM. The data was gathered through interview with related parties and documentation study of relevant literatures. The collected data was then analyzed using descriptive analysis which included exposing, interpretation, and analysis. The findings show that in order to be approved for the product, customers are required to provide cash guarantees that cover tender, performance, cash advance, and maintenance with a minimum deposit is 10% of the total required amount of financing. In solving the counter-guarantee for the construction sector, the bank asked customers to immediately pay the shortage funds that has been converted to qardh financing in customers’ consent. In the case of they do not wish to repay or do not accept the conversion, the resolution has to be sought through Badan Arbitrase Syariah as governed by National Sharia Board No.11/DSN-MUI/V/2000. In general, the implementation of kafalah concept in solving the counter-guarantee for construction sector in BSM Banda Aceh has fulfilled shariah compliance especially the maslahah element. It was urgently needed in conducting various economics activities. =========================================== Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengkaji prosedur pemberian bank garansi di Bank Syari’ah Mandiri (BSM Banda Aceh. Secara khusus, artikel ini menganalisis pengaplikasian konsep kafalah dalam penyelesaian kontra garansi untuk sektor konstruksi pada BSM tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan pihak-pihak terkait dan studi dokumentasi terhadap bahan-bahan yang relevan dengan bidang penelitian. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analitis dengan cara pemaparan data yang meliputi penguraian

  10. Management of healthcare waste: developments in Southeast Asia in the twenty-first century. (United States)

    Kühling, Jan-Gerd; Pieper, Ute


    In many Southeast Asian countries, significant challenges persist with regard to the proper management and disposal of healthcare waste. The amount of healthcare waste in these countries is continuously increasing as a result of the expansion of healthcare systems and services. In the past, healthcare waste, if it was treated at all, was mainly incinerated. In the last decade more comprehensive waste management systems were developed for Southeast Asian countries and implementation started. This also included the establishment of alternative healthcare waste treatment systems. The developments in the lower-middle-income countries are of special interest, as major investments are planned. Based upon sample projects, a short overview of the current development trends in the healthcare waste sector in Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam is provided. The projects presented include: (i) Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (development of the national environmental health training system to support the introduction of environmental health standards and improvement of healthcare waste treatment in seven main hospitals by introducing steam-based treatment technologies); (ii) Indonesia (development of a provincial-level healthcare waste-management strategy for Province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and introduction of an advanced waste treatment system in a tertiary level hospital in Makassar); and (iii) Vietnam (development of a healthcare waste strategy for five provinces in Vietnam and a World Bank-financed project on healthcare waste in Vietnam).

  11. Penelitian tentang ukuran acuan sepatu pelajar wanita indonesia tingkat SD, SLTP dan SLTA

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    Sri Bandi


    Full Text Available The study was subjected to 500 Indonesia School girls from North Sumatra Province (Medan, West Java Province (Bandung, Central – Java Province (Semarang, East-Java Province (Surabaya and DKI Jaya. 100 samples of foot sizes which represented foot sizes of SD, SLTP and SLTA School girls werw taken from each province. By analyzing the data of foot sizes of the school girls, a suggestion on design of shoe lasts seritable with the shape and type of foot, fits and conform the requirements to be used as lost in shoe manufacturing could be proposed. The results of data analyse shown that : 1. The length of soles ranged from 30-35, 5 PS, the mean of which was 33 PS. 2. Instep girth ranged withim E, F, G, I.3. The foot sizes scattered between (4-17 years of age at (32-35 PS.

  12. Correlation of depression and quality of life in HIV/AIDS patients (United States)

    Siregar, M. L.; Abdullah, V.; Mamfaluti, T.


    Depression in HIV/AIDS patients will influence the quality of life (QoL) demographically or by its own HIV disease. QoL-affected factors could be helpful in making important policy decisions and health care interventions, especially in Banda Aceh. The study aims to find the relationship between depression and quality of life in HIV/AIDS patients. A cross sectional design and the sample recruitment technique was done by total sampling that all outpatient and inpatient HIV/AIDS patients who had received antiretroviral therapy or not and were willing to be interviewed in Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Aceh Province, Indonesia. QoLwas assessed using WHOQoL and depression data werecollectedusing the BDI questionnaires. The study resulted in 29 HIV/AIDS patients which the most were men (62.1%), and the mean age was 33.14 ± 6.13 years old. The most transmitted type was by IVDU, and the CD4+ count was less than 350 cells. There is a strong relationship between sex and QoL (p = 0.005) and depression is strongly negative correlation with QoL (r = -0.619, p < 0.00). The conclusion of the study i.e there is a relationship between depression and quality of life in HIV/AIDS patients.

  13. Impact of On-street Parking on Urban Arterial Performance: A Quantitative Study on Travel Speed and Capacity Deterioration

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    Full Text Available Traffic congestion has been a serious social and technical problem since the early year’s rapid motorization in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province of Indonesia. Urban arterial performance becomes the crucial concerns of many traffic engineers. Arterial performances were analyzed using oblique cumulative plots and breakdown method. The approaches are time series treatment between cumulative vehicles arrival versus time contracted from data recorded by video cameras. Investigations were conducted during both morning and evening peak hours on three regular weekdays for observing saturation condition in order to observe the maximum capacity under prevailing conditions. This study examined the impact of presence on-street parking on deterioration both travel speed and capacity. It found that capacity diminished slightly 10-13% (275-368vph compared to the pre-breakdown condition. Likewise, during the breakdown, speed dropped about 13-19% (3-5kph controlled by pre-breakdown as well. The simulation software so called VISSIM 5.30 was governed to estimate the measurement of effectiveness (MOEs by removing on-street parking from a site of study. The MOEs reveal that removing on-street parking able to reduce average delay approximately 12 sec/veh (32% and increase speed about 5kph (24%.

  14. THE LOCAL POLITICS OF ORTHODOXY: The Majelis Ulama Indonesia in the Post-New Order Banten

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    Moch. Nur Ichwan


    Full Text Available The Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI has played an important role in guarding the Sunni orthodoxy in contemporary Indonesia. As it has chapters in almost parts of Indonesia in the provincial, district and municipality level, this role has been also translated into the local context. The strength of the MUI stems from “semi-officiality” and “semi-representative” nature of the organisation. This article is aimed to analyse this role in the post-New Order period, after the establishment of the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI of Banten province in 2001, especially in dealing with deviant beliefs or sects and shirk (polytheist and bid‘ah (religious innovation practices. It is to show that orthodoxy and heterodoxy is not purely religious, but also political, as this is related to the problem of authority and power.

  15. Highly active antiretroviral therapy adherence and its determinants in selected regions in Indonesia

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    Felix F. Widjaja


    Full Text Available Background: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART can reduce morbidity and mortality of HIV-infected patients. However, it depends upon adherence to medication. The objective of this study was to examine the adherence to HAART and to evaluate individual patient characteristics i.e. self-efficacy, depression level, and social support and to finally determine HAART adherence in selected regions in Indonesia.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Jakarta, Malang, Bandung, Makasar and Banda Aceh. The subject of the study was HIV-infected patients who were older than 13 years old and had taken HAART for at least a month. They were recruited consecutively then asked how many pills they had missed during the previous month. Poor adherence can be stated if the percentage of adherence rate is below 95%. HIV treatment adherence self-efficacy scale  (HIVASES, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II and Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL was adapted to assess self-efficacy, depression level and social support, respectively.Results: We found that 96% (n=53 of the subjects adhered to HAART. There were no associations between adherence with self-efficacy, depression level, and social support. The main cause of non-adherence in this study was ‘simply  forget’.Conclusion: Adherence to HAART was found to be high and not associated with self-efficacy, depression level and social support in some central regions in Indonesia. (Med J Indones 2011; 20:50-5Keywords: adherence, depression, HAART, HIV, self-efficacy, social support

  16. Diplomasi Bencana Alam Sebagai Saran Meningkatkan Kerjasama Internasional


    Herningtyas, Ratih; Surwandono, Surwandono


    This paper aims to examine how the issue of disasters in Indonesia can be modified into a positive social capital to solve social, economic, political and social culture's problems in disaster prone areas. Indonesia is very vulnerable to natural disasters. Some of the latest and most destructive natural disasters are the earthquake followed by tsunami that hit Aceh Indonesia on 2004, earthquake hit Yogyakarta and Central Java earthquake on 2006 and volcanic eruption of Mount Merapi Yogyakarta...

  17. Sufis’ Actions Against the Dutch in Aceh in The Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

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    Fakhriati Fakhriati


    Full Text Available Sufis in Aceh, historically, had shown its real action in their daily life in relation to both vertical and horizontal. For vertical relations, the followers performed any Sufi practice leading them to their God. For horizontal relationship, they protected and defended their society and state by performing jihad against the Dutch as colonizers and infidels for them. There are at Ieast three factors influenced Sufis actions to be more attractive. First, the condition of Acehnese sultanate became weak. Second, the Dutch seemed eagerly to expand their colonial territory to Aceh. Third, the Acehnese had already kept in touch with other Muslims in Arabia since the Islam coming to this area. This article elaborates in detail on this matter by using primary sources from manuscripts and archives. Besides, secondary sources are also referred for comperation.

  18. Human rights of the mentally ill in Indonesia. (United States)

    Nurjannah, I; Mills, J; Park, T; Usher, K


    The mentally ill are vulnerable to human rights violations, particularly in Indonesia, where shackling is widespread. The aim of this study was to understand the provision of mental health care in Indonesia, thereby identifying ways to improve care and better support carers. Grounded theory methods were used. Study participants included health professionals, non-health professionals and individuals living with a mental disorder who were well at the time (n = 49). Data were collected through interviews conducted in 2011 and 2012. The core category of this grounded theory is 'connecting care' a term coined by the authors to describe a model of care that involves health professionals and non-health professionals, such as family members. Four main factors influence care-providers' decision-making: competence, willingness, available resources and compliance with institutional policy. Health professionals are influenced most strongly by institutional policy when deciding whether to accept or shift responsibility to provide care. Non-health professionals base their decisions largely on personal circumstances. Jointly-made decisions can be matched or unmatched. Unmatched decisions can result in forced provision of care, increasing risks of human rights violations. Generalization of this grounded theory is difficult as the research was conducted in two provinces of Indonesia. Institutional policy was important in the process of connecting care for the mentally ill in Indonesia and needs to be underpinned by legislation to protect human rights. Strengthening mental health legislation in Indonesia will allow nurses to connect care more effectively. © 2014 International Council of Nurses.


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    Rendra WIDYATAMA


    Full Text Available Broadcasting TV occupies a significant position in the community. Therefore, all the countries in the world give attention to TV broadcasting business. In Indonesia, the government requires TV stations to broadcast locally, except through networking. In this state, there are 763 private TV companies broadcasting free to air. Of these, some companies have many TV stations and build various broadcasting networks. In this article, the author reveals the substantial TV stations that control the market, based on literature studies. From the data analysis, there are 14 substantial free to network broadcast private TV broadcasters but owns by eight companies; these include the MNC Group, EMTEK, Viva Media Asia, CTCorp, Media Indonesia, Rajawali Corpora, and Indigo Multimedia. All TV stations are from Jakarta, which broadcasts in 22 to 32 Indonesian provinces.

  20. Benefits and costs of oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, under different policy scenarios

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sumarga, Elham; Hein, Lars


    Deforestation and oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan province are among the highest in Indonesia. This study examines the physical and monetary impacts of oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan up to 2025 under three policy scenarios. Our modelling approach combines a spatial logistic

  1. EKSISTENSI HUKUM PIDANA ADAT DI INDONESIA : Pengkajian Asas, Norma, Teori, Praktik dan Prosedurnya

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    Lilik Mulyadi


    Full Text Available Eksistensi hukum pidana adat Indonesia dikaji dari perspektif normatif (ius constitutum diatur Pasal 18 B UUD 1945 hasil Amandemen, Pasal 1, Pasal 5 ayat (3 sub b UU Nomor 1 Drt tahun 1951, Pasal 5 ayat (1, Pasal 10 ayat (1 dan Pasal 50 ayat (1 UU Nomor 48 Tahun 2009. Kemudian secara parsial dalam daerah tertentu seperti Aceh Nangroe Darussalam diatur dalam UU Nomor 44 Tahun 1999, UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2006, berikutnya diimplementasikan dalam bentuk Qanunbaik tingkat Propinsi dan Kabupaten. Berikutnya di Bali diatur dan diimplementasikan dalam bentuk Awig-AwigDesa Adat (Pakraman serta dari perspektif ius constituendumdiatur dalam ketentuan Pasal 2 ayat (1, (2 RUU KUHP Tahun 2012. Kemudian tataran asas diatur Kitab Ciwasasanaatau Kitab Purwadhigama, Kitab Gajahmada, Kitab Simbur Cahaya, Kitab Kuntara Raja Niti, Kitab Lontara ‘ade’dan awig-awig. Selain itu, dikaji dari perspektif teori, praktik dan prosedurnya ditemukan dalam bentuk yurispudensi Mahkamah Agung RI seperti Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI Nomor 42 K/Kr/1966 tanggal 8 Januari 1966, Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI Nomor 275 K/Pid/1983 tanggal 29 Desember 1983 serta penjatuhan sanksi adat (obat adat hakikatnya bersifat untuk pemulihan keseimbangan alam magis, pemulihan alam kosmos guna mengembalikan pada keseimbangan yang terganggu agar bersifat religio magis kembali. Kemudian dalam kajian hukum pidana maka eksistensi hukum pidana adat Indonesia berada pada tataran dogmatik hukum, teori hukum dan filsafat hukum. Oleh karena itu hukum pidana adat secara holistik menjiwai seluruh lapisan ilmu hukum dalam praktek hukum sehingga eksistensi dari dimensi ilmu hukum maka hakikatnya hukum pidana adat tidak diragukan kapabilitasnya sebagai karakteristik praktek hukum di Indonesia. Existence of indigenous Indonesian criminal law examined from the perspective of normative (ius constitutum set forth in Article 18 B of the 1945 Amendment, Article 1, Article 5 paragraph (3 sub B Drt Law No. 1 of 1951, Article 5


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    Zulfikar Ali Butho


    Full Text Available The Development of Professionalism Competence of Islamic Education Teachers in Aceh. The development in Islamic Education Teachers Lhokseumawe City area, against the background by the competence of teachers of Islamic education suffered a setback of several indicators of professionalism. The findings based on qualitative data collection techniques are described through descriptive analysis reveals that the development of professional competencies of teachers in Lhokseumawe city has not shown significant growth. Efforts to develop professional competence of teachers are done through independent study, individual training, discussions and meetings of the board of teachers, strengthening through teachers’ group work, and organizing centre for teachers’ activities at the district level. However, the whole process of the training for teachers of Islamic education became stagnant, the budget cut for improving the quality of teachers, less motiveted, and lack of mastery of information and technology.


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    Teuku Zulkhairi


    Full Text Available Significance the study was to prove the importance of grounding the honest character education in Aceh at all levels. This phenomenon is referred to the decadency of morality as a result of the loss of an real culture. That trend of dishonesty spread in the country as which is a direct impact of the failure of the education system in forming the honest character of this nation. In fact, the honesty is the soul of education as well as the purpose of education itself. All education stakeholders should make effort to immediately revive the central role of education in building the character of youth nation who is studying at all levels of education. Grounding honest character of students, besides to save this nation from destruction, it will also supported the success of learners in the path of life and Hereafter

  4. Genetic identity, ancestry and parentage in farmer selections of cacao from Aceh, Indonesia revealed by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers (United States)

    Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is the source of cocoa powder and butter used for chocolate and this species originated in the rainforests of South America. Indonesia is the 3rd largest cacao producer in the world with an annual cacao output of 0.55 million tons. Knowledge of on-farm genetic diversity is...

  5. Increasing the uptake of long-acting and permanent methods of family planning: A qualitative study with village midwives in East Java and Nusa Tenggara Barat Provinces, Indonesia. (United States)

    Titaley, Christiana R; Wijayanti, Ratna U; Damayanti, Rita; Setiawan, Agus Dwi; Dadun; Dachlia, Dini; Siagian, Ferdinand; Suparno, Heru; Saputri, Dwi Astuti Yunita; Harlan, Sarah; Wahyuningrum, Yunita; Storey, Douglas


    this analysis aims to explore midwives' insights into the provision of long-acting and permanent methods of contraception (LAPMs) in the selected areas of East Java and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Provinces, Indonesia. a qualitative study using in-depth interviews was conducted with 12 village midwives from 12 villages, to explore their perceptions and experiences in delivering family planning services. the study was carried out in May-June 2013, as part of the baseline assessment in the Improving Contraceptive Method Mix (ICMM) study. We interviewed 12 village midwives working in 12 villages in six study districts: Tuban, Kediri, and Lumajang Districts in East Java Province; and Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur, and Sumbawa Districts in NTB Province. an interview guideline was used in all interviews. It covered several topics, such as community perceptions of LAPMs, availability of contraception and related equipment, availability of human resources, and midwives' efforts to improve LAPM coverage. All interviews were recorded and transcribed. Content and thematic analyses were carried out by grouping and coding the information based on the identified themes and topics. according to village midwives interviewed in this study, community-level acceptance of LAPMs has increased over time; however, some still prefer using short-acting methods for a long period. The reasons include lack of awareness about the benefits and side effects of LAPMs, fear of surgical procedures, rumored consequences (for example, that LAPMs would limit women's ability to perform hard physical labor), and religious beliefs. There were several challenges reported by village midwives in delivering LAPM services, such as confusion about midwives' eligibility to provide LAPM services, lack of Contraceptive Technology Update (CTU) and counseling trainings, and shortage of supporting equipment (such as exam tables and IUD and implant insertion kits). There were several strategies implemented by village



    Yusnidar Yusnidar


    School head master is one of factors in encouraging the school to reach its vision, mission, aim and target through the planned implemented program. The aim of the study is to know the leadership of the head master of the school in improving the teachers’ commitment, work motivation and obstacles experiencing by the school head master in improving the teachers’ performance at MAN Model Banda Aceh. The study used descriptive method. The data collection techniques were observations, interviews,...

  7. Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru pada Man Model Banda Aceh


    Yusnidar, Yusnidar


    School head master is one of factors in encouraging the school to reach its vision, mission, aim and target through the planned implemented program. The aim of the study is to know the leadership of the head master of the school in improving the teachers' commitment, work motivation and obstacles experiencing by the school head master in improving the teachers' performance at MAN Model Banda Aceh. The study used descriptive method. The data collection techniques were observations, interviews,...

  8. Factors Constraining Local Food Crop Production in Indonesia: Experiences from Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province

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    Full Text Available Local food crops are believed to be important alternatives in facing the problems of continuously growing price of food stuff worldwide. There has been a strong bias in national agricultural development policy towards the production of rice as staple food in Indonesia. Local food crops have been neglected in the agricultural development policy in the last 50 years, leading to the dependency on imported commodities and creating a vulnerability in the national food security. This paper aims at assessing the factors constraining local food production in Indonesia based on empirical experiences drawn from a research in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Province. The government of Kulon Progo Regency has declared its commitment in the development of local food commodities as a part of its agricultural development policy, as it is mentioned in the long-term and medium-term development planning documents. There is also a head regency decree mandating the use of local food commodities in any official events organized by the government organisations. The research shows that there are at least six policy-related problems and nine technical factors constraining local food crops production in the regency. Some of the policy-related and structural factors hampering the production of local food crops consist of (1 long-term policy biases towards rice, (2 strong biases on rice diet in the community, (3 difficulties in linking policy to practices, (4 lack of information on availability of local food crops across the regency and (5 external threat from the readily available instant food on local market and (6 past contra-productive policy to the production of local food crops. The technical factors constraining local food production comprises (1 inferiority of the food stuff versus the instantly prepared food, (2 difficulty in preparation and risk of contagion of some crops, lack of technology for processing, (3 continuity of supply (some crops are seasonally

  9. Life After the Tsunami, a Motivation to Learn about Earth Hazards (United States)

    Kerlow, I.; Sieh, K.; Rubin, C. M.


    Banda Aceh: Life After the Tsunami is a documentary feature film that explores the impact of tsunamis in the Banda Aceh communities of today and of centuries ago. The film uses the results of paleotsunami research conducted in the area to explain the dynamics of natural hazards within a humanistic framework. The film also presents testimonies of local survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami to showcase the direct relationship that exists between scientific knowledge and survival rates. The proposed session focuses on how to use stories about the human experiences to motivate general audiences to learn about Earth science and natural hazards. It will also summarize some of the development and production challenges faced by the interdisciplinary team, especially in terms of presenting deep science in a format that is easy to understand by a general audience. The film is three years in the making and is anchored by several interconnected topics: 1. Testimonies dealing with tales of survival and human experiences during, right after, and since the tsunami.2. Cross-reference of social history with tectonics and tsunami activity in the Acehnese and West Sumatran regions of Indonesia.3. Scientific facts about paleotsunami research in the region, including general and easy-to-understand information about the Sumatran Plate Boundary, Sumatran subduction zone, and the Great Sumatran fault. The film is scheduled to be released on the 10th anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Banda Aceh: Life After the Tsunami (working title) is produced by the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) in partnership with the International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) at Syiah Kuala University, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

  10. The Impact of Total Quality Management Practices towards Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance: Case of Fishery Industry in South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia

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    Musran Munizu


    Full Text Available This study attempt to test the effect of Total Quality Management (TQM practices towards competitive advantage and organizational performance. The design of this research has quantitative approach. Data was collected by questionnaire instrument. The unit of analysis is big and medium scale fishery companies. The respondents in this research are the managers of fishery companies. The study utilized primary data which is obtained through questionnaire. The number of population was 66 fishery companies in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Random sampling is used in the study. 55 complete questionnaires were returned as a final sample. Three hypotheses have been developed through literature review and tested using Path Analysis performed by SPSS 18.00 software. The results show that TQM practices have positive and significant effect both on organizational performance and competitive advantage. Competitive advantage has a positive and significant effect on organizational performance. Organizational performance is more influenced by competitive advantage than TQM practices.

  11. Leaf water enrichment of stable water isotopes (δ18O and δD) in a mature oil palm plantation in Jambi province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Bonazza, Mattia; Tjoa, Aiyen; Knohl, Alexander


    During the last few decades, Indonesia experienced rapid and large scale land-use change towards intensively managed crops, one of them is oil palm. This transition results in warmer and dryer conditions in microclimate. The impacts on the hydrological cycle and on water-use by plants are, however, not yet completely clear. Water stable isotopes are useful tracers of the hydrological processes and can provide means to partition evapotranspiration into evaporation and transpiration. A key parameter, however, is the enrichment of water stable isotope in plant tissue such as leaves that can provide estimates on the isotopic composition of transpiration. Here we present the results of a field campaign conducted in a mature oil palm plantation in Jambi province, Indonesia. We combined continuous measurements of water vapor isotopic composition and mixing ratio with isotopic analysis of water stored in different pools like oil palm leaves, epiphytes, trunk organic matter and soil collected over a three days period. Leaf enrichment varied from -2 ‰ to 10 ‰ relative to source (ground) water. The temporal variability followed Craig and Gordon model predictions for leaf water enrichment. An improved agreement was reached after considering the Péclet effect with an appropriate value of the characteristic length (L). Measured stomatal conductance (gs) on two different sets of leaves (top and bottom canopy) was mainly controlled by radiation (photosynthetically active radiation) and vapor pressure deficit. We assume that this control could be explained in conditions where soil water content is not representing a limiting factor. Understanding leaf water enrichment provides one step towards partitioning ET.

  12. CD4 descriptions at various clinical HIV/AIDS stages with tuberculosis and non-tuberculosis opportunistic infections at dr. Zainoel Abidin hospital in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (United States)

    Shaleh, A. S.; Fahrial; Siregar, M. L.; Jamil, K. F.


    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a retrovirus that infects the human immune system. Damaged immunity in HIV/AIDS patients is marked by a decline in CD4 cells. Opportunistic infections appear differently, depending on the levels of immunosuppressive degrees, and the frequency of opportunistic infections in the environment. This study aims to describe the CD4 at various clinical stages of HIV/AIDS with tuberculosis and non-tuberculosis opportunistic infections (OI). Descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. This study is secondary data obtained from the medical records of patients with HIV/AIDS in the period of January 2011 - December 2015 at dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh. The samples that met the inclusion criteria were 135 people with 63 cases were tuberculosis OI, 33 cases were non-tuberculosis and 39 cases were without OI. The study showed CD4 tuberculosis OI and 93.9% for non-tuberculosis OI.

  13. Pengaruh Penanaman Modal Asing, Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri Dan Belanja Modal Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Provinsi Di Indonesia

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    Reza Lainatul Rizky


    Full Text Available This study is aimed to investigate the influence of foreign direct investments, domestic direct investments, and capital expenditures towards the Indonesia economic growth 2010-2013. Quantitative research design was employed in this study. The data used are secondary data with panel data. Panel data utilized cross section data comprising 33 provinces in Indonesia while the use of time series data in 2010-2013. The analysis method applied was panel regression analysis method with a Fixed Effect model. The result of this study demonstrated foreign direct investments, domestic direct investments, and capital expenditures have positive and significant influences towards provincial economic growth in Indonesia from the year 2010-2013 partially and simultaneously.

  14. Résultats de recherche | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...

  15. Ce que nous faisons | Page 71 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...

  16. Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...


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    Andrian Syah Malik


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman yang tinggi seperti suku bangsa, budaya, sumber daya alam, pendidikan, sosial dan ekonomi di setiap daerah. Untuk mengatur tingkat keanekaragaman tersebut, pembangunan di tingkat daerah diatur oleh pemerintah pusat dengan menjadikan Pulau Jawa sebagai pusat perekonomian nasional. Hal tersebut membuat provinsi-provinsi yang kaya sumber daya alam menuntut pemberian transfer anggaran yang lebih dan pemberian hak dan wewenang kepada tiap-tiap daerah untuk mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan di tingkat daerah. Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan yaitu pertama, mengindentifikasi tingkat konvergensi di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Kedua, menganalisis pengaruh Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA, dana perimbangan dan  Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB per kapita di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tahun 2001-2012. Data penelitian  adalah data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik dan Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Penghitungan konvergensi sigma menggunakan standar deviasi log PDRB per kapita antar provinsi, sementara penghitungan konvergensi beta menggunakan analisis regresi data panel dengan pendekatan fixed effect model. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa terjadi konvergensi sigma dan konvergensi beta setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tahun 2001-2012. Variabel PMA, dana perimbangan dan IPM berpengaruh posittif terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB per kapita di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Indonesia is a country which has many kinds of ethnic groups, cultures, natural resources, educations, socials, and economics in every region. To manage the diversity, development at the local level is set by the central government by becoming the Island of Java as the center of the national economy. That problem makes the provinces which are rich in natural resources demand for more budget transfers and ask for grant rights and

  18. The progress on governing REDD+ in Indonesia

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    Mas Achmad Santosa


    Full Text Available Indonesia is one of the ten most forest-rich countries in the world. Almost 70 per cent of Indonesia’s mainland is covered with forest. However, Indonesia faces one of the highest rates of forest loss in the world. Deforestation and forest degradation accounts for more than 60 per cent of carbon emissions in Indonesia. Being aware of that fact and the danger of climate change, in October 2009, Indonesia voluntarily committed to reduce emissions by 26 per cent from business as usual by 2020 through national efforts, and by 41 per cent with international support. Indonesia’s commitment has gained international support; chiefly from Norway, which signed a Letter of Intent on 26 May 2010. To formalise the commitment, Presidential Decree No 19/2010 on Task Force for the preparation of REDD+ Agency and Presidential Instruction No 10/2011 on moratorium on new licenses and improvement of natural primary forest and peat land governance have been issued. The Presidential Decree ended on 30 June 2011 and was continued by Presidential Decree No 25/2011, which was later amended by Presidential Decree No 05/2013. The third Presidential Decree will conclude in the middle of 2013. The expected outputs are: establishment of a New REDD+ agency; measurement, reporting and verification instrument; funding instrument; improvement on forest governance, including legislative reform, law enforcement and administrative procedures; and gazetting forest areas and consolidating licenses through legal audit and legal compliance or legal due diligence in the pilot province. The new REDD+ Agency is expected to be established in 2013. The Agency will be an independent central agency, directly responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, and will be responsible for leading and coordinating the national effort to reduce the country’s carbon emission.

  19. Piloting water quality testing coupled with a national socioeconomic survey in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia, towards tracking of Sustainable Development Goal 6. (United States)

    Cronin, Aidan A; Odagiri, Mitsunori; Arsyad, Bheta; Nuryetty, Mariet Tetty; Amannullah, Gantjang; Santoso, Hari; Darundiyah, Kristin; Nasution, Nur 'Aisyah


    There remains a pressing need for systematic water quality monitoring strategies to assess drinking water safety and to track progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This study incorporated water quality testing into an existing national socioeconomic survey in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia; the first such study in Indonesia in terms of SDG tracking. Multivariate regression analysis assessed the association between faecal and nitrate contamination and drinking water sources household drinking water adjusted for wealth, education level, type of water sources and type of sanitation facilities. The survey observed widespread faecal contamination in both sources for drinking water (89.2%, 95%CI: 86.9-91.5%; n=720) and household drinking water (67.1%, 95%CI: 64.1-70.1%; n=917) as measured by Escherichia coli. This was despite widespread improved drinking water source coverage (85.3%) and commonly self-reported boiling practices (82.2%). E.coli concentration levels in household drinking water were associated with wealth, education levels of a household head, and type of water source (i.e. vender water or local sources). Following the proposed SDG definition for Target 6.1 (water) and 6.2 (sanitation), the estimated proportion of households with access to safely managed drinking water and sanitation was 8.5% and 45.5%, respectively in the study areas, indicating substantial difference from improved drinking water (82.2%) and improved sanitation coverage (70.9%) as per the MDGs targets. The greatest contamination and risk factors were found in the poorest households indicating the urgent need for targeted and effective interventions here. There is suggested evidence that sub-surface leaching from on-site sanitation adversely impacts on drinking water sources, which underscores the need for further technical assistance in promoting latrine construction. Urgent action is still needed to strengthen systematic monitoring efforts towards tracking SDG Goal 6

  20. Households Perceptions on Factors Affecting Resilience towards Natural Disasters in Indonesia

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    Viverita Viverita


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE Most areas in Indonesia are prone to natural disasters. Learning the lessons from the Aceh Tsunami in 2004, areas with high risks of natural disasters are in the process of preparing themselves for such an unexpected event, by increasing their resilience. The objective of this study is to shed more lights on factors affecting the resilience from two sources namely, existing literatures and the application of disaster management in four disaster-prone areas in Indonesia -Padang, Sleman, Cilacap, and Palu. To enrich our analysis, we collect data from the field to compare the preparedness and to get insights on people’s perceptions towards the factors of resilience in those areas.We employ IDI and FGD to identify the factors of resilience and the preparedness in the areas investigated. Thereafter, a preliminary survey is conducted to identify people’s perceptions towards the aspects of resilience in the areas. Results from the survey conducted to 800 households in Padang and Cilacap indicates that from the social aspect, community’s value cohesiveness is one of important factor affecting their resilience towards natural disaster. In addition, when disaster occurred, they heavily relied on the help of debt or selling some of their assets, as well as used cash in hand as emergency funds. In general, respondents in all sample cities are able to re-start their economic activities as soon as two weeks after the event of disaster. In addition, the survey found that most of respondents were aware that the government has programs to educate people on the disaster mitigation.


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    M. Mujiburrahman


    Full Text Available This article discusses how Indonesian state manages its religious diversity. The state policies on religious diversity cannot be understood without analyzing the history of how the founding fathers decided to choose Indonesia as neither secular nor Islamic country, but somewhere between the two. The author discusses three topics, namely the recognized religions, Muslim fear of Christianization, and dialogue and inter-religious harmony. Based on the Decree No.1/1965, Confucianism was one of six religions recognized by the state. However, in the Soeharto era, around 1979, this religion was dropped from the list, and only after his fall Confucianism has been rehabilitated, and even the Chinese New Year has been included as one of the national holidays in Indonesia. In terms of Muslim-Christian relations, there were tensions since 1960s, particularly dealt with the issue of the high number of Muslims who converted to Christianity. It was in this situation that in 1967 a newly built Methodist Church in Meulaboh, Aceh, was closed by Muslims, arguing that the Church was a concrete example of the aggressiveness of Christian missions because it was built in a Muslim majority area. Since the Meulaboh case, the Muslims consistently insisted the government to accommodate their four demands: (1 restriction on establishing new places of worship; (2 restriction onreligious propagation, and control of foreign aid for religious institutions; (4 Islamic religion classes should be given to Muslim students studying in Christian schools; (5 inter-religious marriage should not be allowed. Apart from these contested issues, the government and religious leaders have been trying to avoid conflict and to establish cooperation and peace among religious groups in the country through inter-religious dialogues, either organized by the government or sponsored by the leaders of religious groups themselves. The author argues that specific socio-political contexts should be


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    Nizamuddin Nizamuddin


    Full Text Available ESRI ArcGIS Server is equipped with ArcGIS Server Web Application Development Framework (ADF and ArcGIS Web Controls integration for Visual Studio.NET. Both the ArcGIS Server Manager for .NET and ArcGIS Web Controls can be easily utilized for developing the ASP.NET based ESRI Web mapping application. In  this study we implemented both tools for developing the ASP.NET based ESRI Web mapping application for geospatial data generated dring rehabilitation and reconstruction process of post-tsunami 2004 disaster in Aceh province. Rehabilitation and reconstruction process has produced a tremendous amount of geospatial data. This method was chosen in this study because in the process of developing  a web mapping application, one can easily and quickly create Mapping Services of huge geospatial data and also develop Web mapping application without writing any code. However, when utilizing Visual Studio.NET 2008, one needs to have some coding ability.

  3. Tidal Current Energy Resource Assessment Around Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia


    Ribal, Agustinus; Amir, Amir Kamal; Toaha, Syamsuddin; Kusuma, Jeffry; Khaeruddin


    International Journal bereputasi An early stage of assessing tidal current energy resources is carried out in this present work. Tidal current power is estimated around Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi province, Indonesia. Two-dimensional, depth-integrated of Advanced Circulation (ADCIRC) model has been used to simulate tidal elevation and barotropic tidal current around the island. Green???s function approach has been used to improve eight tidal constituents on the open boundary condition...

  4. Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of Papua-New Guinea, Eastern Indonesia, and East Timor, 2011 (United States)

    Schenk, Christopher J.; Brownfield, Michael E.; Charpentier, Ronald R.; Cook, Troy A.; Klett, Timothy R.; Pitman, Janet K.; Pollastro, Richard M.


    Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated means of 5.8 billion barrels of oil and 115 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas in five geologic provinces in the areas of Papua New Guinea, eastern Indonesia, and East Timor.

  5. Addressing the unequal geographic distribution of specialist doctors in indonesia: the role of the private sector and effectiveness of current regulations. (United States)

    Meliala, Andreasta; Hort, Krishna; Trisnantoro, Laksono


    As in many countries, the geographic distribution of the health workforce in Indonesia is unequal, with a concentration in urban and more developed areas, and a scarcity in rural and remote areas. There is less information on the distribution of specialist doctors, yet inequalities in their distribution could compromise efforts to achieve universal coverage by 2014. This paper uses data from 2007 and 2008 to describe the geographic distribution of specialist doctors in Indonesia, and to examine two key factors that influence the distribution and are targets of current policies: sources of income for specialist doctors, and specialist doctor engagement in private practice. The data demonstrates large differences in the ratio of specialist doctors to population among the provinces of Indonesia, with higher ratios on the provinces of the islands of Java, and much lower ratios on the more remote provinces in eastern Indonesia. Between 65% and 80% of specialist doctors' income derives from private practice in non-state hospitals or private clinics. Despite regulations limiting practice locations to three, most specialists studied in a provincial capital city were working in more than three locations, with some working in up to 7 locations, and spending only a few hours per week in their government hospital practice. Our study demonstrates that the current regulatory policies and financial incentives have not been effective in addressing the maldistribution of specialist doctors in a context of a growing private sector and predominance of doctors' income from private sources. A broader and more integrated policy approach, including more innovative service delivery strategies for rural and remote areas, is recommended. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Policy options for effective REDD+ implementation in Indonesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saito, Moeko; Sikor, T.; Kurniawan, Y.


    Indonesia, which contains the third-largest area of tropical forest in the world, is currently exploring policy options for the effective implementation of REDD+, the global initiative to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. This article analyses the major questions regarding...... the effective distribution of benefits on the basis of three village case studies in Kutai Barat district in the province of East Kalimantan. The case studies demonstrate that companies are unlikely to take up compensation payments for stopping large-scale activities that cause deforestation and forest...

  7. ASGM status in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

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    Baiq Dewi Krisnayanti


    Full Text Available Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM obviously contributes to serious environmental and health issue for miners, nearby populations, and larger community when the use of mercury (Hg occurs.  Mercury amalgamation is used as a gold recovery technique by 10-12 million ASGM miners around the world and a predicted around 1000 tons of mercury are discharged into the environment every year as a result of poor mining practices. Exposure to mercury can cause serious health effects for future generation, and miners and their families are vulnarable group to expose with mercury vapor and methyl mercury contaminated food in ASGM areas, resulting in increase of levels of mercury in human specimens. Thus, investigate the the effects of mercury on the environment and people health are urgently necessary for developing a better solution to eliminate further mercury contamination to environment in West Nusa Tenggara (WNT Province. A field survey had been conducted for this research in two main ASGM spots in WNT Province: Sekotong-Lombok island and Taliwang-Sumbawa island. As part of the study, an initial health survey and socio-economic of workers/miners was conducted. Volunteer participants at sampling locations across Sekotong-Lombok and Taliwang-Sumbawa (exposed; indirect exposed; non exposed groups answered a questionnaire, and allowed the sampling of hair for subsequent analysis. The ore, tailing, plants and soil samples were also collected for investigating Hg concentration on the substances. The results found that the impact of ASGM on increasing  economic activity leading to jobs, income and opportunities for social development is positive. However, there is risk of contamination in soil and plants environment through mining activity and high Hg concentration discovered in human body in a short time of ASGM activity. The environmental sustainability of mining can be better regulated within legalised areas. Environmental monitoring will define

  8. Peran Masyarakat dalam Pencapaian Millenium Development Goals 2015 dan Tantangan Pasca 2015: Studi 8 Kabupaten Indonesia

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    Donatus Klaudius Marut


    Full Text Available In September 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a declaration called Millennium Declaration, which has been detailed down into goals and targets of what is well-known as Millennium Development Goals (MDGs. Indonesia has committed to achieve MDGs. Until 2010 the MDGs achievements for Indonesia have been identified as mostly off-the-track. Some districts, however, have shown significant achievements and the processes of the achievements are worth noted. The process of MDGs achievements need special emphasis since this can become foundation for MDGs achievements and for sustainable performance in the districts. This paper analyzes roles of different stakeholders, including local communities, in 8 districts/cities in 8 provinces. There are success stories that are recommended to be replicated to other districts/cities in Indonesia

  9. Indonesia's great frontier and migration policy. (United States)

    Maloney, C


    The population of Indonesia is 175 million, of which 65% live in Java. Java has only 7% of the land area, causing a population density of 2,000/square mile. This has lead the government to introduce a policy of transmigration which encourages people to move from Java to the larger outer islands. In the last 35 years 4.3 million people have moved from Java to Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, and Irian Jaya. The total area of Indonesia stretches over 3,200 miles and has 16,000 islands of which 1,000 are inhabited. It has vast resources of oil, lumber, rubber, tin, palm oil, copra, coffee, tea, pepper, cloves, nutmeg, and quinine. Indonesia is also rich in minerals, including coal, bauxite, iron ore, and gold. Even with a national family planning program, population growth has reached 2.1% a year. 3 other islands that people are induced to move from are Madura, Bali, and Lombok, although their population densities are less then Java. The small islands near Singapore are being developed and Batam will be a free port to compete with Hong Kong. The most intense migration has been to Kalimantan (Borneo) which has 4 provinces. The migration policy began in 1905 and by 1930 100,000 people, had moved to other islands; 600,000 people were relocated to plantations in Java for labor needs. In 1979-84, a more ambitious program costing 2.3 billion moved 1.5 million people. In the most recent 1984-89 plan, a goal of 3.1 million were to be relocated but due to budgetary restrictions only 150,000 families have moved. The main social issue addresses the domination of other people by Javanese, not only in numbers but cultural differences. Some observers say the real reason for migration is political in ensuring the boundaries and geographic integrity of Indonesia.

  10. An economic growth model based on financial credits distribution to the government economy priority sectors of each regency in Indonesia using hierarchical Bayesian method (United States)

    Yasmirullah, Septia Devi Prihastuti; Iriawan, Nur; Sipayung, Feronika Rosalinda


    The success of regional economic establishment could be measured by economic growth. Since the Act No. 32 of 2004 has been implemented, unbalance economic among the regency in Indonesia is increasing. This condition is contrary different with the government goal to build society welfare through the economic activity development in each region. This research aims to examine economic growth through the distribution of bank credits to each Indonesia's regency. The data analyzed in this research is hierarchically structured data which follow normal distribution in first level. Two modeling approaches are employed in this research, a global-one level Bayesian approach and two-level hierarchical Bayesian approach. The result shows that hierarchical Bayesian has succeeded to demonstrate a better estimation than a global-one level Bayesian. It proves that the different economic growth in each province is significantly influenced by the variations of micro level characteristics in each province. These variations are significantly affected by cities and province characteristics in second level.

  11. A tsunami early warning system for the coastal area modeling (United States)

    Soebroto, Arief Andy; Sunaryo, Suhartanto, Ery


    The tsunami disaster is a potential disaster in the territory of Indonesia. Indonesia is an archipelago country and close to the ocean deep. The tsunami occurred in Aceh province in 2004. Early prevention efforts have been carried out. One of them is making "tsunami buoy" which has been developed by BPPT. The tool puts sensors on the ocean floor near the coast to detect earthquakes on the ocean floor. Detection results are transmitted via satellite by a transmitter placed floating on the sea surface. The tool will cost billions of dollars for each system. Another constraint was the transmitter theft "tsunami buoy" in the absence of guard. In this study of the system has a transmission system using radio frequency and focused on coastal areas where costs are cheaper, so that it can be applied at many beaches in Indonesia are potentially affected by the tsunami. The monitoring system sends the detection results to the warning system using a radio frequency with a capability within 3 Km. Test results on the sub module sensor monitoring system generates an error of 0.63% was taken 10% showed a good quality sensing. The test results of data transmission from the transceiver of monitoring system to the receiver of warning system produces 100% successful delivery and reception of data. The test results on the whole system to function 100% properly.

  12. Implementasi Augmented Reality (AR) Pada Pengenalan Koleksi Museum Aceh Sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran Multimedia Berbasis Android


    Heriza, Rahmat


    131421024 Berkembang nya laju teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) membuat kehidupan menjadi lebih real, dengan menggabungkan dunia maya kedalam dunia nyata dalam bentuk 3 Dimensi dengan menggunakan fitur kamera. Tujuan aplikasi ini memberi edukasi dan informasi kepada masyarakat mempelajari koleksi Museum Aceh dengan memanfaatkan teknologi augmented reality. AR sangat membantu dalam visualisasi bentuk objek, maka dengan dibuat nya aplikasi ini sebagai media pembelajaran objek koleksi Museum A...

  13. Architectural heritage in post-disaster society: a tool for resilience in Banda Aceh after the 2004 tsunami disaster (United States)

    Dewi, Cut; Nopera Rauzi, Era


    This paper discusses the role of architectural heritage as a tool for resilience in a community after a surpassing disaster. It argues that architectural heritage is not merely a passive victim needing to be rescued; rather it is also an active agent in providing resilience for survivors. It is evidence in the ways it acts as a signifier of collective memories and place identities, and a place to seek refuge in emergency time and to decide central decision during the reconstruction process. This paper explores several theories related to architectural heritage in post-disaster context and juxtaposes them in a case study of Banda Aceh after the 2004 Tsunami Disaster. The paper is based on a six-month anthropological fieldwork in 2012 in Banda Aceh after the Tsunami Disaster. During the fieldwork, 166 respondents were interviewed to gain extensive insight into the ways architecture might play a role in post-disaster reconstruction.

  14. Malaria Risk Factors in Kaligesing, Purworejo District, Central Java Province, Indonesia: A Case-control Study. (United States)

    Cahyaningrum, Pratiwi; Sulistyawati, Sulistyawati


    Malaria remains a public health concern worldwide, including Indonesia. Purworejo is a district in which endemic of malaria, they have re-setup to entering malaria elimination in 2021. Accordingly, actions must be taken to accelerate and guaranty that the goal will reach based on an understanding of the risk factors for malaria. Thus, we analysed malaria risk factors based on human and housing conditions in Kaligesing, Purworejo, Indonesia. A case-control study was carried out in Kaligesing subdistrict, Purworejo, Indonesia in July to August 2017. A structured questionnaire and checklist were used to collect data from 96 participants, who consisted of 48 controls and 48 cases. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed. Bivariate analysis found that education level, the presence of a cattle cage within 100 m of the house, not sleeping under a bednet the previous night, and not closing the doors and windows from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. were significantly ( p ≤0.25) associated with malaria. Of these factors, only not sleeping under a bednet the previous night and not closing the doors and windows from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. were significantly associated with malaria. The findings of this study demonstrate that potential risk factor for Malaria should be paid of attention all the time, particularly for an area which is targeting Malaria elimination.

  15. Technology transfer, education, localization and R and D in factory operation of Indonesia; Kaigai seisankyoten (indoneshia) kara mita gijutsuteni, jinzaiikusei, genchijinka, soshite kenkyu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masao, Ikeda


    The author was on loan to a factory producing sodium glutamate, the Indonesia Ajinomoto located at Jawa province, east Indonesia, during 5 years from 1992, and had a chance to operate the factory. In this paper, an experience of the author, details of the Indonesia Ajinomoto from the operation beginning and comments of the author are described. As localization of department directors, factory directors, and workers of production sites are improving, a Japanese to be sent there plays two roles of as a top manager connecting with the parent company, and as a researcher fellow connecting with a Japan research institute. As the Indonesia Ajinomoto locates at a small local city, it is operated towards the Indonesia society including local administration. It is very important for progressing as a foreign enterprise in the Indonesia that faces the political confusion and national opposition of the Indonesian and the overseas Chinese. (NEDO)


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    Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari


    Full Text Available The Republic of Indonesia Law number 24 year 2007 on disaster emphasizes that the protection of national assets is in line with Law No. 11 year 2010 on the cultural heritage. Yogyakarta Province has 12 disaster hazards and has five complete archaeological cultural layers in Indonesia. In the event of a disaster, potential damage to the cultural heritage is exposed. The archaeological cultural layer consists of prehistoric, classical, Islamic and colonial. The lack of research related to cultural heritage in the province resulting in increasing vulnerability of cultural heritage and society. Using qualitative method with in-depth interview, the aim of this study is to analyse the management of cultural heritage from the perspective of disaster management. Archaeological cultural layers that embedded into the realm of cultural heritage is defined as a national asset that should be protected. The result shows that the management of cultural resources in the province is not yet integrated with disaster management. However, the results of the archaeological identification of cultural heritage in each cultural layer in Yogyakarta showed the development of community adaptation to the disaster. Utilization of cultural heritage as an element of the panca gatra has been impartial that affected the regional resilience and security in facing the disaster. Both of these problems can be overcome by integrating the cultural resources management and disaster management, the establishment of an emergency response team on cultural preservation, and disaster risk analysis on cultural heritage that annexed by BPBD and Cultural Office of Yogyakarta Province.

  17. The analysis of export commodity competitiveness in Central Java Province at period 2011-2015 (United States)

    Elysi, M. G.; Darsono; Riptanti, E. W.


    This study aims to determine the competitiveness of furniture export in Central Java Province Indonesia in terms of comparative and competitive advantages and to formulate the strategies to enhance the competitiveness of furniture export in Central Java Province. Descriptive analytic method was used for this research. Data used in this research are primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed using RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage), TSI (Trade Specialization Index) and SOAR (Strength, Opportunity, Aspiration, Result). The results showed that furniture commodity in Central Java Province had strong comparative competitiveness with the value of RCA>1 and had strong competitiveness with positive index values in the range of 0 to 1. Based on SOAR analysis, strategy measures can be formulated, namely maintaining the existing and expanding targeted markets, improving product designs (innovations) and improving raw materials efficiency.

  18. Why do some women still prefer traditional birth attendants and home delivery?: a qualitative study on delivery care services in West Java Province, Indonesia. (United States)

    Titaley, Christiana R; Hunter, Cynthia L; Dibley, Michael J; Heywood, Peter


    Trained birth attendants at delivery are important for preventing both maternal and newborn deaths. West Java is one of the provinces on Java Island, Indonesia, where many women still deliver at home and without the assistance of trained birth attendants. This study aims to explore the perspectives of community members and health workers about the use of delivery care services in six villages of West Java Province. A qualitative study using focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews was conducted in six villages of three districts in West Java Province from March to July 2009. Twenty FGDs and 165 in-depth interviews were conducted involving a total of 295 participants representing mothers, fathers, health care providers, traditional birth attendants and community leaders. The FGD and in-depth interview guidelines included reasons for using a trained or a traditional birth attendant and reasons for having a home or an institutional delivery. The use of traditional birth attendants and home delivery were preferable for some community members despite the availability of the village midwife in the village. Physical distance and financial limitations were two major constraints that prevented community members from accessing and using trained attendants and institutional deliveries. A number of respondents reported that trained delivery attendants or an institutional delivery were only aimed at women who experienced obstetric complications. The limited availability of health care providers was reported by residents in remote areas. In these settings the village midwife, who was sometimes the only health care provider, frequently travelled out of the village. The community perceived the role of both village midwives and traditional birth attendants as essential for providing maternal and health care services. A comprehensive strategy to increase the availability, accessibility, and affordability of delivery care services should be considered in these West Java

  19. Pengaruh Ketersediaan Anggaran Dan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan Aparatur Skpd Di Kabupaten Aceh Utara


    Idris, Amiruddin


    As to this watchfulness aim is to gets description about phenomenon supported by empirical proof and has been found clarity with conclusion about influence from the budget availability and Entrepreneurship towards performance civil servants service SKPD At North Aceh. This research is supposed can give contribution for order government governance and performance civil servants. This research is supposed can give contribution for organization theory development and management theory HRD, espe...

  20. Diversity and Distribution of Myrmecophytes in Bengkulu Province

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    Safniyeti Safniyeti


    Full Text Available Myrmecophyte is a common medicinal plant used by local people in Indonesia for treating various diseases especially in Papua. Bengkulu province is one of the Myrmecophyte habitats, but there has no report on its identity and distribution. The objectives of this research were to identify the diversity and analyze the Myrmecophytes distribution as well as factor affecting its presence. This study used purposive sampling method by exploring the area where Myrmecophytes commonly found. The Myrmecophyte distribution based on host tree was analyzed using Morishita index and the autecological analysis of abiotic factors was performed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA generated from Minitab 16. The results of this research showed that there were two species of Myrmecophytes in Bengkulu province, namely Hydnophytum formicarum and Myrmecodia tuberosa, as well as two variants of M. tuberosa i.e. M. tuberosa ‘armata’ and M. tuberosa ‘siberutensis’. The distribution of Myrmecophytes based on host tree was mostly randomly scattered in Central Bengkulu regency, Seluma, North Bengkulu, South Bengkulu, and Kaur. Their distributions were affected by light intensity and temperature. The data of this research can be used as basic information for carried out conservation efforts in Bengkulu province. The abundance of Myrmecophytes is also used as a source of additional income for local people in Bengkulu province.     

  1. Prospect development of local beef cattle from South Kalimantan as supporting to food sovereignty in Indonesia (United States)

    Rahmatullah, S. N.; Sulaiman, A.; Askalani; Azizi, N. M. K.


    Development production of Indonesia local cattle didn’t balance increasing of consumption livestock in Indonesian so that’s makes imports are still high both local beef production. Indonesian local cattle is one of cattle the largest contributed the national meat production of ruminant particular group of cattle so that the livestock has the potential to be developed as a profitable business if doing of farmer. One of advantages is potential areas in South Kalimantan mainly swamp lands was very large. It’s one effort in national promoting food sovereignty programme and the provinces especially about introduction of Indonesian local cattle in the swamp area are also important. Availability of region in South Kalimantan spacious and great forage production, then prospects for cattle productivity there is huge so that’s can even increase income for farmers. The programme more serious support from the governance of South Kalimantan province to develop Indonesian local cattle in swamp area and in that’s a real policy for encouraging farmers to maintain Indonesian local cattle to make sustainable food in Indonesia.

  2. Unequal Impact of Price Changes in Indonesia

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    Rulyusa Pratikto


    Full Text Available The main idea of this study is to determine the impact of relative inflation on poverty incidents and to investigate whether inflation inequality has occurred in Indonesia. Interesting results were found at regional level. Firstly, Jakarta had different poverty response with respect to price increases. Processed food and transportation inflation were more imperative for the poor in Jakarta. Secondly, the poor in province with low poverty figures were more prone to inflation. In general, the results show that food inflation has the major adverse impact on the poor. Moreover, we found that inflation in Indonesia has not been pro-poor. Abstrak Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan dampak dari perubahan harga terhadap kemiskinan, serta juga untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi ketimpangan inflasi di Indonesia. Hasil yang menarik diperoleh dari analisa pada tingkat provinsi. Pertama, kemiskinan pada provinsi Jakarta memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Inflasi pada makanan jadi dan transportasi justru memiliki dampak yang lebih merugikan masyarakat miskin. Kedua, masyarakat miskin yang berada di provinsi dengan tingkat kemiskinan relatif rendah justru lebih sensitif terhadap inflasi. Secara umum, inflasi bahan makanan merupakan faktor terbesar dalam peningkatan kemiskinan. Selain itu, masyarakat miskin telah mengalami total inflasi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan masyarakat tidak miskin. Kata kunci: Kemiskinan; Inflasi; Elastisitas Harga terhadap Kemiskinan; Pro-Poor Price Index; Price Index for the Poor JEL classifications: E3; I3; O1; R2

  3. Quality Tuberculosis Care in Indonesia: Using Patient Pathway Analysis to Optimize Public-Private Collaboration. (United States)

    Surya, Asik; Setyaningsih, Budiarti; Suryani Nasution, Helmi; Gita Parwati, Cicilia; Yuzwar, Yullita E; Osberg, Mike; Hanson, Christy L; Hymoff, Aaron; Mingkwan, Pia; Makayova, Julia; Gebhard, Agnes; Waworuntu, Wiendra


    Tuberculosis (TB) is the fourth leading cause of death in Indonesia. In 2015, the World Health Organization estimated that nearly two-thirds of the TB patients in Indonesia had not been notified, and the status of their care remained unknown. As such, Indonesia is home to nearly 20% of the world's "missing" TB patients. Understanding where patients go for care may enable strategic planning of services to better reach them. A patient pathway analysis (PPA) was conducted to assess the alignment between patient care seeking and the availability of TB diagnostic and treatment services at the national and subnational level in Indonesia. The PPA results revealed that only 20% of patients encountered diagnostic capacity at the location where they first sought care. Most initial care seeking occurred in the private sector and case notification lagged behind diagnostic confirmation in the public sector. The PPA results emphasize the role that the private sector plays in TB patient care seeking and suggested a need for differentiated approaches, by province, to respond to variances in care-seeking patterns and the capacities of public and private providers. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.


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    Srisasi Gandahusada


    Full Text Available The most important protozoan parasites in Indonesia are the malaria parasites, Toxoplasma gondii and Entamoeba histolytica. After the second world war the residual insecticides and effective antimalarial drugs were used in the control of malaria. After development of resistance among mosquitoes to insecticides, the Malaria Control Programme was switched over to the Malaria Eradication Programme. Malaria incidence dropped heavily. However, due to the quick development of vector resistance and financial limitations, malaria came back and so did the Malaria Control Programme. P. falciparum and P.vivax are the most common species in Indonesia. Important vectors are An. sundaicus, An. aconitus, An. maculatus, An. hyrcanus group, An. balabacensis, An. farauti etc. An. sundaicus and An. aconitus have developed resistance to DDT and Dieldrin in Java. In 1959 the Malaria Eradication Programme was started in Java, Bali and Lampung. In 1965 the API dropped to 0,15 per thousand. From 1966 onwards malaria transmission was on the increase, because spraying activities were slowed down, but dropped again from 1974 onwards by occasional residual house spraying with DDT or Fenitrothion, malaria surveillance and treatment of malaria cases, resulting in an API of 0.18 per thousand in 1987. At present malaria is not transmitted in Jakarta and in capitals of the provinces and kabupatens, except in Irian Jaya, Nusa Tenggara Timur and one or two other provinces, but it still exists in rural areas. The distribution of chloroquine resistant P.falciparum is patchy. Resistance is at the RI, RII and RUT levels. The main problems of malaria control are : the increasing development of resistance of the vector to insecticides, the change of An.aconitus from zoophili to anthropophili and from indoor to outdoor biting, the increasing resistance of P.falciparum to chloroquine, the shortage of skilled manpower and limitation of budget. In Indonesia many newborns with congenital


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    Bayu Rizky Pratama


    Full Text Available In the era of globalization, food sustainability is one of the main sectors that has an important role in economic development in Indonesia. The development of agricultural sector needs to be implemented. It is for advancing the agriculture, so that, both production output and farmer welfare will increase. Soybean is one of the leading agricultural commodities in Central Java province. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategy and program criteria that can be done to develop the soybean farming in Central Java. An Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP was applied. The sampling technique was done by simple random sampling consisting of 12 people. The results show that the development of soybean farming in Central Java province comprises of several prioritized program criterias. The first priority is the criteria of cultivation, 0.537. The second criteria is input and its score is 0.220. The third criteria is institutions, 0.110. The fourth criteria is post-harvest, 0.058. The fifth criteria is marketing, 0.040. Pada era globalisasi salah satu isu utamanya adalah ketahanan pangan maka sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu sektor utama yang memegang peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia. Pengemban-gan sektor pertanian perlu dilaksanakan guna memajukan sektor pertanian baik berupa peningkatan output produksi dan kualitas serta mampu mengangkat kesejahteraan petani. Kedelai merupakan salah satu komodi-tas unggulan pertanian Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis strategi dan kriteria program yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengembangkan usaha tani kedelai di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang ber-dampak kepada terwujudnya ketahanan pangan Indonesia berdasarkan pendekatan Analysis Hierarchy Pro-cess. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan simple random sampling yang terdiri dari 12 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan usahatani kedelai di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tersusun atas bebera-pa kriteria

  6. Defining a Simulation Capability Hierarchy for the Modeling of a SeaBase Enabler (SBE) (United States)


    ability to maintain the sea lanes of communication. Relief efforts in crisis-stricken countries like India in 2007, Aceh Indonesia and Sri Lanka in...the number of entities that were built into the scenario run for each category. 104 Advanced Scenario Results Speed Cargo Rate Escorts SURF

  7. Bank Indonesia dalam Tata Pemerintahan Indonesia


    Ismail, Maqdir


    This research focuses on problems as follows: First, position and role of Bank Indonesia as a state body in Indonesia; Second, independency of central bank in performing its monetary function. This research is a juridical normative research using primary legal source which is legislation concerning central bank. Data is collected through document study and literary study. This research concludes that position of Bank Indonesia as a legal entity should have been included in the explanation of ...

  8. Bank Indonesia Dalam Tata Pemerintahan Indonesia


    Ismail, Maqdir


    This research focuses on problems as follows: First, position and role of Bank Indonesia as a state body in Indonesia; Second, independency of central bank in performing its monetary function. This research is a juridical normative research using primary legal source which is legislation concerning central bank. Data is collected through document study and literary study. This research concludes that position of Bank Indonesia as a legal entity should have been included in the explanation of ...


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    Fatmasari Fatmasari


    Full Text Available Motivation is one of the superior tools in order subordinate willing to work hard and smart in accord with the goal. If there is one achieve his or her motivation, then he or she tend to be continuously motivated. On the other hand, if there is one often fail to reach his or her motivation, then he or she keep preserving and keep make effort and pray till his or her motivation be reached or becomes hopeless. This study is aimed at knowing if there is a significant relationship between work motivation and teacher teaching ability toward the students’ achievement in Gugus II Primary School, Kebayakan Sub-district, Aceh Tengah. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The populations of the study were all the teachers and students at Gugus II Primary School Kebayakan sub-district, Aceh Tengah. The samples of the study were 31 teachers and 31 students. The results of this study indicate that the first hypothesis that there is a positive effect on work motivation with student achievement (rx1y = 0.670, second, there is a positive effect of the teachers teaching ability on the student achievement (rx2y = 0.691, there are three positive influence on work motivation and teachers teaching ability upon the achievement (rx1x2 = 0.856. The simultaneous analysis indicates that work motivation and the teachers teaching ability could affect the students’ achievement. Out of motivation variable hypothesis on the teacher high teaching ability has a significant influence on students’ achievement in Gugus II Primary School, Kebayakan sub-district, Aceh Tengah

  10. The Effect of Financial Management Knowledge, Competence and Supervision Act of the Government’s Internal Control Officer on the Quality of Government’s Performance Accountability Report Evaluation

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    Mulia Saputra


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine effect of financial management knowledge, competence and supervision of the internal control official act of government (either simultaneously or partially on the quality evaluation of performance accountability reports of government agencies (BPKP Representative Studies in Aceh Province. This study is hypothesis testing research by testing using multiple linear regressions of the data collected through questionnaires. This population is 71 auditors Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP on BPKP Representative in Aceh province. Data analysis was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science. The results showed that the financial management knowledge, competence and supervision of the actions of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus take effect simultaneously and partially on the quality of evaluations Accountability Report Government Performance.

  11. ACEH IN HISTORY: Preserving Traditions and Embracing Modernity

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    Amirul Hadi


    Full Text Available This paper attempts to critically discuss on how the Acehnese in history, while trying to embrace the modern world, have made every effort at preserving their traditions. As an ethnic group which has a glorious past, Aceh has strongly been connected to “identity”; and this is expressed in various means, including “social memory.” For this very reason, “traditions”, including those of the past, are explored and preserved. Yet, the challenges of modernity are also apparent. It is in this context that the Acehnese are trapped at the crossroad. On the one hand, they tend to preserve their traditions, yet, on the other, they need to embrace modern lives. The Acehnese seem to have encountered considerable obstacles on this issue, for they tend to focus more on historical “romanticism” (nostalgia rather than historical “awareness” (consciousness. Eventually, the “spirit” of the past cannot be brought into light.

  12. Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Indonesia

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    D.A. Collins


    Full Text Available Clostridium difficile has not been studied in detail in Asia, particularly Southeast Asia. We thus performed a prevalence study across four hospitals in Central Java province, Indonesia. Stool samples were collected from patients with diarrhoea and tested by enzyme immunoassay for glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH and toxin A/B (C DIFF QUIK CHEK COMPLETE, TechLab. Specimens were cultured and molecular typing was performed. In total, 340 samples were tested, of which 70 (20.6% were GDH positive, with toxin detected in 19 (5.6%. Toxigenic C. difficile was isolated from 37 specimens (10.9%, while a further 36 (10.6% nontoxigenic isolates were identified. The most common strain was ribotype 017 (24.3% of 74 isolates, followed by nontoxigenic types QX 224 (9.5%, and QX 238 and QX 108 (both 8.1%. The high prevalence of C. difficile highlights a need for ongoing surveillance of C. difficile infection in Indonesia.


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    Kamaruddin Kamaruddin


    Full Text Available Mosque-based economic empowerment aims to increase the independence and well-being in which the mosque is expected to meet the financial needs independently and it is instrumental in creating a prosperous society. Economic empowerment of local communities is not limited to business - of producing goods and services but also includes training and mentoring, financing or access to capital and market access. This study examines the potential of mosque in the city of Banda Aceh and also provides an overview of the opportunities and challenges in the community empowerment such as: (i human resources, (ii institutional capacity (iii social integrity (iv SME business climate and surrounding environment and (v stakeholders support.

  14. E-Business, The impact of the Regional Government Development (APBD) on Information and Communication Development in Indonesia (United States)

    Setiawan, M. I.; Hasyim, C.; Kurniasih, N.; Abdullah, D.; Napitupulu, D.; Rahim, R.; Sukoco, A.; Dhaniarti, I.; Suyono, J.; Sudapet, IN; Nasihien, RD; Wulandari, DAR; Reswanda; Mudjanarko, SW; Sugeng; Wajdi, MBN


    The decline of development delived from natural resources in several regions in Indonesia requires local governments to make a breakthrough in increasing revenues beyond natural resources, including through increased revenue in the field of information technology. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the regional government development (APBD) on information and communication development in Indonesia. By using correlational research, it is known that all of APBD sub variables have a high correlation in increasing Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Information and Communication in Indonesia, only sub-variable of surplus/deficit development, unexpected development sub-variable, subvariable of development aid to province/regency/city and village government, and sub-variable of development special allocations that have not a significant correlation to increase of GRDP of Information and Communication in Indonesia. There is 86,7% of APBD variable influence the increase of GRDP of Information and Communication, while the increase of 15,3% of Information and Communication GRDP influenced by other factors aside from APBD. It shows the strong impact of APBD on increasing GRDP of Information and Communication

  15. Diagnostic delay amongst tuberculosis patients in Jogjakarta Province, Indonesia is related to the quality of services in DOTS facilities. (United States)

    Ahmad, Riris Andono; Mahendradhata, Yodi; Utarini, Adi; de Vlas, Sake J


    To understand determinants of care-seeking patterns and diagnostic delay amongst tuberculosis (TB) patients diagnosed at direct observed treatment short course (DOTS) facilities in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Cross-sectional survey amongst newly diagnosed TB patients in 89 DOTS facilities whose history of care-seeking was reconstructed through retrospective interviews gathering data on socio-demographic determinants, onset of TB symptoms, type of health facilities visited, duration of each care-seeking action were recorded. Two hundred and fifty-three TB patients were included in the study whose median duration of patients' delay was 1 week and whose total duration of diagnostic delay was 5.4 weeks. The median number of visits was 4. Many of the patients' socio-demographic determinants were not associated with the care-seeking patterns, and no socio-demographic determinants were associated with the duration of diagnostic delay. More than 60% of TB patients started their care-seeking processes outside DOTS facilities, but the number of visits in DOTS facilities was greater during the overall care-seeking process. Surprisingly, patient's immediate visits to a DOTS facility did not correspond to shorter diagnostic delay. Diagnostic delay in Jogjakarta province was not associated with patients' socio demographic factors, but rather with the health system providing DOTS services. This suggests that strengthening the health system and improving diagnostic quality within DOTS services is now a more rational strategy than expanding the TB programme to engage more providers. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  16. Techno-economic assessment of Levulinic Acid Plant from Sorghum Bicolor in Indonesia (United States)

    Gozan, M.; Ryan, B.; Krisnandi, Y.


    The increasing need of energy is one of the main energy security issues in Indonesia. Hence, alternative energy is needed. Levulinic acid (LA) is among chemical platform used in the synthesis for avariety of high-value materials, such as fuels and commodity chemicals. It is predicted that global LA market demand to reach 3.1 tons in 2016. This study examines industrial processdesign and economic analysis for LA production in Indonesia.Sorghum bicolor was used as feed because of its high cellulose, low lignin contents and availability in Indonesia. The conventional economic problem from biomass based production was diminished sincethe valuable waste from pretreatment processwas sold to otherindustry.This plant was recommended to be built in an industrial estate area in Jawa Timur (East Java) province. Results from simulation using SuperPro Designer 9.0 was used for the techno-economic assessment.The plant assessment showed that the minimum production capacity was 7.7 ton per day to achieve an internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period (PBP) values of 19.61% and 3.93 years, respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed that product selling price was the most predominant factor for IRR, NPV, PBP and ROI. Raw material and water had low effects on those economic parameters. These values indicated that LA plant was feasible to be built in Indonesia.

  17. Attachment Styles To The Father and Coping Strategies Among Early Adolescents In Banda Aceh City


    Fatmawati, Fatmawati; Muhammad Alwi Zainuddin, Nuzsep Almigo Bin


    This present study sought to investigate the relationship between attachment styles to the father and coping strategies among early adolescents. The population that has been studied was the seventh grade students ofin one of junior high school in Banda Aceh city that meet the established criteria, specifically at least 12 years old and still have father. The sampling technique applied was universal sampling because the number of eligible population was only 81 students. Total of samples taken...

  18. Predicting impact of SLR on coastal flooding in Banda Aceh coastal defences (United States)

    Al'ala, Musa; Syamsidik, Kato, Shigeru


    Banda Aceh is a low-lying city located at the northern tip of Sumatra Island and situated at the conjuncture of Malacca Strait and the Andaman Sea. A Sea Level Rise (SLR) rate at 7 mm/year has been observed around this region. In the next 50 years, this city will face a serious challenge to encounter impacts of the sea level rise, such as frequent coastal floodings. This study is aimed at estimating impacts of the sea level rise induced coastal floodings on several types of coastal structures and city drainage system. Numerical simulations of Delft3D were applied to investigate the influence of the gradual sea level rise in 50 years. The hydrodynamic process of coastal flooding and sediment transport were simulated by Delft3D-Flow. Topography and bathymetry data were collected from GEBCO and updated with the available nautical chart (DISHIDROS, JICA, and field measurements). Hydrodynamic process gains the flow process revealing the level of the sea water intrusion also observed in the model. Main rivers (Krueng Aceh, Krueng Neng, and Alue Naga Flood Canal) and the drainage system were observed to see the tides effects on coastal structures and drainage system. The impact on coastal community focusing on affected area, shoreline retreat, the rate of sea intrusion was analyzed with spatial tools. New coastal line, coastal flooding vulnerable area, and the community susceptibility properties map influenced by 50 years sea level rise is produced. This research found that the city needs to address strategies to anticipate the exacerbating impacts of the sea level rise by managing its coastal spatial planning and modify its drainage system, especially at the drainage outlets.

  19. Health impact of the 2004 Andaman Nicobar earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. (United States)

    Guha-Sapir, Debarati; van Panhuis, Willem Gijsbert


    The human impact of the tsunami that occurred on 26 December 2004 was enormous, with Indonesia bearing a huge proportion of the losses. The aftermath brought predictions of communicable disease outbreaks and widespread fear of epidemics. However, evidence from previous disasters due to natural hazards does not support all of these predictions. The objectives of this study were to: (1) describe the relative importance of infectious diseases and injuries as a consequence of a disaster due to natural hazards; and (2) identify key recommendations for the improvement of control and surveillance of these diseases during and after disasters. A team from the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters visited Jakarta and Banda Aceh from 11-23 January 2005, and collected data from the Central and Provincial Ministries of Health (MOH), the World Health Organization (WHO), and a field hospital from the International Committee of the Red Cross in Banda Aceh. The epidemiological profiles of diseases before and after the tsunami were compared. Cholera, tetanus, wounds and wound infections, acute respiratory infections, malaria, and dengue were included in this analysis. Certain diseases (e.g., cholera, malaria, dengue) are not always an immediate priority post-disaster. Rates of disaster-related health conditions requiring emergency response fell by half, and became negligible around four weeks after the precipitating events. Some conditions, such as aspiration pneumonia and tetanus, which normally are rare, require special preparedness for emergency personnel. In addition, resistant and rare pathogens are associated with disasters due to natural hazards in the tropics and require specialized knowledge for the rapid and successful treatment of related infections. Within the first four weeks of a disaster, international humanitarian agencies in the health sector should start working with the MOH. The WHO surveillance system established immediately after the tsunami

  20. Regulation of Transportation of Radioactive Material in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nirwono, Muttaqin Margo; Choi, Kwang Sik


    1.1. Background Indonesia is a biggest archipelago country with 17,508 islands in 33 provinces. In transportation Indonesia has large number of airports, railways, roadways, waterways, and merchant marines. Since nuclear and radiation utilizations are expanding on whole country, the mobilization of these is usually placed outside of controlled facilities, in the public domain, and often entails movement between countries. The Indonesian Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) is responsible for supervision and also authorization of the transport of radioactive material (TRM). TRM is the specific movement of a radioactive material consignment from origin to destination by public transportation (road or rail, water and air). This study aims to determine whether national regulation is harmonized with international practice in ensuring safety and security of TRM. The finding of this study will provide recommendation for enhancement of regulation on TRM. 1.2. Regulation of TRM in Indonesia Government Regulation (GR) No. 26, 2002 on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material is implemented pursuant to Act 10, 1997 on Nuclear Energy. This GR was repealed GR 13, 1975 on TRM. The GR 26 consist of 16 chapters and 39 articles, included licensing: authority and responsibilities: packaging: radiation protection programme; training: quality assurance programme: type and activity limit of radioactive materials: radioactive materials with other dangerous properties: emergency preparedness: administrative sanction: and penal provisions. Principally, this GR adopted IAEA-TS-R-1, 'Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material', 1996's Edition

  1. Earthquake hazard zonation using peak ground acceleration (PGA) approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irwansyah, E; Winarko, E; Rasjid, Z E; Bekti, R D


    The objective of this research is to develop seismic hazard area zones in the building infrastructure of the Banda Aceh City Indonesia using peak ground acceleration (PGA) measured using global and local attenuation function. PGA is calculated using attenuation function that describes the correlation between the local ground movement intensity the earthquake magnitude and the distance from the earthquake's epicentre. The data used comes from the earthquake damage catalogue available from the Indonesia meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency (BMKG) with range from year 1973 – 2011. The research methodology consists of six steps, which is developing the grid, calculation of the distance from the epicentre to the centroid of the grid, calculation of PGA values, developing the computer application, plotting the PGA values to the centroid grid, and developing the earthquake hazard zones using kriging algorithm. The conclusion of this research is that the global attenuation function that was developed by [20] can be applied to calculate the PGA values in the city of Banda Aceh. Banda Aceh city in micro scale can be divided into three hazard zones which is low hazard zone with PGA value of 0.8767 gals up to 0.8780 gals, medium hazard zone with PGA values of 0.8781 up to 0.8793 gals and high hazard zone with PGA values of 0.8794 up to 0.8806 gals.

  2. Relasi Islam dan Politik dalam Sejarah Politik Aceh Abad 16-17

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    Kamaruzzaman Kamaruzzaman


    ؤون الدولة وأمور الدين. ولكن مع الأسف الشديد، انتهى هذا الاندماج بعد ظهور الاستعمار الأوروبي ويعرّف علي أبناء المستعمرين نظام دولة وألقى من خلاله جذور حملة فصل الدين عن الدولة.   Abstrak: Artikel ini berusaha menjelaskan tentang hubungan Islam dan politik di Aceh pada abad ke 16-17 M. Pada masa tersebut, Aceh mencapai masa kejayaaan tidak hanya dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga dalam bidang politik. Karena itu, kajian ini ingin melihat aspek apa saja yang menyebabkan hubungan Islam dan negara dapat menyatu pada masa tersebut. Sejarah historis, ada beberapa perubahan dinamika politik di dalam sejarah Aceh. Melalui pendekatan sosial-sejarah, pengkaji menelaah fase-safe di dalam sejarah politik di Aceh. Dapat dikatakan bahwa ada beberapa bukti sejarah tentang pengalaman Aceh ketika memposisikan Islam dalam kancah politik. Hal ini dibuktikan bukan hanya dari sisi sejarah kerajaan Aceh Darussalam, tetapi juga dari beberapa kitab yang dihasilkan oleh para ‘ulama Aceh yang menjelaskan tentang sistem pemerintahan. Kajian ini menjadi salah satu bukti kuat bagaimana praktik Islam dan negara di Asia Tenggara, yaitu tidak ada ada pemisahan antara urusan negara dan agama. Kenyataan sejarah ini berakhir ketika para penjajah dari Eropaa datang memperkenalkan sistem negara-bangsa.

  3. The competitiveness of medicinal plants in Central Java Indonesia (United States)

    Riptanti, E. W.; Qonita, R. A.; Fajarningsih, R. U.


    Indonesia hold a potential opportunity to be a pharmaceutical production country. In the other side, Indonesia facing agriculture product and market competition internationally and domestically. Improving competitiveness of specific products are aimed to hit the export market and also to be able to compete with import products in domestic market. Considering Indonesian market opportunity, therefore we perform this study aiming to examine the competitiveness of medicinal plants in Central Java area. The basic method applied in this study was descriptive and data sources are primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Trade Specialization Index (TSI) approaches. According to the study, we reveal that medicinal plant commodities in Central Java province have average score 8.52, indicating a strong comparative advantage in global markets, while the commodities appear to have average score of 0.97 at 0 to 1 range, representing a strong competitiveness. Those results are attributed to natural and environmental condition, as well as high demand of global market. This competitiveness will encourage traditional/modern medicinal industries in global market.


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    Duranta D Kembaren


    Full Text Available Penelitian tentang distribusi ukuran dan parameter populasi lobster pasir di perairan Aceh Barat dilakukan pada bulanApril sampai November 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengkaji status lobster di perairan Aceh Barat dilihat dari aspek distribusi ukuran dan parameter populasinya. Pengamatan dan pengukuran lobster dilakukan di tempat pengumpul lobster dengan sistem sampling acak. Sebaran frekuensi panjang karapas selanjutnya ditabulasikan dan dianalisa dengan metode kurva logistik. Struktur ukuran lobster yang tertangkap menunjukkan bahwa lobster jantan dominan tertangkap dibawah ukuran nilai tengah 72,5 mm dan sebaliknya diatas ukuran nilai tengah 72,5 mm yang didominasi jenis kelamin betina. Lobster terlebih dahulu tertangkap sebelum mencapai ukuran matang gonad (Lc = 65,8mm< Lm= 76,8 mm. Puncak musim pemijahan terjadi pada bulan Mei dan Agustus. Panjang asimtosis (CL∞  sebesar 119,5 mm dengan laju pertumbuhan (K 0,39/tahun serta laju kematian total (Z 1,44/tahun, laju kematian alamiah (M 0,67/tahun dan laju keamatian akibat penangkapan (F 0,77/tahun. Laju eksploitasi sudah mengarah kepada penangkapan yang berlebih (E=0,54, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan tindakan pengelolaan perikanan lobster yang berkelanjutan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat di tempuh adalah dengan menerapkan sistem penutupan musim penangkapan lobster pada saat terjadinya puncak musim pemijahan. Research on the length distribution and population parameters of scalloped spiny lobster conducted in the Aceh Barat waters during April to November 2013. The aim of this study was to assess lobster fishery status in this waters from the point of view their length size and population parameters. Sampel collected randomly in the lobster landing site. Distribution of carapace length frequency was tabulated and analysed using logistic curve method. Length composition of male lobster was dominated under 72,5 mm midlenght, while female lobster was dominated above 72

  5. First record of Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae severely damaging field grown potato crops in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Nasruddin Andi


    Full Text Available Greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood was reported for the first time in the South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia, and is causing significant damage to field grown potato crops. In an insecticide trial, the tuber yield in infested, untreated plants was reduced by 39%, and the plants had an average number of 68 adult whiteflies per leaflet.

  6. Why do some women still prefer traditional birth attendants and home delivery?: a qualitative study on delivery care services in West Java Province, Indonesia

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    Titaley Christiana R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Trained birth attendants at delivery are important for preventing both maternal and newborn deaths. West Java is one of the provinces on Java Island, Indonesia, where many women still deliver at home and without the assistance of trained birth attendants. This study aims to explore the perspectives of community members and health workers about the use of delivery care services in six villages of West Java Province. Methods A qualitative study using focus group discussions (FGDs and in-depth interviews was conducted in six villages of three districts in West Java Province from March to July 2009. Twenty FGDs and 165 in-depth interviews were conducted involving a total of 295 participants representing mothers, fathers, health care providers, traditional birth attendants and community leaders. The FGD and in-depth interview guidelines included reasons for using a trained or a traditional birth attendant and reasons for having a home or an institutional delivery. Results The use of traditional birth attendants and home delivery were preferable for some community members despite the availability of the village midwife in the village. Physical distance and financial limitations were two major constraints that prevented community members from accessing and using trained attendants and institutional deliveries. A number of respondents reported that trained delivery attendants or an institutional delivery were only aimed at women who experienced obstetric complications. The limited availability of health care providers was reported by residents in remote areas. In these settings the village midwife, who was sometimes the only health care provider, frequently travelled out of the village. The community perceived the role of both village midwives and traditional birth attendants as essential for providing maternal and health care services. Conclusions A comprehensive strategy to increase the availability, accessibility, and

  7. Preliminary study of infiltration gallery for water treatment towards Universal Access 2019 in Indonesia

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    Maritha Nilam Kusuma


    Full Text Available Infiltration gallery is a method of water treatment through soil filtration. The mechanism is the filtering or absorption of contaminants in the river that flows through the soil. This method uses soil to remove contaminants. This method has three kinds of screening processes, ie physically, chemically and biologically. This process depends on moisture content, temperature, porosity, specific gravity, the saturated degree and hydraulic conductivity in the soil. Now a days, the cost of clean water production in the province of East Java, Indonesia requires a lot of cost, because the consumption of coagulant is very high; It is necessary to have a preliminary processing that helps the performance of water treatment in East Java, Indonesia. Natural water purification method using soil called infiltration gallery can be one solution in processing river water or as preliminary processing for water treatment in East Java. The purpose of this research is to know soil characteristics in soil samples in each region and its ability to removel TSS and Total Coliform. The second objective is to find good soil composition for removel TSS and total Coliform. The location of soil sampling is in Surabaya, Lumajang, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Sidoarjo and Gresik, East Java province, Indonesia. The method of analysis used gravimetry, method 9223 B, the comparison between mass and specific gravity, constant head permeameter and wet grain. The results showed that the soil samples from each region were not able to remove the TSS and total coliform, so that the engineering of soil composition was required. Appropriate soil composition is sand and clay, 85% and 15%, with the percentage of TSS and total coliform removal of 63.50% and 99.67%.

  8. Kajian Tvc Wonderful Indonesia sebagai Cermin Citra Indonesia di Mata Dunia

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    Angela Oscario


    Full Text Available Tourism is one of the most important sectors supporting the economy of Indonesia. One way to develop the Indonesian tourism is strengthening the image of Indonesia in the world. To strengthen the image, Indonesia has replaced the old brand, “Visit Indonesia”, and launched a new brand, “Wonderful Indonesia”. Besides the logo, in order to campaign “Wonderful Indonesia,” some television commercials have been launched. An advertising, which creates a powerful image, not only has a great power to influence the viewers but can also be a double-edged sword. Advertising can become a mirror of reality, but it can also become a distorted mirror of reality. A similar case happens with Wonderful Indonesia television commercial, which was released early in 2012 by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The television commercial is considered to have distorted the image of Indonesia in the world by displaying only the culture, society, and nature of Java and Bali. Meanwhile, the other Wonderful Indonesia television commercial, “Feeling is Believing,” which was launched by Indonesia Tourism Board in 2012 considered to have become quite successful framing the beauty, and diversity of the cultures, communities, regions, and natures of Indonesia. Learning from the mistakes, and considering the importance of an image, the future Wonderful Indonesia television commercial should be dealt more carefully. The image that is proper to represent Indonesia, the visual signifier should reflect the intended signified precisely.  

  9. Model Pengelolaan Pasokan dan Risiko Mutu Rantai Pasok Kopi Gayo

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    Rachman Jaya


    Full Text Available A factual problem in the coffee agroindustry at Gayo highlands Aceh Province is the utilization requirement of raw material supply and quality which inaccordance with procesor demand. The purposes of the study are to develop model of supply utilization and to determine alternative of risk management quality of Gayo coffee in the agroindustry at the Gayo Highlands of Aceh Province. Requirement of utilization supply solved by ARIMA technique, risk management quality by Multi Expert Multi Criteria Decison Making, aggregation criteria with OWA. The result of the study shows that utilization rate was 4.052 tons/years. The alternatives of quality risk management are improvement of human resources, transportation system and drying technology applications with high assessment criteria so the agroindustry must focus on this dimension.

  10. Benefit Analysis of Implementation of Alternative SO2 Quality Standards on Acute Respiratory Syndrome (ARI Incidence Reduction in Indonesia

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    Muhamad Nizar


    Full Text Available Indonesia Quality Standard (QS for ambient SO2 for 1 hour time average i.e. 900 μg/m3(equivalent to 360μg/m3in24 hour time average regulated in the Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 is the most loose compared to the ambient SO2 standards of other countries in the world including WHO QS guideline. This QS is not expected to guarantee the protection of public health in Indonesia. Therefore more stringent QS alternative for ambient SO2 is required. This research examines benefit values in public health aspect if Indonesia tightens its ambient SO2 QS. Two alternative QS for SO2 are used i.e196 μg/m3(equivalent to 78μg/m3in24 hour time average referring to U.S. EPA and 750μg/m3(equivalent to 360μg/m3in24 hour time average referring to PUSARPEDAL. First step is to map distribution of SO2 ambient concentrations in Indonesia. The result indicates that Provinces of Jakarta and Banten have exceeded both alternative QS while Provinces of Yogyakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, and North Sumatra only exceed the alternative QS of 196μg/m3. From the public health aspect, by attaining to the alternative QS of 750μg/m3, Jakarta and Banten will reduce incidence of ARI by 95% and 98%. By attaining to the alternative QS of 196μg/m3, East Java, Bali and North Sumatra will reduce the incidence of ARI by 59%, 51%, and 5%.


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    Taukhid Taukhid


    Full Text Available Penaeid shrimp culture is a major contributor to foreign exchange earning in Indonesia. It has significant impact on economic development of fisheries sector, and leads to be one of prime mover to improve social prosperity. However, shrimp industry particularly black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon has been facing unpredictable situation due to disease problem. The main constrain in correlation to the development of shrimp industry is disease outbreak, especially caused by viral agents. White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV occurred in 1994, causing mass mortality of black tiger shrimp almost in all of the middle and western part of Indonesia. Due to the disease problem, it is estimated that in year 2000, more than 50% of shrimp pond were idle. Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei or “udang vanamei” was introduced to Indonesia at the end of 1999, and released officially in July, 2001. Response of shrimp farmers to the shrimp rapidly accepted and distributed to many provinces in the country. At the end of 2006, distribution of white shrimp culture was encountered in more than 15 provinces. The seeds are mainly produced from hatcheries located in East Java and Lampung. The information of TSV in Indonesia was reported firstly from East Java at the end of 2002, without a clear history. Since then, survey of TSV distribution was conducted intensively in white shrimp production areas. Beside TSV, population of white shrimp coming to Indonesia also susceptible to White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV and Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV infection. A survey with the aim to know significant viral diseases of white shrimp is needed to set up an alternative strategy to control them. The survey was conducted, firstly in the main production centers of white shrimp; and planned to be continued throughout the country. Samples collection, diagnostic method and data compiled in this study were collected from both

  12. Job and Workload Analysis System for Civil Servants in North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Krisnanda, M.; Mewengkang, A.; Rompas, P. T. D.; Togas, P. V.


    This study aims to create automation system to assist sub division of job analysis and workload of North Sulawesi, Indonesia in completing its annual tasks to record all civil servants. The method used in this research is prototyping where a system will be developed according to the revision supplied by the user. The result of this research is a system used to generate reports and calculations based on user filled forms. The result gathered from the interviews, users can make reports faster and easier. Users can also optimise reports on time using the built system.

  13. Pengetahuan Keluarga Tentang Penatalaksanaan Diet Diabetes Mellitus Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan Babussalam Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara




    Diabetes Mellitus is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by increased levels of blood or hiperglikemia.Diabetes Melllitus glukosadalam is a collection of symptoms that occur in a person caused by the presence of elevated levels of sugar (glucose) blood due to insulin deficiency both absolute and relative. This study aims to identify Family Knowledge About Treatment of diabetes mellitus diet health centers in the region of Southeast Aceh Regency Babussalam District, on July 25 to ...

  14. Ergonomics policy in Indonesia. (United States)

    Sutarjo, Untung S


    Workers' conditions in accordance with their place of work are different from one area to another, especially in this reformation era where there are immense alterations in politics shown from the centralized government shifting to decentralization and district autonomy. Ergonomics problems in Indonesia are reviewed. In home industries, workers have to adjust themselves to their jobs, and ergonomic improvement may face significant impediments especially in small-scale industries. It is necessary to create or identify the most plausible model to be implemented in accordance with the conditions of districts, including low awareness about the relation between ergonomics and workers' productivity in producing goods and services and working processes scattered often at their own houses. As conditions conducive to ergonomics programs, district-level willingness to improve and increase the wealth of their society, recognition by businesses about the impacts of ergonomics on productivity and reduction of medical treatment costs may be mentioned. Labor unions support ergonomic improvements at production processes, and professionals and academicians are ready to assist, whereas national banks and foreign investment may encourage new technologies including ergonomics aspects. It is important to strengthen ergonomic improvement efforts in Indonesia through establishing district ergonomics improvement networks and ergonomics peer leaders with the support of continual training starting from the training of core leaders at the province level and extending to peer leaders at district level. This training should be made as simple as possible in order to facilitate innovations toward changes. Finally assistance is needed by the mentor teams in order to periodically monitor the improvements undertaken.

  15. The Relation of Environmental Quality and Fishery Sector in Indonesia (United States)

    Oktavilia, Shanty; Habibah Yusfi, Reikha; Firmansyah; Sugiyanto, FX


    The condition of fishery sector is currently stagnating, even tending to decline, which is indicated by the decrease of production in some areas in Indonesia. Environmental degradation in marine waters is due to global climate change and uncontrolled fish exploitation impact on the decline of marine fisheries production. While in aquaculture, the environmental quality is also indicated to influence the production. Nevertheless, the increase of production of both marine and terrestrial fisheries has an effect on the quality of the environment. This study aims to analyze the interrelationship between the influence of environmental quality on the production of fishery sub-sector and the influence of fishery subsector production on environmental quality. This research employs environmental quality data and output of fishery of 34 provinces in Indonesia during 2011-2015. The study finds that output of fishery sector affects the environmental quality, which proves the Environment Kuznets Curve in the fishery sector in Indonesia. Since a certain threshold is achieved, the increase in revenue followed by the increase in environmental quality. The study also finds that the environmental quality has a positive effect on the production of fishery. Implication of the study is the increase of income of fishery households can be encouraged the ability of the community to protect the environment and increases the willingness of households to sacrifice other goods to environmental protection.

  16. Raising medium-sized livestock and hepatitis risk: A national study in Indonesia

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    Maria Holly Herawati


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Sanitasi lingkungan, termasuk kandang pemeliharaan ternak sedang, berpengaruh terhadap penyebaran penyakit hepatitis A dan E. Tujuan penelitian ini menilai lokasi kandang pemeliharaan ternak sedang berkaitan dengan risiko gejala hepatitis di beberapa propinsi dengan prevalensi hepatitis tinggi di Indonesia. Metode: Data berasal dari sebagian hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas tahun 2007 di Indonesia. Untuk penilaian ini, data yang dipakai berasal dari 12 propinsi dengan prevalensi tinggi (0,6% hepatitis di Indonesia, dan dipilih hanya subjek yang tidak memelihara ternak serta hanya yang memelihara ternak sedang. Subjek hepatitis adalah responden yang pada saat wawancara mengatakan pernah mempunyai gejala hepatitis atau pernah di diagnosis menderita hepatitis oleh dokter atau paramedik dalam kurun waktu 12 bulan terakhir. Hasil: Dari 141.291 subjek, 1.257 (0,8% menderita hepatitis. Pada umumnya yang memelihara ternak sedang berisiko 86% lebih banyak terkena hepatitis dibandingkan dengan yang tidak memelihara  ternak [rasio odds suaian (ORa=1,86; 95% interval kepercayaan (CI=1,61-2,09]. Risiko tertinggi (2 kali lipat terkena hepatitis terjadi di antara subjek yang mengandangkan ternak sedang di dalam rumah (ORa=1,98; 95% CI=1,47-2,66, sedangkan risiko terkecil (38% lebih besar terkena hepatitis terjadi di antara yang mengandangkan ternak sedangnya di luar luar rumah dibandingkan dengan tidak memelihara ternak sedang (ORa=1,38; 95% CI=1,14-1,67 dibandingkan dengan tidak memelihara ternak. Kesimpulan: Kandang di luar rumah untuk meliharaan ternak sedang yang paling kecil menyebabkan risiko hepatitis. (Health Science Indones 2011;2:14-20   Abstract Background: Environmental sanitation, among others raising medium-sized livestock, affect the spread of hepatitis A and E. This paper presents an assessment of relation between place of raising medium-sized livestock and risk of hepatitis in high prevalence endemic hepatitis provinces

  17. Management of developing swimming performance in National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia

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    Nonik Rahmawati


    Full Text Available The main objective of this study is to understand and analyze structural organization of NPC (National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia on managing swimming performance,recruitment system, infrastructure management, funding management and implementation of the exercise management on managing swimming performance. This study was conducted at Head Office of NPC Indonesia and Kartasura Swimming Pool, Central Java Province. This studyis made in qualitative manner and presented in descriptive approach. The data collection is conducted by doing observation, document analysis, and interviews. The results of the management of developing swimming performance in NPC (National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia are summarized as follows: 1 there are general chairman, the head of the achievement division, the head of the sports department, coach manager and then directed to the coach coordinator and coach’s assistant in the organizational structure 2 recruitment of the organization is held by choosing people who concerned about NPC of Indonesia, recruitment of coach is held without any special tests, which is selected by: giving priority to athletes who have ever won medals and have experienced in coaching, while recruitment of athletes is held by using special test by NPC of Indonesia, 3 facilities, in the form of swimming’s support tools, are given gradually by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairsby submitting proposals. Meanwhile, facility such as swimming pool still depends on renting Kartasura Swimming Pool, 4 the funding is obtained from Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs without any sponsorship, 5 training program is held by giving suitable program in general preparation, special preparation, pre match, and also considering athletes’ physical condition, technique, and mental status. Training program can be developed according to the condition of each athlete. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that management of developing swimming

  18. Concentrations, loads and yields of organic carbon from two tropical peat swamp forest streams in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia

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    H.M. Yupi


    Full Text Available Tropical peat swamp forest (PSF stores large quantities of carbon. To estimate how much organic C is released from this type of landscape we determined organic carbon (C concentrations, loads and yields in two contrasting watercourses draining from PSF in Riau Province, Sumatra (Indonesia. Meranti Ditch (MD is an artificial watercourse whose small catchment (estimated area 4.8 km2 is in semi-intact condition, whereas Turip River (TR has a large natural catchment (estimated area 458 km2 covered with fairly intact PSF where > 75 % of the original canopy trees remain. The organic C load (Gg C yr-1 of each watercourse was calculated by combining TOC concentration with water discharge rate to give organic C yield (g C m-2 yr-1. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC was the dominant (95.0–99.8 % component of total organic carbon (TOC in the water. TOC concentration was 85–94 mg C L-1 in MD and 50–58 mg C L-1 in TR. The high concentration in MD was not surprising because this catchment had been disturbed by repeated phases of logging and a dense network of ditches was excavated ten years ago. The TOC loads were 0.23 Gg C yr-1 in MD and 14.0 Gg C yr-1 in TR. TOC yields (i.e. TOC fluxes through the fluvial system were 41.6–55.5 g C m-2 yr-1 in MD and 26.2–34.9 g C m-2 yr-1 in TR.


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    Dina Bisara Lolong


    Full Text Available The major routes for HIV transmission in Indonesia are injecting drug use and heterosexual activity. More than halve of the proportion of estimation 2006 of people living with HIV/AIDS were IDUs. Around 70 percent of all reported AIDS cases of IDUs in Indonesia occur among those in the age group of15-29 years. It indicates that young people are not only at high risk of contracting HIV infection but already constitute a significant percentage of people living with HIV/AIDS. This article is examines adolescent risk behavior on HIV transmission in Indonesia. The data were obtained from Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2004-2005 of 6352 female sex workers and 2969 their clients in 14 provinces, 1052 transsexual in four provinces, and 1795 IDUs in five cities as well as 1001 male student and 1159 female student in two cities. This survey reveals that adolescent's high risk behavior on HIV transmission is not only through injecting drug use but also through heterosexual. Of great concern is that 40 percent of the female sex workers and more than halve of IDUs aged 15-24 years. Findings also show that risk behavior is associated with age of respondent. Younger ages of IDUs were more like to have more than one sex partners and sharing needle; and again 27 percent of younger ages 15-19 year have started to be involved in high risk behavior as IDUs age below 15 compared to age 20-24 and 25+ nine and one percent respectively. Furthermore, the younger ages of sex workers and their clients were less likely to use condoms; and around 25-60 percent of them have begun to work as commercial sex workers age below 20.The findings of this survey raise concern about risk behavior of HIV transmission among adolescent. The need to focus more policy and program attention on adolescent sexuality and drug use behavior is compelling. Keywords : adolescence, risk behavior, HIV transmission

  20. Effect of space structures against development of transport infrastructure in Banda Aceh by using the concept of transit oriented development (United States)

    Noer, Fadhly; Matondang, A. Rahim; Sirojuzilam, Saleh, Sofyan M.


    Due to the shifting of city urban development causing the shift of city services center, so there is a change in space pattern and space structure in Banda Aceh, then resulting urban sprawl which can lead to congestion problem occurs on the arterial road in Banda Aceh, it can be seen from the increasing number of vehicles per year by 6%. Another issue occurs by urban sprawl is not well organized of settlement due to the uncontrolled use of space so that caused grouping or the differences in socioeconomic strata that can impact to the complexity of population mobility problem. From this background problem considered to be solved by a concept that is Transit Oriented Development (TOD), that is a concept of transportation development in co-operation with spatial. This research will get the model of transportation infrastructure development with TOD concept that can handle transportation problem in Banda Aceh, due to change of spatial structure, and to find whether TOD concept can use for the area that has a population in medium density range. The result that is obtained equation so the space structure is: Space Structure = 0.520 + 0.206X3 + 0.264X6 + 0.100X7 and Transportation Infrastructure Development = -1.457 + 0.652X1 + 0.388X5 + 0.235X6 + 0.222X7 + 0.327X8, So results obtained with path analysis method obtained variable influences, node ratio, network connectivity, travel frequency, travel destination, travel cost, and travel time, it has a lower value when direct effect with transportation infrastructure development, but if the indirect effect through the structure of space has a greater influence, can be seen from spatial structure path scheme - transportation infrastructure development.

  1. Teacher-Perceived Principal Leadership Styles, Decision-Making Styles and Job Satisfaction: How Congruent Are Data from Indonesia with the Anglophile and Western Literature? (United States)

    Hariri, Hasan; Monypenny, Richard; Prideaux, Murray


    School leadership is seen as important for both schools and for government and private policy-makers. The relationships between teacher-perceived principal leadership styles, teacher-perceived principal decision-making styles and teacher-perceived job satisfaction in schools in Lampung Province, Indonesia were examined. Data were collected by…

  2. Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Bermasalah Asal Kalimantan Barat yang Bekerja di Malaysia


    ARIEF SYAFRIANTO,SE A.21208038, Jurnal Mahasiswa S2


    This thesis addressed the issue of the Legal Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in West Kalimantan The Troubled Origin Working in Malaysia. From the results of research using legal and sociological research methods can be concluded : 1. Normative reality of the setting and implementation of the legal protection of migrant workers and migrant workers from West Kalimantan province in Indonesia origin troubled working in Malaysia in principle has been made are optimal by the Government thr...

  3. Peran Indonesia Dalam Diplomasi Kebudayaan Wisata Selancar Internasional Ombak Bono Riau Tahun 2011-2014


    Pakpahan, Saiman; Zulmi, Ryan


    This research analyzes the role of Indonesia€™s government, media and citizen oncultural diplomacy of Bono tidal bore, a newly developed international surfing tourism.Bono is located in Teluk Meranti village, Pelalawan regency, Riau province and offeringa special phenomenon that only available in four countries in the world. The promotionof Bono still fairly minimal since it just developed as a tourism region past few years.Like the other objects of cultural diplomacy such as Batik and Wayang...


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    Faishal Fadli


    Full Text Available This study aimed to examine the direct and indirect effects of fiscal decentralization on regional disparity through economic growth in eastern and western Indonesia. The method used in this study is Path Analysis. The variables used in this study include the General Allocation Fund (DAU/Dana Alokasi Umum, Special Allocation Fund (DAK/Dana Alokasi Khusus, Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH/Dana Bagi Hasil, local revenue (PAD/Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Economic Growth (G, and regional disparity (IW. Comparing the analysis between eastern and western of Indonesia, the results show that there is no direct effect of fiscal decentralization on regional disparity and economic growth through direct fiscal decentralization on regional disparity in both eastern and western of Indonesia. However, using some measures of fiscal decentralization, in the case of eastern of Indonesia, DAU variable has significant effect whereas in the case of western Indonesia, DBH is the only one variable that has significant effect. This is consistent with the fact that composition of the balance funds disbursed by the central government to local governments, where the greatest composition of funds in eastern Indonesia come from the General Allocation Fund which reflects the dependence of local governments to the central government and for the western region of Indonesia, DBH is the greatest reflecting the independence of the local governments. As a result, to create fiscal decentralization working it is required a greater allocation of the fund balance.

  5. The Impact of Public Capital Investments on the Revenue Growth of Medium Enterprise in Indonesia


    Tirtosuharto, Darius


    Public capital investment represents the role of state and local governments in supporting greater capacity of private enterprises to gain success in a market economy measured by revenue growth. Medium enterprises are considered as the catalysts for economic growth and competitiveness particularly in developing countries due to efficiency and flexibility in an adverse economic environment. Using aggregate data of 30 states (provinces) in Indonesia from 1997-2002, the impact of public capital ...

  6. Participatory Communication and Sustainability Development: Case Study of Coal Mining Environment in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Inda Fitryarini


    Full Text Available This essay tries to analyze about participatory communication, especially those currently practiced in coal mining communities in Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. In addition, specific practices to facilitate participatory communication are identified and discussed. This essay is based on the author's research on environmental conflicts in coal mining areas. The conclusion of this essay is that community participatory communication in coal mining industry area is still at a pseudo participatory stage.

  7. Tourism infrastructure development prioritization in Sabang Island using analytic network process methods (United States)

    Rani, Hafnidar A.; Afifuddin, Moch.; Akbar, Herry


    Indonesia has been widely known as an archipelago country, with its geographical location is at the equator, which make this country as a tropical country. It has the topography of diverse islands which consist of lakes, mountains, and one of countries which have the longest coastline. This condition cause Indonesia has various beautiful tourism objects and become the attraction to the international tourists to come. Indonesia still has the other islands which are as beautiful as Bali Island offering different beauties. One of them is an island located in the most western island of Indonesia, which becomes the zero point of the country. It is Sabang Island in Aceh Province. Sabang Island is the small volcanic island located in the most western island of Sumatra. Infrastructure becomes the basic device in supporting this tourism aspect, which the buildings and service institutions play the important role in appropriate managing of economic and community needs. The problem in this study is how to determine the priority of tourism infrastructure development in Sabang Island. The objective of this study is to determine the priority rank of tourism infrastructure development and the priority rank of the potential investment in Sabang Island to be developed. The ranking results of the Analytic Network Process (ANP) calculations of tourism locations/zones and tourism supporting infrastructure found that Teupin Layeu and Gapang, and Rubiah Island have the highest priority to be developed in the hotel/accommodation infrastructure which scores are 0.02589 and 0.02120. Then followed by parking infrastructure in Teupin Layeu and access road to Km 0 which became as the main priority determined by Sabang government which scores are 0.01750 and 0.01618.

  8. Management of Peat Fires on Smoldering Phase (Case Study: District Siak and District Kampar Riau Province

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    Syafrudin Syafrudin


    Full Text Available The difficulty of finding land for farming activities in Indonesia caused some communities began to switch utilizing peat land for agricultural areas such as oil palm. Oil palm plantation is a commodity that has been developed in Indonesia.Oil palm planted area has increased rapidly.Since 1967 extensive oil palm plantations has increased 35times to 5.6 million ha in 2005 and about 7.8 million ha in 2009. The biggest expansion of oil palm plantations occur in 6 province,one of them is Riau.Most people take a practical way to open agricultural areas by burning peat.Riau Province in Indonesia is one of the major hotspots for peat fires during the dry season. Peat fire at smouldering phaseemits a lot of compounds that are not completely oxidized (e.g. CO, VOCs, PAHs that more dangerous than the emissions released during combustion at flaming fires. Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 is one of the emissions from peat fires too.However, existing data on VOCs and PM 2.5 of smoke from peat fires Indonesia is still limited.The aim of this study was to analyze the concentration of VOCs and PM 2.5 on emissions from peat fires in the Langkai Village Siak District and RimboPanjang Village Kampar District Riau Province when compared with background site and the permissible exposure limit and provide recommendations based on the results of this research.VOCs measurement method is based on NIOSH 1500 and EPA TO-17 while the PM 2.5 based on IMPROVE A method. The average concentration of PM 2.5 is 996.72 ± 531.01μg/m3. PM2.5 concentrations increased (compared with the background site was very high at 4,838%.This condition causes a decrease in air quality and serious health problems. While the results of the maximum TVOCs concentration obtained in Siak District was 391,880 g/m3, while in Kampar Districtwas 195,940 g/m3. TVOCs concentration atSiak Districtwas 130.63 times greater than the existing quality standards, while at Kampar District regency was 65.31 times

  9. Determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia. (United States)

    Titaley, Christiana R; Dibley, Michael J; Agho, Kingsley; Roberts, Christine L; Hall, John


    Neonatal mortality accounts for almost 40 per cent of under-five child mortality, globally. An understanding of the factors related to neonatal mortality is important to guide the development of focused and evidence-based health interventions to prevent neonatal deaths. This study aimed to identify the determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia, for a nationally representative sample of births from 1997 to 2002. The data source for the analysis was the 2002-2003 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey from which survival information of 15,952 singleton live-born infants born between 1997 and 2002 was examined. Multilevel logistic regression using a hierarchical approach was performed to analyze the factors associated with neonatal deaths, using community, socio-economic status and proximate determinants. At the community level, the odds of neonatal death was significantly higher for infants from East Java (OR = 5.01, p = 0.00), and for North, Central and Southeast Sulawesi and Gorontalo combined (OR = 3.17, p = 0.03) compared to the lowest neonatal mortality regions of Bali, South Sulawesi and Jambi provinces. A progressive reduction in the odds was found as the percentage of deliveries assisted by trained delivery attendants in the cluster increased. The odds of neonatal death were higher for infants born to both mother and father who were employed (OR = 1.84, p = 0.00) and for infants born to father who were unemployed (OR = 2.99, p = 0.02). The odds were also higher for higher rank infants with a short birth interval (OR = 2.82, p = 0.00), male infants (OR = 1.49, p = 0.01), smaller than average-sized infants (OR = 2.80, p = 0.00), and infant's whose mother had a history of delivery complications (OR = 1.81, p = 0.00). Infants receiving any postnatal care were significantly protected from neonatal death (OR = 0.63, p = 0.03). Public health interventions directed at reducing neonatal death should address community, household and individual level factors

  10. A successful therapy for severe malaria accompanied by malaria-related acute kidney injury (MAKI) complications: a case report (United States)

    Syahputra, A.; Siregar, M. L.; Jamil, K. F.


    Indonesia is an endemic malaria country with high levels of morbidity and mortality. In Aceh, by the end of 2016, based on the data from Annual Parasite Incidence, the incidence rate was 0.1 per 1.000 population at risk of malaria. One of severe malaria complications is malaria-related acute kidney injury(MAKI). The death increasesthreefold by the presence of MAKI. A 56 years old male farmer was a resident in Buketmeuh village, Meukek, South Aceh, Indonesia, which was an endemic malaria area. He hadfever for seven days, chills, sweating, joint pain, headache, nausea, vomit, yellow eyes and raved. Concentrated tea-colored urineduring four days before hospital admission with a small amount of urine of 200 cc in 24 hours. The diagnosis established based on the Plasmodium vivax trophozoite finding in the blood smear examination, and the severe malaria clinical descriptions such as black water fever (BWF)with MAKI complications. Artemether injection therapy followed by oral primaquine, dihydroartemisinin and piperaquine phosphate (DHP) and hemodialysis provide a good outcome.

  11. Analysis on traditional fishing grounds in Indonesia`s Natuna waters under International Law (United States)

    Kurniaty, R.; Ikaningtyas; Ruslijanto, P. A.


    This paper examines the boundary tension between Indonesia and China regarding traditional fishing ground in Natuna. Indonesia`s Natuna island is claimed by the China government as its traditional fishing zone/ground. The inclusion of Natuna territory into China`s traditional fishing zone brings new problems to Indonesia, especially with the Chinese ships docked and entered Indonesia`s exclusive economic zone, as well as several cases of illegal fishing over the territorial waters of Indonesia. Claims on traditional fishing zones have the potential to threaten the sovereignty of the Indonesian territory. This study aims to analyze the claims of the traditional fishing rights of China over the waters of the Natuna Islands under international law, especially UNCLOS 1982. This study revealed that the china`s argument of traditional fishing ground in Natuna to the nine dash line map is a unilateral claim, there is no international legal norm that can be used as the legal basis. Indonesia and some ASEAN countries have Internationally validated bilateral agreement on the continental shelf (i.e. Indonesia-Vietnam and Indonesia-Malaysia) thus the inclusion of Natuna into China`s nine dash line map rejects the legal status of Indonesian water under UNCLOS 1982.

  12. The Scenario of the Potential Analysis Alternative Energy in Order to Strengthening District's Energy Resilience (The Case Study in South Sumatera Province) (United States)

    Ferry Muhrom, Muhammad; Ronny Rahman Nitibaskara, Tb; Herdiansyah, Herdis; Sari, Ravita


    The current development of fossil energy, which is the driving force of the economy in Indonesia, is a non-renewable energy and is in need to know when it will be exhausted so it may be replaced with renewable energy. Many powerplant systems in Indonesia are still using conventional system that utilizes fossil energy as the primary energy in the process of electricity generation. The occurrence of electrical energy crisis is marked by several electricity blackout phenomenon in some areas in South Sumatera province rotately, which is the proof that the installed power capacity has exceeded the capacity of generation power. Interconnection among several islands, namely Java Island, Sumatera Island, and Bali Island which has been interconnected with closed loop system through transmission network has not been able to overcome the electrical energy crisis. This paper aims to create alternative energy potential scenarios in the province of South Sumatera in sequence/ranking by using quantitative methods with sequential explanatory model formulated in the determination of alternative energy strategies then analyzed by using Analitycal Hierarchy Process(AHP) method. The simulation results from this research indicate that geothermal energy potentials get the highest value so that it becomes the priority of alternative energy strategy in South Sumatera Province.

  13. Biomass and carbon stock potential of Gliricidia Sepium as an alternative energy at Timor Tengah Utara Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Prima, F. H.; Hariyadi; Hartono, A.


    The utilization of biomass from plants is one efforts for the fulfillment an availability of alternative energy in indonesia. Gliricidia sepium is a tolerant species that can grow in dry land. However its utilization as renewable energy source is non-optimized. This study aims to analyze the potential carbon stocks and biomass from Gliricidia sepium as a raw material for alternative energy in East Nusa Tenggara. This study was conducted in November 2015 and located in Humusu Sainiup, Timor Tengah Utara Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The method used in collecting data was applied in three different land-use, namely monoculture Gliricidia sepium, polyculture between Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala, and polyculture between Gliricidia sepium and Zea mays. We used the allometric equation from Ketterings namely B = 0.11ρD2+0,62 and C = 0.5 x B. The results showed that the different land-use will give different value of carbon stocks which is in this study the biggest value of carbon stocks was found in monoculture of Gliricidia sp (35.35 tC ha-1) compared with Gliricidia sp + Leucaena sp (18.83 tC ha-1), and Gliricidia sp + Zea mays (13.79 tC ha-1). The value of biomass and carbon stocks was influenced by wood density, trees density, and diameter at breast height (dbh).

  14. Identification of domestic needs of modular HTR for electric and heat process industry in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rusli, A.; Arbie, B.


    Identification of potential applications of the modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) in Indonesia has been carried out his was done by surveying and analysing the electric and industrial heat process which included captive power for household and industrial complexes in 13 regional operation areas covered by PT PLN National Electric Company. The area includes from the western Aceh to the eastern Irian Jaya, cities which are 6000 miles apart. Surveying was conducted for several parameters that electric and process heat demand in each region including captive power, geological characteristics of the region, distance of each region from conventional energy resources and the existence of petrochemical industries or other industries which use high temperatures (>500 deg C). In order to obtain a scale of priority in each region, credit points (1-3) and sensitivity factors (0-1) were applied to obtain the total significant value. The regions included are: the east cost of Sumatra, the north coast of Java, the west, south and east coat of Kalimantan as well as the south coast of Sulawesi, beyond which there are thousands of small islands that are safe from a geological and a tectonic point of view. In the preliminary survey, the analysation showed that Regions III, IV, XII and XIII have a high potential priority, followed by Regions I, II, VI, VIII and IX. The potential of domestic participation in the first and second unit was also investigated in relation to the possibility of implementing the HTGR project in Indonesia in the future, and it amounted to about 26% and 31% of the total cost for the first and second units, respectively. A summary of results is shown in Table 1. (authors)

  15. Performance of a Forced-Convection Greenhouse Dryer for Fish Drying

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    Martunis Martunis


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. This research present experimental performance of a forced convection greenhouse dryer for drying of fish. The greenhouse dryer was installed at Aceh province, Indonesia. It has a concrete floor with the area of 6×4 m2. The roof of dryer is built in semi-cylindrical shape and covered with transparent polycarbonate sheets. Two axial flow fans powered by a 50-watt solar cell module was used to generate forced convection for ventilating the dryer.To investigate its performance, the dryer was used to dry two batches of fish. The Results showed that to dry 50 kg fish with initial moisture 68 % required 11 hours. Incontrast, to dry the same amount of fish using sun drying take a time about 2 days. The air temperature inside greenhouse dryer at noon in the clear day was 45-55°C. Kinerja Pengering Rumah Kaca Dengan Metode Konveksi Paksa Untuk Pengeringan Ikan ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan hasil percobaan terhadap kinerja pengering rumah kaca dengan metode konveksi udara secara paksa pada pengeringan ikan. Penelitian pengering rumah kaca ini dilakukan di Propinsi Aceh, Indonesia. Pengering ini berlantaikan beton dengan luas sebesar 6x4 m2. .Atapnya dibuat berbentuk semi-selinder dan ditutup dengan lembaran plastik transparan berbahan polikarbonat. Dua buah kipas dengan aliran udara secara aksial dipasang dengan sumber daya berasal dari panel surya sebesar 50 Watt dan dipakai untuk menghasilkan konveksi udara paksa pada ventilasi pengering. Untuk menginvestigasi kinerja rumah kaca ini, pengering ini digunakan untuk mengeringkan dua tumpukan ikan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengeringkan sebanyak 50 kg ikan dengan kadar air awalnya sebesar 68% membutuhkan waktu selama 11 jam. Sebaliknya, dengan menggunakan sinar matahari secara langsung, untuk mengeringkan ikan dengan jumlah yang sama, maka waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih lama yaitu sekitar 2 hari. Suhu udara di dalam rumah pengering tepat pada siang hari yang cerah berkisar antara 45

  16. Identifikasi Polerovirus Penyebab Klorosis pada Cabai Asal Bali, Indonesia

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    Rita Kurnia Apindiati


    Full Text Available Based on the results of a survey conducted on chilipepper plants in Kertha Village, Payangan Subdistrict, Gianyar District, Bali Province, many chilipepper plants with chlorosis symptoms caused by the virus was observed. Infected plants showed yellowing of the lamina, but the veins remain green. Identification was focused on the Pepper vein yellows virus (PeVYV through transmission using Aphis nasturtii, observation on the morphology of virus particles, total RNA detection by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR, and nucleotide sequence. The results showed that the disease can be transmitted from infected plant to healthy plant using A. nasturtii. Viral particle has hexagonal shape with the diameter ~30 nm. RT-PCR of total RNA from severe, moderate, and mild symptomatic infected plants, using specific primer sets for coat protein gene of PeVYV successfully amplified DNA with size of ~650 bp. Coat protein gene sequence of PeVYV isolates Bali, Indonesia showing different chlorosis intensity had the highest homology with PeVYV isolates from Taiwan 95.1–96.6%. Based on the data, PeVYV has been confirmed as the cause of chlorosis in chilipepper plants in Bali, Indonesia.

  17. A Resilience Pattern in Village level: The Case Babalan Village, Pati, Central Java Indonesia


    Nurwahyudi Ragil; Maryono Maryono


    Based on the Indonesia Disaster Prone Index 2013, Pati Regency is a high risk area of disaster and is ranked 11th level Central Java province while nationally ranked 156. Babalan Village located on the edge of Juwana River has disaster history from 2006-2014 shows flood disaster Giving the greatest probability and impact followed by rat pest, tornado, drought, fire. The public recognizes the signs of a continuous flooding of heavy rains accompanied by clouds all over the edge, the continuous ...

  18. Contribution Of Human Development Index On Per Capita Income Growth And Poverty Alleviation In Indonesia




    Abstract The development of a country usually determined by the human development index HDI. Per capita income education and health are the three most important components of human development index. The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship among human development index to income per capita growth and poverty alleviation in Indonesia with cross-section data from 30 provinces period 2002 2011 year. The result of this research were a income per capita growth was not sign...

  19. Violations of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes: Indonesia context. (United States)

    Hidayana, Irma; Februhartanty, Judhiastuty; Parady, Vida A


    To measure compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes ('the Code') in Indonesia. The study was a cross-sectional survey using the Interagency Group on Breastfeeding Monitoring protocol. Public and private health facilities in six provinces on Java island in Indonesia. A total of 874 women (382 pregnant women and 492 breast-feeding mothers of infants below 6 months) and seventy-seven health workers were recruited from eighteen participating health facilities. The study also analysed a total of forty-four labels of breast-milk substitute products, twenty-seven television commercials for growing-up milk (for children >12 months) of nine brands and thirty-four print advertisements of fourteen brands. The study found that 20 % of the women had received advice and information on the use of breast-milk substitutes and 72 % had seen promotional materials for breast-milk substitutes. About 15 % reported receiving free samples and 16 % received gifts. Nearly a quarter of the health workers confirmed receiving visits from representatives of breast-milk substitute companies. Two health workers reported having received gifts from the companies. The most common labelling violations found were statements or visuals that discouraged breast-feeding and the absence of mention about the consideration of local climate in the expiration date. Violations of the Code by health workers, breast-milk substitute companies and their representatives were found in all provinces studied. A regular monitoring system should be in place to ensure improved compliance with and enforcement of the Code.

  20. Analisis Determinan Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Kementerian/Lembaga Satuan Kerja Di Wilayah Kerja Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Banda Aceh


    Simanungkalit, Alfa M H


    The objective of research is to test the influence of the Implementation of SAP (Standard Government Accountancy), the quality of SDM (Human Resources), Internal Control System, Organizational Commitment, the Use of Information Technology, and Accessibility on the Quality of Financial Statement of Ministerial/Institutional Work Units in the working area of KPPN (State Treasury Service Office), Banda Aceh. The population was 423 Ministerial/Institutional work units in the working area of KPPN,...

  1. The implementation of nuclear security program and the improvement of physical protection in Indonesia: progress and challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Full text: Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon Treaty (NPT), and the comprehensive safeguards agreements regime on IAEA model INFCIRC/153 Corr., nuclear safeguards systems have been operated for over three decades. Indonesia ratified the NPT agreement by Act No. 8 Year 1979. The government of the Republic of Indonesia is committed to general contribution in achieving a condition of safe, secure and peace the world in relation of nuclear energy utilization and to continue its strong support for the principles of the treaty. At that time Indonesian nuclear program was not as big as present programs. By time changes, the utilization of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes was significantly increasing based on the world's nuclear research and technology development. Nowadays, Indonesia has three research reactors and other nuclear installations for research activities. The first nuclear power plant is planned will operating on year 2016. National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) as promoting body in Indonesia has several reactor research centers. They are located at different province such as Bandung nuclear research center, Yogyakarta nuclear research center and Serpong nuclear research center. As the research and development institution belongs to government BATAN has also develop research by using radioactive substances for peaceful purpose. At three reactor research center are used nuclear materials with different nuclear category. The biggest research reactor in Indonesia is located in national center for science and technology development or called PUSPIPTEK, Serpong district, Province of Banten. In Serpong nuclear research center comprise several nuclear installation such as research reactor G.A. Siwabessy (30 Mw thermal), fuel element production installation, experimental fuel element installation, radio metallurgy installation, radioisotopes installation, radioactive waste installation. The Serpong whole area is wide approximately 24 ha and including supporting

  2. Mapping the rainfall distribution for irrigation planning in dry season at pineapple plantation, Lampung Province, Indonesia (Study case at Great Giant Pineapple Co. Ltd.) (United States)

    Cahyono, P.; Astuti, N. K.; Purwito; Rahmat, A.


    One of the problems caused by climate change is unpredictable of the dry season. Understanding when the dry season will start is very important to planning the irrigation schedule especially on large plantation. Data of rainfall for 30 years in Lampung, especially in Pineapple Plantation show that dry month occurs from June to October. If in two decadals (ten days period) rainfall less than 100 mm then it is predicted that next decadal will be dry season. Great Giant Pineapple Co. Ltd. has 32,000 hectares plantation area and located in three regencies at Lampung Province, Indonesia with varies rainfall between regions within a plantation. Therefore, monitoring the rainfall distribution by using ombrometer installed at 10 representative location points can be used to determine irrigation period at the beginning of dry season. Mapping method using the server program and data source is from 10 monitoring rainfall stations installed at the observed points. Preparation of rainfall distribution mapping is important to know the beginning of the dry season and thus planning the irrigation. The results show that 2nd decadal of April is indicated as the starting time of dry season, which is similar with Indonesian government for climate agency’s result.


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    Julianty Pradono


    Full Text Available Analysis of disability status of population aged 15 years and above in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam(NAD has the objective to further depict disability status and related factors in NAD post tsunami. Thestudy used data from Post Tsunami Regional Health Survey (Surkesda NAD 2006 and National SocioeconomicSurvey (Susenas 2005 (Core, included 13.227 respondent. The questions on disability (WHODAS-II, adapting concept oflCF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health,were included in Surkesda NAD 2006. Disability status was rated based on responses to 12 questions ofWHO-DASII. This study used principal component analysis method inorder to measure disability score.Then, logistic regression method was used to determine risk factors of disability. There are variousfactors influencing disability status in NAD post tsunami, i. e., age, gender, education, history of chronicdiseases, economic status, and living areas (urban/rural or with(out conflict history. Disability wasmore prevalent for older age groups than younger age groups. Female respondents rated their healthworse than male respondents. Low educated respondent had higher risk of disability compared torespondent with higher education. The risk of disability was also related to chronic diseases experienced by respondent, those with chronic diseases tended to be disable than those without chronicdiseases. Disability was also experienced more by those with impoverished economic status, or lived inrural area. Sustaining the Primary Health Service for elderly especially to prevent the chronic diseaseswas the essential thing to be done. Keyword: disability; post tsunami Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD; age 15 years and above

  4. Quality improvement by batch vacuum distillation and physicochemical characterization of clove leaf oil in Central Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Alighiri, D.; Eden, W. T.; Cahyono, E.; Supardi, K. I.


    Clove leaf oil is one of the essential oils which have high economic value and produced in considerable amount in Indonesia. As many as 60% of clove oil produced by Indonesia has exported to many countries in the world. Musuk and Ringinlarik Village, Boyolali District, Central Java Province is one of the areas in Indonesia which became the primary supplier of Indonesian clove leaf oil. Although, the quality of the resulting yield is still low because it uses a simple distillation kettle in the form of the iron plate or used the drum. The clove leaf oil produced by steam distillation from the dry whole leaves of the clove tree. The color of the oil is brownish black and dirty with the odor are fresh distilled, spicy, warm, and terpenic. The specific gravity at 25 °C of 1.529, the refractive index at 20 °C of 1.030, and based on GC-MS analysis, eugenol levels only 68% and caryophyllene is too high, i.e., 20%. The quality of clove leaf oil produced does not meet the specifications of international market standards. This work aimed to improve the quality of Indonesian clove leaf oil. The purifications done in this research was used by batch vacuum distillation with mode operation at vacuum -76 cmHg and reflux ratios 5:1. Clove leaf oil produced by using this method has a better physicochemical characterization, i.e., the appearance that is yellow to pale color with the odor is spicy, woody, warm, and terpenic. The specific gravity at 25 °C of 1.533, the refractive index at 20 °C of 1.038, and eugenol and caryophyllene contents has yielded 80.58% and 10%, respectively. By The enhancement quality of clove leaf oil by batch vacuum distillation, these oil is already meet international standards and income of clove leaf oil grower in Musuk and Ringinlarik Village, Boyolali District, Central Java Province, Indonesia could be increased.

  5. Effect of Traditional Gold Mining to Surface Water Quality in Murung Raya District, Central Kalimantan Province


    Wilopo, W; Resili, R; Putra, D P E


    There are many locations for traditional gold mining in Indonesia. One of these is in Murung Raya District, Central Kalimantan Province. Mining activities involving the application of traditional gold processing technology have a high potential to pollute the environment, especially surface water. Therefore, this study aims to determine the impact of gold mining and processing on surface water quality around the mine site. Based on the results of field surveys and laboratory analysis, our dat...

  6. Impact Of Mining Sector To Poverty And Income Inequality In Indonesia A Panel Data Analysis

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    Full Text Available Abstract Since the decentralization was implemented by Indonesia government in the last decade the provincial government has more powerful authority to use and manage on the own provinces. The use of natural resources is blessed by the God for community welfare. By using 30 provincial cross-section data that the mining sector has a negative affected and statistically significant to economic growth and it has unsignificantly affected for decreasing poverty and also unsignificant for income inequality in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to understand the affect of mining sector to poverty and income inequality in Indonesia from 2002 to 2011. The research used explanatory method by using time-series and cross-section data and applied a two stage simultaneous equation method 2SLS. The important finding in this research is a mining sector had a negative impact on economic growth and economic growth was not significant statistically for poverty reduction b inflation did not have any impact on economic growth and had a positive impact poverty headcount poverty gap and poverty severity and c economic growth had positive impact on income inequality.

  7. Patterns and Determinants of Treatment Seeking among Previously Untreated Psychotic Patients in Aceh Province, Indonesia: A Qualitative Study

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    Marthoenis Marthoenis


    Full Text Available Immediate treatment of first-episode psychosis is essential in order to achieve a positive outcome. However, Indonesian psychiatric patients often delay accessing health services, the reason for which is not yet fully understood. The current study aimed to understand patterns of treatment seeking and to reveal determinants of the delay in accessing psychiatric care among first-time user psychotic patients. Qualitative interviews were conducted with sixteen family members who accompanied the patients to a psychiatric hospital. Many families expressed beliefs that mental illness appertains to village sickness and not hospital sickness; therefore, they usually take the patients to traditional or religious healers before taking them to a health professional. They also identified various factors that potentially delay accessing psychiatric treatment: low literacy and beliefs about the cause of the illness, stigmatisation, the role of extended family, financial problems, and long distance to the psychiatric hospital. On the other hand, the family mentioned various factors related to timely help seeking, including being a well-educated family, living closer to health facilities, previous experience of successful psychotic therapy, and having more positive symptoms of psychosis. The findings call for mental health awareness campaigns in the community.

  8. Completion of potential conflicts of interest through optimization of Rukoh reservoir operation in Pidie District, Aceh Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Azmeri, Hadihardaja, Iwan K.; Shaskia, Nina; Admaja, Kamal Surya


    Rukoh Reservoir's construction was planned to be built in Krueng Rukoh Watershed with supplet ion from Krueng Tiro River. Rukoh Reservoir operating system as a multipurpose reservoir raised potential conflict of interest between raw water and irrigation water. In this study, the operating system of Rukoh Reservoirs was designed to supply raw water in Titeu Sub-District and replenish water shortage in Baro Irrigation Area which is not able to be served by the Keumala Weir. Reservoir operating system should be planned optimally so that utilization of water in accordance with service area demands. Reservoir operation method was analyzed by using optimization technique with nonlinear programming. Optimization of reservoir operation is intended to minimize potential conflicts of interest in the operation. Suppletion discharge from Krueng Tiro River amounted to 46.62%, which was calculated based on ratio of Baro and Tiro irrigation area. However, during dry seasons, water demands could not be fully met, so there was a shortage of water. By considering the rules to minimize potential conflicts of interest between raw water and irrigation water, it would require suppletion from Krueng Tiro amounted to 52.30%. The increment of suppletion volume could minimize conflicts of interest. It produced l00% reservoir reliability for raw water and irrigation demands. Rukoh reservoir could serve raw water demands of Titeu Sub-District and irrigation demands of Baro irrigation area which is covering an area of 6,047 hectars. Reservoir operation guidelines can specify reservoir water release to balance the demands and the target storage.

  9. Indigenous knowledge management to enhance community resilience to tsunami risk: lessons learned from Smong traditions in Simeulue island, Indonesia (United States)

    Rahman, A.; Sakurai, A.; Munadi, K.


    Knowledge accumulation and production embedded in communities through social interactions meant that the Smong tradition of indigenous knowledge of tsunami risk successfully alerted people to the 2004 tsunami, on the island of Simeulue, in Aceh, Indonesia. Based on this practical example, an indigenous management model was developed for Smong information. This knowledge management method involves the transformation of indigenous knowledge into applicable ways to increase community resilience, including making appropriate decisions and taking action in three disaster phases. First, in the pre-disaster stage, the community needs to be willing to mainstream and integrate indigenous knowledge of disaster risk reduction issues into related activities. Second, during disasters, the Smong tradition should make the community able to think clearly, act based on informed decisions, and protect themselves and others by using their indigenous knowledge. Last, in the post-disaster phase, the community needs to be strong enough to face challenges and support each other and “building back better” efforts, using local resources. The findings for the Smong tradition provide valuable knowledge about community resilience. Primary community resilience to disasters is strongly related to existing knowledge that triggers appropriate decisions and actions during pre-disaster, disaster, and post-disaster phases.

  10. Haemophilus ducreyi cutaneous ulcer contracted at Seram Island, Indonesia, presented in the Netherlands. (United States)

    van Hattem, Jarne M; Langeveld, Tessa J C; Bruisten, Sylvia M; Kolader, Marion; Grobusch, Martin P; de Vries, Henry J C; de Bree, Godelieve J


    We describe the first case of a cutaneous ulcer caused by Haemophilus ducreyi imported from Indonesia to the Netherlands. Skin infections caused by H. ducreyi are uncommon in travellers and have been described in just a few case reports and were all contracted on the Pacific Islands. A 22-year-old healthy male visited the Center of Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine in February 2017 with a cutaneous ulcer of the right lateral malleolus 4 weeks after returning from Indonesia (Seram and Ambon Islands). He had noticed a small skin abrasion on the right ankle after slipping on a rock during a jungle trip on Seram Island. Back in the Netherlands, a painful ulcer developed at the same body location, and despite treatment with flucloxacillin, his complaints worsened. A swab that was taken for culture showed growth of small grey colonies that were characterised as H. ducreyi with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Treatment with ciprofloxacin for the diagnosis of H. ducreyi cutaneous ulcer was started, and the ulcer clearly diminished, leaving only a small healing ulcer. H. ducreyi is normally the causative agent of genital ulcers but is increasingly recognised as a cause of chronic skin ulcers, e.g., in Papua New Guinea. In our patient, the infection was very likely contracted in the Maluku province of Indonesia and imported into the Netherlands. No reports of infection with H. ducreyi from Indonesia could be found in literature, but this case indicates that H. ducreyi is present in at least one of the northeastern islands of Indonesia, which is important for local healthcare. Additionally, it illustrates the role of this agent as a cause of cutaneous ulcers in previously healthy travellers.

  11. Meaning and components of quality of life among individuals with spinal cord injury in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ferdiana, Astri; Post, Marcel W M; King, Nigel; Bültmann, Ute; van der Klink, Jac J L


    Purpose: Knowledge on the meaning of quality of life in individuals with spinal cord injury in developing countries is limited. This study aims to explore the meaning and components of quality of life for individuals with spinal cord injury in a rural area in Indonesia. Method: Data were obtained

  12. Determinan Kinerja Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa: Studi pada Kecamatan Gandapura Kabupaten Bireuen Aceh

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    Finta Munti


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of Village Financial Management Performance in Gandapura village in the District of Bireuen - Aceh. The tested variables are village officers’ capacity, financial reporting compliance and supervision quality of Badan Permusyawaratan Desar (BPD. The population is all village within Gandapura district, Bireuen, which consists of 40 villages in total. This study involved all the population as the sample. Seletected respondents are Keuchik (or head of villages, village treasurers, Tuha Peut (or village legislative/supervision board and village facilitators. The data collected through questionaraires and analysed by using multiple linear analysis. This study uncovered an empirical evidence on the effect of village officers’ capacity, financial reporting compliance and supervision quality both collectively and indivdually on the village Financial Management Performance.

  13. The effects of local culture on hospital administration in West Sumatra, Indonesia. (United States)

    Semiarty, Rima; Fanany, Rebecca


    Purpose Problems in health-care leadership are serious in West Sumatra, Indonesia, especially in hospitals, which are controlled locally. The purpose of this paper is to present the experience of three hospitals in balancing the conflicting demands of the national health-care system and the traditional model of leadership in the local community. Design/methodology/approach Three case studies of the hospital leadership dynamic in West Sumatra were developed from in-depth interviews with directors, senior administrators and a representative selection of employees in various professional categories. Findings An analysis of findings shows that traditional views about leadership remain strong in the community and color the expectations of hospital staff. Hospital directors, however, are bound by the modern management practices of the national system. This conflict has intensified since regional autonomy which emphasizes the local culture much more than in the past. Research limitations/implications The research was carried out in one Indonesian province and was limited to three hospitals of different types. Practical implications The findings elucidate a potential underlying cause of problems in hospital management in Indonesia and may inform culturally appropriate ways of addressing them. Originality/value The social and cultural contexts of management have not been rigorously studied in Indonesia. The relationship between local and national culture reported here likely has a similar effect in other parts of the country.


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    Yuyun Yulia


    Full Text Available Abstract: This paper critically describes the main challenges English language teachers face in teaching in Indonesia. The subjects of the research were students and English teachers in twelve randomly selected junior high schools in government and private schools in five districts in Yogyakarta Province. A survey schedule, interviews with English language teachers, focus group discussions with students and class observation were used to gather the data. The results show that students’ motivation is more of an instrumental motivation, due to the requirements of the mandated national examination though English now is a global language and the 2006 curriculum targets communicative competence. On the other hand, the data indicated that teachers found English difficult to use in class. The classroom instruction was conducted mostly in the low variety of Bahasa Indonesia and in Javanese. The teachers claimed that it was due to students’ low motivation; in fact, the students’ eagerness to listen to the teachers as the models of English language expressions was good. Teachers need to motivate students to learn English by improving their teaching techniques as well as their speaking competence in class to achieve student integrative motivation as English is valuable for them.

  15. Policy of Inclusive Education for Education for All in Indonesia

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    Asal Wahyuni Erlin Mulyadi


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to discuss the basic and essential contents of the policy of inclusive education in Indonesia. Inclusive education is the recent worldwide agenda for educational reform toward the no-discrimination in education. Regardless of any condition and circumstances, it is guaranteed that every child has the right for education, as it is also clearly highlighted in the global program of Education for All (EFA. This paper is a content and analytic review on the national policy of inclusive education towards the education for all in Indonesia, i.e the Regulation of National Ministry of Education (PERMENDIKNAS Number 70 Year 2009. Number of schools implementing the inclusive education policy has significantly increased, supported also by the province and district related regulations. However, the context of the policy of inclusive education as the major guideline for the policy implementation lead to various and even narrowed perspective on the concept of inclusion. Inclusive education is still discussed more in term of learners with disabilities only. Much progress has been made, yet it is still much left to be accomplished to achieve the fundamental and universal rights on education to all society.

  16. Determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia

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    Agho Kingsley


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Neonatal mortality accounts for almost 40 per cent of under-five child mortality, globally. An understanding of the factors related to neonatal mortality is important to guide the development of focused and evidence-based health interventions to prevent neonatal deaths. This study aimed to identify the determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia, for a nationally representative sample of births from 1997 to 2002. Methods The data source for the analysis was the 2002–2003 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey from which survival information of 15,952 singleton live-born infants born between 1997 and 2002 was examined. Multilevel logistic regression using a hierarchical approach was performed to analyze the factors associated with neonatal deaths, using community, socio-economic status and proximate determinants. Results At the community level, the odds of neonatal death was significantly higher for infants from East Java (OR = 5.01, p = 0.00, and for North, Central and Southeast Sulawesi and Gorontalo combined (OR = 3.17, p = 0.03 compared to the lowest neonatal mortality regions of Bali, South Sulawesi and Jambi provinces. A progressive reduction in the odds was found as the percentage of deliveries assisted by trained delivery attendants in the cluster increased. The odds of neonatal death were higher for infants born to both mother and father who were employed (OR = 1.84, p = 0.00 and for infants born to father who were unemployed (OR = 2.99, p = 0.02. The odds were also higher for higher rank infants with a short birth interval (OR = 2.82, p = 0.00, male infants (OR = 1.49, p = 0.01, smaller than average-sized infants (OR = 2.80, p = 0.00, and infant's whose mother had a history of delivery complications (OR = 1.81, p = 0.00. Infants receiving any postnatal care were significantly protected from neonatal death (OR = 0.63, p = 0.03. Conclusion Public health interventions directed at reducing neonatal death should

  17. Analysis of potency and development of renewable energy based on agricultural biomass waste in Jambi province (United States)

    Devita, W. H.; Fauzi, A. M.; Purwanto, Y. A.


    Indonesia has the big potency of biomass. The source of biomass energy is scattered all over the country. The big potential in concentrated scale is on the island of Sumatera. Jambi province which is located in Sumatra Island has the potency of biomass energy due to a huge area for estate crop and agriculture. The Indonesian government had issued several policies which put a higher priority on the utilization of renewable energy. This study aimed to identify the conditions and distribution of biomass waste potential in Jambi province. The potential biomass waste in Jambi province was 27,407,183 tons per year which dominated of oil palm residue (46.16%), rice husk and straw (3.52%), replanting rubberwood (50.32%). The total power generated from biomass waste was 129 GWhth per year which is consisted of palm oil residue (56 GWhth per year), rice husk and straw (3.22 GWhth per year), rubberwood (70.56 GWhth per year). Based on the potential of biomass waste, then the province of Jambi could obtain supplies of renewable energy from waste biomass with electricity generated amount to 32.34 GWhe per year.

  18. Paths to Victory: Lessons from Modern Insurgencies (United States)


    1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Laos , 1959–1975...1973–1978) Angola (UNITA) (1975–2002) Indonesia (Aceh) (1976–2005) Mozambique (RENAMO) (1976–1995) Cuba (1956–1959) Eritrea (1961–1991) Laos ...guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea.” Mao Tse -tung, On Guerrilla Warfare, trans. Samuel B. Griffith II, Chicago, Ill

  19. Analysis of wind energy potential for agriculture pump in mountain area Aceh Besar (United States)

    Syuhada, Ahmad; Maulana, Muhammad Ilham; Fuadi, Zahrul


    In this study, the potential of wind power for agricultural pump driver in Saree mountainous area of Aceh Besar is analyzed. It is found that the average usable wind speed is 6.41 m/s, which is potential to produce 893.96 Watt of electricity with the wind turbine rotor diameter of 3 m. This energy can be used to drive up to 614 Watt of water pump with static head of 20 m to irrigate 19 hectare of land, 7 hours a day. HOMER analysis indicated the lowest simulated NPC value of USD 10.028 with CoE of USD 0.717 kWh. It is also indicated that the wind has potential to produce 3452 kWh/year with lifetime of 15 years.


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    Full Text Available This study aimed to describe the shape of local government actions in tackling illegal fishing in Aceh, the handling of illegal fishing destructive fishery resources. The fundamental point is Law No. 45 Year 2009 concerning fisheries. This spesification of this research descriptive analysis, used both normative juridical approach and empirical. The results showed that the local government has made an effort preventive and repressive in the case of illegal fishing. To coordinate with relevant agencies and empower the role of traditional institutions of the sea to assist the role of government and law enforcement.Local governments should improve the coordination and supervision of the marine area, to monitor and evaluate the performance of local authorities in applying the law against this illegal fishing case.

  1. Economic Contribution of Regional Feeder Ports to The Local Economy In Indonesia

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    Ibnu Syabri


    Full Text Available Indonesia regional feeder ports’ main function is to serve marine transport activities between regency/city in a province in limited quantities. The intention of the government to make marine transportation as the backbone of national logistic transportation system puts these ports to an important position, as suppliers for the main and/or collector ports and as goods distribution centers for the region from the bigger ports. Not only as a provider of accessibility between regions, regional feeder ports should be seen as an investation to boost regional economy. This study aims to explain the influences of regional feeder ports on regency/city economy, based on the port types: (1 cargo ports, and (2 cargo & passengers ports. Results showed that both types of ports have positive influences on the regency/city economy, although it is not related to region’s economic base sector. Cargo ports which are mainly located on west area of Indonesia, supports the region’s economy more than cargo & passenger ports which are mainly located on the east.

  2. Performance Measurement Using Balanced Scorecard Concept On Co-Operatives Implication In Indonesia

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    Full Text Available Abstract This study aims to apply the concept of balanced scorecards in measurement of co-operatives performance based on vision and mission. So far the assessment of co-operative performance in Indonesia is not take into account the social hold co-operative while co-operatives carrying a dual mission. Research conducted in in North Sumatera Province in Indonesia. The sample consisting of one hundred co-operatives that are still active run annual members meeting. Co-operative performance was assessed based on its fourth perspective i.e. membership financial internal process and learning amp growth. The indicator key of cooperative performance was determined by taking into account the performance assessment on co-operatives as articulated of State Minister for Co-operatives and SMEs No.129KEPMKUMKMXI2002 and the regulations of the State Minister for Co-operatives and SME No.06PerM.KUKMV2006. Therefore this research were contributed a method in assessing co-operative performance using Balanced Scorecard concept with the four perspective namely membership perspective financial perspective internal process perspective and learning amp growth perspective.

  3. A new small karst-dwelling species of Cyrtodactylus (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Riyanto, Awal; Bauer, Aaron M; Yudha, Donan Satria


    A new small karst-dwelling species of the genus Cyrtodactylus is described from East Java and Special Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Cyrtodactylus semiadii sp. nov. is a small species (SVL to 47.1 mm in females, 42.1 mm in males) distinguished from all other congeners by unique characters combination: short, robust, cylindrical tail, indistinct ventrolateral folds, absence of precloacal groove, absence of enlarged femoral scales, absence of precloacal and femoral pores and lack of enlarged median subcaudal scales. It is the third member of the genus recorded from Java. 

  4. Minimum forest cover required for sustainable water flow regulation of a watershed: a case study in Jambi Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Tarigan, Suria; Wiegand, Kerstin; Sunarti; Slamet, Bejo


    In many tropical regions, the rapid expansion of monoculture plantations has led to a sharp decline in forest cover, potentially degrading the ability of watersheds to regulate water flow. Therefore, regional planners need to determine the minimum proportion of forest cover that is required to support adequate ecosystem services in these watersheds. However, to date, there has been little research on this issue, particularly in tropical areas where monoculture plantations are expanding at an alarming rate. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the influence of forest cover and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) and rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations on the partitioning of rainfall into direct runoff and subsurface flow in a humid, tropical watershed in Jambi Province, Indonesia. To do this, we simulated streamflow with a calibrated Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model and observed several watersheds to derive the direct runoff coefficient (C) and baseflow index (BFI). The model had a strong performance, with Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency values of 0.80-0.88 (calibration) and 0.80-0.85 (validation) and percent bias values of -2.9-1.2 (calibration) and 7.0-11.9 (validation). We found that the percentage of forest cover in a watershed was significantly negatively correlated with C and significantly positively correlated with BFI, whereas the rubber and oil palm plantation cover showed the opposite pattern. Our findings also suggested that at least 30 % of the forest cover was required in the study area for sustainable ecosystem services. This study provides new adjusted crop parameter values for monoculture plantations, particularly those that control surface runoff and baseflow processes, and it also describes the quantitative association between forest cover and flow indicators in a watershed, which will help regional planners in determining the minimum proportion of forest and the maximum proportion of plantation to ensure that a watershed can provide

  5. Boundary element inverse analysis for rebar corrosion detection: Study on the 2004 tsunami-affected structure in Aceh

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    S. Fonna


    Full Text Available Evaluation of rebar/reinforcing-steel corrosion for the 2004 tsunami-affected reinforced concrete (RC buildings in Aceh was conducted using half-cell potential mapping technique. However, the results only show qualitative meaning as corrosion risk rather than the corrosion itself, such as the size and location of corrosion. In this study, boundary element inverse analysis was proposed to be performed to detect rebar corrosion of the 2004 tsunami-affected structure in Aceh, using several electrical potential measurement data on the concrete surface. One RC structure in Peukan Bada, an area heavily damaged by the tsunami, was selected for the study. In 2004 the structure was submerged more than 5 m by the tsunami. Boundary element inverse analysis was developed by combining the boundary element method (BEM and particle swarm optimization (PSO. The corrosion was detected by evaluating measured and calculated electrical potential data. The measured and calculated electrical potential on the concrete surface was obtained by using a half-cell potential meter and by performing BEM, respectively. The solution candidates were evaluated by employing PSO. Simulation results show that boundary element inverse analysis successfully detected the size and location of corrosion for the case study. Compared with the actual corrosion, the error of simulation result was less than 5%. Hence, it shows that boundary element inverse analysis is very promising for further development to detect rebar corrosion. Keywords: Inverse analysis, Boundary element method, PSO, Corrosion, Reinforced concrete

  6. Pengaruh Profesionalisme, Pengetahuan Mendeteksi Kekeliruan, Etika Profesi, dan Akuntabitas terhadap Pertimbangan Tingkat Materialitas (Studi pada Kap Aceh, Medan dan Palembang)


    Aprilla, Hildayeni; ', Andreas; Hasan, Mudrika alamsyah


    The research aims to examine the influence ofprofessionalism, knowledge of error detection, professional ethical, and accountability to the judgment of materiality level. Object of this research were public accountants that registered in Aceh, Medan, and Palembang. There are eighty questionnaires were sent, but only forty two questionnaires are returned. That data are analyzed by multiple regression method and SPSS program version 19. The variables were examined are influence ofprofessionalis...

  7. Halving Poverty in Indonesia


    Auwalin, Ilmiawan


    This study extends the literature on relationship between economic growth, income inequalities, and poverty reduction. We discuss poverty reduction, using the case ofIndonesia, as one of the Millennium Development Goals declared by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2000. Using provincial level data of Indonesia from 1993 to 2000, we examine the required conditions in order to halve the poverty in Indonesia by2015. The result of analysis shows that Indonesia would need to achiev...


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    Reni Windiani


    Full Text Available Globalization on national context has insisted the central government to work together and share duties and rights with the local government in order to achieve the national interest.  In Indonesia, UU 32/2004 about local government provide the chance for them to become more active in foreign policy, such as doing the cooperation in sister province/sister city program. The Central Java Province had done many sister province/sister city program with some partners aboard, such as Fujian province (China, Chungchoeng buk-do province (South Korea and the Queensland province (Australia.  The cooperation cover many sectors such as agriculture, city and village development, transportation and tourism, industry, trade and infestation, education, science and technology, and other sectors that will be confer in advance. From all of the cooperation that have been done between Central Java Province and Queensland, the author, is interested to have research on farming, because central government has had many cows imported from Australia.  This research is become important because central java province is one of the major of national fresh meat distributors. This research is using a qualitative method, with descriptive type of research.  This research has three research questions: How effective is the Sister Province program in Central Java with the Queensland in farm sector? What is the obstacle that holds the Sister Province program in Central Java with the Queensland in farm sector? How is the prospect of Sister Province program in Central Java with the Queensland in farm sector? This result of this research is to prove that the implementation of Sister Province program in Central Java with the Queensland in farm sectors is not effective.  Some of the implementation variables of this program have not been fulfilled. Communication, financial resources and bureaucracy structure are some of the variables that have weakness on this program.  Act of

  9. Recent mercury contamination from artisanal gold mining on Buru Island, Indonesia – Potential future risks to environmental health and food safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Male, Yusthinus Thobias; Reichelt-Brushett, Amanda Jean; Pocock, Matt; Nanlohy, Albert


    Highlights: • Recent mercury contamination from artisanal gold mining, Buru Island, Indonesia. • Measured dispersal into the marine environment. • Implications for food safety. • Challenges for introducing mercury reduction strategies. -- Abstract: In November 2011 gold was found at Mount Botak, Buru Island, Mollucas Province, Indonesia. Since 2012 mercury has been used to extract the gold requiring large volumes of water and resulting in deposition of mercury into Wamsait River and Kayeli Bay. Total mercury in waste ponds was over 680 mg/kg. In sediments at the mouth of the local river and a small feeder creek >3.00 mg/kg and >7.66 mg/kg respectively. River and bay sediments were proportionately higher in available mercury than elemental mercury and more strongly bound mercuric sulfide compared to that in trommel waste. This preliminary investigation raises concerns about the long term distribution and speciation of mercury. The floodplain is an important agricultural resource, and Mollucas Province is recognised nationally as the centre for Indonesian fish stocks. Challenges for management include communicating the potential future risks to the community and leaders and identifying mechanisms to reduce mercury waste

  10. Carbon Value Analysis of Batang Gadis National Park, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia (United States)

    Daulay, Dini Novalanty Ohara; Hidayat, Jafron Wasiq


    Global warming is an important issue in the world which it gives a negative effect on human life. One indicator of global warming is increasing greenhouse gas i.e. carbondioxide from human activities. Deforestation and forest degradation are the second largest contributor of carbon into the atmosphere, after the use of fossil fuels by industry and transportation. As lungs of the world, forest is enable to produce renewable energy sources i.e. biomass. Forest carbon stock in above ground biomass (AGB) is the greatest effect source on deforestation and forest degradation. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a study the potential of carbon in forest. The purpose of this research is to determine carbon stock value in Batang Gadis National Park, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The carbon potential stored in this forest vegetation is calculated using AGB allometric equation by using data in diameter at breast height (dbh = 1.3 m), height, and density of the wood for trees. Data obtained from secondary data is Asset Assessment Report which State Controlled Forest Natural Resources Batang Gadis National Park, 2016. Study locations were Pagar Gunung and Sopo Tinjak Villages. Carbon stock values were calculated and analyzed with assumption that a half of biomass part is carbon stock which using Australian carbon price about AUD 11.82 Australia (Australian dollars) and EU € 5 (US 6). The results showed that the total biomass in Pagar Gunung and Sopo Tinjak Villages amounted to 259.83 tonnes and 160.89 tonnes. From the results of the total biomass, the total carbon stocks (C) and CO2 stocks in both villages are 210.36 tonnes (129.92 tonnes in Pagar Gunung Village and 80.45 tonnes in Sopo Tinjak Village) and 772.03 tonnes (476.79 tonnes in Pagar Gunung Village and 295.24 tonnes in Sopo Tinjak Village). By using the carbon price prevailing in the market place Australia Emission Trading System (ETS) and the EU ETS (AUD 11.82/t CO2e and € 5 (US

  11. Carbon Value Analysis of Batang Gadis National Park, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

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    Novalanty Ohara Daulay Dini


    Full Text Available Global warming is an important issue in the world which it gives a negative effect on human life. One indicator of global warming is increasing greenhouse gas i.e. carbondioxide from human activities. Deforestation and forest degradation are the second largest contributor of carbon into the atmosphere, after the use of fossil fuels by industry and transportation. As lungs of the world, forest is enable to produce renewable energy sources i.e. biomass. Forest carbon stock in above ground biomass (AGB is the greatest effect source on deforestation and forest degradation. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a study the potential of carbon in forest. The purpose of this research is to determine carbon stock value in Batang Gadis National Park, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The carbon potential stored in this forest vegetation is calculated using AGB allometric equation by using data in diameter at breast height (dbh = 1.3 m, height, and density of the wood for trees. Data obtained from secondary data is Asset Assessment Report which State Controlled Forest Natural Resources Batang Gadis National Park, 2016. Study locations were Pagar Gunung and Sopo Tinjak Villages. Carbon stock values were calculated and analyzed with assumption that a half of biomass part is carbon stock which using Australian carbon price about AUD $ 11.82 Australia (Australian dollars and EU € 5 (US $ 6. The results showed that the total biomass in Pagar Gunung and Sopo Tinjak Villages amounted to 259.83 tonnes and 160.89 tonnes. From the results of the total biomass, the total carbon stocks (C and CO2 stocks in both villages are 210.36 tonnes (129.92 tonnes in Pagar Gunung Village and 80.45 tonnes in Sopo Tinjak Village and 772.03 tonnes (476.79 tonnes in Pagar Gunung Village and 295.24 tonnes in Sopo Tinjak Village. By using the carbon price prevailing in the market place Australia Emission Trading System (ETS and the EU ETS (AUD $ 11.82/t

  12. The Existence Of Leading Islands Securing And The Border Areas Unitary State Of Indonesia An Analysis In Law Perspective

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    Full Text Available Abstract The research was carried with the aim to discover the existence of securing the foremost islands and state border region of the Republic of Indonesia reviewed from a legal perspective which is directly related to the existence of security and dispute resolution methods as well as the governance of the foremost islands and border region in Kalimantan which bordering Malaysia. This study was conducted in Nunukan district and the surrounding provinces of Kalimantan in this research method that used is normative legal analysis data with juridical and qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the security of foremost islands and border region of law perspective in accordance with the Law No. 34 of 2004 regarding the Indonesian National Army has not been implemented to the fullest to realize the security of foremost islands and border region as the frontline of the Republic of Indonesia. The existence of leading islands securing and the border region of the Republic of Indonesia still contain many weaknesses in terms of both governance and security.

  13. Kedudukan Musyawarah dan Demokrasi di Indonesia

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    Muhammad Hanafi


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Kedudukan Musyawarah dan Demokrasi di Indonesia. Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI berdasarkan lintasan sejarah perjuangan, memiliki konstruksi kenegaraan satu-satunya di dunia yang bangsa terlahir dahulu, kemudian baru membentuk negara. Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia Ir. Soekarno menegaskan, bahwa Negara Kesatuan ialah Negara Kebangsaan. Tujuan Bangsa Indonesia terlahir, merdeka, dan membentuk negara memiliki satu cita-cita, Kehendak Untuk Mengangkat Harkat dan Martabat Hidup Rakyat Indonesia (Kedaulatan Rakyat Indonesia. Melalui analisis atas realitas kehidupan saat ini, Bangsa Indonesia telah hidup pada kondisi tatanan kehidupan seolah-olah sama dengan Negara Demokrasi, ialah negara dulu terbentuk baru bangsanya dilahirkan kemudian. Sehingga kedaulatan rakyat Indonesia yang berdasarkan prinsip musyawara-mufakat dan perwakilan belum mampu terealisasi. Sementara pelaksanaan demokrasi voting yang memiliki dasar liberalisme terus bergulir, sehingga kehidupan bangsa Indonesia semakin jauh dari cita-cita awal. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v1i2.2657

  14. Application of radiation in agriculture in Indonesia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masrizal; Sumanggono, Riyanti; Kuswadi, Ahmad Nasroh; Arifin, Muchson; Gandanegara, Soertini [National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN), Research and Development Center for Isotopes and Radiation Technology, Jakarta (Indonesia)


    Radiation has been used in agriculture research and development in Indonesia since several decades ago, especially in fields of mutation breeding, pest control, plant nutrition, and animal health. Mutation breeding using gamma radiation has contributed several crop varieties, namely seven varieties of rice, three of soybean, and two of mungbean to national agriculture. Besides, hundreds of promising mutant lines of rice, soybean, mungbean, peanut, sorghum, horticultural crops, and industrial plants which are ready for multi-location trials. Radiation is also used for the control of insect pests, either field or storage pests. Storage pests are eradicated by lethal dosage for direct killing, while the population of field pests (especially fruit flies) is eliminated by the release of radiosterilized insects in the program of sterile insects technique (SIT). A pilot scale trial of SIT to control fruit fly is being conducted in East Java province. Lethal dosage of gamma irradiation is used as post-harvest treatment for food of such as dried spices, fresh fruits, and packed foods. Gamma radiation has been also used to sterilize culture media of Bradyrhizobium, a nitrogen fixative bacteria that is the symbiont of soybean to be used in yield improvement. In animal health, gamma radiation can be used directly or indirectly to eliminate, decrease diseases. Disease control can use irradiation to develop vaccines, and to produce the diagnostic reagent kits. Vaccines for Coccidiosis (chick) diseases have been produced and disseminated in Indonesia. (author)

  15. Application of radiation in agriculture in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masrizal; Sumanggono, Riyanti; Kuswadi, Ahmad Nasroh; Arifin, Muchson; Gandanegara, Soertini


    Radiation has been used in agriculture research and development in Indonesia since several decades ago, especially in fields of mutation breeding, pest control, plant nutrition, and animal health. Mutation breeding using gamma radiation has contributed several crop varieties, namely seven varieties of rice, three of soybean, and two of mungbean to national agriculture. Besides, hundreds of promising mutant lines of rice, soybean, mungbean, peanut, sorghum, horticultural crops, and industrial plants which are ready for multi-location trials. Radiation is also used for the control of insect pests, either field or storage pests. Storage pests are eradicated by lethal dosage for direct killing, while the population of field pests (especially fruit flies) is eliminated by the release of radiosterilized insects in the program of sterile insects technique (SIT). A pilot scale trial of SIT to control fruit fly is being conducted in East Java province. Lethal dosage of gamma irradiation is used as post-harvest treatment for food of such as dried spices, fresh fruits, and packed foods. Gamma radiation has been also used to sterilize culture media of Bradyrhizobium, a nitrogen fixative bacteria that is the symbiont of soybean to be used in yield improvement. In animal health, gamma radiation can be used directly or indirectly to eliminate, decrease diseases. Disease control can use irradiation to develop vaccines, and to produce the diagnostic reagent kits. Vaccines for Coccidiosis (chick) diseases have been produced and disseminated in Indonesia. (author)

  16. Promoting innovative business in the fishery sector in West Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Nurhayati, A.; Aisah, I.; Supriatna, A. K.


    West Java represents an important fisheries production center in Indonesia, owing to the abundant capture and aquaculture resources. However, the intrinsic characteristics of fish products such as perishable, voluminous, and seasonal currently prevent fisheries from having brought significant economic contribution to the province. In line with it, this research was aimed to analyze and identify leverage factors that will lead to fishery-based innovative business in West Java. Data used in this research were primary and secondary ones, which were collected through surveys involving 30 respondents representing fish processors and the same number representing consumers. A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also carried out to verify the collected data. Analytical tools adopted in this research were fishery triangle product model. Based on the analyses, it was found factors influencing the success of a fishery innovative business in West Java, Indonesia were consecutively: the existence of derivative products, product processing innovativeness, product price competitiveness, market place, and promotion. Based on the fishery trianggle product model, it was found that fish onboard handling, post-harvest handling, and procesing was in the development stage and therefore these production nodes need a particularly high attention.

  17. Satellite Imagery and In-situ Data Overlay Approach for Fishery Zonation

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    Fardhi Adria


    Full Text Available Remote sensing technology can be used to better understand the earth’s characteristics. SeaWiFS (sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor is one of remote sensors used to observe global ocean phenomena. Previous studies showed that the distribution of chlorophyll-a in the ocean indicates the presence of fish. However, only a few studies tried to directly relate the chlorophyll-a distribution obtained through interpretation of satellite imagery to in-situ data of fish distribution. This paper investigates the relation between chlorophyll-a distribution and fish-capturing points in Aceh Province sea waters using overlay image analysis. The results are then used to identify the potential fishing ground in Aceh. The profile of chlorophyll-a concentration is derived from SeaWIFS satellite imagery. Fish-capturing points data is obtained from the fisherman communities of Banda Aceh, starting from June to November 2008. The results showed that the chlorophyll-a profile derived from satellite imagery has a positive relationship to fish-capturing point data. The most potential fish-capturing zone in Aceh sea waters is identified at 5-8º north latitude (N and 96-99º east longitude (E.


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    Rizkie Syahputera


    The recommendations are established by developing 5th party logistics, constructing clear and market responsive regulations, and improving the facilities of transport infrastructure. Keywords: SME, logistics, Indonesia, export.

  19. Inventory and projection of greenhouse gases emissions for Sumatera Utara Province (United States)

    Ambarita, H.; Soeharwinto; Ginting, N.; Basyuni, M.; Zen, Z.


    Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) emissions which result in global warming is a serious problem for the human being. Total globally anthropogenic GHG emissions were the highest in the history of the year 2000 to 2010 and reached 49 (4.5) Giga ton CO2eq per year in 2010. Many governments addressed their commitment to reducing GHG emission. The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has released a target in reducing its GHG emissions by 26% from level business as usual by 2020, and this target can be increased up to 41% by international aid. In this study, the GHG emissions for Sumatera Utara province are assessed and divided into six sectors. They are Agricultural, Land Use and Forestry, Energy, Transportation, Industrial, and Waste sectors. The results show that total GHG emissions for Sumatera Utara province in the baseline year 2010 is 191.4 million tons CO2eq. The business-as-usual projection of the GHG emission in 2020 is 354.5 million tons CO2eq. Mitigation actions will reduce GHG emissions up to 30.5% from business as usual emission in 2020.


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    Rendra Setyadiharja


    Full Text Available Procurement of goods and services in Indonesia has carried out a number of reforms, ranging from conventional forms filled with indications of bribery and corrupt, now converted into a system of procurement of goods and services electronically with Electronic Procurement Service Systems(LPSE.Expectations the central government and local government is to minimize the occurrence of graft, a fictitious project, mark up or transactional in the procurement of goods and services, but also LPSE system has never been separated from the threat of any indication of corruption in the procurement of goods and services. The purpose of this research was to uncover a number of corrupt practices that occur on the LPSE system in Kepulauan Riau Province. The method used was the exploratory qualitative approach. Data collection method used is by interview (indebt interview. The results of this research are descriptions of cases of corruption in the LPSE system in Kepulauan Riau Province, and the mode of operation corruption practices that occur in the LPSE system in Kepulauan Riau province.

  1. Indonesia`s Palm Oil Industrialization: the Resistance of Tanjung Pusaka Villagers, Central Kalimantan Against Palm Oil Industry


    Wulansari, Ica


    Indonesia`s Palm oil industry is the greatest export commodity in the world. Palm oil industry has been developed since Soeharto`s administration with World Bank`s initiative. Indonesia`s development pattern is modernization which is fully supported by global capitalist agent. Furthermore, the government of Indonesia has issued policies to support this industry and the ease of accessibilty for investor to build in Indonesia. Most of the policies focus on economic interest with lack of attenti...

  2. Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Department of Defense Biological Safety and Security Program (United States)


    Three (NAMRU-3) - Lima, Peru : Naval Medical Research Center Detachment (NMRCD) *These labs are co-located. To provide some measure of the scope and...Aceh, Indonesia and the more recent earthquakes in central Java and Peru . Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) ECBC’s science and technology... diabetes , obesity, cancer, psychiatric disorders, problems of pregnancy, AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, parasitic infections, and a host of other

  3. Peran Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia dalam Melindungi Hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Luar Negeri

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    Fenny Sumardiani


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang dihadapi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia baik pada fase pra penempatan, selama masa penempatan sampai dengan pasca penempatan dari waktu ke waktu perlu diperbaiki karena memang sangat luas dan membutuhkan koordinasi banyak pihak baik Pemerintah, PPTKIS, maupun organisasi yang membantu menyuarakan hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang biasa disebut dengan Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia dan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia itu sendiri. Koordinasi yang dimaksudkan terutama adalah dalam melindungi hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang bermasalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia dalam melindungi Hak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang bermasalah di Kabupaten Kendal serta kendala yang dihadapi Serikat Buruh Migran dalam memperjuangkan hak-hak TKI yang bermasalah di Kabupaten Kendal serta serta upaya apa yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis sosiologis dengan metode analisa data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia dalam menagani masalah TKI dengan memberikan pendampingan kepada tenaga kerja indonesia dan keluarganya yang mengalami masalah pada saat bertugas maupun purna tugas; memberikan pendidikan kritis; memberikan pemberdayaan ekonomi dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan bagi para anggota dan keluarganya; memberikan pelatihan bagi para tenaga kerja indonesia yang sudah kembali ke indonesia. The problem faced by Indonesian Manpower both the phase pre placement, during placement until after placement from time to time need to be fixed because it is very broad and requires coordination of many parties, both Governments, PPTKIS, as well as organizations that help expressing the rights of Indonesian Workers usual called the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union and Labour Indonesia itself. Coordination is intended primarily to protect the rights of Indonesian Workers are problematic. This study aims

  4. Industrialization Impact on Worker Mobility and Land Use in Peri Urban Area (Case study of Semarang District, Indonesia) (United States)

    Wijaya, H. B.; Kurniawati, H.; Hutama, S. T. E. W.


    In many cases, industrialization has stimulated the urbanization process massively. It tends to attract substantial number of labor migrants from nearby region to fulfill the demand of workers. The paper reports the research result of industrialization phenomena in Semarang district, Indonesia. It carried out the survey by taking 250 samples of migrant workers. The result shows that the presence of labor-intensive industries becomes the most influence factor for many migrants, rather than the driving factors from the place of origin. The attraction factor could cover regional and across the province force, as indicated that all migrant respondents come from both inside and outside of Central Java Province. Furthermore, based on the land-use distribution of the migrant settlement area, it indicates a growing land-use change, both of land cover and land functions.

  5. Building Ecoliteracy Through Adiwiyata Program (Study at Adiwiyata School in Banda Aceh

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    Mirza Desfandi


    Full Text Available This study is back grounded by importance of ecoliteracy for each individual. One of comprehensive efforts to build ecoliteracy in community is through Adiwiyata Program. This study is aimed to find out how the effectiveness of Adiwiyata Program in the effort to build students’ ecoliteracy in Banda Aceh. The method which is used is survey. The study is conducted in ten schools, with respondents are principal, teachers, administrative staff and students. Data analysis is done descriptively toward five variable and hypothesis test use nonparametric statistic test. The result of study showed that there is significant influence of school policy, curriculum implementation, school culture and school infrastructure management toward students’ ecoliteracy. The findings of study is the more effective four components of Adiwiyata is implemented, the higher of students’ecoliteracy. Therefore, four components of Adiwiyata should be implemented maximally, among other by strengthening Adiwiyata school team.


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    Abas Basuni Jahari


    Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah hasil Pemantauan Status Gizi (PSG Jawa Barat tahun 2004, Hasil Survei Gizi di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD pasca-Tsunami, 2005, dan survei masalah gizi mikro  di  7  provinsi  tahun  2006.  Hasil  menunjukkan  bahwa  dari  21,3  persen  anak  balita  yang  termasuk kategori rawan, 10 persen di antaranya sangat rawanuntuk menjadi status BB/U Rendah (Gizi Kurang. Kemudian, secara umum dari 32,9 persen anak balita berstatus BB/U Rendah yang ada pada posisi rawan, 13,2 persen di antaranya ada pada posisi sangat rawan untuk menjadi status BB/U Sangat Rendah (Gizi Buruk.  Berdasarkan  TB/U,  proporsi  anak  balita  dengan TB/U  Normal  yang  rawan  untuk  menjadi  status TB/U Pendek meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya umur. Secara umum 39,9 persen anak balita yang berstatus  TB/U  pendek  ada  pada  posisi  rawan,  di  antaranya 17,8  persen  ada  pada  posisi  sangat  rawan untuk  menjadi  status  TB/U  Sangat  Pendek.  Namun,  berdasarkan  BB/TB,  hanya  9  persen  anak  balita berstatus BB/TB Normal yang ada dalam posisi rawan,3,9  persen di antaranya ada pada posisi sangat rawan untuk menjadi status BB/TB Kurus. Karena jumlah anak balita berstatus gizi baik (normal yang ada pada posisi rawan terus meningkat mengikuti pertambahan usia, maka upaya perbaikan gizi yang bersifat preventif sudah harus dilaksanakan sejak usia dini,tidak hanya untuk anak balita kurang gizi tetapi juga bagi  anak  balita  yang  dikategorikan  berstatus  gizi  baik.  Arah  kebijakan  pemerintah  hendaknya  melalui kegiatan  yang  bersifat  PREVENTIF  dan  PROMOTIF  yang  PROAKTIF,  harus  diimplementasikan  secara benar, baik di pusat maupun di daerah. Kata kunci: SKPG, Posyandu, status gizi

  7. Corporate social responsibility for regional sustainability after mine closure: a case study of mining company in Indonesia (United States)

    Syarif, Andi Erwin; Hatori, Tsuyoshi


    Creating a soft-landing path for mine closure is key to the sustainability of the mining region. In this research, we presents a case of mine closure in Soroako, a small mining town in the north-east of South Sulawesi province, in the center of Sulawesi Island in Indonesia. Especially we investigates corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs of a mining company, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PTVI), towards a soft-landing of mine closure in this region. The data of the CSR programs are gathered from in-depth interviews, the annual reports and managerial reports. Furthermore we presents an integrated view of CSR to close mining in a sustainable manner. We then evaluate CSR strategies of the company and its performance from this viewpoint. Based on these steps, the way to improve the CSR mine closure scenario for enhancing the regional sustainability is discussed and recommended.

  8. Electricity and risk of public health center had measles vaccine damage in Indonesia

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    Anggita Bunga Anggraini


    related to PHC hadmeasles damage vaccines.Methods: The analysis used a part of the data of Research Health Facilities (Rifaskes in 2011. The Rifaskeswas conducted in all health centers in all (33 provinces in Indonesia. Furthermore, this analysis uses dataonly health center in the province who have measles immunization coverage the national prevalence rate(81.6% or more, and health centers that have measles prevalence rate above the national prevalence rate(1.18% or more. Statistical data analysis performed using logistic regression analysis to determine someof the risk factors related to the health center had has measles vaccine damaged.Results: A number of 7 provinces (Riau, Jakarta, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, CentralSulawesi, South Sulawesi, Gorontalo with 1259 PHC met the inclusion criteria. Health centers locatedin rural areas compared with urban areas had 3.4-fold risk of a PHC that had measles damage vaccines[adjusted odds ratio (ORa = 3.37; 95% confidence interval (CI = 1.34 - 8.26]. Furthermore, the healthcenter with the availability of the electricity for less than 24 hours compared with available 24 hours had2.1-fold risk of PHC that had measles damage vaccines (ORa = 2.10; 95% CI = 1.02 - 4.33.Conclusion: Public health center in rural areas, or did not have not have commercial electric power, ordid not have the availability of day-to-day electricity less than 24 hours had more risk of a PHC that hadmeasles damage vaccines. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:116-20Keywords: measles, public health center, vaccine

  9. Konstruksi Pencitraan Maskulinitas pada Majalah Men's Health Indonesia Versus Feminitas pada Majalah Women's Health Indonesia


    Azis, Andi Azisah; Cangara, Hafied; Bahfiarti, Tuti


    The aim of the research was to determine the construction of image projection of masculinity formed Indonesia Men's Health magazine versus femininity of Indonesia Women's Health magazine. The subjects of the research were the covers of Indonesia Men's Health magazine and Indonesia Women's Health magazine published from December 2014 to May 2015. The methods of obtaining the data were done by interpreting picture texts and categorizing written text topics. They were analyzed descriptive qualit...

  10. Analisis Determinan Net Ekspor Indonesia


    Daulay, Rahmawaty


    This study is to analyzing empirically among Indonesia GDP, trade partnership GDP (Malaysia, Singapore, US and Thailand) and real exchange rate toward Indonesia Net Export. To find out which one from those three variables is significant in order to fluctuating (increasing or decreasing) Indonesia Net Export either in the short run or in the long run. Data collection is obtained using secondary data, namely Indonesia GDP, Malaysia GDP, Singapura GDP, US GDP, Thailand GDP and real exchange rate...


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    Marsudi Marsudi


    Full Text Available Bahasa Indonesia lahir dari Bahasa Melayu yang pada zaman dulu menjadi bahasa lingua franca, yakni bagasa perdagangan antarpulau di nusantara. Kemudian dikukuhkan menjadi bahasa persatuan melalui momen Sumpah Pemuda. Bahasa Melayu menjadi dominan di kala itu dikarenakan fleksibelitasnya akan bahasa-bahasa lain. Dengan fakta tersebut, tepatnya 28 Oktober 1928, bahasa Melayu diangkat sebagai bahasa persatuan dan tahun 1945 diresmikan sebagai bahasa negara. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam eksistensi bahasa Indonesia adalah bagaimanakah cara mempertahankan eksistensi bahasa Indonesia? Tidak hanya masalah eksistensi saja, tetapi sanggupkah bahasa-bahasa daerah di negeri ini memperkaya kosa kata dan istilah bahasa Indonesia? Selain itu, bagaimanakah potensi bahasa Indonesia di era globalisasi? Eksistensi bahasa Indonesia, selain dipengaruhi kekonsistenan penggunaanya, juga didukung oleh kemampuan bahasa tersebut dalam mengungkapkan fenomena baru yang berkembang. Oleh karena itu, perkembangan bahasa Indonesia sangat tergantung pada tingkat keberhasilan menciptakan kosa kata dan istilah-istilah baru. Bahasa Indonesia sudah mulai mengglobal karena bahasa Indonesia memiliki sifat terbuka dan demokratis. Perkembangan yang terjadi sekarang dan yang datang tidak hanya menyangkut masalah struktur dan bahasa, tetapi lebih jauh mengungkapkan permasalahan manusia baru yang dialami manusia di dalam sebuah proses perubahan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan


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    Mardawani Mardawani


    Full Text Available Abstract: This study is motivated by the condition of West Kalimantan as one of the provinces whose territory is directly adjacent to the Malaysian state is often faced with a condition of society interacting with each other in the context of social life, economy and culture. The qualitative assessment method with case study type. The model of fostering nationalism through citizenship educationin Entikong society The border region of Indonesia Malaysia is a persuasive model by inviting the community to actively participate in the success of government programs   Abstrak: Kajian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi Kalimantan Barat sebagai salah satu provinsi yang wilayahnya berbatasan langsung dengan negara Malaysia sering sekali dihadapkan pada suatu kondisi masyarakat yang saling berinteraksi baik dalam konteks kehidupan sosial, ekonomi maupun budaya. Metode pengkajian menggunakan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Model pembinaan rasa kebangsaan melalui citizenship education pada masyarakat Entikong Wilayah perbatasan Indonesia Malaysia adalah model persuasif dengan mengajak masyarakat berpartisipasi aktif mensukseskan program pemerintah   DOI :

  13. Sumber dan Kualitas Pakan Serta Produksi Kambing Peranakan Etawah Di Kotamadya Banda Aceh

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    Al Qudri


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. A study on source and quality of feed and production of Etawah goats was conducted from June to November, 1997. Nine respondents who raise Peranakan Etawah goats were interviewed. The goats were investigated and measured for body size. The respondents were live in three different villages, i.e, three from Ule Lheu, one from Lambung, two from Punge, one from Peulanggahan and two from Rukoh. The result showed that source of fed were obtained from grass in the back yart, native pasture, by product of banana, fruits, vegetables and palatable leaves. The quality of feed was relatively good due a relatively high content of protein. Ratio of male tp female was 1 : 1.65. Kid production was about 190 percent / yard. Body size were better than kids that are raised in villages in Aceh Barat regency.

  14. Karakteristik Mutu Biji Kakao Aceh Hasil Fermentasi Dengan Berbagai Cara Dan Interval Waktu Pengadukan

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    Heru Prono Widayat


    Full Text Available (Quality Characteristics Of Aceh Cacao Beans Resulted From Different Fermentation Methods ABSTRACT. Response of cocoa beans to any fermentation treatment may vary according to crop variety, farming conditions and practices, and fermentation methods; including type of beans stirring methods and stirring frequencies applied during fermentation period. The objective of this research is to study quality characteristics of Aceh fermented cocoa beans treated with different stirring methods and stirring frequencies. The cocoa beans of 40 cm mass depth were kept in 53x40x50 cm rattan buckets and were fermented for 5 days. Beans stirring during fermentation was conducted either by in-place stirring andreplace-stirring to other rattan bucket. Stirring period was set for each 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours of fermentation time. Beans temperature, pH, and total sugar content for each stirring period along five days-fermentationtime were recorded. The fermented beans were sundried for moisture content of approximately 6%. The results showed that the beans temperature during fermentation increased up to 45.7-46.6oC on the third-day and then decreased to 37.9-40.4oC on the fifth-day. The highest temperature (46.6oC was recorded for in-place stirring with stirring period of 48 hours. The pH value of the beans decreased from 5.6-5.9 on the first-day to 3.2-3.4 on the fourth-day and then slightly increased to 3.4 in average on the fifth-day. The total sugar content decreased from 9.1-9.6% on the first-day to approximately 0.4% on the fifth-day. Quality analysis of the fermented beans showed that pH value varied 5.5-5.8 and fat content was 47.9-49.1%. The best quality of fermented beans was found for replace-stirring method with stirring period of 24 hours. This treatment resulted in fermented cocoa beans with 0.4% moldy, 17.5% partly purple, 3.0% slaty, and 76.7% fully fermented.

  15. Social capital and healthy ageing in Indonesia. (United States)

    Cao, Junran; Rammohan, Anu


    A large international literature has found a positive association between social capital and measures of physical and mental health. However, there is a paucity of research on the links between social capital and healthy ageing in a developing country environment, where universal social security coverage is absent and health infrastructure is poor. In this paper, we develop and empirically test a model of the linkages between social capital and the health outcomes for older adults in Indonesia, using data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey-East (IFLS-East), conducted in 2012. Using multivariate regression analysis, we examine whether social capital plays a role in mitigating poor health among older individuals aged 50 years and above in Indonesia's most vulnerable provinces. We test the robustness of these social capital variables across different health measures (self-assessed health, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), measures of chronic illness and mental health measures), as well as across different demographic groups, after controlling for an array of socio-economic, demographic and geographic characteristics. Our findings show that access to better social capital (using measures of neighbourhood trust and community participation) is associated with a higher degree of physical mobility, independence, and mental well-being among older individuals but has no influence on chronic illnesses. These results are consistent when we estimate samples disaggregated by gender, rural/urban residence, and by age categories. From a policy perspective these results point to the importance of social capital measures in moderating the influence of poor health, particularly in the Activities of Daily Living.


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    Rina Anggorodi


    Full Text Available Baby Soothsayers are Still in Birthing Process by Indonesian Community. One of health case which still many happened in Indonesia, born children with helped by baby soothsayer. In reality, most all Indonesia publics either that is who live in rural and also more even a urban love to be helped by soothsayer. The thing because of local tradition and mores. Finds strategic to build cohesive network between the prominent as of themes, public, soothsayer and midwife in executing health service of maternal and perinatal joinly. Applies qualitative method. Technique done is in-depth interview. Informan is baby soothsayer, nurse and delivering birth mother helped by delivering birth baby soothsayer and mother helped by midwife. Research is done in Kabupaten Kendari (South-east Sulawesi, countryside Tobimiita and countryside Inalobu and countryside Lapulu; Sub-Province Cirebon (West Java, countryside Bode Sari and countryside Karangasem and countryside Gombong. Effort for improvement of service of health of like the one mirror in soothsayer program to train that of course not aim to eliminate role played by system treatment of old health and changes it with system treatment of new health. Education given in soothsayer program to train that is justri realized as confession to carry out (enforcement health service to baby soothsayer institute. Moreover, with education given, baby soothsayer is assumed can replace presence of new health facility assumed able to increase public health level. Partnership is one of solution for this problem most off all will develop cloistered areas where access every very limited health service.

  17. Communicating Tsunami Preparedness Through the Lessons Learned by Survivors (United States)

    Kerlow, I.


    Often times science communication is reactive and it minimizes the perceptions of the general public. The Tsunami of New Dreams is a film with the testimonies of survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Production of the film spanned over five years and dozens of interviews, and is based on a unique geographic, demographic and experiential sampling of the local population. This documentary feature film underscores the importance of Earth science and science communication in building sustainable communities. The film is a lesson in survival and sustainability, and it provides a simple but powerful testimony of what to do and what not to do before and during a tsunami. The film also highlights the direct relationship that exists between disaster survival rates and the knowledge of basic Earth science and preparedness facts. We hope that the human stories presented in the film will serve as a strong motivator for general audiences to learn about natural hazards, preparedness, and Earth science. These engaging narratives can touch the minds and hearts of general audiences much faster than technical lectures in a classroom. Some of the testimonies are happy and others are sad, but they all present the wide range of beliefs that influenced the outcomes of the natural disaster. The interviews with survivors are complemented with unique archival footage of the tsunami and unique footage of daily life in Aceh. Hand-drawn illustrations are used to recreate what survivors did immediately after the earthquake, and during the extreme moments when they faced the tsunami waves. Animated visuals, maps and diagrams enhance the understanding of earthquake and tsunami dynamics. The film is a production of the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) in collaboration with the International Center for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The film is scheduled for release in late 2015. This is a unique

  18. Agricultural production - Phase 2. Indonesia. Nutritional strategies for ruminants fed on local feed supplemented with molasses multi-nutrient blocks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nolan, J.V.


    At the request of the Government of Indonesia, an IAEA expert undertook a three-week mission from 18 June 1989 to 7 July 1989 at the Centre for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation (PAIR/BATAN), National Atomic Energy Agency, Jakarta, within the framework of a project entitled: ''Assessment of molasses/multi-nutrient blocks for ruminants in Indonesia (with emphasis on small-farm holders)'' (INS/88/013 - 11.66 - Agricultural Production). The project involves field evaluations of supplementation strategies at a number of provinces and is backed by controlled laboratory studies at PAIR/BATAN. Recent field studies confirm the potential for improved production from goats, sheep, dairy cattle and buffaloes in response to supplementation. The increased production is justified by cost/benefit analysis but further improvements should be possible when least cost supplements are devised for local conditions. The Expert worked closely with the leader of the group in the Animal Nutrition and Production Section, Dr. C. Hendratno, and her staff to interpret, summarize and report on results of recently completed, existing field studies; to initiate new field studies in different provinces of Java; to develop nuclear and other techniques for use in planned intensive laboratory studies aimed at identifying the ingredients in urea-molasses multi-nutrient blocks that are responsible for their success as supplements for goats, dairy cattle and buffaloes in a number of locations in Java. (author)


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    M. Jamil Yusuf


    Full Text Available Sustainable peace in Aceh should be started from the critical value of education and education based values are integrated in all subjects and can be taught at each level of development. The assumption is that the value of education is needed at each level of development and need to be implemented on all aspects of life. The Education curriculum should reflect the religious values, independence and entrepreneurship as cores value of education, as well as the values of excellence (excellence that should be achieved by everyone at all levels and types of education in its path. Both of these values must be built through the education system that is able to develop a good understanding, the courage to think, to act and be able to build the establishment of persistence. Educational value may be applied only in a democratic educational system, in which the learner to express his opinions in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Learners need to be portrayed as subjects with individual excellence, which is reflected in the ability to build friendship, cooperation within the group, achieve higher performance, empathize with others, able to solve problems, resolve conflicts, have a sense of humor, self-motivated when faced with periods of tough and able to face tough times with confidence. With this advantage, they feel proud of their education and meaningful to the advancement of his career. As such, they have a place in the field of work and the opportunity of participation in any development process and not feel marginalized.

  20. Analisa Kelayakan Finansial Pengembangan Cold Storage Plant di Pelabuhan Perikanan Lampulo Baru Banda Aceh

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    Juanda Juanda


    Full Text Available The research aims to analyze financial feasibility of cold storage development in Lampulo Baru Fish Port Banda Aceh in accordance with discounted investment ctiteria; Net Present Value (NPV, Net Benefit Cost Ratio (NBCR, Gross Benefit Cost Ratio (GBCR and payback period (PBP. The research was conducted in Lampulo Baru Fish Port on November 2013 – January 2014. Data was mainly collected by using survei and interview/ focus group discussion techniques. Data were analyzed by using financial analysis with investment criteria. The result of research showed that the development of cold storage plant in Lampulo Baru Fish Port with capacity of 80 ton fishes is financially feasible, indicated by discounted investment criteria values; NPV = IDR. 1,463,819,997,-. NBCR = 2.33, GBCR = 1.03,  and PBP = 2.33 years.

  1. Minimum forest cover required for sustainable water flow regulation of a watershed: a case study in Jambi Province, Indonesia

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    S. Tarigan


    Full Text Available In many tropical regions, the rapid expansion of monoculture plantations has led to a sharp decline in forest cover, potentially degrading the ability of watersheds to regulate water flow. Therefore, regional planners need to determine the minimum proportion of forest cover that is required to support adequate ecosystem services in these watersheds. However, to date, there has been little research on this issue, particularly in tropical areas where monoculture plantations are expanding at an alarming rate. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the influence of forest cover and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis and rubber (Hevea brasiliensis plantations on the partitioning of rainfall into direct runoff and subsurface flow in a humid, tropical watershed in Jambi Province, Indonesia. To do this, we simulated streamflow with a calibrated Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT model and observed several watersheds to derive the direct runoff coefficient (C and baseflow index (BFI. The model had a strong performance, with Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency values of 0.80–0.88 (calibration and 0.80–0.85 (validation and percent bias values of −2.9–1.2 (calibration and 7.0–11.9 (validation. We found that the percentage of forest cover in a watershed was significantly negatively correlated with C and significantly positively correlated with BFI, whereas the rubber and oil palm plantation cover showed the opposite pattern. Our findings also suggested that at least 30 % of the forest cover was required in the study area for sustainable ecosystem services. This study provides new adjusted crop parameter values for monoculture plantations, particularly those that control surface runoff and baseflow processes, and it also describes the quantitative association between forest cover and flow indicators in a watershed, which will help regional planners in determining the minimum proportion of forest and the maximum proportion of plantation to ensure that a

  2. Historical and future seasonal rainfall variability in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia: Implications for the agriculture and water sectors

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    Dewi G.C. Kirono


    Full Text Available Climate change impacts are most likely to be felt by resource-dependent communities, and consequently locally-relevant data are necessary to inform livelihood adaptation planning. This paper presents information for historical and future seasonal rainfall variability in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB Province, Indonesia, where rural livelihoods are highly vulnerable to current climate variability and future change. Historical rainfall variability is investigated using observational data from two stations located on the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa. Future rainfall is examined using an ensemble of six downscaled climate model simulations at a spatial resolution of 14 km for 1971–2100, applying the IPCC SRES-A2 ‘Business as Usual’ emissions scenario, and the six original global climate models (GCMs. Analyses of the observed seasonal rainfall data highlight cyclical variability and long-term declines. The observed periodicities are of about 2–4, 5, 8, 11, and 40–50 years. Furthermore, dry season rainfall is significantly correlated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO, while wet season rainfall is weakly correlated with ENSO. The simulated rainfall data reproduce the observed seasonal cycle very well, but overestimate the magnitude of rainfall and underestimate inter-annual rainfall variability. The models also show that the observed rainfall periodicities will continue throughout the 21st century. The models project that rainfall will decline, although with wide ranges of uncertainty, depending on season and location. Crop water demand estimates show that the projected changes will potentially impact the first growing period for rice during November–March. Rainfall may also be insufficient to meet water demand for many crops in the second growing period of March–June, when high value commodities such as chillies and tobacco are produced. The results reinforce the importance to consider all uncertainties when utilizing climate


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    Sarwono Sarwono


    Full Text Available RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage index of soybean in Indonesia from 1983 up to 2013 is less than one, mostly. It means that the competitiveness of soybean in Indonesia is low. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influence the soybean competitiveness. OLS (Ordinary Least Square was used as the analysis method. Hypotheses test based on that analysis model is not bias, so that, classic divergence test is needed. It is for getting the Best Linier Unbiased Estimator (BLUE appraisal. T statistic and F statistic were also applied. The result of this research shows that production and export have positive and significant influence. In addition, exchange rate and government policy do not influence the Indonesia soybean competitiveness.Indeks RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage kedelai Indonesia dari tahun 1983-2013 kecenderungan bernilai kurang dari satu yang berarti daya saing kedelai Indonesia rendah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya saing kedelai Indonesia.Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Ordinary Least Square (OLS.Pengujian hipotesis berdasarkan model analisis tersebut tidak bias maka perlu dilakukan uji penyimpangan klasik yang tujuannya agar diperoleh penaksiran yang bersifat Best Linier Unbiased Estimator (BLUE.Pengujian statistik menggunakan uji t statistikdan uji f statistik.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produksi dan ekspor berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap daya saing kedelai Indonesia. Nilai tukar rupiah dan kebijakan pemerintah tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya saing kedelai Indonesia.

  4. Determinan Ekspor CPO Indonesia

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    Ratih Rosita


    Full Text Available Palm oil is one of the products that are important to the economy of Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the performance of Indonesia's CPO exports and to look for the influence of the independent variables such as production volume CPO, CPO consumption and the value of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar. The authors of this study tested using the Method of Error Correction Model. The time interval used is from 1998 to 2011 with the data quarter. The findings suggest that Indonesia's CPO production volume variables exert a positive and significant impact on the number of Indonesian CPO exports in both the short and long term, then the variable volume Indonesia CPO consumption in the short and long term is also a significant effect on the number of Indonesian CPO exports but negatively related, this is due to the domestic CPO consumption greater that the capacity to export will be reduced. Variables of the Rupiah against the U.S. dollar also affects Indonesia's CPO exports significantly and negatively related to both the short and long term and conditions of the depreciation of the rupiah exchange rate is not enough to effectively be driving exports. Estimates show that the close relationship between external demand caused exports to Indonesia's export performance vulnerable to external shocks. Side factors are also a determinant of export performance.


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    Afif Amirillah


    Full Text Available This research aims to find out the factors that can cause the efficiency value difference of Islamic Banking in In-donesia. The data at this research is monetary data of Islamic Banking. It was obtained from Bank of Indonesia. Then, it was divided into input and output variables. The determination of input output variables at this research uses Value Added Approach. Its input output variables consist of Demand Deposits, Saving Deposits, Time Depo-sits, Paid -In Capital, Placement at Bank ofIndonesia, Inter Bank Assets, Mudharabah, Musyara kah, Murabahah, Istishna, Ijarahand Qardh. This research used Data Envelopment Analysis method. This method has a strength that is having the capability to measure inefficiency input output variables, so that, the variable can have the efficiency. This research has resulted Islamic Banking efficiency in Indonesia, but it does not include BPRS. The mean efficiency of Islamic banking in Indonesia is 99,94%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari faktor –faktor penyebab perbedaan nilai efisiensiperbankan syariah di Indo-nesia yang dibandingkan secara relatif untuk setiap periode. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggu-nakan data keuangan perbankan syariah yang diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia kemudian dibagi menjadi variabel input dan output. Penentuan variabel input dan output pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Value Added Approach. Variabel input outputnyaterdiri dari : Giro iB, Tabungan iB, Deposito iB, Modal disetor, Pen-empatan padaBank Indonesia, Penempatan pada bank lain, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Murabahah,Istishna, Ijarah dan Qardh. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis yang mempunyai kel-ebihan dalam menghitung efisiensi untuk setiap variabel input outputyang mengalami inefisiensi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai efisiensi perbankan syariah di Indoenesia (tidak termasuk BPRS. Efisiensi perbankan syariah di Indonesia mengalami efisiensi rata-rata sebesar 99,94%.

  6. EPA Collaboration with Indonesia (United States)

    Indonesia is a key actor in the global environmental arena. In addition to significant ecological resources, Indonesia also has the fourth largest population in the world and the third largest greenhouse gas emissions.


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    Sri Prihatini


    Full Text Available Determinant Factors of Anemic On Women of Reproductive Age (WORA In Two Provinces In Indonesia.Background: Anemic is still one of main nutrition problems in Indonesia. About 27% of woman of reproductive age and 48% of under fives are anemic problem. One of the caused of high prevalence anemic in Indonesia was low level of iron consumption on daily meals. In addition there could be other factors that influence on the occurance of anemic.Objectives: To study the determinant factors that associated with anemic on woman of reproductive age.Methods: The design of the study is cross-sectional. The study was conducted in four regencies selected purposively in Bali and Banten provinces. The samples were 576 women of reproductive age (WORA aged 15-40 years old. Data collected are food consumption by using Semi Quantitative Questioner Food Frequency (FFQ, socio economics, parity, family planning, food supplement, anthropometric and Haemoglobine level. Bivariate analysis and logistic regression were used to determine relation factors associated with anemia.Results: The result of bivariate analysis showed significant association between anemic and frequency food consumption <=2 times for a week for meat (OR=2.819; Cl=1.968-4.038, fresh fish (OR=1.641 ; Cl=1.180-2.284, vegetables (OR=1.930; Cl=1.360-2.739 and fruits (OR= 1.527; Cl=1.161-2.437. Other significant factors associated with anemic were, parity >= 3 (OR=2.316, Cl=1.438-3.413, family planning (OR=0.658, Cl=0.460-0.940 and consuming supplement (OR=0.440, Cl=0.243-0.803. Furthermore, logistic regression analysis showed that meat consumption more than twice for a week associated with reduction of the risk of anemic by 47% and parity three times or more, increased risk of anemic by 2.85 times compared with women with parity less than three times.Conclusions: The consumption of meat <= 2 times for a week and parity >= 3 times were the determinant factors for anemic in women of reproductive age (WORA

  8. Gynecological cancer in Indonesia. (United States)

    Aziz, M Farid


    To overview the status of gynecologic cancer in Indonesia. Information regarding Indonesia obtained from World Bank Report and Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia 2007, epidemiological data obtained from Histopathological Data of Cancer in Indonesia 2002, Department of Health-Registry Body of Indonesian Specialist of Pathology Association-Indonesian Cancer Society; Various Hospitals in big Cities in Indonesia. Indonesia is an Archipelago with a total area of 1,922,570.00 km(2), the population is 222,192,000 (2006), the fourth world rank. Female is 49.86% with life expectancy 69 years. Gross National Product per Capita is 690.00 USD. Histopathological report in 2002 revealed that cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer were the most frequent cancer among female, which were the first (2,532 cases), the third (829 cases) and the eighth (316 cases) rank respectively. The peak age for cervical, uterine and ovarian cancer was 45-54 years. HPV 16, 18 were found in 82% of invasive cervical. Data from various academic hospitals in 2007 showed that cervical cancer is the most common malignancy followed by ovary, uterus, vulva and vagina. Five-year survival rate of stage I, II, III, IV cervical cancer were 50%, 40%, 20%, and 0% respectively. Overall five-year survival rate of carcinoma of the ovary was 54.8%. If sub-classified by stage, five-year survival rate are 94.3%, 75.0%, 31%, and 11.7% for stage I, II, III, and IV respectively. Five-year disease-free survival rate of endometrial cancer was 71.9%. Indonesia is the biggest Archipelago with a dense population but the income per capita still low (poor country). The most common gynecologic cancer is cervical cancer, followed by ovarian and uterine cancer. These cancers are included in top ten cancers in Indonesia. HPV 16, 18 were the most cause of cervical cancer. The five-year survival rates are comparable with world report.


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    Nur Handayani Utami


    Full Text Available Based on Basic Health Research 2007-2013, stunting and overweight in children have a tendency to increase. Some previous analysis found that there was a relationship between stunting and overweight. This analysis aimed to analyze the relationship between stunting and overweight in children aged 3-5 years in Indonesia. Data were taken from the national survey conducted in 2013. A total of 25.107 children aged 3-5 years from all provinces in Indonesia were become sample in this analysis. The relationship between stunting and the occurrence of overweight in children was analyzed using logistic regression.  Analysis showed that the stunted status had become a risk of overweight in children with OR of 2,54 (CI 2,24 to 2,89 after correction by socioeconomic factors, sex of the child, father's education, and nutritional status of the father.  The risk of stunted child of becoming overweight make the importance of dietary habit and proper diet for children who are stunted, so they will not become obese in later life.

  10. Making Sense of War and Peace

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Kirsten


    When people tell stories about their past experiences, they often include descriptions that infer changes in trust repertoires over time, especially when the stories relate to serious life dramas like war and peace. A happy ending can make a past war appear meaningful. In this case study......, retrospective narratives summarizing fifty years of history in Aceh, Indonesia, were analyzed using Fuglsang’s & Jagd’s framework (2013). The concept spiritual trust is introduced, and the case study indicates that when neither institutions nor powers are strong enough to support trusting, trust in a divine...... power can provide an alternative framework for sensemaking and trusting. In Aceh, three decades of civil war ended with a peace process in 2005, and extreme distrust was then replaced by institutional trust. Insights from that process are of relevance for the study of trust-repair....

  11. The use of traditional medicines to lower blood pressure: A survey in rural areas in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia


    Riana Rahmawati; Beata Bajorek


    Background Despite common usage of traditional medicines in rural populations, the data of their uses along with hypertension medications are limited. Aims To quantify the use of traditional medicines and to identify factors associated with its use among people with hypertension in a low-resource setting. Methods Data were collected using a researcher-administered questionnaire from people with hypertension in rural underdeveloped villages in Indonesia. Result...

  12. Risks and risks mitigations in the supply chain of mangosteen: a case study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Astuti, R.; Arkeman, M.M.Y.; Poerwanto, R.; Meuwissen, M.P.M.


    Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is the highly demanded fruit for export commodity from Indonesia. The biggest mangosteen production center in Indonesia is West Java Province. The development of the mangosteen supply chain in Indonesia, particularly in West Java Province is heavily affected by

  13. The Role Of Sharia Banking In Strengthening The Micro Small And Medium Enterprises In North Maluku Indonesia

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    Sofyan Abas


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to analyze the role of Sharia banking in strengthening the micro small and medium enterprises UMKM in North Maluku Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research that is analytical descriptive. This qualitative research is actually a study of economic institutions acceleration mainly Islamic banking finance institutions in North Maluku Province in financial intermediation activities such as financing partnerships with UMKM in terms of financing to support the strengthening of regional and national economies. The data sources of study were obtained from competent informants and directly involved with the activities of their respective institutions among others officials in the Sharia Banking officials in the ranks of the Cooperatives and UMKM service the elements of business entities of the UMKM group and related stakeholders in North Maluku province. The results show that the role of financial intermediary of Sharia banking in North Maluku Province can accelerate the sector of UMKM as a pillar of the societys economy. Therefore the business capital of Sharia banking is a very basic requirement for UMKM sector to exist in its economic business in North Maluku.

  14. Giving Iron Tablets by Health Worker and Pregnant Compliance in Consuming More Than 90 Tablets, in The Slum Urban, in The West Java Province and Yogyakarta

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    Tumaji Tumaji


    motivator bagi ibu hamil supaya bersedia mengonsumsi tablet zat besi ≥ 90 tablet selama kehamilannya. Kata kunci: Tablet zat besi, kumuh perkotaan, Jabar, DIYABSTRACTBackground:The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still quite high. At the provincial level, the maternal mortality vary widely. West Java Province is the largest contributor to maternal mortality with the estimated number 19.8% of all maternal deaths in Indonesia. While the province of Yogyakarta contribution is relatively small (1.1%. Objective:To compare the provision of iron tablets by health workers and pregnant women compliance consume, in urban slums in West Java Province and Yogyakarta. Methods:This study describes and analyzes object that is obtained from the Riskesdas 2010. Results:Based on the characteristics, the majority of mothers in the province of Yogyakarta are in middle education level, working as a self employed/farmer/fisherman/laborer. Meanwhile, in West Java province, mostly just poorly educated and do not have a job. Total ownership of health insurance in the province of Yogyakarta relatively more than in the province of West Java. Based on the scope of the giving of iron tablets, it appears that most of the mothers in the province of West Java and Yogyakarta get iron tablets during pregnancy (84.7% vs 96.0%. However, this condition is much different when viewed from the percentage of pregnant women who consumed at least 90 tablets of iron tablets. Seen that pregnant women who consumed iron tablets ≥ 90 in West Java province only 12.6 percent. By contrast, in the province of Yogyakarta, the consumption of iron tablets ≥ 90 percentage is quite high, reaching 60.0%. Conclusion:Coverage giving iron tablets in both provinces relatively good. However, the consumption of iron tablets ≥ 90 tablets in Yogyakarta Province is relatively better than in West Java Province. Recomendations:It is suggested for the provincial government of West Java and other areas for the promotion and

  15. Pemberitaan Media Pers Indonesia

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    Ashadi Siregar


    Full Text Available New freedom and democratic atmosphere existing in Indonesia allow the Indonesian press enjoys its new significant position. This can expand the Indonesian press goals, particularly in enriching the industrial aspiration of the institution. However, bearing in mind that Indonesia is a multicultural country, the Indonesian press can also strengthen the various demographic backgrounds of the state leading to the unity of Indonesia. This article discusses four points of the Indonesian press that need to he considered by the mass media professionals.

  16. A Study of Mercury and Heavy Metal at Some Gold Minefield in Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lahtiani, S; Asiah; Darmaerius; Saladini, S; Manurung, H; Rita; Rodiana, Y


    A study on Mercury and heavy metals contents in soil, sediment and river water at several gold mining areas in Indonesia was conducted. The study areas are the gold mining areas at Rejang Lebong (Province Bengkulu), Rungan Hulu and Kahayan River (Province Central Kalimantan), Pekondoh river (Province Lampung) and Halimun mountain (Province West Java). Sampling points at each site were selected from upstream and to downstream. The parameters of interest in this study include T-Hg and Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, Cu and Cr). The main purpose of this study is for determine the preliminary data of T-Hg and heavy metals contents at gold mining areas and around the rivers for strengthen the environmental management programs in Indonesia. Analytical method for water and sediment samples used in this experiment was wet method with strong acid on the temperature of 230-250 o C for 20 minute. The extract was they analyzed as total Hg concentration using Mercury Analyzer (cold valor AAS). For water sample, extracted with Dithizone-benzene 0.01 O was performed prior to acid digestion, them dried and the left residue was treated with strong acid and analyzed with Mercury Analyzer (cold vapor AAS) too. Mostly, T-Hg contents were detected at each sampling location where gold mining activities take place; gold ore was crushed and extracted by mercury as gold amalgam. The highest concentration of T-Hg for sediment sample from four study sites 14600 ng/g at gold mining area Lampung and 13630 ng/g of T-Hg was found in sediment samples collected in Halimun Mountain, West Java. While, the highest concentration of T-Hg in water sample is was 367 ng/L at gold mining of Halimun Mountain, West Java. Average concentration of T-Hg in water sample ranged from 0.02 to 202.47 ng/L, in sediment sample ranged from 24.00 to 8544.75 ng/g. Average concentration of Pb in water sample ranged from 0.002 to 4.86 mg/L, in sediment sample ranged from 0.056 to 171.65 μg/g. Average concentration of Cd in water

  17. Trends of Maternal Health Services Implementation in Indonesia (Data Analysis Susenas 2001, 2004 and 2007

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    Ika Dharmayanti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKLatar Belakang:Status kesehatan ibu dan anak di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih harus menjadi perhatian karena angka kematian ibu dan angka kematian bayi yang masih tinggi. Rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pelayanan kesehatan oleh tenaga kesehatan yang terampil merupakan faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menangani persoalan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui trend pemanfaatan tenaga kesehatan penolong kelahiran di Indonesia tahun 2001–2007. Metode: Analisis menggunakan data Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas Kor tahun 2001, 2004 dan 2007. Disain penelitian menggunakan disain Cross Sectional. Ruang lingkup wilayah penelitian meliputi seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Hasil:penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kurun waktu tujuh tahun (2001–2007, pola pemanfaatan penolong kelahiran di Indonesia menunjukkan kecenderungan penggunaan tenaga kesehatan (dokter dan bidan sebagai penolong kelahiran Hasil analisis bivariat pada faktor kepulauan, pendidikan ibu, usia ibu, kepemilikan jaminan pembiayaan/asuransi kesehatan, dan sosial ekonomi terhadap klasifikasi desa/kota ikut berperan dalam pemilihan tenaga persalinan. Saran:mengupayakan kerja sama lintas sektor untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat serta perbaikan akses pelayanan kesehatan di perdesaan akan sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.Kata kunci: penolong kelahiran, dokter, bidan, dukun bayiABSTRACTBackground:The health status of mothers and children in Indonesia is still need special attention of concern because maternal and infant mortality rates are still high. The low public awareness of health services by trained health worker is a factor to consider in addressing these issues. This study aims to determine the trends in the use of maternal health services in Indonesia in 2001–2007. Methods:This analysis used National Socio-Economic Survey (NSES Core 2001, 2004 and 2007. The design of NSES was descriptive cross sectional cover all provinces in Indonesia as

  18. Indigenous Knowledge of Petalangan in Conserving Tesso Nilo National Park, Riau, Indonesia (United States)

    Syafi'i, Muhammad; Auzar; Sukendi; Firdaus, LN.


    Environmental conservation based on the Indigenous knowledge (IK) was increasing become the attention of Indonesia in line with the declining quality the environment, especially in the national park area. Tesso Nilo is one the national park conservation areas in Riau Province with an area of 38,576 ha has experienced almost 66.2% depreciation in the period 2004-2013. This study aims to explore the values of Indigenous knowledge from peoples in the region Tesso Nilo Pelalawan, Riau Province. The survey method has been used for all indigenous communities domiciled in 7 villages within the Tesso Nilo National Park. 47 respondents consisting of village head, perbatinan, and tokoh adat were determined by purposive sampling. Data were collected through depth interview, observation, and documentation, then analyzed descriptive-qualitative. There are nine IK Petalangan society in TNTN, that is adat menyusuk kampung, adat menyusuk dusun, adat Berladang, adat rimbo larangan, adat rimbo kepungan sialang, adat rimbo simpanan, adat beramu kayu, adat berburu, and adat berikan. It can be concluded that IK Petalangan community a strategic value in environmental conservation TNTN. Integration values IK Petalangan community into the TNTN environmental conservation micro policy is urgent in the perspective of sustainable development.

  19. Determinan Ekspor CPO Indonesia

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    Ratih Rosita


    Full Text Available Palm oil is one of the products that are important to the economy of Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the performance of Indonesia's CPO exports and to look for the influence of the independent variables such as production volume CPO, CPO consumption and the value of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar. The authors of this study tested using the Method of Error Correction Model. The time interval used is from 1998 to 2011 with the data quarter. The findings suggest that Indonesia's CPO production volume variables exert a positive and significant impact on the number of Indonesian CPO exports in both the short and long term, then the variable volume Indonesia CPO consumption in the short and long term is also a significant effect on the number of Indonesian CPO exports but negatively related, this is due to the domestic CPO consumption greater that the capacity to export will be reduced. Variables of the Rupiah against the U.S. dollar also affects Indonesia's CPO exports significantly and negatively related to both the short and long term and conditions of the depreciation of the rupiah exchange rate is not enough to effectively be driving exports. Estimates show that the close relationship between external demand caused exports to Indonesia's export performance vulnerable to external shocks. Side factors are also a determinant of export performance. Keywords: palm oil, CPO consumption, Error Correction Model

  20. System Dynamics Modeling on Integrated Supply Chain Management of Potato Agribusiness

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    Lukman Hakim


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study is to design a model of integrated supply chain management of potato agribusiness in an effort to increase revenue and bargaining position of farmers in Aceh Province. The method applied to achieve these objectives was the methodology of system dynamics. Formulation of the models was conducted by using Vensim DSS Software, followed by simulation. The result of this study showed the role of five major scenarios which were important to actualize the integrated supply chain management of potato agribusiness in Aceh Province, those were: scenario 1, increasing the productive land area, resulting in the increasing of production volume; scenario 2, using the certified potato seed named “umbi G2”, generating the higher level of production; scenario 3, providing the certified potato seed based on the needs, showing that the quantity of production increased; scenario 4, shortening the payment receivables interval of farmers and cooperatives, which showing the increasing of cash amount; scenario 5, doing certification to the potato from synergistic partnerships farmers, showing the increasing of acceptance, profitability, R/C, and cash.