
Sample records for ac con electrodos

  1. Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones


    Fernández López, Víctor Manuel; López de Lacey, Antonio; Rüdiger Ortiz, Olaf


    Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones. En la presente invención se protegen electrodos biológicos modificados con enzimas hidrogenasas (ánodos) mediante los cuales es posible obtener energía eléctrica del hidrógeno en una configuración típica de pilas de combustible; asimismo, con estos electrodos modificados con hidrogenasa (cátodos) es posible producir hidrógeno a partir de agua en una configuración típica de cél...


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    Graciela Romero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se compararon los electrodos POSAI (Película de Óxido Sobre Acero Inoxidable con los electrodos comerciales en la determinación potenciométrica de las sustancias activas sulfametoxazol y trimetoprima presentes en el medicamento Bactrim. La determinación de trimetoprima se llevó a cabo a través de la reacción ácido-base en medio no acuoso empleando ácido perclórico como solución titulante, mientras que en la valoración de sulfametoxazol se empleó nitrito de sodio para efectuar una reacción de óxido-reducción. El uso de los electrodos prototipo platino/POSAI para la reacción de óxido-reducción y el electrodo prototipo POSAI como electrodo de referencia en la reacción ácido-base presentaron un funcionamiento equiparable con el electrodo de platino/Ag/AgCl y el electrodo de vidrio comercial al detectar los mismos volúmenes de solución titulante en el punto de equivalencia bajo las condiciones de estudio en las determinaciones que se efectuaron a microescala.

  3. Efecto de la pirolusita, la caliza+fluorita y el ferrocromomanganeso en un electrodo básico con revestimiento periférico

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    Amado Cruz-Crespo


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el comportamiento de electrodos revestidos AWS E 7018, en función del contenido de los componentes en el revestimiento periférico aplicado, con el objetivo de mejorar su desempeño. Las proporciones en las mezclas para los revestimientos se establecieron con base en un diseño experimental de tipo Mc Lean Anderson, donde las variables de entrada son: X1- la pirolusita, X2- la caliza+fluorita (para relación caliza: fluorita=1 y X3- el FeCrMn. Las mezclas homogenizadas fueron aglomeradas con silicato de sodio y agua para conformar las pastas que se aplicaron por inmersión sobre el revestimiento básico de los electrodos de 3,2 mm de diámetro del núcleo metálico. Para evaluar los electrodos fueron obtenidas las isolíneas de comportamiento de las tasas de fusión y deposición, de la eficiencia de deposición y de la geometría de los cordones. Se concluye que la composición del revestimiento de mejor desempeño condiciona cambios favorables frente al electrodo sin revestimiento periférico, ya que aumenta la profundidad de penetración del cordón, el cual adquiere un perfil más estrecho.

  4. 158. Extracción quirúrgica de electrodos de marcapasos y desfibrilador asistida con láser excimer

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    V.X. Mosquera Rodríguez


    Conclusiones: El láser Excimer se presenta como una alternativa eficaz para la extracción de electrodos intravasculares con resultados excelentes en nuestra serie, permitiendo tratar algunos pacientes que difícilmente podrían ser abordados con otras técnicas existentes. El riesgo de complicaciones cardiovasculares mayores exige que la técnica sea efectuada bajo anestesia general en un quirófano habilitado para cirugía cardíaca.

  5. Experiencia inicial con el retiro de electrodos de estimulación cardiaca mediante una técnica de extracción percutánea mecánica


    Mauricio Duque; Juan C. Díaz; Jorge E. Marín; Julián M. Aristizábal; Jorge E. Velásquez; Laura Duque; William Uribe


    Introducción: En Colombia el uso de técnicas de extracción de electrodos de estimulación cardiaca es infrecuente, en parte debido al alto costo de los materiales utilizados para la extracción percutánea y por otra parte por los riesgos percibidos asociados al procedimiento. Esto ha llevado a que muchos electrodos disfuncionantes o infectados sean abandonados o retirados mediante cirugía abierta. Con base en lo anterior se ha desarrollado un programa de extracción de electrodos mediante el uso...

  6. Perforación tardía del ventrículo derecho con electrodo de fijación activa en el septum y estimulación diafragmática como primera manifestación clínica

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    Alberto Negrete, MD


    Full Text Available La perforación miocárdica es una complicación infrecuente, relacionada con el implante de marcapasos y cardiodesfibriladores, que puede ocurrir al insertar los electrodos; sin embargo, en relación con la utilización de electrodos de fijación activa, ésta puede suceder después de varios días o semanas del implante. Se describe un caso clínico de un paciente a quien se le implantó un marcapasos bicameral con electrodos de fijación activa evidenciándose una semana más tarde perforación miocárdica por el electrodo ventricular, con estimulación diafragmática como manifestación clínica. Inicialmente no había evidencia radiológica de la perforación y requirió abordaje endovascular para extracción

  7. Selección automatizada de electrodos para la soldadura manual de los aceros al carbono

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    Alexander Velázquez Font


    Full Text Available Se aborda lo relativo a un sistema para la selección automatizada de electrodos en la soldadura de los aceros al carbono. Se inicia con una breve revisión de los problemas que presentan estos en su soldabilidad y los factores concernientes a la selección correcta del electrodo en los mismos. En el mismo se expone el fundamento teórico sobre el diseño del sistema el cual da solución a lo anteriormente expuesto. En la elaboración del software se tiene en cuenta los siguientes principios: propiedades mecánicas de la unión soldada, tipo de revestimiento, posición de la soldadura, etc. Se tienen en cuenta en el trabajo diferentes firmas y normas de fabricantes de electrodos y países que mas se utilizan en la industria mecánica en Cuba. El software tiene la ventaja de ser sencillo, rápido y seguro, garantizando la selección correcta de los electrodos para cada caso y situación. El software supone que el usuario no tenga que tener conocimientos profundos de soldadura, debido a que el sistema se encarga de la mayor parte de las decisiones para la selección del electrodo, procedimiento que con métodos convencionales, exigen del usuario una determinada experiencia en la selección de estos materiales para la soldadura de los aceros al carbono.

  8. Influencia de la composición fásica de la capa de barniz impermeabilizante de electrodos rutílicos sobre la porosidad en la soldadura subacuática mojada

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    Alexandre Queiroz


    Full Text Available Los electrodos rutílicos impermeabilizados se usan frecuentemente en la soldadura subacuática por su buen comportamiento tecnológico. Una alternativa para mejorar su comportamiento sería incorporar compuestos químicos a la capa de barniz. En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos con la adición de una mezcla pirometalúrgica exotérmica en la primera capa de barniz de electrodos rutílicos del tipo 6013 y 7024. La mezcla pirometalúrgica propuesta proporciona, por etapas, oxígeno al medio, según la temperatura del revestimiento, alterando así la presión parcial del hidrógeno del medio circundante. El elemento químico portador de oxígeno en la mezcla pirometalurgia se reduce hasta su estado elemental, interactuando después con el baño de soldadura como desoxidante. Todo este proceso brinda un balance energético favorable al proceso de soldadura. A 50 metros de profundidad se comparan el comportamiento tecnológico, la cantidad de poros en el metal de soldadura, la estructura metalográfica y la composición química de los depósitos metálicos realizados con electrodos barnizados de la manera tradicional y con los barnizados con la mezcla pirometalúrgica. Con los electrodos del tipo 6013 cubiertos con barniz modificado se logró disminuir los niveles de porosidad en los cordones en un 16% y con los electrodos 7024 en un 59%.

  9. Experiencia inicial con el retiro de electrodos de estimulación cardiaca mediante una técnica de extracción percutánea mecánica

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    Mauricio Duque


    Conclusión: La extracción de electrodos por electrofisiólogos debidamente entrenados permite obtener resultados muy buenos con una baja tasa de complicaciones. El uso de vainas de extracción mecánica es una alternativa viable y de costo razonable en nuestro medio sin necesidad de recurrir a cirugía cardiaca o vainas de extracción láser.

  10. Terapia de resincronización con implante de electrodo ventricular izquierdo por vía epicárdica Resynchronization therapy with left ventricular electrode implant via epicardium

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    Francisco Gómez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la terapia de resincronización cardiaca es segura y efectiva para mejorar la clase funcional y la calidad de vida, y reducir la mortalidad en pacientes con falla cardiaca en estado funcional III y IV con terapia médica óptima. Métodos: este es el reporte del procedimiento realizado a un grupo de pacientes a quienes se les implantó un marcapasos tricameral para resincronización cardiaca, con inserción del electrodo ventricular izquierdo por vía epicárdica, realizado en la Unidad Cardiovascular y de Trasplantes del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl y la Universidad de Antioquia, en noviembre de 2004 a febrero de 2006. Los pacientes elegidos para la inserción cumplían con los criterios de falla cardiaca estadio C o D, según la clasificación de la NYHA III ó IV, corroborado con prueba funcional menor de 5 MET, fracción de eyección menor del 35%, QRS mayor de 120 milisegundos y criterios ecocardiográficos de disincronía intraventricular, interventricular o aurículo-ventricular. Resultados: se incluyeron nueve pacientes: cinco hombres y cuatro mujeres, con edad promedio de 57 años; ocho pacientes tenían bloqueo de rama izquierda del haz de His. El procedimiento de implante se realizó en dos tiempos, el primero en la sala de hemodinámica donde se ubicó el electrodo de aurícula derecha y ventrículo derecho, y el segundo en el quirófano, donde se puso un electrodo del ventrículo izquierdo por vía epicárdica por minitoracotomía anterior izquierda. El tiempo total del procedimiento osciló entre 35 a 210 minutos con un promedio de 105 minutos, menor en los últimos pacientes. Las medidas intraoperatorias demuestran un umbral de estimulación promedio de 0,9 mv; la duración del QRS fue menor a 130 milisegundos luego de la estimulación biventricular en el 100% de los casos y el tiempo de detección al estimular con el electrodo ventricular izquierdo, fue mayor de 100 milisegundos en el 100% de los

  11. Perspectiva de uso del poliestireno expandido, como alternativa de impermeabilizante, para electrodos empleados en la soldadura subacuática mojada

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    Lorenzo Perdomo González


    Full Text Available La soldadura subacuática mojada, usando el proceso manual con electrodorevestido (SMAW, es actualmente la técnica más empleada para realizar trabajos de reparación en condiciones subacuática (mojada, debido a las características de maniobrabilidad propias del proceso. El revestimiento es la parte estructural del electrodo que más influye sobre su campo de aplicación, por tanto su impermeabilización es requisito indispensable, la cual se realiza mediante la aplicación de capas impermeables sobre el mismo, utilizándose habitualmente para esta operación resinas, ceras, parafinas o barnices. En eltrabajo se presenta una evaluación preliminar, acerca del uso del poliestireno reciclado como alternativa para la fabricación de un impermeabilizante para estos electrodos, abordándose las características principales de su preparación y forma de aplicación. Para realizar la evaluación de este nuevo impermeabilizante, se realizaron depósitos de soldadura en lámina de aguay a 50 m de profundidad, comparándose el desempeño de los electrodos impermeabilizados con el barniz tradicional y con la nueva formulación, fundamentalmente en lo referido a la apariencia superficial del cordón y a la formación de poros en el metal depositado a 50 m de profundidad, además fue realizada la caracterización química a los depósitos obtenidos en lámina de agua. La evaluación preliminar evidenció la factibilidad de emplear el poliestireno expandido como material alternativo para la fabricación de impermeabilizante para los electrodos empleados en operaciones de soldadura subacuática mojada.


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    Germán Buitrón


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la influencia de la separación de electrodos sobre la producción de electricidad y la eliminación de materia orgánica en celdas de combustible microbianas usando agua residual. Para ello se construyeron tres celdas de geometría semejante pero con diferente volumen. En promedio, se obtuvo una eficiencia de eliminación de materia orgánica del 71%. La duración del ciclo fue de 0.97 días para la celda de 40 mL, 1.03 días para la celda de 80 mL y 5.93 días para la celda de 120 mL. El aumento de distancia entre los electrodos (4, 8 y 12 cm no causó un efecto negativo en la generación de electricidad, pues en la mayor separación (celda de 120 mL se alcanzó un voltaje máximo de 660 mV, mientras que para las celdas de 40 y 80 mL fue de 540 mV y 532 mV, respectivamente. La densidad de potencia máxima se presentó en la celda con separación de 12 cm (408 mW/m2. Sin embargo, se observó que la potencia volumétrica disminuyó a medida que aumentó la separación entre los electrodos.

  13. Efecto sobre la reacción de oxígeno de la forma y la microestructura del contacto electrodo-electrolito de electrodos a difusión interna en Celdas de Combustible de Óxido Sólido (SOFC

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    Jiménez, R.


    Full Text Available In this work we have studied the elemental electrode shape and electrode - electrolyte contact microstructure influence of Internal diffusion (ID gas electrode in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC. First the influence over the electrolyte effective resistance is studied. Then the influence of the shape of the elemental contact grain of ID electrode is also studied. Finally the influence of the electrode - electrolyte contact microstructure in the electrode response for a pure diffuse control is modelled. From the obtained results, conclusions on the contact microstructure and electrode shape influence over the oxygen reaction of this kind of gas electrodes are commented.

    En este trabajo, se estudia la influencia de la forma del electrodo elemental y la microestructura del contacto electrodo-electrolito, del electrodo de gas a difusión interna en celdas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFC. Se determina la influencia de la microestructura del contacto electrodo electrolito sobre la resistencia efectiva del electrolito, la influencia de la forma del contacto de un grano elemental de un electrodo poroso suponiendo que sea aproximadamente una semiesfera sobre la reacción del electrodo y finalmente la influencia de la microestructura del contacto electrodo - electrolito en la respuesta a un control difusivo puro del electrodo. De los resultados obtenidos se pueden extraer conclusiones sobre la influencia de la microestructura del contacto y forma del electrodo en la reacción de oxígeno en este tipo de electrodos de gas.

  14. Comportamiento del tiempo de duración, la frecuencia de los cortocircuitos y la conductividad eléctrica durante el reencendido del arco en la soldadura SMAW (AC con electrodos E6013 Behavior of short-circuit frequency and duration time and electrical conductivity on arc turn- on during SMAW (AC with E6013 electrodes

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    Alejandro García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la evaluación del comportamiento del tiempo de duración, la frecuencia de los cortocircuitos y la conductividad durante el reencendido del arco en el proceso de soldadura SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding, con corriente alterna y electrodos E6013. El análisis estadístico no-paramétrico garantiza un procesamiento robusto de los datos, atenuando la influencia de valores atípicos y errores derivados del empleo de aproximaciones a distribuciones continuas conocidas. La mediana y la mediana de la desviación absoluta (MAD, respecto a la mediana de los datos, constituyen los estimadores de localización y dispersión utilizados, respectivamente. El electrodo, en el régimen de 160 A, presenta una mayor estabilidad, en el aporte metálico, dada por el menor valor del MAD promedio del período de cortocircuito (39,36 ms y de la duración del cortocircuito (1,43 ms, reafirmada con la presencia de una mayor conductividad eléctrica durante el reencendido (1766,17x10-3 S·s-1.The objective of this work is the valuation of the behavior of short-circuits frequency and duration time and electrical conductivity on arc reigniting in SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding process with alternate current and E6013 electrodes. The non parametric statistic analysis realize a robust data processing, minimizing the outliers influence and mistakes derivates about employ of approximations to well know continues distributions. The median and the median absolute deviation (MAD respect to median of the data are the localization and dispersion estimators used, respectively. The electrode at 160 A present a better stability on metal transference supported on the most little value of MAD for the period of transference (39,36 ms, and the MAD of the short-circuit duration (1,43 ms, according with the presence of a major electric conductivity during the arc reigniting (1766,17x10-3 S·s-1.

  15. Diseño Mc. Lean‐Anderson aplicado para obtener recubrimientos de electrodos aleados con carbono, cromo y titanio//Mc. Lean‐Anderson design applied for recovered electrodes obtaining with carbon, chrome and titanium alloys

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    Carlos René Gómez-Pérez


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de electrodos recubiertos destinados al relleno superficial con el proceso de soldadura manual (SMAW, Shielded Metal Arc Welding. Para el diseño experimental se aplican un procedimiento de cálculo para el revestimiento y un plan de mezclas del tipo Mc. Lean-Anderson. En el diseño se conjuga una matriz compuesta por Calcita (26,73 %, Ferrosilicio (19,02 %,Ferromanganeso (16,58 %, Rutilo (26,69 %, Silicato de Potasio (11,70 % y diferentes cargas de aleación conformadas por Grafito (2 ≤ X1 ≤ 10 %, Ferro Cromo (5 ≤ X2 ≤ 35 %, ferrotungsteno (5 ≤ X3 ≤ 10 % y matriz (60 ≤ X4 ≤ 80 %. En el trabajo se ofrecen criterios sobre la selección de los niveles límites a explorar durante el plan experimental, a partir de consideraciones sobre los materiales empleados, sus rangos y el procedimiento de fabricación de los electrodos.Palabras claves: electrodos recubiertos, recubrimientos de electrodos, smaw, diseño de experimentos, relleno superficial._______________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn the present work the behavior of recovered electrodes for superficial filler with Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW process is study. For the experimental design a coating calculation procedure and a Mc. Lean- Anderson type experimental plan are used. On the experimental design a matrix, composed by Calcite (26,73 %, Ferrosilicio (19,02%, Ferromanganese (16,58%, Rutile (26,69%, Potassium Silicate (11,70 %, and a alloy, conformed by Graphite (2 ≤ X1 ≤ 10, Ferro Chromium (5 ≤ X2 ≤ 35 %, ferrotungsteno (5 ≤ X3 ≤ 10 % and matrix (60 ≤ X4 ≤ 80 % is conjugated. In the work some criteria on the selection of the levels limits to explore during the experimental plan are offer, starting from considerations on the materials employees, their ranges and the procedure of production of the electrodes.Key words: recovered electrodes, electrodes coating, smaw

  16. Fabricación de electrodos para control de transporte y alineamiento a micro y nanoescalas usando técnicas bottom-up y top-down

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    Darwin Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El continuo avance de aplicaciones en dispositivos de autoensamble, posicionamiento, sensores, actuadores, y que permitan controladamente la manipulación de micro y nanoestructuras, han generado amplio interés en el desarrollo de metodologías que permitan optimizar la fabricación de dispositivos para el control y manipulación a micro y nanoescalas. Este proyecto explora técnicas de fabricación de electrodos con el fin de encontrar una técnica óptima y reproducible. Se compara el rendimiento de cada técnica y se describen protocolos de limpieza y seguridad. Se diseñan e implementan tres geometrías para movilizar y posicionar micro y nanopartículas de hierro en una solución de aceite natural. Finalmente se generan campos eléctricos a partir de electroforesis, con el fin de encontrar la curva que describe el desplazamiento de las partículas con respecto al potencial aplicado. Estos resultados generan gran impacto en los actuales esfuerzos de fabricación bottom-up (controlando con campos la ubicación y la movilidad en dispositivos electrónicos. El hecho de fabricar geometría planar con electrodos genera la posibilidad de que se pueda integrar movimiento de partículas a los circuitos integrados que se fabrican en la actualidad.

  17. Desactivación de electrodos de oro modificados con hidróxido de níquel


    Caram, Bruno Federico; Tucceri, Ismael Ricardo


    En este trabajo se estudió la modificación (desactivación) que sufre el proceso de transporte de carga en películas de hidróxido de níquel, sintetizadas electroquímicamente sobre electrodos de oro, cuando son almacenadas sin uso durante tiempo prolongado. Se encontró que las películas usadas después de ser almacenadas, se tornan menos conductoras que las películas usadas inmediatamente después de ser preparadas. En este estudio se empleó como técnica electroquímica, la Voltamperometría Estaci...

  18. Valoraciones empírico-teóricas sobre los métodos de evaluación de la transferencia de carga eléctrica en la soldadura con electrodo revestido

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    Alejandro García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se basa en la valoración de resultados obtenidos experimentalmente, mediante la aplicación de diferentes métodos de evaluación, reportados en la literatura especializada, de la estabilidad en el proceso de transferencia de carga eléctrica a través del arco. Un diseño factorial simple, cuya variable independiente es la corriente de soldadura, fue aplicada al proceso con electrodos AWS A5.1 E6013. Los depósitos de soldadura fueran realizados en posición plana con el empleo de un dispositivo de alimentación por gravedad. Fue obteniendo mediante procesamiento digital de señales y técnicas estadísticas, criterios sobre la estabilidad del proceso de transferencia de carga eléctrica, refrendados mediante la aplicación de técnicas de inspección visual y estudio de la morfología. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que entre los parámetros considerados para valorar el proceso de transferencia de carga eléctrica la mediana de la conductividad de los picos de reencendido y la cantidad de picos de reencendido se presentan como los índices más representativos, tanto desde el punto estadístico como fenomenológico. Esto se corrobora en el hecho de que el estudio morfológico metalográfico y el análisis de estabilidad del proceso de transferencia de carga eléctrica coincide en que el régimen de 160 A (para electrodos de 4 mm de diámetro es el más estable, comprobándose la validez del método empleado.

  19. Electrodos de PVC/TTF-TCNQ modificados. Aplicación como sensores y biosensores electroquímicos


    Sánchez-Obrero, Guadalupe


    En este trabajo de Tesis Doctoral, se estudia el desarrollo de nuevos electrodos, basados en la modificación del electrodo compósito PVC/TTF-TCNQ, mediante nanopartículas de oro. Se pretende que estos nuevos electrodos sean susceptibles de ser empleados como sensores y/o biosensores electroquímicos, para la detección de analitos de interés. De ellos, se han elegido para su determinación la glucosa, el paracetamol y los compuestos fenólicos presentes en los vinos. La Tesis Doctoral está es...

  20. Análisis de soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables con aceros de medio y bajo carbono por SMAW

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    José Luddey Marulanda Arevalo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de la soldabilidad de aceros inoxidables austeníticos AISI 304 y AISI 316 con aceros de bajo y medio carbono AISI 1020 – AISI 1045, empleando como materiales de aporte los electrodos EutecTrode® 52 NG, 54 NG y 57 NG, mediante el proceso de arco eléctrico con electrodo revestido (SMAW. Para analizar la soldabilidad de estos electrodos cuando se realiza la unión de aceros inoxidables con aceros al carbono, se practicaron pruebas metalográficas y ensayos mecánicos de dureza, doblez y tracción, con el fin de observar el comportamiento tanto de la zona afectada térmicamente como del cordón de soldadura, a partir del cambio en las propiedades mecánicas y metalúrgicas en las diferentes regiones de las uniones soldadas. Durante el proceso de soldadura se siguió una especificación del procedimiento de soldadura (WPS, para que los resultados fueran repetibles, minimizando los problemas de agrietamiento en caliente, agrietamiento en frío, formación de fase sigma y precipitación de carburos.

  1. Descargas inapropiadas por ruido eléctrico como manifestación de pérdida del aislante interno en un paciente con electrodo RIATA

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    Yuly A. Remolina


    Se expone el caso de un paciente de 64 años, quien cuatro años después del implante de un cardiodesfibrilador, presentó ocho descargas inapropiadas secundarias a extrusión de los alambres del electrodo por pérdida del aislante interno.

  2. Tratamiento de aguas residuales del proceso de desengrase de autopartes con fines de reuso


    Arango Gómez, Sebastián; López Gutiérrez, Andrés


    Este estudio presenta los resultados obtenidos al utilizar la electrocoagulación con el fin de reducir las grasas y aceites, la demanda química de oxigeno, el carbono orgánico total, surfactantes y aumentar la biodegradabilidad de aguas residuales provenientes de un proceso de desengrase de autopartes, de una planta ensambladora de autos de la ciudad de Medellín. Se utilizaron cuatro electrodos conectados en paralelo, configuración bipolar, usando hierro como electrodo de sacrificio y alumini...

  3. Análisis por microscopía electroquímica de barrido de superficies electroactivas y desarrollo-caracterización de electrodos basados en un tejido de fibra de carbono




    Una parte importante del trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis está basado en la puesta a punto y aplicación de la técnica de la microscopía electroquímica de barrido (SECM). Con esta técnica se han caracterizado electroquímicamente superficies sobre las que se han sintetizado una serie de materiales electroactivos desarrollados por nuestro grupo de investigación. Dichos materiales se sintetizan sobre diferentes substratos con el fin de disponer de electrodos de trabajo con aplicación en ...

  4. Electrodos austeníticos inoxidables semisintéticos para la soldadura manual por arco eléctrico: Una variante económica para las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PIME. // Semi-synthetic austenitics stainless steel electrodes for shielded metal arc welding: A

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    A. Paz Iglesias


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se brinda una valoración económica para la producción de electrodos austeníticos inoxidables tiposE308L, E309, E312 y E316L en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PIME. Lo significativo de la presente valoración esque se brindan los resultados obtenidos al fabricar los electrodos de forma semisintética; es decir, utilizando un solo tipo dealambre inoxidable (308L y añadiendo las ferroaleaciones necesarias en el revestimiento. Los resultados que se muestranestán basados en las experiencias de investigación, producción y comercialización de una planta con capacidad para 200toneladas al año, a la cual le es muy difícil insertarse en el mercado utilizando los mismos procedimientos tecnológicos yfinancieros de una gran empresa con grandes capitales y recursos.Palabras claves: Electrodos austeníticos inoxidables, electrodos sintéticos, ferroaleaciones, electrodossemisintéticos, electrodos convencionales, metal depositado.___________________________________________________________________Abstract.This paper offers an economic valuation for the production of stainless electrodes type E308L, E309, E312 and E316L,for small and middle companies (PIME. The significant part of the present valuation gives the results obtained in theproduction of semi-synthetic electrodes; using just one type of stainless wire (308L and adding the ferroalloys neededin the coat. The results shown are based on investigation experiences, production and trading of companies with acapacity for 200 T/year, so it is very difficult to enter in the market using the same technological procedures of a bigcompany with higher capital and financial resources.Key words: Nonrusting austenistic electrodes, sintetic electrodes, semisintetic electrodes, iron alloy,conventional electrodes, metal deposition.

  5. Caracterización acústica de mezclas bituminosas con polvo de caucho: correlación con textura


    Paje, S.E.; Bueno, M.; Terán, F.; Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo; Pérez Jiménez, Félix Edmundo; Martínez Reguero, Adriana Haydée


    El objeto de este trabajo ha sido caracterizar el comportamiento acústico in situ de mezclas bituminosas que contienen polvo de caucho procedente de neumáticos fuera de uso incorporadas por diferentes métodos. Las mezclas han sido extendidas en diversos tramos de ensayo experimentales de 200 m de longitud en la carretera B-140 en Barcelona. Los tramos experimentales han sido pavimentados con una capa de rodadura de unos 3 cm de espesor con mezcla de microaglomerado discontinuo tipo M-10...

  6. Posicionamento ectópico de eletrodo de marcapasso Posicionamiento ectópico de electrodo de marcapaso Ectopic positioning of pacemaker electrode

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    Gildo Mota


    Full Text Available Apresentamos o caso de um paciente portador da forma cardíaca da doença de Chagas com disfunção ventricular esquerda e bloqueio atrioventricular de 2º grau Mobitz II, associados a vários episódios de síncope. Foi submetido a implante de marcapasso artificial definitivo dupla câmara. Após um ano do implante foi diagnosticado deslocamento de eletrodo atrial, sendo submetido a reimplante de eletrodo atrial. Após dois anos do primeiro procedimento cirúrgico, apresentava dispneia aos grandes esforços. Durante a avaliação, foi solicitado ecocardiograma, que detectou a presença de corpo estranho de características metálicas em câmaras cardíacas esquerdas, consistente com eletrodo de marcapasso ectópico.Referimos el caso de un paciente portador de la forma cardíaca de la enfermedad de Chagas con disfunción ventricular izquierda y bloqueo atrioventricular de 2° grado Mobitz II, asociados a varios episodios de síncope. Fue sometido a implante de marcapaso artificial definitivo doble cámara. Tras un año del implante se diagnosticó desplazamiento de electrodo atrial, con la sumisión del paciente a reimplante de electrodo atrial. Tras dos años del primer procedimiento quirúrgico, presentaba disnea a los grandes esfuerzos. Durante la evaluación, se solicitó ecocardiograma, que detectó presencia de cuerpo extraño de características metálicas en cámaras cardíacas izquierdas, de acuerdo con electrodo de marcapaso ectópico.The present case reports on a patient presenting the cardiac form of Chagas disease, with left ventricular dysfunction and second-degree atrioventricular block Mobitz type II, associated with several syncope episodes. The patient underwent a double-chamber definitive artificial pacemaker implant. One year after the implant, the displacement of the atrial electrode was diagnosed and the patient was submitted to re-implantation of the atrial electrode. Two years after the first surgical procedure, the

  7. Trombosis venosa subclavia asociada a electrodo de marcapasos y síndrome de la plaqueta pegajosa

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    Carolina Ocampo-Salgado


    Full Text Available Resumen: El síndrome de la plaqueta pegajosa en un trastorno cualitativo plaquetario en el que bajas concentraciones de epinefrina y adenosina difosfato producen hiperagregabilidad plaquetaria considerable. Se ha especulado mucho sobre la etiología de este trastorno sin que sean claros sus mecanismos fisiopatológicos. Desde el punto de vista clínico, se asocia a trombosis arteriales y venosas recurrentes en pacientes jóvenes, pérdidas gestacionales, otras complicaciones obstétricas y cefalea recurrente.En la literatura se ha descrito su presentación familiar, lo que hace sospechar su comportamiento hereditario autosómico dominante; también se ha reportado un fenotipo adquirido de la enfermedad en algunas poblaciones especiales como pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en terapia de reemplazo renal o posterior al trasplante renal y en pacientes con cuadros inflamatorios o inmunosupresión. Se expone el caso de una paciente con antecedente de cefalea de difícil manejo, síndrome hipertensivo asociado al embarazo y mortinato, con síndrome del nodo enfermo y disautonomía manejadas con implantación de marcapasos definitivo bicameral con sensor CLS, que desarrolló trombosis de la vena subclavia, asociada al electrodo de marcapasos, recurrente a pesar de anticoagulación con warfarina y rivaroxabán e incluso a pesar de antiagregación con ácido acetilsalicílico, con posterior diagnóstico de síndrome de la plaqueta pegajosa. Abstract: Sticky platelet syndrome is a qualitative platelet disorder in which low concentrations of adrenaline and adenosine diphosphate produce considerable platelet hyperaggregability. There has been much speculation on the origin of this disorder as its pathophysiological mechanisms of action are not yet clear. From a clinical point of view, it is associated with recurrent arterial and venous thrombosis in young patients, miscarriages, other obstetric complications and recurrent headaches.Its familial

  8. Construcción de electrodos de plata / cloruro de plata para medición de potenciales eléctricos en estructuras sumergidas


    Alejandro David, Agama Mosquera; Peña Estrella, Julián


    En este proyecto se logró construir en el laboratorio de materiales un electrodo experimental plata/cloruro de plata para medición de potenciales eléctricos en estructuras sumergidas. Utilizando un procedimiento experimental llamado electrolisis se formo sobre el electrodo, específicamente en la rejilla del electrodo experimental una capa fina de cloruro de plata. A continuación se realizó los cálculos pertinentes de la masa de cloruro de plata que se formo durante el proceso de electrolisis ...

  9. Bifunctional electrodes with ir and Ru oxide mixtures and pt for unified regenerative cells; Electrodos bifuncionales basados en mezclas de oxidos de Ir y Ru con Pt para celdas regenerativas unificadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duron-Torres, S.M.; Escalante-Garcia, I.L. [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas (Mexico); Cruz, J. C.; Arriaga-Hurtado; L.G. [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica, Pedro Escobedo, Queretaro (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    reaccion de evolucion de oxigeno (OER) en el PEMWE son las etapas limitantes de las URFC segun sea el modo de operacion. La obtencion de electrocatalizadores bifuncionales que se desempenen de manera satisfactoria en ambas reacciones del oxigeno y que soporten las diferentes condiciones de trabajo encontradas en una celda de combustible y un electrolizador, es el enfoque principal de las investigaciones relacionadas con las URFC. El presente trabajo es una contribucion a la investigacion de electrocatalizadores bifuncionales y muestra algunos resultados preliminares del estudio electroquimico de diferentes mezclas de Pt gcc, IrO{sub 2} y RuO{sub 2} soportadas en Ebonex® como electrodos de oxigeno. La caracterizacion electroquimica por voltamperometria ciclica (CV), Voltamperometria lineal (LV) y Espectroscopia de Impedancia electroquimica (EIS) en H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} 0.5 M, en ausencia y presencia de oxigeno revela que los electrodos bifuncionales IrO{sub 2}-Pt y RuO{sub 2}-Pt soportados en Ebonex® presentan propiedades electrocataliticas razonables para las reacciones de evolucion y reduccion de oxigeno y presentan posibilidad para su uso en una URFC. Los electrodos basados en el oxido de Ir muestran una mayor estabilidad que los correspondientes electrodos basados en oxido de rutenio.

  10. Energía de ionización simple en la soldadura con electrodo revestido Simple ionization energy in coated electrode welding

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    Alejandro García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar, a la comunidad científica internacional, la concepción de un método de estimación de la energía de ionización simple, indispensable para el establecimiento del plasma térmico necesario para realizar el proceso de soldadura con electrodo revestido. A partir de la síntesis y el análisis de resultados teóricos y experimentales establecidos en la literatura especializada, fue deducido un método de estimación de la energía invertida en el proceso de ionización de determinado porcentaje de los elementos disociados que componen el gas heterogéneo (resultante de la descomposición de la masa de revestimiento en la unidad de tiempo, en función de la temperatura. La eficacia de la función eléctrica del revestimiento posibilita el desarrollo de las funciones metalúrgicas y operativas del consumible, dependiendo de las propiedades físico-químicas de los materiales del revestimiento y sus concentraciones relativas. La determinación de las proporciones exactas de los componentes de las mezclas que integran los revestimientos de los electrodos revestidos, constituye un importante reto tecnológico para los fabricantes, dadas las diferencias de composición química de las materias primas comercializadas y la necesidad de minimizar, integralmente, la relación costo-beneficio del producto. Una adecuada estabilidad eléctrica del proceso es imprescindible para obtener una óptima calidad de la unión soldada.The objective of the present work is to present to the international scientific community the conception of an estimation method of the simple ionization energy, indispensable for the establishment of the thermal plasma needed for covered electrode welding. Starting from the synthesis and the analysis of experimental and theoretical results established in the specialized literature, it was deduced a method for estimating the invested energy in the ionization process of determinate

  11. Sistema de adquisición de onda cerebral mediante electrodos secos y comunicación inalámbrica: aplicación a detección de somnolencia


    Vilatuña Canchigña, Betty Janneth; Yanchaliquín Guamán, Vanessa Jaqueline; Álvarez Rueda, Robin


    Este proyecto esta orientado a solucionar el problema de somnolencia en conductores de vehículos procurando disminuir los accidentes de tránsito, para lo cual se construyó un equipo instrumental que capta las ondas cerebrales emitiendo una señal de alerta oportuna cuando se detecta adormecimiento. Para conseguir este objetivo se trabaja con la señal de electroencefalograma (EEG), el cual se mide como una diferencia de voltaje entre dos electrodos. Esta señal biológica...

  12. Electrolisis de una disolución de ácido sulfúrico con empleo de electrodos de Cu. Práctica simulada interactiva.


    Milla González, Miguel


    En esta práctica simulada se realiza la electrolisis de una disolución de ácido sulfúrico 0.1 M utilizando electrodos de cobre. Para ello se hace el montaje experimental (mostrado mediante una sucesión de fotos) y se pesa previamente el ánodo que está constituido por una lámina de cobre. El experimento se inicia encendiendo la fuente de tensión. En este momento comienzan las reacciones redox en cátodo y ánodo. El proceso puede detenerse en cualquier instante, pero es aconsejable hacerlo para ...

  13. Caracterización de los niveles de exposición a campos electromagnéticos durante el tratamiento con diatermia

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    Douglas Deás Yero


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio del campo electromagnético generado por distintos electrodos de tipo capacitivo, empleados en el equipo de fisioterapia por diatermia de onda corta YB4-66, considerando su interacción con el medio ambiente que le rodea. Se realizaron las mediciones de campo eléctrico para diferentes configuraciones de tratamiento y se utilizó un medidor de campo eléctrico de sonda isotrópica. Se diseñó, mediante un software profesional de simulación, un modelo electromagnético paramétrico bidimensional con simetría axial, para obtener detalladamente en cada configuración de los electrodos evaluados la interacción del campo electromagnético con el tejido biológico y el ambiente exterior. Se halló una buena correspondencia entre los resultados obtenidos de forma experimental y las simulaciones, lo cual permitió identificar los niveles de exposición y tomar decisiones para lograr un tratamiento más efectivo y con el menor daño posible a los seres humanos.

  14. Estudio de electrodeposición de cobre sobre electrodos porosos de grafito y acero inoxidable vía SEM-DRX y análisis de imagen


    Constanzo-R., Robinson; Pagliero-N., Antonio; Vergara-G., Froilán


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativo de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el interior de electrodos porosos (EP) de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de laboratorio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme al i...

  15. Primer implante de electrodo de estimulación selectiva del haz de His en Colombia: Reporte de dos casos First implantation of selective his bundle pacing in Colombia: Report of two cases

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    Jorge E Velásquez


    Full Text Available Se conoce que la estimulación en el ápex del ventrículo derecho produce disincronía ventricular y muchas veces los pacientes desarrollan miocardiopatía dilatada, lo que ha llevado a realizar una estimulación más fisiológica. Con el reciente desarrollo tecnológico de los electrodos para la estimulación selectiva del haz de His (fisiológica, se quiere mostrar la experiencia en el implante de este tipo de electrodos en los dos primeros casos del servicio de electrofisiología de la Clínica Medellín.Pacing in the right ventricular apex is known to produce ventricular dysynchrony and patients often develop dilated cardiomiopathy. For this reason, a more physiological stimulation has been performed. With the recent technological development of electrodes for selective stimulation of the His bundle, we want to show the experience of this type of implantation in the first two cases made in the electrophysiology laboratory in Medellin.

  16. Efecto del V y el Si Sobre la Microestructura de Depósitos Realizados con Electrodos Tubulares Revestidos de Alto Contenido de Mn (Hadfield

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    Manuel Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las aleaciones para el relleno superficial Fe-Mn-C (Hadfield han demostrado una excelente resistencia al desgaste bajo altas cargas dinámicas. En los últimos años se han realizado numerosos estudios para aumentar la resistencia al desgaste y mejorar su desempeño, a través de la introducción de otros elementos de aleación. En el presente trabajo se investiga la microestructura y dureza de los depósitos de relleno con alto contenido de Mn y adiciones de 1.2% de V y 2.4% de Si. Los depósitos estudiados se realizaron utilizando electrodos tubulares revestidos fabricados a escala de laboratorio. Las fases y microconstituyentes en el metal depositado se identificaron mediante microscopía óptica (MO, electrónica de barrido (MEB, difracción de rayos X (DRX, dureza y microdureza. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, la adición de V al sistema aleante originó que la fase predominante fuera la austenita. Además, contribuyó a la formación de carburos de vanadio (VC en la microestructura de la capa de relleno, sin observarse la presencia de carburos complejos. Por otra parte, la presencia de Si favoreció la formación de una red de ferrita interdendrítica. La adición de estos elementos de aleación mejoró las propiedades de estos depósitos, potencializando su uso en aplicaciones que requieren alta resistencia al desgaste bajo altas cargas.

  17. Evaluación de diferentes tipos de barnices en la protección de electrodos para la soldadura subacuática//Evaluation of different types of varnishs to protect underwater welding electrodes

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    Manuel Rodríguez-Pérez


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar  las posibilidades de empleo de diferentes tipos de barnices como impermeabilizantes para los electrodos del tipo AWS E 6013, cuando se realiza la soldadura  en condiciones subacuática mojada. Los barnices evaluados son el Vinílico, Marítimo, base Poliuretano y una nueva variante base Isopor. Los métodos de evaluación incluye el comportamiento de la resistencia mecánica que le confiere al revestimiento a cada uno de los barnices, el agua adsorbida y el tipo de estructura en el cordón, utilizando microscopía óptica convencional. En este aspecto, la estructura en todos los cordones realizados con el electrodo E 6013, independientemente del impermeabilizante utilizado es similar, caracterizada por ferrita primaria o de contorno de grano y del tipo Widmanstätten, sin embargo, se determinó, que el impermeabilizante base Isopor, garantiza una mejor protección del electrodo en cuanto a la cantidad de agua adsorbida y adherencia del revestimiento.Palabras claves: soldadura subacuática, impermeabilizante, electrodos._______________________________________________________________________________The article aims to assess the potential use of different types of paints and waterproofing materials for the electrodes of type AWS E 6013, when performing underwater welding in wet conditions. The coatings evaluated are Vinyl, Maritime, polyurethane base and a new variant Isopor base. Evaluation methods include the behavior of the mechanical strength to the coating gives each of the varnishes, the adsorbed water and the type of structure in the welds, using conventional microscopy. In this sense, the structure in all the welds made with the electrode E 6013, regardless of waterproofed used is similar, characterized by primary or ferrite grain boundary and Widmanstätten type, however, it was determined that the base waterproofing Isopor, guarantees better protection of the electrode in terms of the amount of

  18. Sensores electroquímicos basados en nanomateriales de carbono


    Remesal García, Lucía


    Caracterización de tres sensores basados en materiales de nanocarbono mediante el análisis de diferentes compuestos. El objetivo del proyecto ha sido analizar que sensor es el más sensible para detectar los compuestos electroactivos en soluciones. Se han utilizado tres tipos diferentes de sensores: Electrodo de carbono modificado con nanotubos de carbono (CNT), Electrodo de carbono modificado con Nanofibras de carbono grafitizadas (CNF) y Electrodo de carbono modificado con grafeno (GPH). El ...

  19. Alterações dos nutrientes no solo e nas plantas em consórcio de eucalipto e acácia negra


    Vezzani, F. M.; Tedesco, M. J.; Barros, N. F.


    O consórcio de eucalipto e acácia negra pode trazer benefícios ecológicos e econômicos, tendo em vista a diversidade ambiental e redução dos custos com adubação nitrogenada. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de quantificar os nutrientes no solo e nas plantas e avaliar o crescimento e a produção de eucalipto em consórcio com acácia negra. Foram estudados sistemas de cultivo simples e consorciado de Eucalyptus saligna (Smith) e Acacia mearnsii (De Wild.), com 45 meses de idade, em Argissolo Vermelh...

  20. Incertidumbres en Mediciones de Caudal con Perfiladores de Corriente Acústicos Doppler desde Plataformas Móviles


    Tarrab, Leticia


    Tesis (DCI)--FCEFN-UNC, 2013 Determina la incertidumbre en las mediciones de caudal con Perfiladores de Corriente Acústicos Doppler (ADCP) desde plataformas móviles a los fines de optimizar las técnicas de medición y elaborar recomendaciones para minimizar los errores (sesgo e incertidumbre aleatoria) en el uso de las técnicas de medición de caudales.

  1. Producción de carbones ultralimpios usando flotación burbujeante y lixiviación con ácidos


    Barraza, Juan; Mejía, Isabel


    Los carbones ultralimpios representan una importante materia prima para la elaboración de productos de alto valor agregado tales como fibra de carbono, electrodos, espumas de carbón, entre otros. En este trabajo, carbones ultralimpios con concentraciones menores a 0,50% de ceniza (p/p, base seca, bs) se obtuvieron usando flotación burbujeante en columna y lixiviación con ácidos fluorhídrico (HF) y nítrico (HNO3). Los contenidos de ceniza se redujeron desde 19,60 % en los carbones alimentados ...

  2. Angioplastia del seno coronario en el implante de electrodo del ventrículo izquierdo Angioplasty of coronary sinus in left ventricle electrode implant

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    Alejandro Orjuela


    Full Text Available Con el incremento de implantes de dispositivos de estimulación cardíaca en pacientes con miocardiopatía dilatada, el diseno día a día más sofisticado de los mismos para satisfacer los requerimientos de los pacientes con cambios anatómicos que surgen como consecuencia de la misma dilatación cardíaca, tales como modificaciones en el calibre, curso, longitud y número de venas coronarias, cada vez se encuentran mayores dificultades para lograr los objetivos anatómicos, en particular el sitio ideal de posicionamiento del electrodo de estimulación ventricular izquierda en el seno coronario. Esta situación limita, en algunos casos, el beneficio terapéutico de esta técnica, viéndose, en ocasiones, en la necesidad de someter al paciente a toracotomía para posicionar el electrodo en el epicardio posterolateral del ventrículo izquierdo. Es así como, con el objetivo de abreviar los tiempos y la morbimortalidad e incrementar el éxito del implante, se disenó una estrategia basada en la técnica de hemodinámica para vencer las obstrucciones de las arterias coronarias y lograr, mediante angioplastia de las estrecheces del seno coronario, un abordaje más preciso a un determinado vaso epicárdico preseleccionado. Se describe la técnica usada en la angioplastia del seno coronario para este propósito.The design of devices of cardiac stimulation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy has become more sophisticated due to the increment of its implantation, devices that must satisfy the requirements for patients with anatomical changes that appear as a consequence of the cardiac dilation such as caliber modifications, course, length and number of coronary veins. Every time is more difficult to achieve the anatomical objectives, particularly the ideal place for the left ventricular stimulation electrode position in the coronary sinus. This situation limits in some cases the therapeutical benefit of this technique, occasionally facing to the

  3. Aplicación terapéutica de la ionización al cobre en el tratamiento de las ulceraciones genitales en el hombre

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    Luis M. Salgar


    medio de una corriente eléctrica directa o continua. La cantidad de droga introducida está en proporción directa con la intensidad de la corriente y el tiempo que dure el electrodo en contacto con los tejidos. Un tratamiento prolongado con un pequeño amperaje hará penetrar más profundamente los iones que un tratamiento corto y de alto amperaje. Entre mayor sea la superficie de contacto con el electrodo activo mayor será la cantidad de corriente. Se considera que con un electrodo regular y la aplicación de diez miliamperios durante veinte minutos (200 miliamperios minuto, pueden penetrar los iones de cobre casi 8 milímetros en los tejidos enfermos.

  4. Evaluación del Deterioro de los Electrodos al Incrementar el Número de Pulsos del Tiempo de Soldadura en Aceros IF y HSLA Galvanizados y la Afectación de las Propiedades Mecánicas en los Puntos de Soldadura

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    Miguel Fernando Delgado-Pamanes

    Full Text Available Resumen: La soldadura de resistencia por puntos, es el método más importante en la industria ensambladora de carrocería autoportante o monocasco debido a su automatización, su rapidez, flexibilidad de soldar piezas con forma compleja, es económico debido a que no requiere metal de aporte, además de la posibilidad de aplicar pulsos de precalentamiento y de postcalentamiento para mejorar la soldabilidad del punto de soldadura, el cual se define como la capacidad de la estructura de proporcionar protección adecuada a los pasajeros contra lesiones en caso de una colisión, principalmente depende de la integridad y rendimiento mecánico del botón de soldadura. Para extender la vida de los vehículos se producen aceros galvanizados. Sin embargo, los recubrimientos de cinc han incrementado la dificultad de soldabilidad, siendo necesarias corrientes mayores en el proceso, pues se presenta una menor resistencia en la interfase de soldadura debido a una mejor conductividad eléctrica. Este trabajo investiga el efecto del galvanizado en la disminución de la vida de los electrodos, por esta razón, se deduce una pérdida en las propiedades mecánicas en los botones de soldadura conforme se aumenta el número de puntos de soldadura. El objetivo principal del presente estudio es correlacionar el desgaste de los electrodos con las propiedades mecánicas de los botones de soldadura. El procedimiento experimental consiste en hacer 1.000 puntos de soldadura; para cada vigésimo quinto punto de soldadura a partir del primero, los cuales se examinaron por estereoscopia, ensayos de dureza, ensayos de desbotonamiento y ensayos de tensión al corte. En el desgaste del electrodo, se evaluó la cara por impresión en papel carbón, microscopia óptica y espectroscopia de rayos-X (EDX.

  5. Transformaciones Microestructurales en Soldaduras Disímiles de Acero Inoxidable Austenítico con Acero Inoxidable Ferrítico

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    Sara María Aguilar-Sierra


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudian los fenómenos metalúrgicos que ocurren en la soldadura SMAW de un acero inoxidable ferrítico AISI 430 con un acero inoxidable austenítico AISI 316L. Para el estudio se utilizaron dos tipos de electrodos: austenítico AWS E309L y dúplex AWS E2209-16, ambos con un diámetro de 3,2 mm. Las uniones soldadas se realizaron con un solo pase y se variaron simultáneamente la corriente y la velocidad de soldadura; las condiciones fueron 49 A y 2,4 mm.s–1como valores bajos y 107 A y 4,3 mm.s–1como valores altos. Se evaluó la influencia del tipo de electrodo y de los parámetros de soldadura en la evolución microestructural de las zonas afectadas por el calor y de las zonas de fusión, encontrando diferencias en la morfología y cantidad de ferrita delta para todas las condiciones estudiadas. Se evidenció crecimiento y refinación de grano ferrítico y formación de martensita en la zona afectada por el calor del metal base ferrítico. Se evaluó también la resistencia a la tensión hallando similitudes en todas las soldaduras.

  6. Caracterizacíón del desgaste de electrodos de grafito en electroerosión por penetración


    Margüello Juaristi, Ignacio


    Estudio sobre la caracterización del desgaste de electrodos en electroerosión por penetración, así como el estudio del gap y de las dimensiones finales de las cavidades erosionadas en función de la tecnología de erosión empleada.

  7. Desarrollo de sensores nanoestructurados basados en nanopartículas para análisis de fenoles de interés en alimentación.


    Duque Hernández, Patricia


    En este TFG se describe la fabricación de electrodos de pasta de carbono modificados con tres tipos de nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos (TiO2, NiO y CeO2). Cada electrodo ha sido ensayado en 4 antioxidantes distintos, compuestos fenólicos presentes en alimentos y bebidas, con objeto de determinar el efecto electrocatalítico de las nanopartículas empleadas y otra ventajas que ofrecen en su uso frente a los electrodos de pasta de carbono sin modificar. Se ha determinado el límite de detección...

  8. Inspección visual con ácido acético (IVAA) en la detección precoz del cancer de cuello uterino :


    Foresi, Ana María del Valle


    Tesis Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía -- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. La Inspección Visual con Acido Acético (IVAA) constituye una alternativa frente a la citología Exfoliativa en el examen de detección del cuello de útero en lugares de escasos recursos o como complemento de papanicolaou en zonas de mediano recursos. OBJETIVOS: Examinar la sensibilidad, especiaficidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo de los tres métodos de pesquisa (inspección visual con...


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar y caracterizar el comportamiento mecánico en desgaste del acero API 5L X65, revestido con niobio en comparación al desempeño del revestimiento de la aleación de inconel 625 empleados en la industria de petróleo y gas. El revestimiento de niobio fue obtenido por el proceso de aspersión térmica a plasma de arco no transferido y el revestimiento inconel 625 por soldadura con electrodo revestido. La resistencia al desgaste por abrasión fue evaluada según la norma Petrobras N-2568, en un tribómetro CTER, la rugosidad y el volumen de material desgastado se determinó a través de perfilometría y la dureza de los revestimientos por microscopia Vickers. Los revestimientos obtenidos fueron caracterizados respecto a su morfología por microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB y microscopía óptica (MO. La mayor dureza del revestimiento con niobio obtenido puede haber contribuido a reducir la tasa de desgaste en comparación con el revestimiento de inconel 625.

  10. Microscale adaptation of the potentiometric method with ion-selective electrode for the quantification of fluoride; Adaptacion a microescala del metodo potenciometrico con electrodo ion selectivo para la cuantificacion de fluoruro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guevara Ruiz, Paulina; Ortiz Perez, Maria Deogracias [Laboratorio de Bioquimica, Facultad de de Medicina, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    muestra necesarios, disminuya costo y substancias de desecho. Se valido el metodo potenciometrico establecido en la NMX-AA-077-SCFI-2001, asi como el metodo a microescala propuesto en este trabajo; posteriormente, se compararon ambos metodos mediante graficos y calculos estadisticos. Ademas se analizaron por ambos metodos 125 muestras de agua embotellada de venta en la ciudad de San Luis Potosi. Los datos de la validacion del metodo fueron optimos para su desempeno. Los resultados de la determinacion en las muestras de agua embotellada por ambos metodos, indican que la modificacion a microescala es estadisticamente comparable al metodo potenciometrico con electrodo ion selectivo. El metodo propuesto a microescala es apropiado para su utilizacion, con una reduccion de 95 % en costo y desechos generados.


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    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe el desarrollo de un método experimental empleado para construir las curvas de Corriente de Soldadura Vs. Velocidad de Alimentación de Alambre en proceso GMAW, con dos extensiones de electrodo en un modo de transferencia por corto circuito, utilizando un electrodo ER70S-6 y un gas 98%Ar-2%CO2. Se encontró que, manteniendo el voltaje constante, la corriente de soldadura se incrementó de manera proporcional (aproximadamente lineal a la velocidad de alimentación de alambre e inversamente proporcional a la extensión del electrodo. Se compararon las curvas construidas con las disponibles en la literatura y se encontró un desfase de aproximadamente 20 A respecto a la curva resultante para una distancia tubo de contacto-trabajo de 15 mm. Se determinó indirectamente la extensión del electrodo a partir de la estimación de las longitudes de arco fotografiadas durante los ensayos.

  12. Ensayo de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de los cerramientos exteriores y particiones realizados con paneles de madera

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    Pacios Álvarez, Antonia


    Full Text Available The house prototype of the Provisional Emergency House System uses wood and its derivatives for the facades, floor structure, roofing and partitions.  The extensive use of wooden panels for the construction and the lack of data, in Spain, about their acoustic behavior bring up the necessity to make in situ measurements of the acoustic isolation to airborne sound. Panels used for facades and partitions are built with a wooden framework and membrane of oriented strand board in both sides, for the facades, and of laminated plaster boards for the inner partitions. With the objective of verifying the sound insulation of the facades according to Spanish Standard UNE EN ISO 140-5, in situ measurements of airborne sound insulation of facade elements and facades have been made; according to Spanish Standard UNE EN ISO 140-4, in situ measurements of airborne sound insulation between rooms for internal walls have also been made. The procedure of the global insulation has been followed to measure the acoustic insulation of complete facades without making distinction between the elements that form it.El prototipo de vivienda del Sistema de Vivienda Provisional de Emergencia utiliza principalmente la madera y sus derivados tanto en los cerramientos y particiones como en el forjado y la cubierta. El empleo de soluciones constructivas ligeras y la falta de datos en España acerca del comportamiento acústico de los mismos plantea la necesidad de realizar mediciones in situ del aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo. El panel base de cerramiento y particiones se construye partiendo de un entramado de montantes de madera con membrana en ambas caras de tableros de virutas de madera orientadas, para el caso de los cerramientos exteriores, y de tableros laminados de yeso para las particiones interiores. Con el objeto de comprobar el aislamiento acústico de dichos cerramiento se han realizado ensayos siguiendo la Norma UNE EN ISO 140-5 para la medición in situ del


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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo estudia el comportamiento de electrodos revestidos para recubrimiento duro manual por arco eléctrico (SMAW, utilizados en la fabricación de blindajes laterales de molinos para la trituración de áridos. Se evaluaron tres materiales de aporte de diferentes fabricantes y recomendados para este tipo de aplicación. Se realizaron depósitos con diferentes niveles de corriente de soldadura, utilizando un dispositivo simulador que permite realizar ensayos de recubrimiento duro manual sin la interferencia directa del soldador. Se determinaron las características técnico-operativas de los consumibles de soldadura estudiados, tales como: tasa de fusión y deposición, rendimiento real, estabilidad de funcionamiento; así como se establecieron las propiedades de los depósitos: estructura metalográfica y dureza. El análisis integrado de estas características posibilito la selección del metal de aporte más adecuado, así como la mejor corriente de soldadura para esta aplicación concreta. Finalmente se desarrolló un ensayo de desgaste comparativo en condiciones reales de servicio, demostrando de esta manera la factibilidad de la sustitución de un elemento por otro.

  14. Productos «Celotex» para acondicionamientos Acústicos

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available Not availableBajo la denominación general «Celotex», que es un nombre registrado, la Casa Americana The Celotex Corporation, cuyo domicilio social es 120 South, La Salle Street, Chicago J. lllinois, fabrica diversos materiales para fines de acondicionamiento acústico elaborados, según los tipos de que se trate, con fibra de caña de azúcar, lanas minerales, acero, amianto, etc., perforados o no y de acuerdo con el efecto estético y acústico que se desee obtener.

  15. Supresión de modos de vibración acústicos con un resonador Helmholtz

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    Guiguet Andrés


    Full Text Available La inserción de un Resonador Helmholtz (RH en las paredes laterales de un tubo, con ondas estacionarias en su interior, logra suprimir uno o más de sus modos resonantes si se elige adecuadamente la frecuencia del resonador. El RH puede actuar también como filtro de ondas propagantes.' En este caso, el RH atenua las ondas en un rango de frecuencia muy selectivo. En la mayoría de los textos de acústica, solamente se desarrolla la teoría que explica el filtrado de ondas propagantes. Sin embargo, en los laboratorios de física basica, donde se dispone solamente de tubos de Kundt de pequeña longitud, no es simple realizar un arreglo experimental que asegure la presencia de ondas propagantes puras en su interior. La falta de una teoría para ondas estacionarias y las dificultades experimentales que señalamos han producido algunas confusiones en trabajos que tratan sobre el tema. En este artículo se presenta un modelo teórico que describe satisfactoriamente el comportamiento del RH cuando funciona como filtro de ondas estacionarias y se marcan las diferencias con la situación en que opera como filtro de ondas propagantes.

  16. Variación de los parámetros eléctricos de la arena con la frecuencia

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    Oscar Germán Duarte Velasco


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de dos tipos de pruebas hechas a una clase de arena para obtener los valores de resistividad y permitividad eléctricas en el rango de los Hz hasta los MHz. Una de las pruebas fue realizada a frecuencias específicas con un generador de señales, y la otra fue hecha con un generador de impulsos de tensión, con lo cual se trabajó un espectro continuo de frecuencias. Las pruebas se llevaron a cabo para tres valores de humedad, y los resultados de ambas mostraron un comportamiento no lineal presente en la superficie de los electrodos de prueba. Esta no linealidad fue modelada y considerada en el procedi-miento de cálculo de los valores de permitividad y resistividad en el dominio de la frecuencia. Finalmente, se señalan los resultados, las conclusiones y el trabajo futuro.

  17. Pantallas acústicas submarinas de material compuesto multilaminar con matriz metálica


    Gallego, V.; Laguna, M.; Vázquez, A. J.


    7 pp.-- PACS nr.: 43.30.Ky.-- Comunicación presentada en los siguientes congresos: XXX Jornadas Nacionales de Acústica – TecniAcústica 1999. Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica (Ávila, 20-22 Octubre 1999).



    Barrado, Enrique; Gutiérrez, Evelin; Rodríguez, José Antonio; Castrillejo, Yolanda


    En esta comunicación se presenta el estudio del comportamiento electroquímico de los iones Cu(I) sobre electrodo de Carbono vítreo (GC) en el DES ChCl-EG 1:2 a 333,15 K. Junta de Castilla y León Proyecto VA171U14

  19. Role of the reference position on overpotential measurements

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    Figueiredo, F. M.


    Full Text Available Steady state polarisation measurements can be affected by electrode microstructure and geometrical arrangement. In particular, the relative position of the reference electrode with respect to the working and counter electrodes may influence the reference potential and therefore effect the overvoltage readings. The influence of the geometrical arrangement of the electrodes on the electrolyte potential lines, was simulated by solving the appropriate Maxwell equations. Simulations were in relatively good agreement with steady state polarisation and impedance spectroscopy results obtained with YSZ|LaMnO3-based cells. The use of impedance spectroscopy to assess the appropriateness of a given electrode configuration is suggested.

    La medida de los estados de polarización fijos puede estar afectada por la microestructura del electrodo y su configuración geométrica. En particular, la posición relativa del electrodo de referencia en relación con los electrodos de trabajo y conteo puede influenciar el potencial de referencia y por lo tanto afectar las lecturas de sobrevoltaje. La influencia de la configuración geométrica de los electrodos sobre las líneas potenciales del electrolito fue simulada por resolución de las ecuaciones de Maxwell apropiadas. Las simulaciones estuvieron en relativamente buen acuerdo con el estado de polariazación fijo y los resultados de espectroscopía de impedancia obtenidos con células basadas en YSZ|LaMnO3. Se sugiere el uso de espectroscopía de impedancias para valorar la conveniencia de una configuración de electrodo.

  20. Producción de A.C.S. y climatización de una vivienda unifamiliar con energía geotérmica


    Martínez Doce, Rubén


    El objetivo de este proyecto fin de carrera es el de realizar un diseño de una instalación para la producción de agua caliente sanitaria (A.C.S.), climatización de las estancias y de una piscina cubierta, de una vivienda unifamiliar mediante energía geotérmica, con el fin de proporcionar un ahorro energético utilizando una energía limpia. Ingeniería Industrial Industria Ingeniaritza

  1. Interfaz humano-computadora basada en señales de electrooculografía para personas con discapacidad motriz

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    Daniel Pacheco Bautista


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un prototipo que asiste, a personas con cierta discapacidad motriz, en la interacción con la computadora de una forma simple y económica, mediante señales de electrooculografía. Esta técnica permite detectar los movimientos oculares basada en el registro de la diferencia de potencial existente entre la córnea y la retina, tal propiedad es aprovechada en este proyecto para controlar el desplazamiento del cursor del ratón de una forma precisa sobre la pantalla de la computadora. El prototipo es un diseño compacto alimentado de una fuente única de 5V proveniente del puerto USB y utiliza la circuitería ya implementada en cualquier ratón electromecánico convencional con mínimas modificaciones. El uso de tales dispositivos así como de electrodos convencionales hace el producto de un costo relativamente bajo en relación a las propuestas en otros trabajos.

  2. Estimulación eléctrica medular para el tratamiento del dolor del síndrome postlaminectomía. Resultado del tratamiento con electrodos planos. Comparación de la eficacia clínica con electrodos de 16 polos frente a electrodos de 8 polos


    Almarcha Bethencourt, José Manuel


    Desde que a finales de la década de los 60 se comenzó a utilizar la EEM para el control del dolor crónico, el procedimiento ha sufrido muchos cambios. Por un lado, las indicaciones han ido aumentando: muchos tipos de dolor neuropático focal, dolor de origen vascular y dolor de origen visceral. Por otro lado, se suma una evolución tecnológica, con una mejoría evidente en los sistemas de estimulación no solo en los parámetros eléctricos y su eficiencia sino también en la mayor facilidad en lo q...

  3. ConKit: a python interface to contact predictions. (United States)

    Simkovic, Felix; Thomas, Jens M H; Rigden, Daniel J


    Recent advances in protein residue contact prediction algorithms have led to the emergence of many new methods and a variety of file formats. We present ConKit , an open source, modular and extensible Python interface which allows facile conversion between formats and provides an interface to analyses of sequence alignments and sets of contact predictions. ConKit is available via the Python Package Index. The documentation can be found at . ConKit is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause. or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  4. Incertidumbre de la medición de masa en la determinación de los parámetros de consumo de electrodos de recargue Measurement uncertainty of mass in the determination of the consumption parameters of hardfacing electrodes

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    Rosenda Valdés Arencibia


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta la evaluación de la incertidumbre de las mediciones realizadas para la determinación de los parámetros de consumo de electrodos de recargue, dando énfasis a la medición de masa. Para ello fueron realizados tres depósitos a tres niveles de corriente (120 A, 145 A y 160 A, respectivamente, registrándose el tiempo de soldadura, la longitud del cordón, así como la masa inicial y final de las probetas y de los electrodos. A partir de los datos anteriores fueron determinados los parámetros de consumo. Fue calculada la incertidumbre asociada a la masa de las probetas, a la masa consumida del electrodo, a la masa depositada y a los parámetros de consumo. Al finalizar el trabajo se comprobó que el rendimiento del depósito muestra un comportamiento decreciente con la corriente, siendo el mejor resultado de (74,12 % para una corriente de soldadura de 120 A. Los valores de incertidumbre expandida para el rendimiento varían entre 1,47 % y 2,41 %, para la tasa de consumo fueron obtenidos valores entre 0,4 g/min y 0,6 g/min, mientras que para la tasa de deposición la incertidumbre varía de 0,6 g/min a 0,7 g/min.This work presents the evaluation of the uncertainty of the measurements to determine the consumption parameters of hardfacing electrode, emphasizing the mass measurement. The experimentation was carried out obtaining deposits at three levels of current (120 A, 145 A y 160 A and measuring the time spent in welding, the length of the welds the test plate and electrode mass (initial and final. Based on these results, the consumption parameters were also determined. The uncertainty related to the measurements the mass of the samples, the mass consumption of the electrode, the deposited mass and consumption parameters was determined. The results showed that the deposition efficiency increase as a function of the current, turning the best result (74.12 % at 120 A. The expanded measurement uncertainty associated to

  5. Arquitectura teatral, historia y acústica: el sonido de los teatros


    Arturo Barba Sevillano


    La evolución arquitectónica de los edificios teatrales a lo largo de la historia está intrínsecamente relacionada con el tipo de espectáculos representados en ellos y con sus necesidades acústicas. En este artículo se exponen cronológicamente los rasgos morfológicos y acústicos de los edificios teatrales, desde las tipologías iniciales de la antigüedad clásica hasta las diferentes propuestas de teatros de ópera a la italiana en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Se analiza la herencia formal que cada mo...

  6. stainless steel by SEM-XRD and image analysis

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    Robinson Constanzo-R.


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativ o de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el inter ior de electrodos porosos (EP de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se reali zaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de labora torio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme al interior del electrodo. En el electrodo de acero, la penetra ción del depósito en el espesor fue alrededor de 50%, mientras que para el grafito a lrededor de 90%. En forma general, se observó un aumento de la cantidad de depósito hacia el extremo frente al ánodo y con sitios de difer ente crecimiento en depósito de cobre. Esto demuestra una distr ibución de corriente y potencial, función de parámetros físicos de electrodo y de la s características fisicoquímicas e hidrodinámicos del electroli to.

  7. Acústica arquitectónica y patrimonio teatral en Andalucía


    León Rodríguez, Ángel Luis


    En el presente trabajo de investigación, principalmente se ha estudiado con minuciosidad las condiciones acústicas de una muestra representativa de teatros pertenecientes al patrimonio histórico-arquitectónico andaluz, al mismo tiempo que se ha hecho una valoración (cualificación) individual y global de los mismos. El trabajo se ha iniciado con un breve análisis histórico de la acústica de estos edificios, desde la antigua Grecia hasta nuestros días, en el que se ha querido describir la evol...

  8. Estimulación multipunto mediante captura anódica del ventrículo izquierdo a través de un electrodo cuadripolar: evaluación hemodinámica no invasiva

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    Jorge Toquero Ramos


    Conclusión: La estimulación multipunto mediante captura anódica a través de un electrodo cuadripolar es factible, demostrándose así diferencias significativas en el volumen latido y gasto cardiaco, aunque limitado a la población en ritmo sinusal.

  9. Arquitectura teatral, historia y acústica: el sonido de los teatros

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    Arturo Barba Sevillano


    Full Text Available La evolución arquitectónica de los edificios teatrales a lo largo de la historia está intrínsecamente relacionada con el tipo de espectáculos representados en ellos y con sus necesidades acústicas. En este artículo se exponen cronológicamente los rasgos morfológicos y acústicos de los edificios teatrales, desde las tipologías iniciales de la antigüedad clásica hasta las diferentes propuestas de teatros de ópera a la italiana en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Se analiza la herencia formal que cada modelo teatral adeuda a sus predecesores y se señalan sus diferencias. En cada tipo teatral aportamos una síntesis de sus características acústicas explicando sus virtudes y defectos, y argumentamos las razones de su funcionamiento sonoro.

  10. Utilización del mineral de manganeso (pirolusita en la producción de aceros al carbono

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    Aerles Batista-Cabrera


    Full Text Available Los métodos tradicionales de producción de acero utilizan el ferromanganeso para obtener el porcentaje de Mn en la marca establecida según la norma cubana, pero este compuesto es altamente costoso. Se ensayó, en la producción del Ac 35, sustituir el ferromanganeso por el mineral pirolusita (MnO2 con el fin de reducir los costos. Se evaluaron dos variantes de sustitución: la primera consiste en añadir el mineral con virutas de aluminio y coque (o residuos de electrodos sobre la escoria del metal durante el proceso de reducción, en tanto que la segunda variante emplea el mineral de manganeso en lugar del de hierro durante el proceso de oxidación de las impurezas. Se encontró que ambas variantes son factibles y que la segunda resulta, además, ser más económica

  11. Electrooxidación del etanol y bioetanol sobre catalizadores de naturaleza amorfa de composición Ni59Nb40Pt1 y Ni59Nb39Pt2


    Artutxa, E.; Pierna, A.; Lorenzo, A.; del Val, J.


    La ecotoxicidad de las disoluciones provenientes de las pilas de combustible de etanol directo (DEFC) disminuyetras el proceso de electrooxidación con electrodos de naturalezaamorfa. Esta disminución es función del potencialaplicado y de la composición del electrodo utilizado.El proceso de electrooxidación del etanol y bioetanol, sucedetras una secuencia de reacciones, donde se formanvarios productos intermedios que pueden afectar al procesogeneral de electrooxidación de los alcoholes.El bioe...

  12. Preparación de biosensores enzimáticos e inmunosensores basados en electrodos modificados con nanopartículas de oro


    Carralero Sanz, Verónica


    El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido aprovechar las ventajas del empleo de superficies electródicas nanoestructuradas para el desarrollo de biosensores electroquímicos con características analíticas mejoradas con respecto a otros diseños y la aplicación de los mismos a muestras reales de interés.


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    Robinson Torres


    Full Text Available A detailed description of the electronic system designed to improve the measurements in an experimental AC electrogravimetry setup is presented. This system is committed to acquire appropriated data for determining the Electrogravimetric Transfer Function (EGTF and provide information regarding the mass transfer in an electrochemical cell in the AC Electrogravimetry Technique, but maintaining a good trade-off between the locking frequency bandwidth and the resolution in the frequency tracking, that is, enlarging the bandwidth of the system to follow signals with frequency as higher as 1 kHz, but maintaining an accurate and continuous tracking of this signal. The enlarged bandwidth allows the study of fast kinetic process in electrochemical applications and the continuous tracking let to achieve a precise measurement with good resolution rather than average frequency records obtained by conventional frequency meters. The system is based on an Analogue-Digital Phase Locked Loop (A-D PLL.En este artículo se presenta una descripción detallada del sistema electrónico diseñado para mejorar las medidas en un sistema experimental de electrogravimetría AC. El sistema diseñado se encarga de adquirir los datos adecuados para determinar la función de transferencia electrogravimétrica (EGTF y proveer información relacionada con la transferencia de masa en una celda electroquímica en la técnica de electrogravimetría AC, pero manteniendo un buen compromiso entre el ancho de banda de enganche y la resolución en el seguimiento de la frecuencia, es decir, el sistema incrementa el ancho de banda para permitir el seguimiento de señales con frecuencias hasta de 1 kHz, pero conservando un exacto y continuo seguimiento de esta señal. El aumento del ancho de banda permite el estudio de procesos con una cinética rápida en aplicaciones electroquímicas y el seguimiento continuo de la señal permite la obtención de medidas precisas con buena resoluci

  14. Resultados de ensayos de soldadura a tope y por solape, con electrodo, de barras de aceros estirados en frío

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    Calavera Ruiz, José


    Full Text Available The authors report on a series of tests carried out in the welding of reinforced concrete bars. The tested bars were cold drawn, with elastic limits of 4,200 and 5,000 kg/cm2. The tests included butt and overlap welding, involving excentric and axial overlaps, with joint reinforcements. Results of these experiments show that if the indicated method is adopted, including an average standard of workmanship, the weld attains 100 % of the bar strength.Los autores dan cuenta de una serie de ensayos realizados sobre soldadura de barras para hormigón armado. Las barras ensayadas son de acero estirado en frío con límites elásticos de 4.200 y 5.000 kp/cm2. Los ensayos abarcaron la soldadura a tope y la soldadura por solape, con sus variantes de solape excéntrico y solape centrado con cubrejuntas. Los resultados de los ensayos demuestran que siguiendo la técnica indicada, y con una calidad normal de ejecución, la soldadura presenta el 100 % de la resistencia de la barra.

  15. Producción de carbones ultralimpios usando flotación burbujeante y lixiviación con ácidos

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    Juan Barraza


    Full Text Available Los carbones ultralimpios representan una importante materia prima para la elaboración de productos de alto valor agregado tales como fibra de carbono, electrodos, espumas de carbón, entre otros. En este trabajo, carbones ultralimpios con concentraciones menores a 0,50% de ceniza (p/p, base seca, bs se obtuvieron usando flotación burbujeante en columna y lixiviación con ácidos fluorhídrico (HF y nítrico (HNO3. Los contenidos de ceniza se redujeron desde 19,60 % en los carbones alimentados hasta 8,70 % en los carbones flotados usando tres etapas en serie en una columna de flotación. Al usar lixiviación química con HF 7,53M y HNO3 2,3M, los carbones presentaron contenidos de 1,42% de ceniza, 0,86% de azufre y 2,00% de materia mineral, mientras que cuando se usó un proceso combinado de flotación seguido de lixiviación ácida con HF 19,2M y HNO3 8,12M se obtuvo un carbón con 0,48 % de ceniza 0,71 % de azufre y 0,96 % de materia mineral. Sin embargo, al usar carbón original (no flotado a las mismas concentraciones ácidas utilizadas en el proceso combinado se produjo un carbón ultralimpio de contenido de ceniza 0,33%.

  16. Electrodes friendly with the environment for detect heavy metal

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    Jairo Alberto Barón-Jaimez


    Full Text Available Los últimos siglos, los metales pesados han sido extraídos y pr ocesados industrialmente; hoy en día, hacen parte de nuestra ca dena alimenticia y su detección ha generado gran interés a nivel int ernacional debido a los efectos adversos, en cantidades más all á de las permitidas para el ser humano. Por muchos años, los electrodos de mercurio han sido utilizados para detectar metales pesados; sin embargo, debido a las nuevas regulaciones y su alta toxicidad, nuevas alternativas para su reemplazo como electrodo en las téc nicas electroanalíticas han sido investigadas. Los electrodos de Bism uto se han situado como una alternativa para este tipo de activ idad debido a sus múltiples características semejantes a las del mercurio y su baja toxicidad, en este documento se presenta un panorama de este nuevo tipo de electrodo, junto con diferentes parámetros a tene r en cuenta para obtener mejores resultados.

  17. Self-supported carbon electrodes obtained by tape casting

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    Rubio-Marcos, F.


    Full Text Available This paper describes the preparation and electrochemical response of self-supported carbon electrodes prepared by tape casting. The dc electrical conductivity, σ, of the electrodes was determined by four-wire resistance measurements and a relation between the graphite/organic additives ratio and the electrical conductivity was established. The application of these self-supported carbon electrodes as working electrodes in analytical techniques was also evaluated using norepinephrine as electroactive substance in cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The results were compared with the traditional electrodes, carbon paste electrodes (CPEs, showing that the new self-supported carbon electrodes had both lower background noise and higher analytical response.

    Este artículo describe la preparación y respuesta electroquímica de electrodos de carbono autosoportados preparados mediante colado en cinta. La conductividad eléctrica en corriente continua de este nuevo tipo de electrodos de carbono se ha determinado usando el método de cuatro puntas y se ha establecido una relación ente la relación grafito/aditivos orgánicos y la conductividad eléctrica. La aplicación de estos electrodos autosoportados como electrodos de trabajo en diversas técnicas electroanalíticas también se ha evaluado, empleando norepinefrina como analito en voltametría cíclica y en cronoamperometría. Los resultados se compararon con los obtenidos empleando los electrodos de pasta de carbono tradicionales como electrodos de trabajo, viéndose que la señal de los nuevos electrodos autosoportados poseía menor ruido de fondo y mayor respuesta analítica.

  18. Óxidos de estaño: nuevos anodos para baterías de Ion-Litio


    Morales Palomino, Julián; Sánchez, L.


    La reacci n entre el litio y xidos aleaciones de esta o es reversible cuando se realiza por m todos electroqu micos y a bajos potenciales con respecto al electrodo de litio. Esta propiedad permite el uso de estos materiales como electrodos negativos en el dise o y construcci n de bater as tipo ion-litio. En el caso de xidos de esta o la reacci n de inserci n de litio en la matriz conduce a la formaci n de aleaciones Li-Sn. La presencia de agregados grandes de tomos de esta o, fo...

  19. Estudio comparativo de los procesos de soldadura smaw y gmaw en las uniones de tuberías de transporte de combustible


    Rivadeneyra Camino, Antonio; Serrano, Omar


    El sistema de transporte de combustible se realiza mediante sistemas de tuberías. Las uniones de los tubos se realiza por medio de proceso de soldadura SMAW o también llamado de electrodo revestido. Un proceso más rápido y que tiene mejor rendimiento en sus materiales consumibles es el proceso de soldadura GMAW o de electrodo desnudo con gas protector. Se realiza un estudio comparativo en todos los aspectos, como dilución, inspección visual, inspección radiográfica, ensayos y pruebas mecá...

  20. Improvement of the performance of a new type of single chamber microbial fuel cell compared to a conventional cell; Mejora del desempeno de un nuevo tipo de celda de combustible microbiana de una camara comparado con una celda convencional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez Larios, A.L.; Vazquez-Huerta, G.; Esparza-Garcia, F.; Solorza-Feria, O.; Poggi Varaldo, H.M. [Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    The objective of this work was to design, build and operate a new type of microbial fuel cell (MFC-A) and evaluate the architectural changes in the production of electricity. The results were compared with those of a standard fuel cell (MFC-B). The MFC-A consisted of a horizontal acrylate cylinder with two systems of sandwiched electrodes (each with a anode proton exchange membrane-cathode) separated by 78 mm. The MFC-B consisted of an anode and a cathode each in the opposite faces of the cell. The internal resistance of the cells were determined with polarization curves. The cells were operated in batch during 50 h at 30 degrees Celsius obtained with 38 mW/m{sup 2} and 5 mW/m{sup 2} for MFC-A and MFC-B, respectively. The changes in the architecture of the cell and design of the electrodes occurred at a power density 8 times greater, associated with the decrease in internal resistance of 1200 and 3900 {Omega} for MFC-A and MFC-B, respectively. The change in architecture (double electrode in the same volume for MFC-A) enabled obtaining a 13 times greater potential per unit volume, with 922 mW/m{sup 3} in the new MFC-A cell versus 69 mW/m{sup 3} in MFC-B. [Spanish] El objetivo de este trabajo fue disenar, construir y operar una celda de combustible microbiana de nuevo tipo (CCM-A), y evaluar los cambios de arquitectura en la produccion de electricidad. Los resultados fueron comparados con los de una celda de combustible estandar (CCM-B). La CCM-A consistio de un cilindro horizontal de acrilato, con dos sistemas de electrodos emparedados (cada uno con catodo/membrana de intercambio protonico/anodo) separados por 78 mm. La CCM-B consistio de un anodo y un catodo cada uno en las caras opuestas de la celda. Las Ri de las celdas fueron determinadas por curva de polarizacion. Las celdas fueron operadas en lote durante 50 h, a 30 grados centigrados, y fueron inoculadas con un inoculo sulfato reductor (In-SR) y cargadas con un extracto modelo similar al perfil de metabolitos

  1. Sordera por traumatismo acústico y accidentes auditivos en la Industria

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    Jorge García Gómez


    Full Text Available


    1. La sordera ocupacional debe ser motivo de preocupación en medicina industrial, por cuanto constituye grave problema para los obreros que trabajan en ambiente de intensidades superiores a 90 decibeles. Consideramos de capital importancia iniciar urgente campaña para el estudio preventivo y profilaxis del ruido.

    2. Los efectos que produce el ruído sobre la audición están ampliamente demostrados y, de acuerdo con la experiencia, su incidencia es cada día más frecuente en nuestro medio,
    donde un alto porcentaje del personal obrero trabaja en ambientes sin ninguna protección y con grave peligro para su función auditiva.

    3. La sordera ocupacional presenta características muy definidas, pero sólo un estudio otológico completo y la colaboración entre el otólogo, el ingeniero técnico en acústica y el
    médico industrial permiten definir la conducta por seguir, su profilaxis y su tratamiento.

    4. Las alteraciones orgánicas producidas en el oído por el trauma acústico son permanentes e irreversibles. Las estructuras del órgano de Corti una vez lesionadas no pueden ser

    5. Sugerimos la creación del Comité Nacional de Conservación de la Audición con un programa que incluya:
    a Formación de personal especializado.
    b Estudio, reducción y control del ruído en la industria.
    c Creación de la ficha audiológica obligatoria de ingreso para el personal obrero.
    d Control periódico, protección del personal y adaptación de protectores acústicos.
    el Establecimiento de normas mínimas acústicas en la construcción de las fábricas.

    6. Las tablas de indemnización laboral por sordera deben ser modificadas, adoptando un sistema práctico, conforme con la legislación establecidaen otros países.





    La electroreducción del oxígeno fue investigada a pH = 14 sobre electrodos de calcosita, pirita y galena mediante voltamperometría cíclica y por voltamperometría estacionaria usando una celda electroquímica de flujo de doble canal (CEFDC). La superficie de los electrodos fue caracterizada mediante consideraciones termodinámicas y cinéticas. En todos lo casos la reducción del O2 ocurre con formación de iones HO2-. Sobre calcosita la reacción de reducción del O2 (RRO) ocurre sobre una superfici...

  3. Mediciones de rompimiento electrostático en separaciones micrométricas

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    Sebastián Bonilla


    Full Text Available La continua miniaturización de dispositivos electrónicos y electro-mecánicos ha permitido el estudio de efectos no visibles a macroescalas, como es el caso del comportamiento de electrodos separados a microescala. Se presenta aquí el comportamiento de electrodos de aluminio a presión atmosférica para un rango de separaciones de 1 mm a 22 mm. Convencionalmente, el comportamiento de electrodos se describe a partir de la curva de Paschen. Los resultados demuestran que, a separaciones menores de 4 mm, el voltaje de rompimiento en los electrodos decae drásticamente y no presenta un mínimo como lo predice la curva de Paschen. Esta modificación establece condiciones críticas de operación en dispositivos basados en electrodos con separaciones a microescalas./ The continuous miniaturization of electronic and electromechanical devices has allowed the study of non-visible effects on macroscales, as it is the case of the behavior of microgap separated electrodes. The behavior of aluminum electrodes at atmospheric pressure appears here for a rank of separations of 1 mm to 22 mm. The Paschen curve is conventionally used to describe the behavior of electrodes. The results demonstrate that at separations smaller than 4 mm the breakdown voltage in the electrodes decays dramatically and it does not present a minimum as predicts the Paschen curve. This modification establishes critical conditions of operation in devices based on electrodes with microgap separations.

  4. Tratamiento de la anorexia urémica con acetato de megestrol


    Fernández Lucas, M.; Teruel, J.L.; Burguera, V.; Sosa, H.; Rivera, M.; Rodríguez Palomares, J.R.; Marcén, R.; Quereda, C.


    Introducción: La anorexia es un trastorno frecuente en el enfermo tratado con hemodiálisis periódica, y factor contribuyente de la malnutrición. El objetivo del presente trabajo es comprobar la eficacia del acetato de megestrol, un estimulador del apetito utilizado en enfermos con cáncer, como tratamiento de la anorexia del enfermo sometido a diálisis. Material y métodos: En el año 2009, 16 enfermos de nuestra unidad de hemodiálisis, tres de ellos con diabetes mellitus, fueron tratados con ac...

  5. Disfonías espasmódicas: estudios acústicos

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    Liliana Sigal


    Full Text Available La disfonía espasmódica es un desorden vocal severo caracterizado por una interrupción involuntaria de la fonación, denominada también distonía focal laríngea. En este estudio se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre las características acústico-vocales de una población de pacientes con disfonías espasmódicas, y la comparación de las mismas con las de un grupo control (sujetos con el diagnóstico otorrinolaringológico de cuerdas vocales móviles, sin daños estructurales en la mucosa glótica, ni alteraciones neurológicas que involucren la dinámica cordal. Se analizó acústicamente la vocal /a/ investigándose: valor de la frecuencia fundamental, desviación estándar, rango diferencial entre frecuencia máxima y mínima, y número de quiebres fonatorios. Se utilizó para estas mediciones el Sistema de análisis acústico Praat (Boersma y Weenink, 2003. En los resultados no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las medias de la Frecuencia Fundamental entre ambos grupos estudiados.La comparación de los promedios del desvío estándar de la Frecuencia Fundamental arrojó sin embargo diferencias significativas, así como la comparación de los promedios de los rangos entre frecuenciamáxima y mínima. Respecto a la variable Quiebres Fonatorios, se calcularon solamente en el grupo de pacientes ya que ninguno de los sujetos del grupo control presentó interrupciones fonatorias en la emisión de la vocal. Cabe concluirse que la desviación estándar, el rango entre el valor máximo y mínimo de frecuencia fundamental y el número de interrupciones durante la emisión de vocal prolongada pueden utilizarse como indicadores de disfonía espasmódica.

  6. Construir con Madera


    Olabe-Velasco, F. (Fermín); Val-Hernández, Y. (Yolanda); Varela-de-la-Cruz, P. (Perla); Cabrero-Ballarín, J.M. (José Manuel)


    Guía divulgativa ‘Construir con madera’, elaborada por la Cátedra Madera de la Universidad de Navarra y el Gobierno de Navarra. La publicación pretende explicar de forma sencilla los beneficios y posibilidades de este material en la construcción, tanto en lo que respecta a su resistencia, comportamiento frente al fuego, durabilidad, capacidad de aislamiento, propiedades acústicas, estética, respeto al medio ambiente y sostenibilidad como fuente de energía. A modo de ejemplo, en la ...

  7. Estimation of the neuromodulation parameters from the planned volume of tissue activated in deep brain stimulation

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    Viviana Gómez-Orozco


    Full Text Available :La estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP es una terapia con resultados promisorios para el tratamiento de desórdenes del movimiento. Esta envía estimulación eléctrica por medio de un electrodo a una región específica del cerebro. La propagación espacial de la respuesta neuronal a esta estimulación se conoce como volumen de tejido activado (VTA. Cambios en los parámetros de estimulación que controlan el VTA, como la amplitud, el ancho de pulso y la configuración de polaridad del electrodo pueden afectar la efectividad de la terapia ECP. En este estudio, desarrollamos una metodología novedosa para estimar los parámetros de neuromodulación de ECP adecuados, a partir del VTA planeado, que trata de maximizar los efectos terapéuticos y minimizar los efectos adversos de la ECP. Para la estimación de las salidas continuas (amplitud y ancho de pulso, usamos regresión de soporte vectorial de múltiples salidas, tomando la geometría del VTA como espacio de entrada. Para la estimación de la configuración del electrodo desarrollamos varios problemas de clasificación, también utilizando máquinas de soporte vectorial para el mismo espacio de entrada. Nuestra metodología logra resultados prometedores tanto en el caso de regresión como para predecir los contactos activos del electrodo y su polaridad. Combinando técnicas de modelamiento de neuronas biológicas junto con aprendizaje de máquina, se introduce una novedosa área de investigación donde los parámetros de neuromodulación en ECP pueden sintonizarse manualmente especificando un volumen geométrico

  8. Electrochemical performance in the hydrogen evolution reaction of Ni-TR (TR= La, Ce) materials synthesized using the solid state reaction method; Desempeno electroquimico en la reaccion de evolucion de hidrogeno de materiales de electrodo Ni-TR (TR = La, Ce) sintetizados por el metodo de reaccion de estado solido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres-Huerta, A. M.; Dominguez-Crespo, M. A.; Ramirez-Meneses, E.; Yanez-Zamora, C. [CICATA, IPN, Altamira, Tamaulipas (Mexico); Avila-Garcia, I. [IPN, ESIQIE, UPALM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    relacionados con su operacion. El material de electrodo con mayor electroactividad es el Pt, pero debido a su costo elevado se han tenido que buscar electrocatalizadores alternativos con un balance entre costo y actividad. Uno de los materiales que mas se ha utilizado es el Niquel en conjunto con algunas de sus aleaciones. Este material ha demostrado un buen desempeno utilizando bajos sobrepotenciales en reacciones tradicionales como las reacciones de evolucion de hidrogeno (REH) y oxigeno (REO), asi como una alta resistencia a la corrosion y bajo costo. Particularmente, aleaciones binarias y ternarias han demostrado un incremento importante en la actividad de la REH al compararla con los materiales en su estado puro o masivo. Por esta razon, en la busqueda de nuevas alternativas con una aceptable eficiencia al compararla con los materiales a bajo costo, en este trabajo se obtuvieron materiales Ni-TR (TR = La, Ce) por el metodo de reaccion de estado solido, a partir de: a) acetilacetonatos metalicos y b) polvos metalicos. Estos materiales se sinterizaron durante 3 h a diferentes temperaturas (795 o 920 , 1000 y 1200 grados centigrados) a fin de evaluar su efecto en el desempeno electroquimico de los electrocatalizadores. La caracterizacion estructural y morfologica de materiales se realizo por las tecnicas de DRX y MEB, respectivamente. Asimismo, el desempeno electroquimico de los materiales de electrodo se evaluo en la REH utilizando voltametria ciclica (VC) y curvas potenciodinamicas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que a bajas temperaturas se obtiene una mezcla de oxidos (NiO, CeO{sub 2} y LaNiO{sub 3}); sin embargo a medida que la temperatura de sinterizado se incrementa, se alcanza la formacion de las aleaciones NiO-CeO{sub 2} y NiO-LaNiO{sub 3}, respectivamente. Al mismo tiempo se observo una clara dependencia de la actividad electrocatalitica con la fuente obtencion de estos materiales (Ni-TR).

  9. Increased Ac excision (iae): Arabidopsis thaliana mutations affecting Ac transposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarvis, P.; Belzile, F.; Page, T.; Dean, C.


    The maize transposable element Ac is highly active in the heterologous hosts tobacco and tomato, but shows very much reduced levels of activity in Arabidopsis. A mutagenesis experiment was undertaken with the aim of identifying Arabidopsis host factors responsible for the observed low levels of Ac activity. Seed from a line carrying a single copy of the Ac element inserted into the streptomycin phosphotransferase (SPT) reporter fusion, and which displayed typically low levels of Ac activity, were mutagenized using gamma rays. Nineteen mutants displaying high levels of somatic Ac activity, as judged by their highly variegated phenotypes, were isolated after screening the M2 generation on streptomycin-containing medium. The mutations fall into two complementation groups, iae1 and iae2, are unlinked to the SPT::Ac locus and segregate in a Mendelian fashion. The iae1 mutation is recessive and the iae2 mutation is semi-dominant. The iae1 and iae2 mutants show 550- and 70-fold increases, respectively, in the average number of Ac excision sectors per cotyledon. The IAE1 locus maps to chromosome 2, whereas the SPT::Ac reporter maps to chromosome 3. A molecular study of Ac activity in the iae1 mutant confirmed the very high levels of Ac excision predicted using the phenotypic assay, but revealed only low levels of Ac re-insertion. Analyses of germinal transposition in the iae1 mutant demonstrated an average germinal excision frequency of 3% and a frequency of independent Ac re-insertions following germinal excision of 22%. The iae mutants represents a possible means of improving the efficiency of Ac/Ds transposon tagging systems in Arabidopsis, and will enable the dissection of host involvement in Ac transposition and the mechanisms employed for controlling transposable element activity

  10. Moneda ibérica y gens mariana (107-90 a.C.

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    López Sánchez, Fernando


    Full Text Available The division between domi/rider reverses with a palm and armed militiae/rider in (Celtiberian currency leads us to establish a link between certain mints and military camps. An example of this can be found in the Ikale (n sken denarii, which must be related to the troops sent in the direction of Córdoba by Kese, in support of Sertorius (97-93 B.C.. The Sekobirikes denarii, on the other hand, were the coins used by the troops of Sekaisa while in the territory of the Arevaci with T. Didius and V. Flaccus (98-92 B.C., and all of the bronze Catalan series corresponds with the start of the Bellum Sociale (90 B.C.. During the second century B.C., Rome waged war in Hispania on the invitation of cities such as Osca, Turiasu or Segeda-Sekaisa, which were threatened by powerful enemies. In the period of Marius the (Celtiberian armies adopted a Roman approach to warfare. All of the (Celtiberian currency was minted between the years 107 and 90 B.C., and as such it reflects not the Roman conquest of Hispania, but the formation of a Hispanic branch of the Roman army.La división entre reversos domi/jinete con palma y militiae/jinete armado en la moneda (celtibérica permite afi rmar que algunas cecas hispanas se corresponden con campamentos militares. Así, los denarios Ikale(nsken deben ponerse en relación con las tropas enviadas por Kese hacia Córdoba en apoyo de Sertorio (97-93 a.C.. Los denarios Sekobirikes, por su parte, son las monedas de las tropas de Sekaisa en territorio arévaco con T. Didio y V. Flaco (98-92 a.C.. Las series catalanas en bronce se corresponden todas con el inicio del Bellum Sociale (90 a.C.. Roma luchó en Hispania durante el siglo II a.C. por invitación de ciudades como Segeda-Sekaisa, amenazadas por enemigos demasiado poderosos. Los ejércitos (celtibéricos combatían a la romana en tiempos de Mario. La moneda (celtibérica clásica fue toda ella acuñada entre los años 107 y 90 a.C. Refleja, no la conquista romana de

  11. AC Initiation System. (United States)

    An ac initiation system is described which uses three ac transmission signals interlocked for safety by frequency, phase, and power discrimination...The ac initiation system is pre-armed by the application of two ac signals have the proper phases, and activates a load when an ac power signal of the proper frequency and power level is applied. (Author)

  12. Frecuencia de anticuerpos contra el virus C de la hepatitis en pacientes con cirrosis hepática en Yucatán, México

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    Góngora-Biachi Renán A


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: En este estudio reportamos la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra el virus C de la hepatitis (Ac-VCH en un grupo de pacientes con cirrosis hepática (CH. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se hizo un estudio prospectivo, transversal y descriptivo, de marzo de 1998 a mayo de 1999. Se estudiaron a 153 pacientes (117 (76% hombres y 36 (24% mujeres con diagnóstico de CH, que eran atendidos en el Hospital General Agustín O' Horan y en el Centro de Investigaciones Regionales Doctor Hideyo Noguchi, en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México. Se aplicó un cuestionario con datos clínico-epidemiológicos y se determinó la presencia de Ac-VCH (ELISA de 2ª generación y RIBA-2 para confirmar el diagnóstico a cada paciente. Se determinó también el antígeno de superficie de la hepatitis B (AgsHB y anticuerpos contra el antígeno central de la hepatitis B (Anti-HBc mediante el método de ELISA. La presencia de Ac-VCH fue relacionada con las variables epidemiológicas de los sujetos. La prevalencia de anti-HCV y la frecuencia de características se compararon entre los pacientes positivos y negativos con las pruebas de c² y exacta de Fisher. RESULTADOS: El 32% de los pacientes con CH (35/117 (30% hombres y 14/36 (39% mujeres fueron positivos para los Ac-VCH. El alcoholismo estuvo presente en todos los hombres serorreactivos y en ninguna de las mujeres positivas (p< 0.001. Ninguna de las variables epidemiológicas analizadas estuvo asociada con la seropositividad. Los anti-HBc se encontraron en 16% de los pacientes positivos para Ac-VCH y en 12% de los seronegativos (p=0.69. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia encontrada fue mayor a los reportes previos realizados en población general de la Península de Yucatán (1.3%. La alta prevalencia de Ac-VCH en este grupo de pacientes sugiere que la CH está más frecuentemente asociada con el VCH en Yucatán, México, que con el virus B de la hepatitis. El alcoholismo probablemente actúa como un cofactor en el

  13. Catalizadores anodicos basados en platino para celdas de combustible de etanol

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    Full Text Available Se estudió el comportamiento electro catalítico de platino puro y aleaciones basadas en él con Ru, Sn, Ir y Os soportados en carbón para la electro oxidación de etanol con el propósito de desarrollar catalizadores anódicos para celdas de combustible directas de etanol. Adicionalmente, se construyeron electrodos porosos y ensambles electrodo-membrana para celdas de combustible poliméricas, en las cuales se probaron los ánodos. La caracterización de los catalizadores se realizó mediante voltametría cíclica, mientras que las pruebas del desempeño de las celdas se realizaron mediante pruebas de polarización corriente-potencial. En general, todas las aleaciones mostraron un menor potencial de inicio de la reacción y mayor actividad catalítica que el platino puro. Sin embargo en la zona de altos sobre potenciales, el platino puro tiene mayor actividad catalítica que las aleaciones. De acuerdo con estos resultados, las aleaciones estudiadas podrían ser útiles en celdas de combustible operando a corrientes moderadas y bajas

  14. Study on ac losses of HTS coil carrying ac transport current

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dai Taozhen; Tang Yuejin; Li Jingdong; Zhou Yusheng; Cheng Shijie; Pan Yuan


    Ac loss has an important influence on the thermal performances of HTS coil. It is necessary to quantify ac loss to ascertain its impact on coil stability and for sizing the coil refrigeration system. In this paper, we analyzed in detail the ac loss components, hysteresis loss, eddy loss and flux flow loss in the pancake HTS coil carrying ac transport current by finite element method. We also investigated the distribution of the ac losses in the coil to study the effects of magnetic field distribution on ac losses

  15. Multi-phase AC/AC step-down converter for distribution systems (United States)

    Aeloiza, Eddy C.; Burgos, Rolando P.


    A step-down AC/AC converter for use in an electric distribution system includes at least one chopper circuit for each one of a plurality of phases of the AC power, each chopper circuit including a four-quadrant switch coupled in series between primary and secondary sides of the chopper circuit and a current-bidirectional two-quadrant switch coupled between the secondary side of the chopper circuit and a common node. Each current-bidirectional two-quadrant switch is oriented in the same direction, with respect to the secondary side of the corresponding chopper circuit and the common node. The converter further includes a control circuit configured to pulse-width-modulate control inputs of the switches, to convert a first multiphase AC voltage at the primary sides of the chopper circuits to a second multiphase AC voltage at the secondary sides of the chopper circuits, the second multiphase AC voltage being lower in voltage than the first multiphase AC voltage.

  16. La atención odontológica del paciente geriátrico con deterioro cognitivo


    M.C. Haya Fernández; I. Blasco Garrido; M.B. Cabo Pastor


    La investigación clínica ha demostrado que una mejor función cognitiva se relaciona con un mejor estado de salud oral. Y, de la misma manera, los pacientes mayores institucionalizados con deterioro cognitivo presentan una pobre salud oral con mayor número de dientes ausentes, caries, acúmulo de placa y enfermedad periodontal. El diagnóstico precoz del paciente con deterioro cognitivo es fundamental para mejorar el pronóstico de la enfermedad y poder plantear un tratamiento odontológico preven...

  17. Anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa y antitransglutaminasa en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 y su relación con algunas características clínicas, bioquímicas e inmunológicas Antithyroperoxidase and antitransglutaminase antibodies in first degree relatives of type 1 diabetes persons and its relation to some clinical, biochemical and immunological features


    Levi González Rivero; Eduardo Cabrera Rode; Silvia Elena Turcios Tristá; José Armando Galván Cabrera; Julio César Rodríguez González; Tania Espinosa Reyes; Pedro González Fernández; Manuel Vera González; Celeste Arranz Calzado; Oscar Díaz Horta


    INTRODUCCIÓN: los anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa (AcTPO) y antitransglutaminasa (ATGt) son útiles marcadores de enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y enfermedad celíaca, respectivamente. Su presencia en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 no se ha descrito en Cuba. OBJETIVO: determinar las frecuencias de los AcTPO y ATGt en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 y su relación con algunas características clínicas, bioquímicas e inmunológicas. MÉTODOS: en u...

  18. Produtividade das culturas de alface e rabanete em função da época de estabelecimento do consórcio

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    Cecilio Filho Arthur Bernardes


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a produtividade das culturas de rabanete e alface, e a qualidade de seus produtos, em função da época de estabelecimento do consórcio, na UNESP em Jaboticabal, de março a maio de 1999. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por consórcios estabelecidos aos 0; 7 e 14 dias após o transplantio (DAT da alface e monocultivos implantados nestas mesmas épocas. As cultivares de rabanete (Raphanus sativus L. e alface (Lactuca sativa L. utilizadas foram, respectivamente, Crimson Gigante e Carolina. Maior altura das plantas de rabanete foi observada quando consorciada com alface. As plantas de rabanete em monocultivo apresentaram acúmulo de massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA 29,4% menor do que em consorciação, independente da época de semeadura. Para massa seca de raízes tuberosas, maior acúmulo foi obtido na presença de alface, independentemente da época de instalação do consórcio. Quanto a MSPA de alface, maior acúmulo ocorreu em consórcio, quando a semeadura do rabanete foi realizada até 7 DAT. Além de menor acúmulo de MSPA, quando a semeadura do rabanete foi realizada aos 14 DAT, a alface apresentou perda na qualidade comercial. O maior valor da razão de área equivalente (1,6 no sistema de consórcio, foi obtido quando o rabanete foi semeado aos 7 dias após o transplantio da alface.

  19. ACAC Converters for UPS

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    Rusalin Lucian R. Păun


    Full Text Available This paper propose a new control technique forsingle – phase ACAC converters used for a on-line UPSwith a good dynamic response, a reduced-partscomponents, a good output characteristic, a good powerfactorcorrection(PFC. This converter no needs anisolation transformer. A power factor correction rectifierand an inverter with the proposed control scheme has beendesigned and simulated using Caspoc2007, validating theconcept.

  20. Performance of AC/graphite capacitors at high weight ratios of AC/graphite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Hongyu [IM and T Ltd., Advanced Research Center, Saga University, 1341 Yoga-machi, Saga 840-0047 (Japan); Yoshio, Masaki [Advanced Research Center, Department of Applied Chemistry, Saga University, 1341 Yoga-machi, Saga 840-0047 (Japan)


    The effect of negative to positive electrode materials' weight ratio on the electrochemical performance of both activated carbon (AC)/AC and AC/graphite capacitors has been investigated, especially in the terms of capacity and cycle-ability. The limited capacity charge mode has been proposed to improve the cycle performance of AC/graphite capacitors at high weight ratios of AC/graphite. (author)

  1. Eficacia educacional en control metabólico de diabéticos con diálisis peritoneal

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    María Adelaida Zapata-Zapata


    Full Text Available La segunda causa de enfermedad renal crónica mundial es la diabetes mellitus, con repercusiones individuales y socioeconómicas. La hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1c es un marcador del control metabólico; su reducción se ha asociado a disminución en complicaciones microvasculares y neuropáticas de la diabetes. Objetivo: determinar la eficacia de un programa educativo a pacientes diabéticos en diálisis peritoneal según niveles de Hb1Ac como parámetro de control metabólico en una unidad renal de Cali, Colombia. Metodología: estudio cuasi experimental de junio 2013 a febrero de 2014 con 150 sujetos diabéticos tipo 2 en diálisis peritoneal asignados a 3 grupos, según análisis X2 , t de Student, ANOVA, ANCOVA y regresión lineal múltiple, con IBM-SPSS®. Resultados: las características sociodemográficas y clínicas de los 3 grupos no presentaron diferencias significativas en línea base. Se observó diferencia significativa en el conocimiento post intervención del grupo intervenido con cada módulo (p<0,05. Niveles de Hb1Ac sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas a 3 meses. Hubo diferencia a 6 meses de intervención entre el grupo intervenido respecto de los 2 de control (p<0,05. Conclusiones: la intervención educativa puede ayudar a disminuir niveles de Hb1Ac en el paciente diabético con diálisis peritoneal, siempre que la intervención sea continua.

  2. Caracterización morfológica de asfalto modificado con diferentes copolímeros a altas concentraciones.




    Se analizaron las microestructuras de asfalto modificado con diferentes copolimeros comerciales, estireno-butadieno-estireno (SBS), ethilen-vinil-acetato (EVA) y etilen-glicil-acrilato (EGA), mezclados con asfalto AC-20™, de Petróleos Mexicanos, mediante microscopia electrónica de transmisión. Las mezclas se realizaron con un mezclador de alto esfuerzo cortante a ISOOC por una hora. en un intervalo de concentración de lOa 12 % de polimero modificador.

  3. Influencia del Estado de Oxidación del Ión Cobalto en la Estabilidad de Electrodos Modificados con Monocapas SAM-TOA-ANTA-Con+-HRP-NHis.

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    Pedro R. Matheus*

    Full Text Available Influence of state oxidation of cobalt ion in the stability electrodes modified with monolayers SAM-TOA-ANTA-Con+-HRP-NHis. Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM was used to investigate the adsorption of the HRP-NHis enzyme (horseradish peroxidase, which was modified by the addition of a tail of six histidine on its extreme N-terminal. The QCM operating at flow of 0.025 mL min-1 on a crystal whose gold electrode was modified with monolayers of SAM-TOA-ANTA-Co2+ and SAM-TOA-ANTA -Co3+. The oxidize form was obtained from the electrochemical oxidation of a monolayer of SAM-TOA-ANTA-Co2+. The results suggest that the HRP-NHis is attached to both monolayers in a similar way; on the contrary, the desortion of the attached protein is dramatically different. Thus, whereas the ligand-Co2+ bonds are reversible, which allows that the anchored protein is easily replaced by imidazol molecules. The 3+ oxidation state of the metal does not allow the interchange of protein by the imidazol molecules.

  4. Influencia de la termodependencia de las propiedades físicas del acero en la simulación por elementos finitos del proceso de soldadura

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    Félix Ramos Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un modelo de elementos finitos para simular la unión a tope, con electrodo E 7018 de 3,2 mm de diámetro, de dos placas de acero con bajo contenido de carbono y baja aleación. Adicionalmente, se estudia la influencia sobre la distribución de temperaturas en la placa al considerar la termo-dependencia de diferentes propiedades físicas del acero (conductividad térmica y calor específico.

  5. Junta de soldadura disímil de la aleación hk – 40 y del hierro fundido 24//Dissimilar welding joints of the alloy hk - 40 and of the cast iron 24

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    Tomás Fernández‐Columbié


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es establecer el comportamiento microestructural de una unión soldada disímil en una aleación HK 40 y el hierro fundido 24, la cual se realiza en equipo que prestan servicios en la industria del níquel y que por las características de la unión, surgen en el mismo problema de agrietamiento. Se realizó una caracterización química de ambas aleaciones, luego por el proceso demecanizado se prepararon un total de nueve muestras, las que fueron soldada por proceso manual por arco eléctrico, los electrodos revestidos empleados fueron el E 312–16, el UTP 65 y el Castell Xiron 244, demostrándose en el análisis microestructural y en el diagrama de Schaeffler, que la disposición de la unión con el electrodo E 312–16 provoca la aparición de estructura interdendritica con origen a la fundición blanca, siendo más favorable la unión con el electrodo UTP 65. Se le realizó el análisis de microdureza en cada unión.Palabras claves: disímil, aleación, agrietamiento, soldadura, electrodos._____________________________________________________________________________AbstractIt is paper have the objective to establish the behaviour microstructure of an union welded dissimilar in an alloy HK 40 and the cast iron 24, which is carried out in team that you lend services in the industry of the nickel and that for the characteristics of the union, they arise in the same cracking problem. He was carried out a chemical characterization of both alloys, then for the process ofautomated got ready a total of nine samples, those that were welding for process shield for electric arch (SMAW, the electrodes lined employees were the E 312 - 16, the UTP 65 and the Castell Xiron 244, being demonstrated in the analysis microstructure and in the diagram of Schaeffler that the disposition of the union with the electrode E 312 - 16 cause the appearance of structure inter dendritewith origin to the white foundry, being more available the union

  6. Peltier ac calorimeter


    Jung, D. H.; Moon, I. K.; Jeong, Y. H.


    A new ac calorimeter, utilizing the Peltier effect of a thermocouple junction as an ac power source, is described. This Peltier ac calorimeter allows to measure the absolute value of heat capacity of small solid samples with sub-milligrams of mass. The calorimeter can also be used as a dynamic one with a dynamic range of several decades at low frequencies.

  7. Digital model for harmonic interactions in AC/DC/AC systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guarini, A P; Rangel, R D; Pilotto, L A.S.; Pinto, R J; Passos, Junior, R [Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Eletrica (CEPEL), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The main purpose of this paper is to present a model for calculation of HVdc converter harmonics taking into account the influence of the harmonic interactions between the ac systems in dc link transmissions. The ideas and methodologies used in the model development take into account the dc current ripple and ac voltage distortion in the ac systems. The theory of switching functions is applied to contemplate for the frequency conversions between the ac and dc sides, in an iterative process. It is possible then to obtain, even in balanced situations, non-characteristic harmonics that are produced by frequencies originated in the other terminal, which can be significant in a strongly coupled system, such as back-to-back configuration. (author) 9 refs., 3 figs.

  8. Pilas de combustible de una sola cámara, basadas en electrolitos de ceria dopada con gadolinia y operadas con metano y propano

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    Piñol, S.


    Full Text Available The main advantages of single-chamber solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs respect to dual-chamber SOFCs, are to simplify the device design and to operate in mixtures of hydrocarbon (methane, propane… and air, with no separation between fuel and oxidant. However, this design requires the use of selective electrodes for the fuel oxidation and the oxidant reduction. In this work, electrolyte-supported SOFCs were fabricated using gadolinia doped ceria (GDC as the electrolyte, Ni + GDC as the anode and LSC(La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ-GDC-Ag2O as the cathode. The electrical properties of the cell were determined in mixtures of methane + air and propane + air. The influence of temperature, gas composition and total flow rate on the fuel cell performance was investigated. As a result, the power density was strongly increased with increasing temperature, total flow rate and hydrocarbon composition. Under optimized gas compositions and total flow conditions, power densities of 70 and 320 mW/cm2 operating on propane at a temperature of 600ºC and methane (795ºC were obtained, respectively.

    La principal ventaja de las pilas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFCs de una sola cámara, frente a las bicamerales convencionales, es que permiten simplificar el diseño del dispositivo y operar con mezclas de hidrocarburos (metano, propano... y aire, sin necesidad de separar ambos gases, por medio del uso de electrodos selectivos a la oxidación del combustible y reducción del oxidante. En el presente trabajo, se han fabricado monopilas soportadas sobre electrolitos de ceria dopada con gadolinia (GDC, de 200 µm de espesor, usando Ni-GDC como ánodo y LSC(La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ-GDC-Ag2O como cátodo. Las propiedades eléctricas de la celda se determinaron en un reactor de una sola cámara, usando mezclas de metano + aire y propano + aire. Se investigó la influencia de la


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    Iván Darío Mercado Martínez

    Full Text Available Mediante este estudio se determinó si la técnica de electrocoagulación contribuye a minimizar la concentración de níquel y materia orgánica y la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO en las aguas residuales de la industria automotriz. Se empleó un diseño experimental factorial multinivel aleatorio en el que la densidad de la corriente y el tiempo de reacción fueron evaluados en tres niveles, mientras que la separación entre electrodos fue analizada en dos niveles. La electrocoagulación se llevó a cabo en un reactor batch usando electrodos de hierro con arreglo monopolar. Fueron utilizadas las técnicas analíticas de digestión ácida, absorción atómica de llama de aire-acetileno y reflujo cerradocolorimétrico (micro DQO para determinar el contenido de los contaminantes. Las condiciones con que se obtuvo la mayor descontaminación del agua analizada fue con la densidad de corriente aplicada: 1,04 A/dm² y tiempo de operación: 17 minutos; con estas variables se observó que la separación electródica no influyó. Los resultados indican que la electrocoagulación podría ser usada para disminuir el níquel y la materia orgánica (DQO presentes en las aguas residuales de la industria automotriz.

  10. Campo Acústico en Recintos de Planta en I En L y en U. Aplicación al Diseño Acústico en Restauración


    Rodriguez Alves, Rosa Maria


    Este trabajo aborda el estudio de la calidad acústica de restaurantes y propone la inteligibilidad como magnitud adecuada para su valoración. La conversación en el entorno de cada mesa se considera como señal de interés para quienes la ocupan, mientras que las conversaciones de los comensales de las restantes mesas se consideran ruido perturbador junto con el procedente de otras fuentes interiores o exteriores, ruido este que por otra parte suele estar limitado por ordenanzas o reglamentacion...

  11. ACS Zero Point Verification (United States)

    Dolphin, Andrew


    The uncertainties in the photometric zero points create a fundamental limit to the accuracy of photometry. The current state of the ACS calibration is surprisingly poor, with zero point uncertainties of 0.03 magnitudes. The reason for this is that the ACS calibrations are based primarily on semi-emprical synthetic zero points and observations of fields too crowded for accurate ground-based photometry. I propose to remedy this problem by obtaining ACS images of the omega Cen standard field with all nine broadband ACS/WFC filters. This will permit the direct determination of the ACS zero points by comparison with excellent ground-based photometry, and should reduce their uncertainties to less than 0.01 magnitudes. A second benefit is that it will facilitate the comparison of the WFPC2 and ACS photometric systems, which will be important as WFPC2 is phased out and ACS becomes HST's primary imager. Finally, three of the filters will be repeated from my Cycle 12 observations, allowing for a measurement of any change in sensitivity.

  12. Relación histopatológica de la displasia epitelial con la oncoproteína p53 en la leucoplasia bucal

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    Zenia Batista Castro


    Full Text Available La leucoplasia bucal es una lesión precancerosa bien conocida debido a su asociación con la presencia de displasia epitelial y su tendencia a la transformación maligna. Con el fin de eliminar la subjetividad en la determinación de los grados de la displasia epitelial se han utilizado marcadores biológicos, entre ellos, el AcM anti p53. Por ello se propuso evaluar la expresión del AcM anti p53 en los diferentes grados de displasia epitelial en la leucoplasia bucal. Se emplearon las biopsias de 46 pacientes con diagnóstico de leucoplasia bucal, procedentes del Departamento de Patología Bucal de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana. Las muestras fueron procesadas por la técnica de inclusión en parafina y coloreadas con la técnica inmunohistoquímica del complejo avidina-biotina-peroxidasa para el AcM p53. Se estudió la correlación entre el patrón de inmunoensayo para p53 y el grado de displasia epitelial. Se evidenció que existe una asociación significativa entre la inmunocoloración de las células basales y suprabasales del epitelio con la oncoproteína p53, en los distintos grados de severidad de la displasia epitelial, lo que pudiera estar relacionado con el incremento progresivo de atipia celular observada. Se concluyó que en las muestras estudiadas existió una relación coincidente del aumento del grado de severidad de la displasia epitelial, con el marcaje de la oncoproteína p53. Estas evidencias sugirieron que el análisis inmunohistoquímico de p53 en conjunto con los parámetros histológicos, principalmente relacionados con el grado de severidad de la displasia epitelial, pudiera ser utilizado para lograr un diagnóstico más certero y contribuir a la prevención del cáncer bucal.

  13. Caracterización e inmunoreactividad de la proteína acídica Ribosomal P2ß de L. (V. braziliensis

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    Carlos Padilla R


    Full Text Available Introducción: El diagnóstico serológico de la leishmaniasis usando proteínas totales presenta reacciones cruzadas. La caracterización de nuevos antígenos de Leishmania mejorará el uso de herramientas serológicas en el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Caracterizar un nuevo antígeno de Leishmania. Materiales y métodos: Se seleccionó el bacteriófago T166-U19 de una biblioteca de cADN de L. (V. braziliensis el cual es reactivo a mezclas de sueros de leishmaniasis cutánea y mucocutánea. El cADN del clon T166-U19 fue subclonado en el plásmido pGEX, luego secuenciado y la proteína recombinante fue expresada. La reactividad de esta proteína recombinante se evaluó por ELISA. Resultados: El cADN del clon T166- U19 presentó un marco de lectura abierto de 318 pb que traduce una proteína de 105 aminoácidos con 81,1%, 82,9% y 60,7% de identidad total con la proteína acídica ribosomal LiP de L. (L. infantum, P2 de L. (L. donovani, y P2 de T. cruzi, respectivamente. Además, la proteína recombinante presentó baja reactividad (50% con sueros de pacientes con leishmaniosis, mientras que presentó reactividad cruzada con sueros de pacientes chagásicos. Conclusiones: Se caracterizó por primera vez la proteína acídica ribosomal P2B de L. (V. braziliensis, y presentando baja reactividad con sueros de pacientes con leishmaniasis.

  14. Nuevas tecnologías en la regeneración de aguas basadas en la eliminación electroquímica de contaminantes


    Pérez García, Gema


    RESUMEN:Este trabajo orientado a la investigación y desarrollo tiene como objetivo avanzar en el conocimiento de los fundamentos y aplicaciones de la tecnología de oxidación electroquímica con electrodos de diamante dopado con boro (DDB) y sus aplicaciones a la eliminación de contaminantes en procesos de tratamiento para reutilización de aguas residuales. De entre las múltiples aplicaciones que puede tener esta tecnología, en esta tesis se han evaluado tres de ellas: i) la eliminación de ...

  15. Low Offset AC Correlator. (United States)

    This patent describes a low offset AC correlator avoids DC offset and low frequency noise by frequency operating the correlation signal so that low...noise, low level AC amplification can be substituted for DC amplification. Subsequently, the high level AC signal is demodulated to a DC level. (Author)

  16. Determinación de defectos de calidad en la canal y carne de cerdo mediante el uso de auditorías

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    Nancy Jerez-Timaure


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los defectos de calidad en canal y carne de cerdo, utilizando un formato de encuesta, y correlacionando los resultados de la misma con las características de la canal y la carne. La encuesta se aplicó durante el embarque, transporte, desembarque y proceso de beneficio. Se evaluaron cuatro grupos de 50 cerdos, con una frecuencia semanal. La evaluación individual se realizó desde el desembarque, conducción al aturdimiento, insensibilización, desangrado y escaldado. Se determinó el pH y la temperatura (45 min y 24 h, la capacidad de retención de agua, las pérdidas por goteo, el color y los defectos en canal al despiece. Se encontró que el 46.5 % de los cerdos fueron aturdidos incorrectamente, y el 53 % de los animales presentaron signos de sensibilidad al desangrado.Se obtuvieron siete correlaciones canónicas entre dos grupos de variables ("canal" y "beneficio". Las dos primeras correlaciones explicaron (P<0,05 el 61.6 % de la variación. Se comprobó que la colocación de electrodos, parpadeo, vocalización, reflejo de enderezar la cabeza, están altamente correlacionadas con la variable canónica "canal". El pH45min y pH24h, resultaron con mayor índice de correlación con la variable canoníca "beneficio". La fase crítica del proceso fue el aturdimiento, siendo la colocación del electrodo y parpadeo las variables con mayor asociación con las características de calidad. La encuesta constituye una herramienta de fácil uso para monitorear el proceso de embarque, transporte y beneficio de cerdos.

  17. AC power supply systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Law, H.


    An ac power supply system includes a rectifier fed by a normal ac supply, and an inverter connected to the rectifier by a dc link, the inverter being effective to invert the dc output of the receiver at a required frequency to provide an ac output. A dc backup power supply of lower voltage than the normal dc output of the rectifier is connected across the dc link such that the ac output of the rectifier is derived from the backup supply if the voltage of the output of the inverter falls below that of the backup supply. The dc backup power may be derived from a backup ac supply. Use in pumping coolant in nuclear reactor is envisaged. (author)

  18. Propiedades acústicas de los paneles de carrizo

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    Díaz, César


    Full Text Available Reed is a plant species very similar to common cane which is widespread all over the Earth. It is an ecological and sustainable material which is low-cost, aesthetically attractive, easy to obtain and install, and can be used in different construction systems. This work analyses the acoustic properties of reed panels from the point of view of sound absorption and sound insulation against airborne noise, according to the corresponding EN ISO standards. The experimental results obtained point to the conclusion that reed panels are suitable construction systems for controlling reverberant sound within a space, and that the sound reduction index values for different thicknesses of reed panels, or reed panels used in combination with wood particle boards, demonstrate the possibility of using them in construction as an element on the facades and roofs of buildings and for interior partitions.

    El carrizo es una especie vegetal, parecida a la caña común, que se encuentra ampliamente distribuida en la superficie terrestre. Es un material ecológico y sostenible de bajo coste, estéticamente aceptable, fácil de obtener y colocar, que permite generar diferentes sistemas constructivos. En este trabajo se analizan las propiedades acústicas de los paneles de carrizo en lo referente a la absorción acústica y al aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo, para ello se han aplicado los procedimientos de las normas EN ISO correspondientes. De los resultados experimentales obtenidos se concluye que los paneles de carrizo son unos sistemas constructivos adecuados para el control del sonido reverberante en un recinto y que los valores del índice de reducción acústica de paneles de diferentes espesores o en combinación con tableros de partículas de madera muestran la posibilidad de utilizarlos en la edificación como elemento de fachada, en cubiertas de edificios y particiones interiores.

  19. Use assessment of electronic power sources for SMAW

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    Scotti, A.


    Full Text Available The aim of the present work was to assess the efficacy of the use of modern technologies for power supplies in Shielded Metal Are Welding (SMAW. Coupon tests were welded by using a series of five different classes of commercial electrodes, covering their current ranges. Both a conventional electromagnetic and an electronic (inverter power sources were employed. Fusion rate, deposition efficiency, bead finish and weld geometry were measured at each experiment. Current and voltage signals were acquired at a high rate to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the power sources. The static performances of both power sources were also determined. The results showed that despite the remarkable differences between the power supplies, based on static and dynamic characterizations, no significant difference was noticed in the operational behavior of the electrodes, in the given conditions, apart from a better anti-stick performance obtained with the electronic power source.

    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la eficacia del uso de tecnologías modernas para fuentes de energía en soldaduras con electrodo revestido (Shielded Metal Are Welding -SMAW-. Los materiales de ensayo se soldaron usando una serie de cinco clases diferentes de electrodos comerciales, cubriendo sus rangos de corriente. Para esto se utilizó una fuente de energía electromagnética convencional y una fuente de energía electrónica (inversora. La tasa de fusión, eficiencia de deposición, terminación del cordón así como el diseño de la soldadura se midieron en cada experimento. Las señales de corriente y voltaje se obtuvieron a una proporción alta para evaluar el comportamiento dinámico de las fuentes de energía. También se determinó la actuación estática de ambas fuentes. Los resultados mostraron que a pesar de las diferencias notables entre los suministros de energía, no se nota diferencia alguna significante en la conducta de trabajo de los electrodos, en

  20. Estudio de la coloración de cajas para altavoces con nuevos materiales absorbentes acústicos




    Este TFG se basa en la construcción de diferentes cajas de altavoces con volúmenes similares. Es sabido que la forma de la caja colorea la respuesta del sistema e incluso puede producir efectos en la directividad de las cajas. En el TFG, en base a 4-5 modelos de cajas, se analizará este efecto y se intentará corregir con diferentes absorbentes ecológicos. Se pretende en este TFG reajustar cajas de altavoces de diferentes formas hasta conseguir que las cajas finales mejoren su respuesta en fre...

  1. ACS Photometric Zero Point Verification (United States)

    Dolphin, Andrew


    The uncertainties in the photometric zero points create a fundamental limit to the accuracy of photometry. The current state of the ACS calibration is surprisingly poor, with zero point uncertainties of 0.03 magnitudes in the Johnson filters. The reason for this is that ACS observations of excellent ground-based standard fields, such as the omega Cen field used for WFPC2 calibrations, have not been obtained. Instead, the ACS photometric calibrations are based primarily on semi-emprical synthetic zero points and observations of fields too crowded for accurate ground-based photometry. I propose to remedy this problem by obtaining ACS broadband images of the omega Cen standard field with both the WFC and HRC. This will permit the direct determination of the ACS transformations, and is expected to double the accuracy to which the ACS zero points are known. A second benefit is that it will facilitate the comparison of the WFPC2 and ACS photometric systems, which will be important as WFPC2 is phased out and ACS becomes HST's primary imager.

  2. Evaluación Objetiva y Subjetiva de la Aislación Acústica de Fachadas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ordoñez, Rodrigo; Visentin, Chiara; Markovic, Milos


    a cabo de acuerdo a la normativa ISO 140-5, en diversos tipos de construcciones italianas típicas en la ciudad de Ferrara, Italia. El objetivo de este estudio es comparar evaluaciones subjetivas obtenidas con distintos métodos psicoacústicos e investigar la correlación entre las evaluaciones subjetivas y...... los índices objetivos de aislación acústica de los distintos tipos de fachadas....

  3. Disfruto el poder de ser feliz: experiencia en personas que viven con VIH

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guadalupe Erendira Montoya Ramirez


    Full Text Available Las personas que viven con virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH pueden presentar alteraciones biopsicosociales que generan infelicidad. La gaudibilidad (capacidad para ser feliz y disfrutar, puede favorecerse al crear nuevos patrones de conducta mental con la programación neurolingüística (PNL. El propósito fue: analizar la experiencia vivida en un taller de PNL para personas que viven con VIH, a la luz del referente teórico de; Rogers. Estudio cualitativo con diseño fenomenológico, participaron 12 personas de la Asociación CONVIHVE A.C. Michoacán, en un taller de PNL conformado por ocho sesiones. Tratamiento de datos por análisis de contenido, emergieron cinco dimensiones dejando ver el poder de cambio que tienen dichas personas para disfrutar la vida, al generar emociones positivas que se anclaron al inconsciente. Conclusiones. La PNL como intervención de enfermería favorece la gaudibilidad de las personas que viven con VIH.

  4. FLUIDIC AC AMPLIFIERS. (United States)

    Several fluidic tuned AC Amplifiers were designed and tested. Interstage tuning and feedback designs are considered. Good results were obtained...corresponding Q’s as high as 12. Element designs and test results of one, two, and three stage amplifiers are presented. AC Modulated Carrier Systems

  5. La invariación acústica en las oclusivas sordas del castellano


    Rallo Fabra, Lucrecia; Fernández Planas, Ana Ma. (Ana María)


    En este estudio hemos pretendido averiguar si breves estímulos CV de proporcionan suficientes índices acústicos para la correcta identificación del punto de articulación en las oclusivas sordas del castellano. Con este objetivo,se sintetizamos una serie de sílabas de corta duración (lO, 20, 29 Y 46 ms.) que fueron posterionnente manipuladas, eliminando transiciones y/o explosión, para así poder valorar el grado de influencia que estos parámetros ejercen en la percepción. Estos estimulos fuero...

  6. 78 FR 49318 - Availability of Draft Advisory Circular (AC) 90-106A and AC 20-167A (United States)


    ...] Availability of Draft Advisory Circular (AC) 90-106A and AC 20- 167A AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration... of draft Advisory Circular (AC) 90-106A, Enhanced Flight Vision Systems and draft AC 20- 167A... Federal holidays. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical questions concerning draft AC 90-106A...

  7. Deletion of the AcMNPV core gene ac109 results in budded virions that are non-infectious

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Minggang; Nie, Yingchao; Theilmann, David A.


    Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) ac109 is a core gene and its function in the virus life cycle is unknown. To determine its role in the baculovirus life cycle, we used the AcMNPV bacmid system to generate an ac109 deletion virus (vAc 109KO ). Fluorescence and light microscopy showed that transfection of vAc 109KO results in a single-cell infection phenotype. Viral DNA replication is unaffected and the development of occlusion bodies in vAc 109KO -transfected cells evidenced progression to the very late phases of viral infection. Western blot and confocal immunofluorescence analysis showed that AC109 is expressed in the cytoplasm and nucleus throughout infection. In addition, AC109 is a structural protein as it was detected in both budded virus (BV) and occlusion derived virus in both the envelope and nucleocapsid fractions. Titration assays by qPCR and TCID 50 showed that vAc 109KO produced BV but the virions are non-infectious. The vAc 109KO BV were indistinguishable from the BV of repaired and wild type control viruses as determined by negative staining and electron microscopy.

  8. Development of a hardware-based AC microgrid for AC stability assessment (United States)

    Swanson, Robert R.

    As more power electronic-based devices enable the development of high-bandwidth AC microgrids, the topic of microgrid power distribution stability has become of increased interest. Recently, researchers have proposed a relatively straightforward method to assess the stability of AC systems based upon the time-constants of sources, the net bus capacitance, and the rate limits of sources. In this research, a focus has been to develop a hardware test system to evaluate AC system stability. As a first step, a time domain model of a two converter microgrid was established in which a three phase inverter acts as a power source and an active rectifier serves as an adjustable constant power AC load. The constant power load can be utilized to create rapid power flow transients to the generating system. As a second step, the inverter and active rectifier were designed using a Smart Power Module IGBT for switching and an embedded microcontroller as a processor for algorithm implementation. The inverter and active rectifier were designed to operate simultaneously using a synchronization signal to ensure each respective local controller operates in a common reference frame. Finally, the physical system was created and initial testing performed to validate the hardware functionality as a variable amplitude and variable frequency AC system.

  9. Evaluation of cold crack susceptibility on HSLA steel welded joints

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    Silverio-Freire Júnior, R. C.


    Full Text Available The present study addresses an evaluation of the effect of several welding parameters on cold cracking formation in welded joints of High Strength and Low Alloy steels, as well as the resulting microstructures and hardness values. The main parameters studied include the variation of the preheating temperature, drying time of the electrode, chemical composition and thickness of the base metal. The presence of cold cracking in the joints was analyzed from Tekken tests using steel plates made of SAR 80 T, 100 T and 120 T with of various thickness. The plates were welded by Shielded Metal Arc Welding either with or without pre-heating. Different preheating temperatures were studied, i.e., 375, 455 and 525 K. AWS E 12018 G and 11018 G electrodes were used under different conditions, i.e., not dried or dried up to 2, 3 and 4 h at 515 K. The results indicated the presence of cracks in the welded metals with the combination of hardness values above 230 HV and the formation of high contents of acicular ferrite (above 93 % in the welds without preheating. Higher crack susceptibility was also observed in the thick welded metal plates.

    Este trabajo evalúa la influencia de la variación de temperatura de precalentamiento, del tiempo de secado del electrodo, de la composición química y del espesor del metal base sobre la formación de fisuras en frío, inducidas por el hidrógeno en juntas soldadas de aceros de alta resistencia y baja aleación y su relación con la microestructura y dureza resultante. Para esto, se analizó la presencia de fisuras en frío en probetas para ensayos Tekken, fabricadas a partir de chapas de aceros SAR 80 T, 100 T y 120 T, con diferentes espesores y soldados por proceso de arco eléctrico con electrodo revestido, sin precalentamiento y con precalentamiento, a 375, 455 y 525 K, empleando electrodos AWS E 12018 G y 11018 G no secados y secados durante 2, 3 y 4 h. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron la presencia de fisuras

  10. The contents of sesamol and related lignans in sesame, tahina and halva as determined by a newly developed polarographic and stripping voltammetric analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available The contents of antioxidant lignans (Sesamol in sesame, commercial formulations of tahina and halva, which are processed tahina foods, were determined by Differential Pulse Polarography (DPP with a capillary hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE. A platinum wire was used as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl was the reference electrode. Samples have been analyzed by standard addition procedures and found to be quantitative (p2=0.9999 (pSe determinó el contenido del lignano antioxidante (Sesamol en sésamo, formulaciones comerciales de tahina y halva, que es el producto procesado de tahina, por polarografía de pulsos diferencial (DPP con un capilar conteniendo un electrodo de gota de mercurio (HMDE. Un hilo de platino fué usado como el electrodo contador y Ag/AgCl como electrodo de referencia. Las muestras fueron analizadas por procedimientos de adición de patrones y se encontró que wl procedimiento era cuantitativo (p2= 0.9999 (p< 0.01. El método polarográfico propuesto (DPP es un método rápido y reproducible para la determinación simultánea de lignanos fenólicos en sésamo y otros productos alimentarios que contienen sésamo. Éste proporciona una detección cuantitativa adecuada y sensible de este compuesto nutraceútico en alimentos comerciales.

  11. Study for increasing the stabilization time of a catalytic dye to facilitate the fabrication of membrane electrode assemblies; Estudio para incrementar el tiempo de estabilizacion de una tinta catalitica para facilitar la fabricacion de ensambles membrana-electrodo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores Hernandez, J. Roberto [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)] e-mail:; Martinez Vado, F. Isaias [Facultad de Quimica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Cano Castillo, Ulises, Albarran Sanchez, Lorena [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    An infrastructure project has been underway for hydrogen technology and fuel cells at the Electrical Research Institute (IIE, Spanish acronym). Part of this project is an activity for the fabrication of membrane electrode assemblies (MEA). Currently, a fabrication process is well-established for the MEA using the spray technique. In addition, a catalytic dye base composition has been developed for use in the fabrication of high-quality MEA with a good degree of reproducibility. Nevertheless, the instability of the dye over time prevents continuous fabrication of MEA. This document presents the results obtained, to-date, of research conducted at the IIE aimed at increasing the stability of the catalytic dye by adding a surfactant with different concentrations and increasing the concentration of the Nafion® solution. It was found that the effect of adding the surfactant to the catalytic dye results in a qualitative decrease in the agglomerate sizes, while also decreasing the porosity of the dye once it has dried. In addition, it was found that increasing the amount of Nafion® in the catalytic die increases the porosity. [Spanish] En el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) se ha venido trabajando en un proyecto de infraestructura sobre la tecnologia de hidrogeno y celdas de combustible. Dentro de este proyecto se tiene una actividad orientada a la fabricacion de Ensambles Membrana-Electrodo (MEA's). Actualmente se tiene un proceso de fabricacion bien establecido para la elaboracion de MEA's utilizando la tecnica de rociado, asimismo, se tiene una composicion base de tinta catalitica con la cual se fabrican MEA's de buena calidad y con buen grado de reproducibilidad. Sin embargo, la inestabilidad de la tinta con respecto al tiempo impide tener una fabricacion continua de los MEA's. En este documento se presentan los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora de una investigacion que se realiza en el IIE orientada a incrementar la estabilidad de la

  12. Estimating BrAC from transdermal alcohol concentration data using the BrAC estimator software program. (United States)

    Luczak, Susan E; Rosen, I Gary


    Transdermal alcohol sensor (TAS) devices have the potential to allow researchers and clinicians to unobtrusively collect naturalistic drinking data for weeks at a time, but the transdermal alcohol concentration (TAC) data these devices produce do not consistently correspond with breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) data. We present and test the BrAC Estimator software, a program designed to produce individualized estimates of BrAC from TAC data by fitting mathematical models to a specific person wearing a specific TAS device. Two TAS devices were worn simultaneously by 1 participant for 18 days. The trial began with a laboratory alcohol session to calibrate the model and was followed by a field trial with 10 drinking episodes. Model parameter estimates and fit indices were compared across drinking episodes to examine the calibration phase of the software. Software-generated estimates of peak BrAC, time of peak BrAC, and area under the BrAC curve were compared with breath analyzer data to examine the estimation phase of the software. In this single-subject design with breath analyzer peak BrAC scores ranging from 0.013 to 0.057, the software created consistent models for the 2 TAS devices, despite differences in raw TAC data, and was able to compensate for the attenuation of peak BrAC and latency of the time of peak BrAC that are typically observed in TAC data. This software program represents an important initial step for making it possible for non mathematician researchers and clinicians to obtain estimates of BrAC from TAC data in naturalistic drinking environments. Future research with more participants and greater variation in alcohol consumption levels and patterns, as well as examination of gain scheduling calibration procedures and nonlinear models of diffusion, will help to determine how precise these software models can become. Copyright © 2014 by the Research Society on Alcoholism.

  13. Aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en acristalamientos de vidrio

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    Escuder Silla, E.


    Full Text Available In this paper, the Ookura & Saito model is applied to determine the Airborne Sound Insulation of glazing systems. In particular, the calculations that appear are for monolithic glasses of different thicknesses and laminated glasses from different types. There are different prediction models of the airborne acoustic behaviour of multilayer panels (and the laminated glasses can be considered like such. In all of them, the input data are the elastic constants and the loss factor. The monolithic glasses and the intermediate layer have been characterized according to different Standards. The results are compared with experimental measurements and data of the study of Marsh (1, obtaining a range of acceptable adjustment.

    En este artículo se aplica el modelo de Ookura & Saito para determinar el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de sistemas constructivos basados en vidrios. En concreto, los cálculos que se presentan son para vidrios monolíticos de distintos espesores y para vidrios laminados de diferentes tipos. Existen diferentes modelos de predicción del comportamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de estructuras multicapa (y los vidrios laminados pueden considerarse como tales. En todos ellos, los datos de entrada son las constantes elásticas y el factor de pérdidas. Tanto los vidrios monolíticos como la capa intermedia se han caracterizado siguiendo diferentes normativas. Los resultados se comparan con medidas experimentales y con datos recogidos del estudio de Marsh (1, obteniéndose un grado de ajuste aceptable.

  14. Radiación acústica por superficies planas: Aplicación a altavoces


    Alba, Jesús; Ramis, Jaime; Espinosa, Víctor; Sánchez, Víctor


    En los sistemas de reproducción sonora es habitual la utilización de altavoces dinámicos. Sin embargo, en aplicaciones específicas, puede ser necesaria y/o conveniente la utilización de altavoces alternativos con superficies planas como diafragma, como los electrostáticos o los basados en la tecnología NXT© . Estos altavoces generan el campo acústico mediante la vibración de una superficie rectangular. Se puede suponer, en una primera aproximación, que todos los puntos sobre su su...

  15. Las neuronas de la conciencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Quian Quiroga


    Full Text Available El estudio de la conciencia ha sido descrito como uno de los grandes desafíos de la humanidad. Es por ello que los neurocientíficos se han dedicado a estudiar la percepción visual consciente de objetos. Un reciente estudio en humanos –implantados con electrodos intracraneales por motivos clínicos- mostró la presencia de neuronas que disparan exclusivamente cuando las imágenes son percibidas conscientemente.

  16. RHIC spin flipper AC dipole controller

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oddo, P.; Bai, M.; Dawson, C.; Gassner, D.; Harvey, M.; Hayes, T.; Mernick, K.; Minty, M.; Roser, T.; Severino, F.; Smith, K.


    The RHIC Spin Flipper's five high-Q AC dipoles which are driven by a swept frequency waveform require precise control of phase and amplitude during the sweep. This control is achieved using FPGA based feedback controllers. Multiple feedback loops are used to and dynamically tune the magnets. The current implementation and results will be presented. Work on a new spin flipper for RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) incorporating multiple dynamically tuned high-Q AC-dipoles has been developed for RHIC spin-physics experiments. A spin flipper is needed to cancel systematic errors by reversing the spin direction of the two colliding beams multiple times during a store. The spin flipper system consists of four DC-dipole magnets (spin rotators) and five AC-dipole magnets. Multiple AC-dipoles are needed to localize the driven coherent betatron oscillation inside the spin flipper. Operationally the AC-dipoles form two swept frequency bumps that minimize the effect of the AC-dipole dipoles outside of the spin flipper. Both AC bumps operate at the same frequency, but are phase shifted from each other. The AC-dipoles therefore require precise control over amplitude and phase making the implementation of the AC-dipole controller the central challenge.

  17. Modification of porosity in the catalyst layer of membrane electrode assemblies using pore-forming agents; Modificacion de la porosidad en la capa catalitica de ensambles membrana-electrodo empleando agentes formadores de poros

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores Hernandez, J. Roberto [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)] e-mail:; Reyes, Brenda [UNAM. Facultad de Quimica, Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Barbosa P., Romeli [Centro de Investigacion en Energia, UNAM, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico); Cano Castillo, Ulises; Albarran, Lorena [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    Membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) are the most important part of PEM fuel cells since their interface results in the electrochemical reactions that make the generation of electricity possible. The MEA is composed of a proton exchange membrane, both sides of which are impregnated with a catalyst layer, normally of carbon-supported platinum. Depending on the technique used for its fabrication (atomization, serigraphy, brush methods, chemical reduction, etc.), the properties of the MEA can be different in terms of porosity, distribution of the catalyst, thickness and structure of the catalyst layer, and the quality of the union between the catalyst layer and the membrane, etc. Currently, the porosity of the electrodes is generated by isopropanol evaporation (solvent used in the dye) during the fabrication process conducted in the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE). This document presents the results obtained from adding a porous agent to the catalytic dye base composition used in the fabrication of MEA at the IIE. [Spanish] Los Ensambles Membrana-Electrodo (MEA's) son la parte mas importante en las celdas de combustibles tipo PEM, ya que en su interfaz se llevan a cabo las reacciones electroquimicas que hacen posible la generacion de electricidad. El MEA esta compuesto de una membrana de intercambio protonico a la cual se le impregna en ambos lados una capa catalitica normalmente de platino soportado en carbon. Dependiendo de la tecnica empleada en su fabricacion (atomizado, serigrafia, brocha, reduccion quimica, etc.), las propiedades del MEA pueden ser diferentes en cuanto a porosidad, distribucion del catalizador, grosor y estructura de la capa catalitica, asi como la calidad de la union entre la capa catalizadora y la membrana, etc. Actualmente, la porosidad de los electrodos es generada por la evaporacion del isopropanol (solvente utilizado en la tinta) durante el proceso de fabricacion que se realiza en el Instituto de Investigaciones

  18. Anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa y antitransglutaminasa en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 y su relación con algunas características clínicas, bioquímicas e inmunológicas Antithyroperoxidase and antitransglutaminase antibodies in first degree relatives of type 1 diabetes persons and its relation to some clinical, biochemical and immunological features

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Levi González Rivero


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: los anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa (AcTPO y antitransglutaminasa (ATGt son útiles marcadores de enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y enfermedad celíaca, respectivamente. Su presencia en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 no se ha descrito en Cuba. OBJETIVO: determinar las frecuencias de los AcTPO y ATGt en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 y su relación con algunas características clínicas, bioquímicas e inmunológicas. MÉTODOS: en un grupo de 285 sujetos se realizó la medición del AcTPO y en 262 individuos la de ATGt. Se incluyeron casos entre los 2 y 65 años de edad. Se registraron datos sobre edad, sexo, color de la piel, antecedentes personales, historia familiar de obesidad, diabetes tipo 2, enfermedad tiroidea y enfermedad celíaca. Se interrogaron síntomas y exploraron signos clínicos de enfermedad celíaca y enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune. Se determinó glucemia, insulinemia, AcTPO, ATGt y autoanticuerpos asociados a diabetes tipo 1 (AGAD y AIA-2, así como la resistencia a la insulina mediante el índice HOMA-IR. RESULTADOS: las frecuencias de AcTPO y ATGt positivos fueron 5,3 y 1,9 %, respectivamente. La historia familiar de enfermedad tiroidea, el temblor muscular fino y el exoftalmos se relacionaron con la presencia de AcTPO. Malabsorción intestinal, diarrea persistente, dolor abdominal recurrente y antecedente personal de hepatopatía se asociaron con la presencia de ATGt. Se encontró asociación entre los ATGt y el AIA-2. La resistencia a la insulina no se asoció con la presencia de AcTPO ni de ATGt. CONCLUSIONES: en los familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 las frecuencias de AcTPO y ATGt son bajas. Algunos antecedentes, síntomas y signos vinculados con enfermedad celíaca y enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune pueden ser indicadores prácticos previos a la indicación de estos autoanticuerpos.INTRODUCTION: the antithyroperoxidase (TPOAb and

  19. The AC photovoltaic module is here! (United States)

    Strong, Steven J.; Wohlgemuth, John H.; Wills, Robert H.


    This paper describes the design, development, and performance results of a large-area photovoltaic module whose electrical output is ac power suitable for direct connection to the utility grid. The large-area ac PV module features a dedicated, integrally mounted, high-efficiency dc-to-ac power inverter with a nominal output of 250 watts (STC) at 120 Vac, 60 H, that is fully compatible with utility power. The module's output is connected directly to the building's conventional ac distribution system without need for any dc wiring, string combiners, dc ground-fault protection or additional power-conditioning equipment. With its advantages, the ac photovoltaic module promises to become a universal building block for use in all utility-interactive PV systems. This paper discusses AC Module design aspects and utility interface issues (including islanding).

  20. Integración del planeamiento estratégico de negocios con las tecnologías y sistemas de información


    Gamboa Cruzado, Javier Arturo; Gamboa Cruzado, Javier Arturo


    Actualmente, las organizaciones y los desarrolladores de sistemas de información no cuentan con una metodología que integre formal y eficientemente a los negocios con los sistemas y las tecnologías de información Esto genera grandes problemas en las organizaciones, cuyos sistemas de información no logran crear ni mantener ventajas competitivas. Se han hecho avances en el alineamiento de los negocios con los sistemas y tecnologías de información, lo cual no es suficiente para el contexto ac...

  1. Levitação acústica


    Andrade, Marco Aurélio Brizzotti; Pérez, Nicolás; Adamowski, Julio Cezar


    A levitação acústica pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa para auxiliar estudantes de graduação a aprender conceitos básicos de física, tais como movimento harmônico simples, ondas acústicas estacionárias, e energia potencial. Neste artigo, apresentamos o princípio de funcionamento de um levitador acústico e explicamos como aplicar as equações básicas da acústica para determinar a força de radiação acústica que atua numa esfera em uma onda estacionária. Acoustic levitation can be a valuable too...

  2. Approaches to building single-stage AC/AC conversion switch-mode audio power amplifiers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ljusev, Petar; Andersen, Michael Andreas E.


    This paper discusses the possible topologies and promising approaches towards direct single-phase AC-AC conversion of the mains voltage for audio applications. When compared to standard Class-D switching audio power amplifiers with a separate power supply, it is expected that direct conversion...

  3. Introduction to AC machine design

    CERN Document Server

    Lipo, Thomas A


    AC electrical machine design is a key skill set for developing competitive electric motors and generators for applications in industry, aerospace, and defense. This book presents a thorough treatment of AC machine design, starting from basic electromagnetic principles and continuing through the various design aspects of an induction machine. Introduction to AC Machine Design includes one chapter each on the design of permanent magnet machines, synchronous machines, and thermal design. It also offers a basic treatment of the use of finite elements to compute the magnetic field within a machine without interfering with the initial comprehension of the core subject matter. Based on the author's notes, as well as after years of classroom instruction, Introduction to AC Machine Design: * Brings to light more advanced principles of machine design--not just the basic principles of AC and DC machine behavior * Introduces electrical machine design to neophytes while also being a resource for experienced designers * ...

  4. Aspectos económicos del aislamiento acústico

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    Amarilla, Beatriz C.


    Full Text Available The general objective of this study was to analyze the soundproofing/cost ratio with different building alternatives for interior walls and floors. This technical-economic study was divided into three parts: — Dividing walls (environmental noises — Floors (impact noises — Special Solutions (double walls, floating floors, etcetera The results show that in developing countries the most costly solutions are not always the best for housing, as far as soundproofing is concerned. A good knowledge of the economic aspects related to this matter allows obtaining a good quality at a moderate cost, which is a priority in this type of country.

    El objetivo general de este trabajo fue el de analizar el comportamiento de la relación costo-aislamiento acústico en soluciones constructivas alternativas para muros interiores y entrepisos. Este estudio técnico-económico comprende tres partes: * Muros divisorios (ruidos aéreos. * Entrepisos (ruidos de impacto. * Soluciones especiales (muros de doble hoja, pisos flotantes, etc. Se llega a la conclusión que, en los países en desarrollo, no siempre las mejores soluciones para la vivienda, desde el punto de vista acústico, son las de mayor costo. Conocer en profundidad los aspectos económicos de esta cuestión significa poder lograr una buena calidad con costos moderados, lo cual constituye una prioridad en este tipo de países.

  5. Comportamiento electroquímico de carbones activados con presencia de grupos superficiales de fósforo


    Gallardo-Fuentes, Aurora; Ruiz-Rosas, Ramiro; Berenguer-Betrian, Raul; Morallón, Emilia; Cazorla-Amorós, Diego; Nishihara, Hirotomo; Kyotani, Takashi; Rodríguez-Mirasol, José; Cordero, Tomás


    Debido a su elevada superficie específica y una combinación única de conductividad, estabilidad y gran versatilidad química-estructural, los carbones activados (CAs) se emplean como electrodos en diversas aplicaciones electroquímicas. En estas aplicaciones, los heteroátomos presentes en su superficie, tales como oxígeno y nitrógeno, juegan un papel muy importante. La presencia de grupos superficiales estables de fósforo ha sido menos estudiada, pero parece inducir efectos positivos en las pro...

  6. Materiales híbridos moleculares orgánicos-inorgánicos: síntesis y aplicación como electrodos en baterías recargables de litio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Torres-Gómez, G.


    Full Text Available A novel family of molecular hybrid materials based on electroactive inorganic species dispersed in conducting organic polymers is reported as electrodes for energy storage or conversion. Polyaniline and polypyrrole are effectively doped with electroactive polyoxometalates ([PMo12O40]3- or ferricyanide ([(FeCN6]3- anions as the only doping species. The high charge and size of these anions prevents their deintercalation during reduction in most cases. The synthesis of these hybrids can be made by chemical (bulk powders and electrochemical (films methods. For [PMo12O40]3-, nine aniline/pyrrole rings by anion are found in each case and the anion stays in the polymer matrix even after reduction at -0.4V (vs Ag/AgCl, 2.6V vs Li. In the case of Polypyrrole-FeCN6 hybrid the pyrrole-ring/Fe(CN6 ratio was around 10-12 depending on the temperature of synthesis. Temperature also affects the electrical conductivity, with the best values around 60Scm-1 (sample prepared at 0ºC. Fe(CN6 stays in the polymer matrix when the hybrid material is reduced in organic media. PMo12 hybrids intercalate up to 5.3 h+ during discharge (52 Ah/Kg whereas the hybrid with Fe(CN6 intercalates 2.7 lithium ions per formula unit (69Ah/Kg.

    Se describe la síntesis y aplicación como electrodos para el almacenamiento o conversión de energía de materiales híbridos basados en la dispersión de especies inorgánicas electroactivas en el seno de polímeros orgánicos conductores. Polianilina y polipirrol son dopados con polioxometalatos electroactivos ([PMo12O40]3- o aniones ferricianuro ([(FeCN6]3- como únicas especies dopantes. La elevada carga y tamaño de estos aniones evitan, en la mayoría de los casos, su desintercalación durante la reducción. Estos híbridos se han sintetizado por métodos químicos y electroquímicos, siendo la relación anillos de anilina o de pirrol por anión de [PMo12O40]3- de nueve, de manera que el anión permanece en el interior de la matriz

  7. The Effect of the Feedback Controller on Superconducting Tokamak AC Losses + AC-CRPP user manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaerz, B.; Bruzzone, P.; Favez, J.Y.; Lister, J.B.; Zapretilina, E.


    Superconducting coils in a Tokamak are subject to AC losses when the field transverse to the coil current varies. A simple model to evaluate the AC losses has been derived and benchmarked against a complete model used in the ITER design procedure. The influence of the feedback control strategy on the AC losses is examined using this model. An improved controller is proposed, based on this study. (author)

  8. AcMNPV ac143 (odv-e18) is essential for mediating budded virus production and is the 30th baculovirus core gene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCarthy, Christina B.; Theilmann, David A.


    Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) ac143 (odv-e18) is a late gene that encodes for a predicted 9.6 kDa structural protein that locates to the occlusion derived viral envelope and viral induced intranuclear microvesicles [Braunagel, S.C., He, H., Ramamurthy, P., and Summers, M.D. (1996). Transcription, translation, and cellular localization of three Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus structural proteins: ODV-E18, ODV-E35, and ODV-EC27. Virology 222, 100-114.]. In this study we demonstrate that ac143 is actually a previously unrecognized core gene and that it is essential for mediating budded virus production. To examine the role of ac143 in the baculovirus life cycle, we used the AcMNPV bacmid system to generate an ac143 knockout (KO) virus (AcBAC ac142REP-ac143KO ). Fluorescence and light microscopy showed that infection by AcBAC ac142REP-ac143KO is limited to a single cell and titration assays confirmed that AcBAC ac142REP-ac143KO was unable to produce budded virus (BV). Progression to very late phases of the viral infection was evidenced by the development of occlusion bodies in the nuclei of transfected cells. This correlated with the fact that viral DNA replication was unaffected in AcBAC ac142REP-ac143KO transfected cells. The entire ac143 promoter, which includes three late promoter motifs, is contained within the ac142 open reading frame. Different deletion mutants of this region showed that the integrity of the ac142-ac143 core gene cluster was required for the bacmids to display wild-type patterns of viral replication, BV production and RNA transcription

  9. Capacidad de fijación y adsorción de cloruros en morteros elaborados con distintos cementos


    Villagrán Zaccardi, Yuri Andrés; Matiasich, Cecilia


    La retención de iones cloruro por parte de los hidratos del cemento se puede producir por dos mecanismos: por adsorción superficial, principalmente en la fase de silicato hidratado; y por fijación, mayormente en la fase de aluminato hidratado. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo determinar las capacidades de adsorción y de fijación de cloruros en morteros con una misma relación a/c, realizados con distintos cementos (normal, fillerizado, compuesto y de alto horno). El estudio comprende dos series...

  10. Valoración potenciométrica de una mezcla de ácido fuerte (HCl) y ácido débil (acético). Práctica interactiva.


    Milla González, Miguel


    Se simula la valoración potenciométrica de una mezcla de ácido fuerte (ácido clorhídrico) y ácido débil (ácido acético) con cálculo de los puntos característicos de la valoración. Estos se generan de forma aleatoria, al igual que los volúmenes en los puntos de equivalencia. El usuario deberá calcular e introducir en el sistema los valores encontrados que son comparados con los obtenidos por el propio archivo de acuerdo con los puntos de equivalencia potenciométricos.

  11. Innovative application of AC-voltammetry in the characterization of oxides nanolayers formed on metals, under the effect of AC-perturbations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bueno, V.; Lazzari, L.; Ormellesse, M. [Politecnico di Milano, Milan (Italy). Dept. of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering; Spinelli, P. [Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy). Dept. of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering


    Stray AC-currents have been reported to cause many cases of unwanted corrosion on metallic structures. This study characterized the formation and stability of the surface oxide film formed on mild steel under the effect of AC voltage in a very basic environment. The response of the system to DC signals was examined, along with its reversibility to AC perturbations. SEM analysis was used to complement AC-Voltammetry. Reaction mechanisms responsible for the AC-corrosion were formulated. AC-Voltammetry involves the application of a controlled sinusoidal voltage onto a solid working electrode while it is being swept in a DC-voltage range, with the faradaic or capacitative components of the resulting AC-current being recorded. The innovative aspect is the application of AC-V to characterize its nano-surface while it is being affected by AC-signals. It was concluded that the AC-V can be useful for the study of redox processes occurring at the surface of a reactive electrode and for the application of a considerable AC perturbation to the electrode in a potentiostatically controlled way. According to the electrochemistry of the double layer, there are 3 main reactions in the NaOH 1M media that are not reversible to DC nor to AC perturbations in the range of cathodic protection of mild steel. When designing metallic systems susceptible to stray currents, the AC-V could quantify the final faradaic, resistive and capacitative responses. 6 refs., 1 fig.

  12. Uso de fluidos dieléctricos a base de aceites en maquinado por descargas eléctricas por penetración/Case Study for the use of Vegetable Dielectric Fluid in Die-Sink Electro Discharge Machining (EDM.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauro Suarez Paipa


    Full Text Available En procesos de mecanizado por descarca eléctrica EDM (Electro Dischage Machining el fluido dieléctrico normalmente está compuesto por derivados del petróleo. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar fluidos alternativos a los tradicionales. En este contexto, fueron analizados 5 fluidos dieléctricos de origen vegetal, comparándolos con el desempeño de kerosene y aceite mineral. El material mecanizado fue acero rápido M2, usando parámetros de desbaste para electrodos de cobre y grafito. Fueron medidas las tasas de remoción de material (TMR, el desgaste de los electrodos, la rugosidad y la morfología de la superficie mecanizada. Los dieléctricos de origen vegetal presentaron un desempeño competitivo usando electrodos de cobre y grafito.EDM process commoly use petroleum based died fluids.The aim of this work is to evaluate alternative fluidsto traditional mineral ones. It was analyzed 5 different dielectric fluids derived of seeds. They were comparedwith kerosene and a mineral oil. The workpiece was speed-steel M2. The machining parameters were preestablished for working with copper and graphite electrodes. The material removal rate, the wear rate ofthe electrodes, the finishing and morphology of machined surface were all measured. Vegetable based oils showed a competitive performance using cooper and graphite electrodes when compared with mineral based oils.

  13. High voltage AC/AC electrochemical capacitor operating at low temperature in salt aqueous electrolyte (United States)

    Abbas, Qamar; Béguin, François


    We demonstrate that an activated carbon (AC)-based electrochemical capacitor implementing aqueous lithium sulfate electrolyte in 7:3 vol:vol water/methanol mixture can operate down to -40 °C with good electrochemical performance. Three-electrode cell investigations show that the faradaic contributions related with hydrogen chemisorption in the negative AC electrode are thermodynamically unfavored at -40 °C, enabling the system to work as a typical electrical double-layer (EDL) capacitor. After prolonged floating of the AC/AC capacitor at 1.6 V and -40°C, the capacitance, equivalent series resistance and efficiency remain constant, demonstrating the absence of ageing related with side redox reactions at this temperature. Interestingly, when temperature is increased back to 24 °C, the redox behavior due to hydrogen storage reappears and the system behaves as a freshly prepared one.

  14. AcEST: DK954361 [AcEST

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available in 5-4 OS=Homo sap... 33 1.1 sp|Q9DBY1|SYVN1_MOUSE E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase synoviolin OS=... 33 1.4 sp|Q...86TM6|SYVN1_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase synoviolin OS=... 33 1.4 sp|O55188|DMP1_MOUSE Dentin matrix ac

  15. 21 CFR 886.4440 - AC-powered magnet. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false AC-powered magnet. 886.4440 Section 886.4440 Food... DEVICES OPHTHALMIC DEVICES Surgical Devices § 886.4440 AC-powered magnet. (a) Identification. An AC-powered magnet is an AC-powered device that generates a magnetic field intended to find and remove...

  16. Desarrollo de herramientas de procesado y visualización para audio 3D con auriculares


    Magro Sastre, Julio


    La Auralización o “realidad virtual acústica” es un término relativamente nuevo. Integra métodos de la física y la ingeniería acústica con la teoría de la Psicoacústica y de reproducción electroacústica [1]. El término Auralización es el análogo de la técnica de “visualización” en video 3D para el audio. En este Proyecto Fin de Carrera se describe el proceso de visualizar ciertas características, efectos o señales del sonido. Los sistemas estéreo convencionales son capaces de posicionar la im...

  17. Perfil cognitivo de pacientes con trastorno obsesivo compulsivo: resultados preliminares Cognitive Profile Of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Patients: Preliminary Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Rodríguez Biglieri


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta resultados preliminares de una tesis doctoral, desarrollada en el marco de una beca del CONICET, cuyo objetivo es evaluar el perfil cognitivo de pacientes con Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo (TOC. El Cuestionario de Creencias Obsesivas y la Escala de Fusión Pensamiento Acción fueron administrados a 28 pacientes TOC; 30 con otros cuadros de ansiedad (CA; y 32 controles comunitarios (CC. Este último grupo presentó puntuaciones más bajas en todas las creencias examinadas. El grupo TOC, comparado con el CA, registró en mayor grado creencias sobre responsabilidad por daño, sobrestimación de peligro, importancia de los pensamientos intrusivos y necesidad de controlarlos, y creencias de tipo moral y de daño a terceros. Ambos grupos no difirieron en las creencias sobre perfeccionismo y necesidad de certeza, y en las probabilísticas sobre daño a sí mismo; las cuales podrían considerarse factores comunes a varios cuadros de ansiedad y no específicos del TOC.The article presents preliminary findings from a doctoral thesis framework assessing the cognitive profile of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD patients. The Obsessive Belief Questionnaire and the Thought-Action Fusion Scale were completed by 30 obsessive-compulsive disorder patients (OCD, 30 patients with other anxiety disorders (AC, and 32 community controls (CC. The comparisons showed that CC group had signifi- cantly lower scores than both AC and CC groups in all variables evaluated. The OCD group had significantly higher scores than AC in importance and control of intrusive thoughts, responsibility for harm, overestimation of threat, and in moral and likelihood for events happening to other people components of thought-action fusion (TAF beliefs. There were not statistically differences between OCD and AC groups in perfectionism and need for certainty, and in likelihood for events happening to oneself component of TAF beliefs. Therefore, these later beliefs could

  18. Simultaneous distribution of AC and DC power (United States)

    Polese, Luigi Gentile


    A system and method for the transport and distribution of both AC (alternating current) power and DC (direct current) power over wiring infrastructure normally used for distributing AC power only, for example, residential and/or commercial buildings' electrical wires is disclosed and taught. The system and method permits the combining of AC and DC power sources and the simultaneous distribution of the resulting power over the same wiring. At the utilization site a complementary device permits the separation of the DC power from the AC power and their reconstruction, for use in conventional AC-only and DC-only devices.

  19. Isolation of MA-ACS Gene Family and Expression Study of MA-ACS1 Gene in Musa acuminata Cultivar Pisang Ambon Lumut

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Musa acuminata cultivar pisang ambon lumut is a native climacteric fruit from Indonesia. Climacteric fruit ripening process is triggered by the gaseous plant hormone ethylene. The rate limiting enzyme involved in ethylene biosynthesis is ACC synthase (ACS which is encoded by ACS gene family. The objective of this study is to identify MA-ACS gene family in M. acuminata cultivar pisang ambon lumut and to study the MA-ACS1 gene expression. The result showed that there were nine M. acuminata ACS gene family members called MA-ACS1–9. Two of them (MA-ACS1 and MA-ACS2 were assessed using reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR for gene expression study and it was only MA-ACS1 correlated with fruit ripening. The MA-ACS1 gene fragment has been successfully isolated and characterized and it has three introns, four exons, and one stop codon. It also shows highest homology with MACS1 gene from M. acuminata cultivar Hsian Jien Chiao (GenBank accession number AF056164. Expression analysis of MA-ACS1 using quantitative PCR (qPCR showed that MA-ACS1 gene expression increased significantly in the third day, reached maximum at the fifth day, and then decreased in the seventh day after harvesting. The qPCR expression analysis result correlated with the result of physical analysis during fruit ripening.

  20. Modelado del proceso de extracción de ácido acético con recuperación del disolvente orgánico


    Sánchez Levoso, Ana


    El ácido acético es uno de los ácidos carboxílicos más utilizados tanto en la industria química como en la alimentaria, siendo sus principales aplicaciones la producción de acetato de vinilo monómero, empleado en la fabricación de pinturas, adhesivos y papel, y la producción de ácido terftálico purificado, precursor del poliéster PET. Además, es el ingrediente clave en el vinagre. Entre las formas de obtención del ácido acético se distinguen la fermentación bacteriana y las vías sintéti...

  1. Universality of ac conduction in disordered solids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyre, Jeppe; Schrøder, Thomas


    The striking similarity of ac conduction in quite different disordered solids is discussed in terms of experimental results, modeling, and computer simulations. After giving an overview of experiment, a macroscopic and a microscopic model are reviewed. For both models the normalized ac conductivity...... as a function of a suitably scaled frequency becomes independent of details of the disorder in the extreme disorder limit, i.e., when the local randomly varying mobilities cover many orders of magnitude. The two universal ac conductivities are similar, but not identical; both are examples of unusual non......-power-law universalities. It is argued that ac universality reflects an underlying percolation determining dc as well as ac conductivity in the extreme disorder limit. Three analytical approximations to the universal ac conductivities are presented and compared to computer simulations. Finally, model predictions...

  2. Estudio dieléctrico del envejecimiento físico


    Hernández, M. C; Suárez, N; Puma, M


    La influencia del envejecimiento físico en las propiedades dieléctricas de un poliarilato y un policarbonato derivados de la tirosina: Poli(DTH succinato) y poli(DTO carbonato) respectivamente, es estudiada utilizando la técnica de Corrientes de Polarización Estimuladas Térmicamente (TSPC). La caracterización dieléctrica, utilizando electrodos de bloqueo, permite estudiar el efecto de los cambios estructurales del material sobre las relajaciones asociadas con la redistribución de cargas debid...

  3. Liposucción en Cirugía Reparadora (desengrasamiento de colgajos cutáneos y miocutáneos, exéresis de acúmulos grasos y autotransplante de grasa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.Mª Serra Renom


    Full Text Available La liposucción es una técnica quirúrgica de gran utilidad para la remodelación de acúmulos grasos y para el desgrasamiento de los colgajos cutáneos, miocutáneos o musculares. Para el desgrasamiento de los colgajos la realizamos después del año de efectuado el colgajo. También la empleamos en acúmulos grasos, en la reconstrucción mamaria postmastectomía, y acúmulos grasos periféricos en la reducción mamaria. Igualmente en el tratamiento de cicatrices deprimidas con prominencia de tejidos vecinos. En zonas deprimidas la realización del autotransplante de grasa nos ha dado buenos resultados.

  4. Pixel-based CTE Correction of ACS/WFC: Modifications To The ACS Calibration Pipeline (CALACS) (United States)

    Smith, Linda J.; Anderson, J.; Armstrong, A.; Avila, R.; Bedin, L.; Chiaberge, M.; Davis, M.; Ferguson, B.; Fruchter, A.; Golimowski, D.; Grogin, N.; Hack, W.; Lim, P. L.; Lucas, R.; Maybhate, A.; McMaster, M.; Ogaz, S.; Suchkov, A.; Ubeda, L.


    The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) was installed on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) nearly ten years ago. Over the last decade, continuous exposure to the harsh radiation environment has degraded the charge transfer efficiency (CTE) of the CCDs. The worsening CTE impacts the science that can be obtained by altering the photometric, astrometric and morphological characteristics of sources, particularly those farthest from the readout amplifiers. To ameliorate these effects, Anderson & Bedin (2010, PASP, 122, 1035) developed a pixel-based empirical approach to correcting ACS data by characterizing the CTE profiles of trails behind warm pixels in dark exposures. The success of this technique means that it is now possible to correct full-frame ACS/WFC images for CTE degradation in the standard data calibration and reduction pipeline CALACS. Over the past year, the ACS team at STScI has developed, refined and tested the new software. The details of this work are described in separate posters. The new code is more effective at low flux levels (repair ACS electronics) and pixel-based CTE correction. In addition to the standard cosmic ray corrected, flat-fielded and drizzled data products (crj, flt and drz files) there are three new equivalent files (crc, flc and drc) which contain the CTE-corrected data products. The user community will be able to choose whether to use the standard or CTE-corrected products.

  5. AcMNPV

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 16, 2010 ... biosynthesis pathway and plays an important role in insect growth and .... Construction and propagation of recombined AcMNPV. The recombined ... infected by virus increased with incubation time (Figure. 3). The growth of ...

  6. Modeling and reliability analysis of three phase z-source AC-AC converter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prasad Hanuman


    Full Text Available This paper presents the small signal modeling using the state space averaging technique and reliability analysis of a three-phase z-source ac-ac converter. By controlling the shoot-through duty ratio, it can operate in buck-boost mode and maintain desired output voltage during voltage sag and surge condition. It has faster dynamic response and higher efficiency as compared to the traditional voltage regulator. Small signal analysis derives different control transfer functions and this leads to design a suitable controller for a closed loop system during supply voltage variation. The closed loop system of the converter with a PID controller eliminates the transients in output voltage and provides steady state regulated output. The proposed model designed in the RT-LAB and executed in a field programming gate array (FPGA-based real-time digital simulator at a fixedtime step of 10 μs and a constant switching frequency of 10 kHz. The simulator was developed using very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL, making it versatile and moveable. Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL simulation results are presented to justify the MATLAB simulation results during supply voltage variation of the three phase z-source ac-ac converter. The reliability analysis has been applied to the converter to find out the failure rate of its different components.

  7. Approaches to building single-stage AC/AC conversion switch-mode audio power amplifiers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ljusev, P.; Andersen, Michael A.E.


    This paper discusses the possible topologies and promising approaches towards direct single-phase AC-AC conversion of the mains voltage for audio applications. When compared to standard Class-D switching audio power amplifiers with a separate power supply, it is expected that direct conversion will provide better efficiency and higher level of integration, leading to lower component count, volume and cost, but at the expense of a minor performance deterioration. (au)

  8. Proportional-Integral-Resonant AC Current Controller

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    STOJIC, D.


    Full Text Available In this paper an improved stationary-frame AC current controller based on the proportional-integral-resonant control action (PIR is proposed. Namely, the novel two-parameter PIR controller is applied in the stationary-frame AC current control, accompanied by the corresponding parameter-tuning procedure. In this way, the proportional-resonant (PR controller, common in the stationary-frame AC current control, is extended by the integral (I action in order to enable the AC current DC component tracking, and, also, to enable the DC disturbance compensation, caused by the voltage source inverter (VSI nonidealities and by nonlinear loads. The proposed controller parameter-tuning procedure is based on the three-phase back-EMF-type load, which corresponds to a wide range of AC power converter applications, such as AC motor drives, uninterruptible power supplies, and active filters. While the PIR controllers commonly have three parameters, the novel controller has two. Also, the provided parameter-tuning procedure needs only one parameter to be tuned in relation to the load and power converter model parameters, since the second controller parameter is directly derived from the required controller bandwidth value. The dynamic performance of the proposed controller is verified by means of simulation and experimental runs.

  9. Efecto de la Profundidad sobre la Soldabilidad de Aceros Ferríticos en Ambientes Simulados Unidos por Soldadura Húmeda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Macías López

    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la profundidad sobre las propiedades en soldaduras de ranura en “V” con varios cordones de relleno. Metal base y electrodos comerciales fueron utilizados (ASTM A36 y AWS E7014 y cuatro diferentes condiciones se utilizaron para desarrollar las soldaduras húmedas como son 10, 20, 30 y 40m de profundidad. Una cámara presurizada con 30 atmósferas de capacidad fue utilizada para simular la profundidad, inundada con agua fresca. Un buzo soldador fue quien realizo las soldaduras. Las propiedades en la sección transversal mediante pruebas de tenacidad CVN (Charpy V-notch, macro ataque y esfuerzo a la tensión fueron determinadas por correlación. Las pruebas mecánicas con mejores resultados se observaron en la condición de 20m de profundidad.

  10. Low ac loss geometries in YBCO coated conductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duckworth, R.C.; List, F.A.; Paranthaman, M.P.; Rupich, M.W.; Zhang, W.; Xie, Y.Y.; Selvamanickam, V.


    Reduction of ac losses in applied ac fields can be accomplished through either the creation of filaments and bridging in YBCO coated conductors or by an assembly of narrow width YBCO tapes. The ac losses for each of these geometries were measured at 77 K in perpendicular ac fields up to 100 mT. Despite physical isolation of the filaments, coupling losses were still present in the samples when compared to the expected hysteretic loss. In addition to filamentary conductors the assembly of stacked YBCO conductor provides an alternative method of ac loss reduction. When compared to a 4-mm wide YBCO coated conductor with a critical current of 60 A, the ac loss in a stack of 2-mm wide YBCO coated conductors with a similar total critical current was reduced. While the reduction in ac loss in a 2-mm wide stack coincided with the reduction in the engineering current density of the conductor, further reduction of ac loss was obtained through the splicing of the 2-mm wide tapes with low resistance solders

  11. Low ac loss geometries in YBCO coated conductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duckworth, R.C. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, One Bethel Valley Road, P.O. Box 2008, MS-6305, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6305 (United States)], E-mail:; List, F.A.; Paranthaman, M.P. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, One Bethel Valley Road, P.O. Box 2008, MS-6305, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6305 (United States); Rupich, M.W.; Zhang, W. [American Superconductor, Two Technology Drive, Westborough, MA 01581 (United States); Xie, Y.Y.; Selvamanickam, V. [SuperPower, 450 Duane Ave, Schenectady, NY 12304 (United States)


    Reduction of ac losses in applied ac fields can be accomplished through either the creation of filaments and bridging in YBCO coated conductors or by an assembly of narrow width YBCO tapes. The ac losses for each of these geometries were measured at 77 K in perpendicular ac fields up to 100 mT. Despite physical isolation of the filaments, coupling losses were still present in the samples when compared to the expected hysteretic loss. In addition to filamentary conductors the assembly of stacked YBCO conductor provides an alternative method of ac loss reduction. When compared to a 4-mm wide YBCO coated conductor with a critical current of 60 A, the ac loss in a stack of 2-mm wide YBCO coated conductors with a similar total critical current was reduced. While the reduction in ac loss in a 2-mm wide stack coincided with the reduction in the engineering current density of the conductor, further reduction of ac loss was obtained through the splicing of the 2-mm wide tapes with low resistance solders.

  12. Caracterización de electrodos de níquel dopados con nanopartiículas de paladio para la obtención de hidrógeno




    [ES] El sistema energético mundial está basado en los combustibles fósiles, y éstos conllevan graves problemas de contaminación además de ser fuentes de energía no renovables. Una de las nuevas alternativas energéticas es el hidrógeno. El hidrógeno es un vector energético idóneo para convertirse en el combustible del futuro. Con la creación de un sistema energético basado en el hidrógeno denominado “Economía del hidrógeno” se conseguiría energía de forma limpia y renovable. ...

  13. AC conductivity and dielectric behavior of bulk Furfurylidenemalononitrile (United States)

    El-Nahass, M. M.; Ali, H. A. M.


    AC conductivity and dielectric behavior for bulk Furfurylidenemalononitrile have been studied over a temperature range (293-333 K) and frequency range (50-5×106 Hz). The frequency dependence of ac conductivity, σac, has been investigated by the universal power law, σac(ω)=Aωs. The variation of the frequency exponent (s) with temperature was analyzed in terms of different conduction mechanisms, and it was found that the correlated barrier hopping (CBH) model is the predominant conduction mechanism. The temperature dependence of σac(ω) showed a linear increase with the increase in temperature at different frequencies. The ac activation energy was determined at different frequencies. Dielectric data were analyzed using complex permittivity and complex electric modulus for bulk Furfurylidenemalononitrile at various temperatures.

  14. Assay Methods for ACS Activity and ACS Phosphorylation by MAP Kinases In Vitro and In Vivo. (United States)

    Han, Xiaomin; Li, Guojing; Zhang, Shuqun


    Ethylene, a gaseous phytohormone, has profound effects on plant growth, development, and adaptation to the environment. Ethylene-regulated processes begin with the induction of ethylene biosynthesis. There are two key steps in ethylene biosynthesis. The first is the biosynthesis of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) from S-Adenosyl-Methionine (SAM), a common precursor in many metabolic pathways, which is catalyzed by ACC synthase (ACS). The second is the oxidative cleavage of ACC to form ethylene under the action of ACC oxidase (ACO). ACC biosynthesis is the committing and generally the rate-limiting step in ethylene biosynthesis. As a result, characterizing the cellular ACS activity and understanding its regulation are important. In this chapter, we detail the methods used to measure, (1) the enzymatic activity of both recombinant and native ACS proteins, and (2) the phosphorylation of ACS protein by mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in vivo and in vitro.

  15. Diseño y construcción de un transmisor y receptor acústico para la localización de equipo oceanográfico fondeado en un cuerpo de agua.


    Hernández Reyes, Alberto Isaac


    En el presente trabajo, se diseñó y construyó un dispositivo transmisor y receptor de señales ultrasónicas que es capaz de detectar frecuencias de 26 kHz en el agua hasta profundidades ligeramente mayores de 30 m. El principio de funcionamiento de este tipo de aparatos es la acústica submarina. Por ello, se proporciona al lector información de referencia acerca de acústica submarina y dispositivos que funcionan basados en la transmisión de sonido en el agua. Con ese conocimient...

  16. RNA interference suppression of mucin 5AC (MUC5AC reduces the adhesive and invasive capacity of human pancreatic cancer cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yamada Nobuya


    Full Text Available Abstract Background MUC5AC is a secretory mucin normally expressed in the surface muconous cells of stomach and bronchial tract. It has been known that MUC5AC de novo expression occurred in the invasive ductal carcinoma and pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasm with no detectable expression in normal pancreas, however, its function remains uncertain. Here, we report the impact of MUC5AC on the adhesive and invasive ability of pancreatic cancer cells. Methods We used two MUC5AC expressing cell lines derived from human pancreatic cancer, SW1990 and BxPC3. Small-interfering (si RNA directed against MUC5AC were used to assess the effects of MUC5AC on invasion and adhesion of pancreas cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. We compared parental cells (SW1990 and BxPC3 with MUC5AC suppressed cells by si RNA (si-SW1990 and si-BxPC3. Results MUC5AC was found to express in more than 80% of pancreatic ductal carcinoma specimens. Next we observed that both of si-SW1990 and si-BxPC3 showed significantly lower adhesion and invasion to extracellular matrix components compared with parental cell lines. Expression of genes associated with adhesion and invasion including several integerins, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP -3 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF were down-regulated in both MUC5AC suppressed cells. Furthermore, production of VEGF and phosphorylation of VEGFR-1 were significantly reduced by MUC5AC down regulation. Both of si-SW1990 and si-BxPC3 attenuated activation of Erk1/2. In vivo, si-SW1990 did not establish subcutaneous tumor in nude mice. Conclusions Knockdown of MUC5AC reduced the ability of pancreatic cancer cells to adhesion and invasion, suggesting that MUC5AC might contribute to the invasive motility of pancreatic cancer cells by enhancing the expression of integrins, MMP-3, VEGF and activating Erk pathway.

  17. Gamma-irradiation produces active chlorine species (ACS) in physiological solutions: Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) scavenges ACS - A novel mechanism of DNA radioprotection. (United States)

    Mishra, Om P; Popov, Anatoliy V; Pietrofesa, Ralph A; Christofidou-Solomidou, Melpo


    Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the main lignan in whole grain flaxseed, is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger with known radioprotective properties. However, the exact mechanism of SDG radioprotection is not well understood. The current study identified a novel mechanism of DNA radioprotection by SDG in physiological solutions by scavenging active chlorine species (ACS) and reducing chlorinated nucleobases. The ACS scavenging activity of SDG was determined using two highly specific fluoroprobes: hypochlorite-specific 3'-(p-aminophenyl) fluorescein (APF) and hydroxyl radical-sensitive 3'-(p-hydroxyphenyl) fluorescein (HPF). Dopamine, an SDG structural analog, was used for proton (1)H NMR studies to trap primary ACS radicals. Taurine N-chlorination was determined to demonstrate radiation-induced generation of hypochlorite, a secondary ACS. DNA protection was assessed by determining the extent of DNA fragmentation and plasmid DNA relaxation following exposure to ClO(-) and radiation. Purine base chlorination by ClO(-) and γ-radiation was determined by using 2-aminopurine (2-AP), a fluorescent analog of 6-aminopurine. Chloride anions (Cl(-)) consumed >90% of hydroxyl radicals in physiological solutions produced by γ-radiation resulting in ACS formation, which was detected by (1)H NMR. Importantly, SDG scavenged hypochlorite- and γ-radiation-induced ACS. In addition, SDG blunted ACS-induced fragmentation of calf thymus DNA and plasmid DNA relaxation. SDG treatment before or after ACS exposure decreased the ClO(-) or γ-radiation-induced chlorination of 2-AP. Exposure to γ-radiation resulted in increased taurine chlorination, indicative of ClO(-) generation. NMR studies revealed formation of primary ACS radicals (chlorine atoms (Cl) and dichloro radical anions (Cl2¯)), which were trapped by SDG and its structural analog dopamine. We demonstrate that γ-radiation induces the generation of ACS in physiological solutions. SDG treatment scavenged

  18. Hopping models and ac universality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyre, Jeppe; Schrøder, Thomas


    Some general relations for hopping models are established. We proceed to discuss the universality of the ac conductivity which arises in the extreme disorder limit of the random barrier model. It is shown that the relevant dimension entering into the diffusion cluster approximation (DCA) is the h......Some general relations for hopping models are established. We proceed to discuss the universality of the ac conductivity which arises in the extreme disorder limit of the random barrier model. It is shown that the relevant dimension entering into the diffusion cluster approximation (DCA......) is the harmonic (fracton) dimension of the diffusion cluster. The temperature scaling of the dimensionless frequency entering into the DCA is discussed. Finally, some open problems regarding ac universality are listed....

  19. Métodos instrumentales para la determinación de NaCl en las salmueras de aceitunas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García García, P.


    Full Text Available Aplicability of flame photometric and ion selective (sodium or chloride methods to determinate NaCI concentration in olive brines in comparison with the official one (Volhard, which uses AgNO3, is studied. According to the results using standard solutions or fermentative olive brines without previous lye treatment, no proportional systematic or constant systematic errors are detected and the percentaje of NaCl is evaluated by them with the same accuracy as by the reference. However, when the flame photometric or sodium ion-selective methods are used to determine this compound in Spanish olive brines, there is a deviation in comparison with the values obtained by the official one (Volhard that is correlated with the combine acidity concentration of the solution. This fact is due to the presence of sodium organic salts, called combined acidity, that are formed during the lye treatment or "cocido" that these fruits are given before fermentation. Nevertheless, is does not represent any problem as there is a good correlation between such combined acidity and the magnitude of the deviation, that permit to calculate the corresponding correction factor. In addition these problems can be solved using the chloride selective ion method.

    Se estudia la aplicación de la fotometría de llama y el empleo de electrodos selectivos de iones cloruro o sodio, para la determinación de la concentración de NaCl en las salmueras de aceitunas de mesa, comparándolos con el actualmente utilizado de valoración de nitrato de plata (Volhard. De acuerdo con los resultados, la utilización de los mismos a soluciones patrones o de aceitunas en salmuera no da lugar a errores sistemáticos porporcionales ni constantes, pudiéndose analizar dicho compuesto con la misma precisión que con el procedimiento de referencia. Sin embargo, cuando se analizan las correspondientes a las elaboradas al estilo español, los valores que se obtienen con la fotometría de

  20. Transport AC losses in YBCO coated conductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Majoros, M [Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 (United States); Ye, L [IRC in Superconductivity, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom); Velichko, A V [IRC in Superconductivity, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom); Coombs, T A [IRC in Superconductivity, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom); Sumption, M D [Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 (United States); Collings, E W [Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 (United States)


    Transport AC loss measurements have been made on YBCO-coated conductors prepared on two different substrate templates-RABiTS (rolling-assisted biaxially textured substrate) and IBAD (ion-beam-assisted deposition). RABiTS samples show higher losses compared with the theoretical values obtained from the critical state model, with constant critical current density, at currents lower than the critical current. An origin of this extra AC loss was demonstrated experimentally by comparison of the AC loss of two samples with different I-V curves. Despite a difference in I-V curves and in the critical currents, their measured losses, as well as the normalized losses, were practically the same. However, the functional dependence of the losses was affected by the ferromagnetic substrate. An influence of the presence of a ferromagnetic substrate on transport AC losses in YBCO film was calculated numerically by the finite element method. The presence of a ferromagnetic substrate increases transport AC losses in YBCO films depending on its relative magnetic permeability. The two loss contributions-transport AC loss in YBCO films and ferromagnetic loss in the substrate-cannot be considered as mutually independent.

  1. Expression Study of LeGAPDH, LeACO1, LeACS1A, and LeACS2 in Tomato Fruit (Solanum lycopersicum

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    Pijar Riza Anugerah


    Full Text Available Tomato is a climacteric fruit, which is characterized by ripening-related increase of respiration and elevated ethylene synthesis. Ethylene is the key hormone in ripening process of climacteric fruits. The objective of this research is to study the expression of three ethylene synthesis genes: LeACO1, LeACS1A, LeACS2, and a housekeeping gene LeGAPDH in ripening tomato fruit. Specific primers have been designed to amplify complementary DNA fragment of LeGAPDH (143 bp, LeACO1 (240 bp, LeACS1A (169 bp, and LeACS2 (148 bp using polymerase chain reaction. Nucleotide BLAST results of the complementary DNA fragments show high similarity with LeGAPDH (NM_001247874.1, LeACO1 (NM_001247095.1, LeACS1A (NM_001246993.1, LeACS2 (NM_001247249.1, respectively. Expression study showed that LeACO1, LeACS1A, LeACS2, and LeGAPDH genes were expressed in ripening tomato fruit. Isolation methods, reference sequences, and primers used in this study can be used in future experiments to study expression of genes responsible for ethylene synthesis using quantitative polymerase chain reaction and to design better strategy for controlling fruit ripening in agroindustry.

  2. Dicty_cDB: FC-AC21 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AC21 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15104-1 FC-AC21E (Li...nk to Original site) - - - - - - FC-AC21E 527 Show FC-AC21 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AC21 (Link to dict...yBase) Atlas ID - NBRP ID - dictyBase ID - Link to Contig Contig-U15104-1 Original site URL http://dict...ce KDSLDVIIFPEMVKLVGLTPNTMEKVLTYFQDNDTIDLSTFPMEIQVEQLSGKYIFICTH KQKDQRCGYCGPILVDQLRDQIKERSLEKEIQVFGTSHVGGHKY... Frames) Frame A: KDSLDVIIFPEMVKLVGLTPNTMEKVLTYFQDNDTIDLSTFPMEIQVEQLSGKYIFICTH KQ

  3. Análisis del campo sonoro y la molestia de la contaminación acústica en ciudades mediante el uso de redes de sensores.


    Noriega Linares, Juan Emilio


    En la constante evolución en la que viven las ciudades actuales, la preocupación por la contaminación acústica y la concienciación sobre el ruido se han incrementado en los últimos años. El aumento de los niveles de contaminación acústica ha hecho que se ponga más atención en el ruido y sus efectos en las personas, y cómo éstas pueden estar de afectadas, ya no de manera directa con problemas de salud, pero sí en cómo el ruido afecta más subjetivamente de una manera negativa en la calidad de v...

  4. Calificación de procedimientos de soldadura, operadores y soldadores en procesos smaw y gmaw, de acuerdo al código aws d1.1 para aceros estructurales


    Chan Pozo, Ma. Angelica; Serrano Valarezo, Omar


    Inicialmente, se explicará el procedimiento de calificación de soldaduras de ranura y se expondrán los tipos de ensayos de calificación establecidos por el código citado y sus respectivos criterios de aceptación. A continuación, se calificará una soldadura de ranura en V realizada mediante el proceso de Soldadura de Arco con Electrodo Revestido, SMAW. Si dicha soldadura fuera aprobada se elaborará el respectivo Certificado de Calificación del Procedimiento y el Registro de Calificación de...


    is shown that the maximum ac efficiency is equal to approximately 70% of the corresponding dc value. An illustrative example, including a proposed design for a rather unconventional transformer, is appended. (Author)

  6. 21 CFR 880.6320 - AC-powered medical examination light. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false AC-powered medical examination light. 880.6320... Miscellaneous Devices § 880.6320 AC-powered medical examination light. (a) Identification. An AC-powered medical examination light is an AC-powered device intended for medical purposes that is used to illuminate body...

  7. Ac-dc converter firing error detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gould, O.L.


    Each of the twelve Booster Main Magnet Power Supply modules consist of two three-phase, full-wave rectifier bridges in series to provide a 560 VDC maximum output. The harmonic contents of the twelve-pulse ac-dc converter output are multiples of the 60 Hz ac power input, with a predominant 720 Hz signal greater than 14 dB in magnitude above the closest harmonic components at maximum output. The 720 Hz harmonic is typically greater than 20 dB below the 500 VDC output signal under normal operation. Extracting specific harmonics from the rectifier output signal of a 6, 12, or 24 pulse ac-dc converter allows the detection of SCR firing angle errors or complete misfires. A bandpass filter provides the input signal to a frequency-to-voltage converter. Comparing the output of the frequency-to-voltage converter to a reference voltage level provides an indication of the magnitude of the harmonics in the ac-dc converter output signal

  8. Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS Mechanisms and Protocols

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    Amir V. Tavakoli


    Full Text Available Perception, cognition and consciousness can be modulated as a function of oscillating neural activity, while ongoing neuronal dynamics are influenced by synaptic activity and membrane potential. Consequently, transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS may be used for neurological intervention. The advantageous features of tACS include the biphasic and sinusoidal tACS currents, the ability to entrain large neuronal populations, and subtle control over somatic effects. Through neuromodulation of phasic, neural activity, tACS is a powerful tool to investigate the neural correlates of cognition. The rapid development in this area requires clarity about best practices. Here we briefly introduce tACS and review the most compelling findings in the literature to provide a starting point for using tACS. We suggest that tACS protocols be based on functional brain mechanisms and appropriate control experiments, including active sham and condition blinding.





    En esta investigación doctoral se estudió experimentalmente una descarga plasma focus operada a decenas de joules y decenas de kiloamperes. El dispositivo genera una descarga coaxial por medio de un arreglo de electrodos los cuales consisten de un electrodo central, un aislante cilíndrico y un electrodo exterior. La descarga es alimentada por un generador capacitivo y se opera a presiones de algunos milibar. Los parámetros eléctricos típicos del dispositivo, denominado PF-50J, son T/4 ...

  10. Three-Level AC-DC-AC Z-Source Converter Using Reduced Passive Component Count

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Loh, Poh Chiang; Gao, Feng; Tan, Pee-Chin


    This paper presents a three-level ac-dc-ac Z-source converter with output voltage buck-boost capability. The converter is implemented by connecting a low-cost front-end diode rectifier to a neutral-point-clamped inverter through a single X-shaped LC impedance network. The inverter is controlled...... to switch with a three-level output voltage, where the middle neutral potential is uniquely tapped from the star-point of a wye-connected capacitive filter placed before the front-end diode rectifier for input current filtering. Through careful control, the resulting converter can produce the correct volt...

  11. Electrorretinograma: Valores normales con diferentes protocolos de estudio Electroretinogram: Normal values with different study protocols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosaralis Paneca Santiesteban


    Full Text Available En 7 investigaciones por separado se llevó a cabo, el registro, la observación y comparación de los valores normales de frecuencia macular, amplitud y latencia de las ondas A y B del electrorretinograma, por cada ojo, obtenidos con diferentes electrodos, equipos y protocolos para registrarlo, usados durante los años 1977 hasta el 2000 en el laboratorio de Electrofisiología de la Visión del Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía. Se incluyó la metodología del electrorretinograma más recientemente utilizada, según las normas internacionales sobre el electrorretinograma estandarizado de la Sociedad Internacional para la Electrofisiología de la Visión, que fue el único protocolo de este trabajo en que se incluyó midriasis y preadaptación a la oscuridad o a la luz. Los valores de amplitud, latencia y réplica macular de cada uno de esos protocolos se exponen y se comparan entre sí los de similar protocolo. Ademàs, se presentan las curvas y valores del electrorretinograma estandarizado según las normas de la sociedad antes referidaA study was conducted in 7 separate researches, where the normal values of macular frequency, amplitude and latency of the A and B waves of the electroretinogram were recorded, observed and compared for each eye. These data were obtained with different electrodes, equipment and protocols that were used from 1977 to 2000 at the Laboratory of Vision Electrophysiology of the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery. These techniques have allowed to characterize diseases and to suggest the site of the injuries causing them

  12. Sobre la impedancia faradaica de la disolución electroquímica del níquel

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    Agrisuelas, J.


    Full Text Available Consecutive impedance spectra for nickel electrodes in acid medium have been obtained. The first recorded spectrum is fitted to an equivalent circuit with three time constants, if one consider a partially or completely passivated electrode. The second registered spectrum is characteristic to a corrosion kinetic controlled by the transport across a finite layer thickness. The microscopic images show an increase in the irregularity of the electrode surface after the second spectrum is registered. Also, the double layer capacity is considerably increased.

    Se han obtenido espectros de impedancia consecutivos sobre electrodos de níquel en medio ácido. El primer espectro registrado se ajusta a un circuito equivalente con tres constantes de tiempo, considerando un electrodo parcialmente pasivado o completamente pasivado. El segundo espectro registrado es característico de una cinética de corrosión controlada por el transporte a través de una capa de espesor finito. Tras registrar el segundo espectro, las imágenes microscópicas muestran un aumento de la irregularidad en la superficie electródica. Al mismo tiempo la capacidad de doble capa aumenta considerablemente.


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    Ivonne Linares-Hernández


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue implementar un sistema electroquímico, mediante tratamientos de electrocoagulación, empleando electrodos de hierro y oxidación anódica directa (OAD, empleando electrodos de diamante dopados con boro (DDB, para tratar aguas residuales provenientes de una planta de tratamiento que recibe las descargas de 144 empresas de diferentes giros, de la zona industrial Toluca-Lerma, México. Los resultados de estos tratamientos, indicaron una remoción del 99% de la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO, 99% de color y 97% de turbidez, en un tiempo de 2 h. En el sistema acoplado, la electrocoagulación removió las partículas coloidales y suspendidas y la OAD, permitió la degradación de materia orgánica persistente. Se determinó la cantidad de lodos generados en el sistema y se caracterizaron por microscopia electrónica de barrido y análisis elemental. Se concluye que los métodos electroquímicos resultan ser aplicables y eficientes en la degradación compuestos que no son fácilmente biodegradables.

  14. Characterisation of AC1: a naturally decaffeinated coffee

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    Luciana Benjamim Benatti


    Full Text Available We compared the biochemical characteristics of the beans of a naturally decaffeinated Arabica coffee (AC1 discovered in 2004 with those of the widely grown Brazilian Arabica cultivar "Mundo Novo" (MN. Although we observed differences during fruit development, the contents of amino acids, organic acids, chlorogenic acids, soluble sugars and trigonelline were similar in the ripe fruits of AC1 and MN. AC1 beans accumulated theobromine, and caffeine was almost entirely absent. Tests on the supply of [2-14C] adenine and enzymatic analysis of theobromine synthase and caffeine synthase in the endosperm of AC1 confirmed that, as in the leaves, caffeine synthesis is blocked during the methylation of theobromine to caffeine. The quality of the final coffee beverage obtained from AC1 was similar to that of MN.

  15. A multi-channel AC power supply controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su Hong; Li Xiaogang; Ma Xiaoli; Zhou Bo; Yin Weiwei


    A multi-channel ac power supply controller developed recently by authors is introduced briefly in this paper. This controller is a computer controlled multi-electronic-switch device. This controller was developed for the automatic control and monitoring system of a 220 V ac power supply system, it is a key front-end device of the automatic control and monitoring system. There is an electronic switch in each channel, the rated load power is ≤1 kW/each channel. Another function is to sample the 220 V ac output voltage so that computer can monitor the operation state of each electronic switch. Through these switches, the 220 V ac power supply is applied to some device or apparatus that need to be powered by 220 V ac power supply. In the design, a solid-state relay was employed as an electronic switch. This controller can be connected in cascade mode. There are 8 boxes at most can be connected in cascade mode. The length of control word is 8 bit, which contains addressing information and electronic switch state setting information. The sampling output of the controller is multiplexed. It is only one bit that indicates the operating state of an electronic switch. This controller has been used in an automatic control and monitoring system for 220 V ac power supply system

  16. Bioinformatics and Astrophysics Cluster (BinAc) (United States)

    Krüger, Jens; Lutz, Volker; Bartusch, Felix; Dilling, Werner; Gorska, Anna; Schäfer, Christoph; Walter, Thomas


    BinAC provides central high performance computing capacities for bioinformaticians and astrophysicists from the state of Baden-Württemberg. The bwForCluster BinAC is part of the implementation concept for scientific computing for the universities in Baden-Württemberg. Community specific support is offered through the bwHPC-C5 project.

  17. Ac, La, and Ce radioimpurities in {sup 225}Ac produced in 40-200 MeV proton irradiations of thorium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Engle, Jonathan W.; Ballard, Beau D. [Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM (United States); Weidner, John W. [Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH (United States); and others


    Accelerator production of {sup 225}Ac addresses the global supply deficiency currently inhibiting clinical trials from establishing {sup 225}Ac's therapeutic utility, provided that the accelerator product is of sufficient radionuclidic purity for patient use. Two proton activation experiments utilizing the stacked foil technique between 40 and 200 MeV were employed to study the likely co-formation of radionuclides expected to be especially challenging to separate from {sup 225}Ac. Foils were assayed by nondestructive γ-spectroscopy and by α-spectroscopy of chemically processed target material. Nuclear formation cross sections for the radionuclides {sup 226}Ac and {sup 227}Ac as well as lower lanthanide radioisotopes {sup 139}Ce, {sup 141}Ce, {sup 143}Ce, and {sup 140}La whose elemental ionic radii closely match that of actinium were measured and are reported. The predictions of the latest MCNP6 event generators are compared with measured data, as they permit estimation of the formation rates of other radionuclides whose decay emissions are not clearly discerned in the complex spectra collected from {sup 232}Th(p,x) fission product mixtures. (orig.)

  18. Realidad Virtual Acústica: El Abordaje de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales

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    Jose Francisco Lucio


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo abordaje para obtener las respuestas impulsivas biauriculares (BIRs para un sistema de aurilización utilizando un conjunto de redes neuronales artificiales (RNAs. El método propuesto es capaz de reconstruir las respuestas impulsivas asociadas a la cabeza humana (HRIRs por medio de modificación espectral y de interpolación espacial. Para poder cubrir todo el espacio auditivo de recepción, sin aumentar la complejidad de la arquitectura de la red, una estructura con varias RNAs (conjunto fue adoptada, donde cada red opera en una región específica del espacio (gomo. El error de modelaje en el dominio de la frecuencia es investigado considerando la naturaleza logarítmica de la audición humana. A través de la metodología propuesta se obtuvo un ahorro del tiempo de procesamiento computacional de aproximadamente 62% en relación al método tradicional de procesamiento de señales utilizado para aurilización. La aplicabilidad del nuevo método en sistemas de aurilización es reforzada mediante un análisis comparativo de los resultados, que incluyen la generación de las BIRs y el cálculo de un parámetro acústico biauricular (IACF, los cuales muestran errores con magnitudes reducidas.

  19. Asymmetric electrooptic response in a nematic liquid crystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dascalu, Constanta [Politechnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest (Romania)


    An asymmetric electrooptic response in nematic liquid crystal (LC) has been obtained. The liquid crystal hybrid cell was made by using a standard configuration. One of the ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) electrodes was covered with a surfactant, which induces a homeotropic alignment. The second of the indium tin oxide electrodes was covered by a thin layer of photopolymer, which was previously mixed with an acid, which favours a process of release of protons. Such cations are responsible of electrochemical process in the LC leading to an asymmetric electrooptic response, which depend on the polarity of the applied electric field. This fact is due to an internal field, which change the effective voltage thresholds for the reorientation of the liquid crystal. During the anodic polarization, the optical switching is inhibited because the effective field decreases below the threshold value. On contrary for the opposite polarization the effective field is enough to determine a homeotropic alignment. [Spanish] Se ha obtenido una respuesta electro-optica asimetrica en cristales liquidos neumaticos. La celula hibrida de cristal liquido fue construida utilizando una configuracion estandar. Uno de los electrodos ITO fue cubierto con una pelicula delgada de material organico para inducir una alineacion homeotropa. El otro electrodo ITO fue cubierto con una pelicula delgada de fotopolimero anteriormente mezclada con un acido para favorecer la emision de protones. Estos cationes son responsables del proceso electroquimico en LC, conduciendo a una respuesta electro-optica asimetrica que depende de la polaridad del campo electrico aplicado. Este efecto es originado por un campo interno que cambia el umbral efectivo del voltaje para la reorientacion del cristal liquido. Durante la polarizacion anodica, la conmutacion optica se inhibe debido a que el campo efectivo disminuye abajo del valor del umbral. Por el contrario, para la polarizacion opuesta el campo efectivo es suficiente para

  20. Transition towards DC micro grids: From an AC to a hybrid AC and DC energy infrastructure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Evi Ploumpidou


    Full Text Available Our electricity is predominantly powered by alternating current (AC, ever since the War of Currents ended in the favor of Nicola Tesla at the end of the 19th century. However, lots of the appliances we use, such as electronics and lights with light-emitting diode (LED technology, work internally on direct current (DC and it is projected that the number of these appliances will increase in the near future. Another contributor to the increase in DC consumption is the ongoing electrification of mobility (Electric Vehicles (EVs. At the same time, photovoltaics (PV generate DC voltages, while the most common storage technologies also use DC. In order to integrate all these appliances and technologies to the existing AC grid, there is a need for converters which introduce power losses. By distributing DC power to DC devices instead of converting it to AC first, it is possible to avoid substantial energy losses that occur every time electricity is converted. This situation initiated the concept for the implementation of the DC-Flexhouse project. A prototype DC installation will be developed and tested in one of the buildings of the developing living lab area called the District of Tomorrow (De Wijk van Morgen which is located in Heerlen, the Netherlands. A neighborhood cooperative (Vrieheide cooperatie is also part of the consortium in order to address the aspect of social acceptance. Although DC seems to be a promising solution for a more sustainable energy system, the business case is still debatable due to both technology- and market-related challenges. The current energy infrastructure is predominantly based on AC, manufacturers produce devices based on AC standards and people are using many AC products across a long life span. This Smart Energy Buildings & Cities (SEB&C PDEng project is a contribution to the DC-Flexhouse project. The aim is to analyze the challenges in the transition to DC micro grids, assess the market potential of DC

  1. ACS and STEMI treatment: gender-related issues. (United States)

    Chieffo, Alaide; Buchanan, Gill Louise; Mauri, Fina; Mehilli, Julinda; Vaquerizo, Beatriz; Moynagh, Anouska; Mehran, Roxana; Morice, Marie-Claude


    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death amongst women, with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) representing a significant proportion. It has been reported that in women presenting with ACS there is underdiagnosis and consequent undertreatment leading to an increase in hospital and long-term mortality. Several factors have to be taken into account, including lack of awareness both at patient and at physician level. Women are generally not aware of the cardiovascular risk and symptoms, often atypical, and therefore wait longer to seek medical attention. In addition, physicians often underestimate the risk of ACS in women leading to a further delay in accurate diagnosis and timely appropriate treatment, including cardiac catheterisation and primary percutaneous coronary intervention, with consequent delayed revascularisation times. It has been acknowledged by the European Society of Cardiology that gender disparities do exist, with a Class I, Level of Evidence B recommendation that both genders should be treated in the same way when presenting with ACS. However, there is still a lack of awareness and the mission of Women in Innovation, in association with Stent for Life, is to change the perception of women with ACS and to achieve prompt diagnosis and treatment.

  2. Use of an AC/DC/AC Electrochemical Technique to Assess the Durability of Protection Systems for Magnesium Alloys (United States)

    Song, Sen; McCune, Robert C.; Shen, Weidian; Wang, Yar-Ming

    One task under the U.S. Automotive Materials Partnership (USAMP) "Magnesium Front End Research and Development" (MFERD) Project has been the evaluation of methodologies for the assessment of protective capability for a variety of proposed protection schemes for this hypothesized multi-material, articulated structure. Techniques which consider the entire protection system, including both pretreatments and topcoats are of interest. In recent years, an adaptation of the classical electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) approach using an intermediate cathodic DC polarization step (viz. AC/DC/AC) has been employed to accelerate breakdown of coating protection, specifically at the polymer-pretreatment interface. This work reports outcomes of studies to employ the AC/DC/AC approach for comparison of protective coatings to various magnesium alloys considered for front end structures. In at least one instance, the protective coating system breakdown could be attributed to the poorer intrinsic corrosion resistance of the sheet material (AZ31) relative to die-cast AM60B.

  3. Should fee-for-service be for all guideline-advocated acute coronary syndrome (ACS) care? Observations from the Snapshot ACS study. (United States)

    Briffa, Thomas G; Hammett, Christopher J; Cross, David B; Macisaac, Andrew I; Rankin, James M; Board, Neville; Carr, Bridie; Hyun, Karice K; French, John; Brieger, David B; Chew, Derek P


    The aim of the present study was to explore the association of health insurance status on the provision of guideline-advocated acute coronary syndrome (ACS) care in Australia. Consecutive hospitalisations of suspected ACS from 14 to 27 May 2012 enrolled in the Snapshot study of Australian and New Zealand patients were evaluated. Descriptive and logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate the association of patient risk and insurance status with the receipt of care. In all, 3391 patients with suspected ACS from 247 hospitals (23 private) were enrolled in the present study. One-third of patients declared private insurance coverage; of these, 27.9% (304/1088) presented to private facilities. Compared with public patients, privately insured patients were more likely to undergo in-patient echocardiography and receive early angiography; furthermore, in those with a discharge diagnosis of ACS, there was a higher rate of revascularisation (P fee-for-service. In contrast, proportionately fewer privately insured ACS patients were discharged on selected guideline therapies and were referred to a secondary prevention program (P = 0.056), neither of which directly attracts a fee. Typically, as GRACE (the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) risk score rose, so did the level of ACS care; however, propensity-adjusted analyses showed lower in-hospital adverse events among the insured group (odds ratio 0.68; 95% confidence interval 0.52-0.88; P = 0.004). Fee-for-service reimbursement may explain differences in the provision of selected guideline-advocated components of ACS care between privately insured and public patients.

  4. AC/RF Superconductivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ciovati, G [Jefferson Lab (United States)


    This contribution provides a brief introduction to AC/RF superconductivity, with an emphasis on application to accelerators. The topics covered include the surface impedance of normal conductors and superconductors, the residual resistance, the field dependence of the surface resistance, and the superheating field.

  5. AC/RF Superconductivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ciovati, Gianluigi [JLAB


    This contribution provides a brief introduction to AC/RF superconductivity, with an emphasis on application to accelerators. The topics covered include the surface impedance of normal conductors and superconductors, the residual resistance, the field dependence of the surface resistance, and the superheating field.

  6. Safe-commutation principle for direct single-phase AC-AC converters for use in audio power amplification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ljusev, P.; Andersen, Michael A.E.


    This paper presents an alternative safe commutation principle for a single phase bidirectional bridge, for use in the new generation of direct single-stage AC-AC audio power amplifiers. As compared with the bridge commutation with load current or source voltage sensing, in this approach it is not required to do any measurements, thus making it more reliable. Initial testing made on the prototype prove the feasibility of the approach. (au)

  7. Ac irreversibility line of bismuth-based high temperature superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehdaoui, A.; Beille, J.; Berling, D.; Loegel, B.; Noudem, J.G.; Tournier, R.


    We discuss the magnetic properties of lead doped Bi-2223 bulk samples obtained through combined magnetic melt texturing and hot pressing (MMTHP). The ac complex susceptibility measurements are achieved over a broad ac field range (1 Oe ac <100 Oe) and show highly anisotropic properties. The intergranular coupling is improved in the direction perpendicular to the applied stress and magnetic field direction, and an intragranular loss peak is observed for the first time. A comparison is made with other bismuth-based compounds and it is shown that the MMTHP process shifts the ac irreversibility line (ac IL) toward higher fields. It is also shown that all the ac IL close-quote s for quasi 2D bismuth-based compounds show a nearly quadratic temperature dependence and deviate therefore strongly from the linear behavior observed in quasi 3D compounds and expected from a critical state model.copyright 1997 Materials Research Society

  8. ACS-Hach Programs: Supporting Excellence in High School Chemistry Teaching (United States)

    Taylor, Terri


    In January 2009, the ACS received a gift of approximately $33 million from the Hach Scientific Foundation, the largest gift in the society's 133-year history. The foundation's programs will be continued by the ACS and will complement pre-existing ACS resources that support high school chemistry teaching. Three activities serve as the pillars of the ACS-Hach programs—the High School Chemistry Grant Program, the Second Career Teacher Scholarship Program, and the Land Grant University Scholars Program. Collectively, the ACS-Hach programs support high school chemistry teaching and learning by responding to the needs of both in-service and pre-service secondary teachers. The goals of each of the ACS-Hach programs align well with the ACS Mission—to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people.

  9. Two very long chain fatty acid acyl-CoA synthetase genes, acs-20 and acs-22, have roles in the cuticle surface barrier in Caenorhabditis elegans.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eriko Kage-Nakadai

    Full Text Available In multicellular organisms, the surface barrier is essential for maintaining the internal environment. In mammals, the barrier is the stratum corneum. Fatty acid transport protein 4 (FATP4 is a key factor involved in forming the stratum corneum barrier. Mice lacking Fatp4 display early neonatal lethality with features such as tight, thick, and shiny skin, and a defective skin barrier. These symptoms are strikingly similar to those of a human skin disease called restrictive dermopathy. FATP4 is a member of the FATP family that possesses acyl-CoA synthetase activity for very long chain fatty acids. How Fatp4 contributes to skin barrier function, however, remains to be elucidated. In the present study, we characterized two Caenorhabditis elegans genes, acs-20 and acs-22, that are homologous to mammalian FATPs. Animals with mutant acs-20 exhibited defects in the cuticle barrier, which normally prevents the penetration of small molecules. acs-20 mutant animals also exhibited abnormalities in the cuticle structure, but not in epidermal cell fate or cell integrity. The acs-22 mutants rarely showed a barrier defect, whereas acs-20;acs-22 double mutants had severely disrupted barrier function. Moreover, the barrier defects of acs-20 and acs-20;acs-22 mutants were rescued by acs-20, acs-22, or human Fatp4 transgenes. We further demonstrated that the incorporation of exogenous very long chain fatty acids into sphingomyelin was reduced in acs-20 and acs-22 mutants. These findings indicate that C. elegans Fatp4 homologue(s have a crucial role in the surface barrier function and this model might be useful for studying the fundamental molecular mechanisms underlying human skin barrier and relevant diseases.

  10. Magnetic irreversibility in granular superconductors: ac susceptibility study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez, F.; Obradors, X.; Fontcuberta, J.; Vallet, M.; Gonzalez-Calbet, J.


    Ac susceptibility measurements of a ceramic weak-coupled superconductor in very low ac fields (2mG, 111Hz) are reported. We present evidence for the observation of the magnetic irreversibility following a ZFC-FC thermal cycling by means of ac susceptibilty measurements. It is shown that this technique also reflect local magnetic field effects in granular superconductors, as previously suggested in microwave surface resistance and I-V characteristics. (orig.)

  11. Control of hybrid AC/DC microgrid under islanding operational conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ding, G.; Gao, F.; Zhang, S.


    This paper presents control methods for hybrid AC/DC microgrid under islanding operation condition. The control schemes for AC sub-microgrid and DC sub-microgrid are investigated according to the power sharing requirement and operational reliability. In addition, the key control schemes...... of interlinking converter with DC-link capacitor or energy storage, which will devote to the proper power sharing between AC and DC sub-microgrids to maintain AC and DC side voltage stable, is reviewed. Combining the specific control methods developed for AC and DC sub-microgrids with interlinking converter......, the whole hybrid AC/DC microgrid can manage the power flow transferred between sub-microgrids for improving on the operational quality and efficiency....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aveliano Mercedes Fernández


    Full Text Available Los rasgos morfológicos y citogenéticos de los híbridos artificiales entre cuatro especies diploides (2n = 10: T.concinna, T.Krapovickasii, T.scabra y T.subulata han sido estudiados. Los híbridos fueron intermedios en varios caracteres, como el color de las flores, la longitud, la anchura y forma de las semillas, en algunos rasgos se parecían a uno o al otro padre. Todos los híbridos interespecíficos mostraron un alto porcentaje de PMC con cinco bivalentes. La meiosis de T.subulata x T.scabra fue regular (5 II. En los otros híbridos fue hallada una baja frecuencia de trivalentes o cuadrivalentes; estos trivalentes y cuadrivalentes son evidencia de translocaciones recíprocas. Puentes y fragmentos en anafase I y II muestran la presencia de inversiones paracéntricas. Los análisis morfológicos y citogenéticos de los híbridos indican una estrecha relación entre T.scabra y T.subulata y entre T.concinna y T.Krapovickasii respectivamente. Esta última especie tiene un par de cromosomas con satélites grandes. T.scabra y T.concinna están más alejadas. El estudio citogenético de todos los híbridos entre estas especies confirmaría que son taxones independientes. Ellos tienen el mismo genoma básico, que designamos Asu Asu de T. subulata, Asc Asc para T.scabra, Ak Ak para T. Krapovickasii y Ac Ac para T.concinna.

  13. Ac irreversibility line of bismuth-based high temperature superconductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mehdaoui, A. [Laboratoire de Physique et de Spectroscopie Electronique, URA 1435 Faculte des Sciences, Universite de Haute Alsace 4, rue des Freres Lumiere, 68093 Mulhouse Cedex (France); Beille, J. [Laboratoire Louis Neel, CNRS, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Berling, D.; Loegel, B. [Laboratoire de Physique et de Spectroscopie Electronique, URA 1435 Faculte des Sciences, Universite de Haute Alsace 4, rue des Freres Lumiere, 68093 Mulhouse Cedex (France); Noudem, J.G.; Tournier, R. [EPM-MATFORMAG, Laboratoire dElaboration par Procede Magnetique, CNRS, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France)


    We discuss the magnetic properties of lead doped Bi-2223 bulk samples obtained through combined magnetic melt texturing and hot pressing (MMTHP). The ac complex susceptibility measurements are achieved over a broad ac field range (1 Oe{lt}h{sub ac}{lt}100 Oe) and show highly anisotropic properties. The intergranular coupling is improved in the direction perpendicular to the applied stress and magnetic field direction, and an intragranular loss peak is observed for the first time. A comparison is made with other bismuth-based compounds and it is shown that the MMTHP process shifts the ac irreversibility line (ac IL) toward higher fields. It is also shown that all the ac IL{close_quote}s for quasi 2D bismuth-based compounds show a nearly quadratic temperature dependence and deviate therefore strongly from the linear behavior observed in quasi 3D compounds and expected from a critical state model.{copyright} {ital 1997 Materials Research Society.}

  14. Wind-powered asynchronous AC/DC/AC converter system. [for electric power supply regulation (United States)

    Reitan, D. K.


    Two asynchronous ac/dc/ac systems are modelled that utilize wind power to drive a variable or constant hertz alternator. The first system employs a high power 60-hertz inverter tie to the large backup supply of the power company to either supplement them from wind energy, storage, or from a combination of both at a preset desired current; rectifier and inverter are identical and operate in either mode depending on the silicon control rectifier firing angle. The second system employs the same rectification but from a 60-hertz alternator arrangement; it provides mainly dc output, some sinusoidal 60-hertz from the wind bus and some high harmonic content 60-hertz from an 800-watt inverter.

  15. A Case Study of Wind-PV-Thermal-Bundled AC/DC Power Transmission from a Weak AC Network (United States)

    Xiao, H. W.; Du, W. J.; Wang, H. F.; Song, Y. T.; Wang, Q.; Ding, J.; Chen, D. Z.; Wei, W.


    Wind power generation and photovoltaic (PV) power generation bundled with the support by conventional thermal generation enables the generation controllable and more suitable for being sent over to remote load centre which are beneficial for the stability of weak sending end systems. Meanwhile, HVDC for long-distance power transmission is of many significant technique advantages. Hence the effects of wind-PV-thermal-bundled power transmission by AC/DC on power system have become an actively pursued research subject recently. Firstly, this paper introduces the technical merits and difficulties of wind-photovoltaic-thermal bundled power transmission by AC/DC systems in terms of meeting the requirement of large-scale renewable power transmission. Secondly, a system model which contains a weak wind-PV-thermal-bundled sending end system and a receiving end system in together with a parallel AC/DC interconnection transmission system is established. Finally, the significant impacts of several factors which includes the power transmission ratio between the DC and AC line, the distance between the sending end system and receiving end system, the penetration rate of wind power and the sending end system structure on system stability are studied.

  16. Análisis acústico del llanto del niño recién nacido orientado al diagnóstico de patología en su neurodesarrollo debido a hipoxia


    Escobedo Beceiro, Daniel Isac


    Investigaciones acerca del llanto infantil han permitido correlacionar características acústicas de éste con diversas patologías, demostrándose que el llanto infantil puede reflejar la integridad neurofisiológica del niño, el que como fenómeno biopsicosocial da una medida de la interacción del niño con el ambiente y de su desarrollo cognitivo y social. En esta tesis se presenta una Metodología de Análisis de Llanto Orientado al Diagnóstico de Patología en el Neurodesarrollo Infantil, aplicada...

  17. Small-Signal Analysis of Single-Phase and Three-phase DC/AC and AC/DC PWM Converters with the Frequency-Shift Technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaabjerg, Frede; Aquila, A. Dell’; Liserre, Marco


    of dc/dc converters via a 50 Hz frequency-shift. The input admittance is calculated and measured for two study examples (a three-phase active rectifier and a single-phase photovoltaic inverter). These examples show that the purpose of a well designed controller for grid-connected converters......A systematic approach to study dc/ac and ac/dc converters without the use of synchronous transformation is proposed. The use of a frequency-shift technique allows a straightforward analysis of single-phase and three-phase systems. The study of dc/ac and of ac/dc converters is reported to the study...... is to minimize the input admittance in order to make the grid converter more robust to grid disturbance....

  18. 21 CFR 880.5100 - AC-powered adjustable hospital bed. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false AC-powered adjustable hospital bed. 880.5100 Section 880.5100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES... Therapeutic Devices § 880.5100 AC-powered adjustable hospital bed. (a) Identification. An AC-powered...

  19. Nonlinear AC susceptibility, surface and bulk shielding (United States)

    van der Beek, C. J.; Indenbom, M. V.; D'Anna, G.; Benoit, W.


    We calculate the nonlinear AC response of a thin superconducting strip in perpendicular field, shielded by an edge current due to the geometrical barrier. A comparison with the results for infinite samples in parallel field, screened by a surface barrier, and with those for screening by a bulk current in the critical state, shows that the AC response due to a barrier has general features that are independent of geometry, and that are significantly different from those for screening by a bulk current in the critical state. By consequence, the nonlinear (global) AC susceptibility can be used to determine the origin of magnetic irreversibility. A comparison with experiments on a Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8+δ crystal shows that in this material, the low-frequency AC screening at high temperature is mainly due to the screening by an edge current, and that this is the unique source of the nonlinear magnetic response at temperatures above 40 K.

  20. AC BREAKDOWN IN GASES (United States)

    electron- emission (multipactor) region, and (3) the low-frequency region. The breakdown mechanism in each of these regions is explained. An extensive bibliography on AC breakdown in gases is included.

  1. Assessing the allelotypic effect of two aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid synthase-encoding genes MdACS1 and MdACS3a on fruit ethylene production and softening in Malus (United States)

    Dougherty, Laura; Zhu, Yuandi; Xu, Kenong


    Phytohormone ethylene largely determines apple fruit shelf life and storability. Previous studies demonstrated that MdACS1 and MdACS3a, which encode 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthases (ACS), are crucial in apple fruit ethylene production. MdACS1 is well-known to be intimately involved in the climacteric ethylene burst in fruit ripening, while MdACS3a has been regarded a main regulator for ethylene production transition from system 1 (during fruit development) to system 2 (during fruit ripening). However, MdACS3a was also shown to have limited roles in initiating the ripening process lately. To better assess their roles, fruit ethylene production and softening were evaluated at five time points during a 20-day post-harvest period in 97 Malus accessions and in 34 progeny from 2 controlled crosses. Allelotyping was accomplished using an existing marker (ACS1) for MdACS1 and two markers (CAPS866 and CAPS870) developed here to specifically detect the two null alleles (ACS3a-G289V and Mdacs3a) of MdACS3a. In total, 952 Malus accessions were allelotyped with the three markers. The major findings included: The effect of MdACS1 was significant on fruit ethylene production and softening while that of MdACS3a was less detectable; allele MdACS1–2 was significantly associated with low ethylene and slow softening; under the same background of the MdACS1 allelotypes, null allele Mdacs3a (not ACS3a-G289V) could confer a significant delay of ethylene peak; alleles MdACS1–2 and Mdacs3a (excluding ACS3a-G289V) were highly enriched in M. domestica and M. hybrid when compared with those in M. sieversii. These findings are of practical implications in developing apples of low and delayed ethylene profiles by utilizing the beneficial alleles MdACS1-2 and Mdacs3a. PMID:27231553

  2. AC electric motors control advanced design techniques and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Giri, Fouad


    The complexity of AC motor control lies in the multivariable and nonlinear nature of AC machine dynamics. Recent advancements in control theory now make it possible to deal with long-standing problems in AC motors control. This text expertly draws on these developments to apply a wide range of model-based control designmethods to a variety of AC motors. Contributions from over thirty top researchers explain how modern control design methods can be used to achieve tight speed regulation, optimal energetic efficiency, and operation reliability and safety, by considering online state var

  3. Análisis del proceso de corrosión producida en la junta de soldadura de tubería API 5L X70, por el transporte de crudo.


    Cahueñas Cotacachi, Luis Guillermo; Ballesteros Medina, Adolfo Luis


    177 hojas : ilustraciones, 29 x 21 cm + CD-ROM 4132 En el presente tema de tesis se analiza la velocidad de corrosión producida por el agua sedimentada de crudo en la zona interna del cordón de soldadura de una tubería API 5L X70 con electrodos E6010 y E7018. Se utiliza el método experimental mediante una cámara de niebla salina desarrollada para simular el medio corrosivo sobre los que se encuentra trabajando la tubería de oleoducto y soldadura, según los estándares internacionales para l...

  4. Study of copper deposit on a porous electrode of carbon and stainless steel by sem-xrd and image analysis


    Constanzo-R., Robinson; Pagliero-N., Antonio; Vergara-G., Froilán


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis cualitativ o de la distribución de un electrodepósito de cobre en el inter ior de electrodos porosos (EP) de acero inoxidable y carbono grafito. Para ello, se reali zaron pruebas de electrodepositación de cobre a nivel de labora torio, con un posterior análisis de cortes de muestras de acero y grafito vía Microscopía Estereoscópica, Microscopía SEM-DRX y Análisis de Imagen, los cuales mostraron que el cobre no se deposita en forma uniforme ...

  5. Pengembangan Sistem Otomatisasi AC dan Lampu Menggunakan Fuzzy dan Raspberry Pi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rudy Ariyanto


    Full Text Available Otomatisasi AC dan lampu dilakukan untuk menghemat energi yang digunakan pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu perlu menerapkan sebuah perangkat yang memiliki fungsi maksimal dengan harga yang minimal. Raspberry Pi merupakan perangkat atau modul dengan harga rendah yang mampu melakukan komunikasi wireless tanpa bantuan modul lain. Dalam pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu juga diperlukan sebuah metode yang mampu melakukan kontrol terhadap nyala AC dan lampu. Penerapan metode fuzzy dapat dilakukan untuk menghimpun informasi keadaan ruang yang didapat dari sensor untuk menentukan nyala AC dan lampu secara otomatis. Oleh sebab itu pada penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu menggunakan Raspberry Pi dan Fuzzy. Otomatisasi AC dan lampu menggunakan Raspberry Pi yang menerapkan metode Fuzzy dapat menghemat energi hingga 59,87% dalam hal lama waktu nyala AC dan 57,47% untuk lumenasi lampu

  6. Medidas de bioseguridad adoptadas en el manejo con materiales biológicos en Laboratorios Liorad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Burguet Lago


    Full Text Available Introducción: el trabajo con microorganismos puede conllevar a riesgos tanto para el personal que trabaja con los mismos como para el medio ambiente. La existencia de laboratorios de seguridad biológica y la implementación de medidas en la manipulación de los agentes biológicos minimizan el riesgo. Objetivo: evaluar las medidas de bioseguridad adoptadas en el manejo con materiales biológicos en Laboratorios Liorad. Métodos: empleo de una lista de chequeo y análisis de los resultados a través de una Matriz DAFO para valorar si el diseño de la instalación cumple con la bioseguridad. Además establecer un sistema documental para la manipulación de microorganismos y la confección de un plan de capacitación para el personal que trabaja en el laboratorio de control microbiológico. Resultados: la lista de chequeo permitió identificar como principal debilidad el no disponer de un doble pasillo para el traslado del material limpio y sucio. Como fortalezas, cumplir con las prácticas y procesamientos adecuados y el contar con equipos de seguridad biológica. El sistema documental incorporó a los procedimientos establecidos para la manipulación, un acápite referido a la «Peligrosidad y Medidas de Seguridad». El programa de capacitación desarrollado permitió proveer conocimientos específicos referidos a esta temática. Conclusión: las medidas adoptadas en el laboratorio permiten plantear que de manera general se cumplen los requisitos establecidos en materia de Bioseguridad para el trabajo con microorganismos.

  7. Successful enrichment of the ubiquitous freshwater acI Actinobacteria. (United States)

    Garcia, Sarahi L; McMahon, Katherine D; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Warnecke, Falk


    Actinobacteria of the acI lineage are often the numerically dominant bacterial phylum in surface freshwaters, where they can account for > 50% of total bacteria. Despite their abundance, there are no described isolates. In an effort to obtain enrichment of these ubiquitous freshwater Actinobacteria, diluted freshwater samples from Lake Grosse Fuchskuhle, Germany, were incubated in 96-well culture plates. With this method, a successful enrichment containing high abundances of a member of the lineage acI was established. Phylogenetic classification showed that the acI Actinobacteria of the enrichment belonged to the acI-B2 tribe, which seems to prefer acidic lakes. This enrichment grows to low cell densities and thus the oligotrophic nature of acI-B2 was confirmed. © 2013 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. AcEST(EST sequences of Adiantum capillus-veneris and their annotation) - AcEST | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us AcEST AcEST(EST sequences of Adiantum capillus-veneris and their annotation) Data detail Dat...a name AcEST(EST sequences of Adiantum capillus-veneris and their annotation) DOI 10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00839-0...01 Description of data contents EST sequence of Adiantum capillus-veneris and its annotation (clone ID, libr...le search URL Data acquisition method Capillary ...ainst UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot and UniProtKB/TrEMBL databases) Number of data entries Adiantum capillus-veneris

  9. Design and synthesis of 225Ac radioimmunopharmaceuticals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDevitt, Michael R.; Ma, Dangshe; Simon, Jim; Frank, R. Keith; Scheinberg, David A.


    The alpha-particle-emitting radionuclides 213 Bi, 211 At, 224 Ra are under investigation for the treatment of leukemias, gliomas, and ankylosing spondylitis, respectively. 213 Bi and 211 At were attached to monoclonal antibodies and used as targeted immunotherapeutic agents while unconjugated 224 Ra chloride selectively seeks bone. 225 Ac possesses favorable physical properties for radioimmunotherapy (10 d half-life and 4 net alpha particles), but has a history of unfavorable radiolabeling chemistry and poor metal-chelate stability. We selected functionalized derivatives of DOTA as the most promising to pursue from out of a group of potential 225 Ac chelate compounds. A two-step synthetic process employing either MeO-DOTA-NCS or 2B-DOTA-NCS as the chelating moiety was developed to attach 225 Ac to monoclonal antibodies. This method was tested using several different IgG systems. The chelation reaction yield in the first step was 93±8% radiochemically pure (n=26). The second step yielded 225 Ac-DOTA-IgG constructs that were 95±5% radiochemically pure (n=27) and the mean percent immunoreactivity ranged from 25% to 81%, depending on the antibody used. This process has yielded several potential novel targeted 225 Ac-labeled immunotherapeutic agents that may now be evaluated in appropriate model systems and ultimately in humans

  10. Nuclear structure of 231Ac

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boutami, R.; Borge, M.J.G.; Mach, H.; Kurcewicz, W.; Fraile, L.M.; Gulda, K.; Aas, A.J.; Garcia-Raffi, L.M.; Lovhoiden, G.; Martinez, T.; Rubio, B.; Tain, J.L.; Tengblad, O.


    The low-energy structure of 231 Ac has been investigated by means of γ ray spectroscopy following the β - decay of 231 Ra. Multipolarities of 28 transitions have been established by measuring conversion electrons with a MINI-ORANGE electron spectrometer. The decay scheme of 231 Ra → 231 Ac has been constructed for the first time. The Advanced Time Delayed βγγ(t) method has been used to measure the half-lives of five levels. The moderately fast B(E1) transition rates derived suggest that the octupole effects, albeit weak, are still present in this exotic nucleus

  11. Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus ac53 plays a role in nucleocapsid assembly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Chao; Li Zhaofei; Wu Wenbi; Li Lingling; Yuan Meijin; Pan Lijing; Yang Kai; Pang Yi


    Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) orf53 (ac53) is a highly conserved gene existing in all sequenced Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera baculoviruses, but its function remains unknown. To investigate its role in the baculovirus life cycle, an ac53 deletion virus (vAc ac53KO-PH-GFP ) was generated through homologous recombination in Escherichia coli. Fluorescence and light microscopy and titration analysis revealed that vAc ac53KO-PH-GFP could not produce infectious budded virus in infected Sf9 cells. Real-time PCR demonstrated that the ac53 deletion did not affect the levels of viral DNA replication. Electron microscopy showed that many lucent tubular shells devoid of the nucleoprotein core are present in the virogenic stroma and ring zone, indicating that the ac53 knockout affected nucleocapsid assembly. With a recombinant virus expressing an Ac53-GFP fusion protein, we observed that Ac53 was distributed within the cytoplasm and nucleus at 24 h post-infection, but afterwards accumulated predominantly near the nucleus-cytoplasm boundary. These data demonstrate that ac53 is involved in nucleocapsid assembly and is an essential gene for virus production

  12. Marketingová komunikace AC Sparta Praha


    Fanta, Jan


    Title: Marketing communications of AC Sparta Praha Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to analyze contemporary state of marketing communications with the audience of AC Sparta Praha, identify deficiencies and develop a proposal to improve the marketing communications with fans of this club. Methods: In this thesis have been used methods of case study, analysis of available documents and texts, structured interview with director od marketing, and director of communications and pub...

  13. Resistencia a la corrosión ácida de morteros de cementos adicionados con catalizador de craqueo catalítico gastado (sFCC

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    Silvia Izquierdo

    Full Text Available El catalizador de craqueo catalítico gastado (sFCC es un residuo producido por la industria petroquímica y ha demostrado una elevada potencialidad como adición puzolánica en mezclas de cemento Portland (OPC. El presente artículo evalúa la eficacia del sFCC como adición mineral activa en morteros de cemento Portland, así como la resistencia al ataque químico cuando los materiales producidos son inmersos en ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4, acético (CH3COOH o clorhídrico (HCl. Se llevó a cabo una comparación del desempeño del sFCC como adición frente a adiciones comercialmente disponibles, tales como humo de sílice (SF y metacaolín (MK. Los resultados revelan un incremento en las resistencias mecánicas de hasta un 17% en morteros con sFCC en comparación a un mortero referencia sin adición (OPC. La inmersión en H2SO4 durante 90 días condujo a la formación de yeso y pérdida de resistencias mecánicas de hasta un ~25% en las mezclas con MK y sFCC. Para las muestras inmersas en HCl y especialmente las constituidas con sFCC y MK, se identificó Sal de Friedel, como consecuencia del ingreso de Cl" y posterior reacción con los monosulfoaluminatos formados durante la hidratación del cemento. La inmersión en ácido acético condujo a pérdidas de resistencia de hasta un 57% para OPC y 37% para morteros adicionados con sFCC. De esta manera, la inmersión en HCl promueve el mayor ataque para los sistemas adicionados y posterior deterioro, seguido del CH3COOH y H2SO4. Se destaca el mejor desempeño del mortero con 20% sFCC, en particular en presencia de ácido sulfúrico.

  14. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  15. Nano wire conductance experiments above and below the reservoirs Curie temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costa-Kraemer, J. L.; Briones, F. [Instituto de Microelectronica de Madrid, Madrid (Spain); Serena, P. A. [Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid, Madrid (Spain)


    The transport properties of Ni nano wires are studied using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) under clean high vacuum conditions. A basically flat nano wire conductance histogram is found independently of the magnetic state of the electrodes. This agrees with our previous studies in air but disagrees with recently published results. The possible origin of these discrepancies, together with additional experiments trying to discern the existence of a spin-dependent conductance in ferromagnetic nano wires, are presented. [Spanish] Las propiedades de transporte de nanoalambres de Ni son estudiadas usando un microscopio de efecto tunel bajo condiciones limpias de alto vacio. Se encuentra un histograma esencialmente plano independiente del estado magnetico de los electrodos. Esto concuerda con nuestros estudios previos en aire pero contrasta con resultados publicados recientemente. Se presentara una discusion sobre el posible origen experimental de estas discrepancias, con el fin de discernir sobre la existencia de una conductancia dependiente del espin en nanoalambres ferromagneticos.

  16. c-axis ac susceptibility in high-Tc superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waldmann, O.; Lichtschlag, G.; Talalaevskii, A.; Kleiner, R.; Mueller, P.; Steinmeyer, F.; Gerhaeuser, W.


    We have investigated the angle and magnetic field dependence of the ac susceptibility in Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8 and YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 single crystals at low external fields. The ac field was applied perpendicular to the CuO 2 planes. The first and third harmonics of the ac susceptibility exhibit remarkably sharp features when the dc field component perpendicular to the CuO 2 planes passes a threshold field H th . H th is strongly temperature dependent, but is independent of the parallel field component. We propose a simple model which excellently explains the data. Within this model the peak structures are related to the irreversibility line. We discuss the implications of the model for the interpretation of the ac susceptibility. copyright 1996 The American Physical Society

  17. Fast electric dipole transitions in Ra-Ac nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, I.


    Lifetime of levels in 225 Ra, 225 Ac, and 227 Ac have been measured by delayed coincidence techniques and these have been used to determine the E1 gamma-ray transition probabilities. The reduced E1 transition probabilities. The reduced E1 transition probabilities in 225 Ra and 225 Ac are about two orders of magnitude larger than the values in mid-actinide nuclei. On the other hand, the E1 rate in 227 Ac is similar to those measured in heavier actinides. Previous studies suggest the presence of octupole deformation in all the three nuclei. The present investigation indicates that fast E1 transitions occur for nuclei with octupole deformation. However, the studies also show that there is no one-to-one correspondence between E1 rate and octupole deformation. 13 refs., 4 figs

  18. Biomasa acústica y distribución del jurel Trachurus murphyien el Perú

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    Marceliano Segura


    Full Text Available Se analizan los resultados de las evaluaciones hidroacústicas del recurso jurel Trachurus murphyi Nichols 1920 realizadas en aguas peruanas entre 1983 – 2012. Desde 1983 se incluyó al T. murphyicomo especie de estudio durante los cruceros de evaluación de recursos pelágicos ejecutados por el Instituto del Mar del Perú. Debido al énfasis en la estimación de biomasa de la anchoveta Engraulis ringens y de la sardina Sardinops sagax cuando esta última es más abundante, los cruceros se llevan a cabo durante el verano austral y las áreas de evaluación están circunscritas a las zonas más costeras hasta 100 mn, con sólo algunas exploraciones en otras estaciones y hasta 200 millas. El máximo valor de biomasa de 8.51 millones de toneladas de T. murphyien aguas peruanas estimado con las evaluaciones hidroacústicas fue encontrado durante el crucero realizado en otoño (marzo-mayo de 1983. En los años siguientes los estimados de biomasa acústica fluctuaron entre 180 mil toneladas en 1985 y otro máximo de 8.47 millones de toneladas en 1993, para luego disminuir gradualmente hasta un mínimo de 1239 t en 2010, con una ligera recuperación en los años 2011 y 2012. El área de distribución de T. murphyifue muy fluctuante en todo el periodo observado.

  19. Advanced DC/AC inverters applications in renewable energy

    CERN Document Server

    Luo, Fang Lin


    DC/AC inversion technology is of vital importance for industrial applications, including electrical vehicles and renewable energy systems, which require a large number of inverters. In recent years, inversion technology has developed rapidly, with new topologies improving the power factor and increasing power efficiency. Proposing many novel approaches, Advanced DC/AC Inverters: Applications in Renewable Energy describes advanced DC/AC inverters that can be used for renewable energy systems. The book introduces more than 100 topologies of advanced inverters originally developed by the authors,

  20. A single-phase embedded Z-source DC-AC inverter. (United States)

    Kim, Se-Jin; Lim, Young-Cheol


    In the conventional DC-AC inverter consisting of two DC-DC converters with unipolar output capacitors, the output capacitor voltages of the DC-DC converters must be higher than the DC input voltage. To overcome this weakness, this paper proposes a single-phase DC-AC inverter consisting of two embedded Z-source converters with bipolar output capacitors. The proposed inverter is composed of two embedded Z-source converters with a common DC source and output AC load. Though the output capacitor voltages of the converters are relatively low compared to those of a conventional inverter, an equivalent level of AC output voltages can be obtained. Moreover, by controlling the output capacitor voltages asymmetrically, the AC output voltage of the proposed inverter can be higher than the DC input voltage. To verify the validity of the proposed inverter, experiments were performed with a DC source voltage of 38 V. By controlling the output capacitor voltages of the converters symmetrically or asymmetrically, the proposed inverter can produce sinusoidal AC output voltages. The experiments show that efficiencies of up to 95% and 97% can be achieved with the proposed inverter using symmetric and asymmetric control, respectively.

  1. Extracción de Sustancias Hidrofóbicas de Andisols Repelentes al Agua del Oriente Antioqueño, con Solventes Polares

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    Jaramillo J. Daniel F.


    Full Text Available Muestras de Andisols repelentes al agua fueron sometidas a extracciones con mezclas de solventes orgánicos de diferentes polaridaddes; los lavados con mezclas de polaridades 5 y 6 removieron completamente la hidrofobicidad del suelo, sin importar el orden en el cual se hicieron. Del comportamiento del suelo frente a las secuencias de extracción se pudo concluir que los compuestos orgánicos del suelo se acumulan en él en forma de capas, las cuales pueden presentar alternancia de compuestos hidrofóbicos con compuestos hidrofílicos; además, los compuestos más hidrofóbicos son removidos por las mezclas de solventes de mayor grado de polaridad. Se plantea la existencia de dos tipos básicos de hidrofobicidad en los compuestos orgánicos del suelo: una "hidrofobicidad posible ": la que se manifiesta cuando la arena desarrolla repelencia al agua al recibir los extractos y que detecta la presencia de compuestos hidrofóbicos en ellos. La otra, la "hidrofobicidad activa": la que se produce en suelos humectables cuando reciben extractos hidrofóbicos y muestra, no sólo la presencia de los compuestos hidrofóbicos en ellos, sino también que se están presentando las condiciones para que ellos interactúen con los componentes originales del suelo y se desarrolle la hidrofobicidad en el mismo. Extractos obtenidos por lavado de raíces finas y acículas recién caídas de Pinus patula, con mezclas de polaridades 5 y 6, no indugeron repelencia apreciable al agua, ni en suelos humectables ni en arena lavada, cuando se aplicaron en concentraciones menores de 0.4%, lo que sugiere que estos materiales deben tener algún grado de transformación para que le impriman al suelo la hidrofobicidad; además, las raíces tienen una mayor hidrofobicidad potencial que las acículas.

  2. dc Arc Fault Effect on Hybrid ac/dc Microgrid (United States)

    Fatima, Zahra

    The advent of distributed energy resources (DER) and reliability and stability problems of the conventional grid system has given rise to the wide spread deployment of microgrids. Microgrids provide many advantages by incorporating renewable energy sources and increasing the reliability of the grid by isolating from the main grid in case of an outage. AC microgrids have been installed all over the world, but dc microgrids have been gaining interest due to the advantages they provide over ac microgrids. However the entire power network backbone is still ac and dc microgrids require expensive converters to connect to the ac power network. As a result hybrid ac/dc microgrids are gaining more attention as it combines the advantages of both ac and dc microgrids such as direct integration of ac and dc systems with minimum number of conversions which increases the efficiency by reducing energy losses. Although dc electric systems offer many advantages such as no synchronization and no reactive power, successful implementation of dc systems requires appropriate protection strategies. One unique protection challenge brought by the dc systems is dc arc faults. A dc arc fault is generated when there is a gap in the conductor due to insulation degradation and current is used to bridge the gap, resulting in an arc with very high temperature. Such a fault if it goes undetected and is not extinguished can cause damage to the entire system and cause fires. The purpose of the research is to study the effect of the dc arc fault at different locations in the hybrid ac/dc microgrid and provide insight on the reliability of the grid components when it is impacted by arc faults at various locations in the grid. The impact of dc arc fault at different locations on the performance of the PV array, wind generation, and constant power loads (CPL) interfaced with dc/dc converters is studied. MATLAB/Simulink is used to model the hybrid ac/dc microgrid and arc fault.

  3. Frequency-dependent tACS modulation of BOLD signal during rhythmic visual stimulation. (United States)

    Chai, Yuhui; Sheng, Jingwei; Bandettini, Peter A; Gao, Jia-Hong


    Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) has emerged as a promising tool for modulating cortical oscillations. In previous electroencephalogram (EEG) studies, tACS has been found to modulate brain oscillatory activity in a frequency-specific manner. However, the spatial distribution and hemodynamic response for this modulation remains poorly understood. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has the advantage of measuring neuronal activity in regions not only below the tACS electrodes but also across the whole brain with high spatial resolution. Here, we measured fMRI signal while applying tACS to modulate rhythmic visual activity. During fMRI acquisition, tACS at different frequencies (4, 8, 16, and 32 Hz) was applied along with visual flicker stimulation at 8 and 16 Hz. We analyzed the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal difference between tACS-ON vs tACS-OFF, and different frequency combinations (e.g., 4 Hz tACS, 8 Hz flicker vs 8 Hz tACS, 8 Hz flicker). We observed significant tACS modulation effects on BOLD responses when the tACS frequency matched the visual flicker frequency or the second harmonic frequency. The main effects were predominantly seen in regions that were activated by the visual task and targeted by the tACS current distribution. These findings bridge different scientific domains of tACS research and demonstrate that fMRI could localize the tACS effect on stimulus-induced brain rhythms, which could lead to a new approach for understanding the high-level cognitive process shaped by the ongoing oscillatory signal. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Apple MdACS6 Regulates Ethylene Biosynthesis During Fruit Development Involving Ethylene-Responsive Factor. (United States)

    Li, Tong; Tan, Dongmei; Liu, Zhi; Jiang, Zhongyu; Wei, Yun; Zhang, Lichao; Li, Xinyue; Yuan, Hui; Wang, Aide


    Ethylene biosynthesis in plants involves different 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase (ACS) genes. The regulation of each ACS gene during fruit development is unclear. Here, we characterized another apple (Malus×domestica) ACS gene, MdACS6. The transcript of MdACS6 was observed not only in fruits but also in other tissues. During fruit development, MdACS6 was initiated at a much earlier stage, whereas MdACS3a and MdACS1 began to be expressed at 35 d before harvest and immediateley after harvest, respectively. Moreover, the enzyme activity of MdACS6 was significantly lower than that of MdACS3a and MdACS1, accounting for the low ethylene biosynthesis in young fruits. Overexpression of MdACS6 (MdACS6-OE) by transient assay in apple showed enhanced ethylene production, and MdACS3a was induced in MdACS6-OE fruits but not in control fruits. In MdACS6 apple fruits silenced by the virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system (MdACS6-AN), neither ethylene production nor MdACS3a transcript was detectable. In order to explore the mechanism through which MdACS3a was induced in MdACS6-OE fruits, we investigated the expression of apple ethylene-responsive factor (ERF) genes. The results showed that the expression of MdERF2 was induced in MdACS6-OE fruits and inhibited in MdACS6-AN fruits. Yeast one-hybrid assay showed that MdERF2 protein could bind to the promoter of MdACS3a. Moreover, down-regulation of MdERF2 in apple flesh callus led to a decrease of MdACS3a expression, demonstrating the regulation of MdERF2 on MdACS3a. The mechanism through which MdACS6 regulates the action of MdACS3a was discussed. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  5. Self-discharge of AC/AC electrochemical capacitors in salt aqueous electrolyte

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    García-Cruz, L.; Ratajczak, P.; Iniesta, J.; Montiel, V.; Béguin, F.


    The self-discharge (SD) of electrochemical capacitors based on activated carbon electrodes (AC/AC capacitors) in aqueous lithium sulfate was examined after applying a three-hour cell potential hold at U i values from 1.0 to 1.6 V. The leakage current measured during the potentiostatic period as well as the amplitude of self-discharge increased with U i ; the cell potential drop was approximately doubled by 10 °C increase of temperature. The potential decay of both negative and positive electrodes was explored separately, by introducing a reference electrode and it was found that the negative electrode contributes essentially to the capacitor self-discharge. A diffusion-controlled mechanism was found at U i ≤ 1.4 V and U i ≤ 1.2 V for the positive and negative electrodes, respectively. At higher U i of 1.6 V, both electrodes display an activation-controlled mechanism due to water oxidation and subsequent carbon oxidation at the positive electrode and water or oxygen reduction at the negative electrode.

  6. Superconducting three element synchronous ac machine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyer, L.; Chabrerie, J.P.; Mailfert, A.; Renard, M.


    There is a growing interest in ac superconducting machines. Of several new concepts proposed for these machines in the last years one of the most promising seems to be the ''three elements'' concept which allows the cancellation of the torque acting on the superconducting field winding, thus overcoming some of the major contraints. This concept leads to a device of induction-type generator. A synchronous, three element superconducting ac machine is described, in which a room temperature, dc fed rotating winding is inserted between the superconducting field winding and the ac armature. The steady-state machine theory is developed, the flux linkages are established, and the torque expressions are derived. The condition for zero torque on the field winding, as well as the resulting electrical equations of the machine, are given. The theoretical behavior of the machine is studied, using phasor diagrams and assuming for the superconducting field winding either a constant current or a constant flux condition

  7. Nontrivial ac spin response in the effective Luttinger model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Liangbin; Zhong Jiansong; Hu Kaige


    Based on the three-dimensional effective Luttinger Hamiltonian and the exact Heisenberg equations of motion and within a self-consistent semiclassical approximation, we present a theoretical investigation on the nontrivial ac spin responses due to the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling of holes in p-doped bulk semiconductors. We show that the nontrivial ac spin responses induced by the combined action of an ac external electric field and the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling of holes may lead to the generation of a nonvanishing ac spin Hall current in a p-doped bulk semiconductor, which shares some similarities with the dissipationless dc spin Hall current conceived previously and also exhibits some interesting new features that was not found before

  8. 7 CFR 1737.31 - Area Coverage Survey (ACS). (United States)


    ... an ACS are provided in RUS Telecommunications Engineering and Construction Manual section 205. (e... Studies-Area Coverage Survey and Loan Design § 1737.31 Area Coverage Survey (ACS). (a) The Area Coverage... the borrower's records contain sufficient information as to subscriber development to enable cost...

  9. Performance Analysis of Phase Controlled Unidirectional and Bidirectional AC Voltage Controllers

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    Abdul Sattar Larik


    Full Text Available AC voltage controllers are used to vary the output ac voltage from a fixed ac input source. They are also commonly called ac voltage regulators or ac choppers. The output voltage is either controlled by PAC (Phase Angle Control method or on-off control method. Due to various advantages of ac voltage controllers, such as high efficiency, simplicity, low cost and ability to control large amount of power they efficiently control the speed of ac motors, light dimming and industrial heating, etc. These converters are variable structure systems and generate harmonics during the operation which will affect the power quality when connected to system network. During the last couple of years, a number of new semiconductor devices and various power electronic converters has been introduced. Accordingly the subject of harmonics and its problems are of great concern to power industry and customers. In this research work, initially the simulation models of single phase unidirectional and bidirectional ac voltage controllers were developed by using MATLAB software. The harmonics of these models are investigated by simulation. In the end, the harmonics were also analyzed experimentally. The simulated as well as experimental results are presented.

  10. Importance of Attenuation Correction (AC) for Small Animal PET Imaging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El Ali, Henrik H.; Bodholdt, Rasmus Poul; Jørgensen, Jesper Tranekjær


    was performed. Methods: Ten NMRI nude mice with subcutaneous implantation of human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) were scanned consecutively in small animal PET and CT scanners (MicroPETTM Focus 120 and ImTek’s MicroCATTM II). CT-based AC, PET-based AC and uniform AC methods were compared. Results: The activity...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dalcanton, Julianne J.; Williams, Benjamin F.; Rosema, Keith; Gogarten, Stephanie M.; Christensen, Charlotte; Gilbert, Karoline; Hodge, Paul; Seth, Anil C.; Dolphin, Andrew; Holtzman, Jon; Skillman, Evan D.; Weisz, Daniel; Cole, Andrew; Girardi, Leo; Karachentsev, Igor D.; Olsen, Knut; Freeman, Ken; Gallart, Carme; Harris, Jason; De Jong, Roelof S.


    The ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury (ANGST) is a systematic survey to establish a legacy of uniform multi-color photometry of resolved stars for a volume-limited sample of nearby galaxies (D 4 in luminosity and star formation rate. The survey data consist of images taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), supplemented with archival data and new Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) imaging taken after the failure of ACS. Survey images include wide field tilings covering the full radial extent of each galaxy, and single deep pointings in uncrowded regions of the most massive galaxies in the volume. The new wide field imaging in ANGST reaches median 50% completenesses of m F475W = 28.0 mag, m F606W = 27.3 mag, and m F814W = 27.3 mag, several magnitudes below the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB). The deep fields reach magnitudes sufficient to fully resolve the structure in the red clump. The resulting photometric catalogs are publicly accessible and contain over 34 million photometric measurements of >14 million stars. In this paper we present the details of the sample selection, imaging, data reduction, and the resulting photometric catalogs, along with an analysis of the photometric uncertainties (systematic and random), for both ACS and WFPC2 imaging. We also present uniformly derived relative distances measured from the apparent magnitude of the TRGB.

  12. Predicting AC loss in practical superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goemoery, F; Souc, J; Vojenciak, M; Seiler, E; Klincok, B; Ceballos, J M; Pardo, E; Sanchez, A; Navau, C; Farinon, S; Fabbricatore, P


    Recent progress in the development of methods used to predict AC loss in superconducting conductors is summarized. It is underlined that the loss is just one of the electromagnetic characteristics controlled by the time evolution of magnetic field and current distribution inside the conductor. Powerful methods for the simulation of magnetic flux penetration, like Brandt's method and the method of minimal magnetic energy variation, allow us to model the interaction of the conductor with an external magnetic field or a transport current, or with both of them. The case of a coincident action of AC field and AC transport current is of prime importance for practical applications. Numerical simulation methods allow us to expand the prediction range from simplified shapes like a (infinitely high) slab or (infinitely thin) strip to more realistic forms like strips with finite rectangular or elliptic cross-section. Another substantial feature of these methods is that the real composite structure containing an array of superconducting filaments can be taken into account. Also, the case of a ferromagnetic matrix can be considered, with the simulations showing a dramatic impact on the local field. In all these circumstances, it is possible to indicate how the AC loss can be reduced by a proper architecture of the composite. On the other hand, the multifilamentary arrangement brings about a presence of coupling currents and coupling loss. Simulation of this phenomenon requires 3D formulation with corresponding growth of the problem complexity and computation time

  13. Scaling and universality of ac conduction in disordered solids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schrøder, Thomas; Dyre, Jeppe


    Recent scaling results for the ac conductivity of ionic glasses by Roling et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2160 (1997)] and Sidebottom [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3653 (1999)] are discussed. We prove that Sidebottom's version of scaling is completely general. A new approximation to the universal ac conduct...... conductivity arising in the extreme disorder limit of the symmetric hopping model, the "diffusion cluster approximation," is presented and compared to computer simulations and experiments.......Recent scaling results for the ac conductivity of ionic glasses by Roling et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2160 (1997)] and Sidebottom [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3653 (1999)] are discussed. We prove that Sidebottom's version of scaling is completely general. A new approximation to the universal ac...

  14. Tomato leaf curl Kerala virus (ToLCKeV AC3 protein forms a higher order oligomer and enhances ATPase activity of replication initiator protein (Rep/AC1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mukherjee Sunil K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Geminiviruses are emerging plant viruses that infect a wide variety of vegetable crops, ornamental plants and cereal crops. They undergo recombination during co-infections by different species of geminiviruses and give rise to more virulent species. Antiviral strategies targeting a broad range of viruses necessitate a detailed understanding of the basic biology of the viruses. ToLCKeV, a virus prevalent in the tomato crop of Kerala state of India and a member of genus Begomovirus has been used as a model system in this study. Results AC3 is a geminiviral protein conserved across all the begomoviral species and is postulated to enhance viral DNA replication. In this work we have successfully expressed and purified the AC3 fusion proteins from E. coli. We demonstrated the higher order oligomerization of AC3 using sucrose gradient ultra-centrifugation and gel-filtration experiments. In addition we also established that ToLCKeV AC3 protein interacted with cognate AC1 protein and enhanced the AC1-mediated ATPase activity in vitro. Conclusions Highly hydrophobic viral protein AC3 can be purified as a fusion protein with either MBP or GST. The purification method of AC3 protein improves scope for the biochemical characterization of the viral protein. The enhancement of AC1-mediated ATPase activity might lead to increased viral DNA replication.

  15. Preliminary study on AC superconducting machines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, M.; Ishigohka, T.; Shimohka, T.; Mizukami, N.; Yamaguchi, M.


    This paper describes the issues involved in developing AC superconducting machines. In the first phase, as a preliminary experiment, a 4kVa AC superconducting coil which employs 100A class 50/60Hz superconductors is made and tested. And, in the second phase, as an extension of the 4kVa coil, a model superconducting transformer is made and examined. The transformer has a novel quench protection system with an auxiliary coil only in the low voltage side. The behavior of the overcurrent protection system is confirmed

  16. Climatización y producción de ACS en una ampliación de un hotel en Girona


    Arnaiz Parra, Alberto


    Dicho proyecto trata de cumplir las necesidades climáticas y las de ACS de una ampliación de un hotel en Girona. La instalación de climatización trata de vencer las cargas térmicas de las habitaciones, de la extracción de baños y de la aportación de aire exterior en habitaciones. Todo ello, lo hacemos con una bomba de calor situada en la cubierta y los diferentes fan-coils de las habitaciones. La bomba de calor es a 4 tubos para poder tener tanto calor como frío en los difer...

  17. 21 CFR 880.5500 - AC-powered patient lift. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL HOSPITAL AND PERSONAL USE DEVICES General Hospital and Personal Use Therapeutic Devices § 880.5500 AC-powered patient lift. (a) Identification. An AC-powered lift is an electrically powered device either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport patients in the horizontal or other...

  18. Tumoral response factors after radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic liver Factores de respuesta tumoral tras ablación mediante radiofrecuencia del carcinoma hepatocelular sobre cirrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Calleja Kempin


    Full Text Available Objective: hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC ablation by radiofrequency (RFA is a novel technique with a great variety of methods whose efficacy and predictive factors have not been completely studied. Some of the main predictive factors in this type of treatment are analyzed in the present study. Patients and methods: ninety-three patients with hepatocellular carcinoma over cirrhosis, and with no indication for surgical resection were treated by RFA. Two different types of electrodes were used for RFA (refrigerated-"Cool-Tip" and perfusion with saline solution, the approach was percutaneous, by laparoscopy or laparotomy. Results: overall survival at 1, 2 and 3 years was 88, 81, and 76%, with a free-disease survival (FDS of 66, 31 and 17%, respectively. For tumors less than 3 cm, FDS at 1,2 and 3 years was 74, 44 and 30%, while for more than 3 cm in size FDS was 55, 12 and 0% (p = 0.02. FDS for HCC with one nodule was 70, 36 and 22%, and for more than one nodule it decreased to 50, 17 and 0% at 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively (p = 0.07. Surprisingly, the method employed for RFA has a main influence in FDS, with 0% at 3 years for perfusion electrodes and 26% for cool-tip electrodes at the same period. Conclusions: in this series, overall survival at three years was relatively high; however, tumoral size, number of nodules and RFS method were independent variables associated with disease-free survival.Objetivo: la ablación por radiofrecuencia del hepatocarcinoma (ARF es una técnica de reciente adquisición, cuya eficacia y factores predictivos no han sido suficientemente evaluados. El presente estudio fue diseñado para este análisis. Pacientes y métodos: se han tratado 93 pacientes con hepatocarcinoma sobre hígado cirrótico sin criterios de resección ni de trasplante hepático. El tratamiento se realizó mediante abordaje percutáneo, laparoscópico o mediante laparotomía con dos tipos de electrodos de radiofrecuencia, electrodo refrigerado y

  19. Cooperative Frequency Control for Autonomous AC Microgrids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shafiee, Qobad; Quintero, Juan Carlos Vasquez; Guerrero, Josep M.


    Distributed secondary control strategies have been recently studied for frequency regulation in droop-based AC Microgrids. Unlike centralized secondary control, the distributed one might fail to provide frequency synchronization and proportional active power sharing simultaneously, due to having...... not require measuring the system frequency as compared to the other presented methods. An ac Microgrid with four sources is used to verify the performance of the proposed control methodology....

  20. Diagnostics of the Fermilab Tevatron using an AC dipole

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miyamoto, Ryoichi [Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX (United States)


    The Fermilab Tevatron is currently the world's highest energy colliding beam facility. Its counter-rotating proton and antiproton beams collide at 2 TeV center-of-mass. Delivery of such intense beam fluxes to experiments has required improved knowledge of the Tevatron's beam optical lattice. An oscillating dipole magnet, referred to as an AC dipole, is one of such a tool to non-destructively assess the optical properties of the synchrotron. We discusses development of an AC dipole system for the Tevatron, a fast-oscillating (f ~ 20 kHz) dipole magnet which can be adiabatically turned on and off to establish sustained coherent oscillations of the beam particles without affecting the transverse emittance. By utilizing an existing magnet and a higher power audio amplifier, the cost of the Tevatron AC dipole system became relatively inexpensive. We discuss corrections which must be applied to the driven oscillation measurements to obtain the proper interpretation of beam optical parameters from AC dipole studies. After successful operations of the Tevatron AC dipole system, AC dipole systems, similar to that in the Tevatron, will be build for the CERN LHC. We present several measurements of linear optical parameters (beta function and phase advance) for the Tevatron, as well as studies of non-linear perturbations from sextupole and octupole elements.

  1. Improved Design Methods for Robust Single- and Three-Phase ac-dc-ac Power Converters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qin, Zian

    . The approaches for improving their performance, in terms of the voltage stress, efficiency, power density, cost, loss distribution, and temperature, will be studied. The structure of the thesis is as follows, Chapter 1 presents the introduction and motivation of the whole project as well as the background...... becomes a emerging challenge. Accordingly, installation of sustainable power generators like wind turbines and solar panels has experienced a large increase during the last decades. Meanwhile, power electronics converters, as interfaces in electrical system, are delivering approximately 80 % electricity...... back-to-back, and meanwhile improve the harmonics, control flexibility, and thermal distribution between the switches. Afterwards, active power decoupling methods for single-phase inverters or rectifiers that are similar to the single-phase ac-dc-ac converter, are studied in Chapter 4...

  2. AC power flow importance measures considering multi-element failures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Jian; Dueñas-Osorio, Leonardo; Chen, Changkun; Shi, Congling


    Quantifying the criticality of individual components of power systems is essential for overall reliability and management. This paper proposes an AC-based power flow element importance measure, while considering multi-element failures. The measure relies on a proposed AC-based cascading failure model, which captures branch overflow, bus load shedding, and branch failures, via AC power flow and optimal power flow analyses. Taking the IEEE 30, 57 and 118-bus power systems as case studies, we find that N-3 analyses are sufficient to measure the importance of a bus or branch. It is observed that for a substation bus, its importance is statistically proportional to its power demand, but this trend is not observed for power plant buses. While comparing with other reliability, functionality, and topology-based importance measures popular today, we find that a DC power flow model, although better correlated with the benchmark AC model as a whole, still fails to locate some critical elements. This is due to the focus of DC-based models on real power that ignores reactive power. The proposed importance measure is aimed to inform decision makers about key components in complex systems, while improving cascading failure prevention, system backup setting, and overall resilience. - Highlights: • We propose a novel importance measure based on joint failures and AC power flow. • A cascading failure model considers both AC power flow and optimal power flow. • We find that N-3 analyses are sufficient to measure the importance of an element. • Power demand impacts the importance of substations but less so that of generators. • DC models fail to identify some key elements, despite correlating with AC models.

  3. Systémový pohled na klub AC Sparta


    Čečák, František


    Title: The system approach of the club AC Sparta Praha Objectives: Elaboration of financial analysis of the club AC Sparta Praha in season 2010/2011.Comparing the results of the financial analysis with the results of clubs FC Viktoria Plzeň and SK Slavia Praha. Prognosis of the club AC Sparta Praha until year 2020. Methods: In the elaboration of the analysis have been used these methods: vertical analysis, horizontal analysis and analysis of the financial ratios. For forecasting have been use...

  4. Ac system interruption analysis of an orthogonal-core type dc-ac converter. Koryu keito shadanji no chokko jishinkei dc-ac renkeiyo henkanki no dosa kaiseki

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, K; Ichinokura, O; Jinzenji, T [Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Tajima, K [Akita University, Akita (Japan). Mining College


    This paper reports on a numerical analysis of transient response of an orthogonal-core type dc-ac converter that takes place when the external ac system connected is cut off from it. A model of magnetic circuit of the orthogonal core is presented, which has magnetic inductances to represent effects produced by hysteresis that are connected in series with magnetic reluctances, thereby making it possible to divide each of primary and secondary winding current into magnetization current associated with magnetic reluctances and iron-loss current due to hysteresis. Moreover, a numerical model of the orthogonal core is derived from expressions for non-linear characteristics of these reluctances and inductances to make use of it for analyses employing the circuit simulator SPICE. Transient response of the present converter, namely time variation of both voltage and current in its every part, to the sudden change in condition that is caused by switching off the ac system connected to its secondary side is calculated, while applying square-wave voltage to its primary side. It is noted that calculated wave forms of both secondary winding current and open-circuit voltage are fairly in good agreement with those obtained by an experiment performed on the same condition. 4 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab.

  5. Aragonite coating solutions (ACS) based on artificial seawater (United States)

    Tas, A. Cuneyt


    Aragonite (CaCO3, calcium carbonate) is an abundant biomaterial of marine life. It is the dominant inorganic phase of coral reefs, mollusc bivalve shells and the stalactites or stalagmites of geological sediments. Inorganic and initially precipitate-free aragonite coating solutions (ACS) of pH 7.4 were developed in this study to deposit monolayers of aragonite spherules or ooids on biomaterial (e.g., UHMWPE, ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene) surfaces soaked in ACS at 30 °C. The ACS solutions of this study have been developed for the surface engineering of synthetic biomaterials. The abiotic ACS solutions, enriched with calcium and bicarbonate ions at different concentrations, essentially mimicked the artificial seawater composition and started to deposit aragonite after a long (4 h) incubation period at the tropical sea surface temperature of 30 °C. While numerous techniques for the solution deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2), of low thermodynamic solubility, on synthetic biomaterials have been demonstrated, procedures related to the solution-based surface deposition of high solubility aragonite remained uncommon. Monolayers of aragonite ooids deposited at 30 °C on UHMWPE substrates soaked in organic-free ACS solutions were found to possess nano-structures similar to the mortar-and-brick-type botryoids observed in biogenic marine shells. Samples were characterized using SEM, XRD, FTIR, ICP-AES and contact angle goniometry.

  6. Design and synthesis of {sup 225}Ac radioimmunopharmaceuticals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McDevitt, Michael R.; Ma, Dangshe; Simon, Jim; Frank, R. Keith; Scheinberg, David A. E-mail:


    The alpha-particle-emitting radionuclides {sup 213}Bi, {sup 211}At, {sup 224}Ra are under investigation for the treatment of leukemias, gliomas, and ankylosing spondylitis, respectively. {sup 213}Bi and {sup 211}At were attached to monoclonal antibodies and used as targeted immunotherapeutic agents while unconjugated {sup 224}Ra chloride selectively seeks bone. {sup 225}Ac possesses favorable physical properties for radioimmunotherapy (10 d half-life and 4 net alpha particles), but has a history of unfavorable radiolabeling chemistry and poor metal-chelate stability. We selected functionalized derivatives of DOTA as the most promising to pursue from out of a group of potential {sup 225}Ac chelate compounds. A two-step synthetic process employing either MeO-DOTA-NCS or 2B-DOTA-NCS as the chelating moiety was developed to attach {sup 225}Ac to monoclonal antibodies. This method was tested using several different IgG systems. The chelation reaction yield in the first step was 93{+-}8% radiochemically pure (n=26). The second step yielded {sup 225}Ac-DOTA-IgG constructs that were 95{+-}5% radiochemically pure (n=27) and the mean percent immunoreactivity ranged from 25% to 81%, depending on the antibody used. This process has yielded several potential novel targeted {sup 225}Ac-labeled immunotherapeutic agents that may now be evaluated in appropriate model systems and ultimately in humans.

  7. ac propulsion system for an electric vehicle (United States)

    Geppert, S.


    It is pointed out that dc drives will be the logical choice for current production electric vehicles (EV). However, by the mid-80's, there is a good chance that the price and reliability of suitable high-power semiconductors will allow for a competitive ac system. The driving force behind the ac approach is the induction motor, which has specific advantages relative to a dc shunt or series traction motor. These advantages would be an important factor in the case of a vehicle for which low maintenance characteristics are of primary importance. A description of an EV ac propulsion system is provided, taking into account the logic controller, the inverter, the motor, and a two-speed transmission-differential-axle assembly. The main barrier to the employment of the considered propulsion system in EV is not any technical problem, but inverter transistor cost.

  8. Granuloma en la incisión tras el implante de un estimulador eléctrico medular Granuloma in the incisin after implants of an spinal cord device


    P. Diéguez; V. Villanueva; S. López; J. De Andrés


    Presentamos el caso de un paciente que sufrió como complicación de la estimulación eléctrica medular, implantado a causa de su dolor neuropático, un granuloma en la incisión lumbar, a nivel de la conexión intermedia. Este granuloma evolucionó pese a su correcto diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz, a una infección de tejidos profundos con migración de los electrodos, por lo que precisó la retirada de éstos.It is showed you a patient who presented a granuloma in the lumbar incision at the level of...

  9. Systémový pohled na klub AC Sparta


    Čečák, František


    Title: The system approach of the club AC Sparta Praha Aim of the paper: Elaboration of financial analysis of the club AC Sparta Praha in season 2010/2011.Comparing the results of the financial analysis with the results of clubs FC Viktoria Plzeň and SK Slavia Praha. Prognosis of the club AC Sparta Praha until year 2020. Methods: In the elaboration of the analysis have been used these methods: vertical analysis, horizontal analysis and analysis of the financial ratios. For forecasting have be...

  10. Advanced reliability improvement of AC-modules (ARIA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rooij, P.; Real, M.; Moschella, U.; Sample, T.; Kardolus, M.


    The AC-module is a relatively new development in PV-system technology and offers significant advantages over conventional PV-systems with a central inverter : e.g. increased modularity, ease of installation and freedom of system design. The Netherlands and Switzerland have a leading position in the field of AC-modules, both in terms of technology and of commercial and large-scale application. An obstacle towards large-scale market introduction of AC-modules is that the reliability and operational lifetime of AC-modules and the integrated inverters in particular are not yet proven. Despite the advantages, no module-integrated inverter has yet achieved large scale introduction. The AC-modules will lower the barrier towards market penetration. But due to the great interest in the new AC-module technology there is the risk of introducing a not fully proven product. This may damage the image of PV-systems. To speed up the development and to improve the reliability, research institutes and PV-industry will address the aspects of reliability and operational lifetime of AC-modules. From field experiences we learn that in general the inverter is still the weakest point in PV-systems. The lifetime of inverters is an important factor on reliability. Some authors are indicating a lifetime of 1.5 years, whereas the field experiences in Germany and Switzerland have shown that for central inverter systems, an availability of 97% has been achieved in the last years. From this point of view it is highly desirable that the operational lifetime and reliability of PV-inverters and especially AC-modules is demonstrated/improved to make large scale use of PV a success. Module Integrated Inverters will most likely be used in modules in the power range between 100 and 300 Watt DC-power. These are modules with more than 100 cells in series, assuming that the module inverter will benefit from the higher voltage. Hot-spot is the phenomenon that can occur when one or more cells of a string

  11. Mapa acústico parcial de Benetusser




    Se establece el mapa de ruido del municipio de Benetússer para evaluar y conocer su exposición al ruido ambiental y así poder dar cumplimiento a la Directiva Europea sobre Gestión y Evaluación de Ruido Ambiental (2002/49/CE) y a la Ley nacional 37/2003 del Ruido. Los mapas estratégicos de ruido nos aportan la información fundamental para diagnosticar la situación acústica y para la gestión del ruido ambiental. Morilla Castellanos, E. (2012). Mapa acústico parcial de Benetusser. http://h...

  12. Six switches solution for single-phase AC/DC/AC converter with capability of second-order power mitigation in DC-link capacitor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Xiong; Wang, Peng; Loh, Poh Chiang


    This paper proposes an approach for DC-link second-order harmonic power cancellation in single-phase AC/DC/AC converter with reduced number of switches. The proposed six-switch converter has two bridges with three switches in each of them, where the middle switch in each bridge is shared by the A...

  13. AC conductivity of a quantum Hall line junction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agarwal, Amit; Sen, Diptiman


    We present a microscopic model for calculating the AC conductivity of a finite length line junction made up of two counter- or co-propagating single mode quantum Hall edges with possibly different filling fractions. The effect of density-density interactions and a local tunneling conductance (σ) between the two edges is considered. Assuming that σ is independent of the frequency ω, we derive expressions for the AC conductivity as a function of ω, the length of the line junction and other parameters of the system. We reproduce the results of Sen and Agarwal (2008 Phys. Rev. B 78 085430) in the DC limit (ω→0), and generalize those results for an interacting system. As a function of ω, the AC conductivity shows significant oscillations if σ is small; the oscillations become less prominent as σ increases. A renormalization group analysis shows that the system may be in a metallic or an insulating phase depending on the strength of the interactions. We discuss the experimental implications of this for the behavior of the AC conductivity at low temperatures.

  14. Mass of AC Andromedae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, D.S.; Cox, A.N.; Hodson, S.W.


    Calculations indicate that AC Andromedae is population I rather than population II. A mass and radius for this star are calculated using a new set of opacities for the Kippenhahn Ia mixture. It is concluded that the mass is too high for an ordinary RR Lyrae star. (BJG)

  15. ac18 is not essential for the propagation of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yanjie; Wu Wenbi; Li Zhaofei; Yuan Meijin; Feng Guozhong; Yu Qian; Yang Kai; Pang Yi


    orf18 (ac18) of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) is a highly conserved gene in lepidopteran nucleopolyhedroviruses, but its function remains unknown. In this study, an ac18 knockout AcMNPV bacmid was generated to determine the role of ac18 in baculovirus life cycle. After transfection of Sf-9 cells, the ac18-null mutant showed similar infection pattern to the parent virus and the ac18 repair virus with respect to the production of infectious budded virus, occlusion bodies, or the formation of nucleocapsids as visualized by electron microscopy. The deletion mutant did not reduce AcMNPV infectivity for Trichoplusia ni in LD 50 bioassay; however, it did take 24 h longer for deleted mutant to kill T. ni larvae than wild-type virus in LT 50 bioassay. Our results demonstrate that ac18 is not essential for viral propagation both in vitro and in vivo, but it may play a role in efficient virus infection in T. ni larvae

  16. Evaluation of the different supported bifunctional electrocatalysts for unified regenerative cells; Evaluacion de diferentes soportes de electrocatalizadores bifuncionales para celdas regenerativas unificadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gurrola, M. P.; Torres-Amaya, D. S.; Duron-Torres, S. M.; Escalante-Garcia, I. L. [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Unidad Academica de Ciencias Quimicas, Zacatecas (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Arriaga-Hurtado, L.G. [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica, Pedro Escobedo, Queretaro (Mexico)


    un solo dispositivo. Los retos de estos sistemas son aun mayores que en las celdas de combustible convencionales, siendo el problema tecnico mas apremiante, la optimizacion del electrodo de oxigeno. Los altos potenciales de operacion de estos dispositivos en el modo electrolizador, E >1.6 V vs. ENH, limitan el empleo de electrodos de Pt soportados en Vulcan. El Pt no es lo suficientemente electroactivo para catalizar la reaccion de evolucion de oxigeno (OER) y a estos potenciales los soportes basados en carbon sufren corrosion. Ademas de los estudios sobre materiales que funcionen como catalizadores bifuncionales, un importante numero de investigaciones se estan dirigiendo a la busqueda de nuevas matrices para su uso como soportes de electrocatalizadores para la OER y ORR{sup 1,2}. En este trabajo, se presentan los resultados preliminares obtenidos para el estudio cinetico de las reacciones de oxigeno, sobre diferentes mezclas de Pt con IrO{sub 2} y RuO{sub 2} soportados en diferentes formas de carbon y oxidos de titanio subestequiometricos. Los estudios se realizaron empleando voltamperometria ciclica (CV) y lineal (LV) para la OER y electrodo disco rotatorio (EDR) para la ORR en soluciones acuosas de H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} 0.5M. La tecnica de cronoamperometria (CA) proporciono informacion de la estabilidad electroquimica de los electrodos. Los resultados indican que los electrodos soportados en diferentes formas de carbon disminuyen paulatinamente su desempeno como consecuencia de la corrosion al realizar las reacciones de reduccion y formacion de oxigeno en ciclos consecutivos. Los oxidos de titanio, le confieren una mayor estabilidad a electrodos construidos sobre ese material, significando que pudieran representar un potencial como soporte para electrodos de oxigeno basados en mezclas de Pt, IrO{sub 2} y RuO{sub 2} como electrocatalizadores bifuncionales para las URFC.

  17. Nanoparticulas basadas en complejos de Fe(II) con transicion de espin: sintesis, caracterizacion y aplicaciones en electronica molecular (United States)

    Monrabal Capilla, Maria

    sintesis de otro nuevo tipo de nanoparticulas, obtenidas a partir de otro polimero de la misma familia, el [FeO8ZnO2(Htrz)3](BF4). Estas nanoparticulas se sintetizaron con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de la dilucion del metal en la muestra. Como resultado se obtuvieron nanoparticulas que tambien presentan una estrecha distribucion de tamanos pero en este caso la transicion de espin no es tan abrupta como en los casos anteriores. Aunque sigue presentando un ciclo de histeresis termica bastante ancho y a temperaturas proximas a la temperatura ambiente. En el capitulo 4 se describiran las estrategias que se han seguido para mejorar la estabilidad y afinidad sobre diferentes sustratos de las nanoparticulas sintetizadas en el capitulo 2. Tambien se hablara de los intentos realizados parar depositarlas en superficies y embeberlas en diferentes matrices organicas e inorganicas. En el capitulo 5 presentaremos la obtencion de un interruptor molecular realizado poniendo en contacto nanoparticulas individuales sintetizadas en el capitulo 2, con unos electrodos separados varios nanometros. Este dispositivo exhibe "switching" y efecto memoria a temperaturas proximas a la temperatura ambiente como consecuencia de la biestabilidad intrinseca de las nanoparticulas. Ademas demostraremos que el estado magnetico de estas nanoparticulas puede ser controlado electricamente, ya que la transicion de espin en este nanodispositivo molecular puede ser inducida simplemente aplicando un voltaje, lo que puede ser de gran interes para la electronica molecular.

  18. Probable alpha and 14C cluster emission from hyper Ac nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santhosh, K.P.


    A systematic study on the probability for the emission of 4 He and 14 C cluster from hyper Λ 207-234 Ac and non-strange normal 207-234 Ac nuclei are performed for the first time using our fission model, the Coulomb and proximity potential model (CPPM). The predicted half lives show that hyper Λ 207-234 Ac nuclei are unstable against 4 He emission and 14 C emission from hyper Λ 217-228 Ac are favorable for measurement. Our study also show that hyper Λ 207-234 Ac are stable against hyper Λ 4 He and Λ 14 C emission. The role of neutron shell closure (N = 126) in hyper Λ 214 Fr daughter and role of proton/neutron shell closure (Z ∼ 82, N = 126) in hyper Λ 210 Bi daughter are also revealed. As hyper-nuclei decays to normal nuclei by mesonic/non-mesonic decay and since most of the predicted half lives for 4 He and 14 C emission from normal Ac nuclei are favourable for measurement, we presume that alpha and 14 C cluster emission from hyper Ac nuclei can be detected in laboratory in a cascade (two-step) process. (orig.)

  19. Detection of Genetic Modification 'ac2' in Potato Foodstuffs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petr Kralik


    Full Text Available The genetic modification 'ac2' is based on the insertion and expression of ac2 gene, originally found in seeds of amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus, into the genome of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum. The purpose of the present study is to develop a PCR method for the detection of the mentioned genetically modified potatoes in various foodstuffs. The method was used to test twenty different potato-based products; none of them was positive for the genetic modification 'ac2'. The European Union legislation requires labelling of products made of or containing more than 0.9 % of genetically modified organisms. The genetic modification 'ac2' is not allowed on the European Union market. For that reason it is suitable to have detection methods, not only for the approved genetic modifications, but also for the 'unknown' ones, which could still occur in foodstuffs.

  20. Arthroscopically Assisted Reconstruction of Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations: Anatomic AC Ligament Reconstruction With Protective Internal Bracing—The “AC-RecoBridge” Technique (United States)

    Izadpanah, Kaywan; Jaeger, Martin; Ogon, Peter; Südkamp, Norbert P.; Maier, Dirk


    An arthroscopically assisted technique for the treatment of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocations is presented. This pathology-based procedure aims to achieve anatomic healing of both the acromioclavicular ligament complex (ACLC) and the coracoclavicular ligaments. First, the acromioclavicular joint is reduced anatomically under macroscopic and radiologic control and temporarily transfixed with a K-wire. A single-channel technique using 2 suture tapes provides secure coracoclavicular stabilization. The key step of the procedure consists of the anatomic repair of the ACLC (“AC-Reco”). Basically, we have observed 4 patterns of injury: clavicular-sided, acromial-sided, oblique, and midportion tears. Direct and/or transosseous ACLC repair is performed accordingly. Then, an X-configured acromioclavicular suture tape cerclage (“AC-Bridge”) is applied under arthroscopic assistance to limit horizontal clavicular translation to a physiological extent. The AC-Bridge follows the principle of internal bracing and protects healing of the ACLC repair. The AC-Bridge is tightened on top of the repair, creating an additional suture-bridge effect and promoting anatomic ACLC healing. We refer to this combined technique of anatomic ACLC repair and protective internal bracing as the “AC-RecoBridge.” A detailed stepwise description of the surgical technique, including indications, technical pearls and pitfalls, and potential complications, is given. PMID:26052493

  1. Ammonia treated Mo/AC catalysts for CO hydrogenation with ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    the influence of acid treated AC as a support with K-Ni-. Mo active ... K-Ni-Mo/AC catalyst was more selective to oxygenates. (>40% ... mineral impurities (K, Si, Sn and Fe) <1%. ...... edge technical support with thanks Science and Technology.

  2. Estimation of the Thurstonian model for the 2-AC protocol

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Rune Haubo Bojesen; Lee, Hye-Seong; Brockhoff, Per B.


    . This relationship makes it possible to extract estimates and standard errors of δ and τ from general statistical software, and furthermore, it makes it possible to combine standard regression modelling with the Thurstonian model for the 2-AC protocol. A model for replicated 2-AC data is proposed using cumulative......The 2-AC protocol is a 2-AFC protocol with a “no-difference” option and is technically identical to the paired preference test with a “no-preference” option. The Thurstonian model for the 2-AC protocol is parameterized by δ and a decision parameter τ, the estimates of which can be obtained...... by fairly simple well-known methods. In this paper we describe how standard errors of the parameters can be obtained and how exact power computations can be performed. We also show how the Thurstonian model for the 2-AC protocol is closely related to a statistical model known as a cumulative probit model...

  3. System and method for determining stator winding resistance in an AC motor (United States)

    Lu, Bin [Kenosha, WI; Habetler, Thomas G [Snellville, GA; Zhang, Pinjia [Atlanta, GA; Theisen, Peter J [West Bend, WI


    A system and method for determining stator winding resistance in an AC motor is disclosed. The system includes a circuit having an input connectable to an AC source and an output connectable to an input terminal of an AC motor. The circuit includes at least one contactor and at least one switch to control current flow and terminal voltages in the AC motor. The system also includes a controller connected to the circuit and configured to modify a switching time of the at least one switch to create a DC component in an output of the system corresponding to an input to the AC motor and determine a stator winding resistance of the AC motor based on the injected DC component of the voltage and current.

  4. Glicosilación intestinal y su relación con la interacción hospedero-patógeno.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gregory Ramón Valdés Paneca


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto bloqueador de diferentes lectinas vegetales en la adhesión de E. coli enterotoxigénicas que expresan fimbrias F4. Se realizaron dos experimentos. Primero – las vellosidades fueron incubadas con lectinas de Glycine max, Ulex europaeus, Lens culinaris y Arachis hypogaea a diferentes concentraciones y después fueron incubadas con las cepa de E. coli GIS26 (F4ac. Segundo – veinte y seis lectinas vegetales biotiniladas se enfrentaron a las vellosidades bajo 3 métodos de fijación diferentes. La unión se verificó mediante la técnica de inmunofluorescencia. Para el primer caso hubo bloqueo total de la adhesión de la E. coli GIS26 al borde en cepillo por parte de las lectinas; para el segundo caso se mostró que existe una adhesión moderada y fuerte a las células epiteliales intestinales en el 69,2% (18/26 de las lectinas. Al mismo tiempo se probaron la adhesión de lectinas biotiniladas a diferentes regiones del intestino delgado y la unión de los antígenos fimbriales F4ab, F4ac y F4ad al borde en cepillo. Se encontraron variaciones en el perfil de unión de las lectinas a lo largo de las diferentes regiones del intestino delgado y no homogeneidad en la adhesión de los antígenos fimbriales.

  5. Lamin A/C might be involved in the EMT signalling pathway. (United States)

    Zuo, Lingkun; Zhao, Huanying; Yang, Ronghui; Wang, Liyong; Ma, Hui; Xu, Xiaoxue; Zhou, Ping; Kong, Lu


    We have previously reported a heterogeneous expression pattern of the nuclear membrane protein lamin A/C in low- and high-Gleason score (GS) prostate cancer (PC) tissues, and we have now found that this change is not associated with LMNA mutations. This expression pattern appears to be similar to the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) or to that of mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET). The role of lamin A/C in EMT or MET in PC remains unclear. Therefore, we first investigated the expression levels of and the associations between lamin A/C and several common EMT markers, such as E-cadherin, N-cadherin, β-catenin, snail, slug and vimentin in PC tissues with different GS values and in different cell lines with varying invasion abilities. Our results suggest that lamin A/C might constitute a type of epithelial marker that better signifies EMT and MET in PC tissue, since a decrease in lamin A/C expression in GS 4 + 5 cases is likely associated with the EMT process, while the re-expression of lamin A/C in GS 5 + 4 cases is likely linked with MET. The detailed GS better exhibited the changes in lamin A/C and the EMT markers examined. Lamin A/C overexpression or knockdown had an impact on EMT biomarkers in a cell model by direct regulation of β-catenin. Hence, we suggest that lamin A/C might serve as a reliable epithelial biomarker for the distinction of PC cell differentiation and might also be a fundamental factor in the occurrence of EMT or MET in PC. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  6. Autonomous Operation of Hybrid Microgrid With AC and DC Subgrids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chiang Loh, Poh; Li, Ding; Kang Chai, Yi


    sources distributed throughout the two types of subgrids, which is certainly tougher than previous efforts developed for only ac or dc microgrid. This wider scope of control has not yet been investigated, and would certainly rely on the coordinated operation of dc sources, ac sources, and interlinking...... converters. Suitable control and normalization schemes are now developed for controlling them with the overall hybrid microgrid performance already verified in simulation and experiment.......This paper investigates on power-sharing issues of an autonomous hybrid microgrid. Unlike existing microgrids which are purely ac, the hybrid microgrid studied here comprises dc and ac subgrids interconnected by power electronic interfaces. The main challenge here is to manage power flows among all...

  7. Caracterización de vidrios para la evaluación del aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo

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    Alba Fernández, J.


    ándonos en los monolíticos y los laminados. En efecto, uno de los problemas que se plantea en el contexto de la acústica de la edificación actualmente es el de cumplir con los requisitos de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en fachada que exige el vigente Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE. Como sabemos, en la fachada podemos distinguir la parte ciega y la parte hueca. La parte más débil en lo concerniente a aislamiento a ruido aéreo es la hueca (compuesta por el vidrio, carpintería y otros elementos. Si la carpintería es la adecuada, la superficie de vidrio se convierte en el elemento limitante. El Catálogo de Elementos Constructivos (CEC del CTE, la propia norma UNE-EN 12758:2011, así como algunos, cada vez más, fabricantes ofrecen datos del aislamiento de vidrios simples, vidrios laminados y vidrios dobles. En el caso de vidrios laminados, estos datos se limitan únicamente en los que tienen un sola lámina intermedia y, además, no acústicos. Podemos hablar, por tanto, de una laguna de información en este sentido. Para obtener predicciones fiables de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de particiones multicapa, como pueden ser los vidrios laminados es necesario disponer de las características mecánicas y una de las más relevantes es el factor de pérdidas.

  8. Correlación entre niveles de ferritina sérica y unidades de transfusión recibidas por pacientes con anemias hereditarias hemolíticas en el estado de Zulia, Venezuela

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    Ana Z. Ruiz E


    Full Text Available La hipertransfusión es un tratamiento comúnmente utilizadas en pacientes con anemias hemolíticas hereditarias (AHH, como la anemia de células falciformes (ACS y/o beta talasemia (βT. Las concentraciones de ferritina sérica son constantemente monitoreadas en estos pacientes para detectar rápidamente la presencia de sobrecarga de hierro. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar si hubo correlación entre los valores de ferritina sérica y el número de unidades de transfusión de concentrado eritrocitario suministradas a los pacientes con ACS y βT mayor o intermedia durante un año. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 39 pacientes,22 fueron diagnosticados de ACS y 17 con βT, en edades comprendidas entre los 4 y 82 años. Estos pacientes fueron tratados en el "Instituto Hematológico de Occidente -Banco de Sangre del Estado Zulia y el Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo Venezuela”. Ferritina sérica se determinó por el método de quimioluminiscencia. La media y la desviación estándar de ferritina fueron 915,4 ± 567,8 ng/ml para los pacientes con ACS y 3.338 ± 874,6 para βT (p: 0.0001 Las unidades de concentrado eritrocitario transfundidas fueron 6 ± 2,3 y 21 ± 7,5 respectivamente (p: 0.0001. Hubo correlación estadísticamente significativa entre el número de unidades de concentrado eritrocitario transfundidas y los valores de ferritina sérica en el grupo de ACS (r=0,832, p=0,0001 y el grupo βT (r=0,491, p=0,045. Los resultados del presente estudio sugieren una estrecha correlación entre las concentraciones de ferritina sérica y las unidades de concentrado eritrocitario transfundidas en los pacientes con ACS pero no en los pacientes con βT. Correlations between ferritin levels and transfusion units received by pacients with hereditary hemolytic anemia in the state of Zulia, Venezuela Abstract Blood transfusions are a commonly used treatment or patients with hereditary hemolytic anemias, such as: sickle cell anemia (SCA and

  9. The Effects of Theta and Gamma tACS on Working Memory and Electrophysiology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anja Pahor


    Full Text Available A single blind sham-controlled study was conducted to explore the effects of theta and gamma transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS on offline performance on working memory tasks. In order to systematically investigate how specific parameters of tACS affect working memory, we manipulated the frequency of stimulation (theta frequency vs. gamma frequency, the type of task (n-back vs. change detection task and the content of the tasks (verbal vs. figural stimuli. A repeated measures design was used that consisted of three sessions: theta tACS, gamma tACS and sham tACS. In total, four experiments were conducted which differed only with respect to placement of tACS electrodes (bilateral frontal, bilateral parietal, left fronto-parietal and right-fronto parietal. Healthy female students (N = 72 were randomly assigned to one of these groups, hence we were able to assess the efficacy of theta and gamma tACS applied over different brain areas, contrasted against sham stimulation. The pre-post/sham resting electroencephalogram (EEG analysis showed that theta tACS significantly affected theta amplitude, whereas gamma tACS had no significant effect on EEG amplitude in any of the frequency bands of interest. Gamma tACS did not significantly affect working memory performance compared to sham, and theta tACS led to inconsistent changes in performance on the n-back tasks. Active theta tACS significantly affected P3 amplitude and latency during performance on the n-back tasks in the bilateral parietal and right-fronto parietal protocols.

  10. AC power losses in Bi-2223/Ag HTS tapes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savvides, N.; Reilly, D.; Mueller, K.-H.; Herrmann, J.


    Full text: We report measurements at 77 K of the transport ac losses of Bi-2223/Ag composite tapes. The investigated tapes vary from single filament to multifilament construction and include both conventional tapes and other conductor shapes with twisted filaments. The self-field ac losses were determined at 77 K and 60 Hz as a function of ac current amplitude (0 - 100 A). We observe different behaviour among tapes depending on their quality and strain history. For 'good' virgin tapes the experimental data are well described by the Norris equations for the dependence of power loss P on the amplitude I m of the transport current. The data of good monofilament tapes are fitted to the Norris equation P ∼ I m n for an elliptical cross section (ie. n = 3) and the data of good multifilament tapes are fitted to the Norris equation for a rectangular strip (ie. n = 4). Many specimens, however, show a range of behaviour with lower values of n. Based on our work on the effect of strain on the dc transport properties of tapes, we carried out detailed investigations of the effect of controlled applied bend strain on the ac loss. Our results show that irreversible damage to superconducting filaments (ie. cracks) cause the ac loss to rise and n to decrease with increasing strain. In addition, applied strains much greater than the irreversible strain limit cause the ac loss to increase by several orders of magnitude and become ohmic in character with n = 2. Theoretical work is in progress to model the observed behaviour

  11. Nuclear structure of {sup 231}Ac

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boutami, R. [Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Serrano 113 bis, E-28006 Madrid (Spain); Borge, M.J.G. [Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Serrano 113 bis, E-28006 Madrid (Spain)], E-mail:; Mach, H. [Department of Radiation Sciences, ISV, Uppsala University, SE-751 21 Uppsala (Sweden); Kurcewicz, W. [Department of Physics, University of Warsaw, Pl-00 681 Warsaw (Poland); Fraile, L.M. [Departamento Fisica Atomica, Molecular y Nuclear, Facultad CC. Fisicas, Universidad Complutense, E-28040 Madrid (Spain); ISOLDE, PH Department, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland); Gulda, K. [Department of Physics, University of Warsaw, Pl-00 681 Warsaw (Poland); Aas, A.J. [Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, PO Box 1033, Blindern, N-0315 Oslo (Norway); Garcia-Raffi, L.M. [Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, CSIC - Universidad de Valencia, Apdo. 22805, E-46071 Valencia (Spain); Lovhoiden, G. [Department of Physics, University of Oslo, PO Box 1048, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo (Norway); Martinez, T.; Rubio, B.; Tain, J.L. [Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, CSIC - Universidad de Valencia, Apdo. 22805, E-46071 Valencia (Spain); Tengblad, O. [Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Serrano 113 bis, E-28006 Madrid (Spain); ISOLDE, PH Department, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland)


    The low-energy structure of {sup 231}Ac has been investigated by means of {gamma} ray spectroscopy following the {beta}{sup -} decay of {sup 231}Ra. Multipolarities of 28 transitions have been established by measuring conversion electrons with a MINI-ORANGE electron spectrometer. The decay scheme of {sup 231}Ra {yields}{sup 231}Ac has been constructed for the first time. The Advanced Time Delayed {beta}{gamma}{gamma}(t) method has been used to measure the half-lives of five levels. The moderately fast B(E1) transition rates derived suggest that the octupole effects, albeit weak, are still present in this exotic nucleus.

  12. Statistical time lags in ac discharges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sobota, A; Kanters, J H M; Van Veldhuizen, E M; Haverlag, M; Manders, F


    The paper presents statistical time lags measured for breakdown events in near-atmospheric pressure argon and xenon. Ac voltage at 100, 400 and 800 kHz was used to drive the breakdown processes, and the voltage amplitude slope was varied between 10 and 1280 V ms -1 . The values obtained for the statistical time lags are roughly between 1 and 150 ms. It is shown that the statistical time lags in ac-driven discharges follow the same general trends as the discharges driven by voltage of monotonic slope. In addition, the validity of the Cobine-Easton expression is tested at an alternating voltage form.

  13. Statistical time lags in ac discharges

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sobota, A; Kanters, J H M; Van Veldhuizen, E M; Haverlag, M [Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics, Postbus 513, 5600MB Eindhoven (Netherlands); Manders, F, E-mail: [Philips Lighting, LightLabs, Mathildelaan 1, 5600JM Eindhoven (Netherlands)


    The paper presents statistical time lags measured for breakdown events in near-atmospheric pressure argon and xenon. Ac voltage at 100, 400 and 800 kHz was used to drive the breakdown processes, and the voltage amplitude slope was varied between 10 and 1280 V ms{sup -1}. The values obtained for the statistical time lags are roughly between 1 and 150 ms. It is shown that the statistical time lags in ac-driven discharges follow the same general trends as the discharges driven by voltage of monotonic slope. In addition, the validity of the Cobine-Easton expression is tested at an alternating voltage form.

  14. Produção de biomassa aérea e ciclagem de nitrogênio em consórcio de genótipos de Eucalyptus com Acacia mangium


    Maureen Voigtlaender


    As plantações de eucalipto ocupam 20 milhões de hectares em solos altamente intemperizados. Plantações consorciadas de eucalipto com acácia têm potencial de melhorar a produtividade do povoamento, em relação às respectivas plantações homogêneas, através do efeito facilitador da fixação biológica de N pelas árvores de acácia. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do consórcio de genótipos de Eucalyptus com Acacia mangium sobre a produção da biomassa aérea de cada espécie e sobre a ciclagem de N. Qua...

  15. Study on AC loss measurements of HTS power cable for standardizing (United States)

    Mukoyama, Shinichi; Amemiya, Naoyuki; Watanabe, Kazuo; Iijima, Yasuhiro; Mido, Nobuhiro; Masuda, Takao; Morimura, Toshiya; Oya, Masayoshi; Nakano, Tetsutaro; Yamamoto, Kiyoshi


    High-temperature superconducting power cables (HTS cables) have been developed for more than 20 years. In addition of the cable developments, the test methods of the HTS cables have been discussed and proposed in many laboratories and companies. Recently the test methods of the HTS cables is required to standardize and to common in the world. CIGRE made the working group (B1-31) for the discussion of the test methods of the HTS cables as a power cable, and published the recommendation of the test method. Additionally, IEC TC20 submitted the New Work Item Proposal (NP) based on the recommendation of CIGRE this year, IEC TC20 and IEC TC90 started the standardization work on Testing of HTS AC cables. However, the individual test method that used to measure a performance of HTS cables hasn’t been established as world’s common methods. The AC loss is one of the most important properties to disseminate low loss and economical efficient HTS cables in the world. We regard to establish the method of the AC loss measurements in rational and in high accuracy. Japan is at a leading position in the AC loss study, because Japanese researchers have studied on the AC loss technically and scientifically, and also developed the effective technologies for the AC loss reduction. The JP domestic commission of TC90 made a working team to discussion the methods of the AC loss measurements for aiming an international standard finally. This paper reports about the AC loss measurement of two type of the HTS conductors, such as a HTS conductor without a HTS shield and a HTS conductor with a HTS shield. The AC loss measurement method is suggested by the electrical method..

  16. a.c. conductance study of polycrystal C60

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan Feng; Wang Yening; Huang Yineng; Gu Min; Zhang Qingming; Shen Huimin


    The a.c. (1 60 polycrystal (grain size 30 nm) has been studied from 100 to 350 K. Below 150 K, the a.c. conductance is nearly proportional to the temperature and frequency. This is proposed to be due to the hopping of localized states around the Fermi level. Above 200 K, the a.c. conductance exhibits a rapid increase with temperature, and shows a thermally activated behaviour with an activation energy of 0.389 eV below a certain temperature and 0.104 eV above it. A frequency dependent conductance at a fixed temperature is also obtained with a power law σ similar ω s (s∼0.8). For a sample of normal grain size, we have measured a peak near 250 K and a much smaller conductance. These results indicate that the defective na ture of our sample (small grain size, disorder or impurities) plays an important role for the transport properties. The existence of nanocrystals in the sample may give rise to localized states and improve its a.c. conductance. The two activation energies can be attributed to the coexistence of the crystalline and amorphous phases of C 60 . ((orig.))

  17. Control of Power Converters in AC Microgrids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rocabert, Joan; Luna, Alvaro; Blaabjerg, Frede


    The enabling of ac microgrids in distribution networks allows delivering distributed power and providing grid support services during regular operation of the grid, as well as powering isolated islands in case of faults and contingencies, thus increasing the performance and reliability of the ele......The enabling of ac microgrids in distribution networks allows delivering distributed power and providing grid support services during regular operation of the grid, as well as powering isolated islands in case of faults and contingencies, thus increasing the performance and reliability...

  18. Droop-free Distributed Control for AC Microgrids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nasirian, Vahidreza; Shafiee, Qobad; Guerrero, Josep M.


    A cooperative distributed secondary/primary control paradigm for AC microgrids is proposed. This solution replaces the centralized secondary control and the primary-level droop mechanism of each inverter with three separate regulators: voltage, reactive power, and active power regulators. A sparse...... guidelines are provided. Steady-state performance analysis shows that the proposed controller can accurately handle the global voltage regulation and proportional load sharing. An AC microgrid prototype is set up, where the controller performance, plug-and-play capability, and resiliency to the failure...

  19. Effect of AC electric fields on the stabilization of premixed bunsen flames

    KAUST Repository

    Kim, Minkuk


    The stabilization characteristics of laminar premixed bunsen flames have been investigated experimentally for stoichiometric methane-air mixture by applying AC voltage to the nozzle with the single-electrode configuration. The detachment velocity either at blowoff or partial-detachment has been measured by varying the applied voltage and frequency of AC. The result showed that the detachment velocity increased with the applied AC electric fields, such that the flame could be nozzle-attached even over five times of the blowoff velocity without having electric fields. There existed four distinct regimes depending on applied AC voltage and frequency. In the low voltage regime, the threshold condition of AC electric fields was identified, below which the effect of electric fields on the detachment velocity is minimal. In the moderate voltage regime, the flame base oscillated with the frequency synchronized to AC frequency and the detachment velocity increased linearly with the applied AC voltage and nonlinearly with the frequency. In the high voltage regime, two different sub-regimes depending on AC frequency were observed. For relatively low frequency, the flame base oscillated with the applied AC frequency together with the half frequency and the variation of the detachment velocity was insensitive to the applied voltage. For relatively high frequency, the stabilization of the flame was significantly affected by the generation of streamers and the detachment velocity decreased with the applied voltage. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Combustion Institute. All rights reserved.

  20. Efecto del procedimiento de soldadura sobre las propiedades de uniones soldadas de aceros microaleados para cañería Welding procedure effect on the properties of microalloyed steel welded joints for metal fabrication

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    Mónica Zalazar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue, en esta primera etapa, comparar las propiedades mecánicas y la microestructura del acero HIC, aleado al Nb-Ti-Cu-Ni, resistente a la corrosión, con las del acero normal NOR, microaleado con Nb-V-Ti, ambos caracterizados mediante análisis químico, mediciones de dureza, estudios metalográficos y ensayos de tracción e impacto. Con el fin de establecer la temperatura de precalentamiento óptima se realizaron ensayos de soldabilidad Tekken a distintas temperaturas y de acuerdo con la Norma JIS Z 3158. Luego se llevaron a cabo soldaduras circunferenciales de cañerías fabricadas con ambos aceros diseñándose procedimientos para la utilización, por un lado, de electrodos revestidos (SMAW: shielded metal arc welding, electrodos de distintos proveedores para todas las pasadas y por el otro, la primera pasada usando soldadura automática con alambre macizo bajo CO2 (GMAW: gas metal arc welding y el resto de las mismas con alambre tubular autoprotegido (FCAW-S: flux cored arc welding-selfshielded. Las soldaduras fueron calificadas de acuerdo con el Código API 1104. Los resultados de los análisis metalográficos y los ensayos mecánicos de tracción, dureza e impacto de las juntas soldadas revelaron la influencia de los consumibles de soldadura y del metal base en las propiedades de las uniones. Se observaron diferencias en las propiedades de las uniones soldadas con consumibles de igual especificación y distintos proveedores. De las diferentes combinaciones ensayadas se definieron valores óptimos para la soldadura de estos aceros.The objective of this work was, in this first step, to compare mechanical property and microstructure of the steel HIC, alloyed with Nb-Ti-Cu-Ni, corrosion resistant, to those of a normal steel NOR, microlloyed with Nb-V-Ti, characterized through chemical analysis, hardness measurements, metallographic studies and tensile and Charpy-V properties. The preheating temperature was established


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un procedimiento basado en el Método de los Elementos Finitos y en la Mecánica de la Fractura Elástica Lineal para obtener un modelo matemático de propagación de grietas en uniones soldadas de filete transversal. Se empleó como material para las placas acero estructural ASTM-A36 y como material de aporte fueron utilizados electrodos E6013, usando un procedimiento de soldadura SMAW. Las grietas modeladas fueron de tipo superficial ubicadas en el pie de la soldadura. Se encontraron razones de propagación que difieren hasta en un 41% entre grietas centradas y con excentricidad de un 90%. Se emplearon cordones con perfil recto y convexo encontrándose una diferencia pequeña en la vida de fatiga entre ambos tipos. Los resultados de los modelos obtenidos fueron contrastados con el método convencional de cálculo y validados por medio de ensayos experimentales. Los valores de vida de fatiga se encontraron dentro del intervalo de confianza para p=95%.

  2. Objectives and status of development of AC600

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Chengkun


    AC600 is a medium power capability nuclear power station of next generation, which is developed based on world nuclear power improving tendency, requirements of custom with considering China situation and technical foundation. Its main technical characteristics are as following: advanced core and passive safety system, double loop standard design and international popular equipment. Meanwhile, it a simplification of present system, using advanced control room and pattern construction thus developed the operation reliability of nuclear power station, lower construction and operating cost. In order to accelerate the development of next generation advanced reactor, cooperating with Westinghouse Electric Corporation, the joint economic technical research has been established. Based on AC600, the CAP600 is developed on further improving safety and reliability, economical and electric network adoption of AC600

  3. Introduction of hvdc transmission into a predominantly ac network

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casson, W; Last, F H; Huddart, K W


    Methods for reinforcing the supply network, including systems employing dc links, without introducing a new primary network are briefly described. The arrangement for dc links is outlined and the application to an existing ac system is considered. The economics of ac and dc for reinforcement schemes are briefly mentioned.

  4. 21 CFR 880.5510 - Non-AC-powered patient lift. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL HOSPITAL AND PERSONAL USE DEVICES General Hospital and Personal Use Therapeutic Devices § 880.5510 Non-AC-powered patient lift. (a) Identification. A non-AC-powered patient lift is a hydraulic, battery, or mechanically powered device, either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport a...

  5. Effect of temperature on the AC impedance of protein

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The depression parameter reveals the electrical equivalent circuit for the biopolymers. The AC electrical conductivity in the biopolymers follows the universal power law. From this, it is observed that the AC conductivity is frequency dependent and the biopolymer papain obeys large polaron tunnelling model, gum acacia and ...

  6. Visual inspection with acetic acid for cervical cancer screening outside of low-resource settings La inspección visual con ácido acético para el tamizaje del cáncer cervicouterino donde no hay escasez de recursos

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    Jose Jeronimo


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To assess visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA as a screening tool for use in a well-equipped health center in Peru, to evaluate VIA as an alternative or adjunct to the Papanicolaou (Pap smear, and to determine if VIA can play a role in settings other than low-resource ones. METHODS: This was a prospective study of 1 921 asymptomatic women living in Lima, Peru, carried out in 1999 and 2000. The study was performed at a cancer center equipped with the latest-generation technology and highly trained oncologists. The women underwent a complete clinical evaluation, including a Pap smear and VIA. Participants with any positive test were referred for colposcopy and biopsy. RESULTS: More women tested positive by VIA than on the Pap smear (6.9% vs. 4.2%; P = 0.0001. There were 35 women with histologic cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (CIN 1; of these, 15 were detected by Pap and 20 by VIA (P = 0.4. A diagnosis of CIN 2 or 3 (CIN 2-3 was confirmed in a total of 13 cases; Pap detected 5 of the cases and VIA 11 of the cases (P = 0.06. The positive predictive value for detection of CIN 2+ was 8.3% for VIA and 6.3% for Pap (P = 0.5. Most importantly, while only 2.3% of patients with a positive VIA were lost to follow-up before colposcopy, that was true for 26.3% of the women with a positive Pap smear (P OBJETIVOS: Determinar si la inspección visual con ácido acético (IVAA es útil como prueba de tamizaje en un centro de salud peruano con buena dotación de equipo; si se presta para uso en lugar del Papanicolaou o en combinación con él, y si tiene alguna utilidad en lugares donde no hay escasez de recursos. MÉTODOS: En 1999 y 2000 se realizó un estudio prospectivo con 1 921 mujeres asintomáticas que habitaban en Lima, Perú. El estudio se llevó a cabo en un centro de cancerología dotado de las tecnologías más modernas y de oncólogos con una sólida formación. A las mujeres se les sometió a un examen clínico completo

  7. Context based computational analysis and characterization of ARS consensus sequences (ACS of Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome

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    Vinod Kumar Singh


    Full Text Available Genome-wide experimental studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveal that autonomous replicating sequence (ARS requires an essential consensus sequence (ACS for replication activity. Computational studies identified thousands of ACS like patterns in the genome. However, only a few hundreds of these sites act as replicating sites and the rest are considered as dormant or evolving sites. In a bid to understand the sequence makeup of replication sites, a content and context-based analysis was performed on a set of replicating ACS sequences that binds to origin-recognition complex (ORC denoted as ORC-ACS and non-replicating ACS sequences (nrACS, that are not bound by ORC. In this study, DNA properties such as base composition, correlation, sequence dependent thermodynamic and DNA structural profiles, and their positions have been considered for characterizing ORC-ACS and nrACS. Analysis reveals that ORC-ACS depict marked differences in nucleotide composition and context features in its vicinity compared to nrACS. Interestingly, an A-rich motif was also discovered in ORC-ACS sequences within its nucleosome-free region. Profound changes in the conformational features, such as DNA helical twist, inclination angle and stacking energy between ORC-ACS and nrACS were observed. Distribution of ACS motifs in the non-coding segments points to the locations of ORC-ACS which are found far away from the adjacent gene start position compared to nrACS thereby enabling an accessible environment for ORC-proteins. Our attempt is novel in considering the contextual view of ACS and its flanking region along with nucleosome positioning in the S. cerevisiae genome and may be useful for any computational prediction scheme.

  8. Desarrollo e implementación de una técnica para la medición de impedancia en muestras de hueso húmedo de bovino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Elena Moncada


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para encontrar los valores de conductividad y permitividad eléctrica de los tejidos cortical y medular, en muestras de fémur de bovino. El tamaño de las muestras fue de diez centímetros, procedentes de animales sanos y jóvenes y con un tiempo de cuatro días después de muerto el animal. El hueso sin partes blandas fue empacado al vacío y conservado a 0°C hasta la realización de las pruebas. Para el mantenimiento y tratamiento de las muestras se desarrollaron protocolos experimentales. Para la medición se construyeron un par de electrodos de contacto de los cuales se encontró su valor de impedancia. El sistema de medición fue acompañado de un circuito RC paralelo para disminuir el efecto de la impedancia de los electrodos. Las mediciones se efectuaron para las frecuencias de 100 Hz y 120 Hz. Las variables medidas fueron impedancia (Z y ángulo (¿, y las calculadas a partir de ecuaciones matemáticas, fueron conductividad (¿ y permitividad (¿. Los resultados se encontraron dentro de los rangos reportados en literatura.

  9. Effect of the valence electron concentration on the bulk modulus and chemical bonding in Ta2AC and Zr2AC (A=Al, Si, and P)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, Jochen M.; Music, Denis; Sun Zhimei


    We have studied the effect of the valence electron concentration, on the bulk modulus and the chemical bonding in Ta 2 AC and Zr 2 AC (A=Al, Si, and P) by means of ab initio calculations. Our equilibrium volume and the hexagonal ratio (c/a) agree well (within 2.7% and 1.2%, respectively) with previously published experimental data for Ta 2 AlC. The bulk moduli of both Ta 2 AC and Zr 2 AC increase as Al is substituted with Si and P by 13.1% and 20.1%, respectively. This can be understood since the substitution is associated with an increased valence electron concentration, resulting in band filling and an extensive increase in cohesion

  10. Low ac loss geometries in YBCO coated conductors and impact on conductor stability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duckworth, Robert C [ORNL; List III, Frederick Alyious [ORNL; Paranthaman, Mariappan Parans [ORNL; Rupich, M. W. [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Zhang, W. [American Superconductor Corporation, Westborough, MA; Xie, Y. Y. [SuperPower Incorporated, Schenectady, New York; Selvamanickam, V. [SuperPower Incorporated, Schenectady, New York


    Reduction of ac losses in applied ac fields can be accomplished through either the creation of filaments and bridging in YBCO coated conductors or an assembly of narrow width YBCO tapes. The ac losses for each of these geometries were measured at 77 K in perpendicular ac fields up to 100 mT. While ac loss reduction was achieved with YBCO filaments created through laser scribing and inkjet deposition, the assembly of stacked YBCO conductor provides an alternative method of ac loss reduction. When compared to a 4-mm wide YBCO coated conductor with a critical current of 60 A, the ac loss in a stack of 2-mm wide YBCO coated conductors with a similar total critical current was reduced. While the reduction in ac loss in a 2-mm wide stack coincided with the reduction in the engineering current density of the conductor, further reduction of ac loss was obtained through the splicing of the 2-mm wide tapes with low resistance solders. To better determine the practicality of these methods from a stability point of view, a numerical analysis was carried out to determine the influence of bridging and splicing on stability of a YBCO coated conductor for both liquid nitrogen-cooled and conduction cooled geometries.

  11. Measurement of ac electrical characteristics of SSC dipole magnets at Brookhaven

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smedley, K.


    The SSC collider is designed to have circumference of 87 km. The superconducting magnets along the collider ring are grouped into ten sectors. Each sector, a string of average length of 8.7 km,m is powered by one power source located near the center of the sector. Because of the alternating-current (ac) electrical characteristics of the magnets, the power supply ripple currents and transients form a time and space distribution in the magnet string which affects particle motions. Additionally, since the power supply load is a magnet string, the current regulation loop design is highly dependent upon the ac electrical characteristics of the magnets. A means is needed to accurately determine the ac electrical characteristics of the superconducting magnets. The ac characteristics of magnets will be used to predict the ripple distribution of the long string of superconducting magnets. Magnet ac characteristics can also provide necessary information for the regulation loop design. This paper presents a method for measuring the ac characteristics of superconducting magnets. Two collider dipole magnets, one superconducting and one at room temperature, were tested at Brookhaven National Lab

  12. Flame spread over inclined electrical wires with AC electric fields

    KAUST Repository

    Lim, Seung J.; Park, Sun H.; Park, Jeong; Fujita, Osamu; Keel, Sang I.; Chung, Suk-Ho


    Flame spread over polyethylene-insulated electrical wires was studied experimentally with applied alternating current (AC) by varying the inclination angle (θ), applied voltage (VAC), and frequency (fAC). For the baseline case with no electric field

  13. Preparación y estudio de fosfato de hierro y litio con diferentes morfologías y su aplicación en baterías de ión-litio


    Trócoli Jiménez, Rafael


    La investigación se ha centrado en la mejora de las propiedades electroquímicas del fosfato de hierro y litio, material positivo muy atractivo como electrodo en celdas litio ion. El óptimo comportamiento electroquímico de la estructura fosfolivina está basado en la meseta de potencial originada a 3.5 V. Las principales deficiencias del material, una muy baja conductividad intrínseca y un coeficiente de difusión de litio en la red muy pequeño, son causantes del pobre comportamiento electroquím...

  14. DC and AC biasing of a transition edge sensor microcalorimeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cunningham, M.F.; Ullom, J.N.; Miyazaki, T.; Drury, O.; Loshak, A.; Berg, M.L. van den; Labov, S.E.


    We are developing AC-biased transition edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters for use in large arrays with frequency-domain multiplexing. Using DC bias, we have achieved a resolution of 17 eV FWHM at 2.6 keV with a decay time of 90 μs and an effective detector diameter of 300 μm. We have successfully measured thermal pulses with a TES microcalorimeter operated with an AC bias. We present here preliminary results from a single pixel detector operated under DC and AC bias conditions

  15. Coordination Control Strategy for AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids in Stand-Alone Mode

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    Dwi Riana Aryani


    Full Text Available Interest in DC microgrids is rapidly increasing along with the improvement of DC power technology because of its advantages. To support the integration process of DC microgrids with the existing AC utility grids, the form of hybrid AC/DC microgrids is considered for higher power conversion efficiency, lower component cost and better power quality. In the system, AC and DC portions are connected through interlink bidirectional AC/DC converters (IC with a proper control system and power management. In the stand-alone operation mode of AC/DC hybrid microgrids, the control of power injection through the IC is crucial in order to maintain the system security. This paper mainly deals with a coordination control strategy of IC and a battery energy storage system (BESS converter under stand-alone operation. A coordinated control strategy for the IC, which considers the state of charge (SOC level of BESS and the load shedding scheme as the last resort, is proposed to obtain better power sharing between AC and DC subgrids. The scheme will be tested with a hybrid AC/DC microgrid, using the tool of the PSCAD/EMTDC software.

  16. Aragonite coating solutions (ACS) based on artificial seawater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tas, A. Cuneyt


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Developed completely inorganic solutions for the deposition of monolayers of aragonite spherules (or ooids). • Solutions mimicked the artificial seawater. • Biomimetic crystallization was performed at the tropical sea surface temperature of 30 °C. - Abstract: Aragonite (CaCO 3 , calcium carbonate) is an abundant biomaterial of marine life. It is the dominant inorganic phase of coral reefs, mollusc bivalve shells and the stalactites or stalagmites of geological sediments. Inorganic and initially precipitate-free aragonite coating solutions (ACS) of pH 7.4 were developed in this study to deposit monolayers of aragonite spherules or ooids on biomaterial (e.g., UHMWPE, ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene) surfaces soaked in ACS at 30 °C. The ACS solutions of this study have been developed for the surface engineering of synthetic biomaterials. The abiotic ACS solutions, enriched with calcium and bicarbonate ions at different concentrations, essentially mimicked the artificial seawater composition and started to deposit aragonite after a long (4 h) incubation period at the tropical sea surface temperature of 30 °C. While numerous techniques for the solution deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 (OH) 2 ), of low thermodynamic solubility, on synthetic biomaterials have been demonstrated, procedures related to the solution-based surface deposition of high solubility aragonite remained uncommon. Monolayers of aragonite ooids deposited at 30 °C on UHMWPE substrates soaked in organic-free ACS solutions were found to possess nano-structures similar to the mortar-and-brick-type botryoids observed in biogenic marine shells. Samples were characterized using SEM, XRD, FTIR, ICP-AES and contact angle goniometry

  17. Aragonite coating solutions (ACS) based on artificial seawater

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tas, A. Cuneyt, E-mail:


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Developed completely inorganic solutions for the deposition of monolayers of aragonite spherules (or ooids). • Solutions mimicked the artificial seawater. • Biomimetic crystallization was performed at the tropical sea surface temperature of 30 °C. - Abstract: Aragonite (CaCO{sub 3}, calcium carbonate) is an abundant biomaterial of marine life. It is the dominant inorganic phase of coral reefs, mollusc bivalve shells and the stalactites or stalagmites of geological sediments. Inorganic and initially precipitate-free aragonite coating solutions (ACS) of pH 7.4 were developed in this study to deposit monolayers of aragonite spherules or ooids on biomaterial (e.g., UHMWPE, ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene) surfaces soaked in ACS at 30 °C. The ACS solutions of this study have been developed for the surface engineering of synthetic biomaterials. The abiotic ACS solutions, enriched with calcium and bicarbonate ions at different concentrations, essentially mimicked the artificial seawater composition and started to deposit aragonite after a long (4 h) incubation period at the tropical sea surface temperature of 30 °C. While numerous techniques for the solution deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca{sub 10}(PO{sub 4}){sub 6}(OH){sub 2}), of low thermodynamic solubility, on synthetic biomaterials have been demonstrated, procedures related to the solution-based surface deposition of high solubility aragonite remained uncommon. Monolayers of aragonite ooids deposited at 30 °C on UHMWPE substrates soaked in organic-free ACS solutions were found to possess nano-structures similar to the mortar-and-brick-type botryoids observed in biogenic marine shells. Samples were characterized using SEM, XRD, FTIR, ICP-AES and contact angle goniometry.

  18. Influencia del entorno acústico laboral en el comportamiento audiométrico y su correlación con el registro de otoemisiones acústicas de productos de distorsión


    Burgos Sánchez, Antonio Jesús


    El ruido puede ser considerado el contaminante físico con mayor presencia en el mundo laboral. La exposición continuada sin la protección adecuada, a niveles sonoros de elevada intensidad constituye ineludiblemente un riesgo potencial para la salud. El efecto nocivo del ruido en el medio laboral se traduce en una pérdida auditiva o hipoacusia que generalmente es progresiva e irreversible, y que estaría encuadrada dentro de la denominada pérdida auditiva inducida por ruido (PAIR). La evaluació...

  19. Óxidos de estaño: nuevos ánodos para baterías de Ion-Litio

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    Morales, J.


    Full Text Available The electrochemical reaction between Li and tin-based compounds, is reversible and takes place at low potentials measured against the Li electrode. This feature allows the use of these materials as negative electrodes in the manufacturing of Li-ion batteries. The lithium insertion in the tin oxides leads to the formation of Li-Sn alloys. The presence of large tin clusters, formed during the reaction, causes the cracking and crumblimg of the anodic material and the electronic contact between the particles is lost. The electrochemical performance of these materials can be optimized by controlling the growing and size of tin aggregates.

    La reacción entre el litio y óxidos o aleaciones de estaño es reversible cuando se realiza por métodos electroquímicos y a bajos potenciales con respecto al electrodo de litio. Esta propiedad permite el uso de estos materiales como electrodos negativos en el diseño y construcción de baterías tipo ion-litio. En el caso de óxidos de estaño la reacción de inserción de litio en la matriz conduce a la formación de aleaciones Li-Sn. La presencia de agregados grandes de átomos de estaño, formados durante la inserción de litio, origina la fragmentación y el desmoronamiento del material anódico. Este efecto provoca la pérdida del contacto eléctrico entre partículas, con el consiguiente deterioro de la batería. La optimización del rendimiento electroquímico de estos materiales se puede lograr mediante el control del crecimiento y tamaño de los agregados de estaño.


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    Maria I. Vera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un seguimiento del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de Electroquímica y se compararon los resultados obtenidos en evaluaciones parciales, con el objetivo de analizar si existen diferencias significativas en la apropiación de contenidos entre alumnos de carreras con diferentes perfiles. Se trabajó en los años 2009 y 2010 con dos grupos de alumnos en cada año, pertenecientes a carreras químicas y no químicas respectivamente. En ambos grupos se desarrollaron, con la misma carga horaria, contenidos conceptuales y procedimentales en clases teóricas con prácticas de resolución de problemas y de laboratorio. Para la evaluación se presentaron idénticas situaciones problemáticas, cuyos resultados muestran diferencias no significativas entre ambos grupos en la identificación del cátodo y del ánodo y cálculo de la fem estándar de la celda; en cambio en la aplicación de la Ecuación de Nernst y la identificación de especies químicas que reaccionan en los electrodos, hay diferencias significativas en las respuestas dadas.

  1. Abscisic Acid Antagonizes Ethylene Production through the ABI4-Mediated Transcriptional Repression of ACS4 and ACS8 in Arabidopsis. (United States)

    Dong, Zhijun; Yu, Yanwen; Li, Shenghui; Wang, Juan; Tang, Saijun; Huang, Rongfeng


    Increasing evidence has revealed that abscisic acid (ABA) negatively modulates ethylene biosynthesis, although the underlying mechanism remains unclear. To identify the factors involved, we conducted a screen for ABA-insensitive mutants with altered ethylene production in Arabidopsis. A dominant allele of ABI4, abi4-152, which produces a putative protein with a 16-amino-acid truncation at the C-terminus of ABI4, reduces ethylene production. By contrast, two recessive knockout alleles of ABI4, abi4-102 and abi4-103, result in increased ethylene evolution, indicating that ABI4 negatively regulates ethylene production. Further analyses showed that expression of the ethylene biosynthesis genes ACS4, ACS8, and ACO2 was significantly decreased in abi4-152 but increased in the knockout mutants, with partial dependence on ABA. Chromatin immunoprecipitation-quantitative PCR assays showed that ABI4 directly binds the promoters of these ethylene biosynthesis genes and that ABA enhances this interaction. A fusion protein containing the truncated ABI4-152 peptide accumulated to higher levels than its full-length counterpart in transgenic plants, suggesting that ABI4 is destabilized by its C terminus. Therefore, our results demonstrate that ABA negatively regulates ethylene production through ABI4-mediated transcriptional repression of the ethylene biosynthesis genes ACS4 and ACS8 in Arabidopsis. Copyright © 2016 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. The Cryogenic Anti-Coincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: pulse analysis of the AC-S7 single pixel prototype (United States)

    D'Andrea, M.; Argan, A.; Lotti, S.; Macculi, C.; Piro, L.; Biasotti, M.; Corsini, D.; Gatti, F.; Torrioli, G.


    The ATHENA observatory is the second large-class mission in ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2025, with a launch foreseen in 2028 towards the L2 orbit. The mission addresses the science theme "The Hot and Energetic Universe", by coupling a high-performance X-ray Telescope with two complementary focal-plane instruments. One of these is the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU): it is a TES based kilo-pixel order array able to provide spatially resolved high-resolution spectroscopy (2.5 eV at 6 keV) over a 5 arcmin FoV. The X-IFU sensitivity is degraded by the particles background expected at L2 orbit, which is induced by primary protons of both galactic and solar origin, and mostly by secondary electrons. To reduce the background level and enable the mission science goals, a Cryogenic Anticoincidence (CryoAC) detector is placed address the final design of the CryoAC. It will verify some representative requirements at single-pixel level, especially the detector operation at 50 mK thermal bath and the threshold energy at 20 keV. To reach the final DM design we have developed and tested the AC-S7 prototype, with 1 cm2 absorber area sensed by 65 Ir TESes. Here we will discuss the pulse analysis of this detector, which has been illuminated by the 60 keV line from a 241Am source. First, we will present the analysis performed to investigate pulses timings and spectrum, and to disentangle the athermal component of the pulses from the thermal one. Furthermore, we will show the application to our dataset of an alternative method of pulse processing, based upon Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This kind of analysis allow us to recover better energy spectra than achievable with traditional methods, improving the evaluation of the detector threshold energy, a fundamental parameter characterizing the CryoAC particle rejection efficiency.

  3. Here Be Dragons: Characterization of ACS/WFC Scattered Light Anomalies (United States)

    Porterfield, B.; Coe, D.; Gonzaga, S.; Anderson, J.; Grogin, N.


    We present a study characterizing scattered light anomalies that occur near the edges of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) Wide Field Channel (WFC) images. We inspected all 8,573 full-frame ACS/WFC raw images with exposure times longer than 350 seconds obtained in the F606W and F814W filters from 2002 to October 2013. We visually identified two particular scattered light artifacts known as "dragon's breath" and edge glow. Using the 2MASS point source catalog and Hubble Guide Star Catalog (GSC II), we identified the stars that caused these artifacts. The stars are all located in narrow bands ( 3" across) just outside the ACS/WFC field of view (2" - 16" away). We provide a map of these risky areas around the ACS/WFC detectors - users should avoid positioning bright stars in these regions when designing ACS/WFC imaging observations. We also provide interactive webpages which display all the image artifacts we identified, allowing users to see examples of the severity of artifacts they might expect for a given stellar magnitude at a given position relative to the ACS/WFC field of view. On average, 10th (18th) magnitude stars produce artifacts about 1,000 (100) pixels long. But the severity of these artifacts can vary strongly with small positional shifts (∼ 1"). The results are similar for both filters (F606W and F814W) when expressed in total fluence, or flux multiplied by exposure time.

  4. Development of low AC loss windings for superconducting traction transformer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamijo, H; Hata, H; Fukumoto, Y; Tomioka, A; Bohno, T; Yamada, H; Ayai, N; Yamasaki, K; Kato, T; Iwakuma, M; Funaki, K


    We have been developing a light weight and high efficiency superconducting traction transformer for railway rolling stock. We designed and fabricated a prototype superconducting traction transformer of a floor-mount type for Shinkansen rolling stock in 2004. We performed the type-test, the system-test, and the vibration-test. Consequently, we could verify that the transformer satisfied the requirement almost exactly as initially planned. However, there have been raised some problems to be solved to put superconducting traction transformer into practical use such that AC loss of the superconducting tape must be lower and the capacity of the refrigerator must be larger. Especially it is the most important to reduce the AC loss of superconducting windings for lightweight and high efficiency. The AC loss must be reduced near the theoretical value of superconducting tape with multifilament. In this study, we fabricated and evaluated the Bi2223 tapes as introduced various measures to reduce the AC loss. We confirmed that the AC loss of the narrow type of Bi2223 tapes with twist of filaments is lower, and we fabricated windings of this tape for use in superconducting traction transformer.

  5. Hybrid AC-High Voltage DC Grid Stability and Controls (United States)

    Yu, Jicheng

    The growth of energy demands in recent years has been increasing faster than the expansion of transmission facility construction. This tendency cooperating with the continuous investing on the renewable energy resources drives the research, development, and construction of HVDC projects to create a more reliable, affordable, and environmentally friendly power grid. Constructing the hybrid AC-HVDC grid is a significant move in the development of the HVDC techniques; the form of dc system is evolving from the point-to-point stand-alone dc links to the embedded HVDC system and the multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) system. The MTDC is a solution for the renewable energy interconnections, and the MTDC grids can improve the power system reliability, flexibility in economic dispatches, and converter/cable utilizing efficiencies. The dissertation reviews the HVDC technologies, discusses the stability issues regarding the ac and HVDC connections, proposes a novel power oscillation control strategy to improve system stability, and develops a nonlinear voltage droop control strategy for the MTDC grid. To verify the effectiveness the proposed power oscillation control strategy, a long distance paralleled AC-HVDC transmission test system is employed. Based on the PSCAD/EMTDC platform simulation results, the proposed power oscillation control strategy can improve the system dynamic performance and attenuate the power oscillations effectively. To validate the nonlinear voltage droop control strategy, three droop controls schemes are designed according to the proposed nonlinear voltage droop control design procedures. These control schemes are tested in a hybrid AC-MTDC system. The hybrid AC-MTDC system, which is first proposed in this dissertation, consists of two ac grids, two wind farms and a five-terminal HVDC grid connecting them. Simulation studies are performed in the PSCAD/EMTDC platform. According to the simulation results, all the three design schemes have their unique salient

  6. AC Calorimetric Design for Dynamic of Biological Materials


    Shigeo Imaizumi


    We developed a new AC calorimeter for the measurement of dynamic specific heat capacity in liquids, including aqueous suspensions of biological materials. This method has several advantages. The first is that a high-resolution measurement of heat capacity, inmillidegrees, can be performed as a function of temperature, even with a very small sample. Therefore, AC calorimeter is a powerful tool to study critical behavior a tphase transition in biological materials. The second advantage is that ...

  7. Study of dielectric relaxation and AC conductivity of InP:S single crystal (United States)

    El-Nahass, M. M.; Ali, H. A. M.; El-Shazly, E. A.


    The dielectric relaxation and AC conductivity of InP:S single crystal were studied in the frequency range from 100 to 5.25 × 105 Hz and in the temperature range from 296 to 455 K. The dependence of the dielectric constant (ɛ1) and the dielectric loss (ɛ2) on both frequency and temperature was investigated. Since no peak was observed on the dielectric loss, we used a method based on the electric modulus to evaluate the activation energy of the dielectric relaxation. Scaling of the electric modulus spectra showed that the charge transport dynamics is independent of temperature. The AC conductivity (σAC) was found to obey the power law: Aωs. Analysis of the AC conductivity data and the frequency exponent showed that the correlated barrier hopping (CBH) model is the dominant mechanism for the AC conduction. The variation of AC conductivity with temperature at different frequencies showed that σAC is a thermally activated process.

  8. Self-field AC losses in Bi-2223 superconducting tapes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, K. H.; Leslie, K.E.


    Full text: The self-field AC loss in Bi-2223 silver sheathed tapes for AC currents of up to 100 A was measured at 77 K and frequencies of 60 Hz and 600 Hz using a lock-in amplifier. The frequency dependence indicated a purely hysteretic loss which can be well described in terms of the critical state model for a flat superconducting strip. The only parameter needed to predict the self-field AC loss is the critical current of the critical state. Because the loss voltage is extremely small compared with the inductive voltage, a very high accuracy of the lock-in amplifier phase setting is required. Unlike in loss measurements on cylindrical superconducting samples, in the case of the tape the measuring circuit leads have to be brought out from the surface forming a loop where the changing magnetic field induces an additional voltage. Only if the loop formed by the leads at the voltage tabs is large enough will the apparent power dissipation approach the real AC loss associated with the length of the sample probed

  9. AC susceptibility of thin Pb films in intermediate and mixed state

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Janu, Zdenek, E-mail: [Institute of Physics of the AS CR, v.v.i., Na Slovance 2, CZ-182 21 Prague 8 (Czech Republic); Svindrych, Zdenek [Institute of Physics of the AS CR, v.v.i., Na Slovance 2, CZ-182 21 Prague 8 (Czech Republic); Trunecek, Otakar [Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3, CZ-121 16 Prague 2 (Czech Republic); Kus, Peter; Plecenik, Andrej [Komenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Mlynska dolina, 842 48 Bratislava 4 (Slovakia)


    Thickness dependent transition in AC susceptibility between intermediate and mixed state in type-I superconducting films. The temperature induced crossover between reversible and irreversible behavior was observed in the thicker film. The temperature dependence of the AC susceptibility in mixed state follows prediction of model based on Bean critical state. The temperature dependence of the harmonics of the complex AC susceptibility in the intermediate state is explained. Thin films of type I superconductors of a thickness comparable or less than a flux penetration length behave like type II superconductors in a mixed state. With decreasing film thickness normal domains carrying a magnetic flux get smaller with smaller number of flux quanta per domain and finally transform into single quantum flux lines, i.e. quantum vortices similar to those found in type II superconductors. We give an evidence of this behavior from the measurements of the nonlinear response of a total magnetic moment to an applied AC magnetic field, directly from the temperature dependence of an AC susceptibility.

  10. Numerical and theoretical evaluations of AC losses for single and infinite numbers of superconductor strips with direct and alternating transport currents in external AC magnetic field (United States)

    Kajikawa, K.; Funaki, K.; Shikimachi, K.; Hirano, N.; Nagaya, S.


    AC losses in a superconductor strip are numerically evaluated by means of a finite element method formulated with a current vector potential. The expressions of AC losses in an infinite slab that corresponds to a simple model of infinitely stacked strips are also derived theoretically. It is assumed that the voltage-current characteristics of the superconductors are represented by Bean's critical state model. The typical operation pattern of a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) coil with direct and alternating transport currents in an external AC magnetic field is taken into account as the electromagnetic environment for both the single strip and the infinite slab. By using the obtained results of AC losses, the influences of the transport currents on the total losses are discussed quantitatively.

  11. Flexible AC transmission systems: the state of the art

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edris, Abdel-Aty [Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA (United States). Electric Systems Division


    Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) is a concept promoting the use of power electronic controllers to enhance the controllability and usable capacity of AC transmission. This paper presents the state of the art of FACTS and the status of the current projects for the application of the FACTS controllers in transmission systems. (author) 8 refs., 8 figs.

  12. Operation of AC Adapters Visualized Using Light-Emitting Diodes (United States)

    Regester, Jeffrey


    A bridge rectifier is a diamond-shaped configuration of diodes that serves to convert alternating current(AC) into direct current (DC). In our world of AC outlets and DC electronics, they are ubiquitous. Of course, most bridge rectifiers are built with regular diodes, not the light-emitting variety, because LEDs have a number of disadvantages. For…

  13. A.C. losses in current-carrying superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reuver, J.L. de.


    The feasibility of superconductors for alternating current use depends on successful reduction of losses. Moreover, the demand for large field amplitudes is a stimulation for investigating the nature of a.c. losses (e.g. in the set of poloidal coils in a TOKAMAK). In this thesis, measurements are performed at a.c. superconductivity. Attention is given to various external field conditions as well as to self-field instability. Measurements are performed on different types of wires. A type of wire is searched for with both low losses and a good stabilization under self-field conditions. (G.J.P.)

  14. Logistics Reduction: Advanced Clothing System (ACS) (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The goal of the Advanced Exploration System (AES) Logistics Reduction (LR) project's Advanced Clothing System (ACS) is to use advanced commercial off-the-shelf...

  15. Diseño y construcción de un módulo didáctico para la adquisición y análisis de señales ECG, EEG y EMG


    Valencia Brito, Efraín Issrael; Villa Parra, Flavio Fernando


    En este documento se describe el desarrollo de un módulo didáctico que permite la adquisición y presentación de la información de las señales ECG, EEG y EMG para el desarrollo de prácticas que se espera aporte a la enseñanza y estudio de las bioseñales a estudiantes de Ingeniería. Para este fin se aplicaron conceptos de adquisición, digitalización, visualización y análisis de señales a nivel de hardware y de software. Las señales se adquieren con electrodos superficiales y para el caso de ...

  16. El Mecanismo de la Electro - oxidación de Metanol y Etanol una Revisión Bibliográfica

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    Bibian Hoyos


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica del estudio de electro-oxidación de metanol y etanol en ánodos para celdas de combustible. Se muestran las dificultades principales para la comparación cuantitativa de los diversos resultados publicados, con énfasis en el resumen del estado del arte en la determinación del área de electrodos porosos y se plantean los mecanismos de las reacciones de oxidación de metanol y etanol en metales del grupo del platino, anotando las discrepancias y consensos actuales sobre el tema. Se sugieren además nuevas direcciones de investigación para trabajos futuros

  17. Early function of the Abutilon mosaic virus AC2 gene as a replication brake. (United States)

    Krenz, Björn; Deuschle, Kathrin; Deigner, Tobias; Unseld, Sigrid; Kepp, Gabi; Wege, Christina; Kleinow, Tatjana; Jeske, Holger


    The C2/AC2 genes of monopartite/bipartite geminiviruses of the genera Begomovirus and Curtovirus encode important pathogenicity factors with multiple functions described so far. A novel function of Abutilon mosaic virus (AbMV) AC2 as a replication brake is described, utilizing transgenic plants with dimeric inserts of DNA B or with a reporter construct to express green fluorescent protein (GFP). Their replicational release upon AbMV superinfection or the individual and combined expression of epitope-tagged AbMV AC1, AC2, and AC3 was studied. In addition, the effects were compared in the presence and in the absence of an unrelated tombusvirus suppressor of silencing (P19). The results show that AC2 suppresses replication reproducibly in all assays and that AC3 counteracts this effect. Examination of the topoisomer distribution of supercoiled DNA, which indicates changes in the viral minichromosome structure, did not support any influence of AC2 on transcriptional gene silencing and DNA methylation. The geminiviral AC2 protein has been detected here for the first time in plants. The experiments revealed an extremely low level of AC2, which was slightly increased if constructs with an intron and a hemagglutinin (HA) tag in addition to P19 expression were used. AbMV AC2 properties are discussed with reference to those of other geminiviruses with respect to charge, modification, and size in order to delimit possible reasons for the different behaviors. The (A)C2 genes encode a key pathogenicity factor of begomoviruses and curtoviruses in the plant virus family Geminiviridae. This factor has been implicated in the resistance breaking observed in agricultural cotton production. AC2 is a multifunctional protein involved in transcriptional control, gene silencing, and regulation of basal biosynthesis. Here, a new function of Abutilon mosaic virus AC2 in replication control is added as a feature of this protein in viral multiplication, providing a novel finding on

  18. Monolithic blue LED series arrays for high-voltage AC operation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ao, Jin-Ping [Satellite Venture Business Laboratory, University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770-8506 (Japan); Sato, Hisao; Mizobuchi, Takashi; Morioka, Kenji; Kawano, Shunsuke; Muramoto, Yoshihiko; Sato, Daisuke; Sakai, Shiro [Nitride Semiconductor Co. Ltd., Naruto, Tokushima 771-0360 (Japan); Lee, Young-Bae; Ohno, Yasuo [Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770-8506 (Japan)


    Design and fabrication of monolithic blue LED series arrays that can be operated under high ac voltage are described. Several LEDs, such as 3, 7, and 20, are connected in series and in parallel to meet ac operation. The chip size of a single device is 150 {mu}m x 120 {mu}m and the total size is 1.1 mm x 1 mm for a 40(20+20) LED array. Deep dry etching was performed as device isolation. Two-layer interconnection and air bridge are utilized to connect the devices in an array. The monolithic series array exhibit the expected operation function under dc and ac bias. The output power and forward voltage are almost proportional to LED numbers connected in series. On-wafer measurement shows that the output power is 40 mW for 40(20+20) LED array under ac 72 V. (Abstract Copyright [2002], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  19. pH sensing via bicarbonate-regulated ‘soluble’ adenylyl cyclase (sAC

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    Nawreen eRahman


    Full Text Available Soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC is a source of the second messenger cyclic adenosine 3',5' monophosphate (cAMP. sAC is directly regulated by bicarbonate (HCO3- ions. In living cells, HCO3- ions are in nearly instantaneous equilibrium with carbon dioxide (CO2 and pH due to the ubiquitous presence of carbonic anhydrases. Numerous biological processes are regulated by CO2, HCO3-, and/or pH, and in a number of these, sAC has been shown to function as a physiological CO2/HCO3/pH sensor. In this review, we detail the known pH sensing functions of sAC, and we discuss two highly-studied, pH-dependent pathways in which sAC might play a role.

  20. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

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    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  1. Normal form of particle motion under the influence of an ac dipole

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    R. Tomás


    Full Text Available ac dipoles in accelerators are used to excite coherent betatron oscillations at a drive frequency close to the tune. These beam oscillations may last arbitrarily long and, in principle, there is no significant emittance growth if the ac dipole is adiabatically turned on and off. Therefore the ac dipole seems to be an adequate tool for nonlinear diagnostics provided the particle motion is well described in the presence of the ac dipole and nonlinearities. Normal forms and Lie algebra are powerful tools to study the nonlinear content of an accelerator lattice. In this article a way to obtain the normal form of the Hamiltonian of an accelerator with an ac dipole is described. The particle motion to first order in the nonlinearities is derived using Lie algebra techniques. The dependence of the Hamiltonian terms on the longitudinal coordinate is studied showing that they vary differently depending on the ac dipole parameters. The relation is given between the lines of the Fourier spectrum of the turn-by-turn motion and the Hamiltonian terms.

  2. Improved transistorized AC motor controller for battery powered urban electric passenger vehicles (United States)

    Peak, S. C.


    An ac motor controller for an induction motor electric vehicle drive system was designed, fabricated, tested, evaluated, and cost analyzed. A vehicle performance analysis was done to establish the vehicle tractive effort-speed requirements. These requirements were then converted into a set of ac motor and ac controller requirements. The power inverter is a three-phase bridge using power Darlington transistors. The induction motor was optimized for use with an inverter power source. The drive system has a constant torque output to base motor speed and a constant horsepower output to maximum speed. A gear shifting transmission is not required. The ac controller was scaled from the base 20 hp (41 hp peak) at 108 volts dec to an expanded horsepower and battery voltage range. Motor reversal was accomplished by electronic reversal of the inverter phase sequence. The ac controller can also be used as a boost chopper battery charger. The drive system was tested on a dynamometer and results are presented. The current-controlled pulse width modulation control scheme yielded improved motor current waveforms. The ac controller favors a higher system voltage.

  3. Identificación de una tradición tecnológica cerámica con desgrasante óseo en el Neolítico peninsular. Estudio arqueométrico de materiales cerámicos de Madrid (5300-3400 cal AC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vírseda, Lydia


    Full Text Available The archaeometric characterization of a set of potsherds from six Neolithic sites from the Madrid region has allowed the identification of a new and time-persisting regional technological tradition, based on the deliberated addition of crushed bone as temper in most pottery containers. This is the first known case in Iberia, and is outstanding because of its early chronologies and persistence in time: from 5300 to perhaps 3400 cal BC. Samples were characterized by complementary mineralogical and geochemical techniques such as thin-section, conventional and grazing angle X-ray diffraction (XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF. The addition of bone temper created a light and resistant ceramic material, with technological advantages for both the storage and transportation. Such advantages might be linked to mobile or semi-sedentary groups.

    La caracterización arqueométrica de un conjunto de materiales cerámicos procedentes de 6 yacimientos neolíticos de Madrid ha permitido identificar una nueva tradición tecnológica regional persistente en el tiempo, basada en la adición intencionada de hueso machacado como desgrasante en la mayoría de los recipientes cerámicos. Se trata del primer caso de la Península Ibérica en el que se documenta este tipo de desgrasante en cerámicas de estas cronologías con una continuidad temporal de entre el 5300/5200 hasta posiblemente el 3400 cal AC. Los materiales seleccionados se caracterizaron por técnicas mineralógicas y geoquímicas complementarias como lámina delgada, difracción de rayos X (DRX convencional y de ángulo rasante, microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB y espectrometría de fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX. La adición de hueso produce un material cerámico ligero pero a su vez resistente, con ventajas tecnológicas para recipientes de almacenamiento y/o transporte. Dichas ventajas quizá podrían vincularse a grupos con hábitos m

  4. Tratamiento de las úlceras crónicas de las piernas con láser de Er: YAG y tecnología RecoSMA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Hernández


    Full Text Available Las úlceras crónicas de los miembros inferiores (UCMI tienen una elevada prevalencia, etiología diversa y son de difícil curación. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar los resultados alcanzados en su curación mediante el empleo de un láser de Erbium:YAG con tecnología RecoSMA. Este láser y sistema de tecnología emite energía en forma de miles de microhaces induciendo microablación de la epidermis y actuación en las células de la dermis por efecto mecánico-acústico. Tratamos con irradiación semanal 17 pacientes durante 3 meses. La evaluación de resultados se realizó mediante cuestionarios y correlación clínica e histológica, realizando fotografías antes de cada sesión de tratamiento (12 en total, y su correspondiente análisis con asistencia de un programa informático. Los resultados mostraron curación completa, o reducción del área de las úlceras en aproximadamente el 50% de su superficie inicial en más del 50% de los pacientes. En el estudio estadístico empleamos t de Student y test exacto de Fisher y obtuvimos resultados estadísticamente significativos, con p < 0,05. El láser de Er:YAG y la tecnología RecoSMA basada en ópticas que convierten el haz del láser en miles de microhaces no solamente se absorbe en la superficie del tejido, sino que penetra en la dermis y, por mecanismo mecánico-acústico, produce efectos de resonancia eficaces para producir regeneración tisular. Su empleo en las UCMI de difícil solución es una alternativa de tratamiento eficaz y seguro.

  5. Analysis of Input and Output Ripples of PWM AC Choppers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pekik Argo Dahono


    Full Text Available This paper presents an analysis of input and output ripples of PWM AC choppers. Expressions of input and output current and voltage ripples of single-phase PWM AC choppers are first derived. The derived expressions are then extended to three-phase PWM AC choppers. As input current and output voltage ripples specification alone cannot be used to determine the unique values of inductance and capacitance of the LC filters, an additional criterion based on the minimum reactive power is proposed. Experimental results are included in this paper to show the validity of the proposed analysis method.

  6. Cosmic shear analysis of archival HST/ACS data. I. Comparison of early ACS pure parallel data to the HST/GEMS survey (United States)

    Schrabback, T.; Erben, T.; Simon, P.; Miralles, J.-M.; Schneider, P.; Heymans, C.; Eifler, T.; Fosbury, R. A. E.; Freudling, W.; Hetterscheidt, M.; Hildebrandt, H.; Pirzkal, N.


    Context: This is the first paper of a series describing our measurement of weak lensing by large-scale structure, also termed “cosmic shear”, using archival observations from the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Aims: In this work we present results from a pilot study testing the capabilities of the ACS for cosmic shear measurements with early parallel observations and presenting a re-analysis of HST/ACS data from the GEMS survey and the GOODS observations of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). Methods: We describe the data reduction and, in particular, a new correction scheme for the time-dependent ACS point-spread-function (PSF) based on observations of stellar fields. This is currently the only technique which takes the full time variation of the PSF between individual ACS exposures into account. We estimate that our PSF correction scheme reduces the systematic contribution to the shear correlation functions due to PSF distortions to MUSIC sample, we determine a local single field estimate for the mass power spectrum normalisation σ8, CDFS=0.52+0.11-0.15 (stat) ± 0.07(sys) (68% confidence assuming Gaussian cosmic variance) at a fixed matter density Ω_m=0.3 for a ΛCDM cosmology marginalising over the uncertainty of the Hubble parameter and the redshift distribution. We interpret this exceptionally low estimate to be due to a local under-density of the foreground structures in the CDFS. Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the data archives at the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility and the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

  7. ac superconducting articles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyerhoff, R.W.


    A noval ac superconducting cable is described. It consists of a composite structure having a superconducting surface along with a high thermally conductive material wherein the superconducting surface has the desired physical properties, geometrical shape and surface finish produced by the steps of depositing a superconducting layer upon a substrate having a predetermined surface finish and shape which conforms to that of the desired superconducting article, depositing a supporting layer of material on the superconducting layer and removing the substrate, the surface of the superconductor being a replica of the substrate surface

  8. Autonomous Operation of Hybrid Microgrid with AC and DC Sub-Grids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Loh, Poh Chiang; Blaabjerg, Frede


    the power flow among all the sources distributed throughout the two types of sub-grids, which certainly is tougher than previous efforts developed for only either ac or dc microgrid. This wider scope of control has not yet been investigated, and would certainly rely on the coordinated operation of dc...... sources, ac sources and interlinking converters. Suitable control and normalization schemes are therefore developed for controlling them with results presented for showing the overall performance of the hybrid microgrid.......This paper investigates on the active and reactive power sharing of an autonomous hybrid microgrid. Unlike existing microgrids which are purely ac, the hybrid microgrid studied here comprises dc and ac sub-grids, interconnected by power electronic interfaces. The main challenge here is to manage...

  9. A Floquet-Green's function approach to mesoscopic transport under ac bias

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, B H; Cao, J C


    The current response of a mesoscopic system under a periodic ac bias is investigated by combining the Floquet theorem and the nonequilibrium Green's function method. The band structure of the lead under ac bias is fully taken into account by using appropriate self-energies in an enlarged Floquet space. Both the retarded and lesser Green's functions are obtained in the Floquet basis to account for the interference and interaction effects. In addition to the external ac bias, the time-varying Coulomb interaction, which is treated at the self-consistent Hartree-Fock level, provides another internal ac field. The numerical results show that the time-varying Coulomb field yields decoherence and reduces the ringing behavior of the current response to a harmonic bias

  10. Electrodeposition of Ni-Mo nanoparticles for the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction; Electrodepositacion de nanoparticulas de Ni-Mo para la electrocatalisis de la reaccion de evolucion de hidrogeno

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Videa, M.; Crespo, D.; Casillas, G.; Zavala, G. [Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    This work reports on the generation of nickel- molybdenum deposits from the application of direct current in an electrolytic bath composed of a basic solution of NiSO{sub 4}, Na{sub 2}MoO{sub 4} and Na{sub 3}C{sub 6}H5O7. The working electrodes used were 1mm diameter vitreous carbon discs and carbon felt. The catalytic activity of the deposits was evaluated with cyclic voltamperometry in a 0.72M solution of H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}. Deposits were generated on the vitreous carbon discs, which showed catalytic activity for the HER. Deposits were obtained with better properties, showing a pulse of 200 mA/cm{sup 2}. The 42 mA/cm{sup 2} pulse experiments with varying durations showed that their catalytic capacities are better than expected, in spite of the use of small quantities of charge obtained with 90 ms and 300s. Low activity was observed in the absence of MoO{sub 4}{sup 2-} in the electrolytic bath during the electrodeposition process, indicating the importance of the presence of Mo to the catalytic activity. The deposits were inspected using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Though the electrodeposition on carbon felt is possible, the experiments were not reproducible because control over the active area of the electrode is difficult to achieve. NiMo nanoparticles on carbon filter fibers can be obtained using pulses with sufficient intensity and duration. [Spanish] En este trabajo se reporta la generacion de depositos de niquel-molibdeno mediante la aplicacion de corriente directa en un bano electrolitico compuesto por una solucion basica de NiSO{sub 4}, Na{sub 2}MoO{sub 4} y Na{sub 3}C{sub 6}H5O7. Se utilizaron como electrodos de trabajo discos de carbon vitreo de 1mm de diametro y fieltro de carbono. La actividad catalitica de los depositos fue evaluada mediante voltamperometria ciclica en una solucion 0.72M de H{sub 2}SO{sub 4}. Sobre los electrodos de carbon vitreo se generaron depositos que mostraron actividad catalitica para la REH. Depositos con mejores propiedades

  11. Optimal football strategies: AC Milan versus FC Barcelona


    Papahristodoulou, Christos


    In a recent UEFA Champions League game between AC Milan and FC Barcelona, played in Italy (final score 2-3), the collected match statistics, classified into four offensive and two defensive strategies, were in favour of FC Barcelona (by 13 versus 8 points). The aim of this paper is to examine to what extent the optimal game strategies derived from some deterministic, possibilistic, stochastic and fuzzy LP models would improve the payoff of AC Milan at the cost of FC Barcelona.

  12. Preliminary design of reactor coolant pump canned motor for AC600

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng Shaowen


    The reactor coolant pump canned motor of AC600 PWR is the kind of shielded motors with high moment of inertia, high reliability, high efficiency and nice starting performance. The author briefly presents the main feature, design criterion and technical requirements, preliminary design, computation results and analysis of performance of AC600 reactor coolant pump canned motor, and proposes some problems to be solved for study and design of AC600 reactor coolant pump canned motor

  13. Analytical theory and possible detection of the ac quantum spin Hall effect. (United States)

    Deng, W Y; Ren, Y J; Lin, Z X; Shen, R; Sheng, L; Sheng, D N; Xing, D Y


    We develop an analytical theory of the low-frequency ac quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect based upon the scattering matrix formalism. It is shown that the ac QSH effect can be interpreted as a bulk quantum pumping effect. When the electron spin is conserved, the integer-quantized ac spin Hall conductivity can be linked to the winding numbers of the reflection matrices in the electrodes, which also equal to the bulk spin Chern numbers of the QSH material. Furthermore, a possible experimental scheme by using ferromagnetic metals as electrodes is proposed to detect the topological ac spin current by electrical means.

  14. The Hubble Legacy Archive ACS grism data (United States)

    Kümmel, M.; Rosati, P.; Fosbury, R.; Haase, J.; Hook, R. N.; Kuntschner, H.; Lombardi, M.; Micol, A.; Nilsson, K. K.; Stoehr, F.; Walsh, J. R.


    A public release of slitless spectra, obtained with ACS/WFC and the G800L grism, is presented. Spectra were automatically extracted in a uniform way from 153 archival fields (or "associations") distributed across the two Galactic caps, covering all observations to 2008. The ACS G800L grism provides a wavelength range of 0.55-1.00 μm, with a dispersion of 40 Å/pixel and a resolution of ~80 Å for point-like sources. The ACS G800L images and matched direct images were reduced with an automatic pipeline that handles all steps from archive retrieval, alignment and astrometric calibration, direct image combination, catalogue generation, spectral extraction and collection of metadata. The large number of extracted spectra (73,581) demanded automatic methods for quality control and an automated classification algorithm was trained on the visual inspection of several thousand spectra. The final sample of quality controlled spectra includes 47 919 datasets (65% of the total number of extracted spectra) for 32 149 unique objects, with a median iAB-band magnitude of 23.7, reaching 26.5 AB for the faintest objects. Each released dataset contains science-ready 1D and 2D spectra, as well as multi-band image cutouts of corresponding sources and a useful preview page summarising the direct and slitless data, astrometric and photometric parameters. This release is part of the continuing effort to enhance the content of the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) with highly processed data products which significantly facilitate the scientific exploitation of the Hubble data. In order to characterize the slitless spectra, emission-line flux and equivalent width sensitivity of the ACS data were compared with public ground-based spectra in the GOODS-South field. An example list of emission line galaxies with two or more identified lines is also included, covering the redshift range 0.2 - 4.6. Almost all redshift determinations outside of the GOODS fields are new. The scope of science projects

  15. Alpha decay 225 Ac → 221Fr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gromov, K. Ya.; Gorozhankin, V.M.; Malov, L.A.; Fominykh, V.I.; Tsupko-Sitnikov, V.V.; Chumin, V.G.; Jakushev, E.A.; Kudrya, S.A.; Sergienko, V.A.; Malikov, Sh.R.


    Full text: Considerable attention has been given to nuclei with A = 220 - 230 recently. In this region there occurs transition from the spherical to the deformed nuclear shape, which gives rise to some specific features in the nuclear structure. In particular, negative parity levels with low excitation energies have been found in even-even nuclei from this region [1, 2]. One of the nuclei allowing experimental investigation of the above properties is 221 Fr. The nuclide 221 Fr is from the region of isotopes which does not include stable nuclei and thus it cannot be studied in several-nucleon transfer reactions. In addition, the neutron excess in this nucleus makes it impossible to study the nucleus in reactions with heavy ions. Experimental information on the 221 Fr level structure can only be gained from investigation of the 225 Ac (T 1/2 = 10 days) alpha decay or the 221 Rn (T 1/2 = 25 min) beta decay. In the latter case the possibilities of the investigation are restricted by difficulties in making of 221 Rn sources. Therefore, most information on the structure and properties of 221 Fr is derived from investigation of the 225 Ac α -decay [3]. In-depth investigation of ( α - γ )- coincidences at the 225 Ac decay is carried out. Twenty-one new weak γ - rays are found; 18 γ-rays earlier ascribed to the 225 Ac decay are not confirmed. The quantitative analysis of the ( α - γ )- coincidences makes it possible to find the intensity of 221 Fr levels by the decay and multipolarities of five weak γ -transitions. The conversion electron spectrum is investigated in the range of 5 † 24 keV with a high (some 20 eV) energy resolution. A new M1 type 10.6-keV γ-transition is found. The proposed 225 Ac decay scheme includes 31 excited 221 Fr states. Parities are established for 16 of them. Possible spin values are proposed for 221 Fr levels. Properties of excited 221 Fr states are satisfactorily described by the quasiparticle-phonon nuclear model without the

  16. Reducing AC-Winding Losses in High-Current High-Power Inductors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nymand, Morten; Madawala, Udaya K.; Andersen, Michael Andreas E.


    Foil windings are preferable in high-current high-power inductors to realize compact designs and to reduce dc-current losses. At high frequency, however, proximity effect will cause very significant increase in ac resistance in multi-layer windings, and lead to high ac winding losses. This paper ...

  17. Interlink Converter with Linear Quadratic Regulator Based Current Control for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dwi Riana Aryani


    Full Text Available A hybrid alternate current/direct current (AC/DC microgrid consists of an AC subgrid and a DC subgrid, and the subgrids are connected through the interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter. In the stand-alone operation mode, it is desirable that the interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter manages proportional power sharing between the subgrids by transferring power from the under-loaded subgrid to the over-loaded one. In terms of system security, the interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter takes an important role, so proper control strategies need to be established. In addition, it is assumed that a battery energy storage system is installed in one subgrid, and the coordinated control of interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter and battery energy storage system converter is required so that the power sharing scheme between subgrids becomes more efficient. For the purpose of designing a tracking controller for the power sharing by interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter in a hybrid AC/DC microgrid, a droop control method generates a power reference for interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter based on the deviation of the system frequency and voltages first and then interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter needs to transfer the power reference to the over-loaded subgrid. For efficiency of this power transferring, a linear quadratic regulator with exponential weighting for the current regulation of interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter is designed in such a way that the resulting microgrid can operate robustly against various uncertainties and the power sharing is carried out quickly. Simulation results show that the proposed interlink bidirectional AC/DC converter control strategy provides robust and efficient power sharing scheme between the subgrids without deteriorating the secure system operation.

  18. On-Chip AC self-test controller (United States)

    Flanagan, John D [Rhinebeck, NY; Herring, Jay R [Poughkeepsie, NY; Lo, Tin-Chee [Fishkill, NY


    A system for performing AC self-test on an integrated circuit that includes a system clock for normal operation is provided. The system includes the system clock, self-test circuitry, a first and second test register to capture and launch test data in response to a sequence of data pulses, and a logic circuit to be tested. The self-test circuitry includes an AC self-test controller and a clock splitter. The clock splitter generates the sequence of data pulses including a long data capture pulse followed by an at speed data launch pulse and an at speed data capture pulse followed by a long data launch pulse. The at speed data launch pulse and the at speed data capture pulse are generated for a common cycle of the system clock.

  19. Ac-driven vortex-antivortex dynamics in nanostructured superconductor-ferromagnetic hybrids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lima, Clessio L.S., E-mail: [Nucleo de Tecnologia, Centro Academico do Agreste, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 55002-970 Caruaru-PE (Brazil); Souza Silva, Clecio C. de; Aguiar, J. Albino [Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 50670-901 Recife-PE (Brazil)


    The dynamics of ac-driven vortices and antivortices in a superconducting film interacting with an array of magnetic dipoles on top is investigated via hybrid molecular dynamics-Monte Carlo simulations. The dipole array considered in this study is capable to stabilize in equilibrium vortex-antivortex pairs. The appearance of a net electric field out of the ac excitation demonstrates that this system behaves as a voltage rectifier. Because of the asymmetric nature of the effective pinning potential generated by the dipole array, the ac-driven vortices and antivortices are ratcheted in opposite directions, thereby contributing additively to the observed net voltage. In addition, for high frequency values, the dc electric field-ac amplitude curves present a series of steps. A careful analysis of the time series of the electric field and number of vortex-antivortex (v-av) pairs reveals that these steps are related to mode-locking between the drive frequency and the number of v-av creation-annihilation events.

  20. The Use of AC-DC-AC Methods in Assessing Corrosion Resistance Performance of Coating Systems for Magnesium Alloys (United States)

    McCune, Robert C.; Upadhyay, Vinod; Wang, Yar-Ming; Battocchi, Dante

    The potential utility of AC-DC-AC electrochemical methods in comparative measures of corrosion-resisting coating system performance for magnesium alloys under consideration for the USAMP "Magnesium Front End Research and Development" project was previously shown in this forum [1]. Additional studies of this approach using statistically-designed experiments have been conducted with focus on alloy types, pretreatment, topcoat material and topcoat thickness as the variables. Additionally, sample coupons made for these designed experiments were also subjected to a typical automotive cyclic corrosion test cycle (SAE J2334) as well as ASTM B117 for comparison of relative performance. Results of these studies are presented along with advantages and limitations of the proposed methodology.

  1. Roebel assembled coated conductor cables (RACC): Ac-Losses and current carrying potential (United States)

    Frank, A.; Heller, R.; Goldacker, W.; Kling, A.; Schmidt, C.


    Low ac-loss HTS cables for transport currents well above 1 kA are required for application in transformers and generators and are taken into consideration for future generations of fusion reactor coils. Coated conductors (CC) are suitable candidates for high field application at an operation temperature in the range 50-77 K. Ac-field applications require cables with low ac-losses and hence twisting of the individual strands. We solved this problem using the Roebel technique. Short lengths of Roebel bar cables were prepared from industrial DyBCO and YBCO-CC. Meander shaped tapes of 4 or 5 mm width with twist pitches of 123 or 127 mm were cut from the 10 or 12 mm wide CC tapes using a specially designed tool. Eleven or twelve of these strands were assembled to a cable. The electrical and mechanical connection of the tapes was achieved using a silver powder filled conductive epoxy resin. Ac-losses of a short sample in an external ac-field were measured as a function of frequency and field amplitude as well as the coupling current decay time constant. We discuss the results in terms of available theories and compare measured time constants in transverse field with measured coupling losses. Finally the potential of this cable type for ac-use is discussed with respect to ac-losses and current carrying capability.

  2. Roebel assembled coated conductor cables (RACC): Ac-Losses and current carrying potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frank, A; Heller, R; Goldacker, W; Kling, A; Schmidt, C


    Low ac-loss HTS cables for transport currents well above 1 kA are required for application in transformers and generators and are taken into consideration for future generations of fusion reactor coils. Coated conductors (CC) are suitable candidates for high field application at an operation temperature in the range 50-77 K. Ac-field applications require cables with low ac-losses and hence twisting of the individual strands. We solved this problem using the Roebel technique. Short lengths of Roebel bar cables were prepared from industrial DyBCO and YBCO-CC. Meander shaped tapes of 4 or 5 mm width with twist pitches of 123 or 127 mm were cut from the 10 or 12 mm wide CC tapes using a specially designed tool. Eleven or twelve of these strands were assembled to a cable. The electrical and mechanical connection of the tapes was achieved using a silver powder filled conductive epoxy resin. Ac-losses of a short sample in an external ac-field were measured as a function of frequency and field amplitude as well as the coupling current decay time constant. We discuss the results in terms of available theories and compare measured time constants in transverse field with measured coupling losses. Finally the potential of this cable type for ac-use is discussed with respect to ac-losses and current carrying capability

  3. Una aproximación a la evaluación de subproductos de la desinfección en aguas para consumo humano en municipalidades de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Pablo González G.


    Full Text Available Este estudio se realizo a partir de información del monitoreo a las concentraciones de trihalometanos Totales en diferentes puntos de la planta de tratamiento de agua potable y/o de la red de distribución de tres principales acueductos de Colombia, (Bogotá, Medellín y Bucaramanga, algunos datos fueron suministrados por las empresas prestadoras del servicio y otros fueron tomados en campo con un electrodo de medición directa; esto con el fin de investigar la interacción entre diferentes parámetros como pH, turbiedad, cloro residual y temperatura del agua en las redes de acueducto y la formación de subproductos de la desinfección denominados Trihalometanos (THM's. Se observaron importantes correlaciones entre cofactores y el aumento en las concentraciones de THM's en las redes de acueducto; esto permitirá mejorar las técnicas de monitoreo empleadas actualmente para el monitoreo de estos compuestos.

  4. AC conductivity for a holographic Weyl semimetal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grignani, Gianluca; Marini, Andrea; Peña-Benitez, Francisco; Speziali, Stefano [Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, Università di Perugia,I.N.F.N. Sezione di Perugia,Via Pascoli, I-06123 Perugia (Italy)


    We study the AC electrical conductivity at zero temperature in a holographic model for a Weyl semimetal. At small frequencies we observe a linear dependence in the frequency. The model shows a quantum phase transition between a topological semimetal (Weyl semimetal phase) with a non vanishing anomalous Hall conductivity and a trivial semimetal. The AC conductivity has an intermediate scaling due to the presence of a quantum critical region in the phase diagram of the system. The phase diagram is reconstructed using the scaling properties of the conductivity. We compare with the experimental data of obtaining qualitative agreement.

  5. Validación de señales vibro-acústicas para el diagnóstico de fallas en rodamientos en un generador síncrono


    Zulma Yadira Medrano Hurtado; Carlos Pérez Tello


    En este trabajo se describe el procedimiento y las herramientas utilizados en la medición y diagnóstico de señales de vibración capturadas a través de transductores de aceleración (acelerómetros piezoeléctricos) y acústicos (micrófonos omnidireccionales). Además, se desarrolló un arreglo experimental empleando la metodología Taguchi para validar la información registrada de las señales de vibración para rodamientos sin falla y con falla artificial, respectivamente. La falla artificial consist...

  6. Protección del derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio y las perturbaciones acústicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pilar Domínguez Martinez


    Full Text Available El ruido es, sin lugar a dudas, un factor de perturbación ambientalreconocido en las modernas legislaciones vigentes. El artículo 45.1 dela Constitución española reconoce el derecho a disfrutar de un medioambiente adecuado para el desarrollo de la persona. En consecuencia,se reconoce el derecho a disfrutar de un ambiente acústico que noexceda de los límites impuestos por las normas reglamentarias encada caso concreto. A pesar de que el derecho al medio ambiente no se configura en la Constitución como un derecho fundamental, es precisamente la vertinente acústica y su agresión la que ha permitido su vinculación con derechos fundamentales, tales como la intimidad y la inviolabilidad del domicilio. En el presente trabajo se analizará laprotección del ruido como bien medioambiental por la vía de considerarque determinados daños al medioambiente pueden suponer un dañoa los derechos de la personalidad (intimidad, inviolabilidad deldomicilio. Será inevitable una referencia a la STS (Sala 3ª 13 de octubre2008 (RJ 2008, 7142, referente en nuestro derecho en la proteccióndel derecho a la intimidad domiciliaria en un caso de contaminaciónacústica procedente de la aviación. Siguiendo la línea que marca el Tribunal de Estrasburgo y después el Tribunal Constitucional serátratado como los Tribunales civiles españoles aplican directamente losaludidos derechos fundamentales para condenar a los responsablesde emisiones ruidosas.

  7. Comparative single-cell genomics reveals potential ecological niches for the freshwater acI Actinobacteria lineage. (United States)

    Ghylin, Trevor W; Garcia, Sarahi L; Moya, Francisco; Oyserman, Ben O; Schwientek, Patrick; Forest, Katrina T; Mutschler, James; Dwulit-Smith, Jeffrey; Chan, Leong-Keat; Martinez-Garcia, Manuel; Sczyrba, Alexander; Stepanauskas, Ramunas; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Woyke, Tanja; Warnecke, Falk; Malmstrom, Rex; Bertilsson, Stefan; McMahon, Katherine D


    Members of the acI lineage of Actinobacteria are the most abundant microorganisms in most freshwater lakes; however, our understanding of the keys to their success and their role in carbon and nutrient cycling in freshwater systems has been hampered by the lack of pure cultures and genomes. We obtained draft genome assemblies from 11 single cells representing three acI tribes (acI-A1, acI-A7, acI-B1) from four temperate lakes in the United States and Europe. Comparative analysis of acI SAGs and other available freshwater bacterial genomes showed that acI has more gene content directed toward carbohydrate acquisition as compared to Polynucleobacter and LD12 Alphaproteobacteria, which seem to specialize more on carboxylic acids. The acI genomes contain actinorhodopsin as well as some genes involved in anaplerotic carbon fixation indicating the capacity to supplement their known heterotrophic lifestyle. Genome-level differences between the acI-A and acI-B clades suggest specialization at the clade level for carbon substrate acquisition. Overall, the acI genomes appear to be highly streamlined versions of Actinobacteria that include some genes allowing it to take advantage of sunlight and N-rich organic compounds such as polyamines, di- and oligopeptides, branched-chain amino acids and cyanophycin. This work significantly expands the known metabolic potential of the cosmopolitan freshwater acI lineage and its ecological and genetic traits.

  8. Effect of temperature on the AC impedance of protein and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Aug 26, 2016 ... The depression parameter reveals the electrical equivalent circuit for the biopolymers. The AC electrical conductivity in the biopolymers follows the universal power law. From this, it is observed that the AC conductivity is frequency dependent and the biopolymer papain obeys large polaron tunnelling model ...

  9. Calculation of single phase AC and monopolar DC hybrid corona effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, T.; Sebo, S.A.; Kasten, D.G.


    Operating a hybrid HVac and HVdc line is an option for increasing the efficiency of power transmission and overcoming the difficulties in obtaining a new right-of-way. This paper proposes a new calculation method for the study of hybrid line corona. The proposed method can be used to calculate dc corona losses and corona currents in dc or ac conductors for single phase ac and monopolar dc hybrid lines. Profiles of electric field strength and ion current density at ground level can be estimated. The effects of the presence of an energized ac conductor on dc conductor corona and dc voltage on ac conductor corona are included in the method. Full-scale and reduced-scale experiments were utilized to investigate the hybrid line corona effects. Verification of the proposed calculation method is given

  10. Contaminación acústica en la zona 3 de la ciudad de Querétaro: comparación de los niveles de ruido reales y los apreciados por los habitantes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Peñaloza Pineda


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen los daños ocasionados la contaminación acústica en distintos niveles, expuestos en diversos estudios científicos; se muestran mediciones de decibeles in situ, así como los resultados de un estudio exploratorio que expone la percepción respecto a la contaminación acústica de 168 habitantes de una zona determinada de la ciudad de Querétaro, con el objetivo de encontrar el grado de afectación percibida para determinar si hay concordancia al respecto. El presente artículo forma parte de una investigación encaminada al desarrollo de un producto orientado a la disminución del ruido en las viviendas. Nuestros hallazgos indican que, aunque cerca de 60% de los encuestados encuentra el ruido de la zona como “elevado”, e identifica los vehículos y las motocicletas como la fuente de ruido más molesta, al mismo tiempo no son conscientes de las afectaciones en el desempeño de sus actividades como consecuencia de los niveles de contaminación acústica en la zona.

  11. Power Controllability of Three-phase Converter with Unbalanced AC Source

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ma, Ke; Chen, Wenjie; Liserre, Marco


    Three-phase DC-AC power converters suffer from power oscillation and overcurrent problems in case of unbalanced AC source voltage that can be caused by grid/generator faults. Existing solutions to handle these problems are properly selecting and controlling the positive and negative sequence...... currents. In this work a new series of control strategies which utilize the zerosequence components are proposed to enhance the power control ability under this adverse condition. It is concluded that by introducing proper zero sequence current controls and corresponding circuit configurations, the power...... converter can enable more flexible control targets, achieving better performances in the delivered power and load current when suffering from unbalanced AC voltage....

  12. A direct power conversion topology for grid integrations of hybrid AC/DC resources

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Xiong; Loh, Poh Chiang; Wang, Peng


    and modulation schemes are proposed to extract the commanded current from the input ac/dc sources to the grid and guarantee high quality ac/dc inputs and ac output current waveforms with unity power factors. The proposed modulation scheme for sinusoidal outputs of the VMC is mathematically proved...

  13. Low frequency ac conduction and dielectric relaxation in poly(N ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The ac conductivity and dielectric constant of poly(N-methyl pyrrole) thin films have been investigated in the temperature range 77–350 K and in the frequency range 102–106 Hz. The well defined loss peaks have been observed in the temperature region where measured ac conductivity approaches dc conductivity.

  14. CTE Corrections for WFPC2 and ACS (United States)

    Dolphin, Andrew


    The error budget for optical broadband photometry is dominated by three factors: CTE corrections, long-short anomaly corrections, and photometric zero points. Questions about the dependencies of the CTE have largely been resolved, and my CTE corrections have been included in the WFPC2 handbook and tutorial. What remains to be done is the determination of the "final" CTE correction at the end of the WFPC2 mission, which will increase the accuracy of photometry obtained in the final few cycles. The long-short anomaly is still the subject of much debate, as it remains unclear whethere or not this effect is real and, if so, what its size and nature is. Photometric zero points have likewise varied by over 0.05 magnitudes in the literature, and will likely remain unresolved until the long-short anomaly is addressed {given that most calibration exposures are short while most science exposures are long}. It is also becoming apparent that similar issues will affect the accuracy of ACS photometry, and consequently that an ACS CTE study analogous to my WFPC2 work would significantly improve the calibration of ACS. I therefore propose to use archival WFPC2 images of omega Cen and ACS images of 47 Tuc to continue my HST calibration work. I also propose to begin work on "next-generation" CTE corrections, in which corrections are applied to the images based on accurate charge-trapping models rather than to the reduced photometry. This technique will allow for more accurate CTE corrections in certain cases {such as a star above a bright star or on a variable background}, improved PSF-fitting photometry of faint stars, and image restoration for accurate analysis of extended objects.

  15. Superconducting ac cable (United States)

    Schmidt, F.


    The components of a superconducting 110 kV ac cable for power ratings or = 2000 MVA were developed. The cable design is of the semiflexible type, with a rigid cryogenic envelope containing a flexible hollow coaxial cable core. The cable core consists of spirally wound Nb-A1 composite wires electrically insulated by high pressure polyethylene tape wrappings. A 35 m long single phase test cable with full load terminals rated at 110 kV and 10 kA was constructed and successfully tested. The results obtained prove the technical feasibility and capability of this cable design.

  16. Superconducting ac cable

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmidt, F.


    The components of a superconducting 110 kV ac cable for power ratings >= 2000 MVA have been developed. The cable design especially considered was of the semiflexible type, with a rigid cryogenic envelope and flexible hollow coaxial cable cores pulled into the former. The cable core consists of spirally wound Nb-Al composite wires and a HDPE-tape wrapped electrical insulation. A 35 m long single phase test cable with full load terminations for 110 kV and 10 kA was constructed and successfully tested. The results obtained prove the technical feasibility and capability of our cable design. (orig.) [de

  17. Diode-rectified multiphase AC arc for the improvement of electrode erosion characteristics (United States)

    Tanaka, Manabu; Hashizume, Taro; Saga, Koki; Matsuura, Tsugio; Watanabe, Takayuki


    An innovative multiphase AC arc (MPA) system was developed on the basis of a diode-rectification technique to improve electrode erosion characteristics. Conventionally, electrode erosion in AC arc is severer than that in DC arc. This originated from the fact that the required properties for the cathode and anode are different, although an AC electrode works as the cathode and the anode periodically. To solve this problem, a separation of AC electrodes into pairs of thoriated tungsten cathode and copper anode by diode-rectification was attempted. A diode-rectified multiphase AC arc (DRMPA) system was then successfully established, resulting in a drastic improvement of the erosion characteristics. The electrode erosion rate in the DRMPA was less than one-third of that in the conventional MPA without the diode rectification. In order to clarify its erosion mechanism, electrode phenomena during discharge were visualized by a high-speed camera system with appropriate band-pass filters. Fluctuation characteristics of the electrode temperature in the DRMPA were revealed.

  18. Complex study of transport AC loss in various 2G HTS racetrack coils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Yiran, E-mail: [University of Cambridge, 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FA (United Kingdom); Zhang, Min; Chudy, Michal; Matsuda, Koichi; Coombs, Tim [University of Cambridge, 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FA (United Kingdom)


    Highlights: ► Comparing transport AC losses of two types of 2G HTS racetrack coils. ► The magnetic substrate in the MAG RABITS coil is the main difference. ► Experimental data agree well with simulation results. ► The transport AC loss in the MAG RABITS coil is 36% higher than that in the IBAD coil. ► It is better to keep all the substrate non-magnetic. -- Abstract: HTS racetrack coils are becoming important elements of an emerging number of superconducting devices such as generators or motors. In these devices the issue of AC loss is crucial, as performance and cooling power are derived from this quantity. This paper presents a comparative study of transport AC loss in two different types of 2G HTS racetrack coils. In this study, both experimental measurements and computer simulation approaches were employed. All the experiments were performed using classical AC electrical method. The finite-element computer model was used to estimate electromagnetic properties and calculate transport AC loss. The main difference between the characterized coils is covered inside tape architectures. While one coil uses tape based on RABITS magnetic substrate, the second coil uses a non-magnetic tape. Ferromagnetic loss caused by a magnetic substrate is an important issue involved in the total AC loss. As a result, the coil with the magnetic substrate surprised with high AC loss and rather low performance.

  19. a.c. conductance study of polycrystal C{sub 60}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yan Feng [Nanjing Univ. (China). Nat. Lab. of Solid State Microstructure; Wang Yening [Nanjing Univ. (China). Nat. Lab. of Solid State Microstructure; Huang Yineng [Nanjing Univ. (China). Nat. Lab. of Solid State Microstructure; Gu Min [Nanjing Univ. (China). Nat. Lab. of Solid State Microstructure; Zhang Qingming [Nanjing Univ. (China). Nat. Lab. of Solid State Microstructure; Shen Huimin [Nanjing Univ. (China). Nat. Lab. of Solid State Microstructure


    The a.c. (1a.c. conductance is nearly proportional to the temperature and frequency. This is proposed to be due to the hopping of localized states around the Fermi level. Above 200 K, the a.c. conductance exhibits a rapid increase with temperature, and shows a thermally activated behaviour with an activation energy of 0.389 eV below a certain temperature and 0.104 eV above it. A frequency dependent conductance at a fixed temperature is also obtained with a power law {sigma} similar {omega}{sup s} (s{approx}0.8). For a sample of normal grain size, we have measured a peak near 250 K and a much smaller conductance. These results indicate that the defective na ture of our sample (small grain size, disorder or impurities) plays an important role for the transport properties. The existence of nanocrystals in the sample may give rise to localized states and improve its a.c. conductance. The two activation energies can be attributed to the coexistence of the crystalline and amorphous phases of C{sub 60}. ((orig.)).

  20. Faradaic AC Electrokinetic Flow and Particle Traps (United States)

    Ben, Yuxing; Chang, Hsueh-Chia


    Faradaic reaction at higher voltages can produce co-ion polarization at AC electrodes instead of counter-ion polarization due to capacitive charging from the bulk. The Faradaic co-ion polarization also does not screen the external field and hence can produce large net electro-kinetic flows at frequencies lower than the inverse RC time of the double layer. Due to the opposite polarization of capacitve and Faradaic charging, we can reverse the direction of AC flows on electrodes by changing the voltage and frequency. Particles and bacteria are trapped and then dispersed at stagnation lines, at locations predicted by our theory, by using these two flows sequentially. This technique offers a good way to concentrate and detect bacteria.

  1. AC application of second generation HTS wire (United States)

    Thieme, C. L. H.; Gagnon, K.; Voccio, J.; Aized, D.; Claassen, J.


    For the production of Second Generation (2G) YBCO High Temperature Superconductor wire American Superconductor uses a wide-strip MOD-YBCO/RABiTSTM process, a low-cost approach for commercial manufacturing. It can be engineered with a high degree of flexibility to manufacture practical 2G conductors with architectures and properties tailored for specific applications and operating conditions. For ac applications conductor and coil design can be geared towards low hysteretic losses. For applications which experience high frequency ac fields, the stabilizer needs to be adjusted for low eddy current losses. For these applications a stainless-steel laminate is used. An example is a Low Pass Filter Inductor which was developed and built in this work.

  2. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  3. AC Losses and Their Thermal Effect in High Temperature Superconducting Machines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Song, Xiaowei (Andy); Mijatovic, Nenad; Zou, Shengnan


    In transient operations or fault conditions, high temperature superconducting (HTS) machines suffer AC losses which have an influence on the thermal stability of superconducting windings. In this paper, a method to calculate AC losses and their thermal effect in HTS machines is presented....... The method consists of three sub-models that are coupled only in one direction. The magnetic field distribution is first solved in a machine model, assuming a uniform current distribution in HTS windings. The magnetic fields on the boundaries are then used as inputs for an AC loss model which has...

  4. AC Losses and Their Thermal Effect in High-Temperature Superconducting Machines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Song, Xiaowei (Andy); Mijatovic, Nenad; Zou, Shengnan


    In transient operations or fault conditions, hightemperature superconducting (HTS) machines suffer ac losses, which have an influence on the thermal stability of superconducting windings. In this paper, a method to calculate ac losses and their thermal effect in HTS machines is presented....... The method consists of three submodels that are coupled only in one direction. The magnetic field distribution is first solved in a machine model, assuming a uniform current distribution in HTS windings. The magnetic fields on the boundaries are then used as inputs for an ac loss model that has a homogeneous...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Róbinson Torres

    Full Text Available Basic fundamentals of AC electrogravimetry are introduced. Their main requirements and characteristics are detailed to establish the design of an electronic system that allows the appropriate extraction of data needed to determine the electrogravimetric transfer function (EGTF and electrochemical impedance (EI, in an experimental set-up for the AC electrogravimetry technique.

  6. AC Conductivity Studies of Lithium Based Phospho Vanadate Glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagendra, K.; Babu, G. Satish; Gowda, Veeranna; Reddy, C. Narayana


    Glasses in the system xLi 2 SO 4 -20Li 2 O-(80-x) [80P 2 O 5 -20V 2 O 5 ](5≥x≥20 mol%) has been prepared by melt quenching method. Dc and ac conductivity has been studied over a wide range of frequency (10 Hz to 10 MHz) and temperature (298 K-523 K). The dc conductivity found to increase with increase of Li 2 SO 4 concentration. The ac conductivities have been fitted to the Almond-West type single power law equation σ(ω) = σ(0)+Aω s where 's' is the power law exponent. The ac conductivity found to increase with increase of Li 2 SO 4 concentration. An attempt is made to elucidate the enhancement of lithium ion conduction in phosphor-vanadate glasses by considering the expansion of network structure.

  7. Experiencias de haber crecido con un padre/madre con trastorno mental severo (TMS)


    Vivanco B, Gabriela; Grandón F, Pamela


    Introducción. La experiencia de vivir con personas que presentan un Trastorno Mental Severo (TMS) es difícil para las familias, en especial para los hijos quienes han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer cómo la experiencia de haber vivido con un padre o madre con un trastorno mental severo influyó en la infancia, adolescencia y adultez joven de sus hijos e hijas. Método. Se analizan las experiencias de convivencia con un padre/madre con TMS en 10 hijos (6 hombres...

  8. Non-Federal participation in AC Intertie: Final environmental impact statement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is considering action in two areas: (1) non-Federal access to the AC Intertie, and, (2) BPA Intertie marketing. BPA's preferred alternative for non-Federal access is the Capacity Ownership alternative combined with the Increased Assured Delivery -- Access for Non-Scheduling Utilities alternative; the preferred alternative for BPA Intertie marketing is the Federal Marketing and Joint Ventures alternative. BPA considered these two areas previously in its Intertie Development and Use EIS of April 1988. The EIS resulted in BPA decisions to participate in the construction of the Third AC Intertie, to allow non-Federal access to BPA's share of the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest (PNW-PSW) Intertie (AC and DC lines) pursuant to a Long-Term Intertie Access Policy (LTIAP), and to pursue BPA's export marketing alternative. The decision on allowing direct financial non-Federal participation in the Third AC line was deferred to a later, separate process, examined here. Also, BPA's export marketing objectives must now be examined in view of changed operations of Columbia River hydro facilities for improved fish survival

  9. AC-loss considerations of a pulse SMES for an accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyly, M; Hiltunen, I; Jaervelae, J; Korpela, A; Lehti, L; Stenvall, A; Mikkonen, R


    In particle accelerators quasi-DC superconducting magnets are used to keep particles in desired tracks. The needed rapid field variations of these high energy magnets require large energy bursts. If these bursts are taken from and fed back to the utility grid, its voltage is distorted and the quality of the electricity degrades. In addition, these bursts may decrease operation life time of generators and extra arrangements may be required by the electricity producers. Thus, an energy storage is an essential component for a cost-effective particle accelerator. Flywheels, capacitors and superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) are possible options for these relatively large and high power energy storages. Here we concentrate on AC-loss of a pulse SMES aiming to demonstrate the feasibility of NbTi SMES in a particle accelerator. The designing of a SMES requires highly reliable AC-loss simulations. In this paper, calorimetric AC-loss measurements of a NbTi magnet have been carried out to consider conductor's suitability in a pulse SMES. In addition, the measured results are compared with AC-loss simulations.

  10. A Switched Capacitor Based AC/DC Resonant Converter for High Frequency AC Power Generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cuidong Xu


    Full Text Available A switched capacitor based AC-DC resonant power converter is proposed for high frequency power generation output conversion. This converter is suitable for small scale, high frequency wind power generation. It has a high conversion ratio to provide a step down from high voltage to low voltage for easy use. The voltage conversion ratio of conventional switched capacitor power converters is fixed to n, 1/n or −1/n (n is the switched capacitor cell. In this paper, A circuit which can provide n, 1/n and 2n/m of the voltage conversion ratio is presented (n is stepping up the switched capacitor cell, m is stepping down the switching capacitor cell. The conversion ratio can be changed greatly by using only two switches. A resonant tank is used to assist in zero current switching, and hence the current spike, which usually exists in a classical switching switched capacitor converter, can be eliminated. Both easy operation and efficiency are possible. Principles of operation, computer simulations and experimental results of the proposed circuit are presented. General analysis and design methods are given. The experimental result verifies the theoretical analysis of high frequency AC power generation.

  11. Lamin A/C mutations with lipodystrophy, cardiac abnormalities, and muscular dystrophy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Kooi, A. J.; Bonne, G.; Eymard, B.; Duboc, D.; Talim, B.; van der Valk, M.; Reiss, P.; Richard, P.; Demay, L.; Merlini, L.; Schwartz, K.; Busch, H. F. M.; de Visser, M.


    Mutations in the lamin A/C gene are found in Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, limb girdle muscular dystrophy with cardiac conduction disturbances, dilated cardiomyopathy with conduction system disease, and familial partial lipodystrophy. Cases with lamin A/C mutations presenting with lipodystrophy

  12. Power Controllability of Three-phase Converter with Unbalanced AC Source

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ma, Ke; Liserre, Marco; Blaabjerg, Frede


    Three-phase DC-AC power converters suffer from power oscillation and overcurrentt problems in case of unbalanced AC source voltage that can be caused by grid/generator faults. Existing solutions to handle these problems are properly selecting and controlling the positive and negative sequence...... currents. In this work a new series of control strategies which utilize the zero-sequence components are proposed to enhance the power control ability under this adverse conditions. It is concluded that by introducing proper zero sequence current controls and corresponding circuit configurations, the power...... converter can enable more flexible control targets, achieving better performances in the delivered power and load current when suffering from unbalanced AC sources....

  13. AC Application of HTS Conductors in Highly Dynamic Electric Motors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oswald, B; Best, K-J; Setzer, M; Duffner, E; Soell, M; Gawalek, W; Kovalev, L K


    Based on recent investigations we design highly dynamic electric motors up to 400 kW and linear motors up to 120 kN linear force using HTS bulk material and HTS tapes. The introduction of HTS tapes into AC applications in electric motors needs fundamental studies on double pancake coils under transversal magnetic fields. First theoretical and experimental results on AC field distributions in double-pancake-coils and corresponding AC losses will be presented. Based on these results the simulation of the motor performance confirms extremely high power density and efficiency of both types of electric motors. Improved characteristics of rare earth permanent magnets used in our motors at low temperatures give an additional technological benefit

  14. AC ignition of HID lamps

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sobota, A.; Kanters, J.H.M.; Manders, F.; Veldhuizen, van E.M.; Haverlag, M.


    Our aim was to examine the starting behaviour of mid-pressure argon discharges in pin-pin (point-to-point) geometry, typically used in HID lamps. We focused our work on AC ignition of 300 and 700 mbar Ar discharges in Philips 70W standard burners. Frequency was varied between 200 kHz and 1 MHz. In

  15. AC-Induced Bias Potential Effect on Corrosion of Steels (United States)


    induction, variable conduction Experimental Setup Super- martensitic stainless steel composition Analysis: C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo Cu N Typical 13 Cr ɘ.01 0.6... stainless steel used in pipelines. •Low carbon (ɘ.01): allows the formation of a “soft” martensite that is more resistant than standard martensitic ...Proposed AC Corrosion Models  AC Simulated Corrosion testing  Stainless steel pipe and coating  Cathodic protection  Experimental Setup  Preliminary

  16. AC losses in horizontally parallel HTS tapes for possible wireless power transfer applications (United States)

    Shen, Boyang; Geng, Jianzhao; Zhang, Xiuchang; Fu, Lin; Li, Chao; Zhang, Heng; Dong, Qihuan; Ma, Jun; Gawith, James; Coombs, T. A.


    This paper presents the concept of using horizontally parallel HTS tapes with AC loss study, and the investigation on possible wireless power transfer (WPT) applications. An example of three parallel HTS tapes was proposed, whose AC loss study was carried out both from experiment using electrical method; and simulation using 2D H-formulation on the FEM platform of COMSOL Multiphysics. The electromagnetic induction around the three parallel tapes was monitored using COMSOL simulation. The electromagnetic induction and AC losses generated by a conventional three turn coil was simulated as well, and then compared to the case of three parallel tapes with the same AC transport current. The analysis demonstrates that HTS parallel tapes could be potentially used into wireless power transfer systems, which could have lower total AC losses than conventional HTS coils.

  17. The effect of ac magnetic fields on the lifting power of levitating superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smolyak, B M; Ermakov, G V; Chubraeva, L I


    This study deals with the decrease in the levitation force under the action of an ac field up to the frequency at which oscillations of the superconducting suspension are limited by inertia. The lifting force was measured as a function of the ac field amplitude and the exposure time. It was shown that the force quickly decreased at the moment the ac field was applied and then continued diminishing, but at a lower rate. A qualitative model was proposed, taking into account two effects of the ac field on the magnetization of the levitating superconductor: a complete destruction of the critical state in some section of the superconductor (to a depth λ ac ) and the initiation of a faster magnetic relaxation in the region where the induction gradient is preserved

  18. AC Electric Field Communication for Human-Area Networking (United States)

    Kado, Yuichi; Shinagawa, Mitsuru

    We have proposed a human-area networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a data transmission path and uses an AC electric field signal below the resonant frequency of the human body. This technology aims to achieve a “touch and connect” intuitive form of communication by using the electric field signal that propagates along the surface of the human body, while suppressing both the electric field radiating from the human body and mutual interference. To suppress the radiation field, the frequency of the AC signal that excites the transmitter electrode must be lowered, and the sensitivity of the receiver must be raised while reducing transmission power to its minimally required level. We describe how we are developing AC electric field communication technologies to promote the further evolution of a human-area network in support of ubiquitous services, focusing on three main characteristics, enabling-transceiver technique, application-scenario modeling, and communications quality evaluation. Special attention is paid to the relationship between electro-magnetic compatibility evaluation and regulations for extremely low-power radio stations based on Japan's Radio Law.

  19. AC Conductivity and Dielectric Properties of Borotellurite Glass (United States)

    Taha, T. A.; Azab, A. A.


    Borotellurite glasses with formula 60B2O3-10ZnO-(30 - x)NaF- xTeO2 ( x = 0 mol.%, 5 mol.%, 10 mol.%, and 15 mol.%) have been synthesized by thermal melting. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirmed that the glasses were amorphous. The glass density ( ρ) was determined by the Archimedes method at room temperature. The density ( ρ) and molar volume ( V m) were found to increase with increasing TeO2 content. The direct-current (DC) conductivity was measured in the temperature range from 473 K to 623 K, in which the electrical activation energy of ionic conduction increased from 0.27 eV to 0.48 eV with increasing TeO2 content from 0 mol.% to 15 mol.%. The dielectric parameters and alternating-current (AC) conductivity ( σ ac) were investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz and temperature range from 300 K to 633 K. The AC conductivity and dielectric constant decreased with increasing TeO2 content from 0 mol.% to 15 mol.%.

  20. Space Charge Modulated Electrical Breakdown of Oil Impregnated Paper Insulation Subjected to AC-DC Combined Voltages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuanwei Zhu


    Full Text Available Based on the existing acknowledgment that space charge modulates AC and DC breakdown of insulating materials, this investigation promotes the related investigation into the situations of more complex electrical stress, i.e., AC-DC combined voltages. Experimentally, the AC-DC breakdown characteristics of oil impregnated paper insulation were systematically investigated. The effects of pre-applied voltage waveform, AC component ratio, and sample thickness on AC-DC breakdown characteristics were analyzed. After that, based on an improved bipolar charge transport model, the space charge profiles and the space charge induced electric field distortion during AC-DC breakdown were numerically simulated to explain the differences in breakdown characteristics between the pre-applied AC and pre-applied DC methods under AC-DC combined voltages. It is concluded that large amounts of homo-charges are accumulated during AC-DC breakdown, which results in significantly distorted inner electric field, leading to variations of breakdown characteristics of oil impregnated paper insulation. Therefore, space charges under AC-DC combined voltages must be considered in the design of converter transformers. In addition, this investigation could provide supporting breakdown data for insulation design of converter transformers and could promote better understanding on the breakdown mechanism of insulating materials subjected to AC-DC combined voltages.

  1. Induced AC voltages on pipelines may present a serious hazard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirkpatrick, E.L.


    The problem of induced AC voltages on pipelines has always been with us. Early pipeline construction consisted of bare steel or cast iron pipe, which was very well grounded. Bell and spigot, mechanical, or dresser-style joint couplings often were used, creating electrically discontinuous pipelines which are less susceptible to AC induction. Although induced AC affects any pipeline parallel to a high-voltage alternating current (HVAC) power line, the effects were not noticeable on bare pipelines. With the advent of welded steel pipelines, modern cathodic protection (CP) methods and materials, and the vastly improved quality of protective coatings, induced AC effects on pipelines have become a significant consideration on many pipeline rights-of-way. In the last two to three decades, one has been seeing much more joint occupancy of the same right-of-way by one or more pipelines and power lines. As the cost of right-of-way and the difficulty in acquisition, particularly in urban areas, have risen, the concept of joint occupancy rights-of-way has become more attractive to many utility companies. Federal and state regulations usually insist on joint-use right-of-way when a utility proposes crossing regulated or publicly owned lands, wherever there is an existing easement. Such joint use allows the induced AC phenomena to occur and may create electrical hazards and interference to pipeline facilities. Underground pipelines are especially susceptible if they are well-coated and electrically isolated for CP

  2. Arqueoacústica maya. La necesidad del estudio sistemático de efectos acústicos en sitios arqueológicos

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    Clara Garza


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se discute la necesidad de sistematizar el estudio de los efectos acústicos en sitios arqueológicos, en especial los concernientes a la cultura maya. Presentamos un panorama del estado actual de estudios tanto antropológicos como los relacionados con modelos matemáticos. Después de presentar una introducción general y una discusión sobre lo que consideramos debería constituir un marco básico para un enfoque arqueoacústico, abordamos los antecedentes de trabajos sobre acústica prehispánica en la zona maya, en particular se analiza el caso del efecto La Cola del Quetzal, en Chichén Itzá. Se revisan los estudios existentes y posteriormente se plantea un modelo matemático espaciotemporal que se resuelve numéricamente.We discuss the necesity of study systematically the acoustic effects in archaeological sites, Mayans in particular. We present an overview of the state of the regarding both anthropological and mathematical modeling aspects. After presenting a general introduction and discussion about what we consider a suitable theoretical archaeoacoustical framework, we review existing works on the acoustics of Mayan sites. We focus on the chirped echo of El Castillo pyramid at Chichén Itzá, and use a mathematical model which includes both space and time to solve it numerically.

  3. System and Battery Charge Control for PV-Powered AC Lighting Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kern, G.


    This report reviews a number of issues specific to stand-alone AC lighting systems. A review of AC lighting technology is presented, which discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various lamps. The best lamps for small lighting systems are compact fluorescent. The best lamps for intermediate-size systems are high- or low-pressure sodium. Specifications for battery charging and load control are provided with the goal of achieving lamp lifetimes on the order of 16,000 to 24,000 hours and battery lifetimes of 4 to 5 years. A rough estimate of the potential domestic and global markets for stand-alone AC lighting systems is presented. DC current injection tests were performed on high-pressure sodium lamps and the test results are presented. Finally, a prototype system was designed and a prototype system controller (with battery charger and DC/AC inverter) was developed and built.

  4. Photovoltaic system with improved AC connections and method of making same

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cioffi, Philip Michael; Todorovic, Maja Harfman; Herzog, Michael Scott; Korman, Charles Steven; Doherty, Donald M.; Johnson, Neil Anthony


    An alternating current (AC) harness for a photovoltaic (PV) system includes a wire assembly having a first end and a second end, the wire assembly having a plurality of lead wires, and at least one AC connection module positioned at a location along a length of the wire assembly between the first end and the second end. Further, the at least one AC connection module includes a first connection terminal electrically coupled to the plurality of lead wires of the wire assembly and constructed to electrically couple the wire assembly with an output of a first PV module of the PV system. The at least one AC connection module also includes a second connection terminal electrically coupled to the plurality of lead wires of the wire assembly and constructed to electrically couple the wire assembly with an output of a second PV module of the PV system.

  5. A decomposition method for network-constrained unit commitment with AC power flow constraints

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai, Yang; Zhong, Haiwang; Xia, Qing; Kang, Chongqing; Xie, Le


    To meet the increasingly high requirement of smart grid operations, considering AC power flow constraints in the NCUC (network-constrained unit commitment) is of great significance in terms of both security and economy. This paper proposes a decomposition method to solve NCUC with AC power flow constraints. With conic approximations of the AC power flow equations, the master problem is formulated as a MISOCP (mixed integer second-order cone programming) model. The key advantage of this model is that the active power and reactive power are co-optimised, and the transmission losses are considered. With the AC optimal power flow model, the AC feasibility of the UC result of the master problem is checked in subproblems. If infeasibility is detected, feedback constraints are generated based on the sensitivity of bus voltages to a change in the unit reactive power generation. They are then introduced into the master problem in the next iteration until all AC violations are eliminated. A 6-bus system, a modified IEEE 30-bus system and the IEEE 118-bus system are used to validate the performance of the proposed method, which provides a satisfactory solution with approximately 44-fold greater computational efficiency. - Highlights: • A decomposition method is proposed to solve the NCUC with AC power flow constraints • The master problem considers active power, reactive power and transmission losses. • OPF-based subproblems check the AC feasibility using parallel computing techniques. • An effective feedback constraint interacts between the master problem and subproblem. • Computational efficiency is significantly improved with satisfactory accuracy

  6. Electrical actuation of electrically conducting and insulating droplets using ac and dc voltages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumari, N; Bahadur, V; Garimella, S V


    Electrical actuation of liquid droplets at the microscale offers promising applications in the fields of microfluidics and lab-on-chip devices. Much prior research has targeted the electrical actuation of electrically conducting liquid droplets using dc voltages (classical electrowetting). Electrical actuation of conducting droplets using ac voltages and the actuation of insulating droplets (using dc or ac voltages) has remained relatively unexplored. This paper utilizes an energy-minimization-based analytical framework to study the electrical actuation of a liquid droplet (electrically conducting or insulating) under ac actuation. It is shown that the electromechanical regimes of classical electrowetting, electrowetting under ac actuation and insulating droplet actuation can be extracted from the generic electromechanical actuation framework, depending on the electrical properties of the droplet, the underlying dielectric layer and the frequency of the actuation voltage. This paper also presents experiments which quantify the influence of the ac frequency and the electrical properties of the droplet on its velocity under electrical actuation. The velocities of droplets moving between two parallel plates under ac actuation are experimentally measured; these velocities are then related to the actuation force on the droplet which is predicted by the electromechanical model developed in this work. It is seen that the droplet velocities are strongly dependent on the frequency of the ac actuation voltage; the cut-off ac frequency, above which the droplet fails to actuate, is experimentally determined and related to the electrical conductivity of the liquid. This paper then analyzes and directly compares the various electromechanical regimes for the actuation of droplets in microfluidic applications

  7. Calorimetric method of ac loss measurement in a rotating magnetic field

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ghoshal, P. K. [Oxford Instruments NanoScience, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX13 5QX (United Kingdom); Coombs, T. A.; Campbell, A. M. [Department of Engineering, Electrical Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FA (United Kingdom)


    A method is described for calorimetric ac-loss measurements of high-T{sub c} superconductors (HTS) at 80 K. It is based on a technique used at 4.2 K for conventional superconducting wires that allows an easy loss measurement in parallel or perpendicular external field orientation. This paper focuses on ac loss measurement setup and calibration in a rotating magnetic field. This experimental setup is to demonstrate measuring loss using a temperature rise method under the influence of a rotating magnetic field. The slight temperature increase of the sample in an ac-field is used as a measure of losses. The aim is to simulate the loss in rotating machines using HTS. This is a unique technique to measure total ac loss in HTS at power frequencies. The sample is mounted on to a cold finger extended from a liquid nitrogen heat exchanger (HEX). The thermal insulation between the HEX and sample is provided by a material of low thermal conductivity, and low eddy current heating sample holder in vacuum vessel. A temperature sensor and noninductive heater have been incorporated in the sample holder allowing a rapid sample change. The main part of the data is obtained in the calorimetric measurement is used for calibration. The focus is on the accuracy and calibrations required to predict the actual ac losses in HTS. This setup has the advantage of being able to measure the total ac loss under the influence of a continuous moving field as experienced by any rotating machines.

  8. Antifriction coatings based on a-C for biomedicine applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yurjev, Y N; Kiseleva, D V; Zaitcev, D A; Sidelev, D V; Korneva, O S


    This article reports on the investigation of mechanical properties of carbon films deposited by dual magnetron sputtering system with closed and mirror magnetic field. There is shown that a-C films with predominantly sp 2 -phase have relatively high hardness (up to 20 GPa) and low friction index (∼0.01). The influence of magnetic field on friction index is determined. The analysis of experimental data shows the obtained a-C samples can be used for biomedicine applications. (paper)

  9. AC magnetic losses in Bi-2223/Ag tapes with different aspect ratios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fang, J.; Luo, X.M.; Chen, D.X.; Collings, E.W.; Lee, E.; Sumption, M.D.; Alamgir, A.K.M.; Yi, H.P.; Fang, J.G.; Gu, C.; Guo, S.Q.; Liu, M.L.; Xin, Y.; Han, Z


    AC losses in multi-filamentary tapes depend on various parameters. Among them, the overall tape width and thickness are expected to have an important influence. In order to study this geometrical effect, five Bi-2223/Ag tapes with different aspect ratios from 5 to 26 have been prepared. AC losses have been measured at 77 K when a perpendicular AC magnetic field is applied. It has been found that at any frequencies the magnetic loss per cycle increases as the aspect ratio increases. For AC magnetic loss, with increasing frequency from 3 to 9000 Hz the losses as a function of frequency show a maximum if the field amplitude is much less than the full penetration field or increase continuously if the field amplitude is larger.

  10. AC magnetic losses in Bi-2223/Ag tapes with different aspect ratios

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang, J.; Luo, X.M.; Chen, D.X.; Collings, E.W.; Lee, E.; Sumption, M.D.; Alamgir, A.K.M.; Yi, H.P.; Fang, J.G.; Gu, C.; Guo, S.Q.; Liu, M.L.; Xin, Y.; Han, Z.


    AC losses in multi-filamentary tapes depend on various parameters. Among them, the overall tape width and thickness are expected to have an important influence. In order to study this geometrical effect, five Bi-2223/Ag tapes with different aspect ratios from 5 to 26 have been prepared. AC losses have been measured at 77 K when a perpendicular AC magnetic field is applied. It has been found that at any frequencies the magnetic loss per cycle increases as the aspect ratio increases. For AC magnetic loss, with increasing frequency from 3 to 9000 Hz the losses as a function of frequency show a maximum if the field amplitude is much less than the full penetration field or increase continuously if the field amplitude is larger

  11. Acúfeno unilateral: Presentación de un caso UNILATERAL ACOUSMA. A CASE REPORT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eulalia Alfonso Muñoz


    Full Text Available El estudio detallado de los pacientes con acúfeno unilateral es de gran importancia, sobre todo cuando se trata de pacientes en la cuarta década de su vida, sin patología auditiva demostrable e hipoacusia neurosensorial asimétrica. Es indispensable en estos casos descartar el origen coclear o no del daño auditivo, y la tomografía axial computadorizada comparativa de peñascos o en su defecto, los rayos X mastoides en diferentes vistas, nos definirán si existen tumoraciones o anomalías vasculares.The thorough study of the patients with unilateral acousma is very important, mainly when patients are in the fourth decade of life, without demonstrable auditive pathology and asymmetric neurosensorial hypoacusia. It is indispensable in these cases to discard the cochlear origin or not of the auditive damage. The computerized axial tomography of the petrous portions of the temporal bone, or the mastoideal X- rays in different views, will define if there are vascular tumours or abnormalities.

  12. Efecto del lavado con etilendiamina sobre las propiedades de las nanopartículas de óxido de estaño

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Montenegro Hernández, A.


    Full Text Available Tin oxide, is a compound used in many technological applications among them as gas sensor and in the production of varistors, electronic devices, electrocatalitic electrodes and fotovoltaic cells, among others. In this work the controlled precipitation method was used to synthesize tin oxide of nanometric size using tin sulfate precursor. The control of different stages of the synthesis process was carried out through the variation of the system pH registrations, potentiometric titration,; This curve contain information on the different processes that take place in the system and it can be used to guarantee the process reproducibility. Additionally we propose a mechanism to explain the nucleation of solid phase in the solution. The hydrolysis and policondensation reactions are very important for this mechanism. Precipitate washing with an ethylendiamine solution permitted eliminated of SO4 2- and it permitted to obtain the tin oxide as the principal crystalline phase at room temperature. The characteristics of the obtained ceramic powder were determined using infrared espectroscopy (FTIR, X-ray diffraction (XRD, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM.

    El óxido de estaño es un compuesto ampliamente utilizado en aplicaciones tecnológicas destacándose como catalizador, sensor de gas, en fabricación de varistores, dispositivos electrónicos, electrodos electrocatalíticos y celdas fotovoltaicas, entre otros. En el presente trabajo se utilizó el método de precipitación controlada (MPC para sintetizar óxido de estaño de tamaño nanométrico, empleando como precursor sulfato de estaño. El control de las diferentes etapas del proceso de síntesis se realizó a través de los registros de variación de pH, valoración potenciométrica, del sistema. Con base a esta información y el estudio de espectroscopía infrarroja realizada en la fase sólida, a diferentes valores de pH, se propone un mecanismo de formación de las part

  13. Study of the electric Held in HTS tape caused by perpendicular AC magnetic field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roiberg, V; Kopansky, F.


    Full Text: In a previous work we studied the influence of AC magnetic fields on voltage-currents (V-I) characteristics of high temperature superconducting (HTS) multi filament BSCC0-2223 tapes. It was found that AC magnetic fields perpendicular to the ab plane (the wide surface of the tape) cause a linear decrease of the critical current (IC) with amplitude of the AC magnetic field. The degradation of IC in .AC field was explained by the geometrical model according to which the transport current floe: is confined to the central zone of the tape where .AC field does not penetrate. For deeper understanding of the observed phenomena we carried out a study of the time dependence of the electric field during the cycle of AC field. At the same time we expanded the frequency range to low frequencies down to 1 Hz. The main results of the work are as following. 1. The time modulation of the electric field E in the HTS tape carrying transport DC current has the double frequency relating to AC magnetic field. 2. In field amplitudes less than 70 G the electric field modulation decreases with increasing frequency in opposite to its well-pronounced increase in higher AC field amplitudes. Alcove 70 G, the electric field increases with increasing the frequency of the external magnetic field. The wave forms of the electric field are different in both amplitudes ranges. 3. E-I curves of the tape in low amplitudes are frequency independent and coincide with E-l curves in AC field with intensity equal to the AC field amplitude. 4. In high AC field amplitudes, a strong dependence of the E-I curves on frequency is observed in the frequency range of 1-40 Hz and no dependence is observed in higher frequencies. Our results suggest that a combination of the geometrical model with flux creep concepts is necessary for a better understanding of the electric field behavior in our measurement conditions

  14. Modelling and measurement of ac loss in BSCCO/Ag-tape windings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oomen, M P; Nanke, R; Leghissa, M


    High-temperature superconducting (HTS) transformers promise decreased weight and volume and higher efficiency. A 1 MVA HTS railway transformer was built and tested at Siemens AG. This paper deals with the prediction of ac loss in the BSCCO/Ag-tape windings. In a railway transformer the tape carries ac current in alternating field, the temperature differs from 77 K, tapes are stacked or cabled and overcurrents and higher harmonics occur. In ac-loss literature these issues are treated separately, if at all. We have developed a model that predicts the ac loss in sets of BSCCO/Ag-tape coils, and deals with the above-mentioned issues. The effect of higher harmonics on the loss in HTS tapes is considered for the first time. The paper gives a complete overview of the model equations and required input parameters. The model is validated over a wide range of the input parameters, using the measured critical current and ac loss of single tapes, single coils and sets of coils in the 1 MVA transformer. An accuracy of around 25% is achieved in all relevant cases. Presently the model is developed further, in order to describe other HTS materials and other types of applications

  15. AC Loss Reduction in Filamentized YBCO Coated Conductors with Virtual Transverse Cross-cuts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Yifei [ORNL; Duckworth, Robert C [ORNL; Ha, Tam T [ORNL; List III, Frederick Alyious [ORNL; Gouge, Michael J [ORNL; Chen, Y [SuperPower Incorporated, Schenectady, New York; X, Xiong, [SuperPower Incorporated, Schenectady, New York; Selvamanickam, V. [SuperPower Incorporated, Schenectady, New York


    While the performance of YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7-x} (YBCO)-based coated conductors under dc currents has improved significantly in recent years, filamentization is being investigated as a technique to reduce ac loss so that the 2nd generation (2G) high temperature superconducting (HTS) wires can also be utilized in various ac power applications such as cables, transformers and fault current limiters. Experimental studies have shown that simply filamentizing the superconducting layer is not effective enough to reduce ac loss because of incomplete flux penetration in between the filaments as the length of the tape increases. To introduce flux penetration in between the filaments more uniformly and further reduce the ac loss, virtual transverse cross-cuts were made in superconducting filaments of the coated conductors fabricated using the metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) method. The virtual transverse cross-cuts were formed by making cross-cuts (17 - 120 {micro}m wide) on the IBAD (ion beam assisted deposition)-MgO templates using laser scribing followed by depositing the superconducting layer ({approx} 0.6 {micro}m thick). AC losses were measured and compared for filamentized conductors with and without the cross-cuts under applied peak ac fields up to 100 mT. The results were analyzed to evaluate the efficacy of filament decoupling and the feasibility of using this method to achieve ac loss reduction.

  16. Soldabilidad de las fundiciones de grafito esferoidal

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    Cembrero, J.


    Full Text Available Hereinafter it is analysed the weldability of a spheroidal graphite cast iron of a established chemical composition. Shielded metal-arc welding (SMAW have been used on casting samples of 300 x 90 x 10 mm, with a groove angle of 60º. It is also analysed the influence on the weldability of the chemical composition of the different electrodes used, Ni (56 % and 97,6 % each one as well as the influence of the pre-heating temperature ( 350 ºC and 600 ºC and the coldest velocity (at the air and at the furnace. The weldability is evaluated by tests of to bends and traction. Finally, microstructure analysis are performed on the joints: on the heat-affected-zone (the piece near the weld; the piece-weld interface; and the fusion-zone (the weld. Mechanical characteristics of the joint and its microstructure and with fractography analysis are correlated. In order to investigate the influence of the principal factors and interactions that take place in the process, a factorial design at two levels (high + and low - was used, what meant to carry out 8 experiences.

    En el presente trabajo se analiza la soldabilidad de una fundición de grafito esferoidal (F.G.E. de composición determinada, efectuando soldaduras por arco manual con electrodos revestidos, en probetas de esta fundición con dimensiones de 300 x 90 x 10 mm y ángulo de achaflanado de 60º. Se analiza la influencia en la soldabilidad de la composición de los distintos electrodos utilizados, base Ni (del 56 y 97,6 % respectivamente, la influencia de las temperaturas de precalentamiento (350 ºC y 600 ºC y de la velocidad de enfriamiento (al aire y en el horno. La soldabilidad se evalúa mediante los ensayos de doblado y tracción. Se hace un análisis microestructural de las uniones: en el material a unir próximo a la soldadura; en la interfase metal - soldadura; y en el propio cordón de soldadura. Se correlacionan las características resistentes de la unión con la microestructura y


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    Full Text Available Se produjeron descargas eléctricas en un sistema de arco pulsado a baja presión, con una corriente máxima de 100 A con pulsos de 30 ms. Las descargas se llevaron a cabo aplicando un voltaje de 104 V entre los electrodos. Los materiales utilizados como cátodo fueron Ti, Zr, Ni, Cu, Mo y W. La morfología de cátodos después de la descarga fue estudiada mediante la técnica de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM. Los cátodos de Ti y Zr presentaron la mayor erosión. Por otra parte, se observaron cráteres circulares sobre cátodos de Ni y Mo y se analizó una región del cátodo Zr, con alta erosión y gran cantidad de cráteres. Se midió el voltaje de descarga para cada material, obteniendo valores de voltaje del arco. Finalmente, se observaron las relaciones entre los voltajes de arco y algunas características del material como punto de fusión y de ebullición, presentando una tendencia exponencial.

  18. Transport ac losses in Bi-2223 multifilamentary tapes - conductor materials aspect

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glowacki, B A [IRC in Superconductivity, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom); Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge BC2 3QZ (United Kingdom); Majoros, M [IRC in Superconductivity, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom); Institute of Electrical Engineering, SAS, Bratislava (Slovakia)


    Transport ac losses in technical superconductors based on Bi-2223 tape material are influenced by many parameters. The major factors that define the ac performance of such conductors are the following: the size and number of filaments, their geometrical arrangement in the cross-section of the conductor, the twist pitch length, the resistivity of the matrix, the presence of oxide barriers around the filaments and deformation procedures such as sequential pressing or rolling followed by appropriate thermal treatment. In the present paper the above aspects are addressed from the viewpoint of the materials science of technical conductor design. Transport ac losses at power frequencies in different types of Bi-2223 conductor are presented and analysed. The results of conductor design analysis with respect to the coexistence of the superconductor with other materials in the conductor structure are presented. New concepts for minimization of the transport ac losses are discussed in detail. (author)

  19. AC electric field assisted orientational photorefractive effect in C60-doped nematic liquid crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Xiudong; Pei Yanbo; Yao Fengfeng; Zhang Jianlong; Hou Chunfeng


    Photorefractive gratings were produced in a C 60 -doped nematic liquid crystal cell under the application of two coherent beams and a nonbiased sinusoidal ac electric field. The beam coupling and diffraction of the ac electric field assisted gratings were studied systematically. A stable asymmetric energy transference was obtained. Diffraction was observed when the angle (between the normal of the cell and the bisector of the writing beams) was 0 0 , and the dependence of diffraction efficiency on the peak-to-peak value of the ac voltage was similar to that at an incidence angle of 45 0 , suggesting that the role of the ac field was to facilitate the charge separation, and the space-charge field (SCF) originated predominantly from the diffusion of the ac electric field assisted photo-induced carriers under the application of nonuniform illumination and an applied ac field. The grating was produced by director reorientation induced by the cooperation of the SCF and the applied ac electric field. A self-erasing phenomenon was observed in this cell. An explanation in terms of the movement of two kinds of carriers with opposite signs was proposed

  20. Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin Cry1Ac domain III enhances activity against Heliothis virescens in some, but not all Cry1-Cry1Ac hybrids

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karlova, R.B.; Weemen, W.M.J.; Naimov, S.; Ceron, J.; Dukiandjiev, S.; Maagd, de R.A.


    We investigated the role of domain III of Bacillus thuringiensis d-endotoxin Cry1Ac in determining toxicity against Heliothis virescens. Hybrid toxins, containing domain III of Cry1Ac with domains I and II of Cry1Ba, Cry1Ca, Cry1Da, Cry1Ea, and Cry1Fb, respectively, were created. In this way Cry1Ca,

  1. Update History of This Database - AcEST | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us AcEST Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2013/01/10 Errors found on AcEST ...s Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Data...base Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - AcEST | LSDB Archive ... ...Conting data have been correceted. For details, please refer to the following page. Data correction 2010/03/29 AcEST English archi

  2. Design and implementation of co-operative control strategy for hybrid AC/DC microgrids (United States)

    Mahmud, Rasel

    This thesis is mainly divided in two major sections: 1) Modeling and control of AC microgrid, DC microgrid, Hybrid AC/DC microgrid using distributed co-operative control, and 2) Development of a four bus laboratory prototype of an AC microgrid system. At first, a distributed cooperative control (DCC) for a DC microgrid considering the state-of-charge (SoC) of the batteries in a typical plug-in-electric-vehicle (PEV) is developed. In DC microgrids, this methodology is developed to assist the load sharing amongst the distributed generation units (DGs), according to their ratings with improved voltage regulation. Subsequently, a DCC based control algorithm for AC microgrid is also investigated to improve the performance of AC microgrid in terms of power sharing among the DGs, voltage regulation and frequency deviation. The results validate the advantages of the proposed methodology as compared to traditional droop control of AC microgrid. The DCC-based control methodology for AC microgrid and DC microgrid are further expanded to develop a DCC-based power management algorithm for hybrid AC/DC microgrid. The developed algorithm for hybrid microgrid controls the power flow through the interfacing converter (IC) between the AC and DC microgrids. This will facilitate the power sharing between the DGs according to their power ratings. Moreover, it enables the fixed scheduled power delivery at different operating conditions, while maintaining good voltage regulation and improved frequency profile. The second section provides a detailed explanation and step-by-step design and development of an AC/DC microgrid testbed. Controllers for the three-phase inverters are designed and tested on different generation units along with their corresponding inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) filters to eliminate the switching frequency harmonics. Electric power distribution line models are developed to form the microgrid network topology. Voltage and current sensors are placed in the proper

  3. Stretched exponential relaxation and ac universality in disordered dielectrics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Milovanov, Alexander V.; Rypdal, Kristoffer; Juul Rasmussen, Jens


    This paper is concerned with the connection between the properties of dielectric relaxation and alternating-current (ac) conduction in disordered dielectrics. The discussion is divided between the classical linear-response theory and a self-consistent dynamical modeling. The key issues are stretc......This paper is concerned with the connection between the properties of dielectric relaxation and alternating-current (ac) conduction in disordered dielectrics. The discussion is divided between the classical linear-response theory and a self-consistent dynamical modeling. The key issues...

  4. Measuring Gravitational Flexion in ACS Clusters (United States)

    Goldberg, David


    We propose measurement of the gravitational "Flexion" signal in ACS cluster images. The flexion, or "arciness" of a lensed background galaxy arises from variations in the lensing field. As a result, it is extremely sensitive to small scale perturbations in the field, and thus, to substructure in clusters. Moreover, because flexion represents gravitationally induced asymmetries in the lensed image, it is completely separable from traditional measurements of shear, which focus on the induced ellipticity of the image, and thus, the two signals may be extracted simultaneously. Since typical galaxies are roughly symmetric upon 180 degree rotation, even a small induced flexion can potentially produce a noticeable effect {Goldberg & Bacon, 2005}. We propose the measurement of substructure within approximately 4 clusters with high-quality ACS data, and will further apply a test of a new tomographic technique whereby comparisons of lensed arcs at different redshifts may be used to estimate the background cosmology, and thus place constraints on the equation of state of dark energy.

  5. Controlled formation of metallic nanowires via Au nanoparticle ac trapping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernard, L; Calame, M; Molen, S J van der; Liao, J; Schoenenberger, C


    Applying ac voltages, we trapped gold nanoparticles between micro-fabricated electrodes under well-defined conditions. We demonstrate that the nanoparticles can be controllably fused together to form homogeneous gold nanowires with pre-defined diameters and conductance values. Whereas electromigration is known to form a gap when a dc voltage is applied, this ac technique achieves the opposite, thereby completing the toolkit for the fabrication of nanoscale junctions

  6. Controlled formation of metallic nanowires via Au nanoparticle ac trapping

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bernard, L; Calame, M; Molen, S J van der; Liao, J; Schoenenberger, C [Institute of Physics, University of Basel, CH-4056 Basel (Switzerland)


    Applying ac voltages, we trapped gold nanoparticles between micro-fabricated electrodes under well-defined conditions. We demonstrate that the nanoparticles can be controllably fused together to form homogeneous gold nanowires with pre-defined diameters and conductance values. Whereas electromigration is known to form a gap when a dc voltage is applied, this ac technique achieves the opposite, thereby completing the toolkit for the fabrication of nanoscale junctions.

  7. Aspectos Psicosociales Relacionados con el TEPT en Pacientes con Cáncer de Mama


    Hernández Moreno, Fresia Paloma; Landero Hernández, René


    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación del estrés, la depresión y las estrategias de afrontamiento con el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) en una muestra de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó con una muestra no probabilística de 52 mujeres con cáncer de mama. Se encontró una relación entre TEPT y estrés (r= .344, p= .014), TEPT y depresión (rs=.346, p= .013). El TEPT correlacionó con evitación cognitiva (r= .437, p= .001), TEPT y desesperanza (rs= .437, p= .001) y TEPT...

  8. Influences of Cry1Ac broccoli on larval survival and oviposition of diamondback moth. (United States)

    Yi, Dengxia; Cui, Shusong; Yang, Limei; Fang, Zhiyuan; Liu, Yumei; Zhuang, Mu; Zhang, Yangyong


    Larval survival and oviposition behavior of three genotypes of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), (homozygous Cry1Ac-susceptibile, Cry1Ac-resistant, and their F1 hybrids), on transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) broccoli expressing different levels of Cry1Ac protein were evaluated in laboratory. These Bt broccoli lines were designated as relative low, medium, and high, respectively, according to the Cry1Ac content. Untransformed brocccoli plants were used as control. Larval survival of diamondback moth on non-Bt leaves was not significantly different among the three genotypes. The Cry1Ac-resistant larvae could survive on the low level of Bt broccoli plants, while Cry1Ac-susceptible and F1 larvae could not survive on them. The three genotypes of P. xylostella larvae could not survive on medium and high levels of Bt broccoli. In oviposition choice tests, there was no significant difference in the number of eggs laid by the three P. xylostella genotypes among different Bt broccoli plants. The development of Cry1Ac-susceptible and Cry1Ac-resistant P. xylostella on intact Bt plants was also tested in greenhouse. All susceptible P. xylostella larvae died on all Bt plants, while resistant larvae could survive on broccoli, which expresses low Cry1Ac protein under greenhouse conditions. The results of the greenhouse trials were similar to that of laboratory tests. This study indicated that high dose of Bt toxins in broccoli cultivars or germplasm lines is required for effective resistance management. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Entomological Society of America.

  9. Low AC Loss YBCO Coated Conductor Geometry by Direct Inkjet Printing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rupich, Martin, Dr. [American Superconductor Corporation; Duckworth, Robert, Dr. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory


    The second generation (2G) high temperature superconductors (HTS) wire offers potential benefits for many electric power applications, including ones requiring filamentized conductors with low ac loss, such as transformers and fault current limiters. However, the use of 2G wire in these applications requires the development of both novel multi-filamentary conductor designs with lower ac losses and the development of advanced manufacturing technologies that enable the low-cost manufacturing of these filamentized architectures. This Phase I SBIR project focused on testing inkjet printing as a potential low-cost, roll-to-roll manufacturing technique to fabricate potential low ac loss filamentized architectures directly on the 2G template strips.

  10. The ACS-NUCL Division 50th Anniversary: Introduction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hobart, David E. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The ACS Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology was initiated in 1955 as a subdivision of the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Probationary divisional status was lifted in 1965. The Division’s first symposium was held in Denver in 1964 and it is fitting that we kicked-off the 50th Anniversary in Denver in the spring of 2015. Listed as a small ACS Division with only about 1,000 members, NUCL’s impact over the past fifty years has been remarkable. National ACS meetings have had many symposia sponsored or cosponsored by NUCL that included Nobel Laureates, U.S. Senators, other high-ranking officials and many students as speakers. The range of subjects has been exceptional as are the various prestigious awards established by the Division. Of major impact has been the past 30 years of the NUCL Nuclear Chemistry Summer Schools to help fill the void of qualified nuclear scientists and technicians. In celebrating the 50th Anniversary we honor the past, celebrate the present and shape the future of the Division and nuclear science and technology. To celebrate this auspicious occasion a commemorative lapel pin has been designed for distribution to NUCL Division members.

  11. A Cloud-Based Scavenger Hunt: Orienting Undergraduates to ACS National Meetings (United States)

    Kubasik, Matthew A.; Van Dyke, Aaron R.; Harper-Leatherman, Amanda S.; Miecznikowski, John R.; Steffen, L. Kraig; Smith-Carpenter, Jillian


    American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meetings are valuable for the development of undergraduate researchers but can be overwhelming for first-time attendees. To orient and engage students with the range of offerings at an ACS meeting, we developed a cloud-based scavenger hunt. Using their mobile devices, teams of undergraduates…

  12. On the Application of TLS Techniques to AC Electrical Drives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Cirrincione


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the application of a new neuron, the TLS EXIN neuron, to AC induction motor drives. In particular, it addresses two important subjects of AC induction motor drives: the on-line estimation of the electrical parameters of the machine and the speed estimation in sensorless drives. On this basis, this work summarizes the parameter estimation and sensorless techniques already developed by the authors over these last few years, all based on the TLS EXIN. With regard to sensorless, two techniques are proposed: one based on the MRAS and the other based on the full-order Luenberger observer. The work show some of the most significant results obtained by the authors in these fields and stresses the important potentiality of this new neural technique in AC induction machine drives.

  13. Reliability of emergency ac power systems at nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battle, R.E.; Campbell, D.J.


    Reliability of emergency onsite ac power systems at nuclear power plants has been questioned within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) because of the number of diesel generator failures reported by nuclear plant licensees and the reactor core damage that could result from diesel failure during an emergency. This report contains the results of a reliability analysis of the onsite ac power system, and it uses the results of a separate analysis of offsite power systems to calculate the expected frequency of station blackout. Included is a design and operating experience review. Eighteen plants representative of typical onsite ac power systems and ten generic designs were selected to be modeled by fault trees. Operating experience data were collected from the NRC files and from nuclear plant licensee responses to a questionnaire sent out for this project

  14. AC losses and stability on large cable-in-conduit superconductors (United States)

    Bruzzone, Pierluigi


    The cable-in-conduit superconductors are preferred for applications where the AC losses and stability are a major concern, e.g., fusion magnets and SMES. A review of coupling currents loss results for both NbTi and Nb 3Sn cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC) is presented and the AC loss relevant features are listed, with special emphasis for the role of the interstrand resistance and strand coating. The transient stability approach for CICCs is discussed and the analytical models are quoted as well as the relevant experimental database. The likely spectrum of transient disturbance in CICC is reviewed and the need to account for interstrand current sharing in the design is outlined. Eventually a practical criterion for the interstrand resistance is proposed to link the stability and AC loss design.

  15. Development of AC-DC power system simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ichikawa, Tatsumi; Ueda, Kiyotaka; Inoue, Toshio


    A modeling and realization technique is described for realtime plant dynamics simulation of nuclear power generating unit in AC-DC power system simulator. Dynamic behavior of reactor system and steam system is important for investigation a further adequate unit control and protection system to system faults in AC and DC power system. Each unit of two nuclear power generating unit in the power system simulator consists of micro generator, DC motors, flywheels and process computer. The DC motor and flywheel simulates dynamic characteristics of steam turbine, and process computer simulates plant dynamics by digital simulation. We have realized real-time plant dynamics simulation by utilizing a high speed process I/O and a high speed digital differential analyzing processor (DDA) in which we builted a newly developed simple plant model. (author)

  16. Three-Phase Multistage System (DC-AC-DC-AC for Connecting Solar Cells to the Grid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahmudreza Changizian


    Full Text Available Inverter systems that feed electrical power from photovoltaic (PV system into the grid must convert the direct current of the PV array into the alternating current of the grid. In many applications, it is important for a converter to be lightweight, highly reliable, input/output isolated, flexible and operable in a boost mode. These features can be achieved by using a High-Frequency inverter which involves an isolated DC-DC stage and DC-AC section, which provides AC output. This paper proposes a new three phase topology, based on multi stage converter and PV system in order to use in medium and high power applications. The Perturb and Observe (P&O method is used for maximum power point tracking (MPPT control of PV array. The switching control signals for three-phase inverter are provided by hysteresis control method. Also, the comparison between the proposed topology and traditional structures has been conducted and finally the simulation researches are performed in a closed-loop control system by MATLAB/Simulink software to verify the operation of the proposed structure. The results represent better performance of the introduced system over traditional topologies.

  17. La transformación espinela-ramsdelita: una nueva ruta de obtención de materiales para baterías recargables de litio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García-Alvarado, F.


    obtención de nuevas rasmdellitas LiTi2-xVxO4 y LiTi2-xCrxO4 con 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. La caracterización estructural mediante difracción de rayos X y las medidas de susceptibilidad magnética realizadas para el caso del cromo, en unión de los datos aportados por el estudio electroquímico realizado, han permitido establecer que la sustitución catiónica lleva a compuestos del tipo Li(Ti3+1-xMx(Ti4+O4 con M = V3+ o Cr3+. El comportamiento electroquímico de LiTi2- xVxO4 permite proponer su posible uso como electrodo negativo en baterías de ion litio, ya que estos nuevos electrodos desarrollan capacidades de 160 mAh/g a un potencial medio de 1.5 V, valores que resultan similares a los del compuesto sin sustituir, la ramsdellita LiTi2O4 (166 mAh/g. Hay que destacar el comportamiento versátil de una nueva familia de ramsdellitas, LiTi2-xCrxO4. El estudio presentado sobre el miembro de esta familia con x = 1, la composición que se ha considerado más relevante, ha permitido proponer a este nuevo material como un buen candidato a electrodo negativo en baterías recargables de litio. Además de poder desarrollar en reducción, una capacidad máxima de 157 mAh/g a un potencial medio de 1.5 V, el material puede desarrollar en oxidación una capacidad de unos 90 mAh/g bajo una densidad de corriente de 0.1 mA/cm2 , por lo que podría actuar como el electrodo positivo, ya que en este caso el potencial medio de trabajo sería de 4 V.

  18. Fast-ion losses induced by ACs and TAEs in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    GarcIa-Munoz, M.; Hicks, N.; Classen, I.G.J.; Bilato, R.; Bobkov, V.; Brambilla, M.; Bruedgam, M.; Fahrbach, H.-U.; Igochine, V.; Maraschek, M.; Sassenberg, K.; Van Voornveld, R.; Jaemsae, S.


    The phase-space of convective and diffusive fast-ion losses induced by shear Alfven eigenmodes has been characterized in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Time-resolved energy and pitch-angle measurements of fast-ion losses correlated in frequency and phase with toroidal Alfven eigenmodes (TAEs) and Alfven cascades (ACs) have allowed to identify both loss mechanisms. While single ACs and TAEs eject resonant fast-ions in a convective process, the overlapping of AC and TAE spatial structures leads to a large fast-ion diffusion and loss. The threshold for diffusive fast-ion losses depends on the ion energy (gyroradius). Diffusive fast-ion losses with gyroradius ∼70 mm have been observed with a single TAE for local radial displacements of the magnetic field lines larger than ∼2 mm. Multiple frequency chirping ACs cause an enhancement of the diffusive losses. The ACs and TAEs radial structures have been reconstructed by means of cross-correlation techniques between the fast-ion loss detector and the electron cyclotron emission radiometer.

  19. Investigation of Hybrid Pseudo Bipolar HVDC Performances Supply Power to Passive AC Network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuan Li


    Full Text Available The traditional HVDC plays an important role in the development of power grid. But the traditional HVDC cannot supply power either to entirely passive AC network or to weak AC system. In fact, an entirely passive AC network can be effectively powered through VSC-HVDC. However, the cost of investment in VSC-HVDC is amazingly high due to the limitation of power electronics technology. Based on CSC and VSC, this paper proposes a method to build Hybrid HVDC, which makes the power supply to the passive AC network come true and, at the same time, lowers the investment cost. The effect of topology, steady mathematical model, startup characteristic, steady and transient characteristics in Hybrid HVDC system are systematically studied in this paper. The simulation result shows that Hybrid HVDC can supply power to the passive AC network with high stability. This study provides a theoretical basis for the further development of HVDC.

  20. Research on key technology of planning and design for AC/DC hybrid distribution network (United States)

    Shen, Yu; Wu, Guilian; Zheng, Huan; Deng, Junpeng; Shi, Pengjia


    With the increasing demand of DC generation and DC load, the development of DC technology, AC and DC distribution network integrating will become an important form of future distribution network. In this paper, the key technology of planning and design for AC/DC hybrid distribution network is proposed, including the selection of AC and DC voltage series, the design of typical grid structure and the comprehensive evaluation method of planning scheme. The research results provide some ideas and directions for the future development of AC/DC hybrid distribution network.

  1. Application of AC servo motor on the in-core neutron flux instrumentation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Xiaoguang; Wang Mingtao


    The application of ac servo motor in the In-Core Neutron Flux Instrumentation System is described. The hardware component of ac servo motor control system is different from the dc motor control system. The effect of two control system on the instrumentation system is compared. The ac servo motor control system can improve the accuracy of the motion control, optimize the speed control and increase the reliability. (authors)

  2. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    dc-ac converter (inverter) based on the dc-dc boost converters. ... Sliding mode controllers are designed to perform a robust control for the ... Computer simulations and spectral analysis demon- ... the conventional three-phase buck inverter,.

  4. Design study of an AC power supply system in JT-60SA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimada, Katsuhiro; Baulaigue, Olivier; Cara, Philippe; Coletti, Alberto; Coletti, Roberto; Matsukawa, Makoto; Terakado, Tsunehisa; Yamauchi, Kunihito


    In the initial research phase of JT-60SA, which is the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) satellite Tokamak with superconducting toroidal and poloidal magnetic field coils, the plasma heating operation of 30 MW-60 s or 20 MW-100 s is planned for 5.5 MA single null divertor plasmas. To achieve this operation, AC power source of the medium voltage of 18 kV and ∼7 GJ has to be provided in total to the poloidal field coil power supplies and additional heating devices such as neutral beam injection (NBI) and electron cyclotron radio frequency (ECRF). In this paper, the proposed AC power supply system in JT-60SA was estimated from the view point of available power, and harmonic currents based on the standard plasma operation scenario during the initial research phase. This AC power supply system consists of the reused JT-60 power supply facilities including motor generators with flywheel, AC breakers, harmonic filters, etc., to make it cost effective. In addition, the conceptual design of the upgraded AC power supply system for the ultimate heating power of 41 MW-100 s in the extended research phase is also described.

  5. AC-Specific Heat and Heat Conductivity Derived from Thermal Effusivity Measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Tage Emil

    It is shown how the 3-omega technique of AC-calorimetry applied to a plane heater with finite dimensions can be improved by including boundary effects.......It is shown how the 3-omega technique of AC-calorimetry applied to a plane heater with finite dimensions can be improved by including boundary effects....

  6. Factores y mecanismos relacionados con la dormancia en tubérculos de papa. Una revisión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodriguez Luis Ernesto


    Full Text Available Los tubérculos de la papa (Solanum tuberosum L., al momento
    de la cosecha y por un tiempo determinado, se encuentran en
    estado dormante. La dormancia se induce con el inicio de la
    tuberización y se define como un período en el cual no ocurre
    ningún crecimiento visible de los brotes. Las hormonas vegetales
    están involucradas en todas las fases de progresión de
    la dormancia. Si bien el ácido abscísico (ABA y el etileno son
    necesarios para su inducción, sólo el primero se requiere para
    su mantenimiento. Los niveles de ABA se incrementan durante
    la formación de los tubérculos, se mantienen constantes durante
    la dormancia y disminuyen con el crecimiento activo de los
    brotes. Un incremento en los niveles del ácido giberélico (AG
    es necesario para inducir la formación del tubérculo, mientras
    que una sensibilidad mayor a las citoquininas es determinante
    para la pérdida de la dormancia. Cambios en los contenidos de
    ácido indol acético (AIA y AG , están relacionados con la regulación
    del crecimiento del brote una vez se rompe la dormancia.
    Se ha comprobado que un factor importante, que contribuye
    tanto a la inducción de la tuberización como a la pérdida de la
    dormancia, es el flujo simplástico que controla la asignación de
    azúcares, el cual se inicia con un meristemo apical dormante
    aislado simplásticamente. La pérdida de dormancia se asocia
    con la conexión simplástica del meristemo del brote con la red
    de floema del tubérculo, y con una descarga simplástica en la
    región de la yema, todo lo cual favorece el crecimiento activo
    de los nuevos brotes.

  7. Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. OV-1/AC-119 Hunter-Killer Team (United States)


    between Phan Rang, Phu Cat , and Danang in order to provide best coverage of the Vietnamese conflict. -- On 16 February 1970, three AC -ll9Ks and 70...SOUTHEAST ASIA D D DDiv AY/XDOSQA I OV-1/ AC -119 " i IWB I HUNTER-KILLER TEAM 19’.1’ CONTINUING REPORT CLASSIFIED Ey 7AFIDOOC DOWNGRADE TjU SECRET...xamination of C urrent, 0 per’tions I~ I fF!lr T I TII TIIII I OV=1/ AC -119 HUNTER-KILLER TEAMI 1 10 OCTOBER 1972 HQ PACAF Directorate of Operations

  8. Methods to reduce AC losses in HTS coated conductors with magnetic substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsukamoto, O. [Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University, 79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501 (Japan)], E-mail:; Sekizawa, S.; Alamgir, A.K.M. [Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University, 79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501 (Japan); Miyagi, D. [Okayama University, 1-1, Tsushima-Naka, 1-Chome, Okayama 700-8530 (Japan)


    HTS coated conductors (CCs) have high potentials as low-cost and long length conductors. However, a question remains as to what influence the magnetic property of the substrates has on the AC losses. In this paper, the influence of magnetic property of substrates on the AC losses in HTS CCs is studied. Based on the study methods to reduce the AC transport current losses and magnetization losses in CCs with magnetic substrates are investigated. It is shown that the losses can be reduced to the same level of those in CCs with non-magnetic substrates.

  9. Methods to reduce AC losses in HTS coated conductors with magnetic substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsukamoto, O.; Sekizawa, S.; Alamgir, A.K.M.; Miyagi, D.


    HTS coated conductors (CCs) have high potentials as low-cost and long length conductors. However, a question remains as to what influence the magnetic property of the substrates has on the AC losses. In this paper, the influence of magnetic property of substrates on the AC losses in HTS CCs is studied. Based on the study methods to reduce the AC transport current losses and magnetization losses in CCs with magnetic substrates are investigated. It is shown that the losses can be reduced to the same level of those in CCs with non-magnetic substrates

  10. Changes in the internal resistance of a single chamber microbial fuel cell associated with architectural changes and inoculation; Cambios en la resistencia interna de una celda de combustible microbiana de una camara asociados a cambios de arquitectura y tipo de inoculo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez Larios, A.L.; Vazquez-Huerta, G.; Esparza-Garcia, F.; Solorza-Feria, O.; Poggi Varaldo, H.M. [Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    The objective of this work was to electrochemically characterize a new type of microbial fuel cell (MFC-A) and evaluate the effect of three inoculated types on internal resistance (Ir). The results were compared with those from a standard fuel cell (MFC-B). The MFC-A consisted of a horizontal acrylate cylinder equipped with two sandwiched electrode systems (each with a anode proton exchange membrane-cathode) at each end of the chamber. The MFC-B consisted of an anode and cathode each placed at opposing faces of the chamber, separated by 78 mm. The Ir of the cells were determined using a polarization curve. The inoculates were from continuous complete-mix reactors, biomass in suspension, at the laboratory scale. The inoculate with the lowest Ir value (1 200 and 3900 {Omega}) was sulfate reduction (SR-In). The second corresponded to methanogen inoculated cells (M-In) with Ir of 5300 and 7500 {Omega}. Aerobic inoculated cells (A-IN) had extremely high Ir values, 100000 and 130000 {Omega} for MFC-A and MFC-B, respectively. The Ir for all the inoculates was the lowest in the MFC-A, attributed to the change in the cell's architecture and the design of the electrodes. These results are encouraging since a decrease in Ir is required to increase the power and efficiency of a microbial fuel cell. [Spanish] El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar electroquimicamente una celda de combustible microbiana de nuevo tipo (CCM-A), y evaluar el efecto de tres tipos de inoculos sobre la resistencia interna (R{sub i}). Los resultados fueron comparados con los de una celda de combustible estandar (CCM-B). La CCM-A consistio de un cilindro horizontal de acrilato, equipado con dos sistemas de electrodos emparedados (cada uno con catodo/membrana de intercambio protonico/anodo) en cada uno de los extremos de la camara. La CCM-B consistio de un anodo y un catodo colocados cada uno en las caras opuestas de la celda, separados por 78 mm. Las Ri de las celdas fueron determinadas por

  11. Working with the American Community Survey in R a guide to using the acs package

    CERN Document Server

    Glenn, Ezra Haber


    This book serves as a hands-on guide to the "acs" R package for demographers, planners, and other researchers who work with American Community Survey (ACS) data. It gathers the most common problems associated with using ACS data and implements functions as a package in the R statistical programming language. The package defines a new "acs" class object (containing estimates, standard errors, and metadata for tables from the ACS) with methods to deal appropriately with common tasks (e.g., creating and combining subgroups or geographies, automatic fetching of data via the Census API, mathematical operations on estimates, tests of significance, plots of confidence intervals).

  12. Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Cecilia Charrys-Bravo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo familiar total de las familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, que asisten a un centro de salud oncológico en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó el instrumento Riesgo Familiar Total RFT 5-33. El universo estuvo conformado por familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer en mama. La muestra fue de 41 familias que integraron a 154 miembros; se abordó el estudio de manera censal, y no por medio de una muestra, porque el acceso a la información de la totalidad de las familia fue viable. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las familias, en su mayoría, son de tipo 2. El 68 % de las pacientes categorizan sus familias como amenazadas, el 5 % como familias de alto riesgo y un 27 % de las familias con un bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados en esta investigación son importantes para las familias, lo cual permitirá establecer acciones y actividades que logren orientar e implementar procesos de atención específicos con el propósito de cuidar a las familias para que se mantengan sanos en un nivel de bajo riesgo; además, desarrollar controles y seguimiento a aquellas familias que se encuentran en un riesgo alto de amenazas, mediante acciones de promoción y prevención de la enfermedad de una manera amplia. Por lo anterior, se deben emprender programas más agresivos de prevención y promoción, especialmente con las familias que asisten en busca de apoyo médico para este padecimiento; de esta forma, se podrán diagnosticar los casos de forma temprana y proceder al respectivo tratamiento.

  13. Flame spread over inclined electrical wires with AC electric fields

    KAUST Repository

    Lim, Seung J.


    Flame spread over polyethylene-insulated electrical wires was studied experimentally with applied alternating current (AC) by varying the inclination angle (θ), applied voltage (VAC), and frequency (fAC). For the baseline case with no electric field applied, the flame spread rate and the flame width of downwardly spreading flames (DSFs) decreased from the horizontal case for −20° ≤ θ < 0° and maintained near constant values for −90° ≤ θ < −20°, while the flame spread rate increased appreciably as the inclination angle of upwardly spreading flames (USFs) increased. When an AC electric field was applied, the behavior of flame spread rate in DSFs (USFs) could be classified into two (three) sub-regimes characterized by various functional dependences on VAC, fAC, and θ. In nearly all cases of DSFs, a globular molten polyethylene formed ahead of the spreading flame edge, occasionally dripping onto the ground. In these cases, an effective flame spread rate was defined to represent the burning rate by measuring the mass loss due to dripping. This effective spread rate was independent of AC frequency, while it decreased linearly with voltage and was independent of the inclination angle. In DSFs, when excessively high voltage and frequency were applied, the dripping led to flame extinction during propagation and the extinction frequency correlated well with applied voltage. In USFs, when high voltage and frequency were applied, multiple globular molten PEs formed at several locations, leading to ejections of multiple small flame segments from the main flame, thereby reducing the flame spread rate, which could be attributed to the electrospray phenomenon.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Alexis García Moya


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre la reducción catalítica selectiva (RCS de NOx con metano en presencia de oxígeno en exceso con varios catalizadores a base de las zeolitas mordenita, ferrierita y ZSM-5 intercambiadas con diferentes cargas de cobalto y con las correspondientes zeolitas en forma acida. Cuando la mezcla reactiva contenía mayormente NO2 en lugar de NO, los catalizadores ácidos mostraron las más altas velocidades de formación de N2 en condiciones secas. Las mayores actividades se obtuvieron con los catalizadores Co-mordenita, siguiendo en orden de actividad los catalizadores Co-Ferrierita y Co-ZSM-5. El catalizador Co-Mordenita más activo se ensayó con una mezcla reactiva donde predominó el NO en lugar del NO2 bajo condiciones secas e hidrotérmicas y en presencia de SO2. Con la adición de 8% de agua a la mezcla de reacción se observó desactivación reversible, especialmente a bajas temperaturas. La adición de 60 ppm de SO2 disminuyó la velocidad de reacción aproximadamente a la mitad debido posiblemente al envenenamiento de algunos sitios activos.

  15. AC/CRC adjacent lane surfacing : construction report. (United States)


    Asphaltic Concrete (AC) and Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) are common roadway materials used in Oregon. In a recent construction project -- Poverty Flats/Mecham Section -- the Oregon State Highway Division (OSHD) designed, as part of the project, a "...

  16. Terapias alternativas con animales para niños con necesidades especiales


    Cea-Chueca, Aihnoa


    El presente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la realización de un análisis y descripción de la literatura acerca de las distintas terapias animales, destinadas a niños con necesidades especiales: cómo y por qué surgieron, en qué consisten las terapias, cómo podemos utilizarlas, etc. Las terapias alternativas con animales se conocen como una alternativa terapéutica, donde se utiliza a un animal como co-terapeuta para poder desarrollar diferentes capacidades de los niños con necesidades espe...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. YU. Buryak


    Full Text Available Purpose.Considerable responsibility for safety of operation rests on signal telephone and telegraph department of railway. One of the most attackable nodes (both automation systems, and railway in whole is track switches. The aim of this investigation is developing such system for monitoring and diagnostics of track switches, which would fully meet the requirements of modern conditions of high-speed motion and heavy trains and producing diagnostics, collection and systematization of data in an automated way. Methodology. In order to achieve the desired objectives research of a structure and the operating principle description of the switch electric drive, sequence of triggering its main units were carried out. The operating characteristics and settings, operating conditions, the causes of failures in the work, andrequirements for electric drives technology and their service were considered and analyzed. Basic analysis principles of dependence of nature of the changes the current waveform, which flows in the working circuit of AC electric point motor were determined. Technical implementation of the monitoring and diagnosing system the state of AC electric point motors was carried out. Findings. Signals taken from serviceable and defective electric turnouts were researched. Originality. Identified a strong interconnectionbetween the technical condition of the track switchand curve shape that describes the current in the circuit of AC electric point motor during operation which is based on the research processes that have influence on it during operation. Practical value. Shown the principles of the technical approach to the transition from scheduled preventive maintenance to maintenance of real condition for a more objective assessment and thus more rapid response to emerging or failures when they occur gradually, damages and any other shortcomings in the work track switch AC drives.

  18. Effects of AC Electric Field on Small Laminar Nonpremixed Flames

    KAUST Repository

    Xiong, Yuan


    Electric field can be a viable method in controlling various combustion properties. Comparing to traditional actuators, an application of electric field requires very small power consumption. Especially, alternating current (AC) has received attention recently, since it could modulate flames appreciably even for the cases when direct current (DC) has minimal effects. In this study, the effect of AC electric fields on small coflow diffusion flames is focused with applications of various laser diagnostic techniques. Flow characteristics of baseline diffusion flames, which corresponds to stationary small coflow diffusion flames when electric field is not applied, were firstly investigated with a particular focus on the flow field in near-nozzle region with the buoyancy force exerted on fuels due to density differences among fuel, ambient air, and burnt gas. The result showed that the buoyancy force exerted on the fuel as well as on burnt gas significantly distorted the near-nozzle flow-fields. In the fuels with densities heavier than air, recirculation zones were formed very close to the nozzle exit. Nozzle heating effect influenced this near-nozzle flow-field particularly among lighter fuels. Numerical simulations were also conducted and the results showed that a fuel inlet boundary condition with a fully developed velocity profile for cases with long fuel tubes should be specified inside the fuel tube to obtain satisfactory agreement in both the flow and temperature fields with those from experiment. With sub-critical AC applied to the baseline flames, particle image velocimetry (PIV), light scattering, laser-induced incandescence (LII), and laser-induced fluores- cence (LIF) techniques were adopted to identify the flow field and the structures of OH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), soot zone. Under certain AC condi- tions of applied voltage and frequency, the distribution of PAHs and the flow field near the nozzle exit were drastically altered from the

  19. Effects of Activated Carbon Surface Property on Structure and Activity of Ru/AC Catalysts (United States)

    Xu, S. K.; Li, L. M.; Guo, N. N.


    The activated carbon (AC) was modified by supercritical (SC) methanol, HNO3 oxidation, or HNO3 oxidation plus SC methanol, respectively. Then, the original and the modified AC were used as supports for Ru/AC catalysts prepared via the impregnation method. The results showed that the SC methanol modification decreased the content of surface acidic groups of AC. While HNO3 oxidation displayed the opposite behavior. Furthermore, the dispersion of ruthenium and the activity of catalysts were highly dependent on the content of surface acidic groups, and the SC methanol modified sample exhibited the highest activity for hydrogenation of glucose.

  20. AC distribution system for TFTR pulsed loads

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carroll, R.F.; Ramakrishnan, S.; Lemmon, G.N.; Moo, W.I.


    This paper outlines the AC distribution system associated with the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor and discusses the significant areas related to design, protection, and equipment selection, particularly where there is a departure from normal utility and industrial applications

  1. Determination of input/output characteristics of full-bridge AC/DC/DC converter for arc welding


    Stefanov, Goce; Karadzinov, Ljupco; Sarac, Vasilija; Cingoski, Vlatko; Gelev, Saso


    This paper describes the design and practical implementation of AC/DC/DC converter in mode of arc welding. An analysis of the operation of AC/DC/DC converter and its input/output characteristics are determined with computer simulations. The practical part is consisted of AC/DC/DC converter prototype for arc welding with output power of 3 kW and switching frequency of 64 kHz. The operation of AC/DC/DC converter is validated with experimental measurements.

  2. Herbal Medicine AC591 Prevents Oxaliplatin-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Animal Model and Cancer Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaolan Cheng


    Full Text Available Oxaliplatin is clinically compelling because of severe peripheral neuropathy. The side effect can result in dosage reductions or even cessation of chemotherapy, and no effective treatments are available. AC591 is a standardized extract of Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu decoction, an herbal formula recorded in “Synopsis of the Golden Chamber” for improving limb numbness and pain. In this study, we investigated whether AC591 could protect against oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy. To clarify it, a rat model of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy was established, and neuroprotective effect of AC591 was studied. Our results showed that pretreatment with AC591 reduced oxaliplatin-induced cold hyperalgesia, mechanical allodynia as well as morphological damage of dorsal root ganglion. Microarray analysis indicated the neuroprotective action of AC591 depended on the modulation of multiple molecular targets and pathways involved in the downregulation of inflammation and immune response. Moreover, AC591 enhanced the antitumor activity of oxaliplatin to some extent in Balb/c mice bearing CT-26 carcinoma cells. The efficacy of AC591 is also investigated in 72 colorectal cancer patients. After four cycles of treatment, the percentage of grades 1–2 neurotoxicity in AC591-treated group (n = 36 was 25%, whereas in the control group the incidence was 55.55% (P < 0.01 (n = 36. No significant differences in the tumor response rate between the two groups were found. These evidences suggested that AC591 can prevent oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy without reducing its antitumor activity, and may be a promising adjuvant to alleviate sensory symptoms in clinical practice.

  3. Applications of ultrasound in electrochemistry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva Martinez, Susana


    employed in the present study. The bubble behaviour was observed from the numerical solution of the RPNNP equation that describes the motion of a gas filled bubble in a homogeneous phase. This equation was solved numerically employing the Fourorder Runge-Kutta method. Finally, a preliminary study of surface process in the presence of ultrasound is presented. Erosion current events were recorded at high time solution. These current events were attributed to the reoxidation of the exposed metal as a result of cavitation events. This study shows that surface erosion can be electrochemically investigated in-situ withing a cavitating media. [Espanol] El efecto del ultrasonido en procesos electroquimicos ha sido investigado empleando un micro-electrodo dentro de un medio cavitante. El transporte de masa transitorio fue realzado fuertemente en la presencia de ultrasonido. Altos indices de la transferencia de masa de hasta 1.5 cm s-1 fueron observados. Estos altos indices de la transferencia de masa fueron atribuidos a dos procesos de la cavitacion. Primero, el colapso de la burbuja en/o cerca de la interfase solido-liquido con la formacion consiguiente de un microjet liquido de alta velocidad dirigido hacia la superficie del electrodo. En segundo lugar, movimiento de la burbuja cerca o dentro de la capa de difusion o del electrodo. Tambien se registraron los simples transitorios de corriente a una alta resolucion de tiempo. Estos transitorios simples de corriente fueron atribuidos a la perturbacion a corto plazo del campo de difusion del micro-electrodo debido a los impactos de cavitacion del colapso de la burbuja seguido por una relajacion de largo tiempo del campo de la difusion de nuevo al estado estable. La influencia de la fuente ultrasonica a la separacion del electrodo, la temperatura total de la solucion, el potencial del electrodo y el tamano del electrodo sobre la magnitud de transitorios de corriente tambien fue estudiada. Todos estos parametros afectaron marcadamente

  4. [Accidents of the everyday life (AcVC) in children in Dakar: about 201 cases]. (United States)

    Mohamed, Azhar Salim; Sagna, Aloïse; Fall, Mbaye; Ndoye, Ndeye Aby; Mbaye, Papa Alassane; Fall, Aimé Lakh; Diaby, Alou; Ndour, Oumar; Ngom, Gabriel


    Accidents of everyday life (AcVC) are common in children and can led to disabling injuries and death. This study aimed to analyze the epidemiological aspects of AcVC and the related injury mechanisms in Dakar. We conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted from 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013. All the children victims of domestic accidents, sport and leisure accidents or school accidents were included. We studied some general parameters and some parameters related to each type of AcVC. Two hundred and one children were included, accounting for 27% of emergency consultations. There were 148 boys and 53 girls. Children less than 5 years of age were most affected (37.8%). Football and wrestling game were the main causes of AcVC. AcVC occur mainly at home (58.2%) and in the areas of sport and recreation (31.8%). The fractures predominated in the different types of AcVC: 54.9% of domestic accidents, 68.8% of sport and recreation accidents and 40% of school accidents. From an epidemiological perspective, our results are superimposable to literature. Fractures predominated contrary to literature where bruises were preponderant. Wrestling game is the main cause of these fractures, after football. The acquisition of knowledge about the epidemiological aspects of AcVC and the related injury mechanisms will allow for prevention campaigns in Dakar.

  5. Changes in stimulus and response AC/A ratio with vision therapy in Convergence Insufficiency. (United States)

    Singh, Neeraj Kumar; Mani, Revathy; Hussaindeen, Jameel Rizwana

    To evaluate the changes in the stimulus and response Accommodative Convergence to Accommodation (AC/A) ratio following vision therapy (VT) in Convergence Insufficiency (CI). Stimulus and response AC/A ratio were measured on twenty five CI participants, pre and post 10 sessions of VT. Stimulus AC/A ratio was measured using the gradient method and response AC/A ratio was calculated using modified Thorington technique with accommodative responses measured using WAM-5500 open-field autorefractor. The gradient stimulus and response AC/A cross-link ratios were compared with thirty age matched controls. Mean age of the CI and control participants were 23.3±5.2 years and 22.7±4.2 years, respectively. The mean stimulus and response AC/A ratio for CI pre therapy was 2.2±0.72 and 6.3±2.0 PD/D that changed to 4.2±0.9 and 8.28±3.31 PD/D respectively post vision therapy and these changes were statistically significant (paired t-test; paccommodation parameters in subjects with convergence insufficiency. This represents the plasticity of the AC/A crosslink ratios that could be achieved with vision therapy in CI. Copyright © 2016 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. The baculovirus core gene ac83 is required for nucleocapsid assembly and per os infectivity of Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus. (United States)

    Zhu, Shimao; Wang, Wei; Wang, Yan; Yuan, Meijin; Yang, Kai


    Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) ac83 is a baculovirus core gene whose function in the AcMNPV life cycle is unknown. In the present study, an ac83-knockout AcMNPV (vAc83KO) was constructed to investigate the function of ac83 through homologous recombination in Escherichia coli. No budded virions were produced in vAc83KO-transfected Sf9 cells, although viral DNA replication was unaffected. Electron microscopy revealed that nucleocapsid assembly was aborted due to the ac83 deletion. Domain-mapping studies revealed that the expression of Ac83 amino acid residues 451 to 600 partially rescued the ability of AcMNPV to produce infectious budded virions. Bioassays indicated that deletion of the chitin-binding domain of Ac83 resulted in the failure of oral infection of Trichoplusia ni larvae by AcMNPV, but AcMNPV remained infectious following intrahemocoelic injection, suggesting that the domain is involved in the binding of occlusion-derived virions to the peritrophic membrane and/or to other chitin-containing insect tissues. It has been demonstrated that Ac83 is the only component with a chitin-binding domain in the per os infectivity factor complex on the occlusion-derived virion envelope. Interestingly, a functional inner nuclear membrane sorting motif, which may facilitate the localization of Ac83 to the envelopes of occlusion-derived virions, was identified by immunofluorescence analysis. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Ac83 plays an important role in nucleocapsid assembly and the establishment of oral infection.

  7. Evaluation of the CR{sub 3}C{sub 2}(NICR) coating deposited on S4400 with the HVOF process for PEM fuel flow plates; Evaluacion del recubrimiento CR{sub 3}C{sub 2}(NICR) depositado sobre S4400 por el proceso HVOF para placas de flujo de celdas de combustible PEM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rendon Belmonte, M.; Perez Quiroz, J.T. [Instituto Mexicano del Transporte, Queretaro, Queretaro (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Porcayo Calderon, J. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Orozco, G. [Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica S. C., Queretaro, Queretaro (Mexico)


    This research studied the behavior of Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}(NiCr) coating deposited on S4400 with the HVOF (High Velocity Oxygen-Fuel) thermal projection process. Coating was applied after the surface of the plate was prepared with ceramic granulated metal burst according to norm NACE No. 1/ SSPC-SP 5 and cleaned with acetone. The electrolyte used was an H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} 0,5 M + 2 ppm F{sup -} solution at ambient temperature. Mercury sulfate (Hg{sub 2}SO{sub 4}) electrode was used as the reference electrode and the counter electrode used was a graphite bar. To study the electrochemical behavior, polarization curves were generated with a sweep speed of 0.15 mV/s, according to norms ASTM G5 and ASTM G59. Before testing, the Ecorr was measured with a high impedance multimeter (10{sup 6}). The morphological aspect of the coating evaluated was analyzed with SEM (sweep electron microscopy). Based on the obtained icorr values of 1.7*10{sup -4} mA/cm{sup 2} for a period of 576 hours, we can state that this coating meets the criteria for resistance to corrosion required by the DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) for consideration of its use in PEM fuel cell flow plates. [Spanish] En esta investigacion se estudio el comportamiento del recubrimiento Cr{sub 3}C{sub 2}(NiCr), depositado sobre S4400 mediante el proceso de proyeccion termica HVOF (High Velocity Oxygen-Fuel). Previo a la aplicacion del recubrimiento, la placa fue preparada superficialmente mediante rafaga de granalla ceramica de acuerdo con la norma NACE No. 1/ SSPC-SP 5, limpiada con acetona y en esta condicion se procedio a la aplicacion del recubrimiento. El electrolito empleado fue una solucion de H{sub 2}SO{sub 4} 0,5 M + 2 ppm F{sup -} a temperatura ambiente, como electrodo de referencia se empleo un electrodo de sulfato mercuroso (Hg{sub 2}SO{sub 4}) y como contraelectrodo una barra de grafito. Para estudiar el comportamiento electroquimico se realizaron curvas de polarizacion con una velocidad de barrido de 0

  8. AC Own Motion Percentage of Randomly Sampled Cases (United States)

    Social Security Administration — Longitudinal report detailing the numbers and percentages of Appeals Council (AC) own motion review actions taken on un-appealed favorable hearing level decisions...

  9. DC response of dust to low frequency AC signals (United States)

    McKinlay, Michael; Konopka, Uwe; Thomas, Edward


    Macroscopic changes in the shape and equilibrium position of clouds of charged microparticles suspended in a plasma have been observed in response to low frequency AC signals. In these experiments, dusty plasmas consisting of 2-micron diameter silica microspheres suspended between an anode and cathode in an argon, DC glow discharge plasma are produced in a grounded, 6-way cross vacuum chamber. An AC signal, produced by a function generator and amplified by a bipolar op-amp, is superimposed onto the potential from the cathode. The frequencies of the applied AC signals, ranging from tens to hundreds of kHz, are comparable to the ion-neutral collision frequency; well below the ion/electron plasma frequencies, but also considerably higher than the dust plasma frequency. This presentation will detail the experimental setup, present documentation and categorization of observations of the dust response, and present an initial model of the response. This work is supported by funding from the US Dept. of Energy, Grant Number DE-SC0016330, and by the National Science Foundation, Grant Number PHY-1613087.

  10. Simulation of the AC corona phenomenon with experimental validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villa, Andrea; Barbieri, Luca; Marco, Gondola; Malgesini, Roberto; Leon-Garzon, Andres R


    The corona effect, and in particular the Trichel phenomenon, is an important aspect of plasma physics with many technical applications, such as pollution reduction, surface and medical treatments. This phenomenon is also associated with components used in the power industry where it is, in many cases, the source of electro-magnetic disturbance, noise and production of undesired chemically active species. Despite the power industry to date using mainly alternating current (AC) transmission, most of the studies related to the corona effect have been carried out with direct current (DC) sources. Therefore, there is technical interest in validating numerical codes capable of simulating the AC phenomenon. In this work we describe a set of partial differential equations that are comprehensive enough to reproduce the distinctive features of the corona in an AC regime. The model embeds some selectable chemical databases, comprising tens of chemical species and hundreds of reactions, the thermal dynamics of neutral species and photoionization. A large set of parameters—deduced from experiments and numerical estimations—are compared, to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach. (paper)

  11. SNS AC Power Distribution and Reliability of AC Power Supply

    CERN Document Server

    Holik, Paul S


    The SNS Project has 45MW of installed power. A design description under the Construction Design and Maintenance (CDM) with regard to regulations (OSHA, NFPA, NEC), reliability issues and maintenance of the AC power distribution system are herewith presented. The SNS Project has 45MW of installed power. The Accelerator Systems are Front End (FE)and LINAC KLYSTRON Building (LK), Central Helium Liquefier (CHL), High Energy Beam Transport (HEBT), Accumulator Ring and Ring to Target Beam Transport (RTBT) Support Buildings have 30MW installed power. FELK has 16MW installed, majority of which is klystron and magnet power supply system. CHL, supporting the super conducting portion of the accelerator has 7MW installed power and the RING Systems (HEBT, RING and RTBT) have also 7MW installed power.*

  12. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Conzuelo González, Viridiana Vanessa


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  13. Negative effect of the 5'-untranslated leader sequence on Ac transposon promoter expression. (United States)

    Scortecci, K C; Raina, R; Fedoroff, N V; Van Sluys, M A


    Transposable elements are used in heterologous plant hosts to clone genes by insertional mutagenesis. The Activator (Ac) transposable element has been cloned from maize, and introduced into a variety of plants. However, differences in regulation and transposition frequency have been observed between different host plants. The cause of this variability is still unknown. To better understand the activity of the Ac element, we analyzed the Ac promoter region and its 5'-untranslated leader sequence (5' UTL). Transient assays in tobacco NT1 suspension cells showed that the Ac promoter is a weak promoter and its activity was localized by deletion analyses. The data presented here indicate that the core of the Ac promoter is contained within 153 bp fragment upstream to transcription start sites. An important inhibitory effect (80%) due to the presence of the 5' UTL was found on the expression of LUC reporter gene. Here we demonstrate that the presence of the 5' UTL in the constructs reduces the expression driven by either strong or weak promoters.

  14. Measurement of AC losses in superconducting tapes by reproduction of thermometric dynamic response

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ligneris, Benoit des; Aubin, Marcel; Cave, Julian


    We have developed a dynamic response thermometric method for the measurement of AC losses in high T{sub c} superconductors. This method is based on the comparison of a temperature response caused by a known dissipation in the sample with that produced by the AC losses. By passing a DC current and measuring the DC voltage and corresponding temperature response the sample can be used as its own power dissipation reference. The advantages of this method are the short measurement duration time and the possibility to vary many experimental conditions: for example, AC and DC transport currents and AC, DC and rotating applied magnetic fields. In this article we present the basic method using variable short pulses of constant DC current for calibration and similarly of constant amplitude AC current to create the losses. The losses are obtained by numerical modelling and comparison of the thermometric dynamic response in the two above conditions. Finally, we present some experimental results for a Bi2223 superconducting tape at 50 Hz and 77 K.

  15. Transmission Technologies and Operational Characteristic Analysis of Hybrid UHV AC/DC Power Grids in China (United States)

    Tian, Zhang; Yanfeng, Gong


    In order to solve the contradiction between demand and distribution range of primary energy resource, Ultra High Voltage (UHV) power grids should be developed rapidly to meet development of energy bases and accessing of large-scale renewable energy. This paper reviewed the latest research processes of AC/DC transmission technologies, summarized the characteristics of AC/DC power grids, concluded that China’s power grids certainly enter a new period of large -scale hybrid UHV AC/DC power grids and characteristics of “strong DC and weak AC” becomes increasingly pro minent; possible problems in operation of AC/DC power grids was discussed, and interaction or effect between AC/DC power grids was made an intensive study of; according to above problems in operation of power grids, preliminary scheme is summarized as fo llows: strengthening backbone structures, enhancing AC/DC transmission technologies, promoting protection measures of clean energ y accessing grids, and taking actions to solve stability problems of voltage and frequency etc. It’s valuable for making hybrid UHV AC/DC power grids adapt to operating mode of large power grids, thus guaranteeing security and stability of power system.

  16. Ciclótidos, proteínas circulares producidas por plantas con potencial farmacológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Escarleth Contreras Puentes

    Full Text Available Los ciclótidos son proteínas circulares de alrededor de 28 a 37 residuos de aminoácidos, poseen una marcada importancia biológica gracias a su estructura cíclica que le proporciona estabilidad. En este estudio se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos EBSCOHOST, Science Direct, Pubmed y ACS publication. Los artículos seleccionados entre los años 2010 a 2014 contenían las palabras claves cyclotides, cyclic peptides, macrocyclic peptides y drugs, se seleccionaron teniendo en cuenta como criterios de inclusión artículos con texto completo en ingles, de investigaciones experimentales originales, relacionadas con el uso de ciclótidos para el diseño de fármacos. Mediante el análisis de los artículos se encontró que los ciclótidos tienen un amplio rango de bioactividades tales como insecticida, uterotónica, antimicrobiana, antiVIH, anticáncer, hemolítica, antagonista de la neurotensina e inhibidora de la tripsina por lo cual se pueden emplear como bases para la elaboración de nuevos fármacos que puedan ser aplicados al tratamiento de distintas enfermedades.

  17. AC loss in superconducting tapes and cables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oomen, M.P.


    The present study discusses the AC loss in high-temperature superconductors. Superconducting materials with a relatively high critical temperature were discovered in 1986. They are presently developed for use in large-scale power-engineering devices such as power-transmission cables, transformers

  18. AC-Conductivity measurements on γ-aluminium oxynitride

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Willems, H.X.; Hal, van P.F.; Metselaar, R.; With, de G.


    AC-conductivity measurements were performed on aluminium oxynitrides (Alons) because of their interesting defect structure. Although it became apparent that these Alons are not stable in the temperature range used, the electrical properties of the materials could be measured with impedance

  19. Risk prediction of ventricular arrhythmias and myocardial function in Lamin A/C mutation positive subjects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasselberg, Nina E; Edvardsen, Thor; Petri, Helle


    Mutations in the Lamin A/C gene may cause atrioventricular block, supraventricular arrhythmias, ventricular arrhythmias (VA), and dilated cardiomyopathy. We aimed to explore the predictors and the mechanisms of VA in Lamin A/C mutation-positive subjects.METHODS AND RESULTS: We included 41 Lamin A/C...

  20. Magneto-optical measurements on high-temperature superconductors influenced by AC-fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Che'Rose, Simon


    In this work magneto-optical measurements on YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-x and MgB 2 thin films were done. For YBCO the influence of AC-pulses on the flux and current density of a thin film with transport current was investigated. For MgB 2 the influence of AC-fields on the homogenous and dendritic flux penetration was researched. (orig.)

  1. An improved power control strategy for hybrid AC-DC microgrids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baharizadeh, Mehdi; Karshenas, Hamid Reza; Guerrero, Josep M.


    This paper presents a new droop-based control strategy for hybrid microgrids (HMG) with improved power sharing. When ac microgrids (AC-MG) and dc microgrids (DC-MG) are present in a distribution grid, there is an opportunity to interconnect them via an interlinking converter (IC) and form a HMG......, the possibility of participation of IC in AC-MG reactive power adds some complexity to a HMG control system. In this paper, a new decentralized control strategy is presented for a HMG which relies on regulating the voltage magnitude of a common bus in each microgrid. In this regard, new droop characteristics...... for sources across both microgrids as well as IC are proposed. The proposed droop characteristics result in better active/reactive power sharing across both microgrids and at the same time results in better voltage regulation. The derivation of new droop characteristics is thoroughly discussed in this paper...

  2. Structural, ac conductivity and dielectric properties of 3-formyl chromone (United States)

    Ali, H. A. M.


    The structure for the powder of 3-formyl chromone was examined by X-ray diffraction technique in the 2θ° range ( 4° - 60° . The configuration of Al/3-formyl chromone/Al samples was designed. The electrical and dielectric properties were studied as a function of frequency (42- 5 × 106 Hz) and temperature (298-408K). The ac conductivity data of bulk of 3-formyl chromone varies as a power law with the frequency at different temperatures. The predominant mechanism for ac conduction was deduced. The ac conductivity shows a thermally activated process at different frequencies. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss were determined using the capacitance and dissipation factor measurements at different temperatures. The dielectric loss shows a peak of relaxation time that shifted to higher frequency with an increase in the temperature. The activation energy of the relaxation process was estimated.

  3. Transgenic cotton coexpressing Vip3A and Cry1Ac has a broad insecticidal spectrum against lepidopteran pests. (United States)

    Chen, Wen-Bo; Lu, Guo-Qing; Cheng, Hong-Mei; Liu, Chen-Xi; Xiao, Yu-Tao; Xu, Chao; Shen, Zhi-Cheng; Wu, Kong-Ming


    Although farmers in China have grown transgenic Bt-Cry1Ac cotton to resist the major pest Helicoverpa armigera since 1997 with great success, many secondary lepidopteran pests that are tolerant to Cry1Ac are now reported to cause considerable economic damage. Vip3AcAa, a chimeric protein with the N-terminal part of Vip3Ac and the C-terminal part of Vip3Aa, has a broad insecticidal spectrum against lepidopteran pests and has no cross resistance to Cry1Ac. In the present study, we tested insecticidal activities of Vip3AcAa against Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera exigua, and Agrotis ipsilon, which are relatively tolerant to Cry1Ac proteins. The bioassay results showed that insecticidal activities of Vip3AcAa against these three pests are superior to Cry1Ac, and after an activation pretreatment, Vip3AcAa retained insecticidal activity against S. litura, S. exigua and A. ipsilon that was similar to the unprocessed protein. The putative receptor for this chimeric protein in the brush border membrane vesicle (BBMV) in the three pests was also identified using biotinylated Vip3AcAa toxin. To broaden Bt cotton activity against a wider spectrum of pests, we introduced the vip3AcAa and cry1Ac genes into cotton. Larval mortality rates for S. litura, A. ipsilon and S. exigua that had fed on this new cotton increased significantly compared with larvae fed on non-Bt cotton and Bt-Cry1Ac cotton in a laboratory experiment. These results suggested that the Vip3AcAa protein is an excellent option for a "pyramid" strategy for integrated pest management in China. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. AC conductivity and dielectric properties of bulk tungsten trioxide (WO3) (United States)

    El-Nahass, M. M.; Ali, H. A. M.; Saadeldin, M.; Zaghllol, M.


    AC conductivity and dielectric properties of tungsten trioxide (WO3) in a pellet form were studied in the frequency range from 42 Hz to 5 MHz with a variation of temperature in the range from 303 K to 463 K. AC conductivity, σac(ω) was found to be a function of ωs where ω is the angular frequency and s is the frequency exponent. The values of s were found to be less than unity and decrease with increasing temperature, which supports the correlated barrier hopping mechanism (CBH) as the dominant mechanism for the conduction in WO3. The dielectric constant (ε‧) and dielectric loss (ε″) were measured. The Cole-Cole diagram determined complex impedance for different temperatures.

  5. Reliability of the emergency AC power system at nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battle, R.E.; Campbell, D.J.; Baranowsky, P.W.


    The reliability of the emergency ac power systems typical of most nuclear power plants was estimated, and the cost and increase in reliability for several improvements were estimated. Fault trees were constructed based on a detailed design review of the emergency ac power systems of 18 nuclear plants. The failure probabilities used in the fault trees were calculated from extensive historical data collected from Licensee Event Reports (LERs) and from operating experience information obtained from nuclear plant licensees. No one or two improvements can be made at all plants to significantly increase the industry-average emergency ac power system reliability; rather the most beneficial improvements are varied and plant specific. Improvements in reliability and the associated costs are estimated using plant specific designs and failure probabilities

  6. Effect of ac electric fields on counterflow diffusion flame of methane

    KAUST Repository

    Chul Choi, Byung


    The effect of electric fields on the response of diffusion flames in a counterflow has been investigated experimentally by varying the AC voltage and frequency. The result showed that the flame was stationary with high AC frequency above the threshold frequency, and it increased with the applied voltage and then leveled off at 35 Hz. Below the threshold frequency, however, the flame oscillated with a frequency that was synchronized with the applied AC frequency. This oscillation can be attributed to the ionic wind effect due to the generation of bulk flow, which arises from the momentum transfer by molecular collisions between neutral molecules and ions, where the ions in the reaction zone were accelerated by the Lorentz force. © 2012 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  7. Effect of ac electric fields on counterflow diffusion flame of methane

    KAUST Repository

    Chul Choi, Byung; Kuk Kim, Hyung; Chung, Suk-Ho


    The effect of electric fields on the response of diffusion flames in a counterflow has been investigated experimentally by varying the AC voltage and frequency. The result showed that the flame was stationary with high AC frequency above the threshold frequency, and it increased with the applied voltage and then leveled off at 35 Hz. Below the threshold frequency, however, the flame oscillated with a frequency that was synchronized with the applied AC frequency. This oscillation can be attributed to the ionic wind effect due to the generation of bulk flow, which arises from the momentum transfer by molecular collisions between neutral molecules and ions, where the ions in the reaction zone were accelerated by the Lorentz force. © 2012 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  8. Autonomous Operation of a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid with Multiple Interlinking Converters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peyghami, Saeed; Mokhtari, Hossein; Blaabjerg, Frede


    Applying conventional dc-voltage based droop approaches for hybrid ac/dc microgrids interconnected by a single interlinking converter (IC) can properly manage the power flow among ac and dc subgrids. However, due to the effect of line resistances, these approaches may create a circulating power a...

  9. Alojamiento conjunto madre-hijo y lactancia humana exclusiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer la influencia del alojamiento conjunto (AC madre-hijo, en la frecuencia de lactancia humana exclusiva (LHE, desde el nacimiento hasta los cuatro meses de vida. Material y métodos. Estudio de cohortes no aleatorizado realizado en la clínica de lactancia del Hospital "Luis Castelazo Ayala", del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, de enero de 1993 a octubre de 1994, en el que participaron 178 binomios madre-hijo (BMH sanos con gestación de término. El grupo con alojamiento conjunto (AC se integró con 90 BMH, y la madre recibió asesoría para lactar; 88 se atendieron en forma separada, sin asesoría para lactar. Se realizó análisis estadístico de los datos para apreciar frecuencia y asociaciones de las variables. Resultados. La alimentación se registró como LHE, fórmula o ambas. Los grupos con y sin AC se estratificaron por la forma de nacimiento, parto o cesárea. Con X² de Mantel-Haenszel y de rango logarítmico se aceptaron diferencias con p< 0.05. Durante el estudio la lactancia global fue semejante entre los grupos. En el primer mes la LHE fue mayor en el grupo con AC, 61 vs 42%, independientemente de la forma de nacimiento (p< 0.05. El AC fue la única variable que influyó para que se diera LHE. Conclusiones. El AC madre-hijo favorece la LHE en el primer mes posnacimiento.

  10. Control of a resonant d.c.-link converter for a.c. motor drives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Astrid Petterteig


    Full Text Available This paper presents the control of the resonant d.c.-link converter for a.c. motor drives. This is a low loss converter with higher efficiency than a conventional PWM converter, but it requires complex control. It needs a special control of the resonant d.c.-link voltage in addition to the discrete control of the a.c. side currents. Simulations show how the control of the a.c. currents, the modulation principle, influences the overall performance of the converter.

  11. A method for decreasing transport ac losses in multifilamentary and multistrip superconductors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glowacki, B A [Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ (United Kingdom); IRC in Superconductivity, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom); Majoros, M [IRC in Superconductivity, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE (United Kingdom)


    A new method is proposed for decreasing transport ac losses in multifilamentary superconductors by the decoupling of the filaments using a magnetic material in the form of thin layers surrounding the individual filaments. For a superconductor with an elliptical cross section, the magnetic material surrounding the filaments affects the local magnetic field distribution that both reduces the critical current of the filaments and induces the transport ac losses in the magnetic material. Even by taking into account any detrimental influences of the presence of the magnetic material around the filaments, the analysis of the experimental data supported by computer modelling confirmed that for a Bi2223 tape with 100 filaments individually covered by magnetic material, such as iron powder, the transport ac losses should be 65 times lower than for the same multifilamentary conductor without the magnetic coating on the filaments. With an increasing number of filaments, the ac loss decrease would be even larger. (author)

  12. Experimental infection with Escherichia coli 0149 : F4ac in weaned piglets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Gerda M.; Frydendahl, Kai; Svendsen, Ove


    adhesion test made after slaughter of piglets. However, in an experimental infection study with the purpose to obtain diarrhoeic piglets, it would be an advantage to test for susceptibility prior to experimentation. The Mucin 4 gene on porcine chromosome 13 has been proposed as a candidate gene...... for the production of the specific ETEC F4ab/ac receptor, and a DNA marker-based test has been developed to allow genotyping for ETEC F4ab/ac resistance/susceptibility [Jorgensen, C.B., Cirera, S., Archibald, A.L., Anderson, L., Fredholm, M., Edfors-Lilja, I., 2004. Porcine polymorphisms and methods for detecting...... them. International application published under the patent cooperation treaty (PCT). PCT/DK2003/000807 or WO2004/048606-A2]. The aim of this study was to test an experimental model for ETEC O149:F4ac-induced diarrhoea in piglets, selected for susceptibility towards ETEC O149:F4ac adhesion prior...

  13. DC Vs AC - War Of Currents For Future Power Systems A HVDC Technology Overview

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anil K. Rai


    Full Text Available DC vs AC discussion began in 1880s with development of first commercial power transmission in Wall Street New York. Later when AC technology came into notice by efforts of inventor and researcher Sir Nicola Tesla soon the advantages of AC transmission and AC devices overtook the DC technology. It was hoped that DC technology had lost battle of currents. Today with researches going on FACTS devices and bulk power transmission HVDC has again gained a reputation in power sector. Solution of this centuries old debate is to develop HVDC systems that assists HVAC systems for better performance stability and control

  14. File list: His.PSC.10.H3K122ac.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.10.H3K122ac.AllCell mm9 Histone H3K122ac Pluripotent stem cell ERX631826,ER...X631814 ...

  15. File list: His.PSC.05.H3K122ac.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.05.H3K122ac.AllCell mm9 Histone H3K122ac Pluripotent stem cell ERX631826,ER...X631814 ...

  16. File list: His.PSC.50.H3K122ac.AllCell [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.PSC.50.H3K122ac.AllCell mm9 Histone H3K122ac Pluripotent stem cell ERX631826,ER...X631814 ...

  17. New three-phase ac-ac converter incorporating three-phase boost integrated ZVT bridge and single-phase HF link

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdelhamid, Tamer H.; Sabzali, Ahmad J.


    This paper presents a new zero voltage transition (ZVT), power factor corrected three phase ac-ac converter with single phase high frequency (HF) link. It is a two stage converter; the first stage is a boost integrated bridge converter (combination of a 3 ph boost converter and a bridge converter) operated at fixed frequency and that operates in two modes at ZVT for all switches and establishes a 1 ph square wave HF link. The second stage is a bi-directional pulse width modulation (PWM) 3 ph bridge that converts the 1 ph HF link to a 3 ph voltage using a novel switching strategy. The converter modes of operation and key equations are outlined. Simulation of the overall system is conducted using Simulink. The switching strategy and its corresponding control circuit are clearly described. Experimental verification of the simulation is conducted for a prototype of 100 V, 500 W at 10 kHz link frequency

  18. Thrust distribution for attitude control in a variable thrust propulsion system with four ACS nozzles (United States)

    Lim, Yeerang; Lee, Wonsuk; Bang, Hyochoong; Lee, Hosung


    A thrust distribution approach is proposed in this paper for a variable thrust solid propulsion system with an attitude control system (ACS) that uses a reduced number of nozzles for a three-axis attitude maneuver. Although a conventional variable thrust solid propulsion system needs six ACS nozzles, this paper proposes a thrust system with four ACS nozzles to reduce the complexity and mass of the system. The performance of the new system was analyzed with numerical simulations, and the results show that the performance of the system with four ACS nozzles was similar to the original system while the mass of the whole system was simultaneously reduced. Moreover, a feasibility analysis was performed to determine whether a thrust system with three ACS nozzles is possible.

  19. Terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con quemaduras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Carmen Franco Mora


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 60 adultos con quemaduras profundas, atendidos en el Hospital General docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas para la cicatrización de estas lesiones. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 30 integrantes cada uno: a los del primero se les aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas y a los del segundo sulfadiazina de plata. Se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje como medidas de resumen para variables cualitativos, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para las cuantitativas. Con el proceder aplicado la cicatrización se completó en un tiempo menor, de manera que se demostró la efectividad de esta alternativa terapéutica en relación con el tratamiento convencional

  20. Cost effective second generation AC-modules: Development and testing aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Islam, Saiful; Woyte, Achim; Belmans, Ronnie; Heskes, Peter; Rooij, P.M.; Hogedoorn, Ron


    In the framework of the European research project PV2GO, a new AC-module inverter was developed, taking into account all relevant aspects from a European market's point of view (standards, market, application, and research and development goals). The project goal was to achieve the overall system costs of 3 Euro per Wp for a modular plug-and-play photovoltaic system. For the photovoltaic-module, a standard 130-Wp Eurosolare module was chosen. The research and development (R and D) goal was to develop an advanced DC-control system consisting of a state-of-the-art programmable digital device and an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) for the AC-control of the inverter. According to the topology concept, thermal and magnetic designs were optimized with regard to production technology and packaging for large-scale production. The new AC-modules were tested in a number of field-test sites in various parts of Europe and their reliability was assessed through Highly Accelerated Stress Tests. Efficiency and power quality have been tested in the laboratory. Further in the PV2GO project an optimization study of the manufacturing process of the new generation of AC-modules for high volume output was done. Another task was the pre-certification procedure to assure compliance with the European guidelines and standards